HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-22 - Orange Coast PilotYlll Hlll11111111Y PIPll 1111 .Ill\¥ .lllNI .'.' 1'111.' OHAN<.t COlJ N fY ( 1\1 If OHNIA '}'1 C f Nl ~ Reagan, other victiUJs won't comment WASHINCTON (AP) -One weary juror told her husband that she 4lnd her collea~ues relied on the psychiatrists. 'She said they hoped they did th<' right thing." The verdict. innocent by reason of insanity, moved John W. Hinckley Jr. and hl!l parents to tears. His chief attorney. Vincent J. Fuller, said: "Another day, another dolJar " Il was said he would collect more than half-a- million for his longshot defense. Hlncklcy's victims were silent to a man. President Reagan would have no comment. James S . Brady, the preaa secretary .. no comment. Timothy McCarthy, the Secret Service agent, no comment. Thomas K. Delahanty, the cop. no comment. The prosecutors, too, kept their thoughts to themselves. Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan. the highest administration ofticial to THAT TIME AGAIN -It may not be super, but it might be as close as the honoree will ever get to the Super Bowl. Irrelevant Week, the invention of Newport Beach's Paul Salata, is being observed for the seventh year. Salata started it to put some hoopla into somebody's hooplaJess life. Distinctive air Newport 'honors' last pick Bl' STEVE MARBLE O(ttie o.lly Piiot St•H Defensive back Tim Washington was puzzled. HERE HE was in Newport Beach attending something called lrelevant Week because he was number 334 -the last college football player picked in the pro draft. Everytime he turned around he bumped into this i.any jbke-a-sccond guy named Paul Salata. And worse than that. he'd been flown into town, shown ·aboard a double-decker bus and then dropped off at a sewer valve dedication in the Chamber of Commerce parking lot. "I KIND OF had second thoughts about aJl this," he said upon arrival. He was supposed to Ix' the star attraction but here was a parking lot full of people laughing it up over a bunch of sewer jokes while a two-man combo played oompah-pah music in the background. (See IRRELEVANT, Page A2) • • • • r1ta1n re101ces over royal birth LONDON (AP) Church bells pealed, cannons roared and Uni on Jack s fluttered everywhere as Britain re.JOiced today over the birth of a baby destined to be kin~. Princess Diana and her blue- eyed 7-pound, I 'h-ounce son b orn Monday were doing ••extremely well" a fter a comfortaple night's rest at St. Mary's Hospital in west London. "ngham Pltlace !laid. NATION To the cheers and applause of well-wishers standing in a drizzling rain , a succession of royalty, including the baby's father, Prince Charles, and grandmother , Queen Elizabeth II, arrived for visits with the 20-year-old princess and ~r child; second in line to the British throne. Charles, the 33-year-old heir, who attended the birth, emerged (See BRITISH._Page A2) Water, a natural issue? There's enough water in the Great Lakes to start a country. And water may be the next national issue. Page A6. Metals no longer precious? The slump in prices for gold and silver has been so pronounced that some investments experts refer to them as "formerly precious metals." Page D2. Donovan hang ing tough WASHINGTON (AP) -An angry, combative Raymond J . Donovan aays he will not be driven from his job as labor eecretary by a "wonderland IChool of justice" that wan ta to convict him on charges of having del to organir.ed crime before a trial. , comment on the verdict, called It "abeolutely atrocloua." "Frankly, I'm outraged at that jury decWon .. I think lt'a wrona. h's not. the tvoe of thlnR that tiOClety 1hould condone,'' Regan, who a1ao heads the U.S. Secret Service, aaid on NBC's "TodaY'' show thla morning. "I think that when a person stalka a leading citium of thill country. shoots him and three of the people surrounding him and then goes scot -free. I think. that's absolutely atrocious. '' . . . Jutt think what we are saylnj to the ao-oalled craziel of, the world regarding what they can do or not do aa tar u public figures are con<.-emed." One of the defer\le paychiatrlc expert.I expreeted aurprlae by the verdict. He thought the lnaan.lty defense would fail. Another called It: "a triumph of falmeee and common aen1e . . . a victory for modem lcientiHc methods in psychiatry." But Rep4bllcan senator Larry Pressler of South Dakota said he was ''personally outraged at the whole Hinckley trial," and predicted the passage of leglalatlon to redefine the l.naanlty plea. Sen. Orrin Ha tch , R-Utah, who has introduc:'ed a bill to alter the lnaanity defense, said on the CBS "Morning" program today, "I don't blame the Hinckley jury; they applied the law as it was. I blame the law." Leaving the courtroom where Hinckley was tried for shooting Reagan and the three others, l<'ullcr said, "Another day. another dollar." Allen Smith, Sr., whose 61-year·old wlfe. Virginia, served on the jury. recounted her description: "She-aa.ld they relied on the psychiatrists' testimony. All the testimony showed that he was insane, not In his right mind. All the evidence showed he was mentally disturbed. She said they hoped they did the right th. .. mg. "There was not enough (See OUTRAGE, Page AZ) *** *** *** *** Hinckley 'not guilt~' confined ~to hospital Insanity defense accepted WASHINGTON (AP) -John W. Hinckley Jr., the brooding loner who tried to kill the president of the United States, escaped life in prison but today begins what could be years of confinement in a federal mental hospital. Hinckley cried and his sobbing parents embra~ Monday night when Judge Barrington D. Parker, u tense as anyone in the courtroom, read the verdict: "Not guilty by reason of insanity." • Not guilty by reason o f insanit y of attempting to assassinate the president. Not guilty by reason of insanity of assault w1th intent to kilJ four men. Not even guilty. because of insanity, of carrying a pistol without a license. Thirteen tunes, Parker pronounced the insanity acquittal. Through it all. Hinckley stood facing the panel. his head bowed. The jury of SE'Ven women and five men agonized 24 hours over four days. Their decision makes Hinckley's next s top St. Elizabeth mental hospital in Washington. MORE PROTESTS -Demonstrators link hands and sit in the road outside Lawrence Liv~rmore Laboratory as police in riot gear AP~o stand by. The lawmen arrested 1,332 people Monday. with more of the same expected today. On March 30, 1981, HinckJey bent in a s hooter's crouch and fired two-handed at President Ronald Reagan with exploding bullets. He was wrestled into custody and since then has spent hundreds of hours in interviews with trial psychiatrists. Nuclear protest 2 coast men suspects in eatery heists • arrests continue Now he undergoes a different sort of evaluation. Within 50 days. Parker must hold a hearing to determine whether Hinckley should remain institutionalized or be set Cree - the latter an unlikely course. The judge set July 12 for a further proceedlng, but did not specify the purpose. The law places the burden of proof on Hinckley to show "by a preponderance of the evidence that he is not likely to injure himself or other persons due to mental illness." He would remain confined indefinitely, until the court makes the decision. The victims, referred to as "bit (See HINCKLEY, Pa~ A2) COUNTY LIVERMORE (AP) -Police for a second day arrested scores of "anti-nuclear demonstrators attempted to blockade the Lawren ce Liv e rm ore Laboratory, one of two facilities in the country t hat develops nuclear weapons. Just after 7 a.m., police in riot gear moved on protesters and immediately arrested 85 people who tried to keep workers from entering the lab's west gate. On Monday, authorities arrested 1,332 children and adults among an estimated 3,500 people who turned out to protest research and development of nuclear weapons at the lab 50 miles ea5t of San Francisco. Among those arrested today were-si-x-people who had ehained A blind Huntington Beach woman has embarked on a career as a masseuse. Page Bl. STATE RANCHO CUCAMONGA (AP) -A twin--engie plane tipped a light pole in the fog and crashed on a highway, lnju.ORg•the Diamond Bar couple aboard, and a passing motorist saved the pilot from the bumingt'"wreckage, authorities said today. WORL D BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -The Argentine junta today promiled a l'\!tum to dvillan rule ln eatly 1984. But it failed to agree on a president and the army was l'\!ported ready to unilaterally name • another general to replace Leopoldo F. Galtleri, ousted for the Falkland lalanda defeat. themselves together. Among them was a woman paraplegic in a wheelchair. The group blocked a highway entrance to the lab and was surrounded by polire who cut the chain and hauled the protesters away. Observers said police appeared to be more aggressive in their arrests. and screams and shouts were heard among some being arrested. However. no injuries were reported. About 300 people were at the 1 a b t o b e g i n -&.o d a y ' s demonstration. Protesters met Monday night in Berkeley to plan today's blockade, and laboratory oificials said they would take necessary steps to continue business as usuai. INDEX Two men believed to be the so-ca lled Monday morning robbers remained in the Newport Beach city ,ail today as police tried to piece together the details of an eight-month string of restaurant robberies. Police aJlege the men, both in their 40s, are responsible for holding up 12 restaurants in Los Angeles and Orange counties. The men -Jimmy Bee Workman , 46 , and Vernon McCullough Womack, 43 -are being held in lieu of $100,000 bail each . Both are listed as being unemployed, but police said Womack, a Laguna Niguel resident, had been working as a truck_ driver until two weeks ago. (See.EATERY, Page A!) At Your Service A4 Horo&00pe B2 Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landers B2 Business C4-5 Movies B3 California A5 Mutual Funds C4 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Classified Dl-03-6 Public Notices C3,D2-3 Comics B4 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets C5 Death Notices 02 Televl.sion B5 Editorial A6 Theaters B3 Entertainment B3 Weether .. A2 Hy Gardner 82 World News A3 SPORTS Bullding a better body Al DiSiena of Irvine, an F.d1lon High ~uaie, is part of the new image surro~ the sport of body buildina. Page Cl. I Al 8 Orange coai1 DAtLV PILOT/:T'*C91y, Jun• 2a. 18U ~' ------11!-...-.--------------------------~~--~------------------------------------- \\t Continued atwles HINCKLEY NOT Gmt:TY. • • pl•yt:ra" by I linckley, Wl'n' 1dlt•nt In the hour• uftt'r verdict. Hinckle~ uait"'d lhl· bit play"r ch1&racten1utlon with defonn psychlatrh1t William T . Carpcnt ·r Jr. In d~riblng his life '18 a movie 8tarrlng himself and Aet.n.'SS Jodie Foster. "The movie ain't over yet, folks," Hinckley told Carpenter. Miss Fosler'is videotaped testimony that she had no relationship with Hmt·kley set h im off on the firs t of f1v ~ walk-outs Crom his own trial. Miu Fo1tvr u 11 d e lu1lon . Hinckley broke out In tean. Hlnc.kley hud never mtit. the uctrt-.. although he vtalt«l New Huwn, where 1he wu •Uendlng ' Yale Unlverslly, and atuffed love letters under t.ho door of her dormitory room. . With lt.s v~rdlct, the Jury said that Hinckley. because of "mental disease or defect, tacked subst'1ntlal capacity to conform his conduct to the requlrement.s of the law or lacked substantial capacity to appreclate the wrongfulness of his conduct." Thal is the legal test for insanity. W hen his own attorney . TheJurysparedHinckleyfrom Vincent Fuller. re fer re d to possJble life sentences on each of Hinckley's unreturned love for five major counts. * * * * * * OUTJlAGE EXPRESSED ... succee~." said Carpenter. who spe nt 45 h ours interviewing Hinckley between May. 1981. and the opening of the tiral. evidence that he was sane," the Pos t quoted Mrs. Smith as saying. "The defens e psychiatrists, the prosecution psychiatrists all found a men tal disorder . . It was the consensus of all the psychiatrists that the r e was d mental disorder." i One defense psy~h1atri(• I expert, Dr. William T. Carpen ter, direc tor o f the M aryland Psychjatric Research Center in t Columbia, Md .. said, "It seemed like the odds were very heavy But Dr. David Michael Bear of Harvard Medical St·hool, who also testified for the defense, said. "I'm deeply gratified by the thoughtful verdict of the jury . they applied a complex law <..-oncerning insanity correctly .. This 1s a triumph of fairness and common sense. It is also a victory for modern scientific methods in psychiatry." against being able to prevail with an insanity defense. "The1 rommentary 1 had heard I on the insanity defense in this trial was that mos t people a. thought it was unlikely to De puty White House press secretary Larry Speakes said today: "We have not commented on this matter from day one. and we do n't intend to <.'Omment now s ! ( ( , ' ! ! I e i I' ( 1 IRRELEVANT WEEK. • • "This is different." Washington suggested. letting It go at that. CLEARLY TffiS was not Fresno -the football player's hometown. The sewer cerornony was held for no particul~ reason other than it was roughly a year Q&O that a sewer mam backed up, flooding out and stinkin~ up the ~ocal .~hamber.. .. The parking lot aCfaLr was billed Flush Without Fear. Police Chief Charles ''Pete" Gross said the police station - right across the s treet -also got some of the sewage action. He said his officers, though. didn't notice 1l for three days. "YOU SEE." he explained, ''the workout room is on the same floor " In honor of the new valve -designed to prevent future backups -a sealed time capsule was placed in front or. the chamber building. The capsule was loaded w\th proclamations. citations and a scrap of the chamber's old carpeting. . _ Master of ceremonies Salata said the capsule will rem.am buried until the city's airport noise problem is solved. ln other words. probably forever, . Washington, now the property of the San FranclSCO 49ers, was still puz.zled when it was all over. "Interesting," he observed as the crowd began to scatter. "What happens now?" F r om Pa e A1 • • • aftf!r a thr hour Yiall with h1.1 wlfo '-'d aon l o ••)', "Evcrylhtnj'• marv loua." Ii<' 1l00d ln the rain tor talmOtlt two mlnut._.., Wlllna repor~rt the prhwl"u wu r eov•r1na her 11t.rength aftor the 16-hour labor and the blondlsh baby wwi in "Sood form . looking a bit moni hurruan thta morning" Aakt..-d whether th~ dellwry and been painful for Otnna, C~rleil said, ''Have you t•ver had D baby? Well. you should wall and see." The prl.nce skirted ques\ions about the baby's namo, saying he and Diana would decide on one ''soon." In the royal grounds of Hyde Park and the 900-year-old Towe r of London, Royal Artillery companies fired the traditionaJ 41-gun salutes to greet the new arrival. The red-white-and-blue Union Jack flew over all public buildings. A smiling Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lavende r coat, acknowledged cheers from the crowd as she arrive d at the hospital for a first look at her grandson. Charles greeted her in the doorway with a kiss on the cheek. After a 20-minute visit. the queen stepped outside again and c_;hook hands with Dr George Pinke r , the r oyal s urgeon gyne<.-ologist who delivered the baby, before leaving f o r Buckingham Palace. Diana also received visits from her parents, the 8th Earl Spencer and Frances Shand-Kydd. and her 24-year-old sister, Lady Jane Fellowes. Diana's parents were divorced when she was a child. "She looks radiant, absolutely radiant, a nd the grandson ts ever ythmg his father said he was last night -a lovely baby," said Mrs Shand-Kydd a fter her half-hour visit. T e legrams, Cl owers and bouquets from world leaders and ordinary people poured into the h os pital. Prime M i nister Margaret Thatcher said in a congratulatory telegram. "The whole nation will share in your h3ppiness." Buckingham Palace said more than 1,800 presents had poured in since the birth. Buckingham Palace said so many flowers were delivered to the hospital that some were diverted to patients in other hospitals. But a spokesman said careful records wree being kept of every gift and message. and the princess was determined to re ply to each one. ''Extra secr etarial help has been taken on by the couple to deaJ with the deluge of good wishes." said a palace spokesman Buckmgham Palace srud the baby was born at 9:03 p.m. (4:03 p.m. PDT) Monday, 16 hours after Diana was a dmitted in labor. He "cned lustily," the palat-e said. Local drizzle v g n e SI v n 2 E n Coastal Low clouds prevail today with hlghl ol 64 to 72. Some llghl drizzle locally Low clouds to rem.in through night and early morning hours with par t lat afternoon cleartng Wednesday Overnight lows 54 to 62 Highs Wednesda y 6S t o 73 Hunting t on-Newport area t9Cnl>«•tures to range trom a low ol 60 10 a high ol 67 T emperatures Alt>11ny Albuque Amanllo As'1ev1lle Atlanta Atlante Cty Austin Baltimore Blllings B1rm1nghm Bismarck Boise NATION n p /l Cl f. h Etaewhere, lrom Po1n1 Conception 10 the Mexican b0<der and out 60 miles. Llghl variable winds through tonight eacec>t west to southwest S 10 12 11no11 thl• afternoon and evening Wind waves 1 loot Soulhwest awetl 1 to 2 leet Mostly cloudy thr0U9h tonight wllh local n10111 and early morning drtz:z1e Boston Brownsvlle Butte lo Burlington Casper Chattstn SC Charlstn WV Charltte NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Clmb1a SC COiumbus Dal-Fl Wth Oay1on Denver ~Moines Detroit Duluth 75 50 91 51 67 54 83 58 84 6.il 74 6S 94 72 84 60 83 S9 86 83 74 45 es 61 73 56 96 75 65 56 6S 55 82 54 89 76 81 58 85 65 75 •6 75 50 78 59 71 54 91 58 75 56 85 67 73 5S &~ 53 82 53 71 54 66 48 94 S8 75 4S 77 59 65 56 82 51 86 50 89 70 95 18 78 56 89 71 9S 72 BS 59 N.1JtOtW Wtraftiie't ~'fl<.•" NO"" US Oeot ot Comm<"<.:e \I /l s: g p le \I n a U.S. Summary Overnight t hunderstorms packing 75 mph winds. heavy rain• and gollt>all-stzad ha ll t>attered moet ot Kansas pans of Nat>rlll<a and eastern Cot0<ado Sh0-5 and fhundershowatS were ecattered over the Southeast . from northern M l11ourl to the' lower Great LlkH, and from the norlhern Gtf8f 98i1n 10 tl1T nUTlhern Rockies. Clear Illies prevailed across the eouthem and northern Plains and OY9t the UppBf MISSISSIPP. Velltty Thundetstorm• were l0<eca1t ov.r the llOOthern Attanllc CO.st atatea and the western Gull Coa st . w ith showers and thunderstorms over th• tower Ml11t11lppl Valley. lrom the AppeMld'llMi• to the middle end northern Atlantic Coast, and from the norihem high Ptafna to the Great Baeln and northern ~,..,, Temperature• around the netlon bet«><• dawn r~ lrom 42 In Duluth, Minn • to 88 In Phoenh1, Artz. • Fronts· Cold ,.. Warm WW Sall Lake San Ant011IO Seattle Shreveport Sioux Fall• SI Louie SIP-Tampa SI Sle Matte Spokane Syracute Topelca Tuaon Tute. Washtngtn Wichita CAUFOANlA Apple Valley Bake<atleld Bamow Be11um011t Big Bear Bishop Catalfna Eureila Fr ea no Lat<a Arrowhead Lencutat Long Beech 89 59 93 69 74 55 83 69 77 46 79 60 87 79 68 38 86 66 70 57 67 59 98 64 66 70 87 87 87 65 90 58 97 73 9& 73 79 55 74 40 86 55 68 55 61 50 9S 64 77 50 91 62 71 8t 67 61 92 San Diego San Francisco San Jose Santa Ana Sanla Bart>ara Sanla Cruz Santa Marla Santa Monica Stockton Tahoe Valley Thermal Torrano• Sti1horut•v • • 67 S3 59 S2 74 58 69 59 63 57 64 56 64 56 64 58 88 S8 74 40 98 70 65 53 PAN AMU UCAN Acapulco Bart>ados B«muda Bogoll Curacao ""'9pon Guadalajara Guadeloupe Havana Kingston M011tego Bay Mazatlan Merida Mexico City Montaney Naueu 85 75 68 79 86 79 66 81 75 88 64 90 79 86 75 64 79 40 90 73 9t 79 7S 77 S7 El Paso Fargo Aagstalf Great Fall• Hartford Helena Honolulu "HWslon lndnaplls Jaellsn MS Jack1twlle Kan1 Clly Las Vegaa Lltll9 AoQI Loultvllle LubbOck Memphis Miami MllwaukM Mpls-St P 100 71 78 70 83 64 84 89 84 ea 86 81 74 49 76 47 87 60 91 74 80 ee d5 64 8• 5 t e1 es 82 !>6 90 74 82 81 103 76 Los AngeleS Marytv!lle Monrovia Montebello. Monterey 70 72 San Juan 6 t T egucigalpe 58 72 90 79 87 81 88 70 Naahvlll9 N-Orleans New YO<tt NOl'folk No Platte Okla City Om aria <>ri.ndo Phlledphlt Phoenll! Plttabufgh Piiand, Me Piiand, Ore Pr~ Raleigh A~ Clty ~ 73 60 84 47 67 67 72 S1 87 70 78 81 ee s2 Ml Wttaon Na.cites Newpol1 Beech Oaki.nd Ontario Palm Spring• Pl!NIHna Paao Aot>lel Atwnlde Red bllltl AedwoOd City Sacramento Sallnu San Bemerdlno 5-" Ollbrtel 66 78 103 67 85 71 97 68 80 71 94 74 83 64 72 89 54 82 74 60 58 80 68 55 64 88 85 57 53 53 80 56 ~lliiililb a ...... ~u ...... Rf_R ___ IP_DRT_ • ..... •1 1 1 1 ..... .... 2 2 2 2 . .... Dtr SW SW SW Extended Forecast COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Low cloudiness and local log nlgflt and morning hOura becoming felt during artemoon1 High• al t>eecttee 84 to 74 and Inland In the 701. Lowa 54 to 84. Moun11tn1 area Fair with raeon high• 7 4 10 64 Lows 40t Ind 50s • Tides TOOAY s~ tow •.1s pm 20 9-d hleh 10 31 p.m U WIDNllDAY ~low HO em u Rrat llloh 12-3 I p.m 4. 1 a-cf low 5. 1 t p.m. 2.2 ~ hlO,, 11:2t pm. es Sun Mii tod1Y 81 8:08 p m., ne. WedntldlY at S·42 a,m. Moon rlMe at t:l7 Lift. today, NII 11 9:42 p m, ' P R OUD PAPA -Prince Charles waves to well wishers at St. Mary's H ospital in London today as he returns to visit Princess Diana and their newborn son . GRANDMA -Mrs. Frant·es Shand Kydd, mother of the Princess of Wales, beams at the news o f he r grandchild's birth m London today. Israeli jets blast Syrian artillery BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israe li Jets blasted Syrian artillery positJOns east of Beirut today to support a tank advance apparently aimed at .seizing t~e Beirut-Damascus highway in Lebanon 's centra l mountains. Lebanon's state and pnvately owned radio stations reported. ThE' military eommand in Tel Aviv <.'Onf1rmed Lhe air attacks a nd said they came after an mtensc duel betwL•en L'iraclt and Synan cannons It apJX'ared to be the worst o utbreak o f Syrian -Israeli fighting since t'he countries agreed to a rease-fire June 11 Thl' Lebanon radio broadcasts said Synan pos1uons around the summer resorts of Hammana and Aley toak the brunt of the air attacks. The T e l Aviv commun1q uL· at'Cused the Synans of inrltcting "a heavy barrage" of drt1lk·ry fire on lsraeh forces from thl· area of Hammana, just north of the &1rut-Damascus highway in central Lebanon It said the Synans opened fire 1n the morning. Israeli forces shot back at the Syrian guns and then came under intensifi ed barrages M e anwhil e, I s rael 's CLASH -Israeli and Syrian forces engaged m an in tense a rulle ry duel today 1n the a rea of Hammana, just north o f th e B ei rut-D amascus highway in central Le banon. bombardment of Palc•s tinian s lum s and rcs1dC'ntial neighborhoods in west Beirut lapered o ff today, and the Pall's t1n t• L1berat1on Organ1zat1on propose d dem1lltar1z1ng the Lebanese' capital to av<.•rt a feared Isr::eh onslau~ht. From Pa e A1 EATERY . • • Althouah ll IJ aUcaed th men CJOllt>Cted more than $30,000 tn thl' 11tr1ng of holdup11 , pollco IAld It ii unlikely th cub will be recovered. Po1lce uld Workman. u Lo n.i Beuch rl'11l dt>nt, WH cni-rylng $769 In c:Hh w hen 1lrrt'fitt'CI. Six of the 14! rob~rtes ~lna blamed on the.: mt•n were pl.lUed off in Orungc.• County. The targt•tcd rl'Ktauruntli lnclud~d lhrt't' In Nc.•wport the.• Quiet Wuma11, LA• Sl.arrlu and the .Fi'1t-: Crowns Nearly oil of thl' hold\.ij» wen on Ml)nday mornings before rest aurant e mploye1 had a <'ham·1· Lo take weekend rc..oceipts tu th1• ba nki1 . One of the robbt·1·11~ came on the Tuesday aft 1· r th l' Ml' mo ri a I Da y Wt'<.•kt nd Polttl· b<'11eve the pa!r'a last holdup was this month at the Big Yt>llow House in Cost.a Mesa. In this 1nndc.•nt. pohce said only <lne o f t h t• m e n c n t e r e d t h e rrstal1rant. The second man, orf1t·1·1~ said, may have been w<.111t11g outside. In Jll of the cases. the bandits g<11nt•ci entry posing a s dt·l1verymen. Polit•e said the rob~wrs usually wore stocking ma:.k' or other disguises and WPrt' anned with handguns.\ In l'at·h c as'e, restaurant t•mployoc~ were herded into a rc-stroom or storage room that l'ould ht• locked . Nobody w as lnJUr1•J 1n anv of the incidents. l.A·tc.>t·UVl-S said Lhe robbers did J thorough JOb of casing each rc·staurant Ix-fore• striking Body found unde r auto in Dana Point The umdenl1f1l'd body of a man wa!. found p1nnd beneath a Mcrl'edes that nashcd and rolled on its side in Del Obispo Park tn Dana Point early today. Highway Patrol officers say they believe th<· un1de nt1fied man IS lhC' driver of the vehicle. Officials of the Orange County Coroner's office an.• 1nvest1gaung the death. authorities said. CHP Off1t'er Dave Shisler said the Vl·httl(• appar(•ntly crashed l.:'arly today <1l a high rate of speed tn the-park on Del Obispo St JUSt C'ast of Pacifl(· Coast Highway He savs the car smashed into a tree and car~ned into a sign before roll ing on its side. High way Patrol off icers d1scoven'<i the vehicle at 5·30 a.m .. Shisler said AXLINES SHOES SUMMER SPECIAL ANY shoe in our stock (Huntington Beach loo ction only) WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S MEN'S • Bass "• Buster Brown • Florsheim • Dexter • Bass •Dexter • 9-West • Keds • Sperry • Jacques Cohen • Adidas • Adidas 4 DAYS ONLY! June 23-26 WOMEN'S s 141 s SPECIAL SELECTION I a • I Values to $4400 Quantities llmlted to sale stock on hand AXLINES SHOES HUNTINGTON BEACH El 10110 Adams {next to AJbertton'•) 983-2353 .,.. RUINS OF TYRE -Israeli solders walk around the famed Roman ruins o f Tyre, southern Lebanon. Although no city suffered p ro portionally more destruction than this AP Wlrephoto ancient Mediterranean port. the ruins survived the Israeli invasion with surprisingly httle damage. Haig decries Soviet hypocrisy Questions Moscow promise never to use nukes first WASHINGTON (AP) -By accusing Moscow of hypocrisy, the United States is striving to blunt the public relations impact of the Soviet Union's promise never to use nuclear weapons first. The accusatio n w as made S aturday in New York by Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. immediately after he e merged fro m two days of intensive talks with Soviet Foreign Mini ster Andrei Gromyko. NllS ANAlYSIS Gromyko had delivered the "no first use" promise earlier in the week before the Un ited Nations Gene ral Assembly session on disarmament. Haig told reporters Saturday that even as Gromyko was delivering that speech on June 15, the Soviet Union was conducting an unprecedented burst of missile firings and tesL'>, including the New sinart Inissiles threat to warships WAS HIN GTON (AP) - Military planners. studying the lessons of the FalkJands war. are voicing concern about the growing number of s maller nation s with "the great equalizer" -new-generation smar t missiles that increase the vulnerability of the world's grea1 navies. Even Brunet. a nation of about 200,000 people on the coast of Borneo, has an arsenal o( smart missiles. ''Every nation that has the money to buy a smart weapon poses a considerable risk," says Ad m . H arry Train Jr .. commander of the U.S. Atlantic fleet. "We know those missiles have a great capability to destroy warships." In the Falklands war, the Argentine attacks on British s hips with French-built Exocets graphically demonstrated the power of the new weapons. The major m1htary powers no longer have a monopoly on new weapons. The Exocet-type missiles are a popular item for any nation with money Military-utficia~ suggest that some nations buy smart missiles because the purchase gives them big-power status Lran has more than a dozen different missiles. including some o f th e mos t sophisticated American models, according to publications that track missile sales. Libya has a dozen different types and South Africa has 11. The Uruted States has sold many of its missiles to other NATO nations, which in turn are selling their own missiles to third-world countries. Among the nations that have the Exocet are Ma la ysia, Ecuador. Ghana, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. All told. Aerospauale, the French manufacturer, has sold 1.600 Exocets to 24 nations. The pre-Falklands price was $200,- 000. but Argentina reportedly offered $I million for the missiles in a frantic hunt during the war. The sea-sk imming Exocet, httle known before the FaJkJands faceoff. has gained a reputation as a wonder weapon, particularly after one devastated the British destroyer Sheffield. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claullled advertising 714/642-5678 All other departments 642-'321 Thomas P Haley PublllW .,.., Chief &«..11119 O!llC* Kay Schultz vie. Pr Midellr and Orn1c1or ol Ad-1114119 Tom Murphlne Editor Mika HaNey OW.CIC< ol M..t.ellr>Q (Clrcut•llO!\l Ken Goddard OlrectOt ol OperellO<lt Ray Maclean Controller Charlee Loos ~EclltOt MAIN OFFICE l30 Wul aav SI • CO.I• Mes ... CA M•il •OOrus Bo• IS60. c ..... ,,. .... CA .,.,, C01>yrl9M 1"1 0.-COil\t Publlllti"9 C-nv No n•w• s'°'IH, lllu11r•llons • .Olta<lal m•U•r or •O-vertlwment• 1tore1n m•v be r•o•oduod wltltout s1>9cle1 01trmhslon ot copyr1911t owner Second ci .. , past-oe1c1 •I Co>11 ~ ... Cellfornte \ !UPS 1-l Sut>Krlptlon ov urrtfr M I) monlltly h m•il S6 !O ,,._11trv .... c.. -COHI 0.llv Pilot. wttlt _,, ,, com- bined ,,.,. -Pr•n. I• publl•,.,.d Oy lite 0tenv- COil1t Publl>l'll119 Come>env S.oeret• edlllons er• publl•ltod --y lllrouqlt l'rldey lor Coote -· H••POrt 8-11. H.-.t1"91on e .. c: ... """"'''" V•lley. '"'"'-· ~ BN<ll. Sout11 Cou1 A slnq•,...._. HlllM ~ pwbltllwcl S.lurd•v• end Sunoe~ T,.,. Ptln<ltNI llUOllsl\ln9 Ol•nl 11 •• l30 West Bey ,.,,..t, O 0 Bo• IS60. Coste Mo•, C•lllornle •l6tt. VOL. 75, NO. 173 first known test of a weapon intended to destroy satellites in space. The Soviet strategic activities, according to Haig. included the ant1-satell1te test, two launches of intercontin ental missiles, one launch o f an SS-20 medium range m1ss1le, the firing of the sea-launched ballistic missile and two intercepts of incoming missiles b y the Sovie t anti- ballistic missile system. "Such activity belies by specific a<.·t1on thl" words put forward lo the world audience here in New York this week.'' Haig said Haig's attack on the sincerity of Sov1et arms control proposals comes at a time when the United States 1s clearly worried about the impact of those proposals on public opinion in Europe. Some U.S. officials also were concerned that Rc>agan 's speech before the Uruted Nations last Thursday, in which he outlined previous U.S . arms control proposals m the strategic and conventional fields. had drawn only polite and lukewar m response. The Gromyko speech was of special concern to the United Sta t es beca u se of the international character of the audience before which 1t was delivered and the fear in high U.S. circles that a Soviet promise not to be the first to use nuclear weapon s has a n especially seductive and misleading appeal. H aig ca I led the proposal "cosmetic ,. It is the U.S. position that the Soviet Union has a n ove rwhelming edge in convenllonal mili tary might m Europe and that a similar ~·no first use" pledge by the United States would m erely issue a license for what Haig calls "conven tiona l aggression in Europe." "Our position on this proposal remains clear." Haig said. "The Untted Sta-tE>S" s l 8 n d s for the non-use of force of any form except in legitimate self-defense. "The United States. together with its aU1es. inwnds to deter aU war, conventional or nuclear," Haig said. And he quoted from Reagan's arms control speech last Nov. 18 in which the chief executive said that no NATO w ea pons, con vent-io n a l o r nuclear. "will ever be used in Europe except in defense against attack." Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, in an interview on ABC's "This Week With David Brinkley" program Sunday. called last week's tesls an "unprecede nted display" of Soviet military strength . o..,,. .... o.1 • ..., htn. .... ~ We1re Listening ••• Monoey '"d•Y If rou oo no1 ,,_ yGuf 11111>91 Oy ~ 30 0 m ~II i.lor• 1 o"' eno \IOU• <00\' .. 11 be .,..._eel S.unlly •lld Sunoay II 1"" 00 ROI :;-,&':",.. c:z' V:, !o:., ':.nC: .,_., What do you hk<' about the Daily Pilot ' Whal don't you hke~ Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to retord let ters to th<' ~itor on any topic Mailboii contributors must Include their name and te lephone number ror vtrHlcation . No circulation <'alls, please Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 Ortnge Co11t DAILY PILO r/Tue1day, June 22, 1982 8 State nuke freeze eyed High Court to 1·eview Atomic Energy Act WASHINGTON (AP) 'l'hl' Supreme Court today agrce<l to rt.>v1ew whether stat.es can h1tll con11tr uct1on of n e w nudear power plants. At issue is a California freeze on nuclear plant construction until there are guarantees that high-level nuclear wastes can be disposed of safely The f ed eral governme nt. which claims the moratorium violates the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, has not yel approved any such waste disposal method. The Supreme Court's final ruling will have an immediate impact on the man y states with nuclear power curbs, and will a Hect other states cons1dNm g such restrktions. T h e 1976 Caltforn1a m oratorium immediately a ffected sC'veral t·onstruct10n pro.iects. including two that were halted in 1978. The 9th U.S. Cir('Ull Court of Appeals last October upheld the basic moratorium provision. c itin g the uncerta inti es surroundmg disposal of nuclear waste. "The Legislature has chosen to mandate reliance upon other ene rgy sources until these uncertainties associated with nuclear power are resolved. We f ind t h at s uc h a c hoi ce is expressly • authorii.ed under the federal Atom1t· Energy Act," tlw appt•nls t'Ourl ss.iid. Th<' Atomw Ent-rgy Act gives th e Nu<.· I 1· n 1 H cg u I a t or y Commiss10n power to rcgulatt.• construction and operation of nuclear pow<.•r plants. The act also is d esigned to e ncourage the dt•velopment of more nudl'ar energy. ln otht•r action , tht: Supreme Court: agrt.•ed to decide when federal p rosecutors can give secret grand jury data to the Internal Rt•venue Service to aid the agency's non-<:n mmal probes of suspected tax cheaters. The high court's dec ision. not expected until some time next. year, could have a major 1mpat·t on the government's ability to collect back taxes from suspet't<'d criminals. said 1t will decide how ft.'<it-ral off1c1als must determme whether d1sab1hty c:lamlS should bC' turned down because the pcoplt-filing them arc capable of some gamful work The dispute 1s of vital importance to the hundreds of thousands of mjured workers who seek federal dtSability benefits each year -agreed to decide.• whether to allow demonstrations outsidC' its building on Capitol Hill. The justices said they will review a ruling striking down a total ban AP Wlrephoto HANG IN THERE -Cadet Joe Bramslcven. 17. o f Smnhers, British Columbia, climbs hand-over -ha nd down a stay between masts on the British barquentine "Our Svanen " at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia. It 1s one of 30 "tall ships" participating in Philadelphia's 300th birthday celebration and is unde r c h arter to the Royal Canadia n Sea Cad e ts. Bramsleven had been adjusting flags at the top of the mast. A question a Jeweler ollen hears Is ''WITTlt's the prTce ol a I-carat diamond?" The same Is asked or ruby, emerald and olher colored stones There Is no simple answer The value placed on a precious stone 1s arrived at elter careful consideration ol several quality !actors. In general, value la a.fleeted by beauty, rarity and durability Beauty Involves culOng. color, clarity and Interesting optical proper11es These are the factors considered when assigning a particular grade or series of grades to a gemstone. The cutting of the stone affects the way light Interacts with It. The proportions of the stone, the numbef and placement or facets, and the quality ol pollSh alfec:t brllliance, fire, depth of color and luster. In diamonds absence of any colOf Is uaually most deslreable. In colored stones bright, llvely color la usually moat desirable. (~ 6EM WISiE Mary Barr Cer11r1ed Gemo1091s1 on ull pu:ketmg. dlstrtbutton ot leaflets and demonstrating on the block the t.'OUrt occupies. r e instated, a t least temporarily. the convictions of two men caught wi th 2,600 pounds of marijuana m S<>uth Carolina. The Justices, by a 6-3 vow. set aside and sent back for more study a ruling that the two men were detained too long by law enforcement officers who did not have "probable cause" to arrest them. Justice Department lawyers had asked the high court Lo ~ the case to de<:ide how long pohce 1.:an detain people they st.op but don't arrest -a confusmg area of the law, In the California nuclear case. two of the affected nuclear plant pro,ects. Pac1f1c Gas and Electric and the Sout hern California Edison Co . appealed to the Supreme Cour t. In supporting their appeal . the Reagan admm1strauon said in a friend of -the-court brief; "The c.'Ourt of appeals decision sanctions state action which poses a serious obstac le to th e development of nuclt>ar power as a source of electricity " The Just.Jee Department asked the court to use the case to settle the validity of various types of nuclear pow(•r curbs in what the govc-rnment called ·•numerou ... States." Closeness to Reagan unhealt~y SACRAMENTO (AP) -A confidential poll commissioned by the California Republican Party warns GOP candidates not to tie their campaigns too closely to President Reagan because his economic policies may lose votes. The poll of 800 California voters by Tarrance & Associates of Houston hsts two economic factors -unemployment and high interest rates -as the issues o f most concern to Cahfornia voters in 1982. I t notes that the R eagan administratio n 's s uccess 1n lowering the rate of inflation and a s hght gain in housing starts arc· encouraging signs that Reagan's e<.'Onomic plan is working. But 1t warns that the turnaround isn't great enou g h yet to h elp Republican candidates in the November elections. "lf these trends continue, then thC're is every reason to belit've that positioning oneself with the Pres ident (in the general elcclton) may be very advantageous. However, the key is for the Republican candidates lo not box themselves into a corner 1n the event that the economy does not turn around qune fast e n ou gh," the poll cautions. The polling was conducted March 27-31, and copies of the results and recommendations were d1str1buted over the weekend to Republican nominees fo r congressional and legislative seats at a GOP ca ndidates' workshop in Sacramento. The report had generally encourag ing advice for Re publican candidat.t>s. Given two equally auractlve and equalfy durAD1e stoTies, the one most requested by the public will be the more valuable There are many stones the public IS not very lem1har wllh Therefore, even though they are scarce. the cost may be lower than that of a more abundant but more popular stone. As a case In point. II you were looking for a medium to dark blue stone. would you ask lor a sappntr tanzanlte or benltolte? Most would ask lor sapphire because they've never heard ol the other t wo stones. Tanza nlte Is becoming better known, yet belnl1olta lags back In obacurlly. Although t>enltolta Is the rarest of the three gemstones. lack of awareness of Its existence and the r"ullant low demand keep the prloe down. Durablllty 11 a combination of a atone'• hardness and toughness -Its realata.nce to acratchtng, chipping and breaking. All other lactOf'S being equal. ~he more durable atone wlll be the m0f'9 valuable. • prized. A stone with fine c1arlly, one which approachaa total absence of Interior markl and tnclualon1, la almost always COf'ltldered the moat attractive. Gemstones which lhow a special effect when Interacting with light are Judged by the guatlty of that effect. e.g., the play of color In opel, the color change In eleX1ndrlte, the adularetcenoe ot moonstone. CHARLES H. HARR Ace~•­' ......... Rarity lnvol ..... more than full a 1100.'1 ecarclty In neture, tt also depend• upon demend 17"9 I l"IH• Wetfclff Pina HewportlHdt Placing a value on a gemstone 11 no llmple matter. That's why expert apprataera are llO vital to th• Industry. Hopefully thlt explanation haa helped you underetand th• tremendoua Pf1c9 range you l'lt¥e prot>ebly encountered when lhOpplnQ fOf' tine jewelry. II you have any queslloht on thla Of' 911Y other gem aubJect. pleaM come Into the •tor• end Ilk me per90Mlty. .- Orang• Ooatt DAILV PILOT/Tuttday, Jun• 2a. 1982 Pre-paid f uneraJ plan risky By PAT HOROWITZ Ot Ille OellJ ~tlot ltoH DEAR PAT: I'm tblnklna about Investing lo a pre·pald funeral plan. Can you find out ti tbere are any rlsks Involved In tbla type of Investment'? K.J ., Costa Me.a The state Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers says that consumers purchase pre-paid funeral plans assuming their money will he held In trust and earn interest sufficient to pay for future iiervices. In view of inflation , however. money collected today may not begin to cover funeral expenses for 10 or 20 years Funeral directors selling pre-need plans must place the funds in a trust and report the transaction to the state Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers. The (uneral director usually is designated as the trustCE.' with authority to hire and fire other trustees who control that money An administrative fee of 2.5 percent may be deducted by tht• funeral director each year from the interest earned on this trust Whtie most funeral directors are responsible. the state board has dLSCOvered problems with some of these plans involving misappropriation of funds. mismanagement and heavv losses due to poor Investments sin('(' the state 'began monitoring pre-need plans in 1975. Making pre-funeral arrangements can be a comforting and meaningful way to prepare for death, but many time deposits pay a much higher interest rate than pre-paid funeral plans sold through funeral homes. ae<.'Ordang to the board. The state Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers offers the following suggestjons: -Give written instructions to the funeral home. mortuary, memorial society or cemetery of your c hoice, specifying the· funeral arrangements desired. -Set up a trust account with the bank, credit union or savings and loan of your choice for death. but many times deposits pay a much your funeral. Designate yourself as the trustee with a licensed funeral director as t he beneficiary of the trust a<.'(.'Ount upon your death . -Advise the funeral director and family members of the location, name and amount of the trust ae<.'Ount. Accounts set up in this manner can earn ·-------------······ SPECIALS We Have A Limt ted Number Of Select Mercedes Available For Lease At Favorable Terms. ------------------1982 300 D Turbo H1,1t• n ...-r 11 •L i.'\11lt l1h1 t " I 1· II olll c:> 110() '""I''· ~ '"" 1•q1; '""'0 I \lt'I ,IJll I •IOI 1:Ui>ll ":it, Cap Cost 526,500 LeaH for 1.!..24~~48 or 60 mos . -~u choose! ------------------------------·--·-·· 1982 300 D Turbo 1111111111p1.i•l•t w1tt ht" w 11111 11 . 1t.o11 1 ,•!JULI""""• 1,111, t•1J1 tlfl t·tt P\11'1 t1I I (•ti ::Q...,lll Cap Cost 527,500 , . ' t"'~: Lease for 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 mos. -you choose! -------··········· -----~--·········· 1982 ", 300 SD Turbo Bluf' 1nt te1ll1r. w1tl1 111111 11 11 11". tt 1• qooo "'"" Lt 111111 .-..• t:>t"..,, ,, " ' ' :: .-'Q.1 Jll Ca p Cos t 534,000 Lease for 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 mos. -you choose! -------------------••••••••••••••••••• 1982 240 D Oei1te1 demo l t1111opP.cl ""'' '1 lUI 1>111<1tor & 111111 11 11101 e' w,,.,.:;i~;;~· . . . ' ~ Lease for 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 mos. -you choose! •••••••••••••••••• Quality Leasing ask for Bob Mohan (714) 842-2000 •••••••••••••••••••• hlght.•r Interest and give the con11umer control of lh~ funds, which can be withdrawn at any time. If the home aoes out ot business. the <.'Onaumcr still hill! the money invested and will only have to change the name of the funeral home chosen Trim those grocery bills DEAR READERS: More than 500,000 Californians are reducing their grocery bills up to 40 percent by join,ng their friends and neighbors to form food buying clubs, o.lso called "Pre-Order Co-ops." Sharing the work and responsibility of Pre-Order Co-ops can be as simple or as elaborate as the group wishes, depending on what and how much is purchased. The Department of Consumer Affairs' Consumer Cooperative Development Program is now available to assist groups in forming a Pre-Order Co-op. A program staff in Los Angeles will provide groups with information and techrut•al assistance through workshops and a variety of publications "How to Form a Pre-Order Co-op m California" has recently been revised and 1s available free to California consumers. Contact the Co-op Development Program, 1020 N St .. Room 501. Sacramento 95814, for more information A new con cept 1n co-ops, the computerized pre-order co-op has emerged in areas where several pre-order co-ops are already m existence. Ln this type of co-op, the membership is organized into buying groups of up to 20 households. The buying groups meet monthly to order from a catalog. All ordering, pricing and billing 1s computerized. information about this type of co-op can be requested from Associated Cooperatives, 4801 Central Ave., Ric hmond. Calif. 94804. Associated Cooperatives also offers a publication titled, "Starting and Operating a Computerized Pre-Order Consumer Cooperative in CaJifomia. • Got a problem'! Then write to Pa t Horo-' -_ j witz Pat wi/J cut red Lape, getting the ill answers and action you need to solve in· equities in government and business. Ma.ii your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.0 Box 1560, Costa mesa, CA 9?626 As many letters as possible wi/J be ans- wered, bur phoned mqwnes or Jettl!rs not mcluding the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered Wyoming Oil Lottery Runs Again in July BELLA VISTA, CALIF. (Special) -Hundreds of aver1ge dlluau wlll win oil lease ri&hts In upcom- · 1n1 public dr1wlngs con- ducted by the State of Wyoming. Some may acblevt overnight wealth by sellln1 their rights to oll companies and retalnla1 lifelong royal· ties on any oil or gas Producllon. Incredibly. most will ruk no mort' than SlS and a minimal n rvlce ru lo t nttr lhe llttlf· known pro1r1m that off· u s every American lht opportunity to compett on an equal buls with atant oll companies for leua of pablk lands. Information and en· try dti.JJs are available from the Onan Com· pany, Inc. (Public Lands OM1lon). 5000 Becbelll Lane. Pos t Office Bo• P , Btlla Vista, CA HOOS. Dept. eso. Pltan enclose SI for postagt and handling. Official entry cards will bt rushed by rt'lum mall to permit you to mut the July 14th flllna deadline. r------------.. I ,,.J; I ! fJfeVt ru;~ ! : $1.6~~ : I -(»~~.I ! w~~ ! I I I r.:lt::\<OMM~IAl CR#)IT PV\N. INC. I 1 ~ r::J ~ Ca<>ool O"'" Comp.-ny I I COSTA m :sA. I I l iO F:. 171 h Si rttt • 645.8700 I HI JNTINCTO, BEACH· I lfi-075 Goldtn West St • 847-7771 I MISSION VIEJO: I Alicia Town Plau • 77().2651 I SANTA ANA: I 1224 Eas1 17th !'1. • 5H-S87l I 1.------------~ BeAKHOQ-FM Beach Bikini 6irl PRIZES* GIVEAWAYS Poor Man Wiii Be llere Sunday June 27 • REGISTER EARLY • ecuetoot, ; corue~ct 1111 New,.r1 ••v•. Ne_....re ll@ae• eTJ-3141 • Cuatom bikini• (our '"·· r•hric or yuura • • horta, Bloowe, ~tc:. to match R11i1t1r For Summer Sohool Huntington Center student and adult classes start July 6. Enroll In the mall weekdays 1 to 4 & 7 to 6: Sat/Sun 12 HOW CAN YOU • Attend Summer College Classes • Hold Down That Summer Job Ill • Have Some Time For Yourself WITH A TELECOURSE .•• OF COURSE I • College Credit Courses • Meet Degree, Transfer Requirements • Tuition Free For Legal Residents of California For One Year or Longer. 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Hletory to 1871 "The Am.rtcan Story" -Hletory 170 Ticket •5050 -3 Unlta .. A ..,,,.,.,, Of Anw1cen llleloncel ~It lrom 1"' IOundlng ot Iha Engllatl -to t178 ~le on"" --al,,..-·• poittlcal Ind .,.,._ IMtuMO., ---l*tOfY, on0 IOfelQn POiie)' U.8. Hlatory Since 1871 "America: The Second Century" -Hletory 175 Ticket #SOIO -i Unite•• A continuellon o1 1111 """"Y al ,.,,.,.._ 1114rtoncel .,.....__,1 ""-1978 ~ te pieced on "" -Of 1111 pa11t1ca1 ""° -- lnatltutlona --._,.... -"""' 1171 to ~ Humenlll•• Thr0U9h th• Arla -Humenltlea 150 Ticket •5010 -3 Unit• .. SuNey of t,.,. hVtNn conot11on •• -thr0U9h ltlm Orll'l\t ....._ ~•.,•tut• -uno. ec:u11>1ur1 and wcNl9C1ut• An ~· on llt1t0<y teclWQUff ~ ancJ .. a1ue11on ol lnOMOual works 01 -•.,n 8t1 Introduction lo Merine 8ctenC41 -"Oceenua" Merln• tci.nc• 100 Tlc:ket 115090 -3 Unite•• An 0<lent1tion to the mwtne -lncluO"'O ~ and o.....tell P<-ilMI of 1,.,. -1,.,. -ln1erl-. 1,,. l>IOIOQY of ....... and Ille geology Of Ille _, ballnt The cou11e -a.chet Iha ..... t ph~I c,.,.,,,ICll, l>lologlCel and recru uonal •-ce Funclem•nt•I• Concept• of Meth -Methemellca 100 Tlck•t #5530 -3 Unite'• A locuo on t,.,. "'""•Of mooarn mat-10< h-11 aria 01uo.nt1 11 lnciuOee I,,. hll10ty ol --tl1C8. an ln1too..e!IOn 10 lhe U iomlllC "'91'- ancl ,,.,. ,,.,..,.. ol prool ·--""° lut>ctt0n• Aleo IN:lu<led ... 0-ol Ille rial num-ty9lem With "1)91IClllonl, ,,,_ compu1at. INIVIC ........,_11, o-nall"t. prot>al>ill1y and 11a111t1C1 T,.,. empnui1 1• l\OI on tM .,..,.._,t of compy1a11ona1 Niii• but ratMt on 11141 nature Of mett\ematQ and 111 11ructute Am.rtcan Government -Political Sclen~ 1IO Tlck•t #5090 -3 Un1ta•• An lnlr0dut:11on to ,,.,. prlnclplet ancJ P<_,• ol goy«""*'t wtth PWtlCUlar o11enllon 10 1,.,. A..-ocan polttlcel m1em el IN -· Em-ta QI-to the hum8" lector In polltle.I ano ,,.,. 1HJ1ttu ot gov.,,,,,_. a1 w0<k Tiit• COUtW .. 111flee Iha at11e c~ raqult-la on Ille con1111utlon ot ,,.,. Unllac! Statff, 11a1t ano loc:ll ~nman1 Introduction to Payehology - "Underalancllng Humen a.hevlor" -Paychology 100 Tlc:ket #5100 -3 Unite•• An lnlrOOUC11on 10 Iha unoeUllndlng anO IPP<.Clation ol I,,_ ~!Ille: ec>o<oac:h to,,.,. lludy of human behaYIOr T,.,. cour .. 1ntegr11es ~. 1n1w payCl>IC, tnCI .oc••tl>ehaYIOral PtWll>9Cll-on human triaughl --Mejor unl11 inc..-~ b-ot t>eh1Y10r -Ion ona PtWQeP11on. mot1•111on ~and....,_., matUtotton and ~·I ptf-ly ""° -pe)'ChOIOgy Chlld PsychologJ -"The Growing Y••r•" PaychologJ 115 Tldlet #5110 -3 Unit• .. A al"°'f al ,,.,. lnte<play ol l>iOIOglCIJ lac10<•. human tnt.,1C11on .oc1aJ llruct111t , ancJ 01,,.. cultural l0<c.ee •n ~ lf>e gtO#ing cnokl eo • .,, 0<ena111 tnaougn ldola•~t '*'°"" "F .. t Forwerd" -Soclel 8ci.nC41 140 Tichi #5120 -2'Untto• "Fu t F.,,...atd" ie t COWM •~•• Oem)'ttllles ind human11n lathno4Gqy Doth Iha 1ec:hno40gy ol IOCl1y ancJ .,.,. tecl\nolog)I ot ,,.,. 1mmao101e luture ~.....,,bled, Nell -i. flllacl wll~ 1nlotma110t1 allOut dlfl.,..,I tlj)eCll Of Iha taellnology IJlllCtlng OU< -1tcMOIOQY "' UM 1odar and ta<:hnOloVY atll 1n the llboratory ~ut Fon.ard • Qoel .. tno toue111on 01 ·•• .. -·-· ·,.,. -loola ,,,.,. ~ _..,, ·-- Introduction to Soclology -"Focu• on Society" 8oclology 100 Ticket "5130 -3 Unite An 111tt0ducl10n 10 ,,.,. telentifle t1uclY ol human sod.Iv Ind toeral l>t!lt..o< an W'~ o• ~ lt'ltet,eteuonl!Npt and "um.,. QfOUP oro•~z•tt0n1 <u!lute , IOCloM O•fleter>liallon. encl IOCllf tnll~Ultonl ·rransfres to California State lnlversity & College system. ··Transfers to University of California system and the California State University & College system. YOU ARE NOT ALONE WITH A COASTLINE TELECOURSE ACT TODA·Y WRITE OR CALL A telecourse includes telelessons, readings, interaction with expert faculty on the telephone and at optional review sessions, and tests designed to measure and expand the individual's understanding of the subject. These courses are broadcast on Channel 50, on Los Angeles TV stations, on Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Stanton, and Westminster (EDU-CABLE, Channel 35) and on Teleprompter of Newport Beach (Channel 26/M). Courses are broadcast at several different times each week and are also available for viewing at your convenience at the Golden West College Library/Media Center, the Mesa Verde Leaming Center and the Huntington Beach, Newport Beach-Mariners, Seal Beach-Mary Wilson, and fountain Valley public libraries. COAST LIN. COMMUN ITY COL LEGE ·-----------------------------Telephone I Malt To: I I I I I I· I I I I I Summer TelecourM1 Coaetltne Community Collea•, 10231 &later Ave., Fountain Valley, 92708. Name ------------------ Address ---------------- CltY ---------------- I CA.,-------------~-L----------~-------~----~---~ 962-2211 24-hour Telecourae Hotllne Registration forms and Information wlll be malled at no charge to you. • .-eu known brand bikini• ind o"e pifo.c~ 1ultt nallable tos.11. ....................................... .-. ......................................... .. ........... Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Tue1day, June 22, 198i • Al Goodb.Ye Dolly Slzwer movins back to Na shville Country 1ln1e~ Dolly Puson 11 _l_A ____ E_l _/_fA_C_E_I __ IH)\J\( O f I ,, ll (_lRI"'<' .\1 'I I.'/\ llllH' "ll "11,. •. '"'' 1.· i" "" I ~,' .~ ''··' ,, RUFFELL'S U'HOLSTlltY ........ -,... lfU HAlllOI IL.VD. COSTA Mii.A -141·1 IH, C111142• HTI. Put 1 few word• to work for ou. f!'OVlnl her bue ot operalloN out of c.allfomla and back to Nuhvll11.1 In line wt\h plana to divide her lnteretta liii;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~W'Mft bualne. and 10ngwrillng. winning a sJot machln jla<;kpot valued APWl~o CO NV E R SATIONALISTS -Robert o Rossellini, the son of Ingrid Bergman and late movie director Rober t Rossellini, s hares conversation with Grace Barling of New Jersey after the two met at New York's Xenon disco. Lottery jackpot largest Mill Parton Mid the would lign 8 at almoet $400,000 contract w ith Tree International. Mlcbael Wllltam Carr of North whent ah once worked u a •~ff Hollywood hit the iackpot et th~ wrtter,to handlehermualc publiahlnf MOM Grand Hott-l·Re no a fter lnteretu . tnvetll1't l ~ houn and $1~0. Miu Patton uld the dedalon wu MOM apokesman Toro Enaelman f>AJ'l of her teeond "aeven-year plan." aaid Carr was In Reno for the flrst TM ti.rat plan wu to branch out from time on a bualneaa trip. country mua{c into pop mu.ale and movies. A former member of the notorioua Cbarlet MUIOD "family" hu been charged wtth tak1na off her blouae on a atreet packed with .motorcycle raoe fans, police aaid ln Laconia, N.H. Linda ~rl1tlan. former ly Linda Kasablan. was charged with indecent expo1ure and released on personal reoognir.anoe pending a J uJy court date, said Lt. Larry Pond. He said Ms. Chri1tian, who turned 33 Monday, gave her address as Nashua. A 27-year-old Southern California security consuJtant should be feeling at leruit a little more secure today aft.er Sen. Cbarle1 H. Percy, R-lll .. aaya he plane to run in 198~ for hia fourth ~ In the Senate. Alex DlerW1l111 dropped by to pick up a bottle of wine. Coet: $900. The price tag on the 1942 Beaulieu Private Relerve cabemet sauvignon made it the most expensive single bottle purchased at the second annual Napa Valley Wine auction. the world's largest showcase of California wines. Dierkhising of Cahstoga's Silverado Restaurant was one of 275 bidders who spent more than $240,000 for 425 lots of wines at the l'vent, which drew customers to St Ht'lena from across the nataon. Heuben"s Newport Beach Introduces our OYSTER BAR • Shrimp Cocktail $1 .25 •Oysters on Half Shell $2.50 Raw Shot .50 Along with other great Items. Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4 to 8 p.m. Giant Well Cocktails 251 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH 673-1505 .. HARRISBURG. Pa. (AP) A s uburba n Philadelph ia mother of four has won $5.5 million by buy ing a $1 P e nnsylvania Lotto ticket, making her the largest lottery jackpot winne r in the nation, off icials said. L o t te r y Burea u director L y nn Nelson identified the winner Monday as Dorothy Thomas , 5-2, of Havertown, a western suburb of PhiJadelphia. N e l son said Mrs. Thomas 1s a customer servlce representative at Girard Bank . H e r hus band, John. is an employee of the PostaJ Workers Credit Union in Philadelphia. They have tw o so n s and two daughters. Republic'S . led out all the stops to DETROIT and MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL. Pennsylvania's 't e levi sed wee kly drawing was conducted Frid ay night , but officials didn't know who the winner wa!' until Mrs. Thomas contacted a television s tation Monday to say s h e held the winning ticket. Nelson said. Trucks recalled by Ford DETROIT (AP) F o rd M o tor Co . is recalling about 2.300 1982 C-and CT-series trucks and 1981 and 1982 CL-and CLT-series trucks which may have a steering pa rt made of incor r ect s teel, the automaker said. The trucks could lose steerirtg capability if the p art f a iled, but no accide nts due to the pro bl e m have been reported, said Robert H. Transou, manager of F o rd 's se rvi ce en~eering office. The automaker said the supplier of th e part -a universal joint yoke in the st eering s haft assembly-ootified-F th at the parts manufactured over an 11 -month period may be of the wrong steel and couJd detach at a weld. Repairs will be made without charge, Ford said. Ford said some of the problem parts also may h ave been sol d as replacement part• for older model Ford trucks. Those mod els include 1978-1982 CL-a nd CLT-9000, 1966-1982 C-500 through C-9000 and 1971-1975 F-100 and F -250 4 -by-4 light truck.I. • • . - Celebrity Service NonStops. Republic's Celebrity Serv;ce, new nonstops from Los Angeles International. Two a day to Detroit. Three a day to Minneapol is/ St. Poul. Wrth star treatment all the way: convenient schedules, to fit your own. Discount fares, to save you money. A deligh1ful dtte of entrees, to please your palate. And more. New One-Airline Service East. Republic's new nonstops open a world of new connections. New on~stops to New York's LoGuardia. New ways to Boston, Bahimore, Chicago, Memphis, Milwaukee, Montreal, Toronto, Washington, D.C. (National}, plus many cities in Mich~an-over 30 midwestem and eastern cities in all. Now you con fly Republic all the way. ~New Four-Aitport · Convenience. Republic serves all four airports: LA International, Ora~e Countis John VVoyne, Ontario/Riverside, and aurbank. On Republic, you can fly to more cities than on any other airline, from the airport that's best fur you. Come Aboard. Our new Detroit and Minneapolis/ St. Poul nonstops, new service to the midwest and east, and low discount fores will save you time and money. Our famous persona l attention will hove you smiling from here to there. Coll your travel agent or Republic Airlines: Los Angeles (21.1) 772- 5100; Burbank 1213) 247-8333; Orange County, Santo Ano and Anaheim (714) 540-2060 or Ontario/Riverside (714) 988-8585. TIY /fDD Service available for the speech/hearing impaired at 1-800-328-2213. Dally Nonstops from LAX Deport To Detroit 8:40am 12:40pm Returns To Los Angeles 8:15am --4:3QJm To MplslSt. Paul 8:45am 11:30am 6:45pm Retums To Los Ar19el11 9:15am 1:00pm 5:40pm Official ..lirline of the Lakers and the Kings. Arrive 3:45pm 7:45pm 9:45am _6:0Qpm 2:00pm 4:45pm 11 :59pm 10:45am 2:30pm 7:10pm ·K~s --7 'Al Or1nge Ooat• DAILY P1LOTITUMdty, June 1212, uaea Talented teachers lost under seniority system A young, dcd1cutcd Lutln teacher at Coronu dl'l Mar High School is out of a job because of n Sla t e-manda tcd s y s t e m tha t rewards s onl o l'it y but n o t hecessarily <.'Ornpctency. No matter tha t earlier thU; year Michele Cella w w; cited as one of Orange County's mos t ou tst~nd1 ng t e a c her by the county Board of E.ciucation . No matter thut a year 1tgo. under her leaders hip, the school's Latin C lub w o n th e s tate sweepstakes award in <.'Ompetition with other high school Latin clubs Crom throughout California. No matter tha t, under her guidance, the K eyw a ne ttcs, a girls' service club on the campus, bec ame th e o nl y s tud e nt organji.at1on in Orange County to win a $5,000 grant in Disneyland's annual public service program. No n1atter tha t Michele Cella is admired and respected by he r students, her colleagues a nd he r superiors. None of that counL4'. What counts is that Michele Cella h as the mis fortune of having started her teaching career in the Newport-Mesa Unified S ch ool Dis trict at a time when the dis trict is losing enrollment and must trim the ranks of its teache rs. And that state law requires the least senior persons to be laid off first. "We aren't allowed to Lake compe tency into coneidention when we're layina off," a district administrator explaJned. Well, if that's that law, it ought to be changed. Not just because of Michele Cella. She's a good example, but she's not the only bright, young teacher being pushed out of the classroom by the seniority system. There are others in the Newport- Mesa district this year and there are other school dlStricts around t he state where the same scenario is being played out. N o w . don 't mis r e ad us. S e niority , by its elf, is n 't necessarily a bad thing. Teachers, like people in other lines of work, grow with age and experience and tx-come better at what they do. And some stagnate, jus t Hke some people in other fields. And, in any field, there must be room for ne w blood. The question is this: Can our st'hools afford to lose people like Michele Cella in the n~e o( a system that recognizes seniority as the sole benchmark for deciding who s h o uld be teaching o ur children? The answe r from s tudents, parents, school people, legislators and just plain taxpayers s hould be a resounding "NO." An illogical bill A highly con t rove rsial bill that would penalize firms obliged to close plants or otherwise curtail operations still clings to a thread of life. The thread should be cut a nd th e wh o le r i di c u lo u s procedure brought to a halt. A sse mbl y B i ll 28 3 9 b y Assemblywoman Maxme Waters. 0 -Los Ange les, was passed by the Assembly C o mmittee on La bo r and Employm e nt, but bogge d down last week in the Ways and M ea n s C o mm i ttee, d es pite ameliorating a mendme nts. But neither M rs Waters nor the very vocal organized labor de legation supporting the measure intends to give up. Among othe r thmgs. the measure would. -Require employers to 'give w o rke rs six m on t h s ' a d vance notice before closing a plan t or reducing the work force by 25 perc ent or m o r e . An earlit>r vers10n sough t u p to 20 mon ths' advance notice. -P a v workers one Wt'<'.'k's wages for· each year of serv ice. w1 th a ont•-w et•k bonus for l'a<: h five yea r s o f se rv1tc a n d c1 minimum payment o f th r cC' weeks' wages . The fi rs t version called for payme nt ot 85 perc ·nt of the prior year's w ages. -Continue an e mployee's health a nd insuranc:e benefits for one year, or u ntil the employct> finds a n othN JOb wher e suc:h benefits are covered. The o rigina l btll targe te d firms with 50 or more employees. Tha t has been amended to cover firms employmg an avcrc1gt• of JOO in the stale. or 2,000 worldwide. with an average of 50 C'mploy<.'t'!> a t any single location A "reduction in operations," under the b ill, w ould mean an y • action a ffecting 25 percent of the 1~mployees at one location or 15, people, whichever is greater. Failure to comply with these re q uire m e nts could lead to a penalty of up to $10.000 for each i ffected employee. There is n o doubt that plant ::losures and staff reductions have hit hard in many areas, and Mrs. Waters' s ympathy for t h e s udd e nly jobl es s is understandable. What 1s difficult ta comprehend is the inability of supporte rs of this bill to see the potentjally bleak e ffect it could• h ave o n Cali fornia 's bus iness climate. Sometimes tht> only way to save a business and some o f its Jobs is co cut back staffing, or e ven close down certain operations. And a firm that is forced into this s ituation surely 1s unlike ly to be a ble to hand o ut th e wage benefits, or alte rnatively pay the J)<'nalues suggested in AB 2839. A law such as this not only eo uld precl u de a n y fu t ur e recoverv for trou bled businesses, but undoubtedly would discou1age out-o f-state firms from try ing the waters m California. Meanwhjle, a more practical approach to the une mployme nt pro ble m is pro posed in three separate Senate bills. They would set up a program for retraining d is placed workers, provide transpor.tation services for w o rke rs displaced b y plant closures. and establish r egional cente rs for JOb search assistance and placement. T h ese measures have business and industry support a nd offer a s c•n s 1ble alte rnati ve to the pie-in-the-sk y Assembly bill. Opinions expressed 111 lhe spa'e above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views e1t- pressecl on this page are I hose of their authors and artists. Reaoer 'omment is invit-ed . Address The Da lly Piiot. P 0 Bo1t ISoO, Costa Mesa, CA 92o2o Phone (714) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Punctuation Mark Twain's publis h e r o nce returned a manuscript with the complaint that it lacked sufficient punctuation. Twain copied down a bat.ch of punctuation marks, and sent them back with the script plus a note inviting the publisher to put them in wherever he wanted them You've read that hquor is now prohibited in Iran. This has generated a mark et there for little stills . Conrespondents say countless households in Teheran have small cookers to distill alcohol for vodka. Henry Harraon. gave the longest U.S . Presidential address -two ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot 11'11!111-"""Ur el llw yfff •I \lit W•>I 9•r ~I C..i• Mt .. "00<"'' tott••-• to "-• IMO C:.-1• flolleM. (A tlt~ hours -to start the shortest U.S. Presidential tenn -30 days. Q . When was the first of the student protests? A. First in the record at hand was the Gre u Butter n e bellion at Harvard in 1766. The student battle cry was: "Lo, our butter stinketh!" Also on that list of popular chewing tobacros late in the last century was a brand called "Naughty But Oh So Nice." Out-of-wedlock births increased by 50 percent in this country during the last I 0 years. Thomas P. H.lley Publisher Thomas A. Mvrpttln• Editor B~rbara Krelblch Edltorla1 Page Editor • I Water next national issue? DETROIT -What 1r oil was discovered in Michigan -a lot of it? Billions and billions of barrels. Or water? Well, there is water all aound the most troubled state -the one with the highest unemployment -in our great union. Lake Michigan. Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Erie all touch the Saudi Arabia of water. There is enough wa ter in Michigan and other Great Lakes stales to build a country. THAT COUNTRY will be in the desert states of the West and Southwest. One day parts of the United StateS that are now depressed. in both the North and the South, will boom as planning and construction begin to pump the water from the North {of both the U.S. and Canada) to San Bernardino County, Calif.. and Phoenix, Ariz .. and El Paso, Texas, and a hundred places that don't even exist now. .. And there will be feudin'. fussin'·and a'fightin' over the ownership and the price of every drop of the stuff that makes life possible -just as there is struggle and negotiation now over oil, the stuff that makes mass lux ury possible. In fact, the fighting began last weekend on Mackinac Island. Mich Governors of four Midwestern states met there for two days to discuss the future of the lakes, which contain 99 ~ ~--------------------~ ...,~; RICHARD RllVIS 1'i • percent of America's fresh surface water. That's right, Sunbelters, 99 percent. Another statistic: The Great Lakes account for one-fifth of the world's fresh water. Those numbers mean a great deal - and, possibly a great future -for the United States in general and the Midwest in particular. So does this number: Eighty-five percent of the water "consumed" in the United States is consumed by 17 growing West.em states. "Consumed water" is water not returned to its original source; western water just runs to the sea. "l am c.'Qnvi nced that the availability or adequate supplies or fresh water is the coming national and international resource issue of this decade," said Michigan Gov. William Milliken. "The wa ter crisis of the 1980s and the 199-0s will rival thl' oil crisis of the 1970s." "AS FAR AS I am ooncemed, the only water that comes out of this region is in bottles and cans with malt and barley," said Lee Dre yfus , the governor of W1SCOnsm. a state with a major beer industry Wisconsin. a si.ate with a major beer industry. He's kidding -a little Water soon will give some depressed areas of the country the bargammg chips to play with the oil and rruneraJ states again. (Even if federal courts should one day rule that the water is nationally owned, the pipelines and channels will have to pass through states like Michigan.) So. let the water wars begin. All parts of the United States will be better off as they become more and more dependent on each other for the sturf of life and luxury. There's coIDfort • Ill memorized words Teachers are no longer making pupils memorize things as much as they used to, according to a news story I read the other day. Those in favor or making kids memorize things, hold up your hands. Those aga.i.rut? When I had to memorize things. I thought it was stupid. It didn't seem to me as though learning something by heart had anything to do with an education. The phrase ''to learn by heart" suggests tt~at memoriting has nothing to do with the part of the brain we think with and yet today rm not so opposed to memorizing a few things as I used to be. IT MAY BE idiocy to learn something by heart but there's a great comfort in knowing all the words to a long. weU - wri tten passage. Like an old friend, familiar words are nice to have around sometimes. It was probably true that the worst teachers made you do the most memorizing, but once you've done it you have something that stays with you. Maybe it's only to laugh about with your classmates when you meet 20 years out of school. but you have it. Nothing in the world could convince me that the quality of mercy is strained, for example. I learned that the quality of mercy is not strained, when I was 14, and I've never forgotten it. Furthermore, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. upon the place beneath. I could no more forget that than my name. If you start thinking about it, you'll be surprised at bow many things you learned by rote. In my school we started with the alphabet and the multiplication tables. Sometimes now I have t.o stop and thi~k for a minute whether 9 ti.mes 7 is 54 or 6~, but I can .always start from the beginning and get the right answer. I'm told that some schools aren't even making kids learn the multiplication tables anymore. They all have computers! I bate myself for having turned so conservative about some things, but l don't think it's a bad idea to make kids memorize a few things. l don't kn<?w as ANDY ROONIY Henry Wadsworth Longfellow does much for them, but the preamble to the Constituuon is pretty good stuff to have permanently in your head. "We, the People of the Uruted States. in order to form a more perfect union . . . "are magnificent words expressing a profoundly important idea. and we shouldn't forget them. Most of us have in our heads hundreds of fragments of poems and hmg segments of prose. We don't use them much but ihey're nice to have up there. They're like the chairs in a room you don't sit in very often. They're good for special occasions. In my high school poetry book there were two paems on one pa,1te written Leigh Hunt. We had to memorize Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase). and I hated it. The second poem on the same page is one l loved and have never torgotten. "Jenny kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat-in; Time. you thief. you love to get Sweets mto your list, put that in; Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have missed me, Say I'm growing old, but add, Jenny kissed me." The things y ou memorize inadvertently, as I memorized that, are probably better than the things you have to memorize. ONE OF THE things in my repertoire now is Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad~. I learned it not in school but working with Harry Reasoner. When you're rilming something. the sound man asks the person doing the talking for a voice level so that he can adjust the dials on his recorder. Some people, when asked to do t hlS by the sound techrucian. merely count off "Testing one. two. three testing, testing. one, two, three." Harry always gave the soundman Linc oln's Gettysburg Address . "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth ... " he'd say. Sometimes he'd only get through a few lines before the technician stopped him and said, "That's fine." Sometimes. though. he'd go the whole way through It, and after listening to Harry recite it several hundred times, [ learned the whole thing myself. IC you're ever over t.o my house for dinner. l'IJ give you the Gettysburg Addr e s s . L e wis Carroll 's ''Jabberwocky," half a dozen short poems by Robert Browning, and Jack and Jill in Latin. "Jack et Jill quaerentes fontem Ascendebat parvum montem" is thf way it begms . Nations' vow to 'humanize' war forgotten It was exactly 75 years ago this summer that the great "civilized nations" of the world ratified the Hague Convention of 1907, which was widely hailed as an epoch-making step forward in "humanizing" warfare. Under the terms o f the Hague Convention, all the great nations agreed ~ IYllH HARRIS ~. that the "laws" or war did not allow • unarmed civi.llanl to be killed, and that belllgerenta dld not h ave unUmlted righta to obliterate the enemy by any means at their dlapoeal. Since that time, of coune. the IO· called civilized nadona of I.he world have become more, not lem, ~. World Wan I and n were bad cnoucb in terms of civilian atrocities; w)\at hu been bulldln1 up 1lnce those relatlvely innocent days la ~ to make Attila the Hun ..m 1Uce ~ Nfchtinale. War la n ow nothln1 leu tnan wholesale murdu. Nuclear .w=• make no dllt1nction between tlnl men and the1r women and dten. Wars will no longer be "declared," but simply launched; battle lines will mean nothing; and "international Laws" will be impudently Oouted whenever it suits national purpose or design. The purpose of a government and its military infrastructure is to defend and protect its popuh~ion . Thla is now utterly lmposmble. The most It csn do is threaten retaliation. What nuclear weapons have done, ln effect., is to render national governments weaker, not stro"itt-for they can no lon~ serve their prime purpoee. and thell' dvtlian populations are virtually defenaele9!1 against nuclear attack . GIVEN TUE preeent range and power of the.e new weapone, ft la precisely the dties of the enemy \hat are the prime targets. All that our expensiv4; amwnm.ta can prom.lie la that we will do the ame to them N they can do to ua. No nation can safeguard. the lives of Ua own people. • At the Ha1ue ConwnUon, lt wu declared to be~ the laW'I of war kif' armtd {~ to Wee holtal8 wh~ Uva would auatantee 1Ubmilllon. Now, total popu.lati<Jna are ~ and ever\ the future of our tpedes may be at stake -through environmenta l contamination. if not by a direct hit from one of the thousands of warheads we and Russia (and G<>d knows who else) are insanely piling up. ThJs is madness to the nth degree, as we have lately been warned by so doughty a warrior as Adm. Rickover, who promoted the atomic submarine before he became aware of its d.iautrous consequences. If the end purpoae of war is victory, and not just revehge, it is past time to tell the other admirals and generals that their ln.atitution ia obeole~. llllll• Waan't our le.gal syatem orl1lnally designed to protec:\ the lnnocent and pUJ\iah the gulltlYf o..._,._~.,......._~~ ... •• -·•Utl'ltYNfl ........................ . _ ... ~ .... o.11, ... ... .. Illy Piiat TUESOAV, JUNE 22. 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 84 85 ~' ~--~ ~ Conrad exudes indomitable · spirit DATELINE NORTH ST ATES: So many degrees are granted at commencement at the University of California, Davis, that they do it in shifts. One commencement at 9 a.m. Saturday, another at 2 p.m. Handing out the certificates to happy graduates is almost an assembly line production. But at UC Davis, there was one most poignant moment. It came when 22-year-old Anna Conrad, who survived an Alpine Meadows Ski Resort Avalanche after being buried alive five days under snow packs, walked across the st.age on crutches to receive --------~ her diploma. TOM MUllPHINI ~.~', TH-AT .STOPPED THE SHOW as she was given a st.anding ovation by her fellow graduates. The television and r<ews cameras were in action and so most folks saw her on TV as she made the difficult st.age crossing to get her degree in wildlife and fisheries biology. What most people didn't see was that UC officials had moved uniform police officers in at both the entry and exit ramps to aid the girl who had suffered an amputation after her ordeal. / SHE CROSSED THE st.age to pick up her certificate unaided. When she came to the downramp to leave the Avalanche survivor Anna Conrad cros.'>ing UC Davis gradun11on stdge st.age, the officer stationed at that end moved up and reached to help her down. You couldn't hear what she said against the din of applause when she waved off the officer, but you could read her lips. "I can make it," she said. You bet she can. *** OTHER NORTHERN NOTES: Never in memory of your correspondent have so many automobiles, campers and like vehicles been seen stranded, broken down or wrecked along Route 99 and Interstate 405 as was witnessed on this trek to the northland. We must be suffering some kind of statewide highway disease. Among things you can't help noticing: The closer you get to Sacramento, the better the landscape plantings gets in freeway center dividers and along the roadsides and at the interchanges. Additionally, when compared to our Southern California freeway system, all the freeway signs up north seem to. have lighting that works. v MAYBE THE FREEWAYS are just kept in oeu.er repair the closer you get to Sacra.mento, where the lawmakers hang out. You notice the darkened signs partiwlarly in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Near the county line where one freeway directional placard was tot.ally dark, there was a brightly lit, but blank billboard alongside the lanes. It carried one very small message that proclaimed: ''This Space for Rent." Maybe Caltrans should take them up on the offer. Suspect in double slayings charged A 41-year-old mechanic's helper arrested in Mexico last week has been charged with the savage knife and meat cleaver ,!aylngs of his estranged wlfe ln-d her mother In their Huntington Beach home. According to the complaint flied In Weat Orange County Munldpal Court, defendant Rene Florel llayco waa charged with twocouhta of murder, two counts of robbery and a single count of burglary. He also was charged with 10 additional allegations that could lead to lrnposition oC the death penalty, including two counts alleging that the slayinp were "especially heinous, atrocious and cruel, manifesting exceptional depravity." Huntington Beach police dl8covered the mutilated bodies Delly Piiot ltaff Photo BLIND MASSEUSE -Jan Graves of Huntington Beach holds her guide dog, Sean. She is one of few blind people to become proficient in physical therapy. • IMPORTED GAIETY -Suzanne Akullian, 17, of Irvine, was happy when Norma Hertzog crowned her Midsummer Queen. But Lina Larsson, 3, of Corona del Mar was having the most fun dancing around the Midsummer Pole in Cost.a Mesa's TeWinkle Park. Torsten and Madeleine Lundgren entertained at the festival sponsored by the Swedish Women's F.ducation Association. , tar of "Oppenheimer" says series "is not 0 ·D really hi tory -it's like current events." BS Sights set Blind woman a masseuse By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the OMIJ lttlot aa.n At 48 , Jan Graves o r Hunungton Beach has overcome some personal hardships and embarked on a new career. Four years ago, a combination of illnesses left h e r blind. Anxlous to remain active and independent, she began training· for employment in word processi ng and medi c al transcribing. "But I just couldn't see myself sitting there all day doing that," she says. "I'm a very physical, athletic person." A friend suggested she obtain training to become a masseuse. One s tate rehabilitation supervisor advised against 1 t, saying it is a profession too many blind people enter. But with another c:ounselor's encouragement, Jan enrolled in the Academy of Health Sciences in Garden Grove. She was required to complete 300 hours of study m anatomy, physiology, massage technique, business practices and the laws governing massage. Jan was the only blind person in her class. "I was supposed to have a reader, but l didn't," she recalls. "But.I had the t extbook translated into Braille by the Transcribers of Orange County " .. Arter tompleting her training, Jan began looking for a job, contacting health clubs and beauty shops. She was finally given a chance to work at the Sand Crab Hair Designs Shop in Huntington Beach. She acknowledged that the an of massage has acquired a shad) connota tion because of some 11legal practices within "massagE parlors " But Jan believes tha 1 legitimate massage should more properly be classified as a fonn ol health therapy. S he said it aids ir relaxation, improves cirtulallor a nd helps in w eig ht losi programs. Being blmd has no t necessaril) been a drawback. "I think customers have fel• much mort> c:omfortable with IT\( than with other people," sh< says. "Everyone is te nse the first time yC)u give them a massage But thl'y lighten up very quickly Today, with the help or he1 ne wly acquired guide dog, < black Labrador retriever namec Sean. Jan 1s achieving her goal ol independence. Before she became bhnd, Jar said s h e was an e nthusiasti< runner and tennis player "My goal n ow 1s to s tar running agam at the Echson H1gl School track:· she says D•llr Piiot Phot09 b)' G•rr AmbrOM Orano• OOllt OAILV fttLOTftullday, June 22, 18ta •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMB ECK •HOROSCOPE Troubles • easier to handle when nipped early DEAR ANN LANDERS: Regarding the reader who called her clergyman while in a 1tate of hy1t.erh• and yelled, "I'm golna to commit sulclde!" (He replied, "You'll have to make an appointment.") My husband (a Methodist minister) received an urgent call from a distressed parishioner while we were ln the middle of :l bitter argument. I was accusing him of never being home· to help with our four oreschoolers, never taking a day off. always :>eing involved in problem-solving for nembers of his flock and n ever being • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA ...... . . 'ag1ttar1us: .fo'1rney due 'bursday, June 24 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aura of omance prevails; domestic t ranquility eturns following stormy ~ions. Focus on hange, speculation, variety, entertainment nd physical attraction. Personal magnetism :>arS, member of opposite sex cares. TAURUS (ApriJ 20-May 20): Protect roperty interests. Check payment schedule. le a ware of legal loopholes. Focus on ?Curity. safety measures. authority figures nd ways of lifting restrictions. Cancer. i.sces, Virgo natives figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Relatives ~m to think they know what's best for ou. Be flexible, but know when to draw ne. SpeciaJ relationship is highlighted and 1cludes financial, emotion.al involvement. ong-t.enn agreements command attention. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cash flow !Sumes once you are rid of burden which ·as not your own in first place. Emphasis on ayments, collection. consolidation of asaets. btain professional appraisal, be aware of :counting procedures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You become 1ore inde pendent in thou"ht, action. mphasis on new starts, fresh approach ld innovative procedures. Aquarius and lOther Leo play important roles. It is time >r cold plunge into future. Romance is ighlighted. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emotion.al wolvement could lead to clandestine 1eeting. Much that pccurs is behind scenes, ery private and requires utmost discretion . 1tuitive intellect serves as reliable guide. ·ou'll know what to do. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Diversify, 1Splay versatility and be willing to chuckle . your own foibles. Popularity increases, ld invitations multiply. Forces tend to be ·attered, constructive activity features ·tistic endeavors. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be ;ked to revamp, revise and to make special ~port for supervisor, superior. Focus on ireer , prestige, community project and ealings with authority, including overnment officials. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): ccent on travel, education, spiritual , evelopment ability to communicate in raphic manner. Focus also on publishing, pecial r elationship and a variety of ?nsations. C4PRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Major omestic adjustment highlights scenario. 'inancial structure also comes into sharp, lear focus. Budget program would be Jnstructive. Taurus. Libra. Scorpio persons tgure prominently. . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Define mns, lie low, go slow. avoid self-deception . 'ay more attention to public relations, be ware of imai-e and remember ~mmitment_ J one who sacrificed for your benefit . PISCES (Feb . 10-M arc h 20): :oncentrate on tasks which have been lelayed or ignored. Chances for major dvancement are heightened. You require olid base, ample quarters and authority to nake m oney decisions. available when 1 ha~ a problem l had JUSt threatened him with a divorce when the phone rang. A word, please, to those folks who call their clergyman for help with personal problems. Don't wait until you are suicidal. So many people fail to reach out until they are seriously disturbed. Troubles nipped early are much euier to deal with. - SORRY IF I MADE MY HUSBAND LOOK BAD Now that he can't perform, he keeps accusing me of having affairs with our minister. the mailman and our son'!J teacher. Hla theory: "Nobody can get along without sex. You muat be seeing 10mebody.'' I am sorry that my husband has high blood pressure and the medication has made him impotent, but I au.re wish he would get off my cue. Can G':'i:Y 10mething to help? -TIRED OF D DIN~ MYSELF IN CLEVELAND DeAR SORRY: No apologies are necessary. Charity be1Jn1 at home. DEAR TIRED: Ya, I can, but I'm afraid yoa don't want to lllear It. The help ls for _.IM -not yoa. There are many different kllld1 of medication for high blood pressure. U one /rodace1 impotence, the pbyslclaa shoal change to another . A caring doctor may try tllree or four before be b1t1 on one tbat helps the patient and leaves bis macho intact. Have a good day. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Will you please say something about an old, worn-out s tud who is impotent? We have been married for 30 years. 1 do not now. nor have I ever enjoyed sex. In his heyday my husband was aft.er me alJ the time. He was so persistent I decided early in our marriage to go along, fake it (like millions of other wives) and not hurt his feelings. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I didn't care for your answer to the mother whoge daughter moved out and kept the keys to VERSATILE INSTRUMENT -Bertram Turetzky plays the double bass in his studio at his Del Mar home. The performer and teacher is credited with making composers and music u W\rephoto lovers aware that the double bass. also known as the contrabass, is a versatile solo instrument and not just an accompanying piece in an orchestra. ' • GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. North deals. NORTH • Q854 <::I A9 0 KQ64 +Q93 WEST EAST •A97 •Jt032 <::1 754 <::I K10632 0.972 0 85 +AJ104 +62 SOUTH • K6 <::I QJ8 o A J 103 •K875 The bidding: Nerth Eut I O I <:;> Pua P ... P ... Pua Soutll Welt 3 0 s <::I 3NT PaN Opening lead: ~even or <:;>. We are pleased to report that the brilliant French in· ternationalist Henri Svare reads our column. The situa· lion he faced recently is one that we have frequently discussed, and Svare made no mistake. If you have represented your cou ntry with distinction over some 20 years. you. too, can overcall one heart on the East cards, as Svare did. We do not recommend it for other playert. But it set the stage for a fine defense. West led the seven of hearts. Declarer played the nine from dummy and Svare followed with the ten! Since his hand was entryless, it was essential for him to preserve communications with his partner in the heart suit. Observe that. if he had gone up with the king of hearts, declarer might have made his contract. Declarer won the jack of heirrtt: en1red out three rounds of diamonds. ending in dummy. and then led a spade to the king and ace. West continued with a heart to the ace. Declarer now turned his attention to clubs. But w~en the king of clubs lost to \he ace, West still had a heart to lead to his partner's king. Svare could take three heart tricks to defeat the contract one trick. We often stress lo our readers that the hands discussed in this column have practical applications. We are delighted that our good friend Henri has given us another opportunity to make this point. Perhaps, if you study this column dili· gently -and every day-you might play as well as Svare! Have yn been nuaahaa la- te cleuble trouble? Let Chutff Gerea help yolt flAd year way Llanqti the mue ef DOUBLES for peaalt.Je1 net ler &ak .. ut F~eopy of 1aia DOUBLES boeklet, Hiid H .85 t. "Geren·Doublea," care of dd1 aew1paper, P.O. Bu 259, Norwoed, N.J . 0'16'8. Make cheek1 payable i. Newapaperboob. 1Celehrity auctions disturbing \p reader Q: We dlda't think It WH flttlnl and 1 roper for Blng Cro1by'1 widow to aacdna ' ff macll of Ills penoaal beloollap Md 1 1emorabllla. Now we bear tiat some 1 lings belondll1 to Jobn Wayae J•t met tile : ame fate. fa tlai1 true? -Marcia and El I lcD., Tulsa, O~a. A: Yes. However, the money raJ9ed for 1e Duke's collectibles goes to the Wayne 1 'ancer Cl.i.nic at UCLA. Prior to the lat.eet 1 uction. more than $~.000 had been rai8ed 1 >r the clinic by merch.andlsinc the actor'• 'ems. Q: WUll all &lie '1e1al nl ftl11al ehl1en comn1 tnto tMI c••b"t ..._ ' days, I wa1 cartoa1 to bow lf you could find tM UIWer to this qMttion. How many ~,. came here daring tlle peak yean ef ERl1 lslud? A.ad bow many were .. teat ba~ to t.lletr native lands? -Rebecca B., New Raven, Coan. --· PllSOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARIL 'ffl ANO HY GARONER perfectly OK for residents of nudist colonies to wear boots -now that they're being manufactured with pockets! Se.nd your questions t.o Hy Gardner, •()Jad You Aak«l That," Jn care of the DeJJy />IJOt, P.O. Box 1'61D, Irvine, c.JJI, gJ7J4. ~ *td Hy °'1rdl»t'. Will Ml'"" -,,,.,., •• ._ • ,,.,, aua in their awam. bur . Cl» iWUiJ» OI m.JJ inMcw pei*iNl replies lnipo81ble. a ANN UNDEIS ~ . the house. ln my opinion the daughter should have handed thl' k<•ys over when her mother asked for them. I have five children They all moved out so they could do their own thing. Not one of those kids ever offered to give me the keys to their apartment. Not long ago, when I asked them to return the keys to the house, their noses were out of joint. Well, that's just too bad. They can walk 1n on ME, but Cod forbid I should ever walk m on one of them! I'm signing this -YOUR IRATE MCYrHER DEAR IRA TE: You certainly have a point, but those children LIVED at home - whlcb is ~wlay they bad the keys. I see no reason for them to give YOU the keys to their apartments -unless, of coarse, they want you to come in and clean up or do tbe laundry. Now that you are living alone and would like your privacy, you have every rlgbt to ask that they band the keys over - and they should do so without hesitation. "Sexual freedom " presents a difficult decision for teen-agers and their parents. Ann Landers offers down-to-earth advice in her new booklet. "High School Sex and How to Deal With 'It -A Guide for Teens and Their Parents. " For each booklet, send 50 cents plus a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers. P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. ERMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END Snakes drive her wacko A snake was sighted in our front yard two days ago by a sober person who has no wish to make a name for himself nor a reason to lie. He described the snake as "harmless, non-aggressive, and good to have around." He believed that. He is fooling no one. The snake is 13 feet long. has fangs that drip human blood, is pregnant, and has the capacity to open doors with a pass key. THE TRICK IS NOT to overreact to news of this sort, which is why I put some distance (15 minutes) between the time I was told about the snake and when I actually contacted my realtor with orders to "Sell!" It must be apparent that I am te rrified of snakes. There is possibly only one thing that strikes more fear in my heart and that 1s being in a room alone with a person who def ends them. You just know they are people with one oar out of the water when they say things hke, ''Snakes are good to have around. They get rid of all the unwanted animals." Think about that for a moment. That's like asking the Boston strangler to come sit with you because you're afraid to be alone at night. "Snakes make good pets" is another indication you've got a real wacko on your hands. A pet indeed. Pets bark and chase sticks. Pets sit on the TV set and Lick their feet. Pets lick your hand when a piece of meat drops from your sandwich onto the floor. When the day comes when Barbara Woodhouse slips a chain around a snake's neck and shouts, "Wall<les!" I'll consider it a pet. THE P ERSON WHO REALLY sends rn~ out-ihe door is-ffie serpent over wlio says. "They fear you more than you fear tHem." Did you ever see a snake spot a human being and run on water to get away from him? Did you ever see a snake hearing the words, "Is that a person in the grass?" hyperventilate and sink into a coma? The last person who said to me. "You can overcome your fear if you touch them," is still standing there, holding a .snake . . . in the home where he belongs. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ·~~~----------------------------.................. .... I Errors are box office comedy ASHL.ANO, Or . lAP) -For box office workt1ni IA\ the Ortoaon Shakt'lpeal'«'an l''wtlval, taklnj tlc:ktt ordt.<ra c•n oo a romL'dy of errora. Col\lld •r th\" call~r who tult'phoned for tkketa l.O the ever·populur ''H arold \he Fifth." Or \ho woman who wanted to~-.. thut timt'lt love 1tory, "Romeo and Julio." Tt>rrtll Barton, box ufflt•t• mtmager for the fl .. tlvul, ~Id t-ven the ailmple¥t tltlew get tw111tt'<l by contuat.id theawrgoers. "We kee p a ll1t because tt c ntcr\ulns u s greatly," she u1d "l don't know wht're they come up with somt! of thu11c." One o( thl11 season's highlights, "Comedy of Errors," ror example, has been dubbed "Comedy Bears" and "Henry o! Errors," she said Other titles, such as "Church of England," don't seem to relate to any play. Ms. &rton s~ud a Cew of the variations are obviously Intentional. Someone who apparently heard that "Julius Caesar" was being performed 111 modem , Third World dres:. called for uckets to "Jubo Cesare," she said. Another wag wrote for tickets to "Hank Cinq," a pparently referring to "He nry V." Cinq , pronounced "sank," means five in French Ms. Barton said the non-Shakespearean plays performed by the festival theater haven 't escaped Lhe h41Ylorous garbles. "Spokesong," a play set in an lr1sh bicycle shop, has been transformed foto "Spokewheel," "S pooksong,'' "Soa osong ," "Spo k esman," "Spokesperson ," "Smokesong," "Windsong," "Starsong," "Folksong," "SpokesLone" and the fairly descript1ve "Cycle Shop," she said. "Inherit the Wind," based on the trial or a AU"(IM ll 10110 a. .. o .ru Ill 6U b S1d<l1eu11 591 5880 &JI OJ4n lllEA fOUllTAlll YAlllV OllAllGI Monn a ... Pi••• 519 ~339 ld.,1ro. fo•••••• v.11., 839 1500 S11<11u"' 01639 8110 COSTA MUA IAYIN( O~AlllGI UA C.n1m1 540 0594 Wooob11d1• SS I 0655 UA Co• C1nom1 634 3911 COSTA llllSA lo"''d' C••tMI Ct•u11 11141919 cu1 ROCKY III NOW PLAYING BlllA COSTA MlSA MISSION VllJO OllAllGl UA Mo .. ie tq1bc)I fwlfl Vilf!JO ,_.,.,, O'•rlQe Ot•<Jt' 111 990 •027 611 1~01 e10 699n ··~• ion IUlllA rAllll • llUllTINGTOll al&Cll •OllAllGI W(STMlllSTEll Pac·•< l oncOIO I.I<··•"' lO•••O; "'-• C"'eoomt lO•••O C ,,..... '" 1 tll 41821 •010 8•6 0388 ~)4 7~Sl 8 'I 193~ •COSTA MIU LAGUNA BUCH ..., • .U...ACct"1U•0tt '"'ll.......,...!"•••J Ea .. 010\ (!l.,1u1 Soulh Co•'' ~•O I••• •9• 151 4 * Presenleo 1n 3SmmOQl-...S11.A1C) Make Your Future Something Really Special! Graduating? Changings Jobs?. Starting a New Career or Lifestyle' Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have round new personal horizons to match the chal - lenges ahead Learn everylhing from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come ln today for a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion l~~!,~~!:'~t~rs ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town & Country. Orange (7 14) 54 7·8228 by B.\HRl\11.\ COOl'En The.:;e nufrit jonal I ip<. broughf to 1,1ou by OIFJ CENTER Good hec'llth 1c; " produrl of here<l1ty, environment, nutntmn and exercise Nul ntll)n al def1c1ency, resulting in malnu<rit1on or disease, 1s one of 1he ma1 or prohlems 1n modern soc1e1y despite adequate food supply, primarily because of ignor ance of good nutrition A well balanced diet. rich in all essen11al nutrients, 1s necessary 10 mamtam a healr hy hody and mmd Authorit1E>s have found that a number of diseases can appear when there 1s a deficiency of one or more nutrients. Most diseases caused by such def1oenc1es can be corrected when all essen1ial nutnenls are supplied Howeve1, in some 1ns1ances o f sever'1 de'1r 1cncy, irreparable damage may be donl? Over weight is often a by· product of nutritional def1c1ency. smce foods ldclcing in nulnllon are often high in calories Diet Center can teac.h you to correct over weight and keep it 1n check by eating a totally balanced diet Call your local center today. young a-hoolWttt·hcr who u1ul(ht Darwin's thl'Or)' of evolution , hat beton callC'd auch things lUI ''lnht~rlt the Window" and "Reap the Wind." And "Tht• Jo'uthl·r," t1 tra1tidy t>y Aut(U~t Strindht-rg, hus lx't'n vuru>u•IY rc.'lt'rn.'<i Lu 1t.'j "L1fo With f't1ttwr," "f'~tht<r Know11 '&tit," "Tht• Son," und "The Grtrndtattwr," 11ht• a&ld. When someone Oliks at the box office for a m lxt-d -up title. Ma Barton said, tickl't sl'llers u11ually look qu1wcally at thl' program "They say. 'Hmm, I'm not sure we're doln~ that one this yf:'ar Would you like tickets to this or thal'?" she said. "You know, the l'ustomer's always dght. .. PG • 891 l69J CITY cenTER ~ 1111: lHC ClfV ClPtfRl OM ANGt • 6 l• q/91 I • TRI U~IPH ··A movie of soaring pleasures that you hope will never end. To be seen again and again .. and treasured." -Gene Sha/It, NBC-TV Today Show lflW fMl ClfY Cl'9HU OHA ... o,I • U C ~}91 LU XURY THEATRES ~ut VICTOR 'I 1ro1 (Jlfl« ntt ~ .. !! Y.1§.m~G HOJf\? ~~·A'it~ N:i'N.810N'T :~•RT~gt?.c\o R tisA"Y '1-~~~)'M or~.rd~TRt\oo, . . .. Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT /Tue1day, Jun. 22, 1982 .. COllA MtU 000111 Q~OVl w,. lt101111• ''U JAOt OllANOt I/A f.•lf C•lf'tt1.t !iJ• J'll 1 •WUTMIHTlll I dwl!d\ C11\e1t1• W11•.1 8111 J9)~ W(ITMINlllll 11. W•v 19 U• •• '" tl1'1A91 Jb'll I AGUllA 11 ACN ~ I • .f~ ·,, 111 l. •A t'l 4 ' ·~' • ' •• 41t ~ .. • NUlllllllHOll llACN 1111111011 WllJO UANlllll I ~ J < t ....-"'"' I•• J. "" t I 'I "" UJIUt Ill It f't ~ '4 , •• •COSTA MIS& 111¥1111 OllAllOI Siii JUAN t ,,. ,, h.•••·d "" ., . .i·i~ 1 1·~ ... 11 ca'"'"a•O I ,,. I'! I"' ' 11t'4 ,,,, 0~·111 fl,. ,'\'i 1 Po I ¥1 i~ lit fl fOMO I till 11 I t1"1+r1 M • ""' 111'1PHJ 1'1 It 4._ .o .. 1w ... ctt"'o10<1,..,_w:•r •3Smm DO§i'~) •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Special Eng1gemtnt1 and Holidays) lllt·f!l.I• Lo ~··:•·i~ron•J "ANNIE" IPO) l2'Ja,kte ....... 1.-I "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" ___ .._ .... ,_ (PO) "8T AR TR!K II: "POLTERGEIST" tPOl THE WRATM OF KHAN" •UL•• a:a. 1 .._ '"' 70MM DOLaY ITllU!O (POI YOUIH SHOW SAT 10 .\.M "~~~!._E •.• r:1~01 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN "ROCKY Ill" (POI IH 70MM DOLI Y ITUIEO 11:20,. l:Al1 ... , ... ,.. 11:11 "STAR TREK H: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM 00l8 Y ITEREO (PG) ................... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlk IN "HANKY PANKY" CPO! ,,, .. -. -"1' ·- LAGUNA ._,, ... -.-.- "ROCKY Ill" (PO 11..JO. l:'AO •••• , .... , •• ,, ,? focuirv ol Conolewooo 213/531·9510 "l"ORKY'I " 1111 ,,,__ ,_ .. ,,. "RICHAllD PttYOflt LIVE OH TltE IUNIET ITIUr' 1•1 a:..-- "GREASE 2" IPO) l .... de,., ... _,. "GREASE 2" CPGI ---., ........ so. COAST WALK·IN Soull't Cooat Hlwoy ol lroodwoy 494-1514 "GREASE 2" (POI ~u.•111.1•~ "ROCKY Ill" cro1 ,., -. ' "" ua. ------ ..... tin Fn 7 lO -SH~ Soll. I IS SI-. Sc..11 11 Diil IMPORT AN r NOTICE• CH It OREN UNO EA 12 FR((' lbttJOr w w-"""' HIN Fn 100 • Sil . S.... IWU7a 61>0 CJ<tl 11 SOUHO • tO\J~ AIO tO 11.-iJlO 1$ •OUR SPUllER 11 >oil '" c.u l\Ai)ll) WITH IGf<rTIO!< 4CCISS~• POSlllOH -~AM PQ111Ull l•AU CIHf;-11 DNV!-INS IJO ()lj AM RAlllO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN Ftee•OY ti ot lemon St 879·91SO ----------. "GREASE 2" '"°1 -"AMERICAN POP" 1•1 BUENA PARK BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN l•nco1n ·•••• We tl 01 Knon 821·4070 9U!l'IA PAlll LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•"coin A•• We\I of Knoll 821·4070 ''·liltll"i Ion O••Qo ltwy ot l roothvut (So) 962·2481 WI SIMINS!l11 Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN "ANNIE" 11'GI -"POPEYE" 11'Gl C••I II SOU•O "AUTHOR'! AUTHORt" 11'G1 -"MODERN PROBLEMS" 11'G1 CINI " SOUllO I l A HA811A LA HABRA DRIVf IN IA"IOfllO! Of"" " &foel'I &190 & HOfOQt •o 17Hl62 0 111\NC.f "FIREFOX" tl'Gt -"OUTLAND" 1111 _ Cl~ ~1-~0U"~ --- "PORKY'l "llll ..... "001N' ALL THE WAY" 1111 "E.T .• THI!. EXTRA· TERREITRIAL" l"°I -"l'INAL AIBIONMEHT" 1~01 "ROCKY 111" '"°' "CLASH OF THE TIT ANS" tl'GI "ITAR TREK II: Tltt WRATH Of' KHAN" fl'Ol ..... "VICTORr tl'Gl CINf "SOU"O &eocn 11wo So 01 G.110.n G1owt frttW0¥ 891·3693 "FIREFOX" tl'GI --"OUTLAND" 1•1 "POL TE~llT" ll'GI "ll!A WOLVEl" cl'Ol cr"I 11 SOUllO "ROC~ Ill" '"' 11CALSH OF TME TITANS" ORANGE ORIVE·IN iOl'\tO 4"0 ,,._.., • s'o'• c o•leo• 558·7022 "ROCKY Ill" tl'GI -"A ,ORCI OP ONI" (N I ",&lrt lllAh U I l•&Jirf, MISSION DRIVE IN . 1111,... 11~1 . 1 ~ ,,., 1\1 ,.. ,, WARNER OlllV( IN Worner 4•• WH t el .. NII ""• 147.Jltl 0 "OMAll 2" !NI -"AMl .. ICAN .-ot'" 1t11 HU . •' COUAMIU . U fO..O • i '"""°'"'' ..CHA {I -"t ...... _. __ ..::.-:..=-..:~..;:::: ! . NOW PLAYING 70MM I' •UltOtlttt.10 tf• V " Yt ... ........ , .. .... .. 0 mmm . ftUflfA .. U Ult ... lltft , ..... ACt-UltO '"" t••• t1tQ-.OL¥t .. 1 ........ • v • ~II JOI• -·. ~ ,., , , . . ' Orange Cotti DAil V PILOT ITUUd1y, Ju111 22, 1982 THE t'AMIL l' CIRCl'M by Bil Keane BIG Gt.:ORGE by Charles M Schulz by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) PEANL'TI ----~--· ~· ~ l SALLV! t(OU'RE FAT!! All WE DID FOR TWO WEE~S ta\S LIE IN OUR 0EANBA65, WARH TV AND EAT JUNK ~000 ... 't -.1~--" --" l f I j Tl'MBLE" EEDM ! ----------.iP"1 WHEN l'M P'RE:Sll7crJTE OF ACCO~PING--101lU~ Mf:!XICO, l'U.. H.AVe Al-l- MAP, W~'RE: 51ANP11\160N PICKPOCKt::fS ~Xll..-f;l7 ! PICKPOCKITT PEAK. ' I 'iloNEr UP AbAIN FOR NEXT YEAR : by Tom K Ryan 51-l"f Wlt..L. E'E ~eA1' '™ERAP'( FOF( MY 1NFERIO~l1Y COMPLEX. "Know why I like this boll? It never rolls under things." "He suddenly had to go to the bathroom." '9 \R'9 \Dl'KE by Brad Anderson "Guess who invited himself to dinner?" Jl.DGE PARKER \ I FAIL TO 5££ J WHAT 'S 50 C.l.Ji£ ...,. ABOUT VARN {)··~ "OON "l'LLINS ACROSS I Awaken 5 Indeed Ir 9 OinefS 14 French •!Ye< 1 S 11 alian tsle 16 Emanate 17 Speech problem 18El1a 19 l ariat 20 W1ne coolefs 22 Releases 2 4 Ck>Cll p&rt 26 Novices 27 Aime 29 Smite 30 Caenchllm 33 Frull 37 Ax~lary 34Ammon11 compound 39Sedan 40 Extreme 4 I Cha. IW*'f 42 Wiii 9')0t 2 lk'O'dt « Ctowt>er • s Hlgfl pelll 41 F1ulncy • 7 Oulc* dtlnlt .. a.i-w l WANTTOBUY A BIR>THDAY GIFT FOR THE: MAN I ~"K"ln baset>all 57 Oflnkllf 58 Gazelle 59 Prune 61 Asian gr ass 62 Faithful 63 Adrift 64 Compound suffix 65 Fm renl 2 words 66 Rearmost 67 Cubtele DOWN I Sturdy 2 Me>n*'ll 3 Map addition •Chide 5 Enhre &Yemen money 7Confela 8 Tot'a toy 9 Edtilroot 10 Sor19t 11 Sanction 12 Tlllt 5" t3~- 21HIOft!IOUnd 23 Mcleof· mack'• 1..0VE'. MONDAY'S PUZZLE SOl VED I 0 ~ ,. IA SI ,. A I I ~ .. I IC "01" fl II II IO ~ I ( NII A 19 .. IA• 1 0 p I AN -s I E NT E RS ~~ HSI R I as E- IA~ 11 E R II ( II 'i ii IO I * r •ET A 111• ~-~ IEIO-T A II T -I~ RE S T 0111 ES 19 ~ E E N 0 OP- IE Jll II "' I 9 I 0 " s A p I I L I S OOJ a I (.A 0 L f H~ r ~ I S l 0 OP birth· plllCe 25 Curlef · s cap 28 Mutual 30 Can Ott prOll 31 Cleo's love 32 "Diet _ ... Hymn 33 lnttcl 34 "A" of "AL" JS Minuit 36Romtngod 3 7 Flgul'atlwi ~~ •2 amaM 43 N Cerollna river 45 Foolweer 4 7 Block ede 48 Ot!tahoma city 50 Oulckty 51 S111ety 52 Auoer 53 Senonlng 6' Music combo 55 Canldlan "-+-+--+---+-...., rtbtl se FOUlltdt eo Pett1ntn1 ---·-- Hank Ketchum ~I __ \ ~ «Y:'\~ \~\~ by Jim Davis '7~ OR KITT£N5, , ~FOR THAT MATTER -1 ..... . }\ ,_;.I ""'-' "-...../ f/, (;'-0 0 WOW, lT'S HOT TODAY t'l'~K ,. "ll\kERBEA~ I 'LL EAT THERE--- IT'S AIR- CONOITIONED OUR SPECIALTY 15 THE HOTTE ST CH ILI IN TOWN by Gus Amela by Tom Bat1uK WEU. , tN) 'AIR -6UrrAR'&W> oo l.XX) W'Nf 10 GO WrfH M£ 15 ~em.; lO STAN Plft.>~ OP 10 -rnE ~F¥\~ ~ I'M GOING ID PU\C£ A~ AO l~IHE Gl6-0JANiED ~! our! BRABBLE DR.SMOCk W~A-r' WAS ION16HIS BL-IND DA-re 1.-1 Ke , 'fWINKle f> 11 Al.l. 51AR1'E.I' LA$'f wtEK ~N ~ SOIUllNC, &ALL ~E.LL oN M'l 10€.. ~l~CE "fltf.N, 1'1Jt ~l.~ QRC>f'9E.O A ~OIC~l. EN<."fC~OIA AN ~ sam .. E <$ ~i~~~" OM rf! I i I ! ! .. by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont I I I ..,, , \' -M~- 1.•1•• HIWI WOHDUI WOMAH WOl\dtt WOllllll It pjlted agalnet a tormer Almy ColOt... who hM turned ~y ll09!'1 ef'd Wlll'lll 10 dNlloy • ll4IW Air Fdtce INtptane D THl8AINT "lha AnQel't £Ye" 1 1.W.A.T. HAWAllFM-4 Wherl ltla young laeder of a P•-movement It klllad, Flv..0'1 lnYMtig.. lion -"' to draw a blanll G HUMANITIES THAOOOH THE ART8 "Fiim 20th-Centu<y Leo-· 4'' ABC NEWS QI NBC NEWS QMOVIE • • • "The Hunter" ( 1978) Sl811e Meo-. EU Wt/,. lac:ll Ralph "Pap41" ThOf· ton leads • d1ngerou1 ttla as a modem-day bounty hunte1. 'PG' 8:30., CAMERA THREE "The Family; SQenes From 8rtt11h Working-Clue life" The aetecllon or a lamuy tor the BBC Mries "The Family" and tMlr rea1011a for p1r11c1p1tlng ere dlseuas«S (P1111 1) (RI G AMERICAN OOV£AHMEHT ''Democratic Procesa" (fl 8AAHEY MILLER Barney haa o hOI Pol•fo on hlS handl wMn lhe lquad bring• In 11 drunlt who pusea ou1 In the slammer 8NEWS 7'/:10 1 C88NEWS N8CNEWS KUNOFU A trlghtened boy, Oefend· Ing • j11I ag11nS1 tr.a men who kHled his 111er111 t1111er. lnsp1re1 couu1ge In a cowardly 1dull G Ae<;NEWS CJ KOJAK llle surviving half ol a cal burglar team becomes tl>e terget ot his own renoe, hll leteal victim, a profoulon· a.I klllef and the police. OJ M'A'S'H Hawkeye's face Is badly bu<nl when a stove he It l_!}'lng to fix explodft. aJ JOKER'S WILD -~BUSINESS REPORT Cl) P.M. MAOAZIHE A women tries to join en all-male ugln-Clllb: a IOOll al lullurloua ~ "' ttla Ml9ml area <IJ ENTERT AINMEHT lOHIOHT lnlervteWS With memW. ol REO Speedwagon 8 THE MUPPETS GuMr Nancy Walker ~MOVIE * * "Blr111 01 Tiie Bea- tles" (1979) Stephen Madlenna, Rod CIJll>ett· son Tiie siory of John, Paul, Ringo Ind George from lhelr OblCUra begin- ning to the4r stardom. (pjTHEWAYITWA8 "Yankee Dynasty. McCar- thy-OfMagglo Er• 1936- 11148" (Perl 2) (%)MOVIE **'I• "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 1981) George Hamjllon, Lauren Hutton The heroic son of old Cell· tornl11's famou1 Justice lighter 11 lncapacllated by a riding Injury, forcing hll lopplah bro1her 10 don the cape and mask 'PG' 7:30 II 2 ON THE TOWN Featured v1s.1 a llOUM 01 "EZ' 11sren1ng background mut11e lrom radio slationa. W81Ch .... L.A Women's Community Choru• In rel\earsal, r1nany rake a IOOll at Ille San Oufll\Un guellamber D Q!FAMILYFEUO CHANNEL LISTINGS D KNXT IC8SI 0 llt KN8C (NBC) l 8 KlLA (Ind.) !tl e j<ABC (ABCI <Cl Q KFMB ICBS) CJ) fJ ICti.J·TV (IN! J llll l'J ICCST (ABC> (( \ CD IC TTY tt nc!J __ ll • 'Cl) ICCOP· TV find I " e KCET IPBSI 8 G ICOCE I PBS> --BREAKDOWN -Don Murray stars as a man who has a nervous breakdown in "U Things Were ·Different" tonight a t 9 on KNXT (2). 8 EYEONL A. Featured ~rt rwo of 11 report on porno Slat J<>IV> C Holmes and his 1mpllc1 lion in 111e Laurel Canyon murders, studio muS1c111n1, a 1001\ 111 "blue • movie. provided by pay TV OJ M•A0S'H The experience' or De1ng wounded, flown by hell· copier 10 Iha •077th, oper. llled on a11d l•eated In post-op are seen through a young SOidier's eyes Cl)()) TICTACOOUGH fJ3 MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT '1!) MONEYMAKERS "lnflauon· Robin Hood Of T11e '80s" 9 YOU ASKE.D FOR IT Fe111ured "lndht' Human Preuel and ·1ns1de Egypl's Pyramids " (OJ BASEBALL Ta•aa Rangers 111 Calif()(. noa Angels lSl AEROBICISE; BEGINNER Get on Shape IOOI< good ana lee! great w•th 1111s phys;ce1 l11ness program 8:00 IJ AMERICA'S JUNIOR MISS PAGEANT Michael Landon hosts 1110 25th annual pageant reatur111g high school seniors in compellllon for the tllle of AmerlCa s Jun- IOr Mias (hve from Mobile, Ala) 0 Qt 8RET MAVERICK Meve11cl\ 1s stalked by 11 cold·blOOded killer who t>otda Brei responsible '°' the downfall of hos rather IR) U 784 DAYS THAT • CHANGED AMERICA Nancy Dlckerson narrates this documentary w111c11 traca1 the Watergate Scandal from ltla break-In on June 17, 1972, to Pr- dent Nh1on'1 r91ignallon two year~ 1111er and lneludeS 1nt....-s wtth Gerald Ford, Jol\n Smca. John Ehr11Cllman and EttlOt Ric:llardson 8 9 HAPPYDAYS Fonzie Ines to convince Ille 11'1"9 'to swllell lrom rocic to Classical mUSlC (RI Ii MOVIE. "OelrOll 9000" Alek Roe· co. Harr RllOdes A half of a mllllon dollars is stolen end a black pohce ortlcer OJ P.M. MAGAZINE Meet Sharton Tweed, Playmate 01 Tiie Year, a look at luxurious homes In the Miami area Cl) MOVIE • • '1 ··The Joker rs Wild" ( 1957) Fran~ S1na1ra, Jeanne Crain Beloved comedian Joe E lewis struggles 10 overcome mob 1n1erlerence 1n Ills career flit DANGER UXB "lhe Ou1et Weekend' Su-.n returns home alter &pending lhe weekend with Brian to hnd an unexpec1. ed V1S1tor Wart 6)(R)Q ~NOVA A Field CuiOe To Roge< Tory Peterson· A po<trait ot the man whose best· ~elllng guidebooks on On TV Z TV HBO ((l<WM<ll) (WORI NY ,N V (WTBSI !ESPNI ornithology have pl•ye<I e pivotal rote In turning bird watching 1n10 a maaa •P<>r1 Is presented (RI 0 ti) AMERICA'S J\JNIOR MISS PAGEANl Mocnael Landon hoats the 25th annual p1geant featu11ng high school seniors In competition for lhtt 11118 of America'• Jun· 101 Mias (front Mot>ll11, Ale) (H.)MOVtE • "• * "Far From Tho Madding Crowd' ( 19671 Julla Ch111t1e. Terence Stemp A wllllul young farm girl l>ellBIS llertell. but destroys three men In t11aproc99s (S)MOVIE • '·• ' Oft The R1Qh1 Tr eel< I t 981) Gery Coleman, Mtehael lembeck A IOClal worker t11es to find a nor- mal home for a train sta· uon shoeshine bOY with a talent for pocking rha ponies PG 0MOV1E • * * 'The Return 01 The Secaucus Seven ( t980) Mark Arnott. Gordon Clapp Tiie maml>ert ol a group of oollege atudenll active m the protesf mo,,.. men! during lhe '801 gether IOt a -kend reunion 'R' 8:30 8 aJ LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY ' ' Laverne mistakes the kind· ness or actor Charles Gro- din to be an ardent 1n1ore1t mhor.(R)O OJ ODO Ct>UPLE 8:35 CZJ CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE Fll.M SCENE 9:00 IJ ()) MOVIE * * ·~ "If Things Were Oii· 1er11n1" ( 1979) Suianne P*hette, Don Murrey A woman 'ltruggtea to llOld "herllil and her t1mlfy together when ,_ hU9- band aul,.,.. a complete nervous braakdown (RI D Qt CASSIE & CO. Cassie is lltred by her sec- retary en e•-conviC1. lo help her 1v0td a parole vlo- laUon 8 9 THREE'S COMPANY Jack acts as blll to lure a robber Into the trio's apartment as a pleln· clOthes policeman s11nd1 ~ard (R)O W MERV QRIFFlN IE) AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE .. Oppenheimer" Aller fighting unsuccessfully to nave his soc:urlty clear 11nce re1nstered. Oppenheimer rerurns ro P11nceton for the last years or hts Ille (Part 7)0 mJ DAH()ER UXB 'The Quiet Weekend" Susan returns llOme after spending the weekend with Bnan to hnd an unexpect. ed vllltOf (Part 6) (R) 0 ~MOVIE • • • "Paradise Alley' I 1978) Sylvester Stallone Armand Assante Three scllemong brollle<I lrom the Hell's 'Ille,,.., aectton of N-York City combine llle<r traJls of brain• Ind brawn In their efforts to create befler loves lor themselves 'PG (%)MOVIE * * "Lee Bon Oebann" ( 1980) Chatlotte L.aurlef. Miiie Tito The tragic llvee OI meni~ Of 8 lower· class French Cenedl1n ramify are detailed. 9:30 8 aJ TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry and Munroe Mt out 10 catch the culprll who stole Cosmic Cow. (R) 10:00 0 8 FLAMINGO ROAD ISl1owtrme) •. Spott1ghl ICable News Network) ---'--~ 8004.u ...... dlee- grM over how ro handle lule-Mae'1 boyfriend Tonv. who ha• borrowed f'l\ON)' ltOfl\ IM ClllD 10 ~ Illa oarnbllnQ ._.. ii~:o-=.r Jannlltt dllOOV9t• e tllll'- lllno rhlnM\OM owr111 1en1 to '* 0y • COWG!t' Deer• 110iton diamond• worth lllnt mlltlon dollata (R) Q • WlfH Ollie AND fllUeY "Ghoel ltottea" 1.0 . t.181· 9'14111 jolne OMle Devit and ~Dea In a C*Mltty tor a ml• of or•ve rOOtllno ~ '"'~Q * * • * "Ttll Third ~.,, .. t 1t•ti Joffl>ll Ooti.11, 0non w.... A wrlttt or pulp w .. i.m. lnwaOoat .. Ille "eccldental dMtfl" OI lllt profft..,lng bOVl'loOd ftitl\d In the dirk, oor~t world Of divided po.lo WO<ld Wit II Vlenlll (I) t3 IAOMPTON PLACt! (Plrt 1) I CHARUf90Y 10.30 NlW9 UR OH THI! fAIHOE OflOCltrTY A OOUC)le whO left clvfllu- tlon 30 year1 ego to Hve ln~entty of aoclal tlee and public con_,1- el\CIM II profiled (Q')MOVlf * * "Underground AON" ( 1980) Dirk Benedict, Melanie Griffith Plll'klng lllendanll wr.U havoc IJ I ew1nk Bev«ty HIHI holll4. 'PG' 11!00 808Cll08 NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIOHl Hott. Anthony Perkins. Gue11. Betty Caner iJ YOU ASKED FOR IT Featurfld "Tri<;k Goller" and "Yoga FOf Dogs And Cats " Q) M•A0 S 'H The 4077th races the cfOClt 10 save Mverely wounded IOfdlerl II) BENMY HIU Benny vtalll the ISiand of lu&l\e with.II• IOYlfy wom- en SI DICKCAVETT Guest Robin Williams. (P811 2)1R) ' (C)MOVIE * * 'Big Wednesday" ( 1978) Jll{l-MlchMI Vln- (;«11, Wiiiiam Katt Three CallfOfnla boys enjoy the surf and sand un!H they begin ro reallze that mere s more to Wle than wulng down their boards 'PG' CID WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE * * * "Culler'• Way" (11181) John Heerd, Jen Bridges. A maimed Viel· n1m vet and hit bft1 friend, a llOCl&l dropout, focus their -glea on IOMng a murder cue 'R' 0MOVIE •• "SatlKdl)' The 14th" ( t981) Richard Benjamin. Paul• Prentles A couple discover that the 11ouae lhey'.... Inherited " being ocoupled t>y v1mplree, ghOata Ind llUOrted -atera.'PG' CZ)UOVtE •*•on "Atlantic City" (1980) Burt Lancaster, Susan Serandon. The estranged 11u1t>and of an oyster bar w11l1ress arrrves wttll lier pregnenl younger starer end tome atOlen llerOln. Wlllc:h he wanta an aging hood to NII for him. 'R' 11:30 II Cll ALICE Mel 0019 upMI when no one throws a surprise P81· ly to celebrtte his SOth blr1hd1y. (RI D a!TONIOHT Host. Johnny Carson . Guesra: Biii Coaby, Ofmltrl ~roe · U lm A8CNEWS NIOHTUNE iJ MOVIE • * • "A Night To Remember" ( 1958) Ken· neth More, Ronald Allen, The "un.rni.able" TI1enl0 goes down on Ila melden voyage u a nearby freight· er 1t1nd1 by, unaware or Ill Cflall • THE JEff'ERSONS Living tl>e good Ille drives LOUIN up the wall • LOVE. AMERICAN STY~ "love And The Hlddet! Meaning"/ "Love And The Model Apartment" 8D CAMERA THREE "The Family ~ From British Working-Cius Life" The Mlecllon Of a ramify '°' the BBC Mr1e• "Tl'le F amify'' and their reason1 for participating are dllCUSMCI. (Part 11(R) CID MOVI£ * •·~ "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (19111) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old Call· lornla'a famous juallc:e a riding "1jury, forcing hll loppjlll brolher to don the cape and meal!. 'PO' ···~. ·- Or1ng• Coatt DAILY PILOT/Tuffday, Jun• 22 •. ,982 .. TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00-"America'• Junior Mill Paaeant." Mlch el Landon hotta the 25th annual competition for hlah school senlon. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"It Things Were Dlf ferent." Suz.an.ne PlL'lhette at.ans in film about a woman trying to hold family together after her husband'• nervuus breakdown. K CET (28) 9:00 -'10ppenheimer." Oppenheimer returns to Prl.nceton for the last years of hls Hf e. KABC (7) 10:00' -"Hart to Hart.·• J ennifer a rhinestone costume abo sparkles with stolen diamonds. 12:00 9 ENTERTAINMENT TOHIOHT ln1ervlewt with "'*'1bera of REO Speadwagon D 9 FAHT MY ISL.AND A mMll clerk drNm1 of becoming I beat-Mlflng •uthor. and en archaeoto- g111 get• the Chance 10 lnvHtlgate • cursed tomb !RI G) MOVIE * • •• ,., "M1rjorl1 Mor- n1ng1111r" (1958) Gene Kef· ly, N111t1e Wood An lmpreulonabte young girt falls In love with a mlddle· aged tongwrlter only to discover th111 he Is 1 1•11· ure. • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Spendthrlfl" I "Love And The Competitor•" 12:05 8 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI lragecty atrll<ea ju•I before a rock concert being publl· cized by WKRP (R) 12l15 cm MOVIE "Naked Came The Streng. er·· ( 1975) Darby LIOyd Raina, Levi R1e11a.rd1 ·x 12:30 0 Q! LATE NtOHT WITH DAVID l..ETTEAMAN GUNta; novelty products 9'>Qk_,.,.,, Ronlll Pope!!, Harrison FOfd • COUPl.E8 Topic: The mw1age of a middle aged couple la In trouble. .NEWS llMOVIE * * * * "Network" ( 19761 Faye Dunaway. Peter Finch. An aging lelevtalon newsmen, whose ra11nga are s1eadlly slipping, 11 turned Into 11 ranting prophet of the airwaves by a cralty female program· ml~11ecut1Ye 'R' 12140 fl C1J MCCLOUO McCloud uncover• 1 con- nec11on bet-1lrllne st-ard-and an Int.,. national )ewe! llleft ring (R) 12l46 OD MOVtf, • • * "The Aetum Of Tiie Secaucus S-" (1980) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp TM members of a group ol eollege •ludenll ectiYe In tlle protest ~ ment during the '601 gather fOt a weekend reunion 'R' (%)MOVIE *** "High Risk" (1981) James &oltn, Cteavon lit- tle A trio ol greedy lrlend1 plot the robbery of a mH- llon doOars from a South Amerk;an drug dealer 'R' 12:50 Ct) MOVIE , * • "Separate Waya" (1980) Karen Btlcil, Tony Lo Bianco. A young OOU· pie's !allure to communl· cate nearly rosulla In the destruction or their mar- rl11g9 'R' 1:00 8 MOVIE • • "legend 01 Cougar Canyon" ( 197•1 Two young boys tral>Q8d In 11 hldOen cave come l-to-111()8 w.lh a deadly cougar Cl) MOVIE ••·~ "Bangl Bengt You're Dead" ( 19661 Tony Ran- dall, Senta Berger An American In Morocco ~ ent1ngled In the 8Chemel of &pies plolllng 1011n11 the United Nations. 1:06®MOVIE • * • • "The Lui Metro" ( 1980> Calherlne o.n.uve, Gerard Oepardleu Direct· ed by Francolt Truffaut During World War 11. the proprletOfl Of I ln\811 Paris theatre try lo keep their .. 11bh111men1 operi dur1ng the Glfmln oocupallon 'PG' 1;10 0 MOVIE * • '~ "The Young, Tl>e Evll And The Savage·· I 1968) Michael Rennie Eleanor Brown A YounQ woman e11empt1 to con1rol her cousln'1 tntlarlllnce by committing 1 Mrles of murder1 II 11 glr11' achoo! aJ NEWS 1:300 QtNEWS 2:25 (0 MOVIE • * "Tho Senauou1 Nurte" ( 19791 Uraufa Andreas, Dulllo Oei Prete. Greedy rll41tlvea hire 1 letl&ual "Florence Nlgh11n- gale" 10 take care of en aging count IMlerlng rrom a delicate '-1 oondltlon 'R' 2:30• MOVIE • * • ,_. "The Ex·Mrt BradfOfd" (193a) Wiiiiam Powell, Jean Arthur An 1m1teur lleuth and his f0t· mer wfle IOMI I -lee Of racetradl murders. MOVIE * • "Firecracker" (1981) J111t1n Kessner. Darby Hin- ton A female martial 1r11 teacher 1r1V941 to the Orient In aearell ot her mining alarer 'R' 0MOVIE •• * "Stevie" (19781 Gtend1 Jlcicaon, Trevor How1td. Eccentric Brl11ah poetess Slevie Smith 11 profiled. 'PG' (%)MOVIE • • "Bllltl1" 119771 Pa"I D'Arbanvlfte, Mona Krla- 1en1er1. A young glrl'• sex- ual awallentng oceura dur· Ing her 11•y with I family friend one eummer 'R' 2:40 8 NEWS 2~"4 . NEWS S.'00 MOYIE ** "NaYY Sorn" (l83e) ci.ir. Dodd. Wllllom Oaf. gen The problen'I "'91 begin -'*' e Nevy pllot trie. to rlliM an orphan. S:15 8 MOVIE * *'"' "Weekend Nun" ( 1972) Joenna Pettet. V1' Morrow A young nun teed• a complex life M e pwole olfloer. a:20 CID MIN8f<r8 FOU.IE8 Pl!ylflt Diiier. Rip T aytor and Stubby Kaye join ltla Mln1ky Burlesque TrO!JP9 fOf a revue featuring be(>o gy-pe.nte comedy, llrfp. lease and production num- ber's 3:50~MOV1E * * * "A Face In The Crowd" ( 19571 Andy Grlf. lllh, Patricia Neel. A derel· lea goes from e jell cell to national recognltlCH! on 1he sttength of his humor and mullCaf talent. 4:oom MOVIE • * •,<, "Die, Monster, Die" ( 1965) Boris KarlOff, Nick Adami. Based on a ltc><y by HP Lovecraft A young Ametlcan vttillng his Eng- lish llance11's paren11 recoils In horror when her father turM Into a giant fungus S3BROMPTON PLACE l~llt I) •:ti (I) MOW1 • a "Vartlolenl" ( 1tN) Jllll'lel ..... ~ Ollmln· inoa. An .t.menoen l#IOO¥o .,.. • Oer'!Mn ~ oroen- IWIOll fOtmed by a orouo Of e•·N«rl&. 4:10 CB) MCM1 * * "lalur~ Tiie 14th .. ( 18' 11 Ndllld lenjarnln l>lllle Prenlla . A ~ o._ that the ~ ·~'WI !Merltect .. beotng oeoupled by varnplr•e. g'-te end lll80rle0 mon 11.,.. 'PO' •:*> 8 VOYAGI TO THI IOTTOM OIF THI MA "The Ph8111om StrlltM" .MOVll * • * .. Tiie ,.eturn Ot The 8eaaucut Seven" (10to) Mark Arnott, Ooroon Cle09 Tiie memo.. of a group 01 college lfudeftt• active In tna proteet ~ ment during the ·eo1 gather for a -k-d reunion 'R M'ednesda11'• Da111 l•e Mo.,le• ~MORHWG- 1:30 CC) * • "H.011 Country" ( 1981) Timothy Bottom• Lindi ~Uri An ~ convict and hit llandl· capped g1rthlend flee to 111•mountaln1 'PG' 7:55 (%) * * 'h "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic eon of Old Call· fornl1'1 l1mou1 Juallce lighter la 1nc1pecllaled by a riding Injury, forcing 1111 roppllh brother to don ttla cape and muk. 'PG' 8:00 (!) • • '"' "Journey Back To Ol" ( 1972) Anlrnaled Volcea Of Liz.a Mlnnelfl, Paul Lynde Dorothy returns 10 the Ulnd of Oz and encounrera the .rstet of the Wk:ked Wllet! Of tM Welt 8:30 CID .* 'h . Chu Chu A1.1 Tiie Phlny FtUh" ( 19tt 1) Alan Arkin. Carol Bum«\ An elc:oholie fOfm« .,._ ban player and 1 kook'y street entertainer t>ecom. ~t1ners In • 8Ct>erne Io rnake rnoney by relurnlr>g a loll suitcase 'PG' 11t * • * "lnalde Movn" ( 1gso1 John Sav191, David MOfM. A --to the group of regul819 at an Oektand t>w mey hold the key to making the bllften. der'• dream of beoor'lllng 1 pro ba.lkel~I pi.yer a reality 'PG' 9:30 ~ * * * '"1 "Monty Pylh<>n And The Holy Gri ll" (1974) Gr1h1m Chac>men, John CIMM. King At1hur and Illa bend of knlghtt encounter giants, rlddlera and a tero- c:lua rabbit In their ...,Cfl f()( the legeodary ~ CZ) ••• * "Netwonl" (1978) Faye Dunawey. Pater Find\ An aging t..._ vision -mao. wt\oM rattng1 ate •IMdlly elipp- ir>g, la turn.cl Into a ranting prophet Of the e1rwa-by a crafty female program- ming exec:ullv9. 'R' 10:00 (!) * * * • "Fat From tlll Meddtng Crowd" ( llllt) Julie Chrl111e. Ter- Stemp. A W1lfluf young farm girl bitters herMll. but destroys three men In tl'leprOOIA. . 10:30 U * * "tnvadera From Tl>e Oeec>" ( 1981) Puppeta. The World Aqu1neu1 security patrol and comb•I creh Stingray balllea an &rflly of aquallC allenl who are de1ermlned to take over the planet. 11:00 ~ •*.,.,"A Fist tut 01 Dynamite" (1972) J- Cot>urn, Rod Steiger. An Irish revolutlonar; and 1 Mexican thOflf who tNm up to rob banka IClmlfloo# wind up being hero.a of ttla Mexican revolullon 11:30 CZ)*•*,_. "Atlantic City" ( 1980) Burt l ancHter, Susan Sarandon Th• estranged husband of an oyster bat .....itr-ltriv9I wllh lier pregnanf younger sls1er and eorne .,,..._ het oln. -'*"' he wenQ .,., eotno hOocl to ... few '*" .... 11•. •Yi WA~I Aed- MM" 11117) _.Mii Cw · pe111er, IC1y Ct llerd AnoerM by Ill• l)rottw..in. ...... tl'Ufder. a lrltllill """'-Ml• out to emMh 1 do"9t1nQ • * ** "AnllOMy0tA MllfOer" (Pllf1 1) ( 1f5t) .1-lt-1111, ._, Gu· .1Ma A 11mllll-town attcw- MW defendtl an Army "*'- tenant who la llOOUMd ol killing • man MllC*)led of attactl!no Illa wlte . ...... ~-Thi Orldga" ( 1987) Rod Steiger. (')avid Knight. 8Got11nd Yard pooll all ol II• raeourciM to capture e criminal who rteee the country CB) * * "The HaatM" (1880) Trllll Van 0.V..e, JoHpll Cotten A 1choolleac11ar trl•• 10 r-from a nervoue breakdown a1 her late aunt'• home, wtllch le ~by demons 'PG' 12:30 0 • • 'h "lofro. Tiie Gay Blade" I 1981) George H1mltton. Lauren HUiton The herOIC son Of old C.,._ forn1a·1 1amou1 JY•t~ llghllf II ~teted l>y 1 riding Injury, fordng hie 1~111 brOlller 10 don the cape and mu& 'PG' 12:45 ()) ~ "Sk•te1own U S A " ( 19711) Scott Blli<>. Greg Bradford. A h1ndaome young skater ra111 In love 81 the IOCal roller-dleco rink, where he la Cll81tenged by a street gang leeder tn e championship contoat. 'PG 1.15 (%) * * * "Le Voyage En Douce" ( 1980) Dominique Sanda, Geraldine C111plln. Two women travel to the South of France on a vaca- t•on trom !heir famlllft and epond ttlatr time ••chang-• Ing their memotlet, dreams and innermost INhnga 'R' ' 1:30 (C) * * * "The Concer1 For Kampuchea" (1980) Paul McC811ney The Who. A llOl1 ol rock perfOfmer&, meny of W'llOm o-i togeth- er In an 1111-star rook orchea1ra. are featured In thrs record ol a -• ot conc.ria lleld '°' the ~ hi of refill to war-r1v8ged CambOdll 2:00 * * .. Th11 Time FOfl\I· er" ( 1980) Claire Pimpare, Vlnceot Ven Pall.,.. A Frenc11-Cana<11en gin lalll In lo.,. with a t>ralh Amari· can COiiege student study· ~In Montreal 'PG' 2:30 (SJ • • '" "Conrlnentet Divide" (1981) John Belulht, Blair Brown A Chlc•go newspaper COfumnlll travels to the Rockies 10 escape some political heat and interview I reotutl .. n11uratta1. 'PO' 3:00 (%) * • * • "Networtc" ( 19761 Faye Dunaway, Peler F1ncll An aging 1-. vlelon -.man. wtloM rettno• ... llMdlfy ahpp. Ing, It Wmed Into a renting P<C>Phet ot tna airwaves by I crafty female progrwn- mlng uecutlw 'R' •:oo a • • ·~ "8ebe" 11111s1 Suaen Cler11, Alex Katru Babe Didrlct<son Zaharlu. the WOfld'I gteatMI WOfTI· .,, ethlete, wages • lllf Oic blll le egamat c:anoer 4::30 ••• ., .. Journey Badt To Oz" (1972) Anlmatecl. VOlcn of Liu Mtnnelll i:>aut lynoe Doroth~ reiurns to 1he land of Oz llld encounters ttla elater of the Wicked W11c11 of the Weet D • * "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981) Puppets The World Aqueneut ~urtty ~trol end combat craft Stingray battles an ormy of aquallc atlens wtio ere determined to take over the pjanet. 1:00 (C) * • "High Country" (1981) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl An escaped convict and his handl- e~ girlfriend Ilea to the mountain• 'PG' 5:15 (%) * • ~ ··zorro, The Gey Blade·· ( 1981 I George Hamilton, 1.aur.., Hutton The heroic son ol Old C... fOfnla'a famous justice floh•• ll l<lcapadl•fed by a rldlr>g injury, forcing hil lopptlll brother to don ttla cape end mask. 'PG' by Armstrong & Batiuk t:VE NEVB< HEAFW • ANYT HING .SO Wll.O AND PREPOSTEROl.\S IN MY LIFE! Oppenheimer 'like current events' By TOM JORY ......... d,,.. ...... NEW YORK -Sam Waterston says playing contro'lteralal American physicist J . Robert Oppenheimer ln the Nmmt "American Playhouse" produetkn on public telvVision was not (\Uite llke ~ • rtal·lU. character from history - even rtcepl ~. '"l'he thlna a&Out 10ppenhelmer' that T thought waa Ul\UtUal la that It'• llke current events," Wat.entcll\ uys. "It's not really history. Some of it, I remanber ftrlt·hand. "[ femember H a kid,'' the actor says "watching Edward E . Murrow go int~ r'a Uvina room in Princeton for that ah • 'See It 'Now.' I think. lmponant thin& wu that many of the i:ieoDlt Oppeirmelmer wwbd. with are 8ltll aUve, 8nd" -. Ulce J:ct,_,u'd Tftler, are sUU kdve " Wt" 1a:m •11-"'Y~ •alldnt around In peopliia ~lid, dMt mare wo I omod about .._ ..._ nllh di• 1d we got wiLh telling ll • ," a Brltlah BroadcasU.ng Corp. proclui'don bi 9IWf\ m.t.al.lmenta. oollcludee tonight ... • at 9 on ~hannel 28. The mmisertes, cited as the best dramatic program of the year by the British Academy of Fibn and Tel~ion Arts features David Suchet as Teller, Matthew Guinn~ as Hans Bethe, and F.dward Hardwtcke as Enrioo Fermi. 'The program traces the profemlonal life of th.e moet responsible for dew'lopment of lhe at.omic boi:nb d~pped on Hiroshima and Nagaeaki ln the tummer of 1945. , Tho\.lgh Oppenheimer was In charge of research and development of the devastating wea~n, In 19:)3 he wu declared a security risk and publicly diacredlted for earlier auoclaUona. Yet 10 yean later, rather ironically, he was awarded the Enrico Fermi Prize -the highest honor of the Atomlc Energy Comml .. ion -by President Lyndon Johnaon. "Oppe nheimer" waa produced in an atmotphtre of lnctUa1na ~ fiWll' the lllue of n.ucleU weaponry. ~t was a hot taue," ·~·~· "\houcb 2_e'r~pa_ a bit cooler for ut ~ '" U.S. lt ln England. I've watched eome of It here -l"Ye never Sft'I\ It atraight ~h. and t work me»'\ night.a - and It 1eem1 a much steamier th1n.a ton.. now. "The issue la much more tmportant in America today than 1t was ln England when we did the lilm,'' he says. ''Here, you really think, 'Commies in the academic world, the whole iaue of the bomb. and government aervice and loyalty,' the whole range." \\!aterat.on, aeen recently in the thort.-Nn CBS series "Q.E.o.;• aa)'I he wu appl'OllChed about "Oppenheimer" while ln Enaland on other business, and wu excited by the }>ro9pect 'when he saw the ICl'ipt. "The l.saues were eo Important," he aaya, "and the guy wu eo inte~tinc· Even thouah I had never done a lot of read(ng on Oppenhe.lmer. I knew about him and what he had done -that enormous mind, that ctwmlng ateel trap of a mind.'' .,And of co~·· ht •ya, '1c.bere wu a lot of new stuff to tell, thl.nb t.o the Freedom of lnf onnation Mt." Fine dining. Waterston, C1.lrftntl.y . ap~rlfll In an Off-Broedw~ ~uctloft "of John Gulft'e MCardlnla," '*1 LAST CQt.11' HICHWAY la a 1062 Yale ~uate-who mede bia ~ debut CORONA Ot'l. MAA. CA at the 8"' of 8 in Je&n Anouilh•• 0Andpw,' which (114) ~1 wu directed by hie fath r. !'--------------' I' \ .. Oranr Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUMdav. Jun• 22, 19~2 NobO Werning : The Surgeon General Has Determined . That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heehh. .. ---·----- 100'11 14 mg. "tat, 1.0 mg. nlcoune. KING, 16 mg. "11(', 1.1 mg. nicotine, av. pet cigarette. FTC Report DEC. '81. sit better. New lOO'spack. illston ----·--------___ ........__, ., . llllJ Piiat TUE80AV, JUNE! 22, 1982 BUSINESS C4 Delly l"tlot f'tloloe by P•lrtcll O'Donnell .... Cotton Warburton, one of USC's legends i11 'lootball died Monday. C2. Angels meet challenge . No knuckling under By CURT SEEDEN Of IM D .. I)' '1lot tl•ff Angel Manager Gene Mauch says there's only one knuckle ball • thrower in the American League to the best of his knowledge. bu1 · it's one too many. He was referring to Texas' Charlie H ough. the forme1 Dodger, who was on the mound Monday night as the Angels and Rangers opened a three-game series at Anaheim Stadium. ANOTHER EX-DODGER. Angel catc h er Joe Ferguson, knows Hough quite well. They were teammates in Albuquerque, Spokane and with the Dodgers. Ferguson even played winter ball with the knuck le ball specialist. Ferguson managed to c:ollect an RBI single in h1S last at-bat Monday night, but 1t wasn't off H ough. llatber. it came off reliever Steve Comer. the third and final Texas pitcher m the Angels' 10-2 romp before 23,475 fans. Despite his many e xpenenl'CS with catching Hough, it didn't give Ferguson any advantage over his teammates. up Monday evening. They were also down, outside, inside and totally baffling to the Angel hitters. Only a three-run third inning aided by a two-run bloop double by Doug DeCinces marred his performance through the first seven innings. Ferguson finished the night l-for-4 which cer tainly didn't measure up to Doug DeCinoes' 3-for-5, four-RBI performance, or Rod Carew's e ighth-inning single which extended hJS hitting streak to 25 games. Carew. 10 fact, led o ff the eighth inning with a single off Hough, and the Angels went on to cus hion a 3-2 lead with seven r uns. "The knuckle baJI was fading at tq, comer," analyzed Carew, who is now hitting .414 during h1S streak and .330 on the season. ''THE LAST tune I went up. I said if it was outside, I was just golllg to trv and hit the ball. I wasn't a very disciplined hitter the first couple of times at bat. It's no fun waiting 'til the last ume at bat for a hit," Carew added. HE'S ARRIVED -This year's Irrelevant Week celebrity, Tim Wash ington. the last player selected in the NFL's annual draft, arrived at his press con ference in Newport Beach riding a British double-decker bus. At right. Irre levant Week h ost Paul Salata presents his guest with a Braniff Airlines stewardess o utfit. Braniff, incidentally, went out of business a couple oC months ago. Washington, who played at Fresno State, is in store for a lot of s urprises this w eek. "Nobody has an advantage over a knuckle ball thrower." Ferguson declared m the Angel clubhouse afterward. "You JUSl have to hope he gets a pit.ch up " H oug h 's p itches w e re Meanwhile, DeCinces. who has now knocked m 23 runs in the l:l.St 20 games, credited the use of Carew's bat for his eighth-inning smgle which knocked in a patr of runs. To which someone countered in t he clubhouse: "Does that mean Carew used your bat the first three times?" (Carew was O-for-2 with a sacrifice bunt to start the game). Body builders are flexing new "Hough's knuckler was dancing all over the plate," DeCinces added. "l knew we'd have to bat and play tough the rest of the game unless he got wild." DiSiena is part of a new resurgence that is sweeping the nation JOHN SEVANO .. o.uy~a..n For years. body builders have had to fight the stereotype image of being all brawn and no brains. Traditio nally, they've been looked upon as some sort of freak. And, the movies of the la te 1950's and early '60's, where Fra nkie Avalon and Annette Funicello cuddled at Muscle Beach, certamly didn't do anything to alter the portrait. S l owly. though, the picture concernmg body builde rs has been o.l!r,... .... ,.... SHOWING OFF -Body Builder Al DlSiena diaplaya the fonn he hopes wW win him the Mr. ~ title in August. DiSiena, currently a reetdent of Irvine, attended !'A:lllOn High from 1971-74, where he played vanity football u 1 junior and senlor. changing. With health and fitness becoming a prime emphasis of today's society, body builders have enjoyed a new resurgence. "When I first started body building about three years ago it was really frowned on," admits Al DiSiena. "P.eople often looked at what we did as a freak sport. "BEFORE, Ll'ITLE KIDS and older people used to think I was a wrestler or a football player. Now, it's differe nt. Those same people want to ask questions about what I do; they're real interested and want to learn about it. It's beco111e a hero-type of thing." DiSiena, who went to Edison High from 1971 -74 and was a two-way starter in football as a junior and senior, was first introduced to body building in a hospital bed. his knee "tom to shreds," as he put it, after sulfering an injury during a prac tice a t Orange Coast C.OUege. "Doctors told me I wouldn't be able to enjoy any kind of physical activity again," explains DiSiena. who resides in Irvine. "W&ll, I wasn't about to accept that. My health means everything to me." DiSiena worked hard to regain the strength in his knee and, while working with weights, found the rest of his body was benefltting. too. , HE EVENTUALLY MOVED to Santa Monica -California's birthplace, of sorts. for body builders -to continue his training. It was there, while working as a bouncer in an exclusive Hollywood restaurant, that he became acquainted with Sylvester Stallone of "Rocky" fame and became his bodyguard. DiSiena later protected the Prmce and 'To me, it's not discipline, it's a way of lite.' Sheik of Saudi Arabia, Al-Fassi, for the sum of $500-a-day plus ex~nses. ''When l started getting black rings around my eyes. and I found myself staying up for 72 hours at a stretch . . .. " he re flects. "l found myself not really being happy in what I was doing. The money and fame were fun for awhile. but I had taken a totaJ right turn from the direction I wanted to be and I decided to go back to basics." DiSiena returned to the United States. accepted an invitation in Canada to manage a bodybuilding gymnasium, and eagerly attacked his task of rebuilding his body. Today, at age 25, DiSiena stands 5-9. and w eighs 225 pounds. He has a 31 -inch waist, a 55-inch chest, l91h-inch arms. 28-inch thighs, a 19-inch neck and 19-inch calves. "Proportion and symmetry are more important than size to a body builder," DiSiena e xplains. "I try to keep my neck, calves and arms in balance. and my waist 25 inches smaller than my chest." NATURALLY, A TREMENDOUS amount o f discipline is required to maintain such a figure. "I diet the year round." says Di Siena. "For the past year, everything I've eaten, every hour I sleep, every activity, every argument I have with my wife, is recorded. That way I can adjus t every thing depending on how I'm lookmg. "The whole idea is to feel as good as I can and get stronger. You want lo build muscle and lose fa.t at the same t.ime." DiSiena trains twice a day, up to four hours per session, at Super Bodies Gymnasium in Costa Mesa. The rest of the time he's either compe ting, concluding his studies at OCC (he'll attend Cal State Fullerton in the fall). (See DISIENA, Page CZ) FERGUSON WAS one of the few Angel hitters to get solid wood on Hough's pitc hes. He sent right fielder John Grubb to the fence with a drive in the 'third inning and then sent a towering fly ball to fairly deep left field in the fourth. "He got a knuckler up a little bit on that one," Ferguson said. ·•1 should have hit it 500 feet but It just had the wrong trajectory." Despite all the pro blems Hough gave the Angels t~ugh most of the game, Ferguson, for one. admires his pitching art. "To tell you the truth, I enjoyed catching him. I always knew what he was going to do - where the ball was going to go," Fe rguson recalled. "(Texas catcher Jim) Sundberg d6es a good job with hllTI. You just have to pretend you're a big backstop. "SOMETIMES, YOU anticipate the ball is going to come at you in three different places and he'll hit you in the chest with it," Ferguson added of the dancing pitch. (See ANGELS, Page C3) Forillalities still rule at Wiillhledon Cincinnati, Milner paint Dodgers red Mrs. J.M. Loyd takes over at Center Court WIMBLEOON. England (AP) -In the formal manner of the All England Lawn Tennis Club, the schedule for the • day listed Mrs. J .M. Lloyd of the United • StateS among those Who WOUld p ay on its hallowed courts. To the rest of the world. Chris Evert Lloyd took Center C.Ourt to begin the defense of her Wimbledon title against fellow American Barbara Sue Gerken. It was the day for the women to make their 1982 debut at this prestigious tournament, along w ith five ranked men who did not get on the courts during the rain.,,shortened opening day program. DEFENDING MEN'S champion John McEnroe was among thoae who did play and breezed through opening day unscathed. "I hit the ball pretty well today," John McEnroe &aid as he blasted through fellow American Van Winitsky, 6-2, 6-2, S.l Monday. "Winltsk:y's serve is not too strong and he tends to stay back. He is the kind of player I can get ln to net on." Both because of t.he speed of the grass courts and thelr unpredlCtability, the 22-year-old left-hander made charge aher char1e Into the net, forcing Winitaky to paaa him or suffer the conaequences. McEnroe provided 1Ua own covering fire with six •ces ahd fotlowed a OONll.atently 1t1"0Q1 ..-vtce lnto net from where be~ q~ work of ahon retuma wtth sharply an&Jed volley.. THERE WAS VERY little of the antics that last year resulted in $10,000 in fines that were quashed on appeal. His b ehavior was -for him - exemp ary as-a-~ Center COurt crowd looked on. McEnroe several times had words with the officials, but always m quiet tones, and often unctuated the conversations with a smile. even m those instances when he received questionable calls. "There were no problems today," he said. "I hope it continues." AdvanCing to the second round with McEnroe were all of the seeded players who saw action Monday, with the exception of No. 9 Andres Oomez. the reigning Italian Open champion, who was ousted by former Wimbledon titleholder Stan Smith. CONNORS, THE NO. t seed, overpowered South African Mike Myburg, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2; third-seeded Vitas Gerulaiti1 handily dispatched Brent Pirow of South Africa, 6-4, 6-1, 6-1; No. 4 seed Sandy Mayer downed Haroon Ismail of Zimbabwe, 7-5, 6-2. 6-3; fifth. seeded Johan Kriek· of South Africa out.lasted a tiebreaker loa and American Craig Wlttua, 6-7, 6-3, 6-1. 6-0; and No. 7 Mata WUander, t.he 17-year-<>ld French Open winner who hat become t.he teen idol ln che abeence of fellow Swede Bjorn Seq, defealed Heins Gunthardt ol Switzerland, 6-4, 6-2. 3-6, 8-3. • Thirteenth-aeeded Brian Gottfried of the U.S. outlasted France's Giles Moretton, 7-6, 7-6, 6-2; hard- serving Roscoe Tanner, seeded No. 14, traded bullets with France's Henri bec:on~-before-winning--a-6 ~· 7 5, 6-4- shootout, and No. 16 Steve Denton won a mara thon o uting against fellow American John Sadri, 6-7. 7-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Tenth-seeded Yannick Noah of France was forced to withdraw before hitting a ball because of a pulled thigh muscle. but since the tournament was under way, Wimbledon officials did not disrupt the order of rankinp. C.Onnors admit~ working on a serve that would let ham get to net on thoee few occasions when h e needed to abandon the baseline, but played largely from the back of the court against My burg. "IT'S DIFFICULT to get to net when you're retreating sideways," Connora said of his old aervice. Wllander looked 1urprlaingly at eue adapting to the aerve-.and-vOI.ir:.· y ame, which wu the reaaon he . the aecond round while Gomez di not. Both were achooled •clay court players. "I came Into the net mo~." Wilander ea.id. "I never do that on clay. I al.lo tried to hit the retume much harder. "My ambUiorw fer Wimbledon thia ~e.ar a.re not wry ~" he continued, 'bee.au. tt '*• limit to eet u.ec1 to iJ1lll. But U>day. I played my best m.t.ch on graaa." • CINCINNATI (AP) -F.ddie Milner was covered w j th swea~ dirt and='-=a'---- contented glow. "I had a good time out there tonight," Milner admitted, after he fueled the Cincinnati Reds' attack m a 10-2 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Tuesday night. The rookie outfielder accounted for si.x of the Reds' runs, matching their highest run production of the season. Milner rapped a three-run homer, drove in another run and scored two more times to snap the Dodgers' six-game winning streak. Milner. installed in the leadoff spot for hia speed, acted more like a cleanup hitter in the second lnn.ing, slugging a three-run homer to put t.he Reda ahe9d to stay. It was t.he start of his moat productive night as a ~ l~. ''I 'm definitely gaining more confidence," Milner said. "I'm more comfortable. At first, I was getting aome pitches that 1 wasn't expectil\g ln 80l'De situations. 1 knew.eventUauy rd acijua1.." Reda Manager John McNamara agreed that Milner'a INOCe99 flowed ftom hit srowins fa.millarity wfth oppoetng pHcnera. "He'a more confident now. He'• not chuina bid pitdlel,'' McNamara akt. ''He'1 ~ttinl acclimated, adjusted.•• Starter M'"arto Soto tum.a tn another' aolid performance for \be Reda. wtM1nl (ke l\EDS, Pap CS) ~~~....:.r-------....-..---....._._...-.__....!... .......... _.. ... iiiiillilliilllillliiliiliilllililiiiiliilllilimillilli._lilml? ........... , ...... ).. Orange Cout DAil. V PILOT /Tu.di>'• June aa. 1112 ii I .---------------~--------..... Cotton W arhurton succumbs at age 70 CULVER C ITY Irvine "Couon" Warburton, an All· m American quarte rback with the 4 • University of Southern California Trojarts football team in 1933, died Monday. He was 70. Warburton, the smuU blond backfield s tar from 1932-34, su~'Cumbed to heart failure at the Brotman Medical Center. Warburton, who went mto film work on graduation from USC, also won an Oscar for his film editing of the movie Mary Poppins. Still his major fame came as a 5·foot ?·inch back on the football field who led the Trojans to a nationaJ championship in 1932 with a 10·0 record when the Trojans beat Pittsburgh 35-0 in the Rose Bowl. Although weighing only 147 pounds. Warburton was the top rusher for USC in 1932 and 1933 and during his three-year career he gained l,357 yards with a 4 17 average. Dr. Gary Warburton, the former player's son and a dentist, sa1d his father had been in good health until about two weeks ago when he suffered from a kidney and bladder problem and was admitted to the hospital. Cotton Warburton worked 19 years with MGM and 20 with Wah Disney Producuons until hlS retirement three years ago. In addition to son 0.ry. he 1s survived by two daughters, Sandy Boender and Lynn Dyer and six grandchildren. FuneraJ services will be held at I l a .m. on Wednesday at Hillside Memorial Park Quote of the day Ollie Johnson, former Philadelphia 76ers forwar d , commenting on unintelligible interviews given by some highly paid athletes: "With as much money as most of the players make these days, you would think they could spend a little on English lessons." Raiders dealt temporary setback SAN FRANCISCO -The CaJifomia Supreme Court ruled that [!] the city of Oakland has the right to 4 t acquire the Oakland Raiders· NationaJ Football League franchise under its power of eminent domain. The 6-1 decision reversed a Monte rey Superior Court decision dismissing the city's lawsuit.,The justices sent the case back to the lower court for a triaJ. Oakland's eminent domain lawsuit is separate from one involving antitrust allegations against the NFL, which had attempted to block plans to move the team to Los Angeles. A federaJ jury, in that case, ruled in May that Managing GeneraJ Partner Al Davis could move the team to southern California. Baseball today On this date in baseball m 1947. Four days after he had no-hit thf' Boston Braves, Cincinnau's Evell Blackwell had his bid for consecutive no·hitters shattered on Eddie Stanky's one-out single in the mnth inning. Blackwell wound up with a two-hitter and a 4·0 victory as the Reds and Brooklyn Dodgers s plit a doubleheader. Today's birthdays: HaJJ or Fame pitcher Carl Hubbell IS 79. New York Mets catcher Ron Hodges IS 33. . A 'a drop Royal• 11/t game• back Mlkt Heatla drove in the wtnn.tnc run wlth • ti lder11 choke ln lAi • olahth lnnlnlJ to ilve Oakland a narrow 4.3 victory over KINU Clt.,y to htahUaht American Loqu action Monday nlaht. Tho win, which 1napPOd the A'• 1hc-1am• lotina lltcUk , Miao dropf>C'd th e Royall 1 \I\ IJamt'I bt•hlnd tht• Angl'la in the AL Weit El.lcwhere, Tom Paciorek tripll'd to open the elghth lnnlnii und a 'On.'Cl on Harold Balaea• double WI the Chicago WhiW Sox wok ._ ~-4 rain-delayed victory ovl'r hapless Mtnneaou . Center f ie lder Dave Henderson hit one of three Seattle h~ runa and threw out two Toronto runners as _ the Mariners held on to beat "' TH the Blue Jays, 5-4 . . . Cecil ~ Coofer doubled home the go-ahead run, and Pau Molitor and Ben O&llvie 'homered to lead Milwaukee to a 6-2 victory over the New York Yankees ... Dave Stapleton drove in two runs with a single and a sacrifice fly and Carl YaatnemakJ reached another milestone with his 3,253rd major·league hit (placing him ninth on the all·time list) as Boston downed Detroit, 5-1 . . Dennis Martloe:i threw a three·hltter , facing just 29 batters, and Cal Ripken Jr. homered and doubled to drive in four runs as Baltimore blanked Cleveland, 7-0 . . Toronto's Jim (;Janey, who allowed just one unearned run in 19 innings pitched, was named the AL's Pitcher of the Week. Rose ties Aaron on hit parade Philadelphia first baseman Pe te Rose tied Henry Aaron for second la place on the major leagues' all-time career hit hst with a sixth inning single ott ::>t. Louts' Uave LaPoJnt in the Phils' 7 ·5 loss to the Cardinals to highlight National League action Monday. The drive to right-center was Rose's 3, 77 lst career hit, tying the 23·year t'areer total of Aaron. Hall of Famer Ty Cobb, with 4,191, is baseball's aJJ. time hit leader ... Elsewhere, Cbrls Chambliss drilled a bases-loaded single to center with two out m the runth mnmg to cap a three· run rally that gave Atlanta a 7-6 victory over San Francisc o ... Terr y Kennedy's two-run double keyed a six-run rally in the ROBE eighth as San Diego downed Houston , 7-4 Gary Carter hit two home runs to lead MontreaJ to a 5-1 bhtz of the New York Mets ... Johnny Ray hit a solo home run and an RBI triple to lead Pittsburgh to a 4.3 win over the Chicago Cubs ... The Dodgers' J erry Reuss was named the NL Pitcher o( the Week afte r winning two games. Allen vows new league will be tough George Allen, a fixture m the • National Football League coaching ranks for two decades, signed as coach and part o wne r o f the Chicago fr a n c hi se in th e n e w U .S. F oo tball League Monday and vowed his team would be c:ompetitive with the NFL within three years ... Larry Bird of Bos ton was the only unanimous choice to the NBA all-league team. ... The Larry Holmea·Ge rry Cooney heavyweight title fight of June 11 will be aired on ABC-TV Friday night from 6-8 p.m. PST Lee Trevino, after missing the cut in the U.S. Open last week, said he will check into a hospital because of a back problem that began when he was hit by lightning seven years ago ... The Illinois Senate endorsed a bill Monday designed to prohibit the Chicago Cubs from inst.ailing lights at Wrigley Field for night baseball games. Television, radio TV: WORLD CUP $(X;CER -USSR vs. Scotland, 11 p.m., Channel 34. RADIO: Baseball -Dodgers at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m., KA.BC (790); Texas a t Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER Italy vs. Cameroon. · 11:45 a.m . (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Argentina vs. El Salvador. Dall)' Pllol Pflolo by Almon Loc:Ubef TIGHT REACH -Me l Richley's Aman te reac h in Ne wport Harbor Yacht Club's (left), out of the Lido Isle Yacht Clu b, leads Ahmanson Se ries for International O!fsh ore Morrie Kirk's Ha na Ho on a class spinnake r Rule yachts. SoUth gets label: 7-point favorite By ROGER CARLSON O(lhe Dally Pllol 81atl El Modena High footbalJ l'oach Bob Lester has seldom lost a pregame war of words -but he lost a battle Monday, fa1hng to ~o nv1n ce Orange County >po rtswrite rs that his South ;quad was in trouble against the• North, coached by Servilt• H1gh's Ron S meltzer As a result the Rebels have been estabhshc'Cl as seven ·point favorites to extend their winning streak to five in a row in the 23rd annual Orange County All-star football game K.tckoff 1s at 8 o'clock Monday at Orange Coast College and the game features many of the best players produt·ed in Oran ge County Among the South are Fount.am Valley quarterback Ma tt Stevens and Edison running back Dave Geroux. Among the North are Esperanza High runner Henning Peterson and Buena Park runner Mo Printup L est er says his squad 's strength lies within the offense -cs p e~1 a ll y S t eve n s a t quarterback and a backfield consisting of Geroux, Foothill High tailback Mark Templeton a nd El M od e na runner Jim Torok to the upset of the year m 1981 ( 14-7 over Edison in the first rou nd of the CIF Big Five Conrerence playoffs), will be running a similar offense to the South (I and split backs) and has an advantage in that his own quarterback (Doug Butler) will be running the show "We know where we're at.'' says Smeltzer. "We've got some great athletes, but you have to be very basic. "We expect to SC<.' the South throw a lot, I wouldn't be surpnst>d to see 40 passes." Lester's response: "l haven't thrown 40 times m a season." From Page C1 DISIENA . • • .sleeping o r e ating In {act , D1Sie na's e ating habits are somewhat peculiar in that he eats every two hours. even to the extent that he sets his aJarm at night to stay on schedule Ahmanson, 66 • series • continue Winds were light and the skies overcast Saturday and Sunday, but the ()('Ca n off Newport Beach was a li ve wi th co l o rful c;pinnakers ac; Newport Harbor Yacht Club and Balboa Yacht Club joined forc:es for a race around the buoys The races were sailed over a mod1f1ed Gold Cup course It was the fourth and fifth races of NHYC's Ahmanson (IOR) and Dic:kson (PHRF) series, and the s..'COnd and third of BYC's 66 Sen es. Results of Saturday's rare: IOR-A (7) l. Celerity, Bill Ostermiller. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, 2 Raide r , J im Linderman. Balboa Yacht Club. IOR-B (5) 1 Spirit, Allen Brown, Voyagers YC. IOR-C (8)-1. V1d1ot, Scott Ramser , NHYC; 2 . Insanity, Wa y n e Au s t e r o -Tom Omohundro, NHYC. P H RF-A ( 12)-l. Pele, Jim Emmi, BCYC, 2. Typhon, John Olsen. Long Beach YC; 3. Triple Crown. Bob Marshall, NHYC. PHRF· B (-16)-1 Snojob, James De Wolfe. BCYC; 2 Nugje T oo. Jim Nugent, BYC; 3 . V a lkyri e. Bill Murray. Capistrano Bay YC. PHRF-C ( 16)-1. Pussycat. Kuwaitis blow bonus, fined "Our offensive hne isn't too s habby," adds Lester. '·The reason Qur defensive line is a little shaky is because we're s till trying to g e t across s ome o f things that are fo reign to some." "MC'als are a very strong part of dieting.'' he says. "When you eat at two-hour inter va ls it allows you to fully utilize all you r f ood intake All y o ur stomach is really able to absorb is about 30 grams per s1ttmg (which amount" to about 2·3 ounces of fish). "ln this way, it helps the stomach to shrink up." Maybe se. but isn't the diet somewhat extreme? John Szalay, Voyagers YC; 2. Dark Star V, Steve and J eff Farwell, NHYC: 3. Quest Michelle and Roger Gooding, VYC. Soviet referee susp ended in World Cup controversy Lester's defense consists of a 4.3 and he says, "Maybe by next Tuesday we'll know what's going on." (The game, of course. is on Monday). MADRID, Spain (AP) -Kuwait has been fined $11,800 and its football association president has been sanc tioned by the F ederation of International Football Associations following a ruckus in Monday's match against France. FIFA announced today that the 4· l French victory in Valladolid had been confirmed. It also said that the referee. Miroslav Stupar of the Soviet Union, had been suspended until the next meeting of the FIFA referees' committee. In a statement issued by FIFA General ~ Secretary J .S. Blatter, it was announced that the management of the VaJladolid football stadium has been warned about its "lack of law and order." The ' • disturbance started Monday after Alain Giresse scored to put France 4-1 ue and the angry Kuwaiti players refused to continue with the match, I believing he was offside. PRINCE FAHD AL·AHMAD AL·SABAH, president of the Kuwait Soccer Association I gesticulated to the players on the field and then marched to the touchline to consult with them. The FIFA statement said the prince "has been I sanctioned with a caution for unsporting behavior. Fw-thennore, the FIFA Executive Committee will make a decision with regard to the statements made 1 by t h e President of the Kuwait F ootball Aaaoci.ation." After a seven minute hold-up, during which French coach Michel Hidalgo became involved in a fncas with police, Stupar ruJed out the goal and the match continued. Before France scored again. there was a jostling mat.ch between rival players and Abdulla Ma~f of Kuwait was involved in at least two pushing incidents. Austria 9COred its second win of the finals by defeating upstart Algeria 2·0 in a Group Two game ln Ovtedo, while Northern Ireland drew 1·1 with Honduru ln a Group Five contest in Zaragoza. PLATINJ SCORED ONE GOAL and R t up another aa well as dominating the midfield. Bernard Genghin1 and Didier Six were the other French 8COl'ttS, while Abdulla Bulouah.t 9COred a coruiolatlon pl for the outcJ....00 Kuwaiti.a. f'ruce now ~draw ita final Group Four pme against akia to advance to the MCOOd stage al~ with En&Ja.nd. Kuwaiti coach Carlos Alberto Parreira conceded that his team now has lost its chance of advancing to the second round. That means the Kuwait players have blown a bonus of $200.000 per man that was offered by business interests 1f they made it past the first phase. WALTER SCHACHNER scored for the second straight game to boost Austria to its triumph over Algeria in Oviedo. Austria now has won both its group matches and is expected to qualify for the second phase. Algeria has a 1-1 record and needs to win its finaJ game against Chile to stand a chance of advancing lrom a group that also includes powerful West Germany. Schachner gave Austna a T .Q lead in lhe ~ mmute and Hans Krankl collected the insurance goal 12 minutes later. Hooton Lester h as los t o nly one o riginal selet'tion (Mater De1 lin e backer K e nn edy Pola because of an injury). but the South has lost four players and the No. 1 player (Craig Rutledge of El Dorado) never was chosen because of an tnJury Smeltzer, who coached Serv1te Call 642-5678. Po1 Ttew words to w ork for ou "No," DiSiena counters. "With this diet (and training), I haven't been sick one day. Plus, l can do thin gs so much better . I'm getting better as an ath lNe. "To me. it's not discipline, it's a way of life. I guess you could think or it two ways. If you're a pessimist, you probably look at it as a constant grinding If you're an opt1m1st. you're saying. 'I'm goin~ to better myself by doinl( this'.' Fidrych sparkles COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) The com eback bid of Mark Fidrych, the American League's 1976 Rookie of the Year, gained momentum Monday night as he pitched P a wtuc ket to a 5-2 Inte rnational League baseball v ictory ovN the Columbus Clippers before 10,401 fans. SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTl_QN By order of The Board of Directors and other secured parties has surge ry PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY COMPLETE LIQUIDATION TO REPAY PAST DUE LOANS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT TO BANK (Mitsui Manufacturers Bank of Beverly Hiiis) LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pitcher Burt Hooton of the Los Angeles Dodgers underwent surgery for removal of a bone spur from his right knee Monday a nd the National League baseball club placed him on the disaQled list for 21 days. Another right-hander. J ----New Airplane Under Development 100°/e HANDMADE HIGH QUALITY PERSIAN & ORIENTAL CARPETS a RUGS INCLUDtNO RUGS FROM lllAN, CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, ROMANIA, TURKEY a EGYPT IN ALL SIZES. TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER ON TUES., JUNE 22 At 8 P.M. MARRIOTT INN Alejandro Pen a , was recalled f rom Albuquerque w repJace Hooton on the roster. Oevelopmenl of new revoluttonarv appl1ca1ton or aerO<lynam•cs promises 10 provide much greater safely comlo11 and economy Panoramic vrew tor all passengers w11h delH~e seals and •nte,,o• tor business ftrms or lhe p11vate owner who wants t'vervth1ng lri a p11ce range ol S 12S,OOO·S200 000 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH Hooton, 32, will be eligible w return to the mater on July 9 because hia lilting on the dlaabled U.t I.I retroactive to June 18. He h ad made ·10 ataria for the Dodgen w1th • l-4 record. He h•d alto been on the d1aabled lilt from May 18 to June 8 DEVELOPMENT GOAL SPECIFICATIONS • 8 passengers · 1111 tront 18111 • Large lavatory lull 11t1nd· up room • 800 lbs baggage compt'1Jtlent • 45 me>n take·oll speed • 300 mph crul11ng speed • I &00 mite rlnot • 5()Qt, less tai.e olf d1S1ance • 1 OO'lt grea1er ghde reh(l • ?OClti to 4QQo grl'oter fu!'ll ethc•ency <to En1e1p11t11 Funa1ng w Cer•v K1nso••1no Vat111y Ben~ C11n1111 Sufi• 1100 101 Convtor\hon C.n••• o .... l H V-OH NhlOa llQ 10~ 110~1 n' O<lllJ PREVIEW WILL COMMINC! 1 HOUR PRIOR TO AUCTION A. A. a A. eno. u~~· .... T llO ~ • • ~· ·. MAJOR laAQUI aT ANDINQI Amenc.n LNfu• ......... 01¥11'91\ Af\Oek Kantn t;1ty C111<.1>110 llHllle 0fkl111d i. ... Mtnnttot• 801ton 0.llC>lt M1twaukee Ba1t1m0te Clevelano New YOik f0<on10 40 21 5111 37 21 f)79 11, :u 2e seo ? 3& 34 S07 6 30 39 4)) 11 23 37 383 13'~ IG ~ 232 1:1 I Hl1•n Dlwlelon 40 25 815 35 21 ses 3'> 38 29 )54 4 34 29 5•0 s 31 32 492 8 )() J2 •8• 8'> 31 38 463 tO ""°"4MJ'e ko. .. A~• 10. re~•• 2 8elllm0te 7 ci.v.t&nd O Milwaukee 6. New York 2 8011on 5. O.troll I Crwugo s. Mln114ao1a • Ooklal'd •. Kana .. City 3 Seattle S To10t110 4 Tocter'o Q...,eo 1> ~r·:~ lt10f1e'lcu11 2 11 ., Aneeia IK•Jo<1 Oe11011 (Wolco• S-21 et 8ot1011 cTo«ei •·31 B~lllmor• (Sl•war I 5·41 11 t;lw•el•no 1So10l(lt"" S-6) Nbw York (Ertek"°" 4 51 e1 M1lwa11ktl(! IVLICkO•ICh 8 21 5 ~lonosota (Vlola t·Ot 8t Cnic&go 1r1ou1 Ka11su C ly (Blue 4 41 ., OA-lond IBl•Ck I 1) la< onto IG11•1n I· 11 a1 S11at11e (Nelson 5 81 N•tlone1Le:2!:e WMlefll DIVM w l Pc:I. oe Attant1 40 25 815 S.,. Diego 38 28 ~ 3~ Doelger• 35 33 515 6 .. Sen Fr o.rlt1sco 30 38 441 , ,.,., Clnclnnall 28 38 424 12·~ Houston 28 38 424 12'> EHlem OM1loll St lOU4t 39 28 582 Monll&al 36 27 571 I New Y0tk 34 31 523 4 Pn~aoelpl\lft 33 31 516 4 . P1USD<Jrgh 29 33 468 f' I CnlCllQO 25 43 368 14 t Mondey'• Sc:OfH C1nc1nna11 10 Oodgen 2 Montreal 5 New Y0tk 1 Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 3 Atlanta 7 San Francisco 6 Sen Diego 1 Hous1on 4 SI LOUIS 7, Phllad.,IP111a 5 Tod•r'• Geme• Oodgen (Ron>O 0· 11 .11 All,.nla 1Day1ey ~·31 Monlrt11l !Palme< 1 11 81 Ne .. YOI~ (S.,an 5·11 Cn1cego (Martz 4 51 at Ptnsourgn (Candeleria 2·3) San Diego ILoltar 6 21 a1 Ctnctnna11 (Lt1bra11d1 J · ll San Francisco 1G .. 1e 2·6t al Houslon (Ruhle 4-41 Pnlladelpllla (Cn11111enton 3-41 11 SI LOUii (Mura 5·S) AMERICAN LEAGUE Angela 10, AeOQefe 2 TUA$ CAllFOllNIA eb rhbl eb rllbl Smp1e11 Bonr cl BBell.3b Gruoo.rl lJhsn,011 Hllllr lb Sndb1g,c Wgnr ss Flyn 2b • 1 1 IJ Owng 11 4 2 2 I 4 O O o Carow, lo 3 1 1 o 3 0 0 I 0..Cn<;a,30 5 2 3 4 3 1 2 0 RoJ~ 1n,rl 4 0 t I 4 0 I 0 RClrk,rl 0 0 0 0 4 0 O 0 Gr1Cn. 2b 4 I 1 0 4 0 I 1 L1mn cl 2 1 I 1 • 0 ~ 0 Bylr dll 3 0 1 I • 0 0 0 ~C)tl SS 2 2 1 1 l"rgsn c • 1 1 t Totals 14 2 1 l rot•ls"l 1 10 12 10 Sc:0<e by lnnl119• lean 011 000 000-2 Cellto• nla 003 000 07a 10 E Groen LOB Te•H 1 Ca11lorn1a 7 28 Grubb OeC1,,COS Oown1ng SB Sample S -Carow, F'011 SF 8 Bell Baylor T•••• Hough IL 5·51 M11at>ella Comer Celtt0<nl1 IP HA EA 88 SO 1'. 8 6 6 4 5 0 0 1 1 1 0 •, 4 3 l 2 0 Ren~o(W 7 · 11 9 7 2 2 1 3 Mtrabella p11cnec1 10 1 baller 1n tne 8111 PB SunOl>elQ T 2 34 A 23 47~ OrlolH 7, lndlene O Ball1m0te 300 030 00 I 1 14 0 C1eveland 000 000 000 O 3 O 0 Martinet ana Oem11sey Wa11t Brennan \~)and Hassey W D Martinez 17-•) L Wans (0·51 HR Bat11more AlpUn 171 A 10633 HIUJtl ti t1ot11 'l Attl1~0 $4~1 10 A ate ·~·· 19 Wiii 00' 111 F CHacl1 107•· 24 S•n~11111 J(I• I IT l•lm 97" 2'1 l<ltOn 72~ 29 Me>ttftU 48~ n Co111e11 40'" tJ • J7 J) 40 l9 ll '~ J9 n 2~ "81 ,.,, •• no te 2111 H HO 21 218 t6 lH 30 '111 41 2611 12 ,~~ 40 153 8 2:1C> '.'I 141 :) 22!> t JOO ) !U l l~(I I 0 01 1 I J l 4 1 68 ;) 0 1 :> G 2 :1 ti 1 6 000 no lllA 1 llS 2 )7 268 2 74 ) I~ 3 18 3 22 3 ,4 BO 4 44 8 02 IOl&lf 621 290 40 27 3 25 ll<td k• t, Tlget• I 0.11011 000 000 010 H I 8oaton 000 112 Oh S 9 I P11tv P Und-ood Ult So .. \71. Sa~ t8) •M L M P•"'"'' Tu<Jor 8 StAl'l\e't \81 encl Gedmen W lu<JO< (6-51 l Pe1ry 16 41 S S1an•oy 15) A 24 234 911w111 e, Yankee• 2 Ne .. York 000 too 00 I 2 8 I MllWIUk4141 100 0 II 2 h 6 10 I R1g1111111 na11er \II 0110 Wyne11ar McClure, Be<nard (7) ono S1m1110n• W McClure (5·21 l R•ghelll (5·5) S 8etnerd 12) HR• Nciw York Pm11111-(lt ~~'&:r-c>envie 1 •6> t.10•110t 111 • Whtie Soi 5, Twine • M1nneM>I• 00 I 010 iOO • 8 u Cnicago 001 •?O O 10~ 5 •O o W1111ams Fetlon 18) and L•uOno;r 811rn• Bel)H 17) ano ~Ilk W Baro1•• (5 11 l rtt11011 10 61 HRa Chteego. A1mon t4J ~;1;1~g 161 M1n11eso1a 61un11n1ky ( 10) A M.,lnero S, 8h"' J•,• • I or on lo 000 020 002 4 9 1 <;ea111e 100 400 oo, 5 7 2 leel D Murrey 14) end Whlll M MOOle VenoeS.rg 191 Cau01H 191 l flO Swee! w M00te (3 61 L Le I (5·51 S C•ua111 \ 101 HA• Setllle Bocllle (51 Cowens I, 11 0 He<>de<son 161 A 1 •86 A'• 4, 1tor••• 3 >\or"ae Clly 000 2 10 000 3 ~ 1 0 okl6nd 100 000 210 4 4 I Blue Arms11ong 181 eno Wall1on 1 Unoerwouo, Beard (~I 11110 Hualtt w l:leuocl l~·•I L Blue 1• ~I HRt Oakland lllu•1Jhy (12) Burroogns 13) A 30921! NATIONAL LEAGUE Rede 10, Dodg•te 2 LOS ANGElE8 l:INCINNATI eb r h bl •b r ti bl Se. 2D 5 I 2 0 E Miiner " 3 3 2 4 Lanclre•. cf 3 0 0 0 ~sle<. 2b 4 I 2 O Roenick It 2 0 0 0 Cncpcn ss 4 o 1 1 Guerr&1. 11 • 0 I O l andtiy, 2b 1 1 1 O Garvey, lb 4 o O O ClKleno. cl 4 o 2 2 Cey 3b 3 1 I 1 Omts•n ID 3 2 2 0 Sc1osc1a. c 4 o 1 o ~n. 3b • 2 2 o Bet&i>11r SS 3 0 0 0 HoShlclr rl 3 0 0 1 Jo Mrtspl\1000 Trev1no c SOt 1 Welell p 2 0 0 0 Solo p 5 I I I S Snuley po o o O Orta ptl I 0 0 0 S1e-an. p o O o o Noe<lenlr P 0 0 O 0 Mofl<ly pl 0 0 0 0 Russell pr 0 0 0 0 Tolals 32 2 S 1 ro1e1t 36 10 14 10 kot• br lnnln91 lOt Angeles 100 100 000-2 C•iclnnau 040 201 12•-10 E Belenge• Sc1osc1a Se, OP-Lo• Af1941\H 1 LOB LOS Angeles 8 C1ncinnau t 1 2B -Sa.. C-no 2 HR E Milne< 131 C.., (81 SB-58.a E Milne< Sf' -Cedeno HOUMhlclr w~~ IP If II UI U 10 5 .... 97683 ·~ 0 0 0 0 I S Slllftey S1ew1r1 Nledel11uet 1 2 I 0 0 I __,I 3 2 2 t 1 C~tl Solo IW,7-4) 9 5 WP Solo T 2 58 A-17.901 P1••1M •. Cuti. J 2 s 10 Cl>ICllQO 010 010 010 3 II Pillaburgll 100 020 10• • 9 1 Le Smnn T1arow 161 W H<irnanoez 181 end J Oa••S MoskiW SuHy 161 Teliutve I'll and T Peria w Monau 11 31 l Le Sm11n It 21 S -Te•ul•e 181 t1R P11taourgh J Ray 151 A 6 138 Eapc>9 5, Melo 1 Mo<1lr ea1 000 400 O 10 5 5 1 N~w l'N• 000 001 000 I S 1 led Bu111s (7) and Caner Fel<.one zacnry 4) H•usmao t81 al>d S1111rns W Lea 6 21 l Falcone (4·31 S Burrtt 111 HRs Monlreal Carler 2 1131 A 20 41• 8ravM 7. Giant• I San Francisco o 10 20 1 101 6 10 Allan10 100 003 003 -1 17 2 Fowlkea Holland 1e1 Barr !!II L&•!llle 19t Minion \91 ano Brenly. P N1e1<ro <..amp (71 and Benedlcl N -Camp (S-31 l Minton (3 •1 HRs -San Franc1ll(;O E•ans (71 C De.•~ 181 AHanla Muro1>y 1211 A 10 •85 ./ .....,., 1, AtltM 4 8•11 l>1eU11 000 010 010 t t t t 110..11011 003 00 I 000 4 f , c.itllt. t 114tlet 131 Oe~eon (I I. Onow 111 ltl<I I 1C911fleCly 8utH10, Clj)WlallO ti t L..c:OM {t), 9oot1e ltf II/VI !'viola 'N lhow 14 )I l l..r.r. .. ,,_,, 4 I I or C ........ l',l'NlllMI PNIMelrflll 000 000 1)0 I t I I It l Oulo DOI 00 I U& I 13 0 •f•t•OI!' lyle 111 J\Md 111 M<iOrtw II> 111(1 Vllglt L ollOltll !$alt (II 'lulle1 ti ) a110 Po.le; W 8'111•r 18 51 I Reed t2 21 ltllt 1>nt1e\lel1;hla. ll lll11bl11M1n 101 v1r11u 111 A ti 1•1 Southern Celtfof'"I• Ameteur Ouel!tytn9 1t-holel ...... lat CellletnMI Counl'l Club, WMllet) (r2 P'•ref• '°' ao P'-•> 10 81••• Cn•rlH (lnoutlry Hiii• CCI Allon Ovl'IO!> (Orlttllh Perk C<;l Miii• HI,,.,, 10a1<mon1 CCI P•trlck McAoallty (lo• A~ CC). JoM Pet1u Jt IPllOI VlfOM CCI. t tel ~tl4'rds Jr (Bel·Alr CCI. Outly Watoort (Ca110 .... Pari. CC> 1 t MIChNI Heo••tty (Anner1uate CCI n Oerek Goldli11<11 IBrenlwnod CC). Ed koryta~ (Rio HOfldO) 7) Aobetl S.ln (Pel01 l/trde1 CC). Oevld Boller 1P1101 V•rdea CCI. Don OuB011 (Glwnd0t1 CCI. Jim Empey (Alv..,a CC) 74 Grag Bruc:l<nllf !BrOOl<al<le CC>. 8t1an G•ddy tAnn1n1111e CC) Don Kempt (Cttl•b&a.u P1u1< CC) G1try ICluf'ln tCll1bn11 Patk CCI. Tun Ro.a (C111lorn1a CC) Robetl V'"11 IOrlN11t1 P11i. CCI. Htl'b Young (lot An\)4tle• CCI (•I !Nine c -1 CCI (H pleyet1 fOf 1t plecoH ) 68 Mark Blakely tWlllll Co1t1I Ameleur) Jim Breen (Well Co1t1 Amateur!. 71 M111< Pa111 ho111 (Well Co111 "me1eu1) ChrlllO(JMo Wood (lrvlM COHI CC> n K""n 1 .... !El Nlguoll CC) Ray Brown (lot Ccyoles CC> Oellld llOODy (Sa111a Ana CCI Oenn11 l<ltln (lmpe1111t Mike Ill)' (M"' v .. oe CCI, G1eg l ane (C.11d1ewoocs CCI Fr<td Molls Jr (MIWon Vte)O) 7:1 Rob Anoerson (W11 at Coast Amaieuri. Denni& Le00011t (~orbu L1noa CCI Bruce Nnkamurll (West Coaa1 Amaleur), Paul O'Sl'lda (lrW1• CoaSI CC), Oovo fhomp&0n !El N1gvel/ (el Juru.,. Hiiie, R verald•l (31 pl•y•rt for 10 plK.,) 61! Paer HIMIQ (Los Se•reno• CCI 69 Jell l oe !Canyon CrMll CC) Bill .vioi. 1oua11 l•k~ cc1 10 Teu~ Andrews (El Prado CCI C1ry :V11u1e1 Ile Ou•nta R"'°'tl 12 Wede Dunagan f\/oc;1oria CluOJ. E11• N"llaen llronwooo CCI Jim Ple1k111 1Arrow'1ead CCt 73 Gary Ochl1eg 1Green nivtr CCI. Bill SI Gtll "18111 IJurupa H1ll1t Jim Ardell 16okersl1eld CCI Wimbledon Men'• Flrat Round 91119leo Je>hn McEnroe (US) clel Van Wlnttllly IU •, I 6-2. 6·2 6-1 Jimmy Conn0ts IU.S t oel Ml~e Myoorg (South Alric•). 6-0 11-2 6·2 Oa•ld Carter IAuSH•ll•I def Je<OtT>e Po11e1 (France). 6-2. 6-3 8·4, vues Geiu1ams IU SI del Brt1n1 Piro.. (Soulll Alrlell 6-4 6· I O· I <;11.5~1 Menon (lnd•al oel Pt vet SIOlll ICte<nos1ovll1<1at 6 2. 7-6 6·0 Bruce Derltn \New lHtano1 O~I Dame v1ue1 (6oull'I Al11c1) 5 7 1·6 6-3 r 5, Jonan Krie• 1Sou1n Alr1C8) def Craig W111us IU s I 6-7 6 1 6 1 6·0 flllerry Tulasne (F'rance1 aer Cltarho fancutt 1Au111e1ta1 6·l 6-4 )-6. 7·6 i<e.rln Curr8'1 ISoulh Alnca) ll•I Jonn Feev"' !Bnlatn) 6-2 6·2 6·2 NICk St¥18J'IO !U S t del Angel G1,,,_1 (Spa1nl, 6-2 6-1 7-6 Sieve Den1on (US) Oel JoM S1011 IU SI 6 1 1-6 6·4 3·6 8·3. Ruuell S1mosoo (New Zoaland) del JOhn lloyO (8r1111n) 3·6 4·6 1 6 6-4 6-4. R- f a11n11< (US) det Henri l aconle 1Frence). &-4. 7·5, 6-4, CaNIO Moll• (Bra.Lii) ll•f Freddie SllUet 1Sou1h Africa), 3·6, &-2, &-• 8--4. flm M•yoll• (U.S) <Ml Pt1or Flemll'IQ (U 8 ). 11·7. 6-• 6-3, 6-4, BetnetO BollelU t!le!Qlum) del Vince Van Patlan (US I. 6-4. 3·6 i &. 7-5. 6-1 Meis WllandM tSwedenl de• He<n• Guntnardl (Sw11zer11no). 6-4 8·3 3 6 6·3 Pete• Renneot IU S) clef Derek T1r1 I Sou1t1 Al11c11. 6-3 3·6 3-8 6·2 8-4 Jona111en Sm•lh 1B111a1n1 del Juan A•endano (Sp11nt 2-6 6 I 6·4 7 6, Claudio PaNtlla lllelyt 0.1 Rici.. Faotl !US J, 2-6 &-0. 6-1 6-2 Eddie Edwards tSoutn AlrlCet clel Greg Whllecrou (Aus1ra1tal, 6·• 6-7 6-2, 7-5. Sandy Mayer tU S ) del. Haroon !smell (Z1mDaowe). 7-5. 6-2, 6-3, COiin Oowde1well (Brtte1n) clef Georges Go•en (Ft&noel. '8-2. 3-6. 6·3 8·2 Drew Gll~n (US I def Andreas Maurer (Wet• Ge<many). 1 5. 7 .5 8 4 Stan Smith (US> del Anorn Gomez tEcuaclOll. 2 II 11-1 6-4 1 6 Brian Golllried IU S I def Gilles M0<eton !France). 7-6. 7-6 6-2. Al>dy Andrews ,u SI del C11a111e Fancuu (Aus1rallal 6 I 7 6 7-6 Cl111t Jo11ns1one (Au5lra1tat det D•••O Sc1>n•1cler (Israel). 1·6 6·3. 1 6. F,11: 8ueh111ng IU S t Oel Mike Esl111> (US I 6·3, C·J. 7·6. Aa11't1Sh Krtsllnen (ln01e) def Andrew Jarrell IBrlla1n1. 6-4. 2-6. 4-6. 7-6, 6·2 Boo Lull tU S 1 del Yannlek Noah !Franc.et dl!faull .· 7MAlllltlm~ ROSENBLUM l'UIUC NOTICE FICTITIOU9 8USINE8S NAME STATEMENT P\ELIC NOTICE flCTmOlll BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS luxurious Custom·Bullt Oceanfront Home 3711 Seashore Avenue. The Most 8e1utlful on Newport's Beach. AUCTION: THURSDAY, JUNE 24 TIME: 11 A.M. No ml n I mum starting bids. New first Trust Deed loan. Owner will carry 2nd. Fee Simple title. For sale by owner: William Harold. 3 Bedrooms, 21/J Baths & Den. R2 lot, 25'x80'. Home:1900 sq. ft. Thll tollow1ng persona are doln; bu11neu as (A) JS CONSULTANTS. (Bl THE PALMESE COM PANY. 15H 1 Toulouse Clrc;le, ll'VINI, CA 927 u JoMPh Peter Pai.-. 154.-41 Touloulll Clrcle, lrvlne, CA 9271• Shatyl AnN! Pa>meM, 1544 I Toulouse Ctrcie. ltvlne. CA 92714 Tnis buSlness •s conducled Dy .loaeph P Palm- Sharyl A Pal~ Thts atelemenl was tiled wtlh lhll County Clerk al Orange Cou11ly on June 4 1982 F1toe10 Publlshecr Orange Coast Oalty Piiot. June 6, 15, 22. 29. 1982 2451·82 PUBUC NOTICE FlCTITIOUS BUllNEH MAME STATEMENT The lollowtng pe•son Is dol11g 1>u1lneaa ea 19 t MESA OR NAM ENT Al IRON lbl MESA IRON (Cl MESA M'\OH Ri.AL. ESTA.re._ 1418 Shamrock Lane Cos1a Mesa. CA 92626 The tollOwlng peraons are doing DUSl1186S as: PROGRESSIVE FILM PRODUCTIONS, 1620 Catalina s11ee1, lagu1111 Beach, CA 9265 1 Patrick M1c;heneud. 1620 Cetahna Street Laguna Beactt. CA 92651 Gera1a M1crienaud 1620 Carailna S1ree1 LagunA S.ac11. CA 92651 Mark V1c;1or Israel, 1516 Rockglen Apt 202 Glendale, CA 91205 This business 1s condUGled by a general paf1nershlp Paluck M1chenaud Tnos s1a1ement was Ille<! wlln lhe County Clerk ol Orenge County on Mey 25. 1982 Hurwitz. Remer, MKDon11d &MMda A ProfeHlonel Co•pOflllon Attorney• •I Law MO Newport C•nler Drive Suite 1555 Newport B•ech, CA l2MO f19013' Pu!lllshed Orenge Coe91 Deity Pilot, ~urie !. 8, 15. 22. 1982 2380-82 Ml.IC NOTICE ~ Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Tueaday, June 22., 1882 WOtld Cup , ... .,...., ......,. . ._. .. Au11rle 2 Atg9tle I> {QfOVP ~) '•MCI• 4, l<uwetl I (group •I Ho.1du1 .. I Notthern lrellnCI t (group ~I TMaf oO- Peru vo l'otal\d 11 Corvn1 (group t) &elgllim YI Hungery II (IQ!e (1;110\ll) )I tlcouanrt v1 Auffla <or oup 111 Woc1Me481'• 0-.. 1111)' Y11 e -oon 11 VtgO (grOuj) I) Arg111lll'I• •• f l S•l•ador " Alleen•• lg•oup 31 Ura.II •• New l d llltlcl e1 S.vlll• IOruup ei World C up •l•ndlnga '"'"'"II" Monar'• O•mHI QllOUP I W L H•t1 0, QA llllly 0 0 2 7 I 1 Petu \) 0 :1 J t I POI~~ 0 0 7 2 0 0 C•111ttcx.n O O 1 1 o 0 "'"'•lnl"9 ''"' llovnd 0.mee TOday Peru •• POiand 11 C0tu111 WedneedaJ ll•ly Vt C•n•etOOll II Vigo Aullll• WHI Germally Algt111 CllUe OllOUP 2 W l T Pie Gl' OA 2 0 0 • 4 J 1 ' 0 1 6 3 I 1 0 2 2 5 020015 119fllelnlng ,,,., llound a-. Thut..UJ AIQ.,•8 vt Chlle el OvNMJo Frld•r WHI O•rfnAlly vs Aut1r11 at 01100 OROUP ~ W l T Pto QF QA Belgium 2 o o • 2 O A111e1111110 I 0 J 11 2 lfuno••Y I O ? 11 ~ (I Se1vaoo1 o 2 o o 1 1 1 Remelnlng Finl Ao"nd ClamH Teder a~1g1um '8 Hunq•ry •I Elct\M Wednetdar A1gen111•0 "' El Sal•edor 11 Al•onto OllOUP 4 W L T1'110FOA England 2 O O 4 5 t Foance 1 t O 2 b 4 Cl&<hOllOvftklA 0 I I I I ) l<uwelt O 1 t 1 2 5 ltemetnlng Jlrot llCK>nd Gem .. Thur Ider Fren~ v• C1tteho~t0va"1a •• Vo111n()t\J Frlelaj Eng1ono ., Ku"1 .. t al 811010 OAOUP 5 W l T P1t OF QA Spain 1 o 1 3 3 2 Hondure~ 0 0 2 2 2 2 NottlWlrn ,, OIA!ld 0 0 2 2 I I Vugosla•1• 0 1 t 1 1 2 Aemelnlng Flral Round Oem•• Thur..Uy Ho<1dures vs Yugosla••• al laruogo Friday Spain "' N0t1n...n Ireland at Valenc:1a GROUP I W L TPla Gf'OA 811Ull 2 0 0 4 6 2 Scotland 110266 RusSla I I 0 2 • 2 New Zeal1111d 0 2 0 0 1 8 A•malnlng Flrat 1104.lnd Game• Toder Run•• VI Sco1lano at Mel4190 wec1-., Brazil Y11 New Zealel'ld el S...111• Lot Al•mttoe MONDAY'S REIUL Tl (Urd of tt-1119111 qu¥11ft>orM meeflng) FIRST -RACE. •OO yeros Ooc lurDy (WarOJ 1U LU • 40 J 00 Kll'IQ Ber CIHSIC (Piikenton) 6 00 3 60 1go1cna (Hart) • 80 Also riced Arnie BaDy, Snr-d N Rich. SayM Oomtn110t, My lrleh Tee. Fun11y Too. NHvllte Doc:. Lide< love< Time 20 36 S2 EXACTA (5·7) paid $29 00 SECONO RACL 350 yardl Nehve Par11W!1 1Asmuuen1• 60 3 20 2 •O Pam.h Prtet1 IWardt 5 80 3 60 Willy Lump lump IH•rtl 2 80 Also reced W11cri Me M~ma Rt>men Eesy R111cly Romeo I wo ""•••• S&•• Watcn The Bult Laely Ou1ncy TrU<.k Mu~ed Ecno Time 1805 THIRD llACE. 440 ya1os S~1p Congo t Lackeyt 3 60 2 80 2 20 Roc~el Snapper (Word) 4 00 2 60 KeldedO (Cteager) 2 40 Also rececl llt\y Roman Spnng r11e1 Camel Cinder Cite Fl1gh1 E.igh1 Stall Real Perteet Tlmt 22 16 FOUflTH llACE. 350 yards HerH John JOhn IM11chell)6 60 • 80 2 80 ltl Urben Cowg11I !P1l~Mt0t>I 25 80 10 20 Kys 8aDy !Hatll 4 20 !>lso 1eced Indian Roao C1ndys Champ10" Rulers T1ea1. tuft Copv. Ruidoso Cnarge. Mean Liiiie Mame flmlJ 18 21 12 EXACT A 19· 10) paid $ 131 00 P\ELIC NOTICE 'wn4 •ACI 360 y11d1 Goin Atono l..t•Y IA<141l• I , 40 • ao 3 .0 Ahn J11 le llletll J 00 2 40 Pa111.,~ll (Creagei l 3 40 Aleo 'KlfO Tiny. O•r Oo " Toul IO Jel Meal lllrHI Coallp C1111m, Je~ .. iu11 Wec;t.y JtKllp. Ole '"" ~"'"'91 llme t1H ltl!Tll llACI 100 yerOo ltlel'I r all (MllChlllll 12 10 4 XI 1 IO Alur" Mitty !Ctrdoa l J 00 ~ .t0 I Qll1,1w Me HOIT .. (l or1i..1t 7 00 Alto 11~ed Clever Poll~y Hellela V•n1qu1, ConteHI Jet, t HI•• 811 J•I IU(jty 81itdOW. ROul l\ooet(lt Rori.et flme ti t• 12 lllACTA Ill 8) 1>110 S28 lO •IVINTK llACI lSO y11cll lnia Cll.c COOY (AAle111 19 eo 14 to I 00 PrOlldlr (P~onet 11 00 e 00 11-111• lh11e \Cter1ua1 l llCl Altu •Koci Rella Hope, M1 ' IOI.rel CHl'I MIN Inky• Angel lcll•Pac Girt Anllt P<lll<iy. lul .. Style, Cl\•e•)O llll'I• 11 O• 11 U ACfA (8 :ll pelO S277 00 llOHTH llACI . ::tSO y1lld• Cnurp N Go (Hirt) ~ 00 2 40 ~ 10 • Mr Boon• Bug (Cerdoll) 4 00 2 llO F .. lut• Thlt tC•••oe<> '1 llO Aleo rlC<IO 8•11 8"1c:na lloc;kwl S..tt Hell ll;inny I OOOllll Alu<e 8UQ llatll~ JOf' Time t7 89 t:1 UAC:T A (II !>I PHld $lb ,0 12 P ICK ltlt (I 9 f .g 6 6) 1>1tltl $ 10 09' with !hr'"' wl1111l11u 11<-k•I• , .. A MfMtl $1 Pick Slk Con•l>l•1lon ria•o $Tl no wllh 131 w111nt~ig 11t;1te11 (ll•e ho• .. •t NINTH llACE. 870 yaJd• Bound Pet1em (Myl••I 6 60 4 00 3 •O SalurO•y W•rrlOf (Ce•ooza) 'I 00 ~ 00 Re1111•10f 1Peu1tne) S 80 Also r•C•d H1yllidlld Sea Chic: P"'petu .. or H1m A 1n1u11 (oQOd f\euon Oaa MOS Tim" 4S 79 t2 EXACT A \I 61 pmu $41120 Atutndal'IC4! 6,J96 o .. p ... ftehtng NEWPORT (All'• Lendlnal 30 ong1e1s 23 oau l•S matll.,rel I hallbu1 13 roe.• t1sn 4 ••no HlmOr> \Oaw•r'o locker) 183 angl111s I barracuda 140 t>onno ? tO ""0 ous •00 c•lico bau 38 roc:k 1151'1 6 llRl•l>ul 510 mac•etel 2 ~•ng u1mon DANA WHAM~ IOU Ml>glf•tt )81 b•U 6 barracudt l 1 bOnl\O ~ halil'lul n!> tf'lt • hsh 33 m&ck111el 1 1ono coo OCEANSIDE 185 anglers 118 oarrucuda 911 b0<mo 439 sano oass IS cohco nau IS roe• ltSh 505 mackerel BAH DIEGO (H&M Lafldtn9, Fltherma11'1. Potnt Lomel 52 angl4!rs 6 albucor~ l 1~ bG11t1cucl8 ') halibut LONO eEACH (9•1mont ~lert 111 •l>Qlt!rt t90 roc:k tocl B••ee 31 •"O'"" <i sat•d tins 8 ne1111u1 SO macs t'•l'I (Ou .... •• Wharf) " anqlets I ,etl<> .. td;I IJ bauac"CJa 110 bonito 9 I caflco Da~!t 4 t7 sann f)tUS t6 ""l!flut t1 t-.x..h t1sn SEAL BEACH 79 ~11glers 170 roe:~ (ou •00 s•nCI o~u 20 calico oau 3 na111)V1 ~s borracude Berg• 11 ang1ers 18 1a110 uau 10 ll•llOul 100 macllerel MORRO BAY (Vite'• landing) •• angl"I> ~ ling eoo 4 r..u rock coo b7!> OEIS), Mondey'a lr•neectlona llASE8ALL Amertcan L-.gue NEW YORI( 'fANl(EES Pieced eerry Foo1e c:a1cne< on Ille 1 S -day supf)lemf!nl•I dis.bled list Acll••led Jerry Mumpnrey oulllflld"' Celled up Juan E.sQl(lo c:tlche<, lrom COiumbus 01 Ille lf'ltemetlOllal LlllQVI Oplloneo Oeve Slegmen oullleloer lo COiumbo• SEATTLE MARINERS -Placed Todd Cruz. snortttop on 1ne 15·day dlSllbled ltll Nellonel Le19u• LOS ANGELES DODGERS P1oceo 8ur1 Hoo1on P•ICl'lef, on 1he 21-day d1sabftld llSI Recalled Ale1•ndro Pena p11cne1 from AIOUQue<que or 1he Pae1hc Coast Leag~ PHll AOElPHIA PHILLIES Achvlled Tug McGraw pllel'le<. Olld oplooned Watren 6111ss1ar Piicher, 10 01<1a11oma Cny of Ille Am11f!can Assoc1a11an RecalleO Len Mah1st&k llrtl baseman. lrom Oklahoma Clly and placed Garry Maddo; ovllltllcle1 on Iha 15·clay c11saDled list 8ASl(ET8AlL ~ Netlonel .,.llelbell Ataoc:lellon PHOENIX SUNS -Traded RICI\ Keltoy c"nter lo the Oen•t11 Nuggets IOt their 1982 hrst-rouncl dralf selee110n FOOTeAU Nellollet Football Le19ue MIAMI DOLPHINS Signed 8ob Natson deleM$1ve tackle Mike Rodrigue w1oe receiver Ron Hester, linebacker and Robin FISl>PI noS41 l&Ckle Untied 9talH Football L1191M CHICAGO Announced 111&1 George Alle<1 ll~d 1>eeome heod coach nnd part owner Ml.IC NOTICE P\ELIC NOTICE ------------------------------ From Page 81 ANGEL • • • Tht> Angela fmtaht'd the naaht with 12 htta, six ln too big e1afith Inning, and th~ end r ult was tht' K·Vcnth vktory of the year ngnm11t onl' ltlll.'I for st.arter Stevl! Renko In u~khuon, the A.ngt."lai rooved 11 / t(<iml1 ahead of Kar\W.15 City m the American l.eaguc Wl'l'!l oflt<r the Royuls droppco<l n 4 :l dt'<-'t~IOn in Ookland. Rc·nko. who hns wun 10 of l 1 gamt'8 smce lost Sc-pt. 13. g111ned hu. fourth ('Omplt•te game o f th(• i;c.•ason .ind lowered h18 eunwd run avernKt· to 2.66 THE ANGELS &urv1vt-d an t'arly 2-0 d~hcat by p1ck111g up two r u m; on Dt'C1t1t't.•S ' thtrd · 1nr11ng tloublt' and unuthf'r on Ht•ggw J al'kson's RBI singlt• the f1flh sLnught game an wh1t•h Jackson has knocked in a run OeC1m.-es. despite baning JWll :N6 coming mto the game. was moved into the No. 3 slot and promptly raised has b a tting ;.ivnage a modest seven points. "ll dcx·sn't bother me bouncing around the lineup Tht'rc's so nuu:h taknt un this tea m . ll d<X'Sn't maltf'r," DeCtnt'C':. said "I'll takt> the challenge " ANGEL MOTES: Angel Manager Oene Mauch say~ he plans on using 1111ng reliever Oon Ae•• to lhrOw balling practice 1on1g111 Aase. sullenng 11om 111ra1no0 llgemenll 1n nit elbow IS ache<lule<I 10 come oll lhll disabled hsl on Thursday s1gn1llcant llm111g In thal° tne Anget5 and Kenses Clly Royals begm 1he11 lmponant tour-game series 1ha1 evening Rod Carew'• 25-game 11111tng streo~ 11 the 1onges1 '" the Ametic.n League 1111et Kenny lendre111• 1111 sale!~ 1n 31 conaecuhve games 1n 1980 (Geo•o• ltelt ot Kensas City olso turneo lhe same 11.ck 1ha1 yeatl Carew IS l1•e hits shy or E•nle 8at1k•' 101at ot '1.S83 an<! 4911l place on Iha a11-11me hllll/IQ 1151 Steve Renko'• complele game was the Angels' 21s1 ol lhtl year LHt year, Angel pllctiers werit Ille cl161ance rust 27 11mes all season TM Angel p11ching stall 11111 ooasts lhe t>eSI earned run average 1n ine Al wllt'I a 3 26 mark (3 12 111 Anaheim Stadrum) Beca\19e o1 111e strike the AngelS and Rangers met iust so> times m 1981 w1tn TeAaS hOldong a 4-2 eooe Te•as roo~1e l11st baseman Deve Hoatellef lled hit hve home runs 111 his last nine games coming m10 Mo11day 111ght s con1est All-Siar Dallohng no1e Cte11e1and·s Toby Htrreh, who is 1ra11tng Kn11sas C11y's Bren 111 111111t11rd base race by more than 450 000 voles Is among the lop live American League hl11er1 1n the tollowmg depa11ments Oalhng average ( 365! home runs 1141 tolal bases (148) runs scored (531 nots 192) walk s \42) Rl1d on bue perceAlage I 486) Calcher 8ob Boone m1sse<J 111s seco11a Slr81Qht game Monday n1gl'll w1lh a swollen lelt kn ee end was expected to be eaam1ned \Oday Oy Or. Lewla Yocum. Ille Angels' physician It markec:I the first ume th•s year Boone nas missed Dack· 10-back games The second game ol ttle senes 1on1gh1 p11s lhe Aange1s' Rlclt H011ercu11 (2 71 aga1ns1 ine Angela Bruce Klt on 16 21 From Page C1 REDS • • • his fourth straight decision wi~h a five-hitter while regaining the N a tional League lead in s1r1keout.s. Soto, 7-4. fannc-d 10. raising his total to 125 He has surrendered two runs or less tn 12 of h1s 16 starts "After we scored tnose runs and got th<? lead, 1t se-emc; l was able to put Lhe ball whc·re I wanted to," said Soto. who blanked the Dodgers over tht" last five annmgs Soto gave the Dodgers a run m the f11-st anmng wnh a w ild pit.ch that let S teve Sax sc·ore from third. Sax had led off thC' game with a dl)uble that strctchC'd his hitting streak to 10 games Pt&IC NOTICE FICTmous IWSIHESS MAM( STATEMENT The lottowrnQ per5ons are doing business 111 THE LITTlE GAZEBO. 1733 Westctllf Drive. Newporl Beach, C1tlforn111 92660 flCT1TIOU8 BUSINESS MAME STAnMENT TN! !Oii-Owing persons are doing business as: (1) WHI TE ORCHID COSMETICS: (2) VENUS WHITE ORCHID COSMETICS. 1800 Dove S1reet, Suite 215, Newpor1 Beech, CA 92660 NOTICE OF MARSHAL'S SALE PLAINTIFF W ll!LIAM A SPEN CER vs DEFENDANT PHILLIP A SPILLER No 41 72• NOTICE CW TRUSTEE'S SALE Trvet .. No. F·2005 On July 9. 1982, al 2 00 P.M., MIO-CAL SERVICES. a CaJllotnla Corporat1011. 410 W Bedlllo. Covtna, Calll0<nta 91722 as duly appointed Truslee under and pursuant to Deed or Trust reoo<ded Marcil 25, 1981 as Inst No 33627, In book 13995. page 117. or Othc;lal Records In the otfloe ot tha County Rec;oreser. of O•allQ9 County, Slate of Caltlornla executed by JOHN B CHUN and KU SUN CHUN, H/W •s JfT as Tn.1sl0ts, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at lime 01 sale In lawful money ot the U1111 ed Sla lea) •I the tront enlrence, 1108 W Sevenieenth, Santa An1, Calllornle 92708. ell right. 11118 6nd Interest con~ to and now held oy It under Mid Deed ol Trutt tn the propeny lltualed "1 said County and State detcttbed as Pe11tc11 L1n11&e Gllm0te. 1238 Blue Gum Lene Newport Beach, Ca111orn1a 92660 Nrck John Flono 1236 Blue Gum L.ane. Newport Baocn, Callfornie 92660 Thi• t>ustnan ~ conducted by a general partllerahlp Pa1r1cta L Gilmore TlllS s1atemen1 was tiled with \he County Clerk ol Orange Counly on May 19. 1982 f1811SS PuDllahed Ora11g11 Coast Dally Prlot June I 8 15 22, 1982 2378-82 Ml.IC NOTICE HEALTH SYSTEM S INTERNATIONAL INC a Nevada corporation (date 01 1ncorpora11on 6129/81) 1600 Oo•e Slreel Suite 2 15 Newport Beac;h, CA 92660 This business ts c;onducle<I by • corpora lion. Inc Heallh Systems l11ternattonel. Kevin C Flndley. V<c.e President & Corporate C<>1msel By w tuc ol a" "~ecu11on Issued on May 29 1982 by lhe Municipal Courl Harbor Juc11c1al OISlnct Counly o l Orange S1111e of Calllorn11 upon a 1ud9mer11 anll!tfe<I 1n lavor ol WILLIAM A "SPENCER 1s 1udgml'nt (cre<11tor(si and ag111n11 PHILIP A SPILLER as )udgment deb1or1s1 snowing 11 net balance ol S4 154 so 11c1ualty due on said 1udgmen1 on tn!' date o r the issuance 01 said o•ecu11on. t nave lt>•1ed upon &II lhe rignl lltle and 1nleres1 ol sa•d 1ud9men1 deb1or('I 1n 1ne prope<ty "' the County al 013n9e S1111e ol C11t1to rn1a desc11bed es lollows Tl'llt S1atement was llled wtlh the County Cl«k ol 0r•llQ9 Cou11ty on JUN! 4 , 1982. Real properiy Commonly ~nown as 2675 Irvine Btvcl In the FltolOe Cit~ ol Cos\a Mes•. the C°"nty ol Published Ora11ge Coast O•lly Orange and tile Stare of Cahtorn111 Pilot, June 8, 15, 22. 29. 1982 The S°"1heasterly rectangular FICTl'TlOUS eU81NESS 2514.62 one·hall ol lat 81 ol tract No 376, NAME 8TAT£MENT ss s11ow n on a map thereol Th• lollowlnQ person ts doing nun•rc NOTICE recordt>d 111 bPOk 15, page 29. bullnMS u : r-l.IDI. M1sce1ta11aou1 Maps records ol ta) IMAGE CONSTRUCTION ITAT£MENT Of A8AHDOHMENT &aid Orange Counly CO tbl IMAGE"" OEYELOPE!'IS: ~ ~QI. _ Eacepl1ng 1nerelrom lhal POrllon IMAGC: SOLAR SYSTEMS (d) FICTl'TlOllS BUSINESS NAME j11t !Jlllcr t.1md lyint ~llfb' IMAGE SOLAR DESIGN 1570 The rouowlng persona htve and Easlerly of the Nonh-stl!tfly Handsome stone, wood and stucco exterior. Used brick courtyard. Front and rear balconies. Double glass windows, Insulated for sound·proofing, many leaded and beveled. Two large River Rock Fireplaces. Solid decorative doors. Kitchen Tncludes: Range, M icrowave. Compactor, Dishwasher. Imported Italian Ille floor and countertops Hand-crafted oak parquet Bar. Dumb Waiter, Custom cabinetry and luminous ceiling. JAMES THEODORE SILERIO. 1• 18 Shemroel< l a1111. Cot1a Mesa. CA 92826 Newport Blvd Costa Mes& CA abellClontld Ille use of the ttc;iluous and We5terly fines 01 parcel 137 01 Fl<:TTTlOU9 8USINE» 17627 bualnaas name Oescribeo in tt'le dee<! of the Coun1y MAME STATEMENT DAVID F LEACH, 8811 Coast G g K DEVELOPMENT l102 or Oranqe re.;orded July 23 1969 LOI 173 Of Trac:1 No. 7718, In lhe Cltv o l Costa Mesa. Counly of OranQe. Slete ol CaJlfomla, as per m1p recorded In boo!\ 303. peges 35 10 40 lnclutlve, M lloalteoeoua MIPS. In the office o l Iha county -def ol Mid--ly. EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll, Q8t. minerals 1nd othef hydrocerbOns, below a depth or 500 feet. wlthOUI the right ol surface Miry, as r--..ed In Instruments of record Jac uzzi Tub, separate shower plus bidet In Master Bath. Instant hot water. Security and Intercom systems. Cable TV. Many extras Including Garage door-opener. lower level could convert for rental. Everything like new. See to appreciate. PRE·AUCTION PROPERTY INSPECTION: Saturday, June 19th and Sunday, June 20th, 1 P.M. till dark. Tuesday, June 22 and Wednesday, June 23, 5 P.M. tlll dark. Thi• buatnese is conduclad by 1n lndhllduel. Jemes T SltMIO Thia ttatemont w1s 11111<1 with the Counly Cieri< ol Oran9e County on June 4 1982 Publllhed Pilot June 8 F1IO'T71 Orange Cont Deny 15 22. 2D 1982 2-406·82 P\8.IC NOTICE IUK""°" CO\M'T Of' CAUP:OftNIA COUNTY Of' Of'ANOI 7aO CMc Cerltw Oftw W•t laMe AM, CA 111 tlle Metter of '•tltlo11 el AlmMI 9tUIZ, M. Auc110n conducted by Cot Leib Rooenbl11m ' Co Auc1to,_e, 4337 Mtnne Clty O. #1049 Elli Minne Del Re,, CA 8029t (2t3) 8V-4989. f714) 8n«i711 CITATIOfC (NC>aATa) CAii ~ft AO 27094 -----------------------t THE PEOPLE Of THE PUlJC N()TlC[ "8.JC N0'f1C[ STATE OF CALIFORNIA. To: ANDREW AITCHISON 'tcTlTtOUl IUllMlll flCnTIOUl IUl ... I• You art h•••by oll•d end HAMii ITAT'ftmNT NAJlll ITATIMINT requlreCI lo ~ •t • 11Mrl11Q tn Th• lollowtno perton II dOlno The fotlowlnQ p111011 It doing thll c;ovn on September 3, 1982 e1' outin.e -. buelneM lie: 8:•5 A M In ~I. No. 9 el 700 CMo ENSTA-TUNE, 1501 South CLASSIC PRODUCTIONS, Ctonltr Or .... Wwt, Senta Ane, CA ..,OI, Sen1t Ane, CA 112707. 1710 Mont'O'M. Coma MeM. CA _, to give any ttoe1 r-...on why Aobert &..-.. Qr~. 1402 South 92927. eooordlng 10 the -lfled pe11t!Oti Cyprlee, Senti Ana. CA 02707 GAAY A LYNCH, 163t IMllt llled with th11 ooun: .fNe bUlll*I le oonduc1ed ~ lrl AV9nUI, ~ 8Mdl. CA 02MO Oettd! June 3. 1N2. lndMduel ~ ~ Or91 lllle ~ II conduct.o ~Ml LU A. Bf\AHCH, CW11 Thie....,.,_,, WM 1119!1 with the lndMMIGety A Lynoll _ KLllH I ~B~~· 09puty Coyllty Clef'k of Of~ ~ on Thia 1tat«M!'lt ., •• Iii.cl wfttl Ille am ll ~., ..... - Mey a. 1N2. COUnty ~ of 0... CouMy on 1Mt9 AM, CA 1117et P..-a June 1, 1082. ,,... T.ti (JM) ....... Publlthed Oreno• Cout Delly Pub1l1hed Oren;• CoHI Dally Publlehed Of&n.o• CoHt Dally Nat, June 1, •• 1&. 22, '"::s1"'--llllOI, June e. I~. 22. n . 1982 Pllof June 11. 22. 2t. J4Jtt •• IM2 ....... ?512-82 21:)742 P\B..IC NOTICE The tollowlng persons are dOlng Hwy . •211. Lagune Beach, CA South El Camino Real, 5 8 ,.. 1n t>ook 9028 pege 4 0 111c1111 butlneaa 81. 92651 Clemente. CA 92672 rocords KONTIKI MOTEL, 2205 H&tbor Thia busl1111as te conducted by 011 The Flctllloua Bu1lneu Name SWC lr•tne Avenue a11d Meta Blvd . Costa Mesa. CA g2826. lndlvlduat r•l erred 10 above .,.11 fll•d In OrlYe. NOY11por1 Beach, Catllorn111 WANG·FENG GHIA CHANG, David F Leech Orange County on April 27, 19112. Code ~302 6 , Parcel N o 2126 HtlltoP Covr1. Fullar1on, CA Thl1 llal~I wu l»ed wtth lhe KENT A KOEPSELL 161 W 439-lOt·•O 82631 County Cler!< of Orange County on Alest1ndro, 5811 Clamenla, C A NOTICE IS HEREBY G1\IEN lha1 SHIH-PING CHANG. 2128 Juf\11 ... 11182 92872 on T~sdlV June 29 1982 al 200 Hiiitop Court, Full«lon. CA 92631 FttOTN WILLIAM GUERENA. 1302 o'clock pm II County CourlllOUH. KAO-VU CHANG. 2128 Hilltop Publllhad Orenge COHI Detty C.I,. Toledo. $111 Cllment•. CA •60 I J11mborH Blvd ' (front of Court. Fultarton CA 82631 Piiot, June 8, 15, 22. 20. 1082 02872. Courthouse I City ol Newporl. This butllnell la C04'1ductad by• 24311-82 Thll bvllnln wu c;onducted by 8 Cou n 1y of Orange Su te of gene<et pel1Mrlhl9 generel pert,_lhtp Calllotnla. I Wiii sell 11 public IU<!1lo11 Shlh-PlnQ Chan; 1(.,,1 A K0epN ll 10 lhll hlghHI bidder, '°' cuh in Thi• 1ta1•ment wu ltled wtlh the PUBLIC NOTICE Thia 1111-1 wH n1e<1 wtlh 11141 lawtul money ol Iha United States, County Clerk of Orenoe County on County Cterll 0, Oranoe County on •II the r1gn1, 1hla and 1n1ere11t ot 1ttd June 4, 1982 8'fATl•NT CW .June 4 1992 )udgment d1b1or(1I 111 lhe above f1I0777 UANOONMINT CM' UA cw ' · FtlatllS described propert y, or 10 much Publlehed 011nge Cou1 Oattv ~nnout llUl*IU te.u. Publlantd Oreng• cont Dally thereof •• mey be ~u1ry lo P1lo1, June 8. t5. 22. 29 1982 The lollowtno oereona have Piiot. June 8, t6, 22. 29. 1992 1111s1y s111<1 uecullon. with eccf\Hld 2432-82 abandoned U1e UN of I.he ~IUoue 251 t-62 lnletMI I nd'°'" -------------Bull,_. Name. Diiied Junt I 1982 JS CONSULTANTS. 801 Dolle P\llLIC N()TIC( OMston H11oor t , Sii. 200, ~ a..an, C.. RIClllfcl E Behn flCl'TlOUI IUllNIH 2G&O flCTIT'IOUI Mll .. 18 (01Ck Batnea) NAMI ITATIMINT The Ftcil>!loue Buetnen Ntm t ~ ITATIMINT Pl1lnllfl'1 Allor~ The lollowlng parton It doing ratured 10 above wee llltd 111 The lollowlng pereon I• doing 806 S Harbor Blvd. bullnwt .. : rWlQe County on July 18, 1981 bvtl,,_ u: An111etm. Oalll0fnl11 92806 COLORIMAGE, 220 W. Wlllon JOMl>h Pet., Pel-. 1~41 ELENI'S QOURMET FOODS. 0on E. A/lel, No. 15, Cot1• M .. •. Ct lllornla Toulou" Cr., lrvlnt. C• 9a714 1801 Pt S1111hop1 Pl .. Newporl Mertllll, 9M27 Selfy LOU Johll90n, 1101 &.t Baeon, CA 02MO Orengt County J-Gvwflml. 22t W. Wiiton FIBI 81, Tutlln, C. 82680 Helen 9onn. 1IOI Pl 818/ll!Ope By S Hveong, HO 15, Coate Me11, Cetllornte Thie~ wea ClOndUcted tly a Pl. ~ e..cn. CA OHeO o.pury 02927 11 pertnllr'lfllp. t111e ~ le oonducted 1:1y en Pu11tt111ad Orang• CoH I Deny Thie ~ It condveted ~ 111 ~ P. P.iri-lndMdW!I Piiot. Mlt I , 11, 22, 1982 lndMc!Uel. Stllr ~ JoMeon .-8oM 2~f..&2 JamM Ouerwnl Thia 1tat_,I WU Iii.cl wtth the Thll 11.etemttlt WM llled wttll Ille 1-------------1 Thie ••••ernant w• n1ec1 wtth ,.,. nty C'4w1I of Orenge Oounty on County CWll of Dr•~ Coullty on count~ OleAI of Or-•noe Coullty on UM ... 1982. Jun. 4, 19&2. ( Cell 142-H?I. l May 20· 1~ r:1-F1-,,..... Put • ftw worda P11bllthed Orang• OoHI Diii" Pvbltthtd 0r•nD41 COHt Dtlly l"ubllth~ Or•no• Co••I Delly Pflot June 1a 22 29 Jiiiy • 1Mf June a, 1a. 22. 20, 1ot2 Piiot, June •. 1a. n . 20. 1oe2 ___ 1o_w_o_rk_..fo-.r ... w.,o.u •. ~ • . • • i 112-ta 2411441 2"53--112 The street adtlren and other common deslg1111lton, ti eny. ot tl'le retl property described &bOYe Is purported to be· 952 Carna11on. Costa MMa, Caltrornla 92828 Th• unde11lo n•d Trull•• dleclalm1 eny lteblllty tor eny lnc;Orrecl,_. ol Iha atrWI ldd,_ and otl'ler common detllgnetlOn. It 111y, thow<1 ....,...n Said nte wlll b• mada, bul without covenant. or warranty. •.11.PfMI or lmpltecl, reQll'dl1'1Q !Illa, poa11111lo11, or •ncumbrencu, tnctudlng reu, chugea. and &ll~ of Iha Tru11• lll<I of tl'le Hutti crNl•d by H id DMd ol Truat, to pey the~ prlnClpel IUtne of the note(t) eecured ~ IMlld OMt:I of Trua1 to wfl• S31,428.40 Wllh lntll'llSl tharwon lrO<ft 10/5/81 2 t ~ pet annvm •• provided 111 Mid note(•) j)lua coets and advance. Of I 1,073 21 witl'I lnl-1 lo date. ,,,. blMflcllWY under Mid Oeed OI Trull l'lerelofOte elllCUted Ind dellvtr•d l o Iha unda,.1on1d 1 wrltt.rl o.ctM1llOn of Otlfeull MCI l)elllel'CI tot Sele. Md • """*' NoUoa of DefMI encl !lec;tlQn to .... The uildel llOl-.d CllUWI ..id NotlOe of Def9ult' #Id Pel:*ofl to a.ii to bl reoordecl In lN COunty ..,_. N ,... property It IOOft*I. Deled· ~ .. 1812. MID-CAL 8EIMCIS, a ~ Corpotwtlorl •Mld'f..-.. Pll('rtdltA.ltn~ PvblleMcl Ofenge Ooaet Dtllr Plot "'-1&. u. 21. 1 .. 2 t-.a , The worst ' weve ever dbne is50% a year. I J I I I I I I I Each January, Hannes Tulving selects a list of unde rrated silver dollars. 111 1981, whill' hull1on, '!\l(k-, illlJ rL'il' l"'(;&!I,' went -.(llt , ''lH 1i,1 'till m.111 :t).!l'l[ =il't",, .l rr'Tl' l 1.1t1on \\'n,· lh•nl' hl•tt,·r 19/H', li-.1 .tp prl'· •1.1tl'J 11 \",, 1979's, .1 Tl'tnilrk.1h\t.• l W~, 2 H''., Ill lllll' '\C!d T E, l'n mo rl' remark- .1hly. llJ71f~ !J..,l 1 .... I() d.11,-. ur 1094"., Comrarl' th:u w ,lfW <•lhl'r of I !•\'l'ilr In\ l''tnll'nl Th,· m , k ,, fi nd in).! dw ri).!h! COl!b. A nJ l l.mlll'' Tul, ini.: ''(In,· 11! 11nly I~ rccn).!nt:l'J l'\rcrh un M,1rg:in <lllll Pt',Kl' ,.i,·n dull.ir .. AnJ wl.'r,· rhl' univ l 1 5 r.m· u11n llrm 1h;11 \h·.11, 1.'\L/11,11.:h "1th 1n\ l''IPr' E' l'T\ r,in· i.:old 111 ,iJvn •'tllll wt• .,di come' w11h dw mJ u..- rrv ., '' rnnJ.!nl gr.1Jl' .mJ huv-h.1lk J.!llM an tCl' .... llUr (1(1.J,1~ mont'\·h.1t k ruliry and rhe hcq l1qL11J;1t1Pn flh'gr.1m' ,1\ ,1tl;ihl,· For mlirt 1in 11ur m,1 n<l ).!l'd pt·r,11n:i I r:n t• coin ln\'l''tOll'llt portfol1,,, .rnd r:trl' COlf!·hackl.'d pt•n,i,111 m r roill .. h.innj.? rJ.rn, call 80l"'I h 54-N.'tlt'I In C.1lif,1rn1.1. 17 141 ~5 1-1'202 Or return thl' cnupnn for a.free mfurm.111011 r ncke1 And do 11 '""n After .111 .11 ILW4",, 1n·1·1 412 y~ar-... 1 ma~11w wh.11 you're-l1"ln$? ealh \i ,1\ you delcw '""(' \!0 t-:rwfl',111 lk~.h (A <l!N'>I' 1il~l M~l·J\2l12 ()ur".lr < .1lt1 .. rnr,1 '\\\, ... ~~'"'It' 0 r lt•-t "•nt;lCt rnr I unJrn1~n,I "''" rr4u•rt ,, $~.C\."(l m 11•t1"11m m'r'"'"'n' I 0 Plt~-c KnJ m 1ur ml11rm411,.11 I «n )'{'Ur t•r<' '''m J'l'f1f11lui. I .,..,------~ I •.i..nc I .\dJr~· I "' I Srat .. I "' : R ...... Phorw 1 BU;1rona PllUIW oP6..i2. _J L-.------- Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/TUMday, June aa. 1882 IF von TREASURE YOUR FUTURE \'OUR SHIP'S ABOUT TO COME INI In 1708, a rich Spanish Galleon sank off the coast of South America ... her precious cargo Int.act. Experts belfeve she has been found. A presentation Is planned for June 23rd at 7:15 p.m. A UMITfO SEATING FOR AN UNLIMITED OPl"ORT\INITY. 714/966-9064 I ( rAI II RSON & A\SOC IArE~. INCORf'ORAIED 466/ M.1c A rthur Boul{'V,tt cl Nf'\NJX)rt Beach. Caltlorrit.1 97660 POSSIBLY, A DREAM COME TRUE fl~ 1 fw '" • 111., t t'" Iii jfo .•t'J '11•j I+ \rU ,._ I t 1,111 ,f,t!11 ,11 t ,, 1 '1t•f tu tJUU l.,.IV' "fl .,,_,qH•" I ••• ltt't •tJI •11.-lr hWll I') lh•t1U1J 1r·1t• I M••1m.1t•I j!f '''~ ,.,, •J~t lf• I/ I"'!\ I ! !jl"ll.f.,., ,r-.)h..,~1.1!\ County's ' industry detailed Information about lndu1trlal parka In Oranae County lai contaln~d In o report luued by Ftttt American Title ln a uran ce Company, Santa Ana. Data about rates, lnventorl und other phases o 75 projects comprising more than l ive acrea each Is contained In the study, designed to help in plann ing lending, building and selling programs. Of 3,443 acres in the parks surveyed , 57 percent. or 1,964 acres. had been developed Square foola~e totaled 14,831.462 of which 4,- 872,941 square feet were vacant "This is an increase of 1,306 ,540 available square feet since our last study released in May 1981," sa id Robert Patterson, director of l.!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!IJ com merci a 1-ind us tri a 1 .. --------------------1r1 sales at First American. Attend The Most Important Both lease rates and Financial Seminar of the year purchase rates are listed Renowned author and Flnanclal Advisor in the report. speaking In Orange County! Copies of the report An HMnllal eemlnar for 1he may be obtained from tophl1tlc.led and nowtee taxpayer. First American's Market "The Money And Tax &ame 1 14 " T 111los 1101141: ·How to reduce pertonal •nd bu1lneH la••• and lncr••M your tpendabM lncom. ... •How lndlYldu•I• •nd bueln•lt profeHlonel1 c•n c•pll•llH on lh• adYanlag•• of lh• n•w Economic RecoYery Tu Acl ... •How lo tap .. 1dom lhoughl of •ource1 of c•pll•I and u .. them to your ad¥•nl909 ... • When lo lnYHI, wh•I lo lnY•tl In, utlllzlng pre-lax r•lher lh•n •tter-tax dollarm , .. 1,.0111 1,.1bn1 OR. H.W. YURMAN, CFP • Dlttlngulthed Author • Co-Founct.r of the eoti.ge Of Financial Plttnnlng • Former C hairmen of the Board of the lnlernallonal Aaaoclatloft Of Flnenclel PlanMn ALAN L. ADAMS • Ctwlrmen Of tM 9owd Md CMef IEHC~M Oftlcer, ADAIR F1NANCIA.l. UOUP DONALD"· FIKE • Pr11ld1At ..S DINotof Of..._. hlate A~•• ADAMa MALTY C~TION Aa par1 of the Mf'Alnw, wear• onenng a 1-nour Interview to dlscusa your ftnancteJ and tax planning objecllvet. , ....... ~" ....... 1'911m.ltt Wt4 .. .1 ... Hrlll l&Jt ,.. •• tao ,... S.lflt 0.ast Plaza ltttl lesa Yerlll• IHll HI l8te1 It.Ill., 0.1t1 Mt11 Limited Sealing, Call lmmecllalely for reservation l&0-1515 You can help your newspaper carrier co1tec1 al limes conve- nient lo you by having your check 0 1 monev order ready so lhe earner won 1 have 10 call back Because lh•s young person 1s on business lor h1msell 01 herself please be ready - and wa1ch that big smile which says Thank you Daily Pilat Research Department by cal ling 558 -3211, Extension 37fi CERTIFIEI PllLIC lCCOllTAIT Avabble for Income Tax & Accooolilc Assicnmenb Ca• Chuck Pearson (11C) 951-5823 • • • • • • • • Want Summer Teachers & Students Coll 897 · 2533 for school info from Huntington Center Turn your unusables into usable cash. catt Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. ~'~~A.(j INTRODUCING-~~'i :V COLOR COMPUTER '!I~ WITH16K MEMORY! ~ NEW! 39!19 5 S98 L•u Th•n Lot YHr'• Equivalent • Set Up a Budget, or Keep an Inventory --• Educ1tlon1l-UH Ha Math or Typing Aid • Pl1y Action Games • LHrn BASIC Programming • Large Llbr1ry of Ready·to-Run Program Pak• • Attach•• to Your TV --··--.. ······-·-----------·· ·----·------· ---------··---- Now you can't lfford not to buy onel lt-'1 • oompvt., the wN>I• f1mlly wlll enfov u91ngl H-3004 SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY' Al INOIVIOUAl STOREi #lo OEAl-ERI • wll.h Md:ann·EricUon In San Franct..co Larry CaH of Mlaalon Viejo haa been promoted to execuUve vk:e proaident for LeJ&)aCOD & A11oc l1&e1, Ille., &t.'<>wchnJcal engineerin& flrm, lrvlne. HAllRIMOTON DC BUllNISI Con1tructlon w11 completed on a 14,300-aquirn foot West Vlaui Plttza at Melroee Drive and Weit Vista Parkway ln Vitt•. The project wu planned and designed by Arcllltec&araJ Team Tbree of Sirn ta Ana for Hopklae Development Company of Newport ~ach and flruinced by Home Federal Savings and Loan ot San Diego. Tbe Cburcblll Flnaaclal Group, an Irvine mortgage brokerage firm specializing in lnltitutional flrst-truat deed•, second-trust df't!da and commereial/lnduatrial loans, has been formed Jame• 0 . l\ollan1 wlU JOln Fluor Corpt of Irvine as vlc.-e pretildent<erporate l'Ommunicationa, a position that has been vacant alnl-e Paul H. Etter'• ...... tcmAtinn last vear Jack Gardner <.'Ontinues aa manager-corporate ~~unicationa. The company'• principal.a, Richard L. Gale and S&uart Saffer, until recently. were operational directors for Warmington Financla.l Corp. Gale and Saffer acquired the aaaeta and aaaumed the fl.nandal conunltmenta from the company. Gale la president of the firm and Saffer secretary-treasurer. Rollans has been vice president-business analysis and invet1tor relauons for Dart & Kraft, Chicago, since lhe companies merged in 1980. Before that, he was vice pr£'sident-corporate communications for Dart lndustr1es, Los Angeles. The offices are at 17762 Cowan Street, Suite 200. Irvine. Crocker Bank will open a banking office in lhe Douglas Plata Center, 19000 MacArthur Blvd., June 25. Kurt W. Krauallaar of Irvine has been promoted to loan officer ln the commercial loan department at Union Baok'• Orange County regional otfice. Thomas B. Yundt 1s vice president and manager of the office. Crocker Vice President Ted Kalil will head the business banking center staff. Louis F. Harrington has been appointed vice president-program management at the Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach. Harrington will replace Wend.ell W. Way, who is retiring after 31 years with Douglas. lllff, Thorn & Company, a Phoenix-based <.'Ommercial real estate brokerage firm specializing m lhe sale and lease of industrial, office, retail, land and income-producing properties, opened a Newport Beach office. The off1t't' ts headed by Jim Meoconi, vice president and manager, formerly with the Newport Beach offtCC' of Grubb & Ellis. Robert H. Osur has been named senior vice president/marketing of Imperial Trust Company. He had been with Pension Funding and Financial Company. Irvine. The office is located in the Pacific National Bank building at 4665 MacArthur Court. Suite 200. Tim Hedding has joined Imperial Bank's Costa Mesa office as vice president in the real estate department. He was associated with Southport Development Corporation, Newport Beach. Hardlll E nte rprises, Inc. Springfield, Mo .. manufacturer of precision aerospace and defense industry parts, industrial tools, and cons umer products, had its name changed to M. Group Industries, according to the Newport Beach headquarters of the parent finn. M . Group Corp. M . Group Corp, 1s a private ly -held management and financial services company with a portlt>lio that includes real estate holdings, e nergy investments, aviation activ1ues. and an insurance company. Guy Fisher of South Laguna has joined Basso & Associates, Inc., Newport Beach -based advertising and public relations firm. He has been OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORI( !AP) Cl-Cp ... ·~ ISC I~ II P•boll NASDAQ QUDl•ll°"' ColrTI• .. tl'to lntr•tt'IS •. ' iµ. P<G•ll \howl ng hlghH1 bid• ColoG .. ). .. t.l? lnltt 1llii. "'''• ~::ur •no 1~1 off•o bv ComCIM U"'-S4V> lnl•cEnr •"-·~ -·-·1 ........... Of CmtSllr 12 IJ lntQ•pll ,. .... 2•"'-PM•Ent • p m. PY-t~ .. oo not CmwTel .. u lnl"*l 2'1Y 2111,, PMI• l ln<IUO.r«..itmef'1iiuP ConPltP Ullo , ..... l1'1mf~ ~10 PfOi>E.(I> rn.•k-or~ ~· ~ 7f>V, 11'8kW>ll ' o'h ,..,rife '"'°" tOt' -., Tre 1""' , .. ,,.. lw•SoU1 ~n· ... Pettibon ~too a1c1 Allt CullrF<1 s .,, I J•m'°" t3V. t>I<; PNl•N-' AEllft<I ""' 12 ~~. •lo\ )"'1 .Hrlco .. ''"" Plerce5$ AFAProl 1t\lt ,. lJY 14 •)Jiiiy >-•• "• Pln-rln AVMQ> J.\j, • 0.ytM' ,, """ Je>ilvn s 11¥. n PlonHI s Ac.OIM lr\.11 14W OBwr Keh'•' 1 , ..... Plesllre ~~:~ ev. .... , J1dlt2, :locMl K•m•n •• . ..... Poul• '"" <J\lo ~~~' a OV• KelySv • ""' u•1. PrttGM AflvROll • '"" It ,, IClm ... 11 11'14 " Pr.Sleom 4118"". 14..., 1sv. 0.weyEI ) ) .... KlllQlnl 1v. ,..., Proorp Attcolnc .. 3' Ol•C""' ,, H'I• ICloofG 11 '1''> PbSwNC "ITWrell ~ .... ObnCru )0 UV. ~~t:v IS tS't> Purtflen A Furn J'\ • Oocut.i ~ZJ'I> ' ,.,, P1'tl>Glcl AG•MI n·~ ?2"-OollrGft ti 1114 l(ullcke 111'. 11 Oua-•Ot :~~rM S.'1>~ ~~~ '~ .. l.Anc• ' n v. 21v, 11-nCp ..... ,.. fl .... IP. ~ft<IRH ~ • Reymn<I :~ Pit IV> OunkD > 1~ IS\/> l•l'll!Co Jlili. J1 Rtt•t > .. ,.. ..... Ourlro<t 1CWt l1 lltn~ 24 24'1. II-Ea AWekl • " ...... filnVn<, ,, ... 12"" Lln8rd s 10 10\1> Rob4>My .,,.., .• .. ,.. .-. EconLAC ltl'o 20 ~Im ,. '~ llOUH •noSA ~\.') "" EIPetEI --S.Clller All94Gd 43.,, El-Se ·~ ':t: I MG 1f OU •l'o s S.leco ::r.:.c id'-u El•Nucl I I~ l'-"GE 14'-IS SIMetGCI ~ M1 14 ••"-EIMo<ll JI"' l?'I> =IPI •In •"-SIPllUI ArdenGI> ~ J .... En•Oe• 10 10\lo ~RI 3'• 4\'oo ScrlpH ' A'4C8t > »¥. l.Slot E,,,_,.., "'-''°" .. ,, ·~ Se~le AllG•LI .... ••"'-t .. 1116 "'-ullP 211 10 S..cmst All•nR 1 20Y 21 EnRlY ... '"'° MeyPI 11~ l?'t. 5"M..r . ... ,,, .... ,, """' Enlwttll 12v. IJ AMvnOO s .... S'llo Sttwmut Bair~ S~SV EqulSl "' J .... Mc Corm ... ,., 1t-Vo Sler•Rt S.ltyP ~ "'" E~Oll 1v. Ill> McF•rl ,.,, '" Siiicon• t,~':iEo IO't> !Oft ~SC H2 l·l? ~= 1ov. ~ SC•lwtr ~mo.> ,.... ~ IJ1tt IJV, SwEISv 8eu1F<1 1>-i:.! ~\X Fldl'or l2'h n~ MlCluW 111;.. 1• StMl<lvn F18kS~ ,....,~ MdlOC.O • ... SICIM"ro 8ay1'Mll ... o•• Ft&oltn • ..... MldlRH •••• ht.<116 ~:'~ BMllne s s .... FIE~ ll'lt 111/J M1Cll8k s wt 711,, S...IPI 11 1'·· ,~ FIWn In 1" J'h ::~'~e';G 1'1> •0"1 Sle<IS1 BeUL S 1S"> 2~ 8••"'91 ,,,,. .,.,, Fl;r:\81<s 21"" n 11'h ''"" 81bl>Co U '/111 14~ Fiie ,, ,,.,.. ,,~ Motu 4'0i1. 41()1(.. BlrCISon >b t Vr Fl•N I• 2•"'-?S MonlCol ~ 1 Btrlel>r ... ·~ Flurocb •V• 6~• =~ ,., ... """ 8tv•-• . .... ForttlO 21 ... 21'11 ,,..., a v. , ... 1'\0 Moro Res ..... • -10 S•r•wCI H 2• 1• ...... S..wru lo\ I JS UPS AND DOWNS ,,,4 ,~. ~r.;EI '"' , .. 9 t01n TTMe oc '°'" ,, .,. .,~. 1J11t .,, v 14>1, 1S ~:~·, n .. n~ NEW VQRI(. 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Not ~lubf• N41-~L•\t c;i.'\,, Pel '5.Mtyo , ... 011 IU GrnclmL 1~1• 1 IS· I• Off 1H Un•Enci )"' 1'"'1 Oii .00 ::r .. ~ un 1 ,,, 011 10.0 2111 " Of1 ,. 1 • Ga!Slw g 1· .. ... Oii ISO Bon•ftl ,,,, ·~ Form I§ BrwTom ·~ 10"- Fr1M 10'1> 11 Mcwsnln 1011. 10 .... NASDAQ SUMMARY ~s\.':e't'; ... SY Off ISO 8UCkl>M 10 10.11 Frant.E I) ...... MotCll.tl ,... "" l~ ~ Off 14.I 8uftff• 10'. 10"-FrttSG IS ·~ -lier ,,.,, 1t ' 81,,_ 6 I Off U.l Burn~ ,,..., 11~ .. F"""'m ~ ••• NarrVC 21~ n NEW YORK (API -Moll ...... Ove<CI 10 Mer11tn0 J ., Off ,. l (NL •ll 2 n. FullrM8 .. ...... NOal.I .. y 1••• llte-<ounle< ·~:~:.... wri~led Al':_Y<t<I N~~ II tRT Cp 71,, .. Off 1J 0 (PT > ·~ 131,., GnAutm •J" J .... lfftw-s 11°1. ll 'lr N•nw 11 AMly\tnl s~ 4. Oii II S Cal WIS• ,.. )1 GnOevo 7u, 2 ... NJR•sc 13'1• IJ"'° Grndml Jet,JOO 2 t-16 2"> 1 IS.I• l) WtlkG • S.t• ••• ()fl 11 s C•nradH 1'r1 ,,,. GnRIES1 ll11J t•...._ NYAirl 1'11. J 08Mr )11,100, 71-11, 2'1 l? l·l2 ,. MMOUT , ... , Off •1 • C•pEn • 16 II 1• GowEF11 ,,,, to NlckOG •11J ' Tandm \ lOt.200 nv. ,,.,., V> IS '"""'°' ' '• Oii ll I C•PSw • " ll Grep11S<. 12v. 121-. Nico••• """ 'tltt MCIC 212.SOO "°" ~ ... •• Mll<llTc 1 .. Off II 1 C•pAtr J• .. 3"" G•evAdw ., 67 Nlelsn A 4''1• 4''h En Rs. ..01 . .00 ... 411. .,. 11 C.Otrtt• ' ... .. Off 10 5 Glltnlll • ,.,,, Nlttsn 8 ..., .. ,,. Qfymplj 1'3,100 21\ot ,. Oteld8 Q . ., .. ()fl 10] CareCp 11'· "' l Gvroayn 1 1~ Nl1'.e8 30'-lO"'-, .... . '"' l9 M~HhE• ,. 00 100 Ce•u• '''• ' 8re11IP Q 171,600 2 11·1• • 2"" -v. I ~""""' I ••• NOCtrGs ,,..,_ 20 Htm0.. 2'. Off Cher Rt• J7 33 P•ta18 1n.100 t94. '° ~ '• 100 ChrmS IO''o tO'<· M•mlPI 14 141. NwlN~ 10'• 10 .... MICIAPlot 1.0,100 2v. 2\r) -v. 21 MldAPlot 2•. .. Off IO 0 Mare!WU ..... 2 Nw1tPS '~'·"" n M11t8'0 ... ., Oii 10.0 (llrlHOU • In 10'1 MrpRow I '"• Noxtll )1"' ll ... ln1el 121,.00 ,. ... 2'1V. "' 13 GIEslEn ••• ·~ Off 's CllmLte ' 1011) ~:~~ 27 12•• Nucotp ~. 1 A<IY•nt.0 2• l lpr•ry • ... ()fl ,,. Chnltl 171 J 1•11) ""' ,, ... NulrSy • lt'I• ·~ JliJ H l(IOOIC ,,.,. '" Off '" ChubO 31 .,.,. ~~~, " "''• Oceentr IW. 13¥t ~llne<I .. Clrftco .. , ""' uv. 2S~· ~::2! J1V. l?i14 UncllW>Qeel uu ClltSoGa ,.,, TT Molob<n 11• 2111 -~ »~ Total '"._' " J,Jil (llzUtA JS n ..... Moov.r 10 101 • OhFefTO • .... New lllQhi II New I_.. ,. CillU18 lO'l"t l11'• IHorizSh 2v. J OIW<TP 17'1. 11 TOl•l w~ n. •7•,too Ct•rkJL Ull'J 1(J IMS tn1 ""' IS PCA ,,,. s-.. • MUTUAL FUND NEWYORIC IAPI NIWS Ill •OI Fldltl IJtt Nl tOSl"n>Q •IOS 11 Tile ICl-•no -hFrt' I,. I 51 Gvl 5ec In Nl tnv Mii ... ' ... lellon .. ~ledby CapTNT ....... 11 Mlln<,o 100 NL IOSh 2172" ,,,. N•llonal •nod Cen1fflll1.i Gil Ml Yid • SI Nl In• SI-" ., II" •llon of Se<U<ille\ 5Grlh 7.0I 110 ll Mun 1 ll Nl In• !le! • :M • 12 0.•lers. Inc.., ••• Equll !.S7 • Ot Purlln 9... Nl In• v., 1 )1 I 01 Ille price> 11 wlll<h Cl\4lnceltor Group: T11rl" 8 ct NL Inv RHtl l 17 J.61 llltlla -urlllft MIYlcl • " •.•s Trt'n<I 2' 01 NL ll1•1 11 'l'I Nl ~~0 ,~r .=. ~~ ,'11: :rn Fl= .. '1'1.-Nl ~1 t:'i.. .i.:t .r.~ v ..... , or bouQtlf TuM ll 4' ..... FMlh 11'1 Nl JP Into • 90 1 JO Int.-plu!. Milts Cnl SftS 10 13 Nl ln<lust 3.11 Nl J •nu1 S I '4 Nl cllotr9tl -• Cllotrt FCI "°'II s' 1ncom 61? NL .ION! Hancoc-5941 ...-, ChP Qtr ll 11 Nl Flt ,,_.'°" S-12 lO lJ 31 Able 12.C Nl CllHlllUI JO 1t Nl 8,,.S ~ 12.1$ 13.tS Grwtll I U t JI Acom F 21.10 Nl Colonl• Fun<ll s Disco ..... 9.n USGvt 1.10. IO AOV ,,,., NL Fu"" •.II 10 n Grwlll •. 11 • IS T •• E• 1.).1 9.01 """.... 12.17 Nl o..-UI 7.l:I lncom HI .... K•ulmll .ts Nl AIM FunOs Ml Vici S.90 •.•S N•IR.. U• .... IC•m-Func:I\ CvYld 11 2S 12 QJ tncom UJ t J7 Oclln S.IS •JI IJl(;om •" 1 44 E.dJlll'l LQ1 1..6.J ()pin 1.14 l .tO l H EJt 1.• 7 IS Grow '00 t M MIYlcl I 21 '·" re. MO fH7 10.30 "'Mai-...., 717 HI~ ..a.JI l..ll Alpha F tS 6S Nl Coh1 Gth U II Nl 6' w.i1 11 to Nl lntlF<I 10.10 It IS " ll1'1tlT 10 .... 11 yJ Cwlll> AB , °' I 11 Foslw • JI • ... Mun 8 • • • IO AmerlC., F""°' Cwlll> CD I.Se 1 •l Fll<I Gl7l 4 S3 4 tS DPl1' 11 OI 12 11 ~,!-~ rn : ~ ~: = rn :·;; F~ G~ Nl t'ec7' •: ~ :~ :~ "Mull ll0.64 11.41 Con<Of'CI ,,,. Nl lncom 11.. Nl Toi RI 10., 11 at 8-10.11 11.10 Conneclkut ~. MuUI •.oltl.... us°"' 7 ... 17 FCI Inv 7 . .0 I .at Fund 10.2' 11.12 Spec:I 1102 Nl Keystone Mau Gr-• •1 10 jO lncom 5" •.27 Fr.,•ldln Gniui>· Cu• 81 13 ll 13 90 lncom l,t1 I... Mun 8d .... •.. AGE J 1) l l7 Cus 82 IS • II 3' ~CA"-'' !·~ N~ ~:::,!:'<. 1:~ 10N~ g~ ~~I~~ ~ ... 64 • 1~ lmJI w"',,,. UI l.?2 Cont -•.1t Nl ()ptl()n r ~ .S.2 c: ~ i. ~:: Am« 0.-•I Clry C. 12 • 1J to Ullla 4Al 4," Cul SI II 41 IS II Cal> 8d HJ •• 0.1 ... .,.. ~: 1ncom 1 ... uz c ... S3 '°' •to Enlrp 10 11 I 1.4' a.cat 12. ti IS JI US ~ U• '·" Cua 54 4 U 4 '1 •Ml Yid I 3'I I.. DelllW IU5 16.94 CAIPll S,17 UI Int-J.n • 07 Mun 8 lt,4} IS.II 0.ld• U1 l.Ot £.,., 4.M S.?2 TuFr • S6 • ., Vtntr "·" 21,IS h Fre S.n 6,04 T••Fr S ft •. 14 Mo!H UO 10.11 Cm•Ul t.01 t.IS 0.1\1 ""' 10.JJ Full<lt Inc: LUl"D'on Grp: h<ll 30.JT NL. Dir C... 2,0I Hl Cmru 1 IS U.J Cp ldr t 50 10 ~ FCI Nn 1.S6 t.. OodC• 81 10,1' Hl lnv<Naf 1.64 1.M GOIOld 2 01 Nl G•-17.12 Nl O.OC:JI SC 17.21 Nl Piiot 7.44tl.ot GNMA .... Nl MIW!lr ... IO.IS Ort• ... IJ.l4 Nl GT Pee 12'1 NL Gr-• ., Nl Pac. U.Sl '11 • Ortl'M ~: ~·OP IJ.CI Nl II"" IJ OI Nl Provlcl U.S >.'4 A 1lf'1I 11 ... Hl 0... Elec lft•. llnclnr 13.01 Nl 14 Gltll"d .... 1 JO SO.e¥t II.ti 1U7 Ell11Tr l't: ..-•.. ~It S.f'" !m~IQ ~~:I Nl JHL.e.Z. 't.~ 11;:~ ~Tll J:~ ... Ni. ~II .~~ ~t A '"''"* 1.S1 Nl $ell Inc s... Hl S&S LO 9,01 Nl Lora Allb9tt: A Inv In .... Nl THE• t·•. Hl a.fl Sec t,U NL AflllW .... 1 ... Aml'Mcl te•.30 HL Thrd c; .tt ML. G8f Ue NL 81111 dll Ul 9.17 A NIG111 J,3' J •7 E ... Giii UI I IO Grttl Ind 11 P" Nl O.w Ot 1) 4 16.IJ A NllllC 14.,. 1US ~'!!'6~: G'11PllA IUD 1J.t2 lnc:om J ... l .tO Amway s.01 s.a. .... ._., 1.1' M•tnll!OI\. L111Nre11 llN: l\r<flOw' U1 Hl l"Mn US Hl F HOA 4. It • M l"llN 10.11 IJ ~ An .... Oii. 0,,..., 14.12 11.• H•rt GUI 7.'1 NL. !l>COM I• .ti """ • , ., I.. lncom 401 • J2 H•r1 Lev It.ti Nl Munl ,,,. '·" ll>Com J,tl 4.JO Stock t 4' 10 JO t+eroltl UUI Nl US Gov 1M 1.40 Stock 1.J1 I.OS ~-on..: "9• 11oW> 11." NL Meu Fl-I: Bl( Gt II.I_. IJ JO t~ l.01 1.12 INA HIV 1.jM U2 MtT • U2 10.05 11.C Ire 11 It 12.~ ng~t 1,n a .• I Huttll!'tO 10.ot Nl MIG t.tl IO .. 8abt ll'C l.a3 HI. ~y 11.Jt 11.41 HullGlll 10.0S Nl MIO 1>.• lt.f.a •• ., Inv 10.. NL eii.um 17 ~ H!.. IS! a-. NICO I t1 , ... INK 0 .. ll0.9' Hl 1Wf'9'11 JS.... HL ().-S.• • lt tMl'O 9.. '·" BMC ... n 11 .. Hl Frm IG '~·... IMOll'I t.U J." MF8 t0.72 11.17 81crf.i°'W4. Hl I"~ 1.0. ~I# I~~ a 10: ~ 1Jw.~ 8~~'&· 1'4 Hl. ~rr'-:.: .,..'\\ ·~~"'id .. t. il111Tr ~~ Nee g:,~ 1~:~ ION~ ~ft~ 'rnMtMI. r~~= ntJ4ft1tmdtM ~·II l..,~~ 11'° Bott ,.rid ,,,. 10.cn u~s .. n NL H1.-.-, n 'ii ' .4J Bull& et.w r!l l'let I : 'T•I!• ,t SI Id I, .S e t NI. A 11."7 Hl Int nwt 11 .. P, !II( 7.1~ s tO. NL. tono .... HL. I"",,.. ,I fill. Oft • ..,, c9 u HL '*"" Jf.. Hl llV .. .. ... n(Tml • " 'i CAM••n ... 111<•· QolN •• NI. •11n~· lo!~ ·~ • t~,: 'l::! 1 :::: ~ ~~u, ..... i. I °'' t H t~ ~ 'tt. b, Ot¥1G 2 41 t... . )Kii • Ml. I Qrt ..... It# PtcN ... , .. , Hiii'( t.n 16.41 1 .._.. i MiY t..aa l(tl VM I.It a.n ,,,;.111111 a.• t 1' Miii\ M 1.74 HI. I NO .... 1 t Mitt~_,,., ~~~ :t g =t ?.;-:: '~ ~; =t ~~~~ : 2 : :; Mvt Ben 9 14 t" tnll th Nl ~Frm GI 112 Nl MOwlGVI t • NL N Ere 12 09 Nl StFrm St 'Cl NL. Ml F -N Horii 10.. NL SISl•ee1 Inv Fund 1 51 I .. T• Fro I 31 NL E•<" S4 SI Nl Grwttl 5 11 ~.•> Pro S.l'\fl<.S Ft<ll :i. 19 Nl Nallld I IS t ti Me<IT IJ U NI-lnv•'1 4'I l2 4'I 6' Mutual of e>m.hA Fund 6 7) Nl 51 .. clmen Funcl1 ...... 10 1• Nl lncom 1 19 Nl ""' '"° 1 vs N Grwtll 4 41 • 11 Pru SIP t 0. o 'IO "'"" Tl Nl tncom I o.S IM Putn..,, F-tnYttt t J.f tll M~o:;.· 1~ ~ •,a f:'Eq :::::~::: St~":.,.. F!,_ U Al ~ .. ~ >;,'11 =t g~ ::::::::: g::,: '~ ~ ~t N•I Awl• 1 .. Nl MUllll UN••lt C•P Op .. U Nl Nal ,,.., II,. Nl Ml Yl(I unev•ll S10Ck 1• •• Nl Nol S«urillH: IMom ....... u SlnSpl t 19 Nl 8al-1 'U 10 30 l11vul unav•ll• Slnh •.11 Nl Bond 1 tl J 1• °"'" UN••il Slrallnv J ~ 15 ~:"" 1 2 1 U T •• Ex -·~II ~o~r'." 1~04}11-1 _...N~l __ _ incom } 41 s ti Vov-o .,,....11 Tu Moll u OS IS 3' SloO 7 9' I •1 Ouu•r 30 .. Nl TmpG.lb 10 IO l •• E• 6 tl\7 .. ll•lnbw 2 ... Nl Tmpt Gl S •I • 20 Totlle 4 S6 4 t? Rewr• •ST NL Tmpl W II 21 16 •• Falrll<I s 11 • ,, S.leco S«u• Trm C.O I S1 • U NElll• Fund Eovlt I J1 Nl Trn•-I U Nl ~~~ ~ ~ :; ~~ ?~~ 1~.~ ~t ~::,~ ~~ t~ ~ ·N~ lncom t 2'I 10 10 S1P•ul ln"'t~l Twn( GI I SI NL Rel Eq 17 21 1117 Capll ' 11 t .. TwnC 5el 12 17 Nl T .. E• SSS Sil Grwll> t01J 1011 TwnC UI J .. J" Neube<vff Se<m Scle<I IS . Nl USAA G<oup E11rvr u IS NL Sc-• Funat G,...,., t 0 NL GUM<I 2t 01 NL Com S! lO 4t NL U1'f NC\I S C3 Nl llbly UI NL. 0.WI 42 JS Nl Unll Mui I U NL 11\anht UI NL C•llG1h 10 IT Nl United Funcb. P•rln 12.'2 Nl 1n,om t 71 Nl Accm •" I .... S<hUs 13.01 Nl Intl F<I 14,'3 Nl 8on<I 4 S6 4.tl N•wt 0 1 16.'7 Nl, MMB • 41 Nl lntGlh 12 M U.11 Ntwl Inc 6 t) Nl Sil«I 1' U Nl Con ll'C 1.17 t ... NlchOI• IS.JO Nl Se<urlly F-Flclue '1 51 U .• HE tnTr t .12 Nl 8on<I 7 • 7.21 Ml 11'< It • 12 H NE lnGI • I> Nl E41Uly s '° I ... lncom 1.01 .. ., Nov•Fd II a Nl lnvelt 11) 1.0 Mufti S .. l.6t HY v...i s ..... ,., Ultra .. 51 I " SclEno 1 '4 I .. Nu-.... Nl Selectttl F-Vent II» 11 ff ~ I. Nl Am 511\ 612 Nl US Gold 2'4 Nl One Wm 14 Cit Nl 591 Siii IJ.OS Nl Val .. U,. Fd: 0-nNlrrer FO: S.I~ °'GUP' lncom s 12 Nl $0lre<I 1JrrQ IUI C_,.FO •,Jt 1 01 L.n Gt U... Hl 0-• 94 6.'3 CmSltl t.12 10.0S $4111 511 t ,tl Nl HI ·vio 16 • 17.S.. OrtlWlll S.01 S 40 ValKe SMltn. Inc Bo. 1 J7 Nl lnc.N tO.ot 10.. I-t SI t0,4 0..11 IO• n.n Senllnel co-· EV Tit '·'*' t0 s.i $Mc.I 1'.U 1• 21 ..,.., l.61 1 .. Olst f UIS Nl AIM 12 t4 1• II 9-UO 6.01 OWr f •I.ti Nl Tlmt 1.0t 114 ComS ll.$7 IJU hl•I .A1' Hl OTC $«: JI 'S n... G,_ 10.GJ 10.tl h FO f .. CQ NL. l'arllM M 1.ll UI SeQllOla i..12 Nl FIGIEi D 1' Hl l'uWltl • l.U Hl $e!l1ry 17 '11 1e n $(,.ltl I JI~ HL l>eftft !IQ • • .s. Nl ShHnon """"" S-1 11 .• 1,,,. Ptlln 111111 1t0 NL ,._.. 11.11 11.12 v.,,._.. ~' '""''• 1.lS '" Hl'i'ltl 11,ft 1UJ a..w 217• NL """*"•a. .. : ll>COM IS.a:! ly,.. Nle<tl t.• Nl' e.i.i1 I.~ t.C.S MMUll 11.11 II 71 M"'4'\I ,.... NL CvN IJ..11 "., lt•Olr 12 ,, ,,... ..... ,...., NI. 0,_ t IJ t ... ,.....,, D J.41 HL S-i.-t 4 NL HIVltl 1..41 ....... ,.Gt 10.10 ltl. IOlflll !" !&. ~tell I.JI t.01 1?."'""; 141Y.. Iii\. PC C:. 11...... 7.t.J LU w..-m l'll«lftl ~t nto ... ..a ve111~ .. , l'li. ltd IO~ 'l.'4 I~ 11.0'I tJ. Wtt O .• ~-~ C 0 M T~I t'' I. Wtlt1 Al NL i3"~, ... ,.11 "~ .1:11 =:. ~' ... H'·U di I '" .~··1 ·':t: = ~J ~ II lllC • TIM t.-, I'll 5'1nt It.el NL. Plfl\ Inv lt11M 4 NL NL -....... ,...,.., Hl. ~lt~Ol I .... CIW'ltl """"' IMI HI. '"' ! f ~ My'• ttflce ....._: Ctlft •~ _. .. !!£ .. -- • NY E COMPO ITE TRA~ ACTIO 9'1••••19Mt ''!C~UOI Tl•OU Olf , ........ YOI • MiO\ltUT, •&Cl,I(, ••• IOUOOI, 01 flOlf ••O Cllll(OllllATI nou llC ........... o lll'OU•O •• , ... •••o •NO """"" I s Cl Pilots ratify AirCal contract The Tcanwt.crt Union's Airline dlvl.llon haa noti- fi~ AJrCal of N~wport ~ach lhut a labor ag:rt!'l'mcnt afft«:tlng the llne'a 250 pilot.a was ratJfled. The two-year contract, l'ffecllVf' through Nov. 30, 1983. provides for wage im·reasc1 totaling 16 percent over two years In return for work rule changes that w1U result in improvements Ln average pilot utilizat1on In ext'eSS of 16 pcrt.'t!nt. 'fhis agreement as simUar to one achieved May 26 when AirCal's 397 flight attendants, represented by the Transpon Workers Union, ratified a two-year tlight Jttendant C'Ontract Pass cards recalle d Western Airlines said 1t 1s recalling fully validated $50 Travel Pass cards for verification before they can be redeemed for paymf'nt of travel In a messag~ to travel agents, Western said lhe procedural change was nec.-essary because of accep- tance by some travel agents of Travel Passes that have proved to be fraudulent. Office con1plex sel Construction 1s under way on a garden office development on 2.59 acrc..>s at 17326 Edwards Road a t Artesia Boulevard in Cernt.os. The project will be comprised of two two-story buildings totaling 36,500 square feet of space, acx:or- ding to Brandon M. Lamb of the Newport Beach office of the Charles Dunn Company, exclusive leasing agent. The business park lS designed by Craig Comb & Associates, Newport Beat'h Welder to India Conrac Machine Tool D1v1s1on of Westmu~ter reports sale and shipmt•nt of a model A WM-102 automatic welding machine to Chougule lndage PVT, LTD., a construcuon-busmess company based in Bombay, India. The welder will bl• used for a struc- tural beam fabrication facility on the lndian subcont- ment. 'J et Plus' plan o pen s Golden West Airlines of Newport Beach began a plan called "Jet Plus Fares" on Monday The program, m conjunction with American Air- lines. can save passengers up to 92 percent or the cost of their Golden West flights. It can be used on American flJghts from Los Angeles to 46 c1ues. The e<r.>t from Orange County to Los Angeles International Alrport for such a flight would be $3, (or example GNP shows quarterly rise WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . economy lS rismg again at least sµghtly after dropping steadily for six months, government economists are estimating. The Commerce Department's analysts say the broadest measure of economic activity -"real," or inflatJon-adjusted gross national product -appears to be climbing al an annual rate of 0 6 percent m the April-June quarter. Such a gain would follow declines at annual rates of 4.5 percent and 3.7 percent in the previous two quaners and would be the strongest mdicauon that the recession might be ending. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOR~ IAP) -Seles Mondey. puce ano net cflanQe ot the 111teen most Kl•,... New YO<~ S1~ E<ChA~ •-HMll"Q nationallv al more 1na11 SI NEW YORKIAPI FINI Dow JOM~ •"V' Ct11~•Svu ?.IU,'lOO U~. • "' MtHl>tlrl 1,JOl,JOO l~'o 7T 0.yln F>wl I I 0.1 600 15"-.. 18M ,.,. 800< !>I.. • US Sl_.1 SSi.500 ti•• '• Cll•COrp 511 100 14 • .. llCA 51•,IOO I•'" • E Am.,r T& l 510,IOO SO ... Gf'n Motort. sat.100 •S~~ '. Sony Co<p 419 'IOO 17'• ~. Eaaon s l'IUOO 11' • ~•rslla.t> -.100 11•, ·~ Gull on m 100 11._ '• EHl Koes.• 318 100 .. ' '. NLT Corp Jll,$00 11'• .,.. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP] -Sales ~onO•y'~ 1111ee ano nel chanQe ot the len mos• 414:11118 Ame<ICan Stoc:k E•Clllr>ge tsSutt. lr&Olng netlonalt)o al mOTe •~an SI Oo<Nl!•ir1 ~ 100 ).. ... WOA G WB 1 • ' s 0 0 , . ... .. ~~~20.? 9 lnll 8nknol C~amp Ho• Ovnetect Cp ConOit~ Hov()tlTr PGE 1 S.T 114 JOO t••) H ., 'IOO ... 91,000 r ... IS.500 l . '~ 11.100 .... . . SI 600 8'o ~JOO I) "'°° .... UPS ANO DOWNS NEW VOllK IAPI Ttw follown>Q h\I SIWIWS ,,,. -Yor' S100 E•c._ \IO<kS and warr ... ls 1"411 "41¥P QOM UC> ,,,. ..-1 --the mcxl l>.IM<I on ro;c,:'1on:.y"'°"9r r~rcllM\ of YolUmt ~ ~r~ ,:;,.~~'1~':.:~:r:,~~ dilf•'*'C•~--tt.. ora.v~~ pnoe ...a Monday's l>f'IOe N•-; ~r:~~ t WltCloldl Sir 4 UMEl Tr l Anc1'HO<' 6 OrlWCp 1 Gll'I pl8 i=~ 10 llutlft GH II MllQIAMI ,, ''"~"~ lJ ""'.......,'"" U Wlf'llatJKk IS PSlftG 4. ltcll •• o"""°" • :~ ~rr:, UPS LA\I Cl>Q Pel 1\\ • "' UP\118 IS'" • l\oo VP 10 0 • • • "-Up • 1 11• '• VP •i IH I'> VP I J 10 • "' UJ> I I 10 D >a Up I I '"" ,.,. Up 11 10~';_ ' ~ UJ'o : ~ 14)>(, • Y VP 1 S ~ • .,.,. Up I I IV, 0 '~ Up 1 I ~. 1• uo ,, ''-• 'n VP 70 1:" 00 ~ UJP t; J + ,._ UP • 7 DOWNS La\l ChQ Pict IJ~ t'-Oft IS,t S'4 '" Oft lU ,.~ -""' Oii 111 11Vt .,.,. Oft It 4 ,,,.,. ll• Ott 0 J ,.. -Off ... 11'0 "' °" •. Ullo 1 Ott 1.t J ... Oft 7.) ""'° -'"" Off I.I iOA. -lio Ott 1.1 for Mo<Wy J111 11 STOCKS °"9fl H.... Law C-Ole :io 1nc1 ; .. n ,,, es 1&41! '" •s. 1 JJ l'O lr~ Jo. 33 308.d JOI 41 JOJ IJ 1.211 IS VII IOI> U 101 71 IOS 0 t<• IJ 0 S1 6S Slk X1t I& JOO'" JOO 1• ::io. •S 0 D lf\Ou• • sn 100 lr•n I OSl.JOO Uhl~ 1,0..000 vs St• • 643 400 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI June 2 I AO••nc:tO Oethnod Un<h""'1"<! Tot~ l\.'\u"\ N~,. hl(llt) NfW tow\ loon 7SJ 1n 11'1 ISi , d NEW YORK tAPI Jun 11 ACIY•n<t'O ~ ......... U"Ch&nc)l!<I rot•I '~"""~ N~wni~ Nf W low• METALS TO<Wy ISi ...0 •SI llSS J • •• -.u, • '""" ~b t:D 4S. ... , • .,. C~r 67-72 4*ils a POUnd, US des11na11ons tb Lead 24-27 cen11 a pound Zinc: 35-37 oen•s a pound. Oetlll8fed Tin SS 8450 Melal1 Week comPOsJte lfumlnumr li-Tt cents a POUnO NY MMCUry $370 00 oer ll11sk Plet-S288 00 troy or N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ...._, lOftdon! morning fbclng $307 50. ol1 S1.50 l..oftdoft: al1arnoon ll•lng. S3011. 75, ott S0.25, Pwla: anatn0ot1 ll•lno $313 32, off S2.S3 Z"'1dt: l•t• 11.1ng. S307 so. on 'uo bid; $3011.00 Mlled. Hendy • Halrm111t: only deity qUOla S3011. 76, oN I0.25. ,......_., only dlllly QUO!• $308 76. Off S0.25 SYMBOLS ""' -..... Ott 1.1 ..... -"" Off '·' s " Oii ,. ·--·-··--., ...... u..-.--.... .i·-... '"' -Off • , 5" -... Oii u 2 ... Off "' nv. .. Oft u GOLD COINS ...., IC,...,,..,_, 1 1roy oz., t32UO, ort NIO. .......... , "°' oe.. *1.50, °" 11.80. oft 'rf.r!•,.... u "°'as.. ~ue. ,....,... '°° OfOMI, .ll02 troy OI., aoc.a; °" ta.n. ~ o.M·Ptnr• ___ .., __ _ Of ..,.,. Mf'\oill -.Cl.,ahoft SetM.., ., """ :;::.;,~~-:or.= .. ._... -.. , ...... ,, ... :r.::: .... ·-...... ---~ ................. _ Oacterff Of .. id tft pfK .. 1"'0 tJ ,._,..._ -°' .... -· .. ,-...... .. ,_ __ ---.......-.. ... --·---..,.~ .. ,...., ""' ..... .., e«-"it• .. ---... ---~­jlltlt >ll ,.......tl_,..,. __ ........ _.. .. _......,, __ _ _...._ ... ......._ .... __ ............... ~-­-... ,.. ....... 11111 . ..c..... -.:::.r.. .......... " ........ --~ ................ _ ............_ "' -n. ........ -........... .. ---.......... .., .......... _ ,._..,........,. ___ ,..... Cl 1 . ~ --~ Ora"gt Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Tut1d1y, Junt 22, 1982 < Southern Calife>rnia's most complete selection of lighting at • • • compet1t1ve prices. Some of the brands we carry: Casablanca Eagle Electrix Lightolier Framburg Forecast Lavery Hi-Lite Lectra Nulco Luxo Stiff el Victor Westwood Crystal Import Frederick Cooper Dixon Brite Lite Hadco London Lamp ELA Westgate Carrie Litecraft Norwell Becker P .D. West Majestic Phoenix Illuminating Quoizel Experience Remington American Duro-Lite Lantern ' AI.I.IBD lighting I Wolfe Creations Tri-Lite Sonne man Tensor Schonbeck Troy Hinkley Halder -Mato Hubbel Juno 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa 646-3737 I 646-8194 (across from N urseryland Nursery) Puritan .Nuton Plantation Thomas Dini co Atlas L&S Lightco Laure -- r Keystone Weiss & Bihller -I SAN DIEGO fRwY. ~ . BAUR ST. ~ ~ .., i; ~ ~ i ~ N -• ClASSlfllD llllJPuat TuMday, June 22, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 . Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place • CLASSIFIED INDEX IHJ ,,,,,. ···········•·•••······ ~'.~!!! .{'.'. !.•.'!..... •• ~'.~!!t{'.'. !.'.'!.. •• . . . IJ.'.~!!t{~r. 1'.'! .• ·-· !t.!!!t('.r. !.'.1!. ..•.. ._ I IJ.m!Llo.r.!.•J! ••••• ·; '!!~!!. !.'.'1..'!!!!! ••••• ~~ .. ~'.L ........ .'.~~ ~ ..... ~'.L ........ .'.~. ,,,.,'.!.'.t ......•• !.~1 f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~f f~l.~~~.l!l.'.t .. !.'-4.. •;'";,!.... 00 1---.---1 IUOIHI UVlll WALi Tl TIWI •• !! ...• ! .......• !.' ••. 11,U Ha Ml. In thl•,. bdrm home with trom thll deUghlful unit • Newport 84111ch De An:ie PllllllLA 11•11 01t11 IHl l1l1I• 11,.,., O•l,,1al1•H ...•••..••............ ·······••·•·······•·•· l11d•1, 111•1, Coll• 11•11 3114 a,,~,. 2100 r0;··,-9.-:·~01er&w .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1615 111 a ,.,, p[ut <10 Acru prime porcel, Sl50 water & grdn1 pd near town. iilnt tor noree Kid• '011 640-0659 Te Place Y .. r Ad, C1ll 642-5678 MOUSES fOI SAU CrtM1.J ll&llloo hlAIM ..., ..... , ....... 1. ( ."' .. t•M .... , .. t.Of'ot\•4'tt •• , t·cau .. ". Do.Ml><M•• 1.1 floo• rait.tM••n v.t~>' U~lf\l\Of'l1"•th lh'IM 1 ... 1vfte tliiuttil L&fUl'• ltllh 1 ... 1un• N1•11tl "''''"'~ Vi•>4> ~:r:rr!~: h l\al'I J111n ( •PO\r •no S.114• AA• s .. 111<••~ Sowth t a1i.n• V.•\.tn\IM\ff ~,,_.I~ HAMr' "41t mLmm AffH.at fv. ~I' A,.,..tntnO '°' 'wlf' ""h"'-"> 1ki.l1k'» ,,_..,n, C..emrltr)' l..ol• l f) Ph c:om mt rt'"' Proprrt\ tonOomO\tWM~ ~-·· °"9tu n l. fHt\ '-•I• HouW'\ l4' ~ \tO"fl' lncftf'M' Pru,.tt) INSw.1011 P1of1d\)' Luh tor 'wl" MotNlt Un~ frlr Pr~" MOUMn IHon "'"'" Or •':J" { o J•ru~ ~ °' ~~~~:~o&> RtMh«t ••• ,,.,, (,"•"•~ RuJ ._...,,,., t ~th•n•" Mui Utlllf 'A llU.0 RENULS t~tvrnoMd t&oi.»n l ntr.un111oti!H HW'M'~ h.rn 11' t ft( (~INll'"' turn fOftdoMUWUf'A\ \ ftt T ... Mow~ •v•" T .. ""°"''H\ "~ °"PM'h .. "'" l~u•l"t Al"> tlor• """~ftl"10 Aph t'-r" ot l nl Room> Rounl" Ao•rft ftotth \toteh GIH>llt HtHT'tll'' N;mnwr k•flhfi. V1ul1Qf1 thnt•ll Htnot.h to \h•rt• G•hlta. fOf tltl'll\I Off1n Rt"4•1 """INO H•nt•I INN,1r11I lhnt•I ~::.·.,: ... ~"' MIM Mtntlh BUSINESS. INVEST MEIU, FINANCE t:::::~':.!,9 ::~::::::: ~~t!,) MCftt) Ill l.u•n ~(//f'tlf'Y "'•"It'd' . onc•ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND AnnuuMtrMnU l •r Pool Ltttl Stw1fo ,...,... .... ,"",_, Pfr"4')1\eb• Sior11lnwta• Tr•"f'l• SERVICES "'-rt'~w• (htn1f)f') £Mrt.OYMEHT & rtEPAIATION ""N*)IMI"""\~ JV<b ,.'•nlf"4, • Urlp ••ntnt \C " t MERCHANOISE "-""tel"'"' A_ppt1•0Ct11o Autlton :t!rJ.':~ M.,~,,.,, C'amtr•' 6 fqu1pm•n4 c ... , Out.> ~ffltl\ .... t"\un•h~rt c.,.., !htlt- 1~ fto.D.+io4d t ,or-.,,, )""'"'" l.it,Klfl(\ M..rf'Nllt4'f'l '11M"C'H1M"CN\ Mt.M'tll1M'Ol.I\ 'A •nlf'd '4"'wul ln\lrumf'nh (Jfhrr •'urf\ 4 t quip Pto t;~':':.~;~~n7, Siport1nc C1•i«:h Slort.Mti.ta\olr•nt fht t~·~~IO Utt I '4C'r"'' BOATS i MARIN[ EQUIPMENT Gt Mn I 8o•h '4••"' "'""'"~ lkHl'-M•nAf' .. yu1p 8oau PO'lltr Both RtM ( ""'''"' 8o.•b ~1I loah ~•Pl Dech. -.. ~ ..... ftoel}~Of•f~ llANSPORTAllOM AH en ft C. •mptt~ ~Hlr A"n' J:1f'f'1.rll" c. '" =::"~·t=:~~.,,. Mot0t tfM\ Salr R"nl Tre1ltrt lnv•I ~~~s,·,~~!"l••th OtMr•f A~TOMOBILE AnttqtHt c..·1n,1n Rt<'rUhMI \"thu·I"'' 'Polf"li. H.,., R1"11o. tW-..l U.11o.•• r ...... \•ru AutOW•'•"I Avtot w .. nlt'd ICllll IWI 100! . ... •• ... '°"" lo.JI IG.M ll)IO '°"' ll)Of 10:.0 IW ... 1 IOllll ·~16 1011 IUlll .... 1• 10. 11(10 1004l HOVJINO 01',0 ATUHHY ··~"•"tr'• ....... , All real asllte edvertlnd In this newspaper ta sub1ec1 10 11111 Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 wl\lch mallea II Illegal to advettlse "any preferen- ce, 11m11a11on or 01scrlrn1- na11on based on race, color, •ellglon sax or national origin. or any Intention to make any Pmc W"l Boy bayfronl. Shi:-ior 2 boots. rt'modeled 3 bdrm, 3 balh $1 ,200.000 • Ocean & JellY views Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 ti.th, 3700 1q ft 11.sa~.000 ace..n!ront LllO llLE 11111 1-'nme Lido Nord b&yfront. 5 bdnn. 5 ~ bath. Lge LR , 2 boal slips $1,500,000. Remod«.>led 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec nn beam ceilings. furnished, patios. $420,000 Lllll ISLE llYFRllT .A1goon view from 6 bdrm. 5 balh. playroom. dJrk m1, d1·n, Bout !ihp $1.350,000 such prele1ance, llmita· :~ uon or d15';r1m1netlon " BAYSIDE COYE :: This newspape< wlll not Spectat·ular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br, uoo knowingly accept any 2 ba d 2 boa lJ $1 800 000 1'°° advertising tor real es-n. t S JlS • • llW ::: ~~t~h;~~e ls In v101a11on COROllADO CAYS rs iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Corvnado lsland l'USl bayfront lot 85' boat ~~ EUOllSt Advert I· dock. Plans avail. Rt'<l. $370,000 w/tenns. ::: sers should check ~ their ads dally and : report errors Im· media t e ly . T h e JI(). DAIL y PILOT as-= sumes llabillty for ~ the first Incorrect ~ insertion only. '!;'! ............... ~ 1700 JklO :t!llO ""'° WlO 1100 4114) l<l)O •Zlll <DJ U.'lllJ uoo mo ""' ~ Mi()() Ml)j) g,.,., /11 $111 .....•......•......... G111111J I 002 ....................... BEAUTY lllD THE IEST Beautllul 5 Bdrm Bue· cola, wlth 3.000 sq ft of 1tv1ng spaoe Good assu- mable loans. quick es· crow Aslllng $260.000 546-2313 ti!l;R1 HYCllEIT SHl,000 lmpreaslve 11 the word that comn to mind when you view the Fr provin· clal exterior or thlt lovely custom l\ome The 9')a· clous Mstr Bdrm has a His & Her dressing lllM, sunken tub & atrium. The 3 remaining Bdrm• - 1oc11ed In e 1eperet• wing w/2 Beth• ldeel tor entertaining wltl\ a 18'99 format dining room & we11>ar. The famlty room & living room both offer the warmth of llrepl-6. Assume aKlttlng loan. Call us for a viewing appt 63t·7370 TRADI T IOr\AL REALTY ILIFFS COIH Single story l'nd untl, e><panded 3 br, 3 ba on lurgesl grecnbt•h. $250.000. PUil UH 3 bdnns. 2 •., baths lvndo near pool $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy~·d•· Dr,,. N B b7S bH:l TWO FOR DIE VALUE Live 1n one end rent the othefl Newe• 1ton1 unit plus 1ecenlly returblahed home Motivated senar says sul>m•t all olleral Terms offered Only S 184,950 Call today, ~6-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS MllT oe11m11 Beautlf\illy landacaped & maintained 4 Bdrm h ome. Great corner locetlon w/u latlng RV eoceu. Owner wlll asalll w/llnanclng. Full price $142,500. 161-3191 r---l1:'AYL~R ~·J TtllnlllOI •dd·on family 1m. M1ny l Br. den. g1r, CIOM to b•ylron1 Porll Mint I• ell )'OU p1y when you -e11tr•• lnclud lng new Main beech. S1.tll.lll50 cond. ·79 dbl wldtt, 11r .. t1ke over utellno 1•1 ctirS)9t L.110-utum1bl• La&111 Vllltet I.I plaot, brlek 1>atl0. TO SpaclOIJ• <t br 811• lolll'I end ownet will ... 411-1111 l 5'.l500. AllO 2 br. 2 ewtlve qetecfled h<>me. 1111. 1135.000. C.11 !Ot b&.. double wide, comer Featuring lrml din. fmly mo<e lnlo. 9711-6370 U.a11 mJ11 lffl lot 139.000 Biii Grundy rm & frplc. Only S2t2, ':':''••••••••u•u•••••• 875-8181 . 000 FEE. 2070 San Ml-letf ..... Int -.---.. -._-.._-,-.. -.-guet Or . N-port Beech co-ope lrom S31.ooo ..t. • -• • 759-150t or 752-7373. , ----..,.----::-..,.-'"'." equltt price. Condo• 2 bdrm, l'I~ ba, •dlt• 1 • 7" 000 f ti •·· L81ge lot Sml pet OK By Ownet ColleQe Park 4 from '" u pr.... Nr Shopping lo.ow rent Br 3 BL, poor. A1sume Leleure World R ... IM ..... 000 841·-54 I I "'A owe 2nd S135 24221 Pue<> de Valencll ...... . ., .. ~ OOO'. Prlnclpela only.' Lag. Hiiia 714/837·5500 555.1098 Lib ftnit 1055 I STAii Pllll ••••••• •........... • • • Double wide Lane.er with IWIER SAYS SELL Lrg 1<1150 IQ fl 3 Bdr 2 Ba condo wllll 1 great H.B loc1tlon Sht year old formal model w/2 cer garage & air condltlo· nlng Assume lSI & ow· n er wlll carry Only $128.900. 631-7370 PlRI PUCE ESTATES •IR. 2~ II. attached sunroom 2 bdrms . 2 ba1t1a & 2 car carport Prime end unit wlll\ lots ol p rivacy I Convenient wettslde location $42,000 17141673-4400 12 Ill '21·2121 roncll Puo Roble1 Bkr 7 t4/650·8 t7 l FENCED 5 ACRES Level. oek• & willow tree1. Rlneno Cll1tornle Land W"'· 1-076.2040 SPECIAL 2br. enclON4J p11to, deluae kllch, $430 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 E/Slde 3 I>•. Oen. lrplc. country kit leoaH $850 No pell 842-0280 ... , ,,,,,. WHIH ZIOO E/S1de c111rm .. 2 t>r l t>a. •••••••••••••••••••••• cpl, no pet• July 1, $625. WANTED 641-3937 Oceanlron1 101. Laguna B_y_A_l_rp-o-rl-.-3-t>-r-. -2-,,.,-1>-a. or Newport Betel\ pat io 2 c ar gar 760-9598 S700/mo 673·8270 day• , I , 3 br. 2 ba. S C PlaZ8 r Ylft 1rty co"9o Sllarp trl·M. gar Wllltakeoveryourpay-pool spa S750mo mems on ii 2 or 3 Bdrm 551·2960 eves home, will also consider a duple" °' mptex wttn 4Br 1wn11se1 condq. dbl owners unit Prtn only garage $700 mo Mur pie.se 542-3377 chlnson en1erot1ses ~~~~~~~~~~le-.-s-1d-e.· 2 l>d•m p-lu_s_ll_pc_ HARBOR t l•11f1/1 ...................... Gar Lg lot Pets Ok $700 mo Joyce Wallie 631 1266 TRADITIONAL REALTY 4 Br 3 Be l'amtly rm Bonus rm 3 c.ar garage. 3100 sq 11 S895tmo 840·6203 all 6 AUTOS, IMPOITEO 3 U, 2 II Large covered patio. lireplaoe, double car ga· rage Excellent condl· tlon S 135.000. Owner will c1rry 1st loan Beat t.f Mfll AU• Monwo ... d. A.nt1n H••'"' IOIW C•P'• ov-t:olt O•tl~n •.• ,,.,1 r1.l """"' ~ .. Jtn,,f'n K.rm..n111.t11• i..mw(lltN ,. .. ,,.., \tff~ I ·f· K.+"I \h; .. I.ti ...... P.nlf•• PNI"'' t"Ot••~ ftf'fta ult flt.OU•MY)t r RD't' s. .. r,-:;," fO)'OU rr1umph voo ....... ,. Voho AUTOS, NEW !1;111 •ltC '"" , .. ~ THE REAL ESTAT&:RS llll VllS fTlt till w:a. '.11£1 Y1/!J '1111 •71' BR Single E•milll-liO ,;.11 In H B $97.950 Only ,,, S20.000 down Eicellenl ~:~ ~e;:~:~,1~ :!:n In~~:~ :;~ pest 11ouse In the tracl '"· Call Mike '°' more Inf<><· "" mallon (7111) 720·039t 1;~ •1~ 111> tl!tl y;91 ,,. 97 .. tl~ v1i1 '171~ '112 111101 ol term1. , WAlllTll, Y1EW1 R•r loOarllt, Rltr. botllt1t ltoatft1 will! ct•pltttlJ Hl-1721 rt•tlltlt.LLbll.~ ................... Jl!~~~!!!!~~~23 ~Da:l&V- ., ..... , Yltw wtt• 1 .. 11y rtt• Hiii .. ,., •ltftr Hitt. lrt1f ftr Hftrflillll 114 •1ily liYl•I· Htt,000. fH. 131-1400. ····"· \.\AHRI RONT llOMl 10 \I I 1111 .. OWIEI llllHI 2 8•. 2 Ba condo. EJctras Pool, lacuu:I, greent>elt avail Must tell Prln. only 6 4 t -9<199 or 646-7958. Covlnglon 11-Pleua So Cst Plaia. Assume loan & OWC. Try 25"/, down Prine only Bkr 6<15-8100, 549-1366. -~- •• oranoe Cout OAtLV lltfL:OT/Tuted•v, Jun• aa, 1182 BIG BIRD BATH -Los Angeles Department of Water and power workers fill sandbags to make walls of pool being built for California gulls and migratory birds at Mono Lake near AP Wlrephoto the California-Nevada borde r . The 4-inch deep, 60-foot long fresh water pool next to highly saline M ono Lake wiU provide fresh water for drinking and bathin~r the birds . Gold, silver still falling 'Former precious metals' see hard times NEW YORK (P ) -G o ld a nd silver have fallen on su c h hard times that som e investme nt experts have begun refe rring to t h em as "forme rly precious m e tals." The label may be a bit e xtre m e for a pair o f commodities that hav e been revered by seek e rs of wealth since ancie nt times. But it pre tty w ell summarizes what has happe ned in g o ld and s ilver trading the past couple of years. Monday gold fell to $301.50 a n ounce, do wn from a peak o f $875 in early 1980, and briefly touched $295. And s ilver dropped below $5 an o unce -off m o re than 90 percent Crom the high of $52.50 it established less tha n 2 tl2 years ago. One o f the s ta unc h est a d - vocat es o f investing in gold apparenty threw in the to w el last w eek . James Dines, who had begun recommending it at $35 a n ounce two decades ago, sent a "sell all precio u s metals" advisory to subscribers. As might be expected, all this has taken a toll on stocks of go ld and silver rompan1es. S tandard & Poor's inde x o f four gold mining issues h as' fallen more than 36 percent m the fi rst half of 1982 (\lone . ASA Ltd .. a closed -end inves tme nt company whose portfolio consists m ainly of South African mining sh ares, nosedived from 91 112 to the mid-20s in the DIATH NOTICIS past year and a half. H omestak e Mining, whic h operates N or th America's largest gold mine in the Black Hills o f South Dakota, plunged o ve r the same period from 88 t o 18 Campbell Red Lake, based in Toronto, dropped from a high of 27 ~ to about 9. The s tory has been as bad, or worse, for ~Iver producers llke Hecla Mining, down from 35 V. to 6 ; and Sunshine Mining, d own from 26 ~ to 5. In their glory days, precious metals and the m ining s tocks acquired a reputation as a kind of foul-w eather µiend to investors -not just a haven from the woes of the world, but a way to prosper from those problems. Late ly, there has b een n o shortage of trouble -a seve r e recession, wars in th e Falkland Islands and the Middle East - but gold and silver are no longer playing their old roles. As Lawren c e H ei m , a P ortland, Ore .-based in vestme nt adviser, observed, gold "mo ved up muc h less than it s h o uld have when the fighting in Lebanon started. "The ~eneral public and 'g o ld investors continue to hold to the perceptio n that the rate of inflation is h eading lowe r," Heim added. "Until the people begin to perceive that the rate of inflatio n is accele rating, it ls unlike ly tha t th e y will be buying inflatio n hedges s uc h as gold and s alver." That 1s just one of man y e xplanatio n s exp e rts have o ffe red for the previous-m etals b ust. Th e Sovie t Un io n 1s p e rio dically rep orted t o be depressing the gold market w ith sales or the m e ta!. Silve r traders fret about ~1ble selling by the U.S . governmen t o r th e Hunt bro thers o f Da llas. Still, the s ingle reason that is g i ve n m ost o ft e n is th e persistence o f high interest rates at a time whe n infla tion a n d the pace o f econ om ic activity have both s lowed. The big -m on ey players in the game today are appa r~ntl y inc lin e d t o k ee p "th e ir intemat1011ally mobile fu nds in dollars at h igh interest rates." said Eugene J She rman, vice president o f the Inte rnation a l Gold Corp. o f Ne w Y ork, in a commen ta.ry. "A change Lil the direction of the dollar and interest rates, or a change an the perc-c ption o f the direction . w ill be necessar y to bring inst itutio nal investors back into the marke t ," S herman con cluded. Heim. for h is par t. says that in his r e c omme nded m vestrne nt strategies, "w e do pla n to use 'g o ld again B u t for n o w , w e thu• it is logical to wa1t for th e market itself to 'tell' us when to e nter. a nd w hat directio n w e sho uld bet o n " • MllC tlJTIC( Ml.IC NOTa ":1~1.C:I' ':m.~D' ptaJC NOTICl MUC *1T1Cl ":B.=r ":r,::..... The foOowlng perton le dolno TM IOlkMlllo pereone.,. _... l>lltlneM .. 1>1.1'"'"9 ••. The lollow1119 !*90" I• dOlnt llA,_,.., bllalm.-: Ill. T 1.ANOtOAftl, ~wing l*IOM .,. dOlng ILllll INTl!APRlll!. PO Do• ION IN!AOY, LTD .. I Ol1 7:t00, tlMl·O Aclell'la Aw., Coela Butl-Ceintet Ortv9, 8u1te HO, Maee, CA t2Ut IMM CA t 2715 111 Vltp ftt.., COiie ~.CA ftAAKV l!W IU81Nlll tff27. "10ftlllTIU, HOO W. Moore tt., JetnM " lt.-n.l 117 Virginia tu11e "M'', 8ent1 Ana. Clltf0ml9 pt, Ooeta MIN. CA w2fl:l7 ta704 Mannella r11ncolea Mouller, PHIL l'OUA TW!LVI. IH()., a 1'00 Adema Ave 1 1IM, Co111 C1l1torn11 001poretlon, 20t 1 M .... CA 92128 6uaJn.ea Cenlet Drive, 8ulM 220, Thie ~-la oonducted by an lf'Vln4I CA t 27 ft. lhlt ~ le OOnduOteO by an Llnooln l evl ng1 and t.oen lnd~I AUOClallon , • Oe llfo1,,I• lndlYIClval Thi• but"-le conoue1ed by a l\fllll\ftte Movll., llmlted f)lllnerlhle>. Jamee A. ''"" oorporatton, 10 t Llnool11 Way. Thie 1lateme111 WM flied with tM MOm•ey ftll/k, CelHotnle t1714. Countr C1ertl ol Orange CounlV on Nal S Harty, iaoo 'Iii. Moo<e June 1, 1982 tt11111J 8trM1. Senta Ana. Oelffomla t2704 Put>lllhed Orellge Co ••t oal!Y Mlcheel F. Aow•. HOO w Thie aletemen1 wea tued With 1he Phtl f'wr Twelve. lno County Clan. of Ortonge Covniy on Rldletd Kr«NI. June .t, 1882 Vtoe Pr.aldent Piiat, ~ne 111, 22. '9, July t . tad Moore 81r•t. Senle Ane. Cllttomle 26T4<12 12704 , tton• fltlt .... _,, Wll flied .with IN ftut>ll tflt d Or1nge Coaa1 01lly County Clefk of OreflOI County Ol'I fttlot. June I 16. n. 211 1982 June 4, t902 2428 82 CAftlllTZ ' ICAIO~ ___ rta.IC ___ NO_T_IC_E ___ ~o~=::~ PftM Unooln 8111. & ~ AIM PUlt.IC NO TIC£ JOlln M. Yl.tnker Jt n auwii I •• ., Vkll Pr~L-,~:.ra...., This lltl19'Mtll wM ;;i;o""w1ttlll\e Tne following peraon la doing =~0~2°1 Otange County on • .,,.. 200 bu8'MM IL lftt1• CONSTA UC flON CONSUL Publlthad Orange Coat! Delly NOT1CI Of' TllUITll'a Ula T.I . No. nt214 lf'vlfte, CA n?t .. 11• ,,..,,, Publltllad Orang• Coatl Oalty PllOt. June 8. 16. 22. a . 1t12 2&qM2 ~:r,~s. 17751 Ml1c11e11 irv1ne. CA tt11ot. Ju~ 16, n . a . July 8. t982 Roger c. Kirkham. 17761 2936·'2 NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC u duly apl)Olnl*" Tru1t" und., lhe M11cnell, lrvllll, CA 9:1714 Thie bu~ It oondllCted by a.n ll'ldlvlduel. ROQtf C Kll'llham Tnta 1uat-t wu flied wttn 1he Coun1y Cleric of Orange County on June 4. 1882 ,1tOIOI Publltfled Oreflge CoHt Cally Piiot, June 8. 111, 22. 29, 1982 2!!08-82 Nit.IC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI ......... NAME ITATIMINT The touowlng P•reon I• doing bUllMllll ... NEWPORT AIRE SYSTEMS, 1539 Monrovia Ave., Newport Balcll, Ca 112eel3 Cnartee Henty NOr1on, 33035 Outrlg~ Ct., San Juen Capistrano. Ce. 92875 Thia bualneat It ~·due1ed by an Individual. Charlel Henrt Nor1on Thia 1111ement waa filed with tl>e County Clerk of Orange County on June 1 t. 1982 F1ttat4 Published Orange Coeat Cally PllOI June 15. 22. 29, July 6, 1982 2684-82 POOLIC NOTICE 'ICTTTIOU9 9UNtEH NAMt! aTATHtENT The followtng peraon1 are doing bulllMllll .. I & R PROMOTIONS, J0.4 So. Cent9'. Senta Ana, CA 92703. I c!li R Products Intl, Inc.. a Callfornla corporation, 304 So. Cenl«. Senta Ana, CA 92703. Thll bUslMllll IS condUCled by • corporation. I & R Product• Intl, Inc Jr; Mlllow, Prealdent Thia •!element WU flled with Ille County .;lerk ot Orange Counly on June t I. 1982 f'tttS'1 Published Orange Coaat Delly Piiot, June 15, 22, 29, July 8, 1982 21138-82 Pt&1C Hema: Nil.IC NOTICE fOllOWlng dMCllb41d deed of 111111 ; ___________ _ WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION flta.IC NOTIC( ------------1 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR ___ ;..::;:;.;;;.:...;..:.:....:..;.;.;;;..... __ ,ICN!fT,..'OU•T' .. •Tul.,.Hl!T·· CASH (payable at tlm" Of .. ,e In lllOTICI OP " " " lawful money of the Ur1l111CS StalMI TllUITll'I IALI 1"41 followlng per-. 11• dOlng all right. 1111t end 1nt&1NI oon"'9'f9d T.I. No. Mm buliMN M 10 and now held by It undef Mid NOTICE IS HERE8'1' GIVEH. lha1 (Al R S COMPONENTS INC , DHd ol Trull In the property on Wlldnet<lty, July 7, 1982, .. ~ (Bl R S 8\ISTEMS INC., (Cl R S llerelnat1er deec:rlbed: o'clOc:k 11 m of ... d day, In tM room MICROTECH INC . 3100 w WIA/,.,.,, TRUSTOR· CL YOE A McKAY and .. , uide lor cOflduotlOQ TNll•• Ave . Ste 7, Sant• Ane. CA 92704 WINIFRED E. M<:KAY. husband and S•ln. wlllllfl ,,.. otftolll of MAL Four 0 Mlorotec:hnolOgy 11'\0., • wife EST ATE SECURITIES SERVICE. California corporation. 3100 W BENEFICIARY NEWPORT HOME loeated al 2020 North Stoaa..t)', Wwner Ava . -7, Santi Ana. CA LOAN TRUST 1239 Suite 208, In me City of Slnll Ma. 112704. RKorded Seoleml>er 24, 1911 u Count y or Orange. State ot Thia bulin-It conducted by e Instr NO 30897 In book 14231, pagt Ca 111 or n I e. RE AL E 8 TATE eo<porallon 327 ot Ottlelal Records In tile olflGe SECURITIES SERVICE., a Celtfomll Four 0 or lhe Recorder of Or•noe County; corporellon. aa duly appointed Mlcfotectinology Inc told deed or trull d411Cnbel 111e Trullee under and pureuant to !tie 0 Otoket followtng PfoPOrt'f Loi 73 of Trec1 power or sale confarted In that Thie 1111emen1 wu flied wllll Ille No. 376. In the City ol CO.ta M .... oertatr1 Oeeo or Trust axecuted by County Clerk of Orange Counly on Count y of Ortnge. Sti le Of JONATH.-.N M JARVIS. a llngle June t't, 1982 Calllornla. as per map recorded 1n man. recorcle<I November 8, te&o, '111S10 book 15, page 29, m1toettaneou1 In Book 13823 ol Ofltclel Recofde of Published Orange Co111 Cally m~. In the ofllc41 ol the county said County, 11 page 947, Piiot. June 16, 22. 29. Jul)' 8, 1982 recorder of 11111d counly EJtc:ep1 1he Recoroe<s ln1trumet1t No. 7348, Cly 2559-82 North4Mltt9'1)' 557 42 fNI reason ol a breach or defeult In ----81-.,,-IC_NO_T-IC_[ ____ , YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A payment or performance of the n-. OEEO OF TRUST OAT EO AUGUST obllge11one secured thereby. -----IC--OCMl7-------l7, 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE including thll breech or delault, FICTITtOUI •u•••• ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR No11ce of WllJCll Wll recorded PROPERTY. IT MAV BE SOLO AT A February 19. 1982, as Reco<der'a NAME STA'RMENT PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN 1ns1rumen1 No 82-0511890, WILL •. }lie tollowlng P«ION are doing EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE uvll,_... OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST HIG HEST BIOOER FOR CASH, LAKE GROVE It, 17581 lrvt YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A lawful money of Iha United StllM. l:k>ule11111d, Suite 107, Tustin, Calif LAWYER or a cashier's cheek drawn on a 112660L · k G L 1 1 2550 Sant• Ar\8 Avenue. Co11e slale or national bank, a 1t1te or a e r 0 v • · a M 18 d Mesa CA 92626 teoeral Cf edit union or a slate or P •'In• r • h IP • t 7 5 8 I Ir 11 In• "(11' a a1ree1 address ot common federal aa111no1 and tOafl aa.oc;latlon Boulevard, Suite 107, Tuttln, Calif designation 11 1hown eoove. no domiciled In this state, all payable at 112880. we rr 1n1 y 11 g 111 en es t o 11 • lhe time of sale, all right. thle and Llneoln Saving• and Lo•n completeness or correctnessl.. 1n1«nt l\CllO by 11, 11 Tr1111•. In A•• o c I at Ion• • Ca I 11 or n i a The benehclary under said Deed tllal real properly situate In tald corporation, 101 Lincoln Wey, of Trutt, by reason of 8 breach or Coun1y and Stale, desorlbed 11 Monlerey Partt, c.IMornie 91754 defaull In the obl1gauon1 secured lollOws This buelneee la conducteo by an thereby heretofore execu1ed and PARCEL 1 un1ncorpot1ted 111octat1on 0111e1 delivered to the undersigned a u 1 N 30 •11o a d lhan e per1nership n I o as q w n n Llncoln S~v & Loan Aun written Oecle11Uon 01 Default and OelC'lbeO in Ille c;ondomlnlum ptan John M Yunker Jr Demand f0< Sala and written nollce recorded on Sec>tem~ 14 11178 In EKec Vice President of breactl and of ete<;toon lo cauM boo1>, 1284 1, pagea 1129 to 996 This sia1ement was llled with 1119 the undersigne d 10 se ll s a id 1nc1us111e or official records of 1810 c 1 Cl " 1 0 C propeny 10 aatlaty aald obltgat1on1. county as ameooed by amendment Juoun ro 1~82 O rMge ounly on end lhtrealler the undersigned to conOomlnlum plan recorded on ne · cauaeo said not1<;e ol breach and ol November 10, 1978 In book 12918, P C Fllll20I electlon to be Reoorded March 3. pagee 1602 and 1803 of olfoclat ubllshed Orange OHi Cally t982 u fnslr No 82-074334 ol sa!O records or said county Plfol June 15. 22 29 July 6. 1982 Ottlclal Records PARCEL 2 _________ 2_63_4_-_e2_1 S aid sale wlll be m1de, but An undlvrOed one thlr1y·IOUr1h NOTIC£ Of' MLIC NOTICE without oovenent or warran1y, t 1/3<1111) Interest as • tenant In TIWSTEE'S IAL.E ------------! axpresa or Implied, regarding lltle, common 1n the tee 1n1eres1 In end to TA. No. 77790-4 FICTITIOUS eu ... M ~. or encumbrancet, 10 the common area ol IOts 2. 3 ar\d 5 T.O SERVICE COMPANY as duty NA.Me 9TAT£MENT pay the remaining prlnclpal 34.lm of Of lracl 9858 as per map flied In appoln1ed Tru11ee under the The fOllOWlng persons 11 doing the note(•I secured Dy 1111ld Deed ot book 436, p99ee 1 to 7 lnctullve. ot lottowlng Oeecribed deed of trust buli..-S u; Trust, with ln1ereet as In llllld note mlscellaneoul maps. records ol WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION KEYSTONE ARMS , 86f4 p<OVlded. edvance.. If any. ·1nder 11111d counly atauclllletn lsdefined TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR w .. tmlnlter Ave., Westmlnlt«, CA the l«ma ol 11111<1 0ee0 of Trull, 1n Iha IT11CNI enllUed deflnlllona" CASH {payable at time of Hie In 92883. f-. charges and expeo-ot the of lhl! dectarallon ol covenants. lawful MOne)' of tne United Stales) Oavkl Muwetl Berm1n. 6380 Trustee and or Iha trusts created by cond111ons and restriction$, ell ngttt. title end lnl«ea1 con"'9'f9d Bl~by Hiii Rd Long BNch. CA Mid Deed ol Tru11 Said sale Wiii be rec;orded APfll 21. 1978 Ill bOOk to and now held by It under Mid 90815. held on Wednillday. July 7, 1982 •t 12644. page 951 of olfldal rec:0tds. Deed ot Trust In the propeny This bulinest ia conducted by an 2:00 p.m al lhe Chapman Avenue 11he "decllrauon"). and any i-e1ne.1ter Oeecr'lbed Individual entrance lo 1ne C1111c Center supplemenu and amendment• TRUSTOR. JAMES MUSSL Y, 1111 Oevkl M Berm1111 Bulldlng, JOO E Chapman Avenue. 111ere10 unMarrled man. and RA NOY Thi• 11e1ement -filed with the In the Cliy of Orange, CA ucepllng lherefrom ell oil, oil STEWART.aalnglemen.all .. jolnt Coonty Clerl<ot OrangeCountyon Al the lime o f the ln111 e 1 rtghla. minerals. mineral rlgllls. tenenta. June 4, 1ee2 publication of this notlc41. Ille total n11 ur11 gas 1101111 and other 8 e N ! F I c I A Ry : EN R I 0 u E 1'1tOTl'I emounl of the unpaid ~ ot the llyOIOC&tbonS, by wt1ai-name CASTELLANO, an unman1ed Men. Publlelled Orange Coal! Cally obllglllOn MCUred by Iha l bove known. QROlnetmll atMm, an<I 1111 ~ded Jul)' t, 1981 u Instr. Piiot, June 8. t5, 22, 29. 1982 described deed of lrus1 and products derived from any of the No.~ In bOok 14123, page 485 of 2•33-82 estimated co1t1, upense1 and foreg0tng, 1na1 may t>e within Of Ottlelel Records In the ottke of the I------------advances 11 S29.900 84 To under 111e p a rce l of l a n d Reoorder of Orange Coun1y. Mid P\8.IC NOTICE detennlne tile opening bid you me~ 11ere1nebo11e descnoed tOijetller deed ol trull describes the · call (7 14) 937--0966 w1111 111e perpetual right ot dtllllng, tollowlng pr<>e>eny: NOTICE Of' TRUanE'a SAU DATED June 7. 1982 min ing. e-plorlng and operating PARCEL 1· T.9. No. m1W NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC the refor and s tortng In end Lo\ 74 of Tract No 9423. In tile LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE as said Truetee. remoV1ng 1119 aame from aald land City of Irvine, County of Orange. CORPORATION 81 duly eppolnted By T 0 SERVICE COMPANY or any other laftd , mcludlng the right State ol C.llfornla. u shown on a Tr ustee unoer the totlowlng •OMI to wtt1ps1ock or dlrecllonall)' cfrlll map tecorded In book 406, pegee de9Crlbed deed ol 1ruet WILL SELL By Cindy Schoonover. and mine from lands Olher ,,,.,. 15 to 26 bo lh lnctualve , AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE A.asletafll S.C.etary those her8tr\8b0vt CleeCribeCt Oii or Ml90elleneou9 Mapa, In the ollloe of HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH One Clly Boulevard West. gas wells. lunnels and 111att'1 Into the Coun1y Re corder of said (payable et lime of sate In lawtut Orange. CA 92668 111roug11 or acrost the aubsur1-ol County money of Ill• United States) 111 (71•183S-8288 lhe land llerelnabove described, EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oil, gas. right, tltla end int9'WI conveyed 10 Publlahed Or1nge Coast 01rly and 10 bOttom sucil wlllpstoclced or minerals and other hydrocarbons. end now held by It under 1akl Deed Pilot. June 15, 22. 29, 1982 dlrecuonally drllled ~s. tunnels b9IOw a depth of 500 leet. without of Trusl In the p<operty llerlinaner 250 -82 and &halls under lrld oen.eth Of the rlglll of s utface entry. u dellcnbed. beyond the ex1ertor llmtts ltleraot rMerVed In in1trumen1t Of record. TRUSTOR. ROBERT R. RACrTI. PUBUC NOTICE and 10 redrlll, re1unne1. equip, PARCEL 2· BENEFICIARY JOSEPH I. maintain. repair, deepen end An exc1u11ve euem1n1 tor DELMAN NOTICE OF DEATH OF ope<Ale eny such weUs « '™'- per111ng ~over that ponlon Recorded Merell 17, 1ee1 11 DAVID ff. SCHWARTZMAN w11110U1 llOW8V9r, tile rlQlll to dn•. INSHAW ol LOI 237 ol S&ld Tract No. 9423, ln1tr.No.224771n t>ook t398Apage AND OF PETITION TO mine. store. explore ano operate shown on Exhibit "A" to the f586 ol Olllclel Recordslnlheottlce ADMINISTER ESTATE NO 111roug11 Ille aur!ace or Ille upper KALEY Uniled St.ates tn the Diocese Sacqu ety, Rec to r o f St ERNEST A INS llA W, a Oec:laratlon of Restrictions for The ot tile Recorder of Oranoe County: · 500 teet or 111e 34.lbtur!ace of the DR JAMES COWIN of Georgia, he was tHe first Wilfrid's Episcopal C hurch . residen t or Costa Mesa, Ca LP•MaaterAaloclatlon,rCICOl'ded 1111ld deed ot 1~1 delcrlt>es Jhe A-1138!4 1and nere1nabove described, as rector and buHt S t Phillps R R ' h d 8 t d p d J 17 September 111. 1977, In book tollowlng property. · To all heirs, beneflctari('S, reserved 1n the deed from tile Irvine KALEY, age 72, a former . e v . IC a r a ~~ a n asse awav on u ne • 12382, p1ge 12S5 01 Offlcl1t THE LANO REFERRED TO . d ' d Company, a cotporallon recorded Pr test 0 r S l W 1 If rid• s E PI SCO p a I Ch Ure h In James D.C. Kaley o fhaating. 1982 He IS survived by htS Recordl. u c:arpor1epac;e 7• Seid HERE IN IS SITUATED IN THE e re llors an conu.ngenl February 25. 1980 In book 13511. Episcopal C hurc h, passed Coalinga, California in 1954. Interment will be made at son Gu y or Massachusetts, 5 ee1ement t1 fl.lrther defined and STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY c r e d 1 to r s o f Dav 1 d H . page 737 of otticial reeon!s. away on S unday June 20 H e went to S t ockton, St PhHlpsChun:h,Coalinga, gandt•hildrcn, J e ffr1:y. described In Article Viti of the OF ORANGE. ANO IS OESCAIBEO Schwartzman and persons Also excepting therefrom 1ne 'ea ·Cal fomia in 1960 and w-C Th f ii t d Ch h p Oeclar111on of Restrictions for The AS FOLLOWS· who m ay b e o the rwis e subsur1acewaterrtohta.butwlll10U1 1982 in Ana heim Fa ther 1 .... a e am Y s ugges s au 13· ristop er. eter Lakes P1a•ned Development. p•RCEL 1 T.. ,.. t I .. f 1 I ' · t h 'bu · be mad h " " .. e sou .. we• er y ;_ .... ~ted m the will and/or the rig .. 1 o aur ec:e en ry ea Kaley was born onMay24 an a ss 1s ant at t econ tri lions eto t e a nd Fran c ois , 2 g r ea t -recorded September 19. 19n In one-half of tot 9 In blocit A of u""''"" reserve<1 1n1he deedfrom1he lrv1r>e 1910 on the Lo;le o r Ma n: Cathederal of St. Paul in Los March of Dimes ·tn memory grand1:hildr<'n , T in a a nd book 12 of Olflcial Records. Harper, In 1he cHy of Costa Mesa, estate: Company. a eotporauon r9CO(ded G reat Britian At a n early Angeles, Ca. in 196'4. He of Dr Kaley and h is Kristi Mr lnshaw was a PA,.RC.!:!w .... ·•"-e .. -t f~ uM county of Orange. 111te of A pelltion has lx.-en rllc-d February 2~. 1980 In book f3511, eel Cam" •~ Huntington n -·h gra d so Richa d K 1 I f th U . d "·~~~.....,.,..., -·~· ~ CeNlornla. u per map rt.corded In by Arnold Greene. D D.S m page 737 of ofllclal reoordl age he mov to London """' """°" · 0 n r a e y P anner o r e n ite _ _._.,,.__1ofLots 237·-.. 2"• k 6 21 1 11 p•RCEL 3 • C i 1967 d h B p B h S G ..... _.,...., ... _, .. .., ,,., boo page •mace eneoua h S C r " Ontario Canada where he a . n an was t e ates. ierce r o t e r s t a t <' s o v e r nm e n t f said Tract No g423, said maps, In the office of the county l e u p e r 10 r 0 u rt 0 Easements u 1uc11 easements attended the Uruversily of rector and builde r or St. Smiths' Mortuary directors. S h i p yo rds ro r • 20 year s . eu«nent being further deflned and recorder of said coun1y. Orange County requesting are pertlc:utarly se1 forth In lhe Weste rn Ontario, he was ~ilfrtd's Episcopal Church 536-6539. G raveside services w ill be described In Article II of t he PARCEL 2 The northeasterly that Arnold G reene. M .D be 11111cte entltled "Euemertrs" of the n... 933 10 1967 All in all Father FERRYMAN h Id T sd 22 1982 Oeclarellon of Rettrlcllona for tile on.halt 01 lot 8 In btock A of appointed as p e r sonal dectaratton under •he 1ec1lon ordained a a.A""acon m I · e on ue ay • 8 1 Lekas Mester Association referred Harper, In the city of Colla Mesa. tali dm' ·. headings 1n llOOh anlcle entitled es and was made a Pnest m Kaley built 2 churches, 4 D A N I E L E R N E S T 3 . 0 0 P M a t F a 1 r ha v e n 10 In Parcel 2 above. c 0 un1 y 0 t o ra nge. at ate of represen ve to a !01stcr tollowa "Rights 1111d Duties: Ulllllles 1935 inOntano,Canada. ln parish .halls and 2 rectori~. FERRYMAN. reside nt o f M emorial Park with the YOV ARE IN OEFAULT UNOERA Calltomla,upermep reoorded ln the estate o f D av id H and Cable TeleV1slon," "Suppor1. southweste rn Onta rio h e He reured from St. Wilfrid s Perris, Ca. Passed away on R ev Fath e r Con ra d OEEO OF TRUST OATEO JUNE 18, book 6 page 27. mlscell1neo1.1• Schwa rtzm an (un der t he Setllemenl end Encroachment," served 25 churches a ft.er his in 1977. Father Kaley earned June 2h 1982. Born July 10. No rdquist, St. John the T1980 P1RUONTLESECTSYYOOUURTPARKOEPEARC!!O. rTN maps, In lhef otflceld of the S()()Uf'lt ty Independent Admmuitra tion .R.llgngr~. Egr~-c1u·~. ~~~edal h PHD I 1974 · th 1926 S f ' ld O h D E I Ch h •' recorder 0 18 county. reel of Eat.ates Act) The petition ohis, and ""' ... ve .--i. .... ordinallon.Hecamcto thc is n in e in pring1e . io. 1v1ne p1scopa urc MAY8ESOLOATAPU8llCSALE.eddrua:1830.1832 ,1832'~ " Comon Area E..-nent .... Cl NOTHlllS ~S'MOITVAAY 627 Main St Hunt~~ach 'ACtftC YllW MIMOltAl ,AllK Ce~tery Mortua ry Chapel-Cremato ry 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCoaMICI MOITVAIJIS Laguna Beach 494-9.415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano •95·1ns N4l80I LAWM--MT. OUYI Mortuiwy • Came tety c,.,,.,ory 1625 Glsler Ave . Costa MeSa 540-555-4 ,..canOTHBS l&LllOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 BtoedWay Coeta Mesa 642-etso , s 0 u the r n ca Ii f 0 r n I a Survtved by h ls wife Rita offic1at1ng. ServlCl'S under IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ~Blvd. Cotta MESA. CA. ls set for heanng IO Dept PARCEL. Grad u a\ e S c hool of Ferryman, 6 children, Jim, the directio n or Harbo r 0 F T HE NA TURE 0 F THE YOU ARE IN OE,AULT UNDER A No. 3 at 700 Civic Cen ter E11emen1s 11 such euemen11 Theology. He earned hll 8A Pat, Dick, Katie, Annie and L a w n • M 0 u n t 0 J I v e PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU 0 EE 0 0 F TR VS T 0 ATE D Drive, West, in the City of are parllculatly set fort~. In the L.T .h. from Huron Colleae ColJeen and 3 ..,..andchlld.ren. M or tuary of Costa Mesa . HOULO CONTACT A LAWVER. ~UARY 1• 11181 UNLESS YOU Santa Ana C alifornia o n anlcle entloeo "e-ts at the Lond On•--' ,,,__.,,._ .,.. 74 Letcepin.,1Mne,CA TAKEACTIONTO PROTECTYOUR Jul 14 198•2 930 d e cta r1 t lo n of covene nta . in on, wu 10, -.--. He was employee of both the !'>40-5554. "(It 1 stt• eddrNa or oommon f'N>PERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A JY • at : a.m . condlllo ns and re1trlct101u He met and married Clarice Dw.ly Pilot and the Santa PARR Hlgnetlon 11 ellown above, no PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN IF YOU OBJECT lo the recorded JUiy 25. t977 in t>ootc Walker I n Stratford, Ana Register. S cripture JOHN S PARR, resident •rr•~•org~~·~ Its EXPLANAno.. Of THE NAT\Jfte granting of the petition. you 12305, P9 748 end re-<ecotded Ontario. Father Kal~ \vaa services wiU be held at St. o f N e wpo r t Beac h , C t ......... .._.___ u-.. ~ _..J·~ Of THE PROCEEDING AGAINST should either appear at the Sec>temt>e< 8. 11177 In bo0il 1237l, .,,. ~-·-·• ,,..... _... ._. YOU, \IOU SHOULD CONTACT A . page 327 of olflclal '9COrdl and any abo active in the uomc Chr istopher's C atho lic Passed a w ay on J un e 2 , Trust. by raaeon of a braecto « LAWYER. he~ri':'g and ~tale ~our supplements end emendmenta ge-ana ttons etutr 1n-Orurctt, l'3M6-Penis BlYd,, --1.98.Llie...is .sueyjycd ID> his~~ .. "t In the obllgatlone l8CUl'ed The ileneflcllltY under Mid Deed ob1ect1ons o r file written tlMlf'eto (the "M .. ter OedatellOn"I Canada, he was a member of Sunn y mead . Ca o n wife Elizabeth Pa rr, and I r .. ~~ . ~ . ti~w ilh the court under tile eectton headings In IUCtl the Huntingto n Beathech Wednelday, June 23, 1982. son Davi d G Pa r r 9!'.~·~~~-atthlon• uofnd~aulgn,,e~_! default In the obtlgatton• MClnd b e fore the h earin g.-You r ~ • l""-8. ''AlgMs Ro d ... _ . .,..._ ..... .... thereby. hetetofore exeouteo and be and Duties Utllltlu end Cable t.ary and pres1 ent of Mass of Christian Burial will G ra ndaughtl•r Khnsty Porr. and for Sale. and written notice delivered 10 the undersigned a appearance may m person Televlllon." "SupPQt1. Settlement N o r t h Ame ric an Manx be held on Thursday, June Memorial &•rv1C<'S will be f 1>reec111nd of etectlon to cauM wrllten Oecteratlon of Default llnd or by your attorney and Encroechment," "Community Association, from 1974 to 24 1982 at 11 30AM aoo at held on Thursday June 24 h• undersigned to aell Hid Demand tor Sale, end written notloe I F Y 0 U A R E A Faclllllel E_.,, .. and "~ 1976. Beloved husband of St'. Christophe r 's Catholic 1982 at 1 1.00AM a t S t : ~~,':.~~~~n~nod~~~~ ot breach e.nd ol et.ctlon to1 cau-. CREDITOR or a contingent Over Community Factlltkle." Clarice E. K aley, beloved Chu.n:h. Interment will be at Michae l and A II Ange les Mid notlCe ot t>readl aitd of ~dt~r~t'fy<!e:cf ~at:!:. credltor of the d~ased you co!n~o~";:~,g~~~1~~s~f o;,,:•,~~~ Cather of James David C. Rlverside National M ilitary Episcopal C hurch , 3233 Ion to be Recorded March 2. end thereafter the underelgned must file your claun with the prooerly ., h91'•n•bove described Kaley of Kingston , Cemetery, V a n Buren Pacific View Drive, Corona 1=:~~-82-072858ofeald cauM<IMldnotlceoft>reech1ndot court or present it to the is pvrP<>f1ed to be 37 St. Tropez. Wa.shlngton , and dau•hter Ave., lUverside, Ca. Jn Ueu d el Mar •. Ca The Csmily 1 Said •ale ~iii be made, but .-ctlon to rec«ded FeOnJ:rf 24· personal r e presentative Newport Beach, Callfornla. -~ 11182 u lnatr. No182.Q847-. 1 d b h The unders ig ned he reby W innifred Jane Bates of of flowers t h e family requests m lieu of flowers wltllouf oov•n•nt or warranty, Seid ule wlll be made, but appo nte Y t e court d11c1 11ms 111 lla blll ty 101 1ny Cl a rem o n t , Ca. A ho ~I.lets donaoona be made donations be made IQ the aPt-or lmpll9cl, reoardlng 1ltle, without covenant or warranty, within tour months from the 1ncorrec:tnes11n said atreet t<Jd- 1 u r v Iv In g are 4 to the Medical Oncology American Red Cf"OQ, Orange l>Ol••k>n, or encum~ to exprwe or lmpled, ~ ri, ate o r first issuance of or 0111er common OH1gn1tlon grandchildren, C•therlne Retearch Fund, J .L. P ettis County C hapte r o r t h e =~~':,"'~~":O::: ~·::':n.:1no7r: 17<:ote~~~P=teln~o0~ w:r~~n~~.~:r!:amo~m~ll'::. Emma, James Cowfn. Memorial Veterans H01pit.al, American Cancer Soclety. TIWI, wM lnweet M In Mid note tM note ..ourecf by 0.-d of regarding 1111e, po1se11lon, or Jennifer Colleen ahd f.mll.y 1\201 Benton Street, Loma COOKE pr~. ~ If e/l'f, unClar Truec w1111 tnt.,..t u 1(1 Mid "°'9 allfornla. The time for encuMbrances to 11t1efy the Eleano r Kaley all of Linda C. 9236'7 WILLIAM A COOKE the ttnnt of Mid o.ct of TNtt. ~. ~ N _,, undet fillng claiml will not expltt l)tlnelpeJ t>atence ot the~ or Klngaton. WMhington. i:t. i. ' CottON resident of La~na Niguel: ~=--~·~:;:::::=...°!.~ l9't t.-m1 of Mid o.ed 0# T"l'\111, ~ to lour months from °'"* 01>111tton teeurad bf Mid auo aw-vlved by • afllet CJ'RZL M. OOI'TON. 1 Ca. PIS!led away on June 20, _, o.il olT,.,... .,,., =-~°'-:;:::-.. :,'=the date of the hearing =r :~,.,.,!"!~ ;'~~.~:':'.,.:::: Eleanor Marprel KUiy and ,.idtnt of QateWn Grove, l 982. He was ~tired trqm SaJd ..e•I•..,~"' b• fl•ld •IJ. OMd Of T~A Said .... wt!.~ above. p1uw ec1vencae. " lflY, "'*' ... bn>thelr Wllllam C..~ KaleJ, Cl.~ aw~ Oh June lG \he Registrar of Voters u J ~ 1llhl"'t:OOP.tft., tllktewfW~. J1N~.-1eet · .YOU MAY .EXAMINE 1enn1 tllertof end tnteteet on.-~I ~odney, Ontar•o. 1912. Survived 'by he~ field representative In :: ~ CMo c.n~~"'~ ~~:~e: :~~-:;~"t~ ~::~~:i~ ':u8:r!•rn~r~~e'::~ ~ ~~J::Ti:..:i:J:· · e was ~ husbmd Rober\ H.. 2 801\I' Orange County. He was bom ENI ~ A~. In the Otey C4nf41 8"11d"'O _, fllt ~ IM IMh CJeeted by Mid Oled Oil In death by a 1rand1on ~ E. ~ Robe-rt c. In San Francisco , Ca. on ot 0r-.. Awnw. 1n the QiY of ~. late, you may file a request Trust. The fotal 1movn1 of nlct R.lcharst Kaley Bat. Uld 4 Cotton 2 daugh~t'I Vivian Augus t 12. 19<HI. He Is Al the tlm• or t he lf\ltlal At t he time of t.ne lnltla l Ith the court to receive obllg1llon, tncludln(I re11on1bly brothers, Herbert, Erne9t, C. Abe·1 ... and Mara ...... t K. survived by his w i f e ~~tlonOf~.~~of~ publlCatlonottNenotloe,thalotal pectal notlct" of theetllmeted fae1. c h1rg .. e11ct S d F d .,_, -• ... "' _, ...... ,. .,_..,_... ,,,. ll\'IOUlttOflfltunpeldbel..-Oftha t o r •ftt t .-~o11~T11111tee,etltletim. pencer an re .._,,ey. Cotton . 7 grandchildren. Vlrginla L. Cooke, daugther 1ob11aetJon ~ by '"' 1boYe obltgatlon ~ bv the ~ nven ory es .. e aase • otlnlliatpubllee11onoftht.N041o..le Friends may call at ~ Private gr•v.-.ide Mrvlcea Virginia A. Kuga of Gole\.a. 'dH-orlb•d d .. d ol tr1111 and Otorlbaa d .. d of trull ind of the petitions, aca>Wlt.5 u 11,n2.20 Brothers Smitha' Mortuary and lntt':tment wlU be held at Ca., brother Matthew Cooke .allmeted coelt, expenlM, end Mtlmated coett. expen .. 1. a11d nd report• described In Otted June t t, t982 from 12noontoe:OOPMon t h e Oood S h eph e rd of San Francl!lco , Ca . dv•!.!!!..!' su.•.?.!·!!:.!! advancH 11 11U.720.15. To ec\lon 1200.5 or the REAL £STATE WaA..-...... J .... ....... M aJ M ll ........ nm ....... ~ ""' .~ ,,_,, fft..m!M ltle~ "'4. YoU ffWt1 omla Probate Cade SECURITIES SEAV!Ol. _......_,,, WW-· _.,Cemetery. Directed by emot1 8SI wl ui.:' btld 1(714)9'7.oMe. -' .... ,.,141 -1 · A Cellfomta~9tloft Funerel aervlcet will be Dilday Brothtra Mortuary, at St. Edwnrds Catholic DATmJllM•.1tea. --·.M.1'tM2 Alvla F . Boward , •TMt• conducted on Thut•day, 1791 I B•a c h Blvd .• C hurc h , Dona Point o n T.O.M""1C«OOMPANY t.AWYil!ll ~•TU IMIUUMC9 AUtrHJ •• Law, nu JumW24, 1182, at 2:00PM ai lf••ttaiton BHch, ca. Wecm.ctay, June 23, 1982 at ~ !~ COllPOMnoet · •UllllN lltd., Sette UM, 8Y. l~J . .....-. St. Ufrld I EplK!~ .. i..mt: S:30PM. The famUy req\.mtf ......,.;~ --==-·~... ~· A•l•lt1, C111for•l• ~;, HCf1fl ~ °""'*-lllSI a.a..1 • tn liw of nowtn donallono °"""' -· -w.111-:r I IL (Ill) Ul-lllL ""' "° ' M~ 8eldl. ea. ' &ft NJ-b e madt to th Can cer Or9tlol.' CA..... Publlahed Oranp C..t Se11ta AM CA ttfOI lb• rtaht B.ev. Jtobe.rt C. ht • few Worcta 8odety or • M... {or the ,.}..'~ Cout .. ..,.., DaOy PtJot. June 1~ 18, 22, ,.~ {714) .a .... 10 Buui, Bfthop ~ lo work for repoeo ot hla IOUl be uJd In ,_;,~1e.n'1:.. 1112 • .,_, Publltlflff •nea c ... 1 Oelly 198f P1.1bt11ned Or~ cout Delly ~ 0-:\ft, -u. b1I name. 211742 l"llOt. June I. 11, U. 1NI ~ 2629-82 PllOt JuM "· 22, • tta ~ 1 .... MllC M>nct MllC NOTICE ':~"°:'T•.m:· fltOTtTIOUI llU ... lt Th• 11111ow1no P•r•On It 01no T "-'r ',,••,Ill ATIMl.fiT1 001 bulll'M• a he o ow.no p111on 1 no MAOIC MOVIMI N1 , •OrH,. bual11•• "' Hiil A... Ooe11 M ... , Ce 03021 ART A L.A CAJITI, 32 Cypt"' Rob•ll I Durn•. 1111fMl1ne.INlne..CA H710 WMtmonl. Anaheim 0. t2to4 J ANU MAI areveNS. SJ Hiia l>lltl•-I• c:Oflducald by 1 Clpt111 tre• l i ne, hvlne CA llt1\llld 1>41tl11 .. 1111p 8 116 llobtlt 1 l Burn• Thia bu•lneM ii conductlO O'f 111 Ttll• •l1t1me111 w11 Iii.a wlln the lndlvldv•I C\1ul\t'f Clll~ oJ 01•0111 County on Jaflt l Mu lll•ven• Jun• 1•. 1982 Thi• ltllltl'ltt\I WH tlled Wllh Ill• "''"" Countl' Clerk of Orenoe County on Publith•d Oreno• t.0111 01llv Mey 13. 19112 PMot JI.Ill• 22 29 Juty 8, 13, 198' ,,MIU 211&2 82 PuDl .. h•d Orenu• CO••I Belfy --PllOI, June 8, 10. U . 20. 1H2 P\8.IC JtOTICE 2508-u P\111.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUa BUl•H NAMI ITATIMINT Tht followlng PltlOn It doing fllCTITIOUI BUllNlll llUllneN" NAMt ITA'RMINT PtUA OE RESISTANCEJPIZZA bu~~~:nno Pt•IOlla 1'' d04nQ MACHINE. 3326 Tempe Or l HE J AME S 8 AR R 1 E Huntington BNch, C1 92649 COMPANY 105 E 18th SI Cotti Ron1ld E S11w1td , 3325 Mttl CA 92827 · ~= Of., Hunt1no1on Bffeh, C• Jam .. LIO d Oerne1. 33113 Ctll Thia buslnet1 11 conduclld by tn UI Vet•. San a;ement1, CA 921172 lndMduel Barrie S1armann, !1353 CaJltt l • Aon•ld E St9Werd \/ell. Sin Cletntnll CA 1121172 Tiii• •t•t-• w .. tiled with lhl Thll buel"'" ,, COllOuctld by I COuntr Clll'k ol Ot..,.,... Count• on genat1l p1r1ner1r11p -.. .,. ' Jamot L OtrrHll June I, 1982 F11130t Thll Slllemlnl WH Ille<! wtln thl Published Or1ng11 Co111 O•lly Coun1y Citlfk ot Or•no• Counly oo Piiot June 15, 22. 29. Juty 8, 1962 Jone 4, 1982 2587·82 flt&IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSl~SS NAME I TA TE ME HT f he rullowlng person Is d oing 1lu11n1ss os· SOUTH COAST DELI. 3033 S Bllstol, Suite "O" Cost• Mesa. C1o 92626 Ann• L Grah1m. 10131 Cuny S11k Drive, Hun11no1on Beacn. c a 926•6 This buSlne$5 Is conduc1eo Dy an lnd1v1dual Anita l Graham This statement was Iliad with the County Cle1k ol Orange County on June 7. 1982 F190H4 Publlshtld Orange Coast D111,. PtlOI June 8. 15. 22 29 1982 2515-82 "'°'°' Publialled Or1nge Coul Dally PllOI. June 8, 15, 22, 29 1982 2446-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FtCTmOUI BUllNEll NAMl STATIMENT The following person 1a doing 1>us1ness as: BONELLI OFFICE PRODUCTS CO. 2152 MlcllelM>n Or Irvine, CA 92715 Donna L Jullano H200 Cherokee. N-Dtlfry Sprtnos. CA 92365. This Dusmess la conducteo by 1111 Individual. Donna L Juliano Th11 sta1emen1 w11 filed wllh the County Cle1k ol 0<1nge Counly oo June 11, 1982 F1tt313 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, June 15. n . 29. July 6, 1982 2572-82 Orang• OOHI DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, June 22, 1982 •• Ml.JC M>TtcE PlllJC NOTICE MUC NOTICC MllC NOTICC "8.JC JtOTICE rtalC M>TICl PtOTITiO"Ji WWII 'IOfri10GI Ml-It N 0 T I C I 0 P N 0 N • ITATIMINT Of' WtT~AWAL ,ICTmOUI ....... '1C)iiji(MJi MWM NAMI ITAfl .. NT MAMI ITATIMIMT lllH~llllun' PlllOM ,AllTNlllll"" MAMI ITATIMINT N.--t1'ATDmfT t he IOllO'#lno CMNtOn• .,, <1011\0 Tiie IOllo<#lnQ 1>«eon• .,. do•no Not11.• 11 htfeby glver1 \lltl ,.,. f!Wt un09reloned hereby 1111.. the IOllOWlng ~ .,, dOlno The following pereon 1• doing bu.IOMJ M. ouilnet• u un111rt1u11eo will nol be reti)0t1tlble ( 11 fhl r1c1lt1ou1 bueln1H name ol 1>u11ne11 11 l>\lelllelt .. UNIV[AfAl 9 Al &8 AND VIO!O VIRIFll!R(I, 1101 w lot any d•btt 01 llablllllll fhl p1rtn•11hlp II HOWAAO EXCEPTIONAL HOMl:.S ' 8 TAN8AIOOIE li EAllN O 81AVICll. 311~1 WMI Seoer••rom. MaoAnhur 81\ld . # 149. 811'11• An1, contractlld by anyOll• otner lfllfl ROOKKIEPINQ INVESTMENTS. 111371 auvw l ane, COM,.ANY U)SD "Cet'lllllO Oflve, ll•nll An•. CA HTO<I C1 H707 lllyMll, on OI ,,,., 11111 oal• 121 Thi f"lttlOu• D\ll U\ ... n.ni• Hunttno•on Bloch. CA 92847 Co••• MHI C/4 021120 1J111v•1 u l PunClh co1p • JMUt Plldl-.co J1. 1101 W 0 11ed thlt 111111 <11r 01 Jun•. •l•lfltlltll of the p.11n.,a111p w11 1'l'lllN H HART 10311 8Hv11 8llnl•~ Rebert 81enbtldg1, .. • .. 8 I"'"" I n. • .......,. r~. I •• ha l-. Hunll 1~ "·~~ CA 11"'"•7 0 <. 2700 P•t.,aon Pl11Cl41 • :W-C c111t<)tnt1 totr>O<•Oon lint w .. 1 -1e,..1thur,.1vd •14 ~1nt1An• 111111 '""" n..,._.,,......_ .. yon ... aie" ..... ,~'""."U:-l.'K • 20·-11., C(l•t•M••• CAV,e16 SegerahOlll 81111• Ana C/4 91704 C1 llUOt fl•ymo"d M Rad&llowtkl t992 ''"'" HA .. u ,. " • II R I rt111 blltlri.u 11 eoo1.1uc1.o by • r 1w N•v11ro 2611 Loo•mor• tllll So11n1t1 Wt.y 131 fhe ptll\(llpel l>lece ot bu4•nee1 MICltaod Lane. Huntington 0..011. 0 C 11n1•r llnOtldO•. <10<po1111on Iii LOI AngeiN, C.1 llOOtlll Po11 Hi.teMme Ca 93041 of the pertnet•hlp 11 loc:1led 11 I071 CA 92&48 f Unlver .. 1 .-ur~h C<>rp Thl1 butll'INI I• conduct.a by 1 Puullth•O Oreng1 Co111 Delly SI 1 I• r A YI nu 1, Su 11 e I 4 IS . CL.A YT ON T OAKLEY 17312 hi• '111"""'1 wu llleo wt1h the Kl1111 l w11111m1 11111e111 pattner-"IP P1101, J11ne ·n. 23. 20. 108~ Huntington BHclh. C1111orn11 Mill CtrcHI, Hunt1no1on 811<1h, CA County Cl&I~ Of O•""Ot County Ol'I Tf111 1l•teme111 we1 llled wtlh the J11u1 Pec.lleCO Jr 212C>-&2 (4) fh1 plll1n., wlldrewlno from 92647 June •. l9112 ,,tom Ce>untr Cllfll ot 011nge County on Frenlt N1v1rro t h • p 1ttn1rthl p I• FLORA Thi• OUtlntlll II COMllUCltd ll)'.. l'ublilllld Orenae CoHI Delly M•y 21 1982 11'1lt t111~11 wee llled wnh th• PUBllC NOTICE WATANABE, tNldlng •1 !167!1 Muh oen«ll ~lhJp r1touo County Clerk ot O••noa County on -------------•Dove Bvena Park, CllllOfrlit Alvin H H111 Piiot Jut\18, l6, 2 · '9. l912 ~bllehect 011ng1 COHI Dally June 11 1H2 ITATIMI NT Of' AIANOONMINT rt0<1 W•t1nebe Thi• ltll-1 Wll 111«1 With th• 200~2 Pllol. June I, • IS 2~. ID82 .,.,_ Ofl UIC °" &llt.,.,..., lllee With '"' County Coufll)t Clefl. of Otll\{pe C-y --.. _ --- 2309·8:1 Pubft1hed Oreno• COHI Diiiy ,tCTlftOUI •Ul lNlll NAME Clerk of Of•noe County Oft MerGh June 1, 1982 ----'"...,..UVL .... '"' .... ""-'-'"'--"---PllOI June Ill. 2" 29, July 8. 1982 Ht• lollowlng P.,•Ont tiave 5, 19112 ,,_,... flCTtTIOUt IU'"' .... 11 ------------... 21136-82 ~•bu•,"1r~~o,r,1,.clNa'.~.·. UH or thtt fl1.llllOu• "14633 Publllhld Or ano• co .. , 1)111y NAME 11'AT1!Mi'NT MLIC NOTICE ------------I<> JLM tSl ANO M'"R<.ANfllE Publllhed Orange Cont Dally Pllol June 8 tS 22 20 1982 fl'le rollowlng t:*tOn• 111 oolr'O f lCTITIOUI BUllNEll °'''"IC NOTICC PllOI. June 22. 29. July ti. 13. 19112 2~13·82 Dllllllftl" l"UVL 326 A Mer1n1 A111nuft Balboa 27111·82 FLORAL FOA YOV $432 StlgO NAMI ITATIMl!NT ---:~=---------I 1a1ono. C• 02oe1 Dim C NOTICE c .. _ c , ..... 1 fne tt>Uuwlllg l)Oftoni are dOlflQ flCTITIOUI BUllNEIS Trui ritllllout Dultn .. a Name n1Ul1 Ir Hunttngloo ...,ec;h, A <-bUt•n"°'" NAME STATEMENT 1 PUBllC NOTICE -----------M•<y J FLlll 8'32 Sllgo Cir, THE TILMAN co !I 10 w Th• loUowuio P&r•on 11 do111g rt1 t1111 •0 10 abov• waw ~11''!801n -------------1 K-005'4 Hun1tno1on S.ach, CA 11264? DuttM&a u 011111ce CouOly 011 A~Ull '"'· '" K..ooBa flCTITIOUt BUSINl!lt Robltt Flxl, 11432 Sl~o Clf, Cflonmon Ave Or*'"ro· Ca 92668 •• Smith I C .. , C:1 Cll ... \ I I p A c If I c El I T E Ollrt ~ • r • r • l'ICTITIOUI BUllNEll NAME ITATEMENT Munt1note>n S.tch, CA !12114 Eugono flint. 2 O'J 1 ExJJrOt PRODUCllONS. 121 l:'NIERVISIO"I. l.oron• <1111 Mal. C/4 926tl0 NAMI ITAT1!MEMT Tiii! IOllOWlng persona 1r11 dO(ng Thll oueln"t 11 cooauctto by I Or Loguna Hlllt, Ca 9266J 32036 Suntot Aoo<J. SO\rth L119uno. Lynne M Downing .iu o lho lollowlng Qerton1 ii•• dotng Ous1n1111 H 11oni1111I JJlllnetatllP LOy Oo 11n Wllllom1. 25021 C1lllo1ma 1126T7 PN COCk, El Toro Cl 92030 but011118 H ' FRECMAN INVCSTM ENTS. Miry J Fi.I i"l53" Or Lugunl Hiii• Ca Jonn MICl\HI s .... , u 12036 M1yblllle A Oaroono Ball>O• I N T [RI 0 R s By l us K I I 1550 Glllelltt Av11nu11 llvln• HUI atallrnent WU tiled With 1119 2 Sun sot Ao1d Sou Hi L agu11a lalan<I. Co 92662 SERENGETI. 17650 Otlletto AY4Hlut1. C1lil0<nll 92713 C0uo1y Cletk of Oreng1 C«in1y on Thi~ t>uaure19 rt condUCllCl by 1 Cllllorn•a 92677 Jonotnan H Oow11111g, 24442 lrvllll CalilOfnla 92714 John 0 lu1>k P 0 Boa Ju•>f! 18 1882 general PllllnerstFlp Thll bus1ne11s" t.oiuJut;ttKI Dy osn Peacock, El Toro. Ca 92630 1 LUSK INTERIORS, INC a C· 19660 17550 Glllellto Avenue P:tl1I07 This 51~~:!:~1 !~'• llltld with Ille 11101v1d1u1t Tttll ousmess 11 conductll<I Oy • ce1uorn1e corpora11on, P 0 Box 1tv1ne Calllorn11 92713 Pullt11hed Or 11noe coa11 Dally county Clortt of Ornn11o County on Jotu1 M1cnae1 Swar11 Otlflural 1inrtneii.nip C-19680. 17550 Ollh111e Avenue, Wiiiiam 0 LUI~ P 0 Box P1101. June 22. 29 July 6 13. 1982 (Ill• !lah1mo,,1 "'«~ 1114'0 wllh lhe Lynne M Oowrunu lrvtne. Celllornla 92713 C-19Ml0 17!>50 Gllle11e Avenue. 2710-82 Jun& 18 1982 County Clerk ol Oronge County on fh19 staliim&fll w8I tiled with lhe Thi• Du11neas Is conduclad by dll lrvtno. Calllnrn1a 9:.>7 13 fltllOI June 18, 1982 County Cterk ol Orange County on unincorporated a1soc1a11on olho• JOHN 0 LUSK & SON a PuDhSl1ed Ot1nge Co151 Oally FUlltol Jund 18 11182 Fl'3123 lhln 8 pertnet&hlP Ca111orn1a Corpc11 .. 11un 17550 1 Pilot Jun& 22 29 Joly 6 13 1982 Published Oiange Coat.t Dally Published Otenge Coast Oa11y LUSI< INTERIORS INC G111e1111 Avenu& P 0 Boa C 19560 2669"82 Pilot Junti 22 29 July 6 tJ 1982 I POOi June 22 29 July 6 13. 1!182 Donovan O Huennekens trvtne, C1t11orn1s !In IJ MLIC NOTICE 2709-82 2616-82 Secretary lh11 business 1s condutle<I hy e PUBLIC W\TICC Thrs st1111m1111t wu tile<J wlltl me ilm11e<1 partnership FICTIT101J8 81J81HU8 PUBLIC NOTICC mi Counly Clerk of Orange County on JOHN 0 l USK 6 SON June 17 1982 a Calltornla torpora11on F1t1705 R1char<1 T Ouml Polllllhed Or1nge Coast Deity Secrelisry P1101 June 22, 29 July 6 13 1982 I"" 'tatemMt wd~ flh111 w1tn lhe 2712-82 County Clerk 01 Orange Coor11y on Jone 17 1982 NAME STATEMENT 1(-00598 The tollowtng perso11s are doing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS t>osiness 111 NAME STATEMENT H/4ME STATEMENT C H E M I C A L [ N E R G Y The 1011ow1ng pertont are oomg file lollow1ng persons ""' dOUlg SPECIALISTS 1310 C LogAn Ave bos1n~s 11S Du~1nt1s> <Ui Cosla Mesa. CA 92826 RUBY'S CAFE. 205 El Camino MANUFACIUR(A S OIRECT KEM NAG. Inc, Ii Cailll)(n1a Real Tustin CA 921180 18~0 Now"Orl Blvd C(ltlll Mesa MLIC NOTICE oorporatlon. 1310 C Logan Ave Olano A Rawlln llSO Soult! "B CA 9262/ Costs Mesa. CA 92626 SHllOI, fuslln, CA 92680 Su Pre rr1 e I 11du~tr1 us a STATEMENT OF WITHOAAWAL Thlsbuslness1sconducledtiya Roller! r Aawl1n 41 21 t:alllorr11acorpor1111on 16761 Male FROMPARTNEASHIP Fltl895 Poblt,hed Orange Coast Oa11y Prlol Juno 22 29 Jolv 6. IJ 1982 2711·82 corpotatlon Marmon Apl 1 Orangt1 CA 92669 Av11nue. Irvine. CA 9;>714 OPEAATINO UNOEA KEM NRG Inc Th" business 1s conducllld by a fhll Dusinttss •s r-or1duc1eo by B FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME PUBLIC NOTICE Leonard Gr1Hna1 general par1netsn1p COIPOlllhOn The tollow lng person has -------------PresKlenl Diana A R1w11n Supreme lndus1rrto~ wtlll<lrawn 85 a S-111 penner trom NOTICE OF BULK TRANSFER This sl1t11ment was llled w11h lhe ln1s ~1111emen1 was htec w11n the W1lht1m w faytor the partneisntp apetatlng under the (SIC• 1101 -8107 U.C.C.) County Cltt•ll ot Orange County on (;ounly Clelt1 ot Orange County on President fictitious business na"lt of CITY No11ce " heret>y grven 10 the PUBlJC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUllNHt NAME STATEMl!HT Thi Jo11ow1no persons are dOlng Ooa1ness ill TRUJILLO & W ICKLUND C:ONS TAUCTION. W300 Betan111, Laktiwooo. Ca t:url Wayne T ru11110, 20:100 Bel&htrti Lakewood Ca 90715 Roy Edward Wicklund, 824 N Aslet EKondldO. Ca 92025 This OUSlness IS conOuelecl by 8 11m11ea pannersn1p Curl Trut1110 Thia s\atemont wu tiled with the Counly Clerk of Orange County on June~ 1982 F1toa07 Published Orange Coe&I O••ly PrlOI June 8 IS 22. 29 1982 239~ PUBLIC NOTICE June4, 1982 F190771 Mey20 1982 lh1s r.tatement wo~ liled with JANITOR SERVICE at 2 1952 Cred1101s o l ROBE AT J I l'uollshed Orange Coast Dally F119155 tho County Clerk ol Oro11ge County Cosoia. Mlsalon Viejo, CA 92691 LA NCA STE A ar10 VICK IE S n1-1c NOTICE Pilot, Juno e. 15, 22 2'9. 1982 Put>••shetJ Orange Coast Dally on Juno 17· 1982 The Jiclltlooa buslneas name LANCASfEA : .... &llano 011cJ w11e as MOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l"UDI. 2472-82 PllOI June 1 8, 15 22 1982 f 191898 stalemont IOI ll'le par1rlll'&htp was 101n1 tenanls, Transle1ors whose T.S. No. F 3119 Vltllf NAME STATEMENT FICTTTIOUS IUllMESS 2381-82 Pullhsned Orange Coast Dally lrled on OGtobe< 11. 1978 In the busmen address •5 103 Palm On .July 13 1982 al 10 00 AM The tollowlng parson Is doing NAME aTATEM€NT Piiot June 2:1 :?9 July 6 13 1982 County ol 0<1nge Ball>Oo Calllorma 92661 Counly ot ALLEGHANY INVESTMENT CO bustnessTHE eSsY.c •••OAE TREE 2179 The ra11owlng pe1sons 11e doing M LIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ·n1~·82 Full Name llfld Addreaa 01 the Ore11oe S1a1eo 01 Cllltfl)(nia l/1at a tNC a Cal1I01ma corporation u ,..m b Pll<son Wllhdrewlng PolrlCll Matte llulk 1ronsfer 1s aoout 10 De made to ooty appo1n1ed Trustee under ancl Me ... er Place. Cosl8 Mesa CA ustnPosRsO~P l A y ER 5 1 NT ER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS PUBLIC NOTICE 52 Co JAY L WAGGONER 3no BARBARA pur•uan1 to "--A ot Tr .. •1 dated ' . NAME ST/4TEMENT MN tl241M Grace. 219 safa. M1ss1on VIOJO. ~ """"' ~· 92627 · NA f IONAL 3100 Airway Avenue, Th f II d FICTIT OUS BUS E K..oo5a8 CA 92691 S W AG G 0 N E R d b 8 J & B OGlober 2 1980 recordecl October William B. Oogot. 2179 Moyer su11• 129, c-11 ••e--. c• 92626. " 0 owing i.iersons are 0"'9 1 IN SS Patricia Marie Grace LAUNDROMAT Trasferttes. whose 22. 1980. as 1ns1 No 33225, In " ~ m -,.. llualnoss es NAME ST A TEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 3 p Place, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 PRO-PLAYERS WEST INC . a r AIEND S DEl I 3033 S The follow•ny persons are doing NAME STATEMENT Dawld M1191t1vy bu.,ness adoress is 10 elm. b<>Oll 13800. page 523 ol Offlc1a Sandra l Oogot, 2 179 Moyet Ca111orn1a coiporatlon 3100 Airway Brialol Suire o Cos1a Mesa ca I Dusiness as The following persons are doing A ProfHalon1t Law Balboa Cal1torn1a 92661 County of Records 1n me othce 01 tne County Place. Coate Mesa, CA 92627. Avenue Cos1a Mesa CA 92626 926:l6 CYPRESS COLLEGE SHELL Dusiness 115 CcwpOfellon Orange, Stale ol Calilorn1a Aeco1ders ot Orange County Slate Thi$ butl'-S IS conducted by a Th•s business IS conducted by a Douglas A and Anlla L 6001 Orange Avenue Cypre5$ Ca SUNSHINE LIQUOR 724 w Harbof Law Cantet The property 10 De transferred rs ol Calllornr• eAecuted by NEAL gent1t1I par1ne<Shlp COlporallon. Granam 1013 I Cully Sark Or 90630 19th S1ree1 Costa Me~ Calilornia 3500 IMtlna AH. IC>cated at 103 Palm Balboe VISSER ano CARMEN VISSER Wiiiiam B Gogel PRO PLAYERS WEST INC ltunllnnton Beach. Ca 926•6 At>od ADdel StH!hiO 11•60 92627 N1wpot1 Beach, CA t2MO Calitorn1a 92661 County ot Orange husband and wtle WILL SELL AT Thia stotemonl was flied willl "'" Wiiiiam H fotsom. Tn1s "business 1s conducted by an w ashrnoldn Blvd . Los Ange1es. Ca Hyun Cnoo Cn1n 1017 So F102657 Stale OI Cahloinre PUBLIC AUC ltON fO HIGHEST County Cle<k ol Orange County on \/Ice Pres~nl inchvidual 90066 Wayside SI reel Anah&lm Calif Published 01ange Coas1 Oally Said properly is <1esc11Ded in BIDDER FOR CASH 1pay11Dle at May 12. l982 Thrs Slaremont was tiled wllh tJlo Dougtas A Gri1Mm raiael Abdel Malt1~ 1116 92805 Prlo1 June 22. 29. July 6. 13. 1982 general 8S All stoct.. 111 irade. 11me of sale 1n tawtul money ol the F1882'8 CountyClerk ot OrangeCountyon lh t 1 n G d l G cJ G K s Chi 1017 So 2717-82 lr•lures.oqu1pmen1anelgooo wmor Unrled S1a1es1 a1 the marn tront Publlshtld Orange Coast Dally June• 1982 15 Sta omenl was •led wllh 1 e ar enaire ane. ar "" ,rove, yung oon " 1-------------tna1 Laund1omat Dusme'5 known entrance to <;u11e 1 11t1 Town & PllOt, June 8, 15 22. 29 1982 F1ton1 County Cler~ ol Orange County u11 Ca 92641 Wayside S1ree1. Anaheim Calif DtM>LIC NOTICE as LAUNDROMAT and locatecl al Country Aoad Oranno California. 2507 82 Juno 18 1982 This Dusrness rs cond1.1C1ed by e 92805 '""° B C 9266 " Publ•shttd Orange Coast Daily F191112 hm•teo parlnershrp fhis business ,5 conducted by K-oo5l2 JO I Palm alt>Oa alif0<n11 1. all rtghl t1lle and mletesl conveyed P1to1 Jone8 15 22 29 t982 Published Oret1ge Cont Da11y TalaalAb<le•Molelo. md1vrdualstHusband&W11e1 FICTfTIOUS8U8tNESI Counly of O•ange State ol to11ndnowheldlly1tunc1e1~sald 25!0·82 Pilot June 22. 29 July 6 13 t98"1 Abed Abdot Shahid llyun Cnoo Chin N•ME ST'"TEMEHT Calllornio Oeed ol Trusl •n lhe property ------------0 8 h " .. The bulk transfer w lll be situated tn said Counly and Stale DIM>•IC NOTICE 262 -2 This statement was tiled wllh Irle fnrs sia1emen1 was hlecl w1tn I e The following persona are dorng consumma1ed on or aller tne 6th descrloed as NOTICE OF APPLICATION l"UD\. Cour11y Clerk ot Orange Cour1ty 011 Counly Cterk or Orange County on busrnoss as day 01 .luly 1982, al SHEARSON/ EXHIBIT A I FOA CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP K-,.......0 PUBLIC NQTIC[ June l8 l982 JUnti 17 l982 MIRA MESA BUSINESS PARK AMERICAN EXPRESS ESCROW P•rcel 1 Lo1 7 of Tract No OF ALCOHOLIC .._,, FUl1110 F1811198 JOINT VENTURE NO 3:?6 l62 p BEVERAGE LICENSE STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Published Orange Coas1 Oally P bhsned 0 ange Coast Oa1ly COMPANY. 2929 Newporl Blvd 6263. "1 lhe City ol Irvine. as pet 6-17-82 OF USE OF NAME ST•TEMENT ., IOu J 22 2r9 J 1 6 13 1982 17550 G11te11e Avenue Irvine. Newp0rt Beach. Coun1y of Orange map recorded rn Book 335 Paoes 1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS "''"ME " Piiot June 2l. 29· July 6 l3. 1982 "1 1 une u Y Cahtorn11 9271• S1a1• ol Calilorn1a 10 1 t 1n'lus1~e ••1scellaneo .. s To Whom II May Concern "" Tne lollowing Dllrson 1s oorng 270d-82 271•·82 LUSKIMIAA MESA, 8 limited ~ ~ • ~ y JAC K FERRA & J AMES A The lollowtng person has ousoiffllsas JayL Waggonet Maps m 1he oftice 01 the County GRAHAM are applying to lhe abandooed lhe use of Iha f1C1rt1ous SONSHINE DOUGH 892 1 P',..LIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE Par1nersh1p P 0 Bo• C 19560 Barbara S wagoonet Aec0<dei of ~Id counly Oep I •1 h I B business name UD 17550 Gillette Avenue. Irvine, Transfe<ees E•cep1rng all 011 minerals artmenl o ,..co oic evOfage RUBY'S C•FE. 205 El Camino Crescent Hunli"ll10" Beach Ca NOTICE OF OEF•ULT Cal1fornla 92713 SHE•R80N/•M""IC '"N •XPRESS Con trol tor a 47 ' ON SALE R T ,.. 92646 K-<>0801 AND ELECTION TO .. SEU NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL .. .. ~ .. "' natural g&1 and other hydrocarbons GENERAL (PUB EAT Pl ) license eal, uslln, CA 92880 Donald Wayne Slttlnke, Jr NOTICE OF 018801.UTION bcr-Company thal may be Within Old land 10 1ell alcohOllC bevorQAeS at 401 E Dl8fla A R•wlln, T60 South 'B" 8921 C<8'Cenl. Huntington Beacll, OF PARTNERSHIP UNDER OEEO Of TAUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 8 2929 Newpot1 Blvd., w11houl however. tho rt<;iht lo drtll t71h St Cosll Mesa. Ca 92627 Street, Tustin, CA 92680 Ce 926•6 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Lo.n Ho. "29/HAYl:a Wisconsin OOfPo<alton. 611 Slxlh Newport a..ch, Ce 921413 1nrough 1he surtaee or Iha oppet Publlshed Orange CoHt Oelly This bu91nau was conducted by This blJs•ness 15 conoucled Dy an GIVEN lhllt M 0 JANES CO. INC . T.S. Ho. E-M574 S1ree1, Suite 1810. Loe Angel••. Publishtod Orange Coast Dally 500 feet ot lhe subsorlace ol lhe Pllol June 22 1982 en tndlllldual tndMdual JOHN PENNISH STEAL.ING W "IMPORTANT NOTICE" Cahlom1a 90017 Pilot June 22. 1982 land herinabove described as 2706-82 Diana A Aawlin I Donald w Slemke. Jr PHILLIPS and JOHN AOBEAI IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN This buSlness Is wodUC1ed Dy a 2724 82 reserved rn d~s ol iecord Thrs s1a1emon1 was liled with the This statemenl was hied wtlh the PAUTSCH JR and THE PLESSET FOAECLOSUAE BECAUSE YOU gone<el pannerstup Parcel 2 An easement ror -------------Counly Clerk Of Orange County on County Clerk ot Orange Coonly on FAMll Y COAP her41tolore dOlllO ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, LUSK/MIRA MESA PU6LIC NOTICE 1n9ress and egress over all pnvate MLIC NOTICE May 12. 1982 June 18. 1982 business urider lhll hct1t1ous ltrm IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY a limited Par1nerahll) streets ILOts A 10 M mclusive) of F179525 1 F191909 name and Slyle of THE GJP COURT ACTtON, and you may have RIChard T Delhi K-ool13 Tract No 8263 05 per map NOTIC E O F DEATH O F • Published Orange Coast Dally Publisned Orartge C.oast Oaitv PAIHNERSHIP. 81 2950 Airwav 1he legal ,.gnt to brir1g your occoum Secrelary NOTICE TO C REDITORS OF recorded in "look 335 Pages 1 lo THEODORE KLE I N ER, Piiot, June 1, 8, 15, 22 1982~82_82 PrlOI June 22 211 July Ii 13 1982 Avenue Suite 09. Cily 01 Costa rn gooo standing by paying 1111 of N 0 AT H WE STE RN 9 U LI< T RANSF ER ANO OF 11 rncluswe Miscellaneous Maps.rn "' C O S t your past doe payments plus MUTUAL LIFE INTENTION TO T AAN SFER 1hoofl1Ceot1heCounlyAecorderol aka TED KLE INER , aka T . 2679-82 MPsa ounty of range late 0 JJPrmrltod costs and e•penses INSURANCE COMPAN AL C 0 H 0 LI C 8 E VE RA GE said coun1y as descrtbecl 1n Sechon KLEIN E R A N D OF Calrtorrna drd on Ille 3151 day 01 w11h1n three monins lrom lhe dale Donald L Goodson LICENSE(S) (Sec s 1101-1107 9 Arllcfe VIII or 1hat ce11a1n PETIT I 0 N T 0 rtllllC NOTICE PUllJC MOOCE O!'tember 1981 by mulual 1n1s no11te ol oelault was recordecl Manager U.C.C. and/or 2A073 BIP) Declaration ol Covenanls 0 consenf dissolve the said Thrt.omou,,11s S1 121 as of June Thrs Statement was lllfld w.lh lhe NOTICE IS HEREBY G1vEN to tile Con<1111ons and Res1rit11ons ADMINISTE R ESTATE N . pan nersnip and •erminale lhelt t 1 1982 and w111 increase unlrl County Clerk of Orange County on Credrtors of DOM INIC BURAK., reco1dlld F~bruary 1. 1974 tn Boo• A-113814. N OTICE OF DE ATH OF NOTICE OF DEATH OF ·elahons as parlners lherein •our ar.couni "~omes current You June 17, 1982 Soc1at Sec I ~364 34 3007 and 11068 p 1326 o R " CECELIA 8 KAN D E L E E NO Furtner not<ee 11 hereby given ' u~~ ,.191707 urr Y -• • · • ago . !flc1111 ecor.,5 To all heirs, bcneficianes, · LIZZl E MA JIAL A lhal lhe understgned will nol be may not nave to pay Iha enllre PATRICIA BURAK Social Soou111y m lhf' olllce 01 the c ounty Racoide creditors and c onti nge n t A N D O F P E TITION T O 0 F p ET I T I ON TO aspons•llle from this day on 10, unpaid portion 01 your account. Published Orange Coast Dally r362·36-2846. Transrero1s and of seid county ••red1tors u f Theodore ADMIN ISTER ESTATE N O. ADMIN ISTER EST ATE NO. :tny obl1ga11on incurred by the even though toll peymenl was Pllo1 June 22. 29. July 6. 13, 1982 licensees wnose blJsmess <iddress Parc el 3 ~n e .. c11.1s1ve ~ 38 demanded but you mus1 pay the 2713-82 1s t6612 Beach Blvd C 1n lhe appur1en1n1 easemen1 over 1na1 K l einer and person s who A-11 11 A-11 3901. omers "'thou own name5 or in lhe amoun1 stateo aDove 1-------------City of Hun1tng1on Beacn County ot ........ ,on 01 lhe 1-cont""UOUS 1o T II h r...~ f , name ol me llrm C HO E ""' • v• .,. may be otherwise tnterested o a errs. uo:ne 1c1ar1es, fu Jll ht·1r.;, lll·1wf1nc1r11::s, DAT r D AT c n s 1., M e 5 a Altl!r lhree months lrom tne date PUBLI TIC Oranoe Slate ot Cahtom1a 92647 1 Parcel 1 aoove as shown on EshrDrt in the will and/or est.ate: crc·d1lors a n d t unllngenl t·rr•dllorc; .inJ nin11ngl·nl I Catrlornia tnrs Ftrst uay 01 June 01 recorda1ton ot 1h1s docomenl K-ooeo3 lh.il a tiulk transle1 rs allout to be c to 1he cer18ln amendmenl 10 A petl.lton h ... ~. '-··-n fil-"" c:r e d1 lors nf Cecelia B l'rt"ltlor •. iif L17711 Mal' llalt· 1982 fwh1chela1eolrecordallon appears madeloAONALOJ CHAMBERLIN Detlara11on o f CoYenants '"' """' n.i K d I d h ~ ~ 1 0 J hPrf•Onl unless the 01>l1go11on be111g Eterow No. 1815KM Social Secur•ty ;552-78-2583 and Condrlions and ResH ICttons by M ark Kle ine r in the an ... ':. athn personls wtedo und pl·r~on!-wltu m11v IR·1 NOT~i~n~: ois:~~tTION toreclosed upon permits a longer NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF PATRICIA A CHAMBERLIN Social recorded August 9, 1974 in Book Superior Court o f Orange may ""' O erwise tn eres 01 lwrwtS<. rn 1 .. n ·-.tr ·ii 111 tlw ANO pertod, you have only the legal right e U l K TRANS FE fl A ND OF s e c 11 rt 1 y • 5 6 o 7 8 O 3 1 6 11 ;>17 Page 1101. Ollleial Records County r e ques ting that in thl' will and/or estate: will .mdiur _...,L..•l•· LACK OF AUTHORITY to s1op the I01ec•osore by paying I NTENTION T O T RANSFER Transterees and In I ended •n 1heon1ceot the County Recorder ed A pet ton has been filed h L., f I . ...1 the entrte 1smoun1 Clemandec t>y A L C 0 H 0 LI C 8 EV E A AGE T11nsrerees whose business 01 sa•d counly 10< !hose pyrp0ses Mary Kletner be appoint b H ~I J Ka d I S A JX'lll111n ·" '"-'t'n I t-u The GJP Par1nersh1p a 101n1 your cre<11101 LICENI E(S) (Sece. 1101 U.C.C. address rs 16612 Beach Blvd C as more pan1colarly descrrbed rn as personal representative lO Y er rt n e r tn by Clau<ll• I Thompson rn venlure. wnicn •s 8 llmited To hn<I out tne amount you must and/or 24073 86P) 1n lhe C•ly ol Hon11ng1on Beacll. section 3 01 Ar11c1e VIII of the admin ister the estate of the Supe rior Court.of lhl' Sug"rtor Court of parlneiship under tho fews ol lne pa"' or to arranne lor paymonl to NOTICEISHEAEBYOIVENlh81a Oounty ot Orange State o l Decl11ra11on of Covenants 0 C S1a1e of Calllorn1111 cons1s11ng 01 the r " lk 1 1 81 ""' , Theodore Kleiner (under the range ounty r equesting Oran)ll' 'ounly 1c•qul'st1ng M D Janes Comp8"y Inc The s1op the loreclosure, or 11 your bu trans er o person pro,..-• Y Calilorn1a 92647 Cond111ons and Restr1c11ons d d that H erbert J Kandel Sr • I d 'fh I c property Is 111 toreclosuro for any and a transfer ot liquor license(•> 15 The property ts tJoscr1Ded 1n re<:ordeo February 1, 1974 In Book lndepen en t A ministratio n b t d ' I lrllll C ..iu e 1 "mpsirn X' Plo"8t Fsamlly orpopra1 11 1on. JJo~n olher reason contract Bryan L. aOool to be made general as All stock 1n trade. 11068 Page 1326, Olhcat Records, of Est.at.es Act) The petition c appoi n <' as pers':'na .1pfl111 n led <t:; p 1· r ~o n a\ Pennlsh terllng w h I lps, 0 n Penn nnd Alton Penn. cio Glendale The n1me. mailing addreH. and li11tures equipment and good w111 of rn the otlic;e otthe County Recorder · f h "'--represent.atJVe to administer d t Robert Pautsh Jr and tormerly 1nves1men1 po Bo• 77 12 . ZIP Code Number of lhe 1tansteror BAR 1 • IS set or earing in v.:-pt. rt·prt~nt.allvt• lo .i 11l1n1s er Jellrey M Gaull. and which has a certain bus ness .. nown as ot said coumy No. J at 700 C tvtc Cen t.er the estate of Cecelia B lhC'<"'itdtt•o( Linll' Mae Hale carrieel on ,19 busrness at •929 Burb1nk CA 7712 Aun Jllnice ts HARRAH CORPORATION PAT NMIKE'Sandlocated al 16612 • Petce1 • An e11 ciusiv1 C . l K a nd e I (und e r th e I d Myers \2 13) 507-5000 UNLIMITED. 2720 Grete Lane Beach B•vd C In 1he C11y of 8ppurt1nanl easemeni over !?Ill Dnve, West. m the lly o . (undt•r lhl' n <'pendent Wilshire Bou1ev11d Los Angeles. 11 "'OU heue any questions .... ou •na"~m. ca11r~n•a "2806 H B h c 1 r I d d l Ad tr l C 900 0 2950 • , • , .. ..,...,, ~ • un11ng1on eac oun y o por1ion of Iha 1o1 contlguOus 10 San ta Ana, California o n n epen en mtrus a 1.on AJm1n1s1rat111n o f F.stales olrrornta 1 and ,..irway •hould contact a 1awyer or 1h11 The name. mailing addrou. and o Staie ot c a111 1a and E .. . o f Estates A t) The petition Avenue. 09. Costa Mesa, California • C N f he 1 range, orn Parcel 1 aoovo as Shown on •nl ... t July 7, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . <: • A1·t1. Thi• pl"ltllon IS s<'l fur 92626 was dlMolve<I elleclive 11 59 government agency which may nave ZIP ode umber o I 1r0'1S eree 1ransler lhe 1011ow1ng alc;ohohc c · 10 that ce<-laln amendmenl 10 lF YOU QBJF.CT to lhe is set for h eanng In Dept. hl'aring 111 Dept No. ;i at 700 p M on Oecembet 31. 1981 Afler insured your loon. Is: DON JOSE RESTAURANTS INC · beverage hcenso ON SALE BEEA Dec 1araII0 n 0 r C 0 v en an ts No 3 l 700 Civic Center ) w RememDer YOU MAY LOSE 9093 E Adams, Huntlnglon Beach, ANO WINE Number 42-076850. Condlt1oris ~nd Roslr•ct•ons grantmg of the peutlon , you a C1vt(· C(•n!Rr I n vc•. t>lst, in 1h11I dale no genciral or llmrled LEG "L RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT Calllornla 92646 1 &A 1 ...,, D W l n the City Or th GJP P r1 h nas " now ssuvu to prem. 1ses ocahou al recordec Augusl 9. t9H 1n Boo~ should either appear al the nve, es· 1 . th•• Ctty of S;n1t.1 l\na partnf.'r in e 8 ne•s 1P TAKE PROMPT ACTION That the personal property lo be 16612 Beach Blvd ·c Hun11no1on 11211. Paoe 1101, Offlcl•I Records hearing a n d s tate your Son la Ana. Calt form a o n California on Julv H. IHI!:! ~~r'i~:,'5~1~ ~~c:~."for' ~ll~ ~ Jcf 1n add1110<1 10 Iha amoun1 stated trensletred is described in gen~al Beech tor the premrses loCotecl al in Ille 011~ olthe County Aec:Ofdet objections or file writlc n July 7, 1982 et 9;30 am a t !I 30 am · Janes Compariy Inc who nas aoove Should any prior lases. uens, • s m 11er1111 s . • u PP I• 11 s · 1661;> Beach Blvd C In tht1 C11y of aaid counly. 1or thOse pyrposee b · h h lF YOU OBJECT w t h e IF YOU OBJE("f h OI encumbrances be delinquent or merchandise. eq1.1rpmen t (or) ot Hunhnglon Beach County ol as mOfe par1iculerly d~rrbed in o jecttons WI l l e court ( h •• to 1 '' aulhority only to wind up the affairs become delrnqunenl and lhe loan turnllure, f1.1<1ures and &Qulpmen1, Orange Slate ol Ce111om1a Sec It on !> of Artie le VIII ot the before lhe hcartng. Y our granting O l C peuuon, you gn>nlrng of thl• p<>llttnn, you ot lh~ GJP Partnership can IJ e re 1nsta1 e d s a 1 d lease. leasehold 1mprovernen1s and Th81 lhe amoun1 01 purchase Dec I a r a 11o n o 1 coven an ts. appearance may be tn person shouJd etther appear at the should ('ilhc-r appo•ur al lht• Published Orange Coasl Oaily delinquencies musl be cureo as a ABC license of a business ttnown prtce or consideration,,, connection Condtlions and Restrictions or bt your atwmey. heari ng and sl ate your hl'a r1 ng and s l a le your Pllol June 22· 1982 2723 82 cond111on of re1nsia1emen1 as. PUBLIC MARl<ET and IS located wllh said 1tanster or said license tecorcJed Fobr1.1ary 1. 1974 In Book l Y 0 U A R E A ObJecttons or r tie written b r I . I NOTICE OF OEFAUl T 81 428 E. 17th Street, Cotta Mesa. an(I $81d business. Including the 11068 Page 1326. Olflctlll Records o Jl't'll•ln~ or 1 t• wnttt•n 0tm•ic W\TICC •No ELECTIOM TO SEU. C•l'lornla. together wtth the ob ect o s w th the court rUVL mi .. • esllmaled rnventory 11 lhe sum 01 1n Ille olfloe ol the County Recorder CREDITOR or a contingent J 1 n 1 ObJl'l'l 1nns w11 h lltt> l'OUI I UNOEA DEED OF TAUST l ollowlng doscrlbed alcoholic S51 ooo oo. wn1<:h cons.Its ol the ot said covnty creditor of the deceased. you before the hearing. Y o ur bdnrC' the ht•anng Y fJur VICTORVILLE SUPERIOA COURT Loan Ho. 412t/HAYE8 bt1Yt1r1ge Jlcenso(sj ON SALE follow•no YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A must file your claim with the appearanl't' may be In person appi>arance mav bf• m l)i.'rst)n COUNTY OF SAN eERNAAOINO T.S, No. E44574 GENERAL LIOUOA LICENSE NO Dlocrlpllon Amount DEED 0 F TR us T D A f E 0 h or by your atl('lmey b 1"455 C"tc: Otlv• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thal 47 -33632 now Issued ror n ld Casn111rs cneck deposited OCTOBER 2. 1980 UNLESS YOU court or present il to t e l F y 0 u A .R E A ur y your alturnl•y VlclOMtllle, C1lllornl• t2n2 GLEN 0 A LE IN v Es TM E N T premlll!S, tor premises located 8I In Escrow No 14723-LC TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR p er son al representa t ive I 1'' y 0 u I\ RE A In Ill• Metler ol CORPORATION IS duly appointed Iha same eddress. $16,00000 PROPERTY, tT MAY BE SOLO AT app ointed b y the court CREDrI'OR or 3 rontingent ClU:DITOH or a mnttngl'nl SCOTT WllllAM PAAKS. TruSlee under lbe followlng Thal 1he to1al con1lder111on tor Security Agreement •-ecuted PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN -wtthtn four montlislrom th~ tTt•chtor-cf tche-~you C:TI''!'hlnr of th<-.flt'\.'t•~d. yau •Minot de~11bed deed of tru11. the lranalll' ot said business and of In tevor 01 T1ans1eror S3S,OOO.oo ~NATION _O.LTti(; NATUBf.__ dat e o f f irst i ssuance l)f must fr le your datm with the must fill' v11ur ('f;um with ·Lhr A PerHn w~ 111111 bl declered TRUSTO~-OANIEl L HAYES:a UTO neenn(s) lS"lhe"-wm of S1oe Alf orl\or 11i1Sl1\fjSs names ll1ICJ OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST l l to the • frff from lh• cuelodJ and conlrol single man 000 00 Including invent ory 11ddr11UMS used by the Tr8flsferl)(S YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A letters as provided m Section coun or presen 1 l'Ourl 11r prt',,..'nt rt lo lhl' of hit parfflt Of peranla. BENEFICIARY BRVAN L PENN estlmaled 111 S -<>· which cons111s ol wtlhln 1nree yea1s 1as1 put ,a far as LAWYER 700 of the Probate Code or p<>rsonal r e p resentative pl'rsnnul rl'fHl"H'ntatlvt• ANTHONY J. P1AZZA. and AnON PENN. husband and lhe followtng ~nown to lhe TransfereH are The s1reet address and other C a lifornia Thf' time• for appointed by the court ~1 pµotnll"d by lhr 1·oun A Prof. Corp. wire 991n1nt tenants BUSINESS CHECK SAME common dM1gnat1on. 11 any, of the filing claims will not expire wt thin fou~ mo~ths from lhe within four m onths fnim thP Pla111 a Rlttehll Recorded Auguol 25 t981 as S 10.000 00 That 11 has boon agreed belween real prope<ty described •t>owi is hs r d11te o f first issuance of d f f r /41totnay11tLaw 1nslr No 31471tnboo~ 14193pagel Demand Nole lo Ile replaced wllh said lltonsees and lnl ended porp0rted10 De 17821Arbotlene prior to four mont rom • a tt• 0 1 rs l i ssu a O('l' 0 14173 Green Tl'ff Blvd. I 183 of Olllclal Record• In 1hl offl<lo cash thrOUQh lhls escrow $90.000 1ransle1ees as required by Sec Irvine. Calllornle th e date o f the hearing letters as provided'" Seel.Ion letu·rs as prov1dro tn &'('llnn sutte Ona of the AeGordet ot Otano• County; Thal It has~ agreed 1>11ween 2 ~0H ol the Bu11ness and The undersigned Trustee noticed above 700 or the Probate Code o f 700 of the Probate• Code of VlctOfVHle, CA 12392 said deed or lrust s.cures ce<tetn 111ld tr1nlfll'ee and said 1r1n1fe1or Proleuron$ Code lh•I Ille d1Scla1ms 1ny t1ab1t1ty ror any YOU MAY EXAMI NE California The time for Cali f ornia Tht· 11mc-f or (1·71•) 1u-n27 Obllgaoont lncJudlng one nole tor thet consle1ete11on tor lhl trensler c;onSlderellon for 1111 tr1nsfer ot incOfractness of thl *""' lddrMS If filmg clauns will not exptre r 1 1 II Att•nllon: Rolf o. Rtttchll the aum ot s12.ooo 00 01 U ld bu11nua i nd of H id said bus•'-• •nd 1ran1ler of said end ou11t common dMIQnetlOn, 11 the file kept by the et>Utt. ' rng c auns WI not t'Xptre CH• No. Frc 1113 Tnol tl'le ben1flc1a1 1nretesl under llc;•nte(sl to be paid only 11ter t1e1r11e ts to be pe•d only 11t1r said any. snown herein. you are m ter e1ted in (he prior to four months f~om pr101 lO Cour months from CIT/4 TION • FREEDOM FROM such deed 0 1 t rust and the 111n1fer has bean 1pprov1d by 1ren1IM has been approved Dy said Said 1811 wlll be m ade. bul estate. you may file a request \he dat e o f t he hearin g l he d;1 te o f th" h1•arin g PAAENTAL obllg111ons secured 1net1by ere Oec>enmenl or AICOh<>ilc BeverlOI dec>•nmen1 ot Alcoholic B1veuge w11hou1 covenan1 or war11nty w i th the court to recei ve nottced above. n otlt·tod above CUSTODY ANO CONTROL presently held by the under1lgno<1, Control, pur1u11nt to S.O. 24073 e1 Control exprMS or 1mp!led, r~erdlno tltltt I 1 f th YOU MA Y EXAM INE YOU MAY fo'XAMINE (ASANOONMINTAl:AOOPTIOM) Tn&teb111ach ot,andellleu1tln,the seq Tl'lal •tale. 11analor and pouesslon. or encumorencu 8 P ec 8 • n ° t 1 ce 0 e h ru k b th rt If • THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ob11gat10<11 lor which such deed of The I the t1er11n oucr I t>•d 1nlgnment of the aforesaid 1tock In tncludlng teas. eh1rg11 end Inventory of estate assets 1 e e ep t Y e cou • tht1 hi<> kept by thl' t•ourt If CALtFOANIA. lrutl Is security has occurred tn lhat lren•I.,. '" to bl coneummetld. tredo. llJ1tur ... equlpmen1 and QOOd o•I*'-ol the Tniat111 Ind of ,.,. and of the petitioM , accounts you are Interested i n the you an• tntrrr'lted in the To DALE JOSEPH PARKS and peyment hu no1 l>Mtl midi of The aub)4K1 to the above prOYl9lon1. at w111 01 Ntd buS1nes1 ... 11 bl med•. trusta created by Hid 011d ol and reports d escr ibed In estate, you may file a request t'8l31(", you mny ftle a request ROBERT o RITTENHOUSE •nd to 1n11111m1n1 ol 1n11r"t whlc;n SERVICE ESCROW COM PANY. end th• con1ld1t11ton th1r1ror Trvet. 1o pay the remelnlnQ pt1nc.19111 Sec t-i 0 n I 2 o o 0 ( the with the cour t to receive with thi• court l o r (lcctve all persons ci1tmlng to bl tl'le l1thef 1>1eama du. April 1. 111112. end •II t42S2 BHcl1 Bl .. w .. 1m1ne1er. C1 to091htr wllh thl CIOtlsklef•tlon '°' sums of Iha notl(a) MOured by 111c1 ,...&1110.,..;.,. Proba•~ Code. 5 p e c i a) n 0 t 1 c e 0 f the u p"(' 1" I n 0 t 1 .. P 0 ( 1 h" or mother ot said minor parson aubeequent lnalallmenl• of interest 92683. on 0< atter July 8, 1982 th4! 1r.,-itfllf Ind •salgnmenl ot Ille o..cs ot Truil to wit $42,000.00 ......, .,_ "" " ~ « • • aoov• nameel and 11111 charges. Oellnquenc;lee on! All Olhtr bu1ln111 n1m1a ind aforea&ld tlc1n11 11 10 be wllh Interest th•••on from Rotaa110 and Rotonno, ~nventory of eat.ate aaaeU( 1nvrn1orv or estah• &88ets ey ord« ot thl~ eoun l'CXI art • prior 1ncumbranc1. If any 11ddree ... Ultd by tne tr1nefttor oonaummat~ on or 111ter Ill• 12th Oeoemt>er 5, 19111 11 18 '*'°"'' Attoraey 1 at Law, $ tt S and of the petitions. ~un\3 ancl of the pNlllorut. 81'('()Unts hereby cited and &dvlMd lhlt you Olllnquont real es111e 1ues. II any , wllhln th,... ~.,, lu1 pa11. so rtr d•Y ot July, 1982, 11 Iha ll<lrow 11nnom .. PfOvld«I In Ntd no•«•I Soe ... ci-.alvt4e Blvd., No. and reports deacrtbed In snd r e ports dl•scribed in m1y app111r betore 1n1 Judge Th1t by reuon rnereot, tho 11 known to 1ren1rerM, are Noni. dej>lrtment ot HOLLEY ESCROW, plus Cott• ~ """I .av-ol """" "· S t I l 2 O O f t h PtMldlnQ tn 09par1men1 OD-1 ot undarttgned. preatnt oenaflclery Thi name end tdOtMI of Ille INC 11 18582 8eac:h Blvd .. P 0 Boa '5150 60 wt1h 1n1.,..1. lH, c.lver City, '--lUornla ec o n ° <' Sccll()n 1200 5 n f lhe the superior Court, 1oc111d 11 undtr auch 1S11d 01 1ru11. hU uorow holder 11· SERVICE 15 1, In 1ht City ot Hunllnglon The blnlltellry 111\dtt lltd Died tt2St. (US) 3114!51. C.alJfomla Probate Code. C.<tllfornia Probatl" Corle. t-4456 Civic Orlv1. VlclorYllla P KUted and dellveted to .. Id dul'f ESCROW COMPANY. 14282 Beech 8eecll. County of Ofange, S11t1 ot ol Tnial hltelokn ealCUlld and Publlehed Orange Cout Mld1ael R . L e dbe tter, L ·a w O ff I cf 11 o f 8111 Cet1fotnl1 92382 of 1h1 1bove 1ppolnttd Ttu1t11. • written 81 . W11tmlntw, Cl 92683 C.lttornta 112"8. P"Qvldld 11111 the oallvered 10 th• undtrtlO~d 1 De.111,/ POot , June 15, 16, 22, A tto rae y at Law, U 7S M C'Claln, P.O . Bnx 8004, One enlllled coun on Jul)' 20, 1982, 11 Oecler1tion ol 0tt1u11 and 0tm1nd Dated Ju,,. 11, 1982 Oec>•r1"""11 OI AICO/IOllc ~:'P.! wr111en o.ciar111on of deftull tnd 198 2627 .,.. Ltltrador Drive, C osta N•wpor• Pia-. IOtb Floor , 8:30 o'clocit A .M ol thtt day, then'°' 111e. end h11 dec>Otlled wtth HA"PIRAH CORPORATION Control hH appro-..<i said tr•n•., 0emt1nd for Sale. lll1d 1 ... 111tn -0.. M c I • • " • .... Ind lhlrl to ehow C.UN. II •nv YoU ... d duly appotnttd Trutt ... lllldl UNLIMITED ol Mid lloenat. Mollee ot Otfault and Elec:tlon 10 -------------1 tla, al fora la tl .. 1. Ne wpo r t 8 e I c b , C A h•v•. wtiy etld peraon &11oul0 no1 Cited 01 1ru1t end 111 dOCU"*111 Traosferor Dated Mey 27, 111112. S141. rhe undt<'algned c:auMd Nld Hf.1387 tHSO·l004 752·0899 t>t dlclered ''" lrom lhl oon1r0l 01 •videnctng oblls::n• 11curtd 8Y Terry Lane, Dominic Burall NotlOI ot Otteutt tnd eac.ton to • Published Orange Coiul Publlahr<i Ornn~e CoHt hi• ptl'entt ICOOIOlng 10 lhl petition t'1Mlt>y. ~ h.. rid and dote Aeel$1 Seer.ill')' P•trlcl• Bu<u Sel 10 be l'90Clntld 11\ 111t county Dall Pilot J I~ 16 22 on lllt twiretn 1.erlby dtcltre all Mimi MWl'ed OOH JOSE Tr111t""°"* 11\0 whttt lht rMI propeny i. IOClttd • Dally Pilot Y • une • • • D1uly Pilot. Junt• 2 • 23, 29, OM!n under my fiend eno..., of thereby 1mmtdle111y du• and AElrAUAANTS INC, 1 l~ 0.1 .. Jvne 10. ,M2 . • ClaUfflfdS 1981 1982 Thi Sup«IOr Cour1 ol lhl County OI l)Aylble Ind hel tltetld tn<I doee Cdfoml1 ~lllon Rontld J. Cl!emberllf\ AL.1.fOHAHY INVEST• 2628·821 2726-.82 $811 Betnerdlno, 81111 Of C1lllorntt l'it rtby tl•cl lo oau11 lltt 1ru11 Tr-lwel Patrlc:ll A. Cllemb«fln MENT CO, tNO • WOrtc for thll &-.. , 1982 prc>C*11 10 bl IOtd lo Nlltfy lht 9y; ~ MOffoMph. Ttt1ntfttM1 and CO .. JNC r:"' cau " N I ~~· ~f l II I .. ' County Oltl'k end OWi! obllg1llone MCl;rld lher•b~ Pretldefll lntendt<I T,.ne .. _ 1111 Town .. Coun1r, Ad • 2.~7. OI ""Supe<lor Col.In 01tld e11192 8y lletlOl MQtjOMPh, HOLLlf HC.-OW INC. Sit 1 -ol IN Sl•t• of ~ L.. Penn Secntery/T~ P.O ....... , Ortnge, c.ltlOmla tHll • for quick c.tlfornie ror 1111 A.non Penn aa.-Y1C1 tlatOW CO.ANY .a ._... ....._ ~ 141 tl.t-0804 • c•shw•es. _E ____ s __ d____ (I =r:~lnO ~~=::::mtnt =·=·=··::.. =~~--~~~ 4 very Un Oy Publllhtd Oren91 Coa11 0111)' Publl1hed 011noe Cout D•lly Publllfled Onnoe CoH I Delly Publlehed Ot•noe CoHI Delly Pvbll1f\ed Orange COHI Oellr -I Piiot. June 2,, '9, July 6. T3. 1982 PllOt, June 22. $, Juey 8, 13, lit2 Piiot Jvne U , 1912 Pllol June 22. 1912 '11ol June U , 211, and July I 1912 211Ma Utt-I' a121.a2 2122 ... 2 "64-12 M LIC NOTICE Orengt Ooul OAILV PILOTIT"Mday, June 22, 1882 'J~,~7A!~~~1 lor a ' )0 Clay ed In 11\e NIU N.IT ....... llHITIH 00 IT NOWI ..... , .... ,. Your 06lly Piiot Service Dlr.010<y R9pr-tallv• Hl·Hllt tit. HI . .. "-············ 'INOU • 0101<8 Olllld Care, llO'd Ml•tton Marie l\ObllllOn COii... Vlt JO home, Allot• ' ..!!_.not 1H't. PS4•015t Jeronimo. h11tl pt time, CAllNeTIM\IMOD!L. l..4:30pm &80-28~2 8kyllt U • OrHllhU &.tiffftll "1Hlll WlndOWI rm ••••••• c •••••••••• 548-4900 Rl!MOOl!LIAOO-ONS fer..'. '1m" ....... . No StMm/No Sh•mpoo Stain $pect1llll. l'a1t dry FrM ... 030·t502 C1ptt tn1t1ll/repel1ed FIOOCI dlmlOI Steam ctng. 554·0& 10. 973·0588 & Carpentry Llc'CI 26 yr1 ••P· trv.tn 640-a710 Ftne Flnllhed C11pentry Rtmod Spec Randall Lie 419587 720.-t260 COMM'LIRESID. A.mtd·AdO nt ·Aepalra Very rHS LIO 300260 Jtck H B•nntll, Jr Oen. Conlf 552·0142 Oondeo & tn•ured ..••..........•...• ~~ ••.......... 1 ~~4l!!P. •••.•.•.• ~. ~~~!!!!~!l!r •......• OJlll't'WALL rAPINQ LAWN CARI lXPlRT HANDYMAN T.L.C. HOUMkeeplng Alt Tei.hire• l Aooo11kl Comm/r_.d Nwpl/CM Garpen1ry • "oollno &trvlce. LO"w R11H . 'r" Ht Kevin 876•9081 )(Int. rtllablt WOftl PWmblno. tlo 842·6013 Toni e&o.02oe1M2·0405 Orywall·PIMter·StuOCO Onrlopr, ltllfry MS 7412 JACK OF All TRADES bP«tlM HouMlleeplng N1wl r1p111 Acou11tc Tlllll Cell Jeck de)' or ntgn1 we lurnllh v.cvum & ceU1ng1. will ltaturH . Toppedlremowd. CINn •878·3014* aupptlet wlltt blHllng, Bpantah up. lawn rtnov 76t·3478 COMPL HOME MAINT VIMIN 07t·4838 le>llure Dan 052·0G05 Carp. plumb, p1tnt, haul, HOUSECL~ANING MOWINO • CLl!AN UPS F llHlrl,,J Haullng • L1nd1cepln3 yd 0 In up '.. ..1 IS OUR 8 USINES61 •••• • • • • • • •••• • • • ••• • • FrM "' 642·98 7 49&·3291 Jantce'• Raggedy Ann E!L!CT RICIAN-Prlceel f bl 10 yra 875-2614 rtohl. lrH Hllmate on R C d Carpentr)', rough/ lnlah, large Of 1m1H jOba H id . ln-upa, gar en dra, wnO... lenq, ... dry· PROF. ~SECLEANINO lie 3"••21 ...,3 ,.. .. ,., Hrv • .malnL. lrtt trim. 1'all paint 754-0899 ~aa•Rellab'tl\tta ll'UV "' ....,~., FrMell 841·t09e Wiii)' --·------- llC'O ELECTRICIAN •1111•• Wtndowa Gaty 51·8t37 Landtc:aplng·YCI Clnupa ••••••"'• ••••• ••••••. • J , Cl I • •·-Ou1I. work·RHI. •llH Trff trlm·ExP«t maln1. DUMP JOBS oan • •111 ng oerv .... FrH HI. 631·6072 Tom Irrigation. Jim 851.0129 & 8m•ll MOVlllg Job• HOUHl-APll·Rtntal• #m•t '1lllftll1ul1 ••• ! ................. . • • •••• ••••' •••• • ••••• ••••• :!.~•'-••••• • • ••• Cu1tom Oetam&c. Ttlit •A·1 ...... PLASTI!." PATCHING Prompt. Call Chuck, ev1 Top quallty, 8l*)lal car• Rt1tucco1 Int/ext 30 642·8504/876-14011 Cly• In h1ndling 25 Y.!• exp yra -Neat Paul &•5·21177 1_:;._,;;~;.;...----~ Competitive l\atH ...:...--------CERAMIC·LINOLIUM No overlltnt 73(). t353 '11a)/•• llle fr" Mtlm•I .. ········'············· l\eH Bob 816·6'6t STAPWINO COLLEGE 11 IU Hl·llll STUDENTS MOVING •lltlT 6 IAY * f1H lfty/11 ?n~u~~ ~~~~!~~ 1,1r1 .,,,1,. i.0°w00RAree:.;;;;·.~i:.n: WATCH US GROWi ••••!f•••••••••••••••• mtng & removal, 111 ---------BONTEKOE AEFRIG c1 .. rwp1 & ltHh haullng 111•1/•• & AIR CONO Mlrlr\t, r r te e I I M I r t I,, e 1 •• 'I •••• ,.............. I UIO, comm'I 5At8-&208 ~54-701.7. _____ _ Piii PUITill --by Richard Stno1 Lie lt•fl1/l••l f1u/1 JAY TREE CARE. compl 280844 13 yra ol nappy ••••••••••''~··,.•••••• ..,v & 1tump ~,,ding local CUtlOtnera. &4tJ'1t• .. tl&l•lt•ttJ, LLa'd, Int 840·9 8 Thank you, 631-4410 Free HI. Reat. p1lcea. HERITAGE TREE SER· Qual work Lie 337169 VICE Shampoo & 1tHm olH n Color brlghttntra, Wiii ctOlt 10 min blHoh Hall, ltv/dln rmt I 15. 1vo toom $1 50. couch S tO, chr S5 Ouar allm pel odor Crpl 1ep11r t5 Y'' exp Do work mv••ll Rel1 531-0101 ELECTRICIAN Total Varel Care b)' Call MIKE M8·1391 Ottlcee. 540·1287 11.J, l11ff•H 6 IH Smt foba/Repalra. lie THE GRASSHOPPER __ P_R_O_F_S_E_R_V'""'te'""E--General HouHCIH nlng Lie ~888 Remodel, 233108·C· tO 548·5203 Pertonll·Oependabte Hauling • yatd c:ltenup Reltable, rel• 10 yra ••P PAINTER NEEDS 831·2345 Complete 11ee c11e t7 WORKI 30 yra lllp, lnl/ yrt uper Oen 552·5377 Exler Acoulllc celling• IHll•• ~e.1:1.~ •.••••••••.••• Dflvewaya, Parking LOI Repalra, Se1lco1t1ng. add'na. cablnall Oomlntc 642-4851 Quick & clten. Fr• Mt. H2.0510 ah. 4 846-8S86/645-48<14 ~ lwo Otcltldn J.,lltlt ler•t1er 873--0548 HouMCIMtllng, with rel• D•vla Pllnllng 847-5 t86 ••••••'• • ••• • ••••••••• REPAIRS $25 to S t85 '!.-.'.'.rf~I. ••••••••.•••• S&S Atl)hlt 631-4 100ltc EXCEL CARPeT CARE JaCik Bulllngton Owntr/opera101 Carpet, uphol, 1rea rug cleaning Work guar Free Ell 645· f771 A44'11·1ttl&•·llt•t4. I !~~111w1~ Fr .. Ht. Ken 8311·&<>35 HAULINO.ORAOING renoea, exper. 'C"-' .... Cltmolltlon, c1e1n-up. 831..e181 an 5PM. Free est Reaa pllOH ~ 1\ &31·7211 LANDSCAPE MAINT. Conorwte & tr .. rtmOVal. HOUSECLEANING+ RALPH S PAINTING FrM Ht C1ll •nytlme. lntl••I. Rea•. 1a1aa WALT 770·2125 ~I FrH HI 535.gs99 ------- MOii 1ubjec1I, K· 14 Oey·eve summer S tOwk Mr Morgan, 645-5 176 ALLSTATE PAVING Sealcoauno·Strtptng Repairs Comm./Aetld Lie •397362 845·8 t81 Ouet work. Uc. 337169 # &cS-2'4? C e lcal & property 631-2345 • lie 410901 m~~mo~t•. 83 t-8048 Quick *"· 842-7838 MAINT. & REPAIR Sherrye 831-5145 ~!~~,~~ ............ . Huber Aoollng-1 II types New·recover-<lecks Lie •411802 548·9734 TUTORING IN ENGLISH AS 2N0 LANGUAGE Joyce Zorger 545·38311 General Contractor Elec1rk:al Contrtctor R • G d 1 • HAULING & MOVING Ind . comm't, rtl Ind . Comm. Rea Uc on s ar en ng ., yra Local. Student w/lruct<. Qu11tty houMCleanlng & Farthing Interior Design HANGING/STRIPPING VIN·MC Scott 645·9325 v JOHN ti EN RY CO "' Roofing lor Ftne HomH Lie 4t5232 548·6213 Oen Hallberg Or1dtng & Pa\llng Co Ret/Coml Lie 333217 557-1738 um•., •• Ouatlly at Lewi• 875-81'"" wlnCIOWI IOOI Weakly, 333217. Ph 557-1738 re1a. t1le1 Main I/ -------""'--HIT\l·mon1hly or mon· !!!!~!~f ............. . Lie 397804 942.1120 Prof carpet cleaning. ap1 & restdenllat Lie & bon· ded. Also clean·up Jobs John 642-0357 De•••lit lllllMTH ILEOTIUO landacape N8/CdM Hauling & quick ct.an-up, thty. Julia 834·11181 •••••••••• ••• • • ••• • ••• 675·9368. yda, oaragea, job-alt ... & • ASA PAPERHANGING 1 yra local exp. Guar worl\ Prices start at $811011. Alec 75 t· 7027 ~~!~~!~!!'~~ ........ . WELDING NO Job too small Very reasonable Call Gene II 645-0675. ~-~~!!r!~t ......... . •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN We don't make )'OU wall pr 0 p mg m I . RI ck ....... hakprs. daily meld &erv, Uc 370689 831-7823 HI· Tree Services: hvy tin· 83 t.0865 Krla 83 t-0953 •••••••'•••••••••••• •• BUDGET RA TES Lo min Sml jOl>S OK Lie Freees1,1na &At-7581 PIJftll Tal1IH Smoooothed 540·'4479 f!!!!~.'/.~~~!!!!! ...•• 'I upa. repelr tired yda. reg. · BRICKWORK· Small job• o ice clu n1ng. c 1pt l1t•lt1l 't/Jt 1 1 931 1 t98 cleaning 835-2 t 16 •••••••;-•••••••••••••• man • Heullno Student wlJI haul Newpor1, Coat• Mesa, Cu1tom wallpapering, tatlalecllon guaranteed. For esl Frank 775.0714 ~!~~~~.~{~~~!~I ..... f /O IMUttptr FULL CHARGE Wiii do amt bus. acc't tn my home. All phases Bkklno thru trlal bat 548·5793 l•lli•n ......•...•••.•.•••••• Cemen1-Masonry-Btock Wlllts-Cual work. Lie W38t057 Rob 547·2683 Drives, pallos, walks Free esl No IOb too smell. 536-2607 Cii1' C111 !'!~!!!~l.~!!rl!!! ....• ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Restdenllat addlltons & remodel. Don 847 8606 !'!1!!~! •••••••..•••.• FORMICA COUNTERS ----------1 anything Free HI Irvine. Ref1 975.3175 Tops/Cabinets refaced B••'f!'!•• Robert. 7t4-493·2t48 Free •• , 642-5357 ·HoME7M.PAo~:eMe·,;r· Haullno·•tudent w/lruck. to rate. reliable. Thank you, Stave. 759-1028 !!'!!!.f~!!!!~1. .....•. CRPT ·LINO· WOOD tnslalled/repatred. Greg Lie 3692660 1-240·3082 REPAIR· PLUMBING Cerpenlry, etec, Ille. Free es1 No Job too emall Dallas 6-45-28 t I B• IHIH h ---------••• ~ •••••• '! ··'···· •••• Brick., block. concrete. ltucc:o. very teH. tic. Bot> 548-78501538·99-06 !!~~ !.~~~!~! ...... . ••BRYANT'S•• Flreptace1·Pl1n1ers Wellcovertng Removal BBO'a.Pallot-Veneer All types 642· t343 Reis Free eat. 646..()46-4 1Jllll!f.'lt~ir StrH•• ...•••.••••........... MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screens NB/CM only 642-9552 ~r!i'!#!!! •...•••..•.. Lei the Sunahlne In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning LtCI 548·885~ 20"1. Monthly D1scoun1 F'or Ctassllled Ad ACTION Rt•e4•1 s, •• 1.111t ·····c~tLo·cARE····· .I.I. OHST. 01. My nome. 1n1an1s·4 yrs DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC (; ' • Repairs. new & old 1 I .!!.!~1 .. .1 •••••••••••• Carpentry • Masonry ROBIN'S CLEANING Roollng • Ptumbtng ServlQe • 1 thoroughly Drywall • Stucco • Tiie clean houae. S.0.0857 E•per1 Masonry ouallty ···eo~s ·pLAST.ERi9,;G··· workmanship , reallsllc ALL TYPES INT/EXT SERVICE & REPAIR Van Oppens Service Co (714) 838·46~ Catt a D811y PllOI AO· VISOR 642-5678 Custom carpentry, decks )(Int rels C M. 645-6846 & patios. Quallly work 1----------1 Uc. 11380801. Free esll· SELL Idle Items wllh a mates. 559·55 t 1 Dally Piiot Cluatfled Ad. yra tt•P Bud 552·9582 Gardening Wanted Well 1e.1ures·Acoosllc Mowl,,g. edging. ralllng. Remodel J 8. 646·9990 Pacific Housecleaning price•. Reta. 55 t·•555 Te•tures Patching "!tw In town? Cla11llled FREE EST 6At5·8258 Dave's Sprinkler Systems. free esllma1es 770-110t Hang-Tape..Steel lluds sweeping. Free estl· Lie 3899441 1·532·5549 males. 545•5737 Shop at home. u ·a eaay 8 yre exp Xtnt refs. with ctualfled 642·6878 Free ell Lori 675·8353 can help you meet meny of your need•. &42·5e76 Ctassllled Ada 642·5678 want Ada Call 842·5678 Sell Idle llama 642-~78 10 steps to a successful garage sale 1 Decide on dates. Looi\ al a calendar end WI lhe Ollff and lo mes ol your • sale Wee~er>ds are usually good. Dul many succasslul sales have beer> held 1n the evenong. jutl afler work Check Iha weather forecast 1n the paper end warch lor any olhe1 large event that INIY anraGI po1en1tal buyers away such as la"s or commur111y 8\fi!r>IS Have your sale run al 1eas1 two da~ --oeople may not !WI at>te 10 come or> any s1ngte dl!y Z What to sell. Everytn1r>Q' That oS everylhong you '1aven I used in 1'1e tas1 year II ar> •lem nas antoQue value or os tlland-new • 0< has unusu;il value oe sure 10 .isk a '1e~11hy proce ror •I Ge• a pad ol p<1pe• and search your wf'tole no use Look eve1y,.hl!•e and hsl ~hon9 3 Write your ad. Here os a suggested eo Ga1age Sale -desks • Bentwood rocking cha" toys, 1nlen11 c101h1ng, 1922 Voclrola •n origonal caO•net meny gadgels lols of unusual •lems rock coHecllOll plants Aelreshmtr>ls 8 a m lo 6 p m Saturday and Sor>Oay 1234 Soulh Anys1ree1 Vourtown Just -t ol Ma•n and 2nd Use this sample ad as a guide 8e sure 10 hst unusual 11ems Be as spec1l1c as poSSoblt Give directions 1t needed Oon I use a1>1>revoa11ons -many people won 1 l>olher 10 decoprier lhem CAUTION Don t ildverllse anylh1ng you don I really ha"8 Every 11em on lhe aCI mus1 oe on hind at lhe slart 01 lhe sale 4 Where to advertise. Place your ad where 11 .... 11 oe -Dy people who love 1n 1he area -mos• people shop close 10 11ome lhe • Daily P1to1 1~ 1ead lly 86.000 a<1u11s m Cosla Mesa Newpor! Beach La9u"3 Beach IMne. Hun11ngto11 Beach ar>d Foun1am Valley -gua1an1ee•ng you w•de e•posure And w11n the PolOI you re no1 paying lor waste corculatton on Los ""9eles Of Anaheom Plan 10 run your ad 3 i.t•>es or more and sllrt 11 a lew day~ Delore lhe sale so 1>arga1n nun1e~ can nave plenty of no11ce 5 Make a sign. To netp make your sale ~rul. make a few s111ns • from caroooaro ano lellet ,..lh a mag•c marker A qood s19n size is'' • 22 6 Plac in9 your-Si CJ'. fhe morning of lhe sale, bul nol t>eloro place your • signs Be sur11 end add your address and.any --,:i!l'9C110"1tl~ Tn~wttone aOC11Jt'TTm1 hour bel0<e the sale Jlarts P~ 'fOIH 11gn whefe 01 can be seer> from l>Olh so~ cl lhe 1lrf111 Dy pauony cars and pe<lesi11ans CAUTION So"" towns have , .... , 1na1 restr1cl the placemef\I and durallon 01 garagl! ~ate sogns Please C h8C" wolh your town • plar>nu,g aepartmen1 or c1t'1i. 7 Markin9 prices. Milfk PflCH wrutre !hey can Ile_, clearly Office • iwpply stores '1Ave v110<u!i sizes and colors ol 111ci..ers thal work well 01 you can use meslung tape However you mar~ them ..... ,nc.. i.w. Garage Hies are tor oor~tn hun1ers Aeme,,..,., w11a1eve1 you c;en I sell you II have lo drag l>aGk on 1119 '1<><48 ana alora again for another yeer 8. ServimJ refreshmtnts. This ooesn I have 10 cos1 much al\O creates • lri•ndly • a1mospher1 II 1110 t ncou<-om people 10 slay lon9•r 111<1 perhaps Duy more Vou could even charge ror expen11va nams t1~11 donuts. 0< llle kids coukl oo 1n 1>us1neu lor Iha day With a lemonade sla"d 9 Display. M•ke sure ••ary1n1ng can l>I _,, H••• cerd 1111>ta1 or • boards'-! .. lhelvet ~two chalra Don I caUM people lo t>and OWt ""'"'you can I help 1t UH one •able as 1 deall Where )'OU can --rytn1ng and take monll)' UM onty one cash t>ot 111n c•na or bo••• won. fine) 1na make aura tomeone • appointeo ·caahler" 1t all limH "1rllnt/8 bllOrthtna for a flll nd wtlo can help an1wer QUllltrent, 1et1tl IOr lur>cl'I. elc llCheck your uicJwbort Clfld friends. a.. tf any w1nt 10 join )'Cl\# .. re ThlJ w.U grva you IC>t'l180l'e to 1har1 HPlllllM >Mlh al'd lncrHH lnltrHt In your M)I ti other• totn YoU. be aure to Include 1ht1 tn your •d (eHmpte 1h,...l1moy wte "neighborhood .... "~Group utet a11 a tot "'°'' fun. 100 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 Ll~ES days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non~. Extra llMI t1.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 ~~~!!!.¥~!~!~!~.~-.1 ~~~!!!.~~!!'!~!!.'.~ •• '!.~·!!~~ .. ~~·i! .... !.~~?:~~!!.~!~ ... 1.~! 3 Bdrm, 11"1 Ba condo OC·AENTALS A/C, w/w carpels, mo· t·5br's S200 to $2000 dern appt11nces, gar. 750.3314 open 7-daya patio ctose 10 pool & rec A,.,,. •• ,. A,.11 ... 11 A,,11•1•tt Ual111•l••l4 U•l•t•i•tH U•lenl••H c;,~;;·,;i•~~··-;;ii c;;;;11~~~·······J;;4 ~~;;·•;;;····· .. ;1z4 3 Br home. fr pie. nice •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• •••• • ••••• • ••• •• • •••• •••. ••• ••••••• •••. B..mll~ ..............••..•.•. !~!! .~~!~ ••• !.'.!! area. Harbor Hlghland1. Quaint 2 Br I Ba. 514 $380 1 Br 1 Ba. Apl 2 bdrm 2 ba unlurn $500 UpgraCIH tnalde, prvll Jasmine. $650 yrty enclsd garage/carport, mo Call alter 3 p M yard. hot tub Nr tlChoolS 675--4912 Broke< patio. lndry rms. bit-ms. 75l·t508 s950 642•3356 Lg studio apt, new cpl, ~~~ J0 ~:' •---------- Mlllton S 11ou1e tor rent, drps. p1tnt. mo /mo te-II 642• t503 1 Wk Free Rent 2 br. 2 ba A,.11•1•11 Ual•1.i1iH .....••••••••.•....... ffl.~'!~.!!~.e.~ .. .!.~~~ Ooe11frt1t Ot1ll• Elegant 2 BA. den. 3 Ba woodburnlng lpiC pool $1500 lse 499-3529 805.95g.532e area tn beautiful ~tsaton 5 Br 3 Ba. lam rm. din rm, Viejo 1625 FIL ptua 3 car. view. m1ny alru $t00 clean. 962-0793 N r pool & 1ennts eves St650/mo. Aft 5PM 644·41084 t50t & 15t1 Miramar St nancy $500 mo age Weats1de Lg t Br w / condo. SC Plaza new HOME FOR RENT 5 1600 mo. tat & teat 551~130 carport, D/W, lndry, 8V81I crpl, drps, lrig Pools, !'.'!r.!!.~!!~ ... !.~~! 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced 3 Br 3 Ba. 2 story, pool/ 620-9089 1714) Near Shoreclltt 2 Br large 7-2 S400 mo. 645•6625 ~a~pn°2;.,, 1~~': ~u;~nse NO FEEi Apl. & Condo yard & garage. Kids & tennis. S 1050. ha Jiu exl. deck•. 2 car port, 1 b•. stove. gar . tndry lac. 642-2l42 ren1ats VIiia Rental• pell welcome 545-2000 PROPERTY HOUSE J-• trptc, refrlge. pool. Oc-Ck>M to OCC. Av1ll 7/t.1---------' 675-4912 Broiler. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS Agent. no lee 642·3850 842·1010 ••• ~f!!!'.~ ..... ~~! cupancy July Jrd $450 546-7214 2 bdrm 2 ba. llreptace --------- 8 C T .. _ SPECT•cu· ·A VIEW $795/mo 675-2444 pa110, CPIS. drps, car-..... ,, IHei 3261 lg anyon own • ..,me ,... ..,.. 673 4 2 1 BR APT O/W, New por1, $485 557-6932 ····•"••••••••••••••••• 2 br, 2 ba, on golf cour· 3 br, 2 be, pool fac. July • 44 palnl & cpts and drapea 1-----Super snarp 3Br, lam rm, se Pool, lennlsC1 S1075 t $675. 1·728-4511 3 Br 2 Ba 2 car garage Carport $400/mo So Cs1 Villas 1 l>r. pool, den. pool, spa. quiet mo 851 ·18t 1 days. ,. Ii £1 ••• 3Zll Avail 7·1. $850/mo o 851·2175 spaptusamenules $450 realdenllal toe $1550 1_7_60_·_1_1_97_e_ves _____ 1 •• !. •.. Jf............ Pasn 759·1U t 2 Br pool, garage $5251_6_73_·_5_4_46 _____ _ _A_g;..1_. _7_60_·_9_3_3_3. ____ ,Btutls 1g 3 br, tam rm. 2 Br cottage. knotty pine. Bachelor apl wllh kitchen mo No pets 1395 "8 " DH• l•i•t 3126 Lease or lease opllon J&· pool. green bell. S 1050 lrptc, walk to beach & & patio. No pels Noga· w Baker 64 t·0763 •••••••••••••••••••••• sm1ne Creek, no. 6 plan. mo Agt 644·0 t34 park 1750 499· 1997 rage. S..00. 675-1108. 2 BA 1 Ba, cpts, drps, 2 bdrm 1 b1. ocean vu 3 Bdr, den pool/lennls 4 Br 3 Ba. beaut decor. w .. 1.i.1111 3211 ,.__ II 312~ bllns no pets $426 relurb1shed Ines Utll $1550 Agl 750.9333 lrg deck. lat> vu. guar· •••••••••••••••••••••• ...-II n• , 2272 Maple 631~2927 $485 mo No pels 24851 wes1c1111 3 BR l't. ba, de d g a 1 e . H H . •Br. pool. lrplc. wet bar. ;;ci:;;;t,;~~;·5c·;.~:;;, Selva. 631-1220 $900 mo Also Irv. Terr . $2700/mo. children & pet welcome. SA Gar pool spa $780 2 Br w/relrlge S di /I ti kll h & $775 mo. 495·2258 '" Chlld o'k 75'2.5e'22 or. 2273 Maple S<t35 tu o w u o en 4 BA 2'"1 Ba. $ 1400 mo 5 bath. seelong quiet ma· Bolh fresh & clean. no 3 B1 3Ba, vu, pool, len· 1PM 641·t460. 45•500• 1ure adull , no pets pels Avl now 646-2389 1::0of;oarded gale c .. , •• ;.1... 34•s 1 ••. 2 ... I... ••3011ST2UTB ,•B•t -~' ,_66_1_·3_6_5_3 ____ _ Bluffs aree condo 4 Br U.J•m••H 6 Newly decor Gas pd, ... mo. r. a """' 3 Br 2'it Ba 1•50 sq It 211ba. frplc. gar w/etec 2 Br 3 Ba, Aen, bautront, •••••••••••••••••••••• encl ger dw•hr pool laundry rm .. eaststde private pallo & enclsd u " Resorl·llke adult tract nr 0 • • Call 101 app1 opnr New cpts & paint pou boll dock, sec SC Pt P 1 d bbg. Adults, no pels TSL Mgmt 642.1603 garage, tols ol grass $1,050/mo 644-5512 bldg, $!800/mo Bob or l8 oo · gr nr 642·5073 33562 Blue Lantern 0 K t A I Otui. tBr No pets. $475 1 Br. garage, yard. No $675/mo. 496-9230 or SPACIOUS 3 br , 2 ha ov1 e. oop, ag · e & $35 t 775 2580 759 22 utl · • pels $425/mo 367 B 496-3354 condo. lrplc. btH11s. 2 Ma• -t 1 Hlgnty upgredect & clean -...aatiB.,... Hamilton, 6-4!-0763 -B-.-.-,,-.• -1-1-,-.-----1 car gar pools, new de-Bluffs 3 Br 2 ea pool. -.;. ..,.UJ co1 Vec:4n~_,'195~tmo ~t~s~ ~o s~~ o'~o~s0 & ~r..'.'~!~!!.!!'!~l!!~ lPAITllEm flit~ cHo~ a~. B~ 0 l~lre ~:· ••• ~~!~ .•.. •••• }.~~~ 760-8384 Cltl•I ill #u 31ZZ Beautllully landscaped $4951mo 6At2-5722 Oelu~e poolside. xtra tar· BEACH HOUSE •---------• •• • ••••••••• •••••••••• garden apll Poot & Spa. ES EADE 2 8 B g e 2 b r 2 b a , b 11 n s. (SUllEll) 31' lllT SLIP Bachelor Total privacy, Covered parl\lng. No M AV r 1 a. dswhr, 11h mlles 1>each COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A totel environmenl apar1ment community on the Upper Bay Private clubhouse and health spa 8 tennos couns. 7 poots. close 10 bustneu, a"port. Fashion lslanCI Convenient shops o n slle Unfurnished t>ache· lors 1 & 2 bdrm apls and townhouses $540 -StOOO Several bacnetors and I Bdrm un11s feature line designer furn11ure and accessories Move 1n IO· day or reserve lor sum· mer months Smartly furnished models open d&rly On Jamb0<ee Ad al San Joaquin Hills Rd 644-1900 Lux. 3 Br 2'1r Ba condo. walk to bilach, utlls paid. pets. gar· Included. Large Adulls. no pets S500mo By lhe month only BUT 11,.., blks to ocean. Vrly. s225/mo. 6-40·7523 Bachelor $400 yard, tower unit. No pets 536•8362 We&1clltl xlra trg 1 Br only $900/mo tor 2 Br 2 675_6775, 675•7060 1 Br. $460 $475. Wkdys. pis call ----------I Completely redecorated Ba. walk lo beach AvaJI 1 _________ 1 BHli•1t.• 2 Br 1'/• Ba $525 7 5 9 • • 2 2 9 . wk n d s W111FfLETRH Patio & poot 645·8152 lrom June 20 pt Bell condo, 3 Bd 2 Ba. lftei 3140 t61 E. 181h 6-42-0856 549-7329 t & 2 Br Otscoon• on 2Br. l>Oal dck SSOOlwk $700/mo. 631·t26e. Ro-•••••••••••••••••••••• __ P_l_N_E_B_L_U_F_F_A_P-TS--some mOdels Pool, Spa. Westchlt air& lrg 1 Br be<t Mllllken, egt Quiet Junior & 1 Brs. Completely redecorated , ____ :..,___;;:..,___ From ,375 Pool. rec tl•H. ICOIPllCTI 2 Br 2 Ba t chlld ok. no Gym. Sauna. e I c Patio & pool 645.5152 IBr. boat dck $400/wk HARBOR VIEW HMS $425/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba pelS Patio. view. lrplc. 846-0619 Beaut. Monaco. close to rm .. t1une, enctsd o•· apls. patios, carports. 111cutzl, gar .• gas stove 1----------I 2Br. 2Ba. 1 car garage. JlOOIS llULn everything 51025/mo. rage. 17301 Keelson oft Sm pet ol< Won'I last at s580 63 1-6t07 IHllUll Wlll dshwshr. relrig, trplc.wt1 PllDP IWIEIEIT 6414-6610 or 673-3174 Slater 842-7848. this price! Lrg 3 Br Townhouse pd, no pels. $600 mo lll-1113 L IH i 3141 TSL Mgmt 6-42·t603 E. Side 2Br. lg patio, gar, Apartment Frptc. enclsd 979·8574 or 642·4658 '\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml2 br, 2 be condo. bay & .fl.".'!~ ••••• t. ••••••••• ---------n-palnl, no pels. 120 gar targe yard Near eves 11 ocean vu. prof dee Furn Laguna Beach tu· 111'2 br nr SC Ptz S.A E 20th St $485 mo Hunt Har~ Children --------- Poot. clubhse, sec d s 11 Poot.spe. $550 Carpor1 646 OtOO 646-6219 OK. S675 8•0·6607. Bachelor apt • Dover What it rnmns far your ad ffJ be "clossif ilJd" $1500 mo 731·0443. xurystu lo,1pa, a1e1te 752·5822or641·t460. --·--·------•----------1 Shores, non smkr $350 558•1193 TV, sauna. 1 meld aerv~, Light Brite. Airy & Brand 2Br. 1'"18a. $375 mo. + mo Ulll pd Ask lor phones. 1 t5/wee .. Flreptac:e. pool, pvl patio New 2 Br. 2 Ba. lrplc. $375 dep, Cp1s, drps. nr Ginger 11 641-6666 Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 At99·2227. & dshwther )( lg 1&2 & mtcro. 2 car garage, Beach Blvd & McFed· Ba. !amity rm S 10001mo. 11._..11 llid 3111 garden apta on E/stde po o I . 1 pa S 8 5 0 den No pets. 893·4894 ,_L_e_u_e._64_4_·6_9_7_7 ___ , ••••"••••••••••••••••• from S..60. 557-2841. 557·2380, 545-.3115 2 Br. 2 Be 15251mo lst Beaut. Balboe Cov .. 3 br, THE Spacious 2 & 1 Bl $425. & last ptua Oeposlt $200 3 ba exec ho me, pvt 3 Br. 11h 8 a S 4 7 5 . FllHI 6 IEW OllMI 214 Por1tend. 960·4•38 beach & dock S2500 Laundry lac., pool 1 & 2 bdrm condoml· 2 Br. 2 Ba. Apt avail now Mary Ellen 952·2025 ''~ooo 548-9656 nluma each with auto· Patio smell yerd slngle CHARM! 5 br, 3 ba HVH. g _ •2 Br. 1 ea. Newly refur· matlc 2 car garage, llr• v•ra'g• dlahw~•hJlL ~ cfr&. & ffvt. -~----bl~ ~96/mo. Ho pJa_ca. • .a~ path>. w1 er pefd 1 chlld Oii. no 2 Br I 'h Ba Townhouse Slyte AClulls pref • no pell $At5 0 /mo 548-2682 t Br Ve<salltes Penthse on court, $5'40/mo. 213/687-3292 bus 2.1.31381 ·.5900 LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br l rplc. pallo, adulu $ 1050 675-6359 . llghls, Jacuu l $1,700. LIFE'' pete 833--11974. dishwasher , 11 c pel s s 5251 mo 6-40·2523, 833·2375. '495·t51~5l··lt0t 545-2000 Anant, no lee. l4951mo 2 er 2 81. • ,,_ .. ____ _.----12 Br plus Oen wlhot l ub, ftA".ftOUND FUN: AplS. Beamed celling , tll72 Monrovia B••ldft.• J . \ tennis & pools. steps to frptc, garage, teundry rm. Cos M 31 • 2 Br 2 Ba twnhs. gar. No pets 1912 Wallace "2" $475. 831·3671 -__,; = beach. $850/mo Ag1. Social Ac tlvltlu Aval!. June. ta esa .. !!~!~~' .......... ~! .-r---....,,. •••• ,_i64i2i·3i8i5i0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~ ~r: ~ ~ ~r • Fret TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 -S.-2-5-·$_4_3_5_/m-o-. 2-B,-1-B-11-.1 STUDIO CONDO • Frplc, • 111 Bn.snch•BBO's• •Clean 2 Br MecArthur apt beamed cellln~ relrtg, patio, ep1, across Westcllll area 2 Br 2 Ba 0•••1t• • H p................. Vig s T II ......., " ' l rom bch S4 7 5 mo upper w/lrplc, relrlge. -11 l~T _,,... ...... .. .A. enn • ,,....., laundry rm .. pool Ava t. 962_4914 Clrapes pool. SSOOlmo c organized Your 11d 1s c11Agori~ed within • epec1fic clau1f1c1t1on Buyers c•n quickly and M1ily find wh.at they're looking for, 10 your •d gets bett.e~ responte ""r-mud! m«e. spa. $800. Ael ults. July. Clll tor appt. S45.o302 Spend 2 WHl\I o r • Q" I AT 762·.5822 or 641·1480 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 lnlH Jiff -------- month • owner llexll>le • " I C " I A TI 0 N ; •---------I $500I 2 & 1 8 • ••••• ••••••• • ••••••••• If• Cl••t•I• 311f J I 0 •uguat Marve T e n n I • • F r • e mo . a. up llM..,.•n • • • ••••• • •••• •••• • • • • • u Y r " · • ( & per unit, enclad garege. """' Adult Sch studio. Stv, tous home with th• llneat ltaeOnl pro pro patio. 111 bft·ln1, laundry IOOIPAIOY relr'"· ut1••. $275. • ... ,.. oaaan & b e y vi ew. ahop)"2 Heelth If it's got wheels COnd 1 'V ... ~ S2. 750/mo. Barbara Clubl•Seune• 'II it rm. t Br. o. apac ous. mo,,..ln. 498-8452 Aune 6"2·8235 (E-411) Hydro~ YOU move TSL Mgmt 842·1603 new. xlnt toc atlon. --------- Swimming-Goff faster tn·a WTSlll u so1mo. 115!>-1833 A,.tt•••t• hral••-' onvtno Range Daily Piiot ••2Smo 2 °· t·~ ... '·o_r_a_n_o_•_tr_e_e_1_11_r _c_o_n_d_o_. ., U.J1r. 1Hf 81 AU TIP UL ClaSSlfl~ Townhouae.~ard, o:': . .,,o unit, t lC, OW, pool, ••••••,••u······,.··,••••••• AP ART Iii IM TI: ..,,,. por1. all bit-Int, amaH pel tennis, )ao. Avlll. July 5. s In g 1 ... , & 2 ad. Call ok. Wont lull S..75. 675-1434 YILUIE :-c'J=~~1~00'-:;:: , 64a f2r·l~laynd .. r~~ M1gmbta -~:·~_.3 ~~~-~~t .. l!ff Pe11•Mod• a pen .,."" .. "" ..... -.,,..,, -·-lllT deity 0 to e. ad-visor will petlo, encl. gar. EJSlde. -2 Br 1 Ba. Newport Height•, Old CU i lom ·--------· charmer. open beama, oak floora, aptlt lavtt. Oakwff• help you turn l500 540-3eee ~<f .. ~·~t: =t .... Ti OUr WhfflS Ntw c arpets, drapu, '°"lton In town, t>r .. th- New 1&2 belrm. luxury apll tn 14 ptena. 1 Bdrm from $515, 2 belrm ll'om 1570. TownhouH from 1840 + pool•. ttnnl•. w1terfall1, pondal Oaa tor oooklno & h .. llno paid. From San Oteoo Fr wy drive Nort h o n 8"Ch to Mded<Mn to 8 eawlnel Vtllagt l114)19)-l1M. For Ad Action Cal a H75tmo. 43" Cat•llna. N .8 . 5 4 8 ·4 380 , 83 t-5478. 404-0305. Daly Plot .pectacutar vtew. lrM\eC. s bdrm, •1~ be. ' ••OfY BR 2.B• E•etblun, •VI July 15. $1200 mo. &40-9019 AD• "101\D 3100 aq ft. Oen. gounnet 11'1\lft kitchen, Catllecfral eel· palnt. Adult, large 2 Br. 1 Ilk._...._._ all buMI tna ......... ntO Ca Sh. 81. upatalra WHttlde. h I ";'1 •;;e· p o .0 1 : """" ..... ,... 1011~hw•.nr· •:o.~~~: 1ub.·garageJ.._•levetor. MO lrvi 0 ng, r ..,.. •. ' lMH only. NSO & up M LI*~ M\"'9t 19t on a tton. Simo. 111. IHI & 330 Cliff Qr°. 494-8083 •. (at 18th) Tuftet, •long ot1ne • aeo. 64$-4150. (714) &46-1104 aplder tnd tHd In tll• 2 Br Duc*X enctld oe-Oo9en fl'ont, ll8CllUdtd i. ........... /... Delly Piiot ClaHUled a:G SH e Bernard rve 2 Br. 3 la. In old Whet a WonclerfUI WOftd 1100 18th St. wotton llbOUt Mi. MUt· imo sst-000 1 · med. viii• on o11tt over of lhopp lno . r19t1t et tet'e 1""9' Ind _.,. It · IOOIC~ OCWI. Slept lo 'fOAll It!.,_ ~ (Dover It 19th) for at.II. fou aen Mfl LatO-3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· private bHOll. Leaded Dally Piiot ClaHlfled (714) &42·&113 your tuttet and Iota of houee In qui.t oomptu, windowt, 3 frplo'a, 0.. Acta. To plao. your !Ml, 642·5678 llng l..A. 8ep. D .A. 2 •-lllli-lii-lliitiiill-• I fpa1. Ou1door Jao. 12800 mo. lncludlna g~. 1--------..,.. Cl•llflecl Ade 642-MTI 71"-t73-a102 M ldte Item. 8'2·M 7t other thtno• through terge poot, garo., Mt· med ct tllnga, many caft "42·11111 and let a Otlly Piiot CIHtlflect ting. HOO. US-33111, trtta. tatsOJmo. yrty. Cl111lfled Ad-VleOr Mlp ~ c.11 t4t-M11 11&-6f48 &40-M2t you. Oz Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tueaday, June 22, 1882 --------- Dis variety of fine sEhools and IUlps ooold introdooo you to a new tomomw Forfurther informalion reprdlDf advertising pleoement in the Sehoole a lnatruction1 Directory -call Louile GrUlith 642-5678 ext 330 SUMMER SCHOOL YllD PmSSltl SCtllll learn How to use Wang, IBM 056 & 01splaywr11er Xerox 860 c .. 014) 5568 ~ Triilf, ,,.__ Aaitm Dty1•h ... •W..,, UIN MOii MOHIY Become a Word Processing Speelallst Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION 2232 S E. Bris101-S~~fi~Ln11 Ana. <.;1 92701 A ...... ol(Mt_lllCl__,-l_ •• ._ &,,.,. to It A TRAVEl AGENT Morning, afternoon & cvenln1 classes . P ac;/Jc :J,.av.f / . 'Scfwof 61 0 l 17th St. S.... Aite 17 I 4J 543.9495 ltt.iltllfll ltU Finan~al Aid Pro1r1m1 Arcrechttd by thti Accrediting Commiu lon of the Na., tlonal AssO<'iation of Tradr & Ttchnlcal Schools Summ1r School Summt'r Camp 0 al~t Jfatrmont &dtool ORA.VCf. C:ot N1'Y'S OLDf:~i " f'l:'\f:sr />RIVt\Tt: ~Cll<XIL Rem.dlal or Accelerated Classes T~_.wllM ••tll-. 1557 W Mable. Anabe1m Phonr ;74 tu~2 , .................................. , ............................... llliiiij ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DAY CARE 7 A.M.-6 P.M. *** PLANNED ACTIVITIES • • : PRIVATE TUTORING : • • :e lnstructionll Services: : • • : Reading * Math • Study Skilla : e 'ten Preparation. • • • • • : • Tutom1 clstilctives: : SCHOOL'S OUTI CAMP'S IN! FOR A FUN Flllm SUMMER TREASURE ISLAND DAY CAMP ln itt 11th yeot Call 545-5145 or 760-0907 -F~ee transportation DI attd *** MAPL~ AVE. : •M y of&e or Your home : e • Day or evening appts. : •• Hot ... --.-11 lJchg •• ;s,.. loller 511..... • • .,~ leocllO.....,. DAY CAMP CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (COSTA MESA) • All Ages • All grades • •Individual or small group : • Daily, weekly, monthly or • Ath-H •ulc• .,., Hfgh Scholastic Rothtg • TrocltlOMI 3 R't Small Claues • ~ IC-9 when needed. : ShN'yHn. b cwtloM ''G (714M;35-7892 848-4334 751-4524 9"1 Y.tlhnA"· l•lrlvlMd ,,.. w ol 8'ooldVll. -1 IO~ ...... ~ IRVINE TUTORING CENTER 4654 Barranca Parkway Irvine • • e Retd Tripi -.,._ ., lowtielJ -tU-5440-._ ........................................... .... • • • e • FOf Info Call Mr. Aoblnton 551-5646 • ········••e••••••ee••·······- CHRIST LUTHERAN SCHOOL Openings Available ln New lst Grade Session and Kindergarten r·--------------------------------, 1 lnterna~lonal Youth Soccer 1 ~ announce• It'• 1 ~ accepting appllcatlona for lta 1 SUMMER SOCCER CAMPS : for Glrl1 and Boya agea 6-17 yra. I July 11-23 L•gun• Nlguel; OeHnvlew I High Sehl, Huntington Be.ch I July 21-30 Lagun• Nlguel, Huntington Be•eh I Aug. 2-8 Lagun• Nlguel, Unlveratty High I Sehl, trvlne I Aug. 9-13 Lagun• Nlguel, trvln• I Aug. 18-20 Laguna Niguel 1 Aug. 23-27 Lagun• Niguel I I We offer an outstanding coaching ataff of proftHlonal coach•• and player• from I ,,,, .. 11, S3S ........•..•.......... Linda & Vicki's PllOTI MlllLI HOHTl/IAllOlll OUTCALL 24 HRS. 881-0207 *** Atl11tis Parlor Open 24 hrs a d•y 7 days a-k Jacuul. Sauna. Locals aa well as touri sts. BankAmetleard, Master Charge. American EK· presa, Diners. All wel- come 714/645-3433. 2112 Harbof Bl. CM !!!1..'!!!.'!!. •••• !.1.f!! .!!I.!!!!.~~ ••.• !.'.! !•.'1..'!!!.'.~ ..•. !.'.~ OLERIO&L/PUT TIMI! GENERAL oioF1ce-Mu11 Le;cl Sec~ Looking for Interesting type 45WPM, trainee work? Typing no shor-OK, llTI company, good PART E 2 to eve-thand. 8-Noo~ Ole. on be n • 111 s. Ca I I Ann nlngs per week for over- p C.H. 846-7431 642·9363 flow. 5 PM to? Litigation experience Non-smoker OIPY TYPIST Hardware clefk, •Kperien· only Newport Center lrvlne •d agency haa ced m~~329 _5_4_6-_3_7_3_3 ____ _ newly cr•aled po1lllon, L I S. .J reporting to lraftlc. Mu11 Host M/F part-time. dan· 11• ''•••'Y have hlgn profeealonal ce & travel club. Earn $$ Newport Cenler Real standards & ucellent have fun. Frank or Riie Estate Litigation Firm proofing 1klll1. Work 960-6866 Of 542-9047 needs eKperlenGed Legal rut-paced but tun to Secy Xlnt typing. diet•· work fOft Mary 979-7000 ln,r/0..,1111• phone & 1horthand a STRONG ANO HEALTHY must Salary open COSMETICIAN Lk:'d. for non-1mok•r for older 640-6960 I/time makeup poi. In man Live In. 675-8067 ---------top Npt. beauty salon Live-In tor healthy elder1y c a I I : Laur 8 , llSIWCE lady. pvt rm & bath 213-274-8575 FGS has opening• for 673-8262 N.B. "A CARING SCHOOL WITH A CHRIST-CENTERED EDUCATION" Extended Day Care Available 548-6866 I Engt•nd, Europe, United 8tatH. Pr .. r•olatretlon le a muat. Call tor frff brochure I 131.1121. I I We otter • n rtety of aoccer tr•lnlng programs avallable from beglnnen to ad'f•nced. I I Stl per chlld pet' .... 1on. ,THm r•t" •lao avellable. For tree broottur• and tufttMlr COUNTER HELP wanted. np'd lndlvlduala to ser-llllmUllCl Your Car Reflects You exper or will train. Ory-vice Personal Line accts. Sm mfr needs Janitor C I W & Oetall Cleaners. 30846 Coast Mutt have gd oral & with mechanical apll· 790 Vletorl• Coate Me•• L tntorm•tlon on pre-registration contact •rue. Hand. OlredOf 131·1721. I us om ax writlen communlcalion Reu • Tony 547-8241 Hwy, So Laguna. sllllla. Salary commenw-tude. carpentry skllts & knowledge of lawn ma1n1. ---------------------------------h••UN•ntl Siii Profesalonal Man 36 COUNTER HELP • for rate w/exper. & ability. Apply In pereon· 1020 w s .. k1 r•aponalble al· cleaners from gAM-SPM Pd. co. benefits. Advan· 17th St. CM tractive young Woman 10 Mon-Fri, eppty at: 306 cement potentlal. For ---------111\are waterlront estate. Old Newport Blvd. N.B. appl .. call: Paullne. MEDICAL, F/ltme. front .....................• BUSINESS ~TV pool, boat, etc. In ex-COUNTER HELP. Mllure,_54_9_-_11909 ______ ofc. position. Mleslon chang• for aom• light per·ion, cafeteria style lllllAr Viejo. Reel's mectk:at a. houMkeeplng. occulo-r•t. Racquetbell Heelth -etatarlal eKper. loc:ludlng naf babysltllng. Selary Club In Irv. Evening""'"·· FGS hu opening In Re-In 1 u ran c e b 11 11 n g posetble. Call 840· t1711. .---newal Dept. for penon to 495-1060 MOBILE $· 10. Mon-Fri, Sat 9.3 quole & followup on re----------..... 4llf Jnt1J1 II ftue 4300 Olfitf lt•tll f4(JO Olfltt l1•tll 4f00 llJ1~/lUHU DOG GROOMING UNIT COEDS • Would IOve to 973-0838• 9"" newels Auto rating or MODELS for lingerie E;;:s~~: • ·c·.: :.· •F•u• ;; • ::1: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •DES~ G NE RS·. • ·a·r c•h• l•t::. ·, ,·, It• 11/1 4 ~so 111-0211 poarrtyK wla tthh Yyoua .n Cy at Ill msuee. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii underwriting •KP. pref' d. sh o P. o ver , 8 Pref' d . ....., "" ... . Rlal• hi ~ • •• • • • • • ••" HLIYEllY • • .. _ Excell salary & bonus. 548-6444, Scanty Pa.nty room and balh. Retrlg. grap c artists. furnished .. • • .... • ... 953-9363 ...,_ 1 12115. ---offices to share Incl H ltl.FCHISE MONEY BACK • SOI Govt i---------P/llme •ves & wknda. Pd. co. benelita lndudfng MODELS 673-75« ROOMMATE SEAV warehouse Ne;..port 4 bdrm hOUMI nr RIVER· lax relund to all Call!. f11n/ S4SO Npt. IO San Clem. area. co. pd. dental plan. Auditions held June 16. Moving? Avoid deposits. Beach 642-8222 SIDE. 1570 per mo resldente whO worlled In ...................... Earn up to $8. hrty. ConJ8C1: Jerry, 54M909 R1ttl11J.1l1/1 4100 Cut living expensesl Water and Gardener 1n. 1979. Send SASE to: SOI Western Airline Ticket. 497~188 Jeff Af1emoon JANITOR . pan-time eves. W•dnesday. 81 6 pm •••:;; ·;.·••••••n•••••• Third Off for June 01 TIE WATEI cl'd. 714-552·9393 aft 4 Tex Refund. PO BoK LA to Alaska Good till or eve. M 0 n . F r I ~~~~~·2 1N!·0~d fir -11 • l 833 Dover Or Ste 2. NB Dix exec . .suite, 2.012 sq t l064, C.M. 92626. Aug 11• '82 Paid 1350. 7 30PM 11 30PM Ml Wkly rentals now avail. 131-1332 •• n1LU ,, Newport Arches Ma-PALM SPRINGS • L911ely B ·~ SIZO wanl $150. 548-9265 aft. HIT.. sJ: • : ~ S· Motet 1105 & up. Color TV. EIECmYE rlna Bid 642.-4644 2Br, 2Ba. $550 mo Rent 'Ml,.., 6 -on Viejo area. hr ...... EIS c-> Phon•a In room. 2274 Share Condo with Protess g. or buy. Ag\. 752-873 t •• •••••••••••••••• Recpt., ortho offc Expr lii54iti -i33i1i1i aifti 6iPittdiiiiiiiiii -"'"'• __ .;.._~-----IA Father Is someone you exp'd. for 31 unit motet Newport Blvd. CM person 1285 111 last Sim NEWPORT BEACH look up 10 no matter E.•llntHt nee. Xlnt wage & bnfts. 1 n o ans pt c a 11 646-7445 de p 6 4 1 -4 8 2 5 or "Turn Key" Office $390. l•1/an1/l•n1t/ how tall yoo grow He •• ~ •• ~.-.............. Nwpl Boh 640-0121. JOIN A SUCCESSFUL. 493·1546 I•-« lt•llll 4zoo 966-8479 ~.~0t~r~~r~ "Branch" o ffice 175. fnuu wa1ches over you. c.res {!~! •• '!.'!.'.~ .•.. !.~{! h9fil hH. Ste. ~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Male r mmate share 3 c Bk Seminar meeting rooms •••••••••••••••••••••• because you are his P/llme secretary w/reat Enthu·'aatlc, etfl'"'--1 & Be one or ou-600 In· 111•irs AllES UYFlllT bdrm hSe In Irvine Bdrm Wiiiiam ote. r. nourly Typing. malling, IHiatll child. You walk, talk. estate exp Npt. Bch. organ~ed w/bkp'g"."~xp dependent ~;. agents "' 4 bdrm, 4 bath, sandy unfurn. $200 mo plus '."i 114/lll-1111 phones. Call for Info tt.Mrlw•i"' SOOS run, play. He leaches area 673-8tt8 4 day wk . C Mesa selllng products of Tne Conv ·long term care beach, pier & flo at utlt 55 1-3t56 752"6408 ••• -Jt'5"; ••••• a........ you. "God Is Love"-546-3000 Thot o M pn co exp req'd Excell wor- 16000 for August Biii 3 oflice 850 sq ft suite you-HIS CHILO Receptionist/Hostess Full --------pi~r In ~afty ~~ king conds. & benefits 0 1 · JFem rmmle 2 BR apt avail . or 400•800 sq 11 SWIMMING Pool Cheml· • Esther Cole . lime. SS hr. N.B./ Irv. lmAL WllTAIT """"" Fttlme, 7-3.3-0. 3-11:30 · rundy, Rltr. 6 S-6161 prl~ ba. s29'5 plus h utlL •n-AlllPORT AllU. designed 10 suit. Clllzeos c al service lie. Costa area. Leigh 553-10011 Dynamic, patient Oflenl· vertlslng •Ince l8ll8. 714-642-8044 Of apply in S,..t•Hllll •••• 996-2001, 642-9702 1200 or 600 sff, 90c per Bank Bldg 301 E 17th Mesa area No eKp nee. £111' ,, .. , !1300 Bil• w .. tH 110G ed N.B. practice need• ~t;~~vf:t~ ~r~~:; person 466 Flagship Summar rental. Splral Rmmale wanted 10 live In sfl Mo 10 mo or lease SI. C.M. Contact John Wiii train ~SO,OOO lull •••••••••••••••••••••• •••'•••••••••••••••••• bright, motivated, eothu· celendara, apeclally ~Rd~·~· ~N~B~~~~~~ stairs, skyllghta. 2 BR hse In CM. For Mullan Realty. 540-2960 Walsh 979-4200 amount req d. Wiii net ANSWERING Serv. Fl slastlc team member. Items and uecutlve gifts = frple, Pvt IPL t•~ blks further Info call Cindy · · S40.000 plus. Call col-time, P/tlme ahifta avail. ROA Of comparable ell· to thOuMnda ot buslnea-Oflalte inltaller. Some beedl. Weekly. 855-t743 546-7900 IUnlFILm IHi•n • l1•t•l 4450 ~~t.d ~~n-Fr~. _ ~·~ :.r FOUND ADS No eKp. nee. 35wpm ty· per. ..1 a r y open. ses wno advenlM by gl· light woodworking expe--LY im••s M t F. Pleaaant, q ui et HWPOH CE R ••••E·w··,.····,••••••••••• 408_867_0111 ARE [ p i ng req 'd . Call : __ 64_6_-2_4_8_1_. _____ 1 vlng gltts to their cuato-rlence. Must have truck """" -With use or reception, • R llnllL FR [ 760-1000 EOE mars Thia Is your big 646-0229 A\lall. now. 1350 week twnhse Costa M esa cont. room, kllch, phone. Xlnt loc on Pee. Coast GRAPHICS CENTER DENTAL ChalrakSe Aul. opp~rtunlly for good --------- up. Agt. 675-8170 '63212_ 5 5963P l us ., ulll secretarial & word pro-Hwy Ideal high vtslblllty Od loc. NB/CM . All Call: BABYSITTER needed IOf Npt. Bch. 4 day wk. EJCp oomm1oe1~· and cont!-IPNITHITT o ccasional wknda & or prol. school tralnl"iJ .... ~.. ••-is u-BEACON BAY FOR AUG. ---------cesslng Mall & message business slle. Approx. equip. low overhead. wkdys. C.M. 751•8962 pref'd. 64s.-3535 nued Income from repeat RU"r" - Huge 4Br home. Steps to 2 bdrm. 1 ba apt NB. serv. avall seperately If tOOO sq ft. 645-7100 com pl. training Xlnt eva orders. Comlnlsslons are We are ACI PARKS & pvt bch & Balboa. Vaca-$330, .,., ut lls Eves desired Call Judy •---------oppty. Low dn & terms. 142-Hll ---------1 DENT. Asst. Ortho. Npt. paid Immediately. If you ~ESORTS & -are see-llon w/atl the lux Avall 675-0601 Fred. 7t41760-0100 Lease and Own ·63~1_::·5:::5'..'..7:._7 _____ , _________ ,BABYSITTER . Sun, Bch. 4 day M-Th. EKper. want Independence end klng4hlghlymottvated& J 1y 21 A 21 $4000 -Church. 2 hr1. S 10. Mrs & ROA req. 642-2626 a selling car-contact : prolesslonal sales peo-u • UO · N-smkr M/F 2 BR hse EKec olllce: 705 E Bal-Owner deslres partner to ll•••r. ti i... SOZS Found: M Shltzu. teether Byera, 759.1122. evaa J h M 1 p pie tt 8 Chance of ma· for mo. Call Robin (Agt) Balboa Pen 1350 plus ·~ boa Blvd Nr Bel boa lease 7500 ft of new ••••• •••••••••••••••• collar. vie. Atlanta & 67s-1174 DRIVERS 25 yra ot age 7° n557orr3•0•09Y6 • Chone .,1"" 140.000 per year or 646-7276 u111 875-9677 Theatre 525 sq 11, space In Hun1. Beach. PlllYAn •n N~"and. H.B. 53,,,2078. Gd. driving record. 14• • · osta .., .. ., $425/mo. AU .. balh Lease guaranteed • a ,...., .,. 494-1067 Mesa . Orange Co. Air-more & full company be-2 bdrm furn hou96. Nice 28 yr old nonsmkg prof. t hi 1 60 $10.000 & up Tom Banking ---------I port Hollday Inn, 3131 neflts appeals lo you. lamlly area Steps to man seeks rmmte lo stir 675-3600 percen owners P n • 642-9'914 Lost: Cit. Tabby fem, F/C Bkk~, fyplat fOfl'.A Bnstol St., COsta M.... 1nen you have what - beacn. lhopa. "Best baa·~. tum 3 br Bluffs 65t-U:J.41857~11t 000 sq ft bldg ctow to •---------• "J&1mlne". vie Shor•· TD.Liii 01 I B •• be C Ill 92626 want. Cell for your per-"' beach No down pay· llt;;::J,lf' 11, frHt cllfts. CdM. 760-6057 8111 Exnarlenced. Part time c. n · ... ust eK· a · -!Is 1t1n open. From condo In NB. $375/mo. •EW-llT IUCll c 11 M B --~ "v per. F/llme. 536-3793 aft ~~~~~~~~~! eonal lntervl-. Aak for s.400 wk 575-3148 +'A uttls. 720-1744 '"" ment. a r. rvvoo.s at I 5035 I.oat Tan German Sh•· <20 hrt wk.). and full time 5PM 1~ Mr Scnuler 547-9172 Executive office In Can-214/596-2105 •••••••••••••••••••••• phard. H.B. SlOO Ra-poslllons. Huntln,ton ---------1 •-....... N.,..PORT Bc•c H nary VIiiage, S450tmo , I.I •• ...... 1r1 Savin a & Loan 967 Find what ~t In -'' "'" ""' Broker 675-4912 C1aa11t11/ • _, •1o& ward. 898-2434 dya. g · Cleaeltled Adi 942-6878 Dally Piiot a. Wan1 Ada Call &42-56711 2 bd~~~~R~~~~~.M~ •-... ~,. <2131m1013 ~w~·~~~·~H~.B~.~~~·~,r;::::::::::====~~~==~~~~~======~-'*'* and Newport Pier. $2!50/mo. Lori 646-7310 l1at.J1 441S '""'• -· ' • -• llell 7 ~.fc. Airport e:ecup18[' •• •••••••••••••••••••• spec1a11z1ng '" 1•t a 2nd Lost 3182. Blk 1009 haired !... ~ !.11'"t .. ~ru22Judly RMMTE Wanted. Shr or's repa sattel te IFFIOE .. •P TO'• alnca 1949 ~·t. 1100 "'-rd. Cal'_. ...,,/IMM Ip, ....... """ ... rnu n . ...... .... A br tw h~··-I sales off .. desk ~· Full R ... s tt..... NHtc•• -,._.,... ..... N B " Aug 28 thru Se t IS ......... .. n ~ n ~~·.or no "rllla. ,_,,ant In newer bldg on Cout ou.. 8 "" "" "Meatball". 673-8972. ewport HC publlc &4&-r P · Npt. Sec .. pool S250 75g:11978 " ;-Hwy, s outh Laguna. AP-R.E. Brolllr 8d Aeallora --------relat1on1 firm Mekl de- '.168 plus ullla Patr i c e, l---------I prox 500 aq. n. Excel-642·2171 ~5-0611 ~l'DIH I"~ pendabte lndlvldual to 2 Ir. t ... furn. 'h block 714-861-111« days s Laguna. Coast Hwy at lent privet• parking _fft IALll _.)\inftlft!L£.l..l-inltotLJl;aalc::....boolc~~ ~~a~225:":...~ OlflN lnl~I 3 Arch Bl!Y.....500...sQ..JL ~nd bldg S5t5 . Notn wllh e faca v.lue 'NSWERS ~!~~l~::~:a :~~·:~~~y' •••••••••••••••••••••• -w4977o_o2o3d5 t hwy vlslblllly Turner Assoc 484-1177 01 171.250. $ t lS,OOO & ft 87$-3571 or 851-0431 1617 WestcJlff. N.B. Want JOl.lrnala. Muat htve pr1or Rlctt. flnanclal Inst 7000, I. H B. ofc &tor Indus\ apace $215,000 eecured by 111. Goblet· Raven exper and b• eble to Quiel olllce In CdM with avail. For lse starting at T.O.'s on 1+ acr•• of Cameo · Mlaaal work wtth our accoun-10 ate,. Tt lid t 11 · f 100 r · Age n 1 pvt bathroom Approx S450 mo. 847·9954 ocean view property In MOVIE tanta. $1.000 per mo to Ocean v!.w-turnlsned. 2 54 l -5032 175 sit No maintenance San Juan Capl1lrano Of\.lnk1 In front of Ilona' 1 u rt. Ra I. p re I 'd BR or 4 BR. Rented by 520 sq. ft. 1 1 oo per sq. $225tmo Call Lyndy STHE/IFFIOE ar•a. Wiii discount to cage: "I'm leevlng," aaya 714-720-0941 the weelc Bellow maftcet ft., 3975 Birch .• N B 675-231 t 300 sq It. Foot traffic. yl•ld 20%. Meturlllee In one. "Not me," repllea -------- r at•. Own r I a gt . Agent 541-5032 Oritwn Laguna 494-5&811 18, 2~ & 35 months. th• o111er drunk. 'Tm MAT ILUlmAI 848·45$7 or 962-2305 ' lttltra tfflct lntereat paid monthly. gonna stay for th• Mu1t ba •KP•rlenc•d. ava. L•b space, 7,000 sq fl 900+LAGU,NAldBEA$900cH, CALL 714/640-4404. MOVIE." Want P•rman•nt •m· Near Hoag Hoapltal aq t b O mo 1---------1---------1 """'-928 w 1111 s Ideal ror a small small O.borah, agt. 497·~94 Found: Sundey. N9w r.. ,.....,_ . t t. WE:.STCLIFF BLllG "f WP(JRT BEACH OoMn 11tew: 2 br. 2 be, ~ MC. l)'I\., llllty furn. "400/wk. 499-5304 ,,,.,. ... , .. "" •••••••••••••••••••••• OCIANR'ONT 2 &. 4 8'. • AV911. now,· w.-1y 1'!ru unt'I*. en.1m. • .A ••• ~ -...... .. ..... I •••nntHalrr/ lament Blble, La Pu & C.M. uusneaa 645-2 ttt /a,Hlri1/ Jt8fl.l#fl 405 F-. M.V. 831-3432 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...................... ,.,...11.1 .. , Ftlnlll YALLn N.B. 3975 Birch. 5600 aq. '-1 I 1Hllll FOUND: Mala 1r1tt1 Setter, lllYUllll Prime oflloe 18CWty IOCe· ft. or lau. MIA zon•. •••••••••••••••••••••• P\lr9br9d, approx. 3 yrs., College atudent1. Full led dlrectly acro11 from Agent 64t-5032. ....,..,..,..,. 1111 vie. c .M. 545-1091 time po1. fOf Iha avm· Civic Center 1a1y ac-•••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• mer. Nead aggrt H lv• OHi to hwyl, llexlble $775 up. 2180 ft. lndu· Lat.Go Of AlcOflOlleml FOUND: Doberman pup-peraon to gtther lnfof· o fl laa su 11 .. from llrlal • Office. 18081 Re-Don t let elcOnolllll'I ~ py. tarn.. S moe. Old. V\c. mat Ion In 0,. n 0 • 235-1430 aq ft . For ad-dondo Clrcl• #!Hunt• you 10 Nlf·dMtrvotlofl. Dana Pt. 881-0707, County.8ullMle8'11te& dltlonat Info call lngton, Beach. 942·2~. ~ go & llVe a llfe of 496-9495 c. I muat. Oon1act: I.Ola __,.__ ____ ..:;....;~• l.Y ... IM, Tti• prl o• l a rlOhtl tobrlaty with Iha help~ -Founct.--.-.,-ng-... -bladc--flm-• 0"'!?_!,!-t.11 149-1110 1000-1100 aq rt. Cell tor t11e Moorinoa. Wttn a cat, apayed, wor'IMCI, 811 _...., l 1 M, t-4o ward f.4~ 6101 ..... lffllll'ft det1111. &15-8251 1\ltlonally recoonlzed anot1. 'To good '"'"'· ~~~~!!!!!~~~ "°"' 1 room to 3 rooma. llWP .. T NltalU •-•-• .., -a ~..-outpatLant treatment 946-5471 WT• trrom 11.1e a , tt. No ... 0 ft -IQ• .,,.,.. ......, cwogram, you never need 01 leete ,..qUlred dJ. Air· .... aq. · prime nee. •••••••••••••••••••••• to be tlolP"eltnd m1e1 FOUND: I.Qt whit• Sa· nlng room, .full lime, porter Inn, 2172 ~t. ofltca apace. Merk l.ooklng for untum 3 br time rrom woni. fir time moyad. CO..t ~ NB. •xpar'lenoed only. 11 hr • ... --... ~AA Cati AM. 833-3223 1173-6806. • 8Pt or condo wl eftCIOMd from your ltmlly Met· Cell to ld«ltlfy. 879-2110 for prtwte country c:IUb • ...., __ ..._ • ...,..,..._. 300 ft gatage !or 3 male 0C nlna a ewnl1'Q pnig,.,.,. C8" attar 3 pm. Inter• ~ ~ ~ B'YfRONT S300~mo 2 ornc. t!Yite. a1uder1ta. No lf'llOklng, avillebte a lnaur1nce Fount d.s::~ck '11 Wlhh811• vl•w• Wad thru lun. OfftOmlllr ... ow. n M • drinking or pertyl~, apprOW9d ma e zu. t. Phone "'4·~ ::.:::n~l!1~ PrUM offlOe. 873-1003 ark 973 ·MOe. = ~!n8f'Mci1't!y 'peo: Tll ill-I Coate M.ea. 973•5904 CASHIER Flllm• po11. --· M1·.... CdM cb aul1•. A/C, ample L•••• .... IWI twlft, i.ooet lemlly. ,,... ~~ t· un:,., °'U. F~: f~::. ~ = :n•a 0i:c.ri:r. '=: '*O· uttl pd 2.855 E. Cat awn., dnlr• partner to .. ~I (1t4)861-tl29. a';;' " lngtOn 8ch. HO-OM1 c;S Waefl 2110. Herbor Hlwy, M9S. 17M800 l•H• 71100 rt of new ' ,., C'l 1 •s1 M c-Metl 2110 at. aull• apace In Hunt. leach ~lltlle Ledy needa W 1 ·1111 I.OST: lmall,::O: leUn-_ll_ .. _CM _____ _ ACnoN 1111mo. w lnc1d. 779 L .... eu1tant••d • a room 3• day• a w .. k. •~ ~ :,• : = Chlldc1t9: NllCI met~ Oii 1 w 1ttft I t. 861-8928 ~cent owntitlhl!> In eo. ~ BeaCtl 0t ~ ""' YO\f ~ • ~1 Perti oar Coeta Mell. women. 3 ~ • ..- • •~ sq " b4dV ctoee 10 ~ AecllY to P.O. IOk Ollltfftld ldt Wilt point ....._ ~ .... 1 .... 11. my home. PWll'lln«ft • ._ IUltH, tun Hrv., beacn. No clow11 pay. 2t18, Mliaion Vllto, CA ~ Ill the fta'IC c11r1ctton .---'" ._ «U41n ~ .• ,,,....iy re-ment. cal Mr lfoolca It t2l90 to thtd I fto"" you ............ ii..,, .,_,,No 1 ... 7&4-927• 21•15"-2101 need... aau•• • • " .... • ) ) INTBD ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor r'outes in HuntingtOn Beach, Fountain Valrey & Newport Beach • • • CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Mlllt. \ OrancM Oceat DAILY PILOTm.day. Junt 12, 1111 l*.liti .... 1.~ -.llMC .... 1!tr 11*.fM"' .... 1.ttr "~t IMf '-"'1 ........... 1.'!ff 111. ... ~ .... "-ff •=I ,,,, ~ .• ~.~ ...... ~.'.'!!.!l!W.ttt ....... ~-~~1.!!'A!<~¥. ..... . f'AfllT TM ..... w~00 1 ~ eao to ... • .... • • •11111 WI Pllll IALI I ......... !! ............ 1111!, •'!.II -..-.. ._, l.1ff ,~...__ IWft ........ -. · -I 11 1,_ '-· g., 0 L 'I,..-' U I )t "I I w/ttMO l1IO M0-1171 1.0IT MY ILi' 'II llTI...... ••••••••••••Ti••• ;l";"'.':t':':TioTIT'•••t ••• • .:t:."'.';flr' •••••• r;.-.J ..... """" Ctili WMl -... TIO-ti' 1 •" 10.~ .. ,_ .... MfMI Cle/Ntl, '°' ..... 1 24'' Dru• Cabin C>\llW INutlfUI ~oar Muat & ·1a HO c. Mini DOnd i.w ·u IUI XLMT COMO cM1t Me.HQ lpavl1llty 9eme 1tore ---W ~\Illy eutom111oi flever oeldino & IYf ~ ~·~ Utll •IP Nill ''IOI 117IO 010 mllee. 11,000 New pi1r11, 111nroor: NIT '191 l\U tmlMCI OPl"lno fOf 11Nd1 H9r'CI •ll•@•r 11:.;1~•d 11 OIO. Q•ldlrlg, bo~ trained 110.wo. od-Cllry1tar ~5-7950 d• t\111-lft 1&7 ·50 78 0111tom whl1. 111reo lw. and/Of ---·· en1r11 lelle~ .. ~annan~, ...,alClf, o.11 13144.. w .. tetn. 141·2tll 1IO 141 HNTl.IV Merit VI, '71 "48Z, 4 dr, 8 oyl, 4 t!':·HO~~~=· ~bit ecMi.,""o';f ~:&wtedr.:''ii;i; b~ I• •pm. -'lftl lffif ~;1~'= blk/ l•"· xlnt. oond, •Pd. auto. PS Well • 11, WIUI outl\111\dl,;g ••· for 1811 llM merehM-•-LJM rwlon •fl 1 :ft• J~ •• ..'1.............. · 117. 00. 110•3109. ;',;~~~~:n•d. l 4 &oo. 11' IM 11111 tr11C1t1w l*IOn.tUlei to d"' Ula. Oonteot rr.~.~·•••••••• 1oom,' mioro •r~·u~~~o 0"911. Oold pteoe. 1115. H ' hllY 91rtendar 491-3320· CREVD ltt4 ttt4. lH•Hll work will\ youlh (aj!.. Janet l'OllM M1·6011. &.... ..., a.. onl~ y1ee1 twice wl IH. One handmade gold A11naboul w/reoant In· MGA '81 oomplataly re-...... 11111'"'" •z II 11011 10· \4}. 0•11 •·•ll'M r.:me.m:r.:....... U$ l~U O•H h o . rln~ from l.agun• Art e•n• '3,850 Of ·~ lnle-built "*ltl.,,loally Tvrbo dleeel Altec ad '71 8UPfA Beetl•, od • .. 1~11, t•t sq. !Of ....... ~iwrY1100 ... ~· MOVINO·Mu1t Miii lat• • P' .. lval, 171. Oiw 14kt re1t w/1llp 8kr/Owner 12600. 114..,.0.4050 .. lr1911....., Brown vlnyl '40 oat t~nll. cond 1!.~713 ton ...... to oar....,. o•ln•I "•nt•. ololl'IH, gold naokl1oa tro m 84MOOS la1M.a.r.1oe-1..Ma1no 121,000 ........ '110TO Ortaar Ouk, Qtll eVllY\l'llno trom A lo z. a.-Hf ll'ranklln mint, 171 1tn lrloklln. gullwl!IO ~ .. •~lallze In Euro· 973.73ea 70 ws k datall·r1llable, q111011, no.t111 If! 10 30 t70f lay.we Tatreoa. :':'A":................. t42·1181 alt&, u, ..,,,, i..1 door•. 1 ownr. >Clnt cond. ,._. DallYlfy 1---------1· •In~ ~~,~~ m1~re p1raon tor • Salee· tun/ Mot\/ Tvae 1-15 Pata "R" peopta. lo.r• • .., lf•I QUftl MU 114-6*"69 .... lltf... 11N 4H SL Mlollaal &•0-3446 vv ... y of dlitlea Pnone, •w-~ tide dt~ & Grooming '°<>die ff• ••n '' •••••••••••••••••:'.":.~':' XI d 2 o • ol•r1011. eto. ,,T. 1111. ...._ ......... out • ~.,,, #t., pvpe '°' tale. ea?.eaat •••••••••••••••••••••• July 4'" w.-anc1, Matt-IMIMllM•I lllYIOI ..... lm w~~ C:mbo~~11r1:,C V1Jn 1n1 11ra. NOfl·•ludent~Non· leepaot>' 1iet0t P'oOre.aalwc 11 0••••••••1•••••••••••••• Air ... ''""' nar 40 Ketcn, 1600 fOt ,,.,,,,. "" 111-1111 p 11 11 d 1 F ······•••••••••••••••• ltllkt, AW'i 10-a. unlll• r ev• •o•noy. • ar•o• ala • l.ott or Amerlc•h "t lull, UKO 3 HP. 1 l>hut. 00 gal $'A dya. 87,_8340 •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ~ o 1 • r me. lrm at ~ 1 Ytltt •--'-· Plloto/OrlPlllc1, 330$ &41·87~ OoodlMI 8•t181.1n lo..4 AOBA, 2 mot, old 1 150 vwt A8ME coct. tank. 12 Dodo• Conver1lon 8 w. 111 132,llOO 831·8325 " - Harbor 11 .. commarce l&UI 870 Arbor 81.JNr 18tl'I & Of traG.. ?t4-13MOS8, Haver uMd NH. Term• ... ,,, i.11 1!!f bubble fop. retrlg, chem Cl=•6 Ana #0 1144 11 Ira .. • Oedtfl par IC • I!. 8 • C M • IHI 110 to 1211 hr. Un· Monrovte). C. . Mike 1·772•5390 , H~·a1.;•rj,1;:1;i(,O•~ tollat, """'· Mii. 15600. unday •••••••••••••••••••••• -·- 040·0888 deroovar WHr home #11rtu'111 Chihuahua• AKC, male & Affat ,,.llftr •" offer. Qood cond. ~54 1. dye , ev1 CHOICE INVENTORY '8!1~~:-:1r c;ono Muat ~~llS'LUll~IYIOlll ProdvotlOn Ar111t neec:tad, partle1. I0 .. 114'4 ...................... female, fawn oolor, & mo. •135 875 5202 631-4809, evea. VOl.U&Al.ES 576•2108 -• IHt growing graplllCI Salee Parton mature Pl btl••n IHI old 1148-0411 . • 44' Beaut 8wedlltl llOOC> f n.,i lhlf'ff ''" OVERSEAS DEl.IVERY taolllly, oompllmenttng llma. HIS gltt .nop. • ••••h•••••••••••••••• AKC Reg'd. PVPPI••· Rockwall Woodworking 129,600: 11._0112•370; ,•••••••••••••••••••••• tJa./ 1141 EXPERTS l)'P•Httlng & camera ee3•8900 Anllqua oat< & braH fur· 8Al.E PRICED Plu• l!I% l.atl'la, oomplale w / or 714.a21_1503 78 Toyota I.and Crul--· -:r.••••••••••••••••••• ~an & c;rffllng compt nlture colleOtlon· otnoe. 011 111 m•rchandl / lmlvN, MOS. 875-5292 W:1:on, ov11om bucket I 0 I It L l IE I ·74 OP~L MANTA run• UIU Ill teq'd. Hunt. Bc;ll. ar•• SAl.E8PERSON tor cl'lll· bdrm. Hv. & din. rm + thla Id. Parkar·e •:e~ .,, __ ,, ._. 30' Wood Sloop w/rww .. C !;,. AMl'M ONMtte. llW oood. nMda paint. 11. VtLYI 7t•·!l38-3030 dran·1 •hop. hp'd. In -al Ilda pi.c.a Ph NB 840-0000 • •• ~':~!!'.'!. ••• ~ angina, locale H.-port I . -2so. 87&.6"5. 200 548-01~1 alt 5pm 1066 Hatbor Blvd ,".,ElllollllaLs ratall only Full/ P-tlma 833·'411 INTERAAM8 MK )( lllp. Till 111.100. An· ,,.... "" ~~1 , .. ,,,. 114 COSTA MESA "" P•tttt Marena. 142·47'4 ·-•r 11H ,. ''• "41 Prot1111ona11y Cullom xloul. r ~. •••••••••••••••o ••••• La ........ •••• •••••••••••••••••• 1 .. 1-1•01 ••111.9••7 .,.,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• '17 F •oo n "' P GTS • • ..v .,. I.LEI "E's IHW • •at• FREE KITTENS Cvta, all Bullt Rifle. H"vy 8errel Moro-" 41: lmmeculat•. ord Fv 2'-' ton Ill Ull 11174 antera • allver/ Sll,000/YUI -bl k ""llco 2 .22·2110 with R•dflald Ownw reducea price 10 Boblall, 390 CID enotna -blk. 24,000 ml, loaded. CALIBER ONLV IEllEI Sunday June 27th (10-4) ac • or ..,. • mo• 311-811 Scop•. Coll 11, Mii. anidOllt. a.er lock· enol. van plua urtoate. Open Svnday c1.11tom xtru Andrew Aalfl'I U1N E!lp•rlanoe required 111 ' old. eeo-9529 too Sac. 1700 Arm. Jeff mlllar 14&-40011 Sll500/otf•r. 070-2000 -·-i __....... 008-2830 1··.·,:,· .. ••••••••••••n••1•1• REAl. ESTATE. TEA· Storer Oabla T.V. le now l!WNITll Ill Abandoned 1 yr old Ool· ~2·1570. ll&e-0480 1111. 132 or 551-3&e0 et--.,.. .. ., • " CHINO, 8Al.ES OR MA· ac;ceptlng appllcatlone den l.ab. Need1 good MIW•...,. --1111111 •11ffl t., 6 pm ILlllT l111ell1 1150 •••••••••••••••••••••• NAGEMENT for Hie• repreaantatlva llWNIT 11101 llOme, haa all shol1. Call o. --NEW RACING 8All.S & ••• • •• •• ••••••• • • ••• • • SEE UI People who have now ~~~')~~· .R:~!~~ 1 ~~:~ Info: :;:~~~{81" &3 1· 1030 or 751-5288. 8 to 20' long. Sk pet ft, IMMAC. 873·5482 1::~. T:1~1~1~1~t ·~:: 1111 111 SO for Ille largnt and *' , .. Chad • fork In the background halptul. Fill 11" n 775-1401 anytime. Hobie 18 wllh trailer. C\Jll tlrH. new paint, xlnt Leather Interior. new selec tion of n•w and road & wevld lll(e to be PleaH contact Storer Antique Oak. legal 11ze. 4 COIN COLLECTION irmp Xlnl oond. 12000. oond. 16500 840•8700 paint, I 1500 1tereo, 16·· used Buick• In Oranoe reprogrammed for a new penonnel 81 831-3242. drawer Fiie Cebln•t 873-9499 PAPER MONEY 676_5335 atl 8PM Sal .... Servlce-LeHlng poll•h•d alloys. new Coun1v today! CllMI'. Appl. only Call iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I 1000• . 559-8595 fat•ll--IO$O BASEBAl.l. CARDS YY'-' CARVER blUOi)(fnled engine. oon· B 9AM-Noon. Mr. Kelly, -· STAMPS Todd 53• ,,,. .. 2 LIDO 14, nd1. repair. Bast 1988 Ranchero, good l'IL..JJ c;oure winner, belt otter ~ 830-49-46 Secr•tatlal A11.Uutt1 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••• .,........, otr•r Seen by appt oond .. •no rec•nlly f(.lli RXt·~ k ,.Tilll ... •s bHlflff lttrtftrJ • ••••••••••••••••••• KING INNERSPRING EX-.,,W. TtHls Cl~ 760-«lae ovemaulad. Mull ... to ............. , .. ~·" ,., , Oall 1•111•2221 -H-·" rt I I,.._ HARBOR AREA TRA FIRM mattr-.... R apc><ec. 1600 ~1-5050 ...... ~ .... " ...... Mf'MM ...,qua lfl 0 c; 0 .... APPLIANCE SERVICE never uMd. worth $530, egular Famlly mem-LIDO "· nr new Incl'•. !~~~~e:"S: ~~~ Jolly Roger Restaurant we sell recond .. guat. uc 1 248 del. Never berahtp tor Ule. Evee c;aun teak c;radte. s2• ·75 Chevy v, Plc;k Up ·79 3201 brn/tan AC. MEISTER c;tialn has an opening for appliances. 5'49·3077 uHd queen sz. wortl'I 114-859-0715 800. 576-8649 Good !Ir ... engine, 2 g.. AM/FM c:au Snrt. ' :i~:· ~~atfy~r :~,~ ~~·~~~:vi~~~re!::; I llY lffllAIOES $399. c;aah only, $218 DOLl.SHOWSal June26. i.nks $2400. 548-28o48 •pd $9900. 63t-5550 or POllSCllE/AUDI how to become a !rained of Operations. Poi. re-d 11 · U 1 u a II Y 110 m • · 10-4 St Joachim Ca-... ,,, I/Ip Aalfl W••tN fSIO 841 • 7905 13831 Harbor Blvd aalea c;ounsetor. Call quires excell •horthand & t.a. 957·8133 754-7350 I ho lie Churc;h, 1984 1'Hk1 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grove '"' ... or_,,c..-y 2925 Hatt>or Blvd. COSTA MESA 919-2500 ~~~'.'~oE642-4321 , Ext ~:,'1~~Y s~~"'re~p~~!r~u~ * *' BUY** ~~~.n~.~,~~·· C.M. Snack •••••••••••••••••••••• WE PAY ~~.~~~~ ~~~~~ ~': S1llt•1 .. 1a.111rw11oe ties. Prior restaurant ex-LIQUIDATION $2 ooo F 11 F It Side Tie TOP DOLLAR 3001• sos. P7'e, red wt Good uMd Furniture & • u •m Y Mem-To 18 II Marc;u1 Channel. tan lntr. Rare & perfect. l 1'4 138 2333 C•4illu 1115 ....••...•.•••........ COITEIPUTlll OlllLUC! IW. HTITE SILES Need 2 e1<per people in c:omrnerclal & Industrial real Nt•l• tor soccesstul & growino ltrm. Best working conditions In Newport Beach . per. would be a definite SALE Appllanoes·OR I wlll seo bertll11p In John Wayne $100. 873-8145 eves. G r • n d G a r I 0 • • • plus. Lovely ottlces. ex-or SELL tor You Tennie Club tor only FOii USEI CARS 631-3698. 78 T cell. baneflt pac;kage. .. • .....,11._._ '900. 714-821·1503 w .. t 11-IO' Ill• _....... aa •• .... 111 · urbo. speo1ecular recs We specla1t1e In leases Apply In peraon from Selllno •II appllancat at _,.,. _,.... r •nw ---Tero•. loadad. low ml-tor the business eKecu· e·OOAM to 4 OOPM 81 cost. WHhere. dryera. 10..HH 111-1121 Beaut new Wlllte wedding •~•rt ,. • ., I water. PllTll0/111111 '79 320i, snrt, air. AM/FM. taage. Tom 642-1603. ttve & proteulonal THE JOLLY ROGER. ref r igerators, dl lh· ~· never worn. site l1ttrt1tt4 11 1111 2480 Harbor Blvd $10,750. 831-8131. 9.5 842-6487 Lars• Stltotltl INC ~::~:':· ~:~e·~op~ll~ I llT fllllTlll 1100. 631-5794. ttr• ltast, OaH ht• COSTA MESA 497·3~9 alt 5 1-.6-0-P-~--h-e9_1_1T_5_a_pd __ .1 Of ltw 1112 17<M2 Gllla1te Ava.. hoods l.ea 957-8133 KINGSIZE Comforter. 3 W 1 r I... # I l I, ~1·4100 D•I••• 1•-new ang. alloys. tape. Oa ... lllaos .w. mall ... •s Irvine. 714-5-48-0331 .. ..i. , a •• 11 N 1 ll-sl Mis matcht'.la:lhMte & • 141 1•17 1 • 11 xlnt cond Wiit consider • ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ,., I'""'" UOt ,-u ze mattren Ml, ~-~1 $150 7327 142-•IOO 2• lllr.. • •••••••••••••••••••••• trade of a y kind $10 ltw I• Sttct.I We have an opening for .:. 1141 Wtr, 0.M, 65. New queen alie . ......., · • n · • 1WO weU-dreaaed. lntefll-SEOlnllT NI-Ill! SlOO. 750-5832 Beautltul handpalnled oe-...... rt •• rt.. WE IUY m ::.71 3 3-6 626 dye. eves NABER~ 714~8-5051 gent Hle1peraona to Highly qualified, Hll· ~~~~~~~~!!Dark wood cotlee & 2 end ramies Very large horse Stipe avall day. wti or mo OLUI CARS 1---------1 C \01 l l ~ ~ work In the Newport motivated lndlv. with ex· :.. table•. Lovely condition. $50 Cats 18. Also made 648-0551 All TIUCIS ·70 PORSCHE 91 1T ,/ J ..-/~ _, Harbor araa In commer-oepllonal typing aktlls tor DOUBLE Oven. efec. Like 199 all. 493.1412 10 order anlmala. your 1---------68,000 ml, original con· clal salaa andtor res-profe91lonet servloea/ n-. Redecorating S75. cholc;e of colors. Lulu Side Tie up to 30' power dltlon, 5 speed, looks & 110011 111 •• l\1" 1 tdenttal Nlel In the more training dept. Knowledoe 968-7327 Club chair & ottoman 840-8709 alt 6PM. boa1. S 195 873-9127. runs nice. all servlc;e J!!!!!I' !1!!"'!!!1·!!!1 l"•!!!l"l'l °'IJllll·l•1 lll•• ._ attluent areH. of Mag Card 11. Newport 1125 both. Liie avocado 673-6209. receipts. no rust 16800 l.EO HANNA Beach araa 6"o-e950 Phllco Ford Froslfree color Exceptionally nic.. 2 Metal dHka. eota. 2 Al-1---------532-2l53. 539-0229 ·79 Seville. xlnt c ond. SR. VICE PRESIDENT Sec:retary . ~~~'.t"[:.'r~~~:r:m 493-1472 ~~cd ~~~e'rv~:c:a;o~f:rrt ~~~TbEc?at~~,·~=nt:, l·S-h-a-,p-b-lac_k_o_n_bl_•_c_k __ ·7-9 1 Drown/brown. many ex- WnltJ I. TIJltr Ot. lllllO UllS 960-9675 or 962-5355 LOVESEAT S30 ding lawn mower. new Pavlllon arH pref'd. 011SC. loaded. 28K m1, ~~~·ca~ .'s tbri~ 5 ~<>gk Re.itore 644-4910 and nimble m ind In 0 PO T EARTHTONES DESIGN oak droQ leaf desk 661-5708 eves $22.500 Must see 675_3909 407-3320 HOIPT/HHI IOI I H rch of challeno•7 \,!. ~~~g~~'.1':.; 493-1o472 545-3511. 9-4 1111 llYU '77 6210. xlnt oond. 60K 955.99911 859-1261 Fast ~..,._,.. dema di -· •• kl •-.,_ f1u1-'•tl .. II you're gd. wfflgures, .,..._.,. n ng new 1195. 676-5292 ._.. ... attreu. ng s"e .,.,au-•••••A.•"••••••••••••• Top dollert tor Sport• ml. am/Im cau. wlequll '66 912, 5 spd. alloys. organized, neat & de-::!i::. ~er~.T1t u~ Electric; Dryer Sl 15 H IHEI, II. •I tyreSI. firm. Nr new. #etuhftl Mn 1141 Cara, Bug•. Camp•rt, $2700/0BO 759-9032 Webers. AMI FM. new .THE URliEST SELECTIOI pendable -need you al Hotpolnt. Good C~d ••• .. lll·lllO 1400. 540.0117 •••••••••••••••••••••• 914'a. Audra .73 2~oz I I llres. new paint. SS.700 our lront otc. O<der desk 11 you'r• good Non· w .-'78 Motot>ecana Moped. Aak tor U/C MGR .. · am/ m. a c;, 720-0607 89j-6247 tor busy men·a toiletrles smoker. 720-15'45 New FOiding Stairway gd condition l300 OBO. M ..... auto. mags. runs good ----·---'-----1 ol late model. tow milea- ge Cad1Uac;1 In Southern Calltom1a1 See us today' co. In Irvine. Exp. req'd. f6~L~~~SN~!~~J~:~~ Kenmore Waler T~I~~~· good c;ondl· F0< G;~r,~t~tc: 555 979-8208 YIUIW&lll 12800 • s..-e-9435 ~!.~~!!!. ....... .!!.~~ 10-l<ey 1ouch. type 1 Softener 1150 8o47--4963 .78 VESPA CIAO _A__.. 8 78 6210, xlnt mpg. lent· IEW 50-80. $1,000 c;omp. ___ 7_1_4_·64_4_·5_7_1_-1 720-15'45 •X8 POOL TABLE ood dll ,··2..,.,.....00 1 711 Beactl Blvd. Hllc 2nd car. Must Mii IAIEllS CADILLAC Pkg. 540-0737 SEWING M"CHINE OPE· Three eolld oak executive SLATE ••oo g con ton. or HUNTINGTON BEACH $1550 060. Call Chris. '12 It It l 0 " Camper refrlg .• White. ap-c;halrs. $15 ea. · .... · bell ott.,. 970-8208 •.-•.•ooo HI 1 •r IEOIPT.ISfC'Y RATOAS. Exper, quellty prox. 10 c;u It. good 847_..963 646·8751/836-1688 -• a 662-1592 30 10 c;hooae from 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA minded. plec;e rat••· cond. $55. 750-7502 Com pl. base C B w / 1978 PUCH. V•ry good WI Im '81 ZX. l.OADED. Talce Immediate Delivery ~lgh~,,~~~~'l1 t~ull Costa M ... 842-9652 CHINESE Red Coroman-entenna. push-up ell cond $380. Incle ownar'e ftll 0"10 over lease. No money (7991) SUMMER JOBS·Fvll l Warde Slgna11.1re por1. del Scra.i. 36''1142'', 3 extrH perteot s1oo Manual o494-4861 dow n . S 3 0 2 mo $4911 RETAIL SALES MGR P•rt-tlma oencar. went-dlahwasllar. avocado p~. $200. 673-6979 968-81io • . , .......... ..__... I umsa OUI 714-640-4050 ···-i -•rP 540-1860 ·10 Classic El Dorado. low miles. 11ln1 cond white/ red Int $150 0 0 60 548-6446. 6'2·6636 For • chlldren·s boull· ed tor Bare Mlnlmvm COIOr, $65. 750-7902 ......,... ---· qua. unique apply tor an Telegram•. Avdltlon• Swamp water/air room unu ~ ,... la Ill.......... Uk• new. 1250 pair. '71 Datsun 510 waoon, &llC/,,EIP/lfUILT antllulialttc: lndlv. Pleue beklo '*cl Wad -"-23 c;ool•r, portabl•. elac. Patklng lot .... • t>ett Compl. $95. 088-8110 87~821 super neat. dependable 2524 Harbof Blvd .• c M ulltorappt.640-1481. & Thu,.. Juna 24 from w/thaml.116.75G-7802 prioM In U.S.A. 11765 ..... -•.,,/ !.'23,!~..; 548-84'6. 5'49-8023 645.7770 Edinger. 1 blk w . of btrthe ... ... ... ..... , .. 1 I Im iJ .... ........... '82 Cimarron. 8000 mi. all anaa. UHIEllm 9AM lo 9 3PM. Apply at: KenmO<e EMlc. Dryer Hatbor. 839-7239 770-1370 in. .. n llSO ~ . ·74 Renaolt R-12. 4 speed. factory options. Ilk• new Aptopo Fashion leland . Bara Minimum 1807 Oaluxe model. s75. •••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Z. auto, air. Stereo. lo 4 door at e. stereo Silver grav Owner musl Contempor•rv European Wett Kat•ll•. St• 218. 750-7002 4,. Ut I• ltt WI. IUU IV CYCLE ml, $1000 & take over $1800 S48-8739. sell Sll.500 891·1588 _, Anaheim. 1 ..... old "--1 •""" -·•t 00 ... S50 770 1370 c ~---~-= pymts 975-0745 dHlgner boutique Is ll l IOll ,250_ 213~5252 -vuge · • Honda T-90, 1500 . • ---=..... l•ll• lfttf 1156 CilPlflll lfZO aoeking a creative indlv. ..!l'!.~ .... •••••••••• •·'·-llBH•• mlles, auto cluteh, Hbar 3100 w. Coast Hwy. B••'• 1111 ••••••••'·-·••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 10< c;ereer In retail sales E 24" "'-hwl c 1 A t o 3 ,..... releaM for RV mtg. N........,.11 Beach •••••••••••••••••••••• "1 D · · · SEr US FIRST' ~ ~~:.~=1110~,:~r;'i TAN WHIL 2 m;;' 01/~1n.'~:C,. ~hed e~r'm t~~f~rems!~: ••• lf~!.~~ ....... !'!! $395 540-8472 y6.42.9405 1~~~d~~~~~ ~j~~o~~ EALER IN U.S.A1 we h~ve 8 good se"iec- 12. 547_7609 $l25. 5'48-7903 v;rr. ~ cond. $1200. USED CARPETING In '79 Yamaha 850. apectel. WAITED! Beat otter. Call (7 t4) I{J( c.\RVER lion o f NEW & USED You EARN Girts· small c;rvlaar. bal-83 -5 04. good cond. Nautral or very clean 996-7088 Chevroletsl Salet 1000 tires. dk blue & sll· JENNY LINO Dreuer/ earthlone allactas accep-$1150 980·5325 Late model Toyotu. IO.lS-~ Resort lntetVals Is .::: ver, $30. 750-7802 changing tbl Wiit • like lable. Reu ptlQe pleaee. VESPA 100 SCOOTER VOlvos. Plckupe & Vans '81 Prelude. 5 epd. snrf. °""-A1ot.-.,.,.i:1..-1• COHHRL CHEVROLET hiring tor pvbllc r~I;. RALEIGH Competition. 24 new. '90. 968-7327 Nd approx 550 sq It. WlndSllleld carrier seat Call ua today! ~~ :"J'6me ct,". lug rk -.-•"M "'...:i..- Here's • unlqve oppor-!Ions. Call' lbs. Gd. cond 23" $ 170 RECLINER c;hr .. blll • hvy 64 .. 177 t IY meo. bee;)!. etc . 1200 mi. Ilk• 2 1 3 I 5 3 7 • 8 5 0 0 . • . 'lOSlO SUNO-'YS tunlty for one wtlO enjoys M k SJl 240 770-1101 vlnyl. wingback~ Xlnl. WANTED. Zeigler Fac;lal new, $895. 644-8097. 2131633-2016. .79 Sliver Shadow 11 ADVERTISING ~ llHl>o' k <' l <•t.T.\\t~~\ su.1200 =~~": t';\~~~':n:'ab~~ ar • 1 10 SPD. Racing Bike. $70 $75. 968-7327 ~:~::; Call alt 5·30· '78 XR75. xlnt condition, TOTOTA·YOUO 1981 Accord LX. 27,000 Mint c:ond 9000 miles. earning money at the ltttr 2,. 0 .6.0. F0< Sale: SOiid oak. 7-tler rec;ent l une-up. S275. ml. AC, AMI FM cass. s55.ooo (9l6)54l-5660 '75 Vega Hatchback. al e eame time. 497·5873 uni• w /smoked glass ll•llt•l 752-6413 "~...,._••& Kint c;ond $6995 S•d 9160 35.000 miles. n-tires, Your aucceutul sates Telephone Sollcltor Pl lail~i•I s~ves. record cabinet. l•llt••••ll IOIJ "64._9-;'0~ ~0.9467 1 968--8411 •••••••••••••••••••••• mint c;ond S t750 or best experience wlll enable time eves & s 1 1 1 •· roll away writing desk. •••••••••••••••••••••• '10 lfHll Ol IOO J 3• THr 1112 otle< 8•6-6153 you 10 become a key part ' a · or au 0 ll•t11i•l1 IOZS 1tat1onerv drawer. Im· Flamenco Classic Guitar •••U f1 r. '" S ol our Clasallied Adver-detaurng c;o Salary ptus •••••••••••••••••••••• macutate. nearly new 40 w/hardshell case, $400. Fairing, trunkcase. 7·400 WE llT •••••••••••••••••••••• lllE HERE! Cll I ggz5 II sing Depa rtment. comm. 841"0383 IOW 31C/FT, ""'cent oH. Sacrlflc;e at 645-8751 /836-1666 mlles. Owner desperate USED CARS & TRUCl(S ·73 JENSEN Healy, 4oo ••• rf!.!! •••••••••••••• TEU ,-· $25001 beatf nowl COME INOR CALl.FOR Chev. & 350 trans. Too 900 aeries 3 doors, 4 '67NEWPORT .~lnt tran- Stralghl oommlaslon on PltlE Redwood 2x6 decking. 500. 64?-3477 al1er Olliff F•nltart I 559-9299 fl•• ._...... mueh to llst. Street legal d00<s & Turbos available sporl 5550 all sales. llVHTISlll UUS 4-20· long: also redwood 4pm. • "" _. ... _ & lvn to drive. $4,600 nowl Come In and duve 493.9595 If you have sales abltlty. For local •P«l• & per-fencing. Call Jim or Ken e· Tall bookcaH. Solld ••• ~!~~'!! •••• !'!~ Cormler-Del.lllo OBO. 493-9595 Road & Trac;k Maga· ---------:;~~~·:~::r,:: yll~ t0<mlng 1111 publlcatlon. anyltme, 776-1'91 stained wood. Many 9 wood detk• & ewtvel Aat1 S.mrt, lull Clmllll .67 JENSEN Interceptor t ine's BEST sports se-C••tiH•l•I 9130 In Cluetlled 557-0910 Radial Arm Saw w/lland. lhefvet & In good cond. chairs. Country French I ~HHllH HOO 18211 BEACH Bl.VO Right hand drive. dan ot Iha ·eos• •••••••••••••••••••••• FOf an .ppJ~=~r:; TOPl.ESS MODELS nlc;e c;ond. Mull sallf S35 . 960 •9675 or Oeslgn. new cost $1600: ··ure ·aoovwo0AK·a·· HUNTINGTON BEACH 160mph. 4 pus $5.100 IEACI llPOllTS ·~E~~it~·~~ro~~ lntervlaw. plaaae call our $75 DAV . PAID DAll.Y $295 060. 64&-4005 062-5355 Sac;rlflce at $550. Call paint/up to 50% oH your 147 ..... l, Ml-1111 080. 493-9595 ~8 Dove Street wlse gd cono $399 Paraonnel Oapt. at no llKP •nee • 826-2583 Beeutlful gold bath room Heywood-Wakefleld 833-8600• ask for Dawn. body tllop Mt. 538-9832 #..Ut 1131 NEWPORT BEACH 979-8017 842-4321. Ext. 277. TRAVEL Aganl. exper'd. tauoet. new. 1200 ('-' ot bdrm .. aotld birch, dr.... OFFICE FURNITURE FINE SHINE AUTO Top Dolar •••••••••••••••••••••• 152-0900 C ff33 Hllll Ol&IT Min 2 yrs. Sabre agenc;y. wholesale or discount eer. mirror, nlle stands. Desk. 3 Cheirs. tlllng U · DETAILING. Guar. 1---------1 •!!J~••••••••••••••• NIU PIUT Exec;uttve Travel Serv.. price). 494-2895 hdbrd, S500. 551•5500 l>lnet. '195 •II. Free PU/del. 842-5440 Paid laN1a l11Z llST IACIUFICE 330 w. Bay St. Irvine. 833·9408 ,. a Antique oak & br .. t tvr-667•15441780•7167 All Cha F y c •••••••••••••••••••••• ·74 XR7. good shape. Costa MH8 "'•1111 • nlture collectlon: office. Closlng Office. IBM Ty....._ vy trvck parta: '"' °' our art Sates-Service-Leasing S995. 975.9•57 Typesetter needed P/llme L.l••••I 1030 .. -ton to dleHI. Rblt. ,, .... t tel ......... 1 .. An Equal Oppty Emplyr nights Edll writer e1<per ~:~ bdrm, llv. & din. rm + wrllere, E11ec;u1lve. Se-trensml .. lon from 1185 ~- Salea req'd Hunt. Bc;h. area. N~~;o0rm;;·;;.3·:;i;~k~ several aide pieces. Ph. leotrlc II. NII correc1tno & up. 554-1850 U..tl•-•rt•'J HUii !!!~•••••••••••••!!.~! 0 II t4 0 II 714·536-3939 70-150 zoom. 2X c;on-833-4411· Selectrlc. Monroe Calcu· 2626 Harbor Blv · H1-2CMO .. 1·4141 ·79 FleSla, xlnt cond • t IJI II ft· 1---------verier, tripod, llHh & Mu1t saorlflce bfand new ta1or1, desk•, misc. sta· VW angina. -40 HP. Haw Coela M... 540·5630 1.mlllllllllmllil $3600 •faM SEl.l. ldl• ltama with a light meter Mlnl oond L.A . Chair•. tablu. llonery euppllH. st•· not rabultt. Must see. Premium prloM ffnl• 1165 675 4506 Mull hava tranap. Call Dally Piiot Clualflad Ad. $400 or beet offer lampe, mirrors & pie· piers. punchH. paper $800. ee&-7327 paid tor any vMd car Ill US ~ ••"••••••••••••••••••• -5'46-0705 or 645-0076 642-54HS. 548-5•07 lures. 714/978-9457. cutt•r. po1tage scale. Dataun zx: Ski racks $40. (torelgn or domaltlc) H>a TOUI '78 CEl.ICA LIFTBACK '69 Wagon. runs good Friden Postage meter Clllllns 2 1811 $45 & $80. ln good condition ,.nMAJDA. •5.000 mllet. 5 speed $500 .----------..;.._ ________ _:_________ FURNITURE: king sz bed. bHe. Sllell Coltee Ma-Sha<HI I 100. 4 TlrN I 15 ·s.. UI Ara . XLNT CONO 988-2272 2 draMI'•. 2 coffee tab-ker, 1taoklno traya, eactl. 714184G-4050 11 """I $4300 775-6316 Ll•t•I• •HS In, S 195 all. wule baltlell. e1c:. 120 11111111!!"11ii. --.. ... ~ 667 154-4/780-7187 C 111 C C M ond ·-• fti..... f1f1 •••••••••••••••••••••• -8;,b;u o5 o1te Meu. ~~.,pr. 98!i1 ~ .'!taJti • faaurYI ...... r:-.............. '69 MARK Ill looks & runs STIMIT IUI --· --·-----1 640•8709 •ft 8PM. ICH Miil n.OOA llW Mt-all' '88 TR4-A, aumrner tun. like new $2350 060. ANO SOON YOUU BE SEEING SIGNS AROUND TOWN CALLING ATIENTION TO , SALES! ... Tl llYI 11111usnL 111111 SILE (or Yard ..... Eotate lale, etc.) 1. Pl•c• your ad In the Dally Piiot ~ ... lfl.ct teetlon (It'• bnt to run 3 day• for maximum exposure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'~I run It 3 days and only chll'ge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Glfage Sale tlgna (all yoo have to do It come In to the Dally Piiot & pay tor your ad In advance -we wlll give you two 11 x 17 Signe - FREE of ctuwge). 3. Prlee each ptece ~f merchandlM. 4'. Have plenty ot change on nano •(nickels, dimes, quarters. halvet, one and five dollar bills). Relax, have fun, and count your mOMY at the 9nd of the ct.y. Two drawer. o<><>d cond. New 8 It oak Hamilton ve12~ Capri & 4 epd. _5_54_·9_1_1_e ____ _ $35. 940.9709 evea Drafting table and Aatn /ti ltlt 1074 Muda RX.4• naw Fell. •un & econ. $3,200 Iii llSO :5i~8~~5m · t . I 7 o o . •••••••••••••••••••••• tlr" a battery. Like °" OBO. 403-9595 •• ~~!~•••••••••••••• Olltdoor Furniture. Brown 1 _________ 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE l nalde & out. AM/FM Vflh•«tf .!J.1,J 1978 Mercury Monarch ~on jWaliar LJQ'.'b a-.... •-1 TO READERS ANO :.'888 ll;i.rbor Hhd C8!!!l!IJJ..,""'. u --uaJ •••••.,t_• •1UL9L 'UliaALC.JuJU>wt....$1100-Br~a}, .3 iOUnQe. $200 ~ ... -.-•• -.-.-.. ~. ADvERllSERS 1~ ;1 . ,.~a~ <4-apd-.. t trraarni:Ne~d."en· f4 VW 1 PH•. tvereon rblt t'r best otter 631-8256. each. 3 canvas roc:kar• COCK A TIEL bird with The price of lt•m• ad-glna worll. •no. l.lke naw. $3395. II 1152 ~~;~ $•1~\. \ ·~~!1~:~ c:aoe ss~s::I9~ama. :':1:!t!Y~c;1== H1~~0~~.1~~1·~~ seoo ~~~~~~ OFR. 631-1400: 552-4052 eve ... !~!~!I ............. . roclser $150. 7 beck tied adV9rtlllng co1vmne meet le; or t or•lgn '70 Pop·lop Camper ·73 convert • 8-cyl. auto. r•ll $20 each. 6«-0509 ll••fl I '!!JUI llH doH not 1nclvde any 551~285 •79 Gl.C. xlnt. Extras 8000 ml on motor, good ~~~~·5 ·~;0 • CB ••••••••••• ••••••••• appttc:abla tun llcanle Mvll Mii lmmad. 12699 cond, 12000. ____ 1_. ----~ Fii• 'RENTAi. PIANOS· tranatar '"'·'finance A•,., lll-nM or bett ofter. 4~837. 960-55'43 '66 Mu11ang convertible Love Seat, Oak Hulen. Open plan, 1 15. mo. cllergaa. , ... tOt.., pol-•••••"•••.,.-;-···•••••••• ·et RX7 lllnt cond aun-'85 vw Bug, Aaoond. eng. 280. restored. loaded & StHmer CllalH, Sida F I e 17~~~:~7~r o a • M l on c;ontrol devlo• ....,,, f111 root. red. Mu et. Hll. dMrt. aherp. Must 1911. ~:.~;~7 cond. S0.000. Ts1b1ec. Matelllng Anlmlll aertlflc•llon1 or cta1tar ~;;·H~~·;;·ci:i~~ .. ;·d•r·. 10000 or t3000 a take S1450/0BO. 5'47·1145 kin halr1. All 109 qua· WurlltH r conaol• piano. documentary prepare· 113747 plu 1 over pyrnu. Sl'l•rl '12Ill122IO OJ'••••ll• HSI Illy. CdM. 1eo.e118. VetY gd oond. $600 lion cllergu untau Clo · 1 8° PM rno. 871-8534 •••••••••••••••••••••• --;;:-::~~;-;::::::::-::-l----=4::0':-48:='.:6~1'...____ oth•rwlH 1paclfl•d by Md and 4 mo leaM. Xlnt c;ond. 640-7051 dy• IL--•u 'll 4 paneled Ja en• • llle _ .. .__.,..... Al.L SAVERS. ..~,. •---1140 1-------_;_-1 -P 1 fY. fMl/t _ • ..,., -· 7t4-S34..0180 •••~'•••~•••••••• '80 RABBIT Convt. GTI till.All IWlllH :fo':"t>iu:it~ ~:~~~1~ Iii"" 11.IH IHI A.ljpn/ lllft 1111 ... '"'" • ~~!fi:,~:o~.~~~eri::: lllllUM "'"1 851-0101 9¥9. a·EAU.TiFu·i."·25~~-RCA Cl•uln ,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ......... tact 221( ml se' 885 Loadedl Econ~ dte- Handradon Koraen 1ty1e 8 Color TV ..... 2 yr wmty •••••iiiiii,•:.i~~ .. ••• .. 1 llW eea-i121J • · .. , enflnel Htnd1oma1 dr-dr...., wlmtrror. 1148. Free detlvery. Shay fl9fiCel• plct!U91 1 •r•l11 .. , ·re vw 8cifooco, 11w w/ (8e5VJ ). $350. 851-0701 aw. TV John'• 148-1188 ooupH. 4 io ollooH Compere HOllM ot Im· atrlpu. 11lnt c ond. •Y SIHIJ Whll• W""' Aug Son)' 11..0 ayatatn Mod. lroml (00t1H) (8tlC. P9rt9 Dlfect '""and eo lhf\IOUt, rune grHt. ................ t2' X 14' 1100 HP·21t. AM/FM, e tit!, A30t3). Pr1cel ttarttncl 11 ' moa. Hnllbla pymla. Wkdy9 Q8.4.e2t2, woril. f»NOU... St9. 12().1545 turntebla, orHt tor ., .... , Diel 213 Of 714: ME~ evea 551·1981. Eric. NEWPORT BEACH --------1 •1i...111i.. d ,._ CE DES ta 213 or 111 ... 11 __ ... anyone ...... ~ •m•· 71_.1837 .. 2'33 ·ee BUG. 40 l'lp ano .. ••-•_. ... _ 1•d but work• gr•at. neect. valve jOb MOO -7--------ltO. t'f3..M9t 75. 141..eoeo , .. _ HaVW\'I you welted tono John 4'4-t«8 x7o1 (24 :.~ut~.n\s~~':: ~~ KINQ MATTRESS & Searl 211" oolor c:onlOle 831-2040 UMM8 enouoll lo own • M.,. tire) AM/FM 8 "11, t ownr. BOX SPRINGS, tdnt TV. good cond, contemp. ...... .. CedH l•n1'1 Oon't let '76 VW e 1 2 O, O 0 o m I . I 4 3 2 S. oond. SSC>. 873ot4tt atyte, 1160. 750.7eo2 2-9402 Marguerita Pkwy thll oPPOnilnltY pue you 111111 co~iuo~~: 720o-h 11 LO! COff!E TABl.E •Mllllofl VleJo l)y .. .ao\ nowt~ haw 8 lt1 tS6!1 -------- 3,11 ••• A ...... ';g· ..... .,,, I •-.J--(Avaty bit off l..f) 11nt11110 aelectlon of • ,_,. Hn .. ....,_ .. 0 ....umw ""'-" •·--"--rnodelie & COIOf'I ... .,... • ................... .. tn-t4 ~I ...._, .,....,_,. ....... '18 wa,on, auto, alo, .'. .,,., P-CIMllllll ... ·-I IOO_,.. -- 11.r W'lockln" ~abl el •••• • •••••••••••••• ,._,, -Rllllll --·-,....., "'"" rvvv ,._ • " " • .. .., ..,,,,, knook1 on4tfl ~n you ,.,,._ ... .-tint".. ACT10tt 11111111 .. ,IS Oft. I ...... ,,0 .... • • ••• ! .......... Piiot Cl•Hlfl•d Ad• to -. "-· ... __ • --t30• °""'.,,... ~ .. ,.., 111111 • ,..._,, , __ "9'WW ,..._.,r &ft._ :r;e,•••••••••••••~ I ~ nloe ooncL M6. ~ ,.,, •• rffUh-Otttlno oa11y a.a oemp1no "buO" ""' ••YI c.11_, 2 UrM tlNI" ~ Clln, Y• •''*--t 11e , .. ch tl\e Otano-Cout per that'• not o•ttlng N~ IEACl1 ,_.. •91 fhblnf. """ fOOd. ,.llllllilci•4"'"9•r;;.4liit:i!ll::a.• c. 0 11lnl condition. t110 fMfttet. ~ ... "now weetl • ..... ....-Te I ~ IOl'N ~won, .,_..-....;....-:--'""":'~---r--------....,....;...---__;;...._.:::...i bOlh. "2.-41M M-tOQt l'tlOfta Ma.ae71 CllU llW M . G•iltii ~ -..,.. 112001080. W ·1'21 11' I I " YIUI HllRlll llllY PIPll OH ANGE-COUNTY C ALIF OllNIA 25 CENTS ' . Reagan, other victinis won't cOHJHJen~ WASHINGTON (AP) -One weary juror told her husband that she and her collea~es relied on the psychlatrl!t.1. 'She said they hoped they did the right thing." The verdict, innocent by reason of insanity, moved John W. Hinckley Jr. and his parents to tear&. His chief a ttorney, Vincent J . Fulle r , said : "Anothe r day, another dollar." ll was said he would collect more than half-a· million for his longshot defense. Hlnck.Jey's victims w ere silent to a man. Pretfdent Reagan would have no comment. J a me1 S . Brady, the preaa secretary, no comment. Timothy McCarthy, the Secret Service agent, no comment. Thomas K . Delahanty, the cop, no comment. The prosecutors, too, kept their thoughts to themselves. Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan, the highest a dminis tration official to Delf ........... _,,.,..~ ONCE A KNIGHT -Glen Eytchison. director of the Pageant of the Masters, chats with St. George, alias Jay Smith, prior to Smith's posing in a reproduction of Fritz Preiss' ivory sculpture "St. George and the Dragon." Art pageant marks golden anniversary By JERRY HERTENSTEIN ofiM o.-, Pt1ot awn The golden anniversary of the famed Pageant of the Masters in Lagun a Beac h appea rs to em phasize the classics i! a special preview for workins press is any indication. The pageant. in which people pose as living reproductions of art, opens July 10 in the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Arts grounds. A s photog r aph e rs and reporters previewed five of the 24 living works Monday night, Derek Jacoby of Mission Viejo. Kimbe rly Sh1rkani, Laguna Niguel. and Frank Wales, South Laguna. posed with fishing poles and their day's catch in a Scott Moore wate rcolor , "The Big Catch." Moore, 32. of Laguna Beach, is a membe r of the £restigious Amertcan ~rcolor SOciety. J ay S mith of Laguna Beach, posing for the fourth straight NATION year, heaves a big sword in h.is role this summer as S t. George m a reproduction of Fritz Preiss' ivory sculpture "St. George and the Dragon." He s its atop a 2,000-pound ho rse made of plaster of Paris and steel. Smith's costume cons ists of yards of knitted yarn which under stage lights looks exactly like ivory chain mail. "This costume gets hot." said S mith, a departme nt store manager at Fashion Island in Newport Beach . "You always hope you don't have to sneeze and somehow you don't." Like others In the cal\t. he is coached on posing as s till as humanly possible. Robert Buff, 12, of Placentia, did fidget in his pose in the most impr~ssive of M o nda"y's presentations -the lrase-t- Cathedral Antependium, a bas rehef by Fulda. Water, a natural issue? The re's e nough water in the Great Lakes to S)art a country. And water may be the next national issue . Page A6. Metals no longer precious? _./' The slump in prices for gold and silver has been so pronounced that some investments experts refer to them as "formerly precious metals." Page D2. Donovan hanging tough WASHINGTON (AP) -An angry, combative Raymond J. Donovan says he wm not be driven from hia job as labor aec:retary by a "wonderland llChool of ju.ltice'' that wants to convict him on charpl of having tiee to orpn1%.ed crime before ~ trial I .. comment on the verdict, called It "abllolut.elv atrocloua." "Frankly, l'm outraged at that jury deciJion. I think it's wrong. h '1-not the tvoe of thing that llOdety ahould condone," Regan, who aleo heads the U.S. Secret Service. said on NBC'a "Today'' show this morning. "I think that when a peraon stalks a leading citizen of this country, shoots him and t·hree of the peo ple surrounding him and then goes scot-free , I think . that's absolutely atrocious. * * * " . . . Just think what we are saying to the SC>-Called crazies of the world regarding what they can do or not do as far u public figuree are concemed." One of the deferute peychiat.ric expert.a expressed surprise by the verdict. He thought the Insanity defense would fail. Another called it: "a triumph of fairness and common sense . . . a victory for modem scientific methods in psychiatry." But Re publican senator Larry * * * Pret111ler of South Dakota said he wu "personally outraged at the who le Hinc kley trial," a nd predic ted the passage of le gislation to redefine the Insanity plea. Sen. Orrin Hatch , R-Utah, who has introduced a bill to alter the ifl88nity defense, said on the CBS "Morning" program today, "I don't blame the Hinckley jury; they applied the law as at was. l blame the law." , Hinckley was tried for ahootina Reagan and the three othert, Fulle r said, "Another day, anothe r dollar.'' Alle n Smith, Sr., whose 61 -y nr-old wife , Virginia, served on the jury. recounted her description: "She said they relied on •the psychiatrists' testimony. All the testimony showed that ~ was insane, not in hi.a right min<t. All the evidence showed he W&llt mentally disturbed. She said they hoped they did the right Leavinl( the courtroom where lhang." * * * * * * Hinckley ruled innocent~ Begins confinement in mental hospital after insanity verdict WASHINGTON (AP) -John W. Hinckley Jr., the brooding loner who tried to kill President Reagan. escaped life in prison but is beginning what could be years o f confine ment in a federal mental hospital. Politicians wer e quick to criticize the verdict and call for legislation ~ghtening use of the insanity plea. Hinckley cried and his sobbing parents e mbraced Monday night when Judge Barrington D . Parker, as tense as anyone in the courtroo111. read the verdict: "Not Diedrich ordered • to prison By DAVID KUTZMANN °' .. ca.Ir Not ..... Former Orange County S u pervisor Ralph Diedrich was ordered by a San Diego County judge today to begin serving a one-to 14-year state prison term for b ribery and conspiracy despite his attorney's pleas that s u ch confinement w o uld be tantamount to a death sentence. Diedrich, 58, surrendered to marshals in the northern San ')iego County courtroom of Superior Court Judge Ross Tharp. Also surre ndering was co-d e f endant and on e -time Diedrich campaign treasurer LeRoy Rose. Diedrich, once one of Orange Coun ty's most powerful men when he was known in political circles as "S uper D," was found guilty three years ago of two rounts of bribery and a single count of conspiracy. Rose was convicted of a single count of conspiracy. Their 1979 conviction stems from allegations that the two men ronspired to gain financial ronsideration from owners of 2,- 200 acres in Anaheim Hills in return f o r a favorabl e supervisorial decision that would permit residential development. of the property. Following a series of appeals court rulings. the California Supreme Court last month upheld the conviction of the two men. In a rgume nts this morning before Judge Tharp in Vista, d efense lawyer Keith Monroe said thaf sendtng Dm:trtth-:-U> prascm would jeopardize his life because of his poor health. COUNTY guilty by reason of msamty ." N ot guilty by r eason of insanity o f attempting t o assassinate the president. Not guilty by reason of insanity of assault with intent to kill four me n . Not guilty, because o f insanity, of carry ing a pistol without a license. T hirteen times, Parker pronounced the u\Sanity acquittal. The r eaction today from Capitol Hill and from President Reagan's Cabinet was largely one of outrage coupled with a call for toughe ning use of the insanity plea. As the verdict was being read. count by count Monday night, Hinckley stood facing the panel. his head bowed. The jury of seven women and five men agonized for 24 hours over four days. Their decision makes Hmckley's next stop S t. Elizabeths mental hospital in Washington. Hinckley was still being held today in the stockade at nearby Fort George G . Meade, where he was confined before the trial began. On March 30. 1981, Hinckley bent in a shooter's crouch and fared two-handed al President Ronald Reagan with exploding bullets. He was wrestled into custody and since then has spent hundrl'CIS of hours in interviews with trial psychiatrists. Now he undergoes a different sort of evaluation. Within 50 days. Parker must hold a hearing to determine whether Hinckley should remain institutionalized. The judge set July 12 for a further proceeding, but did not specify the purpose. Mesa neighbors in word rift Hand-painted roof retaliates for 'privacy invasion' By JODI CADENHEAD O(' tM 0.-, Not ..... home is an invasion of his pnvacy and illeg~. Aft.er the city Planning Commission turned down the Gallaghers' request to build a two- story structure, the couple went ahead and bO.ilt what is, in their opinion, a one-story building. When Rebecca Gallagher looks out her second story window in Costa Mesa she sees the moon, the Big Dipper and a few clumsy stars. • But the galaxy she gaz.es at isn't the real thing. It's the hand-i:>ainted _w?rk on h er neighbor's roof done in retaltat1on for ~he building she and her husband are construcung behind their home at 492 Magnolia St., Costa Mesa. Van Dam contends that the building contains a m ezzanine or loft tha t w ould automatically turn it into a two-story structure. "He's gone too far," said Mrs. Gallagher. "He's ruining the whole neighborhood. He's not hurting anyone but himself. It may be an eyesore to us, but he lives there." He predicts that the building will be turned into a bootleg apartment when completed. The Gallaghers scoff at the Idea and say they'tJ use it to park the family car, play games and store tools. George Van Dam, 54, a burly man with a heavy Dutch accent, con tends that the building the Gallaghers are constructing behind their new "The only way we could turn that into an apartment is if we rent to pygmies," said Mrs. Gallagher. (See ROOF PROTEST, Page A2) Britain ·rejoices over royal birth LONDON (AP) -C hurch bells pealed, cannons roared and Union Ja c k s £luttered everywhere as Britain rejoiced today over the birth of a baby destined to be king. Princess Diana and her blue- e yed 7 -pound, l 1h -ounce son b o rn M o nday w ere doing "extre mely well" after a comfortable night's rest at St. Mary's Hospital in west London, Buckingham ·Palace said. To the cheers and applause of w ell -wishe rs s ta nding in a drizzling rain, a succession of royalty, including the baby's fathe r , Prince Charles, a nd grandmother, Queen Elizabeth n, arrived for visits with the 20-year -old princess and her child, second in line to the British throne. --- Charles. the 33-year-old heir, who attended the birth, emerged after a three-hour visit with his wife and so n to say , "Everything's marvelous." He stood in the rain for almost two minutes, telling reporters the princess was recovering her strength after the 16-hour labor and the blondish baby was in "good fonn ... looking a bit more human this morning.'' Asked whether the delivery and been painful for Diana, Charles said, "Have you ever had a baby? Well, you should wait and sef!." The prince skirted questions about the baby's name, saying he and Diana would decide on one 11soon.'' In the royal grou.nds o f Hyde Park and the 900-year-old Tower o{ Lond_on. Royal Artillery companies fired the traaitionaJ 41 -gun salutes to greet the new arrival. INDEX Newport asks dual control of airport By FREDERICK SCROEMEBL of the D.itJ Piiot St.ft Newport Beach is seeking a legal partnership with Orange County government unde r which t h e city would have limited control over future decisions affecting John Wayne AirporL According to an in ch -thick document marked "privileged" and "confidential," attorneys representing th e c ity h ave, concluded that such a mechanism, can be achieved -d espite county misgivings. The documen t has been circulated to at least one county supervisor's staff and attorneys who handle the county's airport , matters. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather said Monday she and t wo o tne r me m e rs ortlie Newport council. John Cox and (See AIRPORT, Page AZ) A blind Huntington Beach w oman has embarked on a career as a masseuse. Page Bl. At Your Service Erma Bombec:k Businea A4 B2 C4-5 Horoecope 82 Ann Landers 82 Movies B3 STATE VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE CAP) -The Strategic Air Command test.fired an unarmed Minuteman missile today t a sprawling South Pacific atoll where four islands reportedly were being occupied by protel~ Marshall lalands resldenta. WORLD BUSNQS AIRES, AraenUna (AP) -The ArpnUne ~ta today proml8-d a return to dvt.Uan rule in early 1984. But it failed to aaree on a prSdent and the army wu reported reedy to unilaterally name another aeneral to replace Leopoldo F. Galtierl, ousted fot' the Jfalkland ~ ct.tut. , California A5 Mutual Funds C4 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Clualfied 01-03-6 Public Notices C3,.D2-3 Comics B4 Sporta Cl-3 Croeeword B4 Stock Markets C5 Death Notices 02 Television 85 F.ditorial A6 Theatera B3 F.ntertalnment 83 Wuther A2 Hy Gardner 82 World New1 A3 SPORTS Building a better body Al DlS1ena of Uvine, an !ldi8on li1gh graduate, ii part of the new 1ma,e 1WTOunding the sport of body building. Pap Cl. I t • ' - H/fl Or1ng• Ooe1t DAILY Pll.OTITUMday, Jun• at, 1111 ~\\\ ._,t. Continued stories Nuclear protests broken AJRPORT DEAL • • • Don Struu . ttelC>rl wlll mC"<'t with county Su1ll•rvlior Thomrui Hilt•y to dlacu d~wlhc uf tht• ''lty'lf proJ)Ola). · Newport Bt·uth's 11ttt•1r1p1 to have form4ll role In future olrport de clwtons Is not pt1rtlcularly new. Historically, tht' county has taken the pollition 1hat lt alone should control tht• airport. • LJVERMOHE (AP) -A Israelis push on to vital highway "mor~ Clrm" poh<.'tl for-ct: began houlinsc away to JUil today SCOl'\14 of ont1-11u"·h:ur demonstrator• attempting for th<' st'COnd day to blo<.•kade tht· Lawrence Livermore Laborutory, one of two fod\Jti<.•s in th!! country that develops nudt•ar weapons. Just aftt·r 7 um. pollct• 1n riot geur movt'tl on protl·Sttrs and 1mml'C.liawly um·swd 85 people who trwd to kt>ep workers from entl'ring tht• lab's west gate. BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) Israeli tanks battled their way toward the Beirut-Damascus highway today, Lebanese radio said, in an apparent attempt to seize a vital stretch of the road HB Episcopal rector Caley dead at 72 Funeral serv1l·es arl' schN.luled Thursday for the Rt>v. Jamt'S C. Caley, founding rector of St Wilfrid's Episcopal Church of Huntington Beach. The Rev. Caley, 72, die d Sunday. Friends say he suffored a severe stroke about six Wt't'ks ago. A native of the lsk• of Man off the coast of Great Britain. Father Caley came to Huntington Beach in 1967. He conducted church services at the chapel at Pierre-Brother's Smiths' Mortuary before St Wilfrid's was built under his direction. He retired as the rector of the church in 1977 but stayed acuve in counseling and visitations. Father Caley was a member of the Rotary Club of Huntmgton Beach. From 1974 to 1976 he was president of the North American Manx Ass ocia ti on, an organization comprised of natives of the Isle of Man. He moved to Ontario, Canada, at the age of 18. He was ordained a deacon in 1933 and made a priest in 1935. He served m about 50 churches in Canada before coming to the United Stat.es. Services will be al 2 p.m. at St Wilfrid's, 18631 Chapel Lane. Survivors include his wife. Clarice: a son, James David C. Caley, and a daughter. Winnifred Jane Caley Bat.es. The family has suggested memorial contnbuuons to the March of Dimes m the memories of the Rev. Caley and his infant grandson. Richard Caley Bates. who died recently. from Syrian troops and traman .. volunteers." The armored advance east of Beirut, probably the heaviest Israeli-Syrian fighting since a June 11 cease-fire. was preceded by an intense Israeli air and artillery bombardment of Syrian positions. Iranian soldiers were known to be in the area of the fighting. If they were involved. it would be their first taste of combat since they arrived in Lebanon to help the Syrians repel the Israeli invaders. Progress was reported, meanwhile, in the talks among Lebanese leaders and U.S. special envoy Philip C. Habib to find a way to restore peace to this country. The Israelis and Syrians agreed to a cease-fire 11 days ago after. four days of fighting in which the Syrian troops in Lebanon suffered heavy losses. The military command in Tel Aviv today confirmed the new anu-Syrian air attacks and said they came after an intense duel between Israeli and Syrian cannons. The Lebanon radio broadcasts said Syrian positions around the summer resorts of Hammana and Aley took the brunt of the air attacks. The T el Aviv communique accused the Syrians of inflicting "a heavy barrage" of artillery fire on Israeli forces from the area of Hammana, just north of the Beirut-Damascus highway in central Lebanon. It said the Syrians opened fire in the morning. Israeli forces shot back at the Syrian guns and then came under. intensified barrages. M eanwhile, Israel 's bombardment of Palestinian slums and residential neighborhoods in west Beirut tapered off today, and the Palestine Liberation Organization proposed demilitarizing the Lebanese capital to avert a feared Israeli onslaught. Allegauons that police were being "rought•r" m their arrest ta c t1t·~ were made by dcmoru.trJllon leaders and a lab of(1<.·1.il umf1rmed authorities were "determined to keep the g<ik'S open'." SILENT P ROTEST -George Van Dam shows off some of his "artwork" on his Costa Mesa house, a personal protest against D•llY Piiot lt41n Pttolo the co~truction by his neighbors to the rear. The neighbors say he's "ruining the whole neighborhood." "l don't think they (police) wc-re bt·mg more aggressive. They were being more firm, if you will," said Ronald Tunis. a spokesman for the lab. But Donna Warnoc k , a demon~trator assigned t.o monitor .irr1•st.s. said, "They are being d<.'f1n1tely rougher ... They were slugging some people . . . and usmg b1lly-clubs . . . and ther~ was one officer punching.'' ROOF PROTEST IN COST A MESA • • • Cit,Y o.fficials for their part say that the mezzanine 1s only an attic, but admit that some of the construction continued without properly approved plans. Van D~m deci~ed he wasn't going to take it. He pa1ntt.'<i has fence facing the Gallagher horn~ hme green, blue and bright orange. He didn t stop there Ms. Warnock also said police were arresting demonstration monitors who were exempted from arrest on Monday. Officials t'Onf1rmed thal. Doug Clark, development serviCPS director for the city, said that building inspectors asked the Galiaghers to modify their plans for the loft as soon as 1t was discovered. Next, he paintt.'<i the sid~ of his house in assorted colors. He admits that the Big Dipper is a little crookl'<i Clark also said the building is one-quarter tnch to five inches higher than the 15-foot limit but added that h~ couldn't justify the expe~ and trouble of asking the couple to slice off the extra cenumenters. Van Dam also warns that, unless the GaUaghers' building comes down. has entire house. trees included. will become even more t·olorful Body found under auto The unidenuf1ed body of a man was found pinnd beneath a Crystal Cove eviction upheld in Dana Point By JEFF ADLER Oflhe D•llY Pllol ll•n Crystal Cove residents found themselves back to square one today after learning that the Legi~lature's joint budget committee apparently rejected a compromise that would have delayed evicuons of part-time <..'Ottage residents. The Assembly -Senate conference committee readying the state's 1982-83 ~udget moved Monday to incorporate existing provisions that would require part-lime cottage residents to vacate their cottages by July 1. The committee also deleted $4.8 m1lhon m bond revenues that had bee n slated for developing the park. located between Corona de! Mar and Laguna Beach. "At thlS point we're without park bond funds and without le~islauve oversight and the had approved a Parks and Merc.'edes that crashed and rolled assuram.-e those people will not Recreation Department plan for on its side in Del Obfspo Park in be evicted before the park's developing the 45 cottages for Dana Point early today. department h as developed an public use. Highway Patrol officers say access plan," an o bviously Mrs . Bergeson didn't they believe the unidentified displeased Assemblywoman understand why the committee man 1s the driver of the vehicle Marian Bergeson. R-Newport chose to toss out the compromise Officials of the Orange County Beach, explained from her and revert to the budget Coroner's office are investigating Sacramento office. language as it appears in this the death, authorities said. Mrs. Bergeson said the JOint fiscal year's budget. CHP Officer Dave Shisler said budget c 0 mm 1 t tee had She said she also did not know the veh1clC' apparently crashed reinstituted existing budget why the budget committee early today at a high rate of language into the new state s lashed the $4 .8 million speed m the park on Del Obispo budget r al her than 1 he development allocation> which St. just east of Pacific Coast compromise p}ovisions that had does not impact the budget in Highway. painstakingly been worked out any way sin ce it is money Hesaysthecarsmashed into a over several months derived from bonds. tree and careened into a sign The l'Ompronuse would have "Frankly, I don't think the before rolhng on lls side. delayed evictions of part-time committee understood the Highway Patrol officers ·d 1 h Le l s1tuat1on," said the Newport dlSC'OVcred the vehicle at 5:30 res1 ents untl t e g1s ature s .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Be~a~c~h;....;;R~e~p~ubl~an. ___ ~~~~a_._m_._·~h_1s_l_er~sa_1_d_·~~~~~~ AXLINES SHOES Local drizzle Temperatures SUMMER SPECIAL NATION Coastal Low clouds prevail lodey wllh highs or 64 to 72 Some 1tgh1 drlule locally low clouds to remain through nlglll and ea11y morning hours wllh partl•I •llernoon clearing Wednesday Overnlghl tows S4 to 62 Hight W1dn•sday 65 10 73 Hunllnglon-Newporl aree temperatures 10 range from a low of 60 to • high ot 61 Elaewh•re . lrom Poin t Concepllon lo lhe Me•tcan t>O<def and oul 60 miles Ligll1 v•rl•ble winds lhrough 10'1tght except west to southwest 5 to 12 knoll lhls attetnoon and evening Wind waves 1 loot SoulhYoet1 swell 1 to 2 feet Motlly cloudy tbrough 1omglll willl tocat ntglll Ind e9fly morning drtzzte Albany AIOuQUt! Amarillo Asheville Allanta Allantc Cty Austin B&ltlmO<e Biiiings B1rm1ngnm Bismarck Boise 8os1on 8<ownsl/11e Burtllo Borltnglon Ca~< Ch.,lsln SC cnar•sin WV Cna<llle NC Cneyenne Chieago Cincinnati •-----------· Cleveland ClmOle SC U.S. Summary g:~nw'" Denve< Overnlglll 1nunde<Slorms Des M~nff packing 75 mph winds. heavy Oellolt r•ln1 1nd gollb•ll-slzed 111111 O\Jlulh b•ltered moat ol Kan111s. pan• ol Et Pa 0 Nebr•sh and eastern Colorado farg: Sil~• and thunde11howers flagslalt w • r • 1 ca It ere d over I he Great Falls So lhe•a~ !LOrlllern H11t110f<1 uourl lo the lower Grellt Helena L•kH. and lrom lhe norlhern Honolulu Gr••t B1sln to the northern Houston flock let lndnaplls Cleer SkMIS prevlllled ac<OSS IM Jacksn MS aoutll«n lllld nO<"them Pia1n1 and JackaMlle OYfJ< IM upper MIQl111pp1 Valley Kana Cily Thunder1to<m1 ware forecast Las vegu OYe< Ille aoulhern At11n11e Cout Lillie Rock 1111•• end lhe wesiern Gull loulavtlle Coa1t. wllh 1howe11 end Lubbock thunde11torm1 ov•r Ille low•r Memphis M l11l11lppl ll•lley. l<om lh• Ml•ml ~ans 10 the mlddle end MllW9Uk" nor1hetn Al11ntlc Cout, 9nd lrom Mpla -St Plul ltle northetn hlQll P .. lna to Ille Nunv~le Gre•t 8•1ln •nd northern New Orlelna Pl9\MU New YO<'k Temper•turea uound the Norloltc nation before d9Wn ranged lrom No P1111e 42 In Duluth, Minn to 86 In Oki• City Phoenix.. Ariz Om9M California Orlando PhilAdphta Phoent• PlttlburOh Pll1nd, ~. HI Lo Pre. 75 49 91 61 87 60 63 64 84 70 74 64 94 72 84 6t 63 S8 86 66 04 74 4e 6S S7 73 se e~ 96 74 65 46 65 46 82 so 02 69 76 e1 S6 es 63 7S 47 01 7S •8 I 1 7S S4 71 53 27 f I 69 11 85 70 13 73 57 e1 SS 82 57 71 S3 66 41 94 60 75 41 77 40 65 S6 82. .5.2.....21 86 SS e9 70 94 80 76 S8 69 70 60 9S 76 22 es S9 100 69 78 85 .07 83 57 84 63 84 70 85 80 71 so 13 76 47 .04 87 88 91 70 .06 80 es BS 70 84 55 81 82 82 52 90 75 08 82 84 103 75 73 62 84 52 .05 ,., • ..,... W••tl\., S.rvoct ' N0AI• \J $ ~ ol COtMl9<Ct Fronts· Cold ..., Wa'Tll 99 Piiand, Ore PrOVldeftee Ralelgll Reno 72 72 87 615 ell S3 03 56 11 89 SI 60 7A 52 15 Sall lake San An1on10 Seat lie Shreveport Sioux Falls St Louts 93 74 83 77 69 ee 52 41 83 78 St P-Tampa St Ste Marte Spokane Syracuse Tope~a 87 68 86 42 02 42 .02 70 87 96 gs 50 11 C900 Tulaa ~- 59 53 63 Washlng1<1 Wlehlla 87 87 CALIFORNIA ir• 65 61 8akerslleld 97 73 Eureka 8t SO Fresno 95 63 Lancaster 91 67 LOI Angeles 70 67 Maf"11vllle 112 Monterey 66 Needles 103 O•klend 65 5e Puo Robles 80 55 Red Stun 94 68 RedwoOd City 7 4 511 sacnmento 63 54 t7 S•lln.. 84 54 01 S9" Diego 87 82 0 1 s.,, Frenclaco 511 52 Santa Bar~r• 83 58 S91lla Merit! 84 S1ocltton 88 68 Thern'l•I 98 Uklefl 90 e.,.1ow 98 73 Bia Bear 74 40 The N•llonal W•llher Service pnldlct• more of the ""lier thll u.i-ed In South«n Calllornl•'• IUl'llmet: dllmP morning• along IM COM\ and moelly gray tkHlt everywhere 1111 ucepl 1h1 o-11 ... Hlgl\1 Wedneedly thould r-. from 70 In Loe Anoetel 9ncl al ~. ~ 14 and IO In lhe mountllnl. trorn 92 to 102 In the hlOfl o-1 tncl ~ 97 #Id 106 In low d-1t. ~ ...... -~~Rf REPORT ... ' . I 81Shop Cataline l •ke ArrOWllNd Long Beach MonroVla Mt WtlllOn N-port ~8Ch Ontario San Bernardino S•n Gabriel San Jose San111 Ana Sniog Sta!t0narv • • ee S5 68 SS 77 so 71 61 70 61 78 62 67 60 71 60 72 60 5g S6 74 SB 69 S9 fhe Alt O...llly..Ma1\a9•m• Olatrlcl predlcll unheallhlul air lor sensitive people Tue1day In the Riverside and San 8ernardl'1o areas. bul good air quality In •II 01her areea ol lh• South Co•SI Air Basin Where lo call 11011 heel for latest smog lnlorm•tton· Or•noe County. (800) 445-382& Lo• Ang1lu County 1800) 242-~022 Rlve<tlde •nd San Betn9tdlno countlel (8001 387-47 tO AOMO Epb<>de Center· (800) 242-4888 Extended Forecast COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Low doudlneet and local log nlaht •nd m0rnlng hou,. becoming r.1, during •tternoona. High• •I beechN 84 to 74 •nd Intend In the 701. Lowa 54 10 64. Mountain• UH .. Felr wllh , re90f'I 111g111 74 10 84 Lowt •Ot and 609. Tides TOOAY Seoond tow 4: 15 p m. 2.0 Secorid high 10:31 p I'll. t .9 ftOHIHOAY Flrat low 8:60 L m, 1.1 ~~~ 12:31 p,m 4. t c=:;; ~ a. 11 p m. 2.2 high II :21 p m. t .t aun Mii 1ocs.y tt e:oa "'""' rllM Wtd~ al 5•4:1 t m Moon n.. •t 8 81 • m. toc»y, Ml9 at 9:42•p.m ' ANY shoe in our stock (Huntington Beach loaction only) WOMEN'S Bass •Dexter • 9-West • Jacques Cohen CHILDREN'S • Buster Brown •Bass • Keds •Adidas ·4 DAYS ONLY! WOIEll'S SPECIAL SELECTIOll • .. ~141s MEN'S • Florsheim •Dexter •Sperry •Adidas June 23·26 Values to $4400 Quantities llmlted to sale stock on hand AXLINES. SHOES HUNTINGTON BEACH 10110 Adlms (next to Albertt0n'1) 983-2313 El , Inflation subsiding? Cons ume r prices up full 1 p erce nt in M ay By Tbe A11ocla ted Pren WASHINGTON Consumer prit"efl, spurred by sharply higher gasolln\! <.'Ollt.s, rose a fuU 1 pcrc.-enl in May. lhe government said today. The increase wa:i the biggest since September and amounk-d. on an annual basis. to a nse of l:l percent. But economists said the new figures do not mean the nation ia I06ing its baule agamst lnttauon. Indeed, for the flnit five months of the year , inflation at the retail lt-vt"I was a modest 3.5 percent, C41lculated W\nually. At the White House, deputy prt.>sidentlal prei;s secre~ry Larry Speakes said the nt<w Ugures indicate "the administration has made substantial progress in bringing inflation down." ongress near budget approval WAS HINGTON -Republican leaders in • Congress are expecting the House and Senate to endorse a compromise 1983 budget plan setting Congress on an uncertain election year c.'Ourse toward raising taxes by $21 b1Uion and reducing domestic spending by billions more With President Reagan urging its approval, the full House was set to vote this afternoon on the COP-drafte d budge t blueprint that calls for limiting federal spending to $769.8 billion and holding next year's deficit to $1 03.9 billion. There was a chance the Senate also would vote on the measure late today Columbia's countdown begins today CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -The five-day countdown starts today for spac.-e shuttle Columbia's fourth and final test flight and the first in which the reusable spacecraft is carrying a top secret military payload. Work crews on launch pad 39A were closing up the spacecraft and re moving sennce platforms, preparing to start the countdown dock at 5 p.rn. ED'f for its scheduled liftoff at 11 a .m. Sunday . During their seven days in orbit. astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield wiU conduct the final t.ests to qualify Columbia for satellite- carrying missions that begin with Flight 5 in November • Air India crash 19 killed In BOMBAY. India -An Air India jetliner arriving from Southeast Asia crashed upon landing al Bombay Airport early today. lolling at least 19 people. air port officials said. First reports from the crash scene said more than 30 injured people, including a four-month-old baby. we re evacuated from the plane's wreckage. The off1c1als said many olhers were still ms1de the wrecked Boeing 707 or thrown into the marshland s urrounding the airport. Airport officials said the plane carried 111 passengers and a crew of 12 Strong earthquake shakes Greec e ATHENS. Greece -A strong earthquake shook southwestern Greece today but caused no damage or casualties, the Athens Se1smologicaJ Institute said. The qu~. which occurred at 6 a.m., measured 6.1 on the Richter scale lt was capable of doing heavy damage but had its e picenter in the Ioruan Sea. 180 miles southwest of the capital. the institute said. Local police said the tremor w as felt m the town of Kalama ta on the south Peloponnes1an roast Supervisors back handgun ban SAN FRANCISCO -A proposed citywide handgun ban has been approved with a one-vote margin by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The m easure s uggested by Mayor Dianne Feinstein faces a second vote by the board before sh e can sign it into law, and s tiff opposition from gun or~amzations are expected It would go in to effect 90 days after signing. and ~un owners wouJd have another 90 days to-get rid of their pistol<;. lf police then discovered a handgun m the normal course of their work its owner would be subject to misdemeanor penalties of up to $500 and six months 1n Jail Natural gas costs feared to soar Si\.CRAMENTO -The cost of natural gas may soar next winter like the cost of electricity did last winter, says the resident of the State Public Utilities Commission. industry under a 1978 law. He said next winter "may be the winter of natural gas for consumer hardship and protests around the state." The cost of natural gas. Bryson said, "1s the sleeper that IS like ly to hit the state hard in the next 12 to 24 months:' In a speech Monday, John F. Bryson blamed partial fede r a l re~ulati on o f the natura l gas ,San Jose pair • Will election sweeps WOODLAND HILLS -lt didn 't take a ce at $5 million worth or prizes to get Frank he saw an announcement on telev1s1on saying: .. Send m your ballot stub; you may win a pnze " bie of San J ose to vote. But when the 72-year -old retired foreman of San Jose Mercur y News machine shop returned On Monday, Mabie was the big winner in the 70.000-prize giveaway dreamed up by promoter F.d S haw e from casting his ballot in the June 8 primary. RANGE COAST aily Pilat y Schultz ,_, Dlfec:IOf OI AOwrlltll>Q m Murphlne "°' Cle11Hled advertising 7141642-5878 All other depertmen1s 642 ... 321 MAIN OFFICE l30 WHI en SI • Coo••-... CA Mall •dclreu 8oa '*·Cool• Mesa. CA _,. Capyrl9fll ,.., °'-COHI Publlslllr>O C-·w Ho news slMt.s. llluslr•llM•. edltort.I mailer or •0. vertlsamenls herein may ~ reproduc:..:I wllhollt •-1•1 prnnlsllon of c09yrlofll _,_r Second cleu pcxt-palO •I C01te Me ... C•llloml• <U PS 1....ao1 Subt<rlplfor1 by urrler M.IS "-lllly by mell M 50 montllly . Ex-newscaster gi ven 6 mon t hs LOS ANGELES -Ken J ones. a f or m er n e w scaste r f o r televis i o n s tatio n KNXT. received six months in the county jail and seven years' probation for grand theft a nd writing $212.000 w orth of worthless checks. "The court feels Mr. Jones kne w exacty what h e was doing," S uperior Court Judge Flo rence P ick ard said in sentencing the 43-year-old San Dimas resident Monday. "It w as not a one-time Ouke. I do not have sympathy Cor Mr. Jones." We1re Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot ~ Whal don't you like~ Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answerin1 s.rvlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any Loplc Mailbox contributors muM Inc lude their name a nd telephone number for verirication No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOTfTuHdey, June 22, 1U82 H/F ~I l -------------------------------I D•ll)' Piiot Stett Photo A WINNER LOSER -Newport Beach resident Alice Helman couldn't he lp but smile Mo nday when she became the second-place winner in the annual Arizona state lottery. earning $50,000. First' place was $1,000 a week for hfe Tht' Newport woman said she plans to give some money to charily, some to her kids, take a nice vacation and consider retiremL'nl. T here were 489,000 sweepstake tickets sold in the lottery Distinctive air Ne wport 'honors' last pick By STEVE MA RBLE Of th• D•ll)' Piiot Stett Defensive back Tim Washington was puzzled. HERE HE was an Ne wport Beach att.cndmg somt>thmg caUed [relevant Week because he was number 334 -the last L·ollege football player picked in thL• pro draft Everyume he turned around he bumped into this zany JOkc-a -scc:omr guy named Paul Salata And worse than that. he'd been flown mto town. shown aboard a double-decker bus and then dropped oH al a sewer valve dl'd1cation in the Chamber of Commerre park ing lot. "I KIND OF had second thoughts about all thts.'' he said upon arrival He was supposed to be the star attraction °but here was a parking lot full of people laughing 1t up over a bunch of sewe r jokes while a two-man combo played oompah -pah music in thl• background ''This IS differe nt," Washington suggested. letting it go at that CLEARLY THIS was not Fresno -the footbaU player's hometown The sewer Cl"remon y was held ro r no particular reason other than 1t was roughly a year ago that a sewer main backed :..ip, fl ooding out and stink.mg up the local chamber. Th<' parking lot affair was balled "F'lush Without Fear " Pohc<.> Chief Charles "Pete·· G ross said the police sl.cltton right acros. ... the• strt>et also got some or thl' sewage action . He said his offwt>rs. though. didn·l not1cL' 1l for three days. "YOU SEE," he explained, "the workout room is on the same floor " In honor of the new valve -designed to prevent future backups -a sealed ume capsule was placed in front of the chamber building The capsule was loaded with proclamations. citations and a scrap of the chamber·s old carpeting. Master or ceremonies Salata said the capsule will remain buried until the city's airport ·noise problem 1s solved. ln other words. probably forever. Washington. now the property of the San Francisco tf9crs, was still puzzled when lt was all over "Inte resting." he observed as the crowd began to scatter "What happens now?" A Question a jeweler ollen hears 1s "What's the price 0 1 a 1-carat diamond?"' The same is asked ot ruby, emerald and other colored s1ones There 1s no simple answer The value placed on a precious stone 1s arrived al alter careful consider atlon of severel Qu ality factors. In general. value Is affected by beauty. rarity and durab1llly. Beauty Involves cutting, color, clarity and Interesting optlcal properties. These are the factors considered when assigning a particular grade or series of grades to a gemstone. The cutting of the atone effects the wey light Interacts with II. The proportions of the stone, the number and plecement of faeets. and th• quanty of polish affect brllllance, fire, depth ot color end luster In diamonds absence of eny color ls u1ua11y most desirable. In colored 11onea bright, lively color la u1ually most highly Mery Barr Certified Gemologist Eatery \I robbers seized? Two men believed to be the Ru t·alled Mo nday m orning robbers remained m tht• Newport Beach t·1ty jail today 811 police tm>d to Riece together the det.ailt-. of an elght-month !ltrir\g of restaurant robberies. Police allege the men, both m their 40s, are responsible for holding up 12 restaurants m Los Angeles and Oranj(e t.'Ountll'S Th e men -Jimm y Be<' W orkman, 46. an d Vernon Mc.Cullough Womat·k. 43 are being held in heu of $100,000 bail each Both are l isted a s bt-ing une mployed , b ut police said W omac k , a Laguna Niguel rl•s1dent, had been working as a truck driver until two weeks ago. Although it 1s aJleged the men t.·ulk-c:ted more than $30,000 in the• !>lnng of holdups. police said 1t 1s unlike ly the cash w11J be r('(.'Overed Pohce S<Jld Workman, a L o ng Beach rl's1dent. w as (•a rrying $769 1n cash when arrl-st1-d. Srx of the 12 robbcr1e~ being blamed on the me n werc pulled o ff 1n Orange County The targe ted restaura nts included three m Newport -the Quiet Woman , Le B1arnt:z. and the Five Crowns. Nearly all of the holdups were on Monday m o rnings be fore n•staurant employes had a t·hance to take weekend receipts tu the banks One of th e r(Jbberies came on the Tuesday uf t er the M emorial Day wC'ckend. Police believe the pair's last holdup was this month at the Big Yellow House m Cost.a Mesa ln this mc1dent, polke said only one o f the m e n e nt ere d the rc•staurant The ~€'cond man, officers said, may have bee n wrulmg outside. In all of the C8S('S, the bandits gai n e d e nt r y pos ing as deliverymen P olice said the robbers usu ally won~ :.tocking mas ks or o the r disguises and were a rmed w ith handguns ln each case. r estaurant employees were herded mto a restroom or storage room that could be locked Nobody was mJured m an:v o( the incidents. Detectives said the robbers did a thorough job of casing each restaurant before striking. Lag una eyes hillside d evelopme nt · Laguna Beach Caty Council members will tackle the question o f how much deve lopment should be allowed on the city's h11ls1des whe n they meet tonight at 6 o·dock in council chambers. At issue is the city's Local Coastal Plan, approved by a previou s City Council in January. and pulled back for revision by the n ew counci l maJOnty three mo nths later. T he plan, which IS supposro to serve as a blueprint for future deve lopment in Laguna Beach. al lows too muc h den si ty , oppone nts say. T he formerly approved density formula called for a maximum of 600 ne w homes on Laguna's remaining vacant hillsides. But the new council ma,JOrity wants to study a formula that w ould allow even fewer units. Given two eQually attractive and equally durable stones, the one most requested by the public will be the more valuable There are many stones the public Is not very familiar with Therefore, even though they are scarce, the cost may be lower than lhat ot a more abundenl bul more popular stone. As a case In point, If you were looking for a medium to dark blue stone, would you aak for 11 1apphlre, tanzanlte or benltolle? Most would 8SK for sapphire because they've never heard or the other two stones. T1nzan l te It becoming better known, yet belnltolte lag1 bllcit In obacurlty. Although t>enltOlt• Is tha rarest Of the three 09"18tOM8. lectl Of awareness of It• Hllten<:e end the resullent low demend keep lhe price down. Durability Is • combination of a 1tone·1 herdnesa and toughneas -Ila rell1tance to acretchlng, chipping and breaking. All other factora being equal, the more durable atone wtil b4I the more valuable. · prized. A stone with fine clarity. one which approachea totel abtenoe of Interior marks and lncluslon1, 11 1lmo1t alwaya conaldentd lht mo1t attr.cuv.. Gem1tone9 Whletl lhow a special eftect WMf\ Interacting with llght are JudQed by the quality of that effect, a.g .• the play of color In opel, the oolor change In alt•andrlte. the adulare1C41nc. of moontton.. Rarity lnvotvee more than juat a 11one·1 10arclty In nature; It al10 depend• upon demand. •c~o­ U..••t Plactng a value °" 1 gem11one 11 no atrnpi. matltM'. That'• Why exP41'1 appralterl are IO Yitai to the Industry. Hopefully thll e'ICplanatlon haa h~d you underatand the tremendou1 Ptloe ranoe you h•~ ptObabty 9ne0Unter.d when lhopj)lng ror fine tewelry. II you ll•v• any queatlON on thl1 Of any other gem eubtect. pleue oome Into the tto,. and at k me personalty. 17th & lnlH. Westclff fltne Newport leedl • l . . . . ' -· • )f . l ,, I ·~ ,), ..... • I • n\ l I tUe8DAV, JUN! 22, 18112 H/F BUSINESS C4 Cotton Warburton, one of USC'~ legends in lootball, dies. C2. Angels ~; meet challe:rige No knuckling under By CURT SEEDEN Of tfM Oelf1 Not ltaff Angel Manager Gene Mauch says there's only one knuckle ball thrower in the American LeaguE to the best of his knowledge, but it's one too many. He was referring to Texas' Charlie Hough , the former Dodger, who was on the mound Monday night as the Angels and Rangers opened a three-game series at Anaheim Stadium. ANOTHER EX-DODGER. Angel catcher Joe Ferguson, knows Hough quite well. They were teammates in Albuquerque, Spokane and with the Dodgers. Ferguson even played winter ball with the knuc kle ball specialist. Ferguson managed to c.'Ollect an RBI single in his last at-bat Monday night, but 1t wasn't off Hough. "'Rat'her, it came off reliever ~teve Comer, the third and final Texas pitcher in the Angels' 10-2 romp before 23,475 fans. Despite his many experiences with catching Hough, it didn't give Ferguson any advantage over his teammates. up Monday evening. They were also down, outside, U\8ide and totally baffling to the Angel hitters. Only a three-run third inning aided by a two-run bloop double by Doug DeCinces marred his performance through the first seven innings. Ferguson finis hed the night 1-for-4 which certainly didn't m easur e up t o DeCinces' 3-for-5. four-RBI performance, or Rod Car ew's eighth-inning single which extended his hitting streak to 25 games. Carew, in fact, led off the eighth inning with a single off Hough, and the Angels went on to cushion a 3-2 lead with seven runs. "The knuckle baU was fading at the comer," analyzed Carew, who is now hitting .414 during his streak and .330 on the season. "THE LAST time I went up, I said if it was outside , I was just going to trv and hit the ball. I wasn't a very disciplined hitter the first couple of times at bat. It's no fun waiting 'til the last time at bat for a hi\," Carew added. HE'S ARRIVED -This year's Irrelevant Week celebrity, Tim Washington, the last player selected in the NFL's annual draft, arrived at his press conference in Newport Beach riding a British double-decker bus. At right, Irrelevant Week host Paul Deity l'tlot Photoe by Patrldl O'OoflMll Salata presents his guest with a Branjf( Airlines stewardess outfit. Braniff, incidentally, went out of business a couple of months ago. Washington, who played at Fresno State, is in store for a lot of surprises this week. "Nobody has an advantage over a knuckle ball thrower,'' Ferguson declared in the Angel clubhouse afterward. "You just have to hope he gets a pitch up." Hough 's pit c h es w e r e Meanwhile, DeCinces, who has now knocked in 23 runs in the last 20 games. c redited the use of Carew's bat for his eighth-inning single which knocked in a pair of runs. To which someone countered in the clubho use: "Does that mean Carew used your bat the first three times?" (Carew was O-for-2 with a sacrifice bunt to Body builders are flexing new start the game). ,, "H o ugh 's knuckler was dancing all over the plate," DeCinces added. "l knew we'd have to bat and play tough the rest of the game unless he got wild." DiSiena is part of Irvine's resurgence that is sweepin.g the nation By JOHN SEV ANO Of the 0 ... '"°' Staff For years, body builders have had to fight the stereotype image of being all brawn and no brains. Traditionally, they've been looked upon as some sort of freak. And, the movies of the late 1950's and early '60's, where Frankie Avalon a nd Annette Funicello cuddled at Muscle Beach . certainly didn't do anything to alter the portrait. Slow l y , though. the pic ture concerning bod y builders has b een ..., .............. SHOWING OFF -Body Builder Al Di8leba dllplays the fonn he hopes wQJ wtn him the Mr. America title ln ~ DlStena, currently a resident of lrvtne, au.er~ Editon High from 1971-74, whet. "e played vanity footbell as a juru" ,d w nior. ' changing. With health and fitness becoming a prime emphasis of today's society, body builders have enjoyed a new resurgence. "When I first started body building about three years ago it wa8 really frowned on," admits Al DiSlena. "People often looked at what we did as a freak sport. "BEFORE, Ll'M'LE KIDS and older people used to think I was a wrestler or a football player. Now, it's different. Those same people want to ask questions about what I do; they're real interested and want to team about it. It's become a heM-type of th ing." DiSjena, who went to Edison High from 1971-74 and was a two-way starter in footbaU as a junior and senior, was first introduced to body building in a hospital bed, his knee "tom to shreds," as he put it. after suffering an injury during a practice at Orange Coast College. "Doctors told me I wouldn't be able to enjoy any kind of physical activit y again," explains DiSiena, who resides in Irvine. "Well, I wasn't about to accept that. My health means everything to me." DiSiena worked hard to regain the strength in his knee and, while working with weights, found the rest of his body was benelltting, too. HE EVENTUALLY MOVED to Sant.a Monica -California's birthplace, of sorts, for body builders -to continue his training. It was there, while working as a bouncer in an exclusive Hollywood restaurant, that he became acquainted with S ylvester Stallone of "Rocky" fame and became his bodyguard. DiSiena later protected the Prince and 'To m e, it 's not discipline, it 's a way of /if e.' Sheik of Saudi Arabia, Al-Fassi, for the sum of $500-a-day plus expenses. "When I started getting black rings around my eyes, and I found myself staying up for 72 hours at a stretch. . .," he reflects. "I found myself not really being happy in what I was doing. The money and fame were fun for awhile, but I had taken a total right tum from the direction l wanted to be and I decided to go back to basks." DiSiena returned to the United States, accepted an invitation in Canada to manage a bodybuilding gymnasium, and eagerly attacked his task of rebuilding his body. Today, at age 25, DiSiena stands 5-9, and weighs 225 pounds. He has a 31-inch waist, a 55-inch chest. 19112-inch anns, 28-inch thighs, a 19-inch neck and 19-inch calves. "Proportion and symmetry are more important than size to a body builder," DiSiena explains. "I try to keep my neck, calves and arms in balance. and my waist 25 inches smaller than my chest." NATURALLY, A TREMENDOUS amount of discipline is required to maintain such a figure. "I diet the year round," says DiSiena. "For the past year, everything I've eaten, every hour I sleep, every activity. every argument I have with my wife, is recorded. That way I can adjust everything depending on how I'm looking. "The whole idea is to feel as good as I can and get s tronger. You war\ t to build muscle and lose fat at the same time." DiSle na trains twice a day, up to four hours pe r session, at Super Bodies Gymnasium In Costa Mesa. The rest of the time h e's eith er c ompe ting, concluding his studies at OCC (he'll attend Cal State Fullerton in the fall), (See DlSIENA, Page C2) FERG USON WAS one of the few Angel hitters to get solid wood on Hough's pitches. He sent right fielder J ohn Grubb to the fence with a drive in the third inning and then sent a towering fly ball to fairly deep- left field in the fourth. "He got a knuckler up a Little bit on that one," Ferguson said. "I should have hit it 500 feet but 1t just had the wrong trajectory." Despite all the probl ems Hough gave the Angels through most of the game, Ferguson, for one, admires his pitching art. "T o tell you t h e truth, I enjoyed catching him. r alwa:,c.s knew what he was going to do ~ where the ball was going to go," Ferguson recalled. "(Texa,s catcher Jim) Sundberg does e good job with him. You just have to pretend you're a big backstop. "S OMETIMES, YOU anticipate the baU is going to come at you in three different places and he'll hit you in the chest with it," Fe rguson added of the dancing pitch. (See ANGELS, Page C3) · It's an easy day for Evert Lloyd Cincinnati, Rain, 17-year-old provide no trouble for def ending Wimbledon champ • Milner paint WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -Chris Evert Lloyd, s lowl y unpacking her impressive arsenal of shots, today opened defense of her Wimbledon title with a 6-0, 6-4 Center Court victory over 17-year-old fellow American Barbara Sue Gerken. The mat.ch was delayed one hour by steady morning showers. Another downpour at mid-afternoon threatened completion of today's card. The courts in play, including Center Court where the Lloyd-Gerken mat.ch was staged, were slippery because of the rain. In other matches today, American Sharon Walsh thumped England's Sue Barker 6-0, 6-4 and Romanian Lucia Romanov defeated Annabel Croft, a 15-year-old from Britain, 1-6, 6-3, 6-1. Lloyd began hitting out on her ground strokes and quickly gained the form that has made her a three-time Wimbledon champion. She gained breaka ln the first. third and fifth games of the opening tet. taking advmtase of Gerken's double- faulting en route to a shutout tet victory. Gerken, a sur_priae quarter-finaliat in last year's U.S. Open, regained her polle in the second eet, but showed too little too late u Lloyd began varytna her attack with drop lhota. ball volleys and an occaalonal ovtrbead when 1he ventured to the rwt. Oetken rarely left ~ bMellne1 con._. to~ ground strokes on the sr-~ The two ~ aer\lkle to 2-2 ln the final .et, but LlOyd broke ln \M fifth game, held llel'Vlce at love, then tll'Oke service again in the seventh game to grab a 5-2 lead. Gerken broke back in the next game and then h e ld h er service with an impressive half-volley of her own. But a pair of unforced errors helped Lloyd wrap up her second-round mat.ch. Both Lloyd and Gerken drew first-round byes. In men's play Monday, top-seeded John McEnroe led most of the seeded players into the second round. "I hit the ball pretty well today," J ohn McEnroe said as he blasted through fellow American Van Wlnitaky, 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 Monday. "Winltsky's serve la not too strong and he tends to stay back. He is the kind of player I can get in to net on." Both becauae of the speed of the gra11 courts and their unpredictability, the 22-year-old left-hander made charge after charge into the net, forcing Winitaky to pass him or s uffer the consequences. , McEnroe provided hi.a ·own covering f tre w ith six a ces and followed a consistently strong service Into net. from where he made quick work of short returns with sharply angled volleys. There was very little of the antia that lllt )'Mr raulted in $10,000 lo flnea that w~ qu.ilhed an •P_PeAL • Hl1 behavior w'• -for him - exemplary aa a pecked Cen~r Court crowd looted on. McEnroe aevenll time9 had Worell with the oflldala. but alwa)i in quiet tone&. and often unctuated the convenadona with a amUe, even in thole instances when he received questionable calls. "There were no problems today," he said. "I hope it continues." Advancing to the second round with McEnroe were all of the seeded players who saw action Monday, with the exception of No. 9 And.res Gomez, the reigning Italian Open champion, who was ous ted by former Wimble do n titleholder Stan Smith. Connors, the No. 2 seed, overpowered South African Mike Mybu.rg, 6-0, 6-2, 6-2; third-seeded Vitas Gerultitls handily dispatched Brent Pirow of South Africa, 6·4, 6·1, 6-1; No. 4 seed Sandy .Mayer, downed Haroon Iamail of Zimbabwe, 7-5, 6-2. 6-3; fifth.-eded Johan Kriek of South A.frlca outlasted a tiebreaker 1088 and American Craig Wittua, 6-7, 6-3, 6-1, 6-0· and No. 7 t.lats WUander, the 17-year-old French ()pen winner who has become the teen idol in the abeence of fellow Swede Bjorn Borg, defeated Heinz Gunthardt of Switzerland. 6--4, 6-2, 3·6, 6-3. Tenth·eeeded Y annlck Noah of France was forced to withdnw before hittlna a ball becau.e of • pulled thigh mu.cle, but 8'nce the tournament WM under way, Wlmbledon offidall dJd not disrupt the order of ranJdnaa. Dodgers red CINCINNATI (AP) -Eddie Milner was covered with sweat, dirt and a contented glow. "I had a good time out there toni.ght," Milner admitted, after he fueled ~ Cincinnati Reds' attack in a 10-2 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Tuesd.at . ht. : ~e rookie outfielder accounted for~ outhe Reds' runs. matching their highes~ run production of the season. Mllned rapped a t~run homer, drove i1( another run and scored two more time( to snap the Dodgers' six-game winning Streak. I Milner, installed in the leadoU spot for. his speed, acted more like a cleanup. hitter ln the second inning, aluafni I( three-run homer to put the Reda ahead; to stay. lt was the start of h1I ~ productive night as a majQr INgUer. : "l'm deflnilely 1atntn1 morct confidence," Milner said. "I'm moJ"e> comfortable. At first. l waa getttnc eome pitches that I wasn't expecting in eom& situations. I knew eventually rd adjw\." Reda Manager John "Mc Namara ~ that Milner'• auccm flowed Oun h1I IJOwll\I familiarity with opposlnc pttdien. "He'• more ccnfldent now. He'• not ~ a.t pitchea," McNamara llkl. "H•'• pttina acclimated, allClJulted," Starter Mino Soto turned ln another IOlld pel'fonnance for the Reda. wlnn1n8 (8" REDS, P•1e CS) _._ __ ' ' -~-.... _________ .. _______ _ \•lft Ntl .. ,., "'" " ' 114\ CIO\t ci_ " I"°' Clo\t ("' =m:' I«> •, ,r. ~11•: ~. 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WatllOY I 2• b 4l ,. ... , W SwtFor• ISi J1 11 9 ., Wa1noc 14 91 '"-'" SwlGM ' '" • ., ... WIMarl 3t " '"' so ~ n I~ 1~ ~ g~: :::1~~·QI ~ 9 ~°!I ~ ~ 60 t 16 "'• , W•ICS• llO 10 • eO•, ., SpectP 'II 18 ,...... W•llJm I '1(1 16" Soft'ry I "1 4 lllll3 11'• WtllJ Oii 60 I 19'•, " s.iu.ro 1.,. 1 46 ,..,, • w.-rwc 110 6 isa ~. SQu!Ct> I 16 14 '11'1 J]l, .. Wrn(m I 11 IJ?] 41' I I. Si.Ritr 40r 1 14 141 • • W~rnrl t .tQ ll 311 lO'e • • • St.otn 80 s JS 18". .... WonGs 1 ,. I IS 21'. SIBPnl 90 9 110 13•• •, W•hNal I 08 I " It', • •·, SCM:ll \ S. / 4 1/ 'o • W•hWI 2 <0 S 41 11' 1 + '> SOICI 2 <O I 1011 1'I , , W••I• 57 14 3311 21' , SICllnct 1 IO 6 ITJQ •0 • • W•O on .. IS I• ll 1 SIO()C)ft 1 oo • 11ns l1 • • W•YG<>o< 20 • • 1•. 51"-<CI> 10 n ) 1 Wf'anU OSI 11 ) 4', =' 9~ ~ s1!d:! :: ::~ • ,.'~o '~ ,~ ' " SIArrPll I• I 6 11' • , WellsF I 'l'1 4 23 10-., •. 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I , fCll(lr n 6 18 10 WOlwlh I 80 I 0 1,11\oo, •, Tft<lrn~ ' 11 1111 ~3 Wot.., Of '>o IS JS'-+ I Tffcom t6 1j• '• WttdAr t6 1\ti t::r-t 8 S~ q~..: I :~~~~r I '40 9 I: )~~ 11 Tfn'to 1 60 ; 'IOI l< 'o Wyltl.t> 101 It 1• ... TT~ Py'n II~ 111 1)01 .. Wyly 21 U I V.+ "" ... ild't ~ • ~ Wynn\ &O ) 11 111.1. T-ro «> ' m "'" ... X-Y Z-r.-Of l 14 18 31'-• '• Xero~ l s 1101 ll\oo ... Tt!YICO J 4 ISl 211-. XT RA M t t 11\o "- TnOn I 10 t fl:ld1'~ '• l•leCp I a. • 11 '"'° TtxE'1 J IO t IS/ 4110 Za04lla n • 201 IS\\• "' r:~I' ~: • ,.: m; . i:xr,-..R «>I> ,o I u-.-,~ rn1nc1 IOb • s :io~. -. z., .. , ! ~o '~ \~o '" Oil challenge I ails VENTURA (AP) -Norris Otl C.0. said it won a takeover challenge staged by a group o f dissident shareholders who claimed the oil and gas exploration firm was lagging in developing ita holdings. The management's slate o( directors r'eceived 56 percent of about 2.4 million shareholder votes ca.'t fn a J>roxy contest, Norris Oil Vice Prt-sld4 nt Dave Nelson said Monday. He said the dissident slate, nominated b y a group ca l ling itaelf the Commit tee for Rcaponatve M a nasement of Norri• Oil ·Co., r ecelvod 1,041 ,098 votu t o ~t'• 1.338.138. H/F ca t Newport .firm revenues The Hammond C-0. of Newport Beach repori. that during ita f111cal year. which ended March 31. mortgage volume rose 34 percent In loana a nd 62 ix·rc-ent in dollars. and revenuc8 tripled Revenut.'8 increased 200 percent, from $3.Z mllhnn l<> $9 5 rrulllon. lnc.'Omc totaled $1.7 rn H11on. or $3.99 per 1Churc -as op polled t.o a 1981 loss of $23, 185 or l O cent.<i per share. Assets leaped Lo $20 3 million Crom $6 I m1lhon t1nd shareholders' equity r~ from $712.000 w $2 3 million, a 225 percent Increase The vast majority of the t.'Ompany's rl'venues, 76 per cent or $7 3 million, came from loan oraganauons lfughe expand Ground was broken in N«!wport Beach for the third phase of an expa n s ion program oe1ng undertaken by the Del E. Webb Corporation for Hughes Aircraft Company's solid stale product:, division The Webb orgamzat1on 1s general contractor for the $15 million addition. which will consist of a two·story elt?\'tronic.'S assembly and test building and a n adjacent four-story. 921 -car parking structure . The project will add 110.000 square feet to the 270.000 square feet housing the div1s1on's opera laons Activitic'S of the division include development and production of semiconductors. frequency control devices and hybrid microc1rcurts for commercial, andustnaJ and military appltcations Arch1tt.>ct Cor the add1uon 1s The EIJ1olt Grouµ o( Cost.a Mesa T-bills hit high y ield WASHINGTON (AP) Yields on short-term Treasury secunues are higher this week -their highest m nearly three months. The govt•rnment so1tl that at 1ts wet.·kly aucuon Monday 1t sold about $4 .5 billion in s1x·month T -b1lls at an average d1sc:ount rau• of 13.031 percent, up from the 12 503 percent of last Monday. and about $4 .5 billion in thre<.·-month bills at an average rate of 12.588 percent. up from 12 248 pen.~nt Begmrung rodcly, an at.'l'OUnts hnked to federal securities. savangs and loan associations and banks may pay as mu<.'h as 13.281 perce n t interest o n $1 O.OOO -m1nimum six .month m o n ey market certificates, S&Ls may pay as much as 12.588 percent and c'Ommerc1al banks as much as 12 338 percent on $7.500-manimum three-month certificates. S&Ls may pay as much as 14.7 pert-ent and rommerctal banks as much as H.45 percent on 2 112-year "small-saver" c:crtihcates. a nd tax-exempt, une-year ''all-savers" ceaificates issued through July 10 will pay 9.85 percent interest w hen held to maturity Adapt building Construction is under way in the lrvme lndustrial Complex on a 16,000 square foot building designed by Architectural Team Three of Santa Ana for Adapt Jndustr1es. also of Santa Ana. The $550.000 roncrt.>te tilt-up bualdang 1s to be t'Ompleted in mid-September by Foster Construction Company of Irvine Adapt Industries manufacturers automa ted machine equipment for businesses throughout the United Stat.es. Canada, Europe and the Orient with offices in Santa Ana and Amsterdam Order received San/Bar Corp. of Irvine reported 115 Break-Fr<'t' Division rl-ceived an order from the U.S. M1htary Defense Logistics Command for approximately $600. 000 of "Break-Free CLP." a multi-purpose cleaner. lubricant and protective agent System displaye d EOCOM Electro nic Systems of Tusu n 1s demonstrating a new d1rect-to-plate laser imaging system at the ANPA/RI manageml'nt t:onference an Dallas. Texas this week. STOCKS IN THE SNTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS 1.:J>S,81» I 13'>,900 6.Sl 100 SI• 100 llS.SOO 4n Mil .. ,.000 416 100 }91 tOO l83,800 3"11,300 llJ.800 lOl.900 ?'M,(1(1) 191 500 UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS . ' . Ptt VD 11 I Up II 3 Up 10 I Up 9 S Up t I Up •I uo 9' Vo •o VD t I Up I l VP ll VD tl Up t 1 Vp 11 Up 11 Up 1 1 Up 11 Up 7 g Vo I . Pct Oii u. °'' u l Oii 12, Oii 10 1 Ofl 1.1 Ofl I .I ()fl 1 • Oii I 4 Ott 1. Ofl 'J ()II 1 I ()ft I 0 OU U Oii • 1 Off • s Oii s' 011 u ~ u NIW YORK (AP) -P,IOM lelt Monet~ of gold OOln9, OOlllC*'M Wltll ~y'• prtoe. k.,....n_.,,~ ... ~ .. 1 troy or., 1311.60, off l.t.00. ........... ' ltVy 01 ' $.317.50, °" l.t.00 ...._.,.... 12 tr0yo:r. snus. on IUO . • METALS NEW YORK (AP) metal p11ces today Spol nonterrovs Cot>P4t• 6S· 72 cents a pound U S destine hons lb l ead 23·27 c.nts e pound Zinc: 35-37 cents a pound. deh~ered Tin SS 9555 Me1et1 Weel< compost(( Alumlnum 75·77 oenll e pound. NY Mercury SJ 70 00 per II ask Plellnum $268 00 troy oz N Y SILVER Hendy & Human SS 195 Dtt• troy ovnce ' GOLD QUOTATIONS Sy TM Au~tet.cl ,., ... Selecled WOfld gold prtoes lodey Londono: mON1111Q nxll'IQ SJO t 75. up 15 00 LOl'don: altemoon ll•lng: $304.00, up 1725 ,.,,a: erttrnoon n•too S300 34, up 17 17 ''•Nlf\wt: $304 01. up $4 n Zl#tctl; Lele fixing $303 50. UP $7 50 l)ld, $304 00 ulltd Kenctr a HenMll: only dally quote $304 00. up 17.2!1. I~ only dally Quote ~ 00, up lf.26. I~'. oniy deity quote lel>flc:•led $.319°20, UP $7 81. SYMBOLS IDIPlll llllCll I fllll ITICU 1 lll S DA 'V JUNt .'/ 1'111.' OUANG l COUN I Y C A L lfORNIA 25 CE NTS Reagan, other victims won't co111111ent · WASHINGTON (AP) -One weary juror told her husband that &he and her rolle-agues relied on the psychiatrists. "She said they hoped they did the right thing." The verdict, innocent by reason of insanity, moved John W. Hinckley Jr. and h is parents to tea.rs. His chief attorney, Vincent J. Fulle r , said: "Another day, another dollar." It was said he would oollect more than half-a- mlllion for hill longshot defense. Hlnckley'a vied.ml were al.lent to a man. Prftldent Rcaaan would !lave no comment. James S. Brady, the pre11 secretary, no comment. Timothy McCarthy. the Secret Service agent. no comment. Thomas K. Delahanty, the cop, no comment. The prosecutors, too, kept their thoughts to themselves. Treasury Secretary Donald T. R e gan, the high es t ad m i n istration o fficial to D.., ...... ~ bf hll'Wt O'Dolwlell ONCE A KNIGHT -Glen Eytchison, director of the Pageant of the Masters, chats with St. George, alias Jay Smith, prior to Smith's posing in a reproduction of Fritz Preiss''ivory sculpture "St. George and the Dragon " Art pageant marks golden anniversary By JERRY HERTENSTEIN of'._ o.-y Plot Si.ti The golden anniversary of the famed Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach a ppear s to emphasize the classics if a special preview for working press is any indication. The pageanr. in which people pose as living reproductions of art. opens July 10 in the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of ArlS grounds. A s photog r aphe r s a nd reporters previewed five of the 24 living works Monday night, Derek Jacoby of Mission Viejo. Kimberly Shirkani. Laguna Niguel, and Frank Wales, South Laguna. posed with fishing poles and their day's catch in a Scott Moore watercolor, "The Big Catch." Moore, 32, of Laguna Beach, is a member of the p restigious American Wateroolor Society. Jay Smith of Laguna Beach, posing for the fourth stra1gh t NATION year, heaves a big sword in his role this summer as St. George in a reproduction of Fritz Preiss' ivory sculpture "St. George and the Dragon ." He sits atop a 2,000-pound ho rse ma de of plaster of Paris and steel. Smith's costume consists of yards of knitted yarn which under stage lights looks exactly like ivory chain maH. "This coStume gets hot," said S mith, a depa rtment store manager at Fashion lsland in Newport Beach. "You always hope you don't have to sneeze ... and somehow you don't." Like others in the cast, he is coached on posing as s till as humanly possible. Robert Buff, 12, of Placentia, did fidget in his pose in the most impressive of M onday's presentations -the Base l· Cathedral Antependium. a bas relief by Fulda. W ater , a na tural issue? There's enough water in the Great Lakes to start a country. And w ater may be the next national issue. Page A6. Metals no longer precious? The slump in prices for gold and allver has been so pronounced that some investments ~perts refer to them as "formerly precious metals." Page 02, Senate balks at bill WASHINGTON (AP) -Senators, ba1k1na at a Howie ~e to clamp, a lid on their outlide Income, voted 54-42 today to toes an emergency spendfna bill containing the income limit back to the Hou.e. Stalled in the process wu a $3 billion houtlng 1Ubsidy program. ~nt on the verdict, callt.od ft "abmolutely atrocious." ''Frankly, I'm outraged at that Jury dedaion, 1 think it'• wrong. lt'•-not the tvne of ~ that IOdety should cond.one," Regan, who alao head.a the U.S. Secret Service, said on NBC's "Today" &how this morning. "l thlnk that when a penon stalka a leading citll.en of this country. shoota him and three of the people surrounding him and then goes scot -free, I think , that's abeolutely atrocious. * * * " . . . Jwrt think what we are saying to the ao-atlled cruies of the world regarding what they can do or not do WI far as public figures are concerned..'' One of the defense psychiatric experta expreaed au.rpriae by the verwct. He thought the insanity defense would fail. Another called it: "a triumph of faimea and common sense . . . a victory for modern scientific methods in psychiatry." But Republican senator Larry * * * Pressler of South Dakota said he was "penonally outraged at the whole Hinc kley trial," a nd predicted the passage o f legislation to rede fine the insanity plea. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah , who has introduced a ball to alter the insanity defense, said on the CBS "Morning" program today, "I don't blame the Hinckley jury; they applied the-Jaw as it was. I blame the law." LeavinJ( the oourtroom where * * * Hinckley WWI tried for ahootlna Reagan and the three otherf. Fuller said, ''Another day, another dollar." Alle n Smith, S r ., whose 61 -ynr-old wife, Virginia, served on the jury, recounted h~ description: "She said they relied on the psychlatnsta' testimony. All the testimony showed that he was insane, not in his right mind. AJI the evidence showed he was mentally dlaturbed. S he said they hoped they did the right thing." * * * Hinckley ruled innocent Confinem ent slate d in m ental hospital a f ter in sanity verdict WASHINGTON (AP) - John W . Hinckley Jr., the brooding loner who tried to kill President Reagan, escaped life in prison to begin what oould be years of confineme nt in a federal me ntal hospital. His attorneys said today that Hinckley will not try to win his freedom. Politicians were quick to criticize the verdict and call for legislation tightening use of the insanity plea. One Cabinet mernber said he was "outraged" by Monday night's verdict of innocent by reason !'f insanity .. Diedrich ordered • to prison By DAVID KUTZMANN or-.o..,Not...., Former Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich was ordered by a San Diego c.ounty judge today to begin serving a one-to 14-year state prison tenn for bribe r y and cons piracy despite his attorvey's pleas that such confinement w ould be tantamount to a death sentence. Diedrich. 58, surrendered to marshals in the northern San 'Jiego County courtroom o f Superior Court Judge Ross Tharp. Also surrendering was co-defendant a nd one -time Diedrich campaig n treasurer LeRoy Rose. Diedrich, once one of Orange County's most powerful men when he was known in political circles as "Super D," was found guilty three years ago of two counts of bribery and a,,single count of conspifacy. Rose was con'victed of a single count of conspiracy. Their 1979 con'viction stems from allegations that the two men conspired io gain financial consideration from owners of 2,- 200 acres in Anaheim Hills in return f or a favorable supervisorial decision that would permit re.ililential development of the property. Following a series of appeals court rulings, the California Supreme Court l ast mo nth upheld the oonviction of the two men. In arguments this morning before Judge Tharp In Vista, defense lawyer K eith Monroe said that sending Diedr ich to prison would jeopardii.e his life because of his poor health. COUNTY Hinckley shot Keagan and three other men in a March 30. 1981 attack. Defense attorneys Vincent J . Fuller and Gregory B. Craig said they spoke with Hinckley this morning and released this statement: "We wish to report that Mr. Hinckley has n o· current intention of exercising his right ... to a hearing on the question of re lease. In other words, Mr . Hinckley wilJ not be making any e ffo rt to seek release after the expiration of the statutory 50 day period as the law permits." The statement said: ''This firm will not represent John W Hinckley Jr. in any efforts to secure release until we are satisfied that h e meets the criteria for release and that Mr. Hinckley lS no longer a danger to himself or to society " In thei r statement, the lawye rs referred to the la"" under which Judge Barrington D. Parker must hold a hearing within 50 days to determine whether Hinc kley should remain institutionalized. The judge ~t Ju.ly 12 for a further proceeomg. but did not specify lhc· purpose. 1 he courtroom scene was dramatic and emotional Monday night when Parker, as tense as anyone in the courtroom, read the verdict: "Not guilty by reason of ansamty." Not gui lty by r eason o f insanity o f attemptin g to asi.assinate the president. Not guilty by rea:;on of i~ty or assault with mtent to kill four men. Not guilty. because of insanity, of carrying a pistol without a lat.'ense. Thirteen times, Parker pronount'ed the lnsanlty acquittal. Mesa neighbors in word rift Hand-p ainted roo f retaliates for 'privacy invasion' By JODI CADENHEAD or tM 1>e1y Not ataft home as an invasion of his privacy and illegal.- After the city Planning Cornmisfilon ..ki'rned down the Gallaghers' request to build" a two- story structure, the couple went ahead and bQilt what is, in their opinion, a one-story building. When Rebecca Gallagher looks out her second story window in Costa Mesa she sees the moon, the Big Dipper and a few clumsy stars. But the galaxy she gaz.es at isn't the real thing. It's the hand-painted work on her neighbor's roof done in retaliation for the building she and her husband are constructing behind their home at 492 Magnolia St., Costa Mesa. Van Dam contends that the buildin g contains a mezzanine or loft thal would automatically turn it into a two-story structure. "He's gone too far," said Mrs. Gallagher. "He's ruining the whole neighborhood. He's not hurting anyone but himself. It may be an eyesore to us, but he lives there.'' He predicts that the building will be turned into a bootleg apartment when <.'Ompleted. The Gallaghers scoff at the idea and say they'll use it to park the family car, play games and store tools. George Van Dam, 54, a burly man with a heavy Dutch accent, oontends that the building the Gallaghers are constructing behind their new "The only w""ay we could tum that into an apartment is if we rent to pygmies," said Mrs. Gallagher. (See ROOF PROTEST, Page A2 ) Britain rejoices over royal birth LONOON (AP) -Less than 24 hours after giving birth, Princess Diana left the hospital today with Prince Charles at her side and their blue-eyed son cradled in his Cather's arms. Great cheers arose from the crowds as the r oyal couple appeared outside St. Mary's Hospital in west London carrying the baby destined to be king. Diana, wearing a loose-fitting green polka-dot dress, smiled wh e n C harles handed the 7-pound, l Y.z-ounce baby to the princess as they got into their chauffeured station wagon for the dnve home to Kensington Palace. ' All over Britain church bells pealed , cannons roared and Union Jacks fluttered as the nation rejoiced. F.arlier in the day, a succession of royalty, including the baby's father, Prince Charles, and grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, had v isi t e d with the 20-year-old princess and her child, second in line to the British throne. Charles, the 33-year-old heir, who attended the birth, had visited his wife and son for three hours, and eme r ged to say: "Everything's marvelous." He had stood in the rain for almost two minutes, tellin g reporters t h e princess was recovering her strength after the 16-hour. labor and the blondish baby was in "good form _ . looking a bit more human this morning." Asked whether the delivery and been painful for Diana. Charles said, "Have you ever had a baby?" The prince skirted questions about the baby's name, saying he and Diana would decide on one "soon." INDEX Ne wport asks dual c ontrol of airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( the Delly Pltot lt•ft Newport Beach is seeking a legal partnership with Orange County government under which the city would have limited control over future decisions affecting John Wayne Airport. According to an inch-thick rfocument marked "privileged" and "confide ntial," attorneys r epresenting the city have wncluded that such a mechanism can be'achieved -despite county misgivings. The document has been circulated to at least one county supervisor's staff and attorneys. who handle the oounty's airport matters. , Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather said Monday she and two other members of the Newport council, John Cox and (See AIRPORT, Page AZ) A blind Huntington Beach woman has embarked on a career as a masaeuse. Page Bl. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business A4 B2 C4-5 Horoecope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies B3 STATE VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -The Strategic Air Command teat-fired an u narmed Minuteman miaaile today t a sprawling South Pacific ·atoll w h ere four islands re~rtedJy were being occupied by protesting Mara})all lal.ands residenta. WORLD BUENOS AIRF.S. Arpntlna (AP) -The army has dftipated retired Oen. Reynaldo Btgnone to be the Arcentine junta'• next president to replace Gen. teopotdo F. Oaltieri. oUl1ed for the l'alklancl la1ancll defeat, a well in.fonned 10WCe aid today. Calilomfa A5 Mutual Funds C4 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Classified D1-D3-6 Public Notices C3,D2-3 Comics B4 Sports Cl-3 Crossword B4 Stock Markets cs Death Notices D2 Television B6 Editorial A6 The.tera B3 Entertainment B3 Weather A2 Hy Gardner B2 World News A3 ' SP ORTS Building a better body Al DiSlena of lrVine, an Edllon High sracfu.ie, la pert _of the new image aurroundlna the sport of body buJldina. 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NCllSv • • 6 10 '* SP5Tet n • t'IO 14>. , ._ UCbTV n u 1' I 16 1t•11 , 1 "• t<.aty pf 1.46 . 41 U • I;, flll!'OPS 1.511 IO l«l II Sabine '° 19 7J 3J 1i>Enr9 2.32 • '67 2t' • • • 1 K.tu!Sr .2A 9 SO ,,,.. "' ,..,Slf'llll2.5' 6 152 11~.. SIQdBs s 3117 5' u..., "• Ulllum 2.'12 • 23 '°"' ... K9uf pf 1 SO • 1~ -"• NS~.60 · r20 26'11 I SIQdSc • • • • UUlu pl J. '1 10 2" 1 Kaller •JO • '"" !<IS 10.36 .. z<IO •'•• "" SIQdS wt 13 '' u111u p1 110 ao 13•., • '. 14tllogg I.SO "8 2Jtt. + " NI~ I a 1" JS""• '• Sil-V 160 1 278 28 ... • • Ulllu pl ' I 1•'• 'Ill Kell..u' .40 S 2'l 12!4 .. l't II .. 12 2'• ''I Slla8Ci> S6 8 2S 2•' .. '• 1.n•ll"6 IO 11 12 '°'" ._ ~Ml ,10 3 138 •~.... 1'41 l"P. l.IOU9 •11 SI' .. 1" SIJoLP I :M S 2 II"• t WP<B• I 17 • 36 11\1. '• 14t!l!'lll ... 9 t•J U 'h \It ""'1Wr ,IO 1'2 114• 2S ' '" Sf'llul I 10 so t U16MM f6 S' • '• ICyC/111 2.lO I II 1Pll-V. NM9cp l.M S 601 18'• '1• Stllei!P 1.2• 199 20"• UPI<~ SJ '6 2' • , •11o 14trrGI ,4' S •2 !OV• -" -En 1.40 • J• 16\1. • ... Set.nl '° 12 8"• "• IJSFoS S Ole S 18',, '• ic.rGl!f 1.10 I u 11 v, -En "'1.ll ll !Jil. • '• SOtGs 1 ID • n1 I! l.Mlr 11 .SJ !<l•, '• t<.rrM'1.10 6 716 11'• + 'I• Nollll'CI 4.«l I l•t Sl'll• 1 SJu.,B •Se 11 711 Ilg~ USGvos 2 . .0 13" 1J'• '• ~~': t 10 3;~ ~:,: ! ~ ~~ 1 :: ,; ~~ ,:, ' " ~~~ i• i:.~s ~; •f" , : IJSHom ,. 163 I l'•H , • Kid pre • 1 48 P«>rtm 2 s 111 29' • '-SMttR1 1 fl8 a a I•', • '" ~L':'as ~ q f: l~~: • , IOd plC • I 48 Nlll'Slm 1.08 6 •II IJ• • '• S~lnc! I 6 111'1 ,..., , '> US Rly J.IS< J 2J 11 •, klmllO 4 7 137 "4'1• NllrtS pf 1.60 · I J9"o 4-SQIWl!I 110 J 43 16 1-'• USShD, I 36 6 117 JJO,, , ', ~tR '2 IO ISO 2'"" • ._ l't>~ 'l .21-17 S02 l8 '• S...IRE 20o S8 I'•• '°' USSteel 2 112'0 19 " Kooer I 22 I• I~• ~ .S2 a " JS ' " S.WEIP t 18 1S "" IJSl otx 2.llO 10 J7 0 1., '• Kofmor .3:/ IS " 20 • ii; -0-0 -S...E A 1 3' 1 .,,. '• Lt\TK n ''° .. ?OSI JI> • "' Kopef'• 1.«l 10 ~ 613>1! ~ o.lclnd .2A 1 H S1 dlS~ '-• S..ln 120 '" " l/Tch pf J BJ 28 •S" l<oO< "' • 1.JO 28 OeklteP 1.S2 J 6 1qw,. " SclY Pio I fl8 • 2JO 28'.. ' UTc h"' 2 IS ',. " .. KoclP' pf 10 I 73 1 Occl"-1 2.SO ' 801 19 • '• Sctll-'lb • 1198 J'I'•• 1'> U.ITel I fl8 J olJ'I 11 Kroel'llr 3 H • • \I• DaclP P'1.SO • · 1 16\lo '• SCIAll 11 I I 1658 11• 1. U\llrele 25 13 71 11>•• ~ .~ ~m~ ~~ ... ~ ~:~=~·~1·:. ~ ~ • ., ·~ Sa>as 6'10 6t 22'• "'l.nlv•r fl8 s 1 16'• KvatoC 22e 10 I> ~ • 'ft OOECXh I S 1'01 IM• ~!;:~ 1 110 ; 2! 2!~ • '.: t!:t!: ::~ ! ,~j ~!~ " Ky'IO' .• 11 3 1'•• '"" Oacl9n 1.IO •"°"16~" I Scc11P IS fqi 14'4• '• ~Jol\ll 2.28 I 826 '1\.o 11 -L-t. -Ol\loEd 1.J6 6 flU 12>\ ''> Scolly• 77 t 7C3 171 , • USLIFE 114 • J9o4 1"'111 '• LN Ho rO.~ J 11.V. • V. OttE6 pl 3.'IO '00 2S'h • 1•11 Scovlll I Sl 16 ,.,: ' USLF pf 2 2S 148 670' I LFE 13 6~ llo OttEd of •.<IO . 110 27\'• 't SHC:l pf I '6 6 9' • USlleF'd I 2• 1..: ': LllCX) I 10 J )S'I> + 1't OllEd pt 7.36 .. ZIOO '4 "" SMO pl110 J6 13 Ul.oPL 2 28 8 1'S 18''< + 't LLC(p .. 2'I 21't V• OIE6pfl.20 • 1100 SI _,,, Sff(nnt •2 41 23'• UIPl.pl 1.90 21 20 '• LTV .SO I 1680 10'19 + 'At OttEd pf 1.IO .' I 12;,.. · Seilft'I I .. 306 "" '• UIPL pl 7 04 . . • 1", '• LQAnt s 20 92 11"'-V, OhPOI l.OI . zlO SI 111 SHl!rm 110 I 10s •S , 1•. V-V -· Ye~ 1.<IO S IJ 20\oi < V. OIP pf8'.60 · a80 SO • 1'1• 5-Qul 10 U 1>•1 , 't VF Cp 2 40 • 8 '2l'o • .. t!~~ .3' ici U 1! 1111 g:: =fl·f. ; · 11~ ~ + '; t::'~ 1:~ 1~ 8~ ~~ "• ~::~n .~ : ~ 'r": : : ~wtlnl n .... •• ''•. ~ 0.P p F ,. . • tlO "''• "" 5"rle<; S2 16 S60 32' I .,. V•OO n " • •S 8''• "' '--Pl . 11 .. 187 IS'h 'I• Ola.OE 1.76 I 1169 11> • v, s.." 1.36 q 16'7 19•,., 11, V•I., fl 16 67 311~, ... L-so I SO S 106 12 • V, Old.0 pl IO rS20 6'" '" 5«"8< 7 40 4 21" 78¥< VIJl'O >10 IS I 19 ,,,_ L.swy'fr I.SO ' 3 28 • '>lo U ln 1.20 s IO'I "''• Seiko ... s 316 78'. v.eco 20 IJ 108 12' • • 'I LeeElll 1.08 9 122 24"'.... Clmlr• 1 • • " sa~ 60 s 1q 12• •• ''• WndO 106 s ,.., UIQPl81 ."8 I> 3 f6V, • 1111 Ol"mcr n .llO 15 27 21'" • "-S<IC .. a t26 22'> \<et& 1.21a 8 q Uf\Val 13 2J u "· On4llda .n s 17 U V• • ''• ~flt I s '° 11''1 • ~ vi.com ~ 1l oe 18'. '. UIYm 1.109 . • 110 u ONEOK 1.<IO 5 eo , •• ,, "' Sllll)ell 2'I 12 • .... Vlcm pf 2.10 ' :H. • '" LtlM ... $ .10 J 13 111/> \lo Optlllc• IS sv. ~n 101 8 ' s•. V•EPw 1.lO 6 II~ "'" '·• LMotc 1.llO a 22• -~. lo\ OranRk 1.611 6 J9 !Sh' SNllO 1.80 J 1091 JJ'. .... VtEP p17.n t<IO sov •• '. UUC:MI S 3 11)qa · .. 0.-e .20ot .. 411 ··~I 11• !ihtllT 2 1k 6 • 18 ''> V•EP flf8.60 I SJ~• 1'<t U.lSt 1.6'5 6 830 n•.;, + .... Orlorit .60 ~ 121 12\lo 9'e1Glo .so s JI ,. • " V41E pfJ 7.n zlO lO'h I U.IUF 1 I• fl 21'-+ ~ OlltlM .IO 4 U 2'l'h · · · ShtlG pl J 1 '8 1'-V•EP 1)17 O , z700 4811> '" U)F~ 1,20 sso so n~ -y. M l! ,60 ~• !! ~::': • !': StrWn 1 219 ,,,,. • '"' 11orNd . . u 13~ "• u .n 16 JO 11.. " °""'°' 1 ~ •• 1..-. • ~ SlerPac t.'6 11 11'1• w c1nc .9'1 t 1 1•1• "' I"' 60 • II 2211> ..... °"""° .IO 'J02 mi.-"' ~~ ... , 13. 31191 !!~·. ,·.: W crNI ,,. ... 1 S·S 0 ''>. '" Uff!l"ll .. ll U• 16't. • Yt OWenC 1,10 17 Sfl 1j.\I, • ""'"""" _,.. ~ _ w-w _ UllyE.11 2.604' II IS7A M • -OW9tllll 1,61 S fll .12~ • "' StmPU 36 J JS 13 Ii, WICDR 2. 14 S .. l•Vi + " Umlld n .a 12 470 19'111-Ill Ownll 1114.75 .. 2 4J • J ~ .S6 IS 12 1'• .... dlov 1.2• • SI 1414. "' UntNI 3 4 10. ll V. 0.lrdlll I 6 6 29\.'t • "' Sin9tf . Hit 37 '9 1 llio + 11, V.clcllt .•AO 9 I 12~ + •;. UncPI 2.16 . 2S IS'9 1111 -~ -SlnQr pl J SO . i. 2111, "-'l'ollinoc " • . 2U l'lt + \\ u11m 1.60 s 707 ,, +I PHH. '_.. 10 Sf ,~.Vt SlcyllM .411 31 '16 Ulla .... WI,..,, .31119 .... so ' ·,,, Ull..,111 2 .. ' 1'V• 'l't PNBMI 1.1 .. t .. 8"' ..... SrrltM !JI • 1 1.,.. W.lgrn• 1 9 128 21"'• " l.oCIOld . 826 SI"• '111 PPG 7.e6 6 63 31>111+ \.\i 51111hln ti ' llO 2S'"· 'MHRsQl.32 . t.J 12Ve t.octtte .S6 IS 7 2114 -111 PSA .liO ' U 22"-D "' !otn<B 2.32 12 23'2 ~ ...... ICS• .66 10 9 30'1't \lo L.MWS 1.10 S 90 SS"°-14 PllCAS 1.'°'1 • 19 10\'t., . Smickr 1.«l t 13 0 ''• + "-V.IUm I 111 17 .... • ', LornFn 1 ... I 2 23" · • P11eG E e 6 lttO 2~ ~ Sr>lll()n .114 11 •3 23 • •1, ,,_llJ pl! 60 2 lt'I • " UlmMl 2.90e J J7 "''•+ '"' P•cLIQ 2.1' 6 '2 ~. ~ Sonel . I 10 s 6~ ,,.,. • "• ,.,..mac l.10 • 176S )01~ 'I: 1.J1Star 1.90 7 ,,.. ,..,,. v. P11eLum .IO ' 7!0 dlS~ In Sony(:p "" II ,,.. 13'1>. 1> •w-nem ' 12 223' ... ,, • "• LILC'D 1. .. 6 53' 1SV. P.t<"°"' 2.16 6 m. I~-V. SooUn 2 o10e 6 12 24''• """',...LI .I() 11 6'2 :IO',.+ ,,.. UL plJ 8.11 1100 u ' PecP pl l.JS . :M 73~ "' Scam:( 2 60 '6 ,,.... Wt>sl\Gs 2.16 J 30 ,, ·~ Lll pllC 8.)(). tSO 5'V1 • 11• PllCP pf •.OJ 10 ,..._ 1.\o Srtc.P of2 40 . I! 17', ~I I 08 1 49 ,..,,.. , 'IOI UL plU • 25 112 21>'" 'It P11eScl t J7 7 127 d101h-1'>1o SoA!IF'n 82 I._ 11; WshWI 2 '° 5 SJ 17\lo + •;, U L pfT J.~I 2• 70'111 ._ P•IMW .SO 16 22• 1•14. SO"EG I 9'1 7 21' 16 .,..\e .S2 u 4'2 28¥< • "• LIL pf P 2 . .0 . . ' u .... '" P•lmB< 1.10 s J7 1514 -" SoJe<ln 2.20 s " 17''> ,,, V.lkln ... IS " 3J"'· L.onQDr 1.04 IO •2 2'1'1111 •I PanAB n ,,._ I !l Wh "" Soudw • SO J 19 38.... V, WJyGos ~ 4 , 71o1. .•.. Lott i .n " 101 32''• II> PanAm ,,, l'lll "' Sol>t.Blt 1 s xqs 413v, ve.,u .osf 12 " '"' • 1, UIGtnl .4'1> 8 SI !IV. , ... PanhEC VJO • l03 U SoelPS 1.311 J 8 II\. , v.tbbO 10 Ill I> + ''t UUnd 1.IO 9 ... 26111,. "• Pepe fl s !.18 J •S Jl!>o + v; SCllEd J.2' 6 12"' 30',. 'It v.ttlslo\ s .J6 10 6 lJ uPac .90b 36 ISO u v.... . • Pardyn wO "6 eO'h • " SGlll\Co 1.42 6 l09S 1214 • v. ""'"sF 1.91 4 46 20\0 + ~ L.ouvC::.. 2.22 I 13' ,..,... • '"' Paroas 1.140 s •S ··"" • .,. So4nGE 2,08 6 2• 20 ' . WtlFM 2,llO • !I 19Vo • l~ '--rtS' I 10 S U 27 -''• Per~Drl .16 ' Sl7 11\1> • Ila SNEltl 'S6 6 2'1 42\lt V..ndYs .211 IO 1ee1 1S'-• .. Lowes ' ... IS 11 "~ . • . . P•rHtn s.91> " 7J IS-14 Soll'loc 2.60 s O S 2'1.... -"*st • ' 13 •• • ... 1.Abnl I 08 8 103 IJ'h ..... Park"'1 .SJ 13 n llh -\le = 2,.., •. 2 nv, • '• ~Ppsp11•.IO.SO •. mo ?J.:! • ''• ~n 4 17 SIU Vt Persns 1 1 111 1•'11o+1,. 1.si. • 16 1611· ,, ~.-. ,., ,..,, U.Cl<yS 1.11> J J9l 1J ..... P•tPlrl 13 332 d JI" "' 1.1' 8 1172 31 14 • •.;, ~'£~rTLQ'I O' _? 's~, ""•• l..i.«11\S .n s SS fOl.t.-.... P•YlN .... • J! u• .... '"' Soqoy ,08 '2S .. , ''"' • \Ct ........ -vo. -M-M -Payc sn "'S '' n nv. + .,, Sowrw'k .O!t l 87 11,~ • '" Wt.Ir p1 19 u , "' toM,COM .16 17 1117 1'14-~ .... DOV '2 '14 Jin + 'l't Son11 pf 1 .. n 8\1< \.\i WCN• •4 0111 a•~• ,.._ WCA 1:so IJ , ... ut2:W. + '" PHvy n 1· 10 321 ~ ,,... SWAlrs .J2 IJ 21 381·• • Ii\ ~.cl " 4 ) $6~ + "" MEI .se 10 26 l4"• • v. ~~ 02. • l31N ~ • .,.. Swtlfll • 1.10 • 121 2"h • " wunion ""° a tt0 21v. li MOMGr .... IO ·~ 61111-.... """ fl' UtOD ~ .. "' $o.Fllllt .IO • ns dl2V. .... WVll dlPll.18 !! , ... \4 MGMGt p!.44 .. tJ 1 -'wit ~ otM1 .. sm 74'11< " SWIFol'W . !Jl 3'J 27 •~ 'A WoJT1 r 2,s. • e.4i 17Vt • "" ~U:·'~~: n: !~.~.~ ::::~·'6''J~ttu~: ~ ~""~,~ ~ ,;~. ~ ~ ::~: .i n~.: ~ m 1 1V .., *'"-.... Pe PL t.'2 s llS ""'. . SwtPS '·'° • 10.J 13~ .... ~~· 1.:11),. neo 2)111-'~ Ml 1.21' '. 'J' "~-"" =•PL "'~'° .. noo ,, ..... ~' ....,,, .60 J 73 "~ ... \ ~yr pf Hl! ·. · .• sl! u~_ ~ .... f .. !10 11 •11 2,'~· .. ;.: ePLflff..., .. dO H ..... $PKIP .. 40 16~ ..... ..,.Yl'Pf•..,.. • • .--,. ,.,. .,..., • ,.,,. ... •PL ~ .• 1150 S3 -1 = 1.t'Z '21JO 12~. .. Wl•I' 1,90 6 171 411•'" 114 ~t 'i 1 11 • ...... --1s n u • "" il 1.• S •tt1 JS~• v. ~~ .... 12 • '""". "' Mllnlll" .JCO S IOU " P9ft'Wit2~z 6. 32 2'i. II> 1 ... 7 U u-.-Vt w;iF ;i ' 2 .': s 01~-IV. Menl!LI .32 10 .... + .,. Ptnw pfUO •• 2' 1S'lt • .... 1.211'2QSO 14\lt..... ~Pl\ • H ll'r"t + 111 ,,_riO t ,Jt I "" 11111-" PtnnlOI ) lO t U•2 ll'll • _, W .40t 1 ts 14 + °" Wtlll~ t ill> 'llAI t I'll< MfrH.n Ut ' lll ,...., • ~ iloef\1 DfB • . . ill> t5\I<-14 5'tlev .eo • Ill tt + ' Wlllit : : '1l0 it !YI =~~~s::~~ 1~'f ,f'h.~.~ =~fl ·'t t~ '~·: r=r. :: 1 1U m:: ~ :ir · l~ r"~u=;': AMPCO 1.10 f t 21""' • tl't ~Co U2 10 2m a -"° $IOllCI 2 Cl S 21'3 2'14 ,.._ w.1m t 12 62 11•AI +-" Mired n • 214' • .. ,... .. ti ·'° 12 )73 IM • ..., R 2.IO • 21'3 o + "' WIJU. 1 . .., s UO MJrMldl.U ' It~ •.• ,, """1 .. 1.• 1 ti ICM + 14 UO 41 .. 0 ll'-'-W9'ffl I~ '2 , .. ,.. 111 Mirlon ... tt 2''.li-.., ..... ,,. s '·! 10 1 ne. • " co 10 ~ ~ 1 ... wini.,,.,, 1.10 1 m "" • ..., Mll111~ .*2 IJ ' '"' .. " ~''" a; 7 41' 1411<-Vt ·'l: 1 'd!1 v. Wlltnl! I\ 10. • '41)} ,..... "' Sii ;:&; mas~~ ...il~~o\~u~~ ~~! ~ 1::v.11,~ ~ t. ~i~~ !!:tu~,_a ~~·::" ii]! r~~·~ r1··~~~:.~1u:~;~ .ll~·~ ~·~ il t.1~:;.~~~~:~ =,.1.1te t ,n m:: ~ l i t. . ..~.1 vc '·'f • .183 ~ t i" WM , l ·n 11~-~ I~.· 'I~ f!i" l'M til 'i ~ ~r.:~:e c~l;i ·~i~~~=!:: i'i: ~'a' i~~ ai"'t.•\: .. ifi;:~ .... '·. ,,, .. ~ .n 1 m " •1_• 'K.t ~ ,..,r: ,. t ... lt4t• ~ " , • .....1.... 'l:t 1.~ .. ~ M9vtl le' Id 211'• "' • ' • ,.~. "" N Cl I Dow Jones Final UP 9.71 CLOSING 799.66 revenues up 'fhe Hammond Co. of Newport Beach reports that d uring its fiscal year, which ended March :u, mortgage volume rose 34 percent in loans and ti:.! percent in dollars. and revenues tripled . Revenues increai.ed 200 percent, from $3.2 million to $9.5 million. Income totaled $1.7 million, or $J 99 per share -as opposed to a 1981 loss of $23.185 or 10 cents per share Assets lea ped to $20.3 million from $6 .1 million and shareholders' equity rose from $7 l2.000 w $2.3 million, a 225 percent increase The vast maJortty of the company's revenU('S, 76 f)t'r cent or $7 .3 m1ll1on, camt.· from loan ongsnauons, Hughes expands Ground was broken m Newport Beach for the t h ird ph as~ o f an expansion program being undertaken by the Del E. Webb Corporation for Hughes Airc·raft Company's solid statt· products division. The W l'bb organization is general contractor for the $1 5 million addition, which will consist o! a tw o-s tory eleetronlc:-s assembly and test builcling and an adjacent four-story, 921 -car parking structure. The project will add 110,000 square feet to the 270,000 square feet housing thl• division's operations Activities of the division 1ncludt• developm1·nt Jnd production of semiconductors . frpquency t:o ntnil devices and hybrid microcircuits {or rnmmerc1<.1I , industrial and military applications. Arehltt.'Ct for the addnwn 1s The Elliott Group ol' Costa Mesa T -bills hit high yield WAS HINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury securities are higher thlS week -their highest in nearly th ree months. . The government said that at its w eekly auction Monday it sold about $4.;) btllion in si x-month T -bLlls at an average discount rate of 13.031 percen t. up from the 12.503 percen t of last Monday, and about $4.5 bilJion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.588 percent, up from 12.24~ percent. . Beginning today, m accou!'ts. linked to federal securities, savings and loan assoc1auons a':ld banks may {lay as muc h as 13.281 p e rcent inte r es t on $10,000-minimum si x -mo nth mon ey ma rke t cert ificates: S&Ls may pay as much as 12.588 percent and commercial ban ks as much as 12.338 percent on $7.500-minimum th ree-month certificates; S&Ls may pay as much as 14.7 percent and eommerc1aJ banks a; much as 14.45 perl·ent on 2 1/i-year "small-saver.: cer tificates; and Lax-exempt, one-year "all-savt>rs certificates issued through July 10 will pay 9 85 percent interest w hl!n held to maturity. Order received San/Bar Corp. of Lrvine reported its Break-Free Division received an order from the U.S. M1lstary Defense Logistics Command for approxim ately $600. 000 of "Break-Free CLP ," a multi-purpose deaner lubr icant and protective agent. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS 7. 101.1100 45t,IOO 811.200 516,300 SOl •OO 49),!00 •71. 100 02,800 449,400 •I0,'100 )JJ .. oo JSJ,)00 JAi JOO 312 .SOO 312.400 UPS ANO DOWNS VPS N.ln LM1 Cho l t.le~Pfl 2'• • r, 2 E.....OE pfB • '> 3 FstMID CJ> 8 '11 '- • .-ClafMQ 61t • I 5 TldtMlr 20.,_ I' t 6 Pengellncl I'• • \t. 1 FreeotMcMrf' U\'t • 1 • Sunsl\Nwl ) .. ... 9 ~P1r 211 i • \1: IO OomeM 11 S... • ~ 11 F .. StMI l 11.. t "• 12 OhE6 J "°"' n · ' 1•, tJ UnP•rtl:. Min 7' • '• 1' lndlM &611111 st'' • 3' • IS Mt tromec:I 217 • .,. I :~=~~ ,;~. ~ II ... , HDmt\ 7.. '" 19 OlrY1ler WI 1' 1 • .. OOWH& ui·1~~. c~. GOLD COINS 10~ 2>11 11 ,, ... 10 ' 10 '• IS'"' I"'° " \lo 1\4 '" 23 ,,, 11'1> -1''11 .. , •V. Ila .... -~ ,.~ ,~ 2t '"" ~~ "" 12"' ~ tV> "" ,,.., ~ 1 l'it • . '• ' '. . .. '11-. . '. '• . ,, "• . '• '• '• '• '• Pel Up Up Up Up Uo Up UP Up uo Up Up Up Up Up Up VP UP Up Up 111 10 J 9 s 1 a J 8 11 1 5 I I I 5 7 1 68 • J bl s.o H ! 1 s b S.6 H P<t. Off 10.6 Oii 10 J Oii t .J 011 9.l 01f 1.0 011 • ' 011 •.• Off •.3 Oii ,,, 011 •. o 011 s.• ()ft ,. Ott s.• Oii 5,, 011 S.I Ott s.o Off '' Off ••• OU •.t NEW YORK (A.Pl -Prlc:et lat• M0110ty or gota C!Olna. comoarea with Frlday·a pree. K~. I ttOy O!., $317.60. off $4.00 .,,, .. ....... *'• 1 troy Ot , 131'?.-, On IA:ii1oen IO,..., 1.2 troy oi,, &376.76, otf $5.50. ~ 1• ~ •. 9902 tr0y O&.. ~\.Je, o9 U .50. '®rce.: OM~P9r9fa METALS •J l,000 122 100 '13 000 81 .SOO 1!,000 sa.200 !1,bOO .. 100 •l.500 .. !00 .. t • lb • 1b • )I .. ,, . 26 t ... ) 7S'<o ' . .. .. NEW VQRI( (AP) mellll prices today Spol nonferrous Cop1>9r 65-72 cents a povnd, US des11na!lons lb LHd 23-27 cents ii povnd Zinc 35.37 cents a p ound , delivered Tin $5 9555 Me1els Week compoSllE Alumlnum 75-71 cents a pound N v Mercury $3 70 00 per flasll. Plttlflum $288.00 troy oz NY SILVER Handy & Harman $5 195 pet lroy ounce. GOLD QUOT A TIONS By The A.Hoc:lettd PreH Selected world gold prices today LondOll: morrW>g ll1lng S301 75. up $5 00 Londot'l: afternoon fixing $304 00. up $7 25 Perl•: allernoon !1x1ng $300 34, up $111 Fre"ltlurt: S304 01. up $4.11 Z11rlch: L•te fl•lng S303 50, up $7 so bid, $304 00 asked. H.ndy a Harm•~ only d•lly quote $304.00. up $7 26 E~rd: only dally quote $304.00, up Sf.26 lngelhafd! only dally QUOlt l8bl1C•led $319 20. up ST.6 1 SYMBOLS •