HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-05 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 1:1111 YDll HlllTlll UllY PIPll MONDAY. APRIL ~. 1982 OHANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Foreign .secretary resigns ' • • • r1ta1n LONDON (AP) -British Foreign Secretary Lord Carring- ton resigned today, taking res- ponsibility of a diplomatic !allure to prevent Argentina's seizure of the Falkland Islands that Britain threatens to retake by force. Carrington quit only hours af- tel"'lhe aircraft carrier Invincible, leading Britain's mightiest fleet since it tried to prevent Egypt's takeover of the Suez Canal 26 • years ago, steamed out of the southern naval base at Port- smouth on an 8,000-mile, two- week expeditibn to recapture the Falklands. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher accepted the resigna- tion after three days of mounting demands from newspapers and lawmakers -including members of the ruling Conservative party -for the 62-year-old Carrington and Defense Secretary John Nott to be sacked over what cr itics called the Falklands debacle. "In my view, much of the cri- ticism is unfounded but I have been responsible for the conduct of the policy," said Carrington's letter of resignation. "I think it right that I resign." • Mrs. Thatcher told Carrington in a letter that she accepted his resignation with "a heavy • h eart" after failing to dlaauade him fro m his "unalterable decision.'' Carrington's resignation ended a three-year tenure ..at the Fore- ign Office, during which he was credited with solving Britain's most intractable colonial problem when he negotiated independen- ce for Rhodesia, now black-ruled Zimbabwe, two years ago. Nott also tendered his resigna- tion but Mrs. Thatcher refused it, telling him in a letter she needed him to continue "as our forces prepare for the possibility of ar- med action. I have the fullest confidence in your ability to car- ry out the crucial tasks ahead." Two of Carrington's aides, Deputy Foreign Secretary Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce, Foreign Office minister of state for Latin America, also tendered resignations which were accepted. 1 "God speed Invincible!" shou- ted 30,000 Britons at the Port- smouth har,bor as the 19,500-ton carrier stacked with Harrier vertical-takeoff jets and Sea King anti-submarine helicopters put to sea. A flotilla of destroyers and frigates prepared to follow it. Argentine President Leopoldo Galtieri said his nation would go ' • arms or action to war with Britain to defend the ialanda 250 miles off the Araen- tine cout. HlJ forces eeiz.ed the archipelago Friday after 149 years of British rule. In the Falklanda, the invaders dug in, impoeed a 24-hour curfew on the 1,800 staunchly pro- Britiah Wanders, threatened jail terms for resisters to Argentfne rule and decreed Spanish the official language. Most islanders are sheepherders of English and Scotti.ah ancestry. Argentina announced that its forces also occupied South Geor- gia, an island dependency of the F'alklanda 800 miles to the east. But the garrison of 22 British marines on the island was repor- ted to have killed three invaders, raising Argentiii.a's casualties to four dead and two wounded. No British casualties have been re- ported. British Defense Secretary Nott claimed the marines destroyed one of the Argentines' helicop- ters and damaged one of their ships before they were over- whelmed. Argentine naval sour- ces denied this. Meanwhile, the British gover- nor of the Falklands, Rex Hunt, and the 82 marines captured with him Friday were Clown home. I • ., ...... '"' BEADING FOR FALKLANDS -Youth Invincible as she leaves Portsmouth. England wearing Union J ack hat.a and waving flags bid Harbour bound for Falkland Islands. farewell to Royal navy aircraft carrier HMS FDA s till 111u111 County a~aits .-word on salmon By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of"'h DellJ Not ..... An Orange County health de- partment official says he was still awaiting word today from the Food and Drug Administration on whether or not to begin spot checks of grocery stores for types of canned salmon now subject of a voluntary recall. weekend on whether to begm spot checks. That no word had yet been received, Merryman said, "1s kind of good news" because it may indic.ate that affected can.5 of salmon were not distributed to Orange County outlets. "We're just in a holding pat- . tern nght now," Merryman said. Mi s hap e nds 'race' DUMPED OVER DEBACLE -Britain's Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, left, Dep- u ty Foreign Secretary Humphrey Atkins, center, and Richard Luce, minister of state at the Foreign Office, all have resigned in_ the \\fake of Argentine seizure of the Falkland Is- lands. Salmon canned by five Alaska fisheries and marketed under more than a score of brand names may contain botulism toxin be- cause of can d efect s. Only 7 ~-ounce size cans are involved. 3 crashes injure Twis t e r s, avalanc h e ·wild weather kills 49 The current thrust of the FDA's investigation is to deter- mine, via distribution records, where the canned salmon was shipped, and if any found its way to supermarket shelves. By late last week, major area supermarket chairu were chec- king their canned salmon stocks against a long list of can codes distributed by the FDA. By Tbe Aasoclated Pre11 A wild spring weekend o f snow. high winds, forest fires and tornadoes bore down on the nation, forcing 200 people to flee Sierra Nevada avalanches, en- gulfing Virginia homes in flames and killing 49 people in a swath of swirling d estruction from Texas to Indiana. "I bet it didn't take five mi- nutes for that house to burn down," said Ernest Brookins, a resident of Suffolk, Va., where 17 homes were destroyed Sunday by forest fires fanned by 50 mph winds. Snow p i led 21 feet d eep at Norden in Northern California, threatening avalanches today WORLD while rescue workers attempted to determine how to search for two more Victims at the l\lpine Meadows ski resort. An avalan- che there Wednesday killed six. Winds gusted to 81 mph Sunday in Johnstown, Pa., u lhe storm moved east after spawning weekend tornadoes that kJlled 28. In Arkansas, where 13 died in twisters, Gov. Frank White pul- led a family Bible out of the de- bris in Conway as workers loa- ded the remaining possesmona of Ruby Stubits, 73, onto a pickup truck. Her cedar chest was broken. "My husband bought that for me the first year we were mar- Korean leader 's son rejected TOKYO (AP) -North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly today re-elected President Kim D-sung but unexpectedly did not give the vice-president. seat to }\is aon and pre;$UMed successor, Kim Jong-il, Japan's Kyodo News 8ervice said. · NATION -They 'argue' with Reagan Art Hoppe finds a family in Upper Suoootash that 1eem1 to be happy at the prospect of being jobJesa. Page A6. 2-way radio speaks loudly Titlea have always been a status 11mboJ ln ~uhlncton. Now it'• your twc>way radio. Pace B3. •• t . 1\ ' ried, and I thought more of that than I did all the rest of the furniture put together," she said. The remnants of the storm pushed eastward Sunday, lea- ving 9 inches of snow in some areas of M ichigan. About 500 motorists stranded in Grand Ra- pids on Saturday were able to return to the roads Sund ay. Several thousand customers were without power around the state. In Illinois, the storm knocked 18 trailer homes off their foun- dations in suburban Chicago on Saturday and blew a OC-9 off a taxi strip while it was moving to a runway at O'Hare Intemationa Airport. T he r e were n o pas- (See STORMS, Page AZ) I STATE Should the FDA determine that some of the suspicious sal- mon has been distributed to retail outleta, it would then notify the county health officials to conduct spot checks of grocery stores, said Robert Merryman, the county's director of environmental health. U those checks confirmed that cans bearing codes matching those on the FDA's list were on the shelves, health department ins p ectors w ould intens ify checks, Merryman said. Merryman said he had expec- ted to receive some word from the FDA on Friday or over the N uclear plant closes SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Rancho Seco nu- clear power plant will be out of operation about a month for repairs. The plant's owner, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, reported that one 'of four 0 makeup water nozzles" of the plant is cracked, and the thennal sleeve on another Js loose. COUNTY Yach t race on horizon Preparation. are under way for the annual "happening" that ia the workl'• laramt (and aborteet) international yacht race. See Al Lockabey'a report, Pap Bl . A 12 in south county What California H1ghwa) Patrol officers described as a ·speed contest in Dana Point re5- ulted in one of three accidents that injured 12 motorists this past weekend in the South County area. Two Porsches driven by Allen Johnson, 34, of Long Beach, and Gary Crocker, 34, of Lakewood were racing sou th on Coast Hishway into Dana Point Sun- day afternoon at speeds up to 75 mph, according to the Highway Patrol. The car driven by Johnson apparently sideswiped the Crocker vehicle, sending it out of control and into a telephone pole near Street of the Green Lan- tern. Mrs. Barbara Crocker is listed in serious but stable condition at Mission Community Hospital. Both drivers, and Johnson's pas- senger, Sharon Newman, 28, of Long Beach, suffered minor in- juries. INDEX In another ac c ident , a 16-year-old El Toro boy and his unidentified companion suffered minor injuries when their car collided with a vehicle driven by Alfred Bauer. 49, also of El Toro Friday night at El Toro Road and Toledo. One of lhe two female juveniles in the Bauer car suffered major injuries and is being treated at Mission Community hospital. Highway Patrol officers said that the 16-year old driver was apparently not at fault, but is being invesUgated on charges of drunken driving. A 19-year old Tustin man was seriously injured Saturday around noon when he lost control of h is motorcycle on O rtega. Highway 16 miles east of the Santa Ana Freeway and collided. h ead -on with a car driven by. Sidney Cavanaugh, 39, of Idyll- wild. At Your Service A4 Bl B2 B5 AS B2 ~~beck Business_ Calif omia Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment 01,03-6 B4 B4 02 A6 Hormcope Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News B2 B2 C5-6 AS 02 Cl-3 B5 C4 C5-6 A2 A3 C5-6 SPORTS Huge crowds watch events The Dodgers took a 5-f Freeway ~from the Anf:el1 before 62,267 at Anaheim Stadium. Mean- wh le, 82,000 watched NJkl Lauda win the Lona Beech Grand Prix. Pqe Cl. p • il 8 • Orange Oout DAILY PILOTIMond1y, Aprtt &, 110 ~\ · --~~~~~~~~~------D-y~n-a-m~it~e •'• Continued stories 'dumped' STORMS KIUL 49 . . . Mf\i.,1'1 aboard the Eaatem Air-Un a jet and the crew .vaa not I~. Snow ln w•tem Pennsylvania cau.ed a{l 11-vehlcle accident on Intentate 79 that claimed two Uvee. Wind• toppled a Conrail frel1~t train carrying chlorine crywtall throuah Indiana, forcing the evacuation of 200 remdentl ol LaPorte County. In Angola. a Tri-State University professor waa killed when a tree limb hit him. One hundred forest fires in Virginia scorched 3,500 acres Sunday, but there were no re- port.a of serious injuries. Winds ~.g to 50 mph fanned the The.re were nine major fires in North Carolina. At least one home and three house trailers were destroyed as the fires ad- vanced before f6 mph wlnda. "We haven't had weather thla bid in 19 or 20 years." said Tom He1ele of the atate Foreat Ser- vice. Tomad~ caUled l'Nllt of the deatha over the weekend, inclu- d Ing 13 in Arkanaaa, nine in 1 Texu, three in M!uiaalppi and two in Mlalouri. The death toll ln Arkanau reached 14 when a po- liceman in Conway was struck by a car and kllled at a road block afte~he 1tonn. Other twlaten touched down in Ohio, Tenneasee, Kentucky, Indiana, Louisiana, Pennsylva- nia, Illinois and Oklahoma. States reporting other weather-related deaths were: Wisconsin, 4; California, 7; Vir- ginia, 1: Ohio, 1: Minnesota, l ; Michigan, 1; Georgia, 1; Ne w York, l ; Pennsylvani•, 2; and Indiana, 1. on road Orange County aberill'• office bomb IQ.uad lnvetU&atora aately removed nearly 200 pound• of dynamite Sunday that wu found by the aide of Newport Avenue in Orange. Sheriff'• Lt. Wyatt Hart aaid the recovered expbives included two cues of dynamite, two cues of booster prfmen and detona- tors. While the explosive• were being retrieved, the California Highway Patrol blocked off Newport Avenue between Chapman and Rocking Hone avehues. Orange Fire Depart- ment also was called to the tcene. Planner to appeal CROPS LOST TO RAIN -Ruined artichokes are inspected by Joe Micheli of the 3,700-acre Sea Mist Farms near Castroville. Artichoke fields ~ve received 21 inches of rain for April 5 this year compared to 12 inches for the same date in 1981. The crop is wilting from too much water. Castroville is known as the "artichoke capital of the world." Hart said it appeared the ex- plosives had been "dumped" by the side of the road. The nearest structures were about a half mile away. However, if the explosives had detonated, he said, any pas· sing motoriats could have been seriously hurt. The sheriff's official said the dynamite would pr~bably be ta- ken to a nearby military bue. \ plaza • • tax re1ect1on Hunt-Wesson hit by fire Irvine Planning Cmnmissioner Ray Catalano says he~u probably appeal last Thursday's commis- sion rejection of his proposal to make d evelopers of Douglas P laza guarantee their taxes wo~d offset costs of city services. Commissioners decided on a 3-1 vote to reject his plan. They said such fiscal regulations shou- ld be included in new zoning re- gulations under discus.tjon for the Irvne Industrial Complex-West. Dou~ Plaza is at Martin and Von Kann.an m Irvine. Catalano. who was absent Thursday, proposed last month that the plaza s hould agree to make up annual differences in city costs after a fiscal report re- \.ealed that economic benefits of two new oUice towers would be what he called "marginal." A suru1a.r type agreement a.iso exists between the city and the Fall kills tee n ARCAD IA (AP) -A 16-year-old boy died after falling 40 feet in the Angeles National Forest while on an outing with fellow students from Los An- geles' Manual Arts High School, said sherif~'s Sgt. ~.ark A. Thompson. Simon Francu;co Bo- nilla of Los Angeles was trying to cross a waterfall when he fell about noon, Thompson said. Irvine Company concerning de- velopment i:ights for the propos- ed Irvine Center. Catalano said such agreements are "good business" because they prevent the city Crom approving projects that could drain its trea- sury. But Commission Chairman John Carlyle said he voted against the proposal because he would rather see such require- ments built into new zoning· modifications under way for the huge business and office com- plex. "There's a potential for a pre- cedent that bothers me," he ex-• plained. "Development agree- ments take a long ume to work out." By standardizing the require- ments, the city also could prevent administering a series of "unique little development agreements" that vary from site to site, he said. Carl'{le, Lyn Calerdine and Lowel Johnson voted against the proposal. Mary Ellen HadJey supported it. Catalano said that he agrees with the broad brush approach but isn't sure if it can or will be implemented. Thus, he said he'll probably ask the city council to reconsider the dec.ision. Douglas Plaza currently in- cludes one nine-story office to- wer. Plans call for two more as high as 13 stories each. A fire of undetermined origin caused an estimated $500,000 damage today to a Fullerton plant where hydrogen is inserted in fOod products manufactured by Hunt-Wesson Foods Inc. No injuries were reported in the fire that erupted before sun- rise '\his morning. The plant is at the corner of Brookhurst and Commonwealth streets. Fire officials said a Hunt- Wesson work crew was on duty at the plant when the fire broke o ut. Hydrogen is inserted into products like cooking lard to solidify it. Investigation into the cause of the blaze is continuing. Rally aids national debt ABINGOON, Va. (AP) -The federal government's $1 trillion national debt has been reduced by $950 as a result of a fund- raising rally to get the United States out of the red. "All ideas start small and ho- pefully we won't let this end with us tonight," said 'Carroll Dale, a former Green Bay Packer star who is now a strip-mine operator in Southwest Virginia. Chance of show.e-rs t l Temperatures .. --~-------..i ........... Plll NATION 'Js 11 ""'· Alt>enof Clf Coastal Albuque 74 42 di AmwlllO 83 41 ccty Conaldef1ble h~ovdlneu Anchbreoe 35 13 ccty AINMlle 68 4& rn lhf'ougll T~ of tight Atlentl 69 41 m lhaw«a late T~ay becoming Atlentc Cty 47 38 ccty 20 percent. Llttl• temperature Balttmore 50 43 "' dlange. Higha today and Tlilllday • Blrmlngnm 88 38 m 82 to 88. Lows ton~ht 48 to 53. BlllNlldt 22 15 ccty Elelwtlere, lrom olnt Conoep-8olM 48 34 ccty lion to the MH lcan bordlf and Bocton 43 38 cir au1 eo mllee: Nortri-t wind• 1s Btowmvlle 88 71 ccty 10 25 lmota and 4 to 6-loot -BufflllO 22 20 ccty •• I ... C-44 11 me outer lllend•. w..ieny to Char1Stn SC 78 57 m ~ -~ to 18 knot wind• with 2 to 4-loot Cttar11tn WV S4 41 m ih••••• \•••·•,,.••• O••h14•d wind WIYH Tuead91111ernoon. Cttarttte NC 73 44 m KmIIII ---=== West~ awells 2 to leel. Mostly CheyenM 82 26 ctr high cl uda through Tuesday. Chlc:ego 311 20 .,, Low cloud• Increasing Tuesday ~tl 47 33 m wllu chenca ol ll9hl ~w•r• Cleveland 31 25 ccty CALWOftHIA late Tuead1y Columbu• 37 28 .... Hf Lo Pqi ~tWth 911 51 Cir AP9ie Valley tl3 3& U.S. summary Denver 70 31 dr a.keratleld 87 55 Del Mel.-41 22 .,, a.r.tow 70 63 Sno"' fall In the Wesl and In Oe1ro41 32 20 "' a..umont 63 u New England, Whlle the MldwMt Duluth 24 04 Qr Big Bair 53 25 was hit by bllzzardt pecking El Peso eo 51 .dr Bllh«> 87 32 wind• up to 70 mph aa wintry Fetrbenks 28 ~ ccty 81y1he 82 48 -•'* continued 10 l)OUf'd the Hartford 43 42 Cir Cltalinl 88 52 n.non. I Helene 37 18 ... CulYs City 70 4~ Snow wH ecattered Sunday HOnolulu 82 89 ccty Eureila 58 38 .23 from the Sleff• Neved• and Ca. Houston 72 85 cdy Freano 61 49 1c1de1 throu8h th• northern lndnaplis 43 27 In t.ancuter 57 45 RocklH, the raat LakH and Jlldtanvlle 80 50 ccty Long a.aoh 67 52 "'-England. Ju~ 3& 17 cir Loe Angeles 88 52 l<ene City 48 31 cir Mwyavllll 511 44 Up to a loot ol •now accumu-La Veg• 73 53 ccty MonroYll 71 ~ feted In ~ 1reH around th• OrMI Lek ... bloetllng hlghw9yl Uttll Rock 88 47 elf MontebellO 10 48 and stranding hundred• ot moto-Loull'lllle 55 37 m MonteNY 5e 411 Memphll ee 40 m' Ml. Wllaon 411 32 rtlta. . MIMll 8t 72 ccty ....., ... eo 52 Wlnd1 pllgued p1rt1 ol the MllwaukM 211 15 "' Newport Beech 63 55 Greet Belln. the OrMt Lakw r• glon, northern Nevada and nor-Mpi...8t.P 32 13 '" Olk land 58 47 .01 tharn Ullh, and knocked out Nuhvllle ee 44 m Ontario 85 51 el9c:trlc•I HrVICI .. In -•tered "'-O!'leWll 73 51 m Pllm~ eo !50 communlll•• lrom Michigan to · New Yont 43 33 ccty p~ ee 50 N.w Yont'1 ~ 116and. Norfolk 72 57 m PMO Roblel 82 45 Wind uc> to 4 ~fanned fo. Olde City 75 48 ccty RMrllde 83 50 rwt "'-In North ollna. with Omltll 44 22 ccty Red Bluff 117 )3 gu1t1 clocked 11 • record 1'8 C>nando 82 83 ccty Redwood City 57 47 .oe mph atop Orandfether Mountain. PhlledpNa 44 34 ccty Sacr.-ito 57 41 Tem~alutM remetMld In the Ptloenbt 81 54 ccty Sel"'-' &4 44 .09 ,_,. M=, with the wind' Pltte~ 29 21 .... San 8em¥dln0 63 50 -•Ing • -cNll t1C1or of 40 Piiand, 44 33 cir San Qebf111 70 50 belOw -o 1n aome .,_. Ptland. Ora 52 41 m San FfWIClllCo 58 ... • 01' TempetaturN eround the ne-A.pd City SS 18 a: Sante """ ee 54 llon at mld-dey Sunday renged Aano 42 " ............ ee ... fl'om 13 11 w.,-oect, Minn., to 911 Rldwnond 70 52 m Senta...,. 81 47 If FOf1 ~ ~. a.it Like 48 35 ody 8anle Monica 85 50 Seet1lt 48 " m Stodlton es ... California St Loula 50 32 ., Tlt!MV..., ,.. 211 St P-Ternpe 11 eo ody ThenNI 113 57 St Ste Men. 11 Oii dr Torrance es 113 Mo<e than 200,000 people -spoei-31 33 ody )oY*f Sout"-tn Cellfornla .,.... TUC90t\ n 411 ody 'ANAlmNCAN ~ llffldlY undef eunny ...... Tulle 11 47 """ ~ 91 72 during a ..-end brMk In the Wlllhlngtn M 47 ., 8ert>ldOe 15 711 .tonne IMt hr'9 tie.'! b8ttertnQ Wichita • 43 ody 9armude 71 63 IN region. The belmy tempefetUree won't be felt egllln !Of el \Mat -'°"*' couple o:.::J:e 11ld Natlonel SUIF ·11PIRT r WM I her apokeewomell 1 e-.v-. SklM • beoOIM oonalderttlly dOUdy Tuaedey. Ind .,_.. .,. I mcpectad w..:-= and T'llln-~°"'9 . '• tt0tm llft .M hurl-... ... .-............ dredtll• of M lnoh et th• LOI .... •• -,,,. ... -..., NlfllM ()Moc.Mr tor.~ . 1:: ..... 2 10 ' 2 w ..,... of 10-04 ..... v--. Mid. 1 2 10 ,. t w The MMOfl •Wt:rw to date I• 11.71 ll'ICMe. L .. =et thle ....._. I S 10 1 2 w ............ of hid .... Ian :'Cr c;::r. S II• 10 2 s w OUttooll Ti . -. .... uf .. ~ ... ""· • Bogota CurlCIO Guldatajlte Guedeloupe HIYlnl Klngtton Montago Bay MIWlllart Merida Mllllc:o City CANADA C•lgatY Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Reo!n• TOfonto VWIOO\Nef Winnipeg Exteruled forecast ee 40 88 79 114 48 87 73 85 78 87 73 79 72 711 81 102 70 87 58 18 I 14 ~ 33 2tl 30 18 17 -1 25 18 50 3e ae 20 COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Scattered 1howeu , Wedneeday and Th\ndey. Pat11y cloudy ~rlday. Hight In lh• COHiii NCtlon• In the 801 Md mountain rMOrt1 36 to 411. LOWI 1n the OOMtal ., ... 45 to 116 alld -""' .,.. In lhe 20a. 'Tidea TOOAY 8econd 1ow 1:st p.m. o.e Second high e:oo p.m. 4.t TUllDAY • Flrlt 1ow 1:49 a.m. o.e Flrlt hW\ 7:41 11.m. U s-ioiow 2:11 p.m. o.• 8.oond high 1:06 p.m. 5. 1 • Sun Htt today at 1:'7 p.m .. l1Ma 1'*°9Y et 11:34 Lm. Moon ne.. todlly It 2:48 p.m., • eel&~ It 4:2f L & . I Closing books I I SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A private 1tudy hu found that Sa Ftancilco'• alll.na llbr ayatem can be cured b dot1nc 2e branch• maintain the curren ~~ Reagan sets union talks WASHINGTON (AP) Union leaders in the receaaion- plagued construction industry are mounting an intense lobbying campaign in hopes of ma.king the Reagan administration anci Con- gress work harder for a business turnaround. The No. 1 priority of some 4,- 000 building trades union repre- sen ta.ti ves gathered in the na- tion's capital is restoration of jobs in the hard-hit construction in- dustry. President Reagan was to ad- dress today's opening ses&on of the AFL-CIO's Building and Construction Trades Department legislative and political conferen- ce. Bank for sale BABY PANDA DEBUTS -Dan Dan, a 37 -pound, 6-months-old panda ap))ears to be waving as she makes debut Sunday at Peking Zoo. The panda, held by Yen Guoyin, was conceived by artificial insemination. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - The federal agency that insures bank deposits has reversed it.!el! and will try to find a buyer for a Humboldt bank which closed following allegations that ~9 million was misused, the chair- man of the bank said today. Here, the young executive wiJI find the trim lines, taste and quality he seeks at a reasonable price ... and a lso an attractive alternative in terms of colorings. The poly- ester and wool blend, tailored on our exclusive 2-button model comes in multi- stripes on slate blue or grey, and Glcnur- q u hart plaids of grey or tan. Coat and trousers. $165 ISTAIUSHID 1111 ~~h (~~~}) L J'urnlshlng9 for Mm . Women ~·Boys 530 WEST 7TH STRHET, LO ANGF.LBS. CALlf. FASHION ISLAND. NHWPORT 86ACH. CALIR a • ' ., - FLIGHT DECK VIEW -This graphic view from the flight deck of the shuttle Columbia while in Earth orbit, shows the vertical tail assembly projecting upward between the rear engine pods. The payload is in the rear of the I# WliepllOlo cargo bay, foreground. The remote manipula- tor system, the Canadian-built arm, top left, handles the plasma diagnostics package to study the interaction of the shuttle with its environment in space. Nation's savings rate failing Spending more and banking less a boon to economy WASHINGTON (AP) -Con- trary to President Reagan's claims, the nation's savings rate is falling, not rising. But for now, at least. it's proba6ly a good thing for the economy. As many economists aee it. if Americans were banking more 'and spending less. the already slow sales pace in many indu- stries would slacken further, al- most surely lengthening and IDll llllYlll worsening the recession. The Reagan administration hopes increased savings event- ually will create a pool of in- vestment money big enough to finance both busines.1 expansion and huge federal deficits -red ink now expected to be $100 bil- lion or more for at least the next few years. That's an important matt.er for the long t.erm, all right, and one much debated by politicians and t!<:Onomista. But at a time most of the nation is struggling to pul! out of recession? Hepatitis outbreak ~traced to eatery The president himself proclai- med savings progress in his re- cent speech to the National As- sociation of Manufacturers and again last week in remarks to the National Association of Realtors. "There's also been a quiet, steady but important improve- ment in the rate of growth of personal savings, a rate that had been declining at alarming mar- gins before we ~e into office," he said. The savings picture must improve "and is improving," he said in the NAM speech. ATLANTA (AP) -A hepa- titis outbreak that afflicted 55 people in New Jersey and forced the immunization of 1,400 others can be traced to employees at a ?.1exican food restaurant, the Centers for Disease Control re- ported. "That's a nice-sized outbreak," said Dr. Miriam Alter of the CDC's Phoenix hepatitis unit. "We'll have maybe 1,000 food handlers a year reported with hepatitis A. but only maybe four or five outbreaks a year. Trans- mission is not all that frequent." An increase in hepatitis A was reported to the New Jersey De- partment of Health June 15, the Atlanta-based CDC reported. An investigation revealed 56 cases in the first three weeks of June in an area of Monmouth County, .J., where the U8Ual average is three or four cases a month, CDC said. Further study revealed that 55 of the patients had eaten at the same M exican restaurant - identified by New Jersey Health Department official Ben Mojica as Taco Town, located in Mid- dletown. The restaurant agreed to. close pending further. investi- gation, CDC said,and never reo- pened, according to Mojica. All those afflicted in the out- break recovered, "as far as I know," Dr. Alter said. Interviews conducted after the outbreak revealed that one of the restaurant's 10 workers - all handled food -had hepatitis A symptoms in early Ma~. and was confirmed to have it on May 16, 1981. He had worked, handling food and serving customers, while displaying the symptoms, CDC said. A second employee showed signs of hepatitis at the time of the mid-June interviews. As a preventive measure, a clinic was held .lune 19-20 to give immunizations of gamma globu- . tin to 1,430 people who had eaten at the restaurant from June 5 until the restaurant closed In mid-June. The rate, measuring new per- sonal saving as a percentage of after-tax income, was 5.1 percent in the final quarter of 1980 and dropped to 4.6 percent in the first quarter of 1981 as the new ad- ministration took over. But it gradually rose to 6.1 percent in the final quarter of the year and that was the increase Reagan was referring to. However, the rat.e was decli- ning again by the end of that fourth quarter and now has fal- len for four straight months, ac- cording to Commerce Depart- ment figures. In fact, the rate dipped below 5 percent in Fe- bruary on it.a way to what pro-· bably will be a first-quarter rate of about ~ percent. Beagan didn't mention that recent decline, which occurred during the worst months of the receeslon. CIHalfled edvefttslng 7141142-5171 All other departm.nts 642-4321 The savings rat.e usually riaes in a recession, since spending is usually way down and people are more careful about going into debt. Lawrence Kudlow, an aseocia- te director at the Office of Ma- nagement and Budget, said last week, "I am 1CmeWhat concerned by the fact that the month-to- month savings rate numbers have not shown the normalcy- clical rebound one would expect dwing a reoemon.'' MAIN OfRCE ..... Sef St., c.u ~.CA. Mell~ e. UMl,C-Meu,CA.tMa VOL 11.NO.M But ii it tomethi.na Reagan or h1a advt.era ahould worry about? Lecy Hunt., chlef economilrt for Fidelity BaJdt in Philadelphia, aay1 th•t at least ln the 1hort term, .. lf they really thought about lt, they mtaht not be all that much ln .favor\ of a hlcher aavtnp rate." We.,e Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily PUot? Whal don't you like? Call the number below and your meaaa1e will be rKC>rded, transcribed and delivered to the approprilte editor. The same 24-bour aDSwtriq Mrvlce may be UJed to ,..cord let- ters to the editor on any lopk Mailbox contr1buton must include their name and telephqne numt.er for vertfluUoa. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your m1nd. ""'"' f Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Monday, Aprll 5, 1882 8 Energy agency 'alive' ·Reagan fails campaign pledge to'dismantle department WASHINGTON (AP) - When Prettdent Reapn unveiled hla pl.an to dismantle the Enera Departllltnt, Eneray Secretary James !'.dwarda predicted Con- IJ'ell would pua a bill and tend him back to fiahina on the bea- ches of South Carolina by April or May. But now that spring la here, indlcationa are that the plan to aboliah the four-year-old agency ii going nowhere fut. Sen. Lloyd Bent.sen, D-Texas, say. he hu been told by reliable IOW'Cel that the adm1.n1stration ill abandoning the dismantlement effort. Bentaen wouldn't say who h1a adminiatration sources are, but he aald th~y had auured him that even if Reagan does submit dia- mantlement legislation to Con- greu it will be only to "go through the motions" to fulfill a campaign pledge. · · Ship o verhauling criticized b y Na vy SAN DIEGO (AP) -The De- fense Department has released flgu.rea showing that the last four ships overhauled in San Diego cost the Navy more in overruns than the laat four overhauls in Portland, Dre· The compariaon was made be- cause of questions from San Diego congressmen about the Navy's decision to aend the San Diego-based destroyer Henry B. Wilson to Portland for a year- long overhaul, although the Portland firm bid for the contract at a higher price than two San Diego firms and a Los Angeles firm. Secretary of the Navy John Lehman criticized the high per- centage of cost overruns from San Di shipbuilding finns on the last Tour contracts at a recent news conference. Although the last four ships overhauled by Northwest Marine of Portland added up to more money -$65 million -the final prices were only 34.6 percent higher than the original con- tracts. However, the last four con- tracts in San Diego -performed by Southwest Marine, Triple A South, and Atkinson Marine - totaled 78.5 percent over the ori- ginal contract prices of $28.9 million. The final costs were $51.6 million in San Diego. But despite the wide differen- ce in cost overrun prices, Deputy Defense Secretary Frank Car- lucci has said cost overruns were not the main reason for sending the Henry B. Wilson to Portland. In a letter to Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Coronado, Carlucci said the reason was lack of suf- ficient drydock facilities in San Diego. National Steel and Shipbuil- ding Co., (NASSOO), San Diego's largest firm, was not named in the list of those that had high cost overruns. But even though NASSCO came in with the lo- west bid -$18 million -for the Henry B. Wilson job, it did not get the coptract. Southwest Marine was the se- cond lowest bidder, for $20 mU- lion. And Todd Shipbuilding of Los Angeles, at $29 million, also beat the Portland price of $33 million. "They (the adminl1tration) will n ot dismantle Jhe d.,artment," aaid Bentsen. But Commerce Secretary Mal- colm Baldriae, who would Inherit the bulk oflX>E's funcUona. told '"'1JOr1en that the reorpn.izaUon plan Is 1tJll "very much alive." He predicted It will be 1Ubm1tted to Congrees within the next few weeks. However, other officiala in the administration and Congrete said Reagan's plan h.aa run lnto big - and pc:mibly fatal -trouble. Ragan announced in Decem- ber that he wanted to get rid of the Energy Department by sen- ding 70 percent of It.a functions to the Commerce Department and scattering the rest among several agencies. Edwards, a former South Carolina governor, predicted then that the measure would be forwarded to Congress along with the budget in January. That deadline and several others have been missed as the administration worked behind the scenes to line up support. Sen. James McClure, R-Idaho, chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, and Sen. John To- wer, R-Texaa, both have expres- sed strong reservations. Tower, chairman of the Amled Services Committee, has been unhappy over the placement of OOE's weapons-building prog- ram -which accounts for half the agency's budget -in the _ Commerce Department. Tower and McClure were amo~ a group of Republican senatons who met last week to discuss their concerns, according to one Senate source who asked not to be identified further. The sour ce said no consensus was reached, but the group agreed to meet again. "I don't think the administra- tion has given up on the idea, but everybody realli.es it has serious problems," the source said. MIRACLE SURVIVAL -A San Joee couple and their 11-month-old son escaped death when their small camper was scattered along U.S. J.'01 after colliding with an 18-wheel truck and trailer rig in heavy rain. Randall and Mi- ~~· chele Bollentino suffered major injuries and your choiai: .. their son minor hurts. Truck driver Morris Dennis Jr., of Richmond, was not injured. Cause of the crash near Salinas has not been determined. yoy. ~t, 9? wfO!l9 with cczen pocH'ic ehai.e both CDfT¥l., in ea.rt durobl<z, c.ordw-cy -thz. corgo pccka:t in pinwal.a. 6nd. thcz.<Zlestic back 1n wldtzwola.. in many ~mat colors. aims 29-~. • • WEDS -Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was married Saturday to Emily Ruth Black in Bloo- mington, Ind. 14 students honored for achievement Fourteen Orange Coast high school students were among the sem i-final winners in Bank of America's 34tb annual Achieve- ment Awards l>n>grarn in Costa Mesa. T h e first place winners will compe t e for $2,000 in cash awards during ftnal.s May 19. Firlit place winner's included: Barry Abrahams, F.ountain Val- ley High School; Kristie Mosher, La Quinta High School; Anjel Ayrer, 'Edison High School, and Susan Visser, Huntington Beach High School. Tak in g second p l ace were James McCarthy, Estancia High School; Andre Papillon, Ocean View High School; Brenda Bra- nin, Estancia High School, and Kim Uyehara, Ocean View High School. Third place winners included: Margaret Bernardo, Huntington Beach High School; Roger Yates, Edison High School; Diana Kong, Huntington Beach High School, and David Sushard, Edison High School. Cynthia Nagura and Robert Erickson , both of Fountain Val- ley High S ch ool, were fourth place winners. Parents learn cube tricks PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP) -A local school is offering courses in solving Rubik's Cube for frustrated parents who feel outsmarted by their children. the youth daily newspaper Mlada Fronta said. School director Antonin Pryl said the course "is especially sui- table for parents of teen-age children who, because of their ignorance of the secrets of the Rubik Cube, are losing prestige and authority at home," the ar- ticle said. The course is taught by 12-year-old Frantisek Kubik, whose person al record is 31 se- conds. I ·n ·iet not a panacea DEAR PAT DUNN: Some years a10 Dr. Ben Feln1old · claimed tut clllldreD wltll llyperkJne1l1 ud con1equeDt learD1D1 dJ11bWtlet 11towed deflalte Improvement wllea ar&Ulclal food colors and navort were removed from U1elr dally dlet1. 'nere w11 a lot of pabUcl&y aboat tbe 1ucce11 of tbJ1 dietary approacb to bype.-ldne1l1, bat tbu I read &bat &be abeory bad been dl1- clalmed. Have uy Dew 1tudJea been done on tblt? -N.T., Huntington Beacb A panel of experts, convened in January by the National Institutes of Health, concluded that the controversial Feingold diet should not be generally e mployed in the treatment of hy- peractive children. Clinical reports of dramatic results using this diet are not supported by the available experimental data, the group concluded. They called for further and better r~arch on the hyperactivity-diet link while hedging on the question of how to treat hyperactive ch ildren in the meantime. The panel sug- gested that a dietary trial•may be warrante:ct in some cases of hyperkinesis, but should not be started until after a thorough physical and psych060Cial evaluation of both child and family and full consideration of all the options. Fenders to be replaced o.EA'R ~EADERS: Owners of 1975-1979 Honda cars with rusted front fenders will begin receiving replacements or reim- bursements under a final Federal Trade Commission consent order. The program covers rust on the top part of the front fender within about 2 feet of the windshield. The rust first appears as bubbles or blisters in the paint and soon after, holes develop in the metal. Owners with affected cars should request a letter and ap- plication from a Honda dealer or a Honda zone oCfice and apply by July 31, 1982. According to a complaint issued with the consent order, FTC states that Honda knew or should have known the fenders on 1975-1978 Civics and ~rds would prematurely rust, but did not disclose that fact to owners. The company also allegedly did not tell consumers how to prevent or repair the rusting. Within s ix months after a dealer has inspected the car , Honda will repair or replace front fenders that began to show rust within the car's first three years. Honda also will repair or replace any rusted support part necessary for proper installatidn of the fender. If the replacement has not been made within the s1x-month period, owners will be offered a $150 cash settlement per rusted fender or replacement of the fender within a reaso- nable time period. Both past and current Honda owners will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in the past for repairs or replacement of rusted front fenders, if the rust occurred within the car's first three years. Only original owners and those who bought a Honda before it was three years old are eligible. Neither 1973 nor 1974 Hondas are covered under this order, and 1979 Hondas are covered by a three-year warranty given by Honda when the car was sold. More information is available by writing to the FTC's Bu- reau of Cunsurner Protection, Division of Marketing Practices, Washington, D.C. 10480, or by phoning (202) 724-9002. Consent agreements are for setUement purposes only and do not constitute admission by the company that it violated the law. When issued by the FTC on a final basis, a consent order carries the force of law with respect to future actions. A violation of such an order may result bf a civil penalty of up to $10,000. 687,699 motorcycles in state · DEAR PAT DUNN: Maybe you can help settle a bet I have wltb my brother. I know there ma1t be more than half a million motorcycles ln California, and be claims there aren't that many. Who's right? H.W., Costa Mesa You are -and then some. There are 687,699 motorcycles registered in this state. Of those 679,039 are paid reigis.5trations. The remaining 8,660 are exempt because they are used by per- sonnel of various government agencies. Orange County has nearly 60,000 registered motorcyles -59,981 to be exact. Only 563 of that total are fee exempt. • "Got ·a problem? Then write t.o Pat Dunn. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you )ti need to solve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions t.o Pat Dunn, At Your Service, • ' Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea· der's full name, address and business hours' phone number can- not be considered.'' ora •• .and 55% more! western Thrift wlll now give you more than the highest Interest avallable-we·11 throw Ln a free ham, turkey or roast! Just Invest a minimum Of $750 In a new or existing Passbook account and we'll give vou a certificate good at any Alpha Beta grocery store In C311f0mlal on top Of-that, you'll be earning S1/2% Interest on your money.• That's 55% more tnan any bank or savings and loan can of'fen come In to any western Th rift & Loan branch and get your ham, turkey, or roast tociavt .* MoneV must remain In account for 90 csavs. Oowne't' 1228 (. Fltettone ~ (ltl)ftl-HOt wtiltllef o.onge Coaro M9to 1111 F ICatelkJ /t\ve 2000 Hofbof llYd. fononc. 18208 Prawte A.,. (llJ) Na-1070 Glendale I 15756 lo '<>rot (J1J) .. J-Oftt (714) "7-1100 CJM> .... atta tcnono LOnO 1eoen 1872• Ventvfa llvd. 4501 Poe. COO&I Hwy (llJ) 111-0100 CllJ) 4tl·ll01 Cl• N. lkond llYd. c•••> a.-0-1110 Mlestem nvfft & loan Making more money fOr vou . ., .. Ro~nson's . 99th ANNIVERSARY SALE 82599 OUR SOFTLY · RUFFLED DRESSES, · FOR JWR JR~S Special Won~rfully teminine And totally committed to a woman's movement From We Three the perfect shape with asymmetrical side closing In great prints of machine washable polyester/cotton 5 to 13 JWR JR'S. 117 • inister official at own wedding W~en the Rev. Llty~ E. Wrl1llt decided to g4tt mar- ried, he knew just the man to perform the c:eremony: hlm- aelf. "Everyone had been asking ua how ln the world he could tie the otfidating minister and the bridegroom, too," said Slllrley Rlcllland, the bride. "We told them to come and see." The couple married in the recreation room of an apart- ment complex at Auburn, Wash. " Cllrl1 Vaa Cleave la offe- ring forgiveneea and a part in hls new muakal to whoever broke into h1a car in Norfolk, Va. and nole the 1how'1 ICJ'ipt. Du.ring the burglary, Van Cleave a1Bo loet a handmade Spaniah guitar, a microphone cue~ the master tapes for the muaical and a lyric book with 120 IOnp, lie Ml been writlnl a mu- tical called "The Davidaon Affair" for more thafi a year. · It'• about what would happen if Christ were born again ln preeent-day New York. Be'lgian writer Jacqaet- Gerard Llnze has been awar ded the $2.500 Canada- Belgium literary prize for 1981, Canada's External Af- fairs Department announced. Orange COU( DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 6. 1982 Al I Auto f ir'°-s-resort to gimmicks Rebates lose punch in weakened eco1J.omy DETROIT (AP) -Fearful of a aprina sales slump, U.S. carma- kera are showering conaumera with sales promotiona that auto tndustry analysts say have lost their punch. "U the consumer la faced with a poor economic altuaUon where he doesn't know lf he will have a· job ln the next year and ls con- cerned about the economic news coming from the government ... even announcing pric:e cuts . . . isn't going to do anything," Mary Ann Keller at Paine Web- ber, Mitchell Hutchin• & Co. aaid. "In effect, all the rebates have become a sort of permanent price cut,'' the New York analyst said. "So there's no incentive for a consumer to dash out and buy instantly." A stream of sales promotions were announced last week as carmakera scrambled to come up with substitutes or extenslona for rebate and free-maintenance programs that expired March 31. Auto executives hoped earlier John Robert Powers programs would carry the lndu- stcy to its usually booming •Prlna selling season. But a 43.6 perQent drop ln sales in mid-March ended thoee hopes. • I Jeep Corp .. a subsidiary or American Motors Corp .• announ- ced lt was lowering base prices on its 1982 CJ-5. CJ-7 •nd Scrambler models by as much as $1,000. The models had been co- vered by a rebate program offe- ring up to $1,000 off until last Wednesday. MODEL Become• profeulon•l model thl• , .. , Pope John Paul II will . make a four-day visit to Por- tugal beginning May 12. the Vatican announced. NEW JOB DUE? -James Edwards, U.S. Energy Secre- tary, has been offered the presidency of the Medical University of South Carolina. The prize is awarded an- nually to French-language writers in, alternately, Ca- nada and Belgium. The se- lection is based on the au- thor's overall literary contri- bution rather than an indivi- dual work. O PROFESSIONAL MODELING B PHOTOGRAPHIC MODELING TV COMMERCIAL WORKSHOP OCAREER ADVANCEMENT / Vatican and Portuguese gavernment officials previou- sly said the pontiff would stay only one day in Portugal, visiting the sanctuary of Fa- tima. But the papal itinerary re- leased by the Vatican shows the pope will spend four full days, visiting six cities. Protesting a media "i'nvasion," convicted )tiller Theodore Bundy asked the Florida Supreme Court for a new trial for the deaths of two sorority sisters in 1978. Bundy, 35, was sentenced to die for beating and stran- gling two Florida State Un- iversity students at the Chi Omega s0rority house in Tal- lahassee in January 1978. The murder trial was held in 1979 · in Miami. Cameras were al- lowed in the courtroom. Bundy also has been sent- enced in Orlando to die in the murder of a 12-year-old Lake City schoolgirl in February 1978. Robinsons • 99th ANNIVERSARY SALE 1/3 OFF GIRLS' 7 TO 14 STRIPEp TOPS Orig. $14. Sale $8.99. Our candy c ane tops by Little Topsy come in lots of flavors besides red and white. 1n boatneck or double·V styles Fresh and fun to wear with all her pants and shorts. In polyester/cotton. Robinson's Kids.. 45. • 1/3 OFF GIRLS' 4 TO 6X TERRY PLAY CLOTHES What's spring without terry shorts and tops? Moms love them as much as kids, though-they're so easy-care In polyester/cotton. By Young Set Striped tops. Orig. $12. Sale $7.99. Shorts in pink, blue or lilac Orig. $9 Sate $5.99 Also available in snortall Orig. $14. Sale $8.99. Solid tops. Orig. $11 Sale $8.99. For toddlers 2 to 4· Tops. Orig. $1 0 . Sale $8.49. Shorts. Orig. $7. Sale $4.49. Shortall. Orig. $1 3. Sale $8.49. Robinson's Kids. 49/113. 1/3 OFF TODDLERS' TERRY SHORT SETS Orig $13.50. Sale $8.99 So comfortable. a kid could nap in them as well as play in them 1 Cool cotton/polyester terry in royaf; yellow. pink or aqua. with appliques. Sizes 2 k> 4. By Kid's World. Roblnson·s Kids. 113. .. 25% OF-F BOYS'8 TO 20 ACTIVE TOPS AND SHORTS Here's the pitch· boys can't wart to get out of school clothes and into cool, casual sport clothes for baseball, b1k1ng , backyard basketball. whatever Ours are alt polyester/cotton zapped with bright athletlc stripes Tops Reg. $11 -$1 5 Sale $7.99-$10.99 Shorts 1n S-M·L·XL Reg. $8·$14. Sale $5.99·$9.99 Robrnson·s Kids, 22. Robinson's 99th Anniversary Sale ends April 10. Hurry in while quantities are plentiful and selections extensive. All items subject to prior sate . .. 0 EXECUTIVE GROOMING 0 SELF IMPROVEMENT John Robert Powers In Orange County 3 Town & Country. Orange (714) 547-82?.8 Call or Come ia Coday 25%- 35% OFF BOYS'4 TO 7 KNIT TOPS AND SHORTS Junior Olympians wilt love our novelty tops and active shorts for all sporting events. as well as h1de·and·seek 1n th e backyard. Shown here a sample from our variety of styles in polyester/ cotton Tops Reg $8·$ 12 Sale SS.99·$7.99 Shorts Reg $7 Sale $4.49 Robrnson·s Kids. 32 .. - ------=-=~--------~--------~ ---' \ I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 5, 1082 A true e x ample of • • • • C~~~.~~~~1~ .~~~~:oo~~ were(l en. Service Awarda program. (nits 26 There can be little do~b~hat yeara of existence, has donated Disneyland's ongoing effort to more than $1 .2 million to deser-recogn ize and reward civic ond ving organizations w hich have charitable groups for their work eougbt to make Orange County a provides invaluable encourage- better place to Uve. ment to hard-working -and of· This past week the Disney ten hard-pr~esed -volunteer people awarded $150,000 to 63 community service groups. community groups. These organi-Since its inception. more than zations ranged from the Santa 6,300 organizations have partici- Ana Neighborhood Organization pated in the services award pro-to Goodwill Industries of Orange County, which won $37,500 du-gram. ring ceremonies Thursday. Though the greatest reiards The big winner in the Orange for providing services to the poor, Coast area this year was the Ju-the handicapped or the y ung nior League of Newport Harbor, usually come from the work tself, Inc: with a $12,500 award. Disneyland's yearly effort to hon- This is a far cry from the or those groups is in itself a very original' program in 1957, when six significant community service. Highway to space With last Tuesday's touch- down, the space shuttle Columbia successfully completed its third test mission into Earth orbit. Al- though minor problems continued to nag the unique space vehicle and one more test flight~s sche- duled, Columbia has proved'that it can do the job it was designed to do: Enable man to routinely make practical use of space. The shuttle's success marks the end of the era when space shots were pioneering events that commanded the world's attention. In the 1960s. a fascinated public watched as astronauts per- formed unprecedented feats - landing on the moon. walking in space, rendezvousing with other space capsules. Upon their re.turn to Earth, the spacemen received h0eroes' welcomes. Today, astronauts are still ce- lebrities, but enjoy nowhere. near the magnitude of fame men such as John Glenn and Neil Arm- strong had. Increasingly, being an astronaut is seen as just another job, although a highly specialized and daring one few would qualify for. After the fourth test flight, scheduled for June or July, Col- umbia will become operational, and will begin hauling payloads Trials not s o Last week's one-year anni- versary of the attempted assassi- ' nation of President Reagan fo- cused national attention on the fact his admitted assailant, John W. Hinckley Jr., still has not been brought to trial, and may not be for many more months as argu- ments continue over his insanity claim and alleged violations of his constitutional rights. The man who attempted to kill Pope John Paµl II last May was sent to prison for life two months later. And five months after the October assassination of Egypt's President Sadat, five members of the team of assassins had been sentenced to death. · So Americans ask, what has happened to the "speedy trial?" If Hinckley's case seems un- acceptable, let us consider the la- test development in the case of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, last week hauled off to jail once more to continue serving a life sentence for 'the 1970 murder of his wife and two small children. to which he has consistently pleaded innocent. For 12 years now, the 38-year-old former Green Beret has been enmeshed in the tangled legal system. Released at first by a military court, and given an honorable discharge, MacDonald was indict- into space, beginning with the fifth mission, set for November. Book~ through 1987, the shuttle will be used to carry military spy satellites into space, and will also ferry commerc~ payloads, such as communications satellites. Three other shuttles are in the planning stages, with hopes that Challenger will be ready for itS first flight early next year. The shuttle is only the be- ginning for man's everyday use of space. Space officials in both the U.S. and Soviet Union would like to put a permanent station into Earth orbit before the turn of the century. Beyond, the possibilities are literally endless. A permanent presence on the moon would seem a likely prospect, along with manned missions to planets and asteroids. Long-term solutions to problems such as resource scarci- ties and energy shortages may be found in the solar system. As for mankind itself, every- day use of space could bring the broad outlook that may yet bring peace to the Earth's peoples. Keeping that in mind, per- haps t he s uccess of the shuttle shouldn't be looked upon as rou- tine after all. 'speedy' ed in a c ivilian court in 1975. Brought to trial in 1979, he was found guilty by a jury. But the conviction was over- turned in 1980 by an appeals court, on grounds his right to a speedy, trial should have been calculated from the first charge made' by military authorities in 1970. Last week the U.S . Supreme Court ruled that the delay be- tween the indictment and trial had not violated MacDonald's rights. The conviction was reinstated and the doctor, who had been free on a $100,000 bond, once more is in custody. His attorneys are seeking a re- hearing, which should take some weeks, and re-instatement of his bail in the interim. In the past 11 years, between stretches in cus- tody, Dr. MacDonald has worked, brilliantly some say, as head of the emergency room at St. Mary's Medical Center in Long Beach. Obviously, there would be no question of his attempting to jump bail. While the legal machin_ery continues to unwind Dr. Mac- Donald could be performing a life- saving public service. In this case, re-instatement of bail maltes sense. L.M. Boyd/Tomahawk trade Q. What did the Indians make their tomahawks out of? • A . They didn't. Those little iron axes were brought over from Europe. iEarly colonists traded them to the ,Indians for furs and food. They were ~de for woodcutting. cnosUy, but the dia& straightaway converted them weapons. Wait. this alludes to the hmous tomal'\awks of the Indian ..Wars. Earlier lndians laced together ~ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat little hatchets with heads of chipped st.one. Q : Everybody knows Alaska, Texas and OUfornta. in descending order, are the largest states. But likewise in ordel', what are the next seven? A: Montana, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada. Colorado, Wyoming and Oregon. Thomas P. Haley P ublisher ·1'h0m41·A. 'Miif'Dtitrie ·editor • - Barbara Krelblch tEdltoriar Page Editor ~ -----FAKE WHtTE ~O& l\ANN'EP TO rRAJN StC~ET stRV\CE AG£NtS . The first Jewish p r esident? NEW YORK -I was coming out of a movie theater on 86th Street in Man- hattan one Saturday afternoon last winter -the film w~s "The Dogs o f War" -when someone waiting in line shouted: "Dick! Dick! ... " It was a guy who lives down the street, over by the East River. "How was it? Any good?" he said. as the attention of the people in line and on the street turned toward us. "Who w as that?" ask ed our 12-year-old. "The mayor." "C'mon," he said. He does not follow politics. "The guy shouung -who was he. really?" "That's F.d Koch. The mayor." MAYOR KOCH, you see, does wait in line for movies Uke everybody else. And he does make sure everybody else knows it. "I'm middle class," he says. "It startled a lot of people t.o have a mayor come in and say, 'I think the middle·dass lifes· tyle is terrific. I believe we ought t.o kiss the feet of the middle class fo r saving this town. since they're the ones who pay the taxes and create the jobs for the poor.' And since I'm not able to do very much for them in terms of increasing services. at least they should know they have a frie nd in City Hall who wants them to prosper, who wants them to stay here and who doesn't take them for granted.'' That was K och in the Playboy inter- view -the one in which he said the suburbs were "sterile" and rural life was "a joke." The words are exactly the saml' ones he's used for years. They're the same ones he uses at dinner when he's the one talking. He's the one tallung 75 percent of the time. When someone else is talking. Koch's head sinks down tnto ---~ RICHARD REEVES "i .,.. his body and he appears t.o be sleeping with his eyes o p en -gathering strength, l suppose, for the next burst of what he calls "common sense." That percentage -75 percent -l!f also the percentage of votes he r('('e1ve<l in his run last year for re-eleetion. It is also the percentage hC' re<·eivt."CI w 1976, the last time he ran for Congn•ss un Manhattan's East Side. Ed Koch has developed. simply, into one of the most formidable pollti<:iani:. America has so far produl'cd. G Inn fying the middle class seems like an ob- vious idea. But it was Koch who figured out how obvious it was. bursting. al Lhe advanced age of 52. on a political scene 1r. which one party. the Re publicani:.. worshiped the upper class, and the other, his own Democratic Party, ro- manticized the lower class. How formidable 1s Koch? ln 19!jl, he w on the mayoral nominations of both the Democratic and Repunl1c:<1n part1t•s. Earlier this year, when Koc·h surpriSt"<l some people by deciding to run for gov- ernor of New Yo rk. the Republican front-runner -S tate Controller Ned Regan -dropped out of the race be- cause he couldn't raise any more money. The race isn 't over yet, of course. Koch's big mouth -he is refreshingly cand1d or consistently obnoxious. depen- dmg on your taste -will keep him in verbal trouble during the campaign. But he loves confrontation. and it ts hard to ima¢.ne a Republican touRh enouRh and smart enough to survive as Koch laugh- ingly struts across the s tate hearing and repeating with perfect pitch the street- smart frustration and toughness of most of the people most of the time. Koch is high these days; his narcotic is huruielf. Only nine years ago, he failed mLSerabl y in a race for mayor. Now, my mother says she may vote against him for governor because she loves him so muL·h as mayor that she wants him to stiiy m town HE HAS SEEMED that,good. And he has been lucky -while the economies of his adminis tration have slowed the g rowth of c·1ty e xpe nses. inflation sw .. lled t·1ty tax revenues over the past five vcar:..' Now. m harder tunes. New Yurk City may be head ed for another (1scal t·ns1s -Koch may be getting out of town JUSt m time. How far out of town? Watch him. I would give odds that h e will be New York's next governor. I would take rea- ~nable odds that he wiU be the Demo- cratic norrunee for vice president in 1984. And, late at night. I might debate whe· ther Ed Koch could become the firs t Je wish president of the United States. Jobless can find f ringe b e n e fits President Reagan has rightfully com- plained that te levision newsmen keep interviewing "some fella out in South Succotash someplace (who) has just been laid off.'' Consequently. he said. "I'm Scrooge to a lot of people. And, if they only knew it, I'm the softest touch they've had m a long time." · THE PROBLEM, of course, is that the television newsmen have consistent- ly and perhaps even deliberately (who knows?) picked unhappy unemployed feUas to interview. These grousers and whiners have naturally given the presi- dent a bad image and h e h as ever y reason to be sore. In an effort to balance the picture in some small way. I had a talk with Ro- bert.Sbn (Bob) Crachit of Upper Succo- tash and his chee ry little unemployed family. Crachit had worked for 19 years at the Greater Succotash Succotash Factory as a lima bean sorter until the plant was forced to close down, its product unable to compete with ch eaper and better made Japanese succotash. "Best ttiing that's happened to me in my life," s~ud Crach1t. chortling merrily as he ushered me into what the family calls "thl' living room ." that being the room in whit·h lht' family hv<-s. "Woke --i~ ART HOPPE :S .. up the other morning and for the fi rst time in 19 years I said to Mrs. Cratch1t, 'Thank Goel it's Monday'." Mrs. Crac::hit put down the kazoo on which she had been playing "Happy Days Are He re Agai n" m a rousing fa- shion. "I'll admit [ was a mite worried at first where our next meal was coming from," she said, ''seeing that Mr. Crat- chi t wasn't bringing home any more factory-damaged suc('()tash. But you'd bt· amazed how much mont•y we luc ky leisure-time folks save over those poor souls who have t.o work every day ... "You bet," agreed C'r atchit e nthu- siastically. "The bus t.o the plant used to cost me 50 cents each day. That's $5 a week right there. plus union dues, wear An u11like l y banki~g center Things I Learned En Route to Looking Up Other Things: -That, improbable as it may seem, the state of South Dakota (where?) is the fast.est-growing banking center in Ame- rica; the absen~ of usury ceilings has prompted banks to move their credit card operatiol}4\ there from states with regulated ~on interest rates. -That the noisiest place on Christ- mas Eve la the sleepy town of Dewsbury, England, where "Tolling the Devil's Knell" begins at 10 ,.m. and continues once for each year o the Chtistlan era. (The church bells in Dewsbury tolled 1. 981 times last Chrittmu Eve.) -That a century -ao the p"eal tro- ptcsl r.m fOf'e9tS covered a third o1 the habitable iJobe, but now Je11 than 60 percent of th1I lA etiU fot'elt, with the aawa devourins an .,.. lartrer than the It.ate of nortda fNf!rY yeer. -That in the decade llpUU\ing lhe 1960e and '70., the futelt-~ In· dustry in the nation was pet food , with more than $4 billion in retail sales a year. (Ralston Purina, the leading pet food company, became the fifth largest con- glomerate in the world.) -That hospital employees are absent from work by illness much more so than their counterparts in any other industry. -That during the first l,600 years of sea-fighting, ships were narly impocm· ble to man.auver, and it was not until the Spanish Armada confronted the British navy in 1588 that a sea battle was a<.'- tually tought by true sa.Hors instead of soldiers. -mAT THE ~J.S. has a larger per- centage of itl population in jail (for non-political offenses) than any other country In the world. (We h&ve two- and-a-hall times the ra~ of Great Bri· tain. which Is considered to have the . strictest and awi.ftest system of criminal juatice, and five times high()r than the ('ate of lmprlaonment in Japan.) -'nlat acoordlng to a recent stuo i by a respected consumer l"e9Ml"Ch 1 lrm, Americans now rate a new car above children on tMlr u.t of it.em1 deemed ~ for the good life; altnaet one- thlrd of the women of child-btwlng age do nbt actl~ly deal.re children. !-·-- and tear o n my lima bean sorter and bleach fur my tee-shirts so I'd be safe from rin~ around the coUar But now - ha. ha! -who cares about nng around the collar any more?" Mrs. Crat'fot smiled at her husband's exuberance. "He's been a new man since w e sold the car." she confided. "Not only have we savC'd a fortune in gas, repairs, monthly payments_and sawdust for the transmission, but Mr. Cratchit no longer wakes up at night screaming, 'The last parking place in the world has just been taken'!" Cratchit grinned ruefully. "I guess I've saved another fortune on blood pressure pills and double martinis," he said. "But the main thing is that l've scads of time now to spend with my manly little son .here. Aren't you glad Daddy lost his job, tiny Tim?" "GOIJL Y, YES!" cried Tiny Tim gaily as he cleaned his bowl. "This AJpo hel- per sure does beat that old s ucrotash all hollow." Cratchit tousled the lad's hair. "Not watching television has done him a world of good. And there was certainJy no point watching it after the electricity was turned off. But we do plan to listen to the radio once summer comes and our neighbor opens his window." Mrs. Cratchit beamed at her me nfolk. "We women have it lots easier. too," she said. "I always dread cleaning the oven. beating the rug and dusting all that furniture. "Well, well," said Cratchit, attempting to contain the little family's bubbling spirits. "l don't really think it's seemly for us to crow over our blessings while there are still so many poor unfortunates out there toiling their lives away." "Look on the bright side, dear.'' said Mrs. Cratchi\. "There are more of us and Jewer of them every day, thanks to ... But you say it, Tiny Tim." "God bless us, every one," said Tiny Tim. "But speci~lly that old soft touch in the White House ... lillllY lill ~~ ... t.AA. ..... ______________ _..... u au those folks wh08e bumper s1icken icll us they'd rather be sail.ing, golflna or whatever would do just tl\at it su re would relleve the tra.flic C'Oftl'llUon. J.C.V. I MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS STOCKS ~\ . ~,~~ Dog-eat-dog ~. world of politics . RICKY TICKY POLITIX: State Senator H . L . "Bill" Richardaon, the noted Republican conservative from just up the road in Arcadia, has now announced he will lead a recall campaign against California Supreme Court Chief Justice Roee Bird. You assume he's serious. That is, any time one officeholder says he's going after another officeholder via the recall route, you almost have to .... ~ /'o\ MURPHINf ,~ assume this is serious. In the case of Senator Richardson , however, there may always be ro<>l'Jl for doubt. This is because of his own newsletter that circu- lates among the populace. In a recent issue, the good senator made quite a point of trying to demonstrate that he's a fun fellow and the pun is his fun. RICHARDSON WAS TALKING about the fact that one of his Senate colleagues, Senator Marz Garcia, had introduced legislation that would make it a misdemeanor to eat dogs. To even mention such an unthinkable practice causes numerous of our citizens to froth at the mouth. But Ri- chardson not only·mentioned it in his newsletter, he pointed out that during solemn Senate debate, that the measure became better known as "The How to Wok Your Dog Bill." But old Bill didn't let it go at that. In succeeding paragraphs of his report, he made reference to "fried .fe-. 82 84 85 Code names are a Washington status symbol. See why 0 Tablecloth" rates on Page 83. 0 D I ,...,~ .; Swimming m a d e easy for little Ones - ALL OF THIS commentary, however, was simply a lead-in to give him the opportunity to explain that while he opposed the Garcia measure, this didn't mean he was in favor of canines for dinner. In fact, Richardson declared, he is a dog lover and has indeed raised dogs in the past. . You might be a bit baffled at this point. How, you might ask, could Senator Richardson be against dog-eating as a practice and yet he would oppose Garcia's bill to make that practice' illegal? To puzzle this one out, you have to understand the workings of the conservative in politics. "WHAT IS MORE disgusting to me," Richardson wrote in explanation, "is having the Legislature tell me what I can and cannot eat. The senator then explained if Senator Garcia had asked him to support a bill making dognapping or catnap- ping illegal, Richardson would have supported that. But he added, "I don't think the eating habits of Cal- ifornians is any of Senator Garcia's business." This, Ri- 1 chardson said, would set a dangerous precedent. AFTER ALL THIS went into the mails, Senator Ri- chardson came out with the declaration of supporting recall for Chief Justice Bird. You are left to wonder if he's going to take a -more serious legislative approach to this one. You're never too young to learn how to swim, as these toddlers are proving in the Huntington Beach city gym. In city-sponsored "Mommie and Me" swimming classes, small fry from 6 months to 3 years old are taught how to hold their own in water. Above, Chris Thomey is showing son Kevin basic back floating, and he seems to be enjoying the lesson. Below left, mom Cathy Semler is all business, but Jared has fun and games on his mind. Little Andrew, below right, looks like he's unsure about the whole affair, but his mother, Marian Unitt, looks pleased. Co!)st skippers cranking up for En_senada race By ALMON LOCK.ABEY .,., Not 8Mtlng Wl'ttef Heat up the enchiladas. Chill the margaritas. Kiss the foam off the c·erveza! The famous -or, lnfam0us, as the case may be - Newport to Enaenada yacht race ia just over the horizon. Saturday, April 24, to be exact, la the starting date that promises another record turnoUt of sailing Yachts blanketing waters off the Newport Harbor Jetty fdt the spectacular start. As the deadline for entries doled last Tuesday at 5 p.rn. the Newport Ocean Sailing AlllOCia- tlon office wu piled high with entries. ••so far we have 650 entries and we're still counting,'' said Alan Oleson, president of NOSA. Last year's entry list totalled 685 and it is possible late mailings will make this year's total well over that mark. Oleson added. This will mark the 35th year of the race, known as the world's largest (and shortest) internatio- nal yacht race. The thumbline course from the start to Enaenada Harbor in Todos Santos Bay is 125 nautical miles. The race draws yachts ranging from 24 to 80 feet in length, all fighting for the myriad of tro- phies put up by NOSA. the U.S. and Mexican governments, yacht clubs and other yachting organi- zations. The top prizes are the Presi- dent of the United States Trophy for the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yacht with the best corrected time, and the President of Mexico Trophy for the best corrected time in the Intematio: nal Offshore Rule ratings. Other classes include the Ocean Racing Catamarans, the Ancient Mariner (wooden hulls) and the Southern Ocean Racing Division (SORD). The various fleets will start at 10 minute intervals beginning at noon. The final class will get under way at l p.m. Alter the start the yachts will spread out over a wide expanse of ocean, all seeking the best winds and sailing conditions. The yachts will start converging at Todos Santos Bay early Sun- day, April 25 and be driving for the finish line off the Ensenada breakwater. As the yachts start finishing, the little Baja California harbor will be jammed with anchored boats within hours and their crews will be whooping it up ashore -celebrating their vict- ory or drowning their defeats. But the start is the most col- orful part of the event. Specta- tors line the shores of the Balboa Peninsula and the bluffs of Co- rona del Mar to watch the yachts scramble for favored starting positions. The Ensenada race was insti- gated by a group of Newport Reach yachtsmen in 1948 as a goodwill gesture between the two countries. In those days Enstmada was a sleepy little fi- shing village. The race originally called for it to be sailed on the nearest wee- kend to Cinco de Mayo (May 5), a Mexican holiday. But as the race grew in popu- larity and the village of Ense- nada grew in population, other elements were attracted to the resort on the holiday weekend. Unfortunately, some of the ele- ments did not mix well, espe- cially under the influence of the plentiful Mexican libations. There were a couple of years when a combination of celebra- ting yachtsmen, hard-core motorcycle clubs and even rollic- king college students resulted in near riot conditions that threate- ned to call a halt to the race. NOSA and Mexican official- dom put their heads together and figured if the race was moved away from the Cino de Mayo weekend and started on a Sat- urday instead of the traditional Thursday it would solve the problem. The Saturday start usually put.a the yac:htsmen \n Ensenada late Sunday when most of the other tourist groups are headed back acroa the bor- der. Lawmari on relations panel There has been only one spec- . tacular finish at F.Nenada. That waa the year that the wlnd filled in on Todoa Santos Bay and brought more than 100 yachts converging on the 100-yard fi- nish line at virtually the same moment. Laguna classes offer • • For the first time ln Its 11-yeer btatory, the membenh1J> of the Orange County Hwnan Relationa Commiuion include• a law en- forcement oftidal. Martin Hairabedlan Jr., Ful- lill'ton police chief. WM named to I.be 11-member commillton by llNoe N..unde cbainnan of the CllUDty Board ;I Supes tti8on. "I view this appoiiltment u an important break1hrouah ln com- munications and liaiaon between the .commi11ion, which often deala with police-related lnci· denta, and our law enforoement community," Nestande aid. The board cbalrman aaid Halrabe- dlan'a appointment WU IUppol'- ted by the Oranae County Police CbJe& A.ociation. The human relations cornmis- alon, fonned ln 1971, attempts to reeolve conflkta between various IOCial ll'OUP9· Hairabedian. 60, h8I been chief of the 208-member Fullerton department 1tnce September 1977. Formerly be had been a captain and detective commander in the Loi Angeles Police De- partment. The most colorful part of the weekend at EMenada ii the tro- phy pre9e11tat1on outalde the Ba., hia Hotel, race headquartera.• Offlclal1 of bott\ countrie1 are usually on hand to pre.ent the awardl to the ~ cheerl of hundred.I of ~achtamen and their frlendl. . music, movem~nt If you appreciate mueic, dance~ UC Irvine, la offering movement and would like the cla11ea beginnina thi1 month opportunity to expreu younelf,· · ran&lna from mUlkal movement the Laguna Beach Recreation to dANit performance worbbc:>ps. Deputment ill offering a 1erles of Leuona range from U6 per ~ t.allol'-made for your lnte-prosram to t24.&o. Rep1ntion 6a resta. under way at the recreation de- : partment. 015 Forest Ave. Michelle C.wniant. an 11-year 1 J'or more information. call the Lagunan who has a degree in department at 497-3311. .... .. . I > Orange Cout OAILV ptLOT/Monday, Aprll 5, 1982 Archaic canon law on DEAR ANN LANDER S : A reader wrote about a young friend who was se· xuaUy impotent M a result of diabetes. The friend was denied permission to many in the Catholic church. He said the couple had adjusted to the problem in their own way, but the church said no because they could not have children. The reader asked, "If the man were a paraplegic and impotent, would a similar Catholic couple also be refused marriage in their church?" The tone of your reply was unnecessa- rily hostile and biting. You said, "No church I know refuses to sanction marriage rites on the basis of infertility. Your letter sounds as if it were written by a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Why don't you go wash your sheets?" I have before me a newspaper story from the UPI wire service that says a n Elmwood Park (Ill.) man (paraplegic), who had been denied pennis&on to marry in the Roman Catholic church, has received the good news that the decision has been re- CLOSE SHA VE -Barber Bob Sanchez conti- nues cutting hair of customer Paul Morrison shortly after an auto smashed through a win- versed, thanks to the Most Rev. Joseph L . lmeech of the Joliet diocese. The man had been denied permission to marry in the church because of a little known canon law that says marriage must be consummated by sexual intercourse. The paraplegic tried to get a note from his doctor stating his impotence might be reversed, but the doctor ref used, saying he wasn't sure. Now, Ann Landers, do you feel like h iding your head und~r YOUR sheets? - JUST ASKING IN RIVER FOREST, ILL DEAR JUST: I certainly do -but be- fore I disappear, be re's a message to church aatborttles who refu1e mar riage to para- plegics or other handicapped people becau-se illey .. cuaot llave sexual intercoune." P boae tbe Rehabllltation Inst itute in Chicago (30 East Superior) a nd ask Dr . Henry Betts, the m e dical director , to put you Lil touch wUb someone who will.relieve you of yoar Ignorance. And please pass the word to other member s of the cler gy who are also livlllg lD the Da rk Ages. AP ...... to dow and entrance to the Santa Barbara shop. No one was injured in the accident. reportedly caused when the car's. brakes failed Cancer: Cha.nges due ' Tuesday, April 6 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Attention to details is necessa1'; missing links can be discovered, puzzle pieces can fall into place. Accent on basic services, depe nde nts and employment. Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio persons figure prominently. Installation of safety device improves security. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Creativity combines with romance to make this an exciting scenario. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittari~ persons play significant roles. Status q uo is shaken -and that is as it should be. Gain indicated through written word and your ability to express ideas in unique manner. GEMINI (May 21-June 2-0): Important domestic adjustment dominates scenario. Emphas is on home, security, special ar- rangements to be made with older family member. Appraisal of property may be ne- cessary. Become aware of market values, taxes and accounting procedures. CANCER (June 21 -J uly 22): Don't jump at first offer. Changes occur In rapid-fire manner. Terms will be revised and can be renegotiated. Advice from re latives lacks substance. Do your own detect ive work_ Give full rein to intellectual curiosity. L EO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emphasis on money, income potential, ability to exploit product and talent. Relationship int.ensifie:i. responsibility increases and values are deft-. ,,,,,, By PHIL l~TERL1ANDI of Laguna rach ....,_._ . I ~,.J~, a __ • a( ) ~ ... 5 •-c...·-._ .... _.. ... _ . .. • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA ned. Older individual shares benefit of e x- perience and you locate needed material. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): More people become aware of your needs. abilities. You sense pulse of public a nd are able to d o something about it. You 'll comple te longstanding project. You gain added rec- ognition, you'll be at right place at crucial moment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 ct. 22): You makt• new start in new directi on. You'll shakl' loose from restrictions. habit patterns You begin now to write your own script. Focus on institutions. hospitals, clubs and personal participation in media event. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Popularity increases, you're being pulled in two direc- tions sim u lta neousl y . Wish comes true through aid of an Aquarian. Individual who taught you in past will be back on scene and this is to your advantage. Follow hunch. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Per- sonal horizons expand; you'll go pla~. see people and open Jines of communication. Prestige rises due to participation in political activity or community project. Promotion is due -Gemini and another Sagittarian play Ikey roles. CAPRICORN (Dec-22-Jan. 19): Prepare . pro.motlonal material, consider direct mail campaign. Emp hasis on long-range projects, travel plans a nd new markets. Taking a special course or attending a lecture could lead to definite ad vantages. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Re ject superfi¢al explanations. Dig deep for factual mate rial. You make discovery concerning finances, emotio na l needs of one close to you . Hunch is on target, dream could prove prophetic and you'll gain new insights con- cerning your own extrasensory perception. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): &ad bet- ween lines, be aware of small print and ob- tain 1epl opinion prior to signing agreement or contracL Home repair, i.rlstalfation of sa- fety devices command atten tion. Fam ily member will make gesture of conciliation . m a rriage may he out The outdated oddJty of canon law pro- h ibiting marriage be tween couples wbo cannot have sexual Inter course will proba- bly be dumped ln &be revised version to be r eleased tbla yAr. The purpose of tbl1 law was to protect the bride. It obvlou1ly ca m e about because from the ttme of Augustine, Catholics have been taught that tbe primary purpo1e of marriage was procr eation. When P ope Plus XII aanc tloaed tbe rhy thm syst em , tbe Inher ent me11age to Church f aithfuJ was that ever y act of Intercourse need not be an effort to procrea te. The se- cond Vatican Council, howe ver, recognized that love between woman and man was a legitimate end of marria ge. Welcome to the 20th century. q-.N UNDEIS· drinks and buy him a cigar 1( he want, one. D~ you think 1t will wai;h, Ann? - WIGGED OUT fN WILMINGTON DE AR WIGGED: Not really. Too many men will remain gentlem e n in spite of tbe cultural r evolution. P raise the Lord! DEAR ANN: The man I am seeing told me last mght he is joining a new movement to see that women's libbers get what they want. He insists, however, that they should be willing to telephone a man and ask him for a date, pick him up in her car (or provide transportation). p ay for the dinner and Are drugs OK If you learn how co conrrol them? Can Ch ey be of help? The answf:!rs are in Ann Landers' new booklet, ''Th~ Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered. senq $2.00, plus a Jo ng, sell- addressed. stamped envelope (37 cents fX'S- tage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chi- cago, lll. 60611 . Heaven: Own· room Do you know how many people have never had a room of their own? Mosl of us start life in a crib m our parents' bedroom, and later are paired off with brothers and sisters in another room. ERMA 80M8ECIC AT WIT'S END At cainp, we're arranged like iced-tea spoons 1n a drawer. and at college. stacked togl'lhl·r with a roomful of strangers. If we st•rv<.· m th<.' army. we cough as a group. MARRIAGE ONCE AGAIN throws us logl'th<.·r with a roommate with whom we mul>l share-closets. cabinets and the very lJlanket Wt' sleep Under. Most of us h ave ne ve r even had the luxury of being in the hospital alone -only sem1 -pnvate. hair m 1t and thl· stereo played only music you Liked. You could put 2,000 thumbtacks in the walls if you wanted to -even gross posters and weird album covers. You could s pread out all your s tuff on the bureau end-to-end and stay up and read all night if you wanted to. Your window too k com - mands only from you. ln the '60s, when young people were into "communal living," I could only assume they were all "only children" looking for a cheap crowd thrill. Who in their righ t mind would want to drag through Life like a loaf of sliced bread? The room was absolutely soundproof. You could whisper and giggle until you fainted and no one would hear you. There were no keyholes for "spies." I had a friend who was one of seven children. As one of a crowd , she led a special Heaven ... a room where you could be alone with your secrets and your dreams and for a little while escape the real world thrust upon you from the other side of the door. -kind of life. He r mother always called her by six names before she got it right. Since her mother sewed to save money. she al- ways wort· dresses that matched a shower curtain. She never got a car window in her lifetime. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE DOES UNUSUAL S OMET IMES HAPPEN - SHE FANTASIZE D about a "room of her own." Heaven to her was a quiet little corner w1 th a ceiling of blue sky and a car- pet of white clouds. The door locked from the 1ns1de only. and you couldn't even open 1t with a skewer from the outside. The bed was never made and you could polish your toenails m the middle of it without someone "te lling." You h ad so many h angers you didn't have to "double up" and your clothes were never jammed to the dark end of the closet. ,._ e,VT NOT USUA LLY. Your hairbrush never had anyone else's 19'1 Ai•l'V"'9"' 9,, .... ..,, •u '°''O"f~ ...,..,. ••' O.•• '''"'""• <Ol"let-•"'r ~""""'"•'• •""' GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Ql.-Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: +6 <;;· AK98 0 A9652 +J 76 The bidding has proceeded: 'llorth East South •• 2 + ? Whal action do you take'! A.-Ynu could l'asily have a l{ame.>. however. the hand rould JUSl as well be a tot a I misfit. What you do know 1s that y<lu arc looking al three .!lure defensive triC'.ks and a singleton in partner's suit. A J!l'nalty double rould bring in a bonanza if partner has the right hand, but if partner's hand is un~uitable for defend· ing a low·level contract, you should have no dirricully find ding your best spot. Q.2-As outh. vulnerable. you hold: •72 ''KQ1065 O A.83 +762 The b1dd1ng has proceeded: South Weit North EHt Pau Pue 1 + PH• I ~ Pa11 l NT P ... ? What action do you take'/ A. -Partner ha.s a minimum opening bid nnd you have a bala need 9 points. You have no reason to suppose that you have a better contract than one no trump. A bid of two hearts tends to show a six-card suit and an unbnlnnc ed hand. Pass. Q.3 -Both vulnerable, u 1 South you hold: •A872 V'AKM2 OJ5 •SS Thl' bidding hu pr~eded: WH t Nwtla Eaat SHU. I + Pue 2 • ? What action dn you talte? A. -There is nothing you can do with any degree or safety. Neither East nor West has limited his hand. so 1l is quite possible that your partner has a bust, in which casP you might be soundly thrashed Ill any eight-trick contract. Yet you have sufficient defensive values to suggest that your opponents might have dif ficulty in fulfilling any gam1• contract. Take the prudent course. Pass . Q.4 -Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: +5 ~AQJ096 OA76 +AQ83 The bidding has proceeded: South Weet North Eaet I ~ Pa11 1 + Pu1 2 + Pa11 2 NT Pa11 ? What do you bid now'! A.-Naturally. you intend getting to game. but because or your singleton spade. you should not bid three no trump. Partner bu not yet denied holding three hearts. and you should give him the chance or playing in a suit contract in case bis spade stopper is not all that secure. Bid three diamonds. Tbst leaves all the options open Q.5-As South, vulnerable. you hold: +6 'i?IU97 OKQtO •AKJ83 The bidding has proceeded: South Weltt North Eut I • P... l <:? Pa11 1 What do you bid now'/ A . -Even If p artner·• retponse was ahaded, you want t.o be In fame -your hand ls worth 20 poinU In support of hearts. Bid four heart<; Rear in mind that a 1ump to three hearts. while highly encouraging. would not bl' forcing. and partner might pass wit h many hands that would easily produce game opposite yours Q.6-As South, vulnerable. you hold: •J82 . AQ109M 0 A +AKS The bidding has proceeded: South Weet North Eaet I I."' Pa11 2 0 PaH 3 <vi Pa11 3 + Pan 3 NT Pa11 4 e-:t Pa111 ? What action do you take'? A.-North has shown a good hand first by res ponding al the two level. then show iog his spade control and subsequently supporting heart.s. He should. therefore . have the ingredients to pro- duce twelve tricks. The cientiric treatment 1s to cue· bid your minor suit aces. in case partner has the right cards for a grand ~lam. But the pragmatic approach. which appeals to us. is a direct bid of six hearts. How do TOG ct.ooee lite beet openlq lead? Cll&rlet GorH hu the Hewer. For a eopy of ww1 .. 1., o, ..... L .. d1," 1ud 11.85 t• '"Gor••·IAacl•," can •f Uiie H•tpaper, P.O. lex UI, Nww...t, N.J. 0714&. Mab ~Mell• pay.W. c.e N••• ,.,........._ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, April a, 1812 .. • 1 Code name 'in' in D.C . . White House status symbols closely guarded WASHINGTON (AP) - Statu1 1ymbol1 ln tbe Whi t e Jlome are almost U DW'Del'OUI - and )»Oil cu-efully l(Uatded -.. uw unparwit~ tiU.. Where elle would an uall~t know her beat offered to help liiiiiiii•lil•••"l out. They •uaeaied ahe not only should have a radJo but a code name u well. , Not knowfnl how IUCh tlunp 2 x e -» lln. tt, • - were done. the aoctal MCNW'y 775-1491 bravely qreed to adopt the name Tablecloth u her handle. It wu 16808 $. HARBOR an lnalder'a reference to one of r..•~-=-'L.a-w g ven at Newport Beach Hearin« Aid Center M••·• 08'pr. I, TaH., Apr.•· Wecl., Apr.1 9A.M."te1 P.M~ , to the prelident outrank a aped.al ..a.tar\t to the pn!lident, WftO of ooune outranka a 1taff ualltant to the pneident? Some aide. have two title., just "to'";:• navisaUonal fix on their In the pecking order. One avorlte: a11l1\ant to the praident and executive usia1ant to the deputy chief of staff. the ernbarrUlina tnddent.I that DECKING have plagued the flnt lady's of-;;:iiiiS:Sa• fice. It wu Mn. Brandon who told a reporter a few months a.,o that ~ f......, ,...._ c...... Hearin& tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist, who is ficenaed by the California State Board or Medi cal Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. · Anyone who has trouble hearing or widerstandlng is welcome to a test emploiying the latest electronic equiP,ment which will det.ermtne his or her particular loss. You will see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fits totall~ within tbe ear. That particular uailtant res· lgned, but hla tqp aide ia 1till there. She'• the staff ualltant to the executive aaaiatant to the deputy chief of staff. · One of the modern atatua aymbola la the two-way radio. Once carried discreetly under the jackets of Secret Service agents, the radios -and thus their bodyguard owners -could be ,guickly ldenUfied by the tiny microphones poised at the agents' wrists and the earphones they wore in their ears like hearing aida. Now, television correspondents and producers carry similar de- vices and the White House staff not to be outdone, has its own radios and reserved frequencies, too. Of course, not everyone on the White House staff gets a radio, just a few of those who precede or accompany the president on what they like to call "movements." A preside ntial .. movement" is when he travels o u ts Ide th:e White House grounds. The creme de la creme of the ., radio set, as it were, are those 'TABLECLOTH' -Mabel "Muffie" Brandon has been pegged by the Secret Service as Tablecloth. who are as&gned Secret Service code names. President Reagan is Rawhide; his wife Nancy is Rainbow. They're too itnportant to carry radios. lf they want something, someone with a radio is always nearby. White House social secretary Muffie Brandon went along on one recent trip, and it was deci- ded she was of sufficient station t o merit on e of the precious electronic devices. An infrequent traveler, Mrs. Brandon was un- familiar with the finer points of radio talk, so some of those who the White Hou.e wu aufferimr T•'• '" lnnntory ol your potential., Tt Wllat ~ Of fllrirOMltflt do ro. llOR I from a "tenible tablecloth criail,' ,bm 111: How do ,o. ,."to othln?I a public relallona snafu that led Att.nd one of flMll MUIOfts In ~: to a number of indelicate aug-.... 1.-...,u .... ,....__.n eesttons from readers about what ..... ,...._.,. 14 ...., 4-..._ .,.11 might be done to extricate the ....._. ._.. 7•.11.·lt.WJI. administration from Its latest di-m: m•"' ..... lemma. ..._......._111 JI For a week Mrs. Brandon du-(714) 640-1261 tifully carried her radio every-f=:===========~ where, but it never squawked for her once. Then, on the final night before she was to turn it in at the end of the trip, she h eard the radio crackle to life. "Tablecloth," paged a man's voice. Mrs. Brandon, who has never pretended to be a m.aster of modern technology, sat transfi· xed, staring at the radio as if it were an insect perched in her hand. A companion, more experien- ced in such matters, calmly rea- ched for the walkie-talkie, pressed a button and acknowled- ged the call. ''Tablecloth," she said. ''Tablecloth, this is Table," said the mystery caller. "Table, Tablecloth: I got you covered," retorted Mrs. Bran- don's companion. The airwaves fell silent. Photos whh · Easter B1n1y Bring your child to Huntington Center for o free fun visit with the ,,Easter Bunny. Photos only $2.88 on request. Doily 'til Easter. Cell 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for ou. • Fortress of freedom for 575 million people. , Today 15 nations, d iverse in culture, stand as one to maintain the peace against the forces of aggression and of communist domination. This is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-the most successful alliance of its kind ever formed. A testament to peace through strength for 33 years. Beyond its role in defense, NATO operates as a regional alliance under • the UN Charter, seeking to relax world tensions through international. joint action in economic, political and cultural fields. It has helped to bring unparalleled growth. stability and prosperity to the free countries of Western Europe, Canada, and to the United States. In recognition of NATO achievements. and to demonstrate our support of its work and its goals, McDonnell Douglas personnel worldwide will observe a paid holiday to honor the founding of NATO for the 19th consecutive year. / ----------------------------1 For more information, write: I NATO Folder, McDonnell Douglaa. L . Box 14526, St. LoUlt, MO 63178. I · I Name1~----------~--------------------------·1 I Addl'na.------------------------------------~ I 0ty Stat• P I L ________________________________ J NEWPORT BEACH HEARl~G AID CENTER Formerly 'MonCgomery Ward treartna :(ld Cent.er: Costa Mesa 1600 West Coast Wgbway Newport Beach 646-826fl l.Clou c~'t mfke It In these_c!eys, ~all for •PJ!C:· at another time ~------. r1arriof f's ODS Rncho lil5 Palmm .naon ,:~~/lC,;-S· off ens everything In casual --~ ~ 1 1 ~, country club elegance • 27 holes of championship golf • 25 tennis courts (8 lighted) • 2 swimming and hydrotherapy Po<>ls • 348 deluxe sleeping rooms • nestled In beautiful Rancho Mirage, Calif. (in the Palm Springs area) at base of the magnKlcent Santa Rosa Mountains Come see for yourseK why we've become "The Gem of the Desert~ ·~Ho LAS PALMAS RESORT" 41000 tlab HOiie Otlve RwlchO Mnoe. ~ 82270 (7141541&-2727 or Toll FrM (llOCll 22H290 ELECT l=hlElli·~ H.I. Cit, Council QUALIFIED fl IUI BELSITO ts a proven leader experienced in city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as having earned advanced de- grees In Public Management and Law. CRIME FIGHTER [I IUD BELSITO ts endorsed by the Huntington Beach Police Officer's Association". t 1lj1](~.\01M XI IUI IWITO Is a ongtlme resident dedicated to a bright future for Huntington Beach. FOR All HE WILL DO THIS BUD'S FOR YOU! Paid For By The Bud Befslto Election Committee 1.0. 820348 5901 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach 92648, Tom Moseley Chairman ------------------------ FIND YOUR NAME CD 2 TICKETS WORTH S 19 1 mlllll IT-I ..... """,....... ~ Qii\..SI, -long a.acti Newl)<)rl & Fairview -Cosio Meso Moft·Wed . 1,pra 12.1• Thun·Sundov. April 15-18 ' TICKETS avallable at Circus Verges locations end et llM Tlcketron outlets. Fat more .circus lnformatlol\ oen (7t•l 957-1120 9 wmtrs In TOday's Classifieds! I I I I I ! I L ptlllQI CoUt DAILY PILOT/~, Aprll 6, 1H2 THE t't\MILl' ClaC:tM --::=~~:..by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE . • • " .. by Virgil Partch (VI P) "I'm fomou,, Mommy! The teacher hung my drawing on the wall!" "I tt1tt Mondaya." ,_.\R'9:\Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson "Remember when we moved to this neighborhood for privacy?!" Jl'DGt: P:\RKt:R HAv1N6 &EN INVITED TO JUOOE PARKER'S CHAMMR& FOR W NOi. SAM DRIVER LEARNS THAT THEY WILL OE JOINED OY AN ~HORNEY NAMED D e CLARK' G\Rt'H :l ,D 5lT DOWN, &AM' I THOIJ6HT I'D HAVE W NCH SENT IN! THAT'LL (',!VE U5 MORE TIME TO TALK AND roR YOU TO (;ET ACQUAINTED ~ITH D. &.! la~ .. Hank Ketchum ~ IJ.) by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~~~~~~~ ......... _... WE DIDN'T WANT ACROSS 58 Very d"P I ATUROAY'I 62 MasSlve PUZZLE SOl VED I Fly h19fl 63 $1111 wash 1 2 3 4 S Woeful 94 "Del1t1ous word lellover 14 9 MartnefS 66 ChOp 14 French 67 Three Get depar1ment 68 C010ts • 15 Aockltsh 69 E•tra 16 Follow 70 Gr111ty 11 "Nonsense•· 71 Otm•nuhve 2 w0tds sullb 19 Soito voce 20 Chopen com· DOWN position 21 ~ 1 Absl1nenl 23 Expertenee 2 Harangue again 3 Make ¥Otd 25 Slrenger 4 Scanning 26 Pleasant 5 Screw pine 21 S.th's son 4& FlavorleSI 28 E•pe<lmenlS 8 July·AUQUll 29 Queued Up 47 -cue 1 32 Rhymes babies 30 Helen'• 49 Clamor 37 Fastenef 7 Name lor • mouier 52 Hlghwaya 38 Oklahoma senorita 31 Lurch 63 Transcend• Glly 8 N0tthwetl 3:> Pouches Ing: Pref. 39 -Ark shrub 33 Effigy 55 Fish 4 1 Hvem room 9 Old pro• 34 Calllomla 58 Bird 42 Afelfl 10 POiton ~ 57. Oda« ' 45 ~ I 1 Hiding plac. 3!5 011 of song P.eww h0tdt 12 Cutrtnl 38Lrltling111P M 8- 4t ~ 13 Snow wtllblt 40 Gaiter 51 llltlng I 50 Mr Ollorl lJ W indtet ... 43 s.tnf· 90 ....... • 51 CouplM 22 "Scat!'' 2wonft 91 ~ 1 S4 $wed 24 UrW tub! « £~ SS,_.,,. " - To l?AISE TH~ ~ RENT. .. PEAN I: TS Tl: MBLE• EEDM GORDO WHAT AM I EON610 DO~! ! DIDN'I 5iUDQ t-Ofi! 1fil5 'TE.!>T ltT AU.!! DR.SMOCK 11"'5 so Nice -ro s ee You RE:ADING IN YOUR SPA Re 1"1Me ... IF l FW'JK Tt-115 !'U. &CT KILlED ! ! ft • I f f ~l~,'6\\t'f Mat ~ 1'1US \IJAS ().)~ ~A OA1'f. ~ lll\li MlE 'IO\) SO o&S1iAA1'f.? WH Y DO YOU CALL HIM THAT?···HE DOESN'T HAVE A SPOT ON H IM E.VERC(ONE /V\U5T HAVE Sf lJDIE.D BUT M£ ! LOOK AfBARRQ~AN THERE ! HE'5 Al.KEA£)'.( HALF FIN16HED ! IN~ I CAN SEE AU. OF H15 AN5WER5 ! by Charles M. Schulz l1M 60tN6 Fat TME GOLD ! I by Tom K. Ryan by Jett MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1tler by Tom Batiuk ~ 1 i • ' ! lf·S ·--.. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what ·,,you call them. the idea is the same -TURNING THINGS .YOU NO LONGER · NEEE> INTO CASH. When you get bred of fighting your way into .a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage salet So get into the act, c lean out those unwanted items, al'}d make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 1 o. steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your • sale. Weekends are usualry good, but many sucqessful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sa le run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. What to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven't used in the • last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Fwniture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price · furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for compartsons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. Rockinq chairs. chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. Clothing. Make s ure c lothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid 's things by age . Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a nwst on clothes except for unusual items, which s hould be tagged with an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." _ Appliances. These will sell lor a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets ·turned on etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". Plants. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper, Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your acL · Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, • Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of · unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments. 8 ' a.m. to 6 p. m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as pe>saibte. Give d irections if needed. Don't use abbreviations--= many people won't bother to decipher them. CAUTION: Don't advertise anything you don't reaUy have. Every ttem in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sate . . . . "' Orange Coa1t DAU. V PILOT /Monday, April 5, 1982 Where to advertise. Place yo'ur ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley-guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulcttion in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before·the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a 5i9n. -· To help make yo ur sale successful, make a few signs • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size is 14" x 22". Placing your sign .. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your • signs. Be sure and add your address and any directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can be seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION : Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or c lerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well, or you can use masking tape. However ·you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for.another year. Serving refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much. and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even c harge for expensive items like donuts. or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or II boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors and friends. II See if any want to join your sale. This will give you someone to share expenses with and Increase interest 6 4 2 5 618 • in YC?Ur sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in • · · your ad (example: "three-family sale," "neighborhood . Daill •1t>:, .. illo_illllllillillillliliiiliiiiiiiiiiilsaii1eii·lli·). 11 (3iiriio•uilp lllisa111ii~s.<; a•rile•a 11 1olitilimoiliiiire 11 f•u•n,lliitlllioo•._• GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR, GARAGE SALE! MAY: IT BE SUCCESSFUL AND FUN/ . 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA. · Open 8-5:30 Monday thru firlday, Satu(day 8-noon~ • ~ ~ 1 Orange cOut DAILY PILOT/Mond•y, AprU 5, 1882 W£ fLY BY THE .BOOK. '· You111ike our style A double tax break for Californians only. No U.S. income taxes. No state income taxes. TAX FREE Federal taxea. State taxea. The more y ou make, the more they •take. But, now you can keep it all. 11.89* Payable monthly When you inveat in tbe California Serie• of the Municipal lnveatment Truat Fund, you keep everything you earn, Nobody take• a penny of it. Not the State. Not the IRS. It'• completely tax free. t ' And the current yielda are attractive. 11.89% -and that'• alter all •ale• charge• and expenaea. And there'• no management fee. We think that you'll agree that the California Serie• of the Municipal lnveatment Truat Fund •core• high on all count•. All of the municipal bond• in the Fund are rated in the category A or better by Standard & Poor'• or Moody'•· Becauae it'• a fixed portfolio you'll know exactly where your money ia inveated. And, becauae it'• dl- veraified, your riak ia reduced. You may redeem or aell your unit• at any time without charge or intere•t penalty at the then prevailing mulcet price. II you're a Californian in a high tu bracket, double tu-free income may give you a lot more •P.ndable income. Write today for a Proapectua. It'• lrH and without obligation. Juat call Gerald Jone• or Suzanne Sellar• at (114) 644-2442, or mail the coupon. --------------------------------------------She:!=t American Express Inc. -Center Drfft Suite C Newport BMch, CA 92llO (714) 144 2442 Attn: Qer8ld Jonee or Suanne ... ..,. Al\ ,,. f ....,..._.......,..._ ................... I n.,_-,. 11w;---------..,,1K..,EA11-•H8ifj--------, l!MlaM 111t ..,_(A~-r r n..t. ................................. .. on::::----------------------'_..,..,.....," ......... ,...,, ........ ...,.,.. ....... ..,,....,. ... ZIP '*-= .. -__. ............ , .. BRING THE . HUGE · BEECO WEST NEWPORT INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL, HIGH DENSITY PROJECT .TO A VOTE The City Council has just approved an Industrial, Commercial High Density Devel· opment near Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Boulevard, Balboa Boulevard, and Superior Avenue. It will add about 2,000 commuters and thousands of cars to an alr11dy jammed road system. It will increase airport demand by an estimated 10,000 trips. The project could impair emergency access to Hoag H.ospital. Strong pofitical powers are attempting to change the city's General Plan away from a low density residential recreation community to a high density Commercial Industrial city~ The Beeco project changes the current General Plan in exactly this fashion. If you b•liBVB citizens should havs the right to vote on rsdical changes to their home environment: 1. Sign below •• "clrculator" and aa "regl1tered • YOt!9r." • 2. Obtaln 1lgnature of other regl1tered votel'8. 3. Cut out and mall by Aprtl 7th to eddrH1 1hown at bottom of page or call one of the number• In Item 4 .. 4. Call 842-3125 or 645-1888 or 842-1998 If you want to help. -------------------------------------------, : WEST NEWPORT LEGISLATIVE ALLIANCE-REFERENDUM PETITION : I I I I I I : PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF : I I THE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • I : PROTESTING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 82 -41 : I I I I I I I. I : To the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California: : Under Elections Code Section 4051 , we the under!:igned, more than ten percent of the registered qualified voters of this city, hereby present this petition protesting ' adoption on March 12, 1982, of Resolution No. 82 -41. This Resolution is General Plan Amendment 81 -1 and calls for changing the designated land use under ~he presen t General Plan from residential to a land use mix of residential, commercial-office and industrial space. 1 2 3 4 5 We reques t that this resolution, No. 82 -41 , be entirely repealed by you, or be submitted, as prescribed by law to: A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE REGISTERED VOTERS OF NEWPORT BEACH NAMES ADDRESSES OFFICE USE SIG. • S,T. & NO. PRINT CITY/TOWN SIG. ST. & NO. PRINT CITY/TOWN SIG. ST. & NO. PRINT CITY/TOWN SIG. ST & NO. • ~INT CITY/TOWN SIG. I ST & NO. PRINT CITY/TOW,N AFFIDAVIT OF PETITION CIRCULATOR I am registered to vote in the City of Newport Beach. Each signature to this petition was signed in my presence. Each signature to th is petition is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the genuine sign a· ture of the person whose name it purports to. be. All signatures were obtained between March 13, 1982 and April 12, 1982. I declare under penalty of perjury that my statements on.this Affi. davit are true and correct a·nd that this Affidavit was executed on _ ____ _, 1982 at Newport Beach, California SIGNATURE OF CIRCULATOR ~INT NAME STREET AND NUMBER CITY DR TOWN TELEPHONE C.tJ!fliedw • affl9t.., IJ<fllHI will .. 111l11•1t • ----~....-------------------------------·---- ..... I I I I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I llllyPllat MONDAY. APRIL 8, 1'82 TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT C4 cs UC/ baseball team posts first win in conference. C2. A 'needed' Dodger • Will Angels denied series sweep • :>; CURT SEEDEN only suffered the defeat but he tt1e Delly Not •a.f! . . also came up with what was There are exh1b1uon gai:nes and diagnosed as a split flnger. which t~e.r~ are Freeway Series ex-is basically a tom fingernail that h1b1uon games.. is m cntical condition . . But Sunday s Dodger-Angel And. it only gets worse with finale -played before the lar-more pitching. gest crowd ever to w_atch a "I! I continue to throw with it. baseball game at Anaheim Sta-it could lead to some serious dium -was just a little bit more things. The more I pitch. the than tht; ~t~uneup bef~re the more the fmgemail cracks.'' Ki- 1982 official season, especially to son explamed. th~ Dodgers. . .. Kison ent.ered the game in the You bet we wanted to wm, fourth inning, in relief of st.art.er offered Dodger ~nd baseman Angel Moreno, and breezed Steve Sax aft~r his team had through the his first three in-sal~aged the final game of ~he nings. striking out five and reti- ser1es, 5-4. before a whopping ring eight World Champions in a 61:026 fans. . row at one point. !here was no doubt a~ut 1t. But after walking Dodger de-Th.~s game meant something to signat.ed hitter Ron Roenicke and us, Sax added. allowing a single to Sax. Kison AT STAKE HERE was a little bit of pride on the part of the World Champions, a possible Angel sweep, something that has never happened in the 15-year history of the series, and maybe more importantly, Tommy La- sorda's sanity. "Sure, he hjd a Little talk with us before the game." Sax admit- ted about his manager. "He told us to go out there and beat those guys and go into the new season with some momentum." Still, the Dodgers were hardly wild boars in capturmg their lone victory or the seri~. which re- quired a three-run, seventh - inning uprising to tum the tables on what was a 3-2 Angel lead. was replaced by Mahler MAHLER PROMPTLY gave up an RBI single to pinch-hilt.er J orge Orta and then int.ent1onally walked Dusty Baker to load the bases. He also walked Rick Monday. unintenuonally, to s nap the tie and gJVe the Dodgers a 4-3 edge. Derrel Thomas then execut.ed a squeeze bunt to brmg home Orta for a 5-3 lead. Aside from Steve Garvey's thard-innmg. line drive homer into thP left-field seats, the maJOnty or the action took place off the h eld -both before and after the game. O-FOR-2 -Steve Sax of the Dodgers slides into third base ahead of the tag of Angel third-baseman Doug DeCinces, who in tum tries to nail Jorge Orta at second base. Orta. Delly Pllol Photoe bJ Cll.MiM ltan who singled to start the play, was also safe and both Dodger base-runners eventually scored during seventh- inning rally as Dodgers prevailed, 5-4. The rally came against Angel relievers Bruce Kison and Mick- ey Mahler. Kison, aside from being a tad' wild in his three inrungs-plus stint, was downright impressive. But by the lime the game was over, K1son had not Reggie Jackson, for instance, started the game in right field for the Angels, but only to appease the h~althy crowd. Jackson was suffering from a strained calf muscle and decided to sit it out after his first at-bat. The injury (See DODGERS, Pa e C2) . A prof itahle Sunday drive for Landa • Bv HOWARD L. HANDY Of 1"-Delly Pllot Stan LONG BEACH Some years back, out of a two-year retirement this season, won his hrst Fonnula One Grand Prix race since 1978. The victory marked the 18th triumph in Fonnula One racing for the 33-year -old driver who finished second here m 1976 and agam in 1977. the Pacific Electric used to run the big red cars down the middle of Long &>dch Boulevard in this city terminating on Ocean Boulevard The next two years he retJred early • and for the past two, has been m reti- rement. For those who remember those days. there were more footraces to catch the big red cars during any two-hour period daily than there were attempts to pass Niki Lauda on these same city streets Sunday during the FonnuJa One race. The course at Long Beach was a bit more bumpy than u s ual due to late laying of asphalt over construction ex- cavations. Lauda, driving a McLaren. captured the 1982 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach with a n easy Sunday afternoon drive. He passed pol~ sitter Andrea de Cesaris on the 15th lap and pulled away before ,,. sun-drenched crowd of 82,000 plus thousands more watchjng for Cree from nearby buildings. But despite the pitfalls, Lauda was never m serious trouble after keeping de Cesar1s m sight from his starung position on the front row until such time as the Italian youngster ran into traffic. It was then that the wily, skillful Lauda pulled around him and kept the lead fQ.r the rest of the 75.5-lap race. For the three days of Grand Prix action on the streets of Long Beach, an estimated crowd or 187,000 took m the carnival-atmosphere festivities. Lauda moved steadily in front of de Cesans, a 22-year-old youngster Crom Rome who sat on the pole for the first time ever. He held on to second place The Austrian born Lauda who came This Laker victory smooth as 'Sil k' INGLEWOOD (AP) -Becau- se of outstanding teammates like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Norm Ni- xon, forward Jamaal Wilkes of the Los Angeles Lakers is often shunted into the background. But that wasn't the cage on Sunday as Wilkes performed brilliantly in a nationally televi- sed National Basketball Associa- tion contest. Known as "Silk.'' Wilkes pou- red through 32 points, connecting on 15 of his 22 field goal at- tempts. as the Lakers pounded the Portland Trail Blazers 129-111. "I'm a quick, little player," said Wilkes after the game. "I'm not a world record-holder. I try to do what I do best." What he does best is shoot and his shooting helped the Lakers win for the fourth Ume In their last five outings and rebound positlvely from a 109-88 home- court loss to the Phoenix Suns two days earlier. Lakers, 51-24, took a 63-55 half- time lead. Los Angeles went ahead for good by outscoring Portland 13-2 in the final 2:20 of the first half. • The Trail Blazers, got as close as three pomts. 80-77, late in the third quarter, but the Lakers scored 13 of the next. 16 points to take a 93-80 advantage and we- ren 't threatened seriously after that. "Our effort was much better and much fresher than against Phoenix," said Riley. "It's inva- luable to get this game under our belts before we go down to Houston." The Lakers face the Rockets on Tuesday night. Abdul-Jabbar and Nixon ad- ded 24 and 22 points, respe:ti- vely, for the Lakers on Sunday. Nixon also had 13 assists. Earvin "Magic" Johnson had 20 points, seven rebounds, 10 assists and seven st.eats for Los AnJ{eles. until he crashed on the fifth of 12 turns nearly halfway through the race. The Italian driver was not injured al- though it took him some time to get out or the car that went up in flames which were quickly exunguished by fire crew- men. At the time of the crash, Lauda enjoyed a nine second lead. Lauda finished the race at an average speed of 81.4 miles per hour and barely under the two -hour time limit at 1:58.25.318. He was 14.660 seconds in front of second place finisher Keke Rosberg in a Williams-Ford. "I'm happy to win the third race I have entered since returning." Lauda said. "I thank God I was right in my prediction before this sea.son started." He had said it would take him three or four races to get mentally prepared and to sort out the car. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm right on schedule. "I didn't have any serious problems out there today and I was able to slow down at the end . It didn't make any sense to go faster. The difference in time didn't matter." Lauda was in front of Rosberg by a substantial margin most of the race. The biggest difCcrential was 50.310 seconds which was cut to 14.660 at the fin1Sh, the closest he could come. Gilles Villaneuve finished third and was driving the only turbocharged car remaining in action when the race en- ded. Only 11 of the original field of 25 cars were runnjng at the end. A high attrition rate found more than half the field out of the rac~ by the halfway mark (one hour). Both turbo Renaults w ent out early after starting on the second row. Bruno Giacomelli of Italy, driving an Alfa Ro- meo like de 0..'Saris. took the Renault of Rene Arnoux out when he ran into the rear of the car on the sixth lap. Moments later, Alain Prost, who went into the race leading the world cham- (See LAUDA, Page C2) • DllJ .... ..._.....,.., ........ "Wilkes was the star of the game," said Loe Angeles Coach Pat Riley. "He was awe90me, in the flnt half apeclally. We de- 1ign a lot of play• around him. He'• aot the p-een li1ht. He'a a con1tant profeulonal. He's al- way. been ao CIOOliatent.'' Wilk.ea made 10 of hia 13 floor lhota and trored 22 points as the The 1068 made the sum playoU hopes of the Trail Bluera, 37-37, even alimmer. Kelvin Ransey led Portland with 23 point. and 10 asSista; Jim Paxaon and Billy &y Bates added 20 and 18 potnta, respectively; Mychal Thompeon had 18 points, Calvin Nau had 15 point• and a game-high 12 re- bounds, and Bob Gross had'l2 points, nine rebounds and 13 u- wta vtCfORY PARTY -ThJa happy poup had every reuon to celebrate S~y after Niki •Lauda's victory In the Long Belich Grand Prix. Thete fans were slttine and wat.ching the race on Ocean Boulevard, acrou from the winner'• circle. 1 ' '• WINNER -Niki Lauda took the lead on the 15th lap and pulled away to gain his first Formula One victory in nearly four years at Long Beach Sund Kings await playoffs after losing, 7-4 VANCOUVER (AP) -Blair MacDonald scored two goals as the Vancouver Canucks {inished the National Hockey League re- gular season unbeaten in nine games by easily defeating the Los Angeles Kings 7-4 Sunday rught. The victory, coupled with a 6-0 triumph Saturday in Los An- geles, gave the Canucks second place in the Smythe Division, two points ahead of Calgary. Vancouver has the home-I~ ad- vantage against the Flames in the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. which open Wednes- day. The Canucks, who led 5-0 hallway through the game, also got goals from Curt Fraser Ivan Hlinka, Stan Smyl, Man: (:;aw- ford and Dave Willlatna before a sellout crowd of 16,023 at the Pacific Coliseum. It was the fifth straight Jo. for the fourth-place Klng1, who meet first-place Edmonton in the other best-of-five Smythe .erni- final. Rookie Berni Nicholls acored twice for the Kinp, givinc the center 14 •in 22 late ee111>n NHL games, and rookie Dary) Evana aot the other Loe Anaelee pl. The Canucka fired 37 lbota at Loa An1eJea netmlnder Do"'8 · Kean11 while the Klnp h.lld 86 ahota on Rick Hew: --·-..,,.._--~-.. Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 6, 1982 ..,...,~~---...... ~---"""""' ..... ~~"""""'!!- College presidents responsible: Digger From AP dlapatches NEW YORK Notre Dame m Coach Digger Phelps, who has char- ged that basketball players were being offered as much as $10,000 by recruiters. saJd Sunday that rcsponsl~ty for the problem's solution rests ultimately wuh the col- lege presidents. Appearing on AOC-TV's Sport.sBeat, Phelps cited lack of control by the presidents as the major problem. "l think we've built this monster ourselves," Phelps said. "We've forgotten the students, and now the athletes turn toward professionali5m, and that's not what intercollegiate athletics was set up to be. And from that standpoint, we as coaches have got to get more involved, so that we can get to our athletic directors who can get to the college presfdents and come up with some solutions." Phelps said the NCAA enforcement com- mittee merely carries out rules established by the member institutions and he would like to see those rules strengthened. Quote of the day Jobn Candelaria, Pittsburgh pitcher, when the Pirates' 6-5, 240-pound Dave Parker told someone he'd beoome a vege- tarian: "Yeah, you're a vegetarian, all right. What do you eat? Palm trees? Redwoods?" Richard retu to the mound J .R. R ichard pitched for the first la time in almost two years as Ho1J5ton defeated Toronto, 3-2 Sunday in ex- hibition baseball action. Richard, who hadn't pitched in game competition since July 14. 1980 when he suffered a stroke, ente.i:ed the game with two outs in the eighth inning, and despite walking the first three Toronto hltters, didn't allow a run in throwing 17 balls and 11 strikes ... S teve Nicosia and Lee Lacy hit wind-blown home runs a~ Pittsburgh de- f e at e d C in cinnati, 5-4 ... Jim Rice drove in a run with two hits and fi- nished the exhibition season with a .478 batting average as Boston topped D e troit, 4-2 . . . Ron Hassey dou- bled home the decisive run as lllCHAllO Cleveland shaded Milwaukee in 10 innings. 8-6 ... A seven-run fourth in- ning boosted Philadelphia to an 11 -8 win over Minnesota . . Larry Parrish collected three runs batted m to lead Texas to an 8-0 victory over the Yankees . Gaylord Perry, in his outing of the spring. scattered two hits over six innings as the Seattle split squad beat San Diego, 4-l .. Jack Clark rut a three-run homer and Reggie Smith a solo shot as San Francisco clai- med an 11 -5 decision over Oakland ... Darre ll Porter hit a three-run homer in the first inning to trigger St. Louis to a 7-4 win over the Mets. Nuggets' streak snapped at 12 Guard BUI Haaallk 1cored 1 m career-hlah 25 P.olnt1 to RO with center Jack Slkma 1 29 to pace Seattle to a 140· l 16 vtctory over Denver Sunday ntaht. 'rhe triumph, whlch 1napped" l2·a~e Nuggets' wtnntna etrcak, kept Seattle 2 ~ leam('t to the ~ar of..th~ !Aken ln tM Pacific Dlvtslon . El.t<'wb~ rt\ Walter Davia aoored 16 of h1I 22 Points In th~ Unst half to spur Pll<>Mbt to an e•y HM-95 victort owr Kanaas Oty, the Kinpf 32nd ad Ion in 39 aam" thl1 1ta1Qp . . . Mike DDDleavy hit a palt of three-point 1a.J.a down the 1trotch u Houston overcame a 14-point deficit to upe nd San An tonto 1 95-93 . . . J,.arry 811'4 nettea 16 of his game-hJgh 29 pointa in the fourth quarter to help I MAIUUC Boston fight off a late rally and defeat Chicago, 114-112 ... Ray Wllllam1 notched 27 pointl to spark New Jersey to a 119-109 win over Cleveland ... JullH Er- ving'• 24 points led Philadelphia to a 127-106 romp over New York ... Sinking 10 of hit flrlt 11 shots, Marques Jobnsoa scored 28 points to match teammate Sidney Moncrief'• total as Mil- waukee raced to a 129-115 verdict over lndiana. St. Louis locks up third in Norris Rookie Joe Mullen scored two ~ goals to spark St. Louis to ·a 3-2 vie-, tory over Detroit in the fin.al rught of the regular season in the National Hockey League Sunday. The victory helped the Blues c linc h third place i n the Norris D1v1sion . . Elsewhere, rookie center Barry Pederson netted three goals and assisted on four others as Boston assured itself of second place in the Adams Division by beating Hartford, 7-2 ... Real Cloutier and Michel Goulet trig- gered a five-goal Quebec first period with a goal and two assists each as the Nordiques dumped Buffalo, 7-4 . Winger Tlm Ke r r struck for · three goals to pace Philadelphia to a 7-1 decision over Toronto ... Edmonton rode power-play goals by Risto Siltanen and Jari Kurri 72 seconds apart midway through the first period and held on for a 2-l verdict over Winmpeg ... Rookies Bobby Carpenter and Cblrs Valentine scored. power-play goals m the second period to break a score less tie and Hft Washington to a 3-1 win over Montreal ... Glen Sbarpley's second goal of the game from puint blank range midway through the final period helped Chicago nip Minnesota, 4-3 . . . Steve Gatzos S<.'Ored a pair of goals and assisted on another , while goalie Michel Dion turned aside 26 shots as P1ttsbur~h handled the Islanders 7-2. Muttering wins Santa Anita Derby Mutterbtg held off the challenge • of Prln~ Spellbound Sunday to win the Santa Anita Derby for 3-year-olds by a nose Ridden by Laffit Piocay, Muttenng took the lead heading for home and managed to hold the advantage despite the strong finish of Prince Spellbound ... Bjorn Borg survived hls third qualifying mat.ch Sun- day and then was seeded fourth for today's operung of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament, the first maJOr clay court event of the year After leading most of the race, Dale Earnhardt held off the last-minute chal- lenge by Cale Yarborough to wm the Rebel 500 stock car race at Darlin~ton Internati on~l Raceway. Television, radio TV: Auto Racing -Long Beach Grand Prix, taped, 11 p.m .. Channel 9 RADIO: No events scheduled From Page C1 DODGERS. • ia not considered aerlou.. Thero was alao K.Jaon'11 minor injury. OVER IN l HE Dodger club- houte, J...aaorqa annoWll:-Od after the j~e that pitcher Tom Nje- deatuer would be op\ioned to Albuquerque, thereby setting the team down to the 25-l'fta{l 11~ rnlt. That means rookie Ted l>o~ wer will atay with the big club. '11e.idcally1 he (Laaorda) said I was • majc)r lea,ue pitcher," an obvioualy dl1ap~inted Nleden - f uer said. "h's juat a ma tter of having too many pitchers right now." Sunday, the Dodgers needed just two pjtchera to get the job done. Burt Hooton went a solid six, scattering six hits and allo- wing three earned runs. Dave Stewart finished things up, surviving an Angel rally in the eighth inning to earn the save and disappoint the Angel fans who dominated the big crowd. And, both the Angels and Dodgers appear to be headed for big seasons, attendance-wise if the three-game Freeway Series figures are any indication. This year's three game total pushed the series total over the 1 million mark. The three games (two at Dodger Stadium) drew 140,094. "It's going to be Cun playing· in front of big crowds every day," noted Dodger reserve shortstop Mark Belanger. FMRAY NOTEI -i.-de annou~ he wtll go wltll • lour-man pltehing rotetlon to atert Ille regular HHon Jerry ReuH wlll open ege!Mt the Glanll on Tueeday, IOl\owed by 8ob Welo1-on Wodneadey end 8llrt ltootoft·on Friday. FerwMdo V....._... wlll then 11er1 S•turday agaln11 Ille San Otego Pedr• In e gemo NBC will televlM natlonelly 10-came Into the game with 1-4 In- ning• ol WOfk under Ill• belt. Ha boaated a 1 93 earned run average and llad allowed Jull seven hlta wtllle llrlklng out 10 . Angel ce1cher 8ob 8oofte WH voted th• Fro1co Ttwlmpeofl most veluablo pleyer or the Free- way Seriea, while Angel phch« Geoff Zahl\ wllo pltc:IMKI Ila llOlld Inning• In lhe A~els' 2-1 vlcioty In the Fr-ay ~.was named the winner of the l efty Phllllp1 Memorlal Trophy U the OUlltendlng pltct>er Of the M- rleS From Page C1 Dally Piiot Photo bJ ChaftM ai.n ATTABOY -Steve Garvey receives congratulations from third-base coach Danny Oz.ark after Garvey's third-inning ho!!_l~Sunday at Anahetm Stadi~~ _ LAUDA WINS GRAND PRIX . • • pionsh1p pqJnt standings, had a brake failure and went out. Nelson P1quet, the defending world c hampion parked his Brabham after 26 laps and teammate Riccardo Patrese left the course a few moments later While Rosberg didn't win the race, he did move to the top of the point standings after three races with 14. Prost is second with 13 with Lauda moving to third with 12. Piquet remains at 9 in fourth pos1uon. Promoter Chr is Pook. in ex- plammg the rough spots on the course, said: ··1 don't blame Lau da for complaining Whe n the track breaks up. It lSn't good ·•But you have to realize there lS massive construction going on here at the present lime. Asphalt has to be laid down 60 to 90 days before a race in order to cure properly and it has only been 40 days sinC'e the repairs were made. "Th ese cars exert te rn fie pressure, up to ;s 'h to 4 g 's, when they are going sideways into the turns." For the youngsters in the ral't', a bitter lesson may have been learned. You don't become a top Formula One driver overnight. The top three f1n1 shers were L auda (33). Rosberg (33) and Villaneuve (30). Between them they have started sn 221 races and have won 24 sn that time including Sunday's race in Long Beach. When the race returns to the st.reets of Lorig Beach next year, OC'ean Boulevard will no longer be a part of the course. It will be some 600 yards shorter than this vear's track ·E dwards' 75 is good eno~gh Little makes big rally Clam pett falls one shy after futile rally in the wi nd GREENSBORO. N.C. (AP) -Danny Edwards used a mor<' casual, easy -going attitude and a windblown, front-running round of 75 to score a one-stroke victory Sunday in the Greater Greens- boro Open Golf tournament. "I have a feelmg I just allowed something to happen,'' said F.dwards, who led all the way in the gusty wmds that hampered last round play. Sailing seminar set A junior sailing seminar is scheduled during Easter vacation at Dana Point Harbor. Sponsored by Capistrano Bay Yacht Club's Junior Assoetation classes will be held startipg to- day through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The seminar is open to both club members and non-members. The course covers basic sailing prin- ci ples and sailboat handling. Emphasis will be on on-the-water drills, according to John Wold, the club's junior program vice chairman. For those students already familiar with the basics, special instruction will be given on impro- ving racing skills a11d knowledge of racing rules and tactics. "In my desm.• w improvt' and <lo well, I may have kind of made it difficult on myself. This time I JUSt allowed myself to go out and play and not be too concerned with how much over or under I was but just play " Bobby Clampett, who mounted a futile chase all day long, was very much concerned. however. "I JUSt couldn't catch h1m," said Clampett. "It seemed like I was aJways a shot behmd." The slend er Edwards, a two-sport man who combint'S his PGA Tour activity with another oc- cupauon as a race car dnver, acquired the third title of his carl'er with a 285 tot.al. He was 3-under par on the wind-scoured, 6,984 -yard Forest Oaks Country Club course: Edwards, 30, who had w on only $4,547 pre- viously this season, picked up $54,000 from the total purse of $300,000 and added two events to hls golf 9Chedule. The victory made him eligible for next week's prestigious Masters in Augusta, Ga., and the Tournament of Champions in Carlsbad the week after that. LITTLE WIN -Sally Little had to come from five strokes back to win the LPGA Di- nah Shore tournament at Rancho Mirage. UCI earns first conference win r early 5-1 deficit, chJpping away with two runs in the third, another in the sixth and three in the eighth to take Her 64 ties Shore tournament record • RANCHO MIRAGE (AP) -Sally Little felt as 1f she were dreaming after a dream round of 64 gave her the richest prize in women's golf. "I don't know where I am,'' a bea- ming Little said Sunday after she rallied from five strokes behind to win the Dinah Shore Invitational. "I'll have to come down to even think about it." Little's finaJ-round birdie blitz for the 8-under-par 64 gave her a 3-strokc victory over third-round lea- der Hollis Stacy and Sandra Haynie. Little said of her impressive finish: "I was playing at a level that I reach sometimes, but that I can't seem to have all the time. I get so pumped 1 get into the owne and just go." Stacy didn't appear particularly distressed at not winning, saying: "I'm excited about playing as well as I djd . There was a lot of pressure on Sally." Stacy, who had a 4-stroke edge over Jan Stephenson and JoAnne Carner heading into the finaJ 18 holes, shot par 72. Haynie had a closing 65. Little completed the 72-hole event at 10-under-par 278, with rounds of 76-67-71-64 over the 6,255-vard. par-72 Mission Hills Country.Club course. A 30-year-old South African m her 12th year on the Lad1es Professional Golf Association tour, Little began the day m a fourth-place tie, five strokes off the pace. She carded four birdies on the front mne, four on the back, and no bogeys during the closing round. Her 64 tied the Dinah Shore tour- nament record set by 1981 winner Nancy Lopez-Melton last year. Little caught Stacy with a birdie on the 10th hole. then moved ahead to stay with another birdie on No. 11. Kathy Whitworth, with a 69, and Amy Alcott, with a 67, finished six strokes behind the wtnner at 284. Pat Bradley was aJone at 286. Carner had a closing 73 to finish with Lopez-Melton and Beth Daniel at 287, while Stephenson shot 75 to finish at 288. The victory was the second of the year for Little, who now has won 12 Ladies Professional Golf Association events. Electric Pumpkin rolls LOS ANGELES -StP.ve Haworth cracked a homer and a pair of doubles to drive in two runs to pace a 16-hit attack which carried UC Irvine to its first win in the Southern California Baseball Association, l l-7 S unday at Cal State Los AnJteles. the lead for good. r=:=:=:::::;;;;::::=========i-~"il .. llliiili.m .... .il ................... ~- UCI scored all its runs in the eighth after two were out. Dave Glick walked and came home on a double Three classes of one-design sailboats turned out Sunday for Balboa Yacht Club's One-Design Re- gatta. The classes were J -24, Etchells-22 and Soling. Winner in the J -24 Class was Electric Pump- kin, co-skippered~Mark Rastello and Jordon Murphy. Bahia Co · Yacht Club. Runner-up was American Ex , tephen Griller and Kurt Miller, King Har r cht Club, and third was Malola, Steve Washburn and Chuck Rlckerahauser, Los Angeles Yacht Club. The Etchells-22 winner was Phil Ramser in Spirit, NHYC, followed by Bananas, Howard Hamlin-Harry Pattison, NHYC, and Humdinger, Phll Lyons-Bill Altman, NHYC. Gandalf guided to v~ctory Gandalf, skippered by Doug Jone• of Dana Point Yacht Club was the Class A winner Saturday in the second race 0£ DPYC'a Dana Point Serles. The series features four clas&es of Performance Handicap Racing F1eet (PHRF) yachts plus a claM of Catalina-2'U racing on a one-deslsn buts. Trophy winners in each class: 04MS~ -t. OMdlllf; 2. Bia KAlfluna. Mat1t T-.-1. Oll"f'C; '· Celll«M OC*S. Ft911 O'Connot, riNYC, OlAl8 e -1, On TM,.:: l'Wllilotl, l>PYC: a. MeoklMo. • Thomplioft,. C., IYC; I.. W A.Q. ~ C., IYC. Cl.All C -t. 0.. de l.une. NII ~MVC: I. V...._ Jofln "°°"'• D"IC: •. ww-. "· ~·~ gnQ, CLAM D-1 ....... A. lll!Mrd. , I. ........ H. JoflrleOll. M'!C: a. A1n1oO a. '"*"'*'• UPYO. CATAUNA.21 -1 ...... "°" M•••~· one: a.~. Bob o .. -. cecio llYC: S. S.11'&. JofWI WNte, OP'~C. I The Anteaters had to r-ally lrom an by Troy Ybarra. ~ i tl ~~, tl DI B I DI Ill~ For Backache, Stiff Neck, Spinal Problems & Stress. Newest Most Modern Technique of SeH Help Buy "or Rent llcl* frll Delitltf. Dl•utiatill A~~~l Call for Further Information , ~,.,uf{nulnc T M IACUWIN911&11 a lllMrAU INC. (714) 839-8726 • Live Chicks See tham hatch for Easter from our form incubotor at tM Huntington Center MC-. dolly thru Apr. 10. Cons ruction money available at H~ritage Bank. . Rcsldenflal • Commeldal Bulldlngs: takeoua commltmmf required aloog with leaSeS. ConWt: • .ttff Johnson SOuth Of8• count~amnc 7M/8Sl...ocw) • SCOREBOARD • ~ t I ". . . (1~~~) TODAY'S I aaao 1~1~11 (Solo 12-9). 52.000 Only gMM ldleclul9d. A-'-'L...-~ Clly (~d f3-11) .. Balti-more (0. Mwtin.& 14-6~ 50,000 Only llMM ICMduled TUHDAY'I QAMll ......... L.Mpe San FrancllOO (Holland 1·6 or Gal• Ml at ~ (Rauea 10-.), 51,000. MontrMI (~ 12-8) a1 Pluat>u<gn (Rhoden Ml. 35.000. New York (Zachry 7·14) at PhUadat· phla (C1r"on 13-<t), 42,l!OO, n. SI Louil (8, Fortdl 10-5) at Houlton (Ryan 11-8), 35,000, n, Atlanta (P. Nleltro 7-7) a1 San Olego (Ek:helbe<ger ~.000. n. Ontyg-w.d. An .. le (~~al Oakland (Langford 12· 10), 45,000, n Toron10 (Stlab 1l· 10) al Oe11011 tMorrla 14-n 50.000 Taxaa (Tana na 4-10) al Haw York (Guidry 11.S). 50.000 Bo11on (Torrez 10·3) II Chicago (IM'nt 1C>-e). 52,000 Ctev.lal'CI (e.tk" e-7) al MlhnukM (l/uckovtch 14-4~ 53,000 S..llla (Bannl1t" 8°8) al Mlnnetola (R«!tam 1-1). 55.000. n Only oan-achaduleO MAJOR LEAOUE 8A81!8AU Exttlbttkwl atandtnga ~':tthoue c ..... anc1 Tuu Chicago T0<on10 Baltlm0<a ,.,..... W L f'ct. 111 8 .640 15 10 .eoo t3 10 .ses 15 12 556 14 12 .531 12 12 600 10 11 476 10 12 .455 8 13 409 11 16 407 11 15 .407 9 16 380 8 111 .:MO Kan'" Cny SMllle MllwaukM Boston 0.trotl MlnnMOta ~York Oakland 6 15 :Me NA TIONA1. L.eAOU. W L ~l At!Mta 16 7 720 San Diego 15 8 &52 Chicago 14 • .838 Pltttbufgh 18 10 • 15 St. LOUii 13 11 542 Clr>cinnatl 14 12 538 Montr_, 14 12 531 ~ 12 12 .500 ~ 12 12 .500 Hew Yor11 10 14 .417 SM F l'1lndeCo 8 I 4 .38 I Houa1on 1 14 .333 Exhlbttlon llwea Doclfar9 .. ,..... 4 , ............ ) Loa Angatae 011 000 300r5 6 0 CelltoNila 002 001 100-4 II 0 Hooton. St ... wt (1) and Yaaoar. Mo- reno, Kleon (4). MaNat (1), AMa (8) and Boone. Downing (8~.;;; Hooton L -Kleon HR -Loa • G.,...., ~ ........ 1 (al~Maldco) S..111e (SS) 021 000 100-4 10 o San Diego 000 000 010-1 4 1 Perry. Anelatton (1). and Bulling, F .. rove (7), l04ttr. Deleon (8). CNl!ai' (8). and OWOtldi W -Parry l -lOllat lndlenal,9-9t (at a-City, Ariz.) ci.....tand 000 021 030 2-8 17 o MllW90kM 110 000 103 0-8 14 3 Walla, Sulcllllt (5), Splllntr (7). la· wallyn (II. Brannan (8) and Bando; lan:h. McClure (6), Finger• (8). AllQUt· tina (8/ Ind Yoat w -Btennan. l - Auguttlna. HRa -ClaYatand, Mann•no MUwauk•. Romaro ~ '1,A'al ( .. ~ .. Alta.I Sen Fran 004 010 320-11 14 o ~land 010 001 210-5 10 2 Fowlkta. Scha1Hd9' (4), Marllri (71 Braining (8) and May, Ranaom (6). Kingman. Beard (8). Aajelch (8). Kinney (I) and K .. rnay W -Fowlkes l -Kingm.n HRa -San Frenc19c:o Clat1<. Smith Oeklanel, Burroughs "" ...... Tlean2 (Al W'"'9f ......... '1a.) OalrO<I 010 000 010-2 6 2 Boalon 030 000 10ll-4 I I WllCO ... W ...... (71, LM (t) end P11t- 11t11, Fahey (7) Tlldor, CIMt (5). RaiN1t (6) and GadtNn. W -Tudor. L -wli,. co• ............. , .. ~ONo) Plttaburgh 002 002 100-5 13 ~ Clnclnnatl 020 001 001--4 8 o Solomori, Moakau (4) hkulve (81. Scurl)I (8) and Nlcotla, LatbrMdl, P11ce (8) and Travino W -Mo1kau. L - Lelbrandl HR• -Plllaburgh, Nlcoll•. Lecy Attroe I. llue Hrs Z , .. C-"9..) T0<on10 020 000 000-2 I 0 H~1on 000 003 001<-3 5 0 Laat. Golt (I). McLaughlln (8) and • MW11ria. Whlll (I); fMton, i..corte (7), Rlch1rd (8), Slmbllo (I ) a nd Pufolt, Knloaly (7~ W -Sutton. L -Ootl. ....... 11,TwlMI , .. .....,., ........ , ""~ 100 30 000-11 15 0 Mlnneaola OIO 020 212-e 13 O Qflriatenaon, Monge (I). 11nMt¥ (8) and Vlrgll, OIR(IJ; ~ HMwta 13). Felton (4). Arroyo (S). Corbett (8) and ~. lutara (8) W -~. L -H8"ne ...._... .. Ylllk-0 (et .... on.-) T-400 faC> 000-t 10 0 New Y.ork (A) 000 000 000-0 7 2 HcMdl. c-(Is=• (7). Matlack (II and Sllndbarg, (ill: RIQllllll, Aawll'Y (5). Or.Ila (7). Mey (8). a-. (81 and C.-W -Hougl\. L -Rlg- hactl. HR -T-. PMlllL ~, .... . ( .............. , ... ) New York (Nl)OOO 000 004-4 5 0 St LOUii 322 000 OOll-7 12 2 Swan. Falcone (4). Allan (I). Oroeoo (8) and Staema: Mllf&. LaPolnl (4). Lal>ll m. 'Kut (8) and Port9r, ~ (15) W - Mura l -Swan. HRa -81 LOUii . POl'lar. Bt- Colleae UC 1rw.. 11, CJ I'* LA 1 UC !Nine 012 001 034-1!.,.. ti 1 CSL.A 050 000 011-r 10 1 0..... Wanger (2). Ruther (4). Breht (7), Hlck1 (8) and Bamatd; Slllaida. Pit· eancla (3). Vwga (I). Pita (ti and Manti· gula. W-Brah1 (2-0). L-\larga. S- Hlcka (4). 28=H1W01111 (IJCI) 2, Ybflrra (UCI). lnglahart (UCI). Mayer (CSL.Al. Oonulel (CSL.A), Miiia< (C8LA). HA- Rupp (UCI), Haworth (UCll. Manltgula (CSL.Al. Colleae acor• M2ona State ~. Stantord 15 Sa n Otego Slale 10, Neva d1-Lu Vagaa 2 Art2ona 11. use 1 UC Santa BMt>era 12-4, Long 8Md\ State 11-3 OrMMboro 0.,.,, -Danny EdwWda, 154.000 16-12·71-7!> -Bobby ~II. '32,400 18•72-72-73 297 Jac;lc Renner, $20,400 -73·72-72-70 W00t1y 8l&c:lc t><n. S 14, 400 10-10-75. 73 -Ban C<-h-. Sl1.400 ff-73-7&-68 Biii Rogar1, Sll.400 88-74-74-72 -0.A Walbtlng, S8.0M Doug Blaok.18.038 Danit Watton, $8,038 Lanny Wadklnt, U .038 211 71..ee-75-711 19-70-75-79 72-85-76-77 19-71-73-77 Bobby Wadklna, 17.200 72-87·7e-14 Wayne Levi, $7,200 76-ff-12-75 -Yatah Hegewa. M.000 119-7&-78-M May Norlh. $6,000 73-72-73-74 -Ray Aord. as. 100 12-1 ... 12-15 J.C 5"Md. '5,100 11..-.1&-n ,..., ~. $5. 100 87-74-73-79 .. Clary Pla)ow. $4.050 Nici< Faldo, '4.050 Jac:ll Newlon, $4,050 Clary H .. t>erg. $4,050 -12·13-16-13 75-71-74-74 70-74-75-75 7o-71-r7-71 Merk Plait. 12.715 119-75-76-75 George Burne. '2.715 72-74-73-71 MIU Sul!Min, S2,715 911--76-74-78 Leonard Thomc>aon. S2, 715 10-10-1e-11 l(•U'I Fargua. '2.715 86-73-17-79 Pat McGowan, $2,785 11-74-73-78 211 Bobby Nichols. $ ' 1195 73-73-74-78 Skeet" HMlh. Sl,895 Jim Dant S t,1185 73-73-75-75 Welty A~rong, S 1.895 77-89-75-75 Pe1ar JllCOblen, $1,895 12~1e-n Mark lyw, S 1,985 10-13-76-71 217 Pal UndMy, St,515 74-70-77-78 George Arch«. Sl,515 70-71-78-77 George Cadle. Sl,515 17-73-17·80 Bruca Oouglau, $1.515 71-71-7&-79 Mark Calcavecchl, Sl,515 70-76-71-110 Jom BOO<os, Sl.515 78-70-71-30 211 Phil Hancock, S 1,080 7&-70-77-75 Matk McCumt>er, $1,080 71-89-82-71 Don RMM. SI ,080 72-73-76-77 Howard Twitty. s 1,oeo 73-72-76-77 Tom Pvrtzer. S 1,080 70-71·71-71 Bruce U.tilta, S 1,080 12-12-1e-1e Jay H-. S l,OIO 71·75-74-78 Fuzzy Zoeller, $1,080 71~76-64 -Bob~-. '754 73-73-78-74 Jolln Maza, S75' 70.73-11-75 Allan Millar, '754 70-76-80-75 J"f Cudd. S11W '8-75-78-7• Roger Maltbia. $754 70-75-71-71 Jim Thorpe. $754 71~7M1 -8.vna)'~ ...... 71-73-17·78 Bernhard uno-. seeo 72-74-75-71 Gibby Giibert. MIO 74-70-74-82 .., 8udcly Getdnar. Mee 74-71-78-17 Scott Hoch, Mee 73-72 .. 2-74 Hal &mon, Mee 7~Cl-l4-78 lsao Aoki, $tee 71-74-76-80 Bot> Glider. seee 73-88-7 5-84 -Mika Raid, $633 70-75-8$-74 Clary Koch, $633 74-72-7&-78 ci.,.._ RoM. S633 73-73-78-80 Craig S1ac11er. S633 72-72-7741 Tom Woodward, S633 Oavtd Edwarda, $633 l&-75-78-81 IOI Lindy Mfflar, '812 74-70-92-77 .. Mika Smith. '803 12·7M1-79 L)M Lott, S603 / 76-70.7643 -Lou Grahem, $584 72-73-11-78 -Chip Beck, '612 72·72-71-83 Ed Sneed. '582 73-73-71-93 Midi Sol, $582 73-12-82·78 -Greg Powara. $570 7 4-71..ao.es Dlnatl IMte toumement (ICIW!eM .... ) m Sally Uttle, "6.000 •1 7M 7·71-84 Hollt Stecy, 1211,200 73-M-71·72 8andra He)'flla. 1211.200 n..ee.-74-65 .. Amy i\lcoll, I 13,500 715-12-ee-te Ketfty ~ •• ,uoo 75-12 ........ -Pat Bradley. S 10,600 111 e.1h Oanlat, se.eoo 12-11-12.12 H Lopu·Matton. 11.eoo 17-71-87-72 JoAnna C-, 11.IOO 7)-71-*14 -Kathy Poatlawllll, S6,IOO 7&-75-e847 Pa1iy Sheehan, se.eoo 1&-aa-12-12 Jan StapllaMon, M,IOO 7~75 -Kyla O'Brien, $15,490 Cindy HIM, $5,480 -Cathy Shark1 ~.477 Belay KlriQ .... 477 Lori G11tbecll. '4.477 Donna Caponi, $4,477 -Cathy MorM, '3.1510 J-1 COiee, '3.510 C J. CallltC>fl. s:u 10 -Vlekl Slnglel!!'\. ~1000 Vicki Tabor. '3.ow Martha Hanten, w.uoo Dabble Au•tln, '3.000 .. Judy Cl-. $2,400 Judy RAlnkln, S2.400 C A C<Md. 12.400 Sandra Pelmet, $2,400 Chtll Johnton S2.400 0o1 a..maan. li.400 -My.a Van HOON, s 1,785 Alice Rtuman. s 1.115 Janet Alu. S 1,785 J Kazmi.tkt. S 1,785 Ayallo Okamoto. Sl,785 t<alhy Hiia, Sl,795 -J Slanger·Pyna, S 1,320 Batbaira Mo•,_., SI ,320 Oianna Oelley. Sl.320 Donna H While, Sl,320 T11-o onwo. St,320 J-Blatoco11. S 1.320 s~ Hamtln, s 1.J20 2t1 Beth Solomon. S1.030 s 8"1o4acctnl. 11.030 Sandra Poat. 11,0,30 211 Pal Maye<1, $830 Penny f>vtz. $830 Bonnie l-. S830 211 Kathy Martin. $855 Su ... McA!bt". S855 JOO Sandre Spuzlch, S78S LynnMama.S795 ., Allee MHlar. '720 M J Smlttt, S720 ~ l<IMa, '720 -Cerotyn Hiii, S630 llalty Burnlalndt. M30 13· 13· 1&-lt 79-87-73-11 71-74-70.75 73-71-71-75 73-74-74-71 76-74·70-72 77-70.71-,74 11-74-13-419 711-73-74-70 75-75-73-70 74-75-72-72 n-73-74-70 75-76-73-70 78-73-71-71 75-76-71-72 75-71-75-73 n.1 ... 1~ 7&-73-73-7' 17-70.75-73 7&-7&-70-71 75-75-74-71 75-73-73-74 tl().73-17-85 n-10-1&-13 Te-74-72·72 75-72-74-75 75-74-75-72 74-74-73-75 71-73-70-78 74-78-415-78 7e-12·74-73 111-1s.12.n 8()..76-71-70 78-74-70-75 61·75-91-73 77-72-76-73 76-77-71-75 711-70-73-71 tl().70-75-75 11·12-11-14 71-71-74-75 76-77-73-75 7&-17-74-72 74-75-75-71 75-7&-72-77 ~ > . NBA WHTIRN CONF'IMNCI l'ldllc ~ ~ 08 y-Lahn ST 24 .880 v-s.a111a • 41 29 .Me 2'.~ Phoar>I• 42 32 .568 l'I\ Go4dan S1a1a 41 33 55-4 8t+ Portland 37 37 .500 13'1\ San Olego 16 511 .218 34•,. Mldweat Dtwlalort San Antonio 44 31 .5a7 Denver 43 31 .581 \+ HOUllon 43 32 573 1 Kanau Clly 211 49 347 18 Oallat 2 5 SO 333 19 Utah 2 I 53 .214 22'" IAITUIN COM'IMNCI Atlentlc Otftaleft y·Boaton 58 11 714 y•Phtllldalphla 62 22 703 I New • .., 38 31 500 18\o\ Wuntnglon 37 37 .500 21 New Yor11 32 42 432 29 Cartl1'81 Otftaleft a-Mllwlullaa 52 23 .183 Atllnta 37 37 500 14~ Oatroll 35 40 .., 17 Indiana 33 42 .440 18 Chleago 21 45 .392 22\t ClawMnd 15 118 203 38\+ a-dlncned dlvlalon title y-cNnched plaYofl ICIOla .....,.,._.. Llll«t 129, Portland 111 &oa1on 14. Clllalgo 112 Milweulc• 121. Inell-115 Plllladatphla 127, Hew V or11 108 Houa1on 85, Sen Anlonlo Iii New JerMy 118. ~ lot Seallla '"°· Dan-118 Phoanl• 104, K-City 85 T°"'911t'1 ~ No o-achedulad l.all•ra 121, Tr911 INH•ra 111 l'OllTLANO -Gro• 12, Natt 15, fhomp1on II, Pauon ~o. Rana.y 23. Bataa 19. Valanlln• o. Verhoeven 2, Oudmund11on 5, Lemp 0. To1111: 41 1G41 111 . LOI ANGii.ii -Ramble 3, Wiik• 32. Abdul-Jabber 24, I . JOflnton 20, Nl•on 22. COOPW 10, McAdoo 10. ~ -4, McOea 4, C Johnaon 0. Totalt: 54 21-24 128. ..... ..,0-.. Ponllnd 31 24 27 29-111 LOI MoaiM 30 33 32 :M-129 ~ goell -None. FOUied out -.._ Total• foul• -Por1l1nc1 22, · LOI MoaiM 22. f echniolll -Por1llnd COid! AMlaay A -13,230. ........... 8'MDAY'SMeulTI ('1 ........ _..., .... ., UC:.. I futlongll. H~-~ 11.20 UO 3IO Gtltt Md Fnu (V..,_., I 20 4 IO Sllootlng Wind (81alnar) 3 IO Alto r..-: o.ooded. Vwga. &uc>t- QloW, Lofty l.o¥w. Hand 0--Hew! Time: 1:08 2/5. ' •COM> RAC-. llt 1ut1onoe Angel 1~1 uo ~.oo 2 20 Aman llroehtr (GuarY•I 5.40 3.20 Tatlll'Ound (Ptne:ey) 2 IQ Aleo~ ~I Memo, Mui" GoltarAi!~'wtord Bllty. Vizier, Friendly ~1:15-Vb. •DALY OOU.U.il-611Mk! 128.80. TllllD RAC-. 1 1111 Mllae. Oonblon 10•1ano) 21.40 e.eo 1.80 Clwwgaur (Plnc:ey) 1.80 15.IO 8Mea Molal (Sibilla) 15.40 Allo raced; The Hague, Ouc>IM, Bat· rleede, FOf41be¥, Mlghl C-W. 8hem-bllt1, Gala Clrcle, Bt .... And Tty. ean1 .. R41r91. Time: 142 2/5. fOURTM llACa. , ......... Multenng (PlncaJ) 11.IO 5 20 3 40 P~ $pallbound CCatnd41) 5 IO 3 50 .JoutTtffl Al Sea ~l 2 10 Aleo r-.ct: G9to Oat Sot, Uftc>tedk:ta- ble, CuNMria, Algardl, Tha CIPl•ln, r-c-w. Time: 1:47 315. """RACL 1 1111 mi1a1 Haughty flue Nloa l~I 11100 7IO 700 CN1llarllt (~ 3 IO 3 IO Ba On T1ma (Toro) e 40 Aleo raced: Jimmy lha ~. Hotabia AM, U.C...U.. WMlarn, Horba! Tlrna: 1 :41 315. • • IXACTA (4-S) Peid $1541 SO ICXTH RACE.. 1 1118 mHea Tai Don(~ 4 80 3 10 2 80 Roc:lrwalt (Slblle) 7 80 4 10 "-'grove (Or1aga) I 00 Aleo r..i: Ad Man. Sllan1 Man. Frit- ky Purch-. With Olacratlon, Sarada Spy. ExploalYe Twitt. Tim«1:~ Mvumt RAca. Ona mlla. Mulltll' {Upham) 10.IO 5.80 3 40 Son Of a Dodo !""""-'l 3.80 2.IO A Run (Guerra) 2 40 Also racad: JlmMI, Oaac:ato. Grlalla. lluflalo tffn. Tlfne: 1:34~ • UA<:n \W) palcl IN.50. ta f'tCI( ... (1>-5-e-4-5-51 peld '24. 382.10 with 13 winning llckall (•ht llO{Na). 12 Pick SI• contolatlon paid '238.20 with «3 winning llelceta (ttva ~).12 Pick SB ecr .. Cft conaolellon Peid 13e6..to """' -wlnl*'O tlek-(lour '*-. -acrMch). ~ MC. 1'4 ...... on turt Ranlln (~ 44.20 14 00 5.IO Penh Trtumptt 1"-1 8 00 4 10 <Mancwum ,.._,..,, a 80 Alao rac:ed: Kangroo Court, MaJor 5'lott. Ema -· Rlgtlt of Ught. Plr•t• i.-. Tlrna: l:AI 315. l9fTlt llAC&. 1 1/ 11 ...... Pal't Lad (Toro) IO 40 18.40 7 10 ,,_., Jonea (SI.._) 2 IO 2 40 Ram 8otdly (Plncay) 4 20 Alto raced. WantazH, Ergo, Cad. Pekin, Ce Sharp, Midnlta Copper, Luka P8dget1 Tlma: 1:41'4> • UACTA 11-41D1i1C1 $73350 Lona llMcft Onnd Prix 1. Nlkf Laude . Aualrla, Mclaren MP4B, 75, 11.4. 2 Kake Roabe<g, Flntand, WllHama FWOl!. 76. 3. G.._ VleanauYe. Canada. Ferrttl 126-C2. 75 4. Riocatdo Petr-. 1111)1. Btabham BT-480, 75. 5 Michal• Alborato, Italy, Tyrrell 011, lb II Ello da Angatil. Italy, Lotu. 81. 74 1 John Watton, Northarn Ireland, Mel.Ann MP4B, 74. • 8 Nlgel Manaatl, &>gland, Lon.t 81, 73 8 Jochan MH1. Waat Garmany. Mlltdl 121. 73 10 Raul Boaaat, Brull, Merel> 121. 70 11. 811"1 Bor9udd. Swede n, Tyrrell 011. ee. 12 Eddie Chffve r. Unllad Stalta, ratbot-LJgtar JS 11. 68. 13. Andr• da C--., ttlly, Alf• Ro- meo 1112. 33. "· 81lan Henton. England, Arrowa A4, 32. 15. Robarlo Ol*'raro, Colombla. En· llgn Niil, 27 11. Jec:qUM Le'1ua, France. Talbol- Llgler JS 17. 28. 17. JaarW>ail Jarrlaf. Frenoa. OMlle FA1C, 2t. 18. HelllOll Plqu.t, Brull. Br•b~•m BT-490, 21>. 18. Oarek Daly, lralarid, Theodore TY01, 22. 20. Marlo Andralll. United 8t1tea, Wlllamt FWOI, 18. 21. Al1ln Proat. Frlnca. Renault RE308, 10, :u . Didier Plronl, France , l'arrart 12t-<:l, 6. 23. Rena Arnoux. Franca . Aan1ult RE308, I . 24, 8Nno Gleoomelll, "aly, A"• Ro- meo 112. s. 25. Bleao a.a., Cllll. AT8 OOI. S. 21. Manfred Wlnltellloell, W•t Gat- "*'Y· AJ8.00e. 1, Camel. Where a man belOggs . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I , GrMd Prt.11 toumefMnt , .. ,........ .... 0--,) ........ l'Wll IVan Landi clal. Paler MQl-a. 6-2, 8·2 (Landi wine '50,000 McNamara wine 126.000~ 'lftal St-Danton-Mark Edmondton --Tony Ol............._Tlm Mayone. 6-7, e-3. 6-3 Qrend Prix toum..,,..,t , .. ....,,,_, ........ ,..... 11a1a111 T arociy def Vannlck Noah, &-2. 3-8, 13·' 1. WCT townem.nt , .. za.tcll, ..._._...) ........ ,..... Bffl Scanlon Cl«. VIias o.n.iallle. 7-5. 7-6. 1·8. O·I . t-4 (Bcenlon wtna $ 100.- 000. Garulattll wine '32 ,0001 Orand Prix tournam.nt ~~'!ea.tel Blorn Bo~a~rraya, 1-3, 6-1; Jimmy At1u daf. Gebrlal Urpl, 1-2. &-7, &-2 CltlHn Cup (at ...... 8Mdt ~ ,..,, ........ ,..... Chrll E.art UOyO def Andi• J~. 11-1. 7.5 1~· sao.ooo an<1 a.; -000 wa1e1> -540,000), "'-" E¥onne Goolllgong..Qiw def H-Mancllikova. 6-2. &-2 ~,...,.. Roel• Caula-Wendy Turnbull def Goolegong·B•ll'f Stove, 8-I, 7-8 (CelMW Tu<nbul ahare S6.000~ NHL CAMN«&.~1.llllENCI lmrtM DIYWon * I. T Of' QA PU. •·Edmonton 48 17 15 417 285 111 y-Vancowar 30 33 17 290 216 11 y-Cetgary 28 34 17 334 345 75 klnft 24 41 15 314 J68 63 Colorado " 49 13 2• 1 312 •9 ...,.,..~ •·Mlnnaaota 37 23 20 346 288 84 y-Wlnnlpag 33 33 14 318 332 80 y-St LOUii 32 40 8 316 348 72 y-Chlcago 30 38 12 332 363 72 Toronto 20 « 11 288 380 56 OefrOOI 21 47 12 271 3S0 54 Wo\1..11~ fOattldr OMMDft •·HY ,......,.,. 54 16 10 385 250 I II y-HY Rengars 38 27 14 3 16 306 92 y-PNadalphle 31 3' 11 325 313 97 y•Plllal)urgh 31 36 13 310 337 75 Waehlngton 29 41 13 318 336 85 ....... DMllofl •·MonltMI 48 17 17 3450 223 109 y-Boalon 43 27 10 323 215 9e y-Bu!lllO 39 26 15 307 273 93 y..a.-33 31 18 356 3-47 82 Htr110fd 21 41 18 264 351 60 1-Qlnched llrst place In dlvlllon y-clinCflad playoll IPOI• ._..,.,._.. V-7.Klnft 4 Plllaburgh 7, NY itlandera 2 Chicago 4, Mlnneaola 3 Boaton 7. Hwtlord 2 Ouabec 7. BuftalO 4 St. LOUla 3. Oa11o41 2 PhHaclelphla 7, Toronto 1 WUl'tlnglon 3, Monlt .. I I Edmonton 2, Wlnn199Q 1 , .... .,.., -ende) NH&. OMMOMAL ....-.W.S , .... of ,,.,., Wedineadey'a GamH l(lftoe 11 Edmonlon Buf(a1o al Boaton PtttaC>urgll al New Yori< lsJllndera Ouel>« al MontrMI Phil~• at NY Range<a Chleego at Mlnneaot1 SI Louie al Winnipeg Calgary It Vancouver ~o.n­l(lnga at Edmonton Bulf alo at Boa1on P11110urgh al NY lsland«1 "'-11 Montr_, Phlladalpttla 9t NY Rangafa ClllC:lgO al M--. SI LOUii al Wlnnlpag Calgary., v- a.turdeJ'• o-Edmonlon at klllp HY ~ at P!llladlllphle Monlr•al at Ouabec NY lllendan at Plllllbu<gh Soaton 9t 9uttal0 v~ •t Calgary Mtnneaota al Chlceoo Winnipeg at St LoUis C~t,7;.~•4 Loa AnQ111M 0 2 2-4 Vanc:ouv... 2 3 2-7 f lrat P9'tod 1 Vancouver, Fraaar 21 (Curr la, Gradin), 1 0 I 2 Vanc:ou....,. MacDonald 11 (Crawford). 4 67 Pen•llY -Molin, Vtn. 19 36 leclftd 'artocl 3 Vancouver. Hllnlra 23 (Rota, McC1111hY). 31)7 4 Vanc:ou-. Smyt 34 (Hlin"-. Aotak 4 67 5 Vanc:ouv .... Mao- Oonald 18 (Crawf0<d), 8 32 8 Loa An oatea. EYaN 2 (Nldlolll), 12 68 7 Lot Angelaa, Hte:tto11t 13 tEv.,,., M Mutptly) 18 53 Panatllea -'"''on LA 2 27 McOonnatl. Van, 10 47 Thlrcl ~ 8 Vancouver. Crawford 4. a 45 8 Vancouver. Wiiham• t 7 (Lindgren Ctn\C)l)all) 15 ot 10 Loa Angalaa, HI cholla 14 (M Murphy, Dionna), 15 38 I I La. Angeles. M Mutflh)'. 5 11 I I Panalllal -NIChOlla. LA, 13 04, 8e4 lend. Van, 14 37. Walla LA, 17 54 H-a. Van, Ill 35 Sholl on goal -Loa Angela• &-111-13-35 Vt/tCIJAIWI 11· I I· 15-37 Goatiaa -LOI N>gales. KMnl Van cou-~alnZ A -1.l,023 Waeltaftcl "-tlofie aAMJIAU. BALTIM~o~"'Er~ Optioned Al RenlKU. pitcher, IO ~tar of Iha inlarnatlonal l.aegue Placad Tim 8100-dard, pllchar, on Iha 21·day dl .. blad lilt Signed Don StanhouM and Roll Grlmalay, Pitchers, to one.year con- trectl Pun:hM«I Iha contract of Floyd Rayford. 1nf1etdt•·ca1char. lrom Ro· Chai tar DETROIT TIGERS..: S.nl Mwk 0.- Johri. lnllaldar. 10 Evan1Yllla or Iha Amaricen "-lion MILWAUKEE BREWERS -Senl Fr-OIPlno. pltchaf to VancclU'laf of Iha Pec:lllc CQaa1 Laegue NEW YORI( YANKEES -Announced th al Bobby Murcer. oulllalder. had 119faed to tarma on a lhrM·yMr con- lrlCI Signed 0-LaRocha pitcher. 10 a conlrac:l with Columbu1 of Iha lnler- ntllonal League u a pla.,.,-<:Oadl Op- ttoned Bot> Syt<•. plta>ar. 10 Columbus OAKLAND A'a -Sant Brian Kingman Ind Oa"" Baerd. pltdlara. encl Mllc:Mll Pttge. outfleklat. 10 Tacoma Of Iha P•· dfic Cou1 Laegua SEATTLE MARINERS -Optioned Bob Stoddard and Bryan Clark. Pit· Cheri, and Domingo Ramol, l/1orlatap, 10 Stlt Laka Clly ot 1h11 Pacific Coal! Laag<Ht • NMloNll L-.- HOUSTON ASTROS -Placed J R Richerd. pllehar, on Iha llO-<lay dlMblect ijll ANlgn«I 8"1 Robarge, Merk Roae and Bobby 59rowt. pitch«•. Harry Spjl- m1n, lnflal<lar, and S<:ott Louck•. OUI· flelder. lo Tueton of Iha Pacific Co1a1 League MONTREAL EXPOS -Designated Bobby Ramos. catcher tor rta111gn· mant NEW YORK METS -Ral4taMd Mike ,Cubbage, third ba9«nan P\KdlUed Iha contract ot Rick s-1. catchar, from TI<lewaler OI Iha International league Optlonad Tarry Leach. pltehar. 10 Tlda- wa1er PITTSBURGH PIRATES -AN>gnad outright Iha contract of Minny Sa1-ml4!n10. p11e11ar. and , .. ue1gnecs Odatl Jon" and Patcual Pera~. pttchar1 to their minor league ~ HOCKEY ......... Medi., L-.-EDM<>ffTOH OILERS -$Ognad Ran- dy Gregg, delenMrnan. 10 • lour-.,.ar con1rect. COLUOI VIRGINIA TECH -Signed Charlaa Mair, 1-.:1 l>Ukatball coach, lo a tour- y.ar con tr act ca , i I I. J ·-!V81NG ~-. t.'001 •• NIWI ~8AHOlUI ', • WHfT'l IHAOOW I =~; NUOl.fCMl'T OM~ AllCNIWS NeCNeWS i AHOMWS RAIOERS During the CM Wll, e Hcwthtrn ..,,., ttlee 10 lnftl- trate reoet terrltOty and capture • train vttet 10 the Sou1f\'a M;pply >lnle (Pan &MOVIE I *'~ "Any Whtetl Way You C1n" ( 1990) Clint ENtwood, Sondra Loctca. Before Miiiing down with Illa girl and~ orangutan, a bare-flated fighter llgna up for one lul, lucrallve match. 'PG' OMOVIE ' • * • "Betrayed" ( 1964) I Clerk Geble. Lana Turner, Delpit• all pn1Caullon1, e 1 Dutch underground unit 11 t betrayed to tilt Germani. , 8:30. All IN THE FAMILY ' • NEWSBEAT: CAUFOAHIA CONOA£8SIONAL REPORT ID 8USINES8 REPORT (J)8NEWS ttlJ 8AAH£Y MILLER 7:00 I C88 NEWS NBC NEWS 9 HAPPVOAYSAGAIH I ABCNEWS YOU A8KEO FOR IT Featured· "B1tglum'1 Naked Boy Hero" anc:t "WMd'a Ooly Wiid Boat Clrc:u1:· ID M•A0 8'H A ,_ area commander ICanll everyone In lhe 4077th wlUI Illa mllfl.,tam II) JOKER'S WILD • OVEREASY "Health Cate" (A) Q 8'0 DICK CAVETI' Guest: Jonarhan Miiier. ' (Part 6) (() P.M. MAGAZINE The story behind Connie Francia' comeback; the 111111 JapaneM elec:lronlc inventions aJl EHTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Sonny Bono. 8 THE MUPPET'S OUMl CBl'ol Cllennlng • (C)MOVIE * *~ "Ode fo Biiiy Joa" ( 1976) Robby Benson, Gtynnlt O'Connor Based on the song by Bobble Gentry A tormented teen- ag«'s past experiencle · compficell l\ta flrat true romanc:e 'PG' SNEAK PREVIEW A look al the movlea. 199- clets and 9PO'll ....,,I• coming up on Home BoK Ott~ CO) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG SPECIAL MISSION -Gary Coleman stars as young angel who is sent to Earth and June Allyson portrays a reclusive aotreas in "The Kid With the Broken Halo," tonight at 8 on KNBC (4). Ware." "What t Old For L0"9" and "Nobody Ooel ll Better.'' (%)~ ••• "Amerlk.a, Alnerlk•' ( 19641 Stalhls Glallell1, Lou Al\tonlo. Directed by Elia KUM A Greet< boy seeks • better Ille In America 7:30 8 N!.GGIE Jim Hlf( profllea C1111tor- n1a·1 MWM1 Angel, Reggie Jaclleon, for an In-depth IOOIC al JaGkson .. tile man. D YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL. "The Chemploruittlp" Foor hfoh echool glrl1 shara 11\e reasons Wily Heh feels she mutt pfey In the cl\arnplon- 11\lp game. D LAVEAHE&SHIRLEY &COMPANY The unfriendly coordln81or or the annual Shotz Br->' Talent Show mey not let the glf'ls perform 8 DUNPtiY'S OOOOERS Jerry Dunphy viSilS the Dodgers 1111nong came "' Vero e..cn tor • Ian's pet· spec11ve ot the World SerlM c:h1mplona. 8 BULLSEYE • M•A'S'H The 4077th r-lhe Clock to uve MVlf"ety wounded M>idMWI Cl) Cl) TIC TAC OOUOH • MACHEL I LEHREll REPORT GORE.AT PEAFORMAHCES "Schubert'• Mau No. 6 In E-All Mejor" Kart BOhm conduct• the Men's ChOlr 'llnd lhe Holmus1kapelle Orcl\eatra, the Vienna Cl\olr Boys and several sololt11 from the tmperlet Chapel In Vienna. QJ) YOU ASKED F<>f' IT Featured· "He Cetcl\es King Cobru Witt\ His S.te Htnds" and "JapaneM N<IQdlea MeuMgeru QJ AAMllY FEUO CID MCE FOA THE PENNAHT Hom Berry Tomp6dna and Tim ~.,.... a peek II the upcoming -- son 8:00 fJ (I) PAIVA TE ~AMIN Judy. Capt Lewos end Col FlelcJlng 8Je "kidnapped" by mock terrorists D (aMOVIE "The l(ld Witt\ The Brohn Helo" (Premiere) Gary Colemen. Robert Guil- laume. A t2-year-old way. ward angel Is sent 10 Earth to prove himself worthy ol Heaven U MOVIE • • • "A Gathering 01 Eaglet" (1963) Roci< Hud- son, Rod Taylor. ShOc;l(ed by h« llutt>and 'a tMmlng hetthnMa to 1111 men, an Air F0toe commander'• w1feleeveahlm 8 9 WE OAAE YOUI Hoell Terry MoOo.,.,n end Jon Bauman entice fN"Y• day cltl~en• 10 pla)ll lrlCka oo friends, relallvee and stranger• wl\lle hidden came••• record the retulll. 8 MO~IE • •...., "Black Magto" ( 1949) Orson Welle•. Akim Temirolf, G). P.M. MAGAZINE The 11ory behind Connie Francis' comeback; 11\a latest JapaneM altctronlc Inventions ti) MOVIE * * * ,,, "Man On A S.W1ng" ( 1974) Joel Grey, Chlf Robenson fl) GREAT PERFORMANCES "Schubert s Mau No 6 in E-f'let Ma1or" Karl Bol'lm COf\ducll 11\e Men'• ChOlr and lhe Holrnu11kapelle Orche11ra 11\e Vienna Ch<>tr Boyt and several lol0t1ts from lhe Imperial Chap411 rn Vtenn• (OJ MOVIE * * • '"1 'Monty Pylhon And Tile Holy Grail" ( 1974) Graham Chepman. JOhn Cl-Ktng Artl\ur and h11 bfnd o r knlgl\11 encounter gianll, riddler• end a fetoclus rebbil in theor -ch ror the teoeno· ary cup, CS) WHAT'S UP AMERICA! Featured: a IOOk II &<lU· puncture for anlmal1; black American• who practice potygemy and voodoo: a proflfe of female strlp~s 0 CLAREHCE OARAOW Henry Fonda l l81'S at the conlroVlf"tlal lawyer wt>o recalls some ot hla more dlellenglng ca8M In the __,,,an ahow pt'9tented .. It waa performed on Bt<>edwwy Ii*'. (J) REPORt TO MUAPHY (P"*""-e) A tendeme8'1· ed young patole officer cl"'-will\ Illa eupervtaor and fellow workera over his u--11\0dO• ll)'te. Mk:heel Keetonaters D MOVIE * * • "You Only live TWIC4I" ( 1967) Seen Con- nery, Donald Pleasence James Bond e>u-mias- 1ng Russian and AmerlCan spll<ll capsules (A) Liza Mlnnalfl, Johnny Mathis, Gledya Knight en6 Carly Simon ting tome of todey·1 grea1e11 !\Ila lncludl{lg; "The Way_ Wa ·~--~~~~~~~- G) AU IN THE FAMILY The opening of Arch~'s Place la anything but g•arid whe'l, Arc'1re '' taught o pelnlul lesson on emptoyar-employee reta- 11ona, CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNXT (CBS) (0) 8 KNBC (NBC) ll e KTLA !Ind.I llf .l(ABC (ABCl c, 0 KFMB (CBSl 0 KHJ-TV Clnd l If?) G KCST (ABC) I • KTTV !Ind.I ' 'e KCOP·TV (Ind ) • . e KCET (PB51 • e KOCE !PBSl On·TV Z-TV HBO CCtnemn) (WORI NY , N.Y IWTBS) (ESPN) (SllOW11~) Spo111ght (Cable News Network) 81) BERHSTEJH I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernst.,.n loads the string se<:tlOn or tile Vienna Ph1lharmon1c Otc:hellra 1n a ~rform­ ance of Beethoven 1 String Ouartel In C-Sh8fp Minot. Oe>u• 131 ([§l MOVIE * • • 'Gator" ( 1976) Burt Reynolds, Leurtlfl Hulton AA ••·moonshiner and • lelevtai.Ai rec><>rter leatn up lo light 11\e ~ or • cor· rupl pohhctan <R)MOVIE • lot .. • ..... 11N1)~"81oM. lllly 0. ~ A liOUltl Hew Yen Cfty GOP Ml hie WOl1I "'4 out tor ""'" ...., one of ttle ~·• ,,_. d•noero111 t1rrotlt l1 wmee 1n '* ClltY ·tr NO. M•A•t•H HewUye ~ out of tM l wwnp tfl• • fight Wiii\ a.J, .nci en.,._ l lMIWO...... ~I IUn40YIH LAlon8nS lemHlln !Md• the 1trlng MCtlcNI of the Vlenn• Phllll•rrnonlc Orehttltt In t petforrn- •~ OI "-'~'t tiring Ovtrttl In C411aft) Minot, ~1 1$1. (CJ~ • * * * "Qne.Trlclt Pony" (11180) Peul ~. &ltlt Brown A on~la• '*'°'"* .. pt...-9<1 by everyon. •round him to drop hi• 11y1e of mvll<: and Wfll1 IOtlQI thel can bflng him Nck 10 Ille lop 40. 'R' (I) MOVll' * • *'-' "Eyewftneu" ( 1991) Slgour,,.y WMVflf, W1lll1m Hurt A IMY!alon report• b4IColMt Involved Wilh I tanitor wno May know m0te •bout a mur- Cler 111411 he wltneued than he It Hytng 'R' 9:30 8 (I) MAKINO n4E ORADE (Pr-el J-Ntugt>- ton 111r1 •• Harry Barnes, lhe Deen ol ~ el • big Clly IChOOI. whO trlee lo co~ with leaching in lh41 20th century. 6ti) CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA A profile ot .Cleet Oldeti- burg, one of the f-mod· am M:Ulpfora wl\o -has been IUCCC!Sllul In ereallng large outdoor sculpture. 11 presented (R) CQ)MOVIE * * ·~ "American Pop" (1981) Animated The his- tory ol American pop music. from vaudeville 10 rock n' roll. is lreced thr~h M!Ve<al geneta- uons of a family of musl- c11n1 R OMOVIE • • '> ··The Fnsco Kid" 11P79) Gene W110er. H8Irl- son Ford A Pol16h rabbi f1nd1 l\lmMtff lnvolVed In wild fronuer misadven- tures wllh a d8Jlng bank robber when he trevela to San Fraoc:1sc:o 10 lllkl ove< an-conoreo-tiOn 'PG' 10:00 fJ (() LOU GRANT The daye of lhe bl8ckll11 are revived lor #\oasl, and Mrs. PynchOn c1N1a wilh pressure against a stralghHalklng sex col- umn. 0 18 THE BEST OF THE NEW SAT\IAOAY NIGHT LIVE uomm NEWS fl) THE BATTLE OF n4E WEST LANDS A report on the betlle to break up corporate !\old· 1ngs In Caltlornta f<>< tile return ol the land to the family owner II pt_,ted. Ii) PAHA~ "Tile Lllte Mr Heit" Ttie lint-year few student• ,,_ Prof-Chat1M W K1ngafleld (John Ho.is. man) for the first time. (%)MOVIE • * * "Sii< Crazy·· (1980) R;c;nard Pryor, Gene Wil0- 9f Two men are mistaken for bank robbe<S and _,, 101all 'R' 10: IS IH MOVIE • * 'King 0 1 The Moun- tain" j1981) Harry Hamlln, Josepl\ Bottoms Three young L A bachelor5 devol8 their -gles 10 Iha sport of drag racing 'PG' 10:30 1 NEWS 11:00 GDCll®lQ! NEWS D SAT~DAY NIGHT Ho11 Mlskel Spillman Guests· Elllls Costello. Mr Mika 0 AVTO RACING "Long Beech Grand Prix" G) M'A'S'H In Of'der 10 raise money 10 Mnd h1a Korean l\ouset>oy to medtcel scnoot, Ha"'1<· eye sets up a raffle w.th the prize being a "'98kend In TOkyo wilh one of the nurses m SANFORD ANO SO.. Uncie George dies and Lamoni w1M lnl\erll $7 .000 11 tie prod .. -0es a aon wlthm lhe nelfl 12 monll\s end TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (50) 7:30, K CET (28) 8:00 - "Great Performancea.,. Vienna Boye Choir perform• ''Maaa No. 6 ln E-flat Major.' KNBC (4) 8:00 -"The Kid With the Broken Halo ... Premlere of movie starring Gary Coleman, about a wayward J.,nge1 who ii tent to Earth to prov~ him8elf. See photo, left. KNXT (2) 8:30 -"Repc)n i0 MW'pby." 'Premiere of altcom about a aoft-hearted ·parole officer. KNXT (2) 9:3b -"Making the Grade.'' Back-to-.chool comedy .etiea premieres. n-l\ltn Oeorge. • OICt< CAVETT -.010"01 IMUllllNO AT THI C ..... CAllLY~ Vlntt9e Oaor9e Sheering ""'* (C)MOVIE * * * ~ .. The HOWiing .. ( 198 1) Dee Wallace, PllrlGk MacnM A women r19C>rter la menaced by • klfler wflO -m• to be • -eworf R' MOVIE • • '-' "Carny" (i980) Jodie Foe11r, Gary Bueey An adv1n1urou1 young women join• e c:arnlvat troupe and learnt about the l\l<l<Mn emollona and lrul lf4lllOM betllnd lhe surf~ happlntaa of the performers 'R' 1t:15 CO) MOVIE * "The Aw1kenlng" ( 1980) Charilon HN1on, Susannah York An arctteeofoglsl's daughter l>e<:ofn4tl l>OIMlled by I he m818vOfflt'll aplrlt of an anctt1nl Egyptian queen 'R' 11:30 fJ (I) OUINCY 0 a! THE BEST OF CARSON Guests Oom OelulM, Mal T1ll11, Jol\nny Yune (RI D OJ) ABC NEWS NIOHTUNE G) THE JEFFERSON& George lac:e1 • drUllC decislOfl ti) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE • NEWSBEAT: CAUR>AHIA OOHGAE8SIOHAL AEPORT filD CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 0MOVIE • * "Te .. • Lightning" (1981) Cl\anning M1tchell, MaurMn McCormk:lc A boy'• weekend l\untfng trip wlth hit lather lurna Into er1 lnltfetlOn Into manhood 'R' 11:-45 CID MOVIE * * • "Tl\e Earlllllng" (1980) William Holden, Aleky $cl\rode< A world traveler teaches a young orphan the way• ol tklrv!val in lhe Australian w.lde<- neM 'PG' -Ml>NIGKT- 12:00 U ENT'EftTAtNMENT TONtOHT An lnl.,..,.._ With Sonny Bono 8 0 MOVIE * * "OIH1ler On The Co.sll1f*'" ( 19791 Wlltiem Sl\11ner, LIOyd Bridget G) MOVIE * * * Clauctlne" (19741 Diahann Carroll J8rn9$ Eart Jones 61) LOVE. AMERICAN S'TYLE ID AMEAlcA: THE SECOND CENTURY (%)MOVIE • • • • "The Lui Metro" ( 1980) Catherine Oeneuva, Gerard Oepard1eu Ootec1· ed by f'r'1lGOla TNlttuf Outing WOfld Wtt II, the proprleeor1 Of• amalt Paris theatre try to keep their Mlabllahmenl Opet! during the Germen occupation 'PO' 12'~ D 8 L.4TaNtGHT WITH DAVID L.ETTEAMAH Guea11· Ouerllln Crisp, circus mlOgel Mlehu, Mor. ~Sal« U COUPLES ., HEW8 • PEOPl.E ANO OAGANIZ.Ano..8 12:40 8 (I) COl.UMBO (C)MOVIE ••• .. "'Fo•es" (1990) Jo<llll Foster. Sally Keller- man The v1c1lm1 of brollen homes and un08Jlng par-, anta, tour 1--..11ge girls try to IOOthe thelf emollonal wound& ll\rough drugs and sex. 'R' t2:45 (S) MOVIE • *''\ "Any Wl\leh Way You Can" ( t9801 Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loci<e Batore ae1111ng down wilh nrs gotl and pel orangutan. a bare-llSlad hgl\ler signs up tor one lasl lucrallve malc:h 'PG 1:000 GENEAVTAY Cl) MOVIE • * '• "Rall'lfod" ( 194 71 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake (,lMOVIE • • ·~ 'Brubaker ( 1980) Rober1 Redford Yapl\t!t Kotto A rerorm-mlnded warden uf'IC()vers wioe· spread corrupllOn when he enters his newly assigned pr11on posing es an onmala R' 1:30 0 i8NEWS D OENEAUTRY G)TURNA80VT (Rl MOVIE * • '• "Nighthawks' (1981) Sylvester Stallone. Billy Dee w111tams A tough New Vo1k C11y cop rras his work cut out for him when one 01 the world's most dangerous 1error1s1s airlves in hos ctly ·R 2.151) D NEWS (Z;MOVIE • • • Tl\e Club ( 1980) Jeck lhompson. Graham Kenned'( The coacil or a has-been Australian foot- ~I team ltnds the gotng rough bolh on the playing field and In the l>oatd room wtlere he f ftCl8S an anta- gon1slle club pr...Oent 2:30 CJ MOVIE • • • '• ''Those lips Those Eyes' 11980) Frank Langella Glynnis o·eon. nor A llamboyant aummer atock ac1or who dreams or Broadway stardom defends an 1ncompe1en1. stage-slrucl< prop boy and promotes his romance will\ a chOtUI glfl R 2:501) MOVIE * • 'h "The Gun Hawk ( 19631 Rory Calhoun. Rod Cameron A lug11tve outlaw onempl s to dissuade a JOHN DARLING AND NOW FILLING-IN FOR PHIL "THE FOREC,a...5TE~ WHIL.E ME'S ON \/A C,..TION, HERE'G 'WAN~ TliE~AN! NEWPORT HARBOR EMBLEM CLUB An Invitation INSTALLATION Tuesday, April 6 8:00 p.m. Newport Harbor ~lks lodge \ youWMI ~ "°'" follQW6ne Ii\ ?hit oWn l:(fmj. MllOOt .... 1:00 MOYl!I •••~ ''l111ew1tne .... (IN\)~W--, Wllllllnl HWI. A ~ reporw btoorMt llWOl¥ed With • !Mitor wllO ,,..., kno.ir more ebou1 • mut· der tnet he WltMMOd 11\M he ll uytng R' i : ,. 00 MOYie **'-'''A NIOfll~ 8eng In Berkeley 8quate" ( 1179) Richard Jordan, Oevld Niven. Tiie tllgnt w1tclhman -' 8 Brltlll\ Bank II taMl)I· tJd to return 10 a 1111 ot c•tme. a:30. OHAHHtl ZERO 4:00 (%) MOVI( * • "P"* Tig4H" (1979) Oevid Niven, To1hlro Mltune. Thi tutor of • Jap. 8l\99e ambauadc>t'a son f10C11 he mu11 live UC) to f\la QfMlly l1taogetaled ltlff of herolem when the boy la kidnapped •:ao (CJ M0\111 • • • • "Anlmal Cttell- .,.. .. ( 1'30) Marx Bt~ .... M11rgeret Oumotlt OtoPtllln Speuld lng, the African ••Plor••. 1elum1 from • r-.1 ••P41dfli0n to *'"" havoc at a 1oc111y m11ron'1 weekend peny o· DMOW * "The Fifth Floor" ( 1980) Bo Hopk1na. Dianne Hull An sane young woman 11 1nc11oer11ed In a biLetra mental hOapllal wt.ere ViO· lence and drug abuM are the order of the dey 'R' 4:45 CS) WHAT'S UP AMERICA! Featured 8 IOok et llOU· puncture for anlmll1, black Am11rlcan1 who praellee polygamy and voodoo; • profile ol female llrtp~· Tuesdat1'• Bayt 1.-e Mol'le• -~- 10:00 fHJ * * ' Nobody' I Per· fel<t" 11981) Qal>e Keplan, Ate• Karru Three unllkety heroes set out to battle the red tape and bureauetacy Of e>ly hall 'PG' ,S * • • Oon 1 Go Neat TN! WaltK" ( 19571 Glenn Ford, Gie ~ W0tld War II sallora "' tile Soulh Pac•hc find ll\et they need only a recreauon hall to complete theor parll<llM 0 ••• ., llOlk•' ( 1990) Roger M oore, Jam11 Mason A dapper, woman- haung frogman 11 called 1n 10 thwan the plane or exlorllorilsts who !\ave hijacked a supply Shrp and are threaten ng 10 destroy two North Sea Otl r•g& 'PG' 10·30 CC) * *•;,"Frisco Kid" (1935) James Cagney, Margaret Lindsay A girt saves a tough 1&110( lrom be•ng l\ung by gamblers 11:30 fZ I * * '1 "BlfCI\ Interval" 11976) Eddte Albert, Rrp Torn A young girl os senl lo h"'8 with A•ntlh relallves where she learns about the ream-of the ac1un world 12:00 0 I * A W1ICh WllhOut A Broom" (19681 Jeffrey Hunter, Marie PerlChy A history proles1or from modetn umes sets off on an 9P'C ioumey through lhe paat w.th a IOvely 16th century w.lch ID * '• Pic:kup Alley' (1957) Victor M81ure Anlla Ekberg A U S agent tra- vels 11\rougl\ Eurooe on the lra•I ol an lntltfnellonBI dope smuggler «I) * •' 1 "Cloudelle lnghsh" ( 1961) Diane McBarn, Arthur Kennedy The wanton love ellaits of a re1ec1ed young beauty b"ng tragedy to all those close 10 l\ef 's_, • • 1\ ··Busnn' Loose" (1H 1 I IUcNlld JlllfyOt, ~ lyTy.on A ~N­ t ler, I concetned tenoolt..O. and .. dlticlt9'1 mall• • lrigfttell- "" 111-.-tly ltlCI In • tlr«*en-dOWrl tClflOOI bla. .... •·•~"Any~ c.,. ~· ( "411 CIM1I O•ble. Alelde Smith Ari "°'*' and .,.,, .. oem- b*'• Ille .. ti.et wllll • -*of treoectltl 1t:IO (C) * * It It "Tiit Spirit Of I t Louie" (1'51) J- 11-tft, Murrey Hlmlllon. In 1127, Chet• A. Und- bttOh l>4ICOrnM the llret men to ny nonelOp ecr~ ' lhe Allantlo Ocean 10 Per- 11 (B) * * "Dirty Trlc:h" t 1981 I EllloU Gould. Ket1 Jackton A • Harverd pro- ,_ beCOmM the querry 01 pereona an1dou1 to get IMlr henda on a reeently dlecovered leller wrlt\en by Geor-ge Waahlngton. 'PO' 1'19 (l} * * ''\ 'Sl11dusl Mem- orlM" ( 1980) Woody Allen, Cl\arlotle Ram911ng A tue- C41Ut\il director tecee a pereonat crlals 11 he triec 10 °mak1 M>me major ded- lk>nt In l\la "41. 'PO' 2:00 (.I) I*'~ "Little MIH Markar' ( 1990) Waller M1111\au, JUiie Alldrewa Bued on the Damon Runyon •IOI) A gruff, 1Un- gy •930s l>OOl<le'• ltfa la t11<ned around wtwn he accepll • 8-ye11-old mop- pet at • m.af11er for a f/tlC· l~bll 'PO' U * • ~ "Brother Sun, Sl11er Moon" ( 1973) Greham Faulkner. Judi Bowker Frencl1 of Aasl!N r&Jocts wealtl\ and honor In order 10 five and work among the gentle In neture and the poor In ap1r11 2:-45 (%) • • "Peper Tiger" 119761 David Niven, TOlhtro Mllune The tulOt 01 • JapaneH ambasse- oor·a son llndf he must I/Ve up 10 Illa greatly exag- ger a1ec1 ta1e1 or lleroilm When lhe boy II kid· napPe<I 3:00 0 * • * "Tl\e VIOient Enemy (1969) Ed Begley, Susan Hamptnota A band ol lntn 1eHor11ta plOls to Ht>otage • Bnhah factory l'f> * • • Flastl Gordon" ( 19801 Sam J Jones Max Von Sydow A trlO of eartnhngt "•"el 10 the planet Mongo and helped Ill , oppressed lohabllanlS in the over1hrow of the evtl Emperor Ming. 'PG' 4-00 Cl:) "Young And Free" (~ * • "Hangar 18' (1990) Darren McGavon Rot>«t Vaughn. ~arch~ era •I a secret government 1n11allahon Investigate the cause 01 .a setethte's sud- den destruction 'PG' 0 • •'~ 'WhOily Moses!" • t 1980) Dudley Moore, Laraine Newman In blbl1- ce1 Egypt, a false propl\et • named H8"Clhet ea,,._ drops on a divine corwer- 14hon with Moses and deelOes he must be the one lo lead his people out Of ala"flfY 'PG' 4:30(?) • 1•, 'Brvbahr .. t 19901 Robefl Redford Yai>tM!t Kono A reform~ m1ndecl warden uncovers wodeapreeo corruption w~ l\e en1e<s his MIW!Y assigned pnson posing u an 1nmal8 R' 5:30 1 C. • • * No Nuke1· 119801 Jackton Browne Croeby Sulla & Nash' Foo1aga or a senes ol anll- nuctear power conce<ts held m New York City dur- ing September. 1979. tea1urong the Oooboe Brothers, Carly Simon, James T ayior and Bruce Sprongsteen, •S compiled in lh11 documentary 'PG' . · Roll' still rules .,................. ' 1rbe foUowtna are 8Wboard11 · bot NOGnf h111 for the W•ll 91\• dUti April 10 11 they appear tn the Wffk'• 111ue of Billboard ......... : BOTSINGLEI 1. •IJ L.pvoe Rock 'n' Roll" Joen Jett & Th• Black Heart• ~walk) -2. 41We.00t the Beat" Go-Oo'• (l.R.S .) 3. •'Chariot. o1 Fire" Vanplla (Pol~) 4. "Freeie-Frame " J. GeU. Band (J:Ml-America) 3. "Make A·Move on Me" 011· vta Newton.John (MCA) 6. 14Don't Talk To 8Va.ncert" Rick S~ (RCA) 7. • Op•n Arma" Journey (Colwnbla) 8. -rhat 01.rl" Stevie Wonder (Tunla) 9. ux.y Larae>'' BerUe WalN , ~ You Believe in Love'' Huey Lewla & The tfew1 (ChryUlla) TOPLPa 1. "Beauty and the Beat" The Go-Go't (1.R.S.) 2. "I Love Rode 'n' Roll'' Joan J•tt & Tbe-Blackhearu (Boerdwalk} · • S. 1'Chariota of Fl.re" VanpU. (Polydor) 4. "Freeze-Frame" J . Gelle Bland (EMI·A!Mrica) It "S\IC.'CftS HMn't Spotled Me Yet" Wok Sprtnatleld (RCA) 8. 11Phytlcal" Ollvte NeW10n,. John (MCA) 7. "The Concert ln Central Park" S'lmon & Garfunkel (Warner aro..>. 8. ''Great Whl\e North0 Bob & Doua McKenzie (Mercury) 9. "Get Lucky" Loverboy (Columbia) lOl "Asia" Asia (~en) DEATHTRAP Kids! Free! Puppet Show Mitchel Marionette theater In the Huntington C...t« mal doAy 'tll Eomr. Weeltdoys1 1, 2130, 4 & 7130, Sot./Sun. at 1, 2, 3 & ... Alto chick hatchery and Ea1tw Bunny photos. Ulllltodo~ .__,_ __ .,_,,_ 1-U)t) .. e Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you. call 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. WALT DISNIEY ""OOUCTIC»tt. ·RQBlNHOOD TECHNICOLOR• _.,.._..,., ... ,_,,_c.o ""' ~~ o~-o-................ l!:!J Making a start , is pro6ably the most important step toward saving. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right track toward a i:egular, acheduled savings. Just join the Payroll Savings Plan at work. A litde is taken out of each paycheck toward the purchaae of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to worry about making a special effort to put IOmCthing aside each ~day. lt'1 d4'>ne for you. Automatically. The bucks start p11ini up, the interest grows, and you realize you~e • found one surefire way to save. When flOU put part of flOUr 1avfnl(I Into U.S. Sacln«• 80"'11 flOU 're helj,lng to btrild o brif(ht•r futu~ for flOUr cou..r,,, and for 11ourHlf MA st;yllah, anuq, cat-an4- moue movie?' -Janet Mul1n. ... ALOT OP LAUGHS! NOW PLAYING THB !lP'YOl\K TnQS • (~ . I l.I ~ IUlU ,.,.. Dlllft-1• ClllOIOIR DrWUIN llWPOltf• lluelll Pllll 821 4070 OrJ1199 634 2553 11ewpor111Nc11 644 0760 Ma. lllU ,LUA ITAOIUll Dlllff·I• UA Ct•MA llfN 529 5339 (l!inot 639 8770 Weslm!ftlt9' 993 0546 UIWAUI UMLHACll £1 Toro 581 5880 Keep an eye out for thefunnieet movie about growing up .ver m.tel .u 8'N~ 529 5339 .. •COITAMUA •OU-. fftllcb ~ Ctntt< Clllldome 979 '141 834 2553 COITAMllA Edwards 8'1$IOI 540 7444 nr°"° 011A1111 ·--Et1w11c1s Slddleblck S!Jdtml Ouve Ill [%)1mur-r 511 5180 539-t770 [::.':"..=.I ''Rivals '2001' and 'STAR WARS''' -st'UH~SC#IAUU.11)~ ~ .... __ . Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. Arid her father by surprise. WAI.JU MATTHAU ANN-M.AJICRET DINAH MANOff A HERBERT lllOSS FtlM NEIL SIMON'S I OUCKT 10 llE IN PICT\JRES Dlrt<1or ol ~-phy Oot.VIO M WAI.SH Mu•te by MARVIN HAMU!'>CH l'rocluad by HERBERT ROS!o .and NED. SIMON ~hwl'roduc" l'OGERM ROTlt!oT'EIN Saftnpl.yby NEllSIMON ~n?~ Cl CHICKEN JOKE - It'• hard to open an Imaginary wlndow with a rubber chicken in your mouth, u Steven Lindenbaum diacoven ln th1t 1eene from the l.tv1ne Com- munity Theater oom- e d y "Who'• On First?" opening Fri- day at Turtle Rock Community Park. Kitty Karp (left) ind Ca thy Breese also show their distress. edwards cinemas WHERE THE BE ST PICTURES Pl AY Orange COUt DAILY PILOT /Monday, Apttt 5, 1982 Sky's limit for 'Pippin' IJ JAY SRA.RBUTI' "By Love Poueued," ~O years N I w y 0 R K ( A p ) II<>· I ''Pippin," the Bob Fame mumc.1, She 1amely lnailta that lame Jt back. But lt'a In 15 theatera ln-fll1ht fUcka, a huard of mo- where, lf you don't like the lhow, dem travel, aren't cautJna thil you can't exactly atomp out at test run of theeter-on-vSdeotape lnterml11lon. The tt\eatera are u an altemaUve attncdon. rrw A jetllnera. "It'• not that today'1 ft1ml are 'n'8 flnt vkleoiaped Bao.dway bttd,'' •YI M1la Hep. lnflllbt'1 J»Ualcal ever offered u an in-director of cuat.ornbed procram- fll1ht attracUon, thla "Pippin," mlna· "It's just that they're no& l\an Ben Vereen ln. the role be alw~1 available at the rlCht ~reated on Broadway. It'• cur-time.' tently ahown on 15 daily fl.lahta, Taped editions of Broadway TWA'uya. and off-Broadway play• and But lt'1 only a seven-week musfoale are commonplace no- tryout run, and only aboard wadays. But they've mainly been hon-atop TWA jets bound to Loe done for -able or pay TV. The ,Anaeles from New York, &et.on TWA trial marka the flrat time and Philadelphia. Eastbound aloft for video-theater, she uya. flights still show films. "It all started becauae the cable However, if enough patrons oompaniesstarted approaching ua like the Idea, airborne theater with their new products," ex- may become a permanent, if only plained Miss Hege, who saya her bc:casional, alternative to the firm ls one of three offering in-tllms that have played on com-!lifiht entertainments to airlines. merdal long-diatance flights sin-'They're coming out hot and ce 1962. heavy with Broadway shows That's the word from Gay now, and we thought we'd see Jlege, whose firm, Inflight Mo-how the market would react to , tioQ Pictures, booked "Pippln" it." with TWA and, she says, booked The video "Pippin," produced the airliile's first in-flight film, by David Shee}\an, a Loe Angeles ~---------'"""-----~ *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perform•ncH before 5:00 PM lb• Spedll En9191rnents 1nd Holld1ys) l A "-4111.A.[ A ... A ll M11000 ot t oaecrona LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 .....CHAN> .... YOA UV£ OM Tltl IUNUT ITIW" (II) ....., ___ ,.._ LAKEWOOD -CENTER WALK·IN .. .. _.,. __ "OH OOUllN llOHO'' -·----··- "IOllle KIND M Hl!llO" (") ·----- "OUH.,!,!.~" (") ·------ .. POMY'S'" (II) '"'u&. ...... ...... '"" Focully .)I Conolewood 213/IS1·9580 "IOMI KINO M HERO" (II) ·--· .... -·- OAa.Y ____ --• "l'ONCY'I'' .. ._ __ """_ LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAl K IN LAGUNA ., __ -··--..,.., ---I "RIEDi" (l'G) so . COAST WALK·IN Soulh Cooal Hlwoy ol l roodwoy 494-1514 "CAT NOltlr (II) ... , .. ,_ UT•,_ a.._ NII,- ''OEA~.:r ~1'1\.11:1,_ .. ..,_ ni-.. IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! H••"" ............... "''" f11 s 30 . S•I S.• Hoh •:oo ,,.. CINE-A SCUHll • YOUll ~Ill CNI llAlll) IS YOl/11 ~ ,,,. NO AM CN1 llAOIO WITlt ICHl110N NXUSOllT PO$l!OI -WC Ml l'Olmll.l 1•111! Clllf.R OIWF«S D ON Ml MllO ANAHl1"4 ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN '-"oY " 011.eft\Oft SI "CAT '!.,.Of'U" (II) "NIOHTWING" (l'G) 179·9150 __ _...;. _____ -,-___ -------CINl fl SOOllO "f'DnDfTIAlllY F (II) "CUltt Of THR TTTAHr (PQ) f'\.119 •u• "HCAN RIOfll ALCATitAZ" "TitE LC>fm 04" THI IUNGI" (PQ (l'Q) critic and 1how·bb chronicler, and Hillard Elk.lna, co-producier of 'l()hl Calcutta!.'' .l.ln't the ~ taped theeter ahow on Infliaht 1 lhelf. lta otb'er ready-to-fly hita from Broedw.y and ott-Bro.dway tn- c l u de "Sweeney Todd,'' "Camelot," "Morn ln1'1 at Sev~n." "Th e Odd Couple," "Vanities"' and "Scrambled Feet." . TWA says it's a bit early to say w})ether th e westbound "Pippin," begun Feb. 21, la a high-altitude hit or flop. A apo-. ke.woman aaya the alrllne prcr bably will have results of the test three weeks from now. When ita U .S . run ends, though, the show is going up, up and away again for two more seven-week tryouts -flrat on westbound international flights, save those originating ln London, then on London-New York flights, she says. Miss Hege, whoee. firm boob films for 23 airlines mostly ' internalion-1 carriers, says sev- eral other airlines now are con- sidering video-theater shows. SAY HELLO Cill 142• 5171. Put • few word• to work for ou. Cttlt " -CINl " :.ouoou 9Ul t.jA PAl1K BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN Uncolft ......... OI Cnoll 121·4070 "IOME KINO Of' .. 110" (II) f'\.UI "9.0.a." (II) TO LO R TAKES IN eu!NA PAii• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN ltn<Olf'I Awe '*•"' ot cnon 121·4070 •1•1''i!llW!'.' uaUNT RAa." (II) f'\.UI "THE OCT AOON" (II) "OUHT F~ f1M" (II) "AUIN" (II) HOME FEDERAL COUNTRY. So~ Oi990 ,,.,., OI .,_,...,,.,(SO) 962·2411 N t' lMIN llf ~ Hl·WA Y 39 DRIVE-IN m9'---"0M ~f'OND" (l'G) "IT All'T1NO ()VD" !") C• RIOUIOO "f'OM.:r (l'G) "UP .. ..oetr (II) ~ Cllll fl SOUND A "Ai.~ A LA HABRA OlllV! IN ....., ... _. __ , .......... 17Mlt2 ' --- .. A., •I CIM( fl $0UNO llt«ll 11¥0 so °' Gotdtf\ Glove flHWOy 891·3693 '"NCHAN> .... YOll LIVI OM Tttll ~ STIW'" (II) "\IUD CAM" (II) Cllll " 10UllO --- "CAT '1...0l'U" (") "NIGHTWING" (flO) Clll( 1110UMO "ao. KIND Of' HIJtO" (~> """' "1.0.8." (II) ORANGE OlllVf IN Sori•o Al"O hwy •11e1ec ...... 551·7022 . ""'°""'"' " -..,.. MMr TW_UGHrl W9ff OUT' M ___,."" " . ' MISSION O~IVf IN ~Of' '&mMW (N) '"Tt9 LOM Of' TMI _.. (N) "'I> . . ___ .. leec,. ..... M7•*"' .._ ..... M.L _ '-01 CUA,_ ALA Al 1••' Ill ICIA ._..,. (714) 272-1832 Call direct or colle.ct, from anywhere at any time. Now you can hear a ll the details or open an Individual Retirement Acco unt or Tax- free Savings Certificate - any h our of lhe day, any day of t he week . From your kitch- en, your office or your liv- ing room. Wherever there's a phone. If our number is outside your local dialing area, save your money and call collect. It's j ust the beginni ng of th~ money you'll save wit h the tax advantages of an IRA or Tax-free Savings Certificate at Home Federal. 1-IOMEFED ...... A.ueu over 16 bUlion • Nurly 100 offire\ i.c:rvmg C11hforo1n Home F~ernl ~v111R1 ttnd Loen A~IMh>r1 ofSQn ll1eao • I SERVICES s.r .. ,. ll-lt•f'VM'J EMl'LOYMEllT & r1mm1011 v~1 ... t~'"°" , ..... 1 ... t• '• P •tMM \l&.t MERCHANDISE Af1hq11n Ape:t&ifl'Vn Aw<,.. ::!r:.':; 'hlet1•l~ ..... ,,..,...' t:qlMP'f'M'll' lM• °"'" """ t• '°"' tWNtw• c.,.,,~ .. -~(#\IOIJ., Jratlry L;u~IOtk .W.tr•u. ..... , MlKdl.lftit'Ot,j,' MlM"tll~ \lMtttd "4i~U IMtrUMtM~ omu fvn' lq"'p ""' ~~~l~~ =:~::!at Hat ~'t-1tt,, 11 ...... I IOATS ' MAllllE EQUIPMEJIT ~ .. ..,..," .. ,.~ .. t(" .. &>lb '9anM [QI.lip BN4t Peor.f'r ID .. • ""'N l "•rVr 8o~h~1I Bo.n• st1pe. Ootl~ ...... ~, ... mao.a.t~Ot•t• TIAllSPOITUION "'"'•" r em.pirn ~ lh·M ~rw l•n . :s::~Sffot_ • .,,. lil<M.Gf Hm\ \.ilt R!nt Tr11att1 Tra,f'f !:;~~!!~.-i.,u AUTOMOBILE W.r•I • ~ll•nw\ ~,:(,•';;!'::~~ ••M"ffUfHU r,..,.,, , ... A"'o lAu•ac AW10tW•nltcl AUTOS, IMPOITED Uf'Mrel AW.Aw8ft A""• ............ w, ..... l<Pf• ou-c.41 o.. ... ,,.,,.,. f1•t ti-t. J.i .... , ,_ lM&U\•th<1 i..-"""' ....... 11 .. <'f'k\ lku .II(, MGb Oprl , .... ,. ......... ,_.H'M -h ....... ,,. "-'" S.M ::,.. r.,.. fr••"'"' Vo&bw11.-n Yoho 11111 IM :::! · EQUAL HOUSING :: OPPORTUNITY ,. IUI IOI .... I 1 ... lllOil 11111 lllfl I IA ,.,.. 1• 1-. 1ia 1• 1100 ~·,Hot1c:e: J\lrreil utate ad vert1sed 1n this newspaper is subject to thl! Federal l''a1r Hous ing Act or l968 which rmkes it illegal to ad· vert!Se "any prererence. llmltal1on, or· di s · enm1nat1on based on rare. color. religion. sex. or national origin. 11101t oc an intention to make ,.,, any surh prercrenre. :!!: I 1 mt l a I 1 on . o r d 1 s ;: cnmina11on " I , .... l'W ,... 1109 -u.) 240> !>Oii nus newspaper will not knowingly oH'l'ept al)y ad,•erllsing for real estate wh1rh is tn 1•iola · t1Q!l Qr the law :: .......................... 1 -~ ERRORS: AdvHtisen ~ dM<k tt.eir ocfs ~ dcily and report er· ~ ron imrntdlottty. The -DAILY PILOT aswmu = liabiity for the fint ~ incorrect inH rtion ~ Olly. ~~ .......................... , :160 I tl"4}1 "" Houses for Salt :~ .............••.......• :!: GeMnil I 002 •uo ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll>J ll.W • ""'I ~· Bnghten someone's day \\1th a Class1r1ed Eas~·GrCN11!! -For only S6.00 your Easter message will appe:ir with the bunn) abo1·e 10 the Oath Pilot on Easter Sunday Call 642 :'1678 ancl charge 11 Mastercard and Visa welcome. NESTIGIOUS UDO ISLE ,.., Lowest pnced on C:1do at onl)' J319.SOO This ,.,I) charming home won 'l ••"' las1 long. Located near ~ clubhouse & te nnis ~ courts m the midst or a :: galax) or brilliant '""" homes E'C rel lent :;; financing a\ ailable. Call : Cordela1Is.G46 7171 .,. .. DIVE RIGHT IH :::; Swim an)llme in lovely ..... solar healed pool 3 :: Bdrm. I 11 Ba , re- -rrodelt'd kitchen in one or Costa Mesa's best areas Q~n\'r \el') fle'CI 1 ble f\Jll pnre $145.000 •·Jt 751·Sl91 '"'' -•r• '•ifll :ono ,.,.., <If) C:. C,El ET ...,., PHOPEH1 IES ;:., HERE'S YOUR Jf; "2i~~i~~Uh~~e' ;:~ Charm. f.nglti;h tudor •1• style: lovely tree lined ...., street. Pride of O\\O('r~hip ~; neighborhood And. as· ~· sume $74,000 loan F'ull ~~ pnce on this 3 Bdrm 2 ... bath doll house 1s only .:~ S99.!Kl0Call 646 7171 "'' ~r•m1 •11 •m t7fi ,, .. W'fEI or.r. >Jll Ji.) '"· t:.u f1JI I > .. ~ •lt. "" 11• lt/11 "" "''"' YIU YI loo ''" .. ,. rlll """ ~ ,,., flltl tn;i NEWPORT SHOIES WAUC TO HACH! 2 storv. 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. ROOF' PATIO w I T H \' I f, w I IN CLL'DES LAND' Seller \\Ill help with financ:-in~. $255.000 lolboa loy f'rap. Rfffton d7S.7060• MOVE UP TO NEWPORT Exrlus1 vt resl<tential area of successful ex· -eculives and their •• -,,.. ttll Wll --¥/l .... -ow ----... -., -,., ---""' ramilies Tiils beautiful and spac1oui1 4 Bdrm bom? offers low interest usuma ble loa.ns and 1s pri~ at only $269,900. can now! 646-7111 • THE REAL ESTATE RS - GllAT STllET ~ar thf beach: 3 Bdrm. 4$df&rtt lot 1n old Cd M. So or Hwy, R 2 ~ng, owner rln1nrii'lg at 1425~000. Your frlend1 and ....... 11M C11 .. 1nec1 wlita U 11 b avt •tlal11 to ull. UfllillOOt 00~ _.ftta'lton, f15-t000 Mil JOU i.ow wel PW wlat W::, la I DIUr PlJol . · l1llyPllat Monday, April 5, 1982 ,. ... Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad. . . . -. -. ~.~.s:!: ......... ~.":':. ~ ....... I~.':':"..~ ...... . .._...,...WI 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ga•rel I 002 G1Mral I 002 ICHMr• I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .................................. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Go...,.. I 002 G...,al I 002 Colto Mtto • •••••••••••••••••••••• SS. too T otol Dow" PmlllU..S WON'T LAST! Remodeled traditional 3 bdr m, den, 3 bath, reduced to $385,000. Xlnt' Temia. West Bay bayfron t. Slips for 2 boats, re- modeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1,200,000 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdnn 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. • UMllUMES Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1.500,000 Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec." rm. beam ceilings, furnished. $420,000. Ulll ISLE llYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. play- room, dark rm. den. $1.350,0001 llYSllE OIYE Spectacular bayf ront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1.900,000. TIES YIST&S-lllSSlll VIE.II New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house. pool, $795,000. CllllUll CAYS Coronado lsld cust. bayfront lot. 85! boat dock. Plans avatl. $425,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J-ll ~"Y\·d• D•·•· ""B bl) blbl Of~ ~J) ENGLISH TUDOR .A~SUME! Super.snarp 1 vear nc" condo High <t!>sum.ible loan. 2 huge bdrm!>, eal·h 1Hlh 1ls O\\ n master bath Large famtl) area. bnck rireplal·e 2 car at tached garagl· Onl) Sl24.950. Call S46·2313 s=.j}) ~RTHGTS Lovely Mpt HC)ts 3 ldrwt hOftlf. Fnshty redecorated, new roof md MW poiltt. Offerr e d at $172;000. THE REAL ESTAT&:RS COLI OF NIWPOM REALTORS U11LC:-lltwf . c..--.... -,75.5511 HEW OH MARkET Assume F'll/\ loan 3 Bdrm. P.ba. end or col de·sac. RV :JCC:-e'>~ ..,... 675-177 1 Make those KOOd l!l~!ilililiiliB'1!1 household 1temi. you 're not using available lo some Olher ram1ly b) ad vtrtismg them ror sale 1n Class1r1ed Ca II 64.2·5678 __ .... LIOATlll Enjoy the convenience. of patio living. 2 BR. 2 VJ bath rondo has shutters. central air, microwave oven plus comm. pool & spa F.ase of maintenance & privacy make this unit ideal. $155,000 Vicki Bosz 551-8700 (G48) STAR GAZEK•~. J:....::=-~'-.---81 Cl \Y K l'OUAN~--...... --~ UIU M. , .... Oo.11 ,... ... , c.oh ;:. V Auo1J1.-g •• '~• Sro't f dt:"rl "C' ,.,,,. . ~09~ for T ~,tf~., rtod •:>irdUOl'~""Q t ,.. .<t\ 11f ""'-" z,~ ex boft\ '~ ,,~. , .... )Qo •t.wc.11>1• , .... ··-.... ••• , . tOW...• '"°" t1H.,_.. ,,..._. uc.-,,,tiW 11 ,,.191 ,,Mt .. ··-,,II\ ..... ,.-..., ,,,__, l1'•"' 1Jf...S , .. , ,, .... ~...,_,,,,1 27 Atf•'>ft l!IO. l90vl )IH,•• ,, ''-» .... ,.,,.,. )A ......... .... ·->F•""CI• .... •• ...... "'"-.,...., •) Go<Je Uffllht t <&It .. .. .,Nf\ 41~• .. , . ., ....... tol.c• ,, ...... ~· .. w• ... ~"" ~­Mf"<~ ,,,..,. ,.40,.,,., titGretl to•"'9• SO P G LE I I I 1 I I I' 11-....,.,...R .,.E_V ..... T__,...l ~1 11 . r I I I . ''"'"fl .,~ .. .., .... """' .. , ..... . .,.-. ,, ,,... ··-.,. ..... .... ""-fJV ....... 1)0-. 1•11\tert ~t-.... ""'.,... ,.." ... ,. ... eow~o 11,.,...,. l>Oo"'f .., ...... .. -., ..... •""'• t1 f1te• •S•ttt•tc1..,, •O..-••~· .,r_. ... {)Nc .. ul .,,, 1J .. + • I S AB OS l ~l C I j J J . Thtft'I • lot ot tredltlon In my femll~. t ttavt thing• tl'lll l'll vt bMl1 PHH<I down In my PIUlllDIT&Ttl Lido ble bayfront. Pier and alip location. 4 BR. 3 Ba. Owner will carry with auba\anU.al down payment. $1,M0,000. ltl ., .. ...,. llltlftL ~ BR. 7 bath home with all the amenit1es Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding glass room. Sauna, steam room, 3 jacunis. Play and game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6500 sq. !t. $975,000. MUI FlllT I NfTI 2 BR. 2 Ba each unit More than 1 parking space per unit Pnme Balboa Peninsula area Opportunity for creative investor. UIO ISU Charming 2 story, 5 BR spacious home on extra wide lot Large. sunny and lush patio for entertaining A must to see Call for appointment. 'v' I· ~I 1-'.Y '4 Br~wCe~~S~nR MO CA.SH? ~YLOR CO 21 t ba. rrpir. 2 l'ilr gar Hqth 8¢fms are rnuster swles w/vaulted l'll(si belier call l''/\ST Tota py111t11 $1174 11\0 ('all 12 S 631 3405 , t'I I'll 751 3297 IUT . WAMTTO IUY? HEALTOHS Sll!Cl' lH4E JIR, 2'/2 IA nns \'-tv4·7~0vou• Woodbridge Carmr I ltl UIYll UWMll Slit,... Beaut. 4 bedrms Fam nn w/hreplace, for- mal din nn, 2 1h ba. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble ~ntry. Pool & spa. _ ............... -... ..c rmdel, like new ' Family •MESA DEL MAR* $15,000 DOWN St•nsahonal 3br homr with $104,000 in lo" in· terest fmancinl( Call to da~ 2670 San M 1guel Dr Ne~port KeJrh 758 1501or752 7373 room. drama Lt<' l'O tranre. high re1 hngs, as soc111t1on pool. tennis & beautlrul lake H )Ou've l'Ver wanted to "wnle your own llt'kel · here's )ourt:hanre1 O"ner will listen to almost anythmg ' Trade your home. note:,. land. 1·ars. Jeweln . what have you" let':. make a 1teal ' Wamer,s.s9·940!J, a~t 2111 Saa .l1~1i1 IUlt lta4 IEWPllT cmtl, I.I. "'"4110 -------lalbooPninsula I 007 COLDWeu. BANl(eRC EASTILUFF $312,500 Wonderful Ta 0111\ h11nw "1th 1:or.:eou~ '11·" !I fl H or ~ • d 1• II " 1 t h ~plll'IOU;. l),tt·k' 11111 flt•.iu11rulh 111.11111 .1111t·ol (>v.nrr "ill .1,,,,hl "11 h ft1lallt'IOI! 644-9060 ······•••············•· Walker & lee TRADE DOWM SEX Dt>hi:ht(ul t1uplex do'l' tu IJl.'a1·hl·~ EHellt'llt • SEX rent.iii> l"o ;! Bdrm un tWinclon leach I 040 SEX llS duun~ rtWJm COUUlJ') ••••••••••••••••••••••• k1t~ht't1. r11·i•t>l;;1.1• duu 0 P P 0, R T l ' N I T Y Now th11t I've got your 1i11 l(JrJI(<• 0\\1tt•r I KNOCKS SpatlOU'> .~ tnlerest \\Otlld you \\;tnh lar14cr propt•tt\ Rdrm "Be01c·h~alk ple3JK'callmeaboutth1s \,kmi:s:!~.500 rrunutes from thl' water utterl) HK} condo 64"SlOO ~J.k,~09g S2UO uoo Brk Townhouse Sl) le 2 Hr 2 ., ..... "' Ba rrpk. wood deek 1n - UYTS of hou:.c for httle Woodbndlle Glen You rroney Won1t1•rful 3 BH get rommumty pool. ten· ' "1·ou11l"'' k1ldll't1 No nis . l<tke . beu<·h . ., clubhouse '0" ner qualtf) mg Ju~t St:!2.m r10anctnl" "1th "Low I llkrSlllmO!I Do"n" et's make 11 ST ... BT s RT -------.. ~°" date 10 bu\ It no\\ ' I ""' MA 022 HarbOw 1042 5123 900 Warner c11:1 I LOW DOWH ICorotto ~I Mor I •••••••••••••••·•• ••••• 559-9400 Thi• ull1mJt1• t'1"t.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ISLA .... DHOME •--le h 1048 ------------------Me:..1 ~a1 dt•n hnrTH'' j "' -r-OC I S 129,500 I Sounni.: l'l•thnt.:' t 'at kl BY OW.._.ER wittt loat D~ck ••F•:::;·:;•T•l•C••H••O•M••E••• 1 ini.: ftro·plJt't' 3 'i'J''I""' I • • ~ • • S Hdrms + ~·· td ~'Ir' rs ,..., 1 o11Y1 bt-rlmom" :11,1r ,:Jr.1~1 \H\ ttl\l < ST~I :i:ni~q ft l\lslom >mlt 180 deg oc:-ean \ll'WS Super 'hJl'ft :J H•lrm llnl\ Sl.11•.fllMI t .di""~ Ill.I :!JUI ·•1 rt Wik to 1·11urt~ard WJ 3 rrµl1·s 3000+ and l'Ul>tOm horre\\1Lh \\1•l l>Jr m.ir t.738.."l.lll l~h 311r 3' ll.1 nrrulJr !(real fin.in J\ all Gourmet k1l r hl'n life ftrt>plJl'l' dnd m1wh l j ''J1rna' k\hl•·~ l(rdn $600000 711 1141111754 mai.~l\e l1v1n1: rm I mire An\luu" O\\n1•r '~~~-=~'ii \\1ttdn"' ,\~k 1nj! Hkr formal d1n1ng 1·01) < .111 !17!• 5.1711 :.> ~' I s.18.5 101 fireplaces. pool. ~pa I.I! lliillllillliililliail A I :'f . : · OPE\ llJtl1 11i lmne 1044 rl'<· area ·1589.000 LLSTATE ------t1lh ~l ani:nld ...................... . I l'1 ----··---6.1() t521 63i lj7il! FOR ~ VillOC)f R.E FORECLOSURE 4U·U 6J REALTORS USTSIDE DREAMERS BARG AIM! (hlner must ~ell' Brint.: $79 500 L>e~µerat1on 'alt• . 1 all Clffrrs' Mt'~a Vrrrh' 3 F'X,ER' Hdrm 2 bath. lum1ll ~ • 1 room 2 brH·k ftrl.'pl.11•c, ,:-.;1~h pamt. rarpel and 1 Onlv Sl24.950 You ITill'l TLC Just J 0 re\\ tntnllll'> lteeiht!>one. l·all $.!ti 2:11:1 tu South l'oasl Pla1a Good .1~~uma hll.' hr\l I "1th h1" l•J> ml' nb J I ri~.lill ~~~~~11\ l1111n ' r.111 l h&1rm111i.: ,ma 11 1 1111 l>l l'U.:\ HY OW\ EH .._.0 Dowwtown Loquna rum11\ honw llt ll'tllJI MUST SELL' A" 2 bdrm. I ba. trt'.Jptrall) 1n"''1mrnt 111 .. rnwil • LAZY PEOPLE landsraped l'ondo n.'lltni.:s larl({' ""'" lestCoshOffer Beau11rulOceanV1ew' hmk (1rq1l:t('t' hlll!t' 6753063 fi799667 2BR+2BA +DE~ Pnl'eless loealton Ex ) Jrtl "1th alli·1 .11, 1.,, LUXURY COHDO l'ellent Beach Hou!>t' ()\.01•1,tn•el I)" nl'r \l'f\ Oream )Our area ms and 17021732 9840Collert ' rmt11att'd SHi 5uo CHARMIMG DPLX. ha'e 11 no"• Turtlt>ro1·k •--H·ns 1050 Hraut1f.ul :.lrl'et 10 Cd~l Glen rontt'l'Tl'JlC'>Nlr\•--de-~ t O''"tJr' '1n1t " ht'Jm 1 ,:~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I '11:n " rus 11 "u""' e\ D 0 w ' ~ o l't•th1tf.!' Jnd hreplan• ll'rto r l'\ pa n'"'l' $7500 N •. Li:t-I llcllm Jpt 1\llhldramalll' hit.:h i·etltnl( QU/\LIF'Y ING. , r~n·11lat•1• t .1 bar~1·l11r t•nlrani·t• ... ,,111.1ation 2Br patio home StOr .~00 <1 111111 111 1 unu· I .11111 pool. lenni' & ,hurl dt'· Teri) 1Bkr l497 303~ .1mt1nll puol '-'um.1 hit 1 Jnce to golf 1·ou r'e LOIJlll'CI Hi~ I 052 loan S::ll'otoi O"ner "di neate ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE tltit!J 4BR P I & S W A Tl '\ Ht I I. D I': H S $132 000 I • oo pa OCEAM VIE Lt'"·' It! 1o11 ,11111 h,.1 r1nanCIOI( JOd e J S} lt•rrro lo help )OU • The fllll'SltOO IS an• ) OU re .td} 10 ,,tart I" 111.: ·' 01tr dream no\\1 5224 .900 Warn~r, a,gt 559 9401..1 Ho or low dn f'ym 't Ex c:-rllent term:.. 4 bdrrm plus honus pool and Ji.IC B~ owner this "eek onl) 495·071~ I ~ M~ST SELL 1111 d11pl1•\ or \tnf,!lt• 3 Bdrm. F P . qu11·1 and lhal ' llOl .di I • r I • II r I nl'll!hborhoo<I I pl~ for I Heaut1ru11, ma1nt;11n1·1I .Ju.,1 n>t uc1:rl in l 1t1u11.1 I amt' I a lor'" o rt• I \'\ sale or rcftn.rn1·1· "'th n1.1t1\ Jnw111111•' drl \lar' ~ lir.·pl.11"'' t.:JnlmJ?l111a11 'SlJu.1~"' <.:all645 9161 th.JI mal..i• lht~ hiurn· ,1 ~'rt·mh rluor' h.1111\\11011 644-72 I I 1ernr11 hu\ Enlt·r thru '!1•1r' Pn\Jk 111""" M.lln START MERE I th1• enrln,t•tl 1·111111,,1111 liood ti·rm' Onh I In this rh"a rm tn K an1t 'l'I' Jll lh..tl lhl' mi.mo t'allfi'i:IK:>~10 ~ Hancho San J oaquin hotrt' ha~ 111 nlh-1 llnh ~ ~ \'11la~ one hedroom and SitiS.111111 {a 11 """ ~1~!2!:~ I 1 loft totally upl(radcd OPEN HOUSE ,-. REALTY LGb Forett I 055 •..••••.•••.•........•. PARK PUCE ESTATES 9'i!I ;,.r.o l@iMiJifjf..:j ;Costa Mesa I 024 l:~na~~~~trl':;~;~h!s ALLSTATE -1••••••••••••••••••••••• beendras111·all\reduced -z / 48r 21z Ba 2174 Sq Ft BETTER TIM '\ ~1UDEL , l'1 LO onl~ $1-19.954'1 Ca II lo W •TERFRO.._.T Harbor Vu Hills MESA. VERDE day HAS EVERYTHl:-.G Cul de ~ac:-strt>et Sun & Sail II Club ~ " '1 REAbTORS \lln1111 11• :1 1111rm , 3 Htlrm h11nll' :! bt1th:. DUPLEX Ir .. mt" rotl m ma II\ dbl fJrJJ:t' Jll in " I Bulboals1ano.f.a ,t1M)I BREATHTAKING 'fll'l'l.al 111."01 ,111ni.: l't11111twn1t SIZ9.5UU rront of llltlc ,,1,1111t 1 r1 .. 1111it·~ uilt•i ,.,1111 , t'll Sl!f5lt0d111111 th1nl·t "'II Keep as a ht'.1t111l1tl VIEW 1r:il 1.ll'Utllll. ht•~t 111·l' .1'"''1111 f111an1·111i.: duplex or rnn\Nl 111 .1 s11a11•111'> :! ll'\el Hurl 1•111•n'fl 1111 $:1Rl.51KI RoyMcCardle, Rltr. huge s1nglr f.1m1h 111~Jnv· trt llarll<•r \tl''" S48 7729 home Both unit~ hll' 1· :11 Hills ~pt·1·tJ1 ular ;.p11 ,11 1 • Bdrm~. 2 bath' J;1r)!1' ~l.i1n·;1'1· So.inng 0111•11 .. ------. ... ...i llvmr; area. r1n•pla1·r~ lX'am n•1hni.:~ I lanw 1.-..................... . S11ac;ious kitchen!> Fit bedroom'. plu' hm111~ lhe ftoanl'tnf,! lol \0111 room l>f1 1•11•1l .11 needs ·On lhr "atl•r" S5511.ut111 l'.d I t 1111 J' only S9'.l5.oou 546 2313 fi13 R.\.'\11 tMil1 1 THE REAL ESTATERS 71'1 ,(.0 ·n \ \ I lrv"1e u2.soo Eashl~ R·2 Lot AHention Builders '""I\ d1•1·orall'd 2 H1lrm humt; on l)o). t :!5 lot Hnom tu hwtd ftr,l TD I $1112.tMICI J~'uma hh• JI J 1~·. i\'l"nf.! Sl3i .5011 F•>r an .11.11>0111tmenl lo I RCTaylorCo 64 0 l)C)()() EUROPEAN CHARM AT A STEAL! 2BR+2BA+DEM 20 mrn to Ne" port Center S21U 000" tlh $160 000 al 121 i fued rate & full} .imort1zed ~o points or quahr~·ing i70-0347 Owner Agent $198 000 Lake forest JBR. Den o " n e r ~ '.i l' r 1 r , r ·I 2BA Terms. b} o" ner 1 n I! Wood b r 1 d g e i70 9549 G.1hles Appleton mdl. trul} umque. 1mpe1•<'a· Newport leach I 069 ble detached home ••••••••••••••••••••••• fr vou're not n•adtnlt lh1• I httle ad~ m CIJ~'1rlt'rt. )ou're m1ss1ni: 11 lot of I news\ 1nforma l1on as \\ell as some great buy!> HEED HELP? llelp vour"lelf to :t Heaptni: ,elect ion of Qualified llopeful~ 10 the DAILY PILOT HELP WANT E_D ,\OS JlL~l right for lht• \Clllt1J! ('\l'l'Ull\e J?ettml! 'I art ed ~lost tn1•\p1•n,l\ e 1~~1 tn Oranttetr1•t• Ai.• ,umc: tu fi'; loan " lo" ~.1·:111 ~1111151 ~HERITAGE ~1lualed on 1mpress1ve OPfN SAT f SUH I 1-6 lol " mom for garden & New 3 stor;· beal·h hou~I' 1 'II" Attral't I\ ely ap-Ba) & ocean ne"s pomtt'd "1th t'athedral Ocean side Balboa Blvd from affordablt . . . to af&Jent NewpOrt PenthotJJe Irvine Terrace. JBr Duplex by beech Bayf ronl Condo. 28r Unda Isle. S Br. blyf ront Bayfronl. 6 Br w1dock CdM Condoa. 3 Br New Newport Condol S87,000 $245.000 $279,000 $725,000 SJ.395.000 $2.650.000 I rtWn $325,000 frum $307.SOO WATERFRONT HOMES, INC, REAL ESTATE s.IH !Wn•.i. P,.-11~ ~· 2•31> W Coa.i HWll ~•Buch 01-1400 .. ...,.. Bi~ Canyon McLain Condo. 3 BR, 2 ~ · BA. Dini.,_g Room. El Dorado Model. t•e1hngs A 'en rare op 1911 Court Ave nr 19th port untt' for you to 675-2291or848 3133 t•reate )Our 0~11 terms & Amplej>arkmg 1n rear ™™1'6317370 ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilj • • REALTORS hnanrmg Pnl'l' Jtrst re OUTSTAHDIHG IUY! dut't'd ancl1 owner will Saml1i·e R~ O\\nt•r "l:ilk turk1•v" Warner. BIGCAMYOH Gu ar 110'. 30 1 r 111<1 n a&'I 559-9400 · a\ atl di :! pis tinder ~ 1 Sunn) 3Br 2• J Ra home Ml-Clam twnhorne. 2 br. 2 ba. beaut upgraded 7~-04111 ~·6668 hr. 2 hJ r ~ln;i ~m 'P·I on corner lot'" Lin" ers1 1mmat $1 t._I\ 9,9 11311 1~ Pk. OWC "1th J?ood tl'T HACH CONDO 1006 • •••••••••••••••••••••• BEACH HOUSE Tlus IS a real rhormrr !lest buy on Island 211r +bache1or. $295.000. Century 21 Lockhart Call 962 8847 Moo PNwla t 007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oc:"" Frotd Luxury lower duplex 4 bdrm. Gar. s;400 Bob 784·~1 da. 1sz.9442 t'\'e. wlmds *** .. ~r~~\~mr- OHL Y $I 0 ,000 c~~i~a ygc~1!~ 4 Bdrm 2 't~ t1bl ~arage nu rrpl J>lltnl. \ aec1nt Pnrt>d to ~ell at SI 10.000 O\\nr aitt. Diana Ca JI pel. 631 1266 MOVIM'ONUP Give rours-eH Mesa Verde m '82 3 Rdrm 2 Ba home w mony extras Oil CUl·dt'·SBl' OWC lrg 2nd T 0 . Full price $134.500 m .3191 C:.CC.f\((. ...,., PH( J~ lt H ' It ' . ' Santa Ann IMl(hls u~-Mlmr You are the winner or --" two rreet1cketst$18001 This remo e td 4 value to the bedroom. 21 ! bath home Cll~S Y~GAS reatures 11 master suite. , ~ h family room and a bonu~ """'" . ac etrran~ I room' Very tHtefully Stadium A_prll 4-,14 decorat ed. To as t y terms SJS0.000 Golden Propcn1es 752 1589 MO MEY TALKS HERE! 21R. ZIA Slt,000 Located' -w1tn in a lux urious guarded rom mumty Call anytime Mullan Realty 540·2960 Allk fQr_Lon Q.IFfHAVEH $225.000. big R2 lot. 3 Br with peg & groove floon Great rioancing. Must sl'll~ Make orrer Own1Agt. ~·!16fi6 LOWDOWN Cottage -for two, WOod bndge. barely hved in. detached home situated IMMEDIATE on valuable c:-orner lot POSSISSIOH Fenced yard w(2 ~ar I to•:. down. payments gara. ge, a~sor1at1on $l500lrm. It 15 possible pool. tennis Ii lake lo own lovely Sbdrm. 2 nearby. Financing is re· story N B Back Bay ally the key and you ran · · · take over the loans with area S2SO.OOO 850· 1991 ' no quallrylng! Anxious ~ves call. 631·7215 I owner says submit orrer .-,. Littt.a! I now. Just $1 49 .000 BY ()WN£R: Sfcluded I Warner, •Jt ~·9400 _ lovely Streel behind Plfl'i C Back Bay M ajestit' 1::RFE T ~.yet roiy and t'On· HOME venient as a rotta-e ' ,.. __ C_O_Y_P_I_L _ _,I ,_,,Im ""' --. ' . 11'111 _·~~--~~ ..__,_ ___ ...._..._ .... '" .... J,...., No , below Community Pool & Tenni s. Security Gated. Great Fin.andng. Priced At Only S230,000. Marilyn Twh cheU'a UJtlng. 75"9188 Orange Count_> n"'phire and o dlninlC Fairground~ Apn l IS 18 room ror trtalinll_ your Tickeb Cood for aclt'cted ituest& Seller will help Petfol'fl\lnces .., ooo to cl1im tickets, roll v.11.h hnan('1nic .. 10. 6U-l678. u t 2U 979.2390 Completely rustomited F«the growlnit family 4 4 Bdrm. 3 ba Master bdrmal 2"t ba. ram. rm. Suite) Lo-v~ly ll v rm Kenda I Model in Vlll1ge look1111 out to 11oriceou11 II. Good loratlon backs , landscaped ba<'kyard. to major gr een belt Waterfall. Ctu.tbo, brlrk Sl~._ patio. ·Obit frpc. fam rm. formal dinin&. rm 'I -~ L'l5 000 Owner wlll u "° &ill \n nnantlnlC at 2$'' dn.. OPEN AJJ. WEEK I.$. \SZI ANrTA LN U uc..,... ..... .... .,..c-. ~c~:Jmll1t~ c1a1med __ J ADELL. ' • A VlSUAL PLEASlJ R .. ;: r---""'-"'-=-Oorll!)UI trl·ltvel 4 Br SElJ. \die Items with a nt1r So. Cotst Plu. A Dally Pilot Cl111lned o to own. A11Lln1 ar .. ,e.8600 ~~m Hl-bla~~ ' . ~.~ Mri lo,...,.,._. to .m~..._....._ piece a f11l-a cll11 ..-na.-..... d ... , ..... !IHl!I 1' OrMQe Oout DAILY PILOT 1Mond9Y, April S, 1882 r 8UIA.M NEICB CLYDI CL.IJTON HAL-NiLSON W. N~lCI. a LAM, fHld.nt of Coua ~to(~ M.IU., Ca. MNI, Ca. PUMd away on P111ed away on April 2, April 4, 1882. Prtvam ir-vtt-1982. Born Oc1IObu 31, 1898 Ilk» lttVtcel wW be held on ln O&kpark, IDl.noil. Survt. Wect.n.day, April 7, 1N2 at vtd by hl1 wlfe Ed.Ith L ., Harbor !.awn Memorial dauaher Nancy N. Cha~ Putt. S.rvkw ~r the di· ot tfewport Beach. Ca. and 2 re~tlon ot Harbor Lawr.• 1randdau1httra. Private Mount Olive M ortuary of mC!mOrilll ~ wq held Colt.a Mcu IWO-OOIW. on Monday, Ar>ril 0, 1982 at HAMILTON . Padfic View MMlOrial Park, WILLIAM EDOAR HA· Newport Beach, Ca. In lieu MILTON. a ruldent of of flOwen memorial cvntrl- Santa Ana, ca. Paued aw-.y butiona may be made to the on April 2, 1982. He I• aur-Shrlnen Hospital for Crlp- vlved by hl1 wife Luldlna pled ChUdnm, Loe Angele&, and dau1hte r Margaret. Ca. Pacific View Mortuary Slumber Room vlaltatlon dln!Ctona. will be held on Monday ROBERTS Aprll 0, 1082 Cn>m 4:00PM to MASON ROBERTS, J'e8i. B:OOPM. Rf'Cltatlon of the dent of Cost f Meu, Ca. R osa r y will be h e ld o n Paned away on Aprll 1, Tuesday, April 6, 1982 at 1982. He ia survived by hit 7:00PM at the Harbor Lawn w ife Peggy, sons Paul Ml· Memorial Chapel. Services chael, Phillip Arthur, John under the direction of Har· William and David Redman bor .Lawn-Mount Olive all o f Costa Mes a. Ca., 1 Mortuary of Costa Mesa. bro ther and 5 sisters. Ser- 540-5554. vlcec will be held on Wed- BUMRIGHOUSE nelday, April 7, 1982 at the IRENE MAE HUMRIG-H arbor Lawn Memorial HOUSE, age 81. a resident Chapel with Pastor Chuck of Huntington Beach, Ca. Smith from the Calvary Passed away on Saturday. Chapel officiating. Services April 3, 1982 1n Santa under the direction of Har· Moncia Hospital. Beloved bor Lawn -M ount Olive w ife of Ralph F . Humrig-Mo r tuary of Costa Mesa. house, beloved mothe r of 540-5554. Robert Davis and Richard SCHNACK Davis both of Connecucut MILDRED L. SCHNACK. Patricia Okada ol Long a resident of Santa Ana. Ca. Beach. Ca .. also surviv ing Passed away on March 31, are 5 grandchildren. 4 bro· 1982. She is survived by her thers and 1 sister, Louis niece Mary Jane Wood of Broder of Florida, Raymond Dana Pomt. Ca. Services will Broder of Corona, Ca .. be held on Tue!lday, April 6, George Broder of San Jose. 1982 at l:OOPM at the Har- C a . and Paul Broder of bor Lawn Memorial Chaeel. Worcester. Massachusetts, Servi<:es under the dire<:Uon and Mabel Lucier of Spen-of H a rbo r Lawn-M o unt cer. Massachusetts. Friends Olive Mortuary of Costa may call at Pierce Brothers Mesa 540-5554. Smiths' Mo rtuary until TOML11'1 9:00PM on Monday. where RIC HARD TOMLIN , funeral services will be ron-resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. ducted at 1 OOPM on Tues-Passed away April 3, 1982. day. ApnJ 6. 1982 With the He was president o r the Rev. Thomas W Overton. Tomlin Service Company. pastor of the Flrst Christian which 1s in the fire protec· Church or Huntington Beach Lion business. He was mem- ofticiaung. Interment will be ber o f the National Fire made an the Good Shepherd Protection Association as Cemetery. Pierce 'Brothers well as St. John the Baptist Smiths' Mortuary dt~tors Catholic ':hurch. He was a 536-6539. Captain in the Artiller y McGAVRAN Unit, having served in the AP Wlrephoto COST FACTOR -Avram Paradise, of Golden Valley, Minn., had a choice of going to Bran- deis University at a cost of $10,446 a year, or to the University of Minnesota for $4,860 a year. He chose the state school alter deciding that he could not justify the cost of going to the private school. DEATHS ELSEWHERE MINNETONKA. Minn (AP) -Johll (;. Peterson, 91 , a former chairma n o f the board of Cargill Inc and an expert on ant.ernauonal commodity financing, died Sunday. VAL LEJO (AP) Florence Dougl•s, 86. Vallejo's first w oman ma yor and its lo ngest· lasting one. died Sunday LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ra y Bloc h , 79. a compose r a nd conductor dubbed by Jackie Glea· son as "the flower of the music w o rld.·· di e d Monday. Bloch composed and conduc ted music for the Ed S ullivan S h o w from 1947 to 1971 and for Gleasons's TV varie- ty show s. SAN FRANCISCO {AP) A San FranCISC.'O Superior Court judge. Edward Cragen. 55. died Wednesday afler suffe· rmg a heart attack m his chambers. WASHINGTON (AP) - Andrew J. Blemlller, 75. a formt•r mPmbl.•r of the U S House from Wisconsin and tht· l0h1<'f lnhby1st for the AJo'L ClO until retirement m 19711, died Saturday MILTON, Mass. tAP) Albert Norris, 78, .i former hl'admaster of Milton Aca- demy. died MILWAUKEE (AP) -Re tired MaJ Gen. Waldemar Frill Breldster , 81. ont' of the U S Army officers as signed t.o help the mainland Chtn<'se develop their Army under Chiang Ka1- shek dunng World War !l, died Fnday PRINCETON. NJ tAP> NOTICE OIP DEATH Of' NOftCI M 11liUt1'd'9 1M1 , ....... , ...... LAWYUll flTLl IHIU"AHC ALPBED IUCBARD PAT· COAl"OAATfON u duty llCIJIOlll IOLD th ALFRED ft. ~~~ ~1::1 f:.tl"JILL AT PATZOLD AHO OJI' Pf!TJ· PUBLIC AUCTION TO THI HIQ TION TO ADMINISTER HIST 8tDOeA FOA CAIH ~ ESTATE NO. Al118'7. 11 llMt of Ni. 111 lewful MONy Of I To 1'11 hoirs, bcNfld.ariel ~~!:! ~::.).:111~1~::: .= crt'dllora and con\lnaen~ b)' It under Mid 099d ol Tnm In tn. c...cSltors o f AlfHd Richard ,property hereln•ft• dtecrtbtd Pataold and pe raon1 who NJ:~rg"9~~' .~11~::: :g may be olherw~ interc9Wd w1i. 11 Joint l911an1e In the wLU and/or Nlat.e: 8!NEFICIA"Y TAYLOA DUNN A petition hu been tued ~~~)?":~~Y:J~~ui~MPANY by Gall Hutto n It) the Aec:Ofded Auou-1 e. tHO '* 'nttr Superior Court of Oraniie No. 9230 In book 13804, P-ot 8'8 CoWlty requesting that Gall ot omo111 A.cord• 11'1 tN otllce of Hutton be appointed u per- :Tci R::::,c1:i' 1~~.~':;::,1~:~~~~ ~.~~~ re~hrose'!~atetlvef Alfto aedd· lotlowlng propetly nwuat.er • C? ee-0 r Loi 23 In Btook 13 01 tint Richard Patzol<l {under the .ae1111on to Nowp<J(t Helght1, rn th• tndependent Admi.nlatration City of Newporl BHCh, County or f fl'_,....... ",.1) ""'-lili Orange, 81111 of Cllll01nl1, " o.r O .uo ... K:V n-. · ' ne pe on M1p r.cordld In Book 4, ll'tvf t• or ts let for hearing in Dept Mltctllll'leO\•t M1p1. In 11110111ee 01 No. 3 at 700 C ivic Center the County Recorder or aald Drive Wst In the City of Courlly ' • 2904 c1111 Oflve. N<rwporl BMch, Santa Ana. California on C.lllornl• G26GO Aprtl 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. "I" 1 •trMt 1ddrM1 or common IF YOU OBJECT to the d11lgn111on I• 11'1own 1bove. no h · · warrenty 11 given ea 10 111 compte-granung of t e pet.IUon, you ,.,_ 0< corr.clnMS) should either appear at the The benetlCllry under Mld DMcl hearing and s tale your ob- of Tn.11, I>)' reason or• b<eech or f I b default 11'1 111e o0Ngellon• aecurldl JeCllOns or I e written o - thereby. 11erelofo11 1aecut1<1 end .iecuons Wllb the court be- dellvered 10 Iha undersigned • fore the hearmg. Your ap- wrnten O.Cterauon ot 0ereu11 •nd pearance may be m person Dttn•nd tor Sile. and wrllten nollce of b<-ee<:ll and or election to CllUM or by your attorney Ille under1tgned 10 sell Hid pro-IF YOU ARE A CREDl- perty 10 aaU•fY uld obllgellon1. and TOR or a contingent creditor ~~~~~1%~':1 ~~!:C~G.r;:' ;,•~::_,of the deceasc;d. y~u must uon 10 be recordec:J DeC&mber 24. file your claim with the 1981, ea 1n11r No 31873 In book court or present it to the 14338. pege 1003. or 11ld 0111c111 personal representative a p- Recorda. led b h 'th' Seid ute wlll be made, but wl· P<>lll Y t e court Wl in 11\oul covenant°' w1rr1n1y, e~preea four months from the date of or Implied, reoerdlng 1111e. poeae•-firs t issuance o f le tters as 91on, Of ttncumbrancea. lo PIY lhe provided in Section 700 of rem11ri1ng prlnctpel sum or the . note(&) secured by Hid Deed ol the Probate Code of Califor- Trvel. wllh 1n1wes1 as In Hid no11 n1 a The time for filing provided. •dv1ncea. II 1ny, under clauns wiU not expire prior 1•1e larms ol uld Deed or Truat, ren ct1aro .. end expenees or 1118 IO four months Crom the dale Trua'tee end ol the tru111 ereallld by of the hearing noticed above uld DMd o1 Trull YOU MAY EXAMINE Saki l8le wtll t>e held on Tuasd1y. h f I '--b th If April 12 t982 at 2 00 pm. 11 lhe l e 1 e ...,.pt Y C: court Cl'l1pman Avenue enar1nce 10 the you are Interested tn the es- Civic Cenler Building 300 East tale, you may file a request Chapm1n Avenue 1n the C11y or with the court to receive Orenge . At the ume 01Iha1n1t1aJ publlca · special notice of the inven- uon or ""' no11ee 111e 101a1 emounl tory o f estate assets a nd of or 1ne unp11d bel1nc1 ot lhe obll· the petal.Jons, accounts and g111on secured by Iha 1bov11 de· reports descnbed l.1l Section scrol>e<I dead ot t•us1 and etllmllld cos ti e•pen1as and advances 1s 1200 of the Ca h torn 1a Pro- $78 800 46 bate Code. To delermone lhe opening bid, Patricia A.. Stanley Al· you may caU '714) 937..()966 L D' Date March 29 t982 torney at aw, 1151 OYe LAWYERS TITLE Street, Suite I eo, Newport INSURANCE CORPORA Beach , CA 92610; (714) TION 75%-0805. U said Trust&& Publoeh..S Uren•• \.uut lJally Pilot By T D SERVICE COM A"'11 • ' 11. 1ue1 1>>2..a2 PANY, &gent By Cindy Sch<>Onover Ass111ant Secre1ar) One Clly Blvd , West Orange, CA 92668 1714) 835 8288 PulJllShlld Or eng11 Cout Oa1(y Piiot Apr 5. 12 19 1982 1502·83 "'IUC ltOTlCE C1"'5 PVIUC llOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF LEO LOYD COX aka LEO L. COX AND OF PETITON TO ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. AllZ876. To all heirs, beneficiaries, cred ito rs and continge nt t rl•dt tors of Leo Loyd Cox and persotls who may be MUC MOllCE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE GLENDALE JUDICIAL OllTIUCT COUNTY Of' LOI AN~LEI, STATE Of' CAUFC>MflA otherwise interested an the------------ IOO I. Bt~wer ~.CAt1206 PLAINTIFF'. BOB NEW, INC dbl BOB NEW LEASING SERVICE DEFENDANT THOMAS CARTA· GENA and DOES 1 lhrOUQh tO. In· Clo5'Ve IUMMONI OM flfllT AMENOED CO.wlAIHT CAH NUMeER '5211 will and/or est.ate: "°~~c="~;Oll• A peuuon has been flied SG"""' 0..1•1C1 riewP01u.r.1ESA uN1 b y G a 1 I H u t l o n 1 n l h e Fl~~ 5~ ~S~R~ :ioc• P M ot 1111 Supt>rior Court of O range 14th a•) 01 AP<~ 1992 County requesu_ng that Gail ~~~c'!"::7 ies1 Ptec.n1"' s1 Hutton be appomted as per-Project klefl~hca11ot1 Hwne AUTOt.iA sonal representative to ad-~~a~~i:i:gl l~~'J~t t~L H~-z~; man1sler the estate of L eo EST4HCtA HS a ENSIGN Loyd Cox (under the Inde-si~ "':'°..!'(;~hie 1es1 Pt_.. ... pendent Adm1n1strallon of NOTICE IS HEREB• C.tVEN 1n•t th• EB ta I.CS Act) The peti uon is •oo• .. nameci Scn004 Ottl•oel ot 0. ·~ County Ce1tt0tn•a 1Chn11 by lnO tl>tl>UIJI! PUIUC llOOCE • MS-42251 l'lCTITIOUI ~ .. N4Mf ITA T£*WT f 111 I0110wtft11 -_,. ate Oo4nlJ buM _ .. llACO L TO 3 I'-"-1 Plaza Ori .. Sull• 20Q H .. •POrl Buch. CA -RAN04LL F GEOOES. lnnt• ..-1111 Rendall F Geod .. Trust d•t•d 1119171 3 UPI* H_,,,.t Pion Ofl•• Suttl 200 ~ 8-. CA._ O(HNIS VV HAllWOOO Trll91• un O•• '"• Wiii or Both E Horwood 550 __, c.n1 .. Drive !luff• llOO H-1 9tacn C4 92860 ' DENNIS W HARWOOO, Ttutt .. ...,,. der OecA..,euon ol '"*' dttta 112sn2 UO Ne•pO• I Can tar Drive, Sult• 800 ~Be~ C4 97690 JOHN B HEFFERNAN 3 Upper ~ Plal.a 0.-, Sulle 200. fWWO<>tt Betcll, CA 92860 THOM4S A HEFFERNAN, lrusiee ol 1111 TnomN end Clal•• H•H.,nan L1v•1111 Trull doleo Jun• 22. t981 3 Upper ~ Pl.,• D<tw, Sutl• 200 ~ BMcn. CA 92600 ROBERT E HEFFERNAN 3 Up!Mr totewporl Plaza Drlw Suite 200 H-1 Beecll CA 9261!() P4 TRICK J HEFFERNAI'<, 3 UPSM• ...._., Pfau 0.-Sult• 200. Newport !Heai. CA 921160 BERNICE B HEFFEAHAll Tt..-ol •~• T"omae E H•ff.,n.an f .. tamentary T NOi 3 1Jppw Nawpo<f Plaza 0r..e Wte 200 tWwoot1 &oedl, CA ~ Ihle DU-IO condt.<:090 1)y °'" ~ QOfpl)tOltO -.i110t• Ol .... lllMI I P*"'I· -olOMB _,..,. '"11 1ta,erneM w11 r11ed with th• Coumy C ..... 04 ~County on Mwdl t2 11M12 JOt9I a. HEn'E- J vi.-__. ....... OfM ~....,_cA.­rue1cu1. ~n a .. l'R_ F1151.a BRAD LEE McGAVRAN, U.S. Army during The Ko· native son of Costa Mesa, Ca. rean Conflict-He is survived Passed a w ay on April 1. by his w ife Jean, sons Ste· 1982. He was a student at phen of Los Angeles, Ca .. Estancia High School 11th George of Santa Ana, Ca .. grade. He is survived by his' Richa!"d and Christopher father Frank of Murietta, both of Costa Mesa. Ca • Ca., mother Georgia Young daughter Elizabeth Tomlin · of Costa Mesa, Ca. brother of Costa Mesa, Ca., mother Larry, sister Terri Kelly and M1nrue Gnbich of Sun City. Kristi Seguin all o f Costa Ca and 2 sisters. Recital.Ion Mesa. Ca . maternal grand· of the Rosary will be held on mother Velva Weaver o f M onday, April 5, 1982 at Anza, Ca and paternal 7:30PM at the Harbor Lawn grandmother Paulme M c-Memorial Chapel. Mass of Gavran of Costa Mesa. Ca. the Resurrection will be held and 3 rueces and 3 ne phews on Tuesday. April 6. 1982 at. Services will be held on 11 OOAM at St. J o hn the M onday. April 5. 1982 at Baptist Catholic Church l:OOPM al the Harbor Lawn Interment services at Rlver- M e m or 1 a I Chapel wllh side N ation al Military interment services unrned1a-Cemeter y. R1vers1de, Ca. tely following. Services un-Services under the directlon der the direct.ton of Harbor of Baltz Bergeron-Smith & Lawn-Mount Olive Mortua· Tuthill Mortuary of Costa ry of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. Mesa 646-9371 NASHVILLE. Tenn (AP) -Batsell Barrett Baxt er, 65. a featured speaker on the n ation· wide radio and teleV1S1on program "H erald o f Truth" for the Church of Christ, died Wednesday. Harq F. Olson. 81. whu hl'ld more than 100 patc>nts and developed mi- crophones for improved broad<:asting and rN:·ord1ng. died ~rsday NOTICE! You hue been aued. n.. c-t ""' declcM egalnet rou without rour being he1rd unleu JCMI reitpOnd wllhln )0 deya. Rud the ln!Ofnuotlon below. II you wiatl to -' Ille 1dvk:e of en 111orney In tl'llt m111er you sh<>uld do 90 promptly 90 lhll your wrnten responte II eny. mey be tiled on tome set for heanng m Dept. No. iu Govwn~ 8oald '*-•"• rel•reo J al 700 Civic Cent.er Dnve. ~oo~ .. ~sl:.i;~~. "'::~~-::~.:'!'dt~ . .:· PubllthlO Oron11• CoHI Dolly P1101 West, in the City of Santa -bids lor i,,. ••Nd 04 • cor-11ac11or M111cn 22 "" ""'~ s n 1N2 t331-12 MEDLEY NICOL LE SUZANNE MEDLEY. a resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed away on M arch 30, 1982. She is survi ved b y her mother Chris of Arlington. T exas. Graveside services will be held at l l :OOAM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park . Ser- vices under the direction of Baltz Bergeron -Smith & Tuthill Westcliff Chapel Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554 Tax plan discussed PVU llOTtE AVISOI Ualed he aldo demen· dedo. El lrlbunel puede decldlr contre Ud eln eudl4tncle e m-• NOTICE OF DEATH OF que Ud. re1pond1 dentro de 30 NOTICE OF DEATH OF WINNIFRED BEBNJCE di ... LH le lnlorrneclon qu .. 1gue. ANNA CAROLINA P AT LADNER AND OF PETI SI uated deaeaso11c1111 el con· PUIUC MOTIE • • lMllO de un abogedo en ette a1un10. .. . ZOLD aka ANNA C. PAT· T I ON TO ADMINISTER det>etlahacerlolnmedta111P*lte,de Tax Saving S trate· ZOLD AND OF PETITION ESTATE NO. All2879. es1a mener11. eu reepueet1 eacrlle. g ies for the Working TO ADMINISTER ESTATE To aJJ heirs beneflcianes 111 hay •iouna. pue<1e M< regl•lrtlde P .. h . ' . 8 lle<Tlpo erson lS t e topic to be NO. A11Z878. creditors and contingent 1 ro THE DEFENDANT A civil presented by Tina Castro To all hetrs. beneCki.anes. creditors of Wmmfred Ber-compl1tn1 hes been llled by 1he Benson. C .P .A . invest· cred1tor1 and continge nt m ce Ladner and person& pleintitt again&I you 11 you wl•h to . . ' . . defend this lewsolt you mu11. within m e nt spec1aJ1St. at a lun-creditors of Anna Carolina who may he otherwise 30 days aller this summona 11 ser- chron meeting of the Ir· Patzold and persons who interested m the will and/or ved on you. Ille with lhl1 courl e vme Business and Pro-may be otherwise interested estate wrtllen response 10 the complaint -----------~ · • · th ··-11 d/ A h be fled UnleSI you do so. your default wlll Cess1onal Womens C lub in e ww an or estate: petition as en 1 be entered on 1ppllc:etton of 1he ' "4ClftC YlfW MIMOl14L ..... Cemelerv Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drove Newoon Beach 644·2700 McCOllMIQC MOITUdtlS LaQuna Beach 49'1-9415 Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 ~ UW.._MT. OLIYE Mo<1uarv • Cemetery Cremelorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 f'tHClllOTMH~ UU. .. OADWAY MOHUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 14&.nlHGHOM SMfTH & TUTHILL WISTCUPP CHAPR 427 E. t71h SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 ... ClllOTHBS Mo41TMS' MOITUAIY 827 Main St. tiuntlnQton Beach ~ .. on April 20. A pe~tior. has been filed by Ga ii Hulton 1 n the p1alnlltt. end tNa cout1 m8)' enter e The luncheon will be by Gail Hutto n 1n th e Superior Court of Orange )u<lgment egainst you lor lhe relief h eld at the Hungry Ti-Superior Court o f Orange County requesung that Gail =~u~t 11~ 0~,;.:~ 2 1O1 E Ed. County requesung that Gail Hutt.on be appomted as per-wages tal.lng 01 money or prC)9et1y ger, ,. __ be .. 1!'ger. Hutton be appomted as per· sonal representative to ad-or 01ner r11111 r1quea1ed In 1he San1 3ta0 n.i ... , gmrung at aonal representative to ad-minister the est.are of Win c:ompllllnt l: a .m . minister the estate of Anna n 1fred Bernice Ladner DATEO July 17 t981 R t · be . Sttella GC>rWlle:z. eserva to ns must Carolina Patz.old (under the (under thl' lndependent Ad· c1er11 made by calling Linda Independe nt AdmJnistration mtrustrauon or Estates Act) 8y Suun l Pollet Doyle. Office of Student of Estates Act). The petition The petition is set for hea-COOK 1 ~JtN A f (a i rs . UC I . at ja set for hearing In Dept. rang an Dept. No_ 3 at 700 A ProffflloMI Ccwportrtton 833-5461. No. 3 a t 700 Civic Center Civic Center Dawe, West, in ma •-t llttd .. llllt• 1000 Drive. West, in the City of the City of Sant.a Ana. C.ali-~ooct, Celttomle to02t Santa Ana, Californ ia on fornia on April 28. 1982 at <2i'ub~:f6renge Colllt Dally rr--,-.-•• -N-l_T_P_ll_l_T_l __ 1April 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Piiot Apr ~. 12. t9 26. 1982 ,... IF YOU OBJECT to the IF YOU OBJECT to th e t55•·82 whll• u wait granting of the petition. you granting of the petition. you ---------- should either appear at t he should t>lther appear at the DAVES CllEU hearing and state your ob· h earing and state your ob-PUIUC MOOCE 4 7 4 E, 17th 8 t . jections or file written ob-jectlons or file written ob-RVMlY MLL~~.~ cCMrT Co1ta MeH M&-2138 jections with the court be· jections with the court be· ---~ ,_----------~ fore the heating. Your ap-fore the h earing. Your ap _...., ...._ c to:ttt pearance may be in person pearance may be in person P111n11" l'Ahl1Ll4H PIPE a auPPLV uatom Taf........., co. i..c. • ClllfofM ~klll ....... or by your attorney. or by your attorney. OeMndMt OAVtO R KIMMLL. l<lllM- /?i SHIRTS 1F You ARE A cREm-i F You ARE A C REDI· :~~~A-r~ ~~':1 .. ~:~·1crH~~~18,."A ~..,,.. _ R or a contin~ent creditor TOR or a contingent creditor LVMN OOC1l11; J08EP+4 COCMT>.. INIM--~-. f h d f h d d dually and dOlnO bualftMt .. OAVIO R I o t e ecease , you mu1t o t e ecease , you must 1C1M&A u 0011sr11ucttOH. oou 1 1::t ~,.,..:!..c~ !~~ri~~rv~~!~':t'7t1 ~~ !~! ~~~rr~·~rP~~~~~t~t1 tt~ ~~: ""ouor::_i::~ .. 112 Coe .. Meu ... ,.,.__,.....,,._ penonal representative ap-peraonal representative ap· MOT1c11 .,.., "•" .._ ·-· T"' ~::==:::::::=:=::::::::=~~point.ed by the court within pointed by the a>Url wt thin ;::1."::.'1 = ::,:. .. ,=',: 25th year Anniversary Q., lnih~ H11rbor Area ii~. f AIMEIS IMSIME four months from the date of four months from the date of • ..-• .. ,.. ....., '" tflf~-•left first Issuance of lett~ra aa fl rat Issuance of letters a1 ~,...to ..... 111e .,._ °' er1 ... provided In Section 700 of provided In Section 700 of tomey in t11tt "''".,· '°" lflOuld oo eo the Proti.t.e Code of Call for-the Probate Code of Califor-~:er:.:::-,..,,.,..." ii. The lime for flltng nla. The 'tfme for flllng 'A~._ ...... • ••• 11 willtnot expire prior claims will not expire prior ~~~,.:..= four monthl from the date to four months from the date ..._.... • •-... LM 111Me11u11u l W! ~ noticed above. of lhe heating nollc2d above. ~'IC, .._ IOldtllr 11 __.. ... YOU MAY EXAMINE YOU MAY EXAMINE un MOoMe111 •te -10,cte11er1•M- the file kept by the court. If the file kept by the court.. U :"° ~-==~·~:.., "'= )'OU ar9 lnteretted In the et· )'OU are lnterested in the ett• ~ ~ 0t1iroAHT: A OM1 -- 1 tate, you m&y fUt & rtq\lelt late, you mA}' file a request plalnt II .. lllHn r1114 1111 1111 plllllllfl Im With the COUrt tO receive with tho COUrl to receive eollMI YOU;,,!!J,O\I Wleh tO 011= 11111 441 ow New,.t .... apecial nolJce of the lnvcm-aped•I notloo of th-0 lnvtn· ~ --"*: !,:"'t "'"": .._,.... hec ... CA tory of est.ate uaeta and ot tory of eatate aS1eta and of court•--..00-10 Ille_...,.. Hl-7740 the pedUon1, ac:icounta and the peUUona, aceounta and =~~o:;.=•=~'.': ~=~=====~~~~~~;;;m:=::::e:!!!!!~repcna delcrlbed 1n Sect.lon ~porta ~bed In Section 11111 te11t1 rM¥ -• J\ldtlMll• ..-. 1200 of lhO California Pro-1200.~ of the Catlfornta =:' .,Z~~ ..;.::,::: beW Code. Probete coo.. .. ......... ~°'~Ill Patricia A. 81aale1, At· Patricia A. ltnler, At• oi:.:"'~~-, toru1 at L••t. IUI DO'fe &erae, at Lew, llll D.-.a ..,,.,..,._. Your ' Professional Strffl, Sala. 111 New,.r& Street, s.Jte IM, Now,.ri -~ Cttllt-.... ltae,, CA Utit; (110 ltac•. CA tUU; (714) ~=-'II nw• 71W8". o..,.. ~ ~ """'· Stone Mi Business Park ~ o..-. c-1 o.11, "'""-""1111.-..i ~ 0-1 Doo111 .... ..,. a. . ,..,,. .. ,._ ,.. ·----------------------· "-1! 4. I, II, ... IMl-41 "'-"' 4, 9" II 192 l-.e2 Q1M11 Ana. CalJfonua on ApnJ 28. '"~1~°.~,.:,:1°:'reuiuo on In• Pl•c• 1982 at 9:30 a.m . ldent~oed at>ove ano snott ""_,....end IF YOU OBJECT to the =~~·~:_•ioud •11n. •t>o••·tt11ed granung of the petiuon, you T~e """be • $!r0 oo <*>Deli rt>®ued should either appear at the lo• aaen 111 of 010 oocumt"I• 10 Q••· rMlt.., Ille return on good condl1ton wllhtn hearing and s tate your ob· u d•YI otter 1ne blO ~dot• Jecllons or file written ob-Eocn b•d m.11 conlorm end b• rH· ponsl•e to the «>nl• act OOCUtY*lll Jectmns w ith the court be-Eaoh bid snaH be occomc>anl8d by •"4 Core thr hearing Your ap--.,..11y ret.,,reo to In the contract oocv be. . manlt end by lne 1111 of orooo..O sub pearance may an person controctOf'I or by your att.om ey. .,=.-:·~ ~~::'s~~:O o:'tci,:;::~,:· IF YOU ARE A CREDI-t"9 contract ""n conlaon proviolon• Pl' TOR or a con•;nnent credit.or m111ino •hi ..-tut -10 .. b1111u11 -"& MCUtlt ... t0t MIY mon.ys wtlhhlld I>~ Ille of the deceased, you must Otttrlel to eneu<• ~ ....-1ne file your claim with th e co;-:;.*"015rRJCT ,_,,..1.,. rtont to, .. court o r present it to the t«t onr or an bicl1or to watve •nror,.. personal representative ap-~1t1ee 0t 1n1otma1111 .. on •nv bid• or 1n pointed by the court Within ~~RICT llH obte•neo trom tl>e f mo ..... _ f th da•-of Oltaclor ot 1111 O.Oatt.....,t o1 lnduotroal our nu.a rtlfTl e "" R .. e110tt1 lhl 11•,..,..I pr.,.a•lt"O •ote o1 h rst issuance of lette rs as .,._•911-.iO:i\118_..,..,_iiw. provided In Section 700 of ...,,.. ,. 10 be per!ormed tor ..en e••n"' the Probate Code oftCaHfor-=tr':.:;"";"=,~.'~'1::"!~ = ruauc MOrtE f!CTITIOUI IUllHH8 NAMt:STaTE.-r h• 'OflOw1ng per aOnl are dOtnQ buM· fWnl Al 4MEAICAN IElEPHONE SUPPLY COkPOR4110H OF SOUl HERN CALI FORNIA, ~IS Rea Hiii 1\-. !u4kling G s.111 105. co111 ...... c.u1rorn10 92826 T 11epnon1 fducallon Anelyah and MetllOd• Company lncorPOt•ted a - J•tMY COf'pof8fH>n g7 Ahl V111• Oov• Ringwood New WW)' 07•56 Thi$ bu .. r~H It conoucted ir, a CO<PO- t lt+fW' T~ f.dueahon 4noiy.tt and MelhOda Company Inc '"'"" J F.ltz. Pr-t Trua 1t1temen1 w1a flteo ., .. ,. '"• C:OU..ty u.n. ot O<•noe Counr, on M81cn 16 tDe:? -IOalJ •t001111ec-... ....... __,-.-,c:..- (714, a:M7JO P•bll•h•O Orange Cou1 Oolly Pilot .. .,Clo 29 ""'" s t2 18 tN2 t4Ja.e~ n1a The time f or filing OISTlllCT OFFICE l0C4TEO AT tu11----... -llJC--IM-,.....-,----. . Placenlla St . Costa M ... CA Coplee f'W ltlllll•< clam\S will nol expire pnor may be o111111net:t on r-1 A coov DI ------------ 1.o four months from the date 1~;~~~=9be.:.:,~.·~r::,00:~ l'ICTITIOUI w ... 11 of the hearing noticed above. ••r• 11 b•HO upon • "'or1o.1n9 dey 01 NAMI ITAttmNT Y 0 U MAY EXAMINE =.:: = ~ :t~1:..":"::: ::: ~ .... !o11°'""'V per-.. "" c104<>g bull the file kept by the court. If .,,,..,,"" C4HYON LAKE HlllS OEVEl OP •-~-' · th It shall o. mlndoto<y upon tnt CON MOil CO 19772 MaeAnt>ut ~· you are m .... ,.,,.'C'.J t.n e es-TRACTOR to ..no.n the contrac1 It ..... s..11e 200 Irvine eau1om1e 112115 tate, you may file a request aeo . .no ullOfl eny 9Ubc0tltrecl0t ~ o o &J OeYelop.....,t, •ne .a c.i1t0t · h lh · nlm to pey nol -Utan 1111 Uld epectll9cl n11 corpooa110n. 19172 MacArthuf aou. wit e court to receive ,.1.;.10 •Hwor1t,,_~11yt11em1n \'8fd.S...te 200.tN!ne Ce1110<n1ae21t5. special notice of the inven-1111 ev.ecutlOtl ot 1111 contraci Tubroa N v . 1ncorp0<etec1. Hettler· f d f No bidder mey wttlldtaw hit bid t0t 1 I-Ml-. 1 t t Elm SITMI S..... 400 tory o estate assets an o pertoc1otllKty (80l .S.ye•n .. t111d•1t"' sono..go C1Nfom1ao2to1 the petitions, accounts and '°' 11>e OC*'k>o ot bldt Ronold E Whit• •001 Germ1lndtr ... e d,.......;bed in Section A poyinenl bond and • ptrlO•mtnct Aoa<I, lrv1ne, C•lilo<nta 92715 re po,"' ,.__, ' bond wlll be r~ ptlOr to IUCutlOtl 04 Thll bulonMI It Condvcled by e gene.al 1200 of the California Pro· 1111 controct TM p•Y"*'I bond tlllll"" pen11.,J111P bate C>de In th• form HI tor1h In th• contract Ronald E Wttll• ' ooc.imente ,,,..,,llQlnv PlltTnef Patricia A. Stanley, At· GoYernlnO 8-0 Thlt ll•l•m•nt ... llltd with th• torney at Lal', 1151 Dove ~o~nyl<•<Y1YF1-~~~~;11t11D10ranoe0ounr,on r.1wG11 Street, S•lte 110, Newport Putc11a11ng Otroctoo ,._ B uch, C A IUU; (7 1') ~n:~;.~~m ~~.~ Alty ~S:.t"- 7U-080I. . . 1a11 ~ c .. ••1 Publleh..S Orone• COMt Dally Pilot. MIC •m ('1141 a..ua April •. 5. 11, lllJ 1~12 ... :~1~~-:~·n:. ~:.·:~g·11r.;;1~ .. RIGHT SIOE IHM, t6&22 8-CfllCe. ------------_,lftO'on ._., Cellot .... 92MI. l'1t'TTT10C.8 IUllNSM Myron lM Mlaer. S20t Dellota C... HAMS STATDIDIT ~ ~ ~21!..iue~ bV"" 1,. _.T,.,. IOIJowltlg ,,.,_II.,.,... - _.., ....._ Ml4let OAAFTOO, '15 w..i MMQ!ulla. ""4 _,.._, ...... 0...-11. CA. 82e72 TM• ot•l•m•nl ••• lll•d wllll th Herl)' s AulM, t15 W• w.'QUlla. County Oln DI Onond' CouMy on Aot I . 14111 Qllfftenle, CA 12172 25. 1112 , Tlllt .,.,.._ 19 ~led O'.)' en lfl. P11lllUllMMI Otatl08 Co .. 1 0.lllo l'llOI ........... ~ 8 - Marcll 21. ,.,,,_ 5, ft. 1t, 1"2 Tiiie etalem.nt ••• llleCI with Ille _________ .!1~~~~can ot o..,..~on ~ rtlWlt ""lllllthed Or•11oe cou1 Oelty ""°1. Mlfdl tt. tt, ""1rt 6. IZ. 1112 12n.ea tt.itt'-Wt .._..... ....... .......... d HwetU.fw 't1d • """'""••d ....... U. ......... d Aflclw-~ ltfatw••......_ 4f&l•lhu.fft. ..... toS"'°' 4JOO ........................ • .••••..•...•••.••.... ····················••J •..•••..••••••••••.....•••....•••••••.•••.....•.........•.•••••••••.. ·•••••••·•••••••·•••••• •...•..•..•.••......... ~····················· •·············•·· ..... ~~r.!'.~ ... ~~.~~ 1.~.~~ .. ~~~. =.~~~ ... ~?.~~ ~~ ....... ??~4 ~~~~ ..... ??~~ ~~~ ... ~?.~' ~.~~ ....... ?!~.~ ~~ ....... ?!~~ ... :~~ ..... !~!.~ S&>.tltou' ruom In l'O do IHAIUTE ~ •• ... S Walk 10 beh 2RR Iba M OCCIMCYt t;qtJiOo3 Br 2 lkl frpk .. b<trm II ' 11,1 \ irv. I llll JIUl>I Jll' nr Hca,·h NNUI. ""...-• ... I H frp ll', di h v. 5 hr : 2 Br t a.. oldn hunw 3vbtw~' ,~mall CX'tan ._ftllllffc..4o /mo TBr llJI PROPERTYHOUSt: bl<K"k tot>t'ach S67~ mo mo mo 96211.271 homl' Strll 11 :m~·g~·~· mkrOW\, l'lllio. \fr) Ill· ZSoaSunlll AN Av~. r~r le ., ~0001": Trmp 3 b(lrm. tncToled . aar. ool ti.amtd ttillna. 642. IH21010 714 "9·082J. t!\. 1111d v.ork 7)11 t14%l IUQ... •t;VR OllY. l>ATk ' tr Ht I\.-$8$0 mo hclule $4$0 8$111226 r~ma · 1 ;:"&~ 1.r'~' hook upt. la~ room No pt!lJ BEAUTl•' t. 2 Br 2 ua wknd 714640~025 <.iean ,.. 111mkr. wtd for J l~• my rtpUl&llon on ·~'In 91, 11'' owe ~~2 SITlllll 1 Br 1111' huae L..-..... 3250 -"-m 6448 Nolut mo. renl Mesa Verde. ltOO llQ rt Studio upt. Ol'CJll \lt'V.. fnt•ndly l'OOll CdM hte lMl'ACTlh11lthl•1~thc •:lbr •2•;hllOWnt•r·~unlt Mesa 3224 vard S4251mo Orlveby •••••••••• ............ , -~ Ll --~3 frpk . lndr). d~hwshr. uUI inrld S.1"15 lfJU :1:12 nr h1:h OY..n rm Sll>S+ I B~r 8UY in Nrwe'lrl •Rt"m111ndqr2bri~i1u ....................... 71j)W. Wit on 673 6336 llOMU'OR Rt:NT "YEARLY" bch unit . my J Br. To..,nhouae mclsdear S600 l!lietno In San C'lt•m1·n11· ~640· 1992 Beach. O<'K'AN U. •Nrwport8ot'han•11 s · 3 Bd 2, b 13 Bdrm. $675. F~nced w/111 apt In Q~et adult rom l l07 M_ace 5'104400. l1tt.'t'lhdtFA11tC1 'cmult• to ,har11 Z lldrrn h~~A~~o,' e!,~~:,. Cull Putm•k. u11t . '~~?de wHh r~lrd. 1db, ~[.II ! fcarage.54~.~~ oc.tftRfjfj'0·~J3&• plex. ~twly 1decor:ited. m. lb11. patio & Rar • ....._,...,..,rNflttd 111>( in CdM. ~tl7 ru11 & like nu .. 11 ror only ~~ll300114Gl\llll4 )£ W'ir A\ all May 1 IA 1 •co,me. · -------fireplact:.,encsdpatlo t Newpaln1&e11rpt·t~·Nr ......-;~_,_ .. _d 3900 r~ost~,95S3402 ., 8 h d ' &en • no tt. urage. onrry. no rla fedt•o S.C7!>1m<> A«l or_.__ ' 1371.500 A tnult) ton· 14 UNITS NK Bl':Al'll 00/wlt 1il11r 11ner i--, WON'TUSTI 75 Mo flU·338 or ~tnt.U1 " """•••••••• .. ••• .. ••• l ~l Plnrn, m.d~ or s1dered. C11ll PATRICK Sl!ls.uoo • -•• r G31 1004 _,.... NIC)Uel 32521 Nwpt -ere.sf ~wnhav. L5949 . '(.!.'("~ E fern. \hllrt' :! h1lr111 . 2 ba TENORE Dlrcl·tly 7UNTS • .1 •r • ••••••••• .. •••••• ...... 3Br.21·~&.wtt bar,wlk x: .:. Sludio Su11uble for n• S AWIHD t•oodo 127~ + •, •·IN·t 63"1218 or 1fl0 8702 S2M Jx, Cirt1. t 1~ m~ Ml'till D\'I Mar 3 llr 2 Uo , ~ br. 2 b11. new c:rpt & to bch. tennlaf pool. spa. I Br. laraf:, yard No lirl'(f i>tnion. Ch>~r '"· VILLAGE · J11t•k !'57 ~I uh Ii • Hkr 848 011111 Oni•ht.en SOfTl(lOne 'dtt.\' r U 11\. 2 r qH', jl ll N pulnl. lmm<H' Gudcnt•r No pets Ch ldren Ok ,pets, lch K S4:l51 mo qui l't . S2tiU lit i I pct "with 11 Clossirwtl W I) Rf~, rrn<~. µ11t10 . ' & wulrr j>(I 49~ 4090 Avail Apn lS. $850 mo ~·4301 1133 31~ N1•w 1&2 lulrm 111,..un S.cte.llft 107 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Capstr.o 107 •••••••••••••••••••••• UTTLEDOWN7 Owner win ·help with nev. low interest loan w graduated pay Thi 15 GREAT for lhe nl'v. buyer or 1n ve~lor · Bdrm In San J uo1n Village. SI00,000 lGCJlllG VIHOCJt R.E. 4.9J·L76J SUPER ~hr-Gram!! ftnc•1" chi 1tar. $!JOO IMONAR Cll SUMMIT 640-1644 Lux rondo.~ m~t rhr ·" av1~1nMph11" 1 lltlrm t~'~t;~''u\':'.t!ll:~c1,,;.0~~ TAXSHRTH A\:11!4 II 6404559 2.Ur. 2811, rum cm. $750 Jasmine Creek condo U.'--tft....... 11l bli,2hakon11•!\,frµh'. from ~I~. 2 htlrm from fron.i-., r~t l'IJIJ pool FOR l ... VESTO~H 1 •r only SG OO 1" Stilt' h~hl & t•o1~ 2 hr n~. llerb83t 1729 2br. 2ba. den. 2 frplcs. J!tWC& -=-» micro, watt•r ll!nd~1·a"1" ~70· roll 11h1111'1' I rom '"WlJ. J"<' .,.,, ... 1 m•> 1 , "' .. HI\ :•~trr nw~~ai:r d' 1 • , · 1 ,.. S&IO +-µoub ll•n111i. ~v • ... " S11n l'le~ntr Pr1 l' 111 will appear v.1th .ut> I!~. t a i:~r • nrv. ' Coastline , u. Monart·h romm pool1tenn15 ~1· FAMILY Jt.nS. 2 cur l(ar "' oµcnrr v.utt'cfoll:. 11111111, • li,1:. uul ~U;i::;l3 v.111 11·lurn ov.neri.h1p ~l utll·rn lhl!bunn)Ul><ht' redll(. Nu P~ls $5~U Summ1t rontlo.dbl11ar . guard S l lO U m o Ut'auillur 11arden opts $'125rnoG4S404S lor nxikin..: i\ hi.otin.: l'Jll S!><in1~h )l\ It• four unil 1n thll Oai!> Ptlol &12 ~. 631 31i7M 3 br. 2 ba . rr pk. No Pt't!> '?14·~12 Patl08 dll(•b llt'ul p111d µuicl ~'rom ~.011 l>ti·)t•i ---------apart~nl hm1s.· with 1J11Eas1erSUnda) 2liR lt>u 1(1.11 v.shrW U $750rru 4932~1 Sharp38rhomt'v. 01·l'1.1n No Pl'lli 2 1·hrldrl'C1 ....,...~BftlJ Jl'r'll\ 1lr11 1· 'uith "'' O<'l!lln htllb & i:olf 1·n11r:.e Call6425678antl llk up no Pl'lll S iii~ viev. Garoi1e 1 hoUbt' lo wel come ~ u .,. Bc•,ic h 10 ,1, 1-.iolth'll 1'on 'min 3hr 1·11nd11 \ll!V. dObt' lo I'\ t'r l'hllrl(e It Master<' a rd 2211! r Pl11c·l'011u 545 7083 Newport leocll 1269 bch $95()/mo Yrl) ·~l! 2 BR I' I BA S.W5 ··~TMEHTS th111 \\,.,I on \II Ft1ohlt·11 t..l\lll m11 • 11111 SISll }1hing. onh thrt•f' \t'<lr' 11ndV1sav.elcome b .• 1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• avail No pet!i Wll)nt', 2BR 2 BA SS2S n~ f . 1 1 d 1 10 SeJ'llln•I \ ill.ol!t' ll1•11 ~t .l4..St It II old. 'ho" ltkl' nt''ll . lll'V. J " r m . 2 u I.I O<.' RENTALS .... 646 8818 398 w Wilson 631 5583 .... 11ut1 u } an !>l'JP•'I f7M>K93 519K "-O'llner c·ould ot('up\ 'llater iianll'nt•1 1nl'l 15br·s $200to$20ou ·~--garden aµI~ Pool&Spa · · ... arocps thrl't'lx•droom l'llob..ith CIC-REN1'ALS f195Nopels644t7711 750-3314 o~n7da)s N.w21R2'/ la Ws1de.t11tt&2br.DW. C"oH•red 1rnrk1nl( ~o ltoot111 4000 forll...t 4350 1·11) & oc:ean \fl'\\ dPJfl I Sbr's S200 lo S2UOO Fountain Vott.y 3234 2 car gar tow~liclme ~b& lndr~~ ~~port ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ra>nl 1f aµphl'ahh• and 150 3314 Olll'Jl 7 tla\' SE._ VIEW ~EASE pool. ~po. v.:ilk 10 be11ch f:N" '}485 ACH $3!1S ~tJlt• furn rm 1t•fri1: 11111 rent tht• 11thc1 threl' IEO ... EOF • "jj;>M;;-;,),<•R;~~r·" 4Ei0rm 3~.f R'.o n . and Hqag llosp1t11I Eaatsidt1.rt.x 21~r 1 0 ... Sit lll~~~ µlatl· T\' 'r hth 11,.., aJ)Jrtrnrnt> for 1n1•onw "' ' " crty + ocean ~u Guard Avail 1mmed1ately $950 2 Br 1 · sa arae suo or •I.hi 1 1 'Jli 11~11< Sellrr v.111 heln frn..in<"e TUC LUCKY FEW 3. & 4 Ullrmi. $725 S7SO ~ale Pool + tenn1~ cm E' 7H ~5 7115S da " 2250Vangua1 d 510 !IG2ti Jl' i·n ' . and •a ,. e "tt u ' e r Rl·~tin Cosl11 :\l \'sa ·, " t' n 1' c• d , ~ J r ii s & $1700 mu !lob or DO\ll' ' · · deck, l(ara~I! Adults, no Qllll'1' ADCl:rs OH't J!i. MJlu11• O\t'r 51> Culh•1:1· lhousantli1 or dollun.1" ~EWEST gated 211 l(.trat:t!s Kief,.&. Pt'ls Koo11,uJ:l 7S9·12'll ll3·9!17·0288 J,11.'lS J500 ~·2SSO. r I & 2 ll Park :11-ca ('\I S31MI 111 &-lhn.: t>nt'l' of S325.0IHI Tov. nhome \'ILLA(; ~: "'l' kn mt' 54;, 20110 4 br + fani rm Sµq:tai1i1 2 Brdm condo, n r Su ltn urn. r uµµcr dct. all util' ~~7 ti113 Other Rffl Estate •~ V.a} helo\\ 1·u1'1'l'lll l'O!\l:\ll'NIT\'. 2 & 3 Ur A~t'nl, no fel' hill hon~ w DW, mil'rn, O>llsl Plax11. A1C. l)l)ub. [.~~~·a~~n~O N1:,t· ~l~l~ Htx1rn lo rent n1.il1· or "•••••••••••••••••••• r.epla~t'~e1~l "\"'.','.: ~·,1la . HiOtH800sc~ ft or u.~onleac:h 3240 IAYFRONT fen«ed ),ti 517~11 mo s pa. bet 1o1at1• $475 1.f:EWAHD Al'TS :io:w ft'mal1·~1rn11\1lo~ lfWNIT Cfml , MoWlt Hons MUN(l I ALS ON t.' pure h1xur) Gur:11:e' ::::.::.'............... 2 ~1011 . 4 + bdrms. 2 M 1 k l' ( r 11 " a I: 1 · II.SI 2175 ~ullcrton 631 ·0397 u11ltt1t'l>. 1.ai:un,1 11th Fors. 110 C:all O'lln1•r 17 1·t I h\d1oluhs 111 mu>l!'r urHENTALS lialhs . f1rep l un•. 64S·3176 f'IRf:Pt.ACF:.Pool 1111 2txlrm. wallv.all 1·rph. K.1.'lJll311.f.\t 2:131l.1 An 11111•1111 d(•111(n4'11, 11l~11m" fwo ~p;iCNi 111 N1w1111rt l'<•nlt•r Om• " ~000 14 fl und UIW I\ ;1(1()0 '.q fl Vl•ry fllvurJhl" r•le~I Wtl. li.im Cot" Bwk"r •••••••••••••••••••••• 16420138 :.111tc tlinin~ ro<lrns . l!ib(~S:lll0l1Js:l<MHI j!ori:eou~\'ll''ll P1erand Custom home 21tclrm, palln &dtsl\washer Iba. drµs . hll 111 urt·H•,5111117!1 Newport Beuch De An la htdushio~ v.onll hurning 1rcpln1·1•s, 750 33t4 Oj)t•n 1 da):.. Shp S30001wr mo Avail 3ba, den w µuol. SI I Xu; 2 Rr 1tar1ll'n apts slov1• O\.·t•n 5·\11 I W2 l'\t rm 'II ' , II.1th Olli'\ b f 1 p k M 1 p n11rro wa \'e on•n, f'eb, I. lrvinl:' A'e $1450 mo 011 ~:as l t.r clt· $Still hkt kid~ . 1-'.oin ... 11 & ayro~ ar . in rope 210 111watt•11a110s&,arcts' llOMr:s ~·onur:NT Op11onsa\'i11I Wkch ~~72111 "--Point 38 26 tl:Jk ~t•1C1111710 rond . 78 db.I 'll_itll'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gardc•ncr µrol1dt•cl 13 & I Uclrm~ $4i75 $725 g:i3.9773 \\knct, t'\'t'S ·• '1 -. rr, ' nrleplacel brll k ~al~o. ~~legant hnng only 1:1 Ft' II 1· rd . .v ti I' cl h & 556 4~ l11Hm. ", hJlh. Jllll lO, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hoofll v.1lh 'II'" ... \\ .1111 $6 ,<XX>. A.so 2 br · 2 ba · FUl~Y lE~S°"' nunull'b from f ash1u11 ~MUl!t'~ l\11b & llt'b i:arn..:t•. i:uod E suit• toe· ~Pf:C"l'AC'l LAH cl:i) & w111 Ill\ h11n\I' u1,ih-111 double wide. l'orner lot g,r bland · nunut• t~SC 1 well-omt• ~45 :.!llOO H.ARHOHHID<•E No"''l' $4SU tilli:!~llO 1111(hl v11·11 Drrt·lll~ 30~ f.J,I 1111111 11•1ul $39 000 Rill Grund) 4 \'r n cl but din)! 111 . I .~b • . \ r Spe1· IU JHl ('0"1111 . 3 ,.. 11\Crlooktn~ Mann.1 1111 ;n .111 $2.''>0 m11 • ~!IHI' 61~161. pnm.• t·or. Ol'r lOl'Ullon on Plum or (} l ~\irpnrt · gent. nu t•t• RH 3 R,\. lrl( M:.lr 'Ulho tl't' 2 Br 2 Ila t'11r11lo th1· l'I lhdrm lrph tlcv 71!11 ll~I~ 1 ----Sel?l'J"lllrom in So Sun1a Jw.t l'J!>l of ,Nt•v.port ~:'<l't' S&S I 1)1 ~·. hJ. frpfr. 'llt'l bJr :1 Ill \,\ffi. pout :"'t·J~ ~ (' µalto, l'Omµart 1· .. 1 onh nirm:.ht•tl S!ill "" • 111111 Anu Approx 15:11Hl ''l ~~\d &sso ofSans~ll'l:O fJm b11n11' I"' 3br 2ha.111>ol din rm rm c11•1·klo SlliflO mo Pla1;i ~7~ mo 1132 1166 40075o!l2 nrl!llhi\l'la1tnt1.011<'hi ,StOIJl:t' ~drJl(P IOI ll'lll EXCTN n lillupc'Onstrurt1u11& ""~-lartmi:at JOOa gJrth•nt•J ind S!l7S rm IHlllC:IJ\ :\II ~9~1991i75~07H I I I 11 * I I 6 * m xlnt rnncl SI l:JIU~HI month till 513!1 .. ~li3 K.llrl:'.!IJJ ' I -~ mo.i .\"l cc •j 51~;2 · ·1rkhn~ Ot'll 1•rp1 tilt• ~on leoc:h 3840 tlr~r k1l ~ ~t'..tJf1·nt on l,cl .'"••, P1•111ri-ul.1 ') \ 1 t -""'' " ..,. \\'~t I lf211 "'1"U m.. Ir" lhdrm 1dc11I '-"""' (It f h 11t·\l lo hm Z1.n1· 10 \ 'II C'l"l'Jll\t' 11\\lll''I ,ranl(e 11· '"~ J ·~l'I 1 .,.,, ·r· ... · , i••••••••••••••••••••••• t•.mronl 1111" 10111 . -·· , Est• Sot. rinanrinl! ~lesa 3 lir :.! ha :! 'I\ clpl\ J{Ll 'FFS :I HH 21, h,1 E,1slhluff JRr SISIKJ for v.orkinK ttJUl?le No Wlfft.tr.• A ts ~t'lt'h fulll i.:.or di!•' ~~1 ho.I .!!113 ~~~ crr:~~~:rl I~~~~ 1714) 673 ... 400 ~;llSls1de 3 fir :! Ba ~~l~~~f~ ~;1 5 nun I ~~cs ~;r~~etell~~.~1: ~·~~~~~n:'11;~,., Sjl~I ~ll.7i:1s mu t,;111 p1I L'nfum t bdrm fµ1 \11 1 r;;; lbt l.iM .. • Sii~ clq1 S/ill 'ini:l~· 1!.Jr ,,Jlo• & La H II .. S70U mo . Isl lab\&. scr 1 760 IQi4 bi5 5!l31i ulll pd All .tlllt'lllllt'' mdct. util~ liJI 31111' "'1 ur~-•!..' -" Pith "' I ~ar :~: \!o~n~l('1dl1:0 t2 1ll u a.2121 dePQ:.11 Call 518 1388 2 lldrm Hunltn~on llJ\ . . • I "31 141•1 Wei,h11lc 2 Bil t Ila 846~19 Lad\ 51H lo:.bJrt cluplt•\ ( \I ti1 :l 1181 v.elrome 1 HARBOR aft s l'ondn 'lla~hcrdl}l'ltn 11\>au11fol3br.3bahom1• OW P'' pJl10. J\Jil mllunt lkh l.louhlt-);MJI!•· ,,Jfl 111 G II of Pone :O.tt·c· dl'an ~ Br 1 B cld v.aterpd 11•h1ldok 1 0,t'rlook11111 .l~e green IS.Juan I n<M S460 rnu IHOO!i97 ~=:~;e2t!rood!>~~~ hlt'r::• 53111••.!I . rll\lllt'fl Strt',.1 .. 1111 ,,11,1. Btau~~,'~4'x60 Ke) 'llei.l enrlsd j!arai.:e , ard ~ pelrtli ~~~~·t•d\ 11~11101 & be~.n~~ ~1 1 30pm Capidrono 3271 NEW BREl-:0 APTS cbv.hr, 1,, milci. bt•Jdt I Rm " lull h~t· 1111' Sm llJnJ Puent ·, 111~o111, Hm 2Br. 2Ba Th" 1s nev. paint & c·ar.Wt :--11 ~l~~5 2(n;"' 'j?c:n rui '"""'""J l~·~~d·•••••••1•••••••h•••• I RR OR llACll from Adults. no riet:. S.'>4~1nl<t 1h11t~..,ui.1 ~,·'" "r"' I lll l•tltll!JIJ thl'bestbu) rntown pets. SS2:>+s ... rurtl} . lavViewPoolH111. j ~rm 1 1'1 l'lln ~1• S36S FTµk Ji'I' room. ~·8362 IX ""'11 t'.f' ..'•11 1 1 1:-.toragl' i:J raAt' lur r.t'nl CLASSIC \ l>t\i-1r111 or 2546 Orangr h11u'" F. 2 stv 2-Hr enl'I pa110 I.lie~ Br2ba + clen Spa \\a:1her, clr)'.er pool p0ol Jat'u111 I.as & riir \\·ill FFLF'J'H., I' liJI li:!llK 11n n.o lt111,o l't·ninsulJ 11 .irhor Im 1•stmt'nl Co 5"8·27ill 'II i. h r d r \ r H1i: ent·lo!>cd ~ anl ni:ht 1 gar ~7S ~97 tiOll!I v.alt'r pard ~o Jll'I~. 393 · · • · · llt'\1111 f11n Zun1· Ill' X MOllLEHOME SIO\t' 11sb'll!>.hr pool l.1 1•11 Bal'k Ba) rnuntr~ 5oMHILOCJ11na 3286 llamrlton,C M 645 44H 1.23 ~klrm ,\pl~ (i\rn ~s.Mot•ls 4100i 21r ltiJ:!'Jl3 SALES j 1E~TSIOE duhh,l'. S57 S 11111 ~"111n 11""StU5~moln ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. u, .. M .. R .. ..,.5 sf'\~~un~•:i µool 11'11111' •••••••••••••••••••••••!.I~' ,111.:h· ,:,11 ,,111 & Z706 HarbOr. Ste 206 A I 2 Br house Wtlh dt•n. St! i7:!'i l'llld('~ j?:irtlen1ni: & pool RE'ACll coT·r \G F I fl "'" "' "' "''"' I' c .,...,.IJli • ~UR~ MOTEL 't'l llrl• ;31 \\ IXlh 'ii 54"5937 "ilril"l'. \\ cl hook l~S I B .I I' ·~r\ 7"' ··11n r' I t I ;, r LMl(l' I llr . l'!l 'IJOrt llt1nt1n 'I I (. k \1it .. r •rtl r I .. L 11 ,. \I •• --.,. R~..._ F r;..., lr:n1, .. rs1t\ Dr .... r c:onuu .1110 .,. .u:~ rpt.l'llllrtyan.it,1) I ~l&laundrv. Nopds i:o• ll'l' n . t J ,ron .o.,, li1.t1'il!· Gro••s 2700 mana)!i'r at S 5-1110648 t•urpurt <rt)! .11<111 li·n lkllhoa 11,1) Cluh :! B . ~N ~ • !'>() 931 W 19th St l'nd"r gara)!!'' T\' Ph•>nl':. 111 ionm ~~;1 l>ouhh .::11 .1i.:o· 1.111 ho• Ac:-for Sole 120( ••••••••• • •••• •• • • ••• • • EH~S nlli, l'lubhoui.I'. no p1·t, b ;.i I ' u . SI fi 511 mo 5uftwt le h 3288 548 t~l!I'.! scc•unt' 11-111 lill3 11,\ ,\I :\ e v. po r I BI\ cl l' \I oil\ r1l1•d S11 t•t•l t·nl 1 ;1111 •· ---------i --s. OrlftS, -= ' . '' L' I a.. cl (:o;QC. •99 2986 n~.'lOxl' J & 2 Bl rrph-'. SIO!i t. up l '111111 ., \ I ·-~ SIO.S+dt'JI 7fi8 iliJJ l'ainrk, a1i1 631 lllili oc · 1>16 iits llo.1n.i 11111111 !i IH ti llti. •••••v••••••••••••• ••• NO DOWN OR 2 BR I Ba clupll·x. ne11 , . . ' •••••••••••••••• •••••• • lush shadv londsc:a... :il':11 onl) 1!1:11111t1;1 BYOWNER·IOAC're~ Nu paint & l'pb. g<1r no DUPL~.X llY ll11nt Extcplionally not't' lllr. Par11) rum 1 Hr fq)lt-, 2 nr' up-¥:·ft'h halt·on)' 1 San Diego Count). TRADE pets s.525 + deµ 1!1 111 inj!\011 ,\,e, O(•t•Jn \ll''ll I)! h1•in)! rm. frpll". ol "· rl'frt)!l'. ltH'ilb ultl~ llr front & it•ar palm. WOODLAKEAPTS ~st Hoi. 4 150 Otfic•R•nial 4400 OIJVenhain Lake ''IC\\ :\lever 549-3484 '11 ll t' Yb a II l' r l . I 11 r 2 patJOs luund tu1·1 I ', $19S 0111 1140·8208 frpk cl w. µool & ~pa S11at·11111' I & :! Ad rm •••••••••• ••• •• • •• • •• •• ••••••••. •••• ••• •• ••• •• pond, oak:>, scpt1l· 111, fJl t•l u r e ·~·q u 1t -S5llOmo 2UrS600mn ur hlkfromheal·h.tenuis Nupe11 .. S47U-up5492<147 an•mi:twaulilullal..t·~& Chrt!>l1a11 Ht•t11l'llll'nlltili\\\·:.tl'l>ll.:-.ll \\'Jnl $295.(XXl 1714! 729 OHM. F,\LLRROOK Hi\NC ~I EaslSlde quiet 2 Br m tn renl enllre dupll'll fu1 l'lt' S625 ~rl~. ultl µd Coftdominiunn ,\rPams Pnol. JlH' & llom· foll ""uwn ·' 111, l1n,t1ii·ial 111,1 1111111, 1 _!l6-026S 15 :t('fl'b LoH•h home house de ,elopment. SIH•O mo l'all lloh \\a1l,\pr·llh 1\.1~ li7lor &Mfurnistt.d 3425 I Br l'nndo. m1rro. frplc· f't'l'Jn•a '"Pc.'I:. ing •.J•inl( .itmo,fih .. i t·1 ht flooi ,\ .. ml ~ll .)l•:I:! v.1lh 4!'>()() ~l +· lenni~ ) ard. garuge, pool. Me~er 586 3[>00 olr or !llll> ~I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 t·ar ~JrllJ:l' 11 op<'nl'r 1!4fi li5!ll 111 J hon11.• :.t•tlin)! I.iii JI " c-~ Lots/ ('()Urt. pool. ndinit t rails adults, no pels. S5i5 mo Qil_7J\22 h.Q.nll' Near 01?'11 ddUll rnnllu nr µool. J ;J t' u l/ I S57 5 i!lxlrm. l'lean j(dl J)!l' I (•Cl Ill (' :\I 111'.HJI ii ol EXECUTIVE CryptS I SOC Trade for sma lier home Manager 24~ B Oranite t}iormoub 4br hl>t' $.'Miii ' 2 * * * SC Pla1a St'(' l!Jll·:. 54.S 3l I~ :"\r hl•a1·h :\u pct' $.1511 funl fu1 n rm, '11111111' ••••••••••••••••••••••• rnOran1te<.'o f'ullpnre f\\'e balh.,, frreµlat:l' i:ar & Doroth!c;MHkifH 1><>01 ~mall fr1t•ndl~ Mel-a tll•l M11r art'a ~5Ui~1•\3 "kncb I ho'!1l. 1·.nul.1n.: I .ofl $UITES • • • S995 01\11 Weekend:. Sep.irate house. ea~ts1de mlJC'hmort'' 1~031 34-tH oadv.a~ I ir;M I Br drnrni:. Jrr. LilrRt' 3 Br~ B.1 lo"t'r !Wl i!1~11 .. 111l:l 11 I' H W t..L ·.05 •ooo t 110 2 Br 1 n •. ··rpls d'J:• Coi;ta Meso patio Secluded t•nd uml J .. n··l·d •ara 'I' ,.01 2bdnn lbJ. nr 11t·.tl'h !.. HERIT .. GE ar'\'tlt Qn•Y 11~ " l'\ or ""'• · J . 'Ol' ar<' the 'll tnnl•r of l ~o· ... ts SSIO + S.l!iulil p~t·' s·.; .. ,l!mol! l.J'11 SlJlt'r s.i•.15 :-;_u l't'h V-ationR .. -'ol• 4250 Pl .. :: .. I~\ Ttllim Lan~ 64 t 9513 v. e ~ k d a~ s stme. v.asher d~ tr k· lbr c'Oltai:t' v. j!lt•Jmllll! I "' ~ , H" 641 93-18 > 1 ,. -.. m • ,.._ Hunlin"'on Reat•h 831lllXl.!>rli-14951:! up. fn1·d )ard. endsd hardv.oocl nr, 1ountn I l'llo frt't! llc·kt'ts IS18 11111 ii52SSll 7SI 99ll:lleaH' nws~Jg<' or Mc 01 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ..... ht\un ofriet• '"J•l' ,.. -,. 'Jlue to thl' 1••• h 1 f "' Y·~• are the v. inner ol R Lt....._ I? a r •' o Pets . n o deror' $37S' t!l622' I n...&..1 .... ,,......_ 3600 L•. 1 ., b ,1 ..... 6 2 r. t l.l ronl 11n11 L.J' ,1fl1 ."·ininit 1 rt•,t•t\ 1 111 l 1 ' 1n1• , Ii"' 11·, 1 l··o rr~ 11A1te•-1Sl8 001 ealb~A· UTT 'llalerbeds SS-00 mo + ''omm11/l1l' "''11111·01 •·1·t· CIRCUUS V .. RGAS ~ ... ""'"'"' '111111 ' r no pt ~ 1 2 k I k ' ' '" L \'al\lt' to lhe ~ e" u rt I~ de po' 1 l u. • • Long Jl'h \ t'lt'r Jl1' Ca Po lkb Sp 211r 2b Shat . ~25 . I Pt'b bl ' . la'I SIJNI Br \111 Slt't'I"' l'I• 111 I Io"' '' Jtl no" C.111 CIRCUS V •&G .. S ....................... S48 ~or7ifl S629 irWilM1°" I StJdtum .\prrl 4 11 · 1 cl ai· a • · inwr mu '1 sh I blk \\ 11f He 11'h ufl Im ilt•IJtl' n ""' • "' 2800 ... • OJ < tl3i.-,, 1·······················1 t·rpll d,V., l~dr' 796 \\· I Rar. pa JO. J( s 0 nu n<l'll ' \\'1•t•kf\ fl'nlJI I 1 .. nh•o '""~' .... \\ \ ... Long Beach \'elerJn' Kapalua 101 JI Jilli S'lllK J H~ twnhme 2 . bJ. 2 ••••••••• ••••••• •• • • • •• r ... rrgroumb ,\pnl 15 ti! I StSS. -1!16 4161 Sharp 2 Ill{ 'II JllpJpt'r Ked..on ~Ii ·~122 \ \ ,11 I bl5 (l.jjJ aft Iii'\\ SS I· 123 1 6 40·4230 -,.., Maut t'onclo hc'I ·o . HciriMiur 3242'1 Oro1nl(t•(uunt) f!l>l'.fnl· )_!lrd 11111>1.'l~ +$Sm 11!9:! 157i SlJll'r \1g1 li~lllllh t1 .. lh11J l'tnrr1,11l.o 5\)~!~~e ~~~:~ 11 l'QUJI\ TrJ<k 1111 O C' ~Ir 'ii nek J~~t~2.~in lluiic 1n lt•H·I "Jlt-11111111 f1<'kl'l~ good fur ~elt•ftcd • 1·ha1r n11l P' l p;1t10 <'ll' 1· no" •DELUXE OFFICES* Fa1rgroundsApr1l 15 IR propert~ t'11ll l>un \I() ui;~ ar ~ t•ondnv. JO ,11f1•t11·,gJI I l1t'rforlma111·es k II ntsfum11h•d S49.'\ CTI(\ \,k for 11111 \HIJ:\'GTO'\ \l'TS P.1lmSpnill!'•"'"' \tun ~)um I rnom lllJ 111 :!IMMI TI('kelSgoodr I led 5.'>91111 2 bdrmJ.475 1-d •wH1I lt.'nn" l.1,n.: To 1 aim 111• l'b . 1'J ••••••••••••••••••••••• < ... 11...,.. . · • · · ll'fl'\ {"( o 111111111 :1 1111.! ft L· SI 1 Or 't' "t' ,.. "" ""'' "'pat·10"• & 'JIU l I llr I I\ I ,, ,o t 1 111110 "I '111. m " J "j ., ' Agt J'im.i3l3U32 lt·J~1· 1111~\lhlt• l'htll li l2 51iill 1•xl 2i2 Island 3706 "' ~, · l' a 11111 1 , 1 performan<'ei. R\' l'.irk on rJ\\'r IWJr 1uo.Z!ln II.Iii 3:1.'lli f1l'keL' mubl bl· 1•l..i1nwd ••••••••••••••••••••••• I HH. lot-011 \\111111 & 1 Ha ~1i5 ~ H1 I'. 11,o Goll l•·nn 1' ll.11h 1 " '"1'" r1"i'11 ~,··~ •• To rla1m llckel~. i·all J)l't•an. lln•i:on S:li51' Hl'<111l1ful 3 bdrm . • h\,\pnlt~.l!l>t! Spt'·1JI ll\t I llH I 11..i 'll allpo1pl·r rt•JI n11·e., ~'> fv.nh~t· \d1.llb11n \\t't'kh ~ m11111hh i.ot•·'o \tlJ \irpor11:r Inn ~11- 642 5678. (.'\t 272 t'QlUl) ~ill32lo lldlt'l'rt'SI llonlt' ,\\·J1l ll'Y1M 3 244 -• ~ I ~mo '"" ln1 11111 h :'1111 lll'b .... th1• ;j\ ail ill ;i;,11 Hllll l ll11p11111 Lill \\I Tl('kets m\lst b" 1·l·11m"ll ,, ,. t S5 (13•-• * • launc r~. f.\JJ llJll Dll u"I I'""' Ill··· ·h iw"1 "'"" •• .<t•~I, .,.1 1111 \I ,11' I Im :12.i:1 ' ' ' o~:E,\NFROl\T l.Jj!lllla lnllTll'u. ·•llp<' ~ .ti <I ••••••••••••••••••••••• flt'ls $7f>ll~rl~ 6i!'>lllllfi "" ""'' ,JI '"" .,...,., J ·• U'I\ I\ byApnllS.1982 lkh I unit~ s1111101111 T'llnholllt'.r11•11Jhr :Iha. !Blull' 3 Iii :!• .. lh L~i·:?BRt • ha i•nt•IKat JBr l'~lla rnrulo t!liili On·Jn lr11111 'nq111111 KOLLCEHTER • * • eqwii i:re:.11· j1" \Hlll' 3Hdrm. ~Ba · q ual1~' 11~11111. i:.1r Park pool T11\\nhou~1·. 2 1·ar Kar llin \ll''ll 2 br. I h.i no Ont~ $495 mu A~k for l'lart•munt S.S.'tll Isl Ii. l\al1Jo.1 1'l'n11hul.1 \\t•1•k NEWPORT orr,5lso:i21' ~1~~ns:111~~\::~c&ts~~1~ Ja1· ~5 mo 833 !~157 'II op<'nPr ""•" I I 1-:ts. Sti!K• mo '•" :!2J l11ll.6.1l l266 lu~t + M't' .'t!l4 4H1>3 h rrn_lal .. 1.ir111!,i: \pill 1 Elo•i:.1111 E\t•r '1111e~ rn Connercial 1 .... 1 , ''""O \' Tii l ke 1 01 rh " nr ~I mn 675 11151 1-; Hu~fronl ti7i43W . . . , thru :wmrrwr, 71 & .I 111 1111 • .,111(11111:. 1111. 1 nrl Properly 160( Real &tat• sa~ Sis """' mo " 11 ,J ' • · -N1·ar South l oa'I I l;.11.1 MARINERS W AlK ~ lllil t, 11.111 .l.!J. I "'" ,., J 1 1 a I. 1 t'l' l' p ••••••••••••••••••••••· Wonted 290 ~li:a"l>t>n ll41i H71!!1 ur ~·~~~n~~~b~,l,~1~l. t~:~ LUXURY LIVING •••••~~~~~!~ •• ~?~~ t~I>-1·0.r11111 l'c•ntnrlKt' LrR I & 211r To'll11h1111~" LakeT.ihoi• :-,11 :-;111111. :1 1111111,1 tel1•phont· an~ & DEYELOPERSll •••••••••••••••••••••• nil> 7\o P<'l~ Sli2.~ mn LUXURIOUS J room & bath nu lll\t'. 2 hcl1n1. 2 ha. 1 ,\p;1rtm1•11ts V1pl1 J Hr l'On!lu F u 11, rr••11• llfr, lrnm S~31i .. Want to b11\ hou\t' 'llilh So roast rt~rn St\ 714 ·l!n·<I072 ~:~f:(TTl\'EllOME kitdien. luuudn ... fln•µla1·e. 11aliherdryrr. enl'IMI l(ar. l1Jl10 ~.1nl l'(tWP/Jecl l.;•kt' 111 ,~1 1 re•• 0.11 «al! 11f1·~ Slli.'t 41.350sqftcommerr1al IJ(IOI · 2Brlba tennis full~t·c· lll (,f. :J HH 11 µool & blot·k from ht••Hh . ll•1el11rs. m1no'lla\C, 2 N1•;1r ll unt ltJrlw111 I nm c o:-i• l.glrµlt Dai l "'c!. t.11 .~. !lt~All llolinpnrne Founlarn 7h011!16~ l\'lSmd\\lrn.fnl! **LEASES!. rt11t•,1 h~t· l j!ar<.l~nc·r& 'lltnll.'rli'iJ 9J2.'\ l'Jl'j!ar11of.X'nt'r 1111111. C h ilitrPn O K 1'llr'll1'hr.r110:.t111Mt1 ~ l~l \l~.rt-.HS lO~I Valley locataon City :JR pool wn inrl 1 \ at·anl. JJt· 9\511 mo + $61111 st•1· 1 ~iS·S.'>75 mo iuu liRll7 • • , I ' \:\11-.S \ 11rnl1•s,1onJl pro\'ed plans for l!l.20I Refttcih ' I Hr · lba, full Sl't". µ0111. T"o Woodhrtd)!t' 3 Ur lrfi\ t' 111 no"• SIS75 mo :!bdrm ~It·~ l 11 ,u ntl , r1ep 213 431 4506 t•\ 1·~. 1 l.11c Bil! Bt•:ir. 1 almi I 11111 t' n \ 1 rnn Oh' n l • j It 1 sq ft office bldi:. Total spa $46.5 inti i:as v. tr hom.-' S900 mo on 1 ) r 1;.14 0937 1 562 :!8811 S!ltll m1 'C'arh (';ill 714 75!1914 l clu li.OIJU'IG leach 38 48 : t.dhli·. 1·~iloi I' I. 1 '1110 ' llSI 111»11 p: ckage pri ced ut ;;:;;·~;;1~i::d····· t\~nt,nofee9570222 lease 12 morl'to t'hotM' tii55illlaflt'.rlipm n I • :!bl lh• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,Sips II :;.i:.tt!lllo •DELUXEOFFICES I S7SO.OOJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2hdrm av.1. c•arpl.'l1ng. from We re lhl• cml'b 10 lmma~~l~t~S~E flclrm. toM•so 3724 Jd~I~: pr(''r;~t'd ~o'l~'Xl"RY Condo. ~/'rt 2, S ~O .L:\!'~; 1'1\ll<H' . F'r11m I room up ln 21:H1 FUUERRULTY ........... _1-·-~ 3106 "ar. 3\a1l 1mm<'d $475 rallforlt'a\e:-cl f I d rel~. $~50 mo lRS4 a. O<'ean \1~'11 . rp I I KJ SP .lr I \1• '1·0' .I "I fl From SI lh •• '(I -_ " I en. amt y room mini: ••••••••••••••••••••••• h l·kon Pl <1l l'on $750 mo -197 3525 mle:. JIJ\ 111 -ft l\o ll'.IW n·oiurri•c 1.--_ _i~Qll 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &15 -1135 ~'ldbrldge morn. rurnrbhe<i 111 un N1t-e I Br dph llu1l'l de . · OCEA."•a'ROST \ 1. ., ·'\It' Prn11 \li:mt \.tit \•IJ \iqim lt•i Inn :!Ii:.! J Br 2ba.furn1,becl Sho11 Lo\t•h house 'lltlh D-"lllJ fu~~~.~~~l~~:~n ~~ltb~H!a~l~;;n,P..!~~ ~:r<lllannwf\ rodflror·•ted Br~Sluclio: 5451rs~·2~-Cole1'l7tl2SllllSl~l l~~q11~n1 l',dl \\I Exefllenl opportuntly tor lnVl'stor 12,000 tquare fool off~ boil· ding. Fu II y lea.tt'd 0vl'f' $180.000 1 ye.r depre· daUoo Pnccd to tell al $2 4 milhon.Prtnclpals only C&ll Willlam Cote. Broker i.o... Properly 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 plex Cost a M eu $186.<XX>. Long term rm S20.<XX> dn S250 per mo neg Pr1nr1pals onty Jofvi ~ 1660 a8L term $9'111 + 11er mo pan n r a m 11· ' 1., v. ~· -... -" " ' , u l'lils rndcl 536 U.'lll 1He~u11r11t tt,1\\ .111 .1111 1111 x:., 32:!3 Agt bi5 .t1••1 Frnr~hffi to 1wrfe1·t1on 551·3000 t;75 . .J562 $351> 548 1021 duple~ v. sini:lr l:drai:(' ooarh ~1J\ Julll' .lul\ B y F 2 hr lurn humt• ~la) & for the fuss) houst''lltfe 1ttt8arruu ""•\.lr•llH) 3 Bdr. 2 Ha. Npt Shore!>. leach 3748 S475 mo M9 50\JI Ntwportleoc:h 3869 ~lll mo tifa ll!li A ROMT June sooo mo Juh & Jbr 2ba. dbl iar II! blk~tothetx·ean ••••••••••••••••••••••• sn.·~NING lari.:1• I 111 ••p••AR•••K••N••[•W•••P•O••R•T••••,,R~atstor ... or .. 4lOO ,,x"~.cn.,,·",",•~r,,h1ili:~1.111,'.~r1 Au& S4SO 'II k 67S !166; µal to. b•I? ~rd els on So Irvine nev. 2 Rr 2 Ru 548·!!083 l.uxur. ~lud10 wa T\' j!Jrdt'n JPI pool & 11•r ,...... ~ "' , , "' ., aµprm al C.rdnr& "aler backyard pnnl. spa m;mi sent<'{'. phone' an•a $425 mo 7111 W ~··••••••••••••••••••••• · ut.-.d fo1 rlt•,1cllt'I' CastaMeso 3 124 inrl_S![75&i29S42 ~56-I0.7631 ,760t996 OHLYAVAILABLE u1sv.k 4992227 18th S1 COUNTRYCLUI , .• 111,1&1·111;m1·1·0,l/1111·1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'n1<111t' 3 Br 2 Ila frpk Tllt-:WILl.OWS I POO~HOME • 2 Ar. beam c•e1hn1tb. llYIHG ROOMMATE .1l11Jt'll\l' 1ntf11,1r1.J1 • • • tl'll. hoofk·dups den.i;,t,~d ~RR 2RJ h\·rm.d1n1· Fa~h1ooabe.p,t.se«ure ~~~~.~~~ ••• ~?~~ S4tomo No petr. 2265 Ba1•hclors.1&2hfilruom fl.,,.DERS 1'·"1. 1 9 1•7 11 9"'85•i3ih3 n i Cort l~owski s:arai:e. n« yar _,.I rm. ram rm dhl J:Jr I llr 1n Westt'l1rr M 1r~o· Want some thin I( 'll ra Maple 645 9494 apts & townhnuse~ "" • 9074 l1'ckal1u1 ~448~ t?·K 644 1480 V.tt\'e, dbl door rcfr1g. , I . ., ll fo'to1lm ~"tJ ~lt"IO 6·' I 1•w•11 (lltlt". I & lur"l'L. I 11••1·11"\ 4 029 S Ft f'ountain \'allt•\ ,. . ..., rool & 1111ard ~en IC'l' in s pe l'I a 'n a ' r 2 Br I' 7 ba to'll nbm1s1• ...,.. '1 " ~ ;><• , .. ·' ~ , ' q You arl' lhc "mn'er nl •Jo~~·rde~~~1~i11rba ~~~ SllPF.tt S BR w frplr. cl $1495 mo Call Miller. To11~house. rnmplelt'IY Gur. J>3ho. sml ~rel. no NO f'E E' Apt & C11ndc1 '1 i\ll du•nt ... .c·11·1·111·11 i1 Ith F;~ Snldr l \da two free t 1cketi. I Sit! 00 I A' I ~w,. David646·3255 ~undeck Nr pool park II !l 64S·Olc.I or 631 1266 furn ~S Mo. 760 9117 eet:. ~' 645·4837 rentals \'tll;i Rental~ t·~l~t~s& [·~',~1;:~:~~:j~ <lfl I !F1• 0YF:R R )~ \ valuetothe ~imo.760-9307 .!!.II--,· ---:--I blk to 0<·ean. nr Npt EtSidn 2 BR 1 0 ••• atlat·h 675·4912Rrokrr Good Mnmrn"Amt•rirn. 7111 II 11llH'\'~ 3 ha. IRC S G CHOICEexer3brpool WOODBRIOG E·2Rr<.:on 2 Rr B1~CanyonMl'l.arn Pier s4ooimn AprS ~ rn1 llO<>VIL'"' ,. ~howt•r 'lll'lh:11 21ctt1,q C U V~R AS home,~nnnsktl"h.$6c" Townhomt'. Immediate Jul~· ·1. Sins 4, 1,111., • l(ur. pvt pa\111, adults • '-" The Tom111rn'll Sbu'll flfi•ni't'iha1tl F111 n111n• I ·-Be h I .... ' "" do. xlnt loc. on C.re('t1blt, .. .. "' r , .. , 2 Ar 2 Ra 2 " t \ I ll I ff I 11 . . .,.,.11.t II(' e erans ~RE ALS 7S0.33J4 o.('~upanry . S995 .mo. dean Joyce W<1 1l1.r . pre . no pels ..... ICI + ,.a 10 1 1 u ' • ; 11 • 11 J n1•v. info pllt>nt' s~i 1:11M1 11a St5~~~~e1J:,'~~:;14 ~~~~~nls.5 ~ tl~r :~~: ~or a11.Pt. calL644·0509 l!..81: 631-1266 sec. 646·2723 • prer. $1()()()_1115. G:IS!I d rents woo nccct a pl arc 760 1(17M l'' Fa1rgroundsApnlt5 t8 :r~P~r~n'r~s~o~t~o~s ~3.'116 • Newport ttbrts Cape Cod r--~•--3710 VACA NT! F: s1dt' tri 2 0~ 2 Ba Par11all) l111;n HIWPORT t41·ll99 --------"" k 1 ood f 1 t 1 Hl,RRv·· --2·Sl)'.S Bdrm. den. game .-rv-plex fn quiet 2br lncln Steps from bearh $7all I 11r e SI( or~r ('{· l't .. n'urtleroek, 3 hr. 3 ba, rm ~+ sq fl newly ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' .,. dll ' ts ' Call for appl a~k fur execup an ron~r~ncl~~ket:.. nl 11 ~RENTALS 750.3314 l '3m. rm, liv rm. forma I pacnted lrg yard RV I BR . small Fairview al i~~~o. ts9 ~ noel tpc it K. ate675·01~ Pt-:ACF.flll. 2 llr 2 Ila . 642 5678. ext 272 ··<..1JTE"eastside2br w din.Jrof landst•ape, access.i>ets OK.Walkto ~erstrom Leuse 6733600 oo un Soedacular 3 Rr 2 Ba ;-!}e:i,1:.J:~;'~~J:;•~fi·::i· "ANewCoftc:tpt" 'T'lckets must be rla1mt•1l 'llorkshop gar. pets $425 a i-;.J _9061 schools. Vacant. D1•na. .00 Sec. Dep Mr I -. Ocean Front ll1J:hh up fo'ull ,cn ll'l' t•11:.f11m b" ApnltS, 1982 OC REN'T)\j...5_ 750·3314 ~~ p.-&. l ~ 631·!266 Clea!l'.}~·684l_ a.ildrft WtkolM orad4!<1 · Elderl} lath to i;h111 1• ' _. 2 -&i fbd frc ,.. crob1ll.'hollll.·in l.a1111n.1 off11r&de'k~1w1·t• • • * IACI l/it.Y Tow me . bdrm. 2 111.d 3106 rms rom PROPERTY llOl'SF: Re11ch Lo" 11•111 r.111 S1 or ,\1rp11rt 3 Br 3 83. 'townhouse ba. 2 stor~ · rireplt1re Fant~•t1r 3 Bdrm 2 Ba $450-SMO. New ra~ts & 64.2-llSO 1>4:! llllO 11 •. 497 ''"''' 'Sc1• toi\npre1·rat1·'· ..._ rtle .. 3169 · New Apts drps near ..., 1 1 1 d 1 dra.pes. Corner of " "ft"' " ~ ac.. by babblingbrook.rrplr. ' · • s1n glr slc.iry home \le s an . xtra J!<'. Adams & F'alrview Cliff 1111,·en 2 br. 1 ba 75911971' REDUCED ~0.000. by •••••0 ••••••••••••••:• d v.. pool. many xlras pools and school~ 51195 Fresllly painted Lo\ely nrre 1 bdrm. S67S )rly. Op.n Mon 9.5 Sun new crpt. frei;h paint. ol sm1tle per'IOn to ,hr owner. 11 unit beach Ver.ia1lles Rarh ~25 Adults. no pets S850 mo ~rm 964·5921. vr~· ar~s from park NoPas67~94n _ 0000.5 55747~ • rrpk', eal·in·klt No Pt'b IR N B hume mn "' motel in Carlsbad LldoPrkmobile SiOO leaS<-Isl +sec A'a1I Greent ree detarhe d C hildren & pets ,__._ _ _._ t 1 -t57S.6422l34 'tras,nopt.>ts 6311\31:1 !~,--------\' w 2Br r<>nc1o S 1200 I --3 0 2 bdrm I ba townhous" rt · a <XX>aross $295000 A 1e 4·25~~ home. 28.r. frplr. roun -.~lcorr.!.$1600 mo .yry "2 Rd 2b 1 r<'Ofldo Jll Jllll•111t1f' HEWPORTCENTH stral 17141729 Ot04° Vella Balboa 2Kr Sl20CI try ltllr h•n. covered lease Realtor. 631-7300 •••••••••••••••••..... apt on Easts1d• L11r11e S7"' 3 • } car, ~h ~ mo Ju1· &. ,JUtlJ ---NPl C'resl 3Br St500 patio 2 car garaoe com Nu 2 & 38R. 28A yearly Sundfck ' Patio Cozy ~ mo le~ to 11· .....,.0 •79 .. 7 ....... be:.._. Offlc:e Waterfront llom<.'" Int· NEWCONDQS muniiy pool & pnrk. nr Frplc.bll-lns.gar,park fireplace. ldry rm Real Ca ll (or aµpt ~,il l' ''"'"'' •"" ...,.,. S..ce $199,500 631-1400 Re(hifirsttoliveinne'4 schlslshopplng&trnnls PeninsulaPt.unobstru<'l tng. <.:lose to bay & mreSllSmo 67~Q.124 Shrlr hottw Wr!jtl'lrffp\I smto~MMfi.cih \\att,1 4•PLEX condominiums. 1 and 2 --nx>. 55k2776 «t Harbor, \•1ew. Pine ~an Brkr675·49Jl 646·3420 Versat.lles 2 br 2 bu b.ilh' ent t'f1oltln11.1•mp blc for IA!a~· I d ="' -Lrees 4 Bcfr 3 Ba sauna -• • • reip maturT Tion -1mokr · L' l" 1 s.o.ooo down SIS9.000 Ho.ft UwfwN.,..d bedroom. firep are. OU· • • · • Yrly. very~e 2 br. 2 be, New 2 story, 2 Br 2 Ba frp lc , pool. l'luhhi.l' F En•i. 642 11846 l'lrll \\ m , otc 12-1,•; loan. no scrond ........................ blegarage.skyliitht.dis· IEMTALS ..,.,. Jae .. 3 car garage no pets. 1mo. 1544 enc:lsd (laraite Xtru S7~.S;lndJ'642 6149 • ior 1TW>rl•tnformat10n Crpts. drps. blt·in r ib. ,..~ 3202 hwuher. and lar1te lbr. ll>a ..,,,,, wf•lec. ope.nu, com Miramar r.675·13~ Klds /~et11 ok. $645. txd11it1H t'M Nt•v. Cote' Realty ._..... · I I d __.... pr1vatepalio. 2br.l41 ba S6SO mercl:il ktl<'ht~J 2 ------A"ail. 1 ... •.Lorrtdll"" MjyrlD/U .. tP'r, Orle11ns rondo.dv..0~1r'. ""'4•J>•lt0, poo . aun r~· ................ ••• •••• 3 br. 2 ba. S87S rfl'ICS, patio. lrg MS tr Ol:ean front 3 Br. 2 Ba. • # • zv uucrn 313'1 ' I 8d •. b r I •. I t t rm Seetodayo From~toS635 3br FR . I Bdr. bar. storage. W/D, Years luse. Sl"°lmo. 547·9511. eves & wknaJ dttk . II, rµ '" rm"' It or µ10 ll' °' n vfl'i mt n _llliS,Lyon,SantaAna Year~~e~~~\anll'r. 1~;:i~oM:sv;a 2b11. S1400SISOO ~~um r efrig. some rurn. 714 1337 ·2414 days. 850-0223 yrct/it,~~sAv~~f4'1~' l!red_woo1:1nS4llt14411 640-11 BUCm S 10,000 2,3.4 8drms. 17141631-5009 3 br. 2 ba. SISOO t'\J rn J.ll!OQL."!>,_W·~ 675-mio. ves & wkn~s WGI y AaD 127-itith St sm mo Yr Sll r plWJh I rt I<'' cl honw RE LTY 4br.2ba. 11350 3br 2ba open beam ceil· e.,111r .. 1tad1 ltlt SG2Slmo . 3 Br. 2 Ba . ly 646-6102 ~ o, mi fro,m hc111·h "'~ AMXl~~S JACOIS A 41brR2~.,l ba Rlt 83" ~ ini, us~ brick frpk. so· ........................ duplex. 2 rar g11r1111e. L • piel all $311 11ouc1 .,.st iilcJe: cute rm p R 0, ER TY lmmarulale3bdrm,2 1nc A? asor Y ''""!"'" from ocn. W. Nw.p t I Rr a~t C11pl•tr1tno w11~her1dry•r hook-up. A clcttn"1Rr, lltt·p~ M111U~11~I a1lull wunlccl tic1'llf + 2 unit~ Rrinll home. fireplace. dis 1 .. r-1 II b llt I ""hi: bey/IK·hJ:r~ $4!5 mt o(Cera Q11nl)' Sl39.SOll MGRS.~ hwa~her. KV rkln(I 2 BR twnlUI' on J{run S850tmo. Call John P11Uu ~s. Semi turn ""'"a. u "~· I ~ mixn•. 3 7 " I to II r )l':t C'h h11m1·. Ill 62116 " pa . bell. Univ P11rk.1111r•11u ~ 64$-~2, Maturt 11dll. n on-oor wont hist c.11 for • •1 . Oli ('ulullnu \II"'" r'l·h ,,... r:IM5· 675-6173 8~c~l1USb0Yt.:~~r ~er. JJ>k. t1100 mo : -UDO 6J(COMDO srmk~r. Christian pref. ~· .,..,. 842 003 Wcst.cllf/ 1.re11 Condo ~>mo 1;15 23St JI\ " HB 2bdrm nr'~11eh. $4~0 t 942,9372 A · 752·'61111 -1 Ofx C'OndO wli'h l>aclt bay ~+util, ~~46 ft\G ."! ·l Larf~ 2 Rr. dt•n. 2 Hu .. ~tt n·~p (1•111 Co l>ohr :tllr Modfnt interior ' 4blt> Uttltb Bic! ! Clatslfied •Id JJ4t 1 and Oinntry view. ltOO C... .. Ms 3121 Delu:ae prh••l~ I ftr "?t'f o ~:~tt· s'a\r· HR 111)( Slllll rnu ln1·I 11ara11e.Mus11tt119124 1 ads .re really emall ........ " .......... 1q ft. 2 Br • den ....................... [fll!C. AU rncd yard g.;tlli'i · · ttll Mf.5211 "people to:Elt" ules 1IOO rm lse U1·9513 Cot)' l Br. ~lex. frplri .JP>l.mo_. f73 '3;18. ' , MtY 2$ lo 40 111 11hor~ carry. Contact J ohn Lasuna 3br flt<' home callarib rudtnhlp l8r 2bl. ram rm, 'r/·1·" PoOI. Sln1le emplya 3 bdrm 2 ba $41& May eatlf1011t V11rsalltca. wtmaleNwpt Cr•8t 2 Rr aea.lroltrtS.$.34$4 •IZ tiled bal.J\s 'tllefa llMl\qrw¥tt•Toplact a'!f~ of ~~t ;r:) SURFSUP! 2brnt1r brll Fem.Noamokeror,.U. cliffouftt rtnt for a11t ~ BR. 2 ba rondo. ~Ba , pOol!i•", trn .... _____ Ill kk<hml •1 lt5Jt> ~ dulined Id, call reli. w a mo, fncd~d.kid1,NOW9US liGO, leate. ltl. lul + rntr <hllu Ruu :...._:.:enilit~ IUO nls, 1arett, ulll n· -•.;;._------'--•J;!!pnunilY I 7 f t,odl'va.4' ,_ l)C.R '.NT~LS 750:3!1!! lee. M0-411f "04!1~ _ rllldfd 13SOMS·772'1 t I c:...tic.mte W... . . . M11utmi. -• ..... ,..;;.-,.-,... . /I_. , "' ..............•....•... ·······'··············· ...•.....•.•........... ····•'················· ••••·······•····•······ ················~······ ................................ ;[.~~ •....•.•• ····~·················· Al>D'NS/Rf:MODIL CONCRETE/ASPHALT ~RIClAN priced ~'"11ll'Y ·MHo(lry DU~JOBS F~f!RA'l'ED c ..... ,...._ Nett9'td1e.•1exturei TIUINSTAJ..LED -lncl. Wiiiert l Dii~;·o:n=~~~k olht, frte Hllmat.e on KOOCinJ·Phamblnl •Sma ~!v~~C!bll lncomeTuServlce 2S )'l'I exp. Ck.-l'""'941. ..... lfJ~Ul 11~.Kind1<iu11r'a'!~!:/n -.alWt.lri.u.m w., .· -l!!!!!·D'!"'-1fc..88~11Jon.3036 0~~.ir.siucao Tiit-~.l!tJlttl:JftJ __ UHl7l Bonded. Ina. Jtera. Color ED'SPLjRINO .&ou. .10AD._. C:. • TUOlf!~~~ ' i .. u~a"'eL ~. ·• Hw C.. ""' L•lllc•ll• ..cxPlC1.-"3:9PlU>.k AlITy~. ntor te:xt ~tomC.tamlrTlle • .:!'!!!!! ............. m~L ...._$!'It. 1c1•J> l::l.!!CTRICIAN Ctnmtral ~aR:lntenenlce ................. ~! ............ l.. ........... PAJNT~R NIC£DS -M5~DJ u eal~ . a.:"=SfJikf}jA~f41Ji_ R~lD/ MM.'L ---nl;MU \II · wor"' ~e~..:!!lH n. ecorat 11f R.ellabl nite watch avail VANPENHRG WORK.I I: 30yrseJCP. .Int/ PJ..MTERlNO _ya: __ AJJ.A c t C.!!Wnl·Mason.rv.81ock $3~ * LY• Y f4Q,.SU i al. t ldi 1 XI LAND8CA1>1NO rxt, A~~llC' ccllina. R C£RAMlC·LlNOLEUM _. m~ ~ Wall -O:isl. work. Lie. T()PQUALITV HOMt:~PROV~MENT ~. c g~.· ~~~0~0$ s: Ml~ eomm'llrc.sld llayilhlntlnc HHIM ~w:1f:w:;,•;r<·o, TileprOI. ln•t•ll. Clbil! fte d ./Comm. !l.ECTRlCAL WORK EP, ·PL\JMBlNG u T~t trl:11 cl~ndup. 8lshop&Son P11lnllnf i'ZHQtS rn lilel~~ "fdd' · ..Bf.M.Htef. -~ eating, c11tpentu. -B .e1 &ti • tn!i_ 0 ed, 30 yrs txp. in Beach Pb••• uALLTILtu 111~~D4w1m154 ... ~:n QIWC... RWO~OOMtCL/lND • Ule. at. No tta .. tde•ha! Jic.cLt)'teH .c9·U•A arta.!'teecsl.Ml·lm ........ , .............. QuaJlty work. lOyrs ex· lll9ll Yf_, ---~ k • •••H•••••u• ••••••••• ll!~e SCM1E Drains cleared Crom $10) .,., Geot°" 831 u7i_p HCltfllMPROVEM ENT ........................ .vyrs, myown wor · . W t REAL.LVCLEAN a.ltvP...,_ f'lumbln 'Repairs ..,_. ~,... ,,.. -t.G!tSML tNTIEXT. Yo ung. mother/lodn~ Llt.lllOO. AlffHlzt JA~~'d:U..~tDES ~ifSEtCallGln 1harn wn· ~· rut>lna all lrftinoit&elilen~r11 ...ru:utLMiM01i@n TrwStrflct ..-..ua.___,.,,!!.'!1111..111it:·¥1.1!!1s ~~ ~~.,t":-t~a~iY RES101coMM'L uarkmi:toft~' , · ii:'ctar~~1Y1f~ wayn~Lerner rtXOYE> •Plu bini •lfe•tini & ···~··••••••••••••.••••· ..llilllill~lllilUM.9'c...tStr;1M ..fmllleme1!1646·7617 . ~CkC~t~~Pa\~:.•ble. LOVETOWOltl ROS N'SCLEANlNG 846-1518 or ca~ I .. 751·910iL.. • E~ctrlfa 24 ,hr C~=r!f:fCa~J's'~r _ =--e•e~'t;;., .............. _..,. -.. ~mJ,.118 631 . .,u5 Carpentry, rnal nrTng. Servce-athorou hi• An•werfod 047. NEW,U>OK • ~lf48·7~ ~tel U~ ..... Weca~Pti>t Cleanera -·---. . -<U1l2 tretl ' ar II .iOfl MH000.2i!!l'J. PAINTlNGSERVICES .... ...... .... .. • -•••••••••••••••••••••• Steam cl," fin ... un hol• ••••UH••••••••••••••• rt:--1..-.111a... malnt It hau no' Yree "':fa'd 1~ouaecleaner 4=~ lnt/ext. Refa, lns'd. """"' ,.. •• ,,.. Complet~ Tree ~rvlce ALLSTATE PAV o 11 ....., .. " A. Or. YooCbtro~actor ....,.,.._., ._ ' •· • ·~ -~1a~ -1(~:.ll1i .. .,................... Geil'!cln·up& lrng_ . Sealcoatina ·Strt~~n worl~armount,\1,nit Acupressure. Toro ....................... at. • ature•Rellable ..................... , UC'SPAlNTER PIOPllTY ~JlO.¥...-~:WJj Rtoalra Corrtm /Resfd . -n$ .. J!U 71H~t24 For~ca couriter lo" & Pflfts$IOAll S42·608516611·0416 l\!\ICKWOR K: Small Int Ext 10 ra t.UN&CHMIHT uc:p:j362 .60·8l8i ~~rgri~~f:~~gcle:~i C..troct G rat ~~~1 aced. eeo T tS ; c HOUS~~iD:!.}NING-~~:a,Nr~~~ri: ~~~~~ RtrLfui:tl\.~~~f8ts OrangeCo. ~r1rirs yr c~~'JM.~1'5& Dri~ve1ay,,_Pa1rking Lot cri>ts . ur min. bleach ...... '\&. .. ~~ .. ~..... ID: 8rYIC8 0. Exp'd, rela & reliable. 675-317~. •STEVENS PAINTING :~r~~;_l'e. 11 or 111 0 TlltorilMJ ars,;:,eacoalan~. Hall, liv/dm rms $15 , ADO'NS/REMOOJlLINC GardlMHICJ (2Ul 2·3S3'7 or t7l4l C'tl11U1Ytime.9SS·2418 BLOCKWALLS Is back! No~ sper. in 96,..112 ...................... . Aspbll ~1:1l~J~ avl room $T.SO , co~ch Plans. Lic'd. George ................ ,....... !!O-M10 HOUSEWORK . fatlos -Qriveway~s ext. free est. Charles,...,. Most Subjects. K-12 & tOI· Dan HallbergGradmg Sl · chr ~· Guar._ehn1 . _fil~Scms.5SH93~. J<&t>Landsca)>llMa1nt. Expert home and apt re J.k.'.d.j)jl11ni~636·04~ ~.J.Ml.lli.1 RoofWJ le_ge. 25 yrs t>xp. S4 hr &PavlngCo. rrodor rptrgp111r k ORAFTINGSERVICE Resld/Co~m.Clean.up. pair. Carpentry .. _ roor. WANTED Mo•"'9 1.AIRYIAJ~S •••••••••••.•••••••••••• ~r MQW..ll.§4Hl16. Uc. J,~~om'!lffi:.1720 mJ'Jf. a:&jn~QJQl~ 2Q yrs exper.comm/ re-~.~u~ng.:~~89 lill!mh.~:.!fil3_ lJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAINIJ.liG &4~-93113 Hu~:wRr~~~~~~~letl~~es Typing Ser•lce ............ IM.I.... No Steam/No Shampoo ~-Tree~a~'.~~ rt ~~fit I bid~ll job.lge/~~I bi8~~~~~~d~~=ew~J~: -AIC MOVING-PaptrilMJ. Uc ~4~548·9734 ···~· ...... ~ ....... ~ ... _,...,_, Stain Specialist Fast REMODEL/APD-ONS · J' 85l~l29 · Quahty. exper. hr d ble honest lnLefil'gent Qu!c1'.l:"arefuf8ervke ....................... H RY ROOFING 1Ypmg Wntmg ~.d1t ....................... _do:..ft~~ andCarpenlry.Lic'd.1m --1liYA.Qa\'t§4A:l325 TuebeJt Phone673·70t2 P..tt..l!StlffiQ.tes. 552·0410 F1uihin_glnteriorDesign " EN ES R , " fng. My ofrite or yours Baho·bytlttlng In our C.M. ~yrs. lrwm~·2119 .Jw.wGor•11.~r_3,. HOMEIMPROVEMENT after6:!!0PM. HANGIN9SJ01ROLJ,. N~N~!-.,..., & ~!~W., S!111jo~ok.G4.HJ~2 mes. 1 Yr & up. ~!l.Y· * '* '* .Jiltg~ J~M~~,,. Tile floors Fencing · -*A·I MOVING•. Quaht)'. L1t·/1ns. Strip ... r.J.il,....... --r<>"Jl Y. limc.642·8482/~_HJ~ fM.OyHIHs GOMM'Lt.RESID.. Plumbin .All small COUSINCLEANING, Top _Quality. ·special ping. Disc. on pap~r ROOFLl!:AK'We s~l' WiftdowC1HR1119 Careful & loving ma ma or ~2il-X-2.2na St Rveimd. Add Ln.s-Rep25a n·s MHoaW~i/ndgu ms 11.1 ~ng. S 1$515. ~$22 o(l. ~2S ¥ rsg ex R· 548-2992 & Mhld tasks. Ex per d, care in handJltli· 25 Yrs ~ Sl'oJ.UW5·931!! in jobs under S200 ! ~ ...... • ~ ...... • ... ~ .. 21 ims to care to~ ~~!!rs Costa Mesa ery reas. ic. 390 O 009 reas, refs. 840·3655 _ exp. Competitive rates. . -fttt~~s ~86·~292 .Let the Sunshine In mxhorneFtT.§3l:fil1. You are \he winner of ce1:~~trBenne~tsfg142 7M:._. -SMark ~oodRoo" •HOUSECLEANING • ~~m.:Jll~ -~gij~t1C:~llR~~~r1Pn~(·~'~. ~w.... -. CClallSunsLhtidneWcUJ:Jo885w3 NEWBOR two free tickets !$18001 . <k!U d IBEGRASSHOPPER ••••••••••••••••••••••• Careful/Honest/Mature SfARVINGCOLLEGE Co -.-'""ll earung. .....,. ~e N baby cahre by value to the . ~ & lnsu~. Complete lawn matnl. HARDWOOD FLOORS ...ffl:mldID' f,M/e'!.f. STUDENTS MOVING co,n:~ant Assignment •B••u•DG•••ET•••R••A•T•:,•s••1•·.~!· 2Q'...!.!f!!Pth~o\lfil . ndurs~i my ome. CIRCUSVA.RGAS C 'DOminic642~-Beautifully cleaned . -~ CO.Lic.1Tl24·436. ""~-.· ..... it" •RESIDENTIAL• _._Y/m_e673·6887 Lon !l3each¥e-terans usto.Woodworliiftc) a~~~· m.·4881 Ho.•HittMg I ed 6418427 WALLPAPER Low mm SmlJobsOK A\ I sty $30 avg 2 sty BABYSITTING Stgd. A ·14 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDEN!NGMAINT. ••••••••••••••••••••••• _WA~Ht.J~r.o•QW!_ Cont1.·actor&.Paintmg et'~t..ln~ 641-7~1 t"~g"h .. 9578388 ANYTIME & mm ~n ·14 CU~OM CABINETS Landsraping. Tree trim Hal6lcJ Profl couple wishes to -ll.~ -0 C 23yrs I 1 328240 a-~~ ~·.)-ns · -Costa Mesa 979.6646 F 1 ang~ Auny l!ltenoi:s, bars. maatles. &rerro,val. Clean-ups . .. ..................... how!esit Newport area STARVING ACTORS Gaa_QQm.Qf ;"s.i.4366 ..,.9"* CLl::A.N WINDOWS · Ti~k~1~og~xi51of~ell5t~~ l1bi:ar1es. c·a bin~ts . firt'~l11!¥!.les. 642·4889 HAULING student haR July ref"s .S44-6SJ9evs ' MOVING COMPANY WALLPAP"'.R ••••••••••••••••••••••• F'ORTHEllOLIDAYS llii.ts rformances ec skylilf'S cust molding. IRe lruck. Lo"est rate . · --Fast & Careful. Lowest r. • Shtighb * _j4~~797l. •••••••••••••••••.••••• ro <:la1m tickets tall Refs. ~~3§ 2.l~ -TREES 'I Prompt. Call 759·1976. w,antedhi'. Hous~ to tare Rates Law Allows. M 1C All kind~. Free l'Ml Frff es1-·.. 631 9255 Orange ''oasl Windows FINE HOME • Topped1removrd C can Thank_y_ol).._JJ>.h!J. or w le you re away. Yill,_Li~[73~ $lllroll Lac 11330986. .. i" . h ' IMPROVEMENTS 6~2-5678, ext. ,272. Drywal ~ lawnrenov.751 ·3476 --.-good w /plants & · · .: ~Ql"m645·0880 Stucco We eaveyouwit .. a Add'. &R . Ticke~mustbecla1med ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ --------Profess1on~IS,erv1ce animals. O.C resident PaMMng •••••••n•••••••••••••• bntih.teroutlook'. ittons emodehng byApnltS.1982 DRYWALL1ACOUSTIC Genen!IS., i H!iuhng·~arddeanup for 20 yr Best rer11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• /Repair Re·stuecos ·tnm painted Frrt~Umatf!\_ 830·6111 RI 1• --* . . ,4 yrs exp. Fully lic'd & ............ :.~~~...... Quirk &31i~ree Est 547.~ Fifle pau~ting by Richard ...................... rr:ee. Sandblast & brick. Writing ....-.."'Jli Carpets installed. re· mu ~~ Who wei e our 1111 ----Sinor. Li<-. 1~s. 13 yrs of PLASTER PATClllNG Lite~ed 95J:821!.I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ a paired, flood damage, DRYWALL TAPlNG restors? Jo>ind out•· It's so-0·0 easy to use Results·lha1·s what you ha~py local customers. Restucc·os .. lnt cxt. ff) SELL 1dl~ items wit~ a WRITING RESEA!lCH ~-'4.CICIM'llA~ steam cleaning Allte)(lures&aroust1c Genealogical Researrh class1fied.Justgiveusll get with classir1ed. 1Jill!!~· ~.H!l!!_ mcl'tal.Paul545-297_ Daily Pilot Class1lled FJ)ITlNG Anv subject ijc. !!349892 1 li!.:.6554 5?4·8510, 973·8566___ Frern;t. Kevin 67S-908B 11!4.1!!6;!:7330 call. 642·5678 642·5678 --w~ J-l~lp? -642-567~ Cl~ed Ads 64~ M _ ------fgrll]ILJU'll~ .... ~J~L DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If if doesn't sell, we 'll run It another 3 LINES ; days FREE. One Item per ad , must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Nonofefundable. Extra llM9 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 Office Rental 4400j ~~~! ..... !~~~ Rlfttats Wanted 4600 MoMyto Loon sens~!.~.~ ...... ??~~ ~'!!~· ..... ~~?.~ ~'!':!'!~ ..... ?!~ ~!.!'!~ ..... ·!!~~ ~'!~ ..... !!~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••· •••••••••••• •• ••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• u ... t; • h f & I Airport Area. Plush exec1 Famil wishin lo lse p . at M Losl: Lad1e's 14 K• gold ,_.pg in ex~ · or rm BABYSITIER my CM. HANDY fERSOM ~a Mesa. 250 si1 .ft.I s1utes. $215 andoup. Typ horn/in CdM ~ innin n• • oney diamond bracelet w/l board, reliable voung home for baby 6 mo f~CTORYTRA\HEIE Laguna N1j!uel home swte. Sl75/mo. U11 s an I ing and ans sen· uail July 1 min 3 8~ re'i $10,000andUp pearshaP,ed diamond+ Freo r h Canad1a? MQ!! l':'n642·16J18 __ _ -shifts a\'a1 a6re owners assot· needs cld. 779 W. 19th. St L957.9331 So fPCHCll •:/So iomorJeanne smallerdiamonds.Nwpt Liberal Laguna Ideal for the mature part-timepersonforex· 851·8928.:._____ - . _.o ___ .__J!_67L 1 642_885~ Bch Cd M area Qiarl~.._49~:62!!6 BANKING womanover409629336 terior maintenante 520 & 572 sq ft st oo ei Bayfront. J?nme officf Un!urn. 2·3 Bdrm house R E W A R D . D Y s : u.... W_,,-~ 7100 TB.~ Pef: IVY.PAC COR,. Transportation & tool" · · 'll I spare avail. May ls.t.. · c t .. .. fl t· 644 ·5373 aft 6pm ._.,.. ...._ , 10585-[ay,son R1\'er ed .,_ d d ·1 &~ sq. ft .. 3975 B1rC'h . N B Ii lso • ·1 C· II 9 5 m o~ a ;11esa, un 9M6 . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exper 11 : to :30 dai· F' V. . reqwr . .:x:n eta1 s Agent541-S032 sip 3 3'31 a · mgton Beal'h. Newport Mort~s. Trust ~ ~ -CCTGCLtr.RK I c 118428600 wage reqwrements lo ----·-.~_11__ --Jjl>achorCdMarea_Will Deed$ 50351.ost.SILKYTERRIER ExAnenced wTthxlnl Y 3 · FASTFOODpart·llme P.O Box6175.Laguna NJwpoHt Be ar:,s n? r I MO FREE REHT 1 iv e re re re n c es ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr &;a<•h and Ellis 3, 19 typ~E skills, for elec-dunnR lum•h hoOr The ['J1guel 9~77 ~d~r~mce~\~: 'Sharenewcheerfulsml 775 ·8327 . 540 ·8364. SattterMta.Co. !!~ARD!847-378tev lncareonstr.uC"tionfirm ~UUTICIAH Rotisserie 360 Bristol. HostJ/Hostesses pie parking well ma In· I office comelex w exr1l _SJ9.a}98__:_ ---- -All types or r~al estate Lo~t. ke~ on Ol'e an Xlnt benefits. Irvine ~~. ;:;.~~~Sr. ~s~~s~aa~v\: ~ .• <;.]rl. Part lll'ne Apply 3 5 tained bldg.° Vicky days Sing Aust1ra 1an importer1 Prord. M w ts1m_a ii Cddo'~ investments since 1949 ~'Eih~t in1u1~~ 3 30. ~~70_ --Barn. 009 W 19th SL, General orri<·e duties Er M1 on lRhru Fr15 ReEubc;n E 714/645-4800. uper oration. Ava1 nee s renta 1n ••f S..clailitlCJ in -·-· -Advertising Consultants ~~-~841!'>. rands, promotional Jl>b. J ~ est 1 I toa"t 1 1mmed. Approx 500 sq rt area. refs S600 range 2nd TDs I Lost· gold <'ham bracelet Must have dependable H~ N~. 575,5790 IUSIHESS ADDRESS f Warehouse space avail 548-8273 , " .. .,_., 1.,1 5 .. 5.0611 w1diamond l'h1ps. Y•l' $] 89 h BUYER car. good rlnvin~ rerord Ans':"ering & mall $}5(1/mo.~S.:<J68§. Live·in Gourmet Cook :.Jl_'UCA.LJ. -:t Comm . Presbyterian r Responsible for &knowledgeofLA&Or IOUSEC1 . E . serv1c!1. conrerence HARE ore in the O (. ctuldrare. Collel!e Grad LOClll Due7 Chureh & Park. L B • Pu rt•_h as in . ., r a. w CtY. EXl'1ting entertain· ~ • ,f,AN RS lo room. A-OJ. OS:: Airport. Airport area. S"lry •. to r s u m m e r ~Ca L? I fifilYARQ.. 4~-6848_._ I ,, mPnl t"Ompany. Laguna ~.cSQhr,~'~ .. car645 5123 00 714 1351 1342 ' "' '" f GUYS/GALS materia.' ma antaini.ng Jl!!ach 494 9484 Huus eke e per. ex . Im. . p\10rficew C'omrnerrial ~541·1664.Debra Real state money Lost· 3126. afect1oraate repair 1lems & office --~ . ~enen l'ed "llh re 5ll sq fl rurn offlrr work area Ask for Bot ------a 'I bl 2 d 3 d TD male gray & wht stn~d supplies. Must have ex· General erenc"s for home •n · · · · vat a e n or r J rat 01sappeared 10 15 P,tOJ>le needed 1~-per. as a buyer in " • ~pace. SJ001mo . 714/54S,1402 !--<>ans on residential or CdM. Reward. Lv msg !Tlfdiately f9r adve~slls -1 manufacturing & skills APPLY MOW Laguna_Beach. 494-0751. ~ 641·0763 Offi S "8iness/lnnst/ income properties. We I on m&\:h 675-4274 --mg & pubh.c reh1t1ons. in l'Osling. ma leri a I JEWELRY SALES, sell igntosuiteexecutive NEWPo\eT ~~CH FiaanCe handle a rull range of ,Los rttl I" p COmpanywilltr.aan. N.o analysis. negot iation & ladies Jewelry . ghe fices with seC'retanal 0 C A rt A d ••••••••••••••••••••••• imrtgage Coverage at , di t Ml .e J!la~. oo selhng. Car necessan C"Ommunicahon. Ca pa· $14 40 0 parties in } our o" n rvice. poos1ble .livmg lu'xe orf.r:'m ru!:C:m d:· Swi~.ming pool r~en;i~~I very competiti ve rates I n:ed :S':nee di /;t~~e~. Rapid advanC"ement. ble or working with all home, all retail profits ea. Good location m signed Lawyers Suitf 1ser.1re business Costa Courtesy lo Brok.ers Reward 979 0104 CALLMRS CARTER: levels or management I go into your IJOtlo.d nneryVillage Broker now avail. S550 mo in IMesa.Hunl Beatharea 7H-760-1551 ask for l ~5-· · tiel·I034 Send resume & salarv ' Larry 91iH !JOK8 67S-4912 c 1 u des r urn is he d No exp nee. Wall tram. ~v~or Duane .. d ~, 1 T . h Apartment Manager E:< history to : Classified Ad 6_PM.:9PM -secretanal station. con s.so.~e ~ull w~J°1n~et WIDOW HAS SSS for TD's I r:"beile{' ri~~e{: :g ! gre~,~~it. "!;~i~~a~noeud ::7· ,~'.1\;ts~l~t.M~s~. I D1strib~rr;,~e~rarr ha~ Kron Chot·olaller of s c 1 & 2' l!'J~fF.r~· A C. ferenre room . Library 2.io 000+ Call rollrrt RE Loans. !OK Ll~> No behind ea rs. rhll 1 n 44 uruts. Costa Mesa. No ~. - -I immed. openings I' I a 7. a . ex <' l us '\ e 7100 ...•.......•.•........ LEGAL SECY Part time. exper'd. llun tinJ(lon Beach. needed for overflow in general prdctire Law Firm 14 to 16 hrs per wk Thurs and Fridays Exper with IBM Oisplaywriter pre· fd. Will tram. Ask for Cathi. Mon lhru Wed 847·ooi_L LOAM OFFICER For mortgage co ·)Ont oppty to jo111 sales team ror nat1onall~· re cognized firm. exper ne<· Please send re· sumrs lo: UFM .. 14771 Plaza Or .. Ste D. Tustin. ~a~,E.O.E_ MAHA GEM ENT 23 young mmdeif peoplr to rill . MARKETING MAHAGEMEHT POStTIOHS $13,600 Plentr.ofpr~ Ulil. incl Share cost of ret·ep Mo'n fri 9AM 6PM CredJtCherk. No cnal-Btwn Hamilton Thurin pets ~t + 5250 '"'OEXPER '"'EC ··ho"olat" stor" ha;. tiomst. pnv. telephon1 ,..., 867· ·Olli -ty Dennison As so<' ~1295 _ CA.SHIEi & · " ·" · ' ' ' ' Avai .now all """ -+bonus.·2-4907.wkdys OVS'EWAlrESI l7Ult6.4~73 µtime po~1t1on a\aal Jlealonomics 675·6700 system. aX~d coffee exl . _67~7311 Found Blk Lab Rel 9-( AH I ' ACLES • r ~!Yan2rson PerYeor +lonuses penses • erox ava1 • 1 buy dastounted '!'D's, m~.her & pup. M1s~1on Appy Ill person rown GEN.OFFICEP · l'o exper. nec-lmmed MB>ICAL SUITE .QL_. II 714·833-1940 _ _ _ lusiness straight notes. t•lr. Ask Viejo 83Hl804. 551 b753 AQUATICS Applications Harilware. 1614 San Entry level position Le~ a I SI.' l' Y . t' x hinng. We st res:. neat ms sq. rt. front ground Near San Diego Fw\ & Opporlulllty 5005 for Keith. broker l))J:i are beinJ; arce~ted for M1gyel._N..!'.~ ~aC'h_ Good phone manner penent·ed I man ofhce appearance. floor. Barden ~etllng. Harbor 4 offices suite & ••••··~··•••••••••••••• 968-98.S3or962·'14 71 fOUHD: IODIOI ~~1~a~~in 'fo~tr~~t~~~ CHESS & GAME Clerical duties F'lex nr airport . Salan· t"om· --17..1!1!6~5-4. professional bldg. in top front office & recept Mobile P_owerWash _91>4·6146' & an ass't direttor of UHLTD '11l.:1~L975·()<112 ~~i~;c~~ a~; Cle.~r~ WANT ACTION• ~rel nat oaf cNceewpos s r1t0 BeHaocahg. ~1r ehea . tt2 b. a t&h fs & P~!'; ~~~;rt ~~n t e~~; WE BUY 2RdS fOUN o · Ger Shep, blond &quatks Spn1· n1 g&a npd 11or Speci a It y l(a me store ,w_an_;t_.;;~;.d_R;;.es.;;.u.;;.ll_s_64.;;;..2·.;;~;.7_8~~:.-;.·ft84;;_:.t.;;. :;__::::::.-!.....;:C::la::ss::if::ed::;;;A::ds::64=2-;;;56;.;L;;8• "' "' c ne e, air. urn · · · wlblk nose.. erect ears summer, Cu . has immediate opening ,. I Hosp. $1.25 sq fl Long avail.~ mo. 549.2923 avail. 1·533·4~2 - -GREAT SOUTHWEST Sl\.5:;~ .ilft 5 Contact Mr. Westhn~ or for entl)' level. perma. term lease a\'a1I. Also CM2 -rr -l45 ft-BEAUTY SALON : your CAPITALCORP Found . wh1"l" mal"' Ml!E;kJundq44·5404 nentruJ1timesalespos1· 38S sq. fl. prestigious bath. t 0 ices .. 1 ..,.0 choice of two Call now 6.7.1~4810 ' " .t.TI .......... FIRu lion. Game knowledge Westcliff area. Sl.00 sq . s orage ava1 . ......, Bkr 848 0709 Shepherd mix. t•hoke "''I.A"'"' ,.. and nair for sellin_g fine ft.00'650_1_ -~·3345.£.494_-31103 · · ----~ffmnfs/ collar. Vic Hamilton & EIPAHDIMG merchandise desirable ~RT 11: ... cH p ·-' I _'Dl_Jlrtti.._C_,_M..§42_:J~7. Neeamanagement & Contact Janet Poland. COST A MESA ~ •·-L..--1 w-.1.....d SO 12 eno11ws F d L b 11 Sales pttime & r ttime 714 ,,.,, 5021 E. orrice. split -. ......,.. Lost& FoUftd oun . a . ye ow . _..,...,,:.._ --1 & 2 room oHires from ••••••••••••••••••••••• male · Poodle blank Must be mature. neat & C""LD c RE T"'IN $185.Util.included. 12 of entirl' office. Suc<'essful marketing •••••••••••••••••••••• male : She~her'ii ; respon. Call Pal o·con-.ru A · " 2 Realonomics 675·67()( Kit {'hen + parking Entrepreneur see.ks top ~nts 510 black/tan. female : nor: (714)559·4930. T·F. YR OLDS. MY HOM!': $375 /mo. Non·smokers h I ••••••••••••••••••••• Australian Shepherd. 9am-12.____ _ CALLDONN...tL.~6.:!.~2. Laguna Niguel·Beautirul J?.[!f~rreQ..A.&;.!75·8170. dtec ni1ca assocdiate to Blue Merle. female.\. ATTENDENT. Assist offices-Receptionist eve op pro uc ts · N o-h A ~qOK 6315700 ewport rxal'. nima disabled pror woman 2 E ' ' k Secy. me ssen~e1 lusinessRentaf 4450 ·. ~ ShelJj!r,Ji{4·3656, D~s nor wk . 6·5·2357. xper mner coo. L & ax • .. ~ ~ flllme , ref's required. service. aw ••••••••••••••••••••••• r-..... 1 • L.b X h p---' 5350 ~ App y 1n person . 1 ary. erox, P onf C.Omm'! office spal'e on IRYnfwltftt ~s •-.-·------•! between 3-5(1m : Jolly ~i~?~ From s350. Beach Bl. HB w/excell. Opporiultity 50 I . 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••·•· Roger. 400S. Coast Hwy. · exposure. Very reasona· ...................... Atlantis MassaQe A.nEHTIOH: _l.,,;!Euna Beac.h,__ __ _ Prime Office Spare. ble ren(al-ll68 sq fl to LOANSHARK j "Operl24'hrsada1' Ambitlous boys and COUNTER -COOK . C.Orona del Mar. 1070 sq 3968sq ft. 847-2547 _ WANTED Brighten someone's day 7 days a week girls 10. t3 years old. to Pltime. F /lime . <'all for H. s u1 te S8SO I mo Prime Tustin retail space Need SI0.000 for 90 days with a Classified 69 Gorgeous girls t.o work one or two even· a""' . .:7S-ll~3 _ _ __ 675-9510 ff' I at your terms . Miss Pot-; ..... _ r-11 Qamper you Jacuzzi. lngs a week getting ~~ ----·-or 0 ice 65' on Y Srwrvram.. Sauna. Locals as well a:. newspa_per subs<'rip· DENTALASSISTANT •CdM dlx suite. AIC. am 730-~1Q....831·8W9 ter, 892·2254. or only $6.00 to u r i s t s . Ba n k lions. Transportation Part lime. Costa Mesa plepkg,S375utilpd.285! Evec. offire, xlnl N.B SoCalifSO your F..astermessage Americard. Ma ster and constant adult 641·3272 E Cst Hw 675 6900 "' S350 000-6 ~ 3 will appear with Charge, American Ex· supervision provided. · · · --loc .. copier,$225. · TDuysE ·OO.Od the-bunn)'.abo,·e press. Diners all Ca11 3to5:30PM,askfor DBITALASST/,RDA MEWPORT HACH 966-1779 /640-6215 yr, tst ·R appraise in the Daily Pilot welcome . 7141645·3433. Andrea, 642·4321. ut. A a .._-e y o u b e e n I at SI .500,000 + 40'< Ea S d .,,., ..,. ~rt Area ~EAN VIEW l620sq ft · share in investment CO on ster un ay. llltl!n .. ~81...C.M_ __ .,..., searthing for a reward 600 . sq rt, part la lly ideal for desl&oers. profits. Mr. King Call642·5678 and Coeds would love to party •-------•I ing career opportunity fuml!hed $540 per mo. artlst&englneers.Quiet m.1130 chargeil.Mastercard with you. Leslie or ATI'N.HOMEMAKERS whereyourcha1rsidetx· Newly redecorated. attractive industrial andVisawell'ome. $ylv1a. anytime . Do h fl pert.ise willbeusedlcap· Mullan Really540·2960 park.1001 W.17th, CM. So Calif$ Ooo '1§1·9036 hn~~oua~:n12:~1~75 ~~ efri1~~~?l~f j~~n w:s it n...1 2 d n ff' e 979 •533 $350.000 6uys ssoo:ooo 3 l:iwk deJl(!od. 00 time. share in the growth o( .,.. wte n oor 0 ir • yr, 1st TD-RE appraised ••E ... ., INTO R' h 800 sq ft, easy access on , --Linda o y· k·• ra 1c ~ thi~caring dental office. and orr S.D Fwy & lndllstrialbtltal 4500 at Sl.SOO,OOO + 40 ·~ ACTING • IC I$ 549:7! 2 Excellent benefits In· Wamer Ave. Ftn V.ly n•••o•••••••••••••••• share in investment Co •Noexp.nec.All,types 11!!!!!11--eluding medical In· 962-7557 N.8 .. 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. profit !I. Mr Kin I( •$25-SSS/day, 3·10 hrs. PHOfO MODEt.S surance plus a percen· n. or less. MlA ione. 50' m.1130 __ __ •Extra work in movies. ~'i'al~ \age or productiol\. ltwwu:~;-af ~~: sq. fl. Age n I to&.o. 5025 •lndu.,. training film. ,_J~ EVER! ~~RS To Place your ~~r·r tf auea~f~\d: Oraoie -co: phme of·,-4 O:Zt Sq Ft ...................... THI JOI SOURCE 6'9.Q207 "Fast Result" 6ff.g! · fice/storage space CtP. • d T 0 fa-OTTT (llam·7pml iOut.cilfl Service Directory •Dental Receptionist. 12 soo & 2780 sq. fl . An Wlrllda 2 n · · s 1 N part time AM. Ex bldgs. Fountain Valley O-l"'t1>Y~ RP $A $20,000-$150,000 fully SCRAM '[TS .e & ad .... Cal ow P.erienced, neatl mature. School District. P.O. 716 Ct offi ces. 3 ba, anx>rt. to20/yrs. Other "L &:,,.~= 642·5671 eiljo)'S nicepatentsina lbx 8510, F.V. 92708. Ms shower. wetbar. 2700 sq 2nds to $1.000.000. Apyts, IS 1CN1 J!J pleasant busy ortlca with Wieland: 1714)842-6651. ft renced ya.rd. For more comm'! & non·owner HlrWE ..... ................. ht. areal staff. Must be info phone 557-1300 da pro.ms. No bkrs. G<lS":!f Rivet -Sdlools& sharp, salary open. Claallied Ads6'2·5678 760-0378ev Brent:863-2611. awo..-PoUtv ....._.. 7005 !lml------•t.-~o. r . Ctn.\.er. You can be a Juat by sending us your name and address and by ~•tchlng for your aamt In the classlfled ads of the Dally Pilot. Win tickets to th~ ,circus, are1 -.muaement 1ttract.ionl or U>ortin& evenw. Juat rill out thll coupon and mall It tocray to the: allllfted Oepartmellt, Dll)y Piiot SM W. laJ SUftt, Coltt lleta. CA tml I' I .. I ~ I < :.e. ;N I • .. . : : : J" ... I .. ~: lb ·iio..- BILLS ' •••••••••••••••••,••••• ,..._ _____ _....._ ~. There's a lot of tr11dilion * * * Dlllf Plat ................... ·· .. : In my family. I have j~ . thlnp tllul have been Newpoartn~ach oassed down In my ram I· You are U1e winner or • (y for ye rs -BILLS. two free tic~l!ta ($18.00) ' Part time d·,, n...:\. ' Lott I~ 5300 value loUle • pe'10n to 'IWVer .u.i..y Pilot ....................... CllCUS VAIGAS au.to rou~ ln Lag. 8ch·7 days per.wk-~ lte1ch Vt\erana Stadium A.Pdi'M4 about 2 hrs pe r day, M·F. 3:30PM . 1 Oran,eCounty C!& c .. _ "AM , FalruoundaApril 1$•18 ""'t~... · 1 Tickela good for ,.loc1ed MUST LlVE IN LAO BCH AREA .. No , !1 ~~f~IK'~~ets. <·•11 u~· -$&18, ~ ~. 212 . :-00Dectlna· ~ '300 per month md ; '.n ~ mlltt c'lalmed up. Call .OU.ly Pilot, 642·4821-lve .... -.... : 6y prtl 15, l .-.. ...... I~~~~~~ . ac phone tor call t.Jt & iMtrwiew. ,._In town? Caualrlecl l CM ... JOU meet IDllJ ' o1 w needl. ea.ma •• " UIEMPLOYED1 NEED A JOB? Let us help you find an employer. The Dally Pilot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad There Is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, Aprll 18 In ~ the Dally Pilot & again on Wednesday, April 21 ln the Dally Piiot, lrvlne Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea- ching over 200,000 adult readers. Use the coupon below to list your job title, your quallflcatlons & telephone number. Mall or bring your ad to the Dally Pilot before Thursday, Aprtl 15. This offer applies to any person who Is presently unem- pfoyed. Not applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, housecleaning, at-home work or other servtoe type employment. · (Please print In 25 words or less) • I'•• ... _, 71..,,._. W9ltM 71H .,...-toH t6ulm111• IOIO rv • ..a.. : t•1ScllfCYdto/ ..._W.tM tltO .......... .. ..... "••••••••••••••• ••••"•••••••••••••••• ... •••n•••••••••••••• ........... ,. .... •••••• ........... •u••••••••• ................ • •••••• ..... ...,_ 1091 ~....... t I 10 ................. •••••• ••••••••n• "'C'~'l for pre ":11\'!""iIJ ~au•0,;:]:~· wnL~~ wl••· email uart ~1··,cr,ob1?J t"~"· it! ......... ~ ............ V~~;";i;o··1r~1tt:; WE. PAY ~ ............. !?.'.~ Or Coat DAILY PILOT /Monday, I 5, 1982 ~l .. ·~·"'"'i• .. •lon , .. 11 MIAlfbe-\oP. u , e w1uona.l work ..... _! ..... ,. • !,.•, 1.srow1ve Anten1na, u.oewonly4800mTiia " • ~•t VI 1 ,. " • uper'd let ap Htnt ""' ... -.. It~'"" ~· -n11~v 11 SIP n•t Extru lntludlnJ 38 1' r & :ncnm Of'l'tl\I ~71!& PAITTIMIWOU @.t1nco .~•Jl1t1er'1 "" ~fM·.~~~. o~dttsa:: -~ 714 1T1Jnth warrant) l'l49$ TOP DOLLAR UllST llUU. TIMI PAY Aj)patt . XI.iii pay. --•ncJOl)t ltln portable colored TV, CIJIJ48~ U\11 USID c ·•s r 0 t)' rtntal or "mprhr • l•Ul.,1 RONI': NT'L 1803 Hl"I , ., rtrnot• coatrol 2 yr1 ~750 Pfflil Xlnt """ "' I .. m l in Jrowlna N etlon al I U dt r ulcll rr Dr. N 8 1 • ...._~rWtlOJI old. $250 or offer Muit Hit' Best or ALAMM.A6NOM " " N. I s 1I0" teltphont m1rkettng 1' ...... ~U-.&llLS .;;~............... lJ21l er! cau John J1cobten PONTl .. C /SUlilU ctmEI IMW ' 7flT, 11 di ~d~ft.2rJ.uS11~~~ir11;d SAl.I.. ,,.._ •WW' would you Tih 10 NOW 1r1n Bt1alllen .omeone'a day 1.eftlUI 111 ln co11or. pona atll7 l.S41 bfr $ 141 me -aii:IDit6or &Tvif-wort on btl\1ll ot maJor Posi.tTOn~·.hlr de ~:~~~~f1t~noe: ~.w0oir.fi ft~~lttn11 wilh1Claultltd ble1Vll50.Xnt cond af\8 COSTAM tSA n.th~.'82 MA TBIAL ~ration. Ex ct II. lor l'ft>Q&trltll\& produr\I In ln rmvln. plcnlr!', plm Ul toc.11 . alio redwooo r..1w4,.11 1f0:.13~ Motof' Hwa, S-.1 lft.4300 J 4f.:1U1 ~-.~~! COMTaOL hovuw\y .. , f( a11p· ar'OCet)' atorH In yo.ur o.rtla. beach putlu, r..,clna Loweal Nlr• Toro0ly M.OO ~.,.. ... /Sfortlp f 160 U ~od~j, 'lmoe~f ~~! llitnnla lnCQrne for re· ll"fa. 14 h.r. Wiii train. Dl1a rmny oth(rthlnt•! au!(, Jim or 1' l'n your!a1ftrmt1111t JV mlnr-%ond ••••••••••••••••••••••• WI I y •till ivailable' we .ua~Y~1~~1llnll ii estate peoflt> ~tl'r• 9'3-3107 ~1~ w~_!d probkalb y anrt rnt·ZU· ~~':J!r::~~!~ 1485 Sff.· R • n .L 2 21• I u "r CLEAN CAIS Jpetlabzt ln European In le r n I. t 'o n I I • • ~~:ir.bfo'''P'~rtl Arso~!i S.lespenlOf:' for cblld-re-ne roru.•l>v e•vv1 wor na B~!~~~J 5000 uod ' In tbl Oal!Y Piiot -..... & ,.,.; n:otornume. s ps 8, set AND TIUCK S ~livery and f11wlou d~•miohl11ht1rowthoil intel'vlrw c•l l Mr atoro EKper onl,v . ~ft.FtCATIONS ~·tJ.~ 00£.atersundacl -.;.._... ;;_1.~iwk i l()r/mL prMWnedBMW'•· ~"J1~:;dl~~!1'lt.,n,r Mtl<lrlurill4~ ... ll7~ t/:;~'tie Pt~~i ~e!~t! r;' Ove11llye~i:.-to11faaed. ~~ ~~f~~::'urd ~ ........... o··,·o· Rf.NT 26 ft mo&.or home . ~~:g=:r.~! Int f~. • M11tcr1at ron 642·4114 ie lion..,. nd e· Ir and'Vlla 't.loome. _... 9 $1ps8. fully loaded 8alts·Servlrt·Lea&1 ng lrol i:IU~tvll!Or tr you Pill TIWI or~ ~rter achoo I und •••••• •••~••••••~!.l.~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• • --S.S·8616_ -B W. lat, Sant11 J\ruf iiaw,mlnl mum 3reur~ ij.fpm. Eip1aridlrit1 you th SALHSCTIY saturdaya. D"•"~O U b l J , T Ch ' k <714)83Hl'Tf control ~upervislon, wt openinp ror 3,5 hurp 1an1ted, go()d sense or 537.~ooor S3t·m? Start your arkroom lo· Wheelchair $25. Cull 714 Newport . •IPI 4, popuh1r e]!per.enr.-in ma erl41l <'OUnlfllng rirm hu Lite typfog, w~U or CAlJ.'rOOAY' AKA M 1 ea e u n 1 or ~ 78 oyotn 1000 Clos~Sundll,l' havt a «h1ll l\'n11in11 poal Otlt"olnf. mature nA.i'ple hurror person to assist day! With 1 Beseler _m~ mc:"4f7~. l',40 !117 ~H -. .. YE~ n.. Mott Ilea.&... lion avallalill' for )'OU to "mot ., .. 1 .. nmb..;i~lvt.ous sales and exec stafr.. 8AM to tOPM !!3(:11 enlargerJ ~nlarg-_ T~ L& ..., ~ ~Of y .. _., Appllcunts muhl havt 1,. •i.yiro't':' ... " ,.il112 •pm &t6-961j4 I m1 I~. aartllJht & r-vOl I ~ oo ·~ Tlo~_,,t9ht~· Iii Mi :.'?fl 8 ars •0cr porti ,......, ow txptrlenl'l' 10 working &4i'4.12i.e;. 343 AJ.ldor SAU:S filters, electronic tuner. Ol<l ulf .-s afe, $300 • -...,,50,g,157s700~e. 914~:.'A~:· 11 mperM IMW'-'c:INIHOr with on MRP bused .. _ .. '"a Sal R ,., t t t .J ... ILSI . vari~ e'5el& & every ~ £-kforU.''MCu L,..COllldle eumputer IO I t.'ll(rated nuur.. es epr.,..eo 8 ive 0 "' type or darkroom ll~· H hl . d ., f--11-T -· 9170 "" ... n manur11l·tunng systl.'m 1·-------•1 call • reader ad b11111 F.xper In a I kinds or cessory lma1in1ble. All Oorh am Ste r I 1 n a ""v.ilinasoc\'!!~~rYe~ uJ ~. ,.. • ., JIMMAalMO McLarttt IMW!! SlltPra3000bl• bexul)l'rn1ot'ln('me adne Peth ion c irr ul ~tor . "ve"'russ1anr~C'·0Munont1 ..,!,01.r9uamd. »Iterations. Mu51 speak In UC'ellent condition natwear service for 10 + -••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUCS GEN S., Or U... " l h W n F.rigllsh Od wages & Will tell llll'Jiackage on all accessories, Len(lx fatftr.Gl'M'l! Trailer, IS ' overull, 1811Tbe~~lll vd. I OWPIMaMPI ' dator~ Wt! urrcr eit IT P1'. S5 Sii r ork Spm uc + rom beni!flj.s.608491. I ~ 751 06"' C..'hlna De den Vose 'l'oronlyM.00 Beelin~, fully eqwp'd A H'"'"' NGTO . 'ti l •· l own lln. 840 ti!ll~ m s s 111 n co m 11 y TIA ll'~· · -~vet T 1 • '1· 8 rn so G ,, 1 1~1· your f.aster mtUllllt' doll' Call 675-8.46S 11ft v•• .1 N B !-;At: j • .. l 1:22 5 3 U =·~~ 1111~ ~eii0~~1~~ RECEP1'10N IS1' Front ~efits. w1ll lra1np N~at Pi/Tul~~VSST Doga 8040 Por~lams. + 54j 1917 w1ll 11ppe11r wath J!Pm_or v.knds HZ...10.0..Q ..u ~ • outaianding bt>nerit ore appearance. typ1n1t appearanC'e & iood 1 ~«•me P pref ....................... wknds/eves 540 113s6 the bunnyabovl' T~ Utilty tllO WEHHD ~ECOUHTY'S mtdiale rons1derat1on Ptnnysaver. 1660 T Clumps e MF Pt& ---onEasterSund11y ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUllXOTIC pack;q;e Fur 1m C...119608060 spelling essentlal Apply _rv_.-·74!4,Mi·1~. KEESHOND PuPfi ttKC. carol tntheDallyPtktl .......... ~T Subml.t r"'•u~ w11h t·ur HCErTIOHIST _Placenl_ia=C M enm.a court att.end~nt h ir p ' e . Crartsman 10" Rudrnl Call842·~78and Ulllil)' trlr , nev. .. all •tll'TISH C ... RS ~~ """ F --appbuttons are being 5 ow \ l p l ) · Saw t'abinet w drawers t I cx10 b k • "' rent salal') h1~tu11 lo as l & r 0 \\ In I? 5CTl.Y/Of M 'lt 3Ct'tpCed for PIT spnnc 21}.!_~_7-l.34S~{U.JLm~ ~i95:966-19G9 charee1t Master<·ard noo~§42.391;"mp, ' •. 1~-iJ AMF Sclenllhl' Dr1lhn11 pharmareu11cal com ~n t:raf>h.ir f>esfri P.'°m help & full tune i ummer AKC Golden Retriever ~ --ancfV1sa welcome lnt ern1Hion11I. lllOtl pan~ 0~5 ~ood t>P1M requires person with help.Contact Tennis Hu t I>UPli just In time for 81varnin ll andp111nt 19'dualuletrailer,good S11lfSSe 1.easml( Mitchell So., Inane CA ~!tr ~atu~eo";er~~~ good typing ofr skills at 81& Canyon CC Easter. Champ line~. l8"H1 Vuse (1920'!1) Ta<koKayak <'Orld.S650 CY"'tV~ f.7J~E:\ttn U1llWri~h1F Plea~cc1111~·3941. "ntinimumb 13 day wdk •!'+---.~;;; ______ ~~71iQ.~O . ~·t~~~d'Gia~r~·!t:~ ,J~SOl""a -~J-!!60! . -~ NJI e:spunsi 11l•es melu e ~ ~ S7 so t.'a ., FrunC'1sran '"'-_, Allfo Service, Ports JtOlfW. Coast llw}' R:l.15-flXE· · RECEPTIONIST lite bkkpg. heavy typ. 20 .... "'l ..... EES 6 w , " oz 1 trert, l'hina-Mountam Laurel '°::.M ....... -e Ir Accessories 940 Nev.~rt Bt'arh ~-• CO '*""OOl<»Cll> MObfl.S MHDED P lime -for sm l'Om mg. v.orlung v. 1th ven· tllUll" .. S S C 1 ....., .,_,..llK" 1"•'..o°'"' "'F'AS'RlONSJfOWS pany 4 hrs a da) LI dors Must have front MEEDIED v.Hh mom pop , 175. tereo onso e ,_nt 9030 •••••••••••••••••••••• .940:, $30·S55perday typing skills $4 hr Ac ofr appearance. good papers. blond & lite red. Sl.25: Polaroid 450+ At ••••••••••••••••••••••• !..Ile 19 7331. 10..,. rnlll'~. •SPORTING CATALOli ('Cptin_g appbl•allons at· phone ma oner. nun l200 721HM.2S AM 6<10-S280 _Lach S6S 54-5·3122:... M"co 6120 ATTINTIOM WANTED! rW'o\ l'Ond tht u·OUl As .J $11Xlper da) + l'IOthes The Gl11sb Studio. 2175 smoker Call Greta Wed i:_vtt._ wkn<lt. r Kenmore d_ryer $150 2 l"ish finder Brand rww MG Late model To)otas and sumP lease with low in •WORKSHOPMODELS Lafuna Cun)'On Rd · & Thors for 11ppt $1200 Male Golden Hetriever europeans1nglebeds v. ~1146·7~ OWNERS Volvos . Call us terestrate CallAnthony S75perday/weekend~ L I ~57117 puppies. AK C re · drawers$250.646·7597 Used <·rwsing mains;ul TONNEAU COVER TODAY'I! days 642 5757, evl•s & •ARTIST MO DEL Reslnurant SECR.ET ARY gistei:_ed_J~ 7883 Refng, S200 Twin bl.'di.. 10 oi. luff 42 ft. IHI 6 In Fi.L~ MG's. ·71 '81 wknds631·6630 SSOper day/portruliu T~CO HLL ~'or pulillC' relations 3 Llnso pups, up lo S2SO ,:100. Suzuki strl'el bike. $25(). Never used. $75 At NM any more liAiss,1tings 1s lookinR for Tun. part dEJ:t· Newport Ce nter Vanety of colors. ~-644·2999 673-5J40 Mana631·7797 Ive ms whil1!8, J.,1~0~0 ~~t':rior, oexp.nel'. types lune help, da.v or night \ · · A • Montht St--' 646~ · -----JOYOJ.A.YOUO ~ 'b WO~SOURC~ , vert1s_1ng gen<·y. r"'lf!i1d~Adii o un -~ -M.A.Aa. Doll loats.Power 9040 -sunroof, l'usse lli:, '1 llum 7•>m ~meportntunA1fit~1e,s,ror adva1! good typing . orgun1za ( ap1 vnncemt>nt •Poodles "R" People• tAO 63_1•008'2 s ••••••••••••••••••••••• LITE BODY WORK & 1tu....._1i.a ' AM l'M stereo ISK .o:. "' tional skills req Call •Noexper neC' T Cups Toy, $200 to ---r'-c =.. -· o T I '"1•M••• mtl es, Kint rondil1011 Ne w Christian Pre EB9Co~t v.·y,Lag lk h Jeri Turpin 6H -7S20 <Monthly Bonuses $500. Pets oOarded & AutumnHaze M1nkStole. 40 weru. ahlian, hve paint-up lo SO'. orr your ,.. .. ._t>OJerS40.t•U Resume payments school /dayrare need~ REST ... UR • ... 1 Dt~TI 1·4P~!. • Young People Pref Groo""'d 546_2848 perfert $500 080 While aboard shp avail Call bod_ygioJ? est 5~ 9832 36 director Harbor Tnnlty Pnntn· p"'erso"'n "& -'1'. 17 I 4196f.3555 W_ANT_ •• _E.....,,O --h-r-Fox Stole $300 0 BO L~ d Y4 :!. r 191 a r ~ emy 52.8 1143 or 857 64 _ Baptist C'hurch, 1230 h;astier. Enghsh sp;~k ~\\ ome or Days 833 1153 . I::\ t.'S ...... 4&i "'"'" am ,)j! Al..f'A ROMEO PARTS Tap Dellar 1978 BMW 320t. awto. new Baker C M For info I 640 709 SECRET ARY pedigree agle. l ' 1 yr 731-37S9 AU parts to cun\·ert tot ttres. a1r1 t\M FM cass. 963.3866 !fl&.OOLJ_ . 2 M 1 . Allshots,encyd Ndsl'o -. -·1s 27•,ft BAY LINER Pa1·d XJ.111rono $8500 6457687 RETAlh SALE1 ~o~~a~l f O\'~!t~~nt~ TRAJMHS I 646-8U9_. -----2 Qilor lV's 595 & 512511 "V1rtona" Fi) br1d11e. ~1~00on~0 s';:~C'eDen('~I~. 1~ BMW 2002 I blue I MUISIE~ Alb ES N h ... fi I S II Learn a s\Of/ 11et ex Ujlnghl Val·uum S2S A VlfP' radio. bait tank. For Your C.ir' " Nee<rall sfiilt s Can earn ewport esign op "'l<'e in rvrne I ma th A I C~ Shar Pti xlnl 646-1.525 2748 after 6pm or Reblt eng leather inter S61 "'I .... r 8 hr.• 1·1usl Wallpr. girts & a_('~e55 office v. 1th a mce work-penen('e in e rmy M Nrnc. 4 mos 54'6 1395 ---, deoth r1nder, outriggers wknds JOHHSOM Ir SOH elec." sun roof lov. mi. "' "" ·' " Sal l t Resene After training =--~ --"--Ori" Sa tchmo Lero> wilh trailer Will sell ---•'--11:; ha\e Hper & rer'i. es. re(·ep11on1:.. t tog r0\1ronmen our sene I v.eekend eal·h AKC Labrador pups. 9 Ne~man Serigraph balanl'eortoan WT D v.rerkt'd ._ Mtrcu7 new ures am rm cass l.eHoulie Nur ~e !> mm• duties Heqretatl lhtOC A1rport t isseek rronlh p)u5 tv.o 14 eeksl v.ks. shots. going rast. i'81 300 \'alue S~.000 <.:all6462M3 VW68 71 Bug 26216 arborBh Mint rood S5995 Reg1:.ll) 351 llospllal: s a I es e' Per . "e II lnft a seC'relaf') to assist eaC'h )f'ar Ea rn extra ~one for Easter SISO ur.111 •oll for $4.000 •'all ·--------1 uo..1t.7• or ~·'6_ ._,., .. -' J&r.;ta Mesa 540 5630 631·~1 aft ?J!m Rd Ste 119 Nev.~rl groomPd. & pcr,onable tht.> adm1n1s trathe as· PX " ~ ~ ~ .. ~-"'.! -"""" Be a c h . 'i. 2 9 9 • SS so hr start 8 hrs d). 2 .. J s1)tant in pt.'rformmg rrone(j>. · rcllrE'rlll'Ot 197~968·1366 Joan Cook 752 9036 I --Premium pnces '77 320!. auto a l' Black "~ " d k I d ·• S I I d · bene IL\ Call toda\ for ---16' Wood V Hull Boat" 1th paid for llO) ust'd <"ar with tan inter Nile rar 540-~ }1> w . inc u 101;; .it \anous t' enca ut1e~ rmreinformalion · &>aut full l'C?aled Corker. Gomam Merhnl!., ~ l>el JS HP E ' inrude 111 Aufolfor Salt <roreignordomeslll'I 32 N pt•rrro ~0-9193 Must l>l>E' 55 "Sm. NO lluntingtonBl'h~28821 Burr, AKC. l·hamp tings .!25 pl'I. :s1htor water Re:..1 offer :'i!u~l •••••••••••••••••••••• in&.ood rondillon ~.642· 20 • ursing Salt.'tl S H rc-qwred an wall be la Ana 5S2.JJ.13 rather S y ri. $ISO Scroll . S600 Slerhnl! I sell immed. 615 7j74 -IMPORTA NT See Us First, '74 BMW 2002. good cond. c.rtifi.d Nurws ·1 Adnrtisitlq Scites ~:!"~~~r~~~5e3:fs·1~~ T-R-"A"'\'~EL~AGENT Mm 2 497·3S43 s~ ... JlOf'a 646'8223 14 llo~ton Whaler ·111 NCYrlCETO AC sunti 4 spd stereo. ~ & A.idg . ll1j!hqu:ifilv11T\enorde cqmpml EXC'el op }r..exper.mll5tbe C'om FrfttoY0ta 8045 FamilvM..bershi.P. j 25 hp ~:11nrude. xlnl READERSAND S5500 bst urr 17 14 1 ::;i3'>hu~~p1~ 11~1\·{~\1 j i.1~n a.nd 'art'li1lel·ts portun1l) for quahf1ed puter trained In lol' ••••••••••••••••••••••• rorsaf~JOHN WA\"'Nfo; ~hnpeS420Ull407814 ADVERTISERS ~~7 F::irorou11AsS493061 publaca11on needs 1od1,1d.all4how1sbesto !'>523052. 552 1995 art TENNIS CLUB Sl400 -The price or items ·~~·•n•••Dahm 9720 eu>.. '>!.:: fnerget1c salespeople. l'l'JOin the work force SPM_ '74 COU~IE~ C ... , Please call week dny& T,wlrl Dlestl advertised by \'l.'h1rle Nursmg Youn!( l'Ompan) Good Good startino sala~ x-"' l:MLSQl.4 RUNI 33 E C-' dealers in the iehirle "197••6••D•a•ts••u•n•·s··:1·0··2••d•oo••r• h h " TRAVEL AGENT Fl't.L !l)t; strippe ou haul =""-"--I~ rwstr dass1f1ed adl'ert1srng ' NURSES AIDE ~7:~~l)' + h~nu~~e~ Int cor.ipany beoe 115 TIME. Sabre trained, away! 536-983.2 Old pocket wat rh $t35 IOO hrs. · hov.er. 2 IJ! 1·ulumns does not in· w11h an. eC'onomH·al 4 Exper all shirLs Conv. 2J3 ~·41SI ~11Ahre7S2-8258 for an must ha\•e 2 yr~ ex per Duncan Phyfe dble leg 5t.1terooms. radio. ell' elude an) appliC'able speed trans . radio & H N R h interview Call 494-9741 Wf'Cktlys. 11:...-1.A..-805( table, SIOO. Old ~anlty •c~rl~)'CSuSnO;,~~:.'!:p1°1~>.",' taxes. hl'ense. transfer :!8AB ll;nt~11 Blit1 heater Very r le an '. osp ' w p 1 · l' · SAL ES. r x Per f or Metropelltan ·An E.0 .E 496·5882eves, wknd~ ~ stool. S20. Chord on.tan. ""'" u ' . a rees. rinance char1tes. <~RJH> Yours for JUSI Cheerful. ded1C'aled, to needlework shop . San ....................... n r.. 548-4727 or lrul·k In trade M1ghl r~ for air pollut1'on C'OO r .. ,,J \11·'·' ~10 l)l.~I S2m9 Earle lke Toyota· l?d pvt r~re .~Int ins Clemenle 675 H !J l . Wa1tresse:. waiter,, day rov--'--holllll'l'lial.6466712.0f. ·~ F IJ d C s I l!.1"9Uam Cn ll 642 80<14 IOAM·S :lOP~I Tut< Sat c;Jr:;,..~ET~Y sh.lrl. NB urea lmmt•d * * I BUY * * Rancho San Joaquin Rue·. 629 !ilUI trot de,·itl' l'ertiriralions in e se ar 3 es . ' '"s~k I I ~l'OIOf Le s/\m1 s c""'I Cl11b m"mbt'rsh1p or dealer dol'Umenlal) 1966·1!1'70 H3rbor Blvd. Nur.>mR .""E"" ' 5 an sa aryd Good used Furniture & "" ' · 1972 I" fl S'port•. l111er h -Costa Mesa 646 9303 ·"""-' N acrounting buckgroun 3100 uula Appliances OB I will ouple $150 Da n r3b1n~ Hfl Ill' )terl', preparal10n t' arges un Wl!IUY 5409461 . LVN F.nJOyreadinj!ThePen he!I1ful 714645-4414 WAITRESS WAITER sellorSELLforYou 54g.9866 _E\CS 7512148 ~'dforr1·.h1n" Xlnl ll'!lsother"1sespenhed L'SEDCARS&iRL'CKS ----n)'!iaver• The Reader AskforCht'nl a ,.. • l.!,)lhEU1dvert1ser ~ COME IN OR ___,, CoO\ Hosp C14pOrl ad dept of The Pen Secretar) Part time. w l'ar for v.1cker basket MASTEISAUCTIOM --l' S-i,UOOOBO • ....................... Beach Pos a1111udt' & nysaver 1s arrepting ap rmnagement ronsulttng lunch sen 9 JU I 30pm, M.M.6&6. lll·..9.62..5. L'lcers Try AllerOJl!l.'I 832 03S9 GeMrol 951 CALL FOR srfi1 les needt•d X Int p!icauom. for full-tune olfire. xlnt typing ~k1lli. Mon tr1 Earn $150 SI 7S fRoreg__ s.1ctfJo.~!,., Sµcrial 7 a.....£. .,_:1 9060 •••••••••••••••••••••. FREE A.rrRAISAL benefits Call 6-12 804~ sale~ pos1t1ons <.:tea r preferred. knowledge or ~kly Muat be neut Ji!O.,.. .,.,.,,, ~ -Corm1 t'r DeLillo r,~1:~ah1:~1fra1~~0~h~ =u7Y t"e~3s~~:l ~~ ~~~b'1rt& ~~~~(·tf~~r Maho~ ~\h bed ..... , ~-.J.. 1013 ···is"1j;:·oiMGHY··· 182fi~~~~?r~t1vo Office/~art til'!llf f.'t'opert)' ~himt orrlce in Dana Point Ot'Cd~ ,l(uod ·~ r1~t. arrurJte v. 1th r.~ures lo v. ork 10 pleasant 3 girl oHll·e 2 lla\'S d v.t.>ek Satan based on t''lpt>n~nre 1Min1 mum 3 1 e .i r' 1 643 Q212 GENERAi. o rr1n: hel p needed \"aril'l~ or hl(hl duties Mu~t ht• ),(ood with numbt·r' l'an lime. Call fur app l 979-07.ilM~ IOAM OFRCE/P·Tirnt R E -ofl1c·e needs P T help. 14cal for rollegt> studant IO 2 daily\ 5 day wk ,.,,UST be n• 1abll'. resp{ l!d phone manner. wet groomed, non smoker Call for 1n terview between 9 5 da1 1Y.c 675· 2311 For Ad Action Call a Dai~ Pilot AO.VISOR 642-5678 ( <. basic reqwrement~ \\'1; penenre & employlTlt"nt ~ v.1th mallress Moon Mtn91Swn F"ibt'r)Cla~secl & v.11h ~· lll'NTINGTOI'\ BEACll will I rain )'Ou lo .i'~1st h1~tOI') lo \rmlech 1300 sh ped r h d· ••••••••••••••• •••• ••• • oar"'\ C'Jll 494 3202 our customers 10 rom DO\(' St Suite 200, --------•1 OO:rd mir or on ea I 'ew Martm gwtar._5hure .i9 Do 311 , , .oo _ 847-6017or ~in.It their ads Appll' :-tev.porl Beath. Ca ~OBO 631 7797 fl 6j 1t11C' v. stand & flooder ' v.ne.ister .Lui ... SU-3331 1660 Plai·rnt ia ,\,(. 92600 WORD a a11!.(l,il250 851976S ler .1ulU pilot. \IH c \1 PROCESSING .. -. rad111 a lean StHi ooo · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Exp prer Q) x ;4 Order 1 . ai Sofas nev. S98 e.a It Offic• FM~ & i I I 6 :! 8 II I 3 fl flnW!ten someone~ da) Autos, Imported Sales SECRET AR y prores)ing & phont'' lo1t•St"als. S88 ea \1.il Eqtipinent 8085 I 714 4!lti 6246._714 1~ li!>4 v. Ith a Class1f1ed ••••••••••••• •••• • •••• • M.AXE A IUCK Stat typist. f1nan1•1al In int FUrn Mf£ L';,11 tresses $39 957-S708 ·~···•••••••••••••••••• ;,;· S;ulhol Ku int 1111' I faster-Grom!! GeMral 970 I ~~T~ER~ statemenL~.tai.retum~ Ell540889-I NB d 1 h f NB m>llel hol'Tll' De~k ivmpli•te.I :ic111ri11l',rl -roronl)S600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Thn nae e.• 1mo• l)pe 70 wpm. 10 ke~ I mo e ome 0 l c:reden1a c·ha1r OrlK "iii c k •alt• S"G 111111 'our Easter messagt· ' "' '' 'J E d desk r reden1a. c·hr ~l""" s~tt'-v1 57<. cw"'2 ~ • • -C1rrula11on Dept cur .xpenence rt•gu1re Ono Sl600 .• 011 •uO<I 'l.°""• ~ _.,....,., ,, •n 644~1W v.1llappearv.1th ~ II h 110 ("" Non~mo kl' r Sa I a r) .............._L-~ "' J~ ~ the bunm abo\•e rt.'fl ) as posi 0' ,,.., n SI J011 mo CPA r. rm ......-..-If 67S.00l2 WORD ,ROCESSOR 13 Sherv.110d " 1rail1•1 . 1 10 the Dai~ Pilot .-'n s lt I e ~ th .i r i e Id I I I •• •• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. -X e r o ). 8 S o t •.· P I n " "nod i·1m1I .,,,.,. represrn1at1\l' 'ou'll U.Sta~esa CalCaiut' .a.-'&.-8005 'f ~ ~ 1-• "" 1 •• "''""31 on Easter nda' eam an hourly wa ge + 7}4~ l™tl -".,...... ... c oe system, manua ~. tape~ .,.. 04 I Call 642 5678 ana ••••••••••••••••••••••• 49 58 rome ases, & suppht's l'nder 14 arr , h 1 u 1 ,, c renerous c•omm1s~1on~ $ECRfTAI] HI! glu.'lslop WasSl400.sell Mak e 1orrer 83:12124! All 16J!~·~ . d I' a1e1 ... asen•aru .. Ir~ ~vm !lpm Frir GICL has 1mme open 4 Pt' matt'~ liilllv bdrm $700 Really l(Orl(eous wkd.>s v.oo . ·•P uee an --an_v.·1.~u.w-el.C'o•me-mlllli m.i re in ° P ea~l' c·a 1ng, hrs 8 JO to 5 30 foll set. inrludei. S beveled 759...:0000 -Maho11any All rigj!ing Bnghlen someo1w s t1a~ 957 2J6I, Ext 1204 benefit pkg. requ1rei-• • * plw; extra mamsuil All with a Cla~s1f1ed 65 WPM mirrors $1295 ORO Xlra·IJ!. Kira firm C'erta l~~fftdoia 111 good ronchtiun $750 ~/ fa._ G 11 S~LlS~Mr-.MT 's>l·aptmagnd S H 100· wsop~e. ~1 ·7Zl.4 lwn w frafl'l'.!. xlnt cond 0 OBO Jim 646 3m1 CIOssics 952 r''~ ·, rS6am .. II I t ""' "' t100_ Maroorie 64.0_5585_ _ x 1174 • or on ) 00 ea t ntion c·orp b1hngual prer but nol FALUROOK "--... -Costa Mesa a.....£. ""I-/ •••••••••••••••••••••• your Easter ITlt.'S~age looluniz ror ambitious. nee Contact Mr. Uyrne .a...M-... Sh Des11rner furn SI 1gh You are the wlnm.•r or ~~,.... 9 70 MOOR "A"'! \\Ill appear Wllh self molivatt'd people to SS&-3!)0. _.,..,..._ ow Lowry clesk + chair. two free tickets 1St8 ll01 ~• 0 Shay replicas. p1rkups lhebunn' abcJ,e manage & :.ell nutri Clftd Saa. Hammer 8' sora. rusl \'&luetoth •••••••••••••••••_.•••••+ & rotipt'S 4 lo rhuos in the Daf~Pllclt lional produrts 3 pos1.1--------,\pnl8.-9. IO 1982 queen s11r~11.Q_ 4!11 ~OJ CIR~Se t~~ ... s BOAT SLIPS AVAIL from' 10067681 iStk 00 Easter ndad lions l\'all From lku•rsll A'1 7P'1 .. ,. Newport BC'h. ?O' ~".' ~m>·S40.000+ioyour SE£R[JIDY .~·Priz~s " 2m<'e bwlt·in desks m Long aC' \eterans 21r.ao".J3".l4'.-40i.5ii· A:m:ll Pnres starting Call642S678an first )'ear "'ith the M Fallbrook HighSc·hool one Pt«e 11' x 2' 3 Mir Stadium A_pnl -114 67' &42·464~ 9 !!Pm at C'harge 11 Ma~terrarcl rastest grov.ing heallh E 1 P . d · W O RD SouthMibaon ron.!L.x_:~L~2...:89~2_ OrangeCount' -'-' OHlYS9,995! andVlsawelrome <'Ompan) •n the nation PROCESSING typist. 1atStageCoaC'h) ELEGANT FairgroundsApnfl5 18 For rent ~hort mooring Call Mr 81ssoo . prererQyx e4 Order Oonat1on $1 50 SOFA&LOVESEAT TicketsgocxlrorseleC'led uplol8 S.10mo NB 546-1791 proC'essing & phones Sponsored b_y T d I I h d performances &is 7474 --In Ille F\lm Mfg Call Fallbrook Music Sor1et.> ra 111001 in po is e To claim t1rkets c.all ao· UDO MOORING NOTl~E EH .. 540-8894 J.s to..!!w176 :tonv.dl~~ofgillows. 642·5678. ex t 272 With 22· Thunderbird hov. Dally P1 ot Class-t--••--·--~---t CQI\ .. -·~IL ---Tickets must be claimed thru hull 673 7444 lfit.'d ads di splay their WOOD·BURNING Walnut dining table 6 b> Apnl LS. 1982 rres:.ages v.1th leg1b1hty SerY ~tGI Mcar & gas cook slo\le. green. chrs (C'ane brk 1. burre1 • * • and impart' Our ads. E\·ening slurt. 11'1usl be ~able 497 2246 _ S600 Great <'o n d -- -TraMpOttatiOft we arr proud to sa'. re· e1:/':.r APPLY SH ELL _...__.ClltCH IO 1 O 67S.7lll6_ _ __ Exer 6' v. al nut desk. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ally get results J)hone S ATION. 17lh and ~••••••••••••••••••KI NG SZ Waterbed C'ha1r & 6' credenza r-S•/ 642,..56i8 lrvin~l Brh. __ W h d f /f h db d ht 645--01~ or see al 330 ~a'...;..a'r!'' •' 9120 as ers, ryer, re ng. w rame. ea r t r Z!bdSt. CM s_a_tlSun 9j '""" 1Vs. Guar Also trade. Xlnt~n~llt5~-5468 · -••••••••••••••••••••••• ) ) buy.worltingt>rnol Solid oak htadboard for OUTOFBUSINESS ALASKANCAMP ER 859 0682 Desks. <"hairs. equip With Boat Rack $4 00 . double bed, IO excellent """' t c•9 11"4 coo 1201 VlTA MIX condition $75 Aner6pm """n ,misc.-!"_. ~ '""'~ JwC'er & breadmaker, 979..al8 Gorgeous exer. desk , Ca mper Shell. for 1m likenew.S35Q.SS0·09JB_ ------~--.-cre<lenia, conf, table. ports St ork land 2 Cu~tom ma de twin bookcases. bar & more ribcrglass. nu, sac S32S THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2000 HARBOA Bl VO COSTA M£SA 041 OOiC JEEPS CARS PICKl'PS Crom S35 lha1lable al local Gov't .\uc:lions For Direct or~ Cul l ln'>.QJ'7 6000 F:x I 8430 C a II refundablt ·~ CHEV, Power-Ghd;t Alfa RORo 9705 good condition T ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• highest bidder ~-5001-1 Alfa1600 '68 Mustang Vl4ou C0ttv..-iioa? PRIMO CONDITION All parts to ronHrt 101 Eves Scott552·75~2 1600 lo Velore. ext' -==-----pistons $1400 979 2748 19SO &>ntley Mark VI. after6.J!morwknd~ 90'. restored. SI 1,500 ---- '!.14tSSG· t~ IMW 9712 i~!ii~eese~er;ifs· ~~~. ~:~~f~"~ ~fg'h~ A!ntcood. SSl·9765 -960-f1885 SIOO.Both 2yrsold,Klnt sland$2S. IBM Correct,ing Selc~"72 Ford F·350 with Wiid. 85fH306 dy I v 8060 trk dual pitch. lS lO <"hassls roount c:amper & Ken El h & Honn c.arriafe· xlnt <'Ond $750. all xtras. 33.500 mile~ rrore ec. wall er ....................... 67S-73l J68§!l l..Jo.l'.d640·4199 dryer. Xlnt cond. ~00 Stakes producing mare, . . .. ~ -- both 64S·5424 aft 5.30 blaC'k-type, in foal to A<"· ~1 Executive. 72 x ~~c,~t/ •NTBD Tndls ••••••••••••••••••••••• 191K> Toyota 4 X 4. 27 orig mi loaded. pert <:ond 84JW.>L '63 Chevy 1 :i ton, 6 ryl, new running gear. rrotor. clutC'h, brakes. tues~. 675·9072 ( (---co;;----) ) 'NeWspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EarnillCJS • Super Trips • Great Prim • .. CALL CIRCULATION ,W RTM~NT llilyPlat. 642 .. 321 I ~ ---qultarlat Delaware 32 'hS 125 · Adding Sc 9150 Signature Frostless Chief mare.In foal to Ac· Mac ine (tape) S25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Refrigerator.S22S. qultariat. 2 yr old Gff.1Z7l. .,. 1974~0HO~ 4 Delaware Chier rilly Office desk, S drawer ~.. I ... f ----'=-'Z!'-"-----I from stokes produrlng 1ritb executive ch1lr and ,,., eel e a ... ~at 0 er S m 8 1 I 1 P l s I z e mare, in trainina. YrJ. · 2 customer chairs. top -=:.:.:11""4~= ...... -- ·75 Toyota. Lng bed. Gd rood. See to appreciate. l2500, Cail 642·5701 - refrigerator,. $100/orfer. Ing Acqultari1t foal cond. All for St.SO 2 S '78 HONDA. 750·F blk, 4 ~l·:il?S from stakes producing drawer file cab. like new U1 I Kerker hdr rhrome '72 Datt. P. U. Washer, clean . SU tMrt. Con be seen al · ~ea 8,000 orif miles Mint v.·lule spoke rims. ultra n-. 1 d f clean. $1750. Keith .,..,,er,gas,cean.S'7S. Hamoo'sStock Farms. 7&40 con ISSO 1rm 546-1'$5 Stave. full size. SlOO. All 37613 Esplanade Av .• ....._ 1017 ~7·1MS M l90d. ~·448S Hemet. !213)597·7013 ,-aa '74 ya u 7""" XI I '66 R ~ •••••••••n•••••••••••• ''"' "" nt c ea11 .-c HARBORAREA Stuben Siegfried Extra 32 FRENCH LOP baby $700 Must Stll GR f:Ar 289 Complete y reblt1 APPUANCESERVICE uddle. xlnt cond. buonies. $20. Ci111u. will fillX, · _ new falnt. Battery. raa WeaelJreeond .. guar. a.crince1 $450/best of-bold for Easter HARLEY·DAVIDSON star er. SU951oUer HJS>Uances. ~11-30'17 re r K m 831; 216 Knuckle B11kft case. .. - _.... IOll {!l!!QI'!@} "-"&OnJ-t IOtO mo s t 1.J_ orl g 1 n a I '79 ToyOla SR5 shortbed. ••••tt••••••••••••••••• Jawtlry 1070 •••••••••••••• .. •••••.. SIG00/080. air, snug top. SS.000. .AUCTION .............. ••••••••• Pl AN 0 w I b e n c h ~ --~ Ind fin Ar ill i cu. Dlamond earrlnpJ 14 Pt. Ernst/Munck. Recently 'I> Suzuki 750E. flOOO mt, Classic '58 Chevy PU, Western Americana , treed. 141< ,Olo, S1'75. ll!ne!L l§01?.MMl62 extru , must sell. btit l2500 obo. '89 Ranchero Colleclablea. Also UDri&htPlano-Asls Has f · • --PUSUOOob9,M2-3311 Authentk Indian Tor· JOHN WAYNE TENNIS Nrih Nds finishing Uttle old lady must sell ..__...__ W__...__,. tStC quoiM&SllverJewelry. CL\JBMEMBERSHJP • . . '78 Ya!Tl~ba YZtOOE . ---Hun&inaton Beach Inn. · · xln\ COftd.JaS. 11'19·11M2 ...................... . 21112 Pacific Coaat Hwy. . . Mlt IOU · y b DI l ~ WI MllQ YOU• Huftlington Beach. Misc. for ••I~. Plants , .. ••••••••••••••• ••••• ~X 1~~ rd 12g GOOD USID Cil! Wednesday Eve. As>ril 7. 0(), Br Jet f1S, stereo Pr. RGNJpat Ski!, bind· Call•~ ron · • Xn"Ytllfna consiaertd: 7:00PM. Preview llPM.1 100-. .~1/lboot, szas. ln· --~i....--tfTtthru 1980 Don McLeod. Auctioneer iStere<> lfl·f'.I $50· Pini ' '*>HON'DA AT<;-70 ~ 2131t47·M 1 1 paoc llblUZO. ' S, ......... lff• WITH !XTltA T~~.~f ~ .,.. 1010 ....................... . -.-....................... Gamea video plnballs, Wl.ATHER8Y Rlf'LES • Hahda Trail 90. DO MOTOCROSS arctdf. 37 total tlaaalct, '25lm, IOOm • 171m Nit. NO/offtt , Bike, IOl>:d roc1d, s1eo. 111Lia11tt. Sell •! D11 Xlpt qpd 1$\·rlN MHlliimMM llt.atoa 110 P.l!mr. K..,l.ffioop'1ca&he IOVATA 10 ~ ...... Alllel ... uueu (Ip. . • ll(fA., "'' • _, ..... ,..,ui., ="aiA.:US"'d C::'lu!\~Glue Iii ••.M= CIH ·-rohl . ' 1982 MODB.S HERE NOW! • i8 280'l 2~ 2 auto am rm air C'Olld A I cond IOK rru P P I ov. ner $8000 W1ll lrdde 5411·4282 '78 21012+ 2 . s speed'. am rm . air. s1l\'l'r lo m1 l::Xl'Cllcnt l'OOd Mu~l sell 714 9S7 0:,90 '71 Datsun v. J!n 510. 11e"' paint . runs i:reat. new ~tcreo Sl500 best ofr 546-5976 ~ 9721 .............•......... HEW DELOREAN I •060571 $24,950 HONDA SANTA AHA 3'>1 W Warner -540-1430 '725 ...••••.........•...... ·91 850 Spyder 11ev. tares. C'lean lOl . am rm l':JSS . sound eng moo o so Bob SS J.li8SS '80 X19 Fuel 101 . AM FM. cass mags 34mp.&. j680() 831 8330 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE'RE DEALIN' IMMEDIATE OWVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA Paris l Su vkt Open All Da.y Satorday 301 W. Warn,r Avt II blk. Wftl()f Main I S.7431_ ' .. -..hirW ._ W ..._I 11.W lmflt'tH 1•11114 ......_ ... ,rtM Mlw.UIH . .._.UIH ....._VeH UIH ......... 1............ •••••tt•i•·······, ..... ·········'············· •••••••••••••••••••••• ·········'············· ~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... t7J7 ...... ,.. '740... t744 ,_. t1IO TtfMe t761 Y•s 1c1 • t77G MC ttOI C1•11 tt I a..... ttJO ....._ • ttlZ ...................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ...................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 1 •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.--;.~;;r ••••••••••••••• ;:JIA.c ..... _._, ....... , ... .,, '14 Poncllt Cabriolel ttu Toyota Corolj• '1l •r Bettle, rebtl 'TlCrtmlln, runt 1d. AC. 11 BWrtt.a a.ooo ml, 111 '•CONVERTllLI -~ ' ...., .. ~. arlrlrl· ild . II••· O,.w SU.MO W11011 . Autom1t c: tD&.IMWptlnt/l.ll/brkl. AMlntll•" Nd.uome ~9Uon1 • moonroot "1'1ChlvV1n, crul•e.011r, VI. aiM arr 1hat • ..... d\n>nlf p1lnt, toon.111, '131$U tr1n1 • radio. heater. 1001 1 ' rian1 rot lil1ldt dttalllna *7~0 111.«XIJ>~·BaOO llterto. C'Pll IMOO BO • 'MW...,,... nr.•1 brt. W>hOI • rtblt lftl. 'ft 912, AM/fM rut., al· "* rark 6 en ea rep moo/bit.of 02 •.J3f~ '71 Sfdan DtVlllt. 1lnt 9 -"l'9 Muatu1 Ollie Turbo, s 1pit-;-arr.-Hireo <:om" 01 lm· mur h much more . ~.coodcoed ~•tot· ~r!l 1°11e~f'c4~~d01~,' 'IO~c... ,.,. ttl l'Ond. ss.ooo By appt.Cllryller ttU 22.000 ml. 1tnt cond1 t'l!IMttt. ur(JJIOO -portt Olrtt'\ ,alt and 80 12.~f44:12U ~tr ToOYer eo!IOOSR Ori tr1dt f.t;(fe \te Toyota.f ine S 1pte:d;--1T1', AM H'M ••••••••••••••••••••••• M0-4221 Len ---••••••••••••••••••••••• . '7~1800 wlldya. gt.fJ mos 1tntlblef)'mtt.,.,.. t110 Ot ota Sprk·UP tJud ~ll ' 5 1 111 cUMtt.le.PQ!>ml.Show ·11Cenllu')',4dr.ntatc 'II EIDorado, 11 new '73 Ntwport I owner. v wk ,. A~. 4 dr, s apd. D I 1 I 2 l o r ........... •••••••••••• tJll t•trro Harbor Blvd . roomclun. rorffd ult W. Ve. air. 1terf0, ~ 9.000 ml. Sii 500 pp New tJres. Well main· O..wt.11 illvtr, air, atereo. 71'/MERCEDES 11 m * ltlOPOISCHI .... Cosla Meu 8'8-IS03 ~ ml. like new SIOOO &60-Wloi:.ft4: M ,.__wma::7i'S or 113'133.33 tJ4 TUllOI ••••••••••••••••••••••• )41). '74 W...W. -''TISEVILLP, ._._ • ...._ 'TtMBZUC$1. Wl\111unr00Cilr rond . .uAT .,8 Celie ntw palnl 5 CAlifl>tlt ·eus.-Good c.e.c ttll Lowmi.l'lean.18870. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Loml ma whit,!)~ f'tr. A&tm! UACMUO. SILICT10Mt ipd Atf /fM lltreo. eond. rully e_qul..e 'd. •••••••••••••••••••••• 9S5 16@__ _ it Ghia, Uke ntw In 41 '· "·-.:n OMLYSU.tlOI Sed~1J0~;•wtth t_~od cond 13200. ~M~\J>(CJ5j_·~3'7 COMTIMPLATIM• '7'SectR••ll4t · 7t ..... 2 .. ~ Ntw motor. WOO 'M ~L Cl1ult\ both HOWd~Clll11......... ions [4 .. ~ ~ml '13 Super Blette amtrm 1 CADILLACJ Clun, we equSfi'd ~ ttJS CVTLAH -Sl!PREM E ~I •421 topa, new lira. i>eaut ·0ove/ aHStt llllft>' opt 0 c .. ...,., -owner, like new. OOd w, apecfalfu In euea &nsicd •sooo 1 200 BROUOHAM1.14700. Nt."VIPO TBEACH ·arroml •rt avallablt now "'/9Celk1GT.1reatrond, ll .$59 O ror Ille buelntu u ~ ""'· m · •••• •••••••••••••••••• _Mueotrer752_·Mn_• 'ITKARMANNOHIA _ _..,'Uk ~ xlre1 . JSIOO Sloe _ .. , fl t 1 ~ 19710.....Cott Gdcond. 150 ,.,_ • ~w .. ,0111. Hl-0111 OIAM4tl COAST ~ S9CM 'T3Suptr Beetle. new L835 '"""Vt pro Ha ona '72 Cllil. run~ xlnl, murh 111e1 re&~ air.· oTI. &OOd '67 Cuti au Supreme -----=:986::<..:::u perf. .~Y. ~. runnln& ' ~ racin1 tutpen•lon. ..... SfttctkNt recent work StOOO r1rm tra111p. l500. Body & ens in xlnl rond. ~o.u1 lt7' POHCHI AMC~-V .. w_,.. t770 ~/bat 2.f!._6U:..*9 Of'"Mtw 1 tU S36 ~7 842-4 857 16S .J!CP.Lfir . ·llMll W.. t73e ·~ SL 1V79. White/tan ~itonsll·lnSMITu'Ael .•rAl'ond. llNar UrlTlvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• vd•o t77.Z ""-cllttca I •M••0 •••••••••••••••• lcalb. Z9K tnl. eictended ""'" , de i1fr 2$24lrai '111 ., -'73 Sed ilt• Ville, !1!1,000 '67 Coronet, 4 dr. runs '81 Re&tncy dieae . 32K WllT., mint rond many metalllC' fialnlh 'an ~1770 1970 YW ....................... Howe. Stoel!! orig m1 Good rond ~~rt&Jsas, I owner, mi. take over lease. no ::~Ji"at1e c~.Ji~~~t, ~1~1~fa~rn~~1s~o~n'a:,iil'.Ji ~~.c:?:! ••••••• !?.~~ ~:~iF~i~·:.~::s ~o\~t~_SM~~. SA~~ !:!:'ro154 0401 9tl fwd rm 3349 tt40 .~';"~u:~74cruuer ~ ! 128 Les_. __ "'!-1 ' ,,. Ruy -""" " { 'A I L ••••••••••••• •• • • •• • •• wacon. loaded, lm nu r . nu es! 1222K U> Aak· •lOUllRINUSA On.ly .121150 r11ll SALIS SBVICI , J 1 , tm Chevrolt't Camuo ....................... ~·t ror tow1n1 MG t74 Ing Kelley wholeaale • . . 3312 Ed~· '1Jl Jt;.XlHul~• IW.' ~II power air cend 1981 Ford .Elrort 3 dOC?r ~/080.5$1·11'8 $12,800. Ca ll 1714) •"" V · RY 1'"1·' '' ~ lllll w~el t·rul$e rontrol tra~ .. air cond , pwr. '78CutlasaSopreme,V6, •••••••••••••••••••••• bluebook whlrll is only ~· •7• ~ 0 . Mo '>4 > .; s tereo l'Bssette llli model w.1th aulomat1r 11111 ... lllllil• S48·2196. SUPlllHTLI EXP RTS .... rally ·wheels & morei ateeno&&br1ke1&just auto, PS. PB. air. A.TIIHTIOM -~-Exrenent-roncf ltust • New mttalhr brown over '7 ,000 miles ' A M /FM rassette, Sii us ~ MG MEJSJ£1 -~~=~ tell. makeoCrer IA.ILi HCE THI LAlfHST hnl.Sh with saddle in ( ICNYl86) ~ours for ~/bat ofr 840.3946 _ f>O• YOUI OWMHS 1 ClOUDSUHOAn . , .114-:~192'-VOlVO SB.ICTIOM tenor 183JXNR1 $5399 only $54!19 t:arle Ike PWo tt57 MllTMAIDA. TONNEAUCOV£R P0136Sl$ 1 C1~E/.&.vUdDI --i t Super Beetle. sunrool. t918ffirbor Blvd. or late model. tow Earle lkr Toyota Finr Toftota·Fme Used Car ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftW IT & Fits MG's, '71-'11 tTi (IT e....t..-. t76J rebuilt engine. Xlnt de COSTA MESA mileage Cadlllar~ in lJ i; e d Car Sa I es Sa es l966·l970 Harbor '78, A/C. AM/FM at•r"'o, _.. SoothemGahfornw' Blvd Costa Mesa ... "' --.. Never used, $75 Garden Grove ••••••••••••••••••••••• al!_•n_oo. 642·7t641. 6"tl0l 5_4~9467 L966 1970 llarbor Blvd . · · nrf I d d ... _, M ri 631 7797 IV'l .,_ · -~-----~----..._.•BERS Custa Mt'i.u 646 9303 &16-9303S40·9467 5 • x nt con · g mpg fMlllnl a a · e msg S...Senlc...&.H•9 OIA.NGICOUMTY'S Westrall11 pop.top. lo m1. '78 Limited Edition, ""' . 5409467 1?600 968-9101 -- Mn•st.ctS11MW S4IW4 ---714 636-2333 MIWIST manr new extras $5750 Callr S~cial. 242DL C.A.DILL.A.C a.. • .::...... 9920 '7'PWo ~,.. '71 Runabout. good rond1 MGI 97-a . ..,, p,....,. .. _ ...... Turbo •-Authorhed ~·S977 -A r. P'•· p/b 2 door 2000frar60r Bl \ d ..._,. v.e. aulo trans.~ c. PS. tlon AMt FM cass l800 , au v•~•n::""' • SUBARU DE LER r Li' 1 COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• PB,allmexcellentrond 'IO Mazda 626, 2 dr, 5 spd •••••••••••••••••••••• '80 Porsrbe 924 Both A 'i.l Rabbit Dlt'sel, loaded. wtsunroo ite new SE·E US FIRST•. Purrhased ne"' 6 76 , ..yt5 30964.:.4489 am/rm stereo. a/r. al * * * loaded. Take O\'er tie ·~ xlnt rond S63SO or as ~S:all~·7645 c4n. L860 serv reo by loc dlr, ,er ThdvYrd 9970 I l 20K sume leau 645 0187 '11 -\! We have a good selel11on d " -11111 ~. xras. m1 . DCMllQWoodnlff R!Yments.714/82$1808 ~ ' , -·~"-= · .79 FLEETWOOD or NEW & USE D reror avail Carerully ..................... .. ~. l8609. 962-0618_ 2147 Aster l>liii'e ••n Cl c 1 h • ' ·77 vw Bus 7 nass , . ...._ Uttd BRO u G 11 C"he 1 , dnven. 45,800 m1 by Sr Costa Mesa "" ass1c <?upe w l Ch . Ed r. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM , XI n t vro els C1tten S2.6!10 675·52!12 * * * W..ratf 9739 sunroor.engmegood ampagne 1t1on .~ cond. 31 ,00(1 m1 , r tlt~~rlClltslil ••••••••••••••••••••••• You are the winner or tMVW1 873-5720 art &PM 1982 MODELS 5und. auto. S4800 990 I blue1ore)· cloth $9 000 "ter IP~ onta .511 A • twofreet1rkets 1118001 ~-· HERENOW !!' 96J.41J.4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 720-~ &976 ford Granada 4 1 "'° OIAMGE valuelolhe '78 Porsrhe 924 . very Sales·Servire·Leasing ·70 vw Fastbk. eno h~s Door Eronom1ral 6 y CostthaMesa r MTY'S , _11 aAh •t~rAans 981 0761 dys. 985 4321 SADDLHA.CIC 2.8.tnl mi . AC, xlnt rond n 1 n er en g 1 n e · two frtt t1ckeu Cl18 00) Cou Cll~s V~~ .. 5 rure. rully loaded whlse .. • ~ 1 d ou an' e winner o EXCLUSIVE ......,, , .. .. ~··u thruout. Ulll dt 6 PM automa11 c tr11nsm1ss1on. I to th Stadium ~n.1 •. 1• eves _ d va ue e .. .. "'°'"" ·1 966 l275 _ __ ____ air ron . power steer Sy a~ MASERATI Oran1e unl.Y '14 T.il.r&a. 45000 ml Xlnl ""'""" arcuen e _ 0 0 mg, radio. ht>a ler. has CllCU A .. A.S fairgrounds April IS·l8 rond. Yellow $14,800. Pkw\; VW IUGS _ f 'd a · ·7s Malibu Cpe. AC, PS. low miles & 1s an excep Long 13eachVeterans MALA SHIP! nckets &ood for selerted eves675·455.1QAVE Mission ielo FA NT ASYI C .p R •: Or " .. CtlOn Pfl.Sl750ibest orr Betty t1ona lly dean ca r • Stadium AJ>nl 4 14 We"lfoelIVir anywhere performances Avery Pkwy 0 r 1·S OWNED Bnghten someone's day t714} 833 IWSS wkd.IS t23SRfBJ S(lt'rial at on Orange County lntheworld!Seeusal To claim tickets. call '81 911 Targa. 1400 m1, llt-040 4tS.4949 TOTALLY RECON w1thaClassiried Call a 77 MONTE CARLO ly $2999 Earle Ike Falrgrounds ApnllS 18 lllC::CHIMPORT~ 642 5678, exl 272 Guards Red loaded. nSuJ!.!!!ys DITIONED Emt.r-4,...11 AJIOpuoo~ Clean Toyota·fine Used Car Tirketsgoodforselected Tuiiilii ivcf. -c ~f Tickets must be claimed must sell $29.900 080 ·i.i Cebca -sT Cpe ~ust CUTIE CA.IS -Fc>ronly $6.00' Dai.Iv p·llOt 78 MALIBU WGN Sales 1966·1970 Harbor performances rborBlv . . byAprill5,1982 !IS.1-<Xl@_846·1Q47 sell. $800 +take over ExceHent Econo~y yourEaslermessal(e IJ Loaded Makeorrer Bl,·d .. Costa Mesa To claim tickets. rail 8 ~·0ouve's.7tr~7eto.N.B -* * * -- . loanGl:ll-6206 AndLotsOrFUN! witlappearw1th AnVISOR M~l .>l't'' 642_8874 646·~540-9467 642 5678, ext 272 ""' "' --.-.--When youcallClassir1ed ,--= --MA NY TO C HOOSE thebunnr.above Ir Tirket.smustbe da1med 752-090Q_ H you want your ad· to placean ad, you'rhs· QI Toyota Corona. needs I FROM in the Daily Pilot ·19 Mah bu. 6 ol. auto. 4 U..Colin 9945 b) Apnl 1!1. 1982 vertis111k message to re· sured or a friendly bod.Ywork $600 or best ' m' ~m3 on Easter Sonday. 642·5678 ilr. pt. fh JQK mi. SJ700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• * •-*- Explore lhe world or ach more .People at welrome and help 10 ottl>ave89'7-611~--1 Call&42-56'78and 962001 -"69 LINCOLN CONT values round in lowerrost, CIHstried is wordingyou'tadforbest '80 Cellta GT. sunroof. rharge1t Mnterrard ''77:-.lo'.i ~dr.lom1.orii: Goodtransportallon car Put your adverlls1ng clasairied every day thewayLogo1 CallNow1 r,esponse. Call Now' air.auto ~59 640·1677 1 MOTOIS andV11awelcome 011oTier.au10.p:..pb 1m S4000BO message "'here the &a.5678 --1 642-5678 642·~ or640-SZ96Ann,___ l20WWarnerS/\~!17 2132 ____ mal' 494 2978 ~·0593 !!adersare ~·5678 • A TLA.S CH RY SL.St.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546·1934. 3 blocks! 90Uth of San Diego Freeway ott Hatbor Blvd. Complete 1body shop. Sales. Sen1ice Parts. Sel'vioe Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to S P.M. on Saturday HACH IMPORTS Ml Dove Street. Newport Beactt Tel. 752-0900 Call us. we're the specrahsts for Atta Aomeo. Peugeot. Saab & Malefatl . THEODORER~SFORD Modern sales. service, perts, body, paint & tire cftpts. ~petltlv, rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor llMt., Coafa Mesa. 642-001 o Of 5"C>a211. JOHMSOH & SOM UMCOl.H MHCURY 2828 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mela. Tel. 540-5630. 57 Years Of fr~dly fa mlly Mrvlce -Onlnge County·• oldest L1n- ool,,.Mercury dealership. SOUTH COAST 000.1 2• Harbor 8 1vd., Coata Mau. Tel. ~. RV MNIC9 ipedall1ta. c.uatom van con.....iona. Te l. .. MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NEWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833·1300. At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Brlatol behind Vic· toria Station. Sai.t. Service. Leasing & Parts. Fleet dle- oounts to the public. 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. ~9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac deafer. Sales. Service. Leu. Ing. ' fD DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUta.l'ONnAC-MilOA · Sales • Servioe • Leasing 24888 Alicia Pnway Laguna Hills • CHICK IVHSON POaSC ... AUD~VW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport BNch. &73-0900. The only dealership In Or1ng1 County with these thrM great mtlkea under one roofl • ALAN MAGNON rotmAC-SUIAlU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Co1ta Meae. Tel. l>4IM300. Salft. Slrvle9, Leuln9. _"Mr. Ooodwrench." 0 HOUSI OP IWOITS MllC8B•ll ............ ~ 8182 M1nchnt1r BIYd .• au.na Partt (on Santa Ana. Fr.w~ T•ke heoh llvd, offramp -eharp right on Mine ter. OtAL M A.CEDES (2t3 or 714) 937·233S • • IOI LONGPRE POMTIA.C 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892·6651 Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership S afes, ,Sen11ce. Parts. • SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "ainy'• ......... tff r-J" SALES HOUAS. Mon ·Fri 9-7. Sat 9-5, Sun. 10-4 494·1131 5"6·9967 COST A MESA DATSUN 2M5 Hart>or Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 540-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD. INC. (Home of Withe the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd , W•tminater Tel. 636-4010 • • SANT A AHA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Str .. t. Santa Ana. Tel 558·7811. Your• Orlginal Dedicated Datsun Oeeler • MllACU MAZDA We've movedl Our new location la 1425 Baker Strttt. Cotta MeM. Tel. 5"~3334. Stop by & vtalt our brand new showroom and ... why we're the #1 Mazda dealer in SOuthem CalHomt•. Sales, St!'Vloe. Part1 and Leasing . • AMMtBMMADA "o.lit o.c. ...... 0..-•• ..... ,......LemC.." 801 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim 956-1820. Just north o f Santa Ana Frwy. on Anlhehn Blvd. Call us flrttl "WE ARE HARD TO FIN0-6UT WORTH ITI ·· • SADDLllACI IMW/SUIARU 28402 ~arguerite Pkwy .. A.-yPtMy. •xlt W. oner what no bank or 1e ... COt'np9ny can: 1 Expef1ty lt.lffed. mott mod•rn Mrvlce & part• dept.; 2, One of the -9outhlancf'a "'°" txptrlenced Siii• & teasing staff; 3 Ellminttlon of the mtddtema,, by i..tng dMl4r direct 8S1·~ Mltlion V 491M~9 . - DGM LIASIMG, INC. 730 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa 642·1944 You're ln for a surpnse at OOM Leasing • CONMl&.L CHIVROUT .2121 Harbor Blvd .• Costa ~ Ow9r' 20 y .... aiervlng Oran~ Countyl Sales, le&llng. aervloe. Call 546-1200; apeolal parts line ; 5"6-tlee: bOdy ahOp line; 754-0400. • aoy CA•Y• IOU.S aOYCWMW 1540 Jamboree Road, Newport a.en. ~ Sal ... S.Vlce. Part• And Leasing. • DICK MILLll PIAT !LANCIA "Probably the lowett Pflced Rets "-S<iutt*n CellfOmla" (Located 1 mlle n<>fth of South Coast Plaza near Mtln'St. and War~ Avt. In Senta Ani.J 120 W. Wamer, Santa Ana 5&7-2132 I .. ._.h1rW .... W ~,,,,,w ._1.W a..1 W ....._._,,.. MlwtUtH • ...._UMd ....._U.IH UtH i ......... 1 •• ,......... ••••••t•I••••••••••_... ••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••'••••••••••••• •••••••••'••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... t717 ........ ,.. t740 ~ t744...... t710 T~ t761 V•wu1 t770 AMC ttOI C..-. ttl a.,,.... ttJO ....._ • ttl2 ...................... • ................................................................................................... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --;;~;;: ••••••••••••••• ;:JIA&c ..... ~. ......_.....,... '14 Ponrllt Cabrloltl lt'rJ To1ot1 Corolla '11 luper Bettle 'ebll '1~nrnUn, run11d1 AC, 11 Blatriti tJ,000 ml, all '•OONVERTllLl -~ -4Mwa•• lrlllTl __ "_ta~lli•. Qlftv. llUOO W1•00. Au•omat c "'" ~ palnt/l.al/ rka. 1nett11Pf' Nduome C)J>.llona i moon root '71Chtv Van, cr-'"·o•!~ VI, au&o afr, alnt ...... cM>mt paint. tOft"tlll -IJU$7' Iran•. radio. heater. lex>I• ' runt JrUl 1ld1 dtl•lllna sno Ill. .J),)11~-8300 ltttto Cpg ~ DU • .. W...,,... arr•' bra, ftlol 6 ~bit~·: 'f?tl2, AM/FM c111., 111· rf'°' f1~~. an l~acep Wllli>ft :.OJ03 1tl).,J34 '11 Sedan O.VIUi. alnt ejl --"J'9 Muttanl Obl1 Turbo, s 1pG.ITr. Hireo <:om Ol Im· m11r mt.1th more. Jon.aoodroftd. 8t1tol· ~~toae~t"<4~101~>" 'IOa.MllC_. lllcl ttlO rood, ~.ooo By 1ppt.Cllrpler ttH 22.000 mr, alnt cond. r-••·-~•(JJIOO _ portt Dlrt\1 , .. and eo 1 i• Toover ~$'"' or \!'•de E.;~·1, Ike Toyot1i t'lne 5 1pe~1Ti. AMl •'M ••••••••••••••••••••••• M1M1221 Le!l __ ~··•••• .. ••••••••••••.. 152,1900 wlldy• ! _M;P moa •1n•lble /fmtt. ,_... t11 or ot• n5 plc"·UP Oud Ca r Salta rUHtl. I~ ml Sbow '11Century,4 dr, Hlllt' ·11 EIDorado, 11 new 73 Newport I owoet. v wk 'Tl Affilrd. 4 dr, S tpd, fi.lM'ERciob I ~l; ........................... t75I .-uno Harbor Blvd , ~tan ,or~d tale "f' rit 1lr, 1ter,,i 2r' 9.000 mJ. $11 500 pp New tiies. Wc~2maln· o ... ~ 11lver, 1 ir , atereo, I * ltlOPOllCHI Co1t1 Mtu 14f·'303 ~...,. -m . f' new 0 O _mllWh>!.! •oo••••••••u•••••••••• ,.._.._a::!t'$ or 83'7 2:.'W f24tual01 ....................... ~..,___,, 'HW...,.._ m. '71SEVILLE C1 M t• ttH 11 TOl'Onlldo x.sc <111> ._._ • ...._ 'Tl MBZ450IL Wilh 1wu-Ool:aJr cond . .aaAT .,. Celle• new petnt 5 CAllPl!:R -eus:-Good ~ 9tl U>w ml, clean, 188'10. .. ..................... foadf'd U,000 mJi21nt ....................... Loml,ma wh':..,P~ ttr.Aaem!OACM7Ml SILICnOMt •Jld, AM /FM •lcrco. ~ond. Pull1 .e_qul_e'd. ...................... JMI U.CMm'illV D!lld.IUJOO.R1·~ i1 Ghia, like ntw In Ii '· ~·.l!fil!. OHLY SU.HO! UMAULT Ill's L~od cond. u200 jg00or .. t of~7-~31 CON1'94PUTaMG 6 Std ~M' '74rn .. •New motor. WOO '84 ~L Cl111k. both H~~CM•,.. Sedanr"'!_~•&<>n'..~~ ~7~1-. _ 73Sl.lptr Beetle am/Cm 1 C~J Clt.ln. weRe;~Sf.'d ~ tt•s cun.. >R EME .... _, -111 •4211 lapl. new Ura. beaut ve/ a •• ltllJ'lf oe>louna lo c • .._.. owntr. like new, ood W• '~"a •• ea•e• ~ ....... d ••,ooo mi """ "' BROU H • u 1•100 ~.,..._, -.. rrom .... avallabl• DOW -..-~11 Gf'PO d I .. .. -...... _ .... ~ •••• •••••••••••••••••• n•.1....:.• 'ITKARMANN OHIA NE TBEACH •at '" "'"""Cl .. 1rul,<'on · l . r. , forte bu1ln1n l'X lt7IDetl.Colt _Mak,!olfer75!_·Mn_ Gd cond. 150 'TO~ llltt ~w~tOjll. HWHI OIAM4tl COAST xlrH' 1!'~ Steve 'T3Super Beetle. new lW KUClve. profelllOnat '72 Cad. ruM xlnl, much \RI rey.~ air.-on. &ood '81 Cuti au Supreme 188 2 perf bo<!Y. & ruftn1n1 !&X!"" -tnl, racln1 eUJpenslon. a... s.IKtlOll r-nt ~ork SIOOO firm tr Bod •·" a in I t d ---==..::n: ('O!!d. su.~ 0.88 lt7' POHCHI AMC~-, .... .,.. t770 m;lC)/bst orr. M~ Of"New I HJ 5i'99!i7 '°lfz_ · 857 ll§!___ ~Jfj "~ • -~ con · ..._.. 9731 '@ SL 1179 Whllellln ti l·S T.ARaA llN ULT ••••••••••••••••••••••• y...1 t77J ~-...11""--..,,_,,. •••••0 •••••••••••••••• leath. 29K ml extended Options Include afr cond. ~lfar rlJlvd. 1970 VW .. •o --• '73 • .m. de Ville, ~.000 '67 Coronet, 4 dr. runs '81 Regency diesel. 32K Int 4 • d 'i metallir paint '•n 549-'923 &f}1770 ., ... ,................. Mowt.Stocta! or111 m1 Good t•ond l!!~h,rt&~u, towner, ml, t.alte over lease, no ;;r;-;.~ c~0: p~:~e leather. alloy wheels........... 975.1. P<>i>lopc~mper_:iyt.,.rt .. YOUODlilH N·A~~ ~p 7540401 1-¥rirm 33t9 -frontl_549-11_74 __ otJ ble SJUOO II Blaupunkt CHlelle & -_,u • bl.ill en1me. A..,-r., 8 t'N"ORANOICOUIQT'V• C-ro ttl ~ 9940 •77 c:uuom c ru1S e r ~~ ll28 LH ' ca tNs l'lr has only se.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• track and C.B. radlf ---("'AD l l ....................... •..••••.•...••...•..•.• wacon. loaded, lmmac • -·-milH' (Z22KRU> Aak· #lDULf.RINU.S.A. ~~121150 . cu I SAUS,SMYICE , "'..,/ , 1979 Chevrolet Camaro 1981FordF..arort.3door I!.!}~!. for t owing MG 974 Ing Kelley wholesale , ---·-d!l~M ltOOHui .. l\l\.t ~II power. air cend , rrodel with automatic ~80.$SJ·ll4f •-------11(, $12,800. Call 1714) . V RY '"1•1· ...... , ~1 it.. whtel cruise control trans .. air cond , pwr '78C\ltlau Supreme, V6, •••••••••••••••••••••• bluebookwhlrllisonly ~ •72 yw 0 \ ••. ..,.1.;w, s tereot·u5ette.llll 11111 ... 11111111111 5411-2196. SUPlllHTLI EXP RTS rally 'wheel:. & more•' at.eennellbrakt»&qust auto, PS, PB, air, AnefTION -,-Excenenl <'ond' 'M ust ....... ,..'-ES.T New ml'tallic brown O\'H 7,ooo miles ! AM I FM c assette, Sii US ~ MG MEJSTEI ,-~~=~ 14!11,makeolfer IAIUllll •n&..-• rini&h v.ith saddle in llCNY186) Xours for ~/blltofr 840-*6 I<>• 't'OUI 714 .... 1024 .ra R.l"nor. onlv ~99 Eerie Ike OWNHS CIOILO SUHOAY$ • • -..:.~-VOi.YO __,,. tenor 1833XNR , 15399 To)ota·flJ)" Used c~r PWo 9957 Mllh••tOA. TONNEAUCOV£R POl~CHE/AUDI --'71 Super Beetle. sunroof, l11116Hiibor Blvd. 01 I ale mo e · 10"' Earle Ike Toy~ta-F1ne Sall"' 1 .... ,,:-1910 Harbo"r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftlP IT & Fits MC's,'71-'11 l.363TtTarbO Bfvd S..,, t7U rebuilt engine. Xlnl de COSTA MESA mileage Cedlllac-11 '" lf l> e d C' u r Sa In 81 =d """"c M.. '78, A/C. AM/FM stereo, -•.. N"ver used, S7S G "-G I' $1700 ., ... 71"" Southern Oalifornhi ' 1966 1""0 II arbor Blvd , v · • os la es a · ·-• "' ar...,n rove ••••••••n••••••••••••• a ·-_._..._,.._ "'" 644-tlQl 540.9467 '" 646-!Wl_MO 9467 snrl, xlnt cond , gd mpg fMl.ml Maria631·7797 l\f'emsg S...~lcM.H1i.t9 01.ANGICOUMTY'S Weslfalia pop-top. lo m1. '78 Limited Ed1t1on, MAIERS Cos~ M~sJ 646 9303 -. pj(X).968-9107 __ Mn•st.c1S1111W so UM 714 6l6·2lll ri't~S~ ;,~": extrus 157~ ~ahf Spt"cia~. ~4~DL .,~,!c,~ti~d cf.~ 9920 v~7a~ro~n~~ PS '71 Runabout, good cond1 MGI '74 ·i.i Porsche 924 T11rbo le SUBARulU DEie LER ic. p s .f PL-it oo~ COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• PB 0 all in excel 0 lent rond 0 uon AMIFM cass $800 '10 Muda 626. 2 dr, 5 spd, •••••••••••••••••••••• '*I Porsche 924 Both A '*I Rabbit Diesel, lo<1ded. "" sunroo 1 e nev. Purchased new 6 76. A!). 5 30964~9 amJ(m stereo, air. al • * * loaded. Take over tie ·~ xlot rond. S63S(J or 11s ~~allS48·7645 54_Q• l 860 SEE US FIRST! serv reg bv loc dlr. ~er f'=-Aa+l-cf 9970 I l 20K sumr lease 6'15 0187 We have a good selection J _... :=· x ras , m1 , Do.tClWoodnlff R_ayments.:..71!L_~1808 _ : 1 • •79 FLEETWOOD of NEW & USED record a\a1l Carefully ..................... .. _. l!l60(). 962·0618 -2147 Aste-rl'lita· ·~ Classic' Coupe with , ·77 VW B~s . 1 pus s. ,·Alilot. UMcl ll RO UGH AM , XI n I Cbevrolels! driven, 45,800 m1 by Sr. * * * .....__ ....&1 9 Costa Mesa f . Champagne Edition. ••••••••••••••••••••••• C1tien $2.650 675 52!12 ..-rwv 739 You are the winner of sunroo ' engine good sunrf. auto. S4800 '"-'d 990 I ro n d · 3 1·0 O o m 1 · after I PM t4"L ...._Orto.std ••••••••••••••••••••••• two free llrkets 1$18 OCH ~ 673-572Qafl 6PM Hl982ER~ONDOWEt,S, ,_, ~134 ••••••••••••••••••••••• blut''grey l'lolh $ll ooo ~ -300FMoo-ti \Tista Ave OIAMGE value to the '78 Porsche 924 . very Sal ._._., i 720-CM25 1976 Ford Granada 4 C061.J1 Mesa ni~. fully loadl'd whlse es-.,.,rv ce·Leasinl? '70 VW Fast bk. eng has Door Econ om ira I 6 You are the wloner of COUNTY'S CllCUS Vil GAS 981 0761 dys. 985 432l SADOUIACI 28.IXXI m1, AC, xlnt rond ~ t' > 11 n de r en G 1 n e · two frtt 11cltets C$18 00) EXCluslvE Lon11 l!each \re-terans eves SUIAIU thruout. Call afl 6 PM automatic 1ransm1ss1on, value to the Stadium AJ>ril 4-14 284dlM"i · 9IMi 1275 air cond., power sleer-u•~ER "'Tl OranaeCouoty '74 T,ilr&a. 45000 mi Xlnt ar~uente 0 0 iog, radio, h~ater, has CIRCUS VilGAS -"" F rgrr unds April JS 18 cond Yellow. $14,800. Pkwy. VWIUGS '76 MaUbu Cpe. AC, .PS. I I •-Long~ach-Yeterans MALASHIP! Tl~kets0good for sell'Clt!d 67~1 DAVE Mission Vie1° FANTASTIC p RE For Ad Action PB. si7soibest ofr Betty l~~n~11f; "'r\~:~ e~~er; Stadium A_pnl 4-14 We'llde!IVir anywhere performances eves . -Avery Pkwy 0 fl-5 OWNED Bnl?hten someone's rl~> l7141633 8486 wkd1s 1235RF"Bl S[>t!r1al at on Orange County lotheworld!Seeusat To claim tickets, call '81 911 Targa, 1400 mi. 131· 040 495.4949 TOTAL.LY RECON w1tha Classiried Call a 'i7MONTECARLO ly $2999 Earle Ike faJrgrounds Afnl l518 n.&.CHIMPOIT§ 642 5678, ext 272 Guards Red, loaded. IJ~M!YL DITIONED i..-....4,...!! All~llons Clean Toyota-Fine Used Car T\rket.sgoodfo selected TliiHlirbor Bivo, "'CJ.f Tickets must be clauned ~~84611 ~.?.·-?°° 080 '*I Cebra ST Cpe must CUTIE CARS! Tu only 16.00 Dai'"' P1'lot 78 . ALIBU WCN Sales 1966-1970 Ii arbor r:~r~ncl~kels. l'all ... ~1•7170 byAprill5, 1982 ~--·~ sell. S800 +take over Excellent Economy yourEastermessal(e 11 l.oarle<l Makeoffer Blvd . Costa Mesa • ., --. · loan968-6206 AndLotsOfFUN! willappearwith 1nv1so1 MtJ.st.,ee' 642_8874 64&9:n'IS409467 642 5678. ex t 272 848DoveStreet, N.B. --D * .-r--When you call Class1f1ed .------MANY TO C HOOSE the bunny above IUI" Tickets must be claimed 752-090Q_ If you want your ad . to placean ad, you·r~ as-68 Toyota Corona. needs I FROM in the Dally PllOl ·79 Mah bu 6 <'YI. _auto 4 U..Coln 9945 by Apnl IS. 1982 vertising message to re-sured of a rnendly bod.Ywork $600 or best Im' ~D!mi3 on Easter Sunday 642-5678 Jr. Pt>J1). JOK ml, s:noo ••••••••••••••••••••••• * ·-~- Explorf' the world of ach more people at welcome and help 10 oil bavt'897~--1 Call642-56711and 96200 --'69 LINCO LN CONT values r ound in lower C'06t, Clau 1hed u ~wdi.ngyou't'adforbest ·90 Ce4ta GT. sunroof. -charge it Mutercard '7Hlo'J 4dr,lom1,on i: Goodlransporllllloncar Put your advert1s1ng clauified every day thewaytogo1Cal1Now ' r,uponse. Call Now' air, auto ~59 6'10·1677 ! WOTOIS andV111welcome ov.111.'r auto. ps. pb.1m 5400080 message where the &OS678 --1 642-5678 6'l2·~ or640-S296Ann,____ 120WWamerSASS7 2132 mal' 494 2978 ~ 0593 !!adersare ~~8 • .ATLAS CHRYSLER.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Bl11d .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546·1934. 3 blooksl aooth of San Diego Freeway otl Harbor Blvd. Complete 1body shop. Sates. Service Parts. Sefvloe Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A.M to 5.30 P.M. and 8 AM. to S P.M. on Saturday. HACH IMPOtl'TS Ml Oo11e Street. Newport Baacti Tel. 752-0900 Call us. w.·,. the spec1altsts for Alfa Aomao. Peugeot, Sub & Ma89fall. THEODOR.E R<*NS FORD Modefn aates. service, parts, body, pelnl & tire depts. ~petltl~ rates on lease & daily r9ntala. 2060 Herbor lll¥d., Costa Meu . S.2-0010°'540-8211. JOHMSOM & SOH UMCOLH MBCURY 2828 Hatt>or Blvd .. Coata Mau. T.i. 540-5630. 57 YHrs of fr~dly famlly sarvlca -Qr9ng9 County's oldest Lln• ool,,.M«cury da1lershlp. SOUTH COAST DOMI 2• Htrbor Blvd .. Cotta Mau. Tai. ~-RV NrVlca epeclall1t., c_u1tom van conYlrllona. Tai. . , MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • MEWPOIT DATSUM 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tai. 833-1300. At the trtangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Brlstol behind Vic- toria Station. Salee. Service, Leasing & Pana. Fleet dht- oounta to the public. • N41ERS CADIUAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tai. 5-4o-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadlllac dea*. Sales. SeNlea. Leu· Ing. I G> D.A YID J. P .. LUPS IUICK.l'OMTl.Ac.MUDA · Sales • Servloe •Leasing Laguna Hiiis 24888 Alicia Parttway 837-2400 G) CHICK IVEISOM flOttSC ... AUOl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dell81"1hlp In Orange County with theM three graat mak" under ona roofl • Al.AH MAGHOH roMT'IAC.SUIAlU 2A80 Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Maaa. T.i. ~300. Sales, Sefvlca, Lauln9._"Mr. Ooodwrench." · 0 HOUH 0. IMPOITS w11C•••11 .... ..,.... ........ 982 M1nchnl9r Blvd.. Buena Pwtl (on Santa Ana• Frww~ T.X. heah 1"'4. offramp -eherp right on Menc ter. ow. M R-CEDU (213 or 71 4) 837·2333 .. • • IOa LOMGPRE POKTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster Tel. 892-6651 Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Saras. ,Service. Parts. • S.AIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "Qn-(• ... It ........ yoel" SALES HOURS. Mon.-Frl !H. Sat &-5, Sun. 10--4 494-1131 5-46-9967 COST .A MESA D.A TSUN 2645 Harbor Bl11d . Costa Mesa. Tel. 5-40-S.10. Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mite So 405. SUNSET FORD, INC. (Homa ol Willie the Whale~ 5-4-40 Garden Grove Blvd , Waetmln1tar Tai. 636-4010 • • SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Streat, Santa Ana. Tai 558·7811. Your• Orlglnal Dedicated Datsun DMlar • MIRACU MAD.A We've moved! Our new loca tlon Is 1425 Baker StrHt, Cotta Meu. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & vleit our bf1nd new lhowroom and Ma why we're the #1 Mazda daalar In 9outhem C.lltornl~. Salas, Service, Parts and LeHing . • AMAHBM MADA "CW,0.C. ..... ~ •• ..... Ser¥lae Lem C...." 601 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim 956-1820. Juat north ot Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim Bllld. C.n us ffrttl "WE ARE HARD TO FlNO--tJUT WORTH ITI" • SADOLllACIC IMW/SUIAAU 28402 Margu.rite Pkwy .. Aver/~ •xlt Wt offer what no bank or ..... ~ can: 1 Exper11y ttlff9d, mc»t modern Mrvlca I. part• dept.: 2. On• of the Souttllenc:t'• moat •~ptrltnced Ml• & laaeing st.rt: 3, Ellmln•lon of th• mlddltman by 1-llno <'Mier direct. tst•2040 Mlaaion V ~9 DGM LEASING, IHC. 730 W. 19th St , Costa MHa S.2-1 IM-t You re in lor a aurpnse at DGM Leasing 0 COMMILL CHIYIOl.lf .2121 Harbor Blvd., Coela Maaa. ~ 20 v-ws eervlng Oran~ Countyl Sain, 18181ng, MMoa. C.11 546-1200; apeci1I parts llna: 548-tlee; bOdy lhop llne; 754-0400. • ROY CAIVIA IOU.S IOYCNMW 1540 Jamboree Road, Newport Baech. 640-&444. s.1 ... S.Vlca, Part• And Leulng. • DtCK MILL'll PIATILANCIA "Probably the toweet Pf1c9d Flai. in -souihim Callfomla" (Located 1 mlle north of South Coat PlaZa nt1r Mtln-St. and Warner Ava. In San11 Ana.l 120 W. Wimer, Santa Ana 6&7·2132 J, { - YQUR lllETDll llllY PIPlll MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Forelg11 Seareta~y r~slg,_s • British Eleet sails for· aetiOn AS IT ONCE WAS -This was the scene du- ring Bal Week of 1952 when celebrants danced in the §treets of Balboa near the Fun Zone and DellJ Not Plloto portable loudspeakers were set up to blast music out to the teeming throng of vacationers. Bal Week a memory Falklands re·capture promised LONDON (AP) -British Foreign Secretary Lord Carring- ton resigned today, taking res- ponsibility of a diplomatic failure · to prevent Argentina's seizure of the Falkland Islands that Britain threat.ens to retake by foree. Carrington quit only hours af- t.er the airtTaft carrier lnviricible, leading Britain's mightiest fleet since it tried to prevent F.gypt's takeover of the Suez Canal 26 years ago, steamed out of the sou thern naval base at Port- smouth on an 8,000-mile, two- week expedition to recapture the Falklands. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher accepted the resigna- tion $her three days of mounting demands from newspapers and lawmakers -including members of the ruling Conservative party -for the 62-year-old Carrington and Defense Secretary John Nott to be sacked over what critics called the Falklands debacle. ''In my view. much of the cri- • ,Jicism is unfounded but I have ,...----"----------------------.__, been responsible for the conduct Spring vacation once kept coast cops busy By STEVE MITCHELL 0( IM DellJ Plot Steff In its heyday, Bal Week had Newport Beach police working 12 hours on and 12 off, and once they arrested 1,376 r evelers in nine days. By the calendar, spring recess for moat schools &tarted today. But the action of "Bal Week" a• it was known in yesteryear, is gQne. · Beach crowds are routine or less UJ\der cWTent mixed skies. But it was not always thus. During spring vacation through the 1940s, '50s and '60s, the Newport-Balboa P eninsula, much of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach became one giant parking lot. Beaches were jammed So were rental units. Newspaper headlines from those years read like this: "Easter Week Picks Up; Police Nab 207 Youths.'' "Curfew Arrests Top List, 138 Booked in 24 Hours." "Coed Arrests Soar in Bal Week Tall ," "Beach ~olice Dig In for Easter Invasion." Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell was a Newport Beach cop in the 1960s, a veteran of eight Bal Weeks in thflt city. t? Juveni\e Arrests Soar, ach Preacher Ban on Way Bul Not to 1965 Mark 8 Harbor 'iou\h" EASTER WEEK PICKS P; -Held in Dope Raid POllCE ·NAB 207• YOUTHS MARIJUANA LATEST FAD r:;::;,: .. ' ""'· ON BEACH; ARRESTS UP \ T .. ubl• ~ NB P I. p h' ~~... Guards Rescue 44 ~ ace us mg &.1 ,..,., r ••.• n ... s., rr.,,.,, '' As Bal We Juvemle Roundup Bal Week Stor): Crime,. ..... .. ek Ebbs D Ad ,;:,,;_·,~..., .. ___ ._...,. own, tlen anre l'n ""'~·;:~~ ,':,,":-- NB Surfing ..... ,.., Teen-age Girl Dies . .,,. 1 .... 0 .. Ordinancl' a. • ..., On Jamboree Road ICoed Arrei;its Soar Seid Unfair n Bal Weck Tully Bal Week Arrests ~· .... ·~ ~ May Have Hit Peak ~ f·! n 1 _,_. ~-,.......... NBPolir11 ~ _ .... Braring fOf' ~ ..... '668a1We<'k '.:~·°"' BEACH POLICE 'DIG IN' FOR £ASTIR INVASION Police Broadcasts Clear Bal Streets Hal Weck j ams . of the policy,'' said Carrington's letter of resignation. ''I think it right that I resign." Mrs. Thatcher told Carrington in a letter that she accepted his resignation witl1 "a h eavy he.art" aft.er failing to dissuade him from his "unalterable decision." Carrington's resignation ended a three-year tenure at the Fore- ign Office, during which he was credited w ith solving Britain's most intractable colonial problem when he negotiated independen- ce for Rhodesia, n~black-ruled Zimbabwe, two years ago. Nott also tendered his resigna- tion but Mrs. Thatcher refused it. telling him in a letter she needed him to continue "as our forces prepare for the ~bility of ar- med action. I have the fullest confidence in your ability to car- ry out the crucial tasks ahead." Two of Carrington's aides, Deputy Foreign Secretary Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce, Foreign Office minister of state for Latin America, also tendered resignatio ns which were accepted. "God speed Invincible!" shou- ted 30.000 Britons at the Port- (See SECRETARY, Page A2) Diiiy Not "'-to by L.99 Pape SWEEPS WINNER -A horse named "Hard Times" spelled good times for June Carr of Huntington Beach .. who holds a winning tick.et in the Irish Sweepstakes. But Mrs. Carr says she isn't quitting her job at a Newport Beach market. Sweepstake winner Huntington morn of 5 to get $53,000 By ROBERT BARK.ER Of the Diiiy '9lot ltaff Huntington Beach resident June F. Carr has come away a $53,000 winner in her first fling in the Irish Sweepstakes. · HER HORSE .finished second in the Grand National Steeple chase at Aintree. Englan9, Saturday. Mrs. Carr, who works in the bakery section of Market Basket at 1150 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach, said her teen-age daughter first learned the good news in a tele- phone call from United Pr~ International Saturday night. "She came to the store real excited and asked me what · would be the best thing in the world that could happen to me,·• Mrs. Carr recalled. "I SAID, 'you made the all-CIF basketball team. Your boyfriend got a job.• " (Her daughter, Kerri, is a senior at Huntington Beach High School and recently,made the all-league team:) "She told me the Rood news and I was in total shock. (See SWEEPSTAKES, Page A2) He and fellow officer Jerry Nikas complied a book in 1966 from the 3,500 photographs they took of that year's invasion of students and young people to Newport Beach. Balboa Beer Busl Ends With Arrest of 3 Youths C.l Jail Paddywagons, ' y SHADES OF YESTERYEAR -When spring vacation, known as "Bal Week" rolled around in times past, headlines from the Daily Pilot chronicled the hijinks and arrests. Salmon spot check on hold "The first order of the day on Easter Week was to don your oldest uniform,'' Purcell recalls. "The kids were down there for fun. but the fun included giant parties, and when the police ar- 'rived, it was fight time," he said. "At the end of Easter Week we always had a few officers with black eyes an~ split Ups." He said days off were r..ancel- ed and the reserves were put on during Bal Week, and the de- partment enlisted the aid of the Sheriff's office and even the Mill tary Police. "We had two officers out wal- king a foot beat every couple of WORLD blocks on the Peninsula~" he recalled. He remembers a yellow cot- tage on the Peninsula that was so full of revelers "they actually split the walls out." And, speaking of crowds, one hotel operator called police when hundreds of youths jumped in his pool. "When we chased them out there couldn't have been more than two feet of water left in the pool,'' Pureell laughed. Arrests were many, and they Korean leader's· son rejected TOKYO (AP) -North Korea's Supreme People's Assemb1y foday re-elected President Kim Il-sung but unexpectedly did not give the vice-president seat to h,i& son and presumed successor, Kim Jong-il, Japan's Kyodo News Service said. NATION They 'argue' with Reagan An Hoppe finds a family in Upper Buocotaah that seems to. be happy .at the prospect of being joblees. P_,eA8. 2-way radio speaks loudly . Titles have alway1 been a status symbol in Wuhlngton. Now it'a your two-way radio. Pap B3. ranged from drinki.nR in public to curfew violations, fireworks to malicious mischief. "There was nothing really that serious,'' Pureell said. "The kids were out for a good time; a time to harass and tease the cops." And, surprisingly. Purcell says he has fond memories of those hectic days. "The name of the game was to see how many kids we could arrest.'' There were contests between (See BAL, Page A%) STATE By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL 0( ttle OaUr Pilot lteff An Orange County health de- partment official says he was still awaiting word today from the Food and Drug tA.dministration on whether or not to begin spot checks of grocery stores for types of canned salmon now subject of .a voluntary recall. Salmon canned by five Alaska fisheries and marketed under more than a 9COre of brand names may contain botulism toxin be- cause of can defects. Only 7~-ounce size cans are involved. The current thrust of the Ji'DA'a investigation is to deter- SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Rancho Seco nu- clear power plant will be out of operation abOut a month for repairs. Delay asked in hearing LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gregory Ulas Powell. one of two men convicted for the "On ion-Field" murder of a policeman,. ~ aaked parole offldals to delay a hearing that will determine whether his June releue from prilon should be reeclnded. -; COUNTY Yacht race on horizon Preparation• are under way for the annual .. happenma" that ta the world'• lara-t (and ahorU!lt) lntemattonal yacht nee. See Al Locbbey'1 report, Pap Bl. mine, via distribution records, where the canned salmon was shipped, and if any found its way to supermarket shelves. By late last week, major area supermarket chains were chec- king their canned salmon stocks against a long list of can codes distributed by the FDA. Should the FDA determine that some of the suspicious sal- mon has been distributed to retail outlets, it would then notify the county health officials to conduct spot checks of grocery stores, said Robert Merryman, the county's director of environmental health. U thoee checks confirmed that INDEX cans bearing codes matching those on the FDA's list were on the shelves, health department inspectors would intensify checks, Merryman said. Merryman said he had expec- ted to receive some word from the FDA on Friday or over the weekend on whether to begin spot checks. That no word had yet been received, Merryman said, "is kind of good news" because it may indicate that affected cans of salmon were not distributed to OranRe County outlets. "We're just in a holding pat- tern right now," Merryman said. At Your Service Boa . Enna wi,mbeck Business California A4 Bl B2 B5 A5 B2 Cavalcade Classified C.Omics Croeswonl Death Notices F.ditorial Ent.ertainment Dl,D3-6 B4 B4 D2 A6 Horoecope Ann Landers Movies , National News Public Notices Sports B2 B2 C5-6 A3 D2 Cl-3 C5-6 SPORTS Stock Markets Television Thea ten Weather World News Huge crowds watch events B5 C4 C5-6 A2 A3 The ~ took a 6-4 Freeway Series from the Anaela before 62,267 at Anaheim Stadium. Mean- whUe, 82,000 watched Niki Lauda wln the Long 1Beach Grand Prix, p.,_ Cl. I , . . H/F ~\ •' Continued stori es Firefighter determined . Spent weekend camping out to get Valley application • BAL WEEK ... offlcera to aee how many ata- t.latka they could build up for the week. . , Then, auddenly, the horde of =h• abandoned Newport, u an F.uter Week mecca. · They went to Palm Sprlnsa, the C.Olcndo River and B18 Bet?. leaving Newport Beach police 1cratchlna their heada In the, •Prlni of 1967. "By 1969 1t WU reel clulllVille ln Newport," Purcell Nid. "Kida became more mobile, and it wu no Jonaer th• t:una to, come to Bllboa.'' They never returned. "In a way, l kind of mla it," the veteran polioeman said. "They were good kida." SECRET ARY RESIGNS ... amouth harbor u the 19,WO·ton carrier 1tacked with Harrier vertical-takeoff jeta and Sea King anti-1ubrnarine helkoptttl put to aea. A flotilla of destroyen and frigatee prepared to follow it. Arge.ntlne President Leopoldo Galtieri aaid hil nation would go to war with Britain to defend the lalanda 250 miles oU the Argen- tinl coaa\. His forces seized the archlpelal{o Friday after 149 years of Bntiah rule. In the Falklanda, the invaders dug in, impoeed a 24-hour curfew on the 1,800 staunchly pro- Britiab ialandera, threatened jail terms for resisters to Argentine forces allO oecupied South Geor- Jda. an ialand dependency of the P'alklands 800 milet to the NSt. But the garr11on of 22 British marines on the illand wu ~­ ted to have killed three inv , raiaing Argentina's casualties to four cfead and two wounded. No British cuualtles have been re- ported. British Defeme &cretary Nott claimed the marfu~s destroyed one of the Argentines' hellcop-. ten and damaged one of their ships before they were over- whelmed. Argentine naval llOUl'- oes denied this. By PJUL SNEIDERMAN or-.o.-r .... ...., With hJ.t fold·up cot, h1a .... plnl baa and an 1ce chest tun of food, llandy Bayle11, 24, of Ocean.elde, arrlved in 'ountaln Valley Friday afternoon to apend the weekend campLna out -on the front 1tep1 of City Hall. Durlna the weekend, Randy waa joined b)' other Ctty Hall campen who U1tened to racliol, · etudied textbooka, toned Fr11- bees, played football and juat aoeked ~p the sun. The campers stuck it out through chilly n.lghta and tried to keep dry when ihe cloud.e over-' head -u well as the lawn , sprinkler ayatem -ltarted sen- ding a little mollture their way. By early today, the crowd outside City Hall stretched Clown Slater Avenue. The moment the campers were waiting for, Uie reason they endured a weekend in the element.a, came at 8 a.m. when Fount~in Valley officials began handing out 200 applica- tions for a single firefighter's opening. For Bayless, who held the number one spot in line, the routine was familiar. He said he's been tryiJl8 for a tirefiahter's job • · rule and decreed Spanish the official language. Most lalandera' are aheepherders of English and Scottiah ancestry. Meanwhile, the British gover- nor of the Falklands, Rex Hunt, and the 82 marines captured with him Friday were flown home. Argentina deported them to Uruguay. 12 hurt ID Argentina announced that ila SWEEPSTAKES WINNER. I'd never entered the liish Sweepstakes before and I didn't know what to expect." Mrs. Carr, 46, said she got a telegram confinning her winnings after the horse called Hard Times finished in second place. MRS. CARR. who said she is separated from her husband at the present, said the name is appropriate be- cause she has had a hard time raising five children. She said she isn't going to do anything foolish with the money. "We've skinned by for so long that this is a second chance for me and I'm not going to change now. I'll also be looking to make a good investment." She says she definitely has one purchase in mind. And that's a "super gown" for her daughter who is competing in the Miss Huntington Beach pageant. She bought her winning ticket for $3 from a fellow employee. Rally aids n ational debt ABINGDON, Va. (AP) -The federal government's $1 trillion national debt bas been reduced by $950 as a result of a fund- raising rally to get the United States out of the red. "All ideas start small and ho- pefully we won't let this end with us tonight," said Carroll Dale, a former' Green Bay Packer star who ls now a strip-mine operator in Southwest Virsfn1a. "It's not the size of the dog an the !Wit, it'• the size of the fight in the dog," Dale said at a Satur- day night rally of about 50 peo- ple. What California Highway Patrol officers described as a speed contest in Dana Point res- ulted in one of three accidents that injured 12 motorists this past weekend In the South County area. Two Poraches driven by Allen Johnson, 34, of Long Beach, arid Gary Crocker, 34, of Lakewood were racing south on Coast Highway into Dana Point Sun- day afternoon at speed.a up to 75 Hunt-Wesson hit b y f ire A fire of undetermined origin caused an estimated '$500,000 damage today to a Fullerton plant where hydrogen is ln8erted in food products manufactured by Hunt-We990n Foods Inc. No injuries were reported in the fire that erupted before sun- riae this morning. The plant is at the corner of Brookhurst and C.Ommonwealth streets. Fire officials said a Hunt- We910n work crew wu on duty at the plant when the fire broke out. Hydrogen is inserted into products like cooking lard to solidify It. Investigation into the cause of the blaze is continuing. ~\" Chance of shoW.ers mounl•ln1 and 70• In the low d-1. Snow down to tlle 7,000-foot 141\o.i wee expect.Id In Ille 0-... V lliev on T ueedey, IOCClfl!pel "8ci Coastal by 1trong, guety wll'4:ll ioc.IY 30 to 45 mllee I* flour In 90U1hlrn Con•ld.,.•bl• high cloudlneu Mono County TIMl!adll)'. lhraugh TIMdey Chlnoe of llOht • - "'-'•late Tunc:tey be<:omfng T • 20 P•rcent. Llttl• l•mp•r11ur• empe ra ,,,ures I ~M~~~~~J~~·· NATION BMwMre. ll'om olrll Conoep-.. Lo f'rG. uon to Ille Mexican bord.,. and Albeny 41 15 out eo '""-Nort"-1 w1nc1a 15 Alt>uque 74 39 to.25 knOt• and 4 to &-IO<M -Amlrltlo S3 34 et the outw ltllnda. W•terly 10 ~le &a 37 to 18 knot wlnd9 with 2 to '-loot Atllnl• &3 •8 t.02 wind ••-Tu•d•Y erternoon. AUentc Cty 53 31 Welterty ...ii. 2 lo 3 feet. Moetty Aldlln 73 && high cloud• through TuHday. 881tlmore 50 27 low cloud• lncrH1lng Tundey eoong. 24 1& . 10 with 1 cllence ot llght •how•,. Blrmlnghm ee '8 1.73 • la1e T Ulldly. • ' Blemllrott 22 1 & .06 • 8olee '8 31 V .S. summary ~0:"'"9 ~ ~~ .oe Buffalo 28 11! Snow continued ll'om the nor-EkH'tlngtn 42 17 lflern Roclclel to lhe Plllln1 today. Ceeper 52 .12 lllgh wtnm 9nd.oold temper•turee Chan.In SC 75 80 gt1pped the Nort,,_., and ttlOW Chemtn WV 5-4 29 lhoWefl 1911 from the Grell L.ak• Chltttl• NC 73 '8 to tlle nor1hern Appelacnlln•. ~ Cheyenne 82 22 Bllow•" with enow In th• ChlclQO 38 30 mountllne lllt the Paottlc Nonll· Clnclonatl 47 33 weet. Thunder•how•,. dotted CleYeland 33 23 .04 .-t1m M-. MIMIMiWI end Ctmble SC 7& « Ai.beml, wl1h a IM lllower• Mio Columbu9 37 24 In eouth•HI MIHOUrl, well•rn Del-Ft W1h &8 &3 TIM99IM and lnlnoll. Oeyton 38 2& The Nlttonll WMIMr ~ [)enWf 70 30 .12 forec11t thunderatorme from o.. MolnM '1 29 .02, eouthern Alabama acroH th• Detroit 32 18 e11tern Oulf llllH Into the Duluth 2• & Ceroll,,_, TenneMM Valley and El PMO 80 6' ~glnla. Fir~ 29 20 tc.ttwed ttlundet'l1omMI... Flegllaff 153 21! fl'edlc:ted ~ Loulllen1 north-at.t Fllll 22 18 .06 w1rd ln1o th• Olllo V1lley and'· Herttord '3 19 .02 W..C Vlr1l!n'•· Snow .,.. 11CP90-H*11 37 20 .01 ted OWi northlm New EnQllnd. ~ 12 72 wttll r1ln turnl,,g to 1now from HoullOn 72 72 .02 ..... ~ Cet4 We•• ~-== , ..... ,, Sf••••"•'• O u lw4•il IImDI ---=== MllwM• 29 29 Mpi9-StP 32 2• NuhVllle 88 47 New Orieln• 73 ee New Yant 52 27 Notfollt 72 41 No. Plett• 48 2& Okla Clty 75 51 om.ti• .. 2& °'1and0 82 s.4 l'tllledphla 48. 30 Phoenix &1 5& Pltltburf!: 33 22 P11and. • '8 31 P11and. Ore 52 3& Pr0Yldene:9 4& 23 =r'city 73 •1 3& 20 Reno •2 23 Salt llk• 52 27 San Antonio 71! 88 SMttle •8 35 8ll(ewoort 70 56 SlouF• 31 22 St Loui. 60 43 St P-Twnpe 81 82 St8teMlrte 18 -2 Spolt-St 31 8yrl!CUM ae 16 Topel(I 61 )4 Tuc:eon T7 ... 78 IO Meiyavtlle 5t ... Monl«t'f se Ne«ilee 80 22 Ollkland 58 47 PNO Rob4M 82 « Red 81un 57 43 Redwood City 57 45 Secramen10 !57 42 .03 02 Sal\nu 6' 42 Sen Diego &7 55 Sin Frllleleco se 41 .01 S1n1a Berber• ee 45 .01 S1n1a M•r1• &1 ·°' Stadt ton &!5 '3 .18 Thermal &3 Ukiah 55 Bartlow 70 53 Big a.er 53 ~5 Blth(l9 &7 32 Calallrla ee 52 09 .33 Long BMctl &7 52 Monrovt• 71 53 .06 .03 Mt. Wll9on •8 32 Newport 8Mctl 83 as Onlerlo &6 61 .11 Pelm 8pf1nge 80 90 PMllder1' ee 50 .17 SM 8emerdlno 83 50 Sent• Ana .. 54 r.noev...., 34 21 • .2t .115 .32 CANADA I Celgary 18 1 ' ' Edmonton 14 -e noru.n VlrVlnle to -'"" ~ lndnllP4le '3 a 1 ~Ind Ole 0'1lo v...., Into. J-*-1 M8 72 93 the u~~~= ~= a,,d lfle\ = : : .06 TIMI WMtllngton 51 33 CMIOMIA ~ 17 80 = :: •1 .ao· F~ 11 •2 . lAnOMW • ., ... Mone,..., 33 29 ~ 30 1& ·Extended forec<Ut Tnow ... predlc1ed for Mon-Laa VIOi' n so --·Ind"""" ldlflo. Allll.... l.lnle AoClt .. llA toreomt from weltlm WIMllng-~ 56 81 ton Into Nof1llem Clllfomll. LUbboe* 56 81 r..,,,_,111K .. around the ne-.......,.. II u tlon "'1Y tO<lay ranged from 1 ....,.,,. 11 74 degrff rn lnt•rn1tlon11 ''"'· .. pll!~---------------- Wldllt• .. 38 Mlrlft.JJ!_ T7 .fn f<!r .W.-', Fla. I alifoniia . toutNrn Cllltornll Ollfl 9ICPICI ~ 1 ~ r'lln by lite Tueeday from . enollllf In a HrlH of P1olflo • 1torm1, tll• N1t1on11 WHlh•r lllf RIPIRT • ---·~~ l ~ COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AAl!AS -801tt1red •"owe,. Wecin.dey Ind ~. PMly. '1 cloudy 'rldey. Hlgll~n tll• ooutll Mellon• In the Ind · lllOlftaln reeom se to L-I ltltN~.,...,..toMMll , ~..., --In Ille~ 20a: ' t ';..,.._Mtel, !._.. W.. A_..• • TM "°""· In IN OIM of """"" ......... ....,.. .... T...,7 ' T! J ~, kl. lledP"'*' reM ~.. =.... 1 ~ !! iue ... Or9fO" .... ""°""""" 91d " ,.. 14 -UV ' -..,..... to mo.e.,...... ..._ · ,._ Jltty W poor 51 TODAY ..,o. ~ 11a.-4 dOUdl-•' 4Gll It. ~ 2 Mir M a-id low 1:tt p.M. 0.1 ,_ .. n ~. 11N a Nlll!pOft N '* M e.ootld lllG'I 1:00 P•· 4..t ....... ..., ll'Ol'll IN~ ...._ ~ M poor M TUl•A.Y , I ~'°" ... ,.of........ ........... "'-"". 1 poor M Ant low 114t ...... 0.1 dol z_w.,......tl'leD =""°" 1 poor M •t ~l\WI ?:41-.,i, I.I ftitM wtOI "'oder•t• _..._,ly l II•• 1 poor M C1eOOn6 low 2:11 p111. O.• ' ....,.: 1w1 ~,..., 1-1 • M ~ ,_ t.'OI p.m. a.1 T ........ 111 ...,._.Git-'T,...._, ' hft aefl lodl J 1t t :11 p.m .. lf•tftle w•r• .. , .. , •• to t»• (T...,_, t.a ... M ltlle T...._ ll l~t.1'11. fld#I..., ~ -,....., TOMOMOW'I TIDf.8: Hlgfl 7:41 Lift. lOw 1:11 JA .... OW.. Moon rtlll toclllr II 2:41 P.lft.. 111 tlle tOI ...... lillr IOI Ill .. tloft w.t. ' --~It 4:tt &A -~ ... • .. t fOf' fi"'!t yMl'I. 8-)llnl, wbo ~ unemployed, b•• e•tered the flrtf~UDI apllc.atlon p.rocei. ln ChicO, Ana· helm, Loa Anaelu, San Dle10. MonnM&, West CoviN and Loq Belch. He aaya he wu ju.t one' one- hundredth of ,a. polnt ahort of naltrna a flrefl&htlna post In Oceanalde. 0 rm damned determined.'' ht aald . today. 11rm ac>lni to set ln llOOller or later.'' For Ron Cloe, 19, who llvet in J'ountain Valley, th1t WM a fint plW\le lnto the application~· The FOWltaln Valley Hi,ah School graduate, who la world.f\I u a carpenter'• helper, joined the line outside Ci~ Hall S.turday aftemoott. ' rm golna to k~p ~until I · ~t a firefighter'• je>t>, • he vowed. But a<lCOrdina to Blll Acker· man, the city'• personnel dtrec- tor, the competition for the alngle firefighter'• opening, and per- hapm two later <>penfn8at will be fierce. Only the firat 200 people in line will receive appllcatlpn fonna, and thelr status u nUlllber one or nwnber 199 will carry no weight in the selection process, Ackerman said. Twenty-two of thOM lined up thla momtna were twned away without aetfina ap- plJc&Uom. He aald appllcanta will return their forma April 14 and receive a 200-pqe ttudy ,wde. They will take a written teat April 28, a phyat.cal acUf ty telt on May 1 and finally unaerao an oral exam on May 7. Ackerman predicted that per- hape 50 of the 200 applicantlt w1ll pell t.beae teata. Fin.allatlt allo wU1 face '*kground ICl'eenina. pby· steal exarnt and .,1ych0Toglcal evaluations. Ultimately, applicant.a will be ranked according_ their teat re- 1ult1, and Fire Chief Richard Jorgenaen wU1 reco.nmend one, probably one of the top three on the ellefblllty llat, for the ope- ~~ pay for the Fount.am Valley po1t ii $1.~l per month. Ackerman attributed today'• larp turnout in pert to firefigh. ting'• ~tinuing place aa a gla· mour profe91ion. "Even though they don't re. cue cata out of trees that much any more, firefighters . still have that image of helping people," Ackennan said. 3 county crashes mph, aocord1ni to the lii&hway Patrol. The car driven by Johnson apparentlr sideswiped the Crocker vehicle, sending it out of control and into a telepnone pole near Street of the Green Lan- tern. Mrs. Barbara Crocker ii listed in !erioua but stable condition at Miasion Community Hospital. Both drivers, and Johnson's pas- senBer, Sharon Newman, 28, of Long Beach, suffered minor in- juries. In another a c cident, a 16-year-old El Toro boy and his unidentified companion suffered minor Injuries when their car collided with a vehicle driven by Alfred Bauer, 49, also of El Toro Friday night at El Toro Road and 'T'nl""ln. One of the two female juveniles in the Bauer car suffered major inJuries and is being treated at M188ion Community hospital. Highway Patrol officers said that the 16-year old driver was apparently not at fault, but is being investigated on charges of drunken dri · . A 19-year ~Tustin man was ser iou!lY _injured Saturda)'. around noon when he lost control of bis motorc-yde on Ortega Highway 16 miles east of the Santa Ana Freeway and collided .. head-on with a car driven by Sidney Cavanaugh, 39, of ldyll- wild. Cavanaugh and his wife, Bar- bara, were treated for minor in- juries at San Clemente Hospital. Teen stable afte r mishap Michael Mendlen, 17-year-old El Toro youth injured in an Ir- vine traffic accident, was listed in stable condition today at Tustin Community Hospital. Mendlen, who suffered head in juries In the crash Last Friday night, lost control of his car on Culver Drive north of Deerfield and rammed Into a utility pole, said Irvine police Sgt. Steve 01- aon. His car went into a spin after the driver of an unidentified white vehicle cut him o ff by r~Jdng an unsafe lane change, Olson said. The white car didn't , stop, he added. .,.., ......... ,.... FIRST IN LINE -Randy Bayleaa brought sleeping cot to line up for applying for ~'ajob. _ Dynamite .. 'dumped' on road Orange County sheriff's office bomb squad investiaators aafely removed nearly 200 poundl ot dynamite Sunday that waa found by the side of Newport Avenue ln Qrahae. Sherilf'a Lt. Wyatt Hart said the recovered explO&ives included two cues of dynamite, two cues of booster primers and detona- tors. While the explosives were being retrieved, the California Highway Patrol blocked off Ne wport A't'.enue between Chapman and Rocking Horse avenues. Orange Fire Depart- ment al.so was called to the scene. Hart sald it appeared the ex- plosives had been '"dumped" by the side of the road. The nearest structures were about a half mile away. However, if the explosives had detonated, he said, any pas- sing motorists could have been seriously hurt. Tanker spills gas LOS ANGELES (AP) -An overturned gasoline tanker spil- led thousands of gallons of the flaming liquid over the Holly- wood Freeway on Sunday, but caused no injuries, authorities said. Brooksgate tropical suits in handsome lighter shades Here, the young executive will find the trim lines, taste and quality he seeks at a reasonable price ... and also a n aurac tive alternative in terms of colorings. The poly- ester and wool blend, tailored on our exclusive 2-buuon model comes in multi~ stripes on slate blue or grey, and Glenur- quhart plaids of grey or tan. Coat and trousers. $165 llTAIUSHID 1111 ~6JP~ c_~~@l~ Fumtshtng9 tor Mm. "omen ~~ aoys 530 WBST ITH STREET. LOS ANGBLBS. CAltr. PASH ION I LANO. NBWPORT 86ACH. CALIF. , Otange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 5, 1982 H/F * Al • 1 Hijacked Delta j etli n e r 1return·s Latin fat her, two sons terrorize ~ 03 aboard on unscheduled flight to cuba MIAMI (AP) -A hijacked Delta Alr I.Jnea fetliner returned to Miami early t.oday after a La· tin .father and hia two 1on1 alolbed IUOline on a atewardem and fom.d the pOo\ to take them to Cuba. ''They poured it ~­ where, I wu petrified," aald Linda Infantino, an 18-year-old pauenger who boarded FUaht 691, which curled 96 ~ and a crew of aeven, in her hometown of Chicago. The Boema 727 jet left Chicago at 7 o.m. PST Sunday and wu hi- at 9:15 p.m., 22 minutes e it was due to land in .wrnrnarn Miami, Delea apokeaman Jim Ewlni aa1d ln Atlanta. It 1apded at Joee Marti International Air- port In Havana at 10:09 p.m., and returned to Miami at 12:DD a.m. toeiay. WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- niority and promotion 1y1tema eatabllahed in tht: lut 17 years are lepl even lf they unintent- ionally hurt b lack and female worken, the U.S . Supreme Court ruled today. By a 5-4 vote, the juaUces interpreted a 1964 fed- Thousands fleeing volcano i n Mex ico • APWll ;t .. 1 CONGREGATION BLESSED -Pope John Paul II blesses r faithful with holy water during Palm Sunday mass celebrated from marble steps of St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican City. The Pope made plea for Israelis and· Arabs to come to tenns with one another. More than 120,000 attended the service. PICBUCALCO, Medco (AP) -Weary, hungry villagers crowded into shelters here in 10utheast Mexico as the govem- men t evacuated thousands of peasants from around the erup- ting volcano El Chlchonal. The 4,340-foot volcano erupted Sat- urda night for the third time in six days, raising the toll to at least 21 dead and at least 500 injured and~uring more tons of ashes on · es and towns for miles around. illagera who re- turned to their homes FridaNJed 'Sierra · avalanches feared A nother snowstorm due tonight to add to danger By ~sodated Presa A rd mowfall Hing pre- carious! LJUgged ~ierra Ne- vada slopes forced evacuation of as many as 200 people from a resort community as officials prepared to search again today for avalanche victima at a aecond reeort where at least six people died. Another storm was expec- ted to roll acro88 Northern Cali· fomia tonight, droppin_g more 1now on Sierra peaks already burdened by record levels of mowfall in an inceaant aeries of atOrms that also routed hl.aldreda of people from their homes due to flooding in San Jose. "An avalanche expert who .aa up 1Jl the area advised us ... there ii ex- treme avalanche danger in the $Quaw Valley area," Chief Ed Prealey of the Placer County aheriff's department said Sun- day. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A vaca- tioning couple whose wind- toaed aailing boat broke up on rocks were pfucked to safety by a Coast Guard helicopter crew to- day after 11 hours huddled in a lifeboat at sea. The two were identified aa Terrell Cryer, 32, and Brenda Poeton, 40, both of Ventura. Their 40-foot boat "Gusto" was left moatly 1ub- merged 250 miles eouth of San Diego and a half-mile off the Mexican coast. High winds and ACTOR DIES -Warren Oatea, known for his bad-guy roles, baa died In Hollywood Hilla. Oates. ~2. last appeared in "The Border" with Jack Nicholson. rough eeaa buffeted the boat late Sunday on a return trip to Ox- nani from Cabo San LUCM at the tip of Baja Calitomla. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Patches of heavy black oll CIHdlecl lldwattl .... TI4Jl42-M11 Alt oltMr dapet1MeMl 142.Q21 MAIN OFFtCZ .... .., ... c-.--.CA. MeN.._: .. ,.,C:-. ..... CA. ... CertrllM "-er.. c-.a ~ ~. ... _ __.... .................... lftllmr ... ...U.M1MI ...... _., ....... 2 ........ .-< ....... 11111 ·-~-· . . washed up along .even miles of beach south of here today, "killln8 a lot of birds," the Coast Guard reported. The aouroe and the quantity of the oil were unknown. The 1Uck was disco- vered Sunday afternoon and had darkened much of the scen ic shoreline by this morning, said Petty Officer Gail Williams. "It's on the beach. It's from San Gre- gorio to Pescad~ro." she said. FORT IRWIN (AP) -A sol- dier has died in a truck accident at Fort Irwin, bringing to six the number of deaths in Operation Gallant ~since the massive war games an more than two weeks ago, o · said today. A aecond eoldier waa injured when the water truck in which he and the dead aoldier were riding overturned Sunday, aaid Army Sgt. Maj. Neal Harris. Neither man wu identified pending no- tificaUon of relatives. Both sol- dier•, aervlng with the 360tb Transportation Co~pany from Fort Canon, Colo., 'were mem- bers of a unit suppor~ing the exe.n:Ue," Harria said. LOS ANGELES (AP) Guollne prtcea have hit their loweat levela in two years - $1.19 a gallon overall, down from an all-time hUrh of $1.38 a pllon in March 1981, la)'I oil induatry analyst Dan Lundbefl. The ave- rage, obtained in a weekend aurvey of 17 ,000 stations, reflects a ''further aoften1na of prices to · deeJen and a trecdOOa1 national reduction in au taxet," Lund- bera Mid in a telephone inter- view ~wMlay. The lowest guo-. line prka were 94 centa and 96 centa re1pectively in Oklahoma. where the tax • 9 cent.. • •I We're Listening ~ •• . Wba1 do .YOU like about tbl Dl1lr PUot? Wbat don't )'OU Ilka? Call tbe number below met your mnaa1e wU1 • recorded, .tranacribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor. The same M·hour anawen.. Ml"rice asa.y be uaed to reeol'd ftt· ten to the editor on an1 toplt. llaUbox ceatributon muat lnclude Uaeir n'.ame and telephone •umber ror vermcatlon. No clrtulaUon ealla, pleale. . TeU ua what's on your aUnd. again. Deerue Minister Felix Galvan Lopez said the fate of 5,- 000 people in iaolated aettlementa on the slopes of the volcano still was not known. JAIURTA, IDdoaeala (AP) A volcano on the Indonesian island .of Java erupted today, spewmg molten lava which for- ced tens of thousands of frighte- ned villagers to evacuate, autho- rities aaid. The 7,154-foot-high Galunggung volcano, about 180 miles aoutheaat of here, erupted with an explosive 1ound and threw up a thick cloud of dust which darkened the aky, repor- ted the Directorate General of Volcanoloo in the west Java city of Bandung. However, no imme-diate repo..rta of casualties or da- mage had reached the agency, a spokesman said. MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Foreign Miniatry, in its first an- nouncement about Leonid Brezhnev's condition, aaid today the Soviet president "is on his regular winter vacation." A Foreign Ministry spokesman made the statement in respoMe to a reporter's question on Wes- tern reports that Brezhnev, 75, had fallen ill and might be re- placed as leader of the Soviet government and Communist Party. The statement said only that some ref!!.rta about Brezh- nev do not • correspond to rea- lity" and that he was on vacation. NORFOLlt, Va. (AP) -Re- acuers have recovered some bo- dies but found no IW'Vivon from a Navy cargo-passenger plane that crashed into a mountalnaide on the island of Crete, authorities said today. Eleven people -four crewmen and seven paaaen~rs -were aboard the ClA Trader when it took off from the Norfolk-baaed aircraft carrier USS Dwight Eilenhower on Fri- day for a flight to Souda Bay, Crete. eral law to mean that aenlorlty and promotion 1y1tema caualnff 1ucb "dlaproporUo~te Impact .. toe blacka are lepl unleaa bued on intentional racial blu. The declalon. reached in a cue from Richmond, Va., makes It more difficult for blacks and other minority membera to win law- suits over alleged on-the-job dis- crimination fostered in .eniority Or promotion ayateml e.tabliahed a1nce 1965. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. (AP) -Two huge cranes hoisted the apace shuttle on the back of a jumbo jet today, but high winds forced NASA to delay Columbia's retu- rn to Florida until Tueeday. The "mating" operation requires the ahutlle to be lifted by the cranes while a modified Boeing 747 is rolled under it. Then the shuttle ii bolted to the back of the jet in an operation that takes eight to ten hours. VANCOUVER, Waab. (AP) - Mount St. Helens awoke unex- pectedly from a fortnight'• slumber with two mild eruptions, the latter coming in two brief "pubes" today, shooting a plume of steam and ash four miles high, offlclala aaid. No evacuatlone have been ordered and there have been no report.I of lnJur*, =Y damaae. mudflowa or . However, the National Weather Service continued ita flood wakh on rlvera near the volcano. VIENNA, Va. (AP) -A four-alarm fire, whipped by htch winda, deatroyed the l"Uene C.enter at Wolf Trap Farm Park near here Sunday nliht. caUling more than $6 mtllion damage, authorities said. Wolf Trap, the only national park for the per- forming arta, 11 located in nor- thern Virginia about 16 miles from Waanington, D.C. It ia owned by the U.S. Park Service. CRICAGO (AP) -A pair of commuter train acddenta injured 46 people over the weekend. in- cluding one that occurred when a two-car train slammed into ano- ther that had slipped on rail• greued by tar paper blown from surrounding building•. Chicaao Transit authority spokesman William Baxa aaid 40 people were injured in the first wreck when a train stalled on an incline near a South Side station Satur- day night and was hit from be- hind. • UWll' ...... ROCKS CLOSE ROAD -The California Route 140 access to Y oeemite Park has been closed by a massive rock. slide. Tons of granite tumbled onto the highway in the park between El Portal and Yosemite Valley Saturday night. No one was re- ported injured. It could take two weeks to two months to reopen the road, officials said. • Dlllr .... NEWPORT SCOUT PICKED -Patrick Williama, 18-year-old explorer scout with Newport Beach police department and a Capistran<>' Beach resident, has been se- lected chairman of National Law Enforcement Explorers, which has 35,000 members. Williams, is a freshman at Saddleback Community Col- lege. 14 students honored for achievement Fourteen Orange Coast high 8Chool students were among the semi-final winners in Bank of America's 34th annual Achieve- ment Awards program in Costa Mesa. The first place winners will compe te for $2,000 in cash awards dwing finals Mq 19. First place winners included: Barry Abrahams, Fountain Val- ley High School; Kristie Mosher, La Quinta High Sch ool; Anjel Ayrer, Edison High School, and Susan Visser, Huntington Beach High School. Taking second place were James McCarthy, F.atancia High Schooli-Andre Papillon, Ocean View High School; Brenda Bra- nin,_ Estancia High School, and Kim Uyehara, Ocean View High School. 'third place winners included: Margaret Be('nal'do, Huntington Beach High School; Roger Yates, F.diaon High School; Diana Kong, HuntlngtOn Beach~~ Schoof, and David Sushard, · n High School. Cynthia Nagura and Robert Erickaon, both of Fountain Val- ley High School, were fourth place winners. Parents learn cube tricks PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP) -A local school is offering courses in solving Rubik's Cube for frustrated parents who feel out.smarted by their children, the youth daily newspaper Mlada Fronta said. School director Antonin Pryl said the course "is especially sui- table for parents of teen-age children who, because of their ignorance of the secrets of the Rubik Cube, are losing prestige and authority at home," the ar- ticle said. T h e course is ta ught by 12-year-old Frantisek Kubik, whose personal record is 31 se- conds. • Diet not • a pa~acea DEAR PAT DUNN: Some -yeara uo Dr. Ben Felaaold claJ"ed tlaat cMldna wttll ~rllaetl~ Ud .~eta••t leanba• .d1ubWtle1 1Mwe4 •eflalte-{mprovemeat wea artlfldal foocl colon aDd flavon were removed from tlaelr dally cllet1. 'l'llere wa1 a lot of pnUcJty at.o1t tlae 1aeee11 of till• dietary approaclt to byperklDeal1, b•t tile• I tead tllat tile tlleory bd been dl1- clalmed. Dave uy aew 1h4Uea bet• doae OD Wt? . . -N.T:, Hutbl1toa Bea.ell A panel of expetta, convened ln January by the National Institutes of Health. concluded that the oontrovenial Feingold diet should not be' generally employed ln the treatment of hy- peractive children. Clinical reporta of dramatic results ualng this diet are not supported by the 1i&vailable experimental data. the group concluded. They called for further and better reeearch on the hyperactivity-diet link while hedgi,ng on the question of how 1to treat hyperactive children in the meantime. The panel sug- gested that a dietary trial may be warranted in some cases of hyperkinesis, but should not. be started until after a thorough ,ehysical and psychoeocial eyaluation of both chil~ and family and full co~deration of all the optiom. · Fenders to be replaced DEAR READERS: Owners of 1975-1979 Honda cars with rusted front fenders will begin receiving replacements or reim- bursements under a final r-ederal Trade Commission consent order. The program covers rust on the top part of the front fender within about 2 feet of the windahield. The rust first appears as bubbles or blisters in the paint and soon aft.er, holes develop in the metal. Owners with affected cars should request a letter and ap- plication from a Honda dealer or a Honda zone office and apply by July 31, 1982. . According to a complaint iMued with the consent order, F'fc· states that Honda knew or should have known the fenders on 1975-1978 Civics and ·Accords would prematurely rust, but did not disclose that fact to owners. The company alao allegedly did not tell conswners how to prevent or repair the rusting. Within "six months after a.-dealer has inspected the car, Honda will repair or replace front fenders that began to show rust within the car's first three years. Honda alao will repair or replace any rusted support part necessary for proper installation of the fender. U the replacement has not been made w,ithin the six-month period, owners will be offered a $1~0 cash settlement per rusted fender or replacement of the fender within a reaso- nable time period. Both past and current Honda owners will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in the past for repairs or replacement of rusted front fenders, if the rust occurred within the car's first three years. Only original owners and those who bought a Honda before it was three years old are eligible. . Neither 1973 nor 1974 Hondas are covered under this order, and 1979 Hondas are covered by a three-year warranty given by Honda when the car was sold. More information ii available by writing to the FTC's Bu- reau of Co~r Protection, Division of Marketing Practices, Washington, D.C. 10480, or by phoning (202) 724-9002. Consent agreements are for settlement purposes only and' do not constitute admission by the company that it violated the law. When ~ued by the FTC on a final basis, a consent order carries the force of law with respect to future actions. A violation of such an order may result in a civil penalty of up to $10,000. 687,699 motorcycle• in state · DEAR PAT DUNN: Maybe yoa can llelp settle a bet I llave widt my brodter. I mow tllere mut be more than half a million motorcycles in California, and be claims there aren't dtat many. Wllo'• rig.lat? H. W ., Costa Mesa You are -and then some. There are 687,699 motorcycles registered ln this state. Of those 679,039 are paid reigisstrations. The remaining 8,660 are exempt because they are used by per- sonnel of various government agencies. Orange County has nearly 60,000 registered motorcyles -59,981 to be exact. Only 563 of that total are fee exempt. · • "Got a problem? Then Write to Pat Dunn. Pat wi11 t cut red tape, getting the answers and action you ,~lt 1 need to solve Inequities in government and business. , Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, ,., • Orange·Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa ' Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be a.nsWered, but phoned Inquiries or letters not including the rea· der's full name, address and business hours' phone number can- not Pe considered." ora ... and 55% more! Western Thrift wlll now give you more than the highest "Interest available-we'll throw In a free ham, turkey or roast! Just Invest a minimum of $750 In a ~-new or exlsU~ ~untand we'll glVe you a eertlfl.cate OOOd at any AIPha Beta orocerv store In ca11fom1a1 on top Of that, you'll be earning 81/2% Interest on your money.• That's 55% more than any bank or savings and loan canoffert come In to any western Thrift & LOallJli'anc:tl and get__your ham, turkey, or roast todaV1 • • MoneV must remain in ac:c.unt fOr 90 csavs. 82281.=. l!Wj. <N>Hl'HOt WNttlef Ofange Cotlo Meeo llll f. ICatlila Ave. 2000 Harbor 11¥d. Tottonce 1120I Ptollte ,,..,,., 1&756 Lo '°'09 (ltl) '"''°Ill (714) 9'Y·1IOO . (7M) ... ltll tormno Long lead\ 1872• Venl\lo lh!d . .ac>t l'aC. Coott Hwy. '(111) llM>IOO , (Ill) 4"-JIOt (Ill) Nl•M10 Gllr1dale 414 N. llrond ll!Yd. . (111) UO.lllO vvestem Thrift & Loan Maklpg more money fOr you. .' .. i 99th MINIV-ERSARY .SALE . 52599 OUR SOFTLY RUFFLED DRESSES, FOR JWR JR'S Special. Wonderfully feminine. And totally committed to a woman's movement. From We Three. the perfect shape .. with asymmetrical side closing. In grea1 prints of machine washable polyester/cotton 5 to 13. JWR JR'S, 117 l Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Monday. April 5, 1982 ~-------------------------------------------------------------------. H/F ., NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION O\IOU11«*• lllfi\ID& H •Olt o• , .......... ~ ........... rAC.,IC ...... IOfTON, DIT&O" ••O Cllf(llOlaTI tTOC• IXCMa .. eHaMO ll"CIH~D If 1111 lla&oallO INUllitlt Hel Cllt '41ft .... fl I -CIOw Clle WASHINGTON (AP) -Federal regulators have helped arrange two more rescue mergers of ailing savings institutions, in Philadelphia and Chi· cago. The one in Philadelphia created the nation's largest savings bank. The Federal Deposi\ Insurance Corp. put tqgether the takeover of Auto pact ahead DETROIT (AP) -The majority of United Auto Worken bargaining unita voting 90 far aeprove of a con- tract conceulona peck.ale with Gen- eral Moton Corp .• but union officials •Y final AllUlta remain days away. Local 163, repruentlna two De~ die.el engine plantJ. re- jected tbe ~ntract Sunday by a l,44M9'7 vote, 1CQl ~t Willle Stevena uld. But two otl'ier local• pve It overwhel.minc IUJ)J)Ort. Help Prr14"\t Birth Defeota- the Nofton•s Number One Chlld Health Problem. Changes In reeponalbllltiee for three key dlrec- torshlp1 at the Oranaio Coast Dally Pilot were an- nounced today by Publlaht?r 'l'homu P. Haley. L. Kay Schulu, formel'ly vlce prealdent and di- rector of operat lont, becomes vice president and dl- re<:tor of advertising. · Michael P. liarvey moves from marketing difec.. tor for advertising to marketlna director of the newspaper's <:i.rcu.lation department. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr., fortneTly circulation di- rector, becomes operations director for the newspaper. ln addition, Ray MacLean, controller of the company, will report directly to Haley. Haley said theee changes are effective I.Oday, and commented the reuon for the changes waa to foster new direction, energy and leadership tn each of the areas affected. U.S. closes Va. bank WASHINGTON (AP) -The Aquia Bank & Trust Co., of Stafford County, Va., has been -cloeeCS because of "loans that went bad," a Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. oUicial said. Quinton Thompson, the FDIC's director of bank supervision, confirmed the weekend closure and said that a more detailed announcement of I.he action waa expected today. A decision has no been made on how the FDIC will deal with the bank, which has $14 million in as.. sets, Thompson said. Mortgage rate up slightly WASHINGTON (AP) -The government says the average interest rate charged Americans for new mortgages rose slightly to 17.52 percent in March, but the number of lenders making loans was up for the fourth consecutive month The Federal Home Loan Bank Boa.rd said Sunday the average effective comnutment rate on long-term, fixed-rate mortgages increased 0.02 percentage point from February's 17.50 percent New-car loan rate cut CLEVELAND (AP) -Buying American could pay off for new-car buyers m Cleveland. where AmeriTrust bank has cut its rnterest rate on loans to a minimum 14 percent for customers buying domestic ca.rs. The rate is 16 percent for foreign car buyers. AmeriTrust, like most banks here, had b~en charging 17 percent to 18 percent for car loans. Bruce Akers, a bank vice president, said Ameri- Trust realized the importance of auto making to the Oeveland economy. Fluor s ubsidiary consolidates Daniel International, a subsidiary of Fluor Corp., !has consolidated foreign operations into Daniel Con· structton Company International, with Geor.ge E. McDougall as president. He was also elected to Daniel's corporate board of directors and will l'Ontrnue as Vll'e chaJnnan of Daniel lntemauonaJ (Saudi Arabia) Ltd. Mesa firm aids Apple A buffered pnnter output board for Apple com- puters has been introduced by. Wesper Microsystems, Costa Mesa. Trade-named the Wizard-BPO. this parallel printer interface is designed to free the computer and CRT for entry of a new task while the previous task is being printed New minicomputer introduced General Automation , Inc., of Anaheim has an- nounced a new family of minicomputers called the series 900. The five highly configurable systems offer up to 48 percent price/performance improvements over the firm's previous offerings, running standard applica- tions, officials said. Bank rents space in Santa Ana Enterprise National Bank, a recently chartered bank, has signed a lease at Warmington Plaz.a in Santa Ana for 15,000 square feet of space on the ground le- vel. Enterprise National Bank 1s scheduled to occupy the space in Tower 8 in July. Gold,metals quotations Gold l.oadoa: morning fixing $336.60, up $8.25. Loudon: afternoon (ix:ing $337.50, up $9.75. Paris: $341.31. up $7.24. Frankfurt: $336.51, up $9.91. Zurich: Late fixing $336.00 bid, up $10.00. $339.00 asked. Handy & Harman: (only daily quote) $337.50, up $9.75. Engelllard: (only daily quote) $337.50, up $9.75. Engelllard: (only daily quote) fabricated $354.38, up $10.24. Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot no nferrous metal prices today: Copper 70i·77 cen ts a pound, U.S . destinations. !Aad 23-32 cents a pound. Zinc 37-40 cents a J!C?und, delivered Tin $6.5529 Me~ Week composite lb. Alamlnam 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercury $395.00 per fla&k. Platinum $307.00 troy 02 .. N.Y. Silver Handy & Harman, $7.208 per troy ounce. .CoUlcoi~ NEW YORK (AP) -Prices late Friday of gold celnl, compared with ThUl'ldaY'• price. Krqerruul, 1 troy oi., $346.50, up $4.25. Maple leaf, 1 troy oz., $346.M, up $4.26. Muicu 50 peeo. 1.2 troy o&., $418.&0, up $4.'75. A•1trlu 100 crown, .9802 troy os., $327.00, up ... ~. Source: Deak-Pertta • f ·- I Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprtl 5, 1982 ;.-College presidents responsible: Digger Prem AP dl1patd1e1 NEW YORK -Notre Dame 111· Colch er Phelpe, who hu ch.ar- 1•d th~askelball playen were &eina offered u much aa $10,000 by · recruiters, said Sunday that responaibilfty for the problem'• eolution l"e9tl ulUmately w1th the col- lege presidenta. Af.oepearing on ABCTV'a Sport&Beat, Pbelpe cited ack of control by the prHidenta aa the major problem. "I think we've built th.ii monster ounelves," Pbelpe Nid. "We've torsotten the studenta, and now the athletes turn toward profeuionaliarn, and that'• not what intercollegiate athletics was 11et up to be. And from that standpoint, we 49 .roaches have got to get more involved, so that we can get to our athletic directors who can get to the colle"e presldenta and come up with aome 90Jutions. ' Phelps said the NCAA enforcement com- mittee merely carries out rules established by the member Institutions and he would like to see thoee rules strengthened. OtJote of the day Joba Candelaria, Pittsburgh pitch.er, when the Pirates' 6-5, 240-pound Dave Parker told someone he'd become a vege- tarian: "Yeah, you're a vegetarian, all right. What do you eat? Palm trees? Redwoods?" Richard returns to the mound • J.R. Rlcbard pitched for the first Iii time in almoat two years as Houston defeated Toronto. 3-2 Sunday in ex- hibition baseball action. Richard, who hadn't pitched in game competition since July 14, 1980 when he suffered a strpke, entered the game with two outs in the eighth inning, and despite walking the first three Toronto hitters, didn't allow a run in th.rowing 17 balls and 11 ' strikes ... Steve Nicolia and Lee Lacy hit wind-blown home runs as Pittsburgh de- feated Cincinnati, 5-4 . . . Jim Rice drove in a run wHh two hits and fi- nished the exhibition season with a .478 batting average 88 Boston topped Detro,t, 4-2 . . . Ron Ba11ey dou- bled home the decisive run as MCM.u1D Cleveland shaded Milwaukee in 10 innings. 8-6 . . . A seven-run fourth in- ning boosted Philadelphia to an U-8 win over Minnesota ... Larry Parrl1b collected three runs batted in to lead Texas to an 8-0 victory over the Yankees ... Gaylord Perry, in his outing of the spring, acattered two hita over six innings as the Seattle split squad beat San Diego, 4-1 ... Jack Clark hit a three-run homer and Reule Smltb a solo shot as San Francisco clai-med-an 11-5 decialon over Oakland . . . Darrell Porter hit a three-run homer in the first inning to trigger St. Louis to a 7-4 win over the Mets. uggeta' streak snapped at 12 Guard Bill BaaaUk 1cored a m carHr·hfah 2& Dolnt1 to go with oenter .Jact Slblar1 29 to1*'9 S.tUt " to a 1'°·118 ~over Dftlver Sun· day nl1ht. The tri~mpb, which 1nap~ 12·p.mt Nugeta' W1MinC stttak. kept • ttJe" Ui pmm to t.M ,_,.of U.. I.Aker. in the Divialcn • • ~;-Walter DafiV18 of hilt 12 t.'Ua 1he ftnt half to 1pur toan.-y 104·95 Kanau, Ct~, &he 32nd road 1011 39 a th11 uon . Mike Daal;:it liitr o1 three-point . clown the ttretch u HoUiton overcame a 1'·point dllfidi to upend San Anton!o: 9~·93 , . . Larry Bird omea 18 of hta aame-hlah 29 polnta In the fourth quarter to help I ~ Bo.ton fight off a late rally and deleat Chicago, 114-112 ... Ray WWJam1 notched 27 point• to 1park New Jersey to a 119-109 win over Cleveland ... J•llH Er- vla1'1 24 polnu led PhUl.de5hla to a 127-106 romp over New York . . • S 10 of his first 11 ahota, Muqaes Jolluea 1CO 28 points to match teammate Slaey MeecHef'• total as Mil- waukee raced to a 129-115 Yerdict over Indiana. St. Louis tocks up third In f\!orrls goals to spark St. Louis to a 3-2 vie-, Rookie Joe Mallen scored two Iii tory over Detroit in the final night of the regular season in the National Hockey League Sunday. The victory helped the Blues clinch third place in the f<lorris Division . . . Elaewhere, rookie center Barry Pedenoa netted three goals and UBisted on four others aa Boston assured Itself of aeoond place in the Adams Division by beating Hartford, 7-2 . . . Real Cloutier and Micbel Goalet trig- gered a five-goal Quebec first perlod w)th a goal and two assists each as the Nordiques dumped Bu!talo, 7 -4 . . . Winger Tim Kerr struck for · three goals~ pace Philadelphia to a 7-1 decision over Toronto ... F.dmonton rode power-play goals by Risto Slltanen and Jart Karri 72 seoOnds apart midway th.rough the first period and held on for a 2-1 verdict over Winnipeg . . . Rookies Bobby Carpeater and Chin Valeatlae scored. power-play goalB in the second peri~ to break a scoreless tie and lift Washington to a 3-1 win over Montreal . . . Glen Sharpley'• seoond goal of the game from point blank range midway through the final period he lped Chicago nip Minnesota, 4-3 . . . Steve Gat101 9COred a pair of goals and assisted on another, while goalie Michel Dion turned aside 26 shots 88 Pittsburgh handled the Islanders 7-2. . Muttering wins Santa Anita Derby Mattering held oft the challenge •• of Prince Spellboaad Sunday to win I ' the Santa Anita Derby for 3-year-olds by a noae. Ridden. by Lafflt Piacay, · Muttering took the lead heading for home and managed to hold the advantage despite the strong finish of Prince Spellbound . . . Bjorn Borg survived hi.a third qualifying match Sun- day and then was seeded fourth for today's opening of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament, the first major clay rourt event of the year . . . After leading most of the race, Dale EarDllardt held off the last-minute chal- lenge by Cale Yarborough to win the Rebel~ stock car race at Darlin~\on lnternationAl Raceway. Television, rad io TV: Auto Racing -Long Beach Grand Prix, taped, 11 p.m., Channel 9. RADIO: No events scheduled. Edwards' 75 is good eno'!lgh Clampett falls one shy after futile rally in the wind GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP)-Danny F.dwarda used a more casual. easy-going attitude and a windblown, front-running round of 75 to 8COre a one-stroke victory Sunday in the Greater Greens- boro Open Golf tournament. "I have a feeling I just allowed something to happen," said F.dwards, who led" all the way in the gusty winds that hampered last round play. Sailing seminar set A junior saiJing seminar la scheduled during Easter vacation at Dana Point Harbor. Sponsored by Capistrano Bay Yacht Club's Junior Association classes will be held starting to- day through Thunday f:rom"9 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. "In my destre to improve and do well, I may have kind of made it difficult on myself. This time I just allowed myself to go out and play and not be too concerned wtth how much over or under I was but just play." Bobby Clampett, who mounted a futile chase all day long, was very much concerned, however. "I just couldn't catch him," said Clampett. "It seemed like I wu always a shot behind." The slender F.dwards, a two-sport man who combines his PGA Tour activity with another oc- cupation 88 a raoe car driver, acquired the third title of hia career with a 285 total He was 3-under par on the wind-scoured, 6,984-yard Forest Oaks Country Club course. F.dwarda, 30, who had won only $4,547 pre- viously this aeaaon, picked up $54,000 from the total purse of $300_,000 and added two eventa to his golf schedule. The victory made him eligible for next week's prestlgiOUI Masten in Augusta, Ga., and the Tournament of Ch.ampiona in Carlsbad the week after that. From Page C1 DODGERS • • ii niot conaidered .mows. .;p;~ w.. .. Ki.on'• min« /.!~~ E J,., clu•b--a.;t, ~t= ~ilEE'er1~ Albuq~'. thereC~itl"\I the tam down to the ~ mlt. That Oleam rookie o- wer wW •'-Y wtth the bl& clu . "BalktJJy, he (Luorda) Nid I wu a O\&Jor 1_,ue pitcher," an obviou.lly diMppolnted Nleden· fuer aaid. "It'• Jutt a matt.er of hav!ng too many pitcheta right now.'' Sunday, the Dodgere needed just two pitchers to get the job done. Bu.rt Hoocon went a solid six, scattering six hita and allo- wing three eruned runs. Dave Stewart finished things up, surviving an Angel rally Tn the elJlhth inning to earn the save and d11appolnt the Angel tan• who dominated the big crowd. And, botb the Angels and Dodgen appear to be headed for big seuona, aU.endance-'Vite it the three-game Freeway Series figures are any indlcation. Thia year's three game total pushed the aeries total over the 1 million mark. The th.ree games (two at Dodger Stadium) drew 140,094. "It's golna to be fun playing in front of big crowds every day," noted Dodger reserve shortatop Mark Bel.anger. ..... AY NOTO -~ announoed he wlll oo w1tt1 a tour-4Nlll pttc:Nng rouitlon to 1tart ltl• regular ... ion. ,.,,, Revn wlll open IQalnat the Glaotl on Tueaday, followed by ••ti Weloh on WednHdayand •11rt Moo40ft on Frldey. ,.,,_ .. v-....-will tllen 1tar1 Saturday ag1tn1t th• San OteQo Plldtaa In a g.wne NBC will t...._ natlonally . . • Ktloft came Into tna g.wne wtth 14 1n- n1ng1 of WOflt "'"* ,. belt. Ha boM1ad a 1 .93 a.ned NII ..... and had allowed )Ult -NU white atttlng OU1 10 ••• Angel c1tcner ~ 9-wu voted the ,,_. ~ moat vMlable play9f of tM ~­way Seriel, .,.. Anoal pitcher Qeaft :z.M, who ottclled llJl ~ Inning• In the Anqel• 2· 1 victory In the Freeway 099'*, WM Nll'l1ad th• winner of th• lett1 Phllllp1 M1morlat TroPhY u tna outatMdlng pltc:n. ol tna -.... From Page c1 OtiltJ ~ ...... bf CtwtM 8Wr A TT ABOY -Steve Garvey receiv~ congratulations from third-base coach Danny Ozark after Garvey's third-inning homer Sunday at Anaheim Stadium LAUDA WINS GRAND PRIX • • • pionship point standings, had a brake failure and went out. track brea~ up, it iSn't good. "But you have to realize there is massive construction going on here at the present time. Asphalt has to be laid down 60 to 90 days before a race in order to cur e properly and it has only been 40 days since the repairs were made. Riccardo Patrese (27). Between them they have started in 224 Fl races and have won 24 in that time including Sunday's race in Long Beach. Nelaon Plquet, the defending world champion parked his Brabham after 26 laps and teammate Riccardo Patrese left the coune a few momenta later. While Rosberg didn't win the race, he did move to the top of the point standings after three races with 14. Prost ls second with 13 with Laude moving to third with 12. Piquet remains at 9 in fourth position. "These cars exert terrific pressure. up to a '1'1 to 4 g 's, when they are going sideways into the turns.'' With Villaneuve disqualified, Patrese of Italy moved up to third and Tyrell driver Michele Alboreto of ltaly improved from fifth to fourth. Ello de Angelis of Italy moved up to fifth. . Promoter Chris Pook, in ex- plaining the rough spots on the course, said: "I don't blame Lau- da for complalnin~. When the For the youngsters in the race, a bitter lesson may have been learned. You don't become a top Formula One driver overnight. The top three finishers were ,Lauda (33), Rosberg (33) and When the race returns to the streets of Long Beach next year, Ocean Boulevard will no longer be a part of the course. It will be some 600 yards short.er than this year's track. LITTLE WIN -Sally Little had to come from five strokes back to win the LPGA Di- nah Shore tournament at Rancho Mirage. Little makes big rally. Her 64 ties Shore tournament record • RANCHO MIRAGE (AP) -Sally Llttle felt as if she were dreaming after a dream round of 64 gave her the richest pr:izeJn..wonMID '1.19lf. "1 don't know where I am," a bea- ming Little said Sunday after she rallied from five strokes behind to I win the Dinah Shore Invitational. "I'll have to come down to even think about it." Little's final-round birdie blitz for the 8-under-par 64 gave her a 3-stroke victory over third-round lea- der Hollis Stacy and Sandra H.ayrue. Little said of her impressive finiah: "l was playing at a level that I reach sometimes, but that I can't aeem to have all the time. I get so pumped I get lnto the owne and just go." 76-67-71-64 over the 6,255-yard, par-72 Mission Hills Country ,Club course. A 30-year-old South African in her 12th year on the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour, Little began the day in a fourth-place tif', five strokes oft the pace. She carded four birdies on the front nine, four on the back, and no bogeys during the closing round. Her 64 tied the Dinah Shore tour- nament record set by 1981 winner Nancy Lopez-Melton last year. Little caught Stacy with a birdie on the 10th pole, then moved ahead to stay with another birdie on No. 11. Kathy Whitworth, with a 69, and Amy Alcott, with a 67, finished six strokes behind the winner at 284. Pat Bradley waa alone at 286. The aeminar is open to both club members and non-members. The coune covers basic sailing prin- ciples and sailboat handling. J!lmphaaia will be on on-the-water drills, according to John Wold, the club's junior program vioe chairman. For those students already familiar with the basics, spec. ial instruction will be given on impro- ving racing skills and knowledge of racing rules and tactics. UCI earns first conference win Stacy didn't appear particularly dist:reeaed at not winning, saying: "I'm excited about playing as well as I did. There was a lot of pressure on Sally." · Stacy, who had a 4-stroke edge •over Jan Stephenson and JoAnne Carner heading ihto the final 18 holes, Carner had a closing 73 to finish with Lopez-Melton and Beth Daniel at 287, wtule Stephenaon shot 75 to finish at 288. Electric Pumpkin rolls Three clueea of one-design sailboats turned out Sunday for Balboa Yacht Club's One-Deman Re- gatta. The cl.u9es were J -24, Etchell&-22 and Soling. Winner In the J -24 C1UI wu Electric Pump- kin, C?O·ikippered by Mark Raatello and Jordon Murphy, Bahia C.ortnthian Yacht Club. Runner-up WU Amerlcan Expreis, Stephen Griller and Kurt Miller, King Harbor Yacht Club, and third wu Malola. Steve Wuhbum and Chuck RJckerahau.er, Loa~ Yacht Club. The Etchella-22 winner wu Phil Ram.er in SJ>lrlt, NHYC, followed by Bananu, Howard Hamlin-Harry PattilOn, NHYC, and Hwndinpr, Phil Lyom..Bill Altman. NHYC. . LOS ANGELFS -Steve Haworth cracked a homer and a pair of doubles to drive in two runs to pace a 16-hit attack which carried UC llv1ne to ita first win In the Southern Calilornia Bueball A.adation, 11-7 SUnday at Cal State Loe Anftles. ~ Ante.ten Ji.Mi to Ally from an I· ~I l] ~, Liltl I DI Ill~ · For Backache, Stiff Neck, shot par 72. Haynie had a closing 65. Uttle completed the 72-hole event at 10-under-par 278, with rounds of · The victory was the second of the year for Little, who now haa won 12 Ladies Professional Goll Alaociation events. Live Chicks S.. tM.n hatch few Eolt• from INf for.n lnalbotot at the Hvntington Canter Mo/J doily hru Af"'. 10. Construction -mo~ available at ~ H~ritage Bank. • Residential • commerdal eu11c11ngs: Takeout commltmene requl~ alongwlth~ , 11111111m 1•111m MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1982 OR ANGE COUN TY . C A LIFORNIA 25 CENTS Foreign Secretary resl11Ds ~-~--British fleet sails for action I AS IT ONCE WAS -This was the scene du- ring Bal Week of 1952 when celebrants danced in the streets of Balboa near the Fun Zone and ...., .......... portable loudspeakers were set up to blast music out to the teeming throng of vacationers. Bal Week a memory Spring .vacation once kept coast cops busy By STEVE MITCHELL of th41 Delly Not ..... In its heyday, Bal Week had Newport Beach police working 12 hours on and 12 off, and onoe they arrested 1,376 revelers in nine days. By the calendar, aprtng recetB for moat schools atarte<f today. But the action of "Bal Week" .., it was known in yesteryear, is gone. Beach crowds are routine or less under CWTent mixed skies. But it was not always thus. During s prin~ vacatio n through the 1940s, 50s and '60s, the Newport-Balboa Peninsula, much of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach became one giant parking lot. Beaches were jammed So were rental units. Newspape r h eadlines from thoee years read like this: "F.aster Week Picks Up; Police Nab 207 Youths," I "Curfew Arrest.a Top List, 138 Booked in 24 Hours.'' "Coed Arrests Soar in Bal Week Tall ," "Beach ~olice Dig In for Easter Invasion." Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell was a Newport Beach oop in the 1960s, a veteran of eight Bal Weeki in that city. juvenile A.rresls Soa~ ach Preacher Ban on W 8 y Out? Bul Not to 1965 Mar 8 Harbor Youlb• EASTER· WEEK PICKS UP; · ~tld in 0o,-"-w POllCE NAB 207 YOUTHS MARIJUANA LATEST FAD ON BEACH; ARRESTS UP NB Police Pushing ~'-··n...11., • ....,.1, Juvenile Roundup Bal Week Story: Crimes _ _ Down, Attendance Up ~ -.-. . NB Surfing """-l'een-age Girl Dies a. Joi OnfilUIMt S.ld Unfair On Jamboree Road Bal Week Arrests ._ ..... ~ ~ May Have Hit Peak :a=-f! l"'i 1 ..,.... _ _... .......-ft .. T.-"k NB Police .,_,.. . t" Ill'"'""' Tr• l< • ,..--... "....... ...... ... ,.,.. -' ,_ ... 8rM'ing (or ~ ,_....,._o. ' -'w""''-•660.l'W~k ';".~ """" 11•" t••"" 8£i(it -POLICE 'DIG IN' FOR £ASTER INVASION Police Broadcasts Clear Bal Streets Bal Week Jams Falklands recapture proinised LONDON (AP) -British Foreign Secretary Lord Carring- ton resigned today, taklng res- ponsibility of a diplomatic failure to prevent Arf;~~·· aelzure of the Falkland da that Britain threatens to retake by force. Carrington quit only hours af- . ter the aircraft carrier Invincible, leading Britain's mi.ghtleat fleet since it tried to prevent Egypt's takeover of the Suez Canal 26 years ago, steamed out of the southern naval base at P ort- smouth on an 8,000-mile, two- week expedition to recapture the Falklands. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher accepted the resigna- tion after three daya of mounting demands from newspapers ana lawmakers -including members of the ruling Conservative party -for the 62-year-old Carrington and Defenae Secretary J ohn Nott to be sacked over what critics called the Falklands debacle. "In my view, much of the cri- ticism iB unfounded but I have been responsible for the conduct of the policy," said Carrington's letter of resignation. "I think it rlaht that I resign." Mn. Thatcher told Carrington in a letter that she accepted his resignation with "a heavy be.art" after falling to dluu.ade him from his "unalterable decision.'' Carrington's resignation ended · a three-year tenure at the Fore- ign Office, during which he was credited with solving Britain's molt intractable colonial problem when he negotiated independen- ce for Rhodesia, now black-ruled Zimbabwe, two years ago. Nott a1ao tendered his resign.a- • lion but Mrs. Thatcher refused it, telllng him i&.A.letter she needed him to continue "u our forces prepare for the possibility of ar- med action. I have the fullest confidence in your ability to car- ry out the crucial tasks ahead.'' Two of Carrington'a aides, Deputy Foreign Secretary Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce, Foreign Office minister of state for Lalin America , also tendered resignations which were accepted. "God speed Invincible!" shou- ted 30,000 Britons at the Port- (See SECRETARY, Page AZ) Deir ,.. ....... .., '-,.,.. SWEEPS WINNER -A horse named "Hard· Times" spelled good times for June Carr of Huntington Beach, who • holds a winning ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes. But Mrs. Carr says she isn't quitting her job at a Newport Beach market. Sweepstake winner Huntington mom of 5 to get $53,000 By ROBERT BARKER Ofho.IJNotllllft Huntington Beach resident June F. Carr has come away a $53,000 winner in her first fling in the Irish Sweepstakes. HER HORSE finished second in the Grand National Steeple chase at Aintree, England, Saturday. Mrs. Carr, who works in the bakery section of Market Basket at 1150 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, said her teen-age daughter first learned the good news in a tele- phone call from United Press International Saturday night. "She came to the store real excited and asked me what would be the best thing in the world that could happen to me," Mrs. Carr recalled. "I SAID, 'you made the all-CIF basketball team. Your boyfriend got a job.' " (Her daughter, Kerri, is a senior at Huntington Beach High School and recently made the all-league team.) "She told me the ~ood news and I was in total shock. (See SWEEPSTAKES, Pa1e A!) He and fellow officer Jerry Nikas compiled a book in 1966 from the 3,500 photographs they took of that year's Invasion of st11dents and young people to Newport Beach. Balboa Beer Busl Ends With Arrest or 3 Youths C·1 Jail Padd) "agoo11. ' y SHADES OF YESTERYEAR -When spring vacation, known as "Bal Week" rolled around in times past. headlines from the Daily Pilot chronicled the hijinks and arrests. Salmon spot check on hold "The first order of the day on Eaater Week was to don your oldest unifonn," Purcell recalls. "The ldda were down there for fun, but the fun included giant parties, and when the ~lice ar- rived, it was fight time,' he said. "At the end of F.aater Weelt we always had a few officers with black eyes and split Ups." He said days off were cancel- ed and the reserves were put on during Bal Week, and the de- partment enlisted the aid of the Sheriff's office and even the Military Polloe. "We had two officers out wal- king a foot beat every couple of blocks on the Peninsula:" he recalled. He remembers a yellow cot· tage on the Peninlula 'that was 90 full of revelers "they actually split the walls out." . And, speaking of crowds, one hotel operator called police when hundreds of youths jumped in his l "When we chased them out there couldn't have been more than two feet of water left in the pool," Purcell laughed. Arrests were many, and they ranaed from drinking in public to curlew violations, fireworks to malicious miJchief. "There WU nothing really that aerloua," Puroell said: '"The kida were out for a good time; a time to harass and tease the cope." And, aurprlalngly, Purcell aaya he has fond memories of those hectic daya. '"The name of the game was to see how many kids we could arrest.'' There were contest.a between (See BAL. Pa1e AZ) By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL Of"'9o.lrl'let ... An Orange County health de- partment official aaya he was still awaiting word today from the Food and Drug Administration on whether or not to begin spot checks of grocery stores for types of canned aalmon now subject of a voluntary recall. Salmon canned by five Alaaka fisheries and marketed under more than a 800tt of brand rwnes may contain botulism toxin be· cause of can defects. Only 7~-ounce size cans are involved. The current thruat of the lt~A'a lnvestigetlon la to deter· mine, via distribution records, w here tbe canned salmon was ahippecf. and if any found its way to supennarket shelves. By late last week, major area supermarket chains were cbec- ~ their canned salmon stocks against a long list of can codes distributed by the FDA. Should the FDA determine that some of tbe suspiciou. sal- men baa been distributed to retail outleta, It would then notify the county health offictala to conduct spot checks of grocery stores, said Robert Merryman, the county's director of environmental health. U thoee check:s confinned that cans bearing codes matching thoee on the FDA'• u.t were on the shelves, health department inspector s wo uld intensify checks, Merryman said. Merryman said he had expec- ted to receive some word from the FDA on Friday or over the weekend on whether to begin spot checks. That no word had yet been received, Merryman said, "is kind of good news" because it may indicate that affected cans of aalmon were not distributed to Orange County outlet.. "We're just in a holding pat- tern right now,'' Merryman said. r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD Gold, l;ilver both advance Gold and silver rallied sharply on world markets today. Gold cloeed at $336.~ an ounce in London, and was up $16.50 in New York to $346.70. Silver wu quoted at $7 .46 in New Y o.rk. up 29 centa an ounce. NATION Tbey 'argue' with Reagan Art Hoppe finda a family In Upper Succou.b that leeJIW to be happy at the prospect of beilia jobJeM. PapA6. 2-way radio speab loudly Tltle1 have alway1 been a 1tatu1 12mbol In WMbf.nlt.on. Now lt'1 your two-Qy radio. Pap B3. • r . STATE . SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Rancho Seco nu- clear power plant wlll be out of operation about a month for repairs. Delayaslced in bearing LOS ANGELES (.~) -G~ Ulu Powell, one of two men convicted for the' Onion Field" murder of a polkeman. hM lllked parole nfflda•• to delay a hearing that will det.ermlne whether bis J'1he releue from pri8oo ahould be re.:inded. COUNTY Yaclit 'race on horizon ~~at1on1 are under way for the annual "hap ' that ii the world'• 1111-t (and lhortelt) international y11eht nee. See Al ~bey'• reeon, P.,e Bl. INDEX At Your Service ~~beck Buaine9I Calif omia A4 Bl B2 B5 A5 B2 ' Dl,D3-6 B4 B4 D2 Cavalcade Cl•wtfied Comlal ero.word Death Noticee Editorial Entettainment A6 C5-6 SPORTS Horoecope Ann Landers Moviea National News Public Noticea Sparta Stock Marke1a Televilion Theatera Weather World Newa Huge crowds watch events ' B2 B2 C5-6 A3 D2 Cl-3 & C4 C5-6 A2 A3 The Dodaen took a M rr.w..v Sers. from the Anaell before 82,2&7 at Anaheim 'Stadium. Mean- whfie, 82,000 watched Niki t.uda win the Lona BeKb Grand Prix. hp Cl. . \. ·• , Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Monday. Aprll 5, 1982 1 Hijacked Delta jetliner .returns La Un fat her, two sons terrorize 103 aboard on unscheduled flight to cuba MIAMI (AP) -A hltacked Delta Air Li.nee jetliner returned to Miami early today after a La- tin father and hia two aotu aloahed auoUne on a stewardea and forced the pilot to take them to Cuba. "They poured it ~­ where, I waa petrified," aaid J..lnda Infantino, an 18-year-old pauenaer who boarded Flight 591, which carried 96 pa..engera and a crew of aeven, in her hometown of Chicago. The Boel.na 727 jet left Chicago at 7 Em. PST Sunday and was hi- ked•at 9:15 p.m., 22 minutes fore it was due to land in Miami, Delta apokeaman Jim Ewing aaid in Atlanta. It' landed at Joae Marti International Air- port ln Havana at 10:09 p.m., and returned to M1aml at 12:51'.> a .m . today. WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- niority and promotion ayatema establlahed in the lat 17 yea.ra are legal even lf they unintent- ionally hurt b lack and female workers, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. By a 5-4 vote, the justices interpreted a 1964 fed- eral law to mean..that seniority and promotion syatema causinH auch "dlaproportionate impact·· for blacks are legal unlees baaed on Intentional racial bias. The decision, reached in a caae from Richmond, Va., makes it more difficult for blacks and other minority members to wln law- suits over alleged on-the-job d!J.- crimination fostered in seniority or promotion systems establlahed smc..: 1965. "fullel" today, shooting a plume o •team and aah four mUea hil}l, official• aaid. No evacuations have been ordered and there have been no reporta of injuries, property damage, mudflow1 or flooding. However, the National Weather Service continued ita flood watch on rivers near the volcano. VIENNA, Va. (AP) -A four-alarm fl.re. whipped by high winds, destroyed the Filene Center at Wolf Trap Fann Park near here Sunday night, causing more than $6 million damage, authorities said. Wolf Trap, the only national park for the per- forming arts, is located in nor- thern Virginia about 15 miles from Washington, D.C. It is owned by the U.S. Park Service. ThOu§ands fleeing volcano in Mex ico WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan de~ounced the Soviet Union today for attacking innocent people in AieaniBtan, and said Americans ' will con- demn these crimes and work for international repudiation." In a toughly wbrded indictment of Soviet behavior, Reagan decla- red: "We will not remain silent, when, in Afghanistan, yellow rain is dropped on innocent peo- ple, solemn agreements are fla- grantly broken, and Soviet heii- c op te rs drop thousands of 'butterfly' mines which maim and blind A!gt&n children, who pick them up thinking they are toys," he advised a convention of union leaders. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan today repeated his oplnion that the Soviet Union has a nuclear edge over the United States and urged Soviet Presi- dent Leonid Brezhnev to meet with him during June or July to discuss anna limitations. Reagan told reporters he would address a United Nations disarmament i;onference in New York and suggested that Brezhnev do the same. Then the superpower lea- ders should sit down and talk, he added. ,, ........... CONGREGA'l'ION BLESSED·-Pope John Paul II blesses faithful with holy water during Palm Sunday mass celebrated from marble steps of St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican City. The Pope made plea for Israelis an<l Arabs to rome to terms with one another. More than 120,000 attended the service. " PICBUCALCO, Medco (AP) -Weary, hungry villagers crowded into shelters here in aoutheast Mexico as the govern- ment evacuated thousands of peasants from around the erup- ting volcano El Chichonal. The 4,340-foot volcano erupted Sat- urday night for the third time in six days, raising the toll to at least 21 dead and at least 500 injured and _pouring more tons of ashes on villages and towns for miles around. Villagers who re- turned to their homes Friday fled .. Sierra avalanches feared Another snowstorm due tonight to add to danger By Tile Aaaodated Presa A record snowfall piling pre- cariously on rugged Sierra Ne- vada slopes forced evacuation of as many as 200 people from a resort community as officials prepared to search again today for avalanche victims at a second resort where al least six people . died. Another storm was expec- ted to roll across Northern Cali- fornia tonight, dropping more snow on Sierra peaks already burdened by record levels of snowfall in an incessant aeries of stom\S that also routed hundreds of people from their homes due to flooding in San Jose. "An avalanche expert who is up in the area advised us ... there is ex- treme avalanche danger In the SQuaw Valley area," Chief Ed Presley of the Placer County sh,riff's department said Sun- day. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A vaca- tioning couple whoa& wlnd- toued sailing boat broke up on rocks were plucked to sa1ety by a Coast Guard helicopter crew to- day after 11 houn huddled ln a lifeboat at sea. The two were identified as Terrell Cryer, 32, and Brenda Poston, 40, both of Ventura. Their 40-foot boat "Gusto" was left mostly aub- merged 250 miles south of San Diego and a half-mile off the Mexican coast. High wlncb and ACTOR DIE S -Warren Oates, known f<r his bau-guy roles, has died In Hollywood Hilla. Oates, 52, last appeared in "The Border" with Jack Nicholson. rough aeaa buffeted the boat late Sunday on a return trip to Ox- nard from Cabo San Lucas at the tip of Baja California. SAN FRA NCISCO (AP) - Patchea of heavy black oil Cl••ailltd lld"'8ftlalng 7141142-6111 All other ~rtments 142-4321 MAIN OfFICE • .... .., SC.. c-. ...... CA. Mell.-..:--1~ .... --.u... ... c.-,,....,. Or.,.. c:..I ........... ~. ,.._ ...... .......,u ,...,.........., ... "" ............ IM\t .. ~ ........ .-Clel .... 11' 11 eef~-· wuhed up along seven miles of beach sou th of here today, "killing a lot of birds," the Coast Guard reported. The source and the quantity of the oil were unknown. The slick was disco- vered Sunday afternoon and had darkened much of the scenic shoreline by this morning, said Petty Officer Gail Williams. "It's on the beach. It's from San Gre- gorio to Pescad~ro." she said. FORT IRWIN (AP) -A sol- dier has died in a truck accident at Fort Irwin, bringing to six the number of deaths in Operation Gallant F.agle since the massive war games began more than two week.a· ago, officiala said today. A second soldier was injured when the water truck in which he and the dead soldier were riding overturned Sunday, said Army Sgt. Maj. Neal Harris. Neither man was identified pending no- tification of relatives. Both sol- diera, serving with the 360th Tran1portation Co~pany from Fort Canon, Colo., were mem- bers of a unit supporting the e.xerciae," Ha.nia said. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Gasoline prices have hit their lowest levels in two years - $1.19 a gallon overall, down from an all-Ume high of $1.38 a gallon in March 1981, 18)'1 oil incluatry analyst Den Lundberg. The ave- rage, obtained ln a weekend 1UrVey of 17,000 stad.ona, reflects a "further IOftenlnc of pricea to dee.Jen and a fractional national reduction in IQ taxes.'' Lund- 001 said in a telephone inter- view Sunday. The lowett guo- line pricel were 94 cents and 96 centl retpectlvely in Oklahoma, when the tax ta 9 cents. L OS A NGELES (AP) - About 200 protettera carrying bloodied Cllllbta and death mab marcbed In front of the Wstem Alrim. tamtnaI at Loe AnceJee International Nrport to protelt , U.S . deportation of Salvadoran refupa I ..., ... ......, ........... We're Listening ••• What do you Uh about the Dall11 Pllot? Whal don't you like? Call OW number beTow UiJ 10W' meaaa1e will De recorcted. tran1cribed Ud delivered to the appropriate edltor. The same 2"·bour anawertnc aervtce may be uaed to record let· •t.en to the ed.ltor on any .topic. Mailbox contributon muat include t.helr name and telephone number tor vertfieaUon. No clrculatloG calls, plea.ae. TeU ua what's on your mind. again. Deenae Minister Felix Galvan Lopez said the fate of 5,- 000 people ln isolated aettlements on the slopes of the volcano still was not known. JAKARTA, l.Ddoneala (AP) A volcano on the Indonesian island of Java erupted today, spewing molten lava which for- ced tens of thousands of frighte- ned villagers to evacuate, autho- rities said. The 7, 154-foot-high Galunggung volcano, about 180 miles aoutheast of here, erupted with an explosive sound and threw up a thick cloud of dust which darkened the sky, repor- ted the Directorate General of Volcanology in the west Java city of Bandung. However, no imme- diate reports of casualties or da- maie had reached the agency, a spokesman said. . VANCOUVER, Waab. (AP) - Mount St. Helens awoke unex- pectedly from a fortnight's slumber with two mild eruptions, the latter coming in two brief MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Foreign Minist:cy, in its first an- nouncement about Leon id Brezhnev's condition. said today the Soviet president "is on his regular winter res t ." A Foreign Ministry apokes:nah • made the statement ln response to a reporter's question on We-5- tern reports that Bre%hnev, 75, had fallen ill and might be re- placed as leader of the Soviet government and Communist Party. The statement said only that some re~rts about Bre%h- nev do not ' correapond to rea- lity" and that he was on vacation. NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -Re- scuers have recovered au bo- dies but found no sWvivon from a Navy cargo-passenger P.lane that crashed into a mountainside on the Island of Crete, authorities said today. Eleven people -four crewmen and seven passengers -were aboard the C lA Trader when it took off from the Norfolk-baaed aircraft carrier USS Dwight Fhenhower on Fri- day for a f9ghl to Souda Bay, Crete. ' . ,, ftiiijlfMAo ROCKS CLOSE ROAD -The California Route 140 access to Yosemite Park has been closed by a massive rock slide. Tons of granite tumbled onto the highway in the park between El Portal and Yosemite Valley Saturday night. No one was re- ported injured. It could take two weeks to two months to reopen the road, officials said. ... your choica ... ~can't, g, wT0!19 wit.h oaz.a:n pociflc ~ ~ <XJfT'IL in sort dun~~ cordw:w -thz. °'IW pcckizt lJ1 p1nwala-6rd thz. <Z.leet1c beck m widtlwola.. in many grQ.at col~. sima CB-38. .. .. """"°" l•IGnd· Nftupott. Bead\•7Jf/&44·5070 JOOJ ~mvct..-.taoood V~•213/479-7727 .. ' NYSE COMPOSITE· TRANSACTIONS OUOTATIC*J IMCLUOI. f•llDU O• , ...... VMl ,aU•••n . l'AClll'IC, ..... 9"~~ ••• ,.OIT .... CllllCllUtiUI •rot• IXCIM~U AlllD H llClellD • ., , ... ""° u • l•n ll•lf 2 savUiss firms rescued WASHINGTON (AP) -Federal relUlacon hbe helped arrange two aa. nmue meraen of ail1nl •vtnca lnaUtutiom, in Ph1.19delphia and Chl· CltlO· The one In PhJ.i.delphJa creeted thi naUm•a 1ara-t •vinll bank- Tbe Federal De poalt Inaurance ~. Pl! tosetber lbe takeoftr of W...o ~ Bank, hued in Ha· YWfGrd. Pa., bY the Philldell>hla Sa~ vtnp J'und SodetY co kMp 'West.em from tanw.. an FDIC announcement Mid. Auto pact .ahead Dow Jones F-inal Changet tn responsibilities for three key din!c- torahipa at the Orange Coast Daily Pilot were at\• nowlCed today by Publisher Thomas P. Haley. L. Kay Schultz, fonnerly vice president and di· rector of operations, becomes vice president and di· rector of advertising. Michael P. Harvey moves from marketing direc- tor for advertising to mar keting director of the newspaper's circulation department. -Kenneth N. Goddard Jr., formerly circulation di- rector, becomes operations director for the newspaper. In addition, Ray MacLean, controller of the company, will report directly to Kaley. ·Haley said these changes are effective today, and commented the reason for the changes was to foetft' new direction, energy and leader.hip in each of the areas affected. Fluor subsidiary consolidates Daniel International, a subsidiary of F1uor Corp.. has comolidat.ed foreign operations into Daniel Con- struction Company International, with George I:. McDougall as president. He was also elected to Daniel's corporate board of directors and will continue as vice chairman of Daniel International (Saudi Arabia) Ltd. M esa firm aids Apple A buffered printer output board for Apple oom· puters has been introduced by Wesper Microsysteml, Costa Mesa. Trade-named the Wizard-BPO. this g.arallel printer interface is designed to. Cree the oomplfler and CRT for entry of a new task while the previous task la being printed. New minicomputer introduced General Automation, lnc., of Anaheim has an· nounced a new family of minicomputers called the series 900. The five highly configurable systems offer up to 8 48 percent price/perf?rrnance ~provement.s over ~ firm's prev1c..us offerings. running standard applica- tions. officials said. Bank rents space in S anta Ana Enterprise National Bank, a recently chartered bank. has signed a lease at Warmington Plaza in Santa Ana for 15,000 square feet of space on the ground le- vel. Enterprise National Bank is scheduled to occupy the space in Tower 8 in July. Mortgage rate up slightly WASHINGTON (AP) -The government says the average interest rate charged Americans for new mortgages ro1e slightly to 17.52 percent in March, but the number of lenders making loans was up for the fourth oonaecutive month. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board said Sunday the average effective commitment rate on long-term, fixed-rate mortgages increased 0.02 percentage point from February's 17.50 percent. New-car loan rate cul CLEVELAND (AP) -Buymg American could pay off for new-car buyers in Cleveland, where AmeriTrust bank has cut its interest rate on loans to a , minimum 14 percent for customers buying domestic cars. The rate is 16 percent for foreign car buyers. AmeriTrmt, like most banks here, had been charging 17 percent to 18 percent for car loans. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS AJPS ARD DOWNS GOLD QUOTATIONS .,n.. 'q .,,_ ......, -.tel gdd pito. ~ ....... .,.,.. .... ISM.eO, .... L....., att.,11oon t1a1rt0 nn .... ., •.n. ..... Dn~t,~ 11J117.H. ............. ,,up •. tt. --Liiie ~ SSM.00 .......... ... 0011111ec1. NeMr a Mar•aa1 (only dellJ .,...) '7¥··•11. •• t~~ .... e.r.-.. .::r:.,=.~.-.. ......... SYMBOLS