HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-17 - Orange Coast PilotTWO READS BETTER? -A couple of camels nuzzle up while resting for the Circus Vargas show at the Orange County Fairgrounds. The .,.., ..... ~.,, ..... ~ circus, complete with big top, animals and clowna, runs through Sunday. New 'Big Bend' suit filed Attorney again challenging road's safety By JEFF ADLER or ... .,..,,......,. J)espite a jury verdict earlier this month to the contrary, the safety of Laguna Canyon Road's Big Bend Curve has yet to be resolved .. says a Santa Ana at- torney who bas initiated a aecond lawtuit chaUenglng the curv~a safety record. · Thia time, attorney Gene Gold.sman ia asking that clienta Donald and Judith Wright, ~f Garden Grove, be awarded $10 million in the death of their aon. 24-year-old David Lee Wrisht. The Big Bend stretch of La- guna Canyon Road is a tight 3~-rnile-an-bour curve where the north-south road abruptly Jhlfts directions before entering central Laguna Beach. . Goldsman, In his cllenta' be- ball. has filed c1aJnd stemming from the col.lbi6on with both the state Departmett of 'l'ranaporta- tion (Caltran.a)' and the city of Laguna Beach. The claims ate the first steps in the legal proceH that almost certainly will wind up befOl'e an Orange County Superior Court jury in the next eeveral years. fety, even in Ught of the jury's decision. "The road is definitely unsafe," ~e said. ''The people of Orange County are goins to get a safe road - We're gotng'tO win the war," said Goldsrnan. 1ACUQa a.ch•· dent. Caltrarui and La1una Beach ha~ six months to etther aa:ept . or deny the claims that were fil- ed Friday. Once (he claima are denied, which UIUally la routine In such matters, the claimant. can file a lawsuit, a Lacuna Beech dty of6dal explained. • I , Ylll llllllll llllY Ml :Aii-of. optii,li~m' ~old 'j 1n Falklands-meetings .'. BUENOS AIRES, Ar1entlna (AP) -Secretary of State Ale· xander M. Hal&'• ne1otiatlons. with Britain and Ar1en tlna to avoid war over the ~alkland Islands have set a "climate of compromise" and an ""'air of optimism," an ~gen tine news -aency reported F'Oday. . But Argentine Forelan Mini- stry spokesman Hernan Massini Ezcurra declined to .. uggest a peMleful IO)Ution m.liht be near ln the crWa that developed two weeks ago when Argentine troops lnvaded the Wanda in the South Atlantic. He WU questioned after Haig delivered a mesaage from Presi- dent Reagan to Argentine Presi- dent Leopoldo Galtteri. Contenta of the note were not dl1el<*'d. Haig told reportert during a dinner break after five hows of tallu with Foreign Minhter Ni- canor C'osta Mendez, "We are working hard." Bia spokesman, Dean Fiacher, replied "No comment"when asked if the secretary would fly to London from Buenos Aires. He declined to characterize the dis- cussio ns and s&1d he did not know if the negotiators had pla- Rare VD epidemic reported in county By FREDERICK. SCBOEMEHL or .. .,..,,... • ..,. A rare form of venereal diaeaae transmitted by prostitutes has reached epidemic levels in Orange County. The diaeaie ia cbankroid. Ac- cording to county public health epidemiologist Tom Prendergast, MO cues have occurred within the pdt year. · Typically, the county should expect fewer than six cases an- nually. Only about 1,000 cases are generally found nationwide each year, Prendergast said. Disease vlctlma are predomi- nantly H.iapanic males, he said. Wtth few exceptions, only men have been afflicted. The only women (ound to have the diaeaae were workin1 as proaUtatea, Prmderpst uid. In men. the dl8eue la marked by painful lesions , in women such aymptonu may or may not be present, Prendergast said Friday. The outbreak of chankrold has prompted actions from not only the county Health Department. but the Centers for Disease Con- trol in Atlanta. The disease can be treated successfully with erythromycin, an antibiotic, and various com- binations of sulfa drugs, Pre- ndergast said. The county Health Depart- ment, he said, has been trying to contact persons having and transmitting the disease. He said health officials have used Spa-· nish language newspapers and radio stations as one means of getting the word out. But Prendergut conceded it has b een difficult to locate prostitutes who may be sprea- ding the disease to large numbers of men. Chank.roid, Prendergast said, is not a new disease. "It'• been around quite a while, but it's auppoeed to be a lot ~·" ced any telephone calla O> Washlngton or London. : C.O.ta Mendes called an Haig 4t the aecretart'• hotel in doWll- town Buenc» Aires iateTE£1" and left shortly befOft 'The U.S. Eni1-y had lndlca a briefing might be held In • preH room established In tie hotel, but it waa a.nnou.nced ,,.._ cher would not have anythlna tp say until today. ! Notid.u Argent.lnu, a privatle news agency here, said the talU were "well on track." It cit.ea "reliable sources" as saying "ah eventual accord would revol~ around British recognition d1 Argentine eovereigny in the at- chipelago and the aharinC of~, tural reeourcea found there." ;.;~ A well-placed U.S. offidal in Wash.lngton, who did not want to be named, aid America II provi- ding Intelligence lnfonnatlon to Argentina u well u to Britald. but he did not believe the lnfor;. mation included the location ol an armada of 40 Brttilh wanbipt heading toward the Falklands. 1 It wu learned earlier In tft1t week that the United States w• providing information to th' Brttiah, from satellites and other sources, and the U.S. off.idal said. ''There hu been some pe-'ng Of information to both aides." Washington officials hav.e said the Soviet Union, a major lm· porter of Argentine grain, al.IQ was supplying Argentina'• mili- tary government with 10me bl· telllgenoe information. Britain's domestic news ~ cy, Prea Auoclatlon, report~ Friday night that Argentina h-4 asked the United States for i& telligence information on the Britiab fleet and said Wlllhingt.oe ''looks likely to llJ"ee·'' Wright died last March 28 when his motorcycle Cl'Mbed into a utility pole alongside the Big Bend portion of Laguna Ctnyon Road. He was pronouncecf dead at the scene of the crash. PSA sticking to ·2 flights for now Both Caltrana and Laguna Beach were defendant& earlier this month in a separate $1.1 million lawsuit in which Gold- sman contended that unsafe conditions along Bia Bend Curve ..--ftlulted in a head-on auto colli- sion that injured his two cllenta. Pe~r Moir and Diane Gonzales, three years ago. Hinckley claims not aiming at Reagan An Orange County official says Pacific Southwest Alrliges has temporarily abandoned Its plan to increase its number of flights from John Wayne Airport. Murry Cable, airport manager, said he was told by a PSA re- presentative Friday that the air- line will abide by iU existing authorization of two flights daily between Orange County and San Frandlco. PSA said recently it wanted to increase ita tetvice to four flighta daily, despite opposition from county officials. However, the airline failed to persuade a federal judge last week to permit an increue in service. U.S. DiWict Court Judge Terry Hatter said PSA should make any request to l'tacreue service to the county, not to him. Cable said he was told that PSA will maintain its current 1ehedule pending a May 10 hea- ring before Judge Hatter. The subject of that hearini ii a COWlty plan to regulate commer- cial air carrier acceaa to the air- port. WORLD au~ the jury threw Goldsman and his Laguna Beach clients a curve of ita own in that action and ruled the state was not liable in the crash. F.arlier during the aeven-week trial, the city of Laguna Beach was dropped from the suit when Superior Court Judge James Smith ruled that the dty could not be held responsible for maintaining a state highway. Goldsman bad argued that Caltrana knowingly hl*i maintai- ned Big Bend Curve in an Wllafe condition.-He told jurors the c urve was "dangerous and treacherous.·~ He· contended that the state should have erecied a steel bar- rier between the road's two lanes to prevent the kind of accident in which his clienta were injured. Following the JUI)' verdict in the state'• favor April 2, Caltrana attorney Lafry Daniebon com- mented, "I thhik we proved that the hlahway la not daJl&eroua to bonnal driven." But Goldmlan aa1d he remains unconvinced of Big Bend'• aa- Nicaragua talks delayed WASHINGTON (AP) -'!be Falldanda ll1anda criall, mlltruat of the S&ndlnl8tu and hopet that a delay will "IOften" them haw delaywd ltll1 of tallra between the United Bui. and N...,._, the WMb- ~ Pmt reponed ~. ,. NATION WASHINGTON (~ -John W. H1nckJey Jr. hu claimed be was not almln1 at President Reagan when be shot him nearly 13 months 880• but WU trying to hit hll llmouline, the government revealed Friday niaht. Proaecuton discloted the In- formation in a legal brief filed in U.S. Dt.trict Court in an effort to have a federal judge approve lta pl.ens to show a jury alow-motion videotape of the March 30, 1981 shooting. Hin<:kley'a lawyen have ob- jected to the government'• plan to introduce the tape and other evidence, such • tertimony of at least some of the victims, on around.a that the evidence would fnfiame the jury and prejudice Hinckley'• cue. "The videotapes are the beat evidence of exactly bow tbe crime WU committed -ehowin8 where Mr. Hinckley WM~. how he WM shoodilc and bow lt happened that the other victims were shot lf Mr. Hinckley was trying to shoot the preeldent," the prosecution'• le1al papen said. . 'The Ule ol dlttennt speeds .. solely for the~ of aJ1owtnc the ju.ty to per:cetve to the fuJ..li9't STATE r-, )Cl> T (~ .. >f ' .... extent pouible what happened "When this II doQe, the jury 11 better equipped to evaluate the clalm, advanced by Mr. Hinckley that be Wiii not trying to shoot the president, but rather tryiJll to hit the limousine. u the juron can see th e crime u it actually occurred, and then view the vi- deotape in aJow motion, ~can decide for tbenwelves the ty of th1a claim." . Hinckley II 8Cbeduled to go on trial April 27 for the shooting of Re-san, White Houie preu se- cretary James Brady and two law enforcement offlcen. Hinckley bu admitted ahootina the four men; but hu pleeded lnnocent by reucn'bf imanity. The proeecuton, who still must prove to a jury that Hinckley WU 1ullty beyond a reasonable doubt, uid the videotape la unoac the evidence nec=s•"J to ·lhow jurors that H.inddey inten- ded to shoot the pl'ftfdent and had criminal raponllbWty for h1I actkm. u Hinckley can lhow that be was lnune at the time of the thoo«tn& be would not be cr1ml- nally "9p0Dllble for the crime and coulftbe sent to a mental Jmtltutlon lmt.Md of. • pl"t.:Jo. . .... ............ AIRPORT STUDIES -Llbraitan lnlrid Whaltty ~_up stack of 1tud1e1 on county airport~ oo file at county Hall. of Administration Library in Santa Ana. Studiel date t.ck to 1969. They repre.ent a lot of i-perwork. but not too much in the way of concrete 10lutiom to airport problems. They're available to t,11yone who wanta to reed them. INDEX 812 Movt. • 88-9 Cl-8' PubUe NoUolS IMBC2 813 ~ 1-4 88 810 BlS ,,....... ,, .... C2 W•ther AJ -.e Yaulh B7 COUN TY ·. ... Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/laturday, April 11, 1812 c AGAINST PEE HIKE -UC Irvine studenta t,allJed Friday to protest proposed hikes in education fees. The rally ended up outaide ...,. o.ltr ..... ,,_... _, ca.ry ~ Chancellor Daniel Aldrich's olfice, and the chancellor promised he'd relay the students' concerns to UC officials. 150 UCI students rally against proposed education fee hikes By GLENN SCOTT °' .. .,.., ..... ..., About 150 UC Irvine atudenta shouting "No squeez:e, lower the fees" demonstrated on campus Friday against propoeala to raiae the CQSt of lheU: education next fall The rally, organized by the Associated Graduate Student.a, started with folk songs and speeches castigating the polJcies of President Reagan and Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr., but it ended on a curiously different note. After the songs and speeches concluded, many of the students marched from Gateway Plau into the campua Adminiatration Building, where they transfor- med the halls into an echo chamber with their chanting. They gathered on the fifth floor lobby out.side Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr.'s office and began jumping in uni8on in an attempt to shake the entire building. Aldrich then appeared and in a matt.er of minutes the chancellor had turned the chants into ap- plause by promising to "get on the horn" to convey the studenta' concerns to higher-ups in the University of California aystem. He even A8feed to lign ~ of the many petitiona the students paaed among thermelvea objec- ting to the higher feea and a propoul to institute tuition in the fall for lf8duate atudenta. Aldrich told the studetlta, moet of whom were still breathing hard from their jumping exer- cise, that Jhe increases appear needed if the state budget is cut next year by $60 million, aa pro· posed. Overpass • construction scheduled A new overpua spanning the San Diego Freeway at Harvard Avenue ln Irvine could be com- pleted ln a year, a city admini- strator says .. The $1.36 million project has been approved by the California Tramport.ation Commission and construction on embank.menu for the overpass should begin in June, said Dennis Wilberg. the city's DlflD8ger of transportation eervicea. The overpua .la a key link ln recent conatructlon of the four- lane Harvard extension from CUlver Drive to Main Stn!et. Financed by both the Irvine Company and the dty, the IOlld is intended to handle lncrea1ed traffic fram the developing Town Center complex and to relieve ~ at overpuaes at Jambo- ree Hoed "and CUlver, he aa.id. UC administrators, he said, are trying to line up new sources of financial aid and scl;lolarshipe to help studenta who can't pay the higher prices. No exact registration or tuition CXl8ta will be available until the Legalature acta on 1982-83 bud- get propoaau,· but officials say fees may jump by more than $100 per quarter, to about $404. G raduate student tu1t1on could cost another $100 per quarter, with medical students charged an additional $200. During the rally, student lea- den claimed students have been sang.led out for increases because they tradJtionally don't unite foT poUUcal purposes. Speakers Doug Rice, Iman Fo- routar, Keys Keem, Keith Triolo and Jim Olds urged their clas- smates to beciome more active in examining politicians' track re- cords and backing those who support low fees for higher edu- cation. "You have to go out there and learn about the 1-ues. That's the key," said Rice. "Learn what a politician stands for, not what he looka like in front of a television camera.'' The rally attendance waa well below the original projection for as many as 1,000 participants. It also was atased m ore than a month after it was initially planned. Old1 Hid organizing delays c.awied the postponement. ~\" Fair and warm CotUtal Ligtlt verleble Wind• In the nlaht and morning houn b.comrng .,..t'to aoutl'lwe91 I to 18 knot• •fl•rnoon. WHI 10 IOUlhWHI •••II 1 to 2 IHI. Mo1Uy fair through tonight. 125: In the Alwnld9-Sen Berrw-d In o ., ••• PSI 125; San F•nendo-Senta CWttil. 11S. Oood air quality In H•m•t· E'tl11ore, 100; n*ropcM!ten, t2; Inland Oranoe County 87; .. Ott. ., .... 42. Extended forecast Te mperatures Old• Cit)' Omehe ~ .... P'-1llt =~ ... Pllend, Or9 41 ,.,~ 12 ~ 22 Seit I.ah H Sen Antonio n s.111e 53 8loull , ... 47 SI Louie 81 81 P·Tempa : =-51 TulN 83 WMhlngtn 51 Wlohlla 51 51 ao • "' 55 •5 74 .0 85 59 ~ : 5e 35 ~ ~ Sl 47 50 2t u 73 52 38 50 « 81 13 88 87 51 30 80 48 93 70 78 .. 12 ea .. T3 46 T8 5t T3 .. 52 ee 13 81 TO 81 78 ..... .. n 91 eo IO M 47 16 n 53 IT .. 11 .. 11 .. 10 11 17 11 n 11 n IO 72 31 52 41 40 " " 13 .. n n 12 10 ... 12 12 11 IO ., C~OMelA .. 71 70 79 .. .. : " • .. • 77 n .. 70 ., :: .. 16 17 " .. ro Tl 11 .. IO u .. :: CAMAOA 17 89 89 .. M 88 82 .. 86 80 88 .. ... .. 87 ... 89 .. 88 87 HI .. 49 9T .. 41 .. ti .. .. • • ti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. tO .. 57 49 37 38 4e 38 31 52 51 .. "4 54 42 u ae 51 31 n 51 lie .... IT 91 ao • • .... 11 Tl .. .. n .. n ll • .. 2 " " • Judge .. opens ;hearing Mur der de f endants lawyers will appeal • BJ DAVID ~UTZMANN Of ............. An Oranfe County Superior Court Judae • deda1on ol*\lna to th public a prellm1natY h.eaftna tn a murder CNe will be appealed to the 4th Dl.trict Court of Ap- peal, defer&le lawyers .. ,.. And the prelbnlnary hearln1 for murder defendanta Thomae Thompt0n, 27, and Davld Wll· liam Leltch, 22, WQ delayed once ap1n -thil tlme until May 21 -to give defenae attorneys time to fight the rullna handed down Friday by Judp Philip Schwab. TheJud1e'1 rulln1. in effect, uphel an earlier decl1lon by Central Oranae County Munid- pal Court Judge Samuel Taylor )r., who la prC!lddlna over Leitch and Thomp1on'• preliminary hearin.J. Taylor denied defen,e requests fOC' a cloaed hearing. 'the two defendanta are char- ged with fl.rat-degree mu.rdtt ln connection with the 1tabblng death of Ginger Flelachll, a 20-year-old Mt.ion Viejo woman whose body wu found in a shallow grave In F..aat Irvine last September. The Leltch-Thompeon procee- dings began in early March, when Taylor first granted a de- fense request to close the hea- ring. However, the Saddleback Val- ~ Newa later asked the COW"\ to open the hearing because no showing had been made that an open proceeding would jeopar- dize the defendant.a' right to a {air trial. Attorneys for the newspaper cited a new state law which gives judges more latitude and discre- tion on the matter. Previous law stated that a ]Udge automabcally had to close the heanng 1 f a de- fendant so requested When Taylor reversed himseU and sub&equentJy derued defer\se requests for a closed hearing, Thompson·s attorney, Ronald Adkinson • services conducted Memorial .ervioes were con- ducted today for Ray Adkuuon, who was born in Trabuco Ca- nyon n~ar the turn of the cen· tury and became an educator and s uperintend e nt of 'Orange County schools. Mr. Adkinaon , born an 1893, died Wednesday at San Clemente General Hospital at the age of 89. According to historian J im Sleeper, Mr. Adkinson "was rai- sed in a remote canyon, gradua- ted from Orange County's tiniest grammar achoo!, and went on to becoq>e superintendent of echoola of the entitt county." He graduated from Sant.a Ana High School in 1914, a track star and student body president. While attending Pomona College he eet the national record for the 880-yard run and later returned to work at Santa Ana High School as a teacher and track coach . Mr. Adkinson Is aurvlved by hls wile, Irene; three aons, Don of Newport Beach; Howard of Ca- pistrano Beach and T. Bruce of Lons )~land , N . Y .; and five grandchildren. Services were private. Brower, appealed to 1uperlor COi.lit. Ronald Kreber, who re- preienti Leitch, didn't object to an open hearin1. · Brower aald 'Friday he •till believes he baa "viable appellate l11uea" and would file a writ wfth the Court of Appeal in' San Bemardlno next week. Neither K.reber nQr proeecutor Dan Brice objected. Brow~r hlis maintained that' opening the hearing to t.be public and press would seriously jeo- pardize hia·clfent'• chance of receiving a fair trial In Orange County. Disnit!f h esita n t Further, he clalnu that the new law, which took effect • an emeraency 1tatute March l , la bein1 applied retroactlvely to Thompeon, who WU arrested Jut September. ' Brower said the old law ahou.ld be applied, meaning be should not be required to prove that an open hoarlng would hum hit client. J Another argument by Brower ill that Thompeon ia bel.na denied equal protection under the law. Grand Jury p~. he uld, are not made public, and pre- liminary hearings 1houldn't ei-ther. ... Voiding of USC contract on table By JODI CADENHEAD °' ... .,.., .......... Superintendent John Nicoll said Friday that ·attorneys for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District and the University of Southern California are discus- sing .termination of a contested contrac1 between the two. The university has sought to cancel ita $69,000 contract with the d istrict since last month when the state Coastal Commts- sion rejected its application to operate a satellite business cam- pus at the ft<?W closed Corona del Mar Elementary School. On Thursday the distnct Wed for reconsideration of the com- mjssaon 's March 18 decis1on. A hearing is expected an 30 to 45 days. Nicoll said it is unhkely that the district will agree to termi- nate the contract until the coastal commission reaches a decision. "We feel that the coastal com- mission's ruling puts a taint on the property," said Nicoll Nicoll contends the university owes the di.strict $34,500 in back payments. The satellite campus had been scheduled to open Jan. l. But the opening was postponed aft.er a group of homeowners fi - led a lawsuit againat USC and the coastal oommiasion required a pennit. - USC Vice President J o n Strausa was not available for comment Friday, but said earlier in the week that he considers the contract with the district tenru- nated. Strauss ~d that the university does not want to move onto the Corona del Mar ampua regard- less of the coastal commission's dedsion, becauae of the opposi- tion by neighbors. Both the homeowners and the coast.al com.miaaion cont.end that traffic from the campus would cause problems in the surroun- ding neighborhood. De puty DAs e ndorse two jqdges Two of three i ncumbent Orange County judges facing challengen in the June 8 primary election have been endorsed by the A.aociation of Orange County Deputy District Attorneys. Rece1ving endorsements were Superior Court Judge Leonard Goldstein and municipal court Judge Joanne Harrold. She sits on the bench at West Orange Count y Municipal Court in Westminster. The association chose not to make an endonement in a race at Orange County Harbor Munici- pal Court an Newport Beach where Judge Robert Polis is fa- cing challenger Paul Robbins. Go}dateln is being opposed in his bid for a 1ix·year term by William Hopkins, Anaheim City Attorney, while Judge Harrold ii facing two challengers, attorneys Dan Dutcher and Ronald Nix. Rick Stanford. UIOdation pre- sident, said 98 district attorneys participated in deciding the en- donements. Holocaust m e morial slate d Jewish leaden from congrega- Uoru throughout OranRe County will participate in a Ilolocaust memorial program Monday at Consregaf.iora Bnai 17.edek, 18225 Bushard St., Foun\41n Valley. The program, which begins at 7:30 p.m .. will feature a present- ation of "Night Words,' a dra- matic reading involving charac- ters of the Holocaust. The program w i ll be a county-wide obeervanoe of Yorn Hashoah, a day ol remembrance for Holocaust victims. Among the participants will be Rabbi Steve tinsteln, Congrega- tion Bnai Tudek, Fountain Val- ley; Rabbi Mark Miller, Temple Bat Yahm, Newport Beach, and Rabbi Robert Bergman. Temple Isaiah, Newport Beach. Bua tramportation for South County realdents Is available. The bus will leave at 6:15 p.m. from the parking lot of Temple Judea, 24512 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hilla. @THE SPORTING Housap y ·Where Health I• a Way of Life and Conditioning le a Way of Living . OTHER'S DAY ' ' • ' wrnrn IT[[J Power sharing Urged .• SAN SALVA.DOR, El Salva· dor (AP) -The armed forces hav,_, uraed two ri&hUst parties that won a majority in El Salva- . dor'a election to ahare power with the moderate Christian De- mocrata in a three-man junta, a reliable government aource aatd Friday. The proposal apparently re- flect.a the military lHden' linpa- tlenoe with nearly three weeks of Muling among fi~e part.lea over the makeup of the next aovem- ment. The armed forcea were neutral in the Mareh 28 electlon of a 60-aeat constituent ...embly and had previously stayed out of the neaou.Uona. Elfieted delegates picked up their Credentiall Friday and were expected to continue the talks before convenina formally next week. The ueembly hu power to name a provialonAl aovemment and review decrees of the ~ tian Democrat-led junta. 'Carlos ' eyed as death suspect BEIBUT, Lebanon -Carlos, the international terrorist, may have been involved in the alayinga of a French Embaaay employee and his pregnant wife who were ahot to death in their Beirut apartment by aasaaal.Pa sing at flower delivery men. ffiTI~OO~ the French ambassador aaid Fri· day. Police officials aald the gun used in the shooting waa a 7 .6~ caliber pistol equipped with a si- lencer. Beirut medical examiner Dr. Ahmed Hara ti aald ·he ex- tracted nine bulleta from the man and five bullets from the woman. In an lntervtew with 1''rench journ alists, Amb&1aador Paul Marc Henry aald he could not rule out the pomiblllty the deaths were tied to Carloe, the al1aa Wied b'/ Ve~lan-bom terrorilt Ilich Ramirez Sanchez.. Factory use 71 percent The federal government re- ported Friday that American factories operated at 71 percent of capacity last month, a drop from 72 percent in February and another sign that the recession has stifled manu!acturing. The decline reported by the Federal Reserve Board wu the seventh in the last eight months. In a narrower sign of manu- facturing's slump, the American Petroleum Institute, a trade group, reJ>?rted that oil refineries operated at 63.3 peroent of capa- cl ty in March, down from 67.7 percent in the aame month last year. The group also said oil con- swnption fell last month to the lowest level since 1969. Money bul~ shrugged off NEW YORK -The nation's nor conce rned that it had any basic money supply swelled by long-term implications. $7.l billion in the first week of One analyst said interest rates April. the Federal Reserve Board could rise if the central bank reported Friday. but analysts tightens credit, added such action said they were neither surprised was unlike}~ beaia of one week's lnc:reaae. The Fed said in the week en- ded April 7, the money supply. known cu.rrently aa Ml, roee to a se.uonally adjusted average of $453.6 billlon lrom $446.5 billion Reagan federal taxes $165,291 WASHINGTON -President and Mrs. Reagan reported ear- nings of $418,826 in 1981 and pald nearly 40 pereent of that in federal income tax. their joint return ehowed Friday. Among the first family's deductions was $5,930 for gowm which Nancy ~TiffiUa ~gan gave to museums. The return, released by the White House a day aft.er the ti- ling deadline for most Amerlca.na, showed that more than half the first couple'• income came from a blind tnut Reaaan aet up, and from interest ana dividends. The Reagans paid $165,291 in income tax, and were entitled to a $14 refund on the basis of an earlier estimated tax payment of $100,000 and withholding of $6~.305. Reagan uked that the overpayment be applied to hia 1982 obligation. Bailey tells. of 'psychopath' SAN FRANCISCO -The conduct of the policeman who arrested F . Lee Bailey on ~rusken driving charges made Bal.fey feel '1 had a psychOpeth on my hands," the renowned lawyer testified Friday. Bailey took the stand in hls own defense, recounting his ac- tivitiea from a late-morning brunch Feb. 27 to h.la arre9t here after midnight. Pulled over by motorcycle of- !loer Peter Canaan after he alle- gedl y ran a atop sign, Bailey claims he was shoved and at.ruck before being brought to a police station. He bas pleaded Innocent to charges of dr~nken driving and running a atop sign. Bailey testitled he never aw the atop sign becau1e it iB hidden by a tree. He aaid he was bewil- dered by Canaan'• behavior and recalled det«ting "a faint odor -I think it might be beer" -on the offlcer's breath. Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Saturday, .April 11, 1982 I N THE COCK.PIT -Ret. Gen. James Doo- little sita in cockpit of B-25 bomber adorned with signatures from surviving members of 80-man uad that bombed 'r. o on A ril 18, ......... w 1942, ahonly after Pearl Harbor. Thirty-two of the squadron's 49 surviving members c~le­ brated the 40th reunion of Doolittle's Tokycj Raiders in Clearwater, Fla. An elegant design that combines distinct styling with solid-comfort. Add more enjoyment to your outdool leisure with Brown Jordan quality. Discover exciting solu- tions to your outdoor living needs at Roger's Gardens. There's a great selection avail· able for.jmmediote delivery. 35°/oOFF 42" legtable&4chalrs 48" pedes1al table &4chalrs adjustable chaise reg. '779, s507 reg. '855 $ 556 reg. s31Q s207 \ < ---. -. < ,.,,,, • •""-., ..... , ...... ~ l\ 41W ~ .... ~ ... , . .._..,..,... ~~_,.......,.__,.AJL.IMF.RIC!~: llli,ll'Tlll I. GA HmW CF.NT.-U 30 ao.n 9 !06 0011\1. Son JOOQutn "'"' llood OI Mo<:At..,u• ll•d • AC•OO """' '°''""" l\tond•"" ~"°" lecxh NURSERY • itJDOOR PLANTS • ~LORIST • LANDS(' AP1NG • PATIO FUPNtTURE • ANTIQUfS -. Baby ki!l~d, l,A deputy booked of the department, Immediately was relieved of duty without pay and wu held ln cuatody at the Tempk City aheritra substation. We ·Save Yoa ·Mol'e • ' LOS ANGELES -A sh•·nffa deputy was booked Friday .or Investigation of second-degree murder in the shooting of a nine-month pregnant woman and the death of her unborn baby after ahe lnswered her door with an unloaded rifle ln her hand. "The motive waa apparently aelf-defenae. becauae of the rifle.'' aald ahertfra Capt. Robert Grimm, explaining why Deputy Robert Annatrong, 28, had ope- ned fire with bu aervice revol- ver, bitting Dolons YOUJll' with two of h.la three ahota. Armstrong, a 7~-year veteran Ma. Youn1. 22, remained in critical, but atable condition at Santa Teresita Hospital in Duarte with bullet woundit in the chest and abdomen. Cycle crash award nearly $ 700,000 TORRANCE -A Lomita man .everely burned in a motcreycle crash 1lx years ago haa been awarded S694, 7.(7 bl a ili't:J'. which ruled ln favor o W Farquhar. 2~.· who suffered third-de1ree burns over more than 30 percent of hla body in the July 7, 1976, accident. farqubar was hurt when a car changed lanea In to_ h ie 750cc' Honda motorcycle, caustnc him to .Ude Into a curb. J'uel from the CIH9'11ed _..,. .... 114.lMa..tn All OtMf d1p111!1nents M2"4ltt ruptured aaa tank caught fire and~ h.l.t ri&ht arm and~. Ironically the accldent occur- red three montba a fter Farqu- har'• father, Tornnce poliice of-I fleer Jamee Farquhar, &1, lo.t hla 1es in a motcl'C:yde .mderlt. 'Sorrow' over shooting told WASHINGTON -Ptelident Reepn met wtth ambrr ·:I-on of IllamJc oountrt. l'riday and ex- JJf 1• 1d "Mp penDnal IOITOW" over the 1hooiln1 rampaa• at Jeruaalem'• Dame of the Rock Moecaue when two Arabi were killed and nine .... ....-cl. "Tbe prn'd"t..,., 1111 b1a aympat hy witt-the concern of &be laJN"lc world over dM dll- napdon of the tnllQUWty ol. OM of lte m09t holJ_ ifarta.," the Whl• HOW9 ..... In .......... t fGllowUll .... •<• . , -I ~ 18. Brown Jordan TAMIAMI . 42" ,.._ w/4 Chlln 41" T,.. w/4 Chlln ChaiM ~'-""' ~ .... AnnCl\llf ...... Occ.IMonlf , .... SAU: Ufl f'lltC( S779 M6t •s "" lit ,., 229 '" 179 '" 1..0 .. • 111 .. IJJ -m., Mallin TAMPICO un 42" '"* w/4 Chairs SSOJ ~---Chaise ~ ~li~Chllr I.JO YACHT HAll80lt 42" Tiii* w/4 Chairs 532 41'' Tiii* w/4 Chait• S14 HIGhlKtl ~Chait Ill ~ChltM 206 24" ~c.aMoNf , ... IO PAUi•••• .., .. , ... •/4 °'*' 1t6 WT ... w/4°'*9 11• ....... a.. JJO m.ro. 117 WD1WOOD 41'.' , ..... ,. (Nin ..... , .... ,.a. "4·' ..... GMltOI* ... ,.._., ... GUARANTEE Laguna Rattan and Patio wlll match or better any adver· tlsed price in Orange County of the same ·rattan or patio furniture available for Imme- ,# dlate delivery. Suldf<r to Stoor on Hand 4-IS..S2 I.All 1'111(( ''" "' II , .. M l .. 12' ... -... ... "' "' ... ... '" .. SEE OUR N£W •An AM Cou.ECTION ON DISPLAY AT IOTH LOCATIONS. TWOPl·KAI 42" Tltllf w/4 CMIB 48'· Tlblr w/4 CMIB POOICh.lw .. UCOllOS 42" Tllllle w/4 CMlrs 48" T.11* w /4 Chlllrs 54" Tiii* w/4 Chillrs CNbtl.oungt CMmNA 42'" , ... w/4 CNln ....., .... /.,,..... ~, ..... s.r-. MAl&IA I ., .. r-w~ Chilrl .... , .... 14.. °'*' •a.i •i!+twe ,.., Ufl S842 878 250 '°" 1102 1170 JtO .. , Or11nge COMt DAILY PtLOTISeturday, April 17, 1982 Author KUt)' Ktllt)' and he?" publt1her1 Simon & Scbu1ter, aireed t o make ctian1n tn an unauthortzed b1ocr9phy of EIJ1abet~ Tay· ltr lft .-pon11e to a threat of lltl1atlon by actor Roddy Meo.wall, aay1 Howtrd E. Lewt, a~ for McDowall. The book, 'Ellubet.h Tay- lor. 'l1Mt Lut Star," h.u been a beat aeller. Miu Kelley la aho the aµthor of ''Jackie Oh!'' an unauthorized bk>gra- phy of J.....,.... Ou11la. Lowe Mid that portions of the book aaylng that. McDo- wall photographed Mile Tay- lor ln the nude or temi-nude and that he behaved in a drunken fuhion and vanda- Uz.ed a auite at. the Plaza Hot.el will be deleted from future editions of the book. The Internal Revenue Ser- vice wants' JollDD)' Pay· clledl'1 paycheck. The country-western star, • who sang the hit tune ''Take Thia Job and Shove It." owes $103 ,000 in taxes from 1973-79, federal officials said. Further, the IRS is tryin8 to collect about $50,000 from fohnny Pa1check Enter- priaes, according to tax liens filed in Opalooaa County Court ln Creatview. Fl.a. MARRIAGE PLANS -Ac· tre11 Faye Dunaway 1ay1 ahe'll eoon marry her British photqp-apher boyfrtend, Ter- r/ O'Neil, the father of her baby IOI\. VINDICATED -Comedian Buddy Hackett, accu1ed of defaming a woman with abu- sive language in an Atlantic City casino, &aid the jury that cleared him vindicated hi1 "whole life." COmedlan 0Hrl• KlrlilJ, -tlnced to 10 yMn ln pri· eon ln 1979 on a char1e of ee1Hnc narcoUal. " llvt.na 1n a halfway hou.. and la aaaln perfomlinc. a prllon 1poke- ll'Dlm •ya. Kirby, 57, w:!J' elHMd from the federal rl1on at Terminal laland -.ned to the halfway houM three week• ago, uid Mike Llad· H)', the community procrama oftk!er fbr Loa Anaelee. Kirby, a former 1..u Vepa and telev1Jdon oomedian, WU aentenced to 10 years ln Fe· bnJary 1979 after hiJ convic· tion on a charge of trying to tell two ounces of heroln tO an undercover federal narcotie1 agent. ffe WM a18o tent.e to 20 yeet1 ln a Nevada ata prbon .but won parole .. fter lel'Vlng only a ahort Ume. The former owner of the Saturday Evenin« Post must pay hia ex-wile $!,097,000 for breach of a 1971 divorce agreement, a federal appeala court hU ruled in upholding a Brttilh court judgment. Th~ 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of AppealJa ruling defeated a aeries of maneuvera by Martla S. Ac kermaa, who 10ught to block enforcement of the Brtdah Judgment. on a legal technicality involving the mi1t.aken diamiual by a court clerk of a California auit b y his ex-wife, Fraaeea Ackerpwa. The appeals court ruling called it an anempt to make Ackerman, the author of a book entitled, "Money, Ego and Po~!~i~. into "a legal 11any a........., e.capf.ng .u of hi• many unpaid obliptiom." w111 · FREE TICKETS Just Look for Your Name! H. Wl!RHfR BUCK ENnRl'llUIE9 Pr-It ~ Tillllll • .. It "UMbnua/Analwim ._ __ .......... ""'* 1oor11 ,......., ... -~'""' 1100 ;: ~:::Cell Now 957-1120 11oe 100 ~1111 ,. '-II...._.,.... ~ Miii SBO Clllf I:.. -~k ................ __ _,,,,,_ ......... ,-,., .. °"u;,,.o 6'U1 ,.. .... ....,,,..._ ....... C-....-1 (....__ (.a.) ....... M)Q . -,, .... _.,. ..... Fine Clocb, Wakhea an,d other 'nmepJecea LIQUIDATION SALE everything must go up to600/o QFF! 12 FASHION ISLAND John .A. Krajian [).[).~. \ j Skipper Alon Hole ln11lu• ~ to Stt See TWIGGY Skil THELATEST ~ IN BOATS. EQUIPMENT ANOWATER ~ SPORTS I ' Sat·Alr 1719J .Slm-APr ........ ..... T'MIHIS -, • ,.... MrUMllr -llOOll • 11 .. _,.,,~ ..,.., __ llOOll•? .. Wanners In Today'-C1assafieds!-• IT'S EASYI Find your name and address In today's claaalfled section, then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 to claim your tickets. Winners each day, ao check the classlfleda In the ... * Open Even gs * lab Qn Premises · Canal rivals debate · I Hundreds hear discunion on water flap ';n Newport BY JEPP ADLER or .. o.11r,... .... The tone waa heated, even •trident at. tJmea, a1 two propo· nenta and two oppqnenta of the prol)098d Pertphenl ean.t equa. red off before hundred• of Oranse Cout resident.a ln New- J>Ol't Be.ch. For more than two houra Thuraday n.l1ht., thoee at the de- bate u.t.ened to reuona why the water that will be lost to A.rtzona. Kennedy'• debai. collea1ue1 Gerald Mera!, deputy dtNctor or the 1tate Department of Water Reeourcet, ·arcuect that the delta tel!On wlll be (l'eatJy endan&e· red if the canal lm'l built. Metal cont.ended that the lqi- alation approvlna canal oontt.NC- t.lon wu considered "car:efully." He called the enabllnc legialation the most carefully acrutlnlz.ed bill In the history of the United Stat.ea. r.ropoaed 42-mlle channel 11 or an't needed. The forum waa aporuiored by the Junior League, the League of Women Voten and On t.he other hand, Puadena the American Aleoclation of Ud-Power and Water Commi81ioner lverslty Women. · Tim Brlc.k, repre.entl.ng Calilor- David Kenned,. aasiatan\ gen-nians for Fair Water Polley, cal- eral manaser o the Southern led the Peripheral Canal Wtia- Callfomia Metropolitan Water Uve, Proposition 9, a "jumble of Dlatrict, said the canal ia needed confwled prioriliea." to guarantee a reliable water Brick aald the canal ii not aue_ply to Southern California. ~ed. ls not affordable and will .. TUrn.iJlg to technical problems not provide the water prol'lliled. of pumping water from the He opposed what he termed Sacramento-San Joaquin river the "dam and ditch approach" deltas to the south, Kennedy said the Metropolitan Water District present channels are not large hu adopted as ita water policy. enough, water quality is degra-Instead, what la needed ls a car· ded by runoff water in the delta, efully considered water manage- and saltwater can work Its way ment plan, Brick inaisted. lnto the regioo, forcing the shut-"Progosltion 9 ia the moat ex- down of the California Aqueduct pensive insurance policy that can and the prospect of continuing be adopted," he added.- fish kil1a in the area. Attorney F.d Glermann, who The water official' said the_. representa the delta and Central Peripheral Canal would 1olve Valley agriculture firm of J .G. such problems and, at the aame Boswell Company, said the Perl- time, provide enough water to pheral Canal proposal subord1- thlraty Southern California to natea people and agriculture to make up for Colorado River filh and the environment. He added that the canal wtlJ not provide the water needed In the eouth and lnsteld 1uep1ted the alternative .. through-delta" propoul u th.e aolutlon to pro· 1pect1ve water ihortagee. Thia plan would provide water throuch the California Aqueduct by enlar1lng and upgradtna exiatlnll facJUt.iea, Oiennann ex-plalned: Heu.id the "mqnitude of the gamble" wlt):i the Peripheral Canal I.a IUffldent enough to re- ject Proposlt.lon 9. In their rebutt.ala, the oppo- nents and proponents of the plan attacked .the financing of the other's canal campaigns. Brick aecuaed Southern CaU- fomia'a water d1atricta of waging "a acare campaign using our tax dollara." He Calfed the canal de* bate a "referendum on the cre- dibility of the water agencies.'' On the other hand, Giennann defended hie company's funding of the anti-canal campaign by saying, ••1 do not apologiz.e about our contributions to educate Californians." Cityhood nixed PALO AL TO (AP) -Vot.en in East Palo Alto rejected an at.- tempt to Incorporate the com- munity of 18,000, located be- tween Palo Alto and Menlt> Park. officials said. come see Plumme va1ue ·v1ctory! s Our warehouse program gives you a savings victory on the most winning contemporary furniture around! Shop & compare! Solld Maple Butcher Block Table This popular Style. measonno 30"' x 60". Is extremetv dur.tt>le easy to malnt.aln. and adds a smart, clean IOok to the dlnlnQ room or kitchen 5349 val Breuer style· Chairs The table lootcs great with our Breuer·stvle d'lalrs. featurtno sturdy chrome frames and warm natural cane seats and t>adcs with walnut or natural WOOd flnlsn Side Chair Arm cnalr S79 val S89 val $39 $49 PerfectfOr entertalntno. lndOOt'Sand out Natural Wood ffameS, with a vartetv Of bright canvas colors m:c... Table .,....., ... t.illlWltent , ... .., A t autlf\JI P6eal Of fur ture tnat gets vour r ll tafnment all g1 .ner within a . 1~Wlfl area. f23 .. . ;'Xii'0HI and <Mdes amote soace ·~~:=edt':n storage. $195 value. Teak walnut $139 $149 SherwOOcl Living ROOm . ~-- .. °'8ng9 CoMt DAILY PILOT/Seturday, ~ 17, 1982 Ex-UCI Friendship ·spirit soars . . student· pleads Laglllla vet nurses haw~ back to health • i Patrick Anhur Dbcoft, • who briefl~tended UC lrvine'1 CO of Medi· cine before dt9J>Plnl out, hu pleaded innocent to cbaraee of po1Jn1 •• • peychiatrbt in Imperial County. Dlxon, 40, faces a trial tn Imperial County Su- perior Court on June 1 and a ball hearina Mon· day. He hu bffn jailed ln lieu of $200,000 Ii.nee he w11 ar.reeted March 16 while wocklna tor the county_ ., a p1ychla\rbt and uatna the name of a former college roomma- te, Dr. Harold Smith. Dixon, who holds a doctorate in psychology, bean ~ in 1977 at UCI but withdrew, cJai. ming he no longer wanted a medical degree, offidall said. Plyebjatriltl need me- dical llcen1e1 because they prescribe•drugs, while psychologists do not. Ali~ns costly LOS ANGELES (AP) -A study says Los An· geles County's estimated 1.1 million illegal aliens are costing the county $213.8 million a year in such expenses as educa- tion and health care. By JEFF PAAS.ER or-.....,,......,. • It take. a af>edal kind of penon to befriend a red-tailed hawk'that in spite of a broken wtna. l8 all beak and clawe when lt comee to human company . But veterinarian l)r, Joel Puco of South La· JNna, who treata any lnjured wild an1mal he can lffit th.rouah the doora," Ma done jult that. Thia kind of triendahlp iln't new for Dr. Pa.:o. He's the vet who treated Rusty, the amnesiac peli- can, after he cruhed into a pier plllna, knocked himself eerwelel8 and awoke not knowlna he waa a pelican. I Pasco taught the bird to adjust itlelf to the ocean again by taking it surfin8 with him on wee- kends. C hief, as the hawk has been named, was brought to Pa.»'s South Laguna Animal Hospital last w eek by Beverly Johnston, ,who threw a blanket over the hawk aa it helplellly hobbled the streeta behind the Panhandler Restaurant In Dana Point. . , "It looks to me as lf the wing waa Injured by a gunshot," Paaco explained. "We had to amputate because the bones were broken badly and the wing wasn't salvageable. The point where we removed the wing is roughly equivalent to a Wrist if it were a human." College c-hief named cOALINGA (AP) -~ Iowa community col- lege leader has accepted a three-year contract to become president and superintendent of West lfills Community College. . Joeeph N. Conte waa the choice of the college board from a field of 12~ applicants, spokesman Mark Wallace said. He will begin work June 1 at a salary of $48,000. Conte was president of Scott Community Col- lege in .Bettendorf, Iowa, for three yea.rs and also served as vice chancellor of the Eastern Iowa Community Colle(_e Di.strict. SPRING SALE Starts Today 1/3 -1/2 u:~ou Men's and Women's Sportswear Jacket11 ,.a11, 1kirl1, r.leuil, 1Wrt1, •rnH1, 111ck1, ,,.,, 1Wrt1, ad 1naten. BUY NOW AND SAVE SINC E 1949 C\EPAftTMENT STOftE 181• NEWPOaT •ULE~A- Harkr ~ .. Newpert .. .,.._la .......... C..ta Mna I That I• right ~ c~ con ~ your new Cod9ac purchoM ~ wMAC at on annual'*~ rote Of ~12A on o• mo. purchole c:oni.oct -"' on 'CJWQfd bOtoi ooe °' $15,000 "'°' ~ lnlQ monfhty ~ °' $39.63 -Of 0 ~ecwtnga °' S1.902. NolurCJllV, If your unpaid ~ le Ngher, your 80lltnge wtll be e¥ef\ greot9r. Spring Clearance Md wtdt l'ftOl9 -all our new Cocllaaa en CllcDUnl9d ~ °"' .. afl1F•-. A~-... on al ....._ RcllWodol. 01Wet. koughoma ond Clmc:wrooe. Huge Selection Ct'°°'9 flom OUf ~ .... don °' hUndf9dl °' new c~ and tole• acM>ntoge of ~ rnott eutNblflol IOlllnge Ille )'90f. Trem.ndOul dlecour* on aft C......e. Y·6t. MH h MW Hf .. 100 pow. ........ rnodM. -In ol h eolofl you want-ond~hoplone~dlllPe. Md all r90dV lot lmmedlc:lt9 ~y. ~~~to buV or leoM. rtt:JW fl h ""-' lut -8"PPfY " def\~ llmled • IO M ue to huffy In eorfV '°' '°" .,.. 1111 Cllaw• The bird will never fiy llP!n, but Puco baa plana for him just the aame. He planl to tame the an1mal and ute It for hla public ...-itatlonl for the A1l1ance for WUdllfe,'of which P.-:o ii prsident. Puco'a atandlna policy at the South Laguna Animal Hoepltal ii to treat any aide or Injured wild anima1a people·bring In -for free. He's worked on bobcats, raccoo111, opouums, rabblts, equin'fll, eee liona, Uzard.t and bl.rda of prey, to name a few. ''There are hundreds of wild animala orf>\umed and injured every day," he said. "And people don't know what to do with them. ''They want to help them but eomet¥oes they just don't know what to do. So we olfer the eervioe here. It makes you feel good to ow. them back to he alth. When they go off on their own again, there's kind of a bittersweet sadnesa In lt,'' he aaid. Chief, alona with Carmen, Pa.:o'a ecarlet ma- caw, will be on hand Sunday for the open houae al Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park off Ortega Highway. Doz.ens of animals, exhlbita anct diaplaya will be part of the 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. event and Puco ii hopi.na that anyone with an lnterst or love of wild anima1a will attend the free event. The Wildemeu perk ia located seven milee from lntentate 5 on left side of Ortega Highway. RCA XL-100- 19" cllgOfwt ....,,... ........... FEATHERED FRIENDST -Maybe not yet, but that's what Dr. Joel Puoo of South~ Animal Hoepital_ia bopinR to make of Chief, the red-tailed hawk. Injured hawk was broUght to Puoo with a gunshot wound and now hu amputated left wing. Carmen. doctor's pet, looks on with apparent concern. · RCA 19':..iow• XL-100 Roommatee color TV with Channel.ock Keyboard Control Brilliant color perlonnance plus ChannM..ock •lectronlc K9yboard Contro1-1r1 so automatic there's no need to fine tune ever. UWEIT PmE $3 1 900 EYD .. Ill tlU MY • IEYlllll 1111H WT ICA 19" -. D. 180'1 ........................... FICll Oii. Y '29911 RCA 19" .._ -m.. -........................ Oii. Y '329" RCA 19" COLcftMt ~ COllTIOl ................ FICll s399:._ 1t11 TUU 111111. llLll1UI PRICED TO · RCA ColorTrak · 25" ..... RCA ColorTrak 25" dlegarw IOW OILY $519 RCA XL-100 25" ...... CLEAR s495 Price~ Oil & Set-44» • By I Tech. I , . .. "EV8ry U58d lar.-oA Sale this Week~nd! • '82 626 'Coupe 5 speed, air cond, am/fm stereo Power steering. (Ser. #09023) •' ·~ '$16L94 LEASE U mo. + tax, cap cost S7995, resld. $4107.50 Tot of s>erlc. Pvmts. $8013.20. $333.96 down 48 mos. on approved credit. · · '82 RX~7 GS Ser. #6328<M EASE$199~. + tax. Cap cost Sll,-495, resld. SS572.50S1500cap reduct. Tot. perlc. Rvmts Sl 1,080.32 S2019 .56 down. "8 mos on approved credit. • '82 GLC Wa.gon 5 speed, . tinted glass, CSer.605018) $ '82 B-2000 ,.5 speed, steel belted radia ls, (Ser. 554014) (Stk. 23047)$ ••• \ .... 'IATUN>AY, APRIL 17, 1M2 Mesa's Jell Fiel d cracked three h omers as Mustanss won D 0 YOUTH ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION J 87 . 88 810 • in baseball. B 3. · .. ngels • Will this game. by .a · TKO· . ich gets -hot under the collar, then DeCinces puts slug on Twins, 4 -2 T SEEDEN On a nl1ht when the At!rla were D111r .... .... ao1n quiet with the bit, it a couple I wu jult Thw.lay night that ~ ol errant pitches by both 1ta11en, the • nd ba1emab Bobby Grieb talked Angela' Bruce Klaon and the Twin•' the need for suy. llke hlmlelf, Den Jackson, to touch off the lixth inning and Reale Jacbon to "get hot." broohaha. d1n1 queatlona between bliet of Kt.on had hit younc Gary Gaettl in loaf fi'l the Anael drelll.ng room, the the beck of the helmet with ·a pit.ch In ~utfpoken Grich noted: "Don Baylor, the top of the lllxth lnnlna, and Jacbon ~e Jack.aon and I have to be the most reaoorided with a NlnC fut.bill that jult contl1tent hitters on this club if we're did mm Grich'• head with two out ln the aolU to win." · • bottom of the lllxth. -Qi1ch hit Friday niaht. He ~ed ln Grich then hit a comebacker and the A,naeb' first run 1n the fint lnnlng. Jack.son started toward ftrat with the He )then tried to hit Minnesota starter ·ball. Jull about the time be decided to Dia*e1l Jacbon in the eighth inning. He make the toa1 to fint bueman K1nt benefittinl from a crop of youna•ten like Geettt and Hrebek. "He (Jacban) IW1ed a flaht last year when I waa with the Or1olel,'' DeCincel said. "It wma like on all cunebecken he tries to antagoniz.e the hitte". He'• an lnltli&tor. •• " • Grich, who wa1 thrown out of the pine, ~: ''The tint pitch whlzr.ed It se em s l i k e on a ll come baclcers b e tries to antagonize the hitters. He's an inBtigator. protect h1a hittera, that'• rid1culoua. The score WH 1-0 when Klaon bit hlm," Grich added. Meanwhile, the Angels 1tarted the pme by wtnn1ns the fint lnni.na· Brian I;>own1na opened with a single, moved to teeond cm Rod C.arew's aacri&e bunt and then ICOred on Grich'• Bingle. Minnesota couldn't muster a tilt off K..18on 'through the first 3 ~ innings. And when Khlon wu replaced by Don Aue ln the eighth, he had allowed juat two hi ta. . But ln the eighth, the Twins took ad- vantage of an err~r b Tim Foll (who had replaced thee Grich), allowing H.rebek to reech t. :i~· . the flnt brawf of the young Hrbek. Grich took ott after Jldmon. Jacbon quickly retreated behind a t before the blow-by-blow account, mus of Twinl who bad jumpeld out of by my bead and I didn't eee any reason it lhould be noted the Ang.As won by the dugout which borden the fint bue for it. I didn't provoke him. He was After ~bek moved to second on a wild pit.ch by Kilon, Gaetti singled him to third. That brought in AatJe w~ im- mediately toeeed up another wild piich, bringins home the tying run. went the distance, which in line, and both benches and bullpens probably upeet because I bad hit two line cue ii 10 innino thete day.. quickly took to the tieJ4. drives of1 of him. uotpt ces provided the knockout The ten1ion1, it seemed, far out-"I then hit a dunker beck at him and I pudch with a-two-run homer off Twtna weighed thoee ln the Falldanda. lt'1 ltill just got (blanked) off. I defin!tely felt reliever Doug Corbett with two out ln early, but the Twtna and AnaeJI are ln' )acbon waa throwlna at me and that'• r.he 10th to give the Angels a 4-2 victory the ume divilion, and both teeml are off why I charged him. It marked the third game ln a row that Angel startha have worked lmpreaslvely through the late lnningl. only to come away with nothing. G1'ME WINNE R -Doug DeCinces deli\rered a 10th inning homer as the Angels beat Minnesota Friday. be1ke 24,723 at .Anaheim Stadium and a to d ecent 1tarta -the Anaeb 1urprl-"U Jack.Ion wu thi.nJdna about Gaetti ~ c..Jif~ television audience. singly ~hind their pitching, the Twins being hit earlier and he wu lryif18 to Butch Wynepr then gave the Twins a (See ANGELI, Pase 8%) ~--~~~~-'--~~~~----,~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,.., ........... ,.. O'O •• .__,--IVIN.G -Orange.c.outCollep'a.Kanm-...Frlday night in tbel!iraie.' IYJ'll. OCC won, M rk (23) drives to the hoop for a layup 71-63. See story, Page B2. w teammate Cindy Carroll (22) looks on Rams separated by N turally, compensation is tbe bis stumblins block SPORTS COLUMNIST IHN SEVANO ? • Kings pull • even 1n OT Bozek'~ goal -sends the t eams to LA tied at a game a piece VANCOUVER, Britiab Colum- bia (AP) -Rookie Steve Benek ICOred on a deflection 4:33 into sudden-death overtime to give the Loe ~les Kinp a 3-2 vic- tory Friday night over the Van- couver CanuCk1 and tie their bett-of-1even National Hockey League quarterfinal playoff ee- ries at one pme apiece. Bmek. tipped ln a shot from the point by detememan Rick Char- traw after Chartraw'• fint ahot bad been blocked by Vanoouver'1 Dave Willlams. The ieama head for Loe An- aeles and the third and fourth pmm in the eecaod round 0( the Stanley Cup Pla:YOf& on Sunday and Monday nf1ht1.Tbe fifth game will be played Wedneeday nlaht ln Vancouwr. bave Tayl« and Marcel Dion- ne scored for tlie K.ing1 in the leCOIM'l period to put Loe Angela ahead 2-1. Darcy Rota of ~an­ couverlCOftd the only pl of the first period and St.an' Smyl of the Canucb tied it 2-2 at 11:24 of the second period, ju1t 1:02 after Dionne'1pl. The Canucb bad their unbea- ten ltreak mapped at 13 pmea aa the Kinp carried the play .tor the eecaod hall of the pane, firing ~ Padres clobber .Dodgers SAN DIEGO (AP) -John Curtt. went eeven lnnino to earn h1a first victory, while ""Luis Sa- lazar drove in a .-Ir of rum and Ruppert Jonm 8Ciond three dma • tlie San Dieao Padrel rolled to their third c:omecutive victory, S..3 <YVW the Loe AnaeJe9 Dodaen Friday ni&hL Jrny S-., 0-1, who entered the amne with a 14-5 career mark aplrwt the Padra, waa battered f« elaht blta and five rum in the On TV tonight channel 11 at 7 EVENS SERIES -Steve Bozek's overtime goal helped Kings tie Vancouver in series. 1hot1 at Vancouver goalie Ri- chard Brodeur. The Canucb had 23 ahotl on Mario Lessard of the Klnat. Loe Angeles started off quickly and Brodeur had tO be alert to atop Dionne after V anoouver de- fememan Colin Campbell had hit clearing pau blocked lnaide the blue line. Rota sent the Canucka ahead at 6: 10 of the openil\8 period when / Campbell a sbovefed a pell bet~ ween Loa An.ielea defeauemen Mark Hardy and Chartraw. al- lowing Rota a clear shot from the side of the net. Both goaltenden were ahaken up in the opening period. Bro- deur went down when be colli- ded with Bozek while Lessard ..... stunned after Jim Nill of the Canucb fell OD him. NW'• shot hit Che post on the play and a minute later Lara Molin of the Canuck1 rattled another shot off the post. * * * Kings sell out INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Loa Angeles King• announced Friday that the tint two home game• of their playoff aerie• against the Vancouver Canucb are complele 9ellouta. The teaxm are scheduled to play at the Forum in pmes 3 and 4 of the belt-of-seven aeries on Sunday and Monday nichta. Watson grabs lead Oosterhuis second at T of C RANCHO LA COSTA (AP) -Tom Wataon engineered a 2~e swing on the 17th hole and vaulted into a 1-shot lead with a 4-under-per 68 Friday after the eecond round of the Tournament of Champions . Wataon, twice a winner of thia exclusive event that brlnga ' toce1he.r' only the winnen of PGA Tour eventa from the 1aat 12 months, compleied two trips over the 6,911-yard La C.O.ta ~try Club coune in 137, aeven shots under per. With two roundl to 10 in 'the ch.ue for a $63,000 fint prize and one of golf'• more important titles, Peter Oost.erhuil held 9e00nd at 138 after a leOOl'ld round 66, the belt effort of the tournament. "rm pleued with the round," said the 6-5 Oosterhuil, a transplanted ~man now living ln c..Jifomla. He aoored his fil"lt North rlcan triumph fast year ln the Canadian Open. "I hit IOme good 1hot1 and followed through with my putting," Uld Ooeterh uia, who led the British Order of Merit four CONeCUtfve tee10N1 before joining the Amer1cm tour ln 1975. Flnt-round leader Lanny Wadkins retained the top apot through 16 holes of Friday'1~!ay, but made botley-6 on the 17th ho&e whJle Watmon, hia Yinl partner, m.ae blrdJe..4. Tbe 2-ahot 1wina aent at.Ion to the top and dropped Wlldldm bldt to th1rd. He finJlhed with a 72 and a 138 kM1. two oll. the J*le. lt WM~ more aboCi bldt to a FOUP of tewn tied at 142. . . . .. "' .. .... .-, . . ·-..,. _' .1 r, .. , ~-,l.,. ~ --.-... ... I I Ct 1f j "' ,..,, l •• /'..,,, .. i;f,~ ()I I' -0Nnoe CoMt DAILY PtLOT/8aturcMy, Apf1t 17, 18'2 .-----------.... ~--------... Kansas problems n ot in recrU.iting? Ftom AP dllpateHI LAWRENCE, Kan. -An inter· Ell na1 reYiew produced no evidence of •II t recruitina vloladona within the Un- ivenity of K.anau football p~am. -.. ectinl a&hletk: d1rector Del SbaDkel said .rnun- day. Sbankel Mid pubUclty ~ a sx-1- ble National Colle1late Athletic Ataocfation invesdption of KU fooiball wu "unfortunate" beau.-auch matten usually are not publlcized. Blue, Quleenberry tMm up for KO VIM BIM and fOC'nMI' Ccllta M.. • UiU ud Oranp COAat Coll ... pro· luei Du Q1IM•IMtrr1 combined to hurl a four..bltter ID lpuW the x.r... ~ Oty£ ID a S.1 victory OYW OwalAnd •n· day t ••. m.w-. In the Amlrican LM- pie, •M larfl•" droY9 In two f\&1\1 wltb a tripl. lD the lowth lnnlnc aa Toronto blanked 2-0 ••• P1ncb hitter aw aa.a. c1rove LD the t1e-brealdn1 run with • dou~ and T•XM added tw~ more Niii in the f Oth 1nn1n8 to Jteat Milwaukee , f -"f""" ..• New York.acored five unearned nm1 ln the ,.. cand lnn1na and Roa Gudry sl4tched a le'(en·h.ttter • the Yankeea defttat•d Oetrolt, 10·2 in a raln-delayed ~ . Al Cowe11 alam-aw mecf"J""l!u'ee-run homer and Floyd BaHl1ter acauered 1even hit• to lead Seattle s-i Oakland, ~o . Baseball today On th.la date ln bueball ln 1976: "The univenlty bu not been informed by tl\e NCAA o.I the 1ub1tance o f any of the "NO' allega~" he laid in a statement. "We believe r:.:r/ It 11 unfortunate that In our cue named and Ph1ladelphla 1lugger Mike Schmidt be- came the eighth_ player to blast four homers In a game, enabling the Phillle. to wipe out an 11-run deficit and defeat the Chicago Cuba, 18-16 in a 10-inning shootout at W~~ ~in 1951: Heralded New York Yankee rookie Mickey Mantle went. l-for-4 ln his firat1major league game as the Yanks defeated the Boston Red Sox, 5-0. •' :i unnamed sourcea hawe cha.en to make pubflc t~1 what ts normall~ treated u confidential between (1;tr the NCAA and its member institutions." ot 1 ·.....------------------, -,...(: Today's Blrthday: m. I I I I . I ; , l l . l \ Quote of the day "Five years from now, I predict that otf-road racing will be the largest. form o1 auto racing in the world.'' SCOM otl-road executive Mlc$ey Tllompso•. · Penhall wins at fairgrounds Bruce Penhall of Balboa, the • world champion, won tbe scratch main event and defeated aeven-time national champion Mike But In the featured match race Friday ru1ht before 9,700 fans ai the w..ttly IJ)eedway motorcycle raca at the Orange Q)unty tairgrounda. Flnishln• behind Penhall fn the scratch main were Mike Curoao ot Hu.lltington Beach, Mike Faria and But. From Page 81 ANGE LS WIN • e • -Houston Mtros first baaem~ennis Walling is 28. _' Boston goes two up on Nordlques Barry Pederson 9COred twice in ~ the second period, and the Boston , Brutna whipped th. e Quebec Nordi- quea, 8-4 Friday nlaht to roll to a 2-0 advantage in their best-of-lleVen lilational Hock· ey Leaaue quarterflnal series ... The New Yark Ialanden recaptured the fonn that carried them to the last two NHL champlonahli-, blit- zing the Ra.nJZen. 7-2 to even their quarterfinal aeries . . . \VaJDe Baltya broke a 1-1 tie early in the second period and Joe Mulea added an insurance goal, helping St. LoWa deadlock their aeries with a 3-1 victory over Chicago. Rustlers take two in own tournament 2-1 lead with hi• RBI 1inale1 aeu.tnrlhe stage tor the Angel niDlb. ANGa NOTO -Menaow 0-....... Golden Weat College posted a pair of easy vict.orie9 in opening round games of the Golden Weal Invitational w omen's softball tournament Friday afternoon and evening. With .one o ut, Carew tin- gled and DeClncea then flied out to center. Fred Lynn. batting for Foll. ripped a double inaide I Urat to 1core CareWc and, get thfn8 even. '"1'lat'a the firlt time I ralll IUggl9d 1111 llnevp, dfoCICllng ....... ....._ out of u. No. 4 11ot to e . ..,.. ...., OfWI •H ln11r11d Into the c1 .. n11p 9901. Aflet ~ .. ~ lb a-'**-of beQ ~. Gtlctl II now bitting .417 In Piii flrlt tfww oen-of 1M 2 (5-of·12) .. Jecbon'1 --oe tied ~ to 143 coming Into the game . Thi Twine, mMnwllt ... ha.,. llx rooltlll In the ltlrtlng lineup, Ill ba1t#'CI .343 °' l>lttlf. ltaltdy """'-· the lltt·llandld dallgnlt.o "'""·carried 1 .e1e_-aga1nto tha game. T-,....,.. -al .832. At e 111111 . lhe Twin• were 1>11tl111 .271~ . . Cent4W flaldlr .,,.. L,_ bed Ille nlaJlt ott fg11f11t 1111 l•IH11nd1d Darrell .....,_ ..., a.ti 00' Iha ..,, ••. .., The Rustlers defeated Pasa- dena, 21-3 and c.ame back with a 9-0 triumph over Glendale, Ari- zona. GWC plays tonight at 7 in Its next 1ame with the winner advancing to Sunday's t1Ue game. 1 1 cam. through u 411 an ~ ' ~ N&d later. "It felt pre~y I ID'd. You know ihat's the finit { : Eq hit I've gotten fCll' thla dub!' I• .. 11111 ~ OCNt M.time lilar1 llgllr'9t 1t1e Twtna. .,_.IC.._ newly tl>Nld 1 no-hitter. Braves roll to ninth straight Breu l•der 1whed a two-ru" ainal• to ha,h= a five-tun llxthl lnnlna l'riday t \hat cvn.d .... Ad.Inca BraWI to a M ~ owr Houl«cft and UleDd ... unbeatM lll'tn, to nine pmea. one lby ol the "8tkllW 1.-.w Naarcl for the ltart of a MlllOn • • . Dernll p....., tripled home a flm-lnni"I """ and doubl9d and ICONd the U.-bnakinc nm two lnnlnp law, Jeed•na St. Louh to a 3 ·2 verdtct over Phtladelphla . . . Al Oliver homered in the ninth l.nn1nC to map a 3·8 de and live Monue.l a •·3 vtetory aver the Mete ... omar .......... belel·loeded •!nil• over the head of drawn-In c:enter fielder Oa17 W ... 1111ve Ptttaburab a 7-6 victory awr the Cube ... RJ~ Gale pftched a thne--h.itter fOf' his flrlt Nat.lonal l.aiue victory and San J'ranciaco handed Cincinnati a 1ixth straight defeat, 6-1 at Candlestick Park. San Antonio clinches Midwest Division Geo~e Gervta IOCnd 35 points to m ' propel San Antonio to its second 1traf1ht Midwest Dlvi1ion cham- p1onahlp after a 118-106 victory over Dallu Friday nlaht In the National B.uketball ~tion ... Ellewhere, C~ overcame a 31 -polnt per(prmance from Ron Brewer and handed Cleveland ita 18th 1tralaht loas, 112.-102 ... Eddie JoblOll ICO~ 22 points and Job Drew added 20 as Atlanta couted to a 1()9..91 victory over Indiana ... LJoael Holllu mapped• 96-96 tie with 21 aecondl rema1n1ng u Phlladels>hia topped Wa1hln1ton , 100-96 ... Steve JollD1oa'1 21 points helped Kanau City llip put Denver, 123-121 ... Back Wllllam1 ecored 27 points, u New Jerwy sur· prised Bo1ton, 113-96 . . . Guard• Sldaey Mnertef and MarqHI JoblOll ICO~ 24 points apiece to lead Milwaukee past New Y.ork, 112-99 . . . Motet Maloae11 34 points powered Houaton to a 107-100 victory over Utah ... Alva• Adami ecored a llUPl-high 32 points to lead Phoenix put Portland, J 13-99. Cook powers to another victory Betty Cook of Newport Beach, • the defending offshore power boat racing national chame{on, won the eeuon opener on Lake Pontchartrain., New Orleana, at the helm of her Formula cata- maran, At the {lniah, Cook led nmner-\.ap Steve Stepp, Saruota, Fla. by two mUa and averaged_ 81.3 mph for the ooww . ' OCC in second Orange Cout College la in aeoond place ln both the men'• and women'• competition in the South Coast Conference awlmmlng and dlvlng cham- p ionahips at Cerrltoe College after two days of action. Mike Seltzer won the 400 individual medley ln 4:24.10 and Grant C.oollna wu the winner in the 200 freestyle in 1:44.60. 1'he9e were the only win- ners for the OCC team Friday in the meet that c:oncludes today. Paul Poitevent finiahed second to Cooling In the 290 free in 1:45.60 u the Pl.nate men amuaed 233 polnta to 268 for ladina src-znont. Alice Browne took lleCOlld in the 200 free and third in the 50 back foe the women'• team . • Blue chip meet Track stars at Arcadia ABCADIA -The l~th -annual Arcadia kJ8b 'Inck and l'leJd lnvitat.ional unfolda t.or\Ulht ,n-th the tint runntns finals echeduled for 1"" o'clock, followtna a 4:30 it.art for the field of eventa. It'• ihe top prep invitational of the yeu" Oil the We.t Cout with 15 of the 17 llate leAden ln the men's division and 12 of the top 15 in the women'• divtaion entered. Seven national lMden are entered, lnlll~ Denean Howard of Kennedy Hlah In Granada Hilla, who wW run In the 100, 200 and 400 metenJ. Among the Orange Cout area entrlee are Polly Plumef of Univeraity High,~ Beach'• RennM Durand and Ocean View sprinter Rex Brown. , Alw ...... ... l....._ __ ......, 100 ~ .... lrOWI\ (<>c.M View). 10. 7: 200 -AH ·-\~:. View), 21.t; 1,800 -~red vt11 (Untv.,..ity). 4:24.0: a.200 - 80b Pienta (Mater Del), ~27.0; Jim MoCarthy (!111no11. e :a 1.0: 1 10HH -81tv• l<erllo (Mlltlon VIiie>) 14.2; 300\.H -Si-Ketho (M(11)on Vleto). 17 1; 01111nc1 mldi.y , ... Y -lrvlne. 10·34 I: MIH lon Vlefo. 10:31.1, PV -~ 811eon (N9wpor1 H11bor), 1M, CUrtJe Hlldt (~). 13-e Wo.N 400 -Blrblr• Rainey !Edleon). 67 2, 100 -Rennie Ourend (l.lgunl 8eec:tl). 2·11.1. 1,800 - l>olfy PlumefJUnlvetltty), 4:A5.t : Clara Fell ( llet ENI}, 5: 12.0; 3.200-T.,... 9arrtolC~ 11.07.0, Kim Dev11l1 (Edi.on). 11 116.0 , Sue Armentrout (Unlvertll)'), 11:U .0; 100LH -atwon Haifleld (Fount.in v.,_,_ 10 : 1.eoo r-.y -1rv1ne. 1;0e~6; Edl•on. 4;02.0; L•gun• leach, 4;07.1. ~medley r*Y - Edl1on, 12 27 0, Unlvlf.flly, 12: 10.0, Fountain V ..... 12:20.0: IMnl, 12:20 o. w -iClnl WIMllk (E:dilon), 11~. HJ -UM Ftgrwa (l..9gunl 9-Jh). M . OT -Jecque Notion (Mlelion Vieto). 157-0. P irates, GWC win • Or:S~! Cout and Goldep West Colle&_e wo- men'• tball ~ both pO.ied victorle9 FJ1day with the Pirates defeating San Diego Mesa, 71..& in South €oast Conference play and Golden Weat topplina Los AJ\ieles CC, 109-68 In Southern Cali- fornia Conference action. Oi'ange Cout upped ltl conference mark to 8.-1 with the aucce11, keeping pace with first-place Fullerton. Kria Kroyer had 20 polntl to lead the Pirates while Dolores Effinger chipped m with 16 and Tami Parker had 11. ,, NIW 1981s ••• GRIAT SAVINGS! 3281 1281 ChestnUt Red/ Mcot Exter1« With P81chment. (4479). B9'ge lnter1« (5555). LEASE OR IU1! "' Newpott 9-ch Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CEJllfT£R NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714·640·6"4 FLY AND DUY. Patti Pc:nche/Audf lnVttM you to• 1p9Clel evening. Taking a European vacadon? Join us for complimentary wine, cheeee and travel films, on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will introduce its all new, unique and unlike any other European Oefivery Program. Our expert travel lldvlsors will be on hand to expfaln how you can t(IY9 time and money by picking up your MW car In Europe. I · 1 I Why buy o r lease.your new Porsche o r Audi fro m just any deale rship when you can get the specia l treau~1ent at Park. For more lfltormatlon call 714/521-8821 or 2131921 . n44. UNLIKEANYOTHER ~=-(~ 6700 Manchester Blvd. ~ ~ 1111 Buena Part<. Ca 90621 At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in custo me r service. Yout new Park Porsch~or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred ervice Club Card, eni.ttling you to a moltitude of complimentary services. You 'II also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your auto motive questio ns. And, if you'd like ~Rt y. to pick up your new auto mo bile right from the factorx, ask about o ur unique European De livery Program. 1 The professionals at Park PQrsche/Audi are dedi-' ~0!1)'~= II ~~u Di cated to giv~ng you t~e first class treatment you de~~rve. r , ~r .. II M Come m and d t cover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference . .. • --· ....... -r-.• ... -------· .-:.. ----- \ f Ot'ange Cout DAILY PtLOTl8at\afday, Aptll 17, 1M2 •· menu Field's 3 homers pace.Mesa • Coeta Meta Hl1h'1 Jeff l'leld enth lnnina to pull out the vet· p) to tie the pme at 9 ln the w11 the tq newt from Friday'• dlct ln a aame featwina 2& lln· 1lxth lnnina, but Saddlebacll prep baMball action, alammlna &lea and lix ema between the came beck with a Ourry. Dodger!', Yanks featured a, sow.db L. BANDY ................... ~ are the top lpOl1I events on TV to-day. Ratinp are: ..., ..., ..., ..., excellent; ..., ..., ..., worth watch.lnl; ...,..., t.alr; ..., foqet it. three home rune ln leadlna hll two. IJ'1\e &.dnannen (4-2) tied cht t.Mnl to a rout over Unlvenfty. E1tancla (4-3-1 ln the Se• aame at 11 on Ramiro Torrea' Tonlaht'a bll one l1 at Mlle View Lea1ue) waa led by the two-nan homer, added a eolo ~ Square 1Park (7) when Edleon h It tin I of Mike Campeau by J HUI OC!hoa, then 1hoved (7-1) and HunUNrton Be.ch (7-1) aero. 10 more rum. The winnen ~ lt:Ua.m.,~14 vvv collide in a Suneet Leaaue P.'DEP B' "SEB' "LL· bad. 18 hit.a and the benefit of showdown. .n n n ~lght Sailore errore. Karey X.O.. ~ Here'• how lt went Friday: Una waa a110 a brt1bt 1pot for · BAIBBALL: NY Yankeell at Detroit. A .... eenz Joe Gara,iola and Tony Kubek. ., Newport Harbor, banalne out CoeU ..... 11, UnfMNltJ I (3-for-5), Reuben Johnson two doublee and a triple. J'ield d•troyed the TroJana (3-for-4) and McCahill (2-for-3) . with hla three !)omen and he El Toro, which dropped to 2-5, almmtaotanatherone, butalhot wae paced by Doue Maher'• • · Tommy John (0-1) goea for the Yankee• apinlt Detroit'• Pat Underwood (0-0) in today'• -.cond pme ol the leries. · BAmNG STARS -Met1&'1 Jeff Ftelda (left) slugge~ three homers and Estancia'• Jim ~ d.roye In the w1nnJ.ng nm Friday. went foul and he eventually 3-for--4 performance at the plate. ~ l :SI ,.m., t1aaael 4 v v v GOLF: Tournament of Champions. walked. CotOM del Mar 11, lf'VIM I MeM'1 AU,-CD' catcher stroked The Sea VI Leaaue-leadl Artists sweep a two-run blaat in the flnt in-Sea Kinp ~k wtih an ~"f. nlna. then bla hues-loaded ho-run 1eVenth lnn1n& to map a 3-3 A.mle9een: DOn Criqui, John Brodie, Bn.lce · Devlln, Ow-lie Janee and Bob Goalby. mer In the eecond keyed a tie, ke~ed by Brent Melbon'• eeven-run out.bunt.. Bil next trip three-run double. Baro~s dump Oilers to the plate reaalted in another Gordon Mom WU 2-for-4 and two-run.homer, atvtna him 27 Dave Rohde wu 2-for-4 for the Tom Watlan took the lead at La Cost.a with a 88 and a 137 total for two rounds with Peter Oosterhula next at 138 and first-round leader Lan- ny Wadkinl at 139. Seven others are tied at 142. Lagilna Beach remained undefea~ in high IChool men'• volleyball action Friday niah1 with a .3-0 victory uver San Clemente ln a key SOuth Cout RBI for the -.on. 'lbe wtn ups 6-2 Sea KJ.np, while Irvtne'1 4-3 Meta'• See View 1.-,ue record Vaquero• were paced by the to 4-3-1. Unlvenlty drops to 4-3. 2-for-3 hitting of Mike Tierney. EetMcle I, El Toto I II; 7 , .... CIWme• u ....., ....., ....., BAIEBAU.: DodP!I at San Diego. Auoacen: Vin ScUlly and Roa Port.er. ~=·action, Co.ta Meu and Jr.tanda re- mained atop the See View Leque ltanclJnea with victories while Fountain Valley 1et up next week's battle with undefeated Marina in the Sumet Lea- gue with a 3-0 triumph over Huntington Beach. Mark Arnold played well for the Mustangs at .Jim McCahill drove In the winning run with a bue9--loaded lin le in the bottom of the aev- 8eddleback 22, Newport 11 Milce Handler slugged a erand slam homer for Newport Harbor now 1-7 in the Sea View Lea- Dave Goltz aeeka his finrt victory for the Dod: aen against San Diego's John Montefusco (0-2) tonight ln the Border City. • OO'llER TELEVISION 11 a.m. (11) -WCI' TENNIS. 1:30 p.m. (2) -TENNIS -The eemifinals of the Pacific Southwest Open tournament from the Lot Anaeles Tennia Club. 2:30 _p.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVD -Teams rel)tt9enting Kansas dty, Mo. and the«ocky Mountain states compete ln a 1eries of bout.a. (28) -TENNIS -Boys and girls, ape 14-18, compete foe top honors ln the Eastern Bowl junior tournament at =r· Fl.a. 3 p.m. (4) -SPORTS . D. 3;30 p.m. ~CBS SPORTS SAT\JRDAY (7) -PRO BO G 5 p.m. (7) -E WORLD OF SPQBTS - MatthefN Saad Muhammad (31 -4-2) vs. Pete Mcintyre (18-10-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout, t,fped at Atlentic City. Alllo: The 58th running of the W~ Memorial taped ln New Yor~. middle blocker. . "It' WU a great team effon tontcht." Laguna Be.ch Coach BUl Aaben laid. "Everybody played outstanding for ua. That'• the big reuon we beat San Clemente three straight. "We used our startma lix plue two back row spedaliata most of the way OecaUle we· wanted them to get tome work ln after the $tion.'' John Kosty led Fountain V with 15 blocka and 13 kills while Ken Haner bad 2 blocka and 10 kills. Sophomore hitter Greg Klecker bad 11 killa. ....,., •olle~ c ... .....,~ El Camino dal. Golden Waal. 16-14. 15-11. 15-5. Sanl&htllMa dal. 00111.an w .... 15-t, 13-15, 15-13, 1M. 1M, 1&-7, 1&-2. &t.nola ... IMne, 15-5, 15-11. 1&-3. La CMnta def, ac-i vi.w. 1$-4, 16-12, 16-t. Fount81n v~ tMf. Hunllngton 8Mctt, 16-10, 11J.14, 16-13. ............ Laguna Baach dal. San Cl•· -eo11n ..... daf. Nawpof1 Hat·-~ ~12. bot, 4-15, 1S.2, 16-7, 15-10." Dena Hiiia d . Hlll1, Unlvanlty del El Toro. 0-15, ~5-t, 1S.12, 6-15. 16-S. ~ '-' ..,_ '11-.... el YCM Door Cc.I IWe ...._. YCM ANe) eona-.641·12" , ................ ...... ftlO 495-0fC)1 .... C......ltelll w .t19 ........... -~ J THINK ABOUT THIS I . RADIO Bu~ball -Dod11~n at San Diego, ~_I>.m .. UCI n1· pped The 1lgn'1&y1. "Wet KABC {790); Minneeota 'at Angels, 7 p.m., KMPC Paint -Do Not Touch," (710). but It only maku you touchy. The command, S · d £ Former Orange Coast College 1tandout Mike "Keep Off the Graa'' or Cott rea y or meet Vanderburg went 3-for-5 with an RBI and ICOl'ed "Don't Feed the Animals" th or "8---t Limit ~ .. -the winning nm ln the top of the n1n inn1nC aa ..--- A atrong f1e1d ia ~ to puab .American vmttnc Cal State Fullerton recorded a 6-5 Southern '° triaer a vo6ce IDlide to recordJholder Steve Scott at the UCLA Pepa In-California Bwball Amodation dedlkm Friday af-•Y· "T dare you · · ·" vitatiobal track meet Sunday afternoon, at tfCLA's iemoori. 1 ThOM sips are all for Drake Stadium. Mike Rupp went 3-for-5 with a double and~ your best interest or the One of Sc0tt'1 competitors will be Todd Har-RBI, which tied the KOre at 5 ln the eeventh be1t lntereatl of others. bour. who lMt summer ran the second t.test mDe and Troy YberTa went 3-for-5 with an RBI for U Jl'r9b paint looks beUel' en .f!W!r by an American (3:50.J.f). Another will be Ray Irvine, but the Anteaten' 1ame went down the the park bench than on nynn. who flnilhed second to Scott at a meet ln Grain in the ninth. you. an-ll'OWI better lf New Zealand. Fullerton aot a double from Brian David, but It your feet don't stomp on it. Scott ia eenerallY rep.rded M the man to beat, W111°Vanderbu.rs'1 linaJe which Wll to Jll'OYe to be GM 1-tll lofteer' at M, and however. 'lbe UC Irvihe pwluate hM ;.t returned the winnin.I run, which came from 'Bob Bathe'• 90 do you.I from Ne,v Zealand after recordlng an inc:red.1ble linCJe. Tbe win ups J\allerton'1 r9Xlld to 7-3, UCI _... bu there -3_:3_1_.2_5_11h_o_w_inl __ in_th_e_m_ll_e_. -------r.dropeiiiiiitoiMiiiiii. ~iijii~jiijiiiiiiiiiPi9'iiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 ii ~lri' ~ one Pacific Audio Coast Video of UI apinlt restraint. 'Jbe bMrt needa '° be chanaed to check that ot.dnance. ChNt .. the 1J'e9t 'heart 1peclall1t. "If any on~ belleve1 In Cbrilt be becomea a brand new 1-----------------......---1 penan l.naide. He II not the ·~====~ ... ._.. IUCK .. IUU I .. ,__.. w any mon. A new Ute ,,,,,, Annu./ An*itn ........ baa belunl" . ' . D D MAGNAVOX VCR ........... Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. f day /1 event timer. Transition editing. Remote pause. •11l1R~t,~ .... I lA&UM mu. (noW 6-3 ln the South Cout Lufue) went In front In the top o the eeventh with a pab' of rum but the Dia- blol (8-l) came beck with two in the boUom of the fl'an)e, tbanlra to a walk wtth the ti... io.ded to pt the wtnn1ng markel'.llCl'09. ftn. Velley 4, Weetmlnl• 1 Brian Ayen pitched a 2-hitter and had a no-hitter going into the sixth inning before pinch- hitter F.ddy Pimental 1ingled. Ayers had four strikeouts and two walk.I and faced the min- imum number of batten for the flret six grames. .. STAR~EMOTE See TWIGGY Sklf Cbrlu can do that Enjoy the ultimate in state-of..the..att technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's aleo a 10 channel fawwtte itation feature, on ecreen time and channel display. high resolution fitter and an audio output jack. Factoty programmed to f'808ive 105 ~nets. ... ' DQM-9 OQM-7 DAHLQUIBT ....... · miracle of conversion ln ~right ~ow if you let rTlORlneR.S ~cf".xmcb • Dally Piiot e classifleds . • wcnfor • you. Call 642·5671 . e for quick e cashu..S. Special $66.125 FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote . ~89991 Thie 25"..., fMturea 11n .,, ,,.. 19 bUtton lnfrlNd remote control thlt not only lllowl rMdom .ao... to 108 ohllnnell, but P'.lltt bUtton oontroll for llterNlt9 ~ Hl-F1 ecMMS, and recllll function• . ...... • • ~ . . . ' "' . MAJOA Ul.AQW tTANDtftCll .....,.,.L...- ...... Dtwllllllll CleYelend NllwYOtlc Toronto Mllweull• O.Volt a.lllmote loeton W L fleL es 5 0 1000 5 2 714 7 3 .100 .., 3 600 5 & .IOO 5 5 .600 3 1 300 ....... ~ s 3 3 3 4 4 a • a • I 4 I t ,....,... ..... . 500 500 500 -.•ii /. 3W t m 1 .. 1\t ,...... 4, ~ t. 10 IMlnOt Tor onto 2, 9oalon O T-4, ......,._ 1, 101nnit191 K-~a, a...nd I New Yor11 10, o.Oll I e.ttlmore •• CNceigo. PCld • rein 54ten1e 5, OMlMd o T' ..... 0-MlnnH OI• (Redfern 1-1) •I A•eet• (Forecll 0-1) n ~ Yor11tJoM0-1) at OeCrolt CAGMM 1.01 K•n•H City (Out• 1-0) •t C ..... elHd (Sor-0..()) Toronto (lomback O· 11 al aoeton (lUOOt I..()) Tea•• (T•n•n• 0·1) •I Mllweu'•• (MeO!ur9 0..()) a.11-.(0 ...,_ 1-0 ... ~ 0-1) ., Q*-'00 (I(-0-0 ... 0.- 1.QI. 2. ,,., OekiMld (K-. 14 .. a.t9' ~ 0-1)." ~~ W L .,_, -• 0 1.000· • 4 500 • 4 500 • 5 .... 4 • 400 2 7 .m .............. 7 3 .700 42 .817 t 5 4 w l\t 33..5002 3 7 ~ • 2 11 .250 4 ............... a.i Ol9fO I , ~ I ll'lt1:lllllrgl 7. Q*-'00 • ( 12 '"'*'891 Monu.j 4, Nllw Yort< S Alllllta 5. HoumOn 3 Sl t.OUla 3. Ptla_,.. 2 San frlll1daco e. ~ t r....-10-D••i•n (GolU O·O) •I S •n Oltto !Mon*'-0.2). n • MonttMI (eurrt. 0-1) •t .... Yor11 (9-11 0-1) Clllc•oo (Nolu 1·1) •I l'll1e1111rell <e.umowten 0..()) Pllltad .. pt\I• (Catllon ~2) •t SI. L.-. (AnOlljet '-11 Clnc:Wl9'I (8efw¥ 1-1) .. SM I'~• {Hollnd 1.0, Allenla (W .. t.ot .. ..,_,. (jMto t4 n MA110NM. L.aAQW ,..._ 1, Dad11,. a LC>e....._.a U..DlaOO . .,.... .," .. ... 211 40 01 AlclwcM" 5120 Oetwl' 111 4 0 1 0 Edwrdl " 0 0 O 0 0..-rf 4 0 2 0 8onlll2b 3 2 I 1 .... " 4 0 1 0 T'"llftn • 4 I 1 0 c:.tab •t10 AuJonec:f 131t Y .... c 3 I 1 I ~ r1 4 1 2 I C)Upfl 1000 .....,,.,002 ~c:f3110 ~1114011 -...... 3011 Owoedzc 4 010 "--P 1000 Cunllp 2010 ,.,._p 0000 CNll9rp 1000 "°9ftdl pfl 1 0 0 0 '~P 0 0 0 0 TotMI 32 3 8 3 TCICM 31 8 10 8 ..... .., ........ Loe ~ 030 000 •000-3 a.. '*'° 300 002 ao.-e ,._, 0.....,. OP-Loe M · Dimeo I. LC>e-1.oe ~ 5, OlloO • ~. Oetwl'.' l.Mldr-. '--· 8-~. Cunle. JoMa • .,_ ........ La. ..... .... (1..0--1) ,.,... ,....., •MA••ao 5"41 •• 6 2 4 .. ,0001 2 13011 ... -.. C.-7 Ill <»Mr 2 000 I I ~~ T-2:11. A-1t,2M. f .. ...... ,.o.. QlliDllO IXIO tlO MO 000-4 I I ~ 011 -Oto 001-1 tS I ~. 1"*-11). 0...... m. w ..... """"' ( IH ""' "4we!Md: C•lid4Mrte. o. "*"-" ~ Gtllllll (1), IMfY (1). TtluM Cit. ..... HI INI ,.._ W -"""°' M . L -w. ----O.t. Hftl -Ollloeeo. Wiiie It).~ ,....,(t). ,,_ _ ....... --v.-i:;! Io ,..._ 000 100 I ~~i !:'C:J~~'ain: 1:1: l.90oM (ltMO ~. " -McWllllaiM, 1.0. L -~ N . I -c.tip 11). A -... ., ... ............ Momr9ll tOO IOO 001-t t 0 .... Yont 100 001 000-S 7 0 Gulldl-. lllWdoll Cf) _, CMW; , .... -. L)'IClll en 0r-Ill _, ti..M. w -"-Oon, 1.:0. L -~. l).t, HAI - MontrMI, Ct-11e (I), Ollwr (2), A -20. N7. a....... .......... 1tt1t11111t.illacNlpll-Mlia""" oeo ooo 000-2 e 1 It. LoUll IO 1 000 OOJt-S t1 0 Kr11llO•. MOl'f• 1•1. Lyt• (7) •nd Olu: l'CW9dl, lkllW (8) Md .. on.. w -l'ondl. 2-0. L -ICNl!ow. ht, I -Clutter Ill-A -15,003 . ...... , ..... , a.c:mn.a ooo oto 000-1 1 J s.n ,,encileoO 112 oao OOJt_. • 1 Gllla Md . W -099. 1-0. L -lalO. '°'°' ~15). ,.,. m _, o·a.ny. 0.2 ""9 -•. May m A -t,&<fT ~ C411 .... , .... ,uet • f'*'10n 111 002 001-e 14 2 UC lr'flM 211 000 100-5 15 o floblll.lon, Wrlgllt Ill. lllmmOM (7) and 9radlay; WOOO'-d, Wanger Cl). Hlcke Ill •nd l•t11.,d; W•·llmmon•. L-Hlcll• . 2&~ (I'). 2: Bethe ,,,, p~ (F). 0.....(1).2:~(11,lllUl)C)(I). ~ ..... LOllO a.di IUd4i t , Cal ... ,. I.A 0 ....,..-LM y .... 4, ~ ...,l"ll<M', t l'ountMI =~I w......... 000 000 1-1 2 4 ,_.., y.,_, 210 001 ._. • 0 ....., Md kvrfmM. Aywt. Oteeot f7I ...., PfM\. -"~ (1-1). a..y 174~ 8-0r-vor (2). 2a-l*Ot IFVI. Ao"'1a IFV), CoMot (f\I), Aold (WI. c.... ....... ........,. UnlWr9lly 00 I 002 0-S I 3 Colta .... 27V "° ·-t5 13 2 J. Frei. YMIOO (I ), eon ..... M (4) MCI M. Frei: OoeUacll and Field•: W-O~UKll; L-J. l'rel. 21-Ande,.on (Cl, Tino (C), HA-FWOI (C). I . ....... ,llT-1 B Toro 220 422 o-t 11 3 &t*'Cie 410 003 1-1 14 3 l..OINI. ...,_ (I) ...., Jacot>o. ~. Unton m. ~ csi.::dner m and A1Qo1. W-Ganlrw l-a cs· e 11.--.11 Newport ...,. 003 l>IO-t t I I S.011 t 0 140 4(10).)-22 ,. 0 ........ .,.. (2). p.,q (5). KoNar (51 lllld Ttny; o.rt.11, OMllal'I (3) Md W• W - Demien. l -Plltb. :Ht -Kollna CH). 1: Qllp (N). 8MI.-(S). I , Meldonedo CS). Cuttle (Sj 38 -KOlne (N) • ...,_ -Handler (N), TorrM (5).~(S). C-... ._ 11, 1rvtM I Corona del ... ., 000 003 1-11 10 3 !MM 009 oso o-s e 4 IM'fll ~ arid Meltloft, almtna. T~ (7) •nd Klr•I. W-Wllll• l -Slmme 28-....itlorl (CclM). ...... Y'9ta .. U.-.... t.aei-... 100 000 2-3 • 2 Mmlon Ylato 020 000 2-4 5 1 .............. f7) ...., AolMn: Mct(e.\ •nd S•uter W-McKeen l -A•cllc•• 28-...,_(MY) .......... ~ c~-coua• . OCC -.e. LA.,..., 11:1. t VNI -1. Springer (0), • I, 9at9 -1 i.-M 9-ft -1 ~ (()). t .4; AoOt -t. Low (V). U , Ai-arOund -1 L-(V). IU Accepting Social Security & S.S.I. SENIOR CITIZENS I I I Why llve alone? We are · Leonal'U and Louisa Elvey al)d have resided at La Palma Royale since August 19n after aelMng our home In Ptaoentia. We decided on La Palma Royale aftet vtstttng other facilities. Our room ii located on the~ floor and ls comfortably furnished, with maid eervtce and the meall are eerved in a pleasant dining room by cheerful wattresees. We have !"'8flY ldlvtdea to participate In and we have regular board meetlnge of which I am chairman. My wife and I have been elected "King and Queen" of La Palma Royale and will join with other 'Royalties' during 1he year In oompellllon. If you are contemplating a Mure home away from houlekeeptng or are dluatlsfted with your present facility, my wtfe and I Sbongly recommend Lt Palma RoyaJe. ' -------~----~~-~~COUPON----------------,. -I lfR-C~RE!-. · I A~tl~e Redreaent for Senior Citizens I I . I I I I .. ~ > . NaA .. ,..,. ....... Liil•• 125. Ool6.'I s .. 1. 1oe ...... WWf 11.3. Boeton M Allen!• lot, lndiMe 11 ~ 100, Wulllngton N ~112.~102 San Mlonlo 111, 0.... 109 ~City IH. 09n¥et 121 M....._112."-YCIR" -on 107, Vt-" 100 Phoenix 113, Por11and 91 ,..,.......ca- ..... Jefwy 91 OetrOll Oellal •t 0.-Seetltl el Ooldie<> Slate &.Men 121. Wwrlon 10I GOLDIN ITAT' -King 21. Smllll 4. llt-•• ,,.. I ,"°"* t7, w....... •. 0... •. 8hOt1 •. Perur 12, Mc:OOW91 •. "-1 • 20 Totatt· 4t 13-22 lot. Lot ANOllLll -Aen>Clia 5, wm.. 1&, AlldUhlebbw 29, E. JohNon 14, NlllOft lt. COCJPet 1•. McAdoo 15, er-'· c JoM. _, 4, LanotberO-4, McGee &. MeK-0 Totelt 5t 1S-20 125 a-.11ra-w.. GOiden Slate 23 32 21 33 -109 Loe ~ SI 30 31 21-lzj ~ Ooell -HMNtl 4 'ouled OU1 -Nor'9 Tot.I tolAa -OolOe<> Stete 20, Loe ~ n." -17,50l. ' ~ , .. ~~· 400IM-1. 8eltnr (OCO>. •:2• 10; 2 O.· lo• (Oro11monl). 4:24.h , 3 llndl>•ro (Ot--1). 4:11,fl. • 200 tr-1. Cooling (DCCI. t:•4.80; 2 Pollevent (OCCI. 1:.45.50; 3. Hanke (Or 1. 1:A7.02. 100 lly-1. Tellord (Or.), 52.05; 2. 8•1· Ylnalll (t.tl. 8AC). 5.Ut; s. ·-(Ot.). 50. 100 beck-t. Gllrtloneill (f~.). 55,31: 2 .1orcto11 cc.r.1.11.61; :s Pnoe 10r i. 51 . ., 100 lnlillt-1. """(Ml. SA(;). 1.02.11: 2 8"811• (tD ..... ,. 1:oa 10: s. Sommer I'~ ). 1:0Ut. 800 llw ,...,_,.Orange CoMt, 7.0U7, 2 Or--. t!Ot.N: a. P:ul9rt0n, 7:23 II T---(afW 2 ol 3 deyt)' I Ot-wnont. 211. 2 0ranoe c-i. m . s "'*'· '°"· 214 ·-200 IM-1. ~ (80 ~ 2 llOI, 2 u,dvdl (SOM). 2'1Ut: S ,.,,_ (Cerr ~ 2'.20.11. 200 .,__ 1. ~ (IOM), 2'00 ... 2 8t~ (OCC). 2:0t.H ; ), M•rtltt (SOM). 2:03.01. 50 tly-1. ,.,.,. ,C-,). 27.41: 2. a.n.tt tOCC1. 27.M: a ..... (Mt. IACI. 29 . .H IO i...-1. flla(C-Mt 2. Updvdl 480MI. a .1; 1 . .,_ no . 50 l>r ... 1-1. W•lt ( C). 33.17, 2 Thotnpeoft (DCC). 34.18; a Olall'IOnCI (SOM~ 3454. ' 400 ''" r•l•y-1 S•n Ol•oo Men a·47.Jt; a. Otanoe eo.., 3 41 12. a 0r- -i. JM IO. I I: ,_ --(alter 2 oN O•ytl I San c-.o ...._ 11a a. 0ranoa c-t. 261. s Wt. SM Antafllo. """lcMol mr-n.,.........,...,n • 100 "--I MCICartl!y (FV), 1. 53 8 7. 2 a.-ie (£T). 1:55.~; 3. Wan (FV), 1 ISe IO 200 IM -1. Yolcol• IETI. 2:08.0t. 2 No---.1 cm 2:oue: a. 1en11y 1FV1. 2-oe 44 50 ,,_ -I Sllen (ET), 23'21: 2 Trollan (£T) n .eo, s. Ncwnur• (FV). 2•.01. 100 fl)' -I.~ (FV), at.le, 2 Wle- dom (£T). 57 71; 3 Aor'*I (FV), 1'00 15 100 ,,_ -1. YOllOta(ET), 5171,2 Sllore 1m 52 21. 3 wan (FV). 52.27 500 ,,_ -l ~ cFVl. s oe 1e. 2 -. ven1~1 (ET). 5 01 •1. 3 McC •rllly (FV), 50971 100 bKlt -1 Guidry (ET). 1 01 84, 2 Alcllm•n {FV), 1·02 13, 3 Brighi (fV), 103 01 100 ~ -I. Hu9ttg (FV). 1 06 28, 2 OlllHple (ET). 1 05.32, 3 Young (fV), 10833 400 tr.. relay -I El Toro, 3.2~41 WomMt "'°" 9CMOOl. .,_ .......... .,...,'1 200 ~ ,_. -t. El Toro. 2:0118; 200 ....,. -• . ..,...cm a.-os ... 200 .... -1 ,.,,,..,,.. (f'Yt. 2:11A7; 50 he -1. Audon (IT}. tt. tJ: too tty -1 w1"1.,,.. (ET). I.~ .. he -I aw-(ET), $7.34; 500 .._ -1. ~ (fT), 5: It tt1 ,...,.._,,..,..~m ,,,o~ 100 br.--I . .._,, .L. 1:20.10; -..... ,_,-1.BT-,4 -· ....... COlllllUNfTY c:ou.eoe .................... ,,..,.. ......... "'9tO-a....w ... 11.~a OoiOerl W•t 4.&1 092 0-21 II 1 p__,.,.. 201 ooo o -3 & a· Moore, ,...,, (21 and McElfM. O'Nelll ano Moote. W-Allen L-O·Nelll 38 -Mc:Elt .. 2 (GWC~ Ct-cowc~ HA-Moor• {Pl N CONO Gl.m a.... .............. M&.. Glendlle. Ar11. ooo ooo o-o 1 3 Oolcler1 Weal 240 300 a-1 9 0 o....a--~ Arfl l . C.ntoe I CNbot 3, """"°" I Cypr-2. MeM. Artz. 0 I I D I w 2. l1fG , , I ~" 011 000 0-2 3 2 ~ 000 001 0-1 & 7 llt-0 anCI O'B<len, i..oc.t end Aubel· cave HR-0 '8tlan (~ern~ High echool ~t4,c-....... ~ 1•2 001 8-14 12 2 Coet.a .._ 101 020 0-4 10 3 Fu •nc:t Que••. Wllherepoon (~). lu•. ~ m enc1 McA191r, uo-m w-Fu L-lua. 28-Fu lU). S.0-CCI ,, • '1rta,......,,~2 Newoot1 Hatbor 010 010 0-2 7 5 ~ 000 001 2-3 8 $ Mtclk....., MCI Roe, Oroeoo Md .Z... 29 -.._,..,,. (81 38 -LOI* CSI HA - Holmen(NH). ...... 1,0...Ylew1 OcMrl View 000 100 0 1 2 1 Marina 000 003 a-3 6 0 ~ends-: \,M.n encl~ r...1,MIM: ........ llMdlO HunllnQl.on 8Md't 000 000 0-0 1 0 IEOleon 100 000 •-1 5 1 ~Md Reno, ~I• and l.cluMo 28-Cwpet\I• (E) .......... c.r-....... 1 CorON Gel Mw 100 000 0-1 0 2 IMne 205 021 •-10 9 & OoOOI Md WOii!, Martin encl Kowertdl ~~ , ...... .._, ~tidlly'• lcerM 1( ..... 3, V91'1C041Ver 2. _ ... tied l·I Boeion a. Quebec 4, Botton ._,. _ ... 2.0 • N.Y lllan<tera 7 N V A•noe<• 2. Mf'lff tl«I 1· 1 St Louie 3, CNc:eoo 1 _ ... lleO 1· I ._,-.Q,M.- V~•lltlllp 8ollofl ., OueOec 8t. J..oull e l CflicaoO N.Y. 1119ndarl •I HY Aangefa B-ii11 IYNOPSll OF THE . ANNUAL 8TATR....,. OF CettteMIM lnturenee ~,. MMRtliD8 .. dlng.46WIA ........ NewYCNW. N.Y. -,.., ...... Decelftbef 11, ., Total admitted aneta 1143,141,857 Total ll1bllltlee 106,363,6M Special aurplua funds ..()... Cepltal paid.up/Guaranty capltaJ/StaMory Oeposlt 3,000.000 GroM pel04n ana ..... ..-OCMMn •H CISM. oo.T 80UTM ilUDeCIAL •TNCT .. c.-v..., ...... contributed uptus 8,526,874 Unaa6gned funds (eurptul) 25,251,329 Surplua 11 regard• pollc:yhokSen 36ii.&2g! ln<(Of'lle for the year 71, , ~~~L!. e m inor by ANN G. ANGLE, 1111 au.dlmrl Ad u.n. DIF'EHONfT: GMO 8CIARAOT· TA, en lodh'lduel end doing butt· neM .. MIHION HILL.I '°'80H1 fl('(. end DOU 1 • S. lnClulllle. ·-Dell Olaburaem«ita for the year 60,357,S..8 We hereby certify that the above Items are In accordance with the Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 1981, made to the Insurance Commlulonar of the St.ta of Callfomla. pUrauant to law. /el John J. Mackwoakl. President /e/Joeeph P. Oecamlnada. Secretary Publlehed ~ Cout Dally PllOt, April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 1882 1,000,000 111.ua.• • . - . . Or~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 17, 1982• •• I ' ... . . • . . . ,. • J \, .. • • ,as , a .-eral o ·me. I "" at. t ·e · · emeter)7. -. . " . < Mortuary ~ Mausolelllll • Cenietery .: ~ -~ Creniatory • Col11.mba1~Ulll ~ ~ ----. -/'SERVING ALL FAITHS~· __ ~ \ ·-- .. \ . . \ . ' ..-:.---. •• Oil lease fight beats up again Br THOMAS O. ELIAS =r monlha of "con1ultin1" with o of coutal ataie., lnterior Secre- ame1 Watt hu now confirmed the fean of many of thoee same offidala: ,No matter what they may have toJd hifn, Watt never had any intention of iqun, down hi. plana to leaae 1 billion of11hore acreti for oll and natural gu development. ln Call1omia, the battle CQUld be re- jofned u early u thil June, when the Interior Department has acheduled the CAllflRlll fDCUI lefle of 172 tracta off the Southern Cal- if<)mia California coast. ,N.ready, the state is moving lta guns in'° place for the fight. whoee outoome wlll also affect the upcoming conflicts over oil drilling off Northern California. \ will be 1011 ho1Ule to hla plans than Brown -an .. umption that may be far off the mark. FOR LOS ANGELES Mayor Tom Bradley, the cummt front-runner for the Democratic nomination, has tons been a leader In efforts to keep 011 rigs away from Southern California beaches and recreation areas. And neither Atty . Gen. George Deukmejian nor Lt. Gov Mike Curb, the Republican.a seeking the governor's of- fioe, hu supported any ot Watt's plan&. Neither hN oppclled any of the state's anti-drilling movea. So Watt has no real assurance Qf an easy victory, no matter what the elect.o- ral outcome th.la fall. Thomas Elias, a free-lance columnist based in San~ M onica, analyzes state Issues. ~ . . • • THE STATE'S FIRST weapon is the na'.,tional Coast.al Z.One Management Act, which allows states to veto 1ederal acti- vities not conforming to state coastal P~· Irish spirits high on Reagan VlSlt Gov. Brown used that~ last swnmer tol stave off leasing of 29 Southern and central California tracts af1er the state cOastal Commiaaion found drilling there w6uld con!lict with ill plan. Brown sty- mied Watt in that case by winning a federal District C.ourt injunction against tl,e leases. .Even before an appeals court rules on Watt's challenge to that order, the Coastal Commiasion is once again using t~ coastal zone act against Watt'. This time It has found 35 of the tracts ache- duled for leue this June unacceptable. U WatJ pel"lia1s with the leasing plan, he and'Brown will likely be back in federal court in a rerun of last summer's conflict. Brown would love that: It could only help his campaign for the U.S. Senate. But even before the Coastal C.Ommis- sion acted, another major state agency ~ was turning a skeptical eye on the June lease sale. TWS TIME, it was the Air Reeou.roea Board, which claimed that exploratory offshore oil drilling could create luge amounts of smog in coastal dties whole air now complies with the federal Clean Afr Act on most daya. The ARB said emillions from even a single drilling ship probably would in- stantly become the 10th largest IOtirCe of nitrous oxides (NOx) in the Ventura and ~ta Barbara areas. Another A TB analysis claimed that if two drilling ships operated simultaneous- lyl they would up the ozone levels in th~t area by :>O percent. The region alteady exceeds federal ozone"'timits on soO'le days. the legal impact of thoee ARB reports is s\ill UOL'eJ"lai.n, but they oou.ld give U\e state a second line of defenae on which to fall back if federal appeela cow1a upbokl Watt's position that limply leaalng the tracts and not drilling on them cannot conflict with the state C.OUtaJ Plan. For the Clean Air Ai::t puta tough~ on new 1mog-producin g actlvltlea - even U U. aictlvitiea att aanctioned by the federal aovenunent. J:deanwhlle, the achedule for' Watt'• evqn more con1roYenial plans to drill off Notthem California baa been pushed bade to September 1983, apparently to usu.re that Brown will have no role ln thdcue. ' ' By HUGH A. MULLIGAN ~ lpec4al CorrNtiDnd9nl BALL YPOREEN , Ireland -The main street in this tidy Tipperary town. which may be the widest in all Ireland, 1.s poised, painted and all prettied up for the president of the United States to come parading past the Ronald Reagan pub in ~lebration of his lriah roots. Like the pope showing up in lreland a few years back on the strength of an invitation to tea from a monsignor in County Mayo, the townfolk are sure the VlSit will happen before rong Having a pub named for you l8 the closest a non- Catholic can get to beatification in this part of the world. The pub, which now files both the Irish and American flags. has be<.-ome Ballyporeen's main and some say only tourist attraction. It changed its name from O'Farrell's Lounge to the Ronald Reagan and added an upstairs gift sh op selling prealdential T-ahirta as well as tbe traditional cable-knit wool sweaters a few weeks after Ragnall O'Riagaln, the Gaelic spe11ing of the name, was elected Uactarian, which means president. REAGAN'S GREAT· grandfather, Michael Regan, was baptized in the gray granite parish church here on Sept. 3, 1829. He moved to London about the time of the Great Potato Fam\De, where he put the first "A" back int\he family name, and in 1858 emigrated ~ois as a fartner. · Situated in a lovely green valley bet- ween the Galty and Knockmealdown Mountains, Ballyporeen looks as if it had been made to order by the Irish Tourist Board for a presiden ti.al viii t. The wide main ~t. just waiting to be panned by TV color cameras against a background of fleecy sheep, purple glens and emerald fields, has six pubs to ac- commodate the world press. The friend- ly, always quotable natives in their Do- negal tweeda and cloth caps might have drifted over from the set of a John Ford film. The lo w sl ate roofs of the now put.el-painted houses, sending up a tan- gy furl of turf smoke from their chim- ney•. seem to have been designed for easy surveillance by the Secret Service. With, of ooune. plenty of room in the middle for the big parade. No one ln towt1 seems to have any doubt that Ronald Reagan will tum up one of these days in a 8CTeal1l of sirens and skrrl of bagpipes. Didn't J ohn Ken- nedy, another third-generauon Irishman who got the Bag Job out in America, make the scene at New Ross, only 80 miles away? Didn't Gerald Ford and Ri- chard Nixon discover some Hibernian branches in the family tree when the going got tough in the Oval Office? ''The minute a Yankee preaident's popularity atart.s to skid In the polls, he fee la this urse to commune with his Iriah ancestors," says one of the regulars at the Ronald Reagan Lounge. "I look for your man Reagan to be here any week now And he'll bring Pal O'Brien with him. to make sur~ the telly crews don't rruss a frame .. By the wildest of Hibernian coinci- dences that nol even Hollywood could invent. both Ronald Reagan and Pat O'Brien have their roots in Ballypor~n. Thank of it: the Gapper and his crusty old coach Knute Rockne aprurfg Crom tt-e same green sod long before football or the movie camera was inventA!ld. · If anything. the O'Bt1en1 have a tighter hold on the town than the Rea- gans or Regans, no matter which way you spell it. Four shops have the name O'Brien over the door, and there ls an O'Brien headstone in the old parish graveyard at Doolia. a few miles out of the town. But none with the name of Reagan or Regan. Nor hu any house, barn or shed been traced to the family Teams o f researchers fr o m Debretts Ancestry Reeearch and the Ha· bemian Research Co. Ltd. had to pore over the baptismal registers of 27 Tip- perary parishes to trace the president back to Michael Reagan, son of Thomas Regan, a poor, landless farm laborer also buried an an unknown grave on the winds~ept hill called Doolis. IT TOOK SEVEN genealogists 34 hours of intensive squinting down long 1Ue11- ble columns to end the search at last m the scratchy Latin scrawled by Father ' Martin Redmond in the fading ledger book of Assumpuon parish. attesting that on Sept. 3. 1829, "I baptized Michael, son of Thomas Regan and M.araaret Murphy of D.oolis. Godparents:· William Regan and Catherine Walsh." At that, the scholars were lucky in the time frame in which they had to do their work. The present-day church had ope· ned onJy the year before, and Michael Regan must have been among the first baptized at its font. The old church at Doolis has lam m rwns among the tum- bled gravestones IJUlCe the worst days of Cath olic persecution, when hunted priests with a price on their heads sa.ad Mass on rocks In the woods l\lld bogs. In those brutal, bigoted times, keeping Catholic church rl'OOrds was a dangerous, traitorous affront to the English esta- blished religion of Protestantism. The Penal Laws were relaxed and finally repealed in 1829. But it wasn't until 1864 that births, marriages and deaths of ln.sh Catholics were deemed legal or impor- tant enough to be regis~red by the Bn- tish civil authonties, which is wby the search had to be confined lo rare and jrregularly kept parish records. FATHER EANNA Condon, curate at the Church of the Assumption, still has "' the old parish journals in his keeping and unveils them with great ceremony and fireside hospitality for visiting Amer· icans. An amateur historian himself, he has written an excellent pamphlet on the Reagan family tree and was instru- ment.al in leadil}g Debretts' team to the Ballyporeen connection. The yellowing i?aptismal records re- flect the heart-wrenching emigration statistics that reduced Ireland's popula- tion by more than half ln the generations after the Great Famine. Before the po- tato crop failed In the late 1840s, the parish1oners numbered morl" than 5,000 The church today. lht: curate says. serves a population of about I .400 Father Condon dN>w a map showing how to get lo the llllle ('hurchyard at Doobs, but warned not to waste my ume lookmg for pre-presadenuaJ arufacts. He thinks that the Reagan or Regan tombs- tones either sunk from sight in the loamy clay soil or else the family was too poor to have the stonecutt.el"S erect any. President Reagan recently told the Ame rican lrish H1stor1cal Societ y he knew very little about his family tree until the genealogists trae<.'<i its tap roots aU the way back to Bnan Boru, the Celtic warrior lung who beat the Danes with one hand (having a cross m the other) at the battle of Clontarf. out:ude Dublm. m 1014 "MY FATHER WAS orphaned at age 6," he told the Society while at-ceplmg its gold medal "He knew very lmJe about his family history And so I gre w up knowmg nothing more beyond him than an old photograph. a single photo that he had of h11 mother a nd fa ther and no knowledge of that family hastory ''But somehow a funny thmg happen- ed lo me on the w a y to Wash ington, when I changed my bne of work about a year ago. It seems that I becam e of a certain imerest to the people in lreland who very kindly oogan to fall me m." Aside from the nandsome pub, the White House image-makers wall have their work cut out for them fmdmg local landmarks for t he president to visit in the company of t.elevi.saon cameras. the way John F. Kennedy had tea with the widow Ryan. tus closest lnsh rousm. rn her whitewashed cottage . The fa rms of County Tipperary are much more prosperous and d1verstf1ed now than in Michael Regan ·s boyhood. although a dip in Common Market prices has brought about a recent depression. The price of a pint of stout in the Ronald Reagan has gone out of sight.. the regu- lars wall te ll you, although inflation doesn't teem to have thinned the nightly crowds. "We just start la ter. as an economy measure," says one pf the lads. Know-it-alls from ·out of town claun that BalJyporeen means "town of lhe small potatoes." Mere mention of this could cause a donnybrook any night in the Ronald Reagan Lounge. r,:att app arently figurea that w. 1 oever becomes governor next year Should family planning clinics he required to no~ify pare nts? BY, MARJORY E . MECKLENBURG I Marjory Mecklenburg i6 dlttctor of ch~ Olflce·of Adoleacent Pregnancy Plf)granu, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Can paren ta help their children un- deratand the consequends of early sexual activity? Can a parent help a young teen-ager make an informed choice about btrth control? Or att decisiona about aex and birth control aomethina that profe91ionala and t.een-apn lhoulc1 handle without invol- ving parentl? I think parenta abould help guide their chlldren in thia important area and that they have a right to know when birth control pn!9Criptlons are being given to their children with Federal money. So that thia can happen we've propoeed a new regulation for our family planning clinics. IF ADOPTED after the public com- ment period, thl.a regulation would re- quire family plann1.ng dllnica that receive Federal tax dollan to notify parents of minors, aged 17 or younger, within 10 daya after they give pre.criptlon birth cootrol dn.ip or clevioe9. 'Ille pu:rpoee of the propoM!d rule la to break down the barrier that separates pareot from adolacent where dedaions about pre3Cribing federally funded oon- tracepuve1 are concerned. Tearing down this communication barrier between pa- rent and child will carry out the clear intent of Congress, which last year amended tht! family planning law to di- rect the Department of Health and Hu- man Services to encourage family invol- vement in family planning declaton- maklng. We can hardly encourage family in- volvement by keeping a child'• own pa- rents in the da.fk. Pre9Crlption contraceptives, auch u the Pill and IUD, can have aerious health dangera. Relearchera are oonatan\ly ~ covering new lnlonnation about the aide eUecta of certain oontrk'eptives. For ex.. ample, a ncent study at Johnl Hopkins School of'-Medidne concloded that the IUD can cau.e 1ertous health problema, partlcularly for_y®-OB high achool and colle1e-aged women who have never hart children. Glvint parenta more opportunity to exdcl1e their concern and care in a matter that affecta the medical well- belng of their children 11 hardly a rad1cal Ida. It'• an important protection. WE LIVB IN a •trance world where the retponalblllty of parenca ii upheld for thtn11 like perml11lon to ao on a echool trip but abut off by pwnment in \he c.aee of preecrt.ption bU1h comiol at cl1nb funcMd by federal -do1l.1u'I. Since our propoMd Nl• w .. made pUblle, \hire .bawl .................... reporte about 111 ~ and e ffeet. c.Gntnry to ... ,..... Daid&atlan Of perenll would not .,.._ requlred when ........ "'birth"°''"" ...... .a • 111 wm ...... ,.aa ..... ciUDtl 1 ;tlm Mor would It •ltPlJ. I thoee .: .... where notification would result In phy- sical harm to the child by the parent, or in the providing of pn!9Cli ption drug:s for the treatment of venereal diseaae. The rule doe1 not require parental consent. or even pre-notl!ication. Noti- fication ia only requlred alter the clinic prescribes birth control pUla or devicea. The d epartment'•jproposal is not a "aqueal rule'' denoU.n« mlabehavior. Ra- ther, lt would be part of a broad program to involve parents In the actlvitiea of family plannlng clinics, including provi- di.ng information on health rtaka of con- tracepti~ffering guidance on dealing with teen-age .exUal activity, and trai- ning clinic penonnel on parental invol- vement and CIOUJ'\lel.lng. CURRENTLY -without parental notifkation -about half the teem who get pnwcr1.pt1on contraceptives from ell· nics never tetum to \he clinicl for an,y follow-up attention. The reauh? Not being mature enousb to uae cer tain contrace~lves pro~r~y, youna leeM haw an U'elnely Nab failure. ra~ • their lm ot birth CCJUtrol. Stucties ' ahown that communW:at.lon with a t can improoYe the efftldl~ of con"9· cepti9 UM and increue the DWD\>er chOolUlc '° <Mlay 8UU&l actlYl'Y. Evidence ........ that nodle pen!ntl would not drive-. away · :;~ve p~tectlon u IOIDe ve It WUl not cilln&pt blrth con· VO W'vtcel or lnctHH .......... ~­ aaDCJ (wblcb .11 rl1tn1 elennln1l1 \&Ahr 'the ••lttlnl 11nem. A.ft Alan QUlbewher Jnldn.• lwdy lbowed \ha\ • lar .. proportion of wem uaiq the cUnks ,.,._. UMiU' ..,. .. alNedJ .... ~ ..... --= ..... Of ....... _ ..... ...., ---,... of ............. It ..... pannta had to be notified. Only four percent felt notification would lead them to uae no birth control. Even that small percen- tage, we feel, would thank again about ·the options under our proposal&. Adolescent sexuality can be a confu- sing, even frightening thing for children. The important decisions a child has to make about sexual activity and contra- ception lnvolve not only heaJth but our children'• entirt' future. While nobody can automatically make communic.at.ion about sensitive matten eart between parent and child, govern- ment 1houldn't stand betw~n parent and cbild-\vhen those deciaions are made. The propoR<l regulations represent an eUort to work to&ether constructively to reduce the problems asaodated with ad- ol-..ent aexual activity. . The Department of Health and Hu- man &rvl~1J 1rolding •public com-ment period which enct. April 23. Wrl&· ~n canmentl concem.Jrw tJu. propoeed ~doa ~d be.,,, to ~depart­ ltlenc, 300 Independence Ave., SW, W~, D.C , :10201. ~ICOAIT lllJPllt Tht comment paaitorthe Dally • Piiot ae•k• tQ lnCorm and tllmulate rnd r by pr tnt Ina • variety of comm•ntary on toplu of lnt•reat and tcnmcance rrum 1nform..t ob HrHt1 arid pokesmtf'I. ' ··'.lllJH . &.' ~t..''" Pac-Man '"\~~ eats up opposition The entries In this week's onteat left Uncle Len -you. should excuae the expression - electrified. If we were running a popular- ity contest, Pac-Man wouid be the winner here, because this week's entries In the video game drawinsr contest. were heavily ln favor of the amall, round gobbler. But not everyone favored Pac- People. Eyal Goldman included a centipede, a rocket, a log from Frogger and a flrebarrel hiding in a tempest screen. He also threw In a few snakes from Alteroids in caae things got dull. Uncle Len has been hearing about some people who get so good at the games that they can play for hours and hours, piling up huge ICOret. He's pretty jealous, because not only does Uncle Len get low 8COre&, but the machines all make insulting beeps and hoots of laughter when he loses. It's aw- ful when the machines are smarter than he is. But let's pull the plug on this idle chatter and get down to the business of winners. First place and $5 go to Jessica Hlllis, 12, of Corona del Mar, whale liberated electronics go for Ms. Pac-Man. Congratulations, Jemica. Second place and $2 are awar- ded to Tracie Manz, 6, of Costa Mesa for her version of anotf\er lady Pac-Man. It looks like the women have found another area to make point.a for equality. Honorable mentions go to Jenny Fuller, 10, Jeff Manz, 9, Scott Borack, 11 , Eyal Goldman, 10, and Janine Keating, 12, of Costa Mesa; Jeanne Holmes, 12, Sherry Norton, IO; Jane Ortiz. 11. and Cindy Stout, 12. of Hunt- ington Beach; Robyn Landess, 13, and Heidi Landess, 11 , of Fountain Valley; Scott Town- send, 11, of Laguna Niguel ; J.T. Klingenmeler, 8, of Laguna Beach and Lisa Walters, 12. of Balboa. Special thanks to Uncle Len's chums' at Bushard Middle School in Huntington Beach: Huy Vinh, 14, J ohn Lucas, 13, Edward Woods, 14, Cuong Ninh, 13, Manothony-Luanslaonglhamy. 13, June Bachmann, 11 'h. and Vlnh Nguyen, 13. Du.ring spring vacation, Uncle Len got a chance to go to the San Diego Zoo with some young relatives. They all enjoyed the antics of the monkt:ys In the en- cloeures and fell in love with a baby orangutan in the zoo's nursery that looked very much like the little chimp plctllred above. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~04 ·i c ••ooo : 1§1 t • 0 oOO .I LiKe · MS.PAC-MAN First Place: Jessica Hiiis of Corona de/ Mar ·. • • Second Place: Tracie Manz of Costa Mesa For next week's drawings, Uncle Len would like to see what hiA friends can do with pictures of monkeys. Remember to draw with black ink on a white paper cut 4 inches square. Enclose your name. ad- dress and age and then. 1end it to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be aure to mail early so all entries get here by Wednesday. and don't monkey around with them. See you next week. Old agt: plaguing Voyager II TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -The ravages of old age are starting to plaaue the Voyager II spacecraft on 1ta nearly two billion-mile flight to the planet Uranus, as- tronomer Bradford A. Smith said. . . "It is the human equivalent of being arthritic, senile and slightly deaf," aald Smith, who hu di- rected the Voyager cameras through spectacular encounters with Jupiter and Saturn since 1ts launch in 1977. He hopes to keep the space- craft alive for a shot at Uram11 and then maybe Neptune. · The spacecraft!s "arthritic" problem is a malfunction ln the gear system that affects the aim of it.a cameras. said Smith, who is with the Univeraity of Arizona. The spacecraft's "senile" loes of small memory blocks in its Dog of tlte W eelr romputer, an aging problem that means the spacecraft doesn't store as much information aa it should. · The "deafness" Is a hitch in how the spacecraft listens to in- structions from Earth. The range of what it can "hear" has narro- wed considerably aitu:e its 1977 launch. "We don't have to talk louder to it," said Smith, "but we have to talk to it at just the right key. It can hear only a certain tone now.'' • · . He said he and his Voyager team have been forced to start plannlf\g now for the possible 1986 encounter with Uranus. ''We had hoped for a couple years of rest between encounters, while the analysia of Jupiter and Saturn data continued.' he said. "But the camera mecbaniam la sufflclently unreliable that we cannot trust lt, ehould we pt to Uranus. Inaie.d, we wU1 have to roll the entire spacecraft to get the pictures we want, and that me~ns a much "llM>re complex computer sequence haa to be worked out for lt. We have to get ltartl!'d l1lht away.'' The malfunction w .. firat no- ticed at the beicht of ihe S.twn flyby laat Au1u1t, causln1 a whole aer1m ol cbe--up1 of the ao&den. rlnead pl.IMt to be Jost. "It !NY cake w kJnia' to att ftGrn one object to the next tJm way," Smltn eald ... Juat how 1rHt an lmpact It will make Mould ..,,... olMr wtdWl the next ~ ~we cry to won um out." Tht Mfte·UP In the_. '9 not the only aum.nt plg\llftl Vo1a,1er, whltli ~= baa lMW-louer aftcl far· .... &Mn " ,... 1 ,. II ID. hlil..a ........... !illlMI~ 'sd• ... =~~s~-.... ~ •Mus•-.... Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 17, 1982 ·Buddy system at wor,k By THOMAS W. PAUKEN Thomu PauJcen'• t.hll dJrectol'. of ACTION, the U.S. apncy lot' volun ~,. llt!l'Vlce. Although the recent hlltory of Cambcxlla la not good news, the s tory about 11 Cambodian chlldren who 1urvived the horrot of genocide ia. Not only are they safe now, but they a1ao are beina helped to make a new life in Fort Worth, Texaa. 1 The s tory begins with the aching need of bewildered and frightened youngsters comina from refugee camps to d well' among people whose language. cu•torru and lives are ao vuUy different from their own. With fragmented famillee, the Cambodlana gather together 1n protective iaolation, their liAk td society provided through church and charitable organizations. However, the law says young people must attend school, and aince the 11 are teen-agen, the echool authorities assign them to the eighth grade at Daggett Middle School. Thell" teachers quickly aaw that aaide from obvious commu- nication barriers, the Cambodian youngsters were beset by fear and confusion, which made lear- ning difficult for them. Almost simultaneously, Young Volunteers in ACTION (YVA) was setting up a pilot program in rort Worth. lt was the suggestion I Lhat perhapeJoung volunteers at Daggett coul help their Cambo- dtan classmates. • DMly Plot Photo by "8trldl O'Doftnel Eleven boys and girls, black and white, were selected. They came from neighborhoods low on the economic scale, but after' being briefed by the Rev. Sok T. Doeung on what the Cambodians had endured, 90tne were in tears and all realized -perhaps for the first time -their own good Cortune. SWEET SLUMBER -This 3-month-old chimp. the youngest at Lion Country Safari. sleeps peacefully in a play pen. And Hke a human baby, Ace wears diapers and nightsnirt and cuddles up to a stuffed friend. 4-H expo Youth Expo to open After a planning-training i;es. sion. the 22 teen-.agens met. The joining was Immediate, a com- mon reaching o ut. Language differences presenl:ea no barrier. Understanding was electric: I\ came from touch. smiles and laughter. Orange County 4-H members will spend next weekend partici- pating In a number.of ev'@nts, including livestock shows and judging contest. . Activities are part of the an- nual 4-H Spring Fair. a highlight of Youth Expo '82, to take place from 9 a.m.. to 5 p.m. April 24 and 25 at the Orange County Fair- grounds, Costa Mesa. participate in dog obedience classes, games. fashion sho~&. pet contests, home economics and agriculture project judging, and they will present informative demonstrations about the organi- zation. N'ow, every morning when the 11 Cambodian student.a arrive at. school, they are met by their American buddies who see them to clasa. They're together at lunch and after school. Each ia. learning from \he other, and the Cambodians are adapting swiftly. lf there are problemt, there are teachers and two ACTION vo- lunteers to aid in .1e>lving &hem. The reladonabips are intertwined and the benefit.a mutual. The two-day exhibluon ia gea- red around youth organizations and their activities. The 4-H members also will Vocational project.a by junior high and high school student.a will include archite<:tural dra- wings. drafting, graphic arts, industrial crafts, metalwork, woods, fine arts, crafts. home arts, photography and florlcul- ture. world scope (10 point• IOf' •11eh queatlon en1wered conecity) 1 The majority of the Falk11nd Island's 1llOO residents are of (CHOOSE ONE: British, Ar1entlne) descent. l In a re«nt press conference, President Ru11n u ld the (CHOOSE ONE: U.S .. Soviet Unlonsas the world's "11rongesl nudeu 1rsen . 3 The Preslden s endorsed a propoul to freeze U.S.-Sovlet nuclear weapons (CHOOSE ONE: Immediately. at equal and sharply reduced level1). Senators Henry JackM>n and John Warner Introduced the propoul which met with Mr. Reagan's ap- proval. 4 lla nation's rate of unemployment ros.e to •. 1 .. percent In March, matching the hlgheH level since World War Two. a-e b-9 c-10 5 The main theater 11 .• 1 . ., the only national • perk devoted to the performln1 ans, was \Mttroyed In a serious fire . a-Yellowstone b·Wolhrap Farm c-Berbhlre Hiiia newsname (to ,olrttl H you CM lffflttty ltll• .,.,.on In the new1) R~nt repons that I was hospit.llzed provoked lj)«\llatlon that 11 lie 75 I am too old and too Ill to le'd the communl1t • country where I have a.., chief e1tecutlve llnce 1t'4. Who am I and what Melon do He.dl s I Mt~ -""""*" ""*on prope,..d lel*ion • news picture I 10 polnb 11 ,ou ..,,._r Ihle .,.etloft corr..ctly) A Brltl1h 11rmd1 Mt Mii for the Falkland Islands after mlltury forces from Arpntlna Inv~ that British protectOfate. Brill1h forelsn S.O.tary lMd Carrington rell1ned In the wake of the takeover, whldl culminated a deatdet·lona dispute. TitUE OR FALSE: The U.S. officially criticized the Ar1entlne lnvulon. (2 polnla IOf' .. Ch queetloft tne-" ~) 1 Veteran actor Warren Oatet, 52, died of an apparent hevt attAdt In his C.llfomla home. He wu best known'°' hh roles as a (CHOOSE ONE: leadlnt man, t>.d 1uy). 2 Dick Clark r«witly prewnted.a s.electlon of hit reciordl from · the peat .25 yun to the Smlthtonlan National Museum In Wuhlftlton. Sine. 1956, Clartc hal been the host of ~ popular musl: and danc» TV ~ .. American .. 1,." J "9sldent 5peM.r KJmbell. fil, led the 1Slnd annual Gener-.! ~ference ol the •• 1 •• Chu~. which haa Its heedquarten In S.lt Lake City, Utah. 4 Wllh hll wtn hntM fknti Dlrbf, >-,_-old (CHOOSE ONI: nmefy Writtr, Star C.11-M) became the top cont9ndef for next month'a Kentucky &>.by. I Siity Uale ....... Holllt 5tKy, Sendr1 ~.Hwy Lopu• ~ ........... .-..... ~ ...... , .. dde '" bftcM ,...,..., Clllfomla. •TeMle~~ Thespians ':must deal with guilt' Of1n99 COililt DAILY PILOT/laturdar, ~ 17, 1Ma WALLA WALLA, w..h. (AP) -Guilt Iii the downfall of many areet act.on, aaya veteran ata1• and televlalon director Esra Stone. "Jn Ila worat caaea, it drlvea vecy talen\ed people to the end of thelr llvea H we have teen recently wtth the death of John Beluahl," said Stone, 64, whoae show but1Mll credits apan more than half a century. He haa been conducUn1 worluhope and eva- luatinl Whitman ColleJCe'• drama prosram for the put few day.. The cause of actor guilt, he aaid, la ln the mind. People be· Ueve "act.Lna for an adult human bems la an unnatural act. nn.t place tn Trivia Bowl XXVl II aonteated three ways after two week.a into the current com-~tltlon H l!ld lc•••rler and WIHlow LHe• muacl«t their way ln wtth ICOl9 of 10 ap&eice. Charter triviaddict Traq ~. 1*k alter a tew months on the lddeU... al8o ICIONd 10. With IMt week'• late enlriee tallMd ln, tht field i. now up to a reepectable down entrt.. Trivial Udblt; In the final epMode of the "Perry Muon" TV eeria ( 1966), the Judae waa played by TltJVIA BOWL XXVI STANDINGS I I. •Cobfa It (S'Ai) 1014 1. Ale* WtlflM (I) t •. Johll Au..-(3) • •. The DlonytlW ,., • 10. 'The a.tw 'act. (1) I • no 911try rec.Iv~ -half ol .. aoot'9 ...,ded Erle Stanley Gardner -the author who created the Muon character. On to the third round and happy huntt.na. 4 action ln the rnovt. "Happy Blrthday G«ml.nJ'' take pltioe1 • 8. On radio, What WM Lonmo JOIM!a' OCIC'Upa- tionf 7. Rkh en.a-Walrl't the f1rlt major lequer to be nkkrWnect~Ooo.." Who wu? 8. Wlnthtop Allen and Francia X. Nella art.two characten played by the ume actor ln what play? 9. In "The Flna1 Conflict," what waa (a) the name given by Damien to hla followen and (b) the birth date of the baby boys tie ordered alaln? 10. Something was f.llt.hy about the captain '• grave lllnem, but~ took the situation in hand ln what movie? Laat Week'• Auwen 1. Alan Hale (name change) 2. YelloW (Green Lantem'a nemesis) 3. Sherwtn-Wl.lllama paints ("Cover the earth") 4. Lucky Lady ll (non ... top plane) 5. Jimmy Drake (Nervoua Norvua) "It la all right for a child to be outgoing and dress up in cos- tumes prete nding to be other people, but it la not all right for ·adults. Adults have to feed fa.: millet and pay taxes.'" 1. Samille Frie.en.needed a name with a little more firepower, 10 the cho9e what? 6. "l Can Get It for You Wholesale" (rules and fools) 2. We all know about Little Orphan Annie's doi, but what was Annie Rooney'• canine friend • ~? • I • 7. F.ddle Arcaro (two Triple Crowns) 8. "The Silver Whistle" (Oliver T. Erwepter) When Stone conducts a w orkshop, he attempts to get atudenta to enjoy theater, he said. "I want them to really enjoy this 1trange craft .without a aense of guilt. "I don't want them to feel guilty when our loved ones wish we hadn't been bitten by this bug of creativity." St.Qne, best known for his role of ltenry in "The Aldrich Family," said he became bored with acting. . "I was r~ather naughty on atage. I used to try and break the other actors up," he said. Afte r more than 300 perfor· mancea, he lost interest and turned to directing. "I had my first Broadway cre- dit before I was 21. The comple- xity of directing was more of a challenge. When you are a di· rector, you can play every man on the chess board. As an actor, you are just one of the pieces," he said. Over the years, he has over · seen a number of shows, lnclu· ding 39 episodes ~f "Th.e Munsters." "llANDS OFF'' -Robert Kokol and Jeannie Boucher head the cast of "The Imaginary Invalid" at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. The Mollere comedy opened Friday and will. be on stage this weekend and next. Call 831-4656 for ticket in- formation. 3. On "Dallas," what'• the'UcenM plate number on Patrick Duffy'a car? 4. Name the product which the old radio com· merctah advocate to use "after 35." 5. In what specific part of which dty does the 'Ro£k 'n' Roll,' 'Chariots': hot Joan Jett contihues to hold top pop position; Skaggs country No. 1 By Tile Ataoclated Presa The following are Billboard's re- con:l hill for the week ending Satur- day, ApriJ 17, as they appear ln next week's issue of Billboard mag~. HOT SINGLES 1. "I Love Rock N' Roll" Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (Boardwalk) 2. "We Got the Beat" Go-Go's (A&M) ,, 3. "Chariots of Fire" Vangelis (Polygram) 4. "Freeze-Frame" The J . Geils Band (EMI-America) 5. "Don't Talk to Strangers" ruck Soringfjeld (RCA) ~-6. "Ebony & Ivory" Paul McCart- ney and Stevie Wonder (Columbia) 7. "Do You Believe in Love" Huey Lewis and The New. (Chrysalia) 8. "Key Largo" Bertie Higgin• (Family) 9. "65 Love Affair" Paul Davia (Ari.ala) • 10. "867-5309-Jenny" Tommy Tutone (Colwnbta) TOP LPt 1. "Charlota of Fire" Vangelis (Polygram) 2. ''l Love Rock N' Roll" Joan Jett & The Blackhearta (Boardwalk) 3. "Beauty and the Beat" Go-Go's (A&M) 4. "Succe. Hasn't Spo.U,ed Me Yet" Rick SprinJf.leld (RCA) 5. "Asia" A.Ii.a (Warner Broe") COUNTRY SINGLES 1. "Crying My Heart Out Over You" Ricley Skagp (Epic) 2. "A Country ~~ Survive" Hank Williama Jr. ( -Curb) 3. "Mountain Muatc" Alabama (RCA) 4. "Always on My Mlnd" Willie Net.on (Columbia) 5. "Same Ole Me" George Jones (Epic) ADULT CONTEMPORARY 1. "Chariots o f Fire" Vangelis (Poly~) 2. 'M y Guy" Sisler Sledge (Atlantic) 3. "Shanghai Breeus" J ohn Denver (RCA) 4. "Always on My Mlnd " Willie Nel.IOn (Columbia) The ultirn* in sight and sound. Now, re-reoorded in new. ~*r-eo. ••.u.Mtl••··-..... •---'Tlflll•t ,._ ..,.., .... a... .. -.Jt..._ ...... ""' .. You 11AUTd' llelt f"kture ~OFAM (POI 12:00 2:.316 IQW&j · ~ NOW PLAYING AT llfESE SELECTED ntEATRES COltA WM~ Town Center 751-4184 Drive Into Spring Orange County lnternatloiJlll Aute OMoouM fk-.. .... w. .i: • ..,,, local c...,.,. . ..,,.,.. .... ..,,.. • .,.., .. l'tua . ~··,..,,.,,.,,..,. • H. Sift,..,, & Ct11P9 lflend~ ar.,..eoum, $potlaored by. MDDC. Oeelefs A..C.101 Of Orlll'lg9 County ~byc.hnetl &poe/IJott °'°"P F« Further k1fom ldoli eel •llGOO . 9:10 7:46 10:10 I GumY POa AM (RI 70ntm 1:00 3:10 5:20 7:40 •:46 No ...... No E~my a.tine ~ISM tJQW.RD llT. .. IEADr, iT. GO-m LUE BMMlS' OOMal OlBIJfT .. ~ ---.. -- NOWPLAYINO IMA ClllTAMUA .... -.. ~ ~ Cinllrla c.ntlf f.dwtfdl WoodlltlClft SUdilllol On.. In Stt r.339 t7t 4141 SS1 OUS Ut.f710 CllTA -.U ll T-•-•WU'~Tw-~Tlll .. Etwd lr•IOI Edwn. Slddleblclc C.--UA Twin ~ ~lo 7444 Sii 5110 &34 2SS3 HI 1243 •~·(jllilif!MI Thetnplltet ••• For. wtct.dly,...,, who'1t-dcHt. An ' SHOW & SALE SUNDAY APRIL 18th FREE admission · with brunch at the Newporter . Or Admission criy 'J!f with ttis ad RADtciN PAllS .......-i NEW·PORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport leach . ~"ACADr.MY WlrtNeR~AWARDS · BEST PICTURE BtST OR.IOINAL ~ -v~ws ISCST OfUOll"tAL SCRU:NPLAY COLIN WCUAND 8tST COSTUM~ .MtllrtA CN10NfAO 9. (a) Shell, (b) Phil ("Poetman" remake) 10. "A Change of Seaaona" (movie riddle) (Send your A11SWers J.o TRIVIA. clo the Dally Pilot. Box 1$60, Costa Mesa 92628. All entries muat ~ received by Wednesday, oth erwise h•lf the plJJyer'• lut acore wW be awarded) New morality topic of 'Sex' By BOB THOMAS A.111111••• ~.,.., "A LITILE SEX" probes the new morality and 'finda it wanting, at least for a newly married couple seeking harpi.ness together . Tim Mathelon ia a TV commercia director who fean that hia at- tract.Ion for the compliant beauties of Manhattan will make him fall aa a huaband. H1s fears are confirmed when his bride, Kate Capshaw, catches him ln a brief dalli.ance with a model. The encounter makes him miserable and inspires his wife to seek her own aexual freedom. The ICript by Robert DeLaurentta llOl"Delimes loses focus, but fint-time director Bruce Paltrow has staged It with handaome backdrope and attrac- tive players. including Edward Herrmann. John Glover and Wallace Shawn. T.he R rating seems .evere, since the film is neither erotic nor profane and it ends on a moral note. "I •••raatee 'Cat eep • · wlll Ha••• Y••r tlrea ..... A elu•le." ---------. Ua 8..Jdt, New l'•ril ••II . Win,,., of 3 Ao••my Anrd• Including Best Actor -HtfWy Fonda Best Actress -Katharine Hepburn Best Screenplay (Adaption ) -Ern11t Thompson 0 Itel -lllAl CllY fl'UDIOa, fOC ~ID IY UHIYf"IAI. ~l·AHD AISOQATU> fUI 0.~COIW'()ll.t\TQI Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surpnse ''RitJ11ls '2001' 11n4 'STAR WARS''' ·~ ' ,, 'c: . . ~ -- <..~ ,, .. ~ -nPHOt IOUDSlt. ltJ ,._...., -"'YOll "SOME KIND OF HERO" FRI. 1:45, l:AS, 10:SS IAT/aUM. t:OO, ~ ~ 1:41. 1:45, 10:35 (A) IOWD P'l'fOa LM OH IH( SUHS!I STW Ill ,,.., ,., , ... IAT/SUN.1:1&, 1M. 1 ... .. PENITENTIARY II" ....... IAT,_ FRI. 7:15, 1:15 I AT/autt. 1:15. 3:15 5!15, 7:15, 1:15 (A) "DASeoor· FM. 7:00, •AS IA TISUN. t:OO, 4:00 7:00, t:45 (A) •.11l0Tua . FN. 7:Cl5, 1o-AO IAT/auk 3~ 7lOI, 10:40 uaATILE TRUCK" , .... t:OO IAT/fUk 1~. t::IO, t:clO BAJJ)llU OF THE ~LOSTAltlC --•AT--UI.- o..dloy -· ...-...... _ _Q_ lWt ~Iii ...-u....-lmJ ,,.,.,_ """-.-. r-. na r·dw.ird<. Cl NF MA H A ~fl(JkHl llll A •AO A-.a• 51 6_3105 CO'>T A M f ',A '-f .... j•.. • -.~ lllCL. .. , PM:T\1111 , .... 5:30, l:OO, 10: 15 IAT/IUN. 1:00, l:tS. S:JO •• tC!:15 (~) f'dw.udc, LIDO CINEMA '<IN<',,l'r Ht•[ A' •>A 101, 673 -8350 "4t#WPf 1U ' R IAf H .......... IATllUll.Mt, r• 11111 °CAT PEOPLE" --"'" .... "" ...... ------0VICTOA/ VICTORIA" •BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday ~II Perform1nees before 5:00 PM f&ce,I Slltdel En91gementa •net Holidays) IA MlllA(JA MAit LA MIRADA WAlK·IN "VICTOfl VICTORIA" tHll lt:# Hlt, I • • t6 .... ~~Y'S"t•I Ult tM.4.Al.1...U •-» •M LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllHH -~,,.. -ut "ONl. V WHEN I LAUGH" t•1 ·--- •SOlltllE ICIHC> Of HUIO" 1111 ,. l:a•te.•419 ,,.... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI I( IN _,. __ _ "OM o0Loot li"OHD'" CNI ...... ___ _ I. . I "411000 01 t o aecront . 99•·2•00 "SOMe IUNO Of' HUIO" 1•1 ·-·-··-ut- "0UEI T FOfl ,_.. ,,., ,.__ OOl..9¥ ,. , ....... , .... , ... •ocu11y ot Col\Clt••OOG 21J/H1·9HO "POIUl Y'S" 1•1 ,.,. ..... ~, ....... ~FANTASIA" tet ._ .... __ _ "CAT ~01'\ .. l" 1•1 .... , .... __ _ •n OC""'I .... ~· "Ct4AfUOTS Of' ,_. ,,.._,...._ __ --aout11coo11..._.. J 01 ltoo4Way 494-1514 •H~Ol ... ftAll "CNAIUOTI CW ,.... f'°I --1111.-.. ,,-. --,,., -t .. -~·--.. l&t -HIUI.-- ,ACtFIC THLU'alS OlllYf·lll SWAr MEETS llM'Tt• '""' ... ,.. Vl• ...... u HAlllOA l lYO OAIYf.111 6 ()AMC( OfllYE·lll • •• '' >,. u•-• • ,_, flff ••••"' l ""°"Tl &I ......... II-• IMPOATU T •OTICl' CMllORlN UNOlR 12 fAU• " ..... -......... , ... , ... JD •, .. h• """. 00 Mt ClllWI SOIJllll • ~ .,. (All -IS TIU! Sl'IM9I ,, .., .w CM -WITM OftOo acxnso•rr l'OSll9I -...C AM POlfllilU. t•llU c..ff -D Oii Ml MOii AN.\HIJM ANAHEIM DRIVf·IN ,, .... oy ., ot t.lftOft SI 179·9150 -Mntl l'INAL COUNTDOWN" tHll Cllll 11 IOllllO 9ll '"' PAPI BUENA PARK ORIVE IN lolle.OIJI A•• weal Ol lno" 121-4070 1818!! .• l•ftColf\ ~·· .... ot ·~ 121·4070 J<·u~' •·~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVl·IN 1o~ o.eoo r""' 01 "oo'"""' 11o > ... ATTU TMICK" !HJ -M .. QH lllSK" I'll Cltftl•- "SOliiW lllNO CW HIJIO" 1•1 ...... ·• o.•.""'' ff2·2411 ~ ff SOUllO .... ,___&ill_'f_:_1~_,_;3_°'_) I .... =-IN) I "lMl-A"lll! -nu,m:is·.,.., ''MOH ""': CIW c. fltoullO "' ..... LA HABRA r·~·-.·1 " ---·--·--179-IMI -.. ORAN(,£ ,1•111.11 ,,.. ., " )~ -! •I I . I I I ·. 'f,, 1 --... ··-... ~...,. * *.. ...,_. CMnot" ( 1t7t) ' Oeory o.tft~ua. 'lllllppe GotdMM. Olreated by Fr.,_.. T""'*"-....., .. ,,... dllldNn ~ .... IN MlaDftO WdOll'I •"d IMooence w111c11 ~ poeeeee In outwit· tg ......... PG. U.(l)lllAMI "111119' Ollw'' ,. ... ~ON NUnlT10N • MOYll ••• ''Togettler'' (196el Docum•ntery. MlcllHI ~~peotoz. at. TN lnllkle wortd ol two deaf-mute friend• 11 Ml rw::r ON 11MTH ~ .... l'IOetl t!\19 .... ~. f.ct·fllled ed-........ .. ----111181 ••JDllfTY T8NTALK IUMAU flllPOftT iNAKIAiY 11\aJC ,,,,,,,,,. ........... QM MOYll "Clllldr•n 01 ThHtr• St,..e" • {l)~AMOHO P'NINDI 8elly KellennM and l.ellle NellMrl ..., In thle comedy wtlOdunlt. Mt In a ..... Yor11 "*"'*" on New v-·• E..... ln\'OMnQ 1111 ectOI'. Illa wealtlly wife and Illa lmbltlOw agent. U.INIWI uo DUITY'8 JMlllOUll I TMANCAT 'ACWllUll ~THE leooND cemMV- 1 INAK OUT CAl'TIONID A8C NIWi (I) voacw AGNOlJl.TUM I rra YOUR 9UllHUI Oft. IHI IQCM.f.8 MOYll * * * * "Gigi" (19511 M-io. CMvelier, ~ Cllton A tomboy being groomed by ,_ eunt and grandmOU• ..U out on llet own to c.tc:fl a men. 7:00 • l<ID9WOAl.D • Feand: 111'1 ~will\ Robert Gullleume. wtw> ~ ··e.-·· on the ~ --of Ille -~ a rtlP0'1 on 14-yeer4d rnocMI builder .... ~ ,,_.. Or.-, ;ao;:e PUNTSTONU mawMANl..! 9~ DAWY AHO OOUATW T\MA80Vf INAQAIY Y08A P'Ofll HIAl TM IN1'8'NATlONAl "°"" .MOYll • ··~ "BtOU... Sun. Sl9W Moon" (19731 Grllflam F9Ultlnet, Judi 8owker. Fretldt ol ..,... reject• ...aflll and '*-In order to llw and wort! ~ tM gentle '" Nltur9 and fhe poor In eplrtt. (%)MOW * * "lul• Deni Le t.tetro" 1=-• Mil MOON'a MAGIC ~ I ~~ (fl NCt9I NCt4 I acoo9\'DOO I MWV NfO OOUATM =•rMDleG HUMAN tetAW>ft (I) INT'IMATOW. "°"" (C)MOYll * * "Second Wind" (1NOI UndMy WeQI*. ...,,_ ~ A man ~to...,... Illa _..and aon by~ l60l'MI to think llboUt ttle ptob6elftl tflM -c:t.troy- i 1111,,.,,...... 'PG' • .. (I) P'ONY'l MOYll "Aide, Ranger. Aid•" (19Ml09"e Alltry, ~ ......... ~and 1111 frtendl Jc*' IN u.a. c.Mty. I =--'Aft TOOAY * • "Kono•" ( ttetl Mlc:Nel Ooucl"· M•to JotW. A d91Mnted ll'ltlell ...,.... turN • .,,.. Alf!. Im! MOfllliy ""° • dl9dly """ .... fOl1ll.. I INMCMIY WIOZ•rNDN9 •Ml9 ""°,.. Cl)MOYll *** .... ~ .. (1164) a.'11 Geil*. une JIMMll. ~llp11uut'1-.a D11i191 ...... OWICt 111111 II ~ '° .. GerlftMI. .. =-MZM/l.CN .... .,..... '°""' "°"" ...... ,M/IW'I E,,: 1:::--· .. ....... ....... e--" CCIII> elOIKC•IC> eKTLAttM.I • .,.4MC, ..... CCHI • ICfU.TV (IN.I eGTCMCI • e8"TVC•> ..... TVUN.) • llllT ...... ......... CHANCE RELA TJONSHIP -Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn star as strangers who meet by chance and start a w eekend-a- year romance in ''Same Time, Next Year'' on Channel 2 at 9 tonight . ~~"Aft«The Olltl« ,,...,..,.. "1...U... And lace, .. ''The Hlgtlwey· man'' end "W. Donna." • _.. • le¥ofit• trom the FlMtwood Mee ,.,.,. toh T!IC*I 11 111e Fox Wflalllre ' ThMtre In Loa Angeltil. (%)MOW •• ''The 0-FOf \I~ turH" ( 1971) Richard Ha,.,11, Alcllatd Roundlr ... A MtlllM l'nlrcenatY wtlO ~ Am«1c:en ~ ~ Into A"1Ca dumO a Wroltllt WW II pitted ...... • llerOI freedom li'A' t:OO L&AVI rT TO IEAVEJll Ill L.AV!Mll 8IM..EY G MOVIE * + t ''The Glory 8tl- 9a d•" (1953) Victor Mature. lAe Marvin. A combel engl,_ In KO<M _,. a ar.-Infantry outfit Into eriemy t•rttory I ERHUT AHOliY HEW VOCE AMENCAH GOY'DIHMfHT (C)MOV!f • • .. ..,. .. ( 19791 Brian l>Moon, RIWI Nolman Tiie Ille of Ille "King ol Klngl," trom 1111 Mt1y yee<• .. tile '°" of a PoCI' cerpent• to hit lnttlgetlon ol Ille r.itglOUI and .odal re¥Olutlon !ht! leO to hit deelh by CNCHWon. .. detliled. ·a· .MOVIE ••• '-C-" (1981) Ringo Sten. Dennie <Mid The clownleh member of a betely human prehlttoric tribe l>eOk'I to dltlCOYef tNrt brelnl and not brawn .... be fhe key IO 1111 peo- ple' a eurvlval 'PG' t:aO • (I) IUOl 8lJHHY I "°"°~ . ,.waft WN ozm,,,., tWWl1' 0 HIATHCLff I MAMIADUQ ·~ OOWMMENT ®MOV!l * * * "Tiie Eanllllng' ( 19801 Wllllarn Holden, R!Cky Schroder A WOf1d lrlWler teachM • young Qf'Pl\en the Wayt of eurAval In tM Aultrelian wl!Oaf • neee 'PO' 10:00 I DAFFY I IPUDY IHANANA ({I n4UHDAM I GOlDIEGOLD I CAA CARIE C9fTRAL I08JOHU LAST CHANCE OAMOE H09t Bred s-s dlag-"°"' 111'1 lllllllQ DetWy end ~abrak•.­ Mm COf"llCl6elflt {A) •VOTWr•~ Jim Cooper mod«at• a Oe«>ate on Ille proa and cont ol tile ,..,._.., :;;:::~~ 11...::ITAM •••·"ON On One" ( 1977) Robby Ben.on. Annette O'T oole. A «>oy wflo oo-to COiiege on a llallkelti.11 ec:hOlenNP .. abUMd by Ille coectl. acorned by Ne tutOI' and -ueed by the IChool fOf Ill own pwpoeee. 'PG' 10:20 i TOTAL OOHTAOl 10:80 AMENCA'• TOf' TEN WLO, WILD WON.D cw~ I =:':"' ll'HOTO IHOW ~IN ,M1'1U .MOYll ••• * .. ,._.. (1179) Nettaaele l(lnelll. Peter Flr111. Tiie deughter Of a poor lngll•h farmer becoltl9I the ¥lctlm ol ""' fMlllY• .... Iona end llerown~.·A' (%)MOYIE • * "lloocl And Guo" ( 11711 Wllllam Smit II, Mien.tine Lanc101 An ~..,...,., .... hie ~ ....... "'°' tor ...-111-.--and lo\oe. fl. --··M-'LL Hew Yofll Yank-. et o.ell'Tloln '*I WOTllMll 9W..t9'IO ...aw. ··1urw11au1a. TM v.mpn ....,.,.... All ..,.iettve .. end ........ tNt IMlt tlfllly'I MW pet NwlY II e .......... 0 • WILD, W1U> WOfW..D CWAMMU I~-- .•• "Tiie Sofl Skin" ( tllMI Frlll'ICOIM Oor1-:, JMi'I OeNllly A ~ ~~·•mer­ rlllge oo4lapeM wh«l lie ~ lnVOllled In a ,...,, '9llcwl wlttl In .., • llne.....,deM. 11=-11~ IAHDITAHO I WILD, W1lD WUT MAOIC~Ok. PAINTINO l~A»HY • • "King Ot The Moufl.. taln" ( 19111 Haryy Hamlin, JoMC>h Bottoma. Tlw .. young l A. b•cllelort ~· tMlr ~to 111e tPOf1 o1 dree racing. 'PO' -AFT9HOON-· •t:OO I (I) TAOUJ(JNI LoeT IN 8PACf "My Friend, Mr Nobody'' • MOVIE * * * "Allegheny ~ Ing.. ( 1939) Johti w fl)'M. Claire Trevor. ~ nle aettJera defNt lrltlell lloope wflo .,. Mllng """ and ·--to tM Ind!--• ADAM-12 • SUM CUt8INE "Olpe" I~ *.. "Oii Godl" ( 1977) 0-goe lkKne. Jonn ~ ver Ood tel•~t• an uneuepec;ilng young IUC*· me111e1 manaoer to deliver • n-. ol !\ope and good ... to Ole ~ peoCJle ol Ille f'ltDdern.day world. 'PO' (%)MCME ••• ''Modern~·· (1981) Alb•rt 8 roou . l(atlwyn HetrOld. A lllm edttor trlel repeatedly to ..tn beca the ._, ol the -llel0¥el.'R' tZ:tO I~ ANDm¥fr + * '..\ "Flrebell SOO" (1Ne) Frankie Allalon, Annelt• FIROello. A .. odt CM r-geta conned Into UllllnCI ""' In a booaag-~ =t>on. +•'A "Forty Ouna" (1951) e.tbeta Stanwycll. Berry SulltvW\, • AON/.-tJ • OOl lEGI 'Of' 1:00lcNEOALA TI4e MUNITIM • MOVIE * * "Penlc In The Wider• _ .. ( tt7S) A~,_, ~ bitter oOld and • k...., beer on the,_ In a delperate -Clll tor 1111 .. IMCl«atl'lar. • WOOOWf'ICIHTI ~ "Dumt>heeda In Action" ~ Undertllll oompl9t• the~'*" ol the ---lnil llorM. (A) • G..owlNG YIAM "Pley'' 0 HPFIWOY In 1111 aflOl"I to .....,_ Kim and CfalCI from tMlr denger-llOl>blel. way ... up lkydMnig. (C)MOYll "Cll~ Ot Tll•etre 81tNt" ®HIROl.I "Pmton -The M1n let*td The Myth.. Rim f00\1189 and r-..... prO"lde ,_ IMIOh• lflto tlle 11\et\betlind the inllMary mamk. 1=-•~ "Pldfto~ ~" • 8 TOUM.AMIHT CW OHAMfl'tOHI Thlrck~ GCMtlOll of Ihle tour,_,. fNMtnO ~ of Ille lop fOlf9rHn the pro tour (M from IN ~ CoeCa CowNy Club In CertlMd. Cellf,). . ,..~ O'f'ourk• loan• tll• ......_ • cennon '°' 1tllllr tilOoft ~. !Mn cm1'I -~ • * "DHdly Oam•" (1t7t ) OM! llmtiy. ,..,. ~. • 'N/111/A L. . "NOtN Of A~ Wlldllr: A Mii WI ~ II,,_,_.. ............ _, •••• --°'· ~ TllOINI ,..,.... ... °' ... ,,., ..... " ............... Q • JIMIOJl•'IUM . ''TN~·--...... # .,,.,. <I>•...,,. Ott111 , .............. ................ --~·· ... ............ l ,.... .. ...,_ ..... ...... ...-.... .. ~TUBE TOPPERS .,~. ~==W.IUNCt4 • • * "Tiie lrotll•re Ket~' (tMll ~ IGMI, Y"1 Brynner. A _, II UllJuMIY OOl"Moted of mut'*"'O Ille , ....... t:IO. GIUJCWfl *AND -~MY ~QOU)IH Cll.OYD .,.... "!Mtt!JunlOI' Tour-~" T ~ol the beet ten. from Del "9y. Vic .,..,, offweltle~. • utaMTANDNI HUMAN 184AW>ft ''Paln And Hypnolll'' (I) ITMTMK Ill '90'll lli0tw. IOWLIMTOUR S100,000 0...... Harttord Operl (from lr9dl9y lowt In W1ndlor Loc:U. Conn.). (C)MCMl + • + "King OI KlnOI" ( 1982) Jeflrey Hunter, Rober1 Ryan. TM conq ol ....,. and the _,.. ol '* ... oeve blt1ll to • -relglon. .MOVll **'A "1folkN" (1tl0) "oo•r Moore, Jame• M-. A dlip9er, -ll•tlng frogman II Giiied In IO thwart tM l*tW of •tor1lonllta wtlo ha-.. hljecMd • ~ lfllp and -tllreetenlng 10 dMtroy two Notth S.. oil rtge. 'PO' 1:00 I =-'ANl.D • * • "Storm ~· ( 1978) Oe¥ld Oulpllll, Orea Row9. • llltOYll *** "Pantlll" (1N 1) Tr~~ a.dm• Colbert. Th,.. •-t.-d'i a young man llboUt loft and .... I .HOllW..,.,.,.,.,. TIXMNIO T!HNIMIE: A MUllCAl. 'llFIA/111 CIDMCMI • • • '"Tll• Eetltillng" ( 1tl0) WUllanl Holden. Ridly SdwOCler. A WOttd ,,........, t-=tlM • )'Ol"'f or-phlft the ... ol ~ In the Auetrallen wider- -· 'PO' a:ao•(I) ~ IATlJN)AY ldllarod 1200-mlle doO tied ,._,from~ to Home, Alel*e; Gteet Pool 8'1ooe-Out. ,_, 2 (from lM Vegm, Nft.). -~ 8rellle lntlltute Youlll Center, Nor1ll ltoltw 0 Od • ""°" •llOMAL IOW\..IM TOUR t 100.000 Gt-. Het1tord ~ (from lr9dl9y lowl In Wlndeof Loeb. Conn.). • MOYllt * • * "QncMrele Ubei1y'' (1971) .._ CeM. ..... IN ......,_ A_.,, fllle In loft "'"" • a.ta. pt~ tui. lie won tor • nlgtlt Ill • poolgmme. I Ha.. •411~MIJ"IJIL ..... •• MZZl.Y /IOIMll • INTOQ:MIC*ll llOU>GIY 0 TI4e "°°1(fllDN) ..... (Z)MCMI • • • • "Snlll Ct!Moe" (1111) Geory Demovc•eu11. PfilHP,. Ootdm11n. Dlfected by Franooll Trvffaut. ..._... Frencft cHdrwl ~ lllrN IN 8INiatr'll _...... end lnnoc•l'c• wtlloll ~ ..... In ~· tJng their elOer9. 'PG' •=-• aocclJ' MADI .. ....,,,,, Aultlte ,,.. ..,.... -~ IQ..OGY ())MCMI • • • "One On One'' (1177) Robby leneoft, AnMtle O'TCICMe. A boy wflo oo-to ooleoe on • ............... II ._. by IM °'*"· "'*"*' by 1111 Mor and ueed by .. edlOOI ..... own purpoe9.. 'N' .lllOVll ***\t "Doc!* ZllMIOO" (1Ml)C>metlMtlf,0... dine a.lft, TWo io-w ~.,,..... .. ... and ....... °' ... ._.. l:001-.n= 8TMTMC LAllf9'9 °' ........ -eon 1-.. to llOW ~ bul Klrtl '° ~ down .. ........ .... WOIUOP KNXT (2), 8:00 -'~ laland." A · youo1 boy and_ a cbarmll!J mutineer IWCh for buried b'lllW'9. (Part I) KNXT (2) 9:00 -118ame Time, Next Year." Alan Alda abS J:1Jm Buntyn mt • u ttranpn who ltart a one-w•lwnd ... year romance. See ~· i.ft. KTLA (&) 9:00 -"&ocan." Tribute to Humphrey Bo&art fOC\1181 on the career and oenonal aTde of filmdom'• out8tand· lnl ''iouah ,uy!' KNBC (4) 10:00 -«J>rotectSon for Sale." A report on the multl-bllllon-dollar-a- year lmurance lndUltry. CIDITIMI MOKI II ~ OONaMT r ~ Meo ,,...,,.., .... perfonnl .. ,.,.., ,,. --, ....... "IAMfW AM LMe." ''TN .......... _. • ..,. ...... DoMa." -~-~,,_ ttle,....wood.,._,..._ ...... ,..,.. .... ,. ...... n.n In L.- to->'.WW.. HIM l9CH: • tH1Y'M P\AYM tit aot.a LIH Mlnn•lll. Joll""Y Methll. Gllldyt l<lllGlll1 and c.,,., ~ llflO eome of today'• l(Ht•lt 11111 ~ ''TN Wfll We w .. ;· ''Wtwl I Did ,Of' I.ow.'', and "Nobody Do. It ....... uol=MJ#.IM L.AMmOI WIU< ''8'>oltlght On Our ~ Fent»(' • ONC::al.c>NA Q..A8llC "The Talleman" The bto- pNll Nler'I ""° -ptotl· lng~IN~· Klrl8 NoNrd --Kelt-neetl to --,.... 10 .. Moelem rutef leledln . ~2)tf')Q Cl) WILDOla MOK. "°""' 0 WICeWOM..DCW POfn'I 1Ckound llgflt '-1 A l6gl\t bout belw"n form•r ~~._, Mullemmad and Pet• • Mcintyre (from Atlenttc City, H.J.); The Wood ~ IOI' Kentr.Oy Derby 11opeful1 (from Aqueduct ,..,..,... '" ..... Yorll Ctty). (J:)MOVll *.. '"The loft lkln" ( t .... ) Franoo61e OOMec. Jeell ~-A~ dW ..__,..,,., m«· naee ~...,he ~ lnVOfYed In • .....,. ~ w4'tl WI atr• ......... 1:41 (%) lllOVll * * • "°" Godt eooa ,, .. ( 1980) George lvrne. ..,_........_God retwn1 to Eertll and ~ ... )'Ol#'ll...,.. wofan..,,...,.._. !AM'° .......... ,,..... .... '° .. ---. •flG' -EVS818--.. 1== •** "TM lMly S.C" ( 1M4l Jamee Datrer1. ........ Tiftln. • WHfTW IHAOOW •. lllOVll * * "TM Al:1'oll .....,.,. (1"1) "°9lr Moore.~ ~ • lW NdOOllMI (8-\ ,,.,.,.I .. ..., ....... .. Jo)Oe~ • bald and~~ ..... ,,.,. •• oorwlNOClon ~---to ;'~hdLXJfi ''Clolege Wt...... fM,. w....-....... CIDlllOVll **** "0191'' (1Ht l ....... ~. llllle Cetofi. A~ .... ...... by ..... and ...... _....-out on ,_own to caeciti •-. (§)MOVll *** ''Kanel Of !<ftp" (1MI) #ff~ H..nter. ....,.~,,. .... ................. .......... '° .... ,........ ••Cl)MOVll *** "°" "Godi'' (1111) Georwe ...... Jofln OM- "•' • God Hleot• an unM I J I llf Ill )'Ol#'ll euper• "*""' _..., '° .._ ......... °' llope and fOOd .. to ........... ""°'*°'--~ WO!td. 'flG' .. ,.<I> ..... Wlft"""' MOOM Ted..._to_,..n MOMr•Mlllt"lrl_. au~f.£:: Nl.llmMDtOP-"T.., Of ........ ...,_ ...... I ,._,YNUD ---'°"' 1MmtWlft' ecwt I WM//lf..W ........ ~W.W.. I LOOl(AT .. OMeTHINIW MONT• Jellllnd: .... ..,,... tll8tll11allt1•• .. ~"' ..... ¥IS .. ,,11p1a«hl "' --....... 1n.,.. ..... 1n ......... ,,..... .... Ina. I , .. , ......... "',. ~~ "°99' ...... 0.. ._.. ,-... "A Utte ........ , • .-. ... , 2" and "8ome Kind Of Hero." i .......,MCK IY'IONIM~ THI~ au.:~....,.. (C)MCMI * '* "i econd Wind" (1tl0)• UnGl"1 w .... --~·­~to...-.• ...._ and aon by toeglno .... to ... about .. ~ ..... ~ (!~'PO' ** "Hom• MoYIH" (,..,, K.-9ordon. Klrtl ~·;NII--.. ff/ft IMlften ffOl'll a ' I'; ......... an ................. .._..,.. ... (l)WM.T__, "T,_,,. ....,...-· A young bo\I and • c"•rrftlng ,,.,.,..., ...... ~ In. --tor ..... .,_ ..... _1...,1) ··~VN,,J,11 ..... ..,_to ClhlpeiOI .. o-and ,_ .,.. on • ~-· . """" .... " ne1Wl9< ll't~ wttll HUOll HllMr • N ..,_,_ Qlub. by a-Mr. Ed McMefloll and T~ TUCMr. •8 LDWIOAT Tiie PacMc ""---tr• .... to AclpAOI> tor • glamorou1 fHtlvel ~by • ....., --.....,. ...., °' ~··-~ ;'i.,. THI CHUM•• LM ...... LArldOfl and '*"' Cef'OWllOll• ... ...... ed ..... to ... dllldNn °' k .lllde ClllldNn'• f' II II ctl HolC*ail Md .,..~ ..... ~ ,,. and --....... : euee.. 1ncwd• DMny n.....11c1c.....a. ,...._,, Tonr °"81'*> end Halen "9ddy. • lllOVll • • * ...... , ~'!IOI,. In A ~ f}&e" (ttf7) --llalll T .......... .,_ do. Willie Ille wife rOfMllOa • ....,. oflo9r. an lv"'1 _. ......,_ . ...,.,..., '° -"' ... -"' .... -·-Id. • 8Wl•rTHll&.'9 ''Goin' To ~ a.f' eour. ...... ..., Lou WlmMll and -.... ,.,_ form and ..... tMlr ,.,.. Ille -of~Clly wllt -...... li!Y T.,.. tot. .MCMI • * •'4 "Judlit ,,,.... (1tlot> Wll "°"" ,.,.. LOMlla. A .... ._~ ... OOfMIOft .... ......... to ........ • IOUlft pGl1oll Oii P 01• I 1. CIDMCMI •• "Up ,,. .... If'(' (1ti0) "°" ~ .. _ blH a.ofl, TIM wet-_____ .. of ......,.-..y,,,.,. .. ..... ,..... .... ................ _... ......... (l)MOVll * * * ..,... Liiii .,.,.,... c..-lrl ,.,,..,_ •• (1tl0) o.ot9e a.o-i. • ... w.oct.. A Mpply _.,.., --~·---"°" ......-..... .., ,... ............. . ...... lft9f'91 ... _.1111 ...... oowt.1" .MCMI *** "l•rtlli111alle" (1t14l a.tton ...... ,.......,,.,. ....... .......... ~ ................... ................. ................... .. wa=:'"'ecwe .................. ,.,..., .....-.. .... ........ ,.., ....... ................ ............. ... .-.=.· -··· ................ • V...-Ctlnl AIM ANI. [air "W~' ,_,... Of 'lfll- 11111 ....... ,,. --... worillnt !twee In "' ....... °" of H 1m .............. ~ °"· IMllT.W• ... -lf NGl&.Q ·Ulah·..A ........ iitO'"' liWIDMJ,. ..,_ CkmM:~,......o... 1"9111. ... lone of .. '*'--· ... w ...... ;MOYll • .. .._ K,_ You''• None" (1tl0) Don loarclto no, Ceitlln O'~. A ~,,.,,,.,., ...... .......... )'Ol#'ll ~t~ ... lllMtly and ~ ........... ....,,. of ............... CD>MOVtl ** * .,,,. c... No., __ II" (1MO) Uto TogMDf. Mldlll a.r-. A ,....... _.. ____ .. querTy °' • _.. ~ Diiion .,,.,.. to ... the mlOl'Gllift tMI OM ot then\ .. ...., ..... (%) llltOYll ••• "Modem "°"*'°9" ( 1111) Albert Brook" ~ Hanold. A ftlm editor .,... rlCI ... ..-ly to ............. oflhe WOIMfl -~'It t:eo• MAnmATTMe IUOU ,..,....: ..., Ooroer and HurlU Hell '" "a.on Doi-.. Kid" (1MI~ e 1M4 "'°" llantng f.dglr Ken-~ and CNpW • ol ··z.orro·· AoftlnO \..aglon •• ;,lllOVll * • "Tiie Hollywood Knlgfitl" l 1MO) RoOer1 WIM. TOtl1 0.-. On ....., ..., -In 1te6, • ,_.,, .. .,,_. oan9 ....... ,_In a.-ty ..... ,.. -· 9 ""1•'"""'T1•1C'"Tl"'ION ... '°" IAU: TI4e INIUMHCe INDUlnn' Owtt w.._ f9')0ttl on ,..,,.....,. ~ ... \.,,e ineur-lndultry and ~ the erW>t· -~of~ and ............ obit " OW· ii:A8Y.wc> ·~~a .,........_.,..ider,and• -tredrlg lier femlly '*'°'Y .,,_ to ftnd OUI If a ---~ ..... -In ....... ,..,o (S) .... HOC'Kn Vll'IOOW« at ICHlga. Tape dl6rt. .WOtioef .. ~ Six women wflO haW .... fwne In their ~ fle60e of epOl"la • • 9etty Cool!. .Mty Wt9- ,_, JM Todd, Jenet GYUvte. Nenc;y RNder and T al llabllOl"lie -are ptofled. {l)MOYIE • • ''Wiid Ntd 8-ltlful On lbtu" (1N11 Re9ll Porte. Tanja epaa. Rldl and poOI' young .,...,....,. --we on IN lllend '-' lot • llolld9y d pet• ar.;:. ••• ..,,. TMt Jca'' (1'7t) "°' 8dlllder. ,,... .. Langoe. Tiie tumullu- -... o1 a piof-IO>lal chol.,.,...... .. fdlowed "'°"' ..... on ._ 11-oe tO::tOi'E: on.a. ·A· ***'Ai "Pattiema" (1t6e) \11111 Hlftln. Ed llegl9y. 11.-d on a drema by Rod 8ertne-A ~ tyiooOn eeta CIUgllt up 11'1 • ~ ~power "1\Wa· (C)MOYll •• •'Ai ..... Cage Aull Follel" (11191 Ugo Tog- nad. MICNI 8arr..it. A nlgflldub --.,,.. to ptapare '* b .,.._....,. "°'* tor • .eatl br .. eon'• II•-·• tetller, tll• _.... OOllWi ... IOnllr of ,...,....,.. tl:tl(Z)~ * * . ..,,. tin" ,,., ........ v,,,..,., a.um TaET'HON Monte Hell ll09te "* --~__,._ • ,,.or-.c:a.a. aLOCKH TO.-• llie 00... ........ ..... .,,..,.,.. .. ed ~ and --oon-trolflf .. II I f lfllp. • AU1nN cm UMITI ow.i-.. 111.ee Fount.lllf. ...., Jt/Mtfft ..... ~ 1e.aopfionl•I TOlllH ..... and .... Nnd ........... o..s---...... ®~ '* •M "NIOMllawlle" (1111> ~ itAllone. -0.w..M.A_.., .... Yorll City oop ._ 11111 WOftl CIUt out far '*" ...., -°' .. wond'• 11'°91 cl•n .. ro111 terrotlll• .,..,.1111 .. dly ..... (Jl)MOIWll **** H,..., (11111 .. T..,., AllM Cepft. A .-y .... .-.. ....... ..,....... ....... .. .. .. ........... ..... ............. ....... u•1Cl>-euTU9D'Y .-.r LM "°"= ,__, Ollft. cau.: ~ , 1°'4'e1Md ......... , ...... ""' .. , • ..,. fOflMf C11uu11•n.,...... ._. NeftOY Mt4 • M.tftl ..... .............. II t.-i1 .. •W, ....... ..... w. ~,.,......~ ... -..... A ...... r=.: 1:.. : ** .. ,__.., HMet" ,.,......,,...., __ .............. -,.. . ............... C*y. N..I.); n.t .... ......... ........, O..y .......... '" .. A ...... "'9tllrtl0k .. r::.---............... ._ ......... ------. ,_,. ....... 11--:.. ...... ... ~ -=,.. . (!.;••traur ...... ........ ...... -..... .,... .... ....... ........... __ :.:.::,,.: •'9 .. -i. ..... -.. ..... ___ _ ......... ,, .. ._ .. 1( ·-----.... ,.. ...... • •• ,.. 111 -................. ".,._ -Iii • Ii··~ ....... ... ..... , ,,.. . ..... .... '-__... ...... .. .... ..... ... .. -....AJI .... ................ .. ............. . Cl>- "WsfW• --........ -'' ,.,.. . ..,,. **"..,.. ......... 11/W =-,, ':"""' .... ... Iii!' .... (I)~ • ~ "0\letl•"d ..... "•Ider•" (1tH) JefMt w..-, ... ~A ~~ ....... ol wovld·b• ei;r.:; llljeCIWe wtlo -~:.r ........... *•* "O..Tfldl '°"1'' (1HO) ,...,. ""'*'· .. 9r0Wft. A onoe P.,.,.., .,.no.,_. II ..,_..... by ~ erCMtd '*" .. drop 1111 ~of,,.,., -¥lte ICll1igll ..... OM tlftrla ; :::: .. toe> 40 .,.. * *'Ai "Tiit '01t,,11n Alway• fl'lng1 Twloe'' "'11) JM* NIGMteon, JeMlee L.Anga. A >'ll""t -and '* io. plolt to mutdtt Ill' l\utMnd, .,.. .lllOVll * *"' "Tlllel" (fttt> Jentee Cean, TUMdey w-. A pref lo 181 orodl gt_. up 1119 lildepeiidlllOe IOf • bit IOOI'• ..... he hopel ......... 1111 .... ~lvl4n 'A' t~11 (%) MCMI *. "Blood And Gutt" ( 1911) WllllMI lmltll, Mlcll•lln• Lane.IOI ,.,, aging ---.... 1111 ~ ltM>I IOI' .. ~ In ....... and to¥e. 'PG' 1UO. lllOVll • •• "Dllooy f.OI Terrot'' ( 1970) w-.n IOnltn, Jeell Cllrletopller. A IO¥ely )'OW"8 -acta -a poloe ~to,,., In .,,, lel ~of mwNrtne .,., .. °' 1111 lomw' rnoO--12:AI <B> llltOYll •• * "ltlr Crlll'(' ( 1580) Rlc:Nrd Pryor. 0.. Md-•.Two __ ..,...., tor blillll roOberw and Mnl tar~ • • "Tlwough The Looll· Ing ~ .. (1971) Celt. me llurglN. A woman'• conelllnl gadtlg Into 1111 lftCIQue rn/lror lelldl to • confrontation wltll • dtmorl lower. 1• • llltOYll ••• "fr.nzy" ( 1972) Jon Andi. Berry Foet«. A ni.mber of~ -lel W:llm to In ~k-. • M>CK CONC::81fT Ou•ll• Tiie Rolling ltonel • VA/111£rY CUJa TIUTHON (CONT'D) -~ATTHE ...,,,, HoeC:: .., Cryltat 1ae MCME * • ... "The Bandit Ot SMlwood Foreet" (I~) Comel Wiide, Anl\e Loulea. The aon of ~ Hood gethen 1111 ,.,,... bend togiether .to ra.:ue IN ~king of~ • winning a lo"'9ly melden '" ttiepr-. 1 :AO CC> lllOVll ..... ~~~ (19121 Jeffr unter. Aober1 Ryan. of ....,. and the ol ,. ... ge.e birth to a ,.. relglon . 1:41 ! :.. NIWi *** "A Faoe lfl The Ctowcr' 11tsn,.,., ant-.. ,.,. ...... ,. _. let 0-from I 11111 oel to national recognition on the ltr9/fgttl of 1111 .__ and ,,,.,.,.....,,._ 2:00 (I) MOYIE • t,t "Sagebruetl Tr ... • ( 19331 John Weyrte, Harq 8lliueler\. 1= *"' "llland 01 1000 Dtiligl'IU"On a IYlh troptcal l!Nnd. ~ WOl'ftlll'I .. eold Into~ 'A' z:ao·= * * * "The EMtllltng" (1H OI Wllllam Ho4den. Alclly 8dlt0der. A wortd tra\lllet t..a-• )'Ol#'ll Ol'pMn IN_,. of~ In IN Auelt'alllln wldtt· -·PG' • 1:AO CID ON LOCATION "Don Ndltaa lv'llJ Hie Wiie °""9" T IPed Otbe a lh9 ............... "°"'· .. ea.ac king °' ··~"Dolf Nddll. 9'0llllla ...... CMI of _...oom111r-. .. , ... VAMTYO&.W TB.mot (COMT"ot l:tl. lllCMI * *... "8ollOI Of 9'. Lou- .... (1941) JcMll ~ ~aeon. ... MO¥ll *~ "Amallll T._ A TOU"' (tt31) L.uc9e W. JKll Olkle. ())lllAMI ''Woftd'• Oldeell .,..... "*'M dOCIDMOYll *** "Caddy1llaok" (ttiO) .. Murrwy, ~ Oii ........ ,,. ...... ed ...... ltllP• Of• •••"ky country °'"' .............. ................. ut. "" Cl)MCMI . •• "Wiid AM ...... °" ....... (M1) ...... ...... T ......... Nllfl ..,...,,......,..... OOfWll't9 O/f .. ...., ,..,..,.,...._.,.,._ ~ * * "Tiie ca.-r'1lf """ ...,.... (1171) ~ .................... I ,. .............. y .... ........ ,.,..... ..... .................... ---............ ,... .................. .... ,.. .-cm-. • •• " "t.9 c. ,... ....... '""' ""' ,. .... .-. ..... ..,,....,. _..... ......... .. ............ .......... ., •• a ........ ......... .. --II m sf •· ....... / ......,.,.... ...._A :411z ..... ......._ -.... ..... , ....... -------•• KHJ-TV, Chamel 9 Sattrday, Aprl 17 -1 AM .This ad is sponsored by the fol/owing concerned . Orange Coast businesses and citizens·: WlllllS WSlll 2082 So. East Bristol Ste ~2 Santa Ana, Ca. 549-1256 lllNITEll Ill lmL 18100 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine, Ca. 833-2770 . llllWIOI MmL 401 Seaward Rd. Corona del Mar. 573 ... 4520 DllOTIY .IO IUCE STllll 2515 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 673-3420 · Piii PllVIR llY SCIML 261 Monte Vista Ave. Costa Mesa. .. 645-5171 PUYllTES PIE-SClllL 795 Paularlno, C.M. 540-1919 295 MCCiintock, C.M 645-5171 IElllSUICE 'IOllLE lllE PllPDTIES - #6 Treasure Island Laguna Beach, Ca. 499-3816 llUOI lllllD 608 East "Balboa Blvd. 673-8310 llCGIMMPllY Q/atom l#OOdWOrlelng & lnterlora for Yacht• & l'lou .... 11th Year. • 16385 Superior, Costa Mesa 645·2216 IESI YEllE PIUllllY 2971 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-8770 TIE Wiiia APPLE 23720 El Toro Road Ste C&D El Toro, Ca. . 768-3236 > '"'"''"----JISIE' .... -x-· ICE CIUM PllLll I IEU 205 Maln St., Balboa. Ca. 675-7224 TIE llY IEPlllTllEIT STIRE 303 Main St., Balboa, Ca. 675-5650 JICI 1ms• Fiii WOI 2490 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa 556-6281 l UC LlllU CllP 145 Cabrlllo, Costa Mesa . 646-3261 TllY'S lllLllll UTElllLS 2075 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa 549-3327 LlllY'S IUILllll MITElllLS, llC. 1151 w. Baker, Costa Mesa 545-0448 llUZI llYSllE YIWIE 300 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Ca. 673-1331 Ill WY IF llllT lllllEL CITllUC ClllCI 1441 W. Balboa Blvd., 673-3775 Newport Beach, Ca. F• O'Donnell CISTI IW TllYEL 230 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. Ca. 646-4431 I lllU WllllWI I RIEUS •.. , •.. .. . .............. 141-1111 mu 2300 Uniwr.tty Ave. Newport Bw:h, Ca. 642-8810 ~EIE IULn 5375 E. 2nd St. Long Beach, Ca. (213) 434-0908 TIE FllllllT. SCHOOL 1557 W. Mable Anaheim, Ca. 774-1052 UICUFF ULL 121 S. Citron, Anaheim, Ca. 635-7892 Ill CAL 3636 Birch Newport Beach, Ca. 752-1000 CISTl MUI FllEIEIS ISSICllTill Supporting the St. Jude Hospital IUCll'S FUWUS I 11ns 1701 Corinthian Way Newport Beach, Ca. 833-1883 CIUUlll PAim 2110 East McFadden Ave. Santa Ana, Ca. 835-3616 IOlOIS 170 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. Ca. 646-3141 . llWI lllllE CllYISS PllllCTS 2132 Harbor Blvd: Costa Mesa, Ca. 631 -2931 ' TIElll IB. SIL IULn 216 Forest Ave. Laguna Beach, Ca. 497-1744 llTI FllLIY Mayor Huntington Beech Ora~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 ••• '• St. Jude ChUdre':'~ Research Hosptt.J presents • With hosts Michael Landon and Diana Canova llTSlllSll IOI OF ClUFlllll TIE IEWPllT IUa I FllEFlllTUS ISSICllTI• 3900 Michelson Drive. Irvine, Ca. 857-2000 Ull'I llY CllE CEITEI 2110 Thurln Costa Mesa. Ca 646-1444 TIE FUWEI IEllllEI 38• 1 Birch St. Newport Beach, Ca. 751-4705 llNIT llTI SIPPLY 101 No. Manchester Anaheim, Ca. 776-9900 1WI llYI ,_ ITILY 2267 Fa!Mew Coeta Meaa, Ca. • 642-9500 would llke to give their support to ca~ research st St. Jude's Children's Hospltsl. ST. 11111 I .lllE CITllLIC ClllOI 20«4 Magnolia ... Huntington Beach, Ca 962-3333 WUDI lllFlll 2200 Suaan, Santa Ana, ca. 957-8187 IEWPllT ••z• IULn 2650 Avon, Newport Beech, Ca. Ron Lowe 642-7404 1911m 130 AYOCedo, N-r'1 a..ctt 1•19 s~~ewpon Bwtt 548-5121 -Or. Arthur A. Welton, OPM Or. Robert J. Stetnbroner : 1. Orange COUt DAILY 0 PILOTl81turd1y, April 17, 1982 ' . Film s.eries, .se~inar slated "POCUS ON f'f HE FAMILY'\ ii the Utle of a aix-week film se~les to be pretented at the Newport Center United Methodlat Church, 1eo1 ..Mafauerite Avenue, Corona del Mar. The flnt proaram will besin at 7 p.m. Sunday. i. THE REV. DR. STANLEY OOLLINS, of the Forett"Jiome ChrisUan Conference Center, will lelld 1plrltual renewal services· at 7:30 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday at the Presbyterian Owrch of t)'le Covenant, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. AN··INTRODUCTORY WORK.SHOP on ho- listic self-assessment will be pre1ented by TQm Greaney at 7 p.m. Thursday at th~ Beverly Hills .Savings and Loan, I..:aguna Hills. S~naor la the Church of· Religious Science, LalUJl;A ae.ch. . ., . A SEMINAR, entitled "More Houn ln My Day" ~ be prese.nted by Emilie 8arrl'I Md ZQe Hadley today at the Capistrano Val~y Baptlat Church. 32032 Del Obispo, San J uab Caplatrano. The lecture is to begin at 9 L m . THE WOMEN of the Community Presbyteri,m · Church, Laguna Beach, are to have a retreat star- ting at 9 a.m. today at St. Andrew's ~yterlan Church. Newport Beach. Th~ Women's AseociatJon i$ to meet for a luncheon at 12:30' Tuesday al Fel- lowship Hall. IN OBSERVANCE of Ypm Jiashoah, Holo- caust Remembrance Day, a talk and film on Anne Churches refuge TUCSON, .Ari.%. (AP) -About 100 churches across. the United States have declared ~· bull .. dings to be sanctuaries for Salvadoran ref ~ -a movement that began here and has spre widely. Only six scattered churches were involved when. the effort was launched three weeks ago at an ecumenical ''Service of Solidarity" to protest deportation of SalvadoranS. now estimated at 1,000 monthly. ClllCllirii f'renk and her family will be preaented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Shlr Ha-Ma'alot, Harbor Reform Tem- ple, 2100 Mar Vtata Drive, Newport Beach. ·JOAN KHEEL, ataff consultant for t he National Council of Jewish Women, will speak about "Middle Age Ia the Golden Age of Opportunity," at 7:30 l .m. Sunday at the Jewish Commµnity Center, 29 Broadway, Laguna Beach. ·A WALK. THRU THE BIBLE seminar is to take place today at the Evangelical Free Chureh of Huntington Beach. ' A FLEA MARKET, boutique and silent auc- tion will be held frcm 9 a.m. to 4 p.rn. April 24 'at the Irvine Presbyterian Ct)urch, 5 Meadowbrook, Irvine. -~ A FAMJLY FESTIVAL will be presented from 10 a .m. to 8 p.nl. today and Sunday at the Heart of Jeaaa Retreat Center , 2927 S. Greenville St., Santa Ana. The nuns at the center, which will benefit from proceeds, are involved in reUgious education ~t the Diocete of Orange. A WOMAN OF THE YE AR will be selected and honored by the Catholic Commufuty Agencies Auxiliary at a luncheon Thursday at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. Presentation will be made by Bishop William R . J ohnson of th e Diocese of Orange. JOHN STEWART, a biblical studies f.rofesaor, will dilcu&s "The Bible -Fact or Fable." at 7:30 p.m. April 30 at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, in Room 214 of the Chemistry buildinR. "ADVENTURES IN J OY," is the title of a program series sponsored by the Church of Reli- gious Science, 2223 Main St., Huntington Beach, on triday nights at 7:45. Speakers are trainers in the hwnan potential movemPnt ORANGE COAST . • Freedom of Wor ship An · ou've tried ttt·e rest, NOW try the BEST!" •••• Dr. _. c. JecltM9 we. .,.__ aitill.. ...... . . .... ,...... Qrhflm~ __, s.r... ~,,.., Clllrrcl ......................... .•~A.M. "TO IE AND TO HAVE" ~Offlu:lntT .... ~ ..... '4'-IOH DWA ............. Churc11 of St. Matthew by the Sea . JTreditiotw/ Eplecopel) Hot. y COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AMI . (Booli pl Oommon Prrtw. fe28) MERTZ HALL of Commun;rf Qoi't(/19gatlonaJ Church 611 Heliotrope, Comna de/ Mar . n.ea..._..-.., ... ,...~uz..2201 sT. Joi1rs THI .. SCOPAl CNIKH .. COIT"• ..... a., Mr...e _, ar.p A.-. t:ooHa1JC1 'H . :10:00....,-......... ··~Sc .... • 'NO~~~ . .... b..C......MwJ\itAYIMr 14NJJ7 ~ IT . .IMm ilWil Olaat~ ~~~~~ · -wconm,. . 1 ....... ••f!lilidl .....,, ... A.M, PNrw ..... ....,c 2 ...., ....... ~ ........... .. ~ IWA:M-==-;.~ , . .. ...... = ... ............. __,c-. , CM~ftc:IMll ..... ....,,. ....... _,.., .... • ,.....,_ , ........... 0 111 ............... ~ .. .... ,, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IAAHOifS 0# THE MOT MER CHUlllCH THE ""IT CMUACH Cl' ~lllT ICIUHIST IN 908TOh MASSACHUS£T"Tll uooctrine of Atonement'' Sundcry, April ·leth, 1982 · C .... .._ _ ..... Cllll-dl .. Clrllf. Sc ........ ................ c..t ...... c._. • ...,.....,_ , .... A.M. ......................... 'A.MAeJI , .............. s.t. WM 1·1:M P.M. -f ... .Jf P.M. '"'-'~Ant Chua of ciwtit. Sdi.llst ....................... Sc..e. 4NI Mer ,, ....... , •• Cir.di • ......, w...t -..... A.M. C"'LO CMI ~AT IUHDAY llRVIOl llw .... ...C...:.. ""9t a.rd!~ Cllrht, Sc .... ••oe...11 .... .... C .... A .... w.t-IO:OOA.M. ..... a--ua .... St. =.. .._. _ ..... C._dl .. Cllrfft. .............. c._..,_., ...... _, ......... .......... _,..,..... .... ..__,... .._. _ "'9t Cllrdl of~. Sc ...... • JJHfleU.......,_.IHdl c..,.. • ._.,......,_Mta 1t:JOl..M. ......... ,, ........... ...-. ... Set.-f A.M.•f P.M. T ... -1 .f P.M. CNllClft ,..,....,...,._ ... ,,., ... ,.,,...,,,_ .... ,... .... -Silc...t Quell of Cllrht, Sc...., ltM,_.. View It-., C_ .. .,.. c._. • ...,.....,_ , .... A.M. 11 ' .:. •• ~INTL C......,., c .. ¥19. TISTIMOMY t ..-.a1es - 8 P.M. AU CHUaCHIS A•we~.,..... .. -..,._....__....,"'9 ........... "' .... ,....,..~ QM c .. P\e•w.4 ,., Al!-~nets .. WESTMINSTEI WTIBAN OUOf ,,... .......... CMnt .. S-Diep....,. AW~ ' • rte: ""' -WOISMP ••ICIS -liH a I 0:00 A.M. PASTOI JOIL A. SW1eeUM PttOMI MWIM CtmST M I Miuourl Synod) 1 ............. c:.... ...... U...¥,f....,,P..._-611·161 1 · wcH ... savte1-•11a 11ioo•.w. ....., .......... .,,a.._ f'.M ...... Clrlt I ..,_._141 HH • Sermen Topic April 1 Ith 9100 A 10130 A.M. ,.,,_,,, Thll Mom.nt On" Ctt41iet4 9J.•.-;ous SCllM_CI ' Member Of IN United Churoh of Aellalous Science 1~~8UITI ..... .._ UllllUT, HUHT_.TeN MlllCH.CA. ~·---. .. ,, ....... . .. He reach~s out, touches many Phone service representative a pastor Monday ~h Friday, Brad Yo~na of Hu nt lngte>n Beach "'achel out and touchel 10meOM from hla job with Paclflc Tele· phonf. On Sundays, he does the wne thing from the pulpit of the Weatmlnater Conference Baptist Church where he ls paator. Youna. 31, said he t>eCame the unpaid put.or of the church six weekl ago at the request ot hia iP-daw.. "The previou.t pastor quit and the congregation had dwindled to about slx or eight people. Now it's up to 65 to 70." He aay1 the increase la due to the work of God. • Young, who waa ordained at the Calvary Chapel of Costa M~ said he wa8 willing to serve al. lar sni$t.er and spend the rest o his life at the phone company when he joined Pacific Telephone. That was when it looked as though hia services as a minister we-ren't n eed ed in Orange County. '-Now that things have Cllan8!<'· he admJta that he 11\AY be h.avina aome other thoughts at>out hla future. A1 a 1ervfce repreaentatlve who worka out of tele phone of-. fices in' Santa Ana and Irvine, Young anawers questlont from bu•lne1il cu1tomer1 and help• them solve 1 .. eir telephone pro- blems. He 1ay• there 11 a 1lni1lartty between the pulpit and Pacific Tel. "In the miniatrY, you are very people oriented. It's the aame with being a service repreaenta- tive. You're there to help' w hen they call you." You ng decided to enter the rniniatry during his. final year at Pacific Chriatian College where he earn~d a degree in social llcie!'0'9. He then attended a biblical studies graduate program at Pepperdirie. He taught Sunday school and Bible study in Fountain Valley before being becoming pastor o! the Westminater church at 7111 Trask Ave. - DOUBLE S SERVICE Hu ntington Beach 's Brad • Young works for the phone company weekdays and is a pastor on weekends. C.11142-H 71. Put • few word• to work for ou. ~ South Coast Community Church Services 8:30 A.M. & 10 : 15 A.M. Corona del Mar Hloh School, 2101 Eastbluff Or .. Corona del Mar ••Stress In The Family" Tim Timmons Speaking For Info : <:;all 644-1350 CHDffiECTORY l C9ll. l'El.C8M£ FIOM Tll lllU C.llCll Of CNllST. c1m1111n c.. CMIKIT-. 611 He•ll• A•• .. c_ .. .,.. 644-7400 .,..., ........ ......_. I 0 A.M.-S...,...,...... Olutcfl lc:f\OOI -.._ c.. Ulllllllllli Clll FCATmll a.I J4tSt.A.-'•Pleu ....... .,.. •• Lel)IM '-" ...... "' . JOHM M. llYMOU>S MAl6illT •MM llYMOU>S .......... 10 ..... -s-.y ...... Cllrdt Sc._.. & ~ .! Attend 'lbe Church of . Your Choice. ST. MARI( PRES8Yl11Wt .(JUl(Jt .....,.Dr,&J_.r ",MewpertlHcll • ... wm-...,q ... • ... "-" ..... . , ...... Lelle ........... ~ .... ,..... ChVtCh $d\MI & Adult 0..... -9100 u.m. Wenhip,Setvk.9 -10:00 u.m. c:.. .e ... s ... 1c.. ,_. ..._ c• 644-1 J4t ... F)~pnouth C lltt9r~tlllfio1tl1I C lutrd1 JZ'2 ..OAD ST .... ~ llACH 64J.2no . $..day S..-.k • -I 0:30 A.M. "CHRIST IN THE STOIM" PASTotl fOMY CuaTO A _...WtlcOMefr .. THE UNITB) MITHODlST·CHUICH Costa Mesa MSTUHmD ...-ntOCllSf CtMtCH : 19th St. & Harbor Blvd I I . C'-c• ~ f:JO ...... 10:41 Charlet 0. eta~. Minister COiia Mn a NOi'th MllA YllDI • U..nD MITMOOIST CHUftCH ......, .• a.a w..e l:'H. t .... A.Mo Dt-.wm..a.teett Huntington Beecn MST UMft"9 MITMOltlST CWH 2721 t 7th St. 536-3537 . ..,..,,...,.. ....... .. _C....All ....... a.r.11 Sc••.. ... - MIWPOIT CIMl'9l--MllMODllT . .............. --.. ..., ,...., ... w. ...... a O.Utdt .._. -f 1JO A.M • •n. K,•Mid•n IP I t I • t This Sunday Worship In ST. AHDtllWS PllSlnmAH CHUICH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 831 -2880 Dr.,,.. ........... ,,...... w ... tMp ~ -71~t4s -10:u A.M. A c--v..-Medi1u1-. "C.OntinuingT ,,,. ~tlon" Dr. John A. Hlllfmmi. &- ~ ,.OMMd . 7:30 u.m. -lnfwnts Thnl Kln4er.-•-; a-IW C.. t :4S u.m. -Infants Thnl ~ a..- 10: 15 e.m. -lnfonts Thnl 6th Goa"-& Adult a... ' AIC I' !pl 64WJU . Ca _.., Prnbytewtt. C"-'c'Jt 4,,,.... ..... -.... 494-7111 Rev. Mhur J. Tankersley Rev. Craig Williams .. Christian Education Hour 9:00.10:00 AM Worshlp-10:15 AM .,......, CAlll l'lllOVIOID •T Au. tumef.I PltESIYTllUAH CHURCH Of THI COVEMAMT -Mnlew IW.. c.. ..... _ 117-JJ40 ... A.. "-'ti., ..... Terry McCanne. Director ot Youth Ministries Howard l<Ullon, Director of AdUll M inistries Don Maddox. Director of Slngles M inistries ....,w....,.-a:JO a lt:ff .u.. a..~ -caMr.. ........ 11:00 ..... . .-...y_.. ....... -l:Jt. lt:ff ..... . v..--1:11r.M. -CHulCH OPC .. IST 217 w ....... c.... ......... , ... We're A Going Glowing Growing Church SUteAY~ lllt..I STUDY f A.M. • WCMl9"1P 10 AM-.& A P.M. 10 a.m. -"God's Providence'' 6 p.m. -"Gospel Of Matthew" , ... n..-i........, -.... c.lt. '" ... ......._ ..... k: ;~, ...... ~BMPLE SHA'Sf .. i 4rJA p~ -Hebrew & ~ Sohool - Bar/Mluv.h Tr~ -Youth Group -8laterhOOd SeMcea: F~. 1:15 p.m. Sat., t :1S a..m . Sun .• t :30 e.m . RABI HERSHEL 8AOOC(8 917 ... , ........... Coeta ..... a1..-a --talll l I . I ,. \ I ~-t1 °""""" ..., ... ...,_ __ I --'I TME '".'"" Cl•Ctl ' "Wow! Yoo mean yoo get to play video games ofl day, Daddy?" by Brad Anderson ''He doesn't get up unless It's something worthwhlle.'' I ACROSS 1 Jump 5 Former Au9'lln ruler ' tContend 12 Formerty llJiiKeft f 14 HolMlry l 15 KlrlG of . ~ ,.~- 1'Sal.'9r0ftf 20"-• ,. ...... Bl66EOll6E by Virg il Partch (VIP) ~-,., "Tell me, M1. Partch. Why do you c1rtoonl1t1 get your klckl out of putting dent11t1 down ell the time?" by Harold Le Ooux ON THE M!11!1 Of"CHA~TER. INTELLlc;ENCE. ~E5TY' ANO ETHIC5 WHERE WOlJLO l'Oll AATE HIM ON A OCALE OF I TO 10? ~r-----11'1 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/S1turd1Y, Aprtt 17, 1982 I cMT SELIM If ! MOU.V Vex.LEV HIT 119AP O\U.~ BENNV' IN TME MOUTH ! SHOE lMT~CEP MOIOPV CAU.S Me •FAT LKS," KIP!! '!' tt1 "" ~ ... 1U~~lla:M ~~atWN lb" do~ necessar- l\~ ref\ect the~~ of the edit.or, d-e paper suff'. ~ ~\ • by Ch1rl11 M. Schulz ()lot. TO 8E A.f WIM&l~ NOW THAT ~1"6 15 Hru ... by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller THAT'S THE HARDEST ONE YOllVE EVER ~~--1'' MADE by Gus Amola by George Lemont ' DELIVERY ROOM , (D<JRING OUR GRAND OPENING .WLY) •IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on most items. MIRROR TABLES / ROBERrS HOUSE OF MODERN FURNITURE is now In Fountain Valley and we're celebrating wtth SPEQAL STOREWIDE SAVINGS. ROBERrS features -:verything you need in modem furniture, lighting and acce5sories. There's a certain flair to modem design unmatched by any other furniture. ROBERrS recognized this and has filled their ample store with a wide selection of today's free-flowing, fun-living furniture. Good quality and flowing lines are the fonnula for the modem furniture and accessories that is ROBERTS specialty. . ROBERT'S staff of talented professionals are available and eager to aid you in selecting furniture to best reflect your personality, your family needs and your personal tastes. YOUR OIOICE 168 SHOP ·SATURDAY 10to 8 SUNDAY 11to8 If for some reason you're not familiar with ROBERTS, we carry the following famous lines : , Thayer Coggin · Comfort Designs · Marge · ~n · Selig · Dillingham.· Burrls-Domani · Raymor·,Barcalounger ·Greg Copeland· Howard Miiler · Glenn of California · Ello • Elkins · Design Force · Glass Art;& • Artisan 'House · D.l.A. • plus many more ••• ------ LooklncJ for Real Estate Sales and Rentals? Please see -today's . special REAL ESTATE SECTtOM' A new, regulcr Saturday ftahre of the Dally Piiot eLASSIFIEO INDEX le Pia Y11r M. bl 642·5678 AlllMllU llSllSS, IMYEST· t:'.:!. '-'.l6u"• wuT Fl"'""( a.cn•"-Ytlu~..-. lllUI • ""'"' ~...:..~~.~ .... ===~ l: r ... .. =~) :: x: ...... ... 1111 •Ill tur '"' ... , .. .. 11 ... - llill ~ ...... ' ---.,_ - ,,. S1tutttey, Aprll .17, 1982 Looking /or a ·career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads,, classification .1100. ~-!!~!! ... !!.~~ ~!!.~~.~ ...... !?~ ~!~.~ ..... !!~ .... !~ ..... !!.~~ ~!'!.!~~.~ ..... ?!!! ~!'-~=~.~ ..... ?!~ ~!'!t!~ ..... ?!~ ~!~ ..... ?!~ tM)der Meda llUOO to Loll: Bolton Terrier do1. 811eklayer helper, mual V'MAL OJRCI N~& SALES •S-r_....._. complete U unit• In am b1k" wbt, Ooldeo A~CLBI have ood \rauporta· ilftmteOll9il.IAP~51iort Need RN or LYN, part GH4GEROVITAL STAJlTlllfGNOWfVldeo Rlveralde. w /1ecure Lantern • Slone'!.~1)1 !!._d0._1>11111lll !:,I cal~la· SlTS • loot t•rm aulan time fM ol1ht 11\ln In now av1ll1ble In tbe Moml. t.eeN. and lclft, wkh $1901000 lit TD due Dana Pt. Paul 134·.:MI ..... • v.,.tln,_ -•t· l'Dlnt.I ToP pay No ree Qinv. Holp. Xlnl aalal')' · USA. la It I.be Fountain 10 M ~r to atll n .. in !>'tar. Call collect af\ aneeevt1. = =:1;1• d;lra· U,.SOM Purcell Temp0rarlo· " beneftl1 offered. of Vo u th 1 Fr u Spate pma 1blrt1 a...a ~.~148'1 F.am Mone . Give a bm · oup'!!. N..Omponill>le, ell• 1Sl·IOll5. Pleau apply Beverly atmlun hl&h ln~ome members b I Pt lo r .. 0,_ •ooooooo r partv slfik a~mnta Advertl.alD\Coordlnator perltnced lu4 bua,..___,;vfl Ad rt Me.nor. 140Vlctorla, poltotlal , dial · Aatron . SPACE · •:;.sr' to•' · 1 · or •J .. ,. • to e l tabloid -. Good pav 6 nke .,._.,"' ce. ve II· C.M. trlbutonhl avall1b e DEllGNS. 831-1155. 1ft I);; pl1ltd TD 1. Mu .Juu .112· . r we L tDv~ment. 4tt·N50 Ina Coordinator fo r -m 5:J)m.msX820. M =~~~':e~'~:ft RONYOCKIOUICK! ~I:~:,=: wuk ly J_•: I ot ~ NW'llnl Swtldlle;;i"-~~\•on '* Auor. l~):rJ;~Y&:iT:ci. t: :::b~~~nrz:~~ CASNlll" ~~J ~lri4 lmq,~IDCoE 1Aok1n1t~~areaalve ::.ti!:wfift~~i!~:'' •·· Call Terry McCormick HOUIEWARI! ALBS ""',_ • ..,.. t . u1 f'.Xper all en.ml. nv person with retail IJC.I013 Have $300 oooFOW>dOobercnan.m ..... 5tM170.llotlFrlt-5 ADDIJlnpersoo:Crown behl&hly or&aobed. Hoap Nwpt. Sch . mana1ement ex ·---"=.;=::---- equitlutcolUteral. :,,l 2 "i'i M~ry tYJ? ~· ·· H'aidware 31Cr7 E. Cout Call Ttny McCormick Cheerful, ~edlcated, to perience. call 557-12114 Went St0.000. l rr or lets l'O ar. c. Hl . AL.AIM lf!x, CdM ,MM.170, Mon·Ftl. •5. pl pvt. ~are Xlnt IDI. (IUSobel). TYPHITTB ,. ltnl.itt note. lleply lo ~n INST~ COOi Gr.HERAL Ofc. (lrl for ptoCram.C.t114i.ao44 SeJes Necded ,-nTchff ••d Box Ro. 991, Duly Pilot. Fomd. Youoa male doJ. o...aa-Conva.lelce.nt Hospital, petty reotalatore. Order Offkt M•.,..-/ ....... .,1 .... ,..,.1 "'kenda Replacement PO llo1C1S60, Costa mostly_ ~tack. Mil _, • •· any lllettur. M•a Verde. clelk. lnvolce typln& & S.C -,...---forlmoatht 70 Me1a, CA. 92162' breed •/Npt Bl. CM Pa 0~:i:i11tfe:. mEe•fn / a.ta M ... 541-5515 !Ulna. Start at 116$ mo For ~1• seven at· STAIT Hlll1 wotdl per m111ute. si1 Mlk'illlll. Trnt 646-1.574 b Phone Mon .. 4·11 or ~spaAdln ~ f..OIAii1eln T mes month• upuieot• Dti4i SOlS Foand cat irey striped ~a:i·~~!'.c:Sf Y · C•!. ~ Wed. 4-21btwn2•4PM ~~~ 1;r~J'~l~o:. Circulation Dept. cur· maalm_um r•uired. Ap. ....................... F. CdM.' Ba ya Ide " Nwnero o~luerie! for illlervlew A Ir D plu. Salary com. ::n!~~e~~~l~nsf~~~ plyt.ohnoftbel. ~ Lo.ht? Mar te 6'73·0148 Anht•Uo =~Y!:''fV3. Rentala,l42·ll8S_ menaurate witb exper repreaentatlvt you'll ~C..t MtedC.1111 ,. I IAdl U SO ..._.beDlrtder 11120 Brookhurat St GB~AL OfftCI Cell Mr.Sim>nds urn an hourly w11e + ~I~ Real Estate mont''J ••••••••••••••••••••••• No~N nec.,'..wllhl f'tultainValle . Mutt now Poat-rill 833·3622 senerous commlulons. Bay · available2nd or3rdTD **** lrl.Ul. ewport uc:ac l)!tem6type.118S·31M3 •Of'ffCEHaP• Rn· 4pm-9pm For c.taMeu • Loans on residential or ~ M area. Cell 7$2.0651 ask C.meUdan, licensed for Pol!Uon open in Rea rmre info please call. All Eqel Orl'lY Emplr income properties. Wt I a110C1t· for Kr. Roaenbera. FIT In top Newport HAADWAllSA.US Elllte Appralsaltirm in 15'1·2311. Ext.1204 -------~ handle a Ml ran1t or natbnaday"' • salon. Call Denise Full time Crown CdM, good phone" typ SA.US 'iii>rtgaae Covera1t at 7 days a week 119iTIOM: ns.z74-t575 Hardwere 31Cr7 E Coast in&. Good pay 5 dys. PR persona needed. n:fJ'&~ 111 very competltlve ratts. 89 Gor11ou1 &Iris t~ Ambfiloui -boys and COUNTER SALES J:!!}._CdM. 675-2774 Maile lJland 11 lookin& ~ ~ ablppin: 1!; Courtuy to Brokers. pamper you. Jacun1, &1rla l().13 yeas old, to Dynamic company seelt· for• few intelli~ent, at· .,. __ 1l4-780·1S51 uk for S.1.a1a. Locel111well11 wort one or lwo evtn· Ina entllluatlc hard PAQ .. GIMG tractive 6 aincere small arloe comp•~· Steve or Duane t 0 u r I a t 1 Ba n k iril• 1 week settln& worklnt lndlv to handle INYIMTQIY A.SST. The OriglialRed filate persona to repre1ent ineo.t.a)lleaa.'45-581l WIDOW~SSSforTD's ~~.cr!n:!i:•~x~ newspaper aubscrlp· ~ aaltt at a buay Alalsilil& ID operaUona Co. ~~/time help to them in their pnvat.e --------• RE Loans. lOK Up. No preas. Diners 111 lions. Trenaportation lnatant pri11Un1 thop. fl corporate mail/stock box lndi\o dual plates. club in Newport Beach. ,...._ •• CreditCbe~lt.NoPenal· welcome. 714/645·3433. and conatant adult Retail exper 1ref. Call rooms. Deliveries , Congenial atmoaphtre Interviews required .............. ,... • ty. Dennison Assoc. 2ll2Harbor Bl CM aupervlalon provided. or come ln to IP 291 E. oper1llon of machines, C&llS4&'5139£J4. C&Jlfor an appointment, __.... an.nu · Clll3toS:J)PM.ukfor 11Ul5' .• C.M.642--0621 ahlppin&. receiving. H . Moo·f'ri.. ask ror T~~ Coeds would love to p1rty ~-" ,,.2 ... 21 t I .. d Heavy llfltnp Involved Mr Halberg 675-0900 We're iiJ lo bwld a With you. Leslie or nuurea, ......... u . Counter c er... ry E11per. pre . Fublon rA.ITTIME ., -labor pool 0 qualified WE BUY 21.&. s 1 I 1 Ma cleanenL3 dya pr wk. Laland investment rirm. Couple to help 1n family SALES graphic ari. -rsonnel GREATSOUTH:\ST Ji.~•· an Y l me ' llaturt iady pref Will Call640-0l.23, 9·30-2pm wholesale retail bus1· Sales Representative to for on·caU wo~ in the CAPITALCORP -=---=------i Auto lube man. up. traln.646-'782l ness Nationally ad· call on reader ad busi· pre.press area. At least 475-41!Q ~. Hrly rate + Oountet penon. Exper.. vertised product Good ~ ~ccounts for •d· 00t year experience ia llnM lllpttf" ~ I~ & y:alrl'$ SO'Xt.m.3320 N1Ume.Start$3.6Shr. KtUIPI -Chocolallerl or SIC. profits. bonuses Tague ~a.Moo f'ri.9am· typeseUln&. pute. up, ...., .. i.... -"-•--....,....... -~rn, * AllMCEMEMTS. .. ,,...... u WTD'aWA."'"D '---M .-.rrtl 111 , exc ua ve Assoc 953.SITI .. pm Base + com· camera operation, OT PllSIMAlS & LOST & fOU.D i.-w -Excb for insured acct PHOfOMODllS A.UTOWICHAMIC chocolate 1tore bas mlulon. company platemaking Is :"..;."-• :: LcSw errect discount ISCOITS I OWDbiOcftoo&. APl'l.Y cmn p/tlme position avail. benefits. wlll train Neat oecesnry. Yoo must be """'"H<•w1 _,.,. Homes,UDJts.condosto BACKlrbE'ttER NEWPORT TIRE COOIDIHA.TOI I in PART TIME Han appearance 6 1ood availabletoworkona ~~ ~~ Sl , oo o , oo o A 1 t ntAN EVER! 24 HRS CENTER. 3000 Eall P\lbliitiliiifirm located LEGAL SECRETARY d.icapped tlderly lady ~lhn& ~nual Apply subltltute or call-in ::: gi-. m\ l«l.ol83 Coat Hwy Corona ,Del oarJ.W. Airport seeks W/trlln, must type. 6 needshelpw1thpersonal Pennyaavtr . 1860 i.m.Salarydependaoo : ~. ~ 669-0207 Mar t a bri.,_ lndMdual to as take shorthand Cast a. needs & rook111g Live in P\acenua, C M ---experience Contact :: ri.'!.. ;: • H c ...... , (Oulcall) Blby11tter Ener1et1c silt Ill our Cret1• Dept accurate Salery com ~ everyc°'i~'~~k~3 5CTIY /l~PT. Personnel, ,..,. ,..... n~ ht IH•/ woman lo care for 17 nus ctndidatf' should menaurate w t u per req a -I Pttl CeiDstfuet1on back· Orep~ SUYIClS = .... ~.. ~~ Lolt&f.ol.cl TelephoneFantasy • m>.ba'iiamyNe~rt have uperience in Contad Mr EdwardH _5-7pm. ~ Needsha~re· -~J ....... :i::-0• -~"::',... ::-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Conversation with Bea• ome. rtex1bl~ ~ ~~ilu~!n~1°1~!· Stontorl>ee,640-8900 ab e non·smo Ing 330W. Bay St. u.n YlllOO& .......... i.... .:. ··--... 5100 M1cbellt MC/V1u houii.. transportation ;~ in wklls LEG~s~·y PA.ITTIME person W/good typ1n1 Costa Meta P'lfPUATIDN . :~. :i~ ....................... 538-6370 necesaary. 673-6026. h; I ltiyp g s I N r s--m. ~1p111d1ng youth ability and excel com All Equal Oppty Emplyr I 1 ., 6 t e w I n1ne11 to ewport ac aw irm wv munication skills in ~.!:.':"'l• = ~. .,: •SPtllTUA.L I buy dl.acounted TD's. IAIYSITTB learn 6 accept new apec1•l11ing ID tax. en coun5ehn,1 firm hhu ~andontelepbone .._. ...... • • r "'"I ~= .,, ... ! a&+.MM&.. atral1~l notes. etc. Ask Rupon1if>le. -foving challengu. Contact lttllinmenl. corporate openin~ or ~5 • arp ry "Omm•nsurat• v ............ _., morn·m.,~. "'(te11•11-c ·-···· ..:. .~·"'"I'.. r l h b k . E Ul>. ..... •• I . OOl"oln" mature ""Ople ' " .. ... l'»Q...... -... _."' "'"""~ -.::;::~.. ;;;: 18.lSSo. El Camino Real. or e t • ro er. penon ror 2 little 11rts, Mrs. ves,....--. •u:1~!~e l Y!~~s'ne~ to ':mtfvate ambtl1ous w/expr In I rvlnt experienre preferred. ~ -""''' '1$1 San Clemtnte. 492-7296 fl68.!m3or9&2"47l Mon·Tburs, 12·4· Now CUSTODIAN -immed l~1Jyrolds.Call2·Spm 7141957·1166 So Lacuna V1lla«e w"°' .. ,. =:! = Flllllk AGORAPHOBIC lllli1Juntl8 Coronadel openln1 Nwpt Bch re perience. 76 wpm typ. 642'432l .ext.343 Ask for -Animal Hospital , tl:" .. 11....,.1, = ~ .. """ .. , ~ HELP LINE Mar. Please ca 11 tail at.oft 6 offices. U · 11\1. Wordpro<'etslngu· ._ .. _ SICllTA.IY a.S378. • ·-l.olt.lr'-d 5300 ·-.77... 11 bl ~erience prererred. NAU-ca.. Top ratei.-"Short & long -='-=''-=------c ....... ~ .. -.. -,,,.,,..,. ,,,.., _..'" per. re a e, person •n•llta. Salary •arm"B•sl•n~nts NoVet.erinarykennela_tlen• c.u ' -'"'"••i•• '"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaiay w/eye for detail .. "'1 bl 833 os• ~ ,. .,....... d t f busy animal ~ .. v.. = ••·• •m Affectionate malt' been Ir Now accepUna applka· Perm/full·Ume position ne1ot 1 e ·l 0 Petition Circulators, ru Coutal areas an or · ,_._ -AllDS D P"I desires 1 sensible Uona for hair aytllst.s at w/xlnt benefits. Call (llftioda). Ftr, PIT. daily pay Purcell Temporaries. ~~~tal Full lime. :i:::s.i. ' : ....,..," ' -FOUND ADS intelligent to&etMr Forrester Ltd. Apply in Ray6orJim644-5070 UV&IN. ca.re forelderly Easy job H ·SlO hr 851·~ •pl. UlCl. S dy wk. -a.. -rem.ale, any race or ,__ Tue·Sat a90 E. -womenlJie:neralduties, MCMlllLZ • Sml. friendly atatr. Must :,. = "11$, .SO creed. Humble, happy. ..-·~ DANCE M/F aulat in l<>f ...__... w · Ad SICllTA.IY \ike animab IJ be cap., =--'----... ~ ;; 1 ~ ........ ,·• ::._• IBE FREE :--~~-1.n11. ·~r~au1nv~ i1n111._ l1UISt.,C.M.M5-S3'70 club. ballrm dauu i1i3.' ~~fb Pl~:, Box llCB'T./TYrtST Newport Beach, type 6S bleolbandlin1pets. Will • ~ _ M ua .... un ~ .. .. (t llAUT1CUT1C'.o.u5 Eam as you learn to ,....,, C M ....,,_ Newport 'Beach ad· wpm, shorthand pre train.642-3&40. E 0 .E. 11_...1 __ .,. ·: t~ :t p;.IL Ml-3532 "~.tli:h IODW mo. PT eves Mr ,_,, · ·-vertlsing agency needs ferred, Qyll word pro ~ ...... u:_ -°'"''..., -W I: A1TY Sierra Footblll1 followlnf • ...... for _.=..,~=-==------~-tic -raon ~ lilelprul, mature Wa..._u -•o... -~,.i... -·--"· r I -~t-d--k Req ..... wr•a indindual, non smoker lraineel iiltll delivery. e ._..... . --~~-· _._ '64 5'71 ~ ~trye ~~f~o Nto0 pleasan . bu1y full-Dmta.I Aasiatant Are you M.ACHIMIST ..,. ~ ~trv l l 51tiora ~~ -,....,.., ~-· u.. service taloe In din Laser rnanuhr turer esmlentlJpuiC•P~ a.11.!-e!!~ poi t'r... ___ .., = ~ -frab Sencrpboto ltrto Nfwp-orl. luurance ~,'~pap~~rnlt~ MJeta talented appren· akllls A1enc1 U · ~ITA.IY nuntUS> . .....,.DSS lliftJooo.. -';;1' = * * * ATTY p 0 Boll 867 benefits . top pay W/eueilent polenual for lice or journeyman With pen~ hefp/ul. but not for r.-x-liWy•er. wood WAREHOUSE Person •• IU1S &Ulllll =·· = IHhSlllhr Matl CA~--Sevcralpoeition.savalla-ptt'IOft81 arowth & re· rmll•latbeexperienc' req11red. Tb' Sanborn ~IDJ. Wiii tr11n f/]' Musthave&d.dnv· ~ 11....... ---OtaiSt. ... ...... kn SHO Ille. C&ll Mere ror Ill· ~! Wued your Excellent pay/benel1ts l Co.151·3066. ----Newport Beach Law or. ""record. Located IA =~--: :3 : La&unaBeach ....................... t.ervtew,642.-1184. carin&. rhaln1de u ·1 1ncludin1 h~•ll:h1r· R'cept1onist needed. 2 nces lntervitwbyappl =e:r;.~1 t:':or:f!i -•-'-• -~ " :; You are the wuiner or Danrer ror Ba ch,lorl BEAUTY pertlse lo compliment aurance,vaca IOll o1· yearstypingexpenence. CIUCaryn7141644·651Z ' witti some perishabll :::::."a-: ,,,_, -four free tickets lll6.0C)) Parties Attr1rt111e. our lu&hJy skilled team day pay. Apply al xlnt PR on telephont. ~ -.. -al to.... I Modem, pleaunt en· Laakmann Electro· Submi·t r•sum• 10 ~booll. 'Y~Dtc.• stock. DllUntnclude re- _ .. _ ~.. • --t--.... ..., -v ue ""' ,....,lin-.te. must call 10 ----•ous ~ .--' i b d"1• .._ -~ • ..,. ....., d d ,..._,...., vironment. excellent Opllcs1 Inc .. ~ Calle Mario's Construct ion Ulht ttpin& Im reiv n1 mere an .e. ::::11':.".,:a• : .... , .. .,.. ~~w ~ae~~:~~':,81 , ..... ,.1S~OM1 d to our bmefitpackace.S1Z50 if Avi.aaor. San J~an Inc.. 27665 Forbes Rd med1tte opening. ror 1tock1ng warehou.ae: a..-&..--kf L da ........,. .., add qualified. Newport Captstrano (San Diego La N. t 92677 Cbtittian or1ani11t1on makin& up orders fJ -lrl•*=• . ENTlON 7»5618,u or 1~ staff l ahampoo person Beacb..&40-7'22 __ Fwy, San Juan Crtfk ~~c~,be · Houri nexible (5-8 hrst· some delivenes. Call Ofpart.ity SOOS Oppa twtr 5015 C~ERApril l7-2S & 2 a11i1tantT. Xlnt Rold otr rampl EOE· -----· day l Christian bark· wtcdys,9to4,99CHS40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• To cl11m tickets, call tralnln<Ju program . Dou&Mut maker. exper. M/f /H I RECEPTIONIST sales · d f d Es c ~ t Ion a I LO'"'SHARK 842·~678 , ext 272. ~Tala...7 ni..t.a.d 1•1-'••Salon. ••1·-~n.Capo Beach ' I · · 1 roun pre er re WOIDNOCESSOl COS OLOGY ,,,. TI·'-be I I d """""' .. """" -~ Ori. $11.00 per hr Must Salary open accord1nJ1 to bl M bu11· w ANTED .:aet.s must c a me Tll lilllfllrMDS 2IX> Newport Center Dr.. Area. 9111 --. be presentable Ir outgo· experience. Ca II J>1s· Xerox 850. rtex1 t nesa. Orea~ location In Need 110.000 for 90 days byAprilZ3, 1982. U. N.B. DIJYll!SCUMOt Usia ,, •c•M• ing F\111 or Part time. c-ulea Inc 631-701_0 houn. 2·3 days a weet(f The Girls Gym in etyourltnns MisaPot· *** a~juat a phone call ..:.B~ik""e"---S-t_o_r_e_n_e_e_d_s Ft'l'l&P-/1'.0lifVpnnl· Genera ·m:Ctunlcal Laguna Hills. Call Expuience. non Laguna Beach. lnrludea .... 882-2254 , ...... 1_ bJL •. wht F ~at, away. at hr escort. ch i .. ~ U Call c ... 9 '"--.. I-'&* Ewp. In eleA · Saturday 586-2535 SERVICE Station Allen· smoker New po q freemembenhip.Clltn· ~. · &Mt• ..... •• ~ Ol.tcallonly Ml 15Z2 me anc • ener e c <M · 67~1 · "''"'""'''" "1, ~, danl,P/l'evu&twltnda. Sea«arial,7S2-2377. ' lele eatabl11lled. Only Mmlyto&.o. 5025 Turtle Roo: area In . penon lor atoc " DrY Cleanln&. Counter t~!,~ fppfiy ~mL~~~YI Rtatauranl needs all Nut apeearance " SlOOO. Jan 497.40u ........................ Irvine. Call 8Sl·0493, various dutlu" 2148 Pm IYl ~:f .. Sand Ho\el. La · positions. A~plC in hindwrilln\ AcfJly : ........ 10~ 494-$878 r.t••~ ~:3 (Uk f o r,,...,.. 54IO :ewport Blvd, Costa llSO sa:p~la:ef.":.~: Bch.d7·44nE.O.E_._ penoo,42817th t, M. 2580N rt I. . uu•u••••uu•o••••~ TRAVEL AGENCY 2 $10000-..1 uuuu••••••••••••••• ~eaa=·------1 ~ Restaurant Sewln& Ma c hine locat.lons. Orance Co~n· 'tom or J:ne' loll. Bisset Hound. fem W.tTo C. .. A.woy 1DoWi ~:...::f'IN=AN-C-IA_L_R_E_P __ 1 MBNCA.L ASSIST. TACO IEU Optt1t0t1. Exp'd, quah· WESTMINSTER ty. A steal for 1129.500 642·8852 Wht/brown. Arch Beb ,,._" 417 Expeipff'.'t?'~rform 170.ooo-billion dollar Office -nurse needed I 15 loolung tor full. part t_y minded. benefits. ABBEY 0 B 0 . T t r m • ......... TO' ..,.. ,.,,,. .,c,. 000 Hts. Ld•l._R.,!! erd · Here·s your rh1nce ! billin& and payroll and N y S E startinl approx. May 1. tift summer help. day P.~ PROD prep" Q C. ANTlQUEMALL l:.-1:rship1 S•ltdueto mu I ........ ,,.,.,...wv, S3IM420 r.--ev. Pan Am 2 for l l1cktl. other office dutiea for ottd.i comi!~e~tp;~:. Call~ or rud>t Opportunit1esl llSMll 642·~---11751WestminsterAve reuons. No re· fully arm rt. lo 20/yrs. o.-l Ucbt round tri~ lo ccnsuJUoa rl1'1ll. f-'--'<•> to r•pr•a•nt for a<fvancement Ap1ply CARDEN GROVE • llOlltble ofrer refused Other 2nds to $1.000,000. .,_ ...._ p A 549-1083 __, .. ... ... MUISIS •tDllS . B h Stitchery lovers·teacb IJ S.SU103 Owner 7141974.5019 Apyts. comm'I •'non· LOST ILACI LA.I ~·~ ~i a:d -~~ =.ancia.I service. Call Neecrallllif~ Can tam 8B9Coast Hwy, Lag c sell needlecraft Earn -------- E\U or Wknds owner _proaram. Pr'ln OD· _t~PIT MIX 2Dd Ucbt free Best or. .. ..... ..,.r -MZ-7904, 11$1-6495. 111.00 per 8 hra Mu at R ET A I L c L E R K . ~ lS hr ~· ~ t S&...--I Y Ca I I r or a At . M • tt out of 1 ur. r ..,. Acf S tt ---.__. "--• hav• ...... r " r·r·s. Newport Beach Vane~ G. 0-il t""i "' 1 DOWNEY SAVIN S. er over..... 1 er ,,.....,...4111V ~ "'*r~ "' "'w 1""22nd St N ~WISTHETIMll 1 u n quu . Brmt·~2lllll Dana Pt Del Obispo• No 514 C.11642-430024 C._. ~oec.1oodpf).P'/t Letcoulle Nursea ~-· f~attktrstocheck Profltable Fountain Stanehlll, may be mak· ...;.In=·-------•• WcdH.B,aboplll-0711 R.eciat.ry. 3$1 Hospital --"-"::..=..:;::.... __ ~--tbt Dally Pilot Help Valley tocallOO. Broker Have somtlllinl to sell? io1 bu way to C M , 1 = & R.elpomiblefor cub. re-A~!! 14972 Bea ch. Rd., SU 119. Newport Retail full • part·t1me Wanted ctau1rirat1on ff ...ea. .Oa,vlfted •di do 1t well. 661-64915 I. 9J: ._ cmdliltion of previous ws..u. Be a e b . 8 4 2 • 9 9 5 s , cashier. 240 Broadway. the job you want 1s not '1" ..... ,_ d1y1 nlu, pbooe • * * 540-1154. La&Unalkb.5497-«03 there you might con STAR GA,..E-.."•-. ·-••••••••••••••••••• aoa•trina. some ad· I sider orrtrinc your M ~ ·• ~: Altered M S:•I· ,,. W....._ 7 075 ml n ii tr at Ive a D d ~ ~ ~ before you buy Sf:LL 1d)t items with • servicet with an ad 1n -------..----ClAYlPOUA---,.---1 1 ~s1amese,. le ........................ Secretartel dutiu.. Moate iata Clauifledmakesitusy· Daily Pilot Clau1fled the Job Wanted ~ !7...~ ~ ~ ~ _ lkh. 494-1213 HakPI in uch .. ror rm " R e 1 t a u r a n t . You ~M:~ner of -=::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;J.;Ad.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====.JL.!'lt="::on:!!;:.:!P:!:bo:;n::;t:!H:2·:;MZI~ To ~•'°9 -"'91.., Suncloy, Lolt: Olk P'IPPJ• M .. 3~ board. reli1ble youn1 boo,\eeplo& uper four free Uck.eta ($18.00) _,_,.co...,.,.dl~"'.__.. mos .. vie. ttamlltoo/ French C1nadlan. helpful , but oot valuetothe of JCll" l.o6«""" •9" Placentia. 541-6H4 LI be re I. L a I u a a . neceaury · Ca II $49·9322 ~~ ~:-Found I f re e . Fe m . Qlarles, 05-62N for aeet. 61 •%f•Sllew ::-!::.:""' American Eskimo. Younc lady 1eekl poal· 194.. •1 . CONVENTION :::.... ::..., aUed, whltt. Fem Ger t Ion a 1 11 v e ·In tbro.C11';:1afMger. CENTER April 11·25 :;;::-.. :~:-Shep/Collie, blk/wht, houseteepe r . Ex P. payroll, wlll train on To claim tkleta, call ·~ •f-fem ahepherd blk/t1n. Pleau leave your oomputer. Good Com· IU·H71. est . 272. ~~ ~~ ltm ahep wb+ blk/tan. number ... ..-1 puy benefit•. Ca II ncketl muet bulalmed •H• "°"'' ma I e W b Ip pet • ......._W.__.._... 7100 Unda "-*-'I"·-!!:,. ~= tirindle/wht. Male abep ......,. -6*Gt2 "' ""'' .... -· •-"'-blll/brn. malle Akita •" .................... ---'=-=------* * * ~::" ~;,.. blk/brn. ma le neut. ::r-:::---Buenjl, IU·USI. r,::., ~= ..-Ne!po!tSllelter. Cll. •-·~ -·• Fo.md: Dw1rf bunny, ::"' :: =:"' ,a ,. fk. Dua Pl.t Alcaur. • ..., .,.. "7 4{!.am>anS. E' :=:.. Fa.d: 11 bloode Poodle, :!:: :~ ::.; 0.. Polbt. will pve lo ~°"" ®~ C).:... M hoall. 51M51S ~: C1C1t1c pamJ!, Tr• Marie .,... qi .. ,boa IJIUd, u11 "hello'', ~ ~-· C.ll Dave ,..._.,, IJS.TIM aft . allTAllT ~oPe01a1for ., ..i.taot to finuclal dlred« fl rapidly ex· pandlna llealUt cart co•PH)' located la Newport Beacb. Es· perlence In pa1roll, 1191111: recoecllla\loQ • accouu pa1abl1 r•· ~ Ideal Ctedldate •Ill bn1 •nual wa11~tl acm.tiaf ....... ~lltllluet' 111 ...... to ...... la ............ IQIC• ._.111 171t.~m for u .. ~.ror .. ,.,.,.,. ull lue, : . . ................. ··. . . . ~ CALl QACU&.:A TION DIPARTMINT ••• Y.T....t 147 E. llth St 11 Costa Mesa You are the winner.~ rour rree tickets <SH.~ value to the ···nr~~ CONVENTION , CENTER April lHS To claim llclets. c~ 642-5171. ut uti. Tidl«a must be clal""8 by April 23, 11112. • *** Bllrtt, omatt inlay. unt- _que "'50. 54S·2135. -lWbbrooke, CM ' . I worries Comnuts · "tilftM•U I ~ ~.,.. • ~-I 1 ~ITA llle !onowtno '*'°"' .,.. Oo1nf Tiit IOlloWlng ~ ll't Ool"t ..!::.'.0:•"'-,.,.on 1' -01"0 ~ICI HINaY CllV1N tMI =~·~~~\~~~~".~~.:; =~v:.=~ ~..,.: bullnell •1 IM,...._..,.._...••'°"" IMI• Ol JAV IHTl"llAllU, 12'1 IUllNlll l.0010, llH -.~1,._,.tAWH PAl!T~ •Mii -wrt111t ltr"1, l•nl• An•, Or11191 Avenuei. Ho c, Cott• Mela. 1, ,, .....,_... c-.. Dfl\llt ..,,.. 140• ~ ft70f, Cllfomlll tat.Jr ~ ~ kf ti 1 ' l.volll• OaldarH, :J:.i:uby MAMA:'fltv. NU ~ ~ A~-=-:::'~ 11y 911 ~~~ 1.-1:' 8mANv1!l'JA Oavld lullenott. ttl Myd• Chrltopher Jonath1n lur111, d K ,,..,., ~ .. 1i. IMt-. ._ Court, OOlll MHI, C1lllor1111 tlH Or~. No. 0 , Co•t• M ... , PW •. ONta ._., ~ t27il OAKLAND(AP)- '"'9 J>tie..Man ch.anctert th.at h.ave chomped their way to fame ancl fortune ln l)a,.. and video parlonf around the nation may be three~ to take a bite out of Comnuta, the touted com INICka. ~ '*-' AWftYI. City .. lell 8-lfl. ..... • c.lllor'nll tlta? ' ~ p ........ Mita c..a. .,,...._ N. lulerlOI' ltt HY'dt Mllll W1Mer tet3 Orenot. HO. ::t:;J•, c.M\r•llO llMOll, Ca1110tt1I• TNI .. tied wlltl iM "9 ~ ~ l'llUIUlf CIOMlrlt of =~ CUlfe>rni. et "°'""""' 11. tNI, Court, Coit• M1H, Callfornl• O, Coll• Miii. ~ t2t2'1 L•lujj II••"•"•· 17t , .. , 11111 fHJt. lflll"DuW-. II oonducted by I h-. C.. ...... ~ tmT oww er.,. COUlltY on II..-. Aptl ft tin Neltflef of --petlOM wlif M Tlllt ~ • oondllcleO by 911 ..,,. .. pw1nenttlj>. 11111 ,,.,._ 19 toll4MIM _, • ..,_., ~. Jon lurtla QW1JwrtHO • • . ,..,., r.pollllbtl lrOf'll Mid, ••• of ... ~ L lullnolt Tllll •i.m.nt WM fllld wltll the C IC .....,_, JI Tiiie 11atenvMnt.,.. ftled" wNI"" ()ounty Cltfk Of Or11191 County on TM• •1•1•"''"' •u 111.e w1111 au ll11bll1llld O,.no• Oout Oally IOMIOfl tor tl'IY ..._ .._.. or Pttot Apttl '1, 2•, MIY t, I , tlQ ~ .,_,.., und9r Mid l'ml ec..nty Ollttl of Orange County on Al)ft II. tM2 c..inty Cllr1l Ill 0..,. ~ lft MatClll Aptil fl, tN2. • ,~ U . ltU P-t7~ netne Of by tl'IY ...,_, Of ~ ----------°'*'~ undlt Mid""" l'M'I· o.t.d: Aptll 1, 1M3. ,.,.. Pubt11h1d Oren11• Oo11t Dtlly P111111t11eo o'"'t' c1.,, D•Hr P1101 Publl•ll•d Ot•no• Co11t D•llY Piiot, April t7. 24. Mey I, •• 1912 ... ., ... '1. """ •• o. I . 1111 nut ~· Ooonen ....... ~ Piiot, Aor11 tf, U . Mty 1. I. 1ff2 170l-82 l'----------- 170M2 NI.JC 9ITC( I Ml llJt( Th re'• a •triking res- emblance between Com- n u ta, trademark. re- gistered ln 196,, and the dot-munchlna video game ttart. Otficlala at Cornnuta Inc. said they fear Pac-Man aymbola may start popping up on food producta u well aa ~levisJon 8Cl'eens. "Cornnuta has the ex- clusive rights to the tra- demark lo the food indu.try," company Pre- sident Maurice Holloway said. "We applaud Pac- Man'a incredible success, but don't want him to eat away at our'establlshed trademark." The Cornnuts, trade~ mark. like Pac-Man's, 11 a round character with a V-ahaped cut Ul the side. It ia designed to repre- aeni the "C" in Comnuts. M"9W WM PettlH!.~llWlftl, HaMlllH 6 --•nw ......,,..,...,.,. .... n.--. ..-11-. _.._ ... ._.. ..... llN.. .... • N1UC NOTICE :-~~~"~"'=·~~~~r=-.~A •,:i,i.e ~~out Dally NOTICE OF DEATH OP C.Ot11M ' l'tlo•Apttl t1, 1M2 FRANCES DORTB£A ~ L vow, fflO t OllltlH· t7'2.C JONES ah PRANCES D. ~ ...!. ~· 111.; • NIUC NOTICE JONES AND OF PETITION __,_TMiwL.v.. ACllUOWW.. TO ADMINISTER £STATE TM• •l•l•M•lll ... 1119' •1111 Ill• MAim STA,....., NO. AUIGM. ec-ty on°' o.w.oit ~.., .. 1. The lollowlna peBC>nl .,, dOlno To all hcln, benef!daris, 1t1a. , ... bu1lnH1 11 Q & M lnt•r.,rlHt di d I Pu1tM'"4!0<.,...eo..ioeoy,~ 2IOOOVl•f....,.,,te,Mlellonvi.Jo, ere ton an cont ngent Alltll a. 10. 11. 2A. 1t11 11 Ce1110t?r.2etl. , cr.dlton of Fr"""" Dorthea M Oh.-Houtton, ata~ Jone. and pel'llOtv who may P\ll.IC NOTICI'. ~ ·~~1: Coron• dtl ... ,. be otherwise Interested In Mlok Eooer. 2 ee Pac;lflc A._ the will andlor esta~: l'ICTmOUI .,_ .. MAm 8TAT11mfT Th• lollowlng per1on 11 doing ~-PRECISION POWDER COA· TINO. 111 Weet t7tll Streat. C. ..._, Celltotnle t2t27. Unit CM. o.vld MldlMI .... "° Mlil90tl Bey °'"· Calitomltl t'Ze25. 1'1111 ~ II oondUctld by 1111 nue. eo... "'-. Calltomle t2t21. A petltJon hu *n filed b ~~conducted by a, William Moteley Jonea In Pl"1 t.eloNili c. HoUlaon t h e S u p e r I o r C o u rt o f Tiiie "'""*'' -ni.cs wlfll 111e Oranae County nqueatlnt County a.;.. of Otinoe County °" that William Mowley Jona Aptil 15, 1M2 ,"19 be appolnt.ed u perwonal re- Publlilled Dr1ng1 CoHt Delly preaentaUve to admini1ter Ptlol, Aorll 11, 24, \.lay 1, e, 1ee2 the eatate of Frances Dor· o.Yld M. 11e111 _________ ,.,_0342_ the. Jones (under the Inde- TI* mtement -flllCI with tile pendent AdmJni1ltation of lndlv\dUll. County Cleric of <>r-. County1'ft PllUC •m Eatata Act). The peWion ii Aprll 15, 1N2. -----------....._ ,,,,_ ..cTmOue .-.. •t for hearing In 4A'pt. No. 3 Publl•ll•d Orange CoHI Delly .,... ITA,_, at 700 Civic Center Drive, Piiot. Ai>rM 17, 24. Mey 1. e. 1982 ,:.."" .. """""""' ..,_.. -ckMnO !Ml-Weat , In the City o f Santa Discrim ina tion 1.----------1 _ 70 _ 7 _ ... _.,. 2 -!'=·=~F-Ana, California on May 12. For Ad Action ~'.:.!~~".~ ,. LllH•I'•. ~~:~~JO ~;}ECT to the MADERA (AP) -A state administrative law judge has found that Madera County discrimi- nated against five jail matrons by pa~ them ....Jess than men for per· forming the same duties. Call a .... ~~ ~W:: 2• U.C:..· grant.Ina of lhe petition, you .:::_~ .. -0y., • ahould either appear at the Daily Pilot ,.,,. a.~ hearina and •late your ob- t111e •tete111•"' ... lll•d w1111 111. jectlona or fale written ob· lftVISOR ~Clnof~c.-y~. jectiona With the COUrt be· ftlr ~-· fore the hearing. Your ap- ~ 3, IO. 11. t•. 1112 i&10-U .--642.5678 PubllMIH O•e110• cout oa11y Piiot. pearance may be in .-rson or by your attorney. -1~1-1-1~1~1~m~~c~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IFYOUAREACREill· TOR or a oonlingent creditor of the deceased, you mu1t file your claim with the SPEP'FIN 1982. Born May 17, 1894 in 40 yeara, and paaaed awa court or present It to the MARGARET R. SPEF-Bear Lake, Pennsylvania. on April 18, 1982. He work peraonal representAtive ap- FIN , age 76, resident of Survived by daughter MU-ed for the Philco/For pointed by the court within Huntington Beach, Ca. Pas· dred, Conat.antlne of Arca-Company fo r the paat 1 four montha from the date of aed away o n April 15, dia, Ca., 4 grandchildren, 3 years. He ii aurvived by_ flnl auuance of letters u 1982. Survived by her great-grandchildren. Gra~ wife Marie, children Le provided an Section 700 of dauchter Helen CMumand 2 aide aervices •will be held an Roy Walden of Gard e the Probate C.ode o( Calltor- grandchlldrm.. Services will Saturday, April 17, 1982 at Grove, ea. Julius Walden 0 nia. Th! tllne for flling be held on Monday, Aprll 19, lO:OOAM at Pacific View Sprint Valley, Ca., Robe claims will not expil't' prior 1982 at lO:OOAM at Peek Memorial Park. Pacific View Walden of Orange, Ca. and to four months from the date Family Colonial Funeral Mortuary d.1.rectors. Neva Umphenour of Fon of the heerin8 noUced above. Home , W es tmins ter .. t.ana,C..,brotherCh&rlaP. YOU MAY EXAMINE 893-3525 or 539-9549. Walden of Fallbrook, Ca., the file kept by the court. U BAIER BIEJOBSELEBPERH Gp BIEBEL siaten Marian Plumer o you are i.ntereated In the. .. JOHN EDWARD BA· . • Fallb k ,.._ d D-"-t.ate, you may me a request BERG reeldent of the are9 roo • """'·an nuuo: KER, a realdent of Hunt· since i954.. P..ed awa on Durkee of Oroville. c.., 1 wtth the court to receive lngton Be ach. Ca. Pa11ed April 15 1962.. He~. a grandchildren and 5 great ipeaal notJce of the inven- away on April 3, 1982. Sur· me:m~ of the LBW Union arandchlldren. Slumbe t.ory of est.ate aueu and of vived by hia children, Ml-Local 441 of Santa.~ C.. Room viatlafatlon wlll the pelltlona .• a«ounta and chael Baker. Scott Hamilton. and Local ll ln Leia Anseta'. held on Sunday, April 18 repona de9Cnbed Ul S«uon Candace D. Baker and Jody Ca Hew.. pMt president of 1982 from 12:00 noon t 1200.5 of the Californ ia Lynn Baker all of Florida, ~Local 441 Fedt-ral Credit :l :OOPM. Funeral service Probete C.ode. mother lrtd Mudae of O.n-Union and Put president of wlll be held on Mlonday, Latbm It Walklu ver , Colorado.'Final Inter· the Local 441 Retl.ree9 Club April 19, 1982 at ll:OOAM a Attorney 11 Law ment Ml"Vk8 will be held lo H 1 1 ed b h . if · the Harbor Lawn Memorial 5$$ S. Flower Street the family plot at the' Po· i.:.; !r~ C:.. ~~ Chapel lntennent aervi Loa Alllele., CA t09'71 wen of Memory Memorial dren Mal Biebelber of La· lmmedl.ately following. Ser· (%13) 4 5-1%34 Park, Denver, Colorado. 8UNl Niguel C. ::fwarren vices under the direction Published Oranae Coast Serv1as under the dittc1ion Biebelbert ~ ~ C. of Harbor Lawn-Mount Dally Pilot. Apnl 17, 18, 24. of Harbor Lawn-Mount ais1er Hilda Reichard of Y"lJ·: Olive M~rtuary of Costa 1982 Olive Mortuary of Costa e&ipa C.., 4 gTandchlldren Mel&. 640-5554. 1741·82 Meu. 540-5554. and i areat-grandcblld. MOTSCHMAN Memorial Services wlll be HDlllCDPI GLENN W MOTSC H -held Monday, April 19, 19821 MAN, r esident of Garden at 4:00PM at Temple Beth --------• Grove, Ca. Pu.ed away on Tikvah, 1600 North A.cadA, Suday AprU 18 April 14, 1982. Survived by Fullerton, Ca .• The family . ' hla wife Dorrl1, dauahter r~qunta In lieu or flowers By SYDNEY OMARR . Leslie Wanner, grandchll· donaUona be made to the ARIES (March ~l-Ap".11 19): Scenario I.a doi:ni- dren, Jennifer, ChristiM and Amerlcan Cancer Society. nated by fantuy, friendlhip, romance and powers Michael Glenn Wanner. He Servtc. under Ow di.recUon of persuasion. You get your wish once t.erma a.re wu a World War U Veteran of Balu Beraeron-Smith & defined. You'll alao have access to atory behlnd and a member of the Garden Tuthill WeatclHC Chapel story. Grove Db Lodge. Slumber M ortuary of Costa Meu. T "'URUS Room visit.adon will be held 648-9371. " (April 20-May 20): This can be your on Sunday. April 18, 11182 power-play day! Room ia made for you. emphaaia from 12:00 noon to 9:00PM DARDEN will be on organization, promotion and reward. at Weatminater Memorial PAUL FITZGERALD Penons in authority back you and you could gain Park Mortuary.Deme Cha-DARDEN, a&'t' 7CS, a resiident important allies. pel 1erv1'les and entombment of HunUn1ton Beach, Ca. • MINI . will be held on Monday. Paued away on Friday, GE (May ~1-June 20). Fin~h rather than April 19, 1982 at 10:30AM at April lCS , 1982 ln Hoag Initiate project. Gatn Jong-range VH?~. Perceive Weatmlnaetu Memorial Memorial Hoapllal. Mr. potential. What seemed out-of-reach 1s actually Park Mortuary, Cemetery. Darden had been a police cloeer than originally anticipated. officer for more than 30 CANCER (June 21-July 22): New start In new JACOBSON years and retired aa a Llieu· di t d 1 I y b k f ERMA 8 . JACOBSON . tent from the Huntington " reel on om nate.~ acenar o . o u rea rom realdmt of Corona ~I Mar, 8-dl PoUoe De..,.cmmt ln financial bondage. Emphuia on money. tax~. Ca.. PMMd away on Apil l~. 1"8. Mr. Duden w.. a190 a leues, rentala and credi~ rating of one cloee to you, ----------... member of the Huntington includ~ buaine11 u.>eaate or mate. McC~ ..OITUAllH L~unaBuch 49•·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 Sen Juan Capistrano 49!>-177.6 HAl80I LAWM-MT. ot.IYI Mort~ • Cemetery Crematory 1525 G1Slef Ave Costa Mesa S40-5SS4 .... Cl MOTHHS UU•o.-wAY woaTUAaY t108ro~ey ' Cotta Meaa M2·9t50 IM.ft ..... C»t ...-rMA nm&l WISTCL#f C:HA'9L 427 E 17th St Colt1Meaa 8'843)1 Beach Lodae #380 F&AM LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Go alow. get emotional and the Police Officer'• A. second wind, be open to spiritual enlightenment. aod.IUon of Orante County. Intuition la on target, fintt lmpreaiona prove correct Be8 loved0 dhuabanddo(b<Mol lynd and you will regain aen.se of purpoee. Individual . ar en 1n e ove who aided tn put wW make ruppea~. 1randfather Chrt1topher · Paw Duden of Hunttncton VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22); Excellent for re- .Beech, C.a. ~may call tumlna favo,.., entertaining thoae who perform at Pierce Brothen Smltha' 1pedal eervicee. Key ia to d..lvemfy, to plan ahead Mortuary from 12 noon to foe travel, to open Unel of communlcatlon and to J:OOPM on &mday, April 18, take advan~ of renew~ popularity. 1912 wbse fu.nenl aervtc. wUl be conducted at 1 ~oo UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): CreaUve relOW'Oe9 ~. Apri lli, 1982 wtt.h surge to forefront. Focus on children, chaJlae, va- the Bev. Doca Thoaw W. rtety, ability to revile, revtew and rebuild on a men Ownon ottldattna and tM aolld bMe. What appears to be ,..UicUon or delay Huntlqt.on Beac.h MMOnk wW ~y rebound ln your favor . Lodel sao. In~ w1ll be al.A mecfe ln the W H,m ln tttr · CKNRPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Change lndk:at.ed C.mewry. Pierce Brothers wheN older Wnily member ll concerned. Meimber Sml~· llanuary c11nic1on. of oppoelte MX dllcuaan teeurlty, r .. ldeoce-and Hf-8519. Tb• family.:£ futun domeldc plalw. Lonc-dletance call n!IU111 ln ,_. c:iontributlOnt be a more poeltive attitude, more confidence and ,... '° the Amerimn c.a...r-So-newed enth'*-n. dety. 8AOl'M'A&IU8 (Nov. 22·0.C. 21): Focu.a on ruaMAN reladV91. vWta. lhort trip. and IUrpile lnvitaUCn to RUTH FURMAN, rHi-1 eoclal effaJr. Remember apectal anniversary and ct.flt ot &ou\h .Lacuna. c.1 aep r.olutionl cioncsninl one who la conftmd to .PUMd •••1 on ~prll u . home or ho1pUat 1H2, Born Ftbruar y ll, CAPIUOOllN (Die. 22-Jan. 19): Y ou'U localit 1eo& tn •ronne. N.w J•-what had been kilt. mllllnC « llOllG. You'll haw NY. ved by her bus-l"tMOft to eeltbnt. • rellttve oaftW1' ".,od MWL1• J, lAwle 1'u.rman. J'U. 8p111tual valuee come Into focus, vttali~ml.kiil ... ~.u:r:=: oomeMck wl ,ou .. on "'19 ol lllajGr ~. l :OOP~ et PacUle View AQUA&M (la, 20-~ 11): Moon an;~ ......_, O..,.l. ....._ 9'p hJPMlb•;.-.1n"tJ, .,....a, Cornet JUdl· •••t at P a cUlo View IWll lid •• 1Zset ......._ ,-au ...,_ ,_..... 11 ... r.al Park, ...... " hm ildll' ......... wtllli ~ I I oanftdlail9 In 1 "'°'"'°"' ..,_ .. MAMllTA~ ,,_ lolowll'I .. -.,, dOlt'9 -,,.. IOllOWlllO --... ~ lloHI ---· All AMllllOAH IUILDl!ll. 20i1 tHVll THING PVIUIHINO. 2t1 ··9 CW THS "'-!lie. Coete ..._, CA 11121 .._ °""9 eo.t.e -CA 119'1 'OWIT-'-llOllllT It. TAYLOll, ttO Oro~• """-' L lftur. tt• t M.e 0.... NOTICI II HI Y OIVE.H 1111 ~~II.A~ =rNllllY ••• c.....,~;,:._mJ, B ._.on.. on WldMld4y, A I H . 1H2 ••• llollM4. c;:..tne. CA tt746 e-. -CA t2t17 7:30 p.m. In th• City COul\OI T1111...--•~"'1•oener" '"'" buel,,.., 11 'O-l•O Dr '" 1n Cll1mbet1, 10200 llater A¥1nu1. ,...,. • .,,. ~ "OUl'ltlln V""'1t, Ille PllnfllnO Com-lloCl9t1 I( T~ lllllrton l SllUt mllllOn wlll tlolcl I l)Ubllo '-Ing Tltte eteteMeflt WU tiled wlll'I 11'1• Tlllt etet•m•nt wu Hied wttll Ille 1111 ~ ltemt: c.-y C*1< °' Otlifll9 Colltt4Y on~ 1. C-.iy CIW1t Of o._.. Couttr, on .,..,.,,. Cll........,-UM ,_.,....No. -1"2 ,_.. 2• 1Nt ,__, Petition tubmlttld by RO(ler Y T Publtel'lff o .. ,.,. Coatt O•tlY Pltol. Publlatted Oreno• Cou t Dell~ Piiot Yeh ll'ld """ P. Cheng to operat """>. 10. 17, 2•. 1N2 1609-l2 Matcll 21 ""'') 10. 11. !tit l'ICTmOUt llUIMtt NAmlTA~ 1111 .... and rentll Of \lldeo rllo'tlel , 1~-..a Tiie 1011ow1no P••1on 11 doing v4deo end ludlo equipment, lleo tronlc equ~I. tOyt end ~---at teo-'O HltbO< BIYd .• Sul! I, 11111 UM lnc;klMa tltl r111tll en .... of X<fltad Ind adult mcMll. C111•1 nM U.. Pefwtlt No. ..., Petition tubmlned by T1y Aber oromble end Olllrm L.ooan 10 rete a nureery echool 11 1o•e 8111.1« A-- TOM'S WELL IEAVICE, 3001 r'tcrmout .,._.. A•dhlll. Bulldlng IV, Suite 105. llAm n•~ ~nnout .,...... eo.ta ..._, ea. ne2e , ... IGIOol4flt s--... OOlllO ..... .... "".,....,. Cheri•• T Hay•. 3173' VII -:raTlllH UNtT!D REl'Alll Sfll· M °'* ~ --le~ -Peto. T11buoo Clnyon. Ca. t2878 VICa ... 2 f let ttr..i. '"'*'· CA t2.eO Al ll~AHO MOOUV.A CONCEPTI Thie ~ It oonduetad by an OMC! P YONO, tt ..,,_, .._ ISi l..MC ttt2't Megnolle It 5'Me HO lnOMduel CA '111• Hunfjng!Oll 8-:1\ Ca .,... CtwW T H8)'1 fOWAAD FONO. 10 llollll' • ...-. CA "-11 l ~ I033 ~ llM Tiiie 11elM*!! -Ned with 11'11 C.. ..... 111 u..,..,..... No. -Pe1111on 1ubrnlt11d by Chlu·Sw• Young 10 OJ*•ll Fount.in Liq ltOfl et 18180 8<~1 Street. 127\4 No ~ w ~. c. 9000t Col;nty Clefll of Ot ~ .,,... .,.._•'*'°""'*'bf• ow-II ,,.!:::: .. tiat...a• •• ~ouc1..s by an In· Aprll O, tN2 """' ly on .,...,_":-P Yono t\Mlleln l Ooclcl• "-T1111 •••••"'•"' wu lll•d •Ith lh• Tn" el•l•m•nl wee Plied •lln lht Publllhld Or1ng1 Coett Delly Ooufttt Cieri< 01O..eno-Coun'Yon1,prt 1, Coull!) Clerk Of o..,,.. Coun!y on .,..,.,,. Pltot APf~ 10. 17. 24, M•y 1, 10&2 c .......... u.....,,.... .... -· Petition tubmltlld by Wllllarn A MO'-. Family Hulth Progrem. I review 1nd 1pproval of • 71· 1C1U11 oar• flOtOllll tac111ty 11 1112 , __ u IM2 ,,...,. t&1W2 Pullllel>N o • .,... Cc>&•• Dally Ptto1. P11bt1tn•d O•eno• co .. 1 t>auT Pt101 rtaJC N()T'M'r Apt11 a. 10. 17. 24, i112 1611..t2 ..._ 27 ApltV 3 fO 11 1N2 31t..f2 I--------'""°--- lllbtt1 A~ c.,.....,.., u.. Pw...tt No. m Petition 1ubmlt11d by Sidney G JoMIOn Ind Klthlrtnl A ..c-nnout .,..... IO condllc1 ttlt Ille of II.-end NAM1 ST A TblEfT It lhl Altt Dane Deity 11 1705 TM f°"°'"'"9 __.. .,. "'*'II - "-4end Str• {I,. II 1 Change -• ownwllhlp of an •ltl9ttno ~) COMWUHllY PV•UCATIONS. 2131 Cll ......... U.. "9fMlt Mo. S71 ... CM-~C-. W... CA t2tH Petition 1ubmllt1d by Yongmu ~v:r~o.~'~ 251 " llMO)o Chon to ope1111 •donut 1hop a llOH HOR\IAH•. 2931 Or•e. l ene. 18054 Megnoltl 81 Coela M.-CA t2t2t Condltloolf UM ~ No. m -™"-•-..,bye oener• T......,,. Treot No. um• ~. P911tlon 9'1bmltlld by Ille Fleidlt DeWI H leflltlll Compeny fOf rl\llew end 8'>C>'OVll of Tiiie elet•m•nt wu 111•0 wtt l'I 1n• • 12·unll towr1houM deullopment ~ Clenc °' O..enoe County°"""" 1• llong Ill• IUI lid• of 8 rooiihur1 ,_ Sii• 100· _,.,,of Tllb9r1 A~ P11bll-o..,.,. eo..i Dally Piiot. Ihle 7-«;re 1111 11 llwetad Alltll S. 10 11 24 1t12 1507..U tlle ltloppi1lg canter end Ille Tl ron Ol'lelopment Tent1llV1 free:• Nil.IC .-Ji( No 11178 lmplemenllng 1111 IOW!I -----------llOUM program wH fifed In con "9CTTnOUa .-aa junction wl'tll the condltlon11 u• um eTA~ permit Tiie ~ ~. ~ -- c ........ u..""""" ..... m .. CllU.TIVI occ~s. 2<!0 N-· P9Cltloll IUbl'nfltld by PtlHi9 S tort c;...1., Otlv• lull• 200 N-p0r1 to OC*lll t"-r9l-.nl ._,, CA HMO . . tN on-1111 .... llld coneumc>tton Of Se,,,.,,,lt• Ha.....,.. 181 Eeplllr\eO. .,.., Ind wine II 18928 Megnoll• .._.CA t2'16 Street. Tlllt .,.. .. ,... I• conO..cted Oy an II'· ........ ""--..._.-' ......... """""" . o........ ...,._."_ For tlll lt•m• ld1nlllled with 1n ~~·;t;~~~;1z.:.~,~ ....... tiu!I notlol " hlreCly ~ 1112 th9' on "" !nm.I Studlet. • ,_. Nlgatl\19 Dedw1tlon 1111 ~Pf• l'11bltalted 0.•"99 Coeat Delly Pilot pelM T ... E1wlrCHll'lllfttll lmpe<;I "'1tf :l, IO. 17. 2•. 1112 1'44-ti A~•-Cornmlllff Wiii COlllld•r , lfPP'O\'el of Ille liMO•llve Oecillll· uon on Fndb. Al)ft ». ttt2. '1Crmout ....... NA* ITATDmNT Th• tollowlng p111on 11 doing ~ .. ~=· NATIOfW. PHOTO Of COST/. °'* .__,. _ _.,. ~ -MESA, ltH Anaheim St . Cotti .. M-.Ca.t?811 0 a C llfCOADS & QA,MfS 6 t tO 8'91 Alan ...... 1908 AnMe1m WMl-..w -'-Unjt M s..te ......_ SI Cotta ,,._ Ce m 27 Clltl-tmx1 + · O•~O<y l(oullladet 11~2 Stu.,I, lilt ~II c:ionductad by 111 No t O.Wa.n a..... Celllor-926-43 tndMdull Tl111 b11111ne•• 11 cono11c1.a by an •n· B<M A a.._ olvldll• TN1 11a1-1 w11 flied with ''"' 0•9QO'Y Kou111ea.. County Cler1t ol Oreng. County on Tt11t 11etem•n1 ••• 111•0 wlltl tne AptN O. t082 County o->. Of O<ano-County on Mwc:tl ,1_1 M, '"' ,_ P11bll•h•d Oreng• COHI Diii)' Publlttlecl 01en9• Cou l Daily P•lot PtlOI April 10, 17 24 Mry 1. t882 Maten 11 Aprl ) to ~ 1M2 i•~ 11102-112 l'tCTmOUI ~ .. .....-nal'l.wT lllAm IT&,.._ n.,. I~'*'°"" .,, dotttO """' ,,.. I~ --• dotttO ---.. .. F-010 OWlll 1111' ·--"'SI ,.,:.v;:,.:e"'~:.:::.~AJ,,~~:!,~ F-.1_, Vlllllly CA 1270I v-, CA 17FOI Yoon Soh• l(oo. 10 .. & Et C•ntro J-ror.--a P1tr1C>a .i-.,. ... ,.....,,.,, Vellirf CA t210I Wilton 11 t•I Bonte l eu••lt• Cocte "11• blltlMH It conOucl.O Oy ... .... Fountain v..., CA t210I -"~ Tiiie b\111 .... 1 It Con<lllCl.0 by an 111· ...,._ Koo Yoon e11- f h1• ••••• ,,,."' ••• tU•d wltA ,,,. J~ Fcweet W1'IOn County Cle<1o Of Otano-Co..nl\t on Mardi Tnte 11at•m•nt wu ltl•O •lltl '"• 2• 1112 Couftry et.11 o1 OtMQt c-.y on u..-c11 ,,... 1• 1112 Pul>h•hed Or•ne• Cotti Detty PtlOI ,,_ .,..,.,, ?1 """' l lo 17 1H1 . P11bllll\ecl O••no• COHI Dlllly Piiot 14'W1 -11 AOrW 3 IO 1 r 1112 ------------· • •31042 l140I MAfTEAS -~ Pf<> aMMd Pll""lt'lt to tfle P11nn1ng L••• of tll• Stele ol C11llo<nte. Oo'terntMnl Code. 85,000 91 Mq . end the "ounllln VIiie)! Munlc:lpal CocM, TllJI ? 1 ..:nnout .,_... ..... STAW '1CTfTIOU9 .,._.. l'ICTYTIOUe MJ 11 II• .. °'*lollowW't--•~--n...~~~-MAmlTA~ THOSE DESIRING TO l•11tlly In ltvor Of In oppoellion 10 tlll pro· poul1 WIM be glv.n en 09P0flunUy to do •o 11 1111 publlc hearing II tunhef lnfOfmlllon It deelrld. you rnay COt'lleet lhe PllMlng O.perl rnent It "3-832 t end refer 10 1111 •t>ow lt-CUNTON SHERROO Sect14ety Pler"*1g c-tUlon Publllhld Ofenge CoNt Diiiy Pltoc Aotll 11 1882 ~.., Tiie lollowlng per-. are doing ALL·llHZ ACCEllOAtE8. !JOO • KEYSTONE ll(AlTY. Ut2 w .. 1 bu"'-II: =.=-· '21C. eo.te W... Cell-_., .,. .. w .. 1....,,.w . CA~ GREENHOUSE GALLERY . Jencl 8'1rfle" t)OO AO-A-Oevld M••-Betmat\. 63IO 81>~ 1'3$ Glenneyre, l.agune Beecll, Ca 121C ~ w.e, ~ 112t:M ' 14• Rd . lOllO e..d>. CA 90816 82&51 r11&t blllllMdd le oon-•ed b't en ..._ ~Dutlll9t• •• conoue•ed tly "".,,.. Sh11on S1g11. 1211 T•mple 4M011111 o..oo .,. 8.._, • Tll'f. l.agune BMch, CL '2e5t J9ncl ~ 1 • Mldlell C. ,._., 12N Temple Tiii• at•t•"'""t ••• lll•O wl1n th• Thi• •t•l•m•nl wet 11 ... "'"n 1t11 .,:::!.. 'ea....,. .. · c-., cw-of o.._.. c-.,.,.. ....,c:n c-r, CW\ ot o..,. Co..niY on """'°' Terr . Llgunl -..... ·~ 1 11 1111 ,. .., Thia ~ " conduc1ed by '" •..a ,~ lndMdual P11bll•...., O••ne• CoHI Delly Pltot. Publltl'l•d Oren;• Cou 1 0 .. 1, P1to1. Sheron ~ ~ 3. 10 17 14. 1111 1~~ Werdl 11 Al>fil) 10 11 11112 Thie stl1amenl -fllad wf1t1 the ----PIU--ella----...;.-1----------'1_1_'..., ~ <;:; °' °'enoe County on PVIUC 9ITtl ,,.., Publllhld Ot1ng1 COHI Delly PllOt April 10. 17. 24 May t, 1982 t617~2 ....... Ca. PMlflt View .,... .... • ......, .. 11 ... • ... (M. , .......... : ---~. ·~liiiil· ...... ........ .. , .......... ,, CllmlW L; WAU.,t YGU'D '1 Jfltl lild ... .i:-.d~-....-......... ~*-~ . ' ' ,, ...... ...................... l>rtYeWa)'I. Parkins Lot ~'"'· Se•lcoalln& ~Rh!Ull.!ltt Lie Dan Hallber& Ondinc 'Pav101Co Rtstl'omm Lie. ·~ 842· mo ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Babysitltnl In our C M calM9 -·-·L~ Uc. 134992 c:.,. .. ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cabinet.I · Remod Skyllles · Roi>m Add'na Gmhse wndws 754-~0 CUSTOM SPA DECKS PaUOI, gaubos L1c'd Jotwl or Rack ?'71321L homes I Yr ' up Any tune. 642-WZt846 5759 c.,.t S.-.iu ----...................... . CarefuU1 loving mama of WtCareCrptCleaoers 21 mos to care for yours. Steam c~1n' uphol~ .!!,llhon.-FT 631 31u_ Truck mount unit BABYSITTING my !ork uar &45J!.16 home, Mesa Verde area. 9wnpoo & steam clean ~~Ref.!:_Shari.._557~14 Color bn&hleners. wht BABYSITTING crpts · 10 min bluch ANYTIME Hlill, llvtdin rms SI~; Refs. C.M. 979-6646 ave room S7 .SO: couch --SlO: chr $5. Guar elim. I Ja ¥cy pet odor Crpl repair. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ts yrs exp Do work For all you need to know m~elt.fi!rs. ~1-0101 about bankruptcy. call No Steam/No Shampoo ---17~9162 Slain ~clalisl Fast ... M•t1wict/ <ID'._ Fi~839-1SS2_ Senke • EXCELCARPETCARE ..............• , ...... . Cpt, uphol. area rug clearun& Work guar _ftee Ht 645·1771 MARINE SERVICES Mechanic. paint. varnish Teak. rub' wo Crpu uutall rep11red ~9766 Flooddamaee Steam -.--c~-~973.8566 ser vice "'Ith a smile --That's what you gel C-.t/C..Crete when you place _l our •••••••••••••••••••••• rlass1f1ed ad "''l1" tl\e CONCRETE ASPHALT helPoC one or our fnend , Dn~ways, patios. block _lyAd-V1sors Ml,5678 1 walls_ Dennis 636-04SS GE. Hea vy Dut y Gu Dr)'erS75 -__ 675-3115 rrae1d11re washer . KelV\Dator Gas dryer, m ea Kenmore washer . S46-8672 TOP QUALITY El..ECJ'RICAL WORK r.•-•• 1 "''u c1n1, wnina, . .,_, -·-.842-5'49 6'5·7972 ELECT RICIAN : Lit Hl-...1. z:t::n~to. Small Jobi. -wui- HOOSE? Call Otn1ham ~C~lrt::..:;·~Pr.:.;.ee=;u:..;· 6'5-::.=.:.:512=-3 -Reepootlble retJred cou· ROB1N'SCLEANING Dlt avail June-Sept •••••••••••••••••••••• Dr YooChlroprartor Ar\.IPl'fUW'e. El Toro TJo.525124 hrs M t I . ·S203 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ESJDDotCOMM'L/IND C.=i p~~-:r:: ~ce-.a thor::JhlY kel1. Call Palm Deaert clean houff· Q!2:0857 1 a.o.2_....11 ... e ____ _ ""yn. my own work DrywaJf. Stucco . Tne Uc. Z111Ml_Aj_S48_:!~ Rermdel. J.B. "4·"90 HOUSEWORK ~!~ ........... . •••• •••• •••• •••••••••• a..-&.. ITU.. Vf AMTED fEDERATED lneonw Tax Service 131-4811 ADD'NStREMODELINC ·--..., ·-Gennallhint.enance Plans Ut'd George ••••••••••••••••••••••• Re,lalra &t Dttoratln& Hilb q_u.Uty housework. Pllnr&Sons,567.e32. Formica eowiter topt ' • t •Rt 144 Expe_nenced, depend•· · c•blnN refaced Jl'rte HOMEIMPROVEMENT bie, borielt, lntelU&eot. Re=~~~~~0a1rs est.142-~7 REPAIR·PLUMBINC The best. Phone 673-?0lZ I!.-. I H t ' t aAer6:00PM. Very reu. Lie. ~ w I u 101. rarpen ry . --==-------=-;.;;;..;..----• Jack H. Bennett, Jr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• riec. tile. P'\oee Ht. No Ellpertile Housekeeping Cm Contr. m .9142 IUID Landscape Ma int too amall. 645-2811 We runush vatuum' lbnded' Insured Resid/Comm. Clean.up JA(]( OF ALL TRADES 'a . Kitt 641 4970 Adcnllom It remodellna _UHa_ulln · $48-2489 talldayornlgbt. SCRUB·A·DUB bonded Slate Lil' 1202752 LandKapiJIJ·Vd Clnupa •Jade 675·3014!__ • Prof. reu. reliable. J.G. AJ!u 494-1810 Tree trim-Expert ma Int Ellperl home and apt re· Rees. Jean 631-5018 REMODEL/ ADD-ONS J im&Sl·Ol29 pair. Carpentry. roof, Quality Hou11cleanlnJ and Ca""'nlrv Ll•'d .... , .. G ... .., plumb, Elr. 64.2·6013 w/a penonal louch CM", ·,... ·" ' · ~et! est l<eli.138 ~ ----Irv, KB. Beth 850·09_ 33 __ ~.>'an. lrwtn548·2'119 ---· -• Webldalljobs-lge/sml · ,..........__W • ntEGR~SHOPPER QuaUty,exper,lic'd C.uc.HakprorHouae· -oodw~ Complete lawnmaant BillllDave 6"44·932$ cleaner lookln& for S •••••••••••••.••••••••• Domlnlr642·48SI days, aame house. w/af· Crown moulding, cedar - ---------111 fl r 11 c 11 lined cloHt.s bookcases GARDENING MAINT "" •T n •TE DAV uent 1 m Y · 1 maouls. entertainment Landscaping.Treetrim .-AU.MlsC.JO~\<J AnawerAd 000. cabinets. Wood eolutions '~moval. Clean-ups. lNT./EXT.·PROM PT 642-~~ ~rs to wood problema' Free_ estimate(,_ 842-4889 lNSTALLATIONS ___ 63H528 TIHS CKETM5-47S7 HOUSECLEANING Topped/removed Clean !SOUR BUSIN~' Dec:W.g 1.p, lawn renov 751 3418 Eat. 10 yra. Jan1cu •••••••••••••••••••••• --· -HllllMJ _Ra ed Ann 675·2514 RIVER ROCK perfcrt THI H11N SCIHE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••c.__ OIS :-~~~l~d~v!!~·;:· L•~:.:i::r!>x:~!t1•11 I HAULING ~ludenl bas a.EA'NrNG'StflVICE ~c !)1·~-Lawn care-RototalhnR I lje lnlck Lowest rale. Reason.able rates. free ~ s.,..1.-" 646 1S78 or ca II Prompt. Ca 11759-1976 estuna tes:"Y20-07 4!._ -•• ...., """ AnllwerAd OC1 642·000 Thank you, John. -•••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ---"'-Rud ·the classified adi MA PS ' CRAP HS a.N·UPSfTREE TRIM for the best deals in Freelance Quality MAl!ln'ENANCE a artment rentals work. 96o.-02'1hfU m. Ex 'cl. J eue 645-2122 w o u I d l 1 k e t,o d o howework. Vacuumina. dUllin& 41 moPping ett• 542-2914 af\ 4. h •ufllll ••••••••••••••••••••••• VANDENBERG LANDSCAPING M•lnt, comm'l/reaid Trtt trim, clean·up . 8ridl 'Ule. hu. bonded, ~(!_t'l'ff tit. 979 5146 Rerrodelin&! 2sUd1ng git dn. compl w t rramea/ acreena. Sl 25 t ofr ~1-11187 Must sell! Uvln1 room &t formal dining room .....,;im;;_.-. ..... IJ.&;o.&.11<.all'-I furniture all Drexel ....................... t klUeM w /adtleu free toeoodhoma ~~-~=-',.~---~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··1..et the $unsh111e ln" Call Sunslune W111dow Clean.an&. Lt.d ~-8853 m..Jiloot11 • RESJD!NTIAL• Ave l lty SJO-Av& 2 sty Qui.a 957 ·8318 \ I l====•=••a•1•;u1:1•:.;.. •I ,.11 t•H Witter.. 11!"""'-• tllO ~ .. ••••••••••••••• ••••••••n••••••••!??.~ ~~~ •••• !~ ~••••••••••••••••• ' ....................... . ....... • IAY .......................................... ~.. U•PO•T.urr ................. ...... a.tr T ll w ~· I IWW t1 IJ • .,_ \t,rdi,: CYG.~ u IOOIUNO /IOAT ••Ct HOHDA Oood \ tit<mCl TO \ll'I W\Mttlt10. dlvortt 'ff Cbtvf. : bodyl '11 rord Rte/Van. \t , .&ti-D ...................... . Mk ' ..... lalll, )'~1 cllll racer NEWPORTHAJt&OR mndll.IOo. ll\llt1tllAOW. RIAD!UAND .,_ everyWn .. RH 811bblt Top, C111tom LAM ft>dtl ~u and ...trta-.wM1muwk11·1tt.. m·~ $1150.tUltU,ull ADVt:RTIHRS lid I U00 /080 pUil,•ehalrt.letboa VolvOI C'allua & 9 1.11111l Uatd-7 ll1nt1. ll,000 ~~·No reu 1'bt prtct of Item• ~~. · : water. bed, carpet AY!I of loin II Ml ..,..1 !vu or early llO ... olf rtf ldvertlltd by nlllcle lllOl'ord '2$0 '4 ton low -DMeJI 6 more Aaklnt c.u ... ..a All _tv ~ ....,..._ .... , deaJtn bl Oie vehicle mll1111. with 10 rt 1f'JO,., d nso.. 1 ttooo or part trade -~:==~L-.r~~~~~~~ ...... c-.....a. W'Mll• ., .. dutllled 1dvtrtl1ln1 t:,u,;.~~~· Alk· mu.:-... wlthtoro 0 ;; l5l=------~ ~ 16 W ~ tOIO '" .. !.~............... column1 doe• not In ' --Alu.llan Cam r. A•k· .._ Wmhtd tit< CIOll IMW ~.!.~•"low lldtt • ta and •railer, •••••••H•nu••••••••• Dll'VI' •ft motor home. elude ~ny applicable 1'" Toyota Dolphlt1 lf' In en>. • ..................... . "~ ,... ... 11 11 ' ~·· to•. Uetnat, tranarer RV.40000mi. Xln\cood. -o' I tct' 11er "'l '1 1 '"l2l' 147~ 11' boat 75hP motor w/ a1pll,tul loaded I•, finance ch1r1ee. ~ w/atru. NaOO. •'12TOYOTA• WINllDYOUI • •-trc ru Ht C I --trailer 18h Evlnrl.M&t ' 11 l• for air ""llutlon "OO· lt'1.tt"• ~UC"' = u .. -Cilt ....... * rt.a ock n. qullty ,,., ~ ~... " -cfetd ~ 0... TA .. "" U Ctu.lalnl boat, Ario .Jll.lt..:· all:.;' ""-J BOAT FOR ft INT, 11 Tta1a l1"0I ~~ce ~~lt1Uout Bind 1'o)'I Rall, 2 Hiler, 4 cyl. A • auto. trana I toall tt ; -an. YI• p foe ffJ.9301 -l'llinl •l-home . SIPI or ....... r """'uinen try fllt 1.aOOrc a Htl tlrea t2Jm90) lm\hru l• aboard. .,, avail. Call .a.: .:__ -N!WTIAJLER u. crr,:.tor atr awn· preparaUoo chtrltl llD• 1pare ne'w en& c e' -s.a.v ..... , JladyorHarv!.)'..~2·4t44, &41••1 ' -~ i. oUi.rwil• 1peclfled ,1 • -"' " tt WU! bxthudvtrtlter. uJhtl, VW unk . trlr. WILSOMllOID 0. T ........ f,...tl t 170 l te. JIZSSSStleh Blvd. u· n11tr~i ... •k1 • tlab. C COUECE r,..,.,...._ ........................ ,_,... . t110 4-....Drt ttunun11oneeacb 5ClhpEv nrude, trailer' • ........ , .............. m• Jay~tent trailer, alpe ....................... .,..._ '" tllO u trH, 9850 or offer. ..IC Ill SALE c ....... , I ruu ~ulpped, Ut e ....................... __ ....,,....,.._. ........ __ 642·1Zi1 =, .. -t t •O n'ew · G. M2·541a' WHIT(D "13 JHP PU 41l4 truclt PS, •70 DATSUN W d ,. · ' -Ml PB, auto HO •Brl. S*orbe1t. .;;;,eto P~•; .. ~'\~ •CAL21 :•••••••••••••••••••••• Tr'llen.u.ty tllO TO BUY .'4 <tM4 SU-144& eurcJl~n Su Ray MIN,.81t»UOO ?2 fo.rcl.F·UO with ..... ,, .. •••••••••••••• ,,.. tS60 '78 Dal. P.U, top cond, ~r for charter' d.BtMAM 12 cF !Munt campe{' 19' dual aale trailer, &ood LATI MODIL ....................... ate. •mllm at•rco. 5 pencml 1.11e. Boat vtlue M"lN. BU> t.100 ~l:yf~u:1 es CXlnd. ~... USID C .a.15 •Del. 11kln1 $3500, ev Ml.OIX>. Call Dave atttr •MAST tlXTaAI ~ -..,, "' ltlJ DATSU" MMllO Spm 175-al7; 613·2110 Froin-llmou1 yacht '11 Toyota camper . Almost new utility JILSON fOID U'l.HUS~U ...__--="----- 9-5. "Saudade", Incl. spin· chusl.s ;mount, sl~ 4, servict body with lock· l82S5 Buch Blvd. ~1'r' 4 ipe tuns. '!7~T~yiti:_,~~::.b~~ell~ '748AVLINER naker, poles. rla&lng, 20 .• 700 ma. Portapo ty1 3 Ing comp1rtment1 for Hunt•-.. oo ""~a"h "n't "Ond. Sa"rifl"• 31' p B 0 halyards burner stove. l"ebox' obi rnl.nl ttu(k t800 Firm m.. -' OHL y 11541 "' ' ' '~ tvi.J.;.:.!.b:fta: •SAJLSC4J ::..~18 SS000 /0 80 . WralaJtu5pm_·. __ · OOtr100cltllruH9-12 .MU934. lrimtat..ln water, Hun for1bove. if1ea.t300 Altos.nlu P.ts Allill / HIWPOITDATSUM '73 GMC Pickup. camper tlnaton Harbour, no Mohlriltdllbi 9140 • ~· . •Dovestreel lhell. refiuslt en&. S2&so. t r a I I e r , S 7 5 o o Bids must be submiucd n••••••••••••••••••• •• Ir Acceuoritt f 400 Clilekt ti JO Nl:WPORT BEACH e -41412 2JJ ...., b IOAu W-" A "l 'IO 103 P ..,.. l""" I •••••• .. •tt•••••••••••• ••••••• .. ••••••••t•,••• 1•~1JDO -y '"'' ""'· ~r. • • _,_ Cd~--d """"m UTE BODYWORK Ir M0Dll .. A"1I -•• -~~-----tJ13 Chevrolet Cheyennt 33fttwindlesel cruiser. U10AdamsAv .. M ..,.,, ;;'.7328 paint/uptoS0'1o offyour Shay replftu. pickups 790&.DS• ~CrN~~0,:1.,P~~t~ like new, many extras. Formorelnformatlon. boduh<?Pest.536·9832 & l'OUPtl 4 to choose IMIHCY SS ,OOO mil es & 18 ml&)ltfinance.Courtesy contkctCurtlsflemlng. CIMAmMOPID from! (0067681 CStk. f\lllpowe.r.(12'7789> LOADED! For sale at :l:."'~roker. 646-6112 ~56461646·'337 ~-· __ ~6·3'42 A:D:ll. Price• •tarting SIOOODISCOUNT ONLY S3900 'Ci I I ----=-=----.................... .___,1918 Puc h Mu le 11 ATTINTIOM at WIL'°"4.-0ID 7_6Q:9544 16'Gluparw/12ShpMerc'• Moped, dot cond $COO MG Ot4LYSt,tt5! llZS5SBuchlllvd "-------' OB. trlr. cover Ir 1k1 s.a.IOT Mike96MMJJ>r968 0509 OWNHS HunlJf'llJon Beach 72 a-.dNro GT tQwp. f3500 760-0496 """ .ER TONNEAl.rC<JVER S7000B0nffda work 7t~PJACI ~~~M)~er1 R~c~~~ ~::r:.':-f 9150 FUsMC'1, '11-'81 •'71CHEVY• 642-3593 • ' Open, 34 . &Jany atras C'OOdlUon. $350. .., .., _ _,~e,:.ul ~· 1~~ ms& PICkUP Utllh Tn1Ck lmmac. cond. 130 hrs. -83.s-49216 ' ~79i.i<>N"o~·cx·~··.. mJUUI ..... ,,.,, "' 8 l't. bed. l tfreo. 11tlck '67 Chevf. nice body. Newport Slip. Asking :.i· Sailboat Ki&. Int 80,1 t..ooded, Uke new. 7000 -~IJ40337) great everyt.hlng. Real I 14. 750. SS 7. 15 6 6 . completed. 30HP diesel mi, $1600. 673·7807 Sltll aoll d 11 s oo o 8 o 115-7058. Qui ck sa le 128.000 HONDAXR7• ALf'AROMEOPARTS WILSONFOID 631 ~ --- '87 Californian 28 Sptfsh. 6"-57111 .. All parts to convert 101 • ......... * 182M58t1ch Blvd 1976 F-150 eq1pd. Sl81SOO 080. =--1· "K-•ttenb•rd Sloop •tlni dirt bike. xlnt cond. 1600 to Veloce. nc. Alt/lo. V.... Huntington Beach local slip. Also '67 G 8 '•~., ~ "' " . ~ S.Sl S.Sll pllton.s. lln400 Dennis. Ca..lk •41 6611 Fard DlcJM. 42.freshpamt.'100.000 --~ 645-9723 d 1 '78KAWASAKl 6SO KZ 979-2748 a er &pm or ..rJ S2SOOOM "cfaya~2M>22 • Hu 1t all. Borkm1ller Y Y -With xuas. SL~ ODO I wknds. 1 ~.,....~~rll 23 '811 Chevy ~T pickup, 6 eves960 14~ Brcter.at&-40«>. 12 fl Fiberglass Sail Car ~afters ~m &PM · lOPM 67J.cyl~mec cond . 11200 v-ts7< carrier &c accessorin . -----. -Or c c.R>1 22 rt Livesay custom Like new $825 ~9.7411 11Ya~ha650 Custom, SSAVtSAVIS 1!'8e ounty -*'7) FOID • ••••,•••••••••••••••••· jr.:~~tt~S9e~~ours. ev_ _ __ · ~~red"1rye~:~e 1~~· WITHUSB> PA.ITS Qia~F~~o~d~~ info UNCHHO GT vz:l~~::~~O" Windsurfer (Sea Mate I 840-1639 Imported cu parts I 1 NT ER 's H 0 w s Iv 8:-Alllll'Mtass . wire Bay Wind , h1ghbacks. ti ' f11t Bottom. boat Standard su e. aood,----IMPORT 714-498-8334 whttls 11Pl1958l w1tr11ler $150. a>nd, must sell. S500 or '61 SUZUll M ee AUTO SUPPLY 1 __ SAVI V 8. auto trans pwr at S49·7984 bestolrer. '7l-438S ~-~6 JM2 101 N Manchester I cass tllOIOOl ' 20' ~· Motor~_,:_,, Slijil/--'ll&TSUIOSUZttK-1 -Anaheim 778-9900 '541Utcl( SPECIAL ~~2~c~~~ o.LueS.mr trtr. VH adio. Com I ~-Ukenew. S55<l _ _ --1 RfVltllA with 6S.514 Huntington Bearh W1LSOH FOaD pass. , many ex· .--9070 S46-l64Z MAG WHEELS miles GaraJed Nfver 1, ... ., .u. i 1 18255.5 Beach Blvd tru. mocl/or bst orr ••••••••••••••••••••••• -With IS" tir;s s lu1 ' hat. Very fine M.000 -!:1A•ILV.LL I llunllngton Buch ~ SU11t A.yell igis HoodA 400.4 Runs Dodge,J!OO Ml Ssll 080 6730&51 Eves or '*>Chev Luv PU M1k1dn 14kWJ_ 10.6 .. Avoo, perfect cond Up w SlT rt, at:>M area xlnt. 2~d owner 1700 ;1 P\nw Part; · out SS urly AM. 4x4 r1mper shell Xlnt "73 Chevy Vian witow tng New bow dodger, 25l1P llOO per rt. Call Peggy obo~l lJTI --wm & COllC1 f&OOO_~ll29 I me ch '1000 bs l orr Suzuk.10B.under25hrs 1· or Carne. 714 -9ssz473 "78VA MAHAl2SDT Callf!Qb&4H872 '~T·Bml Blick. 2tops. •'71FOlD• 5492221 m.2.114S v.1t.daS.5 Lowmt. ~ 080 -slick., low malea&e Xlnl COUal..., •-------$.16 l223 '66 Seville v.• 1t hout _.. U11 INh. W 90601 H_,...• ~ -; -encioe Good body. fie ~ ..... , ... II 500 645·1«6 4 ryl. 4 spd.. 8 track •••••••••••••••••••• .. ••! loot 711 Yamaha XSI I. fu ll ~obo 6401438 '2!1 Ford Sedan Dflivtry 134811 1 HOBIE14 slips a\·a1l 714 846TI6' drus. best orrH 5 Tra;k;;-aster radials. runs. Have tlUe S6SOO wit railer. good cond or 11} 582-1359 768-0d, Sil llSO white letters. 1 nfw. 4 QBO. 61~3175 1100. 6461814 WANTED. Slip for 18' '80 RM SUZL'KI 250 sbghtly UAed. 4 chro~ Put your advertmnit ShQp at home. ll's easy I 0 Newport area· Call INCL. RACING GEAR mags mo ror all. will meuatte whe~e the ~lassified 642·5678 S44 62'[~--1875 080 6-42 53701 selJ ~ 49H373 retdm...re 6-42·567~ Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line our famous $.Jtll ~~c~~v~ Huntington Beach 142-6611 : Bring IMm or ma1l lhtm with correct CHh 10 Daily Piiot, 330 w Bay St . Coat• MHa. CA. 92626 • Each item mull be priced with "° Item owtr SSO. 20c per line -SI 00 minimum • No hvestock. Pfoduce or pl1nt1 DIMES-A-LINE • No co~rclal ads ellowed wm.f'EN'·s 271n Le &r on 10 •peed bike, finger tip ahlrt. exceUen t coodi· tion $35 727 W. 20th Street. Costa Mesa. (Rear houae) 642.~. i AS tanks (could r11 pw:kup) SIS. c.amper Ut'· down1 $15. Craftaman 11w table $2S. 2 1peed blower sas. Stainle11 steel pool rut.er tank $20 Continenlal hub ('9,. $10 met. Pool vacuum hose U S Travel tr11ler lire and wheel SIS. Woolen· alt !ape rtCIOlder SlO. To- 11ter $10. 1969 Toyota heater core Sir>. Toyota Corolla 1\lrter $20. Re· built Daiaun carburetor $50. New Ford Anglia aut covera $20. 1969 Toyota 1tidt shift traru· m111lon $50. Bu& eye 1prate doot1 $25 each Prop for 25HP Johnson $20 ~S-1914. ... "1H 'ord l too, P IS P 18 aito. V8 Cap sul!I. b11 11ru. AMtFM . ('B rmgs, new f tires. mur nen. trans. w pump brakes. rlean SlSOO 6-44 967t #I Ill Or9ft C..., 292S Harbcir Blvd . COSTA MESA -'ll·2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOi USED CARS ALAHMAGMOM ~~~~'~u COSTA MESA H!-41Q:O. 54t·IW WEIUY C.E.AMCARS AMO TRUCKS COMMfll CHEVROLET • .. ">' j I 1 '• • I' , r,j \ "'1f ' ~46-t 200 UUS.SBYICI 1.1.ASIMG SU·20t0 49S-4j49 SADOUIACk IMW 28402 Mar&uente Pkwy Mwion V1tJO I Mery Exlt orr I 51 --"'~~n Sund av _ T._MotthdtMCJ P..+OfYow IMW~lleNOr ....._ l•F arted LMM C.W le Mf:."i::~·······;;os Md.stw IMW!! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~OrU... MEW & USED ly Ow,._. rt.! ALFAIOMlO•! 1114) 52k5lll •hi Or1.11ge County's pldest , HIGH lvf.1 H 4t leading deale~•h1p. ~I COUNTY S Top dollars or-SPQrts 8 e f o r e Y o u b u Y IT Cars, Bugs, Campers. anyw~re come 1n & see 914's, Audi's l.L'I . & t.heGTV6 and the AsltforUtCMGR ~ye1oce1 y'~-::1:c:.. HACH IMPORTS Sa1es·Serv1ce Leasing 1!7ff&each-BI d 8480oveStreet.N B ~~ HUNTINGTON BtACH 752-0tOO l'L....11 IU lQQQ 19111Harbor Blvd ,C M ICU.5-fVICE· . _ru.z IJO or.c>~t0.._,..r.JHl9 WE MHD Alla 1600 -~ '1"'1...,0.~ YOUa IXOTIC Y9'oce Cott•ento.1 Late '79 7331. lo,.. miles. & HmSH CilS A.JI parts to convert 101 nev. rood thru-out A&· 1600 to Velore. u c SWDf leasf v.>1lh low in· I~ I J>lSWOS $1400 979 2148 tttat rate Call Anll\ony ~ afUr1?1>mor wkndJ days 642 5757, eves 4t -----wkods631-6630 ~ '13 Alla Sp)der. ~rfect ~ for summer, runs xlnt •;;;,_,m. air cond. stereo . 3100W Cout Hwy lbdy, top. mt gd rond 840 8989 Newnnrt Beach J.;P.OO~.Ql'IS . -..... . ·n 320I Good cond . M2·940S IMW '712 light met,All1r blue Top Dollar Paid For Your Car ' JOHMSOM & SOM LJRcot..Mercwry 262' Harbor Blvd Qiala Mesa 5-40 5630 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S6800 497 6747 home. 1'!I BMW Mdl 5281. mml J!l7<61WX1 work rond Assume S338 mo p)'mb, no cash dn Gel lst 2 mos pd free Glen Ol5en, 644·9114. 640 9451 '76 5301 . looks Rreat. am rm stereo, nev. tares. xlnt ~ S8300 645 383! ev~ 2002. '73. orig ownr . ·i.i m . all extras. lllnt 15 . 000 wk d ;I y s <'Ond . AC. AM FM 834 4S65 Wknd s ra.ss , snrl 673 420'J ~·lll74 .. DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319 .. SF.cTIONAL couch f40 Pro)('Ctor $2:> Dictating equipment SIO Easy chur SSO. Greyhound Bus bumper $40 King s1a bed-.prud $10 Clothing 25r I l F1rf · pl.IC'f ltTftl'l ~ 2115 J>o. moN, Co.ta Mt'U DOUBLE mtllreu. box sprinp. metal frame SSO. Sohd wood chrunj table. 2 chain $25. Almost new Smith Corona port.able typewriter SSO Glrl'a Hyde f11ure skates, 111.e 1'11, Sl5 Man and woman Bowling ball. bag $10 each. ~If can S5 (114) ~S-0811 DATSUN. Toyota, Counei rear diamond plated •l.t'J: bumptn $10 and $15 '65 MISWli doon 120 alCh '6S Plymouth fenden, hood, grill l2S 20 inch orb Schwinn btcyde $25 Brand new Couner 6 tuc lire and ram SH. '54 Chevy 6 cylinder motor and tran1 ISO M Chevy ru r end for car S2S f> lup CMvy nnw » eech. Slug F«d pickup rinw ~ ea<'h '54 Che~ pickup hoorl 125 '58 CheYy ~ft fronl render 125 ·40 Ply· mouth rljhl fender 110 ':IS Chevy pickup rear fenders 125 each. '41 Chfvy ri&ht door (car) $20 '47 P'onl pickup hood $20. ·~ For pdup hood $20. Mnda tall11t.t StO ~8·8109 c.o.ta Mea LARGE table lamp $11. Two lar1e lamp.MdM ~ round m1trw SU Uc·.120 Nf'W vnnil drttHt U .SO Mattrlal 50c yard Zippn1 2~ Leet 2~c. Elu\lc 25c. Movit li&ht U Fra!MI 2Sc·l2. Pillows 12.$0 New a~' is l.td6s dott.s IOc·S I Planl 11'* 12 Books 2k JJl1hu bowtll IOf..$1 Satunt.y lo.4. 220 CMw-ltia I.Mt. C.M. off 22nd Strtt\. SlLVD tray UCI. foWMns ~ \Ible m . ..,._ od 1rul'k no Victorian Baloan bKk c._.lr 115 Gffftl 11l1d .11latn U Fl,.. ~ncl 11$, '"· .... ....., t$. Otfl "" 13$' <Ail riirk in o.n. table IU . l.att t1blt tiou.. •. ...., .... ....... :Jft .... t lO ,_ ........ .... of a.w. .... ow .. ................ JS ....... ... .,... ...... .. 111' Ill ii';!• .......... ...... .......... .,,..,. .......... -· ~ ~---. .· --=---~ - 1976 o.tsun 8210. 2 door with an economical 4 speed trans.. radio & beater. Very dean ' <S56RJHl. Yours tor just 1211!99. Earle Ike Toyota Fine Used Car Sales 1966-lll'IO Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. 646 ·9303 ~968'7. 191ZDATSUM JIODCOUPE lnc.'s -~-package. 5 speed trans. air cond .. AM /FM' cassett e . atalllc paint & more' (~). ONLY SIZ,9H mer good Uiru 4· I~ MIWPOITDATSUM · -B Dove street NEWPORT BEACH HJ.llOQ •'1' DATSUth 6 cyl., At~Mc. S •r· alrcond. (SLRUMO) ""' ~~c~fv~. Huntington Beach HZ.HI I , ¥OU "AUTO" O~nge County International Aut. !PJ!21-25 Drive Into ~ eoovenmr.emer Spring ~, ~, ~ She.w •FANTASTIC• •FIATS• MEW'&USID RAT SPOIT CARS M.lny To CbooM From' Examples 75 RAT WIOB ""19 Accord hatcbbadt. 5 Classic wlilte l>eauty &pd, ailverlblack Int. with s spd. air cond., amtfm cus .. air. xlnt mags. Low mileage. c:ond. $5400. 1122NJNI 7s&.1122or131-0498 $4295 ..._(itH 9734 ........................ 77 RAT SPIDEi '88 Convertible. new top & Rar ing green. 5 spd, lnt.trior. Good run.nm& ~'CE~!~t.~:7~oN E ~~-548.-fRtm.ji)'~l~; 79FtATSPI a Automatic, ereo, mags. We s d new! <063YSAl t._ SS 95 77 AT Xl/9 stereo, mags. Be a uJ i f u I b tow n ' (6f111S){R) $4295 7'AATXl/9 Metallfc. aold. Sspd Altmst new! I 270Y HV I $5295 We Believe We Have The Lowest Priced f1ATSinSO. California' Classljled salespeop le know how to say tt rtght-call us today for. ass ts ta nee in prepar. tng your ad. "II 300 CD coupe, wire wheels, aunroof, extra tank, cuaette, .s.ooo mi. .4t7-M94 '71 lhrcedea 3000. Sll,450. Clean, fully eqttpped. 77~77 14 Miatana. 4 cyl. need• body work, 1700 . MZ·2790aJt. S 'MMustaog 6 cyl 4'pd, S900 CaU 642·0382 '&6 "'bite 2119 auto. stereo. nu t. int. tires. ball. 9SJ-0440 CAllLLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1976 CADILLAC • ILDOIADO COUPl (16SRDO) s4995 1977 CADtLLAC SIVILLI (091TBl) s7995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU DllSIL \ (522XWO) sg995 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI 1476278) s9g95 1979 CADILLAC Sl¥1LU 13"WOV) sio,595 19IO CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGMAM (S55ZEO) $11,995 ' . . l lllW 1981 ISCORT '$5499 •ncludlng rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 11«50. Stk. 1314. FORD CARE .·COVERAGE . -~4 mo./ 24,000 fr•• full maintenance, and Extended Warranty "The Clo111t Thin1 to Cost Free Drivin1" · NIW 1983 · •ANGER H's the lew Size, . ;~i&h lil111i Pfokup !from Forti F11turi11 • High 'ayload Capacity • Twln-l·l•am Sutpenilon • Aerodynamic Shape • Dual Mirror• · • Double Wall Conttructlon And the Hat 10•1 on and on to keep you In Style. Incl. Rebate -plu1 dealer added optlon1. r. A09212. Stk. T1301. THI FIRIT ; 1983 OF THI YIAR! ! 24 mo./24,000 Free Full Maintenance and Extended Warrantyl ·FULL SERVICE LEA51N . . lllW 1982 F-100 '66'75 Incl. Rebate -olu• dealer added options. Ser. A11577, Stk. T1243. NIW 1982 COURllR 1 6594 NIW 198-MUii AllG 1 6599 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 120223, Stk. 0677. --n. ~--- ' S COMPmTIVIL Y PlllCID Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. 1==:== Ser. 605-466, Stk. T1282. . l ·O 995 ....... · ........ '.L .,.,,,._ ... A3f7N, .. T1~ NIW 1981 FAIRMONT 1 6710 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 107659, Stk. 0020. SERVICE llR. SPECIAL! $1 Prent 1"4 Alll""'•nt. Check and adlu•t ca1ter, camber, and te .. ln. D••• not Include vehlcl•• with MacPherton 1trut1. Doft\••tk ,.. .. ,..r car only. lxplr•• •/30/12. ' T T L PllCI AS DISCllllD 1111 PllTI WAUI 1111 IATSll 211 1112 F•l lllTUI ' 1111 IEICllY ZEPIYI 1111 PllTI WAiltl GrM1 traneportatlonl Auto., air, luggage rack. Economical 4 cyl., 4 1pd. tran1., radio. Vary Sharp! Auto. tran1., amlfm radio. A bMuty wltti rtuto. Irani .. pwr. ateerlng and RMI Ci.ant Auto air roof rack (555PRF) (714UMX). (173593). (1CGX781). moral (5 12....0). ., ' ' . !.!!~:~~~ ~'!~~!~·~ :.!.!~!'~·~ ~!.~-;;.!~!.;-;. !!!.~!.!~:;;. •t. Annual Perctntaga Rat• 21.57. teraet. Annual Plrcentaga Rate 21.20. aet. Annual Perotntaiga "-'• 21.D7. lnt.,..t. Anni.Hit Percentage Rate 20.75. teta91. Annuel Percentage Rate 21.20. 111111TSll 211 Super Economy! 4 cyt. aneina. 4 apd. tran1. (33tt14). '99 ... '99 1111 Fiii FIESTA 1111 F• IUTI 1111 ILIS lllU ~,;:t (~~l~ Economy! 4 cyt., front whMI WOW! Auto. trane .. pwr. etMrlng, radlale. Eagentl Auto.,,.,,.., alt. ONIM. (1BIY113). • • (111KYJ). ' ................ 11111 ••• ~ ••• ..... • ......... .... kw 41 moe. on apprew9d Clad". c.ti pr1oe for H moe. on ~ oredlt Celt! pttce tor II moe. on IPOfO¥ed cndlt. C.. orto9 13272.17. cw ..... t. 14151.00 Incl. tu, "°·· & '2111". Def. '""· 'Mir lnol ..... le. l In· ~1". Def. pmt. '3eer Ind ..... Mc. l ln-lnteNlt. Annull Pere.mega ,_.. 20.71. -.t. AMual' ................. IUO. ..,_, Annu9I PwoentllDt ..... IUO. 1111 MUI Pill Loaded~ lwlUtYl heuttfUI .._, (871Alft). '99 ... '99 11211 for 41 "'°" on IPP"Md CNCM. Ceah Pttoe 11272.11. Def. pmt .... 11.00 Ind .... lo .• lnterllt. Annuet ......... ,_... I0.71. ' Prlwate Property Rights: yours to protect -~-~- Private Property Week is the one week of the year in which particular attention is focused on one of our nation's basic rights -the right of every individual to own and maintain a piece of land. . . our Foundlnll F_. ~ .,..iorotood \Ila\ 11ood0"' \0 1ndl'lll1"'" and that thO right to ¢'9'• pr°"""' \0 ~to \118 eat~ and ~ ol""""" ~ ~ \\l)el\\09· °"""' JllO\IC'I ~ 11.,.,ard 1att .-oted on \h\O bOllOI ""'°" hO ..,ota U>ot: "VI• ,..JOt 1111,_.... \Ila\ ,...ath uoed 00 coc>\tel \0 lhO bOOI' ol rnod9"' c;W111Z°'lc•1, \Ila\ thO r1i111\ to pr°"""' to thO "'°"' _..,,.. rlQl>l In t>Ullcllnll up °"' O(ICIO\Y• next to thO r\Qllt ol peroonol ~b&rtY· "lhO rlQh\ ol prOl>l"'J ~ In men. and ~ tn men ot thO Doll< N;llll "'°"" -itrtuel ol oo11-reetratn\ .and pr""""'"°° upOfl ~ ... t>Ullcl all ""' °'""' -itr\U4!0·" """""'"'°"""' Vlael< pr.,..lcle9 ... <>llp<>rtU"'"' IOf oll ,.,...ncans to·-- thO ....,......,.. .-o1 pnvat• prOl>l"'I .,.d "' greo111nportenoe 1n thO pr~ ol ""' ,,,dllAY· PfWOI• "'°"""' ta .....,ital to • .,_,. ol ~ -.;...rprtoo and to a rePUt>ltc8f\ syotern o1 ooll~· on ""° ~· tt '" llttlnll to r-' on ""' """""8"t port that ""' rlQh\ to ~ proi*'Y """~In ~ ""' natlOfl'I _.,g\11 and -""J· !.-' ... ,..,....... ...................... to ""'""""°""' .-nttol _..,, ngh\ to ~ proi*'Y IOf """""'"""'9.,....... ~· • Working for America's . property owners .. . . • Ort1ng9 County RMI &tate/An Advel""6ng Supp•ment to ttte DAILY PflOT/Saturdlly, Aprl 17, 1112 -S _,. . -I . JACOBS REAl:1!¥· 1-nin 11•• 3 Bdrm2 Ba. mwincl. dishwasher. 5 huge skylltea, "mood lights:• frplc, :Spanish tile-fb' & cut glasa window. Loads of used brick. ---· 3 BDRM 2 Ba, penimuJa home on a big R-2 build- able lot 100+' to aand. New carpeting, drapea thruout. Only $249,500. Liil 11111 1• 11111 .. Quallty-built, lar~ful studio apartments. Three ~ Double p&rking. Large muter IWta in each unit. Ready-made financing will ai.o plerae the fumy buyers. Asking $450,000. Wlian.TW/,_I .. Thia spectacular property has 2 sundecka, spiral staircue, antq. stained ~ windows, Matr Br w / baJc9ny & Fr. doors. Flexible design. 3 Bdr, 2 Ba+ 2 Bdr 2 Ba unit. $595,000 and well worth it. l."8.1 ......... .. right In the and. Four W., bednioma, newly re- modeled blt..in kitchen. and huge family ~ + a formal dining room. Spacious living room with fireplace. Take over $600,000 loan at lft.. Aaking $895,000. Owner will help. ..,..11111 3 Br 2 baiha-fresh paint. Pit.mil carpeting. Updated appliances incl. microwave, water softener w/ purifier. Walk to beach. Alldng $174,900 and 8eller will help. 1 -. 1 .. r SACllllCI . Mesa Verde Country Club golf course es- tate. Prime frontage. 5bdr., 4~baa., fam. & rec. rooms, pool a/spa. 410()+ 8Cl· ft. M&t tell quickly! $599,000 JACKllt-HANDLE-M.Al'f 631-1266 . . . WALK TO GOLf COUlll Lg. 4 bdr. w/pool & spa. Excel Mela Verde area. Awmt financtna. $285,000 JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631-1266 MOTIYATID llLLlll Unique Meu Verde Loe. 4bdr., fonnal di- nina, VIEW. Belt value In ara. $226,000 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 131-1268 ,tl0,000 DOWN · Move to.._ Vll'dewitb a.a.~ balance of flnandna. lbal'P 2 hr eonclo priced low at ttf,&00. AKU"llcCAS- LAND 111-1288 OCIAN VU DUPLIX Two lrg. new 2bd, 2 bath units. Must sac- rifice for $385,000! ·eau Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 or 760-8702 -HAllOI llDGI Gorpous 2 bd "Dynasty" w/view! Below market at $399,900 W/TERMS. Will eell, trade or 1ae opt. this week. Call now. Pa- trick Tenore 631-1266 or 760-8702 CONDOS $10K DNI / 3 bd 2 bath beeutles. 3 avail from $975/mo. Call Now -Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 or 760-8702 CATALINA VllW Superb o0tA.N VIEW from thta tpeetacu- i.r 4 bedroom, POOL home CAPE OOD clmi&ll with fNfll'Y ....Uty. $590,000 with 'f'U("ANCING Open Sat 1-6 .ail BOD- 01:18 tll-1218 IPANllH YIU.AW~ In CLDTBA VBN ha1 PO JllAl: Bl.S- O~~ •nd peat ca.,.aty for entertai- niq. I ~ and IUllll_y lanai room. $141,000 with FINAHCINQ. RAJ: ROD- ' Gl:R8 881-12ee llST IUYSI Deluxe view condo, Newport Beach for • "'$127,900 NEWPORT HGTS newer 4 br 3 ba $299,000 Brand new custom NEWPORT HGT S $299,000 - Call Rae Rodgers 631-1266 IMMIDIATI POSSISSION Sparklln8 clean new remodel. 4 br fam. rm .. FEE land. Prime Newport address. Price reduced to $316,000. Good , .. umable lat T.D. Call Pete Johnson for appt. 631-1266 ACTION VllW 0.-IAY a OCIAN Neat as-a pin l.Dlllde. Open 3 br floor plan. Formal dr. $545,000 includes the land. Call Pete Jobmon toe appt. 831-1266 · """ ffam mtlhboa•tz Jg .-rk .tUN. Pricec:I at $221,000. Sil i br 2 ~ ha. eom.. with tenant. lnveament oppoma-nltJ. Prlald to ..u at .-.ooo. can Pete Jobmon 931·12M nADI POlll8ILlllll Want Npe ltdl. o.ta Mela. X.... or Ir- vine p1operty. Have S br daftdo OYenao1dnc San'8 Buban'• polo field. Call Pete John- _JOI) for deta1la 831-1288 · • •• • Orange County Real Estate/An Advert181ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 17, 1982 -5 ••llTmst-Three bedroom, 3 bath, family room, di· nlng room, huge muter suHe With llttlng room, view, largest model, $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. Ill tr H'11 """ 759-1221 . 111••-5 Br, 4 Ba. Game Rm, formal Din. Hlghty Upgraded, It....,, Marble In Uv. Rm. Dtri. Rm. Kit Fam. Rm, Study and Fam. Rm. hu beaut. paMllng and ahutter1. Feb. View. Two wge Patio Oecka. A muet to ••• at $895,000 Ill ., llfll lllP. 759-1221 • . • .. um 4 BR 3 BA F.'R., D.R. a.y & OC*lt view. Grd 9Wt/ool & ""'*· 11700 per mo. -· ... 759-1221 mflmll-IL- Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. HU9e IMng room wtth dining combo. ~ comer lot with room to pwk 8 llUtoe. t130,000. • ., ........ 759-1221. 780-1580 l•l•a.T iRIW&ln Convert thll e'x. large duplex to your pri- vate residence and live on the finest beach on the cout. s110.000·11t at 11•1 •. 2nd or $250,000 at 1~ Steel at $650,000. .......... 759-1221 ..... 11111 Breathtaking Bay view, 2 boat dockt, room for 4 boatt up to 74 ft. 5 bedroom•. 8 bath•, game room, format dining, eepa- rate gueet wing, pool. s.tler catry 1tt n> or trade lnduttrlal or office bulldlng. $2,100,000 .......... 759-1221 . "E•-1.1111 Four bedroom•, 3 bathe, formal dining room, famMy room, ltudy, beeutlfulty de- corated, a.rge deck•, fabueout ve.w. Prt-vm gusded Qllte. poo1 n tennll. t2900 a month. Submit all offer1. • • .,. .... 759-1221 . ···-~­Two~ 2" ..._,_highly up- graded, oak oora, bMUtltul J>aper1, ooe.I ...... 000 11t .. 1~ Pr1oed at . S170,000. • • -... 1-.1221 -····· Fabulout ocean-and coa1tllne view 3 bedroom, 3 bath, formal dining room, family room, 1tudy, large pool Md cour- tyard private beechee.1895,000. Fee.• " ..... 759-1221 Liil Wlilll&lft LUii 2 Br, 3 Ba, Fam. Rm., Sec. Bldg. Under ground Parking, ApFrox. 2800 Sq. Ft. Posa. Boat Dock hH Fanta1tlc View, $1 ,800/Mo. -er ...... 759-1221 ······----.Br, 58a. F.R. FMt..UC Sun Rm. 8-u. Malter lte, W/Mbee F.P. & OcMll & City View, Huge rMeter Ba. Wllmported lllee. One of the lrget Iott W/Rm for Pool & lrg. Play Area Very Very Motivated Seller. Bring any offer. Loweet prtoe c.tom at $1,400,000. -..... 7&e.1221 • 6 -Or~ County Real Eatate/An~~verU9log ~to the OA1LY PILOT/Saturday. Aprll 17, 1982 PRESENTS SPYGLASS PLEASANT TO OWN Breathtaking mountain and dty lights view. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Formal dining room and extra large family room. Reduced to $495,000 This 3 bedroom, 2 ~ bath, family room home demonstrates the ultimate Jn pride of ownership. Professional landscaping. Dra· mate pool and 1pa complex. Asking $229,000. NEWPORT llACH SYIPS TO SAND ----------...;..;..;.. ___ Prime Newport Beach property. Guarded com· ______ l_R_V_IN_E _____ _ . munlty with recreation room, pool and spa. High JASMINI callK 811Wnab1e f1nt. try low down, owner~ U1ist Live in thia h1cblY delirabJe guarded communl· in financing. ONLY! $106,000. ty. BeauUfully upgraded 3 bedroom, ling)e atory . ituated on prfme greeobelt location. Excellent · is available. $427,500. CHARMING GARDIN VILLA Located on greenbelt. totally upgraded with ca-• thedral oellingJI plus fireplace and atrium. Extra large muter suite plus dramatlc loft bedroom. Priced to aell at only $149,000 . EVERY CONVENIENCE HARaOR RIDGI tic borne located 1n this very private and xclualve community. 4 bedroom Lautremont Ian with spectacular view. Private courtyard ith fish pond. Profeaalonally decorated and • Is yours along with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and u. SUaMIT ALL OfflRS ving room that has an outstanding view of the Owner lives out of the area·must sell this 2 . mountains. Owner is very motivated to aeU and bedroom beach hideaway. Large muter suite will assiat in financing. $159,500 cooled by ocean breezes. ~joy pool. spa. Owner dacaped. Only $729,500 . ROOM TO IPARI ln this large Newport Beech family home with magnificent view. Four large bedrooms plus 3 full baths and custom designed family room. Large low interest MIWNlble Joan. $299,950 will carry. Only $122,000.' A nlNTION aUILDllS / Prime location, ball way between ferry and fa. med 1hoppinc areu. Fee land, owner will au· SUPD WATll VllW bordlnaie. C.a1l '°" detalla. '326,000. Three bedroom Speniab villa with encbed .,.atio Ideal for enterta1n1nc. Allwne 1arae flm. Owner motivated, bouaht another, wtll go leue opdon. Offered at $284,000 SANTA ANA PRIMI SOUTH COAST LOCATION Spacious 3 bedroom tri·level condo, owner fi· nandng. Submit your terms. Only $112,000. LEASES IPYGUll Tradewinda model 4 bedrooml 3 batha. V11aU1t and r.dy to move in -Only $1750 per month. · WATR,.ONT.:CUSTOM OLD COtlONA DUPUX Luxuriow one ot a kind CUllOal a bedroom borne. Premium quality 2 bedroom un111; beurw fire. •YINI . with 2 bedroom ·tueet quarters or rental unit. pl-ce1, 1hade tl'eea, 1ix Y••n ne w , Pride of Beautiful 4 bedroom PMms towaboiDe ca qad9t Located on waterfront wttb your own pier and ownenhip. Seller ~11 exchanae. Creaw your cul-<le-uc. Hu 1arden type kJtcbeD, laundry llip. Tbil home has imny mMY extna. t'788,000 own c.rn.. Offend at '347.600 room. fiNpl9oe, *YUCbta. ltained .,_ w1ndowa. Induct. Uw land $1200 per month - Orange Coun~ ReaJ Ettate/An Advertlalng ~pplement to the DAILY PILOT/SaturdayTAprU 17, 1882-7 I PRICE Ir TERM CHANGES tttl,Mt PIUCS UDCJCTION. VU. 1M1 _... ....... •II die ..-JltMI tf a llH •alM. YU, LOCAnON, P&JCI! AND TDMS. Tw ... *J .,_ 6 Iara• a&ertaJaiq U...._ IUtUJ It .... ,..._, ,1a1 I k4,...m1, neja wlaa .._ .. + ,..~, reem. N ... ...,. ._.. ......... Ml all .._ rtP& ~kmatt. a..Jt )'tv •Hu. NH.Hf. Ul-ltM BEST PRICE ON "POINT" o,,.rtaJty ... ewa • I Wr-. I .... .._. • nelatfe PnJuala P ... t. ly tlle ,.rt. Wal• a. .. , ... llacl. Re- 411N4 .. 1171 .... . NEWPORT QUIET STREET C.J.~, Mrr1a1t1• by trees. C..ftnaMe I W. l k. wldi n...-. la eeairy kllde .., u.ti., ....._ ~ ........... REDUCED! PRICE, LOCATION, VUJ lJ,,u New,en *91iee • Iara• IM wtD twt l ~ ....... u. ......... ,., ... •dlt:r ... ...w ..... .... .... pnt llMM. PlaM ~ laae/.,._ ..... ........ tl",Mt. Ul-lttl UNOBSTRUCTED GOLF COURSE VU A,....._ Meaalll ..... 1a1 • ... ,..,...., el ... C.1• CC. C.1••• l1le-rler ra•lalH .. ,, war•" A ele111ee. 0..-. ........ c..a ... ., ..... .,. ................ '"· BLUFFS ON GREENBELT laaamlate I W. ~la an..........._. famJJy ..... ....._L Euy .... le ldeeh, ...,., .... 6 lftaia. •ztJ,-.... . AFFORDABLE NEWPORT We UH ... , .... aMUe ..... a. Ille CH"rJ VU1a1e ...a..._. ,.,t z w.1,.... , ....... .1.a1 • • -.e ... ., ,.rfft'f W .._. ..., water. BLlJFFS-BEAUTIFUL PLAN ''W" New •.,Uaaee., ~a._., wt•...,......_ • ..., I IR .... RtdWe fllluct.s; AJTD, ..... ...... . PRICE REDVCnON-BAYP&ONT . 0Nat1Ma ................ ., ....... ......, ..... .......... ,, .. tarp ,.u., ... eMe •••• ..,, ........ nwy Ill! ... ., .. ...., ... u.-.......... •1171£1:1 Pier A ... fw I .... : AllUlll.ULa LOAN OP .... .......... PBIE. IUBlllT vooa Ut'llANOa. • I I e I a I I Tl llfl.BI I I I I I I OPEN SAT. 1·5 P.M. IHt...._.PL...,_IL ......... 11'711ar1M,Bal.k. PH• 11._IU~ 1.,, ... c, Jal. II. . UM,ltl '" s. •• ,.,............. • ....... tee-Ht 8. Bayf,_t -·---·-tUtt .... itt-lU lttll SL .U ldlM ---··---t,.._ tilt .... IU Wet1 .. ,, .. ,.,,_.---.. ...... .... ... .., .... p...... .. .. .... 1111 Cliff Dr .. N;c ....... ----··--... .... UU Cliff Dr. N,. Bft&tite -··-·-···----··--.... .... Mtt Oe... .... ., <M-. •ct Mar -·---•1,JM .... • N.,._, lla1'ler R"'9 ------fl.ltl,ltl BALBOA ISLANl> BAYFRONT BA YPll.ONT.OW CAAAY·lt yrs. t'4 ~ ....,_ p A.BULOUI h . B~r•t IHall .. wl" "acta.." •ater 6 ..... JIOt ...... .,..., ............................... "" ..... ,,.... ....... New ...................... . .... .,.,..... .... ,. ... -...,, Hner. ,.... ........ . Oner ............................. ..,. .... ft1' .... .... ,.,..._ti.Ht ..... 1 ... UM•. .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -..... ~~--.a.... .............. ....... .. ..... ......, ........... ·--.= ...... ~ ....... ...,. .. ean,.Cd .. ............ ,. .... NEW LUXURY CONDOl-Tl!!Ullt ht•, .... le N..,.n~ _...a It._.... Gne• .............. .. ...... ._ ... ,, .. ,. ...... 0........ .... ........... ..... ~·~ ............................. .... ............................. , .......... .. _... ......... , ..................... . -.ur; .......... .,. ..... , ........... . QUIET PENINSULA PT.I GNat IM9dett ... pal t WrMm .._.•a 1aree a..• a ,..t•ale a......._ ...... ,_., .. -..e la Nll .... WI* , ..... ,. .. POOL/SPA · H ' LIDO LOT Larae HU)' ,.ue wll• II r .. 1 lual fer nttrulata1. A pea& l..U1 .... wt• I k41'M1U ... I .. ..._ tiff ..... ........ BETWEEN BAY 6 BEACH c..ti•tdac ,...._.. Pt. .,..., • .... tlnel WI* I ...... 0..... Rtl.!Me -........ 1'11 ..... ,.,.. -1 a..ft. ""..M:t· BALBOA IS. CHARMER DUPLEX New •• ••• earht •II• Iara• 1ar• ••• a terrific ...... , ... .., ,. ... ,,...n,. '"-' ........ , .. ~ ,..._ l It I .... mt .. a .,..,. PledMa ..,_. .. die tirYater. UU,ttt.11MHt. BAYPRONT-LARGE 6 LOVELY u.1 .. tiw .............. " ........... (nm ....... .... ~ ...................................... . . J9dlla.C..•1al1at.._.._. r111 I.,. ........ ,_, ........ =..,_,..,....,,....,,_,,... ....... '*tdea. lb11• .................. _... .... ,-. _. ............ t'lnr .. .a. A "'1~1 .... fller •lu ., .. •le-eta.a et •r•••CJI •1,Ht,ttt tathlhi ..... ......... . HARBOR IUDGE-PRENCB MANOR lit ..... VIEW el Bay, OeeM ............... Mapl& ~,....., ... ..._. ............. ,,ftl ... fi.r1.e••ce. ,. ............. ~ ............. ,_, ......... u,........ .. • .., ....... .. .....,_,., ....... -.... !:'C"" .. ~ fardle~~-11ww,la*9 cneu.e1 .... LMlll XIV ObMr ....._ ......... ,_ . BE.Al111PUL ON WATBRl la11cc..W. .... *J_. .............. .__. ... 1..u, ............ a... .......... ........ ........ ..,.,. ... , ......................... .. tire ..... v ........ , .... ,... ... ,.,,...., ..... ..... Oner .............. ,_ ......... ..,..,, ........ -... .............. OCEANJ'RONT BOMB Ql!Mt ....,,.., .............. ....,. ............. .. ..... , ...... ~" ........ " ........ ,,.. .... . ...,_,._._,.......,...,. .......... ow earry llrtt TD fw *9 ,_ ..,_, .,.. ..... 111·1•. 8-. Orange County RMI Eatate/An AdverUling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprtl 17, 1982 llYllllU 11-ae,111 Spectacular 3 bedroom home! Gorgeous bey · view! Newly remodeled & decorated. All new kitchen. Feeling of openness & space with custom details. Owner· assisted financing. . ....-U New. traditional 4 BR just steps to the bay. French doors & windows, cozy brick flreplaQes, & a breakfast room with bey' view ere a few of the exceptlonaJ amenities featured. llflmlU 1111,tll FU Really live. Lovely home, location & private beeches. Owner wtN conatder trade for "Fixer", duplex, or commercial. See this spectaJ 3 BR; den bright, sunny home. ....... .... 1411,111 One of a kind. 3 BR & Loft, high beam <*lings In each room. French qoors & windows, custom jeCUZZI. Unique cobblestone ftoor, dining Rm. Charm, charm, charm, & large asaumeble loan. 1.81 llLE Nll,111 Extra large lot, extra large home. Fabulous potenUal. Formal dining room, 5 BR, den & spa. Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room. OWner wilt conetder all otters. 111111111 1441,111 Famlly living at Its best In private beach oriented community. Paneled den, 3 bedrooma ... & beautiful Interior courtyard. OutatenlUng value and you own the landl · llYlllUI 1411,IN FD · Greet potential for remodel In thta 3 BR & den home. Ck>M to beachel In thl• private, gatft guarded area. OWner Wiii Ullst With creative flnancfng. 8ubmlt .. offera. Fee lm1d. lllNI IZM,111 Within atepa of the bay & beech. Buy for the summer, owner will help with financing. Charming & lmmeculate 2 BR, 2 bath & famlty room with akyltght. \ ........ .... Your f.mlly w11 kMt thll apack>ul • BR. = allC>datlon factlttlee dole. by. A "epecl91" ~ with much 8Plrtt & togethem... Large dining room, 3 patio. pt\M ~trtum wtth ape & fountain. ....... 1171,111 Need 'C?O"' for RV or bOllt? Thia II ltl Super IOcdon with no one crowding In on you. VleW of mountaan. l part<. Don't m11e thtl towly 3 BR & large formal dining room to.nwtaln. RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVla5 BEACH COMMUNITIES ........ . ........ Architecturally elegant, completely custom 5 BR 5'n bath home In prime beyfront location. Fireplace & wet bar In prime bayfront location. Fireplace & wet bar In Master suite. Facllltles for large lot. FEE PE--.a 1711,111 A one of a kind 3 BR beautiful French Country style. New construction 1 bk>ck from the ocean. No details spared from the copper weather vane to the trench tiles In the Gourmet kitchen. 1.81111 •• 1741,111 Lido special. 'street to street to street.· Finest Interior location In FIVE years. Double corner lot .on Plazzo. 3 BR's each with bath, formal dining rm. Expanded Famlty Rm. 2 patios, spa. lM•• ....... Three BR & Oen plus pool. Beamed celllnga, brick & parquet floora. Ideal tor famlly & entertaining. 52 Foot lot. ww••• ....... Un.El 11,IH,111 Front row center for the best water-front ahow In ~own! The large courtyard patio & bay-view deck Invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are pluses. IAYS8E lnE 1711,IH ... Beach llvlng at Its best. Done with elegance In this marvelous bayfront condo. Wonderful appointments throughout. All this and the opportunity to "buy now & pay later." Sale or Lease/Option~ N•taA 1121,IM Stunning departure from the ordinary for either a (amity or entertainment oriented buyer. Move In condition across from the Peninsula Pt Beach. Low maintenance plus a Gourmet kitchen. • l.9111&.E 1141,111 4 BR Oen, Formal dining room, gourmet kitchen~ ELEGANCE ABOUNDS In this Ideal family home. Seller Is offering excellent financing at a very low Interest rate. • ... 111.E ······-·---,. $421,111 You must aee thll View property before buying. Corner location affords beautiful light exposure t;:xcetlent overtlzed corner location with view In this 4 BR home one block from clubhouse, from the home & the apt of k>vety So. bayfront. tennis & beaches. Owner a11lsted financing Large gueet room wtth beth. Steps to und. · with excellent terms. Priced to sell Immediately. IAHllUI . 1111,111 FU I LM.1111• ll•l,_111 . A wwy ~al home all reedy for your family._ Enjoy private beach & tennll courts •• ~098 by • Watch Sunaet Magazine for picture• of this Two BR, large famlty room on 35 ft. street to quality 3 BR, den home. Near private beaches. street lot. Excellent home & Investment. IAYlllAll 1111,111 PE.UU . UZl,111 Exciting uae of •laJned glue, wood, tUe, Wall Today's buy Tomorrow'• security on W. Bay coverlnga & a true "garden feeltng." Clote to Ave. 3 BR In the Main unit With prtvete garden private beaches & Balboa Bay Club. Spa, patio. · billiard room & 3 BR. Pl-.A SZM,111 Heaven for 2 In thta lm~late 2 BR cottage 'A bk>ck to ocean. bey & wedge. Owner financing. /RV/NE WEIT .. llT 1111,111 For the Investor. Eaelly rent able duplex near park & ocean:3 BR & 2 ~both with flreplllCM. Good financing avallabte. nm.am.. ...... 1ll1Ullm Exqulalte 3 BR condominium on ~. luah You own the 1ar)d. •JR+ SPA In preet1g1oua .. greenbelt. The muter suite aJone 11 the 'piece Turta-..ock Excllent ftnancf"" s.aer fteXtble de reatatance" french doors & hardwood floora ,.... · · ... ·· In the family room. Excellent financing -Sale or leue option. Aaaoc. tennis & 3 poole. avaHable. •Vlllm NM S1U.IM ~ _ J1,... Br1ng your large famtty1 Sp9ck>u9 • BR with 2 tovely 4 BR detaChed home In good condition & muter euttM, one on main floor. 3 full bathe. tocatlon. E>eoellent nnenotno • ar-t wumable Format mirrored dining room. Mature, • loan pk.ti owner -wtn conllder In._ peydOWn tandacaplng. Tennis & pool clo•• by. Large on MW 2nd T.D. Liited S14,000Deeow last Mle home, tow price. ot lllM mad91. -.... -- UNIQUE UNDER $400,ooo· IN NEWPORT UNIQUE IN EVERY WAY -Pool. tauna. 4 bdrm. French doon, parquet flooring. great kitchen, aecurity 1y1tem, Oower will a11i1t on terms. Move right in $295.000. Open Sat. l ·5; 2221 Francisco Dr. UNIQUE I N BA YCREST -This functional 4 Bdrm !amity home lenda itaelf to entertaining. The large yard with pool & 1pa even haa room on the aide for R. V. parking $395,000. Open Sat. 1-5, 1934 Windward. WEST NEWPORT CONDO -In Newport Terrace. End unit, new car· pet & paint. Terrific tenna. 1 story, 1how1 well 1123,900. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -Relax with a panoramic view of the ocean. canyon and rolling bills -this home is situated in one of the moat deairable family areaa and baa 4 bdrma &. 2 baths. Seller ii motivaterl. $325,000. Open Sat & Sun 1-5, 978 Sandcutle. ONE OF A KIND -View of the ocean & 1umet. Prof eaaionally deco- rated, a real beauty -bu extru ga· lore. End unit with 3Br or 2Br + den everything you could uk for -even ertce 1144,900. ~NIQUE IN SEA WIND -Dramatic Portofino model with enclo1ed entry 1ee this charmer with Mexican pavera. akylight & frenc h doora -it will knock your 1oclca off! Well decorated & owner will help fmance 1339,000. Open Sun 1-5, 2221 Port Lerwick. SETTLE IN SEA VIEW -Hampton uiodel with 3Br on quiet Cul-de-Sac, guarded gate, 1pa_Jtool & 'teooi1 1395,000. GREAT STREET -Near the bdcb 3 bdrm, 45 degree lot in old CdM So. of Hwy. R-2 zoning, owner. fmancing at '425,000. WONDERFUL NEIGHBORHOOD - See ttu. 2 Br. den. firepMce. family ..... UIWDe finan. in Harbor View Homo. 1215,000. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES -Thia 4Br, PortofiDo model la one of tile loweat priced and you owa the land! Frplc bonaa room . owe 1335,500. Open Sat/Sun l~. 2012 Port Ramapte. ATTENTION INVESTORS -Very like 4 pin la A:.°! Cotta MeN loca· dOa. excellent clDI •235,000. Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertletng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprtl 17, 1982 -9 U~l()U~ t1()MI:' REALTORS, 675-6000 OUR SALES STAFF IS CARERJUY SELECTED. PROPERL V TRAINED AND VERY SUCCESSFUL. • TASTEFULLY REMODELED -3 . bdrm + den. with income unit on large lot. Maater bdrm suite, french doon, wood noon. 1539,000. Open Sun l ·5, 304 Goldenrod. CORONA DEL MAR~ COTT AGE - On a canyon lot. Thie quiet un- congetted part of old c.dM incorporates a view of the canyon & mtns. owe terms '$275.000. ATTENTION INVESTORS -Try 15% down, owner u1iated financing. Unique duplex + cozy in-law unit with good CdM location. $329,000. • 'ELEGANT HOME' PLUS INCOME - South of Hwy. French doora, vaulted ceUing1, courtyard. Excellent finan- ,cing. 14 7 5,000. Open Sun 1·5, 415 Heliotrope. . ***UNIQUE IN 'EASTBLUFF/THE BLUFFS GREAT GREEN BEL TS -See thia !Br 2Ba aingle single atory condo lo the Blbf(1. 2 patios and the owner may help fiDance. 1157,500. ()pea Sun 1-5. 1957 San Bruno. ***UNIQUE IN COSTA MESA 3 BDRM, FAMILY ROOM -A1· aume finandlllt lrg ya.rel make thia a home to tee. Owner a1en1 will comi· der ell. 1157,500. ***UNIQUE IN IRVINE UNIQUE IN TURTLEROCK -Out- 1taoding 5 bdrm view home. Puk like yard, open spacious floor plan soaring ceilings. with auumable financing 1399.000 Fee. Open Sat 1-5, 18672 Via Trino. ROM ANT IC & ELEGANT -In Turtlerock Glen, enter tbru a cour• tyard into this 4 bdrm home with center atriU.11', spa & fire ring. A !eal winner at $310,000. Open Sun 1-5. 17 Rippling Stream. UNIQUE IN RANCHO SAN JOA· Q~ -This 2 bdrm . Den home ii near the park, college. and shopping. Call right now for an appt. to see at 1172,000. UNIQUE IN WOODBRIDGE - 3 bdrm, 2+ batlu. this condo ii eaay to maintain. patio has sprinldeu - 2 good Joana & Woodbridge area $157.500. . UNIVERSITY PARK TOWNHOME -On quiet greenbelt with private patio large kitchen fireplace, 3 bdrma & 2~ baths $137,500. ***UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR & NEWPORT UNIQUE IN BIG CANYON..._ Big, bright, Broadmoor. Cul-de-Sac, pool, 1pa, level with very attractive owner financing. Well priced. Call for detaila 1685,000 . Op~n Sat & Sun 1-5, 6 Winged Foot. TtlE BJ,.UE WATER VIEW -Will inspire you u you_r remodeliog talenta go lnto action. 3 bclnm on a large lot and In the cellter of down coaat growth can be had with eatate finan-' cing S329,000. Open Sat & Sun l ·5, 420 De Sola Terrace. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW IULLS -Tbia•bome baa a dramatic en- trulee, ceater court yard for entertal· · ' oing & 4 bdrma, owner will help fi· nance 1495,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5, 2706 Ughthouae Ln. · ***UNIQUE ON THE WATER NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ANY WINDOW -Bayfreot duplex overiooldas a.lie Pavilioa. l 0 )Wt new. I 1,095.000. . 9Pn Su l ·5. 510 So. Bayf ~at. • 10 -Orange County Reel Estate/An Adwwtl8ing Supptement to the DAJLY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 -·-·--··-·---. ------- A SI f I CRAIW ~ lME IRYM CD:IRWf 'WT 4•" UtWJ •'f'Ul.IW MllTD ...... ,... unique home llpp(OX. 8,000 lq. ft le an .., • ........,. ~acllM. Lg 1Hp, ba)'llde lawn, pOof, 3' fPlca plUe hi• and hera bathrooma, den offlce/artroom, library, gymnasium. UnuauaJ~ lot w/ llpp(OX 74 ft on the bay. Onfy 5 yr9 old. *'4,950,000 wlll help w/ftnancing. John Mecnab 642-6235 (J12) I ..... 1111• -•H•lllMI fllW Country Engllh 5 BR.,._~ one of the finest bay & oce.n .... Exqui811~ w/ ct~Blrc:h pan. Ing & cablMtry, ~•II• & ~muter IUfte w/wet. bar, brick flreplac. I marble IPL. , 100,000 Lynne VaJentlne 844-6200 (J13) LmllRl .... 11191 Fantutlc locatlon on the big turnlno baaln. Now 11 800,000 LHHbold. Dramatic architecture lndudel; high bl..ned celllnga, 4 fplce, .,._,,.atlon lhutt.,., nwwloue muter IUlte + 5 eddltlonel BR. Doc:k for 2 lg boata. Cathy Sdunlckert 842-8235 (J14) II' lllFW11 Water, nter ~ •.• There ... water vtewa from all the Nvlng arw of U. tnnovattwty d•~ home on a 50 ft. lot w/ exc1M1nt docking ~ 4 &R, 4 FR. DR. 8elet' w/cany lg i 2nd. Beat price In town I 1,6&0,000 lncludlng land. Doha CHcheeter 142-8235 (J15) I PlllDBlll MDIII - Elegant 4 BR/llbrary home wtth 180 degree vtew of ocean, bay & coutllne. Complementing the family room II an oaJ< bar atone ftreplace opening to poof & entertainment deck. Prtvate muter aulte wtth aumptuou1 tiath. s-i,450,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 '(J18) Tlii&ln Sheltered by Hatbor llland + Main bay view w/fam rm & poof - • great for entertaining. $1,400,000 LH Setler wtll help w/flnanctng. For Appt. on aecurtty llland cell Dona Chtcneeter 842-8235 (J17) ..... Spectacular view of entire harbor from this original home. Front row. Vlewl from all rooma. Fee land. Priced 1b aeU $950,000 Call ......... Wood 644-6200 (J18) mmtm••-Pa.Tnw Senaatlonal view of bay, ocean & Catalina! Beautifully remodeled and appointed. Three apaclous BR, fabulou1 kUchen, lg bllllard rm, cozy den. $895,000 Leuehold. Cathy Schweickert 842-8235 (J19) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4:30 ..... 1223 Dolphin Terrace -Irvine Terrace· Corona del Mar -ll•Wf•TllLA• Invest In a Bayfront for $826,000 -Charming home -formal dining rm -~ muter aulJ• w/flreplace and view. Barbara Aune M2-8235 (J20) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY l-5 ..... 3810 Channel Place - Newport llland _ _ liiiiTlll lllT LIYIUI ·,..belt price on waterfront w/boat allp. Price reduced to $525,000. Excellent financing. Beautlful master suite & sitting room. Completely furnl1Md -A· 1 condition. Water view from llvlng, dining & kitchen. Mary Lou Marlon M 2-8235 (J21),,PEN HOUSE SUNOAY 1-5 ..• 10 Balboa Coves • Balboa Coves -Newport Beech. Pllllftll ... Elnml 2211 Waterfront -Old Corona del M8t remodeled charmer on 3 lewll. 38R. 3 8.A + MP9f•le 1 BR. gueet unit. Bay vtew. Reduced to $495,000 F• Mwtha Mecnab 8'2-8235 (J22) OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 UI• •IE. -YllW -Spaclou1 versatlle floor plan w/prlvacy of lg landscaped grounda. . .4 BR & fam rm )/wet bar & brick fplc. Beaufllly up- graded w/lg bonus rm. A/C. Wiii leUe option. Call leulng OfflOe for detalt8.1395,000 Lynne Valentlne 644-8200 (J23) --1111t 111 • ··r• mw au Mlnut• cloee to Newport Center. Lowty 3 BR, home w/fam rm, bright open atmoephere, newly carpeted I owner w/uatst In fl- nandng $299,500 L....notd MaxJne Propp 844-6200 (J24) . I Bllll Pl.II~ ~comfy home In Eutbluff on qw.t atre.t. Prime famtly netgh- bomood. Hwd to beet from the ltandpoint of prtce and terms. $298,000. =Ward 842-8235 (J25) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5. . . . . Cerob -Eaatblutf -Newport 8wt'I 11m •SF 'El mw...., ,_ • 1'11 WIT Sfngle ltory 3 BR, den, 2 BA dining rm & breakfut rm home lltuated In prestlgloul Cameo Hlghlanda. 3 Prtvate bwhee Within walklng dtltance. $290,000 Ind. i.nd. Donna GC>CSlh*I 644-e200 (J26) 11111.1 -ensa -· er.n..Montectto model be9utJfuley decorated Md ~ uoaraded. 3 BR. fwn rm, 2 tptce & garden court. Gr•t locatton on CUl-d9-Mc w/Wlw of mountaJna. Commurilty poof & tennis. ~.ooo Slwon Smith 644-8200 (J27) ....... 1111.11 Moet outatandlng Danbury 4 BR, cuatomlzed oak fam rm, hard- wood ftooring-upgraded tlle, Jacuzz.I tub, green houM wtndow and french door9. Abaolutely exqulaltel Alt of thll and fabulous auu· mable financing. $285,000 Holly Markaa 844-6200 (J28) ......... _ Bright & airy lnl prime locatlon n the -Sluff1 -3 BR, 2'A ~A! great bad< bay & night llQht vtew-owner wtll aulat w/flnanclng •. 428 Vista Parade. $249,500 LH. Tom Alllnaon or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (J29) 11111 •••111111 In Newport Beach w/RV & boat aocea ptu1 rm for ~I In lg yd. 3 BR, 2 BA, lg dining rm could be fam rm w/fplc. Fee land & clear. Owner will finance. great tMmsl $245,000 Bea Arnold 644-6200 (J30) ... IAlllT Oeflghtful 3 BR -Met.Jin Big Canyon to Townhome -Sunken llvlng rm -fireplace • wet bar -2 atory-securlty gated-community pool - apa -tennis -A best buy In Newport $215.000 Suzanne Shuler 842-8235 (J31) BlllllUIDIU. Owner has authorized u1 to offer thl• Eutblutf Lu1k-bullt resi- dence at this truly great price w /wondef'ful financing opportuni- ties. Give us a cau today! $185,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (J32) 9" _.•a mat LlllNI Room for apeclll pro)eet• on a auper eecond floOr cleared for actton. 3 8R & huge family kitchen )ult m9de for 1Ctlve people Who want to llve In The Cotony. $189,000 Coby W8td 842-8235 (J33) .. ............ Lwger Corona def Mer lot on quiet etreet, IPOtleN 3 BR, 3 BA Including Mpatate gueet auhe. 2 ~ pattoe. Seller may hetp flnanc. 2nd T.D. Mey be belt opportunity In town. Offered at 1295.000 Ind. land. George°"'" 844-e200 (J34) 4 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlting Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 17, 1982 -11 -IUIY .. Ym Flllll.Y 1124,111 Serloua aeller hu vacated property ma- klnc fast possession ideal. Lowest prtced ranch style home ln area. A little paint and peper will give you a reaJ lbowpl8ce. Seller flexible, 10 as to fW your needs. Call now, 894-7521 122 .. ........... &p.cioua, elegant and location. All wrapped Imo this 4 Bdrm. 2 ~ bath pool home. Clme to freeway and ahopptna and aolf coune. Fntures include huce family/Uvtna toom. den and JDUter bdrm with flreplace, plw: ~ bonua roam. Owners wU.Una to qua- Dtj for new 2nd makes this an ~table p.ckage. Call 894-7521 IDllD ..... OJuntry chann ln t.he dty la found in tbia tmmaculate townhome. 3 big bdnm. For- mal dine. Private pello. Gated community. Now reduced to $110,000! Don't wait!-CaD 962~5585 • •'- .. - 11111. n 1112.- Gttat starter with m1nimal down payment. Tak.e over $95,800 ln loana + owner w1ll carry! 2 atory. 3 bed.roonw + wee cowboy'• retreat. Big family room.+ much more. Act fMt, call 962-5585 • • I 1111.-.. ._ Can you believe thtt price In preeti,ioua MeU Verde? Owner la arudoul-you gain! Spedow home with 1oeds of OriVllCY and euy care yard. Enjoy Colt.a Meta'• be9t eddreea now! Ca.U 645-0303 .. ••••1111 •••• Ia fresh u spring! Brick flreplae, pluah carpets, hardwood floora . .,Cheery kitchen. • i..,.. oovend brick patio. Separate ....... Ruge yard. Priced to sell fut. $135,000, hurry! Call 645-0303 l~ ... 11. PDOUT• Ull Gently sw•)'f.rw pa1ma beckon you. J!hjoy privacy and-leCTualon beside sparkling pond ln your own bade yard parad.be. Fruit trees, 1eperate storage area. Channing home fea- tures brick fireplace, plua 4 large bdnna. Seller will finance. $50,000 down 96 IDOllth payments of $1,050 includes prtndpal and lntereet. Only $133,000. Call now, $45-0303 .... + .. .. 118,111 Malllve two story oUen 5 bla bdnns, for- mal dine, plu1 btlliard size family room with wetbar. Serioua 1elltt will accept le91 than interest only paymenta! Submit your down peyment. Just reduced! Act now, call 962-5585 - 11-UW....,.. Elepnt 4 Bdrm 3 beth, has 1 Bdrm and bath downataln. Large 1Mng/dinln1 room. den with wetbar and fireplace plus, 3 car garage. Near Westminlter Maltand free- way. G,.t t.enm with owners w1lllng to qualJfy for addition.a! flnancina. $225,000. Call 894-7521 , .-., ..... .......... One block off the blue Pedfic. 'nils 3 year okl 3 Bdrm, 2~ beth home hM the quality t.tww you are look.Ins for. Wlne cbet. woodburnina ftnpbice, lk1Upta, Clers- tory wtndowa. cenunic tile entry. A larae ueumable loan mUe. UU. the home for JOU to have~ ....m. bmdl party. Don't mill It. Call now, 894-1521 ... +••-1111,1111 Bddt::cxairtyard entry with lush land.IC.ape accents ma..ive 4 Bdrm with family room. Swllhine kitchen. Fireplace. Solar heated pool in secluded atmosphere. Now only $155,000! Don't wait, act now, call 962-5585 ......... . ...... Custool decor accents this •pacioua faQ)lly home. Bedrooms galore + 37'xl8' bonua game room with bar. Serious aeller wlll obtain fl~ncing + carry 1f needed. Juat reduced to $179,000! Below market price + gre,i lem'WI So~ now, 962-5585 ..,_ •••1· 1111.- Exqul1lte townhome features tile entry, flrepU.ce, 3 kJng 1ized bdrm.. Charming cov~red patio. Near acres of parka and traH1. Approximately l lh milet to beach . Low down! Take advantaae·now. Call . 645-0303 f1lll SM,111 Ideal for lnveston or first time buyen. 3 Bdnn. Garage plus workahop. Bring paint. plus imagination and aave H. Take over exiltln.I low interest flnandng. Hurry! Call 645-0303 .IDllD Tl 1111.- Would you like the COJ\venMnce of• con- dominium but teCWity, privacy and •PP~ elation of owninc your own home? You can have it all! Unique dHl1ned owned bun&aJow, channlnC EuUlde Cetta Ma. . One of a kind. Hurry, &H-0303 .... 11•,111 i.... than 2 y.n old ln Plaza de1 Sol. near South CoMi Plua. Seep down livin& room with fireplace. Formal d1nlna. hmlly room with wetbar and ..=r.i.c.· Gourmet kit-chen.~ _.nook. Luxwious · mM&er' IUltll with~. Air condltJorMd. Community pool and RV parldn1. An HdUn1 home at an \lftbellevabl:_;:,ce. Hurry. Don't mill th.II one. CiD 84 I I t . iC4LlfJllll , L1wrenc1 I. YIMi Broker . REAL TY & INVESTMENTS ., ,--------------...~ , /1m11 A. lotll1 Mana&i• General Partner llroMr,.... c .. "°"' Administrative Assistant .... \. -... .... '"'------------~ --, ,,, Cobb -Associate 6Y1111~ \.. ( ) ..... Glrry Corso . Associate .v .. --. ..... , ,,, CllJltnintS As1ocilte 5 y_.. u,.i.c. ... , ., Bitty Blltlhi'1 Broker Associate IYter1~ \.. , , X111n Frltldr As1ocilte ,,._ I Y• fll*illce \.. ..., , ., Flo thy Broker Associate 22Y..s~ \.. .... , Bob Honrltz Broker Associate 13Y ... u..i.a II.. , ., ,. ""*" '8roker Associate IY_.~ ... ... ( Ruth l.llltJ Associate 20Y_,~ , . ., RI,,.,,, lll'lde Broker Associate IY_,~ """" .... , Vkf• ,.,..,.- Associate 20YwsC..... ~ , -...., """" }di Associate -3y..,~ Irr.. , ..,_________,l Judy R1y11 Associate IY..s~ , Ron S1y Associate 5y..,~ ~-----~~ ( ~~ . ) ~ L";,~ . • SINGLE FAMILY • • 3 Br, FP ....................... 1129,500 PROPERTY 4 Br~ Pool, Spa .......... '169,900 M~NA~EMENT 4 Br, FP ....................... '139,500 PARTNERSHIP . 4 Br, P.ool, Spa .. ;.~····· '165,000 INVESTMENTS 4 Br, FP ................... ~ ... '145,000 • 4 Br, FP ................. : ..... '120,000 SAL:ES 4 Br,, FR ....................... •227,5()() • ·ce· ~EAL TOR -...., ,. , ., , I .... "' ., , - .... Irr.. Ellinf Dlllor1y Assodlte ~y ... bperilM:e Nancy lacobn Associate 3Ylll1~ Dlhtl O'Y,111 Associate 4 Y.-s (l!*lnt ., ... "I ~ + cmt ltLl\l.TT © mvr.smrm conrnm llYW .rr• -.. Llll9I Truly the ''Creme de la creme'' of waterfront llvtnc. Over' 8500 aq ft of the finest quality oonst:ructioo available. Located on the main channel with lta own white aandy beach. amenities i:nclude a pool; spa. le'Wll bedrooms and a view from all l"OCllDI. $6. 75 MiWon. ··-Ill •• lllTl9 ....... Tbe finest waterfront home with the best location ln Newport Beach. Over 5,000 aquare feet and a p6er for a 100 foot y.cht. Unusually lar&e bayfront lawn. The price la $5 million and the owner will finance a notable amount. · um& 111.11111• I'• llAIFE Breathtaking views of the main channel from ~ important room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 9QU&l'e feet of sheer ele- gance. The priceil $3.6 mOUcm MD• IW •T• •11•M11M.1 fllW Thia <:ountry French eatate often one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 1Qutre feet of the finest craftmnamhip. 'lbe price la $2.3 million. ' . .. lllYll .,. • Ill ...... U Country EncJ.ilh and privacy are your choice, th.ii 8,200 aquare feet estate with new pool and apa la the answer. Bight on the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 million with ow:r $1 million of _.,mable fi.nandne. 1.91 llU Wllllfllll --Simply the finetll waterlnlnt on Udo on the market today. Pier and alip plua oveniz.ed lot and $1.4 million in -.unable financing. The price la $2.25 million. I.ml .. • •• ••••ll Five bedrooms, all enaalte, and right on the water with your own pier and alip for multiple boata. Owner will finance over $1 million. Call f« appointment. The price la Sl.85 million. • •Hlll •t• •Ill_, aa•a Truly the best bmlly home with e ..... bedtooml hrlucttna • aeparate 2 bedr'POIQ auite with ltl °'fl) lMJll room. On the 9th fairway with private pool. The price ii $1.8 mlDlon. , .• '11111 ...,. • -.., •••• Ttm awud-wtnnllw hame. cm the '1'b '* •*1 fl country dub IMnC' at It.I .llnelt. Over 4,000 8qU&re feet with ~lie arch itecture and LARGE roomL 'ftM! prim II fl.75 ni'tllon wttb owner ftmndnC. llftl ....... ,. am 1.1..a Out of the flight path. this custom home often macnificent opponu- nities. Separate gust home and private pool and spa. Owner will fi- ~ entire loan: The .price is $985,000. • 111111 11•••• •m .... An "end unit" Deane townhome, this fine opportunity often an ex- ceptional yard with custom pool, apa and aauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 1quare feet. The price la $895,000. .......... Dllll Super view of the ocean, bay .and dty u,Jita, large jllcuzzi, formal living nn with high ceillnp. 4 bedrooms, 3 fUll batlia, family room, leCW'ity system. $30,000 in laJxbaaping. $85(),000. .......... ~ Over ~ acre on fee land. Beautiful ocean and city ltghta view. Swimming pool. Beamed ceilinp, French doon and window• plu. hardwood Doon. Large gourmet kitchen with MMter Craft cabtneta. 4 bedrooma, 2~ baths. On comer lot. $750,000 with t.enna. • 111111 ,..... ., ....... Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedroom, 3,000 ~feet home oUen multiple uae of akyllghta and enormous privacy. Wgbly uJ)lnded. The price is $675,000 .. UIYll ".... • 111 ..... Thia "new to the market" home la vacant and ready to move in. $430,000 of low interest ._.unable finand.ng. Three bedrooma.. three baths, three car garqe. Priced to lell at $829,500. 1'4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlltng Su~t to the DAILY PILOT/Satur~ay. Aprtl 17, 1982 This Weekend ! * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shra, NB '642-2510 $739,000-fee SaVSun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Lido Ille, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1 20 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $776,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 801 Gary Pt., Newport Beach 752-5111 $215,000 SaVSUn 1-5 102 Via Koron, Lido ..... N.B. 642-8235 $685,000 2109 Yacht Grayling, S.vlew. NB Sat 1-5 676;-23 11 $399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1514 Ruth Ln. (W•tcUff) NB «M2-8235 $249,000 Sat 1-4 Hp this handy directory with you nils weekend u you 10 102 Via Koron. Udo Isle hous•huntlng. All the locations listed below ue ct.scribed In 9 ,..ater 6'42-8235 $685,000 d•t•ll •IHwhere In tod•y's DAILY PILOT classified MS. Patrons 1436 Serenade Ten. CdM •dvertllfftt open houses for sate or rent In TM Dally Pltot may tlst such 675-5511 $349 500 Information In ttt.se columns Heh Saturday and Sunday. ' Sat 1-5 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 RDROOM 221 Via Ithaca, Lido l11e. N.B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-5 79 Sea ltiand, Big Cenyon, NB 6«-9060 $315,000 SaVSun 2-5 2305 V1ata Huerta. Bluffa, N.B. 6«-9080 $139.900 Sun 1-5 2 8'l ,._ 'All Ml « V-N #8 Lucerne (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-9333 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Sandbar. Jumlne Creek, CdM 759-1208 $445,000 Sat/SUn 12-5 #3 Rue FontalnbebtMU (Bg Cyn) N8 759-9100 $425,000 Sun 1-5 702 Acac:la. Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dally 1.5 1121 Alabema. Huntington ~ 960-9609 $159.000 Sat/SUn 12-.4 4951 ~. Univ. Ptc. Irv. 644-9080 $17 4,500 2308 Ctfff Dr .• Newport 8Mch 546-2313 $429,000 480 19th St (E/Slde) CM 548-33&0 $135,000 I M DROOM Sat 1-5 sat 1-.4 Sat 1-.4 *426 Aower (Eut.tde) CM &45-9181 $2.20,000 Sat 1·5 921 So. Hermon Sant. Ana 762-8731 N?,ooo 8/&un 12:30-4:30 408 Avocado, Corone del Mar 875-4225 $586,000 S.t/SUn 1-15 4832 River Ave., Newuort Beach 876-1771 •192.000 Sun 1-5 **1418 w. Bay.L_P_.enln. Pt., NB 875-8181 t1,zvu,OOO Sat 1-15 118 Via Oulto, Lido t•, ~B 873-7300 SatLSUn 1-8 1111 Coult St, Bel Penln, N8 873-7300 8et/Sun 1-5 212 Via Ebol. Udo IM, N.8. 873-7300 s.ttaun w 844 OMube, COlta Mele 913-8550 1143,000 . 81t/8un 1-15 154 F.....W, 8.maAna 1at-1eo1 t1oe.ooo sat 1-& 715 Patollta, llY. Terr, CdM ....... '380.000-Pee Sun 1·5 203 Vie ~ Udo ... N8 873-1241 MalS,000 lun 1·1 2117 AflMe (lellbluff) N.I . M2-a36 lt1t,IOO Sit 1-8 50il1 P8MO de Vega (Turtlerok) IN. 710-ttoo ttt'f;IOO lat/lun 11·1 " 422 Hazel, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $295,000 Sat 1-5 1 Rue Fontalnbleau, Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 $500,000 • Sun 1-5 1961 San Bruno, Bluffe, N.B. 642-8235 $185,000-L.H. Sun 2 -5 416 DeSok> Terr, Corona Hinda, CdM 644-8200 $495,000 SaVSun 1-5 3086 Fernheath (Halecrwt) CM 540-1151 $127,000 Sa 12-4/Su 1-4 * *42 Balboa Covet (Coves) NB 642-5200 $550,000-fee SaVSUn 1..S 616 Marlgokl, CdM 640-4521 $385,000 2073-.Monrovta, Cotta M ... 548-2313 $103,500 116 Vla °"'to (Udo Ille) NB • 648-7171 $319,500 • 325 Rochester (E/Slde) C • 645-9098 $152,080 Dally 1·6 Sat 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-4 I .. ,.... 'AM Ml « DeN 2004 Calle de to. Alamoa, San Clem. 673-1181 $776,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 631 Buena Vista, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sat/Sun 1-5 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 876-1771 $2155,000 Set/Sun 1-4 1900 Commqdore Rd, Baycr•t NB 631-1479 $380,000 SaVSun 1-5 542 Harbor ... DJ (Prom BaY) NB 759-100 $1,400,000 Set/Sun 1-5 3415 Oceen Blvd .• Corona del Mar 873-5354. S1 .250,000 Set/Sun 2-5 25 M81naell, Jumlne Crk, CdM 640-9592 8un 1-4 * 1974 Prt Locktlelah(Hrbr VleW)NB 844-2573 $259,CfOO Set/Sun 1-4 *134 Harbor Ill. Rd, Npt Bch 751-3191 $860,000 Sat/SUn 1·5 1 AJdtrgrow, Woodbridge 562-0MO t1M.OOO 8et/Sun 1-8 482'7 ~. eorone cMt Met 87s:e&50 '359,000 Set 1-4:30 2t 11 Olrole Dr, Bayahore, NB _...eoeo '538.000-Fee 5un 1·5 2782 ClfOle Or, leylhore, NB 64'4-toeo a...t,6()0.fte 8un 1·5 *4527 OOrhlm, Cameo &Na, -CdM 8U .. 174t.ooo.,.. 8un 1·15 2 tdo E. Ooe9f'I ...... Pen •• NU /)44-tolO tnt,000 S.t/lun 1-8 1721 KJnal Rd, Clllw, N.8. 111-111t ....,ooo e.uaun 1-1 2901 catalpa, Eaatbluff, NB 720-1211 $260.000 515 CUmbenand (Westcllff) NB Sun 1-5 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 2501 Harbor View, CdM 552-1714 $635,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-4 18726 Racquet, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $159,900 Sat 1-4 10101 Ollff Dr., Huntington Bch 963-6767 $158,SK>r ~ti.Sun 1-4 929 Helena Cr., Costa Meaa 548-2313 S147,900 . I M ,.... QUEST Sat 1-4 875 CoaaMew, Laguna Beach • 6«-7211 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 R DROOM 2708 UghthouN (HVHl1) CdM 875-6000 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1640 Trac:tewlnda, Baycrest, N.B. 6«-9060 $395,000 Sun 1-4 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat 11-5 3 San Sebutlan, Harbor Rktge 780-1900 $2.3 mllllon Sun 1-5 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor vleW Hiiia 760-1900 $750,000 Sun 1-5 20142, Vintage, Hunttngton Bch Q63.8767 $148,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 lrll, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $347,750 2-l•DROOM . sun 1-5 51S-S15'h Orchid (Old CdM) CdM 759-9100 $358,000 Sat 1-5 .......... 4409 Sealhor•, Newport Beecn 138-J232 M2S,000 Sat/SUn 12-.4 2914 Oceanfront, Balboa Penln, NB &38-3232 tel5,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 . 213 RWY. 8e1boe lellnd 876-9685 $450,000 APT. RINTAL .......... 291-4 Oceanfront. Bal. Ptnan, NU NW232 SWtrty rentAll 8a8un !2,4 • • ,.... , .... ROOOll .... 220 Weterfront Of, COtone del Mar tn-11 .. "'8.000 llllllun 1·8 f 2805 Or.tee Av., M-. def Mar, C.M. 879'-1138 S142,000 Sat 11-5 3571 Myrtle (qollege Pk) Irv. 945-9181 S178,l500 ' 17~2 Bonalre W8'f (W.dlff) NB 758-9100 $225.000 Sat/Sun 1-6 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt) San Clem 768-9100 *950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *30892 Canterbury, Lag Nlguel 875-9797 $350,000 Sun 1-4 3024 Cleveland, Mesa North, CM 648-7434 $134,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 *9102 Annlk, Huntington Bch 982-5585 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 · **25 Warmaprlngt (Wdbrg) Irv . 751-3191 $395,000 Sat 1-5 1644 Port Charles, Harbof View, NB 831-61'M $319,600 SatJSun 1-4 * 17 Muir Beech Cir, Spygla, CdM 8"-9080 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shorea) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1132 Sea Ln., Corona def Mar • 873--8550 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • *3801 Topside, HVH, Nwpt Bch 8"-9080 $385,000 Sat 1-5 106 Via San Remo, Lido ,._ NB 873-7300 $595,000 8un 1-5 101 Via Quito, Udo Ille, NB 8"-9080 $425,000 Sat 1-5 18 awry HUia. Big Cyn, N.B. M4-9080 S1,305,000 SUn 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 844--t910 S750,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1..S 1251 8urflne Way, HVH, N.8 . 844-4910 $290,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ( 2108 YKht Graytlng, SM-Mw, NB 1r f75-2311 $398,&oo Sat/Sun 1..., 2811 ~Ave (Meea def M«) CM 831-7370 11521800 S.t/Sun 1-4 * 1t33 Galatee Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 875-2311 Sl95,000 S.t 1-5 3eOO eeue Key, Hrbr View Htt, CdM ......00 '360,000-LH Satllun 1·5 , Orange County Real Eatate/An AdYet1lelng 8upplemeot to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Apl1J 17, 1982 -15 1 IRDROOM 121 Via Firenze, Udo lste. NB 873-7300 1895,000 **708 Via lido Nord. Lido II, NB Sun 1-5 875-6181 .1.500,000 SUn 1-5 5 Fontaine, Big Cyn, N.B. 6#-8200 '7!50,000 Sat 1-5 70 Hiiicrest, Ulg Canyon 760-1900 $1,595,000 Sun 1-5 219 Via Lido Soud, Lido late, NB 760-1900 $2,250,000 Sun 1-5 I BR plue PAM RM Of Dt!N 2752 Bayshore Dr, Npt Bch 759-9100 $975,000 Sat 1-5/Sn 2-5 1228 Polarla, Dover ShorM, NB 760-1977 $1,395,000 ,. Sat/Sun 1-5 *9 Muir Beach Ctr, CdM 831-7600 Sat/Sun 1-5 18972 San Cat1ot, Fountain Vly 982-5585 S154,900 Sat 1-4 1448 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 875-2373 $1,400,000 Sun 1-5 "' *1520 HlghlaAd Dr, Weatclf, NB 644-9080 $455,000 Sat/Sun t-5 I 811 plue FAM RM Of DIN *938 Via Udo Soud, lido Ille, NB 8"-9080 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOA ·IALE 2 MOROOll 1704 Wea1cllff Dr. #18, Nwpt Bel\ 873-4400 S129.500 sun 1·5 Sat/Sun 1-6 *2e00 8loc;t( Santa Ana Aw, CM 831-8194 •129,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 *1018Choli1224. Vertalllel, NB 780-8817 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-6, 2277 Pecfflc Aw., Cotta Meea 873-7300 NEW 1 • 4 Sat 2559-F, Elden Aw .. Cotta Meea 875-1771 $1159,000 SUn 1-4 482 Trucha, 8'ufta, N.B. 840-55e0 $225,000 Sat/SUn 1-5 904 lombard, Meea North, CM 848-7434 S154,l500 Sat18un 12-4 *314 Awnlda Cumbre (Bluffl) NB 7159'-9100 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 501 Awnlda Largo, Bluffa, N.B. 640-5580 $272,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2118 Feflpe, Bluffa, N.B. 644-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 87s.-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 M plua FAM RM Of DEN 117 Rue VIJ&ara (BQ Cyn) NB 759-9100 $72&,ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 PENTttOUSE FOR SALE 2 llDROOM 310 Fernando #408, Nwpt Beach 759-1501 $450,000 Sa 12:30-4:30 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDROOM Falrvtew and Avocado, Colta M .. 548-2239 $137,950 Delly 10-5 2•,.._FAMMICM'DIN #7 Montanue Norte, (SJC) Irv 831-7800 $225,000 Sat 1-5 ,.~ * 157 Yorktown, Cotta Meea 848-8398,540-8048 . MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Sat 1-5 1 M ...... F~ Ml ., IMIN 300 E. eout Hwy #1t3, Nwpt leech 87&-3347 seo.ooo ~aun 1-4 I . .. .,.,. 300 E. COMt HWY. No. 170, Nwot .~ ... 1~ 875-33'7 MS,000 8av_,,, I· / \ I -- . - - ---------*MAlllVI CUSTOM flRIPLACI* Spend theme romantic evmtn&s ~ ln the glow of th.la anumve fireplace. Thia apadow four bedroom heme is Ideally located dole to Westmi.mter Mall and Goldenws CoOeee and priced to llell! $119,900. 9032 Adame., Huntington Be.ch. 506-7035. 1 *llX ON A LOT* Six ~ 0n one lot in prime rental area of Costa Mea. All but one have fittplaces and have recently t.eri J*nted. No deferred mainte- nance. Alking '3",000. 9032 Adum, Huntington Beech. 556-7035. $3,000 RllATI Superb financinc on th.ia bricht and cheery 4 br, 1. 75 ba home PLUS the leller will pve a $3,000 rebet.e at C.O.E. 9032 Adama, Huntington Be.ch. 556-7035. •t 10,000 IUYI ml Ladles apparel abop with l'OCJd la. terma. Located in busy abopping center. Inventory neaotiable~ 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. ~7035. •znODOWN* On the water. Price a1aabed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Prof..aooally decanted w/p.rmet kitchen. 9032 AdanW, Huntington ~.5~7035. ic " ACU llYATI* Completely remodeJed home with new kit.chen featurma custom oek catmet., built-In microwave and tnlb OOlllPld«. ~ lonnal d1nina room hll t:Kallt.-ln oek buffet and cabmeta. ~ detached pr-. hM " bath and could be elllOy CXlftYel1ed to auatbowe. s.crwce b $169,- 900. 90$2 Mama, HuntinpJn BMch. IM-7035. *YAQOVR 11r:: LOAN*· Only $20,000 down on thia ..,.rtoi. bedroom, 2 beth bame with -rtnc cathedral ceilln8'· .,.tone d9ccw throuabout with CUltOm wall covertnea. 1111cht _. lllry aJUD1r7 ldtcmn phw family room and C\llt.bm patio. Offend at $1~,900. Mn .\dalm. Hunttncton ...._ ~7()15. • ~y KNOUI RAUTY* Sensational PORTOFINO model on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bed.rooms, ape. fireplace. ONLY $349,000 with 10.~ u- ,swnable finandng!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. --------- Orange County RM Eetate/An AcMrt111ng ~to~ DAILY PtLOT/Selutdlly, Aprtl 17, 1982 -17 .. VAftDAllSM HU~TS_ PEOPLE: , TQO Technically, vandalism is a crime against property. But people are the real victims. When homes are defaced and m~rred, owners' anguish is ' often greater than dollar damages. And in .vandalized sc hools, the stu- dents suffer. Time and money earmarked for education must be spent instead on repairs. -Vandals hurt themselves, too. Acts that are really pleas for understanding and assistance may not be recog nized for what they are. Consequences cou _lc! include life-long guilt and criminal records . • ' People cause vandalism, and people can also I -help prevent it. If you're a person who would like to try, please contact us: We're your local board of A EAL TORS®, and maybe together we· can-work out a program- to benefit everybody. We already have some material we'd like to share. REALTOR• .. I· • . ., ·-- Real Eltate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 presents ............ wunow rllidlla on aw1Dd lttMt to 1trMt lot. s~ cem:~ pi.c., exqulelte and 4 belutlf\ll bdnn1, fotmll dllllng room. hugt family room aDd a kltchtn to F1eale ...... gcumet. m•...,• ._ ... , .. ..... ..._. __ Lota of uMd brick, wood aiding, ~rrt rail ftnce greet you at thlt custom home. Open bMmed IMng room wtth huge brick ·~· huge family activ-ity room, 1wlmmlng pool and 1pa. Above l11ge garage Is .partment wtth lpaciool ocean and bay vt.w. Fee land. 11111i1•.,• .......... I ll&Mf _.._. Thia II a Yet"Mtllt 2 Bdrm 2' bath, 2 unit home. Areplace In the IMng room,•- ctled ctlllng, bmll dlrq room, 2 mr garage. C4oM to ~ $3.18.000. ,., .................. .... lllllla&MfWlllAii I 3 Bdrml, 3 bathe, fonnlt dining room, large patio with git BBQ, double garage. Room for boet or RV. &cd1nt financing. CloM to tennla & beachle. 11nL ..................... .......... Super location and 1uper financing! Ownera anxlou1 to mow to lel1ure World and wlll finance thl1 home for quellftld buyer. $750,000 f• .. ,,....,. .. 8uper financing. low dOWr'I ... bUy thll well located 3 Bdrm hotne. QuaJtfled buyer can ,...,.,,. the twmll VICMt and rtllltf now. ~000 lndudel llnd. a ... .._. ..,. ... ,...._. .. ,,...,.. Wiii take 2 boat1 OJ one 90 foottr. Vacant, wttt takt office buHdlng wtth home abow, or What ever you Med. seso,oootet. T4T WSSnqa' lmAT·.,....,. You'• ftnd ac1l1nt flnlndng wHh tNa new WMtcllff titting. It'• a lewet of a home-3 Bdrm and den, with wlrmth and comfort. ~ •turea found In g1e1rn1ng tiwdwood noon. country kl-c.... wtth bay wtndow, beM*' Ol9l'll & double fttepllce. C4oM to '*" Ind achool. 1250,000 $250,000. ........... ..... ..... *' 11•11 .... --Nie• 8 ldrm 11..\ bath hOIM tn very good condition. Larg• fenced Hok yerd-aui.t ttrwt. nw....,.,. w 1chool. 198,500 full prlot wltlt MIUfMbll flnlndng. ...... ~-•1 ............. '"' ....... GrWll ...... Oft .... ti ....... In 1mne. OMa ...... tANoutllb"':: ..................... ........... _ ... ..._. ttnllla ... ,...,..,. I big i ... ·~ =~ ... ""' .... -- " RVM~ ....... ~.~,~·1. t1i1 tri-level -.. oo ctll-de·11c. Overalied -EIT ... "" ""' ........ "' tf ... , .... ,... ......... ,. .., ..... ,., ..... , .. ....... ...... . ....., .. lot , ra m II y r • o m' '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I w/frpk. Owner wUI 11·1:: lM rib fiuncle1. A-------------btq at sm.ooo. .mi t.m.AWOODS ieaiiHflll euatom e1b1Jtetey by m1 at er crafta 1111 D r ea II y H ll Ul6a 3 Bdrm 2 Bl home apart. Lovely 111ebo .S beeriDI fnlil trees. Low rate, De• Ion avallablt. Full price c:::;. " ~ .. . ---. - •CUATIVI IHNDMIW n·rr.a0Cin1 ... 11.. Rdn. owe. 3 8d 4 II +daa.Opa HM IH u. c.a nm Rhone, •st ' RVM~ , .... llautlfuly rMtd1l1d 2 bdrm home. De-corator hla put In meny apedll feetures that will en)Oy. Owntr wlh help with finan- cing. Priced right, .onty.~,500, ............. · -~ .. --2 tennis court1, swimming pool, 1pa, aauna, _.. to ocean In Newport Beech. AJlo lnQuded It a condo with 2 bdrmt + dt,f\ ,. office + retreat. Priced under $200,000. L81ml Charming 2 story, 5 bdrm lp8Ciout home on extra wide lot. Large tunny & lush patio for entenamlng. A must to see. Call for appoin""«'t _..,DllYIUT 1 BR totally furnished ..curlty complex. Pool, gym, Jecum w•lk to belch. Affor- dable financing. 0Wner Wiii llCflftce at $118,000. ..... l.81 Fabutoue flnanc?ng on thl1 3 BR CUltom home which 11 llOftt, bright end wry airy. Ottalltd crattamanlhlp uaed throughout. Too many ameuttltl to mention. ....... 4 bdrm upper 1ttlt with penoramtc vt.w. ~ lnveatment property. Owner wHI cGnl6der Ill offers. .,,.,._,_ Mt lilted this trtpltx thet .. defloffety for you. TheM unft1 •• In dernlnd Ind are -. rented. Close to patk, •hopping and ec:hoota. Act futl Too good to lutl Only 1189,500. •mT Tired of paying t"Gh -Nnt? How lbOut a 3 bdrm, 2 bath beyfront with a lilp for an 85' yecht '*" teparlte mild or ........ law quwtera? t1.200,ooo. . rootn lft he9rt Of ..... V•itt. 1Wtfl oared tor. , ... ..-°" ClUlet lftltff lliiiiiii~~iiiiiiii ..... v... ......... ,,~ ' • ••n-•11 Magnificent View Home In Newport Beech'• Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Wiii Be Under ~ Soon. Ont Of The Ane11 In The ArM. The Style Is Engtilh Tudor. The Blueprtntl Art In Our Office. You Are Welcome To lnlpect. $2,200,000 . Susan TrMaon's llt11ng. ............. a&.TW UTlll Special 5 ~R Home On Approx. 5 Acree. Solar Heated Pool, Spa. R®m For Tennis Court, HortrM, Guest HOUM4 Magnifi- cent View Of Surrounding Valley. $1,976,000. Binnie Dixon'• Lilting. . ., . .,_ Promontory Bay. Formal D.R. Dtn-UbfllY. Master BR O'Looks · Bay> 3 Other BRI & Mald'1 Rm & Ba. Pier, Slip For lrg Yacht. Owner Wiii A11l1t W/Flnanclng. YOU OWN THE LANO. $1 , 850,000 C.thryn TennUle'1 Uatlng. ' ...... Spectacular Gott Course View. Thtl Elegant Liiting Offers Pri- vacy, 3 Large Bedroom•. 3 Balhl, Famtly Room, 3-Cw Garage & Lovefy G11deril. En)Oy Entertlin!ng In Thts Drlllmnlc Home. Priced At $725,000. Trudy Stubbtefiekfs Listing. Open SaVSun 1-5. . ..... , In ~una Beech, High On A HUI Above The ~ CWYld Entry Door -Sunken Bar -Geme Room -Stained & Lelded Gius -2-Story ~ & A Pool & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment, P*llt. $785,000. Mn Brtzofl1' UstJng. . .... .. ,_ OCMr'I V• Home. eup.rb Modem Styting. Sharp, Clear, Clean F..nne. It Spark .... It'• So Clean. Excellent Flnanclng. Un- doubtedly Ont Of The Belt Priced Homes In Emerald Bay. $695,000. Joyce Oabott' .. Uttlng. IMD--•111 Recently Completed Cuatom Unit W/UMd Brick Flreplace, Mexican Tiies &. VIUfted Cell6ng1. Miit~ Suite W/C.t~ral • Windows & Treetop vi.wt. Cozy. Secluded 2 BA Rear Unit Plus Pots Guest Quartertl Great Ananctng. $356,000. A Colllns-Hlll USttng. Open Sat 1-5. -.u-.-,.u1111 Pk:tur~ Corona def Mar Duplex Offered With Owner Fi- nancing. Lcat9d On A Qul9t Street. 2 T..,_,Sedroom Units Are SUrrounded ~ luah Landlcaplng. Aeduced To $282,000. Ann BrlloUI' Uatlng. Orange County ReeJ Estate/An Advertltfng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 -19 •••... ~~ ............... ~~ ........ ~-····· ~!!':'.~ ....•..•. ~.~~ ....... ! ~-~~ ...•... ~-~~ .•..... ~~~ ....... . ~ .......... !~~~~ .......... !~~ ~ .......... !~~ ~ .......... !!~! ~!::!~ .•.••••..• !~~:~ .......... !~! ~ .......... !~!~ .......... ~!~~ ~= MOv:J:T H llU... IATERFIOO ESTATE ~'Ti· '?~"~ s Bdr ~. wet bar XLNT TERMS! Remodeftd tradltlonal 3 · ReaJr!'°'* IKm tt ~spool! Ow~r bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $395,000. LOWlly Fr. NomMdv 5 Bdrm 4 e.th, llp -. mr at ..=:..·:~~:a~~~ ~~·~owe.,~ 10000% Interest Of trldl at .......... Call 1•11 .A.. .. .. , ,.. UUWU. ,_..,. .--· • ., DHJll I R'.I 11111 l\ \1 ~I \I I\ ....... HOUSIS '~U:!~s AS LOW a.r1 .... fua1111ed .M,SiltH.HO .. _ .. Altom laHH la e&· Ui1 1 .. ara .... ct.l•e area et Palm ...... lrl ua•aal»le ~ria~. Try SH MO .._ •/tew dn ,.,. .._ rd trlee tt11:•. •Ill. Great locatloa. Jo1u Waltae. a1t c.D Ptt Demeroa. •ll .. . R&M~ R&'M~ Ml lOU(:E Fabulous oc.an and b.ay views, spa· clout 4 bdrm, gourmet kitchen and ~ noot Jutt reduced to $815,· ~ bow D~ Clu Owner Vfll'f *"" • llled ads dJa9l1y thefr mtllatel wltli le11biUty1 .. Ind impart! our adi.i, .. ~roud to H)', re· et result.I. Phone DftuiMwwn ~VII -fl LUlllPMI Prtz.e West Bay bayfront. SMpt fOf 2 bcMltt, r~ 3 bdrm, 3 beth $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 1q.ft . $1 ,385,000. ac.ntront ...... ••Lm-., .. Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5~ bath. Lge LR., 2 bolt _,. 11,500,000. . Almod1t1d 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam c111tng1, furnl1hed, patios. $420,000. .._ .. llTPllR Lagoon vtew .from e bdrm, 5 bath, ptay. room, dirk rm, din, ao.t tip. $1.350.0001 ............. New French NonMndy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, ~ hcMM, pool. Heir like. 1196,000. ... _ .. Coronedo lllMd ~· baytront lot. 15' boet Clock. Pl9l'9 8¥11. 142',000 wltennl. . BILL GRUN OY. RE ALT 0 R . . ----View of ;rs .. hill. and w. 4 bdrm, pool. M Sal -NEEDS CASH. ~ •king 1321,000 ••••hold. Fof lnbnlltkM call Dottle Valentine, 875·1000 or 840-0997. l.Nla.I~I REALTORS, 675-6000 HO fMt c ............. C-.. Iller • •: "" n ; 72 .... nu-: lt;)!'f ·~'TING.'4 ,,. TOWN BEST IN BLlfFS Wt hlW a belutlfu! MJectiOn of bomll .at this time. All floor plant. Good views, good financing, good buyl. SOmt ...,. options. 8ornt lnducMng land. ,,..... let our expertt It.ow tMm to you. !~AYLOR co 1 '-------~---- OCEAN VD $299,000 . 4 Br, 2 \.i Be. View home owdooldnc Pa- vilion. c;.a..una and ni&e Uta We baw an lndependent appnilal for '320,000. Vacmit, move Immediately. Try $20,000 dawn until you..._~_ home . Ul1.._.. UT/m1-I . ·-·11-11•1 .. ......,,, ....... Ml&IMftaent locadolt O'lookinc ICh poem cJi toll coune. Majeltlc c.olQnial cwtmD by ownerlbuOder. 5 bdnm, Jet ......i diD rm. tam rm. biltilrd rm. refrlferated wine rm, • 8 \.i ba. Marble, ,... wood peoelinc. air cond.. + mmy CUlbD feetures. $2,150,000 lnclud6na land. May .u fw'nllbed. • .... ,11 ....... BeeuL 4 bdrm. Pam rm w/fireplace, fonml din rm, 2\.i ba. Newly decorated tn eoft pleulnJ.:lon. Beautiful new cptne & drapea. Ne marble entry. Pool & apa. M-118-l&l/m1 .. ........... Golf course vlew! Beaut. landacaped. Park-lib 91ttin1. Lowly pool. ..... bo. Gated murtyard with fowtmn. Matbae foyer w/glit1ertnc chandelier. 4 bdnm. den, fonnal din rm. 4 ~ ba. '"°·()()() includina land. Laree comer aite. , ........ 111 .... A t.nt.dr:" 3 Br-"Linda'' model on -widett creenbelt,,Llke new. Vacant. $270,000. New.mrpeta & drpe.. See anytime 6"-4910. 1111.... ut/• , .. BeMtful 3 bdrm view home In prMrte community. lndud• tennl1 court and twtmmlng pool. Owner wlll c;arry 2nd TD Of llUl/optlon $399,000. .. , .. 875 Vista Bonita. view 1385,ooo -.. __ nm ,.. Quiet, park .. llk• setting. Rm for paddle .,. .... 1111 .. 1 .. ,,., .... ..,..., ..... flCE C<lllR POft Royal 2 story, ~ bedroom, 3 beth plu1 fotmal dining and much, much more . ............ , .. , .. I .. ,., ................... 30 ~JR -131n' LOAN ...... Hew C1p• Cod 2 Bdrm In private ICOfftfftumty Mttlno with pool and JI· .-. Wlldna dlUnoe to ~· 1137,880 -f~ down . ......... • lilliillllflM"": ...... , ............ . 500 Piaya, wtth land 503 Ave Campo, view 2007 Ball. 1 ltvtt . $279,500 tennis and pool. Greet for orchard. Cul de uc •L 3 bdrma, fam rm. $379,500 fee. 1375,000 $195,000 llLEN B. DOWD 1111..11111.• .... , .. .. ' "\ I I I I I I I I I I " I I I I I I I - • I l . ..., ... - - ~-:-Orange County~ &tate/An AdwrtJaing Supp6ement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 MALL Ofl PAMI 4 Bdt1ll ~many r.- cent uparadln&• At· sumable Jou •ad lflkr wtll aultt wltll addl-tkNI fiaaoetll&. SIU,OGO C&U now m.srJO HIWPOIT SHOllS WALi TO llACH! NICI •UC IOI 2 tt.ory, J bdrm. 2 batll hon · ROOF PATIO WIT H V I EW ' INCLUDES 'LAND I Seller will belp wltb rlD.ID(101-1235 ooo ! Su.,. mil all olfen 11 i .... ..,,..,. ... .,. ·•n.zw• OLDC4M Spectaeuler yard ' deck, atra alse lot llltra privaw J br. 2 b•. RAR I LOCATION. Owner/•&t wi1Jftn.SSl5.1..~· 401 AV""AD() OPEN SAT/SUN ... R&"M~ lfllltllt.•WTD ..., .. wne loWlftltttat O--T1 ru•~'"4 aft~ J111t uy I and start!n& 11p1r1des. YOU WIN' Auume 10'1-VA loan. 3 Bdrm, l••ba HURRY on this one' sm,.500 us.int -llCE lMEfllNT •.UllllSE• EXTUVAUllZA SUNDAY APRIL 11 NOONt.o5P.M. A1 tbfte LouUona; &EFRESHM ENTS AT ALL LOCATIONS ~listerto WIN SIOODQOR PRIZE For information and ditedionl. Call LYNHMOA.H OffbHJ.llH Hom'7MHI t1Ua°"l iMerh Rucbo an Joaquin twtlhle~~ Carlos plan, 2 Bdr, C1U1 rm 6 den. 2~ Be. vu llke/1ollcourn ()pi Sat l•S. Ast. Vee siu.m.zeoo TIAIE.IJP! Two beautiful Wood· br1d1e homes Either will conaider equity tradt for your 1maller lr'Mei5rty or' It'• liU lin1 all caah to )'OUr . OM lu 5 Bdr luxury home. Tbt other a 3 Bdr + den with pri vale pool 6 •pa. C.11 Woo6ri4-le..tv for detallJ Crtat OP· J •-+-. t>elutlful c6fi pon:int.Yl do aero&• from lake. Comr.l•tolf loodod [~~) .... ..._ w/tx ra1. Owner will ,__., carry paper. Auumt t.ll· lu"9 btina loan Dl'l\le by 11 Lakulde thu rail 5.51-llll f7>.Ul10wll/81lr ... rrN<• "•1.l nlw l~ l20.M dowo. Buy thl• townl111e •Ith a "1encL aL500 per mo '71-1171 ------- Alleal! Sparklioa J bd. 2 ba condo. frpl, bHm ttU .• petio. el. 11ra11. POOl. rlWlbouse. Owner rarry loan. Sl.51.000. Ptl Rl ·U71. F1nt11tlr buy! North end. J bd, 2 ba, lie llv .• f'l'l. llrkllt aru + aunt quaun. Walll to bearh. Assume 10111. Owner betp filluce. tl•.ooo Alla RJtr. 414-7571 ••• o..i....., .......... c.-.. t714t4' .. 11'1 ------1 Or.noe Coufttr RMI Eatate/An Adver1il!np Supplement to the DAILY ptLOT/a.turday, Apttt 17, 1982 -21 Sciec J8r Zba. hiply UP· traded, below mllt price. .. • -. I I I I I I· ! I • I I 22 -Orange County Real e.tate/An Advertl9'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Apfll 17, 1982 Ot.r......... E......... . ....................... ....................... .... w..... U.ha zlllN4 ..._.. u.ha mliltd ......_ u.• ..... 4 ._ rr.,.rty 20001-Pr ,., 200 ....................... ~;;;::: ................................................ #::.: ...... U.ha illlh4 U.haulsllc4 ................................. ~::? ................ I bd, ... , b ... 1207 ..... 1214 ---............ •••••••• tt••:..·················· .........•..•.......... . -........ •••••••••••• ....................... • ............... ~••••• ._ ,.., J2J4 HllllBf• L.,._ .._. JZ41 I _,_....,_ .... ~ Jt06 1"9 8*, I bit to beith, .................. ••••• ltwtta •3z41 ---........... . ,nucfl't,oopeta. 2 br. l ba, 111 car ••H••n•••••••••••0 •• ~3brw/stucHo.bltw. Axer up 2 Bedrm tQ,.. With bach. unit. In Huntington 811c:h. On a hard to find double lot. Priced at land value. S1•9 000 Low low down. • . 3 br. 2 be. wtaar. Mo.~ S.21110 .. tPll A~f~IE '350/mo AVlll now 1f:·~ ~•ter ~-2 retrlr .• paooram1c lTI>. SlOOO + ~ Av11I Sml z br bowe part1111 P\'elb 1 aad 2 bd Stt-6530 • car,''{' /p. ocean view houn. Multi· l . .,..._,. lp9tt, yrly le~se NOJI do m i n i u m 1 ''! ~~b 3 Br 2 Bl frplc. new ~~tt ICI · SIOO. ln'et. • swadttb. tt'15 C..W... JIJ4 ~~ter GO Clubhouse hreplacH. U7Ji1llt1, p11nt • c arpets. ~ yrly •M-9333 or ....... '""" -1111 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• l Z~SO>p9e3n9 Sa9t3is9u7n patios and 2 car 11rduer S41 stH . .,_ J244 ~ Ntw 3 Br. J Ba. Condo l21.3)-.r5 · · Pl'l&es. ea.. ....................... &..,... ..... lZSJ Sl$00/mo. furnished . UJS te SStl HORSE PROPERTY ~· orw 3 br. 3 b1, .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 plea Coit M .. SlOOOlmlum. Mo to Mo c.r.. .. w. lJU lmV0nrovl1 3 Bdr 2 Bl. lout· .. 111 ..,. • pr Park, pool, Clean Larse Condo 2Br, SJaa • ea• rt I hMt1 rental. lat. fl last ........ ,.............. eo.u Meu S.A H .. • 1800 ""' ft -· /rm 833 ~ 281. fam rm. $750 mo. ao.:Od..LondsJerm fill. ..... • 2400 ~It> localkln, ne11t lo Xlllt2br Zb1 U 6lt 5t0t home •ins ·~ II HabGH721 ne .. Prtnclpalr~0'j1° ••••••••••••••••••••••• shopploc fl thuten tmM,50'.tMO;_kd~ • Tr1dlt1 o~:'f R l~y ....__.t...,_"""""' Jobn•.,.,A Y Part0 City Utah Condo ~-1'714~tr7~eva/wtnd 631·7370.AakforJim -• ..,.. U'7 wner look1n1 lcJr l-L.... J ---3br I d' --••••••••••••••••••••••• partller. 9000 up front. .....-144 2 br, 1 bl, den, 2 frpl(t. 2 · Im. rm. ln rm, 2 "--fl'....&....a 322 HOME FOR RENT CMAWAYC.M. Deluu 4-plu choice Meu Verde. Priced ~of rm M2-0f7l ••••••••••••••••••••••• car 11r . l1e patio. new ba, new palnt/drpa. --6 Soacloua 2 stA>ry, 4 Br 3 3 Bdrm 161S. Fenced . Super view 2 + In ly dee. 517 PoioaetU1 rrplc , 2 car Ci r •••••••••.•••••••••••••• !fa pool. entry kit . yud 6 garaae. Kids fl ~~Good lerma. l1-5'sJL.......... TllrtJerock Rldft Com· 1050 . ·1083 Gardener Avail rTSS. OUPL. EX. Extr1 luge 3 rormal dln. fam rm 3 pets welcome ~2000. 0 • llllp 2450 pie flam. Movt ID with I •Sm 1 11 l b r y a r d ~ =· b:il:.!~h rrr ' ~ CU &It SHOO mcids pOol enl no fee. ••• .. ••••••••••n•••••• tooUlbtuab! Sl350. Alt. prl¥1cy, &ood for •Ingle F1m1ty Home College cpa/d.:..., aome ·J'r~!n Stt\I. W ·'6M. •••t 2 Pride of ownership Tri· ~....._ e~ ~ or rozy ~I. '525 No PIA 3 Br 2 Ba frple. view ..... 495·1490 I BHutlful MW 3 Br .• o •. Mewpori '-odl ~· plaa forule by owner. _. dbl 11 I 1d ~... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 44lllt7CSH1mllton Ave. .. Z w aoy .......... Jl4t .J!!!!J5Z' or641·1480. I h k raae. aun rl 3br 2'-'b•lwnhs lots r Townhouse by U.C. 5 8d Country charmer. C.M. Owner will belp RllClll. World uchanae ....................... eo.e....... ->N• I 00 d upa . ;:,at tr wruun $750 :e •. ~ lrv,lne, pool , }1cuzzl. Npt R&ts. 3000+ sq (t w/fln1ncln1. Ca II 11rMltus. SleeP1 '· n l...q. Bch front condo 3 Ir ener. SO/mo G'l.cmJI • • patio, up1raded crpll It RV1Cte&S Newly paint· ~ or 631-4402 11k nn.neuia. br 3 ba, l>OOI len~i.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6"-i079~ d11ll No pets S81S/mo. td lam rm. den, vacant forJackorOerl 5$1·2340 (2U)705-zZahvea . HORSE PROPERTY l!OOEGVIEWCONDO 8Two UJ2 8511433 Walk lo schools. Slue> -~~-=----""'--· -3 8dr 2 Bl. located In 2 BR 2'~'"-· Di ASSUME ·~~ loan. Palm Sprln&s-lnt'I MlapeltlNdl 316' S A H1t1 llOO sq n . '1.,., n:ucro.1ar Woo6ri4-S7t5 ana,agU3H2" Qu.llty tri.plt11 . BY "nmeSllabl re1forsale. As·•••••••••••••••• .. •••• home S1lS/mo . Call .S33-4300 87>1711 2 br + ditti~ 61. 1/c. OWNn Priced below 111ma e oan, 12~ NmfM Tr1dltlon1I Ril y micro.frplc.fencedyd, Comps. at S247 .soo. tG-Dl CAMY DJ.mo. AaJi for Jim 2 car pr. Nr pool, apa. SAVE Comm., ptl., fl ~c;o-ty Prtva.ty .~~:on (4e~ldevm.pet ~rut. Oro '-'•rfJ JIQ 2nd F.:irw11. Ele&fnUy =· utU pd l3SO ailerLaoe,~.·M1~1;;'$ •••-••••••••••••••••• f11rnl1becl. Le11e Ats 750-3314 or141.»u., * * * •.MMSLI t•l'-'la . . . ~ DP.WXE•·PLEX _j ............... ~ C Oreaalrolll 2 br, 1 ba, t.8!~~.1·,:·,,r·l· 0SS00f 1 n,, ..... Verde •~,. -oa.wareSt ,-.,. prqe. No pet.a. Aull . .., .. • .. ti • ""' tlaat.ID&loo Bea now to Jime 20th. llS50 5v• 1ar1cn • 00• 1 1rp It aood You 1re the wlnner of Dll.Utllpd.Nl-2:510 adltfonal Rlty lmnl. Allum lo11-four fiw Uckeu ISlUOl -for m ona-belps . .Ask sitOK. valuetothe l BR. condo, 1001. Prta . .s.t-1* ...,_.._.._ ~. 11111. bUDatdl. •OMIC» CM --ANMl"EIV----· ...._ .... , aec. Gardea 1'N1LUCIY111W ll&AT+'A-~tp~ CONYDITION view. SllS. 7SH11•. a.etUii Coeta -llna·, ,., ..... root, eio.. CDl'TDApril17.zs ICM!!f7.K!te ~!Who!ST aattd 20 ..... Cftlet St. Grt•t To dalm tlcleu. call ~Ve Bia Cuyon •OWi IM VILLAGE OWD1r otc-upiied or la· u2.nu. ut. 212.,· cando.fonnermdJ. z Br Ylll. A1111me 11116 4r.. Tidtela lnUlt be claimed (1111 JOll COUl'M VG, lpot· 1'1lm, all. l..Ql.7357; by April %3.1112. m-usruou&. Avail. Ill. ie.om • * * I IUOD/IM. lt4·1Ut Bkr. 724 J1111e1 St.. Costa o. .. ,..___.,, CONDOl l bdrm fully lleaa. 4·plu, SH0,000 " -:-tr 2110 f11r1lanecl, aecurlly, firm. oooc1a.m.rm • .,, ., pool. uuo. uder· ..... •••••••••••••••••• .,..... MttlDa. Muell LAJllA APTS lU1 » Uait 8lclp St..-to Wllld '• Sea BrldL •ut m.Wioa 6 .. '2.• mUlloo. Seller l'inmdfta. Ott .. Yins,; Call todQ. Rod or CMp, btra, laF·-· SZO.GOIDM ~-0ttwrcirt dU,1u in Newport. Brtat enn pol8t1.ll. WUI trede for :rec'.., APPL.I Y ALUY more. P ino. A&t . IA llC'N, moat:iiii vu, m. -*for Lind•. leHI hlldla& •Ile. 1• UUUtln. Sll.200 firm . efeaaoft~~d. OftJA/l.. l14JUS.t*M Oceu view. Pool. OlherGood la•tttmenu Jlt'lllll, om. blWuda COIOMADOCAYS 1"•. a.•I•. PP. SAMDmO ...::•=:c--- IAYPIOMT 2 5Ully, 4 + bdrms, 2 baths . fireplue . p~ view Pier and allp. S3000~r mo. Avail Fib. L associated 1-• .. - BU1P1'S 3 BR 2~ ba, fpk, upsradedr patio. Sl7S mo. or lae opt. --.m.mo Brmiful J br. 3 b1 home overk>c*tai lae creen· belt. $1000/mo. MMMI aft. 4: 30pm :--------------~--,----.,.,..--~-----~--~---- • I Orange County RMI Estate/An Actv.111Ulg Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 17, 1982 -23 It should be about f.30°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't .show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands. . . ~ Besides ~aving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreas of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water tem~ratures are too hi~. . . • .... •I I I I I I l - 24 -OrMge County RMI &tat~/An Aawrtlltng Supptement to the DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, Aprtt 17, 1982 M••p•rt H•l9llh 2 Br. 1 ~~ p1iot. ··**~JI-· 1tove. w1ter p1id. ~ION Gudener. No pet1. CDn'ER A~rU lHS M /mo. lit. 1aat • SUO. To I · U •· 11 517~ Bolll. S4l·I041 c 11m c e ... ca e¥et • wbdl. 631·3520 lt2·H71, ut. 212. wtlbl T\diN mlllt be clllmed -:_:.:::.i;:__ _______ I bf April ZS. IC Clan 2 BR. den. peUo * * ! baa. 2 blocU t.o bdl. -----"'-=-~-­ Yrty. ao. ZIO Pro.pert. S. ..... Do not cllturb tenam. C 'I I w fllrtlor View 2 BR + COii· ~•rt •••. 2 81, llD· •etb!U. Grdar fura. J4ZI ....................... 3bdnll~~."75 ...... ~ aew ..tuk co.do er SC P1111. Sec 1atn. a.wood Olntlft ....... ... . .. ....,.... .,.,__ 1.1111111) (TM» ..... Na un....,.._ 1700 1111 Sc lo..••I (TM)MHtta AYllD-U..d. -mo. -==--------1 .. --.. COUMflY CLUI U....IM MIWPOIT llACH Ot~ C~oJY. Rea.I S.tate(An f\~v~ng Supplement to tile OAlli.Y Pl~OT/Saturday. Aprll 17, 1982 -25 Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults . Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate . . magamne ... Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to :r5ch s0 many I . ' . I I I fi I '~ I .. i .. ~ ·~ ~-q.. ~ J c-~ ---~ .. ~· C-•.-. .. n._. .,.t" f I 1· Sil VHAOO CANYON ( ' ! . ~ . - I t . ~~ ~ .. I -.... j ~11 i a ·I ~ !( § .... J l ORAN.GE~ _€0AST ·. -., . , • I.,.. • -. I" r·. • . -: ,._ . • =· ,,,. I -' "' ~. -':, t"" ),'I T'· . -, -. • REAL~fD11ATE MARKET ~ I , f\) ../"' ' \ PACIFIC OCEAN • • .. _/. . I. I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I :J. 1.- I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ., - 28 -OrMQe County AMI &tate/An ~~to the DAU..Y PILOT/Saturday, April 17p 1982 ii .._.,.-.UllJ-How about~ on~ 12th green of Meadowlark Country Club. Enjoy the sweeping vlewa from moat rooma. The manicured grounds and aharp decor are the talk of the neighborhood. Ju.t lleted, ao hurryt 847-6010 ....... NM'" -Coata Mela'a ftneet 3 Bdrm~ large family IMng area. Upgraded throughout. MU9t eee to appreciate. Calf 546-2313 _. ... , ,_&11 ml•t -Vety motivated Corona del .M.,. Mllef. Aaeume $170,000 flrat truat deed at 12¥•% payable $2077 monthly PITI. Enjoy aunaeta from living, dining and muter bedroom. Only $359,900. cal en.e5aO II ,_ 11111 .. -Unique Sunlet Peach home for only $239,900. 3 Bdrm, cu.tom decor. Creafe your own easy-to-own financing plan. Setler la "very" flexlblel 847-ec>10 lllTillTll IUll llPLll $149,900 -Priced · $10,000 under comparable propertlell One 3 Bdrm untt and one 2 Bdrm unltl HOME + IN- COME In prime area at thla low, low prtce of $149,900. Take advantage ... DIAL 983-6787 Pllll IPllW. -Large 4 Bdrm.' Rambling 1 atory, country kitchen, formal llvtng -wall of glaaa leadlng to pa110 and private grounds. Needs love and care. Only $130,800. cal now, 983-7881 . LM & IPllT&MUI 11nt -Ocean and city llghta view from thla home In a faahlonable Mlghborhood of Laguna Beach. Spacious 3 Bdrm home wtth excellent financing. Priced to ..n at $239,000. 646a7171 • wrnm•n 9lD -Balboa tlland, East bay front of llttlll taaand. Keep u a beautiful duplex or convert to huge alngle family home. B9th unlta have 3 Bdrma, 2 bath, large living area. flreotacee. Spacfou9 kitchen. At the financing to your needa. "On the water" -only $995,000. 548-2313 Hllll m. • IT11111 -Lowest prtced cot- tage In town! A.Hume Jow_lntereat loana. SparkllnlJ remodeled kitchen. NI~• elevated sunny location. Only $220,000.: Call now, 873-8550 11-..... • ..... _ Aaaume FHA loan. Setler to carry balance wtth low down and low monthly payments. Thia 3 Bdrm townhome has tote of appeal and many extraa. Priced at only $92,500. 847-8010 . •-.a amt +,..~_ $93,9501 BeautJtul gar- den home. COzy ~ lmpreufve airway to m"ter aultel SunehlM patlol Aaaume low Interest or try $9,400 down! Hurry, call 983-8787 . ., .... I 1111Y --Formal living area. Stairs leadlftg to prtvate muttr aufte. Sunny kitchen overlooking private patio. Community pool + 2 car garage, only $8~,000. Call 983-7881 •t1 IP Tl llWfllT -Exclualve residential .,. .. of eucc111ful executlvee and their t.mlllea. Thia beeutlful & aplldoua 4 Bdrm home wtth low Interest aeaumable loana le priced af only $269,900. call now, 646-7171 UIU Hiii + NIL -A spectacular rustic 3 Bdrm 2 bath home, wood cabinet kitchen, family room with brick ~. 18X36 family pool, built-In gaa barbequ_e, beautiful patio. ~ly $128,500. Celt now, 646-2313 t1rl ..... FH eHl,111 -Not one, but two ea.ta Mela 3 Bdrm homes for thla low price! Plua, a aparttllng poof. Huge 82X172 tot. owe 1at Trust Deed with 20% down. Won't lut, call . 873-8550 . ••• .._ -Bike to beachl 4 Bdrm home rich In det81H COzy flreplacef AIMame S78,000 loan, S8381mo. or try I 13,000 downr Only $129,900. Call 983-8787 •um .... -Aatme sao.2ss loen, 1~%. 1116 per mo. Two etory garden home, formal IMM. ONakjlng ,.,.,._, 8t9ln IMdlng to 2 muler eutt•. Country kltotl9n ovwrtoOkfnt patio and apa. A.eking 1147,900. can now, IU-7881 w.11• NM'" -Oeeperatlon saJel Ow- ner niuet Mii. Bring all offers! Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family room, 2 brick fireplaces. Only $124,950. You must see this one. Call 546-2313 LIM Ill.I -Lowest priced at only $319,500. Thia charming home la an exceptional va.lue and won't laet long. Located near clubhouae and tennta courts In a claaay neighborhood. GoocUerma avaJlablel 646a7171 · INT& •11& 1&1111 11•1 -Owner must eell now. Aaaume 1at of $87 ,500 at 13~% payable $887 monthly. Sweeping_ stairway to master autte. CaH today, 813-8550 . II eHLIFYIH -A11ume $70, 100 loa'n @ 13.25%, $786 per mo. Large 4 Bdrm, 2 bath. Large country kitchen. Formal living, covered patio overlooklng huge rear ground1. Owner wlll help with down payment, only $110,000. Caff for detalll, 983-7881 9ISA • .. LOWEST PRICE -Loweet price In M ... del Marl Large 3 Bdrm home with a. de'Mghtful, warm llvtng room wtllch Invitee famlly enjoyment. Aaeume low lntereet $71,500 loan i. seller wlll help with the financing. Only $129,000. 646-7171