HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-14 - Orange Coast Pilot' . .· YIUR Hlllllll llllY PIPll OR ANGE COUNTY C A L IF OHNIA '>0 CfN1..., GOP offici8ls endors·e balanced budget by '85 EASTON , Md . <AP > - . Republlcan oHlceholders on Saturday o verwhe lmingly endorsed the "goal of a balanced budget by 1985,'' but in mild, con ciliatory t e rms cle arly desiglled lo close the-party rift - o ver Pres ide nt R eagan's unpopular budget. The non-binding resolution adopted at the fifth annual T i d e w a t e r R e publ ica n C9"\ference a sserts t h a t Reagan's economic r ecovery program is working so far and voices ge ne ral s upport for keeping his tax cut intact. "We've got to accent the positive," said Rep. Carroll Campbell of South Carolina, c hief author or the budget resolution. r ecently b y Sen . Robe r t P ac kwood, R -O r e ., th e conference chairman. The rew efforts made from the rloor to cr ltici'ze the Reagan budget or lo vow a s tronger e-6mmitment lo -achieving a balanced budget were shouted down as participants extended an olive branch to the Whlte House. "The conference is very wary, and l think correctly so, about doing anything they regard as taking the ball away from the president," Packwood said. For instance, a proposal by R e p . J oel Pritchard ol- Was hi ngton that "defense s pending inc reases must be restrained" was re j ected in favor o f a vaguely worded pl e d "ge t o "e n act s uch 1funcfa mental policy changes in spending programs as may be necessary" for full ecooomlc recovery. The conference sidestepped a proposal that would have put me mbers on record as oppo1ing "legislative curtailment or the jur isdiction " of the Supreme Court and other federal court.a on social iSSij~S. Laguna restaurant Administration officials at the da, d • r~t;:~~t~n;l:;lS~;:~ru: ____ c _mQge ~ in b·laz_e_ --- outcome wtiile conceding that 1ancltrglhe · budget "by-t~----A fire tnecause or which was -said. The spot where the fire was unlikely. still un°der investigation late started remained unknown late "Ther e~pressed it as a goal, Saturday, caused an estimated Saturday. tht;Y dadn t say a!'ybody .wa.s $100,000 damage when it swept Twenty-two firefighters in five gon~g ~ ~ ~hot if we .~~ t t h roug h th e Tor tilla Flats. engines responded to the .alarm achieve at, said budget director rest aurant in Lagun a Beach ·· and evacuated about three dozen David A .. Stoekman, wh_o headed Saturday afternoon. There were employees and cu s tomers a d.el_egation of five Cabinet-level no injuries reported. without incident. Laguna Beach offacaals at the conference. Firefighters who responded to f1 re fighters we re a ssisted by The resolution, approved by the 1 :55 p.m . alarm said the county firefighters at the scf'Ue voice vote, defused concerns by blaze took about two hours to on 1740 South Coast Highway. some party leaders that the control because it was burning A fire ma rs ha l and aides session might produce a bitter insid e walls a nd under the rem aine d at the scene into battle over the Reagan budget, restaurant's floors. Saturday night searching for concerns he ightene d by the Most heavily damaged was a clues to the fi re's origin but had s h a r p c r i ti c i s m o r th e f i r s l · f 1 o o r k i l c h e n a n d no comment on the cause when president's policies voiced second-floor bar, fire officials they were finished. Property's • class by itself Trustees find one good deed deserves reconsideration By PIOL SNEIDE RMAN Of .. ~ ..... ·-A property deed tecorded in 1898 has come back to haunt the Fountain Valley School District. The recently unearthed deed stipulates that if the district had proceeded with plans lo close Fountain Valley Elementary School, it might have been required to sell one acre of the school grounds back to the family of the property's original owner -for just $SO. Depending on how it would be developed, that acre, at the corner or Bushard Street a nd Talbert Avenue, could be worth up to $400,000, according to city planner Don Contraman. As a result of the deed disclosure, the dis trict's school closure advisory committee last week a ltered its recommendations. The committee now suggests that an unspecified campus, not Fountain Valley School, be closed in 1984. ' "I think that was a wise. decision," sajd Assis tant Superintendent J ack Mahnken, who briefed the committee on the school property deed. Mahnken s aid leaving the school open will prevent the district from entering a probable court battle over the acre. ·-• ARST SCH<>!'l ""' ecfloOI wH .wtec:t 9"S~ Hell durlftt urh' 1toO'L .......... bJ ,....,...1r11t20 -'*" ..--ae, Hell from 1 te2 untl '*· KINETIC ACTION -Stairwell circling Fletcher Benton's "Folded Circle Three INIMy ..... _., Cllll"'9...., Rings" gives many vantage points. More Pacific Mutual Plaza artworks on Page A3. The committee's change or heart is expected to be viewed as a victory by parents or Fountain Valley School s tudents and by residents who claim the site has great historical value and should continue to be used as a school. I Social Security freeze nixed The crucial deed was discovered in the county Hall of Records last week by James and Doris Dick, members or the Fountain Valley Historical Society and grandparents of a second-gra der attending Fountain Valley School. WASIDNGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration on Saturda y s hot do wn a congressional proposal to clamp a two-year freeze on Social Security cost-of-living payments as a way or reducing big budeet deficits. "In the president's view," said White House spokesman David Gergen, "Social Security ls orr . the agenda for 1982.'' Gergen said Reagan pledged not to make any changes in Social Security until a report comes in late this year rrom a WORLD b ipartisan c ommission searching for ways lo shore up the financially troubled system. "There are no plans here to pursue any changes in Social Security until the commission reports," Gergen said. The two-year freeze is among a list of options being discussed by senior Republican senators working on what they hope will be a bipartisan revision of Reagan's heavy-deficit budget. Othe r major ingredients include higher taxes and cuts in military spending~ Maneuvers warn Poles WARSAW, Poland -Soviet, Polish and East German troops began maneuvers in northwest Poland on Saturday in what observers called an unequivocal show of force I~ NA_Tl~ON __ ~I. Plmlftl collide, 6 dead PHOENIX -An Air National Guard aerial tanker and rli1htli~';11an tanker collided over the desert Saturday, k ab-people. WR Balow jury atymied N&WPOllT, R.I. -J\D"Ol'I dellberatlq whether Claua ._ Bulow tried to murder bis wea1UaJ wife .......... to ............ today. . . . \ ., .. \ Gergen refused to discuss the vario~ options point-by-point, but suigled out Social Security as an area considered out of bounds. The couple found that in 1898, farmer Robert Bruce Wardlow sold one acre to the Fountain Valley Sc hool Dis trict for $50, earmarking the parcel for the community's first school. The deed ~tipulates that if the land is no longer required for school purposes, the district must sell it back to the Wardlow heirs for $SO. o.ltr .............. Reagan has argued that defense spending increases and tax cuts enacted last year should n o t be rev e •s ed , but administration officials have said there might be room for negotiations in both areas. Gerg e n indicated the administration expects Congress won't consider a freeze on Social Security benefits this year. The Dicks' daughter, Laurel Koelsch, presented this information to the school closure committee last Tuesday during a bearing on recommendations to close five local schools during the next three years -inc luding (See SCHOOL, Page AZ) HISTORIC SITE -Marker outside Fountain Valley Elementary School ex plains that this property housed the t ity's first school and first City Hall. I STATE I WWII battleship reOoated I LONG BEACH -The battleship New Jersey, a 40-year-old veteran of three wars, hit the water again Saturday to become the only such ship in the world currently active. Who's acting up now? LOS ANGELES -Tony-winning Jim Dale, star of "Barnum,,;' is f aacinated by the> less structured theater other people perform every day . Page El. I I INDEX Jack Anderson A6 Book reviews D8 Bridge D6 Business D1·2 Classified E7·8 , Fl-8 Crossword--E3 --1"•e ""illfN"otices 'DJ Editorial Pa1e A&-7 Entertainment El-3 Bob Greene A 7 Horoscope E5 Nin Landen E5 Mailbox Movies Public Notices Real Estate Sports A7 El-3 1>6,D Stoek Mack.et.a--....._ Style D5 81-7 Da.-6 CUI Television Travel Von Hottman Earl Waters Weather E4 C8 AS AT AJ I I Anteaien rebounding · NOR~. Okla. -UC Irvine's basketball team arrives here today for round two ef the NIT wtth a couple ol question maru . Pa1e Bl. -.. ------• ~.! .u· Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1882 !~\· ----.--~-----:-:~~;::::~~~~::::~~;:;;;:============== l •' Continued stories 11 SCHOOL DEED ••• II ;: ' ' ' I l I ' . ' f t ! 11 : I tl :1 •• 1: 11 i l . ' •' I: •' . ' •' •' •' •' •' •' i: •' •' . ' •' i: . ' .. •' .. Jo'ountaln Valley. After this disclos ure, Dr. Mahnken said he checked the v a lldlty of tbe deed and cons ulted with the district'• legal adviser. He said the district mi1ht be able to get around the deed's "for sc hool purposes" stipulation by keepin1 some district activities on the site or by leasing the closed school to another educational program. But Ma hnken said s uch attempts might not be worth the expensive court battle they could provoke. Lon•·lime reaidenl Evelyn Wardlow, wboM huaband la a descendant of Robert Bruce Wardlow, said she ls certain the famllf would attempt to enforce the deed stipulation if the district closes the school. The 12-acre site that includes the Wardlow acre also housed Fountain Valley's fint City Hall, which wu set up in an early school house that could no longer be used for classes. Fullerton resident . . stabbed to death F ullerton police continued their investigation Saturday or t he apparent murder of a Fullerton resident late Friday night. · · Leonardo Garcia Mendoza, 36, died at about 11 : 15 p.m . Friday at Anaheim Me morial Hospital, less than an hour after he fell with an apparent stab wound to the neck in a Fullerton bar. Patrons of the El Sombrero bar al 415 S. Ha r\;;r Blvd. told police Mendoza had been drinking at the bar and bad left, but he returned about 15 minutes later, staggered and fell to the floor . From the statements anCs a preliminary investigation, police theorize that Mendoza left the bar and walked south on Harbor Boulevard, turning west onto Valencia Drive. Blood stains found at the scene indicate that Mend oza may have been attacked about 100 feet west ol the intersection of Harbor and Valencia, llCCOrding to Sgt. Ron Rowell. · No motiv e h as be e n established for the a pparent s laying · and there we re n o suspects in the case as of late Saturday, Rowell said. NB airline suspends paychecks Goldt\n Wes t Airlin es has joined the growing ranks of financially alline air carriers, announcing that it is deferrin1 paychecks of ita 419 employees for a week and asltine them to take an Immediate 10 percent ·pay cut. •·w e won 't malte payroll because we're out of money," said Dave K eeton , vice president of marketing for the Newport Beach-based airline. .. We have other things that need to be paid first." He said the employees have agreed to the one-lime $400,000 pay deferral. "It's either do it or you don't have a job," Keeton said . K eeton said he ex pected private investors to help rescue the airline this week by paying "several million" to become part owners of the 14-year-old airline. He would not disclo~e the names of the potential investors, but said the company needs a half-million dollars lo stay anoat and $2 million to keep it fully operational. Golden West employees are voting th.rough today on whether to accept the 10 percent pay cut, whic h also would affect management. The move could s ave the company $1.2 milUon over the next 12 months, Keet.on said. Golden West bought four De Havilland Cash 7s in 1980 for $6.5 million apiece and leased ooe more of the new planes. •l ;1 · l! UC Irvine panels· arguing Lover discrimination • issue By JOEL C. DON Ot Ult Delly ~let S&aff ·· Two UC Irvine committees have c l as h e d o ver the controversial issue of alleged discrimination against women a t the university. Last year·s findings of the C h a n ce llor 's Advi so r y Committee on the Status of Women were s harpl y attacked recently by a group of e ight top UCI administrators. •c alled the C h ance llor's .. 1 Executive Council. . The administrators challenged 1 the advisory co mmittee's ··apparent advocacy role and ' a lleged their findings contained '·'i n accurate data , misinterpretation of current a ffirmative action programs and no recognit.ion in a reas , where considerable progre.ss has been made." The Executive Coun c il recommended that the women's com mittee be dissolved along with other chancellor's advisory groups. A single committee wo u Id handle all minorit y groups. ' Last s pring the women's advisory committee reported to the chancellor that faculty women at UCI earn less than men and other women faculty in the University of California's nine-campus system. In addition, the committee said UCI .. lags significantly behind the UC systemwide average in the hiring or women to tenured (permanent) faculty positions.·· The committee findings were m ade public last October and Chancellor Daruel Aldrich Jr. then asked for a review by his Gumnanrobs NB cinema Newport Beach police were investigating an armed robbery late Saturday at the Edwards Cinema 1-l.be Fashion Island Shopping Center. Sgt. Mike McEveny said a clerk at the cinema told police a man apparently in his late 50s, with gray hair and wearing a white trench coat. approached the ticket window, produced a revolver and demanded cash at a bout 10 p.m. The su spect escaped with about UJO, McEveny said. Executive Council. Members of the women's advisory committee -a group of UCI facult y, s taff a nd students moved this week to protest the Executive Council review. In its strongest attack, the women's committee accused the Executive Council of conflict of inte rest. alleging the council was one of the groups studied in the affirmative action probe. .. The injustice is where they (the Executive Council) try to adopt the stance of an impartial reviewer of our work, .. said Rita Whiteley, chairwoman of the women's committee when the 1980-81 annual r eport was released. l n a te lephone Interview Thursday, Aldrich declined to co mm e nt on e ither the Executive Council review or the original findings of the women's advisory committee. He said he would meet next week to discuss the issues of a ffirmative action with the women's committee. And he noted no decisions have been made to act on the Executive Council review or the women·s committee findings. Showers likely today 51 ID u, 60 to tS -.y. L..-s 41to S4. l11lallll val~ ~ •QleCt "'~ !Oday 111 -... 1-... --..,. LOWS ICftltlN Ill_.._ Wlftdl _,,~,_, ~I IO SOUl- 11 .. 21IUlob•l'liltl"I 10 ~ 15 10 u knot> .,., ewnlno. C-y wllll •flowers ll l<e ly. Otcr•••l 1111 cloudlMB --N ......... Mowlll•l(IS wlll llav• wwlll lo -tllwffl ilrl-l~JO tnpfl ,_,, S11t1t1no to ~ .i 2~ """' toftlll!t -Mondey ........ l..S.y JS, n lo .0 MaNI.-/. ~ 15 ID to. 5ftow 1 .... 1 • .--.. V .S. summary Sllow1n -Ulunde.....,_,, _... sc•ll•r•d across lh• West a nd Ml-ton Saturday,•• rttlderots of I ndla n•. Mlclllo•n a11d Arllo11• WHt to ._t-......... 20>.ao mpfl eapecled 111 0.••r1• by MollCla y. N«t ..... n ~ WIM ...... llltflt 44 to S4. 41 to • -.,. ~ M to 4'. ~"'..,, ,,..,.. ...... today. "lo1•Maolcley.~•toW. '°""'' ......... -....... lndlana rnklenb -r• ••ned lo prepare tor the -•I lloocll"I In more I,,_ lwlf • '91\lury. Wind owstlno lo SO mpll blew 111,_h ttw ._.,. MIBIMlppl Valloy •ncl 11M Greet Ul<es l"IQlon. -llllf'I -tell from .-tlleHt Mlrv.sou lnlo t1ortt>trn Mlcllleen. lowe•l"I vl•lblllty In par1s "' Ille .,... 10 11u Siio•-today 111 Mor1,,.rn aroff Cafttral CMIW'Na. c 1Mrl"9 lro rnMt -1IOM ........... ,. 9or S*ra- 1oulller11 portloros of Cent ral Ca llfo,..la. Mostly fair MolHlay. Travelen advl-y fOr •now •llCI fllStY wl-lro -1Nnl -t.IM allCI SMrra. SI-. ~s: t.• feet lfl Cascao.s, 3,500 f•I In norllMrn $1erra. •.• f•l In central Sltwra, •,000 feet In_......, Soler re lll<tnemlle. T · Rein we• sceuered o .. r Ille emperatures 11or lllern aftd mld·Allonllc Coa•I stettt. ttw -Olllo V•ll•Y allCI Ille Tennessee •llCI lower Mlulssl119I walley•. AllluQut SllOwers ...ct .,,...,.,."'°'"'' elJO A-Ill• ~.., -Ari-. Ne• Muteo, Allarot• nortll•HI T•••• and e lot111 tlle Atlante Cty Paclfk Coe•I. TM•• .... -'"· ..... m_ WaSlll"91on's -1elns •lld In Ille """'""'"' lcMllo P~. 91Wtlarclc Tam--... eroo.rnd llM nation al 9olM midday Selurday r8ftlllad tram • low 9otton .. 22 ........ Wyo., to • 1'119'1 .. " 911ff•lo at Mc All.,, Tuas. llMI .. •utort. CMf1'111 5C $.C. Cllerlttll WV For 104lay, more sllowers allCI c11e,.._ lt\undtr"9r--• loreost fr.., Cllk ... lllt IOlllllem Ple!M ..,...,. ttle -.. CltlCIMIH MIMltllWI Valt.ylfM .. T•--~ Valley 8fld 0.0'91• and •'°"I Ille C°"""'"" Peclfk c-9' ........ ,_.,,. Md -Oel·FI - SfleW9n -· f-ut a<rtM Ille 0.-G,.•t ....... tM '*""""' ..... _ On MetMS -~-------........ o.tr91t H'91\t Ill IM 10t _. "HktM II P-,,_ , .. ,..,.,_.. ....,., ~ ...... ,~ Tt llU ' .-1e GranN Valley aH ...,_.. c9"'ral Wf CMIC ...... ID~a; HtltM lft 1M .. In 1M ,,__ """''*"• H8fttlWll 8fld _..,,.tip flf T .... ; lft Ille - NATI!* S1 ,. 1S " n • 56 44 ., 4 nu 42 • S7 al .. . S7 ,. IS '1 .. S4 " ,, ,. S1 .. . SJ 42 S7 • " .. ,. It t6 JS .. . 7' Sot II ·11 St • S7 f7 D .. HOIHIOft lftdnapUs Jacksnvtlt Kans City LMV"8S Lillie Roel< Lowlsvllle Mtmpflls Miami MllwMlllM _. .. Sl.P ....... u .. ..... on-. ..... y_ <*le CltY o-N ~....-. f'Mttllll .. ~ Ptl-.-Ptl-,ON ~City --"k!WMM SeflLAM Seettt. ... 1:tllll'r - StP·T-,__ , __ ··~ WldllU In lfW Of'Mt ... ,., -Ir-IM l'eclfk ...,,,._. • *"" O.N: 111 ---411.,._ Mt--.. te U"9' MldlltM, -., New Ytt'l .... ~ .... ,__. ..... , .. ............... lllf RIPIRT California ltMIWll c,...._.. wltt • c!Wlt¥ ................... ca-. .. ......., .. , ...... ~ ..... . ............ _ ..... . Vert411M ... wtlll ..... _....t -=:.-:=c.1_. ...... ' ... .........._ ................. .... -,..._,.. ..... .., I-I I 11 t I WIW ........... • • ,. l • = ::=. Clmtlt • • • • .. t. . . w ... ... ---.,: ........ ...., .............. 0-. .. ...... _. caie-rv . ........... ........... otwwe ,....... ,.,.. v-........ trifA110frUl wtAtwU \lfw 0 NOA& V' 0••* c' CC'"~ •. " CAIUM ' 11 • " " 11 n n • S4 " u 50 10 " u ,. .. 44 10 • .. ,. .. S7 .. ., .. . .. . 56 • ,. " 7• A ., 12 .... u ,, ,. " " J1 •7 a • 11 • • .. .. " • HOT AND CHILLY Puff the Magic Dragon • (armed by Don Davis' spews smoke from Miss ion Viejo Beautiful Committee·s float that won Sweepstakes trophy in St. Patrick ·s .,.... _ ....... ..,OW...IW'r Day parade Saturday in Mission Viejv. Yvonne Balm. with pet lamb, was a mong 10.000 spectators who braved cold winds Kit c:ont1ln1 lleny duty polnt1. eondtnlOf i nd rotOI. For moat domestic CHI . 6 or I cyllndtr. TK237MV only S3.69 POCKET PONC HO •Cambi.Gallon WindbrMltar/~lier fold. IAlo Ila OWll pocket • Ian•·~ ayloo ehaU wrlh elM!ic 1ha119 lor b.clt·paek. 40 PC. SOCKET SET 749 pr. . ~ . . . .. .... ~ . . , ......... "' ·-j: ·-----·"-··-... ,....,,..~~ .... ... <ti .. CARQUEST LI-JOINTS BEACOM AUTO PARTS · 480 Mo. Newport llvd. Mewpo;t lwhi C& 14~·' 13 3 j • . ~--__. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 "' G-enmet ry grows in gil rde n Sculptures to be unveiled Tuesday At thouah "seed•" were blown from the nearby Newport Harbor Art Mu1eum, a "Sculpture Garden" ls fiourlablnc here tnd there around the recently· completed twin Pacific Mutual towers at Newport Center. The four artists gave their modem 1 works titles as colorrul as the constructions themselves. There's "Cloud Gate," described as a metaphor of clouds and sky by its designer Michael Todd. The 40 ,000-pound piece, s hown below, features swerving blue steel semi·circles holding up hovering white steel discs. For "Folded Circle Three Rings" Fletcher Benton of San Francisco cul, bent and opened up the 9·foot painted aluminum rings in a slanting 25·1oot stack of dynamic angles shown on Page Al. lts large.scale presentation in a stairwell at the insurance company's plaza, allows 360·degree viewing of the kinetic action. Positioned a(ijacent to one ol tbe new towers is "Canyoo1," a pair ol columns fashioned by utilt Stephen DeStaebler of rust and putel ceramic slabs that change with the colors of the sky, as indicated by the shading at left. A familiar theme of Tony DeLap of Corona del Mar and UC Irvine t. presented in the lavender, angular "Levitation of Princess Asrah" projection, shown by tbe entry at right. . These artworks, which cost $250,000, explore the relationships of geometric s hapes to s pace proportions. They will be formally unveiled Tuesday during a 10:30 a.m. ceremony. Pacific Mutual had been asked by Newport Beach city orricials to commission some kind or art work when the insurance firm first sought permission lo construct the twin towers. Candidates take the ir marks for primary races By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of .. Deity ...... Slaff Scores of candidates are preparing lo test Orange County's political waters in June and November elections, aiming for a spate of local, county and state elective offices. As a flurry of nomination papers were returned by candidates before Friday's 5 p . m . filing deadline, many rumored and not-so·rumored electoral challe n ges were confirmed. Incumbent Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley, for exa mple , will race three opponents, while two other incumbents. Harriett Wieder and Ra1ph Clark. will face no opposition. Wh at some believe will result in a Republican Party bloodbath is set to occur in the newly apportioned 69th s tale Assembly District where David Sills, Irvine mayor, is seeking the party's nomination over Nolan Frizzelle, now representing the existing 73rd Assembly District. Followmg is a listing of the offices to be decided: 38TH CONG RESSIONAL Di s trict (Ce ntral Orange County): Rep. Jerry Patterson. D·Santa Ana, is unopposed for the Democratic nomination, wbi1e Will iam Dohr, independent businessman, Santa Ana, and Art Jacobson , economist /engineer, Los Alamitos, will s eek the Republican nomination. Anita Barr, s mall business owner, Buena Park, is seeking the Li~;~~i~~~~~~~nS I 0 NA L District (North Orange County): St even Feldman, salesman, Anaheim, and Frank Verges, university professor , Fullerton, are seeking the Democratic nomination. while Rep. William Dannemeyer, R-Fullerton, is seeking the Republican nomination. Seeking the Peace and Freedom nomination is Frank Boehe1m , activist/petitioner. Santa Ana. 40T H CONG RESSIONAL District (Orange Coast): Paul Haseman, corporate attorney, Laguna Niguel, is seeking the Democratic nomination; Marine Bell Quirk. apartment owner, Santa Ana, is seeking the Peace and Freedom nomination. Rep. Robert Badham, R·Newport Beach , i s see king the Republican nomination. 43RD CONGRESSIONAL District (South Orange County): See king the Democratic nomination is Roland Mora, businessman, Mission Viejo. Seeking the Republican nomination are Mary Schmitz, television panelist and wife or s tate Sen. John Schmitz, R ·Ne wport Beach ; Charles Kenn ey, indepe nd ent bus inessman, Mission Viejo; Elizabeth Davi s, businesswoman, Laguna Niguel ; Bob Curtis, San Clemente ; Lawrene Nixon Anfinson, San Juan Capistrano; D. Robert de Carlo. law clerk , Capistrano Bea c h ; J o hnni e Crea n , independent businessman, San Juan Capistrano; Jerry Shaw, businessman/attorney, Newport Beach, and Thomas Mauro. family physician, South Laguna. <Because the district includes a portion of San Diego County, nomination papers also could be filed there by candidates.) 32ND STATE SENATE Di s trict (Ce ntral Orange County ): Seeking the Democratic nomination are J . Tilman Williams. businessman, Gatden Grove; Robert J . Slade, attorney, Garden Grove; Frank Barbaro, attorney, Garden Grove; Kathy Buchoz, mayor, Westminster, and Al Serrato, city councilman, Santa Ana. Seeking the Republican nomination are Edward Royce, businessman, Anaheim ; Raoul Silva, sales manager, Garden Grove; Dewey Wiles. peace ofricer. Midway City, and ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl• ulfi.d advertising 7141642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P Haley Put>fi.,,., 1'Mt Ch••f E•ecut1n Ctr••,., Robert N Weed "-"' Thomas A Murphine EOIO' l. Kay Schultz YaPrntdent "'° ()rtefO' 01 Opittationt Michael P. Har.ey -·ng O.•Ktoo Kenneth N Goddard Jr MAIN OFFICE 330 West en St . Co.ta-~. CA M•ll •ddreH 8o• IS60. ( .. ta Mn., CA, mi. CopyrloM 1"7 O<'M>Ot c ... st Plll>llshlnQ c;o..._y Ho news s-. lllull••tlOfls, e<11tori.1m1111er0< ~ .. ni.emenh herein ma y be ••PrOOu<ed without se»c lat permlulon of coovr19ht -ner Second ct.ss ll0$1-00 paid •1 Co.la Mesa, C.llfomla, CUPS 144-tllO) Wbo<rlptlon l>y <arri.r M 7S monthly by mall S4 '° montNy Gordon Bricken, mayor, Santa Ana. 64TH STATE ASSEMBLY District <North Orange County): Assemblyman Ross Johnson, R-Fullerton, is unopposed for the Republican nomination. There are no other candidates. nTH ASSEMBL y District <East Orange County >: Paul Broughton, educator, Yorba Linda, will seek the Democratic nomination. while Assemblyman John Lewis. R·Orange, will seek the Republican nomination. 69TH ASSEMBLY District .,1 Central Orange Coast): Robert H ans orr, sanitary district director, Costa Mesa, will seek the Democratic_ nomination, while Frizzellf and Sills will battle for the Re publican nomination. 70TH ASS EM BLY District <South Orange County): Linda Westfall, property manager, M iss1on Viejo, is unopposed for the Democratic nomination. while Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R·Newport Beach, is uncontested for the Republican nomination. 7 J s t ASSEMBLY District (We s t Orange County): Assemblyman Chester Wray, D·Westminster, is unopposed for the Democratic nomination ; Dori s Allen , anli·busing advocate, Westminster , is unopposed for the Republican nomination, while Charles Barr, small· business owner, Buena Park, is unopposed for the Libertarian nomination. 72ND ASSEMBLY District (Central Orange County): Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D·Garden Grove, is unopposed for the Democratic nomination, whil e George Heaney, businessman, Santa Ana, and Richard Longshore, retired naval officer. Santa Ana, will seek the Republican nomination. ORANGE COUNTY Board of Supervisors : Mrs. Wieder, representing the 2nd District in the west county, is unopposed, 1 as is Clark, whose 4th District e ncompasses north county communities. In the 5th Dis trict, which includes much of the Oranee Coast, the incumbent, Riley, is facing opposition from David Hirschler, realtor, Emerald Bay; Gene Atherton, physician, San Clemente a nd Al Arps, civic l ea d e r , San Juan Capistrano. ORANGE COUN TY ASSESSOR: Incumbent Bradley Jacobs, of Mission Viejo, ls beint opposed by draftsman James Leo Devine, Anahelm. -.oQ!nQ ldllO< _4u~et:-f'9"-tNOMt!H?'3:-::-----t--'tt~ N-G E c 0 0 N"fl _____ _.___ " ., • . AU DITOR: Incumbent V.,A. Charles H Loos We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Wbat don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. :rhe same 24·hour answering service m·ay be used to record let· ters lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number ror verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind - Heim, Orange, is unopposed. ORANGE COUNTY CLE RK ·RECORDER : rncumbent Lee Branch, of Irvine , is unopposed. ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY : Incumbent Cecil Hicks, Santa Ana, ill unopposed. ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC ADMlNJSTRATOR: Incumbent James Heim, of San Juan Capistrano, is being opposed by Victor Hobbs, attorney, El Toro. O RAN GE COUNTY SHERIFF ·CO RONER : Incumbent Brad Gates, San Juan Capistrano, will face two opponents: Marshall Norris, deputy court clerk, Anaheim, and Pal Bland, fraud prevention instructor, Orange. ORANGE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR·TREASURER : Incumbent Robert Citron, Santa Ana. is unopposed. OR ANGE COUN TY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: Incumbent Robert Peterson is being challenged by John In man, school principal, <'aoistrano Beach. ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION : In Districts 2 and 4 , Incumbents Frances Murphy of Garden Grove and Dean Mc Cormick face no opposition. Filing in District 5 will remain open through March 17 because the incumbent is not seeking re-election. _MUNICIPAL WATER District of Orange County: In District 1 candidates are Charles Bennett, seeking re·eleclion. director, Huntington Beach; Running unopposed are judges Michael Griffith, commercial Robert Banyard, Myron Brown, fisherman, Sunset Beach, and Luis Cardenas, Phillip Cox, H. E. Hartge, civil engineer, Thomas Crosby, Robert Green, Huntington Beach.Jn Division 2, James Jackman, Jack Mandel, candidates are Elbert Ashland, William Murray, Jerrold Oliver, businessman, Garden Grove, Ronald Owen, James Perez, and incumbent Gerald Price, or Phillip Petty. Philip Schwab, Westminster. In District 5, Harmon Scoville a nd Sheila candidates ar·e incumbent Sonensltlne. Wayne Clark. Irvine; Lawson C ENT RA L 0 RANGE Chadwick, railroad conductor, COUNTY MUNI CIPAL COURT: Mission Viejo, and John Hoel. Two judges, Richard Parslow, of retired financial officer, El Orange, and John Smith Jr .. of Toro. Irvine. are unopposed. CO ASTAL MUNICIPAL NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT: In District MUNICI PAL COURT: Four 3, incumbent Edwin Finster, Judges. James Alfano, of Yorba Corona del Mar . races no Linda; Linda Mc Laughlin, of opposition. In District 4, W. K. San la Ana: John McOwen, of Patrick . Cos ta Mesa, 1s Balboa I s land , and J e an unopposed. Rheinheimer, of Santa Ana, are IRVINE RA NC H Water unopposed. District. Vying for three ORANGE COUNTY HARBOR directors hips are\ inc umbent M N I C l PAL C 0 U R T : Peer Swan, Tustin , Betty Olson, Inc umbe nt Robert Polis of water research scientist, Irvine. 1 rvan e 1s bemg challenged by inc umbe nt Ray Aue rbach , P au l Robbi ns. prosecuting Irvine , C Orville Reinhardt, attorney. Irvine water company director , Irvine. SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY and Frank Hurd . financial M NICIPAL COURT: Judge manager, Irvine. David Carter is unopposed. ORANGE COUNTY Superior WEST ORANGE COUNTY Court; The only contested race MUNICIPAL COURT: Judges is in Uffice 6 where Judge Rag nar Engebretsen , Alan Leonard Goldstein. Newport Mc Kone. Kenneth Smith and Beach, will fa ce William Marvin Weeks are unopposed. Hopkins Jr., Anaheim city Judge Joanne Harrold is facing attorney. opposition from attorney Dan In Office 9, filing period will Dutc her, Santa Ana , ai\d extend through March 17 attorney Ronald Nixon, or Santa because the incumbe nt is not. __ A_n_a _______ · ___ _ SMOKY Hickory farms of Ohioe Smoky (smokl'd cheese bar) is a popular t·hee~e • fovor11c of man~~ .JJ..:s.L.S~nQf~d-~f eheddar •md Swiss 1.:ttern· that 1s hickory smoked to perfection to give 11 a dl'lic1ous smoky tas te. , Smoky makes a mouth watering snack that you will long remember . . We11 give· you a taste of old-time country gooaness.™ ' ·-.. . ........, ~- Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 1<4, 1982 .. Three-ring el.ection upcoming Republicans might wonder who isn't seeking_ 43rd District nomination I BY CllAaLt:S LOOS ., ... .....,""' ..... I The Jwu1 primary In the newly 1 conatituted 43rd Coneresslonal I Dlslrict shupes up as a real circus. ll already has u cast of tbouaands. Most of them are elephants. When last we looked there was but a single Democrat, MlssJon Vlejo's Roland Mora, brave enough to stand against the Republican Ude. Because the 43rd is heavily Republican m voter registration, the primary, ror all intents and purposes, will be the election' with the balloting in November only a formality. The Republicans are offering a lot of choices in the 43rd and some echoes, too. T here is Dr. Dill McColl, now an orthopedic surgeon from Carlsbad , who will be remembered as a Stanford All-American and an All-Pro end for the Chicago Bears. There is Escondido City Councilman Jim Rady and Carlsba.d Mayor Ron Packard. Rancho Santa Fe attorney Stan Legro, a former Marine officer who worked for the Environme ntal Protection Agency during the Ford Administration. is in the race. T h e Saddle back Valley's Chuck Kenney has filed. So has Elizabeth Davis of Laguna Niguel, who traces her ance5try to Samoan royalty. Don't forget Lawrene NlxQO Anflnaon of San Juan Ca p ist rano . She's the ex-president's niece. Mary Sch mit&, Jo'hn'a wtre, has indicated she plans to run ln the 43rd, even though her home is in the 40lb. tivou don't have to Ii ve in the dJstrtct to be -a c:o ogr~ss man or a co ngresswoman , for that matter.) Oceanside's Mike Schaefer says he's running, too. He's a form er San Diego city councilman and once worked as a financial a nalyst for the Securities and Exchange Commission. And the list goes on -18 Republicans long. If you're a voter in the 43rd, you've got to be hoping some of the GOP candidates drop out in the interest of saving you from total confusion. * * * T H E R EASON FOR t his Re publican scramble is that CI air Burgener. who ha s represented parts of northern San Diego for a long lime. is retiring. And Orange County's Bob Badham, who has r epresented other parts of northern San Diego County for a long time, has had his 40th District cul back to more manageable size by reapportionment. It was one or the biggest congressional districts in the country. Now, the 40th is entirely within Orange NEW POST Thomas R. Malcolm is 1982 financt- chairman for Orange Count~ R e publicans .. County. Badham will be seeking a fourth term. The 43rd does n't include Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Irvine, as Badham aide Howard Seelye correctly points out. These cities, along with Costa Mesa. Tustin and Fountain Valley are wholly within the 40th Congressional District. Also included in the 40th are portions of Huntington Beach, Santa Ana and Orange, along with all of Leisure World, L~guna Niguel and Laguna Hills Generally, the line between lht.> 40th and the 43rd In Orange <.:ounty follows the San Diego l''ree way. The 40th Is on the seaward side, the "3rd on the the inland side. In Orange County , Dana Point. Capistrano Beach, El · Toro, Mission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente are in the 43rd. So are such encl;1ve!) as Trabuco Canyon. Jn San Diego County, the 43rd takes in Cam p Pen dleton, Ocean s ide , Ca rl s bad , Escondido. Fall brook. Vista, L<\,ke San Marcos. Rancho Santa Fe and Rancho Bernardo. About 70 percent of the 43rd's residents call San Diego County home That would seem to give a decided edge to a San Diego County candidate. * MA REEN REAGAN, the President's daughter and U.S. Senate candidate, has a busy da y planned Wednesday, St. Patrick's Day. She'll share the podium that morning with Stan Legro, one or the many Republican candidates in the 43rd Congress ional District, in an appearance before the Laguna Niguel Republican Women. ll will be al 9:30 a .m . at Republic Fede ral Savings on Crown Valley Parkway. Call Ruth Crawford, 496-0778, for reservations. * * * THEN MAU R EEN will journey to Newport Beach for a speech to the Women's Council of R ealtors of the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Realtors . For details. call 962·8197, or 548-7906 * * * PETI-.: WI LSON, a nothe r Republican l'andidate ,for the Senate. will be feted next Sunday at a $100 per: person brunch at La Casa Pacifica, ex .president Nixon's former estate in San Clemente Gavin Her bert and Don Koll are hosting the event along with a lengthy list of Orange County Republican financiers. It's by invitation. * * • MARIAN BERGESON, the a ssemblywoman from Orange County's 74th District, will s peak to the Newport Harbor Republican Women Friday during an 11 :30 a .m. salad luncheon at St. Mi chael's Church on Pacific View Drive in Corona del Mar. Call 644-2460 to reserve your salad. • • • NEWPORT BEACH attorney Thomas R. Malcolm has been named 1982 finance chairman for the Republican Party in Oran~e County o.lly -M.efl ...... SPECIALLY TRAINED Patrolman Ron Roberts knows the differenee qui~k r esponse and proper equipment makes Patrolman's skill saves legs, liv.es By J OHN NEEDHAM 01 tll• o.i1y Plleol S'-ff Wh en California Hi ghway Patrol Officer Ron Rober ts arrives at the scene of an injury accident he does a lot more than direct traffic and wait for the ambulance Roberts, a resident of Mission Viejo, is one of about 90 CHP officers trained as emergency medical technicians, just a step below the traimng paramedics receive. Under a f ederally runded program launched three years ago, officers working in more remote areas of the state were offered the training to help cut down on traffic fatalities. At th:it time. Roberts, 27, was a patrol officer on Angeles Crest Highway in Los Angeles County lie said the assignment gave him ample opportunity to use his newly acquired skills . ·'Most of the officers in the program were from rural areas in NorthPrn California, where emergency medical services arcn·t as readily available," Roberts said. Often the CHP officer is the first to arrive at the scene of an automobile or motorcycle accident where the drivar or passenge r s are serious ly inJured. Roberts s aid the time for paramedics lo arrive at the accident is much shorter in this area. lie s aid it is mo r e important for CllP offi cers to hav e emergency medical training 1f they work iD rural a reas where arriv31 times are s lower Moulton Parkway and La Paz Road in Laguna Hills involving a car and a 17·year ·Old car a motorcycle rider l e ft the leen·agcrr with severely broken legs . "ll1s right leg was nearly broken off and his pulse was so weak 1 couldn't reel it," Roberts said '"He could have bled to death in a matter of only a few minutes. That's the danger in any injur.y like that." Roberts said he was able to stop the bleeding and prepare the young man for .immediate transportation to nearby Mission Community Hospital when paramedics a rri ved . The teen ager survived his injuries. Jn his emergency medical kit. Roberts carries an oxygen bottle and various bandages. He also ha s a s tethoscope , blood pressure monitor. and collars for neck and spinal injuries. As part of his training, he was also given in s truction in mountain climbing. .. At my previous assignment I l'arried a climbing rope and other gear m my car." he said. ·Obviously the terrain here near San Juan Capistrano doesn't require that I carry it now, but in areas where cars could drop down a cliff. there 1s no other way to get to the occupants." Roberts said he has to renew hi s e meri~c ncy ;nedical cert1f1cate ever y s ix months, and also take advance training to ke e p up with new developments '"In most automobile accidents or motorcycle crashes with ma1or injuries it's what is done in the firs t few minutes that d e t ermines if the person s urvives or not, .. he said . CAT 'S OUT OF T HE BAG Weekend relaxation isn't just for humans Miss Kitty. adopted pN of Lido Village shopowners. seems like a pus hover for a bell y rub as s he s tretches in the sun. Or 1s she just s low to recover from.Saturday night? He replaces William F. Dohr of Santa Ana. who resigned to seek the party's nomination in cent ral Orange County's 38lh (.'o ngrcs!>1onal District But they the re have been times in recent months when Roberl5 was glad he took the time to take the emer gency medical training lie said two weeks ago an accide nt at the corne r of .. My feeling is that I could make a diffe rence by being there and knowing what to do ·• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Additional spaces are now available in a newly developed section of Pacific View Memorial Pcwk. Pre-oeed purchases Qualify for discounty from $90 to $145 per grave. Discounts on c:ryits are 15% for a limited time. cn.ble interment in a slngle grave may be arrangecifrom-'835 iA our OGeaA V-few-L-awA . '§PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK AND MORTUARY. • 35(X) Pacific View Drive Newport Beoch, California (714) 644-2700 o Pierce B<others tompony Come Hear This FREE Lecture "WHAT DO YOU MEAN - - CMllST1AN SCIENCE TREA TMEHT7" by Richard Howard. CS Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship Monday, Morch 15, 8:00 P.M. M.wport tt.rbor HicJI' School A.dltori- lm-.t I 5tt. St~ M.wport lee< .. Presented by First Church o f Chnst. Scientist Newport Beach. 673-6150 Child Care Available at lhe Auditorium (DreNCode) .... .., n.. s-.u def 21 a., o..ty U.. suelcc t•sss.t & d.clltg ........... s. ...... 3180 A;rway Ave. C~L9880 C .. fw J9IU-....... 1922 A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. Reservations Suggested &;is-10Ti WE'RE A LOT MORE THAN A BELL Oii YOUR WALL Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoast slicker. Behind all the' state-of·the art pro1ec11on devices we make and install. is Seecoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property. we get the signal 1n a nearby. 2~·flour·a·day central atation If the signal indicates fire, burglary or hoodup, we call the pollce or fire department. Since our central station is UL listed, our central atallon customers can qualify for a sizable discount on their insurance. And to increase our reach, make reaponM time even laster and Improve efflc i epcy we ·re .computel'lzing our station. But Improvements aren't new to Seacoast We've been getting better for 2t years. And today we're the leaders In the security business in the hart>or area with ,over, t0,000 customer. Including • wide range of big and small ret111, induatrl•I 1•nd commercial establishments To find out more abOut Seacoast central station write or come by our new. ,faclllty at 2488 Newport Btvd .• Costa MeH. jlii\SEACOt\ST 2498 NEWPORT BOULEVARD \I ~RfTY SYSTEMS 111t•> -~-341o· ' .. . _.. -~- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, March 14, 1982 A.tr fl: ------------....-..--;.,_.;.;;..;;:_.. __________________________________________ -.i.~------------------------------------------- Fame,,, flkrs compkting to Capi-Strano • mission • fUaht about now, the awallo-. due to arrive at Mission S.n Juan Caplstrano next Friday are worklna their way north. nc11tlng neitr the OliSSIOn for the puist 200 yearis Sa n Juan Capis trano reside nts have been celebratlng their arrival since the 1940s the Sl'rra Chupcl, the oldti8l cxlstlng church ln l'ultfun11 a, a l 9 a .m Wednesday, March 24 . Junior Western Day •fl J; Teens will gather Ht 3 30 p.m lo compete In western hat conte~ls. horse roping and a ''burralo 1:t l'htl>" throw These events will be held at the ';'4'• m1ni·park downtown. And, with the appearance or the first "acouta" In the envlrona around San Juan Capistra no. resld ents are busy r eadying themsel ves tor the arrival or the main n ock March 19, St. Joseph's Day. On their return, these small cliff swallows Immediately begin the task or rebuilding their mud nests. In fact, the mission readies pools of mud In order to help the birds. Another highlight of the day will be the s inging or ··when the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano" by the song 's aulhor . Leon Rene. Throughout the week in San Juan Capistrano. the city's fiesta associaUon will be sponsoring dally events that will culminate Saturday, March 27, with the lar gest non·motorized parade In the s tate. The s wallows are sure to receive a warm wel come when t h ey arrive a nd so will tourists who come to witn ess the a nnua l return of the swallows to t he old mission. A full week 's worth or eve nts h ave be e n planned to celebrate the Fi esta d e l a s Golondrioas. according FULTON SHAW to festival planners. About 5,000 tourists are expected in San Juan to witness the return or the birds, said Dick Landy, director of tourism for the mission. But Landy war ned that people who come to witness the return or lhe swallows should not be disappointed if a cloud or birds does not descend on San Juan March 19. The swallows arrive in s mall eroups, rather than one large nock, he said. Landy said the day wi ll be marked with tours or the old mission and tours or the older portions or San Juan Capistrano. A guiding force behind the first Swallows Day parade In 1960, Fulton Shaw. a 25-ye.r resident of the town, will serve as parade hos\ and Grand Marshal . Other events scheduled durinll the week of March 19-Mal'c h 27 include: Saturday. March 20, El Presidenle Dmner Dance al the El Adobe restaurant. Miss Fiesta will be selected. -Sunday, March 21, kickoff mixer al the Swallow's Inn beginning at 1 p.m. • llfJ'l Friday. March 26, Hoosegow Day. A shenff ,,, and a hanging judge will arrest locals not garbed 11,1 in uppropriate fi esta l(ear '. Those judged "guilty" must pay a nne or be .~1!1 imprisoned 1•1h l\l 6 p m . Mis~ Fiesta and Miss San Juan ~ 1 Capistrano will JUd~e the hairiest man contest. 111, Hairiel>t man contel-il rategon es include prettiest, '1 • ugliest and h111rie~l The contest will be conducted '.'.',; out of-doors. acroi.:. the street from the Swallow's ;1• Inn p }t Saturday, March 27 . Rarade through city JtH s trc<'L'> begtn:. at noon rouowcd by the second l t111 a nnual family s teak harbecue hosted by the 11 H lli!>lorical Sol'icly 1110 The famed s wallows begin their 6,000·mile trek north from Goya, Argentina. They have been Also, the mission will sponsor its annual M 1ss1on Pageant, celebratmg the feast day of St. Joseph. The pageant features a procession of costumed childre n from the Old Mission School and the coro nation o r king and queen r epresenting the monarchs of Spain who ruled when the mission was rounded in 1776. Crowning of the .. monarchs" will take place m Tuesday, Ma rch 23, toddler marathon and pet parade. At 2:30 p.m. toddlers unde r the age of 19 months, garbed in western gear, will race At J · 30 p. m .. children six to 12 year s old parade their pets and compete for prizes. Both events will be at El <.:a mino Real Park. l'l·r!>ons 1nle rel>le d 1n obtaining additional I information ubout the mission or the week-long 11 i> fi es ta l>hould rnnlacl either the Old Mission Visitor no1 Center. 31882 Camino Capistrano, Suite 218 or the r San .Ju an Cap1!.lrano Fiesta Association. 111, l' • ) ~ionary tells how Salvadorans get_ guns o.lly l"IMC I"-.. , Gart A-- 0 UTLl NE$ STRIFE John Bueno te ll s tactics in El Salvador. By JODI CADENH EAD Of llM Dally l"llel SI.a" Pas tor J o hn Bueno say!> he is con vmced the Nicaraguan government is he lping supply leftists in El Salvador with guns The 42 -yca r -o ld Eva n geli cal Protestant missionary told members of the Costa Mesa Rotary Club that signs at t he Nicaraguan airport im plore residents to aid the El Salvador rebels ·seeking to overthrow Preside nt Jose Napoleon Ouurte. Bueno admits he became worried aft er rece1vin~ death threats from El Salvador leftis ts following a public appear ance with Duarte last year. Soon a fte rward. the Protesta nt m issionary requested a one-year leave of absence so he could return to Costa Mel> a with his wife and four sons. However. Bueno continues to make frequent trips to the strife·torn Central American country and insists that the situation 1s not as bad as r eported. "ll 's easy to say the government has Q'l assa cred all these people." s aid Bueno. referring to reports of mass executions. ··But nobody knows who kille d them or how.·· Following h is lunc heon s peech Wednesda y, Bueno said he feels free lo travel throughout the country A 6 p m curfew imposed almost two years ago has been lifted , he said. Centro Evangclislico It has 17 ,000 m embt'rs Ile• a lso presides over a s chool distru:t. L1cc:o Cristiano. that he started 1n lt1t• heart of San Salvador l l 1 s h 1 ·s con n e c t 1 o n w 1th t h e C'Om mumty and his refusal to alienate citht•r the right or the left that keeps him ~are. said Bue no So far he has had no trouble slipping in and out of the country. he said T he same cannot be said for his Catholic l'Ountl'rparts. m any of whom are reportedly having a hard time lea v1ng :rnd entering lhe country, Bueno ad<kd · Two ~ l'ars ago Archbishop Osl.'a r Romero. an outspoken critic of the El Salvador goVl·rnmcnt, was g unned down in church About 18 months ago four Catholit· nun s w e r e found mur<kred in El Salvador. Sa it! Bueno, ··For s ome s trange rca:.un the Je:.u1ts have s ided with the guerrilla forces I don't think it's 111 intentioned Th(·y JUSl feel that these an' the people that need to be helDed,_" In private talks Bueno s aid. Pr'esident Duarte ha!> told him tha t (Duarte I 1s troubled by h1l> lack of support from the Cathoht Church · · 1 fcl'l the Duarte government 1s :.cnl>tli vc lo the needl> and welfare of the people," said Bueno · .. I believe it's worthwhile to keep thi s little country in the democratic system ." Should Ouarte's government topple and the communists t ake over. Bueno s aid he is sure that he and other missionaries will be asked to leave. Bueno a rrived in El Salvador 21 years ago and is still pastor of the largest Evangelical church in Central Amenca. --------------------------------------------- .. • Why buy o r k :1se your 11e\\· Por~c hL' or Audi l rom ju .... 1 :111~ dL':tler .... hip "·hen ~ou c.111 gl'I the -..pecial tn . .'alln<.:nt .11 Park. Al Park Por~che/Aud i . we're committed co off<:ring the ulcirn:llL' in cu-..1011H.:r "L'n ·1ce. Your new Park Por~che or Audi comes complete \Yilh a Park Prelcrrcd ~L·n·in: Club C 1rd. entitling you to a multi1ude of complimernary ~en·i ce''-'t<n1 ·11 abo h:l\e a per-..ona l P:1rk Con:-iu mer Repre~enlati,·e. here to :1n.swcr all your :1uto111oti,·e quL"'linn.s. And. if you 'd like i»ll=t<•.-. i»O=t)Cl-i: I AUi>i U LIKE A YOTHER • to pick up your new :1utomohik right from the fa cto1 y. :i~k about our unique Europe:1n Del h·ery Progr:.im. The profe~~ion :1b :11 P;1rk P< irschc/:\udi :ire dedi c ited to giving you the fir.sc cl.1-..:-. trellmelH you dc.sen·e. CotiK' in :111d di'\co,·er the Park l'Or'iche/:\udi difference. • . 6700 Manch~,11.:r Ulvu .. lluena P.irk, C.1 906.2 1P l<t )521·86Zl !213) 921 -r-1.1 Th1.: Beach OlvJ t:\h off 1he ~ant.• An.1 i-rc~w~1r . Announcing THEIR GRANO OPENING AT 2230 D Fairview Rd., Co sta Mesa Next to Post Qt lice March 16, 1982 at 4:00 P.M . Ribbon Cutting Ceremony by Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce FLY AND DUY. Pali< Porsche/Audi invites you to a special evening Taking a European vacation? Join us for comphmenlary wine. cheese and travel hims. on Friday. March 19th at 7 00 p m Park Porsche/Audi w1ll 1ntroduce its all new. unique and unlike any other.European Delivery Program Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save lime and money by p1ck1ng up your new car m Europe. For more information call 714/521-8621 or 213/921·7744. l :\LIKEA:'\Y OTI IE R 6700 Manchester Blvd Buena Park. Ca 90621 I • I• fl J 1,,., .• II') i 1. j )J ,. j~ l: '· II :.\ ~I· "· ~ ,. ,, .. J d 1 ~·/ ~· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Maroh 14, 1982 Give new flight plan fair chance to work As John Wayne Airport problems go, that of developing an access plan to regulate use of the facility by commercial airlines has proved the most vexing Orange County government, which owns and operates the airport, has been under pressure from several factions. You have the fed e ral government wanting to insure that the airport is open to all carriers, so long as they meet certain count y -imposed requirements. You have airport a re a residents demanding somethin~ be done about jet noise. You have the airline indus try. which seemingly always wants more flights. All of this wouldn't be so bad if the airport were in some other place than Orange County By t h e nature of its a fflu e nt population and m ajor commercial centers. the county's -air service demands are high. That situation makes the airlines desirous of either initiating or expanding Orange County . . service. To comply with fed e ral mandates. the county Board of -Supervisors has studied an array of m echanisms d esigned to 'satis fy everyone, or no one. Cfepending on your point of view Finally. a plan that seems bighly workable has been ad- :vanced by the county airport staff and Supervisor Thomas Riley. It is designed to repl ace a previous plan that a fe de ra l j udge s aid unftlirly benefited AirCal and Republic Airlines by letting the m retain 86 percent of existing night allocations for a three·year period. • . AirCal operates an average of 23.5 flights daily , Republic 11.5, and F rontier Airlines, Pacific Southwest Airlines and Western Airlines, two each. for a total of 41. That ceiling is imposed by the county. Under the new plan. AirCal c.ind Re publi c would have to relinquis h flight allocations . ··New" fli ghts would then be turned over to carriers not now ser virrg the ai rport. o r , a lternativel y , back t o the incumbents if no outsiders want But the r e 's a c atch. Any carrier desiring new flights must utilize new a nd quieter jets . There 's only one such craft now ava ilabk the Mc Donne ll Douglas DC-9 Super RO. U nkn own s , o f cours e, urround the new plan It's not certain that it will satisfy the federal court ju d ge wh o" overturned the prior plan. Nor are further court proceedings precluded There·~ been some s abre-rattling from AirCal which. quite si mply. does not want to yield nights to other carriers. More litigaUon serves no useful purpose The federal law which says airports must be open to qua lifie d car r ied In non discri minat ory fashion is quite clear All parties sho uld realize that and gave the new plc.rn a chance to work World, politics go on In a newsy week . the best news may bave been that our predicted "doomsday" d1dn ·1 arrive. With all nine planets clustered on one side of the s un on March 10, for the first time in 179 years. the "Jupite r Effect" f!naginatively described in a 1974 !)ook of that title. f ailed to ioaterialize. No earthquakes, no tidal waves. not even any very u.nusual weather. Jt was a terrible disappointment to the Southern California haters in less favored areas of o ur nation, and some assorted religious oracles "But it was a s mall bonanza for planetarium fol~ who reported sellouts for their s hows a nd le ctures on the pl anetary phenomenon. • • • In California. the politicians were out in force, launching their assorted 1982 campaigns Gov Jerry Brown finall y m ade hi s candidacy for the U S Senate official. Since his competition on the Democratic ticket is limited to Fresno Ma yor Da nie l Whitehurst. write r Gore Vidal and a couple of even lt>sser !knowns , his primary proble ms would'seem minimal. , John Schmitz , the controversial state senator from Orange County. officially joined rt.he crowded Republican race for 1retiring S.I. Hayakawa's Senate seat, wherein he seems likely to 'have may be se ve n or eight "competitors. . , Meanwhile. Lt. Gov Mik e ·c urb filed his papers for the "'Republican nomination ror governor , wh ere h e will c h allenge Attorney Ge neral George Deukm ejian. Fig hting it out on the Democratic side will be Los Angeles Mayor Tom 'Bradl ey , stat e Sen. J o hn ·Garamendi and former state Health and We lfare chief Mario Obledo. , With everything now official. and some of the campaign war •chests very substantial. we can •brace for nightly t e levis ion advice from o ur would -be 'fepresentatives. It will be free, put will it be worth it? . ' . . . Meanwhile state Republican l eaders decided to abandon the tdea of organizing a recall r.campaign against state Supreme l(;o\lrt Chief Justice Rose Bird. tit's not that most of them wouldn't like to see the chief justice replaced, but a successful recall at this time might mean ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot . yet a nother appo intme nt by outgoing Go\. Brown A matter of · a Bird on the bench" being better th an a n ot h er Brown a ppointment. perhaps. Resides. lhe more practical GOP leader s pointed out, the money probably could better be spent on the raft of Re publican candidates who may need help 1n their leg1slat1ve race<: • On the national scene. the big n ews of t h e week was the r es ignation of Sen Harris on Williams. D·N J ., on the PVC of what ap~ared to be a certain Senate vote Lo expel him for hb role in the Abscam s candal Willia ms . who s till claims hl1 \\>as the innocent victim of a ·vile" FBI entrapment scheme. became the first senator in 60 vcc.irs to d e pa rt under s uc h unhappy circumstances Ca lifornia S en Alan Crans ton, a ~trong civil rights advocate. made a las t.minute at tempt to persuade the Senate to censure. rather t h a n expel Williams. but suppo rt for the milder rebuke clearly was not the r e Cy nics wer e moved to wonder if Cranston's concern for Williams ' .. civil rights" might have been heighten ed a bit by lhe fact that New Jersey's recently e lect e d govern o r . who will appoi nt Wi I Ii ams · s uccessor , ha ppens to be a Republican. Meanwhile the Senate is expected to move ahead with a full -scale inquiry of the ugly Abscam a ffair which also led to the departure of s ix members of the House of Representatives by expulsion. resignation and defeat at the polls This is very much in order The re arc too m a n y unanswered questions But as for Willia m s . h is "te mptation" defens e didn't impress his c:olleagucs. IL didn't work for Adam. either • • • On the s porti ng scene . Dodge r pitch e r Fernando Valenzuela, doubtless tired of the bickering over his pay. and probably yearning for s ome home cookin g, took oH for Mexico. His departure settled ' one controversial issue, at least temporarily. No longer can the Immigration and Naturalization Service threaten him with deportation if he doesn 't get busy and play ball he re. Fernando found the obvious ans wer to that one. · Thomas P. Haley Pub II sher 1'Mnael A. MM ...... Editor • BerNra Kreibich Edltorlaf Page Editor . Who'll pay dues for pay cut? It strained the credulity or lhe cynical but there they were on the TV screen getting their pictures taken in some fancy·schmantzy resort in Bal Harbour, Fl a. The "they" were Lane Kirkland, president of the AFL·CIO, and his white male buddies on the Federation's executive committee It was the same weekend Ford and the, United Automobile Workers agreed on large scale wage cuts. You would have thought that at such a junction these guys might have avoided looking li ke ster eotypic "la bor bosses," especially since they have fewer and fewer people in their organizations to boss around. It would have looked better if this weekend, of all weekends, they decided to meet in Detroit or Flint, Mich., or in some city associated with the travail that the hundreds of thousands of their laid·Off, former me mbers are experienci ng. THIS DISPLAY ol expense account s e lf-indu l gence i s all the more disappointing because Kirkland has been showing that he understands that for organized labor the past is not prologue to the future. that the lime of milk and honey is over. Yet knowing about it and acting on it can be two different things. So many things have changed Less than 10 years ago economics textbooks had it as a fixed principle that the demand for oil could only increase. that it was impossible for an advanced industrialized nation s uch as ours t.:> cut consumption when the pnce went up. Not so, we have lived to learn. Another a xiom was that wages in hi ghly uruonized industries never fell regardless o f general economic conditions Not so, we have lived lo learn, at least those or us who do not winter in Bal Ha rbour. The last lime wages were adversely affected by a recession was 1949, and , then the dip was short and slight. Prior to that, however, massive wage cutting invariabl y accompanied serious business tum·downs . Our grandparents ~\ 1,., jY V-0-N H-0-HM-AN--~;, were willmg to trade a degree of 1nflation , governme nt control and intervention 1! it would protect them from the boom-bust cycle with its attendant layoffs and wage cuts. THE FORD AGREEMENT is an attempt to concede the wage cuts in return for some guarantees, in this case rather vague ones, against layoffs. plant closings and "outsourcings," the less-than-euphonious name industry gives for manufacturing parts abroad. Although this re-writing of the union contract is being hailed as a novel and nobl e advance in labor·management cooperation, historians and older people . who've been through earlier boom·busts will recognize this as a variant or lhe share-the-work proposals which always pop up when so many, many people are being laid off. This particular type of deal, accepting pay cuts so that more may continue on the payroll, is an old favorite. How well it works when both company, union and e mployee are powerless to extricate themselves from an evil economic vortex is debatable. Something more is needed but the traditionalism and conservatism of the doddering labor organizations in Mr. Kirkland's AF'L·CIO make it hard for union officials lo play with the idea that they and their members may have been had. They have tied their Cates to that of the companies, which was fine during the profit-laden decades. but which may wreck them now. Heretofore in the bad recessions of the past, unions fought wage cuts. Now. they are going to negotiate them and supervise them. How long and how enthusiastically are the members going to want to pay dues lo an organization whose most. visible function seems to be arranging for pay cuts? At the least, union officials are risking an angry revolt from the bottom. and at most a railing away of members who figure they can get their wages cut without a middle man. These sorts of internal backfires won't start immediately. The rank and rile will gave the agreements a chance to work, but, like President Reagan, union officials will need an economic upturn soon or they will have to pay the consequences EVEN THAT MAV not help the unions that have negotiated give-backs. A general revival doesn't mean that any particul ar industry is going to revive. "Barring import tariffs, ev~n with a big pick·up in business, there is no reason to think that many or even any of lhe workf;rs laid off in the automobile industry will be hired back. The s ame for the rubber industry. On lhe other hand, prospects fo r going back lo work in the airline i ndus try are muc h brighter. However it goes, unions need more than wage cuts to serve their members ' mterests. Gelling out of lhe Florida resort country won't save them but it's a start. Combination of contraries revealed W ASHl NGTON The CIA has now co nfirme d that Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy was the target of an assassination attempt by his own army late last yea r, as I first reported two months ago. Intelligence sources s ay there have b een s ix previo us attempts on Khadafy's life over the past d~ade in whtch he was wounded -in lhe arm, shoulder, stomach and legs. But he was not seriously hurt. Interestingly, the latest attempt came amid increasirtg e vidence that the 39 -year-old dictator has given his blessing to the d evelopment of a personality cult. like Stalin and Mao Tse-tung before him. Where previously he was referred lo merely by his military rank of colonel, the Libyan media no w fawn on him as "the commander," "the leader" and even "the g reatest intellectual of the country." NOT BAD FOR somt:one who began life in a Bedouin camp in the Llbyan desert But even his worst enemies would not deny that Moammar Khadafy is a very remarkable man. I have followed Khadafy's career from the start. He has always been a pan-Islamic missionary of messianic proportions . Until recently, he affected an image of sell·effacing simplicity, a sort of "first among equals." When I first interviewed him, he received me in a Bedouin tent, and his interpreter fr eq uentl y argued w ith h i m vehemently. Now, apparently. it suits Khadafy's purpose to indulge in the kind or self.glorifying hyperbole that most dictators succumb to sooner or later Wh al is the man really like? It's difficult to say exactly; he is, as one analysis conctuded, "a combination of G -JA-Cl-AN-D-IRS_O_I -~ contraries." But my associate Indy Badhwar has seen intelligence reports whi ch profile the Arab fanatic who is n ea r th e top o f the Reagan administration's foreign enemies list. Her e are som e or the secrets they disclose· . -Khadafy is devout to the point of religious zealotry. He says all the prayers required by Islamic law, drinks no liquor and follows a tribal custom of eating no fish. He is inclined lo lecture captive audiences with long-winded, rambling sermons. and seems to regard himself as both a teacher and a preacher. He has undoubted charisma. -He is app arently a man of genuinely simple tastes. He lives in a small, sparsely furnished house - though sources say he is building r "I'm not 1Ure, dMr, but I think they WM1 u. to get out of the wrJ.'' 1 : ' himself another home in the area where he was born, and bas accepted the gift of a farm Crom the township of El·Marj. His one proud possession is a Fiat l.28, which he drives himsell. Before he acquire d t h e Fiat, he dro ve a Volkswagen that he had bought prior to the revolution that brought him to power. -Khadafy likes lo keep in touch with the people. In the early years of his rule, according to one intelligence report, he "used lo wander through the streets and marketplaces incognito in order to see and hear what was being said." He a lso u sed to drop in unannounced al government offices to check up on the bureaucrats. -The Libyan strongman exercises close control over the media. If he dislikes a program being broadcast, he will telephone the s\ation personally and order it cut off the air. He also proofreads certain newspaper stories to make sure they meet with his approval. -r-lever one to stand on diplomatic ceremony, Khadafy has been known to telephone other Arab leaders at odd. hours. and he has shown up in foreign countries without advance notice - sometimes without even privately informing his hosts. -"HE IS INCLINED to periods of silence and self.imposed isolation, disappearing from the public for long periods of time and staying in lsolatlon in the desert," according to an laraell intelligence profile. Though often spontaneou s '-t_~be point or Impulsiveness, and JUVRe to outbursts of an1er, Khadafy is alao capable of analyzing political event.a loeicall)' and acting according to lonc·range plans. These contradictions sugcest tbat be may be a manic depreulve. -Khadafy la a man of moodl. He la extremelY seu1tlve and bis feeUnp are easily hurt. He often suffers periods of depression. -Kha~y la an ext.remlat, He.lnC Wop aa either black or wb.lte. "Bia outlook la etottnlric, • • one lDt.ellllence anaJyail conclude•, .. He examiaea reality ln the Upt of hla own narrow appreciation. These lralta explain bll attachment to and unawentnc belief bl hi• 11mpU.tk aoclallat p~ IDd bit readineu to ft&bt for •t to tM -bMler end wit.bout recopidq llmitadom." , -Allh::Jb be hate• forel•••n reuralb ivolda eoatact wtlb tlMm when pout.,.., Khadaf7 can•~ be W8"ft. ,.. ...... and ~ ID ltJ'a.alln. t Few can penetrate I lawmaker barricade Bfforta of Sen. Ollie Speraw to clamp a lld on the amounts spent by the state Leaialature on IU own operaUons have been held up by the Senate Rules Committee . Speraw, a Lone Beach Republican completing his nnt terlh, has been a constrnt critic of lealalative spending which ftas risen to more than $100 miUlon annually, mostly to support a st aff exceeding 2,200. Opposing his proposed constitutional amendment, Senate President Pro Tem llll WATIRS David Roberti tcontendea "without funds for staff the legislators would be al the mercy of the lobbyists." IF ROBERTI and the others belie ved that clap-trap they don't deserve to be in Sacramento. In the days not too long ago when the part·lime, c itizen legislators labored without any staff whatsoever they held their heads far higher than the lawmakers of today. lbe name or the member for whom they work. and receive the unqualified support of that member for the paua1e of their brainchildren. While some of the 1 proposals are nothing more than sophomor'tc idealism, others ar e more sinister. being advanced by the aides with personal motivations and ambitions and some for their own financial gain. THIS PRAcrtCE of permitting the aides to program the work has become so prevalent that many members can't explain the provisions of bills bearing their na mes. And many depend upon their aides to tell the m how to vote on the bills proposed by others. There may be valid reasons to oppose a limit on legislative expenditures but the argument that the maintenance of st~rr is essential is· cert ainly not one of them . The right answer is to elect sensible people who can do their own work without having someone at their elbow to tell them what to say and do. Barring that. the excessive staff itself pro vides enough reason to pass Speraw·s limitation measure. Al • .... • Otange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 1•, 1982 WSLL , WE CERTAIN l.Y PROVED we CAN ~ENERATe PL.SNTY OF ENER~Y FROM Pl..AIN Ol.~ r<UBBIS~ ··· - I q I ! I Never mind the lobbyists, the ''full-time, professional·legislators' · are now at the mercy of the army of aides with who m the y have surrounded themselves. This new substructure of government which the legislators have created, in the guise of protecting the legislators from being "bothered," now ac~s as a ba rricade which few. including the Speaker Brown ignores will of people~· • lobbyists. can penetrate. In their role as advisers they interview both lobbyists and constituents a like. The result is that the members know only what their aides tell them. Even when they do relate messages to the legislators, the third-hand relay Is not like getting the information directly. While some of the consultants and aide s are hi g h l y et h ical a nd professionally competent. confining the mselves to legislative business, most are political activis ts seeking to influence legislation and elections, often ending up being legislative candidates themselves. At least one third of the current Legislature is composed of former aides and consultants. With such a corps of aides to assist them in their campaign efforts it is difficult indeed for opponents to challenge their re-election. Instead of being a body of citizens elected to represent their districts. the s tate Legislatur e is fa s t becoming an entrenched dynasty controlled by party bosses. Wors e is the dis proportio nate influence the a ides have over legislation. Many legis lators permit their aides to adwince their own ideas, have bills prepared to carry them out in Punch To the Editor. Co ngratulations on your March 7 editorial and cartoon treatment of Assembly Speaker Willie Brown's dirtv tricks in handling the drug parapher- nalia bill. His flagrant disregard of the will of the people was further demonstrated in a statement that he was responsible only MAILBOX to the voters of San Francisco. Senate Bill 341 supporters include (besides the Attorney General a nd law enforcement agencies> the California Chamber of Co mmerce. Ca l ifornia Medical Association, Kiwanis International, C alifo rnia Retaile rs Association. California P .T.A .. a nd other civic, bu s iness, r e ligio us , a nd parent organizations. TO FURTHER ilJustrate the s upport which this bill has. last summer at the Orange County Fair PRIDE gathered signatures on letters of support for this piece of legislation al the rate or one per minute. Yet, such overwhelming public sentiment has not s wayed him a bit, In fact, he arrogantly dlSdatna the "unsophisticated" view that even drug use should be c urbed legally . His argument for adult free choice is not as .. ~ : "'? .. f1~~-$:'\~ ... . f' f! ~} ..;;I #t~~~ "Beats me how they got planning perm1SS1on " •• brilliant as he ,think s, whe n he disregards the voic? of the majority of responsible California adults. Thank you for bringing his antics to public view. GENE RICE Squirrel.s blameless To the Editor: On behalr of Friends of Newport Bay, I wish to thank the Daily Pilot for the generous coverage you consistently h ave provide d co ncerning ou r en vironmental tours The Friends have sponsored the tours six times a year during the migratory season, since 1968, as a public ser vice. Few people are aware of the importance of coastal sa lt mars h ecologically and economically. The large public support for our tours is partly a result of the excellent publicity we have received through the media We a re very grateful for the assist you have given lo our educational program. In additiop to praise for your newspaper . I should l ike t o take exception to a statement in your Feb. 24 editio n. R egarding re p a ir work under way on the bluff along Back Bay Road. you quoted officials as saying the hllls ide "suffered erosion two years at the hands of heavy rain and ground squirrels that burrow in the earth." AL TIIOUGH IT MAY be a human trait to blame one's difficulties on a scapegoat. it doe s s e e m both preposterous and screamingly funny to cite the squirrels as the reason for the erosion of the p roperty now being "stabilized" at the upper end of Back Bay Road . Unfortunately, this area consis ts of fill dirt which was put there in 1971. It was used to bury a major fossil bed and make possible a housing development. Until then. lots or people. including so m e brought in buses from the Mus eum of Natural Hi s tory in Los Angeles, used to come to the fossil beds to dig aqd to do scientific research . Paleontologists and a rchaeologists who occasionally used the beds as a station fo r their on-s ite talks during our environme ntal t our s, having been deprived of this educational resource, now talk about the fossil beds which we re "saved for future generations" under the homes. During the firs t heavy rain which occur red soon after the filling, the erosion was so bad that Back Bay Road loolced like a disaster area. as the movies I took at the t.ime dramatically show. Seepage of water through the fill ed a r ea down lo the road has rema ined a persistent problem. Poor little squirrels . They're t oo innocent to have som eone else's irresponsibility heaped on them. Can't you imagine a Hitchcock thriller tilled, "Run for Your Lives the Squirrels Have Come'" F' RAN ROBINSON Gun lau1s oppose d To the Editor Concerning all "gun control laws" my a rgument against any such laws rests on two premises. either or which I would be happy to have you deny if you can s ubstantiate your arguments. 1 1 > Wheneve r a commodity is legislated as illegal ror private citizens to have. hold, drink, use, e tc. the c riminal ele me n t 1n our society immediate ly lakes over monopoly of this commodity a nd d is penses 1t at great cost to the citizen, and at great profit to them, and does so with little fear or the law being able to afford .. s mart lawyers··, e xploiting liber al j ud ges. a nd sc atte r i ng a little ··c ums haw " alon g th e way , i.e . prohibition. marijuana, heroin, cocaine , prostitution etcetera! (2) POLICE DO NOT basically act as deterrents to crime". If overtly visible, yes, but in the dark of the night, on the lonely street, alone in a car on the edge of a dark road they are of HtUe help. They ser ve m ainly to investigate a crime, hopefully bring forth a suspect, a nd give him over for trial. Hence the need Cor private security guards. gated communities, gua rd dogs, citize ns surveillance s:roups, alarm systems, ad 1nfi n1 t um Bas i c ally a perso n's protection rests upon himself. He has two alte rnatives. A Defend himself either with his own hands or some weapon that will all ow him equality with the attacker at least. This m ight inc lude judo, karate, a knife. bull-whip. or sword, but for the average citizen a gun is the simplest lo use with little formal training. B. Throw himself upon the mercy of the c riminal and hope t hat the attacker will l>e satis fi ed only to rob and knock him around a bit. With the increase in the number of "executions" of their victims by robbe rs along with mass • t..•ntr\ trc::irn ,,.~,, '"'" 1'1rt'IComf lf\e r•9"1t to<.anotnv ••• 1ff\ 10 tit "P•Cf' or •hm.,...1 .. llbtl o r.s.ervt<f Lettff\ Of JOO word\ 0t If''\\ wrn Of> Q•v,.n or~lf'ftnce All lttttr\ mt.n t 1n t ludt> \IQ'Wlurf' •net mtt1l1nq 11ctdr l'\S t>u' ~mt'\ "'41Y IM w•tnhtlO on rf'Quit\1 1f ~utftc 1MI rf'•\On ·~ •OOllr•nl Poetry ll'•lt nol OI" C)vf)l1\~ Lf'lltf \ "'•• CM l~t~d to M > toa. N•mt 4nct Of°'Or't' num~r of lh~ < ontr1bulor m..a.1 bf QIV-fift tor ,t, 1t1< •t•on purPoW'\ l rape of wi ves or daughters, this see~ hardly an attracti ve alternative. The~ "little darlings" tha t is the murdere9 a nd r api sts don't really know tt\e meaning of " me rcy." Therefore my conclusions : I Criminals will always have gun~. la w or no law against them. Taking them from the private citizen onl~ r esults in r e nde ring same citizeb helpless . 2. A man has a basic obligation to d e f end h is famil y from lil i m m e m ur ial a nd though he m d elegate this to others it does n exempt from that responsibility. For this defense he needs a we apon to m atch that or the criminal -namely a gun ' T. MOR~ Ma11euver robs voterA To the Editor: Where is the ACLU'? Where is Ralp~ Nader? Where are the class acti~ suits? I am incensed at the flagral)l disregard for decency and fairness ~ the latest m ach inations of Ure UN democratic Democrat party. · Two artJ cles in yesterday's Pilot sho~ an unlimited contempt for the publict "Seven Coast Cities LEFT Withotd St ate Senator ," and "Democrats Sd Victory." The De mocrats crow over th ei r p o litic a l v i ctory ip disenfranchising thousands of voters out or representation, and placing their political "ene mies· n awkwardly ger rymandered dis tracts . This is nb way to run a state government which i.s supposedly responsive lo the will of the people IT IS UNBE LIEVABLE to me th!ft the Democrats in convention would gi~e a standing ovation to the man who was m a inl y res pons ibl e for s uc h underhanded dealings, a man who also stacked the committee considering r es t r1 c l1 o n s on s a l es of drug pa raphernalia after all egedly receivi.Qg large campaign contributions froRJ manufacturers of such equipment, t man who brags about "taking care or your friends" in redistricting the state~ We can JUSl pray that the measure on the 3 une ballot will pass enabling voteft> to scrap the unfair redistricting tbe't t hese se111s b. . .unp rinc ipled, a rid self.ser ving politicians have dictated and have tried to cram down the voters' throats Voters. let's work to pass th.if> measure to show these political boss~ who really is the boss' ROBERTJ.EICHENBERG I . ~ ) Despite murder conv~ctions, Atlanta children live in fear arrest of ~lia: last year , but some Will iams has been sentenced to life; makes me reel bad. My heart sta~ ATLANTA -The Techwood Homes housing project is not a part of the Atlanta the civic boost ers like to promote. From the Littered streets or Techwood you can see the towering Peachtree Center and the other .&littering monuments of downtown Atlanta. But for the residents. looking out their windows toward downtown, they might as well be watching a television show. Techwood is poor and almost entirely black. The children of T echwood are the kinds of children who became victims during the infamous Atlanta murder spree. Kids who, until they became victims, had no names. Kids who were doomed to live and die in Tecbwood. It was to Techwood I went last week, now that the Wayne WUliams case is history. The newspapers are deeming the murder cases closed, the police task force is being-'1isbanded, and t.b•public la being asked to believe that -even though Wayne Williams was convicted only of the murders of two adults - W illiam s is, indeed, the man reapons\ble for most , tf nOl all, of the 28 notorious Atlanta murders. I WENT TO T~hwood to ftnd out ll the residents there -partJcularly the children -are buyin1 that. The, aren't. "I don't lbinlt Wayne WlWama did It all," 1ald a little 11rl who told me her nante •at Nlclty. "I've bees\ scared .every Diehl·· It is unusual for a white man to walk through Techwood at dusk, but the residents I spoke with were willing to discuss the Willia ms case with me. To s um it up briefly, they are still afraid. They feel that whoeve r was responsible for the murders, it was not Williams alone. The parents are afraid their children are still in peril: the children are a fraid , period. They sit on the front stoops of their low-rise apartment buildings, and they 11.1 Gllllf talk about the case. It is uton.l.lhin1 to hear such little children ta11tlnc about a murder trial in such detail. They know the names of victims, the particulars of allegations. "He didn't kill all those children ~ himselr," said a girl named AJiala Jordan, who couldn't have been more than 9. "My mother tell• me to atay Inside even though the trial'• over." T•tJE oa FALSE, the Nliden .. of Techwood believe t.hat, for a Iona time, It wH opes\ HUCXl on black chllar-In Atlanta, and that Wayne Wllllam1 Juat may have been a aea,.coal Tbe city'• law enforcement omcial.I.., daat there have been"° similar murden liDce the , , people familiar with the case disagree, now, people are suggesting, Atlanta can beating real fast and my head .ach~ and besides. legalistic "facts" don't go back to normalcy. a nd m y s tomach hurts I still bf wash al Techwood. In the Tech wood projects, it's not scared." The theories at Tech wood a re happening. The children who we re It is hard to blame Atlanta for trying imaginative. So~e. people believe that taught to spend their waking hours in to put ~he child murders behind . it. the two people Williams was accused of terror are not sophisticated enough to Atlanta 1s a wealthy, progressive cilj, murdering -the adults -were in fact understand that they 're not s upposed lo a nd the murders were the worst his accomplices, and he killed them to do t hat anymore. When you walk publicity ever to ha ppen to it. If t1* shut them up. Some continue to believe through Tecbwood, and you walk up to civic leaders of the town had their war. that vigilante police otricers w~re a youngster to ask a question, as often we would all forget that the murd~ r esponsible for the murders. Some think as not he will run. That is what the ever occurred. Justice has been serv . it was a racist conspiracy of whites children have been told to do and they those leaders say; now let's get on wi harboring a deep hatred for all blacks. are s till doing it. ' the future. None or those theories make a lot of "Have the children changed yet?" But in the Techwood projects, ~e sense. But then, the murders didn't asked Ronnie Bates, an adult who lives terror is still there. You can see Ule m a ke sense .. And lhe ' me><><! In the in Techwood. "No, they're still acting towers or downtown from Techwood; Techwood proJects has something to do like they acted when this was going on . but on those barren streets, the men with. a matter !ver more important than It's not. going to go away so fast." and women and especially the chlldrdn reahty. Jl is this: And a young boy named Larry Glass, know an essential fact · They are st.fl ALL DURING the months of the murdered-and· missing c hildren, psychia trists and psychologist.a and social workers wer e making 1rand statements about how deep scars were aoing to be len. on the souls or the children or Atlanta long an.er the murden were history. The experta sald that, after leamlnc to Uve in rear, It would " virtually lmpoasible for Atlan.ta'I black chUdren to remember how to Uve any ot.he.r way . But now that t.be lrlal la over -and Wayne Williama baa been convld.ed ol two crlmet, in a coatronnial deddoa -it la u lf everyOM bu foreotten what those aoclal expertl were uylnc. speaking slowly and clearly, otd~ all alone. / "They might not have the riaht t ,person. I still look out tor the-other children and for myself." When you wander aroWld Tecbwood. \t looks like any other dismal project in any other big city. liut there is a dJfference. The chlldren atill feel they are tar get.a; they know that a~man named Wayne Willlam1 hH Hn convicted or a crime, but aom inc ln•Lde them will nOl let them relu. It hat bMn more t.ban a yeer 1lnce they ba\te truly relaxe d , and lllll they cannot. 11.mYlll How come the world never ends w It 's auppc>Md to! A tiny ctrl, named CalberlM. t ald to me, 11He may set oul and be may~ ::::-~ .. ::::::·-:~..=-.= ln somebody'• house and I'm Kand. It -. ...., ......, , CORNED BEEF BRISKET TABLE KING OR COOK S POINT CUT -LIMrf 2 GARDEN FRESH CABBAGE LB. e GREAT WITH CORNED BEEF ORE-IDA r-\ POTATOES O'BRIEN ~ ~ 24 OUNCE 4V/J .9z9 BAILEY'S 11 ?!!,!~.J;!E•CREAM ~~: 5 9 BUSHMILLS 9 99 IRISH WHISKY ~~j'5 · 75() "'\Ill ILITCR • f ~NsVoNsVo~~M8w~v;~;~;~~s~o~~Vo8~owNsw~v;o;~ Ii •332 MON .• TUES. & WED. ~ I ii Present this coupP2~w~~~ oS9.~gt~!:f .. centsoff' coupon i! and get double the savings from Vons. 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I 7 --.. .. ANNOUN C ING T H I' ARRIVAL WALD()W COPPF~RWARI~~ (. II 0 S I-N I-0 R () I-\ J (, N IJ I II I I I Y '••I ' I • GlT ' 'OR~AT THINGS l • . ' -. Journey to South Coast Plaza's .. .. Kingdom of Lego@ No Passport Needed Discover European Cities, Castles, a Space Command Center-even a building blocks play area . ~SOUTH COAST PLAZA ' I D1ily Piiat SUNDAY, MA~CH 1.C, 1982 FOR THE RECORD 86 Fresno State to get. a shot at Georgetown. See story . B2. 0 0 Question Inarks plaguing UC • e. 10klahoma -bound Anteaters still don't know if Magee will be ready Monday night By JOHN SEVANO Of .. DMff .......... As the UC Irvine basketball team boarded its plane today for Norman, Okla., where the Anteaters will meet the Soonera of Oklahoma University Monday night (8 o'clock> in round two of the NIT, the question marks surrounding the club far outweighed the answers. Of course, of immediate concern was the condition of Kevin Magee, UC l 's two-time All-American who was forced to leave Friday night's game with Sanl Diego State early in the second half due to a hanii injury. Magee, who sliced the webbing of bis right band trying to block a slam dunk by the Aztecs' Michael Cage, has been dropped from probable to questionable for Monday night's contest with the Sooners. The injury. which required nine stitches between the ring finger and the pinky or his shooting band, kept the 6·8 postman out of practice Saturday. "'We practiced as if we were going to play without him," admitted UCI assistant coach Herb Livsey, who conducted Saturday's workout "We're positive about it, though. We can't change a lot just because Magee's not in there." In other words, UCI will still try to run with the Sooners, a team that enjoys a fast-tempo game. The Sooners, who finished third in the Big Eight (behind Kansas State and Missouri), are 20·10 this season, having won five of their last six games and 9 of their last 12. In its openlng round NIT contest with Oral Roberts, Oklahoma overcame a 14-point deficit to beat the'Titans, 81 ·73. The Sooners were led by the outside scoring of 6~7 forward David Little (33 points) and 6-4 guard Chuc ky Barnett (24 ). Barnett alld Little, incidentally, were the Big Eight's leading scorers this year at 18.5 and 18.3, respectively. · "They're basically an outside shooting team," said Livsey, "'and -those are the kind that have given us problems this year." Livsey said, at the moment, UCI will open in its customary 3-2 zone defense, which is usually vulnerable to baseline jumpers which Little )ust happens to excel in. "To tell you the truth, though, we haven't been able to sit down yet as a coaching staff to really decide what we're going to do," said Li vsey. "The first time all of us will be together since Friday will be when we board the plane tomorrow." Livsey, although he hasn't viewed any game films, said the Sooners rebound well , but aren't very quick. He based his facts on various scouting reports. "Quickness is not a trademark of tbe Big Eight," he added. The Sooners, however, did use an effective zone press against Oral Roberts to get back into th~ game. And, it's no secret that outside of Kevin ft'uller and Ben McDonald, the Anteaters do not handJe the ball well. If Magee 1s unable to answer the bell, Bob Thornton would gel the call to s tart, with Curtis Crossley seemg extensive playing Ume off tile bench Immediately following UCI's ·win over the Azte cs Friday n ight , Coach Bill MuUi1an exclaimed Magee would play "even if he bas te> do it one-handed." · Magee, however. wasn't as optimistic and San Diego State's team physician, Dr. Lee Brown, wbo examined the ugly gash and said Magee shouldn't play at all ..I would recommend that he doesn't play," s;.iid Brown .. The guy has a great future ahead of him."' Mulligan, after conferring with Ma1ee Saturday, softened his approach on his center's status · \~ ~ "'It's reall y doubtful,' said Mulligan. "He didn't practice today, he won 't practice tomorrow when we get there: and Monday he'll just play <See UCI, Page 86) Sutton's colllehack on hold By CURT SEED EN Of -Oelly ...... $left COCOA, Fla. -Don Sutton's baseball future is clouded these days. The likable, former Los Angeles Dodger pitcher , now toiling for the Houston Astroa, tries to make li ght of his bum knee. You remember the knee? The one that took a Jerry Reu.p f astball square a nd e nded Sutton's 1981 season. · The date was October 2, ·and Reuss' pitch shattered Sutton's kneecap. Doctors have told the 36-year-old right hander be will always have problems with the joint But Sutton never thought the pitch would be the last he'd ever see . Nor did he think that his own pitc hin g days would dwindle in 1982. No, Sutton figured on bein& back in an Astro uniform aaain this spring with full intentioo.s ol r etaining his position in tbe Houston starting rotation. But the injury did have one profound effect on the man who now makes Laguna Hills his home. Intense rehabilitation, ranging from weight training to therapy exe r c i ses, did accomplish one thing . It made for a very quiet winter for Sutton IT MADE FOR fewer business trips during the off -season. It made for f e w e r personal appearances on behalf of the people and things he likes. , It also brought Sutton clos.er fo the reality that he likes bein& home. He likes seeing his wife P atti and his children. And be has fallen head over knee for bis Nellie Gail Ranch home. . Delly ...... -lly Gert • ..,..,._ EXTRA EFFORT -Univers ity High runners Phil Nilsen and Brent Colquitt (left and middle, le ft photo) and Fredrick Hesslevik (right> give it a little extra during Saturday's Irvine Vaquero Invitational at Irvi ne High . Nilsen was a winner in t he 800-meter event with Colquitt finis hing third, while Hesslevik captured the 1,500 mete r race Sec story, Page B4 .. W he n I 'm p l aying in Houston, I" m playing in a city without a home. I have no anchor," Sutton was s aying Saturday prior to the Astros' exhibition ga m e with the Dodgers here. "Our home at Nellie Gail fi ts all of our needs." Angels drop 5-2 decision to Padres Basketball seen as a 'dull enterprise' After a shot attempt, the ball either goes into the basket or it doesn't The mailman brings a letter from a lady who berates your leader as follows : •'No matter how hard you try lo hide it, it is obvious your favorite game is not basketball." SPORTS COLUMNIST Actuall y. college basketball came lately College football was in bed with TV long before the NCAA basketball tournament and the evil box discovered each other. It grew in stature and consequently There is one small problem with Sutton 's res idence in Laguna Hills. It leaves him far away from his family when he's with the Astros. Because Sutton was forced to bobble around for much of the winter, he didn't wander away from home so mu c h . And he discovered he liked the feeling. ··1 had an injur y which stopped me from doing more than I would usually do. So we s tayed closer together as a family," he says. · It . ·f. ,, , , ~ .• !" ! ,. ,. ... r F PALM SPRINGS (AP> - Garry Temple ton ripped a two-run double in the third inning and left-hander John Curtis struck out five in three innings to lead the San Diego Padres to a 5·2 exhibition baseball victory over the Angels Saturday. Well, there is room for disagreement bere in one important respect. No attempt is ever m ade t o disguise the fact basketball is not my favorite pastime. BUD TUCKER financially -during the glory years of UCLA when the Bruins won 10 national ~ ~ championships and were identifiable SUTTON'S NEW-FOUND love Templeton's double followed singles by Clifton Wherry and Gene Richards and an infield out and gave the Padres a 3-0 lead against Ken Forsch. The Angels' right-banded ace was raked for eiaht hits and five runs. Curtis pitched one-hil ball through the first three innings for the Padres, 4-1 in exhibiUon act.i~o. The Angels 1-4, broke throu1b for a run in the sixth on Ro4' Carew's .two-out aio1le, pinch-runner Daryl Sconiers' steal of ae~ond an ano er sin1le by 1"ed Lynn. Sln1les by Rick Burleson, Dou1 DeCinces and Don Baylor produced the An&els' final nm in the ninth. The An1els announced after t.be 1ame that aeven players are beia11ent to tbelr minor leque camp in Cua Ora.Dde, Arh., lacludln1 left-banded pitcher Bill Travers, wllo al1aed a lour·year Sl.S mllllon free·a•ent pact with tbe ,\neela prior to u. ......... - To me, basketball involves 10 rather grotesque figures running up and down a noor at each end of which they throw a ball at a basket. The total result of Um action is either that (a > the ball goes in the basket or Cb> it doesn't. Professional basketball has a trifle more to recommend it than the college game if for no other reasOll that Its creatures are even more unreal in terms of appearance and therefore more amusing. Moreover, the rules of the colleges ,permit the stall; which is the practice of standin around -with ·the baU-:-wtth~ur sho&Iifg . 1' s transforms an already dull enterprise into an event of total and colossal boredom. HOWEVER, THERE Is an aspect of college basketball which does tend to capture the imagination. By t.be nature of its format, the NCAA post-aeuon tournament creates an interesUna and entertaining state of affairs. Most impartant, the NCJAA po1t season lblng involves colle1e shfea from &11 over the country and throu1h the loCical - Indeed democrat}c -proc111 of ellmioatJon, creates a lelitimate natloaal ~ championship team. This is vital simply because the most influential force in intercollegiate athletics -indeed in all of college society -does not determi ne a nation a l championship team with anything resembling a degree of legitimacy. College football presents a synthetic champion which Is establis hed by elections as opposed to competition on the greensward. Col!ege basketball puts on a progressive and interesting show culminating in a __ s_h~owdo~.Jiet.we,en.Jhe-lWO-sides. whieh< arr VeG by means Of a series of WiMing efforts and therefore can be presumed to be the bejst. Television, a monster which in some ways ia eating sports alive, does a creditable job ln presenting the NCAA tournament as it develops and gt"OWS In Interest and suspense. IT 18 TV that wlll eermil the NCAA post seat0n attraction to aurvtve forever. Tbe networks understand the value of this lnteresUng round robln and comequea&ly pay throu"1 the nostrils for the televlaion ri1hu to the aerie1 of 1am ... ' throughout the nation. for. the family life, combined r. .. with the comfort of his home ~ It is said the fact UCLA was the star of prompted him to make what be the s how explain s wh y the NCAA thought was an lnnoceot investigative forces saw nothing but statement last month. cleanliness in the Bruin operation until He mentioned he would like to after its excellence began to diminlsb. finish his career on the Wat This has yet to be proven, but it is Coast. He made the remarks on certainly not without logic. the radio. He added that be IRONICALL", IT 1.s the influence of didn't want to finish his career . '~ .. with Oakland, San Francisco or outside bank notes which keep college San Diego. football from condu cting a similar I h t s ll ·d b tourn •.,m0 nL ts\ 4.e.t.erm!.JlDe.e_a.a....;tur;&i111.ee._aa.an,G--,;•m1;t-nn7f;;'sor-;o=-:r ~ .. ~ sai e_ _,_ .. _ -.., Ufdri'l m1na wrappin1 up· the untarnished national champion. Workable career with the An1eb .. nte plans are regularly submitted to the NCAA statement created " furor wblcb which turns a deaf ear. • even led to an inveati1atlon.bJ "" Revenues from major bowl games and commissioner Bowie Kuhn. the accompanying influence of television Sutton ·s till stands ·by bl• dollars prevent colle1e football from statement about the Aqela, yet applying loglc to its national championship he still maintalns bla alleliance process. to tbeA._tros. • Therefore, colle1e basketball loef one ''.){ doesn't mean tbere it up and there are lhoee who enjoy the a nytbin1 wron, wltb tbe NCAA tiUe toumement ~•h to tolerate Houston Aalro1. 'm plulal' UM way the colle1e game 11 played. w It b 25 of tbe •reatHl To eecb b1a own, of coune. '1bere ia no ~ammalel. But rilll.t DOW, m7 . accouaUnl for Laite&. Some people drink top .,rtortt.y ls to 1ta1 u cloee to ' Scotch Wtilaltey. <See SVTl'ON, ,..,. •> _ · I Stiffnes& keeps Roee on sidelines h•• AP .... &elaes • CLEARWATER, Fla. -Veteran Ill PhUadelpbia Phillies flnl bueman Pete Rose miaaed another day of . pracUce Saturday, the day after be stepl*f lo the plate for bl.a first sprina training workout. Mana1er Pat Corrales ordered Rose to fpre10 practice after the 40-year-old complained of stiffness and iorenesa aa a result of Friday's trainlne. Rose missed the first 11 days of training becaUJe of a muscle pull in his lower back suffered Feb. 20 while playing tennl• near bis home in Cincinnati. Rose took treatments Saturd•Y morning lo. relax the spasms that have been causing bis discomfort. • Dr. Phillip Marone, the Phillies' team physician, said Rose could have taken batting practice but should not field grounders ln order to.avoid unnecessary bending. Marone said he was pleased with Rose's • progress but added: "I expected him lo feel this way (Saturday)." Meanwhile , rookie Len Matuszek bas replaced Rose at first base. · Quote of the day "I might not be an all-time great, maybe oot even. an all-time good. But I can say I am the all-time survivor." -St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Jim Kaat, who at the age of 43 is set lo begin bis 24th major --Jeagt1e se"'°"· Kite leads. Nicklaus heads home Tom Kite, a winner only last n Monday, grabbed the lead with a 5-under-par 67, while Jack NlckJau grabbed his shoes and beaded home, a victim or the cut Saturday in the second round of the Inverrary Golf Classic in Lauderhill, Fla. Kite, the defending title-holder of the Inverrary Classic and golf's leading money-winner, completed 36 boles of the rain-delayed event with a 132 total, 12-under-par and one stroke ahead of Geor1e Banas. Meanwhile, Nicklaus could do no better than a 71 and 144 total, level par; on the 7,129-yard course, not good enough to qualify f or today's double-round windup . . . MWer Barber shot a &-under-par 66 to forge a one-stroke lead over DH Sikes heading into the final round of the Vintage Invitational at Indian Wells. Four shots off the pace are Art Wall and AntOld Palmer, at 213, while no. Jaauary and BWy Casper stand at 215, one-under-par over three rounds. .. Getzky, Oller• break losing etre~ . •hY8• Gre&1k1 Hl up tbree u 1oal1 and th• Edmonton Oilers ' anapped out of a four·t•me mlq streak wlt.h four power·pl•Y soall l.bat produ~ a 5.3 victory over St. Loula ln the N!Uon&l Hockey Leaiu• Saturday nlllht. Gretaky. held acoreJeu in a 3·2 Joas to Buffalo Friday nl&bt. now hu 108 aaal•t.a, one short of Ole NHL mark he aet last season. But he dld not score a 10&1 for the sixth strai1ht game . . . Tffnace rookie Dale Hawerclauk scored three coals and asalat.ed on two others to lead Wlnnlpe1 to a 10-2 rout of Toronto . • . Lauy McDollald acored twice ln the second period aa Cal1ary notched a 4· l win over Buffalo . . . llelllt Gutaf .... '1 aoal at 9 :46 helped Washington beat PhlladelphJa, 6-3 ... Rick Ket.oe scored two goals as Pittsburah knocked off Colorado, 6·2 . . . Three goals and two assists by WUI Paiemeat helped Quebec cruise past Chlc110. 9.3 ... Steve Kasper broke a 1-1 tie with hls tsth goal of the season midway throu1h the second period as Boston hung on lo beat Detroit. 5.3 . . . S&eve Sbutt returned to the lineup lo score bis 28th goal and Dealt Hel'J'Oll recorded his third shutout as Montreal blanked Hartford, 5-0 . . . Bobby Smith unlocked a tie w1tb his 40lh goal in the second period and added an insurance goal in the third, steering Minnesota to a 3·2 win over St. Louis. Turner likes Braves in West Atlanta Brav.e.s <lwner Ted Turner recstatic over his team's start in exhibition play this year, says he's "getting ready to hoist a pennant because -e're going to win one." During bis first visit of the year lo the Braves' spring training camp, Turner predicted the Braves would win the National League West championship. Olll ~ leads Rockets past Blazers Moses Malone scored 49 points, m 22 in the fourth quarter, as the Houston Rockets er ased an early deficit and posted a 112-107 victory Saturday night over the Portland Trail .Blazers. The Rockets had fallen behind by as many as 13 points early in t he s econd period ... Elsewhere, Kevin Grevey scored 14 of his 26 points in the third quarter to lead Washington to a 109-99 win over New York that spoiled the debut of Paul Westphal with the Knicks. West phal s co r ed 19 p oi nts in 30 minutes ... Eddie Johnson scored 24 points, 16 in the first quarter, as Atlanta smashed Indiana , 110·90 ... Rookie forward Jay Vincent poured in 33 points, as Dallas stopped San Diego, 126-118 ... cun Roblnaoa notched 25 points and Scott Wedman and Bobby WUkenoa added 21 apiece as Cleveland outlasted Utah. 121 -115. It was the Jan' ninth straight loss . MUaca• e&DalfO ·~rcer·s fly wins it for Yankees Veteran BobbJ ••rcer, a Ill non·ro1ter player, bit a baaea-loaded sacrlllce fly in the ninth lnnin1 to give the Yankees a 7-6 exhlblUon victory over Baltimore Saturday. A two-ou.t double by Barry Foote bad tied the score at 6·6 In the eighth, Cirlvln1 in pinch-hitter Murcer, who bad walked and reached third . . . Elsewhere, Lee Lacy snapped an eighth-Inning tie with a run-scoring single lo lift Pittsburgh lo a 9-8 victory over Atlanta . . . Cesar Cedeao'a two-run single ln the third inning paced Cincinnati lo a 3-2 victory over Detroit ... Leoa Dart.am doubled to score one run and the Cubs added another unearned run in the seventh Inning for a 6-4 wln over Milwaukee . . . TOllY Feraaade:r drove in the winninJ( run with a one-out double in the 12th inning as Toronto shaded Montreal, 4 ·3 . . . Mike Scott, Scott llolmaa and Terry Leach combined to scatter eight hits and the Mets turned over five double plays in a 4·1 victory over St. Louis ... The White Sox cracked five home runs and overcame a 5-1 deficit lo rout Boston, 12·5 . . . Diet Davia, . Gary Mau.hews and Mike Schmidt dr.ove in two runs apiece as Philadelphia s wamped Minnesota, 10-2 ... Rookie third baseman Wayne ToUeson collected three of Texas' 16 bits as the Rangers poundeg Kansas City, 7-t' ... The Oak.land A's were rained out a second straight day in their scheduled game against Seattle. The San Francisco-Cleveland game was also canceled. UTEP's· win has foreign flavor Durable Suleiman Nyambul ·• rallied to win the mile for the fourth consecutive year and easily captured the twO:miTe ·for the third limt!, leading the University or Texas-El Paso t-0 its third straight title in the NCAA indoor track and field championships . Tbe Miners, winning lbe crown for the seventh time in nine years, got all their points from foreigners for the second year in a row. They collected 67 points, far ahead of runner-up Arkansas , which bad 30 points . . Elaine Zayak, a 16-year-old American, came from seventh place with a brilliant dis play of free skating Saturday night lo win the women 's title at t he World Figure Skating Championships in Copenhagen, De nmark ... Marty Fletclaer, the top assistant at North Carolina State the last four years, was named Saturday the new head bas k etball coach at Virginia Military Institute ... Mal Acosta lost an early lead but recovered with five consecutive strikes to defeat Tommy Hudson, 229-189 and win the Fair Lanes Open pro bowling tournament Saturday in Hyattsville, Md ... Mutafa BamlM, in his first fight since losing to Mania Baller, scored a majority decision over Curtls Parker of Philadelphia Saturday. Bulldogs outlast Virginia Tech Defending champion Indiana ousted by Birmingham; Biola loses NAIA title bid From AP clilpatclaea LOGAN -Rod Higgins scored 18 points and Tyrone Bradlef bad five in the flnal 1: ~ to power 11th-ranked Fresno State to a 50·46 victory over No. 14 West Virginia in the second round of the NCAA West Regional Basketball Tournament Saturday. . The victory moved Fresno State into a West sem ifinal game Thursday against sixth-ranked Georgetown. With the score tied at 40, Bradley scored a layup and Higgins bit.two free throws lo give the Bulldogs a four-point edge with 1:07 remaining. After a Mountaineer foul shot, Bradley sank two free throws with 46 seconds remaining lo make it 46-41. West Virginia guard Greg Jones, who finished with 17 points, hit a short Jumper but Higgins put the game away with two more free throws with 27 seconds left. Jones' jumper at the buuer followed single free throws by Fresno State forward Bobby Davis and Bradley. The s.ame, tied 27·27 at balllime, pitted two teams With almost identical styles -pressure defense, patient offense and precision passing. Oeo~wn 51, Wyoming 43 L~ -Eric Smith and Eric "Sleepy" Floyd extinguished a late Wyoming surge as. sixth-ranked Georgetown claimed a 51-43 victory over the Cowboys in the West Regional. Wyoming center Chris Engler, the Cowboys' leading scorer with 14, hit a basket with 1:43 remaining to make it 46-43 for Georgetown. But that was Wyoming's last basket. Floyd made a basket and a foul shot and Smith bit two foul shots to keep the game out of reach. Wyoming threw the ball away twice and guard Mike Jackson missed a jumper with 49 seconds remaining. Mlaeourt 73, Marqfi!•tt• 89 TUI.SA -Ricky Frazier hit 20 points, center Steve Stlpanovicb added 19 and No. 5 Miaaouri uaed late f~ throws lo stop Marquette, 73-t11 in the Midwest Re1ional. lli.uowi meets Houston in the semifinals of the Midwest Regional in St. Louis Friday. Missouri used a 13-3 spurt midway through the second half to jump to a 5643 lead over the Warriors with 11:34 left. But Marquette guard Glenn Rivers keyed a Warrior comeback which brought them to within one at 60·59 with 5 :34 remaining. Houston 78, Tulsa 74 TUl.SA -Guard Rob Williams ignited the Houston attack with 16 of bis 26 points in the second half as the Cougars upset No. 10 Tulsa 78-74 in the Midwest Regional. Houston, 23-7, advances to the regional .em !finals in St. Louis Friday. The Cougars built their lead to 5743 with 14 minutes left and used a half-court press to shut down Tulsa's attack in the last 10 minutes. Alabama-Birmingham 80, Indiana 70 NASHVILLE, Tenn. -Oliver Robinson scored 23 points and 17th ranked Alabama-Birmingham surged to a 19-point first-half lead as the Blazers downed defending national champion Indiana 80-70 in a Mideast Regional game. The Blazers, reeling off their 11th consecutive victory, look control with torrid shooting in the first 8~ minutes Louisville 81 , Middle .Tenneuee State 56 NASHVILLE. Tenn. -Derek Smith scored 17 points, including three three-point plays, and Jerry Eaves led a pressing defense that sparked 20th-ranked Louisville to an 81-56 victory over Middle Tennessee State in the Mideast Regional. Louisville, 21 ·9. advances to next week's regional semifinals in Birmingham, Ala. North Carolina S2, James Madison SO CHARLOTTE, N.C. -James Worthy's only points of the second half helped top-ranked North Carolina hold off upset-minded James Madison 52-50 in the East Regional. Worthy, who finished with 15 points, connected on a three-point play with 57 seconds left. lo widen the Tar Heel lead to 50-'6· Alter Jame~ Madison ' Kings muffle Islanders, 3-0 I INGLEWOOD (AP) -Doui won that 1nany games in a row. empty net after New York Smith, Marcel Dionne ana Jn tbe three victories. Loa Coach Al Arbour pulled Charlie Simmer provided the Anleles baa allowed just two Melanson in favor of •n extra 1corln1 and 1oalie Mario 1oala. attacker. Melanson was pull~ Leuard turned lo bla second Smith shot Loa An1eles into a with 44 seconds left. and Simmer 1butout ID tbe put three 11.mm 1-0 lead after just 1:93 of play •cored wiU134 seconds to ao. Saturday Dllbt, leadiq the L09 when he nat.ed past New York The Klngs raised their record lost the ball on a foul, Worthy converted two more free throws with 34 seconds remaining to extend North Carolina 's advantage lo 52·46. James Madison refused to quit. however. and two free throws by Charles Fisher closed the margin to 52-48 with 27 seconds left. Memphis State 56, Wake Forest SS CHA RLOTTE, N.C . -Keith Lee 's three-point-play with 2:27 remaining proved to be the winning basket as ninth-ranked Memphis State downed No. 18 Wake Forest 56-55 in the East Regional. Memphis Stale advances .lo the regional semifinals against the winne r of today's Northeastern-Villanova game. S.C.-Spartanburg S1 , Blola 38 KANSAS CITY -Mike Gibson scored 20 points as South Carolina-Spartanburg broke a light game wide open in the final four minutes to shock top-seeded Biota, 51-38 in the championship game of the NAIA Tournament. Biota the only team in collegiate history lo win 39 ga~es in a season , ended the season with a 39-1 mark. Gibson triggered Spartanburg's late getaway with a 10-foot basket that gave the Rifles a 37 ·32 lead at the 3:20 mark. Wendall Gibson, who is no relation to Mike Gibson, bit a free throw as Spartanburg outscored Biota U>-4. Mike Gibson hit two free throws lo cap the scoring blnge, making it 49-36 with 28 s.econds left in the game. Th• Largest U11d Boat Show In The U.S . NIWPORT HARIOR IN·THl-WATIR AD1elel K1aCI lo a S-0 Nallonal defenseman Denis Potvin and to 21·34-14 while the Jsla.nden, Hoc"1 Lea.cue victory over the beat 10.Ue Roland Melanson who own the NHL's ~st reeord, The w .. r. on• and only U•ed Boat Show wlll fMtura the New York lalaoden. from JO feet with a wrist a.bot. fell to 47·15-8. It was only the 1ar0Ht .. 1ect1on of vintage and nearly new Hlllng and Tb• lalanden, wbo 11w a Tbe Klnp protected the 1Um second loa for the lllanden lD Power yacht• ever aaaembled In one location. Aahofe wlll nlne·lamt unbeaten atrtAC end, lead wttb aureuive cbeddnl thefr last 26 sames. They are 1>e a Hlectton of marine accneory and NfVIC. exhibit•. were bl-W for tbe ftnt time and Leuard'a standout 22·2·21ntbose2Sfamea. Ll4oMertn11Vll .... ,Newport.._.. la 115 pmes. Tbey hadn't betll ,oal~ -be wound up wtth Bry•• ,.......u.r had bit streak abut out line. llarcb 2, 190, .n ..... -· I J"' !l!rl "°°" lo. pin, a.. 10 am to. pm, IUn 10 a.rn. IO. Pf" wbea ta..y·b8ttled PIUI....,._ to llldw•J thro111b the final ef scoring at least oae polnt ftollOwll••'en• tromeo..1 Hwy enc1 ~ INd. to a o.o lie. Kr.!ocl Dionne toe*~ h'Olll 1nap~t 2S 1ame1, loqeat la oatt11no tot and,,.,.,, , Tlae .tc:tOl'J Wal tb• UllH t eve 8oMk and from 15 t1ba•m-a~ tblJ .l!alera1•.~ ~ . POW a~' MOW IAIYOAT 1MOW mailll& for tbe,........ laql, feet to beat Melw"O". Simmer .... -~ ~ _,. .... ni..Vll~ ll8"lh 11·11 ...,. .... CM nnt ttma U. ....-t.MJ'n tompleted tbe RCl!dac lato an •el by GU1 Lafleur. Basketball lllghligliteil · NCAA playoffs follow NBA 8)' HOWUD L. HANDY Of .. ....,"91.... I Followlno are the top SPorts events on TV tod•Y· Ratings are: / 1 1 1 e xcellent; 1 I1 worth wetchfno; 1 1 farr; 1 forget It. - <t 9 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Phoenix at Boston. Announcers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. The Suns are currently Involved In a tight battle for third place in the Pacific Division, 61h games behind the Lakers. The Celtics, led by Larry Bird who returned from an Ill Jury this week, have zoomed to the top of the Atlantic Division, 2'h games ahead of Phlladelphia. n 10:25 a.m .. Channel 11 I .( .( DODGER BASEBALL: Houston \IS. Qodoers. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. The AstrOti, who dumped the Dodgers Saturday, have won two of three exhibition encounters, white LA Is 2·3 in the spring. ® 11:1S a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ I . NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT : Tennessee vs. Virginia. Announcers: Garv Bender and Billy Packer. Tennessee edged Southwestern Louisiana Fr iday night to gain a SPot apposite No. 3 rank~ Vi rginia In today's second round. Dale Ellis scored 23 points and Michael Brooks made six clutch free throws for the Volunteers. Virginia is led by 7-~ center Ralph Sampson. ~ Noon, Channel 4 I I GOLF: lnverrary Classic. Announcers: Don Criqui, Jay Randolph, Bruce Devlin, John Brodie and Bob Goalby. Tom Kite takes a one-stroke lead Into today's double-round, necessitated by winds earlier In the weekend. Kite is the defending title-holder of the lnverrary Classic and he leads George Burns by one stroke with 36 holes to play. <I) 1 :30 p.m., Channel 2 I ./ I ./ NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Boston College vs. DePaul. Announcers: Frank Glieber and Steve Grote. Boston College surprised the University of San Francisco Dons to gain a spot opposite No. 2 ranked De Paul in today's second round encounter. De Paul will have Terry Cummings (22 Point scoring average and 12 rebounds) along with senior guard Skip Dillard and Junior forward Bernard Randolph ready for the game. De Paul is coached by the veteran Ray Meyer. <I) 3:30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ WOMEN'S GOLF: Olympia Gold Classic. AnncMHKer: Tom Kelly . Donna H. White holds a three-stroke lead going into today's final round of the Olymplc Gold Classic at Industry Hills. Ayako Okamoto of Japan Is second with defending champion Sally Little In third, four strokes off the pace. Mardell Wilkins of Mission Viejo is tied for eighth place at 221 . OTHER TELEVISION 10 a.m. (~l -SPORTSWORLD -Tony Ayala Clb·Ol one of the fastest-rising junior middlewelght conte~ers, takes on Steve Gregory CtS-1-2) in a scheduled 10-round bout from Atlantic City, N.J . Also: A downhill skiing event, taped at Whistler Mountain in British Columbia and the All-Ireland hurling championship, taped at Dublin. 1 :30 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -The S~n Francisco 49ers and Cincinnati Bengals sQuare off 1n the football preliminary. · 2 p.m. (4 ) -SPORTSWORLD -Cur:tis Harris vs. Ruben Munoz in a scheduled 10-round hghtwelght fight telecast from~tlantic City, N.J . i :'JO p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WO~LD -The U.S. boxing team vs. Yugoslavia In a series of t>outs, taped at Rapid City, S.D> J :'JO p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Coverage of the ladles competition at the World Skating championships, taped at Copenhagen, · Denmark. Also: Part 1 of the Superblkers motocross race, taped at Carlsbad. RADIO Baseball -Houston vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach. 10: 10 a.m., KABC (790); Miiwaukee vs. Angels at Palm Springs, 12:SS p.m., KMPC (710). Basketball -Dallas at Lakers, t>:SO p.m ., KLAC (570). Dodgers stopped by A8tros COCOA, Fla. (AP) -Danny Heep bit a three-run homer and a two-run single Saturday lo lead the Houston Astros to an 8·3 exhibition baseball victory over the Los Angeles Dod1en. Private Notice INTERIOR DESIGNERS ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS Chipman DMloner Showroom la a lull Hrvlce whole11le ahowroom catetlng u clualwely to the trede. We rept11en1 a wide 111ecllon 01 line name brand 1uinlahlno1 end ecc11sorln . Onc:t Hell , .. , we c-..r oul ..,.cled ,.,,.,. al coel. ftHr COit end below co.I. Sleeper Solu • Mettre1se1· Reclifl41<•-Lamps · Cu nos 01n1110 Rooms -Bedrooms -Upttolstered Chalfl -Wall Syttema Qrandfether CIOC~s · SolH • lov-ats • COC-tJll Te«>les - 9ru1 Tel/Ber C.,,1 • 0 11omu11 • Fonnal 01n1ng1Game Se11 O .. k/Secret1rl11 • P1cturet • Desks· T1blts • Acc:ot1orlfll Ind much, much m0<t THUltSDAY March..JJ_e..10 am to.e PM-- SATURDAY M•rch 13•10 Mn tp I pm MON.-fRI. Merch 15 "'rv 19•10 am to e pm CHAPMAN DESIGNER IHOW..OOM 17801 l!At Main Stt"" lrvlne • 867·4074 (On• block W"1 of MacArtl\ur) EXCLUSIVELY TO THE TRADE NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC . . ....... ............ ~ l I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Marel'I 14, 1982 .. Edison, Oilers, OV open with • WinS !Costa Mesa, El Toro divide twin bills; Mater Dei starts Angelus League play aREAKINO !VEN -Orange Coast Colteie baseball coach Mike Mayne (left> saw his squad shut out by Fullerton, 6·0 ln its S<>uth Coast League opener. but Golden West, led by Fred Hoover (right), stayed unbeaten in the Southe rn Califo rnia Conference Saturday . Rustlers 5-0; OCC blanked Golden Wes t und Saddleback college s remained unbeaten in their respective conferences whi.le Orange Coast lost its South Coast conference opener in community college baseball action Saturday. Coach Fred Hoove r's Rustlers improved their Southern California Conference record to 5·0 as freshman left-hander Scott Marsh picked up the complete.game win. Golden West entered the sixth inning trailing, 3·2, but erupted for five runs in the bottom of that frame to take the lead for good. Second baseman Marty Boyd's two-run double was the big blow. DAN LARSON went 2-for-·4 with 2 RBI for the Rustlers while Curtis Gervais, Chris Schulz and John Allabelli were all 2-for-3, Sun.set ~a1ue baseball •cUon 1ot under way Saturday and if the rest ol the season la anytbin& like openln1 day, area fans could be In for a lot of excitement. Edison used some seventh·lnning dramaUca lO 1et put Marina in one of the more exclUn& aames tluus far lh1I year. Meanwhile, HunUngton Beach continued Its early·season hot streal. wlth a win over Fountain Valley while Ocean View edged defendina CJF 4-A champion Westminster. In other acUon~ Costa Mesa and El Toro both spilt double·headers while Mater Del got off to a good start In Angelus League play with a win over St. Paul. Here's how it went· Edlaon 6, Merine 3 The Chargers and Vikings opened Sunset play In dramatic fashion as Edison's Joe Zercua hit a three-run pinch-hit homer in the bottom or the seventh to snap a 3-3 tie. Matt Hombs started the late rally for the Chargers with a lead off single. Hombs then stole second and Marina issued an intentional walk lo Pele Urquiza to put runners on first and second. Edison Coach Ron LaRutra elected to use Zer cua lo pinch hit for catcher Tony Lingard and. as thints li+med out, the move made LaBuffa look like a managerial genius . After falling behind on the count O· l , Zercu.a got a hold of a Treff Bennett rastt>all and drove it over the left-center field fence and the Chargers had themselves a win in the league opener a t Edison. Marina had taken a 3-1 lead on Ken Lazslo's three-run homer in the top of the fifth. Edison s tarter Jeff Stephe ns was breezing through the firs t four and two-thirds with seven strikeouts but · ran into trouble after issuing a walk and a single. Stephens got ahead of Laszlo, 1·2, but the versatile Viking senior drove the next delivery over the left-field fence. BASEBALL • .Iii Urea Cloney replaced Stephens on the mound for the Chargers and got the win, hia fln.h relief victory without a loss. Huntington Beech 2, Fountain Valley 1 8ehuwi the strong pttch1ng or Gary Buckets, the OIJers captured their Sunset League opener at Mile Square Park. Buckel'S, a junior righl·hander, had six strikeout.:s and allowed but one walk in going the distance. But he had to work himself out of a jam In the seventh before he could claim the victory. Dean Roberts led off the top or the seventh for the Barons with a double lo represent the tying run . But Buckets mowed down the next two Fountain Valley hitters on strikeouts and induced the final hitter to hit a harmless fly to right to end it. Buckets outdueled Fountain Valley's senior right-hander Rick LeMarche, who also hurled a steady gam e But a Brian Beard triple lo right center in the second inning scored the first run of the game, with Beard coming home on a basehit by Jim Kennedy to give Huntington Beach a 2-0 advantage. ' The Barons countered with their run in the firth as Pal Connor doubled lo right center and sprinted home or:i a single to right by designated hitter Dave Stewart. Huntington Beach is now 9-2 overa ll : Fountain Valley felJ to 4·4. Ocean View 7, Westminster 5 The Lions are the defe nding Cl F 4-A champions but that wasn't enough to impress Ocean View in this Sunset opener . The Seahawks used a 10-hit attack to score one run in the first and two in the third, fifth and sixth. Vh1llintl WeRtmlnster came up with four nana In th{! top or lht! seventh to maJce It close but Ocean Vtew held on Coate MeH ~~. Orange 2-7 Costa Mesa as 3·3 after M split wlth tbe hotl ho1>t-Panthers. The Mustangs e~ploded for four runs In tbe first inning of t he opener as senior nrat basman Kurt PeU)l rung got lhe key h.lt, a two.run .single. Peurrung came back In the third to belt • solo home rut• Junior right hander J tm Hyde picked up the win, scatterint: five hits while striking out eight and walking two. Orange s alvaged a split by rallying back from a 3-0 deficit in the nightcap. Jelf Field hit a solo homer in the fourth fo r the Mustangs but it wasn't enough as Orange erupted for six runs in the bottom half of the inning. Sonny Lee went Uor·3 with two RBI for Costa Mesa. Mater Del 1, St. Paul O Frank Spates helped his own cause. leading off the second inninK with a s ingle and eventually scoring the game's only run as the Monarchs opened Angelus Le ague play wath a win at Hart Park in Orange Spates also went the distance on the mound, striking out 10 and walking two to record his first wan of the yt!ar El Toro 2-5, Los Alamitos 6-4 Aft er a lopsided loss in t he opener, the Chargers (•ame bC1ck to tllke the second game and salvage a split OC1 mon Sweazy tripled in the sixth inning and scored what proved lo be the winmng run on a single by Doug Siewarl. Siewart, a sophomore brought up from Junior varsity, was 3-for ·4 with a run scored and one Ft lil and was on base four tames. Saddleback is 3-0 in Mission Conference play after Saturday's 8-0 win over Palomar. Sophomore right-hander Brad Kinney pitched a six-hit shutout, striking out eight while yielding only two walks . The Gauchos got two-run homers from Mark Swancoat and Mark Henkle and a solo blast from Rick Irwin to key the rout. Dale Hahn added two doubles for the winners. Edison countered one inning later when junior shortstop Todd Mabe hit a two-run homer to left to tie the game al 3-3. That set the stage for Zeruca's heroics. Artists top Mesa in finals ~\.. 'IHW BWS'I OWAI !.i\.. 161 Ill 'IOWll • ,..,. A'I Kinney got himself in a bit of a jam in tne third inning, walking the first two hitters. but came back to get a double-play ball to get out of the inning. Henlde and Swancoat contributed two hits and two RBI apiece. T he Gauchos are 8-6 o veraJI. COACH MIK E MAYNE'S Orange Coast Pirates had the misfortune of facing Fullerton pitcher Glenn Spagnola. who upped his season mark lo 6-0 with an impressive two-hit s hutout. The 6-0 loss was the first of Pirate pitcher Jack Reinhollz's two-year community college career. • Reinholtz pitched six innings and allowed just six hits, but two of those were home runs which accounted for four runs GOLETA -It was called the Dos Pue blos Tournament and it was played in Goleta on the outskirts of Santa Barbara but Saturday's prep volleyball tournament had a distinct Oranli(e Coast flavor to it. Laguna Beach and Cos ta Mesa both s urv i ve d pool play and reached the champions hip match where the Artists. the lop-ranked team in Orange County, claimed a 7-11 , 11·2, 12·10 win. Laguna Beach setter Rudy Dvorak was named lhe tournament's most valuable player while teammate Neil Riddell and Costa Me1>a 's Mark Arnold were both All-Tournament picks. San Clemente was the other area team to advance out or its pool but the Tritons lost, 15·5, in a one-game semifinal match. San Clemente emerged rrom pool play with a narrow win over Marina, 15·13, L5·11. The Tritons trailed, 13-9, in the first game but came back to pull it out. then rallied from 6·2 and 11·9 defi cits in the second game to advance Other area teams e ntered in the one·day to urney we r e Newport Harbor and Capistrano Va lley Although Marina failed to advance out of pool play, Viking middle blocker Andy Klussman turned in one of the best performances or the tournament. Paid Advertisement Rancho Mesa Verde Athletic Club 6 1600 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa MONTHS NAUTILUS ONLY 149 Ends March 31st 557-4401 ------------- Electronic Exercise Just Lie There and A Machine Exercises For You Us ing the muscle stimulator, Bio-Health Center is currently p a r a plegi a o r ho m iplegia c o mbine d with Bi o -He alth treating men and women from foll o wing a stroke , electro Center's fa vorite d iet , Brad the ages of 18 to 87 years old. mu sc ul a r s tim ul ation 1s Aspin wenl from a size 38 pant to Some come to Bio-Health Cente r invaluable for preventing loss or size 30 in just 2'h weeks. His just for the exercise firming up ton e or atrophy an a ffected mothe r Norma s aw s imilar th e i r f l abby muscles and m uscles. r esults (si:ie 12 to size 8 ) in lhe improving their ove rall body Other areas of medical use same 18 day period. These are ton e. Others. who are over · inc lude the treatment of bed just two of the many successful weight, combine this electronic sores by improving muscle tone & h a ppy Bio-Health Center exercise with Bio-H e alth and blood circulation. customers. Center's favorite diet program In Sports, hamstring, muscle That's why people are flocking allowing a subs tantial weight strain and other injuries have to Bio-Health Center on 17th and inch loss. been treated by doctors without S treet in Cos ta Mesa and Al firs t people s ay it reels risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe becoming regular participants strange and are amazed at how have long known the benefits or of electronic exerc ise with tho r oug hly it e xer cises the mu sc le st imulation in the a mazing results. muscles. Th~n they relax and t r e a lment or muse I e a nd The principle behind this progressively work through ligament injuries. The practical phenomenon is straight-forward. their 45 minute tre atment. advantages of greatly reducing Jn a so-called ··voluntary" Afte rwards persons experience the time spent by top players contraction. that is to say during a fi ve minute relaxation cycle inactive due to inj ury can be e veryday movement. the brain that feels like a massage. imagined. sends a signal along a nerve to Doctors are se nding their East Europeans became lhe the "motor joint" of a muscle. patients to Bio-Health Center for fore most exponents of electrical This signal, s imilar to a weak thi s outs tanding exer cis e stimulation for muscle power electric current. is a message to program. In some cases, these tra ining. Othe r countries are the muscles to contract. pe rsons are unable to do normal us ing muscle s timulation to I n e I e c l r o . m u s c u I a r exercise due to back injury. etc.. train every type of athlete - s timula tio n at Bi o -Health allowing them to now exercise from the endurance needed by Center, electrodes in the form of muscles for the first time in l o ng dis t a nce runne r s, t o conductive rubber pads are years . e xplos ive power r equired by placed on the surface of the skin Bio -He alth Cente r h as a sprinters and high jumpers over the motor points of 16 no m ina l charge to try this The fastest girl in the world. major muscle groups. When a wonder machine. On your first Angella Taylor, for example. very weak electronic current is visit a trained technician will do uses muscle stimulation in applied through the pads. the a full set of body measurements training. signal finds its way through the then let you lie atop a padded Electronic exercise. however . s kin lo these motor points and ta ble for tre atment that will is no t for e v eryone . The causes the muscles to contract, take approximately 45 minutes. stimulation could interfere with just as if it had received a s ignal During this time the technician pacemakers worn by persons from the brain. will educate you further on what with heart disease, pregnant During the contraction of is transpiring, which gives you women and persons who carry these muscles, the muscles are further understanding or the mete! i n their abdom ens .actually expending energy and sensations you are feeling. because or surgery. doing the work. Patrons of After your first treatment, the Long gone are the days when Bio-Health often comment that technician will remeasure & control of calorie intake was the exercise feels thorough and calculate the results. First lime believed to be the only way to really works the entire muscle. users have experienced inch loss keep in shape. Modem thinking Most say you have lo try It to varying from 2" lo 9" overall. now concludes that exercise is appreciate it. Doctors say that This change is primarily caused an essential facto\" In the quest ,45 minutes of stimulation ls by the toning of the muscle due for total body health. equivalent to 800 lo 1,500 slt·upe to the ~xtensive exercise it has Bio-Health Center in Costa and/or leg raises. just completed. Mesa also s pecializes in other ·, Des pl le. ex er c Isl l!J...,J!~OJl!lil.;.r ___ __....u.·~,._.h-...-----EUTOlJ\!'l'ti t: orf~ lf'PlS ""w h l ch-- ~--.._,'"?18""'800:r;50Cr£iiilei Iii -45 bee n widely used in both the include Cellulite Control and minutes, persons feel no pain medical field and in areas ot u . V .A. Tanning Beds anc:l durln1 treatment and mosl don't professional sporta. Equipment. even feel that familiar soreness In medicine, electronic If you want t.o be more active, Like tn normal exercise. The stimulation baa been widely alive and have a great looldn1 current stimulates circulation used in hospitals for the body without Lhe d.-ud1ery of whl~~a\UJes~elimer~~ r e .education of paralyaed str e nuou s exercise and muec es of was produc muscles. ln these caset. where 'uncomfortable diet prolt'ams, loxina. Bio·Heallb Cenleri volunt ary exercise h 1et ln on tbe actlon and ..... participant.I do feel a Uchtenln1 1 ··'bl .... _ ,_ b •~ .. , •nd flrmln& ol lbe>ir muscles and mpolNU e. un:sre .. 0 vtoul" no atvlnrBio-Heallb Center on 17th .very often after the la( s ubstitute for. electrical fnCottaMesaacall. tre stimulation. Jn caau of ___ ..,, __ I --·- Kelly Young is in her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape with its electrical impulses . The familiar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa Mesa conveniently located In the Von's Shopping Center. , ----.·~---~ . .. . . : ... .. .• .. r: -. ··: ·~ .. ~· " .~ -· \ . f I L OtMge CoMt DAILY PILOTl8undey, March 14, 1912 Wu.gars lose title tilt Malbewl baa turbereuloeia C IAJUT08 -Tbe Caplatruo V11Jt1 lllO Coqan loat a &oua ~•• a1aln1t U•• No. 1 ta Quinta caDM back to •core on a penalty klck and added ftDal 1oal later, m1kln1 the flnal PHOENIX (AP) -Hall of P'amer Eddie lllatbewa, who blt 512 home rune ln bl• m~or leafue baaeball carHt, baa tuberculo.11, the Oakland A'a team phyaiclan aald S.turdQ. lDta ...... Saturday .... 1-1 brtbt al .... ol lbe l·A \;IF IOCC. !'core 3-l. 1 Capo Valley Coach Roa Wlllma Hid, ''Wt dld tM belt we were capable of and I'm . proud ot the team.'' tOW'Dalnmt. La Qulata leor.d early 1D lbe ,lnt ball. but the Cou1an came back whb a clean 1oaJ by Car•an Noble, wblcb wH a11l1ted by WarNn Sewell. La Wlllme alto mentioned tbat lbe team played, "with more injuries than l'v,e ever had in a The tuberculoala w11 deecrlbed •L treatable and curat.le by Dr. Thomaa E . R ichmond. I LAGUNA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL DAVE FRICKER was defensive captain and signal caller at linebacker. Dave had 28 unassisted tackles and 75 assisted. He was the defensive player.of· the·game In three of the seven games he played Dave accomplished all this while missing four of five league games DAN BLANCK was the team's leadlng receiver and scorer. He was 1st-team All-League with coaches and the Reglster. Dan was league Offensive Player· ol·the-.Vear. and 1st.team All·County, small schools. He was the leading receiver In Orange County with 66 receptions. MARINA HIGH SCHOOL PAT KNOWLES has been the defensive signal caller leading the charge as the team allowed only 8.7 points per game. Pat was credited with 87 tacktes and 57 assits In helping the team to '1 victories. He was AIL· League, and 2nd· team All·County. KEN LASZLO passed for nearly 1700 yards and 20 touchdowns leading the offense to a 26 polnts·per·game average. Ken was honored as All·CIF, All· County In 111 polls. All· League, and Player·of·th11-Year by one newspaper. He also rush9' for 670 yards, and scored 9 touchdowns. MATER DEi HIGH SCHOOL KENNEDY POLA was named All·County and All· League as a running back and was CIF Player·Ol·the·week fourth game with 210 yards on 20 carries. Ken· nedy holds the school rushing record with 1, 197 yards on 187 carries. He was also team captain and student body president. GREG LOCY ls the school record holder for receptions and yardage as a wide receiver . 43 receptions, 857 yards. A tough, aggressive player, Greg also started as an outside linebacker. He was All·League and All·County as a receiver. MISSION VIEJO HIGH SCHOOL CHRIS GAHAGAN was selec ted to the All·League team by the coaches, L A. Times. Dally Pilot, and the Register. He was the league MVP, and was 1 Sl·team All·County by the Times and the Register. Chris was co·defensive player-01. the·year. small schools. and was selected to 1st·team ALL·CIF. JOHN CARROLL was a running back selected to the All· League team by the LA. Times, Daily Pilot. the Register. and was a 2nd.team All·County selection. small schools John rushed for 1121 yards and scored 19 touchdowns this season and was co-captain of this team. NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL ROB BERRY was the team leader In receptions with 51 for 760 yards and four touchdowns. He broke the season record and was also a standout on defense with 4 interceptions and 3 caused fumbles. Named All-League as a receiver, and All.County as a defensive back. GREG SELBY passed for more yardage this season than any school quarter-back in years with t 17 completions for 1,517 yards. six touchdowns He was named All·League and also played defensive back. OCEAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL JOM!,~~LE is one of the fine passing quarterbacks In Orange County toot· ~~-4 bl&l • ""4"'~? ~~-s~er two years John was 208'.tetm Krr..(dif*~ed-weOtiAW y~lt9f'Y game played."' John will attend the University of Nevada, LV. FRED TUTTLE wa s All·league defensive safety with 7 Interceptions and Orange Coast Area Defensive Ptayer·of-the· Year. He scored 16 points In one game, and holds five school records. Fred also punted and kicked, with a 41 yard average In punts, and a 48.yard field goal. ' SADDLEBACK tilGH SCHOOL MARLON WAGNER was a big team asset with his knowledge of secondary play and leadership by example. His play against various coverages has resulted in 24 interceptions during his school career Marlon is an aggressive hitter and dedicated athlete BOB SILVAS 1s a three.year letterman as starting linebacker. Bob served as co.captain and defensive slg,nal caller He is a tenacious hitter with 112 tackles and is Daily Pilot 1st·team defense. and 1sf-team All Orange Coast team Voted league Defensive Player-of.the·Year SAN CLEMENTE HIGH SCHOOL MIKE ROBILIO was a two·way starter at defensive back and offensive halfback 'He was All· League halfback. and was voted co·captain of the team Mike 1s a two-year varsity letterman and also plays varsity baseball tor the Trltons MARK CANDY was a two·way starter at ollenslve tackle and defensive end. He was selected All·League at offensive tackle and voted co.captain of the team. Mark is a two· year varsity tettefman and also plays varsity baseball for the Tntons. SANTA ANA HIGH SCHOOL Bill BEAN threw for over 400 yards In the first four games, for a completion average of 62%. He rushed for a one touchdown and threw for three others. Biii was an Inspirational team leader and Is also an outstanding baseball player. DAVID CONTRERAS was an All·League tight end and was a solid lwo·way player for the team for two years. He caught 33 passes for 456 yards. and five touchdowns. David was the leading tackler on defense and had four inter· captions TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL TROY GRABILL started at defensive nose guard and was crediled with 57 tackles and five quarterback sacks. Troy also recovered two fumbles this year. JOHN COLLARD Is a two-time All· League selection. This year marks John's third lime at the Banquet. He was offensive Player·Of·the-Year In 1979 and 1980. and Player.of.the· Year In 1981. John Is the holder of 18 school records. , UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LARRY COMMERFORD was chosen as 1st·team All-League as league op- ponents ran away from his aide on defense. His Outstanding play at defensive tackle and 3.2 G.P.A. resulted In his being selected as the team's best defen· slve player week·ln·week·out. RICH SORENSON was a three year varsity starter and became known for his punishing blocking as a fullbacll. A total team player. he sacrificed Individual accomplishments for team goals. VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL CLEO BENNETT was the team's leading ground·galner this year with 754 yards. He Is a strong blocker and was selected All· League at fullback. WALTER STEEN gave the team strong leadership throughOut the year. He was the team's second.teadlng ground·galner and runs the 100·yard dash lo 9.7 seconds. VILLA PARK HIGH SCHOOL RENE STRAPP scored 62 points aa tailback and slotback and also returned kicks and punts. He was the leading rusti;r and receiver and was voted tat· team All· League by the Reglater, Anahel?" Bulletin, and league coaches. BRENT llESHAAR played mlddle-llnebactler and chalked up 81 tackles and 41 assist a. He also IC()(ed 12 points asa defensive player. Was Mlected 1st-team All·County, league Defensive Player·of·the-Year, and MVP award winner. Brent had a M ·yard lnttHceptlon to win a game. , WESTMINSTER HIGH SCHOOL ALFRED TAUANUU was noted for his complete play on offenae and defense. He waa an outatandlng blocker at fullback and rushed for 105 yards In one game. He alto led the team In quartemack .. ck• with six. He Is considered a frem.ndous athlete with great balance. _ - Hlll81E CAMNELL waa the leading ruther In Orange County at the end of the regular ... eon. He had 1 L~ yard• lo hla credit with an avefage of 8 yards per carry. He scored 12 toucnoowna ruahlng and caught a two·~lnt oonverslon. Hefbl• has a 3.5 0 .P.A. WOODBRIDGE HIOH SCHOOL SHAUN DIVUN can be characterized aa a leader, while leading. the team In tackles. The oo·captaln played both ways a1 llnebeckef' end offenalV9 guard, and wu .oted co·MVP. He maintains an Ideal mentel attitude. MIDY '10UEROA wu the acho0r1 IMdlno ruther and a 1upero recelvtr. ~ wH •two-war 1t11rter at running bac:k and frte saftty and •leo '9turntd punta and klckoffl. Ftuoy wa1 allO the team'• puntef and waa YOted co.MVP. \ • ' . Records fall at_Jrvine H esslevik takes 1,500; V. aqueros sweep pole vault By .IACll llJNTEa CM .. ..,,_ .... TM fourth annuaJ Jrvtn. Vaquero lnvitatlooal track and field meet wa1 h11hll1hted by two out1tandin1 performers Saturday at lrvlne Hilb School. Both U.a Wln1ton of Lone Beach Jordan and J o hn Schmidt o f Torrance Hieb won their resPtCtlve trophies for the outstaodioC female ud male performer or the meet. Wlnat.on, a Junior 1prlnter for the Panthers, set meet record.a in the 100, 200 aod was a member of PREP TRACK the acbool'a meet record break.in& 400 meter relay. Winaton sprinted to a 12.1 clocking in lbe 100 meter preliminary beats Saturday morning and then turned in a 1.2.3 in lbe finals. Both times broke the old standard or 12.8. Her 200 meter time or 24. 7, aet in the prelima and finals broke lbe old mark of 26.0 seconds. WINSTON AND teammates Felecia Thompson, Valencia Johnson and Joyce Hillard raced to a new meet record in the 400 meter relay wltb. a 48.0 clocking. The old mark was set by lrvin'e in 1981 at 49.7 seconds. WiruJton also ran a 57 .0 se<:e>nd leg on the second place Panther 1,600 meter relay team. Torrance's Schmidt was equally busy. Not only did he win the 100, 200 and 400 meter dashes, he also had to run the 1.600 relay . However Schmidt coWdn'l squeeze that final win out a.s Torfance went unplaced in the relay. His 200 meter time was a meet record (22.4) breaking the 1981 mark set by Dana Hill's Jim Gleed (22.7). Schmidt won the 100 in 11.l and the 400 in 50.7. • University's Frederik Hesslevik took top honors in the boys 1,500 meter run with a meet record 4:04.4. His time broke the 1980 mark of 4:05.6 set by Irvine's Bill Rodgers. THE EARLY PA.CE was taken by 3,000 meter winner Mike Parker of Tustin. Parker· took the leaders through the first 800 meters in 2: 12.0 before fielding to Hasslevik and K atella's Brad Clary . With 'one lap to go Hesslevik and Clary started pulling away from the field and sprinted the final '.00 meten to the ta.,.. Cl~ ran 1 dole 4:06.Z u HeHlevtt turned in a 80..1 tlnal G mtten. With tbe help ol Heulevlk and a IOO JDM1" low hurdle victory by teammate Dav• ADdenoa <•.a> the TroJw won t.be vanity team cbamplmwblp with '4S polnu. Kat.ell• placed aeeond wlt.b as while Long Beach Jordan totaled 21 pol.Du. Irvine'• pole vauJUnc duo ot CWt1I tWdt and Joe ptaurrwn placed 1·2 ln their epeelalty. Hlldt, a junior who placed third lut year lD ti.. Sea View Le.cue, won the competJtion with a Jump of 13-e while aenlor teammate Utsurrum cleared 13.0. IN 1111: GiaLS action Saturday t.be Unhenlty distance corp had to take a backseat to county rival Tustin High. TusUn's Shannon Stryker recorded the belt lime i.n the nation lhla year for 3,000 met.en with her 10:00.3 clocking and in doing so defeated University's Tereaa Barrios. Stryker hu been undefeated thus f track and Saturday she showed the crowd wb . ·'My coach told me to run ven split• throughout the race, so when Ter puaed me J just kept running my splits and the I got the lead back ," the Tustin senior said. MV heads north after 63-46 win LONG BEACH -Cindy Rohrig and Mary M adiJ(an scored 39 points between them and pulled down 24 rebounds to lead lhe Minion VlejQ High School women's basketball team to a 63-46 victory over San Joaquin Memorial High· or Fresno for the Division ll State Southern championship at Long B each Arena Saturday night. The two MissiQn Viejo players dominated the boards at both ends of the floor and hif with accuracy off the passing of teammates Tracy Blum, Jane Harre and Darcy Smith. The victory puts Mission Viejo irito Friday night's state ch ampionship game in the Oakl and-Alameda Coliseum for the Division II title. "We've all been looking rorward to this for a long time," Tracy Blum said following the victory. "But we've taken each game one at a time and played them like just another round of CIF. But it w i ll be a r eal thrill lo play for the state championship." ADD A TOUCH OF ELEGANCE FOR PENNIES A STRIPE. If stripes are your "9up of tea" or prints or posies or paisleys ... Color Tile's Galleria of Wall Fashions is never at a loss for a design. You 11 want to grab an armful of rolls, because for a limited time only, weve marked down an enormous selection of pre-pasted vinyl wallcoverin~ (including textures) as low as U.16 a roO; reg. $5. 95 and up. [I or that most dramatic efrect, choose a woven, textured gasscloth. Every pattern is on sale for S13. !¥ a roll; reg. S19~ 95 AU wallpeper come1 in convenletit double roll• Or bring the outdoors inside with our wall-sized photo murals, now only $19. 95 each; reg. $34. 95 11 fter selecting all these wallpaper values, you 're probably thinking how great a new floor would look. So, to help you achieve that total custom look, weve included some of our most popular floor coverin~ in this sale. Choose our elegant H oney Classic oak parquet tile, with tongue and groove edges for a precise fit, only 52e each; reg. ~ 6• X 6. X5 / 16. Our economical self-stick tile for just 19e sq. ft. And beautiful Armstrong no-wax Solarian® in brown or beige Roman Court pattern is just 89e sq. ft; reg. SJ.09 For those heavily-traveled areas, roll out a vinyl carpet runner ... only 69e a linear foot,· reg. 99e We 'll show you how to add the luxury touch while you "do-it-yourself' and save at. OVER5'1 nu:,J'~.& WALllAPU SUPlllMARTS SANTA AMA •1 SI. ..... St. WESDINSTEI SMTA ANA COSTA MESA 15191 Bum 3Z2 I . 11111 2221 .._ 11111¥•~ S1rllt II dn•• ...... ........ J .......... 557-1324 ' ............. , 191-3311 547•7711 I 161121 1 I~ l .. t-lzlm.., IM-1_ lit IN .......... Basketball scores UCI cr~w team falls c....-• 1.A1111Mc1tCC St .......... ~--· ..................... lltltlie .. W.111 .. I 11141• .. lj, ¥irKMY U Hlah tchoof .....-r • ......, .... ,.... C•,_ • 8aMllle IL.Al rt Ohlllla 11111 ...... 1 .... .,.... ••""Mt , .. ,_...., 10, l11<rwell• 11tie..<r.-tH$ Women c-... MCAA.,..,....I Pini•-' UK ... I('"' S\IW H P•M St."· C:-1' NCAA 0MUea II .,......... .... Cal Petw f'onwla .,, Fon v.11.., tO -"•"-C .. Wllt9MClll 01 ....... I lt ...... 1 P&eweftt '""'.._Pol\' .... Glllr 1' Olwlllellllll....,_1,....,..._ Minion Vtilo •l. S•n J H QWlll Memo''*'* U.S. led by Am111ma COSFORD, England < A P ) Fr an k. Auuma became lbe rtriit man to run an indoor aub-four minute m Ile ln Britain as the United States trounced En11;nd 78·49 in an Indoor track and field International me e t Saturday. .The American middle-distance runner o utlasted Enclisbman Alan Salter on the last lap to win in 3 mJnutea, 59 .56 seconds. Salter c locked 4 :00 .30 , a personal best , while American Phil Kane was third In 4: 04.22. UC Irvine grabbed the early lead but UCLA ' came on strong in the latter portion of the Varsity 8 of the dual crew race Saturday at North Lido Channel, Newport Beach. • Fmgers hurt in practice The U.S. team was without many standouts but still treated a sellout crowd or 3,500 spectators lo a se r ies of fi ne performances. •• UC Irvine led at the start but the Bruin boat made a move at the 500-meter mark, took an eight-seat lead after 1,200 meters, and hung on for a four-seat win. SUN CITY, Arlt. (AP) CLA, the 1981 Pac-10 runner -up, recorded a of 5:48.3 while the Anteaters, W~stern Sprint pion.s last year, were clocked at 5:49.5. Relief pitcher Rollie Fingers o f t h e Milwaukee Bre wers, s uffered a s lig~t shoulde r separation during pra c t ice Saturday mornfog. Larry Myrick s, competing as a guest In the long jump, set a British All-Comer s· record of 26 feet even, ad1elhaeK CHARGE IT (MOST STORES) TV ANTENNA SPECIAL! . Replace Your Winter-Damaged Antenna, Now! Maat not Included TV/FM Antenna Rotat?r , For Even Better Reception. Archef<>tO,. by Rad&o Shack 6495 Ro10r cable •Ktra • Maxlmlz•• Slgnal Strength • Mlnlmlz" Interference Just dial the direction on the control :. and your antenna turns to that unn ' :.1 n direction and locks an posn o . #15-1225 Signal Amplifier BoOsts Weak ~lgnals WorbOft TVattd FM #15-1134 a.ans up reception In fringe and "~ lem" areas. Preamp mounts on mast. power supply mounts lndOOfS. Shielded Coax Cable• 5().foot 799 Bring a Vivid Color Picture Back to Your TV Set ONLY21aa Wid&-swept 60° elements capture all the available signal on every channel to provide a crisp, clear picture. Makes color "come alive", sharpens black-anO- white. Attach it to your stereo for Im- proved FM, too. Gold AkxtlzecP finish fights corrosion for longer life. #15-1710 Complete SuperColor Antenna Package for Professional Installation! Includes Antenn• And All H•rdwere 3910 • ~r. around wrre • Anr.nne OleclNttfle Unit • ur. around Rod • ~. 1'"4 TV MNt • 50-Ft. Twin FoMI Leed • Four 3'11' Wood Screwe • 4-ln. w.11 McMHtfll • T*O Stand.off lneuMfor9 #15-1526 1.-oi13• ~ #15-1627 0 -• • Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 .. •CAfll'llHQ•OOQ(lAILllOOIHMIJI•~ • • °'"~ PMlCI ·~H • OIWCl~HO& • ~ • IHOWIAI • W MITIVAHI HOW TO GET FROM THIS TO JHIS e ASk fll MARY· • 71~11-1152 SERVING ALL OF CALIFORNIA AFFAIRS UNLIMITED 'This is ~1~!)'~ 881 DOVER DRIVE, #1 4, Newport Beach ... CANYON HIGH SCHOOL MARK ALARIO was a team captain, team co· MVP. and All·Century defensive end. He was named to the Register Alf·County team. Mark typifies the oulstanding athlete. holds 3 Canyon we1gt11 ·llftlng records. and maintains a B average ED BRUNOT was a team captain and co-MVP He was a two.year starter at both defensive end and running back Ed was Alf·Century League. and led the team with 3 forced fumbles and 6 OB sacks. He also punted. setting a record with a 69·yd punt CAPISTRANO VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL GEOROE ROSENBAUM was the team's leading tackler at mlddle·linebackar, wHh 101 lackles, 57 unassisted. He 1s·known as a hard· hitter. described by his 1 ' coach as the best in years George was voted All·LeaQue. All·CIF. and 2nd· team All·County He was co·captain and called defensive signals TONY BELL is a sarong. elusive 5' 10", 180 lb running baek. gaining over 1200 yards this season He runs a 4 57 40. and gained 212 yards in one game Tony was 11oted 2nd· team Ali·CIF. and 1st-team Alf League CORONA DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL ERIC WOODS led the school to its first ltve undefeated games as Quarterback He was a gifted scrambler and accurate passer -1297 yards and 12 touch· downs. and 211 yards rushing Made 1st team Afl·County es a punter. also plays baseball and golf RANDY REYES 1s a two·t•me II rs Heam All· League linebacker. pacing the Sea Kings to the playoffs and Quarterbacking the defense Randy broke the school tackling records, played on special teams. and lull back He has been picked as the Orange County Sche>lar Athlete COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL ONASIS NIXON Is the team's MVP. and Is an All· League defensive back. He Is ex tremely versatile. playing every position except guard and tackle Onasls runs the 40 In 4 6 seconds KEITH MCKIBBEN was selected as a 2nd team All·Lea8uer as an olfensl11e guard. Keith also played Inside linebacker. He runs the 4 In 4 9 seconds. and Is an excellent student with a 3 8 G PA DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL ED VASQUEZ was starting linebacker and center Ed was noted for his consls· ten I play and was selected as All·League center. and 2nd·team All-County. He was his team's co.captain. and was voted MVP for the year SHAUN HOBSON was a two·way starter at offensive guard and defensive end. He was selected 2nd t11am All League at guard and maintains a 3.9 G.P.A. Shaun was co.captain for 1981 EDISON HIGH SCHOOL DAVE OEROUX was a two.year starter at running back. All·League. All· County, All·CIF. Voted best offensive player by coaches In PAC 10. Very_ 1trono. great blooker. averaged 7.8 yards per carry. Wiii attend the Unlwersity of Kansas. RICK DI BERNARDO was a twO·llme 1st-team All·CIF linebacker. He was voted All·League, All·County. Parade All·Amencan. and National Coaches Association All·Ame11can. Great range with 306 career tackles. and 10 Inter. ceptions. Will attend the University of Notre Dame. !L MODENA HIGH SCHOOL JIM TOROK carried the ball as a running back 369 times tor 1,967 yards. He scored 24 touchdowns. and was the lel!ding ball·carrler In the county tor 14 games Jim was AJl·League. Century League Player-ol·the·Year. and All· County. TOM SHARP was All·League and All·County He was 1eam captain and the only player to play both offense and defense. Tom was lhe coach's pick as the MVP on the CIF llnalist ball team He was a two· year starter. his teams going to the CIF finals each year EL TORO HIGH SCHOOL DAMON SWEAZY has rushed lor over 3,000 yards durtng his two years starter. He was voted All·CIF. league Offensive Player·Ol ·the·Year, and MVP for the pasl two years Damon was ptayer·of·the·week with the Times and the Register. and was Back·Ol·the·Vear at the Register. STEVE SVITENKO was the leading defensive po1nt·ge1ter 1n a defense that only allowed two teams In t2 games to rush tor more than 100 yards. Steve has a 3.3 G.P A. and Is a team leader on the lleld He also played every position on lhe ollenslve line ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL JIM McCAHILL was a 3·year varsity starter and passed for 4,958 yards · second afl.tfme 1n the history ol Orange County loot ball Jim was 1 st·team All· League. 1St·team All·County, and All·CIF He has a 3 4 G.P A . and wlll attend the University of the Pacific. CURT WENZ LA FF was a two.year varsity starter. and has rushed for over 1,000 yards this year He was 1st· team All·League. 1 St·team All·County, and All·CIF. He Is a scholar athlele. 4,0 G.P.A. He also llfts weights and has bench·pressed over 400 lbs. FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL MARK TEMPLETON rushed tor almost 2,000 yards in leading his team to the CIF championship He was also the leading receiver on the team. Mark was honored as CIF Player·Of·the·Year. and was elected captain by his team- mates. JAMES BARBERA was the leading tackler on his team and became known for his hard hits in spite ol his size compared to other linebackers. He led the defense by calling signals. and was elected captain by his teammates on their way to the CIF championship FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL JOEL SEAY was a t st-team All· League, and Register All·County pick as a wide receiver During the year. Joel had 45 receptions for t .020 yards lo.-an averaQ1! ol 22.6 yards and she touchdowns Joel is also a line academician with a perfect 4.0 G.P A ROD EMERY was Orange County's leading scorer with 26 louchdowns during the 1981 campaign His 1 .433 yards broke a school record, and 6.4 average per carry earned him <;in L.A Times All -County selection al tailback GARDEN GROVE HIGH SCHOOL SCOTT SKOMARS is a senior who has been a s1andou1 al linebacker tor two years. He has been the leading tackler. with over 100 tackles each year. Scott was lSl·team All·League both years. 2nd·leam All·County this year. and a team captain TROY OLSCHEWSKE 1s a senior and two·way starter. playlng offensive and defensive tackle Troy was 1st-team All· League defensive tackfe his Junior and senior year Troy led the county with 12 OB sacks. and was voted 2nd-team All· County. HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL JAMIE PAONANELLI played fullback and mlddle·linebacker while IB1dlng the team to their finest start since 1977. Jamie was the Biii Jenkins Memorlal • Award winner for his outstanding attitude and dedication to \he program. BRET BATCHELOR was 1st·team All·League as a defensive llnem1n. Bret also slarted all aeason as an offensive guard. He was voted by his teammates aa the team's MVP. IRVINE HIGH SCHOOL MIKE TIERNEY wa11at·team All·League and ttam captain a11 tlght·end on ollense ind aecond leadlng receiver on the tum. Mike wa1 alto the 1tartlng linebacker on defense and leading tackler whll• calllng ell defen11ve 11gnal1. He w11 player·ol.the-g1me In four games. IAETT SCHUMM WIS the aecond·l•dlng r111hef on the team H •tarting halfback. Bret alto did an excellent job blockfng and was exc.eptlonal at pick· Ing up k9Y-Yardaoe In short yard•"O• 1ltu111on1. LAQUNA BEACH HIQH SCHOOL DAMON llRRYHILL letter9d all thrtt yeatl 81 a two-way atarter at bOCh fullbeek and llnebeeker. He wu YOt9d 1•M .. m All·LMQue hi• Junior and ..nlor year1. Thi• year, Demon 19d the dtfenet wtth 50 ttctilH, a•aoed four yard• ~' ruah, and handled ell punting 11'<1 klcklno chef& IVAN CHALlllM teettf9d two )'tlrt .. a Vlt'llly quart~ Thia YMt. he ltd the offtl'IM with t 130 yard• PH•lnu and •he touchdOwM. tttt'Ytftl '* completion average waa a aparldlng 15 yarda. Evan 11 atao lltlllltd on dlfenae In c.rteln key lttuetlont. • • • .. I I I I I l ! i l I I f if I 1 , I: I' I I · 1 I I . 11 • • .. ,_ __________ o._r..,•n..:g:..•_C_ou_•_OAILV PILOT/Sund_.;•Y~·-M_arch __ 1_ .. _. _1o_e_2 _________________ ..,.. __________ _ ~ >· NllA wa1TSe•Cot1•aeaMCa ~-ow..._ W L ., ti 41 JI u J1 JS • n • , .. ~Dl•llMa ~·· ... , _ .. , .... .S.} ..... U• ' , .. ""' ,,,_ ~ Allllllio .._... • 14 tU -,. •. MJ , 0.11- 0ell•• ICM!IH City Utllfl U • .SH S .... 2241 ~"'"' n 41 ,... 11 It ... '°1 IWt aAST•••COHP•••Hc• ....... ......... ~ .... J_., Waal\lft910n NtwYorll AllaMKDlw..._ O IS 44 11 ,, ll JO 31 ,. . ~DI.,,..._ 7il -.711 , .... St• IS ,..,, 161'> _I ..... Mllw..,llet AtlMto . 111411-0.trolt Cllkeeo Clntland 41 11 ... 7 - 1' J2 475 IJ ,, • -14 1' JS ,. 37 " 0 ......,.,,Sc_ .t.tt ... 1.-110, ,,,.._ '° Wa""ngloft !Ot, N-YOt~ .. CleW-111. UIMI llS H-t.I 122, Por11-101 O•llH I», Sen 0199'> Ill T--,•ao- 0.llH al l.Aillen, II .......,. ... .__ Allanla at WMl\lf'llllon Pllll-.Na al Kar>wt Clly Utafla lMllw-• Chk-91 San AtllOftlo s .. 11 .. a1-.i.n.y Goldeft St.ale al O....ver Detroit Al Cle .... -. 11 Women ..... .,, " >JO ~I 141014 SCMOO\. -..-a.a ........... '" ............ ,,,....., Minion Vlelo 83, SJ Memortal 4& MIHICHI Vii.JO -Herre I. Mtdl-14, R-io ». Blum I, Smith S. C""Pll t. A l(tllY O, Wfftlltrs 0, E Kelly o. Barr 2, Sehr-o Tottls 2J 11·2t •1 SAii JOAQUlll MaMORIAL Ye"'I •. Gee t , 011Dro t , Wrtohl IS. Crom •. McGuire o, Trour O. Dankt 1. Totols 20 .. 10 .. . Sc_...,°"~ MIUIOll Viejo 10 16 n l~l Stn J.,_,i11 _ .. , • 10 " "- Tottl fouls. MIHlon Viejo •. s.n Joequlft Memorial 11 ; Fo11led out Crom ISJ Mlmorlatt. • ~T--Clleryl Miiie( CAlvtnidt Poly), A- OWrtOft 11u ..... 1c1e Polyl, Mlc11e11e McCoy COaflrl, Toni Eldrlclgt IGtllrl , Cindy AolVIO CMlu lon Viejo), Mary ModlQerl (Miss""' Yletol, Slleldt Arc-•...,. CAii• Lomel, IClrsltn Smith (Alemeny). l(alen WrleM (5t11 J-ln "'9morl•ll, Terri O•nl..,,.. (Velloy 0w1su.,1 Soc:c9r C9' C14AMPIOllMllPS _. ... A C11l.er Cl" I, Clt...........t o -·1J-A .. _)ft 1. SenlteO • Mell'sJ-A La Qvtni. 2, C.llllilr-V•lley I ...... 1 •• Ollt•rlo OWKtlall 2, LA 8apthl I ·-· WHI Torrance•, Mir.Cost• J ALL·SUllHT LaAGUE f'lntT-C oll11 Graham I Edhoft). Joh " O'C•ll•9ha11 tEdlsoft). Mike Pu rlmen CF-C.lr. Velltyl. Chuck S-(F-•lft Yellol : Corey Swlclo. (HunllllQIOll 8techl, Tim Gren9rulh CMerlnal; Lu Grun CM•rl11111, G••• Honls (Merln•I John Fro111IO ll (0cetfl Ylewl; Mlkt Kerin• (Ocet11 Yl tw l , Me rlo Flortt IWHlmtnsttrl; Ea Stll<lle1 ( WulmlMterl ~T- J~ry ~-IEcllso<1I. Tom Aftdr-s (f'-te ln Vtlleyl; Kevlft Fe rrell IFounl•lft V•l .. yl; i.-.. Ntllyen IFount•ln Y•lltYI. Brett Devis (Hunll"910fl Buehl; ThonO V...,,,,. (~ Bff<hl ; J im H-r CMtrl11•I; Eric K••m•n (Mar111e l ; Jim Wiiey (-NI; A_, Ourt1111 IOCHll Ylew). Staft Pelt toe_, Ylewl ~VP: ~lrn;....., IFounC.ln Yelltf ), OleM Streclwl (Edlso<1l Coach"' ... YMr: Ak k Mt"'41 (Founteln Vel .. yl Women'• awlmmlng COMMUNITY COU.aoa 0..-WftllM,S-C. .. 1 Mf in-.., rtl•V -~II WMt. 2;04."9; -IM -SttlefCIS IGWI, 2.14.44; SO f,... - or .. 1 ls.ddl. it.40; 1• lMl<k -Slllt._ (GW). 1:04.n; 100 MHI -lall~ IGWI, 1:11-41; JOO fret-Pa,..lth (GWI, 1:06.0t; SO ,.., -Ellb CGWl, JO.Jt; Divine -A-llt (ledcl), 111.sJ; 1001,... -Pull (GWI, ".t:l; ttt fly -SNe1-IGWI. 1.04.14; SO l>ack - ~)ti (s.ddl, 21.tl; 100 IM -Beker IGW). 1:12.M; -f--P.,Tlsh (GW). S St.n ; SO MHt -U,_, IGWI. 21 SI,100 f'" rtl•y -St6cl-k, t:SO.n o--..-... ~4J •.,._,,relay -~n West. 2.04 "'· -IM -Ftfrll IC.rl. 1 22.•, SO f'" - P1rrlt11 COW!, i..ss; 100 btek -Shit ... 10)1, 1:04.n ; 100 .,.._ -....... IGWl, I: 11-'1; 210free-Pt,..lth IGWI, 1: ... ot; SO fly -Ellll (GWI, JO.It; 01¥1119 -Petti" COWi, ltl.tS; IOO f'" -Pull COWJ, ,.,D ; -fly -Ferris CC.rl. I: I0.'2; ,. t>ac• -8111t ICWrl, >1.»; IOO IM -F ... rlt IC...r ). 1:•.•r; •trM-Penlsll COWi, S:~.n;,. .,.... -W""' CGWl, >7.SI; toO f'" Alty -o.-. -.i. 1·n..11 a..n'• •reek COUJ•• UC,,,,...., a. ot..,. ...... » Hemmer 111rew -I Al•torror CUCll, ld·\11 , 1 •1e11ty ISOSI. ld·J V.; I ..._..,y IUCI), 11•1 \II. l,000 ••e>le<MM I f!betly ($0$), t .Ot.2; 1 Tyl..-IUCll, t :l4.4;) Ha;....,. CUCll,t lt.'- SP -I Sl-y ISOSI, tl-t, J. Cl41ril IUCll. •n\11, J. 0<1tctll ISOSI. 44.5, 400 rtlty SM\ 0 .... ,, ... , 40 • JT I SCerlen CSOSI. tot-I; J. H- CSOSI, 1'•1; l. ......... 115051. 1-.1. l,too I. Klrdlfltff (UCll, J•}4 I. •eyn IUCI), J:i..t: I Yt!Mt IUCll. 1.,.,4. LJ -I ......... y (UCI), 14·1 ~. l . ,_._, IUCI), lM; :I. c.intr.,......, 150$), tM. '110HH -I. Lon9lllO IUCI). 14.2, J, lr•ledlcto CSOSI, 14 6. I S.w'YWr IUCll, If t. HJ -I. """"'-41 IUCll, 1~; t. Schlef ... ISOSI. ._,.; J. lr-r CSOSI, H 400 -I •laylock ISOSI, 4t.7; l. W.tls (UCll, 41.0; J Prl .. o IUCll . a o 100 -I, Slllt ... 15051, IG.4; t . C.,..., IUCll, 10.4; J Todd IUCll , 10.1 PY -I. Elllol (SOS), IM, l M<llllY" 15051, IW ; J kne" (UCm W It~. IOO I. H-IUCll, 1:51,7; t. Neuke (UCll, I:~•: J. Klrc:Nloft CUCll, 1·S.,J OT -I. $1-ISOSI, 1 ... 7 "'· 2 Sc.,leit CSOS. ttM; J. hrnett lUCll. 127-0. <IOOIH -1. Stltnks (505), 53.0; 2. Yalcllvl• IUCI >, U J; l. $lo<'9 (UCll, U4 T J I. ~llOay (VCll. »>. 1 Gery 1505>, 4'-I\/;,.). Elldf'n <UCll, 41-v.. 200 I. 81tylock 1$0$). 21.2; J. C..•Y IUCll. 21 2; l. Slll•kb CSOSI, 21 J. S,000 I O.rl\Arclt IUCll, 14· >t •• 2 ChrlJlenaen (UCll, U:OI I, 3. Pinion (5051. U:Ol.O Mlle , ... V VC INlne, l · 11.• High School l•YUIE YAQUE•OS lllYITATIOllAL , .. lnrl•l4•1 .. .,. 100 I SChmlcll 1Torr1n<:e), II I; 1. Steln9rotie ITorunce), II.•; l. T.,..lq ILB Jcwdt11I, II S; • Heir u111wrsllvl. II •. S Hlerllhf llNlne), n • 200 t Schmidt (Torrance), 22.• ll\'Mel record, old ..._., n .1, G'-. O.ne Hiiis,. 1 .. 1). 1 Hier (U111 .. n.11v1. H.•. > v ...... (LB Joro.n). 11.0, 4. Hlerllhy llrvl,,.). tJ S. s Am1ral IK•l•ll•), 2J s •OO 1 Schmidt ( Toru11cel. SO 7. 1 Homer IU11lverU tyl, SI I. ). GlftOH IKaltllal. SI 4; 4 Fltcus IUn lwrsllyl. SJ O; S. Goocl~I (El Oor-). 52 t IOO I NII-(U11lwrsl1Yl. )·OJ.•, 1 Lowmaft (K•t•ll•I. > CM.O, J Colqulll (Uftlve,.lly), 1;04.l , • Slllet CT111llft). 2.0S.I ; S Ger.,t (Mira Costa I, 2·06.0. l.j()O '-Hnslevlk 1v111 .. n11r1. • 0.0 • lmttl rMord. Old mMk. 4:05 t , Rocl(le,... lrvl,,., ,,.,,, 2 Clery (K•l.,la). •:OS.2; l McCorm•<k IHOrCO) .• O'I > •• p.,,., (T11st111I, 4 10 t . S Sim• (Oa11a Hlllsl. 4 II 1 l ,000 I Parrer (Tutllnl, l :J.4 1; l Farleft IEI Toro), t ·OO >. J Glanello lKalellal, t 02 0, • llll<1Yl»rry CMtytalf'I t :OS.O; S WNtcomlle (Mir• Co>C.I, t ·OS 1 110 HH I Germaine (0.n• Hlllll, u t; 1 Hecker (Mir• Co>ta l. tt,J; J Miiier IOnlerlO). It 4; • Oum IKalellt l.• I• I , S Clerhon IHorcol, 16.1. 300 LH t ""°"""" (Uftlwrsllyl, )t J; > Germaine 10... HlllSI, 40 O. J Miiier IOnlt rlol, 40 l, • Marl•no (~N Hiiis), 41.0; S A.,._ I El Oor-1. 0 .1. 400 , ... y -I L8 J0tcMn. 4J S; 1 I Nine. "4 1: 3 ICl lll!la, ..... 4 To,.....ct. 0 0, S Mn M•rlno. O • 11.00 rel•Y I Unlvtrsi11 .. l .17.2. 1 Kelell1. J•ll J; l 0.... Hiii>, )•lot•; 4 LI JOtdtll.) 17.2; S HO<'l:O. J 31) HJ I ~ ... IEI Toro) •.. 1, 1. F•l•O !Mira Cost•I, ~10; J. Bu<cola (U11lversl1Yl. S.10; • 8rtndan (LB Joroanl, s.10. S Ev- tS.On Merino), M PY I. Hllcll 11....WJ, ll-t; l. UtlVl"rum llrvlnt l, l:MI; 3 Mays IL8 Jord.Wll, 11-4; 4. "°'' 1Ton~1. 114. t Aobl"'°" ITvstl111, n~ LJ I Fr•11• CTusllft), 70-11 Vt; l . Stew•r1 (Unlver1lly). 10-t. > AllCIMloe ILB J0to.nl, JO.S. • UW'9ft<t CHOf'Col, 10-1 "°· S Welnel-( 0... Hlllsl 10-..., TJ I TrlnluN• ''"-"'"' Hlllsl .... , 14 (~Ml rt<CW-d, -merk, o-t. ~. lrvl .... ltlOI. 1 Fre 11k (T11J1i11). H ·I '4, J AllcOon•ld (0... Hlllsl. •J.4, • Crown ($a11 Mtrlnol, •J.2; ). Heel (LB Jor"cMnl. .,. .. SP-I SMoe-(El Torol, ,._'"'°· 1 Elllt (Workm...I, ._, ..... l F0td IL8 JorcMn). 4t-I 'llt. 4 HOOi (El Toro) 41·t ; S H•ll (ICelellt l. 0 -3 'h OT I "-11 (Kat.Ha l IS..l .,.., 1 Pitiers (Norco>. 1-.11 ""· l "°'"(El Toro), IU.11 ..... 4 H-n 10.nt Hlllsl, UJ·• '": s. Oocltoll ITi&lln). 1'•1 Malt AlllWtt af tht -J°"" Schmldl (Torrancel Tu m S<orlr>q -I. Uftlverslly, 44; l K•l•ll•. >s. l LB Joro.n, l9 • Torrence, 76. S El TOA. 11 Women's track cou.ao• S.. 0...,.S....ltt, Ut INllM U SP K..-d'r (SOSI. •4-10; LJ M. Kelly (UCll, JO.l!Ao; l .000 -1(-U ISOSI, t: ll.l . JT -OIDC> CSDSI. 141 l, HJ Ct.no CSOSI, M . CIO reltv S-Ole90 Slele. 47 J ; UOO -Emstrom ISOSl, •·JO.I; 100\.H Smllll ISOSI. 13 '· OT 0.-15051. ,,,_.Yi, G -&onomlev CUCtl. 560, 100- Smllh (SOSI. 11 •; IOO Hemond ISOSI. 2:11.1, 400LH ""°'''~ ISOSI, 1:06 I ; 200 Smllfl ISOSI, 140, Miit rtlay S.. Ole90 Sltte, l Sl • Hlah School l•YlllE yACMJ"a•Ol lllYITATIOllAL C.t I,,,._ Hltilll Girts 100 I Wll\SIOll ILB Jordenl, 12.J IWlfttlOft ,.,, 11.1 II\ mOtlllr>q pr.,lms lo DA•k ,,,. old -rKorcl. " •• Kel ....... lrvlne. 1'791; J. Jack-IEdltonl, lt.t . J. A-II• IU11lvenl1y1, n •: • &ow-s U>ena HlllSI, ll.•; s li'<Clunq tHorco), ll.S tOO -I Winston (L8 JorO.nl, 2'.1 (l\'Mel record. old merk, u.o. l(elley, l,.,,lne, 1m1: 1. Aelrwy IEdlto11>. u J; l 'Hiiiard Ill JOtdlfll, lS •. 4 JtO'°" IEdlton), 2t.l. S Aeoall• (University>. u .1 400 t A•lnty IEdlM>ll). SI 2 lrneet record, olcl m•rk, St. I, Thor11aer9, University, 1•11; 2. Hlllt<d IL8 Jorci.n>. n .S; 3. lchlk•w• (Kelell•I. 1:00.0; '· Lehlneer INorcol, I 01 t ; s. M•rcou• <Tu1t111). 1:01 t IOO -t. Ouu.O. ISi Lu<ytl. 1:10.1 Crneel record, old m¥k, 1:11 0, JflMll, o-Hiiis. 1'•1; 1. McUUGfllln (U11lw.,,1YJ. 2:10 I; l. Pr•ll IEcllM>ll), 2 11 I; 4 St11trwtlft 1Unl¥tr .. ty l. 2,tl.); t. ltlllkawe IK•ttlltl, 1:11.Jt. 1,SOO -I. Stryker ITust111), •·O .I; 1 Berrios (U11lw rtltyl, • O 1; J . P•r1l11 (U11lver1ltyl, •:st.O. 4. l e yrado (St n Mtrl110).S·01.1; S. K11IMr (P....otnt Poly). s 06 ) l.000 I Slrv-ITusUnl, 10 00 J (l\'Mel record. old m•rk, 10 16 1. lrl11k, Stn M•rlfto, "7t). 2 Barrio• I University) 10 11 0, l . O.Ytlls ( Ectltolll. 10 11.t , 4 M<Cltll-ISan -Ina). 10:41.•; S l(lltNr (P•wtcleN Polyl, 10:42.7 100 LH -I. ~ (LI Jorci.nl, 1$ 4 (TllOm-,.., IS. I 111 rftorftlne Prtllms 10 tlf'Hk ttle --mark. 15.2, Mlllt, lt1't), 2. Loatl (Torr•11cel, 1'.t, J. Knl•lll (l(eltllal, It J; 4 L• ,.._,,,. HlllSI, 11.S; S. Mier ('--Hll .. ). ILi Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS J -1.H -I ,............ IL•....,.., ff• (ti,~,_ Piii 0 t Ill IM ... 11 ...... Hl.Ml\lfl a ,_,, flft Wiit eWf\11; t lM UAll'ltl, •.t1 a. H ..... IOelll Hlll•I, 41 •: 4 Meu IMlrt CHtel. 0 J, t Ltllll rren-.>,•• ... reley • I I.I --· .. 0 lmte1 reortt, oltl moril, ft 1, '"'Ille, 1 .. 11. t EtllMfl, • 1; J IC.Wll•, ).).A; 4 M1t • c-te. S.U, i. OMa Hlli., Mt 1 .... ffi•Y -I CtllMll, 4;ft,O (!Net recortt. old "'"'· 4:~ 1, u111 ... r11llv, 1•1. 1 LI JorC1911. •·llU,) U"lver\lr,, 4 14 4, • K1t.1l1, 4. 0 .1; S INlftt, 4:11.6 HJ -I lA,,,..... 11!1 Dot-I. H : t. VollM•• (Mire Ct•l•I. , o. ' I rvlllt (T.,re11Ul,4ol; • M¥(t<IA (lorrt n<el.44; i_ o ... "-" c~ce1, ... LJ -I $ml1J (HOrc:o), 1-.'4, 1 'oe41 llt9~"· Hllh ). IS 4 '°'· J O•lletlMf IW---!Glt), 1~111: 4 Ttllelt ITou-.e), U•l llt, S. LM llC9"11•1, 14-t'°' SP -'· c.u (Hor,ol. U>t \lo: J l(eVel\Y CT•,,-). a..s; I Oll"'tr (U11l••r1llYI. 11"4, 4. -IOI CU.-Hlllt l. ~ ..... $ ••kl C~Cllll, H-J ~ OT -I let'ker IT1111!111I. lo...t V.; 1 .A11tler .... IMtYf•ll I. 104·8. , KevtllY ITorr..-ctl. 101-11; 4 14tward ( LAI,._ H(lltl, 100-S ""-· S. Crewlord IS.11 ~rlr10I, ... 11 \11 J'emele Alllle le of Ille Mttl LI .. WIMIOft tl.B .lor_,1 THm Scorlne t. L8 J0tdtfl, 41, 1 lcllMHI, 12: ) U11lw"'ty· 27; 4 forre11ce, '4. S T..-1,,, 1t lnv9'rary Cl111lc (tt '--""'1, , ... 1 Tom Kii• Geo<ve 811t'M ~eeArcher H•le 1rwl11 AllclyBHll Colvl11 PeeW H•I Sulton G•rv H•llt.ro Ray Flo\'d Pettr OoiWmult Otll PON SC011s1..-- GllMor91<' Alldy Horii! Bol>Oy ClempeO 8ob Gii.,., 8111AOOt<" Bol>OYW-ln' Merk 0'"'9a<a Marli J.,,,.. Mar k McNulty ISa<>AOkl 8111 K,_U..., EdSllffd Ye11ctHNfntr Mike McCujlcJuOll Mlh8r- JOflnny Miiier Lindy Miiier JlmSlmoM Lee Trevino Mick Soll OollQT....tl Br11c~ Ll•l:lko Sevt 8allefltr0\ Tom W•ISO'I Me" Lye WOOCly Bl«UJUm Eel Flori Deni• wau.on M.,k M<Cumi.r Howard Twllly Lerry Z'-91 .. 8111 Aol>I,,_ Ken Grtefl Mike Aelcl Mlkt Morley Oevld Gr_.,, MerlLH•'l'l'S MOrrh Hatatuy Mer-c .ica-<hl• 8111 8rltton 8uclclyGan!Nr Torn Sn-TommY Yalentl,.. M.enuel Pinero S.Ollcly Lyle Buel Alllft l rtcl B•venc Greo "-'~ JoflllC- Ch1rlH COOCIV JC SMtd JackA- Oevt Elellelt.roe< Tim Sim.,_, LtOMrcl T'-'010n 0 .A W-1"11 Lon NlelMft 8•rry Jee<lltl Fra,,,C_r Aocl Curl TOM P11rtt..- Rlehard F••t PnntS-M1 Deft H•lldor\arl Gery Koch Ben Cre-• Oon Pooler 6S.1-ID ..... 7-133 ......... ,,. ·~'1-13' __ ,,. , __ ,,. 10..1-m ..... 137 .... ._IJJ 70..7-IJ1 ... 10-1• 11 .. 7-t.JI 1~1• .. ,-,. ... 10-1• 1~1· ...10-1• 70...--1• 114t-llt ... 70-IJt ... 11-13' .. 11-IJt .. 71-1'9 ... 11-IJt ... 10-1'9 ... 70-llt 11-4t-l«I ... 11 ,.., 114t-140 10.70-1«> ... 11 -1«> .. ,, ,.., 10.10 140 ... 11 -1.0 ... ,, ,.., " .. ' ,.., 10.10 !«I 10.10 ''° '9·72 141 1a_.. '"' 1110-141 1110 .. , 10.11 141 11.10-10 ,, •• 141 10.71 , .. »••-141 .,.,. .. , 11·1 141 n •t-10 ... 72-141 ,...._,., ll•t ,.., 71·11-1•1 ... ll-142 ... 1 141 70.1 ,., 1J.10-14l ... 1 U7 1J.10-IA3 IH1-IQ 70.7)-IQ 7).70-IQ T2 11 IQ 71 11-143 10.1)-143 7••t-143 7111-IG 11 11-10 10.1)-ICJ ... ,._,a 10.7)-IAJ 71-71-ICI ... ,,_,., ... ,,_,Cl 7J.70-14 lMl-143 1).70-143 72·11 IQ Vlntege lnvltatlonal (-1-Wetlsl Mllltr 8Mbtr Oeft Siio.ft Ar1 Wall ArllOld Ptlmer OonJ•,,...rv 8111y CMl>t• Ket Ha~ Paul H•r,.y • c;.,, wo•~-,,,,. Roberto ~Yl<enlO BobA-0 0....0481yer GtMLfltter Jerrf 8•rtier Torn NI-rt• Jack l uru S.mS..-Ooue Ford Oon Falr11e4cl llotlG-l>Y Peut Rl.Wly., Al &.JcllllQ ,. ...... -209 10.71-4t 210 lH~-JIJ ... ,,.,, -213 7 .. 70..t -21S 11-1•10 -115 n .1•11 211 7._7kl 111 7 .. 71-10 -Jlt 1$-10.14 -t i' 1H._1S 21' 11.,. .. , no 1no.11 no 1 .. 1 ... , 2:11 1'·1•1J -221 1).1).1S -2:11 1•-11·11 22) 1 .. 1).11 -223 u -1s.1• -m 11.1~-n• ,,.,,.,, m 1•1S.1•-,,, LPGA tournament l•I Ctty el l~'"I Oonnt H.Whlle Ar•llo Ot.•,,,_ Stlly Little Amy AICOlt JeMICOIM PallYS--Ylckl T•bof Beth D•nMI YIO IF....,.. M•rl•M Flo.,0.0.A•m ... Mtrdtll WlfklM Cindy Llncotn Cindy Hiii 8••1>Ar• .. ,_ AIHtnd•• Aelnllercll Pel Mt.,.,s T t lt411'0 Ohwko Nancy '"-~·-Ion M•ro• SluClblelllld Ktlllly F'ltttl-•11 Al..,ko HlltoQll e·JUll 111 .... a r Jeenntta Kerr Mtr1hll"- Y11koM«ieu<N Terry ""1otly Julle SI-• Pyne Muttl11 5->c.,.·0.vll" CMhJ--. Mery 0.-,.r 0.lt £09tll11Q $tndra Potl Jo.. Joyce IC•thy Wh"-'lll Aotll11 W•ll!Orl Slit lley Hernll11 SI""'• lef1oleccl111 Cathy Mone Cal hy !>Mrtl 0.DC>le~ln Judy Cltr1t Jenet •,.• R-ylanlett •-•m-- ~Tl-tU 15-11-10-111 7H ... 9-111 7S.10.)6-21t JG.74-7S-21t n 1s.1J-no 1~1).11-110 11·1J.1 ,_,,, ,..,,.,,..:221 71·7 .. 14-221 IS.11·14-2'1 1 .. 1).1)-271 , .. ,,.,.._m 1•·14-14-221 n .1:i.1._m 1 .. 11.10-m 1~11.11-m 1t-n.n-n> 7 .. 74·7i-ttl 1 .. 1 .. n-n• 7S.1P6-tt4 n .1Ms-tt• 1"1 ).17-22• ,,.,.,_22A 1 .. 11.n -m 1 .. 1~1-m , .. ,._, m 14-1 .. 15-m 11.11.11-m 1e.n 1s.-ns Tf.7Hl-22t 1~1 .. 1s-m 17.13 7._nt 14-1 .. 11-nt , ...... ,_,,. lt-1~1)-l» 11·1).7)-227 7._7Hl--tt7 77·74-1._tt, 1._1P._221 14-1 .. 17-221 n .1J.11-m Tl·11·n-m ~ • • . ' .. " , .. ~ l hhtblUoft ........ ". \all 01... ltt --· II I Ctlllomle 000 •1 001-1 IO o C11•tli. wi .. W , ~ 0), '--" ltl - Kt-tty; IC "-"-Sc_ .. , IS), Wellien ltl a"4I 011, ,.,_...., Ill w -Cwtlt L K. F0t"'11 ..... ~, ~ ..... ,,..... , .. c.c-:. ~ 000-, • 1 HO.ntOfl 110 -Ob IJ I HIOfon, Holtofl UI, ,..,,. 111 .,,. k'-lt- Lo,. 111. Rlof\69, Ly......, w ... Meffltt m. M•c0-'41 Ctl e"4I AlllCW ..... ,,. 111. W-A111'11e. L .-.., HR Hwtt4'1, Hflp. ..... ""'"' ( .. T....,.,flta,I Oelroll 000 100 •-1 t I Cl11elnnaCI Olt 000 Oh-J 10 I Ptlry, '-'~ .. lo W , TMlk <•I ·~ m. w .... , m -P•rr>a11. "*" "'· 8e1tflyl, ....,..,,.. 141, O•wtey 111. Hume 111 t lld TrevlllO, O'lerry (71 W-lero11yl L Petry HR-Oelroll, JoMte41" ..... nl,.tyelsl Cat....,._ IMdl, 'le.I IC•11u• CllY aeo ot0 OI0-1 S I TeHt 101 IOI °'1• 1 1• I 011••. ,,_II (41, 5cllel111199r "' -Wtlhllll, Ll"lelohn C•>: T-, C....~ 141. Otrwl11 171 elld Su11dNr9. Ellls UI W-Tene,,. L-0...• "'-· .... -• , ................ , AllMlte 000 ID J00-41 It Plttsaureh no _, Oh 1• 0 Mehler. 8r1c11ora 14), He1111e (ti, MeWllll_, 171 -Slntlro; E-• .'-UI, LOfl!I (S), T-11 (t ). Tekulve Ill . Romo Ctl a11d Nico.la , Orlla <O w Tekulve L MCWllllam• HA- Allant•,Horntr. .... J.,.•.•-· <•• .... Pat ... llMCll. l'l•.I T orOfllO 000 00) 000 001-4 II 0 _,, .. , 100 010 100 00.-J IO > Slletl, T-141. J eck'°" 111, w1111wno (10), Senl-... 1121 -Whltl, Mllntr '61; Stnclt•-. Sow Ul, Smith Ill. Germ., (Ill •lld A•.._, lleck-11 111) W-Wllllernt. L~ ...... ~·.-~· , ............. ) c111c aoo Cubt 021 ooo ,._.. 10 o Mltwa11k• 003 100 000-.. 14 f LtrSOft, Mir-fa 141, Knepo <ti, S.mall 111 •11cl Moret-. O.•lt <ti; CalOWtll. MCCiure ISi, E••lerly <ti. Coe __ , ltl ... a s1m mo11•. Moore 111 . w -K11•PD. L -McClure HA-Mil• ........ '-' --·.~-111 , .................... , SI. LD<lls 000 OIO 000-1 t 0 New York""-" 100 100 10• ~ II I B FONCll. l/roH• 141, Sl-r 111. Ful9f\em Ill •lld Porter, Kenllecty (71. Scotl Hot,.,., 141, Le11<h 111 •nd StHrns. Swett (11 W 5cott L 8 Fonch. v-...1.~• I••'-' u~ ... "•·I Belllmort 010 00 OOO-• 10 o HY Y6'\keM 000 500 011-1 II I M<Gr-. 11..,lrtz ISi, 1"olll•11 (II -Demplty, John, Frailer (41. Mo ISi, Ct lfelleft 11). Got~ ltl and FoOle. G;,1-. 1e1 W Go•••oe L -M o •IL•u HAS 8•111mor•. Mor•lo How York. Plnlelle ..._. ..... ,., .,.. .... J ... ~., ... , MI nne SOI• 100 100 000-1 I Phlladtfpllle ISO 720 00•-10 U 2 Vlola, Arroyo CJI, H•ftf'I• (6) -..,.... •• Smith UI. (Mlltn, A R-m. J. R-ISi. Wllll• 111 . 8r11Ultr Ill •11d Oita. McCormac• ISi, wm ... d (t l W-(;arllon L Vlole Hfh Ml.-tole, Smelley PhllaOllPll"°, Schmlcll -...s..12,Aed-S , .. .._"•-., ... ) Chlcaoo~t•So• 100 ooo >"' 11 11 1 BMIOtl OlO OM 000-S 11 ) McGlolhlln H0'/1 ISi, EoOe (ti -Fl•. Foley m . Oledt. s1 ... 1.,. 141, Kl"" m. Sc"-m , Smtih_. 1t1 -AllentOtl. UFr•llC.Ols (11 W-Koyl. L SO-.. Cofle99 acorH USC IO, Cetltonllt • (MC-eem•. Dlld cl•rl!MHI Arlana st-4. UCLA 2 UC ............. 1. Cel St .. t NorthrloOe 2·1 Col St-Fullff'IOft M , Pac Hie 7-4 Sl ... lord IM Ari•-1.\ Community college 0--•.•1e ...... ..... ,,_ 010 200 IC»--4 • J Golden W9tt 110 ~ OI• 11 I Sliva, c..mcmtll (t l -Jlml,..1; - •"" Schult w-~rtl\. L-Sllve tB-loyd IGoldHI WKll. JI Otvtt 2 C•lo HOfldOI. HA 5Plt0el (Gelden WHO S.M1 .. ttl l#P....,._t SaoclletM<IL 0e0 021 Olo-t 11 I P•lomar 000 000 OOl>-O • ' Kinney -'""'II -l"ff Ill. Kor ... F 1¥nn I)) Sleoilf (71 -Lt ndrvff W - l(lllMy l)oll L -Kor ... fl -H•hn (Stdlll 2, Perry l!>edcll, H~1 CP•lotnatl HA - Swancoel IS.dell Ht11hl IS.dell, lrwlft IS.001 fllll-••,O. .... CMnl Orar>qe CoH I 000 000 ~ 2 1 f:11ller1on 010 002 021 t I Aelnholll, Rooker (11 and P11•h•IC'll, Sp•onole •11d Oa vl1. W-Spaonole L A•l-•U 11 Sll•l11skl 10.- Cotlll. Sc'*'UY (F11ller10ft) HA> -Y- (Fulltr10ftl, O.vfs (Fullerton! ~h school ....... --., Morfl\A 000 030 ~ • 0 Edison OM> 002 ).-t • 0 .. _, -Flom. ~. C-y !ti ellcl LlftO••cl W-Clo11ty. L-8•1111•11. HAs-L•11to IMtrilll), Melle (EdlSIWll, Z.,.IKht IEdltonl H_,..... _.,, "-Velley I l'OUllltln Ytlley 000 010 0.-1 S I Hu11!1"910fl S..Ch 010 000 a-J 4 0 L•Mtrc,. -Pratt; l"'kets' elld 5"'...., 18 -COllllOI' (F•1111taln V•ll•Yl. A-r1S I Fou11t•ln Vtll•'fl. 1B-Brlen letrd (Hun11"9IOll -Ill f'l•STO.AMI c:.i. -s. °" .... t Cose. Mew «II 000 0-S t 0 Or-000 100 I J S l Hyde -Fleld; Pierce, M•r UI, Oackon (7) a11d F1 yn11 W-Hyde_ L-Plerce. HA-P"'"""V IColl.-MHAI. HCOllOOAMll 0.....-1.c. .. -... Cos1e Mew OJO 120 0-6 1 • 0r.... 001 .. •-1 12 2 Goettsch. Pe11rr11110 l •I tlld Fltld; Beyard, Scllul ... (S) -FlyM. W-layerct. L -Goethch. S-Sch11le r. tl-Fly1111 tOr•11e•I. Pierce (Or•11ee1. Sclluler t COreneel . l8-tcur11ttl (Cott• Masai. HA-Flelcl IC.OSI• Mttal. ~Oell,M. Pwl• St. P•ul 000 000 ~ 4 I Mat« Otl 010 000 X-1 4 1 .t.011lrre a nd C•11•lu. Spatu eftd Llverl!OI•. ,,.STOAMI i..A ..... ltMt, atT-1 LOS AlemltlK JOO 012 l>--4 I 0 El Toro 000 010 0.-2 s • L-d. Mer1111 (0 -Loe; L-11 eflcl Jocollo W~nl L-i.-11. HClOllO OAMI II,_ t, Lef A.__. 4 LOS Al•rnlm OID tto ·-• I EIT.... 001 °'11 a-S t I 0 . lrown. Liiiy 141 -~. Loe I'!; Plflft -GOllL•(K. W-P ... r. L-Utty. 11-l"llMNO ll.os Alemllol). Ja-s-r, CEI T-l. e ! i f I , I t I NHL ~U.CC*Plaa..c:a ._.._....... • .. T ., ··-···~ 0 11 " m Ill " c.ei ..... ,. JO ,. .. .... YMC-,. II If ,., Ml ., .... .. ,. ,., an ,. , ... , ... 1 1 It ., II 112 .. ., ~DI,,._ ,.., __ " It 20 ., HI • WllWllllOt II tt ti 21) "' ., $l. Lwlt H " • ,,. .. ., CJll<-14 " 10 ,., m ., TW9ftla 11 • It ,., ,,. ,. O.lroll ,, " " 140 '" • ••La• C0111,1Aa11ca ~.-.c'll OllMl99 a NY 1&1-• 41 u • )40 n1 tfJ NYA~l ,, 1• 12 ~ t.i ,. ,.,,., .. 1 ....... ,. • • .. -" ~tttMlvrtfl ,, n II ,., "" .., Wealllf1910ft u J1 ' ,,. ttO S} .W-.OM.._ Mofttru l " ,, 17 m ... ,on • 23 t 275 lllffafo u 21 u ,.. o...wc JI " u "' Har1ford " Jl " n• • -clll\Olecl fl"1 place I" clMtlon lel-J'•k- • .... J, NY Isl-rs 0 '°''°" ,, Oefroll J ~lie<•, Clliceeo > Cal99ry 4, Buff•IO I ECIM-s. Va11< .... ver l Molll-S, HM1forcl 0 Pit ullur1f\ 6, COior-1 WIMlpee 10. T0ton10 2 W •slll fltllCWI 6, Phi .-lplli • ) Ml-J. 5t Utuls 1 T ....... 10-e• MontrNI el eotlon Color-el "-rtford Wtsl>lntlOft el NY A-rt ......, .• o-•• IC 1"'91 el EOmonlDft Pllls burefl et Ml,,,..•OI• IUnaa 3. l1lander1 O '\ceo9..., PenMo lfJ .. tit ., m ... m ,. 1'1 " NYltl~ O 0 ~ LOIA"9t... I 0 2 ,,,. PtriM ), LOIA ...... Smith IS I Nichols, HerOYI, I OJ P-llln-Nr•lrorn. HY, 10 u. L M11rpf\y, LA, U:JJ, Bour,,., NY.11 11. s.c.MPertM None PtftAlllH-KtllY, LA, l OS. Mc Eweft, NV, • SS, Sim,_,, LA, II 3', llo\ele11-., HY, __ _,._,_, 11.lt. TMr11Pef'tM 1. LOS Anoeltl. Dionne U (8oHlll, 11.P 1, LM Af19tln, Simmer 11 (TeylOr, Otonnel. lt:>t Pentlllta-an.. SllOO on _, HY lslandtn 11·~7 13. Los At\1191H 1·7·• 1•. Go•lle•-NY l•l•ndtr>. IMl•n•on ~o• A119tltt, ~cl. A-U,tJD Men'1v0Heyball HIONSCHOOL Del,....._T_ ..... ,.,., Laouna a.Kii clef Cat>l~•-Y•lley, IH . 1~1; clef. Senta 8-r•, 1~10. 1~11; clef 0.. P-. IS... 1~2; >Piii wltll <;aet. Mt .. , 15-4, 1).U. Coll• ~ clef. ~ Puelllc)j, 1 .. 11, 15-4. cltf C119lstr-Vaflef, I~, IS-0. Oii Sant• lart>ara. 1 .. 14, l~S MtrlN dtf Solllll P•ltcleN. 1~10, 1~1. lo•I to S... -coa, tS.S, IS.t ; lost to S.. Clem..,le. l~U. IS.II. clel Newport Her11or, ,,.., ,,_. ............. L•lfUnt llH<h clel s ... Mtrco•, IS.10. C~e Mesa clef s.n Clemenlt. IS.S c ......... . L ...... llMch def. c ... 1. Mew, 1 II. II l, U·IO. MVP -Rudy Ovor•ll IL-Beaclll a.tglanlndoof , .. __.., SMl!flMI~ YllH Gtnllaltlt def Jimmy (O,,,_ .... 1, 1.s, Allelt Wll-r clef Slllomo Gllcks1.i11. .. , ..... SMl!f .... -.. Pevel Slotl1·5"e•m... Stew•r1 Olf. LIOW ICK1r11t·O..,. CM1e<, •·1. T·S WC'T tournament , ... ~ .. , _, ..... "..,.. lva11 L-1 clel Jo,,.,, Kriek, .. 4, .. ,. TomH Smlcl clef Helft1 G .. M,,.,dt. M , 14 Indoor tournament { .. LIN.~l Semfflael,.... JOM HI-as def. Klaus Eller',..,cl ... 2. ._l; Andon J..-ryO clef. Hen<lll S....OslToem, .. , ..... ............ ~ Roel Fr-ley·P""I ICrOllk def Marco Hocever·Cleudlo Pt11•ll•, •·1, •·l. J e rryd·H•11• Slmonuon clel All•rly Oevls-TonfG<-. W . •·l.t ·J Women'• tournament (Ito.MM) SeoNflMISI ..... MarlN N•vr•lllOva clef K•le L•t,.•m, •·I, •·I ; Mlma J eu>ovt< del Satllfta Slmmoncb, M , M College UC IN ... s. 5"111Cont .... 4 ~ Petko vlc CSCI def Ou•oe, •·l , •·1; Petit"'°" ISCI. clef Mc Pflerao11, 1·6, W ; Nel.an (UCll dtl RMI, M , .. l; A- IUCll clef Coollt. W , 6.J. H ; Heio (SCI. O.f Zone. ... , ..... Perrcelt (UCll clef. K ruQtr .... J, &-4; ~-Snydtr.ci..Ot CUCll clef "'91kovlc ·Helo, •·•, 1·t . Pellen..,..·CemPllell (SCI cltl Ramo • Nelt o n ,•·•. •·1, •·1 , lolle<·M<Pflerwrl CUCll clef ANl·C-e, .. , ... t ... 1 High school ........ "· p ..... s.r-.., \II (lecwt',llt•-.. reltlt ~ H•f119r 111 tosl lo Collk, H ; clef A_.klrl, ..0; -It Pl-, M ; clef Br-11, ..O; ""-m <II, losl, N ; -1•, •·2, H ; Sllaw Ill - W , 7·S. -H . -._I; K11l9111 (II IO>I 14, ...., .. J.10Sll4,-H ~ F,' ••·HO•no 111, SP ll 1 with Ot Fr •nslsco·Atmlrt> • 1·5, 1·6. Clef. Sf>ome•·8-......... Hen_Y_ (II ......, .. J, Inc .. ...,,.._,,•·> , Misc. FromP~B1 SUITONe. • my tam11y u l can," M••Y•· Sutton wenl IO far as &o meet several limes with Aatroa' president and 1eneral manac..- Al ROHn. The Altro pllcber aaya be bu been up fronl wilh RCMll rltht from the beglnnJna. "I 've had fiv e or 1h conversaUo~ with him add he seems to be a very understandm1 man," Sutton admits. "I ju.at thoufhl it would be a grou lnjust ce 'to our friendship lf I didn't go down and discuss Lbh1 with him." IF SU'IT()N likes the Weal Coast so much, why did he leave the Dodgers in the first place. excluding the obvious money reasons? .. For a lot of ye ars, f was restless. I wanted lo see what It would be like to play somewhere else," said Sutton, who spenl most or his career in Dodger Blue. "During the strike, we were looking for a new home and we found a place that fills all the needs or the family,·. he adds. So, Sutton is stuck on a team he likes playing for but far away from the place he calls home. And compounding 'the situation is the fact his career just might be over. It's a sobering thought, especially after Sutton performed admirably in 1981. While his won·loss record was onl y 11 ·9 , Sut.ton posted a res pectible 2.60 earned run a verage, over 159 innings. He started-23 games for the Astros . In fact. he started more games than any other Astro pitcher. THAT'S NOT bad for a man who would be the oldest player on the team if veteran Joe Nie kro weren 't around. "I pitched as well as I could last year. I was comfortable but the end results weren't quite what I wanted," he says. Jn the meantime, Sutton continues to pace himself as he attempts the first comeback of his glossy major league career. He has thrown just two innings this spring -in an intrasquad game. He is due to throw again Monday. "I'm almost there," Sutton adds. "It's just a matter of continuing to get the strength back." * * * DOOGaR llOTU Ttw Ood9e,.. -Atl,.., Nvt • ,..,...ch •I Vero 8tach -Y Tiie ..,... will ... tl4ev1Mcl on KTTV CMMel II ......,"II •1 IO·IOa.m . PST -WetMwlll _ ... 1(-r of h AstrM Qod9er llr-W YI• Sc•llY •Ill ... hollO••d lodey with • OOOOtt"t.,_ 111...c -•<•Itel'" his neme. Scvllf wlll lie lolNd br Oocl04< Hell af Fe....,. ~ tc .. t .. -lley ~la •tone with •- Ai.t•. T-... U--OoOotr ... -Peter O'Mall4o¥. From Page 81 UCI ••• catch in the afternoon Clo see how it responds). "l told him the worst lhat could happen was that it would split open again and bleed a little bit. . . but he wouldn't die. Still. I don't know." Mulligan said that Magee's un c ertainly ha s c aused problems in preparing for the Sooners. ··If we knew ahead of time he wasn't going to play, we could spend more lime getting ready to do olher things," Mulligan s aid . "Mind you , I 'm not complaining, I'm just pointing out the problem involved." Mulligan was unhappy over the fact UCJ hacl to play on the road again. "It's totally unfair," he said. "We have the best record in the NIT C23-6) and· we have to win three on lhe road to get to New York." And to complicate matters, the Anteaters may have to do it without Magee . Said Mulligan: "I guess we'rt' gonna see if we can coach, huh?" Swimmers to advance Four Orange Coast area swimmers and members of the Meraquas Swim Club of Irvine not only qualified for the national age group championships to be held in Denver UUs monlb bul the)' allo- qualified for the international trials as well. Diana Cannariato of Cosla Mesa quallfied in the 11·12 solo competition and also the duet version with partner !telly Casey. Tricia Blabee, also of Cotta Mesa, and partner Susan Burcb also Clualuted In the duet competition. Ka~ Madlen' and Dee Cohen, both of Huntingt.oo Beub, each qualified lo the solo competition, tben combined to ca.bl a spat llL the duet action. Connon omted 8RUSELS,8el~um(A.P)­V1tu Gerulaltia defeated ,.._, C01lDOU 1·2 • .!:.~.L~· u •• Hmlftnall ol the IMlpaD llM'loar TeDDll °'8"'~ ..._., and wUI p1a;Jht;•rtv ol SwedenlntM~s.dQ. I J I . ... • l Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, Mlrch 14, 1982 ...., White still leadS tourney .as Wilkins falters DRINK DISPENSER Keeps all types of liquids. hot or cold hours longer l.9LT. 4115 •Yl0/474 .Al SEA BREEZE ANTll lPTIC FOi THE SKIN In a new shatter - proof bottle. hLlm 1.29 ~ FABRIC SOFTENER Works in the dryer for sorter, fresher smelling clothes. t71Q iij" II IODAI KODACOLOR I ,.. •CUI · 24 DNllml •Cl•· 24 EIP9.S '"1Qjijtju DOCUMENT & CERTIFICATE ,.... In Black (I II I,.) or Walnut (lllllMI). Choose from I 9 sizes s· 11 r . C 8" 11 10" or 8\lt" )( 11·. u. WUkina bit ber tee •bot lnto a trap Oil tbe nlDth bole, U.. chipped acrot1 tbe ..,._,came back to three feet and •ank tbe putt for a bo .. y. '1v1DI a J4 oa the nine and putUna ber 2-under·par for lbe tourney. On the back nine, th1ap didn't 10 H well a1 abe recorded a 41, 4~ver~par, to ftniah tbe day with a 74 and record a 221 tor the three roundl. She I• Ued f« eiabth place ao&nc lnto today'• floal round, 7 atrokea beblnd White. "Ji hit every freen today but lt waa sort of ·borlna at the tut, : Whit• nld. "I really aot cold oo the back alde and the w1Dd bothered me a bit. "'11ala course ll t.reacbe~ at Umet and y•, I lhlnk S.under·par could wln it tomorTow." o.fendlnc champion Salb Uttle bad the belt round ol the day oo Saturday, a 4·under·par •· . "I wu dolnt well uoUI the 11th bole," UWe aald ol her round thaL could have Ued the eoune record ol •· "But I blt a fat iroa ott the tee and then Md an alm08t lmpoulble 3·wood shot to a very smaU ireen. I two-putted for a holey." LltUe ls iour atrokea behlnd White at 211. Ayako Okarn«o, one ol Hveral Japanese 1olfen ln tbe toumamenL, ta in second place at 217 alter a 3-under round of 70 on Saturday. Tropkat Fish • Fresh • M.t• 1 A'J'U':fum Supplfel / ·iPeoW·March 1a, 1112-Men=h 11, 1m • °Xlphophofua hellerl: ... ., 2.11 My ancestors were found wlld In Mexico and they were a drab loc*lng fish bUt man has helped me Into becoming a bHUtlful creature. My brick red bOdy 9"Mnced with an ebony framed sword, makes me elegently hand~. See me at Aqu.Uc T~luls where I am on sale under the name ' Brtck Swordtail" for only 2.79 a pair. •~ 1110 W. l eker • CCMU MHa •. · 149-1391 •Comer HertMw a Baut . "I feel I played u well today u I did Friday when I bad tbti 88. I hit the ball and kept it ln play but I didn't in.ire any putta today. "I've never led a toumamenL by myself befofe but I've been tied for the lead (lbe bu alto won two tournaments), Amy Alcott made a bld to joln the leaders and was 2-under for the day when ahe bogeyed the flnal two bole• and bad to settle for a 219 for a ,,_ ___________ ...,..,... __ fo\&~h-place tie with first·round leader · Janet Colet. I.I WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Maste,. Card I • ,tWl«1:•> • All/Fii "DIGITAL" CLOCK RADIO AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY, MARCH 14th thru TUESDAY. MARCH 16th CLAIROL HAIR AIDS E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i 81AUTY PACK TRIATMDT The Beauty Prescription for Troubled Hair 8AVE30' Cefl•B Strawberry PRESERVES ANAL NET Ass't concentrated. non· aerosol formulas for l~~~-~longer lasting hold. 2.29 Herbal EsserEe SHAMPOO The most beautiful sham· poo experience on earth' r~:f 1.59 ·SAVE30' SUNS~EET MEDIUM CALIFOlllA U~ET PRUNES ~~ 69C CHI.DID ACT FAST ... M~PGISONS PIOTICT YU Clll.DIDI 1·::-.=c: .5oe ............ ..-.. ... 1~ .... ~ _.._.... Wakeuptoyour 22 88 favorite music or • an alarm Readout has large. lighted numerals SPECIAL 5 1 7 SIZE COLOI OUICOIOO From your color negatives or shdes. L1m1ted time offer. 79~ SAVE ao• VLASIC "FRESH PACK" KOSHER ·DILLS ~:·aiw Mouthwash· & Gargle .. SAVE3&e BAYER ..... 1.5 •lfiJ:t.ll EmAmOGTH POLI DENT DIJfTUI£ cu..utSll Fights tough stains & helps remove bacterial plaque & odor-causing :· 169 TABLETS • '"tGliiil ONE-A-DAY YITAM .. S PLUS tROH 10 Essential Vitamins Plus Iron ...... '91Jtlr011 .. 11!!1.!!!!!!,_..!!!!!!.~ .. !!!!l!-!!l!I ---- ~::ws3.49 4'\rjl!1ll LANACANE MESlllmC COOLM Cl£M[ •DICATION Soothes itching and burning 1 u. SIZE (Uji439 JOHNSON'S SUPD·TUFF ODOR-EATERS Extra Durable for sneakers. sport & work shoes. l PI. 1.69 .. 1Qjijt'!a IVORY UQUiD ::nOL 1.19 ~:-._-,;;,. Super-Tuff -::-· ... -..._ .~ .. ··· ~-. 11 ·~ -"' ... . . .. . ... .. SPECIAL! .,._..,. ............. . UllfAAIU.;_ .. ,· .... ...-._. - 1 I f -I ! J t ' i I I i I : I · II ' !I i I : I • t . ' II : ' ; I ii 'I . ' 11 : ! J t l l ' i . c I t i I , .. \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sund•y, Mwoh 1-4, 1982 r { Outside ~r r t. . d ~ .J • t 1,,, •. h. hn-. ..... "I lt11l1,m -.tyh11\'c11n1J.-'l"'in"nh•dhy ... uh UT ,1ulh.""' J.., l l,·~11-111.111<1', 1.vh~t~l~ Judi t'l\'l t11 rn1n~'r' If I j I If~ 'f It ' I \ f Inside f u.ly lun,11,·n.JI • 1tt.•1111,:-.trurrwnlah4''I "' 111 hi l'.l'~"11t 1 .. • ... ~twr upll••bh:ry ntd ,, ~·hJ W("'J •h't'ftn~ /i1 'l''-l Ad1u,t.ihll bu\~,.,""''''' ... mJ J hJld1b.t1.. k t.'lh 1,~ \_! ~ tU'-."' •'h'rl, ,1nt11~1H,• l• •tl1 b .. ,,.,,y .111d. u11ltty lllO .... The Alfa Romeo GTV Coupe Under the Hood A 8'.~ h l J~tronh_ luel iUl\_'l l~tl l rJ hh•1 <nQm\t "-ouph:d w11h .1 llV\' 'J~'-'d .-i..:,·rdnv•· tr.m4:rru ·.1.1n ''' p11w1J~ ht~t1 ~rfo111ww:~ Jrrv1ng; Ru"-~ ...t1k1 pu1 n t2~rm\j tMm ~u t rt'df '11\h 'WdV b..u' and f~df °' n. I "'"~r.'>1(10 ~ hxiUu UllJ'<" ..ito:.· 1<-.d h.;nJ:ino( Altottther A peria:1 m..trrt,~ ~'t ltalidn ~u1~· ~u'd tJ\11 '''"'""' excellent• Eaperlencc the Alli Romeo GTV Coupe today 11 Beach Imports. PDtUDB lt?9SAQ 900G1J . Alt~ Automatil:. s...o. a.cvsc~. (4fiOZQl) $7500 $11,900 tt1• \tole .... 3 O-:f'OUl'S9Mcl. AMlfM s.no. VOUCS1&GD IVS 7 Slllllconomyf $4850 (IOiH90l) Surwoaf • Skldff2788 $7850 "848 Dove St. Newport Beach (714) 752-0900 ~ : I ~ IMPORTS 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (714) 631-7170 Buy any new ca1 or truck this weekend at Newport Datsun and we II qive you a 5 \ea1150 000 Mile Service Contract FREEi 1982DATSUN -~ ___ .:\~ <L~• .. ; -,~ 2 --~-~--- THE .sf COMPl.E1t PARTS & SERVICE OEPMT-..1S . SOUTHERll CAUFORllAI . --- AUTOMOIU ClUI OF SOUTit· ERi CAlRllllA APPROVED SEIMCEIREPUI FACIUTYI 19820a1sun 200SX Hardtop Spony Economy' Ser •5244 22 More 10 Ch00"4' lrorn .11 S'm''"' Savings• $7,187 22 More to ChooH from •t SlmKer .. vlngel 19820atsun 280ZX 5 Spee<!. 2 8 Lner Engine, Cfvose Con1101. AM/FM Otg1lal Stereo with Cassette and much more• Ser •432708 . $12,984 Over ~IM-. Z'li to Choo•• from •t ~IH ••vin9•1 19820atsun MAXIMA DIESEL Loaded with Eleolnoe' Set '4707 8MoretoChoosetrom I Met9 to CMo-fnNft•t...,._~ ALL CARS IN STOCK ~TREDUCED PRICES! 1981 J AGUAR XJ 6 4.2111 OWNERS DEMO When New $28,067 Only $24 ,595 Brand New 1980 F E RRARI GTB ~--u:n 1 Was $48,635 Now $42,995 SAVE NOW SAVINGS ON ALL REMAINING ROVERS 1981 ROVER DEMO Whe n new $16,917 only '11,995 Factory incenti ves allow us to pass on s ubstantial savings to you . Rover combines the quick handling of a sports car with the comfort of a family sedan and the utility of a wagon 3100 Coast Hwy ., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) ~2-9405 (213) 581-1532 · Tbe Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU THE ISUZU D .IESELS EH E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY!. EPA CITY These figures we for comparison only, your mileage wlll vary. EPA ·HWY. ··~'-.... ..-..-. .. ') • • 0 R 0 A r' SJJJ(}N Sf,'(" ION ()J.' '/'Jlr. <>HA w;1-; ('(AS'/' /)/\/LY '//,()'/' Sl '."v() Y ... \.IAHCll 4. /9X2 , r J . . .. '.°9' .... 11 t-I •• Cl Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Maroh 1-', 1982 Let me offer you my condolences • • • By NORA LEHMAN 0.lt,, .... ITVLe._..., I love fashion shows. which In light of how I spend a good many of my days, it's a jolly good thing. But when one isn't feeling -well. absolutely tiptop -even the lure of one lovely bit of clothing after another passing before one's eyes can b e depressing. But a commitment is a commitment, after all. So last week. feeling just a bit sorry for myself. I climbed into my little car, found the freeway and muttered my no~n . way to the Anaheim Marriott lo join the 14 CHOC Guilds members at their annual luncheon /fashion show. I should have known it was all going to be all right when I found a parking spot within Jogging distance of the hotel. And was it all right! If you weren't among the 1,453 people who "experienced" that day. let me off er you my condolences! To coin a phrase. it was a show and a half. When CHOC teamed up with Saks Firth Ave nue to celebrate their 20th anniversary, plus the fact they had p~ssed the $3 million mark in total contributions to Children's Hospital. it was a match made in -well. made wherever those matches are made. This wasn't just a fashion show. it was a n A-production worthy or the Busby Berkeley days at MGM . The re we re moments when I thought he was back. Now , as we alJ know, it takes hard Ethnic is in and the two designers featured in this week's STYLE. Oklahoma fdesigner Virgin ia Hornick and Texan Merry Baker Stough are riding the crest of {hat wave. If Ms. Romick and Ms . Stough have their way they'll have American women · dressed in s kirts. blouses. dresses and pant suits made in mus lin. calico. denim. patch work . appliqued ribbons and silk-screened cottons-. Married to a noted Jewelry designer. George Hornick, a Quapaw and Kiowa Ind ian , the influence of his cultura l background led to the start of her firm in the mid-seve nties . Nati ve Ame rican Designs. Fas cinated with the colors and free design in lndian clothing, Virginia Romick's first sale was an adaptation of an Indian "tear" s hirt Indian squaws. having no scissors, tore the fabric they received for the hides their me n had A Sunday Stt11or1 of I he Or0119f' Coo.st Daily Ptlol Thomas P Haley Publlot..r Thomas A Murph1ne Editor Nora Lehman Styi. Editor Michael P Harvey M•ftl•llno Olr•ctor Mar1one Fendel A.UH S.i.t M•,,aoer For New1 Call 642·4321. Ext 205 For Adverti1lng Call 642·4321, Ext 251 M•ln Office 330 V'vest Bay Strert. Post Office Box 1560. Coste Mesa. Calif 92626-0560 DRESS UP RESALE BOUTl9UE • GRAND OPENING FINE LADIES FASHIONS ON CONSIGNMENT SPORTSWEAR TQ FORMALS ACCESSORIES, TOO! Search Your Closet For Unwanted Clothes a"i}Turn Them Into Cash MOteAY-SATUIDAY J I 0 A..M.-6 P .M. ZCMJ WISTCIJllf DI.. M.I. 631-1290 work to make' something look smooth and easy. Six · months went into this planning. Even though the specific clothes weren't available for spring and summer, fashion tre nds were known. So, the Saks folk developed those themes , the show was blocked, and the specifics -the modefs in the clothes chosen to represent the themes were fitted in later. It was. after all. celebration: so start high and keep it up, was the first decision. The second -present the whole gamut or the store rather than concentrating on t he couture department. So what were the trends they presented and how did they tie them in? Well, in case you hadn't noticed -red, white and. blue are big this year - nautical, 1982. But Saks didn't r~u ror that cliche. They came in tangentally with a Barnum and Bailey Circus theme_ The band was dressed in -right -red, white - and blue. And the acrobats made another fashion statement -stir around in stripes and you'll do fin e_ (Did you reall y t~ink thoS'e leotards were just a coincidence ?> It's a lady-like year ! Ladies waiting for the Chattanooga Choo Choo in their pretty pastel suits told you all about that. <Yes, there was a time people dressed up to travel !> A zoot suite r (let's not take life too seriously, gang ) and his ··1ady" -in a purple taffeta panned dress annou nced nig ht was upon us and we'd see soft silks and luxurious evening dresses cross the ramps. Football pl ayers. who bared their chests and then turned into cowboys before our ver y eyes. ye t , c lued us that sportswear was about to appear. New . silhouettes in polis hed cottons and linens in s un baked, desert colors kaleidescoped befo.re us. Next, three strong silhouettes minis with big tops. s lacks with ~mall jackets The producers of this show, from left, the luncheon Generpl Chairman Carol CLisbu from HuntinQton IBeach's Little MeT1TUlid Guild; and fron Saks wmtant GeneTal Managers Sue Sper/Jng and Robert Camm, Personnel Director Renee Frangk, Fwhwn Coordinator Billur Wallerich and CHOC Director lot Volunteers, Frances Stawicki. and eyelet-linen dresses all in white. reinforced the ··white is right" for spring and summer theme. So what else is new·1 Black and white. that·s what. And, the Saks people used bathing ·suits to ma ke that state ment. Red cover-ups moved them from water to poolside and on to cocktails. And then the finale. The ramps were filled with models in Ralph Lauren clothes Wh y RL '! Because he's come to be thought of as Americana himself -his clothes described as ··cl ean. sample . modern. a nd fun ctional <my prairie skirt is n·t too, functional getting into my Toyota, but never mind 1 1 yet mnatel~-. classically American.·· H's a big _year for fashion and the options are many If you were watching carefull y you could pick them out. But if you j ust sat back and had a good time. take advantage of my advantage and see pages 6 and 7 for photos of all this. Designers ride crest of ethnic wave COVER · Jan Vitti wears a red. yellow and white traditional calico dress by Virginia Romick of Native Amencan Designs To wear belted or rwt. this modern adaptation of an American lodian ··tear" dress features a square. ruffled neckline and hem. Fashions by Devereu.r·s. Ltd. L ulo Village ·bartered with traders into the shapes they wanted Smee then she has developed a thrivi ng cottage industry in her hometown of Miami , Okla. Designing for men and children as well. her outlets have spread throughout the United States. Mer r y Ba k e r Stough "s firm . Crossroa d s MS. also started in the mid-·10s. 1s located deep in Texas hill country, and her d esign firm is also a cottage industry. Turning out handmade d es igns influenced by the ancient Indian culture of the Cocle region of Panama, Ms . Stough s ays, "Drawings are taken from the pre-Columbian pottery of the area and transferred by hand-screening to our 100 percent cotton fabrics. Our body designs are casual and sophisticated and our colors subtle." In her Country Collection, she utilizes traditional patchwork patterns to trim the natural fabrics she uses to produce designs that are distinctively reminiscent of the early American West. On one hand the cowboy and on the other the Indian. In fashion they mix and blend beautifully. . Both collections can be seen, enjoyed and acquired, along with a little wine and cheese at Devereux's, Ltd_ in Lido Village on Thursday, March 18 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' Daily Pilot Photo by Richard K~hltt Here J an combines a ribbon "tear" shirt by Native American Designs with a patchwork-trimmed denim skirt by Crossroads MS for the pretty functional prairie look so popular this season. You'I be k>okln' good with OU' precision cut & styte. Specialy priced this week, •15. • s~ &'::Dehta1t , -· --·----- ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 C3 ;-.. ll was 1976 whe n Michael Medved and David Wallechinsky asked "What Really Happened to the Class of '65?" Orange Coast lady of fashion This week we can tell them whl:lt re ally happened to one member or that Palisades High School graduating class - that pretty dark-eyed girl whose yearbook pic ture appeared about a quarter or the way through the book. You re member he r . Janice Lang Hirsch ? Born in Los Ange)es, one of two g irls in a family of rive childre n, she grew up in P acific Palis ades .. A product of t he '60s, the beginning or an er a when ther e was a strong proba bility young people wol\ld not do what their pa rents expected o r them , doing instead the ir "own thing " J an did hers by not · entering college, but choos ing instead to purs ue an interest in a theatr ical car eer . s~veral dra m a schools behind her. she fina lly settled into a two-year stint at the P asadena , Playhouse. An appearan ce in two m ajor productions led to an agent and· some television work. Still not ready to settle into college. she decided on a year in London. But not be fore s he made her debut at the Los Angeles Music Center under the aus pices of the Los Angeles Patrons of Fine Arts . The initial idea for that London period was to study d rama. but. to q uote Jan .. ··1 got easily sidetra cked into us ing the c ity as a b ase a nd s pending mos t of those 12 mo nths tr aveling." Her wanderlust d iminished. she came hom e to enter UCLA. taking a dual major By VIDA DEAN O.Hy ~.._. ._,, E._, The r e u sed to be a s aying t hat ever ybody talks a bo ut the weather but nobody does anything about it. The modern vers ion is •that everybody talks a bout a ir pollution. • But in this case, s omebody. namely the cosmetics industry, is doing something about it, and m aybe it's coming just in the nic k of time. Scientists have discovered that air pollution has a dfrect effect o n a person's a nger-arous al threshold th at VD~ m eans people affected by air pollution get angry much more quickly than those m cle an a ir situations . So air pollution gets .. under the s kin .. with ill e ffects just a s it's ha rmful to the skin outside. What 's availa ble now in the way of s kin protection from the ha rmful e ffects of a ir pollution is from Estee Laude r and it is called simply .. Prot ection Tonic ... '{his product was discussed recently by Ida Stewa rt, Estee La uder vice president and speeial consulta nt during a visit to Robinson 's at Fashion.Is land. ··You're going to s tart hear ing a lot m o re a bout pollutan t protection.·· said St ewart. "R ecently in New York , we sta rted noticing that several of us started getting runs in o ur nylon s . It wa s d e t ermine d t h at it was cau sed by som ething in t he a ir " som e kind o f po llutant." Explaining tha t air pollut ion studies ha d produced a number of discoveries. Ste wart said th at some long-t ime Estee L a ude r c us t o mer s were beginnin g to complain about their cosmetics. · ''I've had women come to me and say they've been us ing our product for a long tim e a nd that a ll o f a sudden t hey'r e alle r gic to it ! Actually. it is the pollutants in the air . So we h ave our protection tonic," she said. Stewa rt was sur rounded by wom en whe n I arrived at Robins on's for our interview. She was giving a demonstration by applying makeup to a customer's face and answering questions as s he worked . She had been at it for four hours . Jon wears a muslin sun dress trimmed in patchwork by Merry Baker Stough of Crossroads MS. Iler headband -a belt by New Hero art and theater arts. But before graduation. on Apr il 24. 1971 , she married Tony Villi and two years late r . when Tony moved his law practice from Beverly Hi lls to Newport Heach. the Vittis became Ha rbor residents Her list of interests is long a nd van ed Po lluti on gets under y our skin "Women are interested in skin care today," she said ... They are interested in what they eat. Al one time. they m ight eat anything left on their child 's plate rather than t hrow it awa~ or refrigerate it fo r later use. But not any more Women <ire c a r eful about what they put in t hei r bodies a nd careful about what they put cm their bodies." Stewart said t hat women no longer see m to be concerned about jus t one aspect of their appear a nce "Women used to come to me and ask me to do just their eyes Not an y more Today. they want to knov. tot a lly what:s good for t heir s kin. ·'They want to know which eye Crt.'am is best for them a nd what they can expect it to do. They're more dem anding of facts. a n d the cos m etics i nd ustr y h as r esponded." Stewart e xplained She said tha t there are more scientist~ working for cosmetics companies today than ther e are in Hospitals .. And why no t ? .. she asks . .. More peopll' w(•a r cosm etics t han are s ick .. Ida Stewart ha s been associakd with Es tee Lauder for 20 vca r~. and s he.· res ponds to q uestions in her soft Southern a ccent with calm assurance "Women a lso ask me about whether a pa r ticular product is for night -wear or d aytime. and my reply always is that s kin is skin , regardless of the tim e of da~ ·· .. It's appropriateness that's important If I'm going to a s pecial luncheon or to a wedding at noon, I want to wear more makeup t han I would for. say. an evening bar becue. So. you see, it's what's going on tha t 's importa.nl, not what time it is." Stewa rt explained that her nighttime s kin -care ritu a l includes use of creams lightly· applied to t he face. "I use a lot of c ream on my hands a nd feet, but not on m y face." she said . ··1 use more makeup in the dayt ime, because m ore prot ection is necessary It's that pollution again. You need protection fro m the sun. and now it's poll ution We were the first cosme tics company to put s unscreen in fou ndation. a nd now we have it in a lot of our products. includin~ lipsticks." Stewart says a lot of women claim that t hey're never in the s un. but s he says she notices brown spots on their faces. and she knows t h ey are getting som e s un reaction. "Maybe tney don't spend a great len gth of time in the sun on a ny one occasion, but the expos ure to the sun, j ust by going to-and-fro m the automobile. has a n accumulative effect." she wa rned. Ida Stewart's comments on poll utants can get unde r your s kin. • cJANUAR cr~s * SPECIAL OFFER * Sculptured Nails• $35.00 (Value $55.00) Manicure Plus Pedicure Only $20.00 • f Valued at $3Q 00 J Expires May 1. '82 ...._ • ALSO AVAILABLE • Make-up, Make·up Lessons & Facials. Body Wraps and Mas age 2400 W. Coast Hwy., Suite 2 Newpon Beach 145-3'18 • The wind rushes off the bay and blows Jan's hair and the nbbons on the red JOO percent cotton caftan ribbon dress deS1gned by V1rgirua Rom 1ck for Native Amencan Designs Daily Pilot Photos by Richard Koehler reading, art. lh<·all'r. fc.is hion coordtnat1on. C'ooking. a!'l Wl'll as tennis, sw1 mmmg. boating. dan cL·. l'X l·re1~e da::.!'l and hor:,l•back riding Aul her rl'al conn·nl ra tion at th ts I 1 m l' in hl'r lifr 1s on T ony and Lh l•tr two th tldren. Kristen. 8, and John. age 2 A young wtfl' and molht•r l1 vm g a busy and aet1ve lift.'. she still ha~ t ime to dt·volt• to the.· Children·~ llome Socwty. the Orang<.· County Music <.'l'ntt•r and that gourmet ~ot1C'ly of ;_ill gournw t sot·1t•t1es . Lo ('hatnP des Hot11s1tn11re!S ~ot 1,.v1t hout fa m 1 I~ 111 th(• arl'a. J c.1 n · ~ mother a nd grandm11tht•r ll\'t• in Corona ckl Mar ;.ind her father. a brother <ind ht·r 1101~· s ish·r live in :"it•wport Hcach Two othl·r brothers h av<.• remained in Ln!'l J\ngt•ll'S Of tht> future. she says. ··When I get Kn::.ten ;,i nd John raised I'm going to finish that colkgc course I'm determined ~o do that'" Th ert•. Mr M e v e d and M r Wallcct11nsky . you havt' an answC'r to at least one of ~·our qtwst1ons • Wearmq a cloy c11/urt'd lfJ(J pt•rcenl cotto11 trimmed and Stlk screened m black pantsuit. Jan wait.<; for her coll to h<• 011.<w>('red The ~Ult 1s by Cro.\sr(J{1,ds .\1S. cmd1eted st111es arp t111 .Jacques C11he11 and black ''raw bay hy Lorkm i'Je u.J .sr>rino foshio 11s f ro rn forn o us desig n ers recluceci for the f irs t tirne. Scn 1c on d esio n er <ires~e.s on cf J )ant co.s t un1 es f o r cloy nncl et 1cni n u on cl o lo r~1e collectio n <~f se1>aro tes (111c1 roorrtino tes in pre tt y SJJring JJOs tc ls. A JJ rectu cect in SHOE SALE Glo ria Vanderbilt l S11ake Co llectio n On e-Third Off Open, Whipsnake sandals in new spring colors with matching handbags. Regularly 562 to .$102 542 ro 5 72 JOHN HOGAN Fashion Valleµ .. 'i<m Vi<'<I<> ..!!II 710o Fa l'llon I Janel. New(>f>n C<·nrc•r l>« 7100 \ · C4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. March 14, 1982 FROM · RINO re RieE •••••• "~NG Ya.JR O WN STYLE" ore w0<ds that ring true when viewing ar selecticri of domond engagement rings and wedding bonds. With l!"i> yeas of experience in jewelry and o reputation built on service ad q.dity, we pomse on exciting selection of the latest designs for yar~ovci. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE 751 -5640 "ffi\ES 'MDONG Ml-GI(" Lorraine is wearing o bridal creation for ~ Auq.Jst weddng and knows that GENES hod the largest selection of c:p.-.ns ad tridesrroids O.esses in the area. She · s also seen in her carp.1S cosi..d ensemble throughout her shopping spree. wh ich is simb to her trouseou. GEMES 545-0724 Gl\GSS ~WEAR hos a full display and complete stock o f sizes. colors ad styles. At GINGJSS FORMAL WE,4.R we rent to the goon. but we cater to the bride. Local locations include: South Coast fbzo. Mission Viejo Moll. Westminster Moll and Cerritos Best Plozo. GIMGISS FORMALWEAR 751-4160 wwm ERNST BRO~ feon.es unique custom desiqns f °' wedding irMtaions. ba mtzvohs. birth announcements and parties -your w 1peee bJsiness and personal stationery store. Wcri with their tderted atist ~ ~.Dione Y ounqblood to desiqn your speciol ~ WH' IAM ERNST IROWM 540-2265 Plai ycu r~sd dnn&-and wedding reception. ot this established restcuorl which hos two beoutif ul banquet rooms to accommodate c:rry size pcrty. Experience ond versatility make the RIV/ERA, extra specici. C.dl M . Perry and let him arrange the details of your entire offc:W. RIVIERA 540-3840 '~ .. . . let us pion you: honeymoon vocation. Our .experienced travel CO'lSJtonts ere ot you: service to assist you with all o f your travel plans -..JlQt to see -....hot to wear and all of the things that will help m:ie you: honeymoon memorable. OH THE GO TRAVEL 546 -2363 Tl-£ Q\l_ Y WAY TO GO! Light, strong, washable luggage -o ~ investrrent that will lost for yea rs. Reasonably priced for re.Jyweds. LESPORT$.A.C hos o variety of 79 d ifferent styles and m::ny coos. COii for our free ca talogue. LESPORTSAC 557-1263 TI-E NTIMATE COOKTION off•s beautiful deisqner ~nqene for the ~ trousteOU inckdng 1~'6ious sil qowns, designer rob.s. peqnows. tecties, carisdes. becviful gorf4!1f betts, French sil stodinq1. ond ~ q::ners. A bridal re<:jstry service is ovoiloble. IMTIMATI COLLICTION '.. Orange Coast DAILY' PILOT/Sunday, March 1 .. , 1982 On August 14, 1982, Lorraine vbhnston and Kenneth Brown will become husband and wfe. On a recent shopping trip to South Coast Pina the Costa Mesa couple went from ' ''Ring to · Rice" in planning their wedding . On a vkli rlwind trip through 16 unique shops, they worked 'I.1th individual shop owners to make everything perfect. Lorraine and Kenneth met where they both work at c.ertil , Inc., in Irvine and plan to make their home in· Costa tv1esa . IN'-ES St-OES where o ~ide con choose the perfect shoe to o<een1 re bill <;pwY'l and her honeymoon ensemble. She will f ind •here r:i \IQSt selection of name ~and footwear to compliment her entor~ ""(Tctcbe. INMES SHOES 751-2444 A specid day of beo.ity for the "Bride-to-be" at AIDA GREY lns1i1u1e de BeaJte includes a focid . make-up application. manicure. pedicure ., o-d h::ir styling. A day to remember. AIDA GREY 549-3030 El.LEN BAK Pl-OTCGRAPHY created a complete wedding story with special photogophs thot capture the unique experience and lllfcrgettoble moments of your wedding day. We ore in love w11h the at of ~ogq::ihy. and <XK enthusiasm shows in our work. A versatile prloge is available for every ~ide. BIEN BAK PHOTOGRAPHY 549-2103 Srict:J trotftioos ae still mointoined ot ~ PACESETTEft Experience the t9vice ad eJff*fise of ,,.ofessionols. Purveyors of the finest silver. ~. &n.n ad cnno: . . PACE SITTER PAVILION 540-2627 • \ ' • ~T TH~ row hos o ~idol registry. Choose from our unique selection of useful items for the home -oil chosen for design quality. GREAT THINGS! 751-0510 A Bridd Boole filled wth vital information con be yours. Register a t WW.AM~SCNJMA where on informed and courteous staff is ready to assist you. In addition. special in-store events hove been p lanned wth aides in mnd. Please consult the events calendar in the store. WILLIAMS-SONOMA 751-1166 ~from Pois. Fronce hos o bridal registry. By appointment orly. We -...111 help you to make your choice from our elegant and sq::hsticoted linens desigied by Madame Primrose BORDIER. Coming scx:ri to Beverly Center. DESCAMPS 556-0854 Wu finer (;ft. to-~eds starting o life toqethet. thon the timeless cjft of o picn>. A Sle9nwoy is forever. -"•thet on oportment lize -..tm a o ,.Mq room qond. Mc*e their chom come true ot ~ClAY! 141-0415 .. Cl. "'.... . . Orange Coatt DAILY PIL_?T /Sunday, March 14, 1982 A 'CblOC ·it up to a great experienc;e It's stnpes aga1n for t~1s zo<it suiter and his lady's m purple. too .a We're off with the red. white and blue and note the st npes Newport Beach's Cinderella Guild was represented by three generatwns from the left. mother Wanda Shelton. daughter Karen. grandmother Tecla Dotto and daughter Stacey Shelton. t Note the stripes on Wanda and nautical look on Stacey very trendy' 1 From lrmne·s Small World Guild Sharon Fink. Susan Wesner. Pam Valenzuela and Kathy Torrington. Misaion Viejo's Tre$ Osos Guild members : from the left, Barbara Hayden . Sherry McMilLion and sisters. as well as sisters m ·law. Martha Morrisey and Lou Morrisey. It's ladylike. soft and prethly feminine this .<;pnng and summer A sophisticated early A mencan look f left 1 . doesn't hesitate to combine the cone.'itoga wagon look with an lndmn type headband very "ecumenical" American Beauty red and lururwusly elegant 1 jar left 1 to dance the night atooy. From Queen of H~arts Gutld. Laguna Beach Shern Olson. Helierly Williams and Beverly Sickler. From Huntington Beach !i Little Mermaid Gutld from the left Thera Cox. Trudi Walker and Debbie Peters / , .... From the Punch and Judy Guild, Costa Mesa: Fran Smith. Jane Barr and Connie Hull. , .. Since. the theme was St. Patrick's Day. Maire O'Neill t.OOS there representing AerLingus lnsh Airlines. who supplied the trip to Ireland r which was tOOn. by the way. by Carol Kemp of the Fullerton News Tribune). She ipas sitting with Chairman of the Board of ·Directors, Emeritus. Walter Burroughs and his bride Lucy. Y~·~./~y / NATIONALLY KNOWN," AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~d(~ Creative Jc~elcrs, Inc. iI ~:::~.: ~Tl<* • (714) 760-6766 2810 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY. •'CORONA DEL MAR IJJi~m rJrffeikm • REMOUNT SPECIALIST OfUGINAl.. DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING I RESETTING A DESIGNER COLLECTION OF OOU> I PLATINUM JEWELRY • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE OOLORED GEMSTONES •• ., • I I I It's white and white and more white ... note the big tOf) and the short skirt . . . on the ot1-er hand, note the umg pants and little Jacket . and pqrticularly note the hats -Frank Olive's for throwing in the mr or wearing on the head. Talk about options . . . from preppy to praine. it's your pick . . . en joy, en1oy .. ~ -.. Orange Cout DAIL y 'PILOT /Sundav, March 14, 1982 Mother generation of fine·taste . . cl/nnounce1'. tf'u ofun~ of fu't nE.w 1'.tou, a. 1'.tou. with a. 1'.ta.Um.e.nt a.££ it1'. own. OfuncNow Monday thru Sotudoy 1000-530 C1 . . ; ~ .. Whether it's one piece ... 1024'Boys1de Dnve Newport Beach (714) 640-0WO . . • or hoo, black and white is ~ the coLor scheme. anda.~to-uc_h~~~~~~~~==============================================================~~ of red never hurt anyone ;_· . :J FASHION CALENDAR MONDAY, MARCH 15 Oscar de la Renta will be modeled informally from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . today and Tuesday. Couture. Neiman Marcus/ Fashion Island. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 '" Informal modeling of pretties from Lucie Ann. Lingerie. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lingerie Department. Neiman Marcus/ Fashion Island. THURSDAY,MARCH18 The David Hayes are all from I. Magnin's, but they're going to be modeled infor mally in Fine Apparel at the store and also at Forty Carrots 'and Pronto Ristorante. From noon to 3 p.m!. on Friday, too. All this at South Coast Plaza. SATURDAY, MARCH 20 "Ticktockers : A Time for Fashion :" Ticktockers from lrv\ne·s chapter of the National Charity League model clothes from jl. Magnin in South Coast Plaza's Jewel Court 2 p.m. A SI? donation gets you cookies and punch. "Weekend Attitude," a sa lute to health and fitness. BW Now Department, from 10 a .m . on. Bull0cks Wilshire/Fashion Island. PACE -Glamour Magazine's computerized program for clothes coordination. Seminar and fashion show. 8:30 a .m. to 10:30 a .m . Enter on Sunflower. Call 549 -8300 for reservations . Nordstrom/South Coast Plaza. ~~~~~ 1f.f1 ~r1J.,.,, .r;f ,,,.,./ f(/<iJ(rt • l/('Jrt. rf/n lijh,,,tin .9261>6' 545-4<567 NOW OPEN • Lightweight •Warm Sales and Repair 631·3~80 A jacket for skiing and all other sports! • Water Repellent • Large selection just arrived for men & ladies! Rentals 2SOOW • .... .,,.. ~ ;:. ... Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, March 14, 1982 Aberdeen restaurants gaudier than ever. • • By STA D•:LAPl.i\NE "Gum. In Tht• Huthtuh' HONt; KONG Our Ma11 in Hong Kong wri~l's "\'Cn1 nt•H·r ht•i.mt of L(.•1 Yu Mun anrt nto·tth(.•r havt• most )H~ople ~ write tt down ll 's u f1 shcrrncn's 1i.land, not mu<'h mun• tha11 a coupl(.• of blo{'ks squ.tr<> Go there l<'orget Aberdeen "Even though J 'ct never been there. -.omebody must know about Let Yu Mun he('ause there arc seven rt!staurants Lei Yu Mun population 300, m aybe''" The floating res taurants at Aberdeen have been famous for vears I went then~ on the yarht of K H lee Halfway up frum the yacht bas in. K.n . put a ...peed boat ov<·r t he 'iide It went roaring off to /\bndf'en Brought back thl' hecld"'a1ll·r with m1•nus Wt• orclen•d and the~ roar"d b,uk to h c1\t• 11 Jlrt.'fl.lrt•d Chint'<.,<• m1ll1ona11 t'" l1H· wdl Says llu1 Man 111 !long K ong "Tht> Abcrd.,c•n r t.•sta uranh an· gaud11;·r th.in t'\ er Red <1ml gold Hnghth h~hlt•d Tht•\ 1 t' on the' tour g roup~ n11v. . Thl'Y \J'>t'd 111 1.11\1• \tl\I dttWll .I J,!i.l ll gv.;1\ to set' tt I ank 1 ull 11! 11 ... lt \ 1111 p1l'kt>d one 11ut The \\ .11tcr tH•tlt•d ti '-;111111.: II ;u·r ""s l•• ,, trnrge with .1 half d1111•11 1 h··I ~ ilflcl d1.in·n;tl cook mg I 1 rt'" 'Tht• 1·hd 1 .rnght 11 P11t 11 or1 .t hlol'k ( 'h11µp1 •d its t1l1ad off <tlld 111111111' IJ11l11 I ht I 1n: '!'ht•\ sttll ... ho\\ \!Ill ltw t.111ks .. r r1 ... h but the 'lO\t'" an· dm\11 111 ,1 l-.1 td1t·11 I .il\\,I\' l'll'iJW<'t lh;lf lh1 • 1.1111\ f1,h .11 t' "htli:-. !ht l1sll you actually get come from the ice box." "Not so at Lei Yu Mun. You walk down t he street Choose your fis h from the fisherman's tank and CARRY it Clopping to the restaurant. "We bought some live crab and a lively garoupa At the restaurant, the waiter said: 'How do you want the garoupa?' We said: ·s teamed in s weet -and-sour sauce.· 'What about the crab'!· ·Maybe in blac k bean· sauce · ·'T he o nly things they sell are the vegetables, steamed rice and beer. The fish costs money. I picked out a s maller one. Cost of dmner, $15 each. ··Lei Yu Mun is out beyond the airport. A taxi driver will find it for you." The most expensive piece of real estate 1n the world sold the other day. Says our I long Kong correspondent: "They sold the old wing of the Miramar llotcl in Kowloon today. The price was $2.8 billion < 01vide by 5.7 to get US. dollars . In s hops w<> usually j us t divide by 6. Tha t's close <mough. l - "Tht• former world record was the Pan Am hwlding in New York City which sold for "4110 mil hon U S. S2.3 billion H.K. The site 1 ... Rfl.000 square feet. The buyers will tear it dnv. n and put in a commer cial center. One mtllron s quare feet of fl oor s pace on 18 I lours .. .\long with the Peninsula. the Miramar '' "" o rw of the best known. Not as e legant as Mmyo Oden dancers perform m the Peace Plaza of the Japan Center dunng San Francisco's Cherry Blossom Festwal The sprmgt1rne spectacle. whtch attracts thousands of ktmono wearers from both sides of the Pac1f1c. will unfold m Nihonmach1 1 Japantown1 Apnl 16 18 and 23 25 Spring sweeps Japantown ~,\:"\ FH \:\( l~c'I I \:I 11\l'I J ·1 p<J n• "l' \ ml'ricuns. .J a pa nes<.• 11 .1 t 111 n a I .., . .hq rn n 11 p h ii es a n d ' 1.., 1I11 r-. d I'><' o v l' rt n g l he I and t"'hrncl tht· ... hop for lh1• first time the 'Pen' but everybody knew It. Noisy and crowded with shops below the hotel rooms . Couple of good, fast luncheon restaurants . This Kowloon s ide -the part of Hong Kong that's mainland is full of new hotels "On the Canton Road side they' re putting up the Marco Polo and the Empress. Both are part or the Peninsula Group which owns the •Pe n."' "The 'Pen' is the crossroads of the Far East. Sit in the 'lobby and you'll see somebody you know before you've finished lunch ... "The Peninsula Hotel was built in 1928 when this was a s mall Britis h Crown Colonv Before it could open there was unrest in China and Britain sent in troops. "British soldie rs were the first guests. YOUI MOt•Y NOW IUYS MORE -IN MEXICO 4~/Sdays 1 ·= iaus bcplR.,..._ S..raton Puerto Vallarta April 22-26 I···sl"s·o. . aMd on dOur> .. occ~y GOING PLACES TRAVEL Fashion ltamtd 640-0821 G uns were s tac ke d in bathtubs Troops drilled along Nathan Road. "While eve r ything is going sky-high in 'Hong Ko ng, the chugging little Star Ferry - Kowloon to Hong Kong island has held a price line . Costs 10 rents U.S. for this 10-mlnute sea voyage. That's first-c lass. Second is 8 r•m\.s. "This is the ferr y where Suzie Wong told William Holden. 'No s peak. I rich· girl · Rem e mber·>" "Not so with living space. Apartments c<1 n run $10,000 U.S a month! Nobody knows the value of crowded real estate better than Hong Kong Which 1s why all that Hong Kong m oney is buying up buildings in U.S. cities such as San Francisco " An invitation to preview Africa A free slide and film presentation on Africa. Orientation t o our Africa Safari o n: J une 25-July 10 Where: Goina' Places Travel • F ASHIONl'SLANO MALL N EWPORT BEAC~ INEXT TO R081H50N'SI Date: March 17, 1982 -7:30 p.m. Please call for reservation (714) 640-0821 Mediterranean Explorer. 7 days in Greece plus a7-day cruise foronly 'l089 This TWA Getaway® Vacation is a classic. Spend seven days sightseeing in Athens and other histori c Greek cities. Plus seven days on a cruise to the Aegean trip includes most meals, top- value hotels-even nightly entertainment aboard the cruise ship All for only l989 to $1169.• Islands. Egypt, Israel and Turkey. The And with TW.A:s great low fare s. you'll save money on air fare , too Ma r ch is Getaway Month at: MesaWrdeTravel &Tours MESA VERDE CE NTER 2101 So. Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa, CA 92626 You're going to like us • Exc.ludes 111r fare. and ls based on per penon. doublt> occupancv '.\:or lh 1·rn (',.1111.,1111.1 \1s1'1. S<1n .... ·1 't 1111 <;1•1 1·\1•11 '"''\ gt•nt•r<it 1rn <;'"l'I ar 1• u11t11ld111g k1mon11" .111<1 ol11s 111•\111~ I.in-. awl pat .t ... i•ls ·1 1i<I 1tn~l11 .it h1nc. -.dmu1 .11 """rel· ...., .i r 1 I· 1 , 1 n 1 1 ' 1 • , • \ 1 • r 1 I !t•,11\ 11 I 1111' l\1r:1111111 111•1.1~11111111 till' \(',II S<1 tTHll h '" I h,11 1i1111d11•d r1I t•rllhu,1:1'>1" v.dl ti\ h111 fr11rn .Japan lo p.irt1l'tp.it1 Tht· 1•\e1l£•m1 nt .111tl 1·11l1H 11f thf• 15th .111nual t 'twrn Hl11..,s111n Festi\,tl \\ti\ ftnrnl lltl' slri l'ts of '\/1hon m:i<"h1 !t11 I 1\'11 1·1m..,•·1·11l 1\ 1 wet.-'kunc1' .\pnl lfi 1>1 ,1nd ~:1 ~:. t :--; I h (I [Im I I h I I ::-... .1 n l'h1·\ art· drawn h\ a cultural .,, 111 .111 1m 11r1mat<:ht·d· outstdl' of .I .qi.in Tht--'1•.ir '> cel<'bration will 11-.11urt· .l:l d1ffcn·nt types of I \I I)!-. 'I hl'\ 1111'luck exulwrant folk d.1111'1· fc· ... t:-.. art and calligraphy ,.,1i11>1h \l•a n•n.•monies: flower :11 r ,1 nl!I ng dol 1-ma k 1ng and 111.11 ti.ii arb demons trations: fnod hat.tars. paper sculpting; 111• tr unwntal recitals; children's pr 11gr Jm'i. showings o f Akita and ::-...h1ha dogs. fil ms. and one of the h1ggl•st bonsai (dwarfed trecl tll'pla.\S in the U.S. ast- to ee I Fr<1nt1..,1·11, ,,.,, 111wk .. 1 .J.ipan Its ffi(Jlli !'Ir t•t•I IS l'ost \)l'f\\'l'l'l1 Lagun;i and Fillmorf• On one side of th1'> lhn·1· hltwl.. -.tn·t1·h a r e a m 1 n 1 <; 1 n / .1 .i n ti .1 pedestrian mall ornam<'nll•d with fount<11ns ~ind flow1·nng <'h<'fn trce6 On thl' lllhPr 1" the f1ve·ac.·11 .J.1p.111 r 1111t•r In< .ii point for I ht ft•st 1' .1 I E <1 l' h ~ p r 1 11 J.! t h 1 ~ neighbor hooll 1•, .i 111agrwt for • l h O II S ;i 11 d ._, 11 I \-., alwavs during the six·day 1·1 l1•tJr<1tion the Japan Center \\ill fl'\ erherate with the thunder of 1;.11ko drum s. t he s houts and thud' of 1urlo and k arate experts ,incl thl' 1.01ces of hundreds of folk .... ITl~l'f''> Troup<''> of p erformers from 'I ok) n. Osaka, Nagano and Akita ~Ill Jnjn thr1r American cousins 111 n·lehrating their heritage . Holiday In Paradise Five rl<1V'-<1r1d Ir n11 uqlit .ii 1111' trul1, dishnctivt> r1 .... ~ ,. • n11 rt w li, ,,, · nl '-,.·ott ... dr1t. • c, Camell'>ack Mount.mi Juc;t $2:l9 .5W pt'r p••rso11 double • occupancy ' •lll(turf.,11\•""' ,od fi·1d •t'\r • •Mt11•1t t;M I I 61 Lincoln bnv1e, Swtt'ldale, AZ 8525.~ 602 I ~1111 or toU "" "°I 118-ftM Effective over ttw f.allft ~ -------• Fare Code YU The Islands. s173QJ one way. Stan db~ It 's Lhe chanc:c of a lifolime to save on Lhe \'acalion of' a lif'e· Wlll'. Becau!-.l' from 110\"' until April 24-depcnding on ~dt availability Unilcd 's plalitH! alJ remaining Coac..h seat.., 011 sale, minute..'~ hefure dcpa1·tu1"t" Widebody to Hawaii So by ge tting to th e airpol'l earl y. you can take advantage h om I " ln1rrn1l1on•I I''""' I u llonolulu .'< tHI ,I Ill 11111 fl Ill Bnd. llom•• I lllp Ill 111~ •• p111 lulfilo I I -, ' I Ill llurk llomr I 2 ipm' I ''•I'' I 111 "'" \\,.t1i. .,,11, I 1 ul.!\ \rrl\1 II 11• 1 lfl I , I' 111 10 I •1• Ill I• I~ I ,1 111 I .!II f Ill II 1,, r 111 of United's I lawaii standby fare for an <U11.t1111gl) lu\\ !:> 17.3.03 ml<..' way. on sclcclcd llighl~. Wilh no advanc:c-purc:ha~c or re!'!en atim 1 restrictions w slow you down. ~ And best ul' all, you 'II celebrate: in l'xdu i\'c Royal Hawaiian styl). with aulhcntic Polvncsian delicacies, tropical d1in~s, fir!)t-run movie!-. and more. · Just be sure to anive at the a.irporl and ~ign up in plenty of time to make the flighl. a seat!'! will be put on sale on a first-come, first·scrved basi~. Now', the time to take advantage of our last-minute sale to "our little comer of the world." For infom1ation, call your lravel Agent. Or call United at 973-2121 . Panners in 1Tavel 'fith Westin Holels. ' . .. SUN DAY, MARCH 1~. 1982 STOCKS REAL ESTATE 03-4 05 Fluor ripe for takeover? Depres_sed stock price makes firm. a possible candidate BY KEITH TUBER is ... , ...... ~.--- Beckman Ins trume nts merges with SmilhKline Sache agrees to buy Bateman Eichler. Both firms extolled the virtues or independence. So does Fluor Corp., whose s tock has plumme ted in recent months . Las t year, LOCAL BUSINESS shares were trading at 55. Last week, they went as low as 18~. At such an attractive price, could Fluor be an a ttr active takeover candidate'! The company's chairman, J . Robert Fluor. said at the company's annual meeting last week that Fluor is not susceptible to an unfriendly takeover. "Our primary resource is peopl e ," Flu o r sa id . "An yon e who tries an unfrtendly takeover runs the ris k of losing those people ··or co ur se ,·· Fluor co ntinued. "it 's hard lo speculate how one as frie ndly it depe~ds on the price and the people behind. it B\Jt we 're not looking for a s uitor. To the contrary , we 'r e hoping lo expand internally. perhaps mak e mor e acquisitions." Local analysts don't expect a takeover, either "It's been rumored for so long now on and orr for the last 6 to to months even by people inside Fluor," said analyst Da vid McNatt o f the Newport Beach offi ce of Bateman Eichler. "I don't think they would be acquired. I g uess the reasoning behind that is because it's a one.man operation, and that man doesn't need to sell any sloe k. or want lo You see these empire builders, and they don't want to let go." Jeff Kilpatrick. president of Newport Securities Corp., an independent brokerage firm that tracks Orange County companies, agrees. ··A lot of it depends on personality and ego," Kilpatrick said, "and his I Fluor's> desire lo remain an independent company. His grandfather started the company, and he's seen it grow. I doubt he'd like to see it disappear into another conglomernte." 1'he re's another reason why Kilpatrick feels Fluor won't be taken over, and that has to do with the s tock price .. Fluor stock is selling at s u c h a c heap price, the company wouldn't want to accc1>l an offer of $25 to. $30 a s hare , which would be log1(•al," Kilpatrick said. "Thl' principals think the stock 1s worth more. At $50 to' $60 , howe ver. that's a different story. But 1s anyone willing to pay that much over the current stock price ?" how it I Fluor s tock I can be a bad investment," Kilpatrick said Fluor insinuated as much al the shareholders' meeting. "We're not in this game only for the short term," the executive staled. "We're not just 1n it for the play·offs or pennant. We're in it for the World Series -this year, and next year and 20 years from now.·· McNatt, too, believes Fluor is a good buy, "but then again, so is the (stock > ma rket." he said . "The stock has fallen primarily because of St. Joe, which Fluor bought when business (See FLUOR, Page D2> ---r--n '1 . Dally l>IMI -..., lllc .. N K- How low will Fluor stock go? Kilpatrick doesn't think 1l will drop below 15 or 16, but that il looks "awfully cheap now " "ln the long run. say four or five years, I don 't see L00K TO LONG TERM J Robert F luor te lls sharcholdl'r~ that lht· ('ompany is planning a head for the years to tome It rC't(•ntl.' c·omplt.•ll·d a major tnl t.·rnal n·org;m1wl1on. This woman's one smart cookie Sizable family chips in as Elaine Carlson starts a tasty company. By MARV JANE SCARCELLO 01 Ille OMIY l>ii.t S~ff Mos t cooks dread taking cookies out of the oven with the family nearby They know an entire batch or freshly baked goodies can be wiped out in seconds by the hungry hordes. But when Elaine Carlson bakes, she doesn't worry about her 13 brothers and sisters she puts them to work bagging cookies . As pres1d•nl a nd founder of Carlson's Cookies, the small. energetic blonde has turned a favorite recipe into a growing cookie company , worrying less about blue chips than chocolate chi ps. ·-rd made these cookies for 15 years !fr family and for gifts." she says, "and finally one of my bro th e r s insisted I 'do something' with them So last April we took the cookies to a buyer at Robinson's in hopes ot selling up cookie carts in a few stores. ··He loved the product but wanted to sell 1t in bags, like Famous Amos We didn't like firs t thing I'd ask them was. Do you use fresh eggs.,. If they s aid no, I didn't c•vcn botht•r to l<1lk to them ·· Her recipe, arnvl•d al after yea rs of trial and error. calls for ''We want to go into stores in selected neighbor hoods. '' -ELAI NE CARLSON the idea. but he told us to come back if we changed nur mind-; Then we looked into putli.Jl~ a cookie store into a s hopping mall, but leases were pretty expensive." So by September. her cookies were in bags at three Los Angeles area Robinson's stores a nd a number of independent markets featuring gourmet groceries. .. We subleased a bakery in Orange at first," the Rolling Hills r es ide nt says, "and everyone pitched in to bake at night and on weekends \.\-hole wheal flour. rt·al bullt·r. fresh l•ggs. pt•tans an<t a heavy dose of chol'olate chq>s the large size, not the tiny flakt•s of c h ocola te used i n manv commercial cookies · And that'll where the problems arose. "We've had to hand Sl'oop the cookie dough for baking:· she sa ys . "because al took us so long to find a machine to deal with that batter." Not only do fresh eggs and who le wheat fl our make a stickier dough, hut the nuts and large-size chornlatc r h1ps clog ivachinery. F1nall' "hen one man da1rnl•d ·hill maC'hine could d1 spl•nst• lhl· dough. she flew to his fo<·ton 1n Minnesota with rl'l'IJ!l' and 1ngred1entS from homl• to chcl·k it T he machine passed the Carls on Cookie test and no" 1s t.c1ng installed at the new baker~ 1n Torrance. · 11 :-hould make us much mon· labl1r l'ff1cil'nt." she says, s h1f11ng rolt•s from baker to hu s 1ncss pcrs on ''Tim e prev111ullly s pt:nt scooping batter """ t·an hl• spent bagging ('tHlk Jl•:-. .. Fin• non fomll} employees "ork .1long "1lh the six maJe <ind t'1ght kmale rl'lat1ves. all of v. horn . along with her parents. a rl' stot·kholdcrs . llPr hrothl'r:-. and s isters range 111 a g1· fr11m 12 lo ~_1 1 , and 1·ompan~ dut1t•s arc· divided by .Jhilil\ Tv. 111~ Pal and Mike , both 1 <·rt if1t·d public a ccountants , k1•1•p t rJ ck of finances except during lhl' husy tax se<1son, v. h !•n a s 1 ~l c r takes ove r honk kt·t'µing Tht•1r Se<tl Beach office does dnuhll' duty now as company hC'adquarter!>, and s tockholders mt•t•I t'<it'h Thursday . Four younger sisters, ages 17 t n 2 1. often serve as store dcrnonstratcrs. gi v ing a way <'ook H ' s a m pies lo pote ntial <·ustoml'rs Otht•r family members help wht•rl'v(•r ncl'dcd. and even hrolhl·rs' flancees have pitched 1n at lht> faethrv. s ht' savs li e r hu~b .. nd , dir ector of visual dcsij!n for Mattel Toys, c ontr1bul t•d designs f o r packages, bus iness cards and s tationery A big cooki e fan, he SCOOP 'EMUP Elaine Carlson makes a fresh batch of chocolate c hip cookies. "We had looked into contract bakers lo make them for us, because it's an easier and cheaper way to get started. but none of them wanted to use the quality ingredients I use. The She attended a bakery con ventw n 1n La~ Vegas to search for a machine, only lo be advised by m anufacturers to use smaller chips !See COOKI ES, Page 0 2) However unli Knoxville's hosting the Fllir EDITOR'S NOTE -The theme i.s energy, ond the promoters o/ this spring's World's Fair in Knorville seem olive with it. KnorviUe? Ye1, ond now that the highway intersect ion known as "Molf\lnction Junction" hos been straightened out, boosttT.S are erpecting 60,000 visitor& a day to get there. By TOM EBLEN A_NI_. ""'' W'*' KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -To people who .thought of East Tennessee as a land of log cabins and moonshine stills, Knoxville seemed as likely a place for a world's fair as Timbuktu. But a persistent .sroup of businessmen and politicians in this city of 183,000 had a different idea. Armed with millions or dollars in private and I A,J>Ublic money, they have spent the last seven years selling nations, states, corporations and their neighbors on an exposition with the theme "Energy Turns the World." When the 1982 World's Fair opens May 1 for a six-month run. at least 21 naUona, four states and 47 corporations and or11n1uUona will be lbere and fair promoters expect 60,000 vtailors a day. Colorful exhibit balls, restaurants, shops, 1muaeaMD' rides and amphitheaters are •oln1 up in a 'JO.acre awch bet ween downtown and the I0,000.atuclent University ofTennetaee campus. Wiatr• railroad tracfra and ramshackle ............ once s tood, paviUona are ~Inc built ··--CHINA CO.I TO KNOXVILLE -An artist's conception shows what the exhibit hall for the People's Republic of China will look llke at the 1982 World's Fair. The fair is duel? open May l for the United Sutes, Cb~a1 AuttraUa, Canada, West Germany, France, l\aly, Japan, Panama, t.he PhiUpplnes, South Korea, Mexico. Hun11rJ, Saudi Arabia, the United Kln1dom and tbt European Economic community, a lO·HUon trade or1.niaaUon. • Knoxville'• world's far will be the first ln the aoutheut Un.lted St.atea. It wW be biHer than the last North American exposition the nine·nation Expo '74 in Spokane. Wash. -but smaller than other recent fairs. Montreal's Expo '67 allracted 45 nations, the New York Wor)d's Fair of 1964·65 had 29 and the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle had 21. Most exhibits will emphasiie innovations in the field of energy, a theme that came naturally to this area, the southern tip of Appalachian coaJ country. Knoxville is home ror the Tennessee Valley Authority, a seven-state federal agency and the nation's largest electric utility. Oak Ridge, a city 25 miles west of Knoxville, was bum during World War 11 to make the first utomic bomb. Today, Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a prominent energy research facility. Oak Ridge is home for one of three American pl.ants that enrich uranium lo fuel nuclear reactors. It also ls the site or a major nuclear weapons parts factory and the controvenial $3.2 blllion Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project. Energy technolo1y will be showcased in the $20.8 million United States PavlHon, the fair'• lar gest. Sloping wall• of 1lasa will U1ht 100,000 square feet or e>thlbll sgace on alx centllevered levels, and solar collectors will t>rovtde 10 pereat <See KNOXVILLE, Page DI) .. '· .. . ,., "' .. ~· i· : ~., .. ~· ,,.. l:· , .. , .. ~: ,,., ' . :,.,: ... , ... '" ~. •• ... r· 1,, r, ~; ~\I !·' i i" ··' ~-~ ( ... '" E r.: t t I, !'.: • r . ,. ,. I ' I, I • '· I I ' I I I '· ' '· ' .; • • • . •. :· '· .. :· i. I •. '• ~ :-.. ·. I •1a Oranoe COMt DAILY PILOT/8undey1 Marett 14, 1982 llllllClllTITICll Followtng are t~ stock market octivUWs of publicly t-raded Orange Count11 firmi f or the week ended Friday, March 12. Data provided by Newport Securitiea Corp. _J '"'' PIODUCTI I I D I P/I 1tl.U lllD I • ft eoe\ I I •f'mvc .1n lllC• '" 10001 • ........... ---···-~-····-----·-·-····· ---·--·······-··-----........ ·-·--·----· --·-·-.................................. ···-------· .......... . 1 u ,u llloro I lll •• Corp. : ~~:~~,, ~ &Hr. P•o•. 6 •••,.lo•n Sti. 1 ...... ,,..,. ... lUll lJ.I &DOI univ llCP• I lo••• l•ll. l~O ,g ~~=~::::l ... 't l•o•u " teet. llC U l totu•S, tao. IJP'\. I l Ir IOatord Pd. IUO' 10 Cal.1.1.Trut\ • 1~ Caplllrano Ill - 16 Carl i.rcher CU L •l Cer•tron Corp. can •• C'hOH,Uk• CMU It Clllaen• knk • 10 Cohun 3ya, • 11 Colu•bh S.v. - 2a Co•roo, 1no. CM•O 21 Co.a.roe .. nllf -2• Coepre. Car• 'tMtN 2S Cowt"C\OA c.on • 16 C..allMft Chet CU»I ~l ::~:rr:~r g~: 29 O.tv• DAnl' JO Dowur S.•. DSI. ll H CO, IM. H C JZ llP Nlero. 11'M )) lldorado kn~ IL09 ]I 6w\e• COl"-f OCLJ• l2 :::!~~~°Tn!~c._1i1 1 )1 ,., lfHt Fin, rYP J8 rlrot laar.P. PAM~ 19 'luor Corp. FLI • .110 rtuorocarbcu" rc1•• • 1 ror htt•r L. reta• 112 C.ntr•I A11to. ODA •l O.nera 1 Tere. OTCl 1-l Ooldtn II. H. CWH • le') Or•a .. W. Hoep OW1'4 I lo6 Hult~ Ind. •1 He l lOn•tlc• Hll.1 !~ ~~~::: ~=· ~~ ';0 C:•ronh. Ind. • ~I Ir l• Tac II. «YL! ~l t..1. Ht I I• Ut LOU ~l t!~~·~o~~~~;u ;~== S~ Loi Ua•Hos LAftC ~6 LYthor "-d LUTHU 'l ~Coal>a Corp. -6.8 Kerc1.1ry Saw. MSL ~' 1ocroa••lcon. "XC• 6n Horthou•• lnd1MUS 6 t MSl Data Coro1MSI "' N•t tona l to. NflC' • 6) llll•u1l•• food MAUC 6• tfehon It.th Ifft.• 6~ Jlt.,,Port Corp~ Mtv'• .66 "•-.iparl fhct-•Dir ~1 til•lllJ'IOt'l Phar• lllPH ~5 ... ., World Co• WDIV f>9 WIJC l••r Med. 5 ttif.SI 10 Odet lea ODD 1 t Oanl••ilcal OMN1 11 Perl rte Scten PSX 1 \ Par.,.ror-o Pe-te '''' 1• p~,,n '' • ~orp /PAC 1t., Ph,•r-Hyrtr-o P!IUW 76 ,,.~•I•t Co. PDC t 11 l'rltHronl• PTNl' 18 ft•dtocr1p. D. lri :;•y~~~s~~!; ::~ "1 ttou .ot">r Corp lfHC • 81 3..l"i&.u · :orp. S&A" I) S••h•••"' Ol 1 ... ai. St l tcc.in Sya SU:N• ~'• SI l wttrC'r~.tt 1 .SLY t "'-!'.att" J"t 't. !U1 01 \o•1th V. Ban• AS 'unurc Log. '9 5u n'1•'"0 Pac-. 90 't•n11t "'"'ro. 9 ~•Oll).,, 1nc. ?I Sya\.r.m•t IC.t 30M '1'0L' srr • STOH 511!1> . . 9) ,,.e-ftnol oer P411t1"l.T' 1-*' t .. t.n \e Co•. • • ~~ Te•P·'tl" TDtP 9b Tranal1rr• f:• TStc :1 ~~:r!"~~:~Cat T~TI 99 UltratyU-••• ULTR 100 Vel•ncta h nti; - 10 • -•rco lnt ·•· YllC :g~ ~;~a· :m 1011 VTC. lnc. var 10\ Wen t it Jnt l VWTI 106 "••P•rcoro WSPtt• ~g~ ~==~!~:d~11k. ::;~ 109 VI l lard Co. t 10 Vrl1P\t. Cner1v WJtVt 111 Vtnn•• rnt 'l Vll lr•t•• ..... ~.,. hwPor\ h••" 1,., •• .. ,. ......... _ .. vport leaor. lr•lfte Ortftf• .. 111p.or L h •oh '°"'"'•'" '•'-'· l'llll•rloo CotU M-.t• Anabel• h wpol"\ haoh a.11 Jw.e.n ca, Aftl llt l• "'•"•'• ••,..rl leath Coat• Meta .S..nte h • Anabel• Orana• .. 111por\. leaOh .. v1>0r\ .. t oh rut lerlOft ••DOr\ h•oh S.nt. &n.a lr•ln• Anah•I• Coat.a Mii•• •nta t n• .. wport h•oh 1\11tln Saftt.e Ma lr•lne ln•h•l • h wport h aoh Sant• An• lr'flne h•b•l• l..alUN ••1tl Anabel• T'Uttlft 511.nt• An• Orana• hvpor\ ltac ft lr•ln• &MM \• lewport l1ach Ora..na• Mledon Vl•Jo L.o1vfta """ fr•lnt t.a1una Hll h Lodi .&la•tt.ot to.ta Meta lr•lne tNntc. leach .S.nu Ana rul lertort Coet-a Mtt• ,. • .,,PO,..\. Beaoh P\al l•r\Of'I lr•ln• Cou a "••• Santa lna hvport Beach Co1u "••• Newport B-e1ch Aft•"•l• An•h•l• Allah• l• NevPor\. h aoh Sant.a Ana lna hel• Newport Bt•Oh Irvine lr•ln• S.nt• '"' tr•lne La1uoa Hllh Jr¥lnt hvport ft•aon TU1t lr\ Buena Pa rlt Ntv~ort l•ach VU la .S.f'tta ""• Co.»t.a Mtta -San cte .. nu Carden Oro•• 4.nthel • •Uor .. ..wter l'J• _ .. ~· .. , .. ..... Ola,lloa\le prM. Wvl\ M. ff .. ~ .. ,--bl••· • •hot . 1uwtn1 fttier-M l eft1r11 011 rul• "v'•· .. ""'•• ..... ,ft, :!~!it. n;::~~o!!"' Pros en rood orod. Maoh l n• tool• proe • .S..wlftl• & loan ~~=r.r1a.n:i':~· Me1ltb oar• .... Ho.e th•lle•r • a.cuo • Te l•. & Tran. P'o ... r aupplJ •t1. Mtoroprooteeor •Y•· Speo. e l1c. •1•· .!il•ln11 & loan lleot.•7•·' awlt.oh•• Mlorov••• OO\M\t1re .. Mlftt DICl,.Oftloa CO.put.er •t1. MotOI" tlOMe 3-•I n4t & loan H IDMI lll UID&O lljlll)lO PCSI OTC OTC ~:n 2.00 •I) •.n T.00 1,50 ':n 2.00 • ll ). lS l .00 1.so "'" 2s.11 11.so OTC 1.15 l.2S OTC t .00 t .00 nu •t.ae llO U ilD&O .28 .U U.tl>lO ),6) l.lS OTC llO llO OTC IS, TS I~. SO U ilD&O 9.SO 9.1) U IDlQ .lS .11 UilDlO .SO .SO OTC 12.00 11.00 OTC .15 OTC 2.n WUDAO S.SO OTC 1).00 IUDMI 16.lS IUD&.O .t 1 UIDMI UJDlO U!DlO UllP&O U C UC 6.lS 1.00 I, )I 1.0 ).6) 6 .6) .2~ 1.00 s.so 1).00 1'.TS .TS 6.~ 2.lS ::~~ l:~ •.n 8.15 a.so .$0 •.n 8. tJ Titl• fnt uraf'lc• ••S>AC t1.t~ tt.~o llaHJ ""•'· & conat. ll'fSI 19.U 19, 7S nuoNK>aroon plul1c1 U S>&O 5. TS S.Al Pree.a et oOftor•l-• •AS>lQ '.00 '.00 IUnlooepvU• •Y•· IASIMI •.so 1. )8 Computer dlapl&J tor. U SIMI .so .so Mobl l ft OMt Ope rate hoapuala ltealt.b •P•• '°"''r Cof'lw & L.aaer t lonkl"I 1-nodlafftoa l• Prod Core Meor-y Prdt . '•c-• .. ••r Tera lna l ' .s.war a1r•lc•1 Irr. .strtp Cht rt ltaoorder Wild l& (• park l'aet TP"aolr lntrtwtnou.a Ca tbat t r -..1 ••l•t • & s-rt. .S.•tnca & \OU\ Stal~onduetor ord1. lndu .. t. prooa•• M Ch. O.ta entry Ur•lnala u r 6.50 Wl!IPAQ I t.00 OTC • ?S IA-'010 S. 1) IA-'Dl Q l. lS lllDMI 1.00 OTC .10 .10 HAllPl Q 9. 0 8. 25 NUDAQ 7.SO l.~O ::::g :U ·~ IUDl Q U.50 1-.00 H SIAO 1.6) 1.'6 oTC l.oo •.so UI ).6] ).98 OTC 2.6) 1.61 NASllQ 1.~o 1.tl es1 ... 88 is.so •ocettot1a\ hOIM ttuoy •Y~I: 11.'\0 t ).~ ~~~ b~:=o~=~~aurant ::::g J:~ X:J: t le.r•t1on tQut.,..nt •&StAO 17.SO 17.!»0 llect. ..... ur. tnatr. MA»AO Z.2S 2.1) Orug arcr. U !IDAQ 5.6) e .61 O.•. t oeputor Syo< .. a MAIDAO ] .1S ). )8 MotPlta l dt.a. 111ta Int o 'ret<'•••lnc Prod Mrc. CT Scet\ner• Dec. tnetr. t. _., •• Oil & Goa 01' •ftd Ci•• .SOlar K••ttnc Sya. tto .. Con•truot. lon Coe-pvler pr lnttr8 l·r•1 aytt.••• COnor•t • 'lrt ph c •• .. t.al l 'vrnt tur• HoM: Conat . t. op. au •• T•l•Pf'on• 9yat. Otl and Ott ~C, f~t~:;:!•o c1r o Dr"illtn11t tooh t. eq. u si10 2.aa 2.so IA!IDAQ 8. 00 8.00 ··:;~ .ug .u~ U SllO • )1 • )8 U IDAO .SO .S6 U SllQ .81 .6) •• :~ :~:: 1U~ OTC 1.lS 1.7~ U SllO • )8 • )8 trru ~.so ~.,o •31 l.OV 1.0V U SIAO 15.25 11.15 OTC 1.61 1.)1 .. ~~i ug u~ llT!I 19. '1 J0.1S &a,,.. Ing •a-'DCO j . tl ) . )8 a.so 8.oo 9.H 7 .oo ,,00 '·so 8.oo e.oo 9.~ 1.00 Dl1tt•l .,. ooep. OTC -.. COft9\t'tJCtlOn n sE \later ,...owal du NASDAQ Kr1 rabr lc•t•d Prod. ..AS>&O 'roJec t tl4•· 1ortvart OTC Jrvtn• Mar••tlnc !ervte•• U !IDIO 2.15 1.ee . ,, lrvtn• C.O•puter perph. •Q. OTC U IDlO U Sl&Q U Sl&O .n .so •. ?S .69 .6) Lacuna Ml th *dlce\ l"•truMnta • •7 llevPOrt h a,.P\ Ot l t. 1•• e-..p. & dr. ~.00 ,_q ~::f:1n ••ll•t ~:~:!T•s!.~~~ taft ''"· OTC .61 lr•lnt Fu1 te,.ton Oran11 ,,. .. .,. &Mllel• .. wport. hacn C.rd•n Oro•• Tvttln h"pcrt ll•tCft S.nta Ana rount• t n Val . hwport. h een ruJ ler\o" fn1tn••r\nc t. Col'\1 t. a.n1dn1 Oll flt ld toola & eq. lhc • .Ar oP\. Plan& ln•lra. l'e•ouro• Aeoo••t'Y fr•ttht fol"wardlnR 01) •ft4 C.1 •AIDAQ 6.25 OTC 1~.00 nu 9. 1s U ilD&O .16 U SllO 1.00 UI •.lS U IDAO .25 ~.is 15.00 1.6) 1,00 t.00 •.n .1• Coeput•r cor.lrol lera IAS>AO 7. 18 f. 88 S.•tcOftd\IOt OI" de •lo•a •&!IDAO 1 .1~ f ,6] eon~•n• 1a-'010 l·'' 1.so A•roepaoe/Mll,..tn• Prod OTC 1.50 1.so 011 and Ou llilDMI ).2, ).~ Auto P1rt• 6 Acc. lrTSI: 15.00 1a.~o •IO,I J.16 IC O.tl IC IQ 1.16 IC • • l.) O.ST llO .21 -1.6 0.96 -l.9 t.20 • l.9 O.ll ~ ig:n' •• , •·10.81 t ,I IZ·)1-IO • 12-11-•o n.6 6-10-11 • 6-)0-11 6.• 11·)1·10 ll: l itJ :::~ l.6 l·]O-t1 a,t 10.11•80 -6-JO·l l 11.6 11-11.10 .n~ 1~:~~> 11:1 1~::~==~ IC 6.0l ,9 ll-ll·IO IC O.,S 2),6 ll·)l-80 • 9,1 0.66 U.] ~-]1.11 . l.• <o.~1 • 12-11-to • l.o O.lO -8.) 10.011 ·IJ.T 0.02 -7,9 0.1' -6 .9 2.01 • s.1 1.1• .10.0 o.u IC 1.ll -1.1 0.10 •)l.6 IC 2.U !IC l .6l • 2. I 1.00 • • 7 1.IJ -2. I .9l !IC I.)) •-2•.9 o.~ IC (0.261 . 10. T 1. l 2 .9 10. I 9-30·8 I 6.0 11-)1.IO It . t 6-18-81 I ,S 9·)0-10 '·' 12·)1·80 S.6 11-11-&e 6.9 10-11-11 '·' •·11·81 ).0 11-11-80 1-01-81 6. )0-8' MC 10. Ill • 5·)1-lO .... ) 0.)6 12.9 8-)1··· llC 2.,2 2.9 12.)1.10 IC 0.09 7.0 9·)0-11 IQ IO.J9) • 12-11.80 • l.• 1.10 12.7 9.30.81 -•. ) 10. 021 -•SO.O O. 6~ 6.9 • 6.9 0.10 '·' IC 0.1) lO.l .... 1 o.n 9,3 -•.2 t.•9 10.• • t.9 1.tt 7.0 12-i1-eo llC .IJ 11.1 6-10-81 -J.O 0.07 • ll·ll·lO IC 1.)9 11.6 l·l•-11 :.u g: :: ;::~ l~=l~==~ • •.o <o. u) 1-11-&1 -1).? 0.02 llC o.u IC 0.'2 -•.9 1,8) .u.6 0.01 •l?.O (0.10> ,_) l-81 ••• )·)l-81 10.6 12.31.10 6.S 12-26·80 "·o 9-10.81 9. 30.80 .12.2 0.01 6).0 :1~:~ u: 1U IC 0.09 19,1 IC (0.SSl • IC • 22 1~.0 llC .19. 7 -19.6 • t.6 -•.o • S.6 • 1.~ .66 • ].6 10.011 • S.9 2. 10 MC I .11 • ,,I t.JT NC fl,)~) 7 6 11·)1-80 • 10-)1-80 l .8 t 1· l 1·!0 ~ •• 9· )0-10 6.8 l-10·81 2.ze.91 -•6.• 0.10 b.l 2.18.11 llC 0.71 1.1 9-)0-10 • 6.0 0.01 11 s 11-ll-IO •ll.6 o. 19 26. l 10-)1-80 •61.8 -9·lO·IO llC (O.tql 6·)0-11 -a.o o.n IC I ,6, ·11.5 1,11 ·•).6 (0.25) IC 0. ll -1.s co.911 -2•.o "' 1.01 • 1.~ (O.Oo ) • 6,7 .ST llC o .•• !IC (0.11) • ].) 2.06 7.8 6-J0-81 6-J0-81 6. 1 11-1 I -80 1.• 12-11-80 -)-)1-1• l .O 12· l •-IO 21.600 )S,5SI 2,006 -10, lSt t,521 0 '· 9'0.000 11. n• 0 611, 115 9, U6 •o, 112 1,069 •,'6) ll 1 ,810 tl,19' 11.s~ 6,020 ),011 2),211 ". 629 z.s~ 52, 7S6 os, S•l 19, •01 7,llO 6,1") t• ,919 117 ,000 •2 ·''' •0.6)1 ti. 901 10,052 16,0I• 89, )89 111,059 6,01),)95 l9, l •• ]l,901 •2•. 89• "·"'' 6),511 50,076 •l,95• 1, )81 20,TOl 2 .11• ',6]) 5 ,989 ',96) 1 ,7~ •8, s•t 91 2,997 l7 ,259 l ,911 10, 150 55,612 89,251 )l,907 2'6 15,085 10.u11 10, 762 229 I ,88• 18.9•1 1 ).071 62. 78• 1.•00 •.569 29] t 28, 2~5 s2.•28 J ,086 1/,990 '0·''' 1• .•oo 20, 187 ~~:m U•.110 u •.670 \l1 ,660 n. n• ll. S9• l ,0)9 7, )87 '· •99 6~) •.662 1.11• l,991 19. )28 16,0• I 108.~78 11,6)) 2,890 116.&!6 ••. u q n,010 t0,606 ), 161 1, 215 17 ], 7 •8 l. Ito ·'~m .J,661 s.ua ... ,. •l, )10 u~.oou 1,•n 0 36. lSS -16 619 101 )U •.•n • •• ·1'0 SH -1S 61S ··m •.111 -60' l H :U 2S8 9,S69 ~, 161 HO I .•Cl• \,1ff -),270 ), ))2 1.•o• 159.llt l.s•~ 1,1)5 11) .901 1,65~ 1.10• -~. 116 )oO t .~2~ • 1 l' 761 819 2IO ·1•6 1,nr •.o•-.. 919 -1~• ,,209 179 I, )59 ·71S 91 t ,1)• 1.111 l, 15l 115 .) , 160 -16 10,829 •.6 ll 7l _, • ••O 6U 10,100 619 .. 78• • t ,01~ 79.07' l,901 • ll e. •61 I, 190 I, I) 1 .1,na 596 ·1'• ·\6• '·0'" -1~ .1f.1 891 '.~69 '1.900 -~0 I )28 -1,9S I I, )65 ·•T 1 96S 19• -99~ 1 .~01 IF YOV llOULO Llll TO UCCI•! lllll'OH lEUllTl&S coar •• MOITMLY 1111:11.rTTD •t111 ou.i1 coon T STOCl Ul'OIT- 0' llll>!flDUlL ~P'OITS 01 ,,., lllOfl COICPU !U ClU. 111'1 9Sl-1081 (Ull '°' Jt:PPln L. lllLPlT!llCI , rUllDDITl l (•) U OIC&Tl3 T11lf IDll'OaT ,SICUl!Tll3 COll'OUTIOI MU • l'OILl31111> IUUICN aP'On UA!UILI OM flfU COMl'Ut hl•"•t•• etforl 1 •r e M d• to •••1.1re th• aoouracr and tt .. ltn••• of tt'• d-•t.• oonta ln•d tn \.ht•• tabl••• vhtoh •r• b•••d on •ouro•• bt ll•••d to b4 r•ll•bl•. bl.It •11oh aoour•OJ •n4 ttMllft••• are not 1u.arant••d •n4 lewport Securtt l •• and Uti• new ... p1p;er •••uae "° llalt\\U.f t or uy lna couracl•• or u.nt.l•ll,,••• or t.bt dat.a e>ubllthtd here. • "Dl9D1 Sll'C MIMID11l!IP JAY 1t•eD Reed to leave Fluor J ay Reed, 56, who bas been vi ce pr es id e nt f or a dministration at Fluor Corp. since 1962, is leaving the firm at the end of March, a company spokesman said, because his position bu been eliminated. Reed's resignation follows Flu o r 's announcem ent of cor porate restructuring last week. According to the Fluor s p o kesma n , "An outs ide mana ge m e nt firm r ecommended that certain corpor ate fun c tion s be transferred to the nperat:ing entities a nd that position (Reed's) was eliminated." IL-................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ... I [Ultrasystems has record yeftr I I . • Ul t r asyst e m s Inc. of Irvine r ep orted than triple the backlog of the $8.5 million reported the year before . ;.recordbreaking financial performanc., for the •. fiscal year ended Jan. 31. id l f Ultr t.e :. Net income for the year amounted to $1.4 Phillip J . steven.s, pres en o asys ms, attributed the company's perfor mance to the From Page 01 ( KNOXVILLE SITE OF FAIR of the wcdge·sharltd bulldlna's power. Ac~ 1t lhree·acre man.made lake from the v:s: PavlJJon stands the fair:s 16.2 mUUoo theme structure, the 266-fool·lall Sunapber~ tower. From observation decks und a restaurant· lnalde a glass-cove~ globe fltop the tower , visitors can see the Great Smoky Mountains, 20 mJlea to th~ •out beast. China, participating 1n its first world's fair al.pee 11104, has the second-larc est for eicn pavlllon. Plans fall for Chine~ chefs to staff .an Oriental restaurant near displays of ancient art objects, Including several or the recenUy dl.8cover~ Xi,an terra cotta warriors and s~es• from the Great Wall. The largest foreign pavilion Is ~apan's . Fair organizers are negotlallng with ·the Egyptian government for a , display of U1e 3,000·year-old treasures of King Ramses II. T e nn essee is buil d ing a $3 mi llion amphitheater for a $750,000 musical show about th e s tate . Kentucky plans a n exh ibit o f Appalachian crafts, and West Virginia will teU the history of coal mining. North Carolina and a croup of Alabama developers plan to promote their tourism industries. Fond Motor Co. is to show innovations in automobi'e design and alternative fuels. U.S. Steel is to dis play a working oil well. Occidental .Petroleum and Tenneco Inc, plan to shpw how 'oil is produced from shale • S toke l y -Van Ca mp Is s pon so r ihg a n Appalachian Folklife Festival and an exhi bit of memorabilia borro1Vcd from sports halls or fame Anheuser-Busch is converting an "old foundry. into a German beer hall. • • • ,. ............. Other exhibitors include Union Car bide, Eastman Kodak, Du Pont, General Electric, North American Philips, Federal Express and electric and gas industry groups. Twenty-nine sporting 'events are planned, including a pro football exhibition game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots. The game will be played beside the fair at the University of Tennessee's 91,249-seat Neyl,and Stadium,, the nation's second-largest college football ar ena. SUNSPHERE TOWER The them e structure for the World's Fair is under construction. The tower will rise 266 feet and cost $5.2 million to build. could host a world's ra1r , Evans said, why couldn't Knoxville'' S.H. "Bo" Roberts Jr .. t.he rair 's 45·year-old president, describes the expositjon's potential with breathless enthus ias m . Fair organizers went to work in early 1975, hiring city planner King Cole. president of Expo "74, t o over see the e xposition 's design and construction "It's aionce·in-a -liretime opportunity to visit at least 21 countries. to see ,what they're doing in energy, to have run and meet people and see real things not just what's beamed from those countries on television," he says. ·'It will be ihe tlazzlem ent or new things, ne w ideas a'nd interesting people and in(eresting thi!Jgs to do." Banking magnate Jake Butcher, an eaTly convert to the world · s fair gos pel and now chairman of its co11porate· board, went to work raising money. But beneath all the dazz.le, lhe 1982 World's Fair is an ambitious urban renewal project, a clever plan lo use other people's money lo clean up an industrial slum a nd brealhe new life into a dying do11rntown bus iness district. With initial financing seeured, f air offi cials went knocking on the doors of embassies and corporate board rooms. But answers came slowly. In June 1980, Italy became the first foreign country to sign up. It was followed the next month by West Germany, France, the United Ki,ngdom and the European Economic Cammunity. China signed up last Octo~r. I~ 1974 , Stewart Evans, president or the Downto wn Knoxvi lle Association , s aw a presentation about Expo '74. He was impressed by how Spokane, a city with 12.000 fewer people than Knoxville. had been able to use a fair to lure com merce back from the suburbs. H Spokane The lagging econom y ma<le corporations even harder to recruit than nations. It wasn't until last s pring th at m any la rge corporations beg an answering the call. From Page 0 1 "With a community thts size-, we had to use every ctup we had anywhere." Roberts s ays (:()()KIE BUSINESS ENTRY • • • has several with coffee each morning. according to his wife, and has been known to hide cookies whe:l her fa mily is due for a visit. "It's reall y wise of him ." her bro t he r Pat s a ys "Elaine always was t he baker in the family, and we used to steal cookies she left to cool on the b readboard. We''d r ea rrange them carcful!y so s he wouldn't know some were gone " Her brother also remembers Mrs . Carlson a.'i the fami ly organizer The second-eldest or the 14, she was the one their mother depended upon £or help in gettmg the group ready for outings. She now works an estimated l6 hours a day al the cookie business. for 1 whkh she left a career in comme rcial and residential real estate. ''It's tough being a s mall· company, because you have to prove lo everyone that you can do what you promise," she says. adding that she·s impatient for t he company to grow faster The business hasn't reached the point of proritab1lily yet, and she esllmates investments total a bout $150,000 5o far plus an $85.,000 lpan f o r the new equipment. Producljon rate now is about 100 c.:ises a week (12 bags to a ca se>. but bakery fa ciUties will a ll ow for a dramatic increase if the cookies 1a t e distributed through a large supermarket chain. she says. The cookies are available at inde pe ndent s tor es in Los Angeles and Or ange County, s uch as Delaney's in Newport , Beach! Several Alpha Beta stores carry Carlson's Cookies, and anoth er ma r ket c h ain is monitoring sales while it decides whether to car the roducl. "We waqt to go into i;tores in select neighborhood s." Mrs. Ca rlson notes, "because we know they won 't s ell i n low-income areas." · Al prices ranging from $2.59 1 an introductory sp ecia l) lp SJ 98 for the half.pound bag containing 14 to 16 cookies, the product won't compete on price alone. But the baker /president is willing to battle it out with anyone in a cookie taste test. ··We took them to a gourmet shop in San ~farino," s he says, .. where the owner not only sold 1-·a mous Amos C<>?kies, but also made a chocolate chip cookie in his own bakery he was terribly proud of. "When be put out samples of ours, Famous Amos and his own cookies for customers, we won 100 percedt.. Now he sells ours and has quit making his own. I j ust kno't' it -anyone who tastes our cookie will buy it." ATTEND A FREE SEMINAR NEW INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY REDWOOD i million, a 60 percent increase over the $891,000 rapidly expanding cogeneratlon power plant f 'achieved at. the close of the prior fiscal ye·ar · industry, and the subsequent decline of the nuclear 2 x 6 -36 LIN FT •. Revenues amounted to $23.4 million, a 21 percent ~•increase over the $19.3 million the year before. powe r industry. 775-1491 ~=Earnings per s hare rose to 45 cents, a 21 percent On Friday, the company announced it had ::increase over the 33 cents the year before. completed the acquisition of Shah-Viera & 16808 S. HARBOR rtontract backlog soared to $27.8 million, more Associates Inc. of Santa Ana. DECKING ~~r ~UPageOR.01 •• !Fr§~~~~~~~~~~ll•..---llllll f F Thia •MO\lncement •ppe•ra •• • matter of '9Cord only E was e xtremely 1ood, nd then got bad. Fluor y itself would be much igber without St. Joe, ~aybe at 25 to 30." Fluor purcbaaed St. oe Minerals Corp. ln u1us t 1981 for $2.2 Ilion. The uqW.ltion urt Fluor 's first-quarter earnin11 '-'d ue to adi tionaly interest expenae aa a -reault of debt incurred Ith the takeover, •• ell u lower pricea for ead, ••nc, aold and llver -metals wblch t .1oeeelll. Fluor'• per·tbare a rnla11 dropped It erceat la tilll• first quarur to 51 e9la from 2clla.'l'lalaumberof bar•• out1taadl•1· acT••••d from • WkmeD11 ..... •• -.. ...... o1u.aec••-· HA9 ~-..... ~ ...... -[gi+ SHAH-VIERA ts ASSOCIATES, INC. englneet • • .. i..,. • coneutunts MAlllCH ..... ,- • (Trawet.'k Investment Fund No 14. Ltd) A ret.s1I commercial and offtel! com· plex of contemporary design located m the community of Marina dt!I Ht.iy • Ad1acent to the worlds la rge.;t small-craft harbor • Convenient to one of the fastesl growing financial cen1ers In California • I 0 minutes from Los Angeles International Airport YOU ARE INVITED to attend a special prlt!entatlon and slide show on this current limited portnership offering Monday, March 15th south Coast 'Plaza San Marcos Room 666 Anton Blvd. Costa Mesa 7:00 p.m. , OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS The Offering Circular and nota ry So!Mces will be available FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Traweek Investment Fund 330 Washington Street Suite 200 Marina del Rey. CA 90291 Phone: (213) 822-9157; for San Diego (7 14) 232-3001; for San Francisco area (415) 982-5255 ....................................................... _. ........... . l D I cannot attend. but please i i send me an Offering Ct~u~r l . . ! : i Name £ I • I : I : !Addr~ j . ' . . I City State Zip f 1.~~~~.~~~~ ....... -.~~~~~~-.. _i MINIMUM INVESTMENT-Sl,000 t~lnttle ~---......... WC* lfttOfftt oi SI0,000 .,.t I Mt ..... .. U(),()(11) °' ..... ~,,, 17$.000 ...... .. ~~ ............ 6 , •• - - Orange Cout OAIL y PILOT /Sunday, March 14, 1ge2 . • l c ; ' c 0 b r: p p y s c 0 a d 11 u I ' t I • I I I , I , I t ' ' ' I p t i ) ~ 2 I c f ' • t fl fJ 1 ii ~ g r• fl a fl ~ • d q I IN 0...,. Collt DAILY PILOT/Suridly, March 14, 1082, AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE 9UOf Aft()llt lltCLUOI n•OUCl'll , ... MIW \'Ol•. llUOWUT ,,.(Ill( nw toUON 01 fllOlf H O (llf(llfllltll tlOCW lllCMAlfOIUllO HPOITI 0 l't TMl llAtO AllO 11111 tlfl T Market Analysis Dow Jones 30 Industr ials 110- ~lfCh 6 12 -9.99 High 805. low 795.47 Closed 797 .37 =~-111. M T W T F ••••••••••••••••••• 950- } , Resale mortgage woes . S AN f'RANCI SCO CBW > -Bank of America reported that lili nil 2-and 3-Bedroom Homes with 21/2 Bath1 ly ROBERT J . BRUSS DEAB BOB : You •'"*Id war.Ii aalve ltome b•yen (Ulle me> U.at buyla1 a laome wltlla a llalClla- eolt mort1a1e ca• make tllaat residence •••alable. Last year I bough& a $11,ttt condomlnJum wHb a aew mort1a1e at 11 percent la&erest. Slace I have a lllglt paylas job I bad no dllflcalty qualllylag for the mort1a1e aad malll•I the paytneets. But now I have &o sell due &o a job traufer. My condo ha• been listed for sale since January at tile Hme price I paid. No offers so far. When I bougllt · J aever thought that the h1gll cost mort1a1e woald '91ake my condo unsalable. How can I 1et rid of my eoado without taking a loss! -Henry S. DEAR HENRY: Thank you for providing the opportunity to emphasize the difficulty or selling a home which has an existing high interest rate mortgage. Smart home buyers purchase only with REAL ESTATE llllUli low cost seller financing, assumable existing lnortgages, or "buy down" mortgages provided by the seller. When you purchase your next residence. don't take a high cost mortgage again. If you made a typical 10 percent cash down payment, your monthly payment is about $1 , 180 per month. plus property taxes. To afford this cost, your buyer should earn at least $3,500 per month. Since most people don't earn $42,000 per year, your condo appeals to a very limited market. You may want to offer your condo on a one-year lease with option to buy. Such terms appeal to prospective buyers who lack the cash down payment to purchase now. One or two-year lease-Options are a great way to "sell" otherwise unsalable property . Immoral to breach clause? DEAR BOB : You should be ashamed for telling people bow &o avoid a mortgage lender enforcing Its due-on·sale clause when a house is sold. I hold a $21,0IO second mortgage oe a house which I'm sure bas been sold as U.ere are new people living there. But my origlaal borrower keeps sending the monthly payments so I can't prove there bas been a sale. I contracted for a IO·year mortgage with my buyers at 9 percent interest because I liked them. That was four years ago. Now wltb laterest rates mucb bJgher It ls unfair that I sbouJda't either get paid off or receive a higher lntereict rate. -Mattltew S. DEAR MATTHEW: The security for a mortgage or deed of trust loan is the property, not the borrower. You made a 10-year mortgage loan. What difference does it make who makes monthly payments to you?. H interest rates fell. I doubt you would be complaining. Since interest rates have gone up, lenders want to profit from that rise. The mortgage due-on-sale cla use, now prohibited in at least 20 states, is an unfair way to lake advantage or borrowers just because the property is sold. Sorry, but I have no sympathy as you didn't have to make that 10-year mortgage Since you did, however , live up to your part of the contract just as you expect the borrower to live up to his side. Stretch your budge t DEAR BOB: My old-fashioned husband <age 26) refuses to let me work as be wants me to stay home with our 2·year-old son. But I'm tired or a crowded apartment and wa.nt as to buy a house. I found one we can afford bat the monthly pay ment wlll really stretch our budget. I fear if we don't buy now we'll never be able &o afford to buy. Am I Free boat slip with new ho01e Bayport, a $15 million, 45-unit water-Oriented community in Huntington Harbour, is offering for a limited time a year's free rental on a boat slip directly in front or the complex. The slips, which can accommodate a boat up to 75 feet long, will be managed by Peter's Landing marina facilities adjacent to the homes. Offering eight floor plans in two -and lhree·bedroom designs. Bayport features room-size balconies for outdoor living. Priced from $261,500 lo $499,000, homes range in size from 1,663 lo 2,342 square feet. Condominiums have separate laundry rooms in each unit, while the townhomes are plumbed for washer and dryer in the oversized two-car garages. The ho meowners association is responsible for maintenance of common areas. The sales office and furnished models are open from 11 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily except Tuesday and Wednesday. Take the San Diego Freeway, exiling south on Seal Beach Boulevard. Proceed three miles to Pacific Coast Highway, tum left, and turn left again al Anderson Street to the new development. For more information, call 840-6963 or (213) 592·2296. • Cedar Btdge condominiums on Huard A venue just west of Harbor Boulevard offers financing packages featuring assumable 30-year loans. These conventional loans are available with as little as 5 percent down and interest from 12~ percent With slighUy larger down payments. Also; no-down VA loans are offered to qualified buyers, along with nlA pacllaaes at prevailing rates. Prices st.Mt at tll,000. Phase I of l.be project, with 36 wilts, often five noor plans iD choices of two· and three-bedroom homes. Some plans are ' aold out for Pbue 1, with 18 1poten for. Furnilbed models are open dally 11 a.m. lo dusk and 10 a .m . to dusk on WMkends. For more information, call 531·7610 • • Excellent traffic ia reported at OU.-e Bnell C..rt townhouses in Westminster durin1 tbe last two ween. with near\y 20 pen:ent ol l.be homes already spoken for. Tbe 11 two-story 1tutt0 and frame homes are loca&ed at 23rd Street and Jacbon near Beach Boulevard and feature private yards, woo4l·ln1rnln1 flreplaee1, entloaed two-car ••"Pl· NMI' bot.la Su DlelO and G.,._ OnlH FreeWQS, die bom.es are clole to most Orup'• aad Loa An1elea CouDtJ Job markets and ncrelltiml ....... For harttler lafonnatloe call • wr· Tm ar 8'-$1'0t. I ~ I wrong for lnsl1tlng we buy? I tell my husband lf new ho~sin~ starts In we caa't make the payments I can cet a part·tlme California ~n January job. Any Ideas? Jer e at a seasonally -Mrs. Geor1e I . adjusted annual rate of DEAR MRS. GEORGE l.: Be persistent. In a 47.~u~ts. few years your husband will thank you for This figure was down insisting on buying a house. Today is the greatest 28.8 percent from the buyer's market for homes we've had in years o r rate tn December and course. buy only with low-cost seller financing or down 57.3 percent from by tjlking over an existing low Interest rate the same month last mort~age. year. WATERFRONT ~i3Gnu~~~ 11 % interest, (11 Yi A.P. R.) Fa shi o nable Waterfront Ho mes from $700,000. With $200,000 d own, the Lu sk Company wi ll finan ce the ent ire loan balance at 11%, (11 1/2% A.PR.) fo r 5 years. First trus t Jee<l assumable wit h n o prepayment penalty. 1% loan origi- na ti on fee. For appoint- ment or details p lease call sa les oHice collect c1t 714/536-7584. r rom $107 ,900 Ouahty leatures such as lull 11\sutation watt 10 wall carpeting vaulted ce1t1ngs , cotodut lramrng all freeway close and 1n easy reach ot shopp1n9 ano the beach catch a ghmp!>e tOOay• 8u1t"'~ 0M4 t, "W d 1 L Al R.-~. • 2.(' "' ifnclond Geregn • Woud·Burnlng flreplaot • Pool and Recrf'ellon Roorr ,,.. 12.9% Interest 5% Down Ao 11orr-1e~ !tut 1t-· 1 1<1 "''j • \di~ Tne H ·"·flOwnf''t A'\\OC at1on P•<j·flld n\ • 1 "' ,,,., n '" t~\..t 11 .-s ~ ld'f"\pf'r\Ot I •''-t-•.ll1(J,. Uvr~ •"ll t.~.-"'' FllJ Ot't .. s For Information call 714/897·7337 or 894·5704. f'nl/01c your team m llie Daily Pilat '1 .: \' ' \ ~f I 1: ~I :· I •, I •, . . ;' ., • . . , ~ l I ~: I . • ·I ~· I ! ~~ i ;;.I ,. 1: , , ! ~r . :>I . ,. .; I •:I ----------------~1 n, Gfue Ul'leister Gfreehouse 13 f'B9:J 30 Year Fixed Rate (14.25 % A.P.R.) GT"o li ve among the trees is -J. a childhood dream that The Meister Company has trans- formed into an adult reality. Duplicating the beauty of na- ture, these spectacular homes are spaciously designed with intricate detail and hand crafted elegance. There is but one last opportu- nity to purchase a new sing le-JK"#lRU; family home among the trees in Lake Forest ... Two to Five Bedrooms Priced from $212,000 Sales office hours are ll:OO a.m. to 5:00 p .m. weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to5:00 p.m . weekends. (714) 770-4003 Price flf«tfw as ol dmdlint> rw this publbt.ion. Homeownet' ::::::""''""""""""' ....... "'""'-~ Building Better Communities •= .. ' ' ,, ·' H .. .. •.t ,. • ,:r ·' _,.; ~t ,.1. I ·'! (•, ;, i ·I • ! '; •I I 11 ,. •• I • • ~ : • I \ ,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 ,]Oin a club·? Y-Knot? Y·KNOT8 OF Orangti County YMCA meet.:! ~noon W4'dnesday ror lunch •l the YMCA, 2300 University Drive , Newport Beach. Fo• more anformation call 540-1053 DOLPHINS. Wo m en's Division of t h e Ne wport Harbor Chamber of Com merce, meets at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday in the Balboa Buy Club. • Po r more information call 644 1547. '• ORANGE COASTAL Reciprocit y Bureau meets Friday at 9:30 a .m. m Glendale Fed eral t' Sa v lngs of Newpo rt Be ac h . For m or e information call 492-2534. AMERICAN HANDWRITING An a lysis Foundation m eets Thursd ay in Columbia ::ctUB ClllNDAR ~ Savings and Loan of Costa Mesa. For more information call 646·5667 .. 1 IRVINE GUILD Frie nds of South Coast Re pe rtory meets al 10 a .m . Wednesday al SCR. Fo r more information call 551-4305. The Costa ·Mesa, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley ·guilds also m eet in the home of Barbara Murray. For more information call 979 6840. ,. .. The Newport Beach Guild meets Thursday For more information call 759-9580 ORANGE COAST Mothers of Twins and Ocean View Mothers of Multiples meet Friday I at 7 :-~ p.m. in the Airporter Inn or lr vrne 1''or mo re information call 645·4694 WOMf:N IN CONSTRUCTION, Saddleback Capistrano Chapte r. meets Tuesday at 6 30 p m in the Sher aton Newport llotel For more information call 720·2593. WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGUE of Newport Beach meets al 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Newport Harbor Art Museum For more mformat1on call 646-2307 P'UIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSI NESS NAME STATE ME HT Tht follow I no Pf' son\ .,,.. dornQ 1buslne\~ "\.... l(YMCO AUTOMOTlllE . 11H Monrov141 O_.. Cos~ ~\<! C• 9'1UI Jtllrey C Kyml• 1'?• O••n~ Av• . :r S. Cost•~ C• '11•11 C•rl S Kyml• Jr . llOO S.bnna Ton • Co,.1n• llftl MH, C• 9?US C•rl S l(yml• Sr . 173'1 •th SI , Vuc•IP•. C• 1/'119'1 Thh bu\ In~'~ 1\ conelu< 1~ by a gener•J pM'tnen tup Jf'tf••v C Kyml• Thl\ st•ttwntf'lt ••s hlf'd w11n tM County Cl•,-~ of Or•ne)4t Counly on Ftbru•rv 1•. 1'187 FlllJ4S4 1 Publl\!Wd Or•not. Co.ts! D••lv Piiot Ftb 71 71 Mu 1, U, 1 .. 7 149-11 NIUC NOltE FICTITIOUS BUSI HESS HAME STATEMENT WOM€N IN COMM UNICATIONS, Ora nge County Chapter, m eets Tuesday In the llungry T iger Rci;ta urant In Sauta Ana. For more infor mation call 754·6870. COSTA MESA WOMEN'S CLUB m eets at 11 a.rn. Friday in the Clubhouse, 610 W. 18th St., Cos ta Mesa. For more information call 675·3825. NEWPOllT·COSTA MESA BRANCH of American Associatio n of University Women meets in Newport-Balboa Savings of Newport Beach Saturday at noon. SADDLEBACK VALLEY Study Center of Theosophical Societ y of America meets Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Federa l Savings and Loan of Laguna Hills. For more information ca ll 493·8341. WEST ORANGE COUNTY Alumnae of S igma Kappa Sor ority m e ets at 7 p .m Thursday in the home of Carol Guthrie. For more information call 640-5275 WOMEN'S AGLOW FELLOWSHIP meets T uesday a t 9 a.m an the Laguna Hills Holiday Inn . For more information call 768-3054. HUNTINGTON BEACH CHAPTE R of the Am er ican Association of Retired Persons m eets at 12 3Q p.m . Tuesday in the Murdy Recrea tion Cen t er in Huntin g to n .Be a ch . For more informa tion call 963·9106. IRVI NE BUS INESS a nd Professional Wom en's Club meets at 11 :30 a .m. Tuesday in the Hungry Tige r o f Santa Ana. For more 1n fo rmal1on c all 833·5461. CAUFORNIA ASSOCIATION of Po rcelain Artists meets Saturda y and Sunday for annual convention in the South Coast Plaia Hotel of Costa Mesa. For more information call 768·3945. SEA AND SAGE Audubon Society meets for award.' dinner Friday in the Saddle back Inn or Santa Ana For mo re 1nformat1on call 879·3471 lavl"'8 On lntlr•· Stocki Thf' totlow•no ptr\on' dr,. do1f'q I bu'\tnt\\. •\. CE NTR AL PROCES!>INC. 111 WUI t 1111 Sl•••I 0 1 CO\I• MP'><I 'C•t1forni• Our 5 94-Misses Our 8 94-Full Figure Howaro frf1btr9. )11 """ Strr•t a C, H untlnoton Btacn CahtortHt!I 971>4! 4 Paul M Albert, 6"1 Prt\10.nl • Oflve. HunOnq1on B•a<h l•1tforn1• .,, ... • Thi\ busin•s.s '' conductt"'d b~ " • qeM rttl pvtner-V11P Howard Fre1ber9 ~ This ~t•ttment was ttlfid with lti~ County Clf'rk ot Orano• County on Ftbruary ?S ,,., Fl&nl1 Puoh~ Or•nqe Co.a•• O••lv P1101 Ftb 11 M•r I U. ?I lqf? ,).37 flUIUC NOTtC FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT • T"t foll1'w1no per\On\ •rt 001n9 bu\in.t\\ •4"1 ALI CI A TOWINC.. ?•001 I'll><•• I Pkwy "loOS. Mlulon Vl•10. CA 1/'1'9' Aflcta For•IQn Car ServlCt Inc • CaUtorni• corooration~ Cl•rk Let-Chrtstoe>hlr PrP\ident, Elt•nor E Chrestopitwr \I•<• Prf'\tdent llA Pla ta Fuliv•I. ~ Cle,.,,...,1•. CA . .,,,, Coroor•tM>n busu"liH\ addtH\ 74001 Alici a PkWY • sos. Mlulon Vit JO. CA .,.,, t Thi\ bu\lness 1\ conducttd b't • .I corpar•~~I• For•'Of' C•• Stntk e .. tnc Cl•rk CrwlslCIPlle• PrMidMll Tiii• st•ltnwnt .,.,. filed wlln 11-oe , County <'.lert. of O••n9e County on ' M•rcll S, 1W7 , FtMU4 it PubllsNcl 0U "9" Coul O•Uy Piiot. M••cll 1, •• n . ?I, tW7 1041.., " • 1 ___ PllLIC __ NO_Tt_E __ l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS '• NAME STATEMENT r, bu~~n~\~o~~owino Ptf\Oni •re doin9 ' WYNGAAROEN & SONS WATER •TRUClt SERVICE, 11369 LO> Amlqcx 'cir., Founl•ln Valley, C• '7108 o; J•kt Wyno••rdon, 171'9 Lo' AmlOOl Cir . Founl•ln V•ll•y, C• ,. '2I~ '"°" LM W'(n9Nrdotn, 11369 L~ •>omlgo' Cir . Fountain V•ll•v. C• '1108 This buslntts I• conchKled bv an • lndlvldwl CHUSIMnd .. Wile) J•"'Wv"9Nrdotn Tiiis stal•nwnt "'"' tiled "'''" "'" County Ciera ol Or•"'J" County on FPbru•ry II. 1"1 ,._ . Publls!Wd OrM>C)f Ccwul Dooly P•fot Feb ?1, 21. M•r 1 14. 11192 • 16~1? ., j -.~-.~~~~~~~~~ l'ICTITIOUS BUSI" HS "-I! STATIM•NT t' Tiie lollowlno p.,sons •rt dolno bullMUH' NELSON I. ASSOCIATES. ™ El trModen• Ave . Newport Be.ell , 1 C•lltornl• '*lo •1 Mery J-........ Uf IEI -Awi., ~ llffGh, C.lllO<nl• •M J. '.) Al Nelton, SJ4 El Moden• Ave , Newpor1 llH<h. C.llfornl• '2Ml !l Tiiis !Mnl,,..• h cofldutl.O by • t ll'tMr•I~ ,, Tilk :=::!":71ed wllh the '.'t Ct41nlY Clefll of Or~ Counly on Merch4, 1"1. J ,,_ P\lbllslwd Or ..... Coett O•lly PllOI, M41rcll I, 14, JI, 2' 1"2 I~ 'ICTITIOUS 8USIM•U NAMaSTAT•M•MT Th• folleWl"9 Mrsons ••• dolno i:ovsffteu•· · HOWAltO 8001CK£1!PING, eo11 Sletef A-.~ IU, H0..11r'1910ft •-II.CA..., Mor9't N ....... d. 117'2 '-• -l'Wfttolft \llllt'f, CA '210t. .................. ms Miilf °'1.,., hoM ,,_, CA-.ZI. Tlllt llillllllMt It c-:IH ., e 9fN'BljiW ... ..... _... ... -'""' ...,.... -fllM with Ille C-'Y Clln flf °'°""' COllllCy .., Mercll~ttll. • ,,... ~ ar.... Ceell Deity ...... . Maf'dl ,, 14 "·. .. ... ... 4.66-5.66 SMOCK SALE! Polyester. button-front style 1.77 l arge Extra large Big Mama • Panty Hose Sheer nylon hose with co11011 panel p.rnty Basic coiorr. Big Mama" Knee-Highs SheN nylon w1lh reinforced toe comfor11 op r 1181.·11 Men'• Terry V-neck Shirt Comlortable s hort-sleeved _pullover ol polyester te rry. Your Choice Duncan Hines • Mixes Oehc 1ouc. wh1IP dPv•I •, I ·•11'.l or .-Pllow ca~P nu' 18 01 • 5.Ne ,,,....w, Cafeteria Special Not OV"odohl .. Son F,.rnondo Cvdoliy Tli.,. Wondmoll \1,.om Toblf' Hour\ will vary SlllS llG. SALi , ... , "·" U .'7 Je,tJ "·" It.tr "·" "·" 11.'1 •••• , 71.'7 •••• , "·" "·" PIH/(1114 11.tP JI.ff PIU/JSllS JUJ J1,ff "·" U ,IJ "·" "·" • • .. GOif N ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF .. Q. -Wllh both a1de• v\llaer· able, my partner opened the blddlq with one 1pade aod my ri1ht·ha.od opponent overcalled two club1. I held the fo1Jowl n1 band: • KQft 1793 o Jft52 • AQ73 Obvlou1Jy, I had .ever al coune1 of actJoa, aad there twH di••ll"Hmenl amon1 the players .. to my beat bid. Plea.e di1Cun the merit• of • penalty ciouble over eome of the other po11ibllities. -R. Greto, J er11ey City, N.J. 1Thi1 question has been awarded the weekly prize.I A.-1 h<1vc olt1•n '>tuled that I hkt· tht• idt·a of doubhnK minor '>Uit contral.'b at t ht• two lt•v!'I. I enns1dcr that a1· lion amonl{ tht• .,afcsl at ru h lll'r hridKe -1•v1•n if the op pon<•nl~ ma kt• t h1·1r rontracl. vou hJVl.'n't doublt>d them in (,, KMnl'. and you '>land tu n ·a p J rn·h harvt•'l if t ht·y ha v1• ov..rsl ep1wd the murk. So you 1•an doubll' un overcall ul 1"wn rlub' or t"' o diamond'> qu1t1· ln·dy. But tht>n· an• sttll .,om1· rrilcria that should ht• m1•1 by thl' doubler. Fon·most among them 1-. that v.hcn }vu doublc a lo"' l1·v1·l ovcrc·all. you deny a fl{ood f11 for p:1rtncr's suit. Ttwn· 1s a sound reason for th1~ whcn you have lengt h 1n parl nt'r's i.ull, you could Vl·ry t•astly b1• ncutrah.tmg 1.28 Vla1ic1•• Dill Pickles 4 6 -01 • Pol1c.h or koc.liPr •"l I pickles Tas 1y w•lt"1 c,.1ncjw1ches ·-w• s7 OurReg. 9.97 Women'• Slides Genu•ne padded o.,u1>,1e sock Buckle rind vamp Be•ql' ru11 S11f•<; omc of your side's defensive polt'nt1al b{·caU:it! your hitch cards might bt• r uHod away. lland.lj 'Wht'rt• a Ill 'ex isl:. urt- usually better :.u1ted to vi ft'nlle than to ddense. On Che hand you submit , your holding in partner's s u1l strongly suggests that he ha:. opened with a f111e card sui t. Since you han· t wo of Lhe top thret-spade honors, part ner is more likely to nave lengt h. for with four weak spades he probably would hav~· opened with one of a minor suit. So your ~pade holding might mcun that your ~ide ca n !)t:t>rt· only ont-t rick in that :.utt on dt-lt-n't" and a!) a rt-~ult, the pt-nalty you obta111 from l he doublt· <·uuld bt· tr1 adN1uate <·om p1·n.,al1on for a po:,'>1 bit-gamt'. I n:.ll•ad of look 1 ng fur pen.ill it·!'>. I would pr....fer tr) 1n){ for gamt· with your hand -possibly hy hidd1ni.: two no trump or h) upgrading j our value~ slight I) bt·cause ot th1• po!>1llon of th1· ace qut•t•n of rlub~ and taking a 'hot at thrt·l· n•> trump dir•·•·tl). llvwcvt•r, '"' 11 rh lh1• OlJJOr .,u1t holti1nfl{~ around )0 t hat I havt• a double ton '>pade anu K 0 7 1n ht'art~. and the dou bit• hi:comt'~ mon • allracliv1 .. Thl· hand ha'> 1·xal·tl.) tht· );1m1• h1Kh rard 1•ount. bul 1.28 Box Of 100 K mart • Tea Bega Make a robusr cup or pol of tPa OrangP pekoe I blaci.. I Pa 8 0 1 • '"Ne1W1 s97 Modular Stereo System Srereo AM/FM radio 8 track play fir phonogrnph. twin speakers 'KM Radial 225' -The Economy Priced Steel Belted Radial Tire • Our Reg 56.97 P165/80 R13 42.97 Plus F.E.l". 1.69 Each • Radial -Tire Miieage and T ractlon • Modern-styled Whitewalls •Available In Popular P-Metric Sizes 1 oo"' the lack of a fit make' 11ur 1·hulll'Cll tur l(Jfllt• mori· rtrnott'. Q . -If you were atked to 1lve a one·word lip to Im· prove 110meone'11 game, what w ould you r hoo11e ? -J . W illiam11, Broox, N. V. A . -l'as' More f>otnl!> .irt• Jo-.1 hy playt·r., h1dd1111!: wht'n tht•)' 'huuld yll'ld lht· right •11 wny to partrwr than at any olhl'r -.inglt· foet't or lht· g.irnt.-If playt'r'> 1·11uld only lt-Jrn I hat lh1•r1• '' noth1nl( dl'grad1nl( ahoul ,1 µa,.~. th•·1r rt'~ u 11 ., w o u I ti imp r" \ 1• not11'1·abl}. Q.1-A., Soulh, vulnnabl1-. y•1u twld: +AK63 • AQ965 +Al093 lht· luddmK ha' pr0t·eeded South West :\orlh i'.:Hl l Pas8 I /\T l'asH ? Wh.1t do you hid "'"' "! Q.2-!'1·1thn \Uln•·rahlt', J' Soul h you h11ld: +73 K963 KUJIS +AI09 Thl• b1tldtnl( na, 1>r111-.·cdl'll :'forth East !-touth I + l ? Whal ac·tion rlu you La kt•' Look lur ,, "'"' "r' un :.tond.i' 1.49 6pak Hamm'•• Beer H<1rnm ' • f,, ,,. I~' l.1r1 l t <,~ ~ OIUf• W,11M s74 Your Choice 12" .... -B & W Portable Special saving on two of the mo!'t popula. porrable TV'c; lllCA ..... UC:._. --··· With Exchenge 54 .. 88 to-month•Auto Battery Many U.~. cars, light trucks. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 67 • Good heat starts early Newcomer wants to sing like. Kenny Rogers someday Sisters take Granny toitring l'ORT WAYNE Ind. CAP> -Hll walll ll CO\&Dlry. H1I drawl la country. Ilia ~at and nedtercblef are 4etln1tely eow>try. Put 'em all to1etber, add a few 1uttara and a lot of v~allaaUoo, and you've aot a country star in tht makln1. Kia name: R~ky Marciano Shroyer. His 1ame: cou.nt.ry music. He's ao nonchalant about life on 1ta1e that thoae In the country-music~ bualnesa aay he's 1ot, or la 1ettin1, what lt takes to make lt bit. But the freckle-nosed, Huckleberry Finn look-alike, who won Fort Wayne Parka' hlahest overall amateur country-music talent award lut summer over a field of adults and cblldren, la taking h1a accolades and growine number of trophies in stride. With a wide-eyed gaze and a quicksilver smile, Rocky says, "I just like to sine, it feels pretty good.'' When his fourth-grade classmates ask if COUllTIJ/ WfSTflll Best-selling country-Western records of the week based on Cashbox magazine's nationwide survey: 1. "Mountain of Love," Charley Pride 2. "Do Me With Love," Janie Fricke 3. "Blue Moon With Heartache," Rosanne Cash 4. "You're the Best Break This Old Heart Ever Hild," Ed Bruce 5. "Bobble Soe," Oak Ridge Boys 6. "She Left Love All Over Me," Razzy Balley 7. "Big City," Merle Haggard 8. "The Very Best Is You," Charly McClain 9. "TIM Clown," Conway Twitty 10. "If You're Waiting on Me," The Kendalls 1.88Each "Crown Point" GlaHware ao~ •• s1 Box of 200 K mart® Facial TiHu .. he'a atrald to sin• In front ol crowda, he aaya, "Nab, ll'a fun, lt doesn't bother me." By thla time, at aae 10, lt shouldn't bother him. Rocky bu been at the eountry music business since he wu 3, when be •ana "I Got Ran Over by a Damned Old Train" in a local tavern's family room. He also 1an1 In country-mualc event.a at tbe Fort Wayne Coliseum, In a radio rodeo competition where he took third place, and with bands at local m usic ban1outa where he Jama with other musiclana. The parka' talent abow last aummer at Foelllncer Theater wu a ble feather in bia cowboy hat. He took home two trophies. Rocky, whose father cbole the name to honor the former heavyweight boxer, recently sang for the Lindley School In Fort Wayne with backup from a local band. Pigtails and ponytails in the audience bounced and swayed, hands clapped In time to some of Rocky's sones. delivered in a ha~f-talking, half-singing style in his low, husky voice. There are shades of the Oak Ridge Boys and Kenny Rogers in the Shroyer style. He says Rogers is his favorite country-Western singer '"cause I like all his songs . I'd like lo sing like him someday." He first started singing because his father, Steve Shroyer, also sang around the house a lot 1and did some entertaining. Rocky learns the songs by listening to them on the radio recording them for liis own use, says bi~ mother. Donna Shroyer. He has developed his own low-key dance steps, using a heel tap here, a kind of swinging swagger there to punctuate certain words or phrases. Rocky says h e 'd like to pursue a country-music career. The family will go to Nashville this summer to get a feel for whether Rocky might have a chance to sing for or meet any country greats. Meanwhile, he says he just wants lo keep singing those "pretty good" Western sonp that "have a good beat." 2. 796':ce 2-Gal. liquid Acid or Chlorine Elegant. crystal-clear accessories with d1a· mond pallerl') Soft white facial tissues Stock-up now 2 Gallon per case No deposit-no return ....,.,.--~ NotAY-eon-ce ~-FMtaa.w--....,..,w Out- Plentt Not AY9'4 LancMI ... P-• 1.17 2.44 ~l.~.~~! ~~~ELL Four UWe itrll known aa Mra. Williams ' 'crandchildren are now 1rown and mothers of llr s . Willi a m s ' great·eraodchlldren. But beat known aa Slater Sledge, they've made their alxth record album, "The Sisters," and they keep their family Ues stron1. .,. ........ ~fter they've been on tour, where they see each other constantly, th ey go to their respective homes and start phoning each other or organizing to gel together again. LEAR SPECIAL -Producer Norman Lear talks with audience and Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater during taping of upcoming ABC special, "I Love Liberty," to air next Sunday. In song and dance, the special celebrates freedom and is another skirmish in Lear's battle with the "religious right." POP MUSIC Best-selling records of the week based on Cashbox magaz ine's natio nwid e survey: 1. "Centerfold," The J . Geils Band 2. "Open Arms," Journey 3. "Shake It Up," The Cars 4. "That Girl," Stevie Wonder 5. "I can•t Go For That," Ha ll & Oates 6. "I Love Rock 'N ' Roll," Joan Jett 7. "Pttysical," Olivl~ Newton-John 8. "Mirror, Mirror," Diana Ross 9. "Sweet Dreams," Air Supply 10. "We Got the Beat," Go Go's Their grandmother, Mrs. Viola Williams. who first presented them at church-related gatherings in Philadelphia, went on a European lour with them one lime. Kim says, '·People like that. They would as~ for Granny. She said for us not to introduce her but on our third date she was in the wings with her hair curled and lipstick on . Then s he s tarted choosing the clothes she would wear to be introduced." "The Sisters" has a track , "Grandma." which includes a guest appear ance by Mrs . Wil li ams, a former ••••• •••••a •••••a a•••-~a 9.97 2.22 GE® Twin-Peck FlipFlaah II~ For use with all lhptlash cameras Two bars. 16 flashes· .,.,.,,..,. Credit Card Calculator With 8·d1gll readout. memory. 4 lune· tions a~.!Juare root. Save ... _ PA10® lnatant Color Film For use with Kodak instant cameras Single-pack, 10 exposures. Tubular Plaatic Hane•re Strong. smooth; Ideal for drip-drying Decorator colors. 50'x fill" l.D. • GerdenHoM Plastic hose, rugged and strong. Full flow heavy brass couplings. ·-oi.... 21h-lb. • K 111art Snell And Slug Kiiier Attracts and kills de- structive snail and slugs. 'NMWI 1-0al.FlehBaM Liquid Fertilizer Liquid organic fish base plant foods. Fast acting. easy to use. Use on house plants. 1.77eox Omark® .22 L.A. Ammunition* Stinger penta·po1nt 22 L A ammun11ton 50 rounds per box. 23.88 AM/FM LED Clock Radio -·• .. •11-...M11"*'• For many U.S. and foreign cars. 94.88::. SElllVICU INCLUOE: 1 ....... -.. _ ,_ __ .... ....... ,_ ..... ............. .__ _....,. , ........ .._ ...... .__..... __ ....-......... ....... _, . ........... ""' ........... ··=--·&:'= '·=--..-.................... a... Now At K _..Oft IMeo/DnlM llNlle .... For many U.S. CM. Ltahl tNCka, lmporta higher. =-r.:r.::.-----.-·-- 4.29 S... Price • ........ ,. ......... .....,OI Meltl 8AE and MW-car lpeelflcatlOna. S.'19 nowl Wake to music or alarm. plus snooz~ feature Dimmer switch 17.97 Sprey/ltMM And Dty Iron Spray feature. built·ln sprinkling sys~ tern, 27 steam vents, wa'er window. ................ .,, .. SUNDAY ANO MONDAY.ONLY ~ ~ .... ~-~-n.S.wngPfM»• I opera sinaer. Their mother, Mra. Flo Sle d 1e , accompanied Kl m , Kathy and Kathy's record -producer husband, Philip Lltbtloot, and their IOD, Philip, bom in January, lo New York to promote the new album. ' Daughter Caro l teaches a,Pecia l e du cation and has substituted twice on tours for Debbie, who has four children, the latest born in February. Fourth member of the quartet is Joni. "The Sisters " released in January 1by CotJJlioo records, on the best-selling charts of Feb. 20 was No. 90 on the pop charts and 13 on t he rhythm 'n' blues charts. Th e single, "M y Guy," the song Smokey Robinson wrote and Mary Wells had a hit with in 1964, was No. 48 on the pop chart and 19 on the rhythm 'n ' blues chart. All charts forecast the record's going higher. The sisters trade a round singing lead, Kathy says . "Kimmy sometimes has the highest and sometimes t h e l owest parts . Everybody does except me. I have lo stay with the low. ··Debbie has a tremendous ear. Since she was about 10, she has been giving us parts . She 'd have us jump around, in the s ame song, instead of keeping the same part through a song. "Sometimes on stage, Debbie can tell som ebody is not singing her part. She'll look at you and sing your part and then go right back to hers. We have good eye contact. "If somebody forgets her part, she looks right at Debbie.'' . Debbie is also talented in art, once entering a Philadelphia contest to draw President Lyndon B. Johnson and winning second prize. She was 11 , and the o th er winners were adults. She met her husband, who t eaches art e du ca tion at the University or Kentucky, when both were in the art school al Temple University. Although Sisler Sledge w as signe d to Alco Records in 1973 when the girls were still in high school, all have graduated from Temple. Kim wants to go lo law school, not to leave the group, but to work for the group. "To keep u s out of trouble ,·· Kathy says. Their present ages are 23, 24, 25 a,nd 27, though their mother thinks maybe they shouldn't tell that. Kim says, "One thing I appreciate our mother for is her appreciation for entertaining. She has tried to instill in us that it's a lot more than just standing up and singing . She used to structure our sets for us, an ice breaker, some audience participation, a ballad. We learned all that from her." Asked if the name ever proved confusing, they recall a concert at M adiso n Sq uar e Garden. All the groups scheduled to perform were at the same hotel and were told their limousines were ready. Each limo drove away until one was left. The driver insisted be wasn't going lo a concer t . 'K a t h y a s k e d h i m several times. Finally be said, "I'm wailing for a nun," and rolled bis window up. Kathy says, •'We waited around some more. Then It hit us. I asked him the n ame of the nun be was wa;Ung ror. He said, 'Slater · Sledge.'" To Place y0ur "Faat Ra ult" Service Du.tory ad .... Call Now 642-1671 .... ' ;, • ~ • • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14', 1982 . llST SIUflS \ Flip side of romance f'ICTtON 1. "Not1h and South," John Jakes 2. "Fever," Robin Cook 3. "Tfte Dean's December," Saul Bellow Male writer ventures into woman's novel territory 4. "An Indecent Obsession," Colleen By J EFF PAUl:ll McCullough °'_o.tty_ ..... S. "Marco Polo, If You can," William Stan Fleming of Laguna Niruel ls •bout to F. Buckley Jr. flnd out lf a man can succeed In • woman's 6. "TM Hotel New Hampsltlre," John world. And he's trying to get into the most lrvlno "woman's" world or all -the occupation of 7. "A Mother and Two Daughters," romance writing. Gail Godwin Fleming, heretofore a freelance magaatne 8. "Cujo," Stephen King writer, teacher and lumberyard employee, now 9. "Spring Moon," Bette Bao Lord has his first book, "Love, So Hard a Master" 10. "A ~reen Desire," Anton Myrer before the publishers. NON-FICTION "I didn't find magazine writing particularly rewarding, so J decided to begin fiction 1. "Jane Fonda's Workout Book" writing, .. he said. "I chose the romance genre 2. "Nobody's Perfect," Hendr ie because the market ls good and because I'm Weisinger and Norman H. Lobsenz interested ln human relationships I can explore 3. "A Few Minutes With Andy through the genre. When you think about it, Rooney," Andrew A. Rooney romance isn't foreign to literature . There's an 4. "A Light in the Attic," Shel elementofromanceinmostgoodwriting." Siiverstein s. "Witness to Power," Jottn Fleming has been 'before the typewriter for Ehrllchman a year and a half, turning out his romantic 6.-"''lrish Erotic Art," Seamus fiction.lle's nowworkingonhissecondbook O'Gallagher McGuireCork ''Th e woman's point of view is a J. "The 1 Love New York Diet," Adler challenge," he admitted. "I 'm a lways and Myerson concerned with making a faux pas that will be 8. "Weight watchers 36S-Day Menu obvious. but I'm less liable to do that now than I Cookbook" was at lhe beginning. 9. "What Every woman Should Know "I tend to be a little technical at times, About Men," Or. Joyce Brothers whi ch seems to be a male characteristic. I've 10. "Pathfinders," Gall Sheehy written a sailing scene and gone on to describe ---------~=========!!! _ _:t_h:.._e_r_:ig::g:.._ing. the wind direction, a lot of things l Book's plot murky A GREEN DESIRE. B y Anton Myrer . Putnam. 511 P ages . $14.95. Anton Myrer 's latest n ovel . "A Gr ee n Desire," is as confused as its title T he book could JUSt as easily have been titled, "Tw o Brothers," "Money Can 't Buy Happiness." or "The Portuguese Revenge · · But. according to the book jacket, .. A Green Desire" refers to a time •·in ever y person. in every country. when hope is green. when we believe we ca n be anything, do anything ... The main characters in the book· are two 8001 If Vlf W ~ tee n -aged br others, C hapin an d T ipton Ames, who are at odds with one another over Chapin's loyalty to their rather . w ho h a s abandoned them . It is the turn. of the century. C hapin. who 1s 15 months older, goes lo Boston to live with their rich Aunt Serena. while Tipton chooses to sta} hom e in Holcomb Falls to work and take care of "' his poor mother. Chapin acquires all t he privileges or wealth -a good education. ,. social standing, and an .. appreciation or the finer " thingit in life. Ti pton , industriou s and hard-working. builds a career as a traveling salesman. Republic gives you nonstop service to top business centers. Spend more time at your destination working and less time getting there - with Republic nonstops. But it's not all work. Along the way Republic will trecrt you to the kind of personal attention we're famous for. And when it comes to fares, remember Republic offers low discou nt fares to every ci ty we serve. Every day. Next time, go nonstop, go Republic. Convenient departures to fit your schedule. really didn't need You huve to be careful not to detract from the overall tone of the story." Can a man write a believable love scene from a woman's point of view? "Sure A good writer can. You 're conscious of the feelings involved in both your characters when you do a love scene. As a writer, you're right in the Huck of it ,'' he said. Fleming submits his manuscript to his wife for editing before it goes io hls agent. "She':. actually more of a mystery ran, but her critiques are alwuys good," he said . "She ratches me in a sli p once in a while." When it comes to reading, what does he enjoy? "Romance isn't my first choice to read for pleasure," he said. "For that, I always go back to the classics." Crummy sans rubber STOW. Ohi o CAP! Before rubber was o.llyl'l ... S--available to the general populace· firefighters used hoses mude of leather which leaked al every seam . Peo1,le used bread crumbs to er ase pc.•ncil marks Inflatable balls were made from pig bladders ROMANTIC INTERLUDE Laguna Niguel writer Stan Fleming 1s writing women ·s romances Entering the "'woman's world" of rom ance isn 't easy, he says "You have to be careful to tell thl' stor y from a woman's point of view .. · NUMBER OF REPUBLIC NON STOPS EVERY BUSINESS DAY From Burbank DENVER LAS VEGAS 2 6 From Los Angeles International PHOENIX SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISO 3 I TUCSON From Orange County (John Wayne) LASVEGAS 4 I SALT LAKECITY PHOENIX 5 TUCSON From Ontario LAS VEGAS 2 I PHOENIX Schedules sub1ec1 lo change w11hou1 nollce 3 2 4 2 1 3 But th e n the tw o brothers Call in love with the same girl the b ea utiful J osefi na Ga spa, the granddaughter of a Portuguese fi sherman. For reservations. coll Republic, your corporate travel desk. or a travel agent. Josefina is attra Gted to Chapin, but spurns· hjs advances · Chapin, in retaliation, sets fire to Josefina's boat , unw itti n gly trappin g h e r grandfather i ns ide . Chapin 's r esc u e It.tempts fail , and he runs away to join the Army. The rest of the book traces the two brothers' lives as Tipton marries Jo se fina , C h ap in marries ror money and social position and they both become ri c h working on Wall Street. Decades later. after ~e stock market crash ftt 1929, the economic Depression of the 1930s, and Wprld War 11, the brothen are still rivals. J osefina -wh o "rongly suspects Tipton al being "unfaithful" -ia now willing to marry Chapin. But A1mt Serena plays her trump card, revealing to Josefina tha t C h apin wa s respo nalble for her lf&ndfather's death. Even ran1 or Myrer's betl·tellinl "The Last Con•e rUble" 1bould ttunlc twice about "A GrMnDlltn." canl0eelH Alll dltM Preu , . Los Angeles(213)772-5100; Burbank (213)247-8333; Orange Co./Sonta Ano/Anaheim (714 )540-2060; Ontario/Riverside (714)988-8585 • . . , 'Barnum' star enjoys folks Dale. attended circus school eight weeks in preparation By JACKIE HYMAN Ateeci. .. ~W ...... LOS ANGELES -In the title role of "Barnum," Tony-winning act.or J im Dale juggles, dances and sings while walking a 34-foot-long highwire and gener ally bounces all over the stage. Offstage, he's a fascinated observer of the less structured theater other people perform in thei r everyday lives. "We all like to create a bit of magic," says the e nergetic Britis h star, gating about him with inte rest as he and his bride of 11 months, Julie Schaner Dale, s aunter comfortably to their table in a chic Beverly Hills restaurant. Seated outdoors near a table where three young women a re vying for attention, Dale is fascinated by their costumes: an off-the-shoulder flounced white dress on one, a fur coat on another aespite the 70-degree weather and , on a third, a glittery gold concoction, doubly outrageous in the noon sun!hlne. "This is what Barnum a nd I have in common," says Da le. "We enjoy life. I look at those girls dressed like t hat and I think, good for you. Who wants to be stuck in a two-piece outfit '>" "I just love the fact that one is in a fur cont and the other is virtually naked," says Mrs. Dale ··one wanted to appeal to the Arab and the othe r t.o the Eskimo,'' responds her husband. 16, he began as a standup comic, working his way into music halls and then becoming a pop singer , disc jockey, magician's assistant, lyricist Che won an Oscar nomination for the lyri~s to "Georgy Girl" J and then a n award·winnlng act.or. Invited by Laurence Olivier to join the Young Vic Company of Britain's National Theate r in 1969, Dale played a number or Shakespea rean roles. making his U.S. de but in "The Taming or the Shrew" in 1974. Two months later , he and F rank Dunlop adopted t he comedy "Scapino" from Mo liere, a nd he starr ed in it on Broadway, winning cnt1cal acclaim. There followed some mostly forgettable films "I've done a lot of films that have not been good." Dale says ruefully. "l don't know what it is, but I prefer stage '· Then two years ago, "Barnum" opened on Broadway. Dale won his Tony award for his performance as Amer ica 's great showman , living r liCc in a three-ring circus, torn between his peace-loving wife an d his love of humbug -and, brieflv. the singer Jenny Lind. After a two-month run in San Francisco, "Barnum" opened in Los Angeles in February for a 14-week run at the Pantages Theater . Dale attended circus school for eight weeks in preparing his role, learning wire-walking, juggling See Dale, Page El ClASSIFllD PEOPLE WATCHER Tony award-wtnning star on "Barnum." Jim Dall'. enjovs watching p<.'ople when h<''s not on-stage u~ PT. Harnum "We all like to create a bit of magi('. thii:. 1~ what Barnum and ha ve in common," l h<.' British actor says. His quic k wit is a reminder of Dale 's theatrical origins. Some 30 years ago, at the age of ~~~~~~...,..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~--~~~~~~~- ARTS gets big boost from Mobil By TOM JORY a.-111 .. ~...uWrtt.r NEW YORK ABV's Alpha Repertory Television Service for cable T V, introduced last Apr il with about 3 million homes on line . begins its second season today with an estimated 6.4 million ~ubscribers. a new look and a big push from the Mobil Corp. T he beginning o r ARTS' second season coincides more or less -with the premiere or a second cable ser vice. Hears t-A BC Vi deo's "Daytime" program for women. The four-hour show, to be broadcast 1·5 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday, will pre mie re Monday, wi th 3.2 million subscribers on more than 100 cable systems. Alanna Davis and Sharon Lovejoy wi ll co-anchor " Daytime." The Mobil connection could be particularly significant to ARTS, which was conceived by ABC as an advertiser-supported service but never really attracted the Madison Avenue dollar. Mobil is a major underwriter for public televisio n , with cont inu ing series l i k e "Masterpiece Theater" and the curTent "Life on E arth," and a weekly "Mobil Showcase" series will be a regula r feature of the ABC cable network, beginning the evening of March 17 Indeed , ARTS enters its second season with See Mobil, Page El DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAINE CHRISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a wickedly funny who'll-do-it. 1n IRA LEVIN'S "DEATHTRAP" Exetut1ve Producer JAY PRESSON ALLEN Associate Produce, ALFRED de LIAGRE. JR Music by JOHNNY MANDEL Produced·by BURTT HARRIS Screenplay by JAY PRESSON ALLEN Based or the stage play by IRA LEVIN Directed by SIDNE Y LUMET ~Gr,ME'~TAl GtJlllMtl Sl.OISTlO ~ ...... --~ --0 A\lf:AiO ... A(. ........ Af•tJ•t•c:ou P•"' • .... ..!!!!... ... ~·•_.!!'*•~~ . .. . . STARTS FRIDAY MARCH 19th J ·'DEATH WISH II" IAI FRI 6 45, 10 2U SAT SUN 3 10, 6 45. 10 20 VIC~R~~D ® SAT/SUN 1.20. 4·~. 8 JO -OOllAnMlt!lflt mi ssing. ~ (HD :.;r:".1.'."' .. ' FRI. 7:00, 9:15 SAT/SUN 1·15. 3.30 5:45, 8:00, 10:1S Riveting ... Enthralling ... CHARIOT~ or nm~ 0 l1.:!Jl "PERSONAL BEST .. FRI. 7:05. 9.30 SAT/SUN 1.00 3· 15 5:45. e·1s . 10.30 IRI "EVIL UNDER THE SU N",~1 FRI 7 15 9·30 SAT'SUN. 1·00. 3·15, S.30 7.45 10 00 1"eCIA ............. SAT SUN 3·40. 8.00 ~ IB MAKINt. I ovi: @ "1'11·1'"l'·ln':T:45. : FRI 6 bO. 10·1'5 SAT SUN 2:00. 4:15. 6:30. SAT SUN 1. JS. 6.~_._1_0 _1 s---1~----8--.4;..;;5..;.. . .;...;10-.:4_5 ___ _ ·RICHARD PRYOR ~missing. LIVE ON THE "'°"' - SUNSET STRIP" ~~ ~ FRI. 7 15, 9 00. 10 35 FRI. 7;00, 9:15 S AT/SUN 2:00. 3:45. S 30. ~AT/SUN 1:45, 4:00, 7 15. 9 00.10:35(RI 6:15. 8:30, 10:45 'DJJJDIRS OF TH£ rit'tosr ARK '"I IH $AT'!IUN , 00 4 U tOO .......... ~-0 ,., ..... "''" q-w-u...-.-CB] fllU 100 lOU IAl SUN J'Ot 7 • tt 00 FRI 6 45. 8 30. 10.15 SAT/SUN. 1:30, 3:15, 5:00 6:45. 8:30. 10:15 IPGl edwards CINEMA HARBOR BLVD ATAOAMS 546 3105 COSTA MESA " CHARIOTS Of FIRE FRI. ~00. ~:15 SAT/S UN 1:00, 3:1$, 5:30. 8:00. 10:15 (PO) edwards LIDO CINEMA NEWPO RT BLVD AT VIA LIDO 673-8350 NfWPORT BEACH ,AUi •lWll.ut SAllT 11110 ~ ABSENCE OF MALICE FRI 1.10 9.30 t 0 •••• "'• , .... ~. PREVIE W SATURDAY SAT'SIJN 1 00, 3 15, 5 30 • •· """·• "PORK Y'S" 7·45. 10:00 ~ -0 1--~~..;..._..;,.._ __ 1--=----=:---. \ t q'f'U-~ 0 "'""Yf-C)NOA '" "RICHARD PRYOR ~~ .. 1,~n·e·"'l/, .. r.,..u•" u, .. u~ ~: ~-;:. .... LIVE ON THE Ul SUNSET STRIP" Fll~.--IAf .. UM ,,.., • ..,_ edwards SADDLEBACK PLAZ A f.l TOA~ lA ~;R~CllFlf l 0 581 . s 88 0 FRI 7.00.9:15 ... ,..,.,.. GAl!IACM Nf_U fOC.._ .... 1.A'f lOW&AOl .0.._& MAKING ••LIDAltATltOI-~'/)ER.I LOVJ: "SHOOT • OF TH£ FRI. 6:15, 10 :30 THE MOON OST A·"' SAT/SUN FRI. 8:00 PG L "" 2:00. 6:16. 10:30 SAT/SUN 3:45, 8:00 FRI. 6:00 10·40 "PERSONAL "THEY ALL SAT/SUN .. LAUGHED" 1·15. 6:00. 10.40 BEST FRI. 8:00, 10:15 SAT/SUN 1:30. 8:00, 10:15 OVIE PA I AL M•U-HIA1.SUM ~>•UCll'T .__,_ "ONE FROM "RICHARD PRYOR THE HEART" sb!J:~~~~1~ .. FRI. 8:IO, 1:45, 10:45 FRI. 7:15, 9:00, 10:35 SATISUN. 2·00, 4:16, 8:30, SAT/SUN 2:00, 3:45, 1:45, 10;u 1.-1 O;U ,..,.,_~ .. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN'' CHI '"I. 1:11. •:at, t0:.41 SAT_,.. 1:41, 4;00, 1:11, l :M. tO:q (_~l 'l· °" T H.1H } 'l IH: ............. 111111 .. ,_, ......... It .... . _...,. TMCIA· !tWiW ·n:_, ..... "GREAT WHITE" (!}llllSM_l./!"4'•0 ••ft\f\ ~ FRI 7:2Q,9 15.11 00 SUN. 2:00, 4,00 FRI. 8:30, 8:25, 10!00 SAT. I •20. 3:20. 5.20 6:20. 8:25. 10,30 (R) S~T/SUl!I. 1:40, 3:20, 7:20. 9 ·15. 11:15 5:20, 7:00, 1:45, 10:30 SUN.1 :20, 3 20, 5 20 IPOI 7:20. 9.15 &m(R) "'' ... I Af-1 M ,l ... t .. "DEATH WISH II" •ICMAllO fl'll~ LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" 1111 FRI. 8:40, 1:15, 9:45 AT/SUN. 1:00, 2:40 4:20, 8:10, 7:45.9:30 & SAT. ONLY 11:00 "EVIL- UNDER THE SUN" ""· 7:10, 1:25 SAT/SUN 1:aG, S:U , 8:00, t:15, 10:20' (PO) ..,..,.._,....•,..-CITlft ... MM - 01.i: 1 a'~' l11rz• "AL~~:~~ ~~~OA SAT/SUN 3:30. 8:00 SUNSET STAI~" ... AIH•CE OF MAUCl FRI. 1:15, 1!00, 10:18 FRI. 6:00, 10:20 SATllUN 2:00. 2:41, SAT/SUN 1:15 5:45, 10:15 S:IO, 7;15, t :OO 10:36 '' ~'/)EAi MAKING ,.SH II" IAI ~nvr:. "" 7:00. 10:to o:,r::. , .'=firib I ATllUN 3:15, ,jll 1,. T • 3:., .. ,_ • "· •• t :OO, 9'tl. .• ..., ''NIGHT "PIRIONAL ,. CAOSSINQ UIT" • I ATllUN 1:11, ,_ ... ,.... ... l;tl ._,_ ... , .. l_ l , •f •I .. \ Orange Cout D~ILV PILOT/Sunday. Marc~ ,,., 1H2 He still practices four 1hoµ,rs daily ~l.~Aa.Y £~PBl:LL NEW YORK -Cornetiat Jimmy llcPartland wUt be 11 CID lloeday. Uk• all not-yet retired Jau mualclul, when aomebody b1rel b1m to play be plays. On da)'I be do91n't bavei a Job, be practices tbre9 or tour houri •t b11 Lone Wand bome. "I play a few m.l.Dut.11, have a cup ol a.a, play qain -tona nat. ud aeai.., to •mbcMacbun." He tourM lleotl&Dd, Waln aDd ~ Jut Octobe r . ' Jt was o ne -nlcbters, performlns f9Uf or five days a week, four weeks. I eot intestinal nu and n,bt after that, a cheat "tolcl. But I made every date. I'm aolnc to ctve myself a 1ood conduct medal. "A pro la a pro. To me, unless you're ia the hospital, you've cot to abow up and do the belt you can. You try to give it your best abot every time you 1et on that bancbtand, or you don't belonc c1o1q it at all." Mc Partland Last aummer, McPartland played at the Boeton Globe Juz Festival and the Kool Jazz Festival in New York. He'll .,., part of a cable TV aerie. ·op Obica10 musicians to be made this aprinc. He bu a new record cominc out on Halcyon Records. An Indianapolis jau club wants him to tour five Midwestern states, one-nighters, in June. . That weal side of Chicago hieb school beeinniJll, the Austin Hilb Gang, bu become fabled in the world of Jan because so many of its young members became noted jau musicians. McPartland and Bud Freeman are sWl playing 60 years later. McPartland's father bad taught sons Jimmy and Rich to box and to play violin. At first the rough stuff interested them more. Then, the local soda fountain bought a phonograph and spread recorda· OQ a table. And the lie Part.land boys and some ot their friendl decided to make mualc like that. "We heard the New Orleans Rhythm Kinta. 'Farewell Blue&' and 'Tin Roof Blues,' 1f I remember correctly. Thia waa Jau. A record by King Oliver and Louis Armstrong came out, l ' think 'Dipper Mouth Blues.' We loved that. Then we beard the Wolverlnea and Blx Beiderbecke and JWe nipped." McPartland recalls, "Rilht from the start, we always leaned more toward the lovely tone of Bix. He bad a beauty of tone and pbraalna that made you feel emotioM. He b•s sort ol an affectionate 8·ACAOEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS lone, a nice, round , full toDC1. ll'a what we trted to emulate." At the same Ume, tbelr muaic wu a1,,...alve and the cockiest kid ln the bunch, James Du11~ McPartland, named for • 1randfatber from Paisley, Scotland, was the leader. 'J3ud Freeman lived two blocks from ua. My falht'r bad a C melody aax for hlm and cave him lessons. My brother Rieb bad a banjo. Jtm Lannigan, who married my slater, eot a ba.u. He bad a piano at his house, so we'd practice there. Dave North played the piano. We met Frank Teschemach~r at a school. He wanted to play clarinet. We could aJI read music. We all played violin. -- This motion picture contains scenes of graphic and Violent horror. lllU lliea~I ~29 $339 COSTA MESA fo.,11ds 811s104 5•0 7444 .... .,,... __ MGM/~ Mllll ~-~ ~~•u• ....... ......,~"'-...,._,_. NOW PLAYING U TOllO Low .. os S.ioolo!~~ 581 ~880 fOUllTAlll VALUY f ounl•m Valley lltrvh In 962 2•81 QAllOH GllOVl We\!IA~ ~30 4401 OllANGl O•anoe Matt 631 0340 OllUGl SlilCllum °'"e In 639 8Tf0 OllAllCll UA C11v CWlittnd 634 391 I Cell 642-5678. Put • few words to work for ou. In a world of professional ~•Ins, llwra ls no room for an mnatem. \'...)' " . \'" ,.,,, ' l.,> ... The CIA trained him, "-/'-Ii\ __ briefed him, armed him, '--''t" " ( ... > .. ::.:.-:_"::_~ - and then ... they abandoned him. With a competitor ... The how close can you get ? PERSONAL BESI' ---·- Oscar Fever roles l J All entries must be on an oCficial blank cHpped from the Daily Pilot. No phot.ocopies or band-drawn entry blanks will be accepted. 3> Individuals may enter as many limes as they like . 3> Entries must be postmarked no later than March 2'1. 1982. 41 Dally Pilot employees and members of their 1mmedittte families are not eligible to enter. S> Selections must be made in each category Incomplete entries will not be acc<:pted. Oscar Fever OFFICIAL BALLOT BEST P1CTt1RE Q )tlantlc City O Cl'larlotsof Fir• o on Golden Pond O Raldersof lhe Lost Ark 0 Reds BEST AM'Oll O Werren Beatty 0 Henry Fonda O Burt Lencn•r 0 Dudley Moor• O PaulNewman SUPPORTING AMOR O JamesCoco 0 Jotln Gletoud Olen Holm OJeck NlchOlson OHoward E. RolllnsJr. BF:ST DIREn'OR 0 Warrim Beatty 0 Huo11 Hudson 0 LouisMall• 0 Mark Rydell O Steven Spietbero BEST ACTRK~'< O Katllarlne Hepburn O Olene Keeton 0 Marshe Mason O Susen Serendon 0 Meryl Strttp SU PPORTING ACTRESS 0 Melinda Diiion O Jane Fonda O Joan Hadlett O Ellzebetll McGovern 0 Meureen Stapleton ORIGINAL SONG ' O Be•t Tl\at Yov Can Do Q EndlHS Love O TM First Time In Happens OFor Your EyesOl\ly DOM More Hour Deadll.De Mklalpt Marcia t1' IMZ OSCAR nYJ:R IS SPON80UD BY THE ..., .... PRIZES PRESENTED BY Tlte Grand Diner 'neater •AM&~~~--'---~~----~~-~ '#hk ¥OC.Ottonlnq lnthe~lak•. fotnout~ ~IC.uM Pollot~ 0 bc.outlful womon on ~ bcoc.h. ~that IN ""°' dsod, he did not o.ic Ml to dlnM1. ~~·"~tvlL UMDfR Tttf. sun Fascinating "A unique achievement ... a touching, funny and suspenseful drama."-Janel Maslin, NEW >'ORK TIMES .Daring "Th is daring film will give you a new respect for those creatures who became us."-PEOPLE MAGAZINE Exciting " ... an expansion of the primitive-man sequence in '200 r ... Ifs a true original." David Dertby, NEW YORK MAGAZINE DQAJllVE SATllUN. 1:30, 3:41, 1:00, 1:11, 10:11 ildwftslOUIM~~ .=..-=-~==-151-4114 ..... ·REAL VALUES \ NOWPLAYINO MU fOWTAI• YAlUY LDMl IUCll 9'H Plan f Olllllilll Va41ty Pai.ct $2H339 839 l 500 436 4479 COITA MESA fUlUUotl DUa UA c-N' fo• Olll'Qt ~· 540 osu 525 4h1 631 03•0 EL TOM £dw~c1$ 5'0dlt0Xk 581 5880 -------DRIVE-INS ------- CAlllCHI So.Jin Bay Omt In 532 8811 DAAlllf Siad""" Ol••t In 839 t110 *BARGAIN MATINRES * Monday thru Saturday All PerformaneH before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll En9111men11 and Holklaya) "PERSONAL NST' "' ,......,,aa••.•~n. a;t,,. "THEY All LAUGHED" .... rtMMT ktt.. ._ ~ tt"M, 1:9, te-:tt "THE BEAST WITHIN" 1111 ,._.~ 1;11, t=-.•::11·••,.. ,........., ................. "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" -11M.l•.••.t M,tt::ll LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK-IN •• ,.......~ ~.o... ON GOLDEN PONO' 100, 11N,)lt,t• ,.,tttt --· 'DEATH WISH II" "I ,..,::-....;:-.. ............ ~ "THE AMAT£UA" "I ................. "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ()flj THE SONSET STRIP" foc:ulry ol Condlewood 213/531·9110 MISSING" •"'11 '111 Jff,t .... 1 11. tt• -o. .... _c..o.,., ..... THEY All LAUGHED cf'GI 1tU~.J-'l,IH 111 tt ... o:;:~_:-,.:.-=-.-,: =:.:...~ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN Foculty Al Del Arno 213/614·9211 EVIL UNDER THE SUN 1P01 , ••• ..l-'.1 11 ... '' •• I.AG UNA 'REOS -11• ••.• _. 'MAKING LOVE" 1•1 u .... , ............. .-...11• I• °""J· \rtt-1 l"H, I 41, 1 .. ... 0My .. ~ ...... , •• Mfll t:ae>" •NO Will~ CHARIOTS OF FIRE' fO'OI ' ....... ~,,.41, .. ,. so . COAST WALK-IN Souln Cooat H1woy ot lroodwoy 494-1514 "RICHARD .... voR LIVE ON TH£ SUNSET STRIP" 1'11 MOtWJU ?•.t ... ,....,. 6A1'4Utl t11,l-LM11tl.l"..M I. EVIL UNDER THE SUH'" -......,,. '···" ... ...,. , ....... , ....... l'AClftC THEATllES OlllV(·IN SWAP MEETS srlf'1C111 •Ou• aucu -V'f•O H•t °"' u HAlltOll tlVO OlllVf.IN & OUNCE OlllVl·IN I•• 10 J ,.. U IUl.OA' 6 Su•o.&• '"'' ·-~ , ...... " .......... , .. """' . .... o ... ,,, ,._,."'6 15 \,! \.• 6 :00'""'' it ..... .,5.45 IMPORTAN f NOTICE! CMllOREM UNDER 12 FRU! "''"'" '"' W•"'*' •"' TPHv ,,.5 30 ·ht Sve M•s• 30 ,. CM-fl $OU110 • YOUR .fJ\11 CAii llAOIO IS ~ Sl'fM(ll II NO A# CAii llAOIO Wint """'°" aa:uSOllt l'O$ll'OI -llllllCi NI-fClll1lll.l ••All CM.A OIWH4 QI ON ._ "* ANAHl1"4 ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h•••oy 91 01 t.•mon SI 179·9150 Cft.AlllLll.....,... 'DEATH WISH II" 11'1 ...... THE BURHINO" " C•"E Fl SOUtoO ---...,.....,.--"oON~CfiY," -- IT'S OHL Y THUNOER" -... "HALLOW£EN II" I'll -"AH AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON" IJll CINI " SOUNO 8UINA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN Lt.nce>'ri ••• •••' Of l non 121· .. 070 BUI NA PAllW LINCOLN DRIVE ·IN t1nco1n ••• we., Of 1nott I 121-.. 010 I 11·li!tll"11 I Son Diego 'rwy 01 troo~f'tun' (So) 962·2Al1 ... , s ,,,.,,.,,,g HI-WA Y 39 DRIVE IN "HALLOWHN II" I'll -I "AH AMERICAN WEAEWOlF INLONOON"111 "MY BODYGUARD" f"GI ci10 Ff )OU..,L) 'RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE SUNS£T STIUP" 181 -THINK DIRTY" I'll "VICE SOUAD" 1111 -"THE BOROER" 111 ·THE BEAST WITHIN" I'll -"OE AOL Y BLE.SSfHQ" I'll CIH( ,, 500110 Bffcn llvO So at G.l!~n G<o.e f•Hwo• 191·3693 "MISSING" --"BORDERLINE" 1N1 Cell( II SOUNO c111t '' 50UIOO ~------'-------;~---~ ------oo ......... .._ "Q4AISTIANE F.'' 11111 -"DEATitSHIP" "' CINE II SOUloO '" •0•8~• LA HABRA DRIVE IN ............... IN< ............. - 171-1162 •J~Ai.c.1 ORANGE DRIVE-IN "CHl'lllTIA• F." 111 -"VICE SOUAO" w 4. ............. , oiAO, MISS ION D lllVf IN ·. '· •.' .. WARNER lJl11\.I IN ·-· ...... , ...... ,, llvo M7·Htl OE.ATH WISH II" f'll ...... 'THE BURNING" IJll C"'f fl SQUtoO "RICHAflO l'RYOft ll'tt OH Tltf SUNSET STIUft" 4111 -"THE DIRTY" t111 l ol'lto Ana ftw( • Sta t• C oll•O• 551·7022 -"THINK DlfnY'' ,_ "DON'T CRY IT'I OHL Y THUNOEt"" ADDI .. ---...~~-:--':"-"--'---~---~ CITT~~~--~~---~PH«"•~--~--on items from applesauce to zippers tt::, ~-ftlf ~ fl'l'oe. PO 8o.r 1•. Cou Ihm. Co nAt \ I are advertised.every day In the ' ~--~--1 ~-----------,;.-~~---------~ .... 4 • • • Mobil contributes to AR TS ............ 1-.PPort froas fow-m_,or eorporaUona -Gtneral Moton, AT6T, Polaroid and Mobil, and John T. Healy. vtee prealdent tor product d•vtk>pment and acq\&laltJona for ABC Video l!:nterprlaea, aay1, "l thlnat we're 1olnc to be OK." ABC poured plenty of money Into ARTS' pre mlere season -the company won't 1ay bow mucb -and advertisers were characteristically cautloua. "lt's difficult tenerally to attract advertisers, and that m uch more difficult when you're functioftlnc in a new buslneu," Healy says. "And ~Ith the economy the way It is -why bother! •'We've found much 1reater enthusiasm among advertisers than we did last year at this time,!' he says. "We're finding companies now actually allocating advertislng money for cable TV. "We've managed our costs reasonably -we haven't overspent In any area -and we're somewhat optimistic. Break even? We might be close, on a monthly basis, by the end or this year, the first of '83.'' For the second season, ARTS will arrange its nightly schedule -9 p.m.-midnight EST, with a repeat for the West Coast -to suit the viewer. "The most common complaint we had," Healy says, "was from the subscriber who said, ·1 never know what's on.' In the first year, we had a ' mix of pro1ram1 every evenlna. For the aecond year, we'll(()' to eat.abU.h element nl1bta -mualc on Sunday nilt\t, dance .on Monday, drama on Tuesday, 'Mobil Showcaae' on Wednesday." Proarammlng won't be limited to those categories, and there will be some vartety each nlJht, Healy says. "We've also created aome UtUe things, like 'The Arts Minute,' which mi1bt preview a new museum exhibit or the like. And,• from time to time, we may ask for viewer feedback." The remainder of the week will repeat the Sunday ·Wednesday schedules. Healy says the new season wlll include several original productions, lncludin1 two one.act plefs" by David Mamet, "Reunion" and "Dark Pony," and two by Frank South, "Precious Blood" and "Rattlesnake in a.Cooler.'' Robert Allman will direct the "2 by South" package. The pr~mJere ''Mobil Showcase" production wJll be "Now She Lies There," an hour-lone drama from England set between the two wars. The London Weekend Television film was directed by Warris Hussein, whose credits Include "Edward & Mrs . Simpson." The March 24 "Showcase" presentation is "Gala Night at the Kirov," from Moscow Television. "We've acquired close to two years' worth of programs for ARTS," says Herbert Schmertz, • • . Da.le en.joys common .folks From Page El and unicycling. Was he ever afraid of being injured? anything is talent," says Mrs. Dale. an attractive, dark-haired ~oman wearing one of her clients' artfully crocheted vests. . ''You can tell, can't you, just by looking at a person what he is prete nding to be or hoping other people will see," observes Dale as the rest of the young women depart and are replaced by young men . "No," he scoffs. then adds, "A thing that would scare me is if they wanted to put me into one of those guns that shoot you. Forget it. I want to be in control." He's distracted from his train of thought as the girl in the glittery dress excuses herself from her complJnions at the next table and vanishes in the direction of the ladies' room. "She came in just to say hello." he says. ''Now . she's gone to change for t he hors d'oeuvres. When she comes back, you watch, there'll be leathers all over the place." "He's hoping that he wi.U be seen as a young television producer," he sa~s. indicating one of the new arrivals. "He has more chains around his neck than the prisoner of Zenda bas around his legs, but they're covered by his shirt because he doesn't want to be too conspicuous." Then he chuckles. and admits thit anvone in the vicinity of a comic -including his· dining c~mp~nions -is at risk of being speared by a w1tt1 c1sm. Then he adds, "I do it on stage. I've worn hundreds more costumes than these women will ~yer wear, and makeup.'' Costumes also fascinate his wife. Mrs. OaJe runs a New York art gaJlery that features wearable art. "The thing that we both love more than Being with a comedian, he says, is "like having a tooth missing in front : It's all right if you don't s mile. H's a very vulnerable position to put yourself in.'' TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVZZLI ACROSS class attraction 19 Turkish 100 Calltke 1 Commence 80 Fanatical 152 Jewish carriage 101 Spll1s 6 Reach tor 82 C11rus month 20 Snoops 103 Nursery 12 Biiiiards tru11s 154 For11t1ca11on 33 Lelluce rhyme hgure Sho1 84 Russian 156 Heavy swell 35 COSIS 105 Narrow 17 Read river 158 Tidy 38 Wei inlets brtelly 86 Make ready 160 Al's neigh· 40 JunClure 106 Coveled 21 w a1ercralt 88 Yardsllcil bOr 41 Ooclnne 107 Scott 22 Library 90 Graduate 161 Rlghl·hano 43 Russian 108 Taul ,patron degree page 11111age 1 11 Beforehand 23Lessen 92 Mall a tel ler 162 Goll club 44 Hebrew 113 Frisk abovl 24 Madr1d 94 Wooden 163 Lucifer measure 117 Sagacity animal Shoe 165 GI green 46 Announce· 119 Actor 25Winged 96 Aromatic 166 Dance s1ep men I Jourdan 26 Fabray. to plant 168 Compound 47 Rip t 2 1 More recenl friends 97 College ether 48 Matriculale 124 French 27 Dad instructor 170 Falher 50 Fool lever article 28 Actor Moore 102 Quotes 171Open10 52 Circuitous 125 D1scordla 29 Ah met 10..: Most view roule t27 Sketched 30 Beholdl needy 172 Abandon 53 Keen 129 Tenth part 3t One or any 109 City on lhe 174 Way 54 Tanker 132 Ove<head 32 "Wonder· Tiber 175 Guinea 56 Exclude trains land" girt 110 Weird lowl'syoung (from) 134 Thin 3-4 Twosome 112 Bracing 176 Analyze a 58 Speedy 13C Boarders 35 lnvestlgale drink sentence • 60 Japanese 139 Spring 36 Print 114 Royal heir 177 Showy Orama ·holiday measure 115 Asiatic river 178 Large 61 Pick up the 14 1 Scolltsh 37 Small child 116 Tra follower knives lat> nver 39 Seashore 118 Mar111me 63 Bypass 143 Common 42 Growth 120 Res1den1 ol DOWN 65 Picture sense 45 Asian title 109 Across I Climb over puzzle t44 L111ely 46 Cancel oul 122 Sap1dl1y 2 Eagle s claw 67 Citrus trun 14~ Moun1a1n 49 Precipitous 123 New York's 3 Anecao1e 69 Story h•deoul 51 Shy lines• 4 Revolve 71 Public 146 Love 53 Michigan 126 Blbhcal king 5 Tome ot lite s1orehouse "madly' canal 128 Lassoed 6 Indian 73 Flowenng 148 Time 55 Correct 130 Gielgud and buffalo shrub periods copy Guinness 7 Aqua11c 75 Summarize 150 Records 57 More "31 Term mammal 79 Gnawed 152 Fish bone rational 133 Disparaging 8 Terror 81 Accounl rtdge 59 New remarks 9 Small fish entry 153 Drills (a 62 Stnkn 135 Stair post 10 Iterates 83 Razor hone hole) 64 Elon1an's 137 Helm 11 H1stonc 85 Sun deity 155 Aromatic lather position period 87 Ruhr city seed 66 Hero's 138 Novelist 12 Poker item 89 Turbine 157 Poker stake award Zola 13 Approx•· wheel 159 Sailors 68 Sharp reply 140 Give 1n mately 91 Fragrances 163 Soak 70 Similar 142 Log 14 Stew 93 Jewish law 164 Actress 72 Insurgent 144 Meadow 15 Denoting 95 Choir voloe Gardner 74 Small sound origin Sul 97 Strengthen 165 Unusual candle 147 Literary 16 Debussy's 98 ·star Wars·· 167 Pigpen 76 Thus work "La -character 169 Parson bird 77 Digraph 149 Sugary 17 Headliner 99 Hindu 173 Map 78 Speak In 151 Carn111a1 18 Tinge mantra direction 2 3 4 5 18 19 20 SEE CLASSfFIEO SECTION FOR ANSWERS - I ~o• FUN• fo• (l(CITEM(NT• 8'1nt the Ft""'" To Our NEW '·';!P*"*«·iMJJ With Bo ..office = ~ -====i RICHARD PRYOR UVEONTIC SUM5E'T STRIP (Rl I :00 Z:45 4 :30 6: (5 1:00 1:45 Mulel Hemln9way N:"5CJINAL 8EST (R) 12:30 3:00 5:30 1:00 10:20 I Slny Spacek lllGSINQ {PG) 12:30 2 :50 5:10 c:::===='='4=0=1=0=:=00====~ I ... , .. U1tlnOY In EVIL UM>IER THa SUN {PG) 1:00 3 :U ~:3~ c::==='='='='='=0=:1=0====~ Aadllmll' A~~ CHAllfOTS Of' PlltE (PO) 12:30 2:50 5 :15 7 :45 10'10 Amdlifty A~~ IUUDllQ Of' Ttta LOST Allll (PO) 1 :00 3:15 5:30 7:45 t :5S In 70mm 1-. ..... a..l"IS..H su,_ ~Sound OiNct To Vbur C... Rado or~ I Tune To us and EllUOV I r-::= ' Mlrlel Hem~p NllSOIUIA. ( ,_) "Ull Ur!Nn Cowboy (POI uoulll• Terror! THSmMT wrnt•U"> • 0.aell)' 91Mllllt (") I 'le::::==::= ~ ....... .....,... "'"""" (P'G) lll•rk7'1 Mecllln• (~ 9u1tln' LooM (RI Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, 1982 I • • • • • • • Daffy Pltot classlflttds wort< for you.Call 642·5678 for quick cash sates. "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OF THE YEAR .. .'''°"""'" .. " Nominated for 10 Academy Awards tho h•""~ 8F~T DIRf.C TOR Mark R)•tkll One ofthc ''c:ar· .. 10 Bc,t. Ot.httht1M Im,.. '11IJ(•l'tlu1• There's more to love than ... M A K N G LOVE "Masterful" I A Times. Shella Ben&on "Wonderful" -N weweek Megaz1ne. Juc:k Kroll ==~===-== 91AR101f J)f fl~ I PG8 " LAOO COMPtt.H'i ""'° WAANUI 8A05 llll lAll --..... ....... 0.-.-.•c ........... ~<o.--• .. -·----.. _(_ ....... __ edwards CINEMA CENTER HAllOI IOUUYAID AT ADAMS COSTA MISA 979-4141 missing ... · · • M 1ssing · as considered so politically hot that the Stale Uepartment has issued a three-page st~tement rebutting 1ls premise . . It's golng to stir up audiences as no political thriller bas since • AJI The President's Men' ... " -David Ansen, NEWSWEEK missing ... "A sus~o:ie-tbriller of real cinematic style, acted with immense authority by Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek . (their perlromances) give 'Missing' an agonizing reality." -Vincent Canby, NEW VORK TIMES • • missing. BASED ON A TRUE STORY. Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 Its a treat that ~ worth the trip! Four big Gull shrimp. our crispy fish fillet. plus fr}t'5. slaw[, hushpupp1es! 1 Shnmply delicious! (. -\ ... ~~..;.. di I (ADDRESS) I THE ENTERTAINERS 'Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' . r .. ... :• ' I f i . ' .......... " ....... ...... ·--Mmln OOUfllry ...... ~ TUBE TOPPERS t:::: .. Tiie "-tr In --~ "''''" -MDil•eo- ... IMY'MMY flf,0. MO (J) llZNIM "~a FMtllt(' ...... AA/ff('( uo (I)~ '**"' "My WtliCtl W~ YIN Cen" (1990) Clint laecwoocl. Sondra Look•. ... llttllnDdoWnwMh Illa girt and pat orangutan. • blr'l-ftltld llOh'* ..... up tor one !Ml. luetlt!W "'*'·'PO' 1;41-~0PHM ' ClOMUP MOI~ MUllO ANO THE POl(INWOM> I DAYIMAK L.A. YOUTH ANO THl1 THRILLER -GENEVIEVE Bujold plays doctor seeking answer to a my~tery affecting coma patients. "Coma .. airs at 9 tonight on KA.BC (7). ~Y'SllACK G MHTINO TIME AT OAJ.V/ltll('( I FMDIM* K. PNCE NATURAl. HllTORY OFA~ "Making Light Wortl" Sir 0.0.ga Por1« loolll at thl ICllllQI of thermodynam- ic. -tumlng hell Into wortl. (Pan t) ardlaa glfltrlend• unlll. unexpactadty, ttlllr pill* Ill lend on the Mil'9 ~. -~ THf.4TM "I Remember Nelton: Duty" Although hi grlltly ldmlr .. thl Admlrll, Cep- llln Hardy vlewt ....._,.,., lnlatu1t1on with Emma Hamilton aa a tlgn of WM11.-. (Part 3) Q ~~·'*" ~ Cunlt...,,... -~"""*~from AUlllMIO C*Y, N.J.1: Wortd .. "°' and CaMOnW Divine Ch•4ftPI011illlp1 ~ Plll'lllnlnt). e MIJCa'JtltlLAND A ~I._ lllclnaPIN' WhO left al¥illulton to •VOid Illa ~ le d4ecoWnd lllllnQ on Iha lelend. • MOYW ** *'-' "No TlrM For IWgeenta" I tt58) Andy QnfMll, N6all Mimi. A Georgia farm boy Inducted Into ~ ..w:. .... tilt mltltir'f on tta -by hit r~MI to confO•ll'I to 1tand.,dl. • MOY!& ••'A ''They Call Ml Hal· lllujlll" o-Qe Htnon. cnanee Sou111WOod.A man named H...-,Jlh coniet to the aid of a bMld of MIJCl- cene condamnlCI to thl nr- i tqUlld, ~R>l'A MMON ''Coh«ance'' Cl)MOVE * * * "The lander Trap" (t966) DlbtM Reynold•. Frank Slnalr L It. IQphlttl- calad blchelor down on men1egl meet• • girl whO trapehlm. 1-e:~ OINiCTlONI MOYIE I THEL.AHAYD KNOW Y°"" leLE MOYIE • Wlt.IHINOTON WES( IN "fVIEW (~ 11:06 (%)MOYIE 2:80 . QIUJGAH'818lAHD **'h "Thi Secret Of S1agull laland" C1981) Jeramy Brin, Nicky Hin· aon. A young lt.rMricMI girt 1r11a to ,,.. hit blind liltar from hit llllnd captivity. ···~ "Biiiy Jactl" (1~71) Tom Laughllll, o.ior .. • * ''The Oll1 And The 0 1n1ral" ( 1967) Rod Stllglr, Vlrna U1I. During World War II, an ltellln vtf. lag• girt d1v1top1 • 11ranga rat•tionelltt> with • Bavwtan ganarll being held ~ti.... by an Italian toldief, t:OO 8 ()) NBA 8AIKET1IAL1. T 1ylor. An ex.Or-8lret llalf·brlld champion• Iha CIUM Of a tra.dOm IChOOI for runawave on .,, Ari- zona tndlan rM«V•tlon. 11:15 8 ()) NCAA BASKETBALl Sac:ond-round tourMmant ecllon Phoenb1 Sun1 at Boeton .MOVll • * "Thund«t>ltcb tn Out· • Spec9" (198l) Pupp91•. Thi Thundlfblrd• •- agalntt tlml to 1top • rock.i rrom CX>ltldlng with lhltoo. ICIH~~ OAAL AOllERT8 SUAME STREET (R) 11:30 8 <II THIS WUK WITH DAVID 8NHKLEY (%}MOVIE • 'h "Big Bid Marni" ( 197 4) Angle Dk:klneon, Wtllllm Shltner. It. women CUii a path OI ~ and rom1nc1 through 1h1 Souttiw.t ot thl 1930I. t:301i~ PAES8 DAY Of Dl8COVERY THEWOAl.D TOMOMOW 'R' ~I COMMITMEHT TMATSClt.T "°8ERT 8CHULL.£A Pl0Pl.E7 AMENCA:THE 8ICOND CEHT\JRY I NEWI PU8UCPUL.8E ="'"TVAE U.S.A. • • • "Loll Horizon" (1937) Ronald Colman. J.,.. ~yltt. A kldnappad diplomat dlacover• 11\e Hlma11y1n kingdom ot Shangri-La. I ~ of -.mll ~ and lmmor· !Mily. 7:00 8 LOUIS fM(EYSER G WHITNEY It.NO THE AOeOT I TOPClt.T rrl8WNTTEN KENNETH conL.ANO I DAY Of DISCOVERY CART OOHS YOGA fOf' ~TH SPECTRUM 8UNOAYMA88 7:30 SUNDAY MOANNO I fWN80W PATCH ~PU8~LE JIMiVV SWAGGART MllTER AOGEAI (A) TV-ILOOKIAT LEAANINO <II 8EAACH 8THEWOAU> T~ (I) fMC'T\JAEO FlJQ(.EA8 O MOVIE • * 'n "Uttll Miis Mtrker" ( 1980) W11tar M1tth1u, Julie Andr_.. 8uld on lhe Ownon Runyon 11ory. A grutf. 1tlngy 1930t book· 11'1 lie Is turMd around whlf'I hi ~ • &-yell'· old moppet .. • !NW11« for a racing bet. 'PO' (%)MOVIE * • • "Th• Batlle Of A1Ql1r1" ( 19671 Yacat Saldi, Jl8n Martin. AIO«la WIQll I dllp«ltl ~­ gla tor lndlplndlnCI from 195-4 10 19e2. l:OO I THll 18 THE LIFE POP£YEANO FNEN08 • P!R80MAL CMMEN8ION8 I UOYDOOILVIE OYtWIUJE "Thi Magic Junkman" Wltlll end Papo 111$*llnee bl2arre ldYenturll with I neighborhood 1unkm1n ( Aob«1 Ell1 JOllll). Q I OMl MOWRIS .JllM'f fAlMU MXHUMBAAD M0\111 **•'A ''The Wiid Ctllld" ( 1970) JMn-f'Wr• Cefgot. Francoll TrufllU1 An 18t~ OllltllfY phyllclan attamptt to ~ a 12-year-old boy found llWlQ wffd In Iha loraet• of France. 'G' (l}MOVIE •• "Force Alie: Star· ~ .. (tHt) lt.nl!Mtld. An tnfftJ of little robotl btind togactllr to defend Earth lglllMt i force of ...,~·a· MO e ODYlllY, Ou .. ta: John Naber, winner of tour•gold madlll a t OM 1t71 OlymplC ~· "4fdlrlll nnoltly IQMlnO. . tdlbletlOC> of dll c;dlollc• ~. \.Ga AnglM; AMlbl Maro H. T~. NMIOMI .... ••r-• ,.,..... ono- IOf Of tM ~ Jtw11t1 ~ · <II KENNETH COP£LAHO (C)MOYIE • • * "Caddll" (1981) Helen MorM, J~ ThomP- aon. A young women IM'lll har cornlortabla auburban homl and hit cruet hulblnd. IMtarmlnld to Ilk• lull reeponllblllty lor l&IPC)Ol11ng hit Qh41dran by doing what-odd Jobe lhl c:lln git. OMOYIE * • 'A . 'Thi Flandllh Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" (1980) Peter SllllB. Sid c-. The FBI and Scotland Yard'a 09\. Neyland Smllll pu-lhl 1$8-yeat-old arc:ll vltleln at hi MWctlll tor the lngrldllnta, lnctud· Ing thl Crown Jlwel$, UMd 10 mike hie Wfa-pro- tonglng allxlr. 'PO' (%}MOVIE • * 1..\ "Bua tin' LOOM" (1991) Richard Pr/Of, Cice- ly T yton A bw'nbilng bu<· 9lar, a concarn1d ldlooltMCNr Ind algllt children malt• a lrlglltan- lng crote-<:C>Untry trip In a broiltn--dc>Wn IChOOI l>UI. 'R' 10:00 a a 8f'ORTSWORU> 10-round tuntor mldd.....igllt t>oot wllh Tony Aylla VII Steve Gre- gory (11'11 lfom A lien tic City, N.J .); Whlatllr Moun· taln Oownhll Siiting (from Brltlth Columbia); All·lre- lend Huntng Ch~ (lrom Dubltn ). • MOVIE • * "Mid Monatar Party" ( t9e7) Anlmatad. VOICel of Pnyllls Ollllr. Borll Karloff, Franllllt\lleln and Ofacul• ar• reunited wtth Or. Jekyll end Mr. Hydl II I apacill, rathlt bizarre ctllbr1tlon. I ~~ DOOOE" OUGOVT THE LAWMAKERI Corr11pondent1 Lind• Warthllmar and Cokll Robert• join P.ul Duka for In up-10-1~11 eum- mary ol Congru1ton1J KtlYl\111. • MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING Cl)MOVIE ••'A "Rodllhaw" (t980) Paul McCartn1y 1nd Wlnga. Thie racord of lhl bind'• U.S. tOUf lnctudee petformancet of "J.i," "Band On Thi Run." "Sltly LoW Songl'' and IOIM old 8letll ba119W. 'PG' 10:101 DOOQeAPM.GAME 10:25 ,.,..~ IAIHW.GAME Houllon lt.auoe VI. Loe Mgelel Oodgef'I tO:aO . 9 KIOS AM PEOP\..ETOO OU.IS: actr-Danielll BrlMboll. actor DouglM Shllhan. Oldge\ ppert IStan~~ MAGIC Off OtL ,AINTINQ ®MOYIE ••"A "Trlbu1•" (1980) Jack Lemmon, Robby Benion. ,.,. lr1eepo1 lllbll . BtOldWay Pf... agent beiQ111t to regret Ille wMted .. tne1 hie eenuoua ,..._ llONNP wlltl hie Of'CJWn -'·'PG' 11•• M0\111 • *'A "Boe6ng, Boeing" ( 1"6) Tony Curtte. Jetf"I ~It.London~ "*1111 hi hM ~I toolllroof plM tOt ~ ... .... of hie ttw.-..... 'CHAtlll LISTINGS e \t.N)(T 1ce's1 e ICN8C (NBCI ••<TL.A (Ind.) • e~A8C IA.BC> .i\<FM8 tC8S> e ICHJ TV (Ind.I --e l(CtT'"tAIC) .. e KTTV (lllCI,) e ic~TV llnd·I e k.CtT !PPI e KOCECN'l -- 01 On-TV (fl l TV . tit> HBO CCI IC'lnemo> IWORl NY , N.Y. IWTBSI l HPNl 1~1,,,.1 • Sclot'""' • (Cftl• ....,\ Ntl-l"k) fl TEARY COLE· WHITTAKER ID Wit.LL STRUT W£V( "Nlw Prophltt Frorn liar· ry Browne?" Guaet: ln.,,..I· m1n1 1dvt1or Harry Browne.(R) (C)MOVIE 11t * * "Oh Godl Bool\ II" ( 1980) George Burnt. Suzanne Plllhette. God rllurn• 10 Earth and c;hOOMI lhl young daugh-* of an adlllrtllinO llltc- uU,,. to apraed hie 'mM- llQI to thl worid. 'PO' 9 MOVIE **Yi "Hon1y1uckt• RoM" 11980) WUlll Miiton. Oy1n Cannon. While on lour. a T1J1U ~tty· .... am llnglr becofMI 1n¥Ol'ted with thl -1uc!IW daughtar of hla ~lc:ll ....., though hi 11Mt loWI hl1 atay-al·homl wtt.. 'PO' -AFTERNOON- 12:00 a a IHY!MA1'Y CLM81C Flnakound ~aga of tht1 tournament. llaturtng -of thl lop n.-In profllllonal golf (tlw rrorn thl 1rwerrary Goff end Country Ck.tb Ill Laodlrhltl. AL). 1:=r CHUACHILLS "Thi Lion And Thi Unl- corn" King Ctlarlll IJtlllt JltnM and dlAONll p.,. llamant; Prlnc:.N Anna ChOOMI Sarlh to ~ one othltlldlll. • PEA80Nlt.L f1"AHCE AND MONEY Mlt.NAOEMEHT "LOIN: How Do You Flg- ura T'Mm?" (l)MOYlf *** "Touehld By Love" (1980) D1boratt R11fln, ~ Lani .. A nutting 111ln11 trill lo bring a hlndlcappad girl out of a d••P depr111lon by enGOUtaglng hit to corre- IPOflCI with hlr Idol, EMt Prlllly. 'PO' 12:i0 I DIAECTIOH8 THE IAXT'ER8 fltMOHAl AlllANCE ANO MONEY W..'l!AOB'ENT "Applytng For L.Olnl" ~~ •• I,\ "Wl'IOtly M_, .. ( t960) Dudt1y Moore, Laraine ~ In blbll· ell fOypt, • , .... prophet namad H«9Chel ....... drope on a dMne oorwer· Milon with ~ Ind dlcldll he rnu91 ~ \hi one to lud hie paopll out of lllv9ry. 'PO' 1:00 e THE MUNITEM 19 8POftTMIAT TllNTAU< ADAM-12 • WHIM THE BOAT COMUIN • "Thi 8lmpll ,,__... Of Thi Rlctl" Matt IChllnll to Piii hla union !Ob to Mltl and mekee a atrenga pact with Tom. • At.m1CAN STORY "Dlclarlng lndlpendlncll" (%)MOYIE * • * "Thi Bat111 Of Alglera" (1967) Yacat Saldi. JeM Martin. Algarll wee-• dllplrlt• ltfug- gll for t11d1p1od1ooa ffom 1"'4to 1"2. 1:IO e NCAA IAIQTMLL Seconckound toumarnent llGtlon . ,..~ 9THI IUPIMTAM Cove rage ot the ~ tootbll ~ llmln.-y, wltll ..... San Fflldloel ...... ... "" Clnc*Wletl ....... (ffOl'll ~.~ • WILD, WLDWIST 1:::;~ • Jul •ICM STOfl't "Co60nila Allld Aldooltl" Cl) .... e.MON ... "-.1. (JolMd In Proor-)Cel- fonMi Mf'la w. .., '*91>,... (J:)..a. *. "Tlle Cllrl Md '"" G•Mr•I" ( ttl7) "" ....... VlrM Ult. °""" WoltdWwll,•-• ...... ,. d.....,. • .................. .....,...,.. ...... 8 <II U.S.A. VI. THE WON.D IN OI.. YMPtC 8PORT'8 Thi U.S. national boJtlng llMI 119. tilt Vugoe&avtan national ,_.,, (lforn Rlpkl Cll~.S.D.). G MOVIE * * "Shlriock Holmat In Terror By Night" ( 19'46) Baall R•thbona, Nigel 8ruoa. lt.ldld by Dr. Wal· aon, 8'*1odc Hoim. 1111 o.it to tr8') a a.--)lwet thief. • l#t!OArl#AY Pl.AV& WASHINGTONf Kl!HNEDY CENT'U' TONIGHT A llOll of 111r1 from Broadwly turn the Kenne- dy Clnt« eteoa Into • c.I· .oration of the American theater: thl performer• lneklde 0.btM ~d•. Peart Balle y. Barry Boltwlcil, Rob«t MorM and many otherl. • WNTINO FOA A -MASON "Thl&e.lf' ® 8TAHDINO ROOM ONLY "Simon And Oartunllll Thi Concar1 In Thi Part." P~ SlmOll and Art Oar· luntill perform old favor· 1111 In their nrst joint ~ c«t In t 1 ~·· ltpld dur-ing the aummer of '81 In N9w Vorll Clty't Cln1tal Patti. 3:00 I ~ At*LO ••'A "From Thi Earth To The Moon" ( 1968) Jc>Mph Colten, O-ge Sander• • Of EARTH ANO MAN "Dll«U: s.Mran Coin• Of Gold" 81UGAAMY LEONAAO'S GOlDtH Gl.OYU ''Hlgllilglltl" (Pllrt 1) .MOW * • 'h "Biiiy Jack" (19711 Tom Laug.htln, Oe4orN Taylor. An 1x-Grean Beret hllf·b<Md ctllrn9k>fll Iha cauM of • fflldom IChool for runll'#8YI on an lt.rl- zone lndtan ._vatlOn. (%)MOW • • * "Thi Changating" (1880) George c. Scolt, T riah Ven oev.ra. It. wtd· owld mu1lc prolfflOr rantl an old hOull that apj)Mrl 10 bl Mul'lllCI by • r11tllla """' with • 50· yMr-old acor• to 111111. 'R' t::IO • QOl..F "LPOlt. Olympie Gold Cl..ic'' ·==WON..DOF SPORTS Woricl Udlll Aguf1 Skit· Ing Ctlamplonahlp (lrorn c~eoan. Denmark>: Thi Suc*bllt .... felturtng top r-• competing on a IPldlllY ~ad trldt (lrom c...becl. Celll.). • Off EARTH AND MAN "Mountain.: Thi CUI- ... Of Thi Slope" ~ = TffE NATION • **°" "Thi Wiid CNld" ( 1970) ,,_,_p..,.,. Cetgol, Francoll TrufflUL AA 1811\o- cenlUfY phylldan attampt• to cMlla a 12-~-old ~ lound llvlng wild In \tie tor..uof Franca. ·o· •:OO G IUNDAY Locetlon: Alnt·A·POt!Y In Raeed&. fl MOYIE • • "P1ychlc Kiiier" (1975) Jim Hutton. Julll Adwnl. Pollot tnlCk down a men whO aw-rantty hel thl powar to mutdlr OI~ .,.. merely by Iha power ot ClOnClntratlOn. • MOVIE * • • "The L1ughlng Pollolmen" (1973) Waltar Mattt\au, ~--Dam. • MOVll **'A "Aun For The Sun" (11M) RldWd wtdmer'k, ,,_.Greet. A~ jour· nalllt'• MWctl for • m!M- tng /t.rftatlCln ..,,., tak• hit 10 an laOlel«t ._,. In .............. c111oov- ............. ~tl*en l.~UNNa• lt VICTOfn' AT llA ....... '"" '°""*" Ctoaa" l.nl ,__, .. - teatlMllrtlllolflld lle Allee dUl'lne Wortd Ww II Md llllPed .., .. loulfl A ..... 1111911 ,.,._., . ..,. • •• ,. ''Thitt ~orw" (tt '7') NIUlony CNltln. ..... ~. (JI).,. . ··~ "TM ..,,.. °' ....,. 111.nd" (1M1) .-.mt ............ -"A'°""'~ Ii" ""''°..._ .......... ..................... ~~ -~-·­uutnu•s ... A«mER:W KHJG 6:00 -"Top Country Hits ." Hosts Tanya Tu cker and Kr is Kristofferson honor 15 top songs or 1981 selected by readers or Mu.sic City News. KO C E 9 6 :00 ··Evening of Symphon y ." Seijl Oiawa conducts Boston Symphony Orchestra ln Acts II and 111 of "Swan Lake.'' KABC 8 9:00 "Coma." Genevieve Bujold, Michael Douglas star in film about female intern who becomes ~uspicious or fatal "accidents" or coma patients. ~e photo, left . KOCE 9 9 : 45 "Th~ Counsteau Odyssey.'' ,Evolution of sea life is traced. Gardin of Edin. &Orne Of \hi t>lggl9t ...... ol pop-country rnutlC I*· form their grMlelt hlll at Thi Forum In LOI Anoei-: lnclud•d are Maurffn MoOollttn ( .. Thi Morning Ah«"), l(rlt Ktlttoft«IOl'I ("Bobby Magee"), Rocky Butnat11 ("T-It Up"). 1!1411·~ 7:00 ()) IO MIHU'TU 8 flt.THE" MURPHY Thi Oold Hiii SchOOI hold1 an oper1 houM to lntro- duc. thl orphane to pro- apectlv• adOl)tlVI parente. Olen Campbell ("Rhlnl- 11one Cowboy") and Tanya Tudtar ("~ Bactl In Thi Arma Of L~,,.") 5:00. 8TARTM.K Mr. Spocit II ualgnad lo commend 1 111u111ecrah 1n.,,..11ga11on or 1 myttarl- oue IOlar ayetem. 8 OREAT!BT 8POA'T8 LEGfH08 "81'00lt• Roblnaon" • ~UNfVEASE {I) M0 1t.•s•H @NEWS (C)MOVIE * * • "Ott God I Book II" (1980) George Burn•. Suzanna Pllshltte God return• 10 Earth end ChOOMI Iha young daugll· tar ot an advarllllng exec- utl'll 10 1prlld hit ...-. car= world. 'PO' "A ChallenQI For Robin Hood.. ( t988) Jame• Hayt11 , Lion Gr11ne Robin Hood and hll band of Merry Men help Ille poor Oy rllll'llng Iha rich of 10tM ot thllr WMllll. 'G' 0 THE POINTEA 818TER8 Anita. Ruth and June Plf• torm In 1 concert 1 .. 1urlng "Fire," "'I'll W• Can Can" and "HI'• So Shy .. (%}MOVIE * • • "Saboteur" ( 1942) Prl1C1lla Lene, Robert Cummlnga. Ac:cuNd ol NbOlage and the murder of hla blll Irland. 1 man 1111 out to find lhl raal Nazi Mbotaura. 5~1== <II MC NEWS PLfDOE IAEAK ~tatty IChldulld pro- gramming may be dela)'ld dul to pMdge brMk• ID ~ JUMP8TRE!T "e.rty Jan" Jazz ~ Alvin Alcorn and Roy Eldrl(Sgl perform -al rwmbere and talk with OIC* Btown Jr about thl origlnl of tllllr mualc. IRI & WEl.COME BACK. KOTTER Gabl learnt 11111 JulNI I• praonanl 5:40. THE MARX 8AOTHEA8 IN A NVTSHELL Alm Cltpa and lnteMIWS 111 1 .. 1urld In a Nlule to thl mo11 clllbratad coma- dy taam In the htllory of motion plctu111 Grouctl<>, Harpo, Chico, ZIC>PO and Gummo M.,x -~~· i:oo.~NfWS •• ~ "King Kooo Va GodJllll" ( 1"3) M tcilll4 Kallh, H11ry Holcomb. G MUllC cm NEWS TOP COUNTRY HITS Of THE YEAR Hotlt Tenyl Tuckar and Ktt. Ktt.1onareon honor thl 15 top aonga ot 1981 u llllcled by thl raiders of. thl nation'• old"I country mu.ic publlcltion. "Mutlc City Newt " FH· turlCI pelf~ Include Barbara Mandrl11. Thi Oak Ridge Boys and The Stetler Broth«•. • w•1t.·s·H lt.har thl mall comet, Trapp« mak11 plans to dll«1 and Fr anll rMt • rangae hla •tock por1follo. • MO\ltE • * • "Aid Allrt" ( 1977) Wlltlem Dev-. Mlchlll Brandon. When a mutar compu11r dltect• a radle- tlon IMlt. " 111111 on • nudlw pow. plant ,,.. ping 14 tec:flnic:WI• ln9ldl. • IVINltGAT IVWttONY s.I~ OUw• conduc11 thl Beaton Syrnpnony Orctlll- tra In Acta II end Ill Of Tchllke>¥Uy'• Immortal "Swan Ukl." (R) ()) C81N!W8 <II CHANJ('S lt.HGEL.8 Sabrit\a 11111 tor • lky)ack· Ing nwrderW, whO 1)4116- dluted ~ rrom .uthOrl· tlll 1WO )'Mr•~. 1:..-wa • • • "Loil Horizon" ( 1937) Ronald Colman, ,,_. Wy.tt. It. kidnappad diplomat dllCOY.,.. tilt Hlmateyan kingdom of Stlangrl-~. • placl of eMmlll PM01 tnd lmmot· lallty. • Cl)M0\111 * * * "T OUClhld 8Y i.ov." (1MO) Oel>ot41ft 111en1n, • Ill CODE RED Danny'• photo e111y a11lgnm1nl bec:ome1 lnllrumantll In the app<e- hlnelon of a lira bomb araonlat. • SONNY AHO c+iER CD NATIONAL OEOORlt.PtOC SPECIAL "POiar Bear Alert" Thi grut wn111 polar bllt and a Manitoba 1own'1 alfor1• to co-ax111 with thlm ar• the tubjlc11 OI I dOCU· man1ary llOltad b't E.G Marlllalt 11nd narr111<1 l>y Jaeon Robard1. O (C)MOVIE ••• "Caddla" (1981) Helen MorM, Jeck Tllomp· eon A young wom1n leave• lier comfortable tul>ut ban llOme and har crull 11u1band, delarmlnad to take lull reeponelblUty ror eupponlng hlr Children by doing wh•t-odd Jobi lhl can oat (UIMOVIE * * * "Caddy1h1ck" ( 19801 Biii Murray, Rodney Dangarlleld Thi 6-t· Id grounda-kaaper ol • awanky country club wages w1r agllnel the gophers Inhabiting hit turf 'R' 7:05 CZJ MOVIE * • * "The Changallng" ( 1980) a.orga c Scott. Trllh Van 0.-1. A wld· owed mullic; profauor renll an Old hOUM thal appaars lo ~ havntl<I by a , .. 11e1a aptr11 wt111 a 60· yNt-old acor• to 111111 'R' 7:40. PLEDGE Sf'EAK Regulatly sehedulld pro- gramming may bl dlleyad dua 10 pledgl break• 7:80• NOVA "Animal lmpo11or1" The rem111rkabl1 1orm1 ol decapllon uMd by both prldator1 •nd 1helr Intend· Id victims -10 eat or •VOid bllng uten -ate exarnlnad O 8:<>0 8 (I) ARCHIE BUNKEll'8 PLACE O S CHIPS A group ol lour·wllMI· drive pranktlerl crM1• • dlaturban<:e lo oovar up the 11111m9tad MCape ol • felon. 8 ENTERT AINMEHT TOHIOHT I COUPLES PREVIEW Olxll Wlla'91)' Ilk" a IOOk at llleM two programs whleh join KTLA 11111 WM!I. D t1Jl TOOAY'8 F8I Ban and 1111 agentl go underc<Mlr to ~ • member ol organlzad crime whO It ln'llOIYed In murdlf, druga, prostitution and po11e41 corruption. D ITl8~ m MOVlE * • "Return Frorn The Alhee·· 1111.86) Mulmlllan Schell. lt/ll'ld Tllulln A woman return• to har monay-hungty !amity 1har ye1r1 tn a conoentralion C81T19. • 80LIDGOLD G MAITE.RPtECE THEATf'E "I Rernlmblr Nataon: Bal· 111" Wltt11m BllCkle, a low· er-deck gunner, 1•11 action with N1l1on at Trafatg« -1 ballll that win• Britain command ol thl -tor • e1t1tury to coma.(Part4)0 @ MOVIE ••'A "Thiel" (1981) Jamea Caan. TuHday Wald, -' prolllllonal crook gi'lll up Ille~ tor a big 1Core that hi hOpel wtll MCUrl Ill• l1ml· ly~ Mura. 'R' Cl)MOVlE • • '..\ "Drlllld To Kiii" (1980) MlchHI Caln•. Angie Qld.lnton. PQllca -Ch for Iha peyehotle murderll whO bU1Gh«ad I tut>urban hOUMWlle. 'ff O MOVIE • • • •,,. "Ey1wlln111" (1981) Sigourney w .. ver. Wiiiiam Hurt. A lele'ltllon ,.,ort« blCOmll lnvc>Mld with a Janitor whO m~ know mor• about • mur- der lhlt hi wtllllllld thin hi It eeytng. 'R' ~·(I) ONRDAYATA TIMa Thi men ~ atu<* In • ll'IOW91orm end thl women n left weiUllll • llOl'M. •"*~ TOMOMOW HO.Cl) MJCI JOllM ~up lllltttl. plan to ~t hit forTNf tNcldng partn1r trom ._.. il ~l'llJ rajlDUllfld 8MCMI Ollrll Lani. It. nurllng trllMe ..... to bt1ne • Ila!~ girt OU\ of • dHP d1pr111lon by lll00Ur"'"9 hit 10 corfeo epond wtUI '* Idol, IEMI ~PG' .. ••• ••f11t Wiid ca.aee" (tt71) NCMrCI Bur10n • "oter Moorw. A dating tr0l4» ol nMOllllftll W.. w11 le 18'1111 A.nc. In Clfdmr to ... I dlPOeld Nier "°"' .. ,.. ..,... tottfllp.Q **°" "UttteM9Mtrtar" (1MO) W9"• Manlllu, Julie~._... on tM Dimon ~ .-y. A ""'9 ...... 19* book• ......... .,,.... around ...., .. ...,...~ GICI "'°"'* • I "*"-,., • ,... .... N ' 1--1~ "Tlla ..... .,... ~ ~ ... ~,...,., _ ............ ... • WILD ICIN9CIOM .. ~..S Otan ClleOO" ··~ e * • "COllll" ~'971) °" .................. Oo11g11a. A ._... lnWfl '*'°""' WIPIGlllUI of ....... _...,.. ...... .,. ooourme ,.. ..,_ 111f ..... I IGV .. a '°""' ........... Q DR.OMO e HBHAW ...,.,._total~\. . ... ~ ~NAtft.MerOO lmlllt, 8*'1 Wwtnet, COi~ IOf'l IY)', HM CID ljlOYll • MAlfWll~ ntlATM .. , ~ ......,.,: ..... de" W*'-" ......... toW- •r·dlCk ounn11. •••• action with NeleOll at **°" "Ttlbu1•" (1MO) Jecll Lemmon, "oblt1 "'*" ,.,. ~a _.. lrOldW•Y Pf'eM liOlf'C begirle to r90f9l hll ...... ... lltld hll *"'°"' ,..... llOnthlO wllh hll grOWfl eon. 'PO' T rlfll09' -a l>lltle Iha\ ....,,. lltttllfl COl'M*ld of "'9 .... tor • oanlury to eoftll, (Pert 4)Q 11:• I fA09 THI NATIOM INIAK ,...__. • flUIDQI IMM< ~&atty ICNCll.lled pro- "'"""""" may b4I de&lyecl due to ptedge brllk•. (C)MQYW Roger Eberl lltld 0.- ..... rllltew "Nctlard PfyOt. Uva On ...... 8tt1P" and "Mlelltng." (A) 11:'°I =::--. *. ..... ''E\111 AoV SllOe'" ( 1171) JoM Altln. ldll Adami . •• * "Flrtl FeMHy" (IMO) Giida AldMr, Bob Newhart. The 1111ually rapt..-cl OIUO('tl« Of thl country'• WllrdMt prlll- dlntlel tamlfy c;ornplicalll hlr lath«'• allemPll 10 conduet the •flllrt of mta.'R' ~~~ 12:00·1::::: IHDIY (D)WOVll • • ~ "The Pottman Alway• Ring• Twtc1" (1981) Jack Nlcl\Olton, Jllllca Lanol· A young woman Ind '* lo111t plot to murder hit hulband. 'R' (%)MOVIE * • • .. Apocefyptl Now'' 11979) Marlon Brando, Martin S'-'t Olractld by Francll Ford Coppola. An tn11111ganee aganl embark• * * "Powet" (Part 1) 119801 Joe Don Baliet, Rllph 8elllmy. A llrOllg- wllled ChlcagO docllwortl« bllllll hit way oul of thl Deprffllon 10 blCOWll hied ol a powar1UI union. ;MOVIE * * * "Thi Doga Of Wat'' ( 1980) Cllrlttophlr Walk• en, Tom Berenger. Aner bllng torlurad and dll>Of1· Id by.,, Alrlcen dlc1ator. a rnercanAry return• lo 1.-d a r1Volutlon 'R' on 1 mllllon up r1'llr Into the v11tnam111 Jungll 10 find and ktM • my1tartout, AWOL Army olflclf whO 1111 lollld all prl'llOUI a11empt1 at hi• cap1ur1. 'R' 12:06 G MOVIE r * • "F. Scott FIU aJ!j In HOiiywood" ( 1978 Juon Mill«, TUllday Wiid. The rlM, fall and return of the brtltlanl i.zz age ~I 19 por11ayad . t: 15 CD THE COOS'TEAU ODV88EY "Thi Warm-Bloodld s .. M1mmll• 01 Th• 0eep·· Car>tlln CoualNU lr- 12: 15 8 THE AOCKFOM> ALES llll ev<>lutlon ol Ml Ill•, 11\e warm-bloodld "revo- lution" and the return of mammal• Ilk• wh1IH, -11 and dolP'!lna to lhl .... t:30 8 (I) THE JEff£R80H8 Aorenca gett lhl Wfong ldM when thl Jlflaraon• and Ille WHll-lty to kaep a Merit lrorn lier 8 WOALDOF SURVIVAL 8 BREATH Of LIFE 10:00 fl TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. D MOVIE • • "Po-r'' (Part 11 ( 1980) Joi Don Bek«. Relph Bellamy. A llrong- wllled Chicago dockWOtker balllM hie way out ol thl O.prHtlon to blcorn• head of • ~ul union. (R) • THEAMT CHUACMILLS "The Lion And Thi Uni- corn" King Char\11 IJlllll J.,.,,._ and dlllONll Par· llemant, Prtnceu Anna dW>Olll Sarah to M one of hlr lldlll. Ernll'• engagemanl bring• Tr81>98' leN than unb<I· dlld joy. 12:40 (C) MOVIE *•*'-'I "Tne Howling" ( 198 1) DH Wallace, ••• NEWS 8 ERNEST ANOL.EY ()) n4£ StNGINO COWBOYS AIDE AGAIN FHm Clips 1 .. 1Uf1ng llOtl'll QI the greal 1tng1ng cowboys lnctudl tootaoe 01 G-Au1ry, Roy Rog· .... TIX Rlllar, Jimmy Wakely, Re• Allen. Dell Evant and Oorolhy Fay Riiier. (B)MOVIE *•'A "American Pop" ( 198 t) Anlm1tld The tllt- tory ol Ame<ICan pop music, from vaudeYllll 10 rock n' roll. II traced through severol g-•· tlons ot • family ot muSI· clan• 'R' MOVIE * •'It "Bu1tln' Loose" ( 198 t) Richard Pryor-, Cice- ly Tyaon A bumbling bur· glar a conce rned 1Ct1oo11eacner and eight chlldren mue a lrtghlen· Ing CTOU-COUnlry trip In 8 brokan-<lown IChOOI t>ut. 'R' 0MOVIE • ""' "Any Wiiien Way You Can" ( 1980) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loelle Bator• settllng down with hi• g1r1 and pet orangutan. a b1r1-fltll<I lighter sign• up lor one las1, luer111,,. match 'PG' 10: 10. ME.ETINO OF MINDS Steve Allen telka ebOul love w1111 EJ\glllh play- wrlgll t Wllllam Sh•k•· apeara (Harris Yulln) and a charac1er who wllhel to be known only u wornan (J1yne M .. dOWI) (Pan 2) (R) 1~30 I JERRY FAl.WEU JIMMY SWAGGART CD RIVER Of SAND Cam1ra1 c ap1ur1 lh• 1xtr1ordlnary entmal blh•vlor exhtbltad wtlln a lour·year droughl strlk" the Tlva RIYlt In Kanya. 11:00 I()) NlW8 PAC!IETT'EM WON..D "'8IOH MOVte *'..\ "H.O.T.S.t" (1979) SuNn Klgar, Ll1& London. A 1oror11Y rljlct dlcidN to torm lier own club of co- ld• whO ooncentrat• on grelllylng MX·llllfllld col· =~ **** "2001. A Sp- Od)'lllY" I 19681 Kllr Dul· te1, Oary Lockwood. Mlronauta aanl to find thl tllln lntalllganCI raepooll- bll tor a puzzllng lunar monoltlh mull oontand with an on·bowd comput- er thll la trying to tllol contrOI of \tlllf '1MM1. 'G' 11:151 CMN!W8 TOP Off THE WOAl.D Con1111ant1 rrorn thl Unit· Id Stat11, Or111t Britain and lt.uttralla corni>et• In • qua program lhat 11111 their •"'*1111 In 1 wldl 11:t0 IPOftT9 l"tNAI.. 11:aor~·· 8NIWI 1000W9 NumlemltlO upart Orag HoloW9)' on irw.tlng In r-oolne: I ~tnltlon pr..,,.. tor lll'IW9d motti-.... • MOYIE ••• "The 1.1ug111no ,.....,,.,, .. (1t 7$) w ...... MattMIU, llniOI Olm. A 11cinumen ~· to ..,,.,. tM daatll of lllt .,.,,.., • wtlO-klled lfl • ¥ldillt 1M1t nudef on I ..,,...,....., • TAUIOPT* WWWllD '1lle <Mft Of e..,.y• A bMtlM WClflWI .. OOllo ..... .,, ....... ..,, .,..,........._. ~~ -~ "llO lad....,,. .. ',., •) ,.,.,. OllllllnaOn. w-....,_..,.A__. cMll••of ........... tOMaflM lhtOVtfl tM lwttt •• "' ... 1llOI. ',.ti lllOY9 " ...... " """ ~ ,~,..... ........ . \ PetrlGk Macnea. "' woman raponer I• manacld by a kilter who _,, to ~ • -ewolt. 'R' 1:00()) LOUIS RUKEYSER (%)MOVIE • • "Dlatanoa" (1~75) Paul Blnjamln, Jam11 Wood• An Army -oaant tunarlng 1 mid-Ill• critla !Inda Iii• Ille compllcllad by an unhappy marriage. 'R' 1:06 Cl) MOVIE **'·" "Rocklhow"' (1980) P1ut McCartney and Winge. Tiiie record of lhl band's U.S. tour lncludla performances ol "J.i," "Band On Thi Run:· "Siiiy LO... Songl" end IOIM old Bealll blllldl 'PG' 1:15 IJ NAME Of THE GAME In Parl•. an ln1ar11111on111 conteranc. on lit pollutlOn It matkld Oy a kidnapping and Communlat lnlrlque 1:30. TUMA80VT III MC NEWS t:.S ®MOVIE **'ii "Oretlld To Kiii" ( 19501 Mlc11 .. 1 Caine, Angla D1Ck In eon. Pollce -Cfl tor tlll paychottc murderar whO bUlchlred a eut>urt>an houNWlle 'R' 2:008NEWS O MOVIE 111' • •.i, "Bitty Jeck" ( 197 ti Tom La_vghlln, Dllorff Taylor An e•-Graan Beret hall-l>tead ctlampionl the cause of 1 lreadom actioo1 ror runaw1ya on an Ari· zona lndlan reterYlllon. 2:150 It.TONE Guell. lllm-makar and pnOlograpner LOU Stou- men 2:20 (C) MOVIE * • * "Flrtt Femlty" (1980) Gilda Rldnar. Bob N1wllart. Tile 11xually rtll)fllSld dauglllar of thl country'• welrd4111 prlll· dlnllll family comc>liCllll lllf tether'• a11emp11 to conduct thl 1flalra ot 1ta11. 'R' 2:16 (%)MOVIE • * '..\ "Buatln' LOOM" ( 1981) Richard Pryor. Cice- ly Tywon. A t>umbllng bu<· gt1t, a concarn•d IChoolluchlr and llglll chlldren mak• a lrlglltan- lng l)fOM-COUntry trip In • brokan-down IChool bUI. Orange Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Sunday. Maroh 1'4, 1982 Bl , 'Honesty is best p .olicy' still good policy DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have heard tbt phraae "Honeety Is the belt policy" ao often lhat people a11ume ll la true. It '°'1ndl virtuous and bu-a rina ot truth to It, but two sorry experience. over the weekend have convinced me otherwlao. Twice I was asked to 1lve my honest opinion. l did (like a fool) and made one enemy for lire, tnd the aecond person left me with such a chill I suddenly thought I was at the North Pole. I hope you will stop promoting hl1h·soundin1 phrases such as "Honesty is the best policy," because I have learned that it is much smarter to lie and stay out of trouble. When people ask , "What do you think?" they don't really want to bear the truth -they are merely fishing for compliments. If what you think is not laudatory, you're as good as dead. -TRUTH IS TROUBLE IN SAVANNAH DEAR TROUBLE: In.ct It IDtereatlag that you didn't provide a slncle detail of the • q .. UNOaS locldent1 tbat brought forib your aterll•& quality aad laoded you la tro.ble. Some people make cruet aod deatndlve remarb aader tM guise of bel•I "tnathful" and wOIMler wlty Uie one who bu been savaged reacts ill a necatlve way. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Al lunch today we were swapping stories about crazy clean people. One woman told me about her next-door neighbor who used to wash a banana before she a le it. An othe r person told about her siste r-in-law who used lo cash her paycheck every Friday, put the money in a plastic bag, brlna It home, wash lt with IOaP and water and hana It out to dry In the bathroom belore ahe put it Ln her punse. The woman worked in a b~k and insisted th. at all money wu filthy, no m er how new it looked He aring theae atbrles bro"'bl back memories of an aunt of mine who wore while gloves au the lime and rttuaed to shake hands with anyone. Obviously these folks were loony, but they functioned well in other areas. How does one explain il? -JUST ASKIN' IN JUNEAU DEAR JUNE: Some people wltb phobias are DOt .o all-togetJMr -odlera are, wit• Ute excepdoa of • few llttle qlllrU I.bat set tbem apart. Surely, you are aware I.bat no one Is completely aane In all areas at all times, regardless of bow balanced be may seem. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am past 60 now, which makes me an old lady accordin2 to te n·a1ers' standards today, but 1 have .Ome advlco for young 1irl1 who want to llat.en. It waa somethJn1 I learned from my fat.Mr -and pt111sed on lo my dauehter and 1randdaucbter. When a boy asks you to io all the way to prove that you love him, tell the Yount man tbat he will have tq speak to your father about it because your father is reaponalble for you u long as you live under his roof. My granddaughter (age 15) took Um advice and gave that ans wer to her 18-yeat-old boyfriend. She said the look of astoniJhment on his face was something else. She burst into laughter so did he, and he will probably know better than to mention the subject afain. Pua tl on, Ann, if you think it has any value. --GOLDEN LAUGHTER IN GOSHEN, IND. DEAR GOSH: Fuuy or aot. tt'a a cl.anted good deraller. Ttaaoks for c8'tlal u la M It. Nothing succeeds like succeu. Aries: Emphasis on communication -BYASHLEIGH J :i BRILLIANT J Hoag to sponsor lecture on stress Monday, March 15 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Emphasis on communication, abstract principles of law, distance, language and long-range policies. Horizons expand -you go places, make inquiries and find that popularity increases. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure in unusual scenario. TAURUS <April 20-May 20): Details have yet lo unravel in connection with contra cts, assignments, fiscal responsibility of partner or HliRISCDPI member of opposite sex. You'll revise, review and reconstruct. Your position is stronger than originally anticipated. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Answer received from recent inquiry regarding legal rights. permissions. Reply is positive, opening door to creative changes, adventure. Permit others to state their views. Hold off on final decision regarding policy. Patience! CANCER (June 21 -Jul y 22 ): Accent moderation, diplomacy, willingness to make intelligent concessions, especially where loved ones are concerned. Basic issues grab spotlight; domestic adjus tment can be made without smashin5? budgeL Keep eye on Taurus! LEO-(July 23-Aug. 22): Emotions tend lo dominate logic -speculative venture is on agenda. Focus on c hange, variety, travel possibilities and dealings with young, creative people. Clarify policies, aims, goals and1 terms. Pisces, Virgo natives figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug . 23·Sept 22): Basic questions a rise concerning home, property, territorial ' rights, security. Emphasis also on pressure, I a..ELIEVE SUCCESS WITH STRESS is the theme of a power , a uthority, responsibility and . ways of g • lecture sponsored by Hoag Memorial Hospital at 7 making law work for you. Taurus, Capricorn and W•TH Gl'.EAT p.m. Monday in Newport Beach. Mental bealtb another Virgo figure prominently. . specialists will discuss how to make stress work LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Finish rather than SINCE'llUTV, for you. For information on the free program, call 760-5921. . initiate proj,ct. Look beyond the immediate, IN HEALTH CA RE for the adult woman ls the pe r ceive potential . Ideas click and can be transformed into viable concepts. Focus also on WHATEVER subject of a series of lectures offered by UC Irvlne visits, short journeys, relatives and acceleration of 11 W I LL Medical Center beginning Monday at 7 p.m. intellectual curiosity. BE'N EJ:"JT ME Discussions include infertility, menopause and pap TO S AY smears, breast exams and female infection. For SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Emphasize information, call 634·6900. originality, independence, willingness to piqneer · I BEL t EV E" IN . OASIS Senior Citizen Center in Corona del Mar and insistence on getting money's worth. You gel will offer free blood pressure testing from 9 to u to heart of matters, member of opposite sex is li.':.'~~;.".;:"~~~.::r..::.-a.m. Tuesday. A lecture on Medicare will be held involved and light is s hed on areas previously at 11 a.m. Wednesday . For information, call shrouded by intrigue. "' 759.9411. SAG~ARIUS !Nov .2~Dec. 21): Efforts are~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ coordinated; you make right move al proper time. Moon in your sign highlights correct judgment, accurate hunches, greater independence and va luable ne w contacts . Cancer , Capricorn, Aquarius persons play important roles. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Study Scorpio message for valuable hint. Look behind scenes for 1"RUFFELL 1 S UPHOLSTERY ~. . . - • _ l1 .. lll1bt1r...t~' ltZZ HI.HOR IL VD. · ,COSTA MESA -541-115" solution lo dilemma. You'll be asked to participate S~~~====== in group activity. You couJd also receive news concerning jury service. Gemini, Sagittarius nat ives play key roles. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Des ires are fulfilled if willing to revise, review and rebuild on a more suitable structure. Romantic interlude highlights scenario. Money invested in project which lay dormant will pay dividends. Walch Scorpio! PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): What seemed far away will come within reach -imprint style, welcome changes and challenges. Spotlight on career : prestige, honor and promotion. Gain indic ated through written word -perceive opportunities by re:>ding between lines. N twport Siu.sic Olonstruatoru 'bcellence '" Mo..1« Ex:lucotoon' {JiatlO IOildlr Mlllk • ~-r c-..... ,c...... volce-v1olin-flut1M1uitar ....., ... -...bl ._... Csll for Brochure 112'1rw.t H7-0JI I LIDO DRUGS 3445 via lldo • newport beach •phone 675-0150 At the Pilot, people make the difference. • • • people like these in distribution • I like 11111 1n1rk ht•1.·011se ti l!I mtere.c::tt11g. a11rl f hal'e learned to ru11 a Int n/ maclunes · JorJ{e Vega. Costa Mesa A le adman . .Jorgl' 1s responsible for runnin~ the m<.i chine thilt stac ks thl' newspapl'l'S as they c·ome off tht• press. tt·s 1101 l':t:-> In 1k:-crthl· t fl<' 1uh th1"-1' "\'\t'll IH'Ppl1· p1•t'l111111 l'r11h:1hh h<'taU..,t' lht·> dn ..,o mall.\ d11Tt•rt•111 1111>.., Th.ti ''' h' r lw> 11· "' 1mport.tnt In 11-.. Thl' mun· dutu•.., .1111·111plu\1·1· 111•11 111111-.. I h1· 1111111 • \ al11ahlt• lhc> ht•«11nw 111thl'1r1·mplo> t•r '\11t 1111h do tlw..,1· p1·11pl1· 111 cli ..,1rih11tw11 st;H·k and lrnrulle 111·\\..,p;1p1•r.., lo lw tlt·l1\1·r1•d !11 rh1· l'atTll'I"". lht'\ lll<lllll<tlll ni.u·hllll'I"\ 11i...1•1 I :td\ 1'1 t ,,HI!.! '"""lt·1111·111-.. do :-onw load mg . cl1..,t nh11h' ... upplrl'.., 111111twr11!-pat t nw11h ,111d h.111dl1 · 1 ht· mall F111d111g good pt•oph• "hn 1•1110' I tw1r '"" k tll ;I\ I .tf..l' l1111g1·r . ;rn d l·o:-1 morl'. hut ;it t h1· Daily 1111111 \\t• kt111\\ 11 ... \\nrt h 11 lw1·;111 ... l' f>eoplt> cto mak•• a difr<'r<'n<·t·. -· f like tht' 1><1 m•t .11 "' 11111 1c11rk I sta11 h1•rr• h<'CClll \1' f /1kt> "11/ 111h Lorraint> .\ndrews. C'osla Mesa The mailroom supervisor. Lorraim• handles lhl' mail and works on inse11 s wh(•n need ed. Daily Pilat f Cll/111/ ill<' L'(I/ /11rl rfllf/I'.\ ur1rl tllt' 1w11pf1· I 11'11rk 11'1111 ft kt>eµs 11111 1oh Ill f ('I ('Sf Ill(/ l.uis Torres. Sant a Ana Luis is a leadm~in 111 distribution. 1 lu runs t he machinl' th<ll starks I he nl•wspapers as the> c·om~· off the pn•ss. .. Where p~oI?le make the difference." 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 642-4321 NEWP<>RT BEACH • COSTA MESA • JRVJNE • HUNTINGTON QEACH • .FO\JNTAJN VALLEY • ~GUNA BEACH ' - I l ., - l' • I J .1 .. Of11199 Oout DAILY PILOT/SUnday. MM:lh 14, 1982 Magazine studies unending ·mystery of UFO sightings "IC'Tlttout •'""9•• ......... , ...... T TM .. 1i.wifte "' ..... ••• lttlttl ......... (I N~I• '011 I A•LY lt$YCH0.$0C1Al IHTlll\llNTIOH, 1)1 T-Olllw, 111119 *• utuM ....... CAtMn ll'tCTJTtOUteVMM ... ....... ,,.T11 ... .sT T ... "4 ... "-1 ---· He Miii ~-· IAI lllCTllONIC S\Jflf'LU tHTlllNATIO-M.: Ill I $.I., No, 1 SltMM•-lftd, N••"'1 ··~II. c ..... ltOTIC• Of' A...ucA,..... ... fllCTJTIOVt euttlf .... CM ... llf ......... tll o; llAllltl ITAft ... llT AL~a•v•aM• UC••• Tiit tollewl"I __ , ere cl9'"f ....., ~ ........ , . ToW'*'11tl.UyC-11 ......._ II •MM IMIT" II.IC.TIU( OUIN·ITAll ... , .......... ,, " Uvtll New ltll•l1t 1. .... : LlfllA, Ohio CAP) The pubUc'I seoffln1 altitude t oward UFOs b others John P. omcial study or U fi'O phenomenon by the federal government. MVJIA I l'ANA•OT, U H $lorllllfM'\ Se, ~. C.A t2'1r. JUlll'IU!Y 0 . lllAHILIV, M.O., 1~ lkll..,.., YtwM .._.._CA""'· floola llu-1,..o IJ OllCNClecl llY e ••I~ IA11t•11•A J SAVI N• U IVMMttwlM, N•w .. ft I H tll, C ...... .... ,1,,. I• Ill• DeftrlM•lll •• Hv111t1191t119-ll,c.tt .... lll•.,.. . AIC_...,I< .._ ... C-t91 .... "II" Ille-cl HMOld IMttll, w1•1 s..i"' ON SALi l l•R & WINI! lll'UI I AT, New lrli.ln ~. Hvt1ll,,.eo.. a.tell, l>L.I Ill •II •koftD!tc --~., ... , et (etllorttllttMt • Tlmmerman. Mff"•f.11'-ot Tiii• .....,_. I• 'tnclvclM 1tY Ill IMM ... el. ...-...J s. .... tt071 ltOOllllV"' ''" 1'11111U11tt•11 Metolcl R•lle•I '"'""· IOJI ~11,Cet~. Pte•lcllo O•l•t , Cotte Mt ••· ltvbo.-Or-c .. u oe11, 1>t1M, C•lllOf"4• ti.• Mer<ll 14, l'IG Tt1t\ ttvtlMt• I• ct"4111Clt0 Dy t The 58·year-old Lima man Is raisins funds ror a 1clentlrlc UFO study to reverse the publtc'a "atUtu~e or dlsbeller and rid~cule." "We're not llXaminln1 little areen m en. and we're not supporting any theory," Timmerman said. The magazine defines a U fi'O as an abnorm al aerial p h enomenon wbo11e appeanmce c annot be ascribed to conventlon1tl or man.made causes. 'Ill\ •le..,,_ .... Iii.cl "'1111 Ille ovnly Clerk ot 0••"99 County en Mt•Cll II, 1.-J. ftlla ... _, ... Iii.cl •"" IN (NlllY Cltfk ot Or~ COMnly M.,, .. "· 1..i 11'1 Pll911.._ Ot-.i CO.•t O<Mly Piiot, I I~ OtMrel P«tnenlllp ,_k ..... clM ""ttll Tlllt fl.t-1 Wet llltcl wllh IN C.,..,.ty Clt•k Of Ot•ft90 c.tvnty Oii Ftorw.,y lit. IC, ........ Mer,11 u, ti ... """' 4, • .., "" ~-----------ltu1M1"'9cl Orenee C-1 Detty 1>"-4. fll ... The former businessman's lntereat in UFOs Ian 't a paasln1 fancy. He Is treasurer ind chairman or the board or directors for the Center for UFO Studies. Timmerman first began reading 1tbout UFOs In 1946 as an underaroduate at Cornell University. While establishing a hciatina and alr·conditioning business in Lima, he continued his readin g. In 1952 he volunteered to be a field investigator for a UFO study at Ohio Northern University. Merell u, 21,-. AD'114, '"' 11-. l'.c"ITIO'IS aUllNl!U llAMe UATIMINf Pul>tl\hfdOtMte Coe•t O•llY ""°'· l'eO 11, MM I 14, 21. "'' • fl)., He recently began spending much of his time as production manager f or the "lntemationaJ UFO Reporter,'' a bimonthly magasine published for m embers or the UFO center. T he magazin e is put together at Ttmmerman's home. After selling his Lim a business Interests, Timmerman decided to devote more lime to bjs hobby. He joined the center's board or directors If) 1980. l'ICTITIOUS I UllNlli ll'ICTITIOUS tUttNUS NAMI! STATIM~NT NAM• STATl!Ml!NT r ... fOllOwlllQ P•""" " clolno Th• lollowlftQ '""""' ••• dolnv IMitl,...•,. OU\ln•ua>· llTEC SYSTEMS, >4 AtK I• Trtt NAflOHAL SERVICE CENTER, Lene, H•lllt, CA'21U. ""South Rllc11ey Av<H\ue, S.ntt A,,., R00.'1 LAt W•llln. )A A.c.cla t••• C•lllornle .,~ Leftt tr.IN CA "21U ECS Eltc1•onl( C•I< Ser.IC., "" Tllit l>Utl:..U I• (Ofl<IUC:tecl Dy •" SOuln RllCMY Av...,ve, S.t1I• Anl, lncllvlclu•I C•lltornte '211» RObtr1 Le. Wetltn lllt\ bu•l11tn I• <ondut ltd by • This 11.t..,,_t w•• tlltd wllll the <orpootlon c;ov. ntr C .. tk ot Orenoe Counly on ECS Elttttontt j •I< AA.trcllS.1ta S.••lcc ll'IM»l w It,..,. J G. "try. Pwlllltllod Or-Coe•• Oelly Pllol. Tne toltowln9 perton h <1otn1 b<ltlntH •• Bl ENTERPA,.E, t>S.. LOCIAI SI , MAIM II' •""' Foullteln Velley, CA..,,_, l"lJ-llllM. ROlletl 'f C l .. IH .. Lot11tl SI .1-------------Founletn V•l .. Y. CA t17C& '.•I• lllltlM->• h conclut led "' •n lndl•lduel ,._r1 y c 1.4'• Tllll ""'-' wes 111.0 with f"' (°"'nty Clttk ot 0r•"G9 COMnly on M•r<11 4 1"'2 1'114414 Pubtl•llod 0.•-Coe>t O•llY Piiot, M••<ll I. 14, 11, ti, 1'11:1 't040t1 l'tC'flTIOUI I UttNIU llAMI UATeMellT Tiit lollowtno "''°"' tt• c101nv bvtlr1eu .. E P I , Jl:tO W w.,,..,. s.tlt• ........ CA.,104 EUROPE AN P ollR T' INTERNAltOf>IAL, INC, a C•llfor11l1 tOrPOrttloll, )lfo W W•rMr, Sloftta A,,., CA'71CM Tl\ll blltlMU lo COnOV<te<I l>Y • <0<-•llOll ·The first issue of the independent magazine, which was temporarily published jointly with another periodical, w as published in Lima. ll eontai n s drawi n gs ·and accounts of UFO sightings from across the world, as well as book reviews, letters to the editor and an index of r eports received by t he center . Timmerman s11.ys his dedication to the subject stems rrom an "intense intellectual c uriousity " He says he doesn't jump to hasty conclusions about phenomena reported to the center.· .. kt T, ... Mert l\ 1, ••. 11. tt. lt'1 10'1·81 £wt-tn Petl\ 1111.,Mll-I, Inc: ..... , J ..... , ... , ....... , Timmerman says th e center has more than t ,500 members, who contribute lo it s $75,000 budget for the magazine's costs and for field work; on sightings. Pr. J . Allen Hynek, the center's scientific director and president. writes the magazine. Hynek has served as chairman of the astronomy department at' Northwes tern University in Evanston. Ill., and also worked on t he U .S. Air Force's project Blue Book. the But he said. "Maybe we're seeing the shadow or something approaching us. lt (these sightings) might ... could . poss ible indi cate other life form s m onitoring our planet w ho are able to disappear and reappear and a pparently involve technology compl etely above our understanding. "l t':.~s if an aborigiJie were to look up and see a 747 Jet. T h e analogy may not be too Car orr. We're rather young as far as life forms go." Blind Inan 'watches' traffic Twin Cities motorists rely on his radio reports MINNEAPOLIS (APJ -Dean Spratt is blind. But he has become the eyes of many motorists in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area as they deal with the probl em s of congested rush-hour traffic. Spratt began broadcasting 10 daily traffic reports for WCCO·AM radio m November during the weekday early m orning and late afternoon rush-hours. He tells moto rists w hat ar eas to avoid because o f accidents. stalled cars or other problems that may be slowing traffic. Spratt, 29. who works out or an office in his south Minneapolis home. monitor s three scanners set on law enforcement frequencies and h as a special telephone hookup with the Traffic M anagement Center, which feeds to subscribers r eports on traffic problems in heavily traveled freeway areas Cadet select ed Coast Guard Cadet M ichael J. Lodge, son or Brian and R en ee S. Lodg e of 15232 New cas tle Lan e . Huntington Beach. was selected for the dean's list al the Coast Guard . Academy, New London, Conn. FICTITIOOS aUStNESS NAME STATEMENT The fot1owtn9 per\on " do•n9 t>vSIMSS•l • SWALLOW'S NESl. JO• VI• 0Por10, N._t 8eKll, CA '7MO. LYDIA RUCKER, Ila Stonewooo Cour1, Sen "-dfo. CA '°7)1 llll\ _l,,.,.S Is COnClu<ted by I" lncllvto ... 1. LV<ll• Ruc•t• r11 .. s1a11men1 was 111.0 •1111 •~ County Cltrk ot Or•nqe County on Mar<ll 11 1'11:1 ...,....; ____ ~-~~~~--1 Ft...., D'llH 11DTIC1S Publlu.d °'-Coe•' D•llY Piiot. I n I •-M"c_" u .11_. ,.,A"'_u •. ,_.., _'" ... , SLAT ER MA u RI c E KEN N ETH l'ICTITIOOS IUSINESS SLATER, a resident of Costu NAMf STATEMENT Mesa, Ca Passed away on lll• to11ow1no person ,. dol no Mar ch 11. 19112. lie hai. been 1>11••~-;•i:;,.,NlENANCE 111 w 111i.. a resident of the area for the J·l . c"'t• -..... CA '1U1 past 4 years He IS survived NORMAN J REVHOLOS 1034 E . . b h Ocuntront, NtwPo<1 B•a<ll, CA ., .. I by his wife Barbara, rot er Tllh ""''"•"' " conc1uc1t1c1 by •n Robert E., sister!. Eleanore 1nc11.1c1u11 He takes notes on a BrailJe writer, then each half hour phones the station and goes on the air with his updated report. Spratt's two golden striped cats, 1 year.old broth ers Tommy and Timmy , k eep him company as he works. "Tommy likes to sit on m y shoulder and bat at the headphone cord while I'm giving m y traffic reports." he said . The idea for the traffic reports came out of a conversation Spratt had w ith W CCO News Director Curtis Beckmann a year ago during an ofrice banquet Spratt was attending with his wife. W CCO newswoman Stephanie Borden. .. I'm an electronics hobbyist," Sprau said "l got to talking about m y hobby with Curt and he later called me to see if it would be feasible to adapt it to traffic control." NOTICE OF poARTNIRSMlll' Ot~UTION ANO LACK 01' AUTHORITY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11111 tll• partMnlllp P<••lousty .. llltno botween T"OMAS J PllGE •n<I DENNIS 0 RUPLE, w,_, 11\t firm n•m• of CH APE L SfllEET PROPERTIES, ctolnQ b<ltl,.n u •I,. T •nvorlnt we, Ir vine C•lllornl• '7114, will be dluol•o<I by mut11tl ton .. n1. tffe<tlvt F_..,.ry 21, ,.., From """ •"•r "'"' .S.te, ,.., pan""' In tho partnor\lllp n•• eulllorlty 10 lltnd Ille Ptrt""rtlllp Oeltcl• -..ell S, ttll 0.-1 Street Pr-rllH T ......... J P10- Per1- o.-1\0 RUC>le o.,,_ ff\f foflow ino oerion •\ oo4nQ llu~lnen •• CHAMPIONS. 7110 Mel" Slrtol, Suitt lllO, Hunlln91on Beath, CA., ... GLEN JOLLEY PINEGAR ,_, M•rol•me W•v. Hun11nq1on Bta<ll, CA ., ... Thi• b<l\lnest ·~ Conclu<l•<I by •n l"Olvl<llHll G1e<1J p,_, Tiii• •'-lt,.....I w•• 111«1 wltll -County Cler• ot 0••"91 Cou"'' on Feo "· '"" l'IU4SJ Pullll~ Or•nQO COt\t O&llV Piiot. Feb 11, 19,Ml•Clll, t4, 19t1 111>4'7 Kray&~ C_ ....... .t i.-f<ICTtTIOO$ IUSINESS ._M•<.,.,_._tt•e,.. NAMESTATEMINT S•lt• m 111• tollowtno Pt•son Is doing N•w,.rt -.Cll, CA._ l>UtlMH •• Publlthed Otafl90 Coest Dallf Piiot, W A It WI CIC C 0 T l A G E Merci\ U.1"2 11-ENfERPRtSES. I .. F•ll"WlllCIS Le,., Cettt• Mew, CA.,,,. NI.JC •TICE WESTON M. WARWICK. 11• F elrwlncl\ Lont. Co\11 Mesa, CA '1U• Tarantino or Florida and HonnenJ R•Ynolcl• FICTITIOUS aUSINIU Dorothy Stout or New c:u~:y ~:,~ ~-:..:""c.:~~v ': NAMESTATEMENT -------------Thi• bu\lntU I\ tOnclut lecl by Ml lncllvld11•I Jersey, niece Claud ta Slater Merell 11 ,.., bu~~~.~o~~owlno ~rsont •re <101no of Costa Mesa, <.:11 Services ,..,_1 CHAPMAN ELECT RON ICS, will be held on Monday , M=~c1>~1~:-;i1~~~':~.f,•11Y1:'11~; No 11 "'"""-"'""· New1J0<1 BH<lt March 15, 1982 al 10 OOAM at•-----------c ... •2..0 Harbor L awn ~ti•moria l __ .,. ~( BARBAR11 J SAYE~ BONN•E TVWlA 1'1'1111111 J EA H CH 4 PM AH , N 0 I I Chapel with Rev Oru1·e1 _____________ summuwlncl, N•wport Buell, CA Wf'\k>n M W•rw~• Ttth 'la1ttnf"'f wa\ filed with the County Clerk ot Or.,noe County on M•r<ll• I~ Fl-Publl"*' Ot-Co.ti D•llv Pllol, M1ttll 14, ?I, "It, ollprll 4 1"2 II_, PVIUC MO~E Ku r r I e , pastor or the FtCTnioos auSINEU .,..., p b t . Ch h r th This buslnHs I> <on<lucltd bv • res y enan urc 0 e NA#I STATEMENT oener•I p.,.,,.,..,,.p FICTITIOUS IUSINESS Covenant offic 1at1ng lllt lollowlno person •• dolnv B«t.r•J s..,. N-ESTATEMENT Services under the d1rect1on l>ll~~n~'RH IMAGES. 2094 Gl'cten T111, S1•"""""' .... 111..:1 w1111 "'• T lie foltow•no P•rton is dotno of Baltz Bergl'rOn Smith & l.•na. 0 a. Cost•""""· CA.,.,, County Cieri. ot Or•nll* County on bu•lntu •• TuthiU West cliff Chapel ALBERT STANCH FIELD. lot-I M•r<ll "· ""' UPPEll CUTS, 2101 Horbor Blvd I' I...,. B l<IO F, c ... i. ~"' CA .,,,. Mortuary or (.;o~ta Mesa ~:;~·n u. ... #B, Cost• """"· CA Pub1o..-0r--. COlll Dally Piiot. LY<ll• M•rl• Oesbotouon ua~ 6-46-9371. Thh -· le conclU<led by en Mtrell 14, ll, 21, Aprll 4, 1"1 lllt-11 M•llbY Pl . "erl>O< City, CA~llO ;;;iiii;!ijiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;~;;;;;;;mj~j Tiit• llu•lnH\ '• conclu<lo<I by en . ~-Ufie Soct' et~ ln<llvkl"!\t..n StttKllft.10 1nc11v1c1 ... 1. Tiii• ste-1 ..... Iii.cl with -PllUC •TIC£ LVOI• M o .. llO<OUgh ME TIOH BURI~ AT EA County Clerk ot Or•no-County on -------------Tiii• Slll-1 w•• llltl<I wltll 1"-LJ. ~7431 1 Mtr<h ti, 1"2 FICTITIOUS aUSINIU County •Cler~ ot Or•nqe Co .. nty °" ~ F1...... NAMISTATIMaNT Merchl, '"" Our literature tells the· Pvllll-~ Coetl o.;1y Piiot, Tiit to11owlno P•"on •• c1olnv Pubtl•l....:t Or-"Ot Coe<! 0•11~1:, complete story o f our 1 Mer< II u, 11· 11• Al"11 •. ,.., t1n.e1,c...i••nen.. Merell 1, 14, 11, ,., ,., 1007 .. , · ---------------. HIG"UINO WOODS, t!OI Sylvle IOCtelt. All new butlMtllll u1lng • L•n•. N••Port BH<ll, ce11tor111e ,._ ____ ........ ____ _._~- M ,'---...-c-....,. flctltloua n•me, mutt by "~c1wen1 H c .... w..,, 1507 SYl•l41 MIC -~E law be t99ilteflld With the Lene. Newp0f'I Btocll, C•lllornle County Clerk. The DAILY mao . PILOT PfOvktt ' the form• 1..J1~1~,::s1neu 11 t-ucted by _.. and filing Mr vice a for our Ectwrd H. c-•• eu1tomer1 . If you ar1 Tiiis st•t-• w .. 111ec1 w1t11 the startlnt • new bualne11 c""'nty Clt•lt ot Oreft99 covnty °" call the DAILY PILOT for Merell 11• 1917 ,.1 .... ll'"TITIOUS IUSINIU NAME STATIMINT The tollowlno perton h <101n9 b<lsln"'"· BAYS"ORE ENGI NEERING L TO , ~ CrHtvlew 0rt¥e, N"'po'1 8M(ll, Cetffomi.~ W•llece llot1er1 llmburo, 1UI Tii i• •lelement w" tlltcl .. 1111 ttw ------------l'ICTITIOO$ aUSINESS NAMI! STATIMENT 1111• \lettmtnl wn flltd with ttlt C°"'nty (ltr-or Ot•l\99 COUftlY on F•b It, 1"2 County Clt!•k ot O••n9f County on Fellru••• 1i, 1"2 ,I~ ------------~ Hit 1011ow1no '"''°'" ere <lolnv t>4il\I"•'' .,. 11'1 ..... Pul>llshtd 0r•"99 Co.osl D••tv Piiot, Feb JI, Mar I. u. 11. 1"2 llM1 ruauc •TICE ,IC1'lTIOUf> auSINISS ltAMI STATI MI NT l ttt lollowtno Pt•'lon• '"' c1oln9 l><l•lntj• •• CAL-PA CIFIC sTi;EL CORPORATION, U.t c .. 1111en Drive. Hunth•"°" BM<tl, C111ton•I• •-B t. R En9lntttln9 Company, I"< or pot a 11 cl. • C •I If or" I• toroorellon, tltl c .. 1111an Orhe, Hunnnoton B••<h , C•IUornl• ,,_ Thi\ b11llnHt It COndut ltcl Dy • coroor111on B t. R E"9t,,...,lnQ Co, Inc ll'tCTtTtOUS aUSINEH PA TTOM PROPERTIES 11 .. S Publlllltd OtMl9f Coell Dally Piiot, NA#I! STATEMENT S_, P•rl< Clttlt, Suite H lr~lnt, F•b 11, 11, March 1, IA. 1"1 111 .. J Tiit lotlowlno pet ton• trt 001no C•lltornl.t 'n714 l><ltlneu H : Cll•l•IOOl>fr Jonnaon Patton. 140'! SEASPORT. 19030 S Eu<llcl SI lullln Avt.! Costa Mew, C•lllorntt Fountain Velley, C• '7108 •1''1 Robot<1 LAt Pl~t. llJI Cotomblt Oenl .. Morrow P•tto<I ,..,. fu\tln Dr , 9....,. Pen, C• '°'10 Avenue. C0lt Mew C•lllornt• .,UI ll'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS Wllll•m Don Wtllen, ~ AndtO> '"'' b•l\ln•u ,, con<111tltcl by • NAME STATI MI NT St . Cott• Mete. Ce '2•U O•M••t p.,,,,.,"''P Tiie to11ow1no IN"""' ••• oolnQ Sten Alleun Stn<ltrt, •OI c.nr111~rJ Patton blltlntuH H<>llowtll,"ermowBN<h,Ce tO?S. llll\ •i.lo,_.,t w~ lllt<I wllll Itta KVMLA INVESTMENT CO , \ Thlt b<l\IMU It Con<111clt1d by • Covnly Cltr~ ot Ot•nll* County on Ue>e>er _.,..., Pl1t• Or """-' 114111er•t -1~1119 l'•btu.,y It I~ B .. Cll, 0 '1MO Rooer1 Pl~• FtUM> Jettrey C Kymle, JU• <H•-Tt•" •l•t-t ,.., llle<t wllll IM Publl•htcl Ot• .. Co.11 D•lly Pilot. Ave , IS, Co&ta MeM. Ce ~'11 County Cler" ot 0••1199 Couniy on Fol> 11, 18, Mar I, 14, 1o;e1 t»fl Cerl S ICyml• Jr , 1800 S.°''"" Feb•u•ty 19, 1992 -------------1 Tur , Cor..,..OtlMer, Ce '7US ,11>07 -II' .. Ylr[ Cefl S Kymte Sr . ltllt 4tll St., P1101l•llod Or-Co.oil oa11y P1101 ,..._., •~ Ywui..-.C• ,,,,. Feb '1. 11. Mer I, 14, 1''1 14~U Tiit• bll•lneu I\ conclu<le<I by • oenere1 PMl,...\/>lp Jefj,.y C. K ymta Pruhsen1 B.,nero Eb10 .. 11•.1-------------NOTICE OF DEATH OF Tttl• stat-•,,. .. flied w1111 ,,,. ....C .. TlC( FREDONIA D. BARNUM, county C1trk ot Oreno-counlY on-------------aka FREDONIA DURBIN Tiii• 1i.t1ment ,.., tllecl wltll 1'le C°"'"'Y Clerk of O••"Qe County on Feb<w••V 1•, 1.-J Mareh 11. 1"2 'ICTITIOUS •USINESS B A R N U M A N D 0 F Pwbtl"*' Ot.noo Goest o.u:J=. NAME STATEMENT P E T I T I 0 N T 0 FllM.U Pubtllhtd 0.-Cout O•lly Piiot Merth 14, !I, tt, Aprll •. t"1 1141•1 011!~•":0~:0'"1"9 pertont .,. oo•nv ADMINIST E R EST ATE Feb 11, 21. M•r 1. u. t9t1 14f.82 8ROOICLINE FARMS, s NO. A·112566. Hermtt•ot L•M NtwPo•I BH<ll T 0 a I I h e i r s • I C•"f::~~~"" c Jac"•on s be n ei1ciaries, c reditors 1<tcTtT1ous aus1N1u Herm11•v• L•nt Newport Butn, and contingent cr editors of i------------ NAMESTATEMENT ca11forn••t2MO Fredonia D . Barnum, and NOTICE OF DEATH OF Tiit following pef\on\ •r• dolno Mr Eric .E. J<1<ll>0n. ~ Htrmll•Qe h b MAR IL YN LEE PAUGH l><l•ln1u1s· L• .... Ntwoe>nBHCll,Catltornlo~1..0 per sons .w 0 may e 0 PETITION TO STARWARE MICROSERv1c&S, uo T111> ""''nH' ,, conc1vc1ec1 by •n otherwise interested in the AND F E1?ndSl .Cotlt~.Cll'1•11 lndM clu.tl w i ll and/or estate. ADMINISTER ESTATE K11•n star••••. >so E """ s1 . Thi• ;;~~;.;~~ .. 1111 1,,. A petition has i;>een filed NO. A·112231. c°.::!.:.:':'r~~~:1~ .... JSO E ,,,.., Counly Clerk QI Or•n9" Coun1v on b y L a ura E I I lab e t h r 0 a I I h e i r s • st Co•t•MKI CA.,411 Fo1>ruerylS,1'81 Barnum K e llogg , aka benefic iaries, cred itors Thh buSln•n .. conducltd by l'IU.U Laura B. Kellogg and andcontingentcreditor sof hlllb•ftCl-•lft Publl•llod Ot•not Co.'1 D•llY Piiot. . . D t M 'ly L p h d 1teronS1•1.,.1 "•1>11.,.,,.,1 u,111.., .,,.,Pa tr1c 1a avenpor an nee aug an 1111, •u1-1 .... 111ec1 w1111 ,,,. ------------Lackner. aka Patricia M . person s who may b e coun1y C•••k of Oran~ coun1v on PllUC •Tit. Lackner in the Superior otherwise inter ested in the Morc111 ,.., ,.1 .. u 2 • Court of Orange 'County, will and/or estate. Publl\lltd °'-d.t• 0 .11, Pt101. MuN1c1f'ALcouuo" r eQuesting I hat Laura A petition has been f iled M•r<" 1 ••.11 n. '"" tolMl CALtl'OtlNIA . Elizabeth Barnum Kellogg bY Darren Paugh and Piil.iC NOTICE ;ICTITIOUS I USINIU NAME STATEMENT Tht tollowln9 p~rsons •'• <totnQ bu•IM\\ •• ACTl()f>I ollPPRAISERS, 1511 Nor111 Grend A~. Sit I', S.nlt A"•· CA •1101 T _,.,.) R Mellon J,,lt> Ameihytl, 8elb<>I 1\1-. CA., .. , John IC B11o••k Jr 0 Cllole, tr•tne, CA '1114 Tiiis bU"nou I• con<lu<l•<I by • 9111er1I pertMr\l\lp Tho<Nl1 R Mellon Tiiis 11.i-1 w•• 111eo w1111 trw cou11ty Clerk ot Or•no-county on Mer<" s. 1"1 ... .. ," • PuDll\lltd Or-Co.st Oelly Piiot, Marc111. t•. 21. H. 1"2 to,.._., FICTITIOUS I USINEH NAME STATEMENT Th• followlno oer'\on\ •re dotn9 bu''"•''•' OEVCO WEST, Sii Emereld Bey, Lavunt IHt<h, Catttoml• '2•St How••<I B Jone\, Sii Emtreld 91¥, l "91'N Betel!. C•lltornle '7•St 81r1letl K Brown. SJ' Allvlew Ttrr•<•. lAiQvn• 8e•<f\, Catuornt• •USI JOhtl E Ro09tn•, llU S.nltt A Ivor Roacl. Pl<Ktnlla. C•ll•oml• 9JUO Holt ~ifltU I\ con<111ttt<1 1>1 a ge11eral PM"f""""lp llM11•tt K Br-n ~•1Per1Mt Tiii\ st.a-I was IUtlcl wllll lne County Clerk of Orano-counh on Febf'u•'l' 19, 1'181. HUll'STEDl.Ell MILi.Eii CAllLSOIC & aEAROSLEY ~7-... ,___..__ ... ar<I, Nt•..,. 9M<ll, c .......... ,. ... "'~ Publltllt<I Or-Coest Delly Pll<>t, F~ 11. H . _,. I I•, 19t1 ,,._., ll'ICTITIOUS IUSINIH couNrc::,;.o:~:;E1.11 and Patricia Davenport Devon Paugh to be Juo1c1ALoinR1cT Lac kner be appoin ted appoi nted as personal ''' N. or-Aw. as personal r epresentative re p resent a t i 11 es to L.M A ... tn,ca .... 12 to administer the estate of administer the estate of PLAI NTIFF JEOKEN CORP • M II L p h ( d c.1110,n11 t0<oor•t1on. ln<l•••<lw••l'f Fredon i ii D . Barnum ar yn ee aug un er •"" d<>•"9 llu•lnH• .. AMERICAN (under the Independent t h e I n dependent r1;c"N1CA~ suPPLY Administration of Estates Administration of Estates DEFENDANT ROBERT llERNO. Act ) The petition is set tor Act). The petition is set for 1nc11vl<111ally ...cl Oolno l>u•t,,.u •• PRINTING MACHINF •nCI DOES I hearing in Dept. No. 3 at hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 1t1<011QfllO .,..,.,.,.e 700 Civic Center Drive, 700 Civic Center Drive. ~-West, 1n the City of Santa West , in the City of Santa · NOTtCf1 ""' .,..,. --•·TIM Ana, California on April 7, Ana, Cal1torn1a on April c"''1 '''" ._._ -"'" y-wu-1982 at 9:30 a .m 7, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . '"'' ....., ... ,... ""'"' y.., ,...._. IF YOU OBJECT to the IF YOU OBJECT to the wltttlft • .. , .. Re,. -tntermetltll · f -..... granting of the petition, granting o the petition, you should either appear you should either appear at the hearing and state at the hearing and state your objections or f i le your objections or til e written objections w ith the written objections with the court before the hearing. court before the hearing. Your appearance rnay be Your appearance may be in person or by .,your in person or by your II you with 10 _, llW ecl•k • ol •n •lrMMY In 1111• mttlor, ~OU •hould do so promptfy \0 th•t your .wrlUtn retponw, 11 any, may~tll«lonllme 11A~1=.,u=. .. e.c":~ ~: •ltl e114ll111cla e M•••s <lllt Ull. ··--~ ........ lA• •• lnfef'm~--• .... . SI U•teddHH Mllklt•• •• conwjo ~ un •bo9MIO ein t\le •SWtlo debltr•• llacerlo lmmedt•t•mtntP cl@ "''" maner•. su rftCIU9"\1• fl,(rlt•. i• n•y 11Qun•. p...ot ,,., •efJl\lrada 1 tltmpo I TO THE DEFENDANT· A CMI comptelnl i.u bun llteo bf the plelntlH agains1 you ti you with IO <Hfend tlll• lawwll, you must. •llllln • 00\ •""'' W • ,um,,_,. Is M"'ed on nu, Ille with lllh cour1 • wrlllon ••'l90l'•e to trw tomPl•lnl Unleu you clo to, your <l<-f•uH wlll i. ontereo on 1111111<•11°" ol ttwt IM•lnllll. eno 1111s coun ""'Y onter • lu<IQMtnl agaln11 '°" for IN rotltf <Mmandecl In 1ne comptalnl, wlllcll could retutl In qarnh 11men1 ot w•vn. IO lno ol mon1y or P"°"''' or other rttltf rwque•t..:I In'"-compl•lnl D•l•cl OKtmber J, "" Cl.,k It S.110. Cltr'll, 1<11 P1r91, O.pvty LAW OF,.CIS 011' COMON ANO OAllONER A ....... ,, ..... , c.,.,...ttefl t•C--,1>-Eatl. .... I. .............. GA. ... 7 Publlshed Ot-Coell OaHy Pltol, Feb, 21, te, M.tr. 7, 14, 1"2 UW2 attorney. attorney. IF YOU ARE A IF YOU ARE A CRED I TOR o r a CREDITOR or a cont ingent creditor of the contingent creditor of the deceased, you m ust f ile deceased, you must file your claim w ith the court your claim w ith the court or present it to the or present it to the per sonal r epresentat 1 ve personal representative appointed by t he court appointed by the court within four months from within four months from the date of first issuance the date of first i~suan~e of letters as provided in of letters as provided 1n Section 700 of the Probate Section 700 of the !'robate Code of California. The ~ode of ~~litorn.1a. T~e time for filing claims w ill time for filing .claims w ill not expire prior to four not expire prior to four months from the date of months _trom !he date of tl'le hearinQ noticed above. the hearing nottced above . YOU MAY EXAMINE YOU MAY EXAMINE NAME STATEMENT t PlllJC •TICE bu~~:S~:1owtn9 person It dolno ------------- the file kept by the court. the file kept by the ~ourt. If you are interested in the If you are interest ed tn the estate1 you may f ile a estat e, you may file a request with the court to reQu~st with _ the co~rt to • r eceive special notice of rec~111e special notice of the Inventory of estate and the 1nvent~ry of estate and of the petitions. accounts of the petitions, a~counts and reports described in and reports described in Section 1700.S of the Section 1200.5 of the T~ U !> T OEEO LOAM PARTICIPAllOH #UA. 21,2 Walnwl, Tustin, CA.,.., JAMES E RICH, o.v M . nn Welnul, Tustin, CA.,.., Thh -· Is <.onou<tt<I Dy en tndl•lcluet. J-E. RICI!, 0.V.M Tlllt Ste-Wts fllecl wllh ttte County Cltrt. o1 O••nve County on Ftll It, HI:!. fllU»I Pubtl"'9ct OrMQll Ca.st O~IV Pli.t, Feb. 11, 11, MM<ll 7, 14, 1"2 t~ FIC1'1Tt00S aUSINUS NAME STATEMENT Tho followlno penon tl dotno bu\IM$S.I' "WTN, LTD, .. Ufll Ntllle Gttl Roacl, L_.,.. Hiii\, C1tlfoml1 ,,.SJ Ro~ EUVtM Wltetltr. Gtntrtl P1rt11er, 14111 N•lllt G•H Rd .. L•OU,,. "'"'• Celltor11le '1Ul Tiii• l><l•IMu h <.onducteo by • 1lmll1d .,.r1nerSMI> R-.E-ltr California Probate Code. California Probate Code. H u r wit r , R e m e r , Mark S. Sliver MacDonald and M eade 1900 Bank of America 660 Newpcrt Center Or. Tower # 1555 1 City Blvd. West NewPol1 8Hch, Ca. 92660 Orange, Ca. 926a (714) 759.0711 (71.4) 634:-3867 Publlshed Orange Coast Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, M arc h 13, 14, Daily Piiot, March 13, u , 20. 1982 1153-82. 20, 1982 1163-82. ,_ClllOTHllS 'l&I: llOADWA Y WORTUAIT 110 Bmadway Costa ME<sa 642·9150 Information and torma. P11bllshed CH-coett O•llY Piiot, Cruhlew Orin. HewPort B .. ch, ~-----------­ Tlll1 IWt-1 "'" lllecl wtlll tho C""'nty Cltrfl 01 0<•1191 CouMy on Febru•ry u. 1'11:1 ll'ttml • Publlllled 0ttfl9e Ca.st Oelly Piiot, IALTI IHGHOH SMfTH & TUTHILL WISTCUff CHUll 427 E 1 71h SI Costa Mee.a 646-9371 ,_CIMOTMHS SNITMS' MOtTUAI Y 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 536-6539 ,ACiAc YllW .......,ltALrAIK c.m.1ery Mortuary Cha,,.l·Crematory 3500 Pecit1c View Drive Nitwpoft Beach 644·2700 McCa.Mtel MOITUAlllS Lagun• Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 Sen Juan C.p1s1rano 495-1776 648-4321 Merci\ 14, 21. 18, Aptll •. 1"2 l?l7-ll2 Ell1. 332 T~~::~' S©\l~~-9'tc!f~" ------141o.4 lly Cl.AT R l'OUAN 0 flto"0"99 •he 6 1cro,..bi.d word1 b81ow to -~• 6 ""'a"' word• Prtnl let!•" of to<h "' ''' lino of aauorea R 0 F l A M 0 X E S E P I I I I I' R I C A P Y I I I I' I won .... I PU BHOT I t--., ..... , ..... ,.--.,.--.1.--.1-I lull oame from a wed· . . . _ . ding where the oouple waa -. ................. __..._........__.,__, In their elghtle1. they ware I p A o R R E I both very trell. We were t...,- 1 --.- 1 ....... 1 ,_,, 1 ........, 1 .--. very careful, tl'lough. We Only 1hrew --. ........... _ .......... _ ..... __...__ I HlXFUL I :-'=·=,==1:·:·:1 ======= ! n1.! ~[., E! .) .. ,, ................... rrrrrrr1•rr1 Cellfornle "*3 Tlllt -IMU " Gonclu<led by Oii lndlvlduel. 1--------------W•llece o t..lm1>uro TMt suiem.nt wa flltd ,.llh 11M County Cler~ of Or•nqe County Oii Mercll5, 1"1 11'1 ... Pubtltllt<I Ot-Coe•t Dally Pllol, M.,<11 U, 21. 21, Allfil 4, 1"1 UU41 l'tCTtTIOUI IUtlMUS NAMSITAHMl!NT TM 1o11-ino '""°"' ••e dotno blltttt0n et: SOUTH COAST LIMOUSINE, 1070 T11l.,e ~t .. , C•I• """9, CA tt•2'. STANLEY AC.KELSON, UH F°""*" 0r1 ... Ceite -·CA ~­Ml("AEL T EDSON, 101t Twl- Orlltf, caaui -·CA''"' Thll blltlllitH It C<>llclwcl•<I by • ...,.ral~lo. Mk ... 1 T Ecborl Tlllt Rt-wa ttled wtttl 1"f c-tv , .. ,.., .. °'"'99 C:evnt? °" M .. c11 "· "'" ,, ..... Pvllll.._ Or-.i Coett O•llY Pli.t, ""-rcll 14, ti, R. April I, 1"2 111>42 o,.._ c_., ._...,. C-1 118 Ctwk C..,.., 0 11we •"' $Mtl ....... ~· t21t1 PlAll'ITI FI": KON·STRUCT ALL, INC .• ROBERT E. fttH!) DEFENDANT MARK W WILSON ell• MARK WYLCZYNSICI. DOES I lltroo;vll 11, lftC.hltlW. SUMMONS CASK NUM41&R *7«7 llOTIC•H Y• ...... .._ -. Tiie c-..-. ........... .,....._ ,_ ...... _.-.. -,._. ....... ..," ...... __ .... -· ti yow wltft to -the eclY~ of •" ttton•n lft 11111 ""'"', you •'-lei do .. pr0Mt1llV to 11191 your wrlttt11 ,.~ •• If My, m.ty be II ltd ..... _ AYllOI ~ ...... _ Fl•, •1 ........... --c ...... IH. ti• ••411Hct• • .,. .... ~·· U•. ,.......... ............. ~ .. ................ SI Utted ..... tetl<tter ti <-i-de lllt.....-... ---.~ lleurt• ll'"""l•lff'lllf'lle, w Hie ,,, ......... ,__. ..Cl'lta, ti lley fte\IM, po.m -r9Ql~tr ... •ti.In .... Feb 18, """'· 1, 14, 11, '~ t17.f1 ..... ,. SYNO"ISOF THI! ANltUAL STATINlllfT 0, OULll' tNSURAltCI CIOM,.AllY Ott .-wltw. ite-CltY. tllle. .. Ill YN r I!-~ II, 1"1 ..... ITllOnlJOP' TM• AllMUAl. ttATIIM911T-Y•A• lltOIO .. CllM99a M, ttll .. A ..... ._~ o.tllM, T-. I ... Totet ..,.,.......... . · • ·· ·· ......... •····· ............ ,,._,.,_ , ... , ..... It'" .. .. .. • • . • . .................................. ,...,,1. ~ .. ,_,._._.............. . ........................... . c.lt•I ~_.,c.ftelf ~o..11 ............................................ "' 0, ... ,..... .. ( ........................................ .... u_.....-..,_.....1 ................................... .-._.....,........-........,.., .................................... •.-.-,._ ...................................................... ~ ..... ~-....... WW'··········~··········· ........................ . ....... Cllftlfr ................ _._ ....... ...... ....._..., .. ,... ..... °"""""' .... ""· ......... ...._. Ctf!IM ................. c.......... .......... .... ~.c ~--. vice ....... "'1'.C ......... .._,, ,......Of .... C.....,..., ........ a. u. ........ .,.. I I d ~i I , 1 I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, March 14, 1982 E7 CllSSlfllD The marketplace on the Orange.. Coast ... 642 -5678 Orange Coast relident1 bought 42% of all new cars aold in the county laat year even though they comprise only 3'Ylr of the county's population . ' SEJYICES Stf•tte 0.rMor) EWl.DYME#T & PfErUA TIOll ~lbtrwtliOlll JIA•'dlM• ltdp'Oootf<I MA t M£1CHAllDISE =:.. GftW't•I 8utJ ....... .stt''ll!ff llo.u ........ c ... -. .... .. 8rwil.1 lh• n..,,., RIYb $111 11o.us.,. Oo<h -. Speo<I ' 'Ill -..lit ..... TIAIMllTA Tt8M AJrru 1' c."',..,-·S&k llf'ftt Dtc"tmC1n =::-&::-... · MoMt H••S.H-lhM Tr.t.n lra,t-t l:..~,l:.he~"" AUTOMOBILE ~Mr•I . A.fthqlH'-' l'l•UK• ll#Ct-utwin \rho In ~vh a ... .-Rich IWMiff l1ruf" r..-..... \ ... Aill.,lA.uia( A'llo. '11.-at~d AUTOS, IMPOITED lifMf•I , .... tt., ... \ ... .\~ .. 11 ... 1 .. , lllW c.:.'"'' OU.. \AJj\ Uo1bUA t0f'fTM1 , ... '"""'• J.;: ... 1 Jr~ft t\Mm.MUft!• ~ ....... i1.1d.i: 3' ................. , ..... )l{;M ,.,., P.uit••t.ii l'•u<t"IA .......... "'""wit ~M.11)t• 1t .... ,.... lltllll 't',,,t"JP' rn-.mpl'I , ......... ,,. \.iih .. ·~·· ....-.1 \II\ -· \.dJll-M ~ ........ WOS.Ysrl '""'""" ,,.,,,,.,,' ~-, ..... .,.. ... l .. '""' ~ .. IAA!lf ron1 ,,.._.... .... 1..t!tf\1111• ,.,,~•n•• ~ ... , ~:""....L.. -•~1-• l'•elt.4" ,..._.,,,..r,t \fU _ ....... ~.,.,. w. ....... ,., w. ....... ,., Wt ....... ,.,. We Mo.wt,., u. ..... ,., w. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·············-········· •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l:''''''t'''''''''':••••' ~ 1002 G .. ,.. IOOJG1•rtl 1002 Gwr.. IOOJ c;, .. ,.. 1002 G1•rtl 1002 G1•r.. 1002 •••r• ....... !~~' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• • 11111 ,. ltlll ltll -1• ,. EQUAL HOUSING OPPOR TUNIT Y :: N.11119r's Moffet: '°"' Alrreal estate ad. :::: ve rt1 sed 1n lh1 ~ 1w l'l('WSpaper 1s subject tu :: the Federal r 111r Houi.· 1• IOI! Act of 1968 which :: mak~ it illeitul to ad ''* ''ertase ··any preference. ::: ltm1tat1on. or dis :: ~~<'~.10:~1~~-brae~~:10°n~ ,., sex. or national ori1t1n.I •Ml or an intention lo ma ke '"' any such preft-renrt·. :: I 1 m 11 a t 1 l' n . o r d 1 i. J: ei;im1nat1on ·· I Q llQi 'llQl JI .. Uol6 ID ?O in ISlO This newspaper will not knowingly iu·cept any advertising for real estate "h1rh 1s in \ 1ola llon or lhe la" = ! .............. ... --alORS: Adnrtisers ~check tt..ir odt daily m.d -~" H'• ron lnwntdiatfly. The DAILY PILOT atlUlfttt 1G11i1ty for the first I.correct huertion Olly. MESA VERDE JOUMTS POSITIVE CASH Fl.OW! A rare bird indeed in today's market! ll bread 'n' butter apartments in an excellent location. Income on these have DOUBLED in past 41'2 years! For more info call Rob Licata broker-owner 759-1221. $30,000 DOWH 11 % INT- 10 YRS. Owner f inan c ed · no lender qualifying! Three bedrooms. 2 baths. Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry. brick fireplace. homey kitchen. fam ily room. water sortcner and filter. Tub spa. RV pad. Huge patio. Extra storage. Reduced to $167.000! flurry. call Bob Licata. 759-1221 RV M * of Newport Beach l M UDO ISLE HOME 56'LOT Exceptional assumabll' financing at 12=1.i'' · OWMr .ti carry $100,000. Tht• potential of this property must be seen. &'C Dennis S<:hollz. OP8ol HOUSE SUHDA Y I ·5 208 Via Mftltone $56-0,000 fee lc.d. lNQUE HOMES 673-5644 675-6000 MJt~~9Pu~c~a ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hdrm or 4 + den. O\ rr PIMMSUU HOMIS 2113 MIUMAI or... SAT/SUM 1·5 Rerrodeled. decore1ted 3 bdrm, 3 baU1 , rt'lilr bdrm. ocean ;iiew. $425.000. Owner will eonsider trade. 1411 W. IAY OPEN SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boa ts. remod eled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront. jetty views. Marint> rm. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft. SI .385.000. UDO ISLE HOMES 708 VIA LIDO HORD SUH 1'.5 Prime. Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 bath. lge L rt 2 boat slips Sl.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings. $420.000. UMDA ISLE IA YRONTS Lagoon view from Ii bdrm, 5 bath . playroom. dark rm. den. Sl.350.000! IAYSIDE COVE Spectacular bayfronl view 4 bdrm . 4 j bath. 2 boat slips . SI .000.000. TIES VISTAS-MISSION VIEJO New Frem.'h Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath. guest house. pool. S795.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Joli ooy\•O•· Q,,,,. NB 67~ 6161 -EASY MONEY- MO QUALIFYING BAO< BAY K>ME 'f}yee NcJl)Oll"t'. dt..rq<,.,,.,, Jr,.J 1011 Ra1\e i •e<lwood ~e;l1ng\ Frend1 foor\ qolo•P ~)41'1tt\. 1p den "'4nt.bw\ R~wood fXlhO\ I Sl32.ffi) 136. (J\SU:roblP l1')()n'. nwc lr j SI 79.flJJ GOIGIOUS SUNSITS- rooL--5'4 Gated privacy leads to top of hill feeling. VIEWS through walls of glass. Single story. three bedrooms. family and form;d dining rooms. Move an rondltion. Anxious. owner assisted financing. $275.000. Call N.ANC Y lMBERNlNO 759-1221or644-6636 RAii SINGLE STOIY OFFHING Outstanding condition and location ! Enjoy the amenities of Award Winning community. Two bedroom plus den. wr<.1p around patio by Rogers Garden. beamed ceiling. 91own by·appomtment only. $255.000 NANCY I MB EHN INO 759-1221 or 644-66.li RVM* of Newport Beach EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME IN EMERALD BAY, LAGUNA BEACH Located just 10 minutes from Newport Center. this fa mily residence wit h 5 Bdrms anti •I 8<.tths also features a sunny patio. The private tommunity of Emerald Ba y enjoys USt' of a pri\'ate beac·h. 24 hr gale guarded set·unl~. t<.•nn1s. park~ and r cnf..'ation Large ass u mable finandng. 5700.000. Shown by <1ppl. with Oa\'id thrsthler PRIME E/SIDE BRIGHT LOCA flOM! AND SUNNY Pm.onaTfty anJ' ht-aul) If you 're rus~y. lH't' lhlf I are (ound inth1:13Btlrm oot'' Very Prl\lule 3 , 2 bath huffil• Assume Bdrlll 2•. IJ1.1lh c·ondo thlli gre:.t 121 1'• luun Larl(e 11\'lnj( arl'a. and seller will ('arry u highly upgraded . 2nd TD with lown do"n skyl1ichti. 2 fereplal't'. 2 payment Full J)fl('., rar garage O nl )C $149,500 Call for dN111I~. $124 900 Call t o 1>c{• ~'°111 ' I' tttUa1 flNS : •IAYFIOHT• REDUCED 45· buat slip. pmute beat·h. II le & c·h~t'fY horrr. 3 largl' hedruom~ & clen, 2 bath.,. rirepl.it·e and murh more' Will tradedown' INl"Ll'Dl::S LAND ! Owner Agenl 673·9187 or 675 70fill ~79.W>' ,, OLDCDM Cl~c to the bt'arh with a ooul ' 3 bdrmJ>. 3 bath~. 2 l'ireplan·i.. beam tt·thng. · SUPER sunn)"'derk. sm .ooo ST ARTER 466 lroadway, C.M. Only $94.500 Outsland 3 bdrm -Oi>en Son 1-5 IOI! Costa MeJ>a icarden $155.000 I honr owner must i.ell MAURY ST AUFHR l now' Good :i~suf'TUl hi<' SEA LIOH REALTY Isl S"t'<'PIOI! stair".i~ 673-5354 lo mai.ter bdrm Ju!>l l--•iiiliiiiilil .. -1 • 11:.ted ' Call toda) 67J.ll550 lrmm1 I CORONADO CAYS Opet! S..nday I .5 lCa~wCa~ \"ilia on Int· "alc r I I'm ale boat ~lip S32SI\ Try $12 51\ tlo"n START SMART Sl3000DWN ' Tht• u f11mate Coi.la Mel>a i:arden home ! Soann'1 re1hnic:. Crac·kl mg hn·plac c• 3 ~par1ous bdrm~ J c·ar garage' Onl) SIJ0.000 Ca II no". 673-~ THE REAL ESTATERS " halam·e al 6'. for 2 ·------...... _, ~r..· Oav1d !-:µ:.t ern. Rkr l...i Jolla I 459 1217 ilSOLUTE STEAL R~ed $150,000 HOW $525,000 SPYGLASS BY OWNER OWN EH FINANCIMi 6br 4• ,ba 4IOO~q II 25 Bodt-l(a Ba) Call o"ner. 75!101:n GORGEOUS &IAY VIEW l'ornpletc• redeMr:iled "Bayi.td~ Co\~ .. 2 HR. den penlhou~e 1\s,n pool. spa. pn beath Look:. like model C:rr:.it t assumable Tr) 20'. • } down or6 month~ uptwn 1;reall~ rt-du, l'tl for , mo I I\ ate d bu\ er I ~.000 Oebb1t' Frati I .. 3.000sq fl f"ormal h11n2 and dining room. <"oun try sizt'd k 11 rhen " 11 h breakfast nook over looks huge family room. sparkling pool and hot spa Truly a hu~e fam1I) horn! Great f1nanc·1ng Pril'e only S29!i.OOO. Call 546°2313 RmUCED TO SELL De Ii g ht f u I n ~· 4 Bdrm w i t t traditional des7gn. hbrarv & d C'n format dinini. bay vie"·· tornc1 location in Old Corona del Mar $.595,CXXJ. owe ~~xcellent term~ 01 trade t~ -..,rt n t 11 I'• :011~·t'J.,,,J, I ,.1 ~ l (JM'fR AGT Mo 7167 BEST IN BLUFFS Marn ah In In\' lll•alt) I 16428235 .: I, I l"1nd "hat ~.ou ";rnt 111 . . ': 1 ~ t£Httl1 ---IOU ---~ .,. Ill!) --IOll .., -.., -.., ---- "''° -----""" -- 1111 ... .... tttO . ti» .... "'' t\M - - CHARMING IRVINE HOUSE OMLY $134,900 Great financenit. lo"' d"'ll pal. me nt. low int . no quahfytnR. no points A dollhouse 10 a grea locatio n Call Peg --ASSUME LOW INTEREST LN Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath 714 / 760 -9 3 3 3 noor plan in a rine area ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ofCosla Mesa Grealas - sumable loan and sell.er "111 tailor to meet buyers nee<b Best buy at $129.000. Call 646· 7171 THE REAL ESTATERS B.EGANCE IS M~\~~p~,r~~ur rounded b)' s par1ous ram rm w Fr. doors. de coratnr fans. Oak plank enl.ry, rountryk1t. form dm area. 3 Bd 2 Ba $137.500. SJOK dwn. SIOS7 P&l /Mo Don't delay . call Diana today. Diana Pietenpol-Volpe !.,'>Q.!MM DOH"TMISS THIS CONDO Lowest pri reir and owner will finance al low interest with 20', down Highly upgraded. pnvate location. rom· munity pool. Jaruzzi. rec room and tennis courts. Won't last at Sl06.900. CallMll-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ,, ..•. ,..,., ., .. , ..... ,, •u.e. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES COIOHA DB. MAR $I, I 00,000 Spacious family home on large lot ~th views of white waler. Catalina & sailboats in the su nset. Beautifully decorated & ready to rmve in. Excellent seller financing avaHable. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 lllY AN ELEGANT lmlllt IULT llJME EXCEIJ.ENT TERMS cs.11r .... c1.,1 OfllM SUMDAY 1·4 1441 CULAXY DI., DcmrSMrft $1,400,000"" L8ld NICI JUST •ucED DW TO SBIOUS ILLHISS Beautlrully appointed 5 bdrm <children's wi ng), 4'h baths. A/C, JQ)l. waterfall.+-+ + VIEW. 2111 l c..t ........ 221 C...411W. 6Jl.ll7J Shop JI holnl• It ~ l':Ji.~j ll.1\1~ MJIYll•lhtnl! 111 M·ll' I I w1lh rla~s1ftl'd 642·Sf>7K I <.1assified ads do 11 "1•11 I I ! I . RCTaylorCo 640-9900 Wt? have a b<.•autiful sell'<;tion of homes al this li me. All floor pl<.1ns Gooci ,·iews. good financ-ing . good bu~ s Somt• l<·ase opt ions . Some induchnt' land. l'IC'aS<' ll'l our l'X P<'rts show I hem to you OPEN 1-5 503 Ave. c:ai.o. •~w NO DOWN Yei you could own this 4 bedroom. 3 bath SpyJL)ass homl' for as little as seller·s C'losmg costs. Prire has been reduced $125.1.100 and is now avail<1ble fo r an unbclievahle SRJ.500 Hurry. this onl' won't last I 1982 Vista Caudal Mffl land 260 Vista Omoda. •~w 207 I Vista ~ Oro. Y~w 300 Oriero, 3 Ir • $375,000 $325,000 $2 50,000 $210,000 $225,000 SPYGUSS srECI~ HOME Popular Southpo rt model. tomplele \.\ith 5 be<irooms. pool. jacuzzi. and rught light view Seller has boug ht another and must sell. Will consider exchange for 40' lo 50' Sport Fishl'r boat or airplane. Asking S639.500 JUST USTID 9.75% AHANCING Thi.-. beautiful J bedroom end unit rondo has it all. incl uding a spectacular view, new appliances. enc losed pat 10 and a I a rg e assumable first loan. owe a 2nd loan and will consider trade. $284.500 JASt•• CUB Sensational 3 bedroom end unit located on a magnificent greenbelt. Professionally decorated with many upgrades. All this and rut.standing financing is available for S4Z7. <XXl nMACNAB . till~- HORSE PROPan PLUS Over 1 acre w/lovely 4 BR custom home, 5 stalls + tack room, tennis court. pool, spa, central vacuum & a/c & complete security system w/gated driveway. '950.000. Bobbi Ryan 752-1414 (001) IDIAL H>R IMYISTOIS J H . Newport B,each condo • S minutes f r o m bea c h, s h op p ing , restaurants, travel routes. Split level/2 car attached gari1e. $128,000 Helen Wood 644·6200 (Ui2) HREN ·B. DOWD REAL TORS. IMC . 644.0134 SPECTACUUR SHORECLIFFS Be the proud owner of this wa rm and inviting 3 Bdrm. den home \\ilh Dutch doors. lldwd firs. F'r. doors and onl v l block from P\1 beach J\skmg SS15.000 fl'<'.&'<.' Doll1t• Va lenlint'. OPa. SAT/SUH 1·5 U~l()Uf ti()Mf' REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 E<itt Co111 Hl9h.,1y, Corona d•I Mar W£ HAVE 5 0 OF THE BEST LISTINGS IN TOWN To Place yoJr ··Fast Result"' Service Directory ad .. Call Now 642-5678 Est. JZZ ll~~}~Jr0ci~~·e to o"n )Otir "" n homt' 10 Ontano 1\ n11·t· :i llclrm. I 11ba. dbl 1w1 ~ muc·h rrore Onh 15', 110" n & OWC at lo" rail' Avail for $81 ,IXKJ Ca II Thom11 ~ 1·5?4·1293 Ai,rt RESIDENTIAi REAL ESfAfE SERVIC[S EXTIA SPICtAL .. IAYSHOUS Bright. SUMY. newly remodeled 3 txirm, den . 21/ol bath home in private beach oriented area. Quality is evident throughout. Excellent r~ing. $349,000 L.11. Of9t SUM>AY l·S 2' 11 ctlCU DllYI IN NEWPORT CENTER 1644-9060 Dail~ P1I01 < la~s1hl'd~ Ha\\' M>methin!! to ~ell~ v· I Class1f1ed acts do 11 well ··. • ' • I I ·' ..,·, 1 FOREVER VIEW! :[!) Qt,.,,~, HIGHT LIGHTS 9-~'t!J. t~CES 'PARKS '·' .. , • IRA't_\\t'\~f.~rEs Dt•lux1 <\\~. r · \~~ !arge airy 1 :·: ; r01>msi~ J,i.~~ .• g. Countr\' at· ,,;. ' mcisphl'·'.:c-( ~""~ Ml'S<t All for lht• I I lm1 pn t·<~ 1" · ~"'PAT IAUER AGTS. 67).7300 OPEN HOUSE SAT.·SUH. I ·4 2277 PACIRC IEND OF WILSOHI MESA WEST TOWNHOMES R£SIOENTIAl REAL £S1AfE SEf\VICES BAYCREST * $395,000 Home extraordinaire. elegant & gracious describes this spacious 4 BR with family rm. Sparkling pool and spa . Beveled glass entry, reroodeled kitchen. Assume first. owner will carry large 2nd . J~ MITCHUI IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Y .A. OI COHYIMTIOM'AL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS r (OXDO~IIXIl"~l~ 0,..W/S. I I .. , ~modaS...._A .. ,.Ces .. MtM 'lhdy clcf.(unl 2 Ur 21 2 baths for Sll>.~ and 2 lldrm 2bu hom<.'s for Sl'9.~. •••••••••• • lO'h Down W/l)lyments as low as Sl9 per mo. VA FinancinR . inl. at lSW.4 . Seller will take hick 2nd to lower payments. trA1aC..•..., 146 H•-Ulo41M c ""' ..... " '•I ;1 t .... ·I ' I -~ .. ~ --- -~ HMett.rW. HMMtForWt •1•·········~········· ·············•········· ....................... ···················1··0·2· :::····~···········1·o·o·i ...... 100 ........ 1002 Ge.rel . 1002Gwral 0 ...... ... ... . ............................................. . ·7 •••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••• •• • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• --·· ------------ ' CN•-.wt. c. ) •.. ,,. .. ,_· ........ ".JI) ·So.rwt "A" .... 2 Ir 21'2 lo, C-.. cellh19 co11do. ,lreploc., 2 car t1tcloud goro9t, -"•ttt yard. Pnint locetlo11. 0 w11tr ...... ttrr.ct. must sell. J1t1t rtductd to $140.500. 909 Va11 ...... Mo~Worrits Leese hu btu rt· ~and is fixed for is yrs. Totally re- llO•tt.cl I nine T tr• toct l ldrm l lo hoMt with family room. $349,500. t 436 Sertt1ade T er-rau Custom Condos Lo•tfy Tudor dylin9, cathedral ceihn9s, Wed kitchens. All in So. of Hwy locale. foro.t u11it l Bdrm SllS,000. Rear unit 2 .. $295,000 or bwy both for $605,000. 411 -4111/J DaJilia W~dbrid9e Dollhouse 2 Ir lodtgo rnodtl, lliCJMy upCJradtd, tile Htry & mirrored wcrO-obes. Good OS· HMDblt I st TD & OWC a 2nd. Very : lllOH•ated. SI 49,000. 4MttodyLn COLE OF NEWPORT AliLTOAS 2$1$ E. c: ... 1 Hwy. C:orotu1 <HI Iller 675-5511 "Mo Worry" Homr Care OwMr Assista11ce Y o u 1· a n e n J u ~ a carefree hfe!>trlP in th1-. 3 bedroom 1·ondo .thJI provide:. the aml'n1llt'' with no "orrv for '1111 ' Fam1h room . 10,1'1' warm . rirrplat'I' ('0111 mun1ty pool CinM' lo Soulh Coast Plata :\\ some lo" halant'l' loan at 9.25', 111tt"l"1•:.t. st•llt'1 ~111 ass1:.t Sl3tl 91111 9'19-2390 Low Down! AIMIPl'!r 9.25% loan 1'•l<e O\rr loan at !I 2.1'. 1oterest and with a In" oown owner" 111 ftnant'l' belance' 3 bedroom ~1·1 tied on a 11wel strrl'l 111 Wes~1de offeri-a n·la\ 1ng patio area" Ith la1111· r~ck BBQ 111 1111 i.ckyard for outdnrn l'O ~Y m,• n t M .1 't1· r dr o11m toml\ pla1·e SI 12.5\WI l \di 9'11).2390 MHo Verde Horth I 1.87° o Assumable t\ppl"O). 2300 !'<J rt for l'Omfortable II\ in i: 10 this 4 bedroom. 21 • h,1th home 1n 1mmarul.it1• cond1t1on F'amil) room and crackling f1replac·e. ma ster ~u1lc. Crram1r till' ac·c·cnts entr) Pat11J and room-for a pool )"ard. Assume h1)(h belance loan at 11 87', 1aterest. poss1hle seller lllSistance $166.500 Ca II lllday! 979·2390 Take O.er! 12.38% Interest <)i8e to the orean. this :i bedroom. 2', bath c:ondo provides a ma ~tcr bldroom and ~nugglt: tip·to fl replace' T~o 1•ti08 for refresh mg out door relaxinl! A~sume l\jgh balance loan at 12 .38'. 1ntert ~t· $152,900 979.2390 OctOll lret1es ~ FfflClftcinq 'loll re near the watl'r m tbl.s 3 bedroom 1dealh tc>tated on a C'orner lot 1n '\feV.'JlOrl lleil(ht~ (; fl'Jl family home oHenn,.: <Un1n)( anrl fam1ll room ~ . h I a l 1 n ~ fireplace lllghhghlctl bf 3 patios for outcloor ettjoyment! 13'. 1n ltrest ! SIG.5.000. 979 2390 t79-2l90 • 37C71 S BRISTOL SANTAANA JlllCI llDUCB oi ilils ~upec: sharp 3 Binn home. Wet hilr, ..,ble frplc & murh ...... b offered br thi~ otllf' who l' mos anx 1 .. to move On ly SaJOO. For 11ddition11I I SG r m 1 t I o o c a 11 w I:~! , .. y ~ TAYLOR CO . HEJ\ l.TUHS !'>llit·t· I ~Ht> llG CANYON COUMTIY CLUI Ma gnificent locutmn o'looking 8th green or golf COUl"i,t!. Majestic Colonial custom by owner builder. 5 bd r ms', lge formal din rm. fam rm. bi lharfi rm, refrigerated wtnc rm, & 612 ba Marblt!. fin est wood paneling. air cond .. + many custom featu res. $2.150.000 inti. land May sell fu rn llG CANYON IROADMOOR $750.000 Beau t 4 bedrms . Fam rm wtfireplace. formal dtn rm. 212 ba . Newly decorated 1n soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new l'plng & d rapes. New marble t•ntry. Pool & spa. 141URMMG'TRH ROAD SAT/SUM 1·5 A REAL JEWB. IH THE ILUFFS Just hsted a fantastic. 3 Br "Linda .. rrodel on \\1dest greenbelt. Like ne" \'acant. S2iO.IXX,. St't' :rn~time HAAIOR VU HIUS IROADMO OR View of ocean, buy & Pavi lion lights. 4 Br:. 21:? Ba. fam rm. 2 fplcs, $420.000 incl land. or $330.000 leasehold. $665 per yr ground rent til 1991 Owner ht>IP finance. Submit ~our offer 1251 SURRJME WAY SAT/SUM 1-5 GREAT OCEAM VIEW $405,000 3 bd r m, fa m rm . Pool. Security system. Vu of night lights. Lgt• assum low int. loan No new loan fees HARIOR VIEW -HUGE YARD Quiet. park·hkt' selling. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sat slrt>et. 3 bdrms. fam rm. $379,500 in<'luding the land. SIG CANYON "VERSAILLES" Golf course Vil'"' Beaut. lands(.' aped Park-like setti ng. Lo\'ely pool , ~pa & gazebo Gated tourtyard w1 th fountain. ~tarblt• fo~ er \\ glittering chandeljer 4 bdrm.,. den. fo rmal din nn. 412 ba. S950.trn including land. HAAIOR VIEW HOMES $225,000 Popular 3 bdrm ~1on<Jl'O model Formal dm rm. ~Jany extras Serurity system. Large as!>Umable loan 1824 PORT STIRUMG SUH ONLY I ·5 $74,950 MW SO. COAST PLAZA Attracli\'e 2 bdrm rondo A great starter home Pool & spa. See now. FACfMG FORECLOSURE S 115,000 Near Westdiff. Newport Beach. LS?e 4 bdrm. Vacant See anytime WY WAl.K TO BEACH $199,900 4 Bdrm. familv home. Formal d tn rm. Secluded pi)()I and patio . Lge assumable loan Land included 4 IB>ROOM $169,900 FEE LAND Family homt' 1n College Park or Irvine. Nite ~<Jrd. Air C'OIJcl. Spa Good assumable rm<Jncmg See now 3531 Al.MOHD, IRVIHE SUH 1-S HAUOR VIEW HOMES -PORTOFIMO 4 bdrms. ram rm. 312 ba. Tcen-ager's pnv. swte Comm spa & pool S345.000 ind. land. S.52JJIXI ctn Owner rinance WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO .. REALTORS ' 2 I 11 Sall Joacpll Hilk Rood ~ CEHTH. M.I. 644-4910 I st Time Buyers I Br. S .\ Si:! 1'""l I Ur In Sii . .)00 3 Rr. ("~I St IJ.IKMI JBr.C M SIH.!IOU 2 llr. t: s1dt' l' ~I SI l!l.500 :t Or, II R $129.!lllfl Jllr. (' M SI 29 ,!11111 i\11 ha l't' e\(·ellt•nt financing Co II nw for a newmit appt 631 iJ70 TRADITIONAL REALTY OLDE~GLISH TUDOR EST A TE $104 90 0 Dramat1r i'Ol't'll nr OLD E:'\r.1..\:0.D "1th an'hed entr; to Ol.Jn; TIME PARLOl II ~1th rathedral t1•pe windows. un ique f 1 repla('(~. C.A N O·L EL I c; II T fO RM A L 0 I I N ti . t·ountry k1ll'hen. 11cp breakfast nook . II I hbrar). se \\10~ rm. itleaming h w firs and caniaite housr All on large lot in area or FINF: llOMES PL.llS As~ume low interest loan at $797 e..~ r m o N O QUALIFYING I HURRY Call 841-6JOO ' llllltJ world • AL.OT FOR Aunu This 3 Bd rm l amlly hoft has expanded with ;i 4th Bdrm + fam ily rm Total liv11111 space around 2.000 sq rt. Alot for aliltll' prier SJ23,000. Hlg.h assul!'ll ble VA Isl sum Pfrl tmo. Don't de lay, u ll D11n1 tod1y. Oiana Pictt11 I VOipe • P~IHSULA PT. PRICE REIHTTIO:"' On t·~c·11ini: nu honll' nr ha' &11t·eo1n ~RR m'tr -ultt· " ma rhlt· r111r for ma I n H ,t•r11 r·11' ~\Stt'm. :l t•ar i:aragt• ~ow S.'i95.000' Opt•n Sun I 5. 151 l ~hrama r 673-9060 DAVIDSON REALTl CALL TO SEE Rig C)11. !i Br. $1.950.000 Lido fs. bay vu S.S75.000 Pemn Pl S Br S495.0IMI Duple\ bnat dnr k $'1J9.5m Dui>lel' nr nceon Sllli .soo C ~lesa duple\ SIH~ 500 Wtrfrt do1:k H 12 S-19~.ooo 673-9060 DAVIDSON REALTl 100/o DOWH Newport Terra<'l'. NH $129.900 J Bdr. 212 Ba Turtlerock. Irv. $299.000. J Bdr. 2 Bn. vu. Hentage Park. Irv 3 Hdr 11'1 Ba $106.~ Tht srr lngs. l rv-182.500. Br I 84 .... '· •1 ... .. .... R&M ~ $MARTIUY Thi& one 18 ru 1ty priced rl 11ht 1 Large r1mlly hon with 4 Bdrms. 2 Ba. and bi.a. bi( bonus room. Owne.r will 111l1l In floa11cln1. Fl.Ill price sm.ooo. m .11t1 ASK FOi IOMIT A CHOtCtUOO location : 3BH. 3 car ~ar . Na'tls TlA;. $399.500 stwtr & Cort: 28R house and 1 Br income unit. Prict! reduced. $235,000 t11GHrS CONDO: 3BR 21"2 ba. Only 2 )TI old. ~sumc tst at 1:p'~";. $172 .500. 675-1171 11.\HB<>H HE.\ I.Tl' CORONA DB. MAI ourux Choice lotation ~ear shopµing. l.<irge Warmington built duµlcx . with 3 lxlrms and 2 baths in EA CH unit. ~'ii·cplaccs. :-.eparall' garages. beam teiling~. bit. tns. carpels and drapes Terrific' \'illut· al $31!1,000 ()\mer \\111 ftnann· with 20', clo\\ n only 121 :!', mlt•rpst SP£CT ACULAR OCf.AHRONTHOME O\'erlooking privall' tommunity bea<·h and t he wa\'CS hrt•<Jking on the shon• in l'xelus 1ve Cameo Shores. A lo\'eh 4 bdrm home beaul1fully maint<Jtned with sluhng glas::. pands op(·ning onto the tropical gurden and s 1i.1<·1ous <X·canfront lcrraet'. i\11 lhe fl·atures you would l'Xpt'('l in a lloml' of this quahty mduclmg formal dining rm . dl'll. rdn g1:ratl'd \\Ille \'UUlt . \\ork.o;hop and uut'h. mul·h mon·. One of our urt•a:. mo ... 1 magn1fitent home:. and an l'Xn·llL·11t 1n\'l'slml'nl at S2.91KWJO 60F££TOHTHEIA Y Prwalt• ptt•r and float for large Hltht Beaut1luth· dt·t·ora tcd ba\front home 1n o,;, t•r Shores 4 lx:l.i-m.. plu.., den l'Oll\'t•rl1blt· lo il 5th tx:lrm . formal ba~s1dl· dining rm , kitchen wtlh se'paratt• l.'al111g a n•a. work!>hop has outs1clt• at·cess rnm·en1enl lo tht• doek . large bavside terra<'l' all in hrn·k big en0ugh for a pool F.ll•J:!ant hayfronl h\·mg ~1.mo 1..11 100/o DOWH Sharp Bluffs Condo O\ erlookini? the rn11. 4 bdrms .. 3 baths. eheerrul kitchen with st•paralt· l'a ling area. large hvmg rm opens onto patio. A great bu~ al SW!J.500 L II. with great terms 121:.iP INTEREST. :la'> Yf.i\H.S FIXED RAT!-: 1 •"', [)()~']'\' Dtft.EX SUEPEI Talk abnul value ht'n's a dupll'x m Corona del :\Jar 1m<'(.1d at JUsl ~.51KI' Cult' 2 bdrm t•oll<igt· l'lt•a11 and n1<·cl~ <IN·orall'cl plu:. ,1 I bdrm apartment Gn•al llwal ion . 2 hlorks from shoppmg (hHwr \\1 ll fmant·e ''Hh 25' • tlmn1 SWIMGtMG TEIMS ()\mt•r \\111 least.' option. t arry a ~or t•arry an .\.I r D. tu help ~ ou bu' this .,mart Wl'stcltff condo t"Oiivenientl~ loC'alcd near shopping and tran:.µortatron 2 b<lrms pmate patio. Isl floor Sl~l.500 CORONA Da MAil LOTS Otean and ba" ,·icws from the:.f.' 4 <.'Onllguou.o; R·i lots hidden away m a pri\'ate (.'Omer or Corona dcl )Jar. Can be purchased separately at $.595.IKIO t'aC'h or all togl'ther fo r Sl.9511.CUI <hmer will finance with 25', clmm. FULLY LEASED INVESTMENTS lalSTRl.M. IUILDIHG Hi gh visibility corner location. Connete tilt-up t'onstruct1on only 4 vears old and rucelv maintained. i\px 15.300 sq. rt.· leased to 4 tenants all with C P .I. or com pa r abll' adJ us tm cnls $1.13.1.IXXI. CO.IBCIAL IUILDIMG On Marine /\vc .. Ba lboa Is land. Attractive brick building leased lo JX>PUlar Mi one's Restaurant plu~ 3 apartments. $498.000 own er wi II finance. SHOPPIMfi CINTll CPrime corner location on Wesl 19th St. in Costa Mesa. Interesting tax ronslderations with long term land lease. Owner will finance. m.1n.1. 17 I 4J 673-4400 121 ll 621•2121 Tiit HertMH-Arte's "-tnt hNMitlltd .... h .. t;Ofllll,., OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-5 Harbor View Hills 1300 SANDCASTLE CORONA DEL MAR Spoic~ ft popular 2 11ty l~k 'Ourlln11ame." <I HH. 3 &. ram rm. bl1t bonw. nu, form din rm. 2 fplt' F'~ hllld T~rnflt' Cllll)On \1C\\ ~.Wl. D~ CAMEO SHOUs.lOCATIOM PLUS View of C'oasl li nt'. Jl'l ty & offshore islands with access to sandy be<Jch below. 2 fa mily rms 5 RRS & den with wet bar & parquet floor. CU!)tom designed pauo with pool. $3,200.000 Fee L~nne Valentine 644·6200 ( U39J IAYFROHT A home with the ultimate reatures for a luxurious lire style. 60' boat slip. 3 BR. faro rm & fo rmal dini ng. Stained glm,s cverywht•re. J ennat re. centra I 'atuum & air cond. marble fpk, extensive security !>ystem.5. bays1de patio & 2nd story bulf'ony SI .750.000 BohlJt Ryan 752· 14 14 (( >40) HEWER MEDITERRANEAN IAYFIONT Dot·kmg for an 80' ves.sel plus bay boat ' Water ,·1ev. from all main rill!). ~laster suite 1s a separate wing & has sitt ing rm\\ fpk. 4 BH. plu~ rnnve rtible library den all w pm <Jte baths. Price indudes lht• land & is the largest lot on promonlor~ bay Owner f1nanr1ng a' illlable lo qualified buyt.'r al under the market rate A..,~ing SI. 700.000. OPF..N HOUSE SUN Di\ Y 1 ·5 -842 llarbor Island Drive Promontory Bay N ewporl Beach. Larry, Dyer 642 8235 IAYFRONT Shcltt•rt•d b~ I larbor Island +. ~l ain bav \ 1cv. w fam rm & pool ·great for entertaining. $1.4lK.l.OOll Lii Seller v.ill help w fina ncing For Ap pl. on security Island t'all Dona Outhester 00-8235 (I> 12) LUXURY OfffRJHG OH Spyglass Charming Southt·nurl model w breathtaking 180 tlcgm.:. ''W'-" or ocean. Catalina. Newport 11.urbor & coastline \'lsible from rmsl room-; 5 lg UH. 41:? BA. 3 c<Jr garage. pool & spa and much rmre Sl.100.000 ~hrna Room 5.51 ·irlm 11).131 SEEING IS BELIEVING llarbor H1dgt• finest "Dt'\on s hire ~lode!" Tht• 1Jt•an•f11l dl'ror & p<1nor::im1t· \'le\\ \\111 transform \'OU.I' lift> sl\·k Air rnnditionccl. ~ecu rtl\ ~v:.tl·m . guarded rommum·l~. al .. Bu~ t'r!> .. price of S750.000 lklen Wood 644 -6200 (00 1 YOU OWN THE I.A.HD & BOAT SLIP· OPI!.l"'\I llOLTSE SUNDAY 12·5 IO Balboa Coves Nt•wport Beach S595.0UO . l mm<lt'U la l e & beautifullv furnished home on a !landy beach 1n a p r i\'ate c·ommunity. Profess ion a I ly remodeled. Ma ry Lou Marion 642·823.5 ( 045) SI00,000 PRicE RB>UCTIOH MOW $495.000 Custom tri le"el 3 BR. 3 BA plus guest Seller rmancmg. 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar. Open Saturday & Sunday 1·5 Martha Macnab 642-82.15 < D46 ) THE CAREFIH LIFE One of a kind offering m Woodbridge. Simply stated trus home 1s the finest. Li ving here features 5 BR. 3 ba. & the most magnif1C'enl park-like yard in the area. A must for seeing. $354.500 Susie Weiss Si'>l-8700 (047) HHIMSULA DU,LEX Fabulous financing • excellent location near Balboa pier . 4 BR up, 3 BR down. Good income producing, no maintenance. Only 10 years old. Good condition. $325.000 Julie Van Wieren 752·1414 (048) CHARM, LOCATION A.MD ~These are yours in this highly upg r ad ed J.M. Peter's home in Northwood. Cul·de-s ac location. cus to m sh\tters & draperies. spa w /brick decking & much more. $250,000 Myrna Boom 551·8700 (049) mlCID TO SILL Bayshores 5 BR. ramily room. Great potential · room to add • 2 sizable patios. Bean and bricks. Low $299,000 L.H. Beverly Morphy 842·8235 (DiO) + con RU\LTT 1 mvtjmrm conrnnr FROM TOP TO BOTTOM .•• Ttl AtlST flJMES IN NEWPORT BEACH HAUOllSUMD S.luutcd in lhe finest location in Newport Beach. this very spcc:iul home offers 4 flt•drooms . 5 Ba lhs a nd over 5.000 !>(juurt-feet or the· most lux uriou lifestyle avrulable. A pwr antl s hp t-0 <.H'l'Om modate up to a 100 foot boa t aud nN1rly 116 of an aC're right on the main dtannel $5 M1lhon UNDAISU In a \\Ord. SPEC'T:\C:ULAH This brealhll:lking tx1yfront mansion ts lllluatt>d 111 one of Tll E best lo('at1ow. 111 all of South<•rr) California. Breathtaking \'lt'WS from t•n•ry 1mix1rt:rnt room with fi Bedrooms and m'l'r fi,;)()() squart• feet. s:11; M illton HAllOR RIDGE 'llus fabulous l'ountry Frerwh Es t<lle . wrlh over 5.300 ltiet of tht.· f1ne~t traft~m:.insh1p you havl' l'\H ~een utdudt>!> TllE most panoram1t vie" of Nt.'wport ,JI arbor· <lllll lht• Patrftt· a' all<lhle I Bedrooms. 4 1 2 Bath::. + 2 Spa,., S2 :1 ~hlhon Ol'EN SL'N 1 5 3 San Sl'l.lasl1an llGCAHYON If t:ountr) Engll~h and f>l'l\':J<'y ;u·e your requ1remenls. this fi.2tMJ Mttrnn• foot mun:.ron \\1th new pool and spa. 1iMlonth1:~01f t'otlr!>l'. h tht• answer 5 Bedrooms. 4 1 ~ Rath.'>. 2 lanul~ room., ,11111 .,t·t·unt~· fit for a king $2 J .\1ilhon UDO ISU Simply lh1· f11w:.1 walt•ifront home. reason a hly priced, on Lido a,·:.qlablt'. Ovt·rsi~l'd lo t with southern CXJX>sure and your o"n pier and slip. 5 Bedroom~. 41 2 HCJths :md spedal'ular open t'eihngs reaeh1ng to the rroon lfl'G E al>:-.umable loun S2.25 M ti hon UNDAISU F'i.nanl'ing ;.111d illl that got•:-, \\1lh a 5 Bedroom. 5 li<1th honx• -;1tu<1tt•d 1m lht· ~lain Channel in :"iewport II arbor With a gll<Jl'fh:d gate ancl p1t•r <ind !>lip for a 70 foot hoat. this g1•11tcl'I homl' off1•rs the \'t'r ~ best in waterfrnn11r,·1ng Ownt·r v.111 tarry SI KS M ir wn llGCAHYON i:t·rd wd o~ lh1• nw~t t•xtlus1n• rnuntry elulJ lair" ay m Southt•rn lahlorn1a. this fi Bedroom home features a nl'itom pool and 111tomp<1rable 'tt•w of the golf ('Ourse Scparntt• 2 l>t•tlroom quarlt•r:-. with den and an t•normou~ btlll:trtl room Ov.rwr \\Ill T H:\DE '' S18 '.\Ullio11 llG CAHYOH .Ju::.t a th1p ~h11t a\\CJY lo the ilh green. this a\\ ard \\inning tlL'ilom hnml• t!> des1gm·d for the• ~oph1st1<:ated muple \\1th no <'htlclren O\'cr 1.000 square reel with a ~arded gall' and <ill lht• amt•111ties you would expect, mdudtng a sit clown twr O\\nt.·r will finance SI 75 ~till ion twllOR RIDGE This bl'<Julllul t·ountn Fn·nd1 manor with I bt.'droom ..... 1 lamll~ roon1 dt·n ilnd separate stud~ o(frrs a grand on::in 'It'\\ .111d trul~ e~lale pride Propl'l'b srtuatl'd 1111 lht· lot. th1!> new homt' ad1ltllonall~ pro,1dl's a g<Jrcfton solanum and ga1ebo ~l:PEH Fl ~1\:'\l'l~C . Sl.5!15 OPI·:~ Sl ';'l;D:\ Y I 5: 7 Trafalger llGCAHYOH ,\rlJ01111ng a 2:!.'i ac·rc· prl\ale park 1you don't ha,·e to ('Ul lhl· gn1.,.,• I this Ii Bedroom.:; nath c·ustom home I w1oc·t·up1t>tl J111I ready lo mm t' in O\'er 5.5011 square feet \\llh it .... own PHl\'ATfo: pool and ::.p<J. you 'll never rind a twttt•r ll.1m1l" honw OW~F,R FI NANCINr. SJ .595 Million OJ>Jo:~ Sl':\I> \\' I .) lo llilleresl CHE.AaJ DOVEi SHORES Out of the flight path. thi:-. 1·u.,tom home offers nearh I.I ACH£S \\1th a pm·atl' µool ancl spa Hoom for a tennis t•ourl " llurr~. this \\nn't last O\\nt'r \\Ill fm:..nl·t· Oil I raclt• S985.!"kl llGCAHYOH 'fhi~ m<1,1.!111f11·1•111 former l>t•aU\ illl' model h<J s ti all O\·t·r3.400:.quan· ft'l'l \\1lh :1 lkdrooms. 3 Baths and a f<imily room Pl.L'S a 1>m<1lt· pool spa A:-.:D sauna ExC'eptwnall~ prl\att• ~.ml urHJ large a:>l>umablt• limuwing SX!l5.!Mkl J llGCAHYON Exqui:;;ite in t•\wy clctail. lhis l':<pandcd Monato model (3.00> squarl' fel'U offers 3 bt•drooms. 21 ~ Baths and a \1EW all l hl' way to Catalina !! Hardwood floors abound with bright rooms throughout 1mulliple skylitesl O\\ller rinancing arnllable Priced lo sell al $75.IXX>. OPE~ Sl':-./Di\Y I ;, i Rut• l'h~rtcau Royal UDO IA YFIOHT Beautifull~· ap~xunted home with 2 bedrooms and den µh.t'i 3 full hatl1-; situated HIGllT ON the Lido Channel \\1U1 a prizt'<I hoal slip ml'luc!ecl Nearly 2.600 squar e ft~l of lwcur~ tnduding a "no \\Ork " kitchen ' llUGE a.<;sumable f111anC'tng a\'atlable $595.000. WEST NEWPORT DUrLEX Sparn1us and eh.•gant wa terfront home with 7 Bedrooms tof 2 units of 4 3 I with its own Pier a nd float. This excellent property l'an provide wonderful income or an oppottunity to live on the water with a huge fa1111I~ COl\ll'LE.i'E OWNF.R FINANCING S545 .000 lfGCAHYOH An end unit townhome m H1g Canyon pro\•tdes an ove~1zed vard and enormous pn\'al'y that '::. JUSl v.hal th.ts 3 Bedroom. 3 Ra th Bordeaux model offers . Over $250.CKXI of assumable rinaneing. it ·s the 'best buy in the Canyon. $.S<X>.000. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5: I Rue Fontainebleau IUY /WSE/IEHT /SHAIE This elegant Villa Balboa condo offers 2 Master Suites ";th all amenitieS'. Security abounds . The owne r will listen to ANYJ'HJ NG! ! Rent for $1 200/Month ($600 each person ). or LEASE/OPTION or ow ner will take a Mercedes/Porsche or Bo a t as a d own payme nt. Sim.In.I. MEWPOIT CllST ()'foring 4 Bedrooms. 212 Baths. tennis a nd a pool and spa, this MUST be the best buy in Newport ! Presently moccupied. the owner will provide large financing ror a qualified buyer. Can you believe a Newport Be ach home for only $225,000? '? . WIST CUFF This lovely 2 Bedroom. 2 Rath townhome is unoccupied and was recently rt'duced in price. A private location 'Mth VERY private pool, this is THE BEST BUY in Newport Beach. RIDICULOUSLY large. assumable loan at l2W''4 interest for 30 years. S1Z3,000. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5: 1214 Rutland Road 11 4 A¥91DA CUMIH llUf H Ofllt4 SUM I ·S LIASl/Of'T10N OI SAU Only $15 .000 l>own L a r ~e Assumublc Lo1tn With 30 Ycttr f'i xed Rate. Owner Will C1trry lar~e 2nd T.l> At Low Interest Lovely 3 BR End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt 1Jnmed1 atc Po~s~ss 1on O nl y $210.<XX>. U RUl FOMTAINULEAU llG CANYON OflfH SUM 1-5 F1naJJy ! A Big Canyon Dov<•r On The Market! Huge Mast<.·r Uedroom -Mirrored Dressing Hoom & Bath Pvt Guest BR & RA i Oen Beautiful Decor Shows Like A Model -Pride Of Owncrsh1µ C>.Yner Agent Will ~'inanc·e Pm·t·d Under Market Value Al $425,000 1993 POIT SUIOURHE HillOR VIEW HOMES OPfH SUH 1·5 New Listing Corner Lotatw11 Great Curb Appt.•al Carrnt•I ~l ode I J BRs. Skylight In F H Ver~ Secluded Yard. Comm 1-'ool & Park At End Of Bltx:k. Call l{(•garcl ing Outstanding Fina1i<.·1ng .\sk1n g <Ally sttS. <XX>. 542 HillOR ISUHO DRIVE PROMONTORY IA Y OflfH SUH 1-5 Custom Bayfront. F 1-.: E LAN U Parquet Floors. New Carpt-t~ 3 BRs Pl us Con\'. Den 31 ~ BA Sep D.R. Huge ~·. R. W Wet Bu Kitchen W Pantry. Brk fst Rm SaWla 3-Car Garage Wood Uetk Bay, Doc·k Ownrr Will Ctirrv l.rg 2nd. $1 .41'XJ.0(N) 2067 VISTA DEL ORO ILUFfS OP&t SUH 1-5 Lovel\' View 2 Hedroom. .... 2 Bath:-. Eild Unit Dec-orator Wallpapers. Drapes Plantation Shultt•rs Super f'inan<•ing Large AssurP.ahle Low Int. Loan Shows Like .\ ~t•\\l•I -$235,IXlO. :\ "Joy Of ~(.'\\'J.lOrt . Usung. 2752 UYSHORE DllVE IAYSHORES OflfH SUH 1-5 Prirre Bavfront \'iew Pier. Dork Quality 5. Bedroom In Des1rablt· Gated Community. Prt\ate Bea th Beautifully ·pgraded. E\'cn If Purchased With Land . $2,071i.OOO Total Pnce Is Less Th an ~:qual Locations \Vith Equal .\ mcn1t 1<·s Priced At $975.<XXJ Lcast•hold 1412 SY&W>E TERRACE IRVIHE TERRACE onH SUH 1-5 Secluded Gardens & Trc.•cs \\' H1°1tk Pat10s. Sunm Glass Entloscd -1 BH Home p,-, (iatt•d Entl'r~ Hardwood Parquet Fir!. & Fn•11C'h Doors. YOL' OWN Tll E I..\~ I> Exclnt Finanl'tnl-! :\\mlablc \-.king SI78.tXX>. 510 VIA FlORIDA SAN ClEMENT£ OPEN SUH I· 5 Cat.alma Sunsets In San (.'lcmentl' Ocean Views Everywh ere Gn·at Location H ardwood Floors Imported Tiies 3 Bedrm + Offl<'e $282,(00 Existing 1st T 0 . Offered At ~.000. MEW USTIHG HEW HOME Spectacular Custom Built \'1t•\\' Home Private Security Gated Location In San Clemen le. ~00 Sq Ft -4 Bedrmc; -3 F1repla<'es Solarium Hot tub -Exercise Room - Maid's Quarters -You Mu st See This Breathtaking Home Built On ~4 Acre & Priced SIOO.I)()() Under Value For Fast Sale l'all Now To ln5pect. llG CANYON -VIEW! Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To Towenng Door Leading To ~larhlc Entry. Winding Staircase & Spac. L.R. Large D.R. Den W !Fireplace. 1-iAge Master BR & BA. Plus 3 Add 'I BRs. Big Lot W, Paddle Tennis C.Oµrt . Mountain, Ocra n Views . Reduced To $825.000. COIOMA Dfl MAI DUPW Recently C.Ompleted Custom Home W/Used Brick Fireplace. Mex. Tiies & Vaulted Ceilings. Master Suite W /Cathedral Wi ndows & 'ITeetop Views. C.Ozy. Secluded 2 BR ,Rear Unit Plus Poss. Guest Quarte rs' Great Financi ng . ~.(XX). SA"1' A AHA IA.aGAIM One BR Condo, Adult Living. Upstairs Unit W /Deck. Cloae To AlOI & Spa. Walk To South Coast Plaza, Just Reduced To $69,000. Agent/Owner. 759-911 uc.,... ........ .... ,..c.-. . HOUSES FOR SALE I IR,,... LOFT •10 Navarr('. Irv int• IW> V'.XXJ 149.950 Sat Sun l 5 2 IEOROOM 117 Mannt> Ave. Balboa Island hi3·00l $295.000 Sun I ·5 moo Cart1µ<11wt . ~ll!:>!;.IOll \'ll'JO ~ fm;1 $22!!,(KKI Sun I ·•1 16.51 M.tf"amar. Balboa Perun Pt. NH IH2·5200 $:l:~l.(MNl Sun l 5 1211 Rutland Htl. Wl·.,1l'11fl . NB G10 57Ti Sl2:!,(KIO Sun I 5 l21i7 Pat'1f11'. l(,!;.la :'lll•sa liJl MIKI $185.IKKI Sat Sun I 5 -1 ~1<.'lod~ I Jl. I l'\'1111' fi75 5511 Sl·l!).(Joo Sal Sun I 5 2 BR plus FAM RM or OEN •:Q Sunlight. T11rtll·rot·k. l1·,·111P !65 :!!~Hi S2fi~.!r.1:'1 < lµt•n Sun !ti Ii • * 10 Balhoa I 'II\,., Balhou ( 'o\'t'!;.. ~B 1~12 8:!3.5 $5!15.1.100 Sun 12 5 l!JSan<l l>oll.1 r ''"Pt Tl'fl 1 ~B lii5 liOAI Sl2:i,!IOO Fl'l' Sun I 5 1·109 Dolph111 'l\·rrat'l'. In 1111' Terran· ( 'd :\1 t»I 6~ I ~1511 OW Ft·t• Sun I :; :~mt \'1!;.La l'u.1011 \pl l kh 7;~1 1:!'21 ~ll.1.\KK) Sun 1 ,°J * l!I Curl l>m l' .1 ;.-.mmt• (.'i t•t•k . ((l.\J t~U 151~1 I ::!8 .d."tl ~<tl !-tun 1,1 ,I i">l llam11lo11 \ I, t'o:-.1<1 ,\h•sa 15!1 1501 :1t:rn~i1 1 S<•t Sun 1 :; ~1 'f'n·1m11t. l':111wo Short·:-. l'd.\I ().1-1 !.KW S5H5.IN."1 Sal I. ~o 5 ux ~<llldhar . .l;.-.n1111t• Cn•1•k. t'd:\l l :'i!J l~Jli Sl-15 UOll Sal Sun 12 5 :!ill! l lJll-.1dl•. ~l'\\ port Ht·al'h lil2-82:1.'> ~fi:i.IMJIJ Sat Sun I 5 3 1.1 l!Jth ~t Balhoa l't•nm 1rn I llMI $31!1 IUI Sal Sun I 5 2 BR pfvs INCOME lf>t t'htl J>r l..11.:1111a Bt>:irh I~ llli S1111 I I l BEDROOM :;1~11 Holll11\\1111d St . llun1111gto11 l!t•arh ~~ !1821 SI 15.(Jll(I Sun I .) ·I~ \'1M;i f'aradl' IE IHull 1 ~B ~;.11;111 $25,1.!t~1 Sun 12 5 *Ill hp1:11 Ln C(i-.ta .\ll''" 1;7:J.1iil s1~1.;,oo Sun 2 1 Zll.Ti' Por1 !'<tr h !;. It, I tr\' II nl!;. 1 :\ B ms mm S2.<>H5m Ft·t· sun 1 s 510 \'1.1 Fl11nrliJ cTlll' P111nadl') S.1n l1t•m l fi.4-!lli.t S:~1:1,l""' Sun I 5 * * 1:111 B:'''ldt· Dr . .\1:11 "a•. l'd.\I &i-1 'IOt~l 'I IMMl,11110 Ft•t• ~un I 5 l!<k! .\larapula. C'onm;i •kl \lar &12-8235 S228JKlO Sun I'.! 5 701 ( ;oldt•nrod . l 'ororw dl'I .\lar O:ll 11m S:~)l1.1rn S1111da' I .i ~'ti \'1st.1 Flor.1 tlllulb • '\II t-ii:lX'l511 S2 I:.! i t"' Su 11 I 5 1!111 Court \q· \\\pt P1•n \ ll lii5 Ii 111111' fii:i :.!:!!II $.1!r.I O<HI ~al Sun 11 fi u .i2 Ba lhoa Cm l'S, :'\ lkh &t2 52m $.')SO.IOI h •p Sun I 5 -t25 G:nun·sh•r I( ',q'k.' Sl•ru•:-.1 ( ':\1 1>12-.1200 $145.IMIO Sun I 5 19 Bulbou l'o\t•s. ~II 615-liO+~ S.575.llOO St1t Sun 11 fi nl6 ~lcmgolcl. C'<l\I t>lll l521 S:*l.'i,OtKJ Opl'r1 Da tly J .fj ·132 f\tllt•rlon t :\\\pt I !~ts) :-.J B 1).12 52fXI SIHX.500 Sat Sun l 5 212\'ia Ehoh . l.1clo 1-.1('. '\!H 1313-7:~Xl $487,2:!4 Sun I ·I 1 Rut· Font<J111Phll•au Big t'anyon, :\H &10-5777 S.~Jll I.OJ Sunday 1-5 IR24 Prnt Stirling llrbr \'11. NB &W--1910 S22S.OIX> r ee Sun 1 s ~US '.'Iona. ~ewport Brh 1 Blurfs I 64-HXX',O S.115.INX"J Sat Sun 1-5 2Hi lris. Coron<J dcl Mar 1»4-7211 S3.50.000 Sat Sun I ·S .ll~ Columbus Cr, 01rona tlel Mar bi3-H.~Xl S.110.!~Xl Sat Sun 1 5 17Z3 Pl:.11.<1 del Sur. Bal Pl'lllt1 631 I IOU $295.IXIO Sat Sun 1-S :m"l "St. Balboa Pcnin. NB 631-14~1 $438,CXlO Sal Sun 1-5 l'.l2A Occ~m. Corona del Mar 631 14tXJ Sl.3.50.000 Sat Sun 1-5 u t l26 E. Bulboa Pl lnalPeo l Nwpt Bch 1-524-5980 SJ.350.000 Sun 1-5 466 Broadway, Cost<1 Mes<1 673-5.154 $155,001 Sun 1-5 3 IR plln FAM RM or DEH l2A Via Ithaca. Lido Isle. NB 675-4562 $695.000 Sun 1-5 33721 Old Rndge Ht>ad. Dana Poi nt 496-4171 $20,'l.000 Open Sun 1-5 ?"lOl llarbor View tHVHls I NB 5.52-1714 S635.~ Sun 1-5 Q) Dahlia. Corona del Mar 631-1266 Sunday 1-5 alJO Sh1pway Ln. llaycresl. NB 642·823.S $380,000 Sun 1·4 2127 Araha. EastbluH. Newport Beach 642.s235 $279 .500 Fee Sun 1·5 a;u Circle Dr, Bayshores, N R 644-9060 $349,900 LH Sun 1·5 •lar7 Olen Cir, Costa Mesa 6«).9900 $229,«XX> Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Mareh 14, 1982 DIRECTORY 'ct_, !Wt 11-'r 41r-Ktwy wlell r• llllt ......... • ,_ p ~' ...... Al Ille lee..._, ••W ~· -4t~ii. ...,.-.... lly ............. ..._Ill....,., OAll.T N.OT WANT AH.,...._. *• .. .,.... ......... for .... w,..., -~ ................... "'!Wt < ... _ .. s .... , -is~. 4.511 Camden (('ameo Shores> CdM b73-7761 sirl5.mo Sun 1 .i 4COJ Inlet l~lt'. l'oronu ckl Mar li-14 li200 Sl!IH.500 LI I or $378,000 ~\'t' Sun 1-5 ~ liohJt·nrod .\vt', llarbor Vtt.·\~ Hills. CdM G44 G2<Xl S:r75.000 With lan<I' Sun 1-5 120 Shorel'11ff Hd. Shon·cllff. uni f>14 ~NKJ<I Sl!l5,0lXI Sun I . 30 5 • 125 llro:Hh\;H' n: S1rlt• I l'M 1;,16 ll)9 SHi7.500 Sun I 5 ~1 CJtalpa, Npt Heh t I': bluff 1 75!1 1221 S.110,000 Ft•t.• Sun 1-:i 18T~i Hal'IJlll't Ln. ll1111tmglon lkh ~~1 li7ffi $15!UIOO Sun I ·I IS.'ili2 \\'tlson . .\l1d\\<1\ l'1t' !lfi:l 1\767 ~l.!150 . • Sun I ·I 15.521 Sunclwik'" Westminster !l\J h/67 SIW.2SO Sun I 5 l~XI Com rmdon· Hd. Ha vc-rest , NH 1rn 1471i S:ltiO,t~)() Sat Sun 1-5 118 \'i<1 <~uito 'I .tc lo) ~ H 6i5 ~I S72.'i.ooo Slit Sun I Ii •17 Shoal Dr, l'orona tll·I .\far 7ti0 175li S:JH5.<KXI Sat Sun 22JI Ht'<lland:-l>r. tllack lb~·1 :\TB fi:)l 18.51 $25.5.IN)') Sal Sun 12-5 2 4 ~ I B u n ~ ii . N l' \\ p o r l B c· h 1 ~:.1s1 bluJ fs 1 fii5 1771 S:n5,(KMI Sunday I I 1700 \hramJr. Hulboa Pl•n Pt. N Ii fi-12 52tX.1 5:.125.IXXJ Sun I 5 l~l c;ala>.~ 1 l>m't•r Shon•s I NB i),12 ~-I S-IHS.INKI Fl'l' Sal Sun I 5 • lcll~ Galuxy Dr. Dmw Shores. ~ B IH2 2.510 S73!J lllkJ Ft>e Stil Sun I ;, l5 Huslling \\'incl. Trtlrk . ln·mC' 75!1 15111 $28<),()(10 Su11 I 5 18-12 1'<111 \\'l•sl ho11rn1•, 11\'l I. :'\ 1;3 75!1 15111 Sl-11,1)()() Sat Sun 12 5 1721 l~ngs Hrl. C 'liffhan•n. ~ B ISH 1501 Sfi'l'W.111 Sut Sun I 5 ~ill He<llan<ls f E Suk 1 D I 1;121~'1>8 SM!l.!1110 Sat Sun I 5 :>tG llarbor Isl l>r· f Prom Ba v J :\1 B i5!1 !llf)) SI. llNU)()) Seit' <;u n I 5 * 1!1!13 Prt S1•,1hournl• c 11\'llomc!;. 1 \l~ 75!1 !ll!Ml S2:l5.l~kl Sat Sun 1 5 '8:n ('ro~·clo11. C'osta !\I l'"" 1~11 73iO SI 11.!JOO Sun l 5 f~ Orakcs Ba,, NCorona dl'I Mar ,ft4l).!~KI S .fl5.IXKI Sat Sun l -1 2113 .\lira •. 1ar. l'cnin Pl. ;\l B b75 611H S.125,000 Sul Sun I 5 120 Shore<'hff Hd. Shon·d1ff. NB f>~I !)(Im Si-1~1.llllll Sun 1 311 5 1515 l'umfl('rland 1Wcstd1ffl ~fl :~101151 $2 1onm Sul Sun 12 4 1510 \balrnw. Balho:1 hla11d ti7:1 li!Klll S57!l,!MJO Sat Sun I 5 I t:li S<.n•nadl· TNr Cd\I lii5 :.1.111 S.ll!l.:}jKJ Sat Sun I 5 u J1f5 Ckean Ill. Coron a ciel :\Ja r tii:l :i:l.'°>I Sl ,2.'iO.IKlll Sat Sun I 5 3 BR plus LOFT 214 ,\rneth\.'-l. Balbou Island t~~l-!O'~l $4!!8.1100 Sa t Sun 2 5 ~it:I H('dlanrls 1 Back Ba v 1 0 1 . 1;11; 71()i Sli!l,HINI Sal Sun I 5 3 IR plus GUEST ~11 Waterfront. Corona clel :\1ar 1~12 823.5 S4!lS.fXK.l Sat Sun I 5 4 IB>ROOM Z3:l Poirt'iell1a. CdM 67:l-4271 $1)95,0<K> Sunda~ I -1 7Trafalgar. llaroor Ridge. NB &10·5777 $1,595.000 Sat1Sun I 5 3San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge. NB &10-5777 S2.3 Million Sat Sun 1-5 l531 Almond, College Pk . Irvine 644-4910 $169,900 F'ct• Sun 1-5 14l2Serenade Terr (Ir\' Terr) CdM 75!}.9100 S.178.000 Sat Sun I 5 lffi Via Ravenna. l.1do. NB 631 141Yl $445.IXKl Sat •Sun I 5 :0l2 Delaware Place. :\1esa Verde. 01 545 9218 St~.5()() Sat. Sun 11 5 132 Via Undine. IJdo Isle. Npt Bch fl7!l-4271 $42.5.1.XX> Sunday 1-5 4 IR plus FAM RM or DEN #11 Crockett St. Northwood. Irv 640-6.586 $179,500 Sunday 12 4 (XX> Begonia. CdM ~1-1266 Sunday 1-5 l>l La Jolla Dr. Npt Bch 015-5.511 $450.000 Sun l-5 •3448 Santa Clara Cir CMsa Wds) CM 979-2300 $1!1J.<XX> Sun 1·5 m Maryland Car C Mesa Verde) CM 979-2390 $100.500 Sun 1·5 14 Monterey Cir. Corona del Mar 640-9900 $399.500 Sun 1-4 ~Cassia. N~ Uch 64().9900 $2913,950 Sun 2·5 l) Sunlight CTrtlrk ) Irv SSl·m> ~.000 Sun 1·5 u842 Harbor Island Drive, Prom Bay,NB 6C2-8235 Sl,700,«XX> Sun 1·5 u ZJl9 Bavs1de 01'1\'c, C'orona del Mar . 1>12-8235 $1,8%,<M)(l Sun I 5 ••~Hj Hayshore, lltty!>hor~s 642-8235 S2.lXX).(Xkl Fee Sun l 4 311 18Cherry l1 1lls. Big Canyo11. NU li44-906o St .:1!15.000 Sun I 5 l itXI Hlut• Kt·v. Corona del Mar &14·6200 $.t50.<XMI Sun 1-5 a.I S<ilzburg. I lrhr Hdg. NH 644-62i.XI $575,000 Sun 3-1) •1715 Galatcu Tl·rr. Irv Terr. Cd M 6-l-t !XXiO $4!JH.OOO LI I Sun 1 ·5 **1617 Havs1ck Dr . Ya <·htsm<1 ns U1\'C, CdM. 1*1 ~iO Sl.795.000 Su n l 5 :lm :\lad1son. Cost~1 t\lcsa !Wi·2313 $135.000 Sun I 5 •915 ~).!orua. Costa Ml·sa 511) 231J $1(i!l,91XI Sun 1-4 l!lU Lanai, I ~lcsa \'crcle I 0 1 !~!-li767 $3-15,f)()(I Sun I 5 •9572 Woodlawn. I hmlm).!ton lk h ~i-231:1 SIS·UJ(JO Sun 1 ·I ll!ll Kmgslnn 1W1mhhl11 \'lg 1 C~l f~IS 0303 $259.8.">H Sun H •1776 Panav t :\fr~a Vc·nlt' 1 (';\I IH5-03o:J S:J75.lllKI Sun I ·4 *2763 Tl·m Clrdt'. 01!;.ta ~lesa ~>.'°'lf>-1393 $247 .(M~) Sat Sun 12·4 1511 Mtramar. Pt•nin Pt . NH fii'3-~i0 S5!:*5.1.0 I Sun I .5 :Q \'1enna. ~e\\ port lwach l>tlJ-5884 S725.om S<tt Sun 12·5 l.5:1:.1 Tahiti . Laguna Bt'h l!n ~s.1 5.lJ5.INIO Sat Sun I ;, fi.572 Jard1nl• Dr.Frntst_nfnl.llB X.12fr.::!lli $17:!.IWWJ Sal Sun 12_5 a~~5 Templl' I lJ lls Dr. Lag B1·h l!n-s.is.t $695,INIO Sat Sun 1-5 •1~11 AnlrJ.(uu C1rdt'. Nwpl Bl'h 5-18-87~ Open Sal Sun •IU~Tulan• Dr. ~k:ia Woods. <.:~1 !>l6-m22 S 18-UJ(J() Sun l · 5 l!U4 Port Charles. llarbor Vit•w. :"/ B 6.Jl·til~ S319.5tMI Sunda~ 1·5 ?.!2\'ia Kornn fL1do lsll•I NB m2-521Ml Sat Sun I -5 ll>ll Galax\· Or. [)(;,er Short's. NB ~'8-S&n · S42tJ.OCKI Sat Sun I 5 17'.al Candltist1ck I.n t Bvl'rsl 1 ~ B 752-19'l0 S:l24.5m -Sat Sun 1 5 133 \'ia l 'ndmr (Ledo Isle J NB b7S.7298 $73.5.IKMI Sat Sun l 5 UH8 Port ~lanle1gh, 11\'ll, NB 159-1501 S.399.IXXI Sun 12-.5 u l706 1': Ckr:rnfront. Balboa J>mm . .'.'JB h/5-8016 675-Sl 44 Sat Sun 1-5 Hrdl \\l11trsa1ls Wa~. l'd M I 75.ll 1221 S376.5m Sat Sun 1-5 •:!i7!J Tern Cir 1 ~lc•su \'crdl• I (.'!\l ;;,1 3191 $239.IKlll Sun 1 5 ll>I Swihnt• Wa~ llrbr \'u ll ills. l'd~I f~+t-4910 $420.111.IU Fee Sat Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tr<.'l' Hoat.I . Rig Cyn. ~ B &t-l-4!JHI Si50.0<MI ~\'e Sal Sun 1-5 1200 Santwgo Drive. Dover Shor es . OO-R2J.5 SJrn.5m Lii Sal Sun 1-5 21fl Via San Hemo. Lido Isle. NB 673-2556 or 675·3'~8 Sat Sun 1-5 I Narbonne. '.°'l(1wport Beac h. llarbor Rdg 631-140.l S2.200.IKXI Sat Sun 1-5 ll~ Sandcastle. Cmona del M:ir 673-8550 S.550.0<~1 Sat Su n 1-5 ~1 MonlCtuk Cr. llu11lington Bch ~-9597 S227.51kl Sal Sun 12·5 ~Waterfront. Cell\! 760-9333 S.595.()(Xl Sat Sun t!-5 5 IB>ROOM 21 Monaco. Harbor Ridge. Ne wport Beach 644-6200 $750.fXXI Sun 1-5 ~I Basswood. E Rluff. NB 673-7:.XI $2:32.lXIO Sun 1 ·5 ••7~ Via Udo Nord. Lido lslt>. NB 675-6161 $1.500.000 • Sun I ·5 •824 W. liay, Peninsula 631-1400 Sl.495.000 Sal/Sun t-5 :m Poppy Ave. Corona del Mar ifi0..0452 $.598,S<Xl Sat/Sun l ·5 5 IR ,._ FAM RM or OEH ~Poppy. Corona del Mar 631-~ Sunda v 1 5 16 Rocky Point. Spyglass. Corona del Mar 644·6200 $2.100,000 Sun 1 ·5 37 Silver Crescent. Trtlrk Hinds. f rv 752-1414 Sun 1·5 ~San Juan !Mesa del Mar ) CM 54()..USl $16.5.000 Sun 2-5 •rm Oriole. C.Osta Mesa 546-2313 $299.000 Sun 1-4 6 • ... FAM RM or Dlt4 •B Via Lido Soud. ,Lido Isle.NB 644-~ $850,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR W.E J-.OOW LS Evenlnc Soog, Irv (Trtlrk ) · 8'7S-S6ll 1174,9'J sun 1·5 ~17 Shanlar, C.Osta Mesa 556-1393 $257.000 Sunday 12·4 1700 Highland, Newport Bch ~ Sun3:00PM 1448 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NR biS.2373 $1 ,400.000 Sun 1-4 ta> Via Lorea. l..1do Is le. NB 673-7l:Xl $4!j8,5<XJ Sat/Sun l ·4 ~ Via Amal)<1l<J. San Clemente 66H~H $350.000 Sat/Sun •70 I Ii II crest, Big Canyo n. Newport Bch 640-5777 $1,595 MillionSal/Sun 1·5 1-52752 Dayshore Dr IByshrs> NB 75.9-911X> $975.000 Sat/Sun I ·5 •41 Bodega Oay, Corona del Mar &if).~ $639.500 Sat/Sun 1-4 442 Begonia. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $.595.000 Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 •17 Mwr Beath Cir, Spyglass, Cd M (iM-9000 $2.400.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 ID! Krngs Pl. Newport &al·h b7J WYl $790,000 Su n I 4 2 IEOROOM •a~> Ulo<:k of Santa Ana A, •• C~ta ~ll'Sa 631 61~ $129.500 Sat Sun 11-5 ~Wt.·st Wilson. #13. Costa Me:ia &75-1771 SIO!UXJO Saturday 10-4 •2.5 Canyon Island, Big ('yn. ~ B 673-7:lX> $26.5,lkXI Su n I ·I. 30 Z!T7 Pac1fk .\vc. Costa Mesa 6731:.x1 Sl89.mo Sal Sun t -4 'lLrl Pa1:1fi t ,\\·<.·. Costa ~le~a ti7:J730:J -s1:n ,IJ(JO Sat Su n 1-4 2.n:i Elden. Cosl<1 Mesa 557-4579 SI 17.500 Open S S I 4 411 1 t Dahlia . Corona dl•I :\t ar fi75 551 I ~15,000 Sat Sun I 5 ~1J Van Ness. Costa .:\'les<1 u75 5511 SI I0.51Xl Sat Sun l 5 2 BR plus OEN !l.TLI Barrane<t Cr. \'11la Pacifi c. HB 834-<!!08 Sun 12-5 •lUCrcsl Cu·. l'anyon l'rc!;.t. C<IM 673-8494 SHiS.000 Sun 1-5 •2007 \'1sla del Oro I Bluffs! NU 759·911WJ $2.1.5.fXIO Sun l 5 •501 St Andrt•ws. ~wpt I lt:i. NB b/3 7:nl $162.51.Xl Sun 1 4 •240 N1c-e Lane llJlO. \'1lla Balboa 673-7300 s:~.CXXl Sun l 4 1018 Baysid(.> CMl' East . '.'lewporl Beath &12-82.'\S $48.-1,(XIO Sat I · 5 -1.5 Canyon. Big Canyon. NB 1\31 141Kl $350.0INI Sat Su n I 5 3 IB>ROOM 2559 F Elden Ave. Costa ~1esa 675-1771 Sl5~1.00J Sunda\ I 4 2A15 Nona. Bluff!>. NH - &t-1-9000 S315.0l)() Sal Sun I ·5 rn Dahlia. Co rona del Mar 675 5511 $335.IXXJ Sat Sun 1-5 3 IR plus OEN li6 Genoa . Co~ta ~lesa &12-1523 1s1~.5m Su n 11.s •3U 1\n•nida Curnbrl' I Rluffsl :-..:R 75!1 !HOO 5210,(MNI Sat Sun 1 5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IB>ROOM HJ \'icnna. Nwport Bc·h 040-~.6 $425.00> Open Sun I 5 3 IB>ROOM 15Hl2 Calt•ra . Fountain \"allev 003-ti'i67 $115.CXKI Sun I ·5 873 Village Creck. l'.tll!ta Mesa !W>-2.113 S134.!15<l Sat Su n 1-4 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE I IR p11n FAM RM or OEH lX> E. C.oasl llW) ii 113 Nwpl Bch 675-3347 S60,(XX) Sal/Sun 1-4 2 IBIROOM lM) ~ Coast Hwy #270 Nwpt Bch ti75-3347 $45.000 Sat ' Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 IR plus I IR l!ll 1 C:'liff Dr. Chffha\'en. NB 631 1400 $325,00) Sunday 1-5 2 IR plus I IR 315-3151 2 lris. Corona del Mar 644-0010 S347.750 Sal/Sun 1·5 2 • 2 IEDROOM 2001 Kmgs Road. Newport Beach 631 1400 ·S415,1.XX> Sunda y 1-5 I '4taplus2H tll-43rd St: Newport Beach &14·4910 ' $2.5.C},SOO Su n 1-5 PROPERTY FOR LEASE HOUSES FOR LEASE 3 • ... FAM 'IM or Dlt4 l.8782 Saginaw ITrtlrk I Irv 759-9100 SS.SO/ mo Sat/Suri l ·4 4 • ... FAM lti4 A!:,OIM 20421 Upper Bay Or.~ftta Ana Heigtu tt . ~· • ''· . ~~ $12.25[~ Sat /Sun 1-5 . ,,.. ......... ... : ............. ,. ~ Fl 1 I t n OrlnQt Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mll'Ch 14, 1982 ~ .. $137,000 WARMINGTON TOWHHOME ln Woodbridge 2 doors lo adult pool & spa. t h1:-2 bed 2 bath is waiting for someone to -;teal 1t at the lowest price now ava1labl~ Call Lois l\111lt•r Kll-1266. EXTRAOIDltWtY ANANCING!! <kl tlus picture pretty 4 bed fam. rm. pool & ~pc.1 home located in a peaeeful Mesa \'Heit• community. Sl67.500. Call Lois Miller 63 1-1266 MESA VEIDE Perfect starter or investment property. Assume $2.500 F'.H.A. loan and !)eller~ will earn· SI0.000 2 br dondo $96.900. Call Anne .\l rCasland 631-1266. DOVEi SHORES Beautiful Spanish style 4 bedroom pool home ON FEE LA.'\JD. Loan is assumable and seller \\ill carry large St'eond Price S420.000 Ca ll ANNE '.'vtcCASLA'.'10 631 1266. CONDO WITH VIEW! Deluxe sel'llnt \ t<>ndo Y.ith VIEW . Good fi nancing. Onl~: Sl27 ,!J<IO HAE RODGERS filH.266. ~CWSIVE LISTINGS In :"-JEWPORT llEIGllTS From tear-dow ns to 4 bdrm homes. Call RAE RODG.E RS for inforrmtion 631-1266. SH CATALINA! From this lx'autiful VIEW home. Traditional CAPE COD design with 4 brs. 3 baths. fam . rm & pool ! s.590.lnl with the BEST TERMS! Open Sunday 1-5 R:\E RODGERS 631· 1266 NEWPORT HBGHTS That CHAR}1ER you see and want to own!'. COlP.\'TRY COTT,\G F.: has 1t all p lus 3 car parking! Owner f1nanl'e S250.000 R AE Rorx:; ERS 6.3 l-l26fj IEST COSTA MESA IUY 3 txlr. + fam. rm , remodeled kitchen. Terrific inveslment at $115.500 JACKIE HANDLF.MA N 631-lai6. GOLF COURSE. Ckie of largest homes on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course . . 5txir .. 412bas .. fam . & rec. roo ms. pool & spa .... Pri ced to sell quickly at SiOO.(XX). JACKJE HANOLE~l AN 631-1266. llGCANYON A most unique m ntemporary Cape Cod es ta le on golf course. Features are 7 bdrms. inc I. maids qtrs .. & study, gymnasium . A very discriminating property for very discriminating people. Priced at Two Mill ion. Nine Hundred FHty Thousand Dollars. Call for exclusive showing JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1266. MEWPOllT HBGHTS S 160,000 2 hourses on 1 lot w/good iri-::ome & h igh assumable loan. Submit on down. Curt Herberts n 63l ·l266. CONT'RACTORS EQUIPMENT YARD l},500 sq. ft. land ! 1.280 S<J ft. offi ce. Central OC. terms Call Cu rt llerberts II 631-1266. MEWPOllT HEIGHTS VIEW! Beautifully decorated 4 br home w /nume rous amenities. Owner will finance purchases at lO'k int. for 5 years with 25'7r down. Curt Herberts JI 631 -1266. FllSHI. Y UMODB.ID New Oak noors. over 2400 sq ft of s pacious livin g . Vac. Imme diate occu pancy . Lease/o~ion possible. Asking $325,000 Fee. Call Pete John.5on. 631-1266. MEWPOllT RUFfS IS Piii ~SOM 3 listings to offer. priced from $205.000 to s:rz.5,CXXJ. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266. of Cott• MtM, lr•IRt, 11.,_-i ~8'. g 2l4 l 17 .. Slrttt,,Cott• M9M '631·1266 Independent Member Broker . VU-1.0CATIOM-VU Esptclalty 1_,. tri-lnel llo• wftll bea11tlhl decor by decor•tor .._ Holptalty wt ... ..,. tWs 3 ~ form Clftd Minwtd ~ room, hllCJ9 famlly rOOM pl•s far«J• billard room Miit.. for tht • 'he.ttlt .... .._, .. • .._ room pllas Pri•at. tpa. UNQUESTIONAIU YIEW OF OCEAN AND IAYFRONT cloH·•p. o...r _...._. fMlce. sn5,ooo. OCUJ!RONT HOME 'iWet btachfl OHf -'fft origiMll OWMrt • Ww,,.. In their hOMe. Superior .. ...._.. " oce.. •ww m. tWs 3 btdroolft pl111 bonus roolft ho••. .... COMlnlcffon. OW ccny fl"t TD for tht rl9hf buyer . $725,000. 631 -1400. UDO ISLE Cl.ASSIC ToWy rttllO.wd-' ~ 2-story M h best Mitcltet I UW• ftOYor. ()pH, ~ 4 bec*-oo.a, 4 bafll -'HI 2 patios far ••• t••o:; iii Clftd Giit. StaiilH C)lctss, cnf opal t.an.a. OW flnece with low cadl doW9I pcrp!Mt. $445.000. ~NORTH IAYRlONT- Oftly 4 yeors new with appHli•CJ Werior. Lcrge 4 bec*-OOM. 3 baMt hoiM plus I bedroo111 apart111ut. Thro ~ ~ cfliftcp, 30 Y•• IC>Oft for approailftattly $250,000 aui : Ue at 1 l 75% owner 1110ti•ot.d.. w.nt al offwr-s $480,000. 673-6900. l PIMNSUIA POINT__.Y IEACH DeiclitM Otlr I 00 ft. frOftl btoch, 2 ~OOMI. patio and deck. AH411Mbl. fiiatcing. Priced for iwdiat. salt of $323,500. IAYFRONT-6 IEDIOOMS lhibstndfd -'• "waterlr011t" •iew from ttlis ... and spacious --with by brick patio and pier kw two 56 • yachts. Conuiut location 1111d especialy lar9f liYinC) rOCMft, •••d clring r'OOfl\ lar9f bcr. family "°°"' pM hbld kitdtln. HllCJe -·-Mite with llll'tile fireplace and ~ •lew of .. A ftf'J COMfortaWe floor pi. lllith a Milo:; of pri•ocy! $1.950,000 incWH lmd. 631-1400. UM>A ISLE DIAMA TIC! YenatW ftoor pl.. witll sKWity 'olMi p-i'tcxy of co.tyard .-,. w. ... roc1111 for""" t••o:; In and o.t. Lonly 5 bed-00111 step.down f...tly "°°"' with bcr, pief-and sip. RHIWt fiRaitciftcJ or submit ucha1t9t. Reduced to $1,495,000. aw..--'I ccny ot 101/4% ~. 9CHANnNG WATERFIONT C0t.1rtyard utry h1to coordlHted ~ and fJOOd taste. HicJMIC)Ms of this "°"" illcWt • pmfftsioMI , .. bcr • lar9f f...ily rOCMft, ......... clWltcJ ,,_.-'th finpl11ee, Mparat. C)lcRo.""CMls ...... _. pllll 3 ~. Pier/slip far lcrget-yadlt. OWMr -'1 ccny 1anJe Ide and T .D. Redilced to S 1,500,000. QUIET' '91MSULA "·' Gnat locatb and ~ 4 "*""' 1-lf Oif O krcp lot Oil a pri•afe lmM. R~ed Rel ready to :won i•. $419,000 ... fJOOd t"1M. IEAUl1fUL ON WATll! M.-ccallle qilllty and CJOod t•t. ill tt.h ...... -.,... f.mty --...... water. a.tic Wtrior' -'"' 2 Mdroo. ...... cN larCJf ....... patio wi .. 'Pit..,.... .t fire rillg. Yow OWll boat sip ricpt out yow door kw 4 5. boat. OWMr will help fltl•ce for .,atfied bupr. $611.000 °" ... le.ct. 631-1400. LIASE/OPTIOH OPPOITUMITY! Hew luwy c .. dos, jHt steps to Mtwpart. 19ffv.e .t wtll to l»Hchl .............. ....., ....... 2 ........ towt•w cCMMlo. o...,. .......... ..._of SIS,000. Ca• .-.u.000,... .............. ... .,.. o;t'-.......... far Sllt,000. ,_. ..... cm.do .... ff ..... wt• ...... 9) ......... "_. ...... I or ..... 209•211 ,,.. Sloff.._IW Orange Coast Market Plcxe 4 BR 1 dtnmg rm + Ubrar). 3 dct'b, oak I Ooors ~5.000 4 BR t dmmg rm ~ family rm + s1udy. 2 sty l1V1ng rm. ~pa 411' lot 3 I car garage $725,!><lO TIIESE t'INI-: llOMES m:o all be mspected SUMDAY 1·5 frCMft opet1 houae ot 124 Vlo ltftaco The Lawson Realty .. ~'d'i1t2 Company 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTRACTIVE 2STORY MO-OF.RN APT nr bays, S3115.000 W hltn fabulous fin Sa' e SSS R&IERULTY 12131434-0908 SALF. OR TRAUE Balboa l~land . 9 Hdrm. 5 8.1 (3 Unll!\) 12 blt1t•k lo bay. large• Is l Tl> I 1212•·: MrNash ltt"Jlt). days 642 1334. l'' e~ I 85J.<l189 C(l(N DEL MAR DUPLEX • Mtw °" Mmilet • 900/o ~ •3 Car GorGCJe • South of Hwy ./ • 130/o for 10 Yrs • .... Cottoc)t An amazing 2 Bdrm. 3 ba owner's unit pl~ 2 Br 1•2 ba cot\a~e wtlh _a spa no less! Priced to sell 1mmed1ately a l $255,00>. Call Quick or Lose out Micpt loiley & Associates 644-7211 ou11u :x BY OWN EH MUST SELL! •1t C.sh Offer 67S·:M>631679 9667 BY OWNER ly Owner Duplex l>n ~trn "ldl.' lot Pnde of o" er~h1p llnl location I rtt'1•1I 11n1h•1 market $33'J,51M> I ~Ii ISSl«I Fl'LL<X.' ~:AN \'I t: W •JASMIN t: CH t: Ell.• OWN AGT Fl~A~CW 640-1515 I 7211 5151 "NEW" C:d M l'!)TM BLT 2300 i.q fl Wik tu bt:h,JBr. 312Ba. wcula1 --------stauway. sk) hte\, ljrdn windo"s A~k1ni: $:115,CXXI OPEN llatl) l n 616 Mar11-111lll 640-4521 637 87711 PUii.iC AUCTION MA.MSION See umfer 1069 IEACHFROHT Opett Sat/5'.:n l ·S 3415 Ocean ll•d J bdrm. dt>n lJrl!e 1lt•1 I.. Gordt1t Showplact on the sarul .\nd 'H'"' Opn fue Sunda) 1 t 2.13 that "on : ,•nd ·' ft·l' Poms.oltta 2•, > r' old land O" n1•r "111 ht·l1• 2-sty Cup\.' Cod t llr 31: f In a ti(' l' " h u) •• t Ba. S69S.OOO Exn•ll S1,25C1.1•io 67J.4:.'71 I SEA LION REAL TY 675-5354 R AH OWMll NOW! SI 09,toO Your dream come true. The perfect opportunity to own a nr new 2Dr. 21,2 ba t.·ondo. Eurthtonl' r pt 'g, pvt pa tio. 2 car gar w1elec <Jr oµnr Great loc nr . O.C C. shops. bike to twach Open Sat 10 4 ~ W. Wilson 11 13 i-·or f tnan. info Call Lisa or Jack 111.aa-..arliliJ 675-1771 fASTSIDE COTUGE 2 Bdrm 2 Ba. 1111 crpt . patto cover & garage. :b swnl' PXlsllng financing and OWC \\1th :-mall d1mn Full price SI l!J.;,(XJ H.B. CONDO [4rgl' :1 &lrrn 2 Ba former model. AmPnille~ ineludt• ~ c·ar garage, tumm. pool. J\1C Assuml' existing financing. full price Sl29.900. 631-7370 Trade your T 0 s or pro I perty 111 any slate for Balboa !~land ProPt."rt} ftnatH'tOI! 1;l·org1a MAURYSTAUFFER I BE~~;~~ IN ~!!~~~~~ ....... !?.~~! ~~~~~-~~~ Iii Hor•sty, RJtr. 675-211>6 PUii.iC AUCTION MAMSIOM Set> 11d under IOI.iii ISLAND CllARM 1-:H I Light. t•heer) l'ri rrd right Xlnt 1i·1 m' I 673-0188 CORONA DEL MAR S ,\I. f. 0 R T R \I> f. H\ Cl" ner t"o 2 Br "Ca~ ~es" Condo ~:.1~L"d .. l'O,td '.\le'il un tMlllW~ llO I lot A!>,uma Single Faml'fy 425 ~~~ndo'yst1e _r 5 1L' "1th l<trg ... frm t'tl 1111 hie 11• IM T 0 uwr Oiwti _ room for R\ :".: ~.J.'h ~d .\~kmg Sl2S.OOO" 1th C tta I ll1d<fe·r1· a"·" .1mub1 lli•all\ d ... ~,, 6~-IJ.JI I S25 0011 do"n 20th & 0 lJe lrt't'S and lu!'oh0 IJ ntb1 ,111 t•\e~ ll.'ll !lllH!I Pom1na 640 7464 2 Bedroom, l ~alh. II\ mi:. th" :1 Hdrm '1111: t• Ol.m:n 211r. !Ha Ii;, . .,, I mg room "1th ftrl.'plan'. ~IOI) end un11 " \ t'I\ nt•r Int t rull tro·t-' ~ n1 ~ IUI for a 3 n R 2 Ba d1nini.: area , k11rhcn. ~pcn;il '\111 11111•11 i:ar.i1tl' Sl3H.1NMJ 0"(' q1uc1 nbrhd. R\' ac-ress scntc·e port·h . IH'am a\:ulabh· th1,h11m1· h"' Pl' t71~t33!!37al .\,,uma ble loan c.-ethngs 1hru c.ut :! 1·a1 t ht· h1· 111· r 11' "I •• MESA VERDE '"'Tl agt 642 9065 garaiie A\ltt•ado, fti.: dubhou!'ot'. pool ,ond pul JHr :m;1. a;:.umt• luJn' I l'nt•t• n·du1·t1on. greal frwt trt't''· rn~t· .:aroltn lmg l!,rt•t•n .. plu' th "' ~ Ptfli1Hulo I 007' Nr" roof llomt' m ,., n•ll1•n1 l111·atmn SI la •~HJ '1M 6236 aft hl'\I lt'rtru. on 1mmar f: S1dE> ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt"llenl ni nd11 ion "11hu"nt•r ftnJ111111i.: E'SIDE 3 UMITS 3 ·RR homl' R 2 101 1561 MIRAMAR OHTHEPOIMT 0De11 S.itdoy I • 5 , PRll'f. $215 fMHI J'~uma 642·S200 R2 Pme "alh 111,,.11 SI 19 500 Jdrkte G1l11s '·It· Isl Tru't L) .. ,•d JI ilgl 631 00<.lO u • bt-;im., ran l.'d 1-_1l11m•t, CUO'DLF: t:t> arbund Lhl' fireplace and ha\l~ an m rome too ' Two 1 Bd rmj non l'Onformtn~ un11~ or rermdel into ont• famtl) I home Custom built, hardwood flo <.r' anc ll lari:e room.~ $339.000 642-5200 j PETE ' BARRETI ... REALTY PUii.iC AOCTION I MANSI OM Set> ad under IOtilJ 1 NEW OCEANFRONT ;t I ' Bt1?1test plan for :i h1lrm Jcnmint Crttk I and spa S39S.ooo \1:1 MESA VERDE Sam76017~i I 3!XlllSq ft 5 Hr+ f.11111 r m Re mo 1! 1• I+· 11 MUST SELL THIS w l(arden & t·altJ1tJ WEEl<&ID Owner \t'r' flt·\lhlt' r h arm 1 n .: ~ h 11 r m 5257 .500 OP.1'n h1111"· Sun " fabulou~ O<'l',111 "'"'' 12 4 2817 Shani.JI ll1·JI Beaut CdM CJnwn lor l\ Worhl. lll•ac h.,111t• 2 fllJk'S. p\'t b01'h \' Gra re 556 13!13 !.um $2~1\,. m lu" ml f loans Prtl't' JU:.l fl' dured. $330.000 Huth agt _673·8550 760 133-1 Custom bwlt bv owner Beautiful C'ountn fhn«h 3 Bdrm. 3 baths. dmmg rm. famtl) rm I dbl paned v. 1ndows. µiru-out, W W rarpet uig. enrl upper patio. 2 -------· frplrs. IRe 2 rar 1tar 4 Br Townhouse ~st Bw·C.Mesa I Mo'e nglft 111 lo tht~ freshl~ pa1ntt•d a ndl <·a rpetc·!l to" 11hou:.e "' dbl t•ar j?araiu• too ' 10', dwn. no quahfym~. f}Jd unit Good lorat1on Near Sl'hool~ & Fwy Payrrenls are Sll001pr mo O"nr al(I . ll1una Cappel. ti31 1266 w overhead storal(e Must stt to apprer1ate It's Mo llomey-I imt o ~·of ~Id! VACANT LOT ~~2 °b~;31ra'111e:i!t: I Nan F'ryer. 644·29<.!9 Top loralion. steps lo --------• ocean Get ,vour plans and start dm tnJ! nails I Pnred nght al $200.000 Try and beat at 1t s pnred to sell qu11·k Opett Sot I 5'.:" I · 5 Ne" multi (e, el ru:.tum home v. itue•.t qlr~ S5El8,500 Sale nr t rJde 333 Po.P.PY A vt~ 760·6452 RXER UPPJR front row Dolphtn Ter race. Overlooking Yacht Club on Ba y~tdl' Jlr Largest FE!:: lot Builder unablt-to ftn1sh renovallon 30 year finandng 11\'tlllable al 123.~ Need~ approx $150.000 to fi01sh proJet•t PMMSULA POINT Priced far belo" ma rke1 1706 MlroMar for QutC'k sale \'cn tWCM SUMO y I 5 large proht potential Q~ini CapeACod·-2 Allplansapprovtd Bkr Bdrrn.<1, and huge game 1•760-_729'l _____ _ room ~or make it a I ' HIDDa. 2-STORY I MESA \'ER Of. l 'p ~raded 4Br • ram rm , 2 '•ba Sut>t"r fman1·m~ 9l •', OWC 2nd Open Sat Sun 12 4 2763 Tern C r R I' a I t v World Be al' hs 1 cit>. Grace 556· 139J. * MESA VERDE • w1rn POOL AND SPA Sparmus 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Beautiful Jrca $15.000 dn AsktnR $240.000 $1~ mop~ mt PP Agt 1_00-7~_ large master s uite. Dormer windows, picket fence. double garage. Close to beach. ocean and bay. $325,000. COLLEGE PK 3BA --------1 Nr. all schOOls. A1C, Gar Dr Opnr, Nu Roor. 642-5200 I J PETE 1 1 BARREIT ~ $83,000 1n assumable loans. Submit dn pay, NoquaUfyi ng. $125.000 • Wnlh M. Taylor Co • _l!e~ _M,4-4910 LOCA TIOM.P•tC E IOCHSTCIRCU Can)'on C-rest, Just a step to Gelson·s Market, Rogers Gardens and Fashion Island. Most creatin terms! Looksl _______ _ like a model horn SHARP IASTSIDI SlM,000. 6 a. ., .. OPEN SUN l·S "'~ ONLY 15°/o DOWM <.P. · J. I ~~. . arid <IWner wiO l inance ic..11111._ ltec• I 011 ~ aa vnai to qualified buyer Well •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• * tlA.~.1.-...~~·-,,. local~. good look Ing 6 Rare V.A. condo. 2 blocks v ·"'I"""""' unit.s + 4 car garage + to beach, 2bdrm. 2b• up-673~ ample parklnit. Below I I Fi: Dbl gar. pool. spa, limesgroaa. ,000. V.A. or seller! _______ , C41T~644-721 I n1!td. Owner/A11t : ic.._ ....... 1022 ....................... J AS MI N ! C ft £ EK • ....,....~teMmunl· fr. wn. courta. pool, 1111 • d11Mt. Hill_lly I.IP· .,..... Zlr;dto, formal •rm. 2 f'rpk:t p¥t pool ........ "':"Ma.000, OPEN SAT /SUN 11·2 ......... , ' ... ,,. ....... lzTfl II Oii Ult OrllWI c.. DAILY PH.or CLUSIFllD ADS /Jn "<1:,i ' ' \ ~ J " ' ' I • q ·~ J " ' ~ ------- '\;\'\; I JfVt't !irlll" .t)I pr.t"l'll 'aloll' hJ\ 1 dotumenh l.n\\ 1111 " s1211 K hl F 1'1 S149,.'\1111 l'h Ii 15 f.;!1,(, j (l\ITI1·r \1,'l J ~a?i~~~~l2~1~~l~.,. I ~H:.'iA DEL MAR J!Jr pool prt' an Si4,0W1Ha11 al a•, Ask 1n,,e SIJ6 .500 (.l\ITier agent 556 8000 Lf.ASE OPTION SIOK tlwn. Sl,000 mo J lir . 2Ba E Side tiiJ 2482, ~ !'>336 " h1i.:h :is~uma hll· loa 11 I lo" 1n: ratr Onh Slat !AlO Suhm1t tum' l'all Rbl M1ll1k1·11 6311266 1 J Br 2', Ba SI 29.500 F11rrra•r mdl Opn Sun .! 4 I 11 \ s pen L n tiiJTiil SO. COAST PLAZA \"arm & l'Omfortable ~ l.r:~'iE OPTIO~ Hr 2 Ba famth home lllk tln .1.C•K1m.1 3111< .! m1rro \\a\!' l·oH•red h<t 1-:a,1~1d1· JIJ 1111 d ll r a'rt I\' e ~ t • f>.\11 a331i. fi7J :!4K:! I 'UIJ(•r pn l'e SI 35.000 & 911 01 5 1111nt>r "''I help Assumt 2 o·3 K dn " ftnam·mi: i~2 1920 thr.2ha \b'I iifi ~11~1 J 9UAIL CUSTOM E.SIDE PLACE BACl<BAY HOME TRY I 0% DOWN NOPHTIES'· O"nr bldr has 'PJr11d no t•xpense m th1~ nl.'" 1-------• umqut• t·ount~ r:11~lt'h .-..e..J SU,..D"Y 2_5 4 f!d 3 Ra hOmt' 30()(1 'q V'r..,.. n "' fl ol luxul') h' mg " tr•o 28421S• JllOll many amen1t1es to 11,t 13'. F'INANCING A.~km~ $315.000 For P' t 'flu~ big 2 story home s how1nii c·all Glt'11 JUStmadelortheact1vt- llellwarth. a~ 559-9400 famtl} who ne~s lots ol room S btl( bdrms. 3 baths and enormous liv lnR room with ma sst\'t' us~ bnrk fireplace Walk to sc·hools. shop Plnlt. city park. and ten ru!I Ask1n1t $165,000 Call S40 11 I MESA WOODS 1069TUUIE DI. OPIH SUM 1·5 4 Bdrm. 212 bath. family room. bonus room. pool. 2 s tory. $184.000. Ask for Helen Yunker. 546-0020 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March t4, 1982 "-"'-W. He.wllWS. ..,.1.ForWt Ho.HsforWt Ho.wsforS. ~ForWt Ho.u•for W. Ho.Ht for Wt Ott.r .. aUstcrtt ~;~;·~············· ······················· ·········~············· ••.••........•......••. ·••••••··········•····· .....••••••....•..••... •••.••••...•••......... •....•••.............. ·····•····•············ ••••••••••••••••••!~.~~ ~~~••••••••••••!~.~~ L.,_ltecli I 048 wport ltoch I 06t Htwport leoch I 069 Newport .. ach I 069! Newport leach I 06 ~~rt~.~~ •• :!~.~~ ~~ 1600 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ''vp"IS''' WAY UHDH MIT! $5600 DOWN IAYSHOHS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nto..1 PUl.IC Al£TION · l'>PtW11b"RJll IUYS DOVER SHORES MEil UDO UYNONT Opet! S..nda/i 1·5 ss~~.0.000Av WOODlllDGE See~~J~~oos !1!rR~~: [~.~~11~1111~~~. 2 ~k?,~~ rg'['I~~.. 40 foot lot 5 bdrm. 5 bath . Wat<·h tht· ~J,it:.~vh~~~h ••••••••••••••••••••••• C:O-rclol ".,+y 1600 ...................•... NEWPORT BEACH John A: 631 a242 COM DO Nu 0 (' i.' II II \' u 4 13 r 3 car gara!(I' .. lorge Patio. cloubll· llUI u111• SWlSC'l.S rrom ,Your g1ganllr malitl'r N11rrn:1n1h a.· fleau11t'UI up~r11d1:d :rnr 1395,00> 1"31'ah1U Opn Hobby Room Pool med SlZl.wo · suite 4 car g3ra~t· SI . 750 000 \\' 1111 ti~\ '•· 1 1 111 11 Cundo rnd unit w xtra I~ WkJld$ 497 5454 lot twuul landsra!>l'd -oy McCardle, RJtr. 1 11•att 1 t'h 111·' 1 i; n1·1I 100/oDOWM p11t10 "A D11llhou~~· O\\t1tr will a~~1i.f al 1<1trht•11 1h t•1·11 Cull Pi.'11 01.1mero11 $10kDR ·•vow .. er finane1111: 011lyS420.000 541-7729 IAYHONT IHl'Jkfa~1 .tlru\I· :11th 8.440 ~q ft tum rnerrru l with 2 bwld111gs Offc•1 etl al $245.000 Own rr \\111 <"urn "A1lh 1 ~ do\\n ut bdow market rate• Lt•asr w1ophOn 5 yr old ()penSat1Sun 1 4 30 BIG~_. a...1yoa...1 1 Att.enl1un 8.5' yacht owrwrs 4 bdrm . 3 111dudmi: r.•,11t1l m."t•·1 3Br. ~·, ha, dinm~ rm. Robm:wn R1?allu1 "'" " 1. .. u1 ,.n ma1·11 LHiC> ''liarint•I YOU OW... 'tut.t· dl·n 'I•·• ~ .. 1111 p11 fum rm. 2 1•ar l(ar, fnl'd 541.$647 Guardl' 1 ommuntl \ Ud v •• -"' " tu1t~u•· 1>.11111 .ind l!llt''I • •• t: Priu Reducti0tt Two tustom Newport He1g~ts condos 3 BR 21, ba. lge yarcb & patios Now. $1711.000. OPIH SAT /SUM I 2-4 327 OGU ST., CM Agent, 631 SUI RVM*, ••FOR THOSE WHO DESERVE yrd. vee1111 \'o ~4~.000. 81'.iul 3 Ur 21·· I.la honi1· 1 THE LAHD! Shown U) appoinlrnt•nt rnt1J1:1· S:1!J;1tHN1 497 t<t>I ""mrrorl'tl \\Ulls. lot, only . 0Wlll'I' wi ll <:<.irn· Is l 'I' n of marbll', :1 t'IH 1::11 · MEW CUSTOM IESID~CE sroi,ooo Ca 111>.1111HK Sl.~l.IXJO. CORONA PACIAC REALTORS 1026 ......•...•.•.......... Of'IH SUM. 1-5 ••••••• Pro( landscaped 3 br. :! ha. 200') sq fl 205K ll721 Old Bridge Rd By owner 496 4171 PUii.iC AUCTION MAMSIOM See ad un_!ler IOG!I BToro 1032 ...•............•.••... B Toro Canyo" $98 500 2 bdrm 2 ~a rondo Ii rmnth~ ne" lltKh a) sumable loan. By owner 21.3 493 1151 or'76!1 ~511!1 ~ot1 leoch I 040 .....•................. Lease " opium $1UliK S6K dn Pal'l rl'nl to purcha'" !162 12:!7 ! 963 6682 LET'S SELL Reio\\ market ror ljlllt'k sale on this supt-r up gradl'<J 4 BR homt· near beach I RR do\\ n>IJir;, R\' J1Te~s and murh more $141,900. OPEN Sl'ND1\Y I 5 195lll ARAGON C:ll llB CE~Tl'KY 21 l:IERti 962 8891 l.u x .J~~~~f ~r 1 d ~ l' home " l'Xl'ellent a' ~umable lua11~ $209.fMIO 1'tr 20' • d" n' \\\'''d h ridge lkalry 551 ·:11100 ''20 Barrani. I'~"" I I\ 1n1• ~~~h~~ll~A~~~! I ;-.t'\\ paml 111 & 11111 S l'" 1• J r p c t ' ii r a p 1· ' "allpal)l•r & IJnd:.t·ap ini: With 'll'" 11f park & i.:reenbell l'nn•d to ~l·ll for qwrk ~alt• .ltm .1g1 TURTURO CIC l:I\' 0\\-nt•r Plan I. JHr 2ha atrium. upgrad1•tl " mirror' .. nd Jumper panehni: Tenn1' rnurt' p.irk & 11001;, ''l'r' a\\:1\ S17-l .~OO I h HJJ.2670 ur 675 HH!rJ DESPERATE Woodbndi:t> l.and1111: I LJ!t' 2.\UO sq fl 1•\e1· 1 ltr l'nn• sl;1'hl•tl S211.1mu $<Sl,500 552 732:? \\'OOl>BRlnta: :->~:\\ AT IJl.OW COST , M11i:nlf1renl ranyon & , o<·ean \'tews 4 hdrm. J lll'n, fam rm "t•t bd r d111 rm. 2 frplr:. 11 1n 1\1 brl 3 t·ar l(Jr & n11irl' H:i nk .i ppr .1t i $.S:!ll,000 lie low rnst ~It $395,(XX) fOI llllmt-<f bU(t• S.l\e SS IJ) purchJ,IOI-: direct!) from U\\ n1•" !l60 7106 DOVER SHOHS I 1393 Galax 5 llR a Ills •Jt01•1 11hrh1t ~ s.. da r 5 suhm1t all 11lh·1' 1hk I IEST VALUE S J Bnd Vh • 1111:, ~o.uoo 1;:11 7rn IM NEWPORT HEIGHTS pa s rnf 111nl' atnum t'.11tr) "tlhi h11:h,Aduh Moh1h· l'a1k 11111h1· I Large sunn.\ roudo. 2 bdrm. ~ bath t'e11Jn1:~ lari:1· rlt'lll" 1th ha~ 2 htl 1 111 :! h.i ('Qmmurnly pool t'los(• to t·H·r~ t 111~ \\t'lbar and 111 t•plan• si6.llOU I hclrm d1·11 1 h,1 Strp ih11111 1111111: roorn j 9i0.l.W :!b•ltn1. l lia r111 11 I Sl!Jl.5m l'oss1hll• lt•asP opl11111 . \\llh f1ri:pla1·t• fnrn1:tl $45.000 <! hctrm I ha dminu 1ourn ;.iml famtlvl $.!5.(~> 0111·n 1\,11 'iu11 I Mt\' k1t1·h1•n \\Ith 1•ahnl( l'l\t In~ 1'~1 3lNI t: t'oa,1 HOMES ON LIDO art'.i llUl:t' rt'JI '·••tl1 ""> l.011 \n 11'.1 \\llh .till'\ .11T1·~~ for Nl'\\JNlrt llt•Jl'lt l1i:1 :ta.ii boat-. l'lr H1•clu1·l'd ~ ELEGANCE I pnC'l'. ,lllfl mrludt•, land Large 4bdrrn . Iha 642 5200 " separ.ite l(Ut'~t apt .ti • _ Wl· ha\'t• m.111 ,\ t·>.<·11 tn~ hom<•s lu shO\\ you \\Ith manv ame111l1t•\ Swimn~ni!. saililll! ami tt·nnb 'v\' .11~ or bil'yth.· to slon·s .inti n•...,laura11ts A safe and run plan· lo It \'l' In"~ gra1·1ou~ 1•ntl'rla111 , ,_, ml(& pn\al'\ w11h r.111 ll.l~ll{' lll'l'Ull I 11•11 s : . I • ~75,IMMI ('a II Ai:t . 'I ot•I Johnson 197 3331 ' OCEANSIDE .. l\('llOICtllF'IWlll'\ I l'HESI 1<:1111 S S<'llOl.I z l'I \I.\ I .fu,I ~' 1111111111•, 111 lh1• l•·.irh \l'I 1·lc"t' 111 ,flo11 I potential C r<'al 1 h"" from th1~ 2 hclrm & fa 1111 I) room home "11h 111 111me unit Th1•1 1• "i room on tht' H 3 '' 11•..i to !ti rt'rl lot 111 hu1 Id another 111111 J~ \\I'll Sti50.lXJO THE SHORES 1\ lo\ elv 2 bdrm rnntlu 111 this ~J-ll'd pn' ah• 1 n111 lllUllll\ \n1l'llllll'' Ill dude pn1at1· b1·J1·h 11·11 n1.s & pool \n t'\l 1'111·111 op1JUl1Ullll\ S:>:lll IMMI MIA l'nrn.· 1n11t1,1nal 111n111•1 I I \\I I h h I' J \ \ 11111\ ~J!l\\et . uHu·c;,, '1'11.tr.tll• \\1trk Jre,1~ Jntl h11u"• 11n J l:irgl' 'l'l Urch lt•11n·d lul <:n•,11 11pp .. r1111111'' Owm•r 11111 hl'lf' "1111 fmannni.: Slill5.0INI I 0 UNITS l11n.: & ~d11101, 1ttt·w :! Stt•fl' (rom 111't•J11 •~hmm ~ h.1th \tll.1' "f11rt''t'r \II \pprm1•tl "''h .:al<' l(ll.111l1•1l to 111111• 'han· Slao.1""1 ~I ~1·«unt, JI 1• 1111·.il 1111 J I owr 1•q1111' Wa111 ' \1·a1 '111111111 i;1·1:1\1,,, 11111r1· 111ltl!t 111 11u1 ol l'mh ftoahm• f111·pl.11i:·;, 'I.th• \ 1·1 1 11111•11 11>1 .mil u_w 111 110111 ,p.1 .111d I r.1111· I 1.1111 11110 duhhouw \"um.ihlt- ;5;! 19::'11 I flfl,lllllrt)! 11111 )J'i:1 111111 lt_ ·P~R!-.~EARc,,'ELsE· II : .. ~ll·J', •• lfl.··.'.·.~g·u o i ~:r: ~:.~;;;;l~~:~·~I .·:;.:~:.:::·::·:. A. VT ~ (U,111 .:;111 1'111~JJl'l f 1111 11111 cf1,lu1 It "' 1 up.1111 ~1:1 m1 i:1:r. Newport Heiqhts 4 32 f\ill~rton ~nSat/Su111 -5 J fillrin "r1h-1111-111 Low dn or trod~ LEASE BAYFROMT W /SLIP 42 Balboa Coves ~n Su"day 1-5 \It'\\ f 10111 t..111 "•'II Iii Ill)' .11111 11111111!: 11111111, 1•11)11\ '111111\ 1(,1\ I 111111 lronl tl1·1 (.. 1111 llu ".1tt•1 I All' 111 l'\l 1 ·' p.111. 111~· Ill 1111' ·" '"' 1111 lt•p l.1111(' ~ >.111 111111 \\ 1 I h I •1t11f 1111.111< Ill~ .1\ .11l.1hh .. 644-8567 S49·8S47 Wtstmlnster I 098 1 ~its/ ...................... · 1 lWts Solt 1800 11111:-.11; I' \11''1 lll<l .... 11 11.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MB>ITERRAMEAM VILLA Udo lslt Opt n Hst <;(\'I" Ill \ II h\ I ltd1 .inrl ,,11111 lk·.11 h I 111 'h,1 1111 ~11<1111111, :, •~II lt•l ~1111 ,,1\1•' 1:r1·,11 J flt • 1111 ti:l 1 ( ,·nt•·I St (.' M rwr 1111 ""11d 111' 111111 l>upl1·\ :I llr II. I llr ~·1 1 111111 \ \ I II \ :!1~•1 .,,1 It J Ip C:r1•,11 \\1 l1on1t· 111.1 IClll1,.,11•1 rt•nt.il «. lJ\ ,fwlt1·r 111 ""nh p.11111 lt,1' 11•!.1, Oflteor Rtol &tatt lftt.! ''"' .uul 'nftl P• 1111 •• ••••••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • j ~·p 01,11 ,11111 111.11 ht. t !.toblle Homes lli•u' llu111.111 tut• .11111 ForSale 1100 t'\IJ.11\,1\ I' ,l,llflt'd J,!l.I'' •t•••••••••••••t••••t•• I ''"11111• St:! 1.111111 .11 ~ htlrm t h,11h . 111" I:• l:t ,Jl"l °1>{11) llllH , .1 1 ('l' I i\ 1( 1 ,l (II'' ~i·f1u111l 'q1111,1I l\o ,1ul1f 11I .1111111 p.11io. 1:1' \ I \I '\Ill'\ I· Im• 'i»H l' 11·111 t. Ito X•ol..' I ,t(I ( 1•11t111' .'I l \Hll 1-: 1111\I ~" '"11l•1t l llc-.11 h lit· \111.1 i ll 111'1 r·~1 "·" tr11111 1·.11 I. \11111 • I 111111 I II "Iii "1111· HARBOR RIDGE 1111 pl.w1· t.m lo. 1•.11111 I oo DOWH '<•l •0 1 1,,1 t1u11l1l1· "111t· i!Ht :!ti .1 111 11(1 ,, j '"1111·1 Int 'i:l1•IHH1 11111 SI~! IKMI Ii 111 •11,11'1 Op1·11 1;111ud~ 1;7·, lill.J lbt"'lllll I I ('.11ltl(JI' t1f llt1 11111111(1 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Monaco Model .I ll1lt Ill ., 11,1111- Ftt land S224 .900 C 111111°1 II tll ~Ill.Ill• I Contact Jolwl Sh~a Brolttt 9 5 5. 34 5 4 ltt•ll•''' 'i11\1·11 ••. ,, I 111 tJCt. ! to .! h.1 ,, ttl h,u ',1 rd '' t t 111 t t, ,., ' \ll11lh ltll 111·1 11\\111'1 ,,,., i~ ... ,., ll\\11\' , I '''" 11\1 \\ fl lllll l .fa.;t I l I-I I IOI 1111 I 1,_'11 11J.I;.! l u""l~I \lt"'"'•• b\ o\.\ flt'I ;•, lh11l11\ •Ll 111d1• \I lq .... 1111 .11l t1•1lll l11 .11ht '"' I ,1111111 l 'I Of ,l~'I 'hi If 111\\ '-.p.u • t l Ill I 1111 l1 uut •H t1.•l1 ~!I .10U EASTBLUFF 11\\c i111 • •11 1 ,1111 t.. llf( 1l1•n ,\ I .1111 1111 I ; o 1.1'1~ $1H .'\ 1)011 (' 11111p1• 1 ti;!ti j;l.)7, !11(1 1171 l \~l l>ISSOI. \'I" I; l'f" llSll I' < 11 \l II up I 1· i. r'\ 11 llt'~,11111• "Ith Jlll~!tlhlt· (11111 111111n1t• tHU ti I j~ Income Property 2 000 •.•........•......••..• APPLE VALLEY Tai Shtlttr '\t'Jr lit'" I 1111•\ :! h.trm .! Ii.1th l'.11 h untl \\ttl1 l111•11lac t' 1·n1•lo;,"d 11.11111 j!.tr.1~1· !l" 1'' b l •.,, 1·,1,h flu\\ No\\ ~l>'I !'>IHI 11111 (i I Urtll\ ltl II 1;;~, It (I, I LAGUNA IEACH \ 11rnnt I 1111lu' 11 111111\ 'I :1 11111\'I> l(IU!>!'o O\\n1•1 1111 \,l.tni; $5511 l~MI II\ ""111'1 , .. ~, .1-1;1 Mobile Home Park 11:1 ,,., ... ,., 11r I>11llJ~ ~11111111111 111lh SI.SU 0110 1 ·"" ''"" n \u l•J \ nw nt un 1l1•ht w1111 t" & tn 1t•r1·'t fur I \I Will t·on ,1d1·1 I lrJn.:t• 1'11a,1 pru 111•1 1.1 111 tr:id1· CJll : It :~~1 l1JJl1 111 ;;,;! !!4!13 II\ II\\ lll'I t'or Sale• Hv o" nt-r Franc1:.1·an 'FountJtn;, s1 nielc ~tr> homt• ~bdrm 2ba n!'.irh' !>l'OOo(,, parks & hhrar1 $173.000 Opt.-n II oust-I Sat Sun, l2·5pm li5i2 Jardine Dr . II B 1:\1 I Goldl'n\\l')I & SI Jter 1 I 1; 14 1s.i2 n 11. ~ bdrm dml 1h·11 h11:hh upl(radt•d, plll'l' Sl911.000I Ii'. dn S1n1:lt• '' \. full\ 'huttrrt'tl (q11• jinum 11r pool tl'nn1' 11\\ner brkr 552 1~1 TURTLERO CK I 'l~trl\'"r ;\,~K-iae,k~ 1·harm mu \I' 111 1 <•ntlt llOll )!I 1'(11 111>11•n11.tl '"' lh" ru1ur1·' Fl1•\llil1 t 1•1 Ill' S..•1• II lltd .JI \' 1·r~.11 Ill'' 't 1111111 I '1·11 thOU't' I 11n1(11 ('J k1• II\ 1'1 l11i;h •'>Mlll1,1lt(I• (11.111 .ti 11 11' (1\1111·1 11111 1"111 '1111•1 I.tit• n~11l1•I 1,11 ·" 11111111 fl.I\ Ill' ..... 111·1 1l1•,p1•1,t11· \1 I l,1,I ' 0111~ :!.11!1.~"'ll (',ill .)1111 \bit l17H a:lio !Iii~ %!.Ii OR LEASE OPTIOM ~;.1,lhh1ff I llt ' ll.1 ra1111h r1111111 11111111 ~· c 1111 Ill It p h 111• I\ l..1t1·h1•1t hrt .11..f.1 I ,II I ,1 li·ll•'t••I \ .nd ":! 111 111111 -'•II< 'Jt.1lµ,1 II\ 0\\111·1 7Jtl 1~11 1'11111 .11111 111 1 f"' 1111111,,11,., .. 11 (I, .11h .1 • 642·5200 ~~l'l'\ll I (',111. ll.l1 t111~t1111 :1 1\1.J - llp1•11 '-1111l I l'\'1111,llf• h11111I' '! \\.11~ 111 111•.11 h, lwJllllful In flit'\ ~ :! fir I 3 llr 1'.11111 tqil1 Sl!l!llliJll t t\\ 1wr 11111 h1•lp fmann· \i;t·nl lf1-tl1IJ I.Iii 111-11 MODOWM 13•h% INTEREST 2 13r ~led1t l'rranl'an \'ilia (}uahf) tu Sellt•r f ull p11t•e SHIR (l(IU 1~rnl S.'\6f~'i16 Jbdrm 11 1 ba. I~ Jut Sll0.000 GI tn J"Uml' SW.IXXJ 9 5', loan O\\T 968-1().13 OPF::-J HOUSE SliN I·!'> 5001 Rnbm\\ood, llB 3 Br 1·ountr) l.1tt'ht'n Ca 11 .\ n 1 ta S & S Propert ll's , 898 91i24 ATRl l:M l::NTRY l.m r '' 3Br+ fam rm F1nt•!tl forat1on Sl29 90u Rkr 848-0709 I )r old :.1(1 famtb d1· IJC'hed 2 br 1 1lt•n :! hJ \le~1(0an paq•r, 111 l.R 0 f{ & k 1 1 I' r 11 ( lands1·a11ed 1'11111 lt·n I 111<, S2W.!l'J5 Ii\ 1111 llt'I ~~umabll' mrt1a• t1111'n hou~e Sunda' I! SU 11 I q:: h I 9 :i .l 2 !I 'II. tiiS!JflJO 64~5200 .l<l!i .. ·c.o....._., -I uig.,,. BMcnC.. 9M 1 • f f I 17141494-1177 1 .' ' l Emerald IGy 1 l'r~ui:1ou' 1·un111111n11 \ 11m .111· ht·J1 h 101 1u,1 OPEH HOUSE 15' tlo"n 31111 ~11;1 S \TSl'\1:1 pill~ 1111111 S44!J,51~r 17~~1('andl1·,111 i.. l.n RAMCHO SAM J V'riv II llo.tHr1•,1 "H :111·.1 1011 1 a Y SJn1t.1i;11 "' "' 11111111.1\ ' JOAQUIN VILLAS Oceanfront t.1"un11u, 1 111 .1 11.1 l Hr· loft:!'"· formJI Prime pampcred 3 1111 111,1n111 II ,,11 \\'i•lh 1!1111111? rm. a1num it., JustM!'Jk.lo;,JntlJ1 1 honw pool 11111.11,11 1 r<111m.' of )!(a~' Sn ualNI l'rl'M't'lll lk«H'h Ulll I ht'l\\ecn j?lllfrourse & 2Ba . plu:. 2 barhl'lor!t patio 11'JUllllllh t lt'IU11!1 t'lub St>llt'r \\ 111 (MTil'r "111 ftn.11111• Ill lnd. .. qKI l'Jlht'tlt .ti I .... 1n~~ n1·\\ 111\11111111, hl•lp \\tlh 1111Jllllnt.: tr.itll' S>s951~MI l<lrl'l'lllll: 011111·r Sl-6,950 Call for cletJtl' I 494-7551 finJnr111r ;11 I:' "1th 55l 533t! 0"111 :\i:t 111111 1.1:111: M C le RE :t.1' ''""" ~'"''"'"'ti. ll~eSat Sun 1 s I nuoie c ormoc 1,•;i1 mi; .,r«J "111 "'" :-; ~: \\' II () \I I-l '\ TMREE ARCH IAY 'llUI "" .11 S3:.'I )IWI 111 1 l HTl.f.HOl'I\ 11 11!11 3bdrm JbJ f.1111 rm Jl•1\1• mkl honw ,11 .1 le\era1:1• h11?h luan. nu rnmplet t'I) rt'mo1l1•lt·tl ht'lo\\ nwrl.1·1 1ir111 '" !tl?llt'r rarn IJ,H k SS.lttKI i.:arden Ii 111·hl•n 'p1·1 ll'l·rn'. j;,J I !1::!11 I i:ate<I "alk to bea1·h \ t I ,,. WTBLUFF, 12°0 OP~ SUM 1·5 10 1 \11'11111• llolt rtL' F I< 1lt,1 1"11•tl DOWN LI '• 311 ''"'' lu.111 l'n1·1~I l•m lw I ,"I ,,.11 ~ 111'1'11 \11111.11\ II h Hll I Hlll(o I I.. Ill\ I (\ I 11111 , .. ,~ .. (t('l 10'\ I \II ;~lllll,1.' 111\111\ t•\ll,I' \\,ii~ fll llH)(Jll 'Ill <l\1',11),\ 1 •.• , I S"' .. VIEWb OW ... ER I 'hlllJ) \1111 1111.111 111 1'11pul,1r 31tdrr11 1'1111a llltl cl I' I \j II •• l 1 l \ 1 "'" 1 nu • ""11 1 1 11 ·---------s:'i; •.• 111111 y1 .1, ,. '11.i , ""h1·1 sx. '.rn. ·11::1 2111i1i lli•rt• 111111 l',11l 1,j'.1 1111111 '"' ll,11 li111 1111 (111 ' I 111 I "'"lll~•lltl l.! \ Ill ~ h,t 'l.tlll 1111 .JI fl(t l .. tt:llllJ !St ,10 h ( h I Jll th1u11i:h11u1 '-h11"' 111'1 ---------• ll'I th.111 11111rh•I 11 1;1 f '11 I I 11' I fl 1 'ol fl 11 I ' %11:i11 ( ·ll,l• •m ll.11 • , ,.,, ho1111· ~.111• ft\ I I\\ 1w1 I (11 • l>i·n :1 •H.1 1••111 ,( 'II·• ,1 ( ( I .t It 1111' I' 'II 1111 \\ ;ti 11111 II I\ II I' I \\ I 11 h11a111·1· S.111 H7'111 HARIOR RIDGE 32 VIEHHA r'trn cll-1·or.1 t1•tl K I'll' 121t~0o lnt · Sl9S,OOO in Assumabl~ Loans 1111 lh:~ lwau11f11I 1 llilc 111 l'111 t11l1n11 rn111lt'l "' I l.11 hw \It'" -..q1.1t.1t1 llkllh1•1 Ill (,111 ""'' .1lmi;,I 111'\\ 1'.•llll'tt11~ t 'low tu pool S:ll'I '11N• ~n~n 1-5 1844 Port Charles lllJ..'\on ·~ 111 1 loft ,1•, So. Calif. Realty. 11:1 1 1:m1l \II' f,oll I 546-5605 631-6194 '·"I 11 I J 11 tb I J "111 t.: :..•tne 111111 '' Jnl ltchkd fllunlJtn Oµn ~al ~un 121\ $125.000 Mttd to ma Ice More "ht•n 1n11,l'll" <'J ll T11111 < :11tt1l'r 1~16 9;!1M• 111..r Panoramic View 1-Jljll\ '.1-11.il "'l'·JI•'"' II\ 111.: 11 tlh prn .11 \ .11111 I hllJ.!1' l1•1• l111 ~Jll't'l.11 111.11 ' 111 1111 \\II h I .llhrtlt .11 , 1·1 it11c ' u'"" ltr 11 I.. I 11 t pl.11 ,., 1; 11111 1111· 1 I.ti• lwn 1.11 '> lult "'' I h.1 '111111 111 tl1·11 \!11,I 'l'I' \11 ol IJf'l 1 I I ,tit ;.;0111111111 011111 1 11tl l I .ti" h II k I lftt'I l1t1ll't' !'11111 t I 'Ill l\tng, l'I 1.lti .~l.!1101 1.;;1 :!Ill! Hew Bayfront Home SI 'l'.11 ••• Ea'' lt-1111• e~t If 11!11 I. It·•· ,tn111I•· 1 ~1!1 .'i!IKll BIG CANYON \kt ·1.11n I\\ nh11m1· ' ht l.11.11111 11 i.:,11t Ii 11111' \ 11'\\ ~I I ,1111 11;:1 i I I.I 1111111 "'' 'I ••. 111111 .... I l!li .. ~A"i -11111.1hl1· Ill I hi ""lh'I Ill.I\·'"' I\\ .:1111 I ''"~!!'' 11111111· dlil "1111· t 'Jll lcn .i ppl 1, 111 II'• 'I•-11111 'fl·'' 1 1 1•n1 .ullt-1111 I 111 l"'I Ill\ OCEANFROMT-OPEN qlll• I 11 (I I 111111 I 1111 S,11 S\111 I:!;, lillt. I· .. "'' ~•!AMI Ill ht"' (1\1111 •1 lh'1'.1tll111111 ll.1 lh11 ,1 1 'ili:!!l'l-1 l't·1111"111'' Acre-oqe for Sale 1200 IAYFRONT CONDO 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• :r;o dn• 11,.,1 11,." 11.1.11 '·" l .i111 Piii•·> ,(tp 'l't !JlllJ,! ~li'1 lllUI .. ~7'i:~;; "::•;If'\) 67S-8676 675-8441 ·I I I SOLD • 3 LEFT Ctm!tery Lots/ '111 ., ·I 'I •1 ••1111 Crypts 1500 -••• .. 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ·1,111 " 1101 llt:ll •~HI I ll1111 al tlul ll,11 11111 1111•,11 11'1111' 111 'llUI"'' I ·'\\II ~11 ,, I 1 I t DF.SPl::RATE O\\"H:R Lar~est Sc;ithH 5 Hr rulde!tat prt\Un Cou ntn club Jrea S100(fs "under mkt at $249,500. Rk r 848 U709 1111a11ul'lose t1.si 1;594 1;wutar ot·can '11'1\ '1'1 ' nUAIL Low PRICE trarlt\ t' ftnJnt'llll! 17111499 5ft63 fi73 2931; . PLACE. I. • ••~.0.••1otu11• '"" REAL NICE... TWO HOMES I -~ROPERTIES . I llG CAMYON CUSTOM Ope-n Sun 1-5 18 C~"Y. Hills I 11,1 l><'.IUI llft~lollktt 111111 •1;u l l U"l.11~' 11 .1 11\'Cl\\\Ell CC>lmlt rcial 111· I ''"'I I\' I 11 h fl \l II' .. . • I~ • \L1r,h.1ll \b~ '"" ·~L.' I 1·111111.1 t u_ . 11 ~'~~1~f.1~r~~~11~1l~I •• ;.~~!. ...... !~.~~ • 28R 2BA Mariner's Co\I.' Condo Pool Ten rus. Secunt) S2500 o:-.. I) r It· as!' opt inn s~ rm s12sK !JliK as sum owe l'rtn 1111(\' 960 71511 VACAMT LOW INT A!t!turnahle loan 2Rr +den 2 !tlory Condo in \'ilia Pat·1f11· Quirk esrro" poss t'a II 83-1 09:IJ Open house Sun !\tar 14. 9921 Ba rranra Cr I hcliroom I bulh 1 lot. ol'C'ans1cl(• ul Ornnge Tr1•1• t'ondo high" a\ north t•nd ---------•I f'anla<,ttr (()( ation .,ll'P' Whtte" Jt,·r nt•\t to LIDO ISLE to lrnms fXHJI ,11111 'I'·' 1.Jeac·h Set• 11n1• 'I. 11111 lmrrurnlalr hl.l· 1110111-1 494.s.164i 49i '>~G 222 Via Koron I homt• Par1Ju1·t 1•ntr~ ~Sunday 1-5 .i nti k1lrht•n :...11 1· TEE'DOFF? -""" 1u,111m hum .. un pd PH~ Ol'\\ 1.irp1·1 "Ol \\tlh th1' ont-' 'iu1w1 ,ltt'l'l to 'lrt•l•t lul !-n.tr le,l'lor~ SRI• 54Mt 3 bdrm 2 bJth r1111do m1: 1 l'thlll?' ~ f1n·11IJ1,.,,1 lc><·atcd nghl off Lht' 9th 3 Lldrm plu' m.1 ~ll'f ll•e or th1• El N1gu1·l SWh' No l'XPl'llM' ha~ Country Club ft'Jtun·' been 'Pdfl'd tu a"1trc modern !tlt'p!IJH'r ktt the ftne.,t quaht~ and ~•e" from 111 rm & am.>mt11·~ in th1!t homl' · ma:.ter bdrm plus '"" maint hvmg Lu" dwn pymnl requ1 red "11 h1 642-5200 S70CMI DOWN grea t (inannnl( b) Minutes to Bcat·h· M"ller Offered at uni) ABSOLUTE STEAlfl l (,11r,,:1·ou' I & f.1m1h •• rt••m "tlh h1•,1Ut1!ul i.:uil l ~ta~t''!'? n•pulJlt11111111 1'<1111·,1• itt'_" <111111'r 1\111 th1• ~Al I t~at th" 1, lh1· I ftnJ.n1·t· Stil1m11 .111 111 Rl-:!'T Ill' 111 '''"l'"'' ft·r., SI ;1!4~ 111111 \1.1 lie.it h 11 \1111 ,trt• .1 ~ IJl6i 01 h~ I !~11.11 ,1,io. l1•g111ma ll' hll\\'r l \I.I. for Caroh· ~I "M Jha11 ~H: IJIHECTI.\ .rnd )''°,_ _______ _ \\ ti I h 1• 1 m p r t' ' H' 11 GHl::AT Hr\" on:.\~ \\'\:\T \(.'!'Ill'\. \ L'. LllG 4 HI>H l'Htt ~ l'la~'lfl'd ·\d' Ii-I:! 5lill< l>Et'OR \TEI> pool ~11.1 & hke nu ••II for onl1 .lltt .!hJ 2 1111., ltt'.ldl SI 1111~•1 11 , .< 1;' I 111 l'l\11•n '-.11 '-110 l.' I Ill:!; H1 1111· l11·,n·111 I t•l1• Sa1111, to 15 Kl! 11 BALBOA ISLAMD BAY FRONT 1'11'1 & '"" SI 1~"' '""' ~ ~f~ Ut'\\ hi.I l1t.t.J II •• Ill'" ltt•\l'I' \\ tll '"'"' I \flllr \llllfll ll•\1•r 111111 1111 l.1"11 w•I 1>-1:! ;,.,;-. (t 111d :l Htlr .I ll ,1 l.111111\ 1 m II\ mi.: rni .\ 1111111.il PALM DESERT d1n1ni; rm ~.1 111 11111• "lllll'Pl'\t, 1 ~ '\ 1 1-_u 1.11111 tnducll'il t .tll .11111 I ~1101 "I ft 11·11t.1lilt· • Jb'l 7f>\l!~21 ,11·1 l''. tlul 111.1111\11 VIEW-VIEW '''"I~"' llo:.11 h I 1111 ~· • ,,, c 11111111 I• .. 1111.1 I 1h11111i.: llltlnt pith 111111.:1 11111111 "1th ftt • pl.11 ,. L1ri;1· 111:.,~K It.iii""' \\ Ot t'1tH \ti'" ~:t!:l IM"J "" rt1•r ~I )l(Hl l•NI I 1•r 111• il I ''" :t.'111 ~I.I /ti~ l.111 • ('11,1,1 \11•,,1 \11t11 11' f'Jll ' ltl11l1ltni: 1111111 ,., t11r ;1111m.il h11,p1t .1I up hul,lt•n C..1 nt1111t• It pJ11 . h~Jlllli! plumhmi. tll :.~1;,i1 !'h,11 II.' ~I "I CUSTOM NEWPORT 'i '111t:1hl1· 1111 .111, of 1tww ff-etteh Tudor Ho'"' ll'l~b' ~1;1 :-im l'.tll 111 3 llR fom1l~ r110111 1h·n I dJ~ fomwl tltn1111: 11111111 ,tJldl Bo.lrll'tl llll~ Iii! ;.~no 9111 ASSUMABLE! Owm·r "111 t·arn 2ncl l)l \l.ITY "t'll l.l'Jll lnl'lt•\111•.11 SC PlatJ I\\ fl l '\IT~ n•·" h th• 111rJ t1•tl H11111 '1n, f1·rtn"<l 'anl & 1·rwl11,l•1I r.;.11 Jl(t'' 1'1111·d ht•lll" lllrlllJJrJltlt•' JI ~~!I :\CNI llpl•nTlll H:-. lhru~I '\ >11; .l1·11111fl'r Lail\' l' 1\1 II~ 1 >w1wr COST A MESA 4-PLEX .!I 1111" n IJ.!t' uni I (ml' wrnl fu II pm·1• S22SI\ l .111 !•i~ !1:1011. J'k for \\'If I.I \~I 1.1:-\D:>\~;I{ I \gt I .! I ·m 1111.'1110 I ''" \Int ll•t n1' \,I, Sl!llll\ 1'<1 l'nn uni~ \i:l 54!1 131ifi 8 UMITS '''"J1111t H1 h F1•t• lancl ~.\11•l11•nl IJ1•prl'C'tat1u11 II\\ lll'r Ilk r !155 J.lf>~ ltu111 1111-'11111 lk'.11 h !I untl!t. 111 'r' old \II 2 Bil s1i;;, 111111 l'rtn1 onh ll~r )J/• lll~J 2310 Santa Ana A• Costa Mesa f1·n :.! lx1rm lo\\ nh11u~1·' • d ~ bdrm hou;,i• Wrll mJtnl31nt•cl unth In e' 1,•lll'nl l111·a1rnn Dn 11· h1 1mh C:1Nwl f1nan<'tnl( l'nn~l It·~, than 10 X i:r"'' rJll W0Utne1·r R1·o1ll\ :! 13 5311 1:1!1~ Triolu/Pool '\FWI'<JRT IH:IGIH:-. S:?ill 0011 !\.i m A 1!1 ;f,tl 1;Sli <hmeranx1ous' T\\O)rs .u.sz3CAMPllSn....·l,,'l/l"E Sl45,00> Fl'LI. PHtn:, ne\\. 3 br " dramat11· " "" " CALL I t·athcd ra 1 rc1 l1n gs MISSION REALTY SIOOtJ's under m:i rkcl ~ Csl Hw), Laguna ---------1 - $376.500 ·\ Ir ,11(1• \\ 111 hr• t'On!tld!'l'l'll ' 011 \\ 1111 't behC\ e ti uni ti \Oil '"t' II l' a I I I' ,\ 'f H I l' K TE:-.OHJo: IJtrHth 759· 1:!2 1 ur 760 KiU2 PlllLJC AUCTION 4500 Sq. Ft Mansion h 11'.1ua~1 111111 ~ 31 Dupleus/ fm·pl.11 ·•·'· r·r 1•111'11 1111111, CJnit Sc I 1800 I 3 UMITS MWPT ICH .trlll \\ 111111111 ' I h I 1111111 s a e W/PVT ao ... T DOC"' bestb~iOJO Bkr **LEV£RA6£ 1714~494·0731 I 10114~0 A•~ra~ I Rdr 3 Ba 'B1sra'" in I~ Hills I 050, FinanClftCJ $12.S.OOO\'A 12'. l.n Woodbndge Pl 4 )·car~1 ·••••••••••••••••••••••I :! dlx Nr~·porl ll1•al'h l'n1.1,11al "''" :i Bil' ~~Z-~~1 ~~7~t~1JlR 1111 new . neutral dcc·nr Wl• prou11l' ln\tlt• )UU Ill • 1•on!l11, hill wl'ufll) 1.ll,tom h,,, i•q•nthtnJ.! S2R5.000 " 11 l 'C; F: 3 , mspect our beautt(ulh ('Omplew' : 1 , O" ner ~lu\l sec lo Jppri•n.itr VACAMT 3 BR WITl<lble loan JI hi•ln\\ dl'<'Oraled 3 Br. 21 ~ R.i desperult• SIOK lll'ht\\ I Opn f'rt Sun 1 r. llH \ 1,1 on cullic·sar Tl) l!I', ma rketrate PenthousC'. We ll .ippr,al Owlll'I \\Ill "iutoLidolslc dn Sl t9,fM)() [Ul]. · mordmated to suit thr rarn 1•q111t) al only I 'I ' -R. Jo: Professionals w,,,wJhrldcjc most dtsr rt m tn at 1n I: I i .• , '. I. fl " cl 11" n 963-8377 Man\' rlo~cts shullt·r~ Sl~.000 =2 Bt•aut1(ul 'L T UL R Yi~on Re.tlllj mirrors. sk,hl!hts 2 ter Br 2 Ba \'ilia llalboa SPEC AC A ·~'!"JI' ··i 3""" ra('es. beauttful \It'\\ of ron<lu 2 ms tr suill'' VIEW HOME HcriM*r I 042 ':J? · """. Saddleba1·k Mis <!,51~1),(, I ,·1e", only 20', rlo" n & 3 Bdrm 211b11 )!a1.cho ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 1920 Rarranra ! ki" • 1'""'1 3. gar spares. a II a p OW(.' SIH9,500" Su hm 1l llot tut. You !tt•lel't ESTATE SALE phances & t·arpetm~ up ;~ 1920 .snL'.''ti\1'.a:.:\~11, 'lct '\t: 11raded For sale h\ J nuAIL i·r.-. •Y OWMER ~ leoch I 041 owner S260.ooo Will ,,. $275.000 Cstm wat erfront on ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 5 I tpflon 1 lees1de of oa. \ enk1rt Isl. ea. e yr " 1 "I PLACE 675-1771 B "-d 2 FANTASTIC HOME purrhasP RS5 4761 1 4 rJua.~2 01·. sly, :!lnl sq ft Jli92l Haruna 180 deg Ol'ean 1 tl'\\ s ~ Ml911el I 052 _ PROPERTIES · S750.000 548 7698 3000+ and ('llStom ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1146-9"168 Gourmet k 1t1·hen •• -massive lm n~ rm . Rehnna? I,.. 1044 formal dining , cozy o c EA N V1 1 E W ••••••••••••••••••••••• fireplaces. pool, spa LJt townhouse. 2 BR . den. 2 OnEN rtt area. SS89.000 ba. dmingrm. patio A:. L.,.. Vllloge R.E SO<'lation mamtenanrt' 1 SOUGHT Ul.:..1761 landscapm~. pool. jat• ---$222.000. 1\ssumahle New ocn vu 4 Bdr. pool, loan $100.000 at tO 5', SELDOM 1695.000. 2665 Tempie g.11499 3623 1.!!!ls ~~497·~54 FOUND I OWNER MUST SELL • Fonst I 055 • Victoria Beach, Almost ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Ir, 3 la oceanrront· Beaut vu . 12.97% 3000 sq fl. 4Br Jba PAAIPLACf Canal Front. :'lit•" port Shoreb. 4 llr Oen $25.IXXJ down. Owner will cam Must sfll' Makt> offrr' Tennis pool." alk LO beach ARenl 64ti l(M-1 ~r 6"5-2805. DOVER SHORES DEC.HOME Med styll' court) ard Pool,doruzz1. overlooks bay alaxy Dr For ma I DininR Rm. 2 frpks. S739. ooo fee 642 2Sl0 646·4848 IH EXCLUSIVE co<f ~J1~~""1 NG· Newly remodeled home Cr11urmet k11. 3 bd ~ Fr You own the land Call 631-1476 Ill AN OPPO RTUNITY Rtdured S200.000 to ESTATES L I KE T H I S ! I r · $425.tXX>. 4 Br.2•,ea. 0PENSAT[SUHll·6 •WATYROMT• reproachably s potless VICTORIA BCH AR F.A 8~4E5;I·/JAN NewJstorybt>aeh house •HOME* 2·sty 2 yr old pe rfe<1 LOT: Great view. ltvel MODEL Bay & ocean view!; 4.S' boat shp. Jbdrm, Jba. family hotTIP situated oo pad. Redoced SI00.000 to Ckeans1de/Balboa Blvd j remodeled like new, "HUMUNGOUS" lot $J60.tXX>.Owner/Rkrw1ll HAS EV ERYTHING 1911Court Ave nr l9lh I SS75.000/0 BO. Trade w rootbal l Sl7C d Onan. ·9S16 Cul·de·sacslreel. 675·2291or 848:3133 part or equi tv Opt'n burky&rd i\bove in· -Sun&Sa1lll Club ~j>lej)arklJ!B1n m1r Houst! Sal/~un 19 tern t rale 1nrludt~ tst Mid to S.ltt 20 min to Newport NO DOWN OR !I Balboa Coves. 675-604.!:. T 0 ol ;ipprox $74.~ Panoramtt' ocun view Center al 121,r, "AND GET lat. In Lafuna Beach S210.000wllhS160,000 THlS"' 2ND T.D. OF Call Leone or details. at m.; nxe<t rate & folly JUD[.. ~ ONN SAT/SUN APPROX SSS.500 at Molsffd& Rylee Dvlp. ltmrtlttd. , 13t..r,t k 15 YR FULLY 7W640-2912 Nopointaorq_ualifying P i t' t u r e s q u e • Mint...ay o...,. .. 0 Tlz "'DI B " -· ~ 170.0347 FALLBROOK ranch. 151 Remol(f "3611rm. 2ba, A "" · ot ~Y~UI! ~-·,.._ __ • ____ 1 1 _, ho Ith j rem rm Ii 2 rrplc ao.... hilly auumabi.. vwnd/A ent ~ft.o:'l'l~nnl~co~rl. $255,000. Owner wl,I OWNER ttAVING 4 . ams, 2 _,., Sb I STAT• M ST s•LL .....,., '--ua rm '"'tlo --------1 DOOi. ridinataills. Trade carrt. _:i ow anyt me. ~.1~· ·a-. ·-• uuu • ...-Thinkinj d a new home for amalltr home In m RadlandtDr. NOW! uowa pay•ut 6 •I• · Dbl Jar .. RV for 1prln&T See th .Co. Full price BAat BAY AREA ................ Your a. tlbht, pvy. I II d m m7 5-day. Mmdl 14, 3:00 , .M. 1700 tlgWcmd Dr. AUCTIONEER BIG JIM R.EPUIUC, REALTORS Far..... 549-0693 D~ tWllOR RIDGE Award \\inning Casa Bl;.inra \\1th spectarular v iew of oc-ran and city lights. 3 RH. family room and formal dining Gated courtyd entry and spa Custom rarthtonc decor t hroul{houl Great assum~ble financing $555.000 . BeUe Partch 644 fl2fl0. evenings 75!}.1078. · OPEH tllUSE fai Hltlor Island Or. Pr•ttorrBay, ~t Bch SAT. & SUN. '12-6 4 bdrm. 4112 bath, pvt office. boat slip. Ele gant in desig n & craftsmanship. Seller is extremely llWvated & will consider all ofrers. tbte.sses: Patti Perfelte or Margot Mac.Kerrow, 675-371 • &75-3733 Pn1 .~1 lu '' U ~r•~• t~to •• •••••• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • A " OHL Y S45,000 DWH \1.1 COM DPLX 631-5661 BY OWNER T\\11 ~ t~ll'ln 11n11-"1 ol I'(' 11 1 o r n 1• 1 I o 1 I 076' 'trll!h• 'ton tlt11tJtod t" San Clementt •••••••••••••••••••••. J,!JrttJ.:t'~ J''unl,1 hit• IU i MEW PANORAMIC A ':.'~~Ml r.1~'."' 111.tn "tlh :!II'. 1(11\\n 'lo q11.1hfl 111,,: Sp.1111111' 5 Br 1•\1•1· h11nll' .1ppn1\ ~XI Ml fl pn•,l tt.:11111' S.m t'l1•n1t·1111 lrn l'.111 Filil 11111•1 \1:1•111 San JIHlft I Capistrano t 0781 ••..•.•.......••••.•.• ·I ACREAGE ESTATES Rust.r F.ngh~h 1 uu111n es lair on I a1·n•" 1th 5 lir Jba h111rw W1111tl an(( hnt·k floortnt! Jo'r<'nt•h door' h.1~ "tnl111\\'> 11t't'.tn ,ind '.1 Ill'\ , 1!'11, Submit Jll\ n•J,oOJhflo offer llrl rua1• ~~irl} {°.1hf St} le 1•11:,tum home 11 llh 4 Rllrm,, :11 I baths. ~ourFN'l k1ll'h1•n. 2 "'et ba1~ :l (rpk11, pool anl1111w L<•1 t•l 1 I 111• lot " ore;rn a111l 'n 11"' ' 1 e " ' A ' ~ u m ,1 h I ,. lrrm~ SI 2011.0011 Cnplurr toll.II pm u1·y on th1~ 4 32 :l('rl' 1.''lllll! "1th umqtK' 4 bdrm 31, bu th~ ht fl) of SHMl,tN~I II\\ 111·r 1,,11 a~!-1'1 1111;1111·"· r .... I lllllllJI' $:!'10.111111 ~>:!I Carnalton ,\q• \'11\I l'Jllli7:l 11Zll 1;i:i 511:! 2 STORY DUPLEX G~attv R~ductd I h<lrm' :.'11.1 Ill llJlPt'I .! l11lrm '"" 1•r 2 fplt' S 0 nl!' II\' t'ol 11 \ 11' \\ 0 11111'1 1·.111 I I II 1\1 S::.~t rm at l!l' !\1111 I :. 11 l 4:lnl St "" 111 II\· Jd1 Mew Price $259 ,500 WMv M. Taylor Co. ltt:ulto~ li4H9111 NH•,,.,,, ., ... ,"'."' f For ClilMilltd Ad ACTION c.u A DAILY PtlOf AO-YISOI '41-1671 I cont<'mporary homr I Ou ts tand1n 11 v1e wi.. oversite pool and Rp;1 10 mlnltlfS to Marin• jlll-------• 1o·1, 1 1 b I e t t' r m ll Sl.500.000 c.-4tl-J752 &Wtlttl.I I To plact your mo:y1at btfort tht readlngpublic. phont .\ml luk(' U\ er e1<tblt11c l11an S..~I IMMI h1·h1\\ rnkl !163 475!1 n1.x 11mn: & 1:...ro~n. 21.•\ruld 13Hr.~211r " a'nnu<d 1nn1me rlf s.t2.7txl St•llt•r will carr' fmanrtnl! 25lii Eldl·n \\e .0 1 !179 5099 Bkr SUPER TAX SHELTER F'-OR INVESTOR! !-an rlt•menle pndl? of 1t\\n\•r,h111 )!odern ~pani~h 'I' I<'. luur 111111 ap.1rtnwn1 house "11h <it't'an hill~ & 1!111' 1·11ur'I' \ll'" d11,1• to l'\1'r \lh111g onh thret' 'l'd" Old. ~ho\\!t )1k1' nC\\ .. \\ 111 !t ell "llh l'H'ellenl fmanrtnR ur trade equi t~ for res1dent1al ocean '1e" lot or home or rnmmerr1al properl} PRI NCIPALS ONLY " Call 011ner 17 14 1 ti42 0138 12 UNITS Easts1de t'o~ta Mesa Goud 1nrnmt• Good h•rms· Prn·e S605.000 C..11 for more drt11ls nlE REAL ESTATl-:R. 546 231:l Lots for Solt 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR IUl>ta : Will trade joint vttnture SI million 644 11377 COMTIACTOU/ IUILDllS l.w. two 25, Ti>ii1 or onl.' ~· lot. zoned R 2. <>run nearby Owners tirtd of paylnit tau s Malit or f tt. Carol. 111\ 113• 7300 . S41·~18 daatt for 1 true • ~. launac. naJ lttlnP n l0d11' •· . Call w n • · UJ.11&1 1ftt •t.t ,_ lt!lr'llll.tJI!!~'°'· •.Mt. Harcum• ;c!l1~1~1~1f~le=d~co~l=u=m~n~•l· J ... ~l:!'!·~•~d~IOl~o~r!t~u~~Oounel~~~~=l~rt~n=·~~~~~~~~~!:~~~~~=-~~~~you~~·~·n~t~~:·f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!l~!!~!:!!!~f!!J :;l ... !!!~·~~..,_·!!-!!!:*:;J.:;~~~=====J._!G-I elk 1·1400 °"1... ....,._., Dally Piiot Cl•llltd. MZ·HTI • -( • F4 Orange Cot1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, March 14, ~982 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••.•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• , •••••••• ! Oilier I.ti..... Uatwwltl.cT" Hw.t Uwfw1'1ta..d HMtt U.fw 111.a.ed ~ HOUMS u.funllahtd ! Af l~Rh Furalalttd I Aporlwte•h u.fwiL A.porlMttlh ~ 'u..fwa. · n;...~....,·roo ~.~~!'!' ... ?~.~~ ~~~ ....... !~.~~ ~~.~~ ... ?~.~ ~~.~.~~ ... !~.~ ~!~ ..... ??!~ ~~~~ .. ?~.~ ~~~~ ....... ?~~~ ~~~ ....... ~~.~~ ~~~~.~~.?!.~~ •••••••••••••. •••••••••• :l Br. 3 Hli , front u.nt~ 3 Hr 2 Bu Hoy 9 yeurs, S~Vl~W L~ •5 E 4li1 4!'1ba f111n rmtdlu 3 Rr I "'1 bu, ye11rly $7~0 ~ I IR. 2 IR. l IR. I 1!1 , l•ncl uar uclll~. no S325 llx.211 tnllll•r in quwl 2bdrm. lbit, lrl( putao. d•• ~0'1, Int in custom muun ~/11~ 119 ~llbmtn~. girl~ )'tllN wtlrotnt' 2117 . • "' r ti r d' 1 A 1 uul Av111I Apnl 1st Al(t Newf)' deror Gll8 pit peb Frig. l'IN· 1 anl(l'. udull purk. JC.I!> & "'ull•r hll·asher. au/water pd taln honw ~low ap t dM t.:1111 &7~·6494 llrcnt>Aooci 6468788 4 rm 3 1' { .p U 1 :.!'yJ°-\ut Van~e673-4062 end tiar ti w1oh1·r. $350 l\42~l paid «7377111 ,$SIO mo No p e ll pn&Jfd valu Nr for 1 l'll)'-+ O<'t'lln vu <.und now ':a· pool. bbq Adutl~ no 1 • 5361370 8kilnl{. l(Olf l..ow dn .. ~~ EXECUTIVt Mi.'1>11 North JHr, 2rla. dbl KUte l'oot I l<•nnt~ T llalboo , .. wla 3707 pets 1142 5073 . . :Wr l!b11 ('0111111, r p. pulw Super sharp JI Jjr gar111u· • 2hr In 4 plu $47S Nt''A qui I Low pymts lsoO sq 5bdrm. -lhu. film rm. 1111rage. $725 mo ~ $700 $1700•rro Hob or Uov1e .~'J f:""'' ••••••••••••••• •••••••• --2 c11r aar N1 bd1 SllSO & PJtlo No iwt ""''"'· "' d hk uf. l'Mlsd n 3 br I\ b . -.etbar, pool. Jiil', l'll' se<·unty Ai.I\ S49 8517 Koo.p, Ubl\ 7S9 1221 t;-lthf r New y dec·or Olx furA 3 br, 2 b11 Jpl, Paul67Hl:W 1>44! ~5m ..... · · ' a, Kar p,, bl'&Chl'b, oc·c an thruout. spal' 2 tir. 2 bu, "ut·.-an & bay view from IAY TIMIERS " g11r, No pets 64 9494 ~rry ~·339S Vll'W S2.SOO mu ltrr t:xcc·utive "' 1111: N l'w llG CANYON rormal din. Pool. view sundtrk. av111I. 1mmecl 2 Br "ahu 1,:"011~\·, i>oo.1. F..;i~tside 2 1111· 'm '11"1 WAJ.K TO nt:ACll I Br o.tofr--a.. pl t au 1GO-Jli54 Orh•ltnb Condo l.untt' OnGolfC011r1• Ava1l 1mmed toScpt I. Winter S600tm(), yrly Sl'ACIOllS111r ~l.llO \ $;i00 Mi:t JllUrhgar ~25 OIO !ICIO i.IO\\• & rerr1Jtf' ,, T'' 2550 67S 2tl87 t•nd llllll , 3 Rr 2 Ila l fl(km~ 2' J fi.1 l'ool '82 ner:. SI 100 mo ~rm 67S-5204 f'lrevl.ctt', IJllOI & m111 h 00 1602ur ~1113&.1· '>(l fl 548 411-1~ $37S rm !):16 797!1 ., rrvk. pallo Ill.IOI. l·lbh't', Jat •· T N I tfum avail Xlra l <'all O'IJrt• l'·•"Ulllul :! llr ., H11 1-: side tr1 pll'X 111. 11u11·t •••••••••••••••••••••••Si><i1·1uu~2nr frplt'.dt'n. wt1lklo~ho1,,_ 6457!:153, ·utzi o: tnnt~ t'>AY rolll'!'l . 213271393!1,ICoronodelMor 3722 "'" -"' u.~ ~ ~IEAT IUYll SOOS mo ~!);I <l!IXI dN· VutJnl $1 ,200 Mo 714.71;0 J66Hor ap•il ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-9883 S5SO 1110 (',irp1·h 1!1' 2tir. lndr). pa1111. atllli. .......,....,on T 11411110ll7 W .. yN.T.aylorCo. • hw.1~hc·r \1.,11 Jl5 tl0pt'b$.\351ii3 36011 HartlOur' 3142 e over payments on llealto~ 64~ 4910 Ck t'J.O V1 .. -. 3 br tondu. Sooc loch 4pt fj75 f~~I(; 1 Ill!. (pie·. l·nl'I i:u1 .11:i-••••••••••••••••• •••••• ~q~a~e~~~ b:~~V1~· Coaftl MtH 3 224 ~Volley 1234 Nwpl Crest, yrly. ;11 atl 2 bf(~~ io bea<'fi. Ol'UI' l!mmy :I Rr To11 nhullhl' Sl'/\l'IOl'S & Sl'NN\' ~~ mu 2 llll c·Mul11. qUJF:'I' STUllHJ (.'llNl)O tu a rta. Owner Ai:t ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••;:0~;;;·1-~oitR·~;;.r ... , .1 I Mr Clark. al!I. ~hop. furn. cpb. drp:. .• afiFexinN~i:!.~! 'd<~.':.~~r:;~~:J 2 111 l'rtr"cl i:.11 1111111·1 '11·•· (pl!-. Slil'1 mo "'k ~'rplr. refr11tt>. llll11111. I 941_·4TI7 eve_s Spa 10 bat·kyard. 3 llr + 3 lidr1n ''1•nd11 s•l<fl IAYFRONT !AS Xl70 aft 6 upp AYlll~ Apnl all uul . d \\ ~o rv•t\ S.12~ m11 tor lk•ll \ ti 15 !Ill.I Ill Jtro:.:. r1 tn IH'h S4GO fa mt I~ room. l lcan '-'"' 2 ,Ion 1 1 bdr nl:.. :i • pd $400 mo trepla\·e. cm·bd palm & ,.. • ·~..,, · 962 4914 Nears c l'l.ua ~·cm·ed \Jrtl & J!Jr111l•' b lh 11 , 1., Lido, 2Br. !Ba mob1ll' 6735-iS4.i.6730164 f:raRc. Sorr; nu pch !'>ll!!U~1 '111151 111 f,i•l :.:..011 LA JOLLA 979 """" Kids & pel> WC!lrnm1• '1 "· 1 ~ P a 1 ., hom.• pvt b<"h l(:JS BB1l -7• M 1· 1• '"'II l I 1"M 3144 WINOEMERE·a gated """" 5'15 2\Xll) Auem , 110 rec· i:orl(t'OU~ I ll'W P11•r anti Ind!). ra1·11. ,,;1 p~t OK'. Coato ~ 3724 .. Cl l ..... ,, '" 2 hr. I Ila clltjl I'), J pl Dcino Poiftt 3826 ...................... . romm. 4 Br 31 z Bu. dt> Ol' RENTAL:> D ~hp $311()() per mo J\ '<•ti $600 mo • n I' 1 u t II ••••••••••••••• •• •••• •• 6'75 59-l9 "' ~1111 a1 i:.11 $.\1111 l'1•b ••••••••••• • • • • • •• • • • • • I Hr • Io rt l' on d u l'Orated w panache 1n Deluxe.> T1beron l'ondo I Feb I 673 8718 1 llr 1-: sidt· ,m,111 hut ,,,,l.~1lll'll'<I ~~!l 511111 2 JI r 01• 1· .111 1 1,." ()rJn1•,l'lrt'e Phrn 4. Ten· I 5br', ~oo 10 S:WOO C .t. I.' "" OE ORO 1mpel'l'able taste The 750.3314 i tl.1_\~ 3 l>r, 2 bu. rum rm $6115 """"' l'l>ZY w lot~ ul Ol'.11 MEWPORT hukUll) t!df'Jl:l' l'll•Un nl\, pool. adulb. nu pel:. ultimate m gral'iou~ "'' 4 3 Appl now Sharp Jllr home"' rn't'an ALL UTILITIES !'AW wood $360 Aduli... or1h ?AOO \ ('111110\,1 llr l.S441 Will l'Olli.tcfrr l~r lllg. Vicki Fraser, al(l Onl} S4tX) renl~ 1h1:. :!13 429 42'l3 213 1311 !IQIJ 11c-. I housl' to bch ll'il 9522 APARTMENTS lJ:I lOZ 2f>57 11 ulll't'l I opt i).t 1:>.w 542 7600 WI n de mere HI 1 \ 2br "' i:ar. p;i1111 ~1tl SIOOl mu Yrl~ bl· J\ ail Compare be fort' ) ou ' ··1n1-· 1•1 A . ... I' I :! 111 $.1211 m•1 lnfu111' Oc·-Vl•w! • --•~och 3848 1-4541126 OCRENT1\LS 7~03314 3 BR :! Ba. mu 10 mo , "'Jo µt'I~ Wa}lll', 1\)(l rent Custom clc~•i:n r • ·L r. 1111 · 1111h.nt1ol:'t' ,._, " .....,.. ... -...:.... $750 Ntc•t• lor K1tls UK i f>ld 1!11111 reaturt'~ Pool. B llQ. !)fl val t' pa I!". & d '.' 2-1.~I -.Jl'" 1~1rl llh 11 Ill\ T111.1 nhouw 1\ µI :1 ••••00••••• •• • ••• •• • .. , MltldoclnoCoost BEONEOF 9603805 ro,·ru i:ara~\' :.ur hwa.,ht•rsmXlll\t.1,1 ('o,IJ \h•'.i l~lrm :?.h.i lrpl \·n1-l!"n1,1ud10~ '• blk lo Beautirul Towenni: THtLUCKYFEW ' Canal Ftont ~\·14porl l\IHil-: Oll'l.EX 2bt roulldt•d \\llh plu:.h ~2 111 i:ard1·11 .Jph •m i::ir, 1111 prt" ~1.1'll'r Mam fkh $33SS38Sut1I Redwoods on 85 mland Rent m <.'o~l u ~lt:o,a·~ ~Oflltach l2401 Shurl>:..1 llr + l.cu~l·or 1b.1 i:ur. lmlry. 2(1' 111 l11nds1·ap111g Nopets F.a~l;.1d1• $•Ifill ~5hll Sn1.1ll I llr I 111·1-.111111111 hdrrn ha~ ('11th l'l•1h11,: md 4!!<13044 aC'res . Level l a ne! NEWEST l(<lll'd 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• opl11mtol111\ s1r11"111111 LK·hf1511yrl)002 4!111 l llrrurn rrum$46S 557211-11 :n~J',;~'~:•,1s1;1~~1 mu l~cl,!ll1'~' 1'.1111.• Sii~ W.-..rtleoch 3869 wlsouthern exposure. Tuwnhorne \'11.l.!\liE 5Blks lOO<'\'JO F:h•i:anl~ 1enn" 1111111 ".ilk lu 11.ubor \ll'"' l\noll :1111 :!llr futn rromS5•10 1 Br i:ara)(l'. ,,11 cJ :-..11 •• "' ::.:r.: ... ••••••••••••• gS88ood.n!ell & rni:ked road cmt~tl'NITY ! & 3 Br Ur Fam1h Hm &. lkn llt'.tch \)(1•111tilli11111 ol 1·011do "rprux l!JOO '(I ~w W1l,on, 642·1971 pets 1\111~ OK S-150 '11111 llt'lux1· :! 1111 l.1111 1111 pan1 NEWPORT V\IV 2'i ka 1@01800 ~11 rt or $11511Mo ·1'lu~hnpb ~·~1 lo45·2ll05 ft Lobo ,1ora).tl'.Cl\'l'f I li4t(T7ti3 11.11111 111111' $~~~1 "' BToro 3832 "" SEACOTTAG·E H E pure lux urv tiarai:es Ila Cedar & J!la~~. 'un 't / L' 1-( a r . ,. u Ill m N1re I llr dplx t,ull'I J'I ''1'r 111'1' lilf> lli't:t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 170719370423 hHlrotul~ 111 ma ... ll·r tlt't'k clhl 1·ur pr\ llGCAMYONLSE 1111111 li·nnt' SllllU Sep b) gar I t•mpl~d 2 llr. $355 mu 35'' \'11 1 ii.:! llH l:Jlllen l Rr :!IS,1 111·1.1 111ntl111h' 'PARJM£HJS ,uue. d1tt1l1ri room!>. J!.iragl' rull~ ma1nl ~HR Md.a1n l'un<lu &W ~ .idull O\l'r 35 No 11eb tona /\dull~. n11 1wh •'I'" h1.1a,h1·1 rt•f111:1·. puol I " OWofStat• \ant Nnpt'b ln4u1n·at l Sll25permo Call<;t•rr) $3.5(l 5-'81021 I li4f>HIHI "'IKMll 111111'1 ""II kt•PI t\11h OK 1~1 la~l & <k ..__..... 2600 IACMKlburnmg trl•plat"l'!>. 5:.'7181h St 9606331 b'7317f\l or71i0 1397 111.l'FFS 3 HH 2•, ba. 11111 W \\ihun ('\! l!l•'lt SS!IS 11111 i\1a1I .. ..,... .. , 1111c·r11"a'e 11\l'n" ., .. 1., rvtt. up..:r.idt·d . pat1u.~onltach3740 1...t:!iJ1:11>1~.1:1;K COUNTRYCLUB ••••••••••••••••••••••• pn\alc: pu11os & ~ .1rd~ ll<>M ~. H>R H l-.N1 1 . llr I H.i 'Ii c•-. purl $900 mo or l~e opt ••••••••••••••00•••••··1 4 1 UJ 11 "1 ~ lil!llO I llAWAll. Big Isl.ind. Gudenn pro\ tcll'cl 3 lklrm $700 FctH'l'cl lll'ighl~ \t·n pmalt'.I ifj(l 8.'ti-I • , S ~leld i ~p.w111u' 1 111 li.111lc•r1 ~•"I fJIJl,I LIVING IN ()('eanrronl. white i.and~ Elei:anl lllllll( uni) 15 \ilrd & gara~r l\1di. & )!a ral(\'. 111·a1 llual( 'H.B. s,FINE T I APARTMENTS I 1\111 "!'ol l!. l'l'I' :\II 11111 ~ It h 3840 NEWP09'T ~!l'!!:..,R,e2sl.31Jo83t.22~36·,7dn ntllllfll'S from Fash.111n pl'l~ \\ekonw 5152'"~) li.\50095 I Hcri»cN'VitwHOlftfS ,;;y~an,1~rhulF-ps1arlkt•,11.kl\{'llll:ur Re, .iu11ru1 i:arch•n Jilt' JIJlll .. ".1'1'.,,.u,'·'r'tJ\l1••J •••••••• ~ •••• ~~....... ae~cH .......,~"""~ ... Island 1 mmull!:. lu S l' \gent, no frl· • J BR fam rm rul !It' .,.. .. u 1 a . ~ < ' "' R_..__ r-l'l.ita or Ol°Airporl , .• I HarborRtdotLtase :.al'Sll50760·0007 round1nl(s lur.1nodl l all•i-...•l.-rk" ~11·1 hi··''j l!l:1~\IJJ1h·\\1• \pt:• WlffldrftApts 1 ~,.._._, Just ea~I nf :-li•\\ptirl OllL~.X Iii! llunl I ~Hr 3ha,f1ml tl1nrn1:.r r. · · pool Sunken ga~ bb11. p:11d Nup•·h I l'nfurn I h<lt111 l1v1 \II Gro•ts 2700 Bl I'd & so ur San l>tt't.tn m)!ton All' On•an 1 "'"'. ,1udy. hl',llll tlt•t· ll!l' Harbor Vu Home 5 !>park Ii n I! rou n 1a1 n ~ 2 1111 2 111\ S.~~;, ~ htlrm I li.i I'·' 1111 u111 pd \ll .1111,•111111•, ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• ~'r'4\ S1Jr11ni:.11S!IOU;i iullc.>ybJ~I rrt, I llr d1·cki. r.ill \lt''A P"' I IMlrm-f.~!'r rt'Mllr11n·' Spal'1uu~ room, l*IW W1l,1111 li:ll !l:.x;i l:Jl.il:•' fl\•,11 h·1l•111 ~~.1.-;1!1 RANCHOCALIFORNIA month li31 543!1 ~173 ~ mn •Ar S600 11111 ' i:u.mled l:·•lt' 1>0111 h•n 111 S.-;i1.11nd Fahuloui. St'par.111• dm111)( ari•.i ~;;,~1~1ch• 2 llr ll.1 t 111 $.l5ll f>SI fil:lt~ llc•htx i· 1111111,1111• \I r •1 I~+ A\'O<'ado trees. Oran!(•' .\,l' ro~IJ tirrcnlt•ntin·~uplnfl•r 111.' S'l!kJCI mo \f.:I lloh 11\•1.1 ' .\nwn111c~..:alon· 1 Walk 1n c·lu~1·I!> taa.:1• S.l!J5 t11'1 b1".ll>.'d ~ llr 1 11.i 1111111·1 ''" l.iii:i· :!hr:! 11.1. ltltn' 1 1-'oreclosure pric·e In Ml'Sa SllUO mo .. l•ill llnlt j 11rr'li>\h'l\1111p i5111~21 lmluclc·, gartlt•nt•r & h11tnt'llk.-k111·h1•n &I Eltk•111i31 Ii~>~ "''""h1•1 111 1111 10.11111 1: 1.1hr I _ mah·' lw,11 h vestor terms Good la\ ' . '"'\\'I 5116 354)0 oil' Clf I & I • ' I l'U W· lk I II nl \ I I h I C llL'RRY' 3br :!bJ .ill l~•l .iti:!"L holl'lt' htr n• Ill '"·"I h I u f C rnrnm pou c 11111... c .1 1111 ~' a o u ., llr I H.i )'1111 \I ipl\• • .J t I'" r I ' ' " I ' I \•lulh no '"'" $."ilMlmo ~:h1e;roJ~~·11'0~ s~ri~' ap Ip 1 >l~S ' llt·.w11full\ tl1·1·11r 111'11 .I '" 111i;t11nltnlt'r -,\\t' l Jr..l.lll '. flUl>'l·. IHI f~~.11:M1~ '•liK.lci:! ble20-acres Curlis,/\gt OCRtN1'~~~;f i511'3314,:t II~:!': ha ~p~r,t1ft-d . Iii:!': l\,J honw'uil't fiiSl;i!ill.li757ti!.IM llldrmfuru S.tMS I P\'b i:!J>•.'l'~•m' $.ll!I 1110 2 111 ·111.1 t~"'I 1.ir111•h TllE WlllFFl.ETHl-... J !]l4) 576 4005 • . l~TI:oohsl' "I ~a', hii .ill-I l11oktni: l;ir )!1· l!fl'l'lllit'll IJm t•r Or 111 W l''ldtfl I '\u l't'l' S 11• r 1 J \1 1! 1111 I· 11 •It ,,, •. , \11 1"'1' llu'' 1 2 .I Hdrm '"" <; \ 111 ~;\s~c ~,1 111~,1 ~~!:~. ~,~h'm.!,~\.~;l~lri.'nm'~:: S9i5 mu hlHiMll <'onclo l'll1rn.1h' h\lol! l'lihll\''"'l'l" Ml 1.121 llt"''<\l'l"I l'•'lllfh· )1~111 ~IJJ 'iJun.1 P•"1I 1 .. n111,, \ lu~ul') l'llmmunlly un 111\' tlJ1·k H.i~ Sp{'c tJc ulJr SpJ. ; ~"' 1m mtnl! l•H1b . K llJ!hlet1 ll'n 111.\ l'llUfb l11kll lrual, I' II I I I 11 I: I: I <' \' n l\,1 c h1·lor ~ I Jnd ~ l1t•1l11~1m' .1parlnll'nl!> JrHI 1111.1 nhou~l·s rrnm i>l'llu SIOllO per month On Jamboree .\I SJn .lu.itiuin 11111~ Hoad 171411>4 4 190(1 Rtcll&tok tlepo!>ll r :.11'1 SIK 4:ulR 1••· l ~ I \ r I~ I' I ;>;\\µI 111, :1 Ht 2 ll,1 , 11\J'>I~·~ ~Ulll' \\I.th (rp~\'. I "l';J I s {' I' I .1 '·' ;,11C 11<·•; 111 • II 1.t1:.!'.f1 \'lt 11-lli Olil!I I bchaite)t 2800: art~ i l4 857 1:!110 1)15 liK!I:! SX2.11m l~l. I.1st • 111-p 1 "uncluk ' 1 llr & tl\O.f l.A~'l INT \ 1n;1t\IOSA llt'.1ul1ful p.irt. l1J..1• ,,.1 \i;•·nl :"\II FEE AIJI & L'onclu ••••••••••••••••••••••• · i'l6-11142 \\.111110" 1>15 i ""i lrvh' 11' 111~ 1 m & hu..:•· 1 ltiZll 1',1rk,ull• l.11 I hlk. uni: l•~•I 'll·• , .ir I"•' t I 1 ·,..,,,, \!\-,,1 , tin•''' IJ1111 MARINERS WALk n·nt .. b \'tllJ RentJh WANTED. House on Lido Spat Z br 21: h:i hll 111" 11.11111 P011 'l':I hlu1 w or Ht·.i.-h J ltlk~ s of 1111 s,1;;1 Mli t~.i;i, 1 I • 1 Lr!! :J llr 'Io-. nhouw 75 2 11 k Isle ror income proper Jar pool. Cl u1 ,., i:trl'd ~111111' 2hr n•mo1!1·h·tl I II! u r 1 i. :t 111 ~ 11.1 ·I S llHlll mu ,,, ~ 7 :!!IK I Edmi.:1"1 I ' ' u 111 JI ' ' • i r ,\ P·• rt ml' n I Fr I' I 1 •• ·4!:11 ro l'r w.Pnn only.642·0369 llkr.675491:! )(Jr.kul J){'t.:'</0'>' SllH• I I u1.1 11 h1111 '\' .! r.ll ·1'1311H03 IJkt• """' 11:1· 1 ht ·•Jll' s.t!.'l~~Mln•• 11''"' i·ipl .\ 1·rwbd i:ar 11.11111 \Jiii l.an:i• lllH l 111 pd Spol • ~ --()(' HE:'l:T·\IS i'>O:JJl l )!Jrai:1•"' 111i.·111•1 \1ail 847-5441 Q1ut'1 ro11111l•·x 1111 ll"" cllJ" l'hiltl1t·n "1'11111111· \c•,ir llunl ll.11f1nur I " $42.) ·1~21 f' .,._P'-'-S · 3Hr I Ba t>ndsd1?.11.11:1· .\!;" ht ~·11111 mo PRIVATEPARk ~1-1 • 'I I' 1111 Jll'h l'ut nc·i 01 l'htldrt·n tit\ :,11:.c1 mu 1~';:'hs"tu1~.!~ .-,1u ~ • Wilf trad~.~~~~l) 1· nr1.1 cari>rb & 11"10111 ~ Ar T11-.nh111lll' I ll.1 1.u 95.~ i 111. i:!' ,h;i , u. $7tMI LOCJN ltoch 37 48 ~ 11 " 1111 ·' ,.,,, ir1c·, Fair1 "'" & ,\tl,,m, •1 :. "' ,..,, ~ " in 5 acres parcel. sma II dravc.>s. lar~r ~at d & t•nrbcl )Miio. '''1·1tr1I~ I . 3 llr ~·, h<1 $700. kr<ls ok .1•••••••••••••••••00•·~· 1 2f,<,ci 11•111•1 !'ll!I :n Ii \Inn S.11 :1r,; 1111.'• ~Ulli/llJ7 I Sp,1t I or 2 hr apt~ I m1 1 1t I h ~11.0 n-.. 1~1 mt• , ti\• lll•a11t1full~ upgr.icll'll ·'I •w•t,nu•IJt• !Luxon ~1ud111. ~pa T\ :-iEWlllU:Ell \l''I~ .. . ., .! t.1 .! ltJ .ill i:.11 frum bt'Jlh '\11 JH'l' t:abin fUll pril'e $13.500 I pa IO WI Ip ay .. 01J1~l' 1111 1""11 ........ ""19 lit I·'· u. l'11111I" rr1il·· .... , d h I l'H ,, II \I II r1 11111 •.•sr s. 111• .• llr .... ,..... --· t I ·1 Take over IO'A p1.11 I J)l'IS :-lo 'AJler11t•t ss~u -· ~"'"" r ... I " ' John \i;t 6312242 ma1 \\'f\l('e, p <Ill\'' ' " ,. .. < • ~ ~'>11 11111 :! II .! "' .II t>t:!:!J5j menlS Tradt> for mobile + dep11~11 ;, 111 ;, 14 ;,> I pallu t' i•c l ric ..:.1ra).tt' $115 "'k ~99·2227 S36.\ ~'r11I( "'' l'IHlfll ~u1 rr•1 ht • 1.1,t ~a I ,.. r I i I 1• 111 ' . 7-u""""' llJ:ll. 2ba $751) m.1 1!11111 opt'n\'r pool pJrk 1111111 J.11•11111 1;,,, ,\ii i.1: •. 1~1t11 S.17> 11•• 1111;•1:~11 111 ;,1 SkJt-111 t>\'a\·h :! llr I', home.Campertrut•k. I' 1 """" l1lllurestt•r .~r 1111,h.11!1 Jarol/1,~,111113 Sil!\ rnn ., •SIGllT&SCll'~D<ff 1 fia lrttll lmm.iculat1• p Call All5wer :\cl " 631, LUI eh Mt•'u \'l'rd\• :1 1111 & \11am' !H>ll l~J!ll l.m<la jj~ 7311 llr .\pl ~~l''1''1 ' rr SEA I Rr rrplt j!.«r ";11"' jlJll "'" "''1' )'I I 'it,11111<1 \pt '"I I·· 111 I llr 11.11111 I .1r port pool l'Ottll Sl.t50 t.71 2.'>lli \gt M2·~2' hrs ram "rm. 2 l>J $1\ltO mo .... ~ ~~.,1h111fl Fam1h llunw ~larlhru June l!U SIK~ llanullnn (' \I ",, 111 1 I II\ .th ··nit.IOI,. li.tlh.... 'II.I "'' Ufll\ \.l~l:'t I lll R-~L.. t\1ds peh nt')! Jullt• ·~:.::...~~ 3242 ht•• I llr J ll,1 1111 $15110 I ...... rt•-h 3769 I llH s:11;11 11111 ·""I,, 11 1~1· hil l h\'lll "'"' \\.1111' ~!1'.!t.i l:. ,c11n lla11•n 2 ttr I ha nag agt !'>46·Z3IJ ~ i1,hl4,h1•r. nl'IA cl1·r111 . 1 ,...-wpo -ac 1.a1111111 :"111,..1, IXI\\ 1•111111·..:•·' ~~··'' rn11 "''"' c·rvt. fr,.,1111111111 W.ted 2900 ....................... 1 gr1j111 w,.,,, 1111, l~11lrnnl \~:trm1.1 llll'k ....................... H.i\ ~111·1;,11. 111lol,11111-'ttll.,1111111 1>1'111\1• "·"'"" Jiii I f111l1 t'Jllnl.11 '\;upt•h ••••••••••••••• •• •••••• :\r So CoJ~I Pla1.1 Ot'" \\',ilt•rf rnnl Rro;ul1111101 SI 3:!5 11111 h I h i .' :,11 SJ:!.W Want ,oml'lh 1 n I! '11 ,, · 111 I .11111 .I 1111 It um hdrm :! h.o l'JI 111 '" .11 $1~•1 M2 213 1 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY tlbt \'Olldo l'E'.\TH II Hi F ~bclrrn :!hJ f 1'1)1r "'t•l ;·.:1 25.'itl "ah·t1 ronl lloml'' 1111· I , 111• r 1 a I 1 n .i :! H 1 fk Jut ~hilt 111 , on "" 1,.,.,11 h J.i.:1· , .1111 q 1111·1 I lk·.11 h & \I .1111 ~1,1t11 , • ('(l\'E. 2Br. 2BJ rn1lr har dhl "Jr. ,hp a1atl I 11.11 141MI Townhouse. <·om11lt•l1•1\' pnn~ Sl' l'la1.t 1111 I nt•1ghh111lw11.t 1.1111 !Mill!l:t:l2."11 l~>tH. \\:itc•r(rnnt ill\_!. lit h cl I 1 .. II\ II ~l1111arn :! h1•llrn1111'1 r , tvQ M 7 . 9 7 w I 11 I I -·· I I • CjlUt'I pm ,lh' s ,•15 111<1 1.1 .. r nr t•\1111r~ vatin S9i 5 mu :!ti.icJ1:n )!Jnlt•nc•r Slll:.O BAl.BQABAYClUB um .,.~S .o 60 II Jt•·r.i' '''"'Ill' "'"'·'~'·""'1111'_ hntl\\l\,11111111.1.inl111 llutl..l\.tll hiJl>.l3i,& m1cro\\a\l' 2 t·Jr )!.ir 1ill1675 ilil i.pJ 1111111 'l>KU ll 111" j I> I I' I 11·1 I I "' opnr •v>ol Jae Sll~I I '"~ !S:!lll 1~11 ir.i:I '••1•1 11;~ 0~1111 WJnl '''' I .1111.t:! \hill I '11 \ 1" •1"1 11·•' 1 lrl:! !llA~i P\• ~11' d0 s1rhs 2 lo "' '>•· I t1 I I llr •."v1•0 l!Dnt \ l"'A ' , ' "' rm + $11011 'l'I 1kp .ur llX l'On 11 un .,1)(11011 < ' ' • • •••• A •••••••••••• 3Br e nol lo c•x recd 759 9141 ii\, 12 13 1 2 fp i:ar & man' \lrJ~ BIG CANYON S1111111 mu T Jkc 1ncr •• • • • •• • • • • • "" $42$.000 localed in N B 131 _4500 £'\1,, $850 mu ca 11 ,. , \'' CONDO It' .i \ •' /ti I I ••rt I :I or • Purchaser Wiii ul1h1e SO -.kndsS-1063&.:l,831 293~ 3 Rr rull ..:olr 111U1w 1 f.15 ~~KH·~I 1111 • arre ranch as par11.1I Hou.~t·. hor~e 11k 2 Hr '"'"'· 1e11111i. 1)11111. 'l':t 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • payment Ranch is 1rn $.5() JT1() 20202111rr·h S1 Tnnidad bli• lA·a.,r Sl2UO 1\\ all 111114 Smi Clemt1ttt 3276 • ~~~gt~lyqu~~tare~tul~k s an I \s·~ ,~31 11 i: I " ~;, 11~~ .. 1~1~(·~.~or ~~{' l'nlTlt' 111<' 6-1.i rn1 111. r ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 8 Days 3 Lines 8 Dollars • liiJ8849urRJ3 26511 ~r"'r•rt 11 ~1~ 5 Hcl 1·.11,.. ., l'nl~>n~ l'on-l'11ndo • • hunllllg. horseback ncl EASTSIDE Cl1·an I llr I <"111 •kn l!~nw 11111n1 .I -_hr 2 h" iHl\'r ,\pnl I I :~~e~~1~1.s taJ~~~\':x~i~o~ totlagt'. rnuplc· or ,ni.:I lniM 3 24 4 1·ar c,ir .Mm, ,11 11 l ~t· 11r C'l111Jh11u"l' .~ 1ic1ol e 1 t .., P<l~Y to Did( f' vour 8-Day Wee~ Clas-.d1ed by ma ii and it • 2 hrs & 40 min from 54l6 +SN' l!.i'i :.!Olll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 .ilk tu tu,, houl \J.i\ \\,ilk Ill lwai·h ~II ltt'I~ • tO~IS Jtl'il S8 -ltldl .., only cl dollar a day• To Qualify for this 'I Sch 640 5399 Hedel· T1.111 hdrm ,., 1'wnhon1l· nt'"' :1111 I hJ i:u l\'J"' opl1011 I .rill ).'11!11 n" li61 633:.! I • __ W1>_1 ____ . ____ 1 (•ellenl lor taq,llk p..1111. l(ar Park 1ic1nl 1>1ana,Jb'11•11 l~hh • lhtµh•\ unll , 2htllm. Speclous stu<l!OS one • ">nPClal ()lfpr Y<Jll mu.,t be a non·LO mmPrC1al user o ll~ring qutl'l &lli lfliK JJC' S975 mo K:l:t !MISi !Ila frµk 14.11~ Ill ht·h. ar\dtwa.bedroomaoart • mer<,hdlllli-..P fu r !:id IP UD 10 $800 per ad and the DflCe ffiU51 • Rewtals WOOOHHll><i E "\E\\' Spyalau Hill S52S mo K'.IU ill!\ 1 Jtl ments FURNISHED be 1n y<111r ,Jr1 The_,, CO"I s tay" the same whether yo ur ad • •••••••••••••••oo •••••• f:\{'(' 4 Br 1·11,111m huml' 2bdrm. tlt•n i·mm·r unit Sj1t•11:k\1fJr m·1•Jn 111·1.1 Jftl'r !:!noon end UNFURNISHED • ., ,, ,, u.....---F.niishtd 3 rrpk. p111,11l' .. 111•1•1 I r 11 ht J t f.mul~ ruin1:1l 11111 Oakwood also 011~ rire'" > C•ht cl ""Ii iq I~ o r SI o ne • ,_, R1•n1 nr lc·aM' 111•111>11 '10il t' ~I'· 11 ' ' 11 I 1ng pool 'p:1 S:/111111 S J • '' u !:i ~ 1 ' .IV'> ·'' 11 h' ~ !U ....................... ll'l('f) rr11i· ••lnu'm '"''" jl~l'IJ;l;JJ•~ I mi uan 'AH Utihlies Paid ,.~~Mar 3122 Slli~ n-.. 1110511>;,.10'1:!2 t•iol lennhS9i;; "'" •.;.. o Capistrano 3278 •tmmediale • • ----1711 •!l!li llliClll ,1,k lot u p on' CJ d p h bo Abo t 4 0 r:J rn I a on" •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• P<il JI I' I s ~ !'> 2 II •••• 0 Stow ind Art a ••••••••••••••••• •••••• Occupency :, ( w r In dl. )( u w I ') d . ,. r • Cozy l'Ot la ge \\ 1lh 11\\rwr llkr :1 ltdrm h'11u,1· Sp1·1 :t~Jr 2• ·ha ram rrn,.;pa 'SI Million in • c.ld':>::iif1erj lr n e o f !YOE' M tntmum ad 15 3 ltnP'-, P lease prtnl rireP.lace. 2 BR. rlcn \'11-:WFHll:'>I 'l11nlAr1•1'· .·111clr111 ·11,.1 1.11111.ir ''''"' 11·11111' Spt·11a1ulart1t·t·,:i11111•1.1 Recreallon • \\•a1lfor6month~ W D [\'EHYR:'>I ' " u 1•~11 t.ll '.c1rn11 ihll 'lill~• "'" 11 ~'' S!l.~ mo • plainly ml'ld.~mo Call Ann :"\('"Bluff rondo~ llr :~·~~ts-·.11~;;1: 5!\i• I .1111lti'if>ll ll ·~·I Ii.la !;.ii 1119 AnoMuct>More • • 542.5200 2•, Ba. mu·ro. sp.i ~~5 :lhr :!h.1 t•H•I elm rm (m ISGtta.Ana 3280 Fol a monlh or ii hie r------------ ------------------, 5-11 -116.i. Im 1781 'l;r "olr 1 our~l' & JHml n~ ....... als ~n "a1ly • LOIJIMCI Stach l I 48 . H.i;rho S;1n Ju,111111n Z rm 11 llll ( l.i' "11 •••••••••• • •.• •••• •••••• ~~ 1"'~ N;' pets • I I oo•••••••••••••••••o•• 1'.:',1de LI( I Br. u111qut hr cJco 2 h;i nllH1" Slll50 11111 Agt ~I 'lll:U j lhclrm. 2hJ. lrl? homt•. re m 0 • I • "'"glish Co11aae, 2 Br. 2 C'Jbtn like rcatur.rs \\ ptl ...... l"' 121 modt•l('(I, l'arlhlonl!S I u• " I I I S"2" ..,,,., mo~"" 1 ' APT.W/DOC" """'' ~1 t la•l + S3."'' I 1 · • Ba. dining room. walk In ~· 1 • 1 r ~ ., " rnn " JUJJ .. ~ J .ro O kwood beach. shops $751) 5!li 645 ~ TURTLEROCt< Wa1erfronl. 2 (Ir 2 HJ Sl'(' 6i3 489'3. S.9 2515 a • I • Lomb a rd y Lane :JHr alnUJTI. S!l25 m11 "' 'Pa 111 m-.1r llJ Bit 111 Garden Apartment• I 213 378-3119 PETS KIDS Ok 1.auleE111 ltl1r1:11 4445 k11. rrvl.d1tl .. a1 i:;ir. + 2 SouthLCICJll'IO 3286 • I $ 8.00 I • Westside 2 Or I Ba j urr '' ~pJres SIJOO •••••••••••••••oo•••••• Newport Beach/No. • 1• 3 br. 2 ba. wh11ewater $475 mo 556·6516 211r 21Ja C'O /\ rr111t-Older J br. I ba lkean 880 Irvine I \1ewhom1dl'1)lr.ApT I. l&'R T 1 51115 & 1822:! :'>laH PPll' J.R.PROP.MGR \O SllSO mo 30831 t11•6th1 • 10.60 I • l.1600 rm 494·9655 • r r_:n ers . $775 mo Ii 11 b:l!li & 675-6670 6 75·6173 I Manl,\n llr !140 1441 (714) 6-4>1~ I f • ----up+ s1~11 i.1.'1' :-.;o itill·l-168 I Mtwport leoch 3169 c hi Id r r n u r d 11 gs Walk to 111.•J( h :1111 :! Hil 1 WMhnilldtr 3298 NeWl)Olt Beach/So. • 13 .20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &t2·9193 RENTALS l:Jral(l' "' honk up" 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 1700 16th St • I • 2 flr.enrl,ard,pc•l~kids lhr Iba si;:io f:plr. d~~"~~r .~~\Jl:l' llO~n:FORRENT (Oovera116rhl • 15.80 I • Barhelor. m Versailles ok 1\\ail Mar 14 22 15 :!br+tll•n 21Ja s9~5 \\ilt1e &to lii5 t;i;o1; :1 Adrm S6SO Frnn•tl C714l M 2·5113 I S625 Pomona S5511 mo 3hr.2ba S!J!>O PRIV~TEPARt<· iard & i:ar:il(e t\icl~ & • •d $2 60 f 11 11' f 8 I I • MobileLidoParkS700 646~ Jbr.~ha Sl~INIFurn 3 nr 2•,ha kid"iik .l'\·I~ pel!l'tlt'lroflll• ~IS:!OIKl "'d . Oreachaddtona tne Or tmeS B C d 4 br 2•: h.i Sl200 I \g I n rAA ~ • BayV1ew2 r on fl ITIJ\, hC' G31 22·12 .lohn I en I Cl nc "-.... L-a 378 • I s1200 •U.STSIDEHOMES• 3hr2ha S!l7~l'n,.1a M c~a ~ -..,-· Villa Balboa 2Br Sl 250 Clean. prcll). no do1?s 4hr. 2ba S800 llunl lkh ''il1 ~s Funiishtd or •••••••••••••••••••••• • I • Newport Crest 3Br lort •I Br S.195 all u11ls pa rd Le Ra1~or Rll) 833 8600 WESTCLIFF Uwmniwd 3300 Laguna BeaC'h . beaut Pub l1sh my ad for 8 days starting I • Sl500 forqwetsm1tll' •-och 3248 & POOL , ........... •••••••••••• rum . su11e 2 RR. spa. • I Waterfront Homes •2 Rr S.575one rh1ld -I HU ..... luGTON sauna. sale ll1h' TV. • 18.ICS:rnla lsabel. ....................... Lfl!t'nOUl?h for 3 famtl\' "'" maid sen· SJOO >Ak • Classific ation I 631 -1400 near Elden 960 3989 Laree I IJdrm d pl1•\ but not loo la rite rnr OOl' HARIOUR 714 499 22Z1 • \ll''A rrvr $700 per rnu Elc1?an1 dcror. CX('(' •I I BEACH P'ROrERTY • N ame I Houses Uftfurftiahed Sp:mous 4 Br. 2 Ba; Ea 5S2·~8 &l, 11ardencr & pool S\'( OWNERS ...._......_ I • •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• C M. f'rpl. lg gar. 1?real OCEAN VIEW ind 1\\'a1l -.a~ 1lnrr I.et IL~ rent your m(•oml.' ....-~"!h.d • A ddress ~••••••••••?~~~ loc Lea~~·l~mo 1 211~1:~~/~~>J/~~~;! [;~~1t11 ~~~;"1 mo ,\J!I I ~r~:i~·1.).12~I1s'N2i1('1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ---I, : MOITHIAYHOME lbdrm I'. side. -.al~ 111 \ 1 a 1 1 n 0 w IBlrl 2br. iha ilt•n ilhll askforli1ll ~.~~~~!~ .. ?!.~~ Ci t y Zip Phone £astSanta Ana lle11?hls stores. no pel~ S29!'> 1714176010 11 4!l4 llUI:! g.ir. Crplc -.II. Ill heh Condominiums Nu 2&3BR.28/\ )early • Check o r M.O enclosed D I • spal'tou~ 5 br or 4 54.l!J683,S4fiRWS .1rt5pm $950 11111 ;:111 5!11~ F.ntislttd 3400 tl-plc.bltins.Rar.park • Rr Den 3 Ra rronl & re 3 hr twnhsr. 212 ba. frpll'. IVaranl 5 rm si:I lam1h 7!'>2 5111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing Clost lo IJay & • Char ge my ad t o : I ar patios. 2 car 1taragr & I'll' S82S mo dwelhng S8151mO in1·I Btf.! l'amnn ronclo, nr1.1" IMM ED occ rv <!!-'~3.!l Brkr675 4912. I • carport. gardentr mrld. !'>18-5128 or963 JOIR l(ardenl'r 442 Monlerl'} drt siioo mo Spa(• , $395 mo Semi furn Ckeanfronl. pnme art>il . • -E I • $122S/mo 549 7962. Sharp upper t:·s1d1• Dr 494015-1 hr. 2 ba. \I('\\ Mrs· ~ludio, w backyard. nr 3Br.2 Ba rrpll' Nopels. • 0 111SA # xp. ___ _ l!roker/A eni. twnhm.213r212 ba.den. oc EA f Ro NT Slratton1759·1515X232 SC. PLAZA. T!'nnis. 1 yea r s lea se at I • .._.._ 1-1-"" 3206 rrplr. dbl itar Pool. Jae MOBILE HOM ES.• z m1 pools. JOC & muc h more Sl3S01rm 67S·8904 aft 5 • I --...,.,. t RLCFFS ~778311 0 * E p • ••••••••••••••••••••••• sauna ..,,..., mo. nope s pvt beal'h. lots or rorks I 3 hr. 2» ha. on l(reen ..:.. 337·2414 d_!!}'_S. • TT X . I Oayfront, beach. 2 Br. 2 Wayn~ Agt 646·8816 • & roves.. pool. 24 hr I hell, nr pool Lgefcm·<·d eo..domifti....s Olx 3 br 12 masters). 2 ba. • Ba I gar sp 123 E. Brandnewdlx condofor sec urit y. adll~ patio New l'rpl. drps UnfurNWd 3425 frplc '<J blktobch Yrly • L------------------------------1 Ba y rr on l , 8 a I ho a rent 2 master BR 's. 212 perferred. no dogi., 4 Ill XJnt rond $1050 494 63()( ••••••••••••••••••••••• (furn avail ) Ma'Y I • r---------WE 'LL PAY THE POST AGE ·-------------• Island $1200 winter. ba. rp!C'. back rncd yd 21 rhoose from $775 SI ,()()() ort213lSS6 1676 ....... Oft lch ~· fl.45·!!1~ _ I $1400 annual. Herb. days car gar Located al 1932 (714) 499.3579 NEAR BCll. I br untl 2 bdrm cortBo SSS0 3 I • '1 I • ~~lS77. Meyer See to apprec ui-i 3252 · m 2Br. IBa. garaite apt. bay 111 NO POSTAGE I • Ca!IS39 4322 r 1 n...-w Rar. utit pd $295 ~'r.s~B. 556·0363 or view, garage sp. w /D, 1 NCCESSAR'l I Duplex. 48r. bay dv1ew. or app ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·RENTALS 750.3314 _ __ _ $600 mo . 673·8276. • 1 1 ED : • newly detorate . no EAST SIDE llildo on golf course. 3 Lido. 3 bdrm. 2 ba frml 2 BR. 2 sty, pool. D/W, 979.fl371__ • If MAil ' eets,ll~.lS2·IS20 Sharp & quaint 2Br. Br wd, pool S7SO din.2sty Sl300moAl(t stove, HB. $SOO mo ..,-··untl,28r1Ba.stenc ~· IN TH[ "'~. ~207 12~8a. \au lied ce111n°. &11 1678 •..::w ... ~ • • " ..... , .... • ,, WendyG44 41195 Avatllmmed.842-0269_ to beach. Yrty lease ------------------"" ; U~ITCO STATES 'O >••••••••••••••••••••••• frplc. palloi bit-in ran~e <kcan view 3Br. den. 2bu. bet d t $190 • ~ • 1'2brhouse.6r.round.no &oven.poo .S600mo. Sh h G 2 rm. en.garajle.pv EASTILUFF · .. BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. .... •."""'.l lk to"-a"h. lJIHamilton ores ome ate P!l~tio. Gor.l(eous decor 3bdrm.2Vaba.frl>c.S975 38 2812 t 't ..,.,5 • ~ > • I""-....,., .,.. • guard Near pool. beal'h. $850/mo 759 0'719 640-8SS9 r ·8 Y uni •• • w ~20!0 Varantlbrtv.nhse.dbl S800 /lease. O >An er -· j rm. n'l>t.omo ' • FIRST Ct.&S!tPE1Ui111T111ou cosuMHA CAl•F'ORN1.ai ; • j!ar Nr SC Plaza. Im 499-J6'38or493·926R CONDO lrR 3 hr. 21'.I. ba .• LEAS£10PTION uec cOASTPROPERTIES 2 " C... .. M# 3222 m1c. Kids OK $625 o.. -mm Sea Terru"M, ftp. 2 story. nr OC'can condo. NB. Ocean & bay 673-5410 • POSTilGE wu 13E PA() 9, AOOACSSH S • •••••••••u•••••••••••• S41·73'74 ... , w "" @llO Agti 673·9060 -view 1 RR + den. for ------• i SJ)f('tatular otnn' rily --Plan J 4 flR. 2 Ila, him N 1 Cr""t "ondo·4bd rmre Info call 1173.4899 C... .. M• 3122 < Orange Co11t Daily Pilot Im e ·Oahu vi.-rrom every 4Rr hse, M~a Vude. S800 rm. Comm pool. Jae.. wp "" " • ........ ,.............. • I •1 ,., "' 1 room Llr&t' z Br. frplc. mo Includes grdnr. lst teMis. walk to pvt bch. 2''lba, llv. dln1 fam rm & ev!_ 3 Bt. 2 a. Walk to beach. • ~ , I y I DI • man)' ameait iu •last + cleanlngdep No pets J yr lse woodO Pool/JaclltnnlJ J DPoinsettll SIOO/tno. a. Sl3MJ/rno Call Anthony ~.J.SZ·O?S8 714-857-1200; 675 6892. lM 1000.631·0560. 14f ._,...,.,..... ut:s • 0 • d1ya '42·~757. tve.s ' 1425 mo. 2Br. 181, no 536-8142_ BAYSHORES l•••J .. •• .. ••••••••••••• • I • a1._._,_ _ ~· 64S Victoria. 1Q It ' 126' Coty cottace 2 BR and ..... w.d l706 C..Mete Jl24 1 Boa 1580 !:'.-"='i:::.::::.-:..:"' ON 4b ..... ec den firtplace Avail yr l••••• .. •••••••H•• ..... ,....................... •, 330 W. l1y It. a • lJ:ASE 01 OP'l'l r ... .. .......... ••••••••••• l,Y. $1.Z50 mo. Call Ann, Lr 3bdrm .... vallablt .. ~ OCCP.-Ytt ,. ' 2111 n tx« "~ HARBOR RIDGE So•.r· BALBOA BAY CLUB. 2 ~-3/~toS/IS t:1mo Ir ""-11 I C t Me CA 12121 • a,OnrlM·~ Ina calhednl ctlllnia. BdUeSllOOmoyrlyor ei · iua.jmo.....:._•Z }·,,.,t. ••• ·. I 01 I 111 ~ flew toUDU7 '22.500 to IMCY nve year · _... • ~ '" 1 • ·1·,~·;::;:.·.~n: ~·a:!: y,.,. ~~:1,~~.t~'·{1~: .~":'..IT.".'!::: ~?li6:-· ,.. ... ;:e.wt·.... • •••••••••••• •• Fl . -,..,.... -----1!11----1....,. QIWC.,. Rtflftlthlft9 I G....rals.nl~H ......... Ho.lee~ .... • ............................................ . '"•••••••••••••••••••• u••••••••• • •••• • •• •••' J C> H R .. r111l1ht11~ ~ ,1 , D ..................................................................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• NI Rl INUS l'I I I Jl'. PAl'BH llAN<i ~:n om ·" 11 If IJ , l ed h 11 llltncl ~lripp1n i: 11•p.111' OUMP JOBS llC>tlSt:rU :ANING Ml • l'linl'( U.·-·"·d & "uai ~o Job AfltlQun. kll n bine •· • i •tN•:,lloM~: . JrtM l' 11 1•11n• Ill> 1n" A11\111ul'i. 1.11 1.111 '-SmallMovb111 Job~ •:111't'llt•n1'n•frrenrt-s Also RV'1>. bout) 1111 ) ,..,,""' " fin "-"inlln& 6450664 1t1A1.l.you p y IMt>llO\EMt:NTS l,o I In It h 0 Ill l' n1:'~ rurn1tu11· I h.111 CrtcrtlvtCoterftu1 .. Call ~IK~64il391 G461i11:1 .... rrob1lc hOllll'l\, 111r1•."" lw:.rnallu11oular.:1· l"..-~~:~·1111 Addll1om & ltemod1•hn1t Slater Mu.:nohu l.t"a 1, 01111 n 11 1 u, h 11,., \\ 1• 11 -J 1 11 .: ) . 11 "n -{'((' "h •i· t')I 61Hlllh f rr1• t'l\t Ton) 1!!1112721! loofliMJ int t' ' • r "'" ' . 1 1 '1 , 11,11111·~ 1•11• Fot 1111 vour JOBS. l llk for Randy, •••••••••••••••••••••., ti4ov c ,... " l'EPAIRS L")R 1 L'N~ -M•· ~27M S:.L'l'IAI. 111\. ·h II lll\l'l\ar11·b. orr11·1· llAULING&DUMr Houlettttift9 Inc) L.x' ll••rt wallt'0\'1·nn11 in ··················~~··· ,........__~°" GtMrol lln) i>olor ha111I ~ti lllllt 11 , .. , ~t11llat1on Rtj' prH'l'b \ n .~ DAILY m ~ . l'Jll'rlllll & burt«"nd1og 64l IU2'7 Ml> & wire ll\'llll for • .,,e ....................... ('c1n•ult •n1 A--1unment Sh1n,les. nu 30 Jt• -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• or rcl(lut"d $1'1 75 \ I I I u r I Im I'" If!_ ~ .. -~.. 27 '9&.0T ADO'NS Ht-'MUOF.l ING Tourh or ('I"~ lnt1·r101' IK'<<t '· 1·a 1 a.~ u, YOUI ACT st n~ nr yr ""icinn 1" -AIC MOVIM..,-Slit 8590 1:xp h e est. 770· SllYICI -·'"·" ~ Pl<rns 1,,; .. d c 'eorac 711 w 17th' si f\l (' " I til!i llll)IJ tl7~ l!IO!le1s l'"ODAV1 Yud/l(uruge 682 • l.lt'<'IUl11y ~ra11~1n~ Quirk careful $!\~ 04111 WAl,l.PAP EHIN(i lluber Roo(1n11 all types l..H' •:Mtlll92 77116554 l}rln'l•r&Sun11,5!>70032 642·7712 · · clnup, etr. l ton lrut·k 52:{'l&!,1'1<·tl 7113 lal *A•I MOYIMG• J>:~p'd bonded Lil' New rttoverde<'ks ~~~g!Y MocHA~E COM,TI. 1 '(>M~1·1. RL:Sll> "=-*mhMJ Handy1n1111 Pl s,,1-1993 <2~hrs> To" "uJll10 ~11t·1·1ul CG 300843 1)1~wunt~ on 1.ar 1'1 1802 548 9734 ,. " " r ----Maturt• ~on• in '"" '"11 t: ,. ,.. • ~~~ ... ustom Oll)t"!\,. rum Rt•mnd Add'11~ llep111r~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••.•••••••••••••••••••• 0e""'l1t1on·Grad111•1 .._ 1·arl' in hun< 11111 25 Y•~ walll'OVl'n~h 1-fl·l' ll'l fll)OL'LEAK•???•" "" d I " h '"" l ... 1 u """ " (ur plunl~. llOllOa 1,, " r our 11 y 01 1n1t. r~mo t' r r(•nc Very rea~ 1.11• 31!02511 K&l> l.1111dsi•:111l· M ,11111 j Jr,..•n ry ""1h0111 ~ 1'rarusport Asphalt. con h l H ( 1·~11 <'omp\'1111\ l' rules Hut! l 7~ "' Courtril(ht & Son servlre Directory doors, skyhllh!s & patio Juck H lk•11nt•ll, Jr Re81d Comm Ch•lll\ up floufin..: .Ph~~llll~fi crele & tree removul ru~~:~ht'.d MG.7377 l' ~ Num1•rt1nw 730 13~ WALLl'Al'Ell •)'1-e l:At S86 S292 Representative l'Ol'ers 8411 3652 Gen Conti 552·9142 Lt llauhni: t, Iii l!1ll'l l h I ~ull Stm I 0 11 e Soil prej) & planllng S'fARVINfi r01.1.~:c t: l 'ontrt111•11 & l'lllllllll~ 01 all"t' Coa~t Roor.1ng '42-5'71 d322 llOBTST~INRHtll'H:tt. Alll'onstrumun.taritl'& Land•rJ11111 .. \11cl111i• lh'nu tkl JllG4tl!l990 Ooerated equip.Comm'I !Ehlt'r \'Jl';i liun i S'T111H;NTS MO\'INCi O('Z:l\t\l.1t·32K240 lfl'~oofmo Repurrs ---iilililll'ii·---·1 GEN'l.('ONTrt i\li'OH small. 01~(' to Sr adult' a .. 1.1111'1 al M;11nl('llJOl't' I & 'Restd'I 642·7638 ll ou~ I'S It II• r J \ ll ii ('() l.11· •Tli4 431i 1;un. Gompf I~ 131l'i l<eas rntes.. 548·1733 l..ic· #:J99.lcl3 t~l!'I G·I~ Wayne 5397112 '!'rt'(' c~1'~ ~~t~'!J!;n,11111 lfrpu11' & 1>1·1•oru11ntl HAULING student ha~ Rcs1.1011 tl'Ul'lll'r ~ n·f'~ l11su1 t•ll G II "4~7 ., •ljuJhlp ll.1) 6405144 lj,>e trU('k Lowest rote Tia. 121317-132400 lo 1\1• W,\Tt'lll'S(;ll()\\'' PaperReMDHI ~""9 RtfllOdtf Speclolht tt~:MODEL i\Ol)'~S Ht'bl d 1'0111111 Ill 11" lhl\I~ l\ll'IHI\ EM ENT Prompt Call 7~9·19'i6 l!lf!~S s~rAH\'IN<; Al'TOllS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l'us tom l'll rpentr} All&an~typci. Wl'oH1•r Maint. r lt•Jn111" tr11 l<~l'\IH 1'1.l '\i!llNG Thank .vou,John IKomtTox •llHY/\ TS• HUIXif.TRAT ES ,L1c"d derks & patw~ J !\ t•omplele \en ICl' 1h• tnm 1-'rC't' t''I 1111 11r11. Mll\'ING COM l'ANY W~1lli•(111·nntl H1•11llJ\ al Low min Sml Jt1bs OK Const ro Toµ 11u.1hL\ :.11:n. blueprint. 1·1irp1·11 Pt-Ito lli·ntini:. ~"'flll'ntr>;. 1.uuu~/CLEAHU' •·L~.".'.'n'~·.·R••1•,•1,·:.•1::1•1•L• •. 1·: Fru.t & l'ar~ful Lu~1·~1 Alt1')l1t'' 1>12 t:JH f'n-eest Ins 641 7581 work 1,11· no 31101101 1n· cler. plumb rnn "11·1 Iii<' l-r1•1• C''t No """ ~ d r ·'-" r H " r ' llal1"> l.J'< \lie•'<\ \I (' Have ralculator.w1ll 1-h~est ~!15~11 nNt:, ma;Onr)', lilt• rlt·11nu11~ lrn 111111 J11hl•,.-m.dl 615:!1111 Const ·TreeY ·GarJl:l' •:nrollcd to y1all11'l' Vi~a l.u• In~ h7Jt!H5J travel' Al l a""~·er' L 337 MJ1nt lh-~ul I 1111111 •R.enlal repair 631 0322 llt'fort• thl' 1 HS "uJht.~ • " • l'Jb1n~t'"' I•' 1'~ (·1·11 \ 11111 1~11• 1lrwl " p · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call r Ca_... ,., ·• "' /\n11c 51lillHI ' " " at n·u~t·ost 51!12i11H · aintNICJ or w t, 7 ·7122 'f"""•r Wt• know hciw lo du It I Jiil I llj\ I 11 l I>; u ,, • Houwcleoniftg PIA.HO LESSONS • ~:~per1 Tree r run1nl(• Alflhatt ''j{~j;;iits'R~:,j;i1)•" nght1Qwt•k 631 2!14~ frssll',C:11d1•11111i.: 1111~ri. ''"1' fr1n •••••••••••••••••••••.. FAST AlTl'HAT~: ~;;1·:~:;,;1~~~·i::·,!;,·;;;1j a.ntl mll!>it thi·un s11111 ('umlTll'n·uslLandsc11pe t ••••••••••••• •••..... •• l>llAfTING si:: R \'IC~: ('ll•an ur.-I 11•1 In 11 ·~" .ll!1;, Wu11t a Rf:ALL Y Cl. ~;AN h11•mfll' ta~ ,l'n 11c~ 'o~r Sl;01 Lir 111~ 13 11, 111 IJ'l'r 1e~on ('.i 11 fkn ,11 Sc·n lft'S 957 83118 Dnveways, Parkuu; Lot 25 ~n~ l'~t & (~:~ ~~~;~ 1:1 211 ) n 1·' 111· r 1 11 m 1 & mJml st•n ·1111 Hti:t' l.111~ 1111 \ 1 .. 11111111-1. 11· llOL'SE' Call Gin.:ham ho~ 11> 3l'P1 963 t.!lll h;1pp1 lol'al rn~1111n1• 1 ~ t9I ti8il9 1 'ompletc Tree Servll'<' Rej.111rs.Sealcoat111~ ml ri·~11l ti7:1 lio 171 I'·"' p.111 .. , v:1111t111~. Girl. ~"rcel'~t 645·5123 Pcr..011111 & llus11ll'ss lrl 'l'ha11k}1111 ti'.11 llltl Ptashor/bpoir <ien'll'ln uµ& lrng S &SAsphall FINEFl!'\ISllWOll" da1sl'\('' L!~_1 "~01.r,1de .... l~ .• e .• r1,,., 11111ol""' ''"'· 11uali11 HOBIN'SCl.EANING tOml' Tax Hl'l11111 L nreno\ S3609W' • n.1:i. u.unv•1l"ltn" Ll•u1r• l1urll' r i'" ~,, " .., ' I C t p · t" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..a'A · l.1c 631 41.,., '" "' ~ ,.. ~ ' " 1111 ~ "I.' ~•ti Sen tl'e a thoroui:h ) 1'1 cµarat1on \ 1 ,111 lur '" om Giii 1nQ Rand)7illt:!n<1rctM CustomWoodworkin9 li \HIH:\l\c , rleanhou.se 34001157 L:1 .. 11111••,.&\\'1·1·k,·ncllll ~"''''I' L11 llr.l!lll -.:ri1l~tl'ht·~&lt'Alu11·' TrustDHds a.a....~ •II\ l\11'llF\l.l.I HAIH:S ,_," l"·ddl l'I C'I Fr t 89"14"9 -J'""..., BOBS l't\Hl'E~fll\ ··~~··••••••••••• ... •••• &l.i\\ll!"I'\' '· f11·t· or llonw ,\pp111111 .,n t· 11~ •l' ~ 0 ur ffH . .,. 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Lov 1 n g Moth H " 111 We C.ird'rp1 C'l1·.1nt•r:. OH\'WALI \I 01 ~ 11( · Ii \l{llF'\ l '\1: \\ \\ II .11 11 11111 11 11 11111111! FnT I · u' fussy a~ you arc \ \:'\Dr:;.; II E II<: , •••• •••• •••••. ••• ••• ••• ~uni prot·~i.~inR Reas l babysit F T CoStJ M t'~a Stearn dl'.111 & up ho I' 14 Ir~ Cl\11 ~iilh l11•'tl & I .\lu\< lrlf!. t•1l~111~ I .1kl!I" •• I • 1·alll;73 8890 Xlnl n•h LA!l/llSC'Al'IN(: l.ncl,1·11 ll1~hup <\ ~Ull 1•.111111111.: 1)1;1111~ i 11·.irt'd from Siii I a,,., L p 0 fr I(' e ~ Area. Nr. Fa1n•1t''< an1t Tni1·k mount uni! insured 5:1:! !i~l!I '~ 1• 1· p 1 11 I! I 1 • I llOL'SECLEANING mainl. wmm 11•"tl ,.,., 1 :io "" t''IJ 111 llt•a1 h l'lumhmi: ltt'pJ11' . , StnH'l''-5.is 7!3~. ~k!r ~f>.8653 Work guar ti IS :n Iii 1 1•,11ma It'~ I.I I " I Prof ess1onal ~;'( 'd, rer~ & rehab It' 1nm1111111;.1'11 .. ~n Ill' I .ir1·.1 l-'n-1· l''l ;, IH 111:!!1 I·) t't' l''' ~1& \l 642 !JU:l:J CHJLD CARE ShJmpotl t.. \ll~am dt'Jn &drical 645 1:m • rafi an.1 lime, 955 2~ IH '"'ti .!711.,1.11,:.,'11.',t. h1 • I PETER'S p .. l .... Tl .... G M t W111dow CltGllMCJ MyC M home~ yard ( I b ·······················1 i,: ·1 rHT . 11111 \I\ T h Se y ce c J J • ... .... ..... Properly ClftOgtmtn ..................... .. h 'o or ni:htenl'r' "hi El E('Tll ll'IA~ p rll'I'" x, , (u\ . " I' ouc r I 0. I •Germa II Lad) • l<t•f, 11111' l'\ll\'I llll "1 i•\l ••••••••••• •• •••• •• • • • • . 1.~1 the Sunshine In .. llall h1 1hn rm' SIS largl.'t•r,mJllJnb:-I rnmming l111111i.11 · ~llll!t;lll r S20U ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 d 54118853 Sl/ our li·l2 Olli2 ITJ.IL' Ill m111 hli•;wh n~ht frl'I• l'i.llmJ ll' 011 .llt•asonahlt;. 1 1'".111 I' 13 >ti:! :t53'i or 1714 I l'~ pl' r 960 07 I~ 11 rl Masonry I ~.~:? •1-1511 PROPERTY l'all Sunl>hine W1ndo11o• ...,,..cy J\I! room $750 iuu1h l.tc• :iJ!ltiO:!t 6i:Jo:1;1!I \lu'<ml! s111 ~1 · '·'• I >I · llHICl\WOlll\ ~111.111 l'Jnllllll! i1.1ll1111<'~111u MAMA.GEMEHT t'l1•Jmng .• L D . t t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Siii l'hr SS 1;11,11 1•hn\ I lll'SY Prores~IOllal'' oh' :'l:t'"llOl'I l'""" \\1111d ll'llllhhtlli II\ llrangt• ro an•a IS ~I'~ ;!iY. Montht.1: IS('OUn Forall you need 1okn11~ llt'IOllOI ('111L11•pa1r llauhllt:ilumpilll' ,1,, ·' 11 \I ll\'ll·:l.I \\ •~II •: 'llt'1'lltlran.·hassh•f11·l' ~k,.1 1111111• H•·I ' l:1·rnt,111t1.11ru·il l.ilhl'I' 1•xpt'm•1111• l'allfor111r11 •HESIOENTIAL• about bankruptt') l':cll J5 1r~ 1·' l' nu "ork ~.1 .Vt)~·~}t• ~i!~·~',11 I\ s;in i.'i I '1'1111 "" '""'• ' \I.I \I lsi JO llS h11ng' C'all 548 6857 6i5 31-o; <\ "111 111 1 r"'"' 111·1-.ind ratl'' \\ ~ 1 ,1) SJO. aq: 2 i.t, H1"" fJlt•' "di .lH'.I~ l 'ttl . a· II f\sl \I l..\Tl!l'\S l'Ol<TA '.\IAlll~ (u,tum lillt h Stull• 714 ~9162 myself ltd' 5:11111111 \l.irl. "I I \J l'ltll\11'1 1 ' '" ·t:H~.~. >S.11 'H i>i 963-8182 I s.1:; t'hn~9s111388 IMildrn 'lloSlt'am '\uShJlllJ>Clll I f IS 'CJ· (II~ I 1,15 liai I' I II fl'~ ' I Cl II .1 I lllc1<·k. l'lllll'rl'l1· ~lllt'l'tl Paperin9 I \\l'.'\OOW('l.EAN INC: ••••••••••••••••••••••• S1amSpt.•(·1ah~L ~"·"l 11 ~-'\ID l'll~l:ll I l\'.ll I l'l.i3~ilit•d '"'·11 • 11 hou~cl'l1•an1n g 111lh Hl•f, ~'rl·t·t~'' !'ll'l~l l!t~ '••••••••••••••••••••••• PROF.MGMT 7H•.inarea Ex<"ellenl Gr&WICK & so.... dry t'rl•(• l''>t i1:m 15H2 ~Ill ,., Du 1111 •I\\ II \\ "1 '-,111._i II ~wnplc 1" I" 'I II I ll'nder IOI IOI: 1·an· 0111 r'artl1111.: l111o'11111 llt•"J.!11 Ill (){'(I' I llrJOl!I' "" h·l2 ~9 645 7972 '"" "' I l.11 T,jjj,41 \ltilt.Ml.!J. '·'I"' i.111, \•Ill It HardwoodRoors Sricnalll\ H1•n1.t11l••if..1111: fur .1 h11nw "' ll\~(jj'l,1,$1t1 11111.L In\ J'rop i 1''.cl~34 ~4!1 Builders Sin<«' 1947 a.ild Core I h I 1 \ fl I 1 dd R d 1 HESlll ('(1\J\l I. I .11 ti' •v .111· • ••·••••••••••••••••••••i ('ran·u~ I )11u1 "'"' 1111 1111 1 (jt1Jlcl1 l.11 11h :-.111p ~t"l I 11 1 h A itions -cmo e ini.: •••••••••••••0 ••••••••1 l-:\lf llt.•a11.d1·1w11tl.it.l1·., ,1111-· Tu pl.11• 1 ll\ICIJ\\(101>1-'l.llOHS l).llj7!\S7 !191itJ.13J ma111 hu11k•,,111\;·r11'"" p111i.: l>"111u111 ' "11 1· ··· 11 ." 11'11~~ "11 '1 Doors. windo'<s. pauo Oultl tar1" full or I' 'I in (• k& 11 I I I I I I ' I . I 1•:1111•1 \ ,,,1 \)( ..,, ull !\Id.id\ I ilul I la,,1r1ecl eovers. free est R~a~ <IU r hu mi• 11Jk1, 1 ,\ ,,u(· · ri•;i,011.i 1 1' • 1· ,h,, 11·1 "' 1 ·' ·• ,._. 11111111111 tl•-.1m·ll , !1u '" 11• 111 I ""'II 11•1 Li "310942 •49 21111 l.11 =:i:r.11111. 1..11 ~;11s 1>1:!5liiH .t \\,1\1·tl K:J2 t.11!ll ISt'll1dl_e1tem~ 642 ~i8 1., .. ~ 11 .• , i.1:.•a:!.1 :.WU. 1dlt' item~ wrth a Da1h Pilot Classified .\cl _£ .~ -" : llarbor art•a 5-16 t;ti:!ll • • • ~ MofteytolOOft 5025 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place .••..•....•.•.•.•.•...• p,1 rmne~ SI0.000 & up l'all Jcann<• or Tom &12 H852 ~!'!':.~~.~ ... ' ~:.~~.~ ... ~!':+.':'.e.~t:.~ .... 1~~'!'!::'.~.~~t.a.1! .. ~~-5-~ Htwport leoch 3869 Newport leoch 3869 Souffl lOC)""a 3886 l'alm ~~f!lll!' .11 • .1 ''' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt•rt)\ l l • nHttf1· l UI Su L11! llt'l'JO \ (t'\I Pll Ila r II rn " ·"' " Ne~1>0rt lie1ghl~t·ondo 3 llloe:an "'"' •iii:! 111 I ht"llh I hclrm t 1t1111 I tiull 11•11111' l>J1 bd townhouse. 2 ht1th 1~1. ~ pJ111"· .1 Jnl l>li.l!l l i;r~1 frpt· s..<1tHI 1!1!1 5301 "t'l:kh &. monlhil r ,,,., po~·der rm . frplt mo l>l-lli7Htlvn;~1;:1111!J · • d•,iil ii 1 ;:.11 "'"I romm pool S!lOO mu 3710SE.\<;llOR~. JIH 'Rooms 4000 1 951':'11 •1~1-r111 \l.1rl Call64S 49~orfi.IS .u!34 '.'\F\\ l'OHT HF \I'll ••••••••··. ••••••••••••• I _Br "rd St ·• liliit•k·. ·i 1· 1' 1 1 1 l'\1 ,11tll' 111 1·ontlu 1m·r I.rt( Hi.: 11..,11 '.11t111 ,., ... 1 ,,., , ., • w r at·rn~~ n1m 1r 1 · ti I · 11 1 1 • I 1 I be h " · t I ' , I l(lUl'l no11,rrM1k1· 11ro I.I 1 1' " ' k ' from al' . 11ara11e .•O ..i1 at 1n11nt·1 " " 1 .a. H •f l' ~I s:!2.\ ~lrt·p. 11 ;.1~ 1~111 pets $450. Sierra M111111 ct .. , lndn SllOU mo • ·~"''"R 1 ' · Q>,6411324 t:.!l3L!!l3~2 t><lhK,<,112 Sk1 l'.lrh \\t•,1 111 \p11 Adult!.. 2 Br :! HJ Versa1llei.. rrpt drapt·~. gar. pool. S1SO mn ~ rl\ 548· ~ 1. 6-16· 2lWI! -<.:.; \'\Ila Balboa Penthuusl' 2 Br. 2 Bu ram rm. frptc· skyhl(hts. m1l'ro \'it>~ of ba) from bakom Pool spa. ser hid~ & parking. I blt11•k t11 bearh S9SO 675 t!HfiS Ill ~ll!KI Westchff Area Cuntl11 Lge 2 bdrm. dC'n. I and '1 ba. rrpc. pi.11111 poul ~,6464067 Small 2 Br 2 h.11h 1w:11 Lhe t;.each S6(HI Pl'' mo t_yearl) > 673 5370 ON THE BAY Luxunous 2 bedroom. I bath apartment loc·atrd directly at'ros~ from lhe R e u be n f: I. e 1• Overlooks Newpurl lfay $1800 month ... or dJI pointment. pll'ast• 1·.ill (714!720 2473 M F' 11·5 OcHll Yitw Co11do This 3 br, 2 ba unit •~ perfect for entertaming Beaut upgraded thruuuL w dry bar. rrpk. m1r r ored wardr o bes . washer dryer & lra~h romp The pool. clubhouse. billia rd rm & full~ equipped gym uri• onl~ some or the extras m th1~ sec bldg. $1200 month Formformatron. rall 641-6666 ext. 2063 M f l'i1 hllllll' 1111 ,11w 1~111µ 111 1 ~1·11 I llr t '11111!11 • 11 • I llr aµt SL11\l'. 1l'lr1~ & ilnnkini.: ,11111.1 '.\I mi•r l fromltll :>Ill :1ii:t IJ..trt..111i: '!" Prt'lllll SHiii :.1 ~j.) Olli 551, 111.:r. llJl'all B1i: '''II 11 1h1 l'all67S lltil2a 15 . ~.,.... 1 I' ·1 F11r111,h1·1I 1 m'l 2ha.....,,i""' ·~· "'"'" \aos~ from h<.•a1h .. '.1~1h ,." hJlhrtK•lll 11111 \i. l\11na'i1tlt· il l %1 'l"i. S8l.!1tt1d10S.'l71H \~lil) S11 (',t l'IJ1,1 6' 111.1 Palm Spnnl!' llfr 111111 ~1101. .:ar :111111 rl I r~\ 'i1111 'ltll-1 s;,,, "" \'Onclo pool J.11 ···11 1~50711 <{,i, ti:ri $.5Ctd1 £'ill\\ I. ! 11' ;-.,l''<i>Oll \'1•1,a1lle'IH .. l\frnn1 ~la,11·1 h•lrm lR al. Sh 4300 'L1111io 1~101. ~p.1. l'luh \\llh halh 1'11111 .111tl ll'11 e..t s to are pn\ Cur '-'twunt' ~Jlt' 01, S:J,50K.ltJ >40Ki f••••••••••••• ••• • • ••••' 11.11 ~fll 1•1>•, \'.11·1· l.111(1' I urn rl'I n 1.!I' 2Ur :!ba. nt·11 •'Ill' 11 .ilk I hut pl.Ill' I\ ~:m !llu.11·rl Ill tll"1'l. nl ht'.1cl1 1 \J1li•J'\l1•11I :'\1 lt'Jl'h ~~ 0)1 ~IH >ll'MI ;K·~·an '!:Iii >1:1114 (JI E \ ~ \ I ~. \\ I fl r \< 0 I' II I 111 ' ti I I' l11•rma11•·n1 51<1N1 111•1 11•q bl '·"I • . 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S2.'iU mo 1 1;.1<i1>.'l39 ,pnec. p;ir1 rum htk Ind 11t1I Ca ll l'h11~l11h11 H \I t It I ,1 lx'h. I IK''\"" 11111 l2ll :..~-; 2783 nnmm.1lt' lo( :lithSI 11 01 :.' Rm' furrmh1•1t ~2.'i. Sc.tClttl'lellte 3876 111t IJJ. u1r..ta11~ "'''hi ~7 1711.I 1!1.111.1 I ••n 1 M1'"'' \'t•rtle 1 l '\I > •••••• • •••••• ••• • • • • • • • r" 1 lAlri.:1· 3 n1 c111111", 11 r 1 ... 2 o I' fl or q1111'l t•mp 111111 • I ' ur a g.1r.1s.:1· k :..ISJ'i"' Bluff, ba\\11·~ I · .. 11 ldundl'\ hit.. to lw.11 h 'm r · '" " µrof \voni.1 11 '"" S.125mo!l71i2:!ft 1"11 Ir~ ha 11 "I'' '11r l 11 aH·I~ 111•.1111 1111 •• l.ari.:i• 'I. Hr I 11 11.1 t~·al'h ~ho1r.. 1 r 1 ~:J~!'l I S4:ill m1 if;tl Hll;11. I: a r .1 I( l' r I I' I I liiS ~I Dand l'l. 'hr I h1 It"· \\a~her dn1·1 1'Jl111. ~1·Jd\ emplnH•<l,vl'rsnn. a\atl ncm ll11lll:ll I":., ti 1 sh" ,1, h 1· r S 'i S 11 ,1ttrac11H• r<11.1m in :.It-,a 496 ::!100 ll.'i19522 \'t•rde W11h . $215 .1 . 388'• ~1\hout k1l< h prt\. $235 LO\\'h fnrn hunll' . '·U~i Serio .Ano v !ml !lfi.56 1 m.1 ... hr ull Ii. ,11 .11 I .1 l.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . l 0 re r 'n t• d. 0\ J I ti I t' I Br ,ec· i.:alt'd . ,1t1vlt flc1<1m lnr n•nl. lndr) pcr~un or n11t· '\1111 i•omm , ";1 lk tu S11 f1w1I Sl60 1x•r mo C~l j smoker ll ~ n a I' t Cnasl Pla1a roi1I. 11•11nis arra &16 fl9Jli 493 :111s cnsS!li'tmo \\,111111 1 4100 f • 1 Want Ad Help• 645678 K.'ll 5019 Hotels, Mote s ~ m. room m.11.! I u • __ __ I ....................... 1 w ~-·me. 2 n .... ,t .. 1~l t""""9on leach 3840 tt..ttingfon Inch 3840 SEAL.UK MOTR No IJ('ts. no~, ,m_k1 • 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••! \Yfcf, rt'nlals now J\.ul \\all' l ~JO ,-,1 •I $105 & up Color I\ &II 59R9 h m~i: Phones rn mom 2274 I f.mp Fe ma It-m N c~. liu N1•"port Bhrl l'M 2br2ba.Pa1k \'.t•111t111l t~IG 7445 pxi h40 ~3 OPt:RATl:-qG CAPITAL Rentals to Share 4300 Office Retttol 44001 Offic• Rtntol 4400,0ffice Rt'fttal 4400 IRe..tols Wonted 4600 ~~~·.:~1~ t:~ :;~~w~t~e I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1~·~a1d 121''l36826.3S ••••••••••••••••••••••• • I I ~"' ~ 1,.,,11111 .. 11 "·•nlitl IJ.in.11 IJ~ ,1 prol 1tlf111• • l-\c·•ult"' 11H111 '11.111 11\L,lnl'l>' lath '\'l'k' up :!nd TO 's Lo Sl.OOO.OOO 1 11111 • 111 • lta 1;,11 ht EXECUTIVE 'I" 11'1.11'\ 'PJ~·1· \1 .11,t .11 ,11l.1hk 111.-11~.11111~ J)t'r 1. ~lrm .1J'.' . . " I 1 P 111 20 \t'ars Downe)' .. I"' • '''"' \pl I I SUITES s.15 S:J'l.~ + SI.~ o~ .111~ ··1 '''"l"HI 11.. .. 11 It .111.1. -M~ !J:l!lli h4h 7111111 Sa11ngs. 963 2611 :'t:I ;111; IN I lo,1~1 hna11nal lt·11l1·1 Ir~ 11111,111• 111 11 11·' I! F . II•. 1 I• t i - :11 l'\I !!Si 1111 ~ "'''1111 111'"' ·1.11 "I ft 1"'1> 111 t.t?t ' u• 111 Mori Trust l'lul ,. 111 111 ,h, " ,,11111• HEllTA.GE ~ .,.,!> 11 Ind n,1.1.11 l1'llikrni: for rtH1m 111 r1•111 CJCl9H• 5035 I' •1,,1 ·' ('l .ii I' ,11 k P' .. ,. ... F.1.,h111n bl t:!llll "I II .11 1 ~··1 '111 1 , 11, I) h ,1111. 1-.111 pa\ up 111 . t.'i11 I' JlllJ 1 DHdS ~ 1• --onl1 $11<111 fl lmm1·cl "1 " l l'·tn~97!1 l;!!ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'"I'"'' ~;,.n mo !\it-'<luxuryuffil'{''P•ll'<' ~ ,1•nw1·•1 ;, '<'t'11•la11al t""· · · \\~d,, 7.1111;;1,, \\k111b 1 ;n lr~1n e's bu:-ll'''I a\<1~1 l';•t11 l'k . a~1 1 hkk1>i:,1·1•Wl'' ii."'"' Misc.ti tous s.HterMt,%Co. 'I I i~• .~11:. \111,.1111 I i·enll'r' t:.ls) Fr'<) JI' 7~ 1~1 m.i1·h1111• .11 Jli<thh• 1"111 I Refit: 46SO \II l\pl'S of al estate -.i~11, 1 111 3 l\J vror 1 l·es.~ An11I no~' l' Jll WES TM IMS TER trurt• 1nlu1111,111t111 ,.,, 11 •••••••••• • •• •••• • • •• •• 11111">tme~ts since _1949 '.II 1 .!11.IK lltltl 'llll•kc1 rordela1I~ I 1200 SO.FT. 1>151,0:,.ll . • I R River Or• Sptc1alim9"' 1'••11 h•nn~' 'P·• S.150 551-1231 640-4230 1 14~. fil'at·h Al11I flt1<11 1 1~·,X10 'llal'<' ll.11hor S)JO~hdrm Jlli•h•t 2ltCITDs ll11k.lla~ i1ll tM>ii!l •DRUXEOFfiCES.• I ~ r'r. "ys. 5·1,11· 1·;·111,•1 111111 "'· !\,1!..1•1 ~t 1••11 H\ pl.mi: Clubh-.t' 64~217J S4~·till I l111t1111dpl 11•n1 t"romtroomupto:!OOll ~l)llll{li•nrt•r l nnu a.ro~' ~t.IH O \\I \tlh rnmm ;1 11!lS90211 2nd·3rd 4thTD's '1, I • .. 111 ' .d I .i 11 sq ft trnm $1 111 .1 ''I 1111••1.1 wn !17'1 11""'1 '11 i 1111" \i,'1 ·11~1 1'11'1' l m !'lm !'>112 02:!1. Jud1l·ral Foreclosures 1 luprn llt•f" r1•q I rt No lea;e rl'q111rcc 64S l2fiO 11•r11Jl t• '<101111" 01111·1• llarold F ~cGrath. •I 1 17111 •\dJ A1rporter Inn 21711 110-1 'If II p1 11l•·"11111.d .11Jil.1l1h '\hail'""' 101 luMntss/lnvest/ \II) JI Ld~ 8!>1 ·1711 1 " 111 1 111 huuw ;-.. u Ou po n t l' a II \ \I bldl! l't•>l.J \11·,.1 '\ 1 rt~1·1•11 Ill \ 1 rpo r I I FillanCe lOClll Dw? , "•• n• 1 • 11111, hi & 1833 3223 11 a r I> u r & II .1 ~ 1· t I Y'i~ t~ll ••• • • • • ••••••• •. • •• • • •. i.1~1 ,11.111 \11 1 I I 7144!J.1479i \ppru' ~Ml'q fl .11 m l~s I NffdCash? 1 .. 1, 1r.•1 •·i'J ~:11111 BAY FRONT IA1~ 1•1"t 1'rr1l'l' \!nil' \~ pnm: ''"""'""" 1111 1111 1 Opportuftity SOOS ~,e}.113b~s~~J~r ~:/~6 ' \l I :i;. • l h1l1 m rnme office 673 1003 tirtl\ HWMI ~11 It p, I hJI I \"I> I JI I' ii l \I ••••••••••••••••••••••• IA1Jn~ on residential or \11111" I \I 1111111' Cli:.l.i Mesa. 250 ~q rt u1.1l 1111 ~\tu I•: mo s-1:15 ~20~ 'mu 1.,11 ; 1 ·•11 111-:Al'TY Sr\1.0'.'\ t'h111r1· 1 1n1·ol'Jll• properties We •,l·• d1 11 11:.1 JllK!I I "ullr Sl75 mo t.:11b 111 ~1'"1. 1 .~h I l.1<'<•nt1.i "74 t.rd .1r lo1·at11111~ s;;ooo tin h.imlli· a rull range or 1.,1 , 1111 o1 .. 111 1111111. rid 779 W .i 9th SI t M •'4.S~:r. l'r11a11• utr11·1• nnd1·1t !)l'l~~1111111 llkr H-U!!liW m irtgagc Coierage al ~ 1,.11 11.,1, .. 1 ~.l.!:t • 1!518928 (.'\I :ll~ It 11.tlh '<Ill ,hJ11· ft1.,1•p1111111,1 1 tmr t \i'I'\ l'Ompt>tll1\t' rate~ 1111 \1.1111111" •1;,:,·•1111 5211 &;,-2,ci ft SI tHt 111·1 I Stu1.1i:1· ,11J1I ~~·11 nm '"-"'~ 0(' \11 1>1111.111"' I nv.s 11 't SOIS ' \'uurtt•i.y 10 Brokers I r 1397~ H r •h 71[ II I 5-Vj ~·I~ 1!11 ;1110:1 I 9751~1(1 Opportvn1 y I ill ili0.1551 a~k fur , •. ,fl h·. ru-·.11 l u ·r & :-.q t · • c · 1 ••• •••••• •••••••••••• •• ~ 0 '•Pl'I •• s:?:111 '"'' ind \gent 541 5032 om,,.''""' ,!.11 ,,, 11 Ill lusintss R~tal 4450 OPPORTUNITY . i·H·or uanc ,111 , 'I•• I• 1, 1..<I ')11311 l1Jrl•1r t. ll.1k1·• < \I •••••••••••:·.-~·~··•••• \\ 111 ,ell l>Jrt mll'rt''' 111 \\1ll 1h~l·ount S2H.OOO T D I S.'\,1'1 11•1 i.11 'l.!tlli ry R~I OF~ ll ~ ( \H '"1 h.1 CM units. yield I ,, ,,,,,.,,,.,, .. ill! "'"'h execup an1 -.. ' ' II \\;Jl1•rfr11nl 11111p1•11.' al 1111111 ,1 li.illi !'~I "''C'anl lll''ll-!11 lil ~1111•' l'\1•1·1111•1•1 Xlnt:'\111 Jtrh In• ~.la 1 til'luunl 10 rJ1,1, 1.,1,h lt . Due Ii R<I 675·2500 ""' ht11111 \\ ith " rn "AHtw Co11cept" 11H11·1•' '<1th wnl'l.111.11 q :n 11~· "'" 7;,11 r.1~1 iil11i:1:.i ~iii llJn hll '••~ !Oti 'I . .trl' Full sen ire <'uslum "'f\ 11'''. IM"1'1ltlc· 11' mi.: :-ion• !ur l1•J,1 1:"@ ,;•11, ~ t l 502S . o<ri«e &de5k spar1· .1.n'.1 1.111_~ l•ll'Jl1•111 Ill W t!llh SI <'\I 1111111111·1~-1 o OOll Announcet11111h/ '\.·i•I \I "1 ~ rnontni.ilt• Nr.() c i\irpor1 < ;111111(·•.~,.· \ lliJl!l' Ur oki•i lilltlW l!llhSt 111 1·,il 11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PtrSOftal•/ '"' ' 1~11111 .1pl '<r I l'I hi!> I H ''"' 111,.1.111 1: opt•n "Sl'et0Appre<'1ate" · · ~ t.-153:!.1iH Lost&FoUIKI 1111111·•1 'l111h•n1 ll1·~rn·d 7S9 8978 l\Tl 1'.:'\TIO\ l'rllTll' I 11 \1 11 11:11 up I Jt..porhnrnts: ••••••••••••••••••••••• '""'. ·'.'l'•:il 1 '!!OH~.EYS,&. i:rHl1·tl 1l l'~1i:11 .. r, Residt11ces l.Amowtcttnrllh SIOO h 3 ·\( t OI N 1 ,\\rs 'h11\<room tfr.uh IOJll"\I Offi I 'Id' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .... 'ui.11• tu ' .trl' i\1t." )OU 111ll'n•s11•d in rt· npen lht• ilum' i ooo "I ce UI lllCJS Art i\ Fair Food Con l·ih 111 h1111w ltllh und HEWPORT CENTER lora11n11 to clo" "'"" 11 r 1 S 1 :. 11 11 m u Rttttols: <l'l-~•on bitls are no~ be 1 '1.i "' S?!:l5 llt'r mo be . .,.. Offic• l..ii:una" 111 orfin· '111"'' illJ4~i lhl 1 Offk• luildi11qs I 101: arceptt.'d Wine & 11 11111 .., ... , ,. ''Iii 1:\\15 Sooct I "111 "IOn h1• .11 JliJhl1• 111 I IA1an~ LI• $2.~0.<M~I Tl'rms I hi-.·r appro"ed pend in~ l·1•111t11-t.11h1·a11f11rn\lll 500 Lo 2lXXf.sc qll Ava1l:1 1 dud1r11?1·onfi•r1•111 "l<;n•;ll tc1rrwr l'·"'-1111: 11 to :l)t.•;iri, Call loM'l'lf .\U·r perm11 f oods to 1·11111111 \l11d1 11r11 s:!iSl ltlefor Lease room.rl.'tl'\ltll•nt'I & 1.rn l hlk titl""1111 it•t.111 '" ofii "'' ha\e tht• hc't rJlt'' t'illl.~l~I of. but not hm1t 11111.11 t.r.rt Call Wm f Cote lrbrill'\ \ '" •1'·111•111"' 'pat·;.• i:14Mi 'll 11 •111111 1 ,l\ailablt' for 1our tu.to t' d 1 o 1 .i rt o u s for nformallon "i ll he M'I fl•t.11 1 ·11 1 PJrt i;73 t•:!lll 1 l'all '.\Ir !'\l'l~on 1711 1 sand~1c:he~. chips. bur :-.li,111 :> hcl1m 111 Sl' 1T1Jrei ~ • I wa11''· "urd prnt'I'" I I 966·0i55 l'amhr11li:t• l'la1:i 01,•r 2;. l'1t1f t Cote Realty 1111:. Xl'rux ,inti 011111• OCEA.MVIEW Capital (;roup a ~~~~,,;,~.s~rt1lndnt~.~~·nt· 1"01 i'IMI !lhfi 2077 & Investment I 1.2. ll. 3 \r leaw' ~1 •11IJ lfl:.'1 '11 fl offii·•· ;ttan• Calrfornrd n•JI 1:...i.111• ch . etc Booth ~•II be l'•ul \\11111.1111u,hr 2br 2 I ble l'a I I ll .i' 1111 '11 '111 111 •tllll'I {•"1•11 hroltt>r Jbn .i1·tmi: .1~ a binll b,. Art A Fair 640-5_77?. Wilhams.497 J:l~l \l1·~u 1n1l11ht11.1I rnm 1 d• 1 , 1·' l'.cr~ '""' •11>1 all -I p I 1•, I 111• a I J 11 r en ~r , ~·t'i.l1\'al. All food equip .11111.•111111"' :"\ H 0111 :1159 , ,irl'hth•rls i·n.:111,.1.,., ,---------~ to bt'supphl'd h~ 1endor I ,,.1·k~ pruf M F to ,hr 2 KOU CEHTY I I 7HI St, C .M. Jrtl,1'. t•ll ~i!1 11~:1:1 I FOi' romplcte informa hr ~ '"' l'd~I ttpl Walk l & 2 room ocru·l'i. \ I lla\t' soml'\hmg lo s1•W t1on fall <7 14 1494-5173 111 ll\•,11 h Frpll' Nn j)l'lS. NEWPORT I plent~ or prkj! l'til 101 I Commrrciol I Classified tub do It" rll after6pm k ~ .. 2• F'.legant £ice suites in A1a1t now. rall R .......... 5 4475 '" ~1110 1111! ""'" rno + prestigious loe lnrl Rt•Jtonom1c:~ fii5 fiiOO cmlllll ------------------....., 111"' •·i:lt)l!)l(t '"~k fnr secre t arial. r ecep ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11"11"1 1Jon1st. telephone ans & MB>ICA.l SUITE l'r1ml' 1'11,1111 ~ San ""1'1 .' hr 1·11111!11 tu '>hr. more ores from $436 ~SQ ft front L!fOllllll ('le01l'ntl' rt•la1l 111 nffllt' "'' lot ,'(; ha vrnrl. Jui·. mo. On·rall oles $165 rlollr. l(arclcn 'ct1111g. 'Paf'1• i:l(I t4ill 11:1111699 i:l•I m1 .1111 i5f~i mo T H f: H E f\ D pmfl-:>111ona l hi.I.I( 111 top , ....... _tri IR t I 4SOO QUART ER S CO M arc-JufNe~port l\\',11·h ~ a tno L,,,, ,,,,111Jhr ·1 t1J1·nn JI ••••••••••••••••••••••• r ' -PANIES A profess1onal 1 xln1 .ic·t'l.'s' In 0<11: 1111, n·1 l.11 In 1111•. $.100 'I S 5 r I NH . 397~ ll1rd1 llKlill sq "I ·1 I enl'ironmc nl. 171 -l l '°"P I~ i.q l .oni: ft orlt·s~ '1 11\ tone· 50 'l.'•11 ~~. 1 1 11\hJ:l I 851 068_ l_ Lerm lease a\0111 \bn --385 f prr 'q I I \I! 1· n I I hJ' .:Br apl tn s hr BUS.MESS ADDRESS ~q I prc~ll1!1C11" ~I 51.m Kennebunkport ? lsn 't that the horse that won The Triple Crown in 72? ~fD '/?-~ I " ,,1111r :t~ ~ 1200 • ', An 5 we rin g & m 3 11 Westrhrr area SI on '4 MES>A.PLACE? IRoomm.11e Lo ,11r ~Hr 1111t :'4ll•lfilltl se niC'e. ronrerenre ft .6456501 M~a lndustnalPark .7 11 Reas. Weekly Rate~ rondo, fem llll'I S!·W 1 . , . w 17th Sl Pur 1fic Kitchenettes Phom·~ 1 '•ulll S.16·3.S82t•\rs l "ihr :I \t~ l.'umlu S220 md room. Adj OC Airport 500sq rt or oHm• spnt·t> & mwrs lndustnal l\ark. "Z" Ch el :i.to .. 1n" I 11111 \\ 11 l(a r, frplc tt_oo1roo. 714/8Sl:_l342 _ 500 llpl'1eno•wrewho(t1who•IKe""Vb.'1•pon • • ann .' •" Sharelrkrnl'wSant:i \n.1 \i.ul no~54S·l473 rer pt area SN'ur11y 18.15 Whither i\\(' l . ...as.donifeelbod -you'reno•olone Sandpiper.t9Ri '•fr~porl home. full k1t l'l11•11 Newport Beac h near systems. Wet hor 011 1000.J700~qftunits Of RI Cos~a Mesa 64~·!1137 pnvilP1tes. Mali'. 1,. 0 I ~11 tLw ~wpl Rl'll, pool. lloag Hosp. 1000 sq Ct.. tlonal warehnusr span• nee warehousr spul'e Kennybuc*pot1 "one 011 4 dt~11"'1"'efy On Uw beach hotel room~. ressional, non ,mnhi 11 pk. 111 beh. 2 1·a r second noor ofrices. nm SS6.S mo Uhl incl O l' "'<'arpt•ls. drape:.. wet dflereni opo1mentfloaplom ot S.owind V.lloqe kitrhen & bath. SJOO $300 mo inrl uti hi 11., '!.,J 1 Ji: l' SJ O II mo pie parking. well ma in· Auport area S4S 0636 l!ar 642 4463 &12 1604 111 Klill11'1'on Beoch ~ Villoqe •\ 0 result +s:JOO dePoMt 2J06 W E\ngs & ~knd~. ~!111 6:111:1 tu:l li705 lalned bldg. Vicky days 972 ~q Ct. rerept1nn1stl BF.AT lllGll H ~:NT of r~<:Ay p6rsoc"'-1ed professlOt'IOI plonnnq ()('('an front. N c~ p11 rl Pnrk Nwpt T" nh~i· In ~hi I "l'l.~I mature adult to s~r 7-1V 4800· area. 4 orr1ces & ~upply Free mo" e ·In I 1 n1l' The ~1rd of 01tenlion you OO\erve Rearh. 673 4154 w prof ~rson . Lenn" 11111~ rurn Jbr. 2bn tn !QI sq (l, cii>ld, newly de nn nr Newport 117th St Plenl) or park'J.t, !n1•ll A perfect blerd of no111e ond 511.ng -t Home 4175 spa. many am1• 111t 11·' 11 n HI k~ r ro m o_cn ror .. a/c. incl. all ut1ls UtJI pd 8(> pc1 ~q rt )'ard. nr nut~ & fr")~ ne\lled in o f0tes1 wt!h bobblnq biooh ond ~e1 s 7528261 dl's or 7'1'1!1~1 I $:!'lei In) ~ 5766, Az1. Ample prkg. Ideal for 646-4884 400 to 800 11111p. t rurk pcll'ds. cooled by noh.rol ocean biee1eddd 10 ... ;;;:;;~~·.~;.;;••• evesiwknds -iGaroqH ~;.·N~~1o<w;"fWceoe;ti "-stiaion Office 1~ ,:;·11;~~~ 1fi.n6:~~ Jl-ot temscourtuwimrmqpools,orocuwond Respons1bll' (;athuhC' Will share m) 2 h1hrn. 2 forltettt 4350 Blvd. 847-7727 M·F, 11·5 600 sf i~ -NV.pt Bea('h c II,. ii m ll n J.t a oc~1loco1l()n nea~hoppnq ond party wrll take loving ba townhonw 111 h<h ••••••••••••••••••••••• \\\nd!_7_1~/644'624~ Phone!\, Xerox. Furn& 17141985 Sll lO . (l\'t'~ ..--i...--.-.--'.,,.,.,~8 ,...,,1 0 ploce t:1""""" -.•..... li>n d er c are . and S2:>0 rro t 12('trrt non Sl .... GLEG ... R ... GE r & More Low overhead !"'•·"""" ""'~1"""'" U''-' r--. ~ .. , ___ _, I I I I ..... "" "" Custom executive 0 rirc ... h I 0 """',_, ....,.,...., coll home !Even 1Ce~pot11) personal ass1~lancc or I smo ker A' a 1 1 1 ·o!'>ta Ml'lill $70 968 1452 p b lh . h .... t 11reat or SI 4 per ~ ......... , .. _..J........._ • ....J boL l'lderly pcri1on. Xl nl f.465366el'e~ 1! ~~·n·ea'ttlboaPwit !!Qrt t'en{·cd l ndus'l lot . Ole arid two~ one"""' two 1" rooct Mesa Vl.'rde CM. 1 1 Ouohll' gur:t1te. storage Snuwtr. • en1n &5l·ll06ll lf1 123. ideal for contr11r opatmeMfrom S490.00 Rl'I F,Cute &airy 2 11, 11;1 unly Weststdl' Costa ~mo.84!_4623. loror~tor1111e S6001mo 6033 CdM apt. w frplt t!tO 1 Mt>!>a 5411 4720 Offl av 11 11 MIWPOIT IE.AC" Ser at 20~7 rliu·cnti11 O~Jnd. :on VII~. ~S6· + Cindy76().1!~3 I • . . I r -l lnct~L:pd~.•L phone' Pnnii .b\isinesffocallon A1•.,C M C11l1$$l 1149. v...-.1 ....... 4JIO NEWr'ORTSllORt-:s 1r.ara11e. s1n11 <' or ren . 841.!Ji:! ~ busy Pa<-e st Hwr S , m mo 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MtF 4 BR hou e Nr ' i, b lk to Main bch. mo. ...:.-ldeal•tetail 11./or ofc I~ ~ Of h OCEANFRONT 2 • 4 Or. bch. ·pool. tennl9. \\1 o. j l..a&una '65,, 494 3044 -HUMTMTOM sptce for bu.intss need '"""c'°"'6-~6zs~ w .. se. Avail. now. Weekly thru frpl(', piallO, «•r. S350 +-iOHlct lttltel 4400 llACH ·1n~ ~ vialbllllf.. l.000 ,;I.A. --• ~ Beo<h. C • IJ!!!L_mt...!.:J73·717.L_ ~ll~ '•••••••••••••••••••• .. • B . •ir2,ilt 1/huite1 tol sq ft 1va1I 1714) ... W..e.d 4600 1555S~on V~ late Hltlf~Oll A If YOU Prof m1le to shue quiet 1617 Westdlrf. N.8 Want for lmmed occ. Fu II _l67IOO ,.... --••••••••••••••••••••••• t714119).5l98 hnu 1t"lceto oner or 2 er. 1 ea~. ouse, 2 blka f1nanclal lnat. 7000t.t. Service'"* ltatt rrom ~ ~ ill my Interior Room wanted by sl\fdenl 1 fftlll'l"'9So\Oitqo~O......norttt onhcx+t1o aocldltoMll.flaceanad from ti( dM. ssoo. J~~ftoor. enU4i.5032. •·Main• P1orida Ill' Dllilll.StudiofunUlhtd, lft adwlle to do rour Use Anlwfr.Ad service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $S.OO week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad call 642·5678. -..~1111n. ...,....,..Oil Mtfaddeu to Stowind V. fn lht Da ly Pllo C..ll~t ttS?S-~ . Paclnta HotJ. Ow1r/ l•tl•dl11 U•P..!!~J bomltlt-::\' babpit ,.._. doily 10 N'. ·~ cW. a..ll1td Section . . . bit 1t.. wint In Sell thlnr.t faal wltb Dally MJ..-rn 1llllllla ~ ~. vouo or . 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HISWERS arter 12noon(o7or llpm M l'"t•11t1.il n1·,1t t1t1 rn·n1 .... 1thr1i:urn.10kc\ ' ""r11•,..11Jl1• w ur k sw1trhb~urd, ~C't'C!p M 11'7~~ lll'<HJnr 1• l'lt•u\.illt h) loudt ~;~1·1-ltl•nl t'llm LEGAL SEC y \l'hrtlult• 1:1•1wr.il oHin· Wirt a Top Jail in Telecommunications? lkHll~t h ilt, u r uratl' Formal E>.pu)I• A p A It r M •:NT "s REPRESENT'TIVE "urk Ill ). l'Ulld II 11111 • IMO\ h1•111•f11,. l11fo1'fn.1I Sml Nr .... 11orl ('If l.i\\ & typ111a; ~k1lh 11.i:1 ~~!10 • hpin11 nt·rr\Uf)' F.arly f'trlC) Rullon SIS'l'ANT M .\~A<a:n " \h'.tlh\\Ol k nHttl' ( M (Jll \111111· l1rm Ut'\1 11'~ \'\fl 1•" I I t I y..a.._.. . ti.a 1 hf' N~t rtr.brokerait °f.m~·t:J~~t1(·\.: CtKJpll' for ll~ untl Afl ('()\ST 111-'l'lt." .iftl'I !1.1111 M!i ~K) O\tlUfl' pt'r"·~ frn I I\ ti w .11 1•ht111,1·m,in ~'..1: tiiiiQif11fmtauuns. firm Mtlt 644 il442 ru mpln "' II I FullThnt ~I 1•1•1 ' 1t11.:.itto11 <o1·111·111u' "mk1·1 1111 ,nwll ro~tJ ••BOIO•:l>'1 •• ~IST/G9tOFC ~~~t :';:,'/~~~ ~.0:~~1• 21:S !>!n IS73 lllt•nt.,..ood ~'" 111 .:~ J1ttl 21:!1 ll.11 l.u1 11111! 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Gori:~·ou~ ~1rl' 111 p<1mp1·r 11111 .J.1n1111 Sauna I.untl~ '" "I'll a t o u r 1 ' 1 ~ II .1 11 k A me r 11 "r ct \I .1' I 1• r Charl!r \m1·1H .111 ~' pre~' 1>1111·1 ' .111 \\ekom1· i I~ 1.i:. :11:1:1 2tt2 llJTl"1r 111 t ·\I COt'd~ "oulrl lu\ 1 lo p.11 I' .. 11 h \1111 I I ' I H ' I S}l\IJ 111111111 .. 761 9.J36 1111•11•1 t\ 1lllhl ,11H1lll 1! 1h11111~ 11•r1111I S.ila 11 "' h1.·n .. 1r1. \ppl1 111 111·1 ,011 ,II Sf•1 I h I' IJ1•11t ROY CARVER BMW ~~9.~~~ .~I~ T1~.~1 :'-Jr\\ 1'!11< I IH. \I II ll.il11 '111111 ;11 .. , 1'11.1111.:1 for 11•1111 ... 1111 .. dt1 'Ill tft•nt 1r.1; , ''I .>:l!I 11 lt~1 ****** 1111 F."h11111 l,l.1111I """ ltttrl fl<'.11 h I \ I· 111pl1 I~ .1111.1 111 I'll"'" ,, '''"I I 11i1~1' llJI .1111-i """'"" fur I 11111" I•" 111 II \ II \ ' I I I I I< \,· .. 1~111 '-.111111 1 .ill \Inn \\ 1 ii ,\ I 11 1 "' • 1 .!I.I •; 1 'I~.;, l'\I fl •>lh·. S.11 '"' ., . •Ill• (,\t I'• 1l/llltl'I '~"'' s.il•·-~11111 ...... .. ... • , p•·r~uu 1111 1u11 1 111. BABYSITTER 1 lu1um1,,1u11111._ "''' 1.. \lu~I Ii. t'\IWnl'll< t•tl 111 WANTED ! .111 .irt>.i' l.1 iltlo r l11p ,\ Linda & Vicki's r•.irt llm•· 1l11rrn1.. lh• ).:IKMI Jlllt11l1• .. 11111 I 1L11 un \111111!.I\ I hr II ~ 11 ...... ~·1:i:1 PHOTOMODELS 11.11 \\,II I 11 1>1 I• ESCORTS 11•11·111' I • I ' I •• I BACK&. IHTTl-.H 1>.111.r .11 TIL.\."F:n:w :!llll<:-.. 548 -7827 669-0207 I (0 U!l'Jll 1 \1~~l lt·nt.d1 111 • II ... 1111'1 ----------1111 ., hit ' .II .. , hi Penonol Srrvicu 5360 •••.................... SWEIJISll ~I \~~\Id . f or men ,\ "11 1111 11 h.'e1·a lb Uulw11 111.i ::-'I• 1!1·81 Travtl 5450 •...................... Ridfr to Alo,ka LateMar fl:11 1:i•1, ~yrnrn!& ~rah on ..•..•....•••.......... Jobs Wantrd. 7 075 .•••.....•........•.... Young m:i rrit rt 01.111 ... ootd hkt' r>tict inh, 1·1 t'' & \\kend~ r.in 1ln ii \artet1 of ha111h mJn Jobs 972 !1525 l' \ !'' '"" ·for 8 111 Maturl' per,1111 ""'"' position in me ti 11 J I ol fire. 10 ~ r~ t''ltP 1 h1«11 \ on 1nsu ranrl' 1 \\ r ll 1· Daily Pilot. \d =!II I 1111\ ~,CM 'l:lli:!«. Companion nu1 'l'' ,11111 position rle~1n•d h~ l'\j1 ii man Lt l'ook111i:. h'kri:. etc. Please ph I.la i ~llli3 ~,540·6822 Respon~tblt' woma 11 \1 rll h1u1'' ~\ 1•p11 ~ \ 1111~IOL' ·r.v, l'l.11,.1111.1: 11 1·11,t.1 \Ir .• 1 11 \\1\1\1, TELLERS OUR IHTEREST IS YOU! l 1 I! I. \ I \\ ~ !-> I' ~ It \ S\\l'.\t..., \\II lt1\\ h.1 ... m 11nnw1h.1lt• 11111 11 1111: lo1 1 I n I ~ H 11 '"' .1 lull I mw h,1 I' 111 11u1 '''"l"'rt It.. .1d1 hr .1111 h l'r"""u' f1n,11111.il 111 -111111wn nr ra'h h.111tll l n K 1· ~ 11er1!'n1· 1 1 ~ I nrt 1·~,.1r1 Puliltt 1 on 1Jt1 hJ< ki:rnunr1 hl'lpful Kno .. INlgl' of JU lo.1·1 .ind 111,:ht t~Jllll~ ,, ll'll'llrt'd \ 1111 II f1111I 11111 'alJrtl'' l'Oll11J''llt111· ht•111•f11, l'\ rl'lh•nl .in<.1 r11mftirt ,1hlc· 1<ur~l111! .. 11nrl11111n' l'lt"1"' .1ppl1 1n p .. 1 ~on to BOOKKEE,ER ...,.If 1mtl\ ;ilt•il ~ c ''~ ~p1 0«1·tl1·tl 111 t •. 11 .j, 11 c;n"'' "" ~ ''" 111 .ill ,JI l'J\ 111 1)1.~ I'-I h I II 111.1 hotlJOI<' \Ith! Ill' .tld• I" I\ "" '•'' \\I' OI \"I 'rml.1·r 1111·1 71 1 li1t! 11.! •.• BOOKKEEPER ~'111 1'11.11 ~" I' T ~1·11 lt•dL:•'I. f111.1111·1 ii 'I .Ill 1.-·ni-"'I' 11 \l.11 1 .. ,,i1 lo lull 11111 .. In I.id .. \l.in11.1 \ ilf1 ·' ~:·· l'li·.1 .... 't'Ufl C 1•,Httl•' t11 J' CI ll,1\ Wit '\II I \ 'l!i.lt.I I. \ ... It I ~ ll I' I \1,1 r1 n ,. Ii,, rd" ,r 1 ,. \\ '111111' 111·1 ~ '11 1'1 "I l•l:'> I ;13 CASHIER & llCll SEW \In.' \I ~' \µpl~ 111 pn~nn t 1 .... 1 llarth1.irl· 11.i I ~ .. 11 \l1g11e1 ="""" porl 11<•.it h <1111.l>C.\RE& llSl\f'C; In l'\t'h for 1011111 t.. bu.inf SI 11tl1•nt n1 JI! ttm· .. mpl Ill\ \1'.pl h41 t K!I pl• l\1 n-.·~'Ji!" ( hr Id I .111• 11 ,111, II nt't~lt'tl :\Inn \\ 1•11 \1111 ~ 311;, :in c· \I ·"''" :\.56 1.;.11, aft h ClERICAL WORK 1') p111i:. t'l1.· Ca II 1111 111 lt'rv1r .. ' 752 IHl!Jlj I !J .II I Compan111n ma11111• be COMPANIO:"i t•11·~. 7pm to 7am l\r't 11· lerenc·e~ ~on,.nu k 1·r nondnnkt'r fl l2 :115:1 Exp rart' for el1li-rll con\ aleHenl 11r 111 Eves and or n1ll'' 111 ,1 r~~ \ 754 1111.1, Ev('' GREAT WESTERN SAYINGS 450 Mtwport Ctnttr Dr . tll'r~o11 lor 1·lrl1·1 II I.uh Rm board ~alan 1~11\ lf~l!l °''"'Ill"" ('11 nt p.11111111 1 •• I ll\l' 111 h >'t' 11111111 II. LEGAL SEC'Y H1ghl) qualrf1ed X 11 skills & rer~ fo:\pl' u r1v11 llt11n1t1on 111 1 practtre 64~ 792 . ~SS 631 8336 HefpW..t.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ntwport ~ach, CA 92660 Rank ml! SAVINGS REPRESENTATIVE luanl P1~1I '.\11 '·"'" 1 :l.'>7 1:~19 Comoanion / Aide Neerl Jl>n1<1h• cifm1>an111n fur t>ldl'rh .i rlt11l $2110 mo ~ r n11m • hoard :\l usl bi· l'\pr J' nurses aide nr ~1m1IJr Call aft t>, 8.5i 105i DENTIST ".11111'11 litl'\ l•I "1111 '''"I "rl II• 1• l1 \11 .1 ~, .. 11 .111 11•1 "''It IK·twll•• _.. t.11. \Xf.1'4 DISHWAS HER/ DIETARY AID I( 111 h 11111 If,. 1••t.1I 11 \, •\l••I\ flo'oll h I.I ,r lfttfh •hJlt "I'( lhlH. ltt .111 111111\ 11h1.tl tu "11rl. r I 11•ht1 ,hill lluu1 "Ill \II\ ll11!1t·' Ill .111.i. ""h ... I h1111· ,\ •'''l'l)Ul• I"'~" ( Ufll P•'fl'.tl1uu p.1• ._,,, .. • 1 ufl 1••'il"ir.111 "11h '' •1 ~ &;lhllllrl 1'111 1111·1 I"'" I .111 11,11 It II I I 1111 .Ill 711 1ot. •·''· t t1I \I I DRIVER 111 l•I• I I II 111 I 1111 I l'llol "' I I I• ' It. I'' ll•1d1'll l11 lli11.l11i;I• 11 f11 ,11 h I 111 ~I It• 111 1)1 I I I fllfl • ti .. t I H H , , 0t1!• ~I .t ( fll11 iii 1-·nd1111• "" 1 'I"• \111,1 ,.I 11111 'I II II ~~· '-11.d Fh«11111r11 ALARM SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN S 167 1-2069 /Monthly 1111hul1•, n1,:h1 t11ff1•11·nt1.1I lltmt111~1u11 llt'.H I I 1111111 lhi:h !\1 hml ll1,1111 t h,1, • 10 lll't'lllflL: 1111 .111 Ill ill\ 11111.il I 11 1k\ICll 111 ,t,111 ll\.J 1111.1111 Jllll II' 11<111 1•kr I 1111111' ,ii .11111 ,,,(1'111' 1111 "h1111h .. 1(h1n 11111 ti 1'1I11 t ll111H' .111• :I 10 11111 In rn11ln1f.!hl \pplt1 aunn, .1rt· h""'f! a1·1·t·plNI r1u1h thn1u).!h ~1.ll'f h :11 l'lt'.I\\' ,q1ph I .1t Hmm 1:1111r c .1 II I HBUHSO I0:!.'11 \'or llt111< 11 \ 1 ,. llunlrnf.!tnn 111· . .,.h 1 ·.1 11:.ii.11. '111%1:1.t.l'I ~.1111,11 0 111111 r.111pl 1 01 f h FJ'l F11orl r11 I k ,11 Oranl!t' l'uunl 1 ' mu't unique hot ct11i: 'IJnct PJr l t1m1 n1.ih1' &. \\knds 64S 4007 f'orrmJn \l ,11•h1111\t lathe. mill & loolrni: t'\ A.cca.tMG Clrrtc exper·a-w11h"' e'ltrt:llent IY,Ptnll skills for an F:ler trlcal Const firm 1-:x cellenl benefit~. Cn11l<1<1 Virgin ta f,,n Tin l:lrent""ood Sa\ rn11s and U>an has an 1mmed1ate openin.it 111 our C:orona Oel Mar hr.1nt·h for an enthus111~t1r 1nc11ndoal wl'o has prtor S & L or banlun11 e~penenrc ('001\ Lill' h~kp .uric & na lural rood~ !'\ p ll1•lpful fem pref C'J n ll\e in Re f req No ~rroke CM 642·3481 COOK'S ASSIST. F 11me Exp'd prt•f Soups )and.,.. trhe~ App ly in person. 3 Spm, pe.r . nl'l' t:st1m,111ng """""u I M to 8 ye :ir s l' ~ (>('ncnt'<' 11231 Youn.: _-~9570 ACCTS, AY AILE CUii ~to $900. af least I yr exper. Ba lanre reports, balrh ' rode for l'om pultr. 10 key by tout'h. ~pphcations now beinit taken 8·5PM at US Hen tals Corp ornre 171l71 Mltrhell ... r v (714 1 ~4@1_ Ir you·n· look11111 for a future career m b:ink1nii and would hkr lo wor~ In 11 warm and friendly rn 11ronmPnt . we ln\'ltl' you to eall • Riii Conopast 17141760-9200 lrwtwOod S..itgs Altcil:OGR Auoc,....· y emplr M F (i owe r St Restaura11t, 1000 Bristol St North. Newport Be ash CoDV ShoD/f-Timt t1Ti~'"o1tfmt· Xer11x duphcatini.: Exper on 9400 and 9500 ~em•s rop1ers. Call: Greg at. _ _Jl4/64Q.-UOO R11·t>r ;\\l', f'nln VI) ~7 3:l!O ask for, Mark FIYC OOK Port or rull t 1rne Open 22 hrs Newport (; r1111lc1 I 642 8881 General O<fke Career opportunity for an m I diYidual with ROOd ac I rountina backRround & typing !>kills Pr<•fcr word processing ex I penence Will consider training peuon with rt 1 qui red 1k\lla No n 1 smo ker preferr"d I Salary ro mensuro te 1 with u p crlcnre I Btnelita. Ap ply in penan 821 W 19lJI St. ' Co1t1 M111 . Model JMl*r 11:1•=: ror .. c.a tllwa ~-· .. Ill t'\'' II 1 ll ~ ~ " ~ ~ I' ~. I! I (1\ll'\\ltl\ \\,111t1tl .Ill I.II I" """'I \\ I 11 I I ht 1111h.11111 \,.111111111 11.11 I I\ ,. I II Cl " II .. ~. "'"'"' 11 \\•II~ \\ I 11 < d 1 I I if \I I f I .tll~ < ;, ··' ..! I. .I ' .... lfl 111111 I •l\I I 'l''I.', 11.,,, .. ~I "I"'''"' !fl 111111 I llt I " II If II h •t11 I II"'" '"·t \lrt•I ,~, •1111 lt•I Janitorial 11111·1~ \\11111\ bu1111n11 \1•h11I" fl' llUI• d '.!1:1 1.r1 ·~ 7 .• KELLY SERVICES IS ON THE MOVE HAPPY SAIHT PATRICK 'S DAY HAPPY NEW OFFICE \111,111).: NURSES AIDE ~:\11<'1 .111 •11111 • I '11111 II '" I' \ 11 11 I fl t II I h1•1·1t11I 11.'1 11-.111 ii 111 l'•AMI 111 I I...... \ 1111 "' p1ur1.1111 <.dltd' "'II OfflCE MANAGER/ ~ ,~'fi~8u.H1~ ~.~T"I 1.,1\ 11111\ ln1 111• 1111· 11 '1 I ·llll Ul I )•111 11 • "'I\ I t """'·" \ I... II •h\ 11lt1.1l ,fi,.11 I I"' .,,(I ttl1~ \t t I l ,\ \ti 1111 n 1' 11 .11 11 , ' ~ ii 1' f'k,1· 1111 "1111,111 •'II \IHrf 1r-·11t '1•1111 •• rirm l1t J't·f f11 t flt.I 11 t t ....llil r.111 I uqt , ' \\ 1;111 "l : I I \I t \ '(,_, ·: l'1l)lu1l11111I 1 1111 •11111 Iii \\Uh 1•rul1• 'ltltl,il \HUii <llltl ji.1111 \1•1di. .1111• fltu'I ht· t ,1111•1 1111:·111•·•1 "111 11.1111 11111 • ·'I' pt·,tf.11\t t' ~\ • ""• ··111.d IJo'I ""''' 111 \ CI 111 I .I I I , r ~ ~·u11·1t1l.1 I\ L 1111d b,1 I .111 11(1111 Ill~ ~ill ,\ ,fl 1·111 .11 1• I\ p11n '11•t1• '"" •1.11 lfllL'' d.11 I "''ll1'l,111 Ht"""''"'" I l'\\W'l li'ftl't1d ~\ I ,1p,dtl1 111 i.111dlt11c Jx 1111111 1d11.d 111111p.1111 fll111111 ,\ I 1 I" ,u I"'' t'i I \\HI d ~,, f 111111111• ~· "' "'" 1.11 1 11w,.tl,1r\ l\1·1ul"•''-••,r1l.t1\ 11 1 ol I •·t I \\ nr .t .. IJ• f 1111111111 llt•\thlt "' ''·l•I ..;t111t't JI hu .... 1n1' , ' llt'l 11'111 I I• 1111 I 1 d ~I .,!uo 1n,. 'f 1 1 t 1 n .. 'al.ti"\ . t'.1ll>e;,1 11; II LOCATED IN THE HERITAGE BANK BUILDING 217 1 Ca~s Dri•t Suitr 340, lr•inr . 833-1441 IELL~-=~- ,,.""'" htlh' "'" I 1'.1111 \\II I k .I" I II I h" !hou,,11111, 11f 11lht'1 I'• 11 1111. Ill '"" ..... 1 "1111 .11 • I'' r ,. a.: tJ I ,tr u,,, r .. u I E o E \I ~ II C1.c-.,11i1•tl < .1 II 11111 111 ----------ta1.l'r .it t.l:.! ~;;11 \11 • '""' 111·• '1'"" I J+ ,. la II \ ' ,l \ t' I ' fl i1 ti l'l.11 1'1111.r \\ ,. I \I Receotionist I '.11 l I llllf\ .1ll1•1 llllUll' 11111111111•111,I' •dl111 I "II" I .I I II \ ·' I I' I \1.rl 111" /'"' "II ~ \I"" pt II• 111•1 h111 \\ tll 11 .1111 .... I( 11'1 REC EPTIONIST I\ I' h I t ..... , ph1HI• I" I ....... 111 \ t 111ul nl• .1ppt •'' 1f1• t ~" fl't • I \t • ul \t Ho\\ r• \1.11 \ c 111111 "' 'I \ II , '•.! 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I \ • •SECRETARIES•* I 111•1 11t T ~' 1-'1111 ~I~ tMlll I 11."1~ Kfj f hl'I ~Iii lllNI l;.·c,1l l.1t l«\jl s1•1 :!IWI ~\p ( '1•11 .. 1111.1111 I h11 • 111~~11!111 h I•., I I.I~ 0 I· '''"IJ(•rt 14.J~ >111•1 Fr .... !'-w•1, In ~I t,1111 '"""ill h.111111• ill 1111 11''1"''"'""' I 1111 I h1 1·1·-111•·111 "' hi''"'"' IJ Ill \ l'I I 'Ill I I.fl t.;l 11 .. tlll!lllltljl.llll 111 ,II• lh1• I I• •otph• \ ''" \\..I I \ 111 r ,l,1hrltt1 '<Ill \l lfl lhl • \ I dlt-111 I• "1111111 \111111111• lllllll JJI l'h~"' l>4 II\ al ( ,tlJlf• $:!!!.'> 1,1;, ;xu; ~ 1n::-;rn u \\' H Ell \\1th 1111111 ,111• ll'Clll 11<· 1.1d1ng Si:111 :",:i 1'1'.I:! ~ 11·111 h 1111 """'' s1,511 \1rl1111.1n 1.l.1111 ,1,11111 11i11 ltl1• l11J1 S% •1t,:1 l!l:I:.> b t •I l111lh11 -111,. 1111·1 111.111111 " j II ll 1 •If' ~-.'f!I llf.J Jt•:f' Antiqur Show(Salr f 1Ml.11 1hr1111,_h \ .11 I llh I 1 ·~· .ulm1"11111 111101 111~1 .. n 1-.·1111·1 \1 ,111 111: • ~ .. \ .11111 114·.11 h 111111 llB 1!lv.r1h1•,1 "Jlnul t1111 i\ 1mu 11 .. r' " 11111 'ut 'I.It I t11J1 io.<•I I Pt I 111'\1lt'<I 1111 1•1,.,1111·111 .. 11 lll 'll' l111h·t1 h' 1 .. 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't.•• '"" \ 11 1•11 .I hr~ d.ttll (,,.II I ol• d.1111 "'I" I d "1th 11 I 1<ork l11r \\ h11l1· ,d1' 11.11 ,11111 1. ,,,,, 1,. 1 tul II fl Hf 11 .... il1•,U1,111 \\ 1't'~ ~llflli.1 \ ul I •Ill l~1l>C .;;.'. , "I. \ 11 1.t I , I d ~rtttary/Church ~""'" 'l.111"11 \ll•·1t I' T "'II .\pph \l.,11 d,1111 ,t 11 l'\I \ppl\ 1)1 II :1 t n111·rl \l..ilr ,11,.JI 'l.il1on 1;1h ,\ n1 11t111 , .. ,, i.:111·11 11 111111 .. '" t 11\1 1~11 llj ·~ SECRETARY I h1• 11.1t 11111 , 1 ... ,.i1 111.. ""'111111111 d1-1rih111111 \1111'1 ~lt-111111111 ' I I 11 1 .1 I I'd ,I I .l ~I I \11 rm mid l'\I hJ' Jll SERVICE STATION Affrndant f' 110\1' l'I I' l plll 111 1111111 .1:: :1.'tllr "; 1·~ \I n .f 11<• t'\111 d 1 ·11 \I .111•,1 ••75 .!.!7t. 1111('mni: f11r .1 "t'I n·tan 1---------- 111 tlllr tll 1Kftlt't OlJ 11,11(1' lll'OI dt•pl \\ npJK1rt11m t\ for .11h ,111, 1•1111•111 \p pt1t1K11• f11r math .11111 .11 1 ur,111· 11 p111i.; .111• 111 14111.'i \\jll11 ,I 11111'1 c;11·,1I l••11 .. f11, .. 11 .. 11·11 """''' 1·.1JI ii I i.'1 1 hUd to .11 I ,Ill!:\' fill .111 llllf'I \It'\\ !'>1•1 ri·l .. tr\ !'lud1.•n1 Joh, HEY! BOYS-GIRLS lfo .. \\llUl!l IOU lrk1• le> 1'Jnt '" n1111 h ·" s,"111 1111 .1 "'"~'llo1 .. 11ltk1 dr111 1'1111 ~ F11i:l1,h < 1.1~ 111111 h 1111111 h1I t.1hlt· 11~111111• 1 ... r1(..1 .... 1.1 ·'"' :,.',11 SI~'"' •11~ K~h/4 \\'I l(JI ~-" n.1k tl111111~ 1,•hl• S!:!.1 lht•.•11t' '('ill'.' 't'I 111 I ''1ti:1 '''•I ~ f hi ' ,\111 1 \l.q1ll' 111111 h11nk l•·d' SI 'II ,.·,; ~fiMI ''·'" I .1hli• " l.·.1 1 s:!511 1 (I ,1 h I fl .1 11 'I:! II \11• 11• .111 K11r l.1•1 SISll I hir 't'" 1111• l..1·1 5115 '•-l IWi ( IP1 I.. ~11111 I 11111> Liii ~-~, \\ '"h lt.1•1n s11111 ( 1111 I.. ~11"1 I 1trlt1 t'.1h '-'·'' t trwnt \ .1•1'' s.t:i \\ ,1 ' h It .1 ' I 11 $ I II II 1.11 5!1;•1 li:r nal.. Enl?I tJhlt• $:!511 I ,n1r1 l,11lr11•r IJJlk r h,11r' · $2(-1 ~ 11.:I '/·'~ l11rff .. 1 s:1.'>t1 :\Int t .i II I 11111 11 ''IJ :!7 I :1'13!1 ii I iW Jl••i \,.pt Ht h Afipfiancrs 8010 .............•......... I EXECUTIVE I L.1rj!(~~~r~~~1~:Yi:t•nr.1 I 11.\llf\tlH \I< L\ \!'Pl.I \:"il'E SER\ ICE \\1· 1111~ u~t·ll Jpph.inl'r~ Wt·~ell rt'< 111111 i:uar ( l..__....;ca=-'----> > WANTED ( (,...._y;.;._c_::>_, __ ) > Newspaper· Carriers fo·r routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good EamillCJs Super Trips Great Prfas CALL CIRCU LATION DEPARTMENT DailJPilat 642-4321 •• I has oprmn)! for 1111.111111•11 i.1t•r,1m l11 handl1• 1 arw t\ 111 n·s~111n~1b1ht11•' .\1 11,1 I Ill' 11rµan11rt1 and ha\\' µ111Ht 11rJI anti '1nll1•11 t lllllOHlllll' .11 IOll 'k ii I' ~:\l't•lll'Ol lnn,.:t• l11•111•f1!\ :;:r; ~)!l:lltt>I ~:II :1:?:1i 1nrlut1111 i.: pa11t dt'll!.il li.\~l 111 1111'~1 For app111nlmt>111 t .111 ,._ ____ •~----• ·•V11ham·1·' 519 3u7; llt•fn ~'apt "'l' Sl2.'> l 'p In h! ~llll' h~ '1d1• 0111) Sl!l'l 1;11<1r Cartkn 1:r111 " r\ppl1;1111·1· I :I 1!11 1:1: ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mitch 14, 1982 t'7 'zs' 11 • Ill ..="--............. I040 '-*• IOI '-• • IOIO ... We IOH Pih IOl71Mh.W tHO ttlt::;:i:-1 Trwb tHO.W.. ... 1rW .. .•................. ....................... .............. ... .. . . .. t•!············ ... ..... ........... ........ .. .. ................. ...... s '110 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I IUY APPUAMCIS • Pooliln "R" People• t IUY PUIMITUll lftlrt.t GAIA4H SAU CAPUCHIN PIG F.ONS "It Ptanon 424 Ketch ....... •••••••••••••••• ...W 0 12 ~ •. ~llSI Jr·C11~. Toi;. 1200 to Ut 957·8133 1¥ ...... llouienold 1n-d work l'ancy show birda. tmmac yacht, fu lly Ya1n1h1Vlra107SOwith 'n lnt 'I llttr vard ••••••••••••••••••••••• O.ftal\aeli0¥t:n 011• !: Pellu.t. 1nled '~•capt.bed cedardw~t. nne ruxfiJ'·~su rtems.refria.twlnbed1. prie«lper ualhy equ1 p 'd, S ulh. el(tryj Uke new. only ~~d.el~~~tltiono:. ~:I/. ftft 3 biand ntw, •llll In "" szoo. w()Od din. aet, 4 !Wirote w/1l1nd 'li"cio. 3 1V l\lurn exte111lon lad ·~ au\of.pwr, •P,ffdO, log, 4SOOm lea. 12.600. 31 d cratt. 30" wbltt Y~io. Lab Rtvr male. chra, 150. Dinette. 6 J>('llvrmst•l$300,llpl' dc:r.powertoot~.carptln· &.otl"--I090 depth. VU.', EPRO , 8"-4629 :.~~3 ex} k~ ys, Bullder'a liqu.ldaUon <Water Doa l 3 moa, chrs 175 Sofa bed pet·an twm bed irl. w•2 ':fl and plumbing hUp -·.,.... frla . electro ran ' '18H<riDA 250 ENOURO -eves w n ' azs ta Coa ta Men: Some ahota UO/ofr yellow pi a 1d , U~' ~rs ltlOO. lumps 125 ~11 Etr .• t:tc 436 ' ~;;·p~:;~•;•;;•~jd~· ~f.e~Ua~~n~ld~~lt~I Runa 1reat, very, rlun 19'18 Dod&e '• Ion l.uw «·5841 681-734 pr, 10 It 2 m11n rubb<>r denrod COM Sat Sun Showroom cond. Cost sl>in 1•11r, offshore pol". M&·~ ask for Mike. m1 leage ·~ x \'tll rnt Fantutk German She -bo11t $60 , misc ~11r IO'tll4 30 JI ~ 45 .. _p~OBQ 497.11295 ~~!!'II FF, lcem11k"r, ~ AKC ...... lp. New6pr Chulton sof11, tt items iclothe5 1761 rurl An::al uet. btlnch preu 1500 makeolr. ~ 149L A I safety items, 5 lb Meter.._., S.~ '78 To~-a SR5 inCii...d, ....a l2SO Slove Hi·low · •a ..... paren s. green., retail $1800, sell Manl""i"h "'B B ' d I I ' Thomas ele"lri" 2 ke~ CQRI SO lb Nortbblll ... /~ 160 ••r. 1 :'tt, .. d" ""tnl OWi\, dean, xlnt 1185. nt Umper1men1 ID>otlradeforpl1 11 ~ 1' -, !Mpe · Ul'IJ1 k "II ' ' windtSS incl Newport -.,-.. "' .-.... Beaut. Sl25·SZSOu set.661·734 ype Matrhang couch & rhiur rn:1ll234Q._~lde_nCM board Excellent con · allp. OWC with 1-1 dn, no ••••••••••••••~•••••••• 546>~ -~s.w?-__ ·-f1orill. per( eonrt Call Mens 3-sp blktl, drllfl ~· · 23-lntereel Ask1nf. R en t : 22 I u" ''7U' df'U 11 1 ~.:'~P~&,~t freezer. DOBERMAN PUPS King Size Bed, W. Sim· beforl' 2.30PM $150 tble books toys U~ht Sttloway piano. s1~.ooo M1kernuno . OJ>lorho~. alps B.aell· ton,0 '36.0oo ~'(, ·rup;~ .,-·· . MOORS IM STOCK A.KC, 8 wks, bl•clttrust. =c~~mc11:.~e ~M· 646-63Cl8 hsewares, rot1e'r skates ~l'.(is1r'd Best offer fer. PIP 714 /634·8Z43 or ~/wk + 10'/ml dean, muJt sell. rheap ---848:<;::::·=~---1 SI.SO. 5'5-m · Simmons blond c·rib & ml.K'h mor~ Sat-Su11 ------~ --Dys . 554 s111. eves ' Kenmore stove, clun, 964-3M4 -.--wtmatl, dresserlch11nge S.4, rnm Twum Ln 118 Sld9g IOU "19 Downtaster 38'. fully R..t lJ ft YOCllM ~~ MOWI Ch~• .~;' 1••tf HltcH.. ef 0 MO• ••411 9UAL ITY Nl4'Mm IMWt • well u •"•' flu ......... 1Uu. workt well, 1150. Dinette Yorkthlre Terrier Pup Twl1n~'111~ at at 1 on table. Xlnt cond. S200 eu -~· __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• loaded w/Farrley Jib. Luxury motor "bome let . &41-83'1& py. Male. AKC Champ ~:o'l s e Iii~ ~ewS.3w0105 _ ~ f!34 ()Jlc eh111n. oak rocking Mens Siu BoUU, Nordlca Bim Mar auto pilot Xlnt ~)'om Mar. Ul by wk or V-957 Sean '81 s/s Ref Almd. lines shots 54&·!1624 847.flM4 " z sola uph rorner Sl.'l' c.'hair. drum set. Chev 9112M. used once $39. rood. Owner purchilsed month. 7S ·S665 ••••••••••••••••••••••• U , BJ rn1e 1235, dry r -------- -llonal custom w1prox 4 en~ parti;, hand tuoli;,, 6'73-5919. new boat, $66.000. 17141 RENT 26ft moWr home '77 Ford 1mo. window 75.646·2590. Gorgeous rebm .dllusky Chest of drawers, din. rds new repl fllbril' skis. MG wire w~l:1. ~'---..a.. 1094 628·84311, 1714 1 496 6246 Slps8.(ully loaded van, low miles, many Relri 1 pup. pure rt . w /O rm/game table w 4 1115 962.3282 m>torryrle tares, k1trh """"'._, .. __ t714)499·47S4__ 64S-86l6 xtras 14200 Ca 11 S250&Wtor. Ce maker, papers, bandit mask. SSS chairs, bumper pool la· -u1ens11s. odd~ & end8 •••··~··••••••••••••••• Ranger 26 w/50' Nwpt --67$-1211 Xln\cor!:."s'!,l3.=· 1!50. or er.646-5102 ble&dam . 759.0754 Hlde·ll·bed. very n1re. Sat/Sun, Z036t Acar1a M~rhn 375 Win SlSO rmonng Rare invest 1976 Toyota Mani motor '730odge Maxi Van, high s Q>cker ruppies M/F, 6 King Sile H20 Bed Ii ht hardly used. $350/bsl I SL,. s A. f!ts. 751·0543 ~·rm. 11&1,t 12 "auge ment oppty 5411·7!192 hon.!, self cont 'd. Good top, oven. 4 burner Relri1erator clean. late wks, Bal rolor. 1100/ea ed book cue headbO:rd. orr ~3-3307 SATiSUN 9·5, 20202 Birrh ~~~Spam S3SO e~ 000 7S4·452Q.. stove. refrige. toilet ~auto defrost Sl55. 644-0481 __ wood base with cup 8\lnks S200, Queen bdrm S1. SAH. F'urn. stove. • &iterpnse 13'6". Racing Tro•tl 9170 700 759·l999 4 Sprinler Spaniel pup· boards, MOO. 7x8' Sofa w I b e rt S 5 8 0 . rng, stereo, TV. bikes. 1~oclo. equipped w/spannaker & •••••••••••••••••••• '62 CORY.All Relri1. Hotpoml, t9 cu ft . pies IOO. Adorable, Set Br/Beige Herrulon. solall,oveseot $300, glass l'l'rnent mixer, toolb, ,.Ff, Stereo 1091 lrlr. Xlnt rond. Mahul( 23' Terry. self cont..1.~P..S WindOw van. rompletely xlnt rond. Swng out good w/kids. s wks. ~.675-9677 __ topdinnette.$225, Mat everyth1nl( ~oes ••••••••••••••••••••••• ply $800 /bsl ufr G.xlntrond.clettn,JJBW reblt,eustomseat.s,ask shelves & drwr Sl 25 5411.7062 Butrh"r blk table •2 .. tress/ box spnngs twin ~9292 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA ?_13/441·49~ev£L _ .§:42-1~ •not?<.M "39003 56-S174 --------~ · · .. Sill full $S0 queen $130 colo 1V ~-·'"-' -'-Dobie Puppv red male md.Sl.S04cntryladder NEVERUSED?700!l()l SATSUN JO am 412 r sate_.2yr wrn· Shock <Endea vort,'71 Yellowstonelra1ler ,7ZDodgeTrudesman Refrigerator, Frigidaire Champ st;ed sho~ back chairs. 1200. F:ngl. ~ 1'\Jllerton. Npt Hts, an al ty.$148. Freeuelfvery. fiberglass 26' sloop, A·l 2Sft., sleep; 4, fully self van. rebll eng , new F.F .. xlnt rond. S200. quality w . 968:3753 oak bulfet. $400 Xlnt New rattan dinette set. 411 Icy dsh ws hr, toys, _IV John's 646·1786_' _ c o n d s I/ s 4 . rontamed. 1i?reat rond1 .J1!Lir!1..xlnt ~ond 898.S944 CdlwCOIM ln TODA YI S,.US • SHVICC WSIMG SAD~LEBACK IMW H402 MU6UDITf rrWY. Ml 55'0t4 YllJO Avery Pkwy otl 1 • 831·2CMO '95-4949 Open Sundays ~7-6161 --N B. Call collect. mch round ~lass top, 4 trnsures~ ~ ... Prof Video System Mar 1 n eh ea . 6 H P uon 642-5157 zu cu n GE frost free ~:if5wk~Ks~ot~·e~ixt ~13·2'71·3939• 1l4-760·3667 ~~ 11~e~ac ~:i~t 5c7i~b Like new girl's rloth1n11. Hltarh1 FP-3060-A rol~r :~~1?~ov~era: !~a.;}~· -Stnice, ,arts ~~.~~ .... !~~.~ --------·· relrig. S yrs, like new 646·19:Ilu.966-'1366 ' MOV0'4G SALE 497 3121 dreS:>es , sweuterb, camera & Panasoni c Call Dys 213·6211214 or &AccflsoriH 9400 -... HD YOUR ,552.3075 __ ------r l I · l'Oat.s.ete.s1zes6-12 SI CR4400·U port re-7148476011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• """ Dalmallanmixpuppies.9 ,xcep iona rustom Lge sine b) ,1rte refr111 to $10 + thildre n ·~ corder+ utras $SOOO -'-• GOODUSB> Cil• 120 963 8082 eves , furn. Sola & loveseat ice maker a\oraclo bookb. l'h1ld <.:raft fo:nl' ll!J>m -1022_ Omega 14. bails. trailer. LJTEBODYWORK& An)tthmgrons1cfered: Washers. dryer. refng. 'IVs Guar. Also trade btzy,workingornot ' ---~·0682 FACTORY DEMOS Z1 new refngs. wshrs dryrs. dshwshrs. up to PlO off. Sal/Sun Only 11·4 Garden Grove Ap· phanre 13191 Harbor Blvd. GG 537·6.133. 7S2811Sda•·Sue ml. 2 etegeres $65 ea. $195. I pair 'oold H'IH•t S2:S 0th m t needs some work $6011 p:unt up to wr, orr your 1977lhni 1980 -· ,,.. c~rree table $100 . swivel l'li,;;rs Sl21\ , .~r l~l' ie,ms Lar_geportableColorTV 831.3549 bortyshqpesl 536·9832 ~ Fneto You 8045 matrh1ng library tbl J 497 3121. 21ti l') prr':. ~~;lli)\1ev. Avl' San ~~l~chQuaser 548 4138 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S210. desk S210. 'a nous t.agwia Beac·h Ster# 3711 & Trtr ALFA ROM F.O PARTS Australian Shepherd 1te~ ~6210 I t:ara~,,. Sak n·al dcab' Qu115ar Video Rel'order A complete l'lh~ll' All parts to convert 1111 k • rrux, fem . I'• yrs. needs l.Jke new i·orner 11.roup Waterbed $2011 hea1t•1 · 1 ~I , rarl St, t..111 lkh +-la pr s $3 O O W $3200. before Spr1n1t <'OS 1600 to \'elorP. ex" !L~home,_~9·90()_8_ w 3 red, wht & blu and',x>0kea~c. IOrnoohl Sat Sun all cla}' 898·1951. 'Gordon. II ~tic More after 1.ustons $1400 Oenn1~ To good llome Mall' bolsters .+ ro\'ers $185 751 9227 'iun1h1) uni). 9 I I nusual ~2331 536 4809 979 2748 after 6pm or "1 i. 0r_,, Co.tr Bassett. 6 ) rs. x lnl Tv.TI bed S30 2 gold \'1nyl Lo\e seJt !>ll'l'P -;ofo . $811. ~~uH fi03 Ja~n11nl' AH•. I 0 t e I Ii v 1 s 1 0 0 3 S 0 LI r. H a l'I n g v.knds 2925 llarbor Blvd • w children Nds love v.ing rha1rs $35 ea ~atchmgolloman~. SJO l ld~I 11nallt·~ I i·artrldl!eS like nrv.. CQWJ!~d_ 3 sets su1ls. '82 VW Rabbit. Nu 4 !>tk COSTA MESA 760-8189 963-6378 9 sofa w malt•hrni: <;:.m.11tl•Sall·2Hlt'vprt'ss $230 Call 'Answer Ad trlr~646·4474 rims . lhS 11. SJuo 979·2500 licydH 8020,.,_....;.;-1050 0-r·n-atl'ly t'aned drapenes.$7S 21·ha1"'· Ll1 . l.aitunJ Kl'Hh. ltS72642430024hri. J6'MrGregorCatamaran 6440554,83<18600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• matching bt>\'elt>d m1r-SSO ea Rnd l'Orfee lablc• Sill Stin JO 5 ' -. '78 4 sa1b, 08, bank re Mag wheeb & 11res for WE PAY Men's 10 spd Motobt>rane ••••••••••••••••••••••• ror & enll") table Green StOO Dunran Ph.> h· din 1 · & MoriH po Must sel! Try $9000 Oati.un P1 r k up SIOO tounng bike. xlnt cond. * * I BUY * * & i:old antique Sl4S or table, mahol(. S2!1S 21'1111 Hotws 8060 EqlifN'ltRt Ave!) &Co 67~·8990 646.3349 TOP DOLLAR .1150_. 832·4224 --Good us~-' ""·rn1tl1r" & bstofr 644 4$94 tabll'S, S35 ea King lll'cl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca Ii 2 d I """ r u ~ .,,. hdbrd, Sl()O Da111'h 2 Hori;!' tra1ll'r. dual axle 90 I 0 ()taBna 7· Ira n'. IOI I FOR US~AR S EXERCYCLE BIKE Appliances OR I v.111 Girls' 9 pc Drexl'I rte v.aln dei.k v. 1·hJ11 S1 I>!. f ' 1977 7 IJagi. <MWl.hkenewS7S sellorSELLforYou co rator BH ~1,1 $1S0 613JSi3 50 .tor ••••••••••••••••••••••1 knotmtr.5 v.in l'hl•i. ISTCLASS ALANM OM 536·2684_ MASTEIS "UCTIO... $-$001080 840·60112 afl 493 3307 14 ft Alum loat $17,750. 8.11 5el25 WASH & W~X ,OtfTIAC UIARU ----= -A " l1J1Hlsomc 'lurct.1 K u....._ ..... _1..aG d 8065 very••oocll'ond $250 At T k 24111fiar r lJlVcl. Ma.&.... Mat.rials 1025 H6:-f6l6._lll·til5 5pm l'Wfh. d1·an no mark' ~ oo s .. fl '80 ~'reeport 36. die~el u o rue an COSTA M ~A -.., lloys dresser desk and S7S Stini.l't H.!.1l·h art.'.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• •73·t9SO furl !>)~ ... 1el'tron1<·., Quallt.> l>l'rlire al )'Our r.o1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20~as New. S98 Lov chair $!25. ~ntv.nod 21J59'l lll!17 20ix· .. e1 st.J1nlt•sb steel 13 ft Lapstrake f1~h1ni:I Likt' nev. Ed Cox Bkr homeormme Your ron Lu·4l00 .549·1457 MOW 25' /FT eseats $88 Sleepers. rocker. $35, romb wine I l'cJokv.Jrc, hrand new. '' boal JO ft oars. Xlnt , 964-tilW H'menre Pree est Con WE BUY Redwood 2x6 flecking. ~. FACT9RY 957-5708 rark, TV stand SJO. ••lass Queen sm• Fln1.1t1on 111«1 1 pnn•. $<!25 1142 291~ alt rond $250 631 6352 ...,. c·~• MK I I I 5 b talt Paul Pt'rron t 714 1 •20· I I d ood KING INNERSPR G "' .,,. ba,t'. S30ll O KO ' 5nm .., "' . "5 ip, ug.,, 548 52.8SSat8 S CLE"._. C "'RS ... ong. a so re w IN II ght f 1 x l u fl' S 15 4!n 1895 :r TAD-Laser rov. tnj! .. hell full) equip d $111 .1100 ti-•------• "'" A fencing Lowest pnce I EXTRA FIRM mattrei.i. 960-~l~ Jewriry 8070 18', red. 'tint cond i·o1 6411581 AHD TRUCIC S l976 B~t\.\' 0}n.:i 1t , .. 2002 V.llh 4 ~1· tran&m13s111n, :.ur 1 and air l'c>11dt1111111 .. Vrry clean 1 l25X \ S699S J 1 m )I ,11 \'\Ak!.v. a gen t>t2 :'I~ ~Most Excitinq Parl Of Your IMW ,urchase Or LHSe Could Be Mclaren BM W l"Y Or lease IJOur~rton (714) 522-53 3 I ORANGE COUHTY § Sale:. Ston ire l.e.1• IOYQ\RVr:k FOl5~·Ile\1\' ~)#/I/a Aft~ •E.,,.,• ~,,,A.A .-"tji6• .. guar Jim or Ken set. never used. IAOrth S"CRt"'•CE•. lmn & bra:.\ h1•1t v. n1•v. ••••••••••••••••••••••• e~ 846-9549 'lo~.,,. / Trlr hitch. bolt on fo)' J!!l.Ytime_._77S·l49l SS30,sacS248dl'INever A n boxspnnj!&ina11 ,,1111 01 ;1mond 1 7sct I ..... ~•pt furdtrul'kElet·brakl• 1978633CSi·A Cots 1035 used queen st. worth ~aut 6pc bdrm set . l'lllld, ~50llllO 64S ~tflll 1-:nlt'rJld ~·ut E \'SI · ooh. t:4aiftttftGftCt/ Docks 9070 l'OOlroller CB rad11' sso l'U\ll)e. v.h1t1· rl'd .11 · $399, rash ooh . $218 del lost $3000, sell SSSO. !. l S (' s 1 • d Serf tee fO 20 ••••••••••••• •• ••• ••••• ea 642 1989 I 1 on'. Io IA rn •P•••••••••••••••••••••• Usual_lyhome~754·73SO courhes v. 2ma1rhing GarogeSo~ 8055 S31 1\;10 ap~drai.~eh •••••••••••••••••••••••! loatslipforrHt EXCf:l.J.E:-.'r l 1' CONNELL CHEVROLET -'°' 11.srbur Iii, •I ers1ans~ 2 adult rem, SSO. -chrs. ~ost $1400. :.~ti ·~·······~···~:·••••••• 1 SIJ.~t D~::.t't 642" S6~o Manne Elertnri:in I Pnme Im'. next to Flusty \W engine. L100r1·. newly DI T I o ~ ' ~I I , & $75 Personalilyl $.5..50. Chair w ollom~n l~i;tPlr ~l ,,,hm 'Fl ' k cf ""26421 Dest!!O install rl•p;i1r PefJran 714646·4419 rebwll.S250 .,"'. SEE'"1220XKl 1 t nvile ISO 546·9965 MUST SELL Sl2!i. desk & rhr Sl1S SLNDA' ~!Jr l·l.'llo3 n~.,,. n ~.,.. Qual v.ork5492520 4956549 SADDLEIACt< • cie-.t l\ \H-" \ 54~1200 Docp 10401 Mahogany double bed More' Nev.port Btoarh Corner Camelhul·~ &l.i 11 Cu In m b 1 an Lido Slip for SO'+ Power .,~HIUYE\ IMW6SUIARU ••••••••••••••••••••••• With mattress Moon 644-~42,cxt27,63167SS JJmboree hlv.n Bri-1111 E~n;HAl.DS Your ah.Morine Ooat. s101>0zr;r ft Pl' SS v Top ulars for ports 8l 2 KEE:SHOND Pups. AK C shboaapedrd mirror on head Dress •nd 1. h le & Bison. l' I urn .1t H1~11n.1 l'h•lt('I:' S20 per stone EqlifN'ltnt 9030 675~8tr74 or 5 7408 A VE SA ES Cars. Bugs. Camperi.. I· 04 495.49 , i; Champsire M f . Pel& ...,,,,OBO w-.iter~ ~ofas "~ lo~s ri~ht at t'anll'lltatk &l0-B688 •••••••••••••••••••••••Newport l:learh 11hor• 'WITHUSED,AITS 914·!-..~~od~·~, C '1GR I 19801MW3201 s how _ Pvt pty <N4AI 6317797a(l6 more Ml'ST.S ELL Dealersv.elconw 1982 f.\lnrudes at IO'. moonng.with9'Sklff < lmportedray>art1' "" v '' 5speedtram •. a11101, 213/007·1345a(t 6 m ---642·0066 I ~STATE ~ALE .\OJ~'STARLE~HAl~S ~T ~I s~~~~t4:,n.1 720 1440 AU~~~~PLY JIM MARINO ('3.'lSette& allO\S 10~·· AIEtioft 1015 AMctioft 80152 Shelve Bar w padded Sat. I05&Sun 1~:, I ~.11 Ro. LIG l.ITS u 19.99 &more 6731434 UOAT SLIPS .AV~IL . lOIN Mam·hester !ifflilC~'!'~fiEtj' ROYCARVERBM'u' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• elbow sa\ers w 4 stools llJ7 S:.rntiago Hd, l ~I dti1ronit Jewelr} 'Spo 1 I Nwp1 B<'h 20 · 2.S · 26 Anaheim 77&-9900 HUNTINGTON BE1 ACll •.:roE.f.PO•amRboTreBt'L.n,•,•..11•1 $70$4~~ • , OtGITAL WATt'll I~ rt1ne6SHP Mere· ~· J:l'.34',40" 50· 67' Ii--------• ., r -G.m1~t' Sall' s,.11 Sun Pro\lut"ts l'\am pie!> Trailer Many exlras 642-4644, 9 5PM ffi·.2000 640-6444 Harbor Key Child Guidance Center of Orange County -AUCTION 82- 't.e:;~ T~bJ~ f~t6. (.'~~;rise ~~P1!'1i:11i~~~t ~e;l~ho~ ! ~t· hghters.1i?olf hall~. $l200 968-611! Hwitington llarbour Bay '74 Che\' \'s~t~~rts WE MEED Biperanto Med1terra Slatl•r Wholesalt' 11uantttie~ •Power 9040 ~ Rarquet Club Boat Phont'642.834Z YOUR EXOTIC ~~·.~~.": ••••••• ~~~( nean. xlnt rond 8 plt'res ool) •••••••••••••••••••••• Slips 3 ' ailabtc Cu II & UmSH CARS FU.A MAI.KET A1T PUVIEW i·J PM. 2PM. AIT AUCTIOH HAHi=YPS 3P.M. NoHosl BAR DOOA PRIZES Donation 1200 -----AJI p1oceeds------ Donated to Child Guidance Center foe Emotionally Disturbed Children SlOO> 7598936 2FAMILYSJ.LE BILLS3l l2Si · Cns·Craft F.xpress ll21346J,,,7163~;, R46 77ti'7. "·~fors-•-1 1 ~ iJ Sal Sun !I rtu~k Furn 1966 Clean ! Fas I' """ "" --~ ~ ~2!~o!·. 0~8~h~~r! a~~~· ~~~~1 i1~~1;1i11t~~~1\~~~r~1· IMi elaMou 8080 ~~~rfr~~~: f~1~~1~; . 40' Moori11 M~t ······,~1roRTAN·;····· · · O\'erstutrl'd rha11-IA Ill 1l'uh crto Dl·crf1l•ld lt•ft " ' mg avail, p p 673 5200 Sllu>per YS 671 5200 NOTll' f. TO M _ loman~ 497·3441 on f. Dol' TrJ.i 10 •:••••••••••••••••••••• . loats, Spe.d & RE~l!~:RS.1\~~ . .~. Ne~ ruff me m.Jtt r11,s Sunndgei ~~~~~!i~t k:J,~~r~J~~ l~:~l~~=~t 1 ~n ~~~·1111°J I Ski 9080 ThAOV F.RTISff.~S 3JOOW Coa~I llwy set.560 Newqueen,1zl'. DOH'TRUDTHIS li7371<l4 1.l<tlboa l'enan tundem trlr . ttDr: •••••••••••••••••••••••' d /t_prdr11b 0 ~hels NewportBeac·h SIOO 7~ 5832 bel'au.-.e v. (•'ro· ha, 11111 ,1 h.enrnore .,,. ashf r ss5 radio. bait tank ~Ira 14' "fish Ski·• 75hp. ha1t dc~l:r~s~n tti~ ~ eh:~I~ 642.9405 ~e easy ehr. red naug dmev..i~ ,alt· m llu11t)! 1 StudKJ l'l>Ul'h v. trunllll· fartor~ f1ght1ni: l'hr... 1,k'., dble hull. lrlr JI' l'lass1f1ed .odverll!>IOI( WAl!..IJEft I nev. l'Ush1on. r leun $75_ Bch On l'r.ih·r 1'111'11• I S25 <lthl.'r mist· 00<1110113' b1m1m. 1·0,ers. ~ll·rco 8 lt'SS ~ 675 2140 1·olumns does not 10 1""'111, Ii(. 12130" beds. w matt. Slll Sun 111111 lluHh.1111 . . trk. tnm tabs tmmal' ('fude an~ appl1cablt-Late rmdcl royotas und foundation & framl' &1\danb •lti:!3ill5 2ro1or f'\'~ S95&SI:!.~ l'Ond Slt ,900 OBO T~Oft Exes. hl'en!>e, lran~ft•r Vol,·o~ Call u~ hnen & spreads S7S ra \.111uum 1·omptC'le S2U 8J!!-8221or839·1203 •••••••••••••••••••••••! >i.. !inaner r hari.:cs TODAY '" IJke new 646-671~ EST A TE SJ.LE I \ I dnt 646 IS2S "1......raft 9 IO . for air pullu1111n t·on -S,11 Sun 9··t to 1 '' .11 ~ I trol drv1re l'ert1f1n111ons ll's llrn! to plan forthal 1·umulat111n of i:1l~. al,oj LOVEIALLOOMS '78 2712fl BAYl.INf:.R ••••••••••••••••••••••• or dealer dorulllE'nlan 1aca11on trip. for l'Xlra 19'ill t'achlh11 2;1 Ha111 II 1• I 111 m Ro u 'I u l' I!> 1 V1ctona' F1' hridj!t'. C~na '79 f>2IO 1 •Int for preparal11tn .rhar11es uri 1·ash . .,,. h' not ~l'll ,11me b 11 IA F a I I , I 1 1 l'll'h H•rt•cl l'Nfel'I for \'HF radm b'a 11 lank 'a I~ Fu 11~ l''I u qi· d less ocherwl~l' speC'ifu•rt o( those llrms vou ctnn 1 tTl RTU:HOCh. • L1,h l'•ei; ~)n a~wn C:ret•n depth finder. outnggers. 11141979 t36t 1!~:00 by the adn•rt•~rr nL't'd v.1th a t'la~~lf1c1t onh f11r St I at s fi734~19 35 amp /.\I'll., AM fM 8 Co~. S•/ acl''fi425678 Wa~lt\d~ l'allti l:!~iK Km.:" IAall'r bt>d. l'om lrack stereow1thtra1ler ~ 9120 A~/ 1 tU Hwioet 11•4 c ......... . ,,_ 60·t lOl or H O HU Earle Ike TOYOTA.¥0L¥0 • 1tll•lt• $200 Mani refn)! Call 646 2843 Will i.ell OGslics 9520 ~~~s/ Motorc~s/ ~IH/ "4oton:~''/ r11_·~ s1so 1\.12 8182 batanre or loan 1·c···:1•p••E•l•l•••••.•••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••• • S 9150 S 9150 S A.. · HJ· Opt•n MODEL """ 1 c c 9150 Sc 9150 llH \t'n Nylon Shaf.l. . -:-. Road sdf run1111ncd A 5. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• Jll1<.·a<lo. 711 }d~ SI 50 40 Owens Tah1t1an. hve s600 ·0·r best off Pr. Sha) rephl'U~. pickup!> .. 1, 1 <fi .. 'o/ aboard slip avail Call. """'"""" & coupes 4 10 chooi.l' Top Dollar Paid ,. ' .. . f ·-a. .... I , . f ..tc 14 w.. NW£ll\Sl0 Sft.C\~S ~-·m~1~ TIIS Ml O"l1' " "' ,. ~ ... a.fwNll MocArlW & DJtr 011 Molei St. PRICES cooo THROUGH MARCH 17th 1982 ST. PADDY 'S DAY SPECIALS!· 1912 SUPEI SPICIAl.S! ' llANDNEW 1911 CLOSM>UTS llAND .. W '81 MASO 1'1207107. 207122, 207137 'II XUO 1103765 .• s399 .~588. ·:1'=~· ..... s1059 ?J,~ ............ '2250 'I I Cll .. 6 cyL • $ ' tD77tJ7 ............... 4298 lfU SW. SNCW.S! at.NDNIW ·:.~ =.5 KI02341 ...... s97 9 'f.lA~o1341 .... s 1399 '12 CM4IO CUSTOMS s 15 9 8 t'sMCXMQ'l.~ 't2Cl4IOTHAWI s 1600 f '1 MOOCIOO. M001581 ..• :~ ~~~~);HllfAWK s 1725 ~ '12 CXSOO CUSTOM IM:.>1671 ...... . '12GUOO f's M102297, M100787 '12 Cl650 IM3>1073 't2 Cl650 tMHTHA W1C •.• M001967, M00f180 12.W.1100 IA200298 ,. tm'9Cl •Mnren SNCIAL: FREE OI. I .... WITH TVMMP I SHYICI PAlll •Alfteff IPICW: c • 94 "'-..... Ow Celt ... '.,i. •noN•=Hll'w. .......... MDdlt t111at.•: Model 50 S1CM119 ~7~~"'' '" · otv.orn Judyor Han•ey6424644. """"""" from ' 1006768 1 lSlk llwn J.9AM & 5PM CUSTOM BUILT A:.1931 Pnre~ start1n11 linu~Ul' l'hanesr Panrta &·ar l!ed!>pread. Salm l1nrd Jppratl>ed al SliOO. l)t''I offer ~1arc -19-1 !'><IZ7 llEMIN{;TON 1-:ler T}pv.r1t1·r. xlnt I eo11d, St:.0 -193 0987 · -· DtES£LCAMPEH I al Mu:.t See To Appreciatr ONLY $9,995! *SEA RAY* 1700 M1 ran11e Cost 1 $18 .000 Barga 1n at $12,IXXl67S J3Sll Fwi-dlote deli•H'Y We're Wheehn & dealtn! Motoriud likes 91 4 0 •••.•..........••.•••.• ·111 Purh. blue. 'tint 1•ond $395 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10b0 HARBOR Bl\10 CO~TA MESA b41 OOIG For Your CH 1 JOHNSON & SOM l incollt-Mft'CWY 2626 Harbor Bh'<f t <;osta Mesa S40·S6311 Premium pnrel' paid for any used car (foreign or rtume~ll<' 1 m g_oOd cond 1t 1on Stt Us first 1 Compull'r TRS·80 levl'I one. ·IK HAM, v. bast<' roor.e4 games $.500 5-16·5212 EXAMPLE. SRY· I 92, C 17'1 Wittl trailer, cruiu, ,111. fistl, Stk. u 62 675 3479 Puch Maxi. 2 spd ~Int cond. mu.s1 see to ap J!rttta_te, $475. 640.f>MI 'Ill fireb1rd, clean. oriji! ·~··•r-Jilliil ownr. 6 l'YI. 011 . Cam. rare ~00 536·8079 Rnv.l' Jukebox, slained glasi. rront. with record!. SS20. Bar t) pe pong Rame & Cons ball {!5 $190 ~7-8681 Power Elect lawn mower Black & Dl'rker $75 646~3687 C!}'~lal l'hanc1elier $150. 7 round area rug . bm gold r;s. 963 1932 _ Studio bt>ds v. 1bolslers SIOO. Wide screen for TV $15. 963 19:g Naug rer hnen, $1 25. Ust $15,204 Weprice$12,999 -•-- 360 SDF 136 '1 Aybri ... twill 3208 Tno cl.wk, loaded. Sttt #21 t. UdSIU,065 Salt '"c• S 165.000 --·-- '7l!GITANF. ORANGE GOODCOND $250 -~7·086] '37 Che1·y 4 dr. xlnt Ort!! rood $2950 firm. 642-IM~ 1980 PUCH moped. Ex '621'1800 Volvo Classic cellent cond. $375. call Restored l!esale Sales. Patricia 714-640·0838 4 4 3 W Ba y • C M ~2963-l9Sl Vespa motor srooter. 200eng with extras ·so Plyrroulh 2dr Coupe. 1200714-847-31170 xtnt eond. $225010 80. Mo-ped for sale. ·77 Puch 642 2623· - Newporter. Good rood TnKks 9560 1299JS4·l570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOPED Vespa . red •lrandM•w '81 17·36' e·aats ~a=.; ~~x a1:e:.~~~l .,~;t~~ ~1f~'T!) .l8118 11.irhotl llh d l'otli1.ll1•i.,1 :>hi O.l:ICI _ WEIUY USED CARS & TR l:CKS COME IN OR CALL FOR ~~~~~~~l 182R~\~?i~~v fJ HUNTINGTON BEAnt 147-6087 or . 5.4-t·lllJ Easy rhr. S7S Wheekhr ~5 645·2351 Loral Yacht Club mem· bersh1p for sale $2,000 673-957Q_ - · l k Dual uhaust. carrier Pncl'.$6098 ; GM re· 10 S IC box. many extras. Cost bate:~; sale price is Wot, IMported over SHOO. sell 1600. OHL y SSS9I •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• K10gs11e bed, xlnl cond. SSO. 2 ruptain seats for ~ ..... $50 ea. 968-6813. HARRISON t:m2Sc.:;;M or Sun H~~gu~ft\~~ ~.~!':'!:~ ....... !?~~! BOAT CENTER 9 I 50 NEWPORT REACH l\lfa 1600 1 ....................... IJJ:Osss v~. C••trtiM? I '74 Yamaha RDZSO Runs All rrts lo convert 101 C.lllNIF.I Consignment boats. 1979 FORD 1• To n 160 to Veloce. UC I Casat>ena~ .. ifever used. Trade-ins acce~ted. wellSSOOGll·~ I Pickup: 6 cy linder, pistons. 11400. 979.27491 W/lulip lights. Was S260. 15 fl 1 AC -automatic, power steer· after6em.or wkn s. 11 SJ20 >Jr Tlnanc ng . '78 Honda Hawk 400cc 1111,. 8 I\. camper shell. se 552.07 cpe. 7 dp • wffk Runs rut 9650/080. white with brown. One i1 Spnnt Veloce All eta 752-1 552·8569 owner. 18 .000 miles. GT: 351000 miles. air. Offtct ,... ••• & u1n11SON 771 '-*1 IM 125 (IU01162). 1649S. Jim mfr. Etc, 2118TZV. 14950 aqm,..1t IOIS lutft -tJnoeri01ln.t6'1s Ma_r1n0Volksw1gen. or?RnaleSales,443W .•.•.••••.••••••••••••• BOAT CENTER 14-673 9 6422000. -C.M.645·2963. Clflte furniture for sale '80 Ch I t O' I --971" di I '81 Honda 900 Cu•tom. evro e iesoooe _.,... • at HOU n t pr c ea. " Silvierado load·.. Cl\ 64 "'"'-~ lmmac ,.,.,..d. -Cl\. Call ""'• ""' ......... •••••••••••••• _1"!""'· ltlt W. Peclflc l.S "'" .. ...,., miles. . 9&4·S974. N.Star Horizon 11._quad CllHwy '71 D1ts1111 . 5/b, llK & densit>' 64K incl. Mt.,.,.lt.C.. C.. '73HONDACB175 miles, ortg. tires. alr, U.C.s.p . ~esral rv. g. 67'1 Mjft Needs work S200/0BO. ltet'tO~l4!.'l· 848·~ I new hlct. carto~ .,..... 631· 1Jl'8 r.1oo. ll 000 mt In· I SI 37020700.20C2a o' r' NC e '11 . .., Vape P200E Scooter chis air alien ~i Nrtll(I ... , r a g w/aldecar l •cceas. 1 yr _..,_ co.: Cob ' • Mill •• 63Mt213 17' SKJ CRAFT. va . v old. aoo ml sun. ,..._, 0 ra. · drive. wtt.h trlr. Baaket 6Pll. *6ort•J~-Pwh 8017 caae. U OO /b1t oh. '73 ~ too Clln1 P .U ••• .. ••••••••••••••• .... SJ5.W7 1171 Y 1 mah a . ISO Good COftd. 6 ml. II.JOO 12 peach raced loveblrdl. 1 tipedal, lo ml, new Urn. year old, ca1e lncl'd 115, ASS 6 PLASTIC batt .. tua.up, clean ..l-ai ... °""2 .... ~-...~M!!.v'-•-,1.-... -,1-...... - 1 51M574 BRJDOI ICN<lJOSURI IH!!OiMR ,. _.. "-•1 °' "' - PERSIAN ROLLERS for 8 ' lkl!1ett. UMd -~ ~-~r. 1r11t .. ...&.J 0--' OR.111·~.fIM. ._ ~ r~-1 ..... o,...nce • ii to• .. .. ...... blrdJ.•. JI RlpJaet1 opea, lllld•lf Rllll-•. AC, ---Dr:::::llllL---..IL.;•;:;;;.JJ 1tru, :riu =., A , Hell •••· ·~~~;-DellJ JIJC~:tt ... ":t &...r:JiDAll "-n.LAST Of T>EREA.L SPORTS CAR S ~NEW 1981 SPIDER S.t°'"4 •• ((11"10 '" ~~-~...,.... ..... -·~ Lill P'riu s 12, I lf" ... 1500- Wt~ 11l6JOO ~MOIE mtAM)NEW IARGAIMS IMSTOCIC ! ! ! "1' AAT 2000 51'108 DI< -s""' -~· CVt10"' •f'llt O• "' • ott!NS '6495 "7U~AT 2000 Sl'loa ~.....,c...-•1' -_,,_ OS7•"9 '5495 "nAAT 124 Sl'IDa S!llO _,..,._I~•• "IOI-.......... ~ '5495 t976RAT 124 Sl'llll 0-........ h "° .... ~ 1111~-..... to"I ~·-··~ '4195 lt77 AAT11 1/t ··---57'· -~ •ms lt7'~Tl 1/t '·-·-~ ,,., ..., .. 7'f1Mi 'Hf S Mlltw.ct.. ........ 11 T-= I ......... r,...c:.. Ml--- lllWR IJTllS ••w ..... a 117..ZIU I , t . Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Sundly, March 14, 1982 Mhta, ..,.._. A.ten, IM~ AMfot, ltapofitd Alllet, l•p•riM ..._., t.p1rW ..._., l•ported ..., IMporftd AMlol. UMd •••··•·····•·•·····•·•· ··········•············ , •.......•........... , ..•.••.............•..••.•............•...•.••.•..................................................•......•......... . ~~•••••••••••••!?.'.~ ~~•••••••••••••!?.1.~ ~••••••••••••!!.1.~ ~••••••••••••!?~.~ ~~!' .... !?.~~ W.W '7U V•w... 9770 Ceclloc ttl S ';3 U.n ar1u ~ u 4 111H1 'N•, 21~10 1 ~lli'NI luv. '12 01111un :.!40Z Low ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• IMWDE...a SAU \ (' $.IK~O l1ri11 lh~ n11l1·~ 1\111 rm . Slo~~ n11lt•~. Jt·n~en l!lt<reo. Mustt1ell l9'IG300SO 1-;x OIANGICOUMTY'S 1~VW Squ1.111•bu<·k.1un~. 7 4 f' I c l' l w u II cl lh11S.IYlllll,'" 'ii(l9M1 l'H'''Hl~ ;1.:.12 0110 r•P llS7 52 14 ur l:llOll t•on d $3000 l•elll't1li·r,:<1 . HIWIST Kint. l(llOtl 1•01111 . i.;umt lirou11hnnm Lou1frct SADDUIACk IMW 1!11111 J:•o1 1111 ho. 1\ 11>111.1 K:L1 1~·· f.t:! )l.'l(), 646 11169 ;() ~ J\ulhorhcd rnll11Uj(t' SI 700 M ll rt' (.:h•an I uwm·r llt'~I or U,.2040 49 ..... ,4, 1!17:1 M t',Rl'~'.l) ~:s 3SO SU11Af'U DL'AI L'lll ....... fer ... , fjllJO ~ ., 1'1.jlllJlll<'tl '"'"'' l'\H ·" ............. _ '78on110 . (> \ ~-.r. ~J .. ,"'~ ,,..,.,, "" 8MW 3201 \ut11m.1111 lt;iu' "" wnd I •"'''lit· 1llu1 ,\ 'Ulll l•>I ' 111\ I ROY CARYElt IMW l~l J.inif"1rn R11J1I \1',\\l'UIC I IH \I 11 640·6444 'I' 1w 11 •1 ~ 9720 Coo~ Wh111.• w11h IJlul' • 1'1,'!", 1 1 11.u " • ..'1 1 ., u't "••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnl l'Onc iiO)' xln, interior fu ll l)uv. cr '~ r+:-: i ll IJw. >.Int t·ono Auto ·77 S..i ilh· ~1h t•r SSI\ I ... o I ·"' "" l l~ll ~.500 orr 963 8082 1•1•i. Mu~I ('I.' lo ar11rt'l'lllh' I ~ I Miff llt'V. l)lllOI $Y.150 milt·~. jtuo>cl 1'(11111111\111 ,.>r.LI \\h111 1,111 •111Mw1 GIANT DATSUN 7~Mll5d11):.Su1• thbhllteJe"e t13230l +"1·1 li41144116461~ill $'7,Mll('.1116731171 11111'1·rl111111t t.1~··••11·r CLEARANCESALE 78~Z 4'11 AC71K Sl3.9!15 Jim Marino &-c-11-~co-... '108do~liorrih 1~, fh.l 11k>111~··~·"' ml blu w "ht 101 Vukswagen,6422000 t9t12MODELS ~......... RV llERENOW '" l~RAllUIT A11 ,11•11•11 l)ll-11·1. 11;.ark ilu1· \loun n I ( ·, 1 1 "' "' Salei. Servtl't' l,ea,111 11 ~ "" 1~1 1 " ' " •111 111 • ' ZJO . ·oo. pumi;k!rt'd .. :!.1,ouu m1 All 011111111' \7'1 t7'1 ht~. 1.·,;•1 , , ' 1971 DATSUH1210 ,.3 , White 0111 > int SADDLHACk ·73 VW S4u.1i 1•h.1rk hkr·nc·v. Sl:!.tllHI i11~•1.·~,1· 1'11\ 1111 ,, .. , ... 675157tl ~c·~ec .... , ....... ,4n•4541 roof Ju~il1J11 tJ11I. 1977 OLDS CUTUS S , . 'I ~~~:·h~our~dk ·. ~ ~,f~01'~1• Sae Sll,500 A~k for SUIAIU ~.40o Toi> n1t1tlll ior1. <'t'STOl\1 Mo1·mcs ~ •--------•! ' M 673 I 1•M '''"O:~ u <lt'IM111JI am 111•1 Sat & 7•i <••i SUPREME 8ROUGHM 30 . .!JI 111111·~ Fi\ ury, "0 ""'-mttrflU{'llll' Sun ·1 '""' PRE.OWNED IMW'• f'u"1'1 ,11•1•1111~'. 1'""''1 'l'A~Tlt' <43GVNJI '72 MBZ 280SEl.4 5 Uurk l'kwy. IMO 1ld1 Co1t11to ·;11:1~~~ 111.ikt'' .111 .1111•ir111111 .. 4995 ,INue v.1 dark blue An MtKsion V1rlo M II() lt UI "'I II " ~~l dbrhoillhtl • ·~~1 Averyl'kwyo (J 5 ·tl~llaJU ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ,·.;•'·.•~•." • " • ·, ·""' ,. 1""'''1 111 c tt'"' \11·,a OICk MILLER u~ ult' jlOrMl'Ou~ 1'111 · • tit ('1111\1.110 Z211. I '111.•1•tl " ... "'' 1 ""~ •• nil n1t11 •' ~TORS c·omplt>l t'I~ lu11dt-d 831-2040 495.4949 $WIK> \11lh11t· nit \/l':l.1K \\Fl ll.f''\f)-.1•111\1 ~ l.'ll'r)'lhin.: $7100 JJh Opt'nS1111du1 1;1~1N;1:1 Mt•I IJrnv.ll I'\\' !'ill ,\I ,.ll1 S2 99 5 I~\\' ~ urrw1 St , Si\ 720 11111 · • • ' \\ lw1· I \ 11 \\I ~ \1 9917 (PLUS TAX & llC ON APPROVED CREDIT) DELIVERS AMY USED Cil IB.OW rws 40 MOii USED CAIS ALL SALE ,.,CED 'lupa1 ln.ut.·d •11, \ 1\1 S~DDLEB .. Ck 557·2132 oyota 9765 1~ Cud lllJl't'l \ \\ lln·tl1· :-.tl'I w l'."' 1101 111111·' 1'111:'-'lll ... ·77 280 S~: Su11r( l'Unl •••••••••••••••••••••• ll~<b UjJhUI l(. llllllllr \lt11l Ila" ld.1 .1~1-jU I _________________ .. ~.llJn ,1 '·'" /l /'1••" 831 ·2 40 495-4949 ~an 9721 pll'l~ H'll 1l'rnr cl~ l9'79TOYOTASupra ~\ill 1•ng. ~111~ $111~11 0110 b1..,ti45WIH S •OOL"-1 .. CIC ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sh r blu """ lll l'll Mui.I Po" er. •'·din" rc>0f l'lu1• I t.l2 ~1 ... a; ... 9715 1 :.t'll $12,900 &IO 0014 ft ~u .. • n l'illllJIU On~: uv.111•1 IMW NEW tm·"mdov.~.wh11c"11h 'SIVAN ~l7mt'.1llh1•'"l<n•I' ;,J,IHt ~l.unuiihi•'-•'I ,.lt,11111 111 ~·uutl 111111 OELQR[AN 711~1..~rhcr "bl.11·k beige 111tu1or 1'111t• ,, 1"16171~ \l1"u111\1<·111 1u1~1111 11·n11ul •11~ 111Atl•" uph l'r11alt• l'.1111 neam' 1131!151 S74!1a iulll,fWI) lill1.1.Kl!! 111-.tl.1·, ... lo,1'1 I/Ill•~ \1(~7 1 213 592 1573 J I m 1\1 a r I II v 79HalJIJ114!d1..111 :"IHI Chevrol~t '"II ~1 .. 1•1, r ,,,. ,, 1•11• 1 524 950 .76 450 SEL Volki.WUJll'll. 6-12 2000 brv.n, S-1250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9920 ,,-,\'Xii I ' S1ller11u,). H1111011f.'78Toyo111Corolla,aut11. b'~ li7:J~Si SEEUSFIRST! 9800 ;11 'MuZ lo 1>11 111111 1 HONDA AM F 1\1 i' u i-'1· I l 1• xlnl 1·01111. 311,llUO 1111 '1l1 !lug Hl'hu1IL 1lual Wt· hull' u l!•~·d "·lnll1111 Autos. Mtw NEWEST SUBARU DEALER .,., -• °'I 64">t t'-4·1 t!Vf. /!t t .ti•t•• , .... , .. l •~I• Wt ~"" ......... ' ' ' ~ "¥•M1 '4Jt' '"°"" 1' \ I I .. .. TO Ca..a.&.tt WI ilU .u , ..... • '•MC<lt BIG SAVINGS! Al l Models in Stock NOW ! \' SADDLEBACK SUBARU .. ,, • 9560 frud.\ .. • o1111I '" 1rp 1111 1111·' I SANJ A ANA IJ1aded Pq 1•11 Sl!i.51MI $3595 675 1~17 l/IJrt. Sul>l't Bui.: 1•11i.:1111• "·~ N ~ w, & l SI·: 11 ll. I x..11 301 \\ Warnrr ~7 0330 . 1981 TOY OT i\ I' id, ur • llt't>th pa11t1. $1 llMI firm '111 '111 h•1 lh'\I I 'I'll .t:lt h11 l 11''\ h' .1IMi llU '('~I K • lfll I 540-7430 Hl.'l!rcl ~l'll111~ wn1 crl1 Short bl.'d. v. htt1· "1th 11-16 S..'l\17 , Fiat ble 'bi 250 s~. Sl~K 1'1 l bluc inlenor llJll hr ri'l' 711 \'\\' l'o111 NI "hi!· hll. 9725 pll!l75U'42,67J 711141 mag:,.Stl'rr11 an1lmllfl'' uni: u"nr '<1111 1111111 •;•,:••;.•;:1•;···~·2·~·;•.; Will lrJdt• $!11.llC.KI t'<jllll~ 11302-121 Ouhla111l1ni: SW95 ti75 W~I ll,11t hhJt k i.:uocl rnncl m 2Hr l'o)lJ M1•\J Cuneio ~Jk~~.~t·~ t~' 2~~~r11111 Ill \'\\ Uui.: 11•1J11J11 i·11i: 11 l' v. I I r •• ' ,1 Ill f Ill r II I I J I I' Ill II ti •• I " bo1h .s. Ull 111·1·.t, "urk 1 •"'t'l I,. I 11" 111 ii,., \lt•n t•d1•, 646·1111111i To\ ·77 Sii 5 l11nl!flt',ul SU.XI tii3 i 1;:1 ~·;u11i1!'> !J<.11,1 , H1.1 :iu~u 1111 IK11bl 1!11\ s.i. uuu x 1111 1 "11 d ~ol 9772 1.) F1.11 l'llfl\ '<1111 l'lllld I nll \llll t'lllld "lit 71-1 7~1 21llll I~ YO :-OJH•11.il I lllh lo 1111 "hamhoo1nl ti75 151!1 l~IT01olJ !-iH5 l.11tli.u ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• \111,lwll IUllKt:!:l I 1:n3 ~5USI., huq;11nd1 Air1·or11l.l11" 1111 I t' VOLV,O.~E~L~~ .. iii F1,11 llli 1 tlr cpc• i.;d 1 v. tan 1111. I 111' nt·r . a,k I &Iii .1 1~ I I <>HANG I-, 1 OI N 1' 1u11d 11111 s;t1;1~1 OBO I 111.: Sl5 7511 71ill 11 101 , 1. :~,~ ~0,f>7~~,i, . .i I 111.111:!.11 I 1·11·' "kndll i5!J 1221 nwnpft 9767 SALES. SERVICE -.1 ·~ ~,. 1111H11 u...._ ... _ 9727 v.kd~' ,\,k 1111 t'r.1tl! ••••••••••••••••••••••• AHO LEASING ..,.,._ c.;1u,, 19110 TR 1 l' M I' II 'I Hi O\'F:RSF:AS I) El.I\ 1-; Hy '73 1402 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MG 9742 Y:'h11t-"llh hl.11 ~ ru11 I 1-:xPt-:HTs " .. l , 11\ II 1 "" SEE •••••••••• •. •. • •. • ••• •. \ ~ r ' I tt " m 1 I ,. ' • "' . "~"' HONDA t,\PIY.!21 1 II 'J '''"" •• 1 'i!> ~1ttl1M nllnlJlt'lc 0 11 Si99~ J 1 m \I •11111 " t 1 I. du111 IA•V. m1l1·~ i.:c11Jd ,·ond \'ol~· , II 111• ...... SANTA ANA S2.l<Xl t>l:!OH35 6~61H23 """Jl:l'll h42:tMMI EARLE ll<E VOLVO ... ' , r.11, i1 111·r1 I. d \1 I\ fl lifd \ ,., • II I (1•1 I .I \ f q1I ifl fi1l \II I 111,.11 •I !<1111 )"'11 l~I ' I• • "11 ,1 II 'loo \l1ii I Oll1of LI< ,II 'I qq • ! 11 fll I' 1t q Jtf It .. 1. 1 11 1 I lliu• -.t ~.i • '< I'• I \\I •I Ill 11111 I J I ul l .1 '-II 1 t AND SAVE! GREAT SELECTIOM CIVICS ACCORDS PRELUDES 540-7430 1111 \\ \\.1rn1·1 lolk \II' .1 "' .... \1.1111 1•1;•1lht\IJ\1 '11 '" S1h1·r \\llh hl.11 t. lmm.11 ul.11t· """' "'I I .1145 x l' BI '!l.l•t•r;, .I 1m )I J 11011 \ ·~•,\\.1g1·n tol.! 21""' 77 TH7 llJ' .iir ii. '1t•r1•11 ~I 9746 ,unruof SUINI 1\11< •:1~1 l!lti6 l larl111r llh •I ('OST\ \H.S \ 646-9303 540-9467 .....•................. <~·I CT '72 Xlnl 1·01111 (,uocl apprt·1·1<t1H111 $~HJ J uhn ~.ul 5!JH2 SjJort~ 72 Opl·I (;T 111•v. painl 'lt>rt•o. run~ i:ct S Ul.'ltl I' I' !ltiK !11111 "i~ tlpt• I 1, r \ \I F 7'1 ,11·n·o ,1i,1rp S:!h!•5 775 ~ 9747 ....................... 842 Jll'io l~IHO \ 111.\'0 Llll''t·I 1(,111 I ~7!'> T II 11 \1 I' II I H j I 114 G L rl 11•' PI "' d .111 l ou111• '1·1111\\ hl.11 k luad1•d .1n1l 11~ •• 111•\\ IJ>Okll and ru11' 11~.·· ;I 1 tll!ll!liSI ~Ill :1•1;, .11111 1lrl'i101 11311114 1 ~ l!l.1 1 ~1Jrln11 \ """" ·•i:•·11 ,) I Ill \I ,1 I I II " t>-12 :!tJIMI \'1~k~" ,1g1•11 ti I~ :!IMHI i5 Tnurnph 111 h 111•\\ patnl 11111 \1111 1111·1 h ~ ml 'dlu hi• ll.1 h11•1I s:111110 0110 ~·.~ •1u•1 1 Jin Jn 'j<j :t.1t:1. J lllll .111 "'" nul Jill r Ill 'll'rt•11' ·'" .111111 "hb lh'\\ 1111· 1 .... 1ht•t onll :~t IOI ltll ~·I trill Uf.I I 1.K\1~111 S1 \\.1 1:1111 L\ 1•1•1 rnnd Sl'.'>~10 nr h•l 111 r it~I W5S CONHElL CHEYIOLET !J0I ti arbor Hh •I n~TA \H:.-iA su.1200 Kl C111111 I' f'l.t .. ~11 1.-. tNHI 1111 111,ult·ll 11111'1 " 11 $11:..">lf 1,15 u11:r. j<t ~l.il1lt11 I l.1"'' ""' \\ 01(11 \lr>I 1111111 1111"1 "'II \l.d.i· ul 1 I' I' I !•~11.1:~ • Chrysltr 9925 .................•..... 7i t ut tkn .1 ,.,o uuo nuh•• \1111( IUIHI 111·•1 Ill•'' -'!'Oml 11•~1 i! t 'hr"l,·1 '111 tNN• milt·' 111't~I' ""1 ~ s:lt•• 9932 ·······················1 SUPER SHARP!! 1977 CORVETTE '"" 111111·" ='1:11:! only $8988 •"' "" I 11,1,l II"' l..1i:1111a It. .H h 494-1 131 546-9967 1 ~ 9935: •••.•.....•..••.••.•..• • fo!I IJP I IC, I·. 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MO. 101 48 mos oe. py1fll $7101 4l (tn ti Jin cllqs la~ lie I A PA 2075 Ca~ll price ~599 \lSIXWP I '81 FORD F250 I, I I ,, ' ' '~: '$206 15 .::.,, • ... • o • • MO. '82 FORD EISO VAN k 01 tiO JTIO~ Doi ::.~;','',in\' ~.~~9~;.4 $ 2 2 7 49 I•< 1 A f' Jl 20 JI Cast1 p11re $8699 t2At43441 MO. '80 CHEVETTE !r . -' '.~.:.: $124 28 •I~ I MO. '79 MUST ANG .GT 101 48 mo, Dpt pyml ST08t 4?ton·$13661 1.. ,,, • h ~~ la• IC I AP A 20 75 <....l!>ll Pf•<" S4SC\C\ MO. tHP0789t to• J. moc, Def 1Jy"11 S5t>S4 '~ "$12239 •'I l'l'J~ la• ii I .\pf, , '98 Ca\I pr , SJ"qq MO 1:.>i:iT XF1 • '18 VOLARE 101 .lb 1·10c, Del pym1 540.?0 06 rin l I l1n ctiu~ la• 111. I A P A ; 1 20 Cash p11ce S2 799 (947WVDI '7 5 FORD ELITE lor :lb mos Uel pym1 $.423322 (in $10653 er tin chqs tax lie I AP A ti 20 Cash pricP $:1999 MO (8161<YUJ ' .. '69 GALAXll: 500 IOI 18 mos Del pyml S226356 (in·$10619 cl fin chgs tax. he) APR 21 6' C&shpnce$1799 MO !11'5501) • All vehttlts ~ut11e..1 01 C>llOt \.\ti' All 1110\ 1.1• hC doc & smog ree\ 0111>1 "•P•ll"o t18 11nurs ahtr J>!!l>h~11on l I , . SUNDAY, '\AICH 14, 1tl2 • H CINTI I ~AVeToLEAVE - NOW, SIR ... l'M PELlVERIN6 SOME MES5A6E5 FOR TME TEACMER ••• l1LL 6€T '(OU 600D, MARCIE! NANCY PHOOEY---! DON'T WANT TO ._ TAKE T~IS AWF=UL Fl'SH- OIL TONIC AUNT FRITZI SENT ME FOR • I'LL PRETE;ND TO HAVE AN ACCIDENT WITH IT ----- ---------OH, AUNT FRITZI YIUI HllEllll llllY PIPll DON'T MOVE, SIR~ ™E TEACHE~ IS EXPLAINING SOMETHING ..• '/ES, MA'AM! .. 1a12 United F .. 1ure~lftt. ' l1LL 6ET VOU ~--... ~ FOR TH15, MARCIE! By Ernie Bushmiller I'M AWFUL SORRY. I STUMBLED AND SPILLED THAT BOTTLE OF TONIC ON THE PORC:.H YES--THE BOTTLE 15 STILL HALF FULL - GARFIELD® W~AT'S · ,. ... ,e? E3uT I '"THOUGHT TH$<E We.RJ;;. FIVE L.ITTLE! Pl6'3! aie !HAT WeNT iO MARKET ~1 ONE LHAT STAYED HOME AN ON -r. . 1H~We1<e OIFFEF<ENT PIGS. by Jim Davis <J....:.;lll---= ----: : : .. -1882 unfted;feature Syndicate, Inc. -:: By Hank Ketcham ------~----..;;...----.. ~ -.. Wei,t.., 010 YA HG.AR WHAT £3vr AR<>T: t..e-rS Aw, 1 .. )'OU AAE ?HE: CAW.ED U9'? Ll?T'E:N 10 1He JOE:.Y. : L.ITTt...e t-ei-9 GET OUTA 91"~ HUH'? : BOYS! HERE! . Do you WANT ME. 10 READ YOU '11--lG IHREE L..ITTLE: P/G9'? Blfr iM GONNA HAVE TWO 10£:5 L.EFT OVSRI -. . . . . . -, . . . . . . . . .. -. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . : : . . . .,,: . . : . : . . ~ : . - J> >I> ~IJDGE PARKER <l <I <J AFTER HE AND 610 MlTC1..\E.L.L COM6 A NUM6ER OF 6AR5 IN THE HOTEL. AREA,5AM ·~ Fl NALLY 5POT6 UNOA MAY LEAVINC, ONe, ACCOMPANIED 5Y A 6TRAN0E ~ ! 'A~J.P f!J -pouK,. f,,~ :3-14\ I TH\NK YOU'D eETTER NO WAY ! THIS 510, BAD COMEYfill:i M__E, LIN DA WOL.E--I~ TAKlN-G-ME UP 'MAY! WE'RE 601N0 OUT TO HI& PLACE, SAM! I'LL TO SPENCER FARM5! SEE YOU TOMORROW! HE'5 LYIN(; ! I'M NOT A MINOR!~-- • • THl5C?IRL16 A MINOR ... AND .. IF YOU 'VE eEEN euYtN6 HER i DRINKS, YOU'LL. ee ARRE5T-4 ED FOR CONTRleUTINC? TO HER DELINQUENCY! : . . . . MOON MULLINS I --l LOVEI> IHAT HAT ~ IT WA~ AL.MOST A PART OF ME ... you LOVED YeR HAT'!? • •• . UH ,OH! I OIDN'T~ZE.. !'U. ~ ~ ~ rr (AlqS :mis LATe • LA1l::R . I WANi 10 arTa.f "fl.IE WOOD&DC.K CLINIC! HA~Rl.> WAS SAQl~& 1HAT U5TEN •.• IF HARR{.) HAD HE'D snu.. HAVE MORE BRA5-5 1HAN ANCJ SAAD DIRe.croR I l<NOW ! HE'5 ADDED QU11E A Blf ONL<.> WOODWINDS ... OF BRA&& 10 H15 BAND! Ferd and Tom Johnson .JLlST LIKE IHAT--GONE FOREVER! 1/M DEVASTATED r You kNow, , IHAT WoLJL.D BE IHE· S,AME As (o3 YEAfCS FOR you AND ME, l<,AYO. ·--~,.,_ ..... .......... - :-Ruf"P-- ·Re:,AL RuFF-- DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lemont .· eescAuse You ~o ARES ONL-Y .,-RAINESE! POCT'ORS1 ;t C'ON'-r WAN-r" -THIS -ro ees .,..00 <SRAP C -. •• -rHeN HACKINCS ANP GOU<SINCS A~NCS "T"HIS "T"ORN sec-r10N UN"T"I a.... ••• so ~ Wl(...t-use "'T"HIS RueeeR CHfCKeN -ro C'ESMONS-rRA"'f"e! 1"'Hf: <SESRKIN INCISION ••• WHICH CONSIS.,-S OF PL...UNGING 1"'Hf: 81...AC'S IN, F<I PPIN<S t...A-r"5RAl...L...Y, SL.ASH I NCS C'OWN ••• ... ID .B • 'llHOMP! ' ~····'·'·~~~· &.-___________ ,.," •• "1 'THINK MY VERTICAL HOl.P 15 .5TA.R'TING 10 . ........ _ .. ., . . . . ............ ..., .................. . '""''" ei~n ... pe.roow 11.., "'"11-•1-e ·c ..,1•1111111 ... ·a :---.,10 n-1r8@ ---....-. . ..._ ...... ·by Hal Kaufman ® e aLANJC Yl--111 A_.. ............. t9'1s ........... ven6oft .. a dllllc ....... , "NOW Hlltl I •M ...._,. ~.,... WHlltlON you'tl "'1'* I'm twtttM. NOW Hl•I I am btfwe your tJtl, a,::r.•• I'm_ llstM.'' Wlllf llVtft.letter •natram word Is ........ , ' 'J•l..._ll~~N e Tau Sldtll If 1i,i.,.. It wllft ....... , .,_ '- ..,. ... 10 Inches IN .inottw ... four Inc .. '""'how long Is the"' r4' •Ide? ................................ ~ ........ , . P::ili~~.~\'tf:t ···~ ., ............ ""'' tMW 1 "'1!90 ....... " • lt~Ml-T"lll Whet klftdl of tr1IM do weltht· watdtlrt '9Mf lo<als. wt.re een you find fun. SCOR! so POINTS lovlng mertNlds? Out with the buoys. TOWINOAMI "Toss the hOGPI Md win a prize, folks!" TM Idea of the game IMY• Is to tau •s many hoops · as fMCftNry to score ex· •ctly so points. C.n you dt .. rmlnt which poata must be rung to ect.tt\19 this score? Rlf"t....,, the ringers yo_, make muat total -..ctly so. Tou only" many as ~. Of ~,... the prlat In this .. mt II 1he Ntl1fectlon of 1 1• .. 11-.. No ,.,, ,....,,. •• .,, ....... . 'Mt ...... ,.,. .... ~ .. ,. 119""61 ..... .,n, .. 41'" -• LEADING ROLEI . Add colors neatly to this St. Pe~ DIY scene: 1-Rtd. 2-Lt. blut. >-Yellow. t-Lt. brown. ''""-6-Lt. ,,....,, 7-Lt. gray. I-Dk. green. t-Purple. 10-lltck. SPELLBINDER · , SCOltE 10 pofnfl"'. ell .... letters In the wtr4 ....._ te ..,,.. .....,-~~--.._, two complete ww•: RELOCATI THEN scor• 2 ~~h ,., Ill words of ftur or """ ---"~-- found ."'°"' .. ltttwl. Try to ..... et ltltt ........... ·-..~·~...-. • 1 YOUR &:>~ L.EFf HIS MRTH ea:>K AND HOMEhJORK ON 0 OF Ol)R TABLES ... MlCHAeL, TH\S \S rTHE. SAME BOOK . bU L.EFr Al1HE:- . PF\~K-AND RI LA~CEB HOUSE LAS\ we:.e.K ! WHAT'S WIT~ THE CANDLE? • ALL mE' Llt::rl-ITS AP.£ ON! I'M LOOKING-FOR AN HONEST MAN. I'M LOOKIN& FOR A MAN WHO DOESN'T SPEAK WllH A FORKED 7lJNGUE' . '• .. ' l I 1 ~MAKE. AAN~, ''~~Rt lOl.L CNER, (:,\NG.ER'· ~rr oP ~ 1'rr uP t w .. GORDO SHOE NOW LOO<,J<oZ ... I'VE AAD · A~ PA'( ... I'M C?PJNA MAYE.A gfE((»JDASMM. Fi '(ING IT IN?! ,. ANDI il?N'T WANNAUmNTO ALDTCf~ FROM '«'U m.;r M'( Cf GAJ(5. .. e 19821.JnHedf..U.~te. lne. I . 1'M E-A~'/ 1'o PLf.A<Sf.. Gus Arriola THE. 80R?EDOM OF /HE. IAJCA!a:.ERAT.EO l!>E:.ARS /eOTIEA.I Fl<UtTr • by MacNellv Daily Pilat March 14, 19e2 THBTI YOURSELF s.1d 1'le ~an I ......... to """*-.. Femlly ~. 641 1..ex1r9Dn A ... , New YOllC. N.Y. 10022. WO pey S5 fOf ~ QUISIJOnS Sorry, we can·1 ~ ocnen FOR SENMOR WllJ.JAM PROX- MIRE (R.-Wilc.) What bar.. !J,'OU? HCll9 do !l'CIU owrcomc bal'edom at paMcal ........... ? -T.G .• Udca. N.Y. • A long speech read on the floor of the Senate by a senator who obviously has not read the speech before and so is fuD of guarded generalirations. puts a glue, like a Sung vllM, on my eyebalJs. ThJs Is apecially true when I'm on the Proxmire: A member of the bored. fkxw, waiting to deJlver a long speech full of guarded ~tions myself. I control my boredom by thinking about what a great speech I am going to deliver. After a long and embarrassing silence I might say something like: "You have just heard a fun and comprehensive list of all the useful and signifi- cant accomplishments of the other party." FOR SYUllA Mn.ES. star of Eull Under I.he Sun You Mid !J,'OU'I ~ rftMIDber thta llm, In whtch !l'CIU turned ~ ... p&.ytrtg Amel MMOll'• ..... ._. ....-. -* !J,'OU'I _..,. rwmber? -A.M .. M.1aot. N.D. • The fact that rm the only American In the cast. ln addldon to Mason, there's Peter Ustinov, Roddy Mc- DowaD, Diana Rigg and Maggie Smtth . 1'11 also remember that I was always treated with kid gloves. FOR DR. ROBERT K011.£R, cosmetic and correc- ttve surgeon ............... tba ....... ...._. ... wl ~ home ... -G.E.. ~. S.C. • MaxJ-hfe is the one·tlme face-lift that -with pro- per care -will last Indefinitely. A halfway house is a recuperative f adllty where patients may go after sur- gery. away from the prying eyes of family and &iends until bandages are removed. FOR RHONDA SHEAR. 1V adral Bob Hope..,. 91M1're en '"11 ... wtm ....,__. do ~ h8W tbs Bo Der'lk ._. .. hmw? -P.A.. Hwon, S.D. •It could be that Bob Hope needs a better pair of glama. Perhaps fm actually a "l" and he has double vtsk>n. which makes me look like an "11." Truthfuly, I admire Bo Derek and ti she rates a .. 10," f d be happy to be known as a "9... Although flattered by Mr. Hope's compliment. I'm also a bit dilbdeving. FROM ntE .. ASK'" EDl10R FAME: Sir Alec GUnnw, now busy on the folowup to the Thtbr. Talla, Soldier Spy series, was spotted by a bunch of kids. 1bere's that geaer from Siar Wan," one yeled. RePied the distin- guished actor. .. Sir Geezer. ti you please." ... After the world premiere ol The Seductb1, a huge party was held at the Tropcana in Adandc Oty wtMN Col- ._ Camp, one ol the stars, was con· stantly ~ by mangers. Colleen, Gutnnaa: Going"*" crmv. aiso on saeen in They All LaugMd. beamed: '1 bet you recogniz.ed me because rm wearing what I wore on ~ Johnnv Carson Show .... Believe it or not, Roger Rees, the toast of Broad- way In Nicholas Nlcldebv. returned to London -and Idleness. As of this mo- ment. he doesn't have a job and, to be on the safe side, applied for unemploy- ment. GAME: Fame and fortune have left no mark on Prof. Emo Rubik, father of the frusbUng cube. He lacks millionaire tastes to match hts wealth. His favorite eatery is any fast-food place; fav<de meel, ham~ and milk. . . . And ~ of that wretched toy. an Cur- .... star ol Jwy s Cabaret ol Dublin, a traveling d'8llter troupe. says: "Irish sdentisls researched Rublt's cube and found there are 130 dJfterent ways -to throw It out the win- dow." ... Whln the &.ml B. Anlhony $1 coin \WI illued. several Las Vegas casino O\llllelS got sicJts to accept them. Then. to tha hocror -claims gaming maguJne C>aq. -they dllcowred a foreign coin, worth 6 cems. exac:dy the same size. End ol Susan 8 . Anthony slots. NAME: Ofhc:reen. Aloysius, stuffed companion to Anthony AndreM In the Bridesheod Reuld.ed TV series, responds to the A ..a...... name ol Deiicatmen. That's because he was nW"CUll dbcovered by actor Peter Eull In a Maine grocery store. Peter's protege is not just any old teddy bear. He's 75 years old. had to audition for the plum role along wllh many other funy hopefuls and Is Insured '°' $20,000. Amt-Mmgret heads his Use ol guardians. H6s best bow tie comes from a top men's store. At functions, he has his own chair next to Mrs. Anthony Andrews .... A bit of r..-.... R...-'s past, so '-owriooked. concerns his high-school days in Tam- pb>, JI. He was a Megusd. ~ as .. Oulch." and In two tummm M"8d "*'Y people from drowr*1g. PRO,_~ ...... ~ for leJ I 1 )11 and pubk 6n, Dlpait111111C ci EA...,.., PROAADCOfl CON Miit s. c.ohe. £.d.D .• chmtwl. Dlper1nwnf" Edi....-OO Coalb'I Abolllion is often cm p a budget ~ to aw morwy • the ex- pew ol tchocls. It lln't. The PNt- ldlnt's '9da1illrn saupoal lhlfil funds and .... ~to-and alltlla r.dlral ............ and n.ir.. wnllcn. FdaaGon --lhcJW • ~ ~ ... ccmmunlly.,. --.volwmmLWhm WW* ...... · uWcn. ~ how IChools nut bl run. lt'9 Ind ...... cli•mha That, • pnr-. lmow. hlrms .. 'Oilton. Piwfdall R.oln'• lnncMllMt .....,., tJA• II II a nlW blgh*1g b ~ .. .,.,.,. Should the U.S. OepaitJramt ti Et.lucatJon Be Abollehed? .....-. .. -..-. .. _. ....... ,... .... .., ~ ........ , _, ............ .... No. It's pmt ol the Relgarl AdrnW-...,...., plan to ..,..,,.. Fedal •o1m fantlng. The Dlpmtmn ol Edi.-,., w a..-.d In l9ll> to ........ , the r.s.m WitOA...W to~-....... Whmcanmu- 111111. .. ~~and PIO" paty ....... NF. ~ funda to .... •..-n th3uld not bl Qll. Smdlrlll llhould not bl dlnilld ~ to i:.-.. f!! and low b collga. The Dlt&b1m ol aim dma"9 8 chlra ID~ cal,,,.. OW Nillaa'I .CDllOI** and '1•DllOllll ch I ... The Master Blend· I )j fference: It unlocks great flavor other coffees leave behind._to save you money. Maxwell House<i Master Blend~ fou nd a way to unlocK flavor ordinary coffees leave behind. A special and expensive blend of beans is quick- roasted-hotter and faster-to puff up and have more surface area. thin- ner walls. That way. as the coffee brews. it's easier for hot water to get out the rich flavor. 2. Tu unlock more flavor. 3. But you measure it the same \\73Y. Make Master Blend the sanie way as or- dinary coffee. Use the same number of scoops: get the same number of cups. Ordinary ground coffees leave J{nod flavor behind during brewing. '.\faster Blend unlocks more of this fla vor and gets more of it out of each and every bean. 4. Why 13 ounces? That's all it takes for a pound's worth of flavor. 5. How do )'Oll save money? Since more flavor is unlockeo. we can use fewer beans. Fewer beans cost less ... and we pass those savings on to you. (.., .. ~.., -- Master Blend It only tastes expensive. · The Leprechaun Charm of ffilckey Rooney With a Broadway smash, a new 1V sitcom and, begorra, another laale, America'• ageless munchkln fa back in the clover. By ffiatk Goodmon R fter six decades in show business: as a vaudeville tod- dler In a doll~sized tux, a chlkl movie star and Hollywood's No. 1 box-office draw -as well as one of the town's most notorious drinkers, gamblers and, of course. grooms -the former Joe Yule Jr., alias Mickey Rooney, has slowed down to mere dervish level. When a viskor knocks at his dres- sing~oom door these days at Broad· way's Mark Hellinger Theater, It flies open, and a grinning leprechaun with · fringes of white hair cries out In a raspy voice, "Hey! Glad to see ya!" Yet, within this 61-year-old grand- father one can still see Judge Hardy's irrepressible son Andy, clapping his hands and proclaimJng to a wide-eyed Judy Gmiand, '"Say! Why can't we put together our own show? Why, we can use Pop's old bamP' Rooney Is noi, to be sure, perform· Ing in the good judge's clapboard keep these days. Instead, he Is knock- ing Broadway cold In the randy, roust, about valentine to the bad old days of burlesque, Sugar Bobla. Night after night, Rooney struts and yowls hts stuff upon the stage, In drag and sailor suit, bofflng it up broadly In a way that would make his burlesque- trouper father weep with pride. Star- ring alongside that lovely, ageless toe· tapper Ann Miller, Rooney's frantic energy e.nvelops the whole theater. Supposedly sophlstkateq theater- goers aack like summer tw'9s when Annie plays the schoolmarm -com· plete with rolled -up newspaper -to Rooney's dunce pupil: Annie: Why do hummingbirds hum? Mickey: They forgot the words. (Whock, whacJc.) And when the two veteran• team up to ting 'When You •nd I ~ Young, Maggie," well, there's tcareely a dry eye In the hou1e. "A lot of people haw forgotten how to laugh," RO<>r)ey says beck- 1tage. "&giar-Bahia gtws them 1'f.,t ~II o pm.r Mo:l*ft..,..., /« Tkno ond ""1 llme m 119 ,_ ond • /re· ...... CIOl ... ulllr eD fN&YWlaLV • • MlllllY Wll!KLY, ..... \t, - something familiar: bacon, lettuce and tomato, with a lot of mayon· naise." And, yes, It takes him· way, way back to his youth. ''The jokes are like old friends," he says. "My father was a burlesque comic, and now I am, too. It's a complete circle. I am my father's son. l om my father. "Seldom does a person get a sec· ond chance in life," he adds. "Up until Sugar Babies, Mickey Rooney was a famo us has-been. Today, he's become a famous now-person." Yes, he certainJy has, and the way Sugar Babla Is still packing the houte after two and a half years, he w!U be there for -quite a long time. But his Is much more than the one-shot return to the bmelight that It once seemed. He scored another htt In the beautiful film The Block Stallion and recentfy won a Golden Globe award for his portrayal of a retarded man In the lV movie Bill. Amazingil; enough, he has Ho sandwiched In a new lV series, NBC's One of the Boys, a genial piece of generation-gap juvenalia. The comedy stars Mickey u a retiree living with his wandson on a college campus. The venerable Scatrnan Crochers ls onhand to add to the yuks. "Yeah, we complement each other, me and the Scat," Rooney says. UAren't those kids great! Hey, didja see the ratings? [Impressive.) And watt1l you see the other shows! I'm more happy for the od1er people than for myself." But he Is pleased enough wtth his own lot. .. Can you Imagine anything . sweeter In life than to be In a hit on Broadway and on televtslon?" More· over, lnvatrnent proJects are panning out nlceJy, too, galnlaytng the popular nodon of his flnandaJ ruin. And thou~ MWn shattered mar· rlages haw broufl\t him 10 kids and over $1 rnlllion In almony payments to date, he's now enjoying .n eighth and relanv.fy stable rnantege to coun· by llrlger Jen Chmnbeialn. Cham· beriain, a sawy women In her early 40'• wtth two sons of her own, .-ms .dept .t taking MAdwy In stride. Take her attitude on MkMy's abiding vice, the poru.. (he Mldm tmOlc4il nor drtnkl now end•~ In the Ch\D'Ch al R~ Sd1oc1): i ..-to W aslnp In the ladla room at the trade. fd pretend to love M. Now I etay home and putter or .. In the am." One cannot tmllgln• Mickey R0oney .ver puttemg or ~ In the tu~; or\ly foodght and lca.g light and ipOlllght Wiii clo. If 1nyane WM bom Into lhow bi&·-· Joe ~le Jr., eon of Joe & ind Kmml Qty VllUdevlaan Nell Brown . Technl~ caly, MicMy Wiii bom In Brom¥i. but hla cMdhood home-~ ......_ hla per.-... booMd on • I I -I I i f f f 11! l~ ~i l! ~ I l fl !~ 1! '1 Q i '~i~Hi :Ii~ Ji '1 .,, -;; (. c: 'll' .... z tif ti I 0-!I ~ ,,,,~ l; ~1 1~~ g 1 U ~ a~ :1 J l rn iPf 11f ii r H[ ~ fr!f ( if i :l; ~ !i~ -2 IJt s !I i l I I j "' ! 0 ! ilm·ll-i ii!~ ~ hi" Jc I -~ - !-~?~~!"" !"':""Q ~ ~ '· Ji J! '11" !i. f,,~ I' SJ ~ ~ t .. _, i .:.ll I n io i i H £.1 -! I 1! f j ~I ll Jf t Ii JI ~ ., j ~ I r ~ i 'ti I f1. }1 llJn}•r ~ = l1~ ! ;i• ~ • iJI? i { 11. i !~ 11 · ... tl .. rn .. 1 l : . ~ flff il JI en JI., i f •.r1·11 ·J! ,, J i !I •tr H . : .. , f i • 1-1 I.I t 11 ~l !. §~l!:'u_.. i f j ! ii ;Ill ! if l i i!f' I t~1 l i .. 1, 1 ;· H if! ' Ii~ ! 1h I a . 1 ~ 4 mg • ·w:' 0. 4 mg nicotine "'· Pl' ciprmt by FTC lftllbod. I .Cambridge ~ ~ ~ :::> IOO's . -~t Only .tmgr. MICKaY ROONl!Y (continued from poge 4) Mickey would become the most ver- satile entertainer of his nme. At age 2 he broke up a duet by toddUng out from the wings and piping "Pal of My Cradle Days." Mom and Pop quickly dressed him up In a $55 midget tux- edo and brought him into their act. But age took its toll and at 4 Mickey became, not for the last time. a has- been. When the Yules separated, Mom packed the youngster in a car and headed for Hollywood. There he got his break playing the tough-talking tot, Mickey McGuire. in a series of 37 two-reelers. When " cartoonist of the same name insisted that Mickey drop lhe McGuire . Mo m suggested Looney, but Mickey wisely amended it to Rooney. The next break came in 1937 when he was chosen to play Andy Hardy. The success of this latter-day Tom Sawyer figure was astonishing. Judge Hardy's rambunc- tious cutup of a son would eventually cavort through 15 movies. and in 1939 and '40 top the likes of Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy as Holly- wood's premier box-office draw. T he travesties committed upon child stars of those days are now the stuff of legend. Suffice to say Rooney burned a fistful of candles at both ends -working and playing equally hard. "Telling a girl you love her is like telling your three best jokes up front," he likes to say, and history makes it clear he could never resist doing either. He first married a breathtaking starlet named Ava Gardnet, then an impressive suc- cession of actresses and models. Rooney the comic also cannot resist )oking about the most poignant and often tragic monients of his life: "Get- ting married is like batting In baseball games," he has said. "When the right one comes a long, don't let i t go by." Trouble is, when baseball players strike out, they don't get hauled into divorce court. "I have so many wive.$ and children,'' he once told a Judge, "that I don't know which house to go to first on Christmas." But the judges were less than sym- pathetic, and the alimony and child- support bills continued to mount as his career plummeted. Sttll, Rooney hung In there. There were smaU but meaty movie roles (Requiem for a • Heouvwclght) and TV par1S. Later the. were Dlsney movies to do but nothing he could really get his teeth Into. He was at a low ebb when he . met Jan, who showed up at a Los Angeles party In 1974 on the arm of IOn MkMy Re>0n4ay Jr. She and Mkkey Sr. eventually took up lodging together, and when he finally married for the eighth time, he was so nervous he sped off to the church with his cronies and left his bride at home. But they have survived nicely and are relishing Mickey's born-again career. Says he. "God gave Rooney · five aces to be the No. 1 entel1ainer ln the world. At least I've learned to han- dle that now." Then, as the crowd fills the theater. he pipes: "Llsten to that, will ya! When that curtain goes up, every night Is opening night for me!" He's so wound up, you expect him to dance about and click his heels -little Andy Hardy, putting together another ~ show in the judge's ancient barn:· l&J THIS SALE HAS VALUE ADDED: SINGER QUALITY. FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL6104 NOW ONLY $19999 SAVE 550 Off REG PRICE FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL 5522 / SHERIDAN CABINET SAVE $60 OfF REG PRICE VILLA CABINET SAVE ~5 OFF REG PRICE PORTABLE HAND HELO VACUUM SAVE 20% POWER = UPRtGtfT VACUUM SAVE s35 ~b PRICE TOUCH-TRQNIC "" 2005 MEMORY MACHINE SAVE $250 i. BRIARWOOD CABINET SAVE $35 OFF REG PRICE SUPER SPECIAL DELUXE FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL 1411 SAVE $150 OFFREG ™CE. SEWING CHEST $3J99 THE SINGER STORE ' WHERE SAVING IS Al~S IN STYLE. 1. NEED far s.rt-.. Getting that warm feeling? Mal)be It's because Spring arrl\'l?S --r next Saturday. March 20. at exactly 10:56p.m. Butmarkf~.Mardl19.astheday to~ spring Into action. That's when young people's thoughts will tum to ... energy. The event? National Energy Education Dev, NEED f01 short. It's a nation· wide grass-roots effort backed by Congress, supported by the President. state legislators. educators and businesses. But the real stars are the hundreds cl thou· sands cl elementary and high school students from more than 10.000 schools In 50 states. They've worked for months organizing lzUrs, teach-ins, special exhibits and much more to educate all Amaicans on the e8ed:tw and effident UM of energy. Mental ....,.,_ The agenda ~ In high~ 6deaa: How matt otl Is bdng found. what's new about nttclear. hot llbout eolu. why Mlllura.I ... is ... a gu. Studenu llft iemnlng by dotng. Kids In M.wtulll, Taas. an learning the economics of energy aplorlltlon-bv spending rnllbone "'plav 000.. "apl~ Ing" for oil on the mock-up of an o6hore drilling Ike. ~ Conn.. ~WATT (Wellingbcl AudkJog Technk:al Tum)-a group ol ltudents whoM mcrgy audit hM sawd the tchoole In the d6ltrtd $250.000 thUI far. The Ment? SimpleideM ll&eturn1ngdownthcnnolbu. ~ ...... anddoling doon. "&t if I can't '* my night fight, how con I~ what I'm dreomlns?" Ftm and...-. National Energy Education Day's fun too. In many states. students wlll olfer Enogy Night LllJf!. This tnke-off on Soturday Night Ll!Jf! features Cfievy Chasing. lV ~Melba Toast. and a family d "oU d~· who explain how they become the stuff Mobil and ()(her oil companies tum Into useful products like gadne. In many schools. performances will be open to the publk. U.. ...... Student• In .,.._ 4 to 12 wllh the houeat !M!JW lde.wlll bee:hgtWeb Youth A_. .,......eel by . echoola.~aad ..... GrMdprt.lsa&.trip ~ to~on,D.C..where....,. .. chltwtlhmerw ~ apertl and mtend apedlll NClpdol.e ... the ..,... and S...... But~·· ...,_onthkwrll'tlc._ for NEED hop. to ~ ClOllmllllftlty t1cW al k!!r round ........... , ... ,, .................... ... .............. dlai ....... ,. .......... 'JMn. ourfrtmdlln NEED_....._. ....... lfi •feet: For lnfonndon on Nedof'8I Enerw Educlllk>n Dey, writl to NEED, P.Q lb 2518, Rt.eon. Va. 2'l090, Of cal ~ lt*'s edlaciof1 and l'M'l1W oftk:a. c:aw .... -. .. A.IWOI c.i--, 1'0 ._ 0 ........ ,._ N.Y. *"1••1W ~ Fear of Felony: Who Feels It The most? By John E. Gibson New research results reveal facts and fallacies about crime that may take you by surprise. TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Though men are more often the victims of a1me, women have a greater fear of a1me. 2. The pasonalitles of murderers and drug offenders may have a great deal In common. S. When someone ls ripped off by a atmtnal. the decision to report the in- cident to the pollce Is bkely to depend on how angy the victim is. 4. Desptte elderly peopje' s special fear of a1me, they may actually be safer than younger men and women. 5. Many a1minals exhibit a callous disregard for the pain and suff ertng they cause by their violent a1mes. 6. Mugging is a a1me perpetrated by the Inept. ANSWERS 1. True. A UnJvenity of Chicago swvey of atme's effedS on both men and woman showed that .. Although atme end the fear of aime affect both the men and the women who live In ddcs, women ... cxpresa sign&.antly higher &evela of fear than men." The ttudy noted that women are lesa ~dy "1dlrnized than rn.n f()f mOlt atma but ere almoat cxdustveJy the vtctlml of ,.. h concluded that womm\'t ~ rilk of ,..,. end ,_.. of ~ contribute ll1iportm1dy to thetr greater fear of all lllJ>-=:ta of aim•. 1. rru.. 1n ttud* of crtm1na1 be· MMor conducted by I learn of Johns Hopkins Unlverttty lnvesttgators. murderers and drug offenders we... given llandard ~ ..... Both ~ made tcOra chsadartzing them as "individuals who are Irre- sponsible. deceitfUJ, shallow, temper- amental, and pleasure seeking." But drug offenders did differ from mur- derers in that they were more p~ve and less concerned with social ap- proval than the murderers. They were also more Impulsive, changeable and distractable. 3. True. Studies from the University of Pittsburgh of a1me reporting by vic- tims have shown that the decision on whether or not to report a theft to the polke ls likely to depend on how mad the victim Is. 4. True. A Unlventty of Houston study of patterns of a1me against the elderly found that the elderly are less likely than others to be victimized In general and no more likely than other age groups to be victimized by gangs. The study also showed that assailants of elder!~ people are less likely to be armed than are assailants of younger victims. 5. True. In his monograph Explaining Crfme, sodologtst Gwynn Nettler reported that both male and female aimlnals are less respon.sive to pain than others. And It ls believed that this ~eater Immunity to pain ex.plains. In part. their Inability to sympathize wtth the pain they tnflk:f on others. 6. True. A City Untverslty of New Voric ltUdy of the mugger and what meka him tick found that mugging Is e ptlmltlYt form of auntnal actMty practiced by thole who .. dher too young or too ~ to execute atma requktng ~ater skill and knov.iledge. The main tactlca employed by the mugger In his enoounttn .. sur· prtalng and tcm>rtzlng his fR ""1tms. .., Actven1Mmen1 "Try My All Natural Beer. If You Don't Ag~ee It Beats Bud, Schlitz 0 r Mill er, I'll send You $5.00 FREE ••• Plus A Full Refund •.• " HeUo. My name is Bud Weckeaser, Pruidenl of Bierhaus lntematioaaJ. Many people think that mak.inf their own ALL NATURAL 1-r is dumb ... loo lime conJUmlnf. and the beer is fiat and cloudy. Well, I've fol five dollan that says they're wrong. Dead wrong. In fact. since lhe major American breweries began increuing their prices 90 st.eeply, a beer drinker's revolullon is starling in America. Quietly. But it's 1prudlng fut. Our rompany aJoM hu told over 30,000 mini-breweriet dwinf the past 24 months. We now have over 180 dealers cout lo eoul. Give me five minutes or your time and 111 sho,., you ho,., lo slash up lo S650.00 off your beer bill during the next 12 months. Let me Mpa.rale tome ~hi from fact: MYTH -.. , remember people u.aed lo make 'home brew' ye.n-ago. ll was flat and cloudy." FACT -Old ruhloaed .. hocne brew" la lousy. No &l'fUIMDl. BUl'We're not lalkiq abcMat old fashioned holM brew. Our mlni·bre,.,ery is TOTALLY differ.al. It eonlaiDS a proles· atonal brewer'• fennentatloo tank ... the flllelt hopt In the world imported from Bavaria ... le>otlt PURE barley mall ... and a superb lactr yeaat Imported from Enaiand. That'• why r m offering my c.r&M 16.00 FREE guan.ntee. I'm frustrated. J really am. Beca111e I wish there wu a way you could ACTUALLY SAMPLE lhi1 new beer. J\'1 ay1tal ct.ar with a thick creamy hffd. It hu a re.ty European flavor comparable lo Carlsberg, Becki, Heineken. Dorllnunde!', Spatenbrau and other J"lat E11ropea.n lapn. I ABS(). LUTELY guarantM it. ~ -.. Y". b\I\ It tal" too loq ... and lt'1 cocnplltalAd." rACT -U•• ta.. ~-IDilli·brewery. yCMa cu brew bftr1ii jut 27 "' .... oe a Nplar kiteheo aove. U 1W wut to nake &.S CUH ol 12 o&. ball .... it ma1 iab .S ftlilllut•. Let it remain in lhe rennenter for Mven days, pour it in bottlee or keg it. You're done. •No more late night trips lo the carry out. •No more lugging back empty beer cases in the trunk of your car. •No more chemistry set l.&Sle. •No more sundinf in line to pay S8·110 per case ol beer. Ju.st brew what you nffd once every month or two and that's it! For u little as 11-12 cents per bottle. MYTH -MBut, large commercial breweries wilh all lheir expertise s11ttly produce the best beer in the world." FACT -That's like saying becau11e cellophane wrapped pie in the supermarket ls baked by a national bakery it's got to be better t han a homemade apple pie fresb from the oven. If you Wit our minl·brewery and follow the instructions. carefully, yo11r beer will be heller than commercial beer. Beca111e, by law, commercial breweries are allowed to llM up lo 52 different anl&W ...... hale ... Including tannin and ensymes, calcium dltodl11m elhylenediaminetetra·aeetate (to prevent gushingl. propylep glycol alginate (to lt.abiliae tbe foam), and lh1'9e ~ tar dyes for artificial coloriJIJ . Our new mlni·bre-ry -unlike commerdal breweries - UIH NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS or ANY KIND. Ab9olutel,y none. As a result, the beer hu a fantutic p11re wte not IOlllld in commercial beere. You have lo TRY IT TO BELIEVE IT. MYTH -~e.r-made at bome la 90 powerfW it11 Dodi yow IOCb'Off." FACT -No way, YOll can now brew our Blerhaut Amber ~with only 90 caloriet per bottle. And It doea't t..w lib water. either. Even better. It coataiu J.-hall the cartiohydratee of many commercial beere. ee. ol all. It doan't knock you on your tail after one°' t wo boWM. VOii • control the alcoholle content of the beer when yo.a brew tt . !!!! -"Makler b.-r at home ·i. WepJ ... A FACT -HOUM 1Weol11t1oo 113'1, PlllMd b7 eoep... ud lliMCI' by ~ Carter in .-ebnaarJ. l'7t. don ho....tloldl ol two ,.ople 18 yHn or older'°_..., ..... of beer per year -Lu free. Moreover, you cloa't oeed a Federal littnte or any kind. It makes a ,,.eat -atld unutual -rift fOC' IOmeooe who loves beer. WHERE DO I GET SUPPUE8 ONCE I GET THE un We stock a complete line ol supplies ud equipment -all you'll ever need. Mah for German Lager. hieh Stout, Brit.iah Ale ... plUJ Mind,.Q of different Items. The new Bi,rhaus mini-brewery contailu an FDA. foodgrade 71/t·pllon re,_ntalion tank, complete with our spedal anaerobk lid, air lodi and other equipment, incluctiq caps. Plus enoufh ingredient.I lo make your tint tett bre'Wing. The ingredients will be for a standard lapr beer 90 you can compare it lo your favorite American commercial beer. $5.00 FREE! Our guarul.ff le limple. Order the kit and make the beer. Serve it lo 'fOUI' family and friends and uk them io eompere it io llMir favorite beer. You do the eune. lf everyooe cloetn't Ill'" il'• betwr -far better than commercial beer -lilnplf rttW"D the unu.d portioo ol your kh. ru pay the ,.,uni J*lal't. AJlCI ru Mad yo11 a check for yOll fllll ~price ol SZ9.16. plu N.00 extra -total SSU6. And 111 MM the mwd wllMll .... wwtdas .. ,. ''°"' the UJne I ,.....e the retumed ldt. u rm Wf'Oft •• JOll ,_ made N .00. Bu\ what if rm ritht? ' FOR EXTRA FAST ~le.. call UI at 81'/838-7747 and arder your mini-brewery with MutM(;ard or VISA. ~ call w..ttct..Y• bet.ween 8:30 Lm. and 5:00 p.111. i:...... Time. Or "nd yol&J' chedt or money order for 129.95 or Muter Card/VISA number ud eqiinUon ctat. to: MiAl·&.wery, Blilrtlau lnlenatlaul, l11e .. Dept. 110 , S'7tl Weet llU1 Streiet. Erie. PA 18605. You ,._, U.P.8. c\waile upoo deM"'J. hueylvaaia....W..u ..... e9do. ~ ... tu. ·-BiftM• ........ lloul RECAPTURJNG A SIMPLER PLACE AND TIME E COUNTRYSTO!jE ~~tHIMBlES~llt.. A collection of twenty-five fine porcelain thimbles recalling America's golden days. &ch thimble hand-decorated with 24 karat gold. AYailabk H~ely trom FraakHD ~ Pteale order by Mardi 31, Ull .. There was always a wood-burning stove, a large cracker barrel and a long wooden counter piled high with bolts of calico and flannel ... It was the Country Store. Perhaps the most American of all establishments-and certainly a sym- bol of some of the most carefree years America has known. Now you can recapture the simple pleasures of that time-with a very special collection of twenty-five fine porcelain thimbles, bearing original artwork based on the official trademarks of twenty-five companies whose names were household words here in America around the tum of the century. Herc are the two "C~ll's Soup Kids ..... the HeW. Pickles shield ... the two little chicks on the Bon Ami box ... each design based on the actual packages and adver- tisements that o ur grandparents recognized in the Country Store. An American coUectiaa trad1tion Both individually and as a collection. The Country Store Thimbles provide a fascinating trip back in time-adding a new dimension to an American collecting tradition. For American companies have long regarded thimbles not just as a practical household item. but also as lln excellent way to advertise. So they often provided customers with thimbles marked with their company names and slogans. Adding to their fascination, therefore, each Country Store Thimble bears an original design created exclusively for this collection-not merely a reproduction of an early package qr advertisement. And each design has been fully approved for inclusion in the collection by the company involved. Each design will be fired on a fine porcelain thimble, encir- cled top and bottom with hand-painted bands of pure 24 karat gold. Each will be crafted by the master artisans of Franklin Porcelain. a Division of The Franklin Mint-and one of the very few facilities in America capable of such painstaking work. Remarkable qua.Uty at • molt IU900able price --~~- Yet despite the care and time that must be taken with every thimble, the price for each is just $12.SO. And you will re- ceive. at no additional charge. a handsome hardwood display rack, plus specially written commentaries about each prod- uct arid its maker. .----------------------suascaJPTION APft..ICAT10N ---------------------, The Country Store Thimbles form a collection that will be treasured by your family tor generations to come 8$ a unique re01inder of a very special time in our history. But the collection is available ooly by dittet subscrip- t ion and only throuah Franklin Porcelain. It will be crafted txclu- slvtly for those who enter valid subscriptions for this series. One fine porcelain thimble will be sent to you each month. But, ~ wjUJak,e WDeJo coft •he•, it is importanl lhat the application at riabt be postmarked. by March 31, 1912 .. I THE COUNTRY STORE THIMBLES Pleas~ postmark by March 31, 19112. Frutlill Ponlclain Fruklin Center. Ptmtsytwania l9091 Sipliwrc ----------F'teaK enter my sublcripdon for The Coun- t!')' Sto~ TI\Unbles. coesistlna or 25 fine Mr. ..... h t t(:•A-..... ••• ...,,.,.C" .. 6Cie.t ...-a..._. pc>R:Clain thiniblet. uch hand-decorated in Mrs. 24 kAIW IC)kt, Ny th.llftblct will be ICft( 10 me Mi.---.. -.-.. -, --•• -•• -~.-.... ---- at the ,.... ~ ooe prr -•h. Ind a hardwood clltlll*y nick wiJI alto be Knl to me without f Addreu _________ _ , aclclldoMI ctwwt. • I nc«i Mnd no mency now I wUI be bWed City __________ _ : m."" 1br a1.1t ~ lft ~ ~tn ·~ : 'l'flaJ ,_, ,,.,, •• .... Stlll• zj,p ... --- I, I ' ' JI• l-~~: ______________________________________________________ J Jn the dining room of the John J. Glessner howe are foods that Mrs. Franca Macbeth G/e.ssner might have served Ol the tum of the cen · turv. From left to right: Walnut Oat Batter Bread, Acom Squash Bake. Bu/ Barlev Vegetable Soup, Rock Comish Hens with Sauory Com-Bread Stuffing. Buttered Peas In Tomato Cups, Garden -Greens Salad and. on the sideboard. Oatmeal Hermits and Apple Crisp. The garden courtyard of the Gmner ~- Remlnlacent of earller times -a collection of recipes featuring the golden grains of the Middle West. 8y fllotllyn Honaen 7 he Imposing granite home on South Prabie Avenue In Chicago gives little hint of the warmth and culture once found within . The home of John J . Gless~er, a manufacturer of agriculturel equipment , and his wife, Frances. was the scene of social gatherings at the tum of the century. The couple ent~rtalned members of th~ Chicago Symphony. a group of more than 100 musicians. at festive suppers. Mrs. Glessner kept a daOy household journal and regularly held a women's reading group in her library. Among her books are many cook· (conllttu.d on poge 12J l'AMllo.YWHl<LY, w.rc111•, 191 •11 NEW FOR THIS EASTER. A Letter From The Easter Bunny Mailed to Your Child! EA STER BUNNY The So uth Hole. U.S.A . r~ 111i.. • Written 1n simple. e•sy to • Addressed t o your child. and rud language mailed directly to your child • T he Easter Bunny·s name •nd • A rhrillinR s urprise for any child return •ddress o n every letter • G uaranteed to ar rive bt>fore Easter and e nvelope • Envel~lpe marked. "Do not open until Easter" If yo11 J lrkt Tlit E1uln B1m"!I 111 r.i•ritr Ill m("' th an I tl.1/drr". plroH '"dost yo11r 01(111 /1st \ UNCONDITIONAL GUAR'ANTEE: Every child on your list must ·M thrilled with their personalized let· ter from The Easter Bunny. pl us their FREE Toy1, or your money will be refunded. _F_R_E_E_, GIFTS! 3 frtt Toys With Each Letter You Order -----------------------btt•~ to Children. Ot'pt EL.5740 St•rlin" Bu1ld1n1t. C.un•rvollf' N 't 1 00~ \ YES, p&eaw .. 11 Th. Eu1u llu11ny 10 writt 10 1ht followu,. <htW,.n on "'Y Utltr C1h h11 S•mr __________ __ Addrf'"-----------(,,. ___________ _ S111r _______ l1r--- ~•m•--------------------- Addrh•------------- (llY-------------------- ,,., .. _______ Zip---- l 111 ------------"JJ, .... __________ _ "'""'--------Z•P--- [ft<lotH I• 1u11 I I 00 plu1 J~ fot potl•I• and M"4h.,. •~•ad!~"., ™• , • ....._ J nu TOYS •e.tidlAW. M~ n•m•---------- Addrn•-------------------- t11 v------------------ ~••tr-------Z•P--- ~-----------------------' 7ie 9/u4«1i~ (conlinwd from ~ 111 books. including: Good Things from a Chafing Dish. Breakfasts, Luncheons and Boll Suppers. Practical Cooking and Dinner Giulng, Miss Porloa $ New Cookbook and Liberal Liulng Upon Narrow Means. We include a chafing· dish recipe typical of the kind popular during that era. The house has been restored and is open to the public. WALNUT OKf MI1ER BREAD ··~~ ........ ....., y, a., ..., Of 111.-gariM Y.~...- ltallhrpa ae .... 2 ,..:IRr •• ecttw dry ~ I 01P -_...., (110-F to ll59F) 2 cape qakti• ot old~ om, WI• ~ 2 .... 1 y, cape whole.tw.-lour l ~chopped .. ... ·~., ~ QIP9 ..... ~lour 1. In large bowl. combine bolling water, butter. sugar and salt, stlntng until butter is melted: cool to lukewarm. 2. Dissolve yea.st ~n warm water. Stir dissolved yeast. oats and eggs mto lukewarm water mixture Add whole· wheat flour, beat until smooth. 3. Stir In nuts and enough all·pwpose flour to make II stiff better Cover; Jet rise In warm place about 11/2 hours or until dou· ble In size 4. Gl'Ulle two 9 >< 5 >< 3-lnch loaf pans. Stir down batter. Drop better by spoonsful, mounding In center. Into prepared pans. Let rise, unco~.ln warm place about 45 minutes or until nearly double In size. 5. Heat oven to 3750f. Bake 45 to 55 minutes or until golden brown. Remcwe from pans. Cool on wire rack et ~ 1 hour before slicing. Make$ two 9 )( 5-lnch looua BEEFBARlEY VEGETABI£ SOUP I Y, lie. beef.el ....... CUI Ill Y,.-ch c:aba ! a.illr IJ DOM el-pwpoec low ! dowe ,.tk. ---habhrip a OM~ o.U •c...-..., 1 c:.-(16 oa.) tom-.oee. coenllv ................. y,~,.....,....,· lg'blllllDIMl~- 1 talll .. aa• Mii 1 • .. a • INlll ...... O'lllllMid o..1a..-w.cta,..... 1 ,_..... (10 om.) ..,_, Cllt °' ........ ~ ... ~ I c:..,. cmTOt *- 1 cup Cll9y ... ·~~~---1. In *GI bowt. dredgt melt In &out. In 6-qt. Dutch own, brown meat and gark 1n oa. Ore1n t. If~. 1a • l'AMtlY W(IKLV, lllMOll 14, 1* 2. Add water. tomatoes, barley, Woroes- tenhlre sauce, sail. basil and pepper Bring to boUing, cover, reduce heat and jlmmer l how. Add remaining h9'edlents. Bring co boiling, oover. reduce heat and limmet 20 to 25 minutes or until meat and vegetables are tender. Moka about 4 quarts "Nott: Subldtute >/4 cup quick bariey for regular barley, If desired. Add quick barley to soup with vegetables Proceed as recipe directs. ACORN SQUASH BAKE I 11C10m ..-.h (ebcM 11/a lie. nch) Salt ~ cup ....... IMronod taWt ¥111> 11S'bl11s wbuaer M-..-. mdt.d I/a arp ~ ~ .,._. 1. Heat oven to 350°F. Cut each squash In half crosswise. Remove seeds and membranes. Cut a09l\lolise Into 112.1nch thick rings. 2. Arrange rings in 11 x 7 -Inch baking dish. spnnJ<le with salt. In small bowl, com- bine '1!mainlng Ingredients: pour over squash Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until squash is tender. Mobs 6 .avlngs ROCK CORNISH HENS WIDi SNJORY CORN-BREAD STIJFFING Y, .,_. com lweecl. cooled. cnnbkd s c:upl '°* .,.,,.,.... .,..... calbea 21er1raw~ruu•1 'i4 arp bulNr or m.,.,.tM 1 y, c:upl • ..Rruom ... 1 "C'llP c.9try lliC* I/a cup chopped onk>tl 1 Oil> cbk:llen lwoth ..... "-"" !U'blllJDW ... art.Mlle ol 6 (14b. tbl) Rock ConUah h_, rirnMd, pel!Mddry l . In large bowl, combine com bread, bread cubes and poultry tea90nlng. , 2 . In large lklUet, meh butter: saute mushrooms, celery and onion. Add to com-bread mixture wtth remalnJng "98· dlents ~ o~ and hcn1; lOS5 co mix wen . S. Heat own to 3750f. AD body cavities of hens wMh about Vt Cl.IP ltUfflng: plla on r.ck of large rOllltfnSI pan. Rub lkln with oil. Bake about 1 hour and 15 mlnuta besting with pan dilppbigs during i.t 10 to 15 mlnuta ol beldng. If desired. Maka 6 amnnge Note: To hell any rernmntng llufflng , pi.ce In 1-qt. cu °'9: ~. a.kc .. 3750f llbout 20 nmuMI °' until hutild through If a men browMd top a\111 II dmhd. ~ teufllrlg uncoYtftd. (~on ,,.JSJ I t I I Sa11e 32¢ Now Use the attached coupons and save 12· off two boxes of KLEENB0 BOUTIOUP Facial Tissue in the pretty compact box and 2Cl off two boxes of KLEENEX~ Brand Facial Tissue 280's Family Size. Sa11e up to s4oo by Mail Roceive ~4 in KLEENEX Brand Facial TISSue coupons (16-25' coupons) or s200 in cash when you submit 9 proofs of purchase from KLEENEX BOUTIQUE Facial Tissue and/or KLEENEX Brand Facial Tissue 280 s (any combination). 1~' 1962 K1mocr•y·Clark Corpora·1011 ,-----------------------------------------------· OFFICIAL REFUND REQUEST: I am enclos1119 nine 19) Product Code Symbols and 0 J<tmberfy- Clattl Corporatlo'l symbol and words from Kleenex· Boutique· tac1al tissues or Kleenex· facial tissues 280 s as detailed 1n the Official Rules. Please send me· (Check One) ._.,.u=:,_ • :1~1e1i ....-$4.00 In coupons-16 at 25¢ each. l good on future purchases. OR •l..Ml509tl••.....,, 0 $2.001nc:mh Name----------------~ 1Plea»PYW'lll Address ________ """t No. _____ _ C1ty ______ State-----'-'ip ____ _ OFFIC1AL RULES: • A regal peacock In cross-stitch or needlepoint is destined to become an heirloom. Craft 422 has trans- fer; color chart for 16 x 21" design A pm and saucy 18" kitten pillow. Cnft D9.a h.u tTansfe: full direC11ons I.Acy shell>ltltch ~ lnecperulw 10 ~ •• Ide.al fOf !Mure Of trawl. Cnft .. has dlrec:tloN for S. M end l lnelu:We. Variety In Handwork 1912 ~ has pattern designs in all ~ of needJe. work: Gift Sertm with full directions and 8--c-. ..... $2.25. copy. Knit this appealing blouSt-from cool Mer· cenzed cotton. Cnft 884 ha.~ directions for Sizes S. M and L (8-18) tnclUSllle Bnghtly striped vest m crochel Craft Ml has directions for SW!S S. M and L (8-18} 1ndUS1W A flower-t11mmed ~ crocheted from 4-ply kruu1ng worsted m your fawtite shades. Craft 785 has directlOnS (one su.e fi1s 8161 / Embroidered birds In easy stitches and rich colors makes a mos( attractive quilt Cnft 171 has transfer for 24 motifs. color chart. directions Use ~imple cros~t1tch to em~ these luscious fruit deslgns on towels or linens Cnlt Zl6 has transfer for 7 molifs; color chart Crochet this anracttve turban and matdung a scot from soft mohair O '/Jm Crllft 506 has full """"'ea IOlll> ~ I .. ! \J ! l:) I o •tJ ~ Jf1 ~ IIJ 1 ! u n~ #';I. ...... .,. ... ~ 11~ ~ ·1]] I " : u~ ~~ 1 u -~ ~ i I Jt ~ iH H~H ~~' ~ ~ tf ~ Uf ;!ilH ~hij ~-;;.! A a n1111 • ilf J"iiiJi t !!~~!!!~l!11l!t~ff R i ~~1~ ti~~ USf . ; · i 1 JjU : ~H 11 !., It ~ ~ l J l I~ =.i ... -j i~i~ ts1}1 i 1t 1~ I i ~ f _ l 1 !el ~~~=--n. i I 1dl --1J 1 .. t It 1-1~ J J ... !~ f ! it ~ · 1 ~ i j .. t I I ~ J!i!~N . J!l!!,,~Bh]1~hJj!1d ~ !f !!!J ····-·~--~~~------............................................................................................................ ~ .......................................... ....., .. . n1119 .; .. ·. iiH'" 'i'P. 111,,~ . . '''II Aifi,, ,f . f.il _ .119f. r .f1· ~-, c .,i,~I ·~·'I ''"'· i ;'1 : 1JJ1 i ·f~i (t . "1 t 11f' I tirrll Ir• iii! •i· •!i • 111!. ~1;1. ii .,,,, i:.l·f] n1 ·~ j;i~ I i• ·~ f · . iU. ~... -~ hf11 !if i~I~ !f ~i! iff f ;I &'fit !rb ~·S•· ~i· f lif · d .... ..... .. I~ 1m• : --· 1••m11 · nl' ·-g,~·;1 i'J '. . -~ P•1 ii , f s • liii!r·;• 1•!'1 !:~'i ' ii ·~· ~ I [.9 ••• ·~ I .: · 1' Ull~ ·;{. ~ ..... ~~; ''I~ n•1 .. rr1r ' ._.,-, •i ··ii H;' Ii!. !frl . ·t.: ~-•ai' ~ I 'ii -J i I ., 1 •. i, UP ii ~p;g ~~'I 1tdj ... it ;;J. lny1 · UI I f fr r;. r ' Iii. . ~ti . Q' r-~~~------------~---~-, ! l n ·1aJii-< ~ f ff f f I J~tf(j 11 . I ll ! I Uf ! ! I ,~ I a'Jf · ~ ·~ . a .~fl.I 21 !I ' .s r m rr a ua w-tl'Jf iJilt J If f •r!>rl JlJ I ! ;; 1' r '1•1 '•t•J i tfi ir,1~!J1'1 I r ! li!i 11:! I (th . I ~a~I 111 .. ,ft ~ ~ 11 ~• a "'f u, -- u1n11 ~;!p ·· .,,.. l.i ·1 lh~j>i •=;r . iB'i -f · ii fitl sn:i tJi. i 1•1j11 ~., . ' !u I ., fifit' . ..r ·'I \-uinl \i~ 1!Hi . wu-. ·'1 .f II \ 'i · n c Hi'ill . .. ,,. ., iht J ~ iif''i ii·f . -~ !J !f, I ~ Ill\ ~ ... I "I lfJ;i f. . · r · 111:1, 11r,r.~~·1t 1 t1 I •f~i'1·r J~~li~rf.f1l1~1s f·'l'I iJ , ' t I 1~ J. I • ft t.. J • ~ f 0 § I J1 hit; i ?l !HI ~Jf ! ~,~ ll;11 f.1 :S ~ 1 r 1i1J i r,~,.,1 ,, 1 8 .•11 {I .. "!Pl 1 l f1t! r fll Ml,~·H ' J.rrr 1 J, ~ :;-S 'If" ,h•1J1·11 ,1·1 [' ~ -i 1i1lf m UrHHJ! i:IH ii ~ C UIJlH m;I , Ji 00 ·CA , Mr• 1i1.r 11 i1i1i r , I ~ ~ r '·;.f ~ ..... ~HI~·•~ fr I I J (. ·.: ...... ,~.,.. fi1!11• . ..-1 ~ r .. ~ liQ~f . ~~Fi . i I .~·· .. , ..__ . ..____ ~~~~~~-~~--~~~~~J U ---·-----------·~~===~:::::::::~:~:~:~::::::~~~~=~=~~:::::::;;= (conrinued from page J5} CURRIED SHRIMP STEW For a...lilt DWI 4 tM'l1"a _.baas«......-. 1 alp liMlv chopp9d --1 1111s a• •'9ced .-tic 21 IJIMl~,_- 1 ... •rtmp, peeled Md dcwJned 2 cw(~ • .U.) llD•MMe, ..._ .. I• "aaeMll 'Ii ti "a Ml th,.. i.-. awMd ~..,.red~ 2 *'" '" a l'IM ...._ )llkll 1. In Lwge skillet. mei bu1ter, add onion and gsfic and saute, *ring until golden. about 5 minutes. 2. Add cuny powder and saute for 1 minute, S. Mix in shrimp. tomatoes, salt. thyme, red pepper and lemon juice. Heat to boll· Ing, cover. reduce he.at and simmet, stir- ring occasionally until shrtmp tum pink. about 5 to 8 minutes. 4. Serve from top ci chafing dish placed owr wanNl9 pan fWed wtth hot water on the table. Serve OWf hot, cooked rice. Maka 6 to 8 savings GARDEN-GRF.ENS SALAD 1 ........ Of 8oMoa MtNce 1 bmch-•aw .............. 1 ......... lcltMr'I a.a-. ..... heedd*ory 2 G1llpl h9h ~ ~ luva 1 t1t1 • ., _ chopped daMI,. ..... ~Dr--.. nc:tpe wio- 1. Make sure aD ~ are washed and abp. Then ... leaves Into ~ P*es and ~ In '-Vt salad bowl. z. Add chopped dWa and tOla wtth ~ ~. Of dra5 *11ply Wllh oil and vtMgar ~---°"'*" l .... dow .... amlMd I ti 'flMIMll v. •••• , -~tr«NMlb&edt,..... 'ii c,. olM o4I V. ~o1Morn1•.W.ol v. alp dills • ..,..... OI' ... ..,., I . Piia .a i~lts In )m. cowr ~ and _. ........ Z. Sew wtth mlMd SJem•· Molco I cup O~HERMJTS I c:..-41*ta· « oW ........... oeu, wMd 1 v. G1llpl ........ ,., J 11 low I Cl9t .... °' ---· _._. le19t,.W ..... _ lllc..,f'llllillll 'ii cup chopped w•Ub .... 1,4 G1llp mlk 1 tlMpOOCI ll'OUDd ct=-oo 1 tNllpOOll --canct v. telllpOOll bMlnt IOda 114 1111, an tr"CMmd nllbD19, opdonal 1. Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl. combine aD ~ts; mix well. onto foll-lined cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or untll llght golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet: remove to wire cooling rack. Store In tightly COYered con· ~ ..... Qllft .... 2. Drop batter by rounded tablespoonstul talner. Mo/ta 31,,; doaen cookies Join the millions of Americans who get the things ~want and· need.- without 11sing Qash 'Bartt"r as • l!•m«' in which each playtr tradM wh•I h, dOMn't want 10 l(t't wha1 hr wants and both pl•yers win, '•» .-.u1hor .1nd vftt'ran tradt'r. C.onstanC't' S1aple1on \ou Cll'I barter 10 milk«' mont'y to s..ave m(•l'ty to m.alct tnt'nds . 10 8'1 thr 1h1~s ynu w1n1 without using caJh Bartt'r ·~ uwd an t.ar mNr way' than m<'Kt pt'Oplt' rnhzt' Hl'fT as 1u~1 ,, ~mpling Use your skills Instead of cash. "I rr1Jt.J my St'rvic~ for air cond1llon1n1t and a 5pnnlc:n 'ystem, say' a dentist 1n Merrill hl.,nc.l. Flor1J1 Lt't·, lace 11 -11 s .i lot us1tr to tr.de skills th.in to P"Y lor '°m" thing in c~h " "l'vt' got a nice 1rr;,anl(fmrn1 with .a holt'I an Atlanuc Cuy;· uys .a 1y~th1r an For1 Lt'i:, New JtrW'y. "I Jo their brochures, menus, and postcards-and they g1vf mt' wttkends for my family of~"'· My only n~nSt'S ne 11p,., sales taxtt, and uh, Wt'll, a couple of dollllrs ;,at the black 1ad. tablf'j:· '1A \'IHI fufdt'•J(fOfOhf t't•tlUUH\t. t-f·•fellol\% th.•,.,,,,, ou11-1r.t of Ceuodo "'.fl!• '"'°'•'•''''" Aj ttUUfV U• JO nr1/lff,n t•f'('tJ/, ttnJ ti(l'1•''frllt1~ l11ott/rt,,J, ••t ftr/lron• ._,, .lt>l/dn u1 tuUn.a.rrl 1t1rnn11:t. r• fl.,u·m~ l••••tftut'1 .AHtf'Fttft\ r• 11 •lthtll( ,.,,.,""'• •f••t ' -l 'i ;--,,,., & \\,orl<J ~•I"'" Can't afford a vacation? Neithtr could thae people ... "The last 4 summtn wt tradtd with a f4m. ily in Maine," says a M•nh1t11n coup~ "Tht'y 1uy an our iputment-whllt we l"t'l.ax an t~11 homt' on Lakt Stbago. . , Ne11t summtr wt'\•e •rrangtd ii tradl' wath pt'Oplc lrorn Orq1on" U. your cash flow and Inventory problems. "Swapping 1$ .a blt'SSU1« an c .. uh-t1ght tamn,w d«lares tht' owntr of a 1portlnA Roods ston: in Minneapolis. "Whm I coult.ln't afford~ paiu on our dehvl'ry van, the m«h1n1c filled 11 in return for scuba gtir ... Sine«' thrn wr'vt tr1ded 1101' dubs for roof rt'p11rs, lt'nnli r'aC"Mts for tyql-. and ska tquiplllt'nt for medical wrv1~." "I lr•dt my untolJ advt'rt11in1t llmt' tor me.lits •t a loul l'Ht•unint;' say• a radln SI•· lion m.an"Jtt an Philadl'lph11. "~Colu'4'- , when I don I !>C'll m)' ,m llmt' and the res1.iu- r1n1doesn1 us. up 1rllood-~oodl>v th.11s11 -you don't ~el <1nn1her thancl'" Get what you want just by pursuing your hobby. "I •w<ippt'd lour ol my h.indm.J., iiuilt~ tor a honoe;· says a '"oman from \\oon!>Ocl..t'I. Rhodt lslo1nd, "41nJ tht' Yl'I has pr<'ml~ h" wrv1co in rttum for mv nl'~I iiuall I love to nttdltpoinl ru11s, SI)'~.., ¥-om•n 1n Potomac, ~aryhind. "Bui I have more than I can u~ my5C'll-S<'I I tr,nl«' them I ROI ~ handsom«', h.ndcraJttd colttt t•blt' lor one and somt beautiful poller}' lnr anolht>r' ''Wlt1H '-"lh••r 11cltt'llV tlOl lfh ••·~h~ v11ri• •'I' "".,' "•td ,,..,,.J_.lu1'•• '"'''"'';-" r .. r 1f101l1l\I •'' 111. um.I ~t,..H, 11ul v1ul' d(Hrh 1Jll ,,, '"• ~nmtt ,.,,,.,, .. Why tell your colJectibles to a dulu? Trade than at full value instud. "Whm I didn't hive tnough c.ash to buy the violin I wanted, I tritd wllin11 my ttold coins;' rt'pons a man m Arnn. Iowa "But tht' dfalt'r's comm1n10n was so l.llrge. I still umt' up short. Se> I lnl'c.l oflt'rinR 1hr coin~ dirl'Ctly to tht-viol.n owner Slit' th1nlc\ ~hr got the dul of tht ~nrury Well M> do I . " "W.,11/th¥ J1'0l•lf' •• ., tk• "Jflf'JI In l"'r'"' ""'": tlt•y Hf' '' llJ a la• ilt~ltr• Yo .. r "' t""""'"fl<'11/ 1rll ¥C>" rlt.,19rtve>tt;rn t/.,jO~ bmtlrt ""' to""''~ 1\4'0 ltou" tn t>otlc:rt "'" ltC'ur'a ""Y" -Ch11 Our nationwide Nrtu marketplaa! m.akn swappina easy. Now there's an usy way to slart b.1nmng -with Tl11• Trod,,s' /Ou"111I. Thi• monthly b..rttt dnTC:tory ~Y('j you tMllnl .iccn• to thouwnds of Pl'OPlt .-11ger to tradl'. Evtry month, Tkr Trodtt'I' Journal list' thousands of sw1J>': tdvm"1ng, vacation homH. clus1c c.an. accounting. tO<\ls. coins and stamps, jtwdry. ltg.al wrv1ccs. oftice \up- phn, book•. rtt"on:ls, woodbumang stovl'S, in1unncf, knl!Ung, frnh or&nl'ft, business "'PPOtrunl1in-tht'y'rt•ll t~. Plu~. Tlit Trad~rs' /oumul pubh~h~ rrgu 1.11 .m1cltt by buter proless1on .. l~-~1v1n1: vou 11ps and 1e<hn1qut>S on hu" ro R<'I th\· me>st our <>I b;,arln And since all irad~ .irt" d1rrc1 \OU don I pay comm1ss1ons to 1 maddlcm•n )ou tr~" '" 101 .. 1 pnvacy-thc onlr records 01 y<'ur 1unuct1ons are throne~ vou chno!>t' I<> ~...,r vounotlt \Utt' IUth'> ._~rtf 1+ '-'"· ,,._,, t• • t"' ~111 t,.tf t•flt'lliU t .4 tlV (\t (•'t ,,1\fJI ,J IU 11 .Of to llo I "· ,,. "'''• j ••• ,. h• ,., c ""''~""" ~1 .. plf'h)f'\ Y.utf'r Ho""" Tt• Ct't 4-1m"'' "'"vth1nR \\ tdHlUI \tOr\f'" SpKia] Money·~ving Charter Subsaiption To ~Ip you gt'I ~urtt'd, "t' rt' mallanR 1h1' !.~'C1al 1n1roduc1ory ofttr L MoM y-Yviti« <Nttn subtcription raJn. A ant'-year subi.c:npt1on 112 '"ut''• 1' nc•t m<1lly S26 But 11 you &ub~rilw ri.:h1 n1m· ~·ou can 11lr.r advantagt' ol our •f't'\1.11 S2~ chartl'f sub~np11on r•ll'-.t 15" '><WlnR~ 2. ArreecU.IAedad-worthup to SU.Our cluialied •ds normally \OSI Joe pt-r word. with th15 oiler, you gl'I one o1d-up to .SO won:ls-fr<>t> IAs M>On "~Wt' hl'ilr lrom you, "r11 smd you tht-form tor your lrt't' .tc.l I J. Yovr Mtithctlon k fully par•ntttd for 60 day•. or your money b .. cl.. RrJJ Tl1r Tradtrs' /01m1a/, try a trilde or twl• II you dec1dt' baner\ not for you, ju,t lei U$ l..nn" Wt''ll send you a prompt rl.'fund. no qu(')llons aslccd. To subscrat-t" to Thr Traders' /1111n111/ .,mph m,.11 the coupon l-elo ... lot.lay YCS. I w<1nl to""' •lw lh1n11• I n~d "llhuul "u••n1 <••h r1 ...... tnlrr my o"~ yr.or 1 1 ~ 1nut) •ub""<•lpll<'n In Tl!,. T••'''N' /Hurna/ 11od bill mt •• ~·C'ur •l'f'.l•I ':!2 (hUICr UIC' f ••V• 1.s•., tttt thtt , .. MUl•r r.ttf" rlu, I Mf't n"•' frtt cl•H•hf'CI .iJ -• J 12 v.;lut I i"u ""'" •• ... t>ur irom yuu. "r II vnJ )'<'U ah~ rorm lor your Irr!: •J I h I'm no1 complr!fly ••11• u.-c.J w 11h mv t1n1 •nut, I will wrur C.tm-(!'1 on M)' 1nvott..r. rt'turn 11 lrt you •nd rh.-1 ,_, th•l Th~r<''> no cn•I '" obli~•l1un And ah~ ""' •~'UC" ,,. m1n«t fl" lr.ttp "'"d rr'1l1r ttf'm Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addl'fts~---------~ City ___________ _ Scatt'/Z1p __________ _ r 111e2 n .. r •• ,1 ... • 10"'""' JF WJ 2a L------------J . . f.ifJ.!. ----~"'-- 99% tar free. The pleasure is back. BARCIAY Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Guest In the Gatd.n: Some Blooming Tips By c.z. Gu.at T hough the ground Is ,still c.old where many of us Uve, spring Is , approaching and if you're plan- ning on planting a garden, It's time to prepare. Here are some strate- gies to help you get started. The Seedl of a Good Garden To grow flowers successfully you must start with good soU. The Ideal mixture $hould be composed of 50 percent \A/ell-drained or porous top- soU. 25 percent peat moss and 25 percent coarse sand for drainage. Always add more sand to heavy clay soil. Soil tempeniture Is also crltical. It should average 65 to 70 degrees for most varieties (which means an air temperature of 70 to '75 degrees). Al- ways use lukewann water on seeds, because cold water lo'lo'el"S the soil temperature. Seeds should be started indoors In flats. Sow them thlnly In each row. fine seeds (petunias, begonias, etc.) should never be covered wtth soU. Coarse seeds (zinnias, marigolds. etc.) should be covered lightly. Water seeds gentJy wtth a spray nozzle and keep them well ventilated, (no c.old drafts, please). Most seeds are ready for trans- planting In 10 to 14 days. ,.~~~~ Seed.lings should rm be transplanted when their first leaves have appeared. Try to trans- plant when the seedUngs are small, as very young plants are less susceptible to the shock of being transplanted. Always pick up seedJings by the leaf, never by the stem. Make sure they are firmly transpjanted In the soil and , shelter them from harsh sunlight with cheesecloth for two or One days. As far as watering goes, plants should always be dry as evening or late afternoon approecha. If they're damp as the sun goes down, fungus wlJI grow on them. 1lpe .,, a Fnddul &.c:kyard Here 6rc a few suggatk>n1 for peo- ple ~fruit: 1. Grow vmieda that wlJI adapt well to your climate. I. Kap your irea as dwarfed as possible ~ pruning them. But don't do too much pruning until alter a tree starts bearing fruit. You can encourage six to eight inches of new growth a year on apple trees by prun- ing lightly. 3. To fertilll.e. put an eight-inch-thick pile of mulch around each tree. 4. Give your trees water when they need It. 5. Keep your fruit-growing operation small. fruit trees require care all year long. so It's wise to have a small or- chard that you can really take care of. ~When In Drought If your area Is experiencing a dry spell. well-prepared t0U and heat-tol- erant vegetable varieties are a must. Here are some other ways to deal with drought: 1. Sow and transplant early. because it fains a lot early In the spring so soU moisture levels are higher at this time. 2. A trough around each plant will trap rains for thirsty roots. 3. Mulch as soon as the soU warms up to help c.ounteract dryness. 4. Don't be afraid to use "gray water'' In the garden. Apply bathtub water, dlshwnter, or laundry-rinse water directly to the soU. Delightful DahliM This spring, plant some low-grow- ing dwarf dahlias. They're eye-cntch- tng In beds or ns borden. The tidy ll1tle plants require no staking and al- most no care whntsoever. Their only requirements are average soU, full sun, water and fertilizer. Even novice gardeners have great results the ftrst time they grow these lovely ftowers. Dahlias are Ideal for cutting and arranging. freshly cut. they last at least a week. Sea.onaJ Footnote: The Shamrock With St. Patrick's Day just around the oomcr, we thought you might want to know 10mething about the shamrock. The shamrock Is a mem- ber of the clover family .• It ls the na- 'tk>nal emblem of Ireland and accor- ding to legend, St. Patrtck UMd Its three luva to expialn the nature of the holy Trtntty. To th» day, the shamrock It worn In buttonholes on St. Patrick's 04Y, In lreJand as we!! as '*' ,._ ww1111iii wtd1t.,_ world. ~ "4MILYWUIU.Y. ,...14, 1m • tt Perfect/It /or every foot ... satisfying customers for over 30 years • with TWO fully adjustoblf> MADE IN U.S.A. GENUINE LEATHER buckle strops. •with an extra cushtony Insole and l Yc" cov11red wedge heel. ra• •wt th your favorite colors CAMEL-57. WHITE-26. BEIGE-51 & BLACK·40 #.-....,MM •AND. with a complete range of full and half sizes. 6-10 N & W. 5-10 M. PLUS 11 N. M & W GEN VINE LEATHER and the comfort insole. _ only t) I $1995 Vi) 'l • CAMEl.-57 1 • BLACK-40 • BONE-Sl • WHITE-26 (.) .......____,.. of CALIFORNIA • NAVV-70 MAOt: IN U.S.A Crossover stnlps of softest GLOVE LEATHER. o Slurdy sole and \It" heel ~ve you complete support with every step. The insole Is the key: with extra cushioning Jusl where you need It for all day comfort. In full and half slzes6-IO N & W. 5-10 M. #f'B3KC The most comfort ... Saucy and stylish ... MAD£ IN U.S.A. Perfect wedge for any occulon when comfort Is lmportanL Cr1st.cross v11mp and 1>'1t" covered wedge In a rich-looking llmulated leather. Padded Into~ for aD day walklng comfort. BURGUNDY-80. WHJTE-26. CAMEL-57. BONE-51. or BLACK-40. #fBSDG Ful and half s1Ms 5-10 N. 5-10 M. FOR FAIT PERSONAL SERVl;cE SATISF:'ACTIOH GUARAl'ofTEEO 24 HOURS A DAY • 7 DAYS A MEit OR MONEY 8ACKf CAU. (602) 747 You ere the fin.i 1udge Wear for IS full days C1'atte 0.tkre 0..ly 1 bt fort c:iaddl"i to lleep tl'lem 11 not comp14tcly a.llJfled, rei\lm fOf • full refund or exchangc ---------------------------------------·---------------- STATC----llP ---- CHAllGE TO: 0 MC u INVISA AMl l ... P6H_._ II.ti_ .. _. ___ _ AJ ....... ,, .. ___ _ AC:COUl'lfT•-------------~ . -Ad.,.'11M metll Just Plant 'Em-Stake 'Em-Tie 'Em-Pick 'Eml See Them Rocket Forth In A Cluster-Packed Pillar of Fruit ,__ Yn, Ifs tnlel Rec.tty relased by Clllf. Ulllverslty Plmt Sclelltists ••• An lacredlllle wonder-llylNid tat Y• si11ply grow 01 • trelis, pole, f•c• or iide of JOIN' 11-. ... alMI be -:~::-::::~~ .. ~~!!1._ _ _j allsolutely amazed II , ... train it to 'poln.lt' so BIG & JUICY-Juat_ betry ......... ~ .. lllgll •1 a -· • • • loaded down wltll te111lng so HUGE & MEATY - cl ..... ,. of fruit TllS VERY SE•.,....1 ,, •• .,..elcedupbeny...-..._... .. ,.wbefryt•r1 .•• .... • • • AMiii end I or I ....a.e wftole .. 1wbeny ~I WHO EVER HEARD OF PICKING STRAWBERRIES BY REACHING OUT YOUR W1NDOW Here's one of the most spectacular sights in all ol nature. Guaranteed to bring traffic; to a screeching halt In front ol your house this very seasonl.As these wondrous "RED ROCKET' strawberries . . roar forth Into a man-high 'berry-factory'. simply loaded with teeming bowlfuls of the most mea'Y.· sugar-packed taste-treats you've ever sunk a tooth into. Wh( you II pick 'em by the pintful this very summer-thanks to the mos outrageous outpour· 1ng of fruit imaginable. A LIVING STRAWBERRY WATERFALL! SIMPLY PLANT THEM-STAKE THEM-TRAIN THEM-TIE THEM SEE 'EM ZOOM HIGH AS A MAN IN A SINGLE SEASON! Yes, unlike regular strawberries that you grow on the ground ... you simply plant these wonder plants smack in the middle of any garden fence-trellis-side of your house or garage-why even a drainpipe or a plain old clOthesllne pole and thrill to see them erupt In massive cascedlng sprays of fruit like a whole 'strawberry farm' marching up and down in waves of luscious fruit! Carn you just see the looks of amazement on your neighbors' races when you lnvhe them to dinner ... and tell them to reach out of your dining room window to pick their own luscious strawberry deSMrt right off the vine! And not some skimpy little berries ... but sug1t·packed giants SO HUGE ANO MEATY. they're virtually lm-POMI* to circle with the ftnger of one hand ... YOU ACTUALLY NEEOTWOI IN FACT-BERRIES 80 BIG YOU CAN BARELY SQUEEZE MORE THAN ONE IN YOUR MOUTH AT A TIMEI Yes. these "REO ROCKET' Strawberries are so eager to grow-so desperate to produoe ... you'll drape your walls. trel-nsee. fences In caseadlng fountain$ of fruit ... u theee man·hlQh bMIAlea reward you with the most Incredible parade of "MAf+. HIGH" fruit. now.,. and foliage you've ever M8n In your Nfe. ""9. teaming boWtfula of sugar-packed beauties: SO FAST-GROWING-u.y .... out In._......, coNmn of fruit• tMy .. ,_up end down y-'9noM end Mlle In• I foot tower of fnlll, ttowet. end ~ ..... AND THEY MULTIPLY-SO YOU GET UP TO TWICE AS MANY EACH AND EVERY YEAR! And remember-because these 'RED ROCKET strawberries multiply, when you follow the easy growing Instructions. for every berry-laden, man-high vine you grow this year, you'll still get more next year ... and still more new plants tor years to come. Mean· ing: berries by the bowlful year after year after year! ACT NOW! THE SOONER YOU PLANT THEM, THE SOONER YOU'LL ENJOY THESE MAN-HIGH STRAWBERRIES! Here's the best news of all-the amazing price of these won- drous 'MAN·HJGH' strawberries. Not the $1 or $2 per plant you might expect for such a remarkable super-bearer ... but less than 50C apiece for thickly-rooted nursery-grown plants ... and each one aH set to reward you with a man-high column of fruit this very season. But4bne word of cautiOO-wrth an incredible wonder-fruit re- lease like this, demand Is bound to be overwhelming. To avoid disappointment, act now! i r-----• llAILllO .... OOUNteTOOAY ·-----· =I .,.. I ..... .,,.. .......... o.,c.. A.a· 2 ~ ........ Aooe. ... a1et1 ............. Y.11ep1 '"I ,..._ NflCI -., poper pWlmQ ._.,my-. Ille OWfT RED A()O(IT ~ II ....,._DllOw.l"""'l>e~llllllledOtff"J_., ..... ~ .. ~1-­ ...... ~0l-J : I 0 ( #008). 'RED AOCl<ET PLANTS oNy 12.11""" !SOC llOll•' hend1in9. • •, 0 (•012) t2'REOROa<£TPl.ANTSOtttyl411plia75f~&hendlnf. J O ( #011) 18 'AEO AOCl<Er Pl.AHTS Ottly M.11 pluel1 ~ & Ntdlllg. JI OC•02A)24'REOROOKET' PlANTS~l8.llpluefl.25poeuiige&~' 'I lntAWMMY LOWM INctAL j 8UNR DllCOUNT ~· •I O ~ #04t) 4' 'AEO AOO<ET' PLANTS 0111V I I 5.H Ilka I 1.!iO1JC111UOe & henllllnlJ. ti OUIAV .. 1UOI JI 0 ~~~ :~.:.oacET PLANTS~ 12S.M pM 12 llOll•' '*'ding. jl MIOulll___,I [NT...,.,..mld .... tu) N00.0.0.'ll 1'"'----------------~ •I . !I ~ -.. ZIP---- .. _______ oi. ....... IM'M!ySllll,lflc -------· I J The Shocking Plight Of Abused Patents Sy Susan s. long and Harold feadmon. Ph.D. D oris. •an 80-year-old widow, Uves with her SO-year-old daughter and 52-year-old son· in-law. Although Doris is somewhat feeble, she still enjoys walking around the house and being part of the family. But when a public- health nurse came to visit early one day. she found the old woman tied to her bed. Explained the son-in-law· "Oh . Grammy likes to wander but we were so busy today we couldn't watch her and didn't want her to hurt her- If •. se . But later Doris admitted privately to the nurse that she'd been tied up since the night before. When she had refused to give her children money to go out, they had bound her up -their usual way of punishing her. Doris resisted Intervention or help from the nurse. however, fearing more severe conse- quences. Margaret. In her late 70's. Uves In her own ho me with her 35-year-okf son. Billy. Sometimes when she re- fU98S to do what he commands, he gets angry and beats her. Hospitabed recendy after a harsh beating, Mar- garet ordered BUly to leave. In the past. after such beatings, Margaret has moved out temporarily, has summoned the police and has ob- tained orders of protection. Every time things calm down. however, she cries. "Oh. poor B'~ly. He didn't mean to do these awful things and he prom- ised he would never hurt me again. rm sure it's O.K. If he returns." Although It never is, Margaret Insists on trying repeatedly because she desperately needs Billy's company and is unable to accept that he prob· ably will harm her again. Grandmothers. and to a lesser ex- tent, grandfathers. are being bound to their beds. maimed. chained and beaten. Some are psycho- logically abused: insulted. threatened. ridiculed. humil- iated, isolated and rejected by their families. Americans are also abusing their elderly parents by depriving them materially -neglecting to ob- tain adequate medical services, or not providing sufficient food or personal care -and by vio- lating their parents' rights: fore· Ing them from their homes and placing them against their will in institutions when other options are available. Considered as common as child abuse. parent abuse Is a widespread phenomenon In the United States. particularly among the middle class. Accor· ding to a 1981 report of the House Select Committee on Aging, one mUllon older Americans. most of them women and most of them over 75 years old. are victims of abuse. neglect or exploitation by theif .. , own f amUies. ThoughJhe number of cases being reported each ~ar Is lnaeaslng. a study by Elizabeth E. Lau and Jordan I. Kosbert at the Chronic Ulness Center In Cleveland, Ohio, estimates that only one In six cases Is actually reported. While every state requires that chlkt abuse Incidents be reported and Investigated. only 16 states have similar laws pertaining to elder abuse. Victimized parents. as well as their abustve chUdren, feel guilty. ashamed and embanaMed about the maltreat- ment and usuaDy want no Inter~ fetence from outsiders. Parents, often ~dent a"d without resources. fear that If . they complain to the authorities. there will be reprisU - more beatings or possibly lnsdtu- tiondzation . Also. they are more (conllnv.d on,pog. 231 l'AVILYWllltlV. Merell u, 1t11 •tt .... UllY to be • calculating womiint '1 • .,.,_ .... ....., Nt .. ne Cllee:kbooll ti.lance, _, ~you penorm oltlef functoor.. or lurn Qicui.tor oil a....,~• amount of MCI\ cnedt you Wfltt. a._.... .., l9CCWds 99Cf'I dlPOeff )'OU INN. l'\.ua ~ dlepley ·~ LCO numbers •r::to.llng diecifNll •AUtomatlc lhut-olt ~ blllely Ille Thfs wonderful wallet practically balances your checkbook for you! Don't rlllt O¥erd. "IWtnQ y<MJr .clOOUnt ~ 'f04ll checkt>ook end regl1ter. IWO ~UM of a math milclllc:Ulatlon, or handy pcckets. .. ...._ Ped..ewn a atranuctlonyoulorgottoenter.Wlttt .......,. Pen In Jts own "hollter." Its M'-"**'' ~ "9cal". the In y<MJr c:holoa of T111C24) or Brown~ eomouw.-.c·a unique c:hecl¢ook c:.i-..,.. smatt. clut~.U. (~• 7 v. -• culator Is the quickest. easles1 way -• iwallet is crafted of aolt. rich lMthef yet to belance your checld>ook ! And thill'a ilnd lined wittt duf".ole vinyl. lor years of <» not all the CompyWallet does for you! It's pendlble UM. Elegilnt "extra"· your cus•~ Plldlac:t with ORGANIZER featurea: a Two-engrr4d Initial on a g6Mmlllg Sianlt Plate Cou•+w"••ll Puree wtct1 brua-o&atac:t ,,.,,... lends a dlstlnctM ~ touc:hT ioc.i up ... S..Thnt o.g..i.. for a doziarl or morw the tim&.V.ng oorweolaoce •.. lhe Genuine crac:tll cards. 10·1 and pnotoe •.. Dlecoune ~ lulluiy .. Mld the senaatlona~ .. the Coupon o.g..i..".a.ddng Section IOf ~ adda up to an l11c1ildible V91ua! Yaur .... lactlon ···--•dbf Id • eut out .,.d;°' ,;":d:;'Now1 • ·------------------~-------------------~ t 11111111 • Ml9W~ 711 W. ~ TetnCJe, A11zone 85282 I : TheCompu Wallet ~::Ei:E s1511 1 ! YES! Au.II me Ille ~Wtlltl .... -lor onlY 11&a Nell t 12 for '32.98-SAVE I UX>-3 IOt M&IM -!SAVE ~.OOl.1 undlfllllnd I I can UM my purcl\9M 30 cMys. ltlerl IWIUfT\ II !or lull refund II nol dlllgflted -M INC !fie FAEE Gift le mine 10 "'-P' -~ c-,,... _, -... ..... TOl•I IOt WAliela s "'100•""0 ' "'""'11"9 s 'J. 00 fOTAl UICLOMD • Oii Ct4AllOH C:.l;ll- -------..,_..---'Mo j,,, I ••••••••• • I t I Daisy-Dazzled Prints, Garden-Bright Solids! You Get All Thia- • 2 Print Bath Towels (22x44") • 2 Solid Bath Towels (22x44") • 2 Print Hand Towels (15x25H) • 2 Solid Hand Towels (15x25H) • 4 Print Fingertips (11x18") • 4 Print WAsh Cloths (12x12") • 4 Solid Wash Cloths (12x12") Soft. thirsty, flower-garden fresh! Now your bathroom will look like sunny sum- mertime every day of the year. Luxury Bath Set features crispy whites strewn with daisies ... plu1 (how beautiful!) color-coordinated solids. A truly elegant decorator ensemble-20 lush, lovely pieces in all. Wonderfully soft. soothing, absorbent-just the kind of bath towels to wrap yourself In when you step out of the tub. All top quality 80% cotton- wuhable. durable, carefree. Fabulous gift Ideal Z407452 •.. 20 Pc. Tow .. Set .... $11.11 'UU. Y GUARANTHDI II xou don't to~• them-Send them backl You musi'be completely pteaaed In every~y wltll your "Oa/ay Delight' 20-Pc. Bath Set. II not, simply retum tor prompt.,lull refund of purchaH price (e11cept poatage and handling). __ . · __ 01c1 vu1age s~ ..._. M 17Ul Soft, Absorbent, Luxurious- A Co• Bath Ensemble for the Whole Familyl 20-Piece Decorato r Bath Set only s19aa Complete 20 Piece Sit r---·SATISfACTION GUARANTEEO.-ORDER NOWI ---, OLD VILLAGE lttOP, Dept. VZ•719o S40...., 8t.. tt.IOYW, t-A 17131 Y"I Pl .... rush _ ··oa1sy Delight"" 20-Pc. Decorator Beth EnMmbi.{s) (Z.407452) u indicated below, on Full Money Beck OuarantM. 0 One Bath Enaemble lor only S111.88 plus $2.95 heavyweight posta99 end handling. 0 SAVEi TWO Bath Seta-40 plec" In atl-lor only $34.00 plus $5.00 heavyweight postage and handling. Enclosed Is _(PA residents add aales i.11) CHARCll rT: 0 American hpreH 0 Dinan Club 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Carte Blanche Acct. No. Exp. Date---- PAINT NAME -------------- ADDRESS -------------- CITY STATE ________ ..ZIP------ :J CMck IMre 11111 "'"' 50e fOf ..eecrljl4kllt to Mr UU!Ot tf flllo &lfb ........... {.UllllSX). 0. pollCJ .. to ll'OCIU Ill Offorl llfl!Ntlr. CIMlt en °'*'' '" ~,..... ... creillt ....,..i~ Dotari llllllloill ,,...,U,. Ott'"'7 ,_,. ........ IO -.S. ~-------------------------------~---------•u~•.••---------J .....,~ (conrm!H'd from page 2J I comfortable with their familiar. although distressing, situation than wtth the unknown. Although modem medicine has managed to extend our average life span to 73 years. society continues to negk!ct its growing elderly population. Medicare. for example. provides funds for short-term emergency In - stitutional care only. and in order to be eligible for Medicaid's long-term care funds, 1he aged person must be at the welfare level. Because long-term care costs appro>Cimately $18.000 annual- ly, only the very poor or wealthy can afford tnstttuttonal care. Thus. elderly parents are often economically. physically. sodalfy. and emotionally dependent on their children. Only 5 percent of those older than 65 years ~ institutionabed. leaving the care of 22 million senior citizens to themselves or their families. Parent abuse is the result of com- plex and Interrelated factors Some grown children are abusive because they regularly cope with stressful fami- Abused parents fear reprlaals if they complain. ly situations ln an aggressive manner. Others are abusive because long- term, unresolved. tense relationships with their parents become aggravated by the financial and emotional stress of having to care for a sick or frail parent. Still others are caught between the demands of IWO generations -their parents and their own children -and find their energy and resources squeezed. Rather than being able to look forward to the financial freedom and leisure of children leaving the nest. they find themselves taking care of an ailing and needy parent, and often feel trapped, overburdened and resentful. Suzanne Steinmetz, an associate I profes.sor o{ tndMdua.I and family ltudies at the University of Deaware mid an expert In elder abuse. com- pares the abuse of parents to the abuse of children. "Both are economJcally dependent, polltically weak and laddng In adequate legal protection," states Steinmetz, who aho co-authoNd (with Munay Straus mid Richard Gela) &hmd ao.d Doon: v~ 1n the Ammam Family (Anchor Press). ..Both me praurned protected by virtue " the low. ~and c:artng whk:tl we -..me the family provides, ~ bod1 can be 8 ·IOUIW d emodonai, ~ and ftnendlll ..._ to the cm . " Are there solutions to the problem? Community prognims could ease the slress for families by focusing on the family as a unit. and not just on the eiderly. Short-term respite care. com- mo(l in other countries. including France. Britain and Denmark. could provide temporary relief to care givers. New York State. for example. recently established respite care demonstration projects. Other needed services are support groups for families. cooperative family programs (groups of families. with elderly family members 1n residence. who e>tchange services). and senior citizen day care. Changes in attitudes about the elderly and family violence also are critical. Older persons are not as highly valued in this society as they are in others (such as in Japan). and taking care of them Is often perceived as a burden. rather than a duty. obligatlon or joy. ln a study of three-generation families. Harold Feldman. co-author of this article. and Margaret Feldman. professor of psychology at Ithaca Col- lege. found that children who believed caring for the elderly was their duty were more satisfied having an older parent Uving with them. They felt good about themselves because they could be depended upon and were fulfilling an obligation. The Feldman study also revealed that the more the different generations viewed each other as equals. the happier they were living together. ln the study, wives were found to be the least satisfied with having an elderly parent In the home. probably because the brunt of the burden of care .fell upon them. If men shared more equally in the responsibilities of providing care, perhaps much of the stress In the family could be alleviated. Anally, one way to provide protec- tion would be to view elder abuse as a real crime and not as a private family affair. There is a bill now in Congress, the Prevention, Identification and Treatment of Elder Abuse Ad. that would establish a natk>nal center on elder abuse and provide ftnandal assistance to prevent. identify and Ire.at such abuse, neglect and ex- 'ploltation. According to Barbara Calklns, a Conwask>nal fellow who has worMd on the b611, .. chanca are pretty good" that It will pass this year. Just at too many tenior citizens are tucked away In comers and hidden out d the way, IO Is the pm.i8'fing problem ol penm .00.. !Wore we find ouneJws In an wibwllble ~ don, resuklng in .00. of thole we • low. we should WOik to proeect ow.Ms and ow farnila. Old aga may be Nvbbllr, but the ......... and ... .., .... CDnl--.1 wtd\ ... not. .., ~~ ........ -.. ' -~ - - - -- -- - -SATISf'ACTION CUARANTE£0-MA1l COU,ON TODAY! ---- - ----., : OLD VIUAGE SHOf'. Dt?t: YM·~I. 340 ~ar StrHt, H•nowu, PA 17lll : l> •~J~C tu~h _ prs ct tti~ GCF"u1f'le tc .. 11°'~f I ··v,1n~ lip Br aau~ 1>' lei '~" an.wn~ ''" p•1re 1 I or ru>I ;:9 88 pr p1us il ••O p1slJfC •"~ l'Jn PAINT \~I.If _____ _,_ ___ _ I 111n2 on lull more. b•t • V••"!ntee I SAVE MORE! Creer '"o Pl••s r·r 1u't !38 00 ~ODllESS------------1 Plus £!>OJ pc\taRe ano nJM·••i ~n \Jf11e I 'Tlone1·bac~ guarantee C1fY ------------! _prs B••t• •121:~8.81 >•a 1>1atr __ _ prs. Brnwn M27!9«~8) Size W111ri_ STAIE-------ZIP---- 11 CHAR'l IT:.= Ame!ican [>press _ ().n~H c ~b Chtc• nrre •nd \tnd so, ror •ub'lriot ~" 10 C.ine B •nrne VISA Mast<1CA1d ~z"3~9~~~10&"~10~',:;y•,,~~~1~,~~~' ~~1'~r~r~! II Ace I r.o E•P. OJ!e oromot•y Crta1t ""' crdtf\ .,, P•CCUU <l uocn cr~1t 40PrO'\'al Oetavi not '1t-d OH;M~ll'f. I Der .. e·1 "~•••teed w1tr1n 60 oars. ' GENUINE LEATHER JUST$19.88 Save Sl.76! 2 pn. 838.00 • Richly GJairwd Leadwr • a..ic Wlng-Tlp ~ • Proe«1IW Som Well • 5'..-r F1Dlble ConslNcnon • Dunihle Molded Sok Heel • ~ .... n. hulr6iv. hendlome IMall never ioc..d a.-! The qu.lllty Md COl9lbt .. built In b ~al-., ...... AIM lw._lhln lhr ,..tc:mchmvld bv Mnty IMft'tthclpl! .... dlKk ........... The ............ 'WI' .. ~ loal ... tJol8 ... PllillftdlllintttlP~,,..11 a dallic. ~ lnible maktldCUil ....... i ... ... .... allhlon ~ ......... ••""4Ad b ll4IPUI' Md dunbilly: ............. .... .......... ~ lie.. ...... d. .at. oil Cobbler a.ftld In the U,S.A S..., on It ... don't lllillout on the lhonellae of the• -·e ..... 7.71:.8.8'"i.9.9i,,, l0. IU\,, IJ.12. W...:C.D.E.EE. ~Blldtor'ero.. - Old Village Shop~ """""· '•· 1i'JJ1 AIR COOLED, ALL-DAY COMFORT! Great for On-Your Feeters! • Homem•k•rs • Nurses • W•itr ..... • s.1 .. G•ls • Office Work,,. Spice up your wardrobe with gen· ulne Polly Peppers ... A soft- steppin' treat for your busy feet. The finest of leathers. spritzed with alrvent "polka dots" ... Looks great, and helps feet "keep their cool" all day long! Supple. sturdy. vel11ety- son ... made to stand up to lots of walkabout wear. Oxford wedgie has 1 Y2 • covered heel, cushlony crepe sole ... Lace-tie adjusts for perfect fit across instep. No need to pay outrageous prices tor real lealher~ Get your comfort-plus Polly Pepf)(tra for only 111.151 Don't Pay ~. Don't Pay $46. s1695 JUST ThrM Great Coto,.! Caramel. Black. White-They team up with everything! Women'a Sina: 5. SV,. 6. 6\'2. 7, 711:1 , 8, 811:1 . 9, 9Y2, 10. 11. Wldtha:B.C.D.E.EE.EEE. # OUR QUAAANTU The 1>est merchandise at a low price. delivered 1n a hurry ... that's real VALUE. You must l>e delighted or re- turn within 14 days and we'll refund your purchase price FAST! (except post. &hdlg .. ). flS'T ~1Hanowr. PA 17331 r--------·SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-MAIL TOOAYI --------1 : """ lomoMS. o.,t. JM.a.II MO ......... St., ... _. ~A 17Ul I I Ywl ,.._ ru.it ., a-.IM l..MtlMr ""°'~ I I ,._. .. as 1•1c:at.-11etow, on r.11 ..... , Ell!. Dltt I ' ,.Ci ........ ACCl. No I I ll'lllNT NAME__________ I I I I ADOltlU__________ I I I I CITY ____________ I I 0 .UT IUYI 0... "-" ... , Sii.ts Ill• SUO STAJt l"-----: cD&;ri.a."' .. tuu~ C f::t.':i:£i'J=e~~:t 1 I o _,~~ (d!Kl or _..,... . o. "llcJ ta•,... I I "' .. .-. ":"Jt Crtflt ~ ...,. I ......... """" ...,..;.....,. ... I (~ tft OMllftclll r...-,Dlllrt,.. CIW tlW ..... ~. DllMrJ ....... ..... I I 0 ¥* Oc.tt _... O ~ • ._ '--------------M,M.t.l•.lm _______ _: ______ J 1· .. ·-~ Here la your chance to make your opinions heard. What you think . about Issues really does matter In the polltlcal corridors ot Washington, D.C., and In the executive offices of your state and local governments. Wiii you please take a few momenta to fill in this questionnaire and mall It to Timely Issues, FAMILY WEEKLY, P.O. Box 5132, New York, N.Y. 10022. Please check only one ana~er to each question and mall the questionnaire by March 22. 1. Are you better off flnandally now tha.n you were wt)en Ronald Reagan was elected President? 0 better off 0 worse off 0 about the same 2. Do you think that one year from now you and your famUy w\11 be 0 better off 0 worse off 0 about the same 3. Twenty months ago, 60% of our poll respondents said that Inflation was then the nation's most serious problem. What Is our most serious problem now? 0 Inflation 0 unemployment 0 o1me 0 education 0 pos'Sibillty of war 0 moral standards 0 energy 0 Soda! Security 0 Other __ _ 4. What, tf any, Is your most serious problem? 0 marltai relationship 0 job security 0 personal anxiety 0 children 0 cost of Uving 0 Other __ _ 0 physical health 0 work satisfaction' 5. Do you generally approve or disapprove of Ronald Reagan's: Approve Dtsapprove Personal tax-cut program 0 0 Handling of unemployment 0 0 Cuts In the Federal budge1 0 0 Handling of organtzied labor 0 0 Budget for defense spending 0 • 0 Handling of foreign affairs 0 0 Handling of environmental protection 0 0 6. tf the next Praklcntial election were to be held tomorrow, whkh Democrat do you think would be the mott quallfted to chall.nge Prakicnt Reagan? 0 Bentsen. Sen. LloydO Glenn, Sen. John 0 Mu.tide. Edmund 0 BradJey, Sen. Bill 0 Hart, Sen. Gary 0 Robb. Gov. Charles 0 Brown . Gov. Jeny 0 Kennedy. Sen. Edward 0 Rock.teller, Gov. Jay 0 Carter. Jimmy 0 Mondale, Waite 0 Other __ _ 7. H the PraidenUal e:lec:tion were to be held tomonow. would you vote to re- mct Prakient Ragan? 0 yes 0 no 0 Other Republican If you checked "Other Republican," which would you ehooM? 0 Beker. Sen. Howard 0 Thurmond, Sen. Strom 0 Bush, Vice President George 0 Tower, Sen. John 0 Haig, Sec. of Seate Alexander 0 Wekkcr, Sen. Lowell 0 Kemp, Rep. Jack 0 Other __ _ I. If the eJectlons for Congress WCfe to be held tomorrow, whlc:h party would you !Ike to see win In your Congressional district? 0 Dcmoaatk 0 Republican 0 Other ___ _ 9. Which Fnt Lady of the pall 50 ye.-s do you mosr admn? 0 c.tc. Roealynn 0 Johmon, Lady Bird 0 Reagan,Nancy 0 Eilenhowc, MMtie 0 Nbton, Pat 0 Rooeevd, 6uncx 0 Ford, Betty 0 On .... Jedde Kennedy 0 Trummi. 8- 10. Should i.nnlnlllly ID pldenn hew the right to requett that their treatment b. stopped? 0 yes 0 no ' 11. 1f you are now a parent and had your life to live over, wouJd you ~ to Mvie children? 0 yes 0 no If yes, how m1ny __ _ . -. ~ • .,. J I WW n 11°111,..111•11-~-lllililil.alO gt ... _.,., .... I ...._ ............ ,...., ... ....., I ....... _________________ __ I 1trMe cw P.O. h ,. I CltJ State Zip ----- 1 e.:•o P O --.. ..... -....o ..... a I AfkUlldlr11 0 11*0 ... o IMtO ...... o I ::.::111&1•=-D1 1 1.1 ~ ~ .. "'' ts.:i:~ °"; 1 t .._ 0 L--=---=-~2::_~_.---~-:=-=------.-...w~ ...... M. -•• Encl the Pain and MiSery of Tirecl Aching reet· No matt.er how long you've 1;uffered -be it three months. or 30 years . No matter what your problems are---c:oms. calluses. pain in the balls of your feet, burn- ing nerve endings, painful ankles, old injuries, back· aches, or just plain sore ach- ing feet. When you slip a pair of FeatherspringsJ( into your shoes your pain will vanish almost in- stantly. You'll be able to stand, walk. dance. even nm in miracu- lous total comfort! What are Feathersprings? Well, they're a revolutionary foot support unlike anything you've ever seen before. Each pair is cui: Jm hand-formed and made for your feet alone. How do FeathenJprings work? Unlike conventional, rnas&-produoed devices, they actually imitate the youthful, elastic support Nature in- tends your feet to have. What do Feathenpri:ngs look like? They're all butinvis· ible . Men and women can e ven w ear them with open-backed sandals. And because you can change them from one pair of s h oes to another, one pair is all you'll ever need. Row many people have Featbenprinc• actually helped? As of today, over 2.250,000 people of all ages with all types ~root., leg and back problems. • are enjoying bleued relief they never thought possible. How do I know Feathenprlnp wWhelpme? Wea.reeocenainthatFeethenpring Foot SupporU will brina you reli4' with every step you take. that if they don't work for you ... we'll refund your money in fuJJ with no questions asked. Don't needlessly suffer pain and dis- comfort for another day. If your feet are killing you, Feathersprings will bring you relief. Write us for more detailed infonnation. The re is no ob- ligation. No salesman will call Just fill out and mail this coupon. Remember, you have nothing to lose but your pain. What people have to say about Feathersprinp ... -Received my wife's FeathA!rsprings two dayB ago. They are super-neithA!r • i1 of us can belU.ue thA! re-sults. ShA! ha,., had t,erri- ble feet for year~; al· ready no pain. In.Ci.den· tally. her sore knee is bett,er ... As a retired physician, this result is amazing.'' Or. C.O.C. Tucson, Arizona .. I was extremely skeptical whA!n I placed my order. and • was expecting t,o be dis- appoinl«J. Much t,o my surprise,/ foundalmoat immediate relief from knee and kg pains and corns on my right fool. wlaicJa wert a source of continuing pain and irrila· lion have cea1'«i to trouble me." J .CJ. Meridian, Miss. • ...,., 11¥ ~ moclllt t lft&':C:.-~s~~w~•1:t:1 ~---;w:---~-------------1 RAT-..• llnMAnoMl COllPOMnoll I 111• ... -... ........... l'W·122 I --.. wa Al an 1t111 • YES! I went 101Nm more lbo\jl ~ FMlh· ; ::'~.~-T.:-'i.r:~ I .,,.._, I~ lhll lher9 II no oOelgt-! tton end thll no .....,,_. wit call ; ,.,.,..._ I I t-~---~---.-... -.--.. -.... -.. -.-.... -.-t-.-..... -.--j· _________ ...., ____ ___ • TRUTH•TOLD From Tad Tuleja's new book, Fabulous Fallocies. here are some "easy" ques- tions we bet you miss: -Who killed Uaie Bor· den's parents? Not Lizzie; a trial found her not guilty. -What ethnic group In· stituted scalping in Amer- ica? It was the Dutch and the English who introduced it to the Indians. -What started the Great Chicago Fire? Not Mrs. O'Leary's cow. A reporter later admitted he made up that bull. -What is the tide of Whistler's most famous poJntlng? It's not about his mom. Try "Arrangement In Grey and Black * 1." -Whee was 1969's Woodstock concert? In Bethel. N.Y.. 40 mies away. -Who said. "Anybody who hates dogs and ~ can't ~ all bad'? At a Hollywood roast, author Leo Rosten said It about Evey 100 million years or ao throughout evolu- tlon ary history, entire species of p&anu and an~ maJs have disappeared. Sdenttm have debated why. but one theory cur- ~dy In vogue leyl ~t the dlne>Murs, for example, we. wtped out by a giant .-oed colidb 19 with the ..m. A tam at the Unlvenly W.C. Fields. -Who first said, "All we haue to fear Is fear Itself? F .D.R. actually paraphrased the line from several sources. going as far back as the 16th century. -Basdes Alaska, what is our northernmost state? Not Maine, not Wash- ington, It's Minnesota's tiny Northwest Angle peninsula. of Callfomla. Berkeley, headed by geologist Walter Alvarez, has reported that Ma-floor depotlts from some two dozen situ around the worid show a thin layer of clay With an abnormllly high level of 111dlum. en element rant Ir) anh rodes but common In ~Thec1eya.r11 adl1• d IO hllUe belr'l llkl down 65 m8on v-s •. . WINNING THE TUTGAll• Last year. over one million high-school students took the Scholastic Apti· tude Test -S .A.T. (The next test will be gl'llen in two weeks.) Those nerve-rack- ing. sweat-filled hours with a number-two pencil have been known to make - and break -the futures of many. The test is supposed to be foolproof, but author Michael Donner says he has discovered built-In flaws and exposes ways to ex- ploit them in his book. How to &at the S.A. T Donner, an expert game theorist. studied six full tests (some 1,000 que5'1ons) and told us the test should be looked upon as a game, with your opponent being the test maker. "It's his job to trick you," says Donner. "He wants to lead you Into picking the wrong answers." Your best bet Is ~ways applying the knowledge about the time ·dtnosaws and many smaller creatures became e.xtinct. Although other scientists believe the extinction was much more gradual, Alva- rez propoMS that upon im- pact 1 the giant asteroki - several miles In diameter - c.au.d the earth to be en- veloped ,by dust for months or yean, radk:aDy changing the climate or cutting off sunlight. ~ TN /fflfn#llP« ,,,.,,_,,.. .. , L .. lllffOll A ..• ,,..,,, ,,_,. H, Y., lcmJ Chairman Ind llublt111er Mof1on Frtnlt "-~,= ~~Publllller ~~-e.cueM lllltOf. """"Coapar r=-~=-~~ lllACE THa PACTS lf you have a long, angular face, you tend to be cheerful. assertive and prac- tical, though a tad naive. If yours Is a short, squarish mug, you're more apt to be moody. dependent, Imaginative and shrewd. Or. at least. so says a new study. Using skull X-rays. an English dentist identified 20 coun- trymen as being long faced and 20 as being short faced. you have. but Donner outlines 17 tactics to use when stumped, many geared to specific typeS of S.A.T. questions. Among his general rules· Avoid answers In the a,t,e col- umns (the choices that first come to mind for most peo- ple). avoid Identical an- swers on succeSSJve ques- tions. avoid nonanswers like "none of the above." Though the College Board has downplayed Donner's theories. he says, "My real aim ls to sensitize people to the mind of the tester. It's Uke a hunt: You must first conned with your prey." Then an American psycho- logist analyzed personality questionnaires filled out by all 40 persons. As reported recently In Psychology Today, the doc- tors' explanation for their conclusions Is admittedly if- fy. During maturation . when bones are soft . the way muscles are set can af- fect the shape of the bones. The duo speculates that during the childhoods of "I nhi b ited , socially confor- ming people," muscles around the temple and jaw might have tensed. result- ing In shorter faces. Along with expected folks like R~maJd Reagan. James Cagney and Art Camey. the lrlsh Consulate In New York reports that Irish roots can also be clalmed this St. Patrick's Day by such unlikely lads and lasses as Richard Nix· on, Gerald Ford. Barbara l'UNllYi THmY Stanwyck, Mary Tyler DON, .'T 1 M'oore and Anthony Quinn. LOOK RIH No blarney! BIRTHDAYS (All Pisces) SWMiay Michael Caine 49; Quincy Jones49. ~ -Judd Hinch 47. T~ -Pat Nixon 70; Jeny Lewis 56; Erik Estrada 33. w..... ct.y -Rudolf N~ 44: Patrick Duffy 33. Th~ -Chaney Prtde 43. fit. ~ -Ursula Andress 46. ~ -Hal L1nden 51. lll.IR,\ ICJ\J\ rl.~ You don't have to wait. It's here now! The help you need for catastrophic medical bills ... payable both IN and Otrr of the hospital. .1 can provide these added dollars /or covered sickness and accidents at a cost most families can readily afford. Yours o ver and above your basic hospital benefits. N early every American family has ir.s own horror story of the rampaging costs of an cxttemely long illness. Either the family knows such a story. or tbey have personally experienced it. Most people now realize that a famity·s earnings. bank accounts. entire life savings can be wiped out- ~ by the costs of a cawtrophic illness-the kind of illness (or accident) you hope against hope will never happen. but which. unfortunately. sometimes docs. FREE Forehead Thermometer A $L91 retaihahlt Newlave..- worb Ukt mapcl • Ca•'t lllatttr. •Ttlst~ .. ....... But even a cata.Mrophic illness need not be a finlo- Qal cataserophc. Now you can give yourself and your family the proccction JOO need against the runaway billt. . caused by catastrophic illness or accident · PRtNTE o •N us A • CUdrftl love It. • ~tocarry. '-FAMILY WEEKLY OROERCARO At Last. The Million Dollar Answer. (I I e • .._ B e • Holpltal tested. Mutual of Omaha's Cawtrophic Health~ Plan supplements the Wk coverage most pc<H pie have. which is fine for ordinary bills -but can·1 be expected 10 cover the cost of a truly catastrophic illness. M urual's new Plan provides up to Sl.000.000 procection for every member of yoor famil a MIU.JON doll.-s ayer apd aboVt your basic coverage. which may sound like more protecti you could possibly need. But some people may. tu~ly. hllVe lo use all or most o( it when f.ced Iona-term illness. That's when they11 be thankfi MYe Mutual's Catastrophic Heahhcare PllR. I tnswer to medical bills thaa can nan into hu thousands of dollan tod~ Why Cower'!lf )N. And our Of The Holpttal? . Wbtn deall"I with a Iona illncsa. when: costs of f'mm $110 to S200 a ct.y• arc in\I°' somctirKt economically and ~en thenpeut ldvilllblc to care for lbe plllieftl out of tbe bolpl Your pmem health lnsu~ plan rmiy only · hospital Cll'e. Thia pl•~ pllY wbcthcr dJc ~,,=Tc:'~ ....--11y IDd llborMOr)' euma Mail this postage free card today for FREE Forehead Therrnome tcr plus fa cts about t 1 I J , I I , I \ I I ) ' ). I • 1 • t'lt'd...C ~c 1h.u t l'f~<•"t' •hf nc .... I Ml J-t 1ttthC"o1J f hcr'""unc1cr ph.1\ foll f.h.I' .-k,.t111M rf.1"'.1 ... 111.tMf in m\ ""'•'''"th.ti th•"<' "htC~f'J Mk-..... ~-ll~ \fotu,11 11f Om•hd , C1t.,1rophlr M1jor ~1rdlt1I Plan th.At .... n IM'\)'tllk ur IP ~UXlO tM'JO .. uvcrnft" '°' t'..Ch mt'mt"Cr of m't 1 .. mtl) l>hablll) I~ plitn' thitl \.otR rro"1dt mt V.llh ur h• \~ .. ~00 00 ·• monlh i.... hen tt ulvC~ll ''\.~nc-'' ''' '"'"'• tJC"nl ~trl)' mt' rmm .... {K"~ln)l t if~ fMVTlfttt t tw-rli.up th•t ,,rrtn ·• '•" t'.1\\ rch l 11, .;hk ~ .... w Jt'ltrnunr-my c \i..t Mfll, .n.111 .. Nr v.uh 1tul ohha..-1oun ''''"" lln1tC'J 11f C >m •• h,, -11;;;-i11nt "'Nur !\1.-Mu1u1i1I t .-re htt\1)1t1i1I ,,Ii.en' t' .-m M ut ,, •• - - 1nrr l e postage paid reply card plus your FREE Forehead tifutual of Omahl. Mutual ,.ebnska 68175. aCla µ;eo..N.......,C-...eOt did ---~·C-. r LY U LAPRIL 15 1112 I Tiie Col ..... Ml•t A1t7 tm stllMlllll .._ l"'.W~ W ........ D.C. 20006 ,_, _ ___,.,.. ,, '°'* IOUl>OOU>11Cfl .,,...a.. _ _......,.AW ____ l«T i -IL~O.W PlolOl•l•lio-.... tl.- a.. l'll90(t). llJ. -....... -........ .. ................... ,_., .... ....,'° I .,..._..,._ I 01.-.._,,_.,,'----I o a.....__.,o ........, 0 Y1oo I o -...'- 1 Oail •----------------&---1 ...... _ _,,,_,.,,.,.._=-=--= .. ..,...-= • ..,. .. -_.,..,...._ I I ~·~---------------1 I c_, . ._,., _________ _ ... ______________ ...... ___ ._. __________ !!~~-" Solid 14K Gold 18" Serpentine Chain -$13 Until Aprll 18, 1982 We made a special gold purchase that you can now benefit from. We will send you a solid 14-karat gold float- ina heart free with every solid 18" 14- karat gold serpentine chain you pur- chase for only SIJ each. plus SI for postaae and handling, And if you·re not ·absolutely delighted with your purchase. you may re tum your chain for a prompt refund and either way. the floating heart is yours to keep. free of charae ! If you order 3 or more cha.ins (floating heart included with each chain) before April 11. 1982. we will pay an shipping and handlina charaes. There is 11 limit of ten 14- karat gold chains per address. No re- quests will be accepted past mid- night, April 18 . 1982. Any orders postmarked later will be returned . You tnlAY charge your order to any m~r credit card. Just aive us the name of the card, account number and expiration date or send appropri· ate sum toaether with your name and addres~ to: l•terutto .. 1 M•et•l'l. Ml•t, Dept. SGC·405l. 390 Pike Road. Huntiqdon Valley, Pennsyl· vania 19006. 0 1"'21-tioNI ,..._, • .,. Mllll NON-METAL APS SAVE HEELS Quiet, No-Skiet, lllvn~ s ..... _, T. h '-'•-... J montM ,_ • 10U9 -t"HCHfOtK Amazing polyurethane taps keep Meis Plfflct. for months.~ more~. MHtown hells or costly trips to the shoe rtplir man. Altlctl In seconds to any heel, and no one can llllvou're wearing lips. Men or ladles size. KICKSHOl llMllCOSTS TODAYI Mol•t>"*' ""'"''"· ~ !~:!~~:.I.~ HALE HER COMPANY 57 Chip Rd., Middlefield. Mau. 01243 ...,.,. .... ... ... M1Y10_, I ................ -.,_..., ............... o.... ...... ...__ ... eo.,.tt ... _ ..... _ _,_ ......... FAMILV WEEr<LY. March 14. 1962 Canada's ~ Last Silver Dollar M•rcla 1982, PbiladelpbiL IMM announced today that it is releasing for saJe a small cache of recently disrovered . Canadian .. Flying Goose" legal tender silver coins. Silver dollars today happen to be the most collected type of coin in the world. However, due to the unstable price of silver bullion, one government after another has discontinued their minting. This historic 'Canadian ·'Flying Goose.. silver dollar-struck in .800 fine silver and measuring a large 36mm-was issued for just one year. Its design is therefore ex- tremely rare. Moreover, it is Canada's last sil~er dollar struck for circularion. lntemational Monetary Mint is offering these btil- liant uncirculated .. Flying Goose .. silver dollars at the special investor opportunity price of only SJO el!Ch. You may never have a better opportunity to own rare Canadian silver dollars. Investors may purchase from I to I 0 individual coins at this priQC until supplies are el.hausted. Because of the extremely limited number available. orders will be filled on a first-come, first- served basis with a strict limit of 10 coins per customer. Important: Collectors are just now beginning to realize that upwards of 80 percent of Canadian silver dollars have been melt'ed down for bullion during the last few years. And since they are vastJy more scarce and yet. surprisingly. more economical than comparable U.S. issues, Canadian silver dollars have begun to experience marked rises in value. According to one numismatic expert "Canadian silver dollars are at the stage U.S. silver dollars were a decade ago-but many, many times rarer. the best grades are going fast." All 1967 "Flying Goose .. sil•1er dollars from this cache are Brilliant Uncirculated and are accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity to that effect. Coins classified .. Brilliant Uncirculated .. have never been placed in &t:neral circulation and are still in mint state condition. To qualify for this offering. call Lee Collins toll free at 1-800-345-8502, (in Pa. call our speciaJ operator at 1~800-662-5180). Dept. CDD· ?703 for credit card orders. or send check or money order in the full amount to: lntemationaJ Monetary Mint. Dept. <DD-?703 . 390 Pike Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006. An additional $2.75 is requested to cover insurance. postage and special handling per order. In the event that coins are no longer available when your oroer is received. your uncasbed chec'"k or money order will be promptly returned. If not satisfied, you may return your Canadian silver dollars in the original condition within 14 days for a full refund. This offer expires April 12 . 1982. ::J l~UIMM.lec.. A Would You Like A Norman Rockwell Collectof 's Edition Plate For $4? A~ part of an advertising progrnm com- missioned by International Collection Finders. we will send a Norman Rock- well Collector's Edition Plate to any reader of this publication who responds to this notice by midnight April 18 for the sum of S4 plus SI shipping and han- dling. There is no further financial obli- gation. These plates feature Norman Rockwell's famed family·~ four seasons scenes in glowing colors on a back- ground of highest quality pore white porcelain. Each 6Yz" plate is highlighted wiah 22-karat gold trim. Please indicate choice of design from: Spring'· Young .. Love, Summer Carnival. fall School Days. or Winter Morning when you make your request. Or. you may pur- chase the complete edition of all four for a special price of $13 plus $1 ship- ping and handling. You save S6 over the individual price. There will be a strict limit of two sets (or 8 collector et.lition plates) per address. at a cost of only $25 postage paid. That's a savings of $15 over the individual price. These collec- tor's pl9les make a beautiful display and make valued gifts. This program is being conducted simulta neously in other publications. If you see it in more • .~ . than one. please let us know as this information is important to us. Should •you wish to return your Norman Rock- well plates. refunds will be promptly made. No requests will be accepted past midnight April 18. Any checks postmarked later will be returned un- cashed. We will also accept credit card orders. Just give us the name of the card. account number and expiration date. Or. send appropriate sum to- gether with your name and address to: hlttrnldonal Colectioe Finders, Dept. #NPL-4027, 390 Pike Road. Hun- tingdon VaJley. Pennsylv-ctnia 19006. ~ NII! l""'1W ...... C"< ... i_ F ........ ----- Tall&Big Men Send for Finally, you ::,r.t• ... ectk>n of great-looklng dothn that !!!!. lnstMd of getting told lhott in at«• tn.t ~ny only a limited M1ect1or1' 1n your 11.re. Mnd f0t 12 peges of smart· loolung clothes guvanlMd to ht! * Brand-name shirts up to 22" neck and 38" sleeve * Slacks and 1eans to 60" waist and 38" inseam * Jackets and outerwear to size 60 • Shoes. boots. work shOeS. and sneaken to size 16EEE Wh8ta guarentMI Your oroer from The t<tng-S.Za Compeny .. GUARANTEED both BEFORE and AFTER-tng. ... 111ng, or dry c .. an1ng Unleu you •• fully utllfied. you may tend 11 beCll tor a II refund or ••c:han9e I .... .ild IN .... KING-SIZE Co Ml~ I CetM>g IO tna at hi addr9M belOw I I ... T ......... .._... __ ----- 1 -·--~----------'M*tl9-----------I I°" ... __ ,. __ I !JI ----SI .,. t '""M~~za: ------------------~ ~.9Nctl-. llA.N402 - • Eliminate up to inches of Tummy Bulge :th TOJA( I \,l ~ s1195 ..,., ....,~ 1111,. Clll'fld Only ...... FABULOUS FEATURES • Tu.-y Clfllrll • UMlr bra CIMrtl • Dlrrlwt cenlrtl • W1"1 1llM111klg • Under 11'11 tlulg1 cantrol LOOK TALLER AND SLIMMER Aluz ... -................ ,.., IMrlet ............................ lllVI "'1ed ............ wltll .............. ................................... Tiii •n -1 ti ....... lhldl '*Ir ni. .... wilt .. fth!Mtmyac1 I ... .,... ... I.el ........... "'_..,.... .. _ ., ...... Wlllt liHI 24 .. 34 ST195 aa. ..... Sfl.915 10 Qay frtt Trl1I 1rW-r1t11· ...,. W•N "'''"".,._" .. , ............. ,__ , ............ "' ,,.. ,....., "lilll ,., ... ,, .. r·----,RH TRIAL COUPON ----...._..._~~ 1ttTA27, · L,,.._, N.Y. 111a """' "'Y TOTAL to "''If oner 1111 It •OI .... Y1""'0 I noec!-<1 I llft l\O\ ~I NY '""'" 11 IOf 11111 ..,,_p11a•rfllno WMIWt Ol!ftCfla.. ll<j11ittt11~-- U I tndOH pay-P'•S S 7S '"'"'"9 Cfl.,Otl U S...CS COO I lf1Cl01t St~ eoocl·••M Otooslt I w~I pay llOSllH • !ht 1111...ct ptu\ COO '"'DOI~ CllM9ft ·-------Mdlftt __________ _ CttylSlllt Zip----..__.._....;;;_.._ _____ ...-;.._;:.;.,;..,;,.;.-...1....1r.. 1t1 SUl•,........OIUM--•tMtSMi Tu '?