HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-27 - Orange Coast Pilot·-----· ... • IUllE CUil llHJllSUAY MAY .'' l'ltlJ :Marlena alive Twin victim of soap slayer Dr. Marlena Evans, o~ of the popular stars of the daytime drama, "Days of Our Lives," Is alive and well and probably vacationing 1n Mexico. According to today's episode of the NBC aoap opera, at was Dr. Evans' twin sister, actress . Samantha Evans, who died at the hands of the "Salem Strangler." Producers of the soap opera told fans to wait for today's ep~e before getting too upset over the violent storyline death of Dr. Evans. _ About 100 people picketed the studio Wednesday in protest of the character's death during Monday's episode. Pending probe And the-actreaa who plays Marlma, Deidre Hall. continued to answer calJB from upeet !ana. "Deidre peraonally answered about 1,000 calls 1n two and a half days," a spokeswoman said. Mias Hall has a twin sister in real life, Andrea Lovell, who has appeared as the twin of Marlena in some past episodes. Publicist Leanne Baker said producers were "astounded" at the protest, but noted that it may have 80l'T\e effect in the show, because soap opera producers actually do take into account the viewers' reactions and wishes. Cal State suspends sex class teacher LONG BEACH (AP) -A suspended psychology professor who gave courae credit to his students for their sexual activities says he did nothing wrong but lamented that people are upeet with him. Sophia said depressed, • not eating CASERTA. Italy (AP) - Sophia Loren is depressed and suffering from loss of appetite after seven days behind bars, aocorcling to a priBon doctor who viaisted the actre9s. "Her s~u are rather low," Dr. Rosa uto Di Tomaseo told reporters camped round - the·clock outside the prison pte. "She has little appetite." Judicial sources said Miss Loren. serving a 30-day sentence for tax evasion, might have to wait another week before a judge could examine her appeal for ''semi-liberty" status. Under Italian law, prisoners are eligible for aemi-liberty after serving half their terms . Semi-liberty allowa them to leave the prison during the day and return at night to sleep. The judi~aourcea said Miu Loren's petition could be reviewed probably June 3, when the actress will have aerved hall her term. Mlss Loren, jailed laat week after returning from Geneva, Switzerland, asked President Sandro Pertini for a pardon but official source. said it appears unlikely he would grant her request. The 47-year·old actreu is jailed at the Caserta women's prison, 20 miles north of her adopted hometown of Naples. WORLD "I've pretty much sunk t.o the baaement level," Barry Singer told the Long Beach Presa·Telegram on Wednesday night following his 30·day suspension with pay by trustees of the California State Untvenlty-Long Beech. "rve aot 40 mUllon pe.ople out there w6o are J'Mdy to kill me," be akl "Some ol my co.lleaguee are put out with me and campus edmlnistraton are upeet, too.'' SJnaier, who pve aedit in his c::ounea for studeni.' pertidpetion in orgies and gay encounters, triggered protesta by polit.iclana and religioua groupe for the way he taught class. But he says he was misttpresented. "l have done nothing unethical or unscrupulous. 1 am quite comfortable with my behavior,'' he told the newspaper. The protests were started by Betty Willman. 53, a student who was not enrolled m the class but sat in on two sessions and c omplained that Singer announced he had sex with studenta. "1 have no memory of what 1 said. but I w o uld be very surprised if that's what I said," Singer said Tuesday. "It has happened three or four times that a student in my class was romantically involved with me, and when that happens, the class is immediately infonned." When asked by the newspaper Wednesday whether he had had aex with any of his students, Singer refused to comment. Efforts by The Aa9ociated Pre. to reach Singer were Ul'lS\kX.'e!l8ful. "Professor of psychology Barry Singer has been suspended for 30 days pending investigation of allegations on occurrences within the scope of his employment with the university," said June Cooper, assistant vice president for academic affairs at the university. (See SEX, Page A%) Jet carrying 91 hijacked ATHENS, Greece (AP) -A Royal Air-Maroc jetliner with 91 pamengera was hijacked today eoon after leaving Athens on a flight to Casablanca, Morocco, Athens Air'J>Qrt off.idals said. ._ NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny Canon ii more than a talk thow boat. Hia monoio,ue. show him to be a IOd.al and political oormnentator, according to a master'• them. P~ A7. Town cal/ins it quits All five resldenta of Loyalton, S.D., have voted to di.olve the t.own and ave on property tax-. Paae 03. YIUI HlllTIR llllY PIPER • OIC A NG l COUN TY . C AllfOH N IA 2!> CE NT S * * * Consul defends principle British Consul General George Finlay.on told an Orange County audience Wednesday that hit naUon's dedaion to go to war over the Falkland lalanda ta strictly a matter of principle. Questlona of mineral rlghta at the spanely populated Fa.lklandl were not considered in the Bri ti ah decision to send i t1 military to dislodge Argentine forces, he aald. "Thia has not entered lnto thi.s dispute at all," he told members of the World Affairs c.ounctl of Orange County during a dinner speech at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. "In fact il might have been easier to resolve if the dispute had been over material issues rather than principles of the islanders' rights and resisting aggresa1on." Responding to a question from the audience, Finlayson said mineral reserves around the island• have never been measured and the extent of such deposits are not known "with any accuracy." . 5,000 troops involved By The A11oclated Prell Britis h forces have begun pushing out fr o m their 'beachhead at San Carl08 in a bid t.o recapture the Falkland !al.ands from Argentina, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announced today. The re w as no immediate reaction Crom Argenuna, which reported the British forces were penned In at San Carlos. "Our forces on the ground are now moving forward from the bridgehead." Mrs Thatcher told the House o f Commons in London. But she dedined to say more about the advance. "Too much discussion about timing and details of operations can only help the enemy," she said. British De fense Secretary John Nott had said some 5,000 British ground troops on the islands would be involved an the move on Stanley -the aslands' capital -50 miles east of San Carlos, on the main East Falkland lsland. Head of the British government's Loa Angeles conaulate, Finlayson hu been part of h1I country'• dJplomatk corp s1nce 11M8. He took tNer bla recent pclGUon In March 1981. Althouah FtnlAlyeon laid be'• spoken a half.dozen times to groupe about the Falldanda cri1ia. he eatima ted he has been interviewed 60 Una by members of the media. He Mid he speak.a as many u Ii.JC timel a day with British representatives in Washington, D.C .. for updates on his government's pclGtion. APW. t'r• SHOO' IN TAIL -Flight Lt. Dave Moron ahowa the 20mm hole abot in the tail fin of h1a Sea Harrfer which he flew on the first bombing raid on the Port Stanley airfield in the Falkland lalands. British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald wu asked about reporta British forces had already taken Gooee Green. a settlement and airstrip 20 miles aoutb of San Carlos, and he replied: "It has been stated that the forces will not hang around." Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a British defense source said only 100 Argentines were believed there. He declined to speculate where others might have gone. British battle He told his American audience that principle rather than historical alliance has prompted the U.S. govenunent'a support of the Britilh cause. (See BRITISH, Page A%) Judge halts Frizzelle's literature By DAVID KUTZMANN O(lfleO.., .... IUllf A superior court judge has blocked further distribution of campaign materials for incumbent GOP auemblyman Nolan Friuelle which his challenger -Irvine Mayor David Sills -claims are deceptive. Both men are seeking the Republican nomination for the 69th aaembly district in the June 8 prim&ry electlon. While SW. was successful in obtaining a court order from Judge Claude Owens Wednea'day, attorneys for Friz:zelle were planning to file oounterchqes in another court. That lawsuit contained (See FRIZZELLE, Pace AZ) STATE By TOM MURPHINE OftMOelr ......... There has been grave criticism in Britain on how news of the Falklands fighting has been handled by the Ministry of Defense, a BBC world news service broadcast reported Wednesday night. "Criticism focwied on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the latest vessel lost in Argentine fighting was the HMS Coventry," the BBC said. An official of BBC was quoted as saying the destroyer could have been identified for the public and relatives "within four hours" after Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news" Crom the taak force. Criticism of the delayed identification extended to Parliament where Peter Viggers, MP, declared if he had a relaUve as a member of the task force, he would have spent "a most terrible night." Viggen told BBC he talked with task force relatives, "who don't want to be protected in this way." The BBC shortwave news broadcast from London, monitored on the Orange Cout Wednesday nil(ht, highlighted Gold rush fool's errand? All that glitten la not rid. If you don't think IO, check with the office o the state corporations cornmi81ioner. Page A!>. Candidates bombard airwaves Anfione watching television hu no doubt noticed that~ deal oommerdala are almo8t unavoidable a the une election approachee. Page AlO. COUNTY Teaching brainy kids tough Teachlna an advanced cbemt1try cla11 l1 a challenp for Eltanda m,h School te.cber John Cullen. H11 ttudent. often arrive at antwera t.o probJetm before be doe&. Pace Bl. l ' ' the Falklands war news but had fewer detailed reports from correspondents i.n the war zone than the previous three nights. This was interpreted by some observers as a prelude to a major invasion push toward Port Stanley from the British bridgehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's nightly news report did detail 1088 of the SheCfield class destroyer, HMS Coventry, and the converted container ship Atlantic Conveyor. Twenty members of the Coventry crew and four Crom Atlantic Conveyor were killed. The BBC quickly added that five Argentine warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates joined the Falklands task force. The names of the new vessels in the conflict were nol reported. By contrast, s ome 7 ,000 Argentine tr&ops, including some of Argentina's most seasoned soldiers, are deployed in and around Stanley, the source said. The Argentine military command said its ground forces shelled the San Carlos beachhead Wedne s day , infli c ting "undetermined casualties." A communique said Argentine arm o r e d f o r ce s had "hemmed·in" the British invaders an a 45-square·mile area near San Carlos, and "highly trained troops are carrying out harassment acuvity within the enemy's stronghold. British sources reported isolated Argentine probes that were driven off with mortar fire but said there had been little other Argentine ground activity. From the lost veaela, the BBC aaid, 460 men have been rescued. The British objective was believed to be the ridge of hills around Stanley so their 105mm artillery cou!.; join in naval and at.rial bombardment of the Argentine troops stationed around the town. Meanwhile, lhe British Defense Ministry spokesman McDonald said the requisitioned container ahip Atlantic Conveyor WM still afloat after being hit by an Exocet missile fired by an Argentine warplane Tuesday, and "we are looking to see (See FALKLAND. Pace At) The BBC noted that Atlantic Conveyor, which was carT)'ing supplies to Britiah troope. was the first supply ship lost in the conflict. It brings to five the number of BrlUah ships lost, (See BBC, Pa1e At) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 Buainem C6-7 California AS Horot00pe Ann Landers Movies National NeWI Cavalcade ~ Public Notiices Clallified 04..S Sports Comb ca Stock Marketa era.word ca ~levislon Death Notices D3 .Theaten Editortal A8 Weather Ente.rtainment 86-8 World New1 Hy Gardner 82 SPORTS occ 6tUnB; GWC loses 82 B2 B6-8 A3 'Dl-4 Cl--t C7 CG B6-8 A.2 A3 .. 0ranae C.out advancm. but Golden Wmt'1 emn are costly ln the first round ot the sate cammUrilt:y . co11eg9. b11eb&ll tournament tn. Looi Beech. Ptlli Cf. t 8 Ortnat Oout DAIL.V PILOT/Thurtday, May 17, 1HI ._,,,\\ \\t Continued stories FALKLAND ISLANDS e e • whotht-r wo can r«<>ver 1uma of the c.rao and perhape aalvaa• the ahlp" h\ her i.ddn.'tl.I to Parllamt-nt, Mrt. T~Wht•r uid the cuualty t oll f rum Tu()1day'a mau Araentlnt ulr attack on tht' Britlah flt!et off the Falklands had r!Aen to JJ dead and 28 injured. She aald 21 M11Jor1 were lOMt aboard the destroyer Coventry, . aunk by several bombs north of Falk.land Sound -an mcreaae of one In the total announced earlier. At least 23 survivors among the 280-man crew were lnjured, she said. On the container ship Atlantic Conveyor, hit by an atr-launched Exocet missile, Mrs Thatcher said 12 men -mcludmg the captain -were lost Five lurvivors among J 70 crewmen 'were injured, she said. This put the official British death toll at 107 since the conflict erupted with the Argenti'ne teizure of the Falklands trom Britain on April 2 Argentina says 398 of its men have been * * * killed, :iit of them •lxNU"d the crulur Gtlneral Belar•no, torpedoed and 1unk by ai Br1tlah 1ubmarlne May 2 Mra. Thatcher took note of Wednuday'1 U .N Security Council resolution calling on Secret.ary-~nt!ral Javlt>r Perez de Cue llar to renew his Falklanda pe~ efforts. "We 1ha.ll of coune cooperate fully with the secretary-general In thts," she said, adding, "The only IK.'t.'t!ptable conda lion for a cease-fire ia that It should be unequivocally linked with a firm and unconditional Argentine commitment immediately to commence withdrawal o{ its forces from the islands." U.S intelligence sources say the Aq~entine air force is running low on warplanes because of maintenance problems, spare parts shortages and combat 106SeS, now estimated at close to a thud of the original 200-plane fleet They also said the Argentines don't have many surface-to-au missiles left. * * * lJBC COVERAGE e e e lncluding two destroyers and two frigates. Argentine sources, the BBC said, have also warned that the Jlntish hospital ship Uganda is '1n the battle area" and is in danger "of being hat absolutely." "Buenos Aires reported that the presence of the h06pital ship ia interfering with the action of their forces," the BBC said. Anoth er BBC correspondent reported, however, that the hospital ship "is nowhere near tbe stratts of San Carlos." The BBC admitted there have * * * been no deta1Js emerging from the British side on any new fighting ashore in the last 24 hours. "One member of Parliament said it was reasonable to assume decisive action would be under way within 24 hours," the BBC S8Jd. The British shortwave broadcast also claimed two more Argentine helicopters were shot down and that the British captured an airfield at Goose Green. * * * BRITISH VIEW . e e The Argentine milit.ary's action el,ght weeks ago to take control of t6e Falklands was an act of aigression, he said, because it Uled force to solve a diplomatic dispute. "Had it been allowed to go unhindered, it would have set a v'Srious precedent," he said, a9 · that the lack of responae woul signal to Warsaw Pact nations that one NATO ally wasn't prepared to stand by its phnciples. Self-determination is another iuue. The fact that British 1\Abjects have occupied the lllands since 1833 assures them tl)e right to call it their land, he wd. He called charges of Bntish imperialism "nonsense" and pointed out that Britain has released ita control of a quarter of the world's population since the end of World War Il. Argentina , meanwhile is "characterized by its contempt for democratic principles and buic human rights,'' he charged; Flnlayaon, in fact, 1uggeateo the decision of the Argentine government to take the Fa lklands was a diversionary tactic to take pressure off a faili.rl$l ad.ministrauon. Its annual inflation rate has been running at 140 percent, he said. 'rom Page A1 SEX . • • Htr atatoment WednHday lollowtd 1 dc.lled -Jon by U\e trUltffl Of the lY-camput ltete coll•re •)'11Wln. "HI• curnmt JM'Y 1t.atU1 wW rf'mtln unch1n11d," Ma. Cooper'• 1tatement Mid "Slnce It la M 1>tinionnel rTWtl4!r, It will be Inappropriate tor the unlveraltr, w comment further at thl.I time. ' Stephen Honl, p~dtnt or the university, refuaed telephone call.I to hlS ofllce. M s . Cooper's 1uporlor, Glendon Drake -campua vlce p.twldent for academic attain - will decide whethttr further dlaclpline I.I warranted following an mveatJgation by Ma. Cooper, said Robert BreunlJ. campus director of pubbc affairs. "We have a sexual harassment policy," Breunig said. ''While that doesn't absolutely prohibit encounteni between faculty and studenta, there's a aectton which particularly indicates the faculty has a responsibility to be wise In conductmg their business " No students registered In the course had complained of any sexual harassment, he added. Tenured professors generally are exempt from dismissal except m cases of gross misconduct or moral turpitude. Singer, 38, is a tenured professor of psychology. The latter offense Is not precisely defined in the state Education Code, but Sam Hay n es, spokesman for th~ California Department of Education In Sacramento, said: "Moral turpitude includes acu of a lewd or dissolute nature, and they mclude practically all sex offenses." Last week, Singer announced he was dropping course credit for participation in non-marital and gay sexual experimentation because of the protests. But he said extra c redit would be allowed for such activities as going in drag to a gay bar, or vialting nudist colonies, divorce courts, marriage counselors or encounter groups. "There are all kinds of rumors, including that it's practically a requJrement that atudenta have sex with me and that I grade them on their performance," Singer said Tuesday. "That's not true. "I've been to parties where they've taken their clothes off and there's been some sexual behavior," he said. "In the past, I haven't left soon enough . . . My finn position now is that rm going to leave. I'm not going to be present." Carol Lane, 22, who completed the course last spring, said Singer told his class that he waa "open" to sex with students but would never initiate it or encourage passes at him Ms Lane, who termed the course work a "great time," also said Sanger attended a party where some students went nude. Local drizzle T e n1per alur es NATION Coastal light v•riable wlnd1 wHt to 1oulhwest 10 to 16 knots eftemoon end evening Sout,,_t ....na 2 to 3 feet CIOU<ly but pet'llal cleartng afternoon V.S. sum niary Albany AlblJque Anctlor11<,1e Allant• Atlante Cty Austin Balllmore Blrmlnghm Bismarck ao. .. Bos1on ~ 1hundef1torm1 IP'M<l Bullalo aorou the central par! of the Burlington nation Wednesday. wllh one Chertstn SC t o r n e d o 1 n K 8 n a a 1 0 n d Cherls1n WV -•thun<ler11orms oY8f llUnoll Charttte NC and Texas. Ctoeywine Tornado -1cn. -e IMUed Chicago '°' the -•ng over 1 1erge pen 01 Cfnclnneu north-I and north central TeltN. cc:::!""sc end ac;roea eou11ieeS1ern Iowa and all bu1 the eastern end M>Vlhetn C01umbu1 Mcilonl of lllinolt. 081-Ft Wth A tornado In Nebraska damaged ~!: fann buildings and equlp..,.,,t neer Marquette, but there are no Des MolriM report• of Injuries Hemllton ~~~I County Deputy W•llOfl Ouk• uld he ....,. lour "'nnet clouds In 1he El Puo .,.._ Fairbanks Show•u end lhunder•lorme F.,.go IPfMd -tw..-d KrOM Kensu Fl9QS111f -"'from the Texu Penhandle Into Great Fall• central Otclehoma, •nd rain 11190 Hartford IPfMd from north-cen1r1J hxH Helena Into eouthern Arkan••• end HonoMu northern Loutllana Houston Whh n.... days remalnlng In May, ~~~la rllnfell totlle In Part• of r .... elre•dY have paued monthly Jacic1111111e record• A• of W•dn••d•y Kan1 City •ftemoon. 13.3 Inch.-of r.in hed Lu veg .. fellen at Dalles-Fort Worth Liiiie Rock Aeglonal Alrpor1, compMed With LoulSVllle the prevloo• Mey rec0<d ol 12 8-4 Memphis 11icn.e In 1957 MllllTll For today, showere end Mllwauk .. th\ind«ltOfmt -• lorecul from , MDl9-St.P the eouthefn Atlantic Coeet 1tat• ~ t1wougt1 the Ohio Valley and ,,,. New Vor1t ne ~ Lall• region. ~ -e NOf10lk kncUI eaoea the -tern Gulf Otcra City eo.t mrt• and the ro-half of th• M l11l11lppl Valley. with ~ .,_. over flle northern Plateau Ptll4edphra ~ Montana. Pr.o.nlx Califonii a Pttt.tlurgh Piiand, ~. Piiand, Or• Pr~ Reno Rlehmond Salt LM• a.., Antonio S-Ctle Slw9¥9P0<1 Sioux~ ... Rt Loula Hl lo Pre. 78 46 90 58 S3 39 83 65 01 74 50 89 72 79 55 65 67 18 72 S3 72 53 76 53 77 50 79 45 82 72 83 65 82 87 08 10 37 69 52 81 82 01 78 49 85 87 79 S4 87 85 32 78 56 72 39 .23 13 61 45 75 52 85 51 9e 55 83 38 74 50 71 37 45 3S .51 82 48 49 45 88 70 90 78 1.0:.> 80 83 22 89 89 83 70 1 70 71 59 02 97 73 65 65 84 67 ~ 84 88 03 82 75 .13 'YI 46 M 57 08 85 65 .05 91 88 07 80 80 71 82 75 57 S3 70 58 32 87 71 .78 80 57 101 75 80 52 80 3-4 83 48 78 51 87 44 74 87 89 55 87 71 53 47 .05 89 86 .20 &4 541 87 &4 88 .04 N-WH-~ 70 HOM US 0.0. ol C-ce Fronts COid ..,.. Warm .,. Oc ck.Jde-d w.-StallOfl.YV • • SIP-Tampa Spok-SyracuMt Tope«a lucaon Tulu WeShlnglo Wlehlla 113 71 8A 42 78 48 70 57 12 95 64 64 65 03 81 80 71 50 06 Thermal Torr•nce Yuma CANADA ~ 85 66 59 87 71 CAUf'~A C•lg•ry Edmonton Montreat Ottawa Regine Toronto Wmnipeg ... 37 57 38 80 52 80 50 78 52 89 4e 81 55 Appl9 Velley S.enlleld Bar•tow Bnomont Big S..r Bllhop BlytM Culver City Eur.it a Fr Mn<> Lake ArrO'#llMd Lencu1er Long e..cll Lo. Ao094M Marysville Monrovle Monlel*to Monterey Ml Wlleon ~­Newport BMch 0nt•r10 Palm Springs Puo Robtes Red Blvf1 Redwood City seer-to Salln .. Sen 8em.,.dlflo San Gabn.I Sen Diego San Frencl900 San .ION Sant• Ana Sante Barbati Senta Cflll Sente Merla Sant• Monica Stodlton Tehae Velley 92 53 98 70 98 73 ~! ~~ Snwg 92 5~ 95 74 85 S8 56 45 89 58 75 ., 89 60 68 82 &4 80 84 59 65 80 72 81 60 57 76 80 :: ~ 54 59 92 88 Th• Air 1.<uellty M101gement l)etrlct predict• good air quality 1odey for all ,,... of the South Coet1 Air Buln A Pollutent Stlllld.,.d 1"°9x of 42 wu f0<ecpt for t,,. Rlver~San S..nerdlno arM. the San Gabriel and Pomona valleys and the Sen F•rn1ndo end &enta Cl1rlt1 valleys A PSI of 42 WU predicted lor metropollten Loe Angele•. Benning, lnlarwt Orange County. cou111 ereu. high and low d8M(11, Hem.t-Elaln0te, end Sig S.r Lake. ~~Ex tended 89 52 78 H 6 1 53 weather 8A 58 73 59 86 82 58 52 73 58 87 80 81 58 63 58 82 67 82 67 81 63 77 4-0 Seturday-Mondey: Chene• ol th-• or thu~ over mountain• during e1ternoon1 during weo.end Otherwlu cootlderlble cloudW-In ooMtel 1e0Uon1 wtth pertlel oteerlng during •n.moon.. Penty Cloudy mo•t ., .. , Monday ett.,noon. Hlg,,. renglng lrom low 80e 111 ~ 10 mid 70. lnlend Yetleyt. LOW9 62 to 82. Mountlln r9'0l1 lllOh• 1n 60t end !owe 36 to 48. :Ti<ks TOOAY Seoond hlgl1 J:Ot p.m 3 I SURf RIPDRT ... Pnf t2 12 12 ,, .... . ., 1 I 2 .... .... I 2 2 8 .... Dir aw aw w w hconcl low 7 31 p m 2 7 .... v flrlt hlgtl t:33 •.m. 6. 1 ""9t IOw t~ • m. 0.1 8-ld htQfl • 4:22 p.m. 4 1 e900nd low UO p.m. U lkln .... toa.v at 7.:H p.m., l1eel flrtdlly et &:44 a.m MOOfl r1Me toci.y It 10•24 Lm .. eec. ,._ et Hf p.m - ...-1£CfS!MIY uttodlABLE UNCERTAIN x • movie r e ntals backed By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 0{1fte 0.Jly ,.... It.aft Duplte 1trona communHy oppoaltlon, the Fountain VtUey Plannlna Comml11lon, in a 3-2 declaion, haa approved pl.anl for a home video •tore that will stock X-rated moviet. Planning commilllonera, who a pproved a conditional u1e permit Wedne.day nJght for Star Home Vidf'O, 16040 Harbor Blvd., said they had no grounda to deny the permit on the baaia of the X-rated materials, whJch are not considered obacene under state law. But unhappy re11dent1 aald they will appeal the decision to the Fountain Valley Caty Council. Stan Klopfenstein, who !'elides on M ou nt Prieto Circle immediately behind the store, said local homeowners don't ~ the shop itself, whJch will sell and rent family-oriented videotapes and discs. plus electronic games and equipment. He said residents don't want the store to handle X-rated films on moral grounds. He said they also fear this merchandise will bring an undesirable element into the neighborhood. U~o COUNTER-PICKETING -Zoe Ann Ananda of Newport Beach turns her head as she walks past an anti-ERA picket in the Illinois capitol at Springfield. Ms. Ananda is participating in the "Women's Fast for ERA" in Illinois. She is on he r ninth day without food. "Under state law, w e cannot deny the sale of these X -rated material.a,'' Planning Cornrnilsion Chairman John McKnight said. "But we can control and manage the way in which it is done." To this end, the commission attached several conditions to its approval of the video store permit. The stipulations include:• -No X -rated films can be rented or sold to people under age 21. From Page A1 FRIZZELLE CAMPAIGN e e e -No adult maga.unes can be sold or dlSplayed on the premises. -Films cannot be previewed inside the shop. allegations similar to those in Sills' legal action -that California's "Truth in Endorsement" law was being violated. Silla drew first blood Wednesday on the basis of a lawsuit he filed earlier in the week. His suit alleged that Frizzelle, R-C.osta Mesa, and his political committee were responsible for literature inferring that the lawmaker had won the endorsement of the California Republican Party. Attorneys for Friz.7.elle and the California Republican Assembly. an unotttdal group that endorsed the Costa Mesa assemblyman, derued the allegations. State law prohibits official orgaruzations of political parties from endorsing candidates in primary ele<"tions. At issue in the Sills-Friz.7.elle race is campaign literature which includes a letter from California Republican Assembly President Coanne Cubete and a tabloid newspaper published by the CRA. Both were mailed to voten last week. Frizzelle's candidacy was strongly endorsed t n the publications, which were paid for by the assemblyman's political corruru tt.ee Sills said the letter lacked the proper "truth in endorsement" disclauner required by the state. That disclaimer would note that the endorsement is by an unofficial political group. The newspaper, he said, buried the A -rrangemen~ for storage, notice, also in violation of the marketing and display of X-rated law. films must be approved by the Huntington Beach attorney city's building and planning Samuel Cubete, whose wife is director. CRA president and signed the -The permit is valld only for letter, denied that the campaign the current owners, Roger Y.T. material suggested an official Yeh and Jeau P . Chang, both of GOP endorsement. "It was not Huntington Beach. meant to deceive," he srud Co-owner Chang said he hopes to open the shop within two And attorney John Gyorkos, weeks He said this was a first who represents Friu.elle and hJ.s bus.mess venture for rum and his campaign committee, asserted partner and that they hadn't that Silla had put out lJterature anticipated the community which was deceptive In its own opposition. He said X-rated lilrns right. . probably will make up only 10 Gyorkos, whose wife as percent of the store•s stock. Frizzelle's campaign treasurer, "It is the standard of the home clauned tn a counter legal action vtdeo industry to carry movies of that the Irvine mayor mferred in all ratings," he said "What we his own material that he had the want is the right to carry all support of the Repubbcan State types." Central Committee and another Attorney James Poole, who unofficial political group, the r e presents the owners o f the Orange County Republican shopping center in which Star Assembly. H ome Video 1s located , said Responded Sills: "He's just Orange County has about 50 blowing smoke." home video stores and all but about five sell X-rated films . J a p a n bids tr a d e TOK YO (AP) -Follo wing months or internal debate and growin.g pressure from unhappy tradmg partners, Japan offered an eight-point package of proposals today, aimed at opening the nation's markets by reducing tariffs and removmg or ea.sinl( some import auot.a.s. Poole said the shoppmg center owners carefully screen their tenants and would not rent w an electronic game arcade. But he said they approve of the v ideo store. Voting an favor of the store's permit were commissioners McKnight, Len Santoro and Rod Hosilyk. Opposing were Glenn Collins and Phillip Mignanelli SEIKO SEIKO GIVES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN THE WORLD. Here's a necessity for everyone who travels or does business internattonally: the Seiko World Time Clock. Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement. For a distinctive personal or business gift. choose the desk clock. $125. or the travel dock. $75. SLAVIC K 'S Fine Jewtttn SW. 1917 Whtr( rhf ~.sc .surpmts ~gm Fashton ltllnd (714) MC-1380 • ,.._,,.,.., Bllllctt A.IJO Crutiff Loi AnQ11m • S.n DlegO • LAI ~ 11 Orange Oou t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 11, 1812 8 mrou~rnrn ;w.rnrnauJ ;~umua Soviet Bloc media cheer peace Anti-war and nuclear-freeze mo-vem ents i n W est praised ' • "' Al' WINpfloto WELCOME TO BOSTON -Cicely, a one-week-old harbor seal, looks over the shoulder of Patricia Fiorelli, coordinator of the marine mammal rescue program of the New England Aquarium in Boston. The aquarium is caring for three pups like Cicely, all les.s th~two-weeks-old. • s. Africa invest ban fails to pass SACRAMENTO (AP) Legislation to require the state t.o stop mvesung in South Afnca has expared under the weight of lenders, businesses and state pension managers The ball , AB2808 by Assemblywoman Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, got only a 4-2 vote an the Assembly Finance, Insurance a nd Commerce Commit tee lt needed 10 votes for passage It would have prevented new investment of sta te funds an co mpan ies or financial mst1tut1ons doing business an South Africa or wtth its wh1te-supremat·1st government, • and al.so would have required gradual sale of such stocks held by state agencies. Bonds could have been retained. The biU would mainly have aHected huge public pension systems with billions of dollars invest.cd an banks and businesses Only a small fracuon of the m oney touches South Africa directly, but officials say as much as half of the total invesment has some indirect involvement, by gomg t.o a company with a South African subsidiary or t.o a bank that lends t.o the company. A chief supporter of the bill was Alice Lytle, Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr.'s State and Consumer Services secretary, whose agency includes the Public Employees' Retirement System and the State Teachers' Retirement System. She contended the South Afncan government is unstable, and as a resuJt, investments an comparues domg business there are unsafe. She also dismissed arguments that U.S . investments help South Africa n blacks. saying that "integrated toilet facilities and integrated worksites" for about 100,000 of South Africa's 20 rrullion blacks make lJttle overall difference. But the managers of both state pension systems opposed the bill. Newton Byrd of the Teachers' Reurement System said 1t would have "a heavy negative financial effect " That was disputed by Ms. Lytle and by Berkeley Ca ty Cou n c i lwoma n Flo r e n ce McDonald, who w as city auditor an 1979 when Berkeley residents voted to stop invesung city funds in banks domg business with South Afnca. She said the city has divested its funds without losmg a cent, and added that 1f state pension funds "were invested in the Mafia, an prosututaon, in heroin, someone would do something.'' Blair Reynolds of th e California Bankers Association said investments in South Africa, or any other country, were "a matter for Congr~ to decide" Business representatives insisted they opposed South Afncan apartheid but that their operations helped blacks ''Many of our members and other well-meaning people . . . believe that foreign investment in South Africa does h ave a positive impact," said John Geoghegan of the California Manufacturers Association. "Would you think JOining the KKK would have a positive im p ac t ?" coun t e red Assemblyman Wad1e Deddeh, D-Chula Vista, a supporter of the b1U But r.11chael M a 1bac h o f Caterpillar Tractor Co., which has a parts depot in South Africa, said a better comparison would be t.o a missionary -"Do they leave a society because they've yet to gain even one convert?" ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai · Cleuttled edvertlslng 7141&42-5679 All other ~rtments &42-4321 ThOmu P. Halev ,..._ -Clll9f 6-IMI Ofllcer Kay Schultz " VIOe .......... -DlrKlOr ol ""-'lllllO Tom Murphlne EdllOt Mike Hvvev °""'°'°' ........ "" CClnMdorll Ken Goddard Cit-ol ()p9ntlona f\aY Mecl.Mn Ccritolw CMrlea Looa ~·-- ·MAIN OFRCE DO Well ...,, SI. COIC. MKe. CA ..Ull .-...M. -'*· COIC. -M CA tM» Cepyr'91'11 IS Or ... CM• Pllbll"'4119 c.._. No,,_, •tones. lllustr•U11111, ecltt«l•I m.et-_. ¥ffllM"*'ll htrelfl m•y lie reproduced •llllollt "'9<1•1 permlHIClll Of COP'(rlqM _,., SKOt1C1 class pni~ paid •t Coste~ .. C••lfomte IUPS IU400) ~rlptlOll by c.rrler M 75 montllly by mell. S. 50 monthly VOL 75, NO. 147 (Laat in a ~rles) .BONN, Weal Germ.any (AP)- For yean the Soviet Bloc has been tryln£ to call the tune of "peace movernents" in the West. But now communilt r egime• seem concerned their own people may be llstentna t.o the music. In recent months, Soviet Bloc media have been d eno uncing "pacifism" and "impe r ialist unde rmining" o f military strength at home, while i.n the same breath praising anti-war and nuclear freeze movements i.n the West. W es tern observe r s are detecting signs of a fledgling peace movement in countnes like Eas t Germany, Hungary and C2echoslovak1a that appear to have been ins pired by their larger, more active counterparts in Western Europe. Ironically, peace movements m West Gennany, the Netherlands, Denmark a nd elsewhere have been c h ee r ed along by s tate-controlle d . newspapers, radio and television throughout the Soviet Bloc. There IS also evidence that the Soviets and their allies have provided more than moral support. Soviet d i pl omats in Scandinavia are alleged to have supplied money to variou s anti-war groups there. And in West Germany, the East-German financed German Communist Party has been p laying an increasingly active role in the peace movement here Soviet Bloc support for disarmament movements ends at the Iron Curtain. Communist regimes routinely blame Western agents for sowing anti-military feeling just as many in the West see Moscow's hand behind anti -nuclear and anti -war movements. Last month, Roman Catholic sources in Vi e nna said a Hungarian court sentenced two conscientious ob,JeCtors t.o prison terms of 30 month• and. five years for r e fusing military service. Western sources say authonties m Hungary. which has a reputation as a relatively liberal communist regime, are concerned over the growth of organlz.ations of pacifist-minded young Ro man Catholics called "basis groups." About 4 ,000 young East Germans have signed a petition urging their government t.o allow corulcienllous ob,ectors to serve the country an social work instead of the armed forces The movement has won suppo r t among clergy of East Germany's dorrunant Protestant church. ln terms reminiscent of the ''peace through str e ngth" argument o f W este rn conserva ti ves, East German Defense Minister Heinz Hoffman said the country needed no alternative servlce smce a strong "people's army" guaranteed peace Meanwhile , East German police harass young people wearing t h e "S words of Ploughshares" badge of the East German peace movement or the ''Make Peace Without Weapons" slogan of West German pacifists. In the Sovie t Union, authorities oft.en wheel out huge posters w ith slogans denouncing the neutron weapon or NATO plans to modernize 1ts missile foroe i.n Western Europe. The Soviet press ttrelessly warns of the dangers of nuclear war and seldom masses any statement criticizing "the aggressive plans of NATO" and the United States. But Soviet police quickly arrested seven Europeans after they tried to distribute leaflets April 19 in Moecow's Red Square calling for a reduction i.n Soviet mili t.ary spending. And in a pamphlet distributed this year, Soviet Fl.rat Deputy Defense Ministe r Nikolai Ogarkov complained of "pacifism" among the younger Soviet generation. Western diplomats believe the ideal1 of the West European peace movement spread eastward lar gely through radio a n d television broadciutl and increued tourist traffic mad e poaible by detente. In F.aat Germany, for example, West German televtaion reaches about 80 pe~t ot the country. Hunaartarus and Czechoelovalu can receive West German and We'Te Listening ••• • What do you Ilk~ about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your measaae will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor ' The same. 24-hour answertna service may be uaed to record let· lera to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor1 m uJt Include their name and telephone number for vertricatlon. No ctrculaUon calls. please. Tell UJJ what's on your mind. }; ' Au1tr1an radio reports without difficulty. "Young people h e re were aware of the peace movement, both from West German radio and television as w eU as thear own," said a Western diplomat based in East Berlin. "The government here kept teUmg them what a good thing at wu to work for peace. So they simply began applymg the same critical Judgme nt to conditions he re. Western diplomats and other observers say it is difficult to measure the extent of Soviet involvement in the European anti-nuclear movement. S uch movements, when direc ted against the West, clearly serve Soviet interests, since most NATO rruhtary strategists agree that without nuclear weapons, U.S and other Western forces 6 000 s ()()() 2, 152 4,750 w ould be no mutl·h against numerically 11uper1or Warsaw Pact armies. In W est Gt-rmany , the Netherlands and ~nmark, peat.-e movements have mushroomed mto maJOr pohucal fort."eS Last year, thousands or ban the-bomb marchers surged through London, Romt-, Par1S, Brussels and Bonn. An unwieldy confederauon of ec·olog1sts, Protestant.Ii, pacifists a nd Communists has strongly challenged Chancellor lleJmut Schmidt's entire defl'flS(' policy and may yet f or<.·e W est Germany to abandon 1ts support for NATO nuclear missile moderruz.ation The a llies have agree d to deploy 572 U .S . cruise and Pershing ll ~ales an Western Europe beginning an 1983 to count~r at least 300 Soviet SS-20 Sk'ategic Launchers . -I missiles, euch carrying three warheads, now an place and mo11t ly aimed a t targets in Western Europe All 108 of the Pershing rnlMllC8, which reportt>dly can reach the Kremhn in five rrunutes, and 96 cruise rocketa are planned for West German soil Br1taan'11 oppos1t1on Labor Party has called for &Crapping the country's nuclear deterrerlt and ba nning U .S . nu cle~ weapons from BritlBh soil. local governments In Wa les hav voted to ban nuclear weapons · Bntarn 1s to take 160 cru~ m 1ss1 Jes under the NATO program, and an March the government decided to go ahead with a $13.6 billion program to modernize its aging Polari1 rrussile force with U S. Trident I.J nuclear submarine rru.ssiles. By PAT HOROWITZ °' ................ DEAR READERS: Kenneth Kltvlt, Po1tal In1pector In Chari•. Newark, N .J ., announced that mall ordtr cu1tomen of Mllbum Book Corp., Nancy Pryor Booka lnc. and R.G .C Book• may atlll claim their refundl. ~ a retault of criminal and civil UU1aUon with the federal 1ovemment concemina tai.e advertl1ln11 the Montclair, N.J .. mall order houaea have a1reed to make refund• to cuatomen who pUrchued any of the followtna producta, who were dlllatiafled with them ana have not prevloualy received a refund: the Ama~ng Dlet Secret of the Deaperate Hou.ewlfe, the Hollywood Emersency Diet, Doctor Romano'• Mega 11, Rapid Welsht Reduction Program, the Amazing Loet Money Secret of the U.S . Government (Jlovemment cash), Diet Bulleta or Cruh Lam Oiet and the Boston Police Diet and Weight Control Program. Refunds may be requested by sending proof of purchase, name and address and the name of the product or plan purchased to Gary Halbert. c/o Charles F. Abbott, Esq., Cotton Tree Square, Suite 3-B, 400 W. 2230 North, Provo, l.Jtah 84604. P1,1rchasers who • Uvtt In th• Eut ahould eend their requeata to Milburn Book Corp. Refund Account, P .O. Box 111~. Montclair, N.J. 07042. Requeata ahould be poetmarked before June 10 to allow ample time for reaponae. Cuatom•ra who have difficulty receiving refundl may write to the Pottal lnapector In Charae, P .O. Box ~09. Newark, N.J. Mllburn Book Corp. facea additional criminal flnea up to $~0.000 u the result of a 1ullty plea with respect to the above mentioned promotlona In U.S. District Couri Newark, N.J . Milburn entered the plea Feb. S to 40 counta of mail fraud and one count of con1plracy. Sentencing Is acheduled June 28. • -"Got a problem? Then wrlce to P.t Horowitz. Pac wUl cut red c.p., • 1 getcing the answers and .aan you need to solve Jne u/Ue• In n • government and bus1neu. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Ccast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiriet1 or letters not including the reader's lull name addre.ss and business hours' phone num~; cannot be considered. . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigntta Smoking ts Dangerous to Your Health. Navy barbers 'clipped' ORLANOO, Fla. (AP) -The barben who atand al the ready to cut off the hair of the Naval Trainini Center'• men aay their cornmiuion.s are being shaved by the Navy's decl.aion to ralae the price of a h&i.rcut two bits. "Every Ume the Navy raiaee the price of halrcuts, they lower our commlaalon," said barber R ic hard Hahn . "lt 'a disheartening. It's unfair. We feel very under-apprecI.ted out here." The barbers who work at the ~aval Exchange say they charge \t2 for a haircut, but the Navy . plans to Increase the price to $2.2~ next month. The problem, the barbers say, is that their commission on thoee cuts will fall from 62 percent of the price to 48.5 percent. They'U make a nickel more on each haircut. But had the commission remained at 52 percent, they would have netted 13 cents more. Cmdr. Edward Hernandez, head of the Naval Exchange, said that "there's really no cut m their pay in dollars." To make $16,000 a year, not including tips, a barber at the Navy exchange would have tD give more than 14,000 haircuts. "l don't plan on working at 48.5 percent, personally,'' said Lonnie Spencer, who is shop steward of Local 1451 of the National Association of Federal Employees. The u.nion protested the move, announced by the Navy last week, saying it violated federal pay guidelines that set commissions between 55 and 94 percent. But a federal arbitrator ruled that the guidelines were only guide!ines and that the Navy could lowe r the barbers' commission. Spencer said the Navy gave only one reason for the cut: The barbers couldn't go above the 4.8 percent pay raise for federal employees so the Navy had to lower the commission when 1t nused prices. Spencer told The Orlando Sentinel the barbers are not civil servants, but are considered federal employees and receive federal health and holiday benefits. . . . . u ......... ORPHANED CUBS -A pair of American black bear cuba, whose parents were destroyed last week at Eurek.a's Sequoia Park Z.00, get adjusted to new home at Woodland Wildlife park in Cave Junction, Ore. Training to counter alcohol abuse set A workshop offering training for handling adolescent alcohol and drug abusers will b e presented June 21-25 in Irvine. Sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism, Orange County chapter, the sessions at Ran cho San J oa quin Intermediate School will run from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Fee for the class is $375. Council Director Dave Larson clauned there is no better way for school administrators, teachers and community leaders to develop skills to deal with an i n c reasi ngly troublesome situation. ln Orange County, he said, 27 percent of high school seniors are "harmfully involved" with alcohol. The workshop is run by a team o f sc h ool officials from Minneapolis, Minn .. where a new interventio n program to rehabilitate teen-age abusers already has met with critical acclaim, he said Fees go toward paymg costs of the train.mg team. Information or registra lion forms can be obtained by calling 835-3830. Plant closing BAKERSFIELD (AP) Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. will close its auto seat plant in Bakersfield July l , officials announced. The closure was forced by the eulier closure of General Motors asaembly plants at Fremont and South Gate. Nobody does i =-1z2 ' -. I ---,--- ,,~ GRAD AND DAD -Actor Alan Alda and his daughter Elizabeth embrace after commencement exercises at Kenyon College in Ohio. Alda, who received an honorary degree, gave the commencement address and Elizabeth was one of the 329 graduates. Capito~ gets Pac-Man fever A Pennsylvania con g 1: es s man i s h i r i n g PAC-Man, the money - gobb ling star of video arcades, to lure lobbyists to a politica l fund -raiser on Capitol Hill. At a time of fierce competition for campaign contributions. Republica"- Rep. James Coyn e -a devotee of video games - believes eight blipping and A high-rolling Texas gambl·er whose hobby is safari hunting walked away with $520,000 -the culmination of the month··long World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. J ack "Treetop" Straus of San Antonio finished the four-day championship playoffs by drawing a pair of whining PAC-Man machines will raise excitement and attendance at his June 2 party. For $200 apiece, Coyne invited contributors to the top floor of the Capitol Hill Club· for unlimited play on PAC-Man machines. He's also offering the more traditional fare of hors d'oeuvres and drinks. 10s to beat a pair of 4s dealt to Dewey Tomko, a former school teacher from Winter Haven, Fla. A total of 104 players entered the no-limit hold 'em championship which began Saturday, following a month of playoffs for smaller stakes. Multlm\lll•nalre tndu1trl1l 1t Ar•••• 8-mmtr oeltbrated hit Hth btrthdaY ln Wuhlnaton by !romtltnt 1ttt1 totalln1 7&0,000 lo the National ymphony Orchoatra and Carneafe Hall. Hammer, chalrm.-n of Ocoldental Petroleum Corp. and a nation.al truatoe of the NSO aince 1977, aald later It'• hia atyle to make Impromptu gifta. 111 don't take time to think.'' he aatd. "I do It at the 1pu.r of the moment." A Ftwno man waa choeen National Big Brother of the Year by Blg Brothers-Big Slaten of America. Jola n Morrlt, a sales representative for 3M Co .. was the top nominee from amona 400 agencies involved in the annual competition nationally. The Fellowship Commission, one of the nation's oldest human rlghta agencies, presented Its national award to Benjamin Hooks, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Country-music s inger George Jones posted $500 bond and was freed after being jailed on drunken driving charges. Police in Brentwood, Tenn .. a suburb of Nashville, said they chased Jones's Cadillac for 1 ~ miles on Interstate 65 before he pulled over. Jones, 50, was ordered held for the routine period of four hours in the Williamson County Jail and charged with driving under the influence and registration violation, police said. Warner Br011 . chairman Ro b ert A. Daly denies allegations of breach of contract and fraud made in a suit by "Dukes of Hazzard" stars John Scb.nelder and Tom Wopat and says he will hold the two actors to their contracts requiring them to continue work on the show. Daly, calling the charges "defamatory and utterly unfounded," said the studio had no intention of allowing the actors to be absent when the series reswnes shooting in June. .... ,.. , ............. . ,_,......,._..#J.1,.'-1..U,....-A _;, ...._ Orano• Oout bAILY "LOT/Thurlday, May 11, 1181 Al Fool's gold In vestors warned o} • ID Alaska? 'danser to public' SACRAMENTO (AP) -The atate la warnlnl potential inve.ton to check before bu~ any offer lnvolvtna aold A.lukan rnl.nen. A statement from the office of Corporatlona Commlaaloner Geraldine Green aald, "Theae invettment offeriJlll poee p-eat danaer to the public. The extraordinary returna prom.lied are not feuible." Ma. Green ordered Camllto Mana1ement Co. of Lafayette and It.I president, James Koenia, to ~top aelli!'g "consulting contract.I." She aald Camillo told investors their money would buy gold from minen in Alaaka for quick reu.le, With profita of up &o 8 percent~ month. The obmpa.ny oollected nearly $4 rnllllon ln a few montha, and lta recordl were beini examined to detennlne how the money wu Wied. Ma . Green aald the lnveat19atlon la juat one of aeveral. One company collected nearly $8 million from about 800 Northern Calllornla lnve1tor1. then filed for bankruptcy, dl8cl0ilin8 It had no uaeta. Another collected '4 million from San Francisco Bay area inve1tors before a commiaaion investigation revealed that investors were being paid profita from funda collectecl from new lnvetton rather than from aold aalea. That cut ~ted In criminal charges of 8l'and theft in exoe. ot $3 million. Ma. Green aaid lt WM hard to pin down the compan.I• -.~ they aenerally do not advert.'-. but pay lnveaton retern.l fees for bringing ln cuatomen. Tfie ~prlnclpala, bank• and recorda are located out of state, and the companin are orontz.ed in such places u the Cayman lslanda, ahe uid. Call 142-H71. Put a few word• to work for you. SPO RTSWE A R! Great selection of summer separates. T ops, prairie skirts, shorts and pants. Multicolor bright stripes, solids and prints. GREA T VALUE at $12.85 and $19.85. HATS and HANDBAGS ! Assorted collection of straw hats and handbags in sum· mer colors and styles. ORIG. $9. -$21 . NOW $5.85 -$14.85. T-SHIRTS! Famous Maker summer t·shirts. Great selection of styles and colors. OR IG. $14. NOW $9.85. LANZ! Super selection of Spring separates and dresses. NOW 1/3 t o 1/2 OFF! Newoort Beach Fashion Island 644-4411 at Mr. Ell iot's: South Coast Plaza 557·6080 Cl '"2 11.J. ~fVHOLOS TO.ACCO CO. etter. This is your world. This is your Winston. The only low tar built on taste. Winston Lights inston L\Grrrs LIGHTS1 ll mg. "tar'. 0.9 mg. nicotin.e, LIGHTS 100'~1 12 mg. ''ta(', 0.9 mg. nicotine. av. per cigarette. RC Report DEC. '8t. ' I I . l J Orange Oout DAILY ftlLOTITMartday, M•v ..,, ,,,. s a week .... --· PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED• CAl1 FOR DltECTIONS 957-6226 2' 1 S REDHl1 A VE .~:.=s~~i COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NO DUE& PIATUllS INCLUDlt • AEROBIC CLASSES • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION • BODY FAT ANALYSIS • STRESS TESTING • BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING • COED SAUNA • NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING • COED WHIRLPOOL • OLYMPIC FREE WEIGHT * COMPUTERIZED DYNA VIT. • NAUTILUS EXERCISE EQUIPMENT • SUN TAN ROOM * GUARANTEED RESUl TS RESTORE THE SPLENDOR Community Prea- byterian Church pastor Rev . Jerry Tankersley 1tand1 in front of firat ph.ue of Laguna church restoration proaram. Former baaement of ch ur ch haa been transformed into multi-purpoee room. A new fellowship hall, kitchen and classroom will co mplete restoration project at Forest Avenue church. More than $700,000 in cash and pledges have been committed. Robinson's AUTHOR FESTIVAL COME MEET YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS AND ILWSTRATORS FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION: MARGUERITE HENRY, author of MtSly $8.95 Stormy. $8.95 King of Wind, $8.95 12 noon SHARI LEWIS (with Lamb Chop), renowned ventr11oqu1st and author of Tell It Make It Book $4.95 SATURD!~. MAY 29, AT N1:wPORT. 11 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Many of the nation s foremost storytellers will be 1n town this weekend as Anaheim hosts the national convention for the American Booksellers Assoc1a11on With twenty ol these celebrated talents making personal appearances at Robinson 's 10 meet you and sign their books (Think what a wonderful gift a personally aulographed book would make') First level Newpofl MILTON W ILLIAMS, author of The Party ~ $16.95 1 pm MYLES OMEL, La Costa chef and author of The Diet Chef s Gourmet Cookbool<, $14.95 1 30 p m (cook mg demonstratton included) MICHAEL BLODGETT, author of Captain Blood $5.95 1 pm CHARLES BERLITZ, author of Native Tongues. $14.95 1 pm ANSEL ADAMS, world famous photographer and creator of The Portfolios of Ansel • Adams. $27.50. Yosemite and the Range of Light. $100. (1n lteu of an appearance by Mr Adams we have prepared a special documentary film salute with personally autographed books available) Mag ic for Non Magicians. $5.95, Kids Only Club Book, $3.95 t noon FOR THOSE WHO JUST LOVE TO RIAD: JACK SMITH, Los ~ngeles Times columnist and author of Spend All Your Kisses Mr Smith, $8.95. Jack Smith's Los Angeles. $9.95 FOR THE COMIC IN EVERYONE: FOR ASPIRING GOURMET COOKS: WOLFGANG PUCK, restaurant owner and author of Modern French Cooking for the American Kitchen. $19.95 11 am (cooking demonstration included). • JACKIE OLDEN AND :rOM WAYMAN, radio personalltles and authOrs of The Great American Mtcrowa'le Coot<boOk. $14.0S. 1 p.m. TOMMY THOMPSON, authOr of the national bestseller. Celebr1ty. $17.95 1 p rn JACQUELINE BRISKIN, author of The Onyx, S15.95. 1 Pm HANK SEARLS, author of Sounding/Man's Relationship with Whales. 16.96. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. EVE BABITZ, author of LA Woman. $13.50 1 pm DAN OREENBURO, author of What Do Women Want? 115.IO. i p.m. STEVE ALLEN, renowned comedian, talk show host, and authOr of Beloved Son, 112.ll; Meeting of Minds, t10. 2 p.m. SHOP MONDAY·FRIDAY 1g·t . AOBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHI N ISLA~D TOM WILSON, cartoonist behind Ziggy and author of Ziggy and Frtend, $3.95. Ziggy Treasury, $8.95 12 noon CATHY OUISEWITE, Cathy cartoon namesake and author of The Story of My Life ... A Cathy Diary, M : It Must Be Love . My Face Is Breaking Out. ft.ff. 12 noon. JIM UNGER, creator of Herman cartoons, author of Herman Sundays, P.ii: 1at and 2nd Treasuries of Herm.n, ych kl&. 12 noon. ' / ~ Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 27, 1882 Carson monologues bite l Comedian called political commentator SOUTH COAST PLAZA OAINISVILLE, Fla. (AP) -ComedlaA Jotuv\)t c.r.;,n, who opena h.La ''Tonllht Show" with U\ o~n-blUna mono&olue IOl'Mtimel aimed at 1uvernment ft1urH, la a ~octal and polltlc:al commentator H well aa a talk-1how ho1t, a UnlveNl\y of Florida 1tudtnt sweeroher uy.. Caraon'a Jokea c:ontrlbuted to his dec:llne ln poP'llarity. Carlon and other cornedianl a1-> mak.e the prelldency a common tarpt for t.helr Jok•. Prem uJd ln an ln\ervtew. 11No matter who the ~dent la, com.lei wW find 10meth.lni to r1d.lcule, he llid. ~ ~~~~~?;!~:,t: ln fact, C&non'1 monoloeu-could away publk oplnlon and even aUect the popularity of a prHldent, H)'• Herb Pre11, an audlo-vlaual 1pedalilt who wrote h.La ma1ter'1 the1l1 on Caraon'1 televl1lon monololuea. Pre. found that 31 • percent of Canon '• jOkea concemeC:l politica and government. The monologuea ahowed an aggreulon toward ~blic figures. he llid, 'butthe~wu blunted by-numor." In a study of monologues aired from De oe.m be r 1 9 7 7 to February 1978, Presa CARSON classified 515 jokes into five main categories. Thirty-four ~rcent of the jokes were classified in the lelsure:(ime category, whlch includes show business. Techhology, which also includes the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not long after Press finished his them ln April, U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Calif., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said Canon uaed to joke about Jimmy c.ari.r·s family, but bec:au. Prelldent fteaaan'• family la not u colorful u Carter'1 c.anon now concent.ratea h.la Jok• on economic pollciee, the reaea.rcher Mid. . A Canon .Sde ln the enterta1ner'• Burbenk offlc:e llid Carton was buay and could not comment dtrectly on the them. She ack:nowledaed that Canon had received a copy of the peper rrtday. "He la very intftlued by it and plant to read lt," uJd Drue Wlllon. "He thouiht It wu an lntereetin8 topic." Ma. WU.On llid ahe had no ldea lf Canon would mention the subject on the ''Toniiht Show," noting that lt wu not uncommon for him to receive student pape.ra dilculli.ng the show. Prell aaid the ldea of the study came to him one night when he wu watching the show, "Ile did a lot of jokes on llert Lance," Preas said. "It seemed to me an unusual number of jokes about one thing." CD plan r e jected EUREKA (AP) -Humboldt County supervi- sors have rejected a federal avU Defense plan to take in San Franctaco area residents if there is a threat of nuclear war. The plan to shelter 184,000 nuclear evacuees ln state and national parks here was rejected unanimously. Robinsons Cricket L TO wtll be hotting two reprnentatlv .. from the Selangor Factory. There wlll be a demon1trat1on of the manufacturing proteu and free hand engraving with any purchaee. Friday 11-3 & 8-9 Saturday 12-2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Tankard Satin finish Reg. $42.50 Special $34.00 Reg. $45.00 Special $36.00 South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 STEVENS SPECTACULAR MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 84.88 twin YVES SAINT LAUllNT'S ELEGANT ITRIPINGS. NOW AT 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except. perhaps. for this designer's flair for color Our first quality YSL sheets, tn an intriguing mix of wine, toast. cream and forest green, on the diagonal. of course 0 1 cotton/polyester percale Prices shown. flat or fitted Twin Full Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases pr Orig $14 $18 $23 $28 $1 4 $16 Sale $.4.88 $8.88 $1 3.88 $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS • S9.88-5ll.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUALITY SHEns IN SUMMER PATTERNS, NOWAY 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense ol freshness to the room you relax 1n Here are three tempting patterns. all in soft cotton/polyester percale Choose from favorites ltke YSL Foulard with p1ndots and flowers of white on taupe. Versailles. restful peach. blue and taupe flowers on cream. or Bangkok. far-Eastern floral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come in early and lind the besl selection Prices shown, flal or fitted Sale ends Monday, May 31 Robinsons Domes11cs. 30 To order call 1011-free 1 ·800·345·8501 Queen King Standard cases pr King cases pr Reg $18·$26 $22 $32 $14-$17 $16·$19 Sale $9.88 $1 1.88 $9.88 $11 .88 Hurry In whlle quantities are plentiful and selections e)(tenslve All hsms subject to prior sale I Al 8 Orang• Ooaat OAU.Y PIL.OTIThur1d1y, M1y 11, 108~ Firefighting merger could benefit cities Four cities in West Orange Counl y -Huntington Beac:h . Fountain Vallt'y, Seul Beach and Wtlstmlnsll'r are (·onsldering proposul11 to t·onsolldute thl'ir firefighting for<.-us to save money. Various upproaches nre under study, but the one getting much of the attention i~ the merger of the four departme nts into one urut with Huntington Beach takmg the leadership role. Huntingt on Beach 's department is approximately as large as the three other c1t1es combined Off1c1als say administrative and repair facahties are available. Huntingto n Beach would assimilate the other departments under the p lan and thttn contract out with the other' dtit.'11 for fire prot~tJon. With cutbacks In state rt'vcnues taklng larger and larger bites from the budget, cities are being forced to fJnd ways to save. The four cities are projected to save about $1 25 million ann ual! y undf>r conso ltdatio n plans. It as healthy that the talks are going on. Three cities might be giving up a measure of local control under a t'Onsolidatton. That loss would have to be balanced agamst gains in efficiency and cost savings to determine if the mergers should be pushed a head Sumnfer college cuts It s hould come as no surprise that o ur coastal community colleges wall be offering fewer summer courses than in past years. Coastlme College will offer half as many summ er courses as last year Orange Coast and Golden West colleges have cut their summer schedules by 40 percent. Al the two Saddleback College campuses, summer classes have been cut by 22 percent. ln one sense, this is re lated to the similar reduction in classes these colleges were forced to make in the sprmg term that ~ JUSt concluding. Area colleges had high enrollments last summer and fall. Because limited state funding forced them to k eep a lid on enrollments, the colleges had to trim their spring schedules. W i th a n e w fiscal yea r beginning, the colleges have decided to make some cuts t>arly, durmg the summer schedule. so they can save a greater sha re of their resources for the traditional faU and sprang terms The unfortunate aspect of this is that while course offerings are trimmed, interest in community college education is s tronger than ever. College o fficials say the economy has caused many people to seek new job skills. Other students are simply mterested in personal enrichment. Whatever the reasons. the demand for community college education is there The instructors and classrooms are there. What isn't there is the money to pay for It. The upcoming summer school cuts are just another indication of the need for a massive overhaul in the system for funding community colleges. Educators and lawma kers must work together to develop a n ew system involving fees for certain classes or tuition payments, or they must find som e oth e r source of funds. The state should n ot have t o deny community college education to those who seek ii. Off shore oil fight IC Orange Coast cities are ever t.o win deletion of 011 tract leases off their shores, a concerted battle in the courts appears thP1r only option. To date, the cities o f Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and San Clemente appear ready to join the state in a law suit against the U.S Department of Interior. Los Angeles may even JOln the legal battle, following that recommendation by Mayor Tom Bradley. At issu e. at least to Orange Coast cities, is the proposed lease of 11 tracts off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. The sale is scheduled for June 11. according to Interior Secretary James Watt's o ffice. despite a concerted Jetter-writin~ e ffort to delete those tracts from our l'Oa.St. Officials in N ewport and Laguna have a special m terest 10 seeking the deletions. Both beach towns rely o n tourism for much o f the ir municipal revenues. An oil spiU of any magn.itude would do little to help the economies o f ei the r community. In addition, there are fragile tadepools in both cities that would . be adversely affected by a spill. • Lead e rs in both cities say they are not opposed to offs hore drilling but they fear selling leases so close to eithe r city is mvitmg trouble. Perhaps with support of Los Angeles and the state, these tracts can b e taken o ff t h e list of potential drilling sites. Opinions expres'>eCI in the -,pace above are those of l he Daily Pilot Olner view s elf. pressed on tn1s page af€: those of their authors and art 1sts. ReaCler c.omment 1s 1nv1t eo Address The Daily Pilot Po Box lS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone <7141 642-4321 L.M. Boyd I X enophobes You're a xenophobe. 1f you don't like fore ig ners. ('XOtic foods or changes generally. l suppose you can say a xenophoQc doesn't appreciate surprises. A meat-and-potatoes man who gets upset when he's served cracked crab with fiddJehead fern might be classified as a xenophobe. It's no sign of ignorance, please note. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant was a xenophobe. He never ventured more than 10 miles away from htS home, and townfolk used to tell the time of day by when he took his walks. The sua:essful PG-rated movies do better at the box office than do the succeaaful G -rated movies . And G-rated do belt.er than R-rated. And R-rated do better than X -rated Q. What's a "gandy dancer"? A. A railroad track laborer. There are good onea a n d bad ones. incidentally. Some claim the world's best ts l..es Nicholas of Burlington Northem'a Dakota Division. Couple years ago at a Gandy Dancers O RANGE COAST Daily Pilot get-u Jether he hammered five rail spikes into a tie and then pulled them all back out again in 47 seconds. A municipal ordinance of Pueblo. Colo., requires all bicycles there to carry gongs. Q What's the true de fin1llon of "akoholism"? A. Nonesuch is agreed upon by all authorities. Merriam-Webster's New Collegiate says either "excessive" or "compulsive" drinking identifies 1t. and says further its causes are both psychological and nutritional. Most veteran ex-drinkers say it doesn't matt.er how you define it. If you can't count on sure control of the thing once you start, you've got it, and that's definition enough . The Federal Government. whic h has a firm writeup on moat health conditions. still hasn't come up with a definition for that one. incidentally. More people were executed in Iran wt year than were executed in au the other naUons combined. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor · Barbara Krelblch EdUorlat Page Editor -.. -,. - --'IMfe&;\Sl.t-l~E STATE '°'?AlUM'ENT WOO~]) NMR ~~ Au.owED HIM !NfRY TO 1M£ U.S.!' Haig , proves his durability WA S HIN GTON Like the· proverbial feline survivor, Al Haig not only has nme lives. but always seems to land on his feet H<• ts as scarred and battered as an old tomt:at. y<'l Haig manages to survive one ha1r-ra1sing political scrap afwr anothl'r, must of them of his own making Haig's durabilny 1s truly remarkable. Consider t he phys1("al and political calamllles he has endured m JUSt the last few years: an a.s.sassmauon attempt, a triple coronary bypass, the Walergate S(:andaJ. thunder and lightning from the extreme right. quarrels with a host of White House advisers and Cabinet set·retaries -and the self-induced embarrassment <'aused by his own Homeric ego. HAIG IN HIS youth was the leader of a Ph1ladelph1a gang calle d the Musketeers; though a respectable boxer, he was more noted for his ability to negotiate with nval gangs over turf. The street smarts he acquired then, supplemented by Henry Kissinger's tutelage tn high-level politicaJ infighting and cultivation of powerful sponsors, have enabled Haig to escape the profl'ssional oblivion that is regulaf'ly predkted for him. The latest prophecies of Ha1g's pohti<·al demist' followed the breakdown or hll> Kis.san~er-style shuttle dtplom;;ic·y ~ -JA-Cl_l_ll-fl-11-1 -~ between Bnt.ain and Argentina. Thu., surely, would be the stake through Haag's heart. But a high-level White House source told me that Haig is not in trouble with the one person who counts. Asked 1f President Reagan might respond to the out.cry for Haig's scaJp, the aide replied "No. that's not the president's style." In fact, he said, Reagan's instmct is to stand behind an aide who is the target or criticism -as he dtd in Budget Director David Stockman's case. Another rugh White House offlc1al told my associaw Dale Van Atta that Ha1g's detractors were licking tht•11 t•hops owr his FalkJand lslands failure, But lht• µn·s11ltmt was not upset. "On,·e Haig took the ball, 1t was very t•v1dent th.11 his lx•ing pwnt man kept Ht.'a~an dirt'(:tl y out or It ," said thl.8 sour·n· A ~rat1·ful Ht·agan hds gone out of his way an lht Wt't•ks s1n1·t• to say kind th111~~ ,1bou1 I l.ug Jnd tu dt•ny reports th.I\ t11s f1>ro•1g11 fJ'ilwv vu .JI w.:is Jhout to l.l4· dt·fro<.kt'<I HAIG'S w1lhngnt"Sl> l>Oml' sour<-es say l"iig<•rn<~.., tu wk1· on tht• d1plumauc kam1ka"1t-m1:.s1un abo \.\On h im something h1· had always found in short :.upply at th1· Wh1l<· HouS<.'. grudging respet·t from top Rt·agan o.tdes Aft.er '.->Om<· 1n1ual gruuMng ovt.>r the luxury lla1g wa.s l'nJuving in his Air For<..'e ,et and th<' M.•lf import.ant prunount't:'menlB h1· was mak111g. Whitt• House staffers had lu t·unn'<J1· tht· Jbr<t.slVl• gt•neral was doing a tough, thanklt-s.s y>b Su um·t• again lhl• h~1rd -<·harg1ng s<.-<:rC'l:1ry of i.wt4-' has PmNged from a dll'l'Y s1tual1on with h1!> pohl1cal hide still 1ntac.·t Onn· again th(' wou ld -be cat-skinm·r ... 1r1 tht Wh1tf• House have had to .. ht•atht• tht•1r long kn1vt'S. · Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the Editor: I am 13 years old. and ever since I was born. I heard about the power of the press Many people My that the pen is rrughtier than the sword and the press IS the pen that reaches and influences large groups of people Because of this great influence, I ask the Dally Pilot to fight against oil drilhng off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach is a very special pla~ for me. It is my hometown. I was born here and ever since I can remember, my MAILBOX mom used to take fTl€.' to Corona del Mar Beach. It would be difficult to teU you how many sandcastles I have built and how many mud fights I have had with my brothers and sister. It would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and how many have knocked me down. I do'l't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch BUT MOST OF ALL, I have grown accustomed to the beauty of the ocean and the beach. I can't wnte well enough to describe how beautiful our coastline IS or perhaps there are no adequate words of praise to describe it All I can think of saying is that: it's precious, it's priceless. it's unique. One would not splash i{lk on a priceless painting but cherish n and preserve it. Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coastline with oil weUs. Years ago. my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit. Mich. She took me to the beaches of Lake St. Clair where she used to swim . sail and play. But, the lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" signs everY)Yhere. Sadly my mother explained. "It Used to be nice when l was a young girl." When I grow up and sit w i th my children on Corona del Mar Beach , I don't want to tell them that, "It used to be ruce when I was a young girl." I want our coastline to stay as beautiful aa it is today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of the blue Pacific without staring at a forest of oil well.I. JANE E. ZALFSK.l Litter solution To the Editor: At the North Laguna Community Association's board meeting, Rich Farnell cleared up the mystery of the trash-filled plastic bags we've been eeelng on the htf:hway between Laguna and Corona de Mar during the put 111Cveral weeks. What we heard was 80 odting that t.he board instructed me to tell Judge David Carter how much we appreciate hia ingenious 1e>lut1on to a problem that has been plaguing ua for a Jong tlme. WE E NTHUSIASTICALLY applaud and commend thlt proararn of putting mt1deme1nor vlolatora to work on cl-.ri-up Cl"t'WI lnltead of JaOlna them. Lltter ln our pubUc areu la a subject thal repcat.cclly appean on our qenda.. Our own 10ludon fn North Laguna lw been to have a group of volunteers (our "Lnter-ature Corruruttee"') meet at Boat Canyon at 9 a.m on the fU"St Tuesday of eacf\ month. anned Wlth work gloves and plasUt' trash bags. and proceed to clean up some pre-selected area for om.· hour We like Judge Carter's idea much better' Many of us are seeing our beautiful coastal area at its best for the first tJme It IS such a sensible one that we arc hoping 1t w1U be continued long beyond his term of service CLARICE GARFIN Corresponding Secretary S till tak es t wo To the Editor "Right On" to Dr Moldaws ky and Miss Severon1 on their nuclear fn•ez<' lt>ttt.'r (Mailbox, May 15) Bully for all if a way can b(' found to gel 1t on tht· Moscow ballot The trouble with a bilateral agreement 1s that 1t lakes two sides to make 1t. JUSt hke a tango J W REID Telecourse reason To the Editor: Your editorial advice that the Coast Community College Distnct leadPrsh1p should start communicating with the> "recalcitrant" faculty of Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges has some ment The problem. however, is one of professional auton omy and not hierarchical authority in this instance Useful and effective communications can o nly com e about when quali fi ed c urriculum experts (faculty) at the coUege level converse with curriculum experts at the t.elecourse level. It wou ld th e ref o r e be most appropriate to hear from the people who have designed and created Coastline telerourses. Coastline has been in the busmess of turning out new <..'Ourses, singly and jointly, since it.a establishment in 1976. At great expense to t h e taxpayers. 1t has produced telecourses -at a rate of two t o three p er year -which have been a major component of the Coastline curriculum. The major thrust of telecourse production, however, has been focused on sales and marketing efforts to make this en terprise financially solvent. Although some inoome has been generated to de!ray overall expenses. It can be safely assumed that, as a private enterprile, it would have folded a long Ume ago. COASTLINE'S organization includea a "teleooune design office" whoee budget tot.ala $406,000 for thia academic year. Embedded within t.hia budget are the aalarlea for on~ dean , one auoclato dean, and three .enior ina'\ruc:tor deaian apedallats. Their average salary ~ to $41,000. Theee lnd.Mduala att full·~ profelalonala, who should, along with • l..tlltt\ ''"" •..O.n ., .... "°""" T ... •19114 lt ,_.. .. , ltr• .. Ill ICl9t•., t llmlllllt ,. ... ,. ,_,,... L<ttltf\ .. - • .,., et .. , "'" .... _ ,, ... ,ti\(. Alt ~" -.... , ..... ._1 ........ lft•lll .. -hi Ill" -· .... , ... •llh ... 111 ... ·-" If •••lll<i .. 1 ···-1, ......,...., .... ,,. •Ill,.., W fl*t.,_. Lttltn lfttV MI ........... ......_ H•lftt ---__ , 91 Ille <1•\trl-.i~-'* W 1'¥tft .. , •t flhttll<lft -~ tht· board lJf lrusll'f-s .ind the dtstnt·t h·ad<-rsh1p !:>-· hc.>ard I run1 t•ont't'rnmg the !>l<llU'-of the· d1:.pUl•'<I t1•lt'<.OUrst"S llopcfull~. d molt r• -;1'.->0nt'<i approal·h "'ill t•n ... ut .1long "'1th a dialogue of sub~tann· sans d1 •lt•11 ... 1v1· overtones. Futun· cfr•>('U'-sion" ... houlJ h;ll.'l' JS their obj('l'llVt•.., th1• 1mp1o\1•nwnb or reforms to th<• ... vstl'm thJI .11 t 11hv1ouslv in ordc•r LEF'TEHl~ LAVHAKAS. PhD S up p o rt fo r arts To the F..d1tor Currently enjoying lhe opportunity for mtens<' involvement with Orange County's performing arts organizations. I $hare> wtth them a grave concern for the potential c•ffects of the d rastic cuts in state and ft,deral support of the arts. Rt•cently. however. local music: lovers have had u 1US£" for considerable t>ncouragement One of Orange County's leading supporters of the arts. the lrvine Company. not only has det.emuned to do its share in replacing some of those foregone public funds. but has done so m a refreshing ;rnd exc.-epuonally promising way PERFORMING orgaruzations seldom rc.'<.'Over more than 40 percent of theU" total operating costs at the box office. The balance of their survival hinges upon private• and pubh'" contributions <ind gr~nts Bul whereas such contnbut10ns generaJJy are absorbed intO t h e cont1 nu1ng ex p enses o f an orgaruzatlQn. the Irvine Company opted to assume an unusually creative role by underwnghttn~ a spec1f1c concert -in this event the monumental Missa Solemn1s of Be<.>thoven, performed by the Pacific Chorale on May 22 in the Civic Auditorium at Santa Ana High School. Surely Beethoven himsell would have relished this k ind of support. for the masterworks of that era nearly alwayi were composed and performed under the commission of a patron. To o ffer wo rk s o f the scale, importance, and cost of the Miua Solemnls soon may come to r ely primarily on underwriting such as thia -at least If ticket prices are to be kept within the range of typical concert-goen and if serious music is to attract new audiences. s uch as our youth and the county'1' l~ advantaged populations. JAMES E. DUNNING I 1 CllllY CUI I &ema to me It would only take a few o( thoae millio n -dollar a nd mul\.1-mllllon-dollar homes along tht coast to dlatort the whole picture as;J •• a verage property valu es ar concerned. DEl'LA ·-·----..-.-.. ~ ... ---· ... ~r::-'l .............. ,.-....... . _ .. ,.. .. .... ~........ . ' I , I Orange Coatt OAILV PILOT/Thurlday, Ma)' 27, 1882 ~· Where can mini-bikini n1akers go from here? Thert &rt a lot of HJC)' bathln1 1ult adverueemenia In the nowapaport and m11aaJnH thoao daya and you have to admit they add a llttl«' to the printed Pl&• that advert•mcintl tor comput.ens and 1peclal1 on mayonnalae du no t. I have never underatood 1omc thtna• about advertlatnw, thou1h . How do plcturH of 1un·t nntd male model1 11ttina on honeback help aeU clgarett.ee? How do picture• of buutlful young women with great flgu~ ln teeny tiny blklnia help a store tell bathina •uita to the avoraae woman? YOU CAN NEVER underestimate n1ankind'1 ability to fool Itself, and I suppose that's what the advertisers know that the r~•t of us don't. They know that e ven though the average woman knows she LSn't going to look llke 1/3 OFF th• 1lrl In the ad wt1r ln1 th• blldnl. there 1ttll remalne the taint, faraway drMm that ah• mJcht look a Utel• Uke her I lma1ln• th•Nt are a lot of bathln1 •ult1 In dreuer drawen acrot• \he I '' -AN-DY-R0-01-IY-....... ~ country that have never been wom ln the water or anywhere near it. A woman buya the ault but ln thtt cold Uaht of the mirror in her own bfdroom, ahe realJzes 1he doesn't dare go out ln public wearing It. I have a few aaudy pieces of clothing of my own that fall In that cateaory. They seemed like a good idea when I bo\laht them, but I've nevur wom them. LUt Sunday l aaw an 1d for• blk.lnJ and another Item tM)' callctd "tht b&lwt cover-up" for It. Tht woman who want.Id io appear modest o.n the way io the water could wMI' thla fi.nhnet 1annet over her blklnJ. From what l! could 11ee ln the ad -and I could H4• Ju1t about everr,thlnf -the cov1r-1Jp aarment dtdn t rea ly cover anyth Ina except, perhape, the manufacturer'u overheod. Mod•ty, or lack of It, ta an lnt.erettlna 1ubject. A areat many women who modestly cover their kneel when they alt down and croaa their lea» wearing • 1k.lrt. have no hesitation about llOlni \0 the beach or pool ln two p.lecet -of cfoth no bigger than one amall ha.ndkerchief. Mode1ty 11 moatly what any civilization aaya It la. On many of the beaches in !''ranee, lt la common practice MONDAY, MEMORIAL DA._', 10-6. 20 % off fot women to iO toplae 'fhey wouldn't dtt-.m of weartna a akin without a top on the 1treet, but on the beach they ... m perfect.ly at eue weart.na jutt the bare botiom of a bUdnt. 'l'hey'r. a lot moro at eue weartna IO little than l am watchln, them wear ft I don't really know why women have tred!Uonally covered thelr breuta ln our eoctety. It hasn't ~n IO long lince men uaed to, too. My fl.rat five bathtna ault.a oovered me from thigh to chest and the shoulder 1trap1 alwaya made 1wlmm1ng more difficult Even In champtonahip 1wlm meeta, men were required to wear full bathins SUila. When men 1t.arted wea.rlng just 1wlm trunks, a lot of people d1dn't think it was any more acceptable than the average pet90n would think toplea women were acceptable at the beach today. Many s.99-s2.60 clube wit h pool.I and be11Ch committ.ees poattd 1tain1 uyln& that men were expecl*i io wear full bathlna 1ult1 I can't make much of a logical caH &aalNt nudity or near-nudity, and yet I have the feellna women'• bathtna 1ulia hav aone too far wtth revelation. I've been foUowtna the ttttnd clolely with a purely academic lnter.t for yean now and It aeema to me that the adwrtlaer1 and the people aelllna thHe m lnlm1l bathing aulta ue heoded for btg trouble. There 11 juat 10 much dealgn a top designer can give a piece of cloth the liz.e of a handkerchlef, and tf bathlna 1uit1 get any 1maller, the dealgnen are aolng to find they don't even have room to put their names. "Cole of C&lifomia" muat be in trouble alreadr And the next 1tep !or women would, o coune, put all of them out of business. ------·- LIZ CLAIBORNE SPRING SEPARATES Orig $14 -$64 Sale $8.99·$~1 .99. D1stinc11ve1y dela1led cotton sheeting iackets. pants. skirts and shorts for sizes 4 to 14 Robinson's Young Designer Sporlswear 105 EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN DESIGNER MEN'S CLOTHING GIRLS' SOCKS BY LEROI Orig $2·$3 95 A vast selection of whites and brights Robinson's Kids 120 539.99 COLORFUL CHALLIS FLOATS Special An assortment of prints tn hgh1we1gh1 rayon By Robbie Bee for sizes 6 to 14 Robinson's Updated Dresses. 135 549.99 MADRAS PLAID FLOATS Orig $68-$76 A v1v1d array of long and short sleeve styles in perfect for·summer cotton From Mall• of Lynn for sizes 6 to 14 Robinson's Casual Dresses. 51 554.99 FAMOUS MAKER PRINT DRESSES Orig $80 A glorious collection of styles by one ol your favorite names Easy·care polyester for sizes 6 to 16 Rob1natre Dresses. 50 539.99 PRINT DRESSES BY LIZ PETITES Special Assorted styles and colors for lhe woman 5'4 • and under Richly textured polyester for 4 10 14 Robinson's Petites. 55 40% off VASSARETTE ' LACE WHISPERS COLLECTION Reg $9 '13 Sale $4.99-$7.49 Nylon camisoles. slips. and hal1sl1ps trimmPd with flowered lace White or nude (b11t r1111ry for best selection) Robinsons LtnqerielDC!ywear. 91 40% LACY TEDDIES ANO GOWNS Orig $20-$24 Sale $11.99-$1 3.99 A luscious collec11on. lavished with your favorite ntghtt1me detail Assorted color nylon lor PS M-L By Flair Robinson s Contemporary Sleepwear 144 25% off HAGGAR IMPERIAL ' SEPARATES Jacquard hemngbone polyester I silk sporlcoal with the look of lussah silk Natural only, 40 lo 44 Orig $100. sale ~/4.99 Polyester/wool gabardine pant tn brown. Ian. or beige 30 to 40 Orig. $46 Sale $33.99 Robinson's Sp,..rtswear Casual, 123 t 511.99 MEN'S STRIPED POLOS Orig $16 Our updated classic 1n a huge assortment of shades Cottonlpolyester, S·M L-XL Robinson's Mens Knits 21 513.99 MEN'S SOLID COLOR POLOS Reg $20 Solt. cool 1ntertock cotton in your lavonle summer hues S·M L-XL Robinson's Men·s Knits, 21 59.99 YOUNG MEN'S TWILL SHORTS Orig. $16. Wi th elastic waist. taped side pockets, and snap·flap bac' pockets. White, tan, royal. or navy polyester/cotton (but hurry for best selecllon) S·M·L Robinson's New Directions. 145 sz99 ROLL-SLEEVE TEES FOR GUYS Orig. $1 2 All cotton, with contrast color sleeve hnmgs for the hottest look this summer. S·M·L Robinson's New Directions, 99 512.99-S14.99 FAMOUS CALIFORNIA MAKER TOPS AND TRUNKS Reg . $18·$20 The looks you ltve tn from June to September In a huge assortment of colors and styles. Polyester/cotton tor S·M L·XL Robinson's Men's Active Sportswear, t 18. A luxurious assortment of text ure and '>tyles w11h the cachet of the designer's touch (Hurry quant1t1es are l1m1ted to stock on hand. subiect to prior sale.} Suits Orig $225 $275 Sale $179-$219. Sportcoats Orig $15L $195 Sale $119·$149 Pants. Orig $60 Sale $44.99 Robinson's Men's Clothing and Sportswear Clothing, 35195.t 559.99 MEN'S LEATHER LOAFERS Reg. $80. Instep strap or tassel styles. d1stlngu1shed by Italian craftsmanship 81 own or black Robinson's Men's Shoes. 2. 59.99 FAMOUS MAKER LEATHER BELTS Special Contemporary styles, crafted of !.oftest leather 30 to 40 Robinson's Men's Accessories. 93 516.99 FAMOUS OXFORD CLOTH DRESS SHIR TS Reg $24 Well·known American style in a classic button·down shirt While or blue polyester /cotton 14 Y2 to 161/2 , with 32i33 and 34/35 sleevHs Robinson's Men's Dress Shtrts. 20 513.99 JOGSUrTS FOR GIRLS 4 TO 6X Orig $19 Polyester/cotton styles in lots of bright colors By Kle1ner1s Robinson's Kids. 49 1/3 o ff PLAYCLOTHES FOR BOYS 4 TO 7 Striped shirts Orig $12 Sale $7.99 And si:IQrt shorts Orig $7 Sale $4.49 In assorted col :>r polyestertcollon Rohmson's Kids. 32 56.99-57.99 PLAYCLOTHES FOR GIRLS 7 TO 14 Striped and solid crop tops Orig $12 Sale ~7.99 And summer bright shorts Orig $1 t Sale Si0 .99 In polyesterlcotton Robinson's Kids 45 510.99 OP CORD SHORTS FOR BOYS 8 TO 20 Reg $15 1W1th cargo pockets 1n two-tones and sohds Durable cotton/polyester Robinson's 1<1ds, 39 53.99-~5.29 TODDLER PLAYCLOTHES Puff sleeve crew top Orig. $8 Sale $5.29 And s1de-sht pull-on short Orig. $6 Sale $3.99 In ptnk. blue. yellow. or lilac polyester/collon Sves 2 to 4 Robinson's Kids. 113 56.99-S8.99 TOPS FOR GIRLS 4 TO 6X Orig, $9 50-$13 An abundance of pastels and brights by L11tte Topsy Polyester/cotton Robinson's Kids, 49 s,99 KIDS SHOELACES Orig. $2 Fun colors and styles by Sutton Place Robinson's Kids. 34. 56.99-9 .99 SHIRTS AND SHORTALLS FOR TODDLERS Stripe collar shirt In assorted colors and fabrics by Rob Roy. Orig $10.50. Sale 18.H. And red, pink. or blue shoHalls or polyester/cotton Orig $12 Sale $7.H . Sizes 2 to 4.Robinson's Kids, 113 S6.99-S8.99 SCREEN PRINT TOPS FOR OIRLS 7 TO 14 Orig. $10-$13 A large, colorful collecllon from Llttle Tops~ Polyester/cotton. Robinson's Kids, 4!i. Robinson's Memortal Day Weekend Sate ends M.ay 31. 59.99 PLAVCLOTHES FOR BOYS 8 TO 20 Orig $14 A fun colleclion of knit tops and twill shorts 1n durable polyes1er/co11on Robinson s Kids. 22/39 5899 OP CORD SHORTS FOR BOVS 4 TO 7 Orig $ 13. Snappy style in two·ton~s and solids Tough polyester/cotton Robinson's Kids 32 511.99-513.99 LEVr'S" CORDUROY JEANS FOR BOVS 8 TO 14 Reg $14 99-$16 99 Great selection of colors for summer Cool cottonlpolyester Robinson's Kids. 39 59.99 JWR CORO SHORTS FOR BOYS 8 TO 20 Orig $14 All cotton. 1n many summer shades Robinson's Kids. 39 3/53.59-3/54.39 PACKAGED SOCKS FOR BOYS 4 TO 20 Reg 3/$4 50-31$5 60 Vast assortment of crews and tubes for sizes 6 10 14 Robinson's Kids 22132 519.99 CANDIES~ CORK WEDGE SANDAL Reg $30 Highlighted with ora1ds of multi color leather strips A perfect summer shoe' Robinson s Junior Shoes 173 519. 99-529. 99 AIR STEP SUMMER SANDALS Ong $28 $38 Choose from rope wedge and cul- oul leather styles. in a variety of desert neutrals Robinson's Casual Shoes/Sltppers. 5 1/3 off RIVIERA POLAROID SUNGLASSES Orig $1 5 Sale $9.99 A spectacular selection of frames. featuring Sunsensor"' protective lenses Robinson's Sunglasses. 159 518.99 PRIVATE EYES SUNGLASSES Special Italian handmade frames that will hold optical lenses. too. Robinson s Sunglasses. 159 59.99-512.99 STRAW TOTES AND CLUTCHES Special Summer essentials 1n a slew of summer brights and naturals Robinsons Handbags. 149 1/3 off MARVELLA SPECTATOR JEWELRY Reg. $5 -$8 Sale S2.99·S4.99 A whole collec11on of summer·bright. summer·bold accessories, ~ white. red or navy Lucite® acrylic Including button, ball, and chp·on eamngs, 1 s; 18." 24 • and 30" bead necklaces. lots of bangles too Robinson 's Fashion Jewelry, 16. 8121-5250 off per set OU.R ENTIRE SPRINO AIR MASTERPIECE MATTRESS COLLECTION Available In llve different firmnesses. Twin ea . pc. Reg 139.95·$189.95. Sale S78·S118. Full ea pc. Reg. $189.95·$239.95. Sale S109·S160. Queen 2·pc set." Reg. $449 95·$649.95 Sale $289·13". King 3·pc. set• Reg $579.95·$749.95. Sele $389·$4". (•Queen and king sizes sold as sets only ) Robinson's Sleep Shop, 75 tNomfn•I cntrgt for e11er111on1 on ••le merchandlM. Hurry in white quantWes ere plentlful and se-lection extensive All 1te1ms subject to prior sate. I I Ora eady for prime time? alilornia candidates campaign on tube LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tht E 11ye C.Ufomla la about 200 • wlct. and 780 mU• lona, t tht 1982 primary election Ia ~11y ree\rlct.ed to a field of ~lit.teal combat about 21 Inch• lcro.. J 1'!'• 1982 cam~ 111 beinl 10U1ht ln tele o • 1reater xtent than ny prevloua race ln tallfornla ~tory. .. Tune in a of "The efferaons," nd you are arned allfornla ill run out of water and lose ]oba unlesa you vote yes on Propoaltion 9 to build the '-erlpheral Canal. Before the thow is over, you hear the clanking of a prison cell door as you learn the best way to protect lOW"lelf from the release of more dangerous criminals iB to elect George Deukmejian governor. 11111 AlllYlll all-out war on crime" a1 arovemor. and a 1pokemnan for A.uomey General hopeful Omer Ra1N wama that rival John Van de Kamp "hu been a failure u d.latrtct attorney (of Loe Anaelee) and ahould not become attorney aeneral." The leadlna candldatea for major otflcee auch u governor and U.S. Senate are mak.ina only a handful of public appearances, delivering repetitive apeechea with little new material u they devote moat of their time to cutting televlaion commercials and raising money In private fund-ral8ers to put thelr ada on the alr. Eight major candidates are spending a total in excess of $1.2 million a week to get their message to voters in 10-aecond to 30-second spots, with about half of that money funnelled into seven large Los Angeles television stations which reach about 6 million of California's 11 million voters. Wl\h major candldatet makiing only a fraction ot the pub Ile •ppearancee of thelr counterp11 rtAI ln paat yt11ra, there a re 1l41nlflc:antly fewer newspaper and tel•Villon news 1torl• about tMlr daily apeechea, and voten ln the June 8 primary will rely more than ever before on the carefully honed me11agea ln thoee 30-tee<>nd •J>O'-· A televiaion viewer Tueaday ni&ht, exactly two weeka be1lore election day, could watch 3~ political commercials for statewide candldatft or issues by switching channels for five hours among Los A n g e I e s OSUk-..W. television stations. To avoid the politicla·ns, a viewer's best bet Tue&day was news shows, beca se most stations do not eell po cs1l ads during thoee shows. An since Republicans have more ose. big-spending races l an Democrats, shows which up Therapy meet set More than &,000 phyalul therapltta will meet In Anaheim o,n June 19·23 tor th• &8th annual conferonc.'O of the Amerlcan Physical Therapy Alloclation. 8Heba11 sreat Roy Campanella will be honored at the conference for hi• 1upport and ual.atance to phyaical therapy. 'the conference will feature 1ympo1la, work1hop1, business meetings, displays of .equipment, and vialta by ph)'1ical therapists. Unusual art sale slated An unusual art sale featwring drawings and clay whistles by retiring art professor Arden Lanham is scheduled June 1-3 in the Cypress College Fine Arts Gallery. A reception honoring Lanham is slated from 7 to 9 p.m. June 1. The exhibit will continue from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. WI ITOOK 90TH PAIT AND ILOW llUPI Recent new• •ton• told how 1uptrmarkat1 and dllcourtt fl"1ll are teUl111 mauutac\uren : "Stll u1 only YOW' IMt .. 11._.,,. We are we•dln11 out 111 other• " Their rrHon la \hat elow Hllen are not protllable Thi• 11 tru .... but aom11lme1 1low Hlllna producu can be vttry Important IO I.hr pttl"IONI who need them. The,e are hundreds of them In our pharmacy lh11 tell only 1bou1 • down of ttach 1 year Wr buy only 1 quarter of a dotrn 11 1 lime 111nd re·order when they ~ 10ld Our reputellon ill to have whllrYer you uk for 11 we don't have your f1vocu.e. tell U1 • YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US wht>n you need 1 nwodlcme Pick up your prucr1ptrnn If llhopp1ng nearby, or WP will deliver promptly without extra 1·harge A great many people entru1t u1 with their prescrip11ona. May we 1·ompo1..tnd and dlaprnae youni? PARK LIDO PHARMACY ,, .. ~ ., Hoeplflll lff»d ~::c" In white navy red beige ~ -••• 4 JACQUES COHEN GD #541'A SHIOMISLAHO,MIW'°UIUCHl7 t 41U4-4JU #Z7MAIMSTUIT,AL.HAMIUIJ I JIJIJ·U71 . Between outrageous proclamations of Archie Bunker gn reruns of "All in the Family," Peukmejian's gubernatorial tival, Lt. Gov. Mike Curb tells a tfteerlng crowd he will wage "an That rate will accelerate to $1.5 million or more next week if the leading candidates meet their fund-raising goals. to older, more conservative voters have the heaviest l• >ad of political ads. the following two days. ~, ---------,_ _________________ __, JCPenney Garden Shop Sale May 28, May 29 & May 30 Friday-Saturday-Sunday ----------IJ~~o ________ __ All 6" potted Houseplants Star Jasmine reg. $5.99-6.99 Sale $3.99 Special $3.49 • 10'.' Hanging Fuchsia reg. $14.99 Sale $10.99 • 10" Houseplants varieties Include Ficus, Palms & Draceanas reg. $24.99 Sale $16.99 --(··' - Flowering Landscape Plants reg. $2.99 6" Marigolds Now $1.99 reg. $2.~ Now $1.99 6" Hanging Impatiens Special Buy $3.99 Asst. 1 gal. varieties Include Lantana, Gazanla, Verbena, Statlce and Daisies Great buys on barbecue grllls. Sale $44.99 Reg. 48.19. 18" charcoal kettle grlll by Webe,.. Solid steel with weather proofed porcelain black enamel. Vents from aides and top. Snug cover helps seal In charcoal ftavor. $109.99 Sunbeam9 210 sq. In. single burner LP gas grill. lndudel portable cart, LP tank, permanent lava rocks and cookbook. Sun~ 225 eq. In. duaJ burner grlll with faaturee above, *1•• Electronic bug klllers at •10 to •15 savings. Sale $59.99 Reg ........ 15 watt electric bug killer covet9 up to 'A acre. 25 watt untt, cover. up to ~ acre. Reg ........ ...... '"JCPenney Presents ·~ Oo 0 Cannon ® Towels. Sale 3.99 be~ Sale 6.99 beth Reg. S10. Thldt, with a capltJll T. "Trio""" tow• come In deep re~ monotone• and .-. m9CM Of tttt 'n' thnty 1 00" cotton. Hend towel. reg. 8 .99, .... 4.lt. Wuh cloth, reg. 3 159, Sele 2.41. , R90. se. "Main Street'"''" dealgn towela of 100% cotton teny come In three style• Aaeorted stripes and plelda In luacloua Ice cr91fTI tone patela Hand towel, reg. 3.99, Sele 2.71. ' Wuh cloth, reg. 2.39. S.le 1.H . ' Sale 5.59 beth . . IP lllA .. I . ·s ! J l .. llllJPllt THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1982 Erma Bambeck doesn't need a Bmart al eek Becretsry. See CAVALCADE 82 Page B2. 0 TIE c• 110 THE coum ENTERTAINMENT 86-8 ~' ~'' He's paid the wages of sin HIGHER EDUCATION BEAT: Dr. Barry Singer, the professor at Cal State, Long Beach, who gave class credit for both hanky. and panky in his couree, "Psychology of Sex," has now been temporarily booted from his labors at the august university just upcoast. After some infiltration into one of Prof Singer's classes by some strait-laced types, it was alleged that the prof was giving extra class credits for all kinda of heavy academic work. These activities · toward grading included attending gay bars while --------!"-\ _ .g a r b e d i n d r a g ; TOM MURPHINf ~r, p~~ticipati!lg in ~r&'es, ~ V181tihg nudist colorues and _______ _....._.._.-, having sexual affairs. DIVULGING OF ALL this caused a number of reporters to race upcoast to the Seventh Street campus where authorities proved to be elusive. Finally, somebody called a press converence. Prof Singer spoke later. But it seemed rather after the fact. Later, however, academia again hit the fan at Long Beach when the professor assertedly admitted that he I Prof. Barry Singer has Long Beach State in an uproar. had been "romantically involved" with some of his students. Whatever that means. Singer did say, in his defense, that he no longer stays at parties where his students take all their clothes off. GEE WHIZ, in earlier school years, a threat like that woulCI be a sure way for students to get teacher to split from the party. The teacher would threaten, "U you all start taki.na your clothes off, rm leaving." Whereupon nudity woula run rampant immediately. Anyway, Prof Singer's revelations about his clot!le relationships with certain students was eno'C!i~.:O cause the Board of Trustees of the entire 19-campus · omia State University system to gather in a secret huddle to discuss the prof's curriculum. The trustees emerged from behind the cloeed doors and promptly slapped Singer with the suspension. Press releases following the booting action were couched in careful tenns. Like, "Singer has been suspended for 30 days pending investigation of allegations on occurrences within the scope of his employment with the university." YOU MAY NEED to translate that to something like, "Boy, he really may be into the soup this time ... " Or another press statement: "Since it is a personnel matter, it will be inappropriate for the university to comment further at this time." Translated, "I'm not going to do a lot of blabbering about this one. I wouldn't touch this case with a 10-foot pole." • It is interesting to note that Prof Singer's 30-day suspension can hardly be characterized as punishment. He's suspended while retaining his regular pay. In other words, Prof Singer is on a paid vacation. WHY, I KNOW REPORTERS who have been threatened with worse than that for felony paperclip-bending in the newsroom. If Prof Singer's case was one of those dealing with the wages of sin. you'd know how the answer came out this time. The wages of sin are wages. Schon£ eld elevated · to UCI dean's post NEW DEAN ~ Wllllam Schonfeld ha• been named deUl of the UC Irvine School of Soda1 .Sdencel. William R . Schonfeld, profeeeor of political acience at UC Irvine, baa been appointed dean of ucr. School of Social Sciences. He will assume the post July 1. Schonfeld, an Irvine resident. succeeda Dr. Linton Freeman, who will return to full-time teachini and reeearch. Schorifeld'11 work bu fOCU8ed on IOd.al and polldCal problema in France and he has written extenaive}y on the "elites" in the French Gaulliat and Soclall1t pollt.ical partiea. He i1 the author of three books, numerous articles and baa received Danforth. Fulbriaht and Ford Foundation granta. Scho11feld received hl1 brichelora deoee in govemmerit from the UDlvenlty Heiahta C.01Jeae of New Yotk Unlvendty and ma1ter'1 and doctorate dear••• from Prlnctton University. -·-. Religious splits board • issue Saddleback District nixes 'devotionals' on campus By JEFF PARKER O(fhe Delly ,.. ..... Saddleback Valley Unified School District trwlt.eell are 1WJ bitterly split after voting 3-to-2 to adapt a new policy governing the uae of campus facllities by religious clubs. Board President Kristine Kister called the new policy "fair and con~tltutlonally sound," while board member the Rev. Preston Howell said It ia the work of "misguided people." an American Civil LiberUea Uni6n lawsuit last year, seeking to bar the New Life Club -a ChrtJIUan student group -from meeting on the Mission Viejo High School campua. The ACLU claimed that the doctrine of eeparation of church and state mandated that the religious club not meet during school houf4 (lunch time) on camp\18. While the district battled the ACLU in court, Mrs. Kister, Dr. Gilbert and Mrs. Adler all ran for the school board, promial.rig t.o change the policy. Shortly after they were elected, the ACLU dropped the suit. The three new board mem~rs also have said they oppose district payment of a $2 .~00 deductible fee as part of a $24.000 lnaurance claim filed by att.omey David L. Llewellyn. Llewellyn originally agreed to. defend the diatrict in the su.it with the ACLU for the $100 fee necesaary to establish "an attorney-client relationship." Later he claimed t.o have worked 400 hours on the cue and filed the $24,000 claim for fees against the district'• insurance carrier. The Rev. Howell 1ald the board's action Monday waa the work of "Pharisees," and that he will support the New Life Club in a au.it to retain their right t.o meet on campus. "Thetie young people have had their God legislated right out of their school," he said. "'They're being denied their constitutional rights." The new policy -adopted at Monday night's school boai:d meeting -prohibits religious clubs from holding "devotional" meetings on campus during school hours and requires each club wishing to meet on district grounds to be chartered with the district. Judge ousted from death trial According to Mrs. Kister, the new policy was drafted verbatim from the policy currently in use at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. She and new board members Dr. Dore Gilbert and Louise Adler fulfilled campaign promises made six months ago to revise campus-use policy. The change was prompted by Orange County Superior Court Judge James K . Turner has been disqualified from handling the trial of a previously convicted sex offender who is charged with kidnapping, molesting and killing an Anaheim newsboy last August. Four death peDalty allegations accompany the charges against defendant Robert Jackson Thompeon. 35. At the request of defense Brain work attorney Ronald Brower, the case was reassigned to Judge Donald McCartin 's court. Trial is set to begin Aug. 30. Brower made his request Tuesday in a brief hearing before Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas. The attorney said he requested the change because of several rulings Turner made during a cloeed-door preliminary bearing earlier this month. He said the rulings, dealing with admission of certain eviden.ce, would likely have to be made again at trial and Turner baa already shown what his decisions would be. The defense is entitled to one disqualification of a judge before trial. Thompson is charged with the slaying of 12-year-old newsboy Benjamin Lee Brenneman. advanced Teacher who challenges high school's top chemistry scholars meets his match By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Deltr Noe ..... It's no easy task teaching students who have an IQ abbut 30 points higher than yours, jokes Jobn Cullen, an instructor at F.stancia High &hool in Costa Mesa. Cullen, who teaches the only advanced placement chemistry class offered in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, handpicked the 1Chool'1 top acience acholan when he decided last September to offer the class during his free period. "A lot of times ru be working on a problem and they correct me or come up with the answer filst," said Cullen, who has a master's degree in chemistry. Intelligence of the elite clusmat.es ranks in the upper two percent of the population. Cullen relishes ticking off their academic achievements. Brenda Branin, 17, the only lellior in the class, turned down offers from MIT, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore and Wellesley to attend Stanford next year. She earned the only B in her high achool career when a counae1or suggested that as a freshman ahe take band instead of the rigorous biology COW"leS lhe wanted. Danny Shapiro, 16, recently aoored 760 on an Aptitude Test ln math. 'I1le average ia 450 and the top SAT acore ia 800. Mike Ontko, 17, aoored 222 out of 240 on PSAT National Merit Quality exams. Only one other student 1n the county received a hiahet grade. "Cullel\ 18YI that Tom Nolan. 16, "Is in many ways the briahie.t one of the ll"OUP· He comet up _with new ldeu.,. He received un on the PSAT. When interviewed the atudenta, who an plan research careen, were weighing JDalneliwn Ul1ng a $1,76& be1ance tcale pa1a for by Narmoo Materlala Inc. . They then dipped the metal into a 80luUon of add whJch produced hycf.ro8en that they mea1ured for volume, temperature and lftllUN· All of the atusienta considered the c1u1 a real chatJ.enae. "tt•1 a .,_t ~·· uid Miii Branin. -...................... ec..... ELP.;MENT AL TEST -Danny Shapiro weigh.a magneetwn whlch waa put Into add eolution, producing hydrogen, measured by Tom Nolan and Brenda Branin. above, tn advanced c1.ua at F.tancla Hl&h School. ' ''Most of my other clamM are a joke.'' · than ~ I Mve-never encountered They io:_~y battled when Mlced anyone wbo;.• dwnb." .. lf their 1n .,,... mU:ee It dlttiauJt.4f Cullen Mid that two i tudent. from to communicate With their peen. Ne~ ff.arbor'Hl&h School plan to enroll .. It'• not at all dlf:ficult," aUd <:Mdr.o. "I ne1rt September ln h cia. that wm allow think that tMl'e ue lmA1 more limllarfU. them to lkip tint yeeJ" ~in coDlea· l Ii " I .. •' I 'l .. ;- '· .: . .. .. -. . ~ Orenge Oout OAILV PILOT/Thurtday, MIV 11, 1111 •ANN LANOeRS •ERMA BOMB ECK •HO~OSCOPE Out-of-date hair style, ensembles pictured DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope you plain chain would look much better will print one more letter about the pictures Your figure is nice and the column ls that appear with your column. great. That'• all I have to aay for now. - For heaven'• aaktt, woman, don 't you M.S., AURORA, ILL., DAILY READER rr •ke enou11h money to buy yourself a DEAR DAILY READER: Sorry you decent dral? Thoee three-piece outfits we think mr tbree·plece outfUa are tacky. ~ have to look at day after day are rl!ally aort of Ike tbem. The hairdo baa been tacky. all&btly modified since 1955, but I atUI set And tha$ 1965 hairdo should be given complalnt1. the deep-six -a phrue I picked up from Tb a t 11 u g I y n e ck lace w It b c be you. An ea.ale could nest in it. (This goes for medallloo" 11 the vice f residential seal, your li.ater, too.) The color is fine, but those atamped to gold -a g ft from tbe late WiQCI or whatever you call 'em look like a ff ubert Humphrey. If you get out a seagull in flight. magnifying glau and take a good look, That ugly necklace with the medallion you'll aee It 11 a very handsome ple.ce. Your doesn't photograph well. Leave It off. A apologies are accep&ed. ~~~~--~---:.~--=-~~~~---=-~~~~~~~~~~ RESTFUL -After throwing some fl y balls, Willie Frantz, 11, of Huntington Beach, finds Delly l'tlot aw. P'Nlto play equipment in Huntington's Lake Park an ideal place to relax while soaking up some sun. Libra on rebound Friday, May %8 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You make impact and gain wider recognition. Love re lationship is highlighted. You are applauded for creative activities. Moon position emphasizes children, speculation and ability to cut th.rough red tape. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. You make significant breakthrough; property values come into focus. Your new position enables you to be more independent and effective. Safety device could prove a great asset. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Sense of direc tion is r estored; puzzle is solved, re lative makes importa nt concession. Intuition is on target, first impressions tend to be accurate. Aquarius, Cancer , L eo persons figure prominently. The visit will prove fruitful. CANCER (June 21 -July 22). You perceive trend and profit as result. Moon emphasis on income, funding, reversing apparent setback. Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Cycle moves up -soon you'll have chance for greater self-expr~ion, independence. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Setbacks are transformed into victories. Circumstances favor your efforts. Position is stronger than originally anticipated. Aquarius, Scorpio and another Leo play important roles. Focus on initiative, originality and exciting meeting with member of opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-~pt. 22): Inquiries bring positive responses. You resot·•e dilemma and perceive hidden motiv .s. Gemini and another Virgo play key roles. Communication received from one who had been out of sight. You learn a secret. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What seemed a lost cause is now revived and you are on a HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA winning path. Emphasis on fulfillment, special gift, accolade from peers and reunion Wlth family member. Taurus, Scorpio and another Libra play important roles SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Superior could be sincere but misinformed. Keep options open. One who makes grandiose promises may not be in a position to fulfill them. Review techniques, adopt procedures which eliminate duplications. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lunar aspect favorable -corrunun.ications improve, money situation is brighter. you 'll have more authority and responsibility. Focus on travel plans. education and fulfillment of aspirations. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Review credit, savings, special policies. Avoid hanging on to past for purely sentimental reasons. It's time to move on, to be rid of burden which was not rightly your own in first place. Aries is likely to be involved. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Contract or agreement can be renegotiated. Strive for greater independence. Stand tall for principles. Lunar emphasis on improved public relations, profitable alliances and ability to cooperate with one whose views might clash with your own. · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What begins as routine task could become interesting challenge. Follow through on hunch, realize that first impressions are apt to be correct . Family member makes important concession. Son's name no business boon Q: What does Ronald Reagan's 100 Mi- chael do for a llvlnf And bas he found that being tbe president 1 ion baa helped him In hit ba1lne11? -Jose P., Jeraey City, N.J. A: Michael. a champion speedboat racer, is very turned off with his place in the sun as the son of the president. "All my life I've worked and been a solid citizen," he says. "For 10 years I'm steady F.ddie. Now people say rm trading on dad's name. A rental agent in Sherman Oaks advertiled. 'Live next door to the president's son.' What dld I have to do with that?" he complains. "ll'a been hard on my wife, C.oUeen, and my family -because the press has been on my cue for yean. I've lost a lot of accounts~ u a re.ult," he revealed to our friend and confrere, Cindy Adams. Michael'• mother, by the way, ia ac:tnw Jane Wyman. Q: hMJ ~ Wllo WU IO aood la ''Tiie BeYerlJ lllllMIUel" ... to belle¥able u a MteetlYt II "BarilabJ J_.." -la lt ~~----~~~--- Pf ISONALITJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER true be was once a song-and-dance man? - Yolaade E., Pltt1bargh. A : Yes. And you may be able to see him ln that role once again -on a new TV series now in the talking stage. Q: Wblcb pabll1ber finally got baseball stat. Reggie Jack1on to tU down and tell all? And when will bit life story be publlabed? - Arthur K., Laa Vegaa. A: Afraid you're goins to have to wait awhile. Though we hear that ~andom Houae pitched a good deal to Reggje for his memoirs, he tu.med down the -offer. "Don't want to disturb the atmoephere I have here with the Angels," wu the reuon Jacbon pve. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Contest.a are proliferating and I find m y1elt feeling skeptical when I fW in the Uttle item on the back of the envelope that says, "No, I don't want to 1ubecrtbe, but let me know tf I have won a prize." I'll bet many othen auapect, u I do. that the entrle1 of non-aubac r lbers go automatically into the discard bin. Is it really true that the person who doesn't buy the product stands as good a chance t o win as the one who buys? I've never heard anyone say he won but didn't buy. -JUST WONDERING DEAR J .W.: Yea -U'1 true. A person who doean't buy &be product 1tand1 a1 good a chance to win at one wbo does. Tbo1e contests are carefully monitored by law, and the law says no one moat be forced to buy a product In order to enter a contest or win. No company that 1ell1 well-known brand products would risk the bad publicity that would result If the firm were caught polling a fast one. So, ln this Instance you can believe the small print. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yesterday I attended the funeral of a dear friend who was killed in an automobile accident. She was only 28 years old and beloved by all who knew her. All the way through the funeral service the clergyman mispronounced her name. Every time it happened (and it happened about 20 llmes), I felt as if a needle was q AllN LANOEIS going through my ear. I'm sure her family and close friends were aa upeet as I. What can one think of a cle~ who cares so little about the service that he doesn't even bother to get the name of the deceased ngh.? Am I wrong to be disturbed? Please re ply in print. I know the clergyman reads your cQ.lumn regularly because he quotes you from the pulpit. I feel it is important for him to see this. -OFFENDED IN THE EMPIRE STATE DEAR EMPIRE STATE: Your letter may serve as a reminder to all clergymen to check wUb a member of the family about the correct pronunciation of names. It may be just another funeral to the person officiating, but it Is of vital Importance to tbe grlevfng family -and Jt takes 10 llnle effort. Are your parents too strict? Hard to reach? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged By Parents? How to Get More Freedom," could help you bridge the generation gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a long, stamped. self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, IJJ .. 60611. She fails humor test For the last couple of years, ManpdWer, Inc., has conducted a poll among secretaries to pick the ideal boss. The resuJ ts have been the same for a b>uple of years: Alan Alda, Phil Donahue, President Reagan, Dan Rather and myself. flMA 80M8fCI AT WITS END I can't fi~ out why I'm so far down on the list. Surely not sexism. I make coffee for my secretary, Norma, I sharpen her pencils, laugh at all her jokes and when a teacher calls and wants to talk with her. I tell them she's not here. FRANKLY, IF I WEREN'T an F.qual Opportunity employer, she wouldn't stand a chance working for another woman. She is beautiful and weighs 102 pounds. Who else would hire her? AS I TOLD NORMA, t h e mark of a successful boss is having the security to laugh at oneself. I used lo be a secretary myself. I appreciate those little harmless jabs that make the boss look inept and ridiculous. I told her I bet I laughed more than Alan, Phil, President Ronald or Dan. I have t o admit a ppreciation for secretaries has been a long time in coming. "Nine to Five" should have reached the big screen and the small one long before this. She took the book and began to leaf through 1t. Finally, she started to laugh. "This is very funny." she said , "Why aren't you as funny as Kathy Matthews?" So should a soft-cover book that came across my desk that's due to be published this month called, ''Take a Letter Yourself! .. by Kathy Matthews. That does it! I'm going to get the office closest to the bathroom 1f I have to be the last one to pick my vacation for the next three years! POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT It's clever and it's funny, especially if you're a secretary. Sprinkled throughout are Office Maxims: "If you have your choice of seats on the bus, you're late for work," "If there's a bug going around, you'll get it on Friday night," and "The more copies of a given document, the less important it is." ! JO IJ ,.1 "·"~ &...... •. ""'"'.............,, '~•· ,,..,..__ ,.~,., ····~•f• There's a practical section on activities that burn away extra calories: Typing something that was due yesterday, 30 calories. Putting the company president on hold (which somehow disconnects). 25. Riding five floors with the office Don Juan, 80 calories per minute. (Riding eight floors with him, 300 calories a minute.) And one hour of work on the day before vacation, 900. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. East deals. NORTH • 95 vi 7 2 0 9642 •K8762 WEST EAST +8742 +U <::;> 863 vi QJ 105• o J 8 O A 107 +J1053 +AQ 9 SOUTH +A KQJlO vi AK9 o KQ53 •• The bidding: Eut Soath WHt North I c::> 2 ~ P ... 3 • Pau 3 + P ... 4 • Pu1 Pa11 p.., Opening lead: Eight of c::>. Sometlmee you have an unavoidable loeer. But even then you might be able to die· tate to which defender you lose the trickl South 1howed h1a tremen dou1 strength with an Im· mediate cue·bld or the enem1 t ulL. North bid hla five-card 1uit, then judged that hit 'wo trumps. doubleton hurt and 'Ing ot club1 merited a 1bot I .. . ,... . al game. His evaluaL1on wa~ correct, for the king of clubs could have been the key card in the winning line. West led his top hearl r>eclarer won the king. cash ed the ace and ruffed his heart loser in dummy. Ht· made use of his one entry to dummy to lead a diamond to his king, which won. Since he COUid arrord to lose l WO d1a mond tricks and a club. declarer continued with a low diamond. · West won the jack and shifted to the jack or clubs, which held. The rlub e<>n linuation went to Easfs queen, and declarer was fore· ed to ruff. Declarer drove out the ace of dlamond1. but East led the ~ce or club3. Declarer was again forced to ruff. and now Weet'a fourth trump ~came the set.Ung trick. Declarer was on the right track when he went about setUng up a long diamond befort he touched trump1. But he ahould have realized the danatr In bell\f lol't'ed t.o ruff clubt, and he should havt taken preventlvt me&1ure1. From th• auct-lon and th• ract &ha& th. ktng or diamond.I won tbe fourth ltidt, lt •u cerlatn that East held the ace. Declarer should ha ve made sure that. when he con ceded two diamond tricks, East had to win the first. He could have accomplished that by leading the queen or diamonds at trick five! East can win, but he can not profilably att.ack clubs because of the king in dum my. Now declarer is a tempo ahead. He can 1et up hi• fou rth diamond before the defenders can make him ruff twice. so he will be able lo draw trumps and make his contract. Rubb•r brl41• cluflte throust»o.at th eeutry ... tlMf ................. f-.L De di.y bow -.tldq ,_ doa't? Cfltarl•• Oero•'• "F•ar•Deal Irids•" wllJ t.eaeh JOU U.. IUatqiu ud taetke of tW1 fut.,._. ..,_ tloa pm• U..t ,....vW•• di. ewe fw ....... ,..,, .... For • ~'1 a-4 a _..,.., .... •t.'15 e. ~-­ Deal," can •f tlrala ............ P.O. •• IR, Nww~.N~.""8.11.ab tlMlc:b ,_,_we te N .... ......... ta. . .... ,_ ..... -....... ~----.. --··-. Mesa Marine 'tops' at El Toro • Cpl Charl 0 . Wood of Col'-Mou, • mWtary poUctman 111t1ned to Head(luarteu ana HMdquartert &lu•dron, MCAS El Toro, hu been· named 1U\Jon MarlM of the quarter. Wood ~IVC'd I ·~00 .cl\olarahlp to National Univenlty; a certJfkau. and a '60 •vinll bond from tho Navy Leacuo. • •~O .,ttt ClClrUflcat.e from the NHrly New Shop, a $10 ~unt ln the Marino Air redoral Credit Union, two Ucket1 to Dtaneyland: a plaque and luncheon hOlted by the Sanu Arla Rotary Club; a handbook for Marine NCO. algned by the atatlon 1er1eant major; a Marine of the Quarter plaque, and lunch with the commanding general, Brig. Gen. Richard M. Cooke, at Dining Facility Two. He will alto be meritoriously promoted to aerpent. Visitors' fee set MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich . (AP) -The management of the posh Grand Hotel on Macki- nac Island hopes a new $2 visitors' fee will discou- rage gawkers who compete for hote l space with paying guesta. The resort island on the Straits of Mackinac between Michigan's peninsulas draws 500,000 visi- tors each year. No visllle panty lne, even lllder the tllhtest clothes, ttmmy ~t too! AVAi.ABU It Body Bte Ptn~ Persimmon l1lilC Red Blue Mini Nu~ !MilC~ 01wory -...tMftllf• C....•Nen !M• ''•lClft o• J ,..... QTY. COLOR RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY a..,....tertlMS... 1922 HAJtlOlt I LVD. COSTA MUA -541-115._ • PRICE ONE llZZ FfTI All 15.50/M . 115.00/3 pr. Name _____________ _ Address ____________ _ Clty/State/ZIP----------- Please add state sales tax and 50• for postage and handling. Total _________ _ 0 Check Enclosed 0 Biii M/C or Visa My number is _______ _ Expiration Date------- favorite pair casual clot~•• 991 S. Cout Hwy., ugun• Be•ch, CA '2851 Phone Order• Accepted 494-1511 \ -. - HONORED -Cpl. Charles D. Wood of MCAS, El Toro has been named station ''Marine of the Quarter." UC Irvine official to speak The Scleroderma A11oclatlon of Oranae County will hold lta flnt meetina June ~ at 1 p.m. at the Mercury Sa"1nP and Loan A11oclatlon meettn1 room, 1095 lrvtne Blvd., Tuatin. Dr. Brian Andrewa, aaiatanl director of the UC lrvtne Rhewnatology CJtnlc, will be the apeaker. Sclerodenna, a d1aeaae of the connective tissues that takes many forms, affect.a people of all ages, aexes and ethnic groups and c an be lite- threatenlng. The county aection of t h e a111oc lalion was form e d to provide information to people who have the disease and their families. Something Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa /A 64s.s111 ~· .· ~. ~ ; Super I ~/: Summer "' I . ' tt20 to \ I ' \ 1' J ,I 50%0FF 1' I I \' e COTION -SKIRTS -...) \ e BASIC ' BlOUSES 11 \ e TERRY \ \ I \ \ PLAYWEAR ,·. ly e SUN DRESSES ~ & MORE (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The Missy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) •(SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIThurld1y, May 27, 1882 .. MA E ·~@HR ~ HOME LOOK EVEN BETTEB VERTIC AL J1LINDS '°'u nrn.i-.11.•r Dr:ipt:-. /" W'111cl1111 Vou.i:~ 60°/o OFF ( ir:tlwr \' 1:r11utl-. 50°/o OFF Wm1tn Guar1111tt on M•1tr11h •nJ l•bo1 ACCESSO RIES • l \1hll' Altt·m-. • ~tlk H1 ir.tl-. • Cl111 k-. • Lamp-. • \X'.tll < ir.1ph11, 40°/o OFF By Crt'aUvt' J Q % Q FF ~kctcd Book• Wallpeprr 3 Q 010 0 FF L~'"'"'""T"-, ~:~:~~~ ..... 1 ¢ Sale SA VE '4.00 SQ. YO. On Sale No-w! ARM~T~ONG OF.SIGNER SOLARI AN° \I.I <'llll lt'-'-.-\\'._ 30% ... 50% . So nice to rome bomR If>™ PACIFIC DECORATING 8520 Tetbe,, Ave. ~ounteln Vly., CA 82708 CENTERS (714 ) 883-0881 .• ••• , ~ "'40n·Fn 10·6 Th\lt 10 II ~ • r~ ::j S.t IMI Closed Sund av ~ CloHcl Memo<iel Dey. Mey 3111 -------.o ..... , flats from our sharp collection! • •APPLIANCE Dav1s:·~arown •tELEv1s10N ... •VIDEO LAAOE·CAPACITY WASHER 5-CYCLE AUTOMATIC DAYER dl. -. ~ POTSCRV88EA' OllHWASHER • }•.ttr\ 'P'', "°" ............ ,.,.,,. • At>r,"'O~I ~ r4"11Ul•"".; • ~uec. c-;c.11t '.-no't'ft "'°'"" ~ OI'\ tO+l · :.".' .=: :::.:.... Save $40 e ... ,,.,.,, I "!Ulf" ~llP1af •'"" 1.r'IOw ... l,,.,,, _!ti.,..~" ~"Q(Oio"l..-.a• .. .,.,.. •'-'CY"Mh,,..'i~~DI'.._ ll"'d -., •• , ....,..r .. 4 """" • ! .............. ~ "-"" ... " 1..-..-1( .. po·-..,.. ·•c-ir \ •A fll-"~·-1 JI•~ •l-in .. ·~ 9.o""'°nflOOD ~ IW'ftlOEIW'Oft ..... •-•n'" • ._ _n,_nC...n,, ___ , ... ._ ....... "-* c,......111--1°""'"'-"'""-' Save $40 lm at1t1t1 S40 Ttbt s.w.. sao oe: We brt .~v::;::-less Rebate $40 $40 • !.:'::;:..·-.... Total S.mp SIO $40 PLUS oa .... AL 1NS1ALLATt0N sao Fall N "' .. • , '°""'""-.cl~ • ~~COOil""OW'O .... ~,< '09f"'O oor'*Ols • l _,. to utit Moo1bud-• """' ... sso sso $100 ..... , • .._..OWi"! ·-r--.-,,..... c:.Od"..--.. -.-.... ---- ''° .._. lna ...,1t1 S50 Totll ..,.., 1100 We're so attordable1 Add a corduroy bag. 6 99. 12.99 QUALICRAFT4' SHOE STORES •I FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH 759·9889 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 95•-9955 AS SEEN IN . .... .. . . -· .. ' ......... -.............. ... Oout OAILV PtLOTIThurtday, MIY 11. 1H2 THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADAY . . . and for In-depth coverage of local news tune In "A Closer Look" this Sunday at 8:00 AM. KDCM 1aa.1 FM SIEAED Kai Wamet Antta Ken' LM Reed NeH Otamond Bob Thiele Peter Paul & Mary Cyrtl Stapleton JaNI Ian Ron Goodwin ~·Jolly Jlrnm6e Hukell Eddie Rabbitt Bottk:elH Mamas and the Papas Netaon Riddle Nana Mouskouri Tim Weisberg Mason Wllllams Martin Bottcher Dan Fogelberg Werner Muller The Eagles Andre Kostelanetz Crystal Gayle Tony Hatch Roger Wllllams Brian May Frank Sinatra Roberto Delgado Amertca Sven Ubaek Barbara Mandrell Ben Mc Peek Hagood Hardy Henri Rene Kenny Rogers Air Force sergeant graduates Maater Sat. Jan L. Van ThlUo, IOn of John and Caroline 8 . Van Thlllo of 375 Diamond St., Laiuna Beach, hu been awarded an auoclate dearee l n applled 1elence by the Community College of the Air Foroe. He completed atudiee in the admlnlatrative Ullst- ant fleld through the worldwide college, headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Bue, A.la. Van Thillo la an administration technician at Sheppard Air Force Bue, Texas, with the 3750th Air Bue Group. Course offered The Japan Cultural Association will offer a course in practical conversational Japanese starting June 3 at the auocla lion's head - quartfrs, 1615 N. Bush CAT ADOPTS SQUIRRE~ -When dairy f~r Joel Mower brought home a pair of squirrels he had found near his home in Chambersburg, Pa., he rubbed them with some kittens his cat Jackie had just delivered . Jackie accepted them as her own, and the squirrels frolic freely with their adopted mother in closed-in area of Mower's home. County split OK'd St., S&nta Ana. YUMA. Ariz. (AP) -Yuma T he claH will meet County voters have approved splitting every Thuraday from their oounty in two to create the 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Lesacms state's 15th county -the first new are geared to cultivate Arizona county a1nce 1909. the atudent's speaking The aped.al election left surprised and listening abili~ee in st.ate offlclala wondering whether everyday situ a t1ons . legialative ratification is needed and Enrollment will be wnat effect the split would have on limited to 15 students per govenunental services. clasa. . _ ~ TI:te election followed a campa.1,gn in For Information, c71 w_mch proponents of the split S47-7733. contended the northern . predommantly rural, part of Yuma County has different interests than the more populated southern aection, which IDcludes the city of Yuma. The as-yet-unnamed county has an estimated population of 11,500, c.'Ompared with about 79.000 in the remaining, southern portion of Yuma County Yuma County offiClals said they weren't certain what the next step is and probably won't know until they get legal advice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPARKLING CLEAR GLASSWARE ASSORTMENT From England MOLDED DISHES For candy H'. • dia 2" deep BEER LABEL EARTHENWARE STEINS From West Germany Handsome, hefty atelns with vivid beer label designs and 0.5 Iller mark on pale grey 5· tall A'lll::ll\ Approx 1 pint (0.5 llters) 6.99 BRASS ACCESSORIES FROM OUR JEWELRY SECTION From India Shiny brass lorms uniquely elegant necklaces and a bracelet. MESH BRACELET 3 'I•• dla. 2.97 MEMORIAL DA y STORE HOURS 12 NOON·5 P.M. HAMMERED COLLAR NECKLACE 5'1• • dla. 4.88 1.39 TUMBLERS each l-----=~~~----~------~~iiiiiil~~---1 ~------__;;=:.........:;;..._ ....... --/,__ __ ....____,~ 5· tall 12 oz 6'h. tall 16 oz 1.99 ',/ CLEAR ,''i GLASS 1 I TAPER I I CANDLE· c 1 HOLDER 1 1 From I I 1 Holland I 3• dta CLASSIC TAPERS From Hong Kong In all the great colors- WHITE, RED, GREEN, IVORY, OR AMBER Plus many more! 15· 12· 10· .30 .25 .20 NATURAL SHELL WITH ACRYLIC HORS D'OEUVRE PICKS From Taiwan CLEAR GLASS SPICE BO TILE From Taiwan 4" tall With plastic CLEAR ACRYLIC SPICE MATE From Taiwan Pepper mill and sail shaker combined' 1•;.• tall 2.25 Perennlal favorites have wood bara and automatic tocking pulleys Approx. 8' LONG 2VJ 'WIOE 4.99 8'WIDE 3' WIDE 6.99 8' WIDE •'WIDE 7.99 10'WIDE 8' WIDE Approx. 8' LONG 21.99 lined stopper .27 From Hong Kong Handy grater for lelt or right- handed use 7'1• • long 1.99 Woven bamboo trayy ~~~;;;~~~~ Is wood reinforced t? lor coffee or tea-time service. 13°1C19" 2.35 ~~~~~~!i¥~ NATURAL OR WALNUT FINISH HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIR From Romania ~~~~=~~With lramed slat seat and brau easy· action fittings NATURAL HARDWOOD I CANVAS FOLDING SAHARA CHAIR From Singapore Roomy chair Is well constructed of lightly varnlahed hardwood with metal fittings. Natural finish wood with brown oanvaa or walnut finish wood with beige canvaa. WOVEN PANDAN PURSES From lndoneala Woven pandan purses come In assorted patterns In all natural tones or natural wllh color. With snap closings 3•1. ·xe· 1.49 4"118" 1v.·x12· 1.79 3.44 TURKISH COFFEE BOILER 31.4"tall •· dla 8 '1• • dla. 4" deep 8.99 each NATURAL MACRAME SEAGRASS DOORMAT From China Rugged, knotted doormat for feet, muddy or neat. NATURAL WOVEN·IN ~li!.1~111 GEOMETRIC ts PATIERN COIA MATS flh~~~ From lndla Durable coconut fiber goes neatly neutral under loot. 4'x8' 8.99 8'x9' 18.88 DIRl!CTL Y ·ACROSS PROM SOUTH COAST PLAZA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON. TO FRl/10 A.M.-1 P .M. IUIHTLY WHT OF llUITOL AT 1313 SUNFLOWER (TM£ IRllTOL EXfT OFF 40& FREEWAY) NA • •AITD CU. MO m ........ Oii •NL INlllRI • AllN "'8 PMOMI .. .. .. ----·· -,,,.. ' ,, UT. 11 A.M.~ P.M. IUN. 12 llGOll-1 P .M. "Sharon" -\•a.to~ 1n l•n rinnunon anJ ~hHf" "'"'""' "PP"" ...... Tllf' f"'drrt romfort wnd.ol' "Joanm-.. <\•aJalk 111 ""htlf" 1r.J rmnAmoo ~ .. ~, """"" --r....d onh 5.10 ~ ---~"'iq SHOES--.- 99 Fashion Island . . Newport Bt'ach 759-9551 June 11t-4th TO MAKI IOOM POI OUI NIW 1912 PIODUCTS 9:00 a.m. to 9IOO p.m. •• Tokai Bank ·will not only take good care of your money, we'll make it grow and growl Our Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are currently paying 16%" interest, guaranteed for the next 18 months.·· And since IRA accounts are tax-sheltered, the earned interest is tax-deferred. That's about as good an insured investment as you'll find. Our NOW checking account lets you write checks and puts your money to work earning interest. OPEN A TAX-SHELTERED TOKAI IRA ACCOUNT AT 1S°/o* NOW AND HERE'S 'NHAT YOU'LL RECEIVE. •Current IRA rate 16°/o•. • FREE personal checking account that pays 5 1/4°/o interest. • FREE Bears. won't be any • · ~._...,..":'" monthly maintenance fees for the 18 month term of your certificate. That's a very good deal indeed. But there's still more. We will also give you cuddly bears. They'll watch over you and let you know that everyth1ng's all right. Just as everything's all right when your money is growing and earning at Tokai Bank. Many banks charge maintenance fees for NOW accounts. But when you open an IRA account for $500 or more, there Call or drop in at the Tokai office nearest you. And go home with new friends, and new financial security. •Annual slmple ln1er'3St • •Subslantlal penally for early withdrawal Rares subjeci 10 change This otter 1s good while supplies IMI Each depositor insured up lo $ 100,000 Member FDIC lOKAIBANK '' ~ OF CALIFORNIA J NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 3333 West Coast Highway• (714) 646·7121 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 19006 Brookhurst Street• (71 4) 963·5651 Holiday-Vacation Special 3 DAYS ONLY Blouses - Knickers - Other offices conveniently located in Hermosa Besch, Plsya de/ Rey, Inglewood, Pasadena. Alhambra, Tempi& City, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Polo Shirts -. T-Shirts -Sh.or~s .':~ Sweaters .;,~~ ~~T 40o/o OFF May 27-28·-29 Women's Apparel & Accessories YOU ALWAYS SA VE A MINIMUM 25% OFF REGULAR RETAIL DRESS AFFAIR ' 848-2242 19093 Beach Blvd. (•t Garfield) Huntington Beach ' ' , .. ·1 , • ~ • .. .. ' OPEN: Mon.-Fri. I 0-6 Sat. 10-S Orengt Co"t DAILY PILOT/Thurld•y, May 27, 1982 starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our . Huntington Beach store ·*omen's sportswear NOW buys for girls NOW 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.98 4.98 5.98 6.98 6.98 M JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS ..................... 1.98 27'tJUNIORPAHTS ...................... 3.91 88Mt8SES'PANTS . . .. . . . . . . .. 3.98 113MISSES'TEESHIRTS .................. 3.98 30 LARGE SlZE PANT TOPS .......•......... 3.98 122 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS. . . . . . . ............ 3.98 1S9ACT1VECO-OADINATES . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 122JUllOR LEVrS-JEANS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 11 JUNIOR TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 3.98 103 MISSES' PANT TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.98 11111188ES'TEESHIRTS ...............•... 4.91 1151 ACT1Y£ CO-ORDINATES ................ 4.98 llJUNIOATOP8 ........................ 4.98 lllMSE8'CO-OADINATE8 .............. 8.91 X7 ACTIVE CO-ORDINATES ........•..•.... 8.98 1•JUNM>AJEAHS .................•....... 8.98 41JUNIORPANTS ......................... 9.98 710VERALL8 ............................. 11.98 21 LAAQE SIZE JEANS .................... 11.98 21 LAAGE SIZE PANTS . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . 11.98 83 WARM-UP SUfT8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 11.98 women's dresses NOW 1 IO JUNIOR DRESSES . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . 8.91 56 lllSSES' DA£S8E8 . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.91 31 JUNIOftDAE88E8 ..................... 14.98 21 MISSES' DRESSES ..................... 14.11 35MISSES' DRESSES ..................... 18.81 25 BtO GIRLS' BLOUSES. 37 BtO GIRLS' FAMOUS MAKER TOPS UBIOGIALS'PANTS . 101 BIO GIRLS' CAAOtGAHS . 31 UTT\.E GIRLS' CASUAL PANTS 10IBIOGIRLS'SL..ACKS ...... . 27 LITTLE GIRLS' PARTY DRESSES 15lml..EGIALS'SHORTALLS . I ING GIRLS' SKIRT SETS .. buys for poys 50 BIO BOYS' TEE SHIRTS . . . . . . 12 BtO BOYS' RAINCOATS . . . . 48 LITTLE BOYS' SWEAT PANTS 38 UTT\.E BOYS' HOODED TOPS 13' UTT\.E BOYS' SWEAT TOPS 102 BIO BOYS' COLLAR SHIRTS . 202 BIO BOYS' S. SLY. TOPS . . . . 107 ING BOYS' WESTERN SHIRTS 32 BIO BOYS' SHIRTS . . ... 25 BIO BOYS' FASHION PANTS . 8.98 NOW . . . . ... 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 3.98 .. 5.98 5.98 .... 5.98 8.98 25 ING BOYS' AUTO JACKETS . . . . . . 9.98 15.98 buys for men NOW 1tPAINTTEESHIATS 1.98 HDRESSSHIRTS . . . 1.98 17 FAMOUS MAKER PL.AID SHIRTS 2.98 19 SUNGLASSES . . . . . . . . 3.98 81 PAINTFROHfTEESHtATS .. . 3.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 27PLAIOSHIATS . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 17CHEM&SES . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... . . .• . . 1.98 197POLY/COTTONCOLLAREDSHIRTS 4.98 18JUNIOASLEEPTEES ........... .. . . . 2.91 MFASHIONSUPPERS . . . 4.98 158HORTNYLONOOWNS ............... 2.98 830RESSSHIRTS .... .'.. . . 4.98 138ABYOOllSLEEPWEAA . . . . . .. ... 2.98 11 FAMOUSMAKERTEESHIRTS 5.98 15BAANOEOUNOERWIREBRAS . . 4.98 147COLLAAEOSHIRTS . 5.98 28 BABY DOLLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.98 7'9 GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS . 6.98 12BAANOEDHALFSUPS ................ 7.91 53CREWNECKSWEATERS 6.98 25BRANOEDCAlllSOLES ................ 9.98 25S.8LY.PLAIDSHIRTS ... . 9.98 11SHORTBEACHCOYERUP8 .... . . •. . 13.98 11 GENTLEMEN'S SLACKS . . . . 9.98 24LONGBETTERLOUNGEWEAA ..... . 24.98 438.BLY.POLYICOTTONSHIRTS 9.98 , 21 FAMOUS MAKER JACKETS 19.98 women s accessories , 37FASHIONJAcKETS . .. . . 24.98 53HAJRACCESSORIES ................... ~ shoes for the family NOW 21 TOPS . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . ... 98c 30 WOMEN'S CASUAL SUDES . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.98 10IHAIAACCESSOAIES .......... : ....... 98c 40MEN'8LEATHERSUPPERS ... . . . . . . 5.98 71TOPS........... .. .. . . .........•...... 1.98 50WOMEN'SFAMOUSMAKERCASUALS . 6.98 3tNYLONWALLETS .................... . 1.98 110MEN'SFAMOUSMAKEROECKSHOES 6.98 13NYLONWAU.ETS ....................... 2.98 30GIRL'SSANDALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.98 1CMDIOR'ALCLOCK8 ...................... 2.98 SO MEN'S TENNIS SHOES . . . . . .. .. . . • . 7.98 43 WOMEH'S 8HOE8 (ACCESS. DEPT.) . . . .. 2.98 21 BOY'S SUEDE CAS' JALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.98 21PICTUREFIWIES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2.98 50WOMEN'SDRESSSUDES... . . . . . . . . . . 8.98 17Y1NYLHANDUGS ..................... 2.98 100WOIEH'SteoHHEE1.AHKLEWAAPS 9.98 27LEOWARllER8 ........................ 2.98 20CHllDAEH'SWE8TERNBOOTS ......... 10.98 21VINYLHAND8AG8 ..................... 3.98 90WOMEW8FAMOU8MAKERSUOE8 ....... 10.98 21 LEATHER HANDBAGS ............... 14.98= 30WOllEN"SDRES88HOES ................. 14.91 MCANYASSHOES ....................... 4.98 46WOMEN'SFASHIONCASUALS ............ 14.98 18VINYLHANDBAG8 ....••.............. 4.91 140WOM£JfSDRESSSHOES ................ 17.98 infants and toddlers NOW •11£wsFAMOUSMAKERcASUALS .... . .19.te 11TOOOLEA1'SLEEPER8 ................... 88c yardage and notions NOW 31 TOOOLER8' CABLE KNIT TIQHTS ......... 18c 73 VOS. TRIMS. . . • . . . . . . . . . • • .. . • .. .. . • . . 18c 25 INfANT9' 8CMEN PAINT T£E8 ......... 1.98 M VOS. JUVENILE TRtll8 . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . 28c :~:~~~.:::::::i: ~~~~·.·.-.-.-.·.·.····::::·:·.··= :::,AHTCMALI °':Rn"· .. · · · · .. · 3.91 '8YD8. POL VESTER PONGEE PAINTS ........ 1.88 .. _ ' ... ·· · · · ·. · . 3.91 15DRAFT DODGERS ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2.81 43 AHTuvYJ'OIAP!RRTI. · ·· .. · · · · ... 3.91 MPLACEMATANDAPAONPANELS .......... 2.9& nTOOOUAS'IWEATPANTS ...... ~ ....... 3·91 for your home NOW 1• TOOOLER8' swUTlllRTS .... -....... 4M :e:=:===~ .... ·.':::::::::: m::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · MHANOTOWELI .............•.............. lie buys for girls NOW • •NAPKINI ................ .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. 11e 41 UTTUQIM.I' TOPI 11cr •CURTAIN 'ANIU · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... 1 • .a 171eGGllll'PANT8 ······················-1 11T~ ............................ 1.91 11a•GR.1·ICMIH PN'NTTiD ·.::::::: ·, ... .llPLAClllATIR'n · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ...... a.41 •UTTUGIN.l'DMllY~ ....... 1.M1 · :IHl.ITI ...... , ........................... 1.41 1111GQIM.l'lftA,.....,.. ............... 1.-· IHOWIJltCURTAINI .. ·: ..... ·· · ........... t• 11 ................................. 2.11 jewelry buys1 NOW •LITTl.IQMl.lf,ANTI .................. SM. - •flMtiiNJIANI .... .........., ................ 3.11, 1woo m ............................... ,_. 11 flMiiDDMlllUCU ......... " .. ,. a• 11oearTAUllN'8WATCHQ ... ,, ............ 7.111 •11CaG1La''AlllOUlllAKIRIWl'IJ •.... l.M ·11GOLDTOMI~ •• ····~········· 1M\ Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. · at Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 ' • • -Orange Oout DAIL.Y ,ILOTIThurtd•V· M•v 11. 1881 SRO for New York governor at Tony Awards? KIW YORK (AP) U you have a IA)'I h•'• wllll~ &o .,_Y double \he 11ve you an equal number of tkketa, which ort"1nally told !or t17D ~-room tlcktt ror thll Yffr'1 prlc. of tht tlckttl to ~ wllll.M complimentary Ul·kcta to ne>n year'• to •27D apl~. one penK>n offered to Tony Awarda, you mtaht be rubbina to •U bM:k th Ir orcholtra .. ti ana event '' Mll Cohen tJcketa tor the Broadway tlbowt wlth Gov and Mr1. Hu1n help avoid tho tmbarra11ment of Tho buy -out o ffer , 1lgnod 1how "Ohl Calcutta!" Carey and produce~ fllavld M6rrlck havlna tho aovc-mor, hi.I wife and two "Dtt1puratoly Youra, Aloxandtr H. ••If 1omebody walked Into thia and Jo. Lcvlnu. of Bro1dway'1 blHHt producen Cohun," allo promllk'e "a letter of offlCltt ri1ht now with Ucketa," he Mid, A.ltxandor Cohttn, producer of thla •tafld durh\8 tho '1'temony. gr1t1tu1 apprt>l'iollo n and almo1t "l'd stv• them a sold wrlatwatch and )'Ml''I ge~monl , uy• -In jetlt. one In an advertllement ln Monday'• anyt~ elM you want." a kill on the mouth." hoP9 -a lack of VIP ticketa hu loft New York Tlmee theater 1ectlon, Cohen 1 offlc. r«elved only four Cohen l&ld the VIP Ucket orden him "oontemplatlni 1ulclde." Cohm offered to "happUy pW'Chue re1pon1e1 by mid-afternoon; none from the iOVemor and othel"ll arrived On a more practical ltwel, Coh•n tlcketa at twice the price you paid and were from holden of orcht1tra after the May 1~ "cutoff date." -------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------~ SAVE 13 TO 33'1/o ON TILE PAINT & WALLPAPER Dfl lEIJI f' tr I~- Reg, 39c SALE QUARRY NATURALS 'LAVA RED' TILE FROM AMERICAN OLEAN Durable. 1t1ln-rt1l1tant. easr to malltUln. r a r Reg. 59c SALE CERAMIC FOR FLOORS, WALLS & COUNTERS Permanently glazed for la1Unt beauty. ~:~!·:~,.nu. Reg. 1.49 SALE PRE-FINISHED, TONGUE & GROOVE GENUINE OAK PARQUET Enjoy the rlcllneH of real wood. r1r1111r R •1111 ... SALE -... llU.ll9UI cumc eg. '""' II YOU 'LL LOVE OUR SWED, GLAMOROUS MOSAIC TILE Mounted CHI 1lleett for easy lnatallltton. APHtL .._ n. um1 A11MTU Pamu1 ONLY BB ~u:unn. NO-WAX DELUXE SOLID VINYL TILE Sltlfte ataya ltrttlrt wttll ltr'e 111al11t111..ce. 1r 1 1r --.. m.,.. lleg. 79C SALE r • NO-WAX, SELF-STICK -• STYUSTIK ~ SOLID VINYL Eay ID l..un -•t ......... pl"IU. ~ .... ,.mm 11 ... ac SALE SELF-STICK TILE FOi TH£ BUDIET-MllDED DECORATOR ................. • IW8dlclll ~ 1r 1 tr .-nu Nmm .... 40C SALE "" "·"· .... n . IUY IOW, PAYUTU OPEN MEMORIAL DAY! IE SANTA ANA •1 Se. lltltll St .._,•P•-•u WESTMINSTER 15111 .... II lllM SO SIMPLE TO HANG - PRE-PASTED VINYL WALLPAPER It's so q11tcll Mid Nlf to re- decor8te wttll aur pre-pasted vlnyt w.npeperaJ Designs and colors to ttt rour mood and enliven eny decort Save 25% this week. BIRGE GROUP A Reg. 7.95 Reg. 8.95 SALE .... 11111 .... nu. PAllT All WAUHPll wam llAT*GM SANTA ANt' mw.111 S1rlit COSTA MESA ml 1111'- 11 hid .... w.... • cm 551-1324 .... 547·7111 145-1121 D•lly 9-8 -Saturday 10-8 ._ Sund•y 10 to 5 R.M. AUTY • PlllMALIZD lllllCI. UTllFACTllll •aunm • PATTIUI llAY IAIT. _,IT.a [R]._ NOW PL.AVINO IOWAllOI IHllYl·t• ttWAllOI WHT..... OW&MI WI II IP I• A1ud-fU 11/t G.llMllGl•·•SlOHOI Wv•U•otU 11a• 1111a rwa ,,._.. MMllM ~• ,. .. ~lt ~JJI o.--. U 4 UU ,,,.,,_ 111 ffM IOWAUI CtlllMA Ctlflll IDWAMI IAOIUUCI •WAY• ..... lo'' rHMtlt 1u1 ll l•o ~••~HO w .. -.. tt1 *' lOWMIOl lllllTCk C:0.11 lilt'I ~40 IU4 .. ,_._.,., .. __ You'll be glad you camel ~ l 10th ~~~~IOUS . ~ ·~ ~~-r~: ~- THIEF WARRIOR GLADIATOR KING "A final pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark: .. I: • I -...... \ Orange Co11t DAILY PIL.OT/Thurtday, May 27, 1812 Music prevails over religion For Stesall, 'soul' means song, not theology POPULAR? -Larry Hagman is the main reason three-quarters of French TV viewers watc h "Dallas," according to a survey which revealed most tune in because they hate his evll J .R . Ewing character. ly JOB EDWARDS ........... ,,... ..... NA HVILLE -Kel\h Steaall bellevt1 In punWn.I only one ambtUon at a time. That'• why he'• wrfUna auch aonp u "Sexy l)y11," lnltHd of ~ reu,toua phJToeophy to Colfta• atudenta. Ste1all earned a bachelor of aru dtarte In n.u,ton from Centenary CoUeae ln Shreveport La. He wanted to continue with araduate work In thtolOfY ln order to teach at the oolle1e ltvel, ~ut decided muaic atlrred h..la aoul more. Be1lde1 "Sexy Eyet," a hit rock'n'roll aona recorded by Dr. Hook, Steaall haa written the pop hit "We're ln This Love Toaether" by Al Jarreau. "Lonely Nlahts," a No. l country music hit by Mickey Gilley, and "Hurricane," a country mualc hit by Leon Everette. He also wrote two~ for last fall'• televiaion movie, Killing at Hell's Gate," starring Robert Urich. ••My deeire to do music was too atrong," the 27-year-old Stegall says about his move from acriptures to songs. "You can only follow two dreams so far; tTHAU one oi them has to give ln. "It was a confusing time," says Stegall, who also has a fledgling country music recording career. "Somehow we are all shown the way." He feels no uneasiness writing lyrics for rock • Economy Seating $2.50 ul 3:00 PM Unless Otherwise Noted I S 1113t.Uer•l11il6l63~ 2553/~-=i~. J s Puppet Show Peter Langen·s theater on wheels appears this Sat -Sun -Mon at I. 2 & 3 pm dally at Hunttngton Center MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE AU ICj ll!ilJ ANO @FILMS llECEIVE THE SEM. OF THE MOrtON PICTURE COOE OF SELF llEGUl.ATION * FOR FUOI EXCITEffiEnTI V1s1tOur ... kt1attrn•JE®TWf u~::,i!!• Pit::;/l 111 12:1S 2:154:151:151:15 10:15 Oscar Winn&r 1 • ,Ul•l AN~\ 11.Mfl C,,.JiJ<I• 'DJJJDCRI OF THE •VICTOR 1/idMia rt°LOSTARK ~ 12:453:005:207:4010:10 II! 1:45 4::107:201:45 E i m4.113 ;I 2J 63~ 92a21~~.:ct-J ~ D'UJIM~:1 m I "~' :r!'f1 11a11t1• L&!:.i 1:15 Atl:10.Wrong 10:15 aRJ!lht(R)l:OO rn .. 10:00 Beaut lul C ne GLAOIAICJH l(tNG ~THE llM.WJM l!l THE ISLAND CR ) rn going all the wav ~RIVATll[ LESSONS (R) !tie'T'Oil-it~ ilWH'e'R("6, DDl STRIPES@ i 't?Wi.\ '\'i"< llfl • OfUVl-INS Of'EN NIGHTLY AT 7:30 Ch1ld1en Ul>CM1 12 FREE Uni~• N oted PIERRE DAVID aQd VICTOR SOLNICKI Present VISITING HOURS Sllrmo LEE 6ftMT WIWAM SHATNER MICHAEL IRONSIDE an11 LINDA PURL Screenplay 11y BRIAN TAGGERT 0trectec1 tJv JEAN CLAUDE LOAD ProMecl tJv CLAUDE HEROUX e.ew11ve Proc!Uen PIERRE DAVID ~ ~ 1t111VICTOR SOLNICKJ 111us1c tJv JONATHAN GOLDSMITH ··~r:,::1~ l .. J. A FILMPLAN INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION R ""'''m•r=-Proctuced with the P"11c:ipalion of the <:Mldlan Fiim OeYllOC>mn ~porilloll · '"" - - STARTS FRIDAY I .. , ' and oountry muaic whc. th•~ oft.en embrlt'e j). licit love and rowdy drinkina· 11The maid thlna i1 how you fHl with your maker," he ua. "U It leela bad to me, I won't write It. •Sexy ~)'et' Mid nothtna bad or wrona. It con- veyed notNna more than boy mHtl 11J'l and they fall ln love." Steaall triee to write from 9 1.m. to & p.m. MOit daya, but he keepe pen and paper handy in h1I car, where lota of tdeu are bom, to capture thouahta before they are dettroyed by the hubbub of the office. "There'• no one in the car to bother you," he said. "l hear about to many IOlllW'riten who write when they are depreaed, but not me. I write when I'm happy with the world. Musk: ahould make you feel gooa when you list.en to it." Three of the beft.written 10n811t ~ to Stefall, are Billy Joel'• "JUlt the Way You Are' for ita • clua1c way of cxmununicattn, a teelina.'' Merle Haggard'• "Today I Started Loving You A#atn" because it'• "ao 1ime,le, direct, to-the-point and K.rta K.rtatoffel'I01l'• For the Good Times," because It's a "simple aong with a slmple me1111ge." "One of the ,Wdelines (in good aongwriting) is to be simple,'' Stegall saya. "l'or a 10nl to be played on the radio, It haa to be real simple and commu- nicable -easy to understand. Md in country mu- sic, especially, a song needa to be as conversational as ltpm be." NIGHTMARE -Walter Daly (center) is haunted by phantoms of his past, including himself as a young man (Lindsay Karg, left) and the man he wronged (Michael Bielitz, right) in "The Crucifer of Blood" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. The Sherlock Holmes mystery continues through June 12 with ticket information a t 494-0743. IN 70 MM 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i edwards NEWPORT CINEMA ! • :t"ASHION ISLAND, NEft'PORT CENTER! .. . .. . • Near c .. st Blfln••ay, Betwee• MaeArt .. •r A .lamboree • .. .. i 644-0760 \ •.......•.........•...•...................•...•.. NOW· DAILY 11sae A.JI.. aree • aree • arM • teiae P.K. DW"9.88 PUCES ... HANNIB" szso S!!OO Cllll• tJ .. er IS Ge.eral A... d a mRT OiARTOFF-IRWIN Wl*1£R ~ · 'mY Ill'· SYLVESTER STALLM ·TALIA SHlfl BURT~· CARL WEATtfRS al1 BlRISS KflDITH as Mickey · dirootoc of~ Bill flJTLER, A.S.C. rrmic by Bill CONTI · ptXimt J::1N Wlrt(L£R ard ROflRT CAAATOFF written alt directed b'j SYLVES1£R STAUM 1U:--I Unttld Artlata .t1f1a ---db&• 1tDllOl.r ~G~"l\J..,, Ool!wl"'t"'I~ AO ..... ~ -STARTS TOMORROW AT THESE SPECIALLY ~EL.l!CTED THEATRES '"u •COITA MESA *ffUNTllNITotl llACM MllllCMI "rJO OUllGI UA Movies Edwards Bristol Edwl!ds Cinema Vle!O TWiil OrtnQt Otlvt.fn 9~0·4022 540·1444 8A&·03H 830 8990 558-7022 IUEllA PAM COIT& Mt1A LAIUU IUctl •otWMll WU1'111QTO 1!41ena Patk~IVt·ln Haft>O( fWln SOultl coast Clnedomt EdW11119 Cinema Wast 92t..C010 831·3501 4M·1614 934·2$H 891 3135 •Ptetented In CIJl,_Dal.9f _____ ___,, ........ , iilF f *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1nces before 5:00 PM (EJctpt Spteill Engag1men1s and Holidays) IA MlllA(JA M,.tl M11odo ot Ro•e erona LA MIRADA WAlK·tN 99 .... 2 ... 00 "IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR" tl'OI ------ Htt ~ tu.-1 ANO IC•l(lHP\.A' "CHARIOTS OF FIN!" t"<ll 11'.ll , ... '>O 100 ...... Y°"tll 8how a.t., lOA.M. "PORKY'S" 1111 l2:aO, 2:11, 4:JO, ua. U5, - LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlk·IN "DEAD MEN I DON'T WEAR PLAID" 11101 -----·- "IF YOU COUU> HE WHAT I HEAii" (PG) 1:15, lctO, 5:SO, 1:10, 10:IO LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN "F1GHT'IMG •ACK""" _____ .... 1,._C.UNI< "WRONG IS RIGHT" Ill) ___ ,,.., .. "THE ROAD W ... RIOR"Clll ----- "FIGHTING BACK" 1111 ,_ ____ _ faculty at Condlewood 213/531·9510 "PORKY'S" (II) t>-•. ,... lo:2l1 ,. -- "FANTASIA" 1•1 _..., __ _ "WRONG 18 RIGHT" 1111 .,., ___ _ .. ,~---y "CHARtOT8 ctr FIRE" tl'Ol12:JO. -... - - so. COAST WALK -IN South Coo11 Htwoy ot ••ooctwoy 494-1514 ''DEAD MEN DON'T Wl!AR P.LAID" IN ! _""_,_ MT.-:..-====-"VICTOR VICTORIA,..-. UT.~'=''=-.- 11a 1n Fri. 1:31 -Sat.. s... 1:1s a. st.ts " om IMPORTANT NOTICf! CMILORlN UNDER 12 FREE! 1111M ... W.-.._ In ftl. 7:tt • StL. S... ll(Mlyl HO QllHI S111J111 • 'IOllll All CM MOii iS 'IOllll PlNC9 tlf "° Alll CAii ~ llllTll 1111111111 iicanorrt !'O$IT'QI ---/M l'OllTMU 1 •AU CINf.fl lllWf.-s D Oii All MOii ANAH!IM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN 1 ..... 0, f l 01 Le-,, "FIGHTING BACK""" -"THE WARR10R9"111> ___ 17_f_·f_l_&O ___ ,,_ ___ C•~!•.~_£_ - "PARASITE""" -"DEAD • BUMED" llll Clllf 11 SOllllO BUE NA PAllK BUENA PARK DR IVE IN uncotn ,_ .. Weit of Knon 121 .. 070 SUI NI< Pl<llk LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l.+ncolrt A•• Wetl ot 1not1 821-4070 "IOME KINO OF HERO" 111> -"PARADISE" 1111 Cl•t f1 ~llO ''THE ROAD WARRIOR""" -"IHARKY'S MACHINE" 1111 "PORKY'&" 1•1 -"GOIN' AU THE WAY" !111 ''·liitll"' THE 8~~~:.:N" (R) Son at.to lnry of 1100-"""' (So I "THE NORSEMAN" (ltG) 962•2411 Clllf JI SOUllO WfSU~IN~lf'-' HI -WAY 39 DRIVE IN 1toc11 er.o So or Golclltn G<o.. ft--, 191·3693 DON'T Wl!AR PLAID" !NI "PAllADt&E" (R) -"'- .~ THI BLUH llROTHIRS" "PRfV ATE L.e880N8" (R) Cl!lt II SOUllO 11) :. ·A SOUllO __ _ "PARA81TE" 1111 -"DEAD I BURIED" 1111 Cl!Of fl $0011() oA HA~l1-' LA HABRA ORIV! IN "FIGHTING •ACK""" -"THe WARRIORS" 1111 I Cilllfl SOIJNO "HAD Ml!N DON'T ftAR PLAID"~ . -,_.,. -• _,. -a...,.., -''TM 9&.UIS llROTMAI"-. 171-1162 • l5r'Af.4\..,f ORANGE ORl\lf·IN '"THI ROAD WARNOW' 1111 -UIHAMY'8 MAC...". .... "' ' -.... M ISSIO N OlllVE IN . p I ~~ t~ '1 I A, W A~N E Q !HllVt IN Sonto "'"" ,,..., • Sto,.coo•o• 558·7022 "'W'VOUCOULD .. WHAT I tmM" ._ -'"THI llUODY HOU. Y ITCMY""' . . . , ~ • I I ' I \ ~ t Glldden'a Latex wall & celllng paint. White only #9020 Reg 7.99. breeze ••• , .... hot ....... Put a ·Galaxy' 3 apeed, 20'" bolt Ian In your win· dow to coot your home. 21 •• #3713. Reg 29.95 2-Speed 12"' #371 2 Reg 25.99 ......... 11.H ~ ....... ... ..... D-Con It.a kHI 6 oz. ae<osot giv•• 75 days ol contlnuoua protection Kiiie egg •. Reg. 4 99. 7 341 .... ~~ .. SURPRISE -Lucille Ball (let t) and Glnpr Ropra were 1urprile su•t1 at a recent tribute to Ethel Merman (riaht) on the Merv Griffin Show, which will be aired June 24. ''f 11t1f1I" t11m1tl 11111101 Famoua Weber Kettle cooker. Com- plete with tool raclc, charcoal rack and drip pan 18'!100 size Black only 4215 #31005 ~/~I• 1i tf2J lb~1 ( Slld•-C:07 ) ••• , , •••••••••• r1-1or1111 Don your ecrHn or your doO need to be replaced? We have th• ecrHn1. & a com- plete llne of 'Slldeco' Parts . • Sliding doOr reecreen1. ..,. Aluminum 13.95 14.95 15.95 1t1ok '•• hl1h ............. Newport to Avalon • 7~UPAND AT'EM! No Caffalnal 12-Packs of 7-up, Diet 7 -up, Sunklst Orange, D iet Sunklst, A&W Root Baar or Sugar-Free A&W Root Saari YOUR 211 CHOICE 12-PAK r111ll I r111ll High quality patio stacking chairs. Solid construction and outstanding Rotary mower has 31? h p and fin- gertip height and adjusters. 22" good looks. #500 Reg . 51.95 3911 cutting width. #53 14915 f11t11tlo f111r11011t 4 toot, cool white. glare-trM. Replacement tuL~ #F40CW. Re{,. 2 47 to stay 138 In hot Wits 30-gallon water hHter with energy uvlno temwature ahut·otf. BM1 gl .... tined tank llnef In the lnduatry. 11811 \ a v s d It It. ,0 tn ns is 1'11 ok ~l ell the oot t a I a I . . . Diiiy Piiat THUA8DAV1 ~AV 27, 1882 BU81NE88 COMICS TELEVISION ce ca... C9 Orange CoaBI area to hold two races June 5. See Pase C4. Reuss, Dodgers escape LOS ANGELF..S (AP) -Jerry Reuu, one of the National League's finest pitchers the last two yeara, has had trouble gettin& people out lately. The veteran le ft-hander ended a personal three-game loalng streak by beating the Pittaburgh Pira tes , but h e wasn't partic ularl y proud of hia performance. • "It was a struggle," said Reuss after the Dodgers nipped the Pirates 3-2 Wednesday night. "It's good to get the win, maybe this 1s a start. I saw some improvement, but not as much as I'd like "My location hasn't been too good. I've been getting the ball up too much and some of the ground balls that have been hit are just ge tting through the infield. It's one of those thinga, I just have to keep going until I get out of it." Re uss, 5-4. was m trouble throughout his 6¥.1 innings of work. allowing nine hits and walking three. But the Pl.rates muste red o nly the two runs before Steve Howe relieved Reuss with runners at second and third and two outs in the Pittsburgh seventh. HOWE WENT the final 2 \..\ innings, allowing two hits and no runs to pick up his fU"St save fl. the season . NICE TRY -Orange Coast C.Ollege base-runner Rick Hopkins tries unsuccessfully to break up double play m the fourth inning of Wednesday's state playoff game at Blair Field F Long Beach. DtlllJ ..... "*-by 0.,., Ambt- L an e y shortstop Jerry Wallace completes twin-killing with throw to first. "I didn't think Jerry had good stuff tonight," said Los Angeles Manager Tpm Lasorda. "The fin.t few innings he threw the ball good. After that, he pitched with the experience that he has and got out of a couple of jams. He got by. he did a little pitclung. Bu cs breeze; Rustlers ruffled "It was better than the last few umes. I'm not worried about him. he's all right. He pitched good enough to win, which he did. He might wm five or six in a row now." Sorenson starts OCC in right direction, 8-1 By CURT SEEDEN Of the Dt111J Ptlot Sa.ft LONG BEACH -Orange Coast College baseball coach Mike Mayne was following a simple philosophy Wednesday when he decided to start seldom-used pitcher Rich Sorenson in the Pirates' first-round game agamst Laney College in the State Community College Tournament. "U you can't beat the No. 8 seeded team with your No. 2 or No. 3 pitcher, you're not going to be around for very long," Mayne noted. With that thought in mind, Sorenson, ranked last on the team in ERA and with just one victory to his credit, scattered six harmless hits as OCC rolled to an 8-1 victory at Blair Field. Indeed, Sorenson's assignment was a pivotal one. U the Bucs had Brewers, Angels vie When the Angela embarked on their most recent eight-game road trip, they took with them a one-game lead over the Chicago White Sox in the American League West. Thanks to a rainout, the Angels returned lo Anaheim Wednesday with a 5-2 showing for their travels, and no one is oompl.aiJ1!ng becawie the Chicago White S-ox have moved percentage polna ahead of them. dropped the tournament opener, they would have found themselves in the loser's bracket. dangerously close to elimination with another defeat. The th o ught was on S orenson's mind, too, when Mayne told the freshman from Edison he would o pen the tournament. "I was s hocked. I hadn't' started much at all th.is year," Sorenson confided. "I figured I was just the long relief man." Actually, Sorenson was lucky to be even that. He came down with mononucleosis one week into the season and missed two months. He had just one victory to his credit-a 7-5 win over Mt. San Jacinto in a non-conference game. But Sorenson played a key role in the Pirates' Shaughnessy playoff victories and Mayne had no second thoughts about starting the right-hander. "Yeah, we were hoping he could go rune," Mayne admitted of his young pitcher, who had only gone five inninga in his longest stint. "Re's over his physical auments. tte 01an t throw many pitches today." That wasn't the case for Laney starter Larry Schofield. The Eagles' ace brought a 6-1 record into the game, but Coast (33-7) got all the runs it needed in the first inning on RBI singles by · Dave Tinooo and Scott Groot and an RBI ground out by Tom Duggan. OCC chased Schofield ln the sixth inning, but not before the Bucs had picked up aeven runs on nine hits. • Loose play in field costs GWC LONG BEACH -It had all the makings ot a classic area confrontation -spiced by the thought that the winner would have an inside track to the state community college baseball championship. The subject 1s tonight's championship bracket game of the state tournament here at Blair Field, and for much of Wednesday evening, it looked as if Orange Coast College and Golden W est College would bring their long-time rivalry to the baseball field. But thanks to a "little lack of poiae" on the part of his Rustlers, GWC Coach Fred Hoover won't get the chance to meet the Pirates -at least not tonight. LA Valley, the No. 4 seed in the state tournament, captalized on four Rustler e rrors Wednesday night , taking advantage of a very big eighth-inning throwing miscue to score a come-from-behind 6-5 victory over GWC in first-round play. So, it 'Wi!d"be LA Valley which shares ttre limelight tonight with OCC (7) while GWC (30-9) was to aettle for an afternoon game at Cerritos today against Laney College of Oakland. "We just threw the ball away,'' explained Hoove r afterward. "Where the~ were throwing it, you tell me.' The victory was the first for Reuss since May 6. He was .18-6 with a 2.52 earned run average in 1980 and 10-4 with a 2.29 ERA last year. The Dodgers, now one game above the .500 mark, got all their runs on a three-run homer by Dusty Baker in the first inning off losing pitcher Eddie Solomon, 1-6. Rookie Steve Sax, who had three hits for the second straight game to raise his batting average to .306, opened the Los Angeles first with a single. J orge Orta followed with another single before Baker belled his eighth homer of the year. a dnve over the left-center field wall BAKER HAD a perfect night at the plate with a single and two walks in addi1.1on to hlS homer. raising his average to .312. The single, which came in the third inning. was his l,500th career hit. "To tell you the truth, I forgot all about it," said Baker when asked about the milestone. "I'm flad I did it at home. I guess now go for 2,000 " The Pirates had numerous scoring chances. They stranded 12 ba.serunn ... s and put at least ohe man on in every 1nrung. CLARK BLASTS MANAGEMENT SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Jack Clark is the Mount St. H e lens of the San Francisco Giants. From time to time, when the pressure builds up, Clark lets off steam by blas ting his teammates and the club's management. '!be fact is the Angela still bout more victoriet (29) than any club in the majors. And they wekxxne the u.me three teama they jult manhandled - Milwaukee, Detroit and &.ton -for a 10-game homeatand beginning tonight (7:30). Lead-off man Mike Carozza fini8hed the day at 3-for-5 and 1cored three runs, while teammate. Kevin Sliwinski, Scott Darling and Groot each picked up a couple of hits. The (See COAST, Page C3) HIGH FIVE -Orange Cout catcher Duren Puskarich geu· a high five from a teammate after ICIOring fifth-inning nm Hoover was beside him8elf. His Ruatlen had eraaed an early 1-0 deficit to take a 3-1 lead. They then rall1ed again, this time coming up with two sixth-inning runs to for,e ahead 5-4. But it all went for nauaht. "A POised team ju.at doesn't do (See GOLDEN, Pase C3) "The Giants have to look themselves in the mirror and ul whether they're even trying,• Clark told the Aaociated Prem Radio after St. Louis beat the Giana, 8-4 Wedne9day. "rm not a loeer, Darrell Evam ta not a loeer, but the organization is a loeer." 1be BNwen and Randy Lerch (~·•> open the first of a tbree-pme eeriet apinlt Ken l'oncb (4-3) in tonight'• opener. Milwaukee baa dropped 11 of lta lalt 15, tncludbur 2-of-3 from the Anpll lalt weell. In CIDOtl'Mt, the Angela have now won 12 of their lat 16 and boMt a 13-11 record at on the io.d. They technically fell out of fJrat place Wednesday nl1ht when ChJca10 topped Kanaaa Qty 7-5. The petrolt Tiaen follow the Jrewera for 1ame1 Monday, ru-taY a Wednmday. Bolt.crl Wl'8ll9 up &be bomlltarid wtth • weelrilnd .n.: · W-edne9day. • Riley wants four --• wins PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Loa Angelel Coach Pat Riley l.ln't t~ about the playoff recorda the Laken could aet in the opener of the Nadonal Buketball Aaoclatlon ch~mplonahtp Mies tonilht against the Philadelphia 76era. "Hopefully, we'll lMt another four wins and I don't care lf they're in a row or ltUJ[ered, just ao lor.a • we pt foUr wtna 6iton tl\e 1~·· Rlley aid befcn Game 1 of the belt..of..ven ..nee. The La.Jun would bec:uoe the flm NBA tam ever to win nine playoff garne9 in a row in ene ~ with a victory tonllht. The Minnelpolla ~n won etcht ltraight ln 1050 en route to the champ6onlhlp. Bv .winn1n« Game l, Loa Anae* ai.o On TV tonight channel 2 at 8 );.._ oouid tle th• overall mark of Jiln• oooaecudve vk:torie9 Mt by the Liken tn 1~9 .. &C). That tMm won the f.tne1 pme of the 19'0 NBA cbamplonlb.lp ..- before wlnn11'I itl tint efcht ln 1800. ... - never mind the records In addition, thia year'• Lakera eatabliahed a record foe consecutive rwd playoff victodea with llx, a mark that datel a.ck to the final pme of the 1980 cbamp6onahip l8l1m when Loa Anae1- beat the 76era for the NBA Utle. The Laken' DlaYoff IRklCem on the road leadt lUhy to aooff at PhilacWphia'• home-court edvant1tC9 ln the ..n.. u lt ... l8Y8l pmea. the 76en would hive four pme, at home, lnd~ tM flDUe. "Tbata )at ~Riley Mid. "Both-.... baw w. Ofl · "*1. Thu home court ii just • place to play." Loa Aqelee has been IO dominant In la two 19A2 P1Qoff aertee, beatm, both Phoenlx and San Antonio In tour ltftlabt, that IOrfte of lta followwa bliw wotrled that the 12-clq breek ... Ha lat pme would hurt t),e tam. But cenw Kareem Abdul..Jabblr ..W the layoff ... Jel'ved 10 l)elp the LU.n to prepare fO&' the ?~ ((r whom t:oa An1elea beaan preperat1ona •hen Phll9delpbla took • S.. l 1-d <Nf!ll htm In the .-nWnall. ' • Cl Ortnoe Oout OAll.V PILOTITrfurtdty, M•v 17. 1881 Ruther£ ord's advice to rookies: Be cautious · lNDlANAK>LlS (AP) lt nu 1*n Ut yeat1 and \hrM U'lPI down Vlct.ory Lano •~ Johnny Rulherford 1pent hla flnt Mtmorlal 0.y drM.na &.roW\d lhe uval \lack 1\ th«-lndlanapoU. Motor ·Speedway II That'• a mllUc>n mtlN and an ot"e&n of oU aao and that UfeUrn of experience qualiflti1 him u IOIMlhina of an expert. So when the 44·ye&r-.old Texan off ere llOl1\e advice to any of the nine rookJ• preparlnti for their flr11t Indy ~00 on Sunday, It 1 rnakca 1«1~ for the new driven1 to llaten. "l ~11 th\lm to be cautioua," Rutherford uld. f "At the 1peeda we're traveling, don't 1cit loat. Look ahead. Get the big picture. Remombl1r where you ....... ";~-· , There are 17 h1gh-speed MW"Ch l'&l"ll tmtered ln Garcia's protest: Play without pay From AP dlspa&ches NEW YORK -Damaso Garcia, la m an unprecedented protest of his contract dispute with the Toronto Blue Jays, has turned down all paychecks this season while continuing to play shortstop for the American League club. "l won't take any money until l sign a contract," said Garcia, who is the lone unsigned Blue Jay. "I will not sign until the money is right." Garcia, batting .325 going into Wednesday night's game against the New York Yankees, 1s seeking a one-year deal for $130,000. Toronto says that's too much . "They don't think I've . had enough time in the big leagues," said Garcia, with a .266 lifeume batting average GAACIA for his first two big-league seasons. "They told me they want me to perform over a longer period of time. They want me to establish myself." Garcia, 25, failed to file for salary arbitration last January but, without the aid of an agent, agreed to tenns with Blue Jays Vice President Pat Gillick while playing winter ball in the Domirucan Republic. By the end of February, Garcia told the Blue Jays that he had changed his mind and refused to sign a two-year pact worth a reported $300,000 Quote of the day Kareem Abchll·Jabbar, a me mber of the Lakers' 1979-80 NBA champions, who has led his teammates to eight consecutive playoff victories and a berth in the finals: "I cannot remember a Lakers' team playing better than right now." White Sox charge back Into first Greg Lulinski knocked in six la runs, including homers No 250 and 251 an has career, to power the Chicago White Sox to a 7 -5 triumph over Kansas Caty Wednesday night and back into ~first place by percentage points over the Angels m the American League West. Luzinski's second homer, a three-run shot in the fifth, broke a 4-4 deadlock and made a winner of left-hander Britt tsurn1, 6 -2 Barry Bonnell scored twice and drove m four runs to back Dave Stieb's four-hitter as Toronto routed New York, 7 -0 Jo bn G rabb clubbed his first homer of the season and rookie M i ke Richardt smacked three hits to lead Texas past Baltimor 8-2, the Onoles' second loss in LUnNHI e i g h t g a m es Von Hayes slammed a solo homer in the ninth inning and Rick Walts and Dan Splllner held Minnesota to just four hits as Qeveland shaded the Twins, Sunday'• r.ce and 11 ot them wtU be operated by dri~rs with a tot.al of et1ht yean of f'><perlence. Included ln that aroup are five rookies "Th•t'1 frotty ec•ry," aa1d Hutht>rford "Golna u fut u w ns ti0lna, obvioualy you nt>t.-d to know what you'"' dotna It won't ~ bad If th" youna 1\1)'1 pay auenUon, take It euy, rHd th ltaJll of the track. look for oil and thf thlnp that 1et you ln trouble and UM common •nae. "l tell them when they ao out for tht parade lap on Sunday thetve been here a month with practice and quallfYtna. But UUa place doesn't look like tho wne place on race day. With ftll the color, the crowd, It's 8J1'l.A.Zing. It aeema eo much smaller. The 1traightawaya .oom much narrower." Rutherford thouaht 110me of the t.lnt-year Bullpen la Braves' 'Swan' song A bnWant relief job by Cral1 la Swan ln mlddle relief, coupled with Wally Backman'• three-run homer, the first of hiis career. helped the New York Mets take a 6-4 come-from-behind victory over the Atlanta Braves Wednesday night. Swan, 3· l, replaced starter Pete Falcone in the third innlng and pitched six inningll of two-hit ball before Nell Allen entered in the run th to post his 12th save . . else· where i n the National League, Cesar Cedeno singled In a third-inning run and right-hander Marlo Soto hurled a four-hitte r as Cincinnati blanked Philadelphia, 2-0 . . . Tito Landrum sliced a disputed two-run double and later homered as St. Louis I WAH pounded out 17 hita in an 8-4 triumph over San Francisco to help the Cardinals sweep the three-game series. Giant Manager Frank Robinson argued unsuccessfully that Landrum's dnve had landed in foul territory ... Charlie Lea silenced Houston on one hit in nine IJU\ings, retiring 26 of 27 Houston batters, and Tim Wallacb, a University High product, iced the gem with a three-run homer in a four-run 10th inning as the Expos beat Houston, 4·0 . Pinch-hitter Gary Wood1 lined a two-out, two-run single in the top of the ninth inning to break a 3.3 tie and give Chicago a 5.3 VlCtory over San Diego. The tnumph ended a four-game I01Smg streak for the Cubs Baseball today On thlS date in baseball tn 1968· MaJOr league baseball became a truly international game as the National League awarded an expansion franchise to a Montreal group headed by C harles Bron(man and John McHale. The league also awarded a franchise to the San Diego conungent headed by C. Arnholt Smith and Bullle Bavas1. On this date in 1937: New York Giant screwballer Carl Hubbell picked up his 24th consecutive victory (over two seasons), hurling two uuungs of no-hit relief as the Giants beat the Cincmnall Reds, 3-2. Today's birthday: Boston pit.cher'-lark Clear is 26. NFL players leaning toward strike A poll of nearly half the teams in • the National Football League has found nearly unanimous support of a stnke authonzat1on proposal, offlcw.ls of the players' union reported Wednesday. "There has been no real opposition to the strike authonzatlon, only a couple of abstentions," said NFL Players Association President Gene Upsbaw, who added the polling of all teams is expected to be completed within the next two weeks . George Steinbrenner, owner of the New York Yankees, apparently has pulled out of talks to buy the Colorado Rockies of the National Hockey League. Financial adVtsers reportedly have told Steinbrenner that the asking price of S30 million for the club is too hlgh. Telev1s1o n. radio Following ate the top sports eventa on TV torught. Ratings are: V' V' V' V' excellent; V' V' V' worth watching; V' V' fair; V' forget it. ~ 6 p.m ., Channel 2 v v v v NBA PLAYOFFS: Lakers at Philadelphia. Anno11Dcer1: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. driven would bcnoflt from iocu.y'a prtetice round whtn the clll'll ran for the first ume with full load.a of fuel In r~ day ronflgurationa "They'll IC!e what they're up •ialnat." he aald "Aftclr that. there wlll be • lot of headt acr1ttchod to 11~t ~ady for Sunday momlna." The flret 10 time1 he raced here. Rutherford f&lled io flnlah, detourf!d by a variety of problems. Then he won In 1974 and •&•in {n 1976, aandwlchJ.na a l«'Ond·plACe fln.iah ~tween thoee \WO Uiumpf\a ' He took the checkered flag •&ain ln 1980 In a Chapar~al. That car had the aame deelgn u the onP he drov~ lut year when a faulty fuel pump forced him out of the race after jwat 2!) laps, and the aame u the one he will ~ In Sunday. Rutherford, who qualified at 197.066 mph, has 1ufferecl throuah a fruatraUna month here, drlvt.na .-entUU.ly a car that la four yeana old. "lt hu not been one of my ~tter montht here, wltnea thf' speed •nd problema we'vt1 had." he uld "It would be e1&11y to •Y tht1 car la oucdated Wf.''re run.nin& it fu..lt'r than we'vt1 t1ver sonc, but l\'1 not fut enouah." Fut enouah on Sunday, he th.lnb. wlU be 190 mph whrn thl' yellow ~udon liaht.a don't drop the 'Pl"''<i llmlt to 80 mph. "I beUeve that II what It will take" Rutherford will atart 1n the fourth row on r.ce day. &,hind hlm will be three rooklt .. -Danny Sullivan, Herm Johnaon and Hector Rebaque. What did he think about three new men 1tarttn1 side-by-1ude 10 thl' vt·ry next row? "I'm glad tht.'y'rc behind me," he said Water temperatures rising A nd with it, b oats ar e switching to surfa.}e action Offshore ocean water temperatures are runng daily along the south t'Oa&t and as a result there has been a big turnaround in salt water angling for boata running out of Newport and Dana harbors. Most all runs to fishing spots have been producmg fair to good fishing for a variety of bottom and surface feeders, but most boata will be swttchmg completely over to surface action this weekend. JIM NIEMIEC Currently there are yeUowtaiJ, barracuda and bonito at the outer 1Slands, while coastline anglers are catching caltco and sand bass, small barries, assorted bottom fish and lots of greenback mackerel. mdicataon of an early season. I don't know if I would send <i BAC, S hark Island or Pacific Angler boat m search of the first flag for Newport at this point, but I m1ght start thinking about it within a week o r two. BOA TS RUNNING OUT of Davey's Locker and Art's Landmg in the Balboa area are on a full daily schedule with all day, half day and three-quarter day trips available. Dana Wharf is also offenng aunilar trips and should be start.mg twilight trips departing at 5 p.m daily as soon as school leta out Currently the Dana boat is only running to the fishing grounds at night on weekends. Last minute details on the fishing outside and south can be obtained by contacting Angler's Center or BlSbee's Ul the Newport area. Even though 1t is early for bonito to begin putting on a good bite, there are some being taken. Within a couple of weeks the bite should be wide open {or these hard-fighting speedsters, but salt water anglers are reminded that there is a size limit thia sea.son Some big log barracuda are also being caught. THERE l S SOME very good f19hmg for big yellowta1l and log barracuda at the Coronado Islands when weather permits The water temperature IS staying between 62 and 65 degrees and there are lots of yellows JUSt a few miles below the Coronados. Bait conditions are good in the San Diego area, despite the fact that squid and very few hook-size greenies or spanish are available. There appears to be plenty of big greenback mackerel, which is all right for the yeUowtail as they are all runrung in the 20-t.c>-35 -pound class. When they decade to bite they will eat almost anything m sight. THERE WAS A REPORT this past week that the fu11t albacore of the season was taken off the Butterfly Banks. But h e re's what realfy happened: A commercial fishing boat was trolling through the area on its way out to deeper water when albie happened to jump on a feather as it crossed the Butterfly. The fish was never weighed in nor has it been seen by anyone land side. Hopefully it is an Some smaller boats are also work.mg breezing schools of yeUowtail while trolling Hashco feathers and blue and white jigs through the breaking fish. The best color feather has been green and yeUow. Look to all water along the Southland to begm producing rons15tent catches of many game flBh, but also it w ill be important to make advance reservations as loads will be getung fuller as the summer months arrive. Austin triumphs Navratilova w ins second r o und match PARIS (AP) -Ame rican teen-ager Tracy Austin ended an almost five-month break from official tournament action today when she won a second round match at the French Open, beating Eva Pfaff of West Gennanv. 6-2. 6-4. "I was always in school and this was always exam time," Austin said in explaining why she never previously has competed m the French Grand Slam event. The 19-year-old blonde's tennis break was caused by a pinched sciatic nerve in the lower back Austin, a two-time U.S. Open champion, IS seeded third in Paris and was given a fu-st-round bye. In a n ot h er match today. Martina Navratilova, seeded second, won a second round match, defeating American Cathy Reynolds, 6-1, 6-1. In second-round matches today among the men, to p -seeded Jimmy Connors takes on Sweden's Jan Gunnarson, while No. 2 seed Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia will finish his second-round encounter with French Thie Tulasne. Lendl took the first two sets 7-6. 7.5 before darkness halted the match at 3-3 in the thll'd set. The·toughest match Wednesday was an astonishing battle between Jose Lws Clerc. the No 4 seed from Argentina. and Loic Courteau , an 18-year-old Frenchman ranked 293rd an the world. The 23-year-old Oerc saved four match points before posting a l ·6, 7 ·5, 4-6, 7 -6. 6·2 win over Courteau in a mat.ch that last four hours, 35 minutes Two seeded players were ousted Wednesday on the third day of the two-week, $917,000 clay court tournament. Argentine lvanna Madruga Osses, ranked 32nd in the world, staged the first UJJ6et among the women with a 6-4, l -6. 6 -4 second · round victory over sixth-seeded Sylvia Hamka of mest Germany, who was a finalist m Paris last year Among the m en. Spain's Fernando Luna, a 24-year-old ranked 7lst, posted a 5-7, 6-3, 6-0, 6-4 triumph ovor No. 10 seed Brian Gottfried, a :m-year-old Amenc.an who is ranked 22nd. New league gets TV deal NEW YORK (AP) - America's football fans will have America's newest pro football league in their living rooms next spnng. Two month s after the established National Football League IS scheduled to end its season with Super Bowl XVII on NBC 1n mid -January , the fledgling U.S Football League IS set to open on ABC under a two-year, mull1malhon-dollar contract. The network and the league announced the deal Wednesday, just 15 days after the USFL was first presented to the publJc.: "We had been negotiating on TV nghts since the idea of a U.S. Football League was first discussed, ovor two years ago," said Mike Trager, the league's television consultant "But the negouations hit their peak nght around the time the league was unveiled May 11 ." Sources said ABC outbid NBC for the exclusive network TV rights to the USFL, which has yet to announce the signings of any players or coaches and IS still looking for a comnussioner. 2-1 .. Tom Unde r wood pitched a The Western Conference champion Lakers, three-hitter and Rickey Hendenon stole three winners of eight-straight in post-season play, =a~~:~~.t~=e~·'eTft~~J ~!1~~~ep::~~~g:{~~~~ev~~':"~ MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND SALE 28th thru 31st games . . Gary Gray drove in three runs with a RADIO • double and two-run homer to support winning Baseball -Milwaukee at Angels, 7:30 p.m. Fri. -Sat. -Sun. -Mon. -May 28 thru May 31 pitcher Gaylord Perry, who won his 30lst game, Basketball -Lakers at 6 p.m., KLAC (570). as Seattle edged Detroi, 4-2 Perry moved ahead F RIDA Y'S R ADIO ~o=f~='=~=G=~=e=M=dE=a=rly=w=~=an=d=~=~=~==~~~=1=~=~=rs=at=c=~=g=~=11=:~=a=.m=··~~~ewport~ur~F~ ~port,lnc. +-13th place on the all-time victory list. KA.BC (790). C..J y ' CJ J (.,~ CJ Dralft Hi•,..._ ........... .... _ .. ,., ....... ,__._...., a,...., ff\Cf"w... ....... llHM•M oovlM)ft ~•n °'"'° .. wrln.,_ OH., ····-""'" ~f_( '. 1lrj<tf1H•t11\ } )\('JiNtL~: ~ HOLIDAY RACING THRILLS Salut• To lndlanapolf s" mm11,;m11111,FRl,DAY:1MAY.2a: a i(~fumanmooi MlllD DOUIUMIADU- -SU'll MIDGU ·ASCOT HlllS,,. 11111111111111111A\lllL~.!~P:IUltaiiirslar •• ,ASH1111111111111 '·~~~~~.!!! .. ~ SAT., MAY 29, I P.M. 50-LAP FIATUll SUN. MAY 30 I P.M. 40-LAP FIATUll 11111111111,1111111111111111, 111 MI II lllllll llllllllll 1131111111111111111 MON!.c-1~'4 Y 1.1 7 P.M. DA1mnll "OUKl 1'1 smn ITOCI IMAP ffATUll s A L E IZOD • VUARNET • GANT HOLBROOK • BUCCI • GOTCHA QUIKSILVER • SURFLINE • PUA ONEILL • RIPCURL • BUCCANEER SIENNA • DOLFIN • OP OFFSHORE • RAISINS • MAUI WINDANSEA • SEASQUIRTS • AND MORE *EVERYTHING* SUNGLASSES • THONGS • T-SHIRTS SWIMWEAR • SHIRTS • SHORTS • DRESSES • PANTS MAIN STORE Ntwport Surf a Sport. Inc. 2924 Newport Blvd. Newport IHct\ CA [EB (714) 675-7874 f' 1 0-. 9:00 a.m. • 9:00 p.m. Delly . , BALBOA Newport Surf • Sport. tnc. 110\\ ~riM Ave. lltbol t1lend, C.A (114) 673-7116 f 0:00 a.m . • 7:00 p.m. Delly • .. 203 OFF 203 OFF 203 OFF -~- I ' UPENDED Orange Coast's Rick Hopkins ends up in a tangle with Laney base-runner Reggie Mosley after Mosley stole second base in the first inning Wednesday afternoon. ~ t t I . . " MAJOR LEAOUE ST AN DINGS American League W"llH'fl Dlvleton W L Pel QB 211 u 667 29 IS 8511 ChlC9QO Angele Kenia. Cny Oakland $Miiie TeJIU MlnMeOtl 23 19 548 5 22 23 4811 , •• 21 25 •57 9 ,. le 3 Ill 14 12 35 ns 18" I MI .. " DfYlelofl 211 M 11117 eo.1on O.lroll N.-Y0tli ~ .. Balttmore c -..no T0<onto 25 Ill 1110 2'• 21 20 512 8'• 20 2 1 4111 7'• 20 22 476 II 19 23 452 9 Ill 25 419 10', WeclnMdeJ'• 1c-T0tonto 7 New Yortt 0 Tuu S Bartlmo<• 3 ChlQQO 7 1<1111 ... Cny 5 Oel<lancl 1 Mllwaull .. 2 Cievelencl 2 Ml<mMOta 1 SMUle 4 Oelloot 2 Only O-IC"9clule0 TOfllOllt'• 0...... M•tweuk .. (l11rcn 3 4) II Anoe!• IFO<Kll 4·~fllllm0<e !Stewert 4 31 et T .. H (lM>ane I 8) Boston \To<rez 3 2t 11 Seenle ,,...,._, 2-61 Only g•"-scneclulecl N•llon•I L:e w .. 1 .. n DI w L Pct. QI Atlenl• 27 17 614 Sen Oieoo 23 19 548 3 ooc19 ... ?3 n 511 4'• Hou11on 19 26 422 8'; c1nc1nn111 Ill 25 419 8''> Sen Frencl,.;o 19 ,, 413 9 E1u twn Dlvlelon $1 l OU•I 28 17 622 New Yo<• 25 19 S88 2·~ MontrNl n HI 537 4 Pt»l~pnia 22 21 512 5 Cl>4CAQO 19 28 422 q P1tt1butgh 17 24 415 i WedMed•J'• aco... Doc199re 3 Pltllborgh 2 SI lou>I a San Franc1aco 4 Cinconnell 2 PMaoeiplua 0 N-Yortt 6. Atlaota 4 Monl•NI 4 HOUiton 0 I 10 1nn1ng1I Choe.go 5 Sen OieOO 3 Tonight'• Game. No e-1Chedu441d NATIONAL LEAOUE Dodaer• 3, Plr•IH 2 l'fTTSautll4H LOI ANOILH M rhbt .t>rllbl Mreno.ct 4 1 t O Su .2D 4 1 3 O J Ray 2b 5 0 0 0 Qr11 rt 3 I 1 C Mcllcl..3b 4 0 0 0 lllma Ci 0 0 0 t JThpen. t b 5 0 2 1 Baker II 2 t 2 J 8Rban rt S O t O G9'ro.cl 4 O 1 C TPW\e.c 3 I 3 0 Grvey lb 4 0 0 0 Weltn.11 4 0 2 0 C..,.3D 4 0 0 0 Tklve,p O O O O SGoeca.c 4 O O O B«re 11 3 0 0 0 $ Howe 0 0 0 0 0 Strgll.pll 1 O O O Ruaall. u 1 0 0 0 JSmtll,11 0 0 0 0 Blngr.11 2 0 0 0 Slomn,p 2 O O I Reut1 p 2 0 0 0 Srmnt,p 1 0 I 0 'r'Hgr.c 1 0 0 0 EAllr,11 1 0 1 0 Tot•l•38 2 11 2 Tol•I• 31 3 7 3 lcot• by lnnl"t• Pittsburgh 001 100 000-2 Loe Angeiee 300 000 00• 3 E -Guerrero. S..-r• DP Pltllborgh I Loe Angela 1 LOB Pltteburgh 12 Lo. Anoelee 7 28 s .. 2. I Pena HR Baker (&) SB Moreno 2 ~ ,JI' H 111111110 Soiomon(L. t 81 4'11 Cl 3 3 1 1 Sarmiento 2.,.. 1 0 0 2 2 Teltu!Ye ..... 00001 ~~ ~0 2 33 $ How«S. I I 2'... 2 0 0 0 0 P9 -Sc1oec:ie T 2 32 A -4 t se4 C~l.Olen1114 SI LOIM $10 000 011-ll 17 0 San Frendeco 200 002 000-4 11 0 Mura. Kett (II). 8'.ttter C&) and 8'vmmer Hemmker 'tlrel"lng ( 1) Sch•Ul<l•r (81. ~ (&) and Brenty, Mey (8) W-Mure, w . l -Hammeker. 2·3 8 -Sutter (13) HA-St LOUii, LandNm (2) Sat1 Fr~. 8m11tt (5). Cieri! (5) A~. 1&7 .............. 0 ~ 000 000 000-0 4 0 C1nc1nnM1 001 000 OIM-2 9 1 Kt'Mltow. Lyt9 (&). Btu9ter (8) and Olu; loto and Trevino. W-Soto, 4-4. L-Krullow, 4-3 A-14.ot I Ollie, ..... ~ 002 Oto 002.-1 t 1 ...,. Clttt 100 , '° 000-S ' ' e!i~ Lt, f1Ttlt11 (I), Hef.fH (7), ft) 1114 J. Oe*, ~. DeUe11 (1), l11ce1 (I ) end Ken11e11~ • W-~'*14"8, 2·1, L-0.\.eotl. 2•1, ~ (4). ..,._..,. Ollft, ...... cat.•-••· Mef• .. ., ..... 4 020 040 000 II 12 2 3 10 000 000 4 • ' AMERICAN LEAOUE Whit• lo• 7, "°' ... 5 Kensas Ctty 101 110 100 S 10 0 Choe.go 100 H O 00•-7 1 t Gure. Arm11rong (SI G JllCll_, (&I and Wethan Burnt BeroJas 181 a nd Flek W-Burn• 6-2 L uura 4-:/ S Batojaa 1t11 HR-C111c ago Lu11n1kt 2 (7) A 12 359 A'• 7, .,_.,. 2 Oakta,.cl O 10 0:10 :102 7 7 0 MllWllUlc.. 100 ()()() 00 I 2 3 2 T Unclerwooo encl Heath, McClure. Berrte1cl (7), Euterty (91 and Voet W T Underwood, 2·3 L McClure , 2 2 HR-Mllwaullee, Mon8)1 (81 C Moore (21 A-7.500 Ind*-2. Twine 1 Cleveland 000 100 001 2 9 0 M•nneaote 000 001 000-1 4 0 Walla Splll,.•r (Ill i ncl Nehonxtn1. 0 Jackson Fello,. (8), R Davia (Ill incl L*>d""' W-$pjllrw, ~ L-R Oevte. 1-4 HR-Cleveland He-(4) A -5.11111 ~1.0.W..J Ba11tmore 020 0()1 000-3 8 I ruu 100 121 ~-5 9 o 0 MatllMz. G 0.YI$ 151 end ~ Matlack Comer (6), M1tabell1 (7) and Sundberg W-Metteck 1-2 l -0 M8f11,_. 4--4 S -M<tabelle (1) Hll-Teua. GruDblll A-8.929 .... ,,.,. 7, y--0 17 T0<on10 104 O 11 000 1 9 O N-YO<I. ()()() 000 000 0 4 1 St>eb and B Mer11nez R Mey. Freiler (3). RognetU 131 Rawley l81. Goelege (Ill encl Wyneg.11 W-Stoel) 3.5 L R Mey 1-3 A 1Sogo • ~4.TJe-a2 Oet<Oll 000 200 000-2 10 I s .. a111e ooo 202 00• -4 e O Morna and Pa1tta/'I, Perry VencleBerg (81. Caudill (8) and Sweet W Perry, 4-4 l Morris, 11-4 S-Caucllll (81. HR 0.11o11, Hebner I 11 Herndon 181 Seattle Gray ( 11 A -7.175 Top 10 1a-ecs on 75 at beta) AMElllCAN LEAQUf OU11Hf'C1 Hau an. Cleveland 40 156 35 113 404 Bonnell Toronto 37 t02 21 4 t 402 McBrlOe. Clellelencl 26 82 a 3 I 3711 Lowenateon. Bell 30 113 23 29 3-40 W Wilson KC 111 7S & 28 3-47 l)p9f\ew T0<onto 41 t« 111 49 340 C-M•tw-ee 40 160 25 54 338 E Murrey 8'" 3-4 104 14 35 337 Gedman Bos\On 27 97 13 32 330 Herndon. Detroit 41 IS8 2S 52 329 ........ .._. Roenlcke , Baltimore 12 Thornton Cie'telenel 12 L~taln Beltimo-e. 10 Hrbell Mlnneeote, 10, Herrlh, C.......enc:I. 9 .._......, ... Tt101n1on. Cleveland •O lu11nakl Chlc1go 37; McR••· KanHI City 37. OQIMe. MltwllUllM. 30: Roenlcite Baltlm0<e 29. Aloe. Botton, 21, a.,tof, A,..i .. 21. ~ (I Dedelone) Hoyi Ctllcego. 114, Qul<l<y, New York. 7. 1, "9Mo, A,....., ~1; Bu<r>e. Chleego, 11-2, Ceucl•ll. Seattle. 6-2. Batker, CleYelancl. S-2, Zahft, A,...... ~2; F Bannleler. SMllle. S-2 NATIONAL LEAQUE Q Alt II H f'ct. J Thompton, Pl!h 30 143 29 50 360 Ru JO<>M. SWl Olego 38 1•11 3-4 !>1 3411 91110<, New Yortt 26 80 ti 27 338 Wohlf0<d. SF 28 75 13 25 333 Q....,,...,, Dodgetl 44 1116 28 S<1 325 W1ggtn1. Sen Otego 20 113 19 27 325 Mcweland, Chlcego 4$ 11111 20 64 321 WlllOn, New Yon. 43 tll3 27 68 317 Oewaon, MontrMI 4 I 1115 31 12 3 15 Lo Smotti SI LOUii •4 1112 43 57 3 13 "->ell- M<#rpfly, Atlante, 14, Klngmen, New York. 13 J ThOrnpeon, Pllltbutgh. 12. HC>mef, Atle nu 10. 8 Oler Phll•d•tphl.e, 9. Henclncll St Lo.M, O. 0--0, Dodfet'e, •• COMMUNITY cou.aa. Orenge Co.et I. &.-., 1 OMllGI COUT LA*T Ctu.a.cf Hpl<1>t,2b TllOOO,dl't Siwn.111.N Ogoll,3b Ofoot,• """'·" Peltrch,c Orlng, lb . , "... ., ..... 53SO Wb.-40 10 2010 Moee,2b 4 000 111 I 1 M*¥,lf S 1 1 0 5 ' 2 2 Nlln,dl't • 0 , , 5 I 0 1 Hnoc*.a 4 0 0 0 5 0 2 1 Prtu,., lb 4 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 8'11r,Cf • 0 1 0 5 t 1 1 F-rf I 0 0 0 3021 Tlltll,O 2000 Wkkr111,pfl 1 0 0 0 TWnlod.o o o o o Totell 40 I 11 7 ...:i::-)I I I 1 o.....,.eo.ite.;t/ 021 10Q-t f) I l#ley fOO 000 000-0 • • I -lltwHteillil.:.:.9!'!i Wlllleoe J, ~n---~ "°""· Owllnq.• -a.-........,, o..ifac..i .. -" ...... IOlwltull(W) • • , 1 1 • ~ .... 7 1 •• .,_ ..... ,,,, ~-....-.t.~T -t•A. --....... .....,, . LA Vetaey e, owe s OOU>Of lft8T LA YAU.rt ••llllf ........ A"bll.lf 5 1 3 0 Fnhmn,2b 2 2 0 0 Grvta n 5 1 1 o Gt-.• 4 1 o o G<ncbtl .3D 5 1 1 0 Lmb'1.Ci 4 1 2 1 Spgl lb 3 I 2 1 Coop ID 4 0 t 0 $cnU,c 4 1 2 I SllrlhQ.rl • 1 1 I Lren.clh 4 0 I I MoctM 3b 4 0 1 0 tn.ne,Ci 3 0 0 0 T11r""',c 4 0 1 0 8oyd,2b 2 0 0 I Mrrtl,clll • 0 1 0 ~.. 4 0 0 0 Mrphy If 3 1 1 0 TOllll 35 5 10 4 Tot ... 33 8 8 2 --OJ •nntnoe Qolclen w .. 1 0 12 002 000-5 to 4 LA Valley 100 030 0?1<-6 8 1 E Meyer Sc:nutz. GenlM. Grenosan GrH r 2B Lambert Laraon SB -~1111tim1n (31, Lamber1 Mucctt• Qolderl w .. 1 lfl H II Ill U 80 ~LI II 8 II 2 2 9 uv .... , l(Jm S'\ II S 3 2 3 Benecl1C1 (W) 31'J S 1 1 2 4 WP mayer T -2 S8 A -100 ("t1m1tecl) Community collea• ITATE TOUklcAlllVlf WedMecMo7'1 lc- Orange cou1 e. Laney 1 LA Vllley II. Golden W•I 5 Sacramento CC Ill, C1tru1 0 Caoyon• 3. Metc:ed O Tode7'1 o.n-(1t ..... Fletd, Long....,,., 1 1 a m Cllrva .,. Meroeo 3 p m S.c:r.,,_,to CC .,. Cenyona 1 pm 0.ange Coeat V9 LA Valley (et c.mtoe) 3 p m -GOiden W•t w L~ frtdeT'• 0-.. (ete1eltfWd) I I 1 m -Meroecl-Clttu9 """""" w LA Valley-Or11t199 Coes1 IOMf 3 p m -Blfllr Aelcl I I LITI wtnn. n Cerrttoe I t • m Winner 1 p m -S ecremento CC-Canyon• winner vs LA Velley-Orat1Q9 Cout wlnneo (•t c.ntloe) t 1 a m Leney-0-W•l ..,,,_vs Sect-to CG-Cenyon1 loe« .. ,..._..a-.. (et Cwrlloe) 1 o m RernainlnO t.o team• with one ION,,,... (el Meir fWd) 1 p m UndelMted teem .,. winner ol 1 pm C...n1oegeme (NOTE 11 undefea ted teem lo1e e Seturd-r 111e llnal geme wt11 t>e p<eyecS Suncley at noon 11 C...rttoe) Htah ec:hool c• FINAU ( .. Dodget ......... ,......,) f·A 10 am -Baldwtn Perk (24-5) YI. Rio M ... (17·111 2·A 1 pm -Nolwallt (17-101 YI. Han (26-51 .. A 4 30 pm -Senta Ana (2t-7)YI FutMnon (26-3f ~A 7 30 p m -Mlfe Cotta (22~) vs Welnul (24 5) Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, May 27, 1882 From Page C1 From PageC1 COAST • • • GOLDEN WEST • • • Plra1-banCfd out 13 htta, ytt they atrandid 12 runnera. Eiaht waUu1 -tour &o aecond bueman Rick Hopkin• and thrH Lan~y erron nwdo lhlnp euy for SoreNOn and the Plra~ "1 waan't pleated with our int.enaity today," Mayne addt'd afterward. "But I'm aure thinji will be different tomorrow. I think we juat laJd back a Uule." "Tho key &o this &oumament la who a eta hot whc.in ," Mayne continued. "Lut year, the No. 7 eeed (Canyol'll) won It. They juat happened to be-the hottest team in thlll particular tournament." The Piratea, meanwhile, looked hot enough In plUng up nine hits and sue rWlB through the flnt five lnrungs. On their minds was an 8-5 defeat to the same Laney team a year ago In the semifinals of the state tournament "They were big." Sorenson said of the Eagles "They were tough outs, and I didn't have good stuff today I JUSt threw strikes " Sorenson's toughest out was lead-oCf man Jerry Wallace who went 2 -for -4. Hard-hitting leCt-flelder Reggie Mosley got the F.agles' lone run 10 the first inning after a single and a stolen base. But Sorenson struck out the Laney clean-up batter the last two times he faet...od hun. == Ble•chers that," added Hoovt'r who IUW hla atartlfli plt.c:her Aob Meyt-r llmJt the t\ard hltt1na Monarchs to Juat c>laht hlta whlJ,. aotna th..- dlltance. "Ho thn•w good l'nough tu win," Hoov..r udded o( hi• rtaht·hander. The Ruatlera, who brel'ied throu1h the flrat h111l of the Southern Cal Conference 1tandlng1 with an undt"feated 1late und then defeatt-d Rio Hondo In a thret--game playott aeries to udvanc t: t o tht· tournament, starl.t"d the game off well enough After LA Valley had scored a run in the hl'lit, the Rustlers quickly notched the llCOre on a walk, single and sacr1fic fly by Doug lrvme. They added two more in tht• third with an RBI singlt• b y Spiegel and a sacnhre fly by Chns Schutz. The Rustlers the n t'Orrurutted two big errors tn the fifth to give LA Valley a 4-3 lead First , S chulz thre w a way a bunt attempt by Tony Greer to allow one LA Valley run to sc'Ore Then Meyer, with two out, tried to pick o ff the Monarchs' Earl Frishman. but his throw traveled down the left-held hne, allowing two more runs to score. Right fielder Curtis Gervais supplied the fourth and final throwing error when he tnc.od to throw bchmd LA Valley's Vince MlllPI The Indianapolis Motor Speedway .... ~ llACL 350 yarclt LAM Mah .... Nine (Hr1) 13 eo 1180 3 eo au.I F0t c;..n {T,_,.e) 4 00 3 80 S..~(~l 8llO AilO r loed 8eunlulma. Gokl 0. 90ger Moon1 Olene Shea Got Winge. Peace ~ MWonome, SMwneleete Time 17 95 llXTH llACf. 350 yWOI Gm Hil $Nie (Mltehl) 12 80 & 00 II 00 Jecledllh (l.-ckeyl 4 20 3 80 Jett 0 l udl IMyleel 8 00 Aleo raced OH· Two More Ooubl•• OH-Captain Spin!. G0411 Go Te AutOCtetl(; file NotMmllll. e.m.ooo nm.. 17 llO 12 IE.XACTA (1 91 Oak! S52 llO MWNTH llACE 350 yercl1 Ollie B Deck (CrMQefl 17 20 II 20 7 00 Euy Scene (Hatt) 1!> llO 8 llO LOIU $1yte (Acllirl 8 80 Allo rec.cl T dpple Cher gene. B11hop Brei. M ... JKtyne. uni. B8lclte Go. KlnQ• Ml-, Poo MtOQ191 mmm. l'leiurn lnterNt Time 17 92 12 IXACTA (3·21 pllkl S 117 llO IE.IOK™ llACE. 350 yard• Arbeke Jet On<! (Mylff) 9 llO 5 20 2 20 Mr Merry Chldl (Cardoza) t 1 00 2 40 Sill Pec>09< FMlure (Adair) 2 10 Aleo rllCl«I Ohtrucll. PrlmoneHN Man. C.U.. Im Fllr Q1<1e Ref>M Time 11 58 12 UACTA 11·21 pale! S 104 :lO 12 l'tCX 111 (W·ll--1 3-1) peJ(! S8 747 20 with IOU< wtnn1n9 llcl<et1 (!Ive h0<-1 S2 PIO. St• conao1e11on paid S t40 40 wtth 113 wlnnlng tlCilell flour 1\0<-l NIHnf llACL 350 yatcla My Satin Oec11 IWatcll 15 80 S llO 3 20 Euy Awatcle (Oelombel 4 20 2 llO !Mll>op C.t (Carcloul 3 00 AllO rloed Codyt POQ Mr Comic lnc:llat1 Wat Oencer Some Figure Royal l<llhO Je1 J-r Bee Burclicll Neel Henger Time 17 99 12 DACTA (10-71 0111<1 M2 20 Attenclenoe 11,324 Holtnrood Pert! no,.d0Ar1 llHUl.TI (Mlhof_.,~_.,.l l'WllT llACL 0... mite FIQellen (V~) 11 llO 5 20 3 40 ~ti(; Trust (Hewley) 4 20 2 llO F•ll* Rewercl (Plncey) 2 llO Aleo recec:t Ooon'e L1cly. Teco fec:o. LOQOle, Strey a Uttle, RebelllOUa UJ rim. 1.37 11r. U f'IC K 811 l 11·11·2·7· 12·21 paid S 143,310 llO with one wlnnlf\Q 11Cl<et ( .. M hOrHa). S2 Pick St• con1olellon pelcl ta 12 40 wltl'I 711 winning llCl<ela (!Ive "°'9MI IEIQHTli llACE. 6 turl<>n09 ~ Time MecNne (McCrn>4 80 3 00 2 • Huty Hannah (Hewleyl 4 00 2 40 Aoyel Oonna (Goeru) 2 20 Alao rececl 0 1ll••en1 Wor101 Sweel Mystery, Miu PrM!lneea. 8ol<I Fag Time 1 09 3/5 11 UACTA (7~1 PeiO S5e SO ...n4 llACL 1 1 1116 mlie9 on lurf ~ ... "'' CMcCWton) 3 :lO 2 60 2 40 Swtng TIH O.wn (Oela/'luyl 5 20 3 40 Reeonllfm (Culanecl•I 3 40 Aleo •9C*I Ad Men. RIM N Foy. Klngl Oewn Mlnc:ecl WO<cla EnVOYI' Jntrtgue Time 1 •2 1/5 II O ACTA (11--3) paid ~2 SO "lllln(J&llQI" '9. 54• French Orn (•lf'arte MIN ""'t Round ........ Andret Gomez clel Co.-reclo Bareuulll &-4. 6--4, 6--7, 3--e. 6--3 8ecOl'ICI llound llfttM ~Purcell oel Jay Lepld119 11-1. 11-2 11-t Fernando Luna de! Brian Gottfried S. 7 11-3 11-0 6-4. MllCO Osloja clel Gt'* M0<el1on 11-4 2-e, 3-6, 6-0 7-5. Joachim Nyutron def Oenle via-. 6-7 7-e 11-2. 11-2 Anderl Jerrycl clef Leo P11tn. 6-3 6-4 II 0 .io..Luta Clerc c1e1 Looc: Court .... 1-e 7-5 4-e. 7~. &-2. Ren-'I Krollhnan de! Per H)ertquost. 7-5. &-1 6-•. Ma11 w~ano. clel c-Motte, lhl 11-4 H5. &-2 Tomu Smid def Franclaco Gonialee. 1 ~ 11-4 II-7 ll-4, H•lnl Gut1th1rclt clef Chrlatoplle RoQer-Vueelln, 11-4. 6-4 7-e. Q11>r1ej Utl)4 def Olrll Lewta (lor1ett beea<IM OI Ill'-') Petet McN.,...,.• clef HerOl<I Solomon. 1-e 11-1 11-3 WDMIN flm "°4lftd Sing ... Bonnie G~ clel LW\e Senclln, &-2. 11-2. tv• Budwova del l(lm Sar>cla, 3-8. II-t &-3. Candy Reynolcla del Kale Lathem, 11-3, 3-11. 11-3; Julie Harrington clel S•bln1 S<mmonda. 2-8. 11-2, 8-3; Zl"• GatrllOO del Barbera Hallqu(ll. 11-1. 11-1. Barbera Jcwden del Marcell• Mffker, 11-3. 8·2: Cleudla Monte4ro <Mt.Ann Gabrlel, 11-2. !5-7,t-4, Eve Pllll clef. Elly v...-. 11-3, 11-0. Andree T-varl del Mlc)Mjle Tor.... 6-4, 11-2 hoOfld Round ........ Chr'11 E-1 llOycl del. L .. F0<ood, 11-0, 11-0, Brigitte Slmon-QHnel clef ~ KNICh, 11-3. 11-3; lvanne Ml<lrug• 0-def Sylvie Henlke, 11-4. 1-e, 11-4. 84llle JIM King def L"4gh Ann ThomPIOn. 11·4, 11·4, Virgin!• Rurlci del. Petre Del'-. 7-6. 11-t Ann Smith clef Suzan leo. 11-3. 11-1. Pam c ..... del T•"YI Herford 11·1, 8 ·3, Marie Puderova def. Aer\•t• Tom._ 11-2, 11-t. AndrM JMger dee. J08tln9 Aueeell.11-0 8-2, c.lhy T.,,...., def Helene Sultove, 11-0. 6-3, Lucie Romenov def CleuOle Kottde 11-3. 1-1, UM llondet" oaf. Nancy~,, 7-6, t-0; Dene 011bert de! Jo Durie. M . """· 7-11, P...,.. SmlUt def Con,... Dr-. W , ll-1; lencly C:O... Oil. SNron WIWt. "· M , Kim ~~ def Pem TMgUerllen. 11-3. ..... MucdtcU nt hrat. Al lht •'-'a . thl' Monan·h1 had already nutdu~d tho ..o,..-at 5-&, but tho mlaguldC'd throw from ~rv4'1 o!Juwt•d th1· "vt-ntu I wlnnlo1 run t.o llCUN' In tho JM't'IOO of Dan Skanih.Mug "W"" have 11 Jona road bac~" Huovt-r uld "N<>W, lt'1 juat a m.atter of prlc.lv. A lot of pe<>P.le art> going to rldkultJ ua aft.er OU.. "Oh, how I would have Ukfd t.o play Orangt-Coast. I gueee we'll just have to do It the hal'd wuy now,'' Hoover added. A1ldl' Crom the throwUTg errors, the Rustlers made a pretty sohd 1howlng m their first playoff game. Leadotr h1tt,r John AJ&obeU1 , who had a k~ role in the GWC's Southern CfJ Conferencc• playoff vtci.ories ov~r Rio Hondo, went 3 for-5, scorn" one run, and both Spiegel ~ S c hulz contributed two hils apiece Th e Rus tle rs o uthit th!e Monarchs, 10-8, and Meye r got tough 1n numero us tense s 1tuat1o n s t o kee p things interesting until the d1SaStrous eighth IMIO~ 1 In othe r firs t-round gam~, Sat rame nto City C.ollcge the N .. 2 Sl"l'Cled team, whipped No. seeded Citrus 18-0, and Colle of the• Cunyons blanked Me :i 0 m g:.imc-i. at Cerritos College. By Curt Seede+ TOWEA-T'ERAACE ST ANOS PIT ROAD • ==:";;;';::::' One crew member with START! p otboard FINISH RI LINE-™ MAIN STRAIGHTAWAY NAIL ei.ndlnge l!MtemDM.._ • l Gf' <lA ... f'ta 9 2 26 15 25 77 8 4 '2 16 l!I 115 5 4 •3 9 11 • 1 2 1 12 20 12 24 loulll«n DlvWon Ft l loOetcleJe II 4 211 71 24 70 TulN 4 5 16 17 16 40 Tempe Bey 7 15 23 14 38 JIJCl!SO<Wllle 3 6 14 19 I• 32 San Joae San Diego Edmonton Vancouver Por-tlancl Seattle w .. 1.,." DIYlelon 6 4 17 IJ 12 411 5 5 15 15 13 • t s 4 13 13 10 36 5 12 18 10 32 4 4 13 II 9 29 2 7 12 11 10 :lO wees,,_,., kof .. f0f'1 Lluclerd ale 2 Edmonton 1 MOnlrH I 2 S .. ttle 1 IOI) San Jo'WI t Portland 0 Tonlglll'• GafMe No games IChe<lulecl Coe•• er•• '"ulla UQIMA KACH MIE.N'I CLtJe ( .. left,,_. HIMe CCJ l ow Hel Tournament A Aognt -t Ult) Reid Wh ittemore 82 tS-117 Erneat Schopter 77 13 67 Erne ll J acobi '80· 13 117 8 Flight I M .. Ce<pentet llO 111 114 2 Welt Putll. 113-17-1141, 3 Lou KeHr 84 17 117 C Fllghl -1 Olck Auaneu 82·21 , · 2 Ge ll Parker 113 ? 112 0 ntghl -I George Young, 1111--2• 114 2 (llel Otcll Shanel, 91·2M5 encl BoD Crew10<cl, ff-24-llS E Fllgtlt -1 Emil Aleoncler, 87-2&-59, 2 (lie) Sid Peeraon. 115-28-87. Gordon Reyburn, 9!5-28-117, Lou Underwood. 96-29-87 CommunHr GOit.a. ITATR ~<!An!l~. (et ,_ li.w ""'-'etty) "'910.,-• ........ t Cowan (Cerrltoe), 3. 788 paln11; 2 Goodell (~ 3 .7t1, 3 (tie) Odaa-9 (Orange Cout) encl Hk:lt1 (Hwtnell), 3, 1$2: $ Hell (Shula). 3,705.11 Sanderl (V~). S,M3 ......... WllMafol 100 m•I••• -1 Stenlund (Ora" .. Coet l), 10 9, 400 m•t•ra -1 Odoen (OCC). •• 5, U -1 Cowen (C9'ntoa). f.2-4 HJ -I eo-, (C). M 'If., Sf' -1 SMdlrt IVenl\ftl.~~ -..-u..-l<AHaAa CITY AOYAL8 -~ U,L WHhln111011, lllOr~ Opt1011td Tim lnllend. rnlleldw, to Of .. ~ ~ Oranot Oout C)AILY .-.LOT1Thurtd11. M•v 11, 1811 ~ lNQ DENNIS BROSTERHOUS I Orange Coast area runs set CdM, HB to host e¥ents The Oranae Cout area event achedule for ru.nnel"I for the upcomina Memorial Day weekend la lpatM, but a pair of attractive eventa are alated foe ~ followtna weekend. The Corona del Mar Chamber of Conunerce wtll be hoalln& ita flnt Corona del Mar Scenic ~k Run/Walk on Saturday, Jllne 5 with an 8 a.m . Start.inc Ume. The event will start at the comer of Pacific Cout ffi8hway at Avocado Avenue in Corona del Mar and the proceeds from the run will go to benefit of the city'• beautification program. Parking will be available at the Bank of Newport and the coune Is acenlc and flat. Water will be available at every mile of the coune. Registration is $10, which include1 a T-shirt, ticket• for a Kiwanis Pancake breakfast and entertainment. Awards will be preeented to the first through fifth place finishers in all divisions and other prizes will be awarded the day of the race. There will be day-of-race registration, if available. The CdM 5k has been limited to 1,000 runners and 500 walkers. ANOTHER lOK RUN slated for June 5 will be the second Huntington Beach-Elks lOk, sponsored by the Huntington Beach Elks Lodge and sanctioned by the Athletic Congress of the United States. Runners will start at the ITT Canon parking lot at Talbert and Ward streets and finish on the lodge grounds at the same intersection. The early fee is $6 with a T-ahirt and $3 without, but the day of the race, the price will be $5 for the run only. Entry blanks are available at running stores throughout Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach, as well as the Huntington Beach Lodge. AREA RUNNERS SWEPT the male and female 5k divisions of the recent Leatherneck Marathon, hosted by the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro. In the male division, Steve Meehan of Irvine was the winner in a time of 15:33. Meanwhile, Dinny Shryock of Coron.a del Mar CT089ed the finish line in 20:07 to capture the female overall title for that event. FOR THOSE WHO like to travel, entry form requesta for the 13th New York City Marathon will be accepted starting at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Thunday, June 3, race director Fred Lebow announced. The New York City Marathon will be held Sunday, Oct. 24. The first 8,000 entries for the field of 16,000 marathoners will be selected on a first-<X>me, first-serve basis. Male entrants with a time under 2 hours, 30 minutes will automatically be accepted along with males 40 and over with a time under 2:45. Female entrants with a time under three hours will make the field, as will women 40 and over with a time under 3:15. The remainder of the field will be selected by Mayor Edward Koch later th19 summer in a lottery at City Hall. Entrants must be at least 16 years old Entry form requests should be sent to· Marathon Entries, P .O. Box 1388 GPO, New York, N.Y. 10116. All entry requests must include a business-sized stamped, self-addressed envelope and a 1eparate envelope must be used for each entry request. * * * * * * Running ec:Mdule ...... •••hi .. 511 e11d 1011 u111•: a.gin. 7 30 '°' 511. II a.m tor tOk In Benn in g For fu rthe r lnformetlon. contec1 M J Wwd 1174-5-480 Long 9eectt Low Tide 9'Ufl; a.gin. 9 • m. et 72nc:t Place encl OoMtl In long BMdl. 4-mlle encl &-mite nine.. Fw 19 18 with T-"*1 end $3 without. For further lnformetlon. contecl (213) '3t-e875 Mt. Wlleon Trell lhce: Nfne.fnlle cou ... 1:>eg1ne e •.m. 1n 81erre Medre for fu rther lnfOl"meUon. contec1 wry Certton •t (213) 365-7135 ttt2 feet of Acco,... ~ Two-mlle. ~ 11nc:1 10-mtle recH begin 8 e.m. et PUIM:l4INI Row Bowl Fw .. Sii with eh"1 encl $3 wtthout ·-"· end medelt. Pr~t 10 ~ OIYmolcs ._., "'---T-~· 11* llilM: 8egtt'9 • • 7 a. m et ttt. e..pqnecM In Aedondo 8Mctl anon..,_ a1 Liva Oek Perk In Menhallen e.ach. l•t• reglatrallon ta H Contact the Amerlcen Heerl Aaoc:letlon at (2 13) 8 7()...4433 or (2 tS) &4!>-22 t Busy weekend for yachtsll1en The Memorial Day weekend L traditionally a busy one for Southern California yachtsmen, and• thia weekend is no exception. Three Orange County yacht clubs \ave ICheduled plen~ of action for the racing type., and thoee not engaged in oompetitive event& will be cruilling to one or more of the offshore ialanda. On the racing from Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club will send three fleeta off on the annual Santa Barbara Passage race which this year ii being tabled the "ultimate crapshoot". giving skippers their choice of alternate COUJ'9eS, baaed on wind and .,. conditions. Newport Harbor Yacht Club will conduct a one-design regatta for small boata sailing l.nside the bey and larger boata aaillng ocean coW'lleS Saturday and Sunday. Down Dana Point way Capistrano Bay Yacht Qub wW conduct lta Historic Marlnen race for IOR and PHRF yachta on Saturday and the 9eOOnd ~ o1 ita Ocean Racing Serie• for PGRF rating1 Saturday and Sunday. BCYC hu al.lo acheduled a Lldo-14 invttatlonal nptta on Sa~y. t... * * l(lng ....=..:.::, ...., Yed\t ~ -.,_.., Urt ,_,. ('k..i botlla) ..... ~ YedleCIUb-car- Q111dr1111t1 ~;;::ton .. ,, .. , ~ 90 r.-(MOAC) ~YlllhtClub -~ ~· r-(T111111t .., ... , . ---...__YllM CMt -........... ~. _....., 11turday, • , Monf•1i '---........... * * * Sen Diego Yecht Club - MllftOrl•I D1y A•o•tt• (ltlr, ~22) 8eturday. tunday. Sliver o.a .. Yeeht Ctub -M1fftorl1I 01, Ove rnlgttt. llllwlMy, Sunda1· Coron1do Yacht Club -~ '*" ~ o.y,..., (t:tt.{i!:i~.-, ~~ OpeNno Dey, Moftctay • oo..n~ -louth...cern YIOltt Otu•e -Oo11n1ld1/Coron1do1 IMnde/loutll.....,_ YC t.O.. ........ . I NO DEALER SALES I AD STARTS THURS. • • ARMSTROlfG STYLISTIC FLOOR TILE 49c£A. SUlfDAlfCE PAINTS STUal. IUSOHY P&Dn &caTIJC lllVIE Pl.ort ·~~. Hey. don't let thH• low prices •care you. Thi• ie quality paint. computer mlxed in thou1and• of shades ot colors. NAnO"AL LUMBER SPRAY PAIRT 76c,30Z. Eaaywaytopalntand won°t lea•• any bruth strokH. The price ls right so why wait. LOMAlf CO ROOF . TURBINES WITH JACK 12" 1699 14"2399 TWO 12" ROOF TURBINES INSTALLµ> TWO 14"' ROOF TURBINES INST ALLD> 59a8 6988 Wmm air riH• 10 let II out. you don't wanna be hot. do ya? The 14" one mo••• 5094 more air than the 12". (Note: We can inetall it on all roofs but tile. metal. and lla1 roof1.) TA TUlfG OSCILLA TllfG FAlfS Whl• the heat right out lh• door with one of the11 guy1. K••P9 ya cool and you won't bcrYe to pop for an air-conditioning system. BEATILATOR ADY lllT AGE FIREPLACE Easy Installation wlth llutb b.ar1h styling and low , profile. New .tffdent h.at drc:ulatlon with ln•ulttock chimney.FREE 9la11door. 269!! MANVILLE FIRE-GLASS Ill FIBER GLASS SHINGLES A big fl,. like tb.1 001 io Anaheim a whU1 back wlll make you 1top and think about what goes on the roof. Thie stuff has one of the highest UL Ure ,.•lstcmce ratings. gi•• ya plK• of mind. muw.m: ...... u 77 ROCKY MOUlfTADI CANE ROCKER 2777 Got one lD front of the TV. Love to come home from work. turn OD the tube. rock and relax whll1I1lp. Walnut Unlah. You a 11emhle. BDL. PYC PIPE v, PT. 88• 'It PT. 1 2• Swab some oft his stu.tf oo the ol' sprln.kler system you're puttlog in the back yard.For all pipe sc:hedul11 and cla1111 except Khedule 80. TEii PARQUET FLOOR TILE I 6 7 SQ. FT. A nice change from th• regulcu ol' carpet or tile Ooor. Gi•ff the room a nice wann look and It co1t1 le11 than a bear rug. "-.... PFEUTER DOUBLE DOME STllJ ~ CLEAR CURB \~ MOU1fT SKYUGRT .>. I 9 97 14•· I 14 .. Easy enough to ln1tall and can gl•• lhat dark room the extro light you n..d eo that your dUlen.bachla won't wilt away. ... ' DEFLECTO DRYER VElfT m WESTINGHOUSE f , COOL WmtE \ FLUORESCElfT TUBES ' 333 4 FT. 79c 8 fT. 2 22 / That a way. Install your own dryer ••nt. Whypaytbo1eguy1 lSbuck1an how to do It? (t' • the American way. by g olly. 9'" TWO SPEED 14 && 12'" THREE SPEED 21 88 18" THREE SPEED 2a•• Gosh dwn. I knew l ahoulda waited. I 1u1t paid S2.SO for on• fow loot tube. Patience. my boy, you gotta hcrY• patience. LASKO 20" TWO SPEED BOX FAlf 1a9 • It's golng to be a long bot eumm•r (watch. DOW It will raln and snow). Get on• now. while they'N lo stock tor cheap. SENTRY SAFES CADET Their bo111.• inodel with remoTable lbell. 1~··HX12"WXIV1"'D ln1lde D\111.enalon• STANDARD Thie on• provldH you with a 3 .. d "'xll'" d-o remo<nlhl• drawer. U .. HXl2°'WXl3"D lnelck Dlmenelon• 94•7# S-3 MAJOR Thi• one will bold cm II" l~r boolr. I~ tray Of ccnh reg11ter tray IS'11Xl2"'WX11V. .. D Ln1lde Dlmeaalou 13997 #8-8 Good place for etashln ·your lmpor1ant papers ana Ya&Ua.DIH. ra1r .. the b.at up to 1700~1 lorabout an hour. All haft cbcmg.abl• c:omblnatlon lockt with locking bolt and two dead bolts. Spedal pwcbaM. ILL TRADE 5 SPEED DRILL PRESS as•• Alottor~mooer. ~ H.P •• l/l"c.buektortM big blta. (llad a Mg bit oace ID a aMlcal. Tia• .i, eoo-aiDtfag part la ·~ .... ··.Wbo ........ ......,,, • .- ;. Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, May 27, 1982 Cl OIE G~LOI COLOR ROSES 139 1 ·~AL. BUBIEBlllm OIE Ul·LOI WITEBllC Clll 5 GILLOI PLAITS 6'' Ju.at eom• ~lar or becnallhal Oowert wlth aome hlgh flcnatln' DCllDH llke legOAJa 1Uchmondenal1. Gebera Oal1y. lmpattena. F\lachla. and more. U theN 11 a mo,. JM1rfeet Dower on earth, ! don't lmow about lt. I got lot1 of 'em growlng and l lo•• lt. 27! ... EA. Wener rour bouMplante and aleo ue to Nflll Ice cube lfCIJ'l lD tbe .,.._, eo you doo't epW. lmort id.a. bey. l lOYe plant 1 and work!DiJ ln the garcS.o. It cal.mi me down and gl•H me a 1ot of pl.a1w.. CbooM hom Hlbiecu1 and lougalDYlllea. and lllON. DECK ms IJl• mt "'' 39'' "" REDWOOD hlO 13917 10.12 199'' l8x20 399'' =•Fir Beam1 and Jol1t1 and Redwood or JdDQ and Faacla. naU1. hardware and $L\lmberl1 precut. EMERSON ELECTRONIC 15 WA'n BUG mLLER 4988 The huge wlll get a charge out of lhl1. Hai a black light that attract• 'em. Plug1 inlo anr UL U11ed outdoor •xt•n•lon. FREMLUIE STACK TOLE 3 33 #403 Slack tablH go well around pool. patlo. or porch (lbe roof? Ok. U that'• your 1tyle). 14" roUDd, IS" hlgh. ln red. white. yellow. or chocolate. C AMERICAN 3' x 5' n1Gm CLAMP-ON CHAIR UMBRELLA 2 77 #100 5•7 \...llil~-1"' 6 FT. DELUXE BEACH ~me lo lbiok about the ao'pald for our freedom with ••.lit baa tlag. pol••· eagle . l•tiqU•tt• book. UMBRELLA 1 288 WITH RUFFLE .,1, U you can't take the beat. then get out of lbe kitchen and bead lo the beach and loll in aun under your umbrella. DURA LITE OUTDOOR FURNITURE Summer la the tlm• when you don't want to do all thoH tb1091 you'n been waiting all wlnter to do ao ju1t alt In the yard and ,.lax. FOLDING SANDCHAIR Ow tangerine polye1ter duck cbalr. 8~!20 HJ-BACK FOLDING SAND CHAIR. Thl1 one 11 moN deluxe with a towel bar and UYe adjuatable po111lon1. 22!! STACIING PADDED Com•• lD a chocolate • aeam plaid pattem. l Yt'' fwntture grade aluminum painted tubing. CHAIR 39!! CHAlSE 79!! . SUIBEDI DUAL BURIER GAS GRD.L 13988#13~ rim. for th• ol' lgnJlor. laYa rock. and 20 lb. tank. 32.ooo aru· •. 24" FOLDllG BRAZIER CBIRCOIL liRD.L 1 o•• #UCTI T alee II anywhere lo the park. the beach. or ju1l ln the back yard lo do yow barbecuing. Hot dog I F ow adju1table coolr.tng helghte. MURRAY MEI'S MOtn'EREY BIKE 7&·~5020XU Do aome 1ummer CT\li1ln'. rla.mboyanl red bike with balloon wbltewalt.. full foam type handlebar and coa1ter brake. ELLWOOD 4 PC. YARD SET 9988 You get an adju•lable cbaiN , 2 dub chain. a 24" cofJ-table and you eYen gel the pad1. Stuff la redwood 1tained. I .................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. CALIFORlflA CLIPPER 19" GAS MOWER 9988 #1719 01' Ralph ought a get one ot tbe11. N•••r aaw anybody who liked to mow the grau llke he doe1, right. Joey? Our 3HPmodel. .... \ SUNBEAM 18" DELUXE TWllf BLADE ELECTRIC MOWER 139 7~3129 No twnJn' comer• with lhl1 baby. U you wanna go th• other wcry ju1t flip the handle o•er. Fingertip helghl adtuetment. ALLISON SUN VISOR KRACO 4 PC. YlliYL FLOOR MAT SET 1 55 #7242 4" i FT. RAND PLIT CEDAR IPE STAKES Cedar Grape Stakea? Tbanlr1. but I" d rather haY• the regularol' beef 1teab. Umlted QuanllllH. Thl1 l1 Uke baYlng a blg pcrlr of 1un gla11H you can flip down when th• glare gel• to be loo much. That malr11 each mat a little o•er a dollar by my calculation. La Mar. I 1pend more than that for lunch. Cleat, black or beige. 69~ ... DUO SUPER GLUE ~.!sum ~ Wltla l"X 1'' I t f" J iu. 49~QMM8 " ~ SHELL FIRE •ICE ALL SEASON MOTOR OIL 10W/ 40 WT. 84 t QT. You gotta dolt 90 why put II off. we gotta good deal. Come In and check out our dl1plcry. Dl1play? Ko dl1 work. JOBliEl'S SPIRE TIRE li:IWORI UYWllERE CLOCI 2·~ #CllCIO uyou·,. .... u.o..,...i. wtao~tobow#MtU..lt ••. ~." '°''°"' W'af P\l ooU4 .... ..,. It t•f"'Wl'llt. ,....., RUBBERMAID 32 GALLON ROUGHNECK TRASH CAR 11 97 Thie on• 11 a real tougble •••nth• traah guy1 can't wreck lt and now lf you buy one you can get a S3 REBATE FROM RUBBERMAID ln the mail. FREON liii! JS _., __ r ........... Th1111 the atuff that makea the cool air for your alr conditioning 1y1tem ln the car. Check lt out. you ncry need a 1hot of lt. TILUBOUT CORDLESS TELEPBOIE You tut pt to the top ot the ... ,. and tb• pbolM nn,.. 94tl40Z. IHTERDYHAMJCS AIR co: . ..)ITIONER RECHARGE IDT 4 22 #AC4 Arglabl th11 babJ .... optolCIOft. eWQJt...a.a...bota .........,, adeomee 1ew..te..c~or ....,, 1997 .. • f .. •• ,, ,, '• .. ., 'l •• I' ., .: " II . . II . , l' l..• 111 . •n 'Ill ,.., ;,, lei .... ..... c• Oftnge OoHt OAIL.V PILOTmiurtd1y, May a1, 1Ha SHOITHT LINH IN OIANOI COUNTY "UCHA IDOi" OAIPllLO IANIC -= A Golden Opportunity To Save On Fine Jewelry '\I fidlh1M ( 0111 C..1111•111' yt111 II th,1 llll•'I lh1• flnl'Sl In 14K 1.md 1111\ q .. 1c111'"-t•lf\ 1t lllHhll1111\ l<'lw prn "'> [ vt•n lu1.11t 1 1h.111 lho" ~It nil • .:il1•, 11111 '''l' JUVt'rtl'>t'd "l'>t'Wllc'lt (t>llll Ill ,11111 ._,.,, llUI \loHJ. -.1•l1'< t11111 111 qtild ( hdllh llt'tklt11 ,., llfhj' 111<111•l1•h I hollllh <111<.J l <1111 Jl'Wl'lry Wt' c1l'>t> • c1rry Ktuqt:1 r<111d~ M.1pl• L•'dVt"• .ind th1· (.old <._ •ll'1'> <11 'V\t '" 11 """''II h < f.., ll•tl lurl•1q1111111n"m,1t11 t 11n' Wt· h111 .i11d ,, 11 quld.111tl .. rl"·r' '""'> Uulll{)ll IMr' Jnd '>• r.,p A 1th 11•111 tro111-..11 111111., • c 111lt11 t.·d 111 , 1)111pll'l1 prt\ ,,. \ It 11111 IJ11rrq 111 11\i.. .11f Wl· II t'\t•11 ql\t1 \\HI 1 ,.,., P''f"'-•l1t•I \II' lli'lllJ\111t ( 1.lld 1•11!1tl.11<J \'HI t t "'II l,1111"1 '"""I Ull qo 1ld ""'"Ir\ N~wron ~"ch CA 92660 1714 ) 851 1055 Ne•t duo• to We~t Cua~t Met•I~ ln terno1111011dl Open 10 00 .t m. to 5.00 p.m Securities sale ordered halted SACRAMENTO (At') The at.at~ haa orden<t Coa•t•l Equl lll"• of Oct'analdt-lo •top aelllnii lt"C:Url UM Corporation. Commluloncr Oeraal dlno Green .-.Id that u f.roup of lnVC!l&on filed ault d aiming th~ tlm1 owee ,600 pert0na mor~ than $4~ mlllJon . M•. Green Hid the compan y und aeveral related flrma, wtth a branch offt~ In San Diego. adVt!rtJ.aeod ln~rett of up &o 18 pereettt on not.el aecured by real estate deeda of trust. She a.aid the notes were not qualifi~ with the deparunent u required by law. ln February, 11he said, Coaatal Equllies eent ll•ltt.•r& t.o inveetonl adVl81Jlg that 1l could not mak~ payments t.o note holdert n.>r 90 days. On April 29, a grouµ of Investors asked U.S Bankruptcy Court in San Diego to force Coastal Equities int.o involuntary bankruptcy. The order t.o atop aelling securities applied to Coastal Equities, doing business aa Diversified Financial Systems; Coastal Asset Mana~menl Corp , Coastal Finaneial Planning Corp., and Philllp Jauregui and Kathleen Durr. Jauregui was described as chief executive officer of the corporations, while Ms. Durr was said to be treasurer of Coastal F.qwues. AirHJac HJoves to new building A1rmac Technology System s Inc. has con solidated ma nufactu ring. mar kc-ting and administrative organizations in a single 47,862- square-foot building al 15091 Ba ke Parkway, lrvme. defla.shing equipment used. m th e rubber, plasuc and elast.omen c industnes and a manufacturer of automatic votrng tabulation equipment, previously had headquarters in Irvine and manufacturing facilities m Santa Ana. The oompany signed a 10-year lease, with a rive-year renewal clause. APPLE II 48K PACKAGE INCLUDES: ALL FOR *3289 OAKBROOK VILLAGE 2•2•1 A""ld. De u Cerio!• Sutt• C·2. l equne Httt1 (714) 859-8912 tT..) p-MQn()A• IHUPSOA'I' tO '"I>. f P10Ar •v 8 . 5}.lURDAl tQ 6 . (\0){r) .UrJ I Ml.IC NOTICE P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOOI IUSINEH FICTITIOUS BUllNESS NA• STA~NT NAME STATEMENT The lollowtng peraon la dorng Tile ro1low1ng pl'rson •S Oo1ng b<.s•ness as tlvltness as J 0 H N 0 A v I 0 I A N & AON KASULl<A c; r;11ROENtNG ASSOCIATES 1407 Chellenham SERVICE, 5712 Harold Place. Hun Lane. La Habnl, Calltornta 90631 llngton Beach Calllorn1a 9264 7 J o h n 0 o v r d I a n • 1 4 0 7 Ronela Lee Kasulk& ~712 H8· Cheltenham Lane, l• Habra. •old Place Huntington Beach CA Cehlornra 90631 92647 TPlls t>usmess 1a conducted by an This bus•neH 15 r.on<Juc;teo by an •ndM<lual 1narv1<1ua1 John Davidian AonBld lee Kesulk• This statement wat llte<I with '"" Thi& 5tatement wds .ltfld with the ounty Cletk or Or11nge County on County Clerk of Orange County on •Y 18. 1982 May " 1982 hodff, kendall a Hen1n<;1ton F1 .... 5 Prof"alonal Uw Corporation Publrshe<I Orange Coast Delly MacArthur llou .. n fd P\111..IC t«>TICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng persona ere doing business u CREATIVE NEW LIFE MINI STRIES OBA CHILDREN S VILLA. 17117 S Monrovia Costa M"8. C1' 92627 CREATIVE NEW LIFE MINI STRIES a Celllornt• corporet1on 1797 S Monrovia Cotta Mesa CA 92627 Th11 bus.ness is conducted by • corPOratlon Creative New Life Ministries ()f Donald P, T4rno, President This statement wea hied Wllh t"" County Cterk ol Orange Covnty on Mey 4, 19a2 P\B.IC t«>TICE FICTTTIOOt aUSINEIS NAME STATEMENT The IOllowing petl<l'll ere doing t>ualneu as HAR B OR TRt N fTV PRESCH OOL ANO OA VCARE CENTER, 123-0 Bek9" StrMt. Cotte Mesi. CA 92828 Harbor Tr1n1ty Bepll.i Church, t230 Baker Street Costa M-CA 92826 Thll buSlnese 11 conducted by en untnc:orporeteo eaaocrallon ott>er than • partn«shrp Sct>ool Board Chairman Brian Harrie This statement wu Ried with the Coonty Clerk of Orange County on Mey 18. 1982 F1.-nll P1101 May 6 13 20 27 1982 ult• 105 2039-82 pof1 8Ndl. CA t2MO F1..... Pubtlshe<I Orange CoHI Delly ~~~~~~~~~~~~ F1""3 P1Jbhthed Orenoe Coast Diiiy 1101, M•y 20 27. June 3. 10. 1982 Pubhshe<I Orange Co11t Deily Piiot. Mey 20. 27. June 3, 10, 1982 MllC NOTICE Pilot. M ay 8 13 20, 27 1982 217&-82 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT P\B.IC NOTIC£ 2241-82 2036-82 P\111..IC t«>TIC£ The fo1tow1no person ta dotnQ FICTITIOUS aua..-at business ~s FICTITIOUI 8UllN£as BO T AN ICA L DE St G N S NAME tTATUllENT MAlllE STATEMENT UNLIM ITED 519 Marouen te The following peraon rs doing Th f II I <I COfonadel Mar CA92625 ''~9:"SEARCH , 1548 0 buatr!.:,::w ngperaon11 otng LAUREL 1'NN NATIRESS 519 <Jems A~• • Coate Mau, CA SOUTH SHORE INDUSTRIAL Margue rite. Corona <ltl Mer. CA 21128 TOOL co .. 3303 H81b0r Blvd .. F8, 92625 Judith M ueller, 1750 New Coate Mese. c.lttornre 92628 Thrs bu!llnes~ 1s conaucte<I by an ampShlre, Coeta MHI. c .. 92626 Thom11 John Oetetorre, 1555 1ndlv1dua1 ThlS bus.nest 11 con<luc' d by an M••• Verde, M ·6 Co11a M eu Leuret Ann NallreM ndlvl<luet CehfOfnla 92626 This statemenl was h•e<1 w•th 11>8 Judith Muell« Thi• t><.slneu 11 conducted by en County Clerk ot Orange County on FThls S1atement wH nled with the lndl\lldual May 11. 1982 ounty Cieri! of Orange County on ThOmaa Joon Delatorre F1"220 8 982 Tl111 atatement WU filed with lhe Publrshea Orange Coast Daily ay 1 ' 1 F119701 County Clefll of Orange Counry on Piiot, May 13, 20 27. June 3 1982 Pubhahed Orange Coell Delly May 4, 1982 _________ 306 __ 3_·8_2 llot. M•y 20 27 June 3, 10. 11182 ,,.,.. •-. .,. a.n~ 21~2 Publlahe<I Orenga CoHt Dally niuu" ~·~ ------------• PrlOt May 8. 13. 20 27. 1982 ----------l'tll.IC t«>TICE 2035-82 7~~~:=• Koom P\ELIC NOTICE h .. '.,'!!.!~' .. 'o.wlng paraon I• doing F~:.7io~A;~:~::• 'ICTITIOUI aualNEH UV ·-NAMI ITATeMINT OMNITRADE (8) All AMERI-The loflowrng persona are doing Th• following parson II doing · bulint'SS M CAN ROAO SHOW, 1751 E111 LONGWOOD ASSOCIATES bullnesa U Garry Avenue S1n11 Ane. CA 188 E 17th St•Mt Co,ta Mese CA KARL 'S PH OTOGRAPHY 112705 92627 325112 La Celma Ro . Sen Juan JOMPh Sidney Burrows, 18963 JA .. ES W RAY II st~ell c.pi9trano. CA 92916 Ml Oemeltlf Circle. Foontaln Velley, lrvlnt CA 927;4 • .,..... ' Kati Irving Laaeey. 32592 Le California 92708 MICHAEL 0 Af<Y 40 8 Hutl Celma Rd .. Sen Juan Caprst,.no. This t>utlnHI la condUCled by an Or1vtl Corona det Mar CA 92825 CA 92875. Individual. This butlneu 11 cOOductlld by • Thi• bualnen •• con<111C1e<1 by an JOMPh S Burrowt lndl'lldual Thia ltat_,I was filed with tile get'1411'al pertn«ahlp 1<111 I 1 -·~ MICtlMt 0 R•r. · ._._... County CWk of 0rlll1Q8 County on Thia statement was •led With the Thi• •l•t-t wu 111«1 With the M., "· 111&2 Coonty Clef'k of 0••""• County on COUnty Clef1l of Orange County on ~-.... Mey 18, 1882 ~~ah d Orange Co .. t Dally May 8• 1982 F1W710 •. ay i . 13, 20. 17, 1982 Published Or ange co:.~~y Publllhed Orange Co111 Dtll)' _________ 2043-__ e_2_,Pilot. May 13, 20, 27, June 3. 1812. PMot. May 20, 27, JuM 3. 10. 1982 "8JC NOTICE 2119-82 2 1eo-82 Nil.IC N()TlC( .. ' • P\B.IC NOTICE FlC:TfTIOUS 8USMH NAME ITATeMENT The lollOwlng pertor\9 ere doing butlnea• u · A P.M . PAPER PRODUCTS CO , 1108 Welnut. Sant• Ana, Celllornla 92705 Mr Paul Watermen , 1701 Wayne Avenue. South Pu.den•. California 111030 Mr Roger Felton, 239 15 Sl)flg Street Mission Viejo. Cetllornla 92691 M r Mertln CordovH . 21'01 Vintage Wey. El Toro, Celtfornla 92630 This bu1meu la conduc1ed by a generel penn«ltllP Roger Felton This statem«tt wu tiled with the County Clerk of Orenge Coutlty on Mey 18 1982 F1- Publlahad Orange CoH t Dally Piiot. May 20. 27. June 3, 10, 1982 2 1116-82 P\B.IC t«>TICE FICTmoua IUtMH NA•ITA'n•NT Th• follow111g pareon I• doing butlMM ea: C.W SAITO, 8232 Deauvtttt OrM, Huntington 8Mon, CA 92644. CHAA1..t8 WAAREN SAITO, ~ Deauvlllt Or Ive. Huntington .CA tzt4e. Thie ~ ta oonducted bV en lnOMduel. CherlaaW. lelCO Thie 1._ttrnenl WM flied With tile ~ Qettt Of Orarige County Oii May 11, 1M2. '111t1t Publll hld Orange CoHt Dally Pilot. May 13. 20. 27. June 3, 1ea2 3002·82 Ml.JC NC>TICC Fte:mi&ii eu ... ii NA• ITATillll)fT The following ptr1on 11 doing bueiMM ... C.O M. 0£810NS, 3214 ~ana. Cotta Mela, CA 1M2t. MICHAEL W, MUI.LIN, H14 Montana. eo.te Mtta, CA t2t2t TNe bu...,.. t1 conduc1ecl bV an lndMclUll. ~W.Mullen Thia "**'*"' ... ~J...~ Ult Qounty CWll.af Orwige ....-.. 1 on MllY It, t91'2 ,..... ll\lbll1nN Ore1111t Coe•I Deify Nol,~ 11. 20, 21. JllM 3, 1"2 .,...... ' Nlll.Y ltllNDtU.O Real estate firm appoints VP A. Mattia Stradrmu of Irvine hal been nameo a.uiatant vice president of Crook.ii, SbJrley & Co., an lndu.atrial and conunercial real e.tat.e (Inn Ht> had been a project manager with C-abot, Cabot & Forbes. Liberty Electronlas, a T aiwan-based television manufacturer with offices in Compton, aclected Reid Advertl•ln& and Public Relation• of Newport Beach aa its U S . agency. Vlncent F . Mendillo of Newport Beach, has been appointed president of Pbtllpa Ullraaoand, Inc., Santa Ana. a manufacturer and supplier of medical diagnoet1c ultrasound equipment He was vice president and general manager of Philips Dental Syst.ema, part of Philips Medical Systems, lnc .. Shelton, Conn. Frank Addlt has joine d Cochrane Chase, LJvlngaton & Company, Inc., Irvine, as account supervisor. He had been wit h the Eth1con Division of Johnson & Johnson. Leiture Technology Corporation, a home builder and developer of adult and retirement communities, with regiona l headquarters m New port Beach , a ppointed Donald L. Robison superintende nt of off-site construction for the company's n e w L eisu rt' Village-Ocea n s ide oommuruty. J . Todd Brumley has been promoted to loan offker in the commercial loan department at Union Bank's Orange County regional office. EECO Incorporated of Santa Ana appointed OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK IAPI cr.,..c;p • .... tnh•lna I'-• ' PCA 1n1 NASDAQ QUDl•llono CotrT1e ,,. .... t4'• •n•~• lO 10 • , P•~IB \hOWlnQ ~I -Coro<>-• ~ J1 ·~ 1n1rcEn, ,.,. \1• PtG•R • ,.., ,.,_..I oftett ""' ComCIH ))l, !Ito' • lnl9•ph )I .. 11" P•ul•yP ~.-'P:l:'clo•~ CmlShf 12 IJ In I med JH, J? PeuMI CmwTt l 1)'. 1• lnlmlG• l0'• tl'. Pen«tEnt rncr.a ret•ll ""'"""' Con Piii) 2)•., ,. ln8kWV> ••· to•,.. Pt>nt•r-' ""'"'-OI Cornn'> Cordi• 21i. 19 lw•Soot 1•' • l• ... PtoooE•O 1Ulon few -Cro1lre 11·, !) ... J•m•b-t U 1•'-Petrltt' Stock 8IO Mil' Cutlrfcl • " I Jertco 10 10" Pellr!Ql JllEL rno 11\i, ,,,,. ~~' . , •\.. -11Jifty .I-fl ' Phtl•N.al JllFAPTol " 11 t) • l)>o J0'\1¥" \ J1 I J3 Pt\nJCR ' AVM CP • ... O.ylM \ It lt'l Kel\!ot pf 11~ I 10 Ptet<.eSS A<IKllM ""' .... oa..r l'•l '~" K•lv•r ... ti.. P1n1t.rtn Accur•y •.. ,. , g:~~~ , •• ' 11>4 .. t<•rr-.n ' " ...... P1onHI \ Addl•nW 10 lo-\• 11 12 Ke1ySv • 291, JO Plastlrw Ad•Rou 4'h 4'-O.w•yEI J )Y, KlrT'I0411 20 20\'• Pos>I• AllB>h < 1"-' ,,, A Ol•C'Y' 271., 231,, Klnqlnl , .. ,,~ P<nGM Alttolnc li J7 Ot•nCtv )j JI KloofC. n• .. ?l11 Pr>Sttyn Am•reA ... I~> Oocu~ n·.~ Kn•~V !)'. 11-'· P.09rp A Furn • ... OollrGn II'• II"° Kr•los ..... 10•. PbS•NC AGr"1 ,,,, 22 ~r:,°c! Utt..'•'• Kullti.. 11 11·. P\lr16o<I !~~r ... "'• t.J•,-, "'. 111-, L•n<• \ 20• I JO'-PutOC40 •l'• u OunkO \ '•' • ,.,... L4ndRn • 4 • Ou•k•Ch AOue" ••• ·~ Our•ron "'-,. ... L•neCo • • •• R•9""'4> AR .. MQ I ' I '"' t etnVnr: It"-.,. Lllnn , .. ~ l•'• R•ytnm AW•ld • .. ,,,., EconUlll ""' " LtdSIOI lO 10'. Raymncl An.ocllle ... ~. EIP••EI 101'1 10 L•n8rd t n~. , .... Rtt•t • AnqSJll lh I EtcM•S. s~. ••• ~·"' ··~· t1 Ro•dfJ An9AGcl SI'° SI'• El•Ntl(I r'-• ~~ IA\.. I~ EIModl J711'J 'D''• <: ~-RollOMy IS''> t• EnrOev II > II MGF01r S\<o s ... Rouw -GE ··~ ...... S.ocll ... Arci.nGc> JI • l'> EnrMeO'° -~"' . . ... Safeco A<CIC8t \ ,.. ... ].) lfl6111 Me RI ] ... >-"-!otHt lC.0 AllG<LI ......... EnR<v S'-s MeriOn •'• i•. StP•u4 AllenR< , • ._ H EntWl>ll I?'-I) Awntf'tl: \ 14'• ,..., Equ1SL 2', , Maul LP l'I )0 ScriOH \ MeyPI ll'. t• Se•1Ja•• 8•1fc1Co • •'~ E~IOll I'• I M n0t llellvPP •.. • 1,., ~J? 1 » ~lorn: S'• ,.,, Sen'°' ~.~ 11\o. ?l\o Svc~' S.t19HE 10\. II l'rdlCOI JO\\. 31 Mc F••' I ... 1+. S..cm>t ' S.<lcR 9 , .. ,, , n~. n Mc°':b 1 P. f1 '· Sil-8u\1Fr ,.._ 2S Ft Bk Sy, 31 311,. M<R ··~ .. ,) Sh.,mut 801\Mlt .... 10 F18o\tn ~'1' ~~. M1a•~W ,,. ' 19;-, Sttr•R\ e.e11 .... \ S'> ~:~';'.11'n •• ; • ' Mdld(.tJO .4... ''• Sill< on• S.ntPI h 1'-, ... ~:~Bk• 21 )I, MIOI Re\ II I• \. SC•IWtr S.llL ' 1'I ,.., II'• 111 • M1dl8lr. \ n n ·, S•EISv BnM9t 11 ., ... FleN1ie n•. ~ M.111or 11 I, "'"I si .. novn 8 1bbCO IS ISi, Fluroc:b •'• 1 • Ml\sVtG ti ""' 81r0Son ti• 1 ForHtO ?>'• 16 Mor .. •) •S•11 81r1<h< .... 4'1 81 YVO(lf ) l' • Mot1ICOI •1<. I F1 •~k 11 11 Monuee., ,.,. 11 1 .... It 1• ,, !/\lo DRllBI coum BUSINESS Bill Neely engineering manager for its electroD.IC product division. I le wa» engineering manager for a divl.sion of GTE Executives m the Southern California buUdl.rtfi mdustry turned out for a tribute to E.G. "~ Warmington, chlhnnan of the board, Warmlngtpn Development, Inc., Irvine. He was honored by the Construction lndustrles Alliance tor the City of Ho pe, major s uppo rl group tor t he fr~e. nonaectarian medical center and research inautuee. Ernest C. Wll1on, Jr., an architect, has bet-n appointed a director of Enterprise National Ballk (iri organization) of Newport Beach. Rex Tbomaa of Long Beach has joined the Newport Beach office of Grubb & Ellis Commerc lal Brokerage Company, where he will speaaliz.e ;.n industrial sales and leasing. He was with De~ Witter in Newport Beach. Hunungton Beach resident Mark Larson hbs transferred to the office sales and leasing stJlff bf Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services' Newport Beach omce JZ Marketing Services of Brea appointed Scon Corye ll t o th e p osit i o n o r publ(c relauons/oommunicauon manager. He was account manager wnh Basso & Associates. Newport Beach. from 1979 to 1980 >' • • • StdM1(rO .. ... lO'-lO'-~:!~~ )9\ • ., UPS ANO DOWNS II ,,, ) »· ' 17 ' 7'• 71 1 StH ISt 2'->•• '' • 10•,, I S1ra ... c1 n·, ,. 12'-u Subaru .., •1'11 1•'-ti ISu~rEI I ... IV NEW VORK IAPI T~ fOUOWtf'tQ 11$1 ,, .. u.. Syk•• ' "' • , ... ' ~ ,,.. 0.•• ., .. C«M>!e< 7'1' I 10 TOK JP• ll'• JtO(IU .wld w«rM'lt\ ,.,., ~"· oorw '4> fl tl4. TIME DC , .. J11 l1'-T ·~· Jot'• H'• IN """' .,.., -,,.,. ~· -on porc..-1 of <""'9 r-Oltt• ol ..,..,.... IJ ... IJ.\. T• m \ )(> I,. .. r,,, ~ '1'• 11'• Te-cumP SI ~ P-tQ W(lltllf"\ ltm.nQ bf'IOw \) •,.-• M"ICI 11 ~ TtlcmJll 14'"41 194..i 14 >•• • l t"n<lnt •• 1•'-....., ~..,,.,a.re.-.._,_, .,...t,.. 1 t\. Tf'•AB \ 1t1, 2tP• dlfftrf'ntf' ""'-tf'IO Pf'f'"tOV\ r~rq bkl prtce and Wed·, tu r bid P<IC4 1t4i.• '1 Tlpr•:;r •• • ••• ,. !•"' Tomi 1 ,,, l • n .. n"' Toyot• ' ' '" 1'• JI, \WstEa •• I • 11 n• • ncoPo n , JS UPS t•~• 10· • Tv\OnFd II , •.. ....... ... ,1 ( hCI Pu t) t)\.. VnM<C,•I " It ' I T rn\pl_ \ I• • ) Ue> J'>j ,, 1 ••• us EM s-. S'. 1 PrUOntl 10 I' UP · 1 • .... 1 us SYf • 10' ~ 10.\.. l V10f"y)in '" .. UP II. \l S4 US Tt<k 11"' tn. • NlnoSY< 1 . Up I• 3 lJ', !l'4 UVaB\11 )Ii•' )&-4. I P•ll• ..n , .. UP 12 s J1'• JP, Un1i1E~ ••• , .. • TrMOyn '" Up 11.) lS' • 3~1ry UpP~n 12" ,,. • I Tr-rtVn' \ I .. Up 11.0 n 1 1 16''l V••tR ........ ,, .. • S<olln" J. . \ ,. VP 11 ' ti .. ,.._ V•INll \ tj\4 ,,, ' 9 P•ll• pt 10'• . ' VO 10.I ~ • ll•nO... 10 I II 10 llentPI n , .. Uo IOJI JS'-JI'• V•l<,.O .. I• • II W1..:Ri: I 1 fl ') .. uo IOJI )4\.. lS 'V1ctr•St ... • ... 12 Hort1Jh J VP . ' 4?' • f?' • V10fo0(,o , .. ... 1) UC....teln ~ UP '1 . 17'' 17'-V•N8\ll 11'• II • U jloontEI I . Up 11 11,. ""• W•rnE \ ll1 • 1Jl... IS (09\IM \ }' Up 11 .: ._,., 441,1 W \.t1Enf u. t)•, 1• AMfcJAlll II ' . Up I• 1s..,. 151~ W•tdtm ... s .. 17 C•llOI• )l, .. VO /1 11'~ tl"• WC>ffo 27·~ ,,~ 18 H,..,.l.Clf e . UP &I 1' 1''-.. 'WHOld JO 10•. " RC(l!Por • .. Up • 1 ?~', 2'•'. WmorC 1&"-II 10 Ttl)fMy I • , VP u 1)'• Ill. Wettr41U IC)', II 11 Cn<~ un 8 • UP l S , •• I 11 W1wrO 1' ,, • ti n ..... ,,.."' I& I VP •> It ,, Wot YAW ... ... 7l Cym11 ' 8 I llP •l 1•'-IS• 1 W-1 "'· 11 • ,. Fr"'SVQ , . . . VP •l ,. ,.,. ~Loe ll w . IS V1"5c1 I ' I UP •l W"Qf11W 11' "'- DOWNS ,...,,_ L.n t kt Fprml~ c"t F••nl<E 14 f41 I MtolJr• I lomlO "" ] ()Ii JOO 6on4ofll '" , F•H SG It~" Mor9Ro ·!~: ·!~I NASOAO SUMMARY l K.yHr-v l "" .. l 8•wfom ll'o ,, .. 8uc•tw.. tO'• to>. Ft•mt1t 11., ""' NtorV1tn l A"'6"f'Jf ... '. OH I) 0 lkrlleh 71 • ,,"' Fullr.,..8 I&·, ll 1 MolCIUO • ~lo', 1 ~ ()It ::v GnAutm • • -ll•r 11 II NEW YORK tAPI -I ec:tlve -s " 1•. Ott Bur~ 12 • ""' CNL In , , .. GnO.vo ,..; , ... N•rroC -r:·' n 1~<"""4., \lock\ .._..,., DY NASO • .,..,..., \l'I 1'• .. ()It II I GnRIE•I .. IS NOi• 1 T"""°'I 1'. .. °" 11 I CPT ' ··~ t•·' 101 ' 11 ~~~~~ 11': 11•! ,,,:~r vc;.u;:;., Btcl~ A~ ~. 8 ~,,.,,,.., l'. . ()II II • C•IWtSv » lfl'> Go•E Fn ll ... 1)\o, ~OORI ))1,100 ~.. 1.... t " ' Jafle• J'o ()II 11 • C•nr~t-t 71, 3• • Gr•phS< !Jl, I' NVJlllrl C•pEn ..,. '• GreyAd1i1 &I II NICkOC. , .. 1'• Con"91 131.tOO I• U V. .. 10 (mgl1rt 1 ()11 11 1 Cot0Sw ' 11 13 Glflntst I I 11 Nl<oltl I'> 9 Wn01w1 127 6(J() S''• "-. ·~ II Stll<nEI 1 ()II II I C•oArr 1\.o 7"' I Gyroovn b'• 1"' N••hn /4 II~• I II• P•~I 21•.xi 20'-10'-... " UAmEn ..i • Ott 11 1 ,..,,. ... ,. AmarP• )1)1,'/a) 9"' '" r•, IJ u~~., l .. ()II 11 1 C•rfl<p II'>.. H•d"°" •o• • to•' N••tsn e .. '6' • Applt< 193_'/al u 1. ,.._ .. .. M><•O'\ 1 t •• ()II IO I Ct"1ui 10-. 10' I HimlPt 1'1 1•'• N1k# B ,. .. JO M(,F ()of 110600 ~ s~ IS 811\\ \ 1· • ()11 •O t C:r\•rAiw D 1 .)4• > H•rOw'-.~ ,. ' , ... No(4•(A ,, ... " 1ntet 14100 lO XI" ,. A6oSch1 • or• 100 Cn•mS ' to to·, HrpAo-.... ''-NwtNc;.. 11'. 11' > Atn(,,p IUOOO t.2. .,., ''-II KIO\Vd •.. ()It IO 0 cnrt ... ' lO • JO-. H., pGo 2• 1• 1 N••IPS 11'• ,,,.._ 11 M•"'°' 1 • . ()Ii 100 Chml.ff 'l'' , ••. HlrUNt 11'• 19'• No••I :~~~ s 11 .. lt\o. Advancf'd 117 ,. NL•fT'C>n •.. .. Of• 100 Ch••Ull ,,. , 10 • ,,...._ 1' Nut.rf ' 1~. , .... Dt<ll"f<I ... 20 Nu<ISy\ 7 • ()ft 100 ChubC> .eo·~ "'• Ho loom 1'' ' 11 Nutr y \ 30 )0•1. Un< n.tnQf'(I 1.1» ,, Mp1\1(H s•. ... ()It ,, Clr11to ... I z1 • 1• ' Oc ••nt"r I)~ IS\o. To1•' ,,,...'\ J,»I u o.q,1t11 ) '• °" 9 I cur~ ··~ llt Hoo1i1~r '"" tO ~ltvyM HoruA' :J2>.,, »· · N•w n1~ 19 13 Elt<IT•b ,, ()It 9 I CltrVIA J7•-.. l 3... IOC:.• ,, ... ll'• Ntw f~ ,7 11· N,..,....ld 7~ " °'' I I ~•llU18 ~t: tt'· I :~ ~nt n• • U1 > °"Ferro .... I•. fotAI Wit"\ ,, •.aao 1S Ob1Rf"Q ~·· ()ft 11 l•rlt.JL 1"• 11'-Ott•rTP ""' 17 ... MUTUAL FUND NEW YORK !AP> CeoTNr 911 NL Hltnco I ,. NL '"•' 17/I NL Mul ... I al amw... Pru SIP ... 10 J1 l .6t. NL i.tf~ll>I:;::, ~ CHtlennl•t ~ HI Vici 'It NL Ivy Fe! 9 '3 NL .,.,,.,.. 10 II NL Putnem"""" NL Grttl I~ 113 Lt /WJll I J'I NL JP G1'1!1 11 40 121'1 G.....,n •II • •I Conv ,, 10 IJ 27 .,,. ---~ Eqult S 1' • 11 Pur1tn 10?• NL JP rnco 1n 115 ln<om 10> 1 n lnl E<1 tl 1S 14 4 ::: ··-al S.Curlllft Cltef'Cellor G<'OUO Tlvlll •n Nl Jllflv< '°" NL T• Fre • QI • II ~ 11 1' 1l 54 OH~ '"' .,,, HIYIO . " '" T•oncl 1S .. NL John ~O<lt. MllQual 11 II NL • .. 107S NL ,,.. ~ .. """"' HIMun 12_11 12 .. F10~~1.i Pr~ 8ono 1211 13• Mu1 snr 1' 11 NL H1 Yid IHIO !) 01 NL ,_ _.,,\i.t NOK I?"' ll 30 NL Grwtll 'I? '" N~'T l> J7 NL tn<om NL could -.,_, T .. M 11/116'7 Fnclh 12.,, NL USCM 111 1• Net Avl• 1 tO N• ,,..,..., Nt. >Old (Ne! -Cn1 ~ 10 IJ Nl 1-.sl ) ., NL Ta• e. , .. 9 II N•t rno It u "~ Ootn I ~ veluel or '-:r.: Ch•r1 I'd I& lit II • rncom •II NL K•ufrft'\ l()ol NL N•I !.«1K1lifl< Tu E• NL IV•I .. plUI '-9' Olp Cir IJ IS NL F\l l,_11Dr'$ l(emoer Funct\ a.r.,. ''3 10 11 Viste (l'\er(llfl ~ Cl'lestnul JI n NL Bnd ~ IJ(I) 1•05 tn<om 7 ll 111 8ono l (I) ) 17 VOYIKI s.11 eur COIOl'liel "-0 I < c o Gr-... 10l2 GfYllth ... I • 0ue-Ab!• I]" NL Fund 10 11 It 05 1-IJ ..... Grwtl! HI Yid I •I '°' Pmo 197 • J3 R•l-ALorn F 27 40 NL Grwth 101 1n • tO I JI Inc om lnlll'd 1110121J lr<om ) I• l ll ADV IJllO NL HI Yid •I) l 10 • 0 • • • • Mun 8 .,, '01 Stock 1 23 1 17 Afulurw 1191 NL ln<om 610 .,. Net Rel Sll6 SIS Opln II .. I) S. Tak u 1 l'I 1,. Nl JlllM Fundl: ()otn • 0 t21 09tn • 11 l 10 s.. ...... IS IJ l7 J'I Tot Re , .. '°' NL CvYld II 14 1J S. T•• MQ 11'9 207S Tn E• ,.I 1 " heh 1001 It 01 Felrllcl 6 0I • 6'I Elhon l lO '°' Colu Giil IS 61 NL '4WIE<1 110 11• Toi RI II ll 12 )7 NELll• Funo HIVld 1.4,S 'cw Cwllh AB I II 120 '4 W•ll 12 lO NL US Gvt 1 20 IM EQUlt 11 10 lO SJ Alplwi F IU I NL CWll!I CO I S6 ... Fnd Gltl 4 tO s 03 '"(!"':,~I Ull G.....,h I• 2S IS ~ & BlnhT IO t0 II '1 eo.no 8d I JO 112 Founo.n ~ rncom • Sl 10 » Amelc., Funch Come> FO I S4 • II Grwttt • NL "" 8' '• II II 61 Rel EQ 171) If «) NL A 11.i I ll UI Conconl 11 IJ NL lncom If 21 NL Cu> 8' I 07 In r .. e, s .. s" NL ~ Amco U • LJD Conn«tkul Gent Mut•I I lO Ill C"' Kt .... I W ~twrm ~ A Mutt 10 71 II 7S Fund 1013 II 10 ~I 1111 NL Cu~ IO Sll•IO Enrvt II .. NL Ht- 8ono 11 •.," lncon1 l 10 •,. Fr-lln Group Cu• SI ISOO l•Jll G.-0 11 f() NL Nl_ Fd llW 7 n I f9 -8d ••t •'3 AGE Jn HI Cu• SJ &30 ... ~ l.Jl NL Grwn> IO az IO " Col\S Inv 10 IS 11 H ONTC ll 1' 1• llJ Clll ~ • 90 s 1S , 13 NL .., lncom 1. u l.'1 c.onsi.t G 12 27 NL Crwth I 41 I '9 ln!Mnl • OJ .. o Penn IJtO NL ICA 7.92 .... Corlt '""' 6 :M NL Opllcin I It S II T .. Fr ··~ . ., Sclllll . 13 .. NL N Potn '73 1 •• Ctry CAo 13.22 1' 1' Utllt 4 II I ?l Men 10 l1 " lt Newt Gl II •S NL W\11 Ml U3 7 • Ollt_.,,, ~ lncom In I IS LU l"t:' Grp ~In< 7 10 NL 7.Jt A ..... Getllrll: Oeut 12 IJ 13 vs Goll • SS I ~ <:p 10 :11.11 • Nlcnot• IUD NL StS ~ 8d , ..... Del-IS .. 1131 Cepit • 1' • Gol-10 NL NE lnTt 10 l3 NL 110 Ent'l> II l3 IU7 0.ldl , .. 1 a EQUll SO. S • GN-I 11 NL NE ll'GI 16'1 NL Ht Yid UI tD Tx Fre S" 6 17 T .. Fr •O> •JI Gr°" I ll NL NoveFd 11 '7 NL -· 14.ISU" o.lte t .. 10 S6 Functs tnr: RHh "°' NL NY \19111 l ll I IS v-JD 10 11.t7 Dir Clip 111 NL Cmn. 10. • 76 U lldrv 13 S6 NL Nu-. ., NL Crmltl t.i. 10ZJ OoclCx 8t 21 16 NL Pl lOt 7 SJ I It L-..1, SeYIM. ~ t SJ NL E.clt JUI NL DodOI St II. II NL GT Pee 1' 61 NL CllP!t IS OI NL ~ 14.'2NL Fd Nt\ ._,. t.n Drax eur 11» NL O.te~ 11'6 Hl MUI ,. 10 NL ,,.... I'd G•-It." NL Ora~ G<i!' • ge 14 ti NL Lord Atltlell IJM 1"-ll H•rtlr 10 M 11 2\ A ti Jt NL ll SS LO t 2' NL Altllld 7 tJ I IO ~ ,,., I :M Pec:e J6.JD &6l ~ 1210 1>• Gan S.C t ID Nl llncl db I IS t S6 IU:l 17 1l Provld Ut 4.11 11 H It IS Grtll Ind IS 1' NL Ollv Ot 16.'9 ltCD IM .. 7.'5 La A Gllll'd -ell ,. 113 Nl GrdPllA U U 11.61 '"'°"' JIO 3CD ()ptn 11,. D.11 A .wlle 2.• Ml l&.:"' LJ1 NL ..,.,,.._,. Lutller-., -$9«1 IS• \611 AmlN 4.11 s.n E:li t'2 HL F "°" U • n """° IO .. 11 ... h Fre LJI •• Jll I-U1 NL C .... NL .._,. G4l'I I.• NL rncom ,., .. ,. AIM 'tn u~ A lftv lft I.ti NL ~ ~ I.JI 1.'7 ~ It.• NL Munl U M 6.0 Tl"" AmMtlf 1'4Alt ML l!.e~-.....d: ft.2,JI H\. US Goll I.fl I 67 TC Sec n,n M.Ts Jll Nt(illl I.AS l.n ... .,.. 7.04 7.,. Mlfl u NI. MeU l'lnlN:t. rem M .. ., A Nttnc IS. II 1 .. " F 1.'10 J'jl. ,,. HIV .. ,., MIT ua IO '4 Atnwrr S M J G= 16 IO It.II tt&nd IO.D NL MIG 10 • 11 17 4'c~ tll Ht. •-411 4.11 ~ aa NL MIO 14.11 1121 """...,...... St.ca IOOO tO 111 I MCO 1..U • 11 F n<1 a 1 tl ""4 (..,....,. Gt'o"I> S" ~ MFO 9 0 IO. i. lnc:om '-•""4l o.m ui to ir,.om i..a n MF& 111111• hid; 165 ._. l:fl9'b t• IO It r~ !.i ~I M1M 7 II ... ( ,. NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTION k'Utlo.lt OtC\.UPI UAOU O" Tiii NIW YOH. MIDWUf, "ACl,IC, ,.., 1000111 01 flOlf UD c111c111111u1 UO<• U llA .. eH •11t •1,.11t1•t1 Tiil NHO HD IHTINlf 8 dealer eyed Mttlu~ Motor Sala of A.meriic9, lnc., P'ou.nWn Valley, h.a• a1ped a letter of intent to aoool.nt Bob LonaPre LI one of the tint 20 d.Mleni ni&onally to market a line of 1083 MltaublahJ can and tnack:a to be introduced in October. The dealership will be locaied an Wewninater. Lonapre la president of Bob LonaPre PonU.C, a 3~-year-Old deale~& and Mid to be t.M lar&eal retail PonU..C dN.ler in omia. Military discount offered AlrCal will offer military pcraonnel an unrestricted fare one-third oU 1tandard full fare prioel on the alrllne'1 routn effective June 1. AirCal'a military fare will be available for l'ellervatio111 and purch.ue by membett of the Anny, Navy, Marinea, A1r Force and Cout Ouard on active duty status traveling at their expenu. Dbcharged pereonnel are alJIO ellaible if they oomplete their travel within eeven daya of aeparation from the military. Canadian center opened ABLE Computer of Irvine bu opened a ules and support cent.er ln the greater Toronto area. Standard Logic earnings up Standard Logic, Inc. of Santa Ana reported increased revenues and e&rninp for the quarter. For the J>!riod ended April 30, sales were up 44 percent to ,2,143,502, and earnings of $85,365 amounted to 2 centa a share. A year ago, then! was a loss of $417,763 or 14 cents on a smaller number of shares. The company attributed the improvement to ita electronic product.I and aervices division. Computer dealers meet More than 400 computer dealerships were represented at the Waybem Corp.'a annual dealer convention at the Anaheim Marriott. The firm, baaed in Garden Grove, i.8 a distributor foe comput.en and ·computer products. Datum may acquire firm Datum Inc. In Anaheim has announced the enterinJ{ into a letter of intent with Asuag S.A of Switzerland under which Asuag'a American subsid- iary, Frequency & Time Systems. would be acquired by Datum. The price was not announced. Frequency & Time Systems, located in Beverly. Mass., is a supplier of precision frequency standard.a. Its product line includes cesium beam and quartz crystal standard.a, as well as satellite data receivers. Alpha Microsystems of Irvine announced It is fo~ming a wholly owned En.gliah subsidiary, Alpha Microsystems (Great Britain) Ltd., to expand its international dealer network and to supply hardware land service 1upport for its United Kingdom and European computer aystems dealers. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW VOAIC IAP) -The lalloWlnV !Kl -ll'e 1-'(-SloO EJICIW9 tlD<h --·er.ts .,.., ...... QOflt ~ ... moll --tho ,,_, -.... i:;cen~ clw>Qil ~" .,. - No wcurlt~ tredlnv btlow ~ ..,. Inc~ ----~(._.. ...... CHHermc• 11o1-tho P"Ylout cio.lnQ Pf1Ce -w~ prlo9 -L .. I Cha I ClnG 11.$lpl tS\.'> • IJ\lo 1 HorllO'ICo 11111 • Ill l~ s...,4 ~ •R' ~.v. S Id! Ind J • 0,\ • Gl-Hotc> n IO'<\ • " 1 LLCCorp J'"' • 1<11 I Ftllq>Te• »'II • I~ • (hr~ wl ,,... • lo. 10 PSEG 4 Ollll 1'\lt • '°' ,, --.,. 1111) '"" g ~:::i.; ·;~ . ~ 14 lllPw 7~ 1'\.'J. 1\lo U~ 12'A \I) 1• ChlMllw pl J7\c0 llo't 11 TrGPI.. lo.JZs>I Ill t Jllo ti VaEP 7.4'111 .IO'h • 1~ " O.vcet Corp ~ • ~ NetT-. u.c. CN I A~• • -'-1 R9Qlllln41 J \lo J Tofl lnel t -.... 4All~ 11.\io 1111 J F,,,_,, IW9 6 '- • ~Ind 1~-.\io ,_~n ~ \0 I Ev-Pe ' h ' Bur;y E•.. IJ\'I -n. IO Plen Ret<cfl ~ "' II~ I"-.... t2 EAL wlO '"' "' IJ WlllmlEI n l•VI -1\.'> 14~1 l•V.-1\lt IS 8otlnQ 1•\.'> -1'11 ,. Selle l..eU 10\ll -... •1 ~ pl "'" ''" llC-11'1 ~ "" It E~ plA M -14 2Q lrnpCl!M! 116 -VI GOLD COINS Prt Up U,• Up 10 Up 7J Up Lt Up u Up U Up U UP U Up u Up 4.t UP 4.7 Up ... Up u UP 4.4 Up 4.J Up .., UP U UP U UP U Pct. °" 11.1 °" 111 °" 11.1 Oft ICU °" ,4 ()fl u ()fl " °" ... ()fl u Oft LS °" u ()fl u Oft LJ ()fl LI ()fl 1.1 ~ '·' ,,. '·· Oft 1.A Off , .. ........... ' "°' ... ~.26, df N .00. .......... , "°' ... '"4.211, df •.oo. ....._ ...... t I we, cm. ... 10.IO, aft .... ------.~~GL .. H .TI, off IT.Tl. louree:~ WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI INiy » 1111«1 n• 11s1 .. ,., • IOI NEW YORK IAPI !Hy la METALS Weel 10 a. ,., , .. • » w~ -...., ,.. 110 DI 110 J " C...-71M-78 centa a pound. us deellnellON. Lelld 26-27 oenll a pound. DM 35 oen1a a pound, ~ 1111 le.5348 Met.it WMk COl'llpOelte lb. ~ T&-77 o.ntt a pound, N.Y ...,_., 1370.00 P9f llMll. ,....._ 1316.00 troy oz., N.Y SILVER Handy & Harman. 16 530 per lroy ounc:ie. SYMBOLS _ _., __ ,..,.,....,. ~--------.. , ...... -......... ~ ----le<"1toft ......... ...... -.. -..... -........ . ..,.._ __ lft ........ 111 .......... ..--.......... ..,,..... -...... -................... " .. ~ 0.1-......... ··~"'"' •t -~-...... --..._ ....... ,..._ .. ...,.._~----... ____ ...__,. ...___ ........ -... --..... --.. .._ ........ _~ .. .... .,._,. .. _....,..._.....,. ..,,... .. _ .. ~ ,,_, ....... ...... .,_..._..., ... _ --............................ _ ... "" ....... -~-.......... __ _ ______ .,....._ ~-. ..... ... -,..... ................... .. ,..... ...... --~ ......... -1._.....,........._ ___ ,,_ ~ r I rf. . I• •• OrMge Oollt DAILY PILOT/ThuredfY, Mey 17, 1111 ~­........ --........ TH t'i\Mltt' CIRCl'H "What's wrong with this compon, Daddy? The needle keeps pointing in the same direction all the time!" '9:\RMADl'kE by Brad Anderson "You wouldn't look so great either if you had been at the lodge meeting last night." '900N Ml'LLIN8 A Do7EN Fl.JN ~,ATS, PRIZES, BALLOONS·· ~oMEBoDY MUST BE l{AVIN6 A BUmlDAY PARTY. BIG Gi'ORGt: by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) ~. r>-,, "A Jockey, a Jockey. My kingdom for a jockey." Hank Ketchum PE~Nl.JTI I Al.MOST CA06HT ONE I SUPPOSE WMEN VOV TMIS LON6, 8UT IT 60T FISM FO!t COMf'tlMENTS. AWAV .. IT WAS A 8EAVTV! IT COOLO T~e All DAY C10"1r et.N ~ fOJl A ~U .. E, -raHUA~ MAMA! ro<:.. ~s M6'TO EAeE UPO.J "Ile ..WIMAL-FAT~/ BRABBLE l'M SORRY---YOU HAVE TO W EAR A TIE IN THIS RESTAURANT >---'~ 1RQ~10~,ANN ! IM ~E 50ME:THING WILL lURN UP! ~~/' \ \' lL§J D NE \..OS1' ~l. 'fUCK ~ tME., flf~ICl( ... I WoNOER If~ P\?ZA \<S ~ e,-~, ....... ,,.,_.... to'I(: 9.,f:'.,"'.f..ER.. L.UCl<'I FOR VOi.JR ARTE/e/ES, ~.MtCHAEL- AAJGEJ.0/ by Lynn Johnston S\Sl MRN CRM f'tJt"' U'JE B'I FOOD , ALONE: J . . . . . . I Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Thurlday, May 21, 1882 Cit ,,. ..................................................................... _ ... ":""" ..................................................................................................... ------------------.., the ... ,.....,.., •• 1111 l~._11 \ \ \-MNNG- fe.-oo. ~ IAIKnMLL f CHAMl'tC>HtHI~ GAMI laktll'I 11 Phllldelphll I L'::.. ANOIU.1 WHITI IMAOOW • TMI Jlff,'lASONll 090fGa •~ 1 dr11uc; ~ • HAWAM FIVE-0 • 0V£REAaY 0~1. lllllan C.,1., (RI Q ID UHOEMTANOIMO HUMAN BE.HAV~ "Al)Cllled Ptyel\Ology· Cl) C8SNEW8 ,9 AllCNlWS 8N8CNEW8 (I) WAa<Y WOALO OF JOMATtiAN WINTERS Gu.1. 0.0.ge Kennedy 0MOVIE •'A "°" The Righi Track l 10811 G"y Colemen. Mlet\MI leml>eck A aoc:lal worket lrlet 10 find a nor- mal home lor • train Ill· tlon 1h<>ee111oe boy with a I 1 alent tor plclllng the pool• 'PG' t ;ao m ALL !fol THE FA.MIL y Gloria wears a black wig and Mike t>ecomn unusu- ally amorout • NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE AOBERTS Qli) BUSINESS REPORT 9 BARNEY MILLEA 9 NEW8 (I) A COUNTRY MUSIC mieun TO KITTY W£U.8 Tammy Wynell• hosts 11111 trlt>ule 10 Ille Queen 01 Counlry Music· featuring perlormancu by Lynn Ande<son. Tom T Hall Hank Williams Jr • MerWI Kilgore Charty Mclain Roy Acuff ano Kitty We4l1 her ... , TapeCI •I Na.O· v1tle'1 Grand Ole Opry HOUM e.45 CZ) CIN£MA8CORE 7:00 8 N8C NEWS 8 HAPPY OAYSAGAIN 0 A8CNEW8 0 KOJAK G) M"A."S"H Col Poller, Hawkeye, BJ frank and Radar get hope lessiv 1011 on thetr way back from a medical m"t Ing • JOKER'S WILD fl!) BUSINESS REPORT '1i) PORTRAITS IN PASTB.8 "CH-. Ey11·· Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE 9 EHTERT AIHMENT TONIGHT An Int-with F1tnan· dOLamu Q) THE MUP9ETS G._t Ahce C<>Opef CID~THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE MORRO CASTt.E Enc Sev1< llld ho111 lhll dowmenlary amploy1ng Clramauc re 1nac1men1 and 8'Chival litm loolega to recall lhe d1s.slrou1 fire In 19134 lhat Claimed 137 livea abOard lhe IUAUry crulMShlp CDl M<ME 1t • ._. "The Fourlh W1ah ( 19761 Robert Bellles, John Melllon The rether of • terminally 111 boy Irle• to meke hi• ~·a laal mon1h1 aa fufflH1nb'i1 po&Slble G (%)MOVIE • • "Oealh Hunt 11981) Charles Bronson Lee Mer v1n In the 1930s. a Moun. lie eod a frontier criminal weoe an old balllfl Bl clvlll- zallon enc•oac1-on Iha Canadian wil<letnna R f .30 D Q) FAMILY FEUO II LAVERNE & S..IRLEY &COMPANY II EYE ON LA. FNlured I IOOlr et hMd CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ KNXT ICBSI 0 0 KNBC INBCl l 9 KTLA (Ina I I! 8 KABC CABCI c 0 KFMB ICBSI CJ KHJ TV (Ind t TI D KCST IABCI f • KTTV (Ind I s 'e KCOP-TV (Ind.I Ct • KCET <PBS) .. S KC:E (PBSI SUSPECT Magnum (Tom Selleck) becomes a prime suspect in a murder cue after a near-fatal accident that leaves him an amnesiac on "Magnum, P.I." tonight at 10 on KNXT (2). IChe cur•• with Or Ar1 Ulene, • vl1n to 1 nude dude ranch •look 11 some ol Los Ange111 worll l1lm1 G) M"A "S"H When Hot Lips lhlnk1 an. might t>e pregnan1, Ille only rebbll evallable lor lhe teSI II R1d1r'a pet Flul- • .., Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH fla MACNEIL I LEHRER REPOR1' Ci) NEWS ®) YOU ASKED FOR rT Featured 'Ned The Fire Eater" ano Monkeys Who Uve l•ke Kings <C)MOVIE • • '• ·covert Acllon' ( 1978) David Januen. Arthur Kennedy A prolN· 11ona1 spy becomes involved m lnlrtgue and espionage when he 11 h8ndad a oangerous euion..._..r 1n the Gr- tsJanda 8:00 0 fB FAME B1uno lakes an al1er- sch00l jOb 10 help OUI 11 home CAI 8 MOVIE • • , W1ncheste< 73 ( 19671 Torn Tryon Jonn Suon A man'1 prlle<I 11lle is s101en •nd he wan a tor It to go lhrough mal\y hands belate II is returned 0 MOf\K AMO M INDY Mork bucking tor a pro- mollon lrom Orson on Ork. comes up with a report on how lo slay happHy mar· ried on Ear1h. Q MOVIE * * • 'The Tamarind Seed' ( 1974) Jul•• Andrews Omar Sharif A lomele Brlll•h offlc1al'• 1Usplc1oua ml1tru11 ol a Rulllan lnlelllgence egent 111ren1l0tmed 11'110 love IOt him ID P.M MAOAZJNE A 60-~-old 1nven1or'1 ,_ type ol a11ptene, an eye dOCIO< who hllpa c;hll- dren reed more efficiently wllh VISIOll ltlllnfng ., THE OIAl... THE OOlO WATCH AHO EVVn'THIMO A wlstlul young man O••- co~ Iha! Ille gOl<S watc:tl he "-s tnherlled trorn h11 uncle ha.t m&1011Cal queh- ''" fD LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears 1.i11a aboul how to flnCI a re41ablfl meGhanic enCI whal IOOla ore needed 10 do your own repair wor~ CD SNEAK PREVIEWS Raoer Eberl and Gen" S11ke4 hlghltgM 11• hims thal the public m1ued the '"" 11me around including Cattle Annie And Ltllle Britches Go Te41 The Sp1r1an1 Over The Edge end Swamp Thing (I) MOVIE • • Te«or On The 401h Floor C 1976) John For- sylhe An1ane11e Corner On TV Z TV HBO 1Ct1!4'm<t•I IWOR1 NY Ny IWTBSI I ESPN) (Show11me1 Spolllght IC<1t>IP News Ne1worlt.1 Seven peopi. 1<1 trapped on the lop noor ol • burn- ~ lkyacteper II.I HIGH POWDER Olc;k and Timothy Ven Pat- ten 11ar In tlll1 atory of drug abull and P"f prN ture on • high achool 1kt i .. mo CJI) MO'ilE • • 11 "The Haun ling 01 Julia" (19771 Mia Farrow. Ketr Dullea Aller recover· Ing from an emollonal c;rl ala. • women purch .... 1 hOUN lh•I •PPNrt to be haunted 'R' (l)MOVIE e 1t • '> "The Howling" (1981) DH W1U1c;e Patrlcl< Mecnee A woman repon1t 11 menaced by a killer who _..., IO bl 8 werewotl 'R 0 MOVIE • •.,., Over T"-. Edge ( 1979) MICllMI ~ Pamela Ludwig S.V.. al 1-1-age r"ldentt ol en e•elu11ve Ca111orn11 com-""'"''Y emb.,k on • 1em- Paoe of harutment end des1ruc11on when rh1ty rail 10 ge1 their P91enla ettan- llOn el home PG 8·301J NEWS 0 BOSOM 8UOOIES Kip ano Henry produce l~r own cable TV 1a1en1 show (R)O G) AL.L IHTHE FAMILY S1991>en,.·1 peat rellgloua tt e1111ng deeply c:onc;erna Edith when ahe di.covers lhll lhl Ctllld Ilea be9'l purpoMly hiding II from Archie fl!) SNEAK PflEVIEWS Roget Ebert end 0- Sltl!el hlghllgf'lt tbc f\lma 11'111 Iha public mlu.d the 11111 time 111 OUnd, Including 'Cett.. Allni. And uni. BrnehM," 'Go Tell The Spar11ne, • • Ovit The Edge· end 'Sw•mo Thing . CD LAST QiAHCE GARAGE Brao a-. demonl1ra1• the t>ump end grind .... ,h • denl.O Mutteng and re111 automobile 11erao sya1em1 8 S6 Cl) MOVIE * • Br••~lng Gian" I 198-0) H&ie4 O'Connor Phil OenM111 A Brllllh pu~ pop lier 1 lllesryle utu mately lead• to tragedy PG' 0:00 IJ NO ENO IN SIGHT An upbea1 loo!< 11 cnang- 1ng a111tudea towero end on the pen or our Mnlor cll1zena, wllh 8 loot< at lndl· v•duata embarking on MC· ond careera. 111\lng pen In pollilcal aovocacy. e•preu1ng lhemselv" In oanee and lheatet and !earning to enjoy life a a OIFF"RENT STROKES Withs 1>eg1na to llllnk that he 1 the only kid tn ICl\ool not melllng 11 (R) 0 0 OJl BARNEY MILUR Beroey·1 men go beck Into un1f0tm 10< • Cley to fill tn Whii. moet OI Ille lorce 1ek11 Iha aergewita' eHm (RIO ID MEAV ORlFFlH Oueatt Alcherd "Dim· ptee" Fte1<11, Caroll Coolc Jey Leno. Gypey fB NUMEROUNO Italy's Klaus DlblUI, thtee lime Olympic gold medal <11.,,... ts oroflitld '1i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "F'llckllfS" A weal1hy wom· •n (Ft1ncea de la Tour) deapet atety In need of • huebend prolllda Arnie Co .. IBOb Hoelclnl) wflh •• .,. PflilNelnO """' (• •1111 ~II • • • "frtll\ll• To A 11111 Mein" (1tHI Jcmee C.10- ney, ff-'fPll ,..,.,n- _,. PllO$lle ~ 10 convince 1 rlNIMt lo t'll>CI 111111119 1\ltl'-• CO)M<MI • • .,. T r11>u1e· ( 1111•~1 Jae;" lammon Rob l•Y hneon An 111eepon110111 Bro1ow111 ore1t 1g11111 t>egtn• to 1901e1 hit wut cod Nie 81\d hll 19""°"9 rel ... 110nt1119 with hi• llf~•in '°'' 'PO' •.ao • IAftHIY Miu.I.A 881ney'e M41t1 1111 In wt 11i. motl of the toroe ta1 .... IM MQMnl'a Nam. D 8 OlMMI A aA!Ak Kiiie Qllt Julle nomtnlUod lOf membertNp In 11 "' IOl0tlly (A) 8 9 TAXI Bobby return1 ·1 o announte he 1 landed • 1 I/ _, .. rote (RJO • UP AMO COMING Monday Night Bell' ,, canClld dllCUMlon untold 1 when • power lallu•• lnte r - rupll Ille WUIQtla' Mond111 nigi>t football perty Q (() LAFF·A· THOH A Comedian llOll and lour comic contesten11 who compel• agaln11 onu anolher are leatuted 1n thin uncenaoreo c;ornecly g1m11 show 10-00 8 Cl) MAGNUM, P.I A ne•r·l•l•I car c•••h I••••• Magnum a•· emnealac an<I the prim•• au1pec;1 In the murder ol 11 girl hi wH hired 10 IOGatu (R) 8 Q) Hill STREET 8LUE8 Captain Furll(o takea Ille heal In an lnveatlgallon ol police corrupllon, encl Renko 111rtt • lttnlk: NBrc;h for hl1 mlaalng gun CA) aommCD NEWs 0 9 2.0120 88 TO THE MANOR BOAN RlchlTd OeVe<e latll IC• lurn up in church on his 11,., Sunday 1111d Audrey brings n upon her9111 10 •emlnd him ol his dull• u lhaoewlord H,MOVIE • * Catbon Co9y" I 1981) George Segal, ~ S.lnt J1me1 A aucceulut wtllle busineumen dlacovera thal he hu • grown eon who 11 black R lS) ROMANCE; LOVE AT THE CROSSROAOS (Perl 41 0MOVIE • • • "&callt>ur' (1981) Nigel Te<ry. Nk;ol Willlam- IOn The e~plolll ol King ArthUI bring l)OW9r and death lo the knlgh11 ol the Round Table 'R' tO. 16 (Z) MOVIE • "Ha Know1 You're Alona" ( 1980) Don Scatdl· no. Caitlin o·~ A p1yctiollc murderer 11.taltc1 allrllCllYI young brldee-10- bl. allently and lethally aluhlng their dlelllnl of W9dded' bllN 'R' t~G) NEWS • Uf> POMPEII CID MOHEYMAKEM tn11111lng In Hard AeMta'' (Sl MOVIE * * * * 0oo Dey Atler-noon I 1975) Al Peclno, John Ca.tale A New Y0<11 Clly bank robbery 1MCBl•t• Into • ,_,.. CltCUI whe<l commyntty acov1111 join In to llege an an11.pot1c;e prol"t during 1hecaper 1100 880(1)99 MEWS 8 SA T\JROAY NIGHT Hoit Rooney Dangerfield Gu.ta· Thi J Galla Band 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT Fea1ured 'Frog Jumping" and "Mu-.m 01 Oueck- ary • G) M "A"S"H A g-•I rewards the 40 77 th with an Otticera · Club arter Hawlteye end Treppet 11v1 hla aon'a ltte Cl) BENNY HIU Benny u Fred Scuttle ~ t«tt1 hll venlon nl the Orange Bk>aaom Spec;1a1 • OtO< CAVETT Gueat Rex HarrllOfl (PIT1 l)(R) '1i) THE LAWMAKEAS Cotteapond1nt1 Linda Werlh11mer and Cokle Aober11 jOOn Paul Duke tor an up-to-l,...m1nu1e klrn- mary ol Conoreulonal ec11v1llee fC'JMOVIE • * * Nlgllt Movea·· ( 1975) Gene Heckman, Jennifer Werren A private eye hired lo locale Ille d1ugllter of • l0tmer mov- 11 actrus becomee enlan- glad In a web ol W,trtgue wllh a Meyen •l'Tl\IQOllng rtrtg 11: 115 lQ.l MOVIE TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) U:OO -"No &ld in Sljht." An upbeat look at chanatn1 at titude. by 1enJor cttJzena KABC (7) 9:00 -"Barney M lller " Barney'• men fill ln while moat of the f on:e taketa the 1eraeanta' exam. KNX T (2) 10:00 -.. Magnum, P . I." A near-fatal car craeh leave1 Maanum aa a mnesiac and the prim e 1u1pect In a murder. See photo, left. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hlll Street Blues." Captain Furlllo'a career ls on the line as he takes the heat in an investigation of police corruption . • • • '" 'Bfeak1t MOrlnl ( 10801 Edwaro wooow~d. J~ Thompson Au11rell· ana c;on~rlpl.O 10 llghl on Engl Ind' 1 aid• In 1he BOif W81 decide 10 llQllt the BOif Quatlllaa on !heir °""' l1tm• PO 11~ II OUIHC\' G 9TOHIOHT Hoar Johnny C81aon Gue111 Peler S1rau11 Jazz Band Bell Orchet1r1 from POiand 0 9 A8C HEW8 NIGH TUNE Q KOJAI( qJ THE JEFFERSON& G) SANFORD ANO SOH &I NEWSBEA T Wll'H CLETE A08ERT8 Ci) CAP'TIOHEO ABC NEWS Cl) NBA 8A8KETBAU CHAMPK>HSHIP GAME Gome I 1Hml and •II• IO be announced (ID MOVIE • • • ·Tr.e Am1ttc:anl21- 11on Or Emily I 1984) James Gatnet Julie Andrews Romane. gr-1 bl1ween • Brlllth w81 wid· -an<I e nc,n-h«o;c; ottl- cei &Sllgnld 10 ptoVICll hl1 SUpetlora wllll Iha tvllurlM Olhome 12:00 8 EHTERTAJNMENT TONIGHT An interview "'Ith F1tnan do Lamu 0 9 VEGAS Dan. 11acklng Clown the lllacker of • gorgeous SUpetllar. 11 U'18W811 Iha aaaa11an1 11 one ol Iha laay'a bodyguer<11 (RI G) MOVIE • • '" "Two Paople · ( 19731 Pe1er fond•. Lind· say Wagoer An AWOL toldler hN an attelr with a rutuon mode4 dutlng her brier ally In Merak_,. G) LOVE., AMERICAN STYLE • EXPLOAINO l.AHOUAG£ (Z)MOVIE ··~ "SIMI" I 11180) Lee Ml jora, Jennifer O'Neltl A beautiful WC)rT\M " ..... ed by . lougll ~ lon1man In running the company~ inf'IWll• alter her lather'• ~­ "eoc;dental'. Cleelll 'PG' 12:30 8 ell LATE NIGHT WITH DA V10 l..ETTEMolAH Gu1111 linger Oree• Janee. Chriaue Br1nltley II COUPLES G MOVIE * • • .., Hudson 1 Bay· ( 1940) Paul Muni Gene Tierney Fur trepp111 found lhe tucrallve Hudaon Bay Company 1n 17th..c;en- tury North America Cl) MEWS Q MOVIE * * '" "The Chi,._ Con· ,..,c;11on· ( 19731 Bruce LM. Robl<'t Baker A tTIMrll•I eris 11udent aell out 10 ••enoe lhe murd11< ol hi• 1eac~ In which a rlval achool wu 1nvorve<1 'R' 1 2:3-5 W MOVIE • * • ,., "The Four See· eon•·· (198 I) Alan A(411, Carot Burnell ThrM cou- ples, ell ctoee long-time lrl4lf\Cl1 IXpetlenOI pro- lound clllllQM 1n their 1elauonstlip1 when one ol the merrl•o•• dl1ln- ~rt1M PO 12.40 IJ MCMILLAN & WIFE Mee a mothllf 1akM mat- ,.,, into her own hAnOa when her old Irland Andy l<aneeaw • Ille 11 threat· er1ed (R) (C)MOVIE • • • Bltckbo81d Jun- gle I 1955) Glenn foro. Anoe Francia A dedicated young teacher ettampl• 10 reatore order In • blg·clly training achoo! where !Mn age leWleUness Ind violence have taken roo1 10011 MOVIE • • 'l't "R1ttlee" ( 19401 Oli- vio de Havllland, David Niven. An amateur thlel make• apori ol Scotland Yard and fall• In love wllh one of hit v1c11m1' nlecea (I) MOVIE •'"a "Nightmare In Wu" (1969) Cameron Mitchell. Anne Helm An ector badly dl1llgur.O by burning wu Maka ·~ against hla _..,.by opening. WU• wor1c. •JChlblt I 10• MOV1R • • "e.yond Atlantia" ( 1975) John Atllley. George Hlldet Arehe«>ro- 01111 dlaco..., en laland bel .. ved 10 be the loll con- 1~1 ol AllentJa QJ) NEWS t 300 Q)NEWS flJ)MOV1E * *''> The Fan (1981) l euren Bacall. Jemea Garner A POQUla1 him lier II v1ct1m1Z.O by a psychotic admirer 'R 1.40 (%)CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE ' The Fireman" 2.00 (%)MOVIE • • "Oealh Hunt' (1981) Cllerlea Bronson, lee Mer vln In the 19301. • Moun· 118 and a fronller crlmlnal wage an Old b•tlle u cMll- 1a11on encroacf'let on Iha Canadian wll<lernwa 'R' 2·1a m MOVIE • • • ··Miracle In The Rain ( 1115-4) J-Wyman, Ven JOhnson A young eol- dler end • toriety women 1.a 1n love only lo be~ rated by w• 2:28 lC) MOVIE * 1t ·~ HOiiywood Boui. vwd · (1078) Cendlee Rial· IOC'I [)jclc Miller F tllll lrom lndlene, • young N91rtng at1rtet blcornM lnVOIYecl tn • reel robb«y lhtl elll lhinka II pert of her movie debul R 2.30 II MOVIE • * • 'Enchenlmant • 110401 Oa\lld Niven, Ter111 W1tght An el<lefly men •• rem1ndea ol hla pell rom81\Ce when his grand- sori conlronll him woh hla love 1to•y ti) MOVIE • • Carnival 0 1 Crime·· ( 11164) Jean-Pierre Aumont, Tonia Carre<o When a m11s1ng woman's c;orpse 11 11na11y dlacov- ered. her huaban<ft bull· neu parlner who wH also he< love< con••~ to the crime (J )MOVIE • • ·voung lady Chaner- ty ( 19771 HarlM McBride A yourig women lnher1t1 her r1m•ly'1 huQe menalon JOHN DARLING WI In --tew'1 _.,,. 4elllllng flllltW~ ........ ..... . ,.. • MC)Ytl • • 14 """'*' Cowbcrt" I 1 .. 0) John T1not11, 0.W1 WlflOW A ~ Ill worlltt '°"'IO lll'IOle9 hlmNll t moOet'n•ll•)' COWbOy fell• lo f.Ow Wllh a Oi'l he mwt1 In 1 populal ~•rv·lnd Wftiern b81 'PO' .... I NIW8 I:~ NIW8 J:Oe M0"'9 • ••• "NelWOt"ll" l 1078) F •y• Ouneway, Pa1e1 Finch An aging 14111\!lalon ,_aman. whoN 1a11no1 .,, alHdlly tllOf>lng, la turned Into a 1anllng prol)hel ol Iha •'""'"'" by I Cflhy larnllle prog1am mlr'IQ .. t<:ullve 'A' a:10 9 MOVll • • * "Ruth .... " ~ 1048) Uc;haty 8corr. 0<an1 l YM An •mblllout Outtr-tmen l0ttakM hit larnlty and hepp1oe11 tor 1UOc;Me 3:46 (1) MOVIE • * • S1ev1e ( 11178) Olende Jackson, frev0< Ho...1td E~tric Brlllah P<>ll-Stev11 Si 111h 11 p. ol111C1, PG U O(C' MOVIE • .. The F11tll F1oor· (1080) Bo Hopk1n1. Dianne Hun A Hne young woman II lncarcerateo 1n a t>U1111e men lal holOtl Ill wtiere Vlo- lence ano Clrug •b<JM are Iha order ol the day R 4:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Deadly Crea lure Belo..." m MISSION· IMP08818LE The IMF und1t1akea the relum ol a :n,000-karet Cllamond to Ille defrlv.O nallvu ol a •m•H country (.S)MOVIE • * • ·~ "The Howl111g" ( 1981) Dee Wallace. Patrick Mac;nee A woman reportet 11 menaced by • killvr who _,, lo be a Wl9t-Oll 'R Friday•• Day• iMe .ffot:'ie• -~- 5:00 0 • 1t '" The Fan ( 1981) Lauren Bacall Jamea Garner 15:20 Cl Family Man · Ed Aaner Anne Jacllson Only 11tar having an attlir ooea a men reer11.e hts l1lelong r9l00albllllln lo 019-1 15:30 ( Z) * •'A "Journey 8Kll To 01" (1972) Anlm11ed VOICes ol Liza M1nnelll Paul Lynde .. -00 (~ e * "Mullflelhera" ( 111781 Rory Calhoun, Don Knotta A mule relat11 Illa aoventurM with Illa wO)I OWM<, 8 crootced gOl<I PfQIP*Clor 'PG' 7:00 {%) 1t 1t ·'The Apple Oump. ling Geng Rldee Agllln" (1979) Tim Conway. Don Knot11 7:30 ~ • • "Tucic EvertUI· tng' (1978) fred Keller. Joeapll Mac:Oul<e A young girl ,_. en lonmottal lemlly known M the Tudl• ·G· (}I) jt * "Savllgl HINllf' ( 11180) Tom Slle,,111. Mlehelll PNHlpe All Alr1- Cllfl drouQhl dfiw8 wild ani....ia into populateo .,_ PG' t:OO CJ) • • ')\ "The Green Ha<ll.on" ( 1081) JamM Stewen. Pf'lllip Sa)'*' 9 ••• "TheV IP a ( 1i63) Elizabeth TeylOf Rlct>ard BYnon 8:41 (ZJ * ll>'A ''Never Give A Suoll1t An Even Break' (19411 WC Field• Gloria Jean 9:30 ti) • • 'The Man From Uleh" ( 1934) John Wayne Gabby HayH A laugh lawman nabs • gang of oullew1 who ere u11ng a rooeo U their b8M Of opereliona ( ¢ * 'h "Up RIYlf" (11180) Morgan Slevena. 10:00 rH) • 1t '" "Smokey And The Bandn W' (11180) Burt Reynolds, J.ctcle GIHton 0 • • • ')\ "The four Se11on1" t 108 1 I Alan Aide C81ol Burnell (%) * * ·~ The Sllootlng · ( 11187) Miiiie Perl11111 Jeck Nt1llet1111 A ••m•n ..... "" ... "' .,. ... '*"''Y ...,,, • ., end .. °°"°" 10 .,... ... Oii • re1en1i.. iowrwr °' ,., . aonalr-.e 11!00 (C') ••~"The,..,... lllo4 Of Or ~ t.tanonu .. PHO) 111 .. ., ...... tld c- 11:90 CZJ ........ ,... "'The Whlflwlnd" ( IM1) C:-• °" Mllotlell, Jedi Nlohol- ao n Thie• oowboy1 r1t11tn1nO hOIN eftet • rouoh «Ill• Ot ... •• ""'-" taken by • POtM fOf "'*"-'*• of • gene of tOOO.• 11:00 G • 'A "i.Jnltnown W0tld" OHtl aruoa Kellogg. Mer· llyn NUii To lllGIPI the ett.c11 ot a nUCIMI f'IOlo.. ' 0141tl. a OfOUO ot IONntlel• CS.Velot> • mectianlam 1nat Wiii lalla lhem 10 "'81111' tl Earth' I CIOf9 • • •~"The Llft•Hand· ed Oun" (10681 Paul New man, l ite Mllen A youthful 8111)1 the Kid •VllftOll hie ernploy9r • daetl'I and then ~lo MBdero ., • • ·~ lhol Snullere<I Room" l 11187) Olg Young, CarOI l ynlly A )OUf'O c;ov. pie Inherit a ourMd mlll- houM on en lel.et><I CID ... "The leoend Of Tiie LOOI Rangtw'' (11110) 1<11nton SollM>utv. Cht1a10- pher Lloyd 0 II> 1t..., . 'Ovit TM Edge" l 19791 Micl'IHI Kr-. Pamela ludwtg 1:00 ce.1 •• "lOOk SKll In Anger' ( 1050) Cl•ll• Bloorn. Richard Bunon Baaed on Ille pley by JOlln 01bo1ne A l Ill• IH I mom6f'll, • man dlacover• thal he lo1111 and n..01 hi• wtte CZJ ••')\"An Eye For An Eye" ( 11181) Chuel< N0trl1, ChrltlQPMr l M A San Franolaoo cop qu111 11141 loree to •YetlQl 11141 murder or hi• partner by member• ot e drug ring 'R' 2:00 CRl • • • "The Outlaw Joeey Wllee" ( 11178) Cllnl E81twood, Sondra loeke A man beCornM an outlaw wn.,, a ruthless banCI of Union IOl<f1et1 dletroya his Southern l8tm llOd kills hie ..,,,. and aon PG Q ••• 'OhGOCll ( 111771 Gaotge Burns. Jofln o.n... God Mieet• .,.. unauapec:11ng young 14.lpet-mancec manager 10 delNer a ~ ot 11ope and Q00<1 Wiii to the e1cap11C11 people ol Ille moci.rn-dey WOttd PG' 2,ao rs • • • '" · Mv Body-o u•• d'' ( 11179) C11111 Makepeace. Adam Baldwln 2:46 (1) • • ')\ ··N-Give A SUCket An Even Break" ( 104 1) W C Flel<I•. Glol'le Jean 3:00 0 * • "Trlnlly 11 51111 My Name" ( 19751 Terence Hiit. Bud Spencer Two lncom· petent 1>rother1 fall m•-· •bfy In !heir tllampll to hOnO< their lalher'1 ••t ..,lh lha1 lhey become ramou1 outlaws wtlh '-'08 prklel on their heec». •:OO 0 ••• "Oh Go<fl B<*c II" ( tNO) George Bur-. Suzanne~· (%, ••'~ 'TheShoollng ( 1987) Millie Pwic.ln1 Jedi N1chol1on 4:JO IT * • ·~ 'The Green Horii.on {11181) J- Sl-111, Pt>lllp Seyer An amnMieC zOOIOg1S1 in Afrf. ca llnd1 • •*1ugl on ttae wildlife P'-Of en eld-- erty man and his gr and· ~hler ~{C; **"The ManW11h Bogert'• F1c1" (1g80) RObert Secc:N. OlMa Hus- MY A men dec:l<lel 10 chanoe hi• hleetyle end phya>cal appearance 10 reeemble Ill• ~,_, kkM PG 0 • *** 'The LU! Metro" ( 1980) Catherine Deneuva. Gerard 0ep.,. dleu Directed by Fr encOls Trulfeul During World War II. the proprlelO<s ol a am~M Pana lhellre lry to ketiC> thelt etltblllhmenl ooen <luting the Germen ocx:upauon 'PG' (%) • • 1)\ 'Ride In The WhHtwln<f" l 1967) Camer- on Mllc:f'lell Jecl< Nlchol- 1 on by Artnstrong & Batluk Hi . l ' REED ROBE . ~~ CHANNEL ONE NEWS Dll?ECIZ)i. --~----~~--~--~--~~ AND 1'0 L.IKC -rOVltELCOM~ YOU 10 'TONIGHT'S NE'NSCAST.1 YOU K.NO~ A FUNNY ~IN(7 HAPPENtv or-i ~E 'WAY ~O c.oveR A F'li::tE ON ~e EAST 5tDE: "'TOQ<\Y. •• Made-I or-TV movies real bargain RIGHT -One of the tllanY baroirw network vtewen WM •'Eleuor, 1"lnt y of the World, '1 lten1na Jean Stapleton. By FRED ROTHENBERG AIT....,.....W,.._ NEW YORK -No made-for-television movie could be confuaed w ith the Oscar-winning "Chariota of Fi.re." But TV movies, particularly when the networks are 1trutting their best stuff, often are the beet the medium has to offer. In the sweep month of May, when rati.np determine th1a au.nuner'a adve~ rates for local stations, the networka' movtee are comparable to most theatrical film fare. In fact, one TV movie - "Too Far to Oo" wtth Blythe Danner and Michael Moriarty -\ was recently re-released ln the the.at.era. And when you conalder the rillna 009t of tranaportation, baby-.ttt.en and popcorn. &ee home movlet1 look even be«er. Over the put month or so, you could have journeyed and eecaped by titting in your own living room, -On NBC, you c:oWd take a magSc carpet ride with "Marco Polo" to the far reach4!9 ot the world. nvx..an llCtUal1y. mlnillrtea, "Marco Polo'' will be edited" for theeU1cal releale ln 10U.W pel1I of the warld. -On ABC you could YWi a leilerld with Ann JW.lan'• ~ poltr&l& df "Mae w-. ., tab • h.arrowlnJ look at juvenile Juatloe lo "Jn the Custody of Stranaera," !Jlcf feel the beat In.. Somerset Maugham's 'The Letter.'' -On CBS. you could get anagged in the m urder-mystery web of "Rehearsal for Murder," M!e police corruption from a different angle in "A Question of Honor," and understand if there was life after FDR's death for Eleanor Rooeevelt ln "Eleanor." Of COW1N!, you could ai.o pt atuck watchl.na NBC1 ayrupy story of the o.monda ln "Slde by Slde," CBS' crayon sketch of t..a Veg .. chorua lines in "Portrait of a Showpl,'' and ABC'• pencil·thin pmfile of a graffiti artist. But, then again, you could alwaya tum off the aet. Economlc:a are puahina the networks deeper into the made-for-'l"V mOvte buaineaa. Cable ls expending, and lta fint~run rtchta to th.eatrical ftlmt are ma.kine inrOllda into the networb' ratin&Js when they evftltually abow filma l1ke .. Sol>erman." At around tl.8 lniWoo. it'a cheapet to make a TV movie \Mn buy a major th~1ril:al film. So th• network.I are dolft.I the Lypea of amall-acale ltaria and ~mt.eel filml tha& are Ideal for the 9'1lA11 acrem. "We ahouldn't campeia with. tbt major ltUdlol and do bia~ lib 'Star Wan'?' •1S Bill Self', who beaded CBS' TV flliD• and now -.ipervi8m the iwtWork'• thMtrical tilml. "We haw to deal with more intimate aubject matter . We have to tell pe1110nal, dramatic and believable stories.·· This has been CBS' philoeophy for 10me time, and becauae of It.a top.rated polition, the network has been able to pt quality f:Uma.. Over the COW'8e of t he 1981 -82 TV aeaaon, CBS acored with "Skokie," "Bill," and "'The Hunch*k of Notre Dlune.'' In all, CBS did about 50 ortPW mo~ equal to the ccmbined production of A1BC and NBC. ABC offered movif!B mon .tecUvely, md they tended to be more aexual in nacure, t.arpted toe younaer audlencea. Lut Mood.a.Ya .. Paper 0o0a.•• about tftn·age modela, la an ABC-type movie. But it WU done well and attracted. 1arae Bud.lencee. ABC't 10 movi• drew, on •venet. more viewl!fS than any other network'a. NBC, which did tbe splendid ~'Of MJct and Men," and a ~ movie about male ~ doesn't have a movie peraon.alltt. It'• more a catch-all, Iha low ratmat often tDllde tht Mtwcdt the thltd cho6ct of film ptod.umn. 'I1\il month. NBC had ··~ Polo." but u.o mrMll about the Orirlftcla Md Walt.om -TV fllmi In WW'1 -01 tbt WM.; 'Jbe.y,wen TV movlM about TV.,. ... ..t tbty could never mab it to tba u..-.. I ,, f• I . ' '• " Oranoe OOllt DAILY PILOT/Thurtd1y, M1y 17, 1112 I I . . WILSON FORD YOU SAVE ul.-?11111 '82 BRONCO Can't find what you're looking for? We've got it!! 6 l lcre1 of • Selection '79 FORD LTD WAGOll VI, auto .. pwr. at .. pwr. br., air cond. (279XVG) 2 BUYER ON DUTYI NEED MORE . :o FOR YOUR TRADE? CAU HAllY TUINIULL 842-6611 I '79FORD.RAllCHIR Auto. traM., .,, cond., AM/FM, V8, pwr, 119er. (UC. 1W73582). 5 4182 - I RANADAGL 2 DOOR DEMONSTRATOR LOADED EXECUTIVE I VEHICLE PRICED FOR ED tAT (Stk. #334) SALE TWO 1982 GRANADAS 2 YEAR. 24,000 MILE MAINTENANCE FREE WARRANTY $ 3 (# 1235) (# 104250) J# 1270) (# 11393) P.S. FINALL VII GRANADA WAGONS ARE HEREI '79 PLYMOUTH '78 F«>RD '79 DATIUll HORllOll · THUllDllRBIRD CPI. FASTBACK 'i.jjjj. ~·53·7·2-sjMjj1 '80 OLDSMOBILE OMIGA TWO 1982 FAIRMONTS I NEW CAR WARRANTIES APPLY 2 YEAR. 24,000 MILE COMPLETE MAINTENANCE FREE WARRANTY . '79 HOllDA CVC( 4 cyl., 4 apd .• 2 dr .. atereo. (891WYK). '81 MIRCURY CAPRll'RI '79 FORD PlllTO •i7i2 '72 OPEL a~r 4 cyl., auto., 1lr oond., 1m/fm r1dlo. Auto .. pwr. 1t .. air, pwr. w., stereo. (Lie . Very well cared for. wm be 1 c1ua1c1 (10MC>057). Must See i···2a 2 ··us·6 '81 FORD FUTURA '81FORDMUITA '81 IORD llCORT 4 dr., llUto., pwr. atr., 2-tone l)Mlt, 2 dr .• 4 cyt., pwr. bl(., at•«>, 4 epd., 11,094 m.._ Stltton w.oGn. CB, cueette. 4 epd., 13,518 AM/FM r.dlo, 3,583 mll•. (1CMF820) (Uc. 1C~~H273). rnllee. (#127'700). 5 5982 5 6182 5 5582 SERVICE AFTER THE S.ALE IS OUR #1 PRIORITY a.Y91•··-............... •aa YlllllAm . . i l , ... . ,... ... Orange Oou• DAILY PILOT/Thur9day, May 21 , tHa •• .... .. ~ -M.~ .... ~ 11:-•1t1·1 P'•\ltll~l'llH -lflollu11 ~-0.1.~()lm, JUOOILO.~~ ':.~"bi.~:'t= -,A_ ~DIM. tll11 llH -011,1111l1t1 ~:ur~*· ~ =-cN#·~~10lfll ::r ::La.-~~ ='-..1l!~ flurlllltf"' -~At 19 *" WM, ~-::: l'Olllllf 1'11.H -011111 frf "'" =-!L ~c); ~:r.,r&:.:;i:-Si-~~ ~·~-~. :~... ~-::.~~ . =.;,o ....... ,;.,. _ _,_. h~•!G. llllt~ =·· 0:..., :'· ltell~ci.m. -N ..... t -M,, . ....._Oem ~-IJ,,w,o.m .._ ..... e-~ -llt.l I. "--h-1 ... 1 l'olllllo l'teoe -IMed ,.._._ -O.V, ,.,,.., "'-· -0 ,J lnalit. "9t1. thet .. ...,..,,. I l)tCT -U..1 ,....~ -~ l'ILllU -· 1101 ~Dr ~ -u Mocft Dem c -OQ l!Nlll, Deni Ill .,;olft\Of el IHfl tf I e ellllll '111.• -l1.~1lltrte t014f Dr. 2r-LI.. lneld, "9p "'ICIHOT -U~0:1 OWk M.J M:;:._ Dem lllOllOft fir .._., rl=IM V'Ottfte ~-~-.A. At-, ..... MA T~. Dem Polllnt 1111.oe -Pl.Olllo Tr 1"11 l'AICINCT S 1 .,..... 11141 -._ 11161 MOI II~ Or -J .fl ""*• '-· -V. l..clwenOI, "9p. OA!Ollowe, l'Olflnl "*-'..UVll Hell, tlllOllOll W !Nill~· ..... In e-W.H. Wiik-..,,..... -l'I."-,,.,,...,.,, ,_,. 0.... -0 . L~ Dem. 10 Huntington It. 7111 Ctllltf Avll ~ . Thi -M.M. Low.°"" -K Cl ~..1.0lm. P'l'lt04HC'T -U ·ln-t ~ -R J. QrMe Dw11 ~-M O. Andetlol'I. "9JI .. • "' -A.A. JelMI, Dini. T -lt-1~1 '01Un11 Pl1ot -H1.¥tn VI•* "'*" -o.M. ~ • .....,. -1 C fll'uu, Delft. ., ..,.. .. IMO OH -O.M ~-No,.,,. ,....... ...... -,.,. ~ loftool. ldlOOI Cltttl -K.M. lrown A19. c -1..v. WIM -'*"· HACH, HAL llAOH.i. IUHllT ftNCINOT -U·1 .... t 1.....-TUllMlll U\. 111C111 Wl.lkMcl Ln. OWi! -M.A. eotNii, Dem Cletll -l I ~.Dim llACH1.. OOITA M•IA •no ~,... _ NWw9 Hunt. =-J.M. .-.on. Olnl. ~-W.J. ""'-·Dim. ""'IOINOT-U -'41-1 Pl'llOINOl -,1 .. ,10-t NIWl'Ol'IT llAOH: o~--Cl.T. Jeollloft. °"" -t .K. '"'OM,,petn. .. 011111 II "'IO. -c 11 y Q y m Polllna ,.._ -Oek vi.w lollool. 1A21 len'IOUde 11 0..... ~.H. aouner, f'lo. -JM. lln\ofl, "° Petty. Olutlhouit 1124 f Oek Ln. HUNTINCITOH llAOH er-L.P ~ Dw!I. 01tr11 -.J, ~. f'lo. Ollttl -LT. 0Nut1 Deni. 1800 Pf1Atn° It. tn:r-M.I . llandrfdo-L Dem Pl'llOINOT -IM44·1 J,1. .......... .-..... P . -U·I00-1 ,...OINOT-ll-*"1 ~-•. M. Megll, No Party, Ju -Y M. Our1ton, UMn. "otttno P11.oe -.,o,.d•m• O!tt J.Q. "-"'**-· "'-'· "*'9 l'teoe -l'IUntnotn UNI l'dlnQ l'leG9 -fNeldt .....__ -M.I. o.y, Alp. Cit< -M.A. Onie. Dem. ~~ Qlettl -HJ, Oouln1 Atp. ....... 11Jtf ""-"-Ln. -I .A. llown, No Pwty, Oltrk -H Al\llll'N, Dem. 1•n1 w LI\, ""e<;INCT -S2·1T0-1 1Mll t.ol\ llwl. ""-'· -0 .A. Goodl!WI, "'51, CWk -l ,M, ,toueroa, l'lep. P"IOINOT -'2·S71-1 -.I . a..y .... l'OlllnQ l'leoe-Maoulre Atlidl.llOt er-M.J . Wll9on, o.m. Judolt -V.I . "'°"'*'·Alp. PNCINOT -H ·S41·1 Potting Pl101 -Powtrt Tr Ctt _ J.A. ~ ..... "9p, 11Hf"Ctrtl.t\lt Lii -V.,. Dr.,., No P1W1Y Clef\ -fl.fl bttbutll.1,.~· Polllno Piiiot -l'"..on a.cflool, lkllldlnQ, C1tt -H.I . ""'°' f'lo, ~-J A, M.,Vt. Oern -I.I. Mijjry, Del'll Clttlt -1..0 . .,..._, ,...i. eootH~ Ln. 18301 Oolhlld St. Cll.B _ M.M. 1111.tlll, f'lo. -l .L. atiennon, No Pwty Cllttl-M.A COlrnl.n,... Pl'llCINCT -31-301-1 2r-M.C. '~~. ~· -J,A. Oll.lbb, ~-'AICINOT -U-141-1 -J.A. JoMton, A.Ip. l'MCINCT -la-IOC).I Po4llnQ l'leG9 -81 ~ Juett -M.R. Sir • Dem. -C.J. I'~. Rep Pollrla P11.0t -AcJMw !Widenoe, C*1I -P.A lhoft>, Alo. P*'I! Pll.Ot -Hun1ngln LllMt lctlOOI -T fl. KrotJt, No any -MM Poto. Dtm. 071t lelltllld Ln PRECINCT -32·171-1 196&2 9-h 11\td. • 20400 MllQllOlle St. Cll.tlt -K.J. l'reerne.n, Delft C1«k -M 0'4lunetl. o.m. -S.A. Adaiml, "9p = Pleot -l'tMaant View ~-M,M. Goldberg, Dim. ~-M.C. Turner, Dem. PMCINCT -S2·'4'·1 PRECINCT -U·'7S·1 -..... W . "9p • .J -,.P. Stllllbtfg, Oern. _-D,[M., ~Ot)ll.., ~Dem Polllno P1eot -K.ttllif ~. PolllnQ Pl-larll Vlllw Scnool. -H.l. Pratto, "-1Mt2 L.tndeu Lii -0 M. Honne1. betn. W. MoM~ •. Dem 1750 Doraett Dr, 1720Cf Plnehllrel ln a.rt& -V.I. ~.... ~-I J Cloodlon. l'ec> C1tri1 -"C StOOllhlwen, Alcl Cieri& -R Mol<ow.1, Dem. t:r-O.J. Joflneon, "4ip. lntc> -P J Kaeowskl, ~ PMCINCT -S2·14t-1 -8 .J ~ ~. PRECINCT -S2·201·1 ~ECINCT -S2-302·1 -O.Hlll'laon, Ate> Judot -I< K Coroou1n, Dem 'Ollna P\eot -Tnov ~. -J So1111, Ate> Polllng Pleo1 -111011 MolO•• PolllnQ "'--VIile Ptclfto -l'.E.. Seltz.""' Cler\ -4 K Cox 16$1 fll.lermO Ot Cletlt -0 M. Ortll, 0tm Ofllot ClubhouM, a.ti -M.J. a... Dem Cl«k -l L H.,Oy, Dim tnep. _ A.L. ~, Aep Pl'le<:INCT -:l2·112·1 17331 8-:11 IJNd. 0933 V111A Pl.Ciiio Or. PMaNCT S2~1 PR!CINCl -32-374-1 JudQI -M.C. o.m PolllnQ Pleet -Ott AttlOenoe, 'NP -v M Mllw, Rep w._ -FM Ct1btr•. Dem. Pollng ,,_ -Stann "'9ldlliot. Polllng Piece -Hubour View a.ti -G.I. , Aep 8072 llllende 0. Judot -Kl Sftydet, ~ .Judge -HK J90kaon, ~ I042 Cenolltown Or Soflool Qerti -p C. ColtrMin. Olm lnep -0 J Oft. Rep Cle<\ -M,J 111ti.. o.m Cltr\ -CJ Cttobt,.., Dem. ~. -P.L Mixon, ~ 2r-V K Cl.ri, ~ PRECINCT -32· 148-1 Judot -A.l. Wllllaml, Dim Oltr1I -W M Dent, Dem C1er11 -E J Hleltrntl\, Dem Judot -SI', S\IM, Dim -A M HOhlld. Rep Po11nQ P'9ce -School Dltll omc., Cleric -LB Noble, Dim. PRECINCT -32·202·1 PRECINCT -S2~1 'et.ii -TH ...... Rep C -E.R ~a. Rei;> 1..a-181. 0tttc -C4. SI.ht,~ Polllng Pl1oe -8prl"g View Polling Plt ol -John Bu1h11CI C6ttt1 -8.l e.temer, ~ C11r11 -C M Thlltman. Alp _ 8 .W. Whllney, Dem PRECINCT -32·17~1 Sctlool, School, PRECINCT -'2-346-1 PRECINCT -32·376-1 _ M.P WhltMy. o.m Polll"g Pl1c1 -Comm Bibi• 1oee2 lnldy Ln 184190 Educetlon Ln Polllng Pl101 -1111c 8ow1ra Po 111 n g PI 1 c • -CI 1 m • n • -A.L Engetrom, Oem Church. 2r" . -CM OQU.n., Rep lntp -0 S. C,_.,, Ate> School, Allidtnct, Cllttl -8.M. KOYln, Dim. •OI llln SI -N.V Mcelu.n. Rep Juc:loe -B.A. Holly, Rep "°° lndlenapollt A.... m2 Sit-Sltend °' PRECINCT -32-149-1 lnep. -V l BreedlnQ, ~. -F C. Colby, Rep Cltf'k -M.E. Brown. Dem lnap. -E.M Ntcholeon. Otm. lnap -A E McHty, Ate>. Potlno ~ -Lencta ~. Judoe -F.l KlmbelT, Dim. C11r11 -P,A Rooti.ltf, ~ Clerk -V.M RlwtL Dem Judgt -l.C. Oedltnl, Rep. JlldOI -8 A Cllmtnt. 0tm 1985fl-1 Ln Clltlo: -M.R Clyde, Dem. PRECINCT -32·203-1 ""ECINCT -'2~1 Cltfk -S.8. Oottlltb. ~ Cltf'k -Ml Toornlrt, Rep, INC>._ S.J. U., o.n l';ttrlc -N.L Peebltt, Rte>. Polling Piece -Oo11gl111 Polftn9 Pl--H091 Yi.w &onool. Cltfl< -M.I . Cadrnlll'I, Dim C*1I -J K. CAIVttt, Dim Judot -M.M. Lii. Otm. !IAECINCT -32-17•-1 Rtel<Mnot, 171122 Fllntatone l.n. PRECINCT -32-3411-1 PRECINCT -32-3711-1 Cltf'k -T.R. Lenoell, Dim. Polling Pi--Loe Arnlgot MPK 11172 LetCllwooCI °' ·~-R.l . M-one. Den\, P0411ng Pl--E.H.0111« Sohool, Polling Piece -Ott Ot1phlc1 Cltril -A.A. Lit, Dem, Clubho\111, '2r· -O.J. Oouglua, Dem J -M.A. Brandttetllf, Rep 21141 Str1.lhmoof Ln StOl't, PRECINCT -32-150-1 111601 tffwland SI. -C.M Mtyer, Dim -ET. Hirth, Dem. !nee>. -J.V. <>went,~. 2211 ~eltl St. Polllng Pleet -Fllrcloth lnep. -B.R. Soholl, ~· -K.A. lhnt0n, ~. CltOI -C.M. Let. Dem. 'Judge -M.J. Oonzalel, Dim. lnap. -M.J. ~.Rip Attlderlol Judge -K.A. &lnoll, ~· Clertt -M.E. Clow.II, Dim. PRECINCT -32·30f.1 Cllf1I -N.T, Bfl.lthwllte. Rep, Judge A.M. a.ntttt. Rep. 175112 Ot Lono Cir. 'Clti1t -C.J. M1rlechlf, 0em PRECINCT -32·204-1 Polllng Pl101 -Ml.tin• View Cltfl< -C.J, eou.n.ld, ~ Cl«k -T.W, Blll'tlltt, ~. INP -M.R. ,lllt"Ololh, Dim Cltrk -M.A. Careocta, Dem Polling Place -S E T1lberl Sohool, PRECINCT -32-3-47·1 Clerk -A. 8ef91to, Rep. JudOt _ S.M. L\JoM, ~. PRECINCT -32·176-1 SChool, 58112 TMWg Of Polling Piece -Benn4ng Llbfery, PRECINCT -32-377-1 Cllric _ 8.M 8"""1hotn, ~ Polllng Place -Dugmore 9101 8'tbhllfTI Or, lnap _P.A. Cten, No Pwty 9281 8ennlng Av Polling Pl•ce -Calvary Cent .. C1tt11 -J F. Olrrtll, ~ Aelldtnot, lnlp. -M.T Birding. Dim .Judge -M.C. lotted, Rip. I,,_,. -V.S. T8YIOf, Otm. CtMdl, PRECINCT -32·151·1 11M•1 SumrY* Bt•zt l.n Judot -A.J Tic•. Rip Cl«k -H.H. w-. Dim. Judge -G.H "·~· ~. 1101 Pec:en Av. Polliflll P1tot -Hllnl ll.nd!N1111 lnep -J L Ooomo1e. Ate> Clerk -G Ke.pl111, Dim Clltk -A.M. Plummer. Dim. Cltfk -8.C. Bonlm. Rep lnlp -G.T. Allly, Own Clu~. Judge -E.M Jenl!lnt. Rep Cllr'k -C.K. Keplln, Dim PRECINCT -32·307-1 CWk -8.A a.now, Rep Judoe -F,J. Montton. Dem 20aaO Oektidgt ln. Clltlt -M E. French, Rip PRECINCT -32-205-I Pollng Pi--Mewy Rlilldlnot. PRECINCT -32-348-1 Cltfk -T L lelwllt\, No Pwty lnlp, -GR. Aken.~ Clerk -F J ~e. Dim Polling Pi--Rol>erl Wlfdlow 1732f Olbton Cll. P~ Pi--Martin~. Cllfll -K.K. f<4r, No Ptnr Judot _ M.E. Wendt. Otrn PRECINCT 32-1711-1 Sdlool, fnep _ O O M..-y, Rep. 10072 Oll'f Of PRECINCT -Sf47 .. 1 a.ti _ LB Dunn, Dim POlllng Place -8'111 Relldence, 9191 Plof.-O. Judge _ F lllldtt>um. Dem. tnac>. _ O.M ~. Otrn Polling 1'11.0t -l1nlora -.1c. Cllr1I _ G C fl«IOQll. ~ 17731 4mblrlon Ln fn19 -E C Hilfl, Dem Cltr\ _ N.J. Sllttt. ~-Judge_ p K Ra!My, ~ Center. 1708 <>r.,. Av. PRECINCT -32-151·2 IMC> -J A ~-~ Judge -N.J Smith, Dim C1tr11 -DA. Smith,~. Cltfk -C.E F-. At.c>. . IMp -H.0 . loon, Alp P~ Pteca -Hunl Landmatll Judge -JM Slk:k, ~ Cllfll -R.H. Hanlcwd, ~ PRECINCT -32-308-1 CMr11 -AM ~-. ~ JudOt -L A*. Alp Qlbhouet. Cllt1c -C J Hood, ~ Cler1I -BA HICU«. Rip POIMng !>'--BemM Relldlnot. ~CtNCT 32-S49-1 Cllfll -0 F. tr.In, Dim 208'0 Oekrldgt ln CleR -J.J lhn, R4P PRECINCT -32.aog. I 11281 Myrtle Or Polllng fltloe' Rl.lpl1 E. Ht-~ -C.L. Otaow, ~ lntp. -T ~.Rep PRECINCT -32-1n-1 Polllng ~ -Huntington Bay lnap -N.R Ktieglf, °"" Sohool. PRECINCT -32-379-1 Jvdoe -OF Bleck,Noperty Polllng Pleet -La Quula Clut:JN>uM. Juc:loe -E.E w..n..~. 9882 Ytllow9tone0r PolllnQ"'--GotdOnARllldtl_.S.Woo.-., Cler\ -PL 81111, ~-ClubtlouM. 10199 HOll>urn Or Cleril -R.C. Ollon. Dim.. ~-M.J. o.'dta, ~ 8218 ,..,_,nlngton 0. Clet1t -L4 Muty. Otrn 814 AA>ndra Or lnap -SR Ruacette.. Dtm C11t1c -R.J. Oonaldton. ~ -P.8. F0tgy, Dim lnap -VJ Gotdon, Dim PRECINCT -32· 152· 1 lnap -I.A Long. ~ Judge -J R ~ Rep PRECINCT -32-309-1 -J.M. W1Utlne, No Pany Judge -4 C Br1y, Dim. Polllng Pl--Hunt 8cfl Gone. Jvdoe -E.CM Mc:Cabl.,:_Dlm Ci.tit -E p G09l2, Rep. Polling Piece -Ad• E. Clegg C*1I -M.F. Shenot. Rep. Clltlt -c A Nowotny. ~ ~.Cent« Cler\ -M ShonQ, ..... Otrlc -TE. Slml><o, Olm Sotlool. 6311 LNchwOOd Of. PRECINCT 32-3~2 Cler1I -J p Gotelon, Dim 18900 AlgonQutn St. C*1t -HM ChioOo. Ate> PRECINCT -32·207·1 ffllC>. -E.M. Vlll'l lknn. ~. Polllng "'--Hunt~ PRECINCT -32-380-1 inep. _ J, V Aellty, ~-PRECINCT -32·178-1 Polllng Place -Hunt Conti "Judge -H.0. Vwdugo, Olm. ~ Polllna Pl--Hlml Rtlldlnce. SEAL BEAOI ~Nd91 -C.M. Coff\g-1, Dim Polllng Plaol -Sun"'-School, ClubhouM. •Cltr\ _ J.J. o.rota. Rte>. 9836 eomW..i Of. 6031 ~ldford Or. PRECINCT -38-279-1 "Claf\ _ M.A. Wood, Dim 7721 Jvll1Ut low Or. 19601 8'oold'lorsl St Cllr1I -RA. Qomerd, ~. !Np. -E. Lwtll, Dim. lnap -G M Hime, "-P PRECINCT -36-105-1 PO 111 n g P I 1 CI -T h Om 1 ll CMttc -C.F. Wl.llh. ~ lnap. -C.E. Dowdell,~. lf19P -M.J. Hugti.. Dem PRECINCT -32-312·1 JudOt -C.O. T~. Dem. Judot -C E eo-i, ~ Polling Piece -Ben1111d ~. PRECINCT -32· 152·2 Judge -B.L Olvldton, ~. Judot -E. Redwine, No par1y Poltlng P'--Hunt by a.. Ate. Clef\ -M M. ly\lnt. °""· Cl«k -O.J . Hlllt. Rep Relldlnce. .,, , C&ndltblfry All. Potllng ~ -Hunt. Boh. Gdnl. Cllrlt -W.C. Timothy,~. ()erk -NM. Henkle, Dem. c.ntw, Qerti -B.J. 8"1111, Oem Clerk -P.L Neumann,~. 132 Yale L.11 • lnlt) -P.A. Thometz.~. ~ Cent• C""11 -G. OtCorely. Dim. c;..,. -SC . .ion., ~ a 1851 N9wllll'ld St ..., PRECINCT -32-381• I PRECINCT -32-3112· 1 !nap. -C.L BenllMd, Dim Judge -M Y ....uy-. No P.ny 18900 Atgonquln SI PRECINCT -32·1Nol PRECINCT -32-232·1 er· -D.O. ~.Dim. Polllng Pl101 -8111llud Fire Pollng PlllCI -Cenedl Relldtnol, Judge -A.K. Hlfdlng, Dim. Clltlt -S.K. Sonoeol«>el. Dim. IM9. _ C.A. Bhtltf. ~ Poll~ Pl--Glen View Sc:hocl. Polling Pleet -Gau1t1d J -LC. Ferrlef, ,.,.,_,Ind. Station, 711111 AINmbfa Or. Cieri! -PM. Deming, Dem Cltfk -KE. Ayr•.~· Judot _ K.T. MlllOnly. Dem 0821 len Of. Rllkllnol. -J.B. Fetrllr, Dem. 19711 Buetwd St. lnap -0 E. Canld1, Dem Cltrk -J.A. Meadow9, Dem PRECINCT -38-313-1 Cltr\ _ M.E. Grein, Olm lnep -E.F. Kennedy, ~. 17101 Northlllld ln C11f11 -C.L BIMetl. Dem. ~-O.F. Run\btly, ~. Judot -T G. Shllllt. ~-PRECINCT -3'·246-1 Po 111 n g PI• c • -Room $ C11r11 -M.J. 0111, Rip. \ Judge -B.B. Bblby, Dim. lnep. -K.J. Gluttad, Rep. PRECINCT _ 32-319-1 -E.O. T""'-. Rep. C1erlt -R.M Lara. Olm. Polllng Piece -Audllorlurn El NO<lll'#OOd, PRECINCT -32·163·1 Cllrit_-J.M. Kennedy,~. Judge -A.N. SlenHI, ~ Polllng Plto • -Zohlm•n" -J.D. Ctlley, No Pwty. Cllt1t -M.J. Deny,~-Dorado. t•21 Northwood Rd. POiiing ,.,_ -Drlk• Rllldlnot. Cleftl. H SNdftr, Dem. Cleric -SA Thomplon, °"" Rel6def10t C1tr11-M.F. Ceminza. ~. PRECINCT -32-383 1 13681 Et Dorado°' ln11P -J s Gtly, °""· <402 w. SOflnofllld A¥, PRECINCT -32-180-1 Cllr'k -P.M. Herrtl, ~-10302 KukUI Or PMECINCT -32-382-1 Polling Piiot -Ctrlhlr)' 21 RE lnap. -E.E. t..wln, Dem Judge -M HllMb'tng. ~ lflllP. ~ (),E. -0ra •• Dim. Polling Pl•o• -M1rln• High PRECINCT -32·2•7-1 INC> -O.E. ~Alp. Polllno PllOe -R1.noho Hunt. °"'°'· 8701 Wamw A¥ Judge -G.O. Ke.ll, ~ Cllril -A.O. E'llMQ, °"" ~.:-:.·~~· =~s1. ~~-C.benlClub ~.:-leR.::=-,:n :-.::t ..... 11. ~-_o/~:a':'t:.r~o.m. 2==~l~~ ~ciNJ:_~~·~ 011f1t -RL l(Jbet, Rep lnlCI. -R.M. "-* ~ .. Oern. et• 1 Atlenla Av a.ii _ 0 I( °""""'· ....., lrwlp. -O.E. ,_, Rep. -M.L i..m.andr Otrn. PRECINCT -~249-1 PolllnQ "'--Wood Allldel-. PRECIHCT -S2·154-i t::,r -F.I!. Henteon, Rip. INC> -FA Chtl.t~. ~ PRECINCT·~ S2~l Judat -E..J'. ~.Alp. ~ -L.S. ~· ~. Polling Pt1c1 -Auditorium El 4518 buew Av POiiing P'--011veky Aelldll-. ,.._., -~-~-~~ Judge -B.E. Budrie. Dim Poling,___~ "t llfl -. C111.rit -f\A. 0-. "'Po PRECINCT -S2 ~1 Dor.do. INC> -K.Y T~ • .-.., 1Je82 OarlltMJ Av .._. --.... ~ -RE. 6towl, DIM l004:f...,__ Of a.1t -G.A. Mr1eN, Rip Pomna ~ -Murdy Community 138111 El Oorldo Or ~ -RJ Ott~. Ate> lflllP. _ME. Prioe, Dem PAEONCT -32·111-1 CW1t -J L White,~ !Np._ C.J. au.Y.n, No,.,,,.. PflEONCT-U~1 Ctr., fnec>. -H.F Vitti Ot \lent«,~ -8 E. Wood, Dem. tf!r.:-soi.·3':;:1·/t: ~"':t;.~IWOodSohool. =~~=-~-~-:g·::=.-,,,..,.-..,· ~=?~~oi..OMoe. ~~~r'-'.o.m. -==~~ ~~~ ~c1Nc"f4_s=~;~ ' °""' -R.,. Vlt91.m., °"" lnlCI. -R.M. Nunlbert, o.m 9982 11..,.do °' QI.ft! = o.ll w.cnno, °'"'· lrwlp. -T L lJnO'Cfleld, °'"' -P.o . N1tnd. o.m. aer1' -G.M. unc11>10m. ~ Polllno "'--c-wnuniiy Ctt PRECINCT -32-156-t JudOI.-H..M ....... Dim lnlCI. -C.B. °""· o.n PRECINCT -32~1-1 ~ -f.J. Ye-. Alp, -N.A. PetfllflOf), °"" PRECINCT -36-250-1 Clllbhoutt, PolllnQ "'--Sobel Relidll-. Cltfk -M.E. ~.Rep. Judge -TL Vanlue. Dim Pollng "'-_In~ Out Pholo. ~ -M.R. Lade, Dem a.ti -C.0 . a...onard. ~. POiing Pt--Lobby El 3333 St Cloud Dr 8702 Adi.ml A¥ c.11 -W.W. H9dlandom. Olm. a.r\ -MB Van Cleew. Rep 10062 Adwnl A-a.ti -F.L White, Otm PRECINCT -32-386-1 Oorldo. lnap -RE. 8c:hnlld9r, Dem. fnep. -V.E Sobel. Dem ~-32F·182·1 ,_ ,_._ atnc -J.M. Van ThMI, Dem lf\IP _ A.C. COnrld. Rip. Pf!ECINCT -S2-354-1 Polllng Pl1ct -,C111 Del Sol 13ellt El Oorldo Or JvOgt -LC JecklOrl, Ale>. JudOI -G.8 . PIUI. ~ ,_.,..---ennen"-. ..,.., ...... PAECIHCT -32·298-1 JudQI _PT. V.-0, Dem. Polllng Pl101 -H1nalord Clu~. -: IMC). -O.L Stephine,~ ci.rit -JM 4lpet\. ~. cltt\ -BE. Connell ~ 148M 8prinodele & Bc*a Pollng "'--Mofll(I Sdlool, CW\ -M AadebeUgfl "'° A"'6d1ooe, ;1ee1 Bro<*"""1 SI Judge -V.A Witco•. Rep Cltr1I -E. Cert, Dim Cltr1I -E.M wldlllQh. ~ lnlCI. -V.H. L.awheed. Alp. eeoo bunaetl Cltr1I -o."M. Lebow. No p.;,y 211M2 Hertlort>f-Ln. ,,,.., -M L Reuon, Otm. Cllrll -cc Anderaon. °"" PRECINCT -'8--316-1 PRECINCT _ 32-156-1 ~ -l.C. V.-0. Otm. 1f11C1 -J.A. Bteelty, Dem PRECINCT 32423-1 1NP -B.J. ~.No Petty Judge -L.K ~.Rip. Clerk _ M L ~-~ Polllng Place -Robt •taon Polling Piece -Ctrptnttr Cltr1I -A.M. long,~ JudOt -C.A. WtOlr, Rep. Pollng f>'--CeNwy a.ptMt JudOt-E.M. SOhrtcll, Dem. Clerk -M B. Ovt>Oet. No Party PRECINCT -38-251·1 Reeldlnol, RelldtrlOI Cltr1I -0.1. atn., Dem Cler\ -N.l . Web«. Rip Church Cllril -B.Y. 8en Vlotnlt, Rep a.ti -M.H. Nellon.~ Polling Pl-. Lot>by El Oorldo 3e71 Bluttllll St 6311 Newbury Dr. PRECINCT -32-183;-1 Cleft. -C.O. Elltwonh, Ate> 9291 ~ 4,.. CMr1' -S.C. ftayt>Um, ~ PRECINCT -32-387·1 13681 El Dorado 0. lnap -M Gt\indvlg. ~ lnlp. _ M.A. Cempblll, Olm P~ Pl-. -Plltll I Pre S4flool PRECINCT -32-287. t lnap. _ 0.J Andlf"Mn. ~ ~CINCT -32-366-1 POlllnQ "'--leojlro Olea 1nap -F.R. Mtrg¥11ten, Dim JvOgt -N M Miiiett. Ate>. Judge_ A.S. G1t11Y, ~ 815 Knoxville Av Polllng "'--Wiii Reald4lncl. JudOt _ J.l. e.119y. ~. Polllng '"'--Smith Aetldtnot, 9eOO 't'onctown A11. Judgt -F.K H<>c*lnt. ~. ~ -JP Oooe. ~ C1tt11 -MK MoCllMy, Ate> fnllP -0 M. Uundera. Dem. 9342 Neutilua Or a.r\ _ A.E. Howerd, Dem IM42 ltllen4 Or. lnap -H.E. Pound, Dim. CWk _ M.B. P.t•aon. Rep Cl«1I -B.L Allen, Rep Cl«k -J.K. Polenctc, No peny Judge -W.l . Byer. Rep. '""'· -C.4. Wllll, Olm Cler1t -H T~ ~ "1nlp. -M.M. Smith,~· Judge -P.A. Currlll, Dim Clert. -T Bemherdl, Olm PRECINCT -3&-319-1 PRECINCT -32·157-1 Cieri< -S.C SU1oy, Dem Juc:loe -BB. Whllt, Rep PRECINCT._ 32.32._1· Judgt -N.L Wiich, ~. Ci.tit -C.E. Knight Dim PRECINCT _ 36-252·1 Polllng Place -01lbr .. th Polllng Piece -Richa rdton C•k -R Kobbe, Dim a.ti -M.A. K ..... ~. Polling~_ Laltt "'-Pent Cler1I -C. Lombll"dl, Dem. Cl«k -Cl. Pf ... I, No Party Polling~ -Auditorium &Knlng R~. Rltidtnee, PRECINCT -32·164-1 Cieri< -C.A. Wall, Olm ClubllouN C.. -A.l. Rogera, ~· PRECINCT -32-3118-1 Tr11, 4•2• Elder Av 111375 Atdlley Cir. Pofflng Pi--Giii Och School PRECINCT -32-2119-1 17451 zltci., Ln. PRECINCT -32-358-1 Polling "'--Mdre Arev•IOs 1880 Gol""1 Rain Rd lnap -N.M Caughlln. 0em lnap. -t<.S Rlcflll'daon, Rip 15262 VlclOl'la Ln. P~ Pt--Rol>erl H Burke arn _ 0 L stiort. Rep. Polling Pl--Murdy Fire St111on, Sctlool. !nap. -M.N. Hawtlln1. Dem Jlldgt -C.C. Vtfl, 0em Judge -L.Y. Home. Rip ln11P. -H H Uncaphtf, No par1y. School, _J.M. Oieda. Rep. 10221 Gothard Bt. 194192 ltKlnQlon ln Judge _ N.M Bittu. Dim Cleric -BR Galbr•lh. Rip. Clltlt -M M. Pe.ugh, ~ Judge -E.S Sowlol6tl, Rep, 9700 L-Dr -E.C. H.rrlng1on, Dem. lnep. -K.l . Juperton, Otm '"8'>· -G.K. Whtely, "-P Cieri< -e J Schmldl, Rep Cieri( -8. y Orr, Dim C1«k H.B Unn. ~. C""11 -J.P Mlllmo. Dem lnep -M.O. Hutton Polle.~ 'Cllf1l _M E. &petu Olm. JudOt -J.M. Qello, Oem. Judge -G H Gltah1.m, No Pilfly Cl«lt. _ L Saut1t, Dem PRECINCT -J&...322·1 PRECINCT -32· 15&-1 Clerk -0 .A. Flltlen, Rip Judot -B.4 A.lhorat, Rep PRECINCT .:_ 32-32a.1• ~ -A.A. Sewrlf. Rip CWlt -8.M. l•. Rep PRECINCT -36-253-1 P O 111 n g PI a c I -Room Polllng Pt--M 1mag11 Store. PRECINCT -32-1M-1 Cltf'k -M L. Johnston, Dem po 111 n g pf 1 o 1 -Sch II• t 1 r C*1t -K. Gelo, Dem. C"'1t -A M. Wll1«t , Dim Polllng Pl--Lol>by El Dorado. Nortnwoocl. 16400 Ptciflc Coet1 Hwy POiiing Pl--Clr<:ll VII'# School 011r1t -B.J Co11. Rep Aealdloot PRECINCT -32-357·1 PEECINCT -32·380-1 13881 El Oorldo Dr 1421 NorthwOod Rd fn11P. -IF M«rlfllld, ~. 82el Hoot!• Of PRECINCT -32·270·1 a3ll Lemben Or Polllng P11c1 -811r11ng Aeakttnct, Polling Pl--Arnold ReeidellCt !nep. _ S.E Palm,~. lnap -MM Kreinbring,~ J11C1gt -O.M. Moore.~ l"'C). -V.K Ovlnn, ~ Polllng Pl1ct -Jo11ph Perry fflllP. _ E.M. Bo6c11ng. Otm 111391 AedlMdl. Ln. 17371 Mire Loml Cir Judoe -M.J Reid, Dim JudOt -H L Alyno6dt, ~ °"" -M.M "4ot'rieon. ~ JudOf -A. L.enll, Dem Sonol. Judge -a M Sc::tlueter Dem 2r-8.A. Summln, Rip lnap -E.J Bu<dlnl, Dem Clerk -M H Ltoey, ~. Cieri! -FE Olxon. ~ Cltf1I -O.M. Aodlno, Dim Cllrit -F.L Loeltl, Dim 19231 H¥dlno Ln a.ti _ w.'M.' a-., .-. -S.R. Sllrtlng, Dem. Jucjgt -P E. Arnold, ~. Cfer1I -J.A Ltoey, ~ Clerk -R Rooow. 0tm PRECINCT -32·158-2 C*1I -A.A. &uutr, ~-lntp -E.l. &ounda, Rep CMttc _ o T Royek ~ -8.0 . Sengret, ~ Cllric -SS Kutut, ~ PRECINCT -3e-2S4-1 PRECINCl -~2~1 P~PW»-MlrnegeeStore, PAECINCT -32·1116-1 JudOl -OM FOldhllfTl,Oem PRECINCT"..:..32..:s2'7.1 . atr11-Z.M.Reddldt.~ Clerlt -E.Mlller,Flep Polllng P-llCI _Room• Polllng Pl1c 1 -Room 8 1&400 Pldflc Coel1 Hwy Polllng Piece -Sc:htotdlr School, Cleric -E.F Joublrt, Dim Polll"g Pie.ct -Wm Newland ~ClNCT -32-368-1 PRECINCT -32-391 Northwood. Northwood, lnlp. -FE. 9ytund, °'"' 15151 Colvmble l.n °"" -BJ Sk1nurn, Dem School Polllng "'--St BonaYwttur• Polllng "'-: s-Allldtl-1•21 NorUlwood Rd 1421 Northwood Rd. Judge -W.B. Andlraon. Dim lnep -B.A. Merow. Dem. PRECINCT -32-2711-1 8787 ~ Or. Churd\. 15082 ~· Cir lnlt) -H M. BlngMnd. ArMI Ind. lnap -0 .8 Wwd, Otm a.r\ -J.W Ood, Alp Judge -0 I. Merow, Rep. Pollng ~ -Plff'IUll Relldence, !Np. -I.A. Pe.non. Rip 18"00 Sp,-.~ St. lnap. -C.E s-nen. ~. Judge -Ms. CMttlanW\, ~ Judge -J.O. Gatwy, Dem. C1«tt -M.J. Bttt-. Dem Cleric -V.E. V.i.rrtln, ~. 18642 Lucie Ln Judge _ CI Rowe Dem lnl.p. -LZ. Role,~ JIJdgt -R.R Qr__,, Rip C11t1t -E.W Hadlty. Dem Cltfk -ME. Huber, Dem. PRECINCT -32·1S9-1 Cltttl -Ml Rote. Dim '""'· -NF PIFT9Ull. 0em C1tfk -B j ~ Rip JudOt -C Ellon, Dem C1er1c -A.8. McWlllllme. Dim. C1tr1t -HS r>rteton ~ Cllr1c -M.C. Schroder, Rep. Polllng Piece -Ctrde n u PRECINCT -32'1117-1 JudQI -V.L Appel,~ Clerk -e:c. Pele, o.m: a.ti -E.T Fritz.°"" Cllr1I -.. B. ~.Olm. PRECINCT -3&-2~1 PRECINCT -36-32"-1 ,....IOI PolllnQ Pl--M.uctll Retldencl, Cl«k -S.A. Oevll, Dem PAECINCT _ 32-3211-1 a.ti. E.8. Glbton. ~ PRECINCT -32-382·1 Polling~_ 4udllot1um Born1ng Polllng Pltce -lobby Burning 17<M<4 fdoew91• Ln 3418 Mlslrel Or Cllrtt -E-C a.-cStn. Dim Polllng PllCI -Golden VI•• PAEQHCT -32~1 Polll"9 P1eoe -Teyne Rleldlnel. Tr• Trtl, in.., -A.P C.dlnM, Ate> !nap -Ll 4Narw.. ~ PRECINCT -32·278-1 Sdlool, Poling"'--S.. er-MobtM 0852 Ny1IN.I Or 1880 Golden R.1n Rd 1880 Ooldln Rain Rd. JudQI -F Weber,~ Judge -KE. Peoplet, ~. Pollng Pleet -San MOllO 17251 QOldln View Ln. PeB. !nap -MA T8'f'll, Dim. lnap -J F ~. ~ lntp -·".E. Jtlttnon, No Pwty. a.ti -4.E. 'iolgl. Dem Cttr11 -KI 0t Jlfdltl, ~ Clutinoo.e. lntp. -H. l'terot, Otm. 5200 Hell 4v Judge -V.M Teyne, Dim JvdOI -WW ~ R -t> ~ -J.R. Ptnfltld. Dem. C1er11 -H.8 ~. ~ Cltr1t -HJ Mr.:'le. ~· 8131 Sin MOllO 0. Judge -R. Pierce, Dem. lntp. R.M. MolTit. Otm ci.r\ -T 4. langnlr, Rep CWk -G.j Ptldea. No P~ -C.R Klltin, Ito P.ny. PRECINCT -32-180-1 PRECINCT -32· 1 1 • lnap -A.M Telbotl, ~. C1tr11 -O.H. Cdf, ~. Judge -H.M. Klnlty, Otm. Clti1t -J.S Keen, Dem'. C11r11 -J C Wlllllma Ate> Cltr1I -M ~. No Pllrty Po111ng "'--Red C.rptl Polllng Pi--CWti AlelcMl1e», Judge -R.E McWllll1m1, Ho ~ _ A.J . .10t1neOft. Allp. a.ti -L.E. O\lld!, ~ PRECINCT..=..l.2-393-1 ---PRECINCT -3&-2se.°1 PRECINCT -36-S27·1 RE Ofllot 1$S81 ~ ln. Pwty. PRECINCT -32-329-1 a.nc -S.W. Oltnn, Ate>. Polllng Pl•c• -Hunt 8h0reclllf POiiing ~; 4udllOtlvm 8\lf"nlnQ PollfnO "'--Mery E. l.oel• 234 E. Adi.mt A¥. lnap -!l.M o.11, Dim CWk -R. NII, Otrn. PolllflO Pleet -Mlle 'Vltw &dlool. PAECINCT -'2~1 Clv~ Tt• Schoc:il. tnep. -M.G. Otlon. Olm Judge -A. Ovgln. Dim Clet1t -J.I. Lowe, Dem. 17801 Alllllt ln. Pollng Pleet -Hell Fite 8Ui11on. l0701 e..di 81\td. 1880 Golden R•ln Rd 12th St I Pee Ctt Hwy Judge -O.H. Ollon, Olm, ~ -P.J. ~tlty. Olm PRECINCT -32·280-1 lnap. -l .D Mo3°'"'· 5"1 Httt Av. tnep. -J.C. &Nmmltt, ~-tnap. -J.C. Ntvl. n. Dem I~-H.A. M\ltgrlW, Alp. C*1i -M.O. l.oYgren. Dem. CWk -M.O. K\141, Dem. Polllng PllOI -"*'°"°Del Rey JudOt -B.J . ~-D.R. Splow, ~. Jvdoe _ F.I.. Otbornt. ~. Judge -M.F. Tlfnautr, 0tm J -N.J . l!!lanetl, Dem. Cltrk -C.M ~. ~. PRECINCT -32-189-1 ~ Plltil, ()ri _ 8.A. Olen. . -O.E. '*-· Rep. :;*1t _ E.F. Murdlleon. Dem Clerk -M W Beland Oem -0 . WlllOJ'ttl, o.m. PRECINCT -32•111().2 PollfnO Pl--s.. 4lr• Moblll 111222 Monterey Ln. Cler1I -M.8. Stn/ttl, Dem. -N. Dlt>bem, A19, 01eric -R.E. Wall.II. Ate>. Cltc'lt. -G."L. 0 Hood, Rep. Olertl -A.A.~. Rep, P.olllnO "'--Red CW!* Pn. ~· -M.C. f'etenon, Rep, PAEOINCT -32~2 aertl -L.T, Haoolf1v. bem. PRECINCT -32-395-1 PRECINCT -38-21111·1 PRECINCT -3&-a28-1 RE Ofllot 8301 WWn« A¥. -C.8. Moc.llum, Atp. Polling Pi-_ City Vd lt#ftltl PRECINCT -3f~1~1 Polllno Pleot _ Boy• Club H8 Polltng ~ _ # 1 fl<t SUIUon, =g Pii ot -811rt1d Colony 234 E. Adi.mt A.... lnap, -E.M. Welltra. ~ -LM. Rioht)I, Dim. Blllldlng, Polllng Piao• -Laa 811111 ~ Ith St-Central All. 8" ... .:-...... • lnep. -P. 8c:tlwlWU. Olfn Judot -E.M. s~. ~. Cllrtt -O.F Rlohty, Dim. 17$71 Ooti.cs St. Apertmtnta F j Sllleon ~ IMC) -G.M Knighton. Olm "_.,,_ .. v. JudOt -M.M PINllll, Dem. Cler\ -0.J. Bub, Rep. PRECINCT -32·212-1 ~· -M.J . ~I. Otm 1$6e2 8t1 Clr lnep. -. ' . JlldOI -L.L Cotl111Uno, Rep. lnap. -LL. =Dem. Cllr1i -H.L. 81111, '-· Ctn -O.A. Glttord. Olm. Pollng Pl-. -Ferm• H-A. Rllnlrwl. Dim lntp. -M.dumer, A19. ~:: le~r::.~r:::.. Dem. Cllric -o.e Howard, Dem Judgt -O.M. Atp. Cl«tt _ E.E .i.n.i. Ate>. PRECINCT -32·190-1 ~. :: l C Ol1ftttN, eem. .Judge -M. Selogub, Otm. Cllr1I _ H.W Tltllt. Dem. C11r11 -VI Pyron Dim a.ril -E.A 1, Alp. PRECINCT -32-191-1 Pomno Piece -MHdO• Vlt• 5472 Diamond Dr. Cllr1t _ML Hegen Alp Cltfk -E.K. Goddard. Dem. PRECINCT _ U-395-2 PRECINCT -Je.2S9·1 Cllrtt -J .B. IOek•. Rep. Polllng Pl•c• -K"ut1onSchool. lrllC>-E.K.Cer9)'.flep PAECINCT0_:32-33l·1 . Cl«k-D.R.Keltr.Oem. Pollln9Pt101-8oy1ClubH8 PolllngP'-:Dwenport~.PAECINCT -Sl--33-1 Rtlldtnot. • 57020.ntOf JudQl -f.R.Mlhony,Recl Polllng PllCt -looll erd PAECINCT-S2·3'2·1 Clubtloult 1120F1.thomAv. Poltlno"'--McO.ugtllntef 512 Hlll'ttord "... !nip. -O.M. Goodman,~ a.r\ -J .D Wood.~ ReeldtrlOt Poll I no P l•C• -Whlltl'IUd &19 YOr1110wn Av. lnlp. -S.L OeYenpor1, Dim. Sclhool. tnap. -C.H. MKUOd. Ate> JudQI -O..IM. ~"!'°'.!:...Dim. c.ti -p .A. C.ey, ~ om Woodborq Or Attldel-. Er-LH. AlllWI, HIP Judge -G.M. Knepp, Alp. llMNI "*' A¥ Judge -N.N ~-Dim Cllric -J . ._ .... ..,.. PAECIHCT-U-~1 !Np. -A.A. MCC·'llOoah. o.m. 15"0....,.,.. Or. -l Boyere No Pwty Cl«k -S.J. Apptegtrte. Dim kll.p. -P.L ~ Cltfk -O.H. Holden. Own CW11 -J.L ~ .. Dtm Pollno P'9ce -~ Relldel-, •Judo• -M. MoCUllo119h, No IMp. -8.A. OrM. l'lep. -A.V. Treaci0rt. Oern. Ollr1t -G M Haro A9p Judge-a.a. tr\, o.m.. Qerk _A.I(. Fort>ea, Dem. PRECIHCT -32· 191-t 187tf OreerN1ew L.11 P.ny Judat -A.A. ...,., Dem c.ti _ M !. Wdft. Dem. PRECINCT ~ ~2'2.1 Cleril -0 .C. Wt• P 6 ~ PRECINCT -32·182·1 Polll"O Pl101 -Vlll•g• Vltw lnep. -A.M Mywn. °"" ae.n·-R.0. Vooe. Olm. a.ti -8. Gl.l)lon, No P.ny PA!CINCT -u•1 Polllno Pleet -Old Town -.uy a.ti -Q.P, McCeMI.. No,.,,.,. Poll Ing Plue -Putm1.l11 &chool, JudQI -C.f. Ptlelpa. 8em a.tt -V.L Vooe. Delft. a.ti -M.J. Wl'l!Wtted. 0tm PolUn9 l'lece -H8 FV l'INllOrt Otllot PRECINCT-. ~1 All6dlll0t. 5301 9'eeOt1 0. a.ril -H. hAlter, Dem. PRECINCT -S:L-332·1 PRECINCT -32~1 Oft1ot 1400 0-, Av l"o9na "'--KtOgfl .. .....,_..._ __ 7M2 "'*" °'· 2r-~A ,,......,._Jr~ -a.ti -M.A. ..lec*eon, f'ep. Pollng ,.._ -Gonkln ........ p 0111 n g p 11. 0 . -c 0 II I. 0 n INP • IU ..,... .... ~-M.C. Htrmlk. Alp. 4000 Ironwood, M. .. .!!.. -!nip. -1..M. Pw"INlln. o.m -n.L. Jer\klnt ....... ,_.,_ PAEClNCT -32·2M-1 1112 lononle Or. ........ JuOi,.--PA lorum.:.~· -1.J Aourmw, Atp. ~ . ~ ....... .,_... Judat -N.L ~. Dem a.ti =:·~Alline, °""t>M, ~ "'--Whlfftltrt1 Apel1• ""-' -A.L Cole, Dem. iM:I Hlo Cit. ~ -M.A. ....... "'II· -O.H. 0.-. bi,;;; ~ -P.A. NofdlbOit\ Rep. a.ti -8.J.0. lfy8nt. Otm .....,C,...,..T · ~ 1 "*"-Judge -O.A. ~. ... lllep. -J.A. ....... Ho ,.,,., Oler1t -M V. lMNftoe. No Ptny ~CINC-VT. -~~1 · a.ti = ~~ ....... -°""' a.II -A.M ....... Atp ,....,. .._ -•· 8200 EdlnOtr Av a.ti -8 J ~U. "9p. JudOI. -MA Coulaon, 0tm PMCINCT -»~ 1 .-~ _.-4-...... Ndwd. "'° PflfC*C'T -~113-1 Potlno ,.._ -Ml.ttfl Aet16t11oe. tne.p. -N.T f'ltnaolll'I, Ate>. a.tt _ ..t.A. Gonion.°""' ~ -l\.C. ~Rep. Polllno 1'11.ce -Heritor"'' vtg PollnQ PleOt -..., lcfl Tr ,.. PAECtHCT -....._, ~ l'l.ot _ 0-. VW 18MfMarte Ln. Jlldot -M.6. J""*'• Otm PMQNCT _ ~1 0.. -A.E. L.Mao, l'llllp. ~ ~ flollnO ,_. -..,_ Oltllmw ldWIOI 2r-T.K. Ar--. Atp. Clttil -8 .0 . Jannan. Otm Pollng ..... -'°""" .......... l'MCINCT-U41M-1 *'~ .... Or a1a Wlloomt Ln CMltlol.-. .a~ or. -J.A. o.a.i., °""-C*11-E.Q. Otonwt, Dem. 1112f8"IO)I Lii. PollnO l'tl.ol -Hlt1)or Vl9W ~ MI. "'9a. "'ip ~-8.M. Pelter, Dem. 707 l)lcWtc A'I, -M.a. ~i.. Den\. -LH. Monton. Alp. PMC!HCT -$2-n&-1 2r-O.L loltwn. o.m. ~~ --fli.K. Klno, o.m_ -8.t.. Andencn, Dem. ~ --MLM~ = -Lf. IWrY. ~ ~NJ~~ .... ~ Pwty. Polllng Pl101 -Kcweltlt.I -I .I . lnOo. Olnl. 1MOO ;-.c_y-,-~·--M.af. lmlttt, 0-. -M.I.. MOl.rlol\, Dem. (.i;t'" K.C ~· 0... .... J.A. """"' ...,.. od ,,...,..._ -A.L =· "9p. =-· _.., . ..,., c.ti -C.L ~. l'llllp. a.rte -J.I. Yocilt9v, Oem. ,..._ -• Olel1t -I.A. llwltoft. o.m, l'olllng Plact -1tl Mtlll tit 1162 ...... Dr. a.rte_ M.L. la , "-· -llO. flenn, Alp. PMOINCT -S2-<401·t PRECIHCT -~I ....., .. -LI. Qlngrm. l'MONC'T -U ·114-1 Ol\utdl, ~-L\. Kowellkl Otm PMC4NOT-sa.-..1 -I'.~. Ho "tltY· Poltnca l'tl.ol-OUolft ........ ._ Pollno "'--Mtll)I I. lott• flMQNOT --.-.1 l'olll"ll Piece -Otlttwood 2121 111tlF 11t.11•• Dim -M.H. 1tn11t1.'f'lo., Polttng 1'110t -CarDont OWlt -D.L Willf, Amet-INJ, i ""'-1.°'o.' ,,,,..._, -' ICINIOl1,.... a·,,~..-.. "olllng l'IHt -Miry Wiiton ~ ~ -· · .. "'90fl. · -M.J. Aubto, f11ep .._._... PfllclNC'T -U4A-I -· ._ ''"'" • -• .. _, Utlflry, 2t"2 Pidlie c......., o;;r, -w. Paintnon. °'"'· an -M.L <*on, "-· 11111..-.. LI\, ~ ,...,. -Hunt Hwtlof M -u . W4lldlllbelW, 0-. ~ -"-L ,,..,., -. 101 "'-'°Av ~ -_vt,.~~ ~ = ~! ~-PMOIHaT -12-1 ... 1 · ':.'S:: .!·l'J~O-. =-wemer A~. Cll!1I = ~.:.:..o;;,. ;;t" =·~~P~O:.~· Atp. i-_"-t._~ "'t-. ~ -A.& o.11\, ....,_ PMCINOf -12·1t6-t Poltlno Piece -Tredt lue M_,, c;;f' _ Mf. ~ ,.-. =r-M.1.. Toflll, /vrw. Ind. l>MCINCT -U...ot-t QI.ft! -fl •own, Dem. Jc..&.....-. ...... 011r1r -C.M. ~. 0-. ~---.._ "9o. Center, Ofloe ce.t. -&,. , ~.Dem.._. -O.G. .....,,....., f'lll>. PollnQ ,.._ -....., fWldl.I• PMCtHCT -..._ft&. I : J,1111. ~ o:,;;:" ....cT -U ·1•t ITOI Av, 1TH1 lledl llll'ld. fl'MQNCT-aa:SU:1 -A.M. l'IMO, Alo. l01ff .. l9'ld LA !Jolllno Piece -I.ob~ lur"lnf ==· -~.'r' = ,_. _ ~ L lnlldl ~ -M. ~ 0-. ~-•Jt.S:.~ ~ l'WI-Hlft. T.,,._ OWlt -O.L ~ l'llllp. ~-[.~o. .. .:r..~ t:GolOll\ IWrl M . PllOt :;UM, ..... 11'0 t11Ut ;:f _:-~~~ Q;t" ::1.0'. .,_,,.. ~It. =;:"~ U:: ,_..,.., ;;t°' -flL. ,._, -~-Q.M. § Mt,_. i -v, ~-. ~ -WJ' ..... DIM. Ctn -M.I. I~.-. 1-H.¥, =:=iS-IOU Dr. C11rti -1.J. ~ --M.4. Olin. =-c.a. ~ --'-'·~-~---1M-t PWT -a..m-1 , -o.t.-·-l'llllp. ~-1.A......,,Olnl. f'MCINCT -11 ' -Ul'otW ..... ""--..... --H: ~ ~ =:i l'leoe -La/ttl of '*"' =,... _ °"'1111 A11ldl1-. -1c. ~I &ri"-...... ... .... =,... -1\l'IW p . , -an -O.T. ~ = M:'i'~a... .. -OJmcier-~1 .. ttHMlllll\A#. a.---·~-,~~~-~=~-=~ =-"'r!~.o.. ~'T'"-...,.:A no-. ~-GA .. ••a.O.. = .... -er.-.---. ~-P'-',_.....O... -N.J.~~ ,.....__ ............... ......cT-·1 ..... ..._,_,.. iii"t1w.'i PMQINGT--...1 . ---~........ ;:r=:t==. ~=·= i.~~"""'-=r.=.;r:.-"'~ ~a:.~~ ~--~.~o... ==-~Glfilil ...... '-~--. ,._ Cltlftl -o.v . ......_-. l'M -~~' -au .. .c,..-. • -fl.I • ......._°""' -...-. a;r -t.J. "'9oGll. ~ • ,.. "' l'Olllno "''°' VIII• W1111•r Cieri! H..0 ,...,. "-~ PMOIHOT -... ii+.1 MOO Wllf'* AY P1t1111g l'lto1 -lo1u,.wortll 1,..i -A IL ....... P9ll'I l'leaidtnot, Judge 11< Ye.. l'IO 170f COtll Pl Q9I\ -0 ~.OM!. =--..... ~,. ~ -1 M u-.ttin. Deni -M t.. AIMlnM, -. l'MCINCT -Slo<40"1 l M ~. "-PolllnQ Plaot -Of-l.llt1*e.n CW. -U I lflul, "9p. Cfwfdl, l'MClffCT -... ,.._, "', ldlnQtt Av Pollno ...... -Oun)'Ofl n 2 I I -. tntp "·M WMltn. Oel!I Hto ,uofltle CW ~ -It.I.A.=-.~ ~ -AT Nw. OM'I C..,_ -0 M'. Ortll1 _?tnl c;f'.:: O~LK~~ l'RIOINCT -32·4ue-1 CWk -A.() Vlll'I, Oem . Polllng PllQI -R f1.11111'; Oodot l'MOINCT -•nt-t ~:n..c,, llYd PolllnQ P*4 -MdtOfMn .,,.,_ IMP A.M Pt)ll'lt. Dem i~: Oddll'I 1\1.111 Ad. Judge A. Tellla, 'lep lnap. -C.! Antllnt. °"11 Cllrll C.H. Oe.meron, Oem J\ldoe -O,", :r.:::· ~~~INC~ :.: ~0o°:":"' Cltri! -t.,.M. Kia-, Clln! -M.P. V Olm. Potting PlllOI -Edleon Comrmmlly PRICINCT -M-210. 1 i!;n MtQnOIU.81 Poll l"O Pll.ot -1'1001'11 2 'n"' l:l> 01.rwzon. o.m ~~I'd. ~ ~:· ~llQllOOOo~ IMO. -D.I . Munford. "9p c1en1 -1. £ 'w"""· ReC> 't/!r.:: aH·s~~..,o«n l'llllp PRECINCT -32·410-1 Clerk -A M 8otn, Dim Polllng Pleet -BrOOkllelo Mnr P-.ECINCT -M-271-t CkibnouM. Pollll\Q P1aot -Room 1 Nol .. -rttl ... ""IWOOCI-... 98110 Garfllld Av 1421 Northwood Ad lnap -LP Gardner, Alcl !nap. -p G. T~. Deni Judge 0 M Betry. Rep Judot -1.M Nordllt "9p Clttli -NT SllmOnd, R..9 Clltli -M O T8YIOf, ot; Clti1t -E M Bazan, Dem Ctn -DA Mwgr'IW, .-.., PRECINCT -32·411 ·I ' pRfCfNCT -*f72· I Polling P ll CI -S•• O a1• Pdllng P1aot -Mdtonum llur'*'e Clubtloull. Tr• Ul01 I Bonllre Cir 1ee0 Golden A11r1 Ad lnap -T A KAtye, Olm 1nep -I M lllnntll. .-.., Judge -Y M Kalley ~ Judge M V BtnMtt, "9p. Cleric -CF Cely, Rep Clltlt :: S ! 8111'Uett, ~ Clltlt -M 8 Young. Rep Cllfll -ME ao.-No Pany PRECINCT -32-" f2· 1 PRECINCT -36-273-1 Polllng Place -BHchwelk I Polllng Ple e t -Room 3 Cf\lbhouM , NOnllwOOd 19751 OtlP H1tbof 0. 1421 N~ Rd. lnap -M 4 Bldlc><d, Otm fnllP -w C. Mltchllll, ~. Judge -R L Hovilnd, Rep JUOQI -J Mltehell. ~ Ci.tit -HA Bocl<.lllhlet, Dem Cftr11 -GM LlnOllUll'. Dem. Cteril - E J Wert, Dem. Cfer1( -L. Nllmlfll, °"" PR(T -32 ... 12·2 PRECINCT -:le-274-1 Pol g Plac e -811ohwalk I Polling Pleet -Room e Club II, N<>tlllw<>Od 1975 OtlP H1tbor Or t42 I NorthWood Rd. lnllC). -J 0 Karr. Dem fnap. -F ~~· Judge -E.K Sohmldl. ~ JudOt -u C "-Cllrk -VA Ea"1I ~ :let\ ,.,, ' · ..._ Cl«k -s :J SGott." Rip gitt11 = :·Rs:. ~ PRECINCT -32-413-1 PRECINCl. -36-276-1 POiiing Place -Jona Reel~. Polling ~ -AudltOfk.m El 20042 C11>41 Collage Ln OOttdo IMP -EA Hyiand, R.p t3681 El Oorldo Or Judot -B L Griffith. Rep lnap -H I.. Unlg, ~. Cl«k -J.M Jublll. ~ Judge -H.M. Sweneon. ~ C11t1< -F H Schnelder.~ C*1t -ER 8wlnl0tl, ~ PRECINCT -32-414·1 Cltrll -o"o Leonard,~ Polling Pl--PIOlt Rea.ldenol, PRECINCl -38-278-1 IHM1 Hot Springs Dr Polling Pl•c:• -H1tmat1.d lnap -LR Coffey. Dem ~ J udge Rs Con1y, Dim 1215 catailn. A.,. Clt<il -J F CltnPagM. ~ fnep -L A H«met.ad ~ Oet!< L Peck Dem S S ' .........._ PRECINCT -32-" 1!>-I ~_:-A B . s::::: A;" Po 111 n g P 111 c; t -M CC Ou rt Q1t1t -l M Hlltlton. ~ ~. PRECINCT -38-2711-1 22122 Ce.p111rano Ln Poling P1--....,.,,,.. ~ tneo -C J MoCoun, Dem • 181 blrohwood Av · Judgt LA Trujillo. Dim ln11P -EC Randolph.~ Cler\ -JC Slrnpaon, Rep Judge -AL Proe1«. Dem Clenc -K.A McCcuf1, 0tm C1eri1 -BJ Hey, No Pllrty CWk -A 0 Rluteratllll'I, ~ I . . I I • I l I I I l , . l I • f . I. . . t: J: ... .. ~ 1· . • I . .. •• a-::t~~~ =-Lt .• ~.'-:~ft!t~iin 1.1111tno~l•ll ........ 101 *'r'-~ ~-i~O::,~ ;;;r_,I(,~ 01er11-•.u , l'RICINOT -I· ltotllRQ ~ -,~, ~. 4 4t4 l ll'OllW90CI '"' 2r M M "IOI!· D.m. I A Wuoetlofl, "eci Clw -I/ 0 Watd, Dem Clerk -W G W1td. Dem tlUNlll tlACH PAlOINCT -S1·1M-1 Polllng "taoe -WOfl'lellf Cl\lb CtubhouM, 18112 e.y View Or lntp -C A ll'lllodee, Oern Moe -C.K ~. Dern ci.tll -l.IJ KUNIMUI, ~ Ct«ll -L.IJ. WOOd, ~· l'AICINCT -37-J<>e-1 llOlllng Pl--\/Olunt-l'lre Station, tNet 12111 St I -A8 Taylor,~ -W H hytor. Aec> -C. Henington, Oern , Clwtl -CA Teytcw, flej) PRECINCT -!I f-oN-1 POlltno Pl--MallOfy f\wldtlnoe, iW Aedllllldt Or lnep. -R. Mallory, Dem Judge - J Moffett, flee>. Cltt\ -I( T Adame, Rep Clw1I -R.0 Botkin Jr t>tni PRECINCT -111-0e<>·I POlllng Piece -Lauoert>eugn Reeldence. 380 22nd St lnep. -L V. Lauderbaugh. R.ep. Judge -C.C. Rottman~ Rep Clettl -L.A OeOMre, uem Clerk -0 .1 w .. 1. Rep PRECINCT -51..Qel-I Polling Pl-. -The Apartmenll ClubhouM. 324 E 20th SI lnep -LS. Turne<, Rep Judge -M.K. RUIMll. Rep. Clerk -A HlncllMHe, Dem Clerk -S 0 OU!oev. Rec> PRECINCT -51-215·1 POii~-Sml1" ReeldenQe. 1831 SI lntP -.r Jolll\90ll, Dem Judge -M L Henley. Dem. Clerk -J Levitt. Dem Clerk -E M. Dr-, Dem. PRECINCT -111-218-1 POlllng Place -Lynch Reeldenc;e, 200e2 Birch SI ln9'1 -C C Lynch. Dem Judge -F e Ct111d1 -Rec> Clerk -e J Lynch. Dem Clerk -M L Miiiage, Rep COSTA MESA PRECINCT -52..001·1 Polllng Pl--Herding Rellclence. 2138 Sterling Av lnep -M D. Perry, Dem Ju<Jge -R.W Fa.tit, Rep Clerk -HP. RlQoln1. Dem Clerk -J.L Haidlng. Dem. PRECINCT -52·002· 1 PolUng P1aoe -112 Fire Station, 800 Baker S1 lnep. -A 0. Humphrey, Dem Ju0oe -M.M Humphrey, Dern Clettl -B.A. l egacy Rep Clertl -R.P MofalM, Dem. PRECINCT -52-003-1 Polling Pl•ce Johnson Aesl<lence, 231 Roc;Mtlet St lnep -P.S ~.Dem. Ju<Jge -T H Johnton, Dem Clerk -F M Well8, Dem Clerk -J 0 Refoy, Dem PRECINCT -52-004· I Polling Piece -w .. n1n111on Resident•. 1817 AlllO Al/. ln1p. -G.M. Bario. Rep. Judoe -B B LonQ. Rep Clerk -0 Downe. Rep. Cler1I -C.F l!llM ...... flee> PRECINCT -52--005-I Polllng Piece -Redoutey f\Niden<le, 280 Knox Pt. lnep -R W RadOUlt')', Dem Ju<Jge -K. I Renc:le. Rep Clettl -M.M Monleon. Dem CWk -R M Monon. Rep PRECINCT -52-006-1 Polling Piece -Beecner Reeloenoe. 200 Megnoll1 SI ln1p -B.J Beecher, Rep Judoe -A G. Sneethen, Rep Clerk -"-B. w .. 1t1erWu. Rep "Clerl< -B HMlon. Rep PRECINCT -52.007°1 Polling Ptece -Ai.dero ~. 2$45 Sante AN Av lnep -S F McMehan. Rep Judge -p A Aladero. Rep Clerk -M A. H~. Dem Clerk -0 .0 Rowland. Rep PRECINCT -52.-008· I Potting Plem -191 Bept .. I ChY<ctl, 300 Megnolle St ln1p -Y W Medine Dem Ju<Joe -0 R Hoga/\, Rep Clettl -A.M Koenig, Dem Clerk -A L Jon.. Rep. PRECINCT -52-009-1 Polllno Piece -Kuhlmao AeelOenoe. 358 Esther St lnep -J W. Kuhlman, flee> ·Judge -M D KuNmen, Rep Cler1I -E S &-. Dem. Clerk -J.A. Heynee, Rep PRECINCT -52-010-1 Polllng Pt--Coael Col Dlal OHice 1370 Adema Av lnep. -M M KrOMen, Dem Ju<Jge -W T Atklneon. No PllTV Cler\ -A M Sanderl, Rep C*1t -O.N ~. Dem PRECINCT -52-011·1 Polllng P1ec;e -c.lffomle Bcnool. 3232 Cellfoml• 81 , lnep. -F.S. Shenlek. Dem Ju<Joe -LE Schmoll. Rep Clerk -HR Surt>er. Dem. Cletll -HJ G411nbef. Rep PRECIHCT -52.012·1 Polllng Pl--Hannon~ 18511 IMtnoll SI lnap. -J.O Hatmon. Rep. Judge -L.F ~. Rep. Clettl -P.L ~. Rep. Clfrk -0 L Outteteon. Rep. PflECINCT -52-013·1 POlllng Piece -Unllerlen Untv etiurcn. 12611 Vlctone St lnep -8.E. Fllhet, Rep Judge -EC Knoy, Dem. Cler\ -H.J ~.Rep. Clerk -M. \/. 1Wne11. Rep PRECINCT -52-014· 1 Pollng Piece -Merton PW90nl Sc:hool. 2350 Cenyon l)f I -!.C. ~. flee> -E.P. 8NnMrlen, No Peny. -A.T. Perry, Dem. Cletk -T J.. Pnegl9y, flee>. PRECINCT -52-014-2 Polling P-. -~ PtnC>N &ihool. 2360 Cenyon Or -L.T. KoweMkl, Dem. -A.L Uwrenoe, No Peny -l .L. Heogeny, Dem. a.tt -A.W. actto.o«. Rep. PRECINCT -112-016-1 Polling ~ -I.AM ~. 143 W. 171t1 It.. -M.N ~."9p. -V ....... Alp. -M.l. Tudof, ~ CWk -J,\/, ~.Dem. PRfCINCT -5a,:o17.1 Polllno Pl•C• -Lor•ni.lnl Aelldence. 2068 "*" Ad. M.L lofwlllnl. o.tn. -E.Y. KeetinOi...~ -E.M.WlnW,,... a.tt -O.T. Cclfllw ..... PAECINCf -Q.ot .. 1 POllnt,.. -~ *"°' ~ MOW.-II. -C..J.. .... °""· -M.L~o.m. -r.v.~ ~-0..1..,... PMCINCf -M.f,._ =-.,.. _,....... OMWll Orang• Oout DAILY Pl&.OT/Thwldly, M•V tr. 1181 nit'*--,_. ~~Cl~ J ,,,;,._, Atp C1eti. -II. Crotntt, Oem -... L lowwy, "41tf, " H Olelti M J IJPMm'1' Dem _A 1. 11,1119r1 Dll'f\ lt6tllnu ltlto• t lna 101 .. r ,.AICINOl -H·ll'·I = ,, D ...... .._ ...__ l~ '°°"'"" lll:c: II .loflne Cllurt.11. -............... _.. ..-........ ~ .. ., 1• 'i'1 k -.i.1. lin!Glliln. Deln. '"" ""'"'J n • ' .. •r '· l'f\101...0T -U.OI0-1 lntP I.-own ... 91> •fnap l l COltn, Dem l'OlltftQ flllOI -,..,tin ~. Judtr A K I0 .... 1.~ Judr A J Colill. ~ llU Or.n1:1t1at I.II Clef HD ltOW!', "9P Cltt A I lMWer, i -.J Gotrwy Der&. c~i. MM H•wt. Dem Cletll ~ M Jar&omb -I. V flerf\i, ~ PlllCINCT U 174· I Pl!tCIN(.. t 62 21• I C:lel _ v IMI. No llany. Potllr.g Pill(• tteo0111 llltalc.ler"• !'0111"9 "'-Cwtat l\ello~. Clef O I lllOtr. RIO 100 Sl Clair St t11t N.,.. Hamp1hl11 Of '°AICINOt ll·OH·I ln1p I J Hetghl. Dem 1n1p C 8 Welk .. ,~ Polllng Piece -College Petti Judge P.W Campl>fll, Rao. JudQ• \/I hllren1. Rep &ohOol. Cltt\ I Kubik, 0.tll CltfK f M Chtoomb. Aep Uto Nottt O.me llCI Cltork M I lloewl. 0.m Cltrll .-WP Carter, Rep I~-AM OlbbOl'l1, l\ep PAIC1NCT -62'11' I PIUCINCT 112·:1111-1 J -Ht Lewen Dem. ,.olllng PllOt Sonmenk PolllnQ Pl-Mellin "-l<lenoe. Cler I Kl&>Pet Dem Retld9110e 3112 Oll>rllllat Av Clerk -A A Aueun, Aep 100:> Coi•tc. Pl Intl) A Mellln. Dem PAlCINCT -U.OH· t l111p A 0 &NII. C>.rn Judge R M Oul, Dem P.olltno Plto • -corcoren Judge -.~Carey. Dem Clelk J.R. Schroeder, No PlffY llleatoence. Clerlc A.A Siivey, Aeo Cletk -MM. 811/\dltlOll, No Party 116 Tullp ln Cleft. 8 .H net•lnger, Rep PRECINCT -5a·211·t I J w 80ldlng, Rep PRECINCT &2· 111· I POiiing Piece -Bethel Tow.ti -H K Bennett, Rep PolllllQ Place I I fire S1allOll, BuHdlng, c -E f Cunntngllat!I, "ec> ~60) J\oy•I Palm Or 000 w 10th 91 ci.,k -C V COfCO'atl '*7\ lnep M l L1.1p11 Dem lnep M A Seheldel, flee> PRECINCT -02-021·1 Judge Lr Paul. Aep Ju0g• -N Bleck, Oetn ,.olhng ,,_ -9entley Aelidenoe, Cletli y c Solt>urg, Rep Cl«!. -E \/ eu ... Rep 170 The Mutera Cir Cieri. J E Main.wt, Rep Cieri. l G Miiier. C>.rn lnep -V.L. Terry, Oem PAE'CINCT !Sa 170· 1 Pf'\ECINCT -62 211 I Judge -M.O Gerth, Dem Polling Pl•041 Ao•m• School. Polllng Pleee Undbel'Qh Bonool. Cieri! -H.L. Lunoetl, Aep 28~ Club HOUM Re.I 220 E 23rd SI Clerk -J L Velol. Rep ln19 S M MedMO, Rep ln1p E L Welt. ... ~ PRECINCT -62-031 1 Judge J M Hell ~ Judge A C KIMI. 0em PolllnO ,.,_ -Dowd AMIQenee Clerk I( M Cllhon. 0..11 Cletk 0 s Ramo•. Rep 26'2 Orange Al/ Clerk -B.N Hopkin•. Rep Clerk J.Jt. Hendrllo.1, Rep. ln1p -N Dowd, Dern PRECINCT 52 18I·1 PRFCINCT -52 2111-1 Judge -C.S. Oowd, Oem POiiing Plec• Ca~ RMlOellce. POiiing Plaoe Co111e MM• City Cleflt -E.E Llglllm•n. Oem 2817 Orake Av Hllll Clerk -c s Flt<;h4H O.m ln•P M L C•pen Rep 77 , • ., Dr PRECINCT -52-032 I Judge M L Steck, Rep lnap P F Bella. Dem Polllng Pleoe -NelghborllooO A« 'Clerk -0 AIG•I•, Res> Jv<Jge M S Howe, Rep Center. Cieri. S Ca~ Aep Clerk JC Holgurd o.rn 1845 Perk AY PRECINCT -S2 t82 1 Cle<t. G L Manin, 0.m lnlp -M.I WIHlemton. Oem Polling P111ce Her Oor Beptllt PRECINCT • 52 221· 1 Jud11• -E F Aulrecnt. Oem Church. Polluoo Piie<! Kuiz R11ldel'Oe. Cieri< -H H Moor. Rep 1230 B11ke1 St 3013 Clrant Av Clerk -E.E Cooper. Rep lnap -0 L Nr•on. No Pany ln81J 0 M EdlOl1. Rep PRECINCT -62·033 I Judge -J A Paige 0.m Judge T M Jonee, Dem Polllf\9 Pteoe -All Bebe Molal. Clerk 8 J Taylor. Dem Clerk -E A Kull, Rep 2250 Newpot'1 81v<1 Cletk -A.J H0<11 0em Cl&fi. -AL O 'Connor. NO Perty lnap -A E Kyte Rep ' PRECINCT 5<'· 1113 I PRECINCT 52· 222· 1 Ju<lr -1 L Shew Dem Polling Place F1t11 Bep11t1 POiiing Piece Chr ot Chr111 Clef' -M o Montgomery. Rep Cnutch 287 W wuaon St Clerk -J F Steok. Dem 300 Meg1\0ll1 SI lnap S 0 Rh0ad1, Dem PRECINCT -62-034 t lnep B M Bendig. Rep Judge T L Walklnt. Rep Polllr1g Piece -HtnM>n Aealdence. Judge l T OleHnkemp, No 'Clerk A A. Men•. Oem 2034 Monrovia Av Party Cieri. L A Kendall. Rep lnap -LJ Howard. Rep Ci.rk 0 A McClellan. Rep PRECINCT 52-n~' Judge -8.L King Rep Clerk -p H Wnne Aep Poll!~ Pleee -Wood Aetldence, Clerlt -M J Henton. !>em. PRECINCT 52 184 1 ll'f.l Begonia Av Clefl( -MA Opfermen, Dem Polllng Pl 11c• Ce r u .. 11. lnep PM FOWier Rep PRECINCT -5~-035-1 AeliOence. Judge J L Wood, Rep Polllng Plt0e -Smllh Real<lenc4I. 340 E 16th St Clerk -A G Pala. Riil) 227 22nd St lnep A M Carul611e, No Peny CkWlo. M J Kallnlec. Rep lnep -L L LO<lge. Rep Judge -H C Walkei, Rep PRECINCT -53-060 I Ju<Joe -AL Cuton. No Party Cletk -G C Walker, Rao POlllno Piece Berlow Affloence, Clerit -M.8 Smith, Rao Clerk A c Morlan•. Rep s 1 Mon1ec110 Dr Clerk -M.A Jerboe, Rec> PRECINCT -S2 18~ 1 Inf!> -J W MerrlU Rep PRECINCT -52--037-1 Polling Place Luckhardt Judge -M.P Cox, Rep Pollfng Plem -Arden Reeldenoe. RNIOenctl. Cletk M J LeGrand, Rec> 2780 Mendou Dr 148 E 20th SI Clerk A I O'Kelly, Rep 1nap -S.I Ditton. Rep lnap -0 M Luckhardt, Rep PRECINCT -53--062·1 •Judge -N.A Slen111e1d. Rec> Judge -M T Con<le 0..n POllll\Q Place -Elhell Reeldenoe. Cle<k -OE. Bretiany, Rep Cl«lc -M M Adami. Rep I Twin Lekes Cir Cle<k -E A. Hmll, Rec> Clerk M T Arndt, Oem lneo -H M Ethell. Rep PRECINCT -52.039-1 PRECINCT -52· 188· 1 Judge -L 0 C11ney, Rep Polllng Piece -Columole SL POiiing Piece Nwpl RIV\erl Cletk -J F Schook, Rec> Ollloe, ClubhOuM . Cltrk BG. Mauler Rec> 2252 Harbor eivo 350 Rlvlet8 Dr PRECINCT -53.()63.1 lnep -T J Bratty. Rep lnap A B. Hell Rec> POlltng Place -Nel9on Aealdenoe. Judge -A.0 Koc;I. Dem Judge -0 A Ollvet Rep 20 P1nehur11 Ln Clerk -R.T Ellert, Dem Clerk E s Locey, Rep lnap -MM OlaH, Rep. Cleric p W Plel'IOl1, Rep Clerk K \/ Knue. Rao Judge MM C11Jlew1y. Rep. PRECINCT -52440-1 PRECINCT -52· 1811-1 Clerk -R. I Ooelz. Rep Polling Piece -St Joachim Chr Polllno Piece -Pane RNl<lence. Cle<k -E Evena. Rec> Hmll, 1056 Sen Peblo Cor PRECINCT -53-084-1 1~ ~ Av lnsp -M G Pene. Rep Polllr>g Ptec:e -Blul11 Clul>t'IOuM lnep -MA Vobor'll Rep Judge -E B Bondy Rep 2414 Viste del Oro, Judge -W L fOft>Ma. Dem Clerk C M Schul>eGk, No Per1y In'!> A.E Cat•. Dem Cieri! -A.E Armour. Rep Clerk -J A Cauten, Aeo Judge -BF Helt>brlnger. Rao Clerk -CB Dnl/«, Dem PRECINCT -52· 188·2 Cle<k -F S Edmondton, Rep PRECINCT -52-041·1 POlhno Pleoe -Pane RIMIOence Cle1k Rs Helpbrlnget Rep Polllno Place -0. Riii• AMldenoe. 1058 Sen Pablo Cir PRECINCT -63--065-j 1134 Cheyenne SI lntP -s s Graham Rep Polhno Piece -YMCA 8ulldrng. lnap -J A Tomlln. Dem Judge -BJ L-Rep 2300 University Dr Ju<Joe -LA L.enlllbury, Dem Ci.ti. KT PICCOIO 0em "lnSP -MM BeroovtU. Dem C1ett1 -M.H Hajek, Al\P C..,._ -V S Nuectllet~n Rep Judge A M Coleman, Dem Cler1c -\/. O. Altll. Aep PRECINCT -52· 180· I Ci.tk M E Cooper Dem PRECINCT -62..()42·1 POiiing Piece BrOOkvlew Cond 'Clerk NA 0 Rourke. Oem Polling P1ec:e -Kllybl'ootc• Sdlool, Clubtlouse PRECINCT $3.-066-1 3155 Klllyt>fodle ln. 830 Paulerlno Av Polling Piece Newport Cr11t lnep -LM. 09rman, Dem lnep -EM Stanley. Rep Glut>houM , J\1d99 -\/.L ~. l)em_ Ju<Sge -HE Navarre Rec> 201 Intrepid SI Cler1l -O.l_ Oeynof. Rec> Oerlt -P 0 Neverre Dem ln1p -BJ Stemm Rec> cw. -Ml Ten6anl. Dem Clertt -KB Cu110 Rep JudQe -BJ Schwertt. Dim PRECINCT -6t~ I PRECINCT -52-190· 1 Clerk M E.. Carnelian. Rep Polllng ~ -Bew St School, Polling Place Spragu e Clerli -JS~~~.: Dem 3100 8Mt St. Aeeldence, PRECINCT-:° ~1 11\tC) -M.J Thlldltf. Rao 3021 Bat>b SI Polllng Piece -PrornonlOtY Pt. Jud09 -L 0 Tidwe!I, Dem tn1p 0 J Spregue Dem ClubhOUM, Clerk -TM Dallape. o.m JUOQe -\/ E C\Jnn1ngnarn. Rec> 200 Promontory Or w .. 1 Clefk -8 R Manue, No Peny Cleft. LA Towrw Rao 1n19 -HF W•tl)MI, Rep PRECINCT -52-044-1 Cletk C A Mllt(;etO. No Parl'f Judge C J Bollman Rep Polling P*9 -Pomona SC:hool. PRECINCr -52· t91· I Cleft. s R Lloyd Rep 2051 Pomona Av Polling Pleoe Smnh A...oence Cletll S P•nellO. Rep lnep -E M Bolby, Rep 3041 OonnyOtOOk Ln PRECINCT -~11· 1 Judge _ TA HltllllOn, Rep lnap C P Merron. Rep Po111no Place -Rubina Auldenoe. Cle(k -L.I< Talbol1. Rep Judge -V M Nixon. Dem 45 ~aeon Bey Clerk -M L AUSHll. Rep Clerk -N M Lu1k, Rep !nap L H Yard. Rep PRECINCT 52-045· 1 Cleft. A E RllO<I.. Dem Judoe -M M Tnomu. Dem POiiing Place -Mllttin ResiOence. PRECINCT -52 192 1 Clerk L M Rubina, Rep 292~ Redwood Av Polling Piece CoHI College Clef~ E B Kuhl Rep lnap -VS MIHI!, Rep Ot!ioe PRECINCT -53.071· I Judge _ BJ Mcl<lm Dem 1370 Adams Av POiiing Piece -H••d ~. CkWk _ H R Roblntor> Rep lntP -D A Nello.ln Arnet Ind 2306 Laurel Pl Clerk -p F H°"14191eed. Rep Judge HG Hero1no Rep lntp JI Sandi , Dem PRECINCT -S:>.048-1 Cle<li P E McOleah. Dem Judge -B.J Shaw. Rep Polling PIBCl' M cDon•lll Clerk -Ls N~aon Rep Clerk EM O Amore, Aeo R..id~. PRECINCT -S2 193 1 Clerk ER Glenn. Rep 2218 Meyer Pl POiiing Piece Cnaaen ReaiOen<:e PRECINCT -53 012 1 lnap -Q M Crllttth Rep 22&3 Cornell Or "o 111 n g P II c • A k • r m 1 n JuOQll B Boatdrnen. Reo !nap LB Chuen. 0em ReeldenGe Clerk M A w 1111ams Rep .JuOoe -E A Appleg•I•. Aep 802 Soutn Bey Fronl Cler'!\ -I M Biringer 0em Cieri< AS Applegale, Rao lnap M Y TOfrey, Rep PRECINCT -52.051·1 Clerk G C S1nd«1. Rep Judge -J p Akerman. Rep Polling Place Speneger PRECINCT -S2 1114·1 Cl«k -LL Cooller, Rep RMI~. Polling Piece Trailer Town Clerk c H. Houaton, Rep 1886 Medegaacar SI Clul>houee. PRECINCT -53--073· 1 lnep -0 M Janee. Rep 327 w WHaon St Polling Piece -Reel Ea1 Slora. JIJOOe -R ~en. Rep 11\99 -G B Ftllbaum. Rep 2000 W Balboa Blvd Ctetk -C L Alderfer Dem JuOQe H M Ptlee Dem lnep P M Scali No Pet1y Clerk -c A Hooper Rao Cleril 0 M Chatter' Dem Judge -v Shannon. Dem PRECINCT -52-053-1 Clef'k -J BtOOl<t Dem Cletl\ J Otwton. No Perty Polling Place -Burke Aesldenc. PRECINCT -52· lllS· 1 Clerk -c A. MOtrelll. Rep 1811 Tanager Dr . Polllng Place -RH Community PRECINCT -S3-0H· I 1n1p -SK Borke. Rep Ctr Polling Piece -Community Juctoe -MA Curfll Rep 801 Hamllton SI Church 611 Hellolroe>e Av Clerk -P A PNrton. Rep lntP G p Soosee Dem 1nep L Jones Rep Clerk -E.E PrlO<, Rep Judge G W Hermon. Dem Judge -C F Lewla. Rep PRECINCT -52-054· 1 Clerk -LA Hermon Dem Clerk -JR Blu-.. Rep P0111no ~ Beleerlc Cntr Cl«k -s A Clark. Dem Clerk -B A Janee Dem t1175 Balearic Dr PRECINCT -S2-l97 I PRECINCT -53-0i&-1 "lnep -J Germon Rep POlhno Pia.~ Pleyport Mo Pk Polllng Piece -Bonner Aeeldence. Judge -J.M Burt, Rep ClubhO<Jse, 212 Vie DllOn Clerk -SL Renne, Rep 903 W 17th SI lntp J F Bonner, Rep Clenl _ H E Redding, Rep lntP -R M Mammano, Rep JuOg• _ 11 J Mseny Rep PRECINCT -52.()~ 1 Judoe -H H JOflnton Dem Cler\ F s Pr .. 1on Rep POiiing Ptaoe -JepNn F llOenoe. Clerk -0 V P1n11111tt Rep Clerk -M C Hendr~ton Dem zug Orange Av ~ -M J Herrla. Rep IMC> _ L J Bnggs Rep PRECINCT -52· 198· 1 PRECINCT -53.078-1 JudQll -J.A Hunler Rep Polllng Place -Hey ReeldenGe, PolMng Place -Newoor1 E"""1 Clerk -B.J Furan Rep 27411 AlbJatBrOllS Dr A ~·Balboa Cleric -R K Juberg. Dem lntp -take, ep PRECINCT _ 52.()Sg.1 Judge -PA Crtlonton, Rep lnap -B L. McC•n:t, Dem Poll Ing Piece Monllcello Clerk -M_S Conti. Dem Judge -CJ Merlh • ~arty ClubnouM Cl«k -L M Hiekle Rao Clerk M M Wagner . .._n ISO V•lley.Forge Ln P~ECINCT -52·1119·1 C19'k BA Plume Rec> lnlp -LB Maney. Dem Polling Place -Ireland Residence. PRECINCT -53-077· 1 Judge _ l E Fouru. Dem 1934 Flamingo Or PolllnQ Pt--Beker Reeldenoe. Clerk -E Godwin Rep lnap -AL Bergen. Rep 1515 Anita Ln Clerk -LC Trlgllk> Dem Judge -M F Leuck. Rep lntp. -K.M Balcer. Rep. PRECINCT -52.oe<).1 Clefk -MM Spinner. Rep. Judge -KS lmlloff, Dem. Poltlng Plec;e ~el Mo Pk Clerk -J M Orey, Dem Clerk -AM Raml!ln, Dem CkJbhOUM PRECINCT -52·200· 1 Clerk AK Smith. Rep 1045 McxWO'ltl Av POlllng Piece -Wllaori Schoo4. PRECINCT -53-079· t lnep -M J Lanadowne Rep 801 W WlltoO SI POl11ng Piece -Smith Reeldet>ce. Judge -I L Blldwtn A9p lnep -0 I Loving, Dem 1927 Bullonehell Ln Cl«lc -v M Cru1ct1ri.!d. flee> Judof 0 M Lynoll, Dem lneo -0 W Smith -Rep. Cieri! -v lliil Towneend Dem C*'lt -J M Mani~. Dem. Judge -M.A. M.cln,,., Rep PRECINCT -62-08' I • Clerk -BK wr1on1. Rep Cieri! -O.L. Meeciler. Rep Polllng Piece -\/l1ta 0e4 Lego PRECINCT -62·201·1 Clerk -JC Swedlund -Rep ClubhouM POiiing Piece -Henk• Relldenee. PRECINCT -53.079-1 2775 ....a Verde o. Eal. 3234 Oregon Av POiiing Pl--Weter• Reeldenoe. lnap -H Chlllll Dem lnac> -I/ e. Hartke, Rep 2721 WlndoYef °' JudQe -J B zi.g.., Rep JudQe -A p H""1<le. Rep lnep -L L. w.1.,., Rep Cleril -Hy Cook Dem "Clerk -D L ~. Rep. Judr -c.c McAdam, Rep C1w11 -T K. Crlnei. Rep Clerk -J.E Meng, flep. 0... -M H Anderton, Dem PRECINCT -52.()81:2 PRECINCT -52-~03·1 Clefl( -J. Carpenter. Aep, I Polllno Pl•~ -\/Ill• Del Lago Polllno Pleet -Armttrong PRECINCT -53-otO·I ClubhouM Ae91dencle. Polllng Place -Nwpt 8alt>oe SL 2715 M-\/erde Or EM1 20ff Ceylon Ot:. Community Ctr. 1fWP -OM MIW1tN, No Perty lfWP -C.S. Frledef'edorf, Rec> Weetdlff Plau JudQe -LO Coot! Dem JlldQe -A.J. ThotNlt,...., 12r. -T.A. ~. 1*'11 Cler\ -0 C I'~ Dem Citric -G Am'llrQnO, ""'· -J.Y Mc:AMr.i..~· Clerk -R:A' em.iia_ 'o.m Clttil -U . Reid. Rep -L8. Murr.y, ,.,.. p A E c I N c T -5 2 • 1 e e . 1 llAICINCT -62·209· 1 C*1t -LA Horpel, ""' Pr~ Cl'lufch Poll Ing Piece -Kreutzer PlllECINCT -&3-0f1·1 :>860 r:e1Mtw Ad ' Reel<ltnce, llotllng Plll09 -~1 Sl\Otet -Z.0 Mcl<lbben Dem '624 COll>y Pl, ClubllouM. -c,.1. Crotter, A.s>. · inep. -A.F. Spr11111e. No Pany 611 c-1 s1. -TM Campbel. Otl'll Judge -A.E. Kreutl«, Rec>. t~-I Mtn.r. Ae9· Qlt1t -G.T: Ktlllorlan.' Dem c.ll -flM ... 09!'ft -A.0 fWntlcow. Rep PRECINCT -52·117·1 Clttil -E.1. RoMbOoell. Rep -D.E Hen-1. AIP ~ l"90I -eoz.ci ~ llf'ECINCT -02·at0-1 . Clttil -J.M Sebek.°"" 3104 ~en 1knn Av. ' Polling Pleee -btende Hl 8dlool. lllllfCINCT -~2·1 _ Jo Coud Ae9· 2323 ,,._Ile Av. POlltng Piece -Donlln "~--ICe.• -c.e. ~. ~ =-M.T. SOolatO, OIM. HO Apolena Av. -D RA)oud. ~ -J.A. BufOl'd, Dem fnlel. -LA. Dottlln, Oein, Qn -L 0M. ~ A1ip. Oler -D.J. Hatt, Rec>. Judot -M A. tMln. ....,, ~ -11·1 ... 1 a.ti -F.V. Martinea. Dem. Clll'tl -L.M . ewt\on, "9p Pcte11a P11Ca -Wrtc1M """'Inoa, ftAECINCT -02·211-1 Cltrk -D,l. Woolleir, Otln. tlt2T_.Of .._,..,..__ ...... OtU'dl. ~-~1 -M.L hotwl'I*, "-11. 11N ~Alf '0111"0 ."•Ot COlftlU• -J.t. Daor1 "9p. fnlP. -0,"-Tllumwt, ""'· Al39dl IOI, -P.A. WrlQM, AIMl. Ind Judge -M.a ~. "9p, 121t PolaN Dr. -· _,..., ., .. I~~ 0 "' un-1. "'llP PAIOIHGT -t:t-IH· 1 (:i;f C 0 H11111, "'9 ,. 0111 no "' eoe ll n g 11 nd 8::11 ~~ ':.:. ~ :~HwltOt "° llllllOINOT -llJ•OU I ln"fl -M I.. Calin, Dem llolllng lll1111t -l•ilrf l'le.io.no.. Judoe l I M11"11M11u Aep HO Jumlne Av. Clerk II' J lrnllll, lllep lnec> M J A~. """ Clerll -EA fngland, l'lep "JuQOe C O hltur,Aep ,.llECINC1 '91·S17 I Clerll I ller1nt, Dern POlllttQ P•-Moe Reel4.-.oe. Clerk 0 t Carl, ,_.., 46 lf "'O•bllry Rd l'H(CINCT 63-0U·I lnep J.0 Hllehey, Dem l'Olllng Pl--Nt'IWpotl a.a.on Judge V.V Be\lfy, Oem City Hell, Clerli A 8 Moe. fllel> 3300 Newpotl livd Clerk P A Wllaon, Aep = ~ KIM. ~ 11',_lOINCT 63-328· t t C A«lmot\O, l'lep POiiing Pl--Altttete IL • ler1c L H111on, Dem Communttr, Ctr Cler1c A A. 0.Ubel\, ~. I COfpotl e Pl&U Or PRl!CINCT -u.CIH-1 lnap M ' Duke, flee> Polllng Pl4oOt -Sl1111k Aeeldence, J1.1doe M l'oremen, Rtu 701 P09P1 Av on alley, Oletk R. Dorn. Rep I,,~-0.0. l'rOl1, Aep. Clerk J.T 8111, lllep J M.C. Hlbetl'nlin, Rep PRECINCT -53-300-t C -D.L OtMllvO. No Peny Poll•no Pl1c1 M c Atlnur Clert. -W.D o.MllVO, No Peny Reeiderice. PAlCINCT -~Tot HO Sendoelltle Dr Polllng Plaoe Newoor1 HelOhtt I~ 0 A Kemp, No Party &hoOI. J -A MCAnnur. Rep 300 tllth St. Cler -D M Edward•. Rep In~ l p Hernblet.I.. Rep, Clerk -M c. 8owm1111. Rep Ju -l!.L Price. "*"· PRECINCT -53 3!11 I C -8 0 . Normen, Rec> Polling Piece -Wiiton R .. loence. Clerk -M J Whllneek, Dem <108 lrl1 Av PRECINCT -~-1 lntp BB Wllaon OeM Polllng Plac:e -Ill Flt• Slellon, Judoe -L 0 Llpj)lll Dem 4 10 MetlOOl<f Av • Cletll J A ~ 1l110n Jr ()em lntP -J A Pethlgl l Rep Cle<k -M 0 CrewiCHd Dem Judoe Me Nlelton, R9') PRECINCT -53-352 1 Clat'k LA Hackall. Rap Polllng Place NH Lewnbowllng Clerk S.B. Yeo, Rep Clullhoute, PRECINCT -53-0911 I 1550 Crown Ot1ve N0tth, Polllng P~ -Mun1011 Retl<lence lntp J H McDonell. Rep 538 Fullet1on Av Judot J !; Carton Dem lnap P l M•rdellch Oert1 C•etl. N M Moore. Rao Judge -G G Munton Rep Clerk B Wh1r1on. Rao Clerk M M Br.Oley, Rep PRECINCT -53 3~2 2 Clerk M M Ch•ml)el. Rep POiiing Piece -NH Lawr11>()wt1ng PRECINCT -53~-1 Clubllouse, Polllno Pi.ce -Menell R,..ldeoc., 1550 Crown Drive Nor1h 20:l7 Highland Or 1n1p N C Stanton. Aeo ln1p L w Forbee, Rep Judoe H L Weil. Rep Judr -A z Meneii. 0em c14H1< BL B•ekemor• Rep Ci.t -I< J Frink. Rep Cieri. E A MerOWlll Rop Cieri< L L Jacob•. Rep PRECINCT -53.353 I PRECINCT -53-091·1 Polling Piece -Newpo.1 Hiiia POlllng Piece -JonH Reeldeooe. Clubnouae, 308 Poppy Av 1900 Porl Cartow Pl lnap -w L S petioer. Aep ln1p M J Neel. Rep Judoe PB Jonee, Rep Judge W Holl-•y. Rep Clerlo -M 8 O'Btten Rec> Cieri< E. G Ne«aon Rep Clerll -L M Colby Oem C..,,.. -J M Cieri. Rep PRECINCT -53-092 1 PRECINCT 53 35'4 1 Polling Ple c I Ferg u 1on POiiing Place N-potl Snor .. AellOenGe, Clubl'IOUM 115 Norlll Bey Front 511 C111111 SI lnap. -V H Dooley. Dom ln1p W M Johnson. Aep Judo• L Lewi•. Rep Judge J J Foley Dem Cl6flc -LB. Hartlein, Oem Cle<k NJ Foley. Dem C ... k -A.J Ferouton, Rae> CIO<k -DJ BorlhwlCM Dem PRECINCT -53--093 I PRECINCT 53-355 1 Polling Place -LldO lllan<I PolllnO Piece -Boeke! Retloencie ClubhouM 380 1 Seuhore Dr 70 I I/le Lido Souo • 1n1p -S E BICl<el, Rep lnep H S Haroege, ~ Judge -w J Wood. Oem Jud~ -B H Moma, Rep c1.,.1< C F EMI. No Party Clerk AM Lockney, Rep Clerk 0 Shapiro. Reo Clerk -0 K 0. Puydl Rec> PRECINCT -53-356 1 PRECINCT -53-004·1 Pollln g Piec e DI( k man POIS.ng P1ece -Harbor Dist Offlee. AM!Oen<:e 1901 8eyalde Or 321 Sen1a An• Av lnap -0 J Cornell. Rec> lnep R T Burn1 Rep Judge -J.C. HarrOO, Rep Ju<1oe -L W""'9< Rep Cieri. -M B l<redel. Rep Clerk -H R Snyder. Rep Clerk -M.J Tyler, Rep Cle<k K L Burne, Rep PRECINCT -63--096·1 PRECINCT -53-357·1 POiiing Pl.c. -The)'91' AeelOence. Polling Pt.Qe -Enaion S«lnool, 106 Vie Loree 2000 CllH Or. lnap M J Dingle. Rep lnep P K. Reed Rep Judge -SH. Oingle. Aep JudQe -H.H Remley, Rep Clerk -J L Thayer. Dem C.k -0 R Shortrldoe. Dem Clwt. -PA Croeeon. Dem Clerk -L.A Mutv.,...,, Rep PRECINCT -63-008-1 PRECINCT -53·358-1 Po111n g Piece W•k•llelo POlllnO Ptec:e -Oek•ood 1'pte Reeldenol. ClubhooM, 40 I Beo9nl1 Av 1700 18th S1 lnep ~ t= M Welker. Rep lnap -CE Pelller. Dem Judge -0 G Trlmble. Rep JudQe -C M Htl. ring Dem Clerio -A 0 Borden, Rep Clerk E E Ellis, Rep Clerk -EI Coc>len. Rep Clerk F.E OeYla, Rep PRECINCT -53-097 1 PRECINCT -53-3511 1 Polllno Pl--Ebell Clut>N>uM. Palling Piece -L..ao<Jn• Fedetet 515 W Balboa Blvd Community Cir lf\t9 -M LeFebvr•. Rep eoo E Balt>oe Blvd JuOge -H E. LeFebvre. Rep n119 -D.J Sell, Rep Clerk -H H Collnm. Dem Judoe -L I< HtydOr'ff, Rep Clertt -N ~ Dem ~ -E SpMt, Rep PRECINCT -S3-098-1 :;..,... -CS Newell. Rep P oll Ing Pi e c e -Schmidt PRECINCT -53·~1 AeeldenOe. Polllng ~ -Hammond Gareoe 1805 E Belboe Blvd Aeeldefloe, lnap M Leec:hman. Rep 210 Opel Av JuoOe -R.M Schmidt, Rec> l"IP -P J CotCO<en. Rep ~ J M Sparre Rep Judge M 0 Hammond Rec> Cler1l -J G Wood. Rec> Cleril -V S Snow Rep PRECINCT -53--099-1 Cletl< E J Griffith Aeo Polttng Piece -Glau Aealdence. PEECINCT -53..Jel·I 2562 Waverly Dr Polling Piece Herdman 1neo -E M eon.. Rec> Relklenc41, Judge -B L. Gtv9r>•. Rep 2111 Abalone Av Cieri< -M L Glut, Rep lnlll) J C Hetdman. Rep Cletk -PW. Teu!MI, Rep Judge A E Herdmtn. Rao PRECINCT -S3· 100-I Clertl -M J lnglee, Dem Po41ono P•--Swengo Aaldenoe. ·ci.n. -F w Zeff Dem 82 Belboe Covee PRECINCT -53-382· 1 lnep BE F0t1Wllle Rep POlllng Piece -Beysioe Sovlh Judge -FL MUler Rep CkJbllouM Clet1< G.P F0<1evllle, Rep 300 E Coast Hwy Cltrt -M M Polley. Aeo lnap J Weetbrook Rep PRECINCT -53-10 I 1 Judge C B Osbotne, AflP Polllng Place -Seeclltt Mo P~ Clerk -L L Shouth. Dem Clul>llOUM Clerk V A Madden Re(> 890 W 151h St PRECINCT -53-383-1 ln!N> -LE Fllhet Rep POiiing Place -Feller Reeldence .Nooe -v o Mood)' Rec> 11 t2 PaJOfn• Dr Clerk M E. Otnton. Dem ·1nep NA Remley. Rep Clefl( -I I< Dougall Dem Judge -O E Brown, Rep PRECINCT -53-102· 1 Cieri! -~.B P«kln1. Dem Polllng Place -Mo-F\Mldenee, Clerk S.A Walla. Rep, 2025 E Balt>oa Blvd PRECINCT -63-364-1 'lnap E M M-. Rep Polllno Piece -Gayner RMlden<le Judge -M S 01111\g. Rep 1732 Cendeltllok Ln Clerk -G A Jonnton, Rep lneo -I( T Leno111e. Rep Clerk -F M Lovell Rep Judge H A OolNlt, Rep PRECINCT -53-103 1 Clerk 0 L McKee. Rep POiiing Place -Cleary Ae5lclence. Cl«k -E W Mulroy. Rep 301 Tile Grand Cenel PRECINCT 53-365· 1 "lnap -P J. Cleary. Rao Polllng Piece -Lutl'l&ren Church, Judge -J.A. Crozier. Rep 7IMI Do"er Or Cler1\ M.E Lu . Rep lnep R J Olc*llnton Dem Clerk -H C Bernard, Rec> Judge P M Geddie, Rep PRECINCT -53· IOS-1 Clerk -F M Arnon. Rep POllll>Q Place Lowe Aettoente. Clerk A M Murrey, Rec> 2 t4 33rd SI PRECINCT -53-38&-1 lntP -J R ROMet1 Dem POiiing Place -Spa Conl Am Judge -M Rosbarg, Rep. 6000 Park Newporl Clttk A.G BllM, Dem lnep -A G Wella, Rep Clerk -c H Plnckert Dem Judge R Schechter Dem PRECINCT -53·106· 1 Ckark F Grovel, Rep PolllnO Piece -End•ley Reetdenot. ci.tk -I( A Peteraon. Rep 3300 Oc:.el'I Blvd PRECINCT -53-3417·1 IMP -S.C "'"°'alley, Rec> Polling Piece -Wlcknem Judge -E.W Stleler, Dem Relldenoe. Cterk -c .c Endlley. Rep 2005 111111 caudal Clerk -GS Smith, Rep. lnap ~.A Wlcioham, No Perty PRECINCT -63-301 1 Judge -ER Wlekham. Rep. Polling Pl•C• -Simpton Cletk -L.V. Thompeon. Rec> Aeeldenoe, Cl«il -M.A Reldlert. Rep 2008 Galaxy Or PRECINCT -53-388-I IMP -C A O<IJ. Rep Polling Piece -Wiiie AtlidenOe JUOge -B J Cell. Dem 4520 C0<11&nd Dr Clerlr -RP Mwevlch, Rep lntp -P N MIOhMla. Dem Clerk -S.M Simpton, Rep Judr -J A Wllll, Rep. PRECINCT -53-308-1 Cler -E H McKinley, Rep POlllng Pl--Sl<lnner Reekleooe. Clerk -J D Go9hen. Rep 1724 Hlghland Dr PRECINCT -53-3811· 1 lnep -J M Burge. Rep PolllnO Place -P-Reeldence. Jvdoe -\/.H erai.y, Rep. 447 Morn1no Canyon Rd Cler\ -Q_J PrMtka. Rep lnep -PP. PMM, Rep Clerk -0 .1. Pre.etka. Rec> Judge -J.8 Geyer, Dem PRECINCT -53--30ll-1 Cltt\ -8 .M. Ferr, Rep, Polling Piece -K•llno ~. Cl«k -O.J. Wood•. Aeo 2807 Ahl I/Illa Or. PRECINCT -53-S70· I I -M-C. SttlMllll. Dem. P o 111 n O P I • e a • L • • r n e d -E.W. l( .. llng, Aep. RMl<lenoe, -M.B. Merlldudln. Rec> 807 llegonl• Av Clerk -8 J Clone, Rep !nap -V E. MOfen. Rep PRECINCT -53-310.1 ~ -H \/. l.Mmed. Rep Poling Piece -COfon• Oil Mat Cieri! -L s Pelt-. Dern. H40lt amoo.. Clwtl -E.H. Krlll'et. 8tnl 2t01 Eutblutt Dr. PRECINCT -53-371-1 In_, -E.R. RoM, flep. Polling Plaoe -Herbof V1- Jud09 -N.f . Grooe. Dern. Ctubhi>uM. ()erll -I. BelWny, Atp 11114 POf1 We.tl>Oume C*1t -... L HlllMI\, ._,, ~-F J. it..,,, Np PRECINCT -Q.alt-1 -JA.~. A$ P~ ~ -Ooellti. ~. -P.J. Murphy, Dem I TOO 8iton Av. an -F.H. Pflfl,"""' -V.C GoellU. Dem PRtCINCT 113-312·1 -H.0. MGCtlmmon, Np. Po111ng ~ -HwbClr VW C -S.J. Bennltt, o.m. ctu~ Clerk -M.A cottmen. Rep. IW Pon W•1boumll llA!CINCl -"'412·1 lnap -Ml. Hwney, Dem PolMng Pl.--Gnni ~. Judge -A l<utU. Rep 2tM Cerob St. CMrto -M.E O.W, "'90 lnlP -c.c. 0r ... 1. o..n °"" -a K. ,.m..L......, Judo• -• I. MacDonlld, No PMCIHCT -4'4rw-1 PWIY l'olllnCI "--IS Nlwpcwt ()en Clerir -K.L Kln-i..~· """ llatloft..1 .. CWll -C.A. lo4ce, ..._.,. IN • .,,,-•• Of. llAICIHCT -~6-1 '!.'!t._ -I .Cl ...._ 'W ::::-o--~WI~ (;;,l" = ::.:,,.,~ -Holpltll ..... a.rtt. -It.Ao ~ ..... . ·-. -u. llwer, OeM. llMCfllOT -..... , Judge -'· ,,.... o.n. lllllinG 11'*9 --.. .......... ,111 •• ioe. ... Cler\ -P.P. ~ 0-nS3 Pon Cltrtm fl\ •a.ti -U . LAoNrd. Olm. lfllO. -'· ~ On. Judoe -L M W .. be. Aeo Clet\ e M Wiebe, l'ep Clerk VC feylot, Dem llACICINCf 63 311 1 llolll11g fllao. C•teldo AHlOenct 11 lurfald41 Ct lnep M Celaldo. Dem Juc1r ... P~'""· ~ c... 8 C•taldO. No P411~ Cletll 0 Ca1e100, Dem ll'RLCINCT 53 383 I POlllng PIMA -OulClt. '4ealdence, 3827 Blue Kii)' lnlt() ( II Oulclc. Hep Judge 0 J Qoegq_et, Rec> Clerll t l Reed Rep • Clerk 8 A 8ar1111111on "'9p PRECINCT 63·384 I POiiing Pl~ O•OH Retlldenoe, 6 Oole•• Point °' 1n1p G B Gro ... l\ep Judo• 1 E. 8egre111. ~ Cleril. P R Fredrlelt.a. Hee> Cieri. E A ScMepple Rep PRfCINCT 63 ·Jl8 I PQlllO(I Piece -9albo• AOOfn, tf40 S-1111 Ne•PO<I ln1p 6 K .. 1nbAUITI, ~ Judo-C 8 AnllCl\et Dem Clerk G E 81ttrl. Dem Clerk A Stern Jr Dem PRECINCT 03·388 1 Po111 .. g 1>1ace St M1cn .. 11 Church 3233 Pecllle V-Or ln1p N C Wlll()n. f\9'> Judge 0 E Mlilol>e A4Y1 Clerk AH Wll~. Rep Clerk B M Fr .. mon Rep PRECINCT 53·389 I Polling Piao. -Nonn e1u111 Rec Cent•• 2409 Viii• del Oro lr1tp V A Hou-m•n Rev Ju<JQll M A 11mmon1 Rep "Cletl< F B ThomH, Rep Cle<I< M P Cochran Rep PRECINCT S3 3111 I PolllrlQ Ph1ce Vol ACllon Ch Bulldlng, 17 14 W Balboe 91110 lnap H M Dalby. Rep Judge P e Oalby Rec> Clert. B \/ Singer R~ Clerk M J Sl'lfleley Dem PRECINCT 53-392 I Polllog P111ce Lido Parlo. Roe Clubl'louse. 7 10 l ldo P•rlo. Or 1n1p M S McDuNle, O.m Judge -G C Wiggins Rep Cl«t. M L Arnold Rep Clolfl< ~ F Mooney. Dem PRECINCT -53·393· 1 Polling Pl11Ge -Fldehly Feo 1SI!> WealcllH Dr lntp EK Glo!le. Rep Judge AB Crl .. lulll. Rep Cieri. W D Colbtolh. Dem Clerk C T Capella No Par1y PRECINCT -53-39•· I POiiing PtllGe -LU Bntu Apartments 5515 Rive< Av Ptl3l.IC NOTICE FICTl'TIOUB 8U81H£88 NAME 8TATEMENl' Th• lollow1ng ~raon II ooong a;ne11u RUNAWAY TRAVEL 2304 W t Anne Pl • Senle Ane. CA 92704 Vickie Sacre. 2304 W St Anne I . Serill Ane. CA 92704 Thlt bUsJnn.IS conOUC1ed Oy •n dlllldual Vici.ill Sect@ L ln11 1111_.,1 .... filed ..,,n 1ne Counly Cleftc of Orange Counly on M1y t8. 1982 I FtW700 lnlll I.A ~ Oein Judcle l .W 011MO, "-· Cit!\ M I Watd, OM'n Cltlti I J. w~.L "911, P~IOINO'T ''°"'"' 1 flolltna l'laot -~'°" tonool. 1t00 ,Oft a...ourne Wy ltoep I L Ku141e. ""1 Judoe l L °'90Q, Om!\ Cletlc E N Not1on, .._, Clerk a A Horne. "-PAICINCT -&3-3t7· I Polflno Piece lol1ml11lng Raeldet\Oe, 171, P0tl M1111lel0/'I Cit "'"° J A lchmleelng, "9p JUO(le p Q Qalllvatl, '*" Clerk I< A AllltOll Dem Clert. C II McOanlel. 111.o PRECINCT -53 3"-1 Polling PleQe tpengl•• Aeald911C41. 1000 w Ooeen l'ronl 1n1p E M Shltley, Rep Judge E H Miiiet, Rep Cler\ A C .... a. Dern Clerk A 8 Pe1tfMn. l'lep PRECINC r 53~ I POlhng Plaot lldO Room. 5000 Pet II Newport lntp S TebrlM!y, Dern Judof A L BellCWI, Dem Cieri. ( R Crouch, Aep Clerk E Golub. Dern PRECINCT -53 402· 1 Polling Place -Fitz O•l>bOn R"10onc;e, 20 15 R911uo11 lnap A M lohu1, Dem Judg11 R W Smlln, Rep Cierlo. ~• G Bonnell. Rep Cletk C A F11.i..Qlbbon, Hep 1 ~· ""'" be no polltng 114-for 1t1e 1011ow1no prec1nc11 1n tile a1ec11on eno 1ne quelllled votera sn111 vole oy et>-.1 voler bellOt or vole II me Ofllee of 1"41 Aeg111rer of Vole••. 1300 So. Grand Avenue. Sanll Ano Callfornl• 36·331 5 t-202 53--061 36-342 51213 53.070 37·202 51 214 53.373 5 I 063 52-015 53-374 51 064 52-100 53-382 51 163 52-187 53-385 51 16S !>3-061 'lndiCllles illllChOO l>Olrd member is t>lllngual Un• copra de "" nollcle legal es1e d1apon11>1e en 919anot cuando se iOliGll• Pare 001-un• c:opl&. tavo1 e ponerse en conteclo con al Regrs1redor de Vo11nl11 • 714 834 2244 Oaled lhls 14th day ol Mey, 1982. A E OLSON Reg1S1r11 of Volar• By Ann• Loo L1v1ng11on ();jpuly PuOhth•O Orange Co111 Delly Pllo1 Mey 27 198:? Ptl3l.IC NOTICE FICTTTI0\18 8U ... H NAM£ 8TATEMVIT The lollow1ng pereon II 001no ou1tneatu (Al ONCE AND FOR ALL -(8) TH( RIGHT WEIGH. 2300 FelrVleW Ad . Y-203, Cose Meu. CA 112e2e. Beh1v1ore1 Pr o gram Conau1t1n11. Inc . 1 C1llforn1a corporation 2300 Falrvl-Rd Y-203 Coale Mou CA 112626 Tll•J business " condUC1.0 by 11 cor00tehon Benevtorel Pr1>91arn Consu11an1a. Inc Oavod Tnomeuon Presidflnl Pu1>111neo Orange Coast Dally ,,llot Mey 20. 27 June 3, 10 t982 2177-82 Tlus $\llletTM!nl was llled wnn the 1------------. Cooon1y C1et1'. ol Of&l'IQ6 County on f't&IC NOTICE FICTm<>..il •UBINl!H NAME ITAT'lllrtllfT 1 he lollowrng person 11 Oo1n11 ~8y 18 t982 ,., ... Pvt>hsh@d Orenge Cont Oally P~ol May 20 27 JuM 3 10 1982 2148-82 11>u11ness as. ------------ OAK ST SKA TES. 212 Main f't&JC NOTICC IS• Hun11ng1on Boch. CA 92648 ------------ H•twyn F Hem1llon. 7~2 Ell15, FICmlOUI ........ tiunllf\91on e.Kn CA 92648 T111a bUsiness it conducted by an MAME IT A T£MENT moovldu•I rne 1011ow1ng pereon 11 doing H&IW'yfl F Hammon l>USAneu 85 Tnia llalt1men1 was tiled wl1h lhe WE RE IN WORKSHOPS. S308 !County Cle<k ol Ote""" County on All/er A"e Newpor! Beech. CA ••y v 92663 May 18 l982 Flt9'71a Alla Rae Jem_.,,.., 5308 Ro,,.. Pubh1neo Orange Coast Da11y Ave ~ 8-:11 CA 112863 Pll()I M•y 20. 27 June 3 10 1982 This l>uSIMll •S conducted by an 2181-82 •OOrvldueJ •------------Riie Jam--. DllmtlC ..,..TICE Th•s t1116fn@nl wu filed w!lll Ille f-----r_..-. __ rw _____ 1 county Clelk ol Oranoe Counly on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Mey 17 1962 NAME BTAT'llM•NT '1tten ftie 1onow1n9 persons ••P domgj Pubh,lled Orange Coul Oelly 1>usmess as P11o1 M11y 20 27 June 3. 10 t1M12 AOMINISTAATIVE SERVICE~ 2224-82 INC. b6fi Ba~e· Slrffl Cc>S18 Mesa t.A 'J2b26 f't&IC NOTIC£ ... ,.11,., 1 Inc 11 Ca11fo rn1a --------~~--i<;o• pol ii lio n 1014 Cannonaur FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Cirne C.o~la Mesa, CA 9~626 MAME STAT£MEHT !111~ liuslntlss is ctJn(lucreo by a 111 .. '""'""'"9 parsons arP doing f(o•porohou tJu\•f;:;'l,~OOa~ 177r' A1ve<SK1e Drive HellPr I I"' Fran~ J Helle< N!'WPnr• Beocn CA 92663 llu~ ~1.a1ernen1 wes lolf'<J wiln 1r.e l Kil LEEN 209 4 ISi !County C1,;1i. Of Orengto Cou11ly on S11...-1 NP.,..1>0'1 Beach CA 92663 May 11 1962 RONAl 0 C OOADONI 209 ,,891n 4 1~t 'iH"PI Newport Be•cn CA Pu1Jh1hl'd Orange Coasl Oa11y 9266 l 1>1101 May 13 20 27 Jun.> 3 1982 Th" nus1ness " c.onoucte<I ov e 2 122 82 c;e11er.ll par1nersh1p Ron Duran PlB.JC NOTICE 1 r"s .ia1~eo1 was liled w1lh Ille l------------I Counry err.,~ 01 0 •11"98 County on M~~ 11 1982 FICTITIOUS 8U81NEll NAME ITATEMINT The lollow1ng person Is doing bullnHI 85 "1"217 PuCJl1she<1 01ange C.out D111y Pilot Mly 13 20 27 .lune 3 1982 3060-'12 !Al BC C lB) BRION CON·------------ STAUCTION COMPANY 72646 Vte P\B.IC NOTICE Senll•oo Mission V1e10 C11l1torn1a --,,-1-C-T-IT_IO_U_S_B_U_S_ .. _t:_S_S __ 112691 MIGhHI E Br1on 22646 VII HAM£ STAT£M£NT San11ago Mrssion V•ero Calilorme 111e ,,.. lowing person is oo1n9 92691 f)u\1ht'~' .. ~ nus business IS conduclod by en t.OMMEACIAL GRAPHICS Individual CO 1700 Newporl Circle Sanlo Michael E Btlon Al'a CA 92705 This stllement was llled wHh lhe DAVID W TUBMAN 853 N Coun1y Cieri! of Orenoe County on Glassel Oranoe CA 92687 Mey 5. t902 Tn1s bus•ness rs conducted by an f 111773 lndoViOUllf Publl1hed Orange Co11t Dell~ DevlO W lubman P1101, M•v 8, t3, 20. ')7 t1182 Th•s ~111emen1 was flled wun lh• 2099-82 Counly Clerk ol Orange County on 1------------1M•y 11 1982 l'tB..IC NOTIC£ flCTITIOVt .u..-as NAM£ ITATUdNT The 1011ow1ng pereon It doing bUSIMSS U f1"211 P1Jbllsht>d Orange CoHt 0111~ Pilol Mey 13 20 27 June 3. 1982 30~2 STEINER OF LONDON 2070 -----------8u1lneu Center Orlvfl, Sul•• 240, K00051 Irvin•, CA 92715 FICTITIOV8 •UIUNEll TOPPY'S BY STEINER. l TO NAME 8TA'n....-T (Anaheim). a C.lilornle corporetlon. Tne following pe•eon 11 001ng ~.:i2~~~,,... Cenler Drive. lrvlne, l>uSl;:e:~~!sTER ENTERPRISES TIM• bu1ineu •• c:onducled by • 3152 YellOWllOn• Orlv• Cost• corporation Mew CA 112626 Toppy'1 by Steine< Ltd STEVEN P LANCASTER. 3152 (Anetielm) Yellowstone 0r1..,., Coata M .... CA Victor St Surle, 92628 Pruldent Th11 t>ua1ne11 la oonducted by en Tiil• 11a1ement wu llled wllh tl'ltl 1ndlvlduel County Cletlc of Oranoe COunty Of1 S1even P Lancuter Mey 4. 1982 Thll a1a1-1 WM Iliad wttll tne ,.,_ County Cler\o of Or111199 County on Publl1h11d Orange Co•tl Dell~ M•y 5. 11182 PllOI, Mly 8, 13, 20. 27, 1~2-8~ Publlelled OttnO• Co:.~~y 1------------iPllot, Mey 13, 10, 27. June3. tM2. rtaJC NOTIC( 212(M2 l'K:rrnout ....... --""" -. M~ aTATllllNT ~ ..,,-. The follOwl"O petlOlll -doing butlneM at; l'ICTI"10U8 .,_ COMMAND P!A,.ORMANCE. NAJm ITA~ 2010 ~ Oenlw OrM. .-2•0. Tne tollowlng pee.on I• dol~ IMM, CA 1127111 buW-M! ' TOPPY'S 8Y STEINER. LTD M"' rs AUTO ~nott. ~Otrdt=Oro111), 2070 Bu•ln .. t S32t•I' Weet Wfilf'M A---, $ema Center • fl'vlne. CA 12110 AM, CA t21'04. Thie ,._ 111 ~ed by • ~ o..i ._,,., m '°""' ~•tlon ltoc*hlnt. No. I» tt. Meflalwt. CA TOOP(1 bY Sltll* Ltd 112I04. (Oatdtn 0#0'4! Thll ~ la ooodtscbd bY 911 Vlc1or It. IU(iit, IMMdual. "'-'dent TllOIMa O. tv'11 1'1111 tit"*"'"' ... llled with -T'NI etai-t ..... --.. ONltY a.ti of OftnOt COUll(y on ~ a.11 of a...,... a.._ • .,.., .. ,., ,..., ..... ... .... ,._, • P\lblllMO Oran .. Coatt OaAy lt111t1tltMcl OJ-.. 0-.. ~ ..... ... .,. .. is. 20.11. 1..a. Not. M9Y .. 1S, .. "· -·' •.. ~· 2041-12 ....... ; .. DYING TOWN -The five remaining residents of Loyalton, S.D., are all members of the town board, which is in the process of dmolving the Lown government. From left are Evelyn Peterson, Irene.Sylte, F.dna Oban, H enry Nipp A u and Al Sylte. The building they ue posing with is an abandoned hotel, one of two remaining buildings along once thriving Main Street. • Ora • Coaet OAILV PILOT/Thured•Y1 May 21, 1H2 DI .,.p;; ..... ITA,....., fht lollowl"O 11treo11 la doing blltllleal ... TAX 'lllll llCOHANOI llllALTY, 1U7 "C" lttll•. Coete ...... OAtatff Wtlllarn JtrnM loott, Jt.t 110t l anai 0t1vt, eo.11 ....,.., OA aae Thll ._,,_ la oonMttd t>y en lndM<luel W J lkloll, Jt Thia tlltttntnl WU nled Wltll 1111 County Cltfk Of 0111f109 County on Mey 20. 10l2 ,,t0f11 Publl•ll•O Orange COH I Dally ltllot May 21. Ju,. 3. 10. 11. tN2 2M7·U 'M.w=· Th• 101tow1no PtfMll 11 doing l>u~ .. COMMUNITY Ol"IOTQllllH, '" io111 ltrHI. lull• No, 4, Newport leeci\, OA .,.., Dentel loull Tldltnoll. 7120 '°"'.,,. ltreet, OowMr, CA T hit t>utllltM It oonduoteo by an lndMClutl Ott\ Tte11141110ft Thlt tt•t-1 w .. filed wt1fl tht County Clertl ol Or •not County on M1y 2&, 1012. ,,.,n '"l>ll•h•d Oreng1 CoH I Delly "IOI. Mty 27. June 3, 10, 17, 1982 utf.12 NIUC NOTIC£ "=·~.. m=--.. Tll• rotlowlno IM''°" I• doing •~ bu .. ,,.,, .. The penotlt .,. CIOlnO rHOLOINOI IHTllllHATIOHAL. ~ ... frr CM.., Orlw. !l.nltiOu ... ~. COMI ANO on IT. uo,. Hlintlf'IOlon lled\, Callomll t2t47 Moulton lt1tltw1y, Laguna Hiii• 1.tOll Tt llOhtl .. H oh. UH Cll!lorm taa TtmPt OflYt, H\lfltlnQton ltach, C8l1 llOUt Cloe* Jr H4 N Cllllorllll tH4t lll•O Oflvt, Pt~ll•. dalllornla Tiiie bu'*-It OOl\duoted by an tM70 lndMdlltl lmlllO 0 10011, 824 N. t..11.c Leon T llloedt onv., ltieo.ntta, Cellf«nla t2870 Thia tt81.,_,t Wll llled wllh tlll Thll bu.linMe le oondvcrted t>y Covnty Clerk of Or111199 County on lndMdu81t (HUHANO I Wtt.). AprM 21, 1982. Cati Cloe:* ,,._ 1.!mlko Clocll ,,..,.,. Put>llt lltO Ortntt COH I Dally Thlt tlltttMlll -llled wllh ttw Piiot M8Y 27, AA>e S. 10, 11, tN2 County Clerk Of Or11199 County on 2338·81 M•y 11, ttU Ml.JC NOTIC£ flCTmOUa .ua1N111 NSt.lC NOTICE NAW aTATIIMINT '1CTITIOUI IUllNIH .... TIC • .....,_ -· Publlthtd Or•no• COH I Dilly Poot. May 27, June 3, 10, t7, 111t 2-...2 N .... ITATIIMUfT ""' ,...,,_ -lh• following p.,1on I• doing Th• toHowtng ~tton• •t• domg Mollet le htttl>>' glvt n thet the bu'"-N butin•H 11 Bowd of Truel .. ol ttlt HumlnQtOfl W 0 0 D l A N 0 V I l L A G E C 0 AS T A V f 0 R f N T A L 8"oh Vnl:.:yh k~ Ol•lrlOI APAATM!NT8. 711 W 11tn SttMI, SERVICE INC Cloe J}lRJFTV RENT wl• reoelw bide tot~ K..ttlll No 312, Cotti Meo. C11tlotnl1 A CAR 3510 trv1ue Avenut Dell Pr-"'O 'orme "-' Ot NOTICE OF DEATH OF 02827 N1wpotl e .. ch CA 026&0 tQlltl 10 tht IC>IClfleallonl on In C""NT B TROTTER Rlel\8'0 R. Cenlrell, e Northtlllf Co111 Auto' Rental S•rVIGe Inc . tht Ofltc. ol Nld Olttrl01 VIN c. • No 104, M811nl d-4 Rey, Cllllornl• • Celifornla corporation 3610 Irvin• 91dt thall l>t 01 .. r1y m•rk1d AND OF PETITION TO 0029l Avenue Newpor1 911oh CA 1121100 "Diie ~re>eHtlng 'ormt 110 No. ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. T'h'8 l>utl,_ 11 conduc1ed by en T1111 but1nH1 " conciucttld by ft: 492". eddftlNd to Allyn I! ~. A· 11301. 11\dMdutll,; R C COJPG••llou PurohH lno M•n1ger. l1unllng1on To all '--i-• ..__~f•~---. nlCl\ard lllllrtl4 Co••I Auto Rent el 8Hch Union High Sc:llOol Oletrlct, nc •• """""" a;1a11~ Thi• 11a1emettt wu lllecl wtlh lhe S0tvic1t Inc 10251 Yorklown Ave . HuntlngtOfl C'redttora and contin~t.-nt County Citnc of Oranoe County °" Mike Navt1 p,.. Bttcn, CA 92&48, Ind r• elYed •I di f VINCEN H May 2"· 1982 Thi• 1111ement wn flied wllh lh• 0< 1>«0<• 2.00 p.m., Frldt)I, June '· C're tors 0 Publl•h•d Or•no• co:.1'°r]~1 Courlty Clerk of Ota11ge COunty on ~111 ~-'' ~ tlmt ·~~!kl' TROTTER and penona who Mey 11 198"2 ,., ,,., pu.,._, opt11ee1 ..... r..... may be ot.herwile interested Plto1, May 21, June 3, 10, 17, 198 '1HlM Each l>ld Wll remain vtlld 10< • tn the Wlll and/or eauue: 23-41..a:.> Puo11,11ee1 Orange Cont Delly period of 30 day1 •lt•r the dll• A ""Ulion h.aa been fUfod -----------Pilol May 13 20 '7 June 3 1082 epeelf\ecl IOt the reotlpt al bid• ..-P111LJC NOTICE · 3077·82 The Board or Truttfft ahall t>• by HARRY BATRUM ln the th• 1olt Judge or the quallly or Supen or Court of O RANGE ,,c;TITIOUe IUllN9U ,.._ •c MnTIH 8QU!pmertl ott.red and rtMf\"M tlll ,. , h t NA• STATlllllNT l'"UUU nu w. rlghl to r•Jec1any°' .. bide81\d 10 '-ounty requeaung • 8 The IOllOwlng J*.c>nt •rt c!Olng ,ICTTTIOVI IUIMll wllw any lrregulartty lhtrwln HA R Ry 8 A T R UM I>• Dissolution bu .. _ u : MAMe ITA TIIMINT 8/ Allyn E. Aowt.y a p p 0 I n t e d aa pert 0 r\8 1 8ACK PAIN CLINIC, 1801 Tiii following f*'IOOI .,. doing Purchlalng MlnllOtf reprewntative to administer Newport 8ouleve1d, Co.ta M .... bull..-.. Oeted May 111, 11182 th f VINCENT K CA 02927 T & J p RO FESS IO MA L Put>llthed Orange Coett 0111y e esta~ o . unanimous Reubtn Hott/II, 12~ HHlcne1 SERVICES, 1984 Port Provtnc• Piiot, May 20, 27, 1982 2130-42 TROTTER, IRVINE, CA. ~.Fatlbf'OOll,CA02028 Pt-.NtwPQf18Hcih.CA92e«> (under the Independent Ot Re ndall R Keith, 4381 ThOmN L. OeMott. lM-l Por1 l'l8JC NOTIC£ Admanastratton of Ettate1 PllOmar, Faltb<OOll. CA 112028 Provence Place, Newport 8Hch. Act) The ..,..tition II eet for Thi• butlntU ,, conducted by • CA 926&0. ..- Burg's residents (all 5) vote to end town LOYALTON, S .D . (AP) - Fire and a tornado knocked down most of the buildings on Main Street long ago and drought and Depression drove folks away, bul in the end it was taxes that did in the town of Loyalton, pop. 5 C.E. "AJ" Sylte, 71, and his wife, Irene, 70. Hampshire who settl~ in the vicinitr, in 1887, according to the book, 'South Dakota Geographic Names." gentrll PA11nefthlp Jecquelyn LO.Molt, 1M-l Por1 'ICTITIOUI -··-·· hearing In Dept. No 3 at 700 Reubtt1 Holahl Provence Place. Newport 8ta<:h, ... ,.,. ITA'TD.ii"Nr Civic Center Drive West, Thlt •tat-• wu filed with the CA 1126&0 Tiii toltowtng J*IOO• ,,. dOlng Santa Ana, CA 9270 I on Coun2~ c1~82 ol Orange County on Thll ~It condue1ed by.,, t>u.U-u . June 9, 1982 at 9:30 am The only business remaining after the balloting is an o fficial canvass of the votes Friday, Mrs. Petersen said. The decision will take effect in six months. "This was a real Western town when w e came h ere from Minnesota," said Sylte. "At one time about 200 people lived here and there were several grocery stores, a lumber company, hardware stores, a blacksmith, two meat markets, confectionary shops, a billia rd hall , a restaurant, two e levators and a Milwauke e dep o t . The Milwaukee had a section crew here and a big stockyard on the south end of town." Mey '" • · lri<llYl<lual BELL FAMILY PARTNERS 215 '190174 Jacquelyn L OeMott ., __ ·-·.,_A ___ .......,_ CA 12806 IF YOU oa.nx::r to the Publlthtd Or•nge Cout O•llw T"'lt it•t-t -· ..._. wlttl t'-"'--1..., ....,_,, ,... _ _,,, · Piiot, May 21. Junt 3. 1o, 11, 11182 c~~ty Cltrlt 01 o;::,;.'Coun..,;; Frank M. Bell. TruatM of tht granting of th e petition, you 2308 82 -...... ., Frink M and Jean G Btll Trvat, should either appear at the • Mey 25, 1882. p-dlled M8'ch 27, 1976, 432 Vitt• ,_.... hearing and state your ____ MUC ___ NO_TlCE____ Put>ll•hed Orange Coeat Dally :;re:•· NtwP0'1 e..ch, ~aJll0<nt• obJectto ns or file written All fi ve r esidents voted Tuesday night to dis.solve the town to save money on property taxes. "Everybody kind of felt t hey hated to do it," said Evelyn Petersen, the town treasurer and postmisU"eSS for 31 years Loyalton was once a bustling little railroad t own, but the prairie h as a ll but reclaimed Main Street and weeds have overrun the Sidewalks. By doing away with cl ty status, the residents will save the $1,500 a year 1t cost to run the c ity, Mrs. Petersen said. The money paid for electricity for a few street lights, snow removal, legal advertisements In newspapers and r oad repairs . The budget also paid the salaries of t he town board, which was made up of the five residents. flCTTTIOUI IUllHEH Piiot, M8Y 27· """9 s. IO, t~~ M•d•lyn Bell. 11820 Cortez, obJecllons with the court Oeclll, Cellfomle OS315 before lh e hearing Your .. ,.,.. ITATUll€NT Kttetln c Bell. 1ll-40 Edoecillf, Tilt following ~11001 •r• dolno rtllJC "°11C( Loa ·~· Calltomlll 90026 appearance may be in person bu.,lllll.. .,_., Fr•nk M Belt, 1111, 2751 Ooeen. or by your attorney CHAMPAGNE TASTE, 1713 ACm10UI Carltb•d. C81ll0<nl192008 IF Y 0 U ARE A O•hu Place. Cotta MHI, Ci\ 92626 ..,.,_ ITATI....,. Th"' ...... 1 d .... b WILLIAM FL WEBSTER, 1113 Tiii 1o11ow1ng penon1 .,. dotno •• .,.,.,,_. 1 con uct..... Y • CREDITOR or a contingent 08hu P18Ce. Cotta Meta, CA 92828 bull,_ u : general P8!1l*'llllp. creditor of the deceued, you DONNA JEAN WEBSTER. 1713 TIGHT OUARTERS CONCRETE Frank M. Bell f I •-· ... th Oallu Place. Co.II M .... CA 921128 BREAKING i\MO EXCAVATING, 487 ~=~ 01.;!:.,..,, G must I e your c ...... m Wlu• e Thi• bullneN 11 con<1ue1eo oy a M1gnoll•. Newport 8Hch, CA 8tlt Trutl. dated court or present it to the 11m11td P8'1nerthlp 112M3 7 ... 75 personal repr esentative Wiiiiam FL Weblter T811ord Thomu Cottwn, 467 ~:;:,2 · 1• · appointed by th e court fhls t181emtlf'll WH flied with Ille M11gnolll, Cotta Men. CA 921127 Thia ttelemenl WU nled wUll Ille Wtthtn rour months from the The tw o buddings remauung o n M ain Street are a weatherbeaten, abandoned hotel a nd a ramshackle house, said Mrs. Petef"S(!n. Mrs. Petersen also said the five residents will qualify for the sligh tly lower agncultural rate on their county property taxes. It won't be much, but for retired people, even a few d ollars will help, she said. Nowadays, residents must drive 14 miles to Roecoe, a town of 400 people, for groceries. The town began to die in the Depression and drought of the 1930s. A fire in the 1920s had alread y destro yed several buildings, and a tornado did more damage in 1933. Covnly Clerk ot Orange Couniy on Monie• Jane Colt•m. 487 Couftty C'-" of Or•..,,.. County 00 .. , 198" Mannolla "-ta M ... CA 92927 .. ...R -··-date or first Issuance o( .... y ... ' -v·· · """' • · May 111. 1082 ,,11117 Thi• oullneN '' oon<lucttld by en ~ ~ letters as provided in Section Publtaned Orange Cont 0111y lndlvldu81 a ...,., ' Cettloft 700 of the Probate Code of PilOI M8)' 8. t3. 20. 27 1082 Telford Tttomu Co11wn A.._ ~1111-IMp lndldftt Caltfornaa The lime for 2005-82 lhll .... _.., WU lti.d wttn IM ~1oh 11t11'9! ~ 1------------County ci.ttc ol Orange County on I0001119CAltMr ~ riling cl.auns will not expire PlalC NOTia: May 18. 1082. lufte 1'000 prior to four months from '1117G1 FICTITlOUI .., ... ,, Put>ll•h•d Or•no• coaat Dally NlowpeJt a.ch, CA eaeo '1"711l the date of the hearing The rest of the town 50 nules southwest of Aberdeen COJlSlSts of five houses and one mobiJe home -lhree of the h ouses and the mo bile home are occupied. The five have already banded togethe r to share on e private weU for drinking w ater after the town weU gave out Last year. By 1945, the local hJgh school had cloeed. The grade achool shut its doors in the 1960. and by the mid-1970s the post. office was gone. MAtR ITAT11•NT Piiot, M•y 20, 27. Junt 3. 10, 1082 Publltlltd Or•no• COHt Oallv nouced above. ~o:wlng perton It doing 217M2' Piiot, M•Y 20. 27, J\lM 3, tO, 1982 YOU MA V EXAMINE th 1 1 1 1 w A v E H u N T E R ---MU--C-NO_T1C_£___ 2243-92 file kept by the court Ir you SURFBOARDS (b) WAVE HUNTER ·------------------------are t.nlert.'!1~ in the estate, PHOTOGRAPHY . 21• Walnut, FICTITIOUl IU ... 11 PlBJC NOTIC£ you may hle a request With "It w as sure a good town," said Edna Oban, 86. "I just think this was the m ost friendly town around. There just weren't any strangers." Like dozens of other little towns o n the Great Plains, Loyalton was founded near the e nd of the 1800s when railroads w ere built w est . In th.is case, it was the Milwa ukee Road. But even if Loyalt o n disappear s off the map, the resident.a say they won't let it be forgotten. Huntlnglon 8eecfl. Calltomla 112948 NAME ITAT11-.N'T th -~1 Wayne S. Hunter. 214 Wlinul, Th• following perton la doing •~COURT Of' e court to receive •~ Huntington 8w:tl, C4111tomil 92&48 butlMM u · THm STATE Of' CAL#'OMttA nouce of the inventory or Thll ~ .. oonducted t>y Ill\ THE NIGHT STAR MUSIC '°"THE COUNTY Of' estate assets and o f the lndMdull SHOWCASE, 2111 VI• UDO SOUO, aAM OllQO I d w..,,... a Hunter ~ 8eech. CA 8Ha3 DWIGHT 0. WAHLBERG end p e l t1o n1. accounu an Thie IClltmlfll -lll9d"""" !tie ,,_ w. Hin. Ill, 219 Via MARTHA E. WAHL..8ERO, Pletntlfft. reporu deecrlbed tn Sect.ion County a.rte of Orenoe Cowlty on Lido Soud Newport BH ch. CA "' 1200 5 o f the Cal1fornaa May 11, t982.. 112ee3 COASTLINE INVESTMENTS, Probate Code. In addition to her and Mrs. Petersen, there's Henry Nipp, 66, The town is believed to have b een named for a colony o f Unlon soldiers fro m New "It will always be Loyalton as far aa w e're concerned," Sylte said. ,~ Thie ~ts conducted by en INC , CL AREN CE AL 8 ER T D O N O V N Publlthed Orange Co•tt Dally inOlvlduel VERNON, BETTE A HARRISON A Piiot, M8Y 27, JUf>t 3, 10, 17, 11182. J-W Hlnla Ill Ind DOES I lhrOUQll XX, lnGlvtl ..... BALLENGER, ________ _..233_M_2 Thie 1111-1 wu tiled wtth t!M 0etenoaot1. Attorney at Law w . DllTH NOTICIS WELCH HEALY RALPH E . WELCH. age MICHAEL L . HEALY, 86, a long ume resident of rc>s1dent of Newport Beach, O range County. Passed Ca Passed away on May 25, away on May 20, 1982. He 1982. He is sul"Vlved by his was well known as a cement w ife Teresa Healy of Costa contract.of" or over 50 years Mesa, Ca , I daughu.>r Joann He was a pioneer in the Masdrecula or Newport Ready M ixed Concrete Be-ach, Ca., 3 sons Mario of b u siness H e at·t1 vcly Cost.a Mesa, Ca , Walter of supported many worthwhile Cost.a Mesa, Ca and Michael Christian and edu cational of San FranclS('O, Ca .. also 2 organiz.auons He ts survived sisters lJvmg an Cahfomia, by his wa fe Rowena of and 4 grandchildren. Mr. O range. Ca. a daughter Healy had been active in Carolyn McClintock, 2 sons Real F.st.ate m the Newport Robert or Orange. Ca . Beach area for 50 years. Harold of Corona del Mar, Mass of Chnstaan Burial will Ca. 7 grandchildren and 9 be celebrated on Friday, great-gran<khtldren, a sister May 28, 1982 at l:OOPM at M iss Gladys W elch of St Joachim's Catholic Orange, Ca and a brother Church with interment at DEATHS ELSEWHERE DEL MAR (AP) -W. Curtis Rockefeller, 72, a p ioneer avia t o r and aeronautical engineer who helped billionaire Howard Hughes make 1JOme of his record· breaking airplane flaght.s, died Sunday. LTVINGSTON1• Mojlt. (AP) -Dan Bauey, 78 an e xpert angler and o utd oor s man who founded a booming business in fly-fishing lures, died Sunday. President of firm to speak Otto E .. Roethenmund, presidenl , Deak & Company, Inc .• the hold.inR company of the Deak-Perera Group, will speak at a meeting of the W orld Trade Center Association of Orange County on June 7. The meeting will begin at 1 1:30 a.m . at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. ___ Pl&. __ IC_NO_Tl_CE ___ ~~ c1~ 01 Orange c::: ~~~~ •Y !~No rtll Braud Blvd., 'ICTTTIOUS IUltNEll NAMl STATIMJ'" The following person is e101ng outl~• Ill THE GLASS BALLOON. 1774 New Hempsh111 Ori•• Costlt' Men. CA 92828 Cynth1• Irene Renger 17H New H•mpsttlre Drive. Coste Meu CA g2626 Tille buSI~ IS conducttld by en 1ndlvldual Cynthia I Renger Thi• atatemen1 wH llted wnn the County Ciefl< of Or Ange C0un1y on Aprll 18, 1982. f'117535 Puo11a111d Otange Cou a Delly Pll<>t. M1y 13. 20 27 June 3 1982 3096-87 Pl8.JC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS IUllHEH NAIReTATl!•NT The IOllowlng peraooa ••• dOlng ~-: SECURED PROPERTIES L TO.·I, 17821 Mitchell lrve, Ci\ 9271 4 Puollthed Or•no• Cont Delly ~ATIOM 'Ofl ~ Glendale. CA 91203 Piiot. Mey 20. 27, June 3, 10, 1182 DIMCTINO PAn.MT OUT M (213) 244-1,35 2182-82 MAL l.ITATW l'UND Publtah...:I Oran&~ Cout Daily Hiving coneldere d lh• Pilot, May 2.0, 2.1. 27 11182. Plll.IC NOT1C£ '1CTIT10UI IUIMU MAMIE STAft•NT Th• following ~rton 11 doing bull,_ .. NB SECRETARIAL SERVICE, 3007 Clut>hOUM Circle, Co.le M-. CA 926211 Nonie Behnke, 3007 ClubhouM Circle, Cotti M .... CA 112828 Thi• buttness I• conduC1ed by llll Individual Nont1 Bellnk• This 111tome"' wu l11ed with lhe County Clerl< of Or~ County on May 14 11182 Pt'91U Publlth•d Or•no• COHI belly Piiot, Mey 20. 27. Junt 3, 10, 11182 223M2 NIUC NOTlCE Decl*'lllon of etton.-y M. MUNRO MERRICK and the tupporllng exhlblla, the Court find• that 1----.,.-_-IC_NO_Tl_"_r __ _ delend•nl CLARENCE ALBERT l'"UUL W. VERNON cannot with rMIO'llble i-----A-...._--,---- c!~ be aerwd In lnY mMMt Notte. of Trvtt"'' S• other thllll by put>lcatlon OTO Ho 05t7 II It theref0<e Ofdered that the Re: 14114 Fe4trl 1ppllcetlon be publl1hed In the SUNWEST BANK 8 C11tlorn1a Or•noe Counly Pllot. • ~ecMI< corporollon 1ormerly SANTIAGO ol gener•I clrcul•llon In Or1ng• BANK as duly appointee! Tru111ee County, C•llloml•. onct • weelc for u111l!l1 1he 1ollowlflg c!ese<rt>ed d4led lout (•I eucx:ealve ....0, wtlh at of trust Will SELL AT PUBLIC leHI five (5) d•yt lntttventng AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIO between publlcallon dete1 In DER F'OR CASH or as set forlh 1n eccord11nee wtth Govem,...,,1 COOe Sec1ion 292•h ot 11>e C1v11 Code 1111 Section 8064 nglll htle and 1nte<eat conveytd 10 Tilt Setvlcl ol Summon• Wiii be and now held by 11 unc!tlf sere! Deed conald4Wed complete on tlll IHI day 01 T tuSI 10 lhfl propefly he•91nal1e< of pubOcallon descnbe<I DATED May 5. 1982 TRUSTOA MOHAMAD FEKRI llll Don MartlnlOll unmarried men Judge of 1M BE NEFICIAR V SANTIAGO FlCTTTICM.11 WIMll N. MUMt()~ .. ~ BANK t Cahlornl8 corporation NAME STATUll:NT Att-et Law Al!Cordec! July 3. 1979 11 1nslt T I 11 I o I -·-r No 2729 1n Oool< t32 t4, P1oe 1378 Ile o owing P•r1on ' 0 ng 527 lee.-A--01 Ottte1al Records rn tilt off~ of R ay H We I ch o ( Harbor Lawn Memorial ASHLAND, Ore. (AP) Be llingham, Wai.hington. Park Friends m<>y call at -Joe Sawyer, 75, a Funeral servtl'es will be Pierce Brothers Bell c haracter actor best private Memonals ID B1ola .Broadway Mortuar y on known for hia portrayal University or Westmont Thursday, May 27, 1982 of tough co ps and College wall be appreciated rrom 7 .00PM to 9:00PM . sarcastic drill sergeant-1 S hannon Mortuary 997-1234 Pierce Brother s Be l l in scores of World War directors. Broadway Mortuary 11-era comedies, died H is subject will be "The Effect of Foreign Curr e n cy Fluctualions on World Markets." For information, call 540-9180, ext. 240. HB cadet • Donlld G. Ze4tner. 824 H•rbor l•l•nd Dr .. Newport Buch, CA 82983. Gary J. ~. 871 Sleepy Hollow Lane, LllQun• BMch, CA 112$51. Gary J Schneldtt, 166 Nv- Pleoe, l.lg\lM BMch, CA 02651 Tttlt ~ IS conducted t>y Gii)' J. Sc:Mtlder T'fllt 11A1emettl WU flied with lht Coumy C*1< of Orenoe County on bu•lness u U-9-fl, CA t207I c FIRE SAFETY EDUCATORS, (714) 1...,.... the Recorder ot Orenge ounty, 1608 Ponderosa. Costa Meu. CA Put>llth•d Or•nge Cont 0111" said deed of !rust de5crroes the 10. 92826 ' llOwlng pr~ Lot 75 of Ttlci No EOWARO WA LTER LEWIS. Piiot. M8Y 20· 27· JUf>t 3· 1t~2 7844. tn the Ctty of NllWPO'I BelCtl. 1808 Ponderou, Cotta Meu . CA ,AILU"I TO "ll,ONO MAY Covnty of Oteooe Slate ot Cehlor· 9 6 8 n1a u per mac> recordtd 10 800k 2 2 "EIUL T IN IUl,INllON 0, 3 u Pegu 27 to 38 1nctus1•e ol Thi• bulintS$ IS col\d<ICltld by 1111 YOUI' UC.NII M1-~e11" ~·s M•~. In lhe ott~-of lndl\llc!U•I ~ ~ .... ~ -~ Edwatd w lewla the Cou"IY Recorder ol ~•le! Tn11 1111emt111 wu llled with Ille rta.IC NOTIC( c~l1~ BE ALSO KNOWN AS 21 County Clerk of Or~ County on _____ K_-GOCm _______ , McCOIMICIC MOUUARIES Laguna Beach 494 9415 Laguna Hill!. 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 H.AIJOI LAW~MT. OLIYI Morruary • Cerretery Crema1ory 1625 G•slet Ave Costa Mesa 54().5554 ,...CIUOTHU~ llU llOADW4Y MOITUAaY I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALT%1MOtl0'4 IMITtf & TUTHIU.. WUTCUH CHM'lL 4'17 E 1711'1 S I Costa Mesa 646-93'Tt ... CIMOTHIH IMITMI' M08TUAAY 627 Main SI ....,nllngton Beach 536-6539 directors April 21. gets wings Mey 18, 1882. May 4, 1882. Monltctto Drive, Coton• c!el Mer Program scheduled The Orange County Coalition Against Domestic Violence will present a program on the sexual moles talion of children at its meeting June 7 at the YWCA, 1411 N. Broadway Ave .• Santa Ana. The meeting starta at 7 p .m . Detective B .A . Skipper of the Orange Police Department will be the speaker.· The p u blic is invited to att e nd , but th e presentation ia not considered suit.able for young c hildren : Admission la free. VMA-311 back Mar ine Attack Squadron-311 returned to MCA.S, El Toro, trom Combined Arms Exerct.e (CAX) 6 -82 at the Mar i n e Corpa Air/Ground Combet Cet\ter, 2.9 Palma, afteor 10 da7.1 of tn.ining and provfe11!'8 IUpport in a three-day tdmulated war. l SCHENECTADY. N .Y . (AP) -James L. Lawsoa~66, a r etired General iwectric acientist who made major contributions to raaar, nuclear particle accelerators, electro nics and infonnation science, died Tuesday . ,,.,.. ,18S724 HA.MOfl MUNICIPAl C()UftT Calltornte 11 htd O C O lty ..,, ~ .. -.ct. flt • 11ree1 80c!r1tss or common Put> • reng• 0111 • 2 Publlth•d Otano• Coeet Dally ~ 9-tl, CA e..o ouignitton •s shown •bO••. 00 Edward R. Connell, Piiot. M8Y 20, 27. Junt 3. 1~;~2 Piiot. Mey 8 13, 20. 27. 11182 PL AINT1FF GARY JASPER & warranty la given u 10 ,11 c0111ple· 801l of E.T. and Barbara 2082-82 ASSOCIATES MASONRY,. C•ll· 1-U °' COfrK1ness)"' C o n n e 11 o f 2 0 2 8 2 rtBJC NOTIC( ---.. -IDI-'C_NO_""_r___ t0<nl8 CO<l>Of•tlon. Tilt t>enttldery under .. Id Oetd R d L -----------r-.a •~ OEFENOAHT. RICK HUSTON, In· of Trull, by reaaoo of a bl'Mcil or a Ven W 0 0 a n e ' ITAn.NT Of' WITHOltAWA.L dlvldually ind db1 SOUTHWEST c!elaull In tilt obllg1tlon1 11eureo Huntington Beach, has '"OM PAln'Nl"IHIP '1CTITIOU• llUIMH DEVELOPMENT, and SID CROS· !hereby, httetolOf• .. ecuted •nd been commission ed a OPe:AATINO ~Ill MAME ITATIMINT SLEV. •n<I DOES 1 • lOCV, lnclullYt. oettvered 10 the unoeralgned • 'ICTITIOUI •UllNall MAME Tiii tOllOwtng ptt90flt we doing kWOMe written Oec18ttllon of 0.1111111 •nd second lieutenant in the T "• 1o11ow1 "0 p e, , on " •, bullntN u . c.. ........, IOt t' o.m...a for s.ie Ind Wfllten notice A i r F 0 r c e u p 0 n 'f'llhdrswn as I gen«•I Plrtntf from FOODS ANO SPIRITS OF NOTICll Yov fut.,. ...... "'"' of brHCll 81\d oi elecllon to C8UM rrduation from Officer !he p•rtnershlp ope<etlng under the MEXICO" -COntuttlng·M80,lnQ, ""~mer declNt .....,_t JOU 1he unc!era•flneo to NII selc! prop. llct1tlou1 bustnen nem• of JMH 259 Low., Cliff Or , Suitt 04, wllhout rovr btlftt M.,d llnlff• erty 10 se11s1y .. Id obOgettona. Ind aining School at EltClronlc11tllllSTl1Ju•n•, L11gune8eech,CA9211'1. rour-.pondwt!MnlOde,..llMd ,rwireall•ttheunderslgnedc•uMd Lackland Air Force Base, L90un• lleld1, CA. Amendo St ncher 0 ., 24991 Ille lflfofftwtton below. said no1ic• of brHch and of•*· Courses Set T The flctlllout butlneu name PrHldlo Or .. l•gun1 Hiiie, CA 11 Voll wilh to -" the lldvlce 01 11on 10 oe Recorded Febtuuy 3. exas. tlalel"ltlf'lt lor lhe parlnerlhlP wu 112953 an ettotney In thle m•lltt · you 1982 H tnatr Mo 82·0311780, of Conn ell will 10 t o lll•d on 0·22·81 In the County ot J 1 s 21149& Orydoclt tllOuld do .o promptly'° that your tald Olllclel Rec:otell A new ....,.duate-level •v •r oH. wrttten ""'°'*·It .ny, may be n-SWd .... w111 be mede out with-.,..-Columbus Air orce Or•ngo Cove.lllgune~.CAll2977. ledontlmt 1 ty' certificate pro gram, 8 M f .1 Fufl N•meane1AdC1reuot1h• Thlabutl.-laoonductedbyao AOYllOtU.Mdlla.ado outc:oven.,, or w.,...,, .•~ • ' Pub 1 i c Sector ase, laa., o r pl ot ~~~~:;k,w~t~~~~~1~848~·F~~1!;40 ~h"~C:~=11:~•oclat1on otlMtr dedo. 111rUH1"•' .....-. declldlr :O:,~~~:r~'.t~o ;:--1"" A n a 1 y t ' c a l a n d training. ............ Velley. CA 92708 Amlllldo SlnClhel o. _ ... Ud. .... Ill ~ • -.. remelnlng prlnclpat 1um 0 th• Administrative Skilla", He Is a 1981 go-..uate J-M HOfn.ck ™• •t•temont w11 llltd with tht qut Ud. rHpo1td1 ""''" d• IO notl(•I itcu•td t>y u 10 Deed ol of UC Davia. ,111411 County Clerk of Ofenge COunty Ofl .... LM lt ~......... Trvll, wtth Int ..... , •• In Mid not• will be offered in the fall Puollthe<I Oreng• CoHt Delly M8Y 19 1ea:i. SI Utled d .... eokltar ti con. provided, •dv•nc.1. II any. unci.r by The Center for Public rtaJC fl)TIC£ Pltot M8)1 t3, 20, 27 June 3. 1982. ' ,,_. Mto de 1111 •bo0e60"' ttt9 MuntO. the term• ol H id 0..d of Truat. P l i d Ad i -----------212~2 Publl•h•d Orenga CoHt O•llY debtfl• h_,io "''"*tltlltntfttt, •-· cl\af0t4 and ~ of Ille 0 cy an m n ------------Pllo1 M8Y20 27 J\Hlt3 10 tN2 d• ••11 ma n•r•, •11 rHpuHt• TrustM ltld Of 1ht tnieted or .. 1-d i a t r a t l o n a t C a I rrtennoua ..,..... P\l!l.JC NOTICl ' · · · U42-12 tecrlte. ti 111~ •touna, Pll4td• .., by Mid o..d o1 TNtl. Slid Nit_. State Long Beach. For NAm aTA~ ----------,._,ecs. • lilmOO. be htld on F~. JUM 4, 1H2. et Information call (213) t>u~::!•lng P•''0" 1' doing ,ac~O:-.:,..... ___ rtaJC ___ ,.,_na ____ 00~:1~1!r~.'!'::!0ti1~~: ~ ~·~~ ~tO:Aao':'A:V:W;r~rl::l~~ 498-4177. LYNNS EHTli.AP .. llES. 9200 ..... ITATI....., plllntlfl 8Qllll.i yuu, ")'OU wilt\ to VICES. 1eoo e .. t Mayfllt A~. -dlngtr. No. eo I. Hunting Ion The tollowtng e>ttlOf'lt ere doing ~"*'-'It, Y'llU mutt. wttl1ln Or11nge CelltOrf\ia l'tllJC fl)TIC( letcft. CA ~847 OUll--= MAim ITATDllNT • Cleyt.,.., thlt -.. .W• TIMI iot1f amount Of "" ~ l<trl L 'tin.I.'* EdlnO!'.i.!'">· LOI PANCHO'S n . 120• E Tht IOllowlng PtnOl\I.,.. Going V'ed Oii yov. ,. .. wltll tlll• OOlll'1 a t>•I-of tM ot>11a.1ton MC\lrtel FICTmOUa .,_.. 9C>I, Hunllno1on 8-Cfl. CA taG47. MCFllO<len, 8ant1 Ane, CA 92705 bv"'*I "-wrtt"8n ~ 10 tht ~I. t>y ulO prooertY to be llOld, toge-..,.,_ ITA.,...,.,. TNa t>ullMA II~ by 1111 ISMAIL&. QUZMAN.l.1tU E.. PAY"OlLEA SALE&, I Ht IJNllla l'O'I do 80• your dtfeult .. th« with _,,.,..1, i.te Glwo-, llnd Tilt lo4!0wtn0 Ptl'toflt er• doll'IQ lndMdU81. OW1Y 8ffell. lltlte AM,~ ta?CM. f#outh AllctMy Strff\, Sant• Ana. 1>t tnl.,td on appllo•tlon of the 1911mattd cotlt. IKl*\lll. MO Id-bu•'-11: Ktn Ftittl bl!LIA 1.0P I Z. tu !Ut CA t2705. .,..amm, :n-"* i::',:-r,:~ vane••· .. of tilt delt lltrtOf. II 8UAF810E DAY SUWICH. Tlb ""'"*'' 1111 .. llled with IM Cem411. hnt• An•. CA t210t Jamu Murrey Cant, 118 ~-r= ~. --112~.,!80.82. , ... 400 Mefrlm•c. 1 t&, Coita MtM, Coonty Clll'k of Ortll!Ot 00\inty on OUADALUltl ,, GUZMAN, OlemoM A"8ft\M, tffwport 8Mc'll, could r .. ult In t"1tltllllft• .. t of O"a''UNW~ *t !\..,;-CA 92929 Mey 4, 1082. tm w o~ Street, lll'lta Ant, CA·~ ..... at _......., ,,_ CA 92704 D•nl•I OtOtOt Vtnn. t,. ftGM, laing of~ Of~ • Celltornll oorpc111"°' ... YlllT A O'llllllN. 400 Mtfrl· Pvbllt"-d Oran~ CoHt Oally Thia bl.lllntllt le OOftdueled t>y 8 lmtl'•kl Avenut , Ntwp0tt ... ctl. Ot otlltr reflef r.quuttd In Ille '°"'*" aAHTIAOO aAi. llllll, 610, Ootca MtM. CA t2t2t. flllot, Mey t , 1i, 20, 21, 1982 ..... ......... CA 92W. ~ 111 .-te. '"' 11 Mid T~ 0. ~le oonducttd by M 203f-l2 l9f'ftlll 1. Ouimtfl Thie 1>ut1nte1 le condl.lcted by • DATIO. 7111 IW IY, OUAl'IOIAN' T"'-'IT 0EE0 lndMduel. i------------t Qu~ F. OuzmM ,.,..,.., '*"'··· J. ~=an HAVICa.. COf})OfllltOlll Myrta O'IO•n DMll lOC* J.,.,. M ctllt --aft~~ 1900 &Mt~ A~ Tt'4e N1*n1r1t wu tllild w11t1 !tit Tllll t1tlemtnl ... llltd With llM Tllll etat9flltflt WM llltd wlttl IM ............ ~..O. ._ -,,_.. Or"*" 0A 9*1 County an of 0rw10t ~ty on call -.2_1111. Coullt(i Cl"1I °' e>rarioe COUn'Y on County Cl"1I of Ot"qe ~'Y on .._ =r:.c:.="1 :r~~ Mey 4, 1tel. ·-Put e , .. wordl April I. 1tu ,,.,.,.. Mey 11, 1N2 ~ ("'I e;;.., ltut>lltMCI Ortntt CoHt o.iiy lo worll for JOU. ftllt>llllMd Ortntt Co .. t Delly Pvt>ll1lltd Oranr. COHt OllfY 'vbll~ Orenoe CO..• Dlllly ltv• I*' Ot'anet Coe•t DeillJ Piiot, May •• 13. 20; n. 1182. ""°'·Mey 13, 20, 17. "'-,, ,.., "°"May 13, 20, t . .Aini !.1._ .. a Not • ..., •• '*' JIO, t'I, '~., -"°" t.lay 11. 20. 27. 111t. .......... ..,... 1121-12 _.,~ --- ··-"~.... ---· ... -... IN Orange 00Mt OAILV PILOT~, May 11, 1H2 ...... ... ... 1mo1 •• llTllT Tl IUD ~~-:t~~ .. I ~.,!Ii!! • ''""~" q:-ouuf:'°" "'9u1.:/o v_.. 1At0 IOATIOM Ofl A POllT10M ntfMOf' IN IAO" Of' ANRI. ............ VIOIC>TllC/AMlfllCA, 1111 lu"nowe1 Aw.ue. Ooata MM a, Oalltofnll '"" ""'•• Mirror Vldeo1e11 lervl•••· l"o.1 • Ce lllornla oorporatlon, 1a11 lunllower Av111~. Oo1ta Mt11. Celtlorl'llt IHH t IN '*WlflG 1bbfeYl1llOM 11• l.IMd ~ A' , Dl'I MIP M RCI&. ~ '"'°"*'· 1 ... Mlr1on ,,,..., Totonto, Onlll'lo. Ceneda t.Mt-IAI Tl\lt bualf-. la oondl.toled by a htciel Numblr tvl TIM H ...... MAllON Blll-llocll fh• A1uno1'1 M1p P1101t Ol'*ll~ kit tntw111 Numb•• when UHd 10 dt1crtb1 No Numo.r PfOl*IY Ill lhll lttl, ,.._,, lo ,,,. Tim. Mlrt0t V~P~.lno Outhe"' J. Monlf'lll ~•--ttery NW Noftll .... 1 A1H11or'1 m1p book, lht m1p POI POt lton pe99 or btooli numblt In thl book R "1nQ1 end thl ln<llvtduel per<* numbtt Otl Thll 1111-1 -Ned wt1h the County c11111 01 Orenea County on May l't, 1112. hc-hc:uon lhl map HOt °'within,,,. blOCk A a -South Pttctl n11mber II lor l•IMPll, aw South""'" 044·303·0&", WoUkl mt111 look ,1_. T Townthlp 44 OI the AtMMOl'I MIPI. lloclk lJnd Undh110ed :.103 I map Peot 36. btodl :S ), 111(1 Perc•I S within lh1I bloc:k The mapt ltfltltc:f 10 111 IVllll~ for tn1p1c1ton In lh• 011101 ol th• Al .. MOI Publtthed Oranoe Cout Deity Piiot, M•y U . June :S, 10, 171JM2. ba7.a2 All p1op111y tn 1111 To•n•htp South and R1ng1 Wiit of S•n Bwn11dlno a... end Mwkltan fltetrnou• .,. ... NAiii 8TAft-..n The lollowlno perton 11 doing bullntll al llOTIOE WESTL AKE VILL AGE APARTMENTS, 71 t Weal 17th 8trlt(, No 312, Coli. Meta, CA 92627 In pur-n<:e Of Lew, publlo nollOl 11 hereby gl"9n lhll on the 111 day of JufV, 1982, et Ille hour ol 10 o'clock • m . of 11111 day, thl undlt'llo'* Ta.t Colllctor·TrMM11er ol thl County ol Oftngt, et hit ottiet In ,,,. City of S1l'lt1 Ana, St11a of Ct/llorn11, wtlt deed 10 th• State, unlll• '°°'* r~. OI' an ln11attment plan 01rtd1mpt1on11 Initiated u provided by ttw prlof lo !5 pm on thl IHI bullMu d1y ol June. 11182, lhl 1Ml proC*t)I MrWrlaftef deectlt>ed upon wtllC!h date 1111'9 Of~.,_. wlll ~ ....,.., lrom the date Of the .... of llkt property to the State. Thi 1moul'lt IOt w!lich lhl deed wlll be ltau.d will be lhl 10111 amount due for ""'11ch 11 w11 ~ to the Stitt, aald amount being Mt forth In the dona11 tnd <*111 QP90tltt ,,,. dlecrlptlon of lhl Pf°'*1Y II the Pfoe>«tY It d..o.o 10 thl Slit•. thl right of reoemptlon wtll te<mtn1t1 upon any tubMQ\.11111 aalt or otner conveyance by the Stele Aa prOVlded by law. thl Slate ahatl have the tole authority to 1ec:t1v1 .ii ranla, 1.-and profll• 11lalng In any manntf from the prQl*'1Y to deeded to lhl State R icha rd R C1 n trtll, O Nor1h1tai, NO 104, Marina 0.. "9)-. CA 90291 'thta bu*-11 oonducted by an lndl~ RlotlMd A. Cantrell Tllla atatement w11 IMICI ..,.,h Ille County Cletk of Orange eo...n1y on May 25, 1982 ,, .. 11'0 Publl1h1d Orange COHI Dally PllOI, May, 27, June 3, 10. 17, 1982 2342-82 Alt 1nlotm1Uon concernlno redemption or the lnlUttton or an lnttallmenl pl4ln Of rtdernpllon wllt. upon requeet, be lurnllhld by Robert L Citron, Tu ColklctOf· Tttaturer end ~piton Ottlelet. 110 FtnanGI Bldg 830 N BrOAdWllf, IP 0 So• 1'38), s.n11 Ana, Cattfotnta 92702 Ml.IC fl>TIC( '1CT1TIOU8 IU .. H NAmaTATllmNT Tiii following Plf'IOn• -dOlng bueil'ltll .. Oiied !hit 13th day of May, 1992 R08ERT L. CITRON CALIFORNIA CLA IMS CONSUL TAN'tS, 1000 MecA11hur 8tlld , Santa Ana. callfornll 92704. Tax ColleCIOt·Tr-w °' Ofanoe County State of caJlfornla Loula N. Baitll Lot. 1030 W. Thi propwllee to be daeded end M.tbjeet of lhlt notie41 are a1tu11tec:t In the County of Ofange. Stele of C1lllornt1, end panleularty delcrltHO u loltowl, fO wit MacArthur Blvd., Santa Al'le, Cal11omla 92704 Dennie Melloy, 10381 Hanvnon Trff, Garden Grove, C1lll011'1l1 9:M43 PROPEfHY SOLO ro THE STATE IN THE YEAR 1971 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHARGES OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1976-77 HUITlllTOI IEICH cm • HUITll&TOI IEICH SCHOOL DISTRICT Anne Merit Lenl'IOn. 24072 = Straet, El TOfo. c.lllomla No 35 -Sall No 77·130 32. No 79 Sale No 77-689230 Luan Mefor1. 301 E. Tift A--. Orange. CellfOfnll 92686 SM'll Odell. 301 E. Tan Avenue, Orange. Cellfomla 92886 Thie bulll'9le II conducted by a generll partntrllllp.. AP 023·082-02 $393 64 AP 178-S61-35, $644.96 No. 36 -Sale No. 77-135043, AP 023-119-01. le.24 No. 37 -Sall No 77 -135044. AP 02J..11e-02. se 24 ""' 311 -Sall No 77·136-4119, AP 023-107-05, $979.72 No. 39 -5all No. 17 -13M30, AP 024-122~. $5,097 92 No. 40 -s.11 No. 77 -142200, AP 114· 190-U, 18.1117.112 No. 41 -Sall No. n-142207. AP 114-160-ff. 127,385.50 No. 42 -Sall No. 772 143274, AP 143-401·22, $557.33 No. 43 -Sale No. 77·150091. AP 157-402-37, S t.026.08 No. 44 -Sale No. 77·tS3290. AP 142·121·2S. '7,1193.M No. 45 -Sale No. 77·175007, AP 111·3e1-t9, ..... 12 No. 4& -Salt No 77 -178453, AP 157-331·75, $57 12 No .0 -Sale No. 77·188396, AP H!ts446-11, St,tOO 14 No. 48 -Sale No. 77·1111111111, AP 151·522·24. 121 00 Ullll IUCI Cln No 49 -SM No 77-211005. AP &41-093· 18. S80 20 No 50 -Sall No 77·212512. AP 641-373· 17, $55 32 No 51 -Siie No 77-213063 AP 841-401-19 122.08 No s2 -Slit No. 77-214484. AP 644· 123· 16. $22 08 No 53 -Sale No 11.2 teoso, AP 6.44-404-11. "48 42 No. 54 -Sale No 77-218053. AP 644-404-14. $70 02 No 55 -Sall No 77 ·218320 AP 644-425-13, S35 80 No 56 -Sale No 77 216555, AP &44-442--05. $62 7 4 No 57 -Salt No 77 ., 18563. AP 644·«2· 13. $14 20 No 58 -Sale No 11 218581 AP 644-444-03. S 14 20 No 59 -Sale No 77 ·219072. AP 644-453--01. $137111 No 60 -Sale No 77-219179 AP 644-457-06. S 14 20 No 61 -Sell No 77-219180 AP &44-457-07, Sl4 ~ No 62 -Sate NO 77-219186 AP 6«-457-13, $14 20 No 63 -Sate No 77-219242, AP &44-462·24. I 14 20 No 84 -Siie No 77-219243. AP 644-462-25. $14 20 No 115 -Sale No 77-219289, AP 64~-464-11, '38 06 No. 66 -Sale No 77-219315 AP 844-46S-13. 1294.78 No 67 -Sall No 77-220191, AP 656-062-46, 120 26 IEWPORT IUCH c1n No 08 -Sale No 77-241312. AP 045-034-05, $2,310 14 Sii CLEIEITE c1n No. 89 -S... No. 77-332581, AP 890-412·49 (tormerty 06M10.51), M.08 No. 10 -Sate No 77 ·3325&2. AP 890-412-09 (IOfmerly 05M10.52), l24M SUL IUCH ctn No. 71 -Sale No. 77-4111248: AP 217·121-41, 1820 COSTA IESl cm No. 72 -Sale No 77-411348, AP 425· 141 -03 (lormerty 117-313-03). 18711.14 FOUITlll VALLEY cm No. 73 -Siie No. 77 009525. AP 143-513-11. Ml.02 Sii .IUll ClPllTUIO c1n No. 14 -SIM No. 77-835188, AP M&-172·HI, $804 47 Ho. 16 -... No. 77.Q6514, AP 121s1'3-09, 11.143M LA&Ull IUCH UllFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 80 -Sail No. 77~137, AP OM-193-33. S&.82 No. 81 -Sall No 77~90100, AP Louie N. Slllnt Lot Thia 1tatemen1 -flllCI wt1h the County Cltr1I of Orar>gt County on May 21, 1982 ,1 ... Publlthed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot, May 27. June 3, 10, 17. 1982. 2327~2 ()66.1~. 112.ae •------------ No. 82 -Sale No. 77~903M, AP PtB.IC NOTICE 06e-215-15. l937.5'4 ·------------ No. 83 -Sall No. 77~93302. AP ~ C:..t 058-041~. 15.46. ....... c .... mAa No. 84 -Sall No 77~933e6. AP c-cy of ._. ,,_... 066-051s38, $5.48 NOnca 0# INTDmOM No. M-Salt No. 77-084024, AP TO 11U MAl. ""°""'IV 06&--088-83. $5..48 AT l'NVATW HU CIPISTRllO UllFIEI &tat• of Arthur w Phllllpa, anu, o.c-ect. SCIOIL DISTllCT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH 11\11 No. 86 -Sale No 77·720252. tr. uiQllllgoed wll Ml at privata AP 740-021-18, 18.58 .... IUbteet to c:onllrmetlon ol 161d No. 87 -8161 No. n-722242, ~Court. on"'.,.., June 1• 1982. at IN otnc. of ROBERT A. AP M3-073-02. IU«U8 8 ELLUOMINI, Sutt• 1040 . 300 No. 88 -S.. No. 77·726450, Mont-Straet, Sen Franc:leco, AP 873-192-o&, M.OI .,...._, No. ee -a.. No. n-727173. CellfornlA 94104, al the right, u11e and lnlerMt of Mid d-o In and AP 123-475-08.1317.• 10 all the c«taln real proparty No 90 -a. No. 77·727174, eltW1e '" the County of <Kange. AP tn-475-11, ltto.M Swe of CM1fom1a. o.cribed u No. 11 -Sale No. n .1211111. ~ AP 123-075-13, 1194,H An undivided ona-hall ('hi No 92 -SM No. 77·732515. Int.,.. In· Theaouu-tqverterof AP 882-103-31, M 12 the 8outnM.t quarter of the South No. 93 -Sale No. n -739197. one-hall ol Loi 4 In Block 19 ol AP 933-2e-009. S1.1M.eo T ~"" r-~ BouMovatd Farma In No 94 -Sale No 77 • 7 42410 r-.. ""· ..,.._, ' AP 804-07l·3t S24098 • tl'le City ol HYnllngton Seech, .. ' · ahowrl on a tNP recorded In bOok SADDL£1ACI t 0 , P a g • • 3 5 • n d 38 o I Ml9Celian.out MllP9. In the offtoe of YllJ.EY UllflU th• County Racorda r of uld County, IOQ91hlf ..tth lhel portion SCHOOL DISTRICT ot the North ~all of l.09 Patoa NO 9S -Sall No 77-748313, Avenue l)llng adjacent to the AP 842· t 11·35 $324 00 l~bed land on tr. South No 96 -$ai. No 77-748353. 11 vacated by th• Board of AP ~2·112·17, SA8986 ~by RetolutJon adopted No 97 Sale No 77-7520488. on July 13, 1943, • Olf1.ln.d C09Y AP 621 ·161·88 (formerly belnQr.cotdedlnbook1197,PllQI 62 t-161-85 021 sa 04 424 ot Ottldal Reciordl No 98 Sale No 77·752112 EXCEPTING THEREFROM all AP 621· 162·64. $34 80 uranium. tho rium and all other No 99 Sale No 77-752180 m11triala o.ttrmlned purauent to AP621-183s68 $4010 • Mci10n 5(b)(1)of theA1omlcer-V'f No 100 -Slit No 77-754490. Ac:t of 1948 (80 Stat 781), to bl AP 932·20-131. $403 74 p1cu111rfy 1111nll1I to thl No 101 -Sele No 77·76&494, productlOfl of n..lonabte rne1..i11. AP 591 014·03 (formerly con 111n 1d In wha1e v1r 614· 190-031 $7 10 conc.ntrallon In depoal11 In the . ---land -ad by lhla lnttr\ll'n9nl, .,. PR6PEATY SO\.O TO THE hlfeby reMIVed for lhl UM of the ST A TE IN THE YEAR 1976 FOR United StalH, 1og1thlf with the THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS ANO right of the U<Vtad StaWe through OTHERCHARGESOFTHEFISCAL 111 1utho rl11d a g1n11 or YEAR 1975-70. r~l•t'-et any time 10 enter SUL BUCH cm =,:; ,::!. ":!. ~ ma::!,i No 103 -Sill No 78-409068, !Ult comoer-t10n tor any dlf'llllQ9 AP 217·148--04, $1,468 98 or Injury occH loned thereby. COSTA IESI ctn ~·==~ No 104 -Sall No 76-473245. by thla cflapoeltlon. mey ba A P 4 2 8 • 1 3 1 • 1 4 ( I o r mer 1 y •trdaed, • " no r-.v.tlon ol 116-073-14). 1389 se auch material• had ~ made; HUITlllTOI IUCH ~'~:.:;: :':..': SCHO~L DISTRICT ::;',:'be~~ No. 10!5 -Sell No. 76-873307A wllhOul • lkltnM un6et the Atomic AP 1711-584·03. $5'43 54 Entrgy Act of 1948. II tt "'1W exl9tl Q( ~ herNfter be~. auch PA 0 PE AT Y S 0 L 0 . J THE material "'811 be the ~operty of the STATE IN THE YEAR 1\ 15 FOR United 8t1t11 Atomic £nergy THE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO Commlllion, and the Commlaek>n OTHER CHARGES OF THE FISCAL may require delivery ol auch YEAR 1974-75 materiel 10 It by any po1 .. Hor COSTA IESl cm =,:-:.-::,, ~ .... ~ No 106 -Sate No. 75-447372. which It wH contained. II the AP 115·330-58. $577 02 Co11w1N9ek>n r-.qutr.t lhe ~Of PROPERTY SOLO TO THE STATE IN THE YEAR 1974 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHARGES OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1973·74 HUITll&TOI BUCll cm No 108 -Sall No. 74·124285F. AP 24· 115·08 Ul'ld Por (formerly 24· 115·01.04), Ul'ld 71~"-Int 11'1 Hunttngton 8-ctl City Lota 25 & 27 -210, 1310.12 auc:n mat«1al to It. It lhel pey to 1he ptr1on mll'llng or 111trec:tll'lg lhl ume, Of to auch Oth« Plf'IOn U thl CommlNion determin. 10 be entitled there1o, 1uch 1um1. lncludlng proflll, •• th• Comm1111on d••m• fatr end reaaon1bl1 for tha dl1cov11y. mining. development, ~oduc:tl<>tl. 1111raclfon, and other 1ervlc11 ~rlormed with r11pect to 1uoh mat"1AI pOOI' to auch delhl9ry, bu1 IJUCfl ~· ltlal not lndUde eny amount on eccount of the Ylkll of No. 70 -Sele No. 77..e391M, PROPERTY SOLO TO THE AP 875-051-05. 18 44 1STATE IN THE YIEAA 1973 FOA IJUCfl meterlel blfOf9 rerncMll from Ill ~ of depoalt In Mlure. II !tie Commt11lon doH not requlrt No. 77 -S... No. 77-641197. THE TAna, A88UIMEHTS ANO AP 65C)-(J90.()t, SS.12 OTHER CHAAGEI Of' THE FlfJCAl IEWPllT IUI iiiimlito• IUCI 111F1D cm SClllL llSTllOT No. 109 -SM No 73-ti 11298. No. 71 -... No. 77..ee33M, AP 167-341 ·03 (lo1mer1y AP 4 It-2 3 1 • 3 2 (form tr I y I 12-3t t~ 02). 8eo 38 T 5 R 11 11t-a1-3t). Sle.92 Pora._.•~ HW\4, ••u o. dehwy °' lldl meter1ll 10 "· tM ~hereby mede ...... be°' no further loroe Of .rMct, Mort commonly lcnown 11 ~ lot at oorner of Orw Strffl end LOI Pato1 AYel'IUt. Huntington 8Hch, Calllornla. Property le eold "M le". Ter1n1 of 1111 c .. 11 In l1wlul monty ol Ille Unlttcl lt•IH on oonflrmatlon of ..... "' pert OMtl and b alenct evldenoed by note Hourt d by d eed ol tru1t on Publlehtd Orange COUI Deity Piiot, May 21, June 3, 19112 2132-12 P'OC*'Y eo aotcS. Tift ~ of M*lnt bid to bt ~ """" .---------------------~bid. a... ~ riVht to ,.. ""' and .. b6dl. NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT for Information regarding the county requirement• tor uelng • .Flctlttoua Bualn••• N•me. / 142"4321 EXT. 332 . I • •• Bide °' Offef'I to be In Wf'Mlng and ... bt ,......., et 1tle lfareMld Of"'9 &I "'Y """ .,.. .. ""' pu*"1lon ININof Ind betort clete of .... .::= n.::·.: .. A--•L.-~~==t'LA"'-=-....... ~ ......:;-' P\lbll~~ Coaet 0.lly f'llot. ~to, 2'. ll, 1MI, 121)1.Q ~.-The tollow4ng .,.,._._ .,. t10i119 ~ .. , lihJLLIOAN'I ITIW 'OT. 11081 IA flu lllOld Mo. A, MIMt't ~.,.. Mlltlon Viejo, C1llforni. Mery J 1ne lutkt . 14118 Wlndw.,d Orlve, t..1gune Nl9u11. Olllllornll t3t17 "•trlOll L fl'nae, 14M2 1..a "'-'1J Latu"• Nlgutl, C1lll01nla Hlfr lugent 0 "rloe. 2402 L• .. ,., •. l •OU"I Nlgutl, C•lllorl'lla IH77 Thia bull-II oond\.loleCI t>y I Olf*al i>anntrWllp. Mery Jene~· '•tttole L llTtce C.uQ#lt o. Mia Thie 1tatament w• IMad ... th U. Couttty OWtl of Orange Col.ltlty on M1y 2&. 1N2. ,.,. Publl•h•d Orang• Coaat Oally Piiot, May 27. June 3, 10, 17, 1912. 2»1-12 OllOeR TO IHOW O~ '°" CMANM Of' MAMI In the Matter 01 tM Apcllloetlon OI MIGUl!L ALFOH80 "rvu. IV • Minor, bY AHA ESTHl!A R!Yl!a. Hi; Parent. ~"' ChlrlOI of Natne. CAM NUMlll" A1~ MIGUEL ALFONSO RIEVES, IV, a Minor by ANA ESTlil!R AEYES, hu Iliad • pttttlOfl In thll ooun IOf an order alowtng petitioner 10 Chat'9I Illa l'llf'nt tTom MIGUEL ALFONlfO REYES. IV to JOSEPH MICHAEL REVES. 11 11 hereby ordered that all l*'IOll• Int-led In the matter lfOl'aaald appeeir bef«• 11111 court In ~"""' No. 3 11 700 Civic: Center Drive WHI, Senta Ana, Callfomia. on Juty 7, 1982, at 10 30 LO'c:IOc* a.m . Mel then and ttitr. 111ow ceuae, If any they M.... """Y l6ld petition l0t c:nanoe 01 n-.ne lhould not bl granted h la lllrthlf ordered that a oopy of thla order lo 1ho w c1u11 be publlahed In the Dally Pilot, 1 ~ of generet Qlculatlon. publllhed In Ihle county Ill leMt once • ..,.. '°' tour coneec:uu ... wHll• prior 10 the day of u ld '-'lng. Oettd May 26, 1982 FRANK DOMENICHINI Judge of the ~Court L IUGEm HALUTID 17'111 ........... efd, .... Hultdnaton IMdl, CA t:»t7 ..... Tat (1M ) MM Jll Publlthed Orange Co111 Oally Piiot. May 27, June 3, 10, 17, tN2 2340-82 NlJC fl)T1C[ ·1m Whereu , KENNETH GARY McNAMARA, pelltlooet, hM l1'ed • petition wt1ti the CW1I °' v. oourt tot an order dllnQlnQ 1111 -trom KENNETH GAR'i' McNAMARA to KENNETH GARY Mel:HAMARA: IT IS ORDERED 1het 1111 ~ lnternted In the above entitled matter app.-bllfor'9 thll court et 10:30 on the 7th day of July, 1982 In depertment number 3 at ~00 CMc Center Drive Wait, Santa Ana. Calltornla 92701 and --~. " any, why the P911110n lot Chat'9I of name lllOUld not be grarrtad. n 18 FURTHER ON>EAE.D thet a CGCJY of 1NI Order to ai-c- be publllhed In the Orange ~ Delly Piiot •• -paper of gentr91 clrculallon, printed In Oranga County. CelfofTlle -• --for lour conNCUIN9 _., pOOI' to tht date ... for helf1nQ of pelltlon. Diie: May 26, 1982. f r .. Dt'U 1nlc ... ............ C-1 JAlml Ill u.._ H Q.. 1°"° ........... ..... Loe ......... CA *l4 (211)~ Pul:lllthed Orange Co11t Otlly Piiot, May 27. June 3, 10, t7, 1983 ~2 Nil.IC fl)T1C[ NOTICI Oil ~ HIAMtQ CITY Oil HUW1'9tQToet -.&OM UM Oil ODlllAL MVDW MtAMeG ""908 U ,ART Of RSCAL 'RM 1m-G ~Al...,.,. NOTICE IS HEAE8Y GIVEN INI e pub41c t-1ng wlll bl held by the City Councll of th• City of Huntington Beectl, In lhe Council Ch ember of the Civic Ce nter, Huntington Beectl, at the hOUr of 7:30 p.m., or aoon th«•after •• poealble on Mondey the 7th day of June, 1182 lor the purpoM ol IOllclllng publlc input on the -of 0-11 RellerlUI 8har1ng F""°9 M part of the City ~ fOf Flac8I v-1982..el. Coplae of the Prtillmlnary Budget fOf -of ,...,,.._ 8har1ng ~ atl INalleb4e IOf ~ 11 the Cl1)' a.nt'1 Otlkie, 2000 Main Sttwe. encl the Public Ub<ery. 7111 T 1ibert Ave nue . Synop1a1 o l 1ald ~tllmlnety ~ may be Obtained trom ,,_ locatloM.. The pr~ Gtneret ,.__ Shar1ng Fund 8udget ~ of S 1,122, 71)(), II 10 be ueed lot acqullltlon ol Capltel Equipment. A• lntereetad ptr90l1t -llwtttd 10 •ttend Mid "-Ing and ex.preu their oplnlont lor Of agelrllt Mid U.. ol 0-11 ~ St\atlng Fundt. Further lnformetlon mey bl obtained tTom the Oftloe of tr. Ctty Cltr1!. 2000 M.in Str• Huntington '8Hch, Calllornla d110. (t 14) 53e-5227. Otted: :982. Ctt,Clf Huft ..... U.lllLW~ City Cleft! flubllthed Oranoe Coaat Delly Pltol, May 27. 1982 NOTICI °" ~ HUIWIO CITY CW HUNTIMQ'Toet llL'CH RSCAI. Y'IAll 1tlMS lllUNIC:.AL 9UDQST NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN lflei a public hearing wlll be held by the ~I Counoll of the City ol on 8Mctl. In the CCIUnCll Cham er of tlla Civic Ctnter, Huntington BMch, 91 tht hOur of 1 30 m., "' • aoon therMller • the 711'1 day°' , t~2~e purpoH ot eolleltlncl public input on tn. Ctty Budget lor ftleclll YMI 1Na-13. Coplae of tht p, .... 1111)' BudOM .,. ~ et the City Cleril.'• Ol9loe. 2000 Mein .. ,... and tile P\lbllo Ubrery, 7111 Tlllbetl A--tor put>lo llllPtCJlol1 ~ OI 1h• Prellmlne=udget, wlll bt 8"lllleble et no to tr. pubNo, .. tht City Clenl'• Md ., the flubllo lbwy. Th• propoaed Otne ral ,und lt.ldDlll 1a ae1,=.MO. AXinWtt-' ~.,. ""'4ted 10 1tttnd .. id 11 .. r1n3. provide lilftttlll end orw ooow11en •. Md • que1Uon1 rtterdlno th• entire l'l9cal Y• 1912 ..-ti 9udglt, Purtll., lnlorme t1011 "'•Y be ~Him ... a...°' .. Olly a.rw. 2000 .._..,..., ~ I H e h , c 111tor1111 HU• - (714) QMtf7, DMect: :;:::11112 :.".:,....- °'"~ Orenoe ooee1 O.llY "°" -"· ,. ~ 6 4 2 • 5 6· 7 8 D A I L y p I L ·o T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX .., .. ~m.1!!.hl! •.••••• !!ffft.~1!11 ••..•.. § ~¥. ......... 1.'M '1M'.¥. ......... J.«I ---= --1111 .,, -0 1 ... -IOl1 --... PlllUIU ••I Pm~ WHt Bay beyfront Stipe lot 2 boeta. ttmc>dt'led 3 bdnn. 3 beth • t .200.000 • °'-~•n &i JC!llY vle~~iw room. 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 tq ft U .•• 000 ~L LlllllU ... : t'ruN' Lido Nord beyfront ~ bdrm. 6 ~ beth -Lac-1.. R . 2 bolt allp1 Sl.~.000. -"'" ~II - ""' -----901' -- : AUTOS, IUW JO.» ~""'"'' -AUTOS, USED ~ ..... ,., 4IU ho C.:.d•Uu )lot ~ .... ,.., ~u• °""''°"'1 um Uiw.,.,., '* c.... ~ c... ........... S£IYICES MUI Cof••U• )4lO f.;~·' ~-M"• o..r .... , OllPlOYMDIT ' mPAIATION ?;'3· «U IMPtn•I i-...1• lf•\f'tua if4thYt)'" -·-UM JMW...._..• ,_ ::.:'t:L .. ........ _ ... , 1911 , ..... 11• ,..,_ MEKMAJf81Sl ~ POlllllH ~rO.td .. v.,. •10 .,.., ... ,.. i..J ..,.,. ...... ,., lalt •.•....••••.••..•.••.........••••......•.••. 't:ci) EQUAL HOUSIMG onOIHUNllT PH •1r'1 ..... Al ,..., •tel• lldv'lnlMd In thla ~ le IUb- fe<:t to Ill• Fe d erel F1lr Houllng Ac1 of ,. wtlldl meat• h lllegll to •dVer· tlM "any pretwenoe, llrN- tatlon or dlacrlmlnallon ~on reoe, ootor.,... glOn, MX or natlonel orl· gin, or any lntt nllon to make •l'IY euch pref~ ct, llmltetlon or dllc:ftmlnltlon ... Thia new1p1per wlll not lcnowtngty ec»ept any ed- 11ertl1lng for rt1I Ht•t• wNc:tl .. In vlolltlon of !ht '-· 1111111 Advert!· aers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I a t e I y . The DAILY PILOT aa- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect ln..rtlon only. llllYIHI ftll· PLD Attrecttw ~ 2 BR fumlthed "1*X. No va. cancl•. Good tocetlon South of Rlwwaldt . Ex· ctnt terme. Redu<*S to a 12uoo. 8llY Shlptey'• llltlng. 7&M100 GEORGE fl KINS C for Ad Action ..n'1 IOOZ ....•••......•.•...... 4 •• 211 ltH,111 Super alerter homt or rente l. Exctlle nt llnen- clng. °'*"* highly rnoU- v • t • d . call todey, 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ILIFFS Slngi. level lowly 3 BR w/encloa ed yerd, pvt petlo. on lu•h grnblt, l=rHhly pelnted , ne wly carpeted. Only 1222.500. S ally Shlpley·1 llatlng. 759-9t00 GEORGE ELKINS CO Find out about the high eemlng rMI lltlte career~ wlttl THE REAL EST A TERS. Ltcenelng achool lt ea completely refundable to 1chool of your choice. E.JcletlllW ..,.. trelnlnQ. For lnformetlon , call 761-&t91 5' DOWN! lllMIPlll n.&m 2 a 3 BA Townhomtt Col18Meu lndUdea ~ lll'Mnlty lmeglnebtel FROM a 137,950 Furn. Model Open 11 to 5 Delly. Awocedo llt F..,.,,... Rd. 141-2111 Remodel~ 3 bdrm. 2 bath + tars• rec rm beam ~lllnp, ruml&hed. patlm. $420.000 Lllll llLI l&YFlllT ..... goon vrew from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. dark rm dt·n. Boa1 allp 1 1.3~.000 BAYSIDE COYE Sp('c.t.arular bayfronl view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat !illp!I 11.900.000 COllOllDO CAYS Coronado lsland cwrl. bay(ronl lot 85' boat doc·k Plana avaLI $425,000 w l wnr111 ILIFFI Cllll Smgll' btory 1.>nd u nit, expanded 3 br. 3 ba on largest t!:ret>nbelt. $2~.000. Piii Liii 3 bdrms. 2 1;, baths condo near pool $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 6oy\•d•· Orv•· N 6 o7S bib' RESIOEHTIAL REAl ESTATE SfRlllCES ILIOlltlltnlWI UU,111 Quaint cottage above the Hwy. 2 BR spacious kitchen , dirung area. Swedish fireplace in LR. Lowest price in Old COM & good tin.ancmg. This one won't last! IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ~ ...................... ~ 'IWI l•E' lllflMT--fllEI l ..-.elq ,.......... ,...,.,., ..... ........ .._. t.r 2 M..._ lt41d111 ftE1I ..... ,,. .. ,., .. , ... ,. ... ,.,,. ......, • .we uHs. IM' ..it .. ..,.., .... .......... 894,... ...... .., ·~ Mtr.s, Allq 1tM1 1.-., ......, .... 2 .. , ....... 1114 2 ............. .. ,..,, u .................. ,.,, 12,208,0IO m. 111 ............. ..., •1tb9c•· IEIT Piii! H 'ftllT" .,,..UpltJ tt tn a I ••*'••• 2 Mfr. ....... tulah• , ........ , ... ., ... part ...... .., ... ~ .. ,., ....... .. 1111,olO. 111-1.00. WATERFRONT HOMES. INC Rf.Al TORS '-w• R .. ,,,.,, P11~''' M.,.....,...,M 2400 V. Coett Hwy Newpor1 Beech 831·1400 TAR G A'ZEKft~ t-----.----e. CLAY l. l'OUAN-----.._,i 1Y1 !~~~ ~ ~ i:. To c:t..wk'lp '"""IO?" for Tl\u•tdor. --dl<on--.d"'Vl'O_, of 'IO.lf Zod·oc bt~ •9" ·-t•t~ ,. ....... ·-·-· ·-·-........ 10~~ t' o...._... ''°"' .. , .. "°' ,,.Oollll ••• ··-,,,....,,.. "" ........ ..... ,, '• n-n11,, .. .,.. "°" ........ ... ., .. . .,.._ "'-" ,. ... Jtl~ .. _ ..... '"" .,. ·-... _ .o ... ••• .. _ .. _.. .... U To wllot .... .._ .t1 •o.t111 ..... ·-.. .. ,, ... , .,.,_ ...... ..... ...... . .... .,_ .. . ·-· eocw-.,,.. g \J•uw ., ...... uo. .,,_ ..... ~ ··-·-.,_ ·-== M& ,,_ ,._ ..... .. .. ,._ "'-.. _ ,. __ . ... ., ... ..._. . ...,.... .. _ .._ . ..... ··-..... ·-··-.._ "" (?-.("'' .. Cal a Daly Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 S elling anything wl1h 1 0 1-'0"00 "'-1 ol ,.,. Delly Piiot Clualrled Ad '°"' ,.,...t.a..i -di t.. 11 • almple matter . '-,. """' '-.._.. -• ful1 cell &4:2·5e79· ,, G I K H I v I WEAVING . I* I I I I ,, I SI KRY I • 1 r 1 1 i l I 0 I L T E I ! the IU I tlmt I tra1191ed b'J II I I r SI ah, ' WU l'Mlly dleappolntld . . • . _ -' tnatMd of l~fllgtrt l!IO'ftte, --------.. U1ty luat ,._ tow ower -I MO L P£l ,-. ....... ,__,.., ..... ,r--111'~1'-1 • ~ :-.... ~-= .__~ ..... __...._.._ __ -................ ' ....... • m~:.~m r r r r r r I' r J e ;r;.f•u fOlf I I I I 1-1 I I I .SCIAM-UTS AlllWW1 '-Clealbt6115100..., Whet • Wondtlff\.tt WQ!fW of SllOP!>ll\9 , fight et ~~~1' Dell1 Pllo1 Cl&11llle d Adi. To plea your ad, Clll t 41-llJI "'4 t.t I Cl..-cl M-Yllor help ~· -~------- Orang• Oout DAIL y PILOT /Thurtday, May 27, 1982 IMm.~.!:*-...... «ttm.~~ ...... ~.~!:* ......... ~m.~~! ....... e .. ""'1 L.w II·'--'•"'*' ---lla'-mlal.J ---11111anUW A,.,,_,, ,.11•••1• ._.,., , .. , k-= 1,at .. ~ .,_, AMa& lalj ,. 1.., rann.irrr.::r.ni •• r.•nn.1'r.n~ •• :ttn'n····••••••••••• ll•'wdfll v1111•I••" r."'li\'•~ ........ • .. ~ lililililil~""" ~'!!! J&M l"e•"lffin'ln"m .... m ..... Wldf ........ -;':T t!..fa •.a 2Hf ltnrt Hff ••••• r •••••••••• •••••• • ·"'••• •···· • •• •• • • •• NII • • .... ~, .......... •n .... " 11111. ....._ m.T.:n ........ :m ...... iiiii ..... m .. !tt~.'11 ..... !.~ l!..fl •-. Wf c .. u II... Jaf LMll " 11AOHwALK TOWN· ..ru ALMOIT 4bt w/Pf'IWit. I llM HOMr '°" MHT m ... :nn ••••••••••••••••.•••••..•••••.... UUft Mii• fro"' the lllHol\. HOMI Wll TlllY TU .... m 9'ud'/, petlO .,.. MOC> Detaolled No. lrvln• a 9dm\ ... l'6. Oarli09 1 EAfftlnl' • ...,,. 1-.illMIY bulft 9UOoo6e Y.'!'!ohoioeofttne. CW Lovely lrg 4 I•. prol .. WfllTlllU OC>f'IHTA.Lt 7'°"'33t4 l\ome, lrt latnlly room. ohlld OK , no peu 1t!"'D7 .. 1m·o•. 2 W1rAllY., 11• U¥B.Y, U. Ill I '1tlll. uni I '1 " ldm\, S M IMUt hlm4ly 'TM bper111" Alletat• deoorat9CJ w/pool, •P•· 11n Otementt prld• ot II M If 1•001mo on t yr '""· MS..2000. Agwit, no '"· .. .. 3 bdrm, 2 D•. llrepl•Cl4t, ~•ti1IOOO roomLt_orm1ldlnlng 141-070I d1'1Aoo.nVU1.A"l!Al ownert111p Moderntpa. ThrMoth.,ttoohooN aptt nftClf~.petlOt. pallo,enoloHdO•r In ••t 'ooo room, IOGlted on oul d9,,.,,.. ''" IA"QAIN AT ONLV nl•h •tY°i• lour unit lll a..Y... frorn. We'N thl OMI to c..1-.Iw wportt. Cat OK. tr1ptex Uu l.n M8<>mo . • •I 71'000 MOlt'r'i" CftlATl\19 tt\m .............. u Ult,1001 Won't IHI apartment hou .. Wit!\ "•nt In Oo•t• M•H'• ![' ,,,.,__,_'-' '"' TSL Mgmt 842·1803 Avail now 1011 nl.ooo :1~r H11:~N.1croC~~i TllTUIU 0111 dlreotly to it11r1011 ooeen.hlllt&oottoowee NIWllT oattd 20 ~hrtdn• •••• ::::~ ••••••• so . co"t Pl•ae 2 eR 1 Mt.-193e ·:~onel flnanolng I n~ • · I Trul11 dell ht to tff. Tenor• 111·12H 01 'Ml#, oloee lo~ Town home VILLA.GI ,,r ~-llke adult traot nr bl, lge p1tlo, full 110 STUNNING luge 1 & 3 • . o.ii t46-1111 140.t1 1 IHuUtul a ldrm •tt•· only three 1Hr1 old, OOMMUHtTY. I & I Ir. ff4:11Cy IC P111. Pool. grdnr. Kid• OK. $&86 lnot gu & er . 2 Ba garden apt ohld rllldenot In OM Of thOWI Ilk• NIWI teller ....... t9Q0.1IOO 'Cl· "· 551 :ICIOO OtW< 1 Br. No ()911. 14 76 w ti. I ' N 0 f I. Ag I Pool & rec .,.. 710 w •'.'.'9•• Wooodbrldge't ll'lott Wiii help finance I MV. of pur9 tuxury. Qw11911, ' " & 10 utll. 7711 ·2880, 951·0222 18th. St. prtttl~u• develop· b~ thouundl ot :~f,r:.·~~~rnl~~ • • '"••.lnhw O&t-102t 1&00·16211/mo. 2 Br. 1 81 --------1-,.,~ .:,,• • HERITAGE NIW VIEW tOWH · HOMH. 2 Muter lul• tH. YI•• Of OoHn & Night LIQMa. ~ NM. Parka, open 1p1oet. 11211,IOO. Only 1~ dn. Xlnt '1n. Hel 0< Pet 8euer AQt. tn.noo ... , .... Extra large "·2 corner '°'· a... .. llnanoel '216,000 ..... ..,,,..,. ....... *"'-1•* ~ Wav1t cr11hlng on th• rock• below. A megnlll· cent "ttlng tor thlt bMutltul cameo Shor• Home. Lovely troploel gardlna plUt Iott ol gleee to enjoy th• view•. 4 bdrmt., temlly rm. end formal dining rm 12, 900,000. \ Hn l\ltHI 111 ll.1rbl1r lll\l'•l m1•111I11 --·----- l'i'°AYLOH CO I --- . IU AUORS .. ...,. ...,. ' ,,_,_.., ' s ldrm 2~ Mew 28R. 28A. Condo. patio, rrplc, dfw, bMm4ld ..................... . •menon1t1.l ln•rvof0ft1onyou101'""th11· :s211.J~o'r:"~~o~ wooct ""-'-W11•1i*8 .... eo. cout Plue ArH. 1 ttory. •h•o. dr•P••· lh•• 1-1•1 :J •' b11ut11u ly appointed Owl"4lf neec1e Clllh,..,, ourrent re~aoement mlOro.wav. own•. prl· Qlfdtn ~~ Pool, tennlt. reo rm celllng• garage tlflll ... mll ::=-· Atk tor Mr. wig. antique tYP9 ~a 1r. ~~'Lt~i 'c~\1 ~~~:, L1~ ~:,~~ t!;~!~~~·provt f•k• t9;';,iv'ft.';:'. A.JC, no pett, 11eo1mo. TSl M0mt 842·1903 2 bdrm, 2 b•. gu•o• 1&111 (UIJ' 1 la. 60le1t7' lot. IMge (714) 841.0tSS. dtd. ii t ltvtnt only :•OO/mo. Ht-4713 or Avell. l mmed . dyt *2 br nr s.c Plz. 8 A •m•ll yard U llO mo 2 er., a..+ 181.1 a.. """4!brt.t-dett0hecl garage. 11n. ·-• ,, .. _ 16 minutee "°"' ,MNon JMt80 1eo-1soe. evet 11112-81M2 1 .... ee1.2877. •" t 7b1011'"2101.0onot uv" 000.114l·I0•1•v••6 ~ _.., ltltnd,7"*""-9108.0. Pool,tp• 1546·'800 P M, 037 ·1925 dlaturlll tenant•. 11121 Reillll wtindl, 831-S620 wtidya. Ta ......, PIH• or O.C.Alrport. nr, 2.,.11, din rm, fem _j .. ,,.,.,.,,, ~ ~,'?,m 752·6822 or 213.33~11 Ore:c,,•· IU0,000. !SI 3000 .... ft1w NM1new...,....2bdrm, JUtl IHt OI New&:;! rm. dOM tor:· ape & :Te:".':'::;.............. GORGEOUS 2BA, hug1 Mt.-1 ...,.. & wtlndl, iilr.ti.i"i'i"i•i•init'llii•i~i.lir•il•ii~ l1•te ...... N 2 bath .. oh unit with llh'd. & ao. of San ~~ :::.11':so. Call ~ IY&IL. MWI mttr tult•. bltnl. nn 831-3620 wti<tya. 3 b d 2 b "r"*°9. ~ petk>. ,rwy, lta111no It l900. luJ.111' 3101 1415/mo 2 Br 1 B• opt, ptOo. W/O hook·UP rm. •. garage, •~-tel. Poe. month. 831-1439, 2473 2 Bf. 2.,. la. Townhome, •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, launJty rm, n•~ ev•ll now 1885 mo ~ 3 Br. 181• l'lcMMonteroe mm 1pe,/oovered patio. OUhftow.NowltH,llOO. Orang• Ave., Cott• o .. rlleld. 1700/mo OCEANFRONT ci rpet. upper unit Thi• kid• OK . '90·8895 110x1711' 3 unit lot. de GrMt financing on thl• BHutllully decorated. B iii Grundy , Al tr , Meat. Agent 483-21'7. BACHELOR one wont lull 831·9303 Hemllton. Do not dittUtt> ~tl1UI llk• oondo In ~::.~ ~ ~~ 876-8181. Ilsa ftm UNIV PK, tpao 3Br. 28a 0/.,.,.,, nr 8llboe Pl« TSL Mgmt 842·1903 -11--,-.,-,----,-,,-, ~~~~i9~~0.; :~~~~~i.91~:P~.~~~':1~ Ow1"411.t7Wt23 Ja h "11#14Bdrm2 Ba fam llr. twnhM.oar.AC.trplc,no i,!~~';;ti=~~~1~•1 tBr retrlg,ttov..carpett, •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-3620 wtcdya. conditioning, large kit· MUST BELLI .. !1!!.::!f!r.i...... home. Quiet ., ... Aval . pelt, lee, 1529-()38.4 adult no peta. 873-e372 d r • P • • I 3 7 5 1 mo 4 Bdr 2'A Ba condo. AIC ohen with .. ung 1,.1 COSTA MESA DUPLEX lmmeclletefy. Meny .,.,,._ g•-••• • aa ' 848-0341 aft 1.30PM 2 C8r gar, children 01< 1f11 .U l&f/.. b p ZERO DOWHI St76,000. Top qltycontt. nltlee. 876-4912 8KA _. .. .., -• -lf--I #HI J114 No pell Avall 8/1 1725 ~~~ .. ~d~ ~~·i Harbor Aldo• cuttom. Copper plmbno. hvy Turtlerook oondo w/3 ~.~ ................. N1wer 2 br. wlgarege. Att &PM. 588-8572 3Br, 1~81, 1113,000. 1 t¥Wtl 11.000 IQ. n., lowett theke, bullt Ilk• 2 con· 3 Bf 1 Ba. large yard, r• deck vu of city llphl• & OW HMO new paint. No f'" ••--· 1 bdrm condo. Cptr 18,000 dn. Auume big plutl 100, · priced on hlll. For Info, doe 3 lrploe gar GrMt dee. 1983 Contlnenttl. mountain•. 2400 llvlng 1445/mo 8'5·557 ,.._ 6.715% OWC bel et 14%. 142-12• Cell 640-1103; 759-09&9 ttreet. 112·ot< attum 1750/mo.116i-ll001. tpaoe , 2 oar gtr w/ ALL UTILITIES PAID Flr..,.,a-. """""·pvt n.atlo dr8pH, A/C, pool. Jac ee1 RoA St..644-7044 b WY' -.,.,..... ,,.. tennla. garage. 1480 11t IS flnong. 10.8%. A.gt. 2 Br. ef\Olad garage, CM· openert, onue rm . & dahwther. X lg 1&2 Br 1 & d 1118 7633 BllfFS 8'2·9ee8. ~•t• drepH 173 w Comm. /',ool/ tennlt . Compare before you garden aptt on El tlde ••t ep • OleM Tt ..... I • · · S 1200 mo. P1u l rent. Cullom deelgn IM· 1, PAULA MODEL. excel· EASTSIOE TRIPLEX 2 llto n . No pell 8511-2682 tur•; Pool, !)BO. cov'rd rom l490. 557•2841 B J ... tf 111114 lent oond. F .. almple. By bdrm Spani.11 l'lcMM plut 16211/mo. 831..C689. garage, MJrrounded With 1825. 3Br 2ba, ohlldf8n HI •II•• Unique, 3 bedroom dt· Owner. Cell alter 11 PM 2 1-bdrm 1pt1. 118,000 2 Br. enclad garage, c;er. W100DBAIOOE CONDO • plueh landtceplng. No ok, no pelt, 188 "C" E .. ,,. 31~ teched condo In prMtl· !Of eppt. ~ grou. sep, met• pelt, dr•p••· 773 w. 1160 mo. 2Br. 1 '~Ba, 2 pet.. 2111 St Now •vall •••••••••••••••••••••• gloua Euttldl .,..._ 2'A 720.()6311 or 842-7045 red. I 1H,000 OWC. W 11 ton. N 0 pet e . ety, oloM to pool, tennlt, Bech. turn. from $405 6.48-9588 0< 548-8985 Deluxe pooltlde, xtra tar· beth1,llrepleo1.M1ny Abeolutelybffutlful2Br, i-w• 1.3()3..887-26870wner 16211,mo 031 ..qa9 tpa.(213)837-8339 3e6W Wiiton 842•1971 ge 2br, 2be, t>ll nt. upgrade•. cuatom 181 Greentr. home, no ... ,..., · · · ' YIW POIOllA dtwhr. 1'11 mlle• beech. drtpH, pluth carpet•. down. 1124,000 or IH 3 bdrm 3•~ be, LA Dfl 4Br. 2B• +lg ;t:d·on, WOODBAIOOE·l 7911 mo. Nice 1 B<. dpbc. Quiet. Sep Adull1, no peta. S500mo. ThrH patloal HHted option. 548·8023, FR. 3000 tq tt. Qeted llmlT •lllll evall 6-1. Mell Mer 3Br, 28•· 2 car •tt•oh by gar. 1 per1on only IPTS. 538-8362 ...,... "'••barbeuue.Sellef 876-8918 Pr1v.Street&42o0430 ... , 1.... Ref & lee"*' mo gar. frplc. AC , micro· over36emptyd No pet• 1 & 2 B BH tlf II --------....--..----------1....:....:.:..:..:...::..::..:.:..::....:..=..:....:..:.:_ ""'· ""..., 75,;,.147 ;.,-;:~ .. ~28,,.11· wave. tncd yd. cloH to S330. 548•1021'. ' u 11 Y 2Br. 1•11B1. $375 + 1375 wllllnl to talk end deal. ,.. IDllD e·sOPM ..... .,_..... • pool, tennlt & epe. 12131 landteeped, quiet com-dep. gu pd, nr Beach 1 19 ,OOO . Cell llllYELMS 1226•000. 10% down, SHOPPING Center In · · 837-8339 plex, enc guagH, CU · Blvd & MecFedden. 1~~·S:lt2~TOUS LOCl1101 1ov.% lnterelt. 3 Br. 3 Oceanelde, nr. trwy. 17. 2 Br. yard. no~·· dllld ,_ •---&. .,., .... Balli,,,. ri:~·1.~:J~~~ool. P•· quiet. no pet• 893-4894 IYtwm lllllftm "bdrm. 2 bl, 2755 Gannet Or. Coete Mee&. Prln. only. 1184,500. 714-541·13~ I II 11UU on golf court• In greet oondltlon. 0nty St30,000 w/terme. Try lo d'#n. Cd today Petrick or Fred Tenore, Ilg! 831·2711 or 83M2ee Ba. OOMn • ...._,.._,._In 000 IQ. 11. l1.2M, gd. fl. ok, W"ttlde. 1550/mo. wl..U -• ~. ,.. ..,,j 3140 SORA op s Avail June 15 2 Br 1 Be. Juet l.tke tAA....,. In a-""'. ..-......-'"""'VY nanctng. great dMll Mr Ml-0783 ••"' .... ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• y N ET "'"'¥ -ft Newport Crett. Pool, . Ui.o8 · · F0< •married couple, 2 br 1400/mo & up S200 MC 2 eou111, 1 ctllld o« No exoept you have de'I and epe, Wnnl9 & w.tk to tha Roul. .oet t Buutllul M•H del Mu alngle temlly dWeltlng. 1'/• , ~ ~t pet• Sgl gef8ge, water ~~~~l~n2 =9 beeotl. °'*1 "°'* dalty PllM .-r... home 3 BA 2 Be, ba . 1 garage U. I n ... ST t 760 P omon1 Avt paid $475 545·2000. Rock Gt.n Townhomea. t..C. 27 !me LOI Court. (2)4·plaxH. 2 bike to lndacpd, grdnr Incl., wtr 1800/mo.926 Temple Spenl8h e.tete l.Mngl 642-2015 Agent. no tee 0 I th t I di TSl Propertlet -·-•, o....,ft...., _...... 2 ... pd, 11'e5. 540-4370 al1 8, Terraot. 4~164. Bllullful perk-like tur-XI Nr bch div 3B. 11..._1 MO ne o • ou 'en ng 842 1003 _,.. "'t'9'-· • .,_ "' Ill dlly wtlnde rounding•. Terrac ed nt loc Welk 10 S C ~ ., fMturM ot thla home It a • twnhlff, condo pottn· · Charming beech front pool. Sunken OH bbq, Plaza NEW 2 Br 2 B•~ 1 Cell 538-0921 muter eult• with tire· llel. Oertgff. 275K H . 3 Bt. 2 Ba. Ifs*:, dbl Olf. home, tpectecYler *-· aperkllng lountelnt . Br & 1 Be or Studio In-*1445 2 Br Pool, patio. place and tunken tub. II.I-... w/25% dn. Prln. only. 1700/mo. 1tt & tut br1dl coun yard entry. 4 Speclout rooma. Sep•· cludH lrplc eleg•nt garage clH n 7811 End unit locet.d on two Newpor1 BMeh eddr.. B •Io w b • n k •PP r. 648-65945 831-2372. B<. 3~ Ba. letga IMf'O rm rete dining.,..._ Wlllk-ln French window•. pool, Glencoe 642.2834 beeutllul greenbeltt. et Ihle low ptlcel 2 bdrm, 1·870-9227 Chenoe ot • llf9tlme,..... & dining rm, beectl room, doMtt, home Ilk• kltch-tennlt, whlrlpool apt, -------- 1274,500. 2 beth. lugHt 2 1tory HO. SAN DIEGO co. wtth option, ,_ 3 Bf 2 loll ot atorage. FOf'..... en & ceblnett. Walk to u une, complete ex•clM WllFfUTIU unit. Lovely bHch r•· 3 unla, MOt1 2 br & 1 ba, Ba condo. 380 w. Wll· only. Cloll Peggy P•ttleon Huntington Cent•. rm, In home laundry tee 1 & 2 Br 01acount on treat. Owner wlll conal· xlnt cond, In detlrabl• ton. Call 842•2000, f0< eppt. 71419115-2473 1 Bdrm-Nm, '605 & much'"°'' tome model• Pool Spa dtr trede. 1149,000. Elcondldo loc. Xlnt rtnl· 831-6056. wtldyt M . 2 Bdrm-furn from $805 Why rent when you can o y m . s au n 1 , 1 1 c alt et 1375/mo . .._Good 2 8d +4oft chldm/ pet<*. 2 Bdrm TownhouM lum now own 10< only I 1000 840-0619 uaum. loan. Only 1157, 3 Bf. 2'A Ba. Ol"9t .,.._ IOOo+ulll. 30 Canyon from 1675 down & tow monthly --------5 o o . L & s A•• It y Avell. Im med. Kld1 ok. Acre 4a..22ee payment• Cell for de· lrriH 3144 1.741.aeaa. 1750/mo. 875-99el · No peea. tell•. 549-3421 3114 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• OC.REHTA.LS L-houee: ELEGANTI; Utllltlel Freel Bear St. C.M Between Large new 1 Br. conoo for Ho Cuh Downl 8 unltt, 1 ·~·a • ..,,... to • ....,.... 3 Br 2b•, ocean vu, nr Mec:Arthur & Sunflower. leeee. nett UC.I. micro- -' •11~.. Long Bch. Wiii keep ...,.,. -"" -"'""' beech big pvt yard , .. QUINT EA OS wave, trplc. weeher/ 1---------1 I f 760-3314 -1-"-... _.. ~· A,·-" J•......; ""' AH M A APT. MANAGER dryer •re•. $650/mo ttS'h r.-... ft.. i.,,__, I me neg ng or you . _____ ........ ...;.__._~.....;.•_·1 """u' ,,_ --18211 Perktlde Ln, 1 blk Semi -'I..,. pl t""L' 1 " " 1129,1500, ti TO lt3, '"~R'l"'HI~ ·-.... 769-0-481 HERE It ltl 1br unit ht. 11 00/mo. Agt W ot BMctl 3 bl S of ·rv, rwu c ...,...., o JO• n n a 9 5 5 • 18 3 3, 750 et 12V.%. Paymentt --------3 br, 2'A bl twnhH In ~Uo + ......... 12711 494-41174 E . . IC• . m•n•o• • 111 unit com· 536-8720. 11072PIT""---._..Ra. ...._tHQtl• •-~ ......, dlnger. "'•"·Lite mtlnteneence --------.. ..,...,._ -.,-1-1..ul .... ~ t. ~ ... ..._,_ ALS 750-3314 4 Bf. 3 BL 2 leYll, untum. 141-1441 l bkkpg helpful Partial CONDO UCI Twn. Ctr 2 ~~nd•o•. '.5~. 3• ~ba.8hllrpd"'' ~4 ~.~..!!! low Int. . Prloe S t80, 4 .. ~ 2 ... .__,,........,.. fr IC oc11n ,_ 1950 rent 540--0433 br 1 & •11 plUI •11 be. new "" ,._ 2.,.1 "' .,._,__....,, .,..,__ OOO.AQtt?l-0661. ...,., ,_, .... ,.-...... ~-p ' v . OuletJUn1«&1Brt.From • vac•nl $775 permo' ~~~,:~1,",'lc,~~m:;:. at• grHt prlo• end ::'r. ~5.3 R':t ~'. ~0::7~.une 1111 h · 1376. Pool, rec, rm., Lug• 3 Br. 2 B•. Town· 652·11419 Ownr/Agt r-a -.. .._, ~ ~ toa.y. Open -·-y ...., sea• lnc~rdener taune, encltd garage. hOUN In qut.t oompt.x. -....-• .......... _.. -. • _.. _, ,,... ... • ~ 17301 K.-.c>n oft Slater. large pool, gtrden H1· W•••• ... ,j 314• oswn6o at.oounetrtapa, °""* Aldletta 1 ~ 2 Bdrm. 2 beth. den. di· 1146 64415, 1 642•7848. ting. $800. &45 ·338 l ... , ................. .. m ·-c.th ~1'1, tlOO 94. n. •1....,. '*19 room, Woe doubtl EA8TSIOE 2bt .,..... tnl-lllA9 875-5849 ICWF*T -•••-Aon Sey, Act.. ln.el70 oar•fe. Elect. opener. pdo bit....._ Mao BrHthtekln.11 view• of i-.. ...,,. 1141 2 Moetelegent ~b'°O In ·~ Md ewe 141-tlOt. Liii •,. Wl1D Oule end unit. Welk to ~A.LS 711C).SS14 _,,... from IWlg rm of ::"A':':':'e•••••••••••••• 8' 2 Be~lo. CllpOrt. Lag una BHch llne8t a--.•!.... a _..., •• ... ... !°" 2 ::: ~-t the beed\, 11.,000. ..--dbl wtde mot>lle home: Furn. Laguna 8Hch IU· no pelt. /mo locttlon In town ' br .. lh· ___ .... ~ & -·-1 _..I •I.. • ::" llf Ill .... lllr. llSTl9 YllW LIT 3 BR. 2 be.. Move 1 D/W, 2 28r 2be. lrplc, pvt <** lWl'Y 8tudl0. 9'19. S.telltte 541-8675. ttklng vtewt all bum-Ins rm. The perMct p6ell IOf Qt.iellty vtnt ... l8t 1~ pooa. ..-., tmlNa. Lo-Ml-JlH Panoramic view on cer 9 •,r-110 0 mo . w/tunken hot tub, pvt TV. uune. mekl MN!oe. Beeulltul 2 Br 1 B• In h ea I e d . Po o 1' luge or tmell temlly. be on OUI dew....,... cettd In Pf•tlglout Ir· Newport Bey and ~ perking. Avell lmmed. phonet. 1115/week_ dupie>C CetJ>et•. drapee., tub ·11.,•o•. elav81or young or not to young. wood llrt, Fr9ndl Win· w._ S15 0004100 000 Pacific Ocean Prl.-EASTSIOE 4 Br p ool 11500 Yl'ofOUnd. 4"-2227· built-In gu kitchen, 1 car Leese only $850 & up Lo• muter tu ta on dowa, tll• kltctl, mud\ ltuue Miiier. '•ot IY IWm 1ocauon Owr seoo.ooo home: wlfrplc. Pool & M&-~ett Reelty •.-w1 Jwj 3111 attached ger•ge. large 330 Cutt Or 4~ ground floor. Beeut. pool more. l17t,OOO, OW!* 1161 ~OO Harbor Ridge Condo. ol ~ ~ gardener Incl. 1 1110 ---------i .. -.-;C";;;.............. Pf1vel• yard 2060 Sant• • _ 8 •1.,_ 3150 end veKy private patloe. wlll finance. Own/A.gt Kenelngton. 48A. 4ba, 3 ~II ev•1l•bl• lot on 8•8 •380 AQt. No. end, ct1arm1ng 2 Bf 2 a. IDTALI Ana S1 "B" $825/mo lwDU In Beat buy In Big Canyon. 651~4 S 5 7 5 000 ~ tl.3~.000 8 II d /di ltt ie.t & tee r-ulreo ••'••••••••••••••••••• Vec:.nt. S.. anytime. c • r 11 • r • · 3Br 1b• engl tam 1660, •· brery. en nl::.l Avellebl• now. $300 Av~ll 11• 18 BYAppt New Cond o. 2 Br 1 Be "'"4111 IT twm 844-1429 (714) 7I0-1100 111 & IHI. Wltttld• :·v:*.;..oo:" t!.,, & week up. Agent 957_0701 54 8.5132 e/c. relrlge, wld. range ll'YIUll DWl..a&. With term• to match. 8eeutllully decorated Portamouth model • luehly t1ndtceped cour· tyerd turrounde en Intl· mete pool & tpa.. T efTlflc ftnanclng. $460,000. Tom AJllnton or Twry Henea. 842-8~ (A41). 'ft: Macnab -Irvine 8MutlfUI femlly home. 4 •Wtm llAll 842·9142or646.()580eft betc:ft, ~ oetden w/ 875-8170. wllnd• a~ i~.'.l~~t"' $650/mo br. 2 be.. ftm. rm. pene6-..._..... I 3Bfhome,11",000. e wlldyt. ~ req. gardener. Yrly. A.viii. EJE.n¥E mTE 18' Duplex. bltn8, garage.--------1~, wood llrt, th•k• ::'A'::':' ......... -•••• Vic Jaehlntltl, Bfoker E.tld• 1 Bdr cottage. O / 2 5 . I 1O0 O Imo. 81ytront tOW9f eecurlty no pet.t. 1400 mo. 2231 •~1 IHd 311S r . trplc, recent eppk:I. BLUE RIBBON 7112·8111 845-8299 .,.. •• 1 • .._,,, cloat to 1hop1, adultt. 497·5315 bldg one Bdrm condo Orange 493--0876 ··-·•I"••••••••••••••••• Freeh paint In & out. New SPECIAL -•• I --, 1415 & tee. 057.2040 $ 1000/m I ' NO FEEi Apt. & Condo Soltrl•n tll•. ••rthton• 3bdrm,219"'91 lloor p6ell •• --. -· ....,, I ,. .... 111-' n11 b--i... 0 on Y•tr y 2 Br. 1'1~b•. frplc. dlw. PV1 rent•l• VIII• Rentals c:erpet. RV~. Nlcefy In wood & ~ Ocean v.,....._, Walk to wet•. •••••••••••••••••••••• Spaclout, c .. tn, quiet 3 •• 1.-..-••• 1'.~··••••• -· ~ti er no au 875-4912 Bok 1and1cep•d Adjoin• view. beamed celllngt , 1 Br. 1 Be. o to 10% PALM SPRINGS lww'Y 2 br, 2 be. Hr SC Plue. Luxury home. OcHn vu, .l.L ""DU •2s1°' g «•3' «47ep r er perk. Meny extree. Seller huge ttone trplc. Loe•· down or tr•d•. Call tor Br. 2 Ba. Condo. tennle. 1850/mo. 567-7978 1undeck. 1800 all, 3Br llllllllllT mo "'" ·~ PARK NEWPORT wlll guar•ntH 12% •I· ted high ebOW Lagune't detellt. 999.9222. poole, encl gar .. etc:. 38f 2k ._... 2b•, tam rm, 2 trp1c1. llM11• Speclout 2 Br. 1 Be "425 APARTMENTS feet. Int. rtte. 1142,500, Riviere coHtllne. 1195, Owner/ Broker. Co-Owner Partn., Int•-pk r•I• ·;;q· lf:f',.;,~r 11200/mo. 496-9188 or • 3 Br 1 'n Be I 4 7 5 20% down. 1298 Lon· 000. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil r•t aveN, 9¥•% lnt.,..t, ~8.....; &48-8&45. Jeenntne. 714/484-11n Summer 3 mot., very •t· L•undry l•o . p ool. don<lerry. Open S.V&.tn MISSION REAL TY 3 yr term, •I appral .. d .. ,.. · tnM:tlve oondo, 2 Br 2 Be. 548·9558 1-5. 4~731 value. Xlnt opportunity. 842-4752 -lfltdM Vl!ll1 3111 trplc. comm."""""· away -l -32_5_m_o-28_'_1_B_r_t_rl-r -In ~/"'~"' •2n I H VEST & EN J 0 Y. .. • ~•-•••••••••···'·••••••••• .,.,..... ~ .. -714/4~5410 a1 •Ill •-• 3 8drm. 2 Beth Condo. from crowd• but cloN In clean quiet adll parll, 140 BEST r•"'TSIOE BUY ,_ ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• A/C, w/w cerpatt, mo· 1o ~hlng. $1200/mo. Ctbrlllo #2 873-7787 """" Trade In your home on ll ......,. ••-• 875-10 1 ..... •••n 3 Br 2 Ba condo. only thlt ,..,, ~ 4 Bdnn f'Ut• ~/llllllTll •-_, darn eppllencet, 2 car · ................ 1 BR upttelrt. Poot. gH 1 115,000, dbl car g•· 3 b• home . VIEWS. A----"' 14•11 2 br, 2 be. •lmott new garage. petlo. cloH to 1360 mo. Small turn. pd, no -ta. refs req 147 If da ~ .,.,.,,,,.....,,, -oondo. Community pool, pool and rect•llon.,.. ,,.. ~· 0 'flT • v• 1475.000. wlr•. plumbing, mut• •••••••••••,.••••••••• ..,. 1 tennU C04.111a. 1 cat in bMutltul MIMk>n Vie-bech. (River Ave). Aeft FI o w• r I 3 3 5 I mo, gt, mUUIVe brlek Lllsml Yllll• U tulle, kltctMn, etc, etc, ~une Shofwe, Hiy Bch. garage. Wiii contlder Jo S825 FIL plut 1100 req 'd . L ... Utll pd. _64_5-8_1_11_1 ____ _ COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A deluiie community on !he Back Bey Club hov- M & spa, 7 pools, 8 ten. nls courts, close lo bUll- neta & shopping ~~ 0,:~~11~::: iiiiiiiiQliiii'.i1t1tiiif'1iiiiii. mtkH thlt beautlfully ~ gh HHieo: 1 ,1500. pett. 1425month+1826 dMn. 962--0793 Ewa. 842·7918. 2Br. 1 Ba. carport. 980 ... , (i;; .. r..:.._ n..o.. t0% locetecl 3 BA, 2be pool 4,!.'~"!~ O loan. MC:Uttty Otpoelt. New luJCury condo, rurn. W•t 17th St 1400 mo ................. w, home. rare "one ol • ................ .. .. ltll, 111-1411 •...-1 J.Mj m1 MCUttty, 2 Br. Bay view. 55~718 Unfurnllhed etudloa, 1 & 2 br apartmen11. town hovMS S!i40-$1000 NY91J111 d'#n. Alll for Bob, Mon· IWlll' IAY kind". 1287.500 with an •H• .,_. .. ·.-;C";;;.............. Welk bch. pool ape •---------For eb1 montht on brand ~!.6 =8. Ev.a/ AWAAO WINNER ~ 111 TO, __,NII,. , ... ,... f~l1-JUf BACK 8AY Condo. edit. 11025•1120o/mo'. Wkly MESA VERDE 2 br, 1 be. *Several studio• & 1 bdrm unit• are lumllhed with fine dfflgner furnl· tura & eccesaorlea Move In 1od•y or r1terve for tummer montht. Sm•rtly turnlehe<t m0del1 open dally ,_ town."lome In Coate 1---------Ocean~. 3 bdnn, 4 144-1111 J.1W• llfl •••••••••••:";;-h•••••• or1ented, 3 btor 2 & din, rti.e. 52~7405 gar Included Wk dye M •I•. F ••tu r In g 2 BEST BUY IN C.M. ba, kit. w/~. M.111\ •••••••••~••••••••••• HOME F<>fl RENT 2 be, bltne, lr1ge, W/D, . pl1 c.M: 759-4229 m .. ter aultM, encloud 14000 TOTAL DOWN fem. rm, lga Olfden, P9" Exch. 34K equity In Kone. 3 Bdrm. 17!10. Fenced trpl ... new deoof •. poole YNrly. Weal Newport. 2 l g• 3 br 2•11 be unit In garegee & prlvlS l• cour· At>eotutety beeuttful lrg 2 tlo, formal din. rm, lge llv. '. • ~~w;nbco~do for ~ yard & garage. Kldt & & patio. 1950 mo. 1at. 81· 1 8:" Waiki }0°~0 1 & 4-plex Q78 Mlulon Or tyerd.Only 114,950. Br2'"b•,frplc,2 car rm .Quletc11 ·d•·11c.~ r ome , 0 · pettwetcome&.4~2000 tut&eec.842·'1115 unn '· v mo . 15501 o No pet 2070 San Mlguel Or, Qal'Agee. vuted oelllnge, 1412,000. By • -?!!nge23Co . ., ... (213) Agent. no,_: . N-oc.anlront 3 Br. f•· 5el-4308. 842-7005. 557·2~ ew & W'l.nd•' Newport Beac h . ~ Both Bdr'i.,.. ln 873-441 .......-58~ 75$-1801 or 7112-7373. '[:tr '•ultH. p1·~:!n1~ lall "'--I._ autlaJf• mlty rm. 2 lrplc .. YMrlY· 1 BR • pool • block 10 2 Br 1'hb?. blllna, cptt/ -..., ·~ _,_ S26oo/mo. &U--One. oceM. Single adtt Pf.,.d, d I l "'"O ')n JembOr .. Ad II only 1 1038. 66 ·9778. ,_ .,,._ I ···,·:·~.··-·••·1~··· -1.u J.Mj Jiff '350 yrty. 642-5002 rpt, poo •gar ,,., · ::..n Joaquin HUis Ad S•tl Sun/ Mon 12·5 --~ _,... "'• -• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Hert>or View Home 3 Bf. 2 846-2&46, 54t 9341 644-1900 831-3406 •••••••••••••• "auA: Condo . 3 br. ,.,.. b• 2 ...,., ~ oc-REHTALS 81. temltyrm.11150/mo. ~ ...... --,, *2 Br. 1 8&. Newty refur. -------- & CU ST o M TOW H. patio tty, 2 car gar. Nr. S .C. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1-6br'• '200 to '2000 PurohaH option avell. ~-~•-L-~ blthed. 1495/mo No aui.1. 2 Bdr 1 Be. garage. HOMES Terry Plua, 1104,000. By OW· C#ttU HI llM 1111 1~14 og:n 7-dlly: ~en. .,...,.,__ pett. 833-8974 patio, pool No pet•. Bulkier glYel lo down a ner. 548-0497 ...................... - -... .... ... ...................... $500. 1801H 15th SI, Npt 10 piymentt on th••• ..:......:.:.:..:.:.:_:::::::-J., __ _j----:-==-==•=m=---1ouALITY 3 BDRM, den, M-18t8. Th 82 P ~ '300 mo. 2Br. llv rm. kit· Hgll. 6.42.7340 ~ Walker & Lee _.._ f:~· Irv Terrace fof rM bdrm, 1 4 ort •--'--'-••-ohtn, beth, bltnt , cpte, etegent & drtmeUo 2 & 3 IY -• ... 7., .. 100 •u"--'--8ennouth, N9wpor1 Bch. ,...._..,. ._, drpe quiet edit 11111~ no 2 Br 1111 Be, Townhouse Bdr noorpl•n•. Maulv• ··-v _.. ., .... -.,AAA .. v p...__ •••••••••••••••••••••• . . I Ad -ttone lrplc, 18' vaulted CIHn 2 Br. 1 81. new .,.., llfl _,,mo."' . -·-4BA. 2BA. yearly. Frplc, pelt. Call aft 3P for tty e ultt pref . no IN HAA80R View HILLS c•lllno•. Fr. door•. yard .-·--PLm wd to Wiii! Cllt'P9t. lrg lot, ·~ ,.,,j 1111 ...................... 21S-428-130l blt4na, p11111ng. CIOM to •PP'· 946-0836. P • t '· 14 5 0 / m 0 · un+que Oltden MttlnO .. & gar11911. Located on • EITl'RI xlnt ., •. 118,000 down. • •••••••••••••••••••• LuxutloUt 3 bdrm, 2~ be Bpeot•cular Oceen/ bey b. y & 0 0 •• n . Br k r • • amw _648-__ 2_8&_2_· ____ _ your lnVlt•tton to thrt 4 bMuttlUI Quiet~ 1750/mo. 71 4/IMM-t402 SUVIEW condo. Harbor front. 34 w. 4 br. 2.,. be, OR, tern. 875-4912 2 'er' l\.\ Be $625 2 Br 2be, condo, pool, Bdrm. hom• with an It. 850-97'78, 811/ Sun/ .... I~ II. llft e. Former model: 38r 2·~ 11 boat tllp. ~llCl.Mr rm, eleo•nt. 12150 mo. 2 Br 2b•. garage, cpte/ 'Br 'B• asoo frplc WHICllll. $1550. ""'**cent•~. Mon 12-11 !M&-11270 BE'l'TEA THAN be , ocHn vu. Qeted v1•~0oN"'Y.,.cs.co997 ~ateclb · LM. Gel._. CdM. drpe. bltlnt. 1850/yrty. Both have geragu a Merk 0< Jeck 875-1771 EJccellen1 owner flntn· MOOEl 0Q,, IMI ,,,.,, comm. Many, many ex· Cl r mo. j n 11 ~u• ~ 715e.oee:t M4-lll6 84&-2848. 548-9341 petloa. Cell Jim 831-7370 2 Br w/lolt, lg• kitchen. ~on .lend. A n.tlng n.n ,.. 11111 HAS EVERYTHING ...................... tru. 2 .. :.. ~·· 0 3 ... 2 ·--...... N8 t ti 2" b 0 thl d d ~B ,._a,n_ ..... 1-..1-..v7 24... .,., .... _., ....,, ,...,..,,, .. N B•Y VIEW •••-1 II pv P• o, " 8 • gar ottle Valentlne. n • u~gr• • .. r Culde MG ltrtM -Dennie Rlokettt & AMoc. · '" Condo, 2oar1•r•g•/ ~ " .,._ 1860 mo. M0-5324 1486,000. home. Se ler wlll carry SUn & Sell II Qub 1., II# llOO lll-MJ• lnlM 1144 poolt. Avall •1.u . 2 Bf. 1Be.ru;uo.1tOV9& Swimming pool. cerpe. U...,IOOlf t1() ...... f."' 1 100,000et 12%or 20mln.to •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l?8a/mo ~84&-?3'2 relrlge.A 1.111,nopett. ted,drepee,clten & W•tctlfft200aq.11.2Br .... ,.. .:111 A.I T.O. et 12%. Don't N9wpOft c.nw Newport BHch o. Anze 3 Bf. 3 Ba. EMO Home In • · 1800 yrly lncldng utllt. bright. ttovt /oven & 2 Be I r p I c. po o I AeMiora, t75-80d0 mlM thlt OMI 114!,000. 1210,000wttti1180,000 baytront Park. Mint ...,., U-'8nhW NorttlWood&, 211orywttt1 110 CANYON Comfort•· 87~72. dlep. 1340. 548-4827, 075/mo. 848·6&8 1, • Cell 919-6370 at 1~ fbl.ct ,.te & oonct. ·n dbl w\d9, llf'• ;.;;;:;• ......... ~ xtra lrg tam. room. No bl•, 1p1clout Deane 2 731-8829 Agt. M0-78t4, 840-9522. .. a ..... ~. ~ .. ~ ~ ., -pea,._. Gardener, er. 2 ea. tam. rm. guerd C.... "1 llM UU II I ... .. _ ._, ·1 ........ • t d 11 111e •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. tea, -·10, gar•"'"· 1 ~ • ~·--ir.m No poln1a or quellfyttlQ 111.eOO. A 10 2 br., 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~Id. 1900/mo. 9~ · "mo· e .--• ·-Onl1172,000 for tl\lt n"' -·1 · ~ ....... ~1112 2 d, den, lrol. •l•PI to 1600 mo. 50 ·8204. All u llltl•• paid 1575 dlMIC home. Lrg 1 8r Ownerl t be '~ wtde, °°""' YllU Ill.Ill . ._ . .,no -~oh. StOfO/mo. Oar. 87:S.1"6t yiMl'ly Ken w/101d1 of metlog•ny ~~~~~!!!~~~-~lot~Nt~~·OOOc~· 8:l:U~O:ru:ndy: Luxury w/2 matt., aul· mflU ~A.L.8 NI Plltl. OWN/Agt. All 844-8484 moldlng. FHturet ln-1---------1-87M111. i.t, den Md pe!lo."""' 2 br 2 bl t800 t.abr't St00 to '2000 Mex 76i-1221 Trl·plex beaut 28r, I Be, <*Jda ~ ollllr I frplo. ... WllTI ... -.,... -Newport leech 0. Anze trwu-out. S1200/mo. 2 tw: ~be •196-SIOO JllC).SSt 4 °'*' J-dayt 28r d•n encl garage Qal'~:..."" ~. ~~75 oc1 !!'N1 ~~~ own•' w111 flnenoe. 11 mll ~ ~DOOd 1oen1 bayfront '•rk. Mint s bt, 2 bl 1,400 f\lrn Prtvete 2 If. 2 Ba. Com-~, ldn't loc. A.'1911 Jun9 ~'. 1;r, ~t';' r,~g '550 ~. o'l&-o6eT' IS1·1'310 F110<Jt119 ~on tNt and owe. , .. land. oonct. '71 dbl wide. ftr• lfT .If... 4 br, 2 bl S1200 munlty pool. tennlt. I. M711 mo.~" "°·For appt. 842~787 Tl~,\DI T 10\.\L ~1 .\1 n ~3~.;::,::. !r3!_.5T,~0«.•'~~11c2k7o11r ~-:.-Ar:~c~ br~~o2 !~~: ~:......,. I~= ; :: rblb1112~ -=:::s.TY HOUSE 1~·_!!.f~tlcoto::~o lg 28r, 1k frplo, petlo. 2 •:r~~. ~?'yia~d. ~ ~. men. ;.. ii 1-1'iee I -• double wtd•, oorn« lot .... ·-........ tu-»80 142.1010 o71i:;: 3'13 5 . _&... enot gerage, nr. Fedco. g. r. g.. I 5 i II/ m 0 . l12UOO. C4lll t1't-a70 :::..oi~· 1111 Grundy 3 Br,,,. k trpc. DIW. lrg ~1~110 ' ev1t 1621 mo. 6111.et~ _M0-__ 1_1_14_. ____ _ 1 . Mb,. • VI 11. n 0 w. ,.,,. .... Jllf 2 2·~ :ISO/mo 1':G UDO lteutltUI 2 Ir ..... ":~u~.irdOubllo• lot teoofmo. AGt en.tolO ••••-•••••••••••••••• w teth St. ~1 Ir g b r Io k pat Io ~ Welk to boh, t8r, 111, 1a1a1 a. · · I 1080/mo. Adult•, \ f >I I. / t l J: If . ' ... ~llmll pet<*, ntlll',..,,.tht»-new oPtt. no~ l6fO N••ly d•oor. 011 pd, 14Q0..142 er 2~"'°· 1 '!'.:...1-8!.; _•_7_5-a5 __ • ____ _ ...... w-.. ,,,, ••• 11n ng, low rent . ..v,toO. tno. 811-2010 llltwn _ Apta_ _,_, ::;:m~•••••••• -· •••• '"""147·111M. SP......, •nol gar. dwaflr, pool, oelling trplo, garage t Bf,~. 8t. QlftOt, ,.._ ~I CINn'*l9 S br & ... ,.,.,. ly owner. Drutlo prtoe Mobile Hom• 1 1~1 2 Br. y11r1y. Avell. now. bill/.. A.dutta. no pet•. taundty'nn AV... June.' ~ No pett. .. 50/!""t loft. &..w• or trllde tcw ._.6 IM reduction for ii:, down· Pltlo a .,_, · ~ • MSO/mo ....,..... M :.ao?3. T8L. Mgmt· ~·1~ ~·3~ Mgmt. C~ unllll.f1t.IMI. • •• -;rn;" .............. peyment.840-loLeg.S10,00 .dy 1io-1tn ~n~Dlt:"'• ---91TllTlll 1M1MaoleA\le.t«> ..... V ......... 2brl.._ft"Dte ' HILMIMAN MODt!l ~ow.:·:~ din, & •M-1712 C..... tlal .. , IJll ,,Of, deooretecl tamlly t&H/mo, t Ir. 1.,. Ba. I 8r. 1 ... ~ '440 olubhOUM "°'h'75' lllf atl.000 r:-''"*2.'torm1t~:~al'* llll ........ m;;r. ....... DHtll•ld,llr.211. flome,11,l~llla.trml =-:,,:.,~~ ~=:~"1::1411 llilndy...,,..t4t ' · -·· • -. ........... ~a.baokyttdwltfl dlnlno.HllOOO t O ;-m;:A• • .;~ ....... L.eA8eJl.!A810ftT10N W-trr:;:S.:Jr.· :~~ ¥Wedpeltllng.Nloelo-ll•rr• .. ,,.,.Co. IB,,th.1,._1_1_14""1tand t t hi ..... ,~a::= 000 dwft. MM1oi '~~1110:.,.. ~ ~..:: ~r..rr.-: ,';:~:~r:I~~ 1 bee. it1M. ... NI ..,..,_ I DOof odoft 141-tU.. ..... It.~ mo. .-C. .!!:'~ ..... ~ tlorn• wlUI ,.dwooct ~ 1HOM.1 eey arH, a.L.O. Ct'/. Terr . I 1100/mo, a br, a be, t tty hmlttn .. rvloe. lohwelohrt Ta Momf Mi-ttol ... , .... ,Of IN·H ... .._ 7~1'1~-deck, gH flr91>1t, ntce Cullom 4 Ir. I ... '°°" Pro"' only .... 100. 011 At·1t11. 141-4441 guatdednte, ga"~pool, """1 ..... ,.. ._, rrr a,c. ,._,IA. MUA Vl1'0a•HI, 18e, _&rt. ______ _ lool90fl.,.. -.od..,.. Jaou111. •01 -on-d , I wma. 1°" In., .. "* Tr•d• yo r _,d atuff to JaO. liJrtt .. ""~ ooftdO I Id 2 Clrllon. OOOI. eipe. 1111. frplD. 9"'81. IO pelo, no 1 -1 ......_ -mo. ... N47'Clll20 hplo't, ,.,11,000. Wlllld. 71'·•11-7111. " ..,. Mf Ind ....... 117 ~ ....... '7'¥".11'mo. ,;. T.-, •• 01t,'?ft·llH or P•••· HOO ftlO. + "°· o;Duc,;-;;·..:::"' .... LINGO MAL UTATI t7MMO. M:0M. lilt. ~·.:.ia:,0.:si.•:..2~~ .,.. -MN,• 111·'111 MM4IO. tlMKS .... tta ,.--""'" ) •. \ , ...... ....... .... -............ _........i ..... -- ~~!t ............. . °'1Y9way., Parlllng LOI Aes*te. Seelcoatlng. SIS Atplllt 83i-41Hllc AL1.8TATE PAVING s..k:oallng·Slrlplng Repelr1 Comm.IAMld. Lie #397382 e.4M 151 l Orange OoMl DAILV PILOT/Thutlday. May 17. 19H ~ ........... , .. f'l!~.fffm/... !tt!!-w •••••••••••••• ..... .... ..... ,..,. flllllf\ff t1rttf11rr. lt~IOIAN --.............. .._... H u Q LOOICllll flof t hor"9 WI-rt '"Odt ll1101 eptolt l 11. IMI )OMl•~1,._ Lio. '!!., -_, A LIN -11ude nl 1111 ar9 ,__ Oii......,. Lit. •1t1 '·Rendell l~lot.C-tO.-M .. HOS l11p'd , quellty work 11 ~· truoi. lOWH I r111. I l'rH l•Y..l Jr or ,,.d 110·1..0 r•H . r1111. M1ln1. a tom~ 111t·tl7e Wiiton fltrll View OOMM'l/MltO f~l..,./PIJ. l1ncho1pln=Nl/CdM T Yo"· John Home11 Inc II Toro. ~·nt ~· .:;~::::......... onfY, "<In'• · '"°' S!FIVICe N f.ITIO V l... l'OflMICA COUNTIM trl·Ntll ... 2 Haullng . yard *9n1J9 F!!r..thmf1 •••••••• Shampoo a 11 .. m °'Mn. Cotor brlghlt nete, wtll orple • 10 min. blt aoll. Hlllt, IN/din. rmt 111; •VV room 11.110: CO\ICh •10: ohr ta Quar. ellm. pet OdOf. Crpt repelr. 16 yn exp. Do work myH ll. Aet1 531·0101 Crpll ln1t1ll/rtpelred f'loocl damage Sleem clng.5&4-1510, 813-t5M No Steam/No Sl'llmpoo Sllln Specllllet. f'ut dry Fr• 111. 839· 1582 Wt Care Crpl C1Mn«1 SIMl!l C1Mn l uphol1. Truck mount unit Work gulf 646-3710 "'Y ,..., -TQp91~ '9flloecl M ..... .. Ov1ck & G1M11 l'r .. 111 .Jedi H. lleMet1Ni Jf. ,,... eet. 141-6$e7 ow, -o•. ''"'· ew .. p, ..... ,. ... .. "'-Con.. ..1a 1prlng CIHn·up, haul. ____ ,_~..,_ ...... __ _ -·· "· -Ctluoll 141·1173 •It 4 I ~ l "*"d ftu=WI HAULINQ •nd 10011 1'110· U. ~ I .. ••·-RM!d/Comm. CIMn-upe, vlng 11uden1 with truck .,... m1lnt., tt1e trim. l'rH Lewie 075·lllO Lio. ~ t it. A•moclet, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 M oee (Memo) • d d 'n I , O I b I net I . 1•191\1 MJ .. 1-1 HAULINO-QRAOING 846-latt Otvtltlne . Id ..... 71H 8HIYO'S QARO!NIHQ demolltlon OIH n·Up WAY CONSTfWCTION 111.. A-... •--i "Tolal Ylfd C11e " Concrete A tr .. removal'. ..... -.-nH Mo/wtdy. 851..f2lt2 IVI Qulok MN 042;7031 Remodel· Addftlone •••"'~••••••••••••••• ----'------1.~.;.;.;..;.-=~-..:....:.::....:..:.:.:. Lio. •20t02 ... t-1IOO AIPAI" l IHITALl --a IHIHl l *RIMOOILIHO* c::::-dre. HttdWer9 ...... ~ ..................... ~~.~f. ...... . ,r .. •I."-· pttoea. /Ptlnl H().1181 Carpentry. M&tOnry ROBIN'S CLEANING Oual. wor1t. Lio. U7118. ll---'~'-Flooflng • Ptumblng ~.~ 1~~~7 131-13-40 _._... CHywell • Stuooo • Tiie ......,, ,....,.. """""0 " ""1iifiiiii"iiiiii0 Remodel. J.B. &4&-"90 E>CP. HOUSECLEANER L•wn·I~ lnltlll Genetti MtJnllnMOI Rell1bl•. ret• FrM ... TrM trim-remove! Repelre a Oeooretlng Call 24 hr1, 955-2418. LAwn OIM'9-Rototllllng Oullhy.• Rey 640-6144 Wiii CIHn your houH or ,,... •1.lmltll 548-IOe6 EXPERT HANDYMAN office. Elec: .. p1lnllng, It Kl D l.lndecepe Malnt. Carpenlry • RootlnQ plumbing. 548-900!1 £~·~.!~~~. Oen Hallberg Grading & P•Vlng Co. Rft/Coml. EXCEL CARPET CARE Bare, mantel1, kll, oabl· n111, ttlnd panellng, doore, bOOICCHll, r•· mod. & add-one. Xlnl rett. Lie. 8341271. 53e-23ee Rttld/Comm. CIMn~p. Plumbing, eto. 042-eo13 Joen'• CIMnlng Nl'Vtoe. ~~!ffff.'!!!t. ••••••••• = AL 'ml llw In MOYtlty plue ma· •ur• lovtng we IOf pell plant• Cenlfted Hou .. amen (81noe 1t1oi 031-1234 HOU8HITTINO A.Ip .. prOf. '"°'*· , •o yr•. wlll 111 your hom•. gard•n.1. pete. Non1mkr 026-t1a1 ttl. e /."9!'!1..~ffl! •..•.•. R•ymond J.welfy, 388 E. 17th, #18, C M. (ICfOll from Ralph'•) 831·6106 ~~~!l!~t. •...•.... FaH lmlATll Sod, 1prlnkler a 1hrub ln111ll1tlon Our work only look• t11p1n11ve Cheott our l)t'leee ~or• YO\l buy. can Mark II u., ............. Lie 204519 • 8•8· 156' !iJfflT. •••••••••.••• "repla c .. • Plenle" • eao·, . P111o1 a v..,.., Ref'• l'r .. MI ~84 !!!!!f ...........••.. t!~!!f~'Jlt!~ ••••••• PlAITIA PATCHING Fl .. IUOOOI lntl .. 1 30 )'11 Neat l'eul MS-2177 ID'I PLAST!FllNQ AU. TYPH INT /EXT l'RUHT '4M2N '~············ •1ortn1tlet .....,. "-.foomrn. Oornmerelfol LAndecape ._.... H1.ael llNH ······•·•············· LaUl~··lllCOO ·A.BC MOVING· Quick, Cer9'1.11 ~ l'r .. 11llmate1 H2-Q410 PLASTERING Tutur ... Thin WtM INT/CXT REITUCCO Stucco lr1dc Uo'd •&.1 ltYlll* Oloek Wiiie 64~892 Qwy 587-0191 ~~::: ~!".::.· 11 .. il•• -,,-i,-.------ Cotnpetlttve ~.... • ••••••• ,. •••••••••••• ··c·;.t;;~~;,·11·.:·· No overilme. 730-13113 11 IU 141-1111 Prompt. Ctll Chuck, eve 8TARVINQ COLLEGE *11111' I IAf* &42"66t4117S.1~ dye STUDENTS MOVING IHI ltm •-'" CO. Lio. T124-438. •••••h••offC ••• m;:. '!.•/!!!! ••••••••••••••• lneuttd &41·1427 QUALITY comm/re1, t2 teO per load. Qredlng & WATCH US GROWi yre ••P Aepelr/remod. plenl•r m111 evtll. l'rff 1.-' R1t1 Fiite r. heater a d411. locally H7·1&ee .~~}~I.............. •WMP Nie. 873-8114 Fiil PIJ11111 POOL PROBLEMS? by Rio hard Sinor. Lie For Qu1111y melnt. ' fl· 210044. 13 yn Of "-PPY pair. call tor tr .. ••I Ioctl cuatomen. I Kevtn 496-1253 Thank you, 831-4410 IHll• OllTlll PUmH •••••• '/. •••••••••••••• LebOf/Mll"fltl Rootlng 26 yr1 exp. Lie. 40394 t All typea. 1o yre exp. Bonded. Ina. Aet1. Col01 lie guar Larry 042-8233 ~ .. !~~ ............ . Moll tut>jtc11, K· 14 Day....,•eumllJ:. l10wtt Mr Morgtn y&-6178 !!~~~.~!~!!I. .... Lio 307804 842· 1720 c:t:'~in~~O::.~ h1 .. 11n f'r .. Eet. e.5.1771 Crown mouldlng, entry door1, manll11, book· CHH. ceder lined CIO· Mt•. Wood IOltlllon• to ~H1ullng. 648·2'480 I KNOW-LET'S GET ED-HOUHI, Ag•• .. R1n1111, LAWN CARE DIEi H• can fix anythlngl Offtoea. 114 -1287 -R,....ln-OV-.-tl-ng.._R_ot_o_tl_lll-ng-1 Comm/reeld. NWptlCM 404-89!1o Exp'd • Dependable Sprlnlllefl.CIMn·upe ex~rt M3·091 t Dick --· --·----- "Let the Sunahlne In" c111 8unlhlne Wtnoow CIMnlng, Ltd. ~3 20% Monthly D*Ounl PAINTER NEEDS ROOF FIREPROOFING WORKI 30 yr1 exp. lnl/ ~~ 1¥~~~'. ~ *RESIDENTIAL* • • • FiNE° sHiNE° -'u"To • • • C••••• 1c..,,.,, DETAILING. Guaran· •••••••'•••••••••••••• ••• d . F r.. p u I d • I Cem4H!l·Muonry-Block WOOd problemal 031-1521 Xlnl, rellable wor1t. Carpentry, Ca blne 11, HOONt -lnlell~I Daw IM2-4853 onrtopr, a.ny &45-7412 Etectrlcal, Plumbing, E1c. The l>Mtll 873-7 12 eve ___ B_uc1_11_4_9.a_20_11 __ 1 THE GRASSHOPP~ Don eM--0140 Qu1llty HOUMCIMnlng Exler. Aoou1tlc Olltlng1 Oavte Painting 147·5180 Avg 1 •IY '30: Avg 2 •t'r Oevl1 Painting 847·111M $45 Chrl1 0574388 EXTERIOR PAINTING REPAIRS $2!1 to S185 042-M49 wan..cuet. work. Lio RM/com Rob 547·2983 Complete LAwn Malnt GENERAL HANDYMAN· WI• 01*10nal loueh. CM, ~~!1 ••••••••••••.. FrM 11t Call 1nytlme, Cullom work FrH HI WALT 770..21211 Orange Cout Wlndowt "WI ... ve you with I ~llU.f. Coner111· R1mo111 Old. w:ni"j;"b1b0y0;1~0ln°;; Repl1ee New Sm/lge E.Slde CM. home, chlld Jobe, Repalf1 045·&512 !'!!.'!~!! ••.•••.•••...• Dominic &42-4851 mH onry, cup1ntry, Irv, HB Beth 8~ BRICKWORK. Stntll Jobe. Reu. + flnl Int & 11a1 bf~t., outlook!" TIEii roofing, home lml)t'ov• HouMCIMnlng done wtlh T e>pped/rlmOY9d. Clean 831·71!12 NB/CM Ann &4!1·5027 Newport, Colt• Mell, 1rv1ne. ~. 075-31711 Cu1tom Brlc:t(, Stone. nlng. Steve 547·4281 Huber Roofing-alt typet N--rlCO\ler ·deck I 11--'a• Lie 1411802. 1148-9734 Fr" Mtlmat• ~111 owr 3 part or lull time 540-8009 Ci11' Cui DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC R1palr1, new & old 11 yTI exp. Bud 5112·0582 ' m • n I • & r • P I I r • cart, r...,.c:t, perfection. I up, lawn renov. 751•347e JACK OF ALL TRADES MOWING. CLEAN UPS Cell Jack day Of nighl 8w1dl1h glrl w1nt1 to Block, Concre11. Stucco Aefl FrM Mt. !140·0492 .. ~---~«11 ............. -------- Farthing Interior Dellon lidj/,.ll•• HANGING $10/ROll i •••••••••••"••••••••• CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHING. R .... rat•. 4 yre In trM. 642-M49 ..,,,, •• ,.,,. .. ,,; M"~;,;n.-,.j ·,~·;;·h~·r:i~~ ltmn pert-lime. 12.110 per hr. •••••••••••••••••••••• CdM. 640...7211 MARINE SERVICES Chlld Care, my home. Mechanic. Paint, vamllh. Mon·f'rl c M arH r .. k·rut>-wu. 645-0700 Exp. mo•'* 879-7385 " l11drlt1/ HauNng. Lltld9"Plng •87&-3014* mek• your home 1Parklel --------•••••••••••••••••••••• FrM .. 1. IM2·9007 High qu•llty, exper, d•· CUSTOM BRICl(WOAK ELECTAICIAN-Prlo1d --------pend1bi., honeel, lnlllll· SMALL/LAROE JOBS right, tree Hllm11e on MOWINO 110-$15-$20 Bulf#H flNll gent. Call 0$$-7733 Npl/CM. Ret1. 045·8512 large Of emell job1. Haul/Dumping 1151120 •••••••••••••••••••••• UC. 308021. 873-0369 Mark HARDWOOD FLOORS 76-4-0004/065-0095 111d8:'~~11y ~ 1 Pacttto HOUMCIMnlng 8 yr1 exp. XJnl refe. FrM ... Lori 788-1708 Quality. Llclln1. Strip-BUDGET AATES/Uc'd ping. OllC. on paper. Low min. Sml Job• OK. VIN-NC Soot1 046-032!1 Fr" ltl ln1 841-7!181 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 Yfl tocel exp. Guar work. Price• 111rt el SS/roll. Alec 751-7027 lttH •I ••.••....•............ For Ad Action UINI ID.Pa C.•lt1flm lfHtll Steam ctean enga.. bUg• • • • • • • • • • • • C • • • • • • • • •• & decke M.ch & e6eclr1· REMOOEL/ADO-ONS cal h•ndymen work. & Carpentry Llc'd. 2!1 8711-7051 yr1 exp. lrwtn 548-2710 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Qual. wor1t~ ,., .. FrM Mt. 83t-6072 Tom TOP OUALITY ELECTRICAL WORK Aeu. rat... 631-606!1 C1as1111ed Ad1 .,, lhe an1wer 10 11 aucca11ful glll'age or yard salel II'• 1 b111er way to tell more people! ~~!!~ ............. . DUMP JOBS & Small Moving Jobi Ct.II MIKE 64&-1391 WE DO CLEANING Good job own tran1 1111• & concrete Quallly 1W#et~lr $31~1751 . wotk al rlU ratM. Uo'd. ••••••~:;"~•••••••• FrM Mt. 07~0027 Meet petc:hM ' llXlurM went Ad1 ceu 042-58781 Sell 1dt• 11em1 042.5478 _,_,.. __ llf_. __ l_l_l-_1_U_I Moblle screen Doctor RepaJr/replace. Cu1tom RIU 631-8300 Ive m1g MOBILE SERVICE AeecfeenllN-ICtMnl NB/CM only. 1142-9552 Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 ~------~ DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (~ E1tr1 .,_It.DO) ...... 3 DAYS 3LINES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 Real Estate ~t!~.~~!~ ..... ~41!¥ ~~.~.~! .... ~ ~t'l! .. '!~!!!..!!!! ~!' .• !.{!!!~!.!!.~ .... !.~~ i~.rt~~~ .... r~~~ !'11..'!.~'!!. •..• '!.{~ 119' It 0.1 DHlgner1, arehlteo11, MIDDLE-AGED cpl mo-*INITIAL !Found: Sml Fem B .. gte, Young marrltd men would llMllllPll 400 rt ·~·-• graphic arllel: Studio vtng to Cellf. 1•1• July. 1,..-* 5121, L..eard ecttool, HB. Ilk• odd Jobe evu & Oppty Prof ote d IQ. · 0 .... •pace. 1p1ce ava il 1hr baale HouaenunUng tnle week _.._ 062-701!1 Wkend1. Can do a van.ty · · · n 1· AIC,grMlpai'tdng,grMt lurn N B 'oo t IQ tt' Nd deluxe 3 br den l8t&So.EJCemlnoRMl, of h•ndyman Jobe. bookk"'*, cltt1< 'YPI•• the Complete Orange Coast Market P.teee bulldlng. IM2,.e222 · · no,:,,• In Hun I 9 h San Clemente 402-7298 tound Lad lee Poc ket 072•95211 •vH uk tor w/bHlc knowledge or RNlonomtce 875~700 · f'ount Vly w..tmi c 1 · • Futl lie. Walch. Vic. Alpha Biia. Bill · bu11n"1 maehlnte. Oe- Oulel office In CdM with · " nt er Culver perking lot · llr• a ablN1}' to team .. ~. Clt•talt 111• f1t1IJ .. JnllJI fllf .... ,,U II lhtt 4J00 EXECUTIVE SUITE pvt bathroom. Approx -=· Dellre 1 yr IM. No WELCOME BACK 752-4500 ext 4221 da)'I Mldd .... ged man <*ArM --.Ill.I 11411-4653 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Dover Or.Newport 175aqltNornelntenan-f ~en_f'0pete.Lv.meg. •Cr~ Bl S po1lllon11ch1ufleur CIHn, aunny 2 Br 1 be, OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Mli'to lhl 2Br H B hou· Beech, Avail now oe. 1225imo. Celt Lyndy 7°{._~;42 ~eon at tormerly of J.C Penney, Fou~ Mv:s ;:• k nahe· 1 houHITlan, tight cook Of lllllllftl gar, lndry, relrlg S450, Avall now. Wetllly thru ••.Pvt yard & gerage 7141531-3e51. Wkdyl. 075-2318 Fuhlon lelind le b•ck pher • 494-62~ companion 498·5876 Pan-time In expanding no pet•. 403-2710 eummer 073-7813. 9e2·5750 Kun Olllll Lll&Tlll Ofcldtak l'*'9 avail ac-Engl,_ wonclng In New-from Vegu and el the BI W. I--' l lOO bullnea. laahlon r...,.,. ""'' Aai 3,,, Laguna Beed'l 1 9'. luJCur)' Reep F. rm mate needed, Slngle otc 1 180 to SIOO tlve 0 c Airport irH port Beach nffdl 2 br Hair Hunter, FHhlon Found Miu del Mar • .'."/. •• ~.~••••••••• EJlper In AIR. & P1yroll •••••••••••••••••••••• suite, kltcnen. ~block CU1• apt 1n CM '230 mo. Economy 1100to1120 3 A.E. 1nve11. ore. or w11i pl~ by July 111· Hive lelln<I. 544-21111 4115182 fem. lort •h•ll ACCOUNTING CLRK Call for ewt 979-8073 ci.n lg 2Br In 4 pit)(. gw. b .. ch, ahopglng, 1 150 +dip. ~7 1v name rm tulle 1425. Sec'y Mrv 1ublH11 111 or part or Pf · ~•tor wit. & 1 cal ~5392 Tony Roma'• Place CLDllOAL clo11 to So Cit Plaza, Fri-Mon. 13 5 WHkfy. a no. 1va11 LIDO BLOG 33!1!1 2380 1q It. can Paul or vwy neat daughl«. Wiii SCRAM L£TS IFOUND: Fem Shell.le. ~. N-i>or1 BMctl tocatlon twy. Adll• ptlf $475 mo. 4~·5410 or 494-2707. --------Via Lido Doug, 7!12·5111. !': c~·~1~"f· • Ad1m1 & L•ke, Hun I. A/P, A/A, payroll, dally ~~=:~~e~~!~J:.':~·~~ 559-7439 -.., Ima F ~o~~':.::.c~~:. 873-41118 l•iJam lalll f4 "64-l718 ANSWERS Bch. 960-7020 :u~:'.'·:.~,·~~I=~ line terminal. 10·k•y & IN} IHt• JU Newly dtc«ated, newty $325. 645-5185 05t SO.FT. •••••••••••••••••••••• Viking . Rle.ky Found: ParllkMt, Sunday For eppt. pleaee call RO· llt• typing Mu•I work •••••••••••••••••••••• rurn. gated commty. 4 --------3,000 1q.tl. (10 otflc111 Rtlall 11ore at 2$50 Avon Yield . Pollen 23rd. VIC: Falr/nr Harbor. 09f 11 213,394•7557 wall w/publlc Full time Cut• Bachelor 11pt. nr bdrm. Tennlt, prlv bch, OIJin ... •Ill avail. Highly upgt1d•d SI., 1040 eq. ft plua 8 car lul•n• DRIVE-INS CM. 545-2&45 10 Identity entry po11tlon. Huntlng- nnd. $300/mo. lat & ciubetc 3mo orlonoef. •••••••••••••••••••••• with rich pa nellng & la· garage.1Mi-87t7 ,,__,.,1 _1,. •-• The tut llme I lrevtltd Loll black female ell. Apl. Man1ger. Co111 ton Beach City Em· lut 714/648-4557 Bkre weioom.: .~ 1017 Weetdlft, NB. Wanl bric covered wa ll1. an•H •••I( ••o°;.lfC::;.~;, ••• !."::~ by air, I WH rHlly die-I BtJboe COWi 5123. Had M111 Semi-retired cpl ploye11 Crtdll Union. flnanel1I lnal 7000• I. Loc1tlon 11 walklng di•· .... ..... YOGURT SHOP . In the • ......,,.. led I , __ .. 11 '"7" •112 (!10+) 10 m•n•o•. 161 538-8517 A,.m.1•11 F•1ai1•'4 •--•-•-II ... __ ,.._ 111 floor Agent tine• to 1 lrport Excellent toe on Pac bueleet lreltlc beach ......,.,.n · ne ...... 0 n. recenllY!'gety"...., unll complex lite --------u.'-'--3 ._..a ...,. -541-5032 714-833-0n8 Co Ht Hwr· Newport ., .. S7!1000 780-8708 fllghl movlH, they /u•t "'936-9123. m11n1an11nce a bkkpg COUNTER HELP-Mature ••• '!': •• "!!'!!I!' •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1---------Beh Idea 1pac1 for . new loW over DRIVE· NS Lo11 11 mo. old Cocker he 1 plul Ptrllal ran I person. caf11erl1 etyle suwm YllWE ROOIDIATI WlfwfrMt lfloe bu1lne11 wanting high Ambltlou1? I help people "61 j 1tu' 5300 Sp•nlet (Hewkeya) or 540-0433 ~9i'~·b ~~t~~·~ ... 1500 tq It. Jamboree public vt1lblty. 1.000 to 11ar11 bull,_ No rlllt, •••••••••••••••••••••• (Di rt bag). Vic ASSEMBLERS. we wlll poiltlon. !1-10 Mon-Fri, Fl.DERS end Bll)'llde. Avlll Imme 3 . O O 0 I q ft no lnveetmenl 848-8331 0 reno e / 1 !I I h C M I rein Apply 7 AM. Mac. Sat 9-3 073-0838. g...c Fully Improved Tele• 714-6411-7100 for tppl 073-3641. 0 y h 10311-------- New 1&2 bdrm. luxury ./4H t--oPtyv•.r.~~·1~n2g , ..... Pvt --L __ ., fOlJND ADS ragor ae II. DATA PROCESSING Sef. epta In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm ~~It "::'~~ti ./' '-,..._... .......,._., !5 -• •-.: la ,_. I Ttrttfle IW Oat P1--.11a, Cos!• M... \IQ Teetl Exp. In Olgllal from $515, 2 bdrm from pholoa & rlfwenoel. ,,,_ 11 )( 45 f1 In bulyoenler '" • NO tall. LOST SAT 5/22. Altendant. AMiil dlNbled & Wlnchlller dllkl. 1570, TownhouH from Cr 1 ,.~ ./,..,_ 2 OFCS 100 eq It M. plue 11 17434 BHch Blvd. o.-t..J,., 5015 ARE fR[[ R-•rd. a«-2054 prolMllonal woman. 1tt·i Send rewme with ealety S040 +pools. tennis, G:d'~;;,;j~~:"tca. ~~ .. -;::-• 000 eq f1 wtlN. Top loc. Huntington Baich ···~·i;Uiii""" noon+ overnight, Fri / hl11ory 10 2790 Harbor wa1erta111, ponds I Gu The TomOfrow Show. / ,_. .,.,..., $38!1 875-8251 2 13.4 8 4 . 13 5 4 PM' C I Loll: cellco F cat, brn w/ Sat or Sal/Sun 645-2357 Bl , Coile Men. Ce. ~o:,;.o~:C:~":.~e~I~~~ • 'It 011 • lo •II new IEWNIT IUU 213-384-0630 AMF. G. ~!~·~hr~~~.~io~~rr~ a : I ~~~~~;J;ood Apt•. Automotive _0_2_e_20 _____ _ Frwy drive North on client• who n4l9d •place. tMle..... Doan new concrete 11nclng M2-ltll Leet. 11123. Grey Cal. El ClllEll DENTAL ASSISTANT BHch 10 McFadden 10 IEWNIT 141-11H ....__ .... c ... 1nlll mactlln1looklng10 Hll ..... --LY EVN a Sal Modem oew S Id "'II wwm • Ill 1111 d II Toro/Trabucoar" Ana • -•• l1mllypt1clleelnCM ••w n age Plulh, newty-decorattd. ...•"11 4411 mu k ·m r1 on Io '1 r to Kolohe. 770-34!14 Shouldn't Satlaty You I Bright, -thu·•utlc ,__ (714)803-5198 BAYFRONT. F1m1le for Prof. lhr 38r '-·Lag Hie. Intimate atmoepha ra •••••••••••••••••••••• mar II. ,.. flt I m1 n Found: Pomerenl1n mix, we would expecl you'd -· ., ........ IHIU fOOC SBa136bo5a1m1110and+3•~ru211e..11 . :~:f~0 P~~· ~ :~•k 130-264 IQ. ft. In lovely lffltl Ma. ~~A~r Buck• US bro fem; Shepherd mix. Fro~ny:d, MMO::,'!.~~r•:;k win t 10 "rn morel ~ ~ly~~~s:'~Ude ,. g1rden type bldg. Rent In newer bldg on CoHt • blk & Ian male, Cairn ..-si' $4000 $5000+ F~;~·.;,;.;·r~·~·~i; Bryan 873-1388 or _03_1_·1_1_94_pm _____ I Incl. receptlonl•t. phone Hwy, South L.aouna. Apo ... I ,,., sns Terrier fem, AUltflll•n ttn, M mJxe~ h;p . Ther1'e rMJty nO llmll lor Ory Cleaning. Elcper1enOld Retrtg 1285 850-1324 Roommate to IMrt ~ •n-lng,c:ooleretc. 1><ox.5001q.f1 Exe.lent •••• !1..! ••••• ". ••••••• Shepherd Tri mele; Lab ~f.:.W::~n . ~/~D .«F lh• highly qualltled, per1on lor p•nt1 pr••· 073-7544 Reep male 38 IMkl hN Of 4 bdrm, 3 be tum home EXECUTIVE private parking behind 2nd TD'1-com~1. ralH, Ml• blk & wtlt fern New· amb1tlou1. knowledr.:· llng & counter WC>fit. San 1 t h N B In Mlulon Viejo. 1225 CONNECTION bldg. $625 mo. i'urn11 S20,000·l100,000 fully POf1 8Mctl Animal Shel· ~::£./Lab mix, blk; F bl• 1utomot111e pro... Clemente. 4""3338 2 rm• S205/mo. 811· Dep •P 0 1 r wpl ch. ....._ aharl utll &30-8708 1000 Dove, Sult• 330 AllOC. 40.-1177 emonJ. OtNw 2nd'• to St ler. 644-3858 oundllnd mix.. blk & lional 155. R11p emp person, H • v 1 1 urn Jun• i ft5 PM wht; F longh1lred gray · Earn xlr• lncom1, ptrl· 1vall. 5120. M!l-1838 or 842·64!18 • 752-0408 ft1 Wll mllllon. Prln. only. B<ent, Found: Blk/wtlt, med. llie ell, Tabby. Newport W• n .. d one talented time. tull-1lm1. Cell 848-3872 520 IQ. II. S1.00 per 1q. Newfyremodeltd ~ "3-20lt, agt '°' Spanlel, ~.Atlanta, HB. Buch Anlmal Sheller, lndlvldual euch" your· 1153-4148 alt &PM UITIUFF 11 .. 3975 Birch., N.B. P1nlnaula , 300 IQ. It. 2 30~~~ ~ •F!>~~~a3mc. llWIB UYllll 536-2703 •It 4. 125 Me111 Or. C.M !!!!..p.lu• 3 good 111•· EXECUTIVE Seeking Chrl11l1n home, kit prlv, 54 6032 111 lie 1300/ ..... ....., ~""° &«-3656 ... ~, quiet m•le, llralght, nr LO 3 bdrm, 3 be, condo. Agent 1· 0 0• •u · mo. 8 bu 20 #m11tn. fn1I Found: Fem. & M. blaok We're not lltllng 11111 • . ambltloul cpl. to •11191 In ......... 127"'~ ulll. Leguna M11r bdrm, own bath. Newer bldg, downtown Avell . June 1· Mark tore, iy,lrontage, x ,.__., / 01111 LAbe 2 moa old Tuatln Found: "II white ahag F, we're movlngl 11 you e11p•n1lon & m~mt. of ""'' ~ M/F $3!IO 720-1017 07:Me<>e. 80'. HOO/mo. 2330 ,,_., -547.35oo ' , Bch. 409-2208 mo HB. 3 ofllCM now avall Newport Bl\ld, Coi ta •••••••••••••••••••••• no tag•. owner Identity know you can cut It, caH em. bu1ln111 /time Am, ktt. prlv., C.M. Chrl•· 2Br dpl• to 1hr wlfem, at !04 ttlq.811,;., 40,~:.,424 ' • Tll WATD Meu. 0111-nae. u. uma Found 5/20112: nr Von'• ~~t' ~~!~ L. g NI g me forWl•n appointment _843 __ -8_99_!1 ____ _ tlen home. nonemkr, 1225 mo. & 1nr utll. 23., eq. · ...,. ~ DtJC. exec . .uni, 2,012 eq lhrta• Ot IH Martllt, Woodbridge, .le-""...,._.,, UUll lllRmR••• ~ $250 mo. $100 d•p. 842-4406 alt 8PM exec LJ plan ft, lnd'g. 2 exec. ofca .. 5 IM111rUJ .... llJffOO Specialtz:ll! 1~1 & 2"<J welry 851-2401 (Ml • ... ----•-53011 Pontlec/Suberu H~h ..-rNSf perUoned 1ub-ofc1 lg •••••••••••••••••••••• . r-.-.u -••M•-,, energy p«ae>n or 64&-3872 Lg condo 10 .,.., view of cntr1 wort! ., .. ~ In NB. 3975 Blrdl. 5800 lq. TD. 1~9 Found· Gem! Shec>/ Ho• •••••••••••••••••••••• --fell pec.d Office tnVI· Beeutlfutlargebdrmw11h th•B•ckB1y,btt1 "ANEWCONCEPT'' recpt.rm.Alldonern fl orlH1.MIAione :tte,8:.':'8d:!ftCM 1CyF,whtw/blkmrkg1. Automotive ronmtl'll0en'l4*• ... prlv be, llohl kitchen prt· Qr .. n b .,~ 0 I. Full llrvtce/cuetom dlCOtetlon •1Y1•. bHUI. Agent 541-5032. s.42~2111 54~ ~~97d I Ban nlno Lilda & Vkki's 1un UIE llCCU/ecy •nd follow up . 'lllege nr bMdl In Hunt· !157•7883 or 9 otnoe 7 dtak IJ>IC9. In appHrance, In loc. S7711 up. 2180 ft. lndu· lltOIAlll mu11. Mu11 h1ve uc ... ~~on2,.,.e.a1 _;,h3. $4PMOO mo. Fem, non-1mkr, to 1hr Nr. o.c. AlrpOf't pre1tlge bldg. Newport 11rlel . Oflloe. 1eoe1 ~ For1_,eM.1 : l,.!_'!.:_0002 3'd .. '!£· Found Mey 22nd. Femell tt~/lllllUI•--• wllh GM experience t8ele1 phone,pereonellly . .....,. • ., .,, 111ry nice C.M. 2Br/2Ba 7!1M978 Arch•• Marini Bldg. dondo Clrcle .tE Hunt· '"" nt. ..,.,. vr• . ...,.,,. Cockapoo. Vic. M111 & .,._,. _.,...,.. · · • • ery commen1urat1 •I ,_ •t l fl"" 1p1. Pool, llnnl1. gym, &42-404-4 lngton, Beeott. IM2-2834. dlac. M0-7185 IMne. 557-2874. OUTCAlL 24 HRS. ~:.f.~1•t:;:fll~e~7!:.:: wlexp«. Call 751-8m •• ,,., I I "" etc. $3211 mo. + •,; uUI. lllTI lllA Ill 0211 H"IRSTYLIST •••••• ••••••••••••••• o b b I "'""" • • 7 1 1 & 2 room --~ from dlat• openlnot S.. Ser· " Olelrtd for lfAI All lllTIL ~S: "" v • .. v • un..,_ • vice Manager Qary Hut-bu1y Bl I boa llland H · Wkly rental• now avell. ~~M700 NOTICE OF NOTICE OF Mii In pereon. Ion. 073-4013 11015 & up. Color TV . M/F lo lhr luxury, rultle 3 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING OUllY lllM1'1 A.._ Nl11AI ••• ...... ..,. PhonH In room. 2274 br, 2 be H.B.. f\lfn. lwnh-*llLlll 1ff1111* 5411-0103 ett. Opm ..,._ ..,._ It'* ... •• , ... , N-i>or1 Blvd. CM. "· e..cn a Adame 'lie. From 1 room to 3 roome. City of Huntl:iton •--h * * • ._._ .... we are lootltng f« upr'd 840-1445 o Y • o 7 !I· 7 t 8 7 • f 1. -City of Huntington Beach _... proteulonll h•lr •'Yfllta 3:30pm; eve 538·0490 = ~~:!i.'t,~· A~ USE OF Ol!NI! L Rl!VINUE Flacal YHr 1182-83 ltt.tte 1•111 Auto s.... 10 JOln OUf etett. Muet be !f.'!!!!.~~.'ff!.!.'!!! aft 5pm porter inn. 2112 Dupont. SHARING FUNDI A8 PART OF Muntclpal Budget Open 24 twt •day W.U PRiii ~o~ :::.•ro IA~ Nwpt Beh R•ll•bl• M/F Cd AM. 133-32.23 FISCAL YEAR 1112-13 7 daya •week uoellenl n.vvviunJly for v1callon, top comm. Of over 35 1hr 2 br 2 be 00 Goro1ou1 g1r11 10 ___..... 4 bdrm. 4 blth, .. ndy . B'YFRONT MUNICIPAL llUDQl!T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thll • publtc pamper you. J ecuul, IXp•rlenc•d QM a SU· guar. Mllrf. b H oh, pie r l floa t. apt.~. toe. PooliJ:g· " Maring wtll bt held by IM City Council of Sauna. Loc:alt u W9ll H baru Miii l*90fl, Many ~a Oelllah H OOO for Augu11. Biii ~~~ ~5'a'%~0e ' Prime oMoe 873-1003 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thllt e public the Crty ol Huntington BHch. In the tourt.ta. BankAmtncard, blneft~I• &Avwy •1ttrectlV. ~ .... ~~ Otundy, Attr, 875-8101 . . hMtlng WIN bt held by the"'"" r~~..i1 of Councll Cha b• f th Cl I C t MHtl r Char~. Amer• pay ' grea oppor. "-"" ._..,,. 1 BLOCK TO BEACH N.B. CdM d1x tulle, AJC, wnpil r1 ""'' """"''" m r o e v c en •r. ._ __ 1: .. .-All tunl )'to rHCh 1hll hlg· •••1111 B•I 111• 2 Br. 1IHP• 8. f'•m•I• 10 •hr w/aame pllg, lltll pd. 2855 E. Cac th• C tr of Hunting ton BHch, In th• Huntington BMch, •1 the hOur ot 7:30 =~~,c,04~·33. heet ~ eoel9. ""1'Y In ----------~o1~~u.n.e7 ... 82'!To· 1270 Mo. 8711-•3"0 tt#y. MO&. f7MOOOH Coutnl cit C~~bher tot~~h .. ~~lofvlc7 ~nt•r. P.M., or .. eoon theretft• u poMlble on 2112 .... _ ..... _ 81. CM pettOn. lfflp wa_nted, Pflv•t• dt) ..... ,...,_ v .,.. •• un no on .... c ..... "'"" :...., P.M., Mondey th• 11h d•y of June, 1982 for lht ......... L ·---tchool Udo Bey front luJCUfY • 8'. Newport BHoh Rmmte C.M. office 1p•o•. 346', or H 1oon therHfltr H poH lbl• on purpoee of eollclllng public Input on the ,.,.... 'ntf.. .........__ --.- 6 ea. riom.: Sllp. ttnnll nHded now, extru , bllh, 11or1ge ava il. Monday 1he 7th dey of June, 1982. IC>f the Oty Budget fOf FllCIJ y..,. 1082-83. 111. tl• •-............. '!. fw ~ 8;olc•r ~ 1260 mo. Call Lori S225t mo. U l -3348. purpoM of IOllcltlng public Input on tM • _ r e tlon'. Montnly. &4&-73t0 _4_94-3803 ___ . _____ 11 UM of o.n.r.i ~Sharing Fund1 u CoplH of lh• Prellmlnary Budget er• Houeeeleene r w1ntt d . Tlluredey1, a nour Job 118-4074. SM exec. 4 br home, Up-• ~ Plrt Of th• City 8udo•t for Fl•o•I Y•tr ev~I .. at lhe City aertl'1 Offlct, 2000 per Back 81 01 1982-83. Mal Street, end tM P\ibllo Llbrery, 7111 COAONA Dn MAA $276 'A ut1t eJ1.::ao ' 375 eq ft. '235 pr mo. Cop6M of the Prellmln&ry ~ fof UM Of T ert Avenue tor pt.bite =na 9Ctlon. aBr, 2Bt , nr bch. Jun. • · te8-0122 Rev.n 8 .. _.. «-.....---of 1,,. Prtltmln..., . _ .. " lept. monthly76t-1243 AttractlW fem wltloUMNI Euc •ultH , full H rv., ~-:~-~~=~~=':.: ~·~tabte at no c:natg41 i011he pubffc,""~ OCl.ANFAOHT (Sl2 BR) of oomforleble turn tum/unturn., OfM t1Y r• StrN\, and the Publlo Ubrary, 71'1 Talbert IM City Clent'1 Office end et the Publlo JULY & AuGUST. •Hiit •l•ble. ftl•ndly dUOld. No lie. 7844274 Av•nue. 8ynopH1 of H id prt llmlnery Llbrery. MOO to 11000 WMI! m•le to •hr HB •Pt by -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:--budget m1y be o btained from thHe Agent en.eooo ~~~P~. '0 4 • 7 2 5 2 • tocatlone. The propoeecl o.ner.i Aev9ftu. I,,. PfC>P<>Md Generei Fund &>csoe1 11 Summer wkly t1n1e1. AMMTE. Ml,, 2 br ept. 8h1r1n9 Fund Budget 1pproprl1t1on of 51,033.090. 5/2t-e/6 & et1M /2e. 6 CdM 2 bll• from bMoh. 11.822, 00, II to be UMd for eoqullltlon Of All lnter•ted P«IOnt.,. tnvtted to attend ~:~:n~:o n11~08 w · '300: ~ uute. 81M280 ;::~~t. Hid hHrlng. provld• wrllten an4 oral 2U/2H·2H1, Fe m to e hrwlth Mii', Nldi--.... Ptrtone.,.lnvtttd toattend com!Mntt, Ind &M queettont "'0411dlng 714117'""'2. M50/Wtt. ~ ctean N.a . oondO f?r ao~ta":=:'o~~=:,~ the enth Fi.o.i y.., tea2..a3 BudQet. ~ W11ertron~ '300 "'°· e1f.M43 &twlng Funde. F'UtU'ler lnfonndon may be Funtler lnforma1ton mey be ~ rrom t I p I 1 0, • 1 0 0 I Wk • ..... , yne edit ....,.,. ..,. obt*'"9d ftom 0. Oftloe of h aty a.rte the Office of tf1t City Olertt, l'OO Mtln 0•n e 1IA91 lhr w/ .. me, new, Mel 110 to aooo.,. ft 2 000 M•ln Street, Hunt_lnglon llH Oh • Slrfft, Hunting ton 8Hch, California . 1'41110-1711 « ~ CM twnh• nr boll. No "No "rllf'' PtiOe. Cellfomte. t2t4t • (71') ~. ' 82W • (714) 531-1227. 11Cll7MCIM S*I-8290. '42·2117 DATE.D Mty 26. 1M2 DATlD Mey H , 1M2 H r ........... _, lel. o.t OREEN cMI W111MM11•1• .. Cote1•' .,. cnv °' fWHTINQTOH HACH OITV OF HUNT1HOTOH BEACH ....... to 1·111 I M tor WHIT! ele9Nnt• ,. ' ly. ~ M. Wenrw.ont'I 1y: Allclll M. W1ntwor1h 10 •· Jf 1 171·1tl7 or wl1h 1 CltelHled M Qty C*rtl City Olert -... ca. ... 2.&e71 l I •I ... ,,,,., 1411 -1 auiiiMyn•ii'tt;;1mig1-1 t36. M• .. Verd• ...... ••••••••u•••••••••••• f'ull time Mon thru 'rl, 546-218' eft '-Flytng a Pl~r Dakota 10 Ohio In u Re-7am to Opm. H.lt ., ... Ho111aa needed, •q>e· tum "'-•. Take 3, Muet have tre n1porta rtenoect, Ml um., "-'r .,.. •· llon. For ln11rvl" u lt tn ""o"..t Tr.. ••h Kathy W. 714/135-4«7 Houet, 8 19 ~Hof. a..&nwuf l·Spm or tf0·160l eft IOWLW.\..lflN-lwtl. :;w:I,............... ..,,..., ....... , .... a......t..a- ,,...,, f llbyeltter needed PIT fOf -w,,.,,,_ 1M 11 mo. boy on or nHr b C.erlenoe prefwr.cs. .. .... •••••••••••••••• Balboa teland -"', Atfa, 'u l/tlm.. Apply 1" I*· TUT o "'"' ion: 8tfl •rOW11'• Rtil• OR • 1 )ft IMONng ,,..... l l'a.eet4 .w. llurant. I t 101 CoHt ~--Def., ~ 84a..a21. llb)'eltttr·h~.-ptir. Hwy, lo. ....... t1rlv.r•1 110. ptefM.CS. llll•''• Pol ~ Mtl"em•tlOl•n Wkd)'t, C.M. U1-4110 ....... -·- tor wor1l In 0.0. ••by9lttln1. inature wo-hper=·llfM. I n· 142·2 11, ...,....... ma n preferlbl• In our tlllll pftf .. ..,_. cmr. NUAlll8 ' AIOI wut• home ... '*' lllM .. ~::-iiiiiiiii--deyWOR •~· Of lnren t . O e ll t 1111 & ~.:;°'•°' l'1411M-41Q. ~,..,.. ... tldllftf. n MT Ufll ;= O'clr'~ '*lllM· Liv• I" hOIHlk ttpe r. T"V·OUTI Jun. •• , --------~=·=="' IAM. ,or Info Olll 41mrtled Adll.. ~ oi., poenJofl M4-Mlt Jom or ._.. 91op lfl09Plt'9 .., • -f ... r ' ~ ' 1 . ~ i Ii Orange Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT /Thutaday, May 27. 1982 ., «*.'1.'«~ ..... ~ttr lt'A.,M~ .... t.ttr rm.1t.11P ...... Mfl rml.'11!. ....... IMf •ulHI · "1-'h.ff« ...... IMI ... ~:;~ .. ,. ~-~"'-~ .... l!tlllftl"•o~. "'''' Y4'NOle,r.;••0t Dllf·A-nw.. ~1<1.-. PANTAITIO '"'" I f •• ~~!l ... l!AI .,. AIDln V111• ·u Cl •I ••• , ••••• n ••••••• r • .u Aatll ltll.911lti .... 1.(tf l*.rM~ .... !.< trv.ll l:.~•t"''"''· "*· ~I I 0V111alft frte t10 hOfMI. hlo1,. prl~a,11t J°' ~ F"SWi ,...,.o lnt>d. ~pl .irr. Moving •o ~. °"' ldn1 oonc1. nu ~;'rl~d·, .. ,·J~;;: • • Wen+ a.II Mt. ar., ' w • nt 11111lni • ., .. , , "!!II!?! ..-op. t *-Allak ll'A • .t~•f.,.. Allot mvu t•lll 16,100 mo for rnue t u ll • ~Oii~• for a ppl •"cf~• 1\1:1'rl,':,:'· 1 moa 01,.,011 '''''" .., w/IQ, ma •· ~ part • •r;;;r bottoma. t Ml UH 1 1eoo1o9o. M2.JU1 ~t~'J:7~ ·t tO-it~. • 11 l:.s.totl, hM b~d, l= )i::ro ~~~·-•:1): ~~;.~ g,~,'~-::µ!~ 1Hfl1 flfl' 'It MOTO-HOC a rdOe. '11 ........ lllT NIT·1WI M • llWllt , ............. .. Work In our tun, ual, proUMnakir\I c>Ulc-e u 1 ltltp.hont nln promotion ~lHk tor th• artt'a tlnHl nowapaper. Only requl~mtn\ 11 • 1ood loltphon1 voice and n\hua!uml ta;al' Co.&a M-. OUlet. lee/........... WOOO WON< ii W 1,,lftl.K Cir l ~IUb> 0 111 , 0 •11 lllotl •l a..'9 Hfl thl• I• tht rH I tlilngl ~ -14Milt Npl. lot\.~ l'Wfl -... ~ •motttrl 0 •11 afttf "" 10 •• fllll'll'I, 1 •it· '~· 11H .. , .... , ~1114 ••• -;nr:.............. 8..'?~ OOftdN IVttY-, f'!""'~lb9t~....,~-~-..~ •klll•, 1no1ue1t111 wort 100111 M t4W stl tena, 1 vrka, l>lk 6 wilt loet Slip. tor r11111. Hunt. t ..... g ,,.., new o ru• '11 4000 J+i 1 cyt 1 tljl pt00et1lnt1 pte..,ably ' · MMe I fem. ,renoh ll'rovinolll Couofl Ol.nft ftq/hllf. Herbovr, up to H ' It llltblt t nt . 6 tra n•. + 11.100 ml,.Mlnt lnrf. c111r •~tef'll 1 r.•· ••• -NHDI• MM$tl 111111oond.1100 -· IQ.,,, a1i.i4M-s112. •Per• "(1,;,:~u•t ... 10 Alll "M ete .. All•Y• ~!~~c:. 'a0:1':;y 01 ~· ::g lxp 'd UXOM' I · on TWo 1 mo old OOaktr ,,,111 ltJ-o4M ••• ({f'.f!ff ! .... ~f loi t •llP• •Ya lla bl• Im· ~!r16·. ar':v~": ~ M1ny Htrae. Mw.1 ... : ':~le., :it.......,. .......,.e;n ..... r.=, ... Ca ll . Mr. 1wan. l1u1 14 Ord9t ptOOMllnt 6 Lo~atlle I looklng to; O•k bdrm .. ,: 1 po oon 1 Otawer-.i llze loclllng medlatttv. ~ 1>1y, owner H,000 orle. ml. It.HO. 1t1t. l1t-OOU U •·H14 btwn 1:30 a OhOMa-IMna rum mfr, oct. homt. Ma·f* temp. llYI•. orig. I HO fll e olbln1t I tOO. t4·40'. feo-eeet $t2.000 firm Tr•d11 N!J. -4• • ........ Call l .H. MO-ltN. MOt. "'°°· UO.,MO 77M'°3 ___ ,.._ .... ·~1 797f .,. :_,,.., ''" 10 lo111ng hom11 4 · llU I la..t c ... -........ • ~ • • ••••••••••••• .. • •84.00 tor lint wttk; then 1hare In l)Al'tnt,..hlp~ profUa. .............. Ml-IHI 1d. 111 -.. , Ifft &-=:" •dorat>i. llllf•n•. I Wk• ConttmporlfY eota. love· 1111 IOl1 We h•Y• I IOI nl It ese.ees•. H ie lor Rod· -• .,._..,. old 711 .,... 1tat1 •Int oondi. orig •••••••••••••••••••••• Sal ''!... ... 1 Ud ney. Rapidly a rowing oom· • ••••••••••••n••n · · t 1S110. •a o t • 4 0 0 PARROT our .. do.-" 0 _..;..__ _____ _ pi ny In P'"CM1nteln Valtey A.t~ !fl ,rltndlY I lnt.,l!oeflt yet. tao. 1880 Alrtc.n Cl'~. Y9l"f young VIII. fOf •ll1~':0 ~~~~ IHt.,llM•I ...-ing P9ttOM~ .... M~o·~·w;ii;·;;;11• 1ow I.al>,,,..., vndtf f vr. P.can oott. a end tat>1e1 • t•mt1 11eo. ::, or " 1 •· VifM1l11 1110 pttl•no•d H O y with ~ retllla 1 1110. ,,.. to •VP•' home . wtmatchln; well unit•. 947·6"3 l'RAOE WINO 'fACHTS .................... ~ iO::~~J'= H ll l tlto, llkt new, M0-7M1, 64 .. 1MI. !ltOanl '°"'*', 1400.+ IAIV MOLUCCAM 815·8007, H0-1725 .ve v:t'J't~:~:~~~r!r:n~ HOUSIKlllPlll' pa-1-1 plHH nt atmoephtrl, '48·1410 8 urm ... •sieYtd lnd OOf othtl' ltetN. 150-1190 Hand led."'"' alltotlO· BOAT BLIPS AVAILAll.£ Dbl• lubbl• 1op. Selr· .............. -• •• t1ntH tlo etaft, .oood .,._ Antlquia "°A VlotOf "-dlo l9male oat, ta Y'•· old to SOia a IOWllll nite, a m01, seoo. Newport 811oh. 20· & cont Lo ml Xlnl. mu•t ~~!~nri.'a~·~~~~1:~~: ::,ec;.::~~u~~!~~: n•fll•. Salaryto oom· a r e oord pla yu In =~fr ~t: ••Giil oond. '3So. UMHS 40' &42·4844. 9·5PM ..u. 84t-lt23 UH• 1moller, mutt drlY•. how to wtnd1Uf1. maneuri te with ••P•· ITWlhoOtnY oabln9t. t tOO. a aft SPM 78()4.440 COCKATllL ·75 Jeep WagonMet. Low e3ta2040 ....... _ ... Room, boerd + H lary. (2tS~t097/431 1590 rtenc:e. For lnt"""9w cell &42--0l sa· · Drexel dining rm Mt, 41' Sulpher arHted, I mo• mlle1g1 White. PS/1111, UlllD A• f •. O 2 S • 4 t 2 O or ~~7.':>5~49·H7e Antique O.lt l vNet Wllh round tbl w/2 IHVH , <4 old, hind lamed, 1449. INti, l,.N I Spd control, good oond. 21402 M•ou-Ht ~ 816-5193. ---------1 btve lt4 mirror, 2 drt· hnJlwlf uphOI Chrl, & 1 H tVer 147·5"3 Jk# fOll S 3 I 0 0 I b I 1 t O Ir . MINlon ~ , .. , 1"1111 SECRETAA'f were & •h•lf I I 85 •••••••••••••••••••••• Prtctlcally ntw oott ••BUNNIES•• •••••••••••••••••••••• 957·17N (AYel"f eat 1-6) "1lllll 8-lpm Exoend""' yoy1h c t It 1 .. o k ... ..,.,. t ... ,. 18' 8oet w/60tlp JohnlOn --------1 OS*' 8undeYI Part-time I YH, Engll•l't counatlllng iii'm hll ireer oppor un y or us,. t 94 w d YI . **' BUY** _, ...... wlll Mii IOI' t--.. French Lop Pll Of Show Fl•h or 1kl Rune pert 4 WiHI Drlrn '''' -----.,,,.=----- &42~5al outgoing rMlure !*)pie ~~d~o~~. ~~~ Antique CNna Ceblnet Good Vied '"'1"!!::.':J ,,;, l.Jt Ulf NEW Wrought Iron ceg1, or trees. 5S4·1H17 t JEEP CU"'8 PRICH IPMklna pt'lf .. hlw cat. 0ptnlng1 for 3·& lherp brlghl.I alert MClfltlry tor 842·11131 .,, 87'.0779 ..... only. S20 00 MCh 902·9971 M1ny utru .• t,ot&/otr ••• ••••• •••••••••••••• s~ _U_U_l-.-----.. -,-1 to rnollv•t• amblllou• ekllle, communlci tlon & S126, ~Mitt ~~ou .... r. ............... seo D1y1 882·1112. UP Tu ltOOO -• to. 1 3 ~ r o Id 1. Ca I I orgenlutlonal eklll• r• &42·762t •It 9 Of Sat. 1111._ a-evee: 548-5440 r,,.,..,,,11,. JEEP CJ'• $8715 Min 3 y11re lemllr, law 2 Spm. 942.4321. ut quired Salary commen-OLD Oelt rolltop delk w/ -·--·-IWAP ET •••••.,...••••••••••••••• 1111111 Mm ~~~ '43. Alt! tor AndrM. s97u!17t4170wt exper C111 aWIWI, edjuetlng w '2. 141 llA NJ.ttn EYerY Sunday, aarn-3pr11. r!~!~~-~~!'.~ M!!!!!! ......... !.H¥ &111/JW CREVIER Salary commen1ur111 ... 975 ~ ~~162 I llY r•nm Orang• Coaet College Stelnwey O 7 Mdl M '!\Shere 1n ·111 T2t0 In 2524 Harbor &Nd. ,.... ., ...... with uperlene1 Call ""'9 PlllTU SECRETARY A ,_,1,.,_ lfl0 Lii 997.-133 F1lrvl1w & Arlington. Walnut. 1923 Xlnt oond O C. Air port E1tec 6411_80~~ll ~5•7770 .. .._.1 ._ ~It 151·1234 fl(per In 1 hr color ~rln-Newport 8eh 1d ~ .~/::~................ Coile M .... Adml11lon $8860. &52·7St6 Hangar. Subch1pttr·S , _________ 1 .. ..,. ~ -L-IV,.E..._IN_C_O_M_P--0--1 ~~req APPLY IN ER· need11cwr1t1 typ11t w/ HARBOA AAEA New lull-e!H mattr111 Mt, lree to buyere Siller Wurlitzer lplnet, IXClll Corp . Complete IFR 1·74 CheYy Cu1tom dlfuH Salel·~ ANI N • 0 weetld1ye IN AND ganetll small oltloe ll(p APPLIANC£ SERVICE •80. New quHn 1lz•. ReMrv•llonlllnto. •on•. lt200 Mutt NII. 9qUlp 14000 plUI .,.. mo .... ton with long bed. 4 We 1p1cl1llH In Euro· For elderly L1dy Nie• OUT PHOTO Non-1mkr Kitty. We .... recond., guar. '100. 760-5132 659-61110 780.2581 pymll. lo1tr rating req'd WhHI drive. IUIO tr1n1, pean DellWry. home on Lido Light t0052 Ad1m1 Ave . 957-3048 appllanoee. &4t-3077 NewAmer.Stdmdl.lollet, 873~582. alr.1m1tmca ... tt1 Xlnt ftW•on-T"'•--•a• ~~~';,;.~~~tr~.a~!rc:;: ~nt~o;~IOO Secretary winted for buey I llY lPPUlllOU Cadet 0>1al 111t, lawn MOVING SALE Sat/ SUn. Plano. Olk, emiH upright. cond $3 200 OBO IUYICI ..U 1m p1n111 & emall Hlery. -----,-.-.... -a.---1 " ... oltkle. Mutt be well l 957 8133 t>ge. $125. 902·5202.,. New Retrlg & other mllO. ~.~~h~i~~I~ ~~~ ll•l1rl1H li!.1 1140 875-9587 HW1l1 Maturi L1dy dHlrtd. '"" --organized & Ible to type. .. • CHILD'S SCHOOL 2215 A, Pomona, C.M. dellllef 1750. M7·5e72. • ••••••••••••••••••••• '62 Toyot• 4X4 long bid 206 w tat Betty 853-98811 deye. 1211 W lit' filing & bUIY pt\Ollea. t9 cu ft Cold1pot retrlg/ DESK & CHAIR t 15 Furniture, AntlquH , J•· RU PIGI ltPll pickup, only 3K ml, muet Sant• Ana LIVE·IN lemile, over 50. WITI T Muet h•w good 11n11 of lrMzer. lro1f.fr" StOO. 841r.t388/84~25 welry, Art. hrtl•• llt1ilanl0fl Like new, lo ml, 1400. , e 11 185oo1 o Bo Cloled Sundey humor. Phone between e 761·2280 Olm IF 111_ 9711-5027 •••••"'••••••••••••••• 979-0028 541·0351 hel.p dr111. mike meal•, I YUll DP. 1111. & toam (714) 831-8290 .,_. SINGER Antique Sewing , CHOICE INVENTORY Ille hlWrit tor Mme; NB. • .... , . . Wuher/Or;9f $125 each. 125. &42-lSN/&45-0325 Yud S•I•: Fleh rod•, mlChln• (treadle) $75. 8t HONDA PaHport, lo '80 CJ6 Jeep ... cyl, xlnt VOLUME SALES Muat hlYe ur. 546-0605 SEOlnHY/010. Relrlget1tor 1225. Olah-rHll , tackle galore, 845-4785 ml. xlnt. oond. $4115. cond, AM/FM. m1ny ••· &· btwn. t & 4. 111-Ht4 (16ok) Fln1ncial lnvettrMnt flrm w11h« $t00. &48·5448. Double bed Mt: Matt. a much mite. Frt18at 4.4, •~ 846-2402, 847.ee25 tr11. $6,600. 147.30&5 & IW._•a-1 ---PrO<luc:Uon LMd wllh llne tor educ1tore. WHher. New Whirlpool. t>ouprlng,gdoond,$35. 281 E. 18th St., C.M. l..,,J.• a.Ml -•Y '81 Oetbl SL virtent 980-2785 .. ,_ ...... _ Pert/comm.dept. eecr• $225, Stlll on warranty. &42·1388 &46-0325 .r.;; •• r.............. Xlnt cond. low m11nte--.7--E-E_P_C_5_ .. ___ --d-1 I a I • 0 La IE I Generel m1lntenanc1 eicperlence Full time tar E11c1I ty~ng end •7 • 11....n ... d S1ko. 243m. 72 w/3"9 8 J J ._..ege • knowledy• E•per. In Engll1h epe1klng prefer· 'I· Whtlgu. 9., ·1588 Law1on chair and mat· !".'-.-;1";-;;; •••••••••••••• yartil>le Bulhnell. $600. nance . Cadlll1c or mo-V8, mu1t 1111 15.500 • ..., d. C t I C II $/H required. ecuthle t 00 GE c: d I 15 0 0 I 0 B 0 0 0 ••• "7• _,. electrlc1 & plum bing fl · rye • rH one, secretariat ellpr. 1 moat. Frlgldilre Dryer, wl'tlle, ch Ing ottomen 1 . ESTATE SALE/GARA WMlhlrby .300 megnum • · B . '""'"" .,2 Saletl-~L~ helplul. Apply lo Larry, 7t1 W. 17th St Suite good cond $75 C•ll Good condition. SALE·Antlque & modem wl3•9 Yatleble Redfield 2·t129 Surf & S1nd Hotel. Leg B7, C.M. NOll·lmoker pref. Call 9 . . &4&-1387 turn. Kit 1tu11. ololhH, seoo. Cell Bob ~1-0l71. '78 HONDA EXPRESS fntk• ISIO 850 N Beech . Bch, 497-4477. E.O.E. I" R I I I di W Quallly dining Mt round 8 c. . ' _, •-~'-Al«lf1 _,..,, ruM good. '72 ¥•Che\<. PU N-enn, 1••1iiiiiiilliiiiiiliillliill S40.0t23 57•1588 t Sat/Sun/Mon 9·4 1•••••••••••••••••••••• 122-1111 RMI Elt•t• HO'Y/IWPT IOI erg. 111 m 111• amok• gl111 & ~hrome 900 Cltru• Pl .. N.B • •, _, '250. ~·· 873-5809 am/Im caa. pe/pb, -;;c, Open Sunday Food ~~ retill llSTISS Small law otttce epeciall· :~g::u.::·.1:0•1·~~·2:~ $250 MM158 .... 2238 BJll ,,.,.. .. much more $3000. c111 l-jjHUIE;;;;;;-;Cl;;yNiifti;;jf;;;'lt tak~·t. ContlCt mgr of Fult lime withe J "4. Pet-ling In ta• mattere 8-42·2823 H·•t•·--on 7' IOI• 6 5' MUL Tl·FAMIL y SALE ••••••• :1 •••••••• ~~·.:·c .. llM•r,lln/ 681·237 t _. __ ..-vu '"Co Riii Eetate lie Hlgl't·ICCUrlCY typllt .. -· """ Bike• kitchen Item• BEAUTIFUL 26 " A •~11·-.,., __., C>plfl tlon1. 11337 L1urel 'd c s d w d In d 1 1..-._ ..,_..____~ lov9eeat. Like ,_ '300, • ' Color TV lale 2 yr wmty ..-.,. • il'lil '78 D1teun Pkup Lngbed, & Can Blvd P ol req ont1ct 1n y or proceae g H • _...,. ---4e4-l"9 clothH. book•. furn & 1148 Fr" ::r · •••••••••••••••-••••• 5 d 1 yon • IC m1, Connon, 720-tOte btwn red, but not required.I 125. 76~70 mlec. Sat/Sun 9-4. eot TV.,...._., ..... 1·.... '81 Kawuakl KZ 1000J. ·•P . eunroo . m1g ~1~ 53 1 < 2 1 3 > 10 l 9PM MSt~ ~1tv200e C1~11ry 8ofa Bed, 1t8ndlrd, Nit. Gety Pl9ce, N.8 . ........ .,_.. ao $2995, 6000 "'"••. llke ~1h11:: :3~~ ~7~'-~~;~ j ..,.,.,.. .......--ng REFRIGERATOR 175/oflt r. 775·1327 or Awl unit with game. Both new EYerythlng lnclU· att IPM MANAGER Weekeod, _,..,_/_ST on quallflcatlone. Clll M• Like,_, 2 dr. lroet ""· 7M-0791 ..,,., IM ltem1 Ilk• new. 1125. Old. 855~894 i---------S.IM-Servloe-LIUIOg nlm & tannl• club No llMKrl 1 '" Cooper or Ma Mullen, S185. 893-toeO ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• &45~705 '73 El Camino, PS, PB. JO' (AWER •"P· nee V1rled dut111. ~ '¥~1\n~."~"~.!'u 044-8518 bet. 461 pm Chrome MONGOOSE M~J!~1~~ w/~~~777 Pan111onlc recelwr, turn· U~l~dy7~~~ AC, bucket -ll. need• l>lJl. or~-i:.Ul\11\'V "', 3' per. Wtw1d·.At>Pk'lhur1btwn& Fr'•'. Fri. Cell. "4on thru Fri, II M·F. B M.X bike. TOf'ket lorkl, led chair 11a: Delk Mii· t bl & 27" kt• Llk YZtOO. $506. 557-7978, pa In I. I t 8 0 0 I 0 Ir "-..} rt • .JT\. c:. Paclllc Sl~;~'cebini to 1 only 714-559-1705 SEWING MACHINE OPE· Red line b1r1. M C.S ta.bit for cNlchn 115. Or fl 11A1f .:..~ l300. 4:,t1908 1 1179-ta.42 4~341 ·~~',;:.;', ·•:::.. ..!:'" Club • •u B •--&-•-RA TORS. Ex.per. qu1llty Item. A.C.S.Z. wh11I, belt offer. &42-6293, et-7 )'9W'I 19.2 hind, good .. UST SELL· ... 1gnauo1t '89 ,.-, Dodge, hydt1ullc lttt • u141,. anta. H · _, -• minded pl1ce r1te1 Mot...,,._, C.M. cr1nk. t-.a-· 0 .., .., • 1!~•Ann1Yet'Mryrlty 01Yld1 .. '!.".· t'l.lltl. r ..... ·llt _..,,1~. Xlnt . · -··-.--"t""· moYe r. re11ag1 pro· 1rmolr1 TV a 1te r10 ~· ....... ... '""" ~ .. ''"' MECHANIC·WlthJaguar TheCorneretoneCale l1 CoelaMesa842-9952 1120,obo.780-9996 apect.647·&24:Jda.EY combo, ••oo/OBO. t d dltl f t work truck. $1500. Of Bftttlhowuper. Mull hlf1ng 10f a new r•l•ua· 111--a MoYlng Out of Bllt• QfrU.~N ~t·.·~atttbed, &41-7409 •H ••31 ... • • on, ac ory 8.47~15 l\eW own tooll Benefit•. rent 1111at1nt man•· ,..,..._ RetrlQ 21 ,, ~ ....... ,._ • • _.._ cu1tom. $650 paint Job. -------- 951·9092 gere. w11tere & waltrH · UCIJYIH TUllU "'0070fter~M-~433 • $76 080. &42 J~l-1110 Atari Ht, brend n-. 4 M1ny, m1ny utru . lot• Vu1 1110 -------~-1 Ml (uperlenced). hoel/ needed In adhellYI mlg. 2 po1ltlon brown neug .• :.~::-J'............... c;.,trtdgll 1125 or beet of chrome & gold platlng. •••••••••••••••••••••• lllJIOIL SOTIY ho1t11111 & bu1 per. plant. 1537 MonroYla , USED white OE Hit· recllner w/heater & vl· OUaltty 30 point RUBIES. oflet. '42:2814 $7,000 or b11t offer. '75 OodJ:• V1 n: Good Npt Bch. Some college & 1001. Apply In pereon Npt. Bch. oleenlng own. Like new. bretOt k»oee bet* eof9 6 Your oholce only l60 -.1 · &4&. t864. cqnd. S 250 or bell ol· medlcalbkgrd~ret.MUll only,3pmto5fim. $100.720-0290 ~.543-5532 &40-eMe 25"ColorConl04ITV Bellerthaoe Moped, fer. type 75wpm. 7 9-1833 ~~:.~t;~.~·c~::!·"4~~ TU WllU USED While GE Olah· Firm. Queen Size bed 8 DIAMONDS. 'M:erat to ~~n~~u~~~ .. Srttt: Honda CL 70. 1 125 5oCO-fS332 IUIO&L lSST/lYI (corner of Baker & Yll WI ••• wutier Uk• new. StOO. complete $150, EYH ¥.cat1t. lnnml. quillty. 850-1680 845•7634-A•lll WulH llH For b1ck ofllce 0 R & &rlatol). Reaort lnterv111 11 now 720-0290 e 4 2 -191 6 • d •YI Below Whtie. 497. 1011. No reaaon1ble ofter refu· •••••••••••••••••••••• ClllCE 11m11•1 & Ill loLllll ... Salel-SeMoe-LMlinQ 850N Beach~ 122-HH aome front otflce. Need -.....,=,.,...,.,....,.----hiring tor publlc re l•· US ED White GE Corning &42-IM77 494-4791 ... ,, • _._j _I Md, '76 360 CST._ ...... , WE PIJ tnlll IALU Ilona Cd T J. 87U111 • ,..,.. .,.._ mlture. pl1111nt. llc'd APROPOS OF FASHION trom , lam-tpm. top llOYI with hOod. Like 9 It SLOAN Piiiow aola ......... "" Lo.I , •llC. ltlrl, good cond. TOP DOLW ·79 2002, anrt, A/C, AM/ per10n to work w/1urg. ISL.AHO IMklng Cf .. tMI Tr-•1a• new '50. 120-0290 w/earth tone ta p111ry •••1NTEAAAMS.M1<9x ...... -:1:'.f!I!!-!.......... Lo ml $600. 8-42·2823 FM cue . ••tru. l&eOO ltlff. 84~70 lndMdu11 with fHhlon ••--A•dlM """II uphe1 '300. 780-19116 ProleHloni lly C~itom ...,a/ IOll ·12 tionda Goldwtng, F• llEI 1111 nrm. 720-026t 111t 4· l&ll. SllllTllSI beckoround lor ••lllng UlllllTll ................ lTtt .. Di ne e l eaantly on 1 Sulit Ame. Heavy Ben"...................... loterttate, 220ml. '5400. &I.Al IAllll D.t,.. na We •re turning 1w1y Ind leedlrlhlp poeltloo Put tlme ·3 1hllt1·wlll ••• itt ••• "unique'" din. rm 1et: .22·250 with Redlleld lO It. FIG boeVtrailet. wl 84&-7444 .................. -.. bulil'lla ind need t ... Exper. r9<1'd. C.it only 11 train $t50 per week efl$ !Ible ut. to 128". w/ 3•·h Seo~. Coil St , ~200~~· Suzuki'• 711 & 60. 1850S. PllTIAl24 .. ,. ... ~ pt'd prof. nall IC\llptrlll AM to Noon. S47-3925 lmmed opening. Mu1t eultom padl, 4 -'de a 2 100 S.C. 1700 Firm. Jelf . • • both tor 11.000 firm. or .,,., ._ ..... ~ wlth1Httltlottowtng. Top Aeta11 Sa1e1 :rc;-A=t~!T:'= erm ch1 lr1 (uphol.), 842·1570, ~ ... ,, lla/Jttaun "'501 $850, 975-0430 C~A.a~ .. ESA comm or guu ealary IWL 19 Bl1tt tor ippt ~~'::!."· llghllrmt•d. •-!!II--•~~ -.. '78 H1rley Oa'lidtOn 250 --plu1 •ddlt boou1 prog. p rt ti~ eon-• ...... ·1b'-.......... $eooc> -·· ---_... --.,,,,,,. 141-1417 ram. Education 1\'l.llable 1 ..... ......... .. 714-540-5553 546-2009 30 Hellum ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• cc .--v. 5arnpaon & Oellleh ••P In r1t111 clothing ~+card Penect Mame Elecitlcl1n &42·1010. WE llY South C<>ut Piel.I Miii, wll trWn In bttdal. Tt&e,ll11e ...... Mu1t 1111 •ht dlllgner lor """"! occaalon ar.at Olllgn/lnltall/repalr , -II A.ea t Glorl 546-7188 Cott.a Mela Follow up, 1\0 cold c.111 ooudl & rnetctl. cfV'I. xlnt for bride• & grldUllH. Olty WOt'lt. 5411-2520 ew .. , ... n CLUI 11t••s or 1 54f.t82t ss&-9333 PIT.Cost• Mela olc F0t cond, t yr otd. Dllperate 873-4419 Dirt blk1, 11lnt cond .. TlllCl.,...S SALES.Allmll, ambltloul Into C1ll 631-7200 Alk 1400. Kl IZ bed $75. . ... 1., llm•1 1375. 963-110t lllUS &IHI lndlY, FfT. PfT, will train lor Mr CarlOf'I Redlnet too. Go6d Wiii. W..._ ..... 11M, r..1-1•1 IOJO '61 ATC t 10 rlddeo by .. ~11 t UtMt ........................... ~:;"r~~~dnge!~~~ c.:;r~ 11~148 .,, &PM Tele ...... Seleiten = c: .. ~~":'mC: 631-0571 720-175& a~~~ia·;;;.·;.;,;;, tr1· cle1n, $750 O.B.O. king cond1. & b1nellt1 Selll t 5 oeeded lmmed No $75. Wr. Iron plant l1Md lill Stell Slit. nu pi lot. 01r1. S 125. 5--0363 aner 5'Hn. COHMRl CHEVRCLET Fltlm•. 7.3 30, 3-11 30 htlttMt ..... ., e)(per oec 3-llP"4, Mon 875-755.4 1175. Antq. 6-drewer 831--0571 72().t71Se "3·2559 'II l....ai U1M 71~2·8~ or 1pply lo "4iture, Hper'd., dyni-thru Fri . call 980-0t51 2-tlef dr...., St75. Ne-t21t to 1411 Only 1300 ml, like new. !IOI ll.1rt••r 1-11 "' I CISI .\ \H.-. \ ·eo DATSUN 200SX *llm IW.* Super sport model. Auto. pwr m1rror1, eport wtile, custom tnt, etc. (888ZXLI NHd rell1ble party to make smell mont hly pmta No old oontr9Ct1 to Haume No btck pmt1 dUI Alk tor Ro•• 642 -4400. 556· t008 Proto LIM, pereon. 488 Fl1g1hlp mlc, c1r .. r-mlnded wo· •It 1PM I "Jiil wer Olk 3-dtlwtf drM· OdH•Y TV game w/14 ooty $600. Call 642-8576 Rd NB 81 •I Hr •75. 2 eml a1er101 Uipel7..,; $20017••:, •<>t ""7t Bo11 dolly 195. ·• min needed tor ra1111 Uniforms Unlimited need• ll•tirltll I l50 M . Mlle. llOUMhold '"" .,.. ...,, ...,., 875--03411 or 876-5268 Honda ,72 CB7SOE eale1 & e11l1tant mgr tull & pert-time ••per ••••••••••••••••••• • lleme & 1e1ort1d kit. Sear1 refr~ air condlllo· WalTO 11000/otlet SU-1200 OFFICE ANl1tant, p/Ume 15-20 l'tra a WI\. Phonn. &hipping, r~lvlng, filing, C 1ll btwn , 8·30 & t0:30AM. Mon thru Fri only. 83t-51150 Have aomethlng to sell? Classified ads do 11 well poa Mull have gd retail persona, no night•. Cell •W •to trr &42 2823 " 870-87H 1111 llYU baelttvOOnd Sal1ry plus 64 .. 5388 • I r I. good•. • net. 5000 TU, Ilk• new, Uled Ted Kay1k T d II I s •· "" R d d 2 6 d "I $ ..... 72" ,, 6 op o are or port• comm 4 company be-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii e woo ll ec .. n Olr11 white v1nlty table & 160. ---.,2 • · 983·6897 •ft 5 Pl.A '78 Vamaha 500. 3000 ml. Cars, Bug•. c impere, nelltl. Only quell fled Yeoatietl ~;ng~~~~-:-l(en aklrt. 110. 7511~70 GREENHOUSE Wlnddw IN • -.... $ 1 t 5 0 . )(In I o on d 9 14·8, Audi's pereon• need apply 4•4 S250 or-bllt oftef0 t1, ,-wfr .7VYV 499·5648 Ask tor U/C "4GR Apropo1, 29 Fashion Relief PHI 1nytlme. 775-1491. anl1h Coulh & IOYI · · · ••••• •••••••••••••••• _____ __... __ _ l1l1 nd , NB or cell T••• laaip8teh ' t.11000/ollw. 642-3149 ,,, 5PM '78 27'.+ll BAVLINER fll1t11 ••• ,, $aJ1/ .RI ll&lllt 644·2652 We're ..-1ng to build 1 Cuallll n5-8303 Selre reel typt gN lawo· "Vlotorl1." Fly bridge, ••tllt•"f.1 1 IJIO YllllWllfl 'lt ITA1111 .. l1bor pool of qu1lllled Obie bed w/hdbrd. $50, mower 19s. Good c:ondl-VHF rtdlo, belt tank, ••••• ¥.'. •••• ••••••••• t87t t Beach Bl\ld .I al.,, Pi·1a·1" . . ........ · · graphic aria pereonnel lllllllllilllllill ... lllilllllllll--191· lllnt cond. Mutt NII. tlon. MM786 depthllnder. outrlggere. '78 Born Free, King ot the HUNTINGTON BEACH Am/Im CHI, 1 /c, new tor on-call work In the lllU.. t-e32.e&e2/85Ml27 SEARS YARD VAC w1tr1111r $22,000 Mini Hom11 w/only 26, 142·2ttt p1lnt. S1750 131,esee pre·pren 1111, At leaat Very good condition &4&-2843 000 ml. In •torege 1p: --------..,.. one --··· ev-'-lo St•rt your darkroom lo-Amtrlc:en ~ SSS &4M715 pro• 2 yre beCI UH ol WI 1111 ---------,__ .............. ""' dayt With• 8eMler 23Cll Din. Mt, 8 ct1alr1, retell dlYorce. 0Yer I 12,000 "74 B210 Htchbk, He.II. Part time person to deliver Daily typuettlng. PHI• up. enlerglng lenH•. Ht•· $2800, muet NII St300. ANTIQUE BATHTUB 23· open Fl1herm1n P.. 11ttru. Ilk• new lor ,23. Y• DITIO cond $15119 Snrt, et1ct.. Piiot auto route In Newport Beach camera operation or llght & fl1ter1. electronl<: f-e32-ese2. 85Ml27 With Claw loot deetal •trng llw oooled. 500 Retall1 tor "'7.500 I Am• OllS 499-2756 platemaklng la nec11-V8 S hlp/1hore Full 7 days per week, about 2'h hrs. 51ry You muet be 1v11. timer. >11r1oue HNI• & Encl a Coffee Tat>M $125. 845-4715 500 · tO<l•Y Ulld only e trtp1. '71 2eoz· ><Int cond. amt d M F 2 30 PM Sat S n 5 leble to work on • IUb· every type of d1'11room Some IOld mepe, St5 to 8EAUTIFULL y tlnl1h1d 9<1p1. se . 94> 1410 714-552-2693 I tm ca.ttll, lie. seaso. per ay, - ; ; ' ' U ; ICCellO'Yl~ln1ble All •"5 &42 1388/846-4325 ·71119' I ad« I b Work 751·11110. home AM. Helpful but not necessary to stltute or c1ll-ln bHll · -· • ~~bl. l m1tchlng nv · UJtury •Y For rent: 20' motor home. • live In Costa Mesa. Earnings • p1ck1g1 only. $475. Bedroom Ht compl•t• ---· .,_. Crul_. s 10t< 760 1334 .:.;~~:-F3.s1~mp ~~fl Salery d epeOdl Oil.. In )(Int Cond. UI NII.. •alt. "~"1735 & akl bolt. 260 hp Mere v I c I I ~ aft e &42·t359. $400.00 per month and up. Call: ~=Ce Contact Per· 75t~40e evee. 1175. Be bylln• white IDWMt hi Hllml --------1________ 1111 ...... 1-211 .;__ CNst complet1 c1nopy 1 150 8 to 20. lonQ. ae. per f\ . 21 ft Mart Twall f. 'l f. I llTO 4 'Pffd, i lr, Xlnt cond, Dally Piiot, 642 '4321 . ask for ......... Cambo SC 4•5 Carnet• a Ilk•,_, &42-3eel 775-14111 "'~· OAY CRUISER with port .!~.!!!t ••• ~~!! •••••••.. _____ '2500 71~76-1198 Bruce or Foster. lair Pllet ml11t 11350. 4 Uphol1tered Pea ch • potlle, 1l11p1 5 221 Ap1che R1m1d1 1olld . • 330 vi. Bly St. 497•2921 wood um chair& 126 Rem1ln1 or MoYlng 5111 Mere Crer 110 with 11n· atat1 trawl tr1r w/kltch.. 3100 w. ~Hwy Fut l'IJI Equal Opportunity Employ_r Cost• M.a --.. (7t4) 4117 --lncludlng furniture. 111, dem trlr and travel top. 11p1 8. told• tor •••Y ~ delct'I :••••••••••• ......... . c-.. ·• ~ Em-"-IO·• _.., ~.. ml9C hoUa«lold ltemt & 1 • G 842·9405 74 Flat l26, 4 door, 5f , An "='!=' '??'ty rr Call .,J · Lo hre, • nt cond ... 11. pull Ing. reatlor l1ml· 101 0 r 1g 1n11 m 11 u . ----•••••••••••••••••••••• HIDE·A·BEO Couch, 00U. lg pottecl ""--543-&532 500 080. 838-4395 EY 1111. '2500, ~497 Stlould -tor-$1200 Of Fr .. kitten• 5 weefll, long l>le, Ilk• ,_ 140. Of Son May 30th 8 .,,, to w•ll'TED! t ___ co __ ~ __ , > ,--<05---) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Earnings • S.per Trips • Great Prfltt ... , CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMEN T Illy .... hair, grey ind white . (714)538-7960 2pm. 27' B1yllner.1unbrldg1. A•li6.mn,1utl AIU5 offer . 840-7914 a 84e.53SO 21179. lo hre, lmm1c. L•ll mod•I Toyo111. 873-1565 _________ 12 10111 140 11, 1 limp Ladlll 3 epd bike. e1tm canY11, loeded w/ I ~n HOO VoM>e, Plc*upe & V1111 --------- n... ""' 110. All~ oond. 11&. HlrH. trl·••el trlr. SI C ••t ir t8oo v woA1<9a.. Cell ue todayt ·e:::· ~~~ ~~••••••••••••••••• 5-3618 7511-4970 $22,!IOO. 714·1141-2011. paint/up to 50% oft your clffn. 151oot1>1t. Mult Ila lftllllllW I' llf'flT l1M Opet1tlna Teble, Stain· lrYM 982•92t2 body lhop eat. 638-9832 ... &45-9811 aft S. PUPPY. 8 w11k1. AKC Mt.111 Mii &44-M31 ltu, Hy rautlc. Wllh l.V. "Electric F11t11er··. 1450. Mull llllfll Ol ttun Ltl fn. •--J~ -reg. 83&-29N ' Stand. UO. &40.7814 6 Sae & Inquire 2080 New· -.,_ "PETS "R" PEOPLE MUST SELL: game table 973-1596 port BIYd. 118 Coate glne, complete , 1tock, ••••••••••••••••••••+. E•otlc YICtllon1. h1lr :~4.c:.•1r;3~~~'g~: ma IU I.. Meu. A"" 1. ciMn. 1350. 557·71178. "'t=.~·· WE'RE etyl11 & epec bathe lor 144~831 $20 646-1821 eh. 5 18' Boal w/60hp Jotm1<>n. '74 Toyot1 Corolla 1800, ",.._t>O>., s.o.u u akin problem• 1t Sher· "'h or elll Run• pert good lor part•. $200 ry'1. Poodll pupe, T-cup. VllYM Upflol CNlr 40 Sq ydt 1 1.26 a 35 lq m1ny ••tr.I. 11.o9s10~· complete. SS&-4o51 ---------· DEA LIN' Io y 1, m In 4 1 1 11 Sm1ll 1IH, c.lery colof, yd1 $1.00 Padding In-or trade. 534.9971 USED CWIARSl!'TRUCKS 541·2848 l!I0/080. 844-1831 eluded. Good cond. A.,., /tt la/1 • • S59-503I Newport Electrtc P1<:ket. •• •••••••••••••••••••. COME IN OR CAl.L FOA laatrNAT£ 4 Labredor Pup1, e wk• 8 couch, It beige, ve ry hardtop model Demo. IMPORTANt NOTICE Fiii......... .-;an old . 3 bl1ck, 1 brown, good cond, ttN. WARDAOBE llH mer Like new loi ded $14 TO READERS ANO Cormllr.o.ulo reg., rablff & dl1lemp. ioe..2111 St., C.M. trunk, vel'/91 l!Md dfl· 600. 845-Mt t ' AOVERT18EAS DELIVERY nM lhot1. 646-1439 (4-&p'n) .. T&IU ~H1H) """'·ha ng«• & Ironing The price ol Item• Id· mYllllt un 7 mo. old bla ck Dach· bo1rd 1 560. (1141 IHl1, ••I "9nlled by wtllclie dee· 18211 BEACH BLVD. MOST $25. 646-man. 5 487-4329 lft• lpm. " ... ---. .... ._..In ..... ..-............ ... A...... HUNTINGTON BEACH 1hund puppy, P•P•re. _,.....,. ---· ........ -_. Ml.-7 M• •••1 $198. 844-7183 4 OAK ANTIOUE l 1rge PlayhouM . Small ...................... ftlCI ~ oolUmnl • - OfNING CHAIA8 11IO Outcfl Door. 1100. 8por1 ll1hlng Chartere. doee not~ wry • MODELS fllll llw a., 646-7128 alt. e ~1610 loolllng now for Memo-pllcable tax11. llctnM. Top Dolar .. ,,, 2 ur1 Ortat die rla l Day w•ekend & lren11er t•••· llnenot ... • , . • 8£C'T10NAl SOFA R£81N l eaded Tiffany eurnmet ot ·12. 4-9 pet'· Olwgea. .... tor .,, pot. Paid pc>llt1on4~ EwtMonee. ldnt oond. lamp, 20". J.N. Ml!Ohtt. eone, 'it day • tull day. lvtlon control dt YICt SAVE '200. ~1W aft. I Orig . 1200. Sac. 145. 811 Propertl•• Limited ctrtlllo1Uon1 or dtlaler fOf Y0411 Cer1 Slbtrle n Hufky. Pedl· aofa I IOVMMt c~/ 720-0290 1t4197S.2110. documentary prepare· 1••• I -1rt1d. Ch bloodlln••· • ti .. 1 -- -.:.~rr:~t /l:.~·s~~'. :?': ;:Jo~·~;~·s~1Gj -=:,..., •I !!'?1.f!P. ...... !!ff ;:.~1~1~·~~ =·~= AT 905-0250 ...................... MOTIVATED OWNER eo.ta Mw ~ '•1i=. ::r=. ~y ~ ~~ ... er,:-.w, oond .... ~ , •• -p""*'"' pttoea HONDA ~.!f .f ff •••••• ~f .,.,._.146 •~...._ ?I0-1IOI ---paid tor wry UMd cw CUTI t<!TnHS ....-.--. NACAA 18, raoe IQ\Mc>'d. ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• (fortlgn ot domeetlol FRll TO 0000 HOMI Smell a tell bocteoeee Want to luy 4 new or w/catm. taclnO ll'IOdlt. a -. ,.l"al In ~~· SANTA Cell ~ Mt-e20a. a.,..,.., •H ..-. ellghtty u1tct tt•tt.e trtr. 11te so. Wkctyt •·&. ~ ~ '**""' 1 a."'"' ...... F Baby ~ wWte. tt2-4f48 ttuctc ur-. Cell . 4t7-M1S lc1en ooupH. • 10 ohoo .. ~ anoote. • MoV'lng: trJI Cir...., w/ (71 IU.-tl74 11' "o:!:f rnotot I Mil. froml ~OOff=IC· ANA. ii~iiiiii I070ii7--ii721iiii7 iiiiiil hutoll mirror, bk OH• •lllMI 1450/ ._.°'*..:.. Moa)..PJrtol9 ..... I It tldbrd . 1100/offar. -17 1... • To p1w yo.11 n--oe 114-1• .. /!'!'!!.!.r.H ........ 11~· l y Ltoune Yechta, ~ the ~ CMr'IMted:a Acou.11o QUITA1'. Tua· ~lpa .f, •Ire•. ellp, reading ~t>Uo, eof-. ~ • "*-W'-. aatt, C.-i...;, __ ._MCM211 _____ 1 ~. .... Ma tM-? iiNU1 t>.. ·~ •;.:J tllp Clwlfted. M 2..a&71 "1ol111t•R c.i.att. rvtf 99!' Witt\ EAalJ ,, "::T T"'I ~T y a: Rtr.tC!'· ..... a.J:.: =:fa'...,. ...... lllEODORE ROBINS FOH> .' "· •• '.,. .. , t • , 11 •a ··-1 : •• ' I I I I ' j \ l ! l I / ' .. Ofenge OOU1 DAILY PtLOTITI\ut'lday. May 11, 1811 "'~!!MHIW ....... ,,~IMtttt ....... ~.~~!lffflttt ....... '~'!!.ll'lfflltt ...... : Mtft.lNtU'J( ...... M'll.hifrftd ....... M'!!./lmfft( ••••••• ~ .. l~ •• ,m ............ '·•'1!.Jlm •••.••••.•• M~1.Y.'lt ........ .. .... " ..... 1.(fl ftllrnfl1.• .. t.m "'1illt ......... l!M flM ............. l!M 111MIA ........ l.IJ11.~lr.tNM ....... 1!1!1. ........... 1. •• ~ ......... l!!f ~w ........ l!ff fffl. ........ !!ff 'YI OYCIG.tlfll "'""'' ~ ...... leflt untfta .,. IMI "· retn eftt, TM .,. ,.,. "'' ltot .,. AAlllT L mfl. Xlnl .... tltl, lllnt °li OOftd, ,. UllllT MUIT :"'"'."~1 'H Owt ''-· '74 MACH II, °"'· OWnf, Ifft; -•lltVlfl ,, '"" .... ,. KNIU ~"" !~K..!"..·· c6r ""· 114to1' "''"' • i'new' ... ~ '"'* .... .. ,.,.,., ltlO. w,~ ~ .... 1' rune Ult. P/I , tt/I, MW,O!tuout ..... ''"'' D•n•t ,., Wiim/im . _,. ... ., ~ '4toOlbiiO ......... ' •n.-1 17~IO: tw I Mll1. ...,. . " ·~.uo 010. Dev•. rfir-.H-0-114..,a~At_t_O-rt"",-a""'l-r,1 ~r~~ 1.--t Hnot"'iM: :~.u:.t:~:.. an, • ''PO VW IUI, good OOftd.'11 DL Wltuntoof, Jm,na• Of"'~~!·~~ 'It Coronet, VI, llOW 4 13 .. t-I it.:•:.£:'•· new "'" ;:~~';'~, tt!toU• f ca.. ..._. ft im let up tot aampl!IO wtttl 011111• Muat ""'" 111 ~ -1n ..,., .. _n 1>1lnt, 01t1n, radio d•· '7t w* car. 'lprt mdl). lfti 010: ::a:'::..:: ::i.:. • ...... Lui ... '*-' ~" f:• ••• ...,....... full .... tied. 11100. 100 olo. IM·1071 ' allfornlll • .:.: today! c~blo . 1100. •·•Y•· •Int OOftd •• or. 1 1'0 *' 71• 11•~•111 • • • ~ ...... , • ••van ti . lurrtrt 14Mt?t. -..-. oontrot, AMI,.....,_, ...._•rt m\ i i;l. •• 19111 .,.. ... ~ LWlne eoeolel. Spit front ... ,. ,74 luc* VW: New pe1nt At'-· II~ Im I II ·n OodOI Der1 twtnoer. I AIO, auto tra111, ttl l IOldtd, ,.1, t_H, rtd. ··-'IO ,_,...... "' TUrM a IM!'W• 9'1-3tn a lni.tof. ""°"" aood .... er.r~.......... teOO Hetbot ~ oyl, auto. •Int mooh. TNI wllnd ~ ltl. M-lCl 11t0011•.11110, 1.,.1 °"'91111 1•._ '10ftoreohe114. loth ... ·71 W•tphelle Cempet oond. thru-out. U100. "--II ,,,, OOITA MllA • Ot .. t lody. t1,650. Cell 111"1 °"lY7,.!' .. 11~10 · .... ,uo or Nt-40lt -"°"T aiAOH IOldld T•ll• OYtf ... 111...... ......... Lo tnl MW '"' ""''"' 841-IOea "'•·30 ............ ,................ Collet llS-IOl2 -..... '71 Aooor4 Htoli'»ll •• ;o NO....... pa~t•. 7141ue.1101 'IO~ w 4 wN OMI. taf00.147~Hl4 '71 IUQ, new~ •• rlbll ~~:: .~:v:i~:::-:, 141-1111 21M 10.l2t0 '"•••'If "'f btlQt lnl/1~11t. ~~: , '11114 1.0. •Int oond.. *· tlo. lo rn1T.?aiofr. ·n vw OUNr. IO mpg'•· 1ng., new '"'~i. 0111r11, 1oce1 GoY't AuotloN. '°' 1110 Cadlll1e Coupe o.. 1111 IHI ~etOidi.o-;,;;;:. oond. Muet • . ti 1001 4 oyt, II '"~8· Utt .. , muet -. MOOO. t·IU-40IO title nw. tuntt, u . ~t ICJnt oond. 827141. 0 It a o tor y o a II Vtlll 1850. •••••••••••••••••••••• good lnl a eJCt ,_.urea: MO-IN1, 1 oa1 •Int Ot~ oond. ... . DY9 atS/7'3-atOI. P-oo tor grade, 11100. 1011 171-'PMl/t.114-7177 eoe-M?-IOOO, bl 1HO. eeo.a1ee av. 1111 ..... ... MOOlbaM otr: tN-202t '1' r.S Aooord ~ ~ 87..0S • ~ 111-tM1· Mll1t MonteOfWY, 1~ lllf dyl 171·61"31, IV 14 "'l•I" Cell~ 4 tpd, rtbll 1ng, gd to .. eat an. 7PM or ~ M ml 1111nt' oond. 1•11 Morood•• lena 't? 11 t 1000 Mii•• on •01'••.,................ t44-014t fM,·L 'll We,.""" cond. Average 211 MPG on wllndl. ..,. • • 3000 I. -......... Mui\ • ._..__ '7t TOYOTA CILIOA eom.t11t1, ~ .,_., • 1111 Prtv1t1 OWl'llr Mto tt300 4N-1t4t ---------· so. 790-0351 _..11 .. ~ow ... •1-11 · total r10tor1t1on. _.. *mf -· * '78 cn.rnoean. lcltt. l!lol· New radllla. 11.000 ml. ••• .................. aM..ooet · ---· -------" 10t1 lhow oar. 113,000. 8 1 d ~ d roooo. AM"M OMt, llr, J1000 teo.1111 ~ ltd lulcka In Orang• '87 'ord LTD. auto., 72, IUI• 1111 J ffJI tlU 450 SI MerotdH 4'5-1012 llt 7ttM T:tO:. o~r°tn'·,;t th~~: ~~~~y I~~ '7' IU~; ~edit ~ ~od.lyt ~ ·~r.:.1:;:.•:,~ec,l.:!tc:! ~~=i::.· Parl9ct ~74w;:•;;;.;;,•x;,t •mff••••••••••••••• ~· 1~· ~ ~ 'ti 111 T.... AM"M tape, low mllt• ., 842•7081 dy. Lo "''· Xlnt oond, naw ~ •nt IUNoof 6 lotded • OOl'd. l t800. 'll UI.... fl I•· ar grHn w 17500/bat otr ~S.:1410 Of (319Rl'Y) Nead,....._ • t.,.. '4tQO, 71CM1H ... ._ .. 74 .. 91121 .. .,.2 ... &,u 79 LTD 11: 4 dr. lie. p/b. 4t4-0011 at ooo I! Palomino ln1. nilnt cond bll party to make amtll '78 Conv. >Ont oond. AMI '"' " ~,. .,.....,.., Xlnt. '2700 MS-6HI . "'· QUlpmontla Olr!Nlnt'dllldualNOO P8'a,P7'e&NOre montl\l~C'"'•·Noold 'MCM1.•10001ottw,ay 1•Ulll'f '71Celll9.50Krnl."""* '720•1••~4Dr iuto ·71311oo""GoodtoA~~o .. ~ IUIO, ''· '"'· ttwr dr. or beat 1cc1pt1bl• ofr. PLUS 1 Pl!RFOAMANCI! 7 ... 11•~1112 2 • I I • ...... .._.. ·--100111. LM Int.~ I ttacll. 752-8000 X3et 714~-IH7 controow o ..-. No 8 11-47....,, '°' .,.. dr. epd, • r. • orao w/111 optlOnl. 1ouu nnn. tr1n1. Al "radio, •Int. ,....... '131.6507 attePM Wht W/tan. Orig ownet. back pmt1 dua. At« tor •80 Rabbit 4 door iun-ind outattt. Gr11t •I i.io,...c.-y 980-1547 c ond . t oyl. 1150 . ....;.,......:............;'-----~ )(In I o on d . S 7 a O o . M1.11t 8141 11173 MBZ 220. '78 Porllll'la 911SC, petN>t "o II e 4 2 • 44 O 0 · roof low 'm1111 Prlood 1 h • P• • 8 • c I 44 t • · · ,...2• H·--........ ·92 Cimarron e.ooo ml. 759· 1843'mofn. '75 Pinto. auto tran1, good 731-8910 4 lpd/4dr. Call 8 am to blue& btk, ~P-7'1, 5116-1008 Proto LIM. fo~ i:cJ8ll ule. Buok 4'4-0116 ot 497-2818 ... 00 .. •T .. A""" ME_SA... ..._, 11 '11tvar cond. •11100. 857-1614, • • • • 2 3 • 8 or n.. t 119 pp .. -·-•op on. griy. ·79 Flloll Ohle. S!Nw wt 8•t ••78 "fimeee .. .,. ~~1,0-· · · '11 Supra, II 1pd, 1nrf. 84 . '74 SUPER BEETLE IJI 2111 112,000. 891-1588 blk atrlp••. 'l/ery ctaan. _., ____ . ----llua 1111 9 8·1 ~ atlf90, other 11tr11, 'tl ........ Xlnt oond, aunroof, ,.. • C..,,., Hl1 New lront tlrH , 10 ml, ll~I· IHI 0 •0 •u•u•••t•H••u '70 MBZ 300 SEL 8.3. 72. 'll ..... 11• , !'~~7890 OOO Orllt oond. t lt50. =-~~c:e:· 79 Regal. pa, pb, 1m/tm :' ..................... $275~511-2827, ~;4 ~;;·i~'z1M;(i. ~ ~ ~~ cond. Rid, 5 apd, 11lnt ahapa, 78 .,.,..,.,. dtll, 50, mt, 87~ CUI 110 landau top lo ee C1m1ro 327 euto, eve1 R1ok Cllut.dl 1tt111• • • eoK. ISH6. 848-H05 1uto, AC, llkl now, 12. '72 BUG, YtltoW w/8111 Int. m I ' 11'1 n t con d em/Im atereo. p/1, plb, '82 EXP lllnt oond 10 000 "r ong,tl t UU' •• 1141 'te Porach1 t12, good 750. 6'6-I044 '7' 8~/0~lkH l aunrt, AM/FM ttll', new hiOO/OBO. 983·9940 quid tape ll800. ml, 3 yr 45,000 ml. Wv· ;J:~f9 ng. . ~·················· ... bocfy&lnt,ba.dllthgllf. 71 ToyotaCOfolla,41pd, ~~'eeo-~tm'4300. ~~~oo~ng·~~~·Mr:~: ave 842•9128 r1ntl. 30 mro avg. ~;j:..i--------79 MO Midget. on1y t700 131&o or vw campar or naw ttrw, 111n1cond.11. 497_11813 wlldyl a.a CMllui Chn'tlil HU u 11 o . c 1 1 ~0o~:: IMllM IHI ~~t .. ~2· Oflg72 ownr bug+ ealh. ~5543 200. Mutt ... 780-tee1 11M W~ 1115 •••••••••••••••••••••• !.5,,7.:,!! ~ •••••••••••...e•••••••• --.N. __ ....... ~ .. 1 """ ·1e YELLow Rabbit gd •••••••••••••••••••••• IEE n Fiim -................. ..... lllllllllli .. 1------Wll •-1111 1171 ,.....,. W · "'"' .......... ...,,.. · · IMTDPUTlll .... 'ti 1.111111 • •a 17ff •••••• -::1.-.-·•••••••.••• A"•/FM,.,......auto, 1r1 .... n1, 586-0808 ~7 • ..:..~19•950· Mutt Mii. •••w--We have 1 good 11l1C· • aa.A 4 dr hdtop, auto, p• HI UI ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• *l DEALER IN US A c;'nd .. Run1111n1. •11ro '79 BUS Brwn1T1n. 2 . v .,.."'"' --__., tlon of NE'N & USED .. !~ ......... ~ good oond ~'. ~oa YOUa • '63 MGB · · · OBO 881·2220 anrf1, oatm Int .. mint 81 DIESl!L R1bblt, dl11. We epactalll• In 111111 Challrollt1I '78 Zephyr. 2 dr. auto reg. gu. Me.-9207 NelTMAlO.. ruCARVER cond 18.tte. 496-2881 cllhm«amel.AHextru. for the builnHI exaou-tr1na, PIS, lllnt cond. 1 _IT .. $2&00 '80 Cello• OT lutbk, ao. · 181< ml. B.B. '°' 18.370. tlvl & proflMlontl. ownr. 12300. 536-8745. 1'.M1tllJ1' H10 .,_. • _t:V"'t.l"""C 000 ml, all xtru. 17000. '50 VW Rabbit Doi, lie, 11 W t 7,400. 845-&459 L8rse l1l11t1N .................... .. ,.. -.. ... NJl~C:. 0 I b. 0 n 875-1 2113 . 1pd, am/Im OHi., IUIC If ... 1n1 '72 Cot Plr1t 9 pall. wgn. '79 T·BIRD LANDAU fAalml mini oond .. wife wNt. nu ~-••u« '4~etH~• 844-9228 IMlk, M200. 780-1334 19711 VW Rabbit, '2300 °' New bit, plug1, etc a *ml SILL* pelnt, chroma upN., rt>lt _..,.. h '"' ""°..... bait offer. ...... more. Coma 111 • very Nivy blue w/apllt wttlte 1m 111111 n. ctr!lllUU4WI engine & much more. . QOs10 SUfojOAYS '74 Corot11 cpa , 41 ,000 '76 BUO.~ oond, new 497-3/Jee ..... l""1 c 111 7 n I 1 2 7 5 OB 0 lllnyl 109 Clalay loolc w/ . 846-7211 •--L 1u11 :!i,!~;~~~;!,. :e:,:~e .V: best offer. "-•,. 11.,. N~MR~ Me-303 m1tc:hlng Int & fully foa. '78 OLC DELUXE 72 MOB, reblt eng. nu~•••••••••••••!.'!'! !."'! ................. ~'! 1970 Impala 2-dr, low '72 Marqul1 4 dr, 70K ml. ded. Yacht not Incl. 53,ooo~~i 12500 ::.~"t':!i z::.~::t~ TIE 11121 o-.. ~~,!'1'!11· -11 ·r:.: ;:::.:..~ ':: #1 Ylht ~ C LL/\ .. :=:. = X5::0:~d ~~~~~~t r:'c:i~7:.·~r!~: ~4~~~v,~1 =·'~~:1~ mu1t ••II quick I ••E •REI ..,,.,, ..,_,.,,_ v .,...,... ~ond . t5200. .. .,.... _,, /100ti.111 ... 111o.11 • c.ntlli HJJ non-1mokar 11250 or monthly pm11. 1'4o old .,,,._ ,_, ltfl '2900/offitr 754-7433 .,. 1r1 .. ~ lln c ....... ""'' \JO ·1100 ...................... r .. otr 042.2002 contrl!Cts to .-ume. No ......... , ............ •79 Rid MOB: Liii• nn. :~:r~d~ ~;;·;,h·c~~·;;,t~L.·;;~ ·~~od . clun ~.:1 • OMfittl #ul•• lllJ ~·:=1Pftl118d4U:.~~kof8~ ... .,.._ • U ,000 mtt11, im/fm nowt Coma In l drive AIC, 111500 or olr. Call ·c .. 4'6.9119 1979 SEVILLE DIESEL, 1HI llW1 ~7·::M··u·a't··. •4•·,~··d·.··,·m·,•,•m• 556-1008 Proto LIM 11M4 ....... llll'IO CllHtll. •&&00. T k M 1..g22...oeo OVERSEAS OELl~Y 33K tnllae, wtllt1, red lthr OI UI topa, loidadl • .. call 981-1007 Rold 4 rec :1:· ·ee vw lllOlt.... EXPERTS ui:. xtrl fuaj tank, e Irk, (2021) Parlecttonl •tar Cll•. 3 K ml, 1/c, '83 T·Blrd, ()(lg. 20 yr old ..,..:.. -:.., ,,,.., 1111 =:.=~':. ·~ ·~~ :f~'~B2a~0!:1i te<J~~~28~ ::~::~.":~~rr~.~r:!~~ llLY 811,lll :~~~~~ ~~o~t ~=-8~~~: Lo m1. com para Hou10 of Im· ...................... 11111 ••Tl An 1 w • r A a II 5 7 11 . ~ ... t. rw window ........ , .... pc>rta ~ ..... ~~ W 'II ,... Ma Dow SINM &42-4300 24 In. ·eoorRAl2B]JolT .cotaNVk•. lo7v450ar ~.oggar, !. w!!...'!' ~ Oov9/Qualt Sta. ·7~ ~n";~-n~ ":! :':'!':· !'.'I.~••••••••••••~!~ moa. __ ..,.., pym .... .,_ Mint con<I. Many OX1ru NEWPOAT BEACH " • "'" • EJec "'· ---. ~.,, (Nr. J1mborea 6 Br11tol) 5. 213 °' 714; MERCEDES ltO,&OO. 873•2287 01 llZ-llll pymtl. M lk• of r. owner . 11o,500. 11,_.. 1397 ·call 1-622-4080 tt• Wep 1a 213°'1141e:s1-2333 213--451-eae1 Me-1041 ,_81_a.._1_eat ______ 1 _________ Seil ldta l1em1 &42·5678 '450 te0-~1&e- • ATLAS CHIY~YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway off Hart>or Blvd Complete bOdy ahop. Sa.... Service P.-tt. S.Vlc:. Dept. open Monday 1hru Friday 7·30 A.M. IO 5:30 p M and 8 A.M. to' 5 P.M on Sa1urday • llACH l~S MS Dov• StrNt. "'-wpon Beect1 Tel. 752-0900 Call u1, we're Iha speciahet1 for Alla Romeo. Peugeot S11b & MaNrtll • THEODOlllOllNSFClltD Modem a11es. Mtvlc:., parts. body, i-l7-l1 & tire depC1 Co~tillve rel.OS on ta ... & dally ren'-1• 2060 H1rt>or Blvd., Cotta M .... IM2-0010°'~1 • JOHMSOH & SOM UHCOl.M MllCUIY 2628,.arbor Blvd .. Costa Mau Tel ~5630 57 Y11ra of lr.-ndly t1mlty service -Orange County'• old11t Lin· coin-Mercury dt~lorahlp • SOUTH COAST DOOGI 2888 H1rt>or Blvd .. Co1ta MtM. Tel. s.4().-033() RV Mf'lllct apeclallata, cu1tom van converaiona. • MIWPORT 1...ol'TS 3100 W. Coaat H lghw1y, Newport Bt1ch. Tel. &42·~'784. The Ferrari Heedqulttert. • CLAlllC AUTOMO.IUI 198 ~ Wey, C.. Mtti. T ... 131-13113 "JAGUARS OUA IPIOW.TV" )(J( 120'11140'a/1IO'tll-~ ..... -""*' -Alltairdont Off ....... ~ 171t\' ,. In Coeca Mll8 ,, J MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIWPOttT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tai. 833-1300. At 1he triangle of Jambotte, MacArthur & Brlatol betltnd Vlc10l'la Stltlon. Salee, Safvlce, LMaing 6 P1rt1. We make great dealt I 0 MAlllS CAOILLAC 26oo Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Tel. 54()-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Salee Service. Lllu· ing • DAVIO J. PHILLIPS IUICUIONT1ACMA.1DA S alee • Service • Leasing 24888 Al1c11 P~ Laguna Hilla 837·2'400 • CHICK IVERSOH POaSCHl-AUDJ.VW 415 E. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. 873-0900 Th• only dealer1h1p In Orange County with thllla thr11 great makea under on.e roofl • ALAM MAGHOH '°""1AC-SUIAIU 2480 Hert>or Blvd., Costa Mau. TeL &4M300. Stiff, Servi<», L111lng "Mr. Goodwreneh." • • IOI LOMGPU PONT1AC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster Tel 892·6651. Orange County's oldeet and largest Ponliac dealership Safes. Service, Parts • SAIL CHIYIOUT 900 South Co•t Highway leguna Beach -ca.r.y •.............. ,.., .. SALES HOURS. Mon -Fri !H . Sat ~S. Sun 10.-4 494-1131 5-46-9967 • SAMT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th StrMt. Sa~ta Anl. Tai 551H811 Your Origlnal Dedicated Datsun Otelet • MllACLE MAZDA Wt'vt rT'IC>Wdt Our new location la 1425 Baller Street. ea.ta Mela. Tel. 5-45·3334. Stop by & visit our brand naw lhowroom and '" why wa·,. Iha 11 Mazda <Meler In Southern Callfomla Saloa, Servlcit, Perts and leasing. • AMA.H&M M°Ai.DA "o.tr o.c. ...... '""" •• lf'll ....... L.19 Cenu 801 S. An1htlm Blvd., Anahalm 966-1820. Ju1t north 01 Santa Ana Frwy. on Manolm Blvd. Call us flratt "WE ARE HAROTOF1~UTWOATH ITI" • SADDLllACK IMW/SUIAIU 2'402 Mwguerlt• Pkwy .. A'*'f Acwy. •It W. offer what no b1n11 or , .... ~ cen: 1 Expertty stiffed. mott modern service & pel1a dept. 2 Ona of tha 8outhltnd'1 mo1t ticptrltnced lllel & 1 .. 1ng ttatf: 3. Ellmlnat1on of themlddleman by l-'n9 dHl9' dlrwc:t. ~1·2040 M111lonV ,._... COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Hatbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Tel S•0.-6410 Servmg Orange County lor 16 years. 1 M1l1 So •05 • SUHSn FORD. INC. (Home of W1lhe the Whatei 5«0 Guden Grove Blvd • Westminster Tel 636-4010. DGM LIASIMG, IMC. 730 W 19th St., Costa Mesa &42·19" You're 1n tor 11 surpnse at DGM ltaslng • COMHIU CHIVaOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mita. ~ 20 y11r1 Mrvlng Orange County! Sales, IMalng, MfVicit. Call 54&·1200; apeclat parta tint. 54e-9400; body shop line; 7S4-0400. 0 ROY CAIVB IOU.S IOYCMMW 1540 Jamboraa Road, Nawpon 9Mch. 840444'4 Satea, Set'lltca. Parta And L1111ng. · fZ> DICK MILUa PIATILANCIA "PrOblbly the lowell pr1cld Flett" Southam CelNomlt" (locatl<I I milt north of Sou1h Cout Plan near Main St. Ind Warrref Avt In Santa Ane.} l20 W. W1rntf, Santa Ana 6&7·2132 FOR FURTHER .INFORMAtlON, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS ~D, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5178 \ ' • . ~ .. . i I -- llllllCUll lllllllTlll lllCI I 11111111 llllll I llllll'~IJJ\ ~ MA ( ;,' I •II.' <1HA NC.l COlJN I Y C AL II <JHNI A :-!5 CENl S Move on Falklands ca ital 5,000 -British troops attacking W. County ruling Drunk law nixed Thatcher pledges big push Delly Not Stllff ll'tloto RULES -Judge Kathleen O'Leary has declared that a portion of.. California's ne~ drunken dr~ng law 1s unconstitutional. X·rated films A West Orange County Municipal Court Judge has ruled that a portion of the state's new law on drunken driving Is unconsUtutional. Judge Kathleen O'Leary made the ruling Wedne sday in Westmin s t e r in the c ase involving Costa Mesa driver Marwin Wilcox. Judge O'L e ary, who was sworn to the benc h last Novembe r at the age of 30, confirmed today that she µstained the challe nge to a section of the law. Gary Gundennan, a Fountain Valley r esident who is the attorney for Wilcox, said Judge O'Leary made the ruling on one count in the case on grounds that the portion of the law defining a drunken dri v er is uncons titutional because o f vaguen951. "~said that a criminal defendant is entitled to know when his or her conduct violates the law," Gunderman said. "Nobody knows," Gundennan said, "when his blood alcohol Valley planners OK video store By Plln. SNEIDERMAN Of IM 0.., .... hlll Despite strong community opposition, the Fountain Valley Planning Commlsaion, in a 3-2 decision, has approved plans for a borne video SU>re that will stock X-rated movies. Planning commissioners, who approved a conditional use permit Wednesday night for Star Home Video, 16040 Harbor Blvd., said they had no grounds to deny the permit on the basis of the X-rated materials, which are not considered obscene under state law. But unhappy residents said they will appeal the decision to the Fountain Valley City Council. Stan Klopfenstein, who resides on Mount Prieto Circ le Immediately behind the store, said local homeowners don't ~ the shop itaelf, which will aeU and rent family-oriented videotapes and discs, plus electronic games and equi~nt. He said residents don t want the store to handle X-rated films on moral grounds. He uld they also fear thia merchandise wlll bring an undesirable element Into the neighborhood. "Under state law, we cannot deny the sale of these X-rated materials,'' Plannina Commiaton Chairman John McKnight said. "But we can control and manage the way In which it ia done." To this end, the commiNion attached aeveral conditions to iUI approval of the vJdeo store permit. The stipulations include:• -No X -rated films can be WORLD rented or 10ld to people under age21. -No adult rnaguine9 can be aold or displayed on the premiaea. -!''Urns cannot be previewed mside the shop. -Arrangements for storage, marketing and display of X-rated films must be approved by the city's building and planning director. -The permit is valid only for the current owners, Roger Y.T. Yeh and Jeau P. Chang, both of Hunt.i.rurton Beach. Co-o..Nner Chang said he hopes to open the shop within two weeks. He said this was a first business venture for him and his partner and that they had!1 't anticipated the community opposition. He said X-rated films probably will make up only 10 percent of the store's stock. "It is the standard of the home video industry to carry movies of all ratings," he said. "What we want ts the right to carry all types.'' Attorney James Poole, who represents the ownera of the ahopping center in which Star .Horne Video is located, said Orange County baa about 50 home video atorea and all but about five 9ell X-rated filml. • Poole aaid the shopping center owners carefully screen their tenants and would not rent to an electronic game arcade. But he aa1d they approve of the video (See VIDEO, Pqe A!) Jet carrying 91 hijacked • TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) -A Moroccan jetliner carrying 91 paaengen and a crew of nine was hijacked toda~ ah~rtly fl!.er taking off from Athens, and landed at TUnts-Cartbage airport about five houn later, offidala said. NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny Canori la more than a talk lhow host. Hia monoJolUe9 lhow him to be a IOda1 and Polidcal commentator, accord1na to a maater'1 thelil. ~-.e A7. Town calling it quits All five ~ta o1 Loyalton, S.D., have voi.d to dmolve the town md •ve oo property taxa P-ae D3. ' ........ ~--~_..~-----------·--....... ·--- reading is .10 percent or higher." Gunderman said he Is contesting the "automatic" presumftion that a driver ts guilty o drunken driving when the blood alcohol reading hits .10 percent. He said the reading could be higher in 80me drivers before intoxication is reached and lower in others. He said he believes thia is the first ti.roe that the law that went into effect thia year has been held to be unconstitutional in Orange County. Gunderman said a similar c halle nge had been upheld earlier in Palm Springs and that the cue i.s headed for the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. ' It is not known If the deputy district attorney proeecuting the Orange County case plans to appeal the ruling. U appealed, it probably would be handled independently from the Palm Springs case , Gunderman said. Police, fire cuts feared for Valley Fountain Valley Mayor Marvin Adler baa warned that the city may be f~ to cut poliL'e and firefi&htin8 permn.nel if the state wtthbolda additional money prevloualy earmarked for local communities. In a letter to Aaaemblyman Nolan Friuelle, K-Huntmgton Beach, and other legislators, Adler said, "If additional revenues are withheld by the state, it becomes very obvious that a number of additional peraonnel would have to be let go. "Since 53 percent of the labor force consists of police and firemen, It Is agaln obvlous where reductions would have to be made." In his letter, Adler noted that th e state already intends to withhold about $775,000 in motor v ehicle fees previously designated for FOWltain Valley. He said legislators also are considering retention of an additional $300,000 from the city 's motor vehicle f e e allotment, plua another $163,000 in d~tte tax funds earmarked for Fountain Valley. If these measures are approved, Adler said, the city will be returning to the state $718,000 more than it received from Scacramento in bailout funds after passage of Proposition 13. "I don't know how they think we'll be able t.o survive with theee cuia." the mayor said. Adler said the cl ty baa balanced ita 1982·"83 budget without taking into account additional km of state funds. (See VALLEY, Pace A!) STATE ,., ........... SHOT IN TAB..-F1.ight Lt. Dave Morgan shows the 20mm hole shot in the tail fin of his Sea Harrier which he flew on the fJnt bombing raid on the Port Stanley airfield in the F1lkhmd Ialanda. Huntington grads share scholarships Forty-seven seniors in the Huntington Beach Union High School District are shari1lJl more than $18 ,000 i n college scholarships. Money for the scholarships was provided by the Dollar for Scholar program, a fund-raising oraanization comrrised of community and 1ehoo leaders. Students planning to attend fo ur -y ear co llege s and universitles received $300. Those planning to attend community colleges received $150. The scholarship winners: -Edltoa Hilb Scbool: Lynn Allen, Richard Kuno. Loan Nguyen. Mimi Wan. -Foantaln Valley Hlgb Scbool: Robert Belanger, Robert Erickaon. Tiffany Holliday. Brian Shaughn, Susan Swift. -HanUngtoa Beacb Hlgb Scbool: Margaret Bernardo, Larry Doan, Fernando Haro, Donna Jenkins, C¥Jlthia Rooke. -Marlna Hip School: F.arl Ande rson, T e rri Craft, Al Ranalli, Dinh Tran. -Ocean View Btp Scbool: Christina Delgado, Stephen Fitzsimmons, Christina Kotz, Robert Mentz, John Dan Twelker. -Watmlaater Jl10 Scllool: Carrie Baker, Jerilyn Higa, Joseph Meilak, Mitul Patel, Damm Smith. -Wlatenbur1 Hip Scbool: \ Kerry McLln, Renee Vleming. -Evening Hlgb School : Walter Babauta, Laurie Pratt. -Home lnatroctlon (for home-bound students unable to atte nd s c hoo l): Mar i l y n Silverstone, Richard Turchi. Six students received Huntington Beac h Co mpany awards i..p the Dollar for Scholar program. They are Jan Zemanek, Edison: Barry Abra h a m s, Fountain Valle y; Jenny Yoo, Huntington Beach; Daruel Black, Marina: Kalyn Nage l, Oce an View, Maria Ro driquez , Westminster. Seven seniors received the Woman's Club of Huntington Beach A wards. They are Tim Leavy, Edison; Nancy Ferraro, Fountain Valley ; Gail Stacy, Huntington Beach; Caro~yn Quinn, Marina ; Marcelina Aguilar, Ocean View: Linh Vo, Westminster; Carol Alvey, Wintersburg. ln addition. Diana Foutz of Marina High School won the Pat Perez scholarship honoring the memory of the woman who was the first assistant principal in the district. Lisa Ellcobar of Ocean View High School won the Patty Firpo award named after a popular Ocean View School District teacher who died during the past year. INDEX Gold rush tool's errand? A4 B2 C6-7 A5 B2 All that glltten ls not gold. If you don't think IO, check with the office of the 1tate corporations commissioner. Page A6. By The A11oclated Preti British forces ha ve be gun p us h i ng o ut fr o m their beachhead at San Carlos in a bid to recapture the Falkland Islands from Argentina, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announced today. The re w as n o imme dia te reaction from Argentina, which reported the Bntish forces were penned in at San Carlos. ''Our forces on the ground are now movmg forward Crom the bridgehead," Mrs. Thatcher told the Ho use of Commo ns in London. But she declined to say more about the advam-e. "Too much discussion about timing and details of operations can only help the enemy," she said. Britis h De fe nse S ecretary John Nott had said some 5,000 British ground troops on the islands would be involved in the move on StanJey -the islands' capital -50 miles ea.st of San C arlos, o n the main East Falk.land Island. British De fen se M inis try spokesman Ian McDonald was asked about reports Briush forces had already taken Goose Green, a settlement and airstrip 20 miles south of San Carlos, and he replied: "It has been stated that the forces will not hang around." Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a British defense source said only 100 Argentines were believed there. He declined to speculate where others might have gone. By contras t , so me 7 ,000 Argentme troops, including some of Argentina's most se~soned soldiers, are deployed in ~ around Stanley. the souree~id. ~ The Arge ntine mil i tary command said its ground forces shelled the San Carlos beachhead W e dn esda y , inflicting "undetennined casualties." A communique sa.Jd Argentine arm o r e d f o r ces had "hemmed -in " th e Britis h invaders tn a 45-square-mile area near S an Carlos, and "h ighly trained troops are carrying out harassment activity within the enemy's stronghold. Britis h sources r e porte d isolated Argentine probes that were driven off with mortar fire but said there had been little other Argentine ground activity. Huntington cops hunting gunQian Police are searc hing for a gunman wh o r o bbed a Huntington Beach liquor store of a fifth of vodka, a carton of cigarettes and about $300 in cash. The holdup occurred at 5:26 p .m . Wednesday a t Lo w's Liquor, 14928 Springdale St. Police said a man approached the cashier, asked for the cigarettes and vodka, then drew a handgun and demanded money from the register. Candidates bombard airwaves Anyone watching televtaion ha no doubt noticed that political oommerdala are almost unavoidable u the June election approachel. Page AlO. At Your Se1"ice F.nna Bombeck Businel8 c.allfomla c.avalcede Cl.ulifJ.ed c.oma ere.word Deeth Notic:a F.cU tort.al Bntenalnment Hy Gardner 04-8 C8 C8 D3 M Hor<l900pe Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Marketa Tel~on B2 B2 B6-8 A3 Dl-4 Cl-4 C7 C9 B6-8 A2 A3 COUNTY Teaohing brainy lcida tough TeacbiN an advanced chemltt.ry cla11 la a challenae lilt N•nd• H1'b Sc.booJ tMcber John Cullen. Hf.a atudenta often arrive at an.wen \b proNew befon he doee. P• Bl. .. • " ' B6-8 B2 SPORTS .'Theaters Wetatber World News -~----- \ I •, ... VALLEY WARNING . • • Even '°• thf' m&1yor aald, that budaot lncludn tht' rcductJon of 9."• police manaaiomtint poet 1md ih• dlk'Ontinuutlon or the dty'a police lab. ln addtlUon, thl' $10.8 mllllon budaet lncludea no tundt tor pay railflt, even though all employee uaoclatlon contracts expire In November, Adler aald. In hll letter, Adler said the city "hu reduced its personnel from 236 to 216 during the last two yeara. during which time we have reduced our street sweepmg, the frequency of tree trimming and the frequency of mowing our parks and medians. "If we are to continue t.o provide our retldcnta Wlth n~ and vital 11ervltw, It ia abaolutcly nece11ary that no addlUonal cuta be made In the funds du~ the city of Fountain V•lley." Rea c hed at h is Sacramento office, Aalemblyman Frlnelle said he agreea with Adler. He said that when the it.ate withholds additional funda, ll violatee laws governing how tax revenues should be split between state and local aovemmenta. Frizzelle aald legislators are continuing to negotiate over plans _to withhold more funds from c1ues. VIDEO RENTALS. • • a tore. Acknowledging that two similar Fountain Valley video stores handling X-rated materials had been approved at earlier dates, the commissioners asked the city staff to inspect them to assure they are complying with conditions of their permits. Voting in favor of the store's permit were commissioners McKnight, Len Santoro and Rod Hosilyk. Opposing were Glenn Collins and Phillip Mignanelll. __ ,, Valley Boys Club planning auction The Boys Club of Fountain Valley will conduct Its sixth annual fund-raising auction on Friday, June 4, at the Registry Hotel, 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. More than 300 Items, Including some valued at more than $400, will be auctioned. KABC Channel 7 SJX>rtscaster Ed Arnold will 'serve as auctioneer. Top items include the uae • Drawings, paintings, sculpture and ceramic• at reasonable pnces will be sold Friday at the annual student art sale at Golden West College Works produced Ill college art classes will be ch.splayed of vacation condos in Palm Springs and Hawaii and color television sets. A silent auction and cocktails begin at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is at 8, followed by the voice auction at 9 p.m. Tickets a.re $125 per couple, providing dinner, wine and $100 worth of acrip, or $75 per couple, covering dinner and wine. Tickets can be obtained by calling the Boys Club, 968·5252. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the courtyard adjacent to the Fine Arta Building on the Huntington Beach campus. Most worlu will be priced from $10 to $50. Procttds benefit Golden West's art !IJCholarship fund. principle • BtlUah Conaul General Georp Finlayaon told an Oranae County •udltnct Wedneaday that hi1 natlon'1 d.c::Won to ao to war over the FaJkla.nd Wanda It 1tr1ctly a matter ot principle. Queetlon1 of mineral rtahta at the ap&rHly populated Falklands were not con1ldered ln the British dectalon to aend lta mllltuy to dislodge Argentine forces, he aaJd. "Thia haa not entered lnto th1a dispute at all," he told members of the World Attain Council of Orange County during a dinner 1peech at the Reatstry Hotel In Irvine "In fact it might have been easier to resolve if tl\e dispute had been over material iaauea rather than principles of the islanders' rights and reaisting aggression." . Retsx>nding to a question from the audience, Finlayson said mineral reserves around the islands have never been measured and the extent of such deposits are not known "with any accuracy." H ead of the British government's Loa Angeles consulate, Finlayson haa been part of his country's diplomatic corps since 1948. He took over his recent position in March 1981. Although Finlayson said he'a spoken a half.dozen times to groups about the Falklanda crisi.a, he estimated he has been inteJ"Viewed 50 times by members of the media. He said he speaks as many as sue times a day with British representatives In Washington, D.C .. for updates on his government's position. He told hia American audience that principle rather than historical alliance hu prompted the U.S. government's support of the British cause. The Argentine military's action eight weelc.a -ao to take control of the Falklands was an act of aggreaalon, he said, because it uaed force to 1<>lve a diplomatic dbpute. "Had it been allowed to go unhindered. it would have set a very serious precedent," he said, addinR that the lack of ~JX>n.ee woula signal to Waraaw Pact nations that one NATO ally wasn't prepared to stand by it.a princif.les. ~l -determination is another issue The fact that British subjects have occupied the islands since 1833 usurea them the right to call it their land, he said. He called charges of British 1mperialum "nonsense" and pointed ou,.t that Britain has Local drizzle Coastal Low Cloud• today with IOCef drlul• during morning houre High• 52 to 88 Ch•nce of meaaureble preclplletlon 10 perc•nt. Low cloud• con11nu•, through tonight end Frldey mo<nlng wlth pertlel •fternoon a-ing. 0"9mlght lows S8 to 82 Hlghl Fr id •~ 8• to 72 Huntington-Newport uea temperetur• range from• IOw of 59 to e hiQh of 65 Elaewhere. lr om Point Conc•ptlon to the Meitlcen border 11nc1 out 80 mo.. Ugh1 varlable wlndl becoming -.t to aout'-1 10 10 18 knot• "* -Ing. South-I swelll 2 to 3 ,_ Cloudy with pert1el ciMnng U.S. summary HNvy lhunder11orm1 brought aev•re wealh•r to p1rt1 ol Oklahoma, Texu and Alkan- today. with to1nado•1 or otremeiy high wind• In Teua, Oklahoma, Arllan1a1 1nd Ml980Utl. Ltrge hallatonH pounded meny areaa of Texae end Arkanaaa, and the heeYy r1ln CtuMd flMh llooda around Fort Worth, Texaa, end 1tre1m1 1o ~lnKanN1 Scattered lhunderatorma continued from the lower •pd mlddle MIMIMlppl Valley IO fhe tlOUthwn Atlantic Cout. Shower• ind thund•retorma lell from Montane 10 •Hl.,n Neveda and north•rn Arizona. and rain and fog WU pr~ from northern Iowa and -"*" Mlnn•aote through lh• upper ONo Va/l/ey to Vlfglnla and !tie CerollnM. Ta mpera1ure1 around lh• MtJon .-ty todey ranged from 38 In A1dmond. Ora • lo 81 In Ptloenbr. Alb. - California I The NllflOMI W11tller Senlce ~ a Clloudy night. ecatt.-.d •rl:rzle Friday morning end a Teniperalures NATION I .. LoPcp 78 •9 Albeny Albuque Amartllo Aehevtlle Atlanta AtlWltC Cty Austin Baltlmore Biiiings Blnnlnghm Blwnarc:lc 9olM 8oeton Brownavtle BYffllio Burlington c.,.r Cher1etn SC Charlatn WV CNlfttte NC ~ Clncinn1t1 ~nd Clmbla SC Columbua Dal-Ft Wlh 0ey1on Derl"9f 0.. MOlnee Oetrott Duluth go 60 79 55 80 82 u 83 641 01 81 57 89 78 79 81 75 •7 85 M 19 72 57 72 ~ 77 59 19 80 n 69 79 51 81 •7 79 e9 1.20 83 82 .oe 82 88 70 •1 69 se 22 81 84 ().4 76 63 85 88 ().4 79 81 87 70 10 76 62 75 73 53 73 S8 75 80 .08 70 48 96 70 Ortanclo Pl'Mleclphla Pfloenlx Pitta burgh Pllend, Me Piland, Ore PrO\'ldeooe Rtlelgh Reno Salt lAk• Sen Antonio S..ttte ~·evec>Ort Sioux Falla ·St LOIM 74 64 100 .. •S 38 62 52 80 .0 84 71 go 78 .St P-Tampt1 St St• Merle .se Spokane SyrecuM 51 Topella 80 68 .22 89 71 84 70 .01 TUCM>n TulM Wuhlngtn Wlctllta 87 80 tOt ao IO 83 78 82 87 89 87 S8 89 7• a.c 13 78 IM 78 70 a.c IM 81 71 El Paao Fart><> Flegattl! <HNI Fella Hartford Helwte Honokllu Houaton lndnapll• Jeckan MS Jactian\llle K8N City LMVegta Utile AOca l~ ~ ........ Miami Mlhrtull .. ~t.ft N~ ..... ~ NfJW YOf1c Hottolk 71 S.. CAl.Wo.u.tA No. Plett• <>Ille Ctty Omeh• 97 70 ~ 85 .. ~ u ee .21 ei..a 90 a. ~ 84 70 --82 73 1.1S ~~ 541 •7 ... .,,... ee eo 2t1 Mont•ey 85 ........ 91 71 07 0.lerld 10 e6 Puo Roblee 7t 84 Fled Bluff 70 •2 ~City 75 58 .....,..._,to 70 52 41 8alln-. 73 e9 58 74 82 55 •5 59 87 .0 •& 47 7• 48 05 7• 18 1M UI 81 1.01 73 .81 •9 57 •9 55 38 63 01 83 01 85 50 09 98 87 95 58 45 " 57 " 55 &4 80 14 80 98 6'I &4 70 58 ee 81 89 53 7S 80 111 51 San Ofego San Frlncilco Sant• Bart>era Santa Marie Stocicton Thermal 86 6'I se 50 81 se 82 81 53 M Ukiah 79 Bet et aw Big Bew Bllhop Cltellna 98 73 7• 37 92 S4 Like ArrawflMd 75 Long BNctl 88 Monrovia !16 Mt Wiiton 78 N.wport 8Mch 68 Ontario 6'I Palm Sl)f'lnga 92 S1111 Bemardlno 6'I San Oabrlel 73 San JOM 73 Santa Ana 87 Senta CNz 63 T 8hoe \l•lley 77 lt4H AlllUUCAN AcapulCo 91 78 Bart>eOoe aa 11 Bermuda 12 73 Bogote ea 43 Curaceo 18 71 Extended weather 5" •7 82 80 80 80 59 es 58 58 58 60 5a .0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AAEA8 -Chenoa of~ Of t~ -mounttlne during elternoone during C'L,,~· COOi day outaldl : Ncw1tltrn rnountalne and Intend ~, ... could get an afternoon .,.,..... Ind w.t to ~ SURf REPORT W9ellend OttlenNe ooneidafllbla cloudlneH In coaater MOtlone with pullll cleulng during arternoone. Pertly atoudy moet lflll Moncs.y llft•noon. Hlgfw renolna lrom low eoe .. bellaflll 1 could .... P mountain• nortlllrn ct...1.1 wtltl ~ ae l'f!Pfl, ~Mid. J ..... ~ llllould ,.. In ,. ....,.,, '°' In Loe ~ ~ :c'tt!' ~..., t::" It to M Tn-. dllllft 10 mld10. lnlend ~. ~ 52 lo 82. Mounlaln r-1 lllgfle In eo. Md 1owt sa to 4t. A!W911 ---------.----..---T .... T.de ~ ' 8 t1 T'OltilY ,, S9oolld hlQtl S!Ot p.m. a I 11 S9oolld low 7:M p.m. 1.7 a ~• t2 """ lllOfl 1!'31 Lm. 1.1 ea ,.... iow t:0t ""'· 0.1 If l.oond ,. • 4:22 ~. ... ' leooftd -l:.tO '·"'· u ~ ....... ,.p.111 .. ..... ~ ...... ..... Moon ..... todlw 11 10'.24 u.. . .. ""-117:11 iaM. ~ ft IJIOON9 I I ~=W'I TIOll: ....,. 4:21 ,,et. Lo• t :H a.111. ••111 O...,Neft...,,..... PRINCI PLE -Brtthh Consul General George Finlayaon aayll hia country's action in the Falkland Islands is "a matter of principle." releued Its control of a quarter of the world's JX>pulation since the end of World War Il. Argentina, meanwhile la ··characterized by ita contempt for democratic principles and basic human right.a," he charged. Finlayson, in fact, suggested the decision of the Argentine government to take the Falklands was a diversionary tactic to take pressure off a failinR administration. Its annual inflation rate has been running at 140 percent, he said. and sx>lice were needed only three days before the lnvaaion to put down massive street demonstration.a. The diplomat, following his government's negotiating stands, also claimed Argentina has been at fault in the failure to reach a peaceful aettlement. Said he: ''In the last analysis, force may be the only language they underatand." The World Affain Council is a non·proftt organization that meets monthly to stimulate interest in international matters. Evans alive; twin 'victim' of strangler Dr. Marlena Evans, one of the popular stars of the daytime drama, "Days of Our Llves," is alive and w ell and probably vacationing in Mexico. According to today's epiaode of the NBC soap opera. 1t wu Dr. Evans' twin si1ter. actress Samantha Evans, who died at the hands of the "Salem Strangler." Producers of the soap opera told fans to wait for today's episode before getting too upset over the violent storyline death of Dr. Evans. About 100 people picketed the studio Wednesday in protest of the character's death during Monday's episode. And the actress who plays Marlena. Deidre Hall, continued to answer calls from upeet fans. "Deidre personally answered about 1,000 callJI in two and a half days," a ssx>keswoman said. Miss Hall has a twin sister in real life, Andrea Lovell, who has appeared as the twin of Marlena in some past episodes. Aid to Britain U.S. providing missiles, ammo WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States la provldloi the Brltilh with Sidewinder air combat m.IMilet and ammunition u part of the U.S. eUoft to 1upport the Britiah in their fiaht to regain control of the talkland lalanda, Reagan administration IOurce8 aa.id today. Brltlah Sea Harrier }et fighters have u1ed the Sidewincf er to knock down some of the warplanet Araentlna hu Iott ln air battles around the lalanda, accordl.nl( to British reJX>rta. Details on the type1 of ammunition being provided were not available. Adminl1trataon officialB were reluctant to diac.-uaa the extent or specifics of U.S. aid, although Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. haa announced Reagan'• intention to "ressx>nd positively to requests for materiel supJX>rt for British forces." The British are also being supplied with U.S.·built Hawk missiles to replace Rapier ground ·based anti-aircraft mi.Bsiles used to protect British ground forces from attack and with perforated st.eel planking used to construct landing stripe. * * * BBC report U&at week, It wu confirmed that the United States hM made available to the Bri\iah a number of U.S. Air Force jet tanker planet for air refuelln1. Meanwhlle, admlni1tratlon llOurcee said that a civilian ahJp b o ught by the Bri t is h government from a foreign owner would ~ converted into what waa dHCribed aa a ''floatina repair ahop," preaumably for Bntiah naval forces operating in the Falklands That convemon work la to be done at the U.S. Navy'• complex m Charleston, S .C., after the alup t. moved from Savannah, Ga .. where the British were to take po11SeSS1on of it. The ship will be manned by a British crew, administration officials said. In trying to explain why the administration has tried to clamp a lid on det.aila about U.S. aid to Britain, Pentagon spokesman Benjamin Welles said earlier in the week that one reason waa concern for the poalble safety of American n ationals living in Latin America because of what Welles called "inflamed public opinion there about U.S . backing of Britain agamst Argentina." * * * Fal~nds delays in news assailed By TOM MURPBJNE «tMO..,lllllatlbllf There has been grave criticism in Britain on how news of the Falklands fighting has been handled by the Ministry of Defense, a BBC world news service broadcast reported Wednesday night. "Criticism focused on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the latest vessel lost in Argentine fighting was the HMS C.oventry," the BBC said. An official of BBC was quoted as saying the destroyer could have been identified for the public and relatives "within four hours" aft.er Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news" from the task force. Critic ism of the delayed identification extended to Parliament where Peter Viggers. MP, declared if he had a relative as a member of the task force, he Watch meeting set in Huntington A neighborhood watch community meeting ia scheduled tonight at 7:30 at Barbour View School, 4343 Pickwick Circle, Huntington Beach. Residents living in the area between Edinger and Warner avenues east to Bolaa Chica street are invited to attend. Police say 62 residential burglaries have taken place in the area in the past 2 ~ months. SEIKO GIVES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN ntE WORLD. would have spent "a most terrible night." Viggers told BBC he talked with task force relatives, "who don't want to be protected in this way." The BBC shortwave news broadcast from London, monitored on the Orange Coast Wednesday night, highlighted the Falklands war news but had fewer detailed reports from corressx>ndents m the war rone than the previous three nights. This was mterpreted by some observer s as a prelude to a major mvas1on push toward Port Stanley from the British bridgehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's rughtJy news report did detall lOl!IS of the Sheffield class destroyer, HMS Coventry, and the converted container ship Atlantic C.onveyor. Twenty members of the Coventry crew and four from A.tlantJc C.onveyor were killed. The BBC qujckly added that five Argentme warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates joined the Falklands task force. The names o( the new vessels in the conflict were not reported. From the lost vessels, the BBC said, 450 men have been rescued. The BBC noted that Atlantic C.onveyor, which was carrying supplies to British troops, WC!B the first supply ship lost in the conflict. It brings to five the number of British ships lost, including two destroyers and two frigates. Here's a neeessit;v for everyone who travels or does business lnt.ematfonally: the Seiko World Time Clock. Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement For a dlstlncttve personal or business gift. choose the desk clock. $125. or the travel clock. $75. SLAVICK'§ Fine ....,.s.a 1917 Whtr~ rJw but swrpnsti bqin. ,...,....,..m., .... , .......... llldl AllOOt..wlM~·s.. ...... u.-.. { . . . . . -· . Budget battle 'drags' Democrats concede $23.3 billion savings WASHlNOTON-Wlth RepubUcana repellina l~llve ... ulta on thelr budcet oulllne ln the Howie, Democrata are concedlna OOP leaders and Prtaldent Rffian their plana for $23.3 blllion ln Medlcare aavtnga over three yean. However, Democratic leaders lnailt their move la only aimed at enhanclni their chances of turning the tide ln the budaet war. The maneuvenna WAI part of a three-aided HoUM budiet cont.eet pltting the Reqan-backed plan aaainat a blueprint dratted by Democratic leaden and a third propoul endoned by a coalition of moderatet from both aides. The battle dr~ed ~ throuah Wedneeday ru,ht and the Howie adjourned ffl'ly today. Oswald 'offered' to kill JFK NEW YORK -An FBI informant learned from Cuban Premier Fidel Castro that Lee Harvey Oswald approached the Cubans ln 1963 with an offer to kill President John F. Kennedy, acoording to ABC News. The network, m a documentary to be broadcast June 3, says then-FBI director J . Edgar Hoover sent a member of the Communist Party of the USA, Morris Childs, to determine what Castro knew about the aaaualnation ln 1964. Childs, code-named "Solo," di8covered Oswald made oontact with Cuban officlala in September 1963 at their Mexico City embassy, said Dallas FBI agent James Bosty. The agent was ln charge of Oswald's Cile before the Nov, 22. 1963, killing of Kennedy. Panel slashes aid to El Salvador WASHINGTON -Dismayed over developments in El Salvador, a key Senate panel has cut proposed military aid to the Central American nation and has vowed to eliminate it entirely 1r a land refonn program 1s scuttled there. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously Wednesday to slash $100 million from the Reagan administration's request for $166 rrullion in military aid to El Salvador. Walesa moved to secret camp WARSAW, Poland -Solidarity union chief Lech Walesa has been moved to a new, secret intennent center nearly six months after he was seized at the start of martial law. government press spokesman Jerzy Urban said today. Urban told foreign reporters at a news conference here that Walesa had been moved. but refuaed to say where he had been taken. . The ~ shrouding the moving of the union chief. held since the martial law began last December 13, was so tight that not even his wife, Danuta. knew he had been moved. Brezhnev successors neck-and-neck MOSCOW -Politburo members "luri V. Andropov and Konstantin U Chernenko are runnin& neck-and-neck in µie sucx:eaion -"9Ce to succeed ailing President Leorud I Brezhnev. official Soviet sources say. months will see a lot of attrition at the top, and during that period the leader will clearly emerge." Andropov, for 15 ~ thtt heed of KGB. turned the command of the RCJ'et police over Wednesday to Vitaly Fedorchuk, who is believed to have been a high-ranking KGB offldal in the Ukraine. "It's too early to tell which man is most powerful now," said one Soviet. "The next 12 J War sh if ting to Iranian highlands BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iran appeared today to be sh1flmg its drive against Iraq's invasion forces north to the foothills of the Zagros Mount.aina as F.gypt warned the Iranians not to carry the Persian Gulf warm Iraqi territory. An Iranian government spokesman suggested in a press conference Wednesday rught that Iran might croa into Iraq to defend Its cities near the border from long-range artillery fire. An overnight communique from Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff reported heavy battles flaring in Iran's western region of Sumar and claimed 90 Iraqi troops were killed In the hills overlooking the border with Iraq. Nose gear collapses on DC-10 SAN FRANCISCO -The ooee gear of a Urtlted Airlines OC-10 jet collapeed as the plane taxied away from the boarding gate at San Franciaco International Airport, and more than 120 pasaengers slid down emergency chutes to the ground, officials said. About 18 people suffered skinned elbows and knees as they came down the slides Wedne9day evening, but none was seriously hurt, authorities said. The flight crew ~r the emergency evacuation beca~ey feared a fuel line could ~en the landing gear beneath the noee oollapeed, said Donald LaFond, assistant to the vice premaent of Uruted's western region" UC students face stiff er standards SAN FRANCISCO -Students will face stiffer standards for entering any of California's eight Urtlversity of California undergraduate campuses under requirements adopted Wednesday by the UC faculty governing body. The Assembly of the Faculty Senate, responding at least ln part to the widespread belief that California schools and oollegee have relaxed thelr standards, unanimously called for tougher ~uirement.a in high school mathematlca, English, 8Clence and foreign language akill.e for first-year oollege students starting in 1986. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom .. P. Halev ~-a..~ Oflc9' .., ... w...,, ............ CIH1"'-d adveftllfng 7141142-5671 All other department• 642~21 ·MAIN OFFta DOW ... ..., M.. C.-. IMM, CA. Mell..,_ Boll u .. , Co&i. Mew. CA. tMM C•yrlol'fl "12 Or .. Coe• PIMlll!lfll ~. No news n.nn, llhsretklfts, ecllteriet ,..._ ~ .. •ertlM-'t .....in may be reprCllf~ wltlwllt stM<lel ,.,-mistloft of'°""'""'-"''· VOL 75, NO. 147 Brown, Vidal appear together SAN FRANCISCO -There was more joklng than aerloua poliUcal debate u Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. and novellat Gore Vidal met warlly for the first time ln thelr campalan for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate. Appearlna toaether Wednelday niaht at a dinner of the A11oclatfon of American Edltorlal Cartoonl1t1 -an audience Vidal deacrtbed aa aultable to the campaigr,l. We're Listening ••• ~ What do you like about lht Dally Pllot? Whal don't you Uke? Call the number below and your mnHtt wUI be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate edltor. The Hme 2'·hour anawerin1 servlct may be uaed to Nc:ord 1tt· ten to the editor on any toplc:. Mailbox contributors must tncludt their na,aw and telephon• number for veriflcaUon. No ctrculaUon calla. please. Tell us wbat'1 oft your mind. 21, 1812 ~W~o HATS OFF -It's graduation time at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, and cadets of the academy's 184th graduating class perform the traditional caps-in-the-air routine after dismissal. Cal State suspends sex class teacher LONG BEACH (AP) -A suspended psychology professor who gave course credit to his students f o r their sexua l activities says he did nothing wrong but lamented that people are upset with him. "I've pretty much sunk to the baaement level," Barry Singer told the Long Beach Press-Telegram on Wednesday night following his 30-day suapel'lSlon With pay by trustees of \he California State University-Long Beach. "I've got 40 million people out there who are ready to kill me," he satd. "Some of my colleagues are put out with me and campus adminiatrators are upeet, too.' Si.Jlier, who gave credit in h1a counes for students' participation in orgles and gay encounters, triggered protests by politicians and religious groups for the way he taught class. But he says he was misrepresented. "l have done nothing unethical or unscrupulous. I am quite comfortable with my behavior," he told the newspaper. The protests were started by Betty Willman, 53, a student who was not enroUed m the class but sat in on two sessions and co mplained that Singer announced he had sex with students. "1 have no memory or what l said , but I would be very surpnsed 1f that's what 1 said," Singer said Tuesday. "lt has happened three or four times that a student in my class was romantically involved with me, and when that happens, the cl.ass IB immediately informed.'' "Professor of psychology Barry Singer has been suspended for 30 days pending lnvestigalion of a llegations on occurrences within the scope of his e mployment with the university," said June Cooper, assistant vice president for academic affairs a t the uruversity. 7 Coast . - residents • on 1ury ~anae Cout realdentf ate amona the 19 people whd were selected Wedne1day td aerve on the 1982-83 Orang«; County Grand Jury I The new jurora -along wit~ 11 alternates -will be 1wom i11 July l. the same day the outgoing jury ia dUmulaed The new members were choaen by random drawmg In th. courtroom of Orange CountY, Superior Court Judge Lula A. Cardenas. Their names wer~ drawn Crom a final list of 30 candidates nomm.ated by Orange County superior court judges. The coaatal grand jurors arf Ida J . Askin. 41. Costa Mesa, a writer; Jody U. Billings, 54., Laguna Beach, a housewife, Robert S. Brown. 64 , Newport Beach, retired; Lauren W.~ Leonard. 32, Dana Point, ,: contracts engineer, Billye Redd~. 55, Huntington Beach. a oollegf, instructor, Jack L. Sullivan, 60'. Huntington Beach, reured. and Eleanor M Wtlson. 43. lrvine:J retired. Also serving on the Jury will be Vicky Cassiano. 36. Santa Ana. a housewife and student· Marilyn J French, 52. La Hab'°" an interior designer. Nancf' Hupk e, 40 . Anaheim, J housewife. Charles N. Hutto, 52. Orange , a realtor; R1char Jarrett. 68, El Toro. re tired; Melvin W KillingbC'ck, 57 , Garden Grove, retired. Jesse I. M c Ham . 54, Tustin, a businessman; Susan A Parkes, 28, Orange, a volunteer worker; Richard D. Tracy. 60. Placentia, reured, Cathenne Wells, 48. Villa Park, self-employed , Irvin' Winesuff. 52, Placentia. a real estate developer. and Josephme Valles , 48 , Anaheim. a homemaker l Among the 11 al t ernatesl selected Wednesday are three I Orange Coast residents. Barbara J . Lovell, 50. Newport Beach,• Marcia Taffy C Warner. 32,: Huntington Beach. and Frank I Weber, 62. Hunungton Beach. l Judge cardenas told the new \ grand jurors that he would select \ a foreman for the panel in about a week. Cardenas, who as presiding ! criminal judge wiU oversee grand : jury operations, said the panel I will act as a watchdog over county government and return 1 criminal indictments for the : Dlstnct Attorney's Office ) He sai d the jury 's governmental watchdog function-, would require diligence ,: imparttahty and courage. ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j 1. , By PAT HOROWITZ °' ... °""' .......... DEAR READERS: Kenneth Kievit, Poalal lnapector In Charae, Newark, N.J ., announced that mall order cuatomera of Milburn Book Corp., Nancy Pryor Book.I Inc. and R.G .C . Book• may 1tlll c1atm their retunda. >.. a reault of criminal and civil liU,ation with the federal aovemment concemlna fa.lie advertlaln1. the Montclair, N.J ., mall order houaea have aaireed to make refund• to cuatomen who purchued any of the followina producta, who were dillatiafied with them ana have not previoualy received a refund: the Amazing Diet Secret of the Desperate Housewife, the Hollywood Emeraiency Diet, D<><:tor Roman o's Mega 11 , Rapid Weiaht Reduction Program, the Amazing Loet Money Secret of the U.S . Government (government cash), Diet Bullets or Crash Loss Diet and the Boston Police Diet and Weight Control Program. Refunds may be requested by sending proof of purchaae, name and add.res,, and the name of the product or plan purchased to Gary Halbert, c/o Charles F. Abbott, Esq., Cotton Tree Square, Suite 3-B, 400 W. 2290 North, Provo, Utah 84604. Purchasers who • - .. -.... ·-· .................... live in tht Eut 1hould aend their requett.1 to Milburn Book Corp. Refund Account, P.O Box 1116, Montclair, N.J. 07042. Requeat.a 1hould be poatmarked before June 10 to allow ample time for reaponae. Cuatomera who have difficulty receiving refunda may write to the POllal b\lpector ln CharJ~· P.O. Box 60Q, Newark, N.J . Milburn Book Corp. facea additional criminal flnet lip to $60,000 u the result of a aullty plea with respect to the above mentioned promotiona ln U.S. Oiatrtct Court, Newark, N.J . Milburn entered the plea Feb. 3 to 40 counta of mail fraud and one count of conaplracy. Sentencing ls scheduled June 28. • . ''Got a problem? Then wrtce llo Pac Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getting the aruwers and .cbl you n eed to solve Jne uJUe1 Jn n •government and bu11nn1. Mall your quest.Jons to Pat Horowib, At Your Servke, Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1660, C.OSC. Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as po&Sible will be answered, but phone 1nquirle11 or lfttters not lncluding t.he NNJder's full name, address and business h ours' phone number cannot be considered. • Navy barbers 'clipped' ORLANOO, Fla. (AP) -Ttw barben who 1tand at the ready to cut off the hair of the Naval Training Center'• men say their comm1ulona are being ahaved by the Navy's declaion to raile the price ot a haireut two bita. "Every Ume the Navy raiael the price of haircuta, they lower our commlaalon," aald barber Ri c hard Hahn . ''It's disheartening. It's unfair. We feel very under-appreciated out here." The barbers who work at the Naval Exchange say they charge $2 for a haircut, but the Navy t>lans to increase the price to $2.25 next month. The problem. the barbers say, ill that their commiaeion on thoee cuta will fall from 52 percent of the price to 48.5 percent. They'll make a nickel more on each haircut. But had the commission remained at 52 percent, they would have netted 13 cents more. Cmdr. Edward Hernandez, head of the Naval Exchange, said that "there's really no cut in their pay in dollars." To make $16,000 a year, not including t.ips, a barber at the Navy exchange would have to give more than 14,000 haircuts. "l don't plan on working at 48.5 percent, personally," said Lonnie Spencer, who 1s shop steward of Local 1451 of the National Association of Federal Employees. The union protested the move, announced by the Navy last week, saying it violated federal pay guid e lines that set commlssions between 55 and 94 percent. But a federal arbitrator ruled that the guidelines were only guide!ines and that the Navy could low er the barbe rs' commission. Spencer said the Navy gave only one reason for the cut: The barbers couldn't JO above the 4.8 percent pay raise for federal employees so the Navy had to lower the commission when it raised prices. Spencer told The Orlando Sentinel the barbers are not civil servants, but a re considered federal employees and receive federal health and holiday benefits. ,., ......... ORPHANED CUBS -A pair of American black bear cubs, whose parents were destroyed last week at Eureka's Sequoia Park Zoo, get adjusted to new home at Woodland Wildlife park in Cave Junction, Ore. Training to counter alcohol abuse set A workshop offering trairung for handling adolescent alcohol and drug abusers will be presented June 21-25 in Irvine. Sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism, Orange County chapter, the sessionS at Rancho San J oaquin Intermediate School will run from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. datly. Fee for the class is $375. Council Director Dave Larson cl.aimed there is no better way for school a dministrators, teachers and community leaders to develop skills to deal Wlth an increasingly troublesome situation. In Orange County, he said, 27 percent of high school seniors are "harmfully involved" with alcohol. The workshop is run by a team o f sch ool o ff icials from Minneapolis, Minn .. where a new intervention program to rehabili tate teen -age abusers already has met with critical attlaim, he said. Fees go toward paying costs or the trauung team. Information or registration forms can be obtained by calling 835-3830. Plant closing BAKERS FIELD (AP) Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. will close its auto seat plant in Bakersfield Ju l y 1. officials ann ounced. The closure was forced by the earlier closure of General Motors assembly plants at Fremont and South Gate. Nobody does itl s«¥ ~ r ~ Al M/fl Orang• Oout DAll.V PlLOTIThuf'9day. M•v a?. 1982 Firefighti ng merger could benefit cities Four citlt.'11 Ln West Orange County Huntlngton Beach, Fount.oln Volley, Seal &ach and We1tmln1ter -are coniddering proposals to consolidatl! th~lr firefighting forces to save money Vanous approaches are under study, but the one gettmg much of the attention is the merger of the- fout departments mto one unit wlth HuntlngtOn Beach taking the leadership role. H~ntington Beac:h's departme nt is approximately as large as the three other cities combined . Officials say administrative and repair facilities are available. Hun ting ton Beach would assimilate the other departments under the plan and tht?n contract out with the other cities for fire protection. Wtth cutb ck1 in state revenuet taking larger and larger bites from the budeet. cities are being forced to find ways to save. The four ciUes are projected t o 1>ave about $1.21> million annually under consolidation plans. It is healthy that the talks are going on. Three cities might be giving up a m easure of local control under a consolidation. That loss would have to be balanced against gains in efficiency and cost savings to determine 1f the mergers should be pushed ahead Summer college cuts It s hould come as no surprise that our coastal community colleges will be offering fewer summer courses than in past years. Coastline College will offer half as many summer courses as last yea r . Orange Coast and Golden West colleges have cut their summer schedules by 40 percent. At the two Saddleback College campuses, summer classes have been cut by 22 percent. ln one sense, this is related to the similar reduction in classes these colleges were forced to make in the spring term that is JUSt concludmg. Area colleges had high enrollments last summer and fall. Because limited state funding forced them to keep a ltd o n enrollments. the colleges had to trim their spring schedules. With a new fiscal year beginning, the colleges ha ve decided to make some cuts early, during the summer schedule, so they can save a greater share of their resources for the traditional fall and spring terms. The unfortunate aspect of this is that while course offerings are trimmed, interest in community college education is stronger than ever. College offic ials say the economy has caused many people to seek new JOb s kills . Other students are sunply interested in personal enrichment. Whatever the reasons, the demand for community college education is there. The instructors and classrooms are there. What isn't there is the money to pay for it. The upcoming summer school cuts are JUSt another indication of the need for a massive overhaul in the system for funding commuruty colleges. Educators and lawmakers must work together to develop a new system involving fees for certain classes or tuition payments, or they mus t find some other sou rce of funds. The state should not have to deny community college education to those who seek it. Candor r e freshing Huntington Beach c ity officials recently suffered one of life's littJe embarrassing moments. The problem occurred when the City Council held a public hearmg on the re:zoning of the 38-acre Steverson Brothers mud dump at Hamilton Avenue a nd Magnolia Street. The officials said they w ere doing the re:zoning in order to make it more difficult for the proposed and ill-fated sewage and trash burning power produc ing plant to be located there Residents said they didn't trust the o fficials. They said they believed the officials were makmg thin~s easier for the plant • City authorities moved ahead and rezoned the property. But the e mbarrassing condition is that they might have to go through the whole process -again. That develops because an intern employee forgot to send a notice of the public heanng to the owner of the property as required by law. Mistakes will happen and this one isn't really au that serious. What it did show in the final analysis was the refreshing nature of the city administration . The problem was dealt with openly and candidly. Things have not always been that way at City Hall. Op1n1()1)S expressed 1n the '>Pelee above c1re those of the Daily Pilot Otner views ex pressed on this page are thost-ol thl:'tr author s and artists. Reader comment is 1nv 11 ed. Address The Daily Pilot, Po 8011 1560, Costc1 M e!><!, CA 92626. Phone (7141 641·4321. L.M . Boyd I Xenophobes You're a xenophobe, 1f you don't like foreigners, exotic foods or changes generally. I suppose you can say a xenophobe doesn't appreciate surpnscs. A meat-and-potatoes man who gets upset when he's served cracked crab with Ciddlehead !em might be classified as a xenophobe. It's no sign of ignorance. please note. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant was a xenophobe. He never ventured more than .LO miles away from his home. and townfolk uaed to tell the Ume of day by when he took hl.s walks. Q . Say a woman becomes the mistress of a married man. How long does her affair usually last? And why does she do it? A. That, too, hat been invt!Stigat.ed. Reeearchers say they can't pln down the time length mor~ apedfically than three to 11 years. But in 65 percent of the aJtuatlona, they aay, the woman uya "frlendJhip" is rnponalble, her friendahip with the man. Q . What'• a "gandy dancer"? A. A railroad tnck laborer. There arr: good one• and bad onea, lncldenta.lly. Some daJm the world'• ORANGE COAST ailyPilat / It,_._, .. , .. ,,_ , .. , •I )Jf ..... lo ' ,, , ( .... ,_M ,._"' tMr•\~f .. lle4 , IMO (Mt• #lti.t, (A '7~ ' + best IS Les Nichol.as or Burlington Northern's Dakota Division. Couple year ~ ago at a Gandy Dancers get-tl 6ether he hammered five rail spikes mto a lie and then pulled them au back out again m ~7 seconds. A municipal ordinance of Pueblo, Colo., requires all bicycles there to carry gongs Q What's the true definition of "alcoholism"? A Nonesuch LS agreed upon by all authorities Memam-Webster's New Collegiate says either "excessive" or "compul11ive·· drinking identifies it, and says further its causes are both psychological and nutritional. Most veteran ex-drinkers say it doesn't matter how you deflne lt. U you can't count on sure control of the thing once you start, you've got It, and that's definition enough. The Federal Government, whlch has a firm writeup on most health conditions, atill ham't come up with a definition for that one. lnddentally. More people were executed ln tran lut year than were executed in all the o~er natlona cornblned. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpllln• Editor · 81rbar1 Krelblctl EdJtorlal Page Edllor --'IM~l&L~ -T~E STArt 'Pb~lUMM WOU~J> ~R MA\IE' Au.owED MIM £MfRV TO 1H£ U.S.~' Haig proves his durability WASHINGTON Like lhe prov('rbial feline survivor, AJ Haig not only has nine livl'S, but always seems to land on his feet He is as scarred and batt.ercd as an old tom<.·at; yet Haig manages to survive one hair-raising pohllcal scrap aft.er another. most of them of his own makmg Hatg's durab1J1ty &S truly remarkable. Consider the physical and political calam1ues he has endured in Just the last few yl'ars: an assassmat1on attempt, a triple coronary bypass. the Watergate scandal, thunder-and l.Jghtnrng from the t'x treme right, quarrels with a hon of White House advisers and Cabinet secretaries -and the self ·induced l'mbarrassment caused by his own Homeric ego. HAIG IN HIS youth was the leader of a Philadelphia gang called the Musketeers, though a respect.able boxer. he was more noted for hlS abiltty to negotiate with rival gangs over turf. The street smarts he acquired then, supplemented by Henry K issinger's tutelage m high-level political mfightlng and cultivation of powerful spoll80rs. have e nabled Ha ig t o escape the professional oblivion that 1s regularly predicted for him Th e la test pro phecies of Ha1g's pohllcal demise followed the breakdown of his Kiss1n~er·styl1• shuttle diplomacy Q. -JA-Cl-A-ND-IR-SD-N -~ between Britain and Argentina. This, surely, w ould be the stake through Haig's heart. But a high-level White House source told me that Haig is not in trouble with the one person who c'Ounts. Ask,><f 1f PresJdent Reagan might respond to th(· outcry for Haig's scalp. the aide repht>d "No. that's not the president's style " In fact, he said. Reagan's instmct 1s to stand behind an rude who is the target of criucism -as he did in Budget D1n-'<.'tor David Stock.man's case. Another high White House offl l·1al told my associate Dale Van Atld ·that Ha1g's detractors were licking their d1ops uv1·r Im. Falkland blands failure. Rut Lht· pres1dc11t was nut upset "Om:t: Haig took the ball, ll was very 1•v1Jt·111 thal his lx·m~ poinl man kept Ht'.1g<in d1rl'l'tly out of ll," !w.11J this -.oun·t· A gratdul Ht•Jg<.tn ha .. gone out or his Way tn lhl• Wl't 'k'> '>lnt'l• lO ~V k.tnd things aboul 11.11g .md to dl·nv rl•ports that his l111<•1g11 poltl·~ v1t .ir w:.is ahuut t.o l.H cldn11.·l..t-.l HAJG'S w11l111gm'l>.'> "411nt• :.<>Urt•es say <·alo{l'rnl>s.'> lo lc1k4' on tlw cl1plomat1c kam1kai.c 111i..s 1u11 ;tl so won him something ht• h:.id Jlways found 111 short supply at lh1· Whitt• llousc.• grudging r<..ospet·t from top Hl•Jgan a1dc--s After "4lllW in1t1<1l grousmg uvt•r thC' luxury l hug was 1·ny1 \i 1n~ 111 lrn. Air Forl'C' Jel imd Lhf> ~·tr unporklnl prunount·emenli ht was mak111g White llnus<· sklffl'rs had to lonel'dt• th<· .tlJJ .1,..1v1· gt·nt•ral was dmng ,J tough lht.nkh'' Job So unc·p ag;u n l ht· h .11 d l h<t rging St'<'rl'Wry of sWL1 · ha .. 1·mc.·rlo{c.>d from a d1n·y '>llUalmn with Im, pollt1t·al h1clC' sull 1nt.it·t Onn· again thl' would -be eat-skmnt•r... 111 tht· Wh1L1• Hou5': have had tu !:ohl'alhl' Lht•1r long kn1v1 !> Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the Editor: I am 13 years old, and ever since I was born, I heard about the power of the press. Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword and the press is the pen that reaches and mfluences large groups of people Because of this great mfluence, I ask the Daily Pilot to fight against oil drilling off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach IS a very specLal place for me It is my hometown I was born here and ever srnce I can remember, my MAILBOX mom used to take me to Corona del Mar Beach It would be difficult to tell you how many sandcastles I have built and how many mud fights I have had with my brothers and sister lt would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and h ow many have knocked me down I don't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch BUT MOST OF ALL, I have grown accustomed to the beauty of the ocean and the beach. I can't write well enough to describe how beautiful our coastline is or perhaps there are 'v>. ~~equate words of praise to describe itfA.l.l I can think of saying is that: it's precious, it's pnceless, it's unique. One would not splash ink on a priceless painting but cherish 1t and preserve it Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coastline wt th oil wells. Years ago, my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit, Mich. She took me to the beaches of 4ke St. Clair where she ~to swim, sail and play. But, the lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" signs everywhere. Sadly my mother explained, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." When I grow up and sit with my children on Corona del Mar Beach, I don't want to tell them that, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." 1 want our coastline to stay as be:autlful aa it is today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of the blue Pacific without staring at a forest of oU weU.. JANE E. ZALESKI Litter solution To the F.ditor: At the North Lacuna Community Aaaociatlon's board meeting, Rich Farnell cleared up the mystery of the trash-filled plastic bagl we've been leei.ng on the hiahway between Laguna and Corona def Mar durtna the put aevera1 week.a.. What we heard waa llO ttxcltlna that the board inat.ructed me to tell Judge David Carter how rnuch we appn!Ciate h1I ingenious eoluUon to • problem th.at has been plagulns ut for a long time. WE ENTHUSIASTlCALL Y applaud and commend thit prosrem of putd.nc mlademeanor violators to work on cleari-up c:rewa i.nltead of ja1111"1 \him. Utter In our public peas la a subject that repeatedly appears on our aa nda. Our own aotuuon {n North Laguna hU been to have a group of volunteers (our "Litt.er-ature Committee") meet at Boat Canyon at 9 am on the first Tuesday of each month, armed with work gloves and plastic trash bags, and proceed to clean up some pre-sele<:ted area for om· hour. We like Judge Carter's idea much better• Many of us are seemg our beautiful coast.al area at its best for the ftrst Um<.• It IS such a sensible one that we are hopmg 1t wtll be continued long beyond his term of serv1C"e CLARICE GARFIN Corresponding Se<:retary S till takes t wo To the Echtor "Right On" to Dr Moldawsky and Miss Severoni on their nuclear frc•t>zt· letter (Mailbox, May 15). Bully for all 1( a w ay can be found to get 1t on the· Moscow ballot The trouble with a bilateral agreement lS that It takes Lwo sides to make It, JUSt ltkt: a tango J W REID Telecourse reason To the Editor: Your editorial advice that the Coasl Community College District leadership should start communicating with th<' "recalcitrant" faculty of Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges has some merit. The problem. however. IS om· or pro fessional autonomy and not h1erarch1cal authority in this mst.ance Useful and effective communicauons can only come about wh e n qualified curriculum experts (faculty ) at the college level converse with curriculum experts at the telecourse level. It would therefor e be m os t appropriate to hear from the people who have designed and created Coastline telecourses. Coastline has been in the busin~ of turning out new courses, s.mgly and jointly, since its establishment in 1976 At grea t expense to the taxpayers. 1t has produced telecourses -at a rate of two to three per year-which have been a majo r component ol the C.OS.Stllne curriculum. The major thrust of telecourse production, however, has been focused on sales and marketing efforts to make this enterpriae financially solvent. Although aome income has been generated to defray overall expenle9, it can be Afely uswned that, aa a private enterprile, it wouJd have folded a long C1me ago. COASTLINE'S orga.nl.zatJon lnclude1 a "telecou.ne design office" wha.e budget totals $406,000 for this academic year. Embedded within thla budge\ are the aa.larlea for one dean, one aa1oclate dean, and three senior lnstruct01' destgn speclallttt. Their ave~ aalary comes to $41,000. These lndlvtdu.ala are full-time prof ionall, who should. alont with • Lt llett It.., r-n .,, •el<-TM,..,,. 1, ,.,..""'lei lttt le Ill ~t ., f fllNMlt llMI It ,.._,... i...!Wn" M -ft. ~ .......... -... .._. All "'"" ~ ... <lltdt ...... lurt eM ~111119 ....... W _, -· M wtl ..... I• 911 "-"1 II Mffi<llftl tte-I\ ~9111 ,._..,, •Ill nol • fl*l\I*' ltlltt\ II\•• lie tete,,_. le ... ,.._ Heme.,,..,_~' ti lllt Cef\ltlllUtof lftlltl "'''""tor ... 1110111111,.,,.. .. , -·------ th<' board of trustl-t" .md tht• d1stnl·t leadc·rsh1p. Ix• ht>ard lrom <Ont"t•rning Lhe status of the d1::.putc'<l tt ·lt'l'<JUl'SI'!:> Hopl'fully. il mor1 n·w ... 1111'<1 approath will t•nsut'. along with J d1alogu1, of -.u bsta nt'C' s;i ns d1•f 1·ns1 Vt' 11v,.rt11nt•s. Fulurt' d1:.<:uss1011 ..... hould h.1vr • ..... th1·1r ob)l'<'tlV<'" tht• 1mprc1v1·m1•nL'> or rc•fonns l•> Lhl' svstc•m Lhat ,1n· c1bv1c1uslv in order. -LEFTEHIS LA VRAKAS PhD upporl for art~ To the Editor. Currently enjoying the opportunity for intense mvolvement with Orange County·s performing arts organiz.at1ons. I share wnh Lhem a grave concern for the potential e ffel'ts of th<• drastic l'Uts in state and federal ~upport of Lhe arts. Recently. howt.'ver, lot·al music lovers have had c ause fo r t o ns1derable encouragement Ont.• of Orange County's leading supporten. of the arL'\, the Irvme Company. not only has detenmned to dd Its share in replacing some of those foregone pubhc funds but has done so in a refreshing and eXl'(!pt1onally promising way PERFORMING organizations seldom r<><.~wcr more• than 40 p<>rct>nt of theU' total operating costs at the box office. The balance o r their survival hinges upon private and rubhl' l·ontnbutions a n d g r ;i n t s B u l w h l' r l' a s s u c h contributions generaJly are absorbed into the cont1nu1 ng expenses o f an orgamz.ation, the lrvmt' Company opted to assume an unusually creative role by underwnghlmg a specific con<:ert -in this event the monume ntal Missa Solemnis of Beethoven. performed by the Pacific Choralt' on May 22 in tb~ Civic Auditorium at Sant.a Ana High SchooL Surely Beethoven himself would have rehshed this kind of support. for the masterworks of that era nearly always were composed and performed under the commission of a patron. To offer works o f the scale, imfortance, and cost of the Missa So emnis soon may come to rely primarily on underwriting such as \hia -at least if ticket prices are to be kept within the range of typical concert-goe~ and if serious music is to attract new audiences, such as our youth and the oounty's less advantaged populations. JAMES E. DUNNING CllllY Ill Seem8 to me lt would only take a few of thotc mllllon -dollar and multi-miUJon-dollar homes alona th4' cout to dia1ort ~ whole picture as Jui· aa aveuJ'9 property valuea •r concerned. DD'LATED o....,., ... ~."~...,,..... ... .. -··"'~'"'", .. ., ....................... ... ,...,. te • oa. c.t11r ,.,.... • Orange Clout DAILY fttLOTIThurtday, May 27, 1882 Carson monologues bite Comedian called political commentator SOUTH COAST PLAZA • OAINISVILL&, Fla. (AP) -Comedian ~ Canon. who operw hll ''Tonilhl Show" wtth an often·blUl\I morio1CJ1U1 torMWMI aimed at 1overnment fl1urHl t1 a aoclal and polltlcal commtftlator •• well aa • talk-1how hoat, • Uniwntty of norida m.adent NIMl'Cher •>'9· Carton'• jokH contributed to hla dtollnt tn popuJ.art ty. C.anon and other oomedianl alllo male• the pnllidtncy a common tarpt fOf' tholl' Jok• P..-aJd ln an interview. "No matter who th. ~dent la, comlm wW find 10Cntlhlna to ricUcult, he aaJd. ~ ~~~~f~~!ft~ In fact, Canon'• monolOI'* could away public . oplnlon and even afftot tht popularity of • prtaldtnl, aay1 Herb P ..... \ •n audlo-vlaual 1pec:SL•1t who wroi. h1a ma1ttr'1 tht1l1 on Caraon11 televhlon monotocuee. Prell found \hat 31 percent of Canon'• JOkes ooncemea polltb and 1overnment. The monoiocuea showed an ag~eulon toward ~bu flgurs, he said, ' t the aa&rellion WU blunted bynwnor." In a study of monologues aired from December 1977 to February 1978, Pre11 CARSON claaaifled 515 jokes into five main categories. Thirty-four percent of the jokes were claaaified in the leisure-time category, which includes show buainesa. Technology, which also lncludea the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not long aft.er Press finished his thesia in April, U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Callf., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said Canon Wied to joke about Jimmy Cu1er'1 family, but becau.t Preladent Reqan'1 tamily la not 11 colorful 11 Car1er'1 Canon now ooncentratel hta Jok• on ecooamlc polidea, the l'tlNl'Cher M1d. A Canon aide 1n the ent.ertalner'1 Burbank of flee said c.anon wu buay and could not comment d!rect1y on the thmia. She aclmowledpd \hat Canon had received a copy of the paper Friday. "He la very lntrifued by lt and p1ana to r-.d lt," Mid Drue Wu.on. "He thouaht lt waa an lntert!9Una topc. '' Ma. Wlllal said ahe had no ldea lf Canon would mention the aubject on the ''Tonilht Show," nottna that lt wu not uncommon for him to receive student papen ~ the ahow. Prell Mid the ldee of the study came to him one night when he wu watching the ahow. "Ile did a lot of jokee on &rt Lance," Pre. said. "It leemed to me an unusual number of jokes 8bout one thing." CD plan rej ect e d EUREKA (AP) -Humboldt C.ounty supervi- sors have rejected a federal Civil Defenae plan to take in San Franclaco area residenta if there ls a threat of nuclear war. The plan to shelter 184,000 nuclear tvacuees in state and national par~ here was rejected unanimously. • Cricket LTD will b• ho1tlng two reprnentatlvee from the Selangor Factory. There will be a demon1tratlon of the manufacturing protea and fr .. hand engraving with any purchaee. Friday 11.3 & 8-9 Saturday 12-2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Tankard Satin finish Reg. $42.50 Special $34.00 Reg. $45.00 Special $36.00 South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 Robinsons s2,500,000 STEVENS SPECTACULAR YOU'LL SAVE 10%·60% AND MORE. OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON. MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 54.88 twin YVES SAINT LAURIN'rS ELEGANT ITIHPINGI. NOWAY 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except, perhaps, for this designer's flair for color Our first quality YSL sheets. in an intriguing mix or wine. toast. cream and forest green. on the diagonal of course Of cotton/polyester percale Prices shown, flat or fitted Twin Full Queen King Standard cases pr King cases. pr Orig $14 $18 $23 $28 $14 $16 Sale $4.88 $8.88 $13.88 $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS 59.88-511.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUAUTY SHEETS IN SUMMER PATI'ERNS, NOWAY 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense of freshness to the room you relax in Here are three tempting patterns. all in soft cotton/polyester percale Choose from favorites like YSL Foulard with pindots and flowers of while on taupe . Versailles. restful peach. blue and taupe flowers on cTeam. or Bangkok. far-Eastern floral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come in early and find the best selection Prices shown, flat or fitted Sale ends Monday. May 31 Robinson's Domestics 30 To order. call toll free 1·800·345-8501 Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases. pr Reg $18·$26 $22-$32 $14-$17 $16-$19 Sale $9.88 $11.88 $9.88 S11.88 Hurry In while quantities. are pientlful and selections extensive All hams subject to prior sale II "' ~~:;;~~~-------............. -.-..,_-~--~~~ ......................... ~--~~~ ..... ;;...do,~- . j .. .. . • ., ,. NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS ...,, .. ,.., 1111c~11•1 •11.ou o• •H• •••'ft•• •••••n, "''"''· ,.. 1000111 11 no"••• c11ec1101u1 ••oc• •• ....... , ••• •11101t11> n , .. , Ill••• u1> , .. ,,. .. ,, "91ft -. Itel \llM IO•I '41tt N'I '41• Nel ,.,,., Ntt ". ~ c;1eu Cllt ". Mt C••--'"' "I .... CIOM (flt ,. • 1101 c.... ,,,. ,. • l'tCh Clo,. '"' !~ ~~·~ r. · i · n r-: !Jill1 ·1 .11 1.~ ~! . ~ ii:·i= 1£ , :1 .~ ;m .~ ,. , \:~·Clow ~ i~~ Jt' • 1 ·~:: er \ ';e tt;·I~ =~ '1,ir ~ 1N4 r~ E ""'9•L l !a J I: I Iii f:e? t ~If ~ I II' ~ ~ tA t I 11" .. 1 I ~ MINA t II 'E~ t11 ll\1tltn, D ' .... 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I~ 'A Tee._ 1 11 -Zeftlllllt II J:2 ltt I~ .. ._,_ , IS M+ ~ 1 Cl I> 10 SI-1-. ...,._o I.JO I 4 I~ 1-. INtlUI: Jtr IO D .__. ~ Plenllk 16 12.4 th• '"' Teflerd ti t 10 JDl4 • II> Zffo 1 1' 11 17 ~ V. .. l[d 19 • 11 ,,,_. "" 2.tll " • ,.,.,, • ~ H41ttSM I 2' • • n-. "' Mttlitf 211 10.... It\<?-"" ... ...,,, .. IJ s ....,., . hlley 11 ~ ... tllmlll I 20 • JD n .... ... E pr 1.17 • S ... Dlend I 1' It 41' It :::t" 90 t JJ ~ · --.. .. WI .. 1 12\lo .. Pl~ .12 ll .,.._ 11'1 hllft 8' I 4 111'1 ="' ,,.. . . t II Olftlcl ,111 IS 1n ,,_,.., Hwl El 1.. I " Hiit-"' ¥Mtt 111 1 jD Pt lS-~ Pl.-y I t'9 14 • .-+ J 1.a. IO It 2' .... 01111te1 IO 1111 >t4io• V. IWY'KA S W.-"" Mr(O& 1.a 7 .. *-• 14o ,....._ I I U ,_.. Iii = 2.10 11 41t ~t 'h DlllllO n 1lllb S ll't ~\lo Helltl"' IO 2A 2' ..,._ V. -~ 2111 11 7 ~. \It ""'9c1Pll Ml t 164 tl'lo-ft .. l. I $t -"' illli Ult : U ~+ ._ Hkkt 1• I • llM .... • Mt l'° t :: r+ -flvfatld I 11 lM IM , I 1 n. 1 6 .... :;:r. 1-I -1 SJ-+ .. ltec:IAM .. Mo-Vt .... .,. ~ ~ = 40 I It ,.._ .. ....... > ........ > wi; ... -. .;:_. .... Hllllmn .n • *' 1411>-"' ..... ... • • -~.. ::· • ,.. dl2\I>-"" • 11 .10 22 41 IM..... • • ._ .._. I I .. ti'-.. McOf pl .. ;! I"'-141 -UD t II lM. .. .. t 14 12\o'J..... .,..,Ill ' M • McONil 1 llO 10 ~ '-Pww I 14 11~ " .a t JI M\lt+ 11111 Oofl'lt t• ,16 .. J11 ~ ~ Hllllll JI 1.10 . 1 0 -"' MtOftO 1')4 I -._ ... ~ 1.14 S IB ll-141 ........... "'~!·""*--·•~ 6tlll4•~"11it .......-... _ .. 440 .ME:: • .,,_,. :: 2 ... T I I ., ..,._ ¥t Hltrltll 1-211 ll • 11\<o-l'I -~ '~ ,; J; m::,\'11 fi;ifcl" •A I llJ \It-" DETBOIT (AP) -~ c.oi-p, .. ,,. ,t· ii ~-.. I 16 2'4 ,•,'!!'+ !! Helmf' Jiit • 117 -~ l'I Mcflll I • ZRt+ Iii PlltmEI 1M 1 1t1 1 ""' m It _ .. " _. .. _ to .._. ""'"lty Cn i "' 1 7 e; --"9f'lll11t t09 a ~ ., Mtl..-I ·';& u 12 -.,. ""'"'• ·•ta tt 1111111 •• 1\ way • .,._.. r-w.u 1 1 •• • " •1 -• '-~ 1.a • ., ,..._" .... ~1 • • 1" -•• -....... • " """"' 2 but •he Cbry1ler Loan 111 t7 a; ~ t l4t IM n I I n -\It HffltC n ft it d ,__ .. M:;r : J .... \;; PrM raA J -I Ill --1 • .. • 1 .. ., 1A1 11 ~· ~ ......,,,, uo ' t4 .,..._.., Ml..,. . • 11 ,. -~ "''-c ,.. =•" Guarantee Board no loncer ~ ~.-.4 ., ~-~ · 'I ',..3 ~ 11i ~1::5 .'. t J...-·" MMtm · 1 MJ u -"' ~~ .;! 1: ;" • :· the No. 3 U.S. auto maker it to ' ;. • 22 • 141 1. s ~ l4t ~ t • "' ._ ~ :i=.1·t ,,; =···~ iit1' 1i 14 l'h• .. fM I -!:-.. Al t •1 Hfwl" I ll" 16 II• Oilll + 14 ~C91 J : 1S '1 -tilt I A 11 Clllr-16 make money lhJ.a )'9U', a board 0 tt .. , iA! 1 ,.. .. .. ~ :I " Cl ,,.... .. • MttTn l.IJ .. M _ \It I 1' 1 1ft't.. • aaJd • ..l t ~ =--1 ·; ,.,; =•.Iii ::=r IS,; n ~:: ~e ~ ':~; :--~ 111 fl i:: .~ ~ °"' ~ the face of ft, it dost'\ Jook 1 .. ..,._ -OllU ".. ... tN+ "' HI.. • • • , H -.... ... ,. .. I II ... • • .,.. ... CL.---= .. . ... •" Ii A *-·••• I:"'" la t 1f ..__ 11111 t·* -11 ~ 'jfl ~· ¥t ' ,ood." aid f.ecblan ~-.. "" ... ,-;..°'f;,.,_~ rt# -·O:.JI"!,'°' Ht! 11 ~'tit "l=~ MtW .Jiit •• J ~ I =!~: 4'Jttc\.ltlY9 director of the loan JM 1 ~ 'It: 4' .ij 4f 61....... IO 11 +" ~ j tj .'.iU '"U that ldmtn ...... Qw t.deraJ p&'Olrt.ID 11 .1 ~·~ "rn·,.~~ ~ ff~ "'m';. ~ Jl ~·~ ~m· :, '. ; :: j! e whlc:b ......-a.,,_ with fl.Z i • .. flf ~ !!!' 1M• " • .; " &; • • 141 bllUon. In lo•n 1uaranl••• and 't1t I ~ I ·6 "1J q ... . e ' I -It t2 :: IJ •.• 14 moo)t.cn n..vel-'I ll-a....a.t beaJtb. Ult ·. ,,. .._.. , ... ~ .. : ~ . ,,. , IJ t . -• ,"' _...,...,,. llU ......... Chrysler eyes profits .. .. CM firm tells record prof its MSI hata Corp of Cotta Mcu hM reported record profita for I.ht> ft.cal ye1ar ot $4.~e.ooo. or $1.87 per •hare. ·Thia compared with net lncorrw of $3,473,000, or $1.49, ln the pttvlOUI filcal year. Revcmues for the year totaled $55,338,000 compared with $55,613,000 ln the f1'W year ended March 28, 198L The company produc.u hand.held computer ~ta entry tyttema. Tustin building finished Dl1covery Propertlea and ,El Camino Real Properties Ltd. announced completion of the El Camino Real Building .n Tustin. The two-story office building has 23,000 9CJWU't' feet available for leue and is located in hl1toric Old Town of Tustin, Value of the buildina la $3.2 million. The general contractor la Prime Contractors, Inc. of Orange. New Conroy's opens Conroy's, a major florist in the West. opened ita 12th store in Orange County and ita «th in Southern California at Beach and Warner in Huntington Beach. The store's owners are Richard and Helene Allen, who own another Conroy's in Westrnirulter. Computer unveiling set Holland Automation USA of Santa Ana announced it will unveil a series of applicauons packages and a basic interpreter desi&ned for uae Wlth the IBM personal computer at the National Computer Conference in Houston. Jet America loss mounts Jet America Airlines Inc. reported today a loss of $870,772 for April, bringing its year-to-<iate loss to $4,952,719, or $3.31 per common share. "We have again exceeded our projections and the improving performance for April compared to the finlt quarter reflected the impact of strong Easter holiday travel and higher average fares," Alan H. Keruson, president and chief executive officer of the 81rlme, said. The company also reported it furloughed 26 employees or approximately 10 percent of its work force, effective May 31, the result of a reorganization of the airline's maintenance department. Additionally, all employees consented to a 10 -percent salary reduction. Of lice complex planned Construction is 8Cheduled to begin in the fall on Capital Tower, a $9 million San Joee office complex designed by LPA Architecture and Planning of Orange. Pacesetter wins franchise Pace11etter Electronics USA, Inc. of Santa Ana (fonnerly VSI Electronics USA) baa been franchiaed by Fujitau Micro-electronics to distribute ita line of advanced MOS and bipolar memories, microproceaors, gate arrayt, and floppy dbc controller aa well as o~ peripherala and apedal circuits in Southern Califonua. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS . . lO Ind 10 Tm IS Utt U Stlo ll'ldut Tr.., Ultls U Slk 'T;",.=r"es~~ ~ Z1'.0' m" m .ss :12s " •., 11J .,. 111.• 11u1 111 '• o n D 11 m s. n1 " m 9:1 i 01 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORIC (API May :It Wed NJvetlUCI l2• OKlh-ttSI UM"-911 Q Tot .. •-, .. ..... "°CIPft • New"'-IOT ~t ~MEAC.0 HEW V~IC (APl Mey :It METALS SILVER Wed 14' 04 ,.., , .. • ,. • 496,IQD l,'11,100 1 ''° 100 I 031 IOO """ ~ 7J[ c IK I' ,; -...., ,. no !)A ''° ) ,. Hendy l Harman, St.US P•• troy ouno.. . ,... GOLD QUOTATIONS 8y1'MA111111 ..... ,,_ a.et9d WOftd 006d pm. todlly ~l morning n111ng: '324 15, of1 suo. ~ llflwftOOll lbclflQ: mus. °" sa.oo. • ..., .. : 1f1tfnoon n1dng: IH7.H, oft ....... Pt9MMti IS25.14, Oft IU41. l z.ww. ..... fixing: "'22.00. Oft 17.00 bid. ISH.00 •ed. "'"'' • Maf•J•1 oftly dally quot• ~n.offsa.oo. · 1141•a6 onty dWly ~ 1324.H , off •oo. ......... ~ dlly Cl'ICM ... loillld "40.48, Oft... . • SYMBOLS. ='=.=t=r: ':" ...... -_..__ ._. ..... _....., • Wlllt-• ,. ... _..,..,., ....... .... ---·==-~-....... -.=:. .. .::~ ..... -~·-t•nt~. °"'*'9d et '91d lfl .......... It ._,. ~-... -.............. .. ........ ,.. ....................... .. --. .... -...... ....... ; :, ':.:..•MC ..::r:=."': ............ ,, .... r: ....... ............................. _ .-.................... .... ... ··---~--.. Ml_... .. ... ~ ........................ .... =.:r--:----..... ,._ w:,,_.,.~"'· ..... -....... ...................... ... ....................... __ f . I ! I• I , I . •. ~· . • c...,..-... ......, ... ,_ ........ "What's wrong with this compou, Daddy? The needle keeps pointing in the some direction all the time!" ~ARMADl'Kt: by Brad Anderson "You wouldn't look so great either If you had been at the lodge meeting last night." A DozeN FUN HATS1 PRIZES1 BALLOONS -- ~oMt:BoDY MUST BE HAYING A 8'Rll4DAY PART'f. WEDNllOA Y'I PUZZLE SOLVED by Vlrgll Partoh (VIP) PMNIJT r--,, "A Jockty, a jockty. My kingdom for a jockey." Hank Ketchum ' . ~ i ""<,c.~. oJ ! ·-- -------1 ALMOST CA06HT ONE I SUPPOSE WMEN VOlJ TMIS LON6, BOT IT 60T FISH F()f( COMl'LIMENT5, AWAY .. IT WAS A 8EAVTV! IT COULD TAKE Au. PAY .. I'M SORRY---YOU HAVE TO WEAR A TIE IN THIS RESTAURANT __."'-J Iii by Charles M Schulz by Ernie Bushm1ller • rY' 1 GOROO by Gus Amola "I'm not sure, bot I think he's planting aome new crabgraaa." rto,Jr etN ~ fOJl A WHILE, ~~LJ.A>-IA >MMA! ~~5 ME'TO~ LJPOIJ ~ MJWW.. r:;AT~/ DR..\BBLE NE \.OS1 Al.l 1lAlK ~ 'fir.ti., ll'fR\CI( ... I WoNQER 1r ~ P\lZA I~ ~ 1RQ~T0~1 ANN ! I'M ~E 5()\'\~ING Wf U. TU~ UP! ,, ..... ....,.. .... Wiit ... , ··' J..UCl<:.'I FORVOIJR ARTE/CJ ES oo, MrCHAEJ.- A/Jt.3EJ.O I ~~W~7WO LOI/~~ 11'R.EAreAJEO ev CHOLE:.5iEliDL. ! by Kevin Fagan \ilU.l., ~Ai Nt.lMetR "'"'-"___,...~ ARE WE ? by Lynn Johnston S\Sl MAN CAN ~ Lt~E &'I FOOD , ALONe l • I ; I : I I ' I • ' : ' ' . t ' I ' • i l I . 1 NIW VIEW tOWN· HOMll. 2 Ma1ter 9UI· IH. View Of OCHA I Night Ughm. O\Nt ,.,,.__ Patk•1._!>P•n •P•oe•. t1H.J.lw. Only 1~ dn. lOnt P'WI. Hal Of Pat 8auer Al'· 873-1300 ... 1 .. Extra llt~ R·2 corner lot. Seller wilt f!MnOel $211,000 .... .., ...... ....... •111-i.1• ......, Wave• oraehlng on th• rock• below. A magnlll· cent aettlng for thl1 beeutttul Cameo Sl'lofea Home. Lovely tl"oplc•I tardenl plue loll of glaa fo enjoy the vlew1. 4 bdrma., famlly rm. and tormel dining rm. 12, 900,000. A lll\'IMIHl 111 II .1 r hor Im ,.,.1 m1·n1 \ ·o ..:.•. HERITAGE IU /\• l O HS ....... 1111 2 Br. 1 Ba.+ 1 Br. 1 II. 12x1011· Ra lot. Do not dl1turb tenanta. 1828 Orang•. 8121,000. 141-8041 evee • wtcndl. 831-3820 wlldya. s Br. 1 a.. houee on larga 60x115' 3 unit lot. 438 Hetnllton. Do not dllturb tenant1. I 12',000. 848-8041 .v.. & wkndl, 831-3620 wkdyt. lfll-UTI • 3Br. 1~8a, t113,000 • 18,000 dn. Auume 8.75% owe bal 1t 14%. 1181 Rota SL 546-7044 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday. May 27, 1982 1111•.,a.J J. !ttfft.f~ .• !ftm.f~ •• ~fff.fth!l.'/ld •. A'i.t"';'!::..,, '7:;.:;;,# ... ~ ...... !!If ~,,. !!ff n.f fmi!t.. • • ••• Mff Wi 1111.11 "" •••••• nr.rr::e •••••••••• ••• • ••• T ••••• • • • •• ····--iiiii m •........... :::i. • ::.:.u:.: :.·.:= •• ff!~,.j!r........... fl!."' •... lllf I!,.,, •-. 1114 TU -.m Al.MotT 4bt w/pttvate • ---HOMll '°" MNT •• r..nm ........... r ••••• nm ••••••••••• •tldf, ~'!0..1 pet MOO Detuned No. lrvln• 2 actrm 94711 0et1ge 1 --·-,. lllllTllUI OC-"INT"'-9 790-IS14 hom•. lrg t•mlly room, chi Id 00I(, "no peta. • _,I LIYILf, LUM Ian Clemente pride of H -" HOO/mo on 1 'ff leeN. 546-2000. A,oent, no tee. t4711/mo. 2 l!lr, 1 la. 3 bdrm, 2 be, flr91>IM>e, ownenNj), Modlrn ,.._. thr" oth•rt to ohooN apll. IWM ~. petloe. r,•llo, enoloMd gar. In nl1h •WI• four unit •&ml llW from. W•'r9 thol onee to C.~•18lw owporta. Cat OK. rlp4ex UN I.II. IO&O mo. apartment hout• with Aent In Coal a M•H '1 iJ Ua/anl.W l4JI T8L Mgmt 94MI03 Avall now. ooeen, Niii i toii oour• HI WI a T e• t •d 2 o ~I ~ld. brtdtt •••••••••••••••••••••• 10. coa1t Pina BA t &48-19'1 vltlw. °'°"to~· ~nhom• VILLAOi . Aeeort-llk• 9dult traot nr ba IQ• patio 110 8TUNNIN(J laro• 1 • 3 only three Y1••ra 01 • .. ...... MU1~. 8002 IS Ir. Rc1h1 10 Plu. Pool, grdnr. Kida OK. nd gu & er .. 2 ea. garden apt. •ho•• Ilk• NI WI teller """ . """"1 eq. ft. Dlull 111 No P«t. 1471 water No fee Agt POOi & rec., ... 710 w, wtll Mlp flnanoe I Nve of puN,IWMy. G.,ae-. 551.:UNHI • 10 utll. 178-2810, 9&7-<>222 . . 11th. 81. buyer thouHnd1 of hydro-tuba In muter tt~'il .,,~""' l'li•~.lnl"'' &M-1828 ---------dollarelll WllCI price of 1ulte, dining room1, 15()().15211/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. ..., '32& 000 I• way below wooct bUmlnQ llrepllOM W11A,..._ ..... So. Cont Plau ArH. 1tlory,1hag, dr•P••. "'6u lml -· f ••NIT ~ ourrent rept1cemen1 micro-wave ov•n•. prl: 3 Bdrm at...~~ JE New 28A, 28A, Condo. petlO. frple, dlw, bMmed ········=~······· OWMrnMdeout\,06eatl ooatl PAINCIPALI ute patio• a garden,oommunl pool, Poot, t1nn11, rec. rm. oeH1ng1,garage. ...--. enttque l'tP9 hoUle. 2 Br. ONL YI Oall owner at y•rd1 ~ardener provl-rake. tennl1 prlv legH. A/C. no ,,.ta, 17110/mo. T8L Mgmt 842-1003 2 bdrm, 2 ba, (ler•g• I 81. SOX117' lot. Lal'~ (714) 842-0118. ded. ~tiegant llvtno only ltOO/mo. aat-41H or Ava II . lmm1d., dy1 1mall yard. 1550 mo ct.taotledaarll)l.tl . a••-1emfnut•ttoml'Uhlon 87M 1oo 700.1308,ewa6&2-&IM2 *p200b1r·n•P'•s .. c1;.f!~1-~0.A0 .. luH.8111·2877,1111 000. 648-104 t •VH ' ...... ,_, llllnd 1 mlnutee to 8 c """ u p M • '3 1. 1112 6 wllnda. 8314520 wtldya. Tu......, Plua' or O.C.Alrpo~t: Hr. 2.,.Ba, din rm. tam j .. ,,_.,. hnld" Carport. 752·51122 or 2t3--333.0071 -~ -Neer .................... 2 .... rm Ju1t •••t Of Newport rm, olOM to pool,. a .r;;-.-:e;.............. 841 •1400· GORGEOUS 2BR. hug• __. •-...... ~· ""' • ....... 1 ........ ni-t•nnl1. HOO mo. Call ......... I ..... M 2 bath Hoh unit with ...-. to. "' _., ... ._.. Putn.m 975-1723 -lWllL ... l m1tr 1ull1. b1tn1, ne11 .... nrepl.ce, enoloMd petlo, l'rwy. Starting at 1900. ,,.,.;.i, j101 14111 /mo. 2 Ir. 1 Ba. q>t, petlo. W/D hooi(·UP 3 bdrm• i b • • garage, t~-111. Poe. montll. 831·14311.L 2<173 2 Br. 2'A Be. Townhome, •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, laun Jry rm, n1w av all now. 1885 mo. : 1p1,/covere patio. 0Pttt1ow.Nowa1at,eoo. Orange Ave .• 1;0111 Oeerllald. 1700/mo. OCEANFRONT carpet. upper unit. Thi• kid• OK. 418-88115 9Hutlfully decorated. 8111 G rundy, Rltr, Miu. Agent493-2111. BACHELOR onewontlutl 831-9303 Aalumable loen With 8~ a7• a • ' --------dn. 1221.&00 , .. 8y ., .,...,1.,1. lllA ¥1111 UNIV PK. •P•O 38r, 2B• O/vltlw nr Balboa Pier TSL Mgmt. 842·1003 H, . ,..___ 97• "'"""' ,_ ._ .._ 4 Id .. 81 f mll twn...._ -·~C no Clean, quiet, ••cure. 1 B ... ,..,. II f111 -• """"-· ......,"'., .. ,..,,....,,._ rm" a 111y ·-·-·". • 1410yrtylncldngutll• 1 r.r.,.,.,,,1tove.c.rpet1, ..................... . MUST SELLI •••••••••••'"";'•••••• home. Quiet ., ... AV911. peta, IM, 8 edUlt no petl 873--15372 drape 1. I 3 7 5 /mo . 4 Bdr 2'h Ba condo, AIC ZERO OOWNI COSTA MESA DUPLEX lmmedtately. Many am. OR--• I IA ' · · 646-0341 al11:30PM. 2 car gar. Chlldren OK 1111.000. T09qltyconlt. nltlel. 87Mt12 BKR _ .. ,,. -If._, ---· 39•4 No pet1. Avall 8/1. 1725 Harbor Ridge ou1tom, Copper plmbng, hvy Turtlarook condo w/3 ~.~.~ •••••••• 1.~. Newer 2 br, w/garage. Alt 6PM, 688-8572 1¥'1« 0.000 aq. 11., lowelt •h•k•. bunt Ilk• 2 con-3 Br. 1 Ba. larga yard, r• deck vu of city llght1 a •••• IE Oii new P •Int. No Pet•. priced on hlll. For Info, doe 3 lrp6ca oar or .. t deo. 11183 Contlnental. mountain•. 2<100' lfvlno .,... 1445/mo. 845-6571 !WW 1 bdrm oondo. Cpt" c:ell 840-1t93; 759-00811 atr~et. s12·oK ~Hum 1750/mo. 551-5001. apace, 2 car gar w / ALL UTILITIES PAID Flreplac.. pool, pvt patio drape1, AIC, pool, Jae BllfFS flncng, 10 8% Agt 2 Br enclad garaoe car opener•. bonu1 rm. a dthWIMr X lg 1&2 Br tenn11, gar•¥:· $480 111. 942.eeeis. · · · e;•t• drapH 773 w· Comm. pool/ tenn11. Compare before you gard•n apta on El•ld~ lut a dep. 88·7833 ... Tt ltMI · · · 11200/mo Paul rent. CustomdMton IM-· ..... '.,._~ PAULAMOOEL,axcel-EASTSIOETRIPLEX2 Ilion. No petl. 856-2882 . tur•:Pool,BBQ,oov'rd fromM&0.557·2841. i -lent cond. FM llmple. By bdrm Spenleh houM plue 1526/mo. 831-48811. garage, aurrounded with 1825, 3Br 2ba, chlldren BHl••lll• j PETE ' BARRED .. REALTY Unique. 3 bedroom d•· Owner. Call ahar 5 PM 2 1-bdrm apt1. t18,000 2 Br. enclld garage, car-WOOOBAIOOE ~HOO • plu1h landeoaplng. No ok, no pell. 188 "C" E. le1ti 314' taohed condo In preatl·i ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~I fOt appt. yearly OfOAa. Seo. met• pet•, drapea. 773 w. 15110 mo. 2Br, 1 ~Ba. 2 peta. 2 tat St. Now avail. •••••••••••••••••••••• QloUIEMtaldearM.2~1: 720-0e36or842·7°"5 red.1198,0000WC. Wll1on . No pet1. lty,cloletopool,tennla, Bect\.turn. tromM05 MS.95Nor548·898! Oeluxepoolalde,xtralar- f>1th1, llreplace. Many Ab•oMety tieeutlf\11 28r, -liiiiiiiiiiftuWiil-1.3()3-887-2881 Owner 15251mo 153 t-488ll ap&. (213) 1537-8339 385 w. Wllaon 842•1971 g • 2 b r . 2 b a . b It n •, upgradaa, cu1tom 18& Greent,.. llome, no llWflll llAll · · ' YLU POllOU d1whr. 1 '~ mlle1 beach dra,,.1. plulh car,,.t1. down. 112<1,000 or IH 3 bdrm 3~ ba, LR OR 48r, 281 +lg add-on. WOOOBRIOOE·l7115 mo. Nice 1 Br. dplx. Quiet.~ Adulta. no pell. $500mo Three pat1011 Heated option. 548-8023. FR. 3000 IQ ft. Oeted ... , ml&U avail 6-1. MMe Del Mar. SBr, 281• 2 oar attach by gar. 1 per1on only AP'TS. 538-8362 1p1. geabettleuue. Selle!' 87Mt18 Prtv. Stt9et. 842-4430 831-1298 Fief. & IM req. '800 mo. gar, lrplc, AC. micro· OWK 36 emplyd. No pets. 1 & 2 Br. Buutllully -2-Br-.-1-,,.,-B-,-. 1-3-7-5-.-13-7-5 wllllng to talk and deet. lllllYELOR 750.01470f84M2811al1 wave. lncd yd, c1011 to $330. 548-1021. 1 d ~... 1 1 l1t2,000. Call PllllmHD 8·30PM pool,tennll&ape.(213) anac•~.que com-dep.gupd.n r Buch ,225 000 10% down SHOPPING Center In · · 837-8339 plex, enc garages, car-Blvd & Mec Fadden, '~a:lt~:rrous LDCIJIOI 10~% lntireat. 3 er. 3 Ocean1lde, nr. lrwy. 17, 2 Br. yard, no peta, cnlld '· ... •• BullaftM ri:~·1,~~~~ool. P•· quiet. no pet1. 893-'894 " .... 1111 nm 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 2785 Gannet Dr. Coata Miu. Prln. only. 1184,500. 714-587-1313 la. OOMn V1eW CondO In ~-~~· tfr.:· St.tZM, Od1 .M~r ~~·1 ~7·•~tllde. 155oimo. ~~•••••~•o•f~fl.. IMci J7f0 SORRY NO PETS AvaO. June 15. 2 Br. 1 Ba. JUlt Uke IMng In a pert( C ,,.,"" delill v-. -u u.,i •••••••••••••••••••• •• ex.capt you ha'tl9 day and Nawport rHt. Pool, Roaal ' .oe1 · · F« a married couple, 2 bf $400/mo & up. S200 MC. 2 adulta. 1 chlld <*. No lgh llclf't ..... 2 bdrm ..,., tennll a walk to the • 1 BHutllul MH• d•I Mar tingle famlty dweitlng, H4 U.'• lr!lllR.... depotlt. pet1. Sgl. garage, water ~'A~a.Plan 1 inTurtte beec:tl.Openhouaedalty ........ home 3 BR 2 Ba , ba. 1 garage. r...,., t780PomonaAve . pald.$475.545-2000 Rock Oi.tl Townhomea. 1--4. 27 Ima Loe Court. (2)4·plUH, 2 blka to lndlCpd, ~Incl., wtr '800/mo.1125 Temple Spanfltt Eltate LMngl 642·2015. Agent, no fee. On• of ttl• outatandlno TSL Propertlel Mild, 89ll'llh ttyte 2 br pd, 1795. 370 al1 8, TerrllQe. 4IM-0154. BHutlful park-llke 1ur---------N bch di 3B l/'!io? MO ........ _of....,_.._ 111 642-1803 twnh .... condo poten-all day wllOCS.. roundlnga. Terraced Xlnt loc. Welk to S. C. r • x . ,.....,_ .,_ ,.....,,,. ---------•Charming beach front pool. sunken gaa bbq, Pteu. NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba .. 1 Cell 536--0921 ~~~=~I a• S1UIJ ii on golf cour11 In great •..... _••a oondltlon. Only 1130.ooo .... , w/terma. Try lo dllm. Call m11ter 1ulte with fire-tlal. Garag ... 275K ••· 3 8'. 2 Ba. lrplc, dbl gar. home, 11>9Ctacular vi.w, aparkllng fountain I . Br & 1 Ba. o< Studio. In-*M45. 2 Br. Pool. patio, ~c• and 1Unken tub. SIA--w /25% dn. Prln. only. 1700/mo. 1at a tut bric* court yard entry. 4 Spacloue roomi. Sepa-elude• lrplo, elegant garage, clean. 7811 un11 loeated on two Newport BMctl addr... ~..:~g.;22~ • n k •PP r · 648-6894 831-2372. Br. 3'A Ba. lerge IMng rm rata dining .,..._ Walk·ln French window•. pool, Glencoe. 842•2834. beautllul gr .. nbelt1. at thie low prloet 2 bdrm, ---------l Chance of a 1119tlme, leaM a dining rm, bMdl room. cloaeta, home llke klteh· tennl1, whlrlpool apa, -------- $274,500. 2 bath, large1t 2 1tory NO. SAN DIEGO co. with e19tlon, new 3 Bt. 2 Iota of 1torage. F« leaM en a cabinet•. Walk to aauna. complete exltl'clae WllFFLETIU ~~~83~1~-1~298~~~~! today Patrick or Fred :;: Tenore, acrt 1531·2111 Of 831-12te -------~ TAYI,QH CO ' I .. ., .• ......u.&.D" •Yl11.1Ma a12t,500, fit-To 183. 750 at 12'1•%. Paymentl 11072 P.l.T Owner canya 2nd at 15% 3 Yfl. Sherp condo. 3 Br, 2~ba, dbl gar w/opnr, c.ntral va· cuum. Frpto, bltln QH ,.... ' 0\'9rl, d/VI, cllap, oenmk: tie counter topa. cath cell'•, 1300 IQ It. Ron Say, AQt. 911-6370 and 9V9I 154-1801. ll .... Elegent 4 ~a famlly •• IPT m. rm. The S*f9c1 plM fOt Quality vintage 38r 1'A large or 1mall lamlly, ba on ~MC. Hwd· rouno or not ao young. wood flra, French win· o• muter 1ult• on dow1, tll• kltch, much ground floot. 8aaut. pool more. 1179,000, owner and Ve<'/ l>fW•t• patloe. wlll lln1nce. Own/Agt 8aat bUy In Big Canyon. 851-0424 Vacent. See anytime. ..__ ________ , M6o4t11 " .... Beeutlful fwnlly home. 4 snam omaw With term• to match. 8Hutllully decorated Portamouth model • luahty tandacaS*f cour-tyard 1urround1 an Intl· mate pool I 1p1. Temftc financing. $450,000. Tom MIMon Of Terry Hanel. 842-8235 (A47). br, 2 be, tam. rm, S**- llng, wood fire, 1hake rool, lrplc, t11Cent appa. Freltl paint In I out New Solartan Ille ... rthtone carpet. RV acoeaa. Nloely tand1caped. AdJorn1 per11. Many extru. S..... wlll guarantee 12% •I· feet. Int. rate. 1142.800, 20% dow", t298 Lon· donderry. ~ 'Sat/Sun 1-6. 840-M3e/54M2n unit. Lovely beach re-3 unlta, Md! 2 bra 1 ba. Ba. condo. 380 W. Wll· onty. Cell Peggy Patlleon Huntington Cent•. rm, In home laundry tac. 1 & 2 Br. Discount on treat. Owner wlll con•I· xlnt cond, In dHlrabla ion. C ell 842 •2000, for appt. 7141955-2473 1 Bdrm.rum, $505 & much f'OO(e. some models. Pool, Spa. der trade. 1149,900. t:.oondldo loc. Xlnt !'Wit· 1531•5055. wlldya &-5. 2 Bdrm-tum from $605 Why rent when you can o y m . s 9 u n a . etc allat $315/mo .... Good 2 Bd ~ cNdm pet 2 Bdrm Townhouae tum. now own for onty $1000 846-0619. uaum. loan. Only 1167, 3 Br. 2.,. Ba. Quiet aree. 1800 t11 343 1c ok. from 1875 down I low monthly -------- 500. LIS Realty Avall. lmm9d. Kid• ok. +u · anyon paymente. Call lor de· lni•I 3144 1-741-911&1. 1750/mo. 875-9958 N:re, 4"-22118 N tall1. 649·3421. 3641 •••••••••••••••••••••• oc-RENTALS Leue houM: ELEGANT!; Utlll~MI Bur St. C.M. BetwHn Large new 1 Br. condo lor No Calh Downl 8 unit•. 1..Sbt"t • ......, to • ...,...,, 3 Br 2ba, ocean vu. nr MacArthur & Sunflower. leaae, near U.C.I. micro- Long Bch. Wiii keep ----beach big pvt yard LA QUINT .. HER••os• wave, lrplc, waaher/ *"CMIVS •---------ma~a Ing for you. _1_~ __ 1_4_-'opei'--n_7_4---'-Yl_1 ... __...~· .. ·-"J•......: " '"' " APT. MANAGER dryer area. 1650/mo. IJSu """·'--..... llWI 5 ""'u' ,.. __ ,.. 18211 Patkllde Ln, 1 blk .,_, ... , _. '"" (c11u) t · R:l!f''t .. IC" 7 1 HEREltlal 1bfunlt 1at. $1 OOt mo. Agt w 8.-cti blk s of .,..,~-r .... r-....,. <>VT" 0 Joanne 955-1833, 3 br. 2'A ba twnh•• In , •1 1 •·•-w/patlo +pool, S27S 494-487• Ed·!!_ • 3 1 · manage • 16 unit com-536-8720. ~ Nwpt Haf9 .,.. AaaulM -r 1# -OC-AENT 8 "".... . • .,,...... plex. Lit• malnteneance --------View .. Br 2ba homa In low Int. loan. Price 1100, AL 7 ........... 14 4 Br. 3 Ba. 219Y91, unfum. 147-1441 & bkkpg helpful. Partial CONDO UCI Twn. Ctr. 2 choice location. oner.cs ooo ...... 875-M&1 4 Bdr. 2 Ba. lonnal dining, frplc, cc.an view. 11180 rent 549-<1433 br, 1 & 'i't plue .,., ba, ,_, . ....,. . famtty rm 3 car mo J n e 15th Quiet Junlof a 1 Bra. From . vacant. $775 per mo at• great price and liii-====i!=~·I ivall. · gar~. · u · 13711. Pool, rec. rm., Laro• 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-552-94111 Ownr/-"nt terma. Catt today. 09efll" ..,.,.., -•val · 715· Rel• req d. 494-J034. 11una, encl1d~arage. houae In ~ulet complex, ...,, Sat a Sun _, 1895 Incl. gardenar. ______ ;;.__ · · 2 Bdnn, 2 bettl, den, di· 54M446 &6M221 ~ 17301 Keelaon Slater. large poo . garden 111-i,, .... J.Mt 31.f1 ~ Rk*etta I AMoc. nlng room, leroe double ' Nl!W 111..111 842-7848. tlnj: $600. 846·3381, .. , .................. . a1..U• gerage. Elect. o,,.ner. EASTSIOE 2bf, IUflMt BrHthtaklnjJ vtew1 of W .... n41 87 5949 llW,..-Y LM •111 .lm Quiet end unit. Walk to ~~:_t':,=14 tunMt from IMng rm of ••~••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 ea, patlO, carport, Moat elegant apt bldg. In the be9dl. 11118,000. llllll -dbl wide mobll• home: Furn. Laguna Beach lu· no pett. $4SO/mo. Laguna Beach. finest i~ ~no~ 1 llr ....... mtr. ~ '111' LIT 3 BR. 2 ba. stow a D/W, 2 28' 21>e. trptc, pVt deck x.ury atudlo, ape. satellite S48-8875. =tlon ~o:'~~9Ttti· ..., condoa. t.niile, ._.._nH c • r g a 1 r . • 8 o o mo. w/1unken hot tub, pvt TV 11una. maid 9ll'vlce ng · -na, pooea. IPll. aaunaa, Lo-7 Panora ml<' view on 848-3&e parking. Avall lmmed. ph'onea. 1115/week'. Beautllul 2 Br. 1 Ba. In he et e d p o o I . ~~~;l=~~~: '' .... ;:c7rfc0~.:n~)'P:1::,: EASTSIOE. Br pool S1800yr-f'OYnd. <ltt-2227. =~-=~~~ ~~:.~g~~~r.8·~~v:'~~. Su z e e M 111 er, a 0 t local.Ion. (>..er '800.000 home; w/frplc. Pool I ~et1 Re9lty • ....,, 1fMj J1fl attached garage, large 330 Cllff Or. 4....aoa3. 59-9400 Harbor Ridge Condo. ol-.mable flnanl::Ula. gardener Incl. 1850. ..·.;;r.;;.............. private yard. 2080 Santa Kenalngton. 4BR, 4t>e. 3 S.tt avaUable lot on &46-4380 Agt. No. end, cNrm1ng 2 Br 2 11A01 utrW Ana St. "B"'. $625/mo. i,, .... BiU1 31$0 car gar $515 ,000, Rldce St,350,000. B llb d /di 1 1at. lut & MC. required. ••'•"•••••••••••••••• ~ 38r 1ba 1ngl lam 1550 a, rary. en n ng, A11allable now. 1300 Avall. 8 _18. By Appt. New Condo; 2 Br. 1 Ba. (714) 790-1900 11t a tut. WHl1tde frplc, deck, ooean a hlfl-w••k up. Agent / '1 td -w-n.. -·-842-8142"' 641-06110art aide""'· walk to town a 8754170 1157-0701, 50-5132 • c. re r ge, w · range -1 rrww -8 ~ Refl ,._,. bea<:h. magic garden wt · wllnd• 1 evea C/O: no pets_ U50/mo W......... I 38'homl,1189,000. "T-. ....,. gardener. YrlK·· Avall. ir-........e SllTE . 833-3518 .. A.................. Vk: Juhlnakl BrOI<-E 1ld1 1 Bd ti / 2" 1 10 01 ~llW5 1Br Duplex, bltn•. garage,•---------BLUE RI ... ,,.... ' -· r co aga. "· m 0 · Bi:faront tower NCUrlty no """''"• ••""mo. 2231 Iii~ ... •·-·L 'Ill .._.. 752-6111 84542911 .. , .. ··'-: .............. , cloae to 1hop1, adul111. •<>7 ""15 ..... -.....,., ., -·• •, SPECIAL ,.1 -. _. -~ b 1g. One Bdrm condo. Orange. 4113-0676 • ••• •••••• •••• ••••••• 3 bdnn,2 .__.~ ...... -·· &-l •~.... 1_._ M151aeo.857-20<IO -.. -.--11-,,---.-.-1 11ooo/moonyearly NOFEEIApt.&Condo ......., "'"" -· ••-_, .._ ...,. ....• J~I ••II b··•-2 Br. H'iba, lrplc, d/w, pvt rentals. VIiia Rentals. In wood a gleea. Ocean V.....,..., Walk to-ter. •••••••••••••••••••••• Spactou1, clean, quiet 3 •• , • ...-••• 1'.':';';........ -· ti t view, bHmed celllng1, 1 Br. 1 Ba.Oto 10% PALM SPRINGS luxul'y 2 br, 2 ba. Nr SC Plaza. Luxury home. Ocean vu. .I.I.,_.., pa 0 • gar, no P• 1· 675-4912 Broiler. huge atone frptc. LOO•· down or trade. Call for Br. 2 IL Condo, tennla, $850/mo. 557-7978 1undeck, 1800 1/f, 3Br llllflf&rr' S525tmo. 543-5478 PARK NEWPORT ted high aboYe Laguna'• detall•. g98·1122 2 . poola, end r.';"' etc. 381 28a frplc nr 2ba, lam rm, 2 frplc1. llM1ll Specloua 2 Br. 1Ba.1425. APARTMENTS Rlv1era coa1tllne. I 1115, Owner/ Brotc•. Co-OWner artner Int• k, 1 • . • ~7•· 11200/mo. 4116-1186 or ~ Br. 1 ·~ Ba. S 4 7 5 . 000. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil reel avall, IA4% lntereat, Pll, re1a req. 15;r5 mo. Je9nnlne, 7141494-11n . L1u11dry lac .. pool. MISSION REALTY 11 3 yr term, at apprallNd 848-3588 dya. 846-8645, Summer 3 mo9., very •t· 548-9~ 4N-0731 IUILY D II value. Xlnl opportunity. 842--4762 .,... llJnlM Yl-'1 JU1 tractive condo, 2 Br 2 Ba. , COUNTRY CLUB LIVING •llNIT ll9llTS IN v Es T & EN J 0 y . II • nn ........... ·1:.......... lrplc, comm. pool, away 1325 mo. 28 1 Br trlr In .. Timi Ext .... 7141494-5410 ,.,. 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath Condo. from crowdl but dOM In cleen quiet adlt pel1c. 140 BEST EASTSIDE BUY en.iv. 1-1 remodel •••••••••••••••••••••• A/C, w/w carpet1, mo-to ~ng. 11200/mo. Cabrlllo #2. 673-7787 3 Trad• In your home on l•lt no 1tud unturned .• ,_, -·-"··~· a Tm IAIY• dern appllance•. 2 car 875-1051, 54&.e889 'f/: Macnab -Irvine IN NEWPORT BEACH A deluxe community on the Back Bay. Club hou- se & epa; 7 pools: 8 ten- nis courts; cloae to busl. neu & Shopping. Br 2 Ba condo, only this new a.tom <I Bdrm New tradltlonal oak ,,. • ..,.,_,UYu 2 b 2 b 1 1 1 BR up1talr1. Pool. gae 1115,000, dbl car o•· 3 ba home· VIEWS. planked 11oor1, roof, OttuniJ• 1411 ~. ~~;;::, =~P,:!.~~·:,: 1350 mo. Smell furn . pd, no pet•. ret. req. 147 :· It; ywda, lllMlft9d 1475.000. wtrea, plumbing, mut• •••••••••••~••••••••• epa a tennll courta. 1 car In beauttfUI Mlaalon Vie-b1ch. (River Ave). Rall FI owe r . S 3 3 5 I mo. trp1ca~C,:1y~:,:= L..-"'-' U aulte, kttcn.n, etc, etc. ~.=-:-m.~: garage. Wiii conalder Jo. 1825 FIL plu• 1100 ~:.~~18: .. · Utll pd .1_64_54_1_8_1 _____ 1 may be purctlued roa. 411-1111 ::::, t~1:,:•:~1~ Auume uooo loan. P9lL '825month+le25 dMn. lle2.07~ Evee. 2Br. 1Ba, carport. 980 • ..... , thll' •duplex. Only 10% iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil home 1 rare "·one of 1 4ff.5648 aaourtty depoelt. • • N1w luxury condo, furn. West 17th St. $400 mo. PAYml'I dWn. Ask for Bob, Mon· _ .. , •ay kind" ..... , ........... th an . u .. 1111, Uf.1411 •--' ..... "'" aeourtty, 2 Br. Bey view. 55M718 Unfuml1hed atudloa, 1 & 2 br. apartment•. town- houses $540-$1000 Fri 9·5 850-8778. Ev.el - -· .,., •"""''" i..J lit.If .. -..................... Walk bch, pool ap• 1---------1 ~-:Xe:!: C:: = wtmda ~ AWAAD WINNER aaeumable 1at TO. , ... ,.. J,al1-JU4 BACK BAY Condo, adlt. 11025.1120o/mo'. Wkly MESA VERDE 2 br, 1 ba, 1---------Oceen v1ew9. 3 bdrm, 4 .... 1211 11'~ ,,,. •••••••••••:tt'"4'o••••• onented, 3 br « 2 I den, rat• 526-7"°5 gar. Included. Wkdys. *Several 1tudloa & 1 bdrm. ur>lta are fumlahed with fine de1lgn1r lurnl· ture & aooeaaorlea. Move In today or re11rve fo r aummer monthl. Smartly furnl1hed model• open dally. mM 11 •1t!·f.1•tMat, '!!!.1on!~ BEST BUY IN C.M. ba, kit w/conwnlencea, M.llB ~~~·~-.·K• ..!:!:1n"•:,= HOME FOR AENT 2 ba, bltn1, frlge, W/O, . . pl1. call: 759-4229 -..... ...... -.. $4800 TOTAL DOWN tem. rm, 1ge garden, ~ ..._. .. -..._,T """'-3 Bdrm. f750 Fenced lrpl, d nw decor,. poola Yaarly. WMt Newport. 2 geregea I prtvate oour· AbeOIUtely beautlful lrg 2 tto. fOrmlll din. rm, lge llY. , • • Hawaii condo for '"" yard a garag• Kid• a a patio. 1950 mo. 11t, 8'. 1 Ba. Walk to ocean & Loe 3 br · 2'h ba unit In tyerd. Only S114."'50. Br 2'A ba, frplc, 2 car rm. Quiet cul·d•·HO. ~ on 3 br home, So. pets welcome. 5'5-2000. laat I tee. 842·1155 tennla. 1800/mo. <l·plex. 1178 MIS1lon Dr. 2870 San Mlguel Or, _,_ Vldtedoelllngl, 1812000 .. __'...__....'._ Orange Co. araa. (213) -"-t no fee 568-<4308 842-7005 S550 /mo . N o pell. Newport Beach. --..--. 1 are lrg • • -1 owner. 43&-5823 ._., · New oceanfront 3 Br. fa· ' · 557-2333..,.. & wllnd• 759-1501«102·7373. rr.:·,':::.~i' !!nt1 873-4411 •·-•· •--1-• •u.i..,,.,,N mlly rm. 2 ftplo., )'Mtfy. 1 BR • pool. block to 2 Br 1'Lb bltl t I -· --•-•1 u.,.. $2600/rnd. 845-0778. ocean. Sl'.'t adlt prel'd. ""' •· na, cp 1 "-Jambor ..,.. t only t1038. 85 -9778, •••••••••••••••••••••• _.t.11 •·--L H•• ........ drp1 poo~ar $550 -'" 89 nu. a S.t/sun/Mon12·5 yatWAM/-•••••••••••••••••••••• -• ...., ......... ,n-.. .. ~3 ... 2 ~yrty. 2·5002 ..... 2• ..... • .,.;,. · SanJoequlnHlll1Rd. Al. -· •••••••••••••••••••••• ._.,..,. ...... ........... .... --~. -1 644 1900 1531-3-405 Condo • 3 br, 1'A ba 2 ...... t.nhW ~TALS Ba. femlly rm. 11150/mo. _.____ *2 Bt. 1 Ba. Newly relur-- 8 CUSTOM TOWN· 1ty, 2 car gar. Nr. 8.C. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·5bf 1 '200 to $2000 PurchaH option avall . ..,.._,, blahed. 14115 /mo. No Quiet, 2 Bdr 1 Ba, garage, HOMES Pleia, 1104,000. By OW· C.U. '-J IW IJll 760-3314 og=n 7-daYt e44.ell77. 118/mnlJW pett. ~1174. patio. pool. No pela. 1kMer g!Ylll lo doWn & ner. 546-04g7 •0 •••••••••u•••••••• -• ltWllll 1w 00••0 ••0 •0 ••00•••n S500 1801H 15th SI N t 10 payment• on th•H -.. = .L...:.::.:.:.:=::... ___ J---:.::::::INU==::-_.=::---QUALITY S BDRM, den, ... ., ....... _ ThrM bdrm, 1et4 Port ,,,_ S300 mo. 28r. llv rm. kit· Hgta.' 842-7340 · P e1eOM1 & drematlc 2 I 3 -,_, uw gardener. Irv Terrace for ....-•-ltaJu.i. ,,,, Chen, bath, bltn1. cpt1. ~ Walker 6 Lee ldr floorplant. ~aaa!Ve • •••••""" •• If IWlllf lee. 873-3100 ..,..., llfJ :=in,~ Bctt. •••••••••••••••••••••• drpa, quiet adlt UVlng, no 2 Br. t 'A Ba, TownhOUM -atone lrplc, 18' vaulted Clean 2 Ir. 1 Ba. new •••••••••••••••••••••• mo. A. · aimer 4BR 2BA. Y"''Y .f'rplc pet1. Call alt 3PM for 1tyle. Adult• gr•'·· no '"H~ V1Ew HILLS cefflnga, Fr. doort, yard ... .... .... '° .... cwptlt. lrg lot, !'!!r.!!.~ .. !{ff L:n~H!r::r"'i;!~ t 213--428-7301 bblt.in.,. pU.1ng. __ Cio.B kto "!JC)l 94&-0835. ~~2. s 4 0 I m 0 . Unique Clllfden Ml1lna II I geraoea. Loc:ai.d on a EITl111 ldrlt.,.. 111,000 down, .ca...._ ft boet lllp· ~ Spectacular OcHn/ bay ay ocu~d r r I.IL IDTAU your tnYlt1tlon to thf1 4 ~quiet tfM.lned 4 M •UL •• 1750/mo. 7141994-1402 •511H511 view. Newly decorated. w. •bf, 2\+ ba. OR, fam. 87M912 2 81 1.,. Ba 1525 2 Br 2ba, condo, pool, Bdrm. home with 1n at. t50-tT78, S.V Sun/ , an -. aft 8. Former model: 3Br 2'A 11100 mo. 3881 Aruba rm, •1-eant. 12150 mo. 2 Br 2ba, garage, cptt/ 1 81 1 Be $500 lrplc. W11tcllff. 1860, =:r'en~:n!:: Mon12-554M210 BETTERTHAN -a.~•··'ll•·tt ba,ooHnvu.Oated Cir. Jonathan LM.Gardlner.CdM. drp1,bltln1.l880tyrly. Bothhavegarag11a Ma11corJ~875-1771 BIT ....... HAS ~HING VJ--,. comm. Many, many •X· 213-461-43e7. 24 Iv 75e.oe92 844-8128 84&-2848, 541-g3<11 petloe. Call Jim 831-7970 2 Br w/lolt, lg• kitchen, :rt':t~~i:n~n1. On thll upgt11d•d 48r CU14Hec 1trMt ;r;Mi;•m;;;;•••••••• ~It Rletcett. & AllOC bfta, ,,,. 3 8'. 2 Ba. apllt _..,NB OCEAN BAY VIEW .,._ 1 II pvt patio, 2~ ba, ou. tcae,000. home. Seller •Ill oerry Sun & Seit 11 Ctub ft 1111 lllO U1 ... H · 3•.;;";"e;••••••••••••• c:~~.~· 1v~~r l~~~J;~ 2 Br. 1Ba.pet1o,11ow & Swimming pool, carpe· 1850 mo. 840-5324· IJ..,IOOlt t1()~1:I t 100,000 at 12% or 20 min. to .. !!. ............ :.... Noftt,..-.A.£Jleo211~ ~7851mo. l!lkr 94&-13S2. refrlge. Adult, no pet1. tad, drepH, c lean 6 Waetcllff 1200 eq. n. 2 Br. ,... A.I. T.O. at 12%. Don't Naiwpor1 Cenl« ~ e .. ch De Anze .....,.,..., Of')',....,, 1890 yrly tnctdng ut111. btlght atove/oven a 2 Ba . Ir pie, po o I. Am!i.ora.-175-eOdi> mlel tNI one! t1'6,000. ta10,000w1tt11100.000 bayfront Park. Mint ...... lalumhW xtra lrg fem. room. No BIG CANYON Comfort•· 878-1372. _ dlap. ;34o. 548•4827 1875/mo. 848-5881, iiiiiliiliil Cll t1to6371> et 12% fixed rate I oond. '78 dbl Wide, fir• ...................... pate..._ Gardener I ble, 1pactou1 Deen• 2 1t~. ~-• •u .... 731.eeat Alt ' 840-7814, MG-4522. ... •• II My.,......., p1eoe brick tlo ....,., 1111 water paid. '900/mo. 8'. 2 ea. fam. rm. GUiid --_ _ _ · • No polntl « ~ sse.ioo. Af:'o i br .. a •• .... • • ........ M&-2000. AQlltt, no fee. g•t•d. I 1175"mo ....................... 2Br, 18a, ,,.110, garage, 11111111 • ... Only 112'.000 tor 11'11• 11~1 · -ba., ~..,.,corner -• • •u... _ILi l40ol&82 2 Bd. den, f~, •t..,e to HOO mo. 50-8204, All u1'111tlH paid. '575 cl8'ti0 home. Lro 1 ar OWMr/Ae!nf lot 931000 Biii 0 d ww _ 2 ...... ~,, ee-J: ,..,. .............. beleh. t10 Olmo. Dar-873--1481 yearly. Ken w/load• of m111oaany ~~~~~-~~~!IJ~~·i.g·:·.::::"':":YI LU11ury wfl m .. t., .ut. ..,. .. -~·-r9I Pllh, O#rrr/Afat, Rel 11444494 molding. ftHturea In· •--------1-:: 17M1e1. tee, den and petlo, ""*" 2 bf, 2i.. be tr 1-5tlf"• $200 '° $2000 Mu 7S•1n1 Trl-plex t>Mut 2Br, 1B1.1 _______ _ olUde.wine oelar & trpto. ... WllYI llllP .... -N9wpof18'ecll o. Al)U ttlnH>Ut. t12001mo. s llr, 2 be t1400 tum 750-3314 °'*' 7-dl)ll 28r, den, encl gerege, !:~¥.it'"' yd,:."'~ OCEAN FAONT DUPUiX O•t1er Wiii tlnenoe. YI mall 4 Id IO ft\'t aood loefll b1yfront P1)'k. Mint : ~· ~bebe U0::: Prtvate 2 Br. 2 141. Com· pdo1 X1nt loo. AVllll ~ mo. 1,t l ~t + ,100 1 Bf. 1 Ba. ~· vt8. ISt.7110 • ll1llldbM tlNlnclne onlhle &(Id 'owe:, •• lend. oond.'71 dbl Wide, in-"".,.... s 11r', 2 be t1H I............ ~1'mo.'Y pool, tennla. a. '875 mo. 413-94'9 MC. Fat llA>t. 9424787 $550 'f'Ml1Y. 8 &o0581. tmmu 38r llome w / U71 000. Patrlok or piece, brick pat101 .. ,. Moblle 28r t700 -.._ -UNIT -.a ~ PfUo, fam rm, ,rM Ttn~. 111·2111 000. Al•o·2 br., "bl.. NptHta lier peOf l1MO PAOHRTY HOU8i 1 Bdrm, frpto, clot• to LO tit 11• frplc petlo ~ ThlN'• men. °' A1·t• double wjde, corner lot Zr Mt41SO 142.1010 bMotl, am! petlO. '528. •no! O.raoe nr Fectco' 2 Br· 1 ea. ntoe r•rct, 97.,_.1,t . ~·9400to•1000wtt. ll lllr2"'a.,fl'pto,OIW,lrV 981-0170 . _940-_7_1_14_. ___ _ t111.IOO. Cllt7fl.Q10 U~1..000. em orundy aurnmer,__...,..... s Dye 770-3135, ev .. tu.I mo 11; .. ;30 • gerege. UH mo. ewti _,. ·wet«fron\..,.,""' 1 'll.f'.a.~ ~~l:.'~· e.m ._ m4 1a•=-:eo'mo1':6 uoo 8wltlM a er. trOlo. • • Wida, tld~I. terp,lot • 111'-1• I' . "'' ...... ::m ........... W 11th. ai.:.t:o1 lrg brick patio. ~ ,_ _ ._, .,,.-.. Walk to bcl\, 11r1 1B1, 1a1a111. · •1010/mo. Advlt• • .... ,,.,._ IM . t~ low*"· Uf,890. &8600 MW cw."'° /rti '680 Newly decor. GH fld, ~~mo. 1 ~ _e_76-8Mt _____ _ ~~ ••• ..-.. • ._at;._ llPll : -M7._....i ; • ~}J~t!....... ;;, .Ju·• · 10 btwn encl oer. ctw111r, pool. cellina fr~ oaraoe t Bt. S$rd. at oenoe,,.. TR \IWl 10\ \I. t~J \I I) .':r'~~.,,! --.!!!ft.-. l!fl ~1;==· .:-;,;,''°/:::. Moblle&HJ:: .• • 1 i~, 1 •·•.to.· Y""f· Av61t. now . .._""C..,""'··lgylft ::/.itdulta, no pet1. ~·rm AW.. Jwlil. • frlfe· No~ 9450/mo ·-----..-.. Ddo Mn lft9. ""''~ .,.; ""'... 11. ~... ~1-~,.,· .. !'-'.. • Momt. Co. -··-••• • ............. ....,. • .__ -to L~1•. t10,01t • "dy 1.0.1tn · ... -msrm m 1811 No --~ . Hl&.MIMAN MODEL., owner.·~-' .......,. . o-..IM.11-• ..... 0••t1l•ld, s ''· 2 ••• Prof. d9o0f'•ted lemur ••111mo.1ar.114 ... ter.~:.== v...-.tbt,tM,ftplc, • .Amt-lllf . .au~ooo r.,-: rm. t,_. """: ft!i!l ~ I 'J.1# mrn;w!Jf .. -::::: r:n,.~ 2 •I:'' "°"'•· ear a" eaa. ttml fOIOllt IM-. 11 bUllt• 2 "· t ... = '4tl =o:::.eu:1• M'TI. •I.-............. A.-Joet>•o yarct"wltll 'dlltl:,e.UI~ ..... iM~ .... ~~NfnOCI~ ..-1..,!f; 8) ~~ =~~~= ~r:·,~tmt . Co. 2ir,t••J.1..H~d 1J.11 1'i';:ri•M c:t:~.::= 000•....:.1• ·~~~~tot.Mt: •• :.f.mt•rn1"rv1ne i.,.., .• b .. 1-twntim, .... .....,,DOOi -· .. '"'* N\~._,,.-Hieo. • ,.,.... U«tt tt.oi11e wtt• , • .,w.od CWia09tORD ••Y ., ... a.L.O. o~. lf•ri. tUOQ/mo, ....,e£iPool t.: Mtwlo~etohrt ,......,... 14a-1tol .,.,_.,or ltl·Hl4 11~.it ~.,.. 1trepft. nice a..wi. • .,,., ... .-. =:only 14,t°'. 9.n llt-1'11. 14~ '*' Jlo. CW.. ,.._ **· "'M).,..... M ~-'· "' •-~ ........ t._ ___ _ · r• ,iooeliilli.,.,WDIM..,.. J•H!fl.ltot.Pon4,a 1CM._:j .. 1NI Tt1 y04lrotdeturff •Jno&.-. .-,. -~OoftdO.tMI o..\....._tM.1111. ~~-pdO.no t lldm\,1 ..._._"'°' HL.L Idle lt""t,,"!hl a ""'..,...,_ 11111·•. t471,000. wtu1d. 714-ITl·UH, '\•w ooodln with .,. h. ,...,mo.,,_ T.. Pef ok."1H•Hll or O mo.+ .. c. OM peld. No peea. A.tt. .~·~~~!PIDC~~a~~-~·~·AJJ~.,l:...~LINGO~~Pll.4::M.~llT~A~::l.:~171-1110~~~·========t: ... =·=·= ... =::=.,==·====::l~Cl~--~ltlild=~ad===.~~~~~W~en~tAdt~~Clll~~ .. ~i~-M~7~·~"°"~~--~a~1~~~11~.==:1~14~~~, ... ~==~====:E::::::::::::::::~'"'~'~''~ ..... ~;;;;~;;_ .. __ ' ' l . ' , ~ • .. -• • . . . . . .. tt.17 Per Dav ~¥la .............. ~~."""1 .. ,,,,~ ............. ~ ............ !it!¥.• ............. . ...... Lit ....... ""• flnl"'" Hr"ntfY, ILICTNCIAH !?I .. ..........,. "'O ~ff!!~ ...•••... l'EtfP.11 •••••••••••••• f.'fllft.(~~ ••••••• ~l'l!~!-!m •............. •lottnk• "9pe6r• "91. fOOf'MI. Col'nnwo6el lt:t\'t ALL 10V f lot . ~day ICI "'the MIU PUT lOOklN f1Dt 1 heme Wt-r.-..oe .. lnl epetlilltl. ltnl Jotltl-.,.~._ llt nf _, HAULln -1tud1nl 1111 wt,...._ tell..,.... Lio. 4111 1'. "•f'ldtl m1a..a.1~·· .03 'd, qiJ'ellly work It 101 truok. Lowt•I rate. 1. fare•l•r.1. "'or Pr•ct ?~tltO rue. r etH. M•lf'll. & "'°"'Cn Cd 71 .. 1111. UlllL M.1m&Tm "r•pleoH • Plenlen • llQ'e • '•tloe l Venw. Aef°L ,, .. •l 141 048' PLAITI .. ,ATCl'flNO "••luoooe lf'llfexl 30 yre Neel 'llUI Mt-29?7 ~~ w If IOfl. .. erk "I• w --OOM---M-·LJM--.. -D--1 '--1...ltfl. l1f'ldt01plt10. NllOdM __ T __ 1c ... ~ ....... _JoM __ _ HOm!.!J.. lf'IO. If Toro ~~ ;:;rnT".u.-n......... Qf'lly, Aon'• Gardening, ,,,.0,., 11! .. VICI uw In MOUl'lty pi\11 me. tu,. lovlng Cite fOf pet/ plant• !t?f!I •.••.••........ 10'1 'LAITll"NO ALL TYPH INTl!XT ,!,~ ............... . 111·•rw v I.IC. stoteo l'Ol'MICA OOUNTl. .. 9 __ ._1 .. _._._,_64_2_-14_ee_ Houltng. yatd oleem.ip W'f NM. • Tcpe/Oeb!Mtl ref.oed Mo ecfee _. OWoll I olMn. ,,.. .. t Ceftlfled HQ4.M Slltera. (llnoe tl1'1) 8'1·123' ·AIC MOVINO- Qulok, Careful a.Moe. l'ree .. ,lmlt ... 552-o.410 l'AH HT 6-45 .. 251 La111-Pi..tet-stuooo ..... ..... , DO IT NOWI ... .., ..... v04/lf o.uy ia11o1 ..,_ Otraotory ,...,,...,.tit~ Ml .. 1'11, nt. HI ~~!!! ............. . ~. Parking Lot ... ,.. Saalooattng SlS Alc>NI as f.41g911c ALLSTATE PAVING Saalcolttng-Strlplng Repelr1 Comm IAeeid Lio #397M2 a.45-8181 Dan Hellberg Grading l Paving Co RM/Coml Uo 3117804 8-42-1720 J,,,..,,,. &.'1!!. l!!'!!tf •••••••• lll•mPoO & etearn oleln. Color llrlgllt1ner1, whl orpt1 • HJ min. blH cll Hell, !Iv/din. rm1t10: •YO room 17 50: oouoll 110; ohr 15. Quar. eltm. pet odot. Crpl repelf. 1S vr• ••r.· Do work my .. lt Re 1. 631·0101 Crpta ln111H/repelred Flood de~. Steam clng.564·1510, 1173-1568 No StNm/No ShamPoO Stain Speclallat. F111 dry Fr• •I. 839-1682 We Cate Crpt Cleanara StMm o!Mr'l l upholt. Truck mOYf'lt unit Wotk guar. 6-45-3718 EXCEL CARPET CARE Carpel, uphol, erM rug cleaning. Wont guv Fr• Ell. a.45-1771 .•....••..•........... FINE SHINE AUTO Cf•t•llCNatll DETAILING Quaran. •••••••'•••••••••••••• teed. Free PU /del Cement-Muonry-Block 642·5-4411 Wallt-Cu1t. work. Lie RM/com Rob 5.-47-2883 ~!!!~I ........... Concrete. Remov .. Old. Want to babylll tn my Replace New. Smllge E.Sldt CM. home, chlld job• Rapalra. 645-8512 over 3 pan or full time. 64&-6009 "'" c.,. ...................... ... ,,, 11.l•llH•~/ Mom/RN In my home, lim" !>•rt-time. S2.50 per hr. •••• •••••••••••••••••• CdM 8'0-7211 MARINE SERVICES Child Ce re, my home. Mechanic, Paint. v1rnl1h. Mon-Fri .. C.M. area,. THk-rub-wu. 845-9788 Exp mother 979-7365 UUll IELPll C••l1'tl111 S.a111l StMm ctean fM\01 , bllgel •••••••••••'•••••••••• & Olcke Mech & electrl· AEMODEL/AOO-ONS c al handyman work & Carpentry Llc'd. 25 875-71151 yra exp. lrwtn 548-27111 Real Estate ct.!~o!tr~":ri.f;,1 "'" .. ,, IAl-1$!11 1p~lt10 019~,..~j,~=· 67s.o&4t ltonded & tneured IMat.U,/ OhUOll l4l·H 7t lft o4 HAULINO end 10011 mo-LJ. ...... I... ll.U" 111_0 RHld/Comm. Clean·upe, vlng eludent wltll truck. LIO. SOHH. "•moctol, ••••••••••• ~........ malnt., tr•• Him. ,,.. LeWI• 1154180 • d d ' n • • c • b I n •I•. WILi ., Mt. 641-1°" (Memo) HAULINO·OMOINO 648..t&ee Ct\Nllne a l!d 1'1·7125 8HIV0'8 QAADINIHG demotttton, ot11n-up. "Tolal Y11d Oare" Conorete l tr• removal. WAY CONSTAUCTION .., ... ..., ,.,.,,,, Mo/Wkty, 551.U3a ew Quick Mf'V. 642-1'638 Atfnode4 • Actdttlonl • • • .. fA • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • Uo. 420I02 6-41-1IOO l'lePAIA l INllTALL .,., • ••••NlllJIJ .. •REMODELING* Oar9Qe drt . ..i1rdwant. •••••l'!!f•••••••••••• • •••••••••••••F••• ••••• Fr" .. 1. Reu. prioea, DMIQlllPllnt lfl0-8168 Cvpentry • Maeonry "OllN'S CL!ANINO Qual. WOl'lc. UC. $31188. Roofing • Plumbing a.Moe • I lh«oughty 831-2$40 ,,,...._,_ Drywall. Sh,goo . Tiie ci.an hoo•. 540-08&7 --------::"e"~f•••••••••••• Remodel. J.B. e..e.tm EXP. HOUSECLEANER f.~~.!~f.!!~. Bara, manttla, kit. c1bl· nell. r1l11d p1t11ttng, doora. bookcuu, re· mod. & edd-on1 )(Int refe Lie, 83o41218. 53&-2:\ee Crown moulding, entry door1, m1ntlH. book- c1H1, cedar lined clo- Mtl. Wood IOluttont 10 wood problernal 631-1528 !'!t.*!~ ••.••.••.•.••. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Rep11ra. new & old. 11 yr1 exp. Bud 552-11682 l11tlrl~.i •··•··•············•·· ELECTRICIAN-Priced TlllUll ... I L•wn·tf-..Nub lnetall General Mllntenanoo Rell1t>te, ref1. FrM HI Tr• trim-removal Aepelre & Oeooratlng Call 2-4 tire, H&.2418 Lawn c:w.-Aotoumng Oualtty.• Aly 140-61-4-4 Wiit clean your llouH or l'rM •tlmll .. 6"48..eoe5 EXPERT HANDYMAN oNlce Eleo . painting, II l<&D ~ Mein!. Carpentry • Rooltng plumbing. 548-9005 Reaid/Comm.~. Plumbing, etc. 642-8013 Joan'i CIMntng NMOI Lt Haullng. IM8-2-4e9 I KNOW-LET'S QET ED-HouN1. Apt1., Ren1tl1. LAWN CARE DIEi He un 11x anything! Offlcea Mo-1287 Comm/reald. NwpVCM 4M ·ell5ll Exp'd ·Dependable Xlnt, reliable wont. Carpentry, Cabtneu, Honeat • lntellloent OtlrlOf>I, a.try 6-46-7412 E.lectr1oal, Ptumblng, Etc. The beatll 873-76"12 eve THE GRASSHOPPER Don &e6-0 1411 Quality HOllMCleanlng Complete Lawn Main! GENERAL HANDYMAN· w/a perlOOll toucn. CM, Dominic M2-485t mHonry, carpentry, Irv. HB. Betti 850-0933 TIEii roofing, home Improve-Houeecleanlng done with m e n t • & r • p • I r • . c.te reapect perfection Topped/removed. Clean 831-7852 NB/CM Ann M5·5027 · up, lawn renov 751-3-478 MOWING -CLEAN UPS H1ullng • L1ndac;aplng Fr .. Mt. 8~2~9907 JACK OF ALL TRADES Ca.II Jack day or night *875-301-4* Swedlah girt want• 10 mike your home eperlllel High qu1llty, exper. de- pendable, honMt, lntem. B•NnH 1/Hn gent. Calf 993-7733 . ..................... --------- HOU8!81TltNO Reeo .. ptOf. IMChet, '40 yre, wlll 111 your home • garden1 pet.a. Nonemkr. lla&.a1.,1 ett. I /!!!!!'1. .~fr.!! ••••••. Aaymond J9"1ry. Mt!. 1 htl, # 11. C.M. \ICrOH ftom Ratph't). M .510& ~.~~~~~f!~t ......... . nu 11Tt111m Sod. 1pr1n1cler-& 111rubl tnetattallon Our work only took• upenelve Check our prloel before you b~ Cati Mark at u.,...,..,....., I Lie 20-4618 • 648·1M1 Renovatlng-Rototllllng Sprtnkfera-Cleen..ype Dave 842-4853 Bud 5-49-5285 !~!~!1 ............. . BRICKWORK Small job1 Newport, Cotta M .... lrvlne. Rela. 875-3175 Cu11om Brick. Stone, Block, Concrell. Stucco. Aef1. Free Ml. 5-49-114112 CUSTOM BRICKWORK I SMALL/LAROE JOBS NptlCM. Rell. 145-8512 right, rree Hllm1te on lerge Of' amell job1. Lie. 3"621. 873--0359 MOWING S10416-S20 Haul/Dumping S 15/S20 Mark 754-119041955-0095 HARDWOOD FLOORS Paclto Hooeecleanlng -.-._-, .. -.------.-........ -. Beaullfulty Cle&ned a yr• exp. XJnt ref1. r~ --_._ LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Oual. wot11-Rea1. ralM Free eat. 631-5072 Tom TOP QUALITY ELECTRICAL WORK R .... rates. 531-5055 c1111lfled Ada are the answer to a 1uccessful garage or yard setel 11·1 a better wey to tell more people I and waxed. 832--4881 Free Ml. LOl'I 798-1708 *UYI HW* ~~~!~•A ............. . DUMP JOBS & Small Moving Jobi Call MIKE 848-13111 WE DO CLEANING Block w1U1, l>flck, 11001, GOOd job, own trane Ille & concrete. Quality 631-1751 wont at reu ,.., ... Lle'd. Free Ml. 67~9027 Want Ads C•V S.2·5678 Sell 1dle nems 642-5678 PLAITfAtNO T•t~ TNf'I Wetl INT/EXT A!STUOCO Stucco 8flc* l.IC'd •a..1 llYlll* Block W~ ~112 01ry &&1..0791 T09 queltty. Speclal oate •• ..,_ ••J In haf'ldllnn. 24 yra exp. ,,, .. ,,,.. • 1 I No=.~ ~~353 a•w:•'-•••ut:1iii ·;~~~~~.:: STARVING COLLEGE *llUT I UJ* 642·ellto41615·140t dyt 8TUDfNT8 MOVINQ " I ,._,_ .... , ... CO. L.IO. T12-4·43t .~ • .,.;;;:n ... rn;;. !.'I!!}! ............. .. tntured, 841-8427 QUALITY commlrJt , 12 HO per 101d. car1d1110 a WATCH US GROWi yr1 exp Repalr/,,.mod. plenter mrx 1vefl. "" ,.,.,,. ~·'·· ::·~,~~~~~r a del. IOG8lly HMNI •••••••'I.••••••••••••. I _w_.ep-'-------r 1#1 flll Plf1T11t I POOL PROBLEMS? •• ~ ••• !f.(••••••••••••• by Atchard Sinor. Lio For quality main! & re-Moat eubjeot1, K·1' 280&"4-4 13 yrl Of happy pair, call lor free ut Oay...,....1Ummet l 10wtt toc.i cull~• ~n 408-1253 Mr Morg1111, ~5176 Thenk ~. Mt-«10 Olmll PlllTlH 25 yre exp, Lie. -4039-4 1 Booded. tne Aelt COjO! expen. 993--0911 Olck PAINTER NEEDS WORK! 30 ~ •JIP. Intl Exter. Acouatlc ce111ng1 Davie Painting M7-51ae EXTERIOR PAINTING Cu1tom work. Free Ht Reu. + fine Int. a 1111· nlng. Steve 5-47 ... 281 ,,~'}~~ •.•.•........ Farthing Int.not Deelgn HANGING $10/ROU Quality. Lio/Ina, Strip- ping. Diec:. on peper. VIN-NC Scott 845-9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 yra local up. Quar work. Price• 111rt 11 SS/roll. Alec 751-7027 r.~!!'~~!~ ....... 1 Neet patches & teX1urN FrMllt. Hl-14H ~~!~/. ..•........... Labot/Mat..,lal Rooting All typee tO yr1 exp, lie. guar Larry 8-42-8233 ROOF FIREPROOFING Mfg guet of chemleal 00 IT NOW FrM Mt Davia Painting 8-47-5188 REPAIRS S25 to $185 Free "' Call anytime, WALT 770-2125 Huber Rooflno-111 'r N--recovat-dac 1 Lie #4 11802 5-48-1173-4 ~~~~~!~!!'~"········· BUDGET RATES/Llc'd Low min. Sml job1 OK. ~.~!~~~!f ••••• "Let the Sunthtne In" Call Sunthlnt WlndoW Qeanlno, Ltd. 548 1853 ~ Monthly Oleoount *RESIDENTIAL tr Avg 1 llY $30; Avg 2 It) $-45 Chrlt 11574388 Orange Cout WtnOOwl "We IMve you With a brlghte< outlook!" Free Mtlmat• 830.e 111 CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHINQ. A .... rat ... 4 yr1 In ar ... 842-5449 For Ad Action Free fft. ln1 841-7581 htH•• Call a ··M~·bi~·~;~·~i;·· Daily Pilot Repalr/replac. Cuatom Reu, 831-8300 Ive m11g AO-VISOR MOBILE SERVICE Reacr--.1/New ec,_,, 642 5678 NB/CM only a.42-9552 -----· ---- DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. OLLARS 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (~. Estra ..._ 11.00) I !'!!1.t.!.!~!f! •••.• ~~~ !'!!'.!!..~~!~ •••• ~ ~!aJ! •• '!~'!!..~ ~~.¥.~'..!.{~ ~!.~.!.~ .... !.~ l*-.'!.~t'l. •••• l!!.! !.'.11..'!..~t'I. •••• !.{!! 1111 It U 011lgner1, ucllltec11, MIDDLE-AGED cpl. mo-*IPlllTl&I. Found: Smt Fem Beagle, Young mlfl"led man would lllllDPll ~oo 1 ft •t.1 • graphic 1rt111: Studio Ying to C1tlf. late July. •••-* 5121, La8ard IChool, HB. ttke odd job• evH & 0 1 p 1 f d .. q. ·off ce •Pict. 1p1ce avail. ahr b11l1, HoueelluntJng tht1 '#Mk. .._..._ 982-7015 wtlend1. Can do a Yetlety PP y. ro · 0 c. n •· A/C,grealpa11tlng,gre1t turn. N .B. 80t eq fl. Nd. deluu 3 br, den l815So.EICamlnoRMI, ol h1ndym1n joba. bool(keeper, cter1t typltt building. 6"42~222. home In Hun t. Bell.. Sen Clemente. -4112-7298 Found Ladle• Pocket 972•11525 evu, Hk for wlt>uto knowledge of Reelonomlc9 675-8700 Fount. Vly .. W•tmlnater Full lie. Watch. Vic. Alphe Beta, Biii. bualneH m1clllne1. De· the Comotete Orange Coast Maftcet Plilc9 EXECUTl"E SUITE Quiet office In CdM with ., ... o..He 1 yr. IN. No WELCOME BACK Culver parking tot tire & at>Hlty to teem .... IH CJ .. 1al1 311• f•llllN ll•ll/I 4160 ••t•/1 II IMn 4J00 " pYI bathroom, Approx ot\lld L 752--4500 l lCI 4227 dlyt. Middle-aged man OMlrM Mnll&I. 54S-4553 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Dover Or. Ntwport 175 aq ft. No malntenan-t ~.ri °'o"''· v. mag. IUI Cr~ poaltlon ••chauffeur, Clean, eunny 2 Br 1 be, OCEANFRONT 2 a 4 Br. MIF to lhr 2Br H.B. hou-eeecn, Avail now c.. $225/mo. Cell Lyndy Of' r. J. · Jeffenon 11 formen of Jc Penne Found Med •lie Olk She· tlouaeman, tight cook ot 11111.UPll gar, tndry, rafrlg S450. AvaJI. now. Weeltty thru ••·Pvt yard & garage. 71-41831-3651. Wkd)'I. 875-2318 714-636-1421 Fuhlo~ tiland ta balk phefd, ~IM~2;~una companion. 4118-5878 P1rt-tJme tn expanding no ~11, 4113-2710 M.lmrf*'. 873-7873. 1162-57511 Kurt OlllOI l.mntl Olc/deaK '9ll09 avail ec-Engh·-WOf'klng In New-from Veg11 and at lh• B I w '" 1100 buatnee, tllhlon related. l.t•I• .t.. 311f 1..aguna Beach t Br. llJXU() Reap F. rm mate needed, Single ofc S180 to Sl90 tlve 0 C Airport area port Beach nMC11 2 br Hair Hunter, Fe1hlon (ound:~M,11 del Mu •• ~'f..~~•••••••••••• Exper In AIR. & Payroll. •••••••••••••••••••••• aulle. kllcllen, 'A block cute apt In CM s230 mo. Economy 1100 to S120. 3 R.E. l~veat. ofc, or wlli plu• by July 1•t. Have lllan<J ~-2151 , 411518 ,..m, tort •h•ll 1 ACCOUNTING CLRK Call fOf' appt 97 &-80 73 Clean lg 2Br In 4 plelt, gar, beach, •hopping, S150 + dep. ~7 Iv name rm tulte $-425. Sec'y MN tubleue all or part of Pfof. Clacorator wife & 1 eel. 546-S3ll2 Tony Rom•'• Pteoe ClEllCIL cloH to So Cit Plaza, Fri-Mon S385 weakly & no. avell LIDO BLDG 3355 2360 1q. fl. Call Paul or ~ ~·:ni:n1:;1 SCRAM-LETS FOUND: Fem. Slleltte. vtc NewpOf1 Beach locetlon Credit union or reli ted twyAdll1pret$475mo 4~10or494-2797 --------VleLldo Ooug,752-5111. etc 1~1o'wrent ' Ad1m1&Lake,Hun1 AIP,A/R,p1yroll,dally experlence.UHoron- 559-7439 -·--F •hr beaut Back Bay 873-4158 ' ·-· llA llM-t788 ·NSWERS Bch. ll60-f928 Of'der1, amall dlverllffed tine terminal, 10-key a • ..._ --oonoo. pool, IPA. tennl1 ---------• 1i/•111 ... .., 44-" dutlel Xlnt co beneflta II I ., I k s..J ... ,, 3"4 Nr#fy decot"ated, newt) 1325 &45-5185 11~.FT •••••••••••••••••••••• Viking Rlaky Found: Parakeet. Sunday For appt pleaM call Ro-te typ ng ... u1 wor •••••••••••••••••••••• furn gated commty. 4 3.000 1q ft (10 ofllce1) Retell ator-e at 2650 Avon Y!Md. ·Potlen 23rd. Vic: Falr/nr Harbot, ger •I 2l3/39-4-75S7 well w/publlc. Full time Cute Bache tor apt nr bdrm. Tennla. r><tv bch, OHJ~ i...w avail Highly upgraded St. 1840 aq. rt. piu1 a car J,a.., DRIVE-INS CM. 54S-26-45 10 Identity entry poeltton. Hunting· tend $300/mo 1111 ciUt>etc 3mo. °'tonger •••••••••••••••••••••• wllll rich paneling & re-gerege. 641-&m. n-,.,..,,. •-• The lut llmeJ traveled LOii black female cat, Apt. Man ager Coate ton Beach City Em- lul 714/8"8-4557 Skrt wetoome. 486-4038 1817 Weatclltf, N.B. Want bric covered wall a m•n ••••• ••• ~C::;:':":;( ••• ~~ by air, I WH really dll· 8albo9 Covee 5/23. Had MHI Semi-retired cpl ployeee Credit Union ---------1 fln1nctel tn11 70001 f . Location la walking dla-.. ~ _._ YOGURT SHOP.-In the _.....,,,. led I ___. f I (50+) to manage' 18 536-6517 A,ula1•l1 f1nhh4 •-•I'·'·•• •L--_.._ t 11 floor Agent tenet to airport Excellent toe on Pac bullHI traffic beach .....,....n · net-.. 0 n-'909fll9Ufger;. 67:>--4712 unit complex Lile --------"-' -~ '' _,. T,,_ 5-41-5032 714-833-9778 Co111 Hwy. Newport --*75000. 7.,. •7oe flight movtu, they Ju11 or 936-9123. maintenance & bkkpglCOUNTER HELP-Mature ... ~~~!!! ••••••••.• •••••••••••••••••••••• Bell Ideal apace for --• • .,..,.... new tow over DRIVE-INS. Lo11 11 mo. old Cocker he 1pful Partial rent peraon, cafeteria •IY1• Roo •... TE ............ ..... bu1lne11 wanting high Amblttou1? I help people IMI I '---' SJOO Spanlel (Hawkeye) or 549-0433 c919~·b A.~~~~=:,~ .. 1500 1q fl. Jamboree publlc vlalblty. 1,000 to 11an a bullneea. No rltk, •••••••••••••••••••••• (DI rt bag). v I c . ASSEMBLERS we will poittton, 5•10 Mon-Fri, Fl.DEIS and Blyllde. Avail Imme 3 . 0 0 0 I q f I no lnYMtment. 8-48-8331 Or an g e /1 5th CM train Apply 7 AM. Mac-Set ~. 973-0838, 9--4 Fully Improved. lake 714-e-4~7100 tor appl. 673-3841. G y 11 63 New 1&2 bdrm luxury Oldeat & i.r-...,_,,.,, ,/ ... c--~.r -~~·1921ng laue. PV1 -•L ...... L•-la•I FOUND •os reg or I C II, 1 1 DATA PROCESSING Ser-apt1 In 14 plana 1 Bdrm A)! cllen .. ~..:Md'Wtt'ti ,/~ ......,.., , ,7 .,...,... !5 --••-.... " Ttrfeite SlteM Oat PleC411lll•. eo.ta MMa vie. Tech Exp. In Olgltil from $515, 2 bdrm lrom pholoe & retereoo.. ~~ ... -2 OFCS 100 11 X 45 fl In bu9)' center ~--' ,,.1,, ARE FREE No tall. LOST SAT 5122. Attendant. A.ut11 dlNbled a Wlnclle1ter dl1ke. SUWlll YlluaE $570. TownhouH from Credltl: C----'ttan "L 1q ft M . ~ at t 743 4 Beach Blvd. 9m,. "" ~ Rewerd. 6'14-2054 prof .... onal women all-Send reeume with Mlary 1840 ~ poot1, tennla, ~ • ..,.,..... ,1 ,_. .__ 9001q fl wt'IM. T09 loc. Huntington Beach. ••• •••••••'··•••••• t Ft 7"" w11erf1t11. pond al Gu OOOd MOf'nlng Amerlce. ./ '-... _ S385 87M251 2 13.,.8 4. 13 5 o4 p M , Plllm WllTU Loat: callco F eel, brn wl "soon ~-ovSuern g~·23r57' 11 8 1 1 11oryc to: 2 .,wv H•rbcor I kl & h I The Tomorrow Show. / .._ """"" • C I ti B d • at Of ..... 11 n 6-4.,.. " olle ... eea. a. or coo ng eel ng * • ..., 011 • 10 all new •EWPllT IUOI 2t3-38-4-0638 AMF. G .• 23,000 required. Part-a .· ye OW, aywoo ... p11. 92828 p1ld. From San Diego Doan ner with revolutionary N.B. 6-44-7009 Automotive -------- Fr wy drive Nortll on c1•= need• pleoe. lftltt..... new concrete fencing 142-1111 Loil: 5123 . Grey Cet, Et Gltllll DENTAL ASSISTANT Beach to McFadden 10 ., .. ,.._, 141-11H ,,_UN C..U.im•I machine looktng to .. 11 Toro/Trebuco area. Ana IHH llmLY Evee & Sat. Mooem new Seawtnd VIiiage Pluah, newly-decorated. lul•/1 4411 multl-mllllon dollar to Kolol'le. 770-a45-4 ShOuldn't S1t11ty Yoo lemlly precttce In C.M. (714)8113-5198 BAYFRONT· Female lor Prof_ ahr 3er hM, Lag Hta. Intimate atmoaphere •••••••••••••••••••••• merket. Flrtt time In Found: Pomeranian mix, We would expect you'd Brighi, enthutlattlc per-.... 4M Balboa !eland 3 Br. 2 Ba. $235tmo plul '/\ utll 130-284 eq II. In lovely lfflOl N 19 USA. Mr. Buck• SSS brn fem. Shepherd mix, Found: M mixed Terrier, want to earn morel IOl'I w1th mature attitude. •••••!•••••••••••••••• S36Stmo +'hutlla. Empl. no emk gardentypebldg.Aent tnnewerbtdgonC0111 631·5e63 blk&t1nm1te;C1lrn gray;MDot>lepuppy,blll MOOO,S5000+ C&llEmlly,545-5685. Furn prtv room end beth Bryan 87 3-1368 or 831-1196pm fncl. rK9Ptlonlll, phone Hwy, South Laguna.~ • I LNa mJ Terrier fem. Auatrallan & ten. M mixed Shep · Thefa'rreally no llmll lor Oryeteantng. Experienced Refrlg. S285 850-1324 Roommate to lhafe beeu 1ntw911ng, c:opl9f etc. prox. 5001q. 11. Excellent •• ~!T..~••••••••••••• Shepherd Tri male; Lab ten & wht; M mtxed Ter-the h ighly qualllled, per1on for pant• pre•- 873· 75.-44 i-Reep--ma.le--38-.....Mek--l -h-M-or 4 bdrm, 3 be Mn home EXECUtlVE private parking behind 2nd TO' a-compel. r1te1, Mix b4k & wilt tem. New-r I er' b r n • w /ID ' F embllloue. knowledge•· llng &'counter WOft. San I I h N I 8 .. In Minton Vie~. S225 CONNECTION bldg $525 mo. Turner 120.000-$100.,COOO fully port e..ch Animal SI*-Shep./Lab mix, blk; F ble automotive protea-Clemente 408-3336 2 rm• $205/mo ea Dep •P o • r _ wp c... ,.... 800 t 8o44-.3f5e Newfoondland mtx. blk & S55. Reap emp peraon. Ha v • furn Jun• t ~51tl&fPM • utll. 7-1 ~:.~l1• 330 ANoc. -4M-11n amortl. Other 2nd'• to St er. wilt; F longllelred gray llonat. Earn xtra Income. part· avall. 5120 6-45-8838 Of 842-6-456 • ......_ Fii UAll mlltlon. Prln. only. BrWlt. Found Blk/whl, med llze cit, Tabby. Newport we need one talented 1tme, full-time. Call 848-3872 520 1q. fl. $1.00 per aq. N9Wty remodeled N9wpOf't 300 eq 11 Foot traffic 9e3-2611• egt '°' $clanlel, vtc Attenta, HB. Beach Anlmat Sheller. lndlvldual IUCh 11 your-953-4148 all ePM WllU,, It., 3975 Birch .NB. Penln1ul1, 300 1q fl. 2 Ontwn I~............ . llWllY IAYlllS 538-2703 •fl 4. 126 M••• Dr .. c M Hit plu• 3 good ..... Chrl1ll1n home, kit prlv, Ill II S300 .._ .. .,........... 8'4-l656 amen EXECUTIVE Seek ing quiet mile, •lralghl. nr Lg 3 bdrm, 3 be. condo. Agent 541-5032 ° ce •u •· I mo. ..,,,.,... fnll Found. Fem. & M. black We're not tining atlll ., ambitious cpl. to uellt In bell S275+ utll Laguna Ma tr bdrm, own bath. Newer bldg, downtown Ava II June 1 Mark Slore, t>uty, frontage, 20 x ..__... ~ L'A•S L.ab9 2 moe old Tustin Found: vg white 1h1g F, we're movtngt II you expanelon & m~mt. of M/F $350 720-1917 873-e806. 80'. UOO/mo. 2330 --. ~ 547-3503 • • ' Bell. 4K-22MI mo HB. 3 office• now 1vall Newport Blvd. Coate •••••••••••••••••••••• no t1g1, owner Identify know you can CU1 It. call am bu11ne11. /time. Rm, kl1. prjv .. c M Chrle-2Br df'x to ahr wlfem, et 70c 1q.fl. 4111, 424 & M m W&Tll M .... 875-na&. U . UmD Found 5120112. nr Von'1 co 11 a r • LI g · NI g me tor an appointment _Ma __ ~_ll9_5 ____ _ ~;~o"~~~·s~~~·:;i:~ :;;_..4:eo~"a6;~r u111. 235 eq.tt. 893-1351 ~~,:~t:~:/~~ .. , IM•1ttW b•u/4$11 ~tn~t':'2oo ~~85~~=· Je-.~:~-S3SO ~ac~ IUWL-lffm 84e-3872 execuplan p1rlloned 1ub-ofc1 lg •••••••••••••••••••••• T~ "~9 ""~ ··M·H .... '"energy peraon for Lg Condo to ltlr. view or trl WOf'k ~ lg N.B. 3975 Birch. 5eoo 1q. ' nc. 1... Found: Germ. ~I Hu.-... ,.................. -• real paced office envt- Bellutlful large bdrm with I h. 8. ck e. y . b t fl "A NEW CONCEPT" ~cpl rm ~:don• I~ fl. or leU. MIA zone. Robt. Siltier NH/CM ky F, "1t Wlblk mrkg•. Automotlw l"OMl«ll. Gen'I ofc .... prtvba.l~lkltchenprt-Greenbelt, pool. Fu"~ ........ 1-·•tom decorit1on.11 ...... beeut AQentS-41-5032. R.E.Broker BdReeltOf'I Bu1hard / Binning. 1:.....13 & Viick1''s IUftUll accurecyandfollowupa I I u 557 7883 or 6-40-8339 "-·-..._ ,~. · 842-2111 545-0811 988-4397 LllU M YI ege nr ch n nunl· • off1oe 7 deak tpeoe. In ap~earanc•. In toe. S775 up. 2180 ft . lndu-IECIUIO muet. uat have excel. ~~0,!581~3. So4p•~ mo. Fam. non-1mkr, to 1hr Nr. o .c. Airport pre11 ge bldg. Newport 111111-omoe. 18061,.. For_,Mle1 : S,!.~0002 3rd TO, Foond May 22nd. Female 1!!,1!111~ with G M experience t8ele1 phone perionalltty . ....,.n •11 .., very nice C.M. 2Br/2B• 759~1178 Arch•• Marini Bldg. dondo Circle #E Hunt-luo nl."""" vr-. 30% Cockapoo. Vic. MeH & -•• ._. · • • ary commeneura • .,'l. Mlllll ~IOO 'fc'· Pool, tennt1, gym, 842~ l""'<>n. e-:ti. 842-21134. dlec. 840-7616 lrvtne. 557-2674. OUTCALL 24 HRS. Top P•Y acate and ex-W/exflll'. Call 751~191 ,., , --& -· .... cellent benefit•. Imme-__ ;.... _____ _ ••••••'••••••••••••••• • c. 1325 mo. + •n ulll. -• ~ Ill G21l dlate opening! see S.r-HAIRSTYLIST dealred fOf IUWI RTn D. b b I• 5 5 6 . 4 6 7 I ' 1 & 2 room offtcea from NOTICE OF -vice Manager Gary Hut-buay Balboa 1111nd ... Wkly rental• now 1vall.1-5_•0-_M_54 ______ , S205. Utll. Included. NOTICE OF NII In '*'°"· ton. 673--4013 S105 & up. Color TV. M/F to lhf tuxury, ruttlc 3 Rellonomlca 97M 700 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING IUllY lllllTS A. IUUll Plll11M •••....,...,.. PhonH In room. 2274 br. 2 be H.B. furn. twnh-*an.,,1--..••• ~103 an. 8pm •-..a..-.• ......, at F-•-...... ,, ... , Newport Blvd. CM. M , 8-:h & Adema vie. ,,, ._.1 raoom..-to,.._ 3 room• --..-. -We ere loolclng for expf'd 648·7 ... 5 Dy I 9 7 5. 7 187 •ft. rrom . City of Huntington 8Mch Cltv of Hunttnnton hech * • * °"" .... prof ... lonel hair 1tyll1t1 3:30pm; ev1 536-04110 = ~~~~r:ii:dr·:i~ USE OF Ol!Nl!RAL REVENUE Flacat v .. r.1912-13 ............ ,. Au10 Salee to loin oor ataft. Muet be 1 ... u li•l•I• 4100 111 5pm. porter Inn. 2112 Dupont. SHARING FUNDS AS PART OF M let ta d °'*1 2• hr1 •day UW POUi ~qualified and IDie ... ···uifiiii ...... _N_w_p_I '-B-c-h.-R-.-,-1.-b-le_M_/_F1 Celt AM. 833-3223 FISCAL YEAR 1812-83 un P• u get 7 da)lll • week Exeelnenl 09PC>rtunity for ~:c:I~~~. ~:: c~m.po~ 4 bdrm 4 batll undy over 35 lhr 2 br. 2 be MUNICIPAL BUDGl!T 611 Oorgeou1 girt• to experienced OM & Su-guar. ealary. b••ch.' pier ,· 11011. epl Bellul. loc. PooliJ:g· e•YfRONT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thll • publle g~.~~·. ~.=· uJ•::.:.,z, z .. 1. betU ..... peraon Many 8amPIC)n I Delllah tennla gym. xtr• " hearing wflf be held by the City Councll of ""'v•-"" -South Co ~~~_?!,f~r~~Y~\8~111 $100 Mc. 541--0tOa ' Prime offtoe. 873-1003 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public the City of Huntington BHch, tn Ille tourlata. Balllt.Amer1card, :'y*s!i & A~:t= ~ <;:"~ .,..,._7 hee.rlng wtn be Mk! by the City Councq of Council Chamber of the Civic Center, M111er Charge, Amer-19 hla Bal ,,,. 2 Br 1teep1 8 1 BLOCK TO BEACH N.B CdM dlx IUll•. A/C, ~ th• Cl•r Of Huntington BHCh, In Ill• Huntington Beactt, •t the hour of 7:30 lean e..-. Dlnara. All tunlty IO fllCh the 't ~l111 1250/w.tlc June Sum-Female to •hr w/aame pkg. utU pd. 28115 E. t Councl Chembor o f the Civic Center, P.M., Of a IOOf'I ~••ft-u po··'ble on weloOme 71-4/845--3433 '*' pey male. AW'/ u..... ........ ....._ .... -....._._..._., 87"' -10 $278 Mo. 87~ Hwy. $895. 117~ H I "" -21 12 .... .--. -. ,.... penon&.. llpte ne.p wen. 1 ..... .,..,,.te .... y .. _ .. ..,..___, ..-u unt ngton a..cti, et the hOtK of 7:30 P.M., Mondey the 71h dey of June, 1982 for the ..,.....,. .., """ 1Ct1001 Udo Bey rront twwry 4 er. Newport Beach Rmmte C.M. office apace. 345'. or H •oon therHfter u po11lble on purpoee Qf IOllclUng public Input on the ,.,.... ~ 1..., • ......, at ...,. 646-1"4 8 Ba. flom.· Sflp tennla needed now, extr11, batll. 11orage avall. Mond1y the 7th day of June, 1912, fOf the City~ for Aacal YMr 19112-83. 111. l'I ••• ........... _ • .,... Houaecleaner wanted. bMcnea. 8 ;o11« c:oope: S250 mo. Call Lo rt $226/mo. 60-330. pYrpoM of IOllcltlng public Input on the -Thurtd•Y•. 5 hour Job. ration. Monthly. 848-7310 _4_94-3803 ___ . _____ 1 UM of General~ Sharing Fundt u CoplH of th• Preliminary Budget are •,~• 1,.11 1 87&-8074. Shi exec. o4 bf 11oma. Up-.. •-pert of the City Budget tor Fl•c•I Yffr avallab4e II the City Cleric'• Office, 2000 :~!.~••••···~··•••"... IAIYIQlD 35· Mell Verde ., ... , Back 8 1 --• 1982-83. Main Street. and the Public Llbf'ary, 7111 FIYlno 1 Piper Oekota 10 Full ttm• Mon tllru Fri, 645·~158 •ft 4· 28COAONr, 28e,An0Er .. ~hM. AJuRn..._ U15, v. utlla. ;J;i~' 375 1q ~2!61~ mo. Coplee of the P,...mlnaly Budoet tor UM of Talbert Avenue for publlc lnepectton. 01110 In~~ A.. 7em to tpm. H.8 •rH. HOllH• nMdM, e:11pe-"" ...--..,....., •• .. ---·~ ....... , d .u-blt f $'""""' ... of the Pr .. lm"'..., A.t.AAAo ....111 tum lft• 4. Take 3. Mutt llavt tr1n1porl1· Nnoed, M ttm.. Alld't Sept. monthly 759-12-43 AttraottYe fem w~ Exec iuttH, full Hrv., ;;;;-;. ;..-;;.r;: ~·= ~200o ~ .,e·;.;allable et no oharg;To7t~io~t arw. eicp. Uof'I. for lnt•rvlew cell In pereon..1 Th• e.:.-cfl ~AONT (3&2 BR) of comfortlble furn furn/unturf'I .. ~Mtl'f r• StrMt, •nd thePuolloUbf'uy, 7111 T.it>«t the City Clenl'e Ontc. and at the Public Kelhy W. 714/tSS-4447 H.,.... l1w ~ JUl Y & AUGUST. ...,etc•, '',•11t>l•H·1f'•'•,ndbly duoed. No i.. 1a.-o21• Avenu•. SwnopeH of Hid r,re11m1nary Ubrary. h.'sm21I !;!_Pm or HO-tSot •" tow...,.,..~ . teOO to 11000 WMk ma 0 , p • y -"":::J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--budget may bl obtained rom th••• ::;!II' ..... ~............ _.... IMlllalllet ...... ~· 67M900 ~~~~P'M. 9 e ... 7 2 5 2 ' locatlon1. ~ ptopottd Genetti ~ ~ ~ 69neral Fund Budget .. .....,, ' 8abytlll9r Mlded PIT for hpeMl\ce ptef9t ...... Summar wkly rent el. --------1 Shiring fl!und Budget 1pproprlatlo11 of ..,t,033,890. llt11ndlM 1flt 17 mo. boy on or neer fulf/Ome, AP9tY tn I*· 51211--615 & 6/1M/26. 5 RMMTE. MIF, 2 br •pt. 11,922,700, le to be UMd for llOQUlllUon of ••••.!!. .. ••-.......... e.ltloa !-.net Of'llV. ~ eon: 8en lrown't RM-Id 2 8 a 170 e W CdM. 2 bike. from tie.d\. C•n1111 Equl...,.._,t All Jntw.ttk1 P«oona.,.. lnvttld to ltt9nd TUT°" • 10 yra teeohlnO plMM. 11'6-6tt4 .va. teurent, 1110• C"'••I o 0 e 1 nf,0 n t . ' '300. 'A utlle. 676-<1280 -· ,.. ........ · ' Hid hHrlng, /rovlde wrftt•n •nd orel ~Karen 142-lftf. -Ah a...-.-. _.,A#• in·•--.. to,.,__. __ .. di · .. · ' B•bYlltt•~. Hwy, eo. L.aQune. 2131285-2291 , f'om to'"' wit .. Ml , """'_,..,,.......~·--· .,.,._ ...... comment~n -1ueetlona r-ar .... """ ............ 7 1.1• _.. ........ ,... " Mid hMl1ng -.net~ their ODfnlone for the -tire y ...... 83 8 .. Zi... '"' driver'• Ito. preferred. •II• ... 14 ---· .....,,...,., euper dean N.8. condo ~r •v•lnet M id UM of CJ•n«al R•v.nue .... .., ..,,. vvww•. PolftJI F Matt1emetlol1n Wk._ C.M, 11141t0 ••--·- Newpclf1 Wattrfront·OhC NOC mo. l1~ 5nanng Fundt. Funher Information~ bt Fur1her Information m.y be obtelr* from :::.i;r.~ .:n...t O.C. 8rn1b1~1p1trleng1,rmaeblt1ut91 .. WO-out ~.h ~~..:: llpl 10, 11'00/wk. ,...,~ldftnon-tmkr obtalntdtromtMOfflceottheCltvctertt, tlleOffloeottlleOlt~Olttll,tOOOMalrt 11 lft .. -~.! f,4~U..'~'7.' Of-~· ~II~ 1~·n-.:-n::h7~ 110 to 3000 eq" 2000 Main 8tr .. J.?t Hu~ton ISHch, Strfft, Huntington IHOh, Calffornl•. N .. ~· .. A:::r:IOI ··~·. ~ ::. m ."'"" cT.l II • 1Mlt1940M .....,. -. _. .. -"No Fr1tt'' Prtcea Olllfomll, f~ • 14) 227. 92841 • (1'4) ~. -7wvu• ""' .--_...., -~, .. _., DATE> MeY H, 1 DATED ~ 21, 1812 d'fitAl#fNI, _,. ** ot 7141f ..... 1U. ~ ...._ ~ .._ Hr, He, elpe I , iel. WlMtm Cole. lkr. CITY M HOHTlHGTOH 8!ACH Cl'TY °' HUNTINGTON BEACH ~. lttl-Olfl l&f &111 IW =--~C. .....,._ ~,~rs~11::,-;: t1•n.,.1• et. ~~Wtu""°"" By. Allcl.I M. w.,,twMh LI~•'" llOUHlllHp•r. "'V•OUTI :Juno ••• ...;.;--~--------1»-aN. _, Cly Ctettc COft'IP9ftlon ..... '*"' • A... • , 0, In' 0 0. It Ctwtn.d Ml; roiat OS. ~ ""'· ,.., ,a ...._.., ,,., °' ..-. MoP lflopptno '*"-· t • , . ( .. Ofl'P'ICE AMllWl\1.J::!':: 15-20 hrl I wl<. INpQlng, reeeMno. tllng. Call btwn. 8 :30 & , 10:30AM. Mon thru Fri. only. 631-6950 Part time person to dellver Dally Piiot auto route In Newport Beach 7 days per week, about 2'n hrs. per day, M-F; 2:30 PM. Sat, Sun; 5 AM. Helpful bu1 not necessary to live In Costa Mesa. Earnings $400.00 per month and up. Call: Dally Piiot, 642'4321, aak for Bruce or Foster. Equal Opportunity Employer ~ ......... ' ........ ~ .............. . t ____ <Q? _____ > ) c---co---) ) Beach CAl.l CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ~-· Oreng• Oout DAILY PILOT/Thur.day, May 21, 1882 CONNELL CHEVRCl.ET ~ 11.irr •• r 11 •• I ''"i\\l~'-.\ SU-I 200 HIP ._.., ., ...... , ................. ., ........ , I I .t ..... .. \ Ot'lnQI Collt DAILY '1LOT/Thurtday1May17, 1111 ~.~~~ ....... A,~ltfmttt ....... ~.11'!!/fffffftt ....... ~.~~.'Mfrtt ....... MM.fllt~ ...... ,,.~/ltrrntf ....... 11.'1!.lltmttt ....... ~.~~.fm ........... ,.11~.~ttt ........... M~Jllt ........ .. llttfr ••••••••• ·'-"' 111\11111.~ •• ~ """"'·········~ ~ ........... ~ I'll~ ••••••.• ~ ~~ •..•• 1.-tlf ~1111. ••••••••••• ~ ~lff •.•••••.• ~(f ~~·····r,··'-'ff. ff~ •••••••• ~ 'H CVOOEi;Fo MtJ 'l ~ wtlt .. IOflt urtlft9 'f• IAAI ff. t•-lt 9"1, T '14. rfftt eno flOt ''rl "~I IT L "'"· Xl11t, 'M 111t, IClnt .,,._ tc)nd, -~ ~, ~': vt =· '1• MACH It, one. ""'· ti!\. alftt:' ·mw•tl ,. OWll • ~·,. llUilllift lr•ll•, HIC "''· .... OOY, " •• ml11t . 11i'11•w' oond. • nut.... .. "'"' Ooo. ""°' t7MtftNM • ""·'"·MW DlrYOUt. NleNtO."t .. t P•IXV .. fr?·~&'rc~~ 1 fu·tM4 · 4h-4, 1W;wet1MM1. · ~1_,IOOoao .oeo , h .. ,,,;, Aeoert '''· :I''~'.:::" tlll1 ~INi: J:1,U,. ~:. .,1 •11• • ·10vw1111, 1oof oond. ·11 DL w/1411\t'OOf. tnvne. of i.te tow rnllM· ·11 Ooro11et. VI. new ., ..... .,-,. M ,.fl• 'lte, ne• (1re1, fl"' ,r.i:t_...u 01 a.. ON¥t fl ,,.,. ... """' Olllll'Nllnl wM ovt•t•. M\tlt ...,111 '' '· ae a... 1 toutNm paint. ciMM. '"'°· ,.. ·11 Mull. Olll9 c~ mcll). Ut Ole>. ~a~ •~Ill• ... 1•1 ... llf kl ~ ffllt f: • u ..... r;.u full 1l1t bed: UIOO. 100 09(), M4-JOJI CelHotnlel·-.... "'tOdeYI P1e,.nfillo , UOO e.oyl, al11t co11d., or t 1'0 b11, 1 ••• •111 rml\'1,, ........ r.·.n II Vall 1111. lurfere ..... 111. -I -oonttol, AM"M ltotto, •rt,.,.,., I IPCf, ·..: 1 4 ...-. ~... ..,..,, ffont ... ,, •14 "-vw: ...., pelnt ~ ..... ,,_, II" 111 •11l>Odfeo.tl'#lnger,1 AIO. euto tren1, ,.,., toedef re H red •to ,,_... IH T\ftO & UI= 9'141H 1 inwtor lleeden. oooct ;-• .-m.rr.'9\.......... .. o~I. auto. •Int rneoll. Thie wtcnd ~ .... ,..,. Xlnt fe111'. ,1110: 1..,..1 •""' ·10'ot1ot11114. 10111 ·11w .. ~0wnper oond. 111;11.out. tatoo. ltw'1 "'' "roe~':.tc'· ~Body. ••.NO. Cell ~~nd/762~~~1°· 14t·tUO or Hf-40h ~ llAO• loecled Tek• over IH 01..,... •• •NI \.0 m1 Ml# tne emlfm 641-IOll lft 4:IO. .jd; ............... .. ·11 Aooord HiOllbll A;O, Ml HI-NM H pQl'fttnt.. 11'-'" .. 1'°' ·to IUtMlr\I w 4 ..,, ow. aiioo. 1t7:H24' ·11 IUO, new oelllt. ,.,.. rro1n1tf:.":v:,~:l':!1 141-1111 113-llO.ntO Ollur,.U. 1111 beige lnlle~t:1 t•oell. , '11 114 1.0, •Int 0011d.. dr a/o, lo m1i:'i'111off. '11 vw o..n.. 30 rnpg'1, eng .• new In\., Htru. ioo.i Ootlt Aucttont. '°' 1170 Oedlllaci Coupe o.-1#1 Ha ~MOtde ~~. conCI Mull .... l4IOO H 10014 oyl., H "'18• utrM. muet .... MOOO. t:W..tOIO IMI• new. tunrf. tit, gNet Kint oond. UJIO. DI root ory 0111 V1lle aaeo •••••••••••••••••••~;: OOod Int & •t ,,.. UrM. .,.°""'t. 71MOl1 11111t or~ OOfld, IH • OYO 11Sl74Wtol. peeo tor or•d•. Utoo. ten 11e-J1M11.n4-1m ~1-tOOO. lilt 1100. oecMlM .._.. 1111 ..... W11 "°°'""' off. M3-202t ·71 F.ca Aooord 4df euto 113-03 ; wet16-tM1. M'lttc MclnlOOf'l*Y. rm mf dyl t1Cl ·67U, IV 'H "l•I' Cel ~ 4 epd, reblt 1ng, gd to -Gal after 7PM Of Orio HI< ml, m1n1' oond: 1111 Merced .. Iona '11., 1. 1000 mil•• 011 °.;1 TOYOTAOiLKiA• M4-<>141 Oon~ OOOd lflepe. ,_,. 111' ·i~ ~".a~ ;~~ ~~t,~l:eH MPO on Mndl. 14.Ho. 1to-O* 3000 L.ow mMMoe. Mutt tote! reetor1tton. oolleo-•-•• 1 * ·11 CIWll'llPllQnO lcllt. lol· H.-. r•dlale '' ooo m1 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... _. · · --------Mltll '4t•l111 tort •how oer. 113,000. -· -roooo. AM1'M CIMI, elr. '1000. eeo.il1i ~ ' Hd auloke In Ore no• ..........,.,.., ·er ,.ord l TO. auto., 72, l'Ult 1111 J. II ' •-111s 410 II MoroedH 4N-10Hatt?PM. Sport model wll .. •pd. to ml very ol••n ~t~ ·10 l!ldorado 111500 000 mlle9. "60. Peffeot •••••••••••••••••••••• ••A•••••••••••••••••• ltnl, eunl1. now Mlohtlln 'II 111 t.... AM/flM •· low mllM-w 141•1ot1 ...,,_ Lo ml. >lint oond, now int IUNoof 1 loaded • cond. 11800. um 1 ._ Total OOt 11111111110~. INOO/bet off. l1$-Mt2 '719Ul.Chempeigl1eedlt. ~~ bltlell •1tt. w/r~ i..ttiaf oond.13M188. '74 Wmgon. 1 owner. lClnt '11 UI .... redtele, dark grHn WI 11000/ii.t off .e:1410 ge. CS111¥Y) NMCI ,.._ • ur.. t4IOO, JICM111 . 85~7431/(213..--aa94 70 l TO II: 4 ~ ~b. 494-0011 51000 ml !Gulomen II Palomino Int. mlftt oond. bit peny to meke trN1 '71 Oonv. lClnt oond. AM / ,.._.. )(Int U700. • ~W .. Pwrt OWmalnt'deJCCll»SllOO Pe'1,P7'1&NCr1 monthlypmti .Nootd FMOMLl1900/ofter,tty 1•...-r Jc .71 CeNlle,eot<ml,tmmeo.1--------1·73p1n10,.un•bout. euto. ''· P • Pwr dr or beet 1ecept1bl• otr. PLUS 1 Pl!Rf°"MANOI! oontrll01a to Mlllmt. No C11M740, w 110-ma 2 dr, I •pd. •Ir. •tereo w/ .. opUone. l1600flrm ·12 O•l••J 4 Dr. 11110. 11100. Good~."""' =~-w~:.1~· :: 752-8000 nu 71~1 beO'I pmt• Ha. AMI fOf '10 "•bblt 4 dOOf tun· end OHHU•. QrHt 080-11-47 ~:~·d ~~ c.;T~1:·,·~7,' OC)Od. '31·5507.., IPM >Cini coftd~ fHOO. MuetW tl13M8l220. '711'0flehe0118C.oatrol 111o .. Ul·4•00. root 1ow'mll•• Ptloed •hape, Sao SHH. •l .. °"-"C-..Y '12Clmarron.l ,000ml, 7& .. 1~mom. "75Ptnto,autotr-.00od 131-11915 • 9')dl4dr Clll 1 It'll to bl\IO & blk.. lollCMd. fl.7'1, 5"-1008 Proto UM. to~· uloll ule. luok 4'4-01'5 or 411..ntl m5 Herl>Of llYO. tlon .... -. cond. 11500. 857·2'14, • a.. • 2 .. 4 e .. t 110 toO ,,. • COSTA MUA ...,.y op ......... gr•y. ·71 Fleota Ohta. 81twlr WI •• 1 .... 71 .. pm , .. .,. " or 1unr1, • o. , · · '11 tupr1, S tpd, tllrf, ... . 74 SU~ IUT\.I 111 2110 112,000. 801·1581 blk 1w,...1, very clHn. -"---· ----•ra 11U 011.1eee 8415-0351 QU4ld etweo ott. Jttr•, , Xlnt oond, eunroof, re-,.... •1 •L IHI ·••••••••••••••••••••• ·10 MBZ 300 S£L. e.s. 12. 'll ,.,. 11• CttN. Mt.\.100 11 ••••• dlalt dlaltM M\/tm ow • Cuun 1111 ~·;5~o0t ti~~~ k011;'~· ,., r.m,,. 000 or"' ml. Mint oond. • OrMt oond. 11850. extru, 12800. t40-959,4 '70 "9gal, pa. pt>, am/1m ~..................... 2 , ?' . • ~;. c;:;.;;·;~·;;a;PG, .., Aed, 5 1pd. Jtlnl 1h1pa. 1't Oorole dbt. ll0.000 ml, 973-aeot ow a/o lendau top lo ee Camero 327. euto, ..,.. 0-48 44M Rid! dutcfl ltalW 112,000, 720-0290 IOK.15006. 145-NOI 111to._ ~_!:di~.• new. 12. '72 euo, Yellow w/81k Int, m 1, · .·, n t c 0 rid am/Im eterao. p/1, p/b, .82 EXP. ldnt cones. 10,000 ~1tlng . i Utl: ft 11U ·ee l'or1cll• 111, eood no.~ ·~.~~.·:.:,: fl~~· :~~"~,!~~in~ u1001oeo. 083·9840 QUad t-C2~~~· ml. 3 yr .a.ooo m1. w11-1 e ~·•••••••••••••••••••• bodY llntbad5ltlOMt 71TO\'Ot.aOcwola.41pd, l'IPOCI0-1~taw ,2400 o'eo Miiie 9119 r1ntl, 30 mfg 1vg. --------~ Mx~~· ~HOO 137&o or vw~ °' ,... hr .... ldnt oond. 11. 401_511s wtcctr9 w · Clrrrtl 1 1111 •Io o . c • t "o • •. Ii tU. IHI • • ...,..., O'#n(, ...... + __ _.. toO. Mutt ... 7to-Ht1 11M '~ CMJllM "" ········'·············· • 5 7. a e 7 3 h 0 m.. .. ............ ,, ...... 272 ...... -·· ...... """""" .._..... ..··· .. ········,·····.·:::::.;, _......,. --..... ·-tm 111• ,_... • Xlnl oond •• 600 '78 Yl!LlOW R•bbtt. gd .••• iiiliiiftATii··· IEE n .. m .............. '"'"' .._. •............. -• 11·~~ _.":':lee. • • _,... .... 5M.QIO& oond. 11,050. Mutt Mii. • -•A ,,.._ ~ .................. _.. AM,,M. 1uto, tr•n•. ad 8715-2MO U-.a.&IT W• have a good ••lee· •ttmn --4 dr hdtop, •uto, p•. HI ua f1 ...................... •1 DEALER IN us A cones. "uni •Int." 150 . 7t IUI lrwn/T•n. 2 . W• •"'6AlAllH In,..... tlon of NEW 6 USED ...... ~.............. good cones oapendablt. '01 YOlll '63 MG8 • · 080 Mt·2220 1nrf1, oetm Int., mint 81 e1EHl Rabbit, dlx. for t,,°;bu*'" ...... execu-Chevro'911I '78 Zephyr, 2 dr. auto reg. gu. ~0207 ... ITMAlu mCARVER oond .......... 4M-2M1 ClltilMlemet.Allmru. ........ trane, PIS, xlnt cond. 1 ... -· '10 Cello• OT llttbll, so. . ........... 11f< ml ••.•• for .. 370. tlve & 1>4'ofeealon&I ownt. '2300. 536-8745. ri.-.w "" nw n I $2600 ~ ooo ml, .. wtru. 11000. ·eo vw "-bblt Dtl, a/o, a w 11 • ..00. tM&-844t Llfst Ith'"" ..................... . ""... ... .......... -"'-.../J\..[; Glbeon 175-ltSS. •pd. em/fmo1H., IUlt 01·vw··....... ......... .. ... 1111 '72Col.Pu1t0pua.Wgin. '70T-BIROLANOAU ,·--i mlntoono .. -... wt11e.nu ~-11111 ..-P 'l~''' ..._.221 tank.l&200.7to-13S4 1 " ....,.,.,,___,or O. Newb1t,plug1.etc& *911Tlll1* -" paint, ctwome Uf)hl., r1>ft -ll..c~1, .. .,.,.,... , •toner. -1-111 more. Com•'"· very N•vy blue w/epllt whit• t41Ulllltt.CllTllWl4tWi englne&muchmore .. ~0$IOSUNDAO '7'Coroll1cpe,41,000 1118~~oond,new 407~ ..... ...., clean.11275080 vtnytt°".Cluayloo6tw/ 646-7211 ml, euper oond. Ori,. hi. rH"..! •t ofter . .,;..__ 11" N~~~~ 646-7303 matching Int' fully loa-'78 GlC DELUXE • i.u ,,,, ownar. aaeoo. MM•• oe&-1 H OYW rw"' •• 1070 Impel• 2-dr, low '72 M ........ 4 d 70t< ml d d y ht t I I 72 MQB, rebll •no. nu •••••••••••••••••••••• ·10 VW Aabbt Del lo ml •••••••••••••••••••••• . mll••· Rune ~t, 2nd .,...... r, , • . IC no nc . 53·oou~_::f9 12500 ~:l~gtcru. ~t~:t~ 1IE 1112• &vf, :.00~&-H17 eunrt, ltel'eot .... dr: .. -~ :=, <: L . ~ owner. $2015. 5010. ~~~~~~t~ ,::i~.·~r~: ~:~~VtGj ~~.'~= mu et ••II quick I lll!•EI ™ond. 115200. --.• /1-00H."1'" Kil.ti C#nllt HIJ non-emoker. 11250 or monthly pmte. No old ..... ~ 1140 $2000/oftef. 754-7433 IRE ll5n ,,, .. ~ nn ( '"'·' , .. ,. '>-l-0 •11 ) •••••••••••••••••••••• r ... ofr. 842-2002 contractl to aa.ume. No ••••••••••.•••••••••••• .70 Red MGB: Like new, ooo Hrl•• 3 doon. 4 ~··•T•R•7•c•••••••••l•••••1 •74 vw . Good. clHn UUI, lllY1ll • WWWiitl # •·-fl•• t>eek pmtt due. Alll for • ' I 86,000 mlle1, am/Im nowt Come In & drive AIC. 15500 or ofr. Call 'c.n 496.8110 OVERSEAS DELIVERY Ill IESEl. tll! .. l ••••u•'•••••••••••••• 55e-1008 Proto UM • C doora&Tla'tloe~ 70 onven. om . oond $3000 i9Wt• 1070 SEV E 0 U_,.• .,, Roee 842-4400, ne4 ~I ttereo CUMtte. S5500. Ro•d • Trick M:l•· 1-622-4090 EXPERTS 33K ml6et, wNte, red lthr Glue top•. loaded I '79 Mutt.• •pd, am/fm CaM !Mla-1007 • ·ee vw muet..,. upN, xtre fu.I tank, a tr11, (2021) Perlectlonl eter CH•. 301< ml. ale. ·93 T-Blrd, orig. 20 yr otct It I... llne'tchoUofthe ST ·ea TR Spitfire, 2 top•, u0o/080. · electric mlrrore, crulH · excel cond. ~500/btt clMlk:. Uk• new. lo ml . ..,..... •t lllHll 11$0 IPOf'll Mdan of the 'IOll ci.an. 11900 080. Call oeo-aHO, 064-2826 um.I Ill control, recllner pu-•Y 111,lll off. 841-8820 Anne dye. S3500. 875-4174. com put Hou•• of Im· ...................... 11111 ••Tl An• w • r Ad II 11115. ¥1LWI WlQ9I' ... 1. ,.., wtnoow ..... OlllWllet p<)f't• Direct IMM Ind eo •-~ 'II t-.......... __ __. 842-4300 24 iv.. ·eo RABBIT CONV. 17450 1....,.. H·....... ........ defog~r, 4 wheel dlec Dove/Quall Sta. ·70 Mu.tang. 4 ll>d turbo. VH• H14 1'\.1-.1 ..._ -•-V"'t'U "'"'9 gu~ or 12"0 a take over .vu •""" UfYV ........... dr ~-l"\riA Many many extr11 .•• -A•••••••••••••••••• moe • ..illbl9pymtl..,.. Mint oond. Marry extru NEWPORT BEACH " COSTA ME8A ..,,.., · ....... ~.., (Nr. Jambof'91 & Bn1tol) 13075, call 1·522~ '14 Yesa 213 or 71', MERCEDES SI0,500. 873·2297 or 112-1111 pymte. M•k• orr. HI IMl I• Nil owner . 110.aoo . llMHI G-51 •• 213 or 714/837·2333 213-4151..a801 646-1041 i87i6-ii11Silliiiiilllil ______ seit Idle Items 61t2-5e78 $450 oeo. 15e eY9I 0 ATLASCHRYSLa.ft.YMOUTH 2929 H•rbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934 3 blocks south of San Diego FrMWay ott Harbor Blvd Complete body shop. Sales Service Parts. Set'vic:a Dept open Monday thru Friday 7.30 AM. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. ta 5 J1 M. on Saturday. HACH l...oa'TS 848 Dove Strfft, Newport Boech Tel 752-0900 Call ua, we're the spec1aH1t1 fOf Alfa Romeo. Peugeot Saab & MHerati • THIODOREIOllNSFORD Modem sales, Mrvlce, P•rta. bOdy. pelnt & tire dopts. Competitive rates on i. ... & dally ranlala 2080 HorbOf Blvd., Costa M..._ 642-0010or~11 • JOHNSON & SON UMCOLM MlltCUIY 2626 tiarbor Blvd., Costa Mau. Tel. 540-5630. 57 Yeart of frtendly lamlly service -Orange County's oldHt lln· col~orcury de~IOt'thlp. SOUTH COAST DODGI 2888 Harbor Blvd .. f;oete M .... Tel. 540-0330. RV Mrvlca apeclallst•. cuatom van convweiona. • MIWPOIT ....oltTS 3100 W. Coaat Hlghwey. Newport Buch. Toi. &42-9405J540-1764. Th• Femirl ~uarwra. a.AlllC AUTOMOaUI , \. MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At tho trlangta of Jamboree, MacArthur & Br11tol behind Vk:1orla Station. Sa!aa, Sel'vlce. Lea•lr'O & Peru. We make greet d .. 1.1 0 N.AIHSCADILUC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa MeM Toi. 540-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales Service Leu- Ing • DAVID J. P .. LLIPS IUICIC4"0MTIAc.MA%DA Salea • Service• Leasing 2.t888 Allele Perkway Laguna Hiiis 837·2400 G) CHICK IVERSON PORSC16AUDJ.VW 415 E. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dHlerahlp In Orange County with theto threo grHI makn under on.• rooll • ALAN M.AGHOH PC:>tn'IAC.SULUU 2480 Harbor Blvd., CoeUI Mou. Tel. M~. Seloa. Service, Leasing. "Mr. Goodwrwnch ... • OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Oot'den Grove Blvd .• Gerden Grove Tel. 530·1180. Excluelwly Volvo to covet ell your Volvo ~··· Nt\lrf•UMd•Salee•Leulng•Ptt1••8efvtco-8ody Shop FrWWflY dote In the Mw1 of 0renge County at Gll'den Grow 81vd. & 8rootchum. • • IOI LONCil'ltl roMTlAC 13600 B .. ch Blvd., Westminster Tel. 892-M51 Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service, Parts. • SAIL CHEVIOUT 900 South Coat Highway Laguna S-ch --a..y ........... ,..i .. SALES HOURS: Mon -Fri ~7. Sat. ~5. Sun 10-4 494-1131 546-9997 • S.AHT .A AMA DATSUM 2001 E 17th Slr"t. Sa,,la Ana. Tel. 55a·781t Your Oliginel Dedicated Dataun Deeter • MIRACLE MAIDA We've movedl Our new locallon Is 1425 Beker SlrHI. Coala M9aa. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & visit our brand new lhowroom end sea why we·,. the t1 Maz<M dHl•r In Southern C.llfomla. Salea, s.Moo. Parts Wld leulng . • ANAHllM MAZDA "CW, o.c. ...... .,..,. wlll .,.....,....LeeC..." 601 S. Anati.tm Blvd .. Anaheim 9!6-1820. Jutl north or s.n1a An• Frwy. on Anlhelm Blvd. Cell ue 11,.11 ·we ARE HAROTOFINO--«ITWORTH ITI" • SADDLB.AC• •MW/SUIAIU 28402 Merguerfte Pkwy .. AVflY Ptcwy •It W. oft« Whet no b•nk or le ... compeny can: 1. ExPf'lly stiffed. mo.I modern t9'Vlce I pertt dept.; 2. ~of tho SOuthland't mott ••~rtenced ..._ l leealng ttllff: 3. Ellmlnetlon of the mlddltmen by i...in; doll• dl'9Ct. 831·2040 Mlaelon V ~941 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2645 Hart>or Blvd., Costa Mesa Tel. 54(>.S.10 Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mite So 405 • SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of Wrllie the Whele~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 63&-4010 DGM LIASIHG, IMC\ 730 W. 19th St.. Costa Mos• 642·1944 You re in for a surprtse at DGM Leasing. 0 CONNILL C..V.OUT 2828 Herbor Blvd., Coala Meal. Oler 20 yHn .. rvlng Orange County! SeJM, ie.lng, Mrva. Call 54e·1200; ec>eelal perta lln~ 5'66-~: bOdy ahop line; 7~. 0 IOY C.AIVll IOLLS IOYCWMW 1540 Jembor" Road, N9Wpart BMch. ~ SafM. S.Vlce. Perta And Leulng. · fD DD MILLll P1Af ILANCIA "PrOO.bly the lowett priced AUi h Southern Cdfomle" (Located 1 mtle north of South CoMt PleD ,,.., Mtiln St. end Wl/Mf Ave. In Sa.nta AM.) 120 w. Werner. Sant. AM 657·2132 FOR FURTHER .INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY l'ILOT REP. 642-5678 .. I \ • I I I , . 111111 1:1111 lAllllA Ul/_. ml O HAN<a COUN I Y C /\l IFOnNIA 1~ CENfS Move on Falklands capital 5,000 British.<troops attacking .$454,000 :landslide ,:funds due · Laguna Beach City Manager I Ken Frank said today the city l could receive up to $454,000 to : I : defray costs to the city associated · with the Bluebird Canyon · landslide. 1 I · The news came in the form of a letter from a federal disaster I agency, agreeing to pay 1 \ additional funds for the 1978 I landslide, which destroyed more I than two dozen homes in , Bluebird Canyon. ' "The letter does not come as a I 100 percent surprise," Frank ! said, "because we believed all · along that we deserved it. But it has been a long time." The city figures it cost $1.95 million to repair roads, replace utilities and reconstruct the slide area following the Oct. 2, 1978, landslide. Prior to last week's letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the city had received promises of about $1.12 million in federal funds. The latest letter should bring 1 that total to about $1.6 million. The new $454,021 figure will not appear as revenue in next year's budget, Frank said, adding that the money will not be forthcoming for at least a year, and perhaps much longer. And, he said, a final federal audit might see sorne of the money disallowed by the agency. Frank is suggesting that, since the money is a one.time transfer, it should be used for one-time expenditures. He suggested usir)g the money for capital improvemeots or perhaps to defray some of the costs associated with the city's purchase of Sycamore Hills. Noting that the city has battled with the federal agency for more than four years, Frank said obtaining repair and reconstruction funds was tough. "I think, in lhe end, we were treated fairly," Frank said. "But It was a long, long process." i ~ LB planners delay action on 48 lots j Laguna Beach planning commissioners have continued a l hearing on an environmental ~ impact report for the Irvine ~ Company's proposed 48-lot • development project in north r ~~ontinuance will allow time for the city to respond to comments on the environmental report by the state Coastal Commission. The Irvine Company wants to develop 48 lots on nearly 26 acres above North Coast Highway and adjacent to F..rnerald Bay. The project calls for grading of 70,000 cubic yards of earth and a request to delete several natural drainage COW'SeS. WORLD o.-, Ptiot •tan ""°'° SUCCUMBS -Laguna environmental activist Betty Heckel is dead at 76. LB activist B. Heckel dead at 76 Betty Heckel, the politicking, petitioning , protesting powerhouse who was a volunteer for a variety of environmental cauees, is dead at the age of 76. The feisty Laguna Beach ecologist, who nearly aingle-bandedly obtained Ali80 Beech Park fur tbe public. died of cancer Tueeday night at her Lquna Beach borne. Memorial services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. 428 Park Ave. Born in Berlin. Germany, the fonner bank clerk moved to the United States in 1953, arriving in Laguna Beach two years lat.er. The unemployed widow got a job as a waitress at the old Victor Hugo Inn where she worked for the next two decades. It was while working at the restaurant that she first became involved in environmental projects. In an interview last year, Mrs. Heckel said she was asked by a restaurant patron to collect signatures for the creation of a beach park below the Victor Hugo. She found })erself actively pursuing the development of what is now Main Beach Park. "That's when I got the bug,'' she said. Soon she was collecting signatures -2,000 in all -for the creation of a public park at Aliao Beach. She and environmental sidekick Jeaaie Haden were alarmed to learn that two doctors were seeking permlasion from the county supervisors to build a high-rise hotel on 'what is now . the parking lot of the beach parkr The two women attended many meetings, pleading, begging and even threatening the supervisors in order to get their way. "We pes1ered them and other authorities and we got what we (See HECKEL, Paae A%) Jet carrying 91 hijacked TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) - A Moroccan jetliner carrytna 91 passengers and a crew of nine was hijaCkeO today shortly a!er taking off from Athena, ,and landed at Ttmia-Carthage airport about five houn later, officiala said. NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny Canon ia more than a talk show ho9t. Ria monologues show him to be a IOda1 and political commentator, accordina to a muter'• theais. Page A 7. Town calling it quits All five l'e9identl of Loyalt.on. SJ>., have voted to dlmolve the town and •ve orf property taxee. Paee D3. ' ,, • * * * Consul defends principle British Consul General George Finlayton told an Orange C>unty audience Wednesday that his nation's decf.aton to go to war over the Falkland lalanda ii strictly a matt.er of principle. Questions of mineral rights at the sparsely populated Falklands · were not considered in the British decision to send lta military to dislodge Argentine forces, he said. "This has not entered into this dispute at all," he told members of the World Affairs Council of Orange County during a dinner speech at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. "In fact it might have been easier to resolve if the dispute had been over material issues rather than principles of the islanders' rights and resisting aggression." Responding to a question from the audience, Finlayson said mineral reserves around the islands have never been measured and the extent of such deposits are not known "with any accuracy." Head of the British government's Los Angeles consulate, Finlayson baa been part of his country's diplomatic corps since 1948. lfe took over his recent poaition in March 1981. Although Finlay1e>Ji aaid he's spoken a half-dozen times to groups about the Fal.klanda cr1s1a, he estimated be baa been interviewed ~o times by members of the media. He Mid be apeab aa many as six times a day with British representatives in Washington. D.C., for updates on his government's poait.ion. · He told his American audience that principle rather than historical alliance haa prompted the U.S. govenunent's support of the British cause. • (See BRITISH, Page A!) UCI offering • courses 10 theater arts UC Irvine will offer special academic and theatrical programs this summer for gifted and talented students, grades five to 12. HiRh school juniors and seniors will have course offerings that include painting, composition, foreign language, public speaking and science. The students also will take special counea to boost their general academic skills. Students in grades seven to 10 may take oou.rses in mathematics, writing, science, forensics, leadership, arts and journalism. Youngsters in grades six to elght can study archaeology, consumer ed uca ti on and computer programming. A musical theater workshop a.180 will be held to give students training in acting, dancing, auditioning, ecenery and makeup. For more information, call 898-7639 or 968-2780. STATE HO~E, BRl'M'ANIA -Flanked by the Union Jack, Petty Officer Peter Meyer gets welcome home from girlfriend Valerie Robins when he and other survivors from destroyer HMS Sheffield arrived home in England today. The Sheffield was sunk in an Argentine air attack. SHOT IN TAll. -Flight Lt. Dave Morgan shows the 20mm hole shot in the tail fin of his Sea Harrier which he flew on the first bombing raid on the Port Stanley airfield in the Falkland Ialands. INDEX Santa Cruz sit-in held At Your Service A4 Erma Dombeck B2 SANTA CRUZ (AP) -In a throwback to the Business C6-7 turbulent 601 activism, about 50 Univer1ity of California A5 California students here have occupied the Cavalcade B2 chancellor's office in support of a teacher who was Cluaified 04-8 denied tenure. C.orniaJ C8 en.word .C8 Thatcher pledges big push By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 British forces have begun pushing out from their beachhead at San Carlos in a bJd to recapture the Falkland Islands from Argentina, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announced today. There was no immediate reaction from Argentina, which reported the British forces were penned in at San Carlos. "Our forces on the ground are now moving forward from the bridgehead.'' Mrs. Thatcher told the House of Commons in London. But she declined to say more about the advance. "Too much discussion about timing and details of operations can only help the enemy," she said. British Defense Secretary John Nott had said some 5,000 British ground troops on the islands would be involved in the move on Stanley -the islands' capital -50 miles east of San Carlos. on the main East Falkland Island. British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald was asked about reports British forces had already taken Goose Green, a settlement and airstrip 20 miles south of San Carlos. and he replied: "It has been stated that the forces will not hang around." Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a British defense source said only 100 Argentines were believed there. He declined to speculate where others might have gone. By contrast, some 7,000 Argentine troops, including some of Argentina's most seasoned soldiers. are deployed in and around Stanley, the source said. Reagan preps for Europe • SANT A BARBARA (AP) From his f og-s hrouded mountaintop ranch, President Reagan is using his five-day vacation to study for his trip to Europe and to lobby congressmen to vote for the budget bill he endorses. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was polishing three speeches he intends to deliver during his four-nation trip. He also was studying three briefing books, each l ~-inches'thick, that provide details of the economic summit he will attend in France as well as details for his side trips to England. Italy and Germany. While dense fog canceled Reagan's plam to go horseback, riding on his 688-acre spread, he turned his attention Wednesday to lobbying a d02Jen oong:ressmen, mostly Democrats, who had requested a chance to talk by telephone before the vote on the budget bill. ~ B2 B2 Movies B6-8 Na1iona1 News A3 Public Notices Dl--4 Sports Cl-4 Stock Marketa C7 Televillon C9 Candidates bombard airwaves Death Notices 03 •. Theaters 86-8 Anhone watching t.eleWdon baa no doubt noticed that po tical eiommerdall are aimo.t. unavoidable aa the June electton ap~ Pafa.AlO. COUNTY ' Teacbins brainy lclds tousli:. Teachlna an advanced cheml1try cleu ta a challence for Jtatanda Wah Schbol teecher him C\allen. Hla atudenta often arrlve at amwen to problernl before be do& Pap Bl. "Editorial A8 W•tber A2 Entertainment B6-8 World N8WI A3 HyG~ B2 SPORTS OCC sains; GWC loses 0ranae Colli tdvancM. but Goklml West•• en'Cl'll are COltly In tbe flnt round of 5 state cammunlty c0:Deae be88btD tow'NUD8Dt In ~ a.di. Pace Cl. . . . . l • J i Al L ~\ \t Continued atorl .. Innocent pleaded HECKEL DEATH . • • fraud • Ill wanted we lnall\ed," U\e o~ eald of the campaljn. The ~Ir'• HVtn·year effort paid off, and thu public faclllUet •t Allio were d•veloped In the lai. l~O.. The e.n1r1etlc woman launched Into other carnpaip, lncludto1 the creation of a blufftop vltw park at Creecent Bay; a CMlpal&n for the 1tate park al Cry1tal Cove; and efforta to create a National Urban Park 1urroun<fina Lajuna Beach. She attended dozens of local and 1tate Coastal Commission meetings, and was never lacking for public comment on a variety of luuet. Since ah• didn't own a cu, aha relied on bu. aervtce, or catching a ride with fellow envtr onmontall1t1 to aot to meetinp tn Santa B&rbara, Loe Anaelea Md San Dt•ao. g-he onco explained her vlaoroua volunteer effort•. aayina. "I am very happy to Uvc in the generoua United Si.tt. .. which provlde1 freedom and opportunity for all. "M y expre1slon o f thankfulneu haa been to perform 10me community tervtce by helping to preserve open space." By DAVID KUTZMANN OftMW, ..... lltff Ralph W. McDonald pleaded lnncx.-ent Wednetday ln Orqe County Superior Court to Chat8\=I that he ulOCI hla Golden Eaalo lnW.tment C.O. to awlndJe tnveetorw out ot an ettimated $18 million ln l 981. McDonald, who la free on $00-0,000 baJl, facet trtal on 32 felony counts which Include grand theft, tax eva1lon. con- aplracy and l&lee of unregistered aecuriUes BRITISH VIEW . • • Alt.er the decorated Vietnam war veteran entered his innocent plea before Orange County Superior Court Judge Lula Cardenu, defenae attorney Paul Mast told reporters he would make a requeet within 30 da~ to have McDonald'• trial moved to another part. of California, The Argentine military'• action eight weeka ago to take control of the Falklands was an act of aggreaalon, he said, because i• uaed force to solve a diplomatic cijapute. "Had it been allowed to go unhindered, it would have aet a very serious precedent," he said, addinJl that the lack of response woula signal to Warsaw Pact nations that o ne NATO ally wasn't prepared to stand by its principles. set on The Laguna Craft Gui.Id will display its variety of arts and crafts on Forest Avenue i n Laguna Beach on Memorial Day. More than 60 artists and craftsmen will exhibit and ~u their works from 10 a.m •The Boys Club of Laguna Beach begins its second season of Hinterland Excursions, a series of outdoor trips for boys and girls from 8 to 18. f:>elf·determlnation la another luue. The tact that Brltlah subjecta have occupied the islands since 1833 assures them the right to call it their land, he said. Re called cha.riles of British 1mperlaltsm "nonsense" and pointed O\.U that Britain h11 releaaed its control of a quarter of the world's population since the end of World War n. Argentina, meanwhile is "characterized by Its contempt for democratic principle• and basic human rights." he charged; to dusk Sunday, featuring weavings, jewelry, paintings, ceramics, sculpture work. macrame, stained glass. woodcarving and leathercraft. The shows have been a tradition in Laguna Beach since 1966. a while water raft tnp down the American River. An orientation on the program will be held June 5 at 7 p.m. at the Boys Club by BW Patrick, director of the trips. Deacriblng rrevious media coverage o the case as "exceteive," Mast said he felt that the publicity ''had been so widespread it would hamper our efforts to get a jury free of prejudice." · Judge Carden.as set a pre-trial hearing for June 18 before Superior Court Judge James K . Turner. Mast said the case against his client, a San Juan Capiatrano resident, is so voluminous that it would not be poeaible to proceed to trial until late summer or fall of this year. It is alleged by prosecutors that McDonald, 41, solicited millions of dollars from as many as 1.000 mvestora over a six-month period on the promise they would receive interest payments monthly of between 10 percent and 30 percent. The investors' money , authorities said, was supposedly being used to provide short-term, high-interest loans to borrowers for commercial real estate ventures. What actually was happening, prosecutors allege, is that M cDonald was running a so..called "Ponzi scheme." That is, he was paying off early investors with money corning in from later investors. A co-defendant of McDonald's, Golden Eagle Vice President David Biggins, already has pleaded guilty to two felony charges. Prisoners htawl Scheduled thlB summer are three-day outings. a week-long backpack trip, and For more information, call 494-4316. SOLEDAD (AP) -A guard fired bi.rdshot to break up a fight over a slice of pie in Soledad State Prison's dirung room, and two inmates and a guard suffered superficial wounds. Coastal Low cloud• today wllh local drlula during morning noura High• 52 to 88 Cnance of meaaurable preclpllallon 10 percent Lo• cloud a continue, through tonight and Friday morning with partial af1ernoon ciMrlng. Overnight Iowa 54' to 82 High• Fri day 84 to 72 Huntington-Newport area tems>«atur• renge from a low of 59 to a high of es Eltawhere, lrom Poi nt Conception 10 the Me•lcan botd« and out 60 ml... Light varlable ~ becoming ..i to eouthw9t 10 to Ill knot• thl1 ~.~ttwella2to3 ..... C1oudv wtth par11al clearlng U.S. sumniary H..-.y thund9'1torm1 brought 1evere welther to pent of Oiclahome. Tellat and Arklf\aat today. with tornado•• or extremely high wlndt In Taxu, Oklahoma, Arkanua 1nd Ml-I. L1rga hallatonu pounded many ar••• of Te11a• and Arkan11a, and the hHvy r1ln c:euMd nu11 flood• around Fort Worth, TexH, 1nd 1trHm1 to overflow In Kanaaa. Soatltred thundaratorm• continued from th• lower and mlddle Mlullllppl Valley to Ille IOUthoern Ath1nllc Cout Showart 1nd thunderatorma fell from Montane to •Htern Nev1da and northern Arlron•. Ind rllln Ind log w• pr-1 from northern Iowa Ind IOUthem Mlnn11ot1 through the upper ONo Vtlley to Vlrgtnil Ind Che Carollnel Temper1tur•• uound the Millon a.ty te>ay ranged from 3e In Redmond, Or• , to 81 In ~.Atb.. California The NtUonal W•lhlr 8«vloa predlcta a doWy nlgM. tcattered drlul• Frld•y morning 1nd a c:1Z-t dc>Wy, oool day outalda Notthern mounlalne Ind lnlllnd ., .. , could get en 1flernoon "'°"' end wtet to eout~ wind• could ••MP mountain• 'llnd northern dtNrt• -4th gultl to u '"9fl, torecMtert Mid HiC11'1 Frtdl!Y llhould rwioe In tM llPP9f eo. In Loa ~ .. ~ Ind In mounttlM, --llO to 90 In IN hlOtl ct..tl end ~ N to M ln toww deM\ ,...... ..... "'°"' ttolnt ~· tit MmelnbofdtrOM ~ ................. rr1••1 tnornl"J· lltoelftlnt ,...,, '° to 1 ""'* "' ... llftenlOofl wtttl a I · lo t-root ................. ~ ~ ...... ., ......... Local drizzle Te mperatures NATION Alb111y Albuque Amerlllo Allhevllle Allan ti Atlante Cty Austin Baltimore Bllllng1 Blmllnghm Bismarck 9olM Boat on BfownlVlle Buf1elo &Hllnglon CMC* Chat1ttn SC Chartstn WV Chllltte NC ~ Clndnn•tl CleYetlnd Clmbll SC Cdumt>us Oat-Ft W1n Dlyton Denver 0.. Molnet Detroit Ouk.Ith El Pao F1tgo Fl11Qltlff G'"1 Falla H1rtf0td ~a Hono4utu Houlton lndn9'>f\S Jlciiian MS Jtlelttnvtle Kiins City LuVagaa Utile Roca ~ LuOboc:* MempNe Miami Mh8ul<• M~StP .....,,.,,.. .... OflMnt .... Yor11 Hottolk No. Pl9t• Olde Cfty Omeflt HI Lo ,.. 78 49 90 60 79 55 80 82 .88 83 se .01 81 57 89 78 79 81 75 47 15 se 19 72 57 72 43 n 59 89 90 n 59 79 51 81 47 79 et 1 20 83 82 .oe 82 88 70 47 89 58 .22 81 84 .04 78 83 85 68 .04 79 81 87 70 .10 78 82 .75 73 53 73 58 75 80 .08 70 48 96 70 74 54 100 44 48 38 .56 82 52 80 40 51 88 71 90 78 80 88 .22 89 71 88 70 01 ~ PtllledpNI ~­Plttlbufgll Ptlend, Me Ptland, Or• ProYldenoe Allelgh Atno Sett Laite Sin Antonio SNttle Shreveport Sioux Fella St Louts .St P·Tampe St Sta Mana Spolc- SyreouM Topekl T.-on Tutu Wathf"9tn Wlchlte 11 73 ee so 58 101 74 so 82 90 55 83 45 78 5' 82 87 40 87 45 89 47 87 74 56 4e 05 89 H 18 74 64 18 84 81 '01 83 73 81 78 49 84 57 .49 78 515 70 38 84 83 01 84 83 .01 81 116 71 50 00 71 54 CAUFORMIA 97 70 BaUrlllleld 15 88 Blytlle 84 88 .21 Eurek• 90 84 Fr.oo 84 70 ~ 82 73 I 18 Lot Mgelee 56 47 MwyrAlle 88 80 .2t Mon~ 85 M NMdltl 9' 71 .C17 OMiand SO 85 PMO Rotltll 71 &4 Atd Bluff 70 42 Atdwood City 75 M s.cr-10 70 &2 .41 Salna N 87 95 58 45 89 57 99 55 84 80 .... 80 98 &4 15-4 70 5e M 81 ee 53 71 50 91 51 San Diego S.,, Fr .nci.oo Santi Blrt>ete Santi Mar11 Stoc:ltton Tllennll Ukiah Barstow Big Beer Blahop Ct11llna L•k• Arrowllald Long 8Nc:h Monrovt1 Mt. Wiiton Newport &each Ontario P•lm Springs San Bern1rdlno San G1brlel San JoM S1nt1 Ana Sant• Cnn Tahoe VIiie'( ~AM A•fttCAN ea M 58 50 81 58 92 81 53 94 79 98 73 74 37 92 ~ 54 75 47 68 82 M eo 78 eo 86 eo 84 511 92 86 &4 5e 73 59 73 511 S7 60 83 58 17 '° Acapulco 91 75 8111bed011 68 77 Bermud• 12 73 Booo•• 83 43 CurtclO u 78 Extended weather SOlJTHEAN CAl.IFOANIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -CNnce °' ~ or thundatlhowett ~ mountAllnl during •flarnoon• during .. ( * · .• -=mliiiiiillii--.------weeltend. OtherWIM ~ttlle C:IOudln•n In OOH l•I MOtl0'11 SURf RIPORT with p1rt111 oleartno during ' 11ternoon1. P~ ctoudy m01\ .,... ~ay all9moon. HIOhe rMO~ trom low eo. at ~ ';--£=-: = lo mid Ol lnltnchtlleye, Lowe~ - - -to ea. Mountain reeon hfotw In •--.. eo. Ind !owe U to 48. T .... T.de =~ ,, s 81 TODAY 81 Seoond hlgtl 9:0t p.m. U It 8-ld low 1:M p.m. 2.7 82 ,_AY U Flrlt hlgtl tr$3 Lin. 5. 1 U '1rtlt lllw 9:ot Lfft. O.t ., leoorld llWI ':22 p.m. 4.1 leoorld ... , .. """ ... , .. " ....... It ""' ......... 1:lt p.11\., ...... ~atl:'4a.m. TOMO""OW'I TIDe.I: Mltfl 4:tl ''"'' Low l :ot a,tn, lw.11 Meofl ,.... \oder el 1G:i4 Lfft • °"'°'°" '°""'· .... ,.,.._ .. 7:1f p.in. • Delly ,.... ............ RULES -Judge Kathleen O'Leary has declared that a portion of California's new drunken driving law is unconati tutional . Judge rules drunk law too vague A West Orange County Municipal Court Judge has ruled that a portion of the state'• new law on drunken driving is unconstitutional. Judge Kathleen O'Leary made the ruling Wednesday in Westminster in the case involving Costa Mesa driver Marwin Wilcox. Judge O'Leary, who was sworn to the bench laat November at the age of 30, confirmed today that she sustained the challenge to a section of the law Gary Gunderman. a Fountain Valley resident who is the attorney for Wilcox. said Judge O'Leary made the ruling on one count in the case on ground. that the portion of the law defining a drunken driver is unconstitutional because of vagueness. "She said that a criminal defendant is entitled to know when hia or her conduct violates the law," Gundennan said. "Nobody knowa," Gunderman said, "when his blood alcohol reading is .10 percent or higher." Gunderman said he is contesting the "automatic'' presumption that a driver is guilty of drunken driving when the blood alcohol readina hita .10 percent. He said the reading could be higher in some drivers before intoxication is reached and lower in others. He said he believes this 18 the first time that the law that went into effect this year has been held to be unconstitutional in Orange County. Gunderman said a similar challenge had been upheld earlier in Palm Spnngs and that the case is headed for the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. It is not known if the deputy district attorney pro6E!Cuting the Orange County case plans to appeal the ruling. lf appealed, it probably would be handled independently from the Palm Springs case, Gundennan said. U.S. providing missiles, ammo WASHINGTON (AP) -The UnJted Statet ii providing the Britt1h with Sidewinder air combat mltlllet and ammuniUon u put of the U.S. effort to 1upport the British tn thelr ttaht to regain control of the Falkland lalands, Reagan admJniatratton IOu.n:ea aaid today. British Sea Harrier jet fighters have uaed the Sidewinder to knock down aome of the warplanes Argentina has loet ln air battles around the lalanda, accordJ.ns( to British reporta. Details on the types of anununition being provided were not available. Admlniatration officlala were reluctant to d1acuaa the extent or specifics of U.S. aid. although Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. haa • announced Reagan's intention to "respond positively to request.a for materiel support for British forces." The Briti.iSh are also being supplied with U.S.-built Hawk missiles to replace Rapier ground-based anti-air craft missiles used to protect British ground forces from attack and with perforated steel planking used to construct landing strips. * * * BBC report Lut Wt-ek, I\ WU conflnned that t}}e United Stat.et hu made avaJlable to the British a number of U.S . Air J.orc• jet tanker planet for aJr ref uollna. Meanwhll•, admtnlatratlon IOUr(.'fll said that a dvll.lan 1hJp bought by the Brttl1h government from a foretan owner would be converted into what wu de.crtbed as a "floating repair 1hop," preaumably for British naval force. operating in the Falklands. That convemon work I.a to be done at the U.S . Navy's complex in Charleston, S .C .. after the ahip lS moved from Savannah, Ga., where the British were to take poesesaion of 1t. The 1h1p will be manned by a British crew, administration officials srud. In trying to explain why the admirustration has tried to clamp a lid on detaih about U.S. aid to Britain, Pentagon spokesman Benjamin Welles said earlier in the week that one reason waa t.'Oncern for the possible safety of American nationals living in Latin America because of what Welles called "inflamed public oplnion there about U.S . backing of Britain against Argentina." * * * Falklands delays nelVs assailed • Ill By TOM MURPHINE OftMO..,Not...., There has been grave criticism in Britain on how news of the Falklands fighting has been handled by the Ministry of Defense, a BBC world newa ser vice broadcast r e ported Wednesday night. "Criticism focuaed on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the lat.est vessel lost in Argentine fighting was the HMS Coventry," the BBC said. An offidal of BBC was quoted as saying the destroyer could have been identified for the public and relatives "within four hours" aft.er Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news'' from the task force. C riticism of the delayed identification extended to Parliament where Peter Viggers, MP. declared if he had a relative as a member of the task force. he would have s pent "a most terrible night." Viggers told BBC h e talked with taak force relatives, "who don't want to be protected in thia way." The BBC shortwave news broadcast from London , morutored on the Orange Coast Wednesday night, highlighted the Falklands war news but had fewer detailed r eports from correspondents in the war r.one than the previous three n!ghta. This was interpreted by some observers as a prelude to a major invasion push toward Port Stanley from the British bridgehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's rughtly news report did detail loss of the Sheffield class destroyer, HMS Coventry, and the converted container ship Atlantic Conveyor. Twen t y members o f the Coventry crew and four from Atlantic Conveyor were killed. The BBC quickly added that five Argentine warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates joined the Falklands task force. The names of the new vessels in the conflict were not reported. From the loet vessels, the BBC SaJd, 450 men have been rescued. The BBC noted that Atlanac Conveyor, which was carrying supplies to Bntish troops, was the first supply ship lost in the conflict. It br ings to five the number of British ships lost, 1Jlclud1ng two destroyers and two frigates. Argentine sources, the BBC said, have also warned that the British hospital ship Uganda is "in the battle area" and is in danger "of being hit absolutely." "Buenos Aires reported that the presence of the hospital ship is interfering with the action of their forc.'eS," the BBC said. Another BBC correspondent reported, however, that the hospital ship "is nowhere near the st.nuts of San Carlos." The BBC admitted there have been no detatls emerging from the British side on any new fighting ashore in the last 24 hours. SEIKO SEIKO GIVES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN TIIE WORLD. \ a Here's a necessity for everyone who travels or does business Internationally: the Seiko World Time Clock. Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement. For a distinctive personal or buslnes,, gift choose the desk clock. $125. or the travel dock. $75. SLAVICK·s· ~ Jlwtlln Since 1917 ~rt ~ btsc .u.rpruts bqin. '-'*" llflnd (7t'> ........ ~ ..... Allo GrelW I.All ~·Sift Clllgt. a..~ J. --·- I t • • ' . ' ' f , \ , r I j • , I , Orange Oout OAILV PIL.OTIThurlday, May 17, 1H2 Sidestepping rules creates confusion Laguna Beach City Cc>undl memben have rejected plana for a three·atory buUdlng at the comer of Forest and Park avenuea, de.spl~ a rec:omrnend"tion from a cl'y panel that the project be approved. Last month, the city's Design Review Board approvM plans to renovate the Park Forest Pharmacy at 202 Park Avenue, adding a third level. The proposal called for a Normandy-style bui1ding at that comer, with a height that would not exceed the city's 36-foot limit. Council members said they liked the design of the building, but opposed it on grounds that Forest Avenue is not an appropriate location for a three-story building. Council members said they feared a "tunnel effect" on Forest Avenue should the proposal be allowed and other property owners on Forest follow suit. Primarily, they objected to a firewall on the inland side of the building which they said would be too massive. They sent the architect back to revile hla blueprinta for the building. The archtt.ect prepared plan.I for the lite bued on the city'• existing ordinances. He came in under the 36-foot height limit and c reated a project tnat no one denies is attractive and "in keeping with the village atm<>tiphere." For the roundl to then say tha t the building ls not appropriate at that location. but might be accept.able somewhere else -say Coast Highway -is unfair. If the council wants to create a specific plan for Forest Avenue, then that should be considered. But to deny a project that meets all of the city's criteria, and to arbitrarily Impose restrictions that do not appear in the city's building cod e, leaves the developer with no guidelines from which to create his project. Perhaps even mor e distasteful, the council, with this decision, leaves the impression that rules, r egulation s and ordinances apply only when the · <.'Ouncil feeL<t like applying them Offshore oil fight lf Orange Coast cities are ever to win deletion of oil tract leases off their shores, a concerted battle in the courts appears their onJy option. To date, the cities of Laguna Beach . Newport Beach and San Clemente appear ready to JOIO the st.ate an a lawsuit against the U S. Department of Interior. Los Angeles may even join the legal battle, following that recomme ndation by Mayor Tom Bradley. At issue, at least to Orange Coast cities. is the proposed lease of l l tracts off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. The sale is scheduled for June 11 , according to Interior Secretary James Watt's o ffice, des pite a concerted letter-writing effort to delete those tracts from our coast. Officials in Newport and Laguna have a special interest in seeking the deletions. Both beac h towns rely on tourism for much of the ir municipal revenues. An oil spill of any magnitude would do little' to help the economies of either community. ln addition. there are fragile udepools in both cities that would be adversely affected by a spill. Leaders in both cities say they are not opposed to offshore dnlling but they fear selling leases so close to either city is inviting trouble. Perhaps with l>Upport of Los Angeles and the state, these tracts can be taken off the list of potenuaJ drilling sites. Council orators lose Public communications - that portion of the Laguna Beach City Council meetings during which residents may speak on any issue d esired -will remain at the end of evening sessions. That decision came last w eek despite a proposal by freshman council member Dan Kenney that the coun cil alternate public communications at the front and the end of meetings. His proposal that the consent items -those issues that nonnally are routine and raise no hackles - be moved to the front of the agenda was accepted. The decision to keep off-agenda items brought forward by citizens at the end of the meetings was a sound one. Allowing a certain few citium orators to monopolize council time at the beginning of the evening is unfair to th09e who have sho"' n up for items that are scheduled on • the agenda If. for example, c1uzens are there to speak on an underground utility proposal, they would have to listen to grandstanders who of ten have little to contribute to the meeting, and who are not on the formal agenda. Unfortunately, many of the more frequent speakers use public co mmunications to mak e unsu bsta n tia ted accusa lions against the council and city officials -often in a surly, abrasive and unproductive manner. · Such attacks can destroy the council's e ffectiveness in handling vital matters during the balance of the session. If citizens have serious issues that should be brought before the council, the y can make their feelings known in a letter to the City aerk and earn a position on the regular agenda. Opinions expressed 1n the space dbove are those Jf the Oa1ly Piiot. Otner views ex pressed on this page are those ol their authors and artists. ~eClder comm ent is 1nv1t ed. Address The Da11y Pilot, PO Box 1S60, Cosia Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 L.M. Boyd I Xenophobes You're a xenophobe, if you don't hke foreigners, exotic foods or changes generally. I suppose you can say a xenophobe doesn't appreciate surprues. A meat-and-potatoes man who gel8 upset when he's served cracked crab with fiddlehead fem miaht be classified aa a xenophobe. lt'a no sign of ignorance, pleaiie note. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant waa a xenophobe. He never ventured more than 10 miles :f from his home, and townfolk to tell the time of day by when he took his walks. '-'· What'• the true definition of "ala>holl.am"? A. Nonesuch la aireed upon by all authorltlee. Merriam-Webster'• New ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Collegiate says either "excessive" or "compulsive" drinking identifies it, and says further It.a causes are both psychological and nutritional. Most veteran ex-drinkers say it doesn't mat~r how you define It. U you can't count on sure control of the thing once you start, you've got it, and that 's definition enouah. The Federal Government, which hat a firm writeup on moet heahh condltiona, still hasn't come up with a definition for that one, lnc:tdmtally. Q . Noon i1 when the human body tends to heithlen lhe craving for physical romance, right? A. No. sir. noon la when your body Is most auaceptlb~ to a.lcohot. The ro- mAntlc peak. supposedly, ls 7 a.m. Thom•• P: Haley Publisher ' Thomas A. Murpftlne Editor · Barbara Krelblctt EdHort•I P~e Editor - •,i ·' 't MYo$\&l.f-TME SfA1t 'PiP~RTMM WOU~P NMR ~\f ~UOWEP Mitt\~ TO 1M£ U.S.!1 • Haig proves his durability WASHINGTON Lik e the proverbial feline survivor, Al Haig not only has nine lives, but always seems to land on his feet He 1s as :;(:arred and battered as an old tomcat, yet Haig manages to survivt• one ha1r -ra1smg pohtacal scrap after anoihPr, most of them of his own makmg Haag's durab1Jaty LS truly remarkable Consider the physical and political calamalles he has endured an JUSt the last fe'I>( years: an assassination all.empt, a ir1ple coronary bypass, thl.' Watergate scandal, thunder and hghtnang from the extreme right, quan'C'ls with a host of White Ho use advisers and Cabinet sec·retaries -and the s<'lf -induced embarrassment .caused by his own Homeric t•go. HAIG IN HIS youth was the leader of a Philadelphia gang c aJle d the Musketeers; though a respectable boxer. he was more noted for hUJ ability t.o negotiate with rival gangs over turf. The street smarts he acquired then, supple mented by Henry Kissinger's tutelage in high-level political infighting and cultivation of powecful sponsors, have enabled Haig to escape rhe professional oblivion that is regularly predicted for him. The latest prophecies of Haa g's polJtacaJ demise followed the breakdown of hLS KlssmRer-style shuttle d1plomat·y G. . -J1-c1-11-1-11-11-1 -~ between Britain and Argentina This, surely, would be the stake through Haig's heart. But a high-level White House SOU!°Ct;' told me that Ha1g is not in trouble with the One person Who counts. Askt-d If Pretudent Reagan rrught respond t.o lhl· out.cry for IUig's scalp, the aide replied "No, that's not the president's style" In fact, he said, Reagan's matmct IS to stand behind an a.ide who is the target of critic1Sm -as he did in Budget Director David Stock.man's case. Another high White House official told my associate Dale Van Atta that Haig's detractors were licking their t·hops ovt•r tus Falkland Islands failurei Bul tht• pres1dt•nt was not upsel. "Onl't: Hci1g took the ball. 1t was very t·v1dl'nt that his bc.·mg tJOIOl man kep• Rt'agan din~·ilv out uf ll." said thtl soun·p A gratdul Rt>agan has gone ou~ of his way in th(• Wl>t'k!> stnl't' to say lond ihmgs about HJ!~ .ind to deny repori. ihat his foreign pol!t y v1t·Jr w~ Jbout lO h<' dc•f rix:kl'd HAIG 'S w1llangn<.-s:. some soun-es say t·agerness to t.c&kt· on lht· d1plomat10 kamikaze m1ss1o n .d~u won him something hl' had always found m short supply at th<' Wh1u.· Howw. grudging respet·t from top Rc·..ig;m aides After !>Oml' 1mt1al grousing over the• luxury I !Jag was (•npymg an has Air For<'<' jet ;ind the self-import.ant pronouncementa tw was making. Wh1 tr· HoUS(c' stafff'rs had W cunet.'<IP the abr a.s1vP gl·neral was doing a tough, thanklt~'> )Ob So once again th~ hard-charging st.'<:retary of stat<.· has Pmergt>d from a dicey s1tuauon with hes poht1cal hide still intact Onl'e ;igd1n ih e w ould -be t·at-skinners in the> White.• House have had to sheathe thc·1r lung knavc-s Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the Edit.or: I am 13 years old, and ever since I was born, I heard about the power of the press. Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword and the press is the pen that reaches and influences Large groups of people. Because of this great mfluence, I ask the Daily Pilot to fight against 011 drilling off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach IS a very special place for me. It is my hometown I was born here and ever since I can remember, my MAILBOX mom used to take me to Corona del Mar Beach. It would be difficult to tell you how many sandcastles I have built and how man1 mud fights I have had with my brothers and sister It would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and how many have knocked me down. I do'l't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch. BUT MOST OF ALL, I have grown accustomed to the beauty of 'the ocean and the beach. I can't write well enough t.o describe how beautiful our coastline is or perhaps there are no adequate words of pra.lae to describe it. All I can think of saying is that: it's precious, it's priceless. It's unique. One would not splash ink on a priceless painting but cherish it and preecrve it. Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coast.hne with oil wells. Years ago, my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit, Mich. She took me to the beaches of Lake St. Clair where she used to swim, sail and play. But, the lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" signs everywhere. Sadly my mother explained, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." When I grow up and sit with my children on Corona del Mar Beach, 1 don't want to tell them that, "It \.lied to be nice when I was a young girl." I want our coastline to stay u beaut.lful aa it is today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of the blue Pacific without staring at a forest of oil wella. JANE E. ZALF.SKI Litter solution To the Editor: Al the North Laguna Community Association 's board meetln1, Rich Farnell cleved up the myslery of the trash-filled plutic ball we've been .eei.ng on the highway between I...ajuna and Corona deJ Mar durl.na the paet MVenl weeks. What we hearo wu ., exciting that the board lnatructed me to tell Judae David Carter how m uch we appreciate hie lngen.loua 110lutlon to a problem that hat been plaguina ua fOf' a Jong tJme. WE ENTHUSIASTICALLY applaud t.nd cornmmd th.la proO'am of puUina misdemeanor vlolatora to work on dlmi..up mnn 1..-d of jalUna tt.n. Utter In our public areu la a 1Ubjlct that repcatfd.ly appears on our -amdL Our own eoludort tn North Laa\ma hu bctn to have a group of volunteers (our "Latter-ature Committee") meet at Boat Canyon at 9 a.m on the first Tuesday of each month, armed wtth work gloves and plastJc trash bags. and proceed to clean up some pre-selected area for one hour. We like Judge Carter's idea much better! Many of us are seeing our beautJful coastal area at ii. best for the fu'St time It is such a sensible one that we are hoping 1t will be contmued long beyond h1S term of service CLARICE GARFIN Corresponding Secretary S till tak es t wo To thl' Editor: "Right On" to Dr Moldaws ky <ind Mass Scverona on their nuclear frC'czc letter (Mailbox. May 15) BuJJ y for all if a way can be found to get at on thl· Moscow ballot The trouble with a bilateral agreement as that ll takes two sides t.o make ll, JUSt lake a tango J.W REID 'Affordable units' To The Editor: What is happening to our Laguna Niguel? I'll tell you . Of all residential units planned to be built in Nlguel's future, 25 pereent will be built and sold as "affordable units." These units are generally stacked, apartment-type buildings, two stories high and are raffled off in lotteries to a few lucky people earning up to but not more than 120 percent of the median income of $31.000 for Orange County. Twenty-five percent. One in tour. Some counties have no affordable units, moet limit it to 10 percent of all units. But becauae Orange County, Laguna Niguel In particular, has so much land yet to be developed we are destgnated as the panacea to solve today's housing crisis. A LOT OF people can be blamed for thia: Coas\al Com.miasion and th08e who voted it into bem,, Orange County Board of Supervlaora and those who voted them lnto oftJce. The developen that try to squeeze every lut unit onto an acre regardleea of tbe Iona run impact on the area. My point 11 that I'm not tryln1 to blame anyon e . 1 ju1t want thia rld lculously hlgh per<len ta1e of a fford a b le uni ta to be adjuated downward from 26 percentto10 percent. And I want them built ln areas chat lend th ernaelve• to affordable unlta. Thi• mean•: a) not bull~ th~m next to e1tabUilhed netihbor · 1 wheN J>85>p}it have bouaht. fiwd and ~ tbtlr property wtth no pttor knowledae that lolrilda)' '-.ffordabW unitl" woula be ln their' ~ b) not ~them ln the coutal 10M WMN &heir h denllty (Al many u 20 un.lta oer acre 'il'W have • sever e n egauve impact on traffic , parking and aesthetics c) build them close to the freeways, (better access to work areas) a dja ce nt to commerc1al/tndustnal zoned land (no negative impact on {'Stablts hed area) and next to proposed fret>ways e g San Juan Corridor Write Supervisor Riley, wr11e your locaJ newspapers. come to the June 14, 7:30 p.m meetmg of the Laguna -Niguel Community Council Do somethmg or soon we wall look around us and forget whv we chose to lave m Laguna NLguel. . WICK HARTUNG (ouncil agenda To the Editor: Public Commun1cat1ons and the Consent Calendar are two of the most controversial and important parts or the City Council agenda In essence, they permit concerned c1t1ze ns to be seen, heard and express their pomlS of view. This is an important Laguna tradiuon, • vital part of our democratic system, and a way of life that has been gomg on for a long tune in Laguna Beach. fu?cently thlS changed. The remaining elements of the McDowell Dynasty had them removed and placed at the end ''t the COWlcil agenda -meim1ng about the midnight hour. This discouraged man)'. of our working c1tJ1 '\S, and others, an<f stilled th . voices of our people This was wrong and has no place an Laguna Beach THE NEW City Council is now in a position to correct this great wrong. Many concerned citizens are requesting that Public Communications and the Consent Calendar be put back on th~ front part of the agenda on all council meetings. The way it used to Ire . Anythinj less than that would be counter-productive and not in the best interests of Laguna Many concerned citiiens believe the. new City Council 11 off to a good start. We suggest that citu.ens be permitted to put it.ems on the council agenda through the Mayor and the City Clerk's office. We are looking forward to affirmative action on thia important matter. • • ALAN E. ADAMS The cou.ndl voted last week to return the Con.sent c.Jendar to Che ~of the agenda. F.diwr Seema to mo lt would only take a few those mtlllon-dollar an multl-mlllton-doJlar homn alone th cout to dialOrt the wbolo picture • •• avera1e properly value1 a r concemed.. ) ! I °''"" Oout DAILY P.ILOT/Thuf'9dey. Mey ar. 1H2 .. 1 Carson monologµes bite Comedian called poll ti cal comment ator SOUTH COAST PLAZA OAl NllSVlLLll, '11. (AP) -Comedian J~ <:anon. who opena hJI 0 Toniaht Show" wtU. an olWn·b&Una ~ aomeu.m. a1rned at 1overnmtnt t11ur••t 11 1 eoclal and poUtlcal coaunentator a1 well aa a t1lk·1how boat, a Unlwntty of Florida etudent ....archer 11ya. Carton'• jokH contributed to hi• decline In ~ty. Canon and other oomedlanl allo make the pr.ldency a common tarpt for their Jc*-. Pr.- u.ld tn an tntervtew. "No matter who the ~dent la, coma will find aometh.lft8 to ric:Uoul•. he u.ld. ~ ~~~~~?~~!,t: In feet. Canon .. ~ could IWIY publlc opinion and even affect th• popularity of a prHldent, aaya Herb Pr ... L an 1udlo-vl1u1l 1pteia~l•t who wrote hit m11t er'1 theala on Caraon'• television monololu•· Prem found that 31 percent of C1raon11 JQkea ooncen*l pol!til:I and 1overnment. The rnono1oC\Jel lhowed an •1~e11 l on toward P.but~~':! blunted by-fiwnor." In a study of monologues aired from D e c e mber 197 7 to February 1978, Presa CARSON clusified 515 jokes into five main categories. Thirty-four percent of the jokes were claaaified in the lelaure-time category, which includes show bual.neea. Technology, which alao includes the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not long after Press finished hia thesis in April, U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Calif., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said Canon uied to joke about Jimmy Cart.Ir'• fNnll~t blc:m\Me Prilklent Relpn'a funily II not u u111 Carter'• Canon now concentrat.a hJI jobila on ICOIVJINc polldee. the wrcher Mid. A Canoft &ld9 in the entenainer'1 Burbank otflce uid CVIOft Wll buly and couJd not oomment c:U.rectly on, the thmla. She 9Cknowledad that Caral had received a copy of the paper rnday. 11He LI very tntrljued by It and plant to r-.d lt," laid DNe Wu.on. "He thouaht It w11 an 1ntereltin2 topic." Ma. Wu.on u.ld the had no tdee 1f c.u.on would mention the 1ubject on the ''Tonlcht Show," noUna that It wu not uncommon for him to reoetve student papen d.ltcullina the ahow. Prell u.ld the Idea of the study came to him one night when he was watchina the ahow. "He did a lot of joke. on Sert Lance," Prat said. "It aeemed to me an unusual nwnber of joket about one thin&·" CD plan rejected EUREKA (AP) -Hwnboldl County aupervl- aora have rejected a federal avil J)efenae plan to take ln San Frand8co area residenta if there ia a threat of nuclear war. The plan to shelter 184,000 nuclear t:vacuees in state and national parka here was rejected un.animoualy. Robinsons Orfcket LTD wlll be hotting two repr...,,tattvee from the Selangor Factory. There wtll be a demon1tr1tlon of the manufacturing proCesl and fr• hand engraving with any purchue. Friday 11-3 & 8-9 Saturday 12-2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Reg. Special Tankard Reg. Satin finish Special South Coast Plaza Lower Level. Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 $42.60 ~.00 $46.00 $38.00 , a . m-, ........ c.... ~l.Jltl't - \,__/ STEVENS SPECTACULAR MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER l •• ~ OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 54.88 fwin YVES SAINT LAURENT'S ELEGANT ITRIPINGS. NOW AT 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except, perhaps, for this designer's flair for color Our first quality YSL sheets. in an intriguing mix of wine. toast. cream and forest green. on the diagonal. of course Of cotton/polyester percale Prices shown, flat or fitted Twin Full Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases. pr Orig $14 $18 $23 $28 $14 $16 Sale $4.88 $8.88 $1 3.88 $1 7.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS 59.88-811.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUAUTY SHEETS IN SUMMER PATTERNS, NOW AT 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense of freshness to the room you relax in Here are three tempting patterns. all in soft cotton/polyester percale Choose from favorites like YSL Foulard with pindots and flowers of while on taupe: Versailles. restful peach, blue and taupe flowers on cream. or Bangkok. far·Eastern floral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come 1n early and find the best selection Pnces shown. flat or fitted Sale ends Monday, May 31 Robinson's Domestics. 30 To order call toll-free 1·800·345·8501 • Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases. pr Reg $18·$26 $22·$32 $14·$17 $16·$19 Sale $9.88 $11.88 $9.88 $11.88 Hurry In while quantities are plentiful and selections extensive. All hsms subject to prior sale. ,, ,, ' ; ' I . ~ ~ , 1111111'.lll\ ~ Ml\ Y :; 1'11•.' OltAN<.I C lHJ N 1 'i t .J\1 It <>H NIA 2'• C l Nl S Move on Falklands ca ital 5,000 British troops attacking Meet Irvine candidates Following are profiles by Dflily Piloc writer Glenn Scott on two of che candidates for the Irvine Ciey Council. Other profiles appear~ In W~nesday's Daily Pilot. The remaining candidate profiles will appear in subsequent ed.Jtions. The elt:Ction is June 8. Wiener gets support in Irvine race To candidate Barbara Wiener. n othi ng exemplifies her campaifn for an Irvine City Counci seat more than the organization she has created to help her. Not only has she been the leading fund-raiser in the race of six candidates for two openings in the June 8 election, but she has also spread her message door to door. Ea rl ier this month , a contingency or 120 families managed to deliver her campaign llier to every home in Irvine in the same day. She claims it was the first time the city was canvassed by a local candidate in one day. Her talent in joining separate neighborhoods and villages for her cause shows what she could do as a council member, she said. Her supporters, she added, have differing political views but share trust in her. "To me, th e campaign represents a coalition of people who care about Irvine, which is exactly what I'd like to see on the council," she explained. Where did her supporters .,.., Not • ..,, "'°'° SPREADS WORD -Irvine City Council candidate Barbara Wiener says organiz.ation made it possible for her to be the first local candidate ever to c.anVUll the entire city in a single day. come from? She said most are fnends who met her during her 10 years as an active Turtle Rock resident, president of the Irvine (See WlENER, Page A%) Pozzi emphasizes sound city budget 0.-, ............... GAINS INSIGHT -Moving company owner Bill Pozzi says running for the Irvine City Council is "a mind-boggling experience." WORLD As owner of a moving company he began four years ago, Bill Pozzi sees a lot of bankruptcies. When a company goes broke and its equipment is repossessed or confiacated by the court, he often gets the call to haul it away. And lately, Poi.zi said, his Apollo Moving Company has never been so busy with bank.tu ptcies. Because his job is to be on the last rung of the bank ruptcy ladder, Pozzi said he knows first h a nd h ow the economic slowdown has hurt local and even national businesses. AB an Irvine city councilman, he said, he would recognize the importance of keeping the city's budget in sound fiscal shape. Pozzi is on e of six people running for two openi.nglJ on the council in the June 8 election. It ia the 35-year-old Pou.i's first attempt at seeking political office. It's been a busy time for Pozzi, who spreads his efforts among his Costa Mesa-based bu.sines, volunteer hours at Hoag (See POZZI, Page A%) Jet carrying 91 hijacked TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) -A Moroccan jetliner carrying 91 puaengers and a crew of nine was hijacked today shortly a!er taking off from Athens, and landed at Tunis-Carthage airport about five houri later, officials said. NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny CaJw>n ii more than a talk abow host. His monologue. show him to be a 8IOd.al and political ccmmentator, eccord1ng to a muter'• thala. PQRe A7. Town calling it quits All five residents of Loyalton. S.D., have voted to dlmolve the town and Ave on property wcee. Page DS. * * * Consul defends principle Brit.lah Consul General George Finlay10n told an Orange County audience Wednesday that hla nation's decialon to go to war over the Falkland laland.s la strictly a matter of principle. Questions of mineral righta at lhe spanely populated Falklands were not considered in the British decision to sen d its military to dislodge Argentine forces, he said. •'This has not entered into this dispute at all," he told memben of the World Affain Council of Orange County during a dinner apeecn at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. Thatcher pledges big push By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 British forces have begun pushing out from their beachhead at San Carl08 in a bid to recapture the Falkland Islands from Argentina, Prime Miruster Margaret Thatcher announced .... today. There was n o immediate reaction from Argentina, which reported the British forces were penned m at San C-arloe. "Our forces on the ground are now moving forward from lhe bridgehead,'' Mrs Thatcher told the House o f Commons an London. But she declined to say more about the advance. "In fact It might have been easier to resolve if the dispute had been over material lsaues rather than principles of the islanders' rights and resisting aggression ." Responding to a question from the audience, F inlayson said mineral reserves around the islands have never been meaaured and lhe extent of such deposits are not known "with any accuracy." 4' Wlrepfloto HO~E. BRITTANIA -Flanked by the Union Jack, Petty Of hc~r Pe~r Meyer gets welcome home from girlfriend Valene Robins when he and other survivors from destroyer HMS Sheffield arrived home in Ena.land today. The Sheffield was sunk in an Argentine air attack. "Too much discussion about tuning and detaa.l.s of operations can only help the enemy," she said. British Defense Secretary John Nott had saJd some 5,000 British ground troops on the islands would be involved in the move on Stanley -the islands' capital -50 mJles east of San Carlos, on th e main East Falkland Island. Head of the B rit ish government's L oa Angeles consulate, Finlayson baa been part of his country's diplomatic corpe since 1948. He toolc over his recent position in March 1981. Although Finlayson said he's spoken a half-doien timea to groupe about the Falklands c:rtm, he estimated he haa been interviewed 50 timel by members of the media. He said he speak.a as many as six ti.mes a day with British representa tivea In Washington.. D.C .. for updates on his government's poai'tlon. Irvine Co. flays leasing lawsuit Brit ish Defense Ministry spokesman lan McDonald was asked about reports British forces had already taken Goose Green. a settlement and airstrip 20 miles south of San Carlos, and he replied: ''It has been stated that the forces will not hang around." He told his American aud1mce that principle rather than historical alliance haa prompted the U.S. govenunent'a support of the British ~use. The Argentine milltary'a action eight weel<s ago to take control of (See BRITISH, Page .U) .,.., ......... ,... PRINCIPLE -British Consul General G eorge Finlayson says his country's action ln the Falkland lalands is "a matter of principle." STATE The Irvine Company reacted with anger today to an unsuccessful try by members of the Committee of 4,000 to get a court restraining order halting the company from seeking lawsuit wai vers from leaseholders in Newport Beach and Irvine. The development firm, which is being sued by four committee members, described Wednesday's legal maneuver as "heavy handed" and said it could bring a UCI offering • courses 1n theater arts UC Irvine will offer special academic and theatrical programs this summer for gifted and talented students. grades five to 12. High school juniors and seniors will nave course offerings that include painting, composition. foreign language, public speaking and science. The studen ts also will take special courses to boost their general academic skills. Students in grades seven to 10 may take courses lh mathematics, writing, science, forensics, leadership, arts and journalism. Youngsters In grades six to eight can stud y archaeology, consu m er education and computer programming . A musical theater workshop also will be held to give students training In acting. dancing, auditioning, scenery and makeup. For more information, call 898-7639 or 968-2780. Santa Cruz sit-in held SANTA CRUZ (AP) -In a throwback to the turbulent 601 activism, about 50 University of California studen ts here have occupied the chancellor's office ln support of a teacher who was denied tenure. Candidates bombar.d airwaves Anyone watching television haa no doUbt noticed that political commerclals are a1moet unavolc:t.ble as the June election approaches. Pap AlO. COUNTY Teachins brainy kids tough TeachJn1 ao advanced cheml1try clan l1 a cl\allenp fot !'.atanda HJah School teacher John Cullen. Hl1 1ludenta often arrive at &n8wera to prob1erm before be doM. Page Bl. ~- quick halt to two financing programs the Irvine C-ompany is offering leaseholders. Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a British Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby denied the request for the restraining order, but agreed to hold a bearing June 7 on the committee's request for an injunction stopping the company from seeking the lawsuit waivers. defense source said only I 00 Argentines were believed there. He declined to speculate where others might have gone. By contrast, some 7 ,000 Argenune troops, including some of Argentina's most seasoned soldiers, are deployed in and around Stanley, the source said The Irvine Company has asked leaseholders to sign documents pro mising not to join the committee lawswt before lhey can sign up for the company programs. Committee members said lhe communications with residents are misleading. Company officials complained they w e re only afforded a four -h o ur notice of the restraining order request and said If the UlJWlCUOn IS granted, it will hurt affected residents, not the Irvine Com pany. Ray lkola, the attorney representing the comm.ittee, said he wants the court to prevent the Irvine Company from seeking the waivers unless the requests are first approved by the court. Ikola said the communications from the Irvine Company to affected residents do not give leaseholders all the facts. "We think they're trying to hide the ball in these com- munications," said Ikola, who said he was particular} y irritated that one of the residents suing lhe company received a lawsuit waiver request in the mail. He said he complained last week about the waivers and that the legal move should not have been a surprise. The flap over the waivers l.s (See IRVINE, P11e A%) INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck 8usme. Callfomla Cavalcade CluBified C«niaa eto.word Death Noticea F.d110l'ial Entenalnment Hy Gardner A4 B2 C6-7 A6 8 2 04-8 C8 C8 03 A8 86-8 B2 SPORTS Reagan pr~ps for Europe SANTA BARBARA (AP) From his fog -shrouded mountaintop ranch, President Reagan 1s using his five-day vacation to study for hts trip to Europe and to lobby congressmen to vote for the budget biU he endorses. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was polishing three speeches he intends to deliver during his four-nation trip. He also was studying three briefing books, each l 1h -inches· thick, that provide details of the economic summit he will attend in France as well as details for his side trips to England, Italy and Gennany. While dense fog canceled Reagan's plans to go hol"'9eback riding on his 688-acre spread, he turned his attention Wednesday to lobbying a dm.en congressmen, mostly Dem ocr ats, who had requested a chance to talk by telephone before the vote on the budget bill. Horoecope Ann Landen Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Marketa Television Theaters Weather World Newt 82 B2 B6-8 A3 Dl-4 Cl-4 C7 C9 B6-8 A2 A3 OCC gains; GWC loses <>ranae Cout lldvancea. but Oo1den w.r1 emn are CXllt1y 1n the tint round of the It.ate community co1Jece bwblll tournament In Lana Belch. hie Cl. . . . ------r \1 Frizzelle Dedication set for YMCA center material stopped By DAVID KUTZMANN O(tM Delly flW ..... A 1uperior court judQc h11 blocked further dlltributlon of ca mpalan materiah for Incumbent GOP auemblyman Nolan Frtuelle which hie challenaer -l rvlnl' Mayor David Silla -c lalma aro d~ptlve An opon hou1e and ded.lc.aUon for a new YMCA Strvlce C•nter in Irvine I• 1cheduled to take place Thunday. The fe1t1vltlea will run from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at th• center, which IJ located at the •UC lrvine Junior Robert Ga lbr a ltb of Yucaipa has been awarded the Jean and Dan Aldrich Scholarship. The biological sciences major will receive a full year's tuition at the university. The scholarship was established in 1972 ln honor of UCI Chancellor Dwel G. Aldricb Jr. and Mrs. Aldrich Irvine Compeny lnformaUon Center a t 4060 Barranca Parkway. The aervke center LI a Jolnt project of the Saddleback and Ora.nae Cout chapten of the YMCA intended to offer more pro ar•m• In the community. on the 10th annivenary of hta appolntment., chancellor. UCI flne arta major J amee F rancil Wa l•lll of Newpoft Beach wae 1elected as a · chancellor's scholar. The acholarehlp Is given on the basis of academic achievement and university acUvities. Both men are aeeklng the Republican nomination for the 69th a.embly dl.atrict in the June 8 primary election While SW. was aucceaful ln obtaining a court order from Judge Claude Owen• Wedne1day , attorneys for Friu.elle were planning to file countercharges in another court. That lawsuit co ntained allegations similar to those In Sills' l ega l action -that California's "Tr uth I n Endorsement" law was belr\g violated. Falklands delays Sills drew fir st blood Wednesday on the basis of a lawsuit he filed earlier in the week Hts sui t a lle j{ed that Friu.elle, R-Costa Mesa, and hla political commit t ee were r esponsible for lite r ature inferring that the lawmaker had won the endorsement of the California Republican Party. • ID news assailed By TOM MURPHINE Of ltle 0..,, Not ..... There has been grave criticism i.n Britain on how news of the J'alklands fighting has been handled by the Ministry of Defe nse, a BBC world news service broadcast reported Wednesday night. "Cnticism focused on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the latest vessel lost in Argentine figh t ing was the HM S Coventry," the BBC said. An official of BBC was quoted as saying the d estroyer could have been identified for the public and relatives "within four hours" after Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news" from the task force. Cri t1cism of the de layed identification ext e nded t o Parliament where Peter Viggen, MP, declared if he had a relative as a member of the task force. he would have s p ent "a moat temble night." Viggers told BBC h e t a lked wi t h task forc e re latives, "who don't want to be protected in this way." The BBC shortwave news broadcast from L o ndon . monitored on the Orange Coast Wednesday nh~ht, highlighted the Falklands war news but had fe wer detailed reports from <.'Orrespondents in the war zone than the previous three nights. This was interpreted by some observers as a prelude to a major invasion push toward Port Stanl ey from the Bri tish bridgehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's nightly news report did detail loss of the Sheffield class destroyer, HMS Coventry, and the con verted container sh ip Atlantic Conveyor. Twenty m e mbers o f the Coventry crew and four from Atlantic Conveyor were killed. The BBC quickly added that five Argentine warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates JOined the Falklands task force. The names of the new vessels in the conflict were not reported. From the lost vesaels, the BBC \said, 450 men have bee4t rescued. 'The BBC noted that Atlantic Conveyor, which was carrying supplies to Britlah troops.. was the first supply ship lost in the con flict. It brings to five the number of British ships Jost, including two detlroyen and two frigatea. Argentine sources, the BBC said, have also warned that the British hospital stup Uganda i.a "in the battle area" and is in danger "of being hit absolutely." Attorneys for Friu.elle and the California Repubbcan Assembly, an unofficial group that endorsed the Costa Mesa assemblyman, denied the allegations. State law prohibits official organir.a tions of poll ticaJ parties from endorsing candidates in primary elections. At issue in the Sills-Frizzelle race is campaign literature which includes a letter from California Republican Assembly President Coanne Cubete and a tabloid newspaper published by the CRA. Both were mailed to voters last week. Frizzelle's candidacy was strongly endor sed in the pubhcations, which were paid for by the assemblyman's political corruru ttee. Sills said the letter lacked the proper "truth in endorsement" disclaimer required by the state. That disclaimer would note that the endorsement is by an unofficial political group. The ne wspaper, he said, buried the notice, also in Vlolatton of the law. Huntington Beach attorney Samuel Cubete, whale wife i.a CRA president and signed the letter, denied that the campaign material suggested an official GOP endorsement. "It was not meant to deceive," he said. Local drizzle Tem perature s Coastal Low CloU<I• lo<lay With IOc* drlula during morning hour•. High• 52 10 66 Chance o t meaaureble prec1p11a11on 10 percent. Low clouds continue through tonlghl and Friday' morning with parllel eltefnoon cieatlnQ. Overnight 10'#9 56 to 62. High• Friday 6 4 to 72 H untington-Newport 11•• temperetur• range from e low of 59 to • high of 6S Elaewhera, from Point Conception to the Mexican bord« and OU1 SO mllee Light var\1ble wind• bec:Omlng ,.... to IOUl"-1 10 to 16 knoll ttllS evening. South-I aweets 2 to 3 feat. Cloudy with partlel CIMllng. V.S . srimmary Haevy thundef•tOl'ln9 brought severe weather to parll of Oklahoma, Taxu and Arkllll ... l odey , with tornadoa1 or axt.-mely hlgl\ wlndt In T-. O k l ahom a, Arkan••• and Mluourt, Lero• h•ll•tonu pounded many ereea of Te11 1a end Arkan•••. and lhe heavy rain e.uMd lluh llooda arOIH\d Fort Worth, Tu11. and ttream1 to OV9rflow In ~ Scettatad thundaratorma continued from the lower end middle MIMIMIPOI Vdfr/ to the IOUIMm Allantle Cout. Showert and thunderatorma lell from Mont1n1 to e1atern Nevede lf1d northern Arizona. end rain 111d log wu Pf-1 f\'om oorth«n low• and IOUth«n Mlnne1ot1 lhrough the upper Ohio Vlllley to Virginie end !tie C.Ollnaa. Tempereturea around lhe nation ew1y today rang«! from 3e In Redmond, Ore., lo 81 In Phoenl11, Arll - California The Netlotwll W•th« Service Pf9dlci• • cloudy night, ICettlfed drizzle Friday morning end 1 ~~· COOi day outlllde Nc:w1hern mountains lllld lnlend area• could get en afternoon .._ end wwt 10 IOUltlwel( Wind• could •weec> mountain• "'° northern o-18 with ~ to a5 mph, ~ ... N6d Hlgnl Fndey lhould l'9"gl9 In Iha upper ec>e In Loe ~ • tieecr. end In mount ........ IO to 80 In the hlah o...tt Md ......,.181ots~io-~ ~ ...... f\'om ~ COOCliCIOClh '° ... Mutaen bcwder 09ll ...,. laM. .....,.,. wlndl ~ .., •rrlfey mornlnf , b eco1r11119 ~10to1 tmaatll ... •1'Mno0fl wttfl • 2· to a,.1oot ~ ••II .,.. la to M!oot ......, fwttw _..,, eo 11'1111 out ' MATIOM HI Lo .... 78 49 90 so 79 5r, 80 62 IMS 63 fWI 01 81 57 69 78 79 61 75 47 65 Ml 19 72 51 72 '3 77 59 89 eo 11 59 79 51 81 47 19 ee uo 63 82 .oe 62 88 70 47 69 58 .22 61 64 .04 78 83 85 1111 .04 79 61 87 70 10 76 82 75 73 53 73 58 1s eo .oe 10 48 lie 70 74 54 100 44 46 341 58 82 52 60 40 .51 88 71 90 78 80 Ml .22 69 71 8S 70 0 1 117 73 69 llO 66 101 74 80 82 80 55 83 46 78 59 82 67 40 67 45 89 47 87 74 5e 46 05 89 74 18 74 64 .16 64 81 1.01 83 73 61 76 .49 IM 57 49 78 55 TO 38 64 83 01 IM 63 .01 81 85 71 so 09 SVI Diego S5 64 San Francltco 66 50 Santa 81tbare 81 56 Santt M11tle 82 Stc>c*ton 8 t 53 Thermal 94 Uki.tl 79 8en1ow 96 73 Big Bee' 74 37 811hop 92 54 C1tallna 54 Lake Arrbwt>eed 75 47 Long 8eacr1 88 82 Monrovl1 86 80 Mt Wlleon 78 80 Newpor1 8eec:ll 88 so Ontario 64 5V Palm Springe 92 88 San Bemetdlno 114 54 San Gabriel 73 59 S111 JoN 73 5e Sent• An1 87 80 San I 1 Cn.11 83 56 Tenoe ve11ey n 40 71 54 CALWOllMA ltAN AMllttc:AN 07 70 a.keratleld u ee ~ 1M ee .21 Eureb 90 &4 Fr- 84 70 ~ 62 73 1 18 Loe A~ 58 47 M~"9 Ml eo .28. Mom~ 65 ee Neec1W 91 7 t 07 o.lltand 80 86 Paeo F1obta1 71 64 Aad 8lutl 70 42 A9dwood City 75 5e 880!'-10 70 52 .41 8-llrlae lie 67 95 58 46 89 67 89 55 64 so IM 80 98 64 54 70 5e ae 61 IKl 53 78 50 81 51 A~ICO 91 76 8erb1do• sa 77 8ermud1 S2 73 Bogota 83 '3 Curac.o 8S 78 Extended weather ...... >en~.._.~....._Rf _RIP_IR_T SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Chance ol ~ or lllundeteno-t -mountalnl during alternoont during weelcend. Othenotlea oonelc*able cloudlne11 In co .. tal ..Ctlona with perllal clearing durlno a1ternoon1. Paruy clCM.tdy mot l .,. ... Monday afternoon. Hight ranging rtom low 00. et bMclllel to mld..,Ot Inland¥~ Low. 52 to 82. Mountain reaon hjgN In 90t and low9 36 to ..a. 1~ 2-4 " 2-4" 1 " 2 .. " 24ft l-3" Wft 1~" A!W'IP T~ T:J _ 91 ure8 81 TODAY 8 t Second Noh l:ot p.m. s t 81 Second low 7:3' p.m 2 7 92 l'lll>AY 82 Flnf'hlgll '~ Lm. 5 1 12 ""' low t:OI a.m. 0 • 11 a.oortd hlgfl 4:22 p.m. 4. 1 14 ft poof... t1 leoond loW • t:20 '""' I.I lun .. IOdeY .. 1:N p.11\,. .... Fftdlly .. f:4t e.m. ~=W'I TIDll: H fll 4:H p.lft. law t 10I a.lft. lw9'1 Moon rtlef .,. ef M)'.24 8.11\., I MCt ~at 1'1~ p.m. ' ' Prom P1g1 A1 BRITISH . • • the Falkland• WH an act of 111re11!on. ht 1ald, bec1uH lt uMd force to eolw • dlplomalk dia,P.Ute, • Had ll bttn a llowed to 10 u.nhincleNd, It would haw 1tt a very aertoua ~ent." he Mid. addina that the lack of ""ponae would 1l1nal to Waruw Pact nation• that one NATO ally wa1n't prepared to 1tand by It.a prlnciplee. ~lf-determlnation t1 another luue. The fac t that Brltleh 1ubject1 have occupied the Island• aince 1833 aNure1 them the rlaht to call it thelr land, he uJd. He ca.lied chariea of BrttiAh lmperiall1m "non1ense" and pointed O\.tt that Britain has releued ita control of a quarter of the world'• population 1ince the end of World War Il. Arsentina, meanwhile h "characterlied by its contempt for democratic principle• and basic human rights," he charged. Flnlay1on, in fact, suggested the decl1ion of the Argentine government to take the Falklands was a diversionary tactic to take preuure off a fail.in8 administration. Its annual inflation rate has been running at 140 percent, he said, and police were needed only three daya before the lnvaaion to put down massive street demonstrations. The diplomat, following his government's negotiating stands, also claimed Argentina has been at fault ln the failure to reach a peaceful settlement. From Page A1 IRVINE • • • the latest in the lease h old controversy which heated up last year when residents leasing land from the Irvine Company started complaining about upward adjustments in annual lease payments. The leases call for periodic adjustments according to the current value of the land. Some residents learned their annual .. -... Ld' •' Continued stories POZZI CANDIDACY e • • Memorial Hoepical, hit c:ampeign and a five-month-old daughier. But he aald hiJ Introduction to locul polltlc1 ha• been a w orthwhile challenat. even thouih he'• con1idered a lonphot to win. "I'm getting an lnlight lnto local government I've nevt'r h.ad before," he 1ald. "It '• a mind-boggltng experience l 'm auggeet1.ng th.at everyont' 1hould jump ln and slve it • try." Pozzi has been active previously In political i11uea although n ever before u a candidate. He la vice president of local Region 18 of the Callfom!a Libertarian Council. Although city cou n cil e lection s are supposed to be non-partisan, he said h e would like to apply Libertarian ideas to Irvine. Said Pozzi: "l don't want to bring the party, per se, into lrvme politics. But 1 do want to bring in th e libertarian philosophy. People have the right to control their own Lives and property.'' In many ci ty issues, this philosophy can be easily applied, he said. For example, he would have voted as a councilman to allow Irvine Pacific to install private security gates on roads leading to a new subdivision. It lS, after all, their property. And if the Inti.ne Company wants to modify its policies for new shopping centers to build them on major roads instead of mside villages. that should be approved too, he explained. He added: "I don't thlnk the Irvine Company wants strip commercial. It still wants to cluster the stores and make them eethN tc:ally plea.a.Ina." In other CUl'I, howev~r. Pout admitttd that tomt community 111uu can tran1c:cnd private property cor'la!ma. Ont' le the queatlon of whether to ban unt reated wooden r oofing nutterta.la for new conatruction or remodeling Because many Irvine resident.a ltvms m attached ho\.&llng 1hare roofs and because a fl.re at one structure could spread to othert nearby, he saJd he reluctantly s upports a cit yw ide ban on untreated shakes and ahinales. "lnatead of a govt'mment ban, though, I'd really like to see the builders say 'L e t '• n ot do anymore houses with wooden shingles, le t 's go t o o ther materials!,'' he said. Poui wou Id Ii k e to keep government services at a minimum, making police, fire, street and sewer services the major priority. Other programs sho uld be a dminis t ered prudently, he said. Poz.u respects the abilities of Cuy Manager William Woollett Jr and Police Chief Leo Peart. "Typically in government, you see empire builders," he said. "I don't think that's happened yet in Irvine Everybody's real responsive." Pozzi said he probably won't spend more than $1 ,000 in the election, and besides his own money, he has used only two con tributions from personal friends. But he said he's not deterred. If he doesn't run again in future yea rs, he'll find someone else who needs his support WIENER CAMPAIGN e • • fee would go up as much as 2,000 Historical Society and a board involved a t policy levels In percent. member of the loc:al American planning a nd funding those Four families then sued the Youth Soccer Organization. freeways. Because of its location, Inti.ne Company and now are "I have a firm belief that any she added, Irvine will be thrust seeking to have the lawsuit community-based organization 1 n the c en t er o C new recognized as a class action suit. needs people support," she said. transporta tion proposals, so The committee has charged the "When I do a job, whateve r it is elected officials must get Irvine Company is trying to in the community, I will always involved m the process. reduce the number of likely emphasize people support." She said s h e prefers an plaintiffs by asking leaaeholden Try as they might, however, alignment for the Foo thill to sign the wa.iver. city council members never seem freeway that would send the But the Inti.ne Company said a ble to elicit agreement o n road across t h e ridge from that, without the waiver, it will sensitive issues. For examp1e, Northwood and near Santiago drop financing programs it Is questions aboltt the size of a new Canyon Road. Final d eclSion on offering residents. The programs animal shelter has created a an alignment, however, rests let residents who want to buy achism among some residents. with the county Board of their land to get company Mrs. Wiener admitted that Supervisors, not the Irvine City financlni at 12 percent. The polariz.ation does occur, but she Council. financing it good for 9eVen years. s tressed the importance in On a growth and development The programs al80 would let reminding participants of the 1SSue. she said the key to but.lding residents continue leasing land at "overall view of what is best for homes on Quail Hill is sensitivity. a 50 percent reduction. Residents, the city." The city already has a hillside though, could only get that "There are ways to work with development ordinance meant to reduction after their lease fee has people so everyone understands pro tect natural slopes and been readjusted. w e're going to a c hieve an hilltops, she said. The commi ttee said the objective,'' she said. "But they "To me, it's not a question of programs ignore their basic maynot agree on how we go about do we develop or not develop," complaint -how the value of 1t." she said. "It's whether we land is established. implement the controls which are The company said it has Mrs. Wiener, 39• has never containe d in the htll side enjoyed great success with its held elected office, but she has ordinance." d th han emphasized an interest in programs an at more t 100 practical d ecisions. She has Meanwhile, Mrs. Wie ner plans r esidents n o w have their to continue her busy campaign property in escrow . Company r ebu ff e d , for exam ple, schedul e asking voters to ff .. _,_ d th.tr_._ f h 6 suggestions that a mass transit o lClcua sai two-· ua o t e 1 remember her "long-term leaseholders sch e duled for system could replace the need for commitment" to the city when readjustment this year have ne w freeways along the San they cast their votes. either signed up for the programs J o aquin Hills and Foothill Said the candidate: "I 've or have agreed to arbitrate transportation corridors. already worn out two pairs of differences with the Irvine As a "full -time" council shoes campaigning and I fully _Company. member, she uid, she'd become expect to ruin another pair.'' -"-~~~~~~~_..:.;:.:.:;.:.::..::..:..::....=..=-.:==::..:::=-=..-===:.:.::=----.:.:.:::~:...:.::..-=-=~.:.:..:.=-:::.=~- ' SEIKO GI VES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN THE WORLD. SEIKO Here's a necessity for everyone who travels or does business internationally: the Seiko World Time Clock. Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement For a distinctive personal or business gift. choose the desk clock. $125. or the travel cfock. $75. SLAVICK·s ""'~ Slncie 1917 ~rt tht bt1r swrpn.sts bqin. ,..,.,ltland(7t4114+t.,.~...,. Abo~ ... ~·lln'*ID•\M ... -l I • ! • ' • ( • < . I l } . ; ' ., ~ ! J , ) . f I ' f . I ! ~ . ii • ! l . ! I ~ I I ~· O,ange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Mey a7, 18ta Irvine has special child care problem A ahor tag~ of child care hlcllltles isn't oxclustvc to Irvine. N more mothers ~nter the work fon.-e, communities throughout the country are struggling with tht> belt methods for supervising the1r young. . In lrvme, however, many of the problems associated with child care are aggravated by the city's relatively new status. A time-tested child care method, for example, is to drop off children at the grandparents' home. But In Irvine, that hardly ever happens because the city hasn't been developed long enough to establish many second-generation families. Because at is new, Irvine ts expensive. It attracts affluent families, where the mother is likely to be interested in working to meet career goals or simply to earn enough income to afford monthly mortgage payments. These problems are ironically entangled with the fact that many young couples move lo Irvine because lt la new G.nd clean -the sort of place where they want to rnise a family. Thut, it comes u no surpriae that a clty advisory group reported this w k that day care facilities are inau!ffclent. Committee members estimate that 4,500 Irvlne children aged 14 or younger have working mothers and therefore need child care. Meanwhile, the facilities are lit.'ensed to handle a capacity 1,305. It may be that many parents have worked out suitable alternatives to licensed facilities. But it also seems evident, judging from the long waiting lists at some centers and stories of panicky parents calling centers the week before school st.arts or stops, only to find there 1S no space, that many children aren't getting the quality supervision they should. C<>mmattee members are s urely correct in calling for a citywide effort to improve child care in Irvine. Few issues will be more important in years to l'ome. Housing plan welcome After a n ear two-year search for home sites, the Santa Ana-based Sutt.on Foundation has at last found a way to house mentally retarded children In Irvine. - Federal loans from the Housing and Urban Development Department were available to provide $515,000 for new housing under a program designed to bring t hese children up outside lnstitutional care. But the lrvine Company had no vacant Jots that had not already been committed to developers. And developers were unwilling to make design changes an their model plans to meet federal requirements. With bleak prospects for new . housing. and time running out. the foundation requested and was given permission to use the loans t o buy existing homes for refurbishing. So the group plans to buy three homes and house six mentally retarded children and two trained workers in each unit. Some Irvine City Council members publicly accused the developers of discrimination. Others suggested the Irvine Compahy had not pressured developers to accommodate the foundation's needs. And there was a divergence of opiruon as to whether necessary design changes -outside fire escapes. for example -were major or minor modifications. But now the foundation is well on its way to meeting the. HUD requirements. Its problems in this instance should not discourage others from setting up similar programs. According to Sutton Foundation president Derek Loft, housing the developmentally disabled in various communities has not been shown to disrupt neighborhoods or cause property values to plummet. There should be no fear of the three new "families" that soon will move into lrvine . Start with plain shelter The city is undergo ing belt-tightening measures at all levels these days, and plans for a new animal shelter m Irvine must be scrutinized with the same cost-cutting intentions. Unfortunately, the question o( what a new shelter wall re54!mble has been insulated in such a thick coat o( emotionalism that residents haven't been afforded their right to take a hard and objective look at what they even tually will be paying for. It's difficult to know if Irvine is going to get the first municipally sponsored Hilton Hotel for pets or a Motel Six. Some officials. for example. have been debating the need fnr air conditioning in the kennels. Then word was issued that the plan actually called for what is essentially swamp coolers. But only this week staff members discovered that air conditioning • indeed is part o{ the proposal. Through all o( the confusing facts tossed about, it has remained clear that the initial proposal to build a $3 million facility (which would cost more like $4.8 million after bond interest and other expenses are mcluded) is entirely too high. There have been some concessions Proponents and opponents of current plans have agreed to pare the $145,000 spay-neuter clinic. And other features must go as.... well. Throughout this tangled issue, few people have objected to the need for the shelter. They have simply argued about its scope and cost. The reasonable approach is to build a basic shelter without frills toda· and leave the luxuries for bet~,· economic times when the city treasury or non-profit groups can better afford the finer touches. Opinions expressed in the spac.e above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is tnv1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 . Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7Ul 64i·4321 L.M. Boyd I X enophobes You're a xenophobe. if you don't like foreigners, exotic foods or changes generally. I suppose you can say a xenophQbe doesn't appreciate surprises. A meat-and-potatoes man who gets upeet when he's served cracked crab wi\h fiddlehead fem miCht be cl.assilied as • xenophobe. ll'1 no sign of ignorance, pleaae note. The g reat German philosopher Immanuel Kant was a xenophobe. He never ventured more than 10 miles ~ from ru. home, and townfolk to tell the dme of day by when he took hi. walka. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Q . Say a woman becomes the mistress of a married man. How long does her affair usually laat? And why does she do it? A. That, too, haa been investigated . Researchers say they can't pin down the time length more specifically than lhree to 11 years. But in 65 percent of the situation&, they aay, the woman says "friendahip" ls retporllible, her friendship wi\h the man. More people were executed in Iran last year than were executed in all the other nation.I combined. Thomas P. H•l•Y Publisher Thomas A. Murphin• Ed itor · 8arlNlra Kref blcl'I EdUorlal Pag Editor ' --'IMfOSC:.l&lr -iH~ SfA1t t>i~RTMINT WOU~l> NEVER MA\li AU-OWED Ml~ iNmV lO 1M£ US.!' Haig proves his durability WASHINGTON Like the proverbial Cehne survivor, Al Haag not only has ninC' lives. but always seems to land on his feet. He 1s as scarred and battered as an old tomcat. yet Haig manages to survive one hair-raising poht1cal scrap after anoth('r, most of them of hlS own makmg Ha.Jg's durability 1S truly remarkable. Consider the physical and political l·alanuues he has endured an just the last few years: an assassmauon attempt. a triple coronary bypass, the Watergate scandal, thunder and lJghtrung from the extreme right, quarrels with a host of White House advisers and Cabinet secretaries -and the self -induced embarrassment caused by his own Homeric eeo. HAIG IN HIS youth was the leader of a Philadelphia gang called the Musketeers; though a respectable boxer, he was more noted for his ability to negotiate with rival gangs over turf. The street smarts he acquired then, supplemented by Henry Kissinger's tutela,ge an high-level political infighting and cultivation of powerful sponsors. have enabled ll a 1g to escape th(' professional oblivion that is regularly predicted for ham. The latest prophecies of Haag's political de~ followed the breakdown or his KJ.ssin~er-style shuttle dtploma<.·y G -JA-Cl-AN_D_fR-SO-N -~ between Britain and Argentina. Th1S, surely, would be the stake through Haig's heart. But a high-level White House sourc-e told me that Haig is not in trouble with the one person who counts. Asked 1f President Reagan might respond to the outcry for H.alg's scalp. the aide replied. "No, that's not the president's style·· In fact. he said, Reagan's instinct IS to stand behind an aide who is the target or critictsm -as he dJd in Budget Dtrt>etor David Sux:lanan's cue. Another high White House 0Cftc1al told my 8830Ctate Dale Van Atta that Haig's detractors were licking their cho~ owr ht!> Falkland Islands failure But thl' presidc•nt Wal> not upe.et ··Onc.·c· Haig took tht! ball. 1t was very t•v1dl'nl that his being point man kept Reagan dtrc'<:tly out of tt." sa1J this sourc£' A gratC'ful Ht•agan has gone out of his way in tht• Wt'C'ks since· to say kind things about Haig .ind t.o deny repor~ that h1l> fon•1gn poll< y v1('ar was about to Ix defrr><:ked HA IG'S w11lmgnt'SS some source. say l'agt•rness to t.akl' on thl' d1plomat1C' kamikaze m1ss1un alsu won him something he had always found m short i.upply at tht· Whtll' House: grudging resJX-ct from top Reagan aides. After some initial grousing over the luxury Haig wac; en)Oytng in his Air Forcr> ,Jel and the self -important pronouncements he was making. Whue House staffers had lo conC'edc· the abrasive general was doing a t.ough . thanklPss pb So one~ again th~ hard-charging secretary uf st.aw has Pmerged from a dicey s1tuat1on with h1i. pollttcal hide still intact Once again the would -be cat skinners m ttl'e White House have had to sheathe thc•tr long knives Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the Editor: I am 13 years old, and ever since I was born, I heard about the power of the press. Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword and the press is the pen that reaches and influences large groups of people. Because of this great influence, I ask the Da.Lly Ptlot to fight against oil drilling off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach IS a very special place for me. It 1s my hometown I was born here and ever since I can remember, my MAILBOX mom used to take me to Corona del Mar Beach. It would be difficult to teU you how many sandcastles I have built and how many mud fights I have had wtth my brothers and sister. It would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and how many have knocked me down. I don't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch. BUT MOST OF ALL, I have grown accustomed to the beauty of the ocean and the beach. 1 can't write well enough to describe how beautiful our coastline is or perhaps there are no adequate words of praise to describe it. All I can think of saying IS that: it's precious. it's pricelen. it's unique. One would not splash ink on a priceless painting but cherish it and preserve it. Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coastline with oil wells. Years ago, my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit, Mich. She took me to the beaches of Lake St. Clair where she used to swim, sail and play. But, the lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" signs everywhere. Sadly my mother explained, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." When I grow up and 1lt with my children on Corona del Mar Beach, I don't want to tell them that. "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." I want our coastline to stay as beautiful as it is today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of the blue Pacific without staring at a forest of oU wells. JANE E. ZALESKI Child care To \he Editor: In response to your artlele on the shortage of child-care fadlitiet in lrvt.ne, It ls a lad irony that juat minutel away aher-1chool a.&.Lper vi1ion la readily available at suppor t facllltlea next to Ea1tbluff Scl\ool which ii able to accommodate m ore c hildren on lta 11...tere site. By a slinr1o lntn-dla111ct tranafer to EHtbluf Sch ool ln 'he Ne~port-Meaa Di1trlct, children of workir\i parenta can take advaniace of pl'Ol1"UDI at the Harbor Ana Soya a.ab until they are~ up by their parents at 5 p.m. for only 16 a year! Younaer cbllOrtn In t he pr~mary ndea are walked to a nearby . Saatbluff Schoo offers one of tb• finest academic proarama ln the state where Ill studentl acort betwHn the \ 88th and 95th percentile on the California Assessment Program Test in reading, writing, and ma\hematics. They also can participate in Eastbluff's Arts After School Program (instruction in art, music, and drama) for a nominal fee plus programs offered by the Harbor Area Girls Club which also comes to the 9Chool. In light of the ERAC recommendation for more extended day care in the Newport-Mesa District, we feel this community service message is of vital importance to working parents with elementary school age children. Call Eastbluff School at 760-3257 for further infonnation. CAROL BOICE Publicity Chairman for Eastbluff Parent Faculty Orgaruzallon T ELE PHONE YOUR L E TTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below S till tak es t wo To the Editor: "Right On" to Dr. Moldawsky and Miss Severoni on their nuclear freeze letter. (Mailbox. May 15). Bully for all if a way can be found to get it on the Moscow ballot The trouble with a bilateral agreement is that it takes two sides to make 1t. JU.St like a tango. J.W REID Litter solution To the Editor: At the North Laguna Community Association's board meeting, Rich Farnell cleared up the mystery of the trash-filled pwtic bags we've been seeing on the nifhway between Laguna and Corona de Mar during the past several weeks. What we heard was so exciting \hat the board instructed me to tell Judge David Carter how much we appreciate hia ingenioua aolution to a problem that has been ptasuing us for a k>n8 Ume. WE ENTHUSIASTICALLY applaud and commend thi.I prosram of putdng misdemeanor vlolatora to work on clMn•UP crews lnstead of jailina them. Litter in ou.r public aneu la a subject that repeatedly appean on our agetldL Our own IOlutlon in Nor1h ~ hu been to have a a roup of V'ofunteera (our "Litter .... tu.re CoriunJttee") meet at Boat Canyon at 9 a.m. on the fint Tueedly ot each month. armed wt\h work ,iovea and plMUc trash blp.. and pcoce.d to • Ltlt*'I from rtodus ort ~lcomt TM right lo condtnir lttl«r• to /11 rpoct or thrrunott llbf-1 " rt1trvtd t~tttn of 300 word• "" lta• Wfll bt' gfvn prtftrriteft All lttttn m"1t tncludt 1ig11oturt aftd modrt1g addrtu '*I nomtt mo11 ~ Wll~kf Oft " quul If •u//tcttnr' rtOIOft II OJ>PG'"'· ftottrw llllU "°' bt' pubtflMd Lfttn. mofl bt' ltltphOMd to '42"'" No~ OAd ph01tt num~ of tht ctmlrlbutor muat ~ gw~ tor "''f/tcotk>f'I purpo1t1 clean up somt' pr<' M·IN. tl-d area for one hour We like Judg<• Carwrs 1df.'a much lx>tter' Many of us an• !*'<'mg our beautiful coastal area &t its Ix-st for the fu'St lime It as su<.·h a ~wns1blc• on<' that we are hoping 1t wall be contmul-d long beyond his term of SC.'rv1<.-e CLARICE GARFIN Corn..,pondmg Secretary upport for art~ To the Editor: Currently enJOymg the opportunity for intense involvement with-Orange County's perfonmng arts organizations, I share with them a grave concern for the "potential effects of the drastic cuts in state and fed~ral support of the arts. Recently. however. local music lovers have had cause for considerable encouragement One of Orange County's leading supporters of the arts. the Irvine Company. not only has determined to do its share m replacing some of those foregone public funds, but has done so in a refreshing and exceptionally prom1Smg way. PERFORMING organizallons seldom rf'(:over more than 40 percent of their total operating costs at the box office. The balance of their survival hinges upon private and public contributions and grants . Bu whereas such contnbuto.lns generally are absorbed into the continuing expenses of an organiz.ation, the Irvine Company opted to assume an unusually creative role by underwnght.ing a specific concert -in this event the monumental Missa Solem.nis of Beethoven, perfonned by the Pacific Chorale on May 22 in tr.e Civic Auditorium at ~nta Ana High School. 'Surely Bee\hoven himself would have relished this kind of support, for the masterworks of that era nearly always were composed and performed under \he cornm.ismon of a patron. To o ffer works of the scale, 1mfortance, and cost of the Missa So emnis soon may come to rely primarily on underwriting auch as thi.I -at least i1 ticket prkles are to be kept within the range of typical ronoert-goen1 and if serious music la to a ttract new audiences. such as our yout h and the county's less advani.aed populations. JAW!S '!!: DUNNING Sttma to me it would only take a few oC those mJlllon -dollar a nd mulLi-mlWon-dolla.r homes alone the cout to distort the whole picture• far a1 average property valu ea ar• concerned, • o ...... , 0. c--. r.: ............. .., ,....,. __ _ -··..,.:t.=-'*"_ ........ '' .......... -··.. ., 04A. 0.11, ...... . I I Oransa-Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Thut'lday, May 27, 1882 Carson monologues bite com ed ian called political commentator SOUTH COAST PL AZA ' OAINISVlLL&, Fla. (AP) -Comedian ~ Cwlon. who open11 h1I ·~ht Show" wtU. an otwn-bhll\I rnoriololUt eametimel almld at 1overnment t11urHi la a 1oelal and poUUcaJ commentator aa we l 11 a talk·ahow ho1t, 1 Uniwnlty of norida lt\ldent relMl'Cher -.ya. Canon'• JokH contrtbuted to hla declln• ln popularity. Canon and other comecUana allo make the prllidency • common tarpt for their Jokel, Prem -.id ln an tnta'Yiow. "No matter who th• ~dent I.a, oomk:I wW flnd aorntthtnc to ridicule, he II.id. ~ ~~~~~?~~!,t! 1n fact, Canon'• rnonolowee could away pubUc oplnlon and even aUeet the popularity of a pre1ld1nt, 11y1 Herb Prettt an audlo·vllual • 1ptdallat who wrow hla ma1t1r'1 the1l1 on Caraon'a tel1vl1lon monolope. Pl"ell found that 31 t p~rcent of Car1on'1 )Ok• concemtia pol!tka and •ovemment. The monoJ<>iuee ahowed an aggreulon toward r.tiblic f~. he aid, 'but the ~on wu blunted by-numor." In a study of monologues aired from D ecember 1977 to February 1978, Presa CARSON clasaified 515 jokes lnto five main categories. Thirty-four percent of the jokes were classified ln the leisure-time category, which includes show businem. Technology, which alao includes the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not long aft.er Press finished his thesis ln April, U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Callf., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said CArlon UllCl to Joke about Jimmy Caner'• family, but beca'-Prettdent ae.pn•a family it not u colorful u Caner'• Canon now concentntm hla jokei on ecoe.omic polideia, the wrcher akl. A Canon aide ln the enief1alner'1 Burbank of flee II.id Canon wu buay and could not oom.rmnt dlrec:tly an the t.t..la. She rdmowledod that Canon had received a copy of the ptaper Frtday. "He " very tntttcuect by it arid plans to read it," ea.Id Drue WI.lion. "He ~t it wa1 an intere9tlna topk: ... Ma. Wu.on ea.Id ahe had no idea if Canon ) would mention the aubject on the "Tonight Show," noting that It WM not uncommon for him to receive student papen d.i.cu.tna the ahow. Prell ea.Id the idea of the study came to him one night when he waa watch.l.ng the ahow. "Ile did a lot of jokes on Bert Lance," Pre98 ea.Id. "It aeemed to me an unusual number of jokes about one thlng." CD plan r e ject e d EUREKA (AP) -Humboldt County aupervi- aon1 have rejected a federal Civil Defense plan to take ln San Franclaco area residents if there is a threat of nuclear war. The plan to shelter 184,000 nuclear ~vacueee ln state and national parka here was rejected unanimously. Robinson's Cricket L TO Wiii be hotting two reprMentatlv• from the Selangor Factory. There wlll be a demon1trat1on of the manufacturing proeeu and frM hand engraving with any purchue. Friday 11-3 & 8-9 Saturday 12-2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Tankard Satin finish Reg. Special Reg. Special South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 $<t2.50 $34.00 $<t5.00 $36.00 cz. r:·;~1 STEVENS SPECTACULAR I. MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 54.88 twin YVES SAINT LAURENT'S ELEGANT ITRIPINGS. NOWAY 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except. perhaps. for this designer's flair for color Our first quality YSL sheets. 1n an intr1gu1ng mix of wine. toast. cream and forest green. on the diagonal. of course 01 cotton/polyester percale Prices shown, flat or fitted Twin Full Queen King Standard cases pr King cases. pr Orig $14 $18 $23 $28 $14 $16 Sale $.4.88 $8.88 $13.88 $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS 59.88-511.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUALITY SHEETS IN SUMMER PATTERNS, NOWAY 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense ol lreshness to the room you relax tn. Here are three tempting patterns. all 1n soft cotton/polyester percale Choose lrom favorites like YSL Foulard with pmdots and flowers of white on taupe, Versailles. restful peach. blue and taupe flowers on cream. or Bangkok, far-Eastern lloral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come in early and find the best selection Prices shown, flat or fitted Sale ends Monday, May 31 Robinson's Domestics 30 To order call toll free 1·800·345-8501 Queen King Slandard cases. pr King cases. pr Reg $18·$26 $22-$32 $14·$17 $16·$19 Sale $9.88 $11.88 $9.88 $11.88 Hurry In whlle quantities are plentiful and selections e)(tenslve. All hsms subject to prior sale I • ~. ' I • ,, I I. llllJPlllt THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1882 111cm1111111 caum OAVALOADE !NTERTAINMENT • 82 88-8 Erma Bambeck doesn'i need a smart sleek secretary. See Page 82. B 0 ~' ~\t He's paid the wages of sin HIGHER EDUCATION BEAT: Dr. Barry Singer, the profem>r at Cal State, Long Beach, who gave class credit for both hanky and panky in his course, 11Psychology of Sex," has now been temporarily booted from his labors at the august university juat upcoast. After aome infiltration into one of Prof Singer's classes by 10me strait-laced types. it was alleged that the prof was giving extra class credits for all kinds of heavy academic work. These activities toward grading included attending gay bars while r.'\ , g a r b e d i n d r a g ; T_O_M_M_U_RP_H_l_NI-~~ p~~~icipati~g in ~rgies, ... ~ Vl81ting nudist colonies and _______ ...... ...__._ having sexual affairs. . DIVULGING OF. ALL this caused a number of repor1ers to race upcoast to the Seventh Street campus where authorities proved to be elusive. Finally, somebodr called a press conference. Prof Singer spoke later. But at seemed rather after the fact. Later, however, academia again hi~ the fan at Long Beach when the professo~ assertedly admitted that he I Prof &rry Suiger has Long Beach State in an uproar. had been "romantically involved" with some of his students. Whatever that means. Singer did say, in his defenae, that he no longer stays at parties where his studenta take all their clothes off. GEE WIDZ, in earlier dM>ol yeara..a threat like that woula be a sure way for studen .. to get ~ to split from the party. The teacher would threaten. "If you all start taking your clothes off, rm leaving." Whereupon nudity wouta run rampant immediately. Anyway, Prof ·Singer's revelations about his close relationships with certain students was enou&~af> cauae the Board of Trustees of the entire 19-campus · omia State University system to gather in a secret huddle to discuss the profs curriculum. The trustees emerged from behind the closed doors and promptly slapped Singer with the suspension. Press releases following the booting action were couched in careful terms. Like, "Singer has been suspended for 30 days pending investigation of allegations on occurrences within the scope of his employment with the university." YOU MAY NEED to translate that to something l.lke, "Boy, he really may be into the soup this time ... " Or another press statement: "Since it is a personnel matt.er, it will be inappropriate for the university to comment further at this time." Translated, "I'm not going to do a lot of blabbering about this one. I wouldn't touch this case with a 10-foot pole." It is interesting to note that Prof Singer's 30-day suspension can hardly be characteriz.ed as punishment. He's suspended while retaining his regular pay. In other words, Prof Singer is on a paid vacation. WHY, I KNOW REPORTERS who have been threatened with worse than that for felony paperclip-bending in the newsroom. U Prof Singer's case was one of those dealing with the wages of sin, you'd know how the answer came out this ·time. The wages of sin are wages. Schonfeld elevated to UCI dean's post NSW DEAN -Wtlllam khonfeld baa been named .s..n of the UC Irvine 8cboo1 ol Soda1 Sdencea. William R . Schonfeld, proft90r of political acience at UC Irvine, has been appointed dean of UCI's School of Social Sciences. He will aaume the post July 1. Schonfeld. an Irvine resident, aucceech Dr. Linton Freeman, who wlll return to full-time teach1na and reeeareh. Schonleld'a work hu foc..'\llled on IOdal and political problems ln France and he ha• wrhten extenlively on the "elitat'' ln the French Gaulll1t and Sociallat political partiee. He i• the a uthor of three boob, n\ll'Del"OW arUcle1 and hat received Danforth. Fulbright and Ford Foundation sranta. Schonfeld received hit t.chelor'• cSetDw 1n aovemment from the U-ntver1ity Hei1bu c.o&Jece of N.w York Unlwntty and ma1ter'1 and doctorate de1ree1 from Princeton Unlvenlty. Religious • issue Saddleback District nixes 'devotionals' on campus BY JEFF PARKER or ... .,..,,.....,.. Saddleback Valley Unified School Dtatrlct truatees are at1ll bitterly split after vottna 3-to-2 to adapt a new policy pem.lna the uee of campua fadlltiea by religious clubs. Board President Krlatine Kister called the new policy "fair and constitutionally sound," while board member the Rev. Preston Howell aa.i~ it Is the work of ''mllguided people." an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit Lut year, aeek.Lna to bar the New Life Club -a Ch.rilUan atudent group -from meeting on the Mlaalon Viejo Htah SChool campus. 'l'he ACLU claimed that the doctrine of separation of church and atate mandated that the religious club not meet during school hours (lunch time) on campus. While the district battled the ACLU ln court, Mrs. Kister, Dr. Gilbert and Mrs. Adler all ran for the 1ehool ~d. promiBing to change the policy. Shortly after they were eled.ed, the ACLU dropped the suit. · The three new board members alto have aaid they oppoae district payment or a $2.~oo deductible fee aa part of a $24,000 i.nlurance claim filed by attorney David L. Llewellyn. Llewellyn originally agreed to defend the district in the suit with the ACLU for the $100 fee necessary to establash "an attorney-client relationship." Later he claimed to have worked 400 houn on the cue and filed the $24.000 claim for feet againlt the diatrict's l.nsurance carrier. The Rev. HoweJl taid the board'• action Monday WU the work of "Ph.arhlees," and that he will support the New Ufe Club in a suit to retain thelr right to meet on campus. "These youns people have had their God legtalated right out of their school," he said. '"lbey're being denied their constitutional rights." The new policy -adopted at Monday night's achool board meeting -prohibits religious clube from holding "devotional" meetings on campus during school hours and requires each club wishing to meet on diatrict grounds to be chartered with the district. Judge ousted from death trial Aooording to Mrs. Kister, the new policy was drafted verbatim from the policy currently in uae at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. She and new board memben Dr. Dore Gilbert and Louise Adler fulfilled campaign promises made six months ago to revise campus-use policy. The change waa prompted by Orange County Superior Court Judge Jame• K . Turner hat been dlaquallfied from handling the trial of a previously convicted aex offender who is charged with kidnapping, molesflng and killing an Anaheim newsboy la.st August. Four death penalty allegations aooompany the charges against defendant Ro bert Jackson Thompeon, 35. At the r equest of defense Brain work attorney Ronald Brower, the case waa reassigned to Judge Donald McCartin's court. Trial is set to begin Aug. 30. Brower made his request Tuesday ln a brief hearing before Superior Court Judge Luts Carden.as. The attorney said he requested the change because of several rulings Turner made during a closed-door preliminary hearing earlier this month. He said the rulings, dealing wlfh admission of certain evidence, would likely have to be made again at trial and Turner has already shown what his decisions would be. The defense tS entitled to one du;qualification of a judge before trial. Thompson is charged with the slaying of 12-year-old newsboy Benjamin Lee Brenneman. advanced Teacher who challenges high school's top chemistry scholars meets his match By JODI CADENHEAD "'ttle Delly Not • ..., It's no easy task teaching studenta who have an IQ about 30 points higher than yours, jokes John Cullen, an instructor at Estancia High School in Costa Metia Cullen, who teaches the only advanced placement chemistry class offered in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, handpicked the IChool'• top edenoe ICholara when he decided last September to offer the class during his free period. "A lot of ti.mes I'll be working on a problem and they correct me or come up with the answer first," aa1d Cullen. who baa a muter'• degree In chemistry. Intelligence of the elite claasrnates ran.ks in the upper two percent of the population. Cullen rellahes ticking off thelr academic achievements. Brenda Branin, 17. the only senior In the class, turned down offers from MIT, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore and Wellesley to attend Stanford next year. She earned the only B In her high echool career when a OOUNelor suggested that as a fr'8hman she take band instead of the rigorous biology oounee she wanted. Danny Shapiro, 16, recently acored 760 on an Aptitude Teat In math. The average la 450 and the top SAT acore la 800. Mike Ontko, 17, scored 222 out of 240 on PSAT National Merit Quality exama. Only one other student In the county received a hiazher IJ'ade. Cu.Jlen •YI that Tom Nolan, 16, ''ta In many ways the tirt,htest one of the P"OUP· He come1 up with new ldeu.'' He received 191 OD the PSAT. . When interviewed the studenta, who all plan research career•, were wel1hln1 m.aanestum UllnC a $1,765 balance ecale J)9id for by Nannco Materlall Ine. They then dipped the metal lnto a eolution of 9Ckl which produced hyd.ro&en that they mea1ured for volume , te.rnperature and .,.._are. All of the ~ta CXJmldered the c1MI a ,..i chal-... "lt'• • ar-t clMI.'. Mid Mlll Bnnln. •• -0.-............................ ELEMENT AL TaT -Dann1 Shapiro welgha magnesium which wa put into add IOlUUon. produdng h)'Gl'Oltm. measured by Tom Nolan and Bl"enda Branin. above, in advanced ~ at Eltanda High School. • "M08t of my other c1-are a joke." They ~~ulnely baffled when Mked 1f t.belr in: e\lel' \naltel It difficult to communicate with theU-.-.. ''lt'1 not at all dtffk:uJt, .. l8ld Ontko. "I think that there are ~ more limllNitlel than dlff8---. ( haw never encountered &n)'DDe who'• dumb." Cullen 1&1d tut two atudenu from Newport Harbor mah School plan to enroll next Sep4ilnJber In the c1MI that wOl allow them to aldp flnt ,.... -=iela In xD ••. .. ,. ,. I .. f. ... , ,• , I I ANN LAND!A$ •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE "'· ... ..,., .... .,. . . Out-of-date hair style, ensembles pictured DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope you wlU print one more letter about the plcturet that appear with your column. For heaven'• sake, woman. don't you make enouQh money to buy yourself a decent drea~ Thoee three-pie<:e outflta we have to look at day alter day art! really tacky. And that 1955 hairdo 1hould be given the deep-atx -a ph.rue I picked up from you. An eaaJe could neet ln it. (This goes for your lilt.er, too.) The color is fine, but those wings or whatever you call 'em look like a seagull in flight. That ugly necklace with the medallion doesn't photograph well. Leave it off. A RF.STFUL -After throwing some fly balls, Willie Frantz, 11, of Huntington Beach, finds plain chain would look much better. Your tlsure la nl~ and the column ta areat. That'1 all I have to say for now. - M.S., AURORAi ILL.:.t DAILY READER DEAR DA LY nEADER: Sorry yoa Cblak my tbree-plece outftc1 are tacky. I sort of Uke tbem. Tbe balrdo bu been 1ll1btly modified 1lnce 1955, but I 1dll aet complatat1. Tbat .. ugly necklace wllb tlu medallion" 11 tbe vice presidential aeal, ltamped ID 1old -a ,JU from tbe late Habert Humphrey. f you get oat a ma1nlfyla1 gla11 and take a good look, you'll 1ee It 11 a very band1ome piece. Yoar apologle. are accepted. Deity Not ltelf ...... play equipment in Huntington's Lake Park an ideal pl.ace to relax while soaking up some sun. Libra on rebound Friday, May %8 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You make impact and gain wider recognition. Love relationship is highlighted. You are applauded for creative activitiea. Moon position emphasizes children, speculation and ability to cut through red tape. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. You make significant breakthrough; property values come into focus. Your new position enables you to be more independent and effective. Safety device could prove a great asset. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Sense of direction is restored; puzzle is solved, relative makes important concession. Intuition is on target, first impressions tend to be accurate. Aquarius, Cancer, Leo persons figure prominently. The vi.sit will prove fruitful. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): You perceive trend and profit as result. Moon emphasis on income, funding, reversing apparent setback. Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Cycle moves up -soon you'll have chance for greater self-expression, independence. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Setbacks are transformed into victories. Circumstances favor your efforts. Position is stronger than originally anticipated. Aquarius, Scorpio and another Leo play important roles. Focus on initiative, originality and exciting meeting with member of opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Inquiries bring positive responses. You resol·re dilemma and perceive hidden motiv .... s. Gemini and another Virgo play key roles. Communication received from one who had been out of sight. You learn a secret. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What seemed a lost cause is now revived and you are on a HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA winning path. Emphasis on fulfillment, special gift, accolade from peers and reunion with family member. Taurus, &-orpio and another Libra play important roles. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Superior could be sincere but misinformed. Keep options open. One who makes grandioee promises may not be in a position to fulfill them. Review techniques, adopt prooedures which eliminate duplications. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lunar aspect favorable -communications improve, money situation is brighter, you'll have more authority and responsibility. Focus on travel plans, education and fulfillment of aspirations. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Review credit, savings, special policies. Avoid hanging on to past for purely sentimental reasons. It's time to move on, to be rid of burden which was not rightly your own in first place. Aries is likely to be involved. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Contract or agreement can be renegotiated. Strive for greater independence. Stand tall for principles. Lunar emphasis on improved public relations, profitable alliances and ability to cooperate with one whose views might clash with your own. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What begins as routine task could become interesting challenge. Follow through on hunch, realize that first impressions are apt to be correct. Family member makes important concession. Son's name no business boon Q: What doe1 Ronald Reagan'• IOD Ml· cbael do for a livinf And bas be found that being tbe president 1 son bas belped blm ID bis baatne11? -Jose P., Jeney City, N.J . A: Michael, a champion speedboat racer, is very turned off with his place in the sun as the IOll of the president. "All my life I've worked and been a solid cttlien," he says. "For 10 yeara I'm steady Eddie. Now people aay I'm trad1na on dad'• name. A rental agent in Sherman Oab advertiled, 'Live next door to the president's IOD.' What did I have to do with that?" he complaina. "It's been hard on my wife, C.olleen, and my family -becau.1e the pree1 has been on my caae for yea.rs. rve lOlt a lot of aa:ountl u a result," he revealed to our friend and oonfrere, Cindy Adam.a. M1chaer1 mother, by the way, ii llC1rel9 Jane W)'lftan. ~....,= ............ .. un. ~wiJH" .... hllrialtle u a .. tecUYt la .,..,_., JtilNI" -11 It Pf ISOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER tne lae wu ooce a 10111·ancMlance man? - Yolude E., Pltiabarp. A: Yes. And you may be able to see him ln that role once again -on a new TV aeries now in the talking stage. Q: Whtcb publluer flllally got ba1ebail star Regie Jacklon to alt don and tell all? And wben wlll bJ1 llfe story be pabll1hed? - A.rtbar K., Laa Ve1as. A:. Afraid you're iotni to have to wait awhile. Though we hear that Random HOUie pt11ehed a aood deal to Reate for hll IDlllDOUw. he tu.med down the4f['er. ''Don't wmt to diaturb the atmosphere I have Nin with the Anp18," WM the l'flMOft JliicbOo pw. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Conte,ll are prolUeratin1 and I tlnd myself feeling 1keptical when I fW tn the little item on the back of the envelope that aaya, "No, I don't want to aubecrlbe, but let me know if 1 have won a prize." I'll bet many othen Nlpect, as I do, that the entriea of non-subscribers go automatically lnto the dilcard bin. la lt really true that the person who doean't buy the product 1tands u good a chance to win a1 the one who buys? I've never heard anyone aay he won but didn't buy. -JUST WONDERING DEAR J .W.: Yes -lt'1 true. A penon wbo doe1n't buy tbe product 1tand1 as good a chance to win H one wbo doe.. TliOle contest• are carefally moaltored by law, and tile law 1ay1 no one mu1t be forced to buy a product in order to enter a contest or win. No company that 1ell1 well-known brand product• woald rt1k tbe bad publicity that would re.ult lf tbe firm were caught palllag a fHt one. So, in tbls ln1tance you can bellev~ the small print. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Yesterday I attended the funeral of a dear friend who was killed in an automobile accident. She was only 28 years old and beloved by all who knew her. All the way through the funeral service the clergyman mispronounced her name. Every time it happened (and it happened about 20 times), I felt as if a needle was . q AllN IANDllS going through my ear. I'm sure her f&mily and close trtenda were as upset u I. What can one think of a clergyman who cares so little about the service that he doesn't even bother to get the name of the deceased rtgh.? Am I wrong to be disturbed? Please reply in print. I know the clergyman read.a your column regularly because he quotes you from the pulpit. I feel it is important for him to see this. -OFFENDED IN THE EMPIRE STA TE DEAR EMPIRE STATE: Yoar letter may 1erve a1 a reminder to all cler~e• to check with a member of the family abfft the correct pronanciatton of names. It may be just another funeral to the penon officiating, but It is of vital lmportuce to the grievlng f amlly -and it takes 10 Uttle effort. Are your parents too strict? Hard to reach? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged By Parents? How to Get More Freed.om," oould help you bridge the generation gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a Jong, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m .. 60611. She fails humor test For the last couple of years, Manpower, Inc., has conducted a poll among secretaries to pick the ideal boa. The resultl have been the same for a couple of years: Alan Alda, Phil Donahue, President Reagan, Dan Rather and myself. flMA BOMBfCI ATWIT'S END I can't figure out why rm so far down on the list. Surely not sexism. I make coffee for my secretary, Norma, I sharpen her pencils, laugh at all her jokes and when a teacher calls and wanta to talk with her, I tell them she's not here. FRANKLY, IF I WEREN'T an Equal Opportunity employer, she wouldn't stand a chance working for another woman. She is beautiful and weighs 102 pounds. Who else would hire her? AS I TOLD NORMA, the mark of a successful boss is having the security to laugh at oneself. I used to be a secretary myself. I appreciate those little harmless jabs that make the boss look inept and ridiculous. I told her I bet I laughed more than Alan, Phil, President Ronald or Dan. I have to admit appreciation for secretaries has been a long time in coming. "Nine to Five" should have reached the big screen and the small one long before this. She took the book and began to leaf through it. Finally, she s tarted to laugh. "This is very funny," she said, "Why aren't you as funny as Kathy Matthews?" So should a soft-cover book that came across my desk that's due to be published this month called, ''Take a Letter Yourself!" by Kathy Matthews. That does it! I'm going to get the office closest to the bathroom if I have to be the last one to pick my vacation for the next three years! It's clever and it's funny, especially if you're a secretary. Sprinkled throughout are Office Maxims: "If you have your choice of seata on the bus, you're late for work," "If there's a bug ~oing around, you'll get it on Friday night,' and "The more copies of a given document, the less important it is." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT There's a practical section on activities that burn away extra calories: Typing something that was due yesterday, 30 calories. Putting the company president on hold (which somehow disconnects), 25. Riding five floors with the office Don Juan, 80 calories per minute. (Riding eight floors with him, 300 calories a minute.) And one hour of work on the day before vacation, 900. .,. GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. East deals. , NORTH •95 <;;1 7! o 96•Z +K87U WEST EAST •8742 •U <::?863 CV QJI05• o J 8 0 A107 +J1053 +AQ9 SOUTH • AKQJIO CV AK9 O KQU •• The bidding: Eut ~ We.t N.nll I CV ! <::? r ... S • P ... a• Pue '• P ... Pue P .. Operung lead: Elpt of cv. Sometime• you have an unavoidable loeer. But even then you mtsht be able to die· late to which defender 1ou lose the trickl South abowed hlt tremen dou1 1treoftb with an im- mediate cue•bid oltht enemy auit. Nonh bHI t.ll ft....,. ..alt, lhtn Judrtd '"'' Me \ft Lt\m'lpt. doublet.M lli&rt Ud kiar of dube mertted • ihOt , .. al game. His evaluation was correct, for the king of clubs could have been the key card 1n the winning line. West led his top heart. Declarer won the king. cash· ed the ace and ruffed his heart loser in dummy. He made use of his one entry to dummy to lead a diamond lo his king, which won Since he could afford lo lose two dia- mond tricks and a club. declarer continued with a low diamond. West won the jack and shifted to the jack of clubs. which held. The club con· llnuatlon went to East's queen, and declarer was fore· ed to ruff. Dtdarer drove out the ace of diamooda, but Eut. led the aee of elube. Decla,..r waa apJa forced t.o ruff. and now We1t'1 fourth trump became the Htllnc trick. Declarer WH on the right track when he went about aettinr up a long diamond befor-. he &.ouched trumps. But be •hould han realised the danstr in beln1 fOft.d &o nff dub., aacl be ehould have L&lt•• pr....Uve llMU\lNI. ,,,_ "9111ft10aud t .. M ~' .. ""' ., dla ..... "' U. lllrih ~ It waa certain that East held the ace. Declarer should have made sure that. when he con· ceded two diamond tricks, East had to win t he first. He could have accomplished that by leading the queen of diamonds at trick five ! East can win, but be can· not profitably attack clubs because of the king in dum my. Now declarer is a tempo ahead. He can set up hit fourth diamond before the defenders can make him ruff twice, so he will be able to draw trumps and make Ida contract. __ ......... __ ~ llllllCUH Cllll lllA IDRlll I IHJll'illA 'V MA, .• • .' l'Hl.1 OllJ\NC1I (.{HIN l '( (A l HOHNIA '1'> cr Nf ~ ·Irvine Co. flays leasehold lawsuit The lrvlntj Compiiny rNCted with anae r t oday t o an Ut\IUCCftaful try by memben of the Committee of 4,000 to aet • court reatra.tning order haluns the company from seeking lawault waiv er• fr o m leueholdera In Newport Beach and lrvtne. The development flrm, which la being sued by four committee members, described Wed.ne9day's NB foes' use of park hit The Ne wport Beach city attorney's office has been asked to scrutinize a weekend fund-raiser staged by a citu.en referendum group that's trying to turn back a multi-million dollar development project. The fund-raiser was held by the West Newport Legislative Alliance last Saturday at Ma riner 's Park. Participants were asked to donate $10 each. The get-togethe r was called into question this week b y Councilwoman Ruth e l y n Plummer, who represents West ' Newport and has tangled previously with the referendum supporters. Mrs. Plummer said s h e questioned whether "a political action committee can have a fund-raiser on city property to further its fight with the city." She suggested it is an ethical question because the city council has approved the 75 -acre Banning Ranch development. the projec t targeted by t h e referendum group. Because of the referend um campaign, the council now must dump the development or put lt to a c1tyw1de election. The council has yet to decide which route it will take. Louise Greeley, leader of the referendum alliance, sald her group got full city authorization to u se th e park and a multi-purpose room there. "1 just don't want to g e t involved in this," she responded when pressed for reaction. City Attorney Mike Miller today said he has not finished reviewing the fund-raiser. He said he should have an answer to Counc ilwoman Plummer's ooncems next week. Ron Whitley, the city's parks, beaches and recreation director. said the referendum supporters filled out proper fonns and paid a f ee to u se the park's multi-purpose room. He said city law proh1b1ts renting the park facility to a RJ"OUP that represents a sinlt}e political party if two or more factions are not represented Reagan preps for Europe SANTA BARBARA (AP) From his Cog -s hroud e d mountainto p ranch. President Reagan is using his five-day vacation to study for his trip to Europe and to lobby congressmen to vote for the budget bill he I' endonies. Deputy White House presa 1 secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was polishing three apeeches he intends to deliver during his four-nation trip. WORLD l eaat mant:uver aa "heavy handed" a nd taJd It <.'Ould bring a quick halt to two financing proarama thf' Irvine Company la offering le.ueholden Superior Court Judae Thomas Crosby denied the request for the restraining order. but agreed to hold a hearing June 7 on the committee's requeal for an Uljunctlon stopping the company D.n, Noe It.rt "'8to P RINCIPL E -British Consul General George Finlayson says his country's action in the Falkland lslanch is "a matter of principle." 'Principle' cited for island war Brltllh ea.uJ General George Finlay.in told an ~ County audience Wednesday that hta nation'• ~!J: to war over the FaJJda.nd i. ltrictly a matt.er of principle. Questions of mineral rights at the apanely populated Falklands w e re not considered In the British decision lo send its military to dislodge Argentine forces, he said. "Thia has not entered into t.hia dispute at all," he told members of the World Affairs Council of Orange County during a dinner speecn at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. "In fact it might have been easier to resolve If the dispute had been over material issu es rather than principles of the islanders' rights and resisting aggression." Responding to a question from the audience, Finlayson said m ineral reserves around th e islands have n eve r been measured and the extent of such deposits are not known "with any accuracy.'' Head of the British government's Loa Angeles consulate, Finlayson has been part of his country's diplomatic corpa since 1948. He took over his recent i:x-;ition in March 1981. Although Finlayson said he's apoken at half-dozen time• to groups about the Falklanda crisis, he estimated he has been interviewed ~ times by members of the media. He aald he speaks as many aa six times a day with Br itish representatives in Wuhington, D.C., for updates on h1a government's position. (See BRITISH, Pase A%) 90 passengers !reed TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) -A lone Mo_rooca.n who• hijacked a Moroa:an airliner with 90 pusengen on board, surrendered here today after releasing all the paaengera unharmed, Tunisian authorltlea aa1d. NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny Ca.non ta more than a talk &how pt. m. monoJoguee show him to be a IOdal and political commentator, aocordi.na to a mater'• thesll. Page A7. Town calling it quits All five residenta of Loyalton. S.D .• have votad to dlmolve the town and 1&ve on pcopei ty taue. Pap 03. -· from ueklng the 11w1ull waivers. The lrvtne Company hu uQd leueholden to a1iJl docwnenta proml1ln1 not to join the committee lawsuit belore they can alin up for the company programs. Committee memben aald the communJcatlona with raldenta a.re mialeadlng. Company offJdale complained they wtre only afforded a four -hour notlct of the r 1tralntn1 order requett and aa.ld If the injunction ii aranted, It wW hurt affected restdenta, not the Irvine Company. Ray l k ola, the attorney repreeenU.O, the committee, aa.ld he wants the court to prevent the Irvine Company from teeking the wa.tvera unlae the requests are flrst approved by the court. [kola aald the: oommunicaUona from the Irvine Company to affectt'd resident• do not give leueholdera all the facta. "We think they're trying to hide the ball In these com- munlcatlona," said I kola, who aald he wu particularly irritated that one of the rea1denta suing the company received a lawsuit wa.tver request ln the mail He aa1d he complained last week about the waivel"I o.nd that the lt-gMI move should not have been a surprile The flap over tht-waJvera ii the latest in the leaaehold controveray which heated up wt year when residents lea.Ing land from the Irvine Company atarted complaining about urward a djustments i n annua leaae payments. (See IRVINE, Page A%) British troops push Forces moving toward Port Stanley By Tbe A11oclated Pres• British marines and paratroopeni pushed out of their beachhead at San C.arl08 today ln a bid to recapture the Falkland Wanda capital of Stanley from Argentine fon::es, Prime Mlniater Margaret Thatcher announced. Ther e was no imme diate reaction from Argentina, but the Airlines' suit joined b y county By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL oftM DllllJ Not 8Wf Orange County government has decided to join with two air carriers in contesting federal court rulinga that have dashed separate plans that w ould regulate commercial airlines' 8CCe9I to John Wayne Airport. Following a cloeed-door ..ion Wedneeday, county aupervlaon Chairman Br uce Neatande announced that county attorneys wW be among thoee pre9e'l'lt June 8 ln San Frand8CO w hen the access plan issue is taken up by the U.S. 9th District Court of Appeals. Joint Chiefs of Staff In BuenOll Aires said their Canbe rra bomben hit San Carl08 today as a follo wup to dive-bombing attack• by •mailer planes Wed.ne.day. The Argentine Joint Chiefs and British casualties were heavy, but gave no figures, and claimed British forces were penned in at San Carlos. However, Mrs. Thatcher told the House of Commons in L ondon, "Our forces on the ground are now moving forward from the bridgehead." She declined to give details, but the British Broadcasting Corp. said a pincer movement was under way. It said British paratroopers were stabbing toward Darwin, 20 mlles south of San Carlos, and Brit!Sh ma.nne commandos were push.mg toward Stanley, ~ miles east of San Carlos. British Defense Secretar y John Nott had said some 5,000 British ~round troops on the (See FALKLAND, Page AZ) Judge rules drunk law too vague A West Orange Co unt y Municipal Court Judge has ruled that a portion of the st.at.e's new law on drunken driving is unconsutu tional. Judge Kathleen O'Leary made the ruling W ednesday in W estm ins t er in the case involving Costa Mesa driver Marwin Wilcox. Judge O'Leary, who was sworn to the bench last November at the age of 30, confirme d today t h at she sustained the challenge to a section of the law. Ai.rCa.l and Republic Airlines, which together control 35 of the 41 jet departures permitted daily from Orange County, previously appealed a Sept. 25 decision by a Loe Angeles-based federal judge overturning the county's original access plan. The county will now become a party In that effort. And the county wW ask the appeal.a panel for a stay of a separate ruling Monday in which U.S. District C.ourt Judge Terry Hatter Jr. rejected an alternative access plan. /#Wll.,..o HO~E. BRITl'ANIA -Flanked by the Union Jack, Petty Off1c~r Pet~r Meyer gets welcome home from girlfriend Valene Robms when he and other survivors from destroyer HMS Sheffield arrived home in Ensaand today. The Sheffield was sunk in an Argentine air attack. Gary Gunderman, a Fount.a.in Valley resident who is the attorney for Wilcox, said Judge O'Leary made the ruling on one count an the case on grounds that the portion of the law defUling a drunken driver is unconstitutional because of vagueness. "She said that a criminal defendant is entitled to know when his or her conduct Violates the law," Gunderman said. "Nobody lcno~:· Gunderman said, "wht!n his blood alcohol reading IS .10 percent or higher." Neatande said Airport Manager M41TY Cable and his staff also w e re direc ted to develop yet a third aoceae J?lan that potentially would satisfy Judge Hatter's demand that the airport be opened to commercial carriers in a non-discriminatory fashion. Prostitution alleged Gu n derman said he is con testing the "automatic" presumption that a driver is guilty of drunken driving when the blood alcohol reading hits .10 percent. Massage parlor's He said the reading could be higher m some dnvers before intox.icaUon is reached and lower in others. The county has been under fire from both Pacific Southwest Alt llnes and t he federal Department of Justice to make jet departures available to carriers not now serving the airport, but desiring to do ao. PSA operates two flight. daily between Orange County and San Frand.loo, but wants more. PSA claima lt la unfair for AirCa1 to pc:mess an average of 23.5 flighta daily between Orange County and destinations In four other states. owners face suit In his moat recent ruling, (See AIRLINES, Pa1e A%) STATE Owners of the Costa Mesa building whic h h ouses the Atlantis Health Spa were sued W ednesday by the Orange County DI.strict Attorney'• Office l o force an end to alleged prostitution activltlea at the Harbor Boulevard establishment. The lawsuit. filed in Orange County Superior Court, teeka to prohibit uae of the building at 2112 Harbor Blvd. for up to a year. A hearing la scheduled June 17 before Superior Court Santa Cruz sit-in held SANT A CRUZ (AP) -In a throwback to the turbulent 60a activism, about 50 Un iversity of California studen ts h ere h ave occupied the chancellor's office in support of a teacher w ho was denied tenure. Candidates bombard airwaves Anyone watching television hu no doubt noticed that political commerda.1.a are al.molt unavoidable u the June election approaches. Page AlO. COUNTY Judge Thomas Crosby, Jr. Atlantia Health Spa. has been the loca t ion of numerous prostitution-related arrests over the past two years, according to Deputy DI.strict Attorney Steve Kester. The building ia owned by a family trust. The lawsuit identified the trustees as Ronald R. and Marie Van Clark. "The owners know what's going on, because we sent them letters," Kester said INDEX He said he believes this is the first time that the law that went into effect thi.S" year has been held to be unconstitutional in Orange County. Gunde rman said a similar challenge had been upheld earlier in Palm Springs and that the case is headed for the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. It is not known if the deputy district attorney pro6eC1Jting the O range County case plans to appeal the ruling. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Busine9I California Cavalcade Clul1fied Com.la en.word Death Notices Editorial £ntel1alnment Hy Gardner A4 B2 C6-7 A5 B2 04-8 C8 C8 D3 AS Horoecope Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports B2 82 86-8 A3 Dl-4 Cl-4 C7 B6-8 B2 SPORTS Stock Marketa Television . Theaters Weather World NeWI C9 B6-8 A2 A3 Teacbins brainy kids tough Teachln1 an advanc.d cbeml1try c1a11 ll a clWlenae for Zltanata llJcb School teacher John Cullen. HJ1 1tudenta often arrive at an.awen to problelm before be doel. Pap Bl. J OCC gains; GWC loses · aranae Coat advancel, but Golden west•• e.rnn are <ml1y ln the fint round of the state oommunlty collep bwblll tournament ln Lona Beech. hie Cl . . . . . ' l -• '• I IRVINE LEASES • • e The lc1a1oa call for periodic •Jjuatm1•nt1 ac.·cordln1 to the Nrn:int value of the land Some realdcmta leunl'd their annual te. wuuld ao up us much u 2,000 per<-ent 14'our famUll'S then aued th" lrvlno Company amd now att 1eeklng to have the lawault ~ as a clu:. action ault. The committee has t'harged the Irvine Company Is tr{lng to reduce the number o likely plaintiffs by asklng leueholdera to •iRO lht" WaJVer But the Irvine Company said that, without the waJVer, at will drop financing programs It ls offenng residents. The programs let residents who want to buy their la nd to g et company financ ing at 12 percent. The flnanctna I.a &ood for lt'Ven yeart Tho p.rosra.ma abo would let rt.'lidtnta contJnue leul"I land at a 60 perocint reductJon RHJdenll, tho uah, t•ould only aet that N'ducUon after thetr leue f~ hu ~n rt'adjuated. The eommlttee uld the proaram• ignore thvlr ba1lc romplalnt -how the value of land la e.tabliahed. The company aatd It ha1 enjoyed gttat aucceea with lt.s programs and that more than 100 residents now h ave thetr property in escrow. Company officials said two-thirds of the 61 leaseh olders sc hedule d for readjustment this year have either signed up for the programs or have agreed to arbltqlte dHfe re n ces with t he Irvine Company. FALKLAND ISLANDS e e e islands would be involved in the move on S tanley. British Defen se Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald was asked about reports British forces had already taken Goose Green, the airstrip near Darwin, and he replied: "[t has been stated that the forces will not hang around." shelled the San Carlos beachhead W ed n es da y, 1nfl1ct1ng "undetermined casualties." A communique said Argent.me a rm o red f o rc es had "h e mmed-in" th e British invaders in a 45-square-mlle area near San Carlos, a nd "highly trained troops are carrying out harassment activity within the enemy's stronghold. ... NEU$fARY uttodflABLE UNCERTAIN Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a Britis h defe nse source said only 100 Argentines were belteved there. He declined to speculate where others rrught have gone. By contrast, some 7 ,000 Argentine troops, including some of Argentina's most seasoned soldiers. are deployed in and around Stanley, the source said. B ritish s cnJrce1 r e p o rtea ts0lated Argentine probes that were driven of~ with mortar fire but said there had been little other Argentine ground activity. The Britis h objective was believed to be the ridge of hills around Stanley so their 105mm artillery could join in naval and a e rial bombardment of the Argentine troops s tati o n ed Al' wttepMfo COUNTER-PICKETING -Zoe Ann Ananda of Newport Beach turns her head as she walks past an anti-ERA picket in ~he Illinois capital at Springfield. Ms. Ananda is participating m the "Women's F ast for ERA" in Illinois. She is on her ninth day without food. The Argent ine military command said its ground forces around the town. Bee-sieged * * * BRITISH VIEW e * * Woman's car still buzzing * e • He told h.IS American audience that princ iple rather than historical alliance has prompted the U.S. government's support of the British cause. The Argentine military's action eight weeks ago to take control of the Falklands was an a c t of aggression, he said, because it used force to solve a diplomatic dispute s ubjects have occupied the islands since 1833 assures them the right to call it their land, he said. He called charges of Brlti.<1h imperialism "nonsense" and pointed o~t that Britain has released its control of a quarter of the world's population since the end of World War II. For the tlurd stratght day, a Newport Beach waitress found herself marooned by a swarm of bees that have taken over her car. Shirley Howland, a waitress at Reuben's in Newport lieacn , nas been unable to drive or even get close to her Datsun station wagon because of the bees. The swarm, for reasons unknown, settled down on the roof and wmdshield of her car Tuesday. Despite early morning drizzles, constan t urgmg and a lot of attention. the bees haven't budged. Argentina . meanwhile is "characterized by its contempt for democratic principles and basic human rights." he charged: "Had 1t been allowed to go unhindered, it would have set a very serious precedent," he said, adding that the lack of response woula signal to Warsaw Pact nations that one NATO ally wasn't prepared to stand by its princl ples. Self-determination is anothM issue . The fact that British Finlayson, in fact, suggestea the decision of the Argentine g o vernment t o take the Falklands was a diversionary tac tic to take pressure off a failinR administration. The waitress, who 1s allergic to bees, has been getting a ride to work with a friend . She is. however, hopeful of getting her car back one of these days. Coastal Low clouds today with tocaJ drlul• during morning houra High• 52 to 88 Chance ot m•••ur1b1e prec1p>111tlon 10 percent Low clouds continue through tonight and Frld•y' morning with p1rt11I •h•rnoon clMtlng OYernlQht IOws 5610 62 Hl gh1 Frtdey 64 lo 72 Hunt1ng1on·N•wporl area temperetur .. range from 11 low ot 59 to I high OI 85 El1•wher•, lrom Point Conc•p1lon to the M•xlc1n botder and out 80 miles Light verllble wind• t>ecomlng -I to eouthwelt 10 10 18 knota lhls evening South-1 awell• 2 to 3 feet Cloudy with partial clearing V.S. summary Heavy lhund...iorms brought ••v•r• wellher lo parts ol Oiclahom1 T •xu encl At119tl ... today. with t orn1doe1 or ••lremely high wlnela In Teua. Okl1hom1 Ark 1n1es end MfMOUrf Larg• h1ll1tone1 pounded many er••• ol Texaa end Ark1n111. and the heevy rein cauMd nun flood• around Fort Worth. Tex11. end 11ream1 to 0\191'11ow In Kan ... Sclll•red thunder1torm1 continue<! lrom the lower and middle MININlppl Valley to lhe eouth«n Allantlc Cou1 Show•re •nd thunder1torm1 fell lrom Montana to ellt•rn Nev1d1 end northern Arizona. end rain Ind log wu ~I trom 00f1h«n low1I end eouth«n Mlnne101a lhrough lhe upper Otllo Viii., 10 Virginie Ind the CarOllnu Tempera&u••• u ound th• na11oo .wt; today renged from 38 In Redmond, Ore .. 10 81 In Pholnht, Arlt. California Local drizzle T e1nperalures Albany AlbuqtHI Amlll'OIO Aal'levttle Atlama Atlante Cty A1>1Un 8alllm0<e 8tt11ng• Blrmlnghm Btsmercll BolM Botton Brownevtle Ek.lffalo Burlington Casper Chart11n SC Charllln WV Char11t• NC Cheyenn• Chlcego Clnc:lnnatl Cleve4and Ctmbla SC Columbue Oal-Ft Wiii O•)'lon OenY9t OM Molnee O.trott Oulu th El PUO Fwgo NATION HI lo Pep 78 49 90 60 79 55 80 82 86 83 66 01 81 57 89 76 7SI 61 75 •7 85 66 19 72 57 72 43 77 59 89 80 77 59 79 51 81 47 79 89 1 20 83 82 06 82 68 70 '7 69 5a 22 81 84 04 76 83 85 88 04 79 61 87 70 10 78 82 75 73 53 73 56 75 60 08 70 48 Sl6 70 7• 5'4 100 44 48 36 .58 82 52 80 •O 51 88 71 90 76 80 66 22 89 71 88 70 .01 Fronla:Cold.,. Wtrm W. Ortando Phlladpnie Phoenix Pllllbu<gn Piland. Me Piiand. Ore Pr~ R&lllOh Reno Sall Lill• San Antonio Selltle Shrtv9POf1 S•ouK Fall• SI Loull ·St P-T•mpa St Ste Mlfle SpokM• Syr~141 Topeka Tucaon Tulu Wuhlngtn Wlchtte 87 73 69 80 58 101 74 80 82 80 55 83 •5 78 59 82 87 40 87 45 89 47 87 7• 56 46 05 89 74 16 7-4 11-4 16 84 81 1 01 83 73 61 76 •9 84 57 49 78 55 70 38 84 63 01 ~ 63 01 81 65 71 50 09 Flag II a ff Orea& F•H• HartlOfd Helena Honoluk.t Hou1ton 1nc:tnapll1 JackMI MS JackM1v1le K.,,1 City lat Vega Uttle Aoclc Loultillle Lubbocil Memphl1 Mlaml MllwllUkM Mpte.St.P Nulw\111 N-Or!Mna New Yorll. Norlotk 71 54 CAUf'OftNtA 97 70 S.llerlflel<I 85 86 Blylhe 84 66 21 Eurelle 90 &4 Fr.oo 114 70 Lancuter 82 73 1.18 LOI Angelee 5e 47 Marysville 64 80 .28. Monterey 85 66 NeedlM 91 7 1 07 Oakland 80 65 PMO Roblee 71 84 ~Bluff 70 42 Redwood City 98 67 95 - 56 •5 89 57 8SI 56 8• 80 64 tlO 98 Occluded w.' Stet10NWy•• Si n Diego 65 6-4 Sen Francltco 58 50 S1nl• B••t>•re 81 58 591118 M1rll 82 StocklOtl 81 53 Tl'lerm•I 9, Ukiah 79 8••1tow 98 73 Blg Bur 7, 31 Blahoc> 92 54 C11a11n1 5, Like ArrOwhNd 75 •7 Long Beach 68 62 Monrovi• ~ 80 Mt Wllaon 78 80 Newport Beech 86 80 Onllrlo 64 59 Palm Springe 92 66 San Bernardino 64 58 San 01brlll 73 69 San Joae 73 58 Santi Ana 67 60 S•nta Cruz 83 se Te11<>e v11i., 11 40 i-AN AMIERICAH Ac•pulco 91 75 Bert>ado1 88 77 8ermu<11 82 73 Boootl 83 43 Curacao 88 78 Extended weather Jam Wade, a r es taurant manager, explained that he has been trying to get in touch with a beekeeper smce Tuesday. So far he has had n o luck and is co n s id e r ing ca lling an exterminator. Workers at the restaurant said Wednesday they just couldn't get their heart into killing off the little stingers They decided to wait until today Plane ramp dislodged An e mergency inflatab le evacuation ramp accidentally popped out of a Republic Airlines jet at J o hn Way ne Airport Wednesday night while the aircraft was taxiing near the terminal. There was no e mer gency aboard Fltght 103. which was landing from Phoe n ix and Minneapolis-St. Paul. A R e public spokesman explained today that a fiberglass cone at the rear of the OC-9 Super 80 simply fell off. Th.IS caused the inflatable evacuation ramp to pop out of the rear of the airliner No one did any sliding down the ramp. The plastic cone was re-installed and the am:raft is back 1n service today Judge blocks Frizzelle mail By DAVID KUTZMANN or1t110_..,,.......,. A Auparlor court judait-h111 blocked further dlltribuUon of ''a mpu l .in matt'rlala f o r Incumbent OOP u1cimblyman Nolan Frizzell e wh ll'h hi• challenger -I rvine Mayor David Sills -c laims 1a re dec.'eptive. Both m en are 1eeklng the Republican nomiJulUon for the 69th assembly di.Strict in the June 8 primary election Whtie Sills wu KU<.~'t..'lllful in obtaining a court order from Judge Cla ud e Owen• W edn esday , attorneys for Fnuelle were plannlng to file countercharges in another court. That laws uit co ntaine d allegations similar to those Jn Sills' legal action -that California's "Truth In Endorsement" law was being violated. Sills dr e w first blood Wednesday on the basis of a lawsuit he filed earlier m the BBC report week . Hl1 1ult atleae>a tnai Jl'rtu.elle, R Coet.a Mes., and hill p olitical <.'o mmltte~ were re1pon1lblc for llteruure 1nforring that the 1-wmakf'r had won the t>ndoraement ot the California R .. publJcan Party. Attorneys for Ftiz.zelle and the California Republican Astembly, an unofflci.al group that endoned the Costa Meaa a11emblyman, denied the allegat1ons State law prohibits official orgaruzauona of poUucaJ partle11 from endorsing candidates 1n primary elections At issue in the S1U.-Fnu.elle race lS campaign literature whkh includes a letter from California Republican ABsembly President Coann e Cubete a nd a tabloid ne wspaper publlshed by the CRA. Both were mailed to voters last week. Frizzelle's candidacy was s trongly end orsed tn the publicauons, which were patd for by the assemblyman's political committee. Falklands delays news assailed • ID By TOM MURPRINE Of"" ... o.ii, lll'llot ..... There has been grave criticism in Britain on how news of the Falklands fighting has been handled by the Ministry of De fe nse, a BBC world news se r v ice broadcast report e d Wednesday night. "Criticism focused on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the latest vessel lost in Argenune fighting wa s the HM S Coventry," the BBC sa.td. An official of BBC was quoted as saying the destroyer could h ave been identified for the public and re latives "within four hours" after Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news" from the task force. Criticism of the de layed id e ntific ation extended to Parltament where Peter Vaggers, MP. declared if he had a relative as a member of the task force, he would have s p e nt "a most terrible night." Viggers told BBC h e talked with task force relatives, "who don't want to be protected in this wav." The BBC shortwave ne w s broadcast from Lond o n , monitored on the Orange Coast Wednesday night, highlighted the Falklands war news but had fewer detailed reports from correspondents in the war zone than the previous three nights. This was interpreted by some observers as a prelude to a major invasion push toward Port Stanley from the British brid~ehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's nightly news report did detaH loss of the Sheffield class destroyer, HMS Coventry. and the conve r ted container ship Atlantic Conveyor. Twenty members of the Coventry crew and four from Atlantic Conveyor were killed. The BBC quickly added that SEIKO GIVES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN THE WORLD. five Arge ntine warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates joined the Falklands task force. The names of the new vessels in the conllict were not reoorted From the lost vessel.s, the BBC said , 450 men have been rescued. The BBC noted that Atlantic Conveyor. which was carrying supplies to Bntish troops, was the first supply ship lost in the conflict. It brings to five the number of British ships lost, including two destroyers and two frigates. From Page A1 AIRLINES'. • Hatte r said the county must adopt a new non-dascnminatory access plan by June 28. U the county does not act, he said, another carrier and a part)' to the lawsuit, Continental Airlines. will be free to begin service from J o hn Way n e u s ing B oeing 727-lOOs. That aircraft type has never been permitted at the airport because of its weight and the noise of 1ts engines. And, Hatter said, failure of the county to take action will result in the appointment of a special master to take control of the access issue and recommend a course of action. County Supervisor Thomas Riley said h e con siders the thought of outs.Ide intervention b y a spec i a l m aster "frighterung." Hatter's rulings would be blocked if the county and the air c~rr~ers are successful ly in wuuung a stay from the federal appeals court, SEIKO TIMI Me1lonel WNther SWvloe predict• • dOudy nlgflt, acattwed drl.ule Frl<lay morning and • PtW1IY dOudy, cool day outelde the ct..t. Ho f'l•tl• Otda City ()nwhe 75 5e Sec:ramento 70 52 41 Slllnu 64 54 70 5E 88 81 89 53 78 50 81 51 SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA COA STAL ANO MOU NTAIN AREAS Chance of lllow9r• O< thunder~ over mountalna durln9 alter noon1 during Here's a neces.sity for everyone who travels or does busines.s Internationally: the Seiko World Time Clock. Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement For a distinctive personal or buSlness gift choose the desk clock. $125, or the travel clock. $75. Northern mountalne and Inland 1re11 could get 1n afternoon ~ Ind _, to IOU'll""9t wind• could •wMp mountain• and nortllem deeert• with QUiii to ae mpi, lor-1•• aald Hight FrldfY "10IAld fM01 !fl tN UPS* IOI In Lo. ~ 11t ~ Ind In mouni--. fl'oin IO to IO In tM htoh ~ Ind ~ 91 to 95 ln '-daeer1 ......... lcMlilf'I from P01n1 Cono•pdon .... ~ bordlr otn.,.,. !Wit. ~ .,... tolllgtlt INS frld•J mornln,. 1>1conitn9 ~ t0l01 knotilfl ... 1""'1100fl wltll • 2· to a.root ~ _.. Ind a. to Moot f9"' ...... Chin IO m11et out. ) - .... . ·~_!U ____ R!_R!_P!_R!_ ::n!.~~.~.~: with ptrllat cle1rlng during • alternoone Partly cloudy molt .,... Mondey altemoon. HIOh• , • rtnglng lrom low eo. et bMohat ·;==-=;;;-· 0 lo mid 70t Inland valleye. Low. 52 to 82. Mounteln r-1 high• 1n 1~­~tt 2-4 It 2-4 It 1 ft 2-4 ft 2-3 It 2-3 ft 2-3 It t4 It .. eo. end lowe 36 to 48. ~--... ~------------------T' emp 82 81 81 ft Ill 12 12 12 11 Tides TOOAY 8econd high 3.09 p m 3 8 ~low 7Hpm 2.7 "'10AY f'lrwt hiOh t:S3 Lm. 5. t Flttt io-t:oe 1-m o t l.ooncl hlgtl •.22 p m •. 1 a.otlCI IOw t-20 p.11\. u 14 " poot.,.., 81 ~Ci~W'I TIDH: HIOh 4:21 p.m. Lciw 1:01 a.m. 8w•ll 8'ln Mt. todtY It 7:1t p.m .. r1-Frlcley M 11:44 Lm. MOO!\ ,... t*Y at t0.24 1-m.. • t11t1 ,rldly et T·M p,m • ' SLAVIC K'S fine ""*"Since '917 Whttt iht bt.st swrpnsts ~gm. r11Non ...._, (7141144-1'80· ~ 9-tl Allio CirMt9r "-~.Sift Otlgo• La ..... -1.1- ·----·----WFiifi ~ffiU~OO~ Budget dealt setback Chances 'slim' for Reagan-back~d package WASHINOTON -The Hou. dCMllt Pr.ident Reaaan a major budaet aetback today, voting to restore t23.S billion In propoeed Medicare cut.a over three yean and take the money from the Pentaaon. Houae Republican Leader Robert H. Michel of Illinoa aald the vote probably dooma chances of winnlna House paaaage for the Reagan-backed budpt. "He doetn't think there'• any chance that oun wtll pam under theee clrcwnatanc.w," 1aJd a Michel aide. At the ume time, the aide conceded the vote on Medicare 1trenithen1 the hand of the other two combatant• In the bud1et 1tru1fle -the Democratic leadership and • (p"OUp o moderatet from both partie1. Hinckley speaks out for first time WASHINGTON -John W. Hinckley Jr., speaking publicly today for the fint time at h1a trial, told U.S . District Judge Barrington D. Parker, "I believe I'm fully competent to aaalat my attomeya and proceed with the trial." The judge had called Hinckley to the bench at the out.set of the day's proceedings to say he was concerned about the defendant'• competency to stand trial. Hinckley has left the trial three Umea a1nce it began April 27. Lut Friday, Parker told Hinckley that he feared such exltl could influence the jury and lnatructed the defendant that if he wanted to absent hfrnaelf, he would have to stay out for an entire morning or afternoon le8aion. Panel slashes aid to El Salvador WASHINGTON -Dismayed ove r developments m El Salvador, a key Senate panel has cut proposed military aid to the Central American nation and has vowed to eliminate it entirely if a Land refonn program is scuttled there. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously Wedneeday to slash $100 million from the Reagan admlniatratlon's request for $166 rrullion m mllitary aid to El Salvador. Walesa moved to secret camp WARSAW, Poland -SolJdarity union chief Lech Walesa has been moved to a new, secret intennent center nearly six months after he was seized at the start of martial law. government press spokesman Jerzy Urban said today. Urban told foreign r e porters at a news confereoce here that Walesa had been moved, but refused to aay where he had been taken. The secnicy shrouding the moving of the union chief, held since the martial law began last December 13, was so tight that not even his wife, Danuta, knew he had been moved. Brezhnev successors neck-and-neck MOSCOW Politburo members Yuri V. Andropov and Konstantin U. Chernenko are running neck-and-neck m the succession race to succeed ailing President Leonid I. Brezhnev, official Spviet sources 1&y. "It's too early to tell which man ia most powerful now," said one Soviet "The next 12 months will see a lot of attrition at the top, and during that period the leader will clearly emerge." Andropov, for 15 years the head of KGB, turned the command of the secret police over Wedneeday to Vllaly Fedorchuk, who i. believed to have been a hlgh-rankJng KGB official in the Ukraine. War sh if ting to Iranian highlands BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iran appeared today to be shifting its drive against Iraq's invasion forces north to the foothilla of the Zagros Mountains as Egypt warned the Iranians not to carry the Persian Gulf war in Iraqi territory. An lraruan government spokesman suggested in a press conference Wednesday night that Iran might crcm into Iraq to defend lta cities near the border from long-range artillery fire. An ovemlalit communique from Iran's Joint Chiefs of Sta.fl reported heavy battles flaring in Iran's western region of Sumar and claimed 90 Iraqi troops were kilfed in the hills overlooking the border with Iraq. Nose gear collapses on DC-10 SAN FRANCISOO -The noee gear of a United Airlines DC-10 jet collapsed a5 the plane taxied away from the boarding gate at San Francisco International Airport. and more than 120 passengers slid down emergency chutes to the ground, officials said About 18 people suffered skinned elbows and knees as they came down the slides Wednesday evening. but none was seriously hurt, authorities said. The flight crew opted for the emergency evacuation becaUle they feared a fuel line could have broken when the landing gear beneath the noee collapeed, aald Donald LaFond, assistant to the vice president of UnJted'a west.em region'' UC students face stiffer standards SAN FRANCISCO -Students will face stiffer standards for entering any of California's eight University of California undergraduate campWlell under requirements adopted Wednesday by the UC faculty governing body. The Aasembly of the Faculty Senate, re9p0ndl.ng at least in pert to the widespread belief that California achoola and colleges have relaxed their standards, unanimoualy called for tougher requlrementa in high achool mathematlm, Engliah, acience and foretan language skilla for first-year college ltudentl ltarting in f 986. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• P. HaleY .....,..,.. _, CNlil t-M OfllOet ~~ Md~of~ Tom Murphtne EdllDr MbHetWY ~of ..... 9llllO ~· K_.. Goddard ~ofo.-ei- ~act..een CfMlttee L.ooe fMMlllll lcllot .., ..... o.1 • ..., ........... ~ Cta111fled adVertfalng 7141142-5111 All other departments 142-'321 MAIN <>FACE DI Wttt Br( SC., Cot .. -· CA Mall -llo• UM. C•i. -·CA t3'M c...,rlQM 11112 0r-. Coe• "'*41tAiftt ~ ... ,.~....,.._ lllutlr.ti..11,edltorlel _.,..._ ..... ow..-ts ~ _, .,. ,_.... ....,... "'9(1111~"4-..... _ VOL 11. NO. 1C7 Brown, Vidal appear together SAN FRANCISCO -There WH more jokln1than1ertou1 polltb.l debate .. Gov. Edmund ltrown Jr. and novelt1t Gore Vidal met warily for the first time ln their campalp for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate. Appeartn1 to1ether Wectn.day ntaht ~ta dinner of the A11ociatfon 6f American Editorial Cartoonilt1 -an audience Vidal detcrlbed H IUitable to the oampalln. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you llkt? Call the number below and your me1H1e will bt l"ffOrded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour 1n1wertn1 Mnlce may be "'ed to record let· tera to the edlto\' on any top6t. MaJtbo• conrrtbulort mlllt tnchide their name and telephone number for vertflcatlon. No clrcutaUon nl11. please. Tell us what's on tour mind. • Orang• Coaat DAILV PILOT/Thurtday, M•Y 27, 1882 C/N Al 0 U WlNtlfloto HATS OFF -It's graduation time at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, and cadeta of the academy's 184th graduating class perform the traditional caps-in-the-air routine after dismissal. Cal State suspends sex class teacher LONG BEACH (AP) -A suspended psychology profesaor who gave course credit to his students for their sexual activities says he did nothrng wrong but lamented that people are upset with him. "I've pretty much sunk to the basement level," Barry Singer told the Long B eac h Press-Telegram on Wednesday night follo wing his 30-day suspension with pay by trustees of the Ca lifo rni a State UnJveraity-Long Beach. "I've got 40 million people out there who are reedy to kill me," he said. "Some of my colleagues are put out with me and campus admi.niatratora are upeet. too.' Singer, who gave credit ln hil OOU1'9el for studenta' partidpeUon in orgie1 and gay encounters, triggered protests by politid.ana and religious groupe for the way he taught class. But he aaya he was misrepresented. "I have done nothing unethical or unscrupulous. I am quite comfortable with my behaVJor." he told the newspaper. The protests were started by Betty Willman, 53, a student who was not enrolled in the class but aat in on two sessions and co mplained that Singer announced he had sex with 11tudenta. "1 have no memory of what 1 said, but I would be very surprised if that's what I said," Singer said Tuesday. "It has happened three or four times that a student in my claaa wu romantically involved with me, and when that happena. the claaa ia immediately informed." "Pr ofessor of psychology Barry Singer has been suapended for 30 daya pending lnvestlgation of allegations on occurrences within the sco p e o f his employment with the university," said June Cooper, assistant vice president for academic affairs at the university. t,; 7 Coast l residents • on 1ury Seven Or.nae Cout reside~ are amona the 19 peopl9 w were Hlected W~dne1day l 1erve on the 1982-83 Orana~ County Grand Jury The new jurora -along wit~ 11 altematea -will be awom IJ:} July 1, the ume day the oulQoin41 jury la dlsmilllled. • The new membera were choeen by random drawing in thG courtroom of Orange Count)I Superior Court Judge Lua Al Cardenal. Their names were drawn from a final llat of 3Q ca.nd!datea nominated by Or~ County superior court judges. The coastal grand jurors a.re Ida J . Askin. 41, Colt.a Meaa, a writer: Jody U. Billings. 54, Laguna Beach, a h ouse wife; Robert S. Brown, 64, Newport Beach, retired: Lauren W. Leonard, 32. Dana Point, a contracts engineer: Billye Reddil 55, Huntington Beach, a colleg~ instructor; Jack L Sullivan, 60, Huntington Beach, retired; and Eleanor M. Wilson, 43, Irvine\· retired. ' Also serving on the jury will be Vicky Cassiano, 36, Santa Ana, a housewife and student; Marilyn J. French, 52, La Habra, an inte rior designer; Nanc)! Hupke , 40 , Anaheim. a housewife, Charles N. Hutto, 52, Orange, a real tor; Richar~ Jarrell, 68, El Toro, retiredi Melvin W. K11l1ngbeck , 57, Garden Grove, reured. J~ I. M c Ham . 5 4 , Tustin,~ businessman, Susan A. Parkes, 28, Orange, a volunteer worker; ruchard D. Tracy. 60, Placentia,. retired; Cathenne Wells, 48, Villa Park. self -e mployed; Irvin Winesuff, 52, Placentia, a real estate developer, and Josephine Valles , 48 . Anaheim, a homemaker. Among the 11 alternates selected Wednesday are thre~: Orange C.oast residents: Barbara J . Lovell, 50, Newport Beach;' Marcia Taffy C. Warner , 32.' Huntington Beach, and Frank Weber, 62, Hunungton Beach. . J udg& Cardenas told the newi. grand jurors that he would aelect.. a foreman for the panel in abouti, a week. Cardenas, who as presiding criminal judge will oversee grand jury operations, aald the panel will act aa a watchdog over" county government and return' criminal indictments for the' District Attorney's Office. He said the jury 's governmental watchdog funcuon would require diligence] impartiality and courage. :f - .. Orange OOUt DAILY "ILOTIThurlday. Mey 27. 1911 By PAT HOROWITZ CM-~ ......... DEAR READERS: Kenneth Kievit, Poatal Inspector In Char1e. Newark, N.J ., •nnounotd that mall oraer cuatom•n of MUburn Book Corp , Nancy Pryor Book.a lnc:. and R .O .C. Book• may atlll claim their refund.a. AA a reault of crlmlnal and civil Ut.l1aUon with the federal aovenunent concemlnl fa.lie advtrti1ln1. the Montclair, N.J .. mall order h ouaea have a1reed to make refund• to cuatomen who pun:hued any of. the following producta, who were dlMaU.fled with them ana have not previously received a refund: the Amuln1 Diet Secret of the Deaperate Houaewlfe, the Hollywood Emergency Diet, Doctor Romano's Mega 11, Rapid Wel1ht Reduction Program, the Amazing Lost Money Secret of the U.S . Government (government caah), Diet Bullets or Crash Lou Diet and the Boston Police Diet and Weight Control ProiJ"am. Refunds may be requested by sending proof of purchase, name and address and the name of the product or plan purchased to Gary Halbert, c/o Charles F. Abbott, Esq., Cotton Tree Square, Suite 3-B, 400 W. 2230 North, Provo, Utah 84604. Purchasers who Uvt In the ltut ahould Mnd their requ4'1ta Lo Mllburn Book Corp. Refund Account, P .O Box 111~. Montclair, N.J . 070<42. Requeau 1hould be poatmarked before June 10 to allow ample lime tor re1ponH. Cuatomera who have difficulty recelvlna refund.a may write to the Poet.al lnapector In Charge, P .O. Box M9, Newark, N.J. Milburn Book CorJ>. facea additional criminal fines up to $~0.000 aa the re1Ult of a 1ullty plea wl\h reapect to the above mentioned promoUona In U.S. Oiat.rlct Court, Newark, N.J . Milburn entered the plea Feb. 3 to 40 counts of maU fraud and one count of conspiracy. Sentencing is acheduled June 28. • -"Got a problem? Then wnc. to Pat Horowitz. Pat wW cut red tape, • 1 getting the answers md .aar. you need to solve inequltle• Jn n • government and busine ... Mail your que8tions to Pat Horowitz, At Your &rvice, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible wi1J be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's lull ~. address and business hours' phone num~r cannot be considered Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r;s: -... Navy barbers 'clipped' ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -The barbers who atand at the ready to cut off the hair of the Naval Train.Ing Center'• men aay thelr commlaaiona are being ahaved by· the Navy'• declalon to rat.. the price of a haircut two bits. "Every time the Navy ralaet the price of haircuta, they lower our commlaalon," 1ald barber Richard Hahn . "It's disheartening It's unfair We feel very under-appreciated out here." The bar~rs who work at the Naval Exchange say they charge $2 for a haircut, but the Navy plans to Increase the price to $2.25 next month. The problem, the barbers say, is that their commission on thoee cuts will fall from 52 percent of the pnce to 48.5 percent. They'll make a nickel more on each haircut. But had the commission remained at 52 percent, they would have netted 13 centa more. Cmdr. Edward Hernandez, head of the Naval Exchange, said that "there's really no cut m their pay m dollars." To make $16,000 a year, not including tips, a barber at the Navy exchange would have Lo give more than 14,000 haircuts. "I don't plan on working at 48.5 percent, personally," said Lonnie Spencer, who is shop steward of Local 1451 of the National Association of Federal Employees. The union protested the move, announced by the Navy last week, saying 1t violated federal pay guidelines that set commissions between 55 and 94 percent. But a federal arbitrator ruled that the guidelmes were only gulde!ines and that the Navy could lower the barbers' commission. Spencer said the Navy gave only one reason for the cut: The barbers couldn't go above the 4.8 percent pay raise for federal employees so the Navy had to lower the commission when 1t raised pnces. Spencer told The Orlando Sentinel the barbers are not civil servants, but are cons idered federal employees and receive fede ral health and holtday benefits. ...... AP~ ORPHANED CUBS -A pair of American black bear cube whose parents were destroyed last week at Eureka's Sequou; Park Zoo, get adjusted to new home at Woodland Wildlife park in Cave Junction, Ore. Training to counter alcohol abuse set A workshop offering training for handling adolescent alcohol and drug abusers will be presented June 21 -25 in Irvine. Sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism, Orange County chapter, the sessions at Ran c ho San J o aquin Intermediate School will run Crom 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Fee for the class is $375. Council Director Dave Larson claimed there is no better way for school administrators, teachers and community leaders to develop skills Lo deal with an increasingly troublesome situation. In Orange County, he S8ld, 27 percent of high school seniors are "harmfully involved" with alcohol. The workshop lS run by a team of school officials from Minneapolis, Minn .. where a new intervention program to rehabilitate teen-age abusers already has met with critical acclaim, he said. Fees go toward paying costs of the trairung team. Information or registration fonns can be obtained by calling 835-3830. Plant closing BAKERSFIELD (AP) Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. will close its auto seat plant in Bakersfield July l , officials announced. The closure was forced by the earlier closure or General Motors assembly plants at Fremont and South Gate. Nobody does id s-.i¥ I , I I . • • . I . t c Or•noe Oout OAILV PIL.OT1Tnursday1 M1y n. 10H Mesans can have fun and help the needy CoatM Mcao resident• und their neighbors should reserve June 4 to 6 for celebration of the city's Filh Fry and carnival for a good time and support of worthy causes In the last 36 years, the Coata Meaa·Newport Harbor L ions Club haa raiaed more than $655,000 for local chan t1es through tht! Ftsh Fry. More than 9,000 Fish Fry fans will be served the dinners made famous by a secret batter recipe. The fund-raiser also will feature an old-fashioned parade down Harbor Boulevard, bands and dancers, baby and beauty c..'Ol\WStl and prlzet of a new car and color televaton eet. The event begins June 4 ot 5:30 p.m . ln Lions Park at the corner of 18th a nd Newport Boulevard and continues until Sunday at 8 p.m. Watch for the Lion's Parade that begins Saturday, June 5 at 10:30 a.m. at the comer of Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street. The route will continue so1,.1th to 19th Street and west to Anaheim to the park. The three-day celebration is a great way for the fanuly Lo enjoy itself and help others at the same time. Summer college cuts It should come as no surpnse that our coastal community colleges will be offering (ewer summer courses than in past years. Coastline College w1U off er half as many summer courses as last year. Orange Coast and Golden West colleges have cut their summer schedules by 40 percent. At the two Saddleback College campuses, summer classes have been cut by 22 percent In one sense, this is related to the similar reduction in classes these colleges were forced to makt> in the spring tenn that is Just concluding. Area colleges had high enrollments last summer and fall. Because limited state funding forced them to keep a lid o n enrollments, the colleges had to trim their spring schedules. W ith a new fiscal year b eginning, the colleges h ave decided to make some cuts early, during the summer schedule, so they can save a greater share of their resources for the traditional fall and spring terms. The unfortunate aspect of this is that while course of!erings are trimmed, interest in community college education is stronger than ever. College officials say the economy has caused many people to seek new job s kills. Other students are simply mterested in personal enrichment. Whatever the reasons, the demand for community college education is there. The instructors and classrooms are there. What isn't there is the money to pay for it. The upcoming summer school cuts are just another indication of the need for a massive overhaul m the system for funding community colleges. Edu cators and lawmakers must work together to develop a new system in volving fees for certain classes or tuition payments, or they must find some other source of funds. The state should not have to deny community college educatJon to those who seek it. Offshore oil fight If Orange Coast cities are ever to wm deletion of oil tract leases off their shores, a concerted battle in the courts appears their only option. To date, the cities of Laguna Beach. Newport Beach and San Clemente appear ready to join the state in a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Interior. Loo Angeles may even jom the legal battle, following that recommendation by Mayor Tom Bradley. At issue, a t least to Orange Coast cities, is the t>roposed lease of 11 tracts off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. The sale is scheduled for June 11, according to Interior Secretary J a mes Watt's office, despite a concerted letter-writing effort to • delete those tracts from our coast. Officials In N ewport and Laguna have a special interest in seeking the deletions. Both beach towns rely on tourism for much of their municipal revenues. An oil spill of any magnitude would do little to help the econ omies of either community. In addition, there are fragile tidepools in both cities that would be adversely affected by a spill. Leaders in both cities say they are n ot opposed to offshore drilling but they fear selling leases so close to e ither city is inviting trouble. Perhaps with support of Los Angeles and the st.ate. these tracts can be taken o f ( the list of potential drilling sites. Opinions expressed 1n the SPcKe above are those ot the Dally Piiot Otner vt~ws e'/( pressed on tr11s page are thosP of their authoro; and ar11-.ts. Reader comment •s 1nv1 t· ed Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 15b0, Costa M esa, CA 92626 Phone (714) 6•:l·4321. L.M. Boyd I Xenophobes You're a xenophobe. 1f you don't like foreigners, exotic foods or changes generally. I suppose you can say a xenophobe doesn't appreciate surprises. A meat-and-potatoes man who gets upset when he's served cracked crab with fiddlehead fem might be classified as a xenophobe. It's no sign of ignorance, please note The g reat German philosopher Immanuel Kant was a xenophobe. He never ventured more than 10 mtles away from his home, and townfolk used to tell the time of day by when he took his walks. Q. What's a "gandy dancer"? A. A railroad track laborer. There are good ones and bad ones, incidentally. Some claim the world'• belt is Les Nicholas of Burlington Northem's Dakota Divilion. Couple years ago at a Gandy Dancers get-together he hammered five rail ll)lkes into a tie and then pulled them all beck out again in 4 7 eeconda.. Q . What'• the true deflnltlon of "alcohollam"? A. Nonesuch La agreed upon by all authorities. Merrtam-Weblt.tt'• New ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ---.-. .. , ..... ,., ti "'Wfll ... I ' '4, (Mia~ .....,_.. <tt'-l ....... Mt 19 .. , , IMI CMla Mt .. , (A fJt.lt , I Collegiate says either "excessive" or "compulsive" drinkmg identifies 1t , and says further its causes are both psychological and nutritional. Most veteran ex-drinkers aay It doesn't matter how you define It. If you can't count on sure control of the thing once you start, you've got it, and that's definition enough . The Federal Government, which has a firm writeup on most health conditions, still hasn't come up with a definition for that one, mcidentally. The sllt"CeSSful PG-rated movies do better at the box oHlce than do the successful G -rated movies. And G-rat.ed do better than R·rated. And R-rat.ed do better than X-rated. Q . Say a woman becomes the mistress of a married man. How long does her affair usually last? And why does she do It? A. That, too. h.u beep invesU,ated. Retlea.rcheni •Y they can't pin down the time length more 1pec:Ulcally than three to 11 yeani. But in 65 percent of the situationa, tbey say, the woman aaya "friendahlp" la reaponaible, her friendahlp with the man. Thoma& P. Haley Publisher ThOrMS A. Murpttlnt Editor' . Barhr• Kr•lbtch Ed•torlal Page Editor --'lM~l&l~ -T~E STA1'E "°'~RTMM' WOU~'P NMR MA\lf AUOWED HI~~ 101M£ U.S.!' Haig proves his durability WASHINGTON -Like the proverbial feline survivor, AJ Haig not only has nine lives, but always seems to land on his feet. He is as scarred and battered as an old tomcat. yet Haig manages to survive one ha1r-ra1smg poht1cal scraJ> after another, most of them of his awn maJung Ha1g's durability is truly remarkable. Consider the physical and pollttcal calam1t1es he has endured in JUSt the Last few years: an assassination attempt, a tnple C'Oronary bypass, the Watergate scandal, thunder and lightning from the extreme right, quarrels with a host of White House advisers and Cabinet secretaries -and the self-induced embarrassment caused by his own Homertl' ego HAJG IN HIS youth was th~ leader of a Philadelphia gang called the MWlketeers; though a respectable boxer, he was more noted for his ability to negotiat~ with rival gangs over turf. The street smarts he acquired then, supplemented by Henry Kissinger's tutelage in high-level political infighting and cultivation of powerful sponaors, have enabled Haig to e&cape the professional oblivion that 1s regularly predicted for him. The latest prophecies o f Haig's political demise followed the breakdown of h~ l<=n•«~•lYI• shuttle dQ JACK ANDIRSON ~ between Britain and Argentina. ThtS, surely, would be the stake through Haig's heart. But a high-level White House source told me that Haig is not in trouble wtth the one person who counts. Asked 1f President Reagan rrught respond to the out.cry for H.atg's scalp, the aide replied ''No, that's not the president's style." In fact, he said, Reagan's instinct is to stand behind an aide who is the target of criticism -as he did in Budget Director David Stockman's case. Another high White House otfictal told my associate Dale Van Atta that H aig's detractors w ere licking their t·hops over hts Falkland Islands failure. But tlw pr<.-i.1dent was not upset. "Ont•c Ha1"S took the baH, 1t was very t•v1dent that his being point man kept Reagan directly out of It," said thll sourc.-e A grateful Reagan has gone out Of htS way IO the W(.'t'ks Since to say kind .. • • things about Haig and to deny reports that his foreign pohl'y vicar was about to ht• defrocked HAIG'S wtlllngnc.~ some sources say t>a!(emess -to take on the diplomatic kamikaze mission also won him something h£• had always found in short supply at the White House: grudging respect from top Rt>agan aides. After some initial grousing over the luxury Haig wa-; en.)Oymg 1n his A.Ir Force jet and tht• sdf-1mportant pronouncements he was making. White House staffeni had to l'On<:edl· the abrasive general was doing a tough. thankl('SS ,JOb. So once again the hard-charging secretary of state has emerged from a dicey situation with his political hide still intact Once again the would -be cat-skinners in the Wh1t.e House have had to sheathP their long knives. Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the Editor: tam 13 years old, and ever since I was born, I heard about the power of the press. Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword and the presa is the pen that reaches and influences large groups of people. Because of this great influence, I ask the Daily Pilot to fight against oil drilling off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach IS a very special place for me. It is my hometown I was born here and ever since I can remember, my MAILBOX mom used to take me to C.orona del Mar Beach. It would be difficult to tell you how many sandcastles I have butlt and how many mud fights I have had with my brothers and sister It would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and how many have knocked me down. I don't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch. BUT MOST OF ALL, t have grown accustomed to the beauty of the ocean and the beach. I can't write well enough to deBCribe how beautiful our coastline I.a or perhaps there are no adequate words of prai.8e to describe it. All I can think of saying I.a that: it's precious, it's priceless, it's unique. One would not splash ink on a priceless painting but cherish it and preserve it. Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coastline with oil wells. Years ago, my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit, Mich. She took me to the beaches of Lake St. Clair where she uaed to swim, sail and play. But, the lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" si~ everywhere. Sadly my mother explained, ''It used to be nice when I was a young girl." When I grow up and sit with my children on Corona del Mar Beach, I don't want to tell them that, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." I want our coastline to stay as beautiful as it I.a today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of the blue Pacific without staring at a forest of oll wells. JANE E. ZALFSKI Child care To the Editor: In reapon1e to your article on the ahortaae of child-care factlltis in lrvtne, It la a sad irony that juat minutes away after-1chool 1upervf1lon II readily avallable at aupport facUltln next to Eaatblutf School which la able to accommodate more cblldren on lta 11-.ac,.. aite. By a atmpl• lntra.-dlltlict tranafH to ltaatbluff School In the Ne~port-Meaa Dla\rlct, children of work.1.nC pa.nmta can take ldvantaae of prosrama at the Harbor Area Boya Oub until they ani ~ed up by \heir penntl at 5 p.m. tor only 'G a year! Younae.r chllQren In the p~~radH are walked 10 a neut>y Eaatbluff Schoo offers one of the flnHt ac.demlc pro1rama ln the 1tate where lta atudenta acore betwttn the 88th and 95th percentile on the California Assessment Program Test in reading, writin«i. and mathematics. They alBo can participate in Ea.stbluff's Arts After School Program (instruction in art, music, and drama) for a nominal fee plus programs offered by the Harbor Area Girls Club which also comes to the !IChool. In light of the ERAC recommendation for more extended day care in the Newport-Mesa District, we feel this community service message is of vital importance to working parents with elementary school age children. Call F.astbluff School at 760-3257 for further information. CAROL BOICE Publicity Chairman for Eastbluff Parent Faculty Organization Telecourse reason To the Editor· Your ed1tonal advice that the Coast Commuruty CoUege District leadership should start communicating with the ''recalcitrant" faculty of Orange Coast and Golden West CoUeges has some merit. The problem, however. is one of professional autonomy and nol hierarchical authority in this instance. Useful and effective communications can only come about when qualified curriculum experts (faculty) at the college level converse with curriculum experts at the telecourse level. It would therefor e be most appropriate to hear from the people who have designed and created Coastline telecourses. Coastline has been m the business of turning out new courses, singly and jointly, since its establishment in 1976. At great exp ense to the taxpayers, 1t has produced telecourses -at a rate of two to three per year -wh 1ch have been a major component of the Coastline curriculum The maJor thrust of t eleco urse production, however, has been focused on sales and marketing efforts to make thi1 e nte rprise Cinancially solvent Altho ugh some income has been generated to defray overall expenses. it can be safely assumed that, as a private enterprlse, it would have folded a long time ago. COASTUNE'S organization includea a .. te!ecourte des1gn off ice'' whme budget totals $406,000 for thia academk year Embedded within thia budaet are the salarlea for one dean, one aasoclate dean, and three aenlor lnatcuctor destgn apecial.l.ata. Their aw-nae aalary comes to .,.1,000. The9e lndMdUala are f ull·time profealonala, who ahould, alona with • l.tlln~ fMm r4!od1r1J or' «lcomt Tht1 rtght 10 condt'TI." lttttr1 lo flt ipoc't or thm1no.t4' llbtl 1~ rnrmrd l.tllf!rS "' JOO words or ltu unit hf ~l>f'ft prf/trrncr All l1tttra mwit 1nclud1 6lQ"<Jft.,, o1'd mruhog oddrur but nonw.t mav be! Withheld on rt qurtl 1/ tufltC'ttnt' r101on 11 opportnt P0tt~ ICCJI "°' be! publfahld. lAftnl mo11 ~ ttlf'PhOMd to '42·f0# Nome· and phon1 numbc!r of t~ cu11tnbutor mu.tt bl ~Lien for vtrif icohon purpo~ta the board or trust.ee~ and the district leadership. be heard from roncerning the status or the d1sputc'<l telecourses. Hopefully. a more> rl'asoned approach will ensue, along with a dialogue of substancl' sans dl'fcns1ve overtones. Future d1scu.ss1ons should have as their ob~tives thl' 1mprovc>ments or refonns tu the system Lhat are obviously m order. LEFTERIS LA VRAK.AS. PhD S upport for arts To the F.ciitor. Currently en)Oying the opportunity for intense involvement with Orange County's performing arts organizations, I share with them a grave concern for the potential effects of the drastic cuts in state and federal support of the arts. Recently. however, local music lovers have had cause for considerable encouragement One of Orange County's leading supporters of the arts, the Irvine Company. not only has determined to do 1ts s hare in replacing some of those foregone public funds, but has done so in a refreshmg and exceptionally promising way. PERFORMING organi:zations seldom recover more than 40 percent of their total operating costs at the box office. The balance of their survival hinges upon private and publtc contnt)utiona and grants. But whereas s uch contnbutions generally are absorbed into the continuing expe nses of an organizauon, the Irvine Company opted to assume an unusually creative role by underwrightmg a spec1f1c concert -in this event th e monumental Mi11a Solemhjs of Beethoven, perfonned by the Pacific Chorale on May 22 in the Civic Auditorium at Santa Ana High School. Surely Beethoven himself would have relished this kind of support, for the masterworks of that era nearly always were composed and performed under the co~on of a patron To offer w orks of the scale, importance, and cost of the Mina Solemnls soon may come to rely primarily on underwritfni such as thia -at least If ticket prices are to be kept within the range 6f typlcal conoert·pra and If serious music la to attract new audiences, su ch aa our youth and the county's less advantaae<f popu)atlona. JA.MIS ~. DUNNING Clllllm Seems to me it would only take • few or tho1e million-dollar and multi·milllon-doUar homes aJoni \be oout to distort the whole pk:ture •fat 11 average pro pe rty valuea •r• concerned. o...._., ... -•• .,. ~--."',,...,. ..... ... -• ... f1IY ""'9(11 .. Ylt'ln .... ---· ...... .. ..... t• o-..-v o... 0.11, ~•i.t. . • . l ' I I I I Oranoe Oout DAILY PILOT!Thurtdey, May 27, 1"82 AT Carson monologues bite ! Comedian called political commentator SOUTH COAST PLAZA OA.lNSSVtl.LB, J'la. (AP) -Comedtan ~ Canon, who opeN hia ''Tonilht Show" wt• an often·bltll\I moriolocue eometlmee atmed at IOYtrnmen\ fl1ure1l ta a 1octal and polttlcal commen\1\or 11 well 11 a talk·ahow ho1t, a Unlwnhy of J'1ortda 1tudent ~ IA)'I. Caraon'• jokH contributed to hl1 deollne In popW.artty. Canon and other oorned1uw ai.o ma1ce the preaidency a oonvnon t.araet for thelr Jokea. Pr.. aald ln an lnt.ervtew. "No matt.er who t.he ~dent ta. comk:a will find eomethinc to ridlcule, he Mld. 4iP ~~~~f;!~!et~! In fMlt. Canan'• monoiocu-could away public opinion and even affect the popularity of a prHldent, 11y1 Herb Pl'ftl, an audlo-vllual 1pedeJ11t who wrote hla ma1ter'1 \h••l• on Canon'• televlalon • rnonolopee. . Pre. found that 31 percent of Canon'• t Jok• concemeC1 polltka and 1overnment. The monoloSU• ahowed an ag1re11lon toward ~bllc flgun!9, he aald, 'but the aagresalon wu blunted bynumor." In a study of monolasues aired from December 1977 to February 1978, Preas CARSON clasaified 515 jokes into five main categories. Thirty-four percent of the jokes were classified in the leiau.re-time category, which includes show bu.sine.. Technology, which also includes the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not long after Press finished h.18 thesis in April, U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Callf., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said Canon U89d to joke about JlrM\y Cart.wit funlly, but beaaUle Preeldent Re.pn't family la not 11 cofortul u Cart.er'• Canon now concentrat.ea h1I jok• on economic polici-. t.he .....archer Mid. A Canon aide ln t.he entettalner'1 Burbank oUlce aa.ld Canon wu buay and could not comment dtrectly on the t.hella. She · .clmowledaed that Canon had received a copy of the paper l'rtday. · "He la very ln~ed by lt and pluw to read lt,.. aald Drue Wlllon. "He f.hou&ht lt WU an ln terestina topic .•• Ml. Wu.on aa.ld ahe had no ldee lf Canon would mention t.he subject on the "Tonight Show," nottna that lt wu not uncommon for him to receive student papen d1.acUlling the ahow. Presa aaid the ldea of the study came to him one night when he was watchlna the ahow. · "He did a lot of jokes on &rt Lance," Presa said. "It aeemed to me an unusual number of jokes about one thing." CD plan r ej ecte d EUREKA (AP) -Humboldt County supervi- sors have rejected a federal Civil Defense plan to take in San Franciaco area resident.a if there is a threat of nuclear· war. The plan to shelter 184,000 nuclear ~vacuees in state and national parks here was rejected unanimously. Robinsons Norrelah Noor Cricket L TO wm be ho1t1ng two repreaentatlvea from tti. Setangor Factory. There wlll be a demon1tratlon of the manufacturing proteu and rr .. hand engraving with any purchase. Friday 11 -3 & 6-9 Saturday 12·2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Tankard Satin finish Reg. $.42.50 Speclal $3-4.00 Reg. $45.00 Speclal $36.00 South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 VISA' [Tl $2,500,000 STEVENS SPECTACULAR • ' YOU'LL SAVE 10%·60% AND MORE. OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON. MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 54.88 twin YVES SAINT LAURENT'S ELEGANT ITRIPINGS. NOW AT 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except, perhaps, for this designer's flair for color Our first quality YSL sheets. in an intriguing mix of wine. toast. cream and fores1 green. on the diagonal. ol course 01 cotton/polyester percale Prices shown. flat or lilted Twin Full Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases. pr Or1g $14 $18 $23 $28 $14 $16 Sale $4.88 $8.88 $1 3.88 $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS • 59.88-511.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUALITY SHEETS IN SUMMER PAnERNS, NOW AT 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense of freshness to the room you relax in Here are three tempting patterns. all 1n soft cotton/polyester percale Choose from favorites like YSL Foulard with pindots and flowers of white on taupe Versailles. restful peach. blue and taupe flowers on cream: or Bangkok. far-Eastern floral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come 1n early and find the best selection Prices shown. flat or fitted Sale ends Monday. May 3 1 Robinson's Domestics. 30 To order. call toll free 1·800-345·8501 Queen King Standard cases pr King cases. pr Reg $18·$26 $22 $32 $14·$17 $16·$19 Sale $9.88 $11.88 $9.88 $11.88 Hurry In whlle quantities are plentiful and selections extensive All h9ms subject to prior sale llllllCUIT llWPllT lmtl I fllll lllCU - - - l llllfl•,()A'Y M .l\'Y :: 1·111 : () H I\ N C , I ( I 1 lJ N I Y . I\ I t 1 0 H N I A / '> C ff H c;, Irvine Co. flays leasehold lawsuit The lrvlno Company reacted wlth anaer today \0 an una~ul try by membera of th Committee of 4,000 co aet a court rettralnil\I order halUna th• company from 1eeklng lawault waivers from leueholdeni In Newport &ach and Irvine. The development firm, which ii being sued by four committee membeni, deecribed Wedne9day's NB foes' use of park hit The Newport Beach city attorney's office has been asked to scrutinize a weekend fund-raiser staged by a citizen referendum group that's trying to turn back a multi-million dollar development project. The fund-raiser was held by the West Newport Legislative Alliance last Saturday at Mariner's Park. Participants were asked co donate $10 each. The get-together was called into q u estion this wee k by Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer, who represents West Newport and has tangled, previously with the referendum supporters. Mrs. Plummer said s he questioned whether "a political action committee can have a fund-raiser on ctty property to further its fight with the city." She suggested it is an ethical question because the city council has approved the 75-acre Banning Ranch development, the t ' project targeted by the referendum group. Because of the referendum campaign, the council now must ~ dump the development or put it I to a c1tyw1de election. The council has yet to decide which route it will take. Louise Greeley, leader of the referendum alliance, said her group got full city authorization to use th e park and a multi-purpcl6e room there. "I just don't want to get involved in this," she responded when pressed for reaction. City Attorney Mike Miller today said he has not finished reviewing the fund-raiser. He said he should have an answer to Councilwoman Plummer's concerns next week. Ron Whitley, the city's parks, beaches and recreation director, said the referendum supporters filled out proper forms and paid a fe e to use the park 's multi-plirpo&e room. He said city law proh1b1ts ren ting the park facility to a RfOUP that represents a sinjtle political party if two or more factions are not represented. Reagan preps for Europe SANTA BARBARA (AP) From hi s f og-s hrouded mountaintop ranch, President Reagan is using his five-day vacation to study for his trip to Europe and to lobby congressmen to vote for the budget bill he endorses. Deputy White House preaa secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was polishing three speeches he intends to deliver during his four-nation trip. WORLD leaal maneuv r a1 "heavy handed" and aaid It could brine a quick halt to two flnanclna profp'ama the lrvlne Company II offerina leueholdera. Superior Court Judge Thomu Crosby denied the requett for the restralning order, but aareed co hold a hearing June 7 on the committee's roqueat for an injunction stopping the company Deity l"llot ............ P R INCIPL E -British Consul General George Finla~n says his country's action in the Falkland Is.lands is "a matter of principle." 'Principle' cited for island war Briu.h c.on.uI General George Finlay.art told an Orange Count') a udience Wedn eaday that his natioll'a dectliml to go to war over the Falkland Ia1anda la strictly a matter of principle. Questions of mineral righta at the sparaely populated Faikl.and.s were not considered in the British decision to s~nd Its military to dislodge Argentine forces, he said. "This has not entered into this dispute at all," he told members of the World Affairs Council of Orange County during a dinner speech at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. "In fact it might have been easier to resolve If the dispute had been over material issues rather than principles of the islanders' rights and resisting aggression." Responding to a question from the audience, Finlayson said mineral reserves around the islands have never been measured and the extent of such deposits are not known "with any aocuracy. '' Head of the British government's Lo• Angeles consu late, Finlayson has been part of bis country's diplomatic oorpa since 1948. He took over hia recent position in March 1981. Although Finlayaon aald he's spoken .,. half-dozen time• to groupt about the Falk.lands criaia, he estimated he has been interviewed ~ times by memben of the media. He aaid he speaks aa many as llix Umes a day with British representatives in Washington, D.C., for updates on hia government'• position. (See BRITISH, P ase A!) 90 passengers (reed TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) -A lone Mo)'OOCarl who1 hijacked a Moroccan airliner with 90 puaengers on board, surrendered here today after releasing all the pueengers unharmed. Tunislan authorities said. NATION Carson cogent commentator? Johnny Canon ls more than a talk a.how host. Jl1a ~ ahow him to be a IOclal and political pommentator, eccording to a mut.er'a them. Page A7. Town calling it quits All five rmddenta of Loyalton, S.D., have voted to d.t.olve the town and 1ave on property taxe.. Pap D3. from 1ctekln1 the lawault waiv hi. The lrv1ne Compeny hu uked leueholc:t.rs to qn documenu promialna not to Join the committee lawsuit belon they can •tan up for tho company f)J'OfP'&ml. Committee members aaid the communfcationa wlth resident.a a.re mlalet.dlna. Company offldala complained they wero only afforded a tour ~hour notic• of the reatralnln1 order request and Mid It the inJuncdon " lf&nted, It will hurt atlect.ed re9identa, not the Irvine Company. Ray lkola, thtt attorney repretienUng the committee, uid he wanta the court to prevent the Irvine Company from aeeking the waiven unleea the request.a are firat approved by the court. lkola aaid the communication1 from the Irvine Company to affected resident.a do not gtve leueholdert all the fact.a. "We think they're trylns to hide the ball In theae com- mul}lcatlona." said I kola, who said he waa particularly irritated that one of the reaidenta suing the company received a lawsuit waiver request In the mail. He aald he complained laat wHk about the walv~ra and that the legal move ahould not have been a aurprile. The flap over the waiven i.I the late.t in the leuehold controversy which heated up lut year when reaidenta leuing land from the lrvine Company 1tarted complaining about urward adjustments In annua lease payments (See IRVINE, Page A%) British troops push Forces moving toward Port Stanley By Tbe Aaaoclated P resa British marine• and paratroopers pushed out of their beachhead at San Carloa today in a bid co recapture the Falkland Islands capital of Stanley from Argen~ forces, PrilnePdiniater Margaret Thatcher announced. There was no immediate reaction from Argentina, but the Airlines' suit joined by county By FRE DERICK SCHOEMEHL of !tie a.., Noe ..... Orange County government has decided to join with two air carriers In contesting federal court ru.linga that have dashed separate plans that wou ld regulate commercial alrllnea' accll!9 to John Wayne Airport FoJlowina a cbed-door -son Wedneeday, county superviaon C h airman Bruce N eatande • announced that county attomeya will be among thoee preeent J tme 8 in San Francilq> when the access plan issue ii taken up by the U.S. 9th District Court of Appeals. Joint Chiefs of Staff in Buenos Aires said their Canberra bombers hit San Carlos today as a followup to dive-bombing attacks by smaller planes Wednesday. The Arge ntine Joint Chiefs and British casualties were heavy, but gave no figures, and claimed British force2' were penned in at San Carlos. However, Mrs. Thatcher told the Ho use o f Commons in London, "Our forces on the ground are now moving forward from the bridgehead." She declined to give details, but the British Broadcasting Corp. said a pincer movement was under way. It said British paratroopers were stabbing toward Darwin, 20 miles south of San Carlos, and British marine commandos were pushing toward Stanley, 50 nules east of San Carlos. British Defense Secretary J ohn Nott had said some 5,000 Sri tish it round troops on the (See FALKLAND, Page At) Judge rules drunk law too vague A Wes t Orange County Municipal CoUrt. Judge has ruled that a portion of the state's new law on drunken driving is unconstitutional. Judge Kathleen O'Leary made the ruling Wednesday in W estminste r in t h e case involving Costa Mesa driver Marwin Wilcox. Judge O'Leary, who was sworn to the bench last November at the age of 30, confirme d today that she su stained the challenge to a section of the law. AirCa1 and Republic Airlines, which together control 3~ of the 41 jet departures penn.itted daily from Orange County, previously appealed a Sept. 25 decision by a Los AnReles-based federal judge overturning the oounty's original access plan. The oounty will now become a party l:n that effort. And the oounty will ask the appeals panel for a stay of a separate ruling Monday in which U.S. District Court J udge Terry Hatter Jr. rejected an alternative ~plan. Uftepfloto HO~E, BRITTANIA -Flanked by the Union Jack, Petty Off 1c~r Pet~r Meyer gets welcome home from girlfriend Valene RoblllS when he and other survivors from destroyer HM S Sheffield arrived home in England today. The Sheffield was sunk in an Argentine air attack. Gary Gundennan, a Fountain Valley resident who is the attorney for Wilcox, said Judge O'Leary made the ruling on one count in the case on grounds that the portion of the law defining a drunken driver is unconstitutional because of vagueness. "She said t hat a c riminal defendant is entitled to know when his or her conduct Violates the law," Gundennan said. "Nobody knows," Gunderman said, "wh~n his blood alcohol reading IS .10 percent or higher." Nestande said Airport Manager Murry Cable and his staff also were directed to develop yet a third access plan that potentially would satisf y Judge Hatter's demand that the airport be opened to oommerciaJ carriers in a non-diacriminatory fashion. Prostitution alleged Gunderman said he is contesting the "automatic" presumption that a driver is guilty of drunken driving when the blood alcohol reading hits .10 percent. Massage parlor's He said the reading could be higher in some drivers before intoxication is reached and lower in others. The oounty has been under fire from both Pacific Southwest Airlines and the federal Department of Justice to make jet departures available to carriers not now serving the airport, but desiring co do ao. PSA operates two flights daily between Orange County and San Franciaoo, but wants more. PSA cl.aims It ii unfair for AirCal to poaeaa an awrage of 23.5 flights daily between Orange County and destinations in four other states. ow-ners face suit In hia moat recent ruling, (See AIRLIN§, Pase AZ) STATE Owners of the Costa Mesa building which houses the Atlantis Health Spa were sued Wednesday by the Orange County District Attorney's Office to force an e nd to alleged prostitution activities at the Harbor Boulevard establishment. The lawsuit, filed in Orange County Superior Court. seeks to prohibit use of the building at 2112 Harbor Blvd. for up to a year. A hearing is scheduled June 17 before Superior Court Santa Cruz sit-in held SANT A CRUZ (AP) -In a throwback to the turbulent 60a activism, abou t :;o Univer sity of California students here have occu pied the chancellor's office in support of a leaeher who w aa denied tenure. Candidates bombard airwaves Anyone watching televtaion hu no doubt noticed that political commerdala are al.molt unavoidable M the J une elect1on approac:he.9. Pap A10. COUNTY Teacliins brainx lcids tougb Teacbtn1 an advanced cbeml1try clau ia a challenp for ~ Bllh School ...,,. John Cullen . BJ.a atudenta often arrive at anawen to probleme befmt be do& Pace Bl. J Judge Thomas Crosby, Jr. Atlantia Health Spa. has been the location of numerous prostitution-related arrests over the past two )"ears, according to Deputy District Attorney Steve Kester. The building is owned by a family trust. The l a wsuit identified the trustees as Ronald R. and Marie Van Clark. "The owners know what's going on, because we sent them letters," Kester said. INDEX He said he believes this is the first time that the law that went mto eff«t th.ts year has been h!!ld to be unconstitutional in Orange County. Gunderman said a similar challenge had been upheld earlier in Palm Springs and that the case is headed for the 4th District c.ourt of Appeal in San Bernardino. It is not known if the deputy district attorney prosecuting the Orange Coun'ty case plans to appeal the ruling. At Your Service Erma Dombeck Buame. Calllomia Cavalcade Clull6ed Cank:s ero.wotd Death NoUces A4 B2 C6-7 A5 B2 04-8 C8 C8 . 03 Horoeoope Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sporta 82 B2 B6-8 A3 01-4 Cl-4 C7 ~~\ Hy Gardner A8 B6-8 82 S PORTS .., Stock Mar)tets Television .Thfftera Weather World Newt C9 B6-8 A2 A3 OCC gains; GWC loses On.nae eo..t advancee. but Golden wen•a errors are casd.y In the first round of the state community c:olleae ~ tournament in. Lona Bwh. Pace Cl. ------ U O/N IRVINE LEASES . • • The lea1e1 1:all fur periodic adju1tmcmt1 "'·cordln1 to tho current valut-of lhf' land Some ft'lidonll lcllrnf't.1 their annual tee would wo up aa much u 2,000 percent. Four famrnca then aued the Irvine Company and now are •eeklng to have the lawsuit rerogruwd &11 a claaa acUon suit. The committee has charae<J the Irvine Company 111 trllng to reduce the number o likely plaintiffs by asking leaaeholdera to siRJl the waiver. But the Irvine Company said that. without the waiver, it will drop financing programs it is o!tering residents The programs let residents who want to buy their land to get company financing al 12 percent. The flna.ndnt ii aood for eeven yeara. The proiJ1Un1 alao would let n-t!denta con\.lnut lfflil\8 land at a 50 percent reduction. Reaidenta, though, could only set that reduction after thelr leue fee hu been n.,.,.djwted. Tho com mt t tee sa id the proarama Ignore their basic romplalnt -how the v~ue of land La est.abllahed The company utd It hu enJOyed ~at IU<'C'e91 with lta programs and that mo~ than 100 residents n ow have their property In escrow. Company officials said two-third.a of the 61 leaseholders schedul ed for readjustment this year have either signed up for the programs or have agreed lo arbitrate differences with the Irvine Company. FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • islands would be involved in the move on Stanley. British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald was asked about reports British forces had already taken Goose Green, \he airstrip near Darwin. and he tepHed: "It has been stated that the forces will not hang around." sheUed the San Carlos beachhead Wednesday, 1nfl1cting "undetermined casualties." A conununique said Argentine armo red for ces had "hemmed-in " t h e Sri t i sh invaders in a 45-square-mile area near San Carlos, and "highly tramed troops are carrying out harassment acti vity within the enemy's strongh old. \fl-t1Ell$fARY ottodlABLE UNCERTAIN Argentina troop strength at Goose Green and neighboring Darwin had been estimated as high as 1,000. But a British defense source said only 100 Argentines were beheved there. He declined to speculate where others might have gone. By ct>ntrast, some 7 ,000 Argenune troops. mcludmg some of Argentina's most seasoned soldiers, are deployed in and around Stanley, the source said. British sour ces reporteci ISOiated Argentine probes that were driven off with mortar fire but said there had been little other Argentine ground activity. The British objective was belteved to be the ridge of hills a.round Stanley 80 their 105mm artillery could join m naval and aerial bombardment of the Argentine troops stationed ~ wnptioto COUNTER-PICKETING -Zoe Ann Ananda of Newport Beach turns her head as she walks past an anti-ERA picket in the Illinois capital at Springfield. Ms. Ananda is participating in the "Women's Fast for ERA" in Illinois. She is on her ninth day without food. ' The Argenttne military Command said its ~ound forces Bee-sieged around the town. * * * Woman's car still buzzing I * * * BRITISH VIEW . • • He told his Amencan audience that principle r ather than historical alliance has prompted the U.S . government's support of the British cause. The Argentine milJtary's action eight weeks ago to take control of t h e Falklands was an act of aggression, he said, because it used force to solve a diplomatic dispute. subjects have occupied the islands since 1833 assures them the right to call it their land, he SaJd. He called charl(es of British impe rialism "nonsense" and pointed 01.4t that Britain h as released its control of a quarter of the world's population since the end of World War II. For the third straight day, a Newport Beach waitress found herself marooned by a swarm of bees that have taken over her car. Shirley Howland, a waitress at Reuben's in Newport lieach , nas been unable to drive or even get close to her Datsun station wagon because of the bees The swarm, for reasons unknown, settled down on the roof and windshield of her car Tuesday. Despite early morning drizzles. constant urging and a lot of attention. the bees haven't budged. "Had it been allowed to go unhindered, it would have set a very serious precedent," he said, adding that the lack of response would signal to Warsaw Pact nations that one NATO ally wasn't prepared to stand b y its principles. Self-determination is another issue. The fact that British Ar gen tin a , meanwhile is "characterized by lta contempt for d emocratic principles and basic human rights," he charged: Finlayson, In fact, suggesteo the decision of the Argen tine government to take the Falklands was a diversionary tactic to take pressure off a failinR administration. The waitress, who is allergic to bees. has been getung a ride to work with a friend She is, however, hopeful of getting her car back one of these days. Local drizzle Co<Utal Low clouds today wnll toc.J drizzle during mor ntng hours Highs 52 to 68 Chance ot maaaur•ble prectpllat1on tO percent Low clouds conllnue through ton1gll1 and Frld•Y · morning with parttet aflernoon clNtinQ 0Yefn'9ht lowS 56 to 62 Hi gh• Friday 6 4 I O 72 . Huntington-Newport eree temperatures range from a low ot 59 to a high of 65 El1ewhere, from Point Conception to Ill• Mexican border lllld out 60 mllel light •W1able winds t>ecom•ng -1 to eout,,_I tO to t6 knot1 11111 evening South-I swelt. 2 to 3 feet Cloudy with partial cMlarlng U.S. sumrnary HNvy thundentorm1 brought ••••re w••lher lo parll ot Okl.norna Texu Ind Art(an1U lodey wllh tornado•• or extremely high wind a In T eJtU, Oklallome. Ark1n1•1 end MINOUrt. Laro• 11a1111onea pounded many ere11 of T1x11 and Arkan111. and the hea•y rein eau..o nun flOOd• •round Fort Worth, Teus, and 11reams to ovet1low In Kanau Scall•r•d thunderatorm• continued trom Ille lower and mlddla MISSINIPQI Valley 10 the aovtllem Allantle Cout Showers and thunderatorm1 fell from Montana to autarn Neveda and nortllun Arlzone, and rain end tog wN ~t trom northern Iowa end eouthern MlnnHOll through tllt upper Ohio Velley to Virginia and tM Clirollnaa. Temperature• around th• nation .r1Y today reng9d trom 3& Ill Redmond. Ore , to 81 In ~ •• Attz - Temperatu~es NATION Alb6ny Albuque Amarillo Aahevllle Al19nla Atlante Cly Austin Baltimore Bllltngs Blrmlnghm Blsmarct< 8olae Boston Brownavtle Buflato B<Jn1ng1on Caper Char111n SC Cll•r111n WV CllV11te NC Cheyenne Chicago Ctnclnnall ~and Clmbla SC Columbus Dal-Ft Wiii Dayton Oenvef Oet Moines Oelrolt Oukllh El Paeo Fargo Flaotlatt HI Lo Pep 76 49 90 60 79 SS 80 62 86 83 66 01 81 S7 89 76 79 61 75 •7 85 66 19 72 57 72 43 77 59 89 80 77 59 79 51 81 •7 79 e9 1 20 83 62 .06 82 68 70 ., 69 ~ 22 81 64 04 76 83 85 68 o• 79 61 87 70 10 76 82 75 73 53 73 ~ 75 80 08 70 •8 96 70 74 54 100 44 48 38 58 82 52 60 '° 51 88 71 90 78 80 66 22 89 71 68 70 01 Of1ando Ptilladptlll Phoenl• Pl1l1burgh Piiand, Me Piiand, Or• Prov\deno41 Rale4811 Reno Salt Leke San AntonlO S..ltla Snreveport Slou~ ~all• St LOUIS .St P-Tamp1 St Ste Marte Spolcane SyrecuM Topelta Tuceon TulM Wuhlngtn Wlclllta 87 73 89 80 58 101 74 80 62 80 55 83 45 78 59 82 e7 40 67 45 89 47 87 14 56 48 05 89 74 18 74 &4 t6 64 et 1.ot 83 73 81 76 49 64 57 49 78 55 10 38 64 83 01 64 83 01 81 85 7t 60 09 Gr .. 1 Fall• H1rtf0td Helatl• HonolulU Houlton lndnapll1 Jacktn M6 Jaclllllvlle Kant City LM Vegaa Lillie Roell Loulevlf1e Lul>OOdt Memplllt Miami Mllnuk .. ~IP NMhvllle ..... OrlHn• N9W Yortt Norfolk 71 54 CAUf'OflHtA 97 70 Bek.mlelcl 85 ee Blvtt1e &4 80 .21 EIH'ella 90 64 Fretno &4 70 Lanc&tter 82 73 1 18 Loe Angele9 56 47 Matytvllla ee 80 21. Mom.trey 85 ee .....,._ 9t 71 07 Oelllend 80 65 Peto~ 71 &4 Aed BMf 70 42 Redwood City 98 67 96 56 ·~ 89 57 89 58 &4 80 8• 80 g9 S11n Diego San Franclsc;o Santa Barbara S1n11 Marie Slociclon Thermal Ulll-'1 e.ntow Big Bur BlahoP Cat al Ina l•k• Arrowtlead Long 8eect1 MonrOVla Ml. WlllOn N-port Beach Ontario Palm Spring• Sen 8emardlno Sen G1brlel San Joee Santa An• Santa Cruz hlloe Velley 65 64 58 60 et se 62 81 53 94 19 98 73 7• 37 92 54 54 75 47 88 82 5:S 80 78 60 66 60 64 59 92 66 64 58 73 59 73 ~ 87 60 83 58 n 40 PAN AMEtlCAN Acapulco 111 75 Berbedoe S8 77 Bermod1 82 73 Bogota 83 43 Curecao 68 78 Extended weather Jim Wade, a restaurant manager, explamed that he has been trying to get m touch with a beekeeper since Tuesday. So far h e has had no luck and is consi dering ca lling an exterminator. Workers al the restaurant said Wednesday they JUSt couldn't set the1.r heart into killing off the little stingers. They decided to wait until today. Plane ramp dislodged An emer gency inflatable evacuation ramp accidentally popped out of a Republic Airlines jet al John Wayne Airport Wednesday night while the aircraft was taxiing near the termmal. There was no emergency aboard Flight 103, wh1ch was landing from Phoenix a nd Minneapolis-St. Paul. A R epub l ic spokesman explained today that a fiberglass cone at the rear of the iX:-9 Super 80 simply fell off. This caused the inflat.able evacuation ramp lo pop out of the rear of the a1rhner No one did any slJding down the ramp. The plastic cone was re-installed and the aircraft is back in service today. Judge blocks Frizzelle mail By DAVID KUTZMANN of"ttieDen, "°' ltaff A 1uperlor c:ourl Judat-haa blocked furtht-r dlltnbutlon of campaign matt'rl1d1 f or Incumbent GOP aa1emblyman Nolan Frlnel1~ whic h hla challenger -Irvine Mayor David Silla -clalm11 are decepUve Both men are aeekq1a the Republican nomination for the 69th auembly dtatrict an the June 8 primary election While Sills was successful in obtaining a court order from Judge Claude Owens Wednesday , attorneys for FriueUe were planning to file countercharges in another court. That lawsuit contained allegations similar to those m Sll1a' legal action -that California's "Truth in Endorsement" law was being violated. Silla drew fir s l blood Wednesday on the bastS of a lawsuit he filed earher m the BBC report week. Hit suit aueaed that Frlu.eUe, R-Co.t.a Me.., Md hit pollllcel 1Jommlttee wer• re1pon1lblt' fo r literature tnfernng that the lawmaker had won the endoraement of the Otllfornja RepubUcan l>arty. Atlomeya for FrineUe and the California Republlcan A.Membly, an unofficial group that endonied the Costa Meaa assemblyman dented the allegaUOl\a ' State law prohibits offlc1al organizations of poltucal parties from endorsing candidates in primary elections At lS8ue in the SW.-FrlzzeUe rac..-e IB campaign literature which includes a letter from CalJfomia Repubhcan Assembly President Coanne Cubete and a tabloid newspaper pubhshed by the C RA. Both were mailed to votel"'ll last week Frizielle's candidacy was strongl y e nd orsed 1n the publtcatlons. which were paid for by the assemblyman's pohticaJ comrruttee Falklands delays in news assailed By TOM MURPHINE Of ... Delly Not 8tllff There has been grave cnucism m Britain on how news of the Falklands fightrng has been handled by the M1n1s try of Defense, a BBC world news service broadcast reported Wednesday night. ''Cr iticism focused on the delay of 14 hours in announcing that the latest vessel lost in Argentine fighting was th e HMS Coven try," the BBC SaJd An official of BBC was quoted as saymg the destroyer could have been identified for the public and relatives "within four hours" after Defense Secretary John Nott announced there was "bad news" from the task force. Criticism of the delayed 1dent1fication extended to Parliament where Peter V1ggers, MP, declared if he had a relative as a member of the task force, he would have spent "a m ost terrible night." Viggers told BBC he talked with task force relatives, "who don't want to be protected in this wav." The BBC shortwave news broadcast from Lond o n , monitored on the Orange Coast Wednesday night, highlighted the Falklands war news but had fewer detailed reports from correspondents in the war wne than the previous three rughts. ThlS was interpreted by some observers as a prelude to a major invasion push toward Port Stanley from the Britis h bridgehead at Port San Carlos. BBC's nightly news report did detaJJ loss of the Sheffield class destroyer, HMS Coventry, and the converted container ship Atlantic Conveyor. Twenty members of the Coven try crew and four from Atlantic Conveyor were killed. The BBC quickly added that SEIKO GIVES YOU ALL THE TIMES IN THE WORLD. five Argentine warplanes have been downed and 10 more British destroyers and frigates paned the Falk.lands task force The names of the new vessels m the conflict were not reoorted. From the lost vessels, the BBC sa1d, 450 men have been rescued. The BBC noted that Atlantic Conveyor, which was carrying supplies to BrittSh troops, was the first supply ship lost rn the conflict. It brings to five the number of British ships lost, including two destroyers and two frigates. From Page A1 AIRLINES'. • Hatte r said the coun ty must adopt a new non-discriminatory access plan by June 28. If the county does not act.. he said, another carrier and a part)' to the lawsuit, Continental Airlines, wtU be free to begin service from John Wayne using Boeing 727-lOOs. That aircraft type has never been permitted at t he airpor t because of its weight and the noise of its engines. And, Hatter said, failure of the county to take action will result in the appointment of a special master to take control of the access issue and recommend a course of acllon. County S upervisor Thomas R iley said he considers the thought of outside intervention by a special master "frightenmg." Hatter's rulings would be blocked if the county and the air carriers are successfully in winning a stay from the federal appeals court. SEIKO California The Net1ona1 w .. t11er a.rvtoe ~a cloudy nighl, acattered drlule Friday morning and • No. Plett• Okla City Omahe 76 se Saoramer'lto 70 52 41 SallNa 84 54 70 6e Be 81 89 83 78 50 81 8t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Chence of 91\0W.. ()( thun<llBl\owert °"* mountalne during elternoona during ..-enc1 Otherwlle OOl\lldtrablt cloudtneH In COHlel H CllOf't with pertlal clUrlng during Here's a necessity for everyone who travels or does business lnternatfonally: the Seiko World Time Clock. :;:':r_,doudy. oool day OUlelde HortMrn mountain• end lnMnd area• could get en afternOOfl .._ end .-t to '°"',.,.... wl11d• ~uld ewMp mounte1111 end nortMm daMrta with 111*• to 36 mph, fof'ecMterw Mid. Hlgha Fr1d8y lhOlllCI rMge in the llPC* eo. In Loe AngilMa. • .,_,,,. end In mountalnl, from IO to IO In the hlatt ~ Md ........,, It to M 1ri lowel' ~ ...... .... til'Ol'll Point~ '° .. MelOOlft bordtlr Ollll .....,. ~.~n~I• ::~m:': 10to 1 k,. ..... ,,..,l'IOOll with • 2· to I-foot ~ .... end s-to 1-foOt -t.9W""" '° ...... .,._ • afternoon•. Panly cloudy mott .,.. Moncley llflernoon. Hlgha rtlllQlna from low IOa at ~ to mid "10. Inland ~ l owe 82 to 82 Mountllltl ""°'1 l'llgha 1n IOa and !owe 38 to '8. ...... ~------------------T-., e2 81 " It 81 12 u ea •1 14 ft PoOt...., ., ~=W·t t10.-I: Hltll 4:11 P·"'· &.w1~01 a.m, twetl Tides fOOA• hcoftd 111gt1 3.09 p m a e leoond low 1 H p m 2.7 PM)AY '1f'9t lllgfl I~ Lnl. 6.1 P1t9f IOW f .ot a.m 0.1 leoond lliOh 4:11 p.m. 4. 1 8eocK'ld IOW f;20 P•fl'I. U 94111 ..te tode at 7:M p.m., ftMe ~Ill 8'.44 a.m. MOOll ,... today et 10-.14 Ll'll., .... ,,._ • 1M p.m. • Both styles feature the superb Seiko quartz movement For a distinctive perso~I or business gfft:. choose the desk clock. $125. or the travel dock. $75. SL~VICK'S f'lne~~1917 Whtrt cht best swrpnstJ be11n 'llhion....,., ('114) 144-IJllO • ~ lmdl A.llo QrNter '-~.Sin '*00 • l.11 ~ . • • ~ . ~ . . . I I • ~I t i , I N Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Tl\uraday. May 17. 1812 Off..,..hore oil fight needs a joint effort If Orange Cout cities are ever to win deletion oC oil troct leaaes off thelr shores, a concerted battle ln the courts appears their only option. To date, the cities of Laguna Beach. Newport Beach .nd Son Clemente appear ready to .loin the st.ate in a lawsuit against tht' U $. Department of Interior. Los Angeles may even pm the legal battle, following that recommendation by Mayor Tom Bradley. At issue, at least to Orange Coast citi~. is the proposed lease of 11 tracts off Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. The sale ts scheduled for June 11 , at'C.'Ording to Interior Secretary James Watt's office, despite a concerted letter-writinR effort to delttte tha.e U'acia from our cout. Otflciala In Newport and Laguna have a apecla.1 Interest In seekmg the deleUoru. Both beach towns rely on tourism for much of th~lr municipal revenues. An 01111pUJ of any magnitude would do little to h el p the economies of either community. In addition, there are fragile tidepools in both cities that would be adversely affected by a spill . i,eaders in both cities say they are not opposed to offshore drilling but they fear selling leases so close to either city is inviting trouble. Perhaps with support of Los Angeles and the state, these tracts can be taken off the list of potentJal drilling sites. Summer college cuts lt should come as no surprise t h at our coastal community colleges will be offering (ewer summer courses than in past years. Coastline College will offer half as many summer courses as last year. Orange Coast and Golden West colleges have cut th eir summer schedules by 40 percent. A t the two Saddleback College campuses, summer classes have been cut by 22 percent. In one sense, this is relatro to the similar reduction in classes these colleges were forced to make in the spring term that ls Just concluding. Area colleges had high enrollments last summer and fall. Because limited state funding forced them to keep a lad on enrollments, the colleges had to trim their spring schedules. With a new fiscal year be&inning, t he colleges have decided to make some cuts early, d uring the summer schedule, so they can save a greater share of their resources for the traditional fall and spring terms. The unfortunate aspect of thlS as that while course offenngs are trimmed, interest in community college education is stronger than ever. College officials say the economy has caused many people to seek new job skills. Other students are simply interested in personal enrichment. Whatever the reasons, the demand for community college education as there. The instructors and classrooms are there. What isn't there is the money to pay for It. The upcoming summer school cuts are just another indication of the need for a massive overhaul in the system for funding community colleges. Educators and lawmakers must work together to develop a new system involving fees for certain classes or tu1t1on payments, or they must find some other source of funds. The state should not have to deny community college education to those who seek It. A belated victory ln a decidedly anti-climatic court case, Newport Beach officials have prevailed over the owner o{ an adult bookstore which the city closed down more than ·a year ago. The Fourth District Court of Appeal this month struck down an appeal filed by the owner of the Talk of the Town. The tiny sex bookshop, which caused considerable star when it opened in Newport's Mariner's Mile, is long gone. It was replaced last year by a Chinese restaurant. And the man who owned the property IS serving tame m an A rizona prison, having been convicted on bribery charges re lating to an incident in Las Vegas. . Despite all this, the court case had been dragging on. It stemmed from an Orange County Superior Cour t ruling that the s hop be closed down. The bookstore, picketed and burglarized during its first days, • was open only two weeks before an arsonist torched the white stucco building. The structure was rebuilt and new magazines ordered. But the place reopened for only seven days before a court order closed it back down. It never reopened again. The property finally was sold to a Corona de l Mar rug merchant who leased it out as a restaurant after failing to get city permission to erect an off ace building on the site. Such is the history of the Tal!,s of the Town. And while the latest court decision is likely only a footnote to its colorful past, it does u nderscore the city's a rgument that it has a right to regulate land uses. In this case, the contested ordinance prohibited adult bookstores or movie theaters from being within a fixed distance of homes and schools. . It is a good battle for city government to have won. Op1n1ons expressed in the space abOve are lhose of lhe Daily Pilot Otner views ex- pressed oo tn1s page are those of their authors and art 1sts Reader comment is 1nv1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 Bo)( 1soo. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 17t4) 641·4321. L.M. Boyd I Xenophobes You're a xenophobe, 1f you don't like foreigners, exotic foods or changes generally. I suppose you can aay a xenophobe doesn't a ppreciate aurpriaes. A meat-and-potatoes man who geta upeet when he'• served cracked crab wi\h fiddlehead fem might be clualfied as a xenophobe. It'a no aign of ignorance, pleue note. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant was a xenophobe. He never ventured more than 10 miles away from h1a home, and townfolk \.-d to tell the time of day by when ti. took h1a wa.lk.t. Q. What't a "pndy dancer"? A. A ra1lroed track laborer. There are 1 ood onu a nd bad on es. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat incidentally. Some clatm the world's best is Les Nicholaa of Burlington Northem's Dakota Division. Couple years ago at a Gandy Dancers get-together he hammered five rail spikes into a lie and then pulled them all back out again in 47 seconda. The successful PO-rated movies do better at the box office than do the successful G -rated movies. And G-rated do better than R-rated. And R-rated do better than X-rated. Alfred Lord Tennyson alao had something to uy to people ciontemplatina retirement: "How dull tt I.I to peUle, to make an md, to n.att l.Anburnilhed, not to shine to '*·" Thom11s P. Haley PubllSher Thomas A. Mu""lne Ed itor · Barbara Krtlbkh EcHlQr 111 P •g &dllor --'IM~\Sl.~ -l~E STA1"E1'P~Kl'MM WOU~'.P NMR MAVE AUOWED Ml~ iN1'RV 101M£ US.!' Haig proves his durability WASHINGTON Lake th e provt•rb1al feline survivor, Al Haig not only has mnc lives, but always seems to land on hlS feet. He is as scurred and battered as an old tomcat. yet Haig manages lo survive one hair raising pol1t1cal scrap after another, most of them of hLS own making. Ha1g's durability IS truly remark.able Con sider the physical and political calamities he has endured in JUSt the last few years: an assassination alt.empt, a triple coronary bypass, the Watergate scandal. thunder and lightning from the extreme right. quarrels with a host of White H o use advisers and Cabinet sec:retaries -and the self ·induced embarrassment caused by has own 1 lomenc ego. HAIG IN HIS youth was the leader of a Philadel phia gang call ed the Musketeers; though a respectable boxer, he was more noted for his ability to negotiate with rival gangs over \url The street smarts he acquired then, supplemented by Henry Kissinger's tutelage in high-level political infighting and culuvation of powerful sponsors, h ave enabled H aig to escape the professional oblivion that is regularly predicted for him. The latest proph ecies of Ha1g's poh ucal demise foUowed the breakdown of his Kissin~er style shuttle diplomacy G -Ja-c1-a-11-11-11-1 -~ between Brit.a.in and Argentina. This, surely, would be the stake through Haig's heart. B~ a high-leve l White House source told me that Haig is not in trouble wllh the one person who counts Asked 1f President Reagan rrught respond to tht• outcry for Haig's scalp, the aide replied "No. that's not the president's style " In fact, he said, Reagan's lllStinct is to stand behind an aide who is the target of crillclS11l -as he did an Budget Director David Stockman's case. Another high White House official told my associate Dale Van Atta that Ha1g's detractors we re licking their l·hops over hts Falkland islands failure. Bul the president was not upset. "Ont·<.· Haig took tht> baJI, 1t was very <.•v1dent that his bt'ang pomt man kept Rt>agan d1rec·tly out of 1t," said th1a sour<.~· A grateful Rt-agan has gone out 11( h1!. way m 1he w<.'<'ks smce to say kmd things abou1 Haig and to deny repona that his foreign polil·y vicar was about to l.x• dt-frc.K·kl od HAIG'S walhngnc.'SS SOmt' sources aay t•agernes.<. lO takt> on the diplomatic kam1k1Jzc m1ss10n a lso won hi m something hl' had always found m short supply at tht· Whiu· House: grudgin& rc'Spe<.'l from top Rc•agan aides. After soml' anll1al grou~ing ovl'r the luxuey Haig was t·njoying m his Alr Foroe jet and the self-import.ant pronouncements h<· was making, White House staffers had to com:ede the abrasive general waa doing a tough thanklt>s.s .JOb So once again the hard-charging secretary of state has emerged from a dl{'Cy S1tuat10n With h1S political rude Still intact Once again the would-be c:at·skinncrs in the White House have had to sheathl· their long knives. Memories of sandcastles and seagulls To the &fit.or: I am 13 years old, and ever since I was born, I heard about the power of the press. Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword and the press is the pen that reaches and influenc..-es large groups of people. Because of this great influence, l ask the Daily Pilot to fight aga10st oil drilling off the coast of Newport Beach. Newport Beach is a very s~aal place for me It is my hometown I was born here and ever since I can remember, my MAILBOX mom u~--d to take me to Corona del Mar Beach. It would be difficult to tell you how many sandcastles I have built and how many mud rights I have had with my brothers and sister. It would take too long to count how many waves I have conquered and how many have knocked me down. I do11't even remember how many seagulls I have chased and how often squirrels have stolen my lunch . BUT MOST OF ALL, I have grown accustomed to the beauty of the ocean and the beach. I can't write well enough to describe how beautiful our coastline is or perhaps there are no adequate words of praise to describe it. All 1 can think of saying is that: it's precious, it's pnceless. It's unique. One would not splash ink on a priceless painting but cherish it and preserve it. Yet, our industry wants to ruin our priceless coastline with otl wells . Years ago, my mother showed me her hometown, Detroit, Mich. She took me to the beaches of Lake St. Clair where she uaed to swim, sail and play. But, \he lake was all dirty and polluted and there were "no swimming" signs everywhere. Sadly my mother explained, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." When I grow up and sit with my children on Corona del Mar Beach, I don't want to tell them that, "It used to be nice when I was a young girl." I want our coastline to stay u beautiful u it ia today. I want to look and admire the majestic vastness of t h e bl ue Pacific without staring at a forest of oil wella. J ANE E. ZALESKI Child care To the .Editor: I n re1pon1e to your article o n t h e shortage of child-care facilities In Irvine, it I.I a aad irony that juat minutes away after -sch ool aupervlalon la r ead ily available at support faclUtiea next to Eaatbluff School which la able to accommodate more chlldren on lta 11...cre alte. By a aimfle lntra~U'tct transfer to Eaat bluf School an t he Ne~port-Me1a Dlatrlct, chtldrt n of WOf'kin8 pareni. can Wt. advantaae of procrama at ~ Harbor A.tee Bo,a Qub until they are p6clted up by thelr parents at 5 p.m. for onl1 S6 • yearl Younier c.'bll(lren in the p~~adH are walked to a nearby Eutbluff Schoo oUeta 001 of t h e flnnt academic proarama ln lht atate w here lta t tudenta ecore Mt.ween the 88th and 95th percenti le on the California Assessment Program Test in reading, wriung, and mathematics They also can participate in Eastbluff's Arts After School Program (instruction in art, music, and drama) for a nominal tee plus programs offered by the Harbor Area Girls Club whic h also comes to the school. In light of the ERAC recommendation for more extended day care an the Newport·Mesa District , w e feel this community service message is of vital impo rtance to w orking parents with elementary school age children Call F.astbluff School at 760-3257 for further information CAROL BOICE Publicity Chainnan for F.astbluff Parent Faculty Organ1z.at1on T elecourse reason To the &i1tor Your editorial advwe that the Coast Community College District leadership should start t."Ommunicating with the "recalcitrant" faculty of Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges has some merit. The problem. however, is on(' of professional autonomy a nd n ot hierarchical authority in this instance Useful and e ffective communications can o nly come about when qualified curriculum experts (faculty) at the college level converse with curriculum experts at the telecour.ie level. It would therefore be most appropnate to hear from the people who have designed and created Coastline telecourses. Coastline has been In the business of turning out new courses, singly and jointly, sinc..-e its establishment in 1976. At great expense to the taxpayers, 1t has produced telecourses -at a rate of two to three per year -which have been a major component of the Coastline cumculum The major thrust of telecourse producuon. however, has been focused on sales and marketing efforts to make this enterprise financially solvent Al though some income has been generated to defray overall expenaes, it can be safely assumed that, as a private enterprise, It would have folded a long time ago. COASTLINE'S orsaniza\ion includes a "teleooune design office" whole budget tot.ala $406,000 for th1a academic year. Embedded within thia budget are the aalartea for one dean, one associate dean, and three senior lnatructor desl.Cn 1pec1.altJU. Their avenae aa1ary comes to $41,000. Theee lndMdualJ are full-time proft91lmala. who ahould, aJ.ona witb • Lttlfrs from r~era o" Wf'ke>mf TM rtQht to cond~af' lftrer1 lo /U IJ'OC' or tltm11aolt lltN-1 11 rt3'rt>td U tttrs of "300 worcb "' ltu wall ~ gft>f'ft prt/n111e« All ltlttr1 mu11 indudf ~turt Miid matll!)g oddrtu but Mrnfl mOJI ~ ID&lhhtl.d °" ,,. quut •I au/lfctfnt' reason la op~rtral PtHf'l/ wtU "°' r,. publfalt.fd IAtttr• maw r» ttltpllontd to lfJ.10# Namr and pll(1M num~r o/ the contrtb1itor "'"'' bf Ofl.'«ft /o., vtrl/tcouon pwrpo.-• the board of trust('<'S dnd the d1Strict ll'aden.h1p, be hedrd from ron<.-emmg the status of the d1sputC'd tt>let."UUrses Hopefully. a mon· rPasoned approach wall ensue. along with a dialogue ~ !'>Ubstancc• sans dl'f£>nM ve overtones. Future d1scussiom, should have as their ob )C'<.'tl ves the· 1 m provt•mf'n ts or refonna to the system that are obviously m order. LEF'TERJS LA VRAKAS. PhD upport f or arts To the &i1tor· • Currently enioymg the opportunit y for intense involvement with Ora nge County's performing arts orgaruz.ations, I share with them a grave concern for the potential effects of the drastic cuts in state and federal support of the a rts. Recently, however. local music lovers have had cause for con side r a~le encouragement One of Orange County'• leading supporters of the arts, the Irvine Company. not only has determined to <kl its share 10 replacing some of those foregone pubhc funds, but has done so in a refreshing and exception.ally promi.si.ng way PERFORMING organir.allons seldon) r~·over more than 40 percent of their total operating costs at the box offi~. The balance o f their survival hinge• upon private and public contributiona a nd grants. But whereas s u c h contributions generally are abeorbed into the cont1 nu1ng e xpenses o f a n orgaruzat1on, the lrvtne Company opted to assume an unusually creative role bY underwnghting a s~ific concert -in this event the monumental Mi11a SolemnlS of Beethove n , perfonned by the Pacific Chorale on May 22 In tt-.e Civic Auditorium at Santa Ana ~ School. Surely Beethoven hi.m.9elf would ha"' relished this kind of suppor t, for th• masterworks of that era nearly alwaya were composed and performed under the commis&on of a patron. T o offer w o rk• of t h e scale . imro rJance, and COit of the Mi11a So emnis soon may come t o relf primarily on underwriting such • i!"9 -at least if \icket prlcea are to be kept within \he range of typical concert-aoeq and If seriou s music 11 to attract nd audiences, such as our youth and the county's less advan~ r:>OPU}atJona. JAMES E. DUNNING i . llllll •. Or~ Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurectay, May 17, 1882 Carson monologues· bite comedian called political commentator SOUTH COAST PLAZA OAINI VILLI, J'la. (AP) -Comedian -~Canon. who ~ hll ''Tan.&ahi Show" _.. • oftln·bhJl\I mcriokllUe 10mtdnwl aimed at toveram•nt fl1ure1l ta a aoctal and polltlcal • -..en\ator aa wed aa a ialk-ehow ho1i, a Unawntcy of Florida madent "'9Nl'Ch•r •YI· Car1on'1 Jok•• contributed to hi• declln• In ~ty. • C&rlOn and other corned1anl alto make the pnlldency a common tarpt for t.MU-~ p,.. Mid ln an interview . "No matter who the ~dent ii, oomicl will ftnd ~ to rklkule, he Mid. (fi1) ~~~~j?~~!,t! In fact. c.anon•1 monolWl\MI could rway public oph•lon and even affect 1he populartty of • prHldent, ••Y• Herb r ...... \ an audlo-vl1ual .. patrt who wrote hll \ m11t•r'1 thHl• on Canon'• televhlon monolclpa. • Prem found that 31 p~rcent of Carson'• jDkel concen*I DOlltlm and 1overnmeni. Th• monoJoiue1 ahowed an a11re11lon toward oublic ttsur-, he Mid, 1'but the aure-iOn WU bl~t.ed bynumor." 1 In a study o f monologuea aired from December 1977 to February 1978, Pre11 CARSON • clulitied tH~ jokes into : five main categories. Thirty-four percent of the ' jokes were classified in the leilure--ti.me category, . which includes show buainem. Technology, wruch also includes the weather, made up 20 percent of the total. Not Ions after Press finished hia thesis in April. U.S . Sen. S.I. Hayakawa, R-Callf., announced he would not seek another term. Hayakawa said c.anon Ulld to Joke about Jimmy Carter'• family, but beoau. Pr9ldent Reep.n11ttmUy11 not u colorfW u c.n.r•1 Canon now concentratea hJa jokell on econocnlc poUd-. the .....rcher u1d. A Cumn aJdi ln the entert&lner'1 Burblnk offl.c:e Mid Canon wu buay and coWd not comment ~ on the the.ta. She acknowi.cta-d that Canon had Neelved a copy of the peper Jnday. "He ii very tntttsued by it and plane to rMd it,.. uld Drue Wu.on. "He t.houcht It WU an intel'eltina topic ... Ma. Willon Mid the had no idea lf Canco would mention the 1Ubject on the '"Toru,ht Show," notfna that it wu not uncommon for him to receive student papen ~ the lhow. Prem Mid the Idea of the atudy came to him one night when he waa watching the show. "lle did a lot of jokes on Bert Lance," Pre. said. "It seemed to me an unusual number of jokes about one thing." • CD plan rejected EUREKA (AP) -Humboldt County supervi- sors have rejected a federal Civil Defen11e plan to take in San Franciaco area residents if there is a threat of nuclear war. The plan to shelter 164,000 nuclear ~acuees in state and national parks here was rejected unanlmou.sly. Norrelah Noor MAKE YOUR CHOICES FROM OUR BIGGEST SELECTION EVER OF WXURIOUS STEVENS SHEETS 54.88 twin YVES SAINT LAURENT'S ELEGANT STllPINGS. NOWAY 36%·60% SAVINGS There's nothing quite like the excitement of stripes Except. perhaps. for this designer's flair for color Our first qualtty YSL sheets. in an intriguing mix of wine. toast. cream and forest green. on the diagonal. of course Of cotton/polyester percale Prices shown. flat or fitted. Twin Full Queen King Standard cases. pr King cases pr Orig $14 $18 $23 $28 $14 $16 Sale $4.88 $8.88 $13.88 $17.88 $7.88 $9.88 ONLY 5 MORE DAYS • S9.88-511.88 QUEEN AND KING FIRST QUALITY SHEETS IN SUMMER PATIERNS, NOWAY 25%·60% SAVINGS Add a new sense of freshness to the room you relax tn Here are three tempting patterns. all 1n soft cotton/polyester percale Choose from favorites hke YSL Foulard with p1ndots and flowers of white on taupe. Versailles. restful peach. blue and taupe flowers on cream. or Bangkok. far-Eastern floral of browns on beiges Sizes may vary by store so come 1n early and find the best selecllon Pr ices shown. flat or fi tted Sale ends Monday. May 3 1 Robinson's Domestics. 30 To order. call toll·l ree 1·800·345·8501 Queen King Standard cases, pr King cases. pr Reg $18·$26 $22·$32 $14-$17 $16·$19 Sale $9.88 $11.88 $9.88 $11.88 Hurry In whlle quantities are plentlful and selections extensive Ari hems subject to prior sale • ' ... L Cricket L TO wlll be hotting two repreaentatlvM from the s.tangor Factory. There Wiii be a demonatratlon of the manufacturing proeeu and free hand engraving with any purchaae. Friday 11 -3 & 6-9 Saturday 12-2 & 3-6 Salt & Pepper Reg. Special Tankard Reg. Satin finish Speclal South Coast Plaza Lower Level, Jewel Court Bullock's Wing (714) 556-7430 $42.50 $34.00 $45.00 $36.00 I, I I . • NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS 9'1tf4T .... -Oll'-llN .................. ., ............. ,.Cl,IC. ""· lot'f9lil HUCHf ••• CllllCl,016 11 nea I llC"•Nt U .. t llMlt U I Y flil liAtl A-.tt11tt1•1t - OOYI Jones Final OFF 3.80 CLOSING 824.98 record profits MSl Data Corp. of Coet.a Mesa h.u reported re<..'Ord profit.a for the fiaca.l year of $4,!WJ9,000, or $187 per aha.re. nu. compared with net ~ of $3,473,000, or $1.49, in the previous ft.cal year . Revenues for the year totaled $55,338,000 compared with $55,613,000 in the ft.cal year ended March 28, 1981. 1l\e company produces handheld computer data entry systems. Jet America loss mounts Jet America Airlines Inc. reported today a 1oell of $870,772 for April, bringing its year-to-date lo88 to $4,952,719, or $3.31 per common aha.re. "We have again exceeded our projections and the lmproving performance for April compared to the first quarter reflected the impact of atl'oJ18 Easter holiday travel and higher average fares," Alan H. K.eniaon, president and chief executive officer of the airline, said. The company also reported it furloughed 26 employees or approximately 10 percent of Its. WC?rk force, effective May 31, the result of a reorgaruzatJon of the airline's maintenance department. Additionally, all employees consented to a IO percent salary reduction. New Conroy's opens Conroy's. a major floriat in the West. opened its 12th store in Orange County and lta 44th m Southern California at Beach and Warner In Huntington Beach. The store's owners are Richard and Helene Allen, who own another Conroy's in Westminster. Tustin building finished • Discovery Properties and El Camino Real Properties Ltd. announced completion of the El Camino Real Building In Tustin. The two-story office building has 23,000 square feet available for lease and is located in historic Old Town of Tustin. Value of the building is $3.2 million. The general contractor is Prime Contractors, Inc. of Orange. Off ice complex planned Construction is scheduled to begin in the fall on Capital Tower, a $9 million San Joee office complex designed by LPA Architecture and Planning of Orange. Pacesetter wins franchise Pacesetter Electronica USA. Inc. of Santa Ana (formerly VSI Electtonica USA) haa been franchiaed by Fujitsu Micro-electronics to dblribute it.a line of advanced MOS and bipolar memories, microprooe910t"1, gate arrays. and= dlac controller aa well aa other peripheral.a ands d.rcuita in Southern C.allfornla. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW YORI< (AP> -Spot nonf«rou• INlal pric. coca.y: ' ~ 7t~71 c.nte a pcMll'ld, U.S. deetlneU-. &AM 2$-27 eem. • pound. Zlllc S6 c.nte • pound, det\llwed Tiil M .6015 ~Week oompoe1te lb. ~ 1e-n oenta a pound. N.Y • ...,_, '370.00 per ..... """'-1298 00 trav oz., N. Y SILVER Ha11dy & Harmen, JI.SH o•r troy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS L...W..1rnomlng 11~1ne: 1324.75, on IUO. LMldaN attwnoon lbdllg: 1324.25. off ae.oo. , ... ,~ 111_,llOOn fllllnG: *327.H , oH N.41. • ,,...,..., WU4, off aue l.WtlN Law ftldnO: "2a.OO. off 17.00 bid. a:ll.00 ailked. H111.i, a Har•111: 0111y d•llr quot• "24.16. off M.00. ~·--* only deify qllOle 1324.26, "" ... 00. ···-· only Olly ql'°'9 ...., ~.4t.olflU6. SYMBOLS ' . I • • • I '--.......... -.,_, .. Tiii l'AMILf c1act1 "What's wrong with this compou, Daddy? The nHcle keeps pointing in the same direction an the tlmel" MARMADl'KE by Brad Anderson "You wouldrft look so great either If you had been at the lodge meeting last night." MOON Mt:LLINS A Do1EN FtJN HATS, PRIZES, BALLOONS·· SOMEBODY MUST BE ~VIN<1 A BIRIMDAY PARTY. 59 AhrWe Oeklly 62 L.ettuce 1 Comemplet• &C ~ 5 OlnMllt 65 CMrect 9 Behind 67 SultAltlle 14 Ew pert 70 Enlgml 15 Allen 71 8tmd bUfTllO 72 Petent 18 Wl/f 73 Stertor 17 Patlml 74 Advllltagl I 1, Cerd fl'N 75 Make OY9r I 2081rwe 2-1 Pipe... DOWN 23~coln M~ 27CONUfMI ' 29 Tumtd ,,,...... SS._..,d ....... 31 o,NnlO"" ..... .... 41 AMDeft .... .... ,..,, • ..,.._ 10M......_ 41 ........ out ........ ttMeooft ......... 12~ . ._.... .. . ..... u ....... .. ..... ,.. "a.lllOlt ...... ....-.....,._ ~. ' l "A jockey, a Jockey. My kingdom for 1 Jockey." Hank Ketchum i 7<0itJ:.C-• . ! PFANIJTI STILL i:ISMI"' ~ COMPLIMEH'l'S, l SEE I'M SORRY---YOU ~AVE TO WEAR A TIE IN THIS RESTAURANT ~.____. f-1'1 i GOROO 'Tm not eure, but I think he's plantlng some new crabgraaa." N£ L.0$1' Al.L 1lACK <S 1~1flfRIC( .. .I \&)()NQ£R If OOR PIZZA ~ ~ • rRq~;o~.ANN ! !'M ~E 50M£THINC:, WILL. 'TURN UP! , I • 'I I by Ernie Bushmflttr · c--·--· I J..LJCK.'V FORVOlJR ARTI:RJES, ~MICHAEJ.- AJJGEJ.0,{ by Gus Arriola l· • . t H~E , ~ Ml&HT A!> WEU. 1· "TAKE ftl.) A5PIRIN !