HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-08 - Orange Coast PilotIUllCI CUil S ATUrlDAY. MAY 8. 191!2 L·ocal tracts BY STEVE MITCHELL Of"nleo.llr"9t1Wt Eleven tncta off Newport and Laguna Beech will be offered ln an offshore oil leue aale June 11, U.S. Interior Secre~y James Watt's office announced late Fri- day. The decision came despite a muaive letter writing campaign opposing the offshore lease sale, resolutions in opposition from both cl\iea, and recommended dele\lona aouaht by both the atate Coaatal Commiulon and Governor Brown'• office. News of Watt'• decision waa greeted with disappointment in both dties Friday, but offidala in Newport and ~ Beach said they were not surpriaed by the action. Jldeanwhile, a spokesman for Brown's Office of Planning and CREEK CHANGES COURSE -Al180 Creek has changed ita flow from a straight westerly spill into the ocean to a north- erly direction cutting through A1iao beech in South Laguna. The change OOCW'I almost every 'Prin& when big waves push I • ' ..,..., .... . ...... ... ....... . . . .. -. YOUR ~DMITDWN UllY PAPIR <>HA N<",f <OU N I Y < Al II OHNIA 25 CENT S offered for oil leases Retearch aald Friday the aover- noc has authoriz.ed a lawsuit to be filed against the Department of the Interior, challenslng the leue of tracts -0ff Newport, La- guna Beach and Santa Monica Bay. Mike Shapiro, of the gover- nor's office 1aid the su it will challenge Watt's "rejection of certain protective stipulations," such as geologic hazards and ecolop:al concerns. He sald the Intent of the sult would be to delay the June 11 sale. Brown had recommended that three ol the 11 tracts off the Or- ange Coast be deleted and that the three-mile boundary be pushed out to 3 'h miles. A total of 164 tracts, compri- sing 8~6,000 acres, will be offe- red for leue In a 8ealed bid auc- sand into the creek'• mouth, forcing the water to eeek the northerly path. Swell.I of up to 10 feet changed the flow two week.a ago. County crews wUl dig out the ch8nne1 to allow the creek to return to ita norma1 d1rection. lion at 10 a.m. July 11 at the Loe Angeles Convention Center. In his decision to go ahead with OU Lease Sale No. 68, Watt deleted only eight tracts buffe- ring the Santa Barbara eoological reserve. OU Lease No. 68 includ'es tracta in Southern California from Point Conception to just south of San Clemente Island. The tracts are located from three lo 84 miles offahore ii') waters up to 4,900 feet deep. The Mine rals Managemen~ Service of the Interior Depar~ ment estimates the tracts may oontatn up to 110 million barrei. of oil and 242 billion cubic feet of gas. The area of the lease offer h8* generated consideraole interest as having tremendous potential (See OIL, Page AZ) Transit plan vehicles eyed By GLENN SCOTT e>rthe D.., Ptlot ltaff Every time planners begin ex- plaining possible routes for a.new mass transit system proposed to run through Orange County, the same question invariably comes up. "What kind of vehicles are you planning_ on using?" goes the AUUY1-TJleJl.-aS "J_ b y afler- thought, comes the suggestion: "H ave you considered the monorail!.. · The dialogue occurred again Friday during a press briefing from Brian P earson, Orange County Transit District's devel- opment director, about the masa transit system. Always polite, Pearson explai- ned a.a he has time and again that the monorail simply isn't suited to Orange County's needs. The vehicle needs a wide radius to turn around, he explained. At a place like Disneyland, there isn't a problem. But in an urban aet- tina where space is limited, it becomes Inefficient. Officials instead have three other types of vehicles unde r conalderation for the system, propoaed to include 40 miles of routes within the county. One is a conventional mass transit rail car, which needs a driver and is similar to the car used In San Di~'• new line, nicknamed the "Tijuana Trolley ... Mover system in downtown Loe Angeles. The thud IS a bus that would run on separate, sometimes ele- vated, busways away from other vehicular traffic. The choice of vehicles will be made within the next year as OCTD, Caltrans and other plan- ning consultants examine cost- -etUcrency .f6onuJaS..baae.d.:·01n!D! --· optlcnrs-, P earson said .• Exact alignment should be set b~ next summer and construction could begin by 1985, he said. That early date, however, is contingent upon voters appro- ving a penny increase m sales tax to go strictly toward local trans- (Stt MASS, Page lU) Tanker trucks crash, burn LONG BEACH (AP) Two tanker truck.a loaded with vola- tile fuel collided on the Long Beach Freeway late Friday night, eending a tower of name. · more than 100 feet into the air, police said. "We know we have two {ata- li ties, but that's all," a Long Beach Fire Department spokes- man said. Frizzelle, Sills battle on TV show 'Threat' charged British extend Another option is a more so- phisticated car that runs by computer operation, without a driver, and only on a raised track. This type is the vehicle envisio- ned for the now-defunct People The collision occurred on the freeway Jutt north of Del Amo Boulevard, ,about eight miles north of downtown Long Beach.. More than 15 companies of fireman were battling the flames., which severed all traffic on the lreeway. Candidate says Crean threatened him The three candidates in the June 8 primary In the 69th state A.aembly District along the Or- ange Coast faced television cam- eras together Friday, with one of them no doubt feeling like odd man out. Much of the interview con - ducted a.a part of KOCE Channel ~·s "Voter's Pipeline" aeries was dominated by the two Republi- can rivals in the contest, Incum- bent Assemblyman Nolan Frli- zelle, R-Costa Mesa. and Irvine Mayor David Sills. Also present w as the sole Democratic Party contender, Ro- bert Hanson, a dir~tor of the Costa Meu Sanitary Dtstrict. Hanaon spent a good bit of hJa time listening to Silla and Friz- zelle wrangle over the i11ues separating them in the charged campaign, Including Silla' aseer- tlona that Fri:aelle, elected two years ago, haa not been com- plying with state campalan fi- nance dilCbure laws. Silla hM claimed that Frtzzelle bu not been itemizing certain expenw as required by the state (See trre, Pace A!) WORLD A fellow candidate to a South Orange County congresaional district has threatened to aee him "end up in the bottom of the ri- ver with concrete shoes," Mike Schaefer claimed Friday. "I waa stunned by your comment," Schaefer said In a letter replying to Johnnie R. trean of San Juan Capistrano. Crean denied making such a threat. Schaefer said Crean did ao as the two candidates walked to their cars alte.r appearing before a student group Wednesday at nearby Palomar College. The version aa told by Crean In a telephone interview later went this way: "I walked out of the forum and he (Schaefer) came up to me and sald he'd met eomeone I'd met In MLl8ion Viejo. I sald, 'What were you doing In my territory?' He aaid, •Are you threatening me?' I said, 'no, I'm just kidding.' II Crean aald he iJ regarded u the front-runner among 18 can- dida tea seeking the GOP nomi- nation from the 43rd Congres- sional Dlstrid and that Schaefer needs publicity to catch up. "A ~ way to get your name In the paper la to write to 'The Skipper says cruiser no threat BUENOS AIRrS, Arpntina (AP) -The captain of the Cl'Ui8er General BeJcrano aid Friday hia li\.IJ> wu torpedoed and IUllk out.lde Britain'• blockade zone and 0 prelleJlted abmlutely no threat." STATE Associated Press," Crean aald, Schaefer's letter, dated Wednesday, says he had called then night before on a family in Carlsbad, not Mission Viejo as Crean said, and mentioned it to Crean after the two candidates appeared at Wedneeday'a forum. "You said to me: 'Don't let me catch you campaigning in my neighborhoods or you might end up in the bottom of the river with concrete shoes,"' Schaefer's letter to Cream says. "I was stunned by your comment and asked you how that might 80Wld if repeated publicly. You asked 11 I'd recorded the comment. I aa1d I had not. You said, •u anyone aaka me about it, rn deny it.' "I don't think you were funny," the letter continues. "You were joking, I a11ume. You'd have to be ... Chicago people talk about myterioua deaths and river bottoms and concrete shoes. It is out of place in the 43rd Congressional Di1- t r i ct. It's out of place In America!" Crean. a 32-year-old political nov$ce who owns a travel trailer manulacturina firm, reportedly hu a '600,000 campatan trea- sury. .. NATION war zone By Tile A11oclated Pre11 Britain added a new dimension to the Falkland Islands crisis Friday, threatening to attack Argentine warahipa or warplanes found more than 12 miles from the Argentine coast. BrltiJh ma- rines reportedly were moblliDng to storm the islands in a few days. The Argentine Foreign Minis- try sald the British move expan- d Ing a previously declared 200-mile war zone around the Falklands "for all practical pur- pmee amplifies the war zone to the entire South Atlantk.'' A ministry communique said the Argentine government "denounces the abeence of good faith of the United.Kingdt>m, which, while declaring lta Inter- est in undertaking negotiatlona and reaching a peaceful 11e>lution, contradicta that poaltion with concrete actions, creating altua- tlona that terioualy perturb any pomibility of negotiation." But the commumqUI' al8o sald Argentina lt1ll aooepta the medi- ation efforta by U.N. Secretary- Oeneral Javier Pere% de CUellar of Peru. ' ' Soviet bu!hlup evidence 'sousbt WASHINGTON (AP) -Tblrty-three HouH Republicam, trylna to counter crittcla'D of defeme 1pendlna, uked President 1'eapn on J'rtday to de- olMll.ty fntew,ence evidence of • .,., &Met mWtarY buildup. Reasan bluta Democrats WASHINGTON (AP)-A fetlty Prelldeot Rea-/ pn aecwed Dlmocrata of "pun~· Frida1 fQr crlddzinc hAI la'-t budiR plan. a.-cl9dared ti.at I reWrinl the economy WM~ to thml. ... ·. I, • Takes .pen in hand Looking for the brighter side of the news? For years banquet audi- ences along the Orange Coast have enjoyed Robert Gardner a.a the master of ceremonies, offering anecdotes about the 62 years he's spent watching the Harbor Area change from summer-only to suburban li- festyle. Now Gardner, a semi- retired appellate court justice who started with the Orange County district attorney's of- fice in 1935, will share his commentary through an edi- torial column In the Daily Pilot. Joining in the community aplrlt and satiric counterpun- ches of this effort, famed Laguna Beach cartoonist Vir- gil Partch hu designed the logo for the new oolunm that atarta Sunday. INDEX Clullfled Cl~ c.omlca BlO Comment B8 era.word BlO . Death Notlcet C2 Entertainment B12-13 Movlee Bl2-13 SPORTS REFLECl'S -Juriat Ro- bert Gardner contemplates life aa a newspaper colum- nist. PwblicNotbt C2,3 Religion 87 Spora 81-4 · Televillon BU Thea ten 812-13 Weather A2 Youth Be ._I MASS TRANSIT PLAN ~9TH RACE. , =Political Practicee Comma- ,., ut Frlzzelle, withou. t being • ific, aaid, "according to the PC that'• not the caae ... tllelr only comment I.I that we t+e overrepol1ed. '' •sma haa reque1ted that the ted. The preferNd route bun't been ct.c.en. Peenon expWnld. Plannen allO have ,ldentWed ma.Joi' 9Cttvtty centen where lta· ~ could be corwtructed. p..,.. llOft Mid. >.. alaqa the San Dleao line, the 1tatfom would be con· venient., but not fancy. "We're Jook1Jw at very simple ataUont," aid P-eanon. "They'd be oowred but unmanned, prob- ably with a 1elt-eervioe coin ool-lecdon procem .•• So far, plannera have made 1cale modelt o f 1tatlon1 that would accommodate below-lfllde raill or elevated track.a, depen- ding on the kind of vehiclft ee- lected, and the locale. Near the Orange Cout. 1ta- tiom are tentatively .et for theee 11 locations: South Coaat Plaza, one a t Sunflower Avenue at Brlltol Street and the other at Anton Boulevard: Briltol at Be- ker Street; MacArthur at Main; MacArthur at John Wayne Air- port; MacArthur at Jambor~ Main at the San Diego Creek channel in Irvine; Culver Drive at the creek; Jeffrey Road at the creek; and at the Irvine train station. • • • guarchi, offshore leasing and ex- ploration for oU and gas can be environmentally benign." React1na to the announcement, ' mayors lrom both Newpor t Beach and LagUJla Beach ex· premed diaapJ?!?intment i.n Watt's dedaion. - ---:- -"lt's.dllappointlog,..of .coune. but perhaps it wu wiah.ful thin- king to believe Watt would eliminate thoae tracts," said Newport Mayor Jackie Heather. Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue aaid the expected the tale to be endorsed by Watt, but she aaid Laguna "has established a good record u far as our reasons for opposing the leue sale." &th mayors ta.id they would be watching to .eie what the state doea (with it• lawault), "nd Mayor Bellerue uld "we will probably join in the suit when- ever It's appropriate. ''Leasing thoee tract.a certainly la not c:onslltent with the couta1 zone policies of California," ahe said. • • FPPC inveatlgate the alleged wrongdoing. Frizzelle aald lut week the FPPC hu requeated "clarifications" on aome items and that the lnlonnatJon .ouabt would be provided, proba6ly Monday. He declined to releue It in advance of 1ivlng it to the CXll'Olll1-ion. IJalloon ·activities set in Valley .. -Gordon Bennett Balloon Race ren under 5 wlll be admitted altivtties will take place from 8 free. alDi. to dwk todaJ at the central Ten hot alt balloona Will oom- atfleld at Mile Square Park in pete ln the Orange County Clas-= Valley. ale from 9 to 11 a.m. F.ight teams Uc entry gaie. will be off from the U.S., Ja • Gennany Avenue between Brook-and F r ance' wi'liiift off in }U'll and Euclid atreeta. helium-filled balloon• for the Adm1llion is $3 for adults and Gordon Bennett raoe from 1 p.m. $ f« ch1ldren 5 to 12. Child-to dusk. TRANSIT STATION -Thia model of 1tatloo for Orange County mus transit system u it could look at South Cout Plaza in a:.ta Mesa. Elevated bu.way at station would keep .,.., ........... .., .............. tranltt vehicles away from ltreet traffic while they are ttop- ped, cutUng congestion at loading points and allowing for greater peaeenger safety. Diedrich plans unclear It's 'Opening Day"' for boaters By ALMON LOCJtABEY nlng day today for the Daaa colorful flag ulal.n8 at the club'• Dtillr Not ... tint wttt.r Wnt Yacltt Clu. The club will quarters at 28th Street and Orange County and other conduct a parade through the Newport Boulevard ln Newport Southern California yacht clut. harbor at 11 a.m., followed by e Beach. Flag offlcen are Allen are active virtually 365 day1 a ribbon-cutting at 2 p .m. ln Bull-Brown, commodore; Cart Lut, year. ding D, Dana West Harbor. Fifth vice commodore, vice commo- So what's with thia Opening Dl.atrtct Supervilor Thomas Riley dore, and J im Gronakj, rear ~ FREDERJCI SCBOEMEBL Day bit? will do the honors. commodore. ttleF Deilr "°'0 1..,. C Theoretically it's a concession Flag officen are Ral~h Baker, Over on Coast u1n"way, et--•L ormer range ounty th ach""n b11-'---od Ra Vi i &~· DVU~ Supervisor Ralph Diedrich, reac-to e y ... oe esta .uaiuuic:nt on comm ore; y er ng, v ce Sllore Yaclat Clab celebraie. it.a ting to a state Supreme Court the F.ut Coe.st, where yach t clubs commodore, and Harry Hale, 28th year with a formal flag rai- decision upholding 1979 bribery are cloeed in cold monthl. rear commodore. • ting at 10 a .m. ha flag officers and conapli'acy conviction.a, said Tradition aside, on the Orange Other season openings being will boa.rd boeta to visit the other Friday he "must try to put thia Coast. where two yacht clut. al-oblerved today lnclude: clube later ln the day. behind me by tervf.ng whatever ready have held opening day and Balboa Yacllt Clu the eecond aentence 1 have to .erve." seven <!thera will observe the oldeat obaervlng ita'.5Sth annl-Another lo!'g-time yachting aprlng ntea today, the ceremonies • t with~ organization an Newport, Lido Diedrich, however, declined to ~ave come to,,be known u t:::rV:e~reaicU.nc. He~ ltle Yadat Clab ~ ita birth in le_!aaborvinagtenoonimthme e'tadit.emenate h1~ntthou.an aeaaoBu nbopeningha . introduce flag offioen Bill Tay-thed 1:},~,o Comi,nu'?!_t.?'..:lubhou.e "' t y w tever name, open-. D' k an ou.u occuptes ... ~ quarters. whe&.lle& ha.intends ~o JtUraue-lng-ciay ir~~)' ~fiubs ia a lor, vice .commodore, and ic Commodore Don Benedict will further appeals ln the cue. day of "spit and p..rltth" for , Jones,~ commodore. -preside at the formal flag raising DiedHch's attorney, Keith members and--U1elr yacht.a~ -• J~P.8Ct.!00 of ~ht.a~ the .. and iAtroduce-hia feUow...llag of. Monroe, of Santa Ana, 1aid a The Orange Coast's oldest a ~ ::f tro~t.a 1Uf ~best ficera, Jim Siegal, vice commo- determinatlon of the next pot.en-yacht club, Ne wport Harbor man m yac w e up dore. and Bill Palmer, rear com- tlal legal steps could not be made Yacht Club, ob9erved Its 66th moat of the afternoon. BYC la modore. until the Supreme Court'a'bpin-seaaon opening laat Saturday located next to the Coast Guard " . Ion hu been recelved and-stud-with Commodore Morgan L . station on Baylide Drive in Co-~ blucl Yacltt Clab ia the led. Morgan greeting members and rona del Mar. area 1 onJy exclusively power Once the opinion ia .reviewed. guests who ahowed for the open Voyqen Yadat Clab ltarU the boat club. Flae ralaing ceremo- attomeya for Diedrich and co-nou.e. day with a breakfut for mem-nles will be obeerved at 11 a.m. defendant LeRoy Roee could pe-At Dana Point it wlll be ope-ben and followed by the (See YACHTS, Pate AJ) tJUon the high court tor a rehea-r.:;-iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiimii~iiii~ ring. They also could conaider filin1 an appeal ln the federal ~~wu convicted May 22, 1979, of two counts of bri- bery, and, with Roee, a former Orange County architect, of ooe count of conspiracy to commit bribery. On Feb. 18, 1981, a atate ap- peaJa court overturned the con- victlona -a decialon that wu CCtaled : the atate Supreme b7 prmecuton ln the ttate Attorney Cieneral'a office. In the statement releued late Friday morning, Diedrich, of Fullerton. said: "Naturally, 1 am disappointed with the Supreme Court ded - aion. "There are many queation• that occur to me. How could a unanimou. declaion come from the appellate court ln my faWll', then a unanimoua decillon from the Supreme Court agalnat me? One wonders ff they neard the aamecue. "Thi.I problem hu been han- gine over my h ead for a 100.1 time. In my heart I know I am Innocent. The loyalty of my family and IO many friends hM been to rewarding to me. "I must try to put thia behind me by aervlna whatever aentenoe I have to aerve." DISHWASHER . SPECTACULAR I OUT THEY GO ·-EVERY MODEL ON SALE NOW! OUR LOSS-YOUR GAIN ' WHIRLPOOL, G.E., MAYTAG, AND MORE -ALL AT A ONCE IN A LIFETIME SAVINGS ••••• GENERAL ,_·:'7 1 ELECTRIC .,, ~ -~LL ELECTRONIC --&.E.'1 BEST GENERAL ( ·:: ·, ELECTRIC • 4 cycle wash seMction Cloudy weekend 1000F ' I •100 ... 11 • Enero saver ., option I• Sotn1 m..atec1 • Dual deter1..t ---OOod .. quallty In ... -tod.y. Pollutent &t•nd•d lndH ,.. '>iluru.iv M.11 8 tinge of t2 .,. fOfKUI fOf' IM Ian ~i. a.rtta V8J. le)t•. tM Sen Oebrlel·Pomone Yelleye end the AIYereld .. &en . 8emerdlno .,_ " .,.,...,.. wWlde becomlnO Oood tlk quelty with PSI 42 It .:,~~ ~ called for In ell otll« ., .... In-a "'9t. ~ doudy. aw-oludln&:..~~polllen Loe An· loall .... In "'°"*"' .,...., . Hemet.Elelnore, ' Long a..tt end .. oo.1111 .... l:, lnlend Of8noe County, BIO ew J.J .S. •ummary ~· _, , ... "'°" _, '" ~ .. 90 .,_.. IPteed f1\l9f tr. Gulf ,...._ --·, • • • r • • ~~0~~~;: Temperaturea.., ......... w ........ ~H•• ppl, Md mO\f9d 1tp tlMt -UTIOM •. lllCIAA \I ._ 1,.1~ .~ c.,..,..,...,, ,, HIHlppl AIYer, Into lower ti Le __________ ....., ______ _ end lhrCNGll "'-OMo ....,. 71 It Ole Molli. 71 .... CMJPONM ..... -.......... Al...... !! .. --.... -117 "' .. !Wllofl. MllMa , • to o:;,;' ., ~IHIHlppl ~~!!! !!.!_.tenH Mineo et, .. M 11 ,__ : :.: .._~-•tot· ~ 11 IO ,..,_.. 17 ti 0 OVCMd dOWn ""' H•I· ....... a • ,.., .. 2t wr!.!.~~ ~fl!.! 11111._,.11 • • ........,, ., n ....... "..--.-i;;;.-.~.;·~ ~ Ill • OttiM ,... " ., ..,. ""'°'*'· ._. .," " =::. .,., a Oday't tor.CHI celled tor = l3 IO II 111 tMleHtOl'IH 0¥9f IM norUt• """""°" U !! ~ a II oomtr Of h tiMIOft, llld a.tiMn 10 10 -,,.._ 74 : ,,......AdMtlO OOMtal ltlt•. Cfw-. WV a f1 .... n. N IO .,. wef• In etore for tM a.tne NC a 11 ~ 12 41 81tnny ':::' •• ,. fOfffHI ~ r, f, ...... = ~ == ~=~ ::: '*-IO M 11 :1"* 11 71 o.i... .,., e1 E' .... Dlt.ftWll 11 • 10 40 . = ~ = ... a.Ma ;. ft .. • " 11 1t .. IO t7 70 .. to .. ., ., .. .. 71 ,. .. .. .. fi 11 11 ~ .. .. • " .. 11 ti • I Le # • .. ... i • • • I = .. = • Tuff be irt • ~lTIIT~rn~ PWliJffi[[IJ Qe~uCtion repeal .eyed Bill to end credit deductions backed WASHINGTON (AP) -The ~ admJ.n .. llt.raUon, ..,.,. to fi.Jld wayt to cut recOrd budltt defldta, offered on trtday to work wt~ on 1 plan to wtpe out tax deducdoN for 6\tenit on moet corwumtr loanl. One aich bW would atve the pemment an utra tl0.7 blllJon over the next tiw y.an. Neverthelae, the admlnJatraUon'• chief tax expert, John E. Cha~ an lllliatant llCl"9W'y of ~ trwury, OP"! 111 cl ..vera1 canclf'DI about a.ch a bW, which alto would lncr• ... the unoun1 oi tp.,fne lnwr.t and dMdendl that • penon could raw. hn1. Harrlton Schmitt, R-N.M., and Bob Packwood, ft.On., chSef ...,... of the bW to re- lta1ct the cs.duc&n. haw dehmd a tq chunk of the oppo1ldon by proposlf\I that full Muctiona remain for lnterett paid on a home monp1e or loanl for can, colJele, bwtnem and ln""1nent. . ., . . Money supply takes plunge NEW YORK -The nation'• baalc m~ne 1uppty fell $4.9 billion in the final week of A , the Federal Reterve Board laid Friday. The wiped out much of a hup lncttUe ln the finrt week of the month. Reaction In the credit market• wu muted. Bond prtce. roee moderately immediately after the report was .releued but later retreated and finiahed the day with modest 1a1n1. Interest raw edaed allghUy lower. Economiata taid the drop In the money 1Upply 1 -- WU abou t ln Une with market expectatlom and could pave the· way for IOIM further dec1ln.. in lntenttntee If IJ'9Wlh In the money atocll con- tinu. to moderate th.ta month. '11le Federal Retlerve said the money ::.tply rnMIW'e known• Ml -which lncludee In drculaUon ph• depolitl In cl\ec:ldnc 8000Untl -fell to an aver•a• t-fU .& bWion, after adjuatlna for eeuonal varlatJon.e. That wu down f4.9 blllJon from an avera1e $4&4 .4 blllion in the previou1 week. o Social cut supported: poll WASHINGTON -A 1peclal Gallup Poll commlasioned by the Chamber of Cornmeroe of the United St.ates found that moil people aupport tnmm1ng the oost-of-Uvlng l.ncreues 1n 8odA;I Se- • c::urity and other Ptograml ln line wfth other fedenl budget cuts. • The poU al.lo indicates that lawmak.en need not tear a bacldMh at the ballot box lf they vote fer a one-year freeze 1n benefit hilu!e, Chamber ex.ecu-. ~ves told a newa conference Friday. ''By a 48-to-44 percent rnar'lln. P90Dle beJJew that (cmt.-of-llvina adjustmenta) ahauld &e redUced ln the ume proportion .. other~." said Jay Schmledeekamp, a Gallup vice prnldent. ·Strong China ties pledged- PEKING -Vice Pre1ldent Geor1e Bu1h, warned by Chi.nae Communist leaden of critical frlctlon aver U.S. amll Mles to Taiwan, aald J'nday he was visiting to promote Wuhlngton'• "lood fa.Ith" in pledging ltl'Ont tiel with China. The vice pretlldent abo denounced what he ca.Jled expanajonilm by the Soviet Union and Mid the United Stat.et ancf China ah.are "a common re- lpomdbWty'' to maintain 8lobe1 .-.. But St.ash dld not announce any U.S. c~ of position on anna ..i. to Taiwan, teat of the rival Wat.ionalist government. Pekina la demand.Ina the United Stetea stop all talel to t.fie 1aland, whicT\ the CommuniN consider a Ch1ne9e province. Appeals judge subpoenaed MIAMI -A federal appeal.a Judie In Lot Angeles hat been 1ubpoenaed to testify in the labor-rac~teerlng triaJ of 11 men, The Allodated Pre88 learned Friday. U.S. Appeal.I Court Judge Stephen Reinhardt haa f Ued a motion to qUMh the eubpeona. The de- f Pnae attorney for one of the Laboren lntemaUonal Union of North America offlclal1 on trial here wanu lWnhMdt to teldty about the credJbWty of the pwnmmt'a ltar wtm-, JC*'ph Ha~. U .8. Diltl1ct Judae Jamee W. Kehoe on Friday rec! 1 ed the 3-week-old trial unUl nat Wedneeday, and Hid he would aet a date for a hearln1 on Reinhardt'• motion to Cluuh u 100n u he ii con- tacted by an attorney repreNntlng Reinhardt. Jurist removal sought SAN FRANCISCO -Callfornla'1 Judicial w1tchdog agency reoornmer)ded Fnday that an l'Mt Loe Angeles munJdpel Judae ~ removed from of. flee for oommJtt.lng lmproprietia, lndudlnc aexual and ethnic 1tura, and br1 "lgina h1a office Into dlare- pute. The Commiation m. J udiclal Performance rec- ommended to the state su,.reme Court that JUdae Mario P Gomalez be rmn 1 o1ed "for conduct sreii· dJda.I to the admlniltration "' julUc:e . . . .. , Gonw.ff., :ws, dilplayed • "penlNnt tnabWty to perf.crm • Judo'• dua., and wWtu1 mlloonduct ln offlce,'' aaJil tJit ~ '!be j&.ldee Ml unUl June 7 to petition the Supreme c.ourt to 1'9ject the removal recommendation. The ODIDID1lllon cbarpd that In open court and private conver.dom with people --=Mated with the court, Gonsala had made 11pal0Dil wrba1 at.. tac1u" and other actlon.e that put In doubt "hil . abWly to alt .. a fair and lmparUal Judie!' McCloskey raps accord NORTH HOLLYWOOD -Rep. Pete Mc· Closkey aaid Friday that the refusal by Conir- and Preatdent Reaaan ta C!Ut pl'Oll'UDI tueh .. So- cial Security to fower the federal deficit waa "political cowardice" and could throw the nation Into • deP'ftlion. McClotk•>:t who ll lffldnl the Republican nomination tor tne U.S. Senate, liald tht ...-nmt rwbed by ~ 1'edefl and tht f'illllldent on Thur11day would make UO bl llon in "unapeclfled reform• In the Social Security syNln" altar the Nov9mblr elecdoa. "So the comproenile ~)'ii a fraud and ll'a not a compromile at a1f. . . Th.ii nation could F lnto a areat deprettlon rtvallnl that of the mid ·aaa.·· the s.n Mateo~ l&ld 1n • lun- cheon adda w to • IJ'OUP of flnanda1 plannen. McCloek.ey llld the t.dera1 cWJat. which be projected at f 112 bllUon mUlt be cut In half, ln• cludln1 t40 billion from what are called "ent.tu.m.tnt" J)l'Olrunt auch 11 8oclal Securtty, welfaN and 6ldlnJ ndrement benlflta. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl11.Wled ~9'nt 114Jl42-1171 .All ot,.., -•nm•nt1142-432t · Child porno rins •ma1hed fhomff P, Ii !av l'•lt>'·--c.-,,_ °"""" Kfly $cnutlt """"'-Mf Oil.Cl/If -.,,...., ..... lom Murpt\tna fdollll Mlk• Harvn cw • ..., (;A .. """ .. '"' •Qt~·,....,.,, t<•n vOOdMd c ...... ,,,, ",,,... .. MAIN Mfttel QtWetl~M .CMl•MH<t CA w n.-.-.... ,,.. ,.,. .. -·'" .,.,. c...,,..,_ leJ OI-, .... "'*'™"' '-' M ,._, ...,...., t1111'4tM! ... ,, t4'1ttrlel "'"'«.,Ho HtllWlftMtt ilitfetfl ..,.., .. t~HU<M •ff!lolll ~lef 9"11'111\iell .. ,..,.,leM _• . .. . .. .. .. " - Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 ~...-· . .,.., .... ...,, ....... BIG WINNERS -Ed and Margie Zlemer accept sweepltakes trophy from Stall Commodore Bob Me1erve for best main~ a1ned yacht during recent opening day ceremonies at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Their boat ii the 44-foot sloop, Swan. lnlpection of yachta ii traditional part of spring openingl at many On.nee Cout yacht clube. , .. t .. f tOtlJ Page A2 . YACHTS • • • • with Commodore John Honey preddlna. 0th r n., offlcert at SlYC are Frank Beneta1, vice ~ and Paul Kina. rear commodore. nw clubhoule la by the B&lbff la1and Srida•• I Ba~la c ... tatlllaa Yac~t Cl•~ will be obeervtna lta 24\h lelldCS openin~ with ceremoniet al 12:3.(1 p.m. It a on Bay1lde Drive be! tween the Shark bland anif &lboe lC c,lubt. Commodore Marehall Gr~Q will preelde at the fla1 ral1ll)i and will introduce fla1 offlceft Jamee H. Moore, vice commsh dore, and Terence R. Mulllaafi\ rear commodore. • : / Dua lfol.Dt Yacllt Clllb will bit , holding lta openlnl day May 14..,, Officer• are Bruce Toffelmle'rr. commodore; Paul Frazier, vie~ commodore, and Steven Franta; rear commodore. Capi1trano Bay Yacht ChJ~ held It.II opening ceremonies eat#~ Lier thl.s spring. Flag offlcen are: Michael Sutton, commodore; DoA Scale., vice commodore, and Mike Reardon, rear commodore. CUISINART Good thru Mother's Day Only! (l-M2) \ · DLC10E DLC8E DLC7E D~C72RO LIST • our price $130 •11.11 $185 $260 $2-15 '141.91 •111.11 •211.11 28% Off Cuisinart COOKWAiE, PARTS AND ~CCESSORIES (pnc.e herewith are correct, and were publllhed Incorrectly Fri., 5/7) ... ,. ••••• HARDWARE AH 8toree Open 7 Deye WMtollff .Thura. tlll 1:00 =-~ Anahein ... ...... Ane c.., ...... ........... ....,, 911-5212 IN TIME FOR MAKING Car1lftl del Mir 1107LC....Hwr. ,, .......... _..,..., 171-2IOO YOUR OWN SUMMER MOVIES ARRIVED PA VS FOR ITSELF WITH SAVINGS-BY USING PRO-VIDEO TAPE IDWYDI Cll BE QuaSar. ~ DIRECTOR ~ PORTABLE VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER '\\8-"c1~11 YOufo:'I' w"H HIGH SPEED P1c1uRE SEARCH VIDEO PRODUCTIOIS PLAYS 01 ANY TV ALSO RECORDS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOWS AUTOIATICAll Y EXTRA LIGHT WEllHT FOR PORllllLIJY WORBiRIES OR 11 E PLAYS ALL • ECORDEO · MOVIES THINK Ofi THE I P«mlBILITIES ~-...- EE ITTlll YIU'LLWMTTG E IT Orange C0Mt DAILY PtLOT /Saturday, Mmy 8, 1912 Is Newport Bay I .~ worse for terns? llY STEVE MARBLE Of'IM Dllr .... 1"" What do leut tema, a Santa Ana fl.rm charaed with toxic wute dwnplng and a Udo Ia1 hOUM tnat hu burned .three ume. fn three yean have ln com. mon? Not much, really, except all are deeerving of a poatacrlpt. THE BIRDS ao first. '- Ws been nearly three years since the state De- partment of Fish and Game cleared a small aand y piece of land in the Upper Newport Bay in hopee the leut tern, an endangered 1pedea, would neat there. The least tern, which geta ita name because it's such a smaUtry of a tern, la a finicky bird. E.xpena say It likes to be left alone, settle down in an open area and stay cloee to the water. That's exactly what the Fish and Game people gave the tiny terns in the back bay. They even went a step further by erecting a knee-high electric wire around the site to keep other a.n.trn.als away. Several least tern decoys were stuck in the san in hopes the endangered birds would spot the Cak and think some of their pals had already settled in. It didn't work. The terns kept flying past. Although the Fish and Game experts aren't gi- ving up yet (in fact they just put in new decoys), they do express some puzzlement as to why the terns are snubbing what should be perfect nesting grounds. They point out that one of the most popular gathering areas in Southern California for the terns is along the runway at Lindbergh Field in San Diego. Perhaps the terns think of the jets as overgrown relatives or something. * * * ANOTHE R CURIOSITY in Newport Beach is the house on Lido Isle that has gone up in flames three times since 1979. It's not a funny story. Mary Ann Cahill died in a bedroom of the house at 241 Via Genoa a year ago when ti.re swept through the structure. A year and several months before that. the 52-year-old woman nearly perished in the same house when it went up in flames. Both blaz.es. firemen revealed, were determined to have been caused when the woman accidentally dropped.a cigarett.e-ffi her bed... ~---Th~Q_ouse, vacant ~~nee the_ wQman's death, caught fire again recently, nearly a year after the fatal blaze. Firemen say this time it was the work of an araonist who left two cans of lighter fluid behind. They wouldn't speculate why someone would want to torch the house. * * * ON ANOTHE R serious note, a Santa Ana firm that last year was charged with releasing chromic acid into a storm drain leading to the Upper Newport Bay, is being sued by the state for up to $138,000. Suspect escapee from jail A 22.year-old man who ..U.1- edly 1hot the owner of a New- port Beach restaurant =a .robbery try th.la week re y la a Loul1lana jail eacapee who led five prllonera on 4 jail break Ni'ller th1I year. Newport police detectlv• said t})e Information came to light Thunday durtn1 a routine fin-. gerprint check with the FBL JfoUce aald the man they ar- retted on 1uapiclon of 1hootln1 68-year.old Lorenzo Puinl, ow- ner of the Spaghetti Bender res- taurant, originally Identified hlm1elf aa TlmothY. Pat rick Webb, a native of Texaa. Offioera said he had a Social Security card and a birth certificate to prove it. An FBI fingerprint check, though, revealed his true name ia Christopher Joeeph Winfield, an armed robbery 1u1pect from Louisiana, police said today. Police said Winfield, arrested on attempted murder c;harges last Monday in a West Ocean Front houae only blockl from the res- taurant, u wed his way out of a jail cell in Covington, La., where he waa being held on 1JU1picion of two aawed-off shotgun robberies. Winfield, officers said, repor- tedly led five fellow priaoners to freedom through a ventilation shaft ln the LoWltana jail. Police said they are unsure how long he had been in New- port Beach. He iS being held in the Newport City Jail in lieu of $250.000 ~ Paaini, the reataurant owner, was shot once in the cllest during the robbery try thia week. Paaini -remalh& in serious oohdilionat -Fountain Valley. Communit)'- Hoapltal. Police aaid Paaini attempted to elude the robber by slam.ming a door ln his face. Police said the bandit re.acted by firing through the door, 1trik:ing the restaurant owner in the chest. Mesa restaura nt damaged by smoke The suit, filed in Orange County Superior Court by the state attorney general's office, seeks civil pen- alties against NeWJX>rt Hydraulics Inc. ,,. A pi~ of stale bread left in- It is the state Department of Health Services and side an operating oven caused the California Regional Water Quality Control Board $200 worth of smoke damage to a that allege the flrm dumped gallons of the caustic C.O.ta Mesa restaurant. according waste into a storm drain. to fire officiala. ' AP Wlr.,moto LA TEST ST AR -Diana Ross flashes a smile and a wave as she presides over ceremonies on Hollywood Boulevard ad- ding her star to the Walk of Fame. Mlss Ross was the l ,748th entertainer so honored. Clint Eastwood s ues Enquir er Clint Eastwood filed a SlO million lawsuit against the National Enquire&\ • foe ayt.ng he waa embroiled in a love- t r I an g l f .with country- weat.em singer. Tuy a Tacker and actre9I Sondra Locke, the actor's attorney said. Boward Kin& said that Eastwood had "no rela- tion.ship . . . whatever" with Miu Tucker and that the Poet Rod McKuen, r ecal- ling hia own experiences aa an abuled child, aaya 1exual ex- ploitation of children can end only when Americam real1z.e th.e problem can be happening "next door and in the next room.'' Speaking in W~ at Enquirer -which is the subject of several celebrity lawsuit.a.-was l>eing charged with invasion of privacy and using Ehtwood'a' name and likeness without consent., A picture of Eastwood and Mias Tucker on the cover of the April 13 edition was ac- companied by a caption : "Clint Eastwood in Love Tri- angle With Tanya Tucker." the second National Confe- rence on Sexual Victimization of Children. McKuen decla- red that moat national sta- tistics on the magnitude of the problem are too~. He 1ug- e1t.ed that as as 1 mil- fion American chi dren may be 8eXUally abused th.is year. It bu been 31 YllJ'I llnce ' Vla dlmlr HorowUa perf or· med ln lA.&ro.,., but he WMted no time when h• decided to 10. hopptns a 1upenonlc Concorde to London with tu. wife Wanda. The Ruulan-born" planlat arrived from th• United State.. brtJ\81na with him an entoura1e that lpcluded hll physlda.n, cook and ptano tu- ner. Horowh%. 77, haa a redeco- rated auite at the <;onnau1ht Hotel, complete with ita own grand piano. He la to perform May ,22 at London's Royal Festival Hall at the invitation of Prince Cbarles, patron of the Royal Opera. lt'a a benefit, expected to raise an estimated $180,000 for new backstage fadllties. Jamea L. Loper, the top off.icial of financtally troubled public television station KCET, said he will relinquish his admlnistra\ive role to focus on viewer·oriented du- ties. Loper, 50, will retain his title as president and chief operating officer. However. a general manager will be hired for administration, allowing Loper to concentrate on pro- gramming, fund-raising and community relations. President Reagan s ent ''best wishes'' to a Tex.as bear he posed with while cam- paigning in Waco in 1980. Reagan responded to a let- ter from Abner the Bear. a former n a ylor Universtty mascot now at Texas Safari Ranch, a drive-through ani- mal park at Clifton. Mlke Cloer, the par k's public relationa director. composed the letter addressed "Dear Dutch." He sent along ..lw-0 .copies of a photog~ap.h. that showed Reagan with his • -hand on Abner's bead, taXen· at the Waro airport m April 1980 .• Britain's Prince11 Anne is coming to Canada on July 5 and will stay for two weeks, vi&ting the c.apital city o{ Ot- tawa and h eading west to Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Yukon. It will be the aeoond royal visi t this year for Canada. Queen Eltzabetb II and her husband, Prince Pblllp, were in Ottawa in April for cere- monies to proclaim the coun- try's own constitution. ~~~they~~~~y~~~ ~~~~~~~~ii~~i~~~iiii~iiiii~i~i~~i~ii~~~~~~iii the acid were d umped into the storm drain or what, if spotted at the Sizzler Family any, effect it had on the bay's wildlife. iteak Houae, 2196 Harbor Blvd. ~~~~~~~~~==================~==~~====!...._~a=bo=u=t~l~l~:40.::...;P~·=m~.~Th~unda===:..Y~· ~--J SAS FINANCIAL INC. r1r)1,\' t1;i~ 1 c,t t<. 2ncl l D Money to Loan '1r1 '1:1 t d-·P'. o f ; •rr)pprt1i~<, 19 3 interest plus costs . • •, '1 ·' •• ~11fl11•, I tu .1pp1n.1/ r:.11/ V.mess.1 8.51 8 '/5 ~ ~~·,..._ \~ ~ ~ MOTHER'S DAY DINNER FROM 3 P .M. Specializing In Fre•h Sealood Llmited Re.enationa 642-8935 210l w. C.Ut • .,. • •• ,.r1 ..... ' John A. KrcJjian . C>.C>.~. l ... STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? According to Callfornla BustneH and Profession• Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) all persona doing buelneH under a fictitious name mUat flle a atatement with the County Clerk and have ,It publlahed four tlm•• In a newapaper Hrvtng th• area In which the bustneaa la located. The 8tatement le required bf law and I• neceaaary In protecting your bualneu name. Moat banka require proof of flllng to open commercial account.. The DAILY PILOT provide• both fifing and publlcailon Hrvlcea. We have all th• neceHary form• and maintain a dally ••rvlce·to the Orange County CourthouM. Either etop by one of our Con¥9nlent offlo•• ot phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT 842-4321, Ext. 332 tor more Information and fofma. llllJPlll 642-4321 * t.:ab On Premises * X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for S25 Medi-Cat and lnswance Acee~ Senior €itizen1 Discount Oriental Rug Sale MAY 7 -MAY 16, 1982 (By The Sq. Foot) --.. A REFRESHING APPROACH to merchandising oriental rugs. We dealers buy new rugs by the square Coot according to their grades: e.g ., Chinese Super % " 90 Line which comes in more than 20 qual ·es. Therefore, at SHAH 'N SHAH we sell tht .., by the square foot with the quality listed o the ticket and your purchase invoice. AD VANTAGES of SQUARr FOOT P RICING ' BY THE QUALITV AND GRADE 1. Facilitates easier comparison shopping. 2. S tandardization: Knowing ~hat you are buying and BL'quiring your molley's worth. In the past consumers were in the dark in buying oriental rugs. .. 3. You can compute the cost ~y the grade and quality and p./sq.ft. price. 4. You end up with a better rug for less money. In cases of misrepresentation you have legal recourse. PAKISTANI BUKHARA 9/16th Double @ $12.50 p./sq.ft. 9'xl2'=11,320.00 CHINESE SUPER %" 90 L ine Closed Back@ $17.50 p.lsq.ft. 9'xl2'=$1,890.00 ·1NOO-HERIZ 9/60 Quality @ $15.00 p./sq. ft. 9'xl2'•11,620.oo DBURRIES 60 count 5ply machine spun wool @ $4.00 p./sq.ft. 9'xl2'=$f 3Z.OO SILK QUM IRAN 3'5"x4'11" 13,000.00 INOO-TABRIZ 7/52 Quality@ $12.60 p./aq.ft. 9xl2 11,320.00 CALL FOR A <XJMPLETE LIST OT OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. FT. PRICES WE TAU! OLD RUGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CASH Snah 'n Shafi Oriental ~ugs 2C>IO 8. MAIN ST. SAN'l'AANA 557-1400 AP~ OF F T O NORWAY -The Hjem komst (Norwegian for homecoming) sets sall from Dulu th Harbor, Minn., as the Viking replica ship gets a sendoff on its trip to Norway. A crew of 12 is making the voyage, four of whom are children of the late builder of the vessel, who died of leukemia. Victim loses seven toes TRUCK.EE (AP) -A woman who survived '1 five days buried under an avalanche has lost two .Xtoes on her left toot and all fiv~ toes on her right foot because of frostbite. Anna Conrad's doctor, Roger Mason, said that the ~en toes were amputated because they were gangrenous. Miss Conrad was in st.able condition Friday in · the intensive care unit at Tahoe Forest Hos 'tal. MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH • LUNCH • DINNER . In addition to our dally menu we · . wlll be serving fresh seafood omelettes, quiches, crepes -and coqullle with free cham- pagne. Beginning at 10 a.m. ~~ reMrv~tiOM now 8t Or1q1 Cou1t,'1 Fi111t Seafood R11t11rallf F••turlng ft'fth n1h d•lr Broled over Mesqlite Wood ~· Charcoal 3180 Airway Ave. 546 9880 c .. fw -•KHw LINKS OF EMOTION For Mother's Day In 14 .ntl JI K.r•t Gold. M.itT with preclou• etonea. All l...,rh .. NIWPORT aACM >412 vi. Udo I '1S-11l1 1os ~s 1 '~1 SANTA~ PMM ~ I W. t1NC19CO I HAWNA I f'l•l llACH .,• --·· Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT /Saturday, May 8, 1982 Al ·County's private pilpts get warnings on jets l Tb• ~lvate aviator• who fly In Onnp Cowlty aid• have been ad- vt.cl .... they ahould and lhoWd not Oy to aYOld hl•h·UM jet traffic corridOn. One ~ came from the Fed- eral Aviation AdminlatraUon ln the form of a Dflot'I bullttln. It WM tent to about f 0.000 .Ptlotl in Southern Calllomia, ~ to Dao Fowler, chMf of the J'AA'1 radar tower at the J:l Toro Martne Corpe Air Station. The other memaae caipe t.rom the Martne Corps In the form of drculan dl.trtbuted dUfina 1ut weekend'• air ahow at the El Toro bue. Fowler aaid hla letter 1imply wu aJmed at "reinforcing" the route• private pilot• 1hould foll6w when ~ wouab Oranp County. The county hu two busy jet al.rp- orta -John Wayne where more than 80 jell either Lake off or land each day, and the El Toro bue. Fowler aaid the FAAletter WH prompted, ln part, by an incident In February in which the pilot of an AlrCal jet carrying 168 paHen1er1 wu forced to take evulve actlon after comJ..ng within an eetlmated 180 feet of a 1lna.Ie-englne alrcraft. The lncl- dent occurred over the Pacific Ocean off Newport Beach. "But there w ere other factors," Fowler aald. lt la not uncommon for the FAA to periodically remind pllota of jet ar- rival and departure patha of which they ahould be aware. he 11ald. "We wanted therri to know the rouiee they 1hould fly and the radk> frequencies they can oontaet ua on t alliatance," Fowler aid. The Marine Corpe clrculan wer ~ out at a booth 1et up to exarnl' me the potential for mld-alr oollLllona" a hue 1pokeaman uJd. ! • Pastor cle are d of 'devil' charge i • • • WEYMOUTH, Maaa. (AP) -Aa- aodate putor Lawrence Bulilil heard joyous ahouta of "Pralle the Lord!" u he approached the F lrat Baptist Churcb In the glare of te levlalon Ughta, and thanked the con1vegation for clearing him of being "the son of the devil." "We appreciate lhe support of the church." Bukin said u he walked upt t.o the flock Thunday. night with hll: wile, B.J. : • For three yean, dluldenta ln the: fundament.aliat church in this town 10: miles southeast of Bost.on have accu-~ aed the 31 -year-old aaociate past.or of! being Satan's 190n. Take Mom somewhere :J2lea,JOJL0 on Mother's Day.ef,~· u In the quaint Country Inns of France, Mother's Day ib a day of celebration and feasting. So on this very spec1.i! Jay, th c Pll'nsant Pl'asant will bl' open for dinner to bring you Frl'nch Country dining fit for a Kang or "Qul'en" at Pll'asant Peasant pricl'., To 1nhancl' this occa!>~111n, thl' Pleasant Peasant will present aJI the "M~re" a vanda orchid, thl' flower of ml'mories. "So make th1!> 1.ldy a J.1y of n1l'mtml's" Cati for n.•serv•hons :Newport 8l'ach. 4251 M;u11ngal.-Way. (in M<l(Arth<'r ~uarl'). 714 IJ55·2755 • Oownl'y, 73241: Hor"""' (l'Jr.unuunt tit l·•rhl'ldl. 2 1 3 '127 11111 hl'nch Country Dining ; • l.!::::=====c:=======================-====================;:"'-=========:=======================================t-' ANNIVERSARY SALE sale joyce-selby style! ENTIRE STOCK • --20°/o ·OFF- SALE ENDS SUN., MAY 16 joyce·selby shbes Selllll C:-1 "'° $lllU lilllflca "9ce --v ........ _l ___ c. _l ___ ~---c-. c----_,,_ (7l•) 7''-f>lf (lU) >f'-3'>2 (71 •1 '9~-tU7 VISllMtslt!{Nd/AmtfQn hpfSI ~ . I D ; D COME CELE1BRATE WITH US! Extraordinacy Values on Color TVs, Stereos, VC~Rs , and More!!! MOOEL RB5040 -COffTEMPOR.ARY •25" diagonal C'1:>lor TV •Computer Colo r 330 •Random accesu Touch-Tuning •Infrared Remot1a Control • 105 Channel Ca pability •Two 4" Speake1~s .. VALUE~ PRICED · 1739°0 1 ". • Orange Oout DAIL v PILOT /Saturday. Ml)' •• 1082 CAii YOIJ BELIEVIE THl~S ' ' I I '82 STITIOI WIGOI Silver, auto (Ser. 0958) '82 BRAT OL, 4 WO ,(Ser. 0079) ONLY . . ·-_•&&sa -- • 1no 12• P'U• uu <.ap 14119$ ,._ U276 41 ,,_,,. -C9C> teOuctloft S2000 T--snil6 SADDLIBACK + + SUBARU i;._~ .-i~ ~++:? -.+-, 21402 MAIGUHITI 'ICWY. MISSION VllJO (Avery h it •ff 1··• l <WIN 5UNOAU I 831-2040 495-49149 SIDDLEllCI llW CALL US ... regarding our Exclusive Purchase Plan/ We have the hard to find '82 Models S.Speecls 32Q Cashmere 5spd sunroof ...... (Ser.0928) 320 Opal &reen 5 spd snrf, etc ... (Ser.0508) 320 Satan be1&e 5spd snrf ......... (Ser.3529) 320 White 5spd snrf ................... (Ser.8661) f'ZO Silver Sspd snrf ................... (Ser. 5162) 320 Sapphire blue 5spd snrf ...... (Ser .3388) AUIOMAnc• 320 Sapphire blue auto, snrl ...... (Ser.7956) 320 Safari bei&e auto, snrf ........ (Ser.9459) 320 Baltic blue auto, snrf ··~······ (Ser.7971) 528'• all colors 5 spd and automatics 633 Opal &reen 5spd ...............•. (Ser.5495) 633 Safari 5spd .......................... (Ser.5102) 633 Whilc..~ul01Tlatie .. ...., ..... ,,,., .... ~r.(!:J1.l) _733'• - 5 spds and automat~ Too Many Others to List! IADDLIBACK & BMW $ 2U02 MAIGUlllTI PKWY. MISSION VllJO , ... ..,. a.11 •" ,_, > onNWNOATI 831 -2040 49&-4941 Tire Newes P Economy Car F;om Japan ISUZU ••o•o•••u:.• ta..10o.100• .... .., •• ,\~• • 11 ., .ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK MANUFACTURER'S SUGGISTED RETAIL PRICE ;;;;;:-;::,,,.,_ IJ]f:auer~ CMOESTSAA ... ,. \f"f'tl .... ,. r,..,,,.., SU%'-'·U ~ 29'25 HARBOR BLVI). ·'-_ ~~ ...... ~-:::.-.._,.,, 0,..n 1 0•1• A w .. ,.1a -5 Blod.ti S0Hdsolthe8•11 Dw10 fr,.,.••)' 979 • 2500 .. -......... -... -~,_--------··-_.._......,. .. ,.... ... AUIO All SUNIOOf ... ,; - 1tn DATSUN 821t 2 M . ' SPO SllllO .... .,, '2ffS 1 tlO IMNIOA ACCOIO AUfO Atl \.UHIOOf )\ 000 Ml 4 t P, ... 17ffS 1"1 vw YANAGON 4 SPO. Sllll O f_,fl'f<J •10.soo 1t7' AUDI POX 4 DI. .. , ... ., '29U 1t1S DATSUN 110 2 D• HT AUIO \/(RV CLEAN '2'ts BILL YATES VW .__.-ANNOUNCES-- •VO ~IUlO '4ffS ~ fllSTA ., D•. • Sl'O ~IUlO ~·.,. '2"S 1tM HOtUZON TOCOU" • SPO P S '4HS 1'1' PIUOIOT •O• ~ 4 \"0 \UNIOOf •> 000 Ml '3"' ........ 17ffS 1t'ft AUOt ,... • Ott. AUIO At• SUNl()()I ~ . .,, .... '•HS 1 .. 1 YW DIHll fltCKU~ $VO ~ll lX '7MS "" mu111t1 Tl7 cou" 4 Spd , A/C $teteo '""°' ·i•tt . ,.,..,.... lft1"NI COii¥. 4 Spd Ste<eo lllCCtld ••tts 1 t77 YW IA.-T 4 °' ,.,,._ .. te>w... -.-. .,.., 1t6t YW •AllUCI AUTO. RUNS IXCR . .,,_ •1tts . All V."<IH ''"' Tea. Liu•u. Dec 1111 S.~1c1 11 'ri•• S.11 All ''"" C..14 111 7 0-r• Bl~,~\Xt,\_T,,~,§ ,yw @•y 493-4511 'l:l W>2 \.,II,. Hd """ ·'"''" 1 •'I"'"·"'" 837-4800 11n AHV llf WI AT'.llN TRUCK IN ~lO<"K ALL SMll.ES -Al Davis re- acts to verdict of Raiders' trial Friday. Baker's. bat back • ID • action MONTREAL (AP) -Dusty Baker has reported for duty, much to the chagrin of the Mon- treal Expos pitching staff.· • "It's about time, I've been "stftlggling-for the last few days," said-Baker, who was hitting .256 before collecting two hits and driving in four runs, two with h~ fourth home run, to help the Los Angeles Dodgers gain a 6-2 vic- tory over the Expos Friday night, their second triumph in as many days. "The nice thing about it was the fact we beat the two pitchers who had the beat earned-run- average in the league," added Baker refemn, to Scott Sander- so'l and Steve ....... &he molt reomt victim. Bob Welch 1eattered .even hita to record the victory. a marked On TV today channel 11 at 10 contrast to last Sunday, when he failed to last the first lJVllng in the Dodgers' 13-1 Ion to Mon- treal. Andre Dawson scored on Gary Carter's sacrifice fly in the fourth and t:iomered in the ninth for the only run.a off Welch. Rogers, meanwhile, said his problems started while wanning up in the bullpen before the game. "I had no idea where the ball was going five minutes before the~ • and I couldn't find my rh after it started." he Dodgers cuffed Rogers, 4-2, for six hits and a 4-0 lead in ther first three innings. The Expos' right-hander left after five innings, the first time in six starts he did not pitch into the ninth. Steve Sax scored the first Dodger run, in the fint inning, after stroking a leadoff aingfe and stealing second base. Rick Monday's two-out triple, which skipped past right fielder Warren Cromartie, acored Sax. Steve Garvey made It 2-0 in rhe second, belting his first homer of the season leading off the Inning. It was the flrat extra-base hit off Rogers in 28 innings. Rogers, the National League's pitcher of the month for April, surre ndered a double to Ken Landreaux in the third before Baker deposited an 0-2 pitch over the wall in left. Baker added a pair of RBI by driving in Sax with a flfth- innlng lllCrifice fly and a a1ngJe in the 1eventh, off reliever Sill Lee, making the aoore 6-1. Lakers, Spurs blacked out INGLJ:WOOD (AP\ -The opener of the Nadonal &MketbUJ ~tlon't Welt.em Conteren- =-~ =~ ~ Leker9 on• Bunda ~won't be fiele\.iled locally, • tor the Leken laid • I • I ''There are 4,000 tkketl &hat ha.wn't been eold eo the 1aipe ... , be telntlld bme," eald the ~· The contest wW be tlllYtlld thtouCbout the ... of the country, lt.U1inl at 12:30 p.m. D1llJ Piiat SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1982 • COMICS TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT 810 811 812 Fountain Valley pulls comebaclc Jn volleyball See story. Page B3. ~aiders take giant step to ~A LOS ANGELES (AP)-AJ Davia and a prepared statement. He said he was The jury voted unanimously, H re-the Raiders would be playing In the hla Oakland Raiders received the green concerned with the effect the verdict quired In the cue, that the NFL Vlolated CoU1eum too fall. light from a federal court jury Fri~y tp mlaht have on "the basic structure and antitrust laws by preverh.lng DaVlB from ·The-]U~Y also decided in favor of the move to Los Angeles, and baVia 88.ld the stability o f the National F ootball moving his team from Oakland to Los Raiders In the second point of the cue a National Football League won't suffer League." Angeles. claim of violation of Implied faith a;..d becawie lt lost the case. He said the rulin4l might "Impair the Davis aaid of the verdict: "I thought fair dealing. '.'It won't hurt the NFL one blt If we league's ability to back up the commit-we won it overwhelmingly, in terms of The tnal was the aecood m the case. bring this rule -as w e brought the ment of NFL franchiae9 to their areas. credlbUlty and the integrity aspect and The first ended w ith the jury deadlocked draft and we brought the compensation resulting in the relocation of clubs under the true facts. For 15 years, we've been . Raid rule -in conformity with the rules of auction-type conditions." told the rules are illegal. 8·2 1~ fav~r of the ers last August. the country," the Raiders' managing He also said that the verdict could "We went on credibility and facts, T~e JUry in the first trial deliberated general partner said after a six-woman "invite new internal and external chat-they used dirty tricks and not fair dea-12 ~ days before dedanng al could not jury returned a verdict In favor of the lenges to virtually every position of the ling " reach 8 unanimous verdict. Raiders and the Los Angeles Coliseum NFL conatitution and by-laws." H~ ~dded that now that the trial has '.f'he. ~ ~ngeles C.Oliseum had asked C.Ommlssion after just 5 ~ hours of de-RoieUe said: "U the JU(Y'• verdict and ended, "I just hope w e'U be the better $53 rrulhon m damages from the league liberation. . related rulings of the court are sustained, for it." and the Raiders asked $160 million , and NFL Commissioner P e te Rozelle, sports leagues will have been told that He said he did not know when the both SUf!18 c<;>uld be tripled. The same disagreed s trongly with Davis, saying league objectives and community com-club might actuall y move to Los Angeles. JUry of six will determine the amount of the decision jeopardizes the very league mitrnenta are of no legal consequence in "I d on't kno·N about the legal damagl'S to be awarded. and all sports. antitrust cases. The fong range effects ramHications," Davis said "l thought the .The JUrors wt·re ordered not to dl.8CWl8 "I'm disappointed in the jury's verdict could Include a serious e rosion of the first step was to win here." the case or read newspaper accounts and plan to ask for an expedited appeal competitive balance that makes sports Ho wever, L .A. Coli11eum G eneral because they will decide on the amount at the flrat opportunity," l\oi.elle said in entertaining." Manager Jim Hardy said he anticipated of damages next September. FORGET SOMETHI NG? -Costa Mesa's Tom Sullivan reaches down to tag Irvine's Rich Kiral but the ball pops loose during Deir ..... ""°4ee lly Cllettee 11.n Friday's Sea View League game at Irvine.Irvine tuned up for the playoffs with a 14-1 victory. lrVine _tunes up for CIF Vaqs r'o ut M esa; CdM lock s up ch ampionship • By ROGER CARLSON batting average and it was a team effort again orttie DtilJ "°'It.ft . against visiting Mesa. . They were all guaranteed berths 10 the upco-Rich Kiral was 3-for-4 with two RBI; aopho- nu.ng <?IF 2-A baseball play?ffa before entering more Jay Scott, Mark Bondi and Joel Rahmatulla Friday·• final round of Sea yaew League action -stroked a pair of hita apiece, and John Salinas had a and there were no ~ee an terms of league title two-run double. aspirations._ . John Scott and Kiral each contributed two-run Four-time league kllliPUl and defending CIF singles, and all of thJa was before the seven-run champion C.Orona del Mar preeerved ita one-game outburst when Mesa pitching and defense col-rnargln over runner-up Irvine, but there eeema little lapeed elae you can deny Coach Bob Flint'• Irvine Vaque-Kirk Peurrung's double and Stan Kurnett's rot. run-eooring ainlde in the fourth inning proved to be The Vaqs crushed Caata Mesa, 14-1, to cloee out the only blem1ah on Irvine pitcher Pat Simms' the regular seuon with their sixth straight triumph performance ll:"d It was as convincing a result as you're going to Simms, '8 6-2 senior, scattered eight hits and find. , struck out eight as Irvine, unranked in the CIF poU. Flint 1 crew tuned up for the playoffa with a throughout the aeaaon, Improved Ii. overall record dozen hita, jumping on Mesa pit.china for three runs to l4-8 . In the first inning, four more in the third, then There really wasn't a turning point in th.la one, ~seven tallies in,~ fifth frame. but in the third innin& the signa were apparent u I would agree, said Flint. answering the Sl.mrm nuratna a 3-0 lead with two Mesa run.nen thouaht this lln't a fluke -Irvine la for real. board' L--a hJ J~1 --Id _.....i._ "Last year (when Irvine finithed third and a • got n11n1-tt1ng cL ~ R: to •w ._out on• earned a playoff berth) I wu jwlt glad to be here. 90ft curve to retire tru: aide without damaae· But now, I feel good about our J><*fbilltiee. El.8ewhere Friday. · "We've been hitting the bell like that." corona del Mer 11, Uft'"'9tty 2 Irvine entered the contest with a .312 team The Sea Kinas wrapped up the outrlaht President honors 'Ancient Mariner' clwnpiomhip of the Sea View Lffcue, by explo- ding for nine flrst.-tnninl runs to aettle the lltue rtaht away. Gordon Mott made hit prnence felt rt1ht away, ~off the~ th a ... then later 1n the um lDnlna. ro a ,nridi l1am ov. the 1eft-6eJd fence. Kem later ta IOlo Ibo& owr the cmter·a.ld I.net in the top of • flftb ..._.. But Mom w.m't tbe ~1 offtNe far the Ila Kinat II ~ pitcher~ White wmt 1-far..0 wt th two RBI. -ftw odMI' CdM bitten &'lllDUftted f(w two .. a.-. ... ,..... in the ltarUnl ..... bid at 1-t OM bit. '11111 .... cnwn mutal the fow1h lttellht b theS..K!IWL Angels can'f KO McGregor By CURT SEEDEN Of 1M ~ ""°4 Steff t\eggie Jackson crack ed his fint home run at Anaheim Sta- dium Friday night -on e o f tho!fe patented towering s)lots ·-ihat left Jackwon nandf'f:'"~ at home plate savoring every sec- ond. As It turned out, Jackson's sixth-inning blast mto the right· field seats was about the only thing the Ange ls could sa vor against Baltimore left-hande r Scott McGregor. McGregor didn't exactly fool the Angel hitters, as evidenced by the 10 hits he allowed. But he aucceaafuUy maneuvered out of teVeral jams to gain the victory as the Orioles made it two straight with a 5-3 victory before 29,572 fans. "Yeah, we got 10 hits off him but he aomehow always had the riaht pt t.ch to make us hit the ball on the ground or hJt i1Ro a double play," analyzed Angel first bue- man Ron Jaclalon after the game. Actually, Jackson's explana- Uon of McGregor 's performance was a d.l.lertaUon compared to the left-hander's tho ughts on his success. "I can't ex-plain it. l just try to go out there and pitch my game I try to make the best pitches and It keeps working for me," Mc- Gregor said. Those pitc h es have n ow worked the r ight way for Mc- G r e gor an his last 11 outings - against the Angefs. . Coming into Friday night's game, McGregor (3-2) had col- lected nane sJraight regulu.- season victories over the Angels. He also won the Orioles' clin- ching game of the 1979 American League ch a mpionship aeries against the Angels. "I think the whole thing has to do with the Orioles, having pretty good luck a,gainat the Angela," added McGregor. "What I did they have, 10 hits? That's a hit an inning. Seema like we could never get their first man out." The 28-year -old left-hander didn't exactly overpower the Angel hitters. Jack.eon's towering smash mto the right-field stands attested to that. And Ron Jackson. filling in for Rod Carew at first base. didn't look too rusty when he finished the night with two hits in five at-bats. Meanwhile, Ange l starter An- gel Moreno was bitten by the home run bug during his five innings plus stint. Gary Roenicke teed off on him In the second mning. with a one-out shot over the left-field fence for his sev- enth homer of the year. Cal Ripken, added a aolo shot <See ANGELS, Page BZ) -~~~------------~.~---·-------~-----......... ..,.... ........ -. OtMQe OOllt DAtL y PILOT /laturday,. May I, 1NI ... ---------------------.. Li~tle leaguer dies after he's hit in head From AP dJlpa&elae1 TAMPA, Fla. -Freddy Rona· • ker, 12, loved bueball, but the sport c~e Ute of the seventh-grader. "'9dy and hl1 teammates 1a· thered at the U ttle ~e field Saturday night to have a team picture taken. Alt.es the photo aeaalon, the boya went to a vacant field for a pick-up game, aald Howard McCleary, league president. Freddy was pitching. A teammate hit a line drive right at him. Freddy turned to try to avoid the baseball, but It struck him at the base of the skull, offlda.la saJd. The youth was rushed to a Tampa hospital. He lapsed int-0 a coma after surgery and died Wednetlday, McCleary said. "He was jwlt a great kid, a great ballplayer, too," McCleary said. Freddy played two years for the "A's" of the North Seminole Little League. Last year he was voted the most improved player and named to the league's all-star team, he said. A trust fund has been aet up at Tampa'• P.an American Bank to help pay coata of the hospital and funeral which is scheduled for Saturday. Fred Honaker, 35, a truck driver, deecribed his son as a boy who had caught bueball ~er. "He was always out playing ball," Honaker said. "He'd be out playing now if he weren't dead." Quote of the day Do•1 Moe, ooech of the Denver N\.lgeta, after hll team averaged 126.5 potntll a game thla leUOn while giving up an average of 126: "People keep uying we are the wont defensive team In the league. Actually, we are second -our opponenta are the wont." .. Slxers advance to meetBoston Chicago'• Morrlaon two-time• De~rolt Chlcato'a Jim M•flilM clou\ed Ii two hame J'Wl&i Orq t.•l1UJ be1Wd one and Her•" BalHI 1lammed a two-run triple to leld the White Sox and unbeaten Lamarr HtJI to an 8·6 victory OWJ' the Dttmt ~ Friday nicht. Hoyt, ~o. rnakil\I only hll thTrd atart 6f \ht ...,n, ..... the major lea1u•1 ln vtctorlH . . . A••H ,...,. ... hit h1I ..wn\h home run of the IMIOn u ci.vtland erupted for 111/Y• en NN In the fow1h 1nn1nl and went on to 1n1p Oak- land'• aev•n·1•m• wtnnJn1 1treak by burylnJ the A'•, 16..6 . . . Tedd Cru belted hl1 fourth home run of the aeuon, while Mike S&aa&oa, Ed Vude8er1 and am Caa· dJU pitched out of lat.e-lnnlna jaml, lNdlni Seettle to a 6-~ victory over the New York Yankees ... Ted Slmmoa1 cracked a two-run homer and Gormu Tllomat and Ceell eooter added aolo lhotl to power Milwaukee put Min- ne90ta, 4-1 . . . WHiie Uptuw drilled a two- out, tle-breaklns tingle with two ouu In the aeventh lnn1n.s and Toronto went on to defeat Kanau City, 6-4 . Schmidt's homer lifts Phlllles Mite Sclamldt'1 three-run homer ~ with lWD outa capped a four-run rally In the lut of the ninth lnn1na to give the Philadelphia Phlllles a 5-2 victory over e San Diego Padres Friday night. Down 2-1 ente- rin1 the lut ~· the Phillies tied the game 2-2 on Bob Delller 1 RBI grounder before Sch- midt won It for reliever Sparky Lyle, 1-0 ... Clarla Claambllu drilled a three-run double with one out ln the 10th Lnnlng. powe- rina Atlanta to a 6-3 triumph over St. Louis ... Dave Kingman capped a two-run flntt inning with ni. 10th ho- mer of the year and Mookte w.ff•lt-b&I . aoored twice as the New York Meta defeated San Franci8co ec.->T 3-2 . . . Marlo Soto blanked Pittaburgh on five hiu and Ron Oeater hit a two-run double as Cincinnati posted a 5-0 ~ry over the Pirates . . . KelG Moreland drove in seven runs with two homers and a single and pitcher Rudy Martt doubled in three runs as Chicago snapped a four-game losing streak with a 12-6 victory over H~. Moreland cracked a three-run homer In the flnt Inning off loser Nolu Ryu, 2-5, who came into the game with a Point guard Maarlce Claeekt m lifetime record of 8-1 against the Cube. 1eored 26 points and directed a re- lentleu fut break, leading Philadel-Lakers-Spurs fifth game switched phia to a 102-90 victory over MU-· waukee Friday night to capture their National The da~ of the fifth game of the • Basketball AIBoctaton Eastern Conlerenoe eemi-San Antonio-Los Angeles Laker final aeries. Andrew Toaey added 17 polnta for Western Conference final playoff ee- the 6ers who won the eeries 4-2. .iies has been changed from Wednea-· · ' ' °'ay, May 19 to Tuesday, May 18, becauae of Baseball today On this date In baseball in 1968: Jim "C..tliah" Hunter of Oakland hurled the first American Leaaue regular-season perfect game in 46 years as the A'1 defeated the Minnesota Twins 4-0 at the Oakland Coliseum. On t.hia date in 1929: Carl Hubbell of the New York Gianta pitched the only no-hitter of hi.I brilliant career, beating the Pittsburgh Pirat.ea 11-0 at the Polo Grounds. Today's birthdays: Hall of Fame outlielder Edd Roush ii 89. St. Louil third bueman St.eve Braun ii 34. Kansas City pitcher Dennil Leonard is 31. ~rom Page 81 contractual conunltmenta and by mutual consent of the teams Involved, the National Basketball Aaaociation said Friday. The starting time of the game waa abo changed from 7:30 to 8 o'clock . . . Ed Saeed overcame the swirling winds to register a 1-under-par 70 to take a 2-stroke lead after two rounds of the Houston Open ... Defending champion Ju Stepbenaoa eagled two of the first five holes to go 5 under par, then played par goU the rest of the way u 1he and veteran Kat•y Wkltwof'G tied f« the lead with 5-under-681 in the fint round of the LPGA tournament in Suffolk, Va .... The Baltimore Colta announced the resignation of Dick Sty- maukt as general manager . . . Quarterback Du Foat1, who sparked a controversy last year by refusing to pay his union dues, was honored Friday by the National Right to Work Coounit- tee. PREP BASEBALL ROUNDUP • • • were third baseman Steve Nichols, who went 3-for-4 with four runs scored and three RBI, in- cluding a double and triple; C..t.cher Bob Bayer, who was 3-for-3 with two runa acored; and second baseman Willie Neiman, who waa 3-for-4 with three runs 100red and four RBI. El TCN'o I. a.ddlebeck 4 'The Chargers puehed acrcm three runa in the- the top of the aeventh inning to flnilh ln a tie for {lfth in the Sea View ~ race. Doug Maher sing.led in the go-ahead run foe El Toro, while Mike Baker had a aolo homer ln the bottom of the aeventh for the Roadrunnen. left-hander Brain Patrick, who evened his record at 3-3 with the victory. Cent.er fielder Brian Beard led the offensive attack with two hits in four trips to the plate. Beard'• two alng1es gave him a total of 33 for the 11euon, setting a tchool record. Newport Chrtatlen 2, St. Mlcheef'a 1 -The Conquerors clinched at least a tie for the Academy Leegue champ(onahip with the vtctory. Scott Kilpatrick, making hia f1nt ltal1 of the year, wenl four lnn.lnp-plua for the win. The Conqueron, who had only four hita in the game, u.ed two of them with a walk to aoore two runs ln the finrt lnnln.s· Huntington 8Nch e. Oceen View 1 The Oilers let thenwelves up for a good ahot at White hurls fourth no-hitter second p!Me in the final Swwet League standings with their victory over the Seahawka. Pam White of Ocean View pitched a perfect A victory by Edi.ton over Fountain Valley to-eome In hurling her fourth no-hitter of the aeuon nigh~ give the Oilers a aecond-plp finish Win a 3-0 triumph over Huntlng10n Beach Friday and _.:o. 2 llot from the Sumet League'ln the a..."temoon to conclude the Sun.et League aeuon. upoomina C1F playoff1. Irvine'• Lila Martin m1Med her alxth no-hitter -In r-nday night'• contest, Huntington Beach when Costa Mesa got lta only bue hit in the aev- got a 1trong pitching performance from aenlor enth inning. ·----~-·----~-- Orange Coast bids for first title tonight From Page 81 ANGELS • • • ~-~ . ..U!.._U: ~ to tnap a 1·1 uis, -"'.._...Ford 1 two-rwi blalt hl1hllahted the Orloln' t~­ nan •beth lnnlnl· Pirate women lace Santa Monica Rlpkon carrted a .182 bit.Una averaae Into tM pme, but bea<- ed up that mark wtth a.run-ecortna double ln the ~\after Rick Oempeey had llncled· NORWALK -The Oranae Coe•t Colle1e women'• bukat· baU team will have an opponu- ~ to cllnch ltll fint SOut.bem romta dwnp1onlh1p tontaht Baron men, women shine • • at swim meet Fountain Valley High'• men'• and women'• awlm teams each potted dedalve marglnt In wln- n Ins their respec tive team champion1hlp1 Fr !d~y at the Sunset League flnala held at the Loa Caballero• Racquet and Sports Club. The Baron men were led by Steve Bentley, who raced to a first place finiah in both the 200·meter individual medley (2:01.87) and the 500 freestyle (4:50.68). Others who posted doubles were Edlaon'a Dave Petersen and Marina's Tim Panona. Parsons won the 50 free (22.07) and the 100 butterfly, setting a league record In the latter event. Parsons 1wam a 52.59 which eclipsed the old mark of 52.71. · two Y'icioriee in the 100 and 200 frees, winning in a time of 50.19 and 1:48.56, respectively. For tht: wome n , Fountain Valley's Any Clark scored a double in capturing the 200 in- dividual medle y and the 100 breaststroke. Clark swam a 2:20.37 In the 200IM and a I :08.61 in the 100-me ter breast. The latter ef- fort resulted ln a league recotd, smashing the old standard of 1:10.22 aet last year. Others posting doubles were the Barona' Juc!y Arrmtrong in the 2<>0 (2:00.04) and 500 (5:13.41) frees, and Westminster's Gloria Campbell in the~ (26.21) and 100 (57.53) frees. Y az still sidelined BOSTON (AP) -Carl Ya- at.remaki, suffering from a groin injury, worked out with min1maJ diac:omfort Friday but ia not ex- pected to rejoin the Bolton Red Sox thia weekend ln Texu. ':~!!!::.! <Ji -;~:r,~ Ser.-T1rne 81M1t 81 Yt:Nt 0oot fCal 8100• --Yt:Nt At•> COSTA llllA 641·1219 1116 .............. MtUfOM VllJO 495-0401 """c..i-c.,,..,_ ,._ ..... '""'· ... ...,. .......,., Sptdl/ ... , 5-Mly 11, 1912 "~2.S9 At the nsk ;1 soundina ronceited, I must say, my re1al manner and dtsllnc· tive markin1s make me a maenificent addition to your aquarium. See me at Aquabc T ropic.als. I am on silt under the name "Zebra Anael'' for only 2.59. VISA° • mo w. w.•c.u .., S4t-1Jtl•C.. ......... (8) when the Pinta meet Santa Monica at C.erritoa Colleie here. The Pirata, the No. 1 teed In the tournament, eully dl.lpoeed of Saddleback, 71 -61, Friday night to qualify for tonight'• fl. nala 11atnat the top-teeded Cor- lalra. Alter taking a 17 -point lead al the lntermiulon, '39-22, the Pl- ratee rolled up margins aa high u 20 on nwneroua occaalona ln the 1econd half before aettllng for the f1na1 margin of victory. There were four Bue playert who reached double figures, led by freshmen forwards Tami Parker and Colleen Berry, each of whom acored 14 pointa. Rounding out the balanced at- tack were aophomore center Kna Kroyer, the MVP of the South Coast Conference, with 13 point.a and sophomore guard Caryn Mark, who toeeed in 12. The game's high-1COring honor went to Saddleback'1 Heather Darrow, who tallied 30 in a lo- sing effort. OCC held the Gau- chos' lead1ng 1COrer, Kim Odums, to juat 12 polntll. She went into the game with a 17.8 average. The Bucs are now 25-4 on the 1euon, while Saddleback con- cludea ita campaign at 25-3. Santa Monica defeated Oxnard In the late game, 84-54. COliliYJiiTY COlilGE WOMIEN • • ar.... eo..t 71, a.ddlebecll t1 ~ COA9T -Efflnget 8, CatrOll 8. Martt 12. Flddler 2. Kroyer 13. Perker 14, Berry 14. TcMla: 35 1.-1 71 IADDLllACK -Darrow 30. Hletc1 4, JofwllOfl 2, 8llhop 3, Odum9 12. Young 10. TOUlll; 2t -..1e 81. HllfUme: Orenge Coaat. 39"-22 Tatel toult: Orange Coel1 18, SaddleOedt 3. . The Anp1I had to ICNtch for Lhelr finl run 1n the third lnn1na. With one out, Bob Boone wa.lkea. After Brian Downing fUed to center, Juan Benlqun, settinl. rare •tart. ting.led and Ron Jadl- ton followed with an RBI atncJe. After Reggie Jackaon'1 homer 1liced the Oriolee' lHd to 5·2 ln the 1ixth, the Angela 1erat.ched for their flnal run In the etaht.b complimenlt of Bobby Grfcb'1 double and Doug DeClncel' aac- rifice fly to left after Grich had moved to third on an out. The only b~t •pot about that inning was It mgnaled the end of McGregor. Manager Earl Weaver summoned reliever Tippy Marti- nez who held oU the Angels for the remainder ol the contest. The loss leaves the Angeb wl th a 17 -11 record. * ANGIL NOTll: The Angele etme Into Frldly night'• g-with jut1 one batter htt· ling b41ttet lhan 300 an0 now the(ve loet him f(I( Ill lnd•llnll• perlO<I ,.... c-. who .,... lured hit right hi nd In • bf'9WI With the Mln- n .. 011 Twine bt ck on Aprll HI •I An•hllm Stedlum, u~t X-<'IY9 on the hind It 8t. JoH ph't Hoeplltl tn Orenge Frldey. While thet• wa1 "° frecture. II wu dllc:ovefed Cet· ew It tullerlng from tendlnllll c.r-wllt 1• C411¥t medlcttlon 1no ttey out Of the llneu9 f(I( th• nut M••r•I O•y• whll• th• medleetlon tekn elleet Former Orenge CoHt Colleo• ttar D•rrl kotl*•· Mflt down to Spoklne April 23 by the AAQlll. llPC*lftlty never reported to the mlnor·l•1gue teem Rej)Ofle<lly. Sconlert II In C~ Vllttlng I girl friend Al the IMltM time. he t dr9Wlng 1 I 100 I dly fine whtle hi t H llry I\ berng wHhneld ~19<1 wu Mlected In the lr- llQ9'\I drl l1 by Ille Ange.19 bed< In 1~78 and et one time conelderec:t "the llnMt i.rt""9nded Miff' t.o -oe lrom the AnQtllS' farm eystem tine. Wiiie Alli-1' onlgh1.. pltef*lg ma1cnup ftn01 ... ,._... (1·3) going for Ba111more 1g11n11 the Angele' 14911• "-&o f2· II Geme hme 11 7 05 ·Scratch w-i.n-to Woods--=--~-- Gene Woods of Balboa waa the winner In the ecratch main event before a sellout crowd of 9,137 fans at the weekly speedway motorcycle races at the Orange County Fairgrounds Fridy night. Woods finished tint ahead of Mike Bast, a seven-time U.S . speedway champion, Dubb Fer- rell, a previous winner of the event thia aeuon, and Mike Faria from Northern C.a.lifomia. Woods had auffered broken riba in a craah in an earlier heat race and didn't finish the handicap main. L 2 However, he <lid come back later to win the scratch main. 1 In the handicap race, Ferrell was the Winner followed by Fa- ria, Kurt Strommer, Eddie In- gles, Jeff Tomlin and Woods. Mike Mazzacane was the win- ner of the second dJviaion main while Bart O'Naah captured the third diviaion main. There was no match race Fri- day night because of the special intermission demonslralion by the Nonda ATC factory racing team on the three-wheelers. It'• fast, e•y, palnlel1, exciting, and Incredibly lnfonnettve. It'• your chance of the year to see, compare, and try out all the latest computers, word processors, software, pertpheralt and media and supplies. And find out juat which ones ain do what for you. With no haule, "Driving well la the belt revenge." and no hustle. Plu1 free Mmlners on choosing• smell computer. You'll get to know •II Spr ng c earance Along with 12 8~ finonclng all ou new Codlllocs ore discounted during our IPf lnQ clearance A spectacular sole on all Sevilles. Eldorodos. De\111es. &oughOms and Clmorrons. Huge 5elec tlon ChOOl8 from OUf huge lelectlon c:A hun- dreds d new CodlUoa pnd toke od- YOntoge c:A the most substonno1 sc:Mnga ttilsyea. Tremendous dlecounts on Oii dleletl v~ MN the ('tf/W HT4100 power system modefs. -In Oft the cqors you ~t - and vAth the ~ dellre. Md oll reoct( for lmniedlate dell\«v. ~you w1lh to buy 0t tee.. rcw It the ttme. But the aipply II~ llmlted ·IO be MJNt to hUTy In eatv fa yas belt •ieetf<:>h 11llH ma)' Ix• )'Our laRI cllanc:-t•t N~BERS,2000 Horbot aiva . Cotto Maso C.ADI~ 11141640 100 •12t3 s11 e200 the neweet -end frtendllnt - hardw•re Md aoftwere whoae tole mtulon In llfe 11 to llmpltfy your llfe. LAST 2 DAYS -MAY8,9 -CONVMllON -•(•1 ·-·1··- sATu10Av, SUNDAY 10 AM .' PM Admiuion S7.SO. '" rour '"'' compuw ,..,..., tot • dl8ooUnt ooupon worttt 91.IO. ' ' You can win a he amoll ltwine11 computer. ,---· • -------------- TOP EFFORTS -Fowff;in Valley's John Koety (left ) and Brian Koontz of Marina led their teama to victory Friday. Barons pull • a surprise Marina also advances in CIF Fountain Valley High, the Sunset League's No. 3 representative, came back from two sets down to post a thrilling 10-15, 5-15, 15-11, 15-10, 15-10 vic- tory over Dana Hills to highlight CIF playoff first-round volleyball action Friday night. In other area contests, Sunset League champi- on Marina needed only three seta to dispose of South Torrance; San Clemente used the same in VOLLEYBALL ousting Riverside Poly; La Quinta needs four sets to turn back La Serna; while Corona d el Mar and Mater Dei were given early exits. The Barons got a strong effort Cro1n m iddle- blocker Ken Harter to turn things around against the Dolphins. Harter, in controlling the middle, had 22 killa and 14 blocks. Also playing effectively was teammate John Kosty. Andy K.lussman, along ~th Brian Koontz and Mark Cox, were the stablizing forces for the Vi- kings. -Klussrnan had 15 blocks and was alao suooess- (JJI Qn.25_gf_30 kill attA:mp~. Kosmu contnbuted_l5 blocks, while Cox was praised by Coach Tim Reed for hiB defensiv~ exploits. The Tritona of San Clemente, who went into the playoffs as the South C-oast League's No. 3 seed due to a loss of roin flips, improved their record to 11-4 with an easy three-set victory. Paving the way for the Tritons were senior aetters John &!do and Mark McGuire and senior power-hitter Scott Thompeon. La Ouinta got a strong perfonnance from ju- nior middle blocker Junior Utu to advance into I.he 9eC:Ond round. The second round of the CIF playoffs will be Tuesday nil(ht with all matches acheduled to be2Ul at 7 o'clock. Laguna Beach , the tournament's No. 1 seed which received a bye ln the finrt round, will host MlraJeste. Other area contests will find: Loyola vs. Marina (home te am to be determined later), La Quinta at San Clem ente, Santa Monica at Costa Mesa, Los Altos al Fountain Valley. and North Torra.nee at Estancia. Baseball, golf on TV today· By HOW ARD L. HANDY ofttie DllllY Piiot ... " Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. Ratinp are: V' v V' V' excellent; v v V' worth watching: V' v fair; v forget it. II 10:10 a.m., Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Dodgers at Montreal. Annocmcen: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. The Dodge rs' Burt Hooton ( 1-1) faces the Expos' Bill Gullickaon (2-1) in the third game of the four-game series between the two clubs. The Dod- gers, aft.er winning the first two games, now posaes& a modest three-game winning streak. , ~ 10:15 a.m., Channel 4 v v v BASEBALL: San Francilco at New Yorli:. Annoancen: Bob Costas and Jay Randolph. The $urpriaing Mets, currently In third place in the National League's F.astem Division, will send Mike Scott (2-2) to the mound to oppose the Gianta' Al Holland (2-3). ~ 1 p.&n., Channel 4 V V G-OLF: Houston Open. Anooancera: Don Criqui, John Brodie, Bruce Devlin and Bob Goalby. Ed Sneed, aft.er firing a one-under -per 070 F?- day. will take a two-stroke lead into today• third round of play. OTHER TELEVISION 2 p .m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Pennsylvania <rs. Washing- ton, D.C . ln a .eries of bouta taped ln Wildwood, N.J. Alic>: A profile of fonner heevywetaht cham- pion Joe Louis. 2:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD. 3 p.m. (7) -TENNJS -The 1emifinala of the WCT Tournament of Champions. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Art Frill (24-1) defends hit WBA U,htweight title a1atn1t Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini .(22-1) in a ecbeduled 15-round bout taped at LM V'~. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OP SPORTS - Nedonal dwnpambiJ> mo\Or't'Ycle l'fldna, taped at San Joee. AIM>: Tb. U.S. va. 1lw USSR ln a wree-t.Unc meet taped at Tolitdo. Ohio. 1'ADIO s..bell -Dodprl at Monu.al, 10:1~-~~ KABq (790); IWUlnoN at An,ela. 7 p.m., ~n.; ('710). UC Irvine dumped, &-3 • ,. • t .. • • le ,. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 9, 1092 I • Trojans sweep aside Sea View fo~~- • • ,Costa Mesa's Grego, University's Plumer sparkle with doubles ! \ I R.A ROOER CARUON She WN pleued with her ttmee In both eventa, 3,200, who tu.med a 10:39.0, tome 17 lll!IClOndl better Of"ttie ~Not llaft , but added, "I wun't really P.lanninc on aotna all than tho previoua atandard. They all took thtlr ehota Friday nJ1ht, but out, not to go crazy. Suaan DeLacy ot Newport Harbor •ta i.,ue UnJvel"lity Hlah'• Trojana withatood the ... ult of "I rould feel the 800 when I wau running the mark in the 300 lowa (46.0), one of the few Item. la Saddlebeck, ll Toro and C.orona del Mar to claim 1,600.'' the women'• aide that dldn't belong to UnJvenity. l the Sea View Lffaut track and field clwnplonah.lp. Plumer aa she'll 80 for the double ln the CIF Irvine Hlch'• Curtia HUdt, a junioJ', 11et a ~ out-duoUng Saddlot>M:k In the late cot.na for the prellma and ~ale but after that the 800 will record In the pole vault (13-6) and Unlveulty'~ title at Irvine HJah. pro~~!r., be dropi>ed tn order to place all of her Fredrik Heealevik turned a nice 9:26.2 tn the 3,200 ''It waa an amazing thln11" aald Unlven~t empi ·on the lo.,,er dlatance ln the upoom.lng with the help of Eatancta'1 Jim' McCarthy, whd Coach Don Chriat.erwen. "Everyone came throu UCLA/Pepsi Invitational and at the atate meet went 9:29·6· : ln a variety of eventa. It wu team balance that · Brad Stewart (44-6) and Todd Homer (49.41 lt. But Rick Hill really pkked everyone up early It waa a n ight for many atandout efforta -were allO winners for UnJvenity in the triple jwn~ with hia 160-6 ~ ln the discus (&ood for second auch u aophomore Teresa Barrioe 1n the women's and 400 to complete the Trojanl' big n!Bht. place)." For Christensen It was his first title ln 16 yean of ooechlng (five yean at Lynwood High and 10 years with the Trojans. Erickson doubles . Hatfield takes: ' . "I was so sick of nmner-up," said the beaming Trojans' coach. It was a big night for individuals, too, with the • top three ln each event qualifying for the CIF 3-A j n distance events four events prellms al Valencia High next Saturday. On the men's side the blue chip waa Costa Mesa High's Robert Grego, who swept to a league record ln the 300 low hurdles, recording a 37 .9 to upset El T oro High'• Pat Covington, whose 38.5 league record in the prellms lastA!d only 72 hours. "I've been after Covington for four years," said the Mesa senior, who la headed for C:!nitos College after his prep career. "I finally got him." Grego came back to run the second 800 meters of his life (the first was in the prelims) anQ. he ralhed from 20 yards off the pace to turn back Corona del Mar's David Anderaon, clocking a 1:55.7, two-tenths of a second off the league record. Grego turned to the 800 becauae a back injury forced him out of his regular events -I.he pole vault and high hurdles. "I h ad to find somethi ng to keep In shape," explamed Grego. On the women's side the star -as she always is -was University High's Polly Plumer. Plumer set a league record in the 800 with a 2:09.9 clocking, then returned to bliU the field in her favorite event, the 1,600 meters, turning the . four lap laps in 4:56.0 - By HOW ARD L. BANDY oftMO.-,Netltalf Bob Erlckaon poated an out- standing double In winning the mile and two-mile cUatance races Friday night at the Sunset League individual championahip track and !ield meet at Hunting- ton Beach High, I.hen llCl"8tched from the mile for next wee k's CIF preliminaries. Erickaon had a 4:21.2 mark foe the mile run, barely edging te ammate Ned Mosher, then came back with a 9:23.8 effort in winning the two-mile. Erickson trailed pace-setter G us Quinone z o f Huntington Beach until the final lap when he passed the Oiler on the second turn and pulled steadily away to the finish line . Quinonez had a 9:28.7 effort. Erickaon'11 time was his best of the year. comfortably in the Iowa with a 38.5 mark. Ocean View's Rex Brown cap- tured the 100 and 220 along with anchoring the 440 relay team to vic tory while Huntington Beach's Richard Brim won the long jump , and al o ng with second place behmd Hrown in both aprint races. Lorenzo ~meyera of Edison was a dou- ble winner in the high jump (6-4) and triple jump (44-4). The closest race of the night was in the 440 where Fountain V allets Rod Emery edged Ocean View s Mark Guest. Emery was Urned ln 49.4 wit.h G uest at 49.6. Guest fell at the finish line and scratched from the 220 later in the program. "I think 1 can run but I won't know until later," G uest said af- ter I.he meet as he Limped with the ice pack on his right ham- While Erick.son's double was string. "l thought I had him but at league meet Sharon Hatfield had a big day for the Fountain Valley High1 women's track and fie ld team, winning four even ts in the Sun- set League <'.'hampionships Friday afternoon at Edi.son High but the Chargers qua Ii fied 19 to 17 for I.he Barons for the ClF meet next week. Hatfield was an easy winner in the two hurdle races, winning the 100 in 14 .4 and the 330 in 45.2. S he was weU ahead of I.he seco nd place r unne r in bo th events. T hen Hatfield moved to the high Jump pit to win that event with a 5-2 leap before moving I.he bar lo 5-7 and massing. After I.his, she turned her attentions to the long jump whe r e Edison fres hman Kim Walulik leaped 18-2 114 to take a temporary 1~. · K h d o utsta nding, the re we re four the muscle tighten ed just as I er 0-st an s !I-other double Winnen lo Lbe ~t ~--"~ a~ay from the fi$h ---_ -~ ---_ -----~held.~daiermln"-4tA~ -1Hle-and I reU . 'l'liel.aU didn't Hatfield had a mark of 17 -i 1 on her only try before this but came tt}ro ugh with an 18-10 ef- . rort to fvin her fourt h victory. -"I'll go~ -tar-as l .. ~ 'a::lhe--- CIF 1n all four events," Ratfiel'd • ID South Coast By ROBB MUNSON of the D.ity PMo4 ltalf Mission Viejo H igh track star S teve Kerho stole the sh ow at the Sout.h Coast Leagi:e track and field finals at Mission Viejo High Friday. Kerho, a senior a t Mission Viejo, ran in the 100, 220, 120 high hurdles, and 330 low hurdles -and won all four races with ease. "I'm going to run the high and low hurdles in CIF," said Kerho. "I would like to keep my title from last year, but it aee~ like someone always comes out of I.he woodwork." tranta in n ext week'11-0IF 4-A--h~ me, thougb." · - preliminary meet a t ti Moiiena Fo"untain Valley qualified 14 High (Friday). for the CIF prelims but with Teammate Todd Andrews won Erickaon's acratch, will nave only both hurdle races, posting a 15.0 13 e ntries. With the scra tch , in defe ating a no ther Fo untain Huntingwn Beach's Todd John- Valley runner, Rick Nichol.a in son moves into thir d a nd will the 120 highs. then winning compete next week~ Art Show sa id. "But l'U neve r mo ve the h igh jump ba r up that muc h again a t one time." Edison's Tsenre Jackson and Barbara Rainey split a pair of decisions in the 440 and 880 with each credited with the same time The CIF track and field 2A prelirna will be held Friday at Gahr High 1n Cerritoe. Huntington Center Kerho ran a 9.9 ln the 100, and a 22.4 in the dally thru Sun. 2 2 0, while in h Is bread-and-butter even ta, the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ hurdles, he ran an impressive 38.6 in the lows and a 14.0 in the highs. Meanwhile, Rennie Durand of Laguna Beech, on e of the premier middle-distance runners in Southern California, took her two eventa going away. In the 440 Durand ran a 59.3 and earned her second consecutive South Coast finals championship in that event. She also captured the 880 title, by beating her nearest opponent by nearly Cive seconds with a time of 2:21.6. Another Mission Viejo star, Jackie Norton took top honors in the w omen's s hot put and discus. Norton beat her nearest opponent in the diacus by over 53 feet as her be at was 159-7 . ·0n~c...11 a. maonon pontiac SUbaru 2480 Hdor ,;wl. 1 CntJ Mesa 549-4300 • • • THINK ABOUT THIS Religion ia men reaching toward God. ChrlstianHy ii God coming to men. One ii our work, and the other la God's work. ReUg{on says. "Do " Christ aay1, "It's done." A man aiad. ''l thought I wu a Christian. l went to church, wrved and gave to the church . But l never perwnal.ly received Chrt.at aa my own Savior. There came a time when 1 met Jeau11 Christ. I confeued my own ains and took H1a forglvene11. I began to tru.t Him in my daily life -Instead of struggling, I began to rest. Life 111 ut- terly different oow." My friend, this can hap- pen to you! __ ,__ .. .__ ~ 8""r' """'-.,..., ... ...... .......,. ........... 11 ro11 "••• 111•t HI•• row• now "e1lt1e11e '"''"' .. Ill•••" ... . haH not pt ........... . .... ,, .. , ........... ... ..... , .. , ......... ... 1111111111•11 It M Mrt "-"' ..... ~ , ... DAILY ~ILOT •Ill .......,.,.., ........... ,., •••.••. o .. , ..,. .................... '""'• o, •• ,. C•Ht .,. ............. . .,,."111 .. .-....111 .,,.,ti HMH rtltf .,., ..... "' .. , , ............... . = .... ..,, .... . e 11111 11 THI OAIL Y ~.,. ~-0 .... tlll, C.-.... CA .... ....... ..... ,., """"'''" *"' ..... . ................... Ml~b.- PANELING SALE! BUY 3 PlllELS an 1 PlllEL FREE Stock Panels Onty 41811A" SALE "W IFERWOOD" Smooth One Side Reg. 8.69 Exterior Glue 4181~" SALE "COX" PLYWOOD 5-PL Y Construction Grade Exterior Glue Reg. 9.69 $699 ·4181~" "COX" PLYWOOD Reg. Great For Many U.... ·Exterior Glue -Constiuction Grade SALE 112~18' # 1 CEDAR &RIPESTllES Beautiful stodc Reg. 1.09 ea. 79~ MINWAX EXTERIOR WOOD Fl.NISH . BUY 3 GALLONS GET 1 GALtON FREE Many colon to chOOM from ~ . . ., . llAJOtt LIAOI• ITA__.. ... ,. ......... ....._......_ W L M Q9 II I .U6 17 11 .I07 ti 12 611 14 It .llO 14 11 4413 tO II )41 7 II ICM ........ .,.......... "'40ll " •.. 1 DlilrOll II 10 .1111 ......... 14tOMJ e.ittmcw• to 14 .• 11 ~ 10 14 •17 T OtOtlto IO II 400 .._ Yor11 t US 378 ~ ....... ..,..,,,.,. 5. MtolO 3 T otonto I. "-City 4 T-I, lloolon 0 ....... 4,....,,,_.I ~l.o.tr011e ._.,,,...vor112 ~ Ill, OMlend I I 1 ... 3 ... 7'4 7'4 , ... 2~ l 'A '"' 7 7141 T~eO-.. l•lllmort (rl•n•e•n. 1·11 •• A• .. I• ~.M).n l<OlllH City (Fro1t 3· I ) or Toronto ~~· CNcoeo (Lome> 2.0) OI OMroft (Petty 3-2') MlnnHOIO (Felton 0-31 •I MllwowllH (Coidaoel 1 ·21 ~ (llotUr $-1)" Oektend (N«r1e 2-n n lo11on (l'lolnoy 2·01 11 Teaoa (M•ll•ok 0-1).n .... York (o..ldry 3-1) et a..ttlo (9Mflle 0-2). n "=='~ W L l'wt. 09 AllMlta 18 I 704 4en Oioec> 11 10 .IOO ~ 14 13 111 3 & Clnc:lnMtl 12 14 .ta '"' ., 4en Ftenc:lleo 12 15 .444 Howoton t 2 11 421 7o,\ -1......-n OMoloft al Lowll 1e tO .6'3 ....,,,... 12 t1 522 ,.,.. 4\t 5'4 "'-Yor11 13 14 4'1 ~ 11 14 ..440 Plttllburgll 10 14 417 ~ • ,. .333 • .... ~ ........ DMewo •. l'OtrirMI ' CNcOQO 12, Howeton I Clncintw41 5, Pft~ 0 ,.._ Vor11 3, San P'toncllCO 2 l'llMI ~-'llo 5, $en Oleao 2 Allot!to I. at. LOllle 3 C fO ""*'Gel T..,..O- Do~1or1 (Hooton t. t) et Montro" (OIAl!dl-2 .1) San FtOl>Cltco (Holloncl 2-3) ot Hew Y or11 (lklon 2-2) ~ (J ..... $-" .. CNc40o ,,.... ).1) Son Diego (Motlt"'-0 t-31 " ,.,,...... pNo ,,_,.,_ 0-)). II Plllal>utgh (Solomon 1·3) et C!nc:lnnolt (Berenyl 4-1). n AtlanlO (P. HI•~·· 1-01 •I II LOUii lAnclwjat i-21. n AmNCAM LIAOUI! OttolMI,~· IALT..oM C~ . , .... . , .... ....... 110 10 DownMigJl5 010 0..211 401 0 9onlcr4d4020 8lr'IJllr> dh 4 0 0 0 Ndl.-1 1 b • 0 2 t ='J Ill : ! ! ~ =~· : ~ l ~ 0.,. " 2 0 0 0 ' "9.Jc*Otl If 4 I 1 1 ,....c14t31 ~3«12001 A)'81oll 2000 M• 3010 lwnlllty d 2 0 0 0 ,.,gift 1111 0 0 0 0 0.-c 2 I 1 O ,,.,..,_pr 0 0 0 0 fllpUn j11 4 I 2 2 IC4llfw • 0 0 0 0 toonoc 1110 Totoit 36 5 10 6 Toi• 311 3 10 3 .... ., ...... Wimot• 010" 013 000-1 c.llorNo 001 001 010-3 E-0.ClnCOo, Mwtrey OP-9eltlrnoro 1, Colll.,.,,.. 1 l08-9oklmot• •. Celllom&o 10 29 -"'91<on. Otlefl Hl'l-~o (7). Atpkon (2). F0td (2), ~KlllO<'I (31 89- EMwtroy 6"-~. ...... • ........ '° McGregor iw.a-21 n. 10 a 2 a a r Mer*-ca.21 1.,.. o o o 1 o c..... Mot-IU .. l II e 4 4 3 2 :::::. ~:J1121 1 I 0 0 1 0 14....., 'Ao OOOOO A.Mot-P"d*' IO 2 botterl In tlW llfl lnlllllf . WP-T Mottlnu. T-2:ee. A-2U12. A"9fl8Wlllllf UTTINe Aa "N• ~a3 3110 ---1111190 lyM .. 11 " 0 "9..18c:Uon ,. 0 • 0 Ottd> 71 10 21 0 ...,.., 111 13 JO • ,.,~ 11 2 • 0 loono ., ' 24 0 Ao.Jodloon 11 11 11 3 Fol II II 17 0 Cl9rtL 22 I 4 0 ~ 46 4 1 0 ~ 2 1 0 0 .,,...,_ • 3 0 0 TIMOM 173 111 24t It "'~ • .. • IO ~ 14 10 I 7 ...... 11'1\ 17 a • l.111111 .. " • 11 "*"' 17~ 1t • t1 "'-~ 1t ,. 21 hndwl1t 11 • • Fond! N ... 1a 16 A.Mmo ... .. ,. ti Wiit n .. 13 1a ~ ... 13 1 • ..... I .ua 1 .ao2 I .292 2 .2M 12 .2'2 11 .270 0 .2tl 10 .2t3 11 m 1 .1n 1 .112 2 1M 0 400 0 .000 '°' ..2AO •"-.. 0.0 0.00 2·1 1M .. 1 tm 0.0 uo a.2 2.13 2.0 U2 2-2 3.40 • 2-4 1.74' 2-0 .... 0-1 4M T ... ..,... 141 tot 127 17-11 UI .......... n.n. ()!60000 OIO 12f ~ 11 2 Dllnlli 000 000 CM 1-6 12 1 ~. ~(7). ..... ~ ic-~ a Ctl ... All!; ..._... ._..CtlMdW......._ -Howt, 1.-MorTto. W .1-eaow,...(t). Hff-cNceto. ~ ca1. MomMft >1•1. A-M,OOI. NAftOIW. LIA-O .. , ......... 1.0I~_, ~ .. ..... lltO ,_..,_, •g10 \.11*91fltt0 ·~rt4 10 TNfMe II I 0 I 0 OliWMft ef • I I I .._, • 1 I• ~I~ • 0 0 0 ~tt•Olt C.Wo 1001 ~·IHOtO Wlllllfl-.•OtO ~"•11~ ..... ooo t=.: u:o =:: u:: w..p •Oto · ~_.oooo ~· 1000 ,,_pl\ 1000 ""'' 0000 ..... 1111 1000 ,,_, 0000 TC*lll N I 11 I ,.Olllt 11 I 1 I Loi Anlllel .... ., ...,,. 010 100-1 ~ 000 100 001-1 •-eetw ~-l• Anlllel '· MoiW• 1 LOI-LOI llllftlH l . MollltHI • 21-Wtlleoll I OOWIOll, ••-Mondor. Hlll -Ott••r 111. loller 141, Ooweon fa! H -lu 2, llluooell. 11'--e.rl«i.!'l•· Lee.,... • "It ... • to w::r.:-11 • 7 2 2 1 , "°Oe'9 CL,4-21 I I e t I • LM 3 31101 '""'*' 1 0 0 0 I 0 T -2.12. A-JU It. CllN 12, ..., ... Houoton 000 001 032-t 11 o CNcOQO aot 003 OOa-lt ti 0 Ryen, L.co. (3). ~ (I), Mofllll 1•1 tl'IO Attlby, l<nicely (I), Mom, Lo/toll (I ), Alpley (I ) end Oo"'-. W-Mtttr, 3-2 L- AyOft, ..... ..,_--ONoooo, Montend I (I). A-1.404. ...... ,.,..... Pll1atKHgll 000 000 000-0 & 0 CW::lnnet1 011 ooo aoa-e 10 o Mo.kou, Sc\i•ry (7) end Pono. Soto end Trevino W-loto. 2·2. L-M .. hw, 0·2. A-11,415 ......... ~I ..,, Oioec> 200 000 000-2 • 0 ~ 000 000 014--1 1 0 ~. er-(I~ "-CtJ. Del.-(t) _, Kennedy: Ktullow. "'-""' (11, LY'9 (I) MCI Olar W-Lflo, 1.0 L-L-. 0..2. Hlll-Pllll •del plllo. Olu (I ), 8cllmldl (2 ). A-21,21) ............. a... ,,~ 000 100 001-2 • 0 Hew Y"11 200 010 00.-3 11 I ......,, a....w.o mend Mey: .... F• oone (t~ Allon 191 end 91-'ne W-P\lloo. 3-2 L-l.Mk.,,, 1·2 l -""9n fTi HA-"'- Y!IB, Klngmen CIO) A-11,712. "'-1.C......I Allente 000 200 001 3-1 10 0 St lOUiO 002 00 I 000 0-3 I o W•lk, McWllllo"'' (I ). 8edt01len If). Cktl>or (I) MCI hllecllot; Muro, lolt (7). a..tw It>. "'-Un (101. l<MI C10) MO Pvr\oi' W-Oorbor, )-1 l -Mottln. 3.) HA- AllenlAI. HorrW (I). It LOUlo, lO 8mtlfl (4). A-30,27' Top 'tO , ......... &.t.:=> .....CIM OMllN,..._ 9onnell. TOtontO 21 53 11 22 .416 Hwr.,., ~ 2' 80 23 3e .<IOO Mc&ldo, ~ 17 •1 ' ,, .313 E.Mum1y, hlcltnoro 2• II 12 33 3 76 Coooor • ....._ 2• 17 14 M 371 Vega. MlnnooOla II 47 8 17 -* .,. A J ollnton .-.elnn20 72 11 21 3'1 Thornton. ~ 23 Ill 20 30 353 9 w . r-23 " 11 31 ,... !kinc:tberg, T-:rt U. I 21 347 ........... ~. M"""""8. I , ""-**o. llelllrnoro. 1. Ho,,oll, Clewlond. 7, Tll«ntOft, ciov.-IMd 7, .,..,,.... ..... .,, ............ Tllornton, ~. 21, QolMe, ~ koo. 23, McA••. KOlllH City, 22. H•boll, MtnNeoto. 22: YMU:INlcl, Soelon. 20: Otte, "-~ca~~ ~. Ollcaoo, w,. c.uc... . ~ ~.1 A,..._, .-t; r llM'lnrtt.,, Ito, 4-1, Twdor, ........ J.1; lettlar, ~ 3-1. a.wca.. o.ltoft, J.1; IArdl, ........ 3-1, Oulclty. ,._ Votk, 3-1, ...,_, ONcogo. 1·1: 0 Jtcktof\, KanlU dty. 3.1: '•Ott, Konau Clly. 3-1, .750; J.J-. OelllOlld, 3-I NA T10elM. LaMMll 0 M Ill NM J.~. Pgll ,. • 20 36 Ma ......... a-. n 10a 11 11 n• MeA4•f, ~ II ... 5 II .341 Cclncepoton, ~ 26 M 14 33 .347 ... .., .. 1..~aa 11 '' ao Ml ~ .., oi.oo 22 • 2A ao .»1 Woode, Q*-oO 20 • I 23 ..W ~NlwYotk 23 to 7 20 ..m Wlloon, .... Yor11 2t 11,.. 17 M 313 O.tmltll. II Loo* 2t 17 13 32 330 ........... Klngmon, Now Y0tk, 10; J T110,..pt0n. Plnobwt'Qlh. t; ......,._,, Olk:ago, I, Hornot, Attont.,l ,Murpf!y,All8n!A.I .............. Mutpfly, AllonlAI, 21. Mor-.nd. CNc40o, 25. J Tll<>mj)lon, PllltOutgll, 25, Klngmen, INw Vor11, 24; K.~ 9f L.ovlt, 21, T ,l«<ltlody;:'t'!J.°T~) Fated!, , 4-0; 8olr, It l.°'*i t-0; lOMtt, Ion oi.ot. M ; SMw, Ian Diego, 3·0. loronyl. Clnclnnoll. •· 1; twllOfl, Houlton, •t; -..., ~ .. ,1....., ~ .. ,. u ....... =1r'uc: .,.. I U Of S... lllogo 021 100 tU-f 12 a UC lf'YlnO 100 020 000-3 I 2 Stwhm end 8clocca. 9ofna. ~ (I) MCI 80tnetd. W-9rOl'n CIJ.2) L-IOtftl (2·51 29 -Mw llon (UIO>. hrn01d (UCI). ae -la.a (UllDI. Hiii -"-0 (IJIOI. acu...., C..81-~..,_ II "9pperdlno 1• uce-.e.ni.. 11 u. of San Oioec> 11 UC!n!M I Loyol6-~ • LoflO 8..ill SIMO 7 ce c.o. AnfOl90 e .............. L 09 • 4 12 7'1\ 12 7'it II t 13 • 11 11 II 12 U of ... DlefO I, UC lrWW a c.i .... MlrW ··~=. """' llllfl .... "' • _,,.,,... 4 UC ......... •· l.oo Anlllel 2 • T..,....._(_Clllf fl do) UC lr'flN OI U. of lell D1-.o ,....., .... Cal ... ,....,,_ LonglieldllWeOI~·~ Cl Loo~• UC 8eMo ._.,.,, T 09 0 I I 2 0 HIGH ICHOOt. TRACK ...... F ....... ,............, 100 -1 . .,_, (OV) 10.0; 2. ltllft (Hll. 10.1; 3. HIOllale ('VI. •. ioOiiOO (N), IU: 6. ...,._.., '"I). 10.&. 220 -t • .,_, IOVI. 22.7: a. IMl IH9). 23 0: >. ~ (M 2$ I; 4. JoMoofl (ltd.). 2'.·!i I. SOier (Wm}, 24.0. 440 -1. lmoty (l'V). 41.•; 2. Gllool (OV)., 4t.e. 3. Tronl (Wm.), IO.I ; •. lpotlo (FV), 61.4; 5. IOloilil ( ... .). 12.1. llO -1. Mof1on (Wm.). 1:61. t; 2 lllMW9Y (Wm.), 2:00. 1; 3. Anderton (F\I). 2 02 O: .( ~ IE.d ~ 2.0t.a. 1 p.,._ 1•·1. 2·ou. Mii -1 Efldloon (FV). •:2 2: 2 ....,_ (f'll, UU; 3. 9"dl (H9), Ul.1, 4. John. _, (HI). 4:3U; 6. Wolefl (OV). 4:36.8. 2-mlto -1. Ettc*-IM t-:23.1; 2. OuJ.. -(H9), t:21.7; 3 Ardllbold (OV), t :N .3; ' Coo (Ed.~ 10:02.2; I. M-IM 10:2t.O. 120HH -t Alldt .... (FV). 11 0, 2. H""' dloll (FV). 11.11 I z.i-WI (Ed ). 11.1; 4. Lul(Mer,). 11.1. I T...,IM 16.a. 3SOU4 -t Alldt-(l'V}, at.I, 2 Zwm- _,. (Ed.). at.~ 3. Ven Oor-.or ~I). 31.4; 4 MHcNll (0Y/, 91.7; I. T ..... ( , at.I. •40 rotay -1. OoHn View, 3.1; 2. Hwntlllgton a..dl, 44.1; 3 P'ountoin v...,, 44 1. •. w~ ...... ; no llftn. .......... -1 '°"""'" v...,, 1:28 7; 2. w ........... 3'29.1. a tMillngtofl hec:tl. , 30 1: •· Edllon, a-i u : 5. Mottno. n2.2. HJ -1. OoMoyon(l!d.), l-4; 2. llw•n• (0VJ. 1·2: 3. 81ngllo"' (Wm.), 8·1, •. (llo) beYlt CW-l ond Mltdloll IOVI. &-10 U -1 Bnm IHll). 22-0!4; 2. Mitt.,.,.,.. (HSI. 21-I V., 3 Got,...,. (OV), 20-1C*, 4 l>ovie (M•.). 2CM, 5 Jotw.on (Ed). lo-Ii.. TJ-1.~(Ed.)..U..:2 ... --., IH9), 43-7; 3. Oovla (Met.), 43-0; 4. HelM Met.). 42-1; 5. lhKna IOVI. •I· 11 PV -1. "'--(FV). 1$-0: 2 Lui (M•.). 12 ... 3 ~ (FY). 12..(); no '-111 or """ SP -1 tJooro (Hll~ Q4•4; 2 Ponder (IEd), 50-1, 3. Pegnonoll (H9). 4~; 4. ,._ CNtdlon (f.d.), 4t-2v.. 5 9mllll CH9). 46.o. DT -f. 8'nllll (149). 137·2, 2. Kondttclt 1149), 118-3; 3. Go,,Joofl (HI), 13 .. 5i.; 4. Monono (FV). 1~514: 5. Teytor (FV). 121-3. T OUll Clf" quo1111aA: Hun11t9on 9-cll 14, ,ounl8ifl v..., 13. ac-i vi.. 7, f.dleon 5, ............ 1.Monno2- ~ .. ~ WOlaN 100 -1 ... .00. -(FV). 11 •. 2 Stlwp (Wm ). 11 7; 3 "-11111 IFV). 11 I , 4. "-(Ed ). 12 0, 5 MoGowrn Hiii. 12 0 220 -1. ""-r (14.). 11A• 2. Jodl-!~d I. 27.•; 3. SllM•tCWm.), 2°1.7, 4 Show Ed.), 4'.0: 6. Nwt1 (Wm.), 21.1. ... 0 -1 Joc:lllOn (fd .. $1, I; 2 Rolney (Eel J. 57.1; 3. 9lolOld (IEd.), 5t I . 4 ~ (Ed J. 1011, 6 AotW IM u12.1 llO -• Prati (Ed ). 2-' ILO: 2 WNIOer (W"' ). :r-21.a: 1. Correl (Wm.J 2·21,0: • looko IN). HG.I; I ....... Cf.d,). 2:aG.5. ..... -1. o.vlloo (Ed.). &·17 t: 2. ,.,.otl CEd ). 5·28.7; 3 ll\Ydttt (fd.), 5:31 3: 4 Whitt (Ed ). 1:3-4 &. 5 Mno (OV), & 31 I 2-mlle -1. 0.VHM (Ed ~ 11 21 3. 2 0.-~ CFV): 11·0 I 4, 3 While (Ed I. 11 57 O. 4 CtoOtt .. CFVI. 12 24 I, I Hix (H9). 12 30 3 IOOlH -1 Holllolcl (FV). I• 4, 2 Wolle> (OV), 15 3; 3 MOCk (l'V). 15 6, 4 Bwe (HI). 18 4. 5 CSlmot COV). 17.0 330LH -1. Helllold (FV), 45 2, 2 Moel< CM 47.2; 3 WobO (OV), 48.4, 4 9-(149). 4t 0, 5 StNtll (H9~1 440 rotoy -I , 50 I . 2 P'ountain V'*'t, IU: 3. ~on a-:tl, U .2; 4 ..--. 83,4, 6 OcOll\ vi... u •. Miit rotoy -1. l!.Ollon. •: 11.t , 2 FCIWfllalt\ Volley. 4.:11 2; 3. Wot1"'1n1101. •·21..0; 4. Hunllnfton 8-dl. •·27 .3; I. M""'8. +16.t. HJ -1 Htftlo6d (FV), 5-2, 2 9nydor ('V). a.o, :a Mofldou (Hial. M: 4 ,.,..... (lei.), .. 10, s .....,..., (~). .... l J -I. 14ot~_jFV). 11-10, 2 Welwllk fd 1 .. 2'4, 3. lnCoytl'l (,.V), 11·1 ... ; 4. (FV). 1t-1\lr; I ...... (FVI. IM\ol. -1. 1.11t1 (HI). .,._.IA; 2. tllobo (td.). 31·7, 3 ,..._, IHa). ~: 4. TWlllDo (l!.d.). 32 .. : 6. °'"' ,.,.., ), 31.0'A. Totol CIF ~·· Edl9on 17. '~ v..., II, Huntington 9-::fl 5, W...,.__ &. ac-, "'-a ... va.wu..-.-. (MIMMflflt) .... 100 -I. Tll19pon 111, 10.1 (toegwo -dt. 2. 9-y (CFr). 10 .••. •..-.Y "~ 11.3: •. L~ (ll). 1 U : 6 p__, (&I). 11A; I . ~ (CdM), 11.A. 200 -1. Lrbtt~t (IT), 22.4 Uoeovo r-d): 2, Hltr (U}, 22.•; a,. Pot•I (&I), 22.1; 4. ~!.'::rJITI. 22.7; I . "'*'-(U), 2U: I. T (I). 22.t. 400 -1 ....... (U). ... 4 OO.-r~ 2 lolln.)'WOflll ~··•· I'. MCOvlnnoH (CdM), IO-O: 4. !CM). IOA, e. 11we (t). IU: I. ......,,~. ICU IOO -1. careoo U). 1:11.1; 2. ~ (CdM), 1:M .t ; 3. I (ti, 1:61.2; 4. Vttdo (t). 1:11.1j 6. l4o88rld (CdMI. 2:00.2: I. L.o-'911 (fT). ~;00.2 UOd -t. AlldorOOfl (CdM). 4:21.7, 2. ......... (U), •:27.6; 3. MOCarUlrJ:!',?, OT II •. Cf..-d (OdM). 4:27,t , t. (~ •:IU; I. 111Y1te Cl.I). 4:acl.t . UOO -1. 140011e11111 (U). 1:2U; 2. Mo-~ (IOl~.2'·1: t .._d (CM). 1!11,0; •· .....,_. •.a.I: I . ..._... (U). t:N.O: • ~ t:at.o. 1 .... -. ..,_...ml). IU, I. C8ft • • ....... lldttdllo ( 11.1· 4 ()*r 1. 1: •· ..-.. 11.1 cowl. 11.1; '· rn. tu. HOLH -I. ca, ... (()Ml, n .1 '$. relljllrdll 2 ... "'~--.Ill. M.O: I. IC>fl (If). H .t : 4. Mdtt•on ~· H .t : . 9llMloflt (I~ tt 0: e. Wlllll.llle .... •oo rel•y -1. 1•4fl•aH (Moo,., ltHlef1_ lellnywettll, T""'->· 41.2: I. ~'"~· 41.4: 1. tmne,-41.t.i._•. O...o ..... 4 1t: I. e fOfO. 44.J: I . ....., .... del Mer~.$. 1,-,._, -I.~( ....... Nier, Allda'OOll, ...,,_,_ l :IU; I. C6tt l ...... t:u .1: a. tt 70to. a :H . 1: 4. 1oodl1t11011. a:au: •· Car.-..., ..... ~ e. IMM. 3.'1. •t: .. -,.::::,.c~,~~:~~ a: I . ...,.. M ~I. '--Y 1~10, LJ -i .. lllfO•Mtet (Nt , 11:1~. t. MMl!Mr~l-2: .. ....., .,..._; 4. lerrr ( ~I I . ...,._ I IO-e: 8. ....... '"' "". _;. ~ •• ...,,~,, 44 .. 1 .... ":.L'l:,u. ·~ .. MllAllllllr 4. u-.:1 . ...--..r 1. 1-1:1.w , INHt41•11' · ,,..,_,,lw!AtM5,_.a. ......-(NH)J. tM1 I . II. IM: 4. ~ll~l.lllwWI tMI. ~!... •. .:.~~·~~~ !['~~R•T+.i.:t.M 11~·~ ·· 1~ ·-,.~Q.=· 3:~t=-~11.:: .. 11& •-1.~al~ltljl, M. 1111• .... 1. ..... 1).llti• VOii .,.. II~ t 0i t. T""'* tr I 400 _ 1 •• .,, .. "' 'lfw,, ··~··1t ,...,dll ~· ~ .... ~.. •• 11. .. I: ' ~l: .a; .. M . ti ....... ).1111111 . 100 -I. ,._,,,.., (U). t ·Ot ,I (IHtVO r ...... re•n.t:t3 .... ~(QM~ l1IU. 4 V 11). ttl1.11 ~ Mii ... '""'"'·'· '~·'"o•· 1.100-t. IUl. "M1 . I...,_ UI. e 00.1 3 ......... (Ul. l:ol 8' • w-. CM •:1~.•1 •• MoLevollltn (U). i:lt.I; •. (U).11141, UOO -t. hl110o IV). 1011t o I~ fOCOtdl;. AriH11trov1 IUJ..1.!~:H.~1... ,_... IUI. t UUj • loot1 (~). u. .... 4, I. lwoll (IT). t 1:41. t: I. ~ttlilna (CdM), IUO.t. 100 LH -t. CWtt cm 11.0; I ..... II). 111: I 1¥-(~I. 11.0; it'.~ 1 ... ). t ti e • .......,,,~ I Mo111! 1U. too LH -t. (NH). 0 ..._,. ,..,dk I o.ti~4U: I. lwW (114). ... o; '· ~ ti. 4'.•1 1. Oefwft IUI. ... 7;t oi-1 ). .. o. ~ ,..., -• 114..-Mll (levndel•. llOyd. VM 'tltel, ~ ff,4; t, IMiwnltY, 4U; I . II T-1 ... t: 4 . ........., Hett*. ao.11~.:. IMN. t1.t: e. COn1tto ...... ea.'· l,wu r*t -t. ~~ (.....,._, 11-lliOtt, PlvfMt, ,.......), 4:00. t: I. II T0to, • 00.2; a. Cot1• Mo ... 4·00 a: 4 ltVlno, 4;0U; I 11111 .. IOMll, 4:14 t: I. eor-c111 ..... :11,0. KJ -I. Hooc*t (If), f-t; I, Owdo (CM). .. 1; 3. ~-(11.t), 6-t: 4. ~(NH), .. 10: •. °""'~). .. I: 8. HOllClk ·'UI. ..... u -1. ,._,.,.. (IT). 1• t\4; 2 ......, (NH), tt-Ji.; I. ~ (I.I). 1M._.; • t-.. .,.. (9~ 1 .. 1\t: I '-(CdM). IM\4, I blott (U). 11.1. IP-1 ...... ~M).U.7,2,...__, Ill. 33-2; •. ~ ( • »·t..i •. ...._Ill. U-t; I ~ ( M). •1·7, I llllnOW (l!IC), 31 ... Of -1. OIMt (U), 111-11. 2 OUluDon CC4MJ. 1oi.1: 1. a-(IT). 100-4; • • ...._ Mllllll (lat), ff·I ; I. TWllOf (In, 11·1: I lleooe(ET).CM-4~. 'lflel _,,.. -I. ~. 187: 2. l!l Toro, U : •. l•CSdltl>OGll, ••: •. H-porl ~ 12; e. Coote MoM. •2: 1. Corona dot .. .,. ~; 7 !Mno. 21; I. btoncl8. II ...-c...e~ ....... , ......... V...,. ...... ) .... 100-I Kortlo (MV), I.I; 220-1. Komo (MV). 22.•: HO-I. Roaoll (LH), IO.• • NO-I.~ (LI). 1;11.1· .,.._1, 0.W.. (L9). 4;40.0; 2..,,._ 1. Otifb'd (IC). t:•U. 120HN-1. l<tnlo (M~.O; llOL"-1 ~(MY}. MA: "-W (L9~ 40.11 400 roloy-1. l>Me HNlo, 4o4.I, ""'" t-y-1, o.. ..... 1:2'..t; 3. &....-9Mdl. 3:37.1. HJ-I. lrOWfl (MV), l-0: 2. 9o"-'llerr ILi), 5-10; U -1 . .,_, "-Wi.-20-1114; 4. Ateoo (Lil. IM'w, T .1-1:-rrliili11o1a (LH). 43.t 114, PV-1 V0<110cll (OH). 12·1, 2 Mc:Mlcl\NI (LI). 12 .. ; 8P-1 AltllotlhMd (MV), 11·11 .... 6. w..-(LI), 46-1; OT-I On•llOln (CV), 1&2 ... I TNlft '°°'" In· ~. WOlmN 100-1. L)'Clna (U'fl. t1 4; 2icl-t. Lyone (LH). 2t.•; •. ,..,..,. (L9), 27 3, 440-1 bwtenel CL.II. 81.3: •. ~ ILi). 1:02.1; 5 ·-!Lil). 1:04, 1; ll0-1 DwMd (Lil. U I I; ~ 1. <MM (OH). l:M.7; a. Cwd ~LI~ 6:44; 4, Holm (L9), &·tt I. I . ltlydor Lii e=-t.I; 2-mlll-1. Owlnn JOH~ tt.62.5, Otd (L9). 12:2' !; 3. •nrd•• CLI ). 12 41.&; 110L14-1. Wllllllold (OH), 11 t ; 330Ut-t ..._,, COH). 47.2; 440 ttley-1 UIQYr10 Hiii, It 3; •. &..-9-:fl, A 8. H.f-1. Jonoo CMV). M ; 2 ,._ (ut). M ; W-1 ,__ ~.!.:8-3'4, 2 91Nm (L8), 1$·11'.•, T'J-1. CCV). 3'4·1, SP -1 HOiton IMV). 40· 1014; 3 Woonlg IL9). 35-2~; OT-I. Horton (MV). t&t-7; 2 w .. ' n1g CL8). 106-e, 4 H1090 (L8). ... 10 IUMNN LUOU. '9lAU , .. •11 •r1deJt ...,., ·-(~l ~ llnllllort and Woodbtkjgo qwellllon only) 100-I Phillipa CW). 11 8, 5 8urlon (WI. 12 a 200-I PNlilol (W). 27 4, 3 Button (Wi 27 t 400-1 Kell CWI, I 03 I , 3 Colllo (W). 1 04 7 100-1 ~·u~1 Koll fWI. 2 30 1, 2 Cottle (W), LOpU (IH). I 30 7, 4 Hom.on (W). 1115 2· ..... -1 Lop.CSW), 12 l:J l ,4 Adoma fWI. 13~.5. 5 V•b«g (W), 13 48 2 .ioo roi.,-1 w=wo Miio r -I Wood , 4 24 8 HJ-~etrotco (MSO , 4·1; 2 Kirven (W), .... : 4 Aoalend (W). 4-1 IOOLH-1 Ho01n (W), I& 2 Olddent CW) ti& 330Ui-1 Hooon (WI. 50 •. J OldOonil 53.2. U-t iur-(W). 16-7; 2 ~ (WI. 16-2 . T J-1. Knon (W), )4 ... SP-1 Wiiton (W), 31-6, 5 liof!INtl (WJ. H-6 • T OOtfl lciotOI 1, Woodl>ttd(lo, I SI pojn(I, 2. .._. Ho9t. ... 3. ~ Cooll, 16; • Aototy, 31, I Mll9oft a.n Oot>nel. 27 Mll&'ll&.aAGUS (ol......,C:-.., 100 -I. ·-(9A), 10 7; 4 Aollrlell (MO). 11 4; I Ofenllo CMOl. 11.8 200 -I 9'own lllAI. 22 0, I Aotttlcn • CMOI. 23 t. 400 -1 l1tnlefl (9M). 41 0 4 WOC>O (MO), 52 5. IOO - 1. lllfq> (IA). 1:1t,1; 2. F. Qoll. -(MDI. 2:00.1. Miio _:... I. MW1lfle (MDI, 4.28 0, 2. Mc· ........, (MO). 4_iu. a. Eddy cMO). 'N.6. • ......, (MO). 4:36 3: I. PWtlO CMOI. 4AO •: 1. I<-. (MO\. 4;41.2 2·lllllO -I. McM•IOt (MO). t .H 2.i, 2. ...... (M)I. t';N.O: I . .....,.. (W>). ~, ... 4. ~ (MO), 10:04.1; I . M8tll11e1 (MD), 10.ot.1: ........ ~ tO:t1.t, ll0•04 -I. ltoWn (llAI. 14 ), ~ -I M Oonuioa (llM). )I 7, 4 ~(MOl.407 400 roloy -1. 91•11op AMat, 42.8: 2. .... Del...... ' ... ro11oy -I .... Atflet. 3:21.0: 2. ...... °"· 3:M.O. ""' -1. ~M OoNMoo11M1. 6-0:1 .......... (W U -I. MdrMo ( ~ 22.0 PV -1. J. Oollfvon (MO). 11·1. 2 A CWlwM (MO), 1M. .. -1. Hiii (9MI. •11'4. f Hlft korH : 1. Molet 130: J. 8loll0p Am•t 128; 3. lltllOt> Monie-~ 101: 4 Sontto 44; I. It PM 16 ~--~ (el Loo"= , .. , 200 moclloy tel~-I. 'ovnlolll Volley, 1'44 ~; 2. l--~U: I . Huttt~Oll lllodl, ti ... 1.. .. l:M.o7 . 200 l•oo-1. Pattt~, 1;41 H ; 2 ~('VI. t)41.11: ... (f'V), 1:t0.17; 4 ~ ('V). t;CIO,M; •• Hoplttno (M). I:~. II; I . J4M (N), 1:14.12 . 'OOIM-1 lenllt'.I' ('V), l :Ot,17; 2. t . 11111t11 {E). 2.02.N , I ,_.,(NI), 2.0UI; •· Wen IM 2.03 II, I, t. 11!11111 (M), t:QIU.4; • ~('VI. 2.0l.t3. IO fr-1. P.,._ (Ml. tt.07• 2. ~~· t ...... Ill. 2UO: I , UOfll (l'V), ft.I!; 4 . M•v•tt. lllVJ. U .H ; 1. MoOarrlol• (ulfl, H~L~' l#tDf• 1141). UM. wmnw-t. ""'*" '"''" 42=-:j·~· Ootd•tff\ (I). lt7.0I; la. Wt IOll (WJ, ta H, 4, ,_, (W), ....... t (W), r•1.11: e. ~(WI. 211.11 100 ltr-1. P•-(MI. 62.H , '· hfr IH91. ........ """'~ ...... ! •• Mlll"-1), ... 11: •• ..._(Al). 61.7•: .. .,_,.., l'V)Lf7,08. 100~-1.,....-n(l).I011i1· .... _.., (H8). IO.to: I . ._.... (MJ. 1111•I:4 lclflwlll CM IO II; •• ~ (HI!. 81 Cit; f. ..._,,~eua. 1100 _._,, ~Ho.te; 2. I. J\ICld ( l."04,4 I •• w IM ') 10.•! ~--ia. IM).4:11,N'~. •. ~•:ttM. 100-.-1 ...... ri., ... ...... l"IJ. ..... : *· , ... 4. p.,. -llllet (H~a , ........... (,V), ttOl.ltl.. 1l0t.lf, IOO -...-1. I . ~l00.11: t. T, """" 1:01.01: .. ... 1~1. "' ... YOll""~~:Ol,111 I . 01'\V,I (,\rt, t.~. t. '""'"* (flV), UMA. 400-tM ,...,-1. Mar'IM. a:I0.71; I . ,._,..,. v-.r. t :ff ""9 ,~1....,_ ... ~_.r:~....... ...., ~-..... i t. '"'lltiM Ytller, IOI =~ ......... Mt: I . floW"'9, Ht: •. .... 141; •• o.irl vw. n. ... --~ ..... -··ni-1 ···--W.~tlt! .:t.'tlri~ ., IOtrM-l ,=IW).ltl11I . tlleW N).tt ti, I 11¥1HIJ. H I t, 4 l~I. II II, I cN01nQ (HI), 17 ~ ~Mo~MHOI IOI) -I W MK~ I), I ot IO: I TllOlll ( V), I 0111; t II., Jeel<tllde (I), t·Ot01, 4 ()lt>IOn CtllJ, t~OtM, 8 • .,_ (Ml. 1 II 11, I Wv11 IHI.~. I IOI. 100 It.. I Co/lloOOlf lwl. 17 ~. I ,_.. llolo CM). II OJ, ) ~ (l'VI. I 00 ot. <I l lll1pn (II. I 0 I 1 t1 I O'Oonntt (OV>. I OJ H . I HorNI (P'Vi. I 02 41 too troo-1 At1N11ono <'VI. •·1• •1; a sc11111u 11rv1, •IO t7· a "'-"' (Ml. &:a 1 • 1 • 4 ltoroh (Hi). 1.!u It; I Lwo (l'V). I 1M t), I v~ IMJ, I 00 JO 100 bull.-I lwtt•oll (I). I 10 01 2 COOPOt Clli, I 11.l 1, I DovlCleon (;\fl I 12 to. 4 910WI' (Ha), I 12 to. I 1.,-1 CM). I 14 71, I McHttn.,, (Ht/. I 11.31 100 blOnl-1 Cl0tk (l'V , t·OI II. I . llunk Cl'V), I'" •o: 3 ""WOtd ''"'· I 1t N; 4. ~ CM). 1 It Ot, 0 141Cki.y IHI}, I 11 to, • 110 Olalll •00 lroo tt)oy-1 l411nllng10n IHCll, • 02 12/011111. 2 Pow"'°'" Volley (A), 4 07 7,, f~. 4 01 II, •· ,_1111 Y• 1oy 1•>1_4. 11 73, i eo1eo., (I), •.n 11. • '°""'"" v..,.,, (C) •.U .1$. TH"' I OO•ll j ,011111a1n Valley, 413 P011111. 2 EdloOll, 271· ~ Hunt1n9lon lloocll, 1H, 4 Morlf\O. 117, S W'°"'*""OI 47, I ac:-ivi.w, u High tchoof IU..llT UAOUI 'IHALI (Ila.._,=. ,.,.. llOllfMI M1tou C[41'90nl oel l1l0tge (Oceen V-) I O II t Oodot CHun11n9ton S.oc,.1 def A1m .. y IWntm,,,11•'1, I 0 l ·O Engel IW1t1m•nt10f I oet AolCI ([Ol"°"I 11·2. J e. &·2 l •• t~o11n111n V1t1 ey1 dot H1tko IMatltll) 8 4, 1-2 Su11on l(d1.eon) oe1 M111 QUOl IHunliftOlon BMcllL &~ 6--1 $""'911" (Founteln Vlll•yl oal MOIOICllO fEOllOtl) 6-' .... r llhlaledl IMWln•I oel Hon (Oooon v-1 8 • ' s Gat>t,.. fHununoton BoKnl <!el H1n fO~e1n View) fl·O 6·0. Por~or !Ed1ton1 O•t "'•II• 1roun1e1n Valley) 6-2. 11 · 1 Horn (W•t1m1n1ttrl del Hol,..•1 CE<ltlO<'ll 1 I fl I I 3 Bod'-Y (Hunt"'OIOft ~"'de! Sc.w1a1e1-1MWINJ e.2 6-1 Pooa cw .. ,,.,,,,..., I won by.,.._ P0t91 (f"OUnl•Jn V•H.yl Gel McCorlon IEd•eon) 0 2 I 1 Sm1111 IM••l(l•I d•t Gonu lu (WottrnintlOtJ &·, , '!>rtong (MWlnet .,.. POllQor COc:ean View & ·3 II 1 8ern1rd (Huntington S.ochl d•I OotmOf\d t0c;oen v-1e.oe1 ~ "°""" ........ Mal••• tEd1eon1 d<1t Ooodt tHunltngton Suc"I 6 0 6--0 lot tFOUl'I..., Vllleyj oe1 Enoot CWKIM1n1t0tl !1-7 8 1 1·3 &utlOf\ (Edi'°") oel Sheugnn (f<IU"I"" \IOl!ey) l-4 6-3 O•b• ... (H11ntfno100 Betclll dol FoNa-ledl (M111no) 6 0 6-I Pet"OI tEOleonl OOI Hor" CWUtmtntte • I I 1 II 0 8oOIOy (Hwnl"'lllon 8eoc:n) Gel POI)• CWKllNnllOll 7.!, l.Q Smtih IMetlftal oel P1t01 IFoun1..,, V•lloy). 1·7. 1 ·4, 81rnerd CHunllnglOn BoochJ OOI Wong fMWlnOI 6-3, e.2 , ..... 11-..d 0...-... C<•"°"..Qiow (MltoM/ dot C111r01-0~ IHuntington Beach) 11·2 8 2 W1ndrel Munck (Fou,.lotn Vallo1I Oet Uyo111ra W0Ugan9 (WMl..,.nllert. 8..0 6·0 Terrell W1tc:her ((d11on1 Oel Witch•• Turatt• y 1E<11aon1 1·4, I · t llno1ewt·Cr1m"•' CHuntlt>Qlon l8ooc:lll d4'1 Not111Ntt"KOWlllll11 (Fountoin Volloyl 6-0 1-3, 8oGhOtlM\-Mollo 1Foun1a1n Valley1 Oet Ao,..ano-Ellwtrt c11wn1ino1on 8"cllt 6·1. 1-1. Ew,,..1.e.110 fHunt1ng1on Booc:h) dot zo,..one•·B•ll lfd>lonl 1·3 6·3 At111.(;wnu1te CMat1n1j oel ~·Hirt"'•" 1w .. 1,..1n11"'t 8~ e.1, semmon.-O'Cotlnel (Ed'aon) def Hon-Pwk (ac-. View), 1-3, 8-1 8ocond ~ Oeublee Wendrel Munck 1rownte1n lleUoyJ <let CrHIOn Cllow (Mor1no) 3 11 11·4 8 7 And< ... • Ct.,.,,.., (HunllnOIOfl 8oKJ>I Gel Twrre ll·W•tcl'lor t£dl10,.1 6 I I 7 ~ (Fowntllln V...,,), W , tJ.-4. 81mmon .. O'Connoll (Edllon! dol Arlt•· <Mnwno (Motlno). 1-4, e.2 C..-do411ar21.~7 8r0Wfllbo<tef (~~ti :0., IO G1-!>· 7 ,,.. MWllNrl, M . OOl"'"9d IO P.....,,, 001 Dey, U . WOl/hw (CdM) -e.z. M, 6-4, M , 8oldot fCdMI ~lod Of-by oelacill. won. 1-1, Joel, .... WOfl. e.3. Jot.-(CdMI Iott. 2 ... 2 ... 2 ... ().I, 0...... EW111Q·Allt fC~MI def Q11t ... ·M1tQOltt 6-4, I · I Oot OttvOt Sclamm11 8-I I · I P•OOP·Hoe1ellot CCdMI won e..o 6-4 1.0 7.5 ........., Met-.. aov., ... _.. 1v. ........ Qllcteat CE) IOtl to O<Ol"u1, 3-'. Iott 10 Swntlllno, 6-7, I0&1 IO Jo M)'MI , ... ..,., to Jo ~. o-t, S..~ CEI IOOI 1-6. 4 .. , .. M . •1~• (E) IOI! 2.e 3.e 1 .. 2.e 01oot> C£1 toot , .. , 0-t. 0-t o .. 0..-... lflodoml-llegg CE) tiplllt wtlll Hll)'9-Coniley 2.e. •·3, ool S tonH ll s"'""· 1.e. O·• 891e*·Brown If) 1()111 4-1, e.1. 1()111, 1-7 ... AU. •M#llNT L.LAGOa ,.,..,_ Myl u M•tt•• (Edtaon). Jell 81tn1td (Hun11ng1on 8oedll. Btod PtrkOt (Eo•aonl. Jor.n <hbrtel (Huntington 8Hch). Jolt Spoonot (Fountain Vall49y). Oo .. ~ lf'ount81n Volloyl. Gory c:tlOW CMetlt\al. Joi klm ~-(HuntlnQton llNc:lll ._.....,_ Oreg lw11on (Edtaon1. Kon<llll Strrwnon1 lfd'-1. Lorry Oconnel ((dleon~ TOby Tiit· ••II fEdllOnl. Jon And•••• fHunungton 8'11cll). Eric C•OHOfl CMottnl), T111n Coo fMatlno). Olcl< ~ CP'owntlln Velloy) ~ . ' . . . "' WOMeft'I ....... HIGH 9CNOOf.. ~IO, C•-def Mot 0 C:O.Oft1 d<ll M• 000 000 0-0 I 11 Unlvetatty 30t 2:141 a-20 I~ I Dodd• HeH 1•1 end Wolle. Cote end Oweia w Coto l -Ood<la 28 -0gto 1U1 311-Fw fUI 14Aa-Fu (U~ ,,_ IUI .......... c.o ....... o Coall MOie 000 000 0-0 I 1 t......,,. 100 112 a-11 7 0 McAt"r •nd Seldon•. Mortin end Ko· wwlClfl 28 -Loeko CO 31 -Odon (I) -. ...., ............. J .. . I Orange Co .. t DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, May 8, 1082 Center A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center ' Bilbo Baggins, 545-l718 • Coco's, 540-9651 • Hamburger Hamlet, 546-7392 • Miones, 979-6735 • Reuben 's, 540-9672 • Swensen 's, 556-6937 .1 . 0ninoe OOMt DAILY lllLOT/latutdlly, May I, 1"2 'TV should play Gabby again 8y=8 A. MULLIGAN · A#1 0.illd *'' A UlSLD, Conn. -TV of latt hu paid homap to Mae WHt wlUi a ftnlrialy ..u .. upbolatend film bl~•· P~1 • a.net th• cult of ueuablanca II aalUnl ~ Sun to play It ap1n for t.hat owrratid mok'• 40th ~· . Well. M ioll8 M noltal8la ha.Nrl bee· Vier than mnoc at the comer oflfolly· wood and Vint, lln't It Umt for a 09b6y Ha,,_ J'Um J'Mttva!T --.rY•r dern tootln' It II,'' u Gabby hlmaelf would have a1d ln that tooth whlltllna. loo11 •tu.red delivery which 1prayed 1plttle over the ..,ebnuh In what mu.t bave been cbe to 200 ftJma. I 1ot ble~y-eyed counttn1 hi.I film c:ndlta tn ''Who w .. Who on Screen.'' 'Ibey tab up neuly half a .-ae -twice u ~y llltlnp u Clark Gable, W.C. FleJda and even Humphrey Boon. Gabb~er IOt to 1pout lfne. like, "ff_..•, 04r at you, ldd," or "Of all the aPn joints in all the towna In all the world, 1be walks Into mine," which COIU}068leun of ·~blanca" quote cum tedeo aeterno. He ;.t wam't a 1eX sym- bol. although he wu often aeen taking a bath back of the barber shop or stand.l.ni in the bunkhowle in hU lonljobna. 'Ibe acriptwrlten never fed him any- thin u memorable u .. Pla it again 875-f 171 - Sam.'' whkh=w11n't memorable at all becleu. Hum y Boprt newr aald It, nor dkl 8ermnAn. cs.dte the ~~ andlhe Woo4y Alim ~ .• C,,l;':..,t It you want to wtn a bAaToom ~t: She •>'It. "Play It once fOf' oJd Umel' ..U.'1 And law. "Play tt. Sam. play ·~ Time <loll By'." Bopy11 line 111 "I( lhe can ltand It, I co_. Playl t. TN. of UI tryina to oraanile I Gabby Hay• Retrolpective ancl-l'Um J'..Uv-1 -at the ll"XDent I -.n llO be the cn1y member of the commiti.e -have OW' l.lnel to quote and cl*1lh Ullo. "lnjuna jlat shot up the 8hhhanta Fee Shhhh-ataae I" Sometimes It WM the Dledwoocl 8"'-' or the Wella-Far10 w .. on, but In t6e Saturday matinee• of my youth no West.em worth It• oata ever Ft out of the corral without Gabby ruahJ.na Into the saloon (or the ranch bouae, the • new1paper, the 1heriff!s office) and 1praytng that line all over the place. George "Gabby" Haye1 wu born down near the border -the Pennsyl- vania border at a place ~ WelllvWe, N.Y., which la quite a hoOt and a holler from the Painted o.ert and Dodae City. He wu 44 when he a I In 611 flnt film. '"nie Rainbow Man." I don't know what he dkS before that, but I reckyapo19 It WM play acttna. Once he hit lfollywood, he 1uffered from ch.ronSc Mdd1e aorea. turntna out a dosen oatera a year with namea like .. Silver on the Sa1e," "The ~l!r'~ ~=~=~==:;~~====;:;~; c.ode," "Wtlt of the Divide,"·~~~ II Tumbleweed1," "Bar 2C Ju1Uce, llE Y• llYlll I 0114 "Nwada BuckAroo,'' ''lAwlem J'toontier, '' I 'Texaa Tran.'' "Heart of Arllona." WE COllD SAVE YOU AS He .... the t.althful lideldck in all the Ull'H AS .... ON • Roy Rocen and Hopt.lonc c....tdy aeriea, """' .. which ~ lmc.w -=ti &aturday • "The, HKHR PRICED AUTOMOBUS ~;. w• alwaya a white hat, never ANO CERTAINLY HUNDREDS°' DOLLARS 11..-H th ..i-·-L .... _ ON MOOfRATElY PRICED CA.RS. a ·-vy. e waa e town u.n.uia or.... we WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING. one-leged Civil War vet who helped out the Hero when no one elae would. He CALL VIRGINIA AT ~!::n~~re1~~dt:r ... ~~~h~.::; I ~~~(7=1=4=)~1=4=1-4~1=1~·~·r~l=41~-=1~1~22~~~ 'cmcb drtwr, the chuck waexi 00.. the i.= veterinarian always called the hone doctor, the mule akinner, the prospect.or, the barkeep or the frontier dentist And there were no anti-heroea of the 11lver aage on the silver acreen in the fondly r emembered Saturday• of my youth. Not much love stuff, either. I can't recall anyone f!Ver k1mng Gabby, uni-maybe It wu hU hone. So on with the festival. Spray it again, Gabby. ·Hawaii .. ~ Free Trip Anyone? STARTING Look for Benchley Luggage Travable catalog coming Wednesday, May 12 In {he · A NEW BUSINESS? According to California Bu1lnes1 and ProfeHlon1 Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) all pe,1on1 doing bu1lne11' under a fictltlou1 name mu1t flle a 1tatement wtth th,. County Clerk and have It publl1hed four tlme1 In a new1paper Hrvlng the area In which th• bualne11 11 located. The ltatement 11 required by law and 11 nece11ary In protecting your bu1lnesa Qame. Moat banks require ~ Q.Q.I ot.Jllh1a.Jo. o~_-<;ctmmirc.l•J• .. account1. The DAILY PILOT provldel both .J fifing and publication 1ervlce1. We have all the nece11ary forfhs ·and maintain a dally 1ervlce to the Orange County CourthouH. Either atop by one of our convenient offices or phone the LEGAL DEeARTMENT 642-4321 , Ext. 332 for more lnformatlo·n and forms. 3295 Newport Boulevard ' lM illi Newport Beach_, Callfornla ton P~lntula Acroa FrO!" 9tty H~) 125 Fashion llland, Newport Beect1, CA near Bullock'• Wlllhlre 92980 DAILY PILOT MOVIES Your family can rent movies from us for about half the cost of going to a theater. FREE POPC•• · Movie~ and p.Q_pcorn ~ the perfect cbrribination .. I So, when you rent movies from ·us, we' II pay for your corn! VfDEO CASSETTES FOR SALE OR RENTI ... I 000' s OF TITLES Fbr Big -Selection of movies · in all formats, come see u~ today. · n. Can and FMtllng of YHr VCR Care -how to hook It up and how to get the most out of It. We're your Video movie specialists. Feeding -video movies, blank cassettes, and taping. We're your Video movie specialists. HOLL lW-PREMIERE EVERY •1111 CALL US Get the answers to your video movie questions and more. We 're specialists In all aspects of video. We're happy to help you. WATCH MOVIES I• YOIR .U•DERWEAR. Dress up or dress down. It doesn't matter what you wear when you rent movies from Video Cassettes Rentals. You watch In private. 1884-B Harbor· Blvd. Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 (714) 646-8928 642-4321 -~OO~[BJ.~.rnu ·Campaigners fa~e split-roll ·problem \ By THOMAS D. EIJAS 11 the steadily buildina battle over the Peripheral Canal referendum on next month'• ballot J>OM!9 problema for politi- cal candidates, lJ'naij.ne what they'll face thia fall. That's when the tint effona at reform of Propoeition 13 are almott certain to appear on the ballot. The proposed changes would mean $1.6 bllllon in new revenues for the state, greatly eaal.ng the financial crunch con- ·cal If DRiii f OCUS fronting the new governor who moves in next January. It would raise that money by taxing business and commercial pro- perty at a higher rate than homes and apartments -a so-called "split-roll" concept. AN INITIATIVE making that change ls now circulating and even its most bit- ter enemy -Proposition 13 co-author Howard Jarvis -believes it will qualify for the November ballot. eue that by Wdna new ownerw on only part of the lncreaaed value of their home.. Jarvi• think• au that 11 poppycock. "It's a dlahoneet meaaure," he aaid in an interview. "lt'a llimply a public employee union meuure ln favor of hkSden taxes. Buainem never paya taxes: cuatomen pay taxes." Jarvis arguea that a split-roll would mean higher prices u new bU1inela eo1ta are puaed along to conswnen. But that ignores two realities: Pricee and renta did not drop when Proposition 13 pasaed, thouah Jarvia predicted they would. And California companies often com- pete with out-of~state fi.nna for the dol- lars of Californ ia consumers. So price increases to cover a new tax blll would not be automatic. Emotiona already run rush on the split roll. "Most buainesa people we talk to are aimply lttaUonal on this," said Steven Smith, campaim manager for the initia- tive. "You can"i talk to them at all.'' That creates problems for Calilomia's would-be governors. The split-roll would make We much easier for whoever wina in the fall. But anyone who supports it risks losing hundreds of thousands of campaign dollan. ' The political stakes ln that initiative are much higher than lhoee of the Peri- pheral Canal dispute. After all, even if the canal's foes are right and it would cost $5 billion, that's let1 than the split- roll would produce in four years. Church schoQls resurging pattern l denominational i.ystem. But the new lid~ l has been in schools run mde~ndently by local churches. ..; ! By GEORGE W. CORNELL port for 1t among Protest.ants, along wnh •' Reflo~ Writ.. . Roman Catholics. though some Protes· Amencan schools we~e run mostly by tants oppose it. . If the water iaaue whipsaws candi- dates between the apparently<X>nflict.ing interests of Northern and Southern Cal- ifornia, the split-roll will place them on a rack with business (translated as cam- paign donors) pulHng_~ne way ancl homeowner interesta pulling the other. For the aplit-roll initiative takes dead ·ro at one ~ adv.C ~4erbustness gained when Proposition lJ pal8ed: ha property taxes don't riae nearly as fast as homeowners.' churches up to the middle. o~ th~ last It "violates the conslitutaonaJ principle cen.t~. and the modem e~llon of of church -state S.!.J?aration " saY!.!.be -r:el1gt0ws~~ Uom,.pub~v. JamesNrlJUnn, head or tne Baptist has sparked a shift back toward the ol-Jd int Committee on Public Affairs, among Protestants and Jews, but this lime the proposal comes amid a boom in c.·hurch -run elementary and secondary schools amoqg conserva ti ve Protest.a. nts. "ll'~ a§l!_~~enon "says.Bon Johnson , vice president of Acce lerated Chris tian Education of Lewisville, T('x&s, an organization ser ving 5,2u0 such new schools. "New ones are being started at the rate of three a day " The key motive for them."1s a spantuaJ ' co~A .and ~af,ictiQQ tlla4-~..---.. uonal environment should include all ~ The Jarvis-Gann Initiative baaed taxes for all land and buildinp on 1975 values, with increases of 2 percent allowed each year. But when property changes hands, taxes suddenly are baaed on the sale price. Si.nee homes change hands much more often than factories, oil refineries or other industrial property, backers of the split-roll contend that homeowners pay a larger share of property taxes today than they did in 1978. A study by the Los Angeles County a.aessor confirmed that feeling when it foWld that bu.sine.es paid 37.3 percent of all California property taxes last year, compared with 41.3 percent three years earlier. But the conservative California Tax- payers Assn. says that's not true. It claims state figurea show that the busi- ness share of property taxes has Nen. ONE THING NO ONE disputes is the "side-by-side" problem, which sees neighbors who bought similar homes at different times paying vastly different tax bills. The split-roll measure would der pattern. "threate ns the pubi1c schools" a nd The f"!lOvement adds a new framewor~ "endangers religious liberty." to President Reagan's proposal for tu1 -· tion tax credits to parents of children in THESE ARE longume ob~tions rai- non-public schools, with widened sup-sed to such plans, with mixed views ~:nw~KS ... ru uusr WArr TO~THE MaitE ... At present. there are more than 8,000 such Protestant-run schools, most for- med in the last decade, nearly as many as the 9,000 Roman Catholic grade and high schools. But the Prot~tant schools generally are smaller, their enrollment now totalling about a nuUion, compared to 3.1 million in Catholic schools. "We'll soon be bigger than that," says Johnson. New figures compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics show 21,000 non-public elementary and se- condary schools with total enrollment of 5.3 million, 77 percent church affiliated, aboul a third of that part being Prol~­ tant. "The biggest growth 1s among the Christian fundamentalists," says Joanell Porter. center stali.sticaan. TEN YEARS AGO, there were only about 2,000 such Protestant-run schools, most o f the m run by thl! Luther a n Church-Missouri S ynod, whose 1,538 schools remain Protestantism 's largest truth and be t.aught in a Christian frame • of reference," says Gerald Carlson, field director of the American Assoc.iauon of · Chnstian Schools of Normal, 111. Thal assoc1at1on .has grown from 125 member schools in 1972 to 1.069 at pre- sent. He says olher motives were a per- ceived decline an public school academic quality, discipline, and presence of drugs ~ and other threatening influences. But the main factor, he adds, has been lhat public S<.'hools have been so secula- rized tha t they have their "own esta- blished 'religion' " -a prohibiuon of it -which he and others see as the ~~ stitutional violation. The Illinois-based association 1s one of several organizations tha t have ar~n iQ1 recent years, including the Texas.basef group and tht• Association of Christia~ Schools Internationa l of Wh1tt1er, pl~ several publishers of matenab for sue~ schools. "MANY CHRISTIAN famlhes hav~ becomt' <.'Onvtn<.'t'd the pubhc schools n(( longer represent their views," says Paul Kie ne l, l'Xcc u t1ve director o f the California haS<'d associa tion. which 1nr- cludes I 7fl2 M 0 hools. u p 300 from la year. State l e gislatures considering $6.8 ~billion tax incre ases • Ill By JIM LUTHER ~..,.. ....... WASHINGTON -State legislatures are con- sidering proposals to raise taxes $6.8 billion this year to make up for money shortages caused by the ~ion and the tightening of federal purse strings. The Tax Foundation, a non-partisan research or- ganiz.ation, said that if all those proposed tax increases were enacted -which is unlikely -the total state tax boost would set a 10-year record for the second year in a row. The states raised taxes by $3.8 billion in 1981. OF THE 45 STATE legislatures that meet this year, 26 will act on bills to raise taxes. Also pending are proposals for cutting taxes by $410 million. State lawmakers are depending heavily on gen- eral sales taxes as sources of new revenues. The Tax Foundation reported that 13 states are weighing sales-tax increases that would bring in $2.7 billion a year. Higher income taxes have been proposed in l 0 states, where they would bring in $1.6 billion. Inclu- ded are billit to impose new income taxes in Connec- ticut and Washington. Ten states also are weighing increases in corpo- rate income taxes, which would raise $340 million. Bills to raise guollne taxes by $894 million are pendin.g in 11 states; plans to raise tobacco taxes by-,.. $157 million have been introduced in 12 states; liquor'; and beer taxes would bring in an extra $84 million ~ six states. ·' Legislation to raise severance taxes on minera!Cj by $196 million a year is pending in six states. :. SOME STATES ARE so hard-pressed for money,:· the Tax Foundation reported. that bills have been: introduced to tax taxes -pending legislation would:· exten~ the general sales tax to gasoline and cigarettes..;• which already are subject to special taxes. · • "The current rash of tax-raising legislation re fleets state responses to the apparen\ly tight squee on state budgets due to revenue shortfalls resul · from weaknesses in the economy, the drawing do of previous cash balances and reductions in feder aid," the foundation said. In addition, the heavy reduction in federal tax • on business as a result of legislation passed Jut year· causing many states to amend their own laws. Seve states compu te business taxes on the basis of~ede taxes. Enactment of all the pending tax measuree w result in a net 4.3 percent increue in state oo over 1981. Dallas most economical for moderate ill come family l By MEllRDL HARTSON 'I I 'ti f ........ WASHINGroN -For a foui-penon famllf malntalnina a moderate ltandard' ot. U~ It w• moat econonUcal t.o live in Dau.t. A'*'ca· Houaton, St. Loult and Kan.e Qty ln the fall 011981, ac~ cordiJrC '° aov.-nment atatistks. . TIM m09t = cltin for the tame t.mlly wwe. ulu. ~· New York City, Boston and Wuhingu>n, D.C., laid the report releued by the Bureau of Labor Stati9ticl. In the final ln • aeriea of com· parative atudlea of living co.ti in the nation'• 26 large1t citiea, the burHu compared expenses in the autumn of 1981 with the same period the year be- fon for a ·~" family ot. four. That family~ ot.. 38-JMf-o&d wortuna tu.t•nd, a non-workina wife and two childNn, ace 11 and f . 11\e oomparilonl were made at three 1tandard1 of u~ levell -lower. lntennedlate, or merate, ~ blah· The bure•u .. 1d it would no Jonaer laue the report becaUM of cuca in lta budfet. ~ At the ~•'9d ''In_......, ltan· dlld of llvbiC. the~ lbdwld tMI ll Wll ................. , •. n.n... 'It; Atlante, .lllJ!!l1 8"atoa, 1· k 1-; ••'ililll Kans tJ .... Th• 1tu•1 •In ..... ~ Ill•' It Gall ... .,,... ~ °' ..... to malntain thst moderate atandard of li· vlng ln Honolulu. That , .. me family needed '31,890 in A.nchoraae, Alaska, $2$,$40 ln the New York Oty and the northeaatem New Jeney area, $29,213 in BolU>n and $27,352 ln the Diatrict <Pf C.OlumbU. the naUon'• capltal. . T81t BOUSEBOLD dollar went fur- &Mr In metropol&a .,.. ol the 8outb and cetral tta• On •V9f'81e· the aAl'WJ1 lilUlmted that a typical Amerbn family of four, with only the hueband worldn1. needed $2~,407 -~on 1.-f.u'I prtc.w -to matnuln the hypothetical "lnwmedla•" ttandard of Uvb\a. That wu up,t;l.~nt from the awr~• ptlM ........ In the fall Of t•. .,.....,.,... flm01 ~w tar ___ ..... timathe ... ... _ ... ~.=\t= J .c· •.• =: ..... f..,. IOI' lltie " " , ......... ,. .. ~ ...... , ..... .. of ......... ,,.... the ••• during the autumn ot 1980. The bureau .. ld col\l\lm~\lon coetl rose approximately 7 .~ percent at all three levela, ''with the 1ar1eat increues. . .ocrurrtna among trampor- tadon and mecllcal mn.'' The 1urv.,y Included coet. for food, housinc -either home ownerahlp or .... .. ftpet'--tnlllpOl1atloe\. heialth can, iax ~-. c:lcilhtna. penonal ... md Sodal'~ peYnM!ft• n. ,....E ~. for lriMance. DHCl9cl p for ,...I can in An· chOi'ge, k !: ldch•r than the tt.8f9....Wln ~-. ~r•MJ>Orta&lon oaeta amoun&ed to t2,84t a year for the l•m::J.:: four main~"•• ol. h· !lftl ID foll l'Jtd bj 11.111 ID Jllilllm, I an th re1 tlo ov -------. Orange Cbut DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 8, 1882 .., . ill~Ufl~~OO~J . I 'Evening Shtetl' • ID l:lllCllliEI He tries to make heaven of Africa THE JEWISH CommunJty Center Hrvln1 areater Lona Boach a~d weetem Oranae County, wW preeent "An Evenlna in the ShteU" thla ev• nln1 at 8:30 p.m . In the center audi- torium, 3801 Ea~Wtllow Street, Lona Beach. The roaram wlll in- clude readino In ddilh and In E:n- gJt1h trom Sholom Al•Jchem, the Hultdlm and Cbelm. and tlnatn1 and dancina. mo~ra will be dllculMd by Ma.r1ha Wf.nllow at the Unitarian Church of Oran1e County in Anaheim on Sun· , <by. Mormon mi~1ionary says people of dark Continent 'hungry for Christ' The proaram wnt be&Jn at 10:30 a.m .. at the Unitarian Church, 1120 1 W. Santa Ana St .. Anaheim. By J. J. CAMBRLY nieAltlleM ..... Ml'BA. Aria. (AP) -Jack Reeder It a merry man who looU lJke a byeone bo- xer bui llvl9 like a 10ft-1pokon lalnt. He ii a M9"'ft0n from Meu who uw God In the 1unken 1mlles ot African blacb. And he felt J~ Chrtat In the heU1nl handa of• little li1ah Catholic doctor In the dUlty, IUD·baked N•pnan vtl1qe of Aba. Jack II flnally home in· Meu aft.er llx torturoul montN in Niprla. He aaya lt'• lib • '8tUm to DU'ldJM. The l\eedel'a' African od~ WU one heartbreak after another -from ~alth problema to a virtual hell ln aome placea, ao much ao that Jack won't dt.cuaa many of h1a experiences. thou~h I wun't of hi• faith," Reeder 1ay1. 'He aid that wu all well and good with him but he WU a Catholic, and an lrilh CathoUc at that, and he had a per· feet rl1ht to refuae money from a mil· llonary. He never took a cent from the clerlY of any faith. "Wbenver A.tricanl uw the name of J'9WI Chrtat on my lhirt badae, rnoet tald they wanted to know more about him. They may not have much in material things, but they have a lot ln 1pirlt." Yet. Reeder related, moet other clergy told him they foraot about their reu,ioUI milliona much of the ti.me and thought only about how they could help make African life more bearable. General admiaaloh 11 $7; 1peclal price for cent.er members la $6. FAMILY DAY will be ~lebrated Sunday at the 10 a.m. church wonhlp 1ervlce In Neighborhood Congrega- tional Church. U.C.C .. Laguna Bed'ch. AREA .NAZARENE church mem- bera and putonJ will attend their an- nual dl1trlct auembly and auxiliary conventions In Rivenlde on May 1 3 • 1 4 . The a aa em b 1 y of the Southern California dl1trlct,•which lncludes 93 churches, will convene at 8:30 a.m. May 13, and will conclude on May 14. THE WOMEN'S Mlnl1try ot ,Capt· atrano' VaUey BapUat Church, 32032 Del Obllpo, San Juan Capistrano, ln· Vilel women of all denominations. to attend ill annual Mother-Daughter • Banquet thll evening at 6 p .m . In the li'ireside Room. 1 A SPECIAL LUNCHEON in honor ot children and grandchildren wlll . I take place on Monday at Mercury j Savings, 23021 Lake C.enter Prive, El Toro at noon to raiae fundl for Camp : Haverim. Luncheon ticketl are on aale ' now at $3.50 per person. Because a limited number ot 1pecett are available, make reaervatlont by calling Ellen Vinograd at 494-5523. He will only speak of a dally struggle tor proper food, danger, bodyguardl and a savaae aun. But the 60-year-old church elder and hla wife Dorie tried to make heaven out of hell on the Dark Continent. They went to Nigeria as pioneen for the Church of Jesus Ch.rlat of Latter-day Saints. The couple acquired land and began building the fint Monnon chapel in ~lack Africa. MISSION SITE -Even though Ni- geria is one of Africa's riche1t na· tiona, missionary Jack Reeder still found unimaginable poverty and a harsh lifestyle there. "I learned to love the African blacka for their incredible, unbelievable pa- tience. Their long-autferlna tolerance of ao much ln their livea going wrong. F.s- pect~r womel'\. They work at the har- dest jObe until they simply drop dead." The trumpets of African Independence are now atllled by enormoua hunger, diaease and runaway inflation. • ST. ELIZABETH Ann Seton is seeking donated items for their May 22 yard sale. Items can be dropped off at Parish Hall, 9 Hillgate, Turtfe Rock May 10-14 and May 17-21from8 a.m. to noon. THE IMPACT OF cu.ta in welfare and related programs O/l working "ME MOVE?" la the title of Ruthe Bush Gluckaon'a presentation at the Sunday aervke of the Laguna Beach Unitarian-Universaliat Fellow1hip 10:30 a .m .1 4)9 Cypress Drive, (494-4743). That began 1aat spring and concluded when Reeder col.la peed· under the weight of a concrete construction block late last year. He arrived home by way of various hospital.a. Karate used to' preach GRAND RAPIDS, Mkh. (AP) -Ka- rate illltructor Samuel Doyle amaahea boerdt with mlll1onary zeal u he ta1.ka to hla students about Christ and the virtuett of rem.ting temptation. he aaya teaching people to defend themaelvett la the best way for him "to continue my walk with Jesus." .~ . South Coast -Community Church Reeder later drove to Aba where "the\ little guy -I never learned hla name so I alway• called him 'Little Ouy' " - treated him for four Injured di8cs. The physician told Reeder to go to Europe or home for full treatment and healing. 11T hat way I 1how people that the word of God la quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged 1word," Doyle Mys. "With hla help. you can alice through any temptaUon.' "Karate does not hinder your life as a Chrlatian," Doyle Mys. "I think it only enhanc~ea t . I believe the Lord worka through ou, and that karate helpe build your co idence. Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M . Corona def Mar High School. 2101 Eastbtuff Or., ~orona dP.I Mar ""' Trlb•te Te Me•" Jim Bumi Speaking "He refused to take any money even Thit JJ Karate for Chmt, Doyle's new martial-arta IChool ln Grand Rapid., and "Karate cultivate• telf·control and ~lf-confidence, u well u respect for othen -all very Christian value.." For Info: Call 6.44-1350 .... -. . Freedom of Worship An the rest, NOW try the BEST!" •••• Dr. --c. J-..... Miw"~ Cliowl.. .......... • Mft,....... I -C........~ • _.,., s..tc. ' .... Clllnll I 1t11 A.,..._.....,... IMdl ···~ ..... "THE GfFT . QF POWll" -"··---- hu;c1f0r sr. Matthew by the Sea (T r.dltlontll Eplacope/) l.Hot. y COMMUNION. Each Sun'd•r. 9:00 AM· (Book ol Comrron "'-'191 · .1'YJI • .. -. -.. . - MERTZ HALL of community CongregatJonel Church 811 Hell!'~. Cot0na d•I Mar n. 11.eY. Jwt Hollfeld -UJ..220 I ST. S . TMI .. ICOPAL CHU1C1t .. COSTA MHA . .., ......... a..., • ..- llOO .W, C1 '• . ·1&-.00 Hely ......... IMo...., 1c-.. -f ... ;..,. r.~=r...~; t ...... :~ • 141-UJ7 .. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES . llAANCHIS 0# THE MOTHVI CMUACH THE f!RST CMURCH "'CHlllST ICIEMTIST ... 9Q8TOH, MASaACHUuna "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" Sunday, Moy Ith, 1982 C .... W...-fllret Ce.rdl of Qrllf, Sc ........ JtMMsMY.,..Dr., C..toW... c ..... 1....,w...i-1t:ttA.M. .......... , .............. Dr. t A.MA:M , ..... W.. .... Sot. WO!i 1·7:M ,..._ _ t •t iJO , .... tr-1• -flfnt a. a · of cilrtit. ScJillfht 1--.s..-.... ........... w.Mt 4161 •tdl1ll1• O•sor Y•I Clllrcll AS...., Sc'-' -I 0:00 A.M. C>!ILO CAM l'flOYC)(O AT IUHOAY lf;llVU t•M191a ..... :._ ...... a.cit of Clwfat, Sc ...... •••oe...11u:11qt.e..11 C ..... & S...., ka...i -10:00 A.M. • .... ..__znw.s.. ~r::I. .... -...... c--of a.w, HIHipDrt .. C ..... A S...., Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. .......... -214 ........... Mew,.t .._. -Ant Clllrdl of Clwfat,. Sc"""8t llOIYlllU..M9wpertlffdt C ..... AS....,~-t:OOl lt:ltA.M. ...... ~JlllYleLWI • M-. .. W .-t A.M.·l '.M. T .... -1.t , ..... 0.C:..~T-.,S-t»ll30AM ,,,,,....,.,T_ .... ,.,. .... -S.CoM Clllrdt of Ctirftt, Sc ..... llH r..Mc View Dr., c ....... .._ c ....... ...., Sc-.. -,.,.. ..... ••• ··~ •• ~-,.. .. C.-H:y.. c .. W9. TllTIMOMY Mmlkt•S -. I P.M. AU CHUICtm Al••~-IO_..llle ___ .._ .... _.._ al Ille 11--. "-. ClllW c_.. ,......._,AT~ •YICll . . ~ WEsTMlmB W1lBAN CJUIOt IJl41.._A.., ................. '"'1·•·~· ........ , -woutW lllYICIS -l:JI & I MO A.M. r•1Toa J01L A. lwteeuw ~ nwzn CHllST CM ( Ml1101Jrl Synod) 16' Ylderto M .. C....MsM ........ , .... ,, ..... _ .. , .... , · w4'1SNP·118VICI-1:11 A I htf A.M. _., w..t ........ a.a-flH ..... . C..lllla s......-1 ........ . • Sennen Topic May Ith 9100 a 1 Ot30 A.M. "Another Dubious Honor" c ~.-·i~H 9, ·ilucatous 1Ct11N.c•·. Member of the United Church of A•llolou1 science .~ YLLAM IUm .. .nit .. ,,.. IMlllT-"!Mff~TOH llACH. CA. . -·"""1Mr-~ 4 {tOOltffO~ • .. ..\ A C9Al wntDMf FIOM Tll MTH C.ICll Of CHllST. c111111m ·es11 CMIRAn.Al 61 1 H .. sk ... A .... c_ .. ..., 64 .. 7400 o..-.w.~..._......_ 10 A..M. -s..-, • ....., C-~-H.-,.C.. lfflC••111• CMIEUTIWL a.II J40M.Jva•1,._. ....... SJ".L...-IMdl 494-1061 J0Htt M. llYMOU>S MAl•Anf A* llYMOU>S ........... 10 A.M.-s--, w......, Clllrcll Sc'-' I..._, HAllOI ammA.H CHIMCH IDltc ..... .t a.rwt 240 I '"'-fl s.....1.-.. 645-S7tl :Y Attend The Church of ~Your Choice. ST. MAil PRESIYTERIAN 0UKJr ........ Dr. & J .... arss, Mewpierl leKll 1 ... W-.."'9 .,, •••.J-.W..,. , ........................ ~---'-­Oivrch Scheel & A411lt Clotlft -9:00 a.m. Wenhlp S..Vkt -10:00 o.m. C-ot .... S1nkH Per..-C .. 644-1)41 ···pttpnouth C onc1rrc1c1tio>llll C l1urd1 3262 ..OAD ST .. MIWP'OlrT llACH 641-2740 · 5-ct.y s.r.lce -I 0:30 A.M. "BUILDING YOUR FAITH" A e1c ... tr... THI UMITID MITHODIST·CH&llCH. eottaM"' MSTUMT'm MITHODtST CHUICH 19th St. a Harbor Blvd . c.-.i. w.sl f!JO W.,,.., I 0:41 Chatlea 0 Clarll. Minister Huntington 8erach MIT"""9 MITHOOllT CHUICM 2721 17th St &3&-3537 w.....,~r.19:11 ... M-C:...AM-- Clu:dlcllHI t:t0 ML C09t1 Mesa NOrth Huntington Beach Notth MUA.... • co~ UMT9 UMnm ..ntODnT CHUICH MITHOOtlT CtWM w.,.&a......_. 6ee2He11Ave.~1 ., ... ,... ....... • ..... ter.lee Dr........... .,. •. , .... cWttWA .,,.....,.....,, .... " TMI IM Fou'*in Valley , .. !!ewtX>rtw a ,!.~a..... ...,:..,-=.c" . ~ 873-~ ....... 1122llultwd8t. Rev. Aobeft·a~. Jr.. c MNttJ W..., a~ ....... Or._:'."'.arrol•E. Wotd, Mlnl1t•t1 ........... . .. ....... ~ ...... .., ......... ,..., c.. .... AM. • 7 .. •M4PM. ......... _ This Sunday Worship In ST. AHDltlW'S NISIYTmlAM CHUltCH 600 St Andrews Road• NeWPOrt Beach • 831-2880 Dr. Jelm A. I .. ,, •• Jr .. , .... Wenhlp s-.kee -7:30-1:4S ond 10:15 A.M. "Providilr The Leadentip Ycu fady Needs" Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. Preaching Pl06MMS 7:30 a.m. -Infants Tlwv Klnder._,en; ChlW C-. 1:4S a .m. -lnfonh Thrv A4vlt 0..- 10: 15 a.m. -Infant• Thrv 6th O.o4e & A411lt.O..- AIC U IJI 1 Ui-JJU . Coc111Mlffy Prnbffer'-C'-'c'h . . 411 ,_.. A•s.. L.,... leecll 4t4-7HI Rev Arthur J. Tankersley Rev. Craig W1t11a111s Chnallan Education Hour 9:00-10-00 AM Worship -10: 15 AM -M.lllT CAlll l'llO'tlOIO AT AU. K.VICU PRESITI'EltlAH CHURCH OF THE COVEHAHT JllO hnlsw IL C.• ....._ -IS7·U40 ...A. ...... ,, • ..,. Terry McCanne. Director of Youth Ministries Howard Kllllon. Director of Adult Ministries Don Maddox, Director of Singles Ministries _., W_... -1:10 A I 0:00 A.N. a-di Sdlost -alWr'M ......... I 0:00 A..M. ....._, _......,. _ .. ,. ' 10:00 ...... v...,..-1:00 t.M. CHUICH OF C .. IST . 217 w ...... CMto .......... Jltl We're A Going Glowing Growif\O Church SUMDA Y S•YICIS ••u SlUDY t AM. woaSMP 11 A.M...&" .. ..,.. 10 a.m. -"The Fatl of Man" 6 p.m. -"K1nedom In the o..p.I of Matthew" ,..,,........ ...... -D-.c:.e.. , ............ l :IS1.M.. ,~, ...... I Rabbi Bernard I-' King Jamboree & Eaatblull Or. Music· Arie Shlkler N8WOOf' Beach. Cetif. Educalor: Nancy Levin Per W. 11 u1 '44-ntl . 1 AMY.,._....,. • ef~L~'!!'!!f.u .. , Bar/Mtuv*h Training_.. Youth Grot.tp -Sllt-"Oc>d ServlcM: Friday, 1;15 p.m .. Sat .. 8:15 a.m. Sun .. 9:30 a.m . AABIHEA8HELBROOK8 . 117 .... Hemllton, c.... ..... 8314211 YOUTH: Muppets take the whole show Uncle Len ia glad ao many of hi.a frienda like the Muppeta, be- caute he'• a big Muppet fan, too. Sometimes it'• hard to chooee a favorite, though, because there are ao many Muppet characters. Mm Piggy and Kermit are a great couple, the Swedish chef makes Interesting salads out of the English~· Fouy Bear tells the best old kes ln town and Gonzo is wori erfully weird. Does anyone know what he ls? The Sesame Street characters are great, too. Big Bird is quite a featherbrain, and Uncle Len took aome of his table manners from Cookie Monster, according to the big funny people al the newspa- per who occasionally eat lunch with him. If you're wondering how Un. cle Len knows about Sesame Street, it's because he aometimes watches with his young friends. Not only does Uncle Len enjoy the jokes, but he also gets a chance to brush up on his coun- ting and alphabet skills without anyone knowing. His friends certainly don't need to brush up on their art skills, though. Everyone did a great job <?f. capturing the true Muppet sptnl on paper. Go~o FIRST PLACE: Terry Simms of Costs Me Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 - Al' Wlrepttoto SMOOCBERS -Mias Maaie, a camel at the Tampa Zoo in Florida, greets Keeper Pandy Robision each morning with-an affectionate nose rub. Boy amputee hack on his feet Young plane crash victim learning to walk again ST AN FORD (AP) -With He made a very perceptive the resilience of a bright young comment on the reaction of his boy, Donnie Priest is back on his classmates an Portola Valley to feet. him. The feet are artificial and "At first they all wanted to be Donnie's walking la s till a bit my friend," he said . "Now wobbly. they've narrowed down." But the spirit is there and it iB Previously, Donnie had lived only a matter of time until he la in the .East Bay with his mother; back running and playing base-now he lives in Portola Valley ball. with his father, Don Pries t, Donnie managed to stay alive stepmother Cathy and brother i,or five days aft.er a plane crash Doug. in the Sierra in which.his mother Cathy Priest reported Donnie and stepfather died . He kept "has sad moments, like aU of us, First place and $5 go to Terry ·s~ 11, of Calta Mesa, who drew the stars of the latest _¥~tJJ\rude_: __ ----..... warm by huddling in the rear of but not any more than any of ______ th ........ e .,..s .... · _ ~ngi.oe,.9ri)£a& pla~, -Ma.:!. -_ ------ e was taken to Valley Medi-At the moment, his energies cal Center in Fresno, then to are focused on learning to walk Stanford where both of his gan-on his new feet. Ms. Kasura, who Second place and $2 go to Sa- rle Thomas, 11 , of Costa Mesa. Congratulations to both of you! Honorable mentions go to Jeff Manz., 9, and Tracie Manz, 6, of Costa Mesa; Janel Ortiz, 13, and Sherry Norton, 10, of Huntington Beach; and Gregory Hurst, 12, of Fountain Valley. grenous legs were amputated at works with him three times a • mid-calf. · week, said he is coming along More good work from Bushard School in Huntington Beach from Giao Dao, 6, Cuong Ninh, 13, Uyen Dao, 8, Manothong Luangaisongkham, 13. Sorry your school's entries last week arrived too late for the contest, gang. When he arrived by ambuJa-very well and in a couple of nee, he was wearing an Oakland weeks will be finished with ther- A 's cap. And he is still talking apy. baseball. The dis tance he can walk Donnie, with his stepmother, without crutches increases every Cathy Priest, and physical thera-day. Doctors say that in time the pist Sandy Kasura standing at artificial feet will allow him to the side, handled his first press play just about every ktnd of conference with aplomb. sport. He gave his opinion of base-Donnie is willing to take off his ball: ''Billy Martin (manager of shoes and show visitors how the the Oakland A's) is not bad . . . artifioal feet work. He swears at the players and Because it is a temporary kicks dust, but I admit he's a prosthesis, the leg part ls made good one. with a plastic pipe, he said. He "ln baseball, I usually like the will get a permanent one In about team that wins the World six months. It will look more like (Scott Bovaird, 9, o f Costa Mesa had the same problem. Be sure to mail entries as early in the week as possible.) And last but never least are'811 of Uncle Len's friends in Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa. Thanks for such good drawings from Doan, Jay, Hec- tor, Gabriela, Aimee, Bobby, Ju- lie, Pattie, Heather, Rachel, Ri- c hard, John, Daniela, Sean, Laurita, Craig, Jason, Joel and Monica. ' Series." a real leg. WALKS AGAIN -Donnie Priest is learning to walk on artifidal feet. Next week Uncle Len wants everyone to think small. Have . SECOND PLACE: Sar/e Thomas of Costs Mesa you ever looked at a snail up close? The gardens are full of them now, especially in the early morning hours. Get down on your hands and knees and see what personalities those little guys have. Remember to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square. Encloee your name, ad- dress and age and then aend It to Uncle Len, Dally Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Calta Mesa, CA 92626. Be sure to move a litUe fast.er than the snails when you mail it, though, ao it geta here on time. Teachers split classroom job BAKERSFIELD (AP) -Lin- da Knupp and Debbie Lancaster have compatible personalities, teaching styles and philoeophies on classroom r .8Cipline and, most Important, young children of their own. Both women wanted to t.eacb and have free time to spend with their families. "We talked about it for three yean before we decided to share a job," Mrs. Knupp aald. She teaches morning clames of reading, spelling and mathema- tics before Mrs. ~ter takes over with instruction in Ian- guage, history, health and scien- ce. Mrs. Knupp arrives home lo time to meet her 8-year-old son and pre-school daughter on their way home from school. Mrs. Lancaster's two pre-schoolers nap for much of her afternoon teaching hours.. "We feel we can plan for three or four subjects much more effi- ciently than If we have all six," Mn. Lancaster said. Communication -day and night -is their key to a stable claaaroom. A 10-minute confe- rence during what they call the Dog of tlte W eelr "changing of the guard" covers homework assignmenta to avoid overloading and student behav- ior. Telephone calls each evening fill in details skipped during their morning encounter. They also leave notes for each other about meetings with perenta and · administrative directives. "When you're sharing a room. it's the little thinp that bother you," Mn. Knupp aald. "We're both very neat people. It would be very hard to work with a tnel8Y perw>n. •• The teachers believe their stu- dents benefit from the job- 1haring becauae of the extra time they have for preparation. But atudenta aren't allowed to take advantaae of their shorter houn. "We're bottf pretty strict;• Mrs . Lancaster 1ala. "The children can't aar 'Mrs. Knupp leta me do that'.' New Ways to Work, a non- profit organhatlon that rnear- chee work illus. estimated more than 1,500 California teachen share jom. Some ICbool ~ f.aced with declin1nc enrollment and revmUM view job-eharin8 • •·way of a~ layof&. After a year ot-shared in - •trucUon. the tMcberl deClct.d to continue the arran1ement for another IC!hool yeer. "I'd like to do th1a foreve," MJ'J, Knupp remarbd. Twins add up at one school world scope (10 point• for H eh ~•lion answ•red corraclly) 1 British foreign Minister .. l .. visited the U.S. to q:>ntinue tallu with ~cretary of S1ate Haig over rhe F;ilkland Islands crisis. a-Pym b-Carrington c-Moncriefl 2 Argentin;i's Foreign Minluer Nicanor Costa Mendez was also In Washington, D.C. to attend ll session of the OAS called by his n;itlon. "OAS" stands for .. l .. l Despite numerous problems, Israel turned over the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. TRUE OR FALSE: The U.S. Is one of the n;itlons participating In a multinational peacekeeping force there. 4 The new constituent assembly of El Slllvador elected former 1rmy major Rober10 d'Aubulsson to serve as Its leader. TRUE OR FALSE: The U.S. had supported d'Aubulsson for this position. 5 Consumer prices fell by three-tenths of a percent In March, the sharpest monthly drop In 17 years. During a deep recession, It is (CHOOSE ONE: common, uncommon) for prices to go down. newsname At the monarch of the Netherlands, I recently visited a number of U.S. dt~ and 1ddreued a }olnt .esslon of Con1ress tq honor the lOOlh an- , nlvernry of diplomatic· relations between our two nations. Who am If lnatchwords ,.,.....; .. ...,.......,., 1-clOfnfnUNqlJe 2-communllm Annren appear (apslde down) below qta11 • news picture (10 point• If y«M.1 anewar ltlla,quettlon corractty) Argentine citizens held 1 huge rally to support their country's troops In the Falkland Islands. Shortly before the demonstrations, British commandoes supported by warships ;ind aircraft went ashore on South Georgia Island and seized control of Argentine positions there. TRUE OR FALSE: Britain form<1lly declared war on Argentina when It Invaded the Island. peoplewatd1/sportlight (2 point• for Heh quetllon •ne-red correctly) 1 Soviet President Brezhnev 1ppeared In public 1fter 1 month- long absence. dhpelllna rumori that he wlS ar1vely 111. Brezhnev attended a celebration of the 112th annlvemry ol the birth of (CHOOSE ONE: V.I. Lenin, Kart Marx), the father of the RuHlan revolution. ·:t Oe1d II •se 74 Is Cardln1I John Cody of (CHOOSE ONE:· Chrago, Phlladelphla), the largest Roman Cathollc · Archdiocese In the U.S. 3 Also dead 1189 ls Archibald M<1cLeish, one ofthe world's ndt beloved (CHOOSE ONE: poets, actors). 4 Alberto Salaur, tM winner of the 1981 New York Mlrethon, tc0red a vlC10fY In the1912 Botton Marathon. TRUE OR FALSE: Salazar set a new WOJld's f«Ol'd In the evf'nt. J With thirteen co~tlve vl~orles, the (CHOOSE ONE: Atlanta Braves, Chle110 Cub6) set a new tnafot te.1u. record for sames won at the openlnt °'· rqular senon play. .. • .. ' • I I. ,, , ; •' ,. ' . ,, OrlNI COilt DAILY PllOT/S1turday, MIV l,1M2 THI t'"MILl' c1act• "I mode you toast and jelly for breakfast but I ote it.'' alG GIEOaGIE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) C::=> ----~~~~~~~~ ,_, "Yoo hoo, I found out whtrt tht 1nt1 art coming from." by Brad Anderson o•:~'\IS THE '9E:\,\('t; Hank Ketchum r-a .... , ................. .-... •. ~~~llQ~ "Every time they scold you, you come over here and give me that ol' buddy stuff." WE MAO f"ON VISrTtN<O TME FARM,C71PN'T WE, C$ARF'l~LP? IT'S GREAT GETTING BACK TO MSIC~. PUTTING VOUP. MAN~ IN Ot.Q MOTMER £AP.TH ' 00T I 'LL N( vrn GET TMESf. FINGf.RNAIL~ ClfAN ~ 5-8 PUNl:TI SHOE IT ~ UMUE All TME OISASTER WA~ AA£ IN lWE LJO«LP.~ HOW LONG-Wll..I.. rr "fAKf? -rt> IMf'ROVE OUR f'eRSOPJNet.1 !:FF? ~ ~ by Charlea M Schulz by Jeff MacNe11¥ .. :nu~ OFf ICE. ~ APlAA\. -== wa.---L~...:._.:__~-·::..~~ :-::-~--~~;m_.J ~.\~('l' I'VE HEARD ABOUT THAT DOG by Ernie Bushm1ller THEY SAY HE W'AGS HIS TAIL W'HILE HE BITES YOU I WONDER WHAT . TH~I-SIG..tJ-:.-,,.,,,,,.-;:­M ANS • ~ •C •~-f-lf-----·-.. -- GORDO H.::JPE II\/ THE AIEX1" L.IFE 1 1M AF~~ CHEF=/ . 1 I\ I WE:A!N .:>F J..IZAJeO!'J Alo.JO {41t:.E/ BEWARE FRIENDLY MEAN DOG tT'\K ,. "l~Kt:RBt:i\ ~ WEl.L, lHANl<6 ~ U~iE.NIN& I 60(). BRABBLE ~hll (Ad-4\ce and wldtr\Ce) BEWARE FRIENDLY MEAN DOG o--·--... by Gus Arriola :Z. WAAJAJA •' CC),(,IE ~IC. AC. A 1 L INeM.AJJ I . by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan Dear Gro~sed -out, \s \t a real f anc~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson 'ouR ~1L.. --Ott.~ ~ C4" ~t1'U. ~staurant.or JUSt r sort of faocj? ACROSS 5e l.ofllel S781agt 1 LOii SI Motl 111<1 I VlllOUt 90 LOCO 10 Otclitltl 63 M111ur• 14 .. _ Ooone" IA 01"9 11Bui,•9 M lyrlce II -tvll 87 Kind Of Wonder pelm 11 Pelr1 teOfawHI 11 Ctm· et Oral t>ndgeelltt• 10 Jacatt 1ype city 7 1 Aun .•• 20 Caln'• '" "*''" 2t "Olltyl" 2a0\* 2t lootfl 25 Attlttd 27 lllMCI 30 Mlnerll ..... 3t JIC--·IOlt »Mclrf,.... """"" aea.-...... ,..,.,. .. Clll9. 4c:.lllfW I .. .,, .. DOWN 1'1l1S ~U~ .. t .. l .. Oii.SMOCK by George Lemont ~ ............ tG-· • ... MAVlmWfk~.D. ' I MO\ltl • .... "An fye f'Of Art !~· (1N1) Chudl ~rie. Ctwlllopllet L-A len Ffww::tloo coo ~" tM ._ ioe-. t~ --• of .. '*11* by membWI I of • dNo r1ng. • ,.. 4:11 (8) Hl'T\..M'I MAl1W' fW:la. .. THtE MAO D'llAM Of'THIU Hal Holbtoolo nanat• lllla documentary Clalalllng affortl to c:al'fY out Hitler·• plan• lor crHllng • 9Upf-AryMI r-. uol~ 1t40 VOV~ TO THI 90TTOM M THtE llA aoo 8 8UNNM llMUTP ·~ I T&NTAL.K IUNAUMPORT • IATUflOAY MOAHINO i=:'8 (C)MOVll • •;, "Up fVwr•' (19801 M0tgan SteYana A young p ioneer become• obMSMd with ••"*"oa .,. .. Ill• wife •• klllad by. IO<:•I land baron who -••Na..-. (ff)WOVIE • • "From Hell To Vleto- ry" (19791 George Hamll· Ion. Geo<ga Peppard Four Irland• lrom dllferanl countrlaa muat leave Patts In t939 10 llgttl '°' lllW lnellvldual counlrlaa on WOfid War II 'PO' l;OI ({) MOVIE a • •;, "Toby And The Koa- la Bear'' ( t98 ti Rolf HatrlL LIYe ectlOn and anim.uon combine. to tall Illa tllla of • ~~3~. ·iain Autlralta'a frontier csay. ·a · e: 11 (%) MOVIE • • "Oallanea" ( t9801 Jan-Mlc:t\NI Vltleanl. The- ,... Sllldana A COUrll· geoua young man tal<M • Iona lland aoa1na1 the racltlau member• of Ille ...io1an1 •••-gang ,.,,or. !zing Ilia .-..lghborhood 'PO' ... a NEWS l:tO 8 OU8TY'S TM:EHOU8E D THAT'ICAT I PACOETT'fA8 ~.,.. 1ECOHO CEfTURY I 8PEAKOUT CAPT10HED A8C NEWS Cl) \IOICEM AONCUl.TUM (fl rra YOU.. 91 '81N08 a Ofl • IOG& n 7:00. Kl08WOAU> FHturacl· an lntar.llaw with MHdowtan. ~. Illa larnou1 l>Mkalball atar: • repor1 from PhlleclalpNa, Pannaytvanla, on an u cn· Ing MW axhlbltlon C:.-.CS • Patlarni." which apc>Mracl al Iha Franklin lnalllute Sclanca l\Aue.>m. D (8 THE FUHTITONU 8 IMO 9LUE MAA8U a o ~ 1J DAVEY AHO OOUATH I 1\MA80U! I YOGA FOR HEAL TH INTVWATIONAl HOUR .MOYIE a * •n "The Gr_, Hotl- 1on" (19811 JalNS Stew- art. Phlllp Sayer An wnnatiac iool0gi91 In Afri. ca llndtl a r 9fuOe on the ..tlelllfe ~ of an elct· .,1y man and Illa gt'and- daughlar. 7:aD 9 MA. MOON'S MAGIC aACU8 l~S::•a G O NC.-~1 ecooevooo 1J DAVEY AHO OOUATH • HEWI • UNOPSTANOING HUMAN E4A"'°" Cl) tHTIMA TIONAl HOUR (C)MOYIE • • •;, ··eovan Action" ( 19781 David Janaaan. ArtllUr ~nady A profaa- alon al apy becoma1 lnVOIYed In Intrigue and "91on999 when ha 11 handed • d angeroua ~t in Illa Gr .... ltlandw. (I) l"MCTUMO FUCKIM uol~~ • • ''Sc>tlnttlme In The Aoc111 .. " (19371 G- Autty, POii¥ ~ I MAL _,.ATI WllEI< CM CAAi 01NTJW. UNDIMTNOHO •ACaNC>,... (B)MOVll * *"' "TM ..,.t•IOua 8trtft0*"' (1H2) CMa MaMpMce, Fred~. A ~18 ...._,,. bely ,.,,.. In enGCll#"9r wlttl loft.,.. of~ Ottolft"',.,,........ ~ Cl)A CCMIUCT Of' .,,..,. ..... ,_., ... foi,, ..,..,~ ...... "' ...... ·-..,.,. • CICIN6o ht1lot1al allow down ..._ ... ~ °' e KNXT(CIS) ·~KCNIC> eKTlA CIN.) 9'AICCMCI eK~•CCMI e ICHJ.TV (IM.) e ICCl'T IAIC) eKTTVCl4M!.t -~T\'(lfloll.J •tcCllT ..... I ~~/Na, UP UP AND A WAY -'l1le 1982 Gordon Be~eu Balloon Race and Aviation~ wW be covered Uve from Fountain Valley at 3:30 today on .,Everywhere," aired on KNBC (Channel 4). Illa U.S. and Iha Su~ convlnoa a Irland to worlc. Cour1. (R)Q (%) MOv. • WIU>, WtU> WOAU> * * • '-' ··nia Four Sea-M AHIMALI eona•• (1911) Alan Alda, I THll~ CetOI lklrnaU Thr• CCU-C00t0N0 ~N PIM. all doaa, IOflO-tll'na WITH~ AHO trlandt. 9"'*ienoa pro-MNNIM found ctlangaa In their lnlarYi-• and archival ralallona/llpa when one ol mal.,lel recall Iha role that 1ha marrlagH dlaln· the Woman'• Emergency iyataa. 'PO' 8tlgada plaY90 In a 1937 1:aO 8 Cl) TAllZAH I LONE alt-down strlh al 0-..al ~ Motors In Flint, MlcNgan. =..~~ r-l~ Flandlatl Plot 8 @ FONZ I HAl"f'Y Of 0.. Fu Mandlll" ( 1N0) DAVI GANG Pater Sellara, 81d Ceaaat. I M'M liol()Wit' The FBI and Scotlend NOP\..! AND Yard'a Dal Neyland Smith OM.&NIZATIONI put-Iha 168-yw-old Ct MOYIE arct1 v111a1n u ha -ctlel • • • • 'Uona For Steak. lor ,,,. lngradlantt. lnclud· fur· ( 19791 Jan l'Wbaa, Ing Iha Crown Jaw9lt. Jim Henth-Two young uMd to malta hi• 1114t-pro- brothart, an Old drltlar and tonging ablr. 'PO' a dog pur.-• dream -• e LMT M THS baiter Hie f« all on an Old ~ farm -but upar~ 11=*>8(1) 8lAaCSTAlll many hair-ralalng adYen-•o ~ tur• a1ong tha wwt ·o· MHDSTAHO 9:00 I LDVI fT TO lil!AVIR I WILD. Wk.D WUT QI 1.AY!Nill & MAGIC~ OIL IHIN.EY PAINTlNO D MOYIE e MOW! ...::.on. •.• ..~ -·---.. .....,, •• ., ~ ( 19401 Victor Mature . C-· Banelit II" ( 19801 l9ur1 Rey. Ole lAnella c.-and nolda. Jadlla Gleuon giant baaal• roam Iha Shwllf Buford T JualM=. Earth and ba com• calla In hie two lawman 1nv04Yed In ptlmntve bet· bfolhara 10 atop a rallracl Ilea. bootlegger, Iha Bandit, • THIS WEIK IN from tranac>Oftlng • baby MIOAU ~I. '?O' • PNOT AHOLn -AFTERNOOH-• HEW~ ·~ ~ CC) MOYIE "Family Man'' Ed Asner. ANle Jacttaon Only a11 .. having an lllfalt. doaa • man realln Na llfa!Ong r~i.10 other• HO 8 Cl) MJOl IUNHY I ROAD,_...,. 181N>M-MAN OZZIE NtD HANWT' • 0 Hl!ATMClJAf I MAllM~ I OOOGl1' OUCM::KIT ~ OOVUINlmfT (B)MOYll • • • .'The Ou1tew JOMy w ...... (19781 Cllnt EMt· WOOd. Sondra Lodte A man ~ an outlaw ""'*' • NtNeu baod or Union aoldlarw daatroys Illa Southern farm and kllla his wife and aon •po· .._.. 00009' PAE4AME 10:10• USBAU. Loe Angelaa Oodoer• •1 ~traelExooa tlt11 U MW&&u. SM Franciaco Olanta at NawYOttlMata I 8HANANA (fl THUNDAM/ OOl.DIE GOlD ., 9()9~ ··l.A8T~ QAMGI! Btad s-s ~lr•t• Illa ••t>urnp and gr1nd" with • denied Mu.tang and r••• automoblla ttarao .,... __ (R) • YOnJr8 PtPEUHE Jim Cooper lnlarviewt Iha candid••• In the 891h A-bly ~. Tille ,_ la lmportatnt 10 bolh Illa S tate L-otalature and 0r.,. County . (BIASBAU. Loa Angelaa Oodoart •1 Mont,.., EJlpoa ())MOYIE •• * ''The Amarlc:enlu- llon Of Em11y·· ( 1964) Jama• Garne r, Julie A~r-. Aotn..-grows ~ a 8r1tlah war wid- ow and a non-harOIC offl. oar Mlignad to P'ollida Na ~ with tM luxurlea Olhoma. !=ING'AINI • • • ··The ldolmakar" (tMO) Aey Shar11ey, Tovefl F~. A INNpulathle men•G*f UMt varloua plOY9 to~ two 1-. ao«• IMO pop Mglng ltardOm. 'P9' ... AMINCA'a~TIN WU>. WILD WOfW..D I~ DONl~Y '"°'°lttOW ~ .. MITa.t 11 •• .,.,,_ ''ll00.000 0.... Toum.- Mlflt ~-·· ..... ..ro INDIAl ''The ... ... Of Uttle Lull!" A ... pt..._ a llW1une ........ .. ..... aN llW I01We , r.r._..191o1, Wt a...._ IO • Oil en. TV 11) I-TV <II HIO CL? IOMfM•J '1> (WOft) NV,, N.Y. e CWTM> <II CDflNI mi ........ , ......... • cc:.e.._....._.., 12:00 I Cl) TROUJC• l.OITINP~ The Juc)ltar alr!&t raturna 10 Earttl. • Al»»-t2 • CXJILTINQ .. ,,..., 8lodl: Cone1rvc- llon" l=x (l)MOYIE *. ··~than" (1971) Roty Celtioun. Don ~ A tTMlle ralM• Na *'- !urea with Illa wit)' ~ •• c:orookad ~ proapeci()( 'PO' (%)MOWE • * .. M~a Al Central High" (1978) Andr-S.._ -· Rot>ar1 Carradine A Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /8aWrday, May 8, 1N2 TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"tl,000,000 Duck.'' Walt Dlaney movie about a debt-ridden ICienU.t whoee reeea.rch cluck beJlna to lay aolden .... KNXT (2)•9:00 -"The Amityville Horror." An uneeen power dominatea • couple'• dr.rn home. KNBC (4) 9:00 -.. Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Staten." Queatl include Larry GatUn and the Gatlin Brothen Band . K007.J::f 10:00 -.. Solid Gold." Guesta on m variety ahow tnclude Kool & the Gana, Judy Collini and Glen Camp- bell. lrlalldt lrom dlllarant Ilea laCI to IOfM MIUlng countrtea mwt ... ,,. Parle ,_oom "pactcao-." In 1938 to tight lor ~ I "'°"61 OOUl'f l11dlvldual c:ountrlet In ?-.. ~ WOftd War N. •PQ• ~I Roy Aogerl and 4:41 (%) M011t1 Diiie EvW\t. • • • "The ldolmallar·· CID 90)QNQ (1~) Rey Shaniay, Tovatl Salvador Sanc:Mz in.ta FeMlehuh. A maro1putat111e Jorge "Rocky" Garcia In manager uaaa varloua Iha ~ 1&-round p10Y9 10 catapult two 1-. WBC IMtnarwelglll lllla aowa Into pop a1ng1ng bOut. atarelom 'PG' CD) MOYIE 1:00. ~ a*~ "The Looney, Loo- ADYIHTUM rwy. Looney Suga Bunny I ,._.4AU. Movie" CtN 11 Anlmalad. 8TMTMK VolcM by Mal Blanc:. June • W1CJe WOM.D M For*';. New materiel la ~ btarldaCI with Old In tNt National Cll1mplonahlp cornc>llatlOn of clMalc: Fritz Mot0tcyda Racing (lrom F...eang "Looney T-" Saro JoM, Cellf.); the us IHIUrlng Buga. Dally vt. U 8.S.R. In WOtlel Cup Dud&, POtky Pig, Yoaarnlta Wr•lllng (lrom Toledo, Sam. Tweetla Pia and otll- ara from the cartoon ONo). .... .• G' • ~~ (%) MOYta • • IOUO 00U> * • "M-.cra At Central Hoeta: ANty Gibb, Mafllyrl High•' (1871) Andi.-St• McCoo. ~ta: Cliff Rlc;h--· ~ Cerr.CSWW A ardi Rex Smith, Kool & The c:ruaada for re venge Gang, Paul WW-. Jucty bagilw altar a prank that Colllna, 06an Carnpball. -•too rar -pulled on Poco. the qu1Mer ....,.,,.. by a G IOOC8' MADI IN ll'out> of tlofad lllQh- GIMIAHY adlOOi trt.ndl.. 'A' Austria w. Hungary 7::80. QMCl9 NYM 0 Niwa CeleOttty judgM: Randi 8 l.AWMNCa WI.LI< Oall•, Woody Brown, .. Tribute To IMng 9art1n·· Sc:atman Cfottw.. 0-11· cm MOVll ..._.. ShalllMr. **'A "Hardly WOfk""' LOOKATUI (1118t).,.,., ~. s-+~4~:::~-. ~ "'°""'" a-"-'· • ,....,.,. F•twael: Omnlvac. Iha Cklwt1 tr1ee Ilia hand at.,,,,. tlrat robot 10 act on 1oua joba: f*'G rnlaarably lnatruc:tlona from a human et,tnam•. 'PO' voice: laaa c Atlmov en.1 GOlOIN AGI M csi-rotloQ of the Tll.IVWION peat, ~t af'd future .... _,. Aod ... ....._ and ..,_,F W-...-I "'Ill! fTI Nanc:y Marcl\Md .., In • -.AK flMVWWI 1965 produCtlon of Paody ~ Eben and Gana ~· ~ aoout Slalcel rlM9w ''Parlnart" • llOl'Mly butdler wt>O falla and "Sword And Sorc:.r- ln '°"" wllh • plain girl. .. ... l:IO I ~°',...WILD Cl) AQHT aAQ( ._.... 0 l'YI ON IAN 0..00 0NC:a ~A Tl)a Wlnell-•. San ~'T...... 1...._,,.. 8aladln Oi-oc>'a big band mutic ... ......_ of 20 ~. per-laatna of l<annatll'a death lorm In concar1. Mn*-and req1»a11 (8 ~MAGAZINE lhal Aldwd gN9 K-*h a::i _... .... to him .. a llaYa. (Pan 6) "Family Man·· Ed ~. (R) 0 ' Anna "-*-'· ()Ny aft.• 9 .. WOM.D"' hlW10 .,, affair, ~ • WORT'I man ,....,. hit lle6clf'O Nal!-.1 Cllam~tp r~llea toothan. ~ ~ (from (J)~THON aan Joea. Cell.); tM u.a. .......... ......_._... __ .._.orma a vt. U.S.8.A. In Wotld CUp ~---~~ and Wr•tllng (lrom TOiedo, oom6o vtgnett- OtliO). MO 8 Cl) WALT DllHEY (J)MCWW ··1 1.000.000 Duck" A • * • * "Rnurrac:tlon" d~t-rldel•n ec:lan1111·1 (1HO) Ellan Bumyn, Sam ,_ch duck bagifw lo Shepard Altar a ,_..falal ~ QC>ldatt aoQa. (PW'I t) auto accidant, • -an D '9 ~YAU.EV llndl that aha Ma Iha ablli-The '-'« of a motorcycle ty lo heal OIMn bu1 It P*'· gang t• In to.... with Stal- MCUlacl ~ of hat la and r-.. lo IMYe rafuMI lo dalm a dMna .,_ v...., untN aha ~.·PG· ~=thhlm.(RI -EVBING __,.. • • ··Soul erott1art 01 Kung Fu" 8ruca U. 8'uoe U la aMared In Iha "Int•· national Kare1* Cl\amplOfl- llhlp" at Madlaon Square Oatdan. • 0 OOU:.AllD ?-.. K101 -L.ST8f TO UI G06dla H-. Barry Mani- low and • talented group of youngatar11 pr-• an hOur of ac>ed" .,,,.,, .. ment. • MOVll *a* "Good AQa111at E~" ( 1871) Oec1c Rambo. Eiy. .. Davaloa. AMllllnG that • Y9U"Q woman la pa. .-.cs by damOlllC toroaa. a prWt ..-. to sw-t wmernaoa. • 10NNY NC> CHa Oua119: Pu Al*a, Mell ........... Noone. ·A~CAU.8> GOlDA ..... lnOrld Ber;rNl\ It-In Illa ttOty of Ootda .....,., .,. "°"' lier ...,,, cleys In Mheuk• to lier trlurn- phatlt tna9Clng.. • .., ... Prime .....,....,, wtth Egyp- tia n PrHldant Anwar Sadat. (Part 2) -~DOGeTHI ~WAY .... Md .... ..,,,.,. Wooelt o • .,_ flow _,It 11 to .._.. • daO to .. Md -~ *II -...... ,_ .... Mel • °"" •• tOftlt °' ¥Oloa. . ..,. • • ..,.,. l(...i ,..., c..·· ,,., ...... ,._, ... ~"""""·~ NllDV... ........ ................ ................. "' . .. _.. ... ...,.. Inger, Hammar. -~ The ~ and IOdal aepecla ol ... along the Mexk;an-U 8. bordef afa uamlnacl. Cl)MOW * ** "Excallbu<" (t8811 Nlgal T«ry. Nlc:ol Willlarn- aon. The eaploll• of King Ar1llur bring power af'd 6aelfl to Iha knlghta of Iha AoundTab6a.'R' (Z)MOVll • • "Oefl-" ( 1880) Jan-Mlcllaal V~t. Tha- ,... Salelana. A cour .. ll90'll young man lllk• • Iona stand againal Iha r«*._. members of I,.. vlo6ent ttraet gang lanor· lzlng hit nalghbothooel 'PO' t--*> l'D MATJNH AT THI IUOU f'HIUftKI• "Gung Hol" ( 18431 atarrtng Randolph Sc:ott and Noah 8-y ~ . • 1e38 ahoft. "Jimmy Dor· aav·-. and Chapter 2 o1 "Don Wlnalow In The Navy."(RI (C)MOVll • * ··ea1ua Alli* And Lit- .... W' emo• f'l'il'll w LAncaa1ar. John Savage Two lougoh out1-P'C* uc> • pair of 1-.ega glrta and tali• them along on tllalf ael~•.'PO' 10:00 I I '::we MAGAZJNe • 0 ,AN'I,..., lllANO A aec:reotary lriea to win a fort~ by tt.,.ing lntlda • heuntael holda for two haufa, and a bounty hunter atallla Ille only man -•o al\lda him 0 G MOYIE • • • "The Nolofloua Landlady" (1982) Kim Novak, Jadl t..ammon A oo-••• .... amployM .... out to prove Na landlady lnn~I ol • murder charge. -~QOU) Hoata: ANty Gibb. ~ McOeo. ~ Clff ~ ard, Aas Smftb, KOOi & The Gang. Paul WllliMw. Judy Colllnl. Olen ~ I • ••• (1t7fl .-... c-.""' en OIMI <C>MCM9 • •M ''The ,_..,. ,_ 01 Of. f'V ~·· C1te0t ,..., ......... 0....,. Tlle'91Mcl~ YIWG'e Oil. ~ lftlltlt pureue ... ,~ ..... ..-.... "*_... .. the .. .., .... ,... ....,... Ing Wla er-,,..,..., llMd IO malle 1111 .....,,._ Ci>~''°' .....,.......,... 11=-•...,. ••• ''The .,..,.. (1t71) tAa Giant, ~ Myer-a. A dlalfewght "'°"'* ,.,... ' CIOCle _... .. amblttat9d d~~,_IM..,.. I)' to -"acoldante" to haooln -MlllrlfT- 1 .... MOYll ....... ._ 9ef*'«I The Ooof'' (1171) OWiaa ·-· Allthony ,.,.IM. (8)MCWW *** "~'(tMI) N10e1 Tarry, Hied W--. ~. The ~ of l<inO At1ttw bring si-' Md daatll 10 the knight• of .... Round Tatl6a. 'A' (J)MOlltl .... ''Plc:*•Up Sumtner'' ( 1 H t I MIC:tlael lAllnldl•, Cart Marotti. A rowdy group of ~ tougha and 111g11 adloOI lildl 1lta for Iha ~ c:NmplonaNp ••• local aroada. 'R' 12:10e MCWW t*'A ··Ranaom f'Of A DMd M .. " (19701 P«ar F... L.. Gnni. Wll9fl a lady lawyer ,,,.,,..,.. '* 11u1banel, • bumbling po11oe tnvwtlgelor oeta In Iha Wflt of othar in-tig.. IOfa but ~ ~ Ii. '*-logeltlar. •a.ecww •• 'A ··5mo119Y And the 8andll II" ( 19801 8wt "-'f· nolda, Jackie G..._.. Shariff ~lord T. Juetlce calla In Ill• two ·-bfot'*9 10 tt09 a ,..,ad boOtleggar. the Bandit, lfom ttanaporting • b4lby lllapNotll. ·PG' 1:00 8 NX:K ""OONC8,_~..,T ~ta: S~ Hldla. Tom Petty and ltla Heat1tw.._ ... Aldi "-and Ille Stone City Band. & ... . . .. I• • MOlllP ----·-l--·--1 * * i. ••n. SIOty OI ....,.,._ kind" (1"7) Rot\ald ~ mM. Hady Lamatr A ~~mall-• dacitlon concamlng Iha future of mankind attar t~ de\elopmenl ol .... ~ bomb • MEWi 8 Eva.Q AT THa W#N 1:11 CC> MOVll • •• ..Julee And Jim' • (t9811 Jeanna Mor_,, ()Mar Warner In~ Wortd War II Frwt0a, • c:ar~.. young -io-twomar1wtM>- doM frlandt af'd ,... lo gN9 up either-· (Z)MOVll * * • "L.ooldng For Mr Ooodbar•' (1t77} ~ l<MIOft. T..-dey Weld. A aoclally rapra11ad 1choo11aacher •••Ii• -*"*'lby~ M)Qlea .,.,. Md tunng ...,. loOa -Into~ ...,._'R' 1:IO. MOYm a• ••Cneping T•rOf'· (1 .... ) Vic &.wlga. SllM-"°" O'Nal A ~. lndaalructlbla monat*' 1rom anotMr plar"9I or• ~I a "*'-10 ,__ •Ind. 1M~=---•• ·-wim.' Ptlfl"' (1M0) MidlMI OMl!aM. Margot Kidder. ThrM people baglf\ a triangular ,_ In Or..-ch v-.. l'* ~ 1M:lugflOut ttle rnarc;urial aoc:lal mfllau of tri.·10.. 'R' l:GO. MCWW * • • "Ttle AMI Glory'' (tlM) Giwy Cooper, ~ ~. A mllltary doctor aldl In fMdlcal and polt6-. cal ·-In the Pttllppll• following\...... ~ ~war. ~1= • 'Ao "The Ult 0--" ( 1N 1) L.. ....,.., Olwte .... ..,_. In a -" of 1tll ruture. • '°"'* ,_ car dri¥w Md a ~ oompulet ..,.,, ... oo-1w1•1t'a PiCNOll"loft of aucomob11a 'PG' 1::1111 • NIWI MOYll • ••'Ai "'Tha f'*I" (tMt) Laur*R 8ac:all, .1•- 0amar. A popular lllft ..., ·~by ·~ .......... uoe MOY11 ••'Ao "Danca, Gtrl, o.noe·· (1940) ...._ o·Hara. uu. ~· T-~ ~ claftO. ...... .., romantto .._...on • ._,...,.anc1 r..:--ooea11· ••M "A Uflt ~ A UM" (tt7t) .,_ ••ewert. ~~.A ......... Gtea ~ ....... ..... , .......... . ................... ,..,...... ...... wM llM ;= .. ·• .... ***" "" ... w (1NI) .-...~ .. ~ ....... ~ .. --.......... A ..... .... ,......., ....... ................. ............... .. (1) ... ....... ..,. ..... CIMS111a -·~ ... -. ............ ............. ~ ............. ..,. ..•. "' .. (1) ... *** T E y-CW1) ..... '-... _. ... ftle ....... :s =·'='·~ .. .. .....,.,,,,.-;r-;d .. , ... ;· ·t ?. 'i\ ·, •••• Orange Ooat DAtt..Y PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1882 Martin wild and cra~y NrW YOJ\K (AP) No mat• Dlvta. and dolenl of o\her well-1hare of anxiety when the plo-w how hard he \11• to c~ known cellulo1d tacea. turo bombed at the box otflce, htl Ima,., comlc Steve MartTn "tm a little nervou1." Martin the entertainer lnlil1I he bM Ut .. alway1 rune lnto trouble. Take .. yi. "lt'i no~an hln& ln nar. tle ~ about how the movie 0 P.nntee From Heaven." R ac-r-wW affect hla future. t t ht t l dcu.lar, nor to do wlth ton rom 1 an• wH c ear. the film. It'• Jual that anytime 1 "Mv career I.! ltil1 youn,," he They •tayed home. open tn anythtn1 I aet a Uttle aaid. "rve only been popular fOI' Now he hof)ell to ~t them bl.ck --of nerv•. the pHt three or four vean. I to movle h0Wle9 with hla return ...__ <# to humor ln an unuaual film cal-" 'Dead Men' i• real funny fl9ure a career i• 26 yean and led "Dead Men Uon't Wear thou1h," he 1aid, "•o l'm not there'• a lot to do ln that time. Plaid." worried about that.'' "It ju1t 10 happened that In the film, Martin portraya a Fellow comedian Steve Allen, 'Pennie1' came alon1 early " he private \fetectlve hired by a ln hia book "Funny People," Hid. "I couldn't turn it down beautiful woman, played by Ra-di~uued Martin'• atage frJ1ht becaUle I wu ., taken wtth it. chel Ward. She wants him to ln-anxiety, not.Ina that it cauted the That may have been a dumb veetlgate the myswrlous death of comic's hair to prematurely tum thing to do.'' · her father. gray. D i d h h 1 U thll plot aounds familiar, the o ng umb t ina• 81 on1 h ·-.... i J So "With comedy vou live or die been a Martlp trademark in c arac"""ra ce ... n Y are. are i h l' ,., M 1 terma of comedy. It'• al10 an Martin'• co-atara. Careful editing w t every .ne, art n aaya. by director Carl Reine r haa "lt'a not like singing, whett you lrnqe he'd like to change. Martin interacting with 1ame of flgure'if a song ian't working "I ~w tired of the ume old Hollywood's greatest performers you've got three minutes to come jokes, ' he admitted, "and about a in their original! legendary roles. up with another one. year ago l found l waa repeating -nr~G A POINT -Neal Ko~·t (right) takes Through thla p~. the comic ijl "A joke takes eight seconds myself. lt'a hard for me to llat.en nuuui, able to trade hn<>!I with Jimmy and that's it." to my records or to even watch command of the situation in " How They Cagney, Ba r bara Stanwyck , Although "Pennies From the lhingll I dJd . I only eee the Run" at the Newport Theater Arts Center Held at bay (from left) are Stanley Tudor, Tom Regan. Beth Titus, Richard Allen, Colin Guiver and Alan Schneider . Call 675-3143 for ticket information. Charles La ug hton and Bette Heaven ," caused Marlin his bad aide of my perfonnancei." playing tonight and next Friday and Saturday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---=---=~-=~~~~~~-=-~~~~-=-~~~~~~~ A Pllf<YTlOUOI Plc:tlXe ft ............... -.. ____ ... ....,_......_. --=r· NOW PLAYING MAMIM DlllY1·1• lOWAllOI U01H.IUC11 DlltAllDS ,_.,Al. H un Mll>olllll99tl0 • ''•"11810 f(MllU!Vailtyl39•WO llU9 IM'.A ,WA U& CllltM& CIWAllDS ., .. sn nn • .,,...,.,., en 01•6 •1&11CM1 •1UO llAl.l c...u ...... CIMM& CHTlll lOWAllll WOOOllll--V'"'° •t~ IUO t.&I -111 '1 H '""'\II otSI •WU• llllft·• am.. ,&ClflC IOllT• C:Ulf W-H I lttl 0rMetl34UIJ l•-""'-~•9• ti•• f-TWt&U.n•Yl .. -.YM IOllTll CO&lf ,W& f-V,,., H11 .. I TWI CUITOIC.MI C..•• ~ ISi 411• ..,._.....,,._,__ DEATHTRAP A wickedly funny who'll-do-it. '112l:. ' ":l TridltiOii .. for 60 Years . :1'82 ~~~ ... ........... If' TR.1 ~-· ~ IRJ.O .. _-:::,::;: ........ ,.,.. ........ :Y,~;: NOW PLAYING = ' IDWAllDI IDUTM UIWAllDI lDWAllDI llDOLUACll CDAIT Pl..AZA MllllDtl WllJD El Toto 581 SUO Ton ClMTlll Cl•l•H MALL CIMIMA UA CITY CIMUU Costa ~sa 751 •18• MtHIOn VltjO •95 62~0 Olangt 6H 3911 ITADIUM OlllWl·IM UA CIMIMA lDWAllOI WOOOllllDll 0.1nQt 639 8770 Wtsltn!Mltl 893 OSO lrv1nt 551 0655 WILLA PAIUI TWIM lDWAllDI fOIMTAI• HLLU _, __ ()f.ionge 639 0066 r01111t.l#l Valtty 839 1500 --- Keep an eye oat for the fa.nnJeet movie about growing up ever maclel You '11 be glad you camel t ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM NOWPLAYtNO UA CINEMA CENTER Costa Mesa 540-0594 Mon F11 7 00 • 9 40 Sat & ~ 1 15 • 4 00 • 6 45 • 9 30 "Fm GOOD MIME OF 111 YEAR!" PU 8<A Pla.La S29 5339 COITl MIU Edw1tds BIB1al S40 74H -Gene Shalit, NBC·TV. TODAY SHOW ---•mo...---NOW PLAYING COSTA •lU Ill•• OIWIQl lOwlrtlS Clntml c.ni.. Edwllds Wooocnog1 SQCllUfll Orlvl 111 e1e •u1 ss1-oess uuno u TOM •oauu wur•111m Edwltllt ~ ContOolnt UA Twin Cllllmu Sil 5880 &3• 25S3 899 1249 ''Rl11•ls '2001' •nd 'STAR WA.Rs''' ~«'llMDU. ts ..... *BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All PerlormencH before 5:00 PM (be.pt Speelll Engag1mtnt1 and Hotldays) 11' MllO.lt1' MAI I M 1rodo ot ao 1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "PARTNERS" 1•1 t1U 1AJ 446'40 IA l•ta M\f ~ fV'll 4'90 \C"fl...,..,•• ··CHARIOTS Of FIRE" 1•G 1>lti ,,Qi,, \"JO 100 tO\I: "PORKY'S" 1•1 ,,,. ,. •JO•» ... ,.,, LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN •tOME IONO Of H£AO" IA) --·-.--. ........ ••If' YOU COULD HE Wl4AT I HEAA" (PO) 1:15. 3:111, 5:50, lc10, 10:JO LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN Mil ACTOOI AND AC TNH "OH 00\.DEN PONO" tl'Ot .... --·-- I AG UNA .. VICTOR VICTORIA",,.,, ., •• ',.. ' ...... t \Cl "UAQHI A MUSIC WAA" t•t 19 1.2' I.A& 1• t02t "If YOU COULD SEE ' WHAT I HEAR" ,,..., t),. ' • • ~ '., • w ta\\ fOC:llll'f OI COndl•wood 213/531·9510 PORKY'S 1•1 ,,. 100 i~ 14J .... ·FANT ASIA 101 11• > .. ·=-·-.... "PARTNERS"• •• lll' ''I M lt ~tCf~t A..0 l-C."-11 ....... A• CHA~OTS OF FIRE" llll'OHJ JCI 109 •Ja •oo 10• so. COAST WALK·IN SoulPI Coos• H1woy or l tooowoy 494-1514 .... "<'Vl'l Of ,...._ ...... "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" .,.. M .. ,., .. •II "PARTNERS"• ......... ,Af Vft I.. """ t IV PACIFIC TH(ATll(S OIU\lf IN SWAP •rns u •nc• ,....,. •--cu ,,.. .. o '"' .. , •' HUIOll llVO Dlll\I( IN 6 OllANCl OlllV( tN t •• tO I,,. U •\l•t 4 lu•O•t f I.ft ••blllfG su...-u at 001f • l '•h • .... .... fn 1 )I -h i Soll 1 0 si,.. Sum II W IMPDRTAN f NOTICl' CHILDREN UNDER 12 fRH ' HlrN Md"-.._ ..,, I~ 1.0 • h t . S-IWU11600 Clllf r• SOU4'0. '"-"' ... ~' 11A1110 ·~ ~ 1-r~ ~ 00 IM t.u ~ W't• ~ A<;CU51111• IOSl'1C)o -llllllG Ut flOllalU 1 • IU CllN I OIWYl-"4S IJO 000 411 MIJIO ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h eewOy f1 Of letnOn 'f "FORBIDDEN WORLD" 1•1 ..... "BEYOND EYIL" 1•1 87f·fll0 C10! 11 SOU•O -r-,. "ENT1'A fHE~NINJA" 1•1 - "l'fllYAn UttOMt" tol l 2. •CAT PEOf'U .. 1•1 ~JW :t "ANDY WAAHOL'S .... AlfTWBllt" 1111 ;flANKENtTEIN" t•l ____ c_'"'-" _SOllk.;.. o r •1 '' wu• BUINA P1'11K BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ltt!Cot" .... -··· Of l f'Ott 121·4070 BVl"'A PAllk LINCOLN DRIVE·IN L•nc.01" Aw• Wetl of Cf\On 121·4070 "'Ofl~N WOM.D" 1•1 -"UY,OHO IVM." 1•1 Ctllt JI SOUllO "II' YOU COU\.O HI , WHAT I ........ 4"1 · "ue "THI 8UOOY ltOU.Y ITCHIY" 1"1 Cllll "IOUllO A. H All~ ,4, LA HABRA OlllVI I~ ---·-............ 17MN2 .,. .. ORANGE 0'11\'I IN •, MISSION [lL'1VI IN .... . .. It II 1 WARNH~ I .. \I I ... "PAAAOllE" 1•1 -"CAMON COPY",,.., woOIN' All THE WAY"t•I -•'fflo.4 SCHOOL TEAtPt" 1"1 PRIVATE LESIONS" o ,,..,,, "PAllTNERI" 1•1 Clllf••- Mlt "1CTUlllll Of '"' YIAft "CHARIOTS Of Flflr 1001 hut "AATHUA"1001 Cll•t It SOUllO...;;..,_ _ __. "l'Ofl!CY'I " 1001 •w• "IW IN SMOfCl" 1•1 1 0 OFFBEAT -Professor Hill meets Mary Poppins? In a bit of unusual casting on both counts, Robert Preston and Julie Andrews play female impersonators in Blake Edwards' new movie "Victor/Victoria." Including BEST ACTRF'-' -K:uhm nt' Hepburn Hl-.5T ACTOR -Hl'nry fOnda -. .::.-::.-:::=--=-~ --... ··-- CITY CEnTER f'l WINN~Rlf;~RfiJY BEST PICTURE BEST ORIGINAL SCORf: • VANGELIS Br.ST ORIGINAL SCRf:ENPLAY COLIN WEL LAND BEST COSTUME MELI NA CANON f.RO Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 8, 1982 ••• Triv:iadilicts not easily fooled You can fool IOCM of the people IOl'M ot the Uine, but we couldn't fool ~ MWn trMaddJcte with • movie riddle that • 1°' like ''The Shinihl." They ferNWd out ·~ Wliard of Os'' and ftve ot them pcMed perfect llCOl'el. • It'• ~battle royal tor the lOp apot wlth Wtallew cl.ln"1lC to a half-point 1eed over lW le~merler, who tn turn leada Tracy Godfrey by that half-point m.arDn. Toda)"t trivia tldblt: Lou C.ost.ello wu quite an unateur boxer. HJ.a rtn1 reoord wu 11-0 wlth one TRIVIA BOWL XXVI STANDINGS t.'WINiowl..ah tttl It 1. TlleQfoup (t~ 2. ld Sctwneli. ( ltl 50'.t 8 Nanay Prlot (8 3. Trecy Oocitrev (Ii) oo e. Aide W1rner ~ ) 4. O¥W Ille HIM 011t19 ( 10) 47 10. John Au.NII (3) 5. Cobra II ( 11) 43 11. Tiie Olonye11t11 (t) t. WtntWOl1h C. Tltmote 40 12. The 1tt!f ,ICtl (3) t4 2t te 15 12~ 13 draw. Here's the next batch of brain bUlten aa we approach the halfway mark. 1. Ala Yoet.on ~ed the name hit mammy gave him for what? 2. Identify the duck in the comic strip Drabble. 3. TV'• "F1llcon Crest" is aet in what country. 4. Cartoonist Frank Interlandl perlodlcafly gives out a LOLITS award. For what does the &e· ronym stand? 5. In the movie "My Fair Lady," the story opens with people leaving a performance of an opera. Name the opera. 6. "Spring ia coming and the ice wtll break, and I can't li~~:~ for a woman's sake" la a lyric from what popL IOrtg of the Fortiee? 7. Who caught the 1aat pua Joe Namath threw as a pro quarterback? 8. Ambroee Tibbett II a bumbling public ofCicial in what stage oomed~ 9. In the movie 'Stir Crazy," what was (a) the town in which Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor were arrested and (b) the length of their sentence? 10. Lee's talent on the field kept Pat from getting lonesome in what movie? Laat Week'• Auwen 1. Janet Leigh (name change) 2. Or. Smock (Twinkle Chomper) 3. Garry Moore Show (Wonderful Year) DALY 1:JO, 1:41, SM, l:I0, 10:00 afN..IAT.~ SOllll'llllS WSMY MTHlllOI , ....... TllVlllYll 4. Barry Goldwater (AUH20) e. David Beluco (Bilhop of &o.dway) 6. "Scared Stiff" (Hope movie remake) 7. Reale Jack.Ion (Baltimore putdown) 8. "Invltation to a March' (Schuyler Gropn) 9. (a) Beautee Soap, (b) "Just Plaln Jane'' ("Hu.ckaters" mov1tt) 10. "The Wli.atd of Oz" (movie rlgdle) (SMd your amwe.rw to TRIVIA, clo the Dally Pilot. Box J~1 O.r.t Meu 92828. All entrlt¥ mu.st be received by Wedne•day, otherwJae half the plilyer'a J.ut .-ore will be awarded) ottACI Kill Y 109llT CUMMINGS DIAL M FOR MURDER ' f'll:ll9'I ··----·-·-~ l(S$ I I OWIHIJ\ iotAMtO~ 'Wlflt .......................... .__ ... , .. , 1 111 t i .. I HI I •lrlltM& ...... __ _ . .,..." MGOIN' ALL THE WAY" .... IATllUN.~lc:ll,9:t0 .. A UTn.E SEX" Oii FN.7:11,-MT/ ........ 7:11, .. ~TE LESSONS ,... .... IAT/IUN. 1:.tl, 1:11, IM (R) ''TAG" FN.. , •• to:ao IAT/lllM. ~ 1:00, 1G-.*> CJ1ARIOTS OfrtRf 0 llSl PN.1:111 IAT/IUN. 4'11, Ml "MISSING" ") ·y;u: t:11, 1Cbt0 IAT/IUN. 2:00, 1:)0, 10-.50 • RYAN O'MAL JOHN HURT "PARTNERS" ... 1*i l':IO 1AT1-.1:11,a. ... 7:11, 1:11 (It) 9ICl. laT NTWm ,. ND,1:11 IAT/IUN. 1:to, 1:11, ~ MO, 1Ck11(N) ' ti : .. tr cl" L I D 0 C I N E MA ............ ~: .. : .:.·.-.~' 673·8350 --,. .... ,.... ... ,,.. ,,., ......... ,,.. ....... - '"GOIN' AU. 1•PARTNSRI" '"I. WAY"fllt ,._.,. ... ,,..,~= ... ,, .... 1111, ...... ........ "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" II II II WE ARE CELEBRATING! THE 198311 ARE HERE!! ... AND WE'RE HAVING OUR YEAR END DEMO* SALE WITH REBATES & WILSON FORD DISCOUNTS -LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR & .FREE 24 MONTH OR 24,000 MILE CAR CAREi * Rental Cars -Executive Cars -Management Vehicles -Plus Special purchase of low mileage previously driven Cars -Wagons -Trucks -Vans -New & Used! '77 BUICK '79 CHEVY '80MERCURY 179 FORD RIVERA MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO , Auto, •tr cond, ll'Wr 11 .. r. )Or, •uto tr-. •Ir cond , Sunroof, •Ir cond. ,,..., • 01. rMtlo. Slk pWr wind, AM f/IM, 11>111 • ol. -r "r, rtdlo st Mr . turbo • c vi, • 1od, Lie .. WRO s>wr wet, IHI w ..... 1.111 l ie UIYZ8 Loe 637SAY lie 1W1l5'1 79PLYMOUTH '71 DODGE '79 FORD '79 MERC HORIZON DART LTD ZIPHYR • dr, 4 tlld. redlo, elr cll'd 4 d<. 6 CYI, l\ltt trent. ttWr V•• evto tr-. t lr c.ftd, 4 \It, Mlto Ir-. ttWr ttr. e•r Lie ~YHI' 11r.1ttreo .. """''"' '"""· .,,, ceftd,4df 1.lc.tf4YNT ''" ,,..,, .. Lk .ll4XNY . Lie. 071Wll0 . $3582 $1982 $3 682 $3582 $4382 WILSON LIST - '1111 LESS DISCOUNT &REBATES - '1111 PICKUP NOW . 1982 ESCORT 2 DOOR HATCHBACK (# 1485) (# 112826) WILSON LIST - '1111 LESS DISCOUNT & REBATES - '1000 YOUfl CHOICE NOW s5799 NEW llltFllRMOMTS 1182 liRAMADA ''L II 2 DOOR SEDANS FANTASTIC CAR Inductee C$0th trtm MM, pwr, It~ .• gorgeoue polar white flnWI & much mor.. SUI. l2008 (Ser. •20e060) (Stk. •a1e1 (Ser. 0 194571 /stJ<. '808> s.r. •11145e1 Lot• of equipment. A gorgeoue fewn flnWI vtnyt tnm ... , & muc:tunoret (Stk. •1271) (Ser. •113939) a YEAR CAR CARE 2 YEAR CAR CARE $5788 $6788 '79 FORD '81 FORD 1 80 FORD RANCH ERO ESCORT FAIRMONT PICK UP Auto tr•tt1.. •Ir cond. s1.11on W•-· ce. co Giiie. 111. "Cir. "•reo. 4 Cyt , 4 'Pd , AM r9dlo. AM FM VI. ttWr llffr Mlle,• \od, 13,516 mltu 1m tm, •uto '''"' owt alrcond Lie 1WT»6) • 111100 \teer1nq (IM27625) Lit 9'0ZEO 'IOMAZDA '16 CAPRI '78 DATSUN 'IOFOID P/U MUSTANG .1 626 4 spd, PICKUP ~TON t «, 4 cyl, ,,., 1111. tlerto. ....... ~ cyl, , .. ," te11e. etr VI, 4 IJ)d., elr oond •• AM ""·"'*'""" l k 18Ufl• conct. r9dlo, IOw 7,327,.,...., ' lk.ICHHm Lt< ILO? .. (1Yttl011) "Make an $288 2 s35a2 MUST $6182 offer" SELL · I · 1 I I ClAlllFIED _ .. 11111 I c ... ,_, lllt ~= -.. ...._... loJlt ...... a..ir -Tt••fl• -SOYIC£S ..... °' .... .., '"" OlrttYMEMT & Plf PAllTIOtl ~·-uo. -.......... "11 ..... .-.... . .. MCICHMlllS£ ~:n -. ,. Aw<-tlfll tt:: .. 4tlff'l•l• -WD C•INt ... t•WPfMM -l.111.1 -°"" -....... v .. -,..,_. -c.. ... s.i. ----~ -::-'. -11.....a--.. ......-. ........ .., ., _ _,,...,.._,.., -Otllft rw. ....... , -,.. -=~~ --~~--... --T....ttin.s.n. --MATS & MlllNE £0Ml£NT 0-111 Wiit ....... ,. Wr•t« -.,..... .. .._, ... , -t::·'" .. -11 ... a..n .. -==. Ooru --~··· - ...,_,,/bt,.,,I/ ,,...,. ...................... lllDY~ Smack In th• mlddl• o• B1lbo1. 4 1 y11r1 11m1 1001t1on. Good leaH G,..I foot trattlc end ., 1•c1llent price. For In formetlon cell .. MEL FUCHS ,.,........, llM1H __ R....,A .... o_R _o ....... , ,. r 1 r 1 . .......,_r -" .,...l..,.E_, ........ , 1 I r I I ... -......... ,,; tttt ,.,.,.../ , LOil t fem bit w/ten Co&- :•• "'' ' ,,.. II• ml•. 1 MAI• Poodl• ,:: •••••••••••••••••••••• MIX. 4-2t In Hetbor Vu •1• ......._II flll HC>l'lla 844......,.. tt• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---------1 ;:: Comm'I photographer Found Youno Afghan wt -•VIII for hire. Weddlnge, red oolllr. HatbOt ShOt>-catelooue. porttollo, elo. ping Center. 646-1775 ... 714-4k-47111 Loll; Im French LOPH -......,,I Ull Rebbll. ten Pl .... cell :: CLASS.~ 11r ... 1n tMM"3, 04t-9118 = your Nf1I 4 1·hr ....ion.. Lott In College Pllk area, • ,. 140. Stert Mon. 5/10, lmlll b4ICt( lheooY dog. = 7:30 PM. Prof Tiwei>19t. RIWlld. Daya &4D-2~. 750-04911 Evee 846-5808. Thi X«CIM Compeny In· FOUND: Mele lrllh Sitter, vii• Y04.1 to 1 Ir• clMe. Red. MM. ml• lhep, Blk Cell 631-M22 & brwn. Fem, ml• t1b, !'Arr.~ ...... !~¥. ,,~ 1111 .....••........•... blk. M.a., mix lhep, 8lk & tan. Fern ehec>. btWn & blk puppy. M1l1, 1hrt- h1lr blk Cit. M•I•. Ing. heir, brwn. grey & blk cat. N1wport Sheller, 125 Ml .. Or, C.M . 844-3&5e 81turday, May 8, 1882 DOLLAR DAY DOU~H 8AVER8 sen your no-longer-needed ltema for oath. If It doeen't 1811, we'll run It another 3 ---,~~-- Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. INEB OLLAR& daya FREE. One Item pw ad, mut t be priced. Sorry, no real eetate or commerctaJ ads. Call todai.ror full det1H1. ..... 11n•1111 ......... t1AI) 3 3 AY8 CLA811Fll!D8642•5678 l'!!K!.!' ........ l:!f tm1 ... ~'1 ........ l.~ff "11..'-.¥.'!l. .... !.~ff "9.8.¥.'!!. .... 1.{ • !'11..'-.¥.'!!. .... !.t ~1..'!e.'!!. .... !.{ff * * * .. ~ T ....... ... AUTOMO'TIVI 900t<K£EPEA/OFFIC& 11111'11. GOOD · I need 1 p1ieoe to Telephone oper. E•pe• ITTllTm Orowlng Co111 MH• ....... --· put rny i!Ye-ln 111¥91 tr91· only. No Other need ..,. al DfflOn Flrrn hH lrnme~ ...,, .. , Open 24 ~a-dey ler. Let'• negotlete. ply. 8-4 Mon M·F. 38:1 ..... dleie ooenlNI fOf '*'°" PoeltJon evllllble fOf «· 7 devt 1 WM!( 544·2 t l 1, .. 1 110 3. Tl'iltd 81. Laguna Beach ••'•II .. perlenoed In llght genlied, Hit motivated 88 Gorgeoue glrl1 to WtldYI 8-5. ~llone be4ng liOOeP' Mult haw OtlM A Ileen· ~IC~JAJP & AIR) ~:;:~.:.11t..·~~~ pamper you. Jeouu l, '*'tor llf•t quellty lufnl· •• Full time: 40 hour :J!.~ICl~a 830-1130 ._, ......-· =t~~°t.'nt' ::.~ '!!1."!!.r ......... !.~! !':.'n~~·,~ :::"~~·~ good i.tephon• P•rtO• -OOM--E-S_T_IC_S ____ _ card. Mu1er Char,;•· BARGA NI Going over-phone & xlnt drMng re-g:=•l•rr•d. Cell Conred tMllty. W1I conekMr P1'1 Meture ~::: for Amerlcen hpre11, I· HH? 1 frH r/t tloll•I. time. Send r..-ne to Ad ot~'""-·' v d cord • mu1t. Call Mon-for detail• et • 1012, Delly Piiot. PO P' ......,...... " u-n era , a ll wel c o me. Reu. 21'1596-0059.., Fri. 8:30-tAM only Box I HO, Colt• M•H. llH. HonHt. 1n1rgetlc:. ~'!4.5c-3433M 21 12 Hat· R.Y rtl ---1 04t-7485 NABE~~ rell1bl•. 5 hra pr day • ""' ..,, rll&&i • Ce 92e28. Mon-Fri. C1r/ref1 r9q'd. We hive Pen Am 2 lor 1 A88EMBLER8. W• Wiii " M0-8982 QUALITY MASSAGE • p11111 , g ood ·111 train. Apply 7AM, Meo-( A DJLl Bkkpr/SCty. 1 girt office,-------- Prof...ionll Sweolltt 5/31/82. 1150. 83 1-0130 Gregor Y1oht1, 1831 -' .1 -' tom• computer work. lllYfl (lll) ttyle. VIP ltM tment P1acentla. Cola Mlea 11.cx> H.11l><" ttiv.1 CM/NB ar••· Simon• Good driving record, 10-ePM 646-2817 C •"'"Mt..,., '>40 '1100 842-8061. Cl•H 2 lie .. work with Telephone FantMy ,__,...,,, .... elderty. CdM 759-IM71. Conv-reetlon with Ml· :::c:;,e;;;-............ , .... ch1 lle . M C/Yiu I• Wal-' 101l llnocu olt•n wh1n you 111'1 .... U. IU .. &39-e370 •••••••••••••••••••••• UH (HUll·Olltlng Diii)' Cl••n ' malnteln WO,k Mue1 be ... 10 worti Set. ---------1 'l'oung married men woulc Piiot Claullled Ad• to .,.,. a run errende. & Sun. Other hre to be 59 yr old l •m•I• Art hur llkl odd job• I YH ' reach th• Orange c0111 Muet be over 1 a, ,.,. arranged. Apply In pereon: Murrty 1tudent d11lr•• wttencs.. Can do• Vll'let) m11k1t. ponelbl• & hav• Cell!. Kerm Rime Hardware, HCort & companion for o f h • n d Y m • n I o b • PhOne 442-5878 r driver'• Ne. AWY In I*· 2eee Herber 81., C.M. ~~=:~it!":: ~~-9525 I VH , Ilk 101 I~~~~~~~~~ =:~::: ~. C.M. #914, OellyPllot, PO Box 1: ---------Clvll Eng. Co. need• 1&ee>,Colt.meea t282e. i./• lfuW 11" S0E~ Pl~lol1 Cll~~_! .. ~t~da 81by1ltter n1ed1d. m~ d1t lgner/dr11ttm1n. •••'•••••••••••••••••• -1 • t _,._ " home. June 1, R1fer1n-O.E.S .. Inc. e.42·5552 Handeom1, lnt•lllgent SOWi bullneMmal'I .... 1lnc1r• 1l1nder lady, good moral•. under 35 for lullng rel1Uon1hlp. 1 -.... ~ail• Pilat ············ : Adverti!no NATIONAL ADV . COORDINATOR Coordinate & schedule n41tlonal advertising. Reapon1lbllltlea In- clude: monthly reports. corre- spondence, heavy phone work and llght fHlng dutlea. Ap llcant shtMd~-"adV'iifli ng ex- perience, ablllty to handle buay phones. be detall oriented and able to deal directly with adverti- sing agencies, etc. Type 50wpm. Hrs. 8 to 5PM. Apply: Personnel Orange COMt Dally Ptlot 330 W. Bar St., Cot1 .. MMe An Equel Opportunity Emptorer ........................................... °" 831-1985 Meggll TWO burnw alcohol llovt I t 5 Pair of atMll duck feet fin• S5. 4 Yacht 1natch block• '6·1 15 HCtl. Pair o1 5~ ~ oer1 llke ,_ I f5 Muell auorted marine hard· ware 25e-$5, Two 6 o••· Ion Mone! fuel tenk1 M Hd\. 548-5558 BIKES mena. boys 10 1p11d1 n1m1 brand• took ride ,_ 149. Blue Clllp llamp book• onl) 12 548-8068 GLASS bottle collectlon 148. Bollfe cutting Ht 112 (new). '51 C1dlll1c hub c e;> like n1w 117 Old Comic book• 50c -S8 (Marv•I. Superman). ~ IMUM of Earll, Ch1py '"d Vemp Pll'ella S2·S5 Old model Cit kltt 1260·"4 Old advertlMmenta ml· cro film 17 Mic• metal Ironing board SB. C11 llrM $7'·$22. Cycle tlr11 I tO eech. Old toy care Ind INCkt 50c4 f5. Old n1w1p1per1 1918 t o 11140'1 $5 llCh 839-2850 DI MES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642"'f78, elft. 311. KIRBY Vacuum Cl11n1 NICKER 3 piece NI S30 S25. ~1823. Lampe U -S10 HHd· MOTHER'S DAY plat bo1rd1 S3-S15. TablH "7 S5 Lawn edger S8 Occ P• 3 tlrat luue) 125 ten S7 Loo cheln 15 Bone chine cup• an Radios S3-S8. Z1nl1h uuoer• SS-17.50 Foato rl1 cryttal l 12·St7 Nip am/Im 1tereo phono pon hel1d·pelnted plat console H it S45. Plc- 135 Spoda Tower plat tures $248 Toya, doll•. 120 French llmoo Infant, chlldren1, 1dull platet S 15·S25 AntlQ e101t11ng. dl111". kitchen· p1c1ur1t end lrame ware What not ~. S t0-S50 Rug be ate picture lr1m11, book1, 115. Sword• Sl5 Sh jewelry 25c-S6 3102 Ttmple bowl $50 Biii Corel AY9. apt A. Col•• Beer can 125 Cobia Meu 4 block• West ot bolllee SS-I 10 Old •hee1 Sptres R11teur1nt, Har- mutlc 13. Pair of llgu bot Blvd, Cotta M .... rlnM mad• In OCcuplld SEARS Powermatl va- Jepan HO. Old book cuum c omp1111 $35. s tO P8" old bf au lamps Blau and wtllt• P«t•ble 1351.M:h. ~ 102 •works very good S25 E ORE Cen opel'9t 13 Color TV K NM l llClrlc: Com· .. II $25 C1nl1ter VI· plCI dry«. Perteet con· dltlon 148 552-0073 c:uum S20 Aller 10-30arn . 646-1525 Eight toot ooucn ... ce11en1 ---------condition S50 1 ltlltlO· BOYS an~ glrl• crul11r1 ICOf>9 110. t new blood 1so 11ch. Small Aron preuure unit s2o 1 collection 150 01c llo· •••aping b•o 125 2 tcope 135 Lamp th•de Teus Instrument• cal· 120. Six t 71n concrete cu11tor1 1 20 ••c h pllet s10. Unique cemp 554.8804 • bue S 15 Admlral 121n GENIE gantge dOOf' ope· TRAILER hitch lor Toyota ner. work• greal S35 '77 Corolla 135 • Ilk• Door hinge• with 11fll) _,_ __ ._8_7_3-_8_7_28 ___ _ black and whit• T . v . p ortable S25 8111 711 t1noth1 PCU pipe 3'~1n S2 11ch Round table S30. 2080 State Ava .. Cotta Men. loltow Oak Street alter tpm aprtng• 120. Shower tub FOLDING tub 1nclo1ur1 dOOfl (Uflty glaH) 120 S 15 , T , V • C er t I 1 0 . 5-48-4103 8 U -4 5 711 New p or t WALNUT cotlH t1bl1 _e.ach ___ . ------ $50 M1ple Magnavox WATER h11ter 6 month• radio CHe 125. Maple old 30 gal+on .S40 New twin bed• $.30 Oak chi 1ugg1tge woe plu• tmall ml1try table with 1lnk two plec;e '30 lor both 135 556-0790 544-2188 BABY clott\el 26c·S2 Ft· bric 10c piece. l<lng elze BHuty RHI mlltrlll HO. Electric dryer 160. Typ1wrlter 120. Smell tiounr-I 1. T IOlt lemc>e U.18. Toye 25c>-$3. Gut- ter 120. 31 18 Olbrelte.r GOOD working antique wood1n floor limp S20 Tin antique bridge lamp proj1ct1, lntrlc111 CHI beMI 14·110 Arty llghlt and l1mp1 from 1v1t) era for floor. tab I• and c1111no 13-150. Breu pMino remp 113, Good e wey floor lamp St. 3:1 Inch Qood tabl• l ernp 1.50. 8olld braH. 1ven1 ________ _ 1h1d1, orl1nt1I pl1nt11 TWO G-801114 Ur .. on i...,,., S11t Vry 1nt1Que I bllanOtd mag wf!Ml1 tor llat'lt henalno n11ture I 18 G.M. cal'I Of Vllt'll, good ~eny olcf Met antique oil rubber HO 1or both. 1 lernpe 15·135. 3d Inell l.A-70 redl•I t1r1. r111 me111 poro•taln EIT good 115. 01-370 1 9reduete 169n U . Anti· _MYt_..._rm._. ____ _ BF GOODRICH (4) T/A, 50'1 BR t3 like new *60. 875-9962 Ortnge Cout DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 111982 ''SOUTHERN CROSS" FOR SALE -Marilyn Hoffman-Hippe, a Dallas area real estate agent, stands in front of the house on the 500-acre ranch owned by Dallas oilman Norris Harris. lloffman-Hipps is handling the sale of the IDRDICDPI Spday, May. By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (Marcil 21-April 19): What had been far away ii now within reach. Long-range plans are aolldified. Communications improve, language and di8tanoe ~ to be barriers. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'll verify fi- nancial facts of til e. One who made nwneroua cl- aims wu merely attemptina to impraa. influence. persuade and inflate ego. You'll recoup loes and tegain dignity. Gf;MINI (May 21-June ~Break from put lnaf~fmi>llbND are not written In atone. Meana you'll be more flexible, you'll alao be in greater control of your own destiny. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Follow through on hunch -first tmpremiona are likely to be valid. You'll get job done with aid of one you helped in past. Techniques will be atreamline<f, aervicea will lmprove and you'll get credit long overdue. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Cycle potnta to poesible ;oumey. added popularity, numeroua contac:U, ac- celerated social life. Affair of heart dominates exciting 9CeNU'io. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphula on se- curity, deciaiona affecting sales or purchun of home or property. You'll be uked to check files, to produce deeda and pouibly to conduct a patent search. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be reedy for quick changes, requests by relatives, abort journeys and Mligrunenta which require written material. Ideaa abound -key ii to be aelective. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on income, locating lOlt objects, obtalning needed capital and Improving conditions at home. Family member surpriaes by making major concession, SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Moon In your aign highlights personality, Independence. creaUvity and inaUnct for being at right place at cruda1 l'DOOleJ\t. Trust J:: own judgment, define meaning and tnaiat on answers to lnqulrles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You learn meanlnp connected with tmpre91lona, meaages and dreaml. Meditation ia part of ecenario u you gain eecond emotional wtncf. Another Capricorn figures prom1Dently. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Wish cornea true in unusual manner. People are drawn to you. seek your counael and desire to hear your views. Burden ia removed. cub flow resumes and career progre.ea tn right d1reciion. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Member of op- posite aex aida in making important profeulonal contact. Career boost ii on agenda. You'll be asked to lnitiate a plan, pr'08J"&Jn or campelgn. Farm income declines FRESNO (AP) -The value of Fresno County farm products dropped almost 5 percent in 1981 malnly because of lcmes in the two top crops, cotton and grapes. ##Wit.,..... ranch, known to viewen of the television show "Dallas" as the Southern Cross Ranch. In re- ali~, it is the Bar H, and its asking price is $2.9 mil1ion. .... ll4TWNT ~==-~ Tiie ....... Pli'IOl'te .,. ~ 1'11• follPlftt Pt,.011 It dolnt ~-ti--.Ml AMl!llUOAH TIHANT IM,f'O· M.-1. OALAIAIH INTI"• V!MINTl, 1120 ~· Wtty, , ....... 311 ""h Ave .. ltlbOI MtMlnl Hllll, Ctllfornle bl01. llllM, Ce. t2M2 Ju J, Oll'roll, 7120 Mooklno• Lwolll• OtldarH..,!1~.!'uby d WI'/. At\allllnl tilllt. CellfOfnla AW., 1411t>ot laland, Ce. YnN 2I07, Tlllt 1'M11'911 II oonduo_, bV an JIOk A. H1ndy Jr .. 2127·0 lnclMduel. loiith ,llr(lew, 81nt1 Ana. o.HfOf· WOllll caidtit• la t:l704. TtMa atlWntnt wM ..... wtlll IN Thie butlnlet. la condllClt9d bV I CowltY Olaf'll of 0rWIQI County on II~. Apl1I fa, tNZ. NOTICI Oil AM.IC.Anoet TO taJ. .· A&.COMOUC~ ...... To Wl\ol!I N MeY cono.n "4AAGOT M. OAUITlf' It IP· plying to 1n. Dtpa1tmef11 of Aloo-llollo BeYtrage Control for "~ 1" Otl SAi.i HER a WINE (PUa l!.AT Pl! 10 .... lllOotlollo ~'09' ., 117~ lrvln• AYt,. Unit 0 . Coal• Mt11, CallfOfnle Publl•ll•d Orange Cotti Oally Ptlot. Mii)' I. tH2 ~2 JO "· Handy Jf P1nlf7 Ttilt .. ...,,,.,,, •• tll9d wttll lfle 'ublltllt d Orange co:•t Oally 1---------.... ---County ci.11 of Otenoe County on ~ ApJt 11, 2'. ""-"' 1, , tM2 PWlJC MOllC( Apt1I t2, 1H2. 1704-ft 1---.....;;.,;...,..,.~~~~--,,.,.,. NTmOUe .._ .. Publltlltd Orange Oo1tt D1tly PlBJC MOTICE MAm tTA~ Piiot. At>ftl l4, May t , I, us. 1912 rtennoue ~ Th• followlno ,.,eon I• doing 180242 NMll ITATl..-r butlMet II! 1-----------Tiie toliOWlnO l*'IOlll lfl doing '"101810H POWDER COA· ••II' M1f1C( ~ M' TINO. 711 W ... 17th StrM. Coli. ~ e ua 1 Nus Loo 1 o u u utM. Ctlllfomla t.tt21. """ °"'· NOllCe ..vr1'..o 81D1 ,..., ,._ ' O.Yld Mlcfllll a.Ill, 40 MIMlofl ... "'""'A.,,..,., No. C, -.-ta~. ~ """'--C·---...... '"'"'"5 Noll~ •• ~•bY. given that 1.... OellfOl'nll tata7 ......... _,..,,_ n"' · loard of Tru•t .. 9 of the Co .. t Ohrl•OPll•r· Jonath•n Burke, ~i::--'* c:ondllc1ed bV an Community Col~ 04atnot ol Or· 1803 Orange, No C. Cotlt ....... Oe't'IO M Belli 111111 OOWltv. Ca11rotn1e. wltt ,.,....._ Callfornla 8H27. Thia tt•lemenl wiit !Med wtlh lht ..-eci ~ up 10 2;00 p,m., Friday, Mr"11 Winn« 1"3 0ranoe No Coun Mey 21. t H2 at th• PurCllHlng c. Cotta M--. C..lfornl• 02l ir. · County Olertl of OfllnQ9 1y on Dlper1fMnt of Mid GOllage dltlrlet Tlllt buelnetl le conducted bV a Af/IN f5, 1H2. ou..- looa led al 1370 Adami Avenue, al l)al1ntrehlp .. -·-Oo•I• MMI. Calllornl1, at which ganef' Jon 8urila Publl1htd Orange Co1tl P•llY llmt Mid bldt wllf bl quickly ope-Thia ital-I WM llltd wllh the PllOI. AptU 17, 24, Mey 1, I, 1H 2 ntd end rHd for: Bid I 1098 -OOllnlY Cllr1t of Ofangt County on 1707-82 ACOUlllTIOtl Of COMPVTERIUO Aot11 f5 1082 HU MAN RESOURCE MANAGE· ' . ,_,.. PlB.IC NOTICf MENT SYSTEM, Bid I 1087 -Publlehed Orange Co1tt Dally P U R C H A 8 E 0 R L EA 8 E I Piiot •~11 17 24 M-1 I 1082 PURCHASE OF COMPUTER '...,..... ' ' _, . i1 2 HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, ANO Of.I SUPPORT, INCLUDING MAINTl!· rtalC NOTICE NANCE. AN bldl "' 10 bt In ac;eordance 1'1C11T'IOUI IUOM:H with the Bid Form lntlructk>nll end MAim ITAftMINT Condition• and SptcJflcallona wtik:h Thi fo4loo#lno '*'°"' .,, doing are now on IMt and ~ bt lllQjf'ed ~ • In the office of the PurdlMlng AQenl BENCH BACK DE8IONS, 137 "90'"10UI ....... MMlllTA~ Tiit following pereon 11 doing bllllnell ea: AE.OWOOO CO .. 19381 Hickory ~. Huntington e-n. Clllfom4a 92fMe. Hubert J w. Ouy1lng1, 19391 3CMM2 FICTmOUl.,...H .. ,,_ ITATl•NT Tlit IOllOWl"G l)lf80nt art dol"O bulinltt u TAI COUNTY CA(PET CO .. 1425 Vllt.gl Way, Cotta Mela. Ca 112826 J.,._ E. Hann COtoorallon (t Calllorn11 GO<poratlon). 141 E. P• mll• Rd , Arcadia, Ca 91006 Stuert A Brodie, 1121 Chantl- Cle81, Analleim, Ca 92802 Tlill b<Jalnea1 1$ eondoeted bV a g1Mrll pertntrlhlp James E Mann Corp By J E. Mann. Prfl9kltnl Thll elattmtnt wu llled Wtlh 1111 County Cllt1! of Ofll\OI County on M1y 8. 1912 -----------..-----------of llkl Collett dlstrlC't. lnduetr1al Way, Coale Meal, Cell-Eacil ~ mutl tubm11 wl1h hll '°"*' '"27. Hlcttory Lllll41, Hununoton heel\, ~02Me. Tilll bullntla II concklC1td by en lndMdull. ,,_ Publ11llad Orange COHI Dally Pilot M1y 8, 15 22. 29. 1992 3031-12 '9Cnnoul .,... .. MAim ITAftlmNT Th• followlno pereon 11 doing ~-LITTLE LOVES, 801 Helan1 Clrolt, Co1tt Mt1a, Calllornl• 92629. Margaret But J acklon. toe ~ Cir*. Cotta ~. Cellfof· ""o:zt:zt. Thie ~ .. condUcttd bV .,, lndMduel. Nil.IC NOTIC( FIG~ ........ NAMIE ITATIHM!NT Th• lollowlng pereon la doing bullneNU HUMANEllCS, 1128 Oerttr Clrclt, Fountain Valley, Calllornla 92708 Louiee Lung. 8128 01r1er Cir· cl1. Fountain Va lley Ca111orn1a 92708 Sand" S. Monton. 26512 E•· pener Drive. Miulon v1110. Calilor· nl• 92691 This buelneas la conducted by a Qtrltl'af petrtnt<lhlp LOUIN Lung Sandra Monton Thot 1tat-t wu filed with tilt Coun1y Clerk ol Ofanot County on "Pfll 22. 1912 . F1'71M Publllhed Orange CoHt Dally PtlOt. April 24. May t, I, t5, t912 1806-12 Nl.IC NOTICE ITA ru.NT Of' WITHD'IAWAL ~ PAftTMO .... Of'OATINO ~ FICTITIOUS IU ... HN.u. Tht following pereon hll wl111· drawn u 1 oen«al partner lrom the putntrthlp o perating under lht llct1ou1 bu11ne11 n ame o r ELECTRO-MECH SALES CO .. t 107 EHi Elm, Unit C . Fullerton, C1ll- lornla 9263 l The llclttlous oua1neas narM s\• 1emen1 '°' thl partnerlhlc> wu llled on Ftbruaty 18. 1990 In Ille COunty of Orlll09 Full Name and Addr•H ol tlit PerllOn Wllhdraw1ng .... hc .... 1UIOV1aa.r- Yorbl LllMM, Ca. .... SIQ'*' a.la Blrc~k F1IOll2 Publlehed Orange Co111 Delly Piiot April 24 . 1982 M1y 1 I. 15, 1082 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITK>UI 8U .... H HAM! ITATDH!NT The lollowlng pereon 11 doing buslntH H DIVER OORYS. 1734 Mertha Lane. Senti Ana, Ca. 92706 L1nnt1 Barcley Wimberly, 173' Met1h1 L-. Santa Ana, Ca 02706 Thi• busineu 11 cooductld bV 1111 lndlYldual Linnea 8a1c11y Wtmt>etly Thi• 111ttmtn1 wu meo wtth thl County Cltrl< or Orang1 Coortty on Aprll 8, 1982 F111112 Publl1tied Oreno• Coa11 Da lly PllOt Ap< 24, Mly t, 8. 15, 1912 t8A2·82 l'tB.lC NOTICE bid a cH hler'• check, cerUlltd Merk G. Moore, 211 Knoll check, or b idder'• bond made Place, Co111 MtH, California H. °""""9 p1ytblt to tM ord« of tM Cont 92$27. • Thia st.tement -fltd wtttl the Community CoU-ot Olttrk:t Board Cllrl1toptlet Ho.I MacDonald, County Clatti of Ortnte County on ____ MUC ___ NO_TICE ___ _ of Truat ... In en amount not lett 2300 FlllNW# Avenue. ~ 0.203. MetQtl 31, 1H2. ,_ ------------111tn llv• ,,_roent (5%) ol the 1um Cotta ~ Ctllbnla 8821. .... ....._._.. ,._n; ,.~ n.... pt. bid .. f ouaranltt t"-1 lht bidder n. ~ 11 conducted bV a ..-u.,...,_, "' ....,.., ..,_, FICTITIOUI .u..-aa wlll ent\f Into the propoMd Con· gener'lll .,.,,,...lhlP lot, "'-Y '·I. t5, • 1N2 NAME aTATPIENT trac1 If the -II award.cl 10 lllm Martt G. Moore 2032-82 Tiie lo!IOwlng pe<eon1 111 doiftO In the -• of lalluf• 10 ant• Into Thia ltal-t -fled wtth the -----------bu•"-., euch contraet. the ptoettda of the CowllY a.II of Or"'Ot COunty on 1'\11.JC NOTICE COLWELL'S CERAMICS. 18~ clltck wlll l>e lorltlled, or In th• Aotll ~. 1M2. CITY OF MVINIE Adems Hun11ng1on B••ch CA cue oft bond. Ille tull IUm llltfeof ,,.._ CAUfOftMIA 92t46 wtll bt lort.lttd let Mid coltegt die-Publllhed Orange COM! Oelfr f>I.. NOTICa INVITINO alOI SANORA L STEVENS 20901 trtc;:~ bldMr may withdraw hie bld IOI, Mtty t, e. '8, U , 1812 1913-82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ~!1\~~~'.rcle, Huntington Baacn. tor I period of one hundred twenty -----------Meted bldl wlll be r-6vld by the WAYNE R STEVENS, 20901 (t20) deys after the dale Ml tor the Pl8JC NOTICE City Cl9"k OI lh• City 01 lrvlnt, 1°' e11gair Circle, Huntington Baacn, oC*llnO thtrtof. lurnllhlng all plant. l1t>or se<vleff, CA 92646 The eo1td 01 1 rutt-reM<Vn NOTICI °' nwanra SAU m1te11111. 10011, 1<1ulpm1nt. 1up· TM• buelnen 11 conducltd by lilt prMleQt of rtjec:llng any end ell T.I . Mo.,,.. pllta, t11n1POttatlon, utllltltt and all indn11<1ualt (t>u.i>and and wd•I blda or to wal¥e arry lrrtfUlarltlee Of NOTI~ IS HEREBY GIVEN. thel other ti:«n1 and llCIMllet ~ Sandri L 51_. FICTITIOUI aUllNllS inlormallllt• In any bid or In Illa on Wednt1d1y. May 19. 1982. at thtrtfor • prOYlded In the contraet Ttus 1111-1 wu ltltO wtlli 11'11 bidding 11.00 o'doc:tt • m of Mid day. In tilt OOC:umtnll, tor tile construcllon ol County Cllflt of Orll\OI County on NAME ITATQlllNT NORMA~ E. WATSON room H I 11ldt for conducting Paramedic Garag• t09eth1r w1111 M•Y 6 1982 Tne lollow1ng pereon 11 doing Sect Tf\11ttt'1 Salle. within the oftlcta of ei>PUf1tnaN»S thereto, In 1trlc1 ec.. · ,111971 bustneu u . R~l!n~il':e-+---o 1N ... '?:, . EAL ESTATE SECURITIES SER· eotdance wltli the apeclllcallona on ~ ~.i·~.e!•.J..__ ... ~t.:ECIRO-MtCR'SMlES .. •·•-....... ----""""'-M COlal Communltw "'"'· 1ui;;•1• ur'l.Tii' owwctor 1 9 775 Newton Way. Coeta Ha. ~"'·tr"" " 8roaow-. Sull• 206, In the City of Pvbllc Work•. •Y · · · · Cal 1l0tnl1 92827 ..,.. "'' "' ,._,_ ,...,. St S B.. 3001·82 Publll d range CoHt Delly Santa Ana . .,.,...,1y of"'.,.• at• DATE OF OPENING BIO "'' -----------Dargin Bmitn. I t5 Wtsl Bey Piiot M-11 1 12 1912 ol Calllorn11. SAN MARINO SA· wtll bt rec.lwd et the otfkle ol the l'tlllJC NOTICC A....,..OI, Balt>oa, C.lllon1l1 92861 • -1 • • • • ...,,,.1 .... VINOS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, Ctty Clerk or the City ot trvtne ioc;.. Pa111c•a M Smlln, &t5 WHt cv. "' a Callfornlt corpora tion. ae duly t•d " 17200 J amboree Road. Ir· ------------ B•1&"'11nue. Balboa. Celllornla appointed Trvattt unoer and pur· vln1. Cattromla. 92713, unlll 2 00 FICTITIOUS MJllHEll 92 1 PUBUC NOTICC _,, to the pOWtr of Miit conterrtd pm on Wldnnday. May 26. 11112 NAME ST A T£MEN'T This butineU 11 conducitd by •n In that ctf1aln Oeld of Trust •H· at whlCh lime and pl11e1 bide W>M bt The following person 11 doing ~al panntrlhlp '-SUPtlNOft COURT Of' THE cuted by MARVIN 8 KAPELUS encl publlcl)P OP4tf'IO and rtad aloud ~ .. Dargin Smlth/PatrlCll STATE Of' CAUl'ORNIA AUDRE'\' KAPELUS, hutband and Sidi shall bl 1ubmilted In Helld INTERSTATE RECRUITING M Smllh FC>tt THI wife, recorded October 17, 1gao, In envtlo~a markld on tlle out91d•. SERVICES. 18902 Bardtan Way, This statement wu rlltd ..,tn Ille COUNTY Of' OttAHGE Book 137.94 OI OHlclll Recordl ol "Blda fOf Paramedic Garllgl" lrvme, CA 92715 County Cltfk ol Oraf\ge Cour>ty on In rt LUCIANA CHRISTINA ZULIAN 1ald County, at page 723. Recor· LOCATION OF THE WORK Ttie RICHARD P CUNNISON, 22 Apr ti 23, l982 "11711'1 BOEIRA ROBERTS end dtr'I Instrument No. 27 170, by wor1t to be performed hereunder 11 Roci<y Knoll, lrvtne CA 92715 LUCIANO MANOEL CARDOSO rauon of. breach or d9ftu11 In loc•ted In the City of Irvine. County Thi• bu-II conducted by an Published Or1ng1 CoHt Dally ROBERTS. payment or perlormanct of the ot Oreng1 et WoodlHldge Fife Sii· N'l(l1Yldull Pilo1. April 24 Mey I 8 15, 1082 Minors. obllgatlona ~rtd thereby, lndu-tlon. 301 EUI VIit Loop Rietlard P Cunnts.on l836-12 by LEROY G ROBERTS ltd dlnQ Nt br-=tl « defeuft. NoCa DESCRIPTION OF WORK Tl11 Thl!J stat-I was loled Wllh the NANCY G ROBERTS. of Wlllcll WU recorded Jun• 25 • ...erk 10 bt performed lllall lnciuOI (Jl>IH>ty Clet1< ol Ofange County on '.cmlOUI ..,...., NAMm ITATl...n' Tha rollowlng ptraon la doing bulil'9ttM: It.I OOH-EL COMP'UTP ~ DUC'r8: (9) PACIAC COAST QM. PHIC8; (C) CALIFORNIA COMPU· TEA eotc8UL T AHTS, 82t 1 Mldll- ~~·Cotta ~ c.ltOfnle ELEANOR MARGUERITE REIO TROUTT, 3261 Michigan A¥tnut . Cotta ~. <;allfomla 921129. Thia ~ II conduc1ed bV an lndMdull. EtMnor M.A. Troutt Thia atatement -flltd wtth !tie Col.rttY Clertl of Oranot COUnty on Ap(1I 30. 1N2 , ..... Publlatl9CI °'""' COAlt Otly pt. IOt. May 1, I , 15, 22. 1N2 201M2 llitlr Patenll, lor chll\OI or na"'41 19111. In Book 1'115 of Offtdel--. bUI not bt ltmottd 10 removal and M•y 6. 1982 NO. A112'7M corda of uld County. al peoe 1007. replacement ol existing AC pav• ,,...,.. OttOEi. TO SHOW CAU81 AacorMr'1 lnttrumenl No. 38077, menl. conllructlon ol 11' wodt PRENOfVIU.E a ,.Al8ANT£ WHEREAS. L .. oy G Roberti and WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION drt-•y. and coottructlOn ol 28' • 11952 MecAIU\w 8t.d. Mency G Robena. petllloner1, .. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 15' garaoe wllh two elec1rlcally drl· Do<lglM ....... u ca latlitr and motlier of 1ppllcantt. CASH. lftflA mon9!I' of the United vtn door1 Engineer'• t1Hmatt ini-. CA t2111 Luciana Chr\allna ZUlian eo.;,. Ro-Stat•. « • ceahiW'• c:hedl dniwn $38,500 Published Orange CoHI Daily t>tr11 and LucllllO Menotl Cardoao on. ttat• Of natlonal benk, I Ital• AWARD OF CONTRACT Th• Piiot May a. 15. 22. 29, 1982 Roblrtl. have lllld a l)lllllon with or ltd«ll credit union. Of • stale or Owner rtHrvH tlie right. altar 3037-82 the Citric of thll Couf1 10< an ordlt *«al flWIOt end loat'I UIOCllllon opening bid•. 10 retect any or 111 cnang1ng tht epplicant1 namt1 domldltd In thll 1tete, .. pe)'9b4e a1 blda, to walYI any inl0<rnm1ty on • lrom LuclaN Chnsllna Zl.ilian Boe!· !hi Ume of atlt. ell rtght, llUe and bid. 10 "'81ct -di 1n lhe lnttt•t re Robert• to Chro1ll11a Luclln• lntereet held bV 11 ... Tru1t•. In thal of 11141 Owner and 10 reject all 01111< Robtf1t end lrom Luciano Manoe rMI P'OClt"Y lltuatt In Mid Cowl!) bid• Cardoto Robart1 to 8 r11n Grant and 8tait, dltcrlbed u foflowl; PROPOSAL GUARANTE~ AND FICTITIOUS eua .. as ROl>al'ta, respectlYely PARCEL 1: BONDS Each bid ltlall be 1ccom· HA .. STATEMEHT IT IS OROEAED tna1 ell ptftonl lJNIT NO. 1 1nc1u1lvt u 1hown panl•d by 1 ctrtllltd or ca1111tr'1 Ttie lollowing i>eraon1 '" doing lntar11t1d In tl'le 1bov1-en1lt1ed and dtecr1bed In the oondOmlnlYm clitck or by • corporate 1urety b<J"ness as matter appear before 11111 Court al plan recorded on Stpltmbet 1'. bond on tne t0tm lurnlahtd by 1111 IN STYLE PHOTOGRAPHY. 10 30 A M , on Jun• 2 1912. In 1g79 In Book 12141, peget 028 to Owner as guar1n1ee 111111111 bidder 635 Baker StrH1, •V t03. Costa Oep1rtmtn1 3 or tl111 Court localed 996 lnclutlve of olflcial record• ol w1n 11 en 1ward is medl 10 him In Mell CA 92626 al 700 CIVIC C•nler Ortv• W11t ••Id Count y a1 1mtndtd by 1ccord1nct wltli the lerm• ol 1111 LESTER YESNICK 635 Ballet S1n11 An•. C1lllorn1a 9270 I and am1ndmenl to condominium plan bid promptly H cure Workmen·• Street • V 103 Co•I• Mts1 CA snow cauM, 111ny wliy the P11•tk>n rac0<d«I on November 10. 1971 on Compenaatton ~and lilt>ll-92626 lor cnange OI names lhOUIO not be 800k 129tl. PagM 1602 and 1603 lty lnlUranct, ••tc:Vle. con1rllC1 '" JAY 0 STALLMAN. «8 Sen• gr1n11d of Olftclal R««d1 of lald County. tne required form 1nd fum11h N t· 0<1¥1. Corona di! MM, CA 9~25 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that II PARCEL 2" llflci<>ry bond• '°' lht lalllilvl per· Tl111 bu•-IS conducted by a copy of 11111 order to lhow CIKIM be An undMdtd one thirty.fourth rormance ol lhe contrtct and lor thl oentr•I Plrl'*'Sllip NOTICE OF DEA TB OF pubt11Md In tlit ORANGE COAST 11134th) lnttreat u a tenant In com-payment ol clalm1 of malerl1lmtn Lester y_,lek EDWARD C. RUSSEU., aka DAILY PILOT. • newepaper or mon In the fM lnltrttl In and to the end laborera ttiereunder S1ld Thi• 1lattmtnt WH llttd witti the ""DWARD C. RUSSELL, SR. 'i•nerel clrculallon printed In oommon lftt of IOta 2. 3. end 6 ot c:tledt or bidder'• bond enell bt tn County Clark ot Or1nge Counly "" <>ninoe County. Calllomla, ~ 1 Traet 911541 11 per Map flltd In BoOll an amount of not .... ,,,.,., ten ( tO> Mey 6. 1982. AND OF PETITION TO wMk IOf four 1uectHlvt -Ill 4'1. pegee 1 to 7 lndultYI. of Mi. percent of lht amount of the bid F1-1 • 1137-12 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. c>rlor lo the dalt M4 for 1-"tng on c1llantOU1 Mapa, Rtc:Ofdl of aald Tht F111hlul P11lormanct Bond Pubtltatied Orenga Co•JI Deily -----------Al uzss. the pellOon County ... IUCh ''"" II defined In et\1111 bt no1 .... lhetl ont hundfed PtlOI, May 8 IS, 22. 29. 11182 NlJC NOTICE "'o all .__ira, benef:k:l.aries, DATED Apf'lt 22 ·1912 the ar11de tntllled "OtflnltlOna" of (100> percent of the'°'" amount ol 2091-82 •' """ RONALO 0H. PRENNER the Dldlrallon of ~a. Con-the bid ptlct named In the oontraet l------------F1CTITIOUI .,.... .. NM88TAT'l...n Tilt lollowlnt p«aona 1ra dotng ~-OE JAY ENTERPRISES, 1241 South Wrlglll Strfft. Santa Ana. Callfornla 02705. 01vld Sullenger, 911 Hyde Court. Cotta M•••· Calllornla 92626. Jtennt H. Sullenotr, 0 ti Hy6t Court. Co11e MeH, Callfornl• 02929. Thia ~ It conducted by an lndlYlduel. credi tora and contingent Judgl of the dltlona and "-irletlone. rtcord.cl Thi Lat>Ot and Mat1111a11 Bond INlll f'tllUC NOTICE creditors of Edward C . Ru.a· Super!Of Court Aprtl 21, 1971 In Book t~. pege bt not 1ett than one hundlW ( 10011 ___________ _ 11 S d h JONATHAN K. OOLOIM ISO 851 o l Olllclal Rtcord1, (The percent of 1111 total amount ol Ille se • r · a n persons w 0 1m Ctnlury '"" Rett • ' "Otelaratlon"). ind any 1uppl•· bid prlct namld in 1111 contract. FICTITIOUS .u....eas may be olherwUle Interested ll!lfflltl""' mtnt• and amendmtnll !Mreto. PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES. N,... STATl•NT in lhe will and/or st.ate: Loe ~. c.momta IOOl7 PARCEL 3: In ICCOl'd•llCI with thl prOIM!on1 or rna 1o1iow1ng i>er11011• are dOIOQ A pe~itJon hu been filed (21') ~ Euement• u 1uch H1tment1 Section 1113 of the Calttomla Labor 0011,_. u Ed ard C R •• ~n J in Publl1htd Orang• COHI Dally .,. .,.r1iCUllW1)r eel 10f1h In !ht art!· Codi, the~ prevailing rltN SOUTHWEST ELECTRIC. by W · _.., r . Piiot. "Pflt 24• M•y 1. I . 15, 1912 cit entlllt d "EHemtnt1" of Ill• of per diem wages and holldey and 21812 El Cenlo. L801Jna Niguel. CA the Superior Court o f Or· 1850.82 Dtctatallon und8' lht MC11on hte· overtime work In 111a localfly 1n 02677 ange County nq~ that dlfltl In IUCh lfllclt tnlltled .. fol· wt1'ch lht -·II IO bt performed MICHAEL WILLI AM BOTTS ........ ward c. Ruaaell, r . be Iowa: "Rlgllt1 and Dut1e1; Utlllt ... hat l>ltn obtained from the Dlrec 21112 Et Canto, 1.aguna Ntguel. CA ~ P'taJC NOTICE end Cable Ttftvlaton", "Support, I« of the Dlper1ment of lndustrlel 926n appointed u pel"llONIJ repre-Sttlltmtnt end Encro1cllmtnl", ~. e009YofwNo111tonlll SABRINA LYNN eons. 21812 sent.alive to administer t h e "lngr111, Egr ... and RterMttonal In tht of1lce of the Cl1y ci...11 of t El Canto, Laguna NlfUll. CA 92677 Oe¥ld L 8ulllnotr C RU81ell Right.''. and "Exdu91"'9 Reltt1cted Clly 01 lrvlnt and wlll bt m1da Thia bu..,._ 11 conducted by a Thia~ -!!led" With the estate of Edward · • COmmon AIM EaMmtnt". 1vall1bl• to any lntart1tad parl oanerll peflnlf'thlp County Claf1I of Orange Cowlty on Sr. (under the Independent PAACa. ': , ul>Of\ request Tht contractor en Mk:hNI w Botta Aotll 15, 1982. Admlnlltratlon of Estates Ee .. ment1 H1uc11 .. aemtntl any eut>conlrac:tor undtf him ltlaff Thia ••••-• wu ltltd wtth tM 'tanM Act). The petition la aet for .,. ~ Mt t0f1h In IN artt-pey not Itta """ lht apedfled Coun1Y Cler1I of °'"'Ot County on Publl1hed Oran~ Cout Dally he~· In Dept. No. 3, 700 cit entlllad "E11ement1" ol th• lrtlllng rat• ol WllQN to all WOf1c May e. 1082. Plot. Apl1I 17, 24, May t, I. 1082 Ori W In tlofl Oeclara11on of Covenantt, Condi-mtn ttnp6oytd In the eJc1cu11on ,_,., 1709-82. Ovk I.er Ve, est. Ol,INDANT: NIWPORT tlona and"-tric11onartcorded~ the contract P11bll1htd Orange CoHt Dally IALTl HaGHOH SMfTH I TVTHfLL W'HTCUFf CHAPIL the City of Santa Ana, Cali-HACH MOTOftlMQ ACCIHO· 25. tlln In Sook 12305. :T. 7q LABOR REGULATIONS Th Piiot. Mey I . 15, 22. 29, 1982 'ICnnout•.,11... ____ MUC ___ NOTJC(_____ fornla on May 26. 1982 at 1111111, • C11Uor111a Part11eralll,. :;:"' ~-:r,~ .!:';;:: ~~ ::;~~~ =r.zi ~m:.~ 1 3000-82 MAm tTATlmJIT 9:30 p.m. CATHli.IMI M~ PITallllt KA f Rtcordl Ind any 1~t and ge1her with 111 other applk:tble r• -----------427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646 -9371 NICI •OTHHS SMITHS' MOl'NAa 'f 627 Mettn $1 Hunt1nQ1on &acn 536-6539 tikeOti«a MOITUAl.U ,. Laouna Beach 494•1M'~ LeQUna H1ll1 7M-0933 .,,. SM J.-n C.p111r1no •9'-1n1 .-- MMIOll LAWN-MT. oun Moftuart • C.mtl~ Cl.,,.tCHV ,625 0.-,..,. eo.ta*9e M>-9664 ' Thi followlnt .,.,_we doing ITAW °' UAMDOlll!mlT IF YOU OBJECT to the NH, ~·"=:...\"'"n °' 0 amendment• thereto (The "Matter qulremen. 11 01 the Cllllom4• Labor' Ml.JC M)TIC( ~-GPU.OP ~tlna of the petition. you ....., '~••ON•""'°""'"· Dtclarallon") undar tllt atctlon Code ----------- 7·11 MOTEL AHO"'" PARK. HCllllOUI IUIU•M...... et· .. ~ •P ....... at the c··· --,.,_ ~· .. In IUChta ~'.!'~~tltUtlltlld..... ORAWINGS ANO SPECIFIOA 2190 Welt Unoml '°'llro'Wd. ~ """" ....-.._ __.. ' -Alatl .,.., .... -. TIONS: A f\111 Mt Of drawlnf.I and ACTrTIOUI .,... •• llllm ~ .to1 . Tll• fOllOWlllt ptrton• hlYt hearlf\I and 1\at.e your ob· MOnC• Y• ............. Ind Ca.ble lelelllllOn." "Support. l9fOlfleetlont. antleled "Per MAim ITATW j AY & JAAIA""' COWAN • ..,Idol_. tlw.,.. of tM ...,...._ =on.a or file written ob-:!?!-~, _,~-·~ = Seltltmt nt and Encroecllmtnt''. Oarege Woodt>rldci• Fire Stello Thi lollOwlnf ~art doing 8030 lr.-ert Of1W CorOftl dll ~ '*'* h b ... ........... ,._ ......... -· "C--unl"' hcllltlet fa~l" CIP H0-28," 11 nellabi. for In ~ea: • ALl..ITATE AEALTOflll t1H ON wit t e court gee ,... ,..,... ...... .,.. ...... •n;::-c;,..~•o• Onr Community ..,.c11on ""'"°"' cNroe •• the of IEACMMONT ASSOCIATU. ~ C::. ':'29~ by"' Adafftl Aw. ......,.._ i9id\, t ore the hearlng. Your •Po ._ ......._..,, n ...... 'aclltW' 11ct of 1111 Director of Pu* Wort11 11551 8tacNnont. 8111ta Ana. CA lndMdlllll. ~= .............. .,,_ ~ pearanc:. may be ln penon Aveeot..,..... lie .... ..._.. The 1"9t tddtMe Of o4tl9f com-Of tht City of ll'Mt. 82705. .. eow.i .....:.:..':to·--=-~"'~ l'I YOW' attorney dlde. II '"'"'"•' ..... 411Ml4tf, mon OetlgftlUOll Of tll• ,.., PfO• Comi>ltl• Mtl Of Mid drawtno•. JOHN w. HENOE8H, 1155t Thie .W. 111 t .. fllad .-i lflt -·-....,.... .... ,_ ---or · OCIMr• tN. • ......... • tMfttt ~Yu fl«lj111bO'I• ClffOrlMd 11 tC19Clflc•t1on1 and bid dOCN~t lletctwnont. Senta .Ane. CA t2105.. ~a..; oi Or.not CoullCy ~on~ 11 1t1t YOU ARE A CREDI-q11t u.-. '",."•• ••11tr• ff H t>IHl>Ofted lo be: 11 Harl>Ot AAtge may b• purcllaMd from 111e O• CHARLI NE o. HEHOESH • .. n ,.. on "lCH~"~ i"OCCOLO. TOR or a conlln&ft\t credltor .... LM ...................... Dl'M. ~ llttldl. CallOMla. pat\m.t!C ot P11bll0 Work•, City 0 1855' BtecMlont, Senta~ CA • •-21371 ~ Clrdl. ~ of the deceated, you mu1t 11 wWI '° 1111111 ._ldlllot04 Th•· 1111d1relt11td hereby di•· Irvin.. 11200 JaMbof" ~. Ir t270S, NlllMd~CoaltOlly,._ '°"'=9~,.... file your claim with the en e1r:'ney In tlll11111t1er, yow='!..,~':,::.~ i!';:iid~t1~01~'of't2io~~~r,on ~~oonclUcted by• IOt. ._ 1·" "· 1912 io1..a =:t,*"'~.....;, ~ court or pruent lt to tile ~do eo ~ '° ttwt ""°"' oommon , 110 .. 11on. cNtfl9d tor tM:fl ... °' · JoM W • ....,.,._ •• .. llJ11C( ____ -~-• _ • penonal repreentaUve ap. -""" ~ trf'f, """' be "' letd .... Wiii b• m•d• Without C>t9Wfno•. lt*f~llOe• end b Tltll ~ ,1'!-~~ ._ ,.._ ,,_ ---_.., ...... \ed ~the CCUt't wt\bln l9CI on,,,_, W9'1Mty .. ,,... Of """"" ,. OOOUl'lllflt9 .. be "'911d, ~ CollfltY Ctai1l of "'Mge _,., Oft -----------•....., '*"*..., ...,.n ... ~ da J 81 u1ted d• .. • •ollclter •• oerdfno tme , .,_, .... ,°" . .,; .,.. Delpt of,......_"°...., I.Mn 1 Mey•. 1tn. ....... J, lrooodO fou.r mon from.,._ tit ua -W 1111 liNOedO tn ....... --·-1o .......... .._ D1tno1De1 ~ .._ ...._ \0................ ,_,. NIHIOltll-11 'n111 ~ w flM ...... flrat IMuance ot le tters u !Mti""'"'9fl• llllMflO tnmedlall• ;;"~Of'-Noi.o;-otfltt oOll-~--tor:-.C.eOM. tuDOD • IUCltl M Mm ITA,,_.. CowltY °""' of~ OUttY °" provided In Bectton 700 or •Hntt, ct• "'• tnanera, '" ,... oauon '""'" by Hid DNd ol cNrllie of ta.oo. •....,.. c:..... °'· ,..,. T"-'°"""" ,_ .... le dotflt .. IO. ,_, -,.__ ft.-'"-•• ,.,-.. J """"'-PIM'• WOl'ltt. 111191 ....,._ ~ flWt, wtt11 .......... Ind....., 11111111 HOU"lfY flO" COMPltTIO ..._.. ...... CA -llUlllW• ~ ~ OOlllt ~·;; u~ .-nN9 .. ~ V& ..,,_...,... W f 1;1 I ... ~ M ~ .....,.j _. ~ ~WON<! TMoonw.ct ,11bll1hed Oranot Cffet oelty DIAMOND no"."'"' • • t .. "11.119 _, nla. The Um• for tllln1 ,, TOfMI :ACllWI ·~·"""" .......... Md --~ ~ Plot. Mey .. 11, n. tt. , ... =:\:.'i:t ~r.=..-• . tt,... clalml wU1 not exp.re prtal' :::.::.efflt llH l>ffn "led ~llt .,._Oft ltldl ...,_, W ""'9 belad lljNlfl.. .......... IOIMI GlrlM L.-..... tM1I .._ • to four montht b'Oftl the ... ~ ::= ?:"~:.:........: =.:-'..:':. ~ ::-...:.. '= of lfW PIIOll ':&' of wortl ,,,,,. 0...,.... Ytllf, °"" ------------·of the~ nodic:9d llbove. ..,. .,_ ... ..,._.,. .. -.... OM• Of T11t11. Tll• total : ..:-~ ~ • ..... .,.._ -..C mnr1 YOU MAY IXAMllf& on rou. n .. wo11 mte eourt • ""°""' ot..:: t""'*'· ........ rwy '°' ooc1f1 aioi o1 .. .....,_ 1Nl.._ll•"1•..,"r• .... _ ••-....... '-the COW't. It~~'°-"!!~ ...... 11•a,. •Y1•••...., ~ tM ~. t t~ ........ anct •11 !Mt 1$# ww llM1 -~__. In ...... .,._ Yo" -IO, ,_. and ..... of .,. TNllle, II h ...... of tfW IJ 11 ...._ lllldd.r, ..,.. '-..... MffW1Ut -• you are ln...-.,,. • M enttted en 19Pllcatlon of tlle ""'• of 111111a1 f!l"loallOft .. 11111 GW • Plf .. ...-eo 1N1 =----.. .... M'AW c.te, you may Ille a reqUl9t • Ind"* COUit ~ • ,..,._ ..... .-1.11. 11110ft ooi=• w11t1 u. =.: •OIWlll~• ..=::•,_ .... ..,,.. wlththeeourttoHcelve ~~= DA= .. ~ ===•°' ":' ... I:--= ...:to:..-g: ~ = ~= ... :=:::=:.:~ ~·· = ::.=:-.= :."!""" .... -t, 1. tt. ti, -..... a.... the peddone, ~· Md •tt 19hf requfft lft tM .mr ADe•AYMTJOff; .... • .c . Ai.ei8'd ., ...... , = dlaibed ift ..,..... . ~ ,d.IAI NIMt\le t• :.r.o 11-~__.D ..... -fy-Pl_lol__._"'°"~.11 0 •utr• ~c:.:.• Callfornle ;.1§..*'""•o• 5.-~..,_ .. dalllf.... •'P•t !.....~ '.'·•-C•M_.G....... ~ u..-:· .-.. fl .. Qlrq.1111 ..,.,. "" ~i::t=:"~~Mt · M::ii.'1:. ~' -........•• ., •• -:.~:: ... ,.._ AM. ~ w·\Ta.W-"" ~n·J,~a.a•...,... ,.:r;:rn;a.-c;tli _., .... ~ .......... ...,. ' .., ' .. , .. i • Robotics • ~'II& topic of :J:..~ut Hotloele._. ........ ..... • '°"°' ................ .. sympos1um1 ~~=;= =::..::..= A 1ympo1lum on In· ,=~ Al: MAZON du.trial rObotb will t>. TM llll'MC~ M1 ..._ ol lie held Mfl}' 27 at the SM-f!!:l.,~:;~v~~~ ~ :A~ raton Hotel, Newport ZON AND u WA*A MAZON. at Bwh. ,."':i.c~ ~.::~·of ltlll The pl'Olr&m Cl\ robotll lnlefldN .,.,_.,...,, -,AHTA• ll 1ponlored by the Jr.co. IV "APICe. INC., 1HOt L Whit· nomJc Development Car ,.., .w .. Wllllti.. CA eoeoe. po ration o l 0 rans~ .I:':~'::.:='{=~ ~ County ' lleflllt, 14.1ppllM, metCNncliM, S pe~ k era w ll l be pmen:·=>1n':::';·.:::t:::; · Stuart Corna, a Mlee en-••tel •t: •120 a.n-• Perk-y, glneer for IBM; Dave Tliatc~:2~~ trenef., 11 1nt9ft· Huber, a regional man· 10 "~•eel " 111e of· ager for Advanced Ro-~ ot H9rl1-oe Compen; bcto-r. bo lies Corp.· Frank 11 Blrcti ltrwt. M• 102,....,,.. • llMCll, CA t2MO, on Of after Wegand. a collaultina en-~2tttl. 1M2. gineer for L Tl Robotb, ~;=:~gr.:' to the and Bill Bracy. an ac-LMt dllte few 111tio delMe In "* co u n t e x e cu li v e o t ow " M-r 25tfl. 1N2. n-'-·-n.. • T--'--8o ter • • lu~ to Mid lnwn-~1.ua.110-~ane O• u~uM:. 9d Ttentfer•e(•I Hid Intended The program will be-r8119f•or(81 l-.d tM IOllowlnQ ed-gin with a breakfast. For 111011•1 bualn ... nttnM ended· l. n f o r t . 11 , .... w!INn the '"'• yeere IMt ma ion, ca none. 634-2642 or 634-4701. DATED Mey 8. 1M2. Fentasy Febrlea. Inc. Employee • unit sets luncheon The Orange County Employee Assistance Network (OCEAN) will host a lhin:t annual busi- ness and industry lun- c heon June 1 al the South Coast Plaza Hotel. Costa Mesa. Speakers will be Jack Pike, chairman of Fluor Distribution Companies; Kevin Francia, senior vice president of ~ and chief financial offi- cers, Varco lnternational, IRe:-,..-end Ke¥ln Forth , president of the Straub Corp. They will di9cusB cost effectiveness of employ- ee assistance programs. For information, call the National Council on Alcoholism. Orange County. at 528-12~. Refugee job help sought The Volunteer Raen.- lement Council of Or- ange County is appealing to county r esident.a for help in locating and de- veloping jobs for refu- gees. "We need your help ln establishing· job re -1j sources and contacts," said Joan DuJne, presi- d e nt o f th e council. "Your generoelty in res- ettling the refugees of Orange County has been an example to the world, and we feel no family ia completely reeett.led un- til il bec omes aelf - sufficient. We are confi- dent you wW respond to this critical challenge." P eople who can help are asked to rontact Mra. Duane at 979-4942, or Dorothy Downey or Tesa Damon at the,.,Catholic Resettlement Agency, 953-9236. Parking rule set OSHA WA, Ont. (AP) -It's official. General Mot.on Corp. im't going to lnaist that lta managen drive only GM vehicles if they want to u ae the company's parking lot. "Thia la not company pollcy and we have no deslre to make it to," GM vlce-preeldent Grant Wameraald. DEATHS.~ ELSEWHERE Ro0W MllQfom, Prtitldent Intended Tr_,., .. Pul>tlth•d Otenge CoHI Dally Ptlol, M~ 8. 1982. 304M2 NOTICI CW ~ AUCTION CW ,.9'10NAL fl9'0PUTY 9'111AI· '...0 OM YACATID ......... Of' fe>Mmlt TINA.NT (CC,_) Notice It h•r•l>Y given thet on Saturdey, Mey 22, 1tl2, et 10 a.m .. at 134 Vtctorle. In Coel• MIN, Or· 1nge County, tn. undenlOMd wttl Mil et publle IUCllOn Ille ~llOl\&I proper1y left l>y George A. end 0. ior.. ~ MMgere. The loltowlng ~tonal proe>erty remelned· Appro•lmately 25 Ion• ot Iron (Affd Prentice) plHtlc lnjecllon Molder. I Howe Rolling Floor teale. 500 poundt ol c:Npp9d ptMtlc, 20 pound• of wr~ airing, 5 wrap. ping tablet, 1 me cabinet, 30 old book•. 200 '*10f11 of llOYtllty 11 ...... 5 wooden 1tor1199 blnt. 2 wooden dMkt. 1 old r•frtg«etor. 1 coHM tllOle, I A•frwne lloltl, 1 0e Vlt>IM •PteY bootfl, 25 1>01111 of repelr -· 1 ro9ng lflOP lift#, ~ 200 bdder'I -~. f""'4Qt ~ ~ Said auction .. be made purw-enl to th• provlalon• of Section 1988 ot the CMI C.C.. Oet9d Mey 7, 1882. Letlle L. NtdlOi90n P.O. Box 1864 N9wpOr1 Beec:tt, CA 92683 Pul>tlthee! Otenge CoHt Detty Piiot, Mey a. tl5, 1ee2. 3033-82 flCnnoutJ ....... .. ,._ STA,._,,, The fottowlng per1011 I• doing bullnMI •: CA SOFTWARE. 18783 8Mctt Blvd. Huntlnglon 8-cfl, CA 92647. CURTIS VAUGHN RYNTIES, 187112 Aflone Lene. Huntington Beedl, CA 92947. Tfllt ~ .. oonduCted l>y ~ llldllllduel. • CUt1 AyntlM Thlt .... _, -tied wtth Ille County on of ~ County on Mey 8. 1982. ·~ Pul>ttafl•d Orange CoHI Deity Plot. MtlY 8, tl5. 22. 21. 1t12. 3016-82 HChhGUe 91 I l•M MAim 8TA,_,-The followtng peraon It doln ~-CAINl CUSTOM COATINGS 223 Monte Vllta. Coeta ...... '°"* t2V1. Melcotm 8. ~~!Mont Vllta. C4*e...... 1212'1 TNI ~II ooncuMd by lnclMclum. Mlloollft .. '*Y Tillt ...... ,_,,t WM tied wtltl Coun1v an o1 0renga County ,.... ao. 1N2. , P\lbllNd OrMOe COlllll ~ lot. Mey 1, s. 115, 22. 1112 19' 6 4 ·2 • 5 6 . 7 8 D A I L y p I ·L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 147 Otenge Oout OAtL Y PILOT /Saturday, May 8, 1982 fl1'ntlftg -·-I MIU• Typ1:;-'iiH.' eom• "-lua.JI-, -ll'fl& _., lllp'cl, In Ill phll .. Of blikpg, "HI l1t1le 111-:;';';.~•••••••••• IUt don't wnt 1 M job? tnet.nt Pf1nUne. Prewtoue ve.tment firm. Ne.Pott Aa~ Set your own houre a man•totl•I ~·d. C1nter loc1t1011. l en .... • ....... .. • HouMtleeper wantocl. 2 lncomo levol. We treln '*P. lnGlude tlon JoeqlM Oii Co. Oontect W£8'TMtN8TEfll full d•Y• or 4 '.4i·d•Y•· you. G07·517ll fol' 9PPC. a rngmt. ProcluOtlon ,,. J am•• Kr u • g • r . A88EY , hou•Norlt a otllldoere. ~---------n101m1nt, atatu• r•· t4+18e0 AHTIQUE MALL • • ref'I req. C•lt •v••· NURSERY (Matu re porta. 1cot. tracking l _...,.1..... 11761 Ouden WHt! 120-1112. 1ttend.) fol' etucif\. lk#'t gen. overall o~atlon. ..,. 1 -1 -.&Ra ,,.,,._A• • 1111 IUB ~~:r. L:~P"' · =!'. ~:~:~!::o0e"::~i Fu~ ~~To: OARDEH GAOVE : "'-°'lllbtl pert0n. M·f with mJr. c;orp. RMuma moe NCWPOAT BEACH ~103 Sam·noon. St.,t SS/hr. ...,SES IN'$ to: Jim Hunt, P.O. Box PUBUC llBRAf'Y L19un1 Nlgu•I. l1UI\ ftM. 1790, Npl. 8 ch, Ca. Aclmlnl9tratlon, Npt Ctr "ANTIOUEl li~'~93~14;'°;· ;;;;-iiiil E.llp. In Oef'llUo nunlng • t2te0 locatlon. 17.1' pr hr. COL1.£CTl8LE8" mu1t. Only dedlceted. ,.... Min. 5 yre axf' ri::o Wice monthly megu_lne 1111 •PB ~:.:r,:h~x=: 3'" Mlahle Prw, 1 eowpm. 840-2 11· n i. 8VatlabM FRtt at baCtar nOOdod full or .,.n ttmo. In•. program. Call: color. 3-5 yre. exp. Wll· 8acurlty Guard. Ai>Pflca· •hop• l ehowe. Atk lor Oood Hlary. l l-ll11gu11. 9'2-t044 llng to run 1m1tl•r tlon1 balng teken lor ~~~~·~~~~~ Refareno11 req'd. Con-~-56 yr. otcs co. In Chrl1tlan School. Rel'• i:: tact: Jeni 4W ~. _1 ·-Lag. Hiii•. Quallty con· req. 18135 BrOOllhuret, LO Golden Oak rolltot> m'J --~ EJ&oel. ~t. F.V. te24812 cs.-w/ewtwA, ldjulelftg LIUl UlllTllT 11-7. 8mtlll C)C)fMllMcln1 C.-: 961..ffOO Sacur1ty Chr. '3.200. 549-3162 Excol oooort for tab-ho9pltel. ~ Beck ...,.. Mull Hll Antlqu• Bdrm charge 19gal · 1Hl111nt ~fu:e. 949_:1ng C!!"'*'a/plataroom ... PATROL eult•, II pc. xtnt 1hapa, 1bl1 to u1um1 all ,... · eletant. Mon. (3PM to MOO. ~g12 ...... pon. lndlpand~tly and OATHOPED+C Offloe nde. IPM) T (2PM •---"-.... •--w Ith corporeta law bllOk olo. & X-Ray tedl. approx. • u. _.. -AntlQua roll toe> dlak 8llCI knowl•dt•· 1 panon, limited llo. Mueoulo-to approx. 9PM), Fri. Night• only, 7PM to 5AM chair. $650. : f 8 I I d I (9-5PM), Sat. (t·6PM). Mutt M 25 °' ewt With 1566-()790 •, Tiit lu1ury of llCt 11 1mpt11-Tlie ......_. JICMt 1111 -non·amo Ing o lie• In ke eta · 2 ootor 0 c. Wiii work ve,r:Ucal com-gd. driving record. Pr• • Miid ~ scatlo!Nd tdliln. .., P*l* "*' 111111 N •~rt C • n c • r • Pay MCI· 831-2200 m•rclal cam ra. Know-mlum pey for ltcenHd Antique lnley roMwOOd t, A6. B .. £ t,, A6. B .. .& 'utl llr•"Cl lo er.ft I prttt) Andlllerdlr~tlle....t 94+ cley °' nlgM. PAINT!A APPAENTICE8/ ledge 01 PMT proceH eppllcant. Many baMflta. French dHk. Elegant. r,::u~ t!t:'~ daljp of 111 ~ia LIU&. .-TUY HELPER8-Poeltlon1 h•lpfut. Excoll. for col-............. Impeccable cond. llal49 lilc!Slllttd COltoft tft .,. NJ)'to. ptlllr1I _., lllfUllll needed fol' bUly general opan 11ow-p1lnlet1 1-2 loge etud~t• with rala· ...., I rtt 14.500. ull $2600. ~ Plttlt• $111Cll 'ltt•• Clldir: Nllld or Ira CIOdMI practice In Hunl Bch. YI'• .. pol'. alao Vlf'I good t•d CIHHI. Apply In ... , llllF~ 1--76_9_-8_"3 _____ _ ma Sim 10.16 tlldudtd =71:r."'~ :t{,~: Soll·etartar. a yre taoal oppty lor appr•nflce. parton:.18110 Plec.ntla 10347 Loe Allmltoe Bl. s....a.ai. .. up pl ...... 947~1 Slaady W«tl fol' enarga-AV9.;C.M. Loe Ai.tnttoa ...-...... ~ _: =-~.: ~ "' llCA ...,... Add · · Uc wor1l.,.. Appaeranoe A.al &tat• Salee 11..e21-2020 Unique antlqu. O... In· 114 t11ndh•1 S.•d te: .. d "::.t, t,:"': lm -h•IP• '46-14111 untll Coldwell Bankar-FEO. SERVICE Station Atten· l•Y rouwood. Value •... ..... Experience preferred, ISPM. · Coeta Meu 11 now dent. PIT..,. l Wltndt. S5500. ~a:· ... ..._.,.~'°' NH•or111to.,..101 bulnotnec1 1ry,Mlaty M lraW II• lnt•rvlow~•ll MIH Nut appuranc • l .. D•lyl'J;"!!. -. \ :-..: 0.ly,... n•gotlabl• with OXP•· ···'-················· Kamp. 84 handwriting. Apf>fy: 2&90 CtlelM lounge -~ .. lG. ow ca..... .. r1anca. AWi)' Ill pareon Patt tlrM -Nawpot1 Bl. C.M. ~ $1}5. "" ltll1,.. """ ltll1 Mil .... batwHn 3·5PM, 210 •••••••• , ._Jllol ... t. typllt...... 845-144f ...._, a,, ,.... ...... ...._, a,, ..... ...... Nawpo11 C..t« Dr Npt. exp. ~IT. 20 hrl wk. SEWING MACHINE ~ta .....,. Clllilc 3 -lta ....._. C.-..S l Bdl. .. Iii Wll• Udo ~75-7100 Expe~~~suallty I' Mk ..... 1211 •rw ...... lftlldt 170 Mst ~:... ~~70.:: --U111 National IMOOf In tale-Wt•n minded. B~eflte. Pl.ca 845-144f ~CIOCIMI.~ ~: · o.Mt.. u..ldlr. SI.SO !!*Opp~ ~ ~:iv,:; Flllhlon Wend, M*I of. rata 842-te52 A•ll1..,, •II au CWf mm1 JUI _. au CWf .-S. .S2M -* MA'ltAOEMEHT dlvwall woni on • flea. T~ I fight -••-IN .'Tr..••••••••••••••••• •111!y .... u ... ~r'*1:s~----4J·~·i.aµ:.llflll~IYllH-.:..... ....... Hlll.. _.,_ -· ' HARBOR AAE.A • _. • =: --.. ......... ~ =: ........., ....--ot · • Exoelant --•...... tta una. c1nvr·n.-t'"'""'Aflft1M~"'M'..._.~---.....J ----,. -Aa818TANT MANAGER Appllcanll muat bo r• · --, UMllt I 0ti,.,.. ..... I .. ,_.. .___. .,.,.. •'---"'-lebll, ..,........_ .. rnetLre I blMftt:a, M4-t17'. uphOllttry prodUCll We Ml .-.cond., gulf. llMUW..!._"•Ollll 1 ............. i~ ..... _.,_.,.,,..,_....... .. . .__. Permanent. fulltlm.. Ell-~ s.49-30n JWllllill I.._.. UWtlliil 1 avail for •ggroaalve Ill· I rnotlV9tld. "you qua-perlenoe preferred. !!Z ..... ~_ ullMllll ....... _ ~who ... Joy wor-llfY ... c:al Mr. Gaty WWWWT Compeny b•n•llU. Refr lg. $225. WHhtr, u 4'd 1 Ilia~ n4M .1 Ilia~ king with S*>PI•. Muet 5'Mne Nawpc)ft-8Mch loan bro-645-2244 Dryer. Dlehwutlar S12.5 lztOM '; r..r ,,..,. ~ ·; i.. .-..... be able to wor1I ....... " k•• ftrm. Buey phonee ... 846-5848 I~,...._. Oil" 1 1 ...,.... __ ~ Qiilll 1ntar11t1d apply •Iler NIT 'Im a ~ typing. Expw. pr9f'd. .. ..... CUii I llY .......... fJt:: =::- 1 •1 ::::::! ::::!-... 5PM ~.~fol' Jene: Perm., pert time poi. c.rt: Kalle,-840-9360 For active 1port1wHr L• 157-8133 6 ....._ --ME I ED 8 PIZZA •Vall. Mon. thru Fri. to compeny. Muet be b00·1--------Ht= i:-. 'T::O: ' nr~·:. ~. 1f, I 1 17th & Tuettn, CM merch•ndlH ' dltplay RataM Salae deble. Newport Beach. 8Mrt 15/3 cu ft. Froetlell u~ .,..._ 11~....... glrtware & work ln/tloto 111111... &46-MN. upright Ir Hur, xlnt II,,,_.,.,.... llU*i--M11lm 'Pl-U dept. Expar. prat' . s.. Pari to lull tlrM, w111 train lilelttr/~ 'tr.:· s2715. 548-2887 an '::!' Alt If"*""' tllda1 •ml llflf,...,,.. O.W Car"' oooortunltl" for Store M•naoar for Inter· In bridal but pr.rar eon-to help In rein gutter 1--------p•11 .::'-11•11 .. Manager 'l'ralnMI with vtew. lldaraoi. expar In ratall butlneu. Set a evea. Admlr.i 1g cu rt froet•tr. • 117_... .-.. fm ~ ~ one of tM IMtllt growing 111 ml .. clothing HIH. Co•I• Head c.,. commlHlon. 1td•·by-1ld• refrlg. ldnt 1...., -1~ ~ ctottllng retell c:Nfn.. Ell~ 11110 s.t ~ DI'.. Mee&. 953-8014 cond, guarant-s. $245. • ....... ~ ........... ::-... cal. oppty. tor tM highly N!wp«t IJeadl 546-1821 656-9333 &46-7909 .,. motivated, goal or1anted -T......,...., --------1 11 .... llf IGll .. t1r lndlv. "-t•lf or manatot R~b1y•a Sandwich Shop Wont at home .................... Rcef0r'91fn ... •tor• 031>10 0dr1.0X11nr~ _ ............ 11111111111--..11111111•1 .......,.,. Ex.oal __ ...._ "' P needed, eppllca· -·~-.. " • __ Her F--"-Jopl. • IJCP9'. ,._._ . .,,_ Pllt •-5-tlOnl S.-5PM, C.M. 11173 bueln•H owner• P•rl 945-4332 711().1390 , ••VltUlll 1-::-::-::--------IP'OY'M boneftte. I.Wt•• T•l•phona order clerk. !MM & 17th. 6'5-1100 llrM. expw and pMiaunt ' · un._,, ,.·1 ~" MY aeor.. Help ut conduct a oro-8 0 .. C phone voice r•qulr•d. ~freezer, apertment,. '1 f«U u, ttJCAMJAJ motion for thlt ar11r1 II· AILB "T IHnlng & C.-John. 835-3293 etu. Sl!iO. Cal fol' IPP4.-&.-n.t ~·Mon thnl minor repalre. ~utc _._ 548-3312. rur '/J(lUr ad ID Fri. 6:30PM to t ::tOPM. macft. eptltude reca d. Pl •~ •-e..--1apper--1n-reifl1garet __ _ be ~/,._'J":~-811. morning• t :IO to time. Inc. wk11d1 . ~ wtttl pump & "*' .. ..! (.;((.0C)-fl·fl:U," 1:80. 845-7100 Wor1c In tM awnlna ..t· $100. 656-0790 -• . •••.OO • w"k 10 etert. a... Uno •ppt1 for my Nwpt Attw flrat ....-ehara In a ...a.a... .__ Bch ofc. I« 1 mejor ~ Weatlnghou•• relrlg. Wwtmltllter Mal Wat11ilt•tw City pet1nWlhlpl proftta. --... ,.. tel. Hrly-commlulon· froetff• lkM by lkM. 21 ;;;;m;;g.'::J ~ 11tn ..._, bonua. 933.3740 ett cu n. Xlnt cond. Auto tee ... II ' --... The PannyHvar le •c-1PM meker, Oak peneled raman.. • ... --1 ....... ........... .... ,... ...... _ _,,7 Y06oe. Cal ett 8:00. ~ttng ...,,...tcauona f« _. _ .... ir• """'• _,., .......... .. Orange COMt Pica Mana~t 0pf)Ortunl· T~ Sollc:ll0'9, Pl •-5 _.. Prlv ply went. late mdla • 8901 CNpman AV9. tlae time. Hrt. Tuee thN Fr1, AggreHIV• computer refrtg & •pt tlze ltove. W-u--...__ ext. 312, 942-6878 9AM·J2 Noon. Apply In Pf'oductl co looklng fOf 846-10..ll -,....._, .. __ parton: 18e0 Pl.centla, lemale0<maietalephone1-------- 1918& 8'oold1unt i;;;:;:=~ C.M. NIMPlf"ton. Prev. tM· REFRIGERATOR phone ..... eJtpar. pr• Uke "9'#, troet tree. 2 dr. The City SllOC>Plno Ctr. SALES CLERK, lull or p/ rd. but not nee: wtll train. $1115. 893-GOllO 11 City BIYd. &at NIT 'Im time, epply In pereon Prime c:onald•etlon wtll N-kit"..__ -'nk K ..... ,_. 8-tpm. Expanding youth btwn. 10.-12, Coate.._. M aogr...iv.n.a.. Ear1y ..... ... • ....,,., , un ... Huntington Canter nn £c11noar Aw. "22KaW.Aw. 0.-0... °'""" oounMlltng firm 11aa ~ Statloriare, 270 E. 11th tn .. p/tlme. atralgtlt 11_ wtllt• cut l<on. 111x32. • nlng1 for 3.5 ltlarp out· St, eo.te .._. lary. Cell: Jim cangar. hole, $76. 842-9197 going metur• CPI• to Ul.IS 714-"3-5SOO GAS Dry.,-, work• good. mottwte ambit 10.. 13 Earn big monav wor1llng Y..,.IT s 5 o . t o 1 • t c 111 ar . ' yr old•. C ati 2·5pm. ,,,,.,.. ..__by ....... ., __ .. _ T rN 850-9920 ~ 142-4321, ext. 343. Atlt ~· ...,,,. w. ",. _., p rt/ti 2_. weak ..... Ula E.O.E. fol'~ CALL: W. . Wiicox Jiium."':·-.-flod ~U: Like new 22cu rt sis·' Full time. Exp. prel'd. ~~~~~~~~ 714-H0-3«1 ....-. · S•ara ref~gerator1 Crown Hatdwar•. 3107 _ ... _ flBll 8alal ~l~:T.'m~f""'pm, frHzer. 'h pr. Utt .. E. Coe9t ~ CdM-_.... 494-1112 ----"~-,·--~ Fultlme, lor fut-paced ftllllllJI •p m· 12 mid n lght.1--------..-............ ...... eur-n'• o-·• .. F--.... ...._ 12•m·8am. Sat. I Sun. Lady Kenmore ~ortatll•. """'"'""' ~ w~ ""' • ,-.IW• Claeelltad pareonnel •-• -...... r • port Center arM. 8eck t h __ ... _ ... b H t alao open. Min. 11111 dlehwHh•r. c opplng · .... l11h1h I. °"'°' ~h91pftA. IC • n ........ y un Call UI •bout tfl l home pay S2001wk. c.-blk top. xlnt. suo.· Photo fifing dutla.. c.n lngton 8eectl City 8choo4 out1tandlng car.., op-Mr•. Oulnn, 10am-4prn, 850-9920 .... 94+-1240 (l-12t 2-6). Di9t. 12 monUI pm.~ partunltl•• 11 an lneu-1145-10110. Alt•r Tuo1.. WASHER I 111 I t llty to~ 80Wpfn I take ranee Agmit. Training wlll ~-Appl. W ......._._ IW ._. ut1la Mi. Mutt.I ut on •~hrthd . d!d0'•,1ll!a" .. a t nol lntarf•re with your CIMn, ~-M6 --. ...,,.. Tulf•t, along came t9Cl • ·"'"'to PfWl"t ~·t. y-----eplder and rHd 111 th S • par mo. depan -DRYER-GAS ~~ ~=:r Dally Piiot Cl111lll1d d711n' o1n4 t'!Pa•tr. Apply: ~18 Wlf.... C!Mn. wcwu Good. M5 ~ MC'tlon about Mi. Muf " • • H · B · T-Al 1111 1• 541 UH ~ --fet'a TUff9t and bought" ~1 8ALE8 '....._ ~ lor It 116 You can M ii OH-3 QEROVITAL We,. IMkJne to bulld 1 Wute Kin g dla"wahr, $ APPl.Y IH PERSON your tuflet and loll o P\ant Mftlft~. Int now~lntMUSA. labor pool Of QUllltled brend n•w. orig Sn6. 24300 Laguna ... Miii olh•r thing• throug" =-~ ~ = le It th• Fountain ol :',,8!':. =~~111 ':. ... $350. PP~-E~ ~ Dally Piiot CIHtlllad Must hav. good drtvl Vout"? FrM Mtnln•re. pr•U ., .. Al leut i::n. ~ .. JE eMPt.O·~ Ade. c.rt 942-6871 ____. .... ...... tllgh Income potenttel, · '• ;:=~~====i=i~;i========·~-=="·~-:;.,;~;·;;;;~ dlatrlbu~avella· WW'e ~In type. :-;e &c".;;;o;-•,;. I *· 114 ~ Of sit'f..::::: tored, xlnt cond. $.400. SALES pareon w•nt•d la nc1111ry. You muet bl 93Mt2t. Sundial FHhlone, La-evellabl• to work on , i-G-lr1-.-, -b-lk-•·_2_8_"-Battoon--' gun• Bell. Call (714) IUbltltUt• Of -..n bolft. tir. ooUt• bttie. NO 491 ... n• a.1ary daplnd• on eicpo-aer-iree · 1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rl•nce. Contoct Pereon-1--------1S... net. 10 apeed zt" ltlllan lgM SEARS a AOBUCK a co :ii ..... weight Xln1, '""' tll'lll Naedl 1•u,..,..on '°" rv: ,.. t121J. en.41oe VICUl'mt, HWlng 1'111-S80 . e.y et. SCHWINN llJRINT 10 • ~ -., pert.um., AWY In eoe.a .._ ~. Od. oond. -. "46. • penon: 142......U 24300 Laguna ... Mell An ,,,, °"'l "" ~... ,.,,..., l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!.E.!!!~!!!!!!!I To_,..,.,::~ ... 'If.'!&!! .... .!!! • c111alfl•d An are 111e r.adtng putiMG. -.. m anawer to a IUCC ... fuf ptlOM Red'WoOCI bt ......... Ol'llll or Y9'd .... "'•a DelfY Piiot 4-20' .._ ... ,........ """ wey to tall m«• a..a.JMd. 142-M?e ~t.-1.oweet prlco ,..._. ··-------tu•'· Jim., K• eny· • .. ..... ...... RCTaylorCo •I' ( l, --IO• H . 171·1-411 or .,..,.. ••••• ltert ,..,, ......... =-·-----a .... -: r-e... '.:.Sa~ varloueea .... a...,. .......... -.I ..,~~· ~:ult Ar.r;r; : t ~ ........ ~ !11~............ !¥J.~1tw ............ !!th.............. ~"'-,,,_,_ ,~_,_ ~ l'!laaa,_ Ohlld C•r• ~ .... ~O· ILIOT .. IOf"'N , I A. ~·.":":'I' •••••••••• m-;::r............... :r::"et':"K· r············ ............ ~ .... . .... .. DIOll CANllT CAM " .. -'o-n4I ~ HMA.IHCI I DUMI' Dr. ••· moving to 0 1111. ITAAVINQ COUEOI 11per we !covering In· "1.91 the~ In" rona ffl Mar. I •o 'I' °""..._ .. NI '''"'·ff.-.. )!.;'• 4NI ~ t..-n Mllftt. JOU. AIM tor "-"dy. dlvoroed, looklng for STUO!NTI MOVING atall.911011. Afft PtlOM. c .. IUl'INM wincsow *· Vtdltt ., ... ,. ~~ ~1..-1 • ~n~ tn.oell Doimlnlo ..,_..., 141-MU Nwpt lch 1 11bo1 er•• co. uc. Tt24-43e. coit.u1t1nt A11l9nment CtMnlnca. Ltd. ...,._, LO'Mg _., blnfl lO I~ ...,_ --Tr1 PftOf' llfWa _.'*'tint 0t '-llt1'"9 ln""9d. 6U-M27 511-IHO 2°" tlontNy Ollcounl II••·""· l•p'f, ,.... w.c... CrpC a... UC'D 1.LICTNCtAH ,... H9'Allna : )'Wd...,.,., po1111on Wtlll•~lng WATCH us OAOWI A8A PAP~HAHQINQ •AEllDEHTIAl• 0.M. t4t.0110 ~.._I upt1oA1. 0... WOl'l-Aw. ,._ TOIN*I/~. a.ti °'** '~ ,,.. eet 111lll1noe l It fOf 7 yre 10011 Hp. Ouar, A 1 t30: A 2 _,u_ TNdl mount Uftlt ,,_tit. IS1-IOl't Tom up;llM\ NftO't, 111..-.'lt t'la.oi4f • 0 1llf. 110. Dr. H.D. Lii •usJ.•,.,.,,.., wotk. PrlcH llert II .. 1 ~ t6T.;L llY -Wortt --'4W11t ,.. • ""' UPI «• 1 4) 1 IS• I 1 2 2 or ••••••11•••••••••••••• .. /roll Alto 181 1027 --·-------••••••• .. ••••••••••••• -· T°' OUAUTY MOWtNG . ~ HAULIHQ and local mo· ?~ Nur11·1 •Ide . ••perlen· . • ............. ·~~ =:!:' 9."'!tl!d.t!l!fft..... ~~~ ~ ~. ~ ~·~~~:•h truot1. w =! ~!1.·n~~~ome .~~ .1.......... i,....,.·, ti.t...., , etv DO IT "°WI Deok1 I pet101. J .I . ~ ILIOT9'101AN: Lio .... ..__ H II J di 1 ILtml'llft indld PhotOI of your S20. 2 ~ .. a,o..;..2 ... tw.... Con1t. Oo. top quallty ~Wf}.,·~. 111101·0·10. lm11I ;"tt;ff:;r. ............ ~u ~.n~ LM In MOUfttY P'UI me· f.~.~I.••••••••••••• ':::tLt.;n•:_·~~ ... ~:;i0• "" YtNt Olly Piiot work. Lie. No. 310101. ._oom ...... --~· Melnt I rep1lr1. 0.penlry. Meeonry I ,, .. remov11. Quick '""' kMng .. fOf pell .. ,..,. • LET SPRING SUN INI I e.w. lhctcwy free 91t. l6M811 oonor•t•: 9'emov• Old. um "°°""I ·~ ...w. MMW ~ifted MOUN Sitt.,. b~~l!erd Sinor. Lio. 11DI I 111 C.n gr~~J1~~~·:.~.1~:::. ,...,,...,.tatlW "Ni HOMa :::1~·~~,. NlllD/COMM'L/IND ~. ~1'°°°&4"90 .....,, ... ,, ISlnoe 1171) 831-1234 ~Mt~ of happy L;~~·.-;~;:;;:ri;~·i,~: 100W. IU .... ll, tit. Ill ~IMPROYW•MIHTI -..~It.-~:?;::,"'L~wc;r:. HOMI ~~VIMEHT wa~t9.:A'iALl.'roL.ii:N LH v• your worrlH b•· 'Thenk you 881 ..... 10 hind, Prof. p1111tter w111 _R_£P_AJ_R_s _s_211-to_S_1_9_&_ ~~~~~~~~ ...... -AEPAIA-PLUMllNO HOUll? 0•11 Qlnrh•m hind, Prof hllllll•r Wtll -.~-:"~4:al°"' hM l pet• Fr .... t. Cell enytlme, ;;: ~·•0••••••••••••••••• •--'-·!t1Hf Hee11ng, cwpen~e6eo, 01f1. FtM eet. 1411-123 oe.. IOI 'JO'Jlf '-I pell. ,.._.., _,_ WALT 170-212& ~ • .1ui11 · DAY CAAi, M )' home . ,..,.. tlle. ,,. tit. Ho too 641-2"2 R11ldllndu1/Comm·1. l''·ili!f;'•-.11 ~•n••n••••0•• ............ p~"" ._...... aere OM •••••0 ••• ••••••••• -..... •"•-.21•1 ROBIN'S C' ... u.NO l tee Free e1t ,. .WM1 Huber Aootlng-111 typee. ~ Petklng Lot 111---!Nlilio•~---...... -· ...... --~"' • F()AMt(:A OOUNTIAS .,,,_ _.... ' ~· OW r• . . •••••• • • .,........... New..f~-d«:llJ -Seelooellno. UC. IS4'"2 17Q.M64 ~7~ lime, 909' 2-4. Toe>tJCebtMte releoed ,. __ , u~.w ~.:! "'°!=7 J. ""•••''-. ••--•• ••'•"••••••• 876-7189 Nell Pllehel 6 l .. lur.. Uc 1 411802 649.9734 8'S~ ~1-41Hl..lo 1---------.,.._ .,.. Fr• eet. ..2-6S67 a=.':.__.·~~~--· ,...,_, ..._...... • .. ,. ~. 3et E. PAINTER NEEDR frM Mt, Hl-14Jt . ' Cultom L.ot Ownef'I ' Ctlilcl Cate In ""I home. nr ·····-~ ~l .. WORKI 30 -,, ... ~Intl • __ , ...... ,,,_ .. LL.STA-PAVtNO Loolt.., '°'.home bull--1 ....... Pl•-..tl•. Co1•· • Rey 64().6 ..~ 11th', 1118. C.M. (1cr011 ··-e..... PLASTER PATCHING ....... "'" " IS. •u• ...,..., '-" a. Da'-""' ) •"1 61Nl £.Xt• Acouetlc cetMnge •••••••••••"••••••••• SMlcoe\tne>-Stnplno der1 le111 con1lder Mell. '42-6811 f ... Wlu/ EXPERT HANDYMAN CLEANING SERVICE: nom ._...., • ·"" • v.. Devtl. Pllntlng a.7-&lH RHtuoco1. Int/ext. 30 BUDGET RATES/Uc'd ...,.._ Convn./Aeeid Randell E. PfWey Jr. I IW.. IJu.I ewpentry. Aoof1no R111on1ble t1l11, fr11 yr•. NMt PIUI 5'5-2977 Low min Sml )obi OK. UC ~317112 MM1i1 Fred Wlleon. Patk vi.w C.lt,,,.,,, ,_,,al •••••••••••••••••••••• Plum ........ etc. '42-9013 •llmet•. 11 .. ._... ...... ~ Fr• .. 11na. 841-7691 u-t-El Toro Otc i I• -... I •Y """'"' 720-07-42.. tt.:::":f•••••••••••••• . . 1'1--u,,, o.n Htillber9 Grldtng """'-·-..... MOOEU .......... I KNOW-LET'S GET ED-BRICKWORK: Smell Jobi. 25 YI''·~· Uc. IM1 .• :~, ............. kt & P1vtng Co. Rel/Coml. 7t4-69l •t 7eo ~ c;.,pen~:. Ctwlltlne & Ed 641-7826 DIEi He CM 11X enytNngl ~-=ng, honetl 6 Newport, Cotta Mell, a:;:'~~~ D.l 141-1121 ... ~~ .............. . UC 397804 &42·1720 l!...-w 25 ,_,., lrwln 641-2719 11....J..I-. ·~ lrvtne. Ref•. 976-317& • • •llllT I NY• MOblle Screen Doctor ~r..~••••••••••••••• :":":=t. 112·2el0 .., ET QUALITY PAJNllNQ Repalr/reol.c. Cultom .,,..,,,,. CUSTOM SPA DECl<S Fine llnl1hed carpentry, ••••••••• •••••••••••• SMALL JOBI: pelntlng, HOUIECLEAHINO CO"CR E, Brickwork, 10 ~· -.Mng O.C. NI Surlt1 J. ... ln RMI 83f-e300 i..,. m-u ··:::·KiNo·at.iNe-:::·· PlllOI. gezlbol. UC'd. remod1llng •plOJallll. Tll --plumb. elec, cetpentry. IS OUA 8USINE881 Ol'lln plpee, olelnup, ~. 449-6814 ············'···r.:... s . 1.1 John or Aidt 179-3218 Lie. 4 19687. R1nd1ll Lewn-t~ lnlt.. Aeu. ,,.. eet. 5'6-1437 10 yri. Jenice'• Aeggedy 26 Y" Pl>· 636-2088 UALITY comm/rH. 12 I!,••• •n cu.tom Auto o.tllllng 7~1280 T,.. ~ Lou'I ~ 8eMce Ann 875-2614 Cuttom 8ttck, Stone, 8 11hop 6 Son Pllnllng yre exp. Aep1lr/rtmod ,. •••••••••••••••••••• 8'LL 549-1492 C~l lnfttl 11 w--.6 w-Lawn ~otllllng 01n1rel repe l,., Low 30 Y"1 .xp., Beech.,... Refe Fllllr, hHler & •Sprinki.r Repair• L'-IHI-•t;, si;;,;,i~Sh~• .. ulM ,._..,:::":f, IMl-4Clll or oell re tH. 10% off lebor for HOUSECUANING Blodl. Conofece, Stuooo. Fr .. •t. 646-1029 IWllp Ille 973•8184 RM./comm. Commenllll :;-:".'9~·.~........... B ........ j;j0 kj .... bj A newer Ad I 5 4 7 , St. Cltl&lnl. 311 .,.,. awn, ~able Rife. Fr .. Mt. 549·9492 Palntlng/W~•-L1ndac.ape Sef'vlcM WO<klng Moth« dey1 wltl Si.In Spectllllt. Fut 111' min I. t. ce • &42-4300 ,. • ......, Tenye 113-2401 CUSTOM BRICKWORK Q "'V J..Ji•• 95T-8348 f Inf t f work""' dry. Fr" .. t. 839-1692 net1. relHd penellng, n0-&4n enytlme. s••"'LL/LAROE J"'•" Ulllty wortt-ree.a. r1t1. •••••·'••••••••••••••• ---------ce1• or en ° "'V dOOfl, bookCIHI, r•· KIO Lendecepe MM'lt. EXP. HOU5£CLEANER """ vuo Llc'd. 01vld e.44-3090 Labor/Mat8f'lll Aoonng 1.11111 Mother nlgtlte. 548-3944. Crptl lnellll/r~red mod. I •dd·Oftl. Xlnt Reeld/Comm. Cteen-up. . Rell1ble, ,., •. FrM Ht. Npt/CM. Aef1. &4~9612 All lypll 10 Y'• •xi> •••••••••••••••••••••• Lie. mother wlll care for -·~~1 ;.75~~-retl. uo. 8349278. Lt.Hlufing. 548-2419 ~,,.,,, eel 24 Ml, H&-2418. •!!!!t. ,.~, lie, guar. Larry 842-9233 ALL ALTERATIONS .............. echlr. Lg yrd a .............. ~10. '• -~-&36-23e8 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••••••••••••• & CUiiom LNI'-Weer ,~ ... --clM Gardening Wented .. HARDWOOD FLOORS Wiii cl••n your hOUH or •••••• ••••••••••••••• FllUllng Int.nor o..Jgn ROOF FIREPROOFING 10079 Adami 982~538 Od rnellll. M&-6313 Shempoo 6 ltMm n. ,,___,, Mowl!IQ, edging, reklng, BMuttfulty ctMned otllce. £lee .. pelntlng, II ·ABC MOVING-HANGING $10/ROLL Mfg. guar ol chemlcal. I wtll b•by911 In my home & Color br~ht•n•"· Whl :-:1.-:::!.............. IWHplng. FrH Htl-end Waud. 832..... plumtllng. 5'8·9005 Ouk*, Cerllful SeMce. Ouellty. Uc/Int. Strip-DO If NOW. Fr..... "'' dey1/wk. 19th & Po-crptl . ' min. t>lllCh. DRYWALL TAPING m1111. 84 8·4 372 or FrM •tlmel ... 562-0410 ping. Diie. on~. D•vl• P1lntlng 847-5188 •••••••••••••••••••••• rnone. C.M. Mll-5713 ()( Hiii. llv/dln. rme S1&; •vv All textur91 l ecou1tlo M&-6737. •.U.!f J<*\'1 CIMnlng eerv\oe. VIM·MC Scotl &45-9325 CQT ....... 931·&174 room $7.60; couch S10; ,, .. •t. Kevin 87&-aoee •••••• •••••••••••••• HOUMI, Aptl .. R9nllll, *'-1 --· fnl•• ""'" FREE EST 84(). chr $5. Quu. ellm. pet LAWN CARE HAULING-1tudenl h11 Ofllcel. 540-1217 Top quellty. Soeclel care "~••'«••••••••••••••• · 2062 8ebylllllng, f1nc1d yd , odor. Crpl repelr. 16 yr1 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Comm/reeld. Nwpt/CM lge truck. Lowe1t rate. In hendllng. 26 yn eJCp. Wllloec>erlng • Pllntlng rol111lon1I Typing & TILE INSTALLED lunch a''"'*• Included. up. Do work myHlf. Rep11,., new & old. 11 Xln1. r~ wont. Pi'OftlCll. eel 769-1978. SELL Idle 1t1m1 with 1 Conlpetftlve Rel• Rel/com'I. Scandln1vten Bookkeeping, my home All Kinde. Ouarant..a. Coeta Mela. 848-7939 Aefe. 531~101 yre ~.Bud &&2·9682 Onr/opr, &any 846-7412 Ther* you, JoM. Dally Piiot CIUllfled Ad. No owrilme. 730-1363 QUiil. Hllmer 649-7875 Lynne 931~279. Aef1 J ohn 840-9217 ~ •.•......... ~ Lab Retr19Ylr pupe. blkl, m1l1, fem111, 10 wk1. Heebrkn,$126.964-5141 AKC G1rm1n Shepherd, young 111 bl1ck m111, hOUM·tr1ln1d, protec· t lV e . 1200/0BO . 552-6492 FREE SUIERIAN HUSKY TO \'tOOD ~ +--...;_.- Ms-4329 AKC Cocker pup•. M&F, bull, •hot•. S200-$27& 0 8 0 . GrHt Mother'• Dey glttl (213) 431·1671 . ,~ octaifO'llfl game tebl• w/4 matottlng cNh.m.-....... ' .. IJ Beavlltul oond. MUii Mii $2525/080 754-1985 ..,,, laJI IOIO ltJll H.ltfl~ ·····'················ . 'Tr...., Lit $f00 • Lude" 30 dlH•I 11oop ·~9 Hond1 750F, lo ml, $38,000 obo. M·F 9-5 m1ny xtru. S1crltlce 6uMn 752·7179 $1700 645·7279 MOTIVATED OWNER 111 Saiki Ill Ht Cll. 34. S.11-e..wey oond. Hatteru. 975-8711 $825 OBO MS-9829 81Hobie18, colOfld ""'· '81 K1wuakl KZ305, xlnt Ilk• n1w, bHI ofr over c ond . Mu11 1ee $3,000. 873-3079 $1300/ofler. 751-4288. 28'. Good light a ir, trlr, 79 Suzuki AM 125 Dirt motor. lllpe 4. calf Evee. Bike. good cond . $500 714-997-4129 firm. 545--0490 s.bot, good 111 yNr boll '71 K1wt KHSOO, '92 cele f<>< beglnn«, $300 w/tr1r. Updlll. cle1n. IUI & , .. AJeo Lido 14, only been ll1ble. m1ny extr11 . In Wiier few tlmel. EY91 m1k1 oller Ric k 875-7550 973-9840 27' ALBIN V: lloop, d.i '78 HONDA. 750-F, Suf* lnbd. Npt. p. S 18,500 SpOrt. blk, 4 In 1 Kenter 54-5558 hdr chrome, 9,000 orig mllH Mint cond. Mull LUOERS ClaMle WOOCl 25' ue S 1650/but ofr 11llbo1t Good 1hape 1 647-1845 Newport sllp. C11h or trade. $3000, 87~156 YAMAHA RO 125 twin MW cond low mllel, 80 I.I •• . ATTUTill ·•tnm TONNEAU COVER Fl MO' '71 ·11 NeYet UMcl, $76 Mllll 931·n97 Iv rn:s l'or1cti1 '354-ing1n1, epart. a-n. seoo. 6*-8028 Brand new brn Jeep top, 4 harowere. Still boxld Selr .. 1111 CJ7 mdl $125 41M-19t2 Nu Cir 1tereo w/OOlby 6 AM/FM auto Rev. S 150 Gr1phlc Eq $40 Kenny 646-9833 Ae111 lt1 1111 ...................... IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price of 1tem1 Id· ....,-uM<S by vehicle d ... 14w• In the Yetllde dull- Ilea l<!Yertlllng cotumna doee not lllCIUO. any ep- pllc1bl• 111181, llcenee, tren1f1r ••••. lln1nce cNl'Qlll. ,... for llr pol- lutlon control device c1rttllc1tlon1 or OHier docum1ricery prepera· Ull 14 -Sitt m h/75 mp se oo tlon ch1r •• unle11 p g g w/tllup 67S..93&8 551·3302 otherwlH 1peclll1d by Ster • 3711 a triller. ·1e YZ90. reblt 1ng. n-1 the eclYer1ll« Ctue1c glUI '1'i9t wooci llrH. rlll1ble S t50t bsl I (lfairaJ fSIO Complete otympic ricing Olr Rob 549-15e9 ••••••-•••• •••••••••• 1loop, reedy to 1111 'll -•aa lll Needs aome co1m1tlc1. tmawv $3200 536-4809 '500 mlle1 with 36 mo I Lido ., w/trlr 2 set• 01 werr Like new $2,50 Miii. Xlnt c00d .. $!500. Oller MUST SELL 873-811& 646 .... 629 l 21 tt SLOOP/SKI HULL. 80 CC Yimahe, str .. t le· $850. Tr•de fOf Wlndtur· gel, 1 156· fer. 559-1633 979~139 LIDO 1414249 w/1rtr lllT lllE Excel cond. 12750/bet. Y1mlhe to. 1pprox. 800 Call 675-4719 ml. S275. 54&-7048 WANTED TO BUY Ult MIEL ISO CMS WILSON FORD 18255 BMG'h Blvd. Huntington S..Ch 142-1111 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAllllO• Ill '0 COSTA lllHA 6A) 0010 ( Oelperat91 ·ea lnt'I Traw- IAll, xlnt cond, 1tereo. I 1500 or bHt offer. 142-2123 '&t RAHCHEAO In ltor909. D00/080. • 1115-8192 ,.., 111' ...•••.......••....... 1t77 Dodg1 Maxi-van. 311 V_., P/8, Ct"Pt. Yet) clean, tlK orig. ml, S5800/080 OW( '5000. 5-48-5518, 1145-4509 aft 4. Ford, bubble l09 c:emper. Table. water. 11 mpg. I 1850 080 659-1833 '71 Chell. Wdw van. Str. C/C, l3t< ml. xlnt cond. '2500. 548-242' ,_,_ trulM llH •••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ___ , Anything~: ttn~- WI Ill USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR ,_..,..IL Connler-OeUllo ......., 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 141 ... 11, 14MU1 Top Dolar Paid ,.... .... ... .. ..... ....., a.i..s.MoH....ing We IPKlallH In Euro- peen Oelwly. ----:rma--..... -.1m .'8118 llJrbor Hl\·d 1114111 l""''·' \l\·~:1 .).I() Olll 208 w. tit .... _____ _;a,_ ..... _, _________ -+ -... 'Ml'tll'MM - - •• i. ~ c_.., . A ' '--'# CloMd Sund4rY . 292J,s~~· -/;!:;rr.:.· .... ,,;i 1111 ... ,. ___ l _l _f._2_111 ___ pjy;;~~ittct;~;p~·~;; ~~LJ.,1!:~ =:: CUiiom. Twn •tick. am/ & AM-FM l1er9o cueet· WE PIJ Im. nice cer. 13500, te. (100M587). Pr1ced to TIP IOLUll 4M-3255 ... at A•'1 1112 Fii 1111 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• IUI 111111 '72 &91 1-.. NITlll/-New eng. & brlk•. ale, 2480 Her1lor Blvd. radio, 11200. 84-0-11190 COSTA MESA '80 5000S, IUto, PIS, AJC. ••1M• aunrl. cr1 cntr1. tun1oof. -MUii ull. 18. 700 . Mt-1411 84e-2124 A•,., *"' 1100 A•I•• ... HOO ••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••• dHP aRIPlllH •11 11110. 1, . CONNELL CHEVROLE! ,. .. ,.11. '• f r : ' \• ~ ~4(>. I 200 & Ill ltLllEI -~ 860 N. Beed\ Blvd. '> La Habra Ul-NU llllalhltt'S ....., & 1111 -•211 35,000 Ml • L.OADEO 1 ST OffEA Of' IH,toO OWNS CARI Daya 640-()783 ...... 84-0-9451 981 320t BMW. Excellent cond, 18,000 ml. AM-FM oa11ette, aunroot. air conditioning. loaded. Atklng 114,100 or take over paym911t1 of f 374 mo. ea.~ 5 pm. VICKI 521-1143 74 2002. air, 4 apd, et• reo. xlnt cond. 14500. Muat ... 495-6112 110 BMW 3201. BNutlful cond. Caatlmere color tuxury pedlage. I 1UOO or talc• t¥Wtl ..... 1131. 973-4208 75 Dellun 2aoz. xlnt cond. air, 1tereo, new llr ... 15.200. ftP . 552-1123 ttn FIAT 124 SPIDER. 5 apd., racing green. 1ta- reo, •lloy1, PRISTINE BEAUTY! tACPOSn. .... 1t7t FIAT 124 SPIDER. Automatic, atereo . chrome wire wt1eel1 . C.-' 111f NOHE NtCERI 083YSA. .. 1:':................. .. ... 73 Capt1, reblt eng., MW br8k-. Xlnt cond. •1eoo. Many to ChOoM From _M0-_1_143_e1t_. 5. __ 1 11b~r1 1,•,n1 JI J~=•'l '7 Capri ve. • apd, AM/ l.!U!m lllll __ ~J.J FM CHI, air. alarm & men. P.teot. 833-21142 , .• ,u· MOTO,,~,-.. , , .. ... "w:.rn•'• .-, .... , ...... ' Part1 & 8eMce Open All Day s.tUtday 301 W. WarMt Ave. ( t blk. weet of Mailn) 540-7430 • na •••••••••••••••••••••• liidiM ··-TONHEAU COVE.A l'ltl M0'1, '71-'11 H9wr I.eel. '75 Man. ea1-nt7 iv n:e _, ITH •••••••••••••••••••••• *'1••* Mum'1 got to let mt go to good home tot '3400. Low mllH 'cu1 I'm tier WMk9'1d cer. Oellwr9d green with tan top. Ma- xine 840-82701850-1801 PUBLIC NOTICE BANKRtrTCY SALE All "'*'-.. ti. "*' '° the hlgflllet blddel1 0.- .., demOMtratort. UMd care and oompMy ce11. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mon- day ttwu ,ndey. C9ll few detallll BOB WITHAM vw 7900 W•tmlneter AW. WESTMINSTER 1981 Subaru GLF S-•.• road•I« conv .. air. AM-FM cau . mag wheal• 11nd plnelrlpe1. Ser •317129 Litt Price 1 11, 2 21 Your Prlc:e I 8, 5 7 7 DL Brat 4 x 4 Stt down detlvert lhla Httle beauty 0 .A.C. with 4-apd , radio. pem119lete and plnalrlP" 8ell9f hunyl Won't 1 .. 1 long el thlt price $er •SOOS3S Standard Hatchback Come "' !Odey I nd IHI drlff lhl• gH•HWef with 4-apct. plfltlnpea 11nd $-year pelrll wenenty . ..... •tt~MO . •5,377 1 I l --__... ---- ---------~~--__ ___.._,.._~ -------'"'I"!'""----------~---.-.·-------_..,..---...--..,--.. .._..,.-.....,- Cl •• VW YAH H1M or11. ownor. 110K ml, rMft Ofll· • trtn1, new radl .. o a 1hookl, new tlV f4M'· a bait., now llUrlllllM • INlotc~ .... nov« oamper top, new fm .... oua..AllpMlt & body work done, ~ r .. tOted • you flnlah u- •embly. 11100 In new '*"' Alklna I 1800. See el Ht I . tltti It, C.M. 17~ 0t 64W714. Ult.I•• vw ptina. l'IPI '· 2. 3& 4; *" 1i1to l<#mel'I Ohle 1>4trt1. lllet Hnot ISIYd. Body, eng, trane. & mite. COSTA MESA pana ...... 1417 ............... l 'II -1111 'It Ol, muat Mii. l600 & Rune good. 541-1487 IUUmt leHt. Ev••. ·n vw eus Wknd•. s.1-31121 ~Edition Sunroof, am/tm, 4 .,,o. 14500/080. M2-&oe2 j•'" DH4 '78 VAN-L1ndm1rk. 4 ••••• l •••••••••••••••• captain chre. lctbo•. l1l1k HIG .. nk aunrt t>ench .. •t • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ to ~ Cetm pnt 1 Ill 1 Bu I c k Reg 1 I. M JOo Ot bliit. 150~1783 I 1OFM188). BHutlful 1ve1 U0-5200 x3302 white with llght beige d)'I trim, AM/FM attreo eu- . Htte. air cond .. wire DllU.llT whHla & only l ,000 1111111'9 llm mllH I WholHllt blUt PRISTINE VW BUGS. book II 17250; Sela pt1cl 1117495. Totally reconditioned lll8 l Buick Skylark. 1980'1 ttwu 1970'•· Mally ( 1AOE813) .• door With To CttooM From. 1wo tone paint, wire wheel•, Ult whael, air a lilUilll8J =~ad~lo~ prtc. 11 $89115. MOTOftS 11178 Buick Regal. 1:;1 w Wi1r111·r s v.~.. · 1 '' (511 RIM). L1nd1u top, '78 PoP-top camper. n-tl r ea, xtnt cond .. 15500/080. &44-1444 *'11 Hl•H•* Air, am/Im oan. lo ml. lmma c . S55CI O 840-5270/850-1801 power Hit, power win· dow, l>OW9r lockl. crulM control. Ult whttl, air cond.,. AM/FM & morel WholeHle blue book I• S2125; Sale pri ce 11 S2 125. Bauer Motore, ms Hart>o< BfVd .. eo.ta MIN. 9711-2500. ................ ~ ... w..~'~··········· ~ ... w..~!tt ........... ~ ... ~ .. ~.,!~ ........... ~~.,m ........... e~.,~ ........... ~ ... !'!1.Y.~ ••.•••••.. ••l'MH !'!41'f••••••••••• •• U.-. M4f ~ Hll °"krftl" IHI.,_.. ' fll1 ...a~.. 171 L Mlffttu 4 d rn1'lr."••••••••••T••;· .. •••••• •••••••••••••• l':T'•• ••••••••••••••• llfi1••••••••••••••••• •••• _._, :n• · '· '17 00001 Alll'IN .. ,.11.,..._ IOml moon 11 Mercury, writ,• dr, 1H1 0141"'oblle htate 1t71 '°'d ,Into WleOft mil lWll ... ::;'. ~~~rtflof, 4•000f '"· '"· AIO, rt fully loedff, t1,too. n .. dl v•rY llltle wotk, W•ton. (100HIH). t 11AOLHI). Automatte ttH1). lNt one Ml 1oee 142~ • P/W, Very low tnlleogt. a.iMSll 1200. 142-ttH MOt CUllOm cruller,-.. Irena .. elr oond. & AM/ tf •hi. klW ""'-a 19 lbolllnt oonctltion. *r1JST SELL HI tnglne, 2 power 'M rldo. Whal 1111 ""-_.,. dlMf H tel Aire 1tr .. t rod, Cell 642-M1t '74 Mel1I IV • ......, AtttW. ...... CNllt oonttol, tll boOtt II UNO: ... pttoe -' !'! AM/f'M et.,eo c ... , C· ,, !ff mdl. Cherry OOftd,, lol· 'I C'"Pl'll I wtiMI, o .... tte, Pow.t la UteO . .._ "'°'°'8, °"".,;;: ... 1CM2 LlnH u .ooo. w/out '"*" ded, tlHO ...... ,.... 1 " A ·AT. Pl. wlndowt, rtok111ow mtHel'tl«MWr .. "..-. •• ••••••••••••••••••• aJr PW wh· .... e '" real __.._ • _. ua. ..,,......,. • ..._ t1100. 1er1ou1 01lhtr1, ,..,. ,0 ,d Orenad•. t'fl llll y.... • • ...... ·" ..,_ • rnor .. Wnn19'81D ao111i.11i.1 MtM. t1t-HOO. ""'-931.ottl ' jHt'IZI<). 9"'* daerl I MoonrOOfdOloaded, •Int = ~IA8LI PARTY blUt booll le tl2'T~.... l /I W IN Dow~ 1t17 CM¥ Monu. H 000 ookt Ilk• an 'ttl Auto-___.. .., ISJ.tHO TO .... KE SMALL MO..._ price I• Ht'TI. a11er .. NIWttOftT 11ACH Ot10 ,,,._ Auto .., • tlo t 1 nd ....,...,. • '"'" ... Motore, HH Herbor Aaoll, lfltO 111-1• t1ree.At~•._.f!=. :;...,:r~n:.',:1ol .,0MAAKN1,lolded.1dn1. ~~~yc't~~!ANJT's~g a1vc1 .. co1t• weu. Nt-1m NUI --· 12.200. f.4a.eo11 • morel WholtHI• blue oond., lo ml. See to •P-ASSUME. NO 8ACK _•_T_t._2_600_. _____ I ·--•• •-_..... O" ~a.a... book 11 921711 : 8al11 preolate. 414·2'31 or PAYMENTS DUI. CALL w·NTED Ml. t31:1Nt '71 N .. A • --.. M .... l'Tt-2500. t27..aas3 CREDIT DEPT. n auto, Ill, 18. Mult NII. WANTED .._ .. _ -· 6 .. ., •33"" S t .. W•NTED •1.200 oeo . .,....2.,2• .. _. ~ .. ... •· •n • "n• TO BUY n '11 MAAK VI. L ... than UM. ' *"' PUTT* 400 rnllel. Ptlotd tw be--------To BUY • To BUY tow ftiOtOf'Y lnvoioel · ••111•• Hll1 Ull -., Ndl auto, approx 150, NEED RELIABLE PARTY • ••••••'•••••••••••••• UJI ...... good runner. M0-2778 UTI ~ TO MAKE SMALL MON· 79: 2 dOOf, 4 oyl. OOf>Plf, 1111 1111 ...... '11........ .. .. 1111 THLY PAYMENTS. NO em/Im itereo, 2 new WILSON FORD 1111 IUI pb tJt1 whl .... OLD CONTRACTS TO tlrH. 27•700 mllH. Ynl fNI fnDD :/~de,'i & iook1, vr,; WILSNI f()RD ASSUME. NO BACK U780 OBO. Mue1 Hiii. 11255 8tach 8MI ftlL'1\111 UI\ clean. well melnt. 1 OW· Ul1 PAYMENTS DUE. CRE· Call 497 ... 1511· Huntington a.ch 18288 e..oti !Nd. ner. l2f60, 548-7408 18256 IMctl ISIYd. DIT DEPT. 114 7 ·83311. 711, 18,000 ml. radio, auto 142 ... 11 ...._t....., ..... _.... Huntington 8Md1 Satita Ma UM. tren1, 4-cyt eng, $3800. """ ......... _,,., 'IO CITATION 4 dr, euto. .. .. 2 ....... .. 142-1111 fully loeded. Xtnt. cond. 142-1111 .... ...... 1·_1_11_CU_t_IU1_C_ll_•_ll_, x-tr-u-. M.IOO. f.47·2174 78 Pinto, e oyl 11111on *r.tJST SELL ·ea CONVERTIBLE mint oond . 14.150. ••Vii ti 19e2 Corvalr u II. wagon. Xlnt cond. Low ·79 MARK V. FUii P<>WIW V6. 1u10. air, PS. xlnl 414-6907 .. 1112 1200. mllMge, auto tra111, p/1, and llr. Like,_, Luxury cond. $4900. 1·S33-4242 '71 Oldl CUU.. Suc>teme. LOtlded, glall lope, tto. 548-2874 p/b, llo, redlo, ,_ tlr• 11 111 be9tl 'h ... Compl. loaded wit-top. dM ,,,, • ••••••••••••••••••••• 19711 Pontleo Grand Pm. ( 1 HWTD). Air cond .. orul•• oontrol, AM"M C..tte, wire wt"9I co- vert I mor.I WholtMll bM booll " l4IOO; 8elt prloe la 148115. 81uer Motor1, 21126 Herbor Blvd .. Coeta Me••· 117t-2600. WANTED TO BUY un-.. 11111111 Ser 4740/7217 & brake 8 · S 2 7 O 0 • MEED RELIABLE PARTY Excellent oond. 13.11115. 116 000 ml Aald $3700 Tm LlllllT .• , 111•1 ·'.!.~1.m~:~:, &42•2520 ~~L~A:!v8~t~~s~~~ "3-8082. "3-6efM 11~130' no · llLll1'm ...... .,.... mag Wheel• w/nu tlrH. 711 Ford L TO, 4 dr. pi e, OLD CONTRACTS TO BEAUT. 1980 Muttang. e '88 Old• Convert. Loeded. 18255 8eedl 81Vd. WlSON FORD of 1111 model, low ""-" Dcwe/Ou.11 StL New front end 1780 beet p/b, lie. 1tereo. 40.000 A 8 SUM E. No BACK cyl, 30 plu1 mpg., auto 0<lglnal pe.lnl. Depend•· Huntington Beecf1 g1 Cad~ In Southern NEWPORT BEACH offer. &46-7029 1nytl1M. ml Bee1 olfet. 752-134I. PAYMENTS DUE. CRE· tran1. A/C, radio. Redu· bte tra111. tntr. & top nd 142-1111 CelffClnVal See ua todOyt U..... '83 Corvalr Convartlbla. '78 LTD, bHt otter over OIT DEPT. 547 -83311 ced to M.990. 711().()1198 work. Muat u crlflct '---------11•11 '75 Mont• Carlo, xlnt Muat Nit $1500. $1,8115 S'anta Ana U M. ·97 Muat. )(tta deen. 77M 1750 firm 545-11421. ext 87 Vanh#I, VI, 2881, auto all_ I II oond, 111 the xtrH. Rec-&42-7500 1164•7263 orig ml, e cyt. p/b, p/a, 33. trana. Rune gOOd, Int .. ...N.. ... H::::.:w ~..... tntly painted. $2000. "·-11. n•• IJ•···-n~· 88 Lincoln Convartlble, auto tran• good tlrH. '711 CutlaH CrulMr Stat. rlor good. n••d• body ,_,., _.,.,. .,..., ... ,.111... ....,.....,. •• n.tA1 .. ~ 80% rMtO<ed. All Black $24115 648 1518 w~. 1400 b1low wfltal WOril. S400. 55&-0837. Co..,. .. Mie:e• . u-.v-•· •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '4.000 8'2·7500 ---·-· -·----''"'" ....,. , '75 Corvette T ·top rid-11175 Llncoln Town Coupe. P< wry cln, P<loed to 14.-1111 • 70 Nova. V8, 307, auto. ian. HIOO. 842:5552 (1211MOV). Luxury with 85 llncoln ConV91'tlble, • 1HI....... Hlt.tieoo. 552·1818 "'"'•-.6,,,a.z-.6 H'PI 17 mpg, olMn, 1111<, Pf, deye Of &41 l8&4 avery1hlng Including po-claulc, 115% r11tored. N-tlr ... lhocka. palnl, 1• -, ••uw 1 1 ,71 El 0 d bl • n1u tlrH/ matr cyt/ crpt, • wer 1111. power win· se.ooo. &42•7500 Interior. 20 mpg, runt '70ond3 V.l.•t1a1500cru.1!!7r:1!21n7t 0 ~;2·r-81··,·d·~:::.:~.··oo1•••· .. • ora o, ue • 1400. PIP &41-~ 0t4 H35 dowa, tllt wheel, cru111 grMt. 1188-112« ... " • • -"'-r ' white. 115% rHtored. W! t 1 1 k 71 Llncoln Club Coupe. 494-5907 pwr, ate. &4,000 orig. ml. ll600 &42-7500 '75 Monie Cerio, olean, ~·· ••••••••••••••••• con ro ·lower oc •. M Mii St ooo , ___ .., Brn on brn. Xlnt cond. · P/8, PIS. $1895/0BO. 74 Dodge Dirt. 8 cyt .. 3 luther morel Sale 1111 • · OU.-llt Hll '71 El Dorado, • 01...io. 54t-0812 1pd. xlnt cond. Od ml. price 11 S29115. Bauer &42-7500 •••••••••••••••••••••• _&4_&-_1_1186 _____ _ gold/gold/gold. 12,000. 11500 OBO. &42-25211 M otore. 21125 Harbor 70 Llncoln Mart< 111. Mutt 77 Old• Cuat. CrulMr, 3 '83 Claulc T.B. Ori. Tuc-&42-7500 Find what you want In Have aomethlng to Hrl? Blvd., Co1t1 Mau. NII 11500. 1Mt, lux, all xtru. )(Int. A 10n yellow, blk Int. 53K •n CAO SEVILLE Dally Pilot Claaallled1. Claaalfled ada do 11 well. 1179-2500. 8242·7500 ateel 121150. 645-15&4 IClnt '3900. 876-4174. XJnt oond, MSOO. 87~ '71 SEVILLE, Blk/b4k ........ ----... , ... ther. moonrf & au IClraa $9,000. 4114-8904 *'l ... * ~.'!!!!! ......... ~!! Caaut HIJ llOW AT THEODORE ROBINS I I I Mum·• got to let me go MIEM.Alm •••••••••••••••••••••• to goodhome tC>f S2700 r-'73 Z28 L82 Turbo 400, Low mllH 'cuz I'm her 1 0AM.LAl7 AIC., $800 atereo, I ll weekend car. Delivered We •~lallze In IH•N ~cln car. '3.600 080 green with tan top Ma· for the bualn ... exec\I· ~ JClne uve & P<ofeaaionel. Cinn#I Hll 840-5270l85G-1801 Llfst ......... • .................... . '71 Sqbll, ,_ tlrM, run1 If ... 1•2 SEl • film -iatH!._.11m • .c•1Looujl _ On9"' w~oa .... ··e7S.oo93 ... ~-. tlon of NEW & USED '75 VW Bug, xlnt cond, NA ClleWoMtll AC, new radiate. 10 ml '3500. 633-2788 C1\DI LLA i '73 Super Beetle. new paint, new t1re1 .. ml1c Xlnt cond . S1 995 COHHElL CHEVROLET 1157-1877. I• {(lt\"'" 1\1\11 I'""'"\\,, C,.10 "I l ~ll.1r'••r t· "l'.f\\H S4~1200 '88 Squareback, n ew motor w/rtcelpta. New brake•. Good cond $1550. 4117~9. '711 Cadlllac S.Oan OeVll· 11180 Chevrolet Citation le, w/comfortable pillow Hatchback. (100K041). back fabric. Int •II j00• Front wheel drive, AM/ d t e I S 8 II 0 0 . p . FM l tlWIO caeette, high 78 VW Convert. Red w/ black top, clean. AM/FM atereo cau 18700 848-8028 586-8343 perlormence ve. •port '85 Red Con\'9rttble. 115% package & custom Int• r"tOfed. 12000. rl or. Wholeule blue ~2· 7500 book .. $4810; Sela price Aat•1 llfft 9100 Aat•1 II•• 9100 ..... ~ •••.•..•.•.......•... ~ ............... . . · . Announcing American Motor•' Buyer Protection Plan 5. It'• a 5·r••r tr•• rid•• For 5 years/50,000 m1lee I v11tu11 tree rode over lhe repairs you tear moll Covera every new Tougl'I Ame11c1n Spo111. Concord i nd Eaglt Buyer Protection Plan 5 includes • Ftrll year lull 12 montn112.000mlle w1rr1nly • httnded service contract coverage 01 m1f0f powertr11n end other key components tor 5 ve111 Of 50,000 mllH •· •Thi only lull 5-ye11 No Auat Thru W1rr1n1y •~1n the lnduatry Pou 1bl• bec•uH ol H Clu11ve Ziebart Factory Rull Pro1ecllon • ~year lflP 1n1trrup11on oro1ect1on II you're 100 mllH Of more lrom home and warranty repairs latte <Werntgllt, you II De rttmbu•H d for actual .. 1r1 1oog1ng and me11 .. pen111 up lo 1150 • Loener car 1s1111ance • 0..~ "tM«I t'"'' UM ''9'-''•' le; ~·· ..-Jll'I .,.,,,,,. ,.. '-'O" ~ ,..,... •·ftr. t~ ......... •1. ·~'"" H gf'o•.-. IV"'" ,...... (!fJm A 5·r••r tr .. rid• and lower prlo••· Onl1 from th• Tou1h Americana. We've reduced 1tlcl11r l500 j)ftcH on Spirit. Concord and Eaole by • Spirit 11 now 111c-•• proced $.423 lell than Dodge Omno Miser • COncord now hu tl'le lowtll bait allcker p11ct 1 of 1ny &-p1nenoer car 00111 1n America • Eagle SX/4 la now 111cker priced below the Mulling 3-door GL ._.,. '°' __ , -rwol ..,...,.,.. o.tMlo ,,_,.,.. .. -......... 1 .. 11 ...... 1 .... 12.000 ....... •• ,_ ....... ...., .. rlf91 -0-.. -· ""' Uf of ....... _ ... _ _..,.,, .. ~_ ..... ,, .... .,_-H -'-IO -,.... CM -"""4 '°' _ _, ......... ""'"tel.·---_,. _. _,.tel ••& • .., --ur••_..,..._ ... ..,. -lt•retl•-lr-OIZ-111--~0llO'I ~ .. WHUlOfllY( :,......_ 4 >- lA0UIX14 ~ • •• 32 "' rz;i : ~~ """ l!.!J ¥tl0. ADDED BONUS Thi• Weekend Only •.. *500 gr.~UNT On AA, NeW AMCCar, Dtreot Prom ~NQI COMT AMC .ll~PI It '411115. Bauer Motors. 21125 HMbof BIYd .. co.ta ~ 11711-2500 . Aatn •nr II ••••• i •••••••••••••••• NABERS C:ADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC ILDOaADO "DllSIL" (~) $}4~995 . , 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX359) $15,995 19IO CADILLAC PLll1WOOD llOUGHAM (128374) $11,995 19IO CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU "DllHL" (212104) s10,995 1979 CAD,LLAC COUPI DIYILU "OllSIL" (522XWO) s7995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU CIMXHT'l s3995 19'7'f CADIU.AC R.111'WOOD •IOUOMAM (8"XET) '9895 ~ 1979 CADIU.AC llYIW 0 AlftOlt00f" (ootXNY) '11,995 1979 CADILLAC llDAN DIYl.LI ''D'~ANCI'' '6995 ''OUR BIGGEST IRUCK SALE VlR·!!L-,_..._ LIQUIDATION .. -ery ,_ ... .,.. '"' .... ateclt ............ -4 o.m ••• ...... FACTOllY RIBATIS •• CoumtDlttell $200 FACTHY ••ADI SEIYICE Mii. SPElllLI 5!.~~~·$19 95 0... -IMl¥4o ...w. ti.. with Mee,.,.,_ ''"'" .,.,,,.....,........._.....,. ....... 1/15/H . TOTAL NICI Al DllClll91D DEADLINES FOf Tuesday through Saturday publieatlont. 5 30 PM the PfWV•ous day. For SYnday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday EAAORS Advertisers should check their ads dally and report errors lmmed.tately The DAILY PILOT .eumas llabltlry for the nrst Incorrect Insertion only 0 ~~ 642-5678 n D 0 0 ll n PUellSHEA'S NOTICE: All real estate edllertlsed lfl this~ It subjec:I to the Federal Fair Housing N:I. of 1988 wi,lch IT'ekel tt Illegal to edYertlse "any preference, limitation, Of dlecrimlnatlon basad on rec.. color. rellglon. Mx, or national origin, Of an Intention to nwka lt'Pf such preferenc.. llmltatlon, or discflmlnatlon " Thlt new19..,er will not l!nowlngly eccept ..,., edllertlllng fOf rMI ...... whldl 11 In violation of the law. 11M8 FH SAU C-.ol IOfll """"'" .... 111111 .. ,..,. r ..... ,._,_, •• '"" ~a.Mltat9' , ... ...... , 1oa C••t:M 10 tr"-.. ·-IC '-••V~ -__ .... 1941 t:::. .... h , ... 1• !:;::~:::.. ... '* •-v1119 ••l ~=· .. 1911 llool-C.Jlr• ... 1911 -·-... ~· ..... 19' ...... '-. ·-t::= ..... -1111 AttHl.f: ,., S.t• IM """" ......... s. .. IJllO ~!.".'1C',., 1)311 ,. M11ef7 ~ f·,,,. • ,,. r=~~, ,_ "" 0.,..•ft l f'Ht '-M 1• ,_ .... 11 .. ,4 ·-I:",..,."' -,, .. ''°""t' 1111 IAUlwlole aw ...lo 11 ... Trlt P•-• = ....... °"'""·"""" f>~•C.. l't1, -it: 1·-i , .. -11111.W ... -._,.,._,,.. .. ,. ~ .. ,_I'.•"---DIJlte .. ootM - •Ma In this categOfY must be p~ Open W :30, Saturday I-noon (CIOaed on Sunday) D> w. Bey St , Costa Mesa, Ca. 827-e.3 IOTALS ----= .... •IJI --a -... -- l l ----------r, __ _ 2 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng SuppleQlent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 Check exterior of older home Older Ora.nae Cout homee can be yean or more. Wood and aabeatoa near the ground -with a acrew- a saving wrinkle on the energy ho-cement root. can lM\ up to 30 years. driver to aee whether it ia firm or to prevent rot and deter tennites - wood's biggest enemy. Ask the ow- ner for proof of recent termite in- 1pection and control. rimn. Common uphalt 1hingle roofing i. powdery. Crumbling mortar may let They are often well inlulated and .ervioeable from 15 to 30 years. In-in water than can crack the muonry can offer more apace for the ·~t_ the roof for looee or mlAing and damage interior walla. money than new homea·. Craft-lhlngJee. Check on the chimney for Scrutinize brick waU. for bulges •Examine paved areas around the smanahip and architectural detal.Una loo. mortar. 1 that could indicate ltl'UCtW'al defecta house. Look for crackJ or uneven _ ........ ed f ... _ in •t...-•-•-f t b t k Cb k .enling ln the driveway, patio and are .uu ea .... ~ wlCJ.I" uavor. Gutt.en and downspouta ahould be o ooae r c veneer. ec non-iewalka But older doean't always mean clean, ruat free and ln good repair. muonry walls for good fit al join~ sidew · ~=· f~:; C:: ~':11 'f~toa d~~ Downspout• should empty onto ~~ ~tG~:-' ~!!~U:d::. •Visit the houae after a rain to aee Here's a top to bottom inapectfon splaah blocks directed away from the neat .......... how well the gutters, downapouia, 1nven1ory for examin1nl the exterior ~.~ !,'!..~~ drains or an under-If painted walla show 1i1n1 of ~ ::!ti~t handle poor 'Ot the older home befcn -_ __.......,.... --'P _ -blilwdn1 Oak'n1 9f peel'n(f dawa --- e groun shoufii""ii'Ope awar. to the wood, it could mean the walls There's a vast dHference between from the hOWle IO that rain runs of . were built with no vapor bArrier. a deteriorating home and an older •Take a good look at the outaide •In1pect the out.Ide wood ele-horqe. A sound exterior is a good waU.. If they're made of brick or menll of the bou.e. Deck aupporta. indication you've picked a timeleu atone. test the mortar -esped.ally for example, should rest on concrete treasure. First-time home buye·r legislation backed Orange Coast boards of real tors are among those 1tatewide which have announced their support of propo.ed legillation designed to aid fitst~time homebuyers. AB 3507 by Aalemblyman Bruce Young CD-Cerritos), ia supported in the state leplature by the Califor- nia Asaociation of Realtors. The bill has been pa88ed from the Aaembly Housing and Community Develop- men t Committee to the Waya and Means Committee. No date h.aa been set for a hearing. The legislation cal.la for establiah- ment of a tax-free bond buydown program, containing the following provisions: ~ -The aulstance would buy- down conventional mortgage rat.ea on a graduated acale for the tint six years of the mortgage loan. -The/rognun outlaya would be recovere upon the reaale or refi- nancing of the property at the end of the sixth year or through higher monthly payments beg1nn.in.g in year eeven. -The amount due from the first-time homebuyer would be ba- aed upon actual co.ta plus accrued lnt.erest. I E Q&A: Payment There would be no income require- ments. -The interest rate would be sufficient to repay bond holden and cover program administrative eo1ta, within limita impoaed by the federal law. Q. I have a question concerning a down payment on a home mortpge. The rule o.t thumb from many Of the real estate boob I've rMd la to put• una1l a down payment .. J>C*lble and spreed the paymen .. out M loftc u ~ble. With today's blab inte- rest rat.ee. wouldn't it be preferable to pat • lute down payment wtth a lhorter We lpal\ 00 the mol1petf A. That may depend on the in- dividual'• pla. You have to deter- mine if you want to~ on the total cost of prindpel and interest or re.. duce on the total monthly pay out. A · ahorter life 1pan on the mortga1e even with a larger down payment will mean a larpr monthly pay- ment. A longer llfe span will aen- erally mean smaller monthly pay- menta because the paymenta are ~ out <YV« a Joi,..-period of If you can afford a large down s-yment, then tbe COil of. 6oa rowed money would be Jell and you would •ve on lnier.t PllYID8fttl. You should determine your in- dividual lnvettment needa and ... and then COIWUlt • a.Ital' for the bm& ...... ol buyinl • home today. ihe "off eeuon," that la the winter montba when hmnes generally don't tell aa fut aa in the apcina, summer and early fall. Ia theft a better aea- eon to bargain lhop for a home? A.. Tbe belt time to buy • home ia when ft 11 economkally !Mllble for have found that lnt.eret1t rates affect the market more than any other tingle factor, including aeuonal in- fluences. U the interest rat.et drop- ped durlni the winter months, there would be more quallfied buyers 1ooldna for homes, and fewer homes avallaf>le, thereby makJ.na it a 1el- -Baaed upon the l11uance of tlOO million annually ln bonds, the program coufci help wltb the pur- c:bale of 11,000 units eed\ year. Realtors have found that interest rates affect the market more than any other single factor. -'n.c. ellaiN-would be indivi- duals not bavtnc owned property for three yeen, except in economically- deprewd areas. -There would be no lnoome eU- gibWty requirements. "' -Owner-~pied lingle family reaide"'9, lncluding condominJwm, ler'1 market with higher home community apartmenta, and coope- . rative unlta, would be eligible. pnces. Q. Wouldn't it be better to wait to -LoaJ11 would be available for 90 buy a home when interest rates percent of the average regional come down to 13 or 14 percent? . home pwclwle price and 110 percent A. No. U interest rat.et fall to 13 of the average home price In pen.-ent potential home buyen could economlcally-depre1aed, targeted flood the market because of the are111. pent-up demand for houalng. The _'The propmn applies to e>dttinc result will be hl&her home prices ~ ... _ .. becat.18e the demand Will be sr-ter ~-.... than the supply. Althouch you may -The underlytnc mortpp In· •ve on the lntarelt rat.et, the cmi of 1t1ument would be a f heed-rate, the boa'9maybemuchmorelf10'I itx.cl-serm loan wlth a 10-year wait &o buy. Oewally, UM loft89r wW lebecMe. '°" Wlllt to buJ a ..._, tbe mare -Tbe JllCllND would ~ a ZOU wm e liar tl; __ ...,.. ___ 1_0_,. ___ ,_ ... _ ....... ~--------- II Orange Couoty ~ Eatetel.An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 -3 JACOBS REAL TY - l . -...-~-.,_...__....,. a aw •• ... llT lllllTl-t211 ... Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdnns (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plum~, brick fireplace. Large yard w I sprinklers f.ront and rear, cov. patio. room for boa~ and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and terms available. ............... Two stories, 3 B<lnna +loft and family room. Lo- vely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sundeck. Walle to beach. Owner will carry, so submit your down. Asking $165,000. . . Tllnlllll •••• Immaculate, upgraded end unit with 2 Bdrm 2 Baths, plush cptg, ~ shutters, shelves, paneling etc. Central air cond. & much more. Only $174,990. II.Ill Tl Tll llAll and only $119,900. Three bedrooms or use as 2 and convertible den plus dining. Redecorated/paint and extensive use of wallpaper throughout. Built-In range and oven, dishwasher, etc. Offer down pay- ment and the owner will finance the balanre. wamFIM •PLD W/PID I .. This spectacular property has 2 sundecks, spiral · staircase, antq. stained glass windows, Mstr BR w/ balcony & Fr. doors. Flexible design. 3 Bdr. 2 Ba+ 2 Bdr 2 Ba unit. $595,000. lllllflll1' 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Br 2 Ba lower, private SW\deck & patio. Less than 2 yrs old and generates· about $3000 a mo income. The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualifying incl. 12~% int. fixed for 30 rn· Only asking $659,000. Try a low down pymt. . •1•11n.a.o Perfect location just a few blocks from the Fun Zone, restaurants and the Balboa Island Ferry. Three bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Built- ins, 4-car garage. Only 5 years old. $750,000 and seller will finance entire balance. We Show Waterfront Propertl•• By Boat Tool JACOBS REALTY · p I I I ! ? I I I I I 4 -Orange County~ Eltate/An AdvertJalng Supplement to th9 DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 ........... Great location and great flnanctng. Come aee thla Warmington 3 bdrm. ptua tri\all bonus room, 2~ bath condo today $157,500. -··-··· Quaint 4 bdrm home with Bayview on the peaceful ltttle taland, nMt epot to tlve. Call for an appt. '375,000. ~ ........ , Ju1t lltted, 1 c:letely remodeled CUltom home aver the meJn turning bun, JumbO llzed muter bedroom, kit- chen hat 2 dlthwuhera, 2 elnkt BBQ d wtth 3 bdrm• 3 . beth9 and a 1 bdrm In- come 1'nlt. ExduatYe at 11,450,000. ~·-••1771 The beet ~ -forewr .. of ~te ~ ~ rocka. Thia home a poof, epe I heated fteh pond. The com~lete eecurl~•= lncludet T. V. mon en •ound & ~ounda, the flnfft In atereo equipment hroughout. UnbellevMbty wond«ful. Your own for- .,... .. worth the prtce. 13,300,000. ••••ua•1•1n EngNah Tudor In a country eetttng on ~ acre, with 4 bdrm & 2 ba. Thia home la near the lake & .... 1229,000. A htlng of Katie Robem. ~·11117111 Thf• bdrm femlty home lenda ltMtf to entertaining. the ywd with ro:_ & apa even hat RV parking. •395, 00. A 119tlng of the Von a.Idema. ···•--tm•• Channing S bdrm hOfne on oomw locaUon with fonMI dining room, apec6out = room&~. Worbhop ~ '3 , 000. A of the Von Open Houae Sun -5 p.m. 801 Patoato. •••111n••••t One of a kind -VIN of the ~ & tun- Mt. Prof .. decorated, a,_, *"tv-hU extru gllkn. End unit with 3 br or 2 br + den. E~ ~ COUkt uk for -eYef'I price -•144, . •••••11 -~ and MClullof\ In tNa guarded gm community. 3 bdr apa. Beeuttful pe- t101. Sharp & ctMn. Auumabl• flnanc. 1387,500. A Meting of Donna Schroeder. Open Houee Sat 1 .. 5 p.m. 8 Jetty. ~··na• ..... W nel~, ... thta 2 br, den. r· .... ~ftnan. '215 . .. . ...•• ..,. ... Unique opportuntty to own a 4-plu In C09ta Mw wtttt a ilrnll doWn, w1l1nt fLlMCllng I tax befwlflta. Alklng 1228,000. A ldng of Dottle V•ltll-. OPEi HOUSES Sat. 2307 Port Carlsle $249,500 Sat. 123 Grand Canal $650,000 Sat. 420 DeSola Terrace $329,000 Sat/Sml 2706 Li&hthouse $465,000 Sat/Sml 978 SandcasUe $325,000 Sat/Sml 3216 Ocean Blvd. $620,000 .. Sat/Siii 2221 Francisco $295,000 Siii. 510 Bayfront $1,095,000 Siii. 6 Wilted Foot $645,000 Stl1. 304 Golderwod $539,000 U~IVUI: liVMl:i REALTORS 675-6000 · .. Corw.., .._, Ncwpolt a.cla .W lrftie ...... 111' .... CarefrH living at the beautiful Veraallle. Wonderful location, aome with ocean Views, good financing, guard gate, eecurl- ty ay1tem1 & we have four to choose from, prloed from $247,900. •I• .. 1111111111' PUZI Thia 2 bdrm 2 bath Woodtld• VIilage condo hu new carpet, good flnanctng and · a territlc price $79,900. A llttlng of Barbara Rlgga . ........ With tennla one block away -Thi. eondo In the Bluff• 11 clote to 1hopa and school. The owner 11 motivated. $195,000. $5,000. -· • ..,.. 11111 mll Quiet & quaint, 2 bdrm, harctwood ftoora, R-2 lot, owner Ullated ftnanctng. A euper buy at S 109,500. ......... llllTPUZI Tht• 3 bedroom, famlly room trl-level condo alta among luah trHa & running 1tream1. Ck>M to lhopplng (you can walk) Call for an appt. $139,900. Open HOUM Sat 1-5 p.m. See NataNe Fogarty at 870 Deep Cr~. ••••11111..a 3 bdrm, famlty room, uaume ffnanctng, lrg yard make thl• a home to aee. Owner agent wltt oonaktet all. $167,500. ••••11111..a We have 5 oondoa, al 4 )'Ml'8 old that are 2 & 3 bdrm• and the owner wlll carry wtth s·~ down. •130,000 to $142,000. Llttlnga of Tom Boland. •••• 11111 ... Thi• 2 bdrm, 1 ba houM hu new carpet, redwood deck, privacy & owner ftnancing. All for $128,500. •••••111111 Big, bright Bro.dmoor. Cuk»ac, pool, 'Pa, wtth very attracttve owner ftnanctng. Cell to ... at IM5,000. A Hating of Bonnie Barrtngtona. Detalla. $e45,000. / ····-··-Thi• highly upgraded home In the Creat hu 2 bdrma, 2 bathe, a i:t patio a vtew. Perfect In wery detail. ,000. A llltJng Of the Reedy't. -••1211-cuy llghta 'help to make thl1 DynHty Model one of the more unueuaa oondoa In 4ur city. 2 Br+ den with an encloaed OOtch tor ~ the r111M>lr, atty llgtrtl i mowttalna. $425,000 . .. 'Between tfie !}ilirways .and tfieSea • • • Artistica lly etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to the fairways of Irvine Coast Country Club, Sea Islandf oriented to panoramic views of the golf course, Uppe Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center and Fashion Island. Explore this semi-tropical environment of exotic trees and flora, emeraJd lagoons and magnificent landscaping. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive statement of fine living, a world of elegance, guarded- gate security, recreation and sophistication that reflecfs the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. Select your new residence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom floor plans, ranging up to 3,003 square feet and appointed according to Sea Island's theme oft he quintessence of privileged lifestyles. from $390,000 to $795,000 Hom«owrvn' ~rlon 111pportf'd by an l'ftldton11 mtintalnarommon f;tdllrlft. Allkour .. ~ nrprnrnreclvN for thl.' Hom4!0wntt•' rtn Shttl, esplalnlna 111 dc>tellt. ·fi p~~~~~~s Newport Beach A Legacy of Style. 11 Sta Cove Lane Ne~n Beach, CA 9~ (71•) 673-o.74 l:l"IEW aMWfl' RESIDINTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES ...... ., ...... Spacloue 4 BR cu1tem home with 1wHplng Vin of golf courM. Formal dlnl1! room wtth i-----l,ltcaUllG-C*lllQO.~UDlllY room .Uh wet.~-· Gated area. Perfect for acttve f amity. 11111111111 .. ,.,.., REALISTIC PRICE. FEE WATERFRONT. Prop- erty wUt float 55 ft. boat & large loan. Bullderl' own home. 3 BR. fonnlll dtnlng rm, family rm & MCtuded dockalde petlo. .. ..,..... "' .... 6 touch of the eut In thle oerfectly enchanting ! bedroom home. Clrculer dttw Mt off by green arw & color. The MW-' of new In thla reo"O- delld kltehen, & a bit of WM from the mut• eutte'• expenelw <**. .......... 1111,111 Smal down .xc1•1nt loenl can get you Into thle 4 BR'Portoflno model with pool In a terrtftc lo- cation. owner an>dout & creettve. Make offer & buy thlt one. •• ,., .. 1141,1• $45,000 price reduction! Thia 11 a motivated aeller -what a perfect opportunity for the prudent t>uyw. A fabuk>ut famtty home. 4 BR. tam room, formal dining room, poof & ape. MYmlT 1241,111 More for your rnoMYI owner wffl finance with 20% dOwn or ~option. 3 BR, 2'A bath ranch home, wea located. expene1on potentlal. v~ dean & Iota of Charm. .... ,.. 1221,111 3 BR, 2 1tory beachfront home await• you. m.tor, gated ent~• you Into thla & taatefulty ated proper- ty ...... mak• terme avalllible. ..... ii ., ,.,111 Cypru1 8hore1 oceanfront 4 BR ~om• In =gate community. 1eo• vlewl Private , poof, ape & tennle can be enjoyed In thll auper apot on Southern California coutllne. FleXlble financing. .. ,. .. 11,111,111 Prtvat• Mtat• on ¥• acre tucked Into mature gerden a treM wl1h pMOramlo WMll 3 BR + Mtlk». Reolntty remod1l1d. HardWOOd tk>Of9, bwned Clllnge, and otd WOf1d Charm. Noth· Ing Ilk• It an) .... In .... NEWPORT BfACH Of PICI 2161 IAN JOAQUIN HIW IOAD 110111-... ~1· Imagine If you wtn a large comptetety r~l•d Cape Cod that OYettookl uttte Corona BMct\. ,Aeoogn&M .. ~.-...~~-Met­ value In COM locatlon. Quallty t•ma. .... ... .... One of a kind "aeven bedroom•". Gor~u1 Southport model. Hlghly upgraded -wood floortng, cuatom wtndow covertnga & bUltt"'9. 9~% financing avallabl•. Owner wlll help fi- nance. Loweet pr1ce Southport on market -a real buyl ••• ... mu· •••,111 4 BR on FEE LANDI Soft colora & beautlful WC>Odwcn. Parquet ftoorl, rlfl'\Ode4ed kttdwl, elegClt condttk>n thruout. Large yard le ltk• a part<. Aaeumable loan•. ......... .. ..... .Thia 2 BR Wini the peraonallty cont•tl So. of the hwy & tull of charm, •tvte & tut•. JUlt 1teps to the beach or enjoy a dip In the "hot-tub" lltuated In the eeduded patJo. "'••....... Ill .... Beeutttuny upgraded 3 BR With huge tree hned yard, Spa, French doora, hardwood floora, bMmed cetffnga. Many decorator touchel. You wtlt be lmprelled by the t.-ma available. Don't mlUthla one. ........ 1121.-ww. wut begin to come true when you ._ thl8 lovely 3 BR home Mt ~ luth greenery & flowertng color. Spectoua famlly room, formal dtnlng r~. poof. Stepe to private beachM. u....... 1211.- Qualnt ootttige abOYe the Hwy. 2 BR apedOUI kltcmen, dining area, Swedllh ftreplace In LR. Loweet price In Otd COM & good flnandng. Thia one won't lutl OTHER AREAS UIW •llB •11,1• Etched on a gentle bklff With panoramic "'-· are five new cuetom "°"'"' E.llCh la a rnaaw- plece of dHlgn. Exqulalt• detailing & oraft- amanahtp. Let ua lhow you the future! ........ 11ll,lll Nft Hlttng. Super corner tocatJonl Overtooka park wtth mountain W.W. Storage arM for RV. Immaculate 3 bedroom wtth large formal dining room. You'll want t.o ... thlll Of.MA OCAMI IYANC08an Ln.N ..... IUmUUY ..... euftl llAITMMVIY '° CMOL. llUNlll llANCT-CUle ..... "--.-11 '"ti" Seclualon on the bay In thl1 charmf ng BR home complete with exqulalte furnl1hlng1. 1\Moft• ttw mMY amenttt4Wllf'r2" ftreptacee, apare rot, pier, 1Hp, aandy bMch all on Fee land. ~~000111 OWner aaya baytr~~~~~ lokf 11 Thie apedOUI 4 BR home enJoy8 a pr'lmo location for all the harbor acttvtty. You own the land & there 11 fteXJble ftnanctng. ~' "•1&1 ...... Yow own uvtnga accotlnt pfua the tun of ltvtng on the b9y are VOUf9 In thla 2 bedroom duplex. Pier, lltp I a undy beech plul a 3 car garage are youra jult In time for the eummer .eeuon. "•1&1 ...... Elegant cu1tom home on th• plaza. Maater ault• hat den, flreotaoe. aundeok & roman bath. GrMt gourmet kftchen, brick entry, extenafve bullt-lna & 3 car garage are a fflW of the many pf UNI. "•llU ..... ChNdren wanted by thll Immaculate decorated fun home. Stolpe to fteh, NII, turf or Jog. Father wlll llke the low maintenance & Mother the Gourmet kitchen and formal dining room. On f ... IMWmlB 1e11,1• Leaae/optlon or buy one of laland'a moat chanNng 8'ngle relktencel. 3 bedrooma + loft & CUilom jacuzZJ. Ught open airy fMllng lnllde. Form.I cobble1tone dining room. Owner wlll conllder all off ... Pllllll&A... 1141 ... Prtd• of ownerlhlp dofl houM. 3 BR, new kit- chen. Open, apacloua IMng arM down1talra. OVettlzed garage. Pleasant brick front patio encloMd" with white picket ferw;e. Fantutlc fi- nancing. ., • .., ·-11l4,111 Prtced below the market. GoraecM 2 BR OMne Home. Vaulted oelllnge. Profeulonal landaoa- plng, new carpeting. 8Uper financing available. anmn •• .,.... 1114,111 Lovely 3 bedroom 1tunnlngly decorated wtth hardWOOd tk>Of9, lkyttte, 9Y9 catcnlng deOOfa- to r wallpapera. Great location near pool, achoot, lhopplng & freewaya. OUTST ANotNGI / I n...-.......-r ..... .-... n ••• l!-6-._,._ • ...... --•-•-.. ~ • A SI llKll.ARr OfS TME 1RVM aMIPN4Y ~ . II' 1111 .. ~ flllT ... 1111.m YL-.l.llL!aDll.::.l~a----~c~ ... .w-itJw-1100fld '" mfl' IPetOU'T<ffimitJC exiiiitlWnome ooT~ .... llllD ....... A apectaeular 5 BR -two f9lt)l)y room home etched on the bluff above a white aandy ~ offering extreme prtvacy & woodeey atmoephere. View of Bird Rock -cruhlng eurf -jetty and offshore Island•. $3,200,000 Lynne Valentine ~200 (L 12) PIU1111. a 9'211 • llftl lllall Magnfflcentty dMlgned 58R Frenc:tl Regency and Greek cluelc afyte reeklenoe. Approx. seoo eq.ft. ot llvfng ePllCe overtooklng the bay and formal entry courtyard w/pool. $1,900,000 Incl. land. Barbara Aune 842-8236. (L 1 S) m•nmnm.u....,.. 122' Bayfront w/dOck. 3 BR, den, elngle atory. Seller wlll finance. $1,500,000 Martha Macnab 842-8235(L14) ... -. II'. lllflll'I Outstanding financing opportunities auume huge low lntereet bank loan. Owner wlll carry large 2nd truat deed for quaJlfled buyer. Four lg BR, 4'A BA. 2 story llv rm. pau1 apace for boatt to 60 feet. $1,2Q0,000 wlland George Grupe (714) 6«-6200(L15) llllLLEIT ... Ill 11111 -Spacious 4 BR, formal Dining rm, llbrary. 3 fplca. Immaculate condition. Pool size yard. Country kitchen. Seiter wtll hetp with financing. $435,000 Berlt Mitchell 842-8235 OPEN HOUSE SUN· DAY 1-4 ... 1101 Grove Lane, Weatcllff Newport Beach DllPTlll.U.. Ill• .. t• Beautiful Tradltlonat home -5 BR, 4' BA, formal dining rm , fam rm. & chlldren'1 lltttng rm & den w/gourmet kltchen--4 UMd brick flreplac::ea. Accented w/French doort, ataJn & leaded glUI wtn- dOW8, hardWood ftoonl, beamed cefflngt & many more a.-nenltlel. Swlm pool, spa, & chlldren'a wading pool. $950,000 with land. Donna Godlhall 844-e200 (l 18) -ii Ulfll 111u1 • • On quiet cul-de-aac overlooking the Fairway. Thia lovely 4 BR offera the ultimate In gracious llvlng. EJegant flrat level muter suite w/bath In the round. Expanded fam rm w/brlek fplc & lg gardena w/black bottom pool & eeparate apa. Full.Security. $895,000. Lynne Valentine i44-e200 (l 11) •••111 .. man Semi-custom executive home w/8 BR. 4 BA. 43' by 18' Grecian pool, spa, gazebo, kot pond, chlldtenl MOarate vard. ovet'aaz.d boat or RV atorage, 3 car garaoe. -n acre lot bordering nature part(. $569,000 seller w/ca«y financing. Fee land. Joyce Edtund 842-8235. (L 17) 49 111111 NW ml -llllTtR•I NW Exciting 4 or 5 BR cuetomlzed Broadmoor. All new gourmet kitchen w/oak cabinet• & noora. Expanded muter eulte on tower level w/prlvate patio. Formal din rm lncludM trench door• & beamed celllnga. $459,500 LH. Lynne Valentine 844-e200 (L 18) UYW llft PBIWI• -1~ ... II' llmnl Just profeeelonalty decorated . . . Uke new, IOP,hletlcated t BR + den, 2'h BA, bar, pool, apa, beach & MCurlty. Price reduced · IM,000to1448,000. only 800,000 down. Debbte Fratt &42-8235 (L19) ..... 7 .... aa.a Spectacular OCMn YIN from brelkfMt, dining. llvtng and muter bedtoome, II onty one of the outltMdlna r.turee ot 1hll great ~ Plln. Ul!9I tront court ~ ofln prlY8ay llld plMta ~ or.• kltc:Mnl '387,500 lH MaJCJM Propp ~ (L20) dad llland In Huntington Harbour. Huge mstr .ulte w/fplc, 2 lg Hcondary BRS, cuatom paneled fam rm w/fplc & wet bar. $399,950 wtth land. Belle ChaM Lee 844-e200 (L21) llllm"" The "legend" modei • one BR, den condo lltuated wtth atepa to the bay. Completely redecorated. The muter IUHe occuptee the entire second floor. Financing le excellent on thla prfftlgloue home. $39~,ooo Fee Donna Godahall &44-8200 (L22) ,._ .... Awalt• In thla Ivan Well• cuatom w/luah encloaed atrium, w/ retractable roof. Lg 4 BR++ decorated In etyle w/gtamoroua appeal In Baycrest area. Seller wltl conelder trade for amener reeldence. $390,000 Fee. Jane Pequln 842-8235 (L.23) Plllllla.A ... ···-Absolutely deUghtful 3 BR. 2 BA, cottege. Located on comer lot w/lota of privacy. Stepa to beach, harbor &..parb. Fantutlc fi- nancing. Potential plua. A bnt buy at only 1325,000 Suzanne Shuter 842-8235 (L24) fllW -AID -l••lllllllll Harbor Views PreetJQJous Seewlnd. Great YIN, very private area. 3 BR+ fam rm & Kot Pond. Fabutoua Indoor/outdoor feelJng perfectty decorated. $298,000 Jane Paquin 842-8235 (L25) llLL-11"1111 • LUii can to eee this charming -Eaetbluff home, country kitchen w/fplc & bookcaaea, lg llv rm w/gt ... to beautiful garden. Ownera gone-make us an offer. $289,500 w/land. $1250/mo. lease. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (L28) . ftlllWllllUI A moat exqulelte Danbury MO<Mfl BR wtth totalty customized oak paneled family rm, oak ftoorlng Jacuzzi tub & the ftneat of waN & window treatmentl. S2e5,000. EXCe'itent Allum. financing. Holy Marl<aa ~200 (L27} tlAllf .. IFlll 19 111111111 UPI -11•1 w/bay wtndowl & window IMll. wooden decking, 2 BR. den, 2'A BA. brick fplc, attached garage. Walk to lhopplng $265,000 Lot. Egan 844-6200 (L28) IAmFRIRIUlml Lovety single story reeldence -4 BR, fam rm and dln1ng area. Secluded back yard with sparkling pool. Walk to orie of three prtvat• beechel.. $249,000 LHHhokl. Donna Godshall 844-6200 (L.29) ............. -Be reedy for 1Ummer In thl• most delightful 3 BR, 2 BA famtly home In great WMtcllff arM locatlon. Fantuttc poof &. patio. Sellerl wt• consider creative financing. l.eue/optlon -Alt reao- nable Offera. A beat buy. @ $249,000 Suzanne Shuler 842-8235 (L30) ............ , One story, 3 BR "Bonita". Nftty pmnted, cwpeted, lhutt .... lo- vely wallpaper.. Perfect for emad famfty OI Nttred couple. Ex'*- lent financing. Community pool near by. $225,000. Jan Young 842-8235 (L31) UIT mTl lllA 11•1 2 BR. 2~ BA, atrtum ..._ encklMd patio. Lota of pttvacy. 2 YMl'I. old. Immaculate. t150,000 Aaaumable loan. Berlt Mltchell 842-8236 (LSI) .... ,-., .. .,~ INI IP I --11•1 2478 Aue de c.n.--off INtne Ave. Md Upper Bay. 1128,800 lnol. l•ndl Th• tar .. modefl 3 BR + den + 3 bath•·tennl1 + pool wdoeed Qlf'dllt petto Md -*"'11 flnlndng by 8 a L IWS oen ~ nm month far •.ooo dOWn, Tom -.on «...,...~ 141-1D1·(US) ,._ -• -A11;r,,,,. N ~· , , ::. *H ''.:., •• •e '~ • •, 8 -Orange ~ty AMI Eatate/An ~~~to the DAJLY PILOT/8aturd8y, May 8, 1882 . - + corr nrnur © ·mvrsmrnr conrnm We've Moved To Bigger Offi.ces lllW...,.. -W .. IL • lllfll Tl-I• •ID .... -4.l.Wj"tJ-~ 11)emc ck k m:mc!'of waterfmn\ JJ.vma Ova: 8~ of __ -=An=~M unit" Deane ~'ltahia fine op~.offen an ex- the finest quality construction available. Located on the main channel oep~ y8i'd Wiih C:U8iOOi poo 1 ~ aaun:a:nu:eet>edl"OOl'Da-aiir - with ita own white sandy beach, amenities include a pool. spa. leVen over 3,400 equare feet. The price ia $895,000. bedrooms and a view from all rooms. $5.75 Million. Uli• llUll ...,.._... 1111111. The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport ~. Over 5,000 equare feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unuaually large beyfront lawn. Tbe price ls t5 million and the owner will finance a notable amount. &aU llLI .. ,. • •••••• Breathtak.ln,g views of the mAln channel from f!Vert Important room ln the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 9QUU'e feet of aheer ele- gance. The price ii $3.6 mUljtn ''1111 .... ..... • ......... Thia Country Frach estate often one of the finest bey and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 1QWU'e feet of. the finest crafUmambjp. Tbe price is $2.3 million. • lllYll •I• • 111 _, II•• U Country Ena1flh and privacy are yow-cho6oe, tbla 6,200 equare feet estate with new pool and spa la the amwer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price ii $2.3 million with aver $1 million of MIUmlble f.lnanclng. 1.91 ... ••••-..r...,.. Simply the finest waterfront on Udo OD the market today. Pier and alip pJua ovendz.ed Jot and $1.4 million In ... •mable flnandng. The J>!ice Lt $2.25 million. • Lmlml ·····-nve bedrooml, all eml.Llte, and ri&ht oo the water with ~ own pier and alip for multiple t>o.ta. Owner will finance awtr $1 nill1ion. Call for appointment. The p-ice la $1.85 million. • 111111 .,. • 'Ill ....... Truly the best family home with 6 larp bedrooml lnclucilng a eeparate 2 bedroom adte with lta own llvtnc room. On the 9th fairway with private pool. The price ii tl.8 mtmon . • 111111 -·· • 111 ...... Thll award-wtnnb!C home, cm tbe 7th fairway la country dub Uvtnc at · It.a finest. Over 4:000 equare feet with dramatic architecture and LARGE l'OOlm. The price la $1. 75 million with owner f.lnanclng. • 111111 •1•. mamllill ,.. · MJoinlnl tt. own jidvate 2.i& llCl'e pu"k. this e bedroom mene1on 1a wcant and rMdy to move in. Over 5,600 tqUare feet with a VDY priva~ pool. The price ii $1.595 mWJon... 111111 T• -111111 llEW LIT Panonmic view m Newport Bay md Pacific oce.n. Prime location. Over '800,000 of llllUIDable ftnandna. Best avallable lot on the R.ldp. tl,350,000. ... ........ •••• • .. 1.1 .... Out ot the fliCbt s-th. this CUilom home often IDlllD'fimnt opponu- nltiel. Sep.rate ~ home and private pool and .... Owner will fl-. nance entire Jou. Tbe prb la .,000. • 1111• ... in man Super view of the ooean, bey and dty~ta, large jricuzzi, formal living rm ·Nith high oeillnp. 4 bedrooms, 3 fUll baths, family room. leCW'ity rJff .em, $30,000 in land8caping. $850,000. ' Ill• m. Ill 1illll Over ~ acre on fee land. Beautiful ocean and city Upta view. Swlmmlng pool. Beamed ceWnp, French doon and windows plut hardwood Coon. l...ar2e gourmet kitchen with Master Craft cabmeta. 4 bedrooms. 2 ~ beth& On comer lot. $750,000 with tenm. ,. 111111 TIWlll• llTILlll 11111 Exquisite in every detail, tlu. 3 bedroom, 3,000 ~-feet home often multiJ.>le U8e of skylights and enormom privacy. Highly uppwieci. The price aa $675,000. ,. ..... ..... • Tll llU ••• Thia "new to tne market'' home la vacant and ready to move in. $430,000 of low Interest amumable f.lnanclng. Three bedrooms, three betha, three CIA! ~· Priced to .ell et $629,500. 1.111.11 .. 1• w1111T u • 111 wam "Refined" ls the deecriptive wol'd for thia lovely 2 bedroom plua den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full bet.ha. Over 2,500 equare f~t and a BOAT SLIP! The price ia $549,500. lK down taka It. · WllT ... llT 191.11-Wlnan.f SpedotJS waterfront home with 7 bedrooms cw 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent owner finandnc foe qual!fled buyer. Tbe price ia $545,000. • 111n1 t••••• 11nen JUT "' 'lbia new to the market home offen 8 bedrooms and 3 baths OD ita own comer. Excellent wwnable 8nandn1. Exclullve with C.ote Realty.· The price ii ~.ooo. . ti.LA 111111 ~····· ••• ' ····-Thia lovely ! bedroom. 2 beth home of.fen the ultimate in luxury with hup .. '""ble flnandnc and owner will CU'l'Y· The price la $139,000. ·MllllT ~-1n .... 11111 The laweR priced home in Newport Creist. Two bedrooma, two bethl. formal dlnlnc room. wet tm, It.es> down lMnc room. All thla tor only $165,000. ~--.-······ Newport BMch two bedroom 2 a.th aando. lnrndib&e wl\811 for ·s111,ooo. Aw•ni2~ -'88.ooo t1nt TD. owe 2nc1. - 760-19001 ' FORE8TE.OL80N,REALTOR8 E. HUNTINGTON BEACH W. HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA NEWPORT uum•.. 81u.-21&1•• iiMI --u•~ um. 1111.lli Steal hi Great stlll'ter with low, low caah downf Thie tutiiUi 5 Bdrm hOmi hil parquet .,;;; WOUid you Uk• the convenience of r.ondo, but Take OWK $95,800 In loMa +owner wttl cerry wey Md dlnlng room: huge pool wtth Inlaid .tlle; MCUrlty, privacy and appreciation of owning ptentyt Spectoua 2 atory with 3 big bedrooma large fully equipped kitchen with cuatom ce-your home? You can have~ll Unique d• plua wee Cowboy'•.fetreat. Fa!'Pl!YJ.ROJn..;;if;;__ _ __..mnS,U.., HllQll bM•• roam wttb anUque ,.,.---94wt""'vn-ed'" ...... owf\Wbungalow. Charming Eutalde • ttlUd'i ~. cilr~S pool table, equarium and eunk., wetbar. GrMt Coeta Meea. One of a kind. Hurry, 845-0303 home for .,tertalnlng. CeJt today 894-7521 • · • flm'm YAU.II 1111,111 lllT&-mll SM.Ill o....ta your <Rl'Vlol-1 On thla ... .....i,.. .. 3 ...__.room ..... ,.... Axer la ldeel for lnveetor or ftrllt time ~~ ~ ~ __....""'.. .,.,.,,. _&_1•11121171• .... Bring paJnt plua I a I ti d S 3 famlly home In prime location. Freeh decor. -• :na on an eave · Fabuloua waterfront home with expani ve Bdrm ,...,_ ....... •tuv.. •-a.•...,._, 9 .... ...vu. Take OWK 10.8% loan w/kYw monthly paymenta. • ---..,.... -....,.., ~ .,,,_ -'""' Can't last at onau S 138,9001 AC1 now. 962-5585 water vt.w. CUltom ataln.d gMe8, ceramic tne, 3 low lntereet ftnanctng. Call today, 645-0303 '' bathe, formaJ dining, patio, boat ellp, muter 1ult• with balcony and 1unken tub, 3 other mu mini 1111.- . · 2&U•Tll... 1141,111 bdrme. Call for ftnMdno optlona-894-7521 ·=nJ privacy and eeclu"on beetde aparkllng Huge two story otfere 5 big bedrooma. Formal I b....... d F h s dine vtewa tropical paradise. Biiiard ala fwnlly lllnmlt• 2'1'1R . M11,.. n yout' own -var · ru t,.... to. room w/wetbar. Sertou1 Mfler will carry with Spec oua rt leYel With tlli entry Tiki hut, vol-rage area. 4 Bdrm home featurn brick fire- .... than Interest onty paymental Submit now & leyball court, IUndeck, rock ftreplece, apa. ftre place. Seller wtU finance. $50,000 down..e, uve Blgl C.el 962-5685 pit, wat.tall, and Kot pond, 4 Bdrma. 2'4 beth. ::'~now°'·~~~~~ Owner wlll carry at below market ratH with .,._,. v.. ' ~ ..... llUIY •• ..,.. 20% down. Cell nowt 894-7521 ........ ,. 11•,111 Tall & proud atta thla ep.ck>ua • bedroom In Nft Custom Newport BMdl home le frMh and dream boat condition. Manicured ~ng. -.T ... Sin.Ill exc:ttJng. Thia 3 8dnn 2 balt'I hOme hat mMY Formal dine. Now vacant for your fut PD9H• tm.ebnent tr1plex ,.., Peten Landing Md 1 many extru. 2 flreplacea, famlty room with aonl AC1 now & name your terms. can 962-5585 block off ocean. 1, 2 Bdrm and 2 atud.0.. OW-wetbar, kitchen with greenhou•• window. ,,.,. w111 carry at below mnet rate for 15 YMr'I Whirlpool bath, deck and MCurlty gate and 2saw•... 8111,111 wtth 20% down. Th• ve1y dean property offer9 more. To ... C811, 846-0003 Brick courtyard .,try enhanced by lush land-~ of optlona for the 1nwetor c... · 1caplng. Spaclou1 llvlng rm. Sunny kitchen, ~7521 or · now. ... ._ 110.- famlty rm w/cory fireplace. In-door laundry. Can you b1llwe thle pttce In preetlgloua Mw Solar heated pool, large cov. patio, fire-pit. Verdel Owner le anxlout -you gllinl Jl)9doua Now reduced to $155,000 & vacant for faat 3 Bdrm home wtth ao.d8 of prtvacy and MIY Poe18Mlon. Call 982-5585 WllTilllllB ft I ft• ...,.., care yard. Enjoy Costa Meaa'1 belt addrMa In-law quart .. -elegant • Bdrm 3 bath, hat 1 nowt call e.5-0303 l&ln•T• 21171• 1111,I• Old wOttd charmer located In Huntington Har- bour area on rpfme R-2 lot. Able to handle up to • unite. Great potentlall With $30,000 down 98'1er wtll carry balance with no payment• for 5 years at 12%, take over 1st .T /O & you're lnl call 962-5585 1a1•t• 11111/La•DTI 111 .... $10,000 under recent appraisal manicured yard accenta. Thla tall & prOUd famlty home. Huge famlly rm. Formal dine. New carpet, paint & appliances. Owner wtll carry balance with $35, 000 down, at yeateryear'a ratel Hurrv.,.cell 962-5585 r IXIM111 IUll/Mft1IWI 1111,111 Juat block• from the breakerat Spacious 4 bedroom 3 bath. Formal dine. Huge matter aul1e w/Padflc vtew. Flreplace, wet bar, green- houae. Great opportunity to beach ftl Act now and eave bigger than everl C"I 962-5585 WllmmTll 8111.IM Nettled on quiet cul de sac 1lt1" apacioua ahowplace. 7 year1 new. 37'x18' bonus room w/bath & bart Gourmet'• kitchen w/tlled work laland. New low price + excttJng terma make thla a eteall Hurryl Call 962-5585 Bdrm and bath downatalr9. Large IMng/dlntng ,lllTI ... , .... ._ room, den wtth wetbar and ftreplece + 3 car __ .. ..,... 1 garage. Near w .. tmlnater Mall and freeway. NEAR NEW TRIPLEX! Large 3 Bdrm ownen Gr..t terma with owners wtHlng to qualify for unh with ftreplaoe plus 2, 2 Bdrm untta. l9undry addltlonal ftnanclng1 CaJI 894-7521 · facilltlee. Prtvat• patJoe and balconlM, gat9QM. mllll7111 llAll 1221,111 Ocean vt.w-1 btock off the blue Padftc. 3 year okf 3 Bdrm, 2"h bath houe hu the quality ,__ tur" you are looking for. Wine cJoaet, wood- burning flreplace, akyllght1, clerestory wln- dowa, ceramic tlle entry. A large aeeumable loan mak .. thta the home for you to haw your 1prlng beach party. Oon't mlH It. Call now, 894-7521 IUL 11111/ ... J • ;aa "¥: ~ and rocauon, Offiiia1ii Bdrm 2~ bath pool home. CIOM to tr.ny and •hopping and golf courM. Featur .. Include ~~/tMng roome, den an4 muter bdrm wttfi ~; PfUilifOi '60ilua. BU7521 wam1011a 11u.- Gorgeoua ehowoue home. i.AoM gard.,, ga- zebo accented apa plue 4 Bdrm•. 3 bathe, aeparate mald1/gue1t quarters. A"umabl• loane. Celt 894-7521 ~ Exoeltent ftnanclng. Aot nowt ~ " t1n11 nu• an.-0ramattc neer MW homel Soartng celllnga. 2 ftreplllOM, wetbar, gounMC kJtcMn wtth eunny nook. Spectacular muter autte wtth akytlght, large prtvate yard featuree gazebo. Community ~ pool, 1aun• and tennla court complete thl• wtnn«I Low lntereet k>M. To .... call 845-0303 .·..... 11...- Preetlgloua community In Newport Beech offw'I prtvacy, IOw rnal"tenance and convenience .,_ erydayt Spedoua townhorne wtth loada of glell and ~ decking. ~· lush green~. "Popular "3 Bdrm floor plan. To••• oart e.5-0303. . llWlll'I' Ta••• 11n.-Exqu111te townhome features tile entry, ftre- plac•. 3 king alze bdrm•. Charming cowred patio. Neer acree of partce and tralle. ApproxJ. mately 1'A mu .. to beach. Low downl l.ate av. low i.,w ........ 845-0303 WHAT A COM91NATIONll Lovely mountain and dty liahta views, 3 bedrooim, 2 batba, formal dlnin1 room, dramatic wet bar, eeperate family room. All this and a low low price in prestigiou1 Spyglus. Add good fl.nandn& and a moti- vated ael.ler-. terrific buy at $(95,000! NEWPORT BEACH HAm•Ol llDOI Dramatic home with spectacular view, 4 bedrooms. family room and formal dining room. Professionally decorated and land- 1eaped. Private courtyard. Motivated 1eller bu it priced below mark.et value at only $729,500 10~ DOWN-10~ INTUIH Thia outstanding finandna la available on th.ii 3 Bedroom Spanilb Villa that baa an outatanding water' view. Owner motivated, bought another. Offered at $284,000. WAYll•IONT..CUSTOM Luxurious one of a kind CUit.om 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom guest quart.en or rental unit. Located on waterfront with your own pier and slip. This home has many many extras. $789,000 includes the land. SYIPS TO SAND Prime Newport Beach property. Guarded community with recreation room. pool and spa. High assumable fint, tl')' low down, owner will asaiat in financing. ONLY $106,000. su•Mn ALL o•H•S Owner lives out of the area. Must sell this 2 bedroom beach hideaway. Large master suite cooled by ocean breeu!S. Enjoy pool. apa. Owner will carry. Only $122,000. · IALaOA ISLAND Attention builden -Choice location with tear down. Halfway between ferry and shopping. Owner will subordinate with reuonable down payment. Call for detalla. ts~.ooo. P.RESENTS COSTA MESA INJOY The dramatic pool and spa which ii part of thi1 pride of ownership 3 bedroom, 2 ~ bath and family room home located in a prime Co1ta Meaa area. Profe11ionally landacaped inside and out. Owner will as- aiat in financing. $229,000 llVINE YINNll YOUR GAMH Walk to your private racquet club. Walla of g1ul. view of Saddleback. ltepl from pool. Highly motivated seller will help ln the financing or will consider 1eue option for year with minimum down. Only $149,000 I VllY CONVINllNCI Is yours along with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and living room that haa an outstanding view of the mou.ntalna. Ownef' ia very mo- tivated to sell and will aasiat in financing. $159,500. SANTA ANA START Hiii In this very affordable and apacloua 3 bedroom condo near South Cout Plaza. $98,500 of UIUJ'nable ~.~lea than appraisal. Only $119.500. JASMINI CUD This beautiful 3 bedroom single story end unit situated on a prime greenbelt location bu been highly upgraded with mirrors, panellna, lkyllghta and allo hu a $200,000 aaumable loan at only 13~ interest. Call now for further detaila. $427.500 INCOME PROPE•TY 12 DILUXI UNnS Tbeae one year new unita are located just one mile from the beach ln Huntington Beach. They are built to Condo 1pecifica- tiom for potential conversion. Great uau- mable financing at 11 ~ owner will also carry. Call for tet-up and information to- day! NO DOWN PAYMINT Two brand new 6-plexes in upgraded area of Santa Ana. l()xgrom, no vacancies! Buy one or both of these unita for closing and commilsion ooeta only! Seller ii very moti- vated and flexible. Seller says submit on straight note terms. Don't mia out on this great buy! S UNIT STllP CINTll LOWDOWNI Thia 5 tenaht center ia priced to aell with exoeUent financing terms. Seller will carry and structure break even cenna! Excellent investment. Room for expansion allO. We're ready to deal 80 call today. $289,000 OLD COIONA DUPLIX Premium quality two bedroom units, beams, fireplaces, shade trees, alx years new. Pride of ownership! Seller will ex- change. Create your terms. Offered at $347,500. S UNITMUVllllDI COUNTY Older bread and butter unita located on 2.4 acres of land. New roof, paint, and wiring. Excellent 9.5~ aa.umable financina-. Room to build or subdivide Jot. Mu.t seU!!fSubmit on terms. $116,600. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE . PM.M SP•Mes IMI I: PAUie CAltYOM DllYI n••• J2J.161t • • •- IEW TllS WEEI IT WITEIFlllT • . ------._.a• ____ .___......,~ --_________ .__; ___________ ., OrMlf Couo'1 Refll.e.ta'9/An Advertl!lnt ~to the E>Att.¥ Pfh<>T~. '!!! ~· 1982 -1 ~ . . .. . . . ,. .,-..-. a t • e I t I ·" lfflmT1 I I I I I ........... IPll UllllAY 1-1 P& •1111M1...., _._. ..... II ... _ _..,_ •. .....,. ,, ..... ...., .... -...................... , .... Ill 1•.... 1111 ... 911.. ,... ,.. .............. ., ........ .,., .,. •• ..,, ... 11,-.-= ~ ::-.. ~::-.-.. '1.:-:1-t' -~ L81m.l .... m :U~'::,....,._._ .. , ............... uiB ..,. ... 1 .............. at-1•.....r= ........... ,,.1111ilitll ...., ·•'":-t:-'-' .... 114 • H'I .. .... .... I • ~ r.::::.: :.::.:.. ~~=Hlor@ ...:.:. :. '= = :'J': _,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,., ....... -=: A .._. -='·~ ..!" ...!~-~-. .. , 1U~............... .... 111 ............. II • I Ill ·•14-=;= ..., .......... ,.. ............... IJ ... ____ _ -----1----_:~-~-----------it-=tr': Ltl11 ... •1mi,"Jl ........ t------' .. ~·rl-ll--l•1Mits111M~ .... l lit .. W liiiil lil1l.r ... ••• .. unmr •1• •· ............. ...,. ..... 11 11 1111 1 •1*1• ...., ,... .., 1111 llllt ... " ..... I I ...... -.............. I ..... • ..... LAlil ... ••••L .... ~ ............ ,..... ......... ....,,.., .. .. 211-111 l...,....., .......... ~...... I ..... u.-.-..... ... ........ A1·1• ......... , ... ...,, ....................... . 11 ,1 .. 11 r11H1111 .. M ...... • llw. IWI lllp Wllllflm fDIZllR-LlmY IM T.I. ....... ht. hit ,..... n•illl ... 1111 ..,,.1111 ,...,1.., .... ... Ill lllST-UI• I UVll.Y ttrltt It rtdit "' If~= 1H tfttrt II~ I,._ t1M1il••.......,.. ·=-" • ...,._.,.., * "'....., ........... 1... I t1•1• & ,..... ......... ....,,,,....., .... J....... ..... ..... +....... .................... .... ............ "....... .... ...... . ' ..... ....,, ~............ ..... ..... + ...... ~ 111•2'11 ..... ~ .. ..,,. .,..., ............. , ....... ~ '"'-~~ ,_ ........... IWl Int T.I ....... Ml......... tza• .... A1·1• 11211 h 1'lllt It..., e. .. llurte' n! I tMI..-. sin.-. ... .... fllRll " ...................... ,..L..-....... ... .. .... ,..., ' ........ .., .. , .. ,. ... .. ......... .....,, ............... .... ...., ............... .,., _ + ............ . .... .., .... .,...,.._ Wiii -................................ ,.~ .. ............................ 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'TWI _. llWmT--1111 & •• h 111rnlfa1tll,,_.,•1 ,..._ .... tw I ...... lt%111t111 NW II .... .., ...... ... .... .... ., ................ = .. ... ..... ......... 11•·1\6= ... ...., ,...,,...1 .. 1111111 ... ll I .... .. .... II p M1• ..... u.-.-... llM• ......... , •1' ... .... lllUI WllWT ....,~....., ..... ., ................ ~-~ =.===-..-..::.-= .. , .... =-........... .... ,..., ,..... ~ .... ...,, .... ...................... 1 ... .- lllUI PL.II HU I Ill ••• ..... ... ....,. ........... 0 , ........... . ............ .., .............. ,...1 llMIB lflltlllll ............... I .. I ......... 11,111,111. till..,.,,., .......... , 111·1• llffiWJ-'IA• I LMLI •1t1llmld .... "ull,....,. .. .,_ 1111.,.. _. 1111111• ............. ~1i"' .. .. ,......t•u11hlllalllll• .... ..... rMmt •1111• , I \:~:.':'ti:• .-. ,._ ............ ..... ..... ..... •1111111 _. lf1 It l1ll .. If .. l.., .. ....... 1 .................... ,,.,..,.,,, .... 1111 t I ..... 111-1• . .... ·-··· 11 .. 1,111111 .... ,.. ii ... am m ....... 1111 ............................ = ... ._ ........ , .. 1 ......... 11 . ...................... ....., ....... ... 1.-, mlt111 • HJILll111a:.c:rr I .. =.:J;::: ... -.. ..... =··· . ....... 1rt'k1 ..... 11111 ..... ..... ........, ...... , ... =-~~· ......................... . ........... ....., .......... .,..... .,. .......... __. ..... . WATERFRON~ HOMES, INC: s.Ja, Rent.ls. Property M1magement r ----··- ••tt.INh~~--~~~---­ Cholce 3br 2ba home in Prime University Park location! $1,000/mo rent all applies towao-ds purchase in 1 year. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-150 l or 714/752-7373. ' .CllAM PUFF• •$12,500 DOWN• Move right in to this spacious 4 Br 2 Ba beauty. Almost new carpets, No qualifying for this super family home! ln the BEST 8Chool district. flooring & drapes+ c~y brick fireplace. $12,000 down buys it, so Over 2,000 aq. ft. of living space with a large pool for those hot summer hurry! Asking $119,000. 0032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. days. Asking $1 60,000. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . •ZlllO INTllllST • 556-7035. Beautifully decorated one 1cory patio home with double garage ln mint MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT * $109,000 * oondition. Best of all. with $45,000 down our owner will carry the 9.~ assumable financing available on this tastefully decorated 3 BR balance at ZERO INTEREST FOR FIVE YEARS. In 5 years, you t.ownhome. Vacant & quick possession. 2670 San Miguel, Newport OWN THE PROPERTY FREE & CLEAR. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$83,000. -•$20,000 DN• Fabulous t.ownhome in much desired SPRINGS area. Popular "B" Spacious family home with ,oaring cathedral ceilings and bright and . plan, Call for details!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 airy country kitchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba's and .a family room, it's a or 752-5353. bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. • 1 O.IS % FINANCING A YAILABLI• .aOMANClll• UNIVlllSln PAllK From the remodeled kitchen with greenhou9e windowa to the warm Zero points of fees takeover low interest loans on this 3 Br HANOVER woods washed in light from the custom 1kylight, this home ls a ho-model. Featuring atrium & prime location facing Greenbelt overloo- meymooners' delight! Large pool a 1pedal bonus. Asking $124,000. king Turtlerock Hills. Only $154,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Hunt.lngton Beach. 556-7035. Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. ••ICYCLI TO THI alACH• •NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS• Cozy custom home near th e ocean with soaring cathedral ceilings. For six months on brand new townhome in Costa Mesa. Featuring 2 Cera.nUc tile flooring in kitchen and bath.rooms plu.s 5 skylighll and a master suites, enclosed garagea & private courtyard. Only $114,950. romantic bay view window. Secluded patio/courtyard & low rnainte· 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 ~~~~3b~rd. Asking $171,500. 9032 Adams, Hu~tington Beach. *TUllTLlllOCK* .. $1,279 Pll MONTH -*'• 16,000 DN• ls all you pay when you takeover exiating 1st TD. Spacious 4 br ex- Buya this great S & S built home! Not a condo!! Covered patio with ecutive detached home. Featurin& fnnl din, fmly nn & trpJc. Only hanging plants add to the charm of th.la single story ranch style. ln • ., 13 111.00 FEE 2670 s M 1 o Be superb condition for only $159.90(). 9032 Adams, Huntlngton Beach. •~ ,., . an igue r ., Newport ach. 759-1501 or 556-7035. 75~373. •5~ DOWN• / ••ACK aAY AllA* Brand new townhorne9 near Huntington HMbor. Two and three bed-*$135.GOO+ • room modela with two batha. Builder will finance at 12.K and pay 3 Br houle on fee land feabiring bUdwoOa floors & ahingle roof with buyers nonrecurring closing costa. J>rice9 •tart at $105,990. Call for • 11~ ~ble 1st TD. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel complete detai.11. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. SM-7035. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •MllA YIRDI• * $95,900 • Affordable llving with superb financing available. Spaciou.s home Coata Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly metlculoualy maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking 'l~,000. 9032 painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. Adams, Huntington Be.dL 556-7035. •WOMIN'I APPAllL SHOP•, * lO'}J CJf. FINANCING* Incredible businela opportunity!! Se1ltt Uquidatl..ng for penona1 n.ons when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Popular BIRCH Model w/fpJc, and rn.ust tell thia good income producing store with good leae tenm, central air & the largest back yard Jn WOODBRIDGE GLEN. Only located in a buay lhoppinc center. J lO,OOO full price. Inventory nego-$134,900. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Bel&ch, 759-1501 or 752-7373. tiable. 9032 Ada.ma. HunUniton Beach. 556-7035. •WI STCLIPF HIGHLANDS• dlXaY KNOLLS ILIGANCI• SenaaUonally remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring IWimmi.ng Just like "Father Know. Belt!" You'll feel aa smug aa Robert Young in pool, bonus room, skylite, lush private courtyard, fpJc & assumable th1a large elegant older bm:De in prime Bixby Knolla! PS • '39,500 financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Mlguel Dr., Newport hand.lea, call today about 12M~ financing! 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. Beach. 556-7035. ----- NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC! 2170 Son Miguel Drive ' Ntwpon leacll, CA 12HO HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adam• Ave. . .... Huntlnttcan leacb, CA 12141 (714) 79•1501 _. (714) 59&-7039 ~I .. -- ........... ., .. ., You muat see to believe all this fine wkmrwhp 4 br 3 ba. form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. bMut. ttte, ~ of crpt. Npt. Hgta. Onty $385,000. Sir, c~rry lge 2nd. Thia won't last.•• 111111•, 759-1221. H lllTI AT I.I I lrtnJ A rare bird Indeed In today'• market. Thirty bread 'n' butter apartments In an excellent location. Income on these have Increased 65% In paat 41A_ yearat For more Information call:• UUTA, 111111- ...., 759-1221 MYEI 1111111 Outstanding location w/vu of all back bay & Fashion Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form d.r., pool, spa, sec. system. Steal at $725,000. Fee. Grt. fin. avail. HI tr HYIE lllP 759-1221 UM PllTINllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest YU avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525,000. -...... 759-1221 Ullll 11111 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, ltallan marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to eee at $895,000. -... ..,. ,.., 759-1221 llUNt•m-3 br. 3 ba. f.r.,-d.r., huge master ste/8'ttlng rm , YU, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • •""' U. UllN 11111 .. lllT• 4 br. 6 ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm., beau master ate. w/marble f.p./ocean & city YU. Huge master ba. w/lmported tiles. One of th4l lrgst lots w/rm for pool and lrg. play arcfa. Very, very motivated seller. Bring any offer. Lowest price cu atom at S1,i(OO,OOO. • • ... U. 759-1221 c·osta Mesa 234 E. 17th St., 631-1266 • ~.-...... ,,,,,,_,__., ......... ~ ... .,,.. •t--. _._ 4 .. . .... ,1111111 .. 3 br. 3 ba. new custom bit. quality bit, upgraded crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $156,000••111111• 759-1221 Wiii ... El Fab. Ocean & coaatllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d .r., f.r., study, lge. pool & cour- tyard, prl. bcha. $895,000. Fee. • ., ._ VII I• 759-1221 . UllA llU TUii Breathtaking bay YU 2 boat docks, rm for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bra, 6 ba., game rm., form. d.r., sep. auest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st TO or trade Ind. or off. bldg. $2,100,000. -...... ,. 759-1221 IOUIFlllT -IOUllRllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. • $170,000 1st at 11°!.. 2nd or $250,000 at 12-to. Steal at $650,000. -w lftll U. '· IEWPllTRmOllll 2 br. 21A ba loft hlghly upgraded, oak firs., ber.ut. papers, ocean vu. $98,000 1st 12•1 •. Priced at $170,000. •., 11'111.., LIN w1mn111 LUii · 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., aec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Po11. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. • ., 11111 I• 759-1221 1111• 11111 LUii 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., atudy, beautlfulty dee. lge deck1., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennla. $2900 mo. Submit all offers. .. .., .... ,. 759-1221 WYIEW LUii 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd gate, f::' & tennla. $1700 per mo.•., ... 759-1221 . •lf·-. . ... Ill 1111111'1 -3 br. 3 ba. new cuatom qtty. bit., prl. patio w/lrg. =:d, quiet area. Only $165,000. -., .... 759-1221 .... ...... Name Y04JI t«me on thla lrg 4 BR, 4 BA. Pool Home, W/OOMI\ Yl9w +Sep. lnlaw qtn. 1315,000 LH. with excel. tenna. • ...... 759-1221 ,..._+11111. Fairway home M ... Verde $100,000 un- der market 3 Br., 3 Ba., top oond. $30,000 ON + Takeover $275,000. HI tr llYll .... 759-1221 ... 11111nun Call for FREE RELOCATION COUNSE- LING APPOINTMENT. Mape, brochur• & apectftc Information on .,. .... 5 )'Ml'9 ex- pertence & knowtedge of Greater Seattle er-. UoenMd In WMNngton & Callfomla. Call 1111 fltlllW Ldtl 769-1221 or 631-598.1. ••••11+••• ...... .-m Two Bd. ownera unit plua four 1tudlo1. Don't wait. Won't laat. Caff UIT Lnnl, Broker/Agent. 759-1221; 831-5083. IWIWllJ11m.L 11111flmlmm Own thla etevant Vlctorlan CdM ocean vt8 home tOdey Ullr'Q the equity In your preaent home. Cuatom new 4 90 3 BA wtth wery amealty. Tlk• aver 30 yr. 1at T.O. S1eo1.ooo ptua owner financing too. Don't watt Let'• preeent your trllde today! CaM -UL11L Open HOUM Sat. a SUn. 1-5. 434 Begonia. CdM. Irvine 4482 8_,lllCI Pkwy. 559.9400· -"-, I .J ... ~· -.,.,_ ---51 1'4 -Orange County Real &tate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 1318 Estelle Ln, Hrbr Hinds. "NB 644-9060 $183,500 Sat 2-5 1715 Plaza del Sur. Bal. Penln, NB 644-9060 $595,000 Sun 2-5 * * 1036 Polaris, Dover Shores. NB 644-9060 $975,000-Fee Sun 12-4 1511 Kings Road, Newport Heights. NB 673-6900 $599,000 $at/Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sat 1-5 • ------------*3-Moif'-6eeeh-£ir, Spyglass:CdM Th • w k d I 644-6200 $2,295,000 Sat 1-5 15 ee en e 6041 Paseo de Vega. Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $167 ,500 Sat 1-5 Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you 90 house-hunting. All the locations listed below are described In greater 3 BR plua FAM AM or DEN detail elsewhere In today's DAIL y PILOT cfasslfled MS Patrons •nd QUEST adver11slng open houses for sa .. or rMt In Th\ Dally Piiot may list such 221 1 Waterfront, Corona def Mar lnforrnatk>n In these columns Heh Saturday arid Sunday. 642-8235 $495,000 fee Sat/Sun 1-4:30 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 8EDROOll 12 Evening Song, IMne 631-1266 $1 55,000 45 Rainbow Ridge, Trtlr1t, Irv. Sun 1-5 644-9060 $185,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa laland, NB 673-6900 ~.ooo 8811-4 **226 Grand Clll'\al, Balboa 18', NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2137 E. Ocean, Balboa Penln, NB 831-1400 $323,000 Sun 1-5 2 M ptue FAM RM « DEN * 10 Crest Clrcle, CdM 640-5249 $150,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 702 Acacia, Corona def Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dally 1-5 * 19 Cur1 Dr., Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sa/Sun 11-<4 #3 ~ Fontalnebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 75~9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 227 Via Orvleto. Udo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 213 lr1a, Corona def Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremon'i~ameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 .-.95,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM * 19451 Cattt.h Clrcie, Hunl. Bch 964-4134 $125.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1418 W. Bay. Penln Pt., NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1·5 5041 Pueo de Vega. Turtlerck, Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat 12-5 2521 Suhftower #C2. Santa Ana 631-1266 $110,000 Sat 1-5 1128 E. Balboa 81 (Penln.) Balboa 759-9100 11,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19141 Bimini. Huntington Beach 846-6621 S117,000 • Sun 1-5 1911 Court dt, Bal Penln, N.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 12..e 2116 Felipe, The Bluffa, N.B. 544-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *899 Senate, eo.1• MeN 548-2313 $128,600 11 l.8ndfa1t C11 Nws>t cm. 644-9080 t2.0,000 1&10 TUllin Ave., llMwpon Id\ 652·7600 2829 ........ Or., Colee ... Sat 1-<4 Sun 1-5 842.-. t 112,500 8at/8un 1·S 3024 OCMn Btvd., CdM/N.B. 831-1400 $1,350,000 466 Broadway. Costa Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 914 Capltal, Coeta Mesa Sun 1-5 5-45-1150 $124,500 Sa/Sun 10:30-4 1312 Santanella. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $225,000 Sat 1-5 a M plue FAM RM « DEN 2149 Miramar (Bal Penln) 831-1266 $616;000 Open Dally 1524 Santanella Terr, Irv Terr. CdM 631-7300 $395,000 Sat 1-5 2421 Bunya, Newport Besach 675-1n1 $25&,ooo Sat 2-5/Sun 1-4 1903 Yacht Collnla. Newport 8ctl 644-1017 $550,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 642 Harbor ISi Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1645 Bimini Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 $145,000 Sat 1-5 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3715 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bch 675-1n1 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2009 Yacht Defender (Seavu) NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ooeen 81, Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1880 Maul Cir (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $299,000 Sat 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shrs, NB 642-2510 1739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido 19"1, N.B. 873-7300 Sat/Sun 1-6 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral, Bal.,oa Island 67~921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1883 Park Glen. Costa Mesa ~-1151 $159,900 Sat 1-5 207 Via Mentone, lido lste. NB 673-7300 $596,000 Sun 2-5 * 23.0 Cynthia, Costa Mesa 548-5324 $169,900 Sat 1-<4 24 Hlllgraaa, Irvine 552-7500 S315,000 Sat/Sun 1-J 4 aa ,1u1 FAM IM er DIN 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH, NB 644-7936 $279,500 Sun 1-5 233 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 673-4271 $624,500 Sat/Sun· 1-5 **25 Warmaprlnga (Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3191 S359,000 Sat 1-5 2763 Tern Cr .. Mesa Verde, CM 641...S 115 Sat 1-5 1425 Wataon (Halecrest) CM 751-3191 $128,000 Sat 10-<4 1020 Whltesalls Wy)HbrVuHm) CdM 631-1266 $376,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1420 Santiago (Dover Shorea) NB 631-1266 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2412 Cliff Dr., Newport Heights, NB 645-7189 $598,000 Daily 1-5 *4826 Roxbury Rd., cameo Shr1, CdM 675-59301780-838-4 $475,000 Sa 1:5 2733 Canary Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $199,900 Sat 1-<4 1008 Westcilff Dr., Dover Shoree, NB 760-1410 S37S,OOO Sat/Sun 11-5 lnves With all the interest In real estete 11 an investment, don't forget that your home is you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing-needs now. balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Each one is required to be 1 real •ltJ!e profeuion1I, activ~ly engaged In rt1I estltt, publicly committed to• written' Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® ire •XSltritfQd In Mlping you find the ri.-,t home for tod1Y Ind tomorrow. It could also take • hnp o' lookin'. Before you start. c.11 1 REAL TOR® first. . .... - ~I ~ . .... "'-· .... -.. -..... , , . ,.. '" . ~, .... i.....: •• ,... -·· ............... • • Orange County Real Ettate/An Advertlafng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Seturday, May 8, 1982 -15 2220 Waterfront Dr., CdM 675-3834 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $950,000 Sun 1-5 440 Mendoza, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $525,000 Sat 1-5 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat 12-5 *2779 Tern Circle, Mesa Verde, CM I BR plu• f AM "2 Of DEN 2338 Port Aberdeen, HV Homes, NB 644-9060 $425,000-Fee Sat 1-5 5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $785,000 Sat 1-5 **824 W. Bay, Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 442 Begonia, Corona def Mar 644-6200 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 ----Jsi..a1a1.:s:na,ooo-Se+-4-6------ - 222 Via KOf'On (lido Isle) NB 842-5200 Sat/Sun 1-5 105 Via San Remo, lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 41 Sandpiper, Woodbridge, Irv. 644-9060 $315,000 Sat 1-5 19122 Biddle, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1501 $213,500 427 16th Pl .• E-alde, C.M. Sat 1-5 644-4910 $229,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Via Unc:tlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $745,000 Sun 2-5 1251 Surftlne Way, HVHllla, CdM 844-4910 $299,000 Sat 1-5 * 1805 Glenwood Ln., Baycrest, NB 644~9060 ~9,500 Sun 2-8 8 Ru. Vlllars, Big Cyn, N.B. ~ $705,000 Sat 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/SUn 1-4 **807 Beyalde Or.(Promontory Bay)NB 631-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Arbor Glen, Woodbridge, Irv. &45-0n6 $179,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3412 Pecan, Irvine 546-2313 $164,900 Sat 1-4 2701 Canary (Meaa Verde) CM 546-2313 $239,900 Sat 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtleroek, lrvlne 5'41-5032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 10 Rockwren, Woodbrldpe,"lrv. 644-6200 $265,000 Sat 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 548-5641 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM **708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 676-8161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 * * 1300 E. Balboa l!.l.1._BaJ Penln, NB M-4-9060 $1,400,uuu Sun 2-5 1308 Sendcu11e, Corona def Mar 673-8550 $550,000 Sat 1-5 mem 1lao where For agood I 8R plu• FAM AM or DEN * 1848 Newport His Dr. E., HVHma, NB 642-8235 $569,000 Sat 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 II plus fAM IM or DIN *5 Morena, RSJ, lrvlne 673-7300 $149,000 Sat 11-1 2 llDIOOM 4 11 'II Dehlia. Corona def Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •25 Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-5 551 Hamilton, Coate Meu 759-1501 $123,950 1982 Tachevah, Palm Springs 673-8550 $69,500 Sun 1-5 Set 1-5 2 M pfUI FAM RM or DEN 7 Lago Sud, San Joequln, Irv. 750-1501 1195,000 I Sun 11-4 •so1 St Andrewa, etlfthaven, NB 673-7300 $169,500 Sun 1-4 #45 Canyon Island Drive, Big Canyon, Townhoueea, NB 631-1400 $318,000 Sat 3-5 209-19th St, Balboa P.,.,lnaula, NB 631-1400 $319,000 8a1/Sun 12~ I UDROOM 411 Dahlla, Corona def Mar 676-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 *314 Ave Cumt>re (Bluffa) NB 759-9100 $210,00 Sat/Sun 1-5 164 Fairview, Santa Ana 759-1501 $109,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2286 Peclflc #G, Costa M ... s.46-2313 $129,900 Sat 12-3 #63 SMplne, Big Cyn Townhou ... NB 631-1400 $34<>,000 Sat 1-3 426 Vista Parada, Newport Beach 842-8235 $249,500·LH Sat 1-4:30 # 1 Misty Meadow, lrVlne • 673-8550 $248,SOO Sat 1-5 I II phft PAM IM or DIN #7 Rue VIiiar• (Bg Cyn) NB 759-9100 $72S,OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 551 Vista Grande (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $222,500 Sun 1-5 •2642 Vista Ornada (Blutta) NB 759·9100 $2«,500 Sat 1-5 18282 Yellowood, Univ Pk II, Irv. __ -___ _.1~1601 $16-4~---·-Sun_!:~_ 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlr'k, Irv. 759·1601 $280,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1~ TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 21096 Gypcy Moth, Huntington Bch 846-6621 $117,000 Sun 1-5 Fairview & AvC>CMo Rd., Costa Meaa 5'48-2239 $137,950 Sat/Sur1 11-5 3 BEDROOH Felrvlew & Avocado Rd., Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE. 1 8R plue FAM Ml or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy, No. 113, N.B. 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1~ 2 ..oROOll 300 E. Coat ~. No. 270, N.8. 676-3347 '46,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 UDROOll 515-515'~ Orchid (Ofd CdM) CdM 759-9100 $35e,OOO Sat 1-5 2001 Kings Road, Newport Hghta, NB • 631-1400 $399,500 Sat 1-5 1 8Rplue18R 127-127\.\ Abalone, Balboa llland 67M822 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 -1 UOROOll 6810 W. Oceanfront. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 1895,000 Sat 1-5 4 -4 .. DROOll **202-202'11 S. Bavfront, e.lboa llland, ".B. 673-6900 12,200,000 Sa/&tn 1·6 VACANT LOTS FOR SALE 5e05 8-lhore, ~ ~ 54tr2313 S&OOr Set/Sun 1-5_ CONDOMINIUMS FOR LEASIE 2 MDAOOM FUMl ... D 15 Sea llland, Bta Cyn, NB 759-1501 $125<>/mo Sat/Sun, 1·5 HOUSES . FOR RENT ,, 4 ...... , ..... ., .,.,. 1e:r2: ~~ Hll~:.n 11-8 I .. ·- ..... - .... Ill.I llDlllT 11,111,111 Pier and eHp locatlon. 4 Bdrm, 3 bathe. Owner wlll carry 1et Truet Deed with a eubetantlat down payment. Wiii accommodate a large yacht. Lido club house + terms + preferred ttatus of Udo llfe atyte. .... ... 11,211,111 Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. Pro- feuiOnally decora'8d. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. Random • Oak Planked floore.-Patlo overlooktnQ-prfme - DiyffOiil locafla'lf. FEC~ND. SecUrlfygaw,- and many more extras . Liii llll,111 Oellghtfulty appointed 2 Bdrm, 2'A bathe bay- front condo. 24 hour aecurlty. Sauna, poof, eub parking, close to •hopping. The moat preetl- gloue high-rise condo bulldlng In Newport .. Owner may exchange. llYFllll... 1121,111 Spaciowe 2 ~. ~ bathe... wtth Mt~own bay vtew. Large private atrium. ¥any cuatom tea-tur•. Secuttty and boat ~lngt Owner wtll COMkMr trade fol hOme •.:~ 'Spmgt, "Lal Pmlmu Of c.nyon .,... .; . . · ..... , ... 1.1 Liil llU 1111,111 New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glue I wood + 2 ftrepl.acee. Thie la a true Udo Charmer at this fabulous price. IPDllTl • 1 .. 1.111 llU 1111,000 New etegant custom 3 Bdrm light, bright and airy. Featuring sunroof piped and wired for Ja- cuzzi, telephone, t.v., mood lights. 380 degree view. Most unusual home on Lido. Fabulous fi- nancing. Owner wlll consider all offert. LlllllU ...... Spacious 5 Bdrm home with formal gardens on oversized corner lot on the Plazza. High beam celllnge, separate dining room + den. Thia could be your move to lido. Owner wlll help with financing. Liii llU 1141,111 A true delight thla beautifully remodeled 2 Bdrm, 2 bath home. Profeulonally deeorated and In Immaculate condition. Large sunny pa- tio. Owner wm hefp with nnanclng. Too good to la81. .... Ill.I .. l .... Dramatic Spanleh Casa. 4 Bdrmt, den, formal dining room with Mexican tile floors galore! Private patio with wall -mutt .... RUlll.111 1111,111 Oceen view and Bay view. Largett unit In VIiia Balboa. 2 Bdrm, 2 bathe plua den and famlly- room. High cefllngt and lkytlghta. Very pluah carpeting throughout. Nice large a11umable loan. Act fastlll ...... 12 .. . ULllA PllllllU llHMI Thia brand new 3 Bdrm, ouatom home featuree oak cabinets throughout, economical hot water, forced air heating, open beam and wood planked cefllnga, 7 akytlghta. Thia la truly a must to seelll ILIFflMIN 1111,MI Situated on a beautiful greenbelt. 2 private patios, new carpete, excellent condition. 3 Bdrm, 2 bathe &Ingle story "Bonita". Near poof, schools & shopping. Good Income property. Make otter. EAITILIFF 1212,IOO 1111,GIO Bank Aepo, bring your paint brush and save WaJk to beach. Best In the Cc.eaU.BdUTL:f-den $$$. 5 Bdrms., corner lot. Get a new loan with a + of:flcw• + rettea~looAAf-lrHMng-k>W-<iown-at 1How Interest rate:-Oreat famny- room and Dining area. 2 Tennie courts, comm. home. pool and apa. Great financing. WllT ... llT 1141,111 Absolutely atepa to sand. Duplex located In moat secluded part of beach area. 3 Bdrm. each unit. View from upper. Exceflent fl11ancing. YDllN•D 1111,111 Fully furnished condo, befow market price. Sec. gate, plush carpet•, pool, apa, great aaaume loan. Underground parking and much more. WaJk to beach. All you need Is your clothes and toothbruth. llWPllT llllT 1211.- Beautlful 3 Bdrm + retreat. Custom wood floors & mirrored waits, built-In bookcases. The finest of taste and efeganoe. Furnlthlnge can bi pur- chased. GAEA T TERMS. OllTI 1111 1111 ... Attention Investors -Just listed this triplex that la deflnltefy for you. These units are always In demand and are always rented. Close to park, shopping and schoots. Call todaylll OllTI 1111-EllTll• 1141,IOO Come and see this charming home. Great lo- cation, with beams, brick fireplace and 3 Bdrm, 2 baths. Move In condition. Bring children and pets to ,,lay In huge yard with alley access. IPll llT 11·1 llYllE 1141,000 Beautifully decorated 1 bdrm + den condo, wet bar, 1~ bath, pool & Jacuzzi. Walk to golf course & tennis & shopping. Close to frwya. Charming Spanlth tiled patio. Owner wlll carry 2nd. Liii llLI llll ,112 Ideal corner location thle sparkling clean 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home on an extra wide lot. Only 5 housee from ctubhouee acttvltlee, beach, tennle and ewtmmlng. Large ueumable loan. Owner financing avallable. .. MTIRllD . Llllm.I IUl.lll Lota of warmth and character In thlt c:harmrng 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end of latand. Den or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment. Beautiful large landscaped sunny patio. . 11111 ... 1111.- Attentlon builders. Come and see this triplex· and great potential Costa Mesa golf course view. Call for more Information. ILIFFI uwm .... 1111,llO Two story 3 Bdrm .Plaza condo with fireplace, Dining area, large patio, Dbl garage. Walk to shops and schools. Near Pool. See and com- pare. Ill IU PEllmU 1121,IM Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. Great for Investors who love ocean views. 4 Bdrm up, 3 down. Good rental area. Owner wlll consider all offers. .. un• 12~,111 Splendid custom family ~ome on extra large lot. 5 Bdrm, plus malda quarters. Large ttvtng and dining room·a. Famllyroom and gourmet kit· chen. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountains. ... .... 1211,111 Open Sunday 1-5, 25 Canyon Island Or. • off Ford Ad. Split level with great golf course view. Pool, Spa, Tennis. Good assum. loan & owner wlll help finance. Owner leaving state. See & compare. llllllYll llll,111 5 Bdrm, 7 bath home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with alldlng glass roof. Sauna, steam room, 3 Jacuzzis. Play & .game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6500 sq. ft . IPll lllllY 2·1 •.... , ......... .IHI.Ill Beautiful 4 Bdrm home on large lot. Has alt the amenltlee. French doors, stained and leaded glua windows. All oal< throughout. lncredlble financing. $595,999 . .... llU ........ . 4 Bdrm, 3 batfls, 3 car garage. 40' lot on cor- ner. South patio. Submit all offers. Owner wtl- llng to trade for .houee In W•twood, Beverly Hiii• area. Small office In ume location. , I ,, ~I ,,,,.. r • ~ -.. -• -. •• •'''· • • •off•• 6range CouniY AeaY'EatateiArl° AdvertJ~lng ~i'.;'pp1ement t'o u..··DA!t.v PU.OT/Saiurday. May d. 1eU.-17 u REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1'48 o.t wm 11. • ·" .,. Tllllll Meticulously upgraded three bedroom home. New carpeting. French <¥w>n1 and wjil~)y~~.I.PS.Julr!f~are. CroW!l mgl- dfug. New Klfehen. TWObedroOmJ~\re bay windows. You own the land. INI UTlllAY 1·1 . .lit m UM ""' '"' iii 1-1 Yrt,ne Lido NOrd bayfront 5 bdrm. s ~ bath. _Lft L.R .. 2 boat slips $1,500,0001 • -·'1 --~· .... -· --e1ecr 3 'Sdrtn,'"'21ii\h+ lif~ reci'fi1. beam ceillnp, furnished, petk». $420,000. UHi till UYFlln IPYIUSI 1124 UITlllW 1111. ant• MSIOENllAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES •....agoon view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playroom, dark nn. den, Boat slip. $1 ,3M>,OOO . .._. IDf•" IUITY 1111 ....._.. M., LL U1·l• ·:u.~J!i'~ If IWilDD Ill CllYOI ..... ,..., 1·1 , ... .., .. #1 IW ft.lMI UTS•E COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,900,000 Outstanding 4 BR, 3 Ba, family room. Tastefully decorated and framed by lovely landscaplng. Large patio, waterfall and bad· mlnton court. Great hills view · and 3 car garage. $595,000. q ultfte 3 Bd cu1to m hOme In ~., .. of P1lm Spring•. 130,000 dWlt Of tnide. Owrlef wlll dleldlze peymenta for 1 yr. 1475,000 . Joyce Wa1t1a, R1/ M aa Luaury 4 Bdf, PoOf, 191 ' home In faahlon1t»I• Mela Vatde 4 t>lka to golf OOU4'ae. owe irv peper of 15 YI'• wfftl tow. low, Int. ~sun 1.a. a1e5 Ber· mud1, Co ate M•••· $1&4,500. O#fl/Agt Loll Miiiar 881·1211 o r Two large Deane Townhomes, both ideally lituated on the golf coune. $785,000 and $795,000. CDlllUO CIYS 'Coronado laland cust. bayftce\t lot. 8.5' boat dock. Plana avail. $425,000 w/~rma. MHISnTPUI .. 881-1298 UllDJ••• . ~-· ·. ""' .. •mo Piil "81 I . 3 bdnna. 2 ~ baths condo near pool f 143,000 . Beautiful oontempor&rY llfestyte In this private, slngle story 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo with Mexi- can pavers, attractive patio and double garage. On!Y $129,000. M u1t ••ll-comp1ny mow. l2000 doWn. 1 yr old houM. CIOM to lllce. EVI 8 78 -4778; d yl 831-f247. RVMtaX IN NEWPORT CENTER . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ftl.1111 INVEST IN NPT HEIGHTS DUPLEX Charming 3 bl' 2 be + lpedoua new 2br 2ba. gar., apt. Privacy for both. Auumable Joana. AITD @ l~ Xlnttncome/tax abelter. $289,000. C&ll NADINE CROUL 631-1266 WHY PAY ReTAIL? Owner wlll aell townhome $5,000 below market value. Price red~ to $94.600 with Super terma. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 EXCHANGE YOUR PROPERTY No need to worry about lell1na your home! Owner of large, exec. C!UStom bome\Oll'l Mesa Verde Country Club will conllder exchanee for smaller Mesa Verde property. Call JACKIE RANDLEMAN for more detaill 611-1260 ' Newpcirt Beach 15 C~ate Plaza 759-1221 644-9060 HARBOR RIDGE Sharp lrg. 2 bd condo w/view. Reduced to $399,9001 Will SELL OB LEASE OPT. W/loti ON. Call O~ to PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 ot 760-8702 DOYER SHORES •.800 eq. ft. of T<YrAL CLASS! Like new Spanlah 5 bd estate w/pool, 1pa, view + much more. FABULOUS TERMS, priced to leJl at $949,000 FEE! Call PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702 COSTA ME8A BARGAIN 3 bdr., lg. fam. rm. w /fittplace, remodeled kitchen. Hurry on best value 1n town ... $1 U ,500. JAC K I E HANDLEMAN 631-1266 MESA YERDe BEIT BUY S.,.Ooua 4 br., SIXLUDED SPA In private aettlns. Excell ne w flnaJ'lctna available $218,50 0. J ACKIJa RANDLEMAN e31-12ee J·l k<.f\o(I• ::,. ' ., B 6 /) f 6 ' FORICLOSURED Abandoned Meu Verde Golf Coune l!'Anate hM a-unable loan of $245,000. Will allow fut eecrow. Priced at $290,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266 EXCHANGE WATERFRONT Exceptional opportunity for 2 bdrm ccodo on the bay. Lona term lllN'Dable bm of $260,000 at 12.6~. Owners will consider excbance for income property. Call for further~· &wty Guin~ 631-1266 CONDO 8TEAL81 Now ii the time to get theee At BELOW MARKET PRICES w/loti ON! 3 Bel. 2 Bath Sl.320 mo. -$110 ... 000 2 Bd. 2 Bath •u9.90o 1rv1ne 2 Bd. 2 Bath $1",000 Newport 2 Bd. 2 ~ Bath $1~5.0001\u1lerock 4Bd. 2~Bath $214,900 2,000' Newport H.ubor Bidae Coodo for only $399,900-Newport. U you want a deal on a condo • we will fit you Into one of these TODA YI Call DI- RECT for Delalla PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702 NOW. SUNRl~~~UNSET OUTSTANDING vu;w from thla 1tUnnina Newpoft Hata home. Views of PABKS, BAY & OCEAN. EXPANSIVE 4 Bd w / (>CIC?l Lewnae your down payment. AakiJl4I ,596,000 wftb term1. BAE RODGERS: 631-1266 CLIPFHAWN Oorpoue SPANISH V1LLA the ! II 'IOt ol Callf. Uvinf . I Ba w/LAMA.l ROOM • POOL. J'lnandnl avaOable. Aaktnc $3f9,000. RAE RODGERS, Al·tae k'me 4412 8-ranca Pkwy.· . 559-9400 .--... .......... ___ .. __ I l -· .... -.. ~·- - I , ~ .,.....,.. Cuatom-Built 6300 Sq. FL Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. Gcqeoua Oman View & Oty 1..Jcbta. Enter- tainers' DeU,bt. Numerous AmeniU•, Too Many To Mention. Mwt See To Appreciate. ~.ooo. Owners WW Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Marta Bercovits'• IJatina. ..,._ .. Lllml _ • ~DenrJl'lmmdnf~~~&-- 11 ~~ & Owner WW Conaidel' 2nd. BeaUUtully UPO'aded C.armelill With 3 BR + C4zy Den. Larae Patio on Lovely "Greenbelt Neer Pool. Vacant. $244,500. OPEN SAT 1-5. · Sally Shipley'• I...ia1ing. ....... ,, Catalina Sumeu In San Clemente -Ocean View• Ev- erywhere. Gr.t Location. Hardwood F1oon, Imparted me.. 3 Bdnm +Office. $282,000 J:xisUng 1st T.b . Of- fered At P96,000. Ann Brtmlis'11Jstina. wa•rr--•11 Ma1ntUcent View Home In Newport Beach'• Gate Guarded Harbor lUdae wm Be Under c.omtrucUoo Soao. One Of Tbe l'lnM In The Ara. Tbe Style II 1!'ncJJab Tudor. The Blueprintl Are In Our Office. You Are Weloome To Impect.. $2.20(),000. &.n Trtvt.cn'1 Listinc. 11111.1- In Irvine'• Woodbridte Area -3 Yn Young -10~~ n- nandnl ·On CUI~ -Fenced Beer Yard -Owner Very Amdow ·Only tla6,000. &.an Trtvilon'1 u.un,. ..,...., In Lal\&M Beach, Ht1b On A Hill Above The Ocean. Carved Entry Dool' -Sunken Bar -Game Room -Stained & Leaded Glau -2-Story l'treplace & A Pool & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment, Pleue. $675,000. Ann BriJolia' Ultina· ..... , ... Ocean View Home -Superb c.cm.mponry Styling -3 Bedrocllm -3 Betm +Den. mp BNmed cellnp in Den & Dtninc Boom & Llvinl Room. Exdtina Ocean View From Sun Deck.I. B.B.Q. & Spa Off S)Mldous Muter Bedroom. One Of Tbe Belt Priced &m. ln DneraJd Bay -$896,000 -Joyce Dabolm' tJeUnc. ···---191.B Jlantlldc Owner ~Offend On Orona del Mar Dupla. Two i..a.drOClllllJma. Located On Quiet Street. Surrounded By Lulb ~· 2-0ar o.r.,e. Walk To Sbopl & Beech. aectUCeif282.ooo. Ann BrboUI' Llltinc- I , ....... 11 •••• aoana:: AUl'lldtve 8pmllb 2 BR J'urnllbld 4-Pla. No Vecendea. Good LocaUon. South of IUwnlde. lbcellent Terms. Reduced To $129,&00. Sall)' Sblp1ey'1 t.Mttna. UllllMl•I& One BR Condo, Adult Llvtna. Upetaln Unit W/Deck. Cbe To Pool le Spa. Walk To South c.o.t Piasa. $71, '000. Acent/Ownlr. 8banlD c.oDinl' Ultinl. •••11• .. Walk Tbna Oerden c.ourtJard To Towwtna Doer Lea- dl.na To MarbM l:Dtry. Wlndiq StaircMe & Specioul L.J( X... DJL DID W/J'INpllot. HU9t .._. BR & BA. Plul I Md'1 Ble. .. Lot Wlhddle T..-Court. Mouatain, Octan Vieww. Reduced To .. 20.000. Bob '!'law' u.anc ,.,._ ~I#"" . ,,..,,, '"' ..... .,,,,,. .... -"" ..... -"" ..................... ...........•.•.....•.• .•............••...... •..................... . .••...........••••.•. ~al '"' ...,., ,., .. ....,., '"' ... ., "" ,._., ,,,, ..............••.• . ....... ,............. ..................••.. ......•...........•... •••·········•••·•····• 2:8. -COST A MESA U4K Down '1275 pt/mo 14% £.I. 1111,IOO 38. -COSTA MESA UISt< Down 11023 Pf/mo 1~EJ.l11UOO ' -....... IRVINE $72,500 11111-11•11• J ........ Wtnl lo IW9JI your PfO- Ult • ._..t foe the YOUDI executive pt-~rty up or down? Do TRADE tina started. Most inexpemlW aando in you IWw T,D.'t )'(Ml WWII ~tr.. A9ame 10.K loan with low to '*'7 I tww • progrem down. 831-7370 ::t~~= 13 * H.B. CONDO X..,. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba w/ccmmwlity pool & 1pa. P'eaturn include flreplace, 2 car IU'lae & A/C. A-.ime exilUna loan & owner w1l1 help finance. Alklnl $126, 900. 631-7370 ....... '*' , .... .. ., ..... .... 673-8515 M . -IRVINl-T.H . ..DMn~.PU«ll~ 11% E.I. 1115,000 ' 2'h Yre New.Pool/Spa 38.-f.A.-Pool/Spa C.M. 142t< Down l12t6 Pl/mo 14.19% E.1. 1141,500 48.-4'.A. CoeCI ..... U IH< Down 1822 Pl/mo 14.25 E.1. 11 1.25 11t y..,, 1123,000 48 . .f' A E.alOe Baolnoe .. 8edroonw acu..om~ 2 9dw 111~Home OPEH~SAT.1~ 214~.ooo Don't d161y, eel '*'-..... ~lpOtV. .... .., • Li~•,•.:=; ......... ,. ......•..•.. ••r• a••• t .. u, rt••· I tt11I at IMl,111. .... ... .1111 .. , ... , .. .. I • •• Tlft"lll ... .. ..... Te4er tfrtt IM ... , ..... ., .. .... .... ., ....... , .. ............... ..... ''"'""a ........... 111t I l•r• lltl, . ........... . ltt/ltt 1-1. •U..tUM ..... . ... ,.. .... 112 .. l•IM ... ............... ~···· ..,...s:.:l.'.'!" .......... "•"• "4, ........ .. ,. ......... .... ........ ............... ::;-:::~~ ::1:, .. .... ~~tl!lf_tl .......... c::.·,1 ' -T-':1.J• ·'• .. GARDEN PARK VILLAGE NEW CUSTOM TOWNHOMES Presents 5% DOWN From $137,950 ra1n1n .... •• a ....... Cetta ... ......... . ...., 11:.1 Call: !It.Ml-mt ....c .. , ... .... . .... ... '!!~!~~t ........ !.O.!~ ¥!.".~~~t .••..... .'.~ !.'.~!!!.{'.1.!!.I!....... ~.~~... !.'.~!!!.'!!.!!'! ....•.. ~,.,,. !.'.~!!!.{'.'.!.•}! ....... ~!!!.{'!.~!......... ~.".!'.~t ........ !!.~~ ~.~.'!e .. J .... ~-~~ .. ! .... ~ _ ...... iii4 -~ ....•.•.••.•.•......•. \1• ' ~I t y '\ liYLOR CO IU. :\ !. i ( II\ "' -. : ll , l' t 1 t Un~~~p~od • IMll HZlll .. h<>!'M, nittlc ~n with .., .... , .. W ... "'' •rtr outtltndlng COHt llne M.asnifioent location o'Jookinc 8th sreetl :'::':ia:r.~·fl=~: of golf OOW"le. Majestic C.Olonial CUit.om 1~ dn and attume ••· by owner/builder. 5 bdrms, lge formal I• It 1 n" · Io an . din rm, tam rm, billiard rm, refriprated OE8"£RATEJll mt.ooo wine rm, & 6 1h ha. Marble, finest wood uRO£Nr 1 paneling, air oood., + many custom fea- :.J--!l•_,t ~ ~ ~U,150 000 incl~ land. Mai tell w/w""ewater ocean vu. fum.lahed. Owner wW~hefp fiiUiilce -Urgency fOfCM owner to · ofter fantattlc financing. 111 TO, 12~. amorllad -30 ~ Try 1~ dn. 1436,000. ........ 4 Br, 2 lh Ba. View home overlooking Pavilion, Catalina and nite lites. We have an independent appraiul for $320,000. Try $20,000 down until you tell your home. Owner will helo finance. ... _ Coral mdl 48r atla. OCNn vu, hrdwd flrt, ••tbar, oomm. fllClt DIYoroe for· OM ..... '30,000 below ~r value. 10% dn, .... •Llllll .. 1'WI .ooo 3 Br. •inale story home with new car- UI 4111 peta, drapea, paint, and appllancea. .._ • IN Homeowners Amodation maintaina poo)8 lge tot w/41r. 2'Aba, 2 & landlcapng ao you can travel Ideal ttory •/tot twn rm .,. a for retired couple or jetaettera. Move .._ ol 1N '-""--of !Ht Immediately. See anytline. :::l ::,::,>' ~.:=•1 2111 .... · UTI• 1-1 ......... Owner ne•dt HELPI 1 ecre, 1~911111 larm ~. 'tome TLC. ~ °"""° 182!.000. c.11 48$-2752 ,,.-::: ~ It!' \. .... w.M ,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... Charmlno • bdrm, 3'A ba. 2 1ty Don Petera.on home, brealtfHt room, fireplace, rMny exttu. 1539,000. 222 Coral. Open Sat/&an 1-6. Appl. Owner/Agene. '7~1 " .... _____ ,_ Quiet, park-like aetting. Rm for peddle tennia and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de aac at. 3 bdnna, fam rm. $379,500 fee. • ._ .......... 1 ... Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The per· feet plan for large or ama11 f.amlly, young or not ao young. L1e muter aulte on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very pri- vate patios. ~st buy in Big Canyon. Vacant.~ anytime. 644-4910. ..... ~ • 1'WI l'fllY Buocola home. 4 Br & W. family room with brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet residential area. Children can walk to nearby ac~oola. Owner will help fi- nance. ~.ooo fee. U1·1M PL, I& UT/ .. 1-1 WIUY L THUi ... IOI.Tm 1111 ......... ... ........... , .... u. MMl11 One 'ft ,,.. cttm-open-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, gotta ... to believe. 3 -= Br. 1595,000. Good II· ..,... C..., '-J,,., Jal nenelng. Owner/Agt C. ._, __ ,_ 1_ •••••••••••••••••••••• =er 831·1288 9kr· ••• iT;i.·~;••;•;•·.,.···~·~·•;•;••;.'':~n·lil•I If .... 702 Ac8da, CdM. msK. .... llU ..., Open ddy 1-6. 87$-2041 :;:n,,:.~:om~ •• -Llf meke ft a 1ar1e muter W1Ut a Br. 196 •• lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml tulle. Dormer window•, 8Y o.n.. ttiltMMM11a1N81e ... llt/S. 1-1 pldltt fence, double o-· FUl.l OCEAN VIEW f tl ....... AM rage. Excellent locatlon, *JASMINE CAEa<* Bea11tlful contemporary ctOM to bNotl, oc.'I ~ OWN/AOT FINANCED home on lllll• Balbo1 bey. '326,000 • ownerwll 4M0-151511·7n-5161 ltlllfld. 3 bdrme, 2'A betht, ...... With financing. 2 fireplace• plut 1 bdrm 142-6200 II .... apt.. S ~r garage. M95. 81 ..... A PETE BARRETI REALTY 000 2 Br. 2"' Ba. 2 frplc. Condo. Pool, Jacuul, Tennl1 Court•. Owner •uMaOLD Wta Cetry. 840-5248. NV·::.':.:NT• -,._-,_,-....__..-----iLITTLI •••••• :tt3 .._. ...,...... -,... .. _ .. D•I-...... d 8?5 49a;? ..... Ill 2·•ty, uoo eq ft, pfof. ;~iiii~~1 ······················ deeot. """lowltl ... 8dr ...... h. .... & den..~°" 1~ ......... .... ...... .. tlnwlna Ml. "9duaed For ... «r.Mtinft 21 to tu•.•· 11~1 knockt oft• when you u•• rNult-t•lllna Dally __ 1_t4-A __ 1-eo_1_0 _ _, ~ IHOM.I Piiot CIHtllled Ad• to c..., '-I.., I ~' •· i la. Podi relOll the Orenge Coa1t •••••••••••••••••••••• 1•cuu1. llol J)Ond, I INltMC.. Howe °" t.gonla tu5, r PI o' I . U 71, 0 00. ~ 14a·M71 000, lot~·=· rrif. _11_....o __ • ___ _ ~~~~~~ ar.(213 • .~. 4 . ·~~~. a ..._..._. ....... Han.-..thJNL.Jo ad' ~~ ~ Delly Plot Cl1111f\ed Ad. ~ IM INM. Olln/llkr ITl4IM .. UT.1-1 ---1•11Pca .. ... ...,.~ ........ ! • 2 lk. 1 B&.~ lk. 1 ... ,,,, .. , "'"' ... . 72Jt 105' A2 lot. Do not dltturb tenant•. 1621 .... HH't. alt 11 a orange. S128,ooo. .... t• '''· ..... 548-6041 .. ' wtlndl, 1111t1 ... na ''""' ft .,.. 931 -3520 •ctys. f••llr h•t 11 t•• bWt a 1 bdrm ~ on • • l 1• r.,, ........ , ...... ~·Owner may'*" SBA. 28A, A·1 cond on ., ..... IHl,l)I .. u.. -.-la(ll• A·2 lot. Park Ilk• ,.,....hnll11s wu.i'iiUUY rn9;.~·2~f2'5':; • lrd1a llMIM 142-2741 an. a~ PM llU. .... 1111 "'-•-... 1_ 'Br. 2~ la. Condo. ly 1'6.'•• I, --Owner. Many xtrat. ••••msr1•1.M&1t.1•:•• S105,000 In ...umable ~); ! I l '• --1.-financing. Atlclng S132, -'19J1LJ 500 . ......0780. I I ~ ! r ' . .._, ' ' ' lovely Ill ldrm hom•· ..... , _,. quiet looallon·ll frplca, Ill lllll MC. fence at PoOf WM for child 11fety. flvenewlbdrm,3beth ht Tiiie ..... auumabl• financing. condoe. Pluth carpeia, Juet doott away from .,. ... eot> Pattrtd-drpa. •talMCI glw, pYt flomel WIUad in ..... of yardt, 2 ear garage. S2 mmton. 9-lttfuly ep. • Ooerl 1M Sat.sun. 210 pointed a ldrm ~ r • 1ttl\ Plaoa. '°"' kier\ at plan W/pettOtl/fttc OOMn 12..W ·owner .. cany & nlgflt lttM• vtewe pfUI 2nd « try~ lfwtng poor and tpa. '9eturing II I H W Lit ·program no money xlnt fln1ncln9 w/own•r ,;1 I --......._, down. John Ellot, Aet. putlclpetlon. ComoatJtl--11-11 -131·'321 WHkdaye: vety Pf1Ced at ..... 000. N"'Y deoofated t ldtm t7S-SHt or 831-4509 Cell for llllPt. to... home 011 eox ua· lot. ...... ...._.-1211 Aoom to buftd. Flrtt TO --------1102,000 uaumable at WllT II Tllll IPt 14%. Atklng S117,500. ei.c .... Verde 4 IA a For an appointment to Ba. DA. poof. ..,., _..., ... Oii lie0-1111 OWMr w/trade fOf' CM . . . !Jn · .. ., , .. ( I .. , ....., ~ H ~ ] ~.-HERITAGE REALTORS r>foPWtv or carry U2S, 000 2nd, 5 ,...,.. t2t0. Wlllftft 000. AGf.. Jule. S.2319 MIW ~harming Sbr/2ba. A•· Corone dll Mar duptM tn ----~=== .,,,. .... ooo. 1105,000. exchange tor equity In S 9r. 1 k ..._on.._ 0.-/egt &42-tn2 EMERALD BAY OCEAN IO>t175' a unit lot..... ---VIEW 3 IA SBA hofM. Hlml\On, Do not cllbn _,_ 494-0029 O#rw/Agt tenant•. •121,000. $5000 down. a Br. 2 B&. 548-6041 .. & ..,,. + Dan. PoOf + lledlllor 831-3620 ... Unit. Monthly payment 11800. Full price S151, RESIOEHTIAl Af..Al ESfATE S£RYUS OLD CORONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING BUYS 4,........ .... ... , .. 2 Br, R -2 lot. Loweat price $203.000. 111 lrit ....... Wide R-2 lot, 1 lh-blks to beach, 2 br +guest hou9e. $330,000 2111rh ...... , .. Picturesque Cape Cod 3 houses from Ocean Bl. Reduced to t&7&,eoo. HI..,,, 11•111 Views, whlt.ewJtter & canyon. Walle to Little Corona. Recently NfDOde. led & expanded. '695,000 11...... ., ..... Out.atandJng ocean view, beaut. re- modeled lg b ome with In-law quarterl. Le lot. fl,100,000 All have exeeUent flnandnC terms. Call llmf I llfllll • -·· - 000. 557-2783. Ill 11111 mmT ~•modeled MMa Vetd• r ·PMn. Sharp a Bdrm with aky1lght1 In ram rm end TIHter be. Huge cul de tac lot. Owner• anlOol.tt. Uklng 11'5,000. FOf an llPPt to .... cal 540-1151 ·~HERITAGE ... . RE Al.TORS 3Y OWNE.A-38r, 28a W/lg heat.cf poof, '" lg ...,. dad bec*)td, oonwn•ent- ly looat•d a flexlbl• ..,.,,.., c.11 l40-e27t for ~Info. .. _. Owner llnldoul. 4 Bdrm, 2000 eq It home with formal dll'llng a lamlly rm. S12S,500. Muat Mii In ao daya. Cell now 878-5370 \ f ~ 11 I tl /' tt ........... 3 bdrm, a-6a, fem rm, oar. a.roe patio. 1'ann11 PoOf, .... 1125,000. 1~ dn1~~7 ()per! ...,... Set/Sun s tlr, 2 be. b4IY wtndowt. oak f100f'•, lfV ecce.t, goOd fin~, 1124, soo. lt4 • ~ """ ... N&-11 • IWLD•IM! Terri& Corona deJ Mar location for thla cute money maker. Freably painted 2 bdrm houae plua a l bdrm. apartment. A auper value at juat $269,500 with competitive owner ffnandna of 2°" down to a -12.K an amortbed ~er due In 10 yean.. LIWllr ......... . Rental unlta in Corona del Mart An outatand.l.ng lnYeltment opportuni- ty located just a few bloda fJ'om the 'be.ach, touth of the hlghway. Priced at an unbelievable $230,000 with 80IDe attnctive tenm availa- ble too. Call foe the pardculan. .. Liii -' contlguoul R-1 Iota in prime Carone de1 Mar location. Bay and ocean vlewa. 75" financing. '695,000 each . UlllY lllES ,_. 11111117' Slit One ot the molt apectecular OCMD· front locatlona on the Orange Cout! A truly rmcnificent 4 bdrm. home desiped with a feellna fOf' The lalanda. Lota of gla11 and beautiful tropca1 flowen. A unique lnveltment opportunity. $2,900,000 submit t.erm... II n. •111 UY Spacious 2 It.Ory home with private pier and floet to aooommodat.e Wse yacht. 4 bdnns., fonnal dining rm. and family rm. Pool 1lze baylfde terrace all In brick, perfect for aunnlng. See to appreciate . $985,000 L .H. _ llYEsmEITS KTllB Clem 4 yw old industrial bdldtna l~ ~. OI06ce comer locatioo nicely ~peel. ~ J&.aoo ... fL 1.-d to & .... .a with ~·air condiUoDed om.:.. 1-.t rooaw. etc. Reduced to tl,()40,000 flMndnl aYlllW:ll9. II FIUL llU•I Locatecl GD Karine Ave. an Balboa Ial&Dd. Auncttve u.d brick bull- dtn1 teated to popular Mione'• ltHtaurant plua 3 apartmenu. "88.000 OWW' .tD flnanoe • IEITIU Bayfrcmt ~ • UdQ aree _ tl800~. IMne T.nce view bmne c.orona del .... .=per~ '800 per Imo. ( 714) 6 73-4400 CJ 111 Ha.JUI TlltHerW.,.'tL.ptf .................... c:.i,... lli\Jtll()lt •• $17 ,000 DOWN! MOVE IN NEXT WEEKI 2 prime H~ Be.ch proper- tlel. Shop Sharp, lpel'klinl brliht & like new! Come see, then call your mover. 21098 GYJ11Y Moth. 2 Br. Townhome $117,000 . 191'1 BUdnl a Br. *'Cle t.mily. tu 1.000 I c,....a.-111.m.1-e .... . 146-6621 Tff ANY REAl: ESTATE . $279,500 GN9t flMly hom'4 Fow ~from park with community pool, ptay 9qulpment & baaeball dlemond1. Walk to eohoof without otoeelft~ • ..,.... am.I, IWMte. ptOflMIOI 7' done 'YW'd wMi petloe .. around. In-· tide oompletety redone .... than a )'Mn.•· Fee llnd. ~ ... 11t .. 1~ ' °"'9 .._ Olr'Y lni. CJDllOJE S..1-5 . •. -~ a ..._i. j PETE ' BARRt TT REALTY - RVM t\X ~JM ...... ! ~!M/,;"f;.'tjjfl !;~t.¥.~ ..... :!;e, ..... ~~ ~-!;;.~ .. ~ft~t1:;; F=-!r:!,i;; 611'.._ im ~wiim...... 11'ssru1w t• ...., .......................... F!l!l ............. IMI ····················•· .. ._ ••••••••••••••••••. ... a................ ·····~•illfo··········· .....•...•....... :."9';l' __ ,__ .....,. 2 ... 2 .... din. IE/tide 3 br, 2 -. ...... '"' "°' ..._ ... 2 ...... REDUCED 110.000. NO Running ltfHm, oak 1t,(, actM neat new HIQll _.., _, 1111t level "'* fNclr'o 3 wltrplo, *-d rd• ..,. S7H. Arc" Be" H9t1. MONEY DOWN. PLUI nee. &oelant ... F\11 -o..t Hoeptt.111 Oole8e CdM •. vu t1aoo deck•. ikyllta, op.ft "•n•r. opt• I drpe. 1614037. A¥al. 6111. O~ INTEREST FINAN· prtoe "'6,000, OM*.. ...._ S67IO. Ea.y terma. Clff Dr, aw, vu S1400 t>eem. dbl .. r/opener. StOO/mo, 11t I laet + • OINQ.14aore,41r. carry.~1871-2139, &AcNOMelble.n. 1·311-7113 eve; etWC0\19,Sbr l2000 Avall.5-24.IHO/mo. *400.Avell.now.277 .....__.,. Jiii HorH•, panoramic f71-2Mf HoWl/Food/81rlp Comm. 141.4711 dyl. IOl 8a'lllde Cow. abr2CIO 979 ;s37 ~ wkdye, Robin Hood Len•. ""~·FOA•AEHT••• ooaan & mourNlft ..._ ~It 1..., 1111 eoott. Freeway t1 ---• w. 89>'· aw, doc* t32&0 751~114 ~ N1-1n1 a Bdrm. M75. Fenced 13511 ,000. lroker ........ ~!f:&....... ...=;J. -.·~IM IPf ... /Pl OutltMdlfte Meaa V•de ... t.MI Im yerd & 9era9e. Kida I 4 ... 1111. WMlll -~ Onlflln ... ;;;:;;-.~ ...... ~.. :::::;lC: ,.,,,1500 home 4 ldr 2.,. Ba oni!.•_•_•_•_•................ 1>eD ..,._, 646-2000 • ...,. Au t• 1 Bdrm, ""'1111hed. ~......,..Co SwHtwetar et Palm ~ ktl., pool S1'80 cul·d•·eac, SHO/mo."--" vtew townhouM a Agent. ftO .... •••••••••••••••••••••• MOOO ·~Int. &ptnge, 1 ..-Naoo. 1 a-. IUll/-Agt. H1·12te. Mk for Ir. N 8a. St60/mo. AG' ~!I'!!! --Bradford Pl, owft•r an-110,000 • 1~ Int. M7-0111 -,._ Anna. 4te IMO. -.. lCIOUI, 41r 1 ... la, ger, Belanoe 2t yr• M4.000 71 ...... 2211 " " vu, •pa, Sbr, famlly •••••••••••••••••• patio, PoOllP1tk. Ht. 11 11 ". ca 11 I t.fu'1 l2000/mo leautlfuly o.cota*f • ft r .. ~ 1111 381• 28e. Wllllna dllteftoe IOO NI .._ ,... • f::J:d a Ir 1paolou1 ::.................... toDeneN!aullllblbctl.. .Atlwne ,0001at 714/t75-0ta7 JJi!f!~ Ifft rm w/ltOM trptc, ... Ill ftMIRI grdnr, ru. UH. at 11""" ,,._ t17-2040 11 ._,_, C.lrrldw/ p••••• •• ••••••••••• ... mflLI fr.nch doora, co¥9red .. bdrm,• b•. -•r ~... 4t3-8411 •••--•-a.~ I•• ALM 8PRINGI IUN· Monttii:::r .. " .. ""'"' -------- - ~-•--11 OANCa VIUA8 COHO<> petlol • ~tdfot enterta6-1 1 TWWl/pool. "60. Hew 2Br Condo, nr _,,_-.I""'" •••••••••••••••••••••• Prlvao" I N It L" Udo 1•.1.:'.': '.'•no -.er anar no "1"' ...... _.._ -eouncrv aub....-t?tO i:.: ~~ .. -................. u ..... •• -~ .. .!~ CtAH A llA09& EM? KAI JeellU)t-wat~.i, ~urn111 -Beecon..,~ --..so: llM-OM1 . -·,,=.:._--.-. A ft 111> M 1"-'U ::: _ . ...., IUD Oulet. loft.o condo pro-10% loan 1Humab1e: ~~~ u .... -496-4219 l•M II• Ta..... vldelencloMctgar~. S1111,000. (71 4) . ont-....., ....... •1...,. .HM ------- ...................... Nearnew...--.2bdrm. W/O, =· t•ftn •· 32&-4871 ....... ..... ~loolE;.~i'"" ••••••••••; •••••• r-.:: WA.1-1 1111 Newport Bwh 0. Ann 2 bath HC" unit With p~J~· __. tr' ~ ... a ·--· ,,,,,, ........ • 111· 1• ·-· ....... . ... uult..... HOME FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• beytront Park. Mint nr.pteoe, .aloaad petlo q,.... retr-, om ,.,.... ,._, 2 oer_gw wtttl alee~ a Bdrm. M76. F•noed S br, 2 ti.. ... ffDIO. nkle cond. '71 dbl wide, nr.-garaoa. "-1et. Poe'. d•nlftO orowde. own It ,. • ..__ IM ..,.., ner. NIO. Avell epprOJC yard a garage. Kid• 1 yerd, c0¥'d patloe, up- plaoe, br1ctc patio, .. 1. CMhlow. HowS115t,600. tor 11,050 per mo. ·-··~•••••••••• .__, __ ,. ._ 8/1. John.,..,.....,,, AQt.. pell....._ 545-2000 gr9ded. seoo; nO-ftlD 000. Aleo 2 br., 2 ba., 8111 or u n d y , A It r , 714 • HOO: 4t$-l220 TRADE Cebln In Fewnakln ,._.._ .-1 831..U42 ,._. no,.._ · _ ._. doUOle wide lot M OMV ••1 000 , h •••••••••••••••••••••• .._... ..,. -S31 ooo ei11~ner 87 111, . 'd j ob ou~t or Charmln9/8p11klln9. 2 1.,. IA. yard, no P•t1, 14 br '"' M. froto 2 car •••••••••••••••••••••• l1M'tl1: rundy 1-1n-'7 .. ~~1 C:,14~•4eot~ 1tory, 4 bdt'm, 2 b-1 fe· o"lld OK , W••ttlde. 1.;. 8gl remlly.'Hoo. Nwpt.,..., •Ir°" Clhc)6.. A°"°88 F9'0M BEACH. I UNIT& COSTA MESA, ..... 1 blk from IHO" end ' S1125.144-611t . ~ •••••••••••.-;;-....... .. .. M mlly rm on P9MI. PGtnt. 1475/mo. 641-0713. .._June 1 l11-0129 ce 9rHnbelt, •"erp. ..... I .... 2 •• 2ba. • ant 9PIUTY nffd.I wort. great po-TRADE Central Cout Bey. Ya.ty ._ S1.IOO e,:oe for:::' h"tia"~· 11r COftdO. SH.Olmo . ., 1a.....1 1geouaeam1Mch&"*"/ iww1 twitW. SS10K. John ctw, cu.torn a br.,... mo. ~75 ~·,•!.'!f~•iiri ~ ~ Colttlo•-:3/f' ...-eo.. ~~IP-Me-7te0 AOT "om• on 2 10. horee e..., '-I llM all 111 1 r.-;; + ,100 MO. 1:30 dlly) 1_.t7 .... "" pralul at ,000. For •• ,., '{RADE: C.M. coin leun-~A~~...................... dep4 Av all May 20.12 Ir. 1 le. Den l••o" 3 bdrm, 2.,. ba, •pa, appC Cll ....... 17 • dry, Mll HK.:lt'· F.P. ...... ........ or....... HAMOR NOOE 14t4711 HOUM. Weill to bMch. ~ dee*. ........ ~lw:fl.Ooubll .._ t1eoK, tor-ci ~ ~ ~ ::.a::.;r .. · Soaring cathedral c.t--a.... f7IO/mo. a1 F~ :L'f.:: 1125 per mo. wide, adutt1, large lot A.rdlla.eta. delipen, lllM C.M. or N.8. • lln91, bH.,,lh1I view, •-1-::M.::2:.-7001:..::=·:..._ ____ 1'="'=--::-:---:--:--:---: llMlpetdl.nasn. ol.a-...Two.,._ prop. Prlft. only, ,__mtll covntrykltctten,31R. --Sbr.2balofamrm.~1• __ .,__._ 12•.2i.condo."111.anct Olfto. low NM. SH,900. fill Newpou Center. &40-ll27 . So. of PCH. Wll no.tor Yrty lee. S1IOO mo. fncd yd, w/gdnr. M7 . i.u--.-untt. pool Ilka to~ t.m.. '47-2164. One I• 2000 ~t •Jld Jl11 11111 IM a.. ,_, ......_ Dwrwll Peah, ...,,._My 142-8200 fn.117'3 .,..., llfl End ....... 1 dllO oil. ·-, 11 JOOO 81:1 Vsy -~~7-1221 SpwglHI 4 8r. famlly 3 IA 2 IA.-.... -. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• A¥al. 5118112. "60 ~ ~ "1 ._ IM ... ~o~~·. ~~ wu. ..... -vwi• _. ro'om, 2 frplo. -•an/ car 1,•r•o't'.No_p..,..at1. Ooeantront oondo, 2 br, lea ... sec. dep. M50. ;o:o::..-. •••• :::r...... -..._ -10 2-bdrm town,.ou.. OUf'l.EX herbor.,...... 11MO/mo sn /mo 11t ·+too 2.,. ba, d9tl, frplo, wet 11a-n31. Paved~o~ CIOM, (714) ,..,. =:.":,,t = = =.:-:-.:~ 146-0T1t. • ~ MM4za, 142-4131 :;~·C:,~!~0.u~;2 v~~: ... B_A_CK __ a_A_Y_Condo--.-ad-lt. tr .... OWMr enltlou1. F1mc1b1e 111W1c*1g. Pnaed wtlfl 2 ldrm Ufttt In heart LG. 1 1R. Av.I. 111, ger, 1 IA. I OEN, MdUOact I vat a . Jon• t "an orianead, S br or 2 a den. Low down, tow .Price. to ... llt .._ 1'WI 10 JC of town. hll,600. Call w 10 , etoreo•. HH. swMta. huge~.,.. & (213)4'1...at7 (24 houri> 2 be, bftne, ~. W/D, own. .. C*I)' Pllm'IT, 1111. C" Cell w~ Linda Oeth. Barrett MJ, 71ti.t Marlgold. wat•rcr.•ld, ren~. Horwatatfront a br S'i6 b• :s"'~"-:etr°'" ~ Aolet f7M7f1, Relall ,.,,., ... 1u11-TY. t.U-8200 &40-42.M. .,.._ afllOft. 111oimo ·~taoular View. Jee: ..:~ ~ 142.~ti ' ' tlft 11, e12-1na ne11. >Clnt looetloft In 21~1SIM ..., IAtlt 2 ldr 1kdan.2-. 2 Uiti4la :.~~·0 • frploe •twuout. 71' t>oat • •-,_ lltllllllll a.. hWI traMo ., ... at>ow C.M. TrtpteJc fixer ... 5K •ua-...1 --oar o•r•o•. lro patio, • dot*. SIOOO/mo. 1141' -·-._ ..,.,... lnoofne With f• dn S13tK price. Prine 19 •• ':~ •• ~ ••••••• ~ newly decorated . 2 bdrm, 1 ba, '421 no larnetable. Jonat,.an ~IA MoUM ConOo L::.::O~rn-vorable terme. Wrtt• or onty. av OWNER. ~ANTED: a br. a ety s1oeo1mo. 517 Poin..t-doal. 146 Vlotot1a. Not. (2t3)481-4317 (24 In) • 75 per mo. c.1 o.ny :-".,:,:.~t ~~l~~·:::,:.a:::;..~~i 9 UNrT8 ~TON ~:~:~· ~·,~~ ~r on:r: '. ::.n ~: oonw: med =VIEW CONDO lm!! ........... :!ff Ila=:.:':': 3 1K .._ ~=~m t~ a BEACH.1~Mililaln t211PM-7t71 brick frpfc .. hdwd ""· 2br 2\{ba, mlcroilar a Ir. a Ba. fJCaO Home In ~cow.._, ~~ ~~~1~reacoti.1~~·i ~~:~~ !!~ .............. ~~~J::::fa~:.~;~ ·~1~1 633 - 4 o. ~~r:.': tenn1a • .:~= Mol'°"'I Nellmentl 802-n~ roofe. 14 YHfl n•w ...... ,_.,,,. ..,..... r"S Br, 2 ba. \:/etet & ..,.. :~r., aid c::=0 1 '--l44-7w .,, from S1IO -NW ~·:o 11~~~:S dlt ....................... Boecteoular ooa.t & ceey dener Incl. 17tl. No ™· A8ant, no._: Hew ooaantront I Bt. fa-eot!~ ~~112 ... -. . ... '""'' YMw "°"' ...,y .... f44.ml. ;::· 2 :r:o~· SofTY Prt .... OtMt 500 ~ >:,'t Laguna WI -... h-hnll '11J ' ~~· = :.:::::::: 1 .... ,.,.s, ""· ..... 4 :::: :m~ced Wiil to":'... Poof Ind ·-· lw:fl •.ooo. 100 epeoea. 6-lter, Or. •••••••••••••••••••••• t12001mo. Cell :'I. ruae. fp. adulta, fto yard I o•r•o•. Kid• I t•Mll avail. No pate. ..Al 1*1g11 ._ w1tt1 Diiiy Flnal!Clna ___..;, -:__1• Cty. Jotwljoel I Aaaoc. ~Point, lge 3 Ir, d .... 2 .. 111 :.~(.'· 1el. + d•P· _........___ 545-2000 - Plol Want Ada. AG! ............ """"-7IMlllO a b•t"~ ~':; .::. u1..ao' . ..,.. mo .... te•. -'"';t;: . -.,N-7474 ,,..,,...,, ~ ..... -,, -.. r:::h. bay, ahor•· Loe newly fetl'IOd .. •. '· ~pt~'9J,~'p':! "::1 WOODlfUDCH·Slr. COl'f Npt Cr••t town--lell IM ..,..._ Or. Cty, no YNlil ·No. t1200 mo. Call 811 or Sba & fall\ na, 11t lrvtM • ,....._ ""J:o: I--. home, poot, tenftla, nr i~·········i•i••i•i•i••iii•li"il•li'il'•li•m••iiJ-lli.~iiiii-ii•ii•ii•·;·;··;·;!;i~ii"iil Callf. Call for datalla ....,.. Gold, 9afreft Ne'/, Terr . t 1100/mo. ~~Tc::'i -mo. .-. Aw/I b•ao". Call 10 ... ::C,"~•1 & Auoo. 842>-U00, .. '1MIM A1-711t. 141 cw.41 '* .,_ dep. Olltl 1.4 1at wll of June._• __ ..,, _____ _ Build ------it... '-'.. ,,~ t.11... ~ a.ueun. 1•....... 4M-4t42. Hartlor Yl9w ..... Ir. 2 ~()wn Horne in Palm Desert FOAECLOSUA! lale, ••••••••••••••••••~'r. f9•••••••••••••••••••• bll tn.oa1 Deerfleld, I llt, t be k tlrlllly rm. SUllO/ftlo. -Bahia del Sol N~ Ultd« IMt. value. !Mo. 4 bdml, t'4 ba, Ir· • • -• Jlr Ill ., :ft-......, frplo, t Olf ~· Pure,. ... option avell. t.ln. llld ll0,000. ,._ vine T«race. Yr ...... _ 1111. Cel .. ..et. (Jtl) ........,,, ~I atory. S1400.1114100 111 ..., f1W Cell 141 4 -...1 llaf. 6iM. -.,,..--Col-· -.-.-.-2-... - CustomHomeC~ • C...-... I!~ "•nt lft Coate MeH'• llr, ..... rm,tt0d)l9r'CI 4 Br, t'4 b•, '"'99 yard, aoaeto .......... ,oot. ~ ....... -em ......... ':~ TNEWlaT tat•d to trptc, ..,.,_, tw o.c A/~'"''' eune, USO/mo:· Agent , _ honWtiet owrlodd"" Palm Dtltrt In .......... ,WI .. Hew I 9'. I ... Ooftdo. own"OfH V WOOD oollefa. No r•te, •7 IU-110t 141-otte. -8"' .. o •t-t• t1IOO/mo. turftlaMct. llMNWO ~ '780lm0 T3C)..111 Dll.,11• 0 1., 1 .. --------~ kxadon edjc*ling Ironwood Country lll~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!I t1000Ul'!Mft Mo to Mo. M!Cft0°WAW OVENa, " "' • • I --Oub. w.ledtntry, fullbnprowdltreetl, utllilles ,... ... aiaal·= '"IVATI ,ATIOa I. Ir. 2 la. Mofttl0 .. 10 ........ "-'1 ............ 4 •• -"'m In p&.:it. Minimum 12,(XX)!t.i tq. ftft. loll, ealenl ... ...,., looatlon MXt to yar•=.1,.., provt. • TOWft .. OU ... No P•••· opt, AO, frpto, Gbl ... be-. ...... "° - ddcn, oanwnltnt ,,__ ..................... • II• ''nit.& ,,. .. ,.,. •· Mlt oney .... /mo . ...,,_...,.... r•o•. to tot, redwood , .. ...,... .,... PVt. r.· IUlll -·-"'"'··-·-~·w--•* · 1,,...,.,.. .._. ,__ Co. 14MSM. .-. "' "°"' .,.,.., ... .. r' JllWJMM5.000. ..... ••a...........4aa. ...... 7.,.... a.c. ftor.t•. A•ell I"'"'"· C,:.:,~"'· en" a. JO'I)(. DOWN ·~'='!:"tt."'.J: ...,_ II~ ....... or O.C.Al':port. ... ... .. HI II mo. 11t·UH, JOO , .. -.trr:;,.,•1• ~1'r'tD.,D~ImD£ST,2YU. 42'0ci'14 u'lc oto .. ;-;;: .... '!, ........ :: Jult ... .,.._ 40::''!:..2C::w:,"'::.?l..!•!!:!*!!!3 ____ _j ~JM>'tD.,D'Mlt~SYU. tOOAMPI,......,.,.; T~~T.i:.~=.t l8rl ...... ll! .............. •a•ttla .... •.ro::~~~.:..'.:t lln*lr Pridpadon lnYllird fWllaed ..... f,000 aq mo. AQt.. • .~ • .., *I ....... tlll. ._ t....,,., N &., '1111-oil. Aw/I MW. Jotllt, agt. ""~~ ~=--a.-:=---.... ,, ... =.-=:=.. .. ·''•· 111.... crden,oo=-ll-1.a41 _____ _ :~: ~ ·-.. 1 ............... Coo"::•11r.n~, ........... ~·~ ·~._...., .. , !... ~....._~lal ,,.,,,,,,. ._. leue, ht. a aoo. flower at. SHO/Mo. == ' lr ..... ,,.. ....... 1. : ~ _ •••-•-...... :T.'U' MONn'ONmmo&ITM 1411... n.Ul1111l.4pM. ..... 1~CllM-~ -. odi11~1c:':t:..at~,.._ :!:f.y~=.t.:'r::J: --•141rlle.••t~"° '"' 1~1· =l~'=fi=: -1110,000 ewur !flJ~•-~· UI01»1'9IO. 4 lctr• I la fer~ s::.;,.1oe ,., •. '00, tar:' t'9 ~. i....._ l1l4ml ' ....._ QUiii -. .. I t11' ft '9 c.u.17 _..,...,, M~ ""1llfC. &Sim L111V -.u 7 , \, =..--... I lmfe I tit: I '9 =.: ~· -~ .....,.. ___ -ma,111.•"-ft..--~ I ttt,OOD ••ofl. ~b!l!tf ...... .,.... ter . .....-.:i:1•1t11.N'9 ...... t-191 d. ~OESBT /'.,. •t-4119 • .._, • ... .,.1::.-z=i: =:;;;:r"': .... ::::,.•._ ~ lllllP•llltUlelMr1\6 1 .9.Ate~ =-.:1 7,,.. r.m;riiiii.i ........ ~--·· ;cw=_..: ~-~-~-£··='·" ::.:•i:~~ ~ ....,•~ ....... y; . .....,.., ., ---cGNllala. • .._. .!! tue:1 ... Ava11m Bahia ...1-1 C-1 .. uHnli"9• ft9ll ;,':'..,_, -t.. *'• ..._ ........ ,... .... ., ....... _.....,.. '---•all rsM • \&::l .:x.I .. IF -........ " • ., ................. , ..... ,,. •. ~···-~-• IFtttMCm: o.M~7•to"*Ylt.._V..W. \t _ _. .... ..,_ :.~=:= WllHn. Mo _ .. eta, N1..-11 ... IO. MMe .... .-......... ,,._ °"" ... ~.Thun.,1).5. -............. •••n· .,. dM .. IJ~. ·~ _c.;,.IH·tHI ., •••• :::r.:r.:::--- ' (7k)! •('lM)tsMD(..,,.....,. 11rn1•Jllllaom1e.1 !'!.!!!fer ~ Avel1 ........ , ... ni. t ... lt.,.1wtt11• .. t•L _...,. • •1 ..... mur -nwna Jl,!itU~.:ir· ~'1:= '!''M.1 ,~ii.·--. .......... .-w~ ,.. • - .\ I - .. • . -- -,_,t to the OAlLY PILOT/Saturday, May 8, 1982 ..... ,.,,..,,, ............ ,.,.... JI .. .,._;,,, -• • ~---• ~---• •••••••••••••••••••••• ;i";;i.Tuf.7 ••••••••••• :T::'.-::::-••• : ••••••••• ,...._...,, ...,..._._,, '~" .,_,, -- -,.. •·'--"'t..J l.t.nllW r.JrumhW •·'--lef..J _,...,, IMlt ""· cw... nu"' .......... r1.11MA n~ ... ":':':::~ ...... ······················ ......................... ~::~ ...... . ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• • .... ••••••••••••• C.U ... 1114 ~ ,,,., #II Im. ---1144 lau Ju 1111 --llllW llU II ---Bf ILi • •• •• ••••••• •• •• • ••• • • ............ •••••••••• H••·················. . .................... . ;.,. , IMl'I 4111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt rm, beth, gourmet Pal•rmo, 41r 2~ba, ALL UTIUTIES PNO Available now. 000 Eaetelde 2 mr.iift yard. 3 Ir 2ba, trplo, patio, H9w 1 8'. CondO for .... ~ V...,. 2 Br. 2 .,, Ytliw, "'pool Md tenn1a. Compar• betor• you week up . Agent optional attach gar. otllldren ok, no petl. ••· many xtr11. ea. new oa~t• & •P· •-•-•-.. _._,_ ~Ill No peta. S1478/mo. Jo renL Cuatom dellgfl ..._ 87M170. S4U/mo. 1100 eq.lt. 2515 Ora~ Apt c , tUO /~oanna pllana.a. '825/mo. Call --,. :~,~or• n. B It r . t~ Poot, eeo. COV'rd 009lntront Wkly. 2& 3 bf, 54Ml45 S&eO. 842·1 958-1833, 720. ~~..3,~~~~~·z:.t ••··~a;\Mi;•••• meela, traneportatlon, lndry, companion, tor active, efdert'/ lady. Ir-.._ 552-303 wa. gtraoe, turrounded wt11 comp. fufn'd. Oar. Avt. 1 .. 2 .. I.. Al utlfll pd, lge compt,. " ..... llfl tor'"' Mr. Ca.t.n.,i. ANa. W...oy Ratee plueh landecaplng. Ho now. 84()..4784 Newly decor. oaa pd. mod. 1 br, new crpt, ••~•••••••••••••••1---------~. ""°'* IPY•lll ... pea. •ncl gar. dwahr. pool, drpa, retrlg. No pete. •tiw.T 2 Br 2 Be twntlee, ~. "Z" oNnnll ~ 1 Ir. tum. from s.eto .,,..fl bbq. Adulta, no peta. a U 5. U 5·15 711 , Moat ~t mpt. btdQ. In pool, no peCa. t4M. E~ Sandpiper, 1H7 New· 2 It. tum. ftom SU0 11"'8nllW 842·6073. MQ..3721 Laguna leach, tlnHt 213-377·26111 port Ma W. WlleOn, '42•ft71 •••••••••••••••••••••• 111111 •Arn EA8TSIOE 2 8'. new Cit· loc;atlon In \oWn, bt•ttl-Lg 18r, aacwtty get., at· 81. Co.ta Mala 845-t137 WWIM-Wlll llllW Na t Br."'*' Qulalt. 8lp ..... 1"'-' -pet paint dahwar ge. takJne ...._ .. bult-IM. trectNe grounck. rw So. •-------- !>)'gar. 1 empfyd adult ...................... Adutt Hvtno, 1 Ir., Cat· ~:i: petlo. Sl(O. heated pool, 1ub. ge· c.t fltua 8'10898 .MW ..... ,,,,., sa. No'*-saao 3 bdrm 1"-ba. S760 mo port, pool & leundry. No iea. ra9•. •••••tor. LHH Wkly r.,..... now avall. 4 Br. 2'.4 I&. 2 fir~ Ma-1021 • . ~ .... 111 I IMt mo pea. '4tl. Mt W. 19th. . ontf. SlllO& up. NOCM..... fM 1105 & up. Color TV. putttng ~ oardlfW. Dlul '260 Clellllng dep, !It. 641-04f2. 28r 1be, 11"91 now,~ Or. 494-IOIS. •••••••••••••••••••••• Phone• In room. 2274 t t700/mo. ... ,., n'lf 815-tlM 2 Br 1911 ~Ave 1_. children ok. 1410/mo. <Mt' 21. Pool, i-c. tennfa. N9wport lfwt. CM. Reeltot:~Edlund ii:................. fl • 0 -ta. 2 -raon• cell IMO-OM7 • ...., .._, ., St•P• to b•_ach. Raf.•-8*-7441 • 1 er VIie, billOOll)' J.lttt r. n ,... ,... ••• ...-.. •• ~••••••• Nlllllpott ~ °*"~•: -_ 1425. Sierra Mgmt. *2 br nr.8:C. Pit. S.A. Hr....._. *t llp 8¥81. .fi. ... --.,.liJj Im ~ bed S426/mo l•'•rek _.., 841·1324 Pool, apa. 1545-SIOO. new palntlcpta. S875. furn Pf1V room and beth. •y .................. . Chatmlng home 3 BA, 1141 tue, 49MI03. . 4iA .• 2iA.•;;;j;.•;~.;;, w--. 2 Br. 1 I&. can-Carport. 752-5122 or 873-t127, 17M20t fWrlg. :C,1 llnmlf twn rm, country kftcflln, blt-lne. pM!Jng. ao.. to tral hutlng, garage, 841·14IO. . 3Br, 28• llepa to bch, oe 4 bdrm. 4 bath, eandy tplc, ,)'Wd wf.,..-nore •• ,.,,,. bay l ocean . Brltr etova, cerpetl, drapee. lYAIL Ml new palntlcpt, frplc, E/alde C.M. Rm In pvt •beach, pier I float. v .. roeea.'1260/mo. ...,. n# 876-4812 No peea. c:lllldr9n • ..W· t415/mo 2 Br 1 Ba S850. 973-9127 ' home w/poot Shr bath 9000 for A~u1t. 8111 Barban Aune, Agt, •••••••••••••••••••••• Npt Penlne!M 1 Br 1 Be. bede. S450 + MCUrlty pool, laundry rm, new 87M208 $250. Pvt bath t275. Grundy, Mr, M181. ~~. frp6c bwn callngl, d•t::~ 50-6442 or eatpat upper unit. Thie NO FEEi A t I C d 547.2713 2 bdrm ll.lfn condo, CM. 8roedmOor a... 4 Br. U.'t fmlT llll'eOe~ 164()/mo. Avd n · one wOnt leat1 ,_,..._ vtl ;..,,.:..n o Npt Bch, ~. furn., Ave II 81111 thru 8121 . 3 Be. tam rm, 2 frplc., 8penlafl EMa LMnol I / t. t55-.00H evu/ 2 BR, t.,.. ba townhouM. TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 875-4812 8'oker. quiet, pvt atudlo, prM-'550 mo. 641-64111 watbar, micro, guuded BMutlful S*'tt·llk• aur· wttnda. lmmao. quiet, no pet a. 2 BA. pYt petlo. new pelnt VerealllH 1 br condo llgel '450/mo MO-e2tO H. e. condo. pool & '*""'· UH, f.ool I fennla. ~~d~:::enT;!!abc::. e..., .i llM Im Belcony, pdo, ,Ce frpl, & q1ta, .-.nt Md.-_ 1550. CloN to bffch: Furnlahed rm & bath. July & Aug. UOO mo. ~~o. 144-5403. aperkllng fountain•. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~t= AW/A 1et. now. M75 mo. Cal LMTy F\ll llOUrtty. 648-3174 Kltdl prtv. "T«WU, pool, 1-~ __ 1oes __ . ----- ..._, 8pecioul .-..... Welk to pvt bMch, 2Br, Of Pltll, ~ 11N • t •PI t O b Ch· N 8 28R 2ba, turn old CdM· ... ""--It -· room1 . ....-~ 11&, frpo. lg pdo lltd Sharp Garden Gu11t 1275/mo. 846-6734 aft from a1ooo'monthl • .,_ _,, ,... dining.,.._ W ~ d ·.1. ... llMI .... home, 1br, quiet, W/O, 4-'Y· ...................... cloeat9, home lltle kltdl-garage:J'4!'r. ve.pa •eABJIU ................. ~ patio, 1325/mo. ..,... May 18·8ep 1 IS . BEACH COTTAGE. 2 en & Clblneta. Walk to Cod,oompllW'Jramdl'd. , •••••.•• -Xtra large 1 Br, ocean 841 em M•H Verd• Hm, C.M. 7&t-1243 bdrm, 2 b&. Wll totn*I, Huntington c.nw. S 1000 mo. (714) -•••-View, bullt·lnt, leundry M/F, nonamkr, ktc:h/ 1-0CEAHfAONT------k.owry--28r- twn, bdl. t700. 492.7g13 1 Bdrm-tum. '606 173-1501, 133-2100 New Condo for rent. 2 r.c., tflded giw. Ho~ PARK NEWPORT lndry prlv. U75 mo. No. l.agufta. Jee, frptc, la JU/I 2 Bdrm-=irn from Cod1 er. N la. t706/mo, Dbf M2SllM. •t-13Sa. APARTMENTS 967-1185 wldy/mo. 494-1725 l!.a-'-'--1111 2 bf, frPo, end. garden & ~ =~· ~~ PtNllQloua locetloft. 2 er. Room for rent, kitchen Char= home nr aurf . ••• ~.::::......... pado. MOO/mo. c .. tor 1 9 a . • 4 7 5 / m 0 . COVNTAY Clue UVINO prlv. Lady. Pool prlv. old 38r + ~ 2 er. 2be,,.,,.. rm, lltd 2 uJ:'.~Mt appt. 873--8522. H 1-11113, H1-5824. Al~~. BEACH MO/Wkly. 557-6441. t•. 1~, reMtvatlona doaecl ......._d I 2 I _.. Ill E. SIOE-38r, 28&, -.. e37-47oe _..,. oommunlty on c.r Qtr, _,_ • 2 r ba, ra a ... c:e ng, ohlldren OK, no petl. the aa Bay QA> hou-F haa rm w/pvt bath In 87 nr 1chl1. R. V 1torege LA QUINTA HfAM08A lo..ty loo, not far from NH mo. + MO dap ,. II r.. _,. .. & -· 7 ~ 1 '--ept, Maa Verde, c .M., r-Nawpof1---Bw-ct.--~-tltodt--to avaM.. 1625/mo. 1at1•t tl21 t ParMlde ltl, 1 bll b •a ch. a e 7 51 mo. fundeble. Avall Mey 1. •••••••••••••••••~~ nil~ J;;"io bull-to rent to not\lmOttlna f ociean • ._ 3 er. 2 Ba. :2·~2 &vf!8:~n81f::: w. of 8w:fl, s blka 8. of 7ICMOll 84e-Hee PHEASANT CrHlt l!I '*'I lhopplng. 25+, no petl, UIJO. 1450/wult. 114m5e .. 25e5 EdlngarMJ .... 1 ~.. Jll4 Sharp 2 BR 2 la, ~· Toto. New, dllc. 1 br, 1 M&-1307 213/9&1-1706. Mir• Coat• Condo 2 Br. • iiiir-iii..... r~ ~ ~ f152& ~."::· c:=::, == ~n~~~ F~:;.: ~,:::~~:~ ~ ':, ~.t':""to "= plua den, decoreted • -~-...,. nfl ... , •• .....,., 2 .... 1~ ger, er · nle, pool, apa. Wtr. pd. ~ 87,. .,.. .. -841 1160 ttlru-out, private petlo, ••n•••••••••••••••••• -_.mo. .... mo. CaU 640·1151, aatc ssoo. 956-1525. 1o-.5PM $54041000 ...... 4.-; _,_ • In Newpor1. Up1talra 2 pool, ..,_, MW\a fee., 2 Furn . .'t:na Beac:tt lu· I&. TOMlhouaa, .. t>ult· for LMTy 0t PM'I Room ln,N.B. pool, P"' be er. 2 8a. 1teep1 8 or ? car garage. S7711/mo. xTVury ·~ ~ :v=-:"p~ir~g. N'r:e so. CoHt Plaza 2 llB 1 •uti.,,.. *several atudloa a 1 & entrance, refrlge. '200. Bottom unit....,. 4 or 1 881 1336. • aeuna, .. -.. -·-. b I ti f II •---.&. · ••~• 631-3525. Rear petlo With )ecunl. • phonH. S 115/wHlt. locetion •· ge P• 0• u HO. -• ..,. bc:tml. unite ere fumllhed 71'1855-1743 . ... ,, •----4-~.7 TSl u-' IM.2·1903 KJdl OK. 1515 Ind GAi I •••••••••••••••••••••• with fine dellgner tuml· Frw nn In c:hurc:tl In CM . ....-------------~. _... water. No tee. Agt. THE WHIFFLETME 1-2-3 twelaccworlel.Move •••••••••••••••••••••• •· •---.1. 11·-...., __.. Bdrm Apta Gym 9.... In ex for Janltor1al WOl'lc. rtAllM .. WI UN sc Pleu ArM. 3 bdrm.,;~ - -..,,..,"' · · • ..-. In today or r ... rv• tor 751-6525 •••••••••••••••••••••• tpc:, lg yd, ~3 Now ,.9.-;r.;;.............. WeMi8"81 2 Bf 2 a., petlo, c:wport, s.un.. ~ tannle. etc:. M.mrner monthe. 8rwtty OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. aV911 MOO 15 1 BR, VerulllH condo, ...... --. no r.t• a.450/.tmo. Avail f.4&.081 furnllhed model• open (Jent. non·amoker. llghl AvaH. now. WMltty thni · · poql, Jac:ual, gvm. bll· _..., ... ,. Oelwc• poolelde, xtr• ..,. deify. ltltdl pr1v. Rlf'7 .. IUIM'lll'. 97~7873. S..fj 1-.. lllf lerda. -..na. 24 hr MC. Beautifully landecaped 511 . 64t-M75 ge 2br. 2ba, bltna, 648-SM. Indian w ... V-.. tum. 3 •••••·"""""•••••••• Oard•n view. S5t5. gatdln ._, POOi i Spa. STUN NINO large t br dlWtW, 1'A mllel blectl. On JMIOOI .. Rd. at 1230 plua utllltlaa s100 J Br. 2 Ba. BaauWul ooawi 7114-4114; 142·1017, Covered parking. Heat Qll(den •Pool. 710 W. ... ... -.no peta. '600mo. San Joequln H• Rd. · BA. 3 k view. wellc to bHctl. ~ oald. Mo .,.ca. """'"""' 111" 8v.at. 539-13412 M4-1900 ~J.ool· naer occ. cell 714-440-6641 1750/mo. ~. , ,. • -· ~t .., ~""W....,... 3 ........_ ............ ,.,..__ I.WI ....... ---------_ _.. ""''" ...... ~-_.,,......, v. mlll bald\, 2 br, 2 c.r N9wty csec. 2Bf. 1.,., .. t In Smell furn. room w/beth -8-'1 lBr, 38a, Jdnt &o2• ~ 1 2 er: 1~ Ba. 1(; Drive, lmmed . ooc. g91, COY'd petto, .. PoOI lcllc:h. Encl petlo, gar. prlY. Hr SC Pica. F ptaf. Luxury' 8 5 ba furn loc. 11t & !alt monu. I 2260 v.,..,dfM0.912t S4t5/mo. Call RUH, rlghta & rec •r•••· '635 no pat& 842-2134 '55/Wtc. 566-1737 home. tennl•·b••c:h••· rent f9Q. AwM &2000 mo. ·-842.etaa. M751mo. 213Jt2$.4TM. --·-.,..........,_ .. ....., 2 AYllll now thN Oc:t. May, =':l ;::,:::Sm:; -. 111•111!1 Otx 2 BA, Wlllk In ctoeata. 1 BR. beth & Gll'aoe nt2 b&. P~ .. ,... e,~~:n!~~ ~~:~!~11~'r: June, I Oct. $4800 pw l6dttlonll Into. -$475/mo. 2 Ir, 1 la. bltn ltO"'f& DIW, moMlo N9wman. 1316. 1.C. IMt 111 AmlOoe w9y ' whet olaHlfled ts all s:: oAo"t: \':r.e~t; • _ .... MW c:erpac. Pldoe. llr, pYt peUO, moN. Child I dip. ~-4431 120-1114 ebout. 842-5678 527·7408 .......... 11f1 ~cat OK. OK,""'· 845-1M i... .-------...................... I TSl Mgmt '42·1~ ~Br. 1'.48a, 1375 + '379 Cozy 2 et. 1 a.. baemed j .... -,.,, tanhiH _. ___ ,, ,.,.btr HOME FOA REHT vma Medera. 2 b!t.~~a. d•P· gu pd, nr Beach celllng. f 1110, gareg1, _.... ...-- 3 Bdrm. MIO. Fenced I femtty compta~ + Blvd I MacFedden. Newpot Helgltte. No II 11.J.,. "" •..... i. yard a 1uag•. Kid• I '"'2-lfts:Jrl =~~147·rnoet ~.no pata. ~ pet1. t525 /mo. ·~ ........................................ : pata Wlblma. ~. .,.... ..._one ....-rs. 1 Br w/gara1•· walk toi-846-__ ,_112. _____ _ AQant. "° ,_ endtwobldrOOm.,.,._ hautl:l:rden apta. 2 r!tR.,!~ ~·· tpl:.O ~ Uf~f43 :Jo•t OK. &.arg• a Ir. t Ba. trplo, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, very nic., menta. fURNllHIO 1 Patloe/ Heat paid, 1621 mo ~71 • • M2 71 tem. rm. deck" dbl g•· H75 mo. NMr tcflOOI. I No.,_. 2 cMclren.,... · 1 ldrm, 3 bloolta from r71Q8.1...,....,.._ •750/mo. M2·2211 Ot llS4117 .., UNAJINIHIO. come. ...,_ beectl. No s>et• or cMI-'IO-.... HOME fOR AENT OllcWOOd ...., off1tr1 , 2 er. 2 I&. = 1 bdrm at ova~ draft. UtO. 1all1Mt plUa 1--.. ---ft--.-,-- 2 Bdrm. t475. oanoa. 1 ·M ~,... a"· :J-w Wiiton • :!4°°~oa dip. ~ o IJl.. u, 2 b •. 0 • r , chlld OK, no P•U. •ts• t 111 j 111.-o, 1424108 211 apt w/poot, lauftdry MOO/mo. 421 E. 8albol 545-2000 ..... "° '-· 01111rJ-•» 1 lfMll 1 M 1 paraon crio/. rm, no jlllta. Hr 1.0 Ho9p. 11 v d . I 7 S • 2 71 I, C.i•www •11..._ Ill 1 teoolmo. 2 11• 1 .._\Ip-no.-.. DrWil by 1111 c MOO. '7•2262. 1:::8_1_1-_1_79_7~. :--~~:--,._ , hi '48 "-llMF per apt.. Mdld ...._ w.r.o.. 9l'll. \4 block to beech. 1 ar. Exec. retrHt, 1 bdrm •••-••-•••••••••••• And~ Motet . ' b8'0ony/patlo,..f.141ndry 2 bdtm, ti....._ Vwda.. garage. S425/mo. No condo.--. grl'n, ooot. Raeoft_.. MUlt tr"ect N For 1 monttl. °'•hf• I ""'~. M . =lace, dlehwaaher. pat a. 124 20th. St. lmtnao. oond. '900fmo. SC Plza. ltoot, grdnr. 11111 Modlla~~ , Ta Mgmt. '42·1IOI . 1at.ai4t. 842....,/N1·711' rf4~~-1~7~2r,~~ ~HO~ I ftoomy a er. TownflOUM 7ai.-.. 1676. loadoua, °'IM'Y 2 1 M , n . Utll Inc. Npt. .._1• _ =~ :--&cNtt oom· 1..1roe 3 bdrm. 2 i.. patio, er. 2 ea.~-'-'lo. Stn. ·'441. A~."""*" • , • Nwty dec:Oratad, ~1 yerd, enclld o-r. No "'9. --*7. ...,,.._, 171-9460 So. ~ct. 2 8A OilltN N ~1 , trlCllld SMlt6o I On u. Lft. AW/I Ml!y 20. ~ 3 ldr z .. COftdO, ~ G ., 1ln t::·v.~ 0:::: Glldllt ......... I e:~i.;;r,t!; .., '*~• ~='°~.rWC::· iiUdi;·;;.7=~"!; SIOO. 11 ,...... llldt/NO, 1 ' 1 It. yPetlltl, poof, OU ball 1 ml, to llHO. "'9 llld'41. .75 mo. m ..,,..,. • ----,,,.0.21r.11a. e_a_l_d, fht'a r•:-; '700Jlft0,...,111 fnalnoln..,.c::lemlnte ~J.!.!!::".!1. "'·""" 1 ••OfY· _ ....... t:=i ..., .... "' ..... 2 .,, 2 ... lltM l airy, ........ A,pC C) ,,__, .nm '"4•* · ...... WplD. d/W, .....,111. 11fM1i! pallo,,........, I at. lar .. ltuptH wltll 1\ r.;;;;;"_ ..... -.:.::.:;or Ha I I 1 ~ ......, . ..,.... ..... _ a 1r~2 ••· ard, trplo, ,.... 1111/lllO. .,..., cllOlt. 1 blOCll ftCllll , . M.NTAL 'Wftttln..... T1L Marftt _.,_ giw , lfollar 0.. -11111 Meoft ... fl/MO. MM-I> =-:.chHftftt I=, : ':".t' •at, "' 1.C. f11111a, I.A. .. , ,,., ::.:.~Iv .. I •.. '°'1 " ... • (7Wt..... c.n.\ "°°" .... •11 • .,, ... ,wt ............. -.......... .!J1ffi.::;~~~~~~ ..... -"':t; "'0 · "'~· I '•f •-· 71t•HU or Yet'9, wtt & •dtw IMI. I ar 1't Ila llHfeiJ:d ~ .... ---.,. ~., ·c~·r::i\: .. ~. . -I .. ,.,... 1:.1:.;·· ,r.. UM. CONDO. NortliWod ...... ""'pd. lll0/1M:' Aniwer Ad No. •71, -· *'" 1 M ..... ~ •121 ,. •. A .. tt. 111. •tt W Ill. M •• 1~ ......... 14 In. W..etly WOM fr OOMn, .,,,_,. New d9CM>f'. No,..,_ you wmt 1'11-1411. --~ tee I MJ.!lfO _.,up. ,.Je. ,.,. 14H/mo. to ..r7 -ldl do Hft9 ......... te lllt 'Ind wflet you .!•Ill In a-s-C1dMeM2....,. c.pcwt..,..,. -..i14 lt ... ,..,.11171. cc 5 d .......... DllrNDtClllFlfl -~ I ~--- Kennebunkport? Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ~ro~ r· ... !ff.Ml .,. !'!. .. ~!:!!!ff!!.4!f &!~tt.Ae!.!'!f ~-~~ .... ~ •......•............. -. swa SN !MM condO, 2 br, 2 460 eq. tt. furn. office N9wpOrt P.,.,.....,: ,. led ..-. be, on lake. Pool•, MU· ..,_. s.oo/mo. epllOe, '**lt)y r ""8 t oommd · j'f'"'7 4 ne. tennla, eHrct.M rm. 641-4713 led, xlnt looaUon, p•r- cor• • new y urn. 1300/mo utlla pd 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii king.. MM! 17a-eeol. bdrm. Tennla. prlv bch, ' · 11 dub. 8'c. 3 mo or tonger. 157-4!052 execuplan-Newer bldg, downtown Btcrt M6come. 4M4038 M/f ""• br h<>UM. Nwpt HB, 3 ottloM now evall. •~•-._ ---Shot ... nr t>Moh, 0004, Ml Iii l•=t!:-et 70. eq.ft. 491, 424 l --,. -.. tennle. Garege, W/O, 231 eq.tt. ~1361 • • • • •• •••••• •• • • • •• • • • frplc, p6eno, 136C>imo l t Ful WllttJtt/ ut11. 648440 office' de9 .-.. ,.,,._ IMW Hll 111 .. 11 H.B. mother l daughter .. a:·~·~"':'tet" •••••••••••••••••••••• Fiii.Eis wlahH to ahr. lg. 3 br ll .... ll -LUii ~. wtmature fem, 30 1,750 eq ft. SUI~ for Oldftt l largeet agency. , 3 bib from ooe91\. atorege, Mlftlll Arta All ctlente eofMMd with . fllM¥#« a beth. pYt. CdM cllc IUl\9, A/C, lll'IClle Studio, bellroom, eto. pholoe l ,...,.ioea. entry. • 2 IO mo. '*"·. ~ pd. 2166 E. c.t l600 per mo. Credlt8: Colmopoll.w'I 536-7923 or 81().7271 HWy ,.,~ FOi tnfo 112-M40 ~:::::.. ~ 8UMJE.MIMIM IA* i Co8te Meee 2SO~IUlte~---rfl --*"'Off* ....... c:1en br. 2 n condo-;-Hunt. ~=a~1.ft2i-11 IMW. Hl who need• p6lce. Bch. Fem. to ahr. w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• MWNIT M1-1 wne.Ewa:MC).1223 8a1boa~.8ub ..... 2 .,_ ... ~~~~~~~~ M. to ahr 3 Br ept, own offtOle of 1000 eq. ft. • In n.w., bldg on Coa1t Mele to rtrt w/2 tern, lp8C Blth, full kltcMn, trplc. Utll, )lnltoNI l peritlng Hwy, 8oUttl L.aQUna. ~ N9wpor18hotee hofM. 2 g•rJ CIOH to bHCh, Ind. t73-8110. prox. 500aq. ft. Excellent room• avall. M~ 15. 1371:1. A41tt. 1131·3'07 U. •• .._... private parking behind ,........, • • 1•2 1 c ... _. _. .. , bldg. 1626 MO. Turnar ._...,, ....,, .. 2 Ami...,.. In .M. -· Ottlc• apace 1vell1ble, Aaeoc. 4'4-11n Prof. M/F 1h•r• luxury be 20 I over· Kenny Gatteq fl Ml-0122 tum. Condo. a.c. ........ 64~ '°' ..,.,t. mce •race 1vall•bl•, I 2 16. ... 1 -48 u . "" 2148 to ltW QUl.c pool/ 96e tb 1.00 per toot In tee-e478 )le home. 9C PtGa; non cennery Vlll•O•· Burr Non-1mllr, 3br condo, 1mkr. 1200 to 1260. ~ Altr, t75-413G l200/rno. + '-"' utll. 1160 641-3623· ..._2742 In CdM, 2nd 11ory dip. 9M-3e64. H.8. M/F to ltW 4 br condo In Wiik-up. OcHn view, 2500 aq It condo. JJ•Y Nwpt Bluftl.1215 + utllL cpta, drp1 & penellng. view, pool on beau 72().0572 (Henry) 420eqfl175-5444 Greenbelt. 557-7Q3 or FINO l SHARE ~ "' NWpt/CdM .... Prof. • lll WATa Young prof (M/f ) to 9hr l9dy 21-35 Y'a. R'Mght, DIX...: • ...., 2,012 , 10,vely 3 BA Turtl.,ocll enthualHtlc, nonamllr. :-~~ ::C..o:!:·ig. hmew/-...... Pvt bath, Kathy 957-1112 (1·6 ... J::. ~ -•-> en .... wor1t .,.. • ---2260 eq. ft. In tM ~ Bllboe Savlnp Butldlng on E.u t Coa1t Hwy. Air conditioned, ample par· king, carpeting. gro11 1 ...... '2250 per mo. 67M40I HARBOR ofc, tennla, foot a lg• .. ,. recpt. rm. All one n yard. Avel lmmed. Female non 1moller to dee0f1t10n ttyte, beaut. A Diviaion of 663-1531, •for Gery lhlre with aa.me. CdM. In 1ppeer1nce, In loc. Harbor Investment Co. Nd 2 rmmt•'• to ehr 3br I 2 5 6 /mo u t 111 . pr .. tlge bldg. Newpon 1~~~~~~~~~ 2ba h•. 2 o.tlOat frpl. 76tMll79 ArChH Mari n• Bldg. 1: lro yrd uao. rmm•d. I:' '° ltW 3 br, 2 ba duplex &42-4644 .. UAll 192-1116 or 646-6191 et th• beech, Nwpt, 1----n--1-ml____ 300 aq ft. foot trattlo, Fem. In 20'1 to ahr 3 Br !2..!0·.!"2~ !alt. IA utla. t a 2 room OfflCee frOm ontwn l8G 414-MM condo w/MrM. (Nr So . ....,,, .... • '206. Utl. tnduded. W. "*' Coe1t Piia}. Beet ottw. IA /F prof. 28-35, non· RMl~nlca 11M700 •• 640-22M arnkr for Npt Bch home. 291 eq.fl Doller, Nllwpof't .. LUii Shr 3 BR 2 B• hme Coll ~ln1 1':· *360. Die-BHch. Choice petlo .-T• Y&UD Pk. CM wJM/F. Pref pro na. .... • 4 vv 1ocatlon, 1 301 mo. 2 offlce/1lorage bldg• non amkr. UIO m o. ,.,,_ W IMI Ulf _113_1·_1094 ____ ~ (12,600 a 2780 8/F). Ex- 646-2711 ••••A•••••••••••••••• Rant/ ..... / lion nr OC oetlent oomet loo .• per-PROFESSIONAL m•I• EHtlld• 2 car g.,.,., ... ...._. :.:: -ft -king. LAaH all or pert non·amoker wanted to epprox. 20x 20. I I . 4'20o"a\ft AC ;;-:-, Annual leaM wtopt. to aha re Ilka new 2 be-I 4 I . 11I 4 d 8 y 1 ' 200AMP ph ... , gua-=· ~1;.~a= droom. 2 beth. San Juan 646-95'3 wee. r.maed tilnlnt 1,000 eq 1610. Fountain Valley, ~11rMO condo. Fir• Garage, em! eat. Laguna fl Anandna. Below"*'-82708. Naomi Wletand. ptece, pod, )acam. ~ BMch~ bli. to meln 9Y """'* Ql..4602 M2.ee61 ~= :::::::" ~5 '=: baadl · 48'-SOM • .,Ill ... 2 Otflcea, t•r•oe. beth. "' utJMtiee. Cd Gemard ,.,. IMW Hlf •"Tum~ Office" 9390. TUldn Av. a CoaM HwY. ( 7 1 4 ) I S 1 • 2 0 • 0 o r ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •"lnnc:lh' Office '76. I I I 6 . 8 EC U Ar I 486ot'7151. C.M. 2 OfflCee.. 945'. bdl, •8emlnu1Mtg Room• ..._7641 atorage avail. 1260/mo. howty 8,!'or_!_ .. ,nutl.•1ocuen•1nwlvtl!•1 641-334$, 494-3803. :!!!!no. mal llng1, Wufllal IMWI " "... " . .,.._...__ ...••••••......•..•.•. other .• 00 plul . 1117W..edlft,N.8.Want Cllfoflnlo762.e408. N.8.M7allrdl.MOOaq. ~7156 nn1nct1I 1n1t. 10001.t.1"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ft. or l•H. MIA 1one. 1 at. floor . Agent11 Ao1ftt 641~ H.B. ll19IQM Prof. gene. 6<41-6032 ..U. ... man wtrt •hare large tor ,-. 1ex20, •121 ...... home near beach with 1 .. 1 ...,.. .., lil•r:t -werehouM ..,_09 wtth male over 86. 1385. --. -carpet•, drp1, a wet ~ • ...,.. & wtuld1 ... Ill IU-11 bara. 700 to UGO aq.ft. ~. Elegant Exec 1u1te1 In W.. lndlller1ll per1I. 711 YO eg1..,,...., to 9hr 4 br preetlolou9 loo. Incl ... 8"'11 ..... 216 Al\wllda, W. 171tl at., Pedlo houH nr occ. C.M. cretarl1I, recaptlon11t, N.8. acroaa from Poat tndu1trl1I Park, 11H • 21 o. Hon 1 m k r . telephone ana l more. Office, *360/mo. WhlttW Ave. 642-44a l 131-6713 oa from *4'8 mo.~ l4CMll7 642·7to4 Promontory Pt. tem. too-~=t\~Tc~ ... ,.. -1-10-o-.-q-.-f-t .-2-o_f_o_1.-w-,-1 king kif'"""'*-to.... PANIE8: A prof...ional ..... -opt•, F&A dra, O/H dt, 2Br 2ba OCMn vu apt. environment. (714) with uaa of reoeptlon, ~~ oond. '~olo• MIO. 11Wt01 •1.oee1 OOflf. room, ldtdl, phone. 01H'c.:~11=·1 b:!.~ ~="-=::: 620 aq. ft. t1.00 P« IQ. =:'.:J := ICOfaga loft. 17M261. ~v to *280~...._ 1111 · ft., at76 Birch., N. I . ..,.,. av.II. Mpatat.ty " IHDU8TNAL Ill.DO .,. 141~ d .. lrtd. Call: Judy, 1400 aq ft otean good Profe1alori11 Fem1le .tp ~ 714-780-0100 ioo.uon HW.t Bah. Cor- .,_. w/WM tum. Pro-.w= • w btdi. .. 1.aoee montory Pl. epJ. ... ,. ._.no 167-4161, ExH. ~bath l ....... ..... Senior LadJ would Ille• View, "I :J.l .................... .. fftlddlt •t•d Ledy to ~r..-..,.._ raot":! :.:. I~ • f!!!llf • ._......_CclM.W.. ~~.; ~ -to b otl a 1ttope. .. -.,..... 1Hklnt 19uaHty apt/ M0-7*. en.me. 1 ~,.~ . ooncto111n.oruiwmtor ~ 1 .,.. "' ,_ CdM • ~-own I '""" wee. Call wtn1 woman own bd ,_ lm1m .....,.. .. 11...._MM ~ue ea, wefl/dty 011 2 14H •q. ft, of office, 11 ... llJ ti, 1I . oh. Non ,-...,. •n• -~=~"~' '~ ... .. ~ .._ Movlnt to. Newport 710o1UI ... •11111* --...... t4o0 ...... '°°""II tor I to I Ml?' eo * '*-.,:':.~ ,,...1,.... tol,...., blrm, oondo. 81l 1..._...... tr:: 11.11 a 911-."-No tl0041100. Catt I bllce trom bolt CCSM. ~· Ad .. Nt• !'lot ~ M No 4 • tiff pef MO Utlt Incl oortw 1M. 1112 ~ M2.-4IOO 14 In. 971-1721 Cell AM. eas-ma ..,. .... -""' .. WF. 1 ... * 1 br,1..., BAvrDnll'T PY. Get• & e . ... eobWtl.MfllC. trRunl .. ,. N..I ... 17'-tcNf ,,..... ..... 111-,. .....,. ----~------. _._..,._ ..... t to the DAIL y PILOT IS.turd Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults .. Advertise in the Orange Coast's most successful real estate magazine . Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so rnany. Daily Pilat Newport &ach • Costa Mesa Irvine • HuntinQtc>n Beach Fountain Valley • Laouna Beach L --.I e 1982 -23 ... ~ l ,, I . I I ' ~ ca . ~ CD " ~ f ~ • "' ..... 6 ...I 0: > ...I ~ J 0 -I ~ 2' 11 I ~ ... -• ~ J ~ ~ \ I I I 1 I .;.o------------~-=--=o....:-::....:: ----·-_--· ----~~-·-~-,..; ... 'ORAN~ COAST REAL ijSTATE MARKET I !I ' " Somewhere In this !ally Piiot clrculatlon area Is · the home you want. o matter where you are or where you want to , use this section and this map to make you at1home. ~ A public service of the j ~~-5678 1 , .. ~. <t --~ ',~ ~~ ~ .. c~ ... ~ ~ ... " r .,,.. .. n._, .. " S'l VRAOO CANYON I -.'~'-· ~-· !·L __ ...... -i· -..;..---------------~--"" PAW~IC \ I I I I ~ ~ i. -·4-~-~•· I , ~ = • -• . I . ------ • . ~ .. Orange County Real Eatate/ An Adwrtlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Satur~ay, May 8, 1982 -25 ,We deal in real estate ·~::~~~ But our real business ~ • . lE ·IS. ------~ Real estate is not just ''three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 'sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." 'It's welcoming a new family to town I • and helping them feel .at Jiome as well . as find a home. It's · h~lping someone who wants to start a business find the :best location in terms of purpose, place and price. It's wotking with · ·other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent ' . . \ vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh - bor~ood or doing whatever else we must. It's helping protect the rights of home- owners.by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. ·We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ;OF REAL TORS® -an organization with more .than 706,000 members nationwide. W,e're real \estate profes· sionals, but our real business. is people. A s>ub'k: MrVk:e of the •· ..., .... CIMllfleda ~2-5e78 I ----.-- I .. ·- ...... ---·--- ·-· -; . I .. --r-- It should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temJ)eratures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. · Check your hot wa~er treater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands . . Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high . . For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ~EAl:TORS® for· a free booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you wherever you live. , .... ., 1 A public~ of the . ..., .... , aa.ftedl &42--6678 ' REALTOR® • I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I ir---- --- Haw's this for a good answer: money. Read our newspaper, and cash in on advertised values, discount coupons, food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. We also save you time. Which is important for busy women m:anaging a home, children and many other responsibilities. In the market for fun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town. TV and movies. Recreation, sports, hobbies, a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately, get some help. Get the paper. What'• In It for JOU? The •n•w•r appears on ev~ P-ee of Daily Pilat 642-4321 • \ I I I I ·1 I ·- .. 28·-Orange County Re9I ~An~ SUppl«nent to the ·oAJLY PILOT/Saturday, M~ 8, 1982 111•1 •~····· THE ~EAL , . 111~ , ''•t11~:'1 ESTATE:RS .· ""'1 Wiil l ftEW -Ocean and city lights view from this spacious home. In a fashionable neighborhood of Laguna Beach. 3 Bdrm, split level with excellent financing. Priced to sell at only $23~.ooo. 646-7171 TIP PllMIUI II IPllLI Chris lanottl, Biii Goodridge, Phyllis Sachs, Mike Dooley, Julle Sturdevant, Ruth Hargis, All Zar'- rlnnegar, Jerry Fuller, eo·b Graham, Lola Moffitt, Linda Reynolds, Tom Crammer, Mina Qsheroff, Mary Jane Cromllng. I II + PMl +SP& -Great location, formal 11- vlng, crackling fireplace, country kitchen + · family room. Stairs leadlng to private muter suite. Secluded spa. Only $128)000 for this garden home. Call 963-7881 111.-.,_ _. -Downtown Huntlngtc,n. Close to best beeches. Remodet now, rebuild later. Excellent Investment opportunity. Call for details, 847-6010 • 1'11 WAY •t Beautttul Newport Beach home for the executive & his famlty. Large 4 Bdrm with open beam cathedral celling In living room. RV access. Low Int. rate financing available. Call for complete details. 646-7171 ...... , ...... .._ LIWllY ,... Mn• -In Corona del Mar on R-2 lotl Motivated owner must 9811 this month. Exoetlent assu.mabfe financing. Cozy fireplace. Remodeled kitchen. Asking $220,000. Call 673-8550 u .. , 2 ITllY .. -Asaume $80,255 loan, only $885 per mo. for this upgraded garden home. Cozy fireplace, stair• leading to 2 apa- ctoua master ault•. Country kitchen overloo- king patio and spa. Asking $139,000. Call for more detalls 963-7881 11111111'1 --Be first to see this newly listed extra sharp, 2 story, 4 Bdrm pool home. Approximately $54,000 wlll assume the loans with low, low monthly payments. You owe It to yourself -can now, 847-6010 TUii IP YI •WMJ 111111 -Harbor View ow- ners want to trade for your smaller home. Spacious 4 Bdrm + formal dining. Bealtt)ful yard .and covered patio. Only $259,9001 . ea11 673-8550 IPlllll .... -•Y ltl,IM -2 story, vaul- ted ceilings gracious llvlng. F.lesta kitchen. As- sume $56,690 loan @ 11.3'1., $606 per mo. No qualifying. Call 963-7881 LHll llWPllT llHIYIYI 1111 -For only S 1275 mo. Very emotional home In preatlge locatk>n; highly upgraded. Call today 847-6010. lWI II l Lill tllll IHI -Recently refur- bished home plus newer unit In rear with fire- place. Immaculate condition. A rare find! As- sume 1st. Owner flexible, will finance at low Int. rate. $185,000. For detalls call 646-7171 IDllD n.--4 Bdrm home, rich In detaJll Cozy .flreplacel Bike to beachl Assume $76,000 loan $838/mo or try $13,000 down. Only $129,999. Call 963-6767. LOii IP11ll -Brand new view home offering luxurious living. Spectacular view of Back Bayt Lease & hold the price for 1 year ... $210,000. HLLll lllllllZH PUIHTI -$109,9001 Customized 3 Bdrm home ... shows like model . . . squeaky clean and brand new carpeting! Large family room with open beam celling and cozy fireplace. No down VETS! Call 963-6767 WW YI 111111 -4 large Bdrms In best loca- tlonl Formal dining. Secluded pool and patio. Assumable financing at 12%. Only $199,9001 Call 673-8550 .... llSllYll FIUIOtie -No qualifying, take over $70, 100 loan, $786 per mo. @ 13.2'/o. Large 4 Bdrm, 2 bath. Large country kitchen, formal llvlng -covered patio overlooking park-llke grounds. Only S 110,000. Call 963-7881 Fmll• .111.LD ftL UDY -Vacant 4 Bdrm pool home, can be structured to meet your needs. Excellent areal A steal at only $129,500 and must be sold this week. 847-6010 U1TM, Mill IUA -3 Bdrm 2 bath home with plenty of charm In a prime location. Beautiful tlvlng room with-fireplace. Assume $91 ,000 loan at 12'A'le. Seiler will carry a 2nd with low down. Call now! 646-7171 llAll IAl1U -4 Bdrm custom home! Steps to ocean! 3200 square feet of luxury! Spiral atalr-•Y llO,MI MWI _Start right! Walk to South ='.~~I ~~~~7sJ7deedl Priced to -"'1 @ Coast Plaza. Deluxe 2 Bdrm garden home. Enjoy sparkling pool & spal Call today, 673-8550 .... -+ ,_ -A spectacular rustic 3 bedroom 2 bath home, wood cabinet kitchen, famllv room with brick fl replace. 18X36 f am I IV pool, bullt-ln gas barbecue, beautiful patio.· Onty $128,500 call now, 546-2313. 11~1,0H llll•HLE UHi -Spectacular sparkling pool & spa makes this 3 bedroom 2 bath home a bargain. Fantastic assumable loans. Price S 149,950. Call for more details, S•&-2313 . _, ... .....,. IM -It's a fabulous 4 bedroom 3 bath, Formal family room with fire- pl~. formal dining room. Huge bay window, country kitchen overlooks 1par1dlng pool & spa. Cloae to 3 Costa Mesa Golf Courses. Try small down, owner wlll h*fp with financing. $275,000. Call now, s.4.6-2313. lllUll lllll llllm .._ Super sharp one year new condo. High assumable loan. 2 huge bed- rooms each with Its own matter bath. Large family area, brick fireplace, 2 car attached ga- rage. Only $124,950. Call 546·2313.