HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-28 - Orange Coast PilotDRANll CIAIT YOUR HOMITOWN DAllY PAPIR MONDAY JIJNl .'ti 1'111.' OHANGt: COUN 1 Y l. Al IF OHNIA 25 CENTS Federal S&Ls given mortgage clout W AS H I NGTO N (A P ) Federally chartt.•rcd savings and loan associat10ns c.•an forl•t• honw o w n e rs to pay off m o rtgag t•s granted through tht• mstllu twns before selling lh t•1r homt'8, the• U.S. S upreme Court rul<'CI today T he court's 6-2 dc.'<'1s1on <.'ould severe ly restrn:t thl' avatlab1hty o f s o-l'a ll e d "al>s um ab le mortgages," wh1l'h ~11low a homt· bu yer to take over a federally c:harh'red S&L mortgage a t a more favora ble rate t h an the buyer would have to pay for a new mortgage. Mo rtgages g ranted through s t a t e-c harter e d S &L s, government agencies, banks and mortgage com panies would not be> affected by today's ruling . About h alf the nation's 4,000 savings and loan asoocialions are federally chartered. The court ruled that a 1976 fede r al regula tio n a llow ing federally char tered savings and loan ass ociat ions to e xe rcise "du e-o n -sa le" c la u ses in mo rtgage c:o nlr a c ts takes pre<:edence over a California law barring such dauses. Cali fornia and 17 other states Coded military messages sent with similar laws attempu1d to bar the "due-on-sale" claUSt.."fl. At issue w as a reg u lation dra wn b y the Fede ra l Home Loan Bank Board, which governs fede rally cha rte re d savings institution s. under the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933. Writing f or the cour t 's majo rity, Justic e H a r ry A Black mun said: "We concludt> th.it th1 ho.11 d ·~ du1• 0 11 s.d 1• n •l!{u 1.111011 \.\ .1:. nwa n t t11 p11 l'nlpl l'Oldl11 ll11g ~I.II" llllllldllllll'o un th1 dw· 1111 -..ik p1,1c lll'l'"-nl fc'Cleral soiv111~-. ;111d luan-. "Although 1h1 l"1.11d' pow11 lo pr11111ul~.1 1l· • ··~1Jl,1t11111"' l'Xt•111pt111., lt·•lo ·r.ol "'v111gs .ind lo,u1s lto111 tlu 11·q11111 nw11L' 111 stall' lav. 111.1\ 11111 lw • liou11dlt·-.!. tn lhl:O. l'.t'I '-I.I' llt l'(f 11111 I 'Plllll llw rn1t1•1 1111111'. or tlw boarcJ's d1~ r l'll•m W 1 lwvt 1u1 d1ffkulty 111111 h11li111-' th.11 th,. dut• on sale 11·g11l.1111111 1-. wrth111 lh1· Sl'OJX• of !111· l111.11d-. ;1utl11•rrtv uodt•r tlll' J'l'l l '"I ;111!1 1·11n..i.,t1 111 ~1th th(• ,I! I pr lllt llJ•tl JiUIJ.llN'S.' .JUl>lll'(' Hl.ll'k1111111 y, 111t1· It .1 .... 1v111i.::-. .111d lo.111 ll'ndl'r • .. 1111111 1111l1·l I 011 a11 1 x1st1ng l~N· llOME. Page A2J Shuttle astronauts go to worl~ Minor troubles handled ' CAPE C ANAV E RAL . Fla (AP) -The space s huttll• soan•d thr ough the first full day of Mission 4 today. its astronau~ plunging into a flurry of ll'l-~ after sending coded mcssag<.•s about a Pe ntagon paylood that s ymbolizes a ma rriage of tht· civilian space program with tht• military. Columbia. laun c h e d so brilliantly Sunday, hu112med along with no maJOr problC'ms. On its last test flig ht, astronauts K e n M a tt1ng1 y a nd Hen r y Hartsfield were qualify ing thl· craft as a n operation a l s pat·c• vehicle. "All the things propk• have said about th is machine are trUl', ·• M a tti ngly s a i d in pra ise o f Columbia 's perfo rmance on Sunday. PRINCE WILLIAM -The baby born to Prince Charles and P rincess Diana a week ago has been naned Wilham Arthur Philip Louis. ·~ W1Nt1M40 He'll be known as Prince William of Wales. T here w ere some troubles T h<· booster rockets tha t w<.•re to have• been recovered for reuse sank in the A tlantic Ocean, a $36 m1Jhon lo ss. The s p a cec r a ft also developed a steering .iet leak and a high te mperature reading on a fuel cell. but off1c1als said thC'S<.'<' were manor and would not affc'<.'l th e mi ssi o n A s tu d <•nt experiment failed to fum·uon second in line to the throne. It's 'Prince William of Wales' A n d fo r the Sl'tond da v. M attingly and pil ot Henry Hartsfwld were unable' to turn on the sc1enc:e expcrimt•nt, wh1th was develo ped by Uw h l'Ol11·gt· students. Royal baby named William Arthur Philip Louis LON DO N (AP) Prince' Charles and Princess Dia na havC' named their m fanl son William Ar thur Ph1l1p L u u1 s, Buckingham Pa lace announn•d today. The announcement caml' ont> week after the royal :>irth. The ch ild. second in hoe lo the British th rone lx-hmd his fathe r, will be known as Pnnce Wilham of Wales, a palace spok<'sman said. The selcct1on of names was "entire ly a matt.er of personal c hoice b y the prince and princess," the spokesman said The re have been four previous K ings Wilham -the last w as William (V who reigned from 1830-37. He w as the third son of Kmg George Ill. during w hose reign the American colonists won the Revo lutio nary Wa r again s t England and founded th<' United States. "The baby w ill b<• known as Prince William . an d thl• name• WORLD won't be foreshor tened in any way," said the palace spokesman. sp<..>eif1cally noting that the boy w ill not be called "Billy." Born June 21 in St. Mar y's Hospital. West London. the baby we ighed in a t seve n pounds. 11 i ounces. T h e infant is in excellent health. the spokesman said. He o ffe r ed the follo wi n g explanation for the choice of the re maining three forenames: -Arth ur is one o f Pnnce Charles' ow n names. his full name being Cha rles Philip Arthur George. Philip is th e n a m e o f Char les' father . Prince Philip. the Duke of Edinburgh. h usband of Queen Elizabeth II. -Louis was the name o f Prince Ch arles' beloved great- unc le. Earl Mo untba tte n o f Burma, a Britis h admi ral, statesman and last Viceroy of India. Lo rd Mountbatten was assassinated by Irish Re publican Army guerrillas m 1979. Cosmonauts in orbit MOSCOW (AP) -Four Soviet cosmonauts spent a quiet day orbiting the earth aboard the Salyut-7 station with their French guest in space, test pilot Jean-Loup Chretien. NATION Hunters kill raccoons BARABOO, Wis. (AP) -Hunters killed 14 raccoons over the weekend at the International Crane Foundation. where the animals have been attacking rare birds. Bankruptcy law shot down WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court today 1truck down H uncon1UtuUonaJ a bankruptcr law Con1r onactod four yeara aao. Tho rullna wll hov na ff t, however, on CUM already llU11wd und r the-law I I The princ e , 3 3. a nd his 20-ycar-old wife, the former Lady Diana S pencer , C'hose six godparen ts for the heir apparent. Th ey a r e f o rme r Ki n g C onstantine of Greece. 4 2. a s k1nd1 ving companion of the prince: Lord Romscy. grandson o f Lord Mountbatten; the au thor S ir La ure ns Van d er Post who wro te "T he Lost World of the Kalahari": Princess Alexandra. the queen's rousm . the OuC'hess of Westminster. whose husband the Duke 1s one o f Brita in 's wea lthiest propert y owne rs. and Lady Susan Hussey. an earl's d aughte r who has ser ved as Woman of the Bedch amber to the Queen since 1960. After the birth, guessing the prince's name became a favorite pastiml' of the British press and royally fans. PelC'r Blackwell, a spokesman for the L o ndon le ga l bettin g house of William Hill, said "quite a lut of money" was risked m its nam(•-belling game. • Ma ttingly sw1 tc:hl'CI on 1 ht military payload agam today and was ins tructeo'd to OVC'r rt dl· an unidenti fied test l'allc'C.I Charlt•y Alpha. One of the to p-secret Dcfc·nsc Depa rtmen t experimen ts might not have worked At lC'ast tnat wa s th e i n f e r e n ce whl'n Mattingly re ported. m a code· worded exchange, "no JOY on step No. 3." The astro n a uts fell so fu r behind in the ir routine> that thc•v didn't get to bed until m•arly 11:30 p.m . -almost thrt'l' hour:-. later than scheduled. But after fi ve hours sleep they werC' r<>ad~ for a busy day M ass1on Control wa kenC"<J them with a recording o f "Up, Up and A w a y , · · a n d co m m a n d c· r Matting ly acknowledged . "My complim ents to you r tnste in m u s ic. W C''r e read y to go to work." "We're glad to hea r that, there's lots for you to do today." (See SPACE, Page A2 ) BUSINESS Sambo's tries new image The troubled Samba's restaurant chain tries out a new menu and different hours in Santa Barbara. Page A4 . Housing 'bailout' controversial ,,.. Controversy continues over what some t.enn as a "bailout" for the housing industry. Page A 7. COUNTY Seniors 1tretch their Jes• Runnln1 coach Bill Selvln , 71, ~he. cltluna how to keop flt. P••• Bl. nlor O•llr Piiot Pholo by SI••• Tripoli SPAR KIE 'S 01" THE MEND Spurkw the· sc.·a !Jon 1s rt'l.'O\'(•nng 4u1h' Wl•IJ r..1t thl· Lc.1gun.1 &·.1th FnC'nds of the Sea Lion < 1·ntL 1. dtX·tur:> ~11d tocfa~ Tht. 1 :.!5 -pouncf cxean mammJl underwent surgC'r! Si.it Ur d.I\ for ...i broken JaW ..,uffl'rf'cl wh<·n ~onH·on1· ..,hot hc•r with a gun Shl''s eating hL·rr ing "IJl kl'd w 11 h v1 t<.im111s 1 nl lo\\ 111g tr II' 1t 1 onstructive :O.UI gf r~ PLO to retreat f rolll Lebanon ? BEIRL'T. l.1·11.1111111 1.\1'1 Dc·'fJllC puhl1l' \ •1\\' tu f1,1.!hl until \'I< 1111' m ni.irl\ nlom thP lc·~1dt·rsh1p ,,f th1 P.d1·-.t1111· L1h('r;1l111n t >r g.11111.itwn """ dgn·1."<I m pnm 1pl1• dur111g Sl'lr<'' nl'g11ll<1lll•n ..... t1 > .1 f:tl'<' S<l\'lllg rl'llC'at f1om Li h.111011 off11'1,il L1•ba111·<.,t ~1u1n·,.. -..11d tod,1~ Thi '"lll't • ' s.ud h11Wl'\'1·1 that 11 mJ\ 1;1k1• '' 1·Pks to ~1·ttl1 thl' dl't.111•; 11f :1 \\ 1thd111wal lh<tl would span· lht· :\111slr ·m w1·:.t1·rn h<ilf of a •irlJl f Ptnl .1 thn·alt nf'd t1S.'-'Hill h\ J....1.11·1 M•'Jll\'-h1h-. ltll' m"~I 1 \'l'1•111 l'1•.1..i· Iii 1 .1rr.ing1·d hv tr ~ nic·d1.1111t J'l11lq1 llalJ;lJ v..i' hrok<·n l1i<l.1\' wlwn 1'111t-~11n1.111 gut•nill:" f111·d 111111 lw-. at ls1.11·ll t11111p ... 111 1h1· 1 .... ~t.il Lt•banese lo\\ 11 nt I );111111l11 11 rmlt·~ south of I3<·1ru1 Thn•f' l ... r;wlis were \\11t111d1·d .. u1 urd111g t11 lht· Israeli n111it.11' <i1m111and 111 Tt>I Aviv Th<• ,.,.,..,<· 11n· .1pfl4:drt'<I to lx- huldtng thr11ugh .i third day. h11v.·1•\'l'r th<· l11ngcst rC'spll<' f111m \ 11111•1111 '-Intl' Israel Ill\ <1<h-d J .1 banon 1rn June 6 . bra<·l's CJl11n1•1 .,;ml Sunday that h.r;wli troop-; would ;.idhere to llw n•••'• f111• unlt•s.<; f1r1'Ci upon. T Ii 1• U S I 1 cl 1 n d 1 rec l l1l'Kllt1:11111n.., focus<•d un ways to J1~.1rm .md 1•\',Jl u:1u• lh1• 8,000 ,1.~111•rrill.1'-111 w""' Bc>1ru1 without .lln·pting I h1· .1llt·r nat1v1• offered l1\ brm·l -..it1· prn .. ,agP to Syna <S n · ISRA ELI. Pag~ A2> INDEX . At Your Scrv1C't' A4 Ann Land<'rs B2 Erma Bombeck 82 Movies B6 California A5 National News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public Not1C'<'s C4 Classified C5-8 Sports C l-4 Comics B3 Stock Markets B4 Crossword 83 Television B5 Death Notices C4 Theaters 86 Editoria l A6 Weather A4 Entertainment 86 World News A3 Horoscope 82 SPORTS Productive week end for Ansel Th Ang 111 hit thr rood with u 211\-gtl m l d In the Am..-rk on Lt• gur W l nil.Ir Mppln1& K.anu.a Ci ty. 9· I P i Cl. I' I l • --~·' \\J Continued stories OME MORT GAGES. • • • or•1•1e whcin th properly •0101 hand•, It mlHOI an portunlty to t~·lend that nty at a hlaher int.erett rete. A atate-lm~ ban on torcln& home owner to pay off a tall• in full aUow1 the teller sweeten the deal for a pectlve buyer, a fact.or ,of ter Importance In being able 1ell a home during times of gh mortgQge Interest rates. Due-on-aale clauaea are mmon nationwide and were xpllcltly allowed. In a 1976 gulalion adopted by i.he bank Joining Blackmun in today's ajority opinion were Chief ustice Warren E, • Burger and ustices William J . Brennan, yron R . White, Thurgood arshall and Sandra Day 'Connor. The dissenters were Justices illiam H. Rehnquist and John aul Stevens. They said that the ederal Home Loan Bank Board ad no authority to formulate Its ue-on-sale regulation. Justice wis F. Powell took no part in iding the case. Several California residents s ed the Fidelity Federal vil')gs and Loan Association of Glendale, when the lending lnatltutlon exercllcd lta duD-on ule option. Tht-reslden ti charaed \hat the requlremont violated Californla law. After loeina ln the state court.-.. lawy•n for Fidelity Federal a.nd the federal government sousht the help of the nation'• highest court. which today agreed with them. The Supreme Court ruled, In addi\lon. that the due-on-sale clauaee may be applied to the transactions involving the three home owners who fought the case in the Supreme Court. The court's opinion did not make immediately clear what Its precise effect will be on existing mortgages held by federally chartered S&Ls in the stales that have imposed some restrictions on due-on-sale mortgage clauses. The court noted that at the time of the transactions Fidelity had the right to accelerate the loans, and technically that power was never diminished by the California law. Neither the bank board nor the U .S . League of Savi ngs Associations. the industry's largest trade group. had .any immediate reaction to the ruhnl(. SRAELI INV AS ION. • • deT.the eyes of lsraeU troops. Bo1. b r aeli armor. heavy tillery and motorized infantry t tun di visio n strength ntinued to seal off Palestinian· ntrolled west Beirut by land hlle th e I srael i navy maintained a tight blockade offshore. The PLO news age n cy, WAFA, said today that Palesune Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat and oth er guerrilla leaden conferred during_ the night and retierated their :decision "t o r emain steadfast and fight until victory." Lebanese officials, however, said th e guerrillas agreed "in prind~" to pull out of Lebanon -where they have operated a state within a state more than 12 years -to avoid the destruction of the encircled Lebanese capital it) an all-out Israeli attack. The offjdals, who requested anonymity, said the latest Palestinian offer was made in 2 buses overturn NATCHEZ, Miss. (AP) -Two chartered buses carrying more than 100 people overturned en route to a family reunion an Jonesville, La .. and about 50 people were in jured. officials say secret weekend meetings between former Lebanese Prime Minister Saeb Salam and Habib, acting as intermediaries for the PLO and Israel. respectively. The n ego tiati o n s were expected to continue today. The PLO's gravest concern was to avoid the withdrawal being seen as total defeat. and the details of achieving this could take weeks or months to work out, the Lebanese sources said. They said the Israelis and the Palestinians agree in principle that a disengagement b e supervised by the Lebanese army, previously resisted by the PLO as an "unacceptable interference" In its war on Israel. The leftist Beirut newspaper As Safir said Arafat wanted assurances that Lebanon will continue to recognize the PLO and will make no attempt to expel from the country the estimated 500,000 Palestinian civilians. most of them born in Lebanon of parents who fled Palestine. Israel's cabinet is insisting on a Lebanese political settlement that would guarantee "the territorial integrity of Lebanon. the departure of all foreign forces from that country, its independence. and the peace of its inhabitants." PACE. • • • utd cap1ul1 Communlc:a~or 8row1l r Shaw. "l Ot'V t would huw WUt."IM!Ci," Mattingly replied. Shaw told them their ·~hip wu tn "tfood 1hape, and we're tflad you ro both In i;tc>od 1plrlU1 Hart1f1dd was tht point man today for two ll)llee pt<X.'t.'S!ini ~xpcrlmenta which have poten\1"1 medical applications. Miutlngly, tt<.•cordlng to the flight plan, wttS to switch on a Defense Department payload for 10 'h hours. The Pentagon has label~ it "top secret" but there is enough information on the public record to identify the main clements as sensors being tested to detect hostile missiles and spacecraft and a device that could give defense satellites navigation capability free from ground control. Mattingly, the mission commander, activated the experiment for the first tame on Sunday, receiving coded instructions from a special military control cent.er separate from NASA's Mission Control in Houston. NASA and the Air Force had said they would maintain open communications throughout the flight even with the defense payload on board. But the astronauts were instructed not to discuss details or televise pictures of it Indeed they did not. All the exchanges about it were in clipped phrases: "Perform Bravo Alpha," "Foxtrot off," or "try Charlie step 3 again." The package was referred to only as "the experiment." There was indication of a problem with one of the defense experiments when Mattingly reported, "no joy on step 3," and asked for assistance from the military communicator at the Air Force's Satellite Control Facility in Sunnyvale. Calif After a few minutes of troubleshooung. he aRain reported "no joy.'" Never bef o re have U .S . astronauts conducted military experiments in spare. Most of them have been military pilots, but they Clew for a civilian agency NASA -that was created to operate an open space program. Kho m eini forces thwart cou p try MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) Ayatollah RuhoUah Khomeini's fundamentalist Moslem regime has foiled a military coup attempt in Iran, an Iranian newspaper said. The Tehran afternoon newspaper ltalaat said "a first batch" of conspirators would be tned soon by military tribunal. Cool and cloudy Coastal High cloud• 1hrough this aflemoon and evening Hlgl11 88 10 75 Mostly cloudy tonight with laws ol 57 to 63 Low cloud• In lhe mofnlng hour• Friday with pertly cloudy •fl•rnoon Highs Frid•y 87 lo 73. wtlh wind!; .iU lo 30 knots Elsewne<e elong lhe coa11. more mOderale breezes were expected with increasing cloud1nns clOtlng ;•.:..:::.;c.:.,.;:,;:.:i:::::.;.:;::::..::;:.,..-.,...---,~---.,.==--"IT";:J;""'f=; 1n tonloht T emper atures NATION HI Lo Pqi 64 63 81 96 67 88 68 77 64 .04 82 71 2.28 74 64 92 77 87 68 87 60 06 84 74 S4 81 63 ~ w ...... s.r..t<' 100 NOAA US Oeol OI ~ce Els••h•re. from Polnl Conception 10 the Mexican botdef and OUI 80 mlln: Smllll crefl edvlSOtY over outer COU1•1 ••tera with northwal winds 20 10 30 kno1e·.-,d Choppy 5 10 1 1001 -!Tom the north-t Locally. 'llght winds night and mornl~ hour• btcomlng southwetl lo weal 8 10 T8 knolS In the ellernoona loday and T\Htlday with 1 to 3 tool wind w-. Con1lderabl• low cioudlneu lhrough Tueeday Albany Alboque Amanllo AaheVllle Allen•• Atlante Cly Austin Baltlmofe BUUngs Blrmlnghm Btsmarcll Boise Boelon Brown1v!le euna1o But'llngton Cespe< Cl\9r1atn SC 89 59 71 58 .05 Fronts: Cold.,.. Warm .,.. Occluck>d ,... 25 U. s· s crntrltln WV .. ummary ~NC Thu~onna 11 .. 1cMct tr04'n ChlcaO<> northwest T•••• through Clnclnne!I SoulMm IOW•. Kentuctty. Wet! Ck!Mllend Virginia end North C81olln• on Clmbl• SC Sundey, end reached IOUlhw8'd Columbus acro11 lh• Gull Cout and Oal·FI Wth north•rn Florlde. th• Nallonal Oaylon w .. th41r s.rvice 181<1. Denver Rein wu acall•r•d lrom Dea Moines we11ern Montane acrou the Oetroll nor!Mm two-third• of ldeho Into Duluth eaetern Wethington El Puo For Mon'.lay. relnlhowllf1 and Fargo lhundaralorms were torecaal FlegllaH from New England lo nortllern Great Falls Florida. 8Cfoe& the eutern Gull Hartford COUI to Ille lower Greet Lalin. Helena 8nd !Tom the Ohio llelley ecrou Honolulu the IOwer MIS8iulpe>4 Valteiy Into Houlton Mii r-lndnaplle S c a t t e r • d r a I n 8 n d Jec:kln MS thundenhowen elao ••re KMw City upec:ted from Wuhlnglon to Laa 11~ nort"-n Calllotnle. ecrOM the Llllle Rock lnlermountalne. the northern L.oul9vllle Aodt ... end Ille upper Mlteoufl Lubbock VllMf/ to the -tern 0.ot• ~ Fall .... -· expected ~ Mi.ml the reet of the nation. Mllweult .. California 1 htl eudd•n oulburec of •Hkend 1un1hln• mey led• TuHdey lnlo tom• lncreetlng cloudln••• end coole r t~. the U.8 WMth8' ~Mid.. Hlgll• In Lo• Ant•••• on TUMdmv 9"IOUld dlop fo IM IOW 70. .-the downtown hlGlll Of I 1 lundey. lllhlcltl ~ ...,. ""' .., """'"'"en........,_ """"' .,._ to the ....._ In '°""*" Cellfornla. Co ... •I erMI •Ill ... Meflt T~ lfOlft fl to N' .._ 1tie ~ "'°"*II '°' Wf!I .... ... w ..... ..-.,. ...... . o.wt ........... ..... .., .. ttO T_.., .. -- tilltl.,. t• .. "'" '" tffll• ~,.. ..... ~1.P NMfWllle '"-Otteena N.-YOl1c Hofi<* No. Pl•lt• Oii .. City Omaha Orlal'do Ptllladpllla ""-Ill 97 80 11 59 74 SS 86 58 82 72 87 63 22 80 68 .32 73 52 83 63 02 87 68 03 83 &6 88 71 86 86 94 78 01 84 67 52 80 S7 84 68 .69 80 65 80 48 102 71 82 58 .05 84 45 78 52 04 78 60 .151 81 52 .03 88 73 83 llO 85 71 .92 88 75 .78 12 70 .47 101 n .. 87 .87 83 10 12 68 .22 88 73 .23 15 82 72 59 85 63 ee 13 85 75 77 88 ee ee 85 eo 85 M .341 85 88 .20 92 73 87 u 110 78 Po"-bu•gh Piiand. Me Piiand. Ore Provldenee ReJelgh Reno Salt l.ak• San Antonio Seallle Shrevepor1 SIOO• Fatts St Loula SIP-Tampa SI Sle Marie Spol<ane Syracute Topel!• Tuceon Tulae Walhlngtn Wichita 85 61 48 71 SI 73 58 80 60 65 89 71 83 61 98 69 95 17 72 56 06 91 76 88 58 8S 69 90 77 78 50 71 52 29 11 61 80 86 108 71 85 69 87 73 e2 82 CALlf'OflNtA Apple Valley 94 54 Bakenn.ld 98 63 Berl tow 103 75 9-imonl 93 55 Big 8Mr 80 41 Blylhe 111 11 Cat8llna 10 57 Culver City 80 80 Eur ell a 88 51 Fn11no 92 65 ~-" 87 long 9e8Clh 74 83 LO. Mgelee 81 82 Meryrlllle 88 MOIVO'IM 90 57 Mont«Mllo 89 80 Mont~ 83 80 Ml. Wiiton 77 81 ....., ... 109 75 N9wpOtt Beech 10 80 Ollklllocl " u Onletlo PM8dent 88 58 PHO Robllt 93 83 Red 8klfl 85 e3 IURf REPORT R.owood Ctly 74 62 Sacramento 61 Salines 70 59 San Bernerd1no 91 58 Sen Otego 73 64 San Frenasco 64 58 San JoH 76 53 Santa Ana 17 60 Santa Barbara 73 58 Senta Merla 69 54 Sanl• Moolca 68 62 Stock Ion 85 62 T ehoe II alley 72 46 Thermal 105 79 Tort1noe 11 f\O Smog The Air Ouallly Management Oletr1cl predicts unhealthlul air quallly lor 111n1111ve persona Monday In th• valley•, the Rlveralde-San Bern1tdfno erH and Ille Hernet·Ellfnore region Bui good elr QUtlllY It I~ 10< •II Olher .,... of IM Soulh Coat Air 8aaln • A PollUlant Standard lndu ot 138 I• lorecHI lor the San Fernando and Senta Clarll• vell•y•. the Hemet-Eltlnort region and th• Rlverafde-Sen 8emMdlno aru Wh•re to cell (toll lrMI tor let•t amog Information Orange County. (8001 ~5-3821 Loe Ang•IH Coun1y: (8001 242-4022 RI~ end San Bernerdlno counl._; (8001 HT-4710 AOMD ~ Cent•, (8001 242-.ceM Tides TOOAY 1econc1 11191\ 1: 11 p.m. af,q hcond low ~1\·'"· ' ,.,., """ l:IO Lm. •·t ""' !OW u:,, ··'"· '· hootl4f 11111' 1·01 p,m. I.I hcONl tow (Wed I 1 u ' e.m. 1. 1 - / .. A'1 Wlrepflo4o SCATTERE D -Birds fly as the space shuttle Columbia lifts off Sunday at the Kennedy Space Cen ter in Florida. Tall ships sail along East coast NEWPOf{T, R I. (AP) -More than 100,000 peopll' watch<'d from sh ore as 35 giant sa1lmg vessels unfurled their canvas, caught the wind and sailed down Narragansett Bay to cap a "TaU Ships" celebration Leading the formauon Sunday was the Coast Guard's 295-foot Eagle. followed by the :353-foot Esmeralda from Chile, the Gloria from Colombia. the Sagres from Portugal and the 270-foot Simon Bolivar from Venezuela, with 30 smaller ships riding in their wake. emotional an event be<:duse 1t wasn"t the Bicentennial " Ri c hard DiMar1a of Thomaston, Conn . called the p<iradc "just incredible. The ships are so magnificent. it really 1s a b<.·auuful sight, but I thought it would be larger than it was." Aboard one of the smaller ships. the Providence, 2 sailors dressed in Revolutionary War regalia. The lone American ship which had entered the trans-Atlantic race, the 125-foot sloop Lindo. could not make the trip because of lack of funds. Beaches finally fill up By STEVE MARBLE Of lhe Dtlly '1llot Ii.ft Orange Coaat beachel baked under dear blue ak.le11 and were dotted with thousand• of vlaitors aa summer. tardy by a week, finally arrived this weekend. The sun, an infrequent eight ln re,·ent w eeka, finally br oke through and the massive crowd.I that hit the beach didn't appear to mind when a light layer of haze moved in Sunday. The National Weather Service predicted a return to overcast mornings along the cout early thlS week. The first genuine weekend of summer was marred by two boaung rrushaps. Yachtsman Richard Watson. a resident of Alaska. put his 34-foot sloop on the sands of Newport Beach near 50th Street early today. Orange County H a r bor Patrolmen said Watson, sailing down the coast from Alask a. reportedly fell asleep and was unaware his vessel -the De Ja Vue -was making a straight line for the strand. The sloop was still high and dry on the sand early today. Covina boater Arthur Rukasin was attempting to get his 34-foot vessel off the sand5 of Huntington Beach today. His sailboat we nt agr ound late Sunday. Lifeguards said the boat went on th e sand near B each Boulevard and sustained some rudder and keel damage. There were three persons on board. Nobody was injured. Following wPeks of gloomy weather and miserable beach attendance. local beaches were ,ammed. In Newport Beach Sunday. 95,000 visitors spread out their towels. It was the largest crowd of the year The air temperature was close to 70 degrees and the water. which had dipped into the upper 50s last week. w as measured at 62 degrees. More than 110,000 beach goers showed up at the mile-long city beach an Huntington Beach. ThPre were 82 rescues, none of them serious. At Huntington and Bol.sa Chica state beaches, 151,000 guests turned out over the weekend. Lotfeguards said it was their largest crowd of the young Sf'~n. • After the morning festivities. which also attracted about 2.000 pleasure boats, the Sagres left for ats home port with seven other s hips in a 2.850-mile trans- Atlantic race. The vessels a ssembled underneath lhe Newport Bridge for the 11 5-mile parade route, then sailed norlh lo Gould island to wand up their five-day v1s1t to Rhode Island Haig will . remain • to assist Shultz The vessels came lo Newport on Wednesday after spending WASHINGTON (AP) -A Haag slated a farewell reception f. d · Ph 1 d 1 h. f lh t White House spokesman said tonight for senior staff. an 1ve ays m 1 a ~ P 13 or a 1·nd1cati·on he intends only a brief t 's 300th birthday today that outgoing Secretary oC ci Y caretaker role in the JO. b which ·•The sh 1 p s Io o k e d Stat e Ale xander Haig will stupendous." said a sp(•t·tator. remain m his post indefinitely fell SO quickly from his grasp last Edward P . O'Connell o f while his designated suc"t.'<'SSOr. weeBku.t Speakes reminded N l •'They wen' rca II y George Schultz, prepares to take ewpor · reporters Haag promised to stay amazing when they got all those over the job. on to make an orderly transition. sails up in the air." Deputy press secretary Larry f O'Connell said he enjoyed the Speakes said Haig, woo abruptly "He's the secretary o state, festival more than a previous turned in his resignation Fnday. fully, totally, legally, Connally. h h. N · would remain fu!Jy in charge a t without reservation, mental or visit by l e 5 ips to ewport in otherwise, and will be the 1976 because the crowds were the S~te Department "until he smaller this year. leaves. secretary of state until such time "But," he said. "1 . .;..t__:_w-=as~n...:'t__:_as=-· __ S_.:..p_e_a_k_e_s'_c_o_m_m_e_n_t_s _c_a_m_e_a_s __ as_h_e_le_a_v_es_ ... _S_pe_ak_es __ sru_·_d_. __ CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER .. SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center P.rofe11lonat Bulldlng 18800 Main Street Suite 105 Huntington Be1ch, C1llf . .. ='='-=?:V·'= &: .... , •lff!J ,,."' ''"' •••11•.~--.-w II#\ r=t.av .. I°' , "'I ""' f , ..... "'· ~ ,.._ .. , .. , .... , ... ~"'"'"' 841-1871 • ' \ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, June 28, 1882 8 Fed board national scapegoat By OWEN ULLMANN A....._Md "-Wrttlf WASHlNGTON -Pity the poor Federal Reserve Board. When economic times arc bad, the politicians pummel It. When times are good, the politicians ignore It. These days, the nati on 's central bank is not being Ignored. But don't feel too much pity for the Fed. At least, its members don't have t o defe nd h igh Interest rates and unemployment before the voters this fall. The feeling around Congress is that the bank makes an ideal whipping boy. It's convenient to pick on and doesn't fight back. By law , th e Fed acts independently of Congress and th e W hite House in setting monetary policies that have a IEll llllYlll cr ucial Impact on lnflaUon, Interest rates. unemployment and the nation's overall economic health. But by custo m , the bank doesn't get too far out of step with the presid e nt or the Congress, which can shorten the bank's leash whenever it wishes. T he politicians don't remind voters of this fact when the Fed's policies produce economic pain, whe the r intentio nally o r Inadvertently. _ S ome monetary experts b e lieve th e n o t ion o f an independent Fed is a myth. "The White House sets the tone and the Fed marches to the tune," aaya Robe rt Weintraub, chief Republican economist for the Joint Economic Committee of Congress and a long-time Fed watcher. Officials at the central bank disagree, contending the bank is n o t und er the tnurnb o f a president or Congress. But the bank is n ot free of political tethers, either, they concede. ''There's a limit to which the Fed can go within the political system," says one bank official, who did not want his name used. "If it goes too far, Con~ress will do something about it,' he said, adding that the Fed may now be testing where that limit is. In th e meantim e, t h e politicians are having it both ways and the Fed comes up a LOOKALIKES -When Kodak unveiled its automatic disc camera this year, a small Minneapolis company. Pako Corp., was ready and waiting. The Kodak negative for the new camera is shown at left and the Pako disc at A~ Wlrepfloto right. By anticipating n early all the vital m easurements of Kodak's n ew film, Palo engineers were able to manufacture equipment to handle and process the film. Fair housing said 'unfair' Hundreds demand r e funds, claim shoddy accommodations KNOXVILLE, Te nn. (AP) - Hundreds of angry World's Fair tourists have been demanding refunds from the city-supported l odging reservation system . saying they paid up to $100 a night for shoddy housing. "Th ere 's no doubt in our minds that their complaints are valid,'' said Brenda P ritchard. president of the Knoxville Better Business Bureau. "We hear the same things over and over." Miss Pritchard said her office ha s r eceived about 700 complaints since the six-month fair opened May l, and 25-30 arrive by mail each day. Most people who compla in seek refunds, saying the quality o f their r ooms was mi s - represente d , she said, adding tha t her office has received complaints about onJy a few of the a rea's hotels. m otels and campgrounds. Several m onths ago. when World's Fair officials predicted average daily crowds of 60,000, businessmen expected a housing shortage. Dozens of prefabricated m o t e ·1 s a n d m a k e s h i f t campgrounds sprang up around Knoxville Although a ttendance at the 22-nation World's Fair has ave raged 72,000 people a day. there has been a housing surplus. To m Sudman. who oversees housing for the World's Fa ir manageme n t committee. said onJy about half the area's 25,000 rental rooms are being used on an average night. Many established hotels a nd motels have lowered their prices to near prefair rat.es to attract business. And the makeshift motels have few customers except for people like Victor and Betty Cochran of Milan, Mo., who called the reservation system months ago and sent advance payment for accommodations they had never seen. "Our room was a trailer about 60 feet long and cut into four rooms." Mrs. Cochran said. "Our room had no TV. no telephones. The bathroom was about 32 inches wide . . . and the trailer still had its hitch ." Until a month ago. the World's Fair's nationally advertised central reservation system was managed by K.noxvisit, the city- county tourism bureau. But after mounting complajnts. exposition officials turned over control of the system to Property Leasing and Management Inc., a private company which had worked with K.noxvisit to book tourists in "supple mental h ousing" -apartments, condominiums, houseboats and homes. The city has contributed about $20.000 t o the Community Information Center. which funnels tourist calls into the system. But city of[icials say the system 's problems are cau sing them to reconsider an additional $100,000 commitment. The World 's Fa i r ha s ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cle11lfl•d edvertlslng 71'41842-5e71 All other depertm•nts 642.,.321 Thomu P. Halev l'\lbllNr end Cl>l9I 6.-.t"'9 ~ Key Schultz Vloe Pr..,.,. end ~or of Ao-llelng Tom Murphtne Edllor Mike Hervey ~of Mwil-"'9 ~I l<en Goddard OINclOr of Oper.itone ~ecleen ONw1ee looe ........,.e-. "1AIN OFFICE J:JO Wttl 8rt St .. Coste Mew, CA. INll MNttu Boa'"°· COlte !NM, CA ~ C•yr19ftt 1"2 Or .. C:O.st PWllll>l"t ~ No -.-. 11t11stret1ont. ""oriel m~ or• vMllM,.,....tl herein rney be r.,.-odll<ed .,._ _,., .. """'"°"of <ovYr191'11 ~. VOL 75, NO. 171 contributed about $200,000 to the center. Miss Pritchard said the Better Business Bureau has received fewer complaints since Property Leasing and Management took over the system. a nd she said her offi ce works daily with the company to settle dispu\.eS. Only a fe w people who worked through the bureau have called back unable to resolve their complaints, she said . But she said the number o f unsatisfied customers could go h igh e r because it can take a month or longer to get a refund from the reservation system. Miss Pritchard said tourists can check with her office to see if a specific m o te l has been the s ubject of complai nts. The natio n 's o the r 154 Be tte r Busin ess Bureaus h ave been asked to forward World's Fair- related complaints to her office. Young loners targets for drugs, booze CHICAGO (AP) -First-grade boys who are loners and combine non -participation in classroom life with hostility to other children are more likely to use drugs, alcohol or tobacco by the time they reach adolescence. a study indicates. University of Chi cago researchers said the study, which involved more than 1..200 youngsters. s howed that first- grade boys who are m e re ly aggressive have the next highest risk, followed by those who are only shy. The same factors do not seem to apply to girls, whom the resear chers found to be more in fluenced by peer pressure d uring adoleacence. By the time th ey r e ach adolescence, 45 percent of boys classified as both shy and aggressive smoked marijuana, 60 percent were heavy cigarette smokers, 18 percent drank hard liquor and 60 percent drank beer or wine. ..,,.. .... ...., ........... 11 We'Te Listening ••• Whal do you llke about tht Dally Pilot? What don't you llkt" Call the number below and )'Ou r me111•e will tM recorded. transcrtti.d and dtllvtrtd to the approprtalt editor The 11me 24·hour 1n1wtrin1 1ervlce may be used to ,..cord let· tera to lht tdltor on any toptc Mallbo• contributort mu1t Include their name and telephone number lor vert tl callon No clreulatlon ralta, plHH Tell ua what'• on your mlftd double loeer. When things work out, the White Hollie and the Congreta take the credit; when thlnp .our, It's all the fault of the bank, which Is personalized through llB chairman, currenUy Paul Volcker. E ver since Ronald Reagan came to town, the Fed has been follo wing h is w ish to fight inflation with a tight-money poltcy which means slowing down the growth of money and credit In the econom y to bring out more stable wages and prices. But the same policy that has succeeded in reducing inflation has produced high interest rat.es and a severe recession. So. while the administration regularly boasts about how it has cut inflation in half since taking office. it blames high interest rates on the bank's "erratic" control of the money supply. The administration does not put any o f th e blame on the record budget deficits its spending a nd tax policies have created. Congress is heaping plenty of blame on the Fed. too, as it rails against "Vokker 's recession,'' or "Volcker's high interest rates," or "Vol cker 's scor ch e d -earth policy." But Congress is not willing to accept any of t h e blame thro ugh its taci t e ndorsement of the bank's ant1- inflat1on policies. which they could change in an instant, if they really wanted to. Some congressmen really want to and their ranks appear to be growing, although they remain in a minority so far. More than a dozen bills have been introduced in this Congress t.o limit the bank's independence in setting monetary policy. The most radical change, promoted by Rep. Henry B. Gonzales, D-Tex .. would abolish the-Fed altogether. Sen. Edward M . K e n nedy , D-Mass .. wants to place the bank under the direct control of the president by making it a branch of the Treasury Department. Other bills would have Congress set interest-rate policies directly, leaving the Fed to carry them out. Whe ther these moves are serious or just pre -e lectio n grandstanding for the voter,i 1s not yet clear, says Weintraub. "We'll have to wait until January to 9ee if anything develops,'' he said. The last time Congress placed any restrictions on the bank was in 1975, when th e nation also was in the m idst of a severe recession that followed a period of high inflation and high interest rates. At that time. Congress required the Fed to set annual targets for monetary growth and to disclose the targets to Congress. It was a modest piece of legislation -"like putting a bell around the Fed's neck." is how Weintraub describes 1t. Nevertheless, it represented a move toward closer scrutiny. Some o b se rve r s doubt Congress really wants to exercise greater control over the Fed. "Monetary policy may be bad now, but if you politicize it, it would be even worse." says a House Banking Committee staff member. who did not want his name used. "The 1913 bi II cr eating the F ed came about because Congress did such a lousy job running monetary policy itself." Besides, why would Congress ruin a good thing by giving up its all-purpose scapegoat? l#~o . ON THE TOWN -Susan Hanunet , 17, America's new Junior . Miss, takes in the sigh ts of New York City. The native of Hattiesburg, Miss., was selected Crom a field of 52 high school! seniors across the country. I Letters f roHJ 1910 Inay be 'delivered' CI NCINNAT I (AP) -The U S P08tal Service is trying to track down the descendants of people named o n a batch o f letters that were mailed in 1910 .but never delivered. About 500 pieces of mail were discovered last week in a house at Waddy, Ky .. about 40 miles east of Louisville. most of them addressed to residents of Waddy. The Postal Service announced that the public cannot inspect the missives until delivery attempts fail. "Nobody can open them and read them until we determine they can't be delivered," Dead L etter O ffice supervisor L ois Gmter said. S h e s aid her office had received many calls about the letters, including on e from a woman wh o "wa n ted t o reminisce." "She was from Waddy and said she knew everybody who lived there. I couldn't give her any of the names. though," she said, und er depa rtm e nt regulauons. The epistolary find came when the owners of a house used as a post office from 1899 to 1914 decided to remodel. "I thought we'd discovered a gold mine," said Bre nda Burkhead, whose husband found the old mail. "I thought 'Wow. money!' But when we found out what it was, we gave it to the post office. Kenneth M. Lynn, a postal official an Lou isville, said the mail was sent to the Dead Letter Office in Cincinnati after a check' of Waddy's 200 residents failed to tum up any of the addressees still living. ' However. Lynn said some of their relatives may still be in the area. Mrs. G inter said, "About a third of the letters were circulars or advertising. We destroyed those." S he said the letters, which must be treated gently because the dried-out paper could easily· crumble. are bemg mailed with a cover sheet explaining the delay1• The first have already been sent to postmasters. who in turn w1U try to track down relatives. "The postmaster at Waddy will have the biggest problem because most of the mail is addressed there," Mrs. Ginter said. L etter s that c ann ot b tj delivered will be returned to herf office and then "we'll open them to try to find out where these should go," she said. • "If we ca n 't, they'll bel destroyed. We don't keep dead letters for years and years." Border scanned l CALEXICO (AP) -A1t television surveillance device used in the Sinai to detect truce, violations is sea nn i ng t h e( California-Mexican border, says! the Border Patrol. all cotton ch1no ... elwey.s a traditlOllOl fovorit<Z.; pl<Z.aL<zd or pl.om front gauo grrwt with sportccat.5 or knit sh1..rtJ,5 pz.r haps On<Z. of thz. mo5t comfortablcz. tr~r:s you:l l ~r wti.ar I: ' Orange Ooaat OAILV PILOT/Mond1y, June H, 1812 ~~ .. \ 'f."''~ Use caution on rebuilt parts By PAT HOROWITZ Oftlle Dlllr Not tt.ff DEAR PAT: I need a new part for my 1port1 car and waa •bocked at ilae cott of • new one. Woul• It be 4 ml1t1ke to bay a rebu.Ut part? I've beard they are a lot le11 expen1tve, but I don't want 1ometbln1 that won't latt. W .L., Co1ta Meta Used or rebuilt auto pa.rts don't necessarily mean "used,up" or ''wom-out" parts, according to the Better Business Bureau. Many parts are dismantled from wrecked autos and recycled by professionals who clean, test and mark the parts for application and mileage so the consumer knows what he or she is buying. The BBB advises care in making sure you deal with a reputable supplier. Have an experienced mechanic tell you the exact part you need. Get a history of the pa.rt, if possible. This will include the number of miles on the part and whether it has been cleaned and tested. Get a receipt for your purchase. U you are buying an· electrical part such as an alternator or starter, make sure the part has been "bench" tested. Ask if the part is under warranty. Many are, but ask. And. according to recyclers contacted by the BBB. many parts are warranted for more than 90 days -even up to a year. If you are buying an engine or transmission replacement, you must know the size and model number of your car. Again, ask about a warranty. Take the old part to the salvage yard if you can. You may need the o~d part for comparison purposes. The retailer might give you a credit on the old part too. The BBB adds that in comparison to new parts, recycled components can save you from 30 to 50 percent or more. For sources, check the Consumer Y el low Pages under Automobile Parts & Supplies -Used & Rebuilt. Farmers market 'certified' DEAR PAT: Someone told me the farmers' market at the Orange County Fairgrounds is a "certified" farmers' market. Wbat does tbis mean? L.P ., Costa Mesa In 1977 the state Deparunent of Food and Agriculture passed regulations permitting the establishment of certified farmers' markets. The markets were created to offer the consumer lower prices and provide outlets and higher returns for smaller producers by eliminating the middle levels of the marketing system . The regulations ease the standardization requirements for marketing fresh fruits and vegetables and ensure that the person selling is the actual grower or a relative or employee of the grower. Callfomla now hu 60 certfled farmere' marketa. Jn addition to the Orange C.ounty Farm Bureau farmers' Market at the Oranae County Fairground• (noon to 6 p.m. or until 1<>ld out every Thurtday), ttiere'a a Fullerton Fannera' Market at Ford School Chapman and Richman, Fullerton, every Wednetday Crom noon to 6 p.m. or untll aold out. Certified farmers' marketa llre not the only &0urce of farm-fresh produce. "Happy Harvest Farm Trails," a guide for buylna produce directly from Orange County growers, can be requested by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Farm Trails, Cooperative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim 92805. Mobile homes restrictive DEAR PAT: I've been told that mobile home parks are not affected by tbe recent California Supreme Court ruling that outlaws "adults only' rentals. Is tbi1 true? B.L., Huntington Beach Yes. The Supreme Court recogni2.ed a provision of the Mobllehome Residence Law that authorizes adults only limitations; the case does not, however, rule this law either valid or invalid. Until these regulations are specifically challenged, mobile home parks may be able to restrict rentals. Senior citizen housing also is not affected by the Wolfson decision. Senior housing may require special considerations and design to assure the safety and comfort of the elderly. Limiting rentals to senior citizens would not, therefore. be illegally ''arbitrary," although the definition of senior citizen housing is unclear at this time. Replacement made easy DEAR PAT: I need replacement pieces for my discontinued china, ironstone and stainless steel flatware. Can you help me? M.J.R., Costa Mesa A YS is sending a list of sources to you for both china and silver replacement. Other readers may request this information by sending a self-addressed. stamped envelope to the column. • Got a proble~en w~lte to Pat Horo- )t j witz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the ill answers and action you need to solve in- equities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Ccast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cost.a mesa. CA. 9?626. As many letters as possible will be ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. Sambo's changing its image Some restaurants get new name, full-service CARPINTERIA (AP) -Most chefs try out recipes on a small scale before using them for important guests, and that appears to be the strategy at Sambo's Restaurants Inc. Sambo's new management team, installed this spring after months of turmoil at the nationwide restaurant chain, refurbished one of its coffee shops in Santa Barbara for full- service operations under the n ame ''Pleaser's For Your Appetite." Opened in May. "Pleaser's" offers barbecued ribs and chicken, an omelet bar and a pasta bar in addition to a regular menu. The operating hours are 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays and until midnight on weekends, a change from Sambo's 24-hour approach. "The initial indications are that 'Pleaser's' is performing well, but the jury is still out. It's only been open for a month," said Kon Artzer. Sambo's senior vice president of marketing and restaurant development. The name "Sambo's," which has drawn . criticism from some black groups, will probably be dropped when management decides on a new image for the chain, Artzer said. "No Place Like Sam's," another m.me given to some outlets, also won't appear in a nationwide program, he said. "We haven't come to a final determination on a name for every restaurant in the chain. I don't think all of them will be named the same thing necessarily," Artzer said. "There may be a coffee shop concept, but there are many possibilities for concepts outside the coffee shop," he said. "The most obvious one would be what we're doing with 'Pleaser's' which is to position a step up from the coffee shop with a greater emphasis on day sales other than breakfast, but building upon the strength of breakfast." Artzer, a vet.eran of Pepsico's food service division who recently joined the management team headed by former Chart House Inc. president Robert Luckey, emphasized that Sambo's has no plans to close any more of its 665 restaurants. The firm, operating under chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy code, shut 450 outlets last fall and laid off about 10,000 employees. Sambo's lost $53 million in 1981 and another $10.8 million in the first quarter of 1982. But Artzer said the new team, chosen by Sambo's major creditors, sees brighter days ahead. ''l'm not going to look at past decisions . We view the turn.around of 'Sambo's' as not a short fix," he said. "The job will not be easy and it will be a long pull but this management is cautiously optimis~.ic about the future. There's an upbeat attitude among the employees." Skunk's scent for pot? DENNY , C£allf . (AP) Federal au thorltica, cracking down on Illicit martjuana groves ln ruged Northern Callf ornia, are conaidering 1praylng the ~t crop1 with "euence of skunk' to make the weed unfit tor uae. The proposal la part of an $800,000 nine-page action plan prepared by the U.S. Forest Servioe to curb marijuana cultivation ln key areas of the state, targeting rural Northern California where illegal pot production comprises a major segment of the economy. (See story, Page A5.) Dave Wright, chief ranger of the Big Bar Ranger District, which includes the Denny area, said the plan has not received final approval and that meetings are being held between Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other officials to develop a policy. Denny is a tiny community in mountainous Trinity Co\.U'ltY about 200 miles northeast of San Francisco, a network of small deep canyons watered by creeks and she l tered from air surveillance by dense forests. Copies of the proposed crackdown have been circulated clandestinel y throughout Northern California, the Redding Record Searchlight reported. AP Wlrepftolo But Wright said the plan was supposed to be highly confidential. "I don't know how copies of it got out." he said. HOLD IT! -Ray Starub appears to be holding a piano in mid-air, but actually is just guiding it as a crane lifts it into a Boston apartment. According to the report, a Forest Service research station in Berkeley is studying the feasibility of using "concentrated essence of skunk" or other smelly chemicals at plantation sites to render the pot useless for consumption. The Record Searchlight said the Feb. 16, 1982, plan is entitled ''Discouraging Marijuana Cultivation in National Forests," prepared by the Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Region Law Enforcement Group. It proposes to get help from government agencies, such as the Customs Service , the FBI and th e military, and use aircraft and infrared photography to spot marijuaria fields. Dog's adventure long, expensive ·The proposed crackdown includes rewards for informants and salaries for participating deputies. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - A wire-haired terrier who fled his fenced-in backyard during a thunderstorm is back home after a five-day, 1,000-mile ody~y. The dog, named Asta. escaped from his owner's backyard June 18 just before a storm hit the area . Hi s owner, Kay Tenenbaum, said that when Asta had not returned, she called the L ost Dog Regi s try , a clearinghouse which helps match lost dogs with owners. The next day, a dog fitting Asta's description was reported to the registry by Don Johnson of Indianapolis, who had been in Kansas City and spotted Asta darting in and out of traffic. "We were really taken with him." said Johnson. a high school art teacher. "He kept getting out in the street. Finally, I went out and took him and put him in our car." Johnson was unable to contact anyone at animal welfare agencies. which were closed over the weekend. We know where you can 6nd8U. Look in your furnace. See that little pilot light? Well, if you tum it off for the summer; you11 save about $11~ If you leave it off longer-into the warm fall months -you11 save eve n more. Here's how easy it is: Open the access panel to the main gas control. You11 find instructions that will tell you how to safely tum off and relight your furnace pilot If you're not sure how to safely tum your pilot off and on, call the Gas Company for help. ~ Remember, gas rates have gone up in the past year. Which means your furnace pilot is burning up more money than ever. So tum it off this summer. And aave a cool Sll . ~~ gas Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Monday, June 28, 1982 Al Ford to 'split' mansion Auto mogul can 't sell 7 6 -room estate Htaty Po"9 0 hu been ~bl• to aell th t ?fl-room Mlchta an manalon where he lived with -bll MCOnd wtf1, Crl1&laa1 110 uked to h1VO tho Hvtn -acre H\ale roaontd for condomlnlum1, • Ford 1pokeeman uld. "It comes down to a qu ~tJon of economlca," 1pokeaman Pierre Heftier aatd. The manaton, ln the exclualve suburb of Groue Polnte Fanna east of Detroit, would be tom down lf t h e Cit y Council approves Ford's request. HefUer said. Tenor Lew DeWlU retired from the Statler Brothers country music group because he suffers from a stomach ailment, the quartet announced. Through Mercury Records, the group said DeWitt, 44, will be replaced by Jlmmy Fortune, who filled in for DeWitt for sax months when he became all this year . DeWitt re turned to the group briefl y this month. The Statler Brothers have won three Grammy awards and eight Country Music A ssociation awards. Two of their best-known hits are "Flowers on the Wall" and "I'll Go to My Grave Loving You." A Los Angeles businessman. JUNKETS -Marilyn Lewis (left) and Ursula Meese, wives o f top R eagan administration officials, are traveli ng in Africa at taxpayers' expense for two week s to l earn about problems faced by womeh in Third World countries. personality, in January 1981, six months after Sellers' death. But the marriage lasted o nly 17 months and their divorce in Switzerland was announced last week. "I don't want to talk about the marriage or the divorce," she said from the elegant Frost house in South Kensington. "David and I made an agreement not to talk about it ... I expect to see him again soon, though I'm not sure where as h e's working in Australia at the moment." 11111 I flCEI Many people try to preserve memories of their youth by saving their first school assignments. Roberl Casey is saving his first school. Casey, a Hastings, Mich .. native and a 29-year veteran teacher-administrator, bought and is refurbishing the old one- room schoolhouse he attended as a child and where he first taught. The Hlnds School, about four !---=-~....,..~----~~~ miles north of Hastings, had been If you don't smoke, t can empty since the 1950s. offer important savings Casey bought it a nd the on auto insurance. surrounding 40 acres in Octobe.r. Claim your reward rrom: Casey plans to bring back the old Rural gangs t e r s en1erge in north {\•~Stf1<9-S- . Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary 25% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING JULY 1st Thru JULY 12 th Pick-Up Deliv•ry • Laundry • Hand Fini1h Bennet S. Sparks of Hollywood, was elected national president of the 125,000-member Reser ve Officers Association of t h e United States. He is a captain in the Coast Guard Reserve. Sparks. 56. was selected m San Juan at ROA's annual national convention. The "farm team" of New York's Joffrey Ballet got a taste of agricultural life in the Hawkeye State at a cow chip throwing contest. desks. the daily plan book.s and RABBITT lftSlJIANCE 1000 N . COAST 1 DAY IPH 494 4044 other original memorabilia to 441 Old Newport alvd. HIGHWAY SUVICE l Tl l • l.~ h . f I . h Newport hectt, Ca. _ t e ar orm e r p aces an t e es1-n40 building~·:..._~~~~~~~-L.~============~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i Actress Lyon Frederick, staying at the London home of her ex-husband David Fros t , said "we ar e still very good friends -very close." The widow of Peter Sellers married Frost, 43, a television ''We are outrageously out of our element in Iowa," admitted Sally Bliss, assistant artistic director of the Joffrey 11 Dancers, in residence for five weeks at the University of Iowa. Ms. Bliss, artistic director Mar la Grandy and .. I 3 oth er dancers competed in the men's ELECTRONIC HEA RING TESTS will be given a l Newport Beach Hearing Aid Ce nter T u es., .lune 211, ff'e d., .lune 30, Thurs., .laly I II A .M. t o S P .Jtl. Hearing tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist, w ho is licensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. Anyone who has trouble heanng or understanding is welcome to a test employing the latest electronic equipment which will determine his or her particular loss. You wlll see a modem hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CE~TER Formerly Montgomery Ward Ht>aiing Ald Center. Cast.a Mesa 1600 Wesl Coast Highway Newport Bea<'h 64-6-8266 H you can't make 1t m these dliys -call for appt. at another umc FREE SPlllAL SCREElllNG AT OSBORNE CHIROPRACTIC OFFICES June 28th -July 2nd MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9:30 a.m. to &:00 p.m. 1. Head tllt 2. High ahoulder 3. Low ampula 4. Spinal Curvature 5.Low hip Da ........... . of pinched nerveas 1. Hffdaches, dizziness, blurred vision 2. Nectt pain. tight muscles, spasms 3. Shoulder pain. pain down arms, numbneU In hands •· Pain between shoulders, dlfflcult btffttllng abdominal pains 5. U>wer beck pain, hip pain, pain down leg The Osborne Chiropractic Offices are offering FREE spinal check-ups and postural analysis for early detection of back problems. Due to the overwhelming response to the latest spinal screenings at the Osborne Chiropractic Offices, Dr. Osborne is again ottering free spinal acreening and postural analysis for early detection of back problems. The Osborne Chiropractic Offices will be able to with simple, painless testing, determine the condition of the spine. Early detection of back problems is the best prevention for further back aihnen ts. The spinal Bereening will be at the Osborne Chiropractic Offices at 8586 Warner Ave., Fountain Valley, CA. Monday, J une 28 through Friday, July 2, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Doctor wW be available for anawering questions on treatment and prevention ot back problems. Pleue call O.bome Chiropnctlc Of&ea. (7 14) 848-1226 for an appointment and brirll a copy of thia announcement with you. OSBal£ a<RACTIC (J.FICE . 1111 Wa ... r At'e., PM•&al• Valle)' IMa.1111 At Last, A New Bank That 'kuly Specializes in Business, Professional and Executive Banking You've heard it before -banks claiming to be ".Business Banks" that weren't any different than the typical, retail, take any customer, bank. And what do you get? Long lines, indif- ferent service, and no true differentiation between Q.usiness customers and anyone else who happens to walk in the door. Liberty National Bank is truly a Business Bank. We do dif- ferentiate and you will see the difference. "Ta.king Banking To Business"'" is the motto of Liberty National Bank and we do exactly that. First, our bank services and programs are all designed from a business person's point of view. We've taken the traditional attitudes and services offered by most banks and redesigned them to work more effectively in today's business world. Second, we will literally bring the bank to you, at your place of business. Our Account Officers will meet with you in your office and will arrange for you to conduct your banking busi- ness from your office. Our Business Courier Service, Armored Car Service, Telephone 1Tansfer Service and post- age paid Bank-by-Mail Service all work to give you easy access to your bank without having to leave your office. Call Mr. Gene Lesher, S.V.P. and Business Development Man- ager, for an Account Officer to come to your business. Or, if you prefer, c.all to arrange for an appointment at our head- quarters. You 'II see what a difference it makes when your bank is truly a business specialist. ----· Ll/Jertg Nallonal Bank One Pacific Ptua, 7m Center Avenue • Huntln8ton Beach, California 92647 • Telephone 7141895-2929 Strotfllk;ol/JI locat«I ftlOf thl inlmlCllott ol Btlach Boule.vrd and tlN Son Dl#gO f'rtfwav • Mtmb# FDIC and Fldml Rf#rw ............... s,.cw...., ..... -"' , ......... ttoun 1!uc lJ. Ttllcr 24 Houn A Ot)I l:30 a.m •• 5~ p.m. Mol*r . ,_ tAMll#IWllr ~ Hldll!tN 'hwd•"-' ...... '""" 1~ a.m. • 4:00 ,..,., -. • ,,... 1bll "'H\Mr ll)(Mn JO.OOa.m.•l;OOJm ,,_ f0011'! 10-00p.m.lWbi • 11•lpm ·lillpm..,... I I l I J ) ) I ' J I I I ~ • • Al Or1ngt Oout DAtL.V PILOT/Monday, J\lntt H , 1H2 Auto inspection law delay costly to state Ever s1nce passage of the federal C l ean Air Act Ame ndments In 1977 the state Legislature has been wrestling off and on with the sticky question of mandating annual auto exhaust inspections. The act gave the Environmental Protection Agency the power to withhold millions of dollars in Cederal funding from 29 states with serious air quality problems if they failed to set up inspection programs designed to reduce air pollution by 25 percent. Under existing law, California requires smog control inspections only when a vehicle chan ges ownership. This does not satisfy the federal law. Efforts to establish a mandatory annual program for all vehicles ran into consist ent opposition .. Service station operators objected vehemently to the id ea o f letti ng state-run regional centers h and le the program. Questions were raised as to the Peliability of the tests and the potential cost of repairs. In due course, a mandatory vehicle inspection bill, SB33, by Sen. Robert Presley of Riverside, was amended and re-amended to permit private station operators to participate in the program, to set lo w inspection costs and limit repair costs. Quality assurance would be provided by s t a te surveillance and the u se of tamper·proof emiRSion analyzcn. But w hile all this wus going on, time ran out and the EPA Imposed its sanctions fli·st u ban On major l'OnRlrUction of new, potentially pullutln~ plants und factories. thl'n thv withholding of some $8~0 million in f l•dvrul u1d f <> r h I g h w u y u n d st• w a y t' construction. Eventually, the state Senate passed the Presley bill. But there it stopped. Op· ponents wvre l'Onfident that when thl' Rl'agun administration took offkP, t•a mpuign promist.$ lo get federal n•gu lutors ol'f tht• public's biH·k would µrornptly result Jn l'l'UWVHI of lhc..· F.PA sanctions. It hnsr\'t workNI that wn~. l n fa c t, th (' p rt' !l i ch• n t ' 11 Ii.PA admini!ltrator Annt• (;or11uch recently has madt' it plain that tJw sanctions will t•ontinut• until un inspec ti o n progrum Is Im - plemented. California nncl Kl'lltut·ky remain the only two of tht• targeted 29 states that haw f mkd to comply with the fedf'ral lnw. With the sanC'tions still in place, this game is bf•<:oming loo expensive for the state's 1..>conomy. The mandatory inspection bill is once more undergoing Assembly committee hearings. It is time for California to get in line behind clean air and pass SB33. News not all bad President Reagan's veto of an emer gency spending bill t hat would have provided $3 billion in federa l aid to l ow-and m iddle-incom e home buyers had to be bad news for Orange County's depresse d housing industry -though the blow was not unexpected. The president had earlier warned that h e would not accept a measure "singling o ut one industry for special relief." Garden Grove R ep. J erry Patterson. primary sponsor of the housing stimulus plan, had called it "the only anti -recession, job-generating initiative this Congress will have a c han ce to pass." Supporters claimed the program would have created more than 400,000 new jobs by lowering mortgage interest rates by 4 percent for 250,000 home buyers. "Th e housing industry," said Patterson, "has led us out of every major recession since World War II. It could have done so again." But the president contended the plan would only lead to demands for bail-outs of other industries and thus deepen the recession . A slimmed down version of the spending measure. minus the housing funds a nd designed s~mply t o keep esse ntial government agencies funded until the new budget year begins Oct. l , is expected to win presidential approval. Fortunately. the revised bill still provides for repeal of the $75-a-day tax break congressmen voted themselves last December. At first they were accused of tacking the repeal onto a bill that was sure to be vetoed. But apparently their remorse, sparked by several thousand letters from angry constituents. is deep enough to carry the act of repentance through to ultimate success. For which we may be grateful. Engineering versatility Scottish aeronautical engineer Owen Macl..aren was awarded the M.B.E . (Member of the British Empire) by Q ueen Elizabeth II in 1977 for his contributio n s to British industry. Among his n otable projects for the aircraft industry was the design o f the undercarriage of the Concorde supersonic airplane. N othin g if n ot versatile, MacLaren now has come up with a baby stroller "built to aircraft standards." F eatures include a linked safety brake system, balloon tires for a smooth ride, a dual safety lock to prevent accidental folding, padded sit-up or reclining seat and a feature that permits the stroller to be folded with one hand and carried on the wrist. A more complex variation is a • pram-buggy that doubles as a stroller , baby carriage a nd portable bed. Engineer MacLaren designed his first stroller in 1966 for his daughter w ho wanted something stu rdy bul. light a nd portable enough to take along on travels th roughout the world. That was the predecessor of the much-copied umbrella stroller now seen throug hout the world. The n ew M acLaren baby stroller line, soon to be launched in th e United States, will be p riced from $125 to $275, depending on optional features. Clearly, an e ngineer who helps design the world's most advanced commercial pltine for the world's m ost affluent travelers thinks in terms of quality. Opinions exp~essed in the space abo.ve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and a rtists. Reader comment is invlt· :~i-fl~~.ress The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) L.M. Boyd I Gen e tic m em o r y Scholars scoffed at one ancient claim by Socrates. He said people know everything from the beginning, that what they team is merely the recovery of what they already know. Then along came the researchers with their revelations about genetic memory. Why does on e lntantile troplc.l flah rush into lta mother's mouth for protecUon when danacr threatens? Why doe1 a little pig ORANGE COAST llilJPilat ti:~tif!IW."U~~&.i-: ti . instinctively know where the milk Is? Why does a child make a gesture exactly like 'the gestu re of a grandfather he's never seen? You just don't know how much you already knew on the day you were bom. Space does not permit detailed report here on each of the 32 surgical operatlona undergone ln her UCt?time by .ctress Elizabeth Taylor. Sorry. ThorN11 P . Hi it y Publllhtr ThotMt A. ~rpftlfte ldltor l 1rltlr1 KrtHtlcfl ldttor111 Pt0t ldltor Regan takes economic reins WASlltNliTON The rn1..-cting of lhl· 11dmlnl:ctrat1on's econom ic polu·ymukN'll Junl' 17 in which Donald T Hc•1<11n rt'Vl•rt<.•d to being more of a Ma1·111t· mnibat commander and ll'ss of a W11ll Strt•c•t smoothie c.'Ould provt' the turning l'olnt for Reaganomics. Th~ g oom was palpable at that day's R(•s.~1on of T ·I and T -2 (the first and St>cond levels at Treasury. the Office of Management and Budget and the Council of Economic Advisers). Ruinous interest rates promised to streak higher. and the administratJon acted defenseless. ll was then that Treasury Secretary Regan ordered a full-scale inquiry into monetary policy as practiced by the Federal Reserve Board. That broke four months of silence on monetary policy and belatedly acknowledged that what the Fed is doing not budget deficits -is the cause of the dreadful economy. No les.s important is the fact that Don Regan. who all year has been executor of policies fashfoned by the White House staff, finally was claiming his role as the administration's chief economic policymaker. ALL SIGNS ARE that Regan was acting without prompting and probably without t h e k n owledge of the president's men. Senior White House aides had been telling us that it was too late to deal a new monetary hand before the J 982 t.'l~'(;t1on and that Republicans had to play with the C'a1·ds they had Thus, whc·n bt>latt.'d l'CJngress1onal agreement on a budgN resolution was followed by furC'casts of still h1ghc•r t:. .. ~ I E~ 111f~ -fVA_l_I -.I-II-I" a- interest rates, the reaction at the Wlute House was sheer horror. Regan was angry as he l'nler1..'Ci tht.' meeting of T-1 and T -2. Eag1·r to bt! a team player, he had reluctantly gem"' along with the grand design by White House chief of staff James Baker to bring down interest rates by calhng for h igher taxes a nd lowC'r defense spending. The secretary's anger was stoked by a participant at the meeting who said he regretted that there had been s0 little serious inquiry into Fed policy. whose inadequacies had been camouflaged by the endless passion play over a meaningless budget resolution. It was then that Regan ordered the widl'- ranging study. "He wants the Fed to do his b1dd1ng," one insider told us. That 1mplil's that the exercise is intended to s ubstantlalt:' Regan's staled susp1c1ons that the ~'cderal Rescrve's inability to hit money-supply targets is either sabotage t.ir 1ncompetenc:e. That will be the finding of the study if Treasury Under Secretary Beryl Sprinkel, high priest of monetarism ms1de the administration, has his way Federal Reserve Cha1nnan Paul Vokker would then become designated ('(:Onom1c scapegoat Bui o thl'rs 1n the study group lcuns1sting of T -1 and T -2) want to probe whethn not rm•rt!ly the execution but the conC't<fJt of mom·tarism 1s at fault and that a nC'W pohcy 1s needed. That l'Ould prompt the first productiVt.' course correction for Reaganomics. EMOTIONAL BIASES (including Volcker's own) prevent anything so straightforward as a return to the gold standard. But otherwise, the agenda is open. Such options as a gold-convertible doUar and fixed international exchange rates, considered unmentionable short weeks ago. are mentioned today at high levels of the administration. It was Regan. al long last seizing the economic policy reins. who opened the closet of forqidden alternatives. After submitting au year to the leadership of pr£•s1dC'nt1al aides who confess they know nothing about economics, the secretary of the• Treasury was re- emerging. It was the first good economic news in months. GOP picked bes t Bradley contender The surprise victory of Attorney General George Deukmejian over Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, after the pollsters had virtually declared him a loser for the Republican nomination for governor. sets the stage for a race with Democratic nominee Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles in which the issues rather than personalities should be the deciding factor. For. while there may be little perceivable difference between the political philosophies of Curb and the Duke there 1s a world of difference beween the two men. CURB, A POLITICAL dilettante, had come into politics as the willing tool of a group of old moneybags in Los Angeles who fancy themselves as "kingmakers." It is the same group who launched Ronald Reagan on his political career. They hoped to repeat their success with Curb and it appeared they might after Curb won the office of lieutenant governor four years a~o. But Curb was damaged early in the game by stories which cast suspicion on his dealings in the r~rd industry where he made a fortune before the age of 30. Although investigations by the attorney general's office found no evidence of anv wrongdoings, the cloud which had bel';, raised continued to haunt him. Perhaps what hurt most was the image of immaturity and mexpenence which he pro.iet·ted as he waffled on IARL WATfRS issues. He was also hurt by stones which reflected on his credibility. These related to conflicting statements made concerning his voting and draft records. Clearly the Republicans chose the best candidate to face Bradley for there are no skeletons m Deukmejian's closet. He comes into the campaign with a clean record and nothing to hide or explain . As they say in politics, he is a straight arrow. Honest, hardworking and sincere. he brings years of legislative experience along with his background as attorney general. From a standpoint of knowing state government he is eons ahead of Bradley. That is not to say that Bradley will not be a fonnidable candidate. In his years as mayor he has done a creditable .)Ob and has built a strong following. But his winning of the Democratic nomination was not the spectacular vH·tory achieved by Deukmejian. Bradley's opponents were not known statewide and were without the funds to gain that recognition . He corralled 62 percent of the Democratic vote and undoubtedly will retain those supporters [Ind gain more NOT HAVI NG ANY serious challengers. Bradley had an easy primary campaign during which he took few positions and relied greatly on professionally prepared TV commercials. Now he will be faced with a n opponent who will demand he take a s tand on the issues. He will be vulnerable in many areas where his lack of experience with state government l'OUld show through. One issue on which he 1s particularly vulnerable to attack is that of law and order. despite his 21 years as a Los Angeles policeman. For Bradley is on record opposing the death penalty, a point that Deukmej1an, who drafted some of the laws restoring the death penalty in California, will be cer-tain to press home D e baseme nt of sports a n o n g o in g · scandal The debasement of commercial sports. in nearly every area. is one of the scandals of modern society, and I am afraid we are still far from touching bottom in this murky pit. In Scotland, which is relatively "purer" than America, officials of the Scottish Sport Council have become so IYDIHY HARRIS concerned that last month they offered to pay full costs ot drug-testing of athletes, in much the same war, that racehorses are tested ror "dope • that artificially Increases their speed. When the Sport Council had a standing ofter to pay 76 percent of the coet, which i• not prohibitive by any 1tandard1, out of the 70 governing athlolic bodies in the oountry, only two of them aareed to cake advantaae of tho offer; the othttr 68 blithely l&nored the In \tit.a lion. Pe\er H.Mly, 1 tonner Olympic diver and now 'he councll'• c h airman , ~plalntd the new proposl by •yina, ''TN '* and abult of dnap In 1pott may bt man w1dely punued \Mn ~ ~Nd. We .,. In. IO htJp lM governing bodies to determine whether that is so. and to what extent there may be malpractice." Since the present cost for screening and analysis at a laboratory is little more than $25 for the detection of both anabolic steroid and stimulant drugs, it can hardly be economic hardship that is holding back the program. If a nation so noted for its moral rectitude and sporting instinct as Scotland is apprehensive about the extent of drug use in competitive sports, one can imagine what the situation must be in the U.S .. where athletics seems to be a form of religion, patriotism and macho-worship rolled into one. WE HAVE LONG been accustomed to the doping of horses, but horse raclng is fl raffish business at best and the large stakes involved have tempted many a • tralner or jockey to make a surreptitious Injection -so much so that some FBI aaon1.1 have been hired to detect and prevent such t henanJaana. Now the compeUtion in other aporta hat becomu 10 lntenae -and the reward• '° lavilh, both ln moM)' and fame -c.h,t athl tel are tamperi.n1 with their own bod.I In ord11r to pin an 4M:!Je \My ml~ht not IC!hJove naturally. ObvfoUJly, thl1 pharmacvudc'll rwo ruN mntnry to tho whol p4rh ot oompetlUar\ end ttwl notion ot phynl ' exC'eUence. There is no ethical reason an athlete should not use a temporary pain-killer if h e doesn't mind punishing his body beyond its nonnal limits; but any drug that gives him a synthetic advantage over a rival is plain cheating and deserves n o thing less than disqualification. I personally don't care much for professionalism in sports. and think it wiU utlimatel.y distort and then destroy the game. But it is going to be with us a long time, and the least that Its spectators deserve is the clear conviction that the person claiming the victory was the most deserving, and not just the most drugged. lillllY CUI Rel AS 2839, \hat cra1y plant Qlolurt bl.11: /\ro Wt aU tomn. out mindl? Maxine Wattora hu 1lrt'l.cfy !mt hen. APPAL.Lill> AP Wlrepfloto POPULAR -Dana Stephens, 16, a lifeguard at a swimming pool in Little Rock, Ark.,· hardly has time to watch the pool when youngsters like 11 -year-old Carter Wallace try to get her attention. Swaying stadium will be examined SAN DIEGO (AP) The San Diego stadium will undergo a structural examination within two weeks to see if it's really solid, man. During a recent Beach Boys rock l'Oncert, an engineer said the 53,000·seat stadium swayed to the beat of the mu s ic He reporte d to City Councilwoman Susan Golding that he watched "a three to four-inch sway of hqu1d" in a soda bottle. f~, {\0 ~-Stfl6!-$ ~.~ EXPANDING TO Corona def Mar Mondays & Thursdays Effective July 1st Excellent Laundry I 3 Lw1 '1200 Superior Dry Cleaning Hand Finish • One Day Service Free Pick-up a nd Delivery SoYth Of •-ArtlHlr 494-4044 c-=c ::\C "Jc ::J NEW JAPANE E REST A RANT TRY Ot:R OAIL \ SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyoki • TPmpuro Shushi bur prepored b y our fomou., Ja panrsl' Chef •.Beer • Wini' • Saki ® JAPANE E ~gistl. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon. thru Fri. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sun. from 4 p.m. 613-3933 3840 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR Or•not Costa MtH 1111E IClr"a Avt lOOO ~art>Or Siva 171Cl"MSOO 1714110•1111 Attlfl/ltllle to C.Hlomlt rt11dtMt1 ott/V. ,,,.,,.. .,,.,, ,, Orange Coaat DAIL v Pll.OT /Monday, June 28. 1982 Conflict building over housing policy fl JOHN CUNNIFF --;:;wa.~K -S hould you say "bailout" In 1peaklna with 1ome momben of the hou•lng lnduatry they'll ·~ you of havlna uttered a dirty word, and advtae you there1fter to refer to "aid" or "at1l1tanco.'' lllWI AllllYllS would J~mullic all UlXpayel'll "w provide 1ut.idiz.ed mortgagl'tl to 74.000 lucky homebuyera." Ccmc:ludini his addreu, W1edenbaum uaerted that "bu1lout.'i url! wasteful," and that they ''run dirt.-'<.0tly l'OUnter tu the goaJ of reducing tho role of tlw federal government in our daily lives." . l'Ba.llout," th y aay, la too close to "hAndout.'' a nd 1u11 eat1 that the aid being tOUiht 11 neceasita\ed by the recipient'• lneptneu. U anyone has been Inept, they aay, it haa been the federal government. among the major houalnH as.sod1Jt1ons, dt·~;l11wd to publicly 111.alt' it.a support, l'Onvtnt•l'Ci that tht' routt• t.o lowc:r mortgage rates wus In n'<iudng the bud~wt deficit. !~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! That too 1s tht-Whitt• l loUM.-!!Wtl<I, hul 1t may not be that, t•usy tu l•X plt11n tu tlw pubht· that housing will rt'(.'OVer when flodl'rul i.pent.hng ls rnt and interest rates fall Thul se<'ms a long way orr for an industry in extrl'm1s perhaps lont-wr thu11 any other. At the White Howie, they don't see it that way. An interest subsidy plan just passed b Con has already been called by that dirty name and returned to the House, where the president's veto was sustained. Fireworks are scheduled to follow, however, becau.e ln the reasonina behind thia bill are merged two polar views of how the economy should be r un. Friction of that sort produces sparks. Great sparkling showers of them. And they will continue through the fall elections. CUNNWF You have, as one or the contestants, a housing industry that has been decimated. Builders are going bankrupt. Home mortgage lenders are being forced to merge. Millions of families have been priced out of the market by inflation and high interest rates, and must rent instead. Therefore, the industry claims, he lp was needed. Housing, the argument, went, is no t just another business. It is special, a national priority, and it has been viewed that way for 50 years. lt must be protected. The National Association of Home Bualders supported the vetoed bill, which would have subsidized mortgage rates for low and middle income buyers by 4 points the first year, and by one less point in each succeeding year. So did the U.S . League of Savings Associations, which represents most savings and loan asaociations, whose traditional main activity has been the financing of homes. The National Association of Realtors, alone And, It is true huuidng ts sp<<t:tal It 1s a ne<.'t.'SSity. How, ask builders. can yuu f"illllt' tht! productivity of Aml'rlCLUl workt:rs 1f tht.>y dun"t have det:ent shelter'? How l'an you deny to l><J many families what is dep1cl~>d in schoolbooks and the media as a piec.-e of the American dream? The administration W a!. unwilling to at't'(•pt any short-term remedy. arguing that to furtht•r involve government in the pnvatt' &ee'lor 1s to delay and probably prohibit any fundamental t•t·unomk correction. Its arguments w ere• wt•ll prepared, as Murray Weidenbaum revealc>d last month in talking to the Pennsylvania Bankers Assoc:1a11on. The chairman of the President's Count·tl of Economic Adv1st•rs, offered six reasons why, h<• said, bailouti. an• a threat to the entire e<'Ononrn: program. First, he said. tht>y send the wrong signal. ''Embracing the batlout proposals . . would tell the financial markets and the· publit-at largP that we are returning to the saml' old d1sc:rt'Ci1Lt-<l pohcws of the past," he told the bankers Next, he said, bailouts make a dtfftt·u lt budget situation worse. And, he c:ontcnded tn his third point, "The history of nearly every rrutjor bailout program is a sad and sorry one." The tourth reason pc.•rt.ained most spc.'Cifically to the housing bill. whose chief proponent has b<'en Sen. Richard Lugar, R-lnd. "BaiJouts," he said. "arc inherently unfair " By their very nature, he continued, they "are narrowly targeted, much more so than the general public 1s led to belJeve." The housing bill, he said , Make Your Future Something Really Speclall Graduating? .. Changings Jobs? .. Starting a New Career or lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new • personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come in today for a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion )~~!!, !2~~!!.,~rs ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town[., Country. Orange (7 14) 54 7 8228 AND HOUSEHOLD FEDERAL'S GOT'EM. Pe rsonal Loans You don't hear much aho uc personal loans these days. They seemed to Ji!>~ appear fo r awhile. Bur at Hou ehold Federal they're back. We're making Personal Loans, ecured and unsec ured, up ro $10,000.* You can use the money for any worth~ while purpose. A nice long summer vacation. Or perhaps that new living mom furniture. Or just pay off some extra bills. It's up to you. Let one of our loan counselors help arrange a loan for you. When you need a loan for personal use ... chink Household Federal. "L1Mn• 11ver SS,000 mu'! ko '<"Cured wuh 1~.11 111 l't''"'n~I r•"r<'"~ WE'RE NUMBER ONE H ousehold Feder~I came in first with the highest percentage rate increa e in reserves among all large S & L's in California according to a recent LA TIMES u rvey. So your money i safe and sound with Household Federal. Home Equity Loans Yl1U dun't ha\"l' rP -..l'll yo ur hume t<1 ta~h in t>n ir-.. incn.~.1-.1.·d market \ .dul'. Rurru\\' .1g;"1m'\t \"PUr hume w1ch a H 11111t· Eqult\ Lnan from Huu-,chnlJ Fi.:d1.·ra I for the munl'\ w u need coJety. M.1h· yu ur hnme mPrl' va luahle by ~ta rrin g tho.-.e l1ing l wcrJue rcra' r'>. Build rh,n -.pc1. St.u r .1 hu~mc~~- O r \·ou may u.,l' the money for a \'Mll'ty nf nther p11 rp(l:,es. O n1.· pf our loan cuunsclors can arrange a luan and repay- ment plan \pec1 fi cally for yo u Ar Hou-,chnlJ Federal ... loan!) are hc!Ck. A_.. ..... NEWPORT BEACH: 4301 MacArthur Blvd. mTl•ATIMIAL COMPANY SINCE 1078 I& a (l/1 block aouth of Sheraton Hotel) (714) 833-0367 WESTMINSTER1 14011 Beach Blvd. (Corner of Beach and We1tmln1ter Ave.) (714) 893-2491 MONDAY ·THURSDAY 9 A.M.•4 l\M., F"UlAY 10 A,M •• fl P.M., llATllRlMY II A.M .• NOON IMO T ORAN<..'llh 1. . . l . I• ' • I ! t I • • ~· • • Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, June 28. 1982 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. 6 mg ''tar:' 0.6 mg nicotine ev. pl'r c1ga11111. by FTC method. .. ~ I I ' THI CDAST AID THI CDUrtTY ~\ ;;-Suggestions just won't fly WILD BLUE YONDERS DEPT. -The wonderful "super-government" we have in our region, known as the Southern California Association of Governments, SCAG for short, has just divulged a most breathless bit of intelligence on future airport sites. This news, on where we might locate a new major commercial jet aerodrome, came after a full four years of labor by SCAG's panel of regional planners. ~ TOM MORPHINE ~,, Pacific.· water. The SCAG p eople concluded there are three possible airport sites. For one, try to keep your feet dry. It's off the Los Angeles-Long Beach harbor area, out in the THE OTHER TWO SITES? Why, one is in Orange County and the other near the Orange County-San Diego county line. The locations are Camp Pendleton and El Toro, both U.S. Marine Corps ins tallations. Before you yelp with glee and pronounce these locations as pure strokes of genius, it might be noted that all three sites have been pondered multiple times by past airport location searchers and discarded. This has happened over the past 10 or 15 year:>. So if the LA harbor area. El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and Camp Pendleton sites sound familiar to you, there is mighty good reason . AS A MATTER OF FACT SCAG, in this finding. didn't come up with a single new notion. They could have just as easily dusted off a ny one of a dozen airport sites studies that now languish on governmental shelves a nd they'd have had the same tired old suggestions. "Who is next for s n·de out to the regional super jetport?" Oh, there were some great pontifications at the time the "new" SCAG recommendations were trotted out. · Commented Yorba Lmda City Councilman Henry Wedaa. SCAG committee chairman. "No matter what site is selected, there will be opposition and I think we are all sympathetic to that feeling." IS THAT SO? Well , thC' U.S . Marine Corps along with residents of Irvine. El Toro. Laguna Hills. Leisure World, Lake Forest. Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach and other nearby environs might have a difficult time seeing the profound sympathy in Chairman Wedaa's statement. C lifton Moore. who heads the Los Angeles Department of Airports, was almost as sympathetic as Coun cilman Wedaa. Moore proclaimed. "l can't see why only people in Orange County should be protected from the onslaught of aviation noise." Nice thinking, Mr. Moore. Your own airports have already caused whole communities to be converted into vast, unlivable wastelands. Why shouldn't Orange County welcome a piece of that action? I mean, if wholesale destruction is good enough for LA. it ought to be good enough for Orange County. AS HAS BEEN the case of the past couple of decades of airport site studies, U.S . Marine Corps officers reacted in consistent fashion to the fact that two out of the three sites to be blessed fall on Marine Corps property. They opposed them. To long-time observers of airpor t affairs, this came as absolutely no surprise. In the end of all this, it should be noted that SCAG a irport site recommendations carry o nly nominal government influence, SCAG cannot buy an airport site nor order airport construction. Thank the Almighty for favors on that. - Does sex with a prost#ute count as adultery? Ann Landers thinks so. Page B2. Stretching out their lives Walking is 'best medicine in world' for seniors who say they feel old By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 0( tM o.111 "°' • ..,, At 71, Blll Selvln ls living proof that running coaches may retire, but they don't necesaarily slow down. Formerly a cross country coach for Chapman College and a physical education and math teacher for the Tustin Unified School District, Selvin, an Irvine resident, claims he's busier today than he's ever been. He teaches physical fitness at senior citizen centers In Corona del Mar, Weslminster and Santa Ana and at retirement residences in Newport Beach and Garden Grove. He teaches remedial math classes and lectures frequently to college audiences, organizations and businesses. Selvin took a break from his busy schedule recently to accept the first annual "LIFE" (Leadership i n Physical Education) Award, presented by FHP, a health maintenance organization headquartered in Fountain Valley. Orange County Super visor Roger Stanton and area health and social welfare officials turned out to praise Selvin for his tireless promotion of physical fitness, particularly among older residents. "I'm not old at all," Seivin declares, even though his 72nd birthday is coming up July 5. "I have a very young outlook. "I still do pushups. I ran thls morning. I work out every day. 1f people tell me they think they're old, I feel sorry for them." Selvin believes the federal government could save billions of dollars in Medicare payments by promoting physical fitness for older residents to improve their health. "The worst enemies we have," he says, "are the loved ones who tell us, 'Take it easy, Pop' or 'Take it easy, Grandpa.' "Older people are anxious to k eep well. But t h ey need someone to motivate them. I think young. I try to motivate classes to feel the same way. And it works!" Selvin was born in Harlem and grew up in New York City. As a young man h e worked for Madi.son Square Garden, where he introduced 'girls' softball matches. Inducted into the Army during World War II. he Wb assigned to special services, where h e organized dances and athletic events in San Diego. After his di scharge, he PET PROJECTS - Robert Stark's sheep was hungrier than Derek Sims' cow that didn't want to nibble at the first Farm Day spon sored by th e Orange County Farm Bureau at the county fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Emily Ball, Susie Steward and Sara Steward admired another exh ibit among the rabbits, pigs, goats and poultry displayed by Future Farmers of America and 4 -H members to educate th e urban public about agriculture. D8lly Pflol Pholoe by Petrick O-o-n.a THINKING YOUNG -Women in an exercise Mar respond enthusiastically to drill led by class at OASIS Senior Center in Corona del ohvsical fitness advocate Bill Selvin (inset). remained in Southern California, coaching and earning his teaching credential at Chapman College. He continued coachin g at Chapman while working as a teacher and coach in the Tustin district. Upon reaching the mandatory retirement age, 65, in 1975, Selvin was forced to leave the Tustin post. Before long. however, he was organizing a "Life Begins at 60" super marathon race i n connection with the nation's Bicentennial. He and five fellow over-60 athletes staged a promotional run through cities across the country, starting in Los Angeles, traveling east to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, moving on to New York and working their way back to the West Coast. During this trip, Selvin says he learned about "a crying need" for physical fitness training for senior c itizens and began devoting his time to suc h programs. Employed now by Coastline College, he teaches simple exercises and preaches walking as ,"the best medicine in the world. Though he currently teaches more than half a doren classes each week and lectures frequently, Selvin says he's looking for stiU more projects to tackle in his remaining free hours. "I have no intent," he says. "of ever slowing down." Delly Piiot Photoe bJ Debofeh Wechter \ Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Mondav, June al, 1882 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE vertical position on the level Being buried • ID DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just read lhe letter from the reador who wanted to know if that guy was granted his last wish -he wanted to be buried in his 1939 Dodge. Well, how about this one: I know a fellow who wrote in his will that he wanted to be buried in his front yard on a highway from Roanoke to Radford, Va., in a standing position ao he could watch over his property. liis wish was granted. The casket was put in the ground straight up. I was at the funeral. -WITNE.SS FROM BILOXI DEAR WIT: I wonder lf knowlag the owner was la a vertical po1tuon kept the 1arvivors on the level? Maybe when tbe fellow folllld oat be couldn't take it with him, be decided to do the next best tblag. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband is a professional man who enjoys the respect of everyone in the community. We have been married 31 years and have raised a family we are proud of. Several months ago I learned by chance that my husband has been a steady customer in a house of prostitution. When I asked him he refused to admit or deny it. Instead he gave me a long speech in defense of RIVERMAN -Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn will live in the likes of Frederick Way Jr., who now is working to preserve that bygone era as president of the 2,200-member Sons and prostitution and declared that aex with a prostitute is NOT adultery. He is such a smooth talker I don't know if he la right or wrong. Please tell me. -MIN MON't'ANA DEAR M: Tell your blgbly respected, 1mootb·talldng bu1band to look ar. adultery ln the dictionary. Tbe def h.ltlon 1 In there and tbe lan1uage leaves no room ·for 1pecalatlon. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You have printed several letters about telephone operators in the last few months. Pleaae let me add another thought not yet mentioned. As you know by now, Ma Bell's busy little bees are monitored constantly. Our jobs depend on speed and accuracy. If we fail to say "You're welcome," that's a demerit. We are expected to handle X number of cal.ls per hour. No excuses are acceptable. The reason for this letter is to plead with your readers to do two simple things. First: IF POSSIBLE, know the correct spelling of the party's name wren you call directory assistance. Second: Have a pencil and paper in hand so you can write down the number. You can't imagine how exasperating it is to watch the minute hand Al' "'°40 Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen. The 81 -year-old riverboat captain gently holds a model of the 37-foot steamer that he built and piloted up the Allegheny River to Warren, Pa. Taurus: Humor • WlllS Tuesday, Jane %9 AR IES (March 21 -April 19): Break from past indicated ; accent o n self-determination, consolidation of assets and review of family possessions. Focus also on legal affairs. conflicts of interest and marital status. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Display of humor could win needed allies. Be flexible, highlight versatility and open lines of communication. Concentrate also on special pri~eges, tasks at hand and dependents. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Restrictions are removed; you now have greater freedom of thought, action. Focus also on ability to imprint style, romance, change, variety and speculation. You'll have luck with number 4. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Your knowledge of investment procedures, banking techniques and real estate will impress others, especially members of opposite sex. .,,,,,,, By PHIL INTEALANDI of Laguna Beach • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Communication from re lative could r esult in domestic adjustment. Emphasis also on trips, visits, purchases of luxury items or art objects. You'll be asked to prepare short report. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Insist on definition of tenl\S -money is involved and some persons are desirous of more than their fair share. See places, people . in realistic light. Means avoid self-deception. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Cycle high, this could be a power-play day. Focus on business, romance, intuition, timing and greater independence. Circumstances favor your efforts -luck and skill combine and you are major beneficiary. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Reach for brass ring -you can achieve more than originally anticipated. Privaw conference spells out duties and potential. Member of opposite sex expresses love and is sincere. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): By taking initiative, you make wish come true. You'll get to heart of matters -applies especially in dealings with members of opposite .ex. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You make significant gain where career and security enter picture. Focus on achievement. community relations and the honoring of a commJtment. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Emphuil on-~~~ ability U> pin wider audience and lmprovea ..,_ of timinl· Lancuaae and dllt.anoe blntera can be overcome -make lnquiriee. attend IOdal afi.J.r and be8in a ~· PllCll (Feb. l9·Maro=20 t Your In..,_ In unu.u.l atb1'ctlt Uw oowl,, will lead co lft'-niUl'.'I oon «a. Afftuln& lndJvtdual ~ 1111 I ........ rot )'WI' f...w.rt'Y wt&h ....... ..... on the clock move forward while some dodo goee hunting for a pencil. Than.ks for printlng this . - APOPLEXY IN ARLINGTON DEAR AP: Here'• your letter. And now -please, one and all -cheek at once to see lf there l1 a pencil and writing pad by your telepbone. If not, pat one there. In fact, TIE ~e pencll to tbe phone cord to thwart absent.-mlnded family members wbo are constantly taldn1 the telepboae pencil elsewhere. You're welcome. ~ Allll WIDllS such thing as an American language. We speak· ENGLISH, and all of the above speak Spanish. Thanks for letting me blow my top. -CAN'T KEEP THIS INSIDE ANY LONGER DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please educate some of the boobs out there. I am so disgusted with ignorant people I could scream. DEAR CAN'T: You're welcome. Damp on me again. That's what I'm here for. Please do not ask a Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Panamanian or any person from a Spanish-speaking nation, "Do you speak Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban or Panamanian?" This is the same as asking an American if he speaks American. There is no Is alcoholism ruining your life? Know the danger signals and what to do. Read the booklet, "Alcoholism -Hope and Help," by Ann Landers. Enclose 50 cents with your request and a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box J 1995, ChiCJJgo, 111. 60611. Directions • automatic Rental cars are like blind dates. They sound terrific over the phone, but personality isn't everything. The car rental people make it sound so easy. You step off the plane and your wheels are waiting for you. What they don't tell you is: flMA IOMlfCK AT WIT'S END Where do you stick the key that opens the door? How do you get the seat back so you can fit under the steering wheel? Finally, I could stand it no lon£er. ·'Look, lady, would you give me a break?" HOW DO YOU GET the motor to tum "Your brak e is o n ," s h e said mechanically. over? Where are the lights? How do you get out of the parking lot? It doesn't make sense. You're being When I returned the car, the girl at the desk said, "Where are your keys?" I motioned to the parking lot. "Let her tell ' you." thrown together with $7,000 worth of electronics but you've had more instruction on how to ride an elevator. Ever sit in traffic and try to pick out people driving rentaJ cars? It's easy. He's usually the guy with the windshield wipers going back and forth when the sun is shining. Or the woman who releases her hood going 60 mph on the expr~way ... with her eyes closed. There was the car sitting alone in the , darkness with a voice saying over and over, ' "Your keys are in the ignition. Your keys are in the ignition. Your keys are in the ig-" Would it have killed her to tell me how to get them out? POT SH01S Recently, I rented a talking car. From Japan. My car doesn't talk. It's tried to communicate on a few occasions, but it sounded expensive so I ignored it. BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT No sooner was I settled in this car than a voice said, "Your trunk is open." Now that line may be a scream in Japan, but not to me, who couldn't find the trunk in the first place and whose luggage was piled on the front seat beside me. THE VOICE HAD OTHER phrases. "Your left door is open. Your right door is open. Your lights are on. Your seat belt is unfastened." GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1-As South, vulnerable, you hold : +952 <::163 O 10764 +AQ52 • The bidding hu proceeded: SoutJI W eat N orda Eul Pua 1 + Obie P ... 2 • Pua 3 <:I Paa ? What action do you take? A. -Partner must have a very strong hand and at least a six-card heart suit, so bid four hearts. Don't worry about the fact that you have only a low doubleton in part· oer's suit. He hu told you that he expects to make nine tricks with hearts u trumps opposite a possible bust. Since you have two possible tricks for him, you owe him a vote of confidence. Q.2-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: +AQ1054 <::16 OKQMI •Je The bidding bu proceeded: N~ Eut S.•tJI WHt 1 Q P ... 1 + P ... % • P ... Z 0 P ... 2 (;;> p.., ? What action do you take? A. -Even though you have a full opening bid, tlU. band must be dlteounted becauae of t.be obvious rnlam. Thertrort, we would not commit OUl'MIVH to ,.,., •. but would be content with a almplt forw&rd·roln1 move. The moet Uktly same 11 In no trump, and we would 1u1pst that t.o partner by blddlna &wo no trump now. Q.1-Nttthtr vull\trabJe, u Bou~ 10\I bo&d1 •AU~llCOl&Ml •AK fte~Ml,,_1 .. •1 ..... WM Nd._. INT Piii 19 ,_ ' .... ,.i.w,..., A. -When you hold three· card support for the major suit in which partner has jumped arter your no trump opening. it is usually correct to raise him to game. Here. however, all your points are outside of your partner's suit, so the hand could play better at no trump. Bid three no trump. If partner is highly distributional, he has the op· tion of continuing the search for a suit contract. Q.4-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: +A62 <::I K 0 KJ106532 •92 The bidding has proceeded: Eut 8Ht.h Weat Nortll •• 2 0 2 • 3 0 Pua ? What action do you take? A.-Despite your minimum in terms of high urds for a vulnerable overcall, partner's raise and his known shortness in the oppooeota' suit greatly increae the playing strenrth of your hand. You could euily have a game in no trump or five diamonds. To determine the limit of the hand, the beat ap- proach ia to cu•bid the ace of apad•. If partner blda t.hree no trump, put. But, If ht ret.urna to diamond.I. ace4tpt bi• decision. rer&rdleu of the level. Q.6-Nelther vulnerable, u Soutb you hold: •A&QltTll Q6 OAMa TM bWdilll lw proeteded: ._. WNt Nwill EM& '. ,.... . . , .. f .,.., .. JOU bid MW? A. -It ii &lft(t •llflhl& &o lliW fNM MMI ....,...,,, ... .,... ..... lf f'U ....... ................ . However, a bid of three diamonds has much to reeom· mend it. If partner un raise diamonds, or jump to game in spades, which shows a useful feature in your second suit, you can bid the slam with a high degree of confidence. But if partner does no more than return to three spades, we would content ourselves with a quiet raise to four spad~. Q.6-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +J <::1AJ9853Z 0 7 •A1087 The bidding has proceeded: North Eut So•t.h Weit I o p.., l <:I P ... 3 <:I Pua 7 What do you bid now? A. -Because of your great playing strength, you should be quite willing to commit Lhe hand to slam. However, a grand slam could be laydown if partner hu the right urds. We suggeat a cue·bidding se- quence, starting with four clubs, to find out whether partner bu two aces and aecond·round dub control. If he bas, all l S trick.a ahould be· eaay. i " l i I I I I · I r I I ·I . I I ., .. I • t a 11 t s t i. •• ~ II p • " Cl •• ... r ,, " _,..,,,.__..,;;.._,l : """'h~ G-Z1 n ~~~~ ·nlf"-1 L, c..,.,... ,.., 'u, "" ........ ,,.._ -.... .. THE t 'AMIL'' CIRCl:M by Bil Keane 11Keep watching, and maybe we'll get to see his head go indoors." ~ \R~ \DLKE by Brad Anderson BIG GEORGE by V1rg 1I Partch (VIP) "I hate Mondays." ":\IS THE ~·;:\ACE Hank Ketchum ,,,. 6) i . ..0-28 : - Orangt Cou t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Junt 28, 1982 TtMBLE1' EEDH ME WANTS TO ORDER AN 81·1NCH >C II J/4·1NCH CANARY YELLOW, FIFTY PA6E LE6At. ,AD ••. _____ ......,_,, by Char les M S~hu l z µE WANTS TO l<HOW IF YOU MAVE ANYONE YOU WANT sveo by Tom K Ryan ••WI HOWZAJOOI A VA1E?l ..._._.---_.--.,._-, ~V()OL.P '(OO "f AKE: ME: I SHOE L.1Mr1v L.ltARV? lW Q/eNO?. .. ~ 'JUE M~ 'JU~ C>Mf'tv ~ro 6EW tit v. '\.\:\Cl I'M GLAD YOU'RE MY NEW FRIEN D COME OVER TOMY ~OUSE FOR SOME ICE CRE A M by Jef t MacNelly by Ernie Bushm11ter I CAN1T BEAR TO EAT IN A f-IOUSE THAT1S THIS MESSY ;~f21 - "He's imitating you!" ~ • . · • ~i GORDO Ste HOW LOOSE rr 1s2 SOON '° IT cooes arr nu TcorH Q FAI~ WILL GIVE ME 11-lE M()JEY TO PAY YaJ !' by Gus Amola noo~ nl'LJ,INS wore HA DOIN~~· DUNLAP? MAKING AAMBOR<;,ER. ACROSS 63 Milbefll'w. 2 WOtdl 640nc:e -- IA T\JRDA Y'I PUZZU IOl.YED 1 "Yn,-I" 5Pertyol1 type 9 Lounges 14 Recess 15 Addillonal 16 PTolil 17 Turnable 19 Tail ' 20 Oenllh coin 21 Pal time 23 loulevlld 25 Hindu IMdef 2t Fllgflt ,.,, 21 Trtpodt 32 Dlrec110n 37 Velid 3' C#Mlflalf llOtlc 3t HotNng: LJll, 41 -Act. CeMdl'•••· ~ton 41""""' •••~er ..,_ .. , .. .,. .. -... .... "°"" ......... ........... ·-- 68Sup91y 67 Diet 68 Exclamatlon ~~ 69 Expec;led 70 0etecl 71 PenMlln eoins DOWN 1 Stllnl 2 l lftWWd 3 John JICOb 4 l OWMI 5 Tiny. Scot 8 Pitel* 1 AulhOf MIChMl - 1 Oeme blrdt t8*wltd IO~too llllUdl "• ,,...__ - t2LOM,_, ttC.... HAIM , ......... Mlle 27 Btece 29 Afrleen NCrel IOGlllY 30 "Auld - Syne" '1 ICll J2 °"""*" l)WOOdMlld ,....,,.., HMlll/t._ MO.W.... '°DtoMllP .. ......... u..,... 1 2 3 4 , .. ~ ,.._ -berrtl 41 fJWOyl ..._..,_..,_..,_..,__ 4IA..,._ 52 lrueque 53 PIMtpett .. ~. .. ,........ 110..... .. ~ HOul ,,_. .,.....,...,, ''..,. ~· .,_ ............... ._ .... .. -llNlleo • ..._...._.._'"-........ - by Harold Le Doux by Jim Davis IT'S 'flME. YOU GO ON ANOTH£~ Ot£T. GARF1£LI/ by Ferd & Tom Johnson PEOPLE <'.f'1tN CAmC€R WAAf WE CLOOD5 00 Wlft~ mE .SILVER LINING WE AU. HAVE . b-lt DRABBLE OR.SMOCIK WHY PIPN'-r we GO 1"RY 1"0 Seu,... OUR COOKISS -n:> 1"HA'T' GUY, e>t..eNc:>A? Aef UAU.l,l , IT VARIES FROM CLJ)JD 10 CLOUD. .{ ME I I'VE INVESfED ~ CJ=MINE IN A CDNDO IN FLDRIDA ... by Tom Bat1uk ANO fl-IE REST lo flllKED PJJJPf..( IN A CLDUDBANK R)R A StJN~ ('Al.> I by Kevin Fagan IJ,Dw ~1E.~ OOE. '5 'f "£. c. ~:f IR~ 1'0 \..ICK ~otJR r~c E. 1 by George Lemont we HA PPeN 1"0 N01" ee: ACCOMPAN I e 0 ey A PARE:N1" A1'" 1"He,-.' _J.....,G, / MOMeN[-~ ~\'f'CHA . i IM $ $ ___ _.......~,,.--.. ,.. -i• ... s Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Jun• 28, 1982 001111 CDAS1 11EAE ARE • Read all today's news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. (ill Keep an eye on (-6 loeal government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council , planning commis- sion, school and college districts and county government. ' ' ~ Laugh, ery or get ?J. smart • Ylll llllltlll IAllY Ml To keep up with • all that's happening in your community you need the Daily Pilot · ••• every day " ) AEASOrlS Wl1Y ••• !ifl_. Follow your team "-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community col- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and <!)) shopping time · Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from Enjoy your ~Sunday ~Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged i n your Sunday Daily Pilot. it:i;';Y Enough to read - and enjoy. fiiiJ Tune in to the U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion guide is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays , Pilot TV Log charts Advice from Ann Landers, humor firms in this area, the tube in a conve- from Erma Bombeck, interesting you save time, effort nient, easy-to-find features on people, I and money. format. opinions, informa-I tive columns and A~ Get into the Daily Pilot na·11y P1·111~ comics brighten for only $4.75 per month. your world. -------~-~-~~~~~~~-~~--~--~~=-~-~-::~-~-----------, 642-4321 : I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home •• ' 111111 1 "'° POSIAG( 1 : delivered Dally Pilot every:day. ~::~~' : ~-----.. Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. '"'""o s~m tiim-----~ I BUSINESS REPLY LABEL I I ... " ,,." ....... , "° .• CO\h MI\• <•~110•1t•• I I Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -•-ot "'" M• PA.., ............. , 1 : Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Or•nte Coast D•llY PUot I I Box 1560 I I City .............................. Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costa Mesa, CA. t2'16 I I I I I I Si gna ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI RCULATION DEPT. I I I I t'•ron111u .. 10 l•trlct ... , ............. 1 • Rate · ........ · .... ·. t ·····-···------···-·-············-··-···-·····-············· c.m,1 ... the.,,... ... .-• ..,. the,,., .... Wtel ...... 9"¥111, ............. 641-4121 , All& hr Claw ........ . 1t,._ ______ ..,.__,,,.._....,...__•••....-..--~ ' ' •' ~ . ~ .. \111,11 \ \ -~~ e:oo1•• Niwa WOHmft WOMAH Wonde1 Woman OOH undel'gtound an4 PoMa u • l>llnll rot>w 10 c:aplur• the *<N'lcfe moet nolorloue tNel • THllAINT Stolen ........ .,. plent.o In Simon'• hotel room 1 8.W.A.T. HAWAII AY&of A M'\al~1own ~ ~ Ille murder of • pra.111ute bul rellnM lo t•llfy. • HUMANrT'IU ~THIART'I "Fiim: Seeing AN Th4l<e It" Cl) CMNIW8 111 MICNEWI a:=.NEWS * * '"' "0-The Edge" (19791 MlchMI KrMM<, Plll'Mlle Ludwig. S.-el t~ege reeldenlt of en e•dut/Ye C.iifornla com· munlty ambartc on • ram. page of haraumenl and OMlructlon when 11\ey la~ 10 get their parentt' •lten· llon 11 ~.'PG' 1k30 e 111 MIUAU Raglonal c:over-oe of St Loula Cardinal• •I Pllll•· dele>N• Phllll•, Houa1on AalrOl 11 AllMla 8'a .... O< Oakland A't 81 Kena&s CllyRoyais • CAUfOfMA ~ MPORT CO AMENCAH ~ "The ChanOlng Cons111u- 1lon" ~~ * • • "Home From Tile Hiii" (111801 Robert Mllchum, O.Orge Pep- pard A man's llleglllmate IOfl .. ..,.. hta rile. 7:00 8 C8I HEWS 1 .-::NIEWI KUNG P'\I The 1onu'9CI mind ot • )'OUnQ woman CONidefael I-la put to good UM D !(OW( The murclal' ol 1 rapisl pula Kojlk on lhe 1rlll ot lhe rape victim • M"A"S"H The tong-amoulde<lng laud ~ Hol Lip• and lhe nur-In her command ~ to • head when she confln. one of them to her tent. I JOKBr8 WILD et e111eus MP<>RT Cl) ,. .M. MAGAZINE QITHe~ ~: Don Knotlt. (D)MOW • • * "StrlpM" I 19811 Bill Murray. Harald Ramis. A New Yorll Ubbll looking '°' excllement conllinces Ns llftt friend lo join him In enllatlng In the U.S Atrny. 'A' (%)MOW * * * "Why Would I lier' C 19801 T1M1 W~. UM Eldlhom A ~ liar upMll lhe •••tut quo -h 1118 relvMI 10 conte<m 'PG' 1=*0 8 2 OH THE TOWN F .. turael: look at Barter Syetema lncorpe<lled, a nallonal lrenchlte will! 25,000 cllenlt; a prollle ot ph)'llcal ,,,,_. king, Jacll Lalanne. I T"9 WAS AMENCA M•A•a•H A CM ..... COlonej lnct-- • lhe num11et of -IOuSly wounded IOldiarw arrMng CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI 10 D KNBC (NBCI <ti • KTLA (Ind.) r111 8 1<ABC IABCI CJ 0 KFMB ICBSI (f ) fl> KHJ·TV (Ind,) llZ> • KCST IABCI ,, • KTIV llnd.l IS 'e KCOP TV (Ind.I e e KCET CPBSI • • KOCE (PBS> _,,._ ... ·------- SILENCE -A Haiku fairy tale In sign language will be performed by the National Theater of the Deaf and Deaf Theater of Japan tonight at 9:30 on Ch. 28. 11111e compouno. I Cl) TIC TAO DOUGH MACHEL / lEHAEft MJIOftT GD GMAT ~ ··The Prlvale Hlalory Of A Campaign That Felled" Pet Hingle ttara in an 1d1p1111on of Mark Twlln'1 llc110n11ized rem- lnl--of ,,1, brier and lnglorlaua car-In the Conleclal'lll mllltl• during the ClvU War. (RI (8 'AMtLY FEUO Cl) l.Aff..A-THON A cornecllan 11011 and tour comic con11at1nts wtoo compel• 1g•1n1t one lllOlher are INlured In 1his unoenlOfael comedy game lhow 1::00 8 "1/NATE llEHJAMIH Benjamin and Glenelll ,,Ide Hubble's •-thell'I When he~ 10 vlal1 CAI D Q! LITTLE HOUSE ON THElll'MIAIE Charin lr•vela to Chicago 10 conaole his ol<I friend 1Ml8h EdWarde wherl Ille man's young son 11 kllled In an accident (RI 0 D MOVIE * * "Al long L .. 1 l0\19" 111175) Burl Reynolds. Cybill S~d Ourtng tile ·301, two couples engage In I IOUnd Of rom1n1lc adv1n1ure1 accan1ed oy ,,,. eono• ot Cole P0<1er Q MOVIE • • '"' "Bleck Beeuty" (11146) Mona Freeman, Richard Denning. Bated on lhe llOIY by Anna s-.11 A proud and - aornety b .. ullful hO<H experlencee many dtverw own.a • , ..... W.GAZJNE A~ wtlo Mn• ,_ no¥ell; • ,,,.,,,.. lier o4 Ille K-.cty Space c.n1 .... ...,_. ,_ t8ar\'I. • MOYIE * • * * "The Greetesl Show On Earth" I 111521 Cll.,llon Heston, Beuy Hutlon A clrcu• owner and I lrapetl etar vie IOI canter stage amidst the exciting pagean1ry of the big lac>. • GREAT PSlf'OMtAHCQ "The Prtvlte Hlllaty OI A Campaign T,,11 F•tlecl" Pel Hingle 111111 tn an 1d1pt1Lt1on or Muk Twlin'1 ttell<>nalizael rem- lnlecence of Ills brief and 1ng1orlou1 car-In t,,e Conte<1er11e mlllt11 during the Clllil W11. (RI Cl) NEWS EIGHT PRIME TIME (.li)MOVIE ** * "High Rlll<" (19811 J-BrOlln, Cleavon Lii· lie A trio of or-'Y friends plot the robbef')' of • mil- lion dollars lrorn • South On-TV Z TV HBO (CIMmaxl IWORI NY ,NY IWTBSl IESPNI (Show11~) Spotll9hl 1Clb4f News NftWOrk) American dNQ dear... 'A' (l:)MO'M • * * "Sliver SlrHk" ( tll76) o.ne Wlklar. Jiii Cllyburgh A mlld· mannarael book editor 1cc1d1n11lly becomes lnvOl....O In • tlnlater art 1hlef'1 bllarre plol during e etaa.-<:ountry train ride. ·PO' 0M<>VtE • * • "No Nu!("" I 111801 Jlcilaon er-. Crosby, Slllla & Neall. Footage of a Mfiel of anll-nuclear pow- ., conc.t11 held In New Ye<k City during Septem- l>W. t9711, INtUflf'IQ lhe Doable B101her1, Carly Simon. J-Taylor llnd Brvce Sprlnglteen, ii corn- pllad on tnlt oocumentary 'PO' 8:30. ~ ... CINaNNAT1 Balley ternpe<.,Ny allows Jonnny F-10 mow In wilh her. (R) • SIHQU'8 MAGAZINE An lntervi.w wltll ec1r ... Cll1rlot11 RM: I Carib· t>een crulM tor singles; mMt com.otenne El•yne Boozllt. cm "°'-LEA eacAn Rva 9:0) 8 Cl) M•A•&•H Hewkeye. BJ and Charlet au He< 1 heavy oarr age of prelerenll•I 1re11men1 from the enHlled p«aon· ,,., w"8n lhey .,. placed on the ump'a promott<>n board. (RI D Q!MOVIE • • '"' "Midnfohl Lace" (1981) Mary Crosby, Gary F1111k. A Sen Francisco TV news reporter le drlY8fl 10 Ille t>rlnk of lnNnlty when ltle la alllkael by I myltarl- oua, would-be .-sin (RI 8 111 llOT ~THE WOT A r.Clfed gunfighter taltea e fob u • COOk In ,,,. Square o..t ~ (RI • WIW OAlff1H Guests: Pam D•wber. Cllll'les Hald. Bitty Vera, Of. Rob8r1 Scnulle<. 51!) MOYIE •••• "The Third Man" ( 1114111 Joaep,, Cotten. Orson Welles A Miier Of pulp Wee1ern1 1n,,...ttoa1es the "accidental death" of his prot11-1no t>oyt>ooc1 rrlend 1n tlle dartl, corrupt WO<td of divided ~t· Wortd W¥ II Vienna (t)MOYIE • • "Big WednHdly'' ( 19781 Jan-Mtel'lael Vtn· cent. Wiiiiam Kalt Thr" C1lll0tnia boya enjOy Ille 9Ur1 and Ul'd unlll they begin 10 r11ll1e tha1 11lefe'1 more 10 Illa 111an wealng down their board& 'PG' ©)MOW • * • •.t "Atlantic City" ( 11180) Burl l 1ncu1er. Su11n Serandon. Tiie "trangael ""'•bind or 1111 O'J9ler bar wlllr-arrrves wtt,, her pregnant younoer Sitter and -etolen heroin, wt\lcl'I he wanta •n aging hOOd to 1111 lo< him. 'A' (%)MOVIE • * "Deed Pigeon On Beethoven StrMI" ( 111731 Glenn Corbett, Christ• ling A d.clCtlve kwall- getM the operltle>nS of an lntern1tlon1I bl1ckm111 ring 'PG' HO fJ Cl) HOUSE CAU.8 Or $OiOrnon ,_ • ,,,... practice suit aner • ~ ha 1M Oii 1 oi.t oeoon- ~ l~I • • • ~ "9'it..... Ate !Jftle" 11ttt) GcMcMe Hewll, ldwMI AIMft "'· ,. ~ lllf'1S _, ... NW '""'* Ind INlep. "*°'°' '""' ,... fnll'll I .. netbrlliMd eot,..., NUl.HOMN ~ALOI' HAHDI.: W'tTNAllJM ,,..,... ~ r .. uo l<w~enw perlorrna • Hllau falfy t• wttfl the NatloMI "-* of !tie Deaf end the DM1 Theetet o4 "'"*'· QI YOU AIKID '°" rr F .. tul'9d: "tf'ldian ~· Wiii\ 'Otll.O Tongue" and "The Tigar la A Jodley." (JD MCMI * * * "l!Mt" I tl711 Kuti Ruuell, a.non Hu~ EM1 Prealey rlMt from powrty and oblcurlly to actllwe lame ano f0<1une ... MiC)8r .,., rnuelGal per. fOf'n* 10:00. Cl) CAGNmY & ~ ~ and Ucly .,. afollOned 10 prOllCI Ille Ille of 11'1 OUlepolten ERA crlt· lo (RI • ••• HaW9 HAHtllfTHC: ~~EHIMY Nobel Prlte·wlnnlng phyll· clel Hane Belhe, an 1dvo- c11e of the peaceful uM ol nuclNI power, le Inlet· lliew.d 9 .,,.,,...,~ A gulll-rld<Mn lnlormet apc><oactlN Barney wUh I h011'9 MOW c * • ~ "le Se• SllOp" (1f73) Juliet Beno. Claude Bern A bOolcatore propri- etor llnd1 Instant ~ When he llOClcl hie .. llb- lllhmenl with Ma manu111 end martial •Ida 'A' DMOW! * * • "T·11t Return 01 Tile Secauwe Seven" (1~1 Merk A1not1, Gordon Clapc> The mamt>ert of • group o4 college •ludenla lelhle In t,,. pro••• ~ menl during l,,e '801 gather le< I -kond reunion 'A' 10:a0e NEWS 0 ENTBn'AIHMENT TONQHT An lnlervMw wHh Dome W•t. (%)MOW • * "Felllnl'1 Cuanov•" I 11176) Donald Suthel'land. Tina Aumont The fan11- 11a and frollcl of Ille lf'ofarnou1 lo¥lt are played oul agalnel t,,. IPIClllCl8 of I 81h-<len1Ufy Venice 'R' ,, ..... (1)1110! NEWI 8 SATVAOAY HeOHT Host George Carlin Gueet· Billy Preston Q YOU Ml<EO FOA rT F11lured· "C1mbodl1n Tongue Spiking" and "Tr)ck Seel• On He<se- bacll." m w·11·s·H The off~ are drlllael lf'olo running Ille saloon wN1e Roell II In the hoepl· ,.,, ., ~Hill One of Benny'• orfoinll 10f101 ii fNlurael and llso e Q80 l boul I Mc:urlty oltt- 08' e DOtCAV£TT 0.-ta: Hon4 Cole Ind Ille Copaellcs. (Pll'I 11(RI D ...eLEGACY The story or three Jape- neM·Ame<tcan brothel• wno have underoone heart surgery la told (t)MOW! * • * •.t "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" (11174) Gtanam ~. Johll C1MM King Ar1'-and 1111 band of knlgllll eocounter glentt, riddler• and 1 laroek.o1 rabon In their March lor the teoend· try cup. (0) Pt.AYBOY OH THE AIR 11:30 fJ Cl) QUINCY II Q! WIMlll.E.DON UPDATE A report on developments at the All·Engtand Tennie CllampiOl\ltllpl t. pr-I· ad 11111 A8C NEWS NIQHT\JNE D MOVIE • • ··o...na Of Tile Revo!u- llon" (11721 Er,_1 BO<g- nlne, Nancy Grecco. • THi JEf'FIMON8 llorMM'a MW playboy lnl· IUde upMta LOUIN. • LOW. AME.AICAN STYLE • CALWOAN&A ~ MPORT Cl> CAl"TIOHED ABC NEWI (l)INCTACUlM ~IHCANADA PoliUcal lllHTIOtlat Dew BfOldfOOI, the Company • 1n 'CHiPs' series? Who'll be By FRED ROTHENBERG A#T .......... Wrltw NEW YORK -This must be the place. You walk into an office and see · a couch full of blond, muscle-bound clones dressed in tight T-shirts, dungarees and sneakers. And they all have one more thing. Big smiles. If you're going t.o share motorcyc.le duty with swarthy Erik Estrada, you need good choppers. Thia wu the aoene last week. Not a meellng of the UCLA water polo team, but a ateady atreem of dntUMn, all ~ of !'iM1n8 a •tarring role in NBC'a beefcakey hi\, ''CHiPI.'' about California motorc)'cle c:ope. Larry WU.cox hu left the ahow ~ wtcler thorouahlara, '° the ~ call went out for a new ealt Maker to star w1\h Eltrada'a pepper. "We're looldn1 for ~ wt&h .. •DDMl and • """'I :r •YI Al Onanta, Clldlw ODftiul tant for 'CHI.Pl.• lntelJec1ual lypel and Wiicox lookallk11 nHd not apply. "We're ~ \hat th.II la not • replleemtnt but• ntw characwr," •1• Onoruo. "It'• "°' "' ldvlntap '° ~ too -..w ___ L ____ much like Larry. "The guy has t.o be young and fairly cocky," adds Onorato. "He's on the police f~rce because there's a moral fiber about hikl. But he'll take on the establishment when he has to, and bend lt his way. "It's preferable that he's blond. And preferable that he ride a motorcycle." But the most e89elltial quality ia that he mu.st make women swoon . "There are different kinda of .ex appeal," sa}'9 Onorato. "I like to compare It to ice cream. Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are all belt-eellera. But what we want here ls a man'• man. like Tom Selleck. He's not a threat to men, and women love him. We're not looklnc for an Anthony Geary ("General HOIJPftal"). That'• too MOtertc and e~." Orea WOl\Pfr, 20i ii one of the hundredl of hopefWI who'• bem aud!tlonln• In Miami, DallH, Atlanta, New York and Lot Anle• The am &h,.. c:tu. l10W \hem ""°"' and \an. Thi lalt two are ec10rl' hlvtN. w~l. from Cro4.on, N.Y .. au..ndl C.w. ,_ Colllet, w~ he p&l11 ~. He'• 6lond ..... can ride a motorcycle. He's done recent commercials for the Army, Three Musketeers and Zest soap. He broke into the business by doing a Minolta camera commerdal with Bruce Jenner. "This is surely harder than commercials," Wongler said after reading a aoene wtth Ono~ato. "You have to come across m a realistic way." Wongler made it paet the interview~and-readlng stage. The next atep is an audition tape that will be IClftfted by executives at NBC and MGM, the production company behind "CHiPa." Then could come an audition wlth Ponch (F.atrada) to -. how they mlx on camera. Filming for "CHl.Pw" begins July 26. "G~s Jome and 1ookl Uke he can handle hlmHlf on a motorcycle.'' aya Onorato. ''He'• beefy enoqb \o be on the P01Jce force and be a matdt I« l'.rlc. Re allo hu • CM1aln wlntnbllJty and 11xuallty. He actually bluahed." Othera didn't have what Onontowanled. Jim w11 \AU, thin and non· athliMJa. •1n.ttn1c.11 \he bulinlm and,.,,, ........ '>'Pl·'' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, June 28, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 -"The Prlvato Hiatory of a Campalan that Failed." Mark Twain'• tale of Cfvtl War mlsadventuree of a ragtag group of boya la dramatit.ed. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Midnight Lace." ~TV news report.er hi stalked by a mya~rious, would-be assassln Mary Crosby, Gary Frank star. KCET (28) 9:30 -"Festival of Hands: Issa's Treasure." Philosophy and spirit of Kobayashi Issa, Japan's most beloved haiku poet, is dramatized through the use of sign language. See photo, left. Royal• O•noere •no .__..~·~Ilg RuMell .,. featured in • 11~ -Ing of 811181· tainment from TOfonto. n :41 D Qt n. llUT ~ CAMON Hott. Jollnny Careon. Guaala Jact. l(lugmen . Oevld L111erman. C11ol Neblett. Tom WOiie (RI 12:008 EHTUn'AINMEHT TOMOHT An Interview will! Dottle WMI G iii MOVIE • • ~ "Story OI A Love StOI)'" ( 111731 Alen Bet", Domlnlque Sande A Brit· llh write< IMnQ In a vtHI n1&1 Pule become• lnVOlved In 111'1 l•ltatnarllal 1Halr • MOV1E • • • "It's A Wonderful Life" (t947) Jame• St-· art. Donna Reed A man's guardian angel diverts him from eulclde ano enowe him wt.at hit h0rne1own WOUkl be Ilka If he -· -~n .., LOW. AME.AICAN STYLE "L0\19 And T"8 Oper• Sino-" Or Haymen woos Lind• 11 Illa mansion fD UNOEASTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOA "Human Peych<>logy" (H)MOVIE •••• "The LHI Metro" ( t980) C•lllarlne Oeneuva, Gerard Oepardleu Olrec:t- ld by Fr•ncot• T1uneut During WOfkl War II, lhe proprlete<s of• emall Peril tlleelre 1ry 10 lleep their .. 11bllahmen1 open during the German ooc:upeuon 'PG' (D)MOYIE • • •.t "Cale E•preaa" ( 11181) Nino Manfredi. Adolfo Cell An ••Pf8UO vendor 11 cti1Hd by euthor'lllel •• lie 11templ1 to relM money '°' Illa IOfl. I ()991 •llOn by Mlllng his were• eboard Ille ,,_ 0Mo'llE • • • "Slrlpae" I 111811 8111 Murray, Harald Ramis A New Ye<k cebble looking tor excitement comMc:es Ille bMI friend to loln him In enlilllng In the U S Army. ·A' Mayot J-8YfM 1l001 = AUTWY • ... "HoudW" (1"31 TOftY C\lnla, J-1 Leigh. 1:11 CI) MOV1I * • 'h "Blow Out" (1981) John Trevoll•, N•ncy Allen. A eound tachntclan wno worlcl on llOrror lllm• ~ ln\IOl....O In I murclal' myetary when lie wll,__ an 1u.ualn1- Uon 'R' 1:30 I GfHE N/fft( TO• AHHOUNCtD 1:'6 Q!NEWS 2:00 MOVIE * *"" "Blow Out" (1118tl John Tr1vo111, Nancy Allen A sound technician wno works on llOfror film• ~ Involved In • murclal' myetwy when he wltneuea an HMaaln•· tlon. 'A' a:1a1= * * * '"' "The Black Mar· Ille" ( I~) Roo.rt Foll· wo1th, Paula P1ent1u Attar working on an erno- 11ona11y 1•"-11ng Chlkl· murder cue. • l'leavy- drlnklng pottc. de11C1Mt fl learned with • pot~­ .,, to find • mlllclou• dog- NIPC)8f 'PO• (S)MOVIE • • "Firecrecker" (19811 JUiien Kesan«. Darby Hin- ton A remale mar11al an1 INCller t11v811 to Ille Orlen! In ... ,Ch ol her m1u1ng sllle< ·A' 2:21 CC) MOYIE * *'h "Pulp" (18721 MlcllNI Caine . Mickey Rooney. A IMdy Miter It lllfael by 811 ex-film star to "gt>oatwrtll" htl barely prlnlabll IUIOOlOQtac>lly ·PG' 2:'61 NEWS 3:16 MOVIE • *'"' ·'All Tile Wey Horne" ( 11163) Jean Sim· mone, Robert Pr"'°"· (%)MowE • • "'Siience 01 T,,• North" (1981) Ellen Burs- tyn. Torn Skerrl11 In t9 tll. •young wornar1'1 marriage 10 • 1tew-lead• her 10 • Irle of hatdahlp In lhe wol· dern8es of northern c.,,.. de ·PG· 12:30 8 QOUPl.f.8 3:'6 (S) MOVIE The moving In or tilt girl-• * '"' "Le Se• Shop" tl'lend cau-• young man I 1973) Juliet 88<10, Claude to ult oH the ""'adding Barri. A l>OOketa11 proprl· e !!!!',!!, e1or llnd1 lne11nt IUOOll8 CS> ........ '"' when he llodl• 1111 Mtlb- • * • "The Oogt Of War" lltt\ment with Mll manuals ( 111801 Ch<lttoe>her Walk· and marllal alda 'A' en. Tom Ber9rlQ8f. Alie< 4:00 g MARVIN HAMUSCH: -r ........ ,, •• .. ,, ....•. .,, .. -MORtlNO- 1100. * * 'h "l~o. Tiit Oay a11d1" (IH U George Hamlllon. l-en Hutton TNI herolo IOfl ol Old Cell· 1orn11·1 lamou• )1.11lkl• fight• It lne8')8Cillled by • lldlnQ lf'olut). f«clnO hie rQC)plell brOtlW tO dOtl Ille and maalo 'PG' ll:IO cm. *'A ••HeiOj" ( lf1tl A ~ girl la brOugtlt "°"' het grendfalher't All*Mt ho telOMlntheGlly a.IC%) * 'h "The Gong Show Movie" ( tHOI C,,uck 9.,,11, RObln Altman A TV hOet 11\U&I con•~ wottl • v•rllly of ob111cla1. llV)ludlng network oentOll. to pul together • 0011eG11on ol 1>4ZMre ao11 '°' Ne lllOw. 'R' 7:00 (t} • • •,t "A Clllllengl F0t Robin HOOCI" I 1Mal B1r1l1 ln9h1m, JamH Hly1ar Robin HOOCI and hie bll>el of merry ,,..,. Mt out to dethrone • Nit liPC)Olnlael dlclltOf who 11411 Mlzad power -,,.,. -1L CJ)•• ··~OITlle Myeterorw From Mart" (1N1) Puppets, Capleln &.tlet1 QOM Into <IMP ec>aoe 10 •toe> the deadt~ Myaterona lrom O..troylng Earth l::OO <ID •• "Thia Time Forev- er" ( 1980) Claire Pimpare. Vlneent Ven P111en A F renctl-Canldlan girl I Ills In 10ve with 1 t>ru/'t Arnarl· can COiiege 11uc1en1 11u<1y- ~ lf'I Montreal 'PG 1:11 (%) • • 'n "Something For The Boye·' (11144) Vivian Blllne. Perry Como Army wl..,.. are given a home by tll1M cousin• wtlo reno- v111 en old Southern pl•n· llllon 9:00 ct) * * "The JIU Singer" I 19801 Nell Olarnoncs. Lau· renc.e OIMer A N-York cantor t>raua with ramify tradition Ind Miii OUI 10 find auc<:eal u • pop music 1111 'PG' t:40 (%) • •'II ·'The lmm0<11l Bac:h810f '. p 11791 Monica Vtltl, Giancarlo Giannini On trier tor murdering her huSband. • .,_,,llfvl Wld• Pvt entllr1H1 the jury wit,, l'ler rerne<nbranG8s of her puelonate dometlle Ille 10:00(8) •*"Goin. Ape" ( tll81) Tony Oanu, Jessica Walter TllrM or1ngu11n1 hOld lhe purM llrtngl 10 a S5-mtfllon 1nti1rlt1nca 'PG. • • "Normen 11 That You?" (111781 Redd Foo P .. rl Biiiey A dlatraughl r1111ar la del•m•ned 10 reform hit gay son 'PG 10:10 0 * * 'A "Chu Chu And The PN1ty Flasn" (111811 Alan Arkin, C110I Burnell. An alconoHc tor~ bese- balt playet and • kooky .. ,..., entert'"-b8corn8 partl*'I In I llCheme 10 make money by retumlnQ a last IUltcaM ·PG' U:OO{C) **'"'··A Aatfvl OI Dynamite" 1111721 J.,._ Coburn. Rod Steiger An lrtsll revOlullonary and • Me•lcen 111i8f wno rum up lo rob banks somehow wind up being llefoes or tne Mexrcan revoMlon. 1110 CZ) * '.t "Tiie Gong Show Movie" ( 11180) Chuck Barria, Robin Allmen A TV hoat mual COl118"<1 with • vertety ol ob1t1c1e1. • • lneludlng n81wortl oerllOfl, 10 put together• cotlecilon of bit.art• ecta for l'lls "'°"' 'R' Bl flloe)ett Ryen A OIOYP Of ... -011 lotm !MW _, Mt• --o4 tiw.-Ind ...... ..... .,, ..,_Oft .. I 1H41 Clltf "otHlfteon, Qeofge CM!lltle, A N&ll fWj la.tlOt'; In Nonway I• d4Nttroy80 In • gallent atfofl by an AmarlOan ~~on. Cl) * * 0.. "lotto, The Qay ll•d•" Cllltl Oao•o• HM'lllton, Ululen H'1110ll The IWOIC IOI\ Of Old Cell- l0t11ll' t '"'*'• lu•'* fight• .. ~·*' by 1 rldlno ln)uty. forcing hie I~ brotlW lo don ltl8 O:!f>e and mull 'PO' 1t'..IO •••• •,t "Oelby 0 '0111 AMI Tiie Uttle P90CH" I 18&t) Alben 111\atpe, SM!\ ~. Alt Old lrlltl cw .. laktr wtto 11 about to ION Na jOb 10 • younoer man ~·-1118 lllng of the leC>fKlleune and IOt~ him 10 gran1 tllrM wllihM ·o· 12:44 (%) * * "Silence Of The Notti\" (lllttl Ellen Buf .. tyn. Torn Skerrttl In 11119, a"°""° woman'e marri.ta 10 • lllOC>tf lead• """ 10 • life of llardlhip in the ...... Oar-of northern c-- dt. "PO' 1=*> (t) * * * "The Concert FOf Kampuchea" ( 18801 Peul McClll'lnev. Tne Wllo. A llolt ol 1ock perlormera, many or wnom get togeth· ., In an •ll·ttar roct. or"'-trl, ¥8 INlurael In 11111 recoro of • --or cor>CetlS h810 tor the bene· hi or reltel to war-ravaged Cem0odl8 2::20 Cl.I • • '"' ·sorne1hrng For The Boye" ( 1114•1 Vivian Blllne, Parry Como Army wives are given • hOme by ,,,,... couema wtoo reno- vate an Old Soulhem plan. talion 2:30 (I) * * "Revenge Of T,,. My11eron1 From Mars" (1981J Puwet• Captain Scatlell goee Into deec> lj)ICe 10 lloC> I,,. deadly MY'le<on~ from des1roy1no Earth 0 • • •,t, • Zorro The Gay Blede • ( 1981) George H.,.,,~ton. Lauren Hunon Tile llarooc son of old ca11- rorn11 ·1 ramous 1ua11c1 r1g111er 11 1ncapec11a1ed by • tiding injury, forcing hos lopptSl'o brOlllar IO don lhe cape and mesk ·po· 3:00 (t) * • 'II "A Challenge For Robl11 HOOCI" ( t9681 Barrie Ingham, James H•vtar Robin Hood and Ills band of merry men Mf ou1 10 0e1nrone • Mii· •l>PO"'•ed dtelator wno has ~e<I powe< OV« lhe serf a 3:36 (l) • * ·~ The Immortal Bachelo<' I 19711) Monk:a Vollo, G1enc¥10 Qlanntno On 11111 for murderlf>g lier lluaband. a beaulllul wld· -enthr•lls the )Ury with her rememt>ranc.s of ner pallionlll a-tie Ille 4:00 U • • 'n "The Reaurrac- llon OI Zacha.ry WhMlet" (11171) Ang11 Oictunson. 8t adloro Olllman A po1111. cal ltgUrl II rflC)llred 1118' an IU1omobtle llCC>Oenl wolll plll'ts from • soma • synthettC Olgen OIM 0 ••'It · Con11nen1al Divide' (1 911t l John Belusno, Bl8'1 Br-n A C,,lcego newapeper ~rnnoat trevela to 1he Rodliea to e:IC4lpe some poll11C411 heal and lnl.,_ • 1eclullv1 na1urllls1 'PG' 4::30 CS) • • • "Wonda OI Change" 111178) An,,.,.le<I Peter UaltnOV narr•IM VII· IOUS mylhOlogiUI lhernel from Ovid's Me11m0<· being t0<1urael llnd depO<l-THEY'RE Pl.A VINO MY 11::80 CH) * * ''Saturday T,,. 8d by en African dlc1110<, • &ONO 14th" ( 19811 RIClla<d Ben-5: IS CZ)•• "Sotenc. Of The mercenary rllurns 10 lead Loze Mlnnelll, Johnny Jamin, Paula P1enll$a A N0<1h" (11181) Ellan Burs- ~·· • revolu11on 'A' M111111. Gledya Knlghl •nd Couple discover 111•1 Ille 1yn. Torn Skarrou In 19 t9, 12:36 (C) WOvtE Carty Simon ling some or hOuM tney·ve 1nllerlted Is 1 young woman's marroage * * * "Don I Go Near Tiie today'e grelllll hilS being occupied by varn-10 1 1r1pper 181<11 her to I Wiier" ( tll571 Glenn Ford, lncludlng, "The Way We p1ret, ghosts •nd uaor1ed Ille or Mrd'11tP In the wll- G11 Scall World War 11 Were," "What I Old For mons1er1. ·PG' derness of n0<111ern Can•· ullO<a In lhe Soult! Peclllc Love" and "NobO<ly Oo8I 1_,.,. * 'n "Tile Butll"'hlers" de 'PG' find that they tieed only • II Belle< ·· .,.._ -'V w recr111ton 11111 to complole ( 1945) Laurel And Hardy. 6::80 CC)**• "The rang their perac:llM 4:C>a (8) MOVIE Through his uncaillly like-Arm di Tile Law" t l963) 12:.08(1) COlUM80 • • "My Champion" ne11to1 well-known bull-Pilar Selle<1, Uonet .!el· -(19111) Yoko S,,lm1d1. lighter, an inept man tindl lriet The ayndlca1e and l2:'6 ~:i> ~ Wfni Chris Mltetlurn The t~ hlmMlt In the ring lhe pottee bands 1ogeihel' ear story of• ternlle J..,.,_. e • • •-t "HouM Of eam. 10 1top • 1r10 of ,,,rev .. Guella. Aten King, bl-boo" 11,.551 .,_~-Stacie, wno poM as lawmen re WOOdllouM, Chl<:aQo runnll>g d\amplon ii IOld • ......._, JOHN DARLING.:__ _______ b_y_A_rm_,strong & Batiuk IHANl-6, ~IL-! AND NOW HERES MI Ke wrrH THE SR>RlS: IROADCAITING NUN -Mother Anlelb checks out equipment at lhe Eiemal World Telev111on Network 1\udiae ln ltonclU, Ala. The l'rand9can nun '' oc;,,. Wdy of ~ Anltlit MonuU.ry, who parlayld HOO and • lof of fAJth into a naUonwide C.LhoUc TVnetwork, ll hot on the hlell of Ttd Turner. boundna herh 1ipa1a off &he 111n1 •'9lli&e that canill II C.ble Newl NetWortc and mov'° channela. - • Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT/Monday, June 28, 1082 Reeve to hang up cape ay he' growing tired of ' uperman' role • NEW YORK (AP) There rNy be a "Supcmwl IV" movlu. but It won't ittar Chrl1topher Rt•t•vt'. thf' aic·tor vows. A r'1't•f'nt lntMvsew In Purade mnsulne quotes the actor at KMylng hv'a tired of his red cape, blue tights. Loia Lane and Metropolis after two movies. ENOUGH Christopher Reeve says three "Super- man" movies will be quite enough and he won't do a fourth. "Yes. there'll be a 'Supennan Ill,' but there won't be a 'Superman IV' - not with me in It. Enough ls enough,'' Reeve said. Reeve also said he believes he made a mistake in talking to news m~ ll TORO fdwa•d~ SilO<llellit<' ~81 ~880 •ORANGE ~4b 211 r O<anQe Mall ... 4-6l/ 0340 BREA •COSTA MESA ORANGE 81ed Pl•1• lGw••G' C.,em.i Pac1hc Oianve Olive In '19 ')J'I ~4b HO? (I 14) 558 /On OUlfGE UA C11v Conem• 634 391 1 • WfSTMllllTIR ldw11os Cinema We11 891 193~ WESTMINSTER H• W•f 39 Ouve In (1141891 3693 ROCKY Ill llllA UA M1lw•"'• q~o •on IUUIA Plllll .,., t' otnlJii.r I 141171 •010 •COSTA MISA tc:h111 .. ,0.,,8f1'llOI ~·0 /4H ...... ..,, .... UmtldAmltl ~ NOW PLAYING COSUMLU K,ifW1wllfl 1,11 J~OI MllllOll tllJO ~~&'.'~~ • llUllTlllCllMI IUCll •OAAllGl :::.~~:o~:r· c....... ~~} IAGUllA llACll '.&.ilh to.l\I .. 9. 1~1' OllAllGI ~~~iWt"'" WllfMllSTlll I 0•"'"' 0ne<N Wt\! 191 19JS Triumph "A movif' of soaring plt'asure8 1ha1 you hopt> will nf'\f'r t>nd. To be se.-n again and again ... and lrt>asured ." EX THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL CITY cenTER ~ ill. 1ttl lf, f'U'-t-'t llM-~\,I • 6JA111U LUtuRY THEATRES 1st Two Matintt Show inu ONLYS2~Unltn0thfrwiullottd nbout hi» personal lift• In the past ht- h ~ 11 d 111cu111ed hl11 t•hlld , his rec>ltHlon11hlp with Gut> 1-;xton, t h(• woman he livt'S wllh. und why they have not IT\llrrit'Cl. "We live m a culture where heroes are set up and then torn down again so thl' ~ubllc doesn't have to foci lnrerior,' Heeve said "Well, I'm not feeding the system anymore. 1 don't want to share intimate details. There's nothing In It for me." "I'm keeping my personal life close a nd my wittily self-deprecating anet.'Ciotes for my ramtly and friends," h e added . "It's not for pub lic consumption anymore." CITY CEnTER f'~ IN !Hf CITY C[NHU ()llANOf • l;i..t112 Now it is free S 113r1l3•r•l11lj6)61~2ss1 f~i.?.) to become one of us. 'tr lJF~O~R~F~u~n~1 1ex~c~ITE~m~e~n~T 1~v-1s~1t~O~u~r ., .. LJ * ~1~m 12:00 2:35 5 :1S 1:00 10:30 In 70mm / .STAA ~WP.A.TH Tl'\EK.ll -~ ~ ~ ··•••ov-t' .... ', .. Sho~f 11 12:00 2 :30 S:OO 7:30 0:00 In 70mm YJJJllJllU OF THE -=....a~W~/F~/l1.Jr riiioSTARK~ Sllo.Y"I •I 12·1 5 2·50 ~ • , • ..,.,,.ouon o.crUM CHnt E111wood 5 :25 1:10 f0:35 . \l:MJ 12:45 J:OO 5:20 7 :40 10 :10 131mtu Usl 2161 .. 9'282/~~) Al Paclno In ~ ET.TH[ EXTRAlm ~!~ft • TERRESTRIAL 3:45 .. 7:50 Plul GAEAS• z 12:3\ 3 :00 5:30 e:oo 10:20 (PO; •I 1 :30 5·:5 a. 9:4 0 n TOmm I No f'IHH R11lst1r For Su•••r loll11I Huntington Center student and adult o!a .... ltart July e. Enroll In tht mill WHMdlVI 1 to 4 6 7 to 8; &1t/8un 11 to I I ,I I r~ ( ! I ~tr!':::• * 84ROAIN MATINEES* Monday lhru Saturday All Perfor.m•ncH before 5:00 PM (Exceot Special Enpgement1 1nd HOiidays) 11' Mll/1'1>"' M1'1l M11oao ot Ro1ec1ona LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "ANNIE" 1.-01 tltM,Jt1'_...,.. .. "POLTERGEIST" l"O> , ___ ,...._ "GREASE 2" '"o> . -.-.-.-.... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK-IN "ROCKY Ill" c.-01 IN 70MM OOLaV •TIMO t:t:ll,--.,.., ..... ,., .. "8T AR TREK U: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM OOLaV 8TQIO (.-0) ·------ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAik IN FoeutfV At Del Amo 211/6M-t211 "MEGAFORCE" <"Ol __ .. , .. ,..,_ I AC.UNA "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" ___ , .......... (.-0) "8T AR TReK It: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70Mll DOUV ITIMO (.-0) ·-· ... --- "ROCKY Ill" 1.-01 ___ ,... ...... ,, .. Faculty at Condlewood 213/531·9510 '"f'<>Mrt"CllJ __ ,,.,,,,. "NCHAN> "'VOfl UVI ON TltC •UNMT lll'UP'' (Ill --- "MEQAFORCE" CPO) ----- "GREASE 2" c.-o> _ ....... ,... ..... so. COAST WALK-IN Soulfl Cooat Hlwoy ol lroodwoy 494-1514 "THE THING" (II> 1:11._.,._ "ROCKY Ill" <'°> --·---.,..,_ .... __ .._ 1w fll. 7:lt -Sat, Sa 7:1S .. Mn fl 1111* IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! IWtlet n ,..,,.. 111111. tin Fri. 7-00 • s.t.. S... HIMay1 l ... Dtff.rt SOU!ID • Y~ ll•t CAii l\ADIO IS 'l'OIJll 5"lMDI i< .0 AM CAii MOO Wffi4 OttTOI ACCEUOllY IOSlllON -WIG.,_ l'OlnAIU !•AU Cllll-R DIWMIS DI Oii ,.-l\ADIO • ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN l••••oy 91 ol l•"'on SI "FIREFOX" '"°' -"OUTLAND" Clll 179·91_50 _______ _ "BLADE RUNNER" (Ill -"BODY HEAT" (11) C1N£ fl SOUllO 811EN1' P1'11K BUENA PARK DRIVE IN t1nco1n A .. W••I ot '"°" 121·•070 BUE NA P1'11K UNCOLN DRIVE-IN \1nco1n Aw• we" of Cno" 121·•070 A HA,ftllf'A LA HABRA Ol!IVI IN llftpt!IOI Mlw a ttocil ..... I *''* -t7t-1162 -- • A~ '' ORANGE OlllV( IH "MeeCY r 1N1 -"A fOM:I Oii OMI" INI . ' ·'· ' ' MISSION lJWl\11 IN . .- "MEGAFORCE" CPO> -"Vl8tT1NQ HOURS" (Ill Cllll f1 SOUllO -"flNAL AHIGNMl:NT" ll'OI "ROCKY IA" '"' -"CLAaH Of THE TITAN8"1N J "THE THING" C"l -'CAT PEOPLE" (Ill "FIREFOX" CN> -"OUTLAND" Cll> Ctll! II SOU110 °'POL~r'CNI MNA WOlV'll" tNI Clllf f< $OUNO "8LADE RUNNER" (II) -"800Y HEAT'' l1ll So~•o Ano,,..,.. • S•o•• Co~99• 511·7022 POLTD!f .. T".., .... AWOLV1a"1111 NOW Pl.AVINO 70MM SIX·TRAOI< (JJ!cxunm•or PAESENTATION •-• 11t• ,,.._...,._c.-... '"' --.. •J• nu ... ........ \It •ult GHU•H ,_...,,.~-Mt.w •"-i• ,..,.,,,, •Lf ... lh- , .......... . . ...,.. ___ , llt 1'00 lltU ... "lA tf•t'I .,,...,. Yof y.., 41\UH .~, .. •tt•MIAIJIU ~" ... . ... li::rm:D . -U•-... ... ~~·<1tM.1t 11 D Ua.N .. """""' ... ,, .. ... 1 ...... ... ~ . ,, ,,,. . ., .. -----...,..----------- DlllJ Piiat MONDAY, JUNI! 28, 1982 ClASSlfllD Goltz of old tames l{ansas City Angels hit the road with a 21/2-ganJe bulge in AL West • By JOHN SEV ANO 01 IM Dell1 ~lot ltafl 1''o r Dave Goltz, the difference between his successful years with the Minnesota Twins (l 974-79) and 211't miserable ones with the Los Angeles Dodgers (1980-82), was nothing more than a matter of confidence. When the Dodgers released the rlghl- hander early this season , Goltz admitted that his frame of mind was somewhat shaky. "I started doubting myself and that's something you shouldn't do," admitted Goltz of his tenure with the Dodgers. "Since I came over here it's been an entire ly different atmosphere." With, it might also be added. entirely different results. In his first American League start since beatjng the Kansas City Royals as a member ol the Twins in 1979. Goltz. now a confident member of the Angels, he saw litUe that separated the Goltz of Goltz signed with the Angl'L-; u1 mid capped a strong homestand by the then from the Goltz of now. May for the maJOr leagut> nununurn of leaders of the AL West with seven $33,500 (the Oodgt-rs must pay the · · f h hi ball 9 "The only trung that might have been mnmgso tree-t enroutetoa -1 balance of the $425,000 hl· l'arns d . ( KC b f 36 s.72 different was that his philosophy poun in~ o e ore •" a t annually). after wymg wnh the• notion An h · d s d changed a little," said the Angels a earn ta 1um un ay. o f also playing an Kansas C1tv. or skipper. ''I don't know how he ever got The Angels now begin a six-game road the label of being a sinker ball pitcher in Milwaukee. trip with a 2 111-game bulge over the theNationalLeague,butDaveGoltzwas Mauch 's presence in Anaht·im Royals. never a sinker ball pitcher when he was definitely influenced Goltz's dt>t·1siun. Goltz's performance was vintage Goltz with me. though. to sign with the Angels. in that of his 21 outs. 10 were via the "I'm not knocking the Dodgers, but "I was relaxed and con f1dt>n t t ht- ground ball and six others were by when Dave was sul'cessful he had a enllre lime l was out ther£., .. said Goltz. strikeout. knuckle curve and a riding fastball." who was touched for only om• run on a "Goltz pitched today like he dad for Goltz signed as a mu<.'h-celebrated free two-out walk to U L. Washington and a me three. four. five or however many agent with the Dodgers in the winter of subsequent "sun" triple by Georgl· Bretl years ago it was," praised Angel 1979. After a 9-19 two-and-a-half year in the sixth inning Manager Gene Mauch, who managed NL record and a 4.91 ERA, however, the ''l felt good, but thl.'n 1 IC'lt good the Twins from 1976-80. Dodgers gave the right-hander his during spring training. too." It's JUSt I Goltz won 63 games m the four years outright release despite the fact he had never got a cham·c· wnh the Doc.lgt.·1~ he was associated with Mauch at four years remaining on a $3.1 miliion Goltz's bitterness toward th(· Dodgt·rs. Minnesota, and the Angel manaRer said agreement. (See ANGELS, Page C2) -----------------------------------------------------"'------------------"'----------------------------------'--- SHARP Pitcher Dave Goltz pit.c:hed seven innings to earn his first win with the r\ngt•h. Sunday Busy schedule for McEnroe Wimbledon slate backed up WIM BLEOON. England (AP) -J ohn McEnroe has bc•gun what c:ould be o n e of the toughest weeks of his tt~nn1s career as he bids w retain two Wimbledon crowns. fat·1ng the pressure of a crowded schc'Clule and the uncertainty of a suspect ankle After a Cirst week d1sruptro by rain, tournament off1<.'1als prepared to call players into non-stop action to try to finish by next Sunday as scheduled. McEnroe is the defending singles champion. and he and his partner Peter Fle ming are defending their doubles crown To win both. McEnroe has to play !ave smgles mat.ches and six doubles -all the best of f1w S('L5 -in a maximum of seven davs Wea the r experts prt•d1 t'ted more rain today but bl·tl<'r weather beginning Tuesday A sprained ankle forced McEnroe out of the Italian and French Opens. Newsmen a5ked him about it throughout the last w eek and he adm1ttC'd the trouble is still there "I'm trying not to think about it," McEnroe said. "The k-ss I thjnk about 1t, the better I play .. LEADS SOUTH -Fountain Valley High product Matt Stevens will be in c harge of the South's air attack in tonight's Delly Piiot Stell Photo Orange County AH -star football game at Orange Coast College. All playe r s agree that Wimbledon 1s one of the• most demanding tournamC'nL ... an thC' world Normally. an t11C' !><'('tmd week. the players get a day's rest between l.'at·h singles matl'h. This Dodger rookies sparkle HOUSTON (AP) -Manager Bill Virdon said the Houston Astros need to get hot. but they'll have to do it away from the air-conditioned confines of the Astrodome. The Astros completed their longest homestand of the year Sunday with a 7-31~ to the Los Angeles Dodgers. They begin an eight-game road trip Tuesday with the Atlanta Braves, whom ' they trail by 13 'h games. "I've seen clubs in a lot worse shape get back in it," Virdon said. "but we have more problems in the bullpen. I think the club on the field is capable. but we've got to help ou r bullpen some way." The Astro bullpen got more bad news Sunday when it was announced that pitc he r Dave Smith was being put on the disabled liBt. Meanwhile. the Dodgers contjnued to keep pace with the Braves, and now stand just 5 1h games out of first. "This waa a must win for us, the way San Diego and Atlanta have been playing.'' said Los Angele• centerfielder Ken Lanclreaux. Landreaux and rookie aecond bueman Steve Sax comblned for three trlplea, two alngles, a double and five RBI. Ooclier ~er Tom Luorda uid he hu been pleued with the play of Sax and another rookie, pitcher Tom Nledenfuer, who Pitched two lnnJ.nll of .,,..._ reUlf lunday. 0 N**'"-....Uy w.,.t after \halt hh..,. with 10me kind of lf't.tu.•a.n," t..orda Mid, "K•'• ~ k) be an oucat.andtnc relt.f jOthM!1 ' Football stars will be out this evening S tevens, Geroux among standouts on display for South in tonight's contest By ROGER CARLSON 01 IM Oellr Piiot Steff Edison High 's Dave Ger oux takes his last ja unts through the lin e, Fountain Valley's Matt Stevens goes to the air lanes once more and a host of others take their final shots representing their respective high schools tonight as the South All-stars attempt to make it five in a row. It's the 23rd annual Orange County All- star football game at Orange Coast College (kickoff is at 8) and the game pits most of the cream produced from Orange County ranks trus past season. Each team enters with nuggets commonplace. Geroux, the pounding runner who is headed for the University of Kansas. averaged 8.8 yard per carry and scored 13 touchdowns; Stevens passed for 4,427 yards and 25 TDs over a two-year span for Fountain Valley; Foothill High tailback Mark Templeton, the CIF Division ll's Player of the Year ... the list is endless. The South, coached by El Modena High's Bob Lester, is going for its fifth straight victory and is a seven-point favorite (the North still leads in the series, 14-8). has a loaded backfield. The North's strength is built around a solid defense, keyed by El Dorado High's Sean Foy. Servite's Steve Rahon and Valencia's Steve Garten (250), among others. Each enters with simHar styles, using an I and split backs oCfensively and a 4 -3 defensive scheme. The South's defense 1s keyed around middle linebacker Rick Di.Bernardo, who is headed for Notre Dame. The Rebels are expected to put the ball up often and Lester says: "We want to put on a show, not to highlight anyone. but to show everything we've got." North Coach Ron Smeltzer, who led his Servite team to the season's upset of the year (14-7 over Edison. snapping a 32-game winning streak), has his own quarterba<.'k (Doug Butler) at the controls. Behind Butler a re tailback Henning Peterson of F.speranza and Canyon's Ed Brunot, with Buena Park tailback Mo Printup in the wings. The South's 31-man roster includes four starters from Fountain Valley (StC'vens. Joel Seay, Greg Bolin. Dale Crane>). four p layers from Edison (Geroux. Craig Dumity, DiBernardo, and Rick Ponder). two from Marina (Pat Ceman and Ken Lazslo); two from Mater De1 (Greg Locy and Bnan Lopkcr) and Corona del Mar's Glenn Rogers. Eight of the South starters hail from the Sunset League. all three South Coast League players (Mission V1ejo's Jeff Holmes. Capistrano Valley's Sam Finch and Laguna Hills' Dan Blanck) will start. and two Sea View League stars wall s tart (Rogers and El Toro's Steve Svttenko). Both of Mater Dea's standouts will start. too. There are three changes from normal CIF champ1onsh1p rules. A team down by eight points or more has the option of rece1vmg or kicking after a score. There is no t.1e breaker. A first down is awarded at the spot of a defensive pas.5 interference. Magee in limbo as NBA draft nears With the NBA draft less than 24 hours away, UC Irvine All- Amerlcan Kevin Magee is surr ounded by a cl oud of uncertainty. Once projected to be a sure-flre top 10 9electlon, Magee has since faded, according to eome reports. to being a late !lnt round choice, or even po.ibly an Mrly aecond round pick. Why? Well the a.newer to t.Nt g~~ II JuaL u uncertain .. MlllM'• 1tatw. Man y NBA expert• are polnUnc CO Mule'• lhowln& It an All-tW' exhltittJon, of IOIU, ln Ctumao II .,.,.,. rtiepOnllba. f Of' hJa ct.inlll. On the one hand there are thoee that are saying Magee's performance in the Windy City was a poor one. On the other, such notables as Lakeni Special Conaultant Jerry Weat and Long Beach State Coach Tex Winter contend Magee didn't do anythlna to hurt hi.I ltandlng. In fact , h e may have h e lped hlmlelf. "l thlnk Kevin juat wanta to pt the wholAt thlnl owr with,•· Mid UCI C41C!h B&lfMuJUpn "I reeUy think If he cSo.n't 10 ao Ch.W..0 he•• OM of the lint 1 O or 12 pTanrt •Jtcted . . . but thal'• tilndqht. "At the time we (Mulligan, Magee and his attorney Dennis Hal"\vood) felt he had to izo." On the ESPN cable ·s ports network Sunday. Ne w Jersey <:oach Larry Brown, with the Neta ownina the No. 13 and 21 pick•. expreaaed considerable lntere1t In Magee. Milwaukee hat already said If the 6-8 power forward la available, the Bue~ w i ll take him No . io . Philadelphia, at No . U . reportadly want Maree bedly. Harwood NY' a number of t.radea expected to bo made before tonJ•ht'• mldnl1hl dudllno could alwr M•I"'' 10loc:Uon In th• drift • "What I can't understand," aald Mulligan Sunday. "ls how he could have gotten ao bad all of a sudden. "Here ls a guy who led the nation in statistics that nobody had ever done before. Plus, this is the tame guy that acored 3 l point• against the Ru111lan1 dwinl th 1ummer. 1 don't think an ybody haa ever don e that before. "l ju.at think th NBA II rully 'poorly run. lt'1 • joke." Ma111 do.1n't fl1ur• te> be llu,hrna much iru-tay, Ir JOHN llCV ANO tame. bN·ause o f th l' heavv bac·klog of matches. they muSl play t•vrry day 1f tht•y art: to real'h the' final stages Mt'Enrot.• was scheduled to play Lloyd Bourne. a 2:~-year-old Californian. today for a place an the final 16 lie and Fleming had to mN•l Ameri<:an Broderic k Dvke and the• Australian PNer Johnston m tht-first round of the doubles Mc·Enrot' as seeded to mee t Jimmy Connors in lht-finals Connors face'() American Drew Gitlin today in a third-round match A few others. mdudmg thard- seeded Vat.as Gerulaltls. were at the samC' i.t.age as MeEnrOl' and Connors But. thC'v were a round ahead of :lfi players who still had to eomplt't(• th<> St"<'ond round Todav·~ SC'hedule sent Chris Eve rt Lloyd. the d e f<>nd1ng women'!. t·hampion. against Kate Latham an a third-round match. Lloyd was aiming to )Om her top rival. top-5eeded Martina Navratilova. m the final 16 The•n• was pk·nty of sunshine but no tenms on Sunday All- England Club offl<.'1als spent the day working on t'mergenc·y plans to beat the• railway and subway s trike"' whit h threatenc•d to paralyZl' Brllam Can. and buse>s were organized to takl' mun• than 3,000 people players <ind off1 c1als, stc.•wards and ground staff, wa1lres&'S and program vendors t o Wimblt.'<.ion Parking spat'<' was prepared to <.'Ope wllh thousands or extra t·ars Sar Brian Burnett. chairman of the All England c lub, said Sunday, "There as no doubt that thC' underground strike had quite an impact on our allC'ndance figures last week." He added "If the inl'OmC we receive 1s rC'duced. then British lawn tennis in general will suffer. The players w1U be Lhe ultimate losers." Japanese • team wins opener, 1-0 From AP dispatches Right hander T o ru N1muro fired a thrcc-hmer and struck out nine S unday as the Japanc>Se All-Stars dC'feated the United States All-Stars 1-0 at Anaheim Stadium m the opener of the 11th annual USA -Japan Collegiate Baseball Series. The Japanese team got the game's only run in the first inning on a two-out double by Shinji N1sh1da. a singl e b y Katsu hiko Kido and a run- scor ing single by Takeh1k o Kobayakawa. Nimuro, who walked two. didn't a llow more than one baserunner in a n y inning. Picking up hits f o r the Americans were Kevtn Ward of Arizona, who doubled in both the fourth and ninth inrungs. and Greg Olton of Minnetota. who alngled In the fifth innl~. Ward'• double in the ninth ca.me with OM out. How•ver, Nimura ace ptd trouble by reUr ln1 Mlke Aldrete of Stanford on a nr bell and Keith Mucha of Ora Roberti on a 1round ball to nd tho pme. 8W Swltt of ~lne pUdwd the flrlt etaht tnnlnp for tho USA ·---------f! Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, June aa. 1882 Lake rs hold key to draft • 'NIW YORK (AP) 1'hi'to Y...._ llO lh Loi Anaeltl Laket'I Md \he flrat pick In the National 811kttb1ll "->ctauon draft and mad no eecrut 1hal thty would chUl• Earvln "Maalc:" JohNon, 1tar of the Nt.:AA champion Mlchlaan S\.llte Spitr~N by the Umo Dallu chC>Oletl fourth. "With Wo rthy, Cummln11 &nd Wllkln1, you hav«i three aroat Individual• aa well • tpr e aree\ athlete1," Laker .pec:lal Qtnuhant leave ,)UU wondt'rlpg ti t\t: r\•.-lly did them. ' - Jerry Weet •ys. • "Worthy I.a a pla r who cun ure1y. play both., a bl& forward or*"• amaW' forward." Weat said. f'tte .bla~ In an o utstandlna progr.-m ·1or ~"Of Amcrloa'1 '5:t .coe.c:he1l .Bean Smith. Jumet1 has abUJ\l' '6' play In a very up-tempo t Jte same and when he rebounds off the defensJve board.a and starts the fast bre.k, he can remind you of Magic Johnson." Coach Paul St(u of the CUpPf'rs hu aald S.n O'eso wo~ld 1' .. •un toward C~al'• lf t~ I,.ak chOOtM: Worthy, Md toward 'Wortjiy If Ang~les p~k.11 On TucJday, lhe L.akeni ug1aln hove the chaMJ to t.ake the ht-ru or the l'Ollealato Ut.Jlata. 6-9 Jamea Worthy of North CarollnA, u the No. l pick. Thia time, however, thoy aren't aaylnM who th~lr choice wlll be, allhough mo~t puople believe Worthy's namt> will be the flnt one 1elected ut the l''elt Jo'orum draft hcadquartera. C~&a· '-· I Frank Loyden . Utah's coacll end general manager, ~·Id h1a team "will be nappy with any of tht: three. I don't really h~vc a preference " The NBA champion Lukers will concede only that they will 'l:hoosc Worthy, Terry Cummmgs of DePaul or Dominique Wilkins of Georgia, three of the seven underclassmen who are expected to be drafted among the first 12 selections. West said the 6·10 Cummings "Is the mold of a strong power forward. You l'Ouldn't find anyone lO fulfill that role any better He's a good rebounder, excellent shooter and comes from a good program." Tex.a.s et•ntcr LaSalle Thornpeon could be the fourth stralsht unden:-laasman picked at the 1nart of the fln1t round. although Dallru.. r~portedly Is deciding between him, 8-9 senior Bill Carn'-m of Wyoming and 6-5 senior guard Trent Tucker of Minnesota. ln addiuon to Worthy, Cummings, Wilkins and Thompoon, underclassmen expected to be drafted by one of the first 12 teams, are 6-7 forward Clark Kellogg of Ohio State, 6-8 forward Cliff Levingston of Wichia State and 6-3 guard Quinlin Da1Jey of San Franc1sro. FUTURE LAKER? -James Worthy is reportedly one of three players the Lakers are considering choosing in the NBA draft Tuesday. The next two teams to select, San Diego and Utah, also agree thal the three juniors are the gems of the draft, making tt c.-ertajn that they will be unavailable Of the 6-7 Wilkins, West said, "he Is the one player most people in the league feel has the excitement level of a Julius Erving. He is an incredible leaper who can do things with a basketball that English fans having a hall at World Cup AP dispatches MADRID American football m fans have their tailgate picnics. Enghsh and Scottish soccer fans at the World Cup have their kilts, fountain swims, cemetery campsites and nauonalistk slo~ans The fans from the British Isles. most of them young and trave ling on a s hoestring, are easily the most visible group of enthusiasts to hit Spain for the world's biggest soccer t.oumament. Flags, banners and T-shirts with a distinctly British flavor. often bearmg a poliucaJ punch, abound in the strt>et.s and stadiums. At San Mames Stadium in Bilbao during England's 2-0 victory over Czechoslovakia, English fans taunted Argentines over the surrender in the Falkland lslands. chanting: "How does it feel to lose the war?" After the game, 5.000 singing and waving English fans danced down the city's main s treet as wary Spanish police followed in armored vans. At the same game, a group of youths sought to reassure their mothers, watching on television at home, with a banner hung high from the mezzanine: "There's no hooligans out here, mum." Rumor seems to be winning out over po(jllc..'S in the T-shirt department. Shirts with the s!lkscreened messages "Official Hooligan" and "We'll Rein in S pa.in " are outnumbenng "The Malvinas are Ours." The Argentines refer lO the Falkland Islands as the Malvmas Gilder wins tourney, misses record Bob Gilder scored an easy five-n stroke v ictory Sunday an the Westchester Classic but fell four strokes short in his quest for the PGA Tour's all-time scoring record. Gilder's 261 total was good enough for hlS second lltlc of the season but was short of the all-time record set by Mike Souchak of 257 in the 1955 Texas Open _ Sandra Haynie birdied two late holes and won the LPGA Rochester International title by six strokes wtth a hve-under-par 67 an Pittsford, N .Y. F ormer Masters champion Bob Goalby cooled off but held on to win a PGA senior tournament b a stroke over Gene Littler. =rom Page C1 <\NG ELS ROMP. • • Clevel8Sld holds off Yankees Andre Thornton opened the 11 eighth inning with a double and scored the tie-breaking run on Rick. Manning's single and Jerry Dyblioskl singled home the eventual winning run as Cleveland topped the New York Yankees Sunday, 4-3. Rick Sutcliffe bailed starter Lary Sorenson, 7-6, oul of a jam in the bottom of the e1ghlh to earn has first American League save . . Elsewhere in the AL, Al Cowens' two-run triple highlighted Seattle's five-run fifth inning and the Mariners held on to nip Chicago, 6-5 in a night game in the Kingdome Rookie Dave Hostetler knocked in four runs and had four hits, Ila including a club record 11th 0 • homer for the month of June, T'HOlllNT " as Texas routed Oakland, 10-4 _ . Gorman Thomas hft two home runs while Ben Ogilvie took the league lead with has 19th homer as Milwaukee made it three in a row over Boston, 7-5 . Cal Ripken Jr. and Eddie Murray drove in three runs apiece. he lping Jim Palmer to a 13-1 win as Baltimore handed Detroit its 13th loss In 14 games . . Second baseman Oamaso Garcia belted a leadoff homer In the bottom of the ninth to help Toronto rup Minnesota, 3-2 Lollar keeps San Diego rolling Left-hander Tim Lollar gave up Ii only two hits in the first eight innings and belte<l a run-scoring triple, boostmg San Diego to a 4-2 victory over San Francisco and a sweep of their weekend series at Candlestick Park. Catcher Terry K'eooedy cral·ked a two-run homer to crack a l -l tie in the sixth mrung as the Pad.res streaked to their seventh win in eight games against the Giants this season .. C hris Ch am bliss s 1 ng I ed home C l au d e JI Washington to break a scorel~ deadlock in the 14th inning. boost.ing Atlanta to a 2-0 victory over Cincinnati Bo . Diaz and George Vuckovich each hit three-run homers and pitcher Mike Krukow earned his third LOLLAR s t r a i g h t t r i u m p h a s Philadelphia completed a sweep of their five- game series with New York with an 8-3 win . . Larry Bowa singled in a pair of runs and Leon Durham rapped out four hits, 1ncludmg a run-scoring double to lead Chicago past St. Louis, 4-2 .. _ David Palmer tossed a three- hiuer and Tim Wa llach and Dan Norman homered m Montreal's four-run fourth inning as Mont.real snapped a four-game losing streak by ' beating Pittsburgh, 5-2. O'Meara Baseball today On this date in b:iseball in 191 O· Joe Tinker of the Chicago Cubs set a major league record smce twd by steaJing home twice in the same game On this date in 1907. The Washington Senators swlc 13 bas('s in one game against a New York Yankt-'<"' catcher named Branch Rickey, who would find fame as one of the game's greatest execuuves. Today's birthdays: Ange ls s lugger Don Baylor is 33. Montreal shortstop Chris Speier is 32. Houston bullpen ace Joe Sambito is 30. Jenkins balks at Falcons' offer Alfred Jeokio1, on e of the 111 National Football League's top wide receivers, has d e layed signing a contract with the Atlanta Falcons th.is season, saymg the team is being "unfair" and "insulting." J enkins said, "I've had it with the Falcons. They've never given me the money I think l deserve." . Veteran driver David Pearson edged Dale Ea rnh a rdt by 26-thousandths of a second to win the rain- plagued NASCAR Coca-Cola 200 Late Model Sportsman race at North Carolina Motor Speedway . . Michael Musyok.I burst ahead of Jon Sl.oclalr over the final 50 yards to capture the 15-kilometer Cascade Run Off road race in Portland . . _ The Chicago Bulls have called a news conference today during which former Los Angeles Lakers' Coach Paul Wes thead is expected to be named coach of the squad Quote of the day Mike Scioscia, Dod~r catcher, when asked how he had developed into one of baseball's most formidable plate-blockers: "You don't gt>t a heck of a lot of practice. It's not easy to find guys who'U come out early before games and run into you " Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV torught. Raungs are: V' v v v excellent; v v v worth watching, v v fair: v forget it. e 6:30 p.m. Channel 7 v v v BASEBALL: Houston at Atlanta. Announcers: Don Drysdale and Steve Stone. It will be first place against last place m the National League West as the Astros try to slow down the Braves. Flame-thrower Nolan Ryan (5-8) opposes right-hander Rick Mahler (7 -5) in .,,torught's game. Baseball KABC (790). RADIO San Diego at Dodgers. 7:35 pm., Football -Orange County All-star game. 7:45 p.m., KSBR (88.5 FM). TUESDAY'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER 11 :4S a .m . (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER Aniericans win over Gernians Tonight's All-star starting lineups So•"' Offen.e Poi., Player, 1cbool, No. SE-Joel Seay, Ftn. Valle~ (7) LT-Glenn ltogeni, CdM (7~) LG-Srian Lopker, Mater Del (67) C.: Da.Jc Crane, Ftn Valley (~0) .RG---Cralg Durruty, Edi.son (6~) RT-Chuck S~lc, Kl Modena (54) TE-Greg Bvlln, Ftn Valley (91) QB-Mau Stt-vt'r~. F'tn ValJey (1~) FB-Dave G.-.roux. ~~dlbOn (34) TB-Mark Templeton, Foo1h1ll (i~) S.8-Dan Blanck. Laguna Hllh1 (49) South Defense OE-Greg Lo<y, Mat.t!1 De1 (86) IYr-Pat Ceman, Marlllli (77) IYr-Greg Sellers, Foothill (74) DE-Fortino Rivera, Santa Ana (22) OB-Mike Adelman, PaciCica (89) MB-Rick DiBernardo, Edison (43) OB-Steve Svitenko, El Toro (63) DB-Gregg Haley, Foothill (16) DB John Collard, Tustin (20) OB-Jeff llolm1.~. M1ss1on VH;!)O (21) DB-Sam Finch, Capo Valley (28) North Offens~ l'os., Player, school, No. SE-M1kl' Bowl<.>S, Cypress (84) RT-Joe Florentine, El Dorado (77) RG-Kns Bakke. Brl'a Olmda (76) C -Nick Gotovac, Esperanza (55) LG-M1k(' Beery, Magnolia (75) LT-Ray Orogel, Anaheim (79) TE-Paul Reilly. Serv1t(' ( 15) QB-Doug Butler, Serv1w (10) FB-F.d Brunot, Canyon (30) TB-Henning Peterson, Esperanza (24) Fl-M1kt> Ruber10, Rancho Alam. (82) Nor&b Defense DE-Adam Lowitz, Esperanza (61) IYr-Stevc Garten, Valencia (69) OT-John Gammon, Sunny Hills (54) DE-Mark Alario, Canyon (34) OB-Sean Foy, El Dorado (44) MG-Daryl Meddmgs, Kennedy (32) OB-Dan Honakel. Serv1te (28) CB-Chris Hutcherson, Brea (21 ) CB-Chris Alvarez, Los Alamitos (4) S -Steve Rahon, Servile (26) S -Bnan Owens, Fullerton (37) Ht. Wt. ~11 166 6-2 245 6-3 23~ 5-10 220 6·2 220 6-2 240 6-3 226 6·0 195 6-0 216 6-2 190 6-1 200 6-4 200 6-2 220 6-2 230 5.10 180 5-10 200 6-4 218 6-2 210 6-2 170 5-11 180 5-10 170 6-3 185 Ht. Wt. 6-0 180 6-3 230 6-2 230 6-2 230 6-4 220 6-4 240 6-0 190 6-1 175 5-11 200 5-10 180 6-0 185 6-1 230 6-3 250 5-10 205 5-10 190 6-2 220 5-10 190 5-10 180 6-0 185 6-0 175 6-4 195 6-1 180 Blakely holds on • to win tournament BAKERSFIELD Mark Blakely of Temple City saved par from a bunker on the 22 1-yard 18th hole to capture the 8:3rd Southe rn California Amateur Coif Championship by one shot over Duffy Waldorf Blakely, 22, had to par the fmaJ three holes after Waldorf fired a course-rec'Ord 64 over the 6,332-yard. par-71 Stockdale Country Club course. Blakely, a 1982 graduate of United States lntemauonaJ University, had a two-over-par 73 S unday to f1msh the toumament with an even-par 284 . He had scores of .73, 68 and 70 in the first three rounds whale WaJdorf, 19, had rounds of 71. 77 and 73 before his course-record performance whkh gave him a total score of 285_ Waldorf began the day 10 strokes behind Blakely_ Blakely put hi.Ii tee shot in a greenside bunker about 40 feet from the pm on the par-three 18th iole. It was the first bunker he had hit dunng the 72-hole event. However, he blasted out to within two feet of the cup before tapping in his final shot. Paul O'Shea and ~ Davis, both of Newport Beach, ued for third plaCf' at 288. O'Shea, 24, had a 76 Sunday while Davis. :17, finished with a 7 1 Rod Ge1berger of Sant.a Barbara. Jam Empey of Los Angeles and Mitch Voges or Northridge ued for fifth at 289 Ge1berger, the 18-year-old son of touring pro Al Ge1bcrger, finished with a 75. Sailing class offered A two week~ beginning and intermediate sailing class begms today at Orange Coast College. The course 1s being offered as a part of OCC's 1982 Summer Sa1hng Program Classes wiU meet at OCC's boat house located at 1801 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. All classes wiU meet Monday through Friday. The beginning cJass will run from 3 lo 5 p.m. Fee for the course 1s $40 Three intermediate classes are on the agenda. if you could say there is any, is directed more at Manager Tommy Lasorda, who showed little faith in Goltz at a time the pitcher said he needed it the most. The Angels hitters presented him with a 4-0 lead after the first inning and proceeded to total 14 hits, including four home runs dunng the contest. sweeps to title DURHAM. N.C. (AP) -Dave McKenzie set an One meets from 10 a .m to noon and the second is "Today, I was out there with .he knowledge that the manager 1as confidence 1n me," Goltz ?xplained. "That meant a lot " "Is th.at new?" someone asked. "For the last 2 'h years it is," Jolu quickly countered. Angel catcher Joe Ferguson, who caught Goltz Sunday and also handled many of his games with the Dodge.rs agreed that the change in scenery has also made a change in Goltz. "He'a throwing much better now,'' said Ferguson. "I don't really know what the reason is, but he's throwing with mort> ::onfidence "You can be inumidated in a lot of different ways in the major leagues -management, self Joubta. His lack of confidence llfected his ability to make good luallty pitches." Fergwion added that Goltz. put i lot of pressure on himself when he fint came to the Dodgers. That, combined with a couple of poor early perfor~ancea ju1t made life hell for the former 20-pme wtnner during his atay with Loi Anaeles. "But that'tNppened to A lot of ~layen,'' Fer1Uton Interjected. I'm j\.mt "°' ai.nallnl h1m OU\, 8omedmll JOU pt vi.wed ln a ClftUln way and no matt.r what you do iou're In • 'no wlq' •tYlldan. It would have bMli hard few Oolta not to wtn &unday·1 pnw. Brian Downing , Juan Beniquez, Don Baylor and Doug DeCinces each flexed their muscles as Mauch u sed the extra-inning win of Saturday with Sunday's day game to give five of his regulars -Reggie Jackson, Bob Boone, Fred Lynn, Tim Foli and Rod Carew -the day off. The way Golu patched against the Royals, Mauch could have rested a few more. Goltz, who has now appeared six times in an Angels uniform (five in relief) and figures to be a fixture m the starting rotation sometime next week, has a record of 1-1, an ERA of 2.37. and a revitaliz.ed attitude that has him thinking like a winner again. "If you think I'm going to say something bad about the Dodsers, I'm not," said Goltz. who added ln the next breath. "but I'm trying not to think about what happened (with LA). "The future ta bright again . . .and It's ahead of me." .,._\. NOTH -Aeli.t ~t 0- ..... Otl '"-dlMbled 1191 ._ June 3 wttfl • "'...,_, t1ght elt>ow, -rMClt~ by '"-Mgeje lutt Of10f to ~Y'• ~· M~ OeM ._. wM11«1 110 fl!M In tmttno Ille rlgtlf.fWIOW, '"'*• M Aale Wll IUMl'fioMd 10 pltClfl IM llnel two lnninOI ....,,.. the ~ ,...... ,....., ... of .... ~ "*' he faced, Ind -tot Olllfleldet _.,., ....,.. to hit Into a t~dlnt fwl>I• pley Mtuefl, Wflo II• now ~ ~ In Ille l••tul II leut onoe, uye Ill'• ¥trK "00Mf0!1•W' W1U1 ,,,. Anoelt' ~ 'I ..................... ~ ... -.... ..; ,... • r. ... INc r"' ....... , .... I .... 't'f/'I ... ...... == :,,,~'\. HMUJ eut Ulfft• ... lftet American record in the hammer throw Sunday, slated for I to 3 p.m Fee Cor the classes as $35. A while Jason Grimes had a near-record performance lhU'd intermechate class will be held from 5-7 p.m. in the long jump blown away as the U.S. team The ree is $40. claimed victory in the Summer Games internaJaonaJ Registration 1s being conducted in OCC's track and field meet at Duke University. Community Service office located in the college's The American men claimed a 123-99 victory Administrative Building The office lS open Monday over West Gi!rmany, building its margin m the through Thursday from 8 a.m to 6 p.m .. and speed events over the two-day meet. They also Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. downed the Pan African team by a 137-67 margin. For registration information call 556-5880. American women were victorious by a 90-56 edge r-;:::;=======::;;;;:;;;:::;:z:;=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==; over their West German counterparts. ~ • Your McKenzie's throw of 243-11 bettered his own ~ Professional record of 237-2 established last year. However, his Flonst best was just good enough for a third-place finish as FlORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue Klaus Ploghaus of West Germany captured first with a toss of 249-6. Teammate Jorg Schafer was A-108 Costa Mesa second at 248-3. Stone Miii Business Park 641-0810 Grimes recorded a jump of 28-1 '~ in winning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?=~ hjs specialty and becoming the fourth person to post i I a Jump tonger than 28 reet under any conditions. This Week's Spec a But the wind, which had been calm much of the hot and humid afternoon, suddenly whipped up to more than ~ miles per hour, wiping Grimes' name from the record books. Mac Wilkins, 1976 Olympic gold medalist, captured the discus w ith a t.oa of 212-6. breaking the meet ~ of 211-2 set in 1977 by Hein-Dreck Neu. 1981 CADILLAC ELDOR \ 00 RIA RIUTZ lncludea all Biarrlu opllons, AMlf'M l'tereo with eaueu.e t.apc playC'lr tand tow mllet (1.IJl"J4M). $16,995 Otdillac V•llH' houctJ«i Sln-liY ~· A,.,.,,_ All CM ..... 'l'O l'tw .. AU,.,._,... nr. It&.- [r·1J .... · IOI .1 II . I I I I • 1 • I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, June 28, 1982 SCOREBOARD ~ . ' " " MAJOR LEAGUE 8T ANDINO a American League Wetl.m DIYleloft Af\9•11 Kan1u City Chicago Seallle Oakland TeHI MlnnHota w l •• 211 40 30 39 31 38 u 31 u 27 39 18 55 1>01. ca• 803 571 2· ... 857 3'• 514 8'' 413 H 409 13'• 2•1 2e bal.,n DIV .. lofl Boston M1lwaukM Balt1m0te Detroit Cleveland New Y0tk TOfonto 42 28 600 40 30 571 2 38 31 551 3·~ 38 32 529 5 34 35 493 7'• 33 35 485 8 33 38 465 9·, aund•r'• ac- Af\9•1• t, Kantat City 1 T 0ton10 3, Minnesota 2 Cleveland 4 New Y0tk 3 Mtlwaui<M 7 Botton 5 Balt1m0te 13, 0.1ron 1 leAH 10, Oali.land 4 S.1111• 6, Chicago S Tonlghl'1 01,,... Mtlwaukee (Vucko.icn II· II at Boston (Rainey 4·21 Oakland (Langl0td S·9111 Kan .. 1 City IGura 8·31 Chicago (Lamp 4·3) 11 M1nneeota (Wiiiiams 2·Sl Only gamu acheduled Natlonel Leeaue w .. 1.,n DIYMl«i Alllflta San Oleoo Doc19«1 San Francl!K<> Cincinnati Houllon W l Pct. Q9 43 28 &06 40 30 571 2'"' JI 3S .&27 S VI 32 42 432 12'• 31 41 431 12'• 30 42 417 13'• IEatt.,n DIYl.ioti St louts Montreat Phlladelphla Pntaburgh New Yml< Cn•oago 42 32 39 31 '<> 32 33 35 35 31 28 48 see 557 1 s~ 1 485 8 479 6'• 378 14 aunct..y'• lk«" Ood9etW 7, Hootton 3 Phtl-phla 8 N-Y0tll 3 Montreal S, PilllOurgh 2 Atlanta 2. Ctnclnn11t 0, 14 tnntnga Chlcago •. St LOUii 2 San Otego •. San FrancleCO 2 Todey'aO- San Otego (W.iah 5-1) al ~ (VaJenhl4Ma 9·8), n Plt1tbufQh (Sarmiento 2-1) al CNc800 (Ft._, 0-2) Hoollon (Ryan 5-81 11 Attenta (...,_ 7-51. n St loula (MUfl 5-7) el l'Nllldelpllle :Carlton 9-7). n Ctncl""1 t1 (le lbr1ndl 3· 11 11 81n Franclaco (Martin 2~1. n Only g-ec:heduled AMERICAN LIAOUIE Angele I , Rorat• 1 KANIAI CITY CALIFOftNIA ebrllbl ebrllbl W Wlan,et 4 0 I 0 Owning.II 4 3 3 I U Wqln,H 3 I 0 0 B«liq1,r1 S 1 2 2 B•elt.3b 4 o 3 1 3rlch,2b 4 1 1 1 MCRH.dh4 0 1 0 Baylor.di) 4 1 1 I Alkent.1b4 O o o OeCncs.3b4 3 2 2 Ma.rtln.r1 4 O O O Ferguan.c 3 0 1 O Oulrk.c 3 O O o Ro Jktn.b 4 o I I Poqtt•.11 3 O 0 O R Clark Cl 4 0 3 1 Pryor,2b 3 O o o KeOahr.ss 3 O O O To11i. 32 I S t Tot*1t3S 9 14 9 Scot• by Inning• Kansas Clly 000 001 000-1 Calllornla 411 010 11•-9 E 8rett. Grtch OP-Kansas Coty 1 Cahtorn•a 1 L08-Kanau Ctty s. Catllorn1a 7 28-0ownlng 2 38-8rett, Grich HR-8enlquez (1). Downing ( 11) DeCtnces (9). Baylor I 111 S -Ketleher SF-Grich Kan ... City IP H II Ell H 10 Blade CL 2·2l 3 8 6 4 1 o CrMI 3 4 1 1 O G Jackt0n 2 2 2 t CalHotnla GOfti (W.1· 11 3 1 I 4aM 2 I 0 0 0 2 23 A 38.572 6 0 WR-Bleck T Angel averag" Carew Boon a Downing FOil Ct er~ Groen Lynn IATTINO Al II H Hll 11 l>ct. 238 39 75 1 19 315 207 14 81 1 28 .295 298 48 83 11 29 287 234 30 87 2 31 286 46 6 13 0 4 287 236 31 115 8 37 280 234 42 65 4 18 278 288 34 77 II 47 267 74 10 Ill I 8 280 265 35 87 9 43 253 228 33 S7 IS 37 2SO 38 3 9 1 5 250 44 3 10 0 2 227 93 10 17 0 s 183 81ylor Beniquez D@Clnces ReJICklOO Ro Jeckaon Ferguson WlllOng BurletOn K- To1at1 45 • 7 0 2 1~ 16 2 0 0 0 272 2.500339~ 85310 272 IP 11.-34•> GOitz 19 AaM 44 ..... Renko 89 Will 75 Zahn 1oe·~ For~ 116 sa .. cnez ~ Klton 74 ..... Moreno 411',<, C0tbell 46 T011!1 679 Pllclllf\9 H •• ao Wl EllA 22 14 20 t-0 1 56 12 6 IS 1-t 2 37 34 1 SI JS 3·2 2 82 85 21 39 7 ·I 2 93 71 28 42 4-1 3 12 100 26 38 8-3 3 13 103 26 n 7-8 3 1e 31 16 21 3..() 3 111 89 30 41 11-3 374 55 23 22 3.7 4.74 51 21 27 1-6 s 48 6'4 228 322 44-29 3 27 AMllllCAN LIAOut: llue Ja.,. J, TwlM t M1nnetoll 001 001 000-2 8 I Toronto 101 000 OOt -3 11 0 Havtnt Felton 1111 and Laudnet LMI. J Mclaughlin (I ) and B MartlMJ. Whlll l7I W J McLaughMn 7.3 L-Fenon 0 8 HR-Toronto G t •Qta 14) A-20.074 Ir.wen 7, lled lo• I MllwaukM 000 222 0 10-7 10 0 Boston 000 010 040-S 8 I McClure, O..natd (81 and Simmons, lo11er, Burgmeter (81 end Allenson W-MGClure. 11-2 L-Torre1. 4.4 S- Bernatd (3t HRt MllWaukM, OQllYI• I 191 G Tl\Of'r\U 2 I 171 A-32 7 44 Ot1olM 13, Tlaer• 1 Detroit 000 000 010 1 11 0 811ttmora 402 052 00• 13 12 0 M0trls. S....:i.< 131. Lopez (41. Palme< a D•••• (ll and Nolan w -Paimer. 6-3 L-Morrtt. 8·9 HR-Batllmore . E Murray ( 10) A 43 1138 1~4,'l'enll-3 Cle••land 100 010 020 4 13 I New Vmk 002 000 010 3 9 I S0ten11n. SutcllHo t81 and Husey. Sando t81. Ertcoon. May (81. Frazi.r 181 end Wynegar w SorenMn 7·5 l Erock1on 4 -7 S Su1c111te (II A-55 521 "-• 10,A'e4 Oalltand 000 102 100 4 e o r .. aJ 1~ 030 11• 10 18 1 Kingman. 8 McLaugntln (3), Arroyo 17> and N-man Honeycvtt. Da,...tn (81 and Sundberg w Honeycutt. •·T L-Ktngman 0·4 HR1-0akland. Murphy ~ 13) Tuu Hoetetlef 1111 A 15.4&4 Matlnef• I , White loa 5 Cntcago 100 010 210-5 14 t Seanle tOO 060 oox-8 9 1 Troo1 EKlreQQa 1s1. Baro1u (7) and H~t. Netaon, Stinton (7). Vande8erg 17). Caud•ll (91 and Buttong W-Nelaon e-a L-Trout 5-6 S Caudill I 13) HR-S.allle, J Cruz 151 A-19.359 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodgere 7, Aetrot 3 LOI ANGfLEI HOUSTON lb r hbl ab rh bl Su 2b 5 1 3 3 Tt>on.aa 5 1 1 I Landr. cf 4 t 3 2 Punt.r1 s 1 3 I BakoM It 4 0 1 I Knlght.1tl 5 0 3 I Garvey, It> 4 0 O OJ Cnn.11 4 0 0 0 Cey,lb 3 1 I 1 Aslltly,c 4 0 0 0 0<11.rt 3 O 1 O Garnr.21> 3 o t O Ro9nlcll.rt 0 1 0 0 T Scott.cf 4 0 0 0 Sc:Aoecla,c 3 0 O o A Howe.31> 3 1 I O Belngr .Pl 0 I 0 0 Aenldl.Pf 0 0 0 0 YMQer.C 0 0 0 0 Kn19pet,p 0 0 0 0 Ruaaell,M 3 2 2 0 laCorte,p 0 0 0 0 V Romo,p 0 0 0 0 Auhll.P 2 0 0 0 Marllll,ph 1 0 0 0 Wiiiing. 1tl 0 0 0 0 NleOenlr,p 0 0 0 0 Monday,ph 1 0 0 0 A Howll,p 0 0 0 0 Toi• 32 711 7 To4M 35 3 8 3 .... "' ...... l ot ~ 001 030 003-7 Houeton 000 030 ooo-3 E-Qarner. OP-Houelon 2. LOB- l o e A ngel•• •. Hou et on 1 t 28-Ulnd<eMIA. P\1111 2, a-. Knight 2 31-~a. Su 2 HR-Cey 1111 SB-T Scott 8 -V Romo 2. Rullll , Sclotcla. Ru...,I Loe A ........ V flo.r.o 4'"' frttflW,3·411'" N*!enlu« 2 S Howe -·- H • 1 3 I 11 Ell 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 •a IO 3 4 0 1 1 0 4 0 Runle tl 5-51 8 9 4 3 1 Kneopet 0 t 3 3 0 LaCor1e 1 t 0 0 0 t Knepper p1tcned 10 3 t1a1ter1 1n the 9th HBP-by Fortier (A1hbyl PB-SCIOK•a T-2 S8 A-28 2112 NATIONAL LEAOUI! Pllllllff 9, Mets 3 N-Yo<~ 000 010 002 3 10 0 P'111 304 100 00•-8 t3SO Swan lvnch (3). Hauaman (51 Zachry (81. Allen (8) and Stearns. Krukow, Reed (8) anti B OllU. W- Krul<ow. 7-5 L-Swan S-3 HRs- Phlladelphla, 8 Dtaz ( 13). Vul<ovicn (31 .... 43 135 E•P" 5, PtratM 2 Pittsburgh 000 000 200-2 3 Montreal 004 100 OOK-S 8 I Can~1ari1. Ntem1nn (5). Scurry 171 and Nicosia. Palmer end Carter W-Patmer. 3·1. L-Candelarla, 3-4 HRa -Montreat. Wallach ( tO> Norman (21. A-34,398 Cube 4, Cardin.le 2 St loula 000 000 200-2 10 3 ChlC8QO 100 002 0 10-4 10 0 Stuper, Lahti (7) and POf'lar, Rlpley, W Hernandez (71, C1mpti.ll (7) and J Oavts W -R1p1ey. 3-0 L-Stuper. 2· 1 $-Campbell (6! .-.-?•.8 74 .. .,, .. 2. 119Ch 0 Al 000 000 000 000 02-2 8 2 cine ooo ooo ooo ooo oo-o 8 o Carnp, 8edrotian (81. G arber ( 11). Hrat>oak.y ( 14) and Benedlet: Soto. Kern (11). Hume ( 13) and Trevino W-Oart>er. 6-3 L-Hume, 1·3. S - Hrat>osky (4) A -31.000 Padrff 4, Giants 2 San Diego 000 103 000-• 8 o San Fran 000 010 001-2 3 5 Lollar. Chit!., (II) end T Kennedy Gei.. Holle!>d (8). 8retnlng (91 end 8•8'1ty W-LoUar, 7-2. L-0•1•. 2·8 S-Chlller (2) HRe-San Diego. T Kennedy (7) Sen Francttco Evans (Ill A-23387 Top 10 (IMMd Oii 115 al behl NATIONAL LEAGUE G Al 11 H l'ct. McO" St louos40 133 t8 4A 33 t J Thompan Poll 8e 242 48 79 326 l "-· Ptobfgh 51 224 22 72 321 Franoone, Mntll 44 131 14 42 .321 l.ndfa,Odfra. I 80 209 36 8IS 3 1(1 Oawaon, Mntr 117 271 511 17 .314 041-, Mont I 41 81 314 e.llot. N'I' 00 190 20 80 3 t3 J.Ray Pttbgll 61 227 41 ee .310 c.ci.no, Cine. 82 227 211 70 308 llUNt: l Smith. St loult , 59 D•wlOfl, Montrul 55, Murphy Allanll SS R Jone& Sen Otego, 48, Sclimldt. Phttadatpnta, 411. J lhomp1on P11111>urgn. 46, laa, ~ • .., 1111: Murphy. Atlanta. 58, Oliver. Montre11. 52. 8 Diaz, Phllldelphl1. 49 J Thompao<> P1t111>Urgh 48 G_,.,o, ~, .... . HITI: .... Dode•••· t2; O•wson montoeat, 87, J R1y. P1t111>urgh, 88 Knight. HOUiton. 88: Bucitner Chlugo 8S. ROM Phila094phl• es DOUel.IEI: T Kennedy. San 0..00. 22. DaW$0n, Montreat 19. l Smlln, St I.Outs. IQ Garno' Houlton. 19 O Smith. St LOUIS, 18. Cedeno, C1nc1nna11. 18 TlllPl..11: Garner Houaton 8 l aa, Dodgen. S; Slllata1, Sen Oleoo. 5 6 lled wlln 4 HOME llUNI: Murpny. Atlanta, 21 Ktngmen. New York, 17. J Thompao<> P1t111>Urgh, 15, Carter. MontrHI. 14. 8 Diaz Ph1taoe1p1>11. 13. a.ii ... ~ 13; Clark. San Franc•eoo. 13 &TOLEN IA8EI: l Smtih, St Loolt, 37. Moreno, Ptttaburgh. 35, RatnH, Montreet. 31. Oernlef Photadei~ll. 30, Saa, Oodgera. 21. PITCHING I 10 dec111ontl Rogere. Montre1t. 9-3. 1 74, F0tsc:n. St lov•a. 8-3. 4 03, D Rob1naon. Pittsburgh, 7 .J. 4 13. Aeuoa, Dodil«~ • ._,, s.1•; Seto. C1nc1nn1t1. 7 .4 2 27 Sutton. Housto,,, ,_. 3 32. v.-... ...... Doclaen. •••• 2AO: Puleo N-Y~. ~ 600 3 87 STlltKEOVTI: Soto, Clnc1nn111, 13S. Ca,lton, Pn1ladelphl1. t2~. Ryan.94 Houston. 94. Rogers Montreat. 88. LOllll San °'900 82 TOP 10 (IH•d on 125 al bet1) AMERICAN LEAGUE GAB II H Pct. Harrah. Clevtnd 88 266 57 95 357 Bonnell, Trnto 64 1114 37 67 345 McRae. KC 70 267 39 89 .333 H•be~. Mn all S9 233 39 77 330 W Wilson. KC 48 200 23 66 .330 Cooper Mlwkee6'4 262 43 88 328 Grubb Te•as 48 144 14 47 326 Ystrzm1k1. Bos S7 203 27 llS 320 He•ndon,Oet 69 28 t 43 83 3 t8 E Murry. Ball se t92 31 et 318 llUNI: R Henderson Oakland. 6'4 Harrah Cle veland 57 MOlltor. MolwaukM SI. Thornton, CleYeiand. •9. Bern111rd. Chicago, 411, W1than. Kanaaa Cl!y. 411 111 1: MCRIO. Kanae• City. 86. Thornton Cteve11nd. 80. Lu1tn1ki ChlCago. 57. Oghvte, Mtlw1uk" S3. Cooc>ar. Mtlweokee. SI HIT., Harrill. Cle.eland, 95: Garc11, Toron10. 92. McRae. Kanaat City, H . Cooper. Miiwaukee. 811. LUZk\1111. Chleago. &4 DOl.*.EI: e..-. Boston, 20. L1-. ""9ela. 20; McRae, K9naaa City, 20, ~·· Seattle, 20, Wntte, Kanaaa City. Tll~I: Hiltndon OeltOll 8. Yount Miiwaukee. 7. W W~ Kan1as C•i· 7 ~"· T0ton10. II. Brett. Kanaaa lty, HOMC llUNI: OgOvle, MllwaukM . 111, Thornton Cleveland, 18. G ThOmu, MllwlVkM t 7. Roenlelle, Bal11tn01'9. 15 Ila. Jt ckaon, A119ela , 15; Hrbek MtnnMOta, 15. STOLEN IAllEI : R. Henderson Oakland 71 Wathan Kan ... City, 23 Lel'l0te Chicago 22 J Cruz Seattle 18 MOiitor Milwa.,i..ee, Ill, Gucoa T0tonto, 16 PITCHING ( 10 Oec11tonst Vukovocn. Milwaukee. 9-2. 3 14, Guidry, New York. 8-2 3 04 Zahn, Angele. 1·3. 3.13; Burns Chicago 8-3 3 51, Gura Kanaas City 8·3 3 86 Clancy. TOfonto, 7-3 3 64 C1ud1tl SHllle. 7-3. 2 19 Hoyl, Cnocego. 10-5. 2 18 8TAIKEOVTI: F O.nn1t1111 s .. 111e 98 Gu•Ory New York 84 Bar~er Cleveland 81 R1ghet11 NtrW 'l'Ofk 77 Eci..er11ey Bos1on 7 4 WMtchetter Clattlc (llt ....,.,.._, N.Y.) ., Bob Glldtf, S72.000 -Pet11 Jecob--.. 135.200 88-82-70-116 TOM Kiie. $35,200 ea.M-86-61 m W1yne l.ev1, SH,600 Oon Pooley. S 17,llOO m Jerry Pata. S 14,400 2n JC SnM<I. S12.llOO Jim COft>er1. S 12,900 27• DA We11><1ng. St t.200 SIP Rog9fl. S 1 t 200 m Doug Tewell, 18.200 Mark HIJ'H. se.200 Jeck Rtnner. 18.200 taao AOlit sa.200 Rey l'!OyO, 18.200 George &urns. $8.200 m K«mll Zartey, Sll.200 Curt11 Strange. Sll.200 m Chi< ... Coody. SA.514 Craig Stadler. S4.5t4 Ben Crensllaw, $4,614 Oe•e Elehelbetgr,S4,5t4 en-DeY!in. '4.514 Marlo Pletl, $4.514 l M Elder. $4,514 87. 71)-811-t 7 8Ms-e&-7t e1.10-10-u 113-89-70-88 89-89-M-811 117·72-117·811 811-71-116-811 71·87-88-71 87·71·71-68 7t-e7-71-88 88· 12·88-811 85· 73-ell-70 72-ee-88-70 70-70-e&-71 S.·70-l7-71 m l.Mry ~· 12.HO N-73-71-M How1td witty, 12.lleO 71-N-72-17 Jim Albul, 12.HO 72-et-fll-el Sootl Watlelne. 12.HO 1o-ee-ea-10 Marti L,.. 12.HO .... 71-73 m Jay Hua. 12,4211 N-7C>-72-ee Rea Cal=· fJ'4lt -.....12-10 Tom Jen • ,4 11..-..1-n Gary McCord, ta,4211 12 .... 71-70 .. Scolt Slmpeon, I 1 .868 70-70-7:S-e7 Chi cnt Rodrlguz.11.eet 70-et-73-ea 011 Mor~.,.· 1 u ae e11-10-12-ee Bobby adktna. 11.ua 72-M--ea-71 c1ar.,_ Roae. 1 uaa 81-7 t-70-71 Leonwd Tllrnm· 11.868 811-7 1-e&-72 Jirn Simoni, 1,868 89.ell-e$-7 3 •1 Biil IMHleon, s t.•oo 70-08-73-70 Lanny Wadklna, I 1.400 e&-74-70-71 Mlio.e Hiii, S 1,400 61·70-71-72 Tom Snaw, 11,400 70-ff..ff-73 Tim 8lmp10n. Sl,400 7 1·89-611·73 2a George Cac1i.. $11116 70-70-73-ell Jooi. Mudd. S9115 811·12·71·70 Frani.. Conner. $9115 811-70-72-71 Larry Rlnk1t. SSlll5 n -er..11.11 Br\IOI Oougtaaa. SSlll5 71-70-70-71 Undy Millet, $9115 N-71-71·72 La,_ TwiBroect.,SSlllS 811-70-71·72 Bol> Murphy,$11115 72·67·71·72 VIC10t flagaAado, Sllll6 72.et-70-72 Hul>lff Green. $9115 611-ea-72. 74 Lyn Lon. uao ., 86-74-74.ff Chip Beck. uao 85-72-74-71 Bobs,_, .... sa80 71·70 70·72 e111auason.11180 le-72·71·74 Bol> E11twood. S880 71-118·71-75 Davia Th0t•. '880 71·811-80-74 Mark McNully, S880 .. &11-89-811-76 Boo Tway. S&40 73-68·12·7 I Allen Miii.,, $840 70-70-71·73 Jay Cudd. $1140 89·72·87-78 211 Don Levin. S8 18 611·72·70-74 Atan TIPle. sa 1e 70·70-70-75 P1yne Stewart. S4 t8 119· 71.9g.79 211 Hal Suuon. S400 &a-73-71·77 291 Lon Niel--.. $791 70-71-74 78 Aochetter lnternatlonal (at l>ttUfot' N.Y.) m Sandra Haynie. S30,000 72.et-89-117 212 Nanc:y Lape., I 18.llOO HOf11t Stacy, $18.llOO as 70-70-70-72 89·73-7 t-ell JOAJ\ne C-$10,000 17-18-75-73 .. Jwi S1ep1>enaon, sa.ooo 73-72·73-68 -Patty ~. 17.000 ., Pat Bradley. M ,400 -Sally Lntle. 15. 400 Patti Rltzo. $5.400 Cathy Mofle, 16,400 .. 71·72·72-70 811-72-75-72 72-e&-75-73 74-70-72-72 ll'fW' Adama, SA.400 74-72·72-71 Barbara e.rrow, 14,400 70-74-72-73 -Donna Whlte, 13.6-40 Sendra P...,,.,, 13.540 Shelley H-. 13.540 Jl1 Connie ChMleml, 12.1180 J-1 Colee, $2,980 2IQ Penny Putt. S2. 493 Donna Clponl, 12. 4113 S1ndre Spuzlcn. 12,4113 -Al!oe Rittman. S2.003 Dianne Delley. $2,003 Cathy f\eynolda. S2 .003 Amy Alcott. $2,003 J-1 Ai.a. $.2.003 JerHY" BrllJ, S2,003 Klllly Whl1W0<1h S2 ,003 2M Marty Olcilatson, S 1,600 Lind• Hunt. 11.600 Carole Chit l>Onnlr. S 1,800 215 Bev•I)' OeYS-Cpr St 600 Mlnc!y MOOte, $1.340 Ale .. ndra Rerinrot.S 1,340 Pam Glet•en. S 1.340 75-74-71-70 70-75-75-70 13-70-71-75 7•-ell-75-73 71 -74·74-72 78· 72. 72-70 72·73-75-72 7 t-75-73-74 80-69-79-78 72·71·78-74 75-75-72-71 75-77-75-71 71-78-74-70 71...0-74-&8 72·73-74-75 73-72-75-74 74-7S-70-76 611-77-75-74 10.17. 76-72 S.nlore toumement (at WIMlpee) 2n 801> Ooatby. S31.SOO 27• G-Llttlef $18.000 m Moe Norman. S 10. 133 Don Janua'l. S 10. 133 Ket Nagle. 10, 133 m Min. ewi.er sa.soo -Sarn Snead. $5,500 m Pet., ThOmaon. '4.700 ., Oentt Hut~aon. SA,ooo Oan S"'"· SA.000 Charlie SIHord, S4,000 .. Howle~. SJ.650 J1try Barber, SJ,850 .. Juttut 8oroe. $3,500 -Art Wiii Jr . S3,3SO a.II Cee(>ef. $3.350 ., 7()-118-67-69 10-e11.e11-e11 72 ·le-&a· 7 t 111-70-72-611 7 '. 72.419.69 70-87-72-73 73-e&-72-70 7&-ea.et-71 89-70-71-73 71-86-70-75 71-611-70-74 71-71-e&-75 119·75-ell-7~ 73-611-78-611 Gardner Olci(lntn, $3,200 75·87·7!·74 211 Bob Rotburg. SJ,050 Ted KrOfl. 13.0SO ao 70· 70-75-73' 73-71-73-71 Dow Flnll-ald, 12,850 7'-70-72-74 Bill Comn1. 12.850 75-611-71-75 2S2 Doug Ford. S2.700 .. John Henrlctc, '2.1150 8111 Jonnaton. s 2.11so -7~71-73-75 72-70-711-78 am M1wti1nney. s2.350 1s-11-12-n M~MI Fald>k:i<, 12.250 74-77·70-74 -Biiiy Muwell. $2.240 Camel. Where a man be.longs . Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "ttr''. 0 8 mg. n1cotm11v. per c1g111111 by Flt method. IOUthern CaHtomlfi A!Mt9Uf ChamJ!l:'•h pa (al a.llefl I ... Mark Blal!tly -73.69 70 73 Oulfy w llOOft 71-77-73-64 211 Paul O'S.-72-71·89·78 LM Davi. -Rob a.io.,ger 72. 73.99. 75 Jim Empey 73. 72.74. 70 Ml\Oh \logee 70-71 73-7S 2tO Jon Ardell 71.7e,.72.72 Donald Ou8011 212 WayneCU41 73.75 72-72 * Allon Dehon 611· 73· 77 -75 8111 Viele 69· 77-7 t.77 215 Cary Votll4'r 76-73·73·73 ne David Boatey 72-71P0·76 Dave Hobby 73.75 78·70 217 Greg Twtgos 211 72. 77 75.73 Gary Klehn 73. 76·78· 7~ David Mllltr 73-7•·7&.7S Mate Stevens 69-80 76-73 2" Ernie Oonrltez 7276 7&.7S Doug Thompson CllrlllOQher WOOd Guy Hertlelder 76-7 t-77-73 300 Mike Haney IOl 10 75 75-80 Ken Conent 77-71·76·77 Jonn Perl91 76·7471·80 l02 Larry Cook 75.74.73-l!() F ranc11 Cr1netta 73-75 76-80 304 Derek GOldste•n 72.75 74.93 305 Jell LM 70-78-83-76 J01 M~nllel lonQ 73.77 17 80 Hoflywood Perk I UNDAY'I lll!IULTI (tltt\ of 11-d.,. tt.oroughbred meeting) FllllT llACE. t 11111 mites Chkr'a()rph (Pi.<oe) 18 00 II 80 4 20 Ot•tant Charm (McC1rron1 4 oo 2 80 Club Flusll (OlivarHt 3 40 Also •aced NII • Penny. 0..ller With Age. Orcas. tncutllon Ch•t Corn lnMarChOI . Time I 43 215 HCOfllD llACIE. 7 turlong1 v1a.Etn01n IOllvrll 1e eo 7 oo 3 80 111 ao 1 oo 3 80 Run Amber Run (Hlwleyl 8 40 3 60 Pu1 Pleaaures IMcC1rron1 2 60 AllO receo Bette Parteuse E•gerty Nan's Dancer. Gallant Laoy J , Tl\11 ts My Dence LI Pole Idle Dueness Jennie's Image Oo1tant Alobl Tltne I 22-316 It DAtl Y OOU9U !M l paid $173 80 TlMO llAU . 8 'urlongs Mt CollalO< IHan--.1 4 40 3 60 2 110 0-0fy (Ponce~I 6 40 3 80 Par~lnthedark (Olov1rN> 3 40 Also raced Ch1el Oe4awere Lightning Expreu, Colonel Stu. Message To Gerc•a. Windy Scot! Feattome Fourtome Time 1 09 11s 15 EXACT.A (7-11 paid $9200 FOV«Tii llACE. s•_. turlongs 0.-. Wine (Ot•varnl 3 60 3 00 2 60 Son 01 Song IVale<uueta) S 00 3 60 Blue Seu (Oelenouuaye) 3 oo Alto raced Oac's Man. GMttoman Blade Jet Maneo,., feisty Lad HOfs D OeuV<e Mu...: On Ice 5., Natnan Hon to 11me 104 FIFTH llACE. 1 11 Ill miles on turf Much Thot (MCHrgl SI 40 s 00 3 00 Golden C1rc1e (Ple<cel 7 20 3 20 E~Clllsive KIO (Plncayl 2 40 Atao recad 81ndwegon Cettoc Warrior, Uttle Sh&h. Royal Serb Time 1 4 I 415 14 EX.ACTA (1-3) paid S 153 00 llXTH llACE. 5'" turtonQs Matching (Ptncay) 15116 6 80 3 80 Jonat Time Machine (McCrn>• 40 2 80 Bara Laas (ltphaml 3 oo Also rl<*I Untamed Spmt Imperial Late, Hailanga Time 1 03 115 Sii f:XACTA IH I paid 5157 00 I EYENTI4 llACE. One mite on turt lluenChlcolMcCm I 10 80 7 40 4 00 Alw1ys A Chance (Guerr11 10 20 • 20 Domremy (P1ncayl 2 80 Alto rlCe<I MontC11lr, Pe<ry C1bln Ctoonawllhn Time I 34 215 S5 EXACT.A (1·21 Pel(f $186 SO ., PICK ... (4·7·6+ t ,, Pel<l see. 158 00 won lhr .. w1nn1ng tlekels (tl•"lllllll•• .. P' n0taes1 S2 Pick Sia consota10011 paod S469 20 with 190 Winning hcket1 (f•v• hOfMS) EIQHTH llACI.. 1 II t8 molet Cat G1r1 (McCarroo) 12 oo 4 40 3 oo T1ack Robbety (Oe4ahuyl 2 80 2 40 Ack I Sec~ (P•nc•yl 140 Atao raced Sweet Mud MIU ~untlngton 81t1e10tnene lime 1413/5 NINTH IUoCL e 91 Ill mlln on luri SunW•9hp (Crdrol 14 80 8 20 8 llO FIM1 Petrone (CHtaMClll 16 60 9 00 Pewttf Gray (HanMnl 7 60 Also raced Ptotperous, Georgto, Pla1tobeflr11. Durable, Qui 8ef0te D1wn P1to1<an.11 Pen"9fove Adonis ReA lime 141 '5 EXACTA (2 111 P&•O ,686 SO Auo,,oanO<t 39 976 DM9 ... tithing NEWl>OllT (Art's landlf\9) I 11 1ngler1 160 1>on110, t65 but 4~!> mackerel. 2 h1llbut. 18 rock 11sh 1 king salmon (O•••Y'• locket) 24 1 anglers 2 l>IHilCUdl 138 l>Ol\•ICI •b "nd b85S I t Cl hCO DAU 433 roc;k totll 2 natol>Ut. 1.361 m1ekeret DANA WHAllF -3119 1nglet1 1,089 1>au. 14 7 bonito. 74 mack er et SI ~=-:::a e hliobut 1 ye11<>w1a11 100 LONG BEACH (a.lmonl Plef) I / anglers 221 rock cod 1 cow cod (Queen'• Wh1rl) -•?7 anglers 1 yettow1a1l 120 barrac .. da 933 t1on110 305 cahco l>lss 7S sano bau 4 ttal•but 194 rod< fltn IEAl BEACH IS& ongtefJ 390 rock coo. 2 cow COd 300 sand DU5. tOO mackerel 4 catoco beu 3 1tal11>ut I barracuda large 19 t a"{lten t35 oass. 90 m1Cktre1 27 nalil>Ut I AN DIEQO (HIM Landing , flaherman't Point lom•) S03 anglers 1 023 a'1>ecore 19 yellowta1l 292 b8rr8Cud8 n OOnllO n Dass 4 rock 'l$1\ lrvlne Open (•I Ille l,.,lne Racquel Club I ••A" Men's Slnglea final 6 ;•m Oownay dttl D••>d Helfe<n 6-3 "A" Women'• ''""'" Ftnal Cathy 0 Meara def Jill Beck 6·• 7 6 "A" Men't Doub!M Fina! Nigel Armstrong.John Wasner det Joan Brac:tbury-PM Hamilton 7-6 1·6 "A" Mired Dovb!M Final Maroa MyfltS·Eroc Ou1de (let J&n!Ctf Metcall·Oan HanS(\'l S· 7" 7 5 6-4 WMkend traneactlon• BASEIALL Amertc.n lHgt.Ni SEATTLE MARINERS -Asked wa1~s on Lenny Randle, 1nfteldet Nation.I u.eue CHICit.QO CUBS -Acllvetad Jerry Morain. outlteld8f'. from tne dtaabled 1111 HOUSTON ASTROS Pieced Deva Smith. pitcher, on the 21·dey disabled list Called up Randy Moffitt Piicher. from Tucson of lhtt Pacillc Coesl Lugue ST LOUIS CARDI NA LS - Released Marl( llllell, pltche<. end purchased the contrect of Jett l'.lhtl, pitcher. from loul1vtlle o• t h• Ame<IGan Asaooatton HOCKEY ... Ilona! Hoclley LM9W EDMONTON OILERS _:. Signed Jarostav Pouzar. forward, to a two- yiler conlfact s~ ca ----·----------------.-,-----------·-----------~---------------..... --Oout OAILV PILOT/Monday, June 28, 1DIR Area women compete A pair of UC lrvln •tandouta -and Fountain Valley Htah's Lin Glraberg are playing In lhe Fer Weet Womt:n'1 &skt:tball Development Uttll(Ut:'• college division. which competes al Ramona Conv nt High m Alhambra. Cal State Fullerton's roster mcludes UCI's 6-0 Jackie VanderPoel, while Phaeton's roster contains Ginsberg and UCI's Katherine Hamilton. On the high school level, Orange County Beach's squad includes 6-9 Connie Waikle of Villa Park, considered one of the tallest wome n players in the nation. Action is scheduled for Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays w1 th three games each da y. beginning at 5 p .m . through July 31. The high school level begins each day at 9 a.m. ~ Wlrlt)hoto BEATS THROW -Houston base-runner Tony Scott is there before the ta.g attempt by Dodger shortstop Bill Russell Sunday evening in the Astrodome. Dodgers won anyway, 7-3 and open homestand tonight. Young collector gets job ~ORT M ADI SON, Iowa (AP) -When Richard Nichols 1tarted hanging around l3url Annatrong'a coin shop to talk about baseball ca.rd.a, A rmurona decided to put the 12-year-old to work. "He knows more about baseball cards •han I do," said Armstrong, w h o opened his downtown shop this spring to buy and sell coin s, paper currency and c.ards. "l started collectlnff when I waa about 6, ' said the freckle-faced Nichols, pushing up the sleeves of his red and white T -shirt as h e stood behind a count.er lined with colorful cards. "I've got about 12,000. The most valuable one is George Brett's rook ie year -it's worth about $20." c,...991 ooo .• i':'. r'o r n'~rt~ m\ A OOTOllllt I. tm UNUll YOU UKa ACTION TO '"OTICT YOU" Pf,0,."TY, IT MAY II IOU> AT A "*JC IALI. •YOU •ID AN IDUNATION Of' THI NATU"I 0' THI '"OOHDINO ~~:11 lflw.,"'&_U IHOULD MOTICI OI ftUITU•a I~ UM>9" DUD Of' TMllT tP: ' 1011 LOAM I I t-oH014-2 Hot"1tl 11 hetec>y ~that MASTER M OATOAQl COMPANY, • California O()(pOr'etton, M TruetM. or 8uoo••ao r Truett•. or lub911tuted Truet• unci.t tilt dMCI of truat u.avted b)' Edwerd Frri Chernovr, a •Ingle man. and reoorded Octooet 31, 1171. 8er1M No. 4011t2. In bOOk/rHI 12•37, p1ge/lm•11• 1248. of Olllalal Aeoord• fn the Olllc• of Iha Recorder of County of Orenge, Calllornl•. and pureuenl 10 Ille notice of defeuh end electlon to NII under dMd of INtt r~<led July I. t980 8erlel No. 7011, In boolc/r" t3eae. P•O•llm•o• 21. of Hid Offlci.I Recotci.. " wilt Mii on J\.lly 9, tN2 II t-1!1 am .. at Ille tront entrance to the Old Or.nge County Couf'lhouM, loeeted on 9.,,,. Ana Blvd .• ~ 8yoam0t• Slr"1 & Broedwey, Santa Ana, Catlfo<nta. at public euotlOn. 10 the hlgllelt bid<* tor cuh (payeble at the time of ule 111 lawf\il money Of the United Stat• ol Amenca; euhl«'• ohedl dr•wn on • 1tete 0< oatlonal bank a state or federal credit u.nl<>n or • elate °' federal Mv\nQI end loan aaeoclatlon d<>mk:lled In 'he State ol CettfOfnta payebte 10 Matier Mortgage Compa.ny le eoe.pleble u cUh) alt right, tttle end Interest. conveved 10 and now held by It under Mid deed of tnm tn the propet1y altualed In eald County and S tate. and deec:rlbed u tottovrl lot t 77. of Tract No. 3383, In the City of Colla MMe, Coonty of Orange, State of California, •• per map recorded In Boole 1 t2, pagea 37 to 48 lnckJlive, Mlteeltaneoue Mape, In the office of Iha County Recorder ot said County. World Cup enters next phase He explained that serious collectors want to get every card issued eac h year. Three compan1e~ make more than 700 cards a season each and sell them in 30-cent packs of 15. "There are 36 packs in a box, and I had to buy 20 boxes to get them all this year,'' he said. More commonly known u · 1773 B1hame Place. Coal• Me11. Calttornla. (II a etreet addreu or other common deelgnatlon I• 1hown ebove, no w8franty le given u 10 flt comptetenea• or c0tractnes1.) Said aal• wlll be mede, but without covenant or warran1y, expr ... or Implied, reg8fdlng 111111, poue .. ton or encumbrance•, 10 Nlltfy the unpaid principal of Iha note seoured by eatd deed ol 1ru11, with lnlerest 1nd late chargee '1hereon as provided In eald note. the IM and expenaes ol Ille '"'alee and of Iha trutts created by the deed of trutl, and edv111oea, II any, unde< the term• of the deed of truet. Twelve t eams r emain, inc luding de f ending champ Arge ntina Despite the fact that his friends think he's luc ky to have a job. Nichols didn't seem overly impressed with his employment. He reserved most of his enthusiasm for talk of his favorite baseball team, the Chicago C ubs. MADRID, Spain (AP) -Poland already 1s looking ahead to the World Cup soccer semifinals while preparing for today's second-pnase opener against Belgium. "We are confident we will do well," said Coach Antoni Piechniczeck. "We want to repeat the third-place finish o f the 1974 Cup tn West Germany. We can win our second round group and play our chips against Brazil in the semifinal." I n the other second-round mat.ch scheduled I.Oday, Austria meets France. which is seeking to overcome its lack of intensity in the first round. The 12 teams competing m the SE<.'Ond phase are: Group A : Poland, the Soviet Union and Belgium; Group B: England, W est Germany and Spain. Group C: Italy. Brazil a n d defending champion Argentina; Group D : France, Austria and Northern Ireland. Groups A and C play in Barcelona, while B and D compete in MS;drid. Polish hopes are soaring as the final two weeks of the world's biggest soccer tournament get under way . H o wever , the P o les played inconsistently m the first round. drawing 0 -0 with Cameroon and Italy before overwhelming Per u 5-1. They face a very strong Belgian squad, which beat Argentina 1-0, penetrated a stifling El Salvador defense for a 1-0 victory and drew 1-1 with Hungary. PtalC NOTICE While a team could get away with a draw -or 1---FIC-TITIOU--8-8-u-.,..--1-1-- even a loss -in the first round, this time nothing NAME ITATEMENT less than victory will keep them out of'danger. With The 1011ow1ng pereon 11 doing d 1 business aa· only on e team a vancing to the semifina s from BUSINESS TELEPHONES each three-team group. one defeat almost certainly TODAY. 788-4 La Palm• Aven .... will spell elimination. auen::i~· ~~:e6i°sTRtCt<EL. The Belgians, not taking any chances, plan to 1555 Men Verd• or E, •27H, start their most experienc..-ed veteran, midfielder Co111 Meea. CA 112626. Wilfr ied Van Moer, who previously was used as a tnJi:ui:;a1neas 19 conductecr by an The total emount of the unpaid balance ol the 01>1tg11lon Meured by Iha property to be told and re•son1ble estimated co1u. ••pen-end edvanca at the time of the ln!llel publlcatton of lhe Notice of Sale It s 166, 15 t 90 DA TEO M1y 25, 1982. MASTER MORT G AGE COMPANY, Trustee 700 Market Street San Frenctec;o. CA lM 102 Tel. (415) 772· ts.45n72-tS86 Ch<lettne Bryan Senl0t Vice Presldenl Publlshed Orange Co8't Dally Piiot. June 14, 21. 28, 1982 2520-82 substitute Belgian Coach Guy Thys had been Brian J Strtdlet worried the 37-year-old star, who led Belgium to Thi• stitement was flied with the P\llllC NOTICE second place in the European championship in 1980, =%~~2°1 Orange County on -----------I might become too fatigued playing 90 minutes of F1t1... NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'• SALE Published Or1nge CoHI Dally ~ Ho. to-OM soccer. P1to1. Ju.,. 21. 26, July 5, 12, 1se2. TD SERvic':°c~Y as duty Seadora • WIDS at Dana Point 2866-82 eppolnled Truetee undet the 1111-II' N0~1cc tollowtng deecrlbed deed of '"'•' ----,.~----''----!WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ACTTTIOUS llUSINHI NAMe IT A T'OtllNT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payebte at time of Nie In lawful money of Ille United StalM) • rlghl. ttlle and 1n111est conveyed 10 and now held by ti under said Deed of Trust 1n the property hereinafter described· Bang Bang Maxwell a Yictor in Spinnaker class Seadora, skippered by Janet Broughton of the host club was the overall winner in the non- spinnaker class of Dana Point Yacht Club's Dana Belles Series for women skippers and crews. The four race series e nded Sunday in light and fluky w inds that created occasionaJ confusion on the course. Broughton won the series with a clean sweep with a first place finish in each race. Scoring was based on the best three out of four. Second overall was Tiger Lilly, sailed by Kathy Rassmussen, Voyagers Yacht Club, and third was Desperado, Diane Sands. DPYC. \ Overall winner in the Spinnaker Class was Bang Bang Maxwell, skippered by~K.athy Adamson, DPYC. second was Zot. Gail Foreman, UCI Sailing Association. and third Going Left. Sue Franta. DPYC. Dean, Osgood Vessels • w1n DPYC a1so c.'Ondut:tro the fu-st race of the Orange County Women's Ocean Racing Series. The winner was Bang Bang MaxwelJ, followed by TKO. Flet('her Olson, Balboa Yacht Club, and Sidewinder, co-skippered by Karen B luel and Diane Grabel. Bahia Corinthian Yacht C lub. Summary of results In final two Dana Belles races: RACE Ill NON SPINNAKER I Seadora, Janet Broogn1on. Dana Potnl YC, 2 Gold Rusi\, Ann B&cker C11pt11rano Bay YC. 3 Flrecres1, Debra Glazier. Voyagers YC SPINNAKER -t Bono Bang Maxwell Katny Adamson DPYC. 2 TKO F1etcner Olson. BalDoa YC 3 Sldewlnde< Karen Bluet·Otane Grabel. Battta Cortnlh1an YC RACE IV NON SPINNAKER I Saadora, 2 Gold Rush, 3 Desperado, Diane Sands. DPYC SPINNAKER -1 Bang Bang Maxwell, 1 TKO. 3 Go;ng Lall. Sue f1an11. DPYC DllTH NDTICIS GUINN EDNA MAE GUINN, resident of San Diego, Ca .. formerly a resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed awav on June 26, 1982 ln Lancaster, Brothers Bell Broadway Chapel with Rev. Martha Glover Nelson and Rev . Helen G . Nelson officiating. Private interment. Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway Mortuary directors. The tollowtng pereon I• doing t>uw-u. ISLAND BAGS, 2400 Cliff Ot' , Newpon BMch, CA 92663. Tera Suunne Troiano, 2400 Clltt Or., N9WPOrt Beach. CA 92663 Thi• bvslnest IS condUC1ed by an lndrVldual. hra S Troiano This s111ement was llled wllh the Coonty Cle<k ol Orange Counly on May 28, 1982 Fttoal Publlehed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, June 2 t, 28. July 5, 12. 1982 2686-82 TRUSTOR EVERETT A. AARESTA D and LORALEE l AA REST AO, nusband and Wile, end JULEE A STEFFY, an unmarne<I woman . BENEFICIARY KELLY W tNFANGER. a married man as his sole and s.psra1e property. es to an und1v1ded one-hall 1ntares1 and LOREN K LANGDON. I married man , as his sole and separate ------------1 property. as to an undtvlde<I one-PtaJC NOTICE na111n1eres1. as 1enant11n common --AC--TITIOU--.-eu-.... --,-9--• Recordeo December J 1979 as NAME t TAT'EJllUfT 1natr No 4 t2 in book 13417, page 1321 of Ottlc1al Record11n Iha ottlOe The lollowlng pereon le doing ot the Recorder or oranoe Coonty. buslneaa as. said deed ol trust describes the H&H MAGAZINE MARt<ETtNG, followtng PfOP&rtY t0292-H-t2 L• Hedend1. Fountain The Eaalerly 75 feet of the Valley, CA 92706 5 I Henry c. HolCOmb, 10292.H.t2 WMler1y t4 eel of lots t and 2 tn Bloek F of Traci No 612, Coste L• Hactenc:te, Fountain Valley. CA Mesa Terrace, In the City of Costa 92708. This bull,_ 11 conducted by an M"8, Coonty of Orange, Slate of lndlvldual. Celllomla, as pa< map rec0tded In Book 20. Page• I end 2, ~ C. Holcomb Mlaceltaneout Mapa, In Iha ottlce of Thie atstemenl wu flied wilh Ille the County Recorder ol said County Clerk ot Orange County on Coonty June t7. t982. You are In default under e deed or f1t1171 truel daled November 29, 1979. Publlehed Orange CoHt Dally Unless you take a<:tlon to protect PMol, June 21, 28, July 5. 12, t982 your property, 11 may be sold 81 , 2639-82 publlc eele. 11 you need an •----.,.---IC--Mn-TIC_E ___ explanatton of Iha nature of the r~ nu proceeding egalnat you, you shOuld conta<:t a lawyer Foothill High's Anne Dean and Servite's Tim Ca. after a brief illness Osgood have been voted recipients of this year's Survwed by her daughter Vessels Award. honoring the top male and female Wand a St ah Im an o C .------------l athletes for the 1982 season. Ridgecrest. Ca. and grandson FlCTlTIOUI ., ..... ....-nAn....,. The IOllowtng ~ ere doing buslnMSU: 733-735 20th Street, Costa Mesa. Celllornla 92626 Orange Coast area athletes who were in the Gregory Stahlman also of competition included: Newpo rt Harbor's John Ridgecrest, Ca. Services wlU Moffet, who finished in a tie for second with Villa be held at Grace Baptist P ark's Br ent Bieshaar m the boys bracket·, Mission Church. 3844 Georgia St., Sa n Otego , Ca . on Viejo's Steve Kerho. who was fifth: and El Toro's Wednesday, June 30. 1982 at Damon Sweazy, who was seventh. l ·OOPM Donations in In the girls' division, Ocean View's Pam White memory may be made to the was fourth; Fountain Valley's Sharon Hatfield was Foundauon for his M1mstcy, fifth; Corona del Mar's Cindy Kendall was sixth; Orphanage at Polonia V. and San Clemente's Lynn Brown was eighth. Guerrero, Garden Grove, The Vessels Award is presented to those Ca. STEVENS athletes who combined athlellc ability with HARR y w 1 L 8 u R citizenship and scholastic record STEVENS. a resident o f Moffet, a senior, 1s a member of the Sailors' Newport Beach, Ca. Passed swim team. He is a 1980 Olympic member and a away on June 2~. 1982. He seven-time national champion. was a Deputy Shen(( for the Kerho, also a senior , recently won both hurdle Los Angeles Sheriff's even ts at th e recent st.ate championships. Sweazy • Deoartment for the oast 28 was a four -sport letterman in football soccer years. Survived by has son baseball and track. ' · Claire of Fl~rida , Ca . ~ood. who played both basketball and daughters Marprie Boutelle base taled 44 · · · · h ' d of Washington and Bertha , to points Ul wmru.ng 18 awar • Lamb of lfuntlngtori Beach ou tdistancing Moffet an d Bieshaar by three points. Ca., 6 grandchildren, ~ Dean is a three-sport star at Foothill in a r eat-grandchlldren. volleyball. basketball and softball. She will attend Services will be held on UCLA on a basketba.ll scholarship in the fall and 'I\le9day, June 29. 1982 at ho1ds most of the school's records in the &Port. l:OOPM at the Harbor Lawn Mem orial Chapel with Interment 1ervlce1 Adams takes tournament EN GLEW OOD. Colo. (AP) -Top-ranked Lynn Ada.mt of Coata Mesaa defeated No. 3 Shannon Wrl1ht of L aa Veg aa, 2-3, 3-2, U -14 Sun day ln the cih1 m plon1h lp of th e M lch e lob Light Women'• Profeeatonal RacquctbaJl AaaodatJon'1 national coumament here. Adami earned $2,8&0 end W r11h t $1,650 ln th four-day ~t e t the Denver SporUn1 Club. Adami beat •htth·rankC'd Laura Martino ot Founlaln Valt.y 3.0, S..O, ln one of 81turday'1 ..mlftM.11. A total of U WGm•n parUclp•led In tht t.oul"nllft!ff ,, lmmedi1tely follo wing. Servicetl under the dlrt>cUon of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Meu. M0-~$5-4 ltEEPAUVER HAR LAND ASHMAN KEEFAUVER, a reeldent of Colia M ... C.. PUMd away on June 24, 1982 at the ... of 91. H• 19 eurvivwd by hla da1.1&hWtr HarUne l'.nlley of Wll&lll~. 1 brother Rll C. K.tet• o1 ~. w a 1rapdoht1d{ra1nn .. r r'-'n•rar p~rvi.e11 wt l be h•ld on l'1*Mla~ June al, lN3 el 'f 100 P1Jll at t h• Pltru r.ACIAC VllW MIMO•IAL rAall Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 ~COllMICIC MOITUA•llS LaQuna Beach 494·941 5 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 KAUOll LAWN-MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Ceme terv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 '9MCI .. OTHllS uu .. o.DW•Y WO.TUA•Y 110 8roedw1v Costa Mesa S42·91SO l.ALnlii•llOM SMln4 A TVTHtlL. wt11f l"T1;"1ira Cotta M ... 8•&-0371 ,_Cl llOTMlll .....ntl' NOITVMY 621 Matti It MIJnl~ICh SUN DUNES VILLAS. 350 E 17th Street, Sulla 2t2, Colla M8N. CA 92627 LANE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. a Celllornla corporation, 350 E. 171h Street, Suite 2t2, Coeta Mesa, CA 92627. This buelMsa Is conducted by a ~atlon. ~ Conetf\la.lon Company Pamelyn Bums Office Manager This ltatement WU llled Wl1h Ille County Cl«k of Orange County on June 17. t982 F19191'7 Puoll1h.O Or1ng• COHI Delly Piiot. June 2t. 28, July 5, t2. 1982. 28611-32 "(II a atreel address or common dHlgnatton IS 1hown above, no warranty I• given a1 to Ila cornplet-or correctneaa) The beneficiary unde< said Deed of Trull, by reuon ot • l>reaeh or default In tile obtlgattons MCUred 1hereby, heretofore &JttlC\jle<I and delivered lo Iha under•lgned 1 written Oecl8felton ot Oefaull and Demand for Sale, and written notice of breaCh end of etectton to cause the underelgned lo sell .tafd propeny to aatlety said obflgellons. •nd there11ter the undersigned caueed said notice of breecn and ol etectlon to be recorded Mareh 18 1982, as tnatr No. 82-Q914t9 Said tale wlll be m•d•. bul wllhoul coven1nt or warranty. t11press or Implied, regarding tltle. PG8•esslon. or encuml>ranoes. to pay Ille reamlntng principal tum ot ACTTTIOUI MltMU the note(a) 98CV<ed by Nk1 Deed ot ..._ ITATlmNT Trull, with Interest as In 11.ld note Th• following pereon le doing provided. adv111oes. It •ny, unde< bual,_ u : the l«m• of Nkl Deed of Truet. ADVANCED AEROSPACE I ... Ol'IWQ" and expen-ot ttle SERVICES. t835 Wtltttlet Avenue. Truat• end of tilt'""" crMted by Unit 6'5, Coeta Mell. CA 92928. lllld OMd ot Truet. STEPHEN 0. MAAIC8, 228'6 Said .... vrtM be held on Tu.td•y. Leo L.ane. El Toro. CA 92930. July 20, 1082 " 2:00 p.m .... Ille Thlt bu9lnMa 11 conducted b)' an Chepman AYenUe entranoe 10 Ille lndlYl<ll*. Clvlo Center Bulldlng. 300 EH i 8taP'*'a ~ CMpmen Avenu., In the Clty ot Thia ltll~t -Ned lllttll tM Orlll\09. CountY Cleft! ot 0r.,. County on Al the time 01 th• lnltlal Juft9 (?, tN2. pubtiutlon Of this notlCle, 1he tOllll '~ amount of the unpaid balanoe of the Pubttehed Oflnge Co.et Delly obllgatlon -ed bY lilt allow Pllol, Junt 21, 21. JI.I/ft&. 12, tllU. dH crtbed dud of truet and 2t40-l2 H llmated co•t•. expeneH. and -----------tdvtnetl If 1211.981.•7. rtlUC N011CE To oetermtne the opening bid. ~may Clll (7t4) 937-0HO. · MTITIOUt __,_.. 0.te: June 11, tM2 Mm ITA~ T 0 URVICE COMPANY Th• roUO•lnt pefaon II dotno .. Mid TNlt•, ~ • tv: llwen Neice. O•,AITAY IHO~!J ,,, I . AMtlMll '9ore1atY tlell 81., Coeta Mele, u.i. IH27. ~City lfYd,, Weet. Ndlltd H. 0.. ,HOS~ OflnOI. CWtom1a tteal Dr .J.. ~ ,...., C4alf, toUI. 114/iU-1211 nw "'*-ta oordJCteel b)' 111 'ublllllM Oran11• Co11t O•llr tndM4IUll. Hot. June 11. Jut; 1. ,,, tr.• ~H.O.. I01.at Tiiie .. ~ ...... wltll "" ONltw .. 0...... ~"' 0.-.. .. ~ ~;:,.ftf\I WE 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ··•··•···••·••·····••• CLASSIFIED INDEX Tt rtxe YMr U, Call 642-5678 HOUSES fOR SALE ..... , .. ......... 1 .... Lt-.. 9'"ft1MVI• , ( tputtaftO tktth t•cwon1 Ml M •' roa1a .. ". 0.A• Pt:Mnl .. I Two toww•"' v.u.,, ·-·"""" "-"h '"'"'""' l•l~••Mh 1.q..,,.111111 t.a1w.n1 N•1w1 M1u108 V•e~ ~:n:'~.::" S..• Jw•• C•SM•lr•iw !i.t.M1 Aae ~ .. S.Hh !t<MhUl•U "'"lm1ftJ\.,.r Mf.bhr Honw• ~•I• tUL mm 4ru..,c f0t s._1,. Apt,rtmu1U '°' ~·I• t::!!:"~~n~ Curwt.,_,, LUh f tH.&\ t=~~!~'~:" Ovptn n l 1uu '•'" t~lftbir-Mtttr11 I ftit UffW" p, °"'" h l~~t.11•! Pr~tl~ l.ohf0t~lf' Mrlhtl• Hn-w 1'rh t'rh M,..,.,..,. 0...f't"l Moor\ •"'•'!fr {·o Prop ~ *' ~°::ai:~ ... H•M"" Fatnu Lt••n Rt•I F-tl•lr E•r~•,_l,. Mu i EAl•lr V. •nlrd RENTALS lt.c"'anf"1rn1•ti.r~ UlM4n L"fWf\J\hnl I~~" f\,rn ot l ftt t or'4onuNwmt. hu-. t ondon'Un.1wm• l "1 To.~P'"'" To-1\hou••., l'nf °"9lu H J"tlrn °"""'' .. LM Apt. t'\trn Apbt..fttwn Apb t"'urn Of l "' R-"' Moom • k•rd UOlth Motf'b Cw't Home' "°'mrntr Rrnl•h \ .,.,.,tf_.. Htf'l•h k•ftte.l• lo""., •. G•r•lh fOtf' ft~M OU1<t Rtf!Ltf h•1"fo Rtnlet IOOwaln•' "f'ftUI ~!:.·.~: 'A•A\f(S M•w Mt .... •b BUSINESS. INVEST MENT. FINANCE B""•MU~P'W"t• &um"'" IA •ntrd :~:~==~.!,' MUtWt 10 l4.14A MtifW't' 'A aMf'ld• ..Uf111,1f'• TO' AHNOUNCEMENTS, ~RSONALS & LOST & FOUND ·~~""'"'' I •' Pcaol lA"t•I N04,u•" IAot • ~ound fitrtoOn_, ... Sor1aJ < h11t-.• Tr••tl• SERVICES "°''ttt D"f'<\c.t) £Ml'lOYM£NT & PIEPARA TION Vhoob fft.1\tUC'UOfl Jti«JW""'°'t• Htlp •aMl'd '9 6 t MHCHANOISC Ahl-.,)uf• Applt•N'O AW\llOA :!::J;.~~ Mal~r1al\ f a""'r•\ 6 lqul6J"Wf'M l4h Uoc• Pt"toV~ •"'Mrrvtun c:,., .... Salt llonft -.-.... r. ...... , J"1i"tht l..t\f'MOf'' !Warturwr)' i'-lt'('f'tltt!.C'tNt M1-.rtlluteOY• '4 .n1..t Mu-..t •l lft\Uurnf'll~h Oif•t"f' tvrn., lq1iuu ..... ~~~~~~~.:, »K\1n1 fiatJdi '-COtf" H..-.t•ur •nl Ui.1 j.~•r.cl.c> H1t·1 \ttrf'O BOATS & MARINE EOUl,MCNT f.11fftHAI Aoab M•1nt ~'"''r-ir fto.att N artftf' t q.w1' Boau Po-.u 6M.b ""' ("•''" 8Ht,.5.1I llom.SltPo OoO• -t•Spod•.,., ftoet• S.or•1• TIAJISPOITATION AJN';ral"l t etnprr' 11\aaot Rr'" t lf'C'tntC:an =-·~=' Stoou·n• Mot0t Hm,,S.lt Htnt Tra1lf'n Trav('I !~!.~~~~"~.,., <;,,.,..,., A~TOMOBllE AttOq\H't t:lao1t • H.Hrirtl1tlin \l•h•tlr• ~"' M11rt Koch t Wf'l"iOrttrta ftVC"l.a , .... A"'4••Wu1n1 4\14.o.Wan••d AUTOS, IMPORTED ~f'tl1frel All• Roll'Wo \Yllt 'Aw.llA tf••I"" llWW l•Pfl Ovo. Wt O•tw.n f•tr•rt •.•• u 11.M. J ..... , '"'--"'" K•rrn.nn«;h1• IMnloorCl>I'" :tt.lft. ...... ,. ri1 .. , .... "' .. 1. ,.1.H Opot ........ ,. f-'N;tt'114 PO('Uhf> Mtn'u'l Motla MO)'t'• RO\tt ~·b s..'e!ry Torou Tru.1mptt Volkn~•«,.,.. Voh;t AUTOS. NEW 1161 , ... 11.ol !Ott lllll lllM '""' 11111 , ... IOll t6M '°" lOOll !Oil) tl»I ""' l!JM ur.• l!llO ·~ 11• IU .. IHW> I..,, I~ •>Xi t<Oll t!W J600 lOllAL NOUllHO OPPOllTUNl1 Y h•H1lt•r'1 letlH1 All real Hiiie advertlMd In thle newapaper ta aubjeot to the Federal Fa.Ir Hovslng AC1 ol loe& wtllch mak .. II Illegal to itdvertlH •·any preferen- ce. Umllallon or discrimi- nation ba1ed on rece. color. religion, sex or natlonel origin. or 1ny intention to make any such preference. llmll•· lion or dlscrlmtnatl()(I " This n-ap•~ wlll not knowingly accept any ad11er11efno ror real ••· ta.le which la In vlolahon of the law 1100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tlllO l'IOO EIUOlll1 Advert i- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate J y _ The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes llablllty for :: the first Incorrect :!' Insertion only. ~, ............... .. ,~ = s ..... 1.r ,.,, na •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ '-••r•I lOOZ ~~ .......••••••••..••... ~ llRllll !~ HD POOL! llY . .. •:ut ""' Ul(j .~ ... •lo.II• <!of.II. •W CostaJer will c111ry wtlh 10% down' A bargefn at S 134 900 Cati now. 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS h1er Oarrlt4· 1st Give yourself Mesa Ver· de 1n '82 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home w/many ex1ras on cut-de-sac Owner wlll carry low Interest rate ISi T 0 Full price $134 500 75t-3191 C:. C,El£C T ~PHOP£JH 1l c, ---- 4 IDllM 2 IA XLMT FllHCllli Great 4 Bdrm 2 bath home 1n Costa Mesa. Property is being refur- bished and, an excellent price Seller wttl esal1t In the financing 546-23 13 fii!{\}l~ CHEAP Prte«l at $114,900 & lo- cated In N Costa Mesa. 3 Bdrms 1 'It Ba. 2 ca1 garage & enclosed rec room Good lln•nclng 631-7370 TRADf T 10\AL RE~LTl Ill IEWNIT II Charming 4 Br. & lar~ family room. Brick fire· place. country kitchen. qulel resldentlal ere• Long term selle< lln1n c1ng. S229.000 lnck.tdl~ lend. ltlUI 1'4•4110 11714 JtV1 ,, ... '"1 •1t) t!ll .,,17 Vl.lt Yl~ ;;;;;;;~~~~~ 'Ill) •117 ,; .. ;:t SI. If IWY :~ CHOIA IEL IU ~l~ Well prteecl and well lo- cated rental units Just 1 law blocks from the beech Currently earning S 1450 per mo with I walttng llal. Mot1111t•d seller hu reduced lhe price 10 S229,000 end wlll ullst with creall\/9 ftnenctng. -------~~-------~----~-~- Orange Co11l DAIL V PILOT /Monday, June 28, 1982 Cl :!!!!.{~.~~' ......... ~~~!!t.{t!.~ ......... «We!!.{~~~· ....... !'1tft.~IM. ...... «~~!!!.~~ ......... t1m.~l!!!.11 .... , P!m.IMl.rm.11 ..... !t!;~J~~!~~ .. «~!m.V~~~'!. ... ~.f~W.ft .. ..... ~~'l. ......... !.~I ~.~~~~L ........ !.~~ ~ti'~1wut!.'.fl ~H.ltm ...... !Sf ~.P.!!.fmt .. }.~ ~'Li-:-' '" '1 "'',. ~!I.I!!!! ...... !.~ ~~¥..~~t .. !.~f! ... ,, .fflR. .• P.!ff m1n1uH1n Prl~ WHt Bay boyfront SUpe for 2 bolta, ~mocMC'd 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 ,200.000 LIH llU 111111 Pr1rnv Lido Nord biiyfront ~ bdnn, 5 'It bath Lg~ L.R, 2 bol!t 11llpi. Sl.~00.000. R1•modeled 3 bdnr1. 2 bulh + lar&e rec nn bt-11m w1llogs. furnl11hed, patios $420,000 LIMIA ISLE IA YFllllT ...Bl{OOn view from 6 bdrm. ~ bath, playroom. dark nn, den, Boot !tllp. Now $1.000,000. BAYSIDE COVE Specl.IK'ular bayCront view 2 br. 2 bu up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat sUpe $1 .000.000 COROHDO CAYS Coronado Island t·us1 bayfront lot 85' boat dock Plam avaJI Red $370,000 w/terms ILIFFS OOIH Singll' SIUIY l'nd un11. l'Xpundt'CI ~i br, 3 ba on largest grrenbc·lt. $250.000 Pllll LllO 3 bdrms. 2 Yi baths l'Ondo near pool $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\lde Or :vt> N B 075 o lo l V • 2·3 Id'"'· 3 B11n n•w ...... m 111A1J •••••••••••••• ••• / ••• • •••• /!~ ••••• •••• ••• SUPl!A Ml!SA Vl!ADe. 3 OCIAN Vt!W 3 Ir I ... "°"* ~ PIDI condo on part Child Ok Lovely lrg s Ir~ WI HewW1 IMoh °' Ania Ir. 2 BL frplc, 1176/mo. ciuev 2 Ir ' etudy, 2 flmlly rm ,,,..., tro ~. Looeted In OOOCS ., .. ot Wllh IHM option Oo °*'• epa & for.vet vu. b aylron1 Park. Mint Prtt• Pwtr .,.,. ettt. No pet1 beth, 2 trptoe, 1ptr11 micro. •1111 tooe(lon, Colle MeH a ldrm from tenant to own•r. On!) 1389,900 FM. Call oond ·1e dot Wide. nr .. Wiii ••e over ye>ur pay. M ... Vero. 4 BA. 2 Ba. ~alrc ... 11600/~ mo CloM to ~ IClhoo6L ll11ge lot Seller lllgllty 38084~ ~ton '3l·llO&&I OIAECT to Patrlotc or place, brtoll patio, 1MOt1 on a 2 Of 3 Bdrm lam rm. 1860 Agtlowor h~~=ty 4 1122 1 12001,.. m1~ motivated. Call for cl•· or • 1 Fred T•nore , agt l 158,600 Aleo 2 br , 2 hOme,wllleleoconelder 751·81111;1183-1,.13 or 48'81ulf1Cond0w/pool tallt 84&-U1S lt1H/Lt11t a..aaH -··m:or 7IO-t 2 ba .. dc>Yble wide, oomet a <141P'ell 01 1tloi.JC wttll Pr111tgto111 Htgn Or N.-My recs.a. AYllMlft 1, ' ..,.... .....,_ lot *31,000. BUI Oruncty owMB unit. fSrtn. only Co't 2 Br Cottm· front OQMfl vu. walk to beacill, 11100/mo, t7~l4l2 f1I r:l~&Wl!I ~:::o~~:o~o~ • • • , =.1 ::. .... .... .., ll4t-SU., ~~;-~:~ ,~:~ri~~ ::~y~~~:::r/~~:: p:~e:,a~~1 , "·•em -------·--llnanctno II 12'A%. 210 2 bdrm, 1'A b•. acllte, SPECIAL 2br "EXTRAS" alarm, IOldl Of Fr. door• rm, d•n. r•mod•l•d. a LUlfJ ..... 16th. Pl, Open 11·11 Sall Latge lot. Sml pet Ot<. lalll• & akylltH $1500/mo. beaut. patio. 11600. Agt. 1 owner La Jolla Ar••· Sun, Dally ;.11. John EUot HUI IOW IOIAI Nr. Sll09Pl:1.· Low rent. •••••••••••••••• •••• •• 58.~~;...;~·~&· ~~3";:4 411•·8741 or 404-81177 _7_00_.11_3_3_3 ____ _ Wiii Hit. exoh•ng• for Agent 631 ·00I Or 11 •lwitw 1h.,. 10 ... 128,000. 84 ·29114 ...... h1aJ••• OCEANFRONT MObll• Lido tile bayfront pter' NewPort or L.agune pro· 613·3188 e..... from 11111 gorgeou1 new . t-... lllllt -;:::-:·.·:::•••••·•,·,·,·;_ A REAL FINO Home1-Adltl onl", $lOOO etlp. tor lg boe1. 8 br. 11'4 perty or carry 10~ P•· cue tom built proleHIO· ~ ...,..,. ._ ,, 2br w/nlce ' ba 13600 mo ~ lllOll per Cell Brandon Agt ... ., Pa.ntlll nally decorated ocean· 24 x84 OAEINBRll!A ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• patio. lndry, kid• 1430 to S 1 5 o o mo Ag t R • . . '120·1404 Seiter wlll carry to.n ror front llom• 3 BR, 3ba, HOMI . L.09 L R. Din. Rm. t 8'. Trelter, prtv111, no OC·RENTALS 750.331• 499·3816 _l_tr ______ _ ill ... Y11W IHH 1221,IOO Fee Monaco In great prlvale locall()(I. Auu~ Ille 111 TO & owner wtll carry the balance with 10'1. down IO< 7 YRS II 12'1•%. New carpet• & paint L<:Y111eet lee price In areal ... quallll•d bu~•r. Great formal di 1 kit °'*1• to Fem Rrn, p • t 1. u t 11 1 pa I d . Blutf1 condo 4 br. 2'4 be. d n ng rm, Play-wetblt. 2 BR. 2 BA. Ugllt t4llO/mo. let ptul MOU· O.C BEST 3 BR, patio w/epa, snort 1875 mo. terme. 3 B rm 2 bl, room. Mull lff to •P· 1 t 0 dlt 1 ..., &42..08311 489 8 7 4 br w/lrg gar, walk to beach 12 000 94 M8'1 Ver~ Hlglllande, Prectal•. 1750.000. n " Y ... ung 8 • •• • r .. ,. ' •1 1 · epa & pool, blt·lna $5115 mo yrly 213-87.6-22'55 Agt. 4~1133 boat lrlr •CC•H. 1130, M·L FUCH· conw -e.soo. 540-611G7 !11,--· ·---L ,,~, '" " --• ,, OC.RENTALS 750-3314 utlll'-'•lll ,,_. 000. 32111 Colorado Lo , ......... -........ LIVE AT BIEACHI IBA ..................... _________ ,4 br 3'" ba ramlly room "'1 .,, 1 ._ Ownrlegt. 650-8221 111-1120 Nwpt Elcll trlt 1111.000 4 BA. new dee, furn, Sec Brand new beaut. condo lovely ocean view : 20;··,·~·R/O·~·;;;; UIT MITA •sa•• 2 BR, 2~ BA, atrium, large •ncto11d patio Lott of privacy. 2 yure old Immaculate 5t50, 000 A11um1ble loan Berlt Mitchen. 642-8235 (F!iO). '3000 dn, '37& peye ell. gat•. ptlv Bch.. tennl1. 2 mas1e1 sullea, trplc, 2 S 1 8 0 0 I m o ( 2 1 3 ) ned porcti. 1nc'.d yd, 1425 530·61124 dy, 531·U 18 Own<. 4oe-4038 car gar 850·97711 day1. 431·59811 mo. lit & taat·H C DllTllESS SAU ..., • IHd JI I 960·6233 ev/wltnd• OCEAN VIEW 955--0073 T•k• over payment• 01 OCEANFRONT Mobile • .'.'!If!! .............. Quiet Eas111oe loc, 3 BR 2 Exe 3 BR 2'h bl deck• c..1 •• i..1 ... $1,558 per month ()Wf Homee. eeverat, S&0.000. • ..... "' hHllfhl Bl. Wal8' & grdnr ln<:ld $1400 41111-4820 u.1.raJ1i«I ua S 130.000. Value approx Pvt. 41111·311l6 6 Bdrm. FOfmal dining S795 mo yrly lse No NICe IBR 1 ba. triplex. •••••••••••••••••••••• $195,000 3 bdrm. 2~ --IOI IFI •• -rm, bonua den. Poot & c>et• Calf Lloyd Jacobs patio gorege. Stove/ RMOrt·llk• adult traGt N bath townllouH. Make ""''"' --tge encl. lard Summer Really 675-6670 relrlg 524 St Anni SC Plza Poot. grdnr 0118' lmmed. Call Ownrr 12 .000 1q ft. Owner I Of ...... 2400 per mo 4Br twnhsel condo dbl $550, 536-1453 wkdy• Olul< 1Br No 1>9'1. $475 Ag 1 7 6 o. 8 4 3 .c 0 r lnveator ueer. Xtnt un· Ag 1 8 3 3 -2 e 5 o or gar s700 mo Murchln· L t1i I J•S" & $35 utll. 775-25110 970-3378. derlylng fin. Motivated 673-8648 s 0 'n En 1 e; pr I s 8 9 .~1.~~.~!I ... ! ..•.. "..~ Hlgllty upgraded & ciMn s.1~1-<>415164._8240 Furn 2 BR, 1 ba, blk 10 752-8731 3 Br 2 Be huge back AMtl•••ll tuiUd«I IOWFHIT ---------::.-::.-::.-1 l>Cll. yrty Adlll, no pela yerd, oce1n view 2nd ·'·••••••••••••••••••• $400.000 Total Prlcel Rapidly d•v•loplng area $860 673·6390 DHI l•j•t JZZ6 floor S950 yrly or mon· C.1'/U ''' #u ,11J on Newport Blvd In •••••••••••••••••••••• Int y Av a 11 now •••••••••••••••••••••• *IAYJRlfT* BHI buy on oceanlron1, Costa Mesa. e&x300 lot Bl•lll Oal.,.JliH Upper dptx, 2br, trplc. 760-1977 I bdrm Incl utll. get Cl~ .OAT Ill, xlnt loc. $325,000 caan + with Income owe Mo-•••••••••••••••••••••• carport. $525. S300 sec • 10 1llop1, quiet, red d. ~ Macnab -lrvme 12~~ FIUIOI• a11umable $75K, 10% llvated lo Mii C.Ht•I 320 542-3597, 730-7165 4 bro den, 2 be, din rm, 838-7447 Siii 000 200/o Do b II TO. Owner 640-7990. R •••••••••••••••••••••• lrplc, prlv atrium. rec ---------WOW! Low~SI priced wn, no • oon eatonomlca 675-6700 NPTI Summer/Furn 4 BR 2ba, lenoed yard. ctr, tennl,, pool, pv1 B••ti•tl•• b '(f " ON BAL pym~. $l38,~ 30br, 2 Panoramic ocean views. gardener. $800/mo. Call beach. S1500 759-1485 J.i~i 3141 B~;0g'ovo~e Large ~ ~~·t ~~l:eon~k.Wk~~~~ AFFOHAIU C•••lttlll 3Br, lam rm. Drive by 847-660'4 eves. Ill I Vi . JZll •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm. 3 bath. double 859•1858 ADULT MOBILE HOME ,r~t!r. 1100 2331 Cllll Or. Cell !or foHllia V•llir JZJ4 •• !!.~~ ... !}! ..•...•.. Quiet Junior & 1 Bre. fireplace. covered patio ---------PARK on Ille Bay . I ••••• •• •••••••••••• details $2500/mo. ••••••••••••••'••••••• HOME FOR RENT From 1375. Pool, rec. plus much morel Wiii MD DOWMU bdrm. den. 1 ba $60,000: mu YAllll OCEANFRONT I Sum· HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced rm • sauna. enclsd ga-EIQUISITE AITO or trade for East· Houee + 2 unite. Prim• 3 br .. 2 ba $88,500. 2 Tu llttlttr mer 3 Bdrm. $825. Fenced yard & garage Kid• & rage l730l Keelson off CONDO bluff -Baysllorea Of ???II E/llde. $20K below •P. bdrm turn $45,000. 2 Near new 4-plex. 2 bdrm, On the beach, 3Br, spa yard & garage Kids a pets welCom~. 545-2000. Slall( 1142-7 848. ADD l UllT And make money by 11- vlng In one !or comfort and renting l~etllll' 101 prolll. Neal, remOdele<I < Bdrm houM on an R-4 lot 15•~ down movef you In, with monthl) payments ot appro•lma tely $900. Asking S 104 900 54S.23 13 2 Bdrm 2'4 bath with ltlhl llJ '"'' pralaal. Xlnl Investment bdrm $25.000. 300 E. 2 bath each unit with Fantullc locallon. Avall pets -loome. 545-2000 Age01, no lee " It opply or tu ahelter Cst Hwy Unit 113, N-· llreplace, encloMd patlO, July/Aug $5000/mo Agent, no ree. .,,., 11 •·•tL J•~• ,ar1•••11 den I Hlghly upgraded II lrt po r I Be a c II Bk r . 9V. 1 p Wate<lronl Homes Inc ,., .. -• ""~ U. I -' 11..~ T 0 • microwave oven. Ill l-A $550/mo neg wino 675-3347 garage, •-II os 831·1400 HOME FOR RENT ••••"••••••••••••••••• • •t~••- alr cond and much ~~~·~~-~-~~*~~! down. or break even ---------caall flow. Now S 159, 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced Westcllll 3 BR I"'• ba, •••••••••••••••••••••• morel Large assumable = w/20% down $135.000 FOllEOLllllE 6507~·6B161111 Grundy. Rl1r. C•t1H Iii 11•1 3ZZZ yard & garage Kies & $900 mo Also Irv f8fr . f!!!~J .• ~!L~! •• /!.~ loan and Miter may car-ITAllT 11111 Wiii trade for auto NEWPORT HEIGHTS --""-------•••••••••••••••••••••• pets welcome. 545-2000 4 BR 2'.., Ba, $1400 mo Quaint 2 Br. 1 Ba. 514 ry Well ptloed at $134, Tiie perfect home for Own8'1egt, 548-4360 or CONDO 2 bdrm, 2 be, llPEI JASMINE CREEK 3Br, Agent. no lee Bolll lreeh & clean, no Jasmine, $650 yrty 900 • act now! 8-46-7171 young 0< small lemllles 3 4114-<13115 pool and laundry. 100/o den. 2 lrples, end unll pets Avl now 646-2389 6{5·4912 Broket THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATE RS INEW VIEW TO~N ­ ---------HOMES 2 Maeter Sul· lea. View of ocean & Bdrm. t>eautltully remo-THIS SPECTACULAR 1r1. dn No quatllytng. Long FITIUl~EEITLTE111111 ~uard&ed co1mm$un51ty HHli•1to• Blulls erea condo • Br -"'--..------- d I d l I I B I.rm financing. Call 119 001 tenn • 1 50, ~·-:~-/ Near SllOf llf 2 Br latge e e k tcllen eaturlng reve 4 drm nr So Agl 760-9333 .. .el 3240 2''>ba. trpl<;_gu-w/elec ext Cleeke, cw port, all new appliances. new Coall Plaza 11a1 every Brandon Agt. 720· 1404 San Clemente pride ol • •. • • • • •. •• • •• ••••.... opnr ~ cpts & paint Ir pie relr!Qe pool Oc· roof, fresh paint. tant· upgrade tile roof and 3 Br Home. lrplc. spa. 2 ownership Modern SP•· C.1t1 #11• 3ZU QC-RENTALS Imo 644-5512 cup.ency July 3rd astlc financing Mesa m~e .. usl •-'t call n~ nlsh style lour unll •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·5br's 1200 to S $ • "' • ,., ...... v~ pallos. $199.000. Bkr. ·-TIWlll•ES 750 331• open 7 SP6 CIOUS br 2 ba 795/mo 675-2444, Verde area. Full price Bkr 848-<1709 752 5 ••5 "269 apartment house with ~"" • .. " .. 73 4 2 $12•,000. 751-3!91 • II I,..,.. "" ooean, llllls & golf course 2 Br. 2'h ba, plus trplc, 2 j . condo. lrpoc. blt·lns. 2 -"--°"-"------Wllll TlllE HWIT view. close to evetyllllng. car gar pool jac all wl· 4 Br 3 91 Fam1ty r car gar . pools new de-Bachelor ap1 with kitchen HAVE • Sharp 4 BR 2'h only three years old. thin biking distance to Bonus rm. 3 car garage. cor Vacant $850/mo a patio. No pet•. Noga- ba Palermo In HVHomes Showa like NEWI Se41er beach S 8 0 0 I mo 3 IOO sq. 11 '895'mo 642• 1 l55 rage $400 875-1106. C:::. C,f t H 1 -1"" P4C JPI: µ' 11 '1 nlglll llghll Outel Area Parks, open spaces. Custom 4 BR home wl $125.800 dn. Xlnt Fin.,~~~;;;;;~ generous use ol solld Hal or Pet Bauer. Agts. •· 11m1 ttALm lll•E um111 1·2 Let AHtat111 .. u.-.n Newly .decorated 2 Bdrm home on 80X 125 101 Room lo bulkl. Flrs1 TO $102.000 aHumeble al 14% A1klng $137.500 FOf en appointment lo aee, call 540-1151 on lee land. $225K equl· wlll help llnenoe & save 675-2311 or 548·2239 840-6203 alt 6 ly & only 5870 PIT! buyer tllouaanda or OC·RENTALS 3 br. 111. ba, spa, sundeck WANT _ Ocean vu home. dotlarslll Se411ng prtGe or & more Walk to schools. In NB/CdM. Agtt. wel· s325.ooo 1• way below 7501•53b3r'~4s2oo,to S720dOO park, beach No trattlc OC.RENTALS Large 2Br 2ba beemed br's $200 to $2000 cells, O/W, 2 ·carports, 750-331• open 7-days no pete S8761mo mahogany Ultra modern _6_7_3_· 7_3_00 _____ _ kitchen Ultimate In fine features. Bullt·ln vacuum system 2 S· ton A .C units. R.V. Garage. Pool, spa. View Toward Ocean $650,000. Dion Schmellr'a llsl lng . 759-9100 GE ORGE ELKINS CO 11.21" , ........ Ul.IM YI Hiii 3 FOii THE PRICE OF 1 $140,000. Two 2 Bdrm ind one 3 Bdrm HP•· rate llouee. Property I• zoned R·5, high denalty City eaya you can bulld f unlu Very d•alrablt property. PnOld to ... , now. Call 54eo-2313 THE REAL ESTATli:J<S come current replacement -open • ays Kids OK Beat t hls l Bruce Blomgren·Agl. cos ti P RINCIPALS I'""' TIWlllMU $785/mo. 980-1816 ONL YI Call owner at ~"" 760-93331760-02117 17141 642-<>138. 3 Br. 2'hba. plus !Ire-3br/2ba Walk to beach place, 2 car gar, pool. Nr sllOpplng & schools H TIE WATEI c •• , .. w ••• ; Jae. all within biking dis· Children & pet OK $850 Quiet community with •-L•••n 1100 t an c e to be a c 11 tease 964-6223 bet •--'$900/mo. 875-2311 or 9arn private dock and extra ••• ••••••• ••••• ••• ••• • 548•2239 --·-------boat/RV parking. Enjoy Oceen view, Dana Harbor 1---------1 2 BR 1'h ba, patio. gar. Nice 2 aty 4Br, dbl garaoe, Minny patio on the bay on Blutf•. 2Br. 2Ba. pool, IE HE " Yorktown VIiias. $600 I 110,000. OMC. Mur· Large fir~ In llvlng apa, low down 1225,000. TIE LICIT FEW 980-4085 clllneon Enl•rprt1e1 room and view from this 893-3151 1 ---------752-6731 nice home. $550,000 In-Rent In Costa Meea·a House on a hlll 3Bt, l 'llBa, eludes land. I•~•• ,,._,.. 1000 N E W EST gated 2 O garage. fncd, yd, kids & Im•• IH4 142-1200 ei."srsioE"~·~fti:E"x"2 Town11ome VILLAGE 6pe311s .o320K. s150 rrio Bkr •••••••••••••••••••••• COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br ._ Trtltc 1897 1 Anlloch, lkbx, bdrm Spanlall llouae plUI 2'" Ba. 1600-1800 sq. 11. ---------... 1111.Y 1..... 4 Br. 2 Ba. D.R .. F.R. vv 2 1-bdrm apa. $18,000 of pure luxury. Garagea, WCITIYE IO•E 210 GRANO CANAL ol Univ. 1200.000. S50. )'early grou. Sep. met• spas In every home -South Hunt Beach, ,,., ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS .... hlul IM ..•..•••.••.•.....•... 559·9265 be! 7pm. BEACH HOUSE (H••H) Bachelor Apt. 1 room wttll ~. Ba. Walk to beach. 111 By the month only BUT utlls paid, no kitchen. only $900/mo !or 2 Br 2 $300/mo. Cell Mon-Fri Ba walk to beach Avall. 549-11322. from June 20 --------- 2Br. boat dck $500/wk 1Br. boat dck ~00/wk JAOOIS IUL n PROP llll.AIE•HT 111-1111 2 Br, 2 ba, walk to bell. Frpl, O/W, W/O, aun- deck. 1·2 Adlta. Lae $750. 1st & laa1, no pels. Avl 7115. &40-7642. C1111 #tu 3114 _________ , ..................... . Blulls lg 3 br lam rm, •Clean 3bt. nr SC Plaza, pool. greerobelt S 1050 SA Gar. pool, spa. $780. mo Agt 6«-<1134 Chlld Ok 752-5822 or 641-1460 4 Br 3 Ba, beaut dec0<,•---------Sensallonel MONACO Model on FEE land with large assumable 1oan11 Featuring 3 BR. home warranty & LOW PRICE Only $223,950. 2670 Ser Mlguel Or . Newport Beach. 7 59-150 1 01 752·7373 Llllle latand. Sharp 3 000 down, S 150,000 red. S 195,000 O WC mu tar 1ulll, dining mile to Ille eurt 4 Br otlHA Ill 1111 Bdrm 2 bath on the A.l.T.O. 12% Int only !Of 5 1·303-887-2887 Owner rooms. wood burning plus lamlly, pool & spa llLLSlll 111111 wate<. OWC. $575,000 yr• Agent 541-5032 25 Older Unlll llreplaces. micro-wave Vacant New paint Sub· lrg decll. lab vu. gulr· 1 ... 2 ... a ... d e d g a 1 e H H N•wly decor Gu pd, $2700/mo encl gar, dwallr, pool, Great oce1n view. 3 UNIQUE HOMES 2BRl2BA WOODBRIDGE Cun now 2.2 Acr•. Zo-ovens, private patios & mll on chlldren & pets Bdrm, 2 bath with hatd· Rita Of Tom Boland Sgt lam S1crlllce 3 ~~~~~~~~~! ned 41 Condos. Tu1tln yard1.gerdener provl-Straight lease Of leue 3 Br 3Ba, vu, pool, 1en-bbg Adulll, no pet1. M2·5073. wood floors Fee a dean, ~~~~67~5-8000~~~~~1 PY mu t 11 e He t PI -_s_1_M_._Ao_1_9_7_S-<>6 __ 1_&__ dec:t Elegant llvlng only with option $9501mo = 15 minutes from Fashion Owner/Agent Call for 10 yt owner financing. 857·2425 **1--111** llland. 1minutes10 s c 1pp1 760-8041 .... n I s • g u a r d e d g a I 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $1700/mo lfe8ti.Rtl Probate sale at $329, C.nH ''' #u IOU iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ...... , 500 •••••••••••••••••••••• Looking for duplex. Pl1z1 or O.C Airport B••ti•tl•• 2 Br 3 Ba. den, baytront. poss boat dock. sec bldg, $1800/mo Bob or Dovie Koop. agl, Re/ MBJC. 759-1221 Plllln PHU 1211,000. 4-plex and up. Free Info. Just east or Newport l lll!llf)Uf t1{"'MfS Court order sale ol Turtlrock Hlgllland1 3Br eg1. 760-7069 Blvd & so ol San Diego B•tH81 3242 Realtors. 675-8000 Harbor View 11..1111 3 Low price. Owner wlll 1.., llfTS --• 11•• Frwy Starting et $900 a 3i;••39;•••;b .. ;•d•··~· UAllTlllTI Beaut11.,11y land1<:e~ garden apts. Poor & Spa. Covered perking No DUPLEX CDll-CHARllER JHt 3 llleob t1 lleach. Freel lt11111 lt11 ,, ... fl•tr• a ........ ,.,., 1•,1ao1, w/tw• 111.-ret••· 1l11re's 1 11wer 3 NII. 111t 1nr • 4-car 11rq1 11 ,..,, Hiii 11 l•••nl1t1 OHllTIOI. IUIHHU PRICH AT 1212,000, \.\A Tl R• RO:\l HOMt" ''' Ill \I 11111, ..... , ... "' ..... f•r., ... "' ,,.,.,.._,f'tH Mf 2'"'' •-111., ,,..,...._, ,.,,._ .. •l\'4•nwAu ,...,~ ...... , 631 -1400 17W900 STAR GA'ZEK"il• i:...=.=.:...!..!:~--lh I I~ Y ~ POLL\'>I i:;,. !-:;.:;.~~ :::: ;.::-; ~ ''' dtwrf()() m~nOOt •or Mo.-.do-y ttod W\.'!lt'd~ cor1~..-.g to numbr'' nl """ Zodu borll1>'9" "'-' UWv"• Ut ,.•"'•' lt .... ., ....... ~'"'·"O• ,,, ... , ...... """'•"'' t0u14111ti,.. ••-"'''" 0-ill ti tJlll •ef••• ... ,,~. ,,.,, ... ,. .... ''"' .... ....... ·~, .... ........ \1•• .... ))!• ... . "' ,.,_ ,,._. " .. ... _ ....... &i \J"'" .,,.,,, .. .. ,"'.,_. .,_. ....... .. c-. .... .,.""' .... ...... ,,,., '''""' ....... ''""''. 11r~ ,,,~ ~.flu<"•' t,-w•''""' ,..._ ,. . .,, . .,,,.. • <• ,,. ., ... "9,.. ...... ," .. .... •""4•..,.,. ......... ...... "°".'' . ._ ..,_, -L sc"u'1 '::~=' S©1"~~-~t.~s· :: --..~cv.·• ~ ·=-·:...:::-~. :: ....... , ..... ,_.._.._. I StMCTY l I 11 I I' I I N OOWY Ii' I I I I I - bdrm. 2•,.. barll w/ carryllnenctngl ~ .,_,. -month 631-5439. 2473 s;450m~ w oa oc beautiful ocean vi-a GOLDEN PROPERTIES HYER SllOIES Eaalllde, all large 2 Br Orange Ave . Costa 840_1731 pell. Bachelor night llglll view Only 752-1589 pool, Income $71,000. Meaa S 3 1 9. 5 o o. Br o'k er AIU -CISTll Price s775.ooo. Drive by _5_B_3_B ______ lmat 3244 Blulls J Br 2 Ba pool, close 10 school. shops & perk S800 1 mo 2 Br 1•1, Ba. 161 E. 18th "400 1525 642-0856 55 8181 0 SH.RP ENO UNIT, .... , 1.11c•1s t49 E. Bay then call r a, Mesa del Mar, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1· . pen house " • n 9 r 0 k er / 0 w n e 1 lrg y1rd $925/mo. Bob or Sal/SJn. 870 Sandcastle JUST LISTED! Out of the fllght 642-0282 Dovie Koop. 7511-1221 LEASES!! 760-8384 Drive Ranch San Joaquin view p a t t e r n , t h 1 a 3 Bdrm detached homes condo with 2 BR 2 Ba. custom home offers -C-o-st_a_M_e_s_a_T_r_lp-le_x_E_H_I· Convenient 3Br 2ba, lam, in ei1cellsnt area. Avalla· 31' IOlT SLIP Lux 3 Br 2'h-Ba condo, 1'.•1 bills to ocean. Yrly. 675-6775, 675-7060 IMMEI. IOOIPAIOYl S4251mo 2 Br. 1 Ba. apta. palloa, carports. Sm pet ok. Won't last al ll"IE IN IRVINE TERRACE 3 BR 2 BA. $225.000. 1425 BONNIE OOONE OPEN DAILY 1·5 140-1111 ::>:C\ VOGEL PACIFIC C•ll• #.u lOZ4 ..........•.....•..... E. lllE 1·2 3Br. 1Ba. & 1Br, 1Ba In- ,_ sulle, newly remod+- led, llexlble le<ms. $129, 900. Or 1ry IN option. By owner 646-2768 VACANT MUST SELL. 4Br, 2'ABa, 2100 IQ fl 10 yre new. Nr So. Cat Plaza. 10%· 15% dwn Altclng $165,000. MaMI Offllf. Blu. 7~8 FLEXllLE Fllll- 0111 on tllte Immaculate 3 Br llOme ..+th encloeed ,,... tlo, femtty rm. eprtnld•ra and mor•. Own•r •n· xlou1. 1 129,500. Cell 97t-5370 \ f . ·I l / tl F If . ' . . . .... , II I d k I d 'd Good 1 d 2 l/ps, wld, rig. gas rep ace, ec 1, an ·, magnificent si e. ncome an BBQ, fence, dbl gar. ble Immediately seeping. garage, UM o 0 pp0 r 1 u n I t I es . loans. 3 Br owner's unit w 1 r / g d n r . S 8 7 5 • $800/mo on 1 yeer lell,58. pool and spa owe Separat e guest 7 yrs old. $235,000. agl 556•1448 Five others to choose ---------• S 159 000 h 1 833-2650, 673-88•9 from. We're 1he ones to Beaulllully upgr1ded 3 br, this prloet 111. ba condo Frptc, pa-TSL Mgmt &42· H!03 LI •. I 1· iu1 EIT'TE ome end pr vate iu•T .. IE call !or teases. ""'-• p o o I 8 n d s p a . Ja,•llnlJ ~ .. 14'-7020 Owner wlll finance ,,. .. ,,.. Ziff · lrtttUJ w .. .-, [Uj]\\OOdbrldge tlo, elec ga1 opnr, pool, park, jac. sauna $745 Flrept1ce, pool, pV1 patio mo Linda· 772-7317 & dshwsller. )(lg 1&2 Br. ••Ill entire loan. The ••••• ~;·.:.'............. 3 Br 3 Ba. trplc, micro, price Is S985,000. .. lllLllll deck. pool & 1enn11 Rcaltlj DOWN PAYllEIT Wlllh• 0th, Cos1a Mesa 1826 Ollmt S8 75 lmo. 6 4 6-1164 551·3000 · garden apll. on Elalde Npt Bch condo. 3 Bd 2 Ba. from $'460. 557-2841. $700/mo. 631-1266 Ro- lake over exlttlng loan• lrHtr Way, leaMd 10 daya, 645-9543 eves. 192t Barranca P~""ln1n~ on 11111 beautlful llngte 114/llO 1100 "OtlYETTE WY" E-slcM 2 br, fncd yd, 2 car bert M lllken agl Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. 1 • 3 Br l';t Ba $475. famlly home In Wood· • Have others. Chuch gar w/opnr. 11v & relr!Q. bridge Cr••katde. 3 s 63 wlgrdnr $885 960-6419 bdrm. 2 be Popul1r Model Near park-pool· take-tchoot S 1611,900 Prleed fOf quick tale ~,.~,~-~~~ ... !.~! OLDE LAGUNA CHARM Unique 2 bdrm floor plan. 1 bllll. llv rm w/ bHmed celllnga. hard· Prfftlden °"4•· VERSAILLES. 1 bdrm, fully l\lrn. Security and recfeetlon facllltlel. 11¥. Int. Owner wtll carry 2nd. 526-1988, 523·2830 p . Wllltam• UUIA PE.I. llPLO F1n1eatlc locatlon. 4 bdrma. 3 bathe up. 3 bdrm, 2 bath down. Fireplace. 4 car garage. aundeck. S525,000. wood floora & cozy log ---------burning frplC. $187.500 Full PrlOe. .... MISSION REAL TY 49'-0731 OCEANFRONT Moblle Homee. MY81'&1. sao.ooo. lido Realty Pvt. 4911-38111 2 br, I ba, W ID hook-up, gar No pets $475 217110 Pt1centte 5'45-7983 #,..t.i.., .... 11, 3 lk 1 Be "Back Bay". .... ,, uoc 1875 111 & IHI plus •••••••••••••••••••••• s 160, wetet & grdnr pd LIU AllllWIUI Kid• ok. 546--0659 Lake lront/Hemltlalr. 4 E/Skle 3 br. den. lrplc. bdrm, 3 ba. $675,000 counlry kit teue $850 owe. 7t4-646·3278 No peti. e,4'2-<>260 O.t •I C•••'1 By Airport, 3 br, 2'h-ba, ,,. .. ,,. IJH P et I o , 2 c 1 r g ar •••••""••"•••••••••••• 1700/mo. 873·8270deya Duplex. R1ncllo Mlrag•. C· 1 property, 180,000. E·•ld9, 2 bdrm plus/fpc. Two eeparate unite, 2 Br. Oar Lg lot. Pete Ok. 1200 IQ fl each, By Ow-1700 mo. Joyce Wellte ner. Gr•at flnenclng _83_1_._12_ee _____ _ 1-328·5555, 340-1&48 Lovely modern 2Br. leOO. IMldn lanai 1010 w. wueon call 9-4 ~ ' ITH pm, 213/8119-4364 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oil< condo $ 1,0001$725. 2 II. UUPllllA plu• loft BA 2~ be AIC. tllLfTY unrnLI Chris. 873-6489 Northern San Diego C1y .. Spacloua 38', 1~Ba.. dbl dealrabt• area. 4.5 ae. 1"'08· frplc. cpll, drpa, avocado Mtate. Excell. 750 mo. wl9er~•n•r 673-7300 '--u• 11.Ul• 1.u prodUC11on & tnvMtment. tMe-21111 or &42-3287 ::7. .... ••••• ..... ·······~····~':? '---------..J Giove ul"det prot.eelo-New Condo 2-3 Bdrm 3 i~~~~~~~~~I ,,.. mom1. 3.ooo IQ. "· Bath etiltd pet otc !Wit Co-ope from 13 ,0001. nome. elegantly dee«.. now buy .;.ter c~ IOf equity price. Condo1 f.,fla JIH led. 3 Bdrm, 2'-i 8etll, d•ta111 931.'5055 or lrOfl'I 175,000 full Pfloe •••••••••••••••••••••• glorloul upatelra lfudlo 842·1000 or com• by Leleur• World Re9aMa .... ..... w/3e0 deg. view. SOenlc 3eO w Wlleorl 24221 Pueo de Valencia tneredlble t>Muty on a'h WOod deck, ape. ~----· ------ Lag. Hiiis 714/637·5500 KfM wttn rMtble, Oek pl•t•ly chain llntc•d. E.MtalOe chef"*" 1 BA 1 peneHng ~ H00.000 In aeauma°'8 Ba, r~nt remod, lg• Witt ,,,.,, 1111 Iron fe~o~~atH end financing •t a:rprox. yerd. 130 Meanolla $550 ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• exq11telte landacaptng. 10~. R•ctuce tro1n rno. a.w124 11.285,000 • eubmtt. -.37.ooo to ISH.000. Nlcec:t.M28' 1 S. lnod ,••1 .a •OE 8rochllre avail ContlCI· · · Aft f"WI Alck Alderett• R .. ltOf'/ Sara Pentz 0<. Al Oolt. yard, •nolld garag• llTATU Oewloper. 731-4444 7 14 •758 _3 011 ~ 0 ; Clllld ok. no P•h "' n 758 3 6 11175/mo. plus aeourttv. .a II 1•L •• W"""'8nt't I 4· • 1 o. Agent. 2548 Orang• •·e·;r • I YI ... •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pflnclpal 11(8-2778 • IEITALS 2. 3 and 4 bdrms lrom $625 10 $1300 IJ523 CAMPU5Dl:IRV11fE TURTLEROCK CONDO • 2Br. beaut view. perfecl cond. 1800 955-3247 efl SPM HARBOR VIEW HMS Laundry lee , pool. Beaut Monaco. cloee 10 548-9558 every1111ng S 1025/mo. -.-C-lea-n-2-Br--M-ICA--rt-h\lf- 644-6810 Of 673-317 4 Vig . S.A. Tennis. pool, Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 spa 1 600 Adults . Ba la.mlly rm. $1000/mo 752-5822 Of 641·1460 _Le_a_ .. _6_4_4_-8_9_7_7 ___ 1w.s111 d. Lg 1 B, •I 3 Br home, lrplc, nice c1rport. O/W, lndty, •VIiii area. Harbor Hlgllland1, 7-2 $400 mo 845-M25 Upgr1dea lntlde, prvt yard, hot tub. Nr sch0ol1. $900. 642-3356. I bt. stove, gar .. lndry tac CIOM to occ. Avail 1/1 $450. 548-7214 2 Br 1 Be Newport A PT Helgllla. old cuatom 1 B A • OIW, N•w paint & 1:911 and drapea.. charmer. open beams. Carport $4001mo. oak lloora, apllt l•vel 851•2175 $875/mo. 434 Catalina, ---------N B 5 4 8 • 4 3 8 0 . 2 Br pool, garage. $525 631-5476, 494-<1395. mo. No pet1. 1395 "B" w . Baker. 641-0763. DEERFIELD 3 br, 2'h bl, 3 BR 2 Be EH1blutf, 1111 F.R .. 1wnhse. End unit. July 15. $1200 mo. 1111' ... 111 dbl. gar, lg patio, ale, &40-9019 -• lmmed. occupy S795 ---------$430mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. pool, lease. Agt. 552-5384 Spectacular view, lmm1c laundry rm .. 1ut1lde Pillo home. 2 BR. den. lplc, central air, S725 Vogel Pacific 640-6161 5 bdrm, 4'" ba, 3 atOf) Cell !or appt 3700 IQ It Oen. gourmel TSL Mgmt. 642-HI03 kllchen. Callledrel eel· 1 Br. garage. yard. No llng L.R Sep. D.R . 2 peta 1426/mo. 367 B 2 Bd plue den. Oeerfleld IP" OutdOOf Jae. 12800 Hamllton &4 t-<1783 twnhm $750/mo C1t1 mo lncludlng gardener ----· -----Ch811ey 559--0400 Agl. 714-873·2102 2 BR garden apt. New OrangetrM Patio Home. ~ S..wlnd 5 Br. view, pool/ e~~ peta, $440l mo. Br. 2be .__ dining tennle $t 500/ mo • ' ......,.. .,.., ~ att 5PM. PINE BLUFF Afl'TS. rwn rm, 2 car gar, AIC. ---------...... 2 Ba. 1...,... ok comm poo11. 1ennt1. Ill ••--.... '... ........, · nc> ea11na. exercise rm. -·-petL Patio, vt.w, frplc, S700. Avail, 1152-9185 3 Br. 2~ Ba. full golf Jacuzzi. ger .. gaa lllcwe COUf9I v1ew. pnme 1oce. ssao. es1-e101. TWllllMI t Ion , •po ti•••. --------- Lowly 3 br 2 be lam 11250/LMM 844°7424 $425-$43&/mo. 2 Br., ... rm. crpts, drfa· bttlne, BKR. apt • b~me~e~~· $850 mo. yr tu. WM1cllff 3 Bf 2be. ,.... ~ ,o; 1PPt. ' 873-5820 ...... a wtcnds. cpl'g. lovely yatd. '9116 TSL. Mgmt .,U.1a WOOOBRIOGE a br t be gdnr, '*"7811 c o n d o e a r p 'o , 1 1600/mo. 2 Br. 1 le. IC>-• • per llnlt __, ,.,.. 161Slmo. 9111_.5-43 Bir· M.,. HI. patio. eii btlolnl, ~ die 3 BR 2 a.. nreipiaoe, 2 rm. i. ... , ...,. .Jlfl oar garag•. to• yard. TSL Mofnt, M2·tt03 • •'•"••••••••• .. t.... U25 mo. ••-I I ~.~t. 14 U L P P . Thia guy 11 sue,, • •nob H• ~-,--,-,-,-,__. won't 111rr1hiehHd11 1 t911r1l1 l-""'.M::'-="'~S~.~.'."'.""U-... ~~~--~_.. .......... ._ .... ~ :!0\ Ht n!!~~ 1:~M11>t11 tn ttlll 4 Bdrm home wtth 8ETT!A THAN 2Br. 1S., NO, lg ecr... •---------MODEL ned porall, fnod yd. to.c, J..i ,,,.,. 3 8t 2be. tern rm, formal HAS E\llRYTHING 000, low dwn OWC. ~-.._ dining alarm eyatem ~~I= 9115--0073 •• ~-;:;"A••••••~ MW ~ti It l)aln'.. Aveti Charming o eaoh lront ......,, -·-1\orM, apectecular vlttw. ..... nn MHMo. 2 .,, ,,.. ... brlclc oourt y~ 111try. 4 TownllcKIM, yerd. ter· I H 0 0 E S I ,-':; co c . P ayer adct-on femlly tM. Mtiny 1o.--,,.._;;..-...._.._~ •xtra1 tnotuctlno n•w 1 J I I I* I 8 ~ !",.,. ~~ C:::: carpet Large wumat>te _ _. __ ... _ -.-... _... ........ -...... ,, .. -Ne '...... !Oen end OWnet wttl .. .. ..... 1135,000. Cell for lnOfe Info. t l't-6i70 WllT Tl TUii 611. Aef9 19q. 1975 In· ...::re:.., LMI• Arrowheect llome. o I u d I "I g •rd en a r . l 2t0.000 w1V11180,000 To pt-:fc:',::--0-H.,.,,lltalt too.. for 40-80' ,_146"644 ______ _ It 1~ ftUd rite & reeding bile flPOl'1 IWll.~ bOet Ctll w.....-2 •· 1 Ba. fl'OCI Mtv emcwtllecl. ~ • Wlldrt 7N· M1. patio, 1nc11c1 oereo•. No,,_... or .,llH')ilnt. . o.11y Plot n•• oarpete, drapH, f?0.41M7 ~ . ...,....,. ... with !AhJ pelnt. ffo .... 1411/rno. 0.-/Apl! • lt't a 1M1D oM MGuttty. 141 6442, -0111lflecS Ade MWl'I ~ • lk. 3 .... la. lflrge IMng N'll port, .. bfl4na. ....... & dining rm. otiaofl room, 3 •. 2 la, tw0 ~. ok. Wont '91111 rot• of ttoreoe. fOt .... bH!'lled oettlnoa1 nloe TtL Mgmt Mt>o'91111 only. c.n PeGaY Patlleorl yard, 8ayoreet. • 1200 tor appt. 7f"1H&.2473 per montll. Cell Pe" N•w oarpeta. ctra;:'i wli.dyt .. 5. Johnaon, t3t·1Hf ~v;::;.-.r.:.-. PAIMI HOME nw Eme-eoant. DWI ..... --. CllDea rllld 9-y. OcMtl w. a&"-Cute t bt hQuee. att •21Mt to ...,....,... .... _.. 2 be. pvt yd. Walk to I t. I m m • ct • o o o • "°"-....,.,.. ""'• & tica. *'*-......,,.., tlHlino. Cell.., ..... , .............. Ora A#Ml•••t1 A,.t1•1•t1 !~."!~!!.!!~.'!!!.!.~~ Daf•,./1tN U•l•t•lltH Ocain vtew 2 br, 2 t:>a, •••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• sec ttlltn f!!!~.f!~ ..... J!.~~ ~.'!!r.!!.~!~ •.• !.~~~ i~O'o1w11' W9.'53':,i ur · l.IQht Stitt, Airy • Brend NO FEEi Apt & Condo 1 arge 2 Br house, turn New. 2 8r 2 Ba lrplc, 2 18'11111 VIiia Rantale Short walk to betch car garage. poot. apa 875-4012 Broker Avell July 111 10 Sept From $796 657·2360, 1 51 h s 1ooo1 mo 546-.J 115 780-9444 01 846-6749 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAYERS Sell yqur no-tonger.needed ltema for cash. If It doean'.t aell, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad, muat be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ada. Call today for full detalls. Nen·mw~. 111,. llMI It.GO) • • s c a OLLAAS 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIED&642•5678 I !'!!!'!.~!~!~! .... !.~'!! ~eh.~~!!!!!!.M!~ ... , .. u"-:~:11/ I r!m~.~{• ........ !.~~~ !'.'.11..ttf~!.!.~ ••.• !.~~ '!.'.11..ttf~ ... ,.~ •... !L. ~.'!l..ttf~~.'.~ •••• !.'.':! B•YfRONT ltmlltTll IUll ,,.,.,,,,, l•• Oo Of Ak:ohollamt BA8YStTHR pl ttm• " HI to 4908 tq ft Ratall1 '"' I 1•••' I 0on·1 let alcoholl•m pun Mon. & Wad., 9.4 My FIC 9kkpg, typl1t tor "A MANACll!Ml!NT Prim• onto., 073-1003 Olflca In Beech Blvd ••••••••••••••••••••!t you to "" dHtructton homt. 842-0005 Ole In HB Mutt IHI'"" Shoppl c I E ....... n•••ll "'° Lei oo e. llVt • Ill• ol per F/Um• 538-3793 •11 Marke•:.., l!•ac tulta1, hJll t1rv , ng 11•n er L ne ••••••••11••••11••• ••• tobrlety with tM ~p OI 9ABY81TTl!RS • Muat be 5PM Ull. furn/unfurn . gra1t1y r• ~~~0(: ~lvG tbt~ ~"' f:IU8tNE88 The Mooring• With 1 20 Own tran1. Stata lk:'d ---------1 M dvetd No IH 754-0274 Buain:u ~P::~.~ OPPORTUNITY nationally reeognlied & bondl<I agency Clllf· nLL 0Ullll llPfl anagement •n-AIRPOllT db. 8 r 0 k., a 0. c 0 outpatient traa1m1nt IOU• fS.45-37.tO If you.,. worth S18,000 Tra1'nee 7141752-8011 prooram, you neva1 nH<I por yr & can prove It, we 1200 or 800 1/f, 00• par @)' I 1 10 b• hoapllallHd, mite HOROW 0,,101111 n11ve 11n exo•ll Qpp1y tor 111 Mo to mo or leaaa LHH 114 hi •-11me from work, or time llOlllW OLHll you Mu1t b• obi• IO $ Mullan RHlty 540·2080 Owner 0 .. 1re1 partner to from your t1mlly Mor-Po11tlone tvallabte II prep111 11n1nc111 •late• 1 200 .u'Tl,'L teaae 7500 II 01 ne'll nlng & evening progtarnt Huntington BHch olllC• menta, payroll & H itt It t & I B k e1 s laa return1 & work WI· •I ••w-•T OllJI• •P•C• tn Huntlng1on av• llb • n1uranc:• an acrow or a111ng• th 1 Pat MMtll To Stan " '"•" " Btaoh Leaaa guar • MOBILE epptoved and loan ••per prel'd out 1omaon1 ooktng With UH or reception, poroent ownerahlp In 80 DOG GROOMING UNIT Tiii lfflUlll Requlree good typing over your shoulder We'· .Prt•l•re Tral1l11 cont. room, kltCh, phone, 000 tq ft bldg OIOH lo 111-0211 1653 E Lincoln, Or1nge ekllla and figure aptitude re looeted In Hunt Bch. ..•••••• aecratarlll & word pro-bHCll No dn p1ym'I 4647 LOl'lg Beach Blvd ' CONTACT PERSONNEL 8n~~0&5 F2rwy Call btwn •Yfflfltl IHHtfft 2 r. 2 Ba 1wnht, gar. No pell. 1912 Wallace "1" $475. $31·387 I PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ceasing Mall & meeeage ca 11 M r B r 0 0 k II MONEY BACK • SOI GOVI Long Beach 1213) 932 ... 359 1 Noon tor •PPI Sl":~~~11~\A~~g 8 serv avail ffPtlllaly 11 2141696·2105 tax refund to all Calll Call 1•1oo.••2·"l"I 6870 Wllthlre 8tvd 714•891·0253 714-Hl-HH Large 3 Br 2 Be Town· houee In quiet comple•, large pool. garden H I · ting. $675. 845·3381, 675-5949 ,.. desired Cell Judy. retld•nta who worked In ~• ' ' Los Angelee, CA 90036 I I Offl on 975.o57a 7141760-0100 c ••• ,,d•I 1979 Send SASE 10 SOI 0111ftr1l1 Ftllltr•I I .. .,. .. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Vu1tio11 ... ,.114250 ,,.,,,, 4415 ro Refund, PO 80)( Must enJoy phone con· 1111110111 IN NEWPORT BEACH •••••••••••••••••••••• lllWNIT tUOll •••••••••••••••••••••• 11064, c M. 92620 Linda & Vicki's I ... ,.,. I Lt•• l&CI, working with CUllO· G.l.C.U. hll Imm. 01)8· A total envi ronment OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 er E.11eeut111e office In Can· OFFIOE OR llllP Equal Oppt'y Employ11r mars ano dlltall work nlng for a m1na~r 01 Avell now W&ekly tnru 11ary VIiiage, $450/rno IUIAIT I lOOIRAT£ PHTI IOIELS Paid vaceuon, stck pay. special aerv1ee• tnvOlvea I Wk Free Rent. 2 br, 2 bl condo, SC Plan. new crpt, drps, lrtg Pools carport, tndry Busline No nsmkrs $545 6"42·2142 ~~:rt~~~'r c~~;'u~::~a~~ summer 673-7873 Broker 675-4012 In newer bldg on Cout Antwerlng & mall Hf· HOOllTl/IAIOEH I IOOllHPllll and health lnturance marketing, there drel1•, ctut>house 11nO heellh ----------rs Lllg"na Coast Hwy at ~rwyo · ~ouooth Leo,u, naE AP,· v Ice $ 2 0 per mo OUTCALL 24 HRS Experience nlK.estsry Full ume Apply in pereon eav1no• plent, loans, •tc .'.t.11 ,, .... ,,, •300 w ' ... .II " sq xce . 0 ...... ,,, ....... ty Mon-Fri 81 BARDEN'$ R spa. 8 tenn1a courts. 7 •••••••••••'!~ •••• :-.... 3 Arch Bay 500 aq ft lent privet• perking 714-633..02 3 889 0207 • " PEST CONTROL 696 ecent coll1• grad pre. pools. close 10 bu1lnass, wlgooo hwy vlelblllty behind bldg. s526 mo FAT£ • With growl11g company ~andotph, Costa Meu tarred Cell 66-3110 for airport. Faahlon II land ROOMMATE 497 ·2351 Turner Aasoc 494-1177 Newpo11 area 546-5570 appt Convenient shops on Female Ascendancy lhru * * * 714/14&·2444 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii slle Unfurnished bsche· ltllltrll Otflot H B olc &for lndull •pace Enllghtanment 81!1 seen iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliij MARKETING So. Cat. Villas. 1 br, pool spa ptua amenlttea $450 673-5446 tors. t & 2 bdrm apts and FlllDERS Lab space 7.000 sq h avail For tae starting at on Eyt on LA 11 now ltl11tl1 P1rlor Candy ~elasman upe IEIEUL IFFIOE YOIU PHPLI townhouses Otdeat & largeat agency Near Hoag Hospital $450 mo 847-9954 accepting member• Open 24 hre 8 day I rle nce. wanted for Temporary help needed $540 $1000 All cllants screened with Ideal for a small smell STORE/OFFICE Call 714·633-0200 7 dllya e week Orange County Full or to convert 11119 to mtc;ro-SUMMER OR Several bac1111tors and 1 photos & references. business. 645-2111 Jacuu l, Sauna, Locate Part lime Write P 0 Box rum Could teed to per- 2Br. 1Ba, ktde OK, nice area. $475 mo 951-5<144 or Sa Habl• Espanol 548-1546 Bdrm units feature line Credlls· Cosmopolitan 3oo sq ft. Foot lrllllG, I k t Ila as well as tourists io757 Costa Mesa. manenl position Call CAREER designer furniture and Good Morning America, DESIGNERS, architects. Onlwn Laguna 494-5688 • II r•p tJ Ill BankAmarlcerd, Master 92627 Jim. 549-8909 accessorlei Move 111 to-The Tomorrow Show graphic artists furnished Ch h 1 c 1 M • llHrot 141 Charge. American Ex· ---CAP.TAii 2 BR 2 Bl . near new. up· per, $575 mo. $200 dep No pets A111 July 7 548-3355 day or reserve for sum· • ·~ oll * to all n11w Olllcea to share, Incl. 4~~c& ts. :'a~s 3~"· nr Ona day MNlc• press, Diners All wet· $ 1 0 mer months Smartly clients who need 1 place e!:::~~~~622~ewpofl (751·5525) Oall 111-otU come 7 141645-3433 1 Dining room. lull lime, IOnL 1 5 furnished models open IEWPO•T t•1·1119 ---------2112 Harbor Bl. CM experienced only $7 hr Switchboard Operator d 11 n " OI THE WATE SHOP Space 15x22', S 101 private country ctub only at luxury Laguna ) 8 Y II $200 mo A vl now CRAM LETS Your Car Reflects You Call at1er 3 pm tnler Bliach hotel Full ttme Pe Month 2 Br Condo, pool, garage No p1111 Eest Costa Mesa $575 546..0281 On Jamboree Rd at San Joaquin Hiiis Rd 644-1900 1Br, pool, gas/ water pd. Spec. 3 BR 2 Be. lptc. gar rels req 147 Flower St beacll 2 btks, $900 yrty No p ell 5330 mo No pets 645-1682 645-816 I Smalt Bachelor, N-port Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 ea Hetghts S300tmo Utlls garage, 1st lloor, no paid Pr1v11e yard Cal Pe Is. $ 4 7 51 mo S 4 7 5 _a_1_1 _6_·-'~6'-4_6_·3_1_0_2 ___ " security. S 100 cleaning. I MILE TO BEACH 7 5 9 • 4 2 2 9 . w k n <I s UNFUAN APT N B 549-7329 6'12-2357 Eaatslda 1 Br Natural Large 2Br lbe, 1 nouse wood oelllng & cabinets from beach Mini ocean $385. Please call 3-S, vu $750 yrly. 675-7907 851·9522 3 BR 2 Ba 1707 w Bal·· 2 br. 1 be trt-ple• boa. newly decorated. $500/mo Fenced yd/ beaut cond Yrly S800 p etlo. new paint & 875-0988 drape&, 1'11 ml to beach ---------673.6921 W851CllN aKtra lge 1 br completely redecorated E/Slde CM 3 BR 1 BA. patio & pool 645-8152 gar, 2617 B Elden S595tmo 831-11s5 LIDO tAYFllOIT 5525/mo 2 Br. 2 Ba 3 br. 2 Ila. sandy beech Townhouses, car pons. (2131 282' 7733 patios. all bit-Ins, tndry St• Joa11 rm, small pel ok Won't Cui1tz1110 3811 IU tl • • •••4'•••••• • • • ••••• • • TSL Mgmt 642-1603 3 bdrm. 2 t>a condo. I story No petS S600 2 Br. 1 be. SCP area 499-4721, 731-8346 Full rec lee's $600 mo $500 sec 811 Days , W11tai111t11 3196 636-2800 Mr Stelnb•ser, • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • •• •• • eves: 968-3077 •.Clean Studio, ulll pd relr1ge, gar Avail $275 Dua lti.t 312' Privacy Slngla only ;·;,;,;;,·;· b~:· ~;~ • ~ _1_5_2_._s8_2_2 _____ _ refurbished Ines Utll A,.,tl•••I• Faui1ili $485 mo, No pets. 24851 111 U1"•z• 3ftX Sefva. 631-7220 •••••• •••• •••••••• •••• ... ,,.,,.. I ••• ~!~ •••••.•.. !~~~ Deluxe poolside, >1tra lar- ge 2br, 2ba, b l t ns. dswhr, 1 ~ miles beech Adults, no pe11 SSOOmo 536-8362 SHWllD YILUIE New 1&2 bdrm IU!(UI') apls In 14 plans 1 B<lrrr lrom $515, 2 bdrm trorr S570 Townhouse trol'I' $640. + pools tennis waterfalls, ponds' Gas WlllFFLETllEE for c901<lng & hea11n' 1 & 2 Br Discount onl paid From San 01egc aome models Pool, Spa, Frwy drive North or Gym , Sauna . etc Beach to McFadden IC 846-0619 Se aw 1 n <I V 11 1 a g £ (7 141)893-5198 2Br. l'hBa, $375 mo. +I $375 dep. Cpts. drps, nr Roo•• 400( Beach Blvd & Mc Fad· ••••••••••••••••••• •• • den No pets. 893-48941 I East side C M Furn pm room and beth Relrlg 2 Br. 2 Be Apt avail. now $285 Patio, small yard. slngtel 673-7~4 garage, dl1hwasher . water paid 1 child ok no CdM lg lurn , pv1 ent p e 1 s . s 5 2 s / m' 0 patio & llalll Relrlg/ Mi· 545-2000. Agent, no tee cro Gar prkg Non· smkr $350 759-1363 Bach $425 mo. Pool, )IC, ---------eauna. tennis, down-Rm in large house tndl') town. 640-2886 tac, kitchen, Costa Mesa flMU ROOM MA TE SEAV Moving? Avoid depostts Cut 11111ng expenses! Third 011 tor June 833 Dover Or Ste 2. NB U1·U32 Fem rmmte. 2 BR apt priv ba $295 plus '"> ulll 996-200, 6412-9702 Oh< exec Sulla. 2,012 sq 1 I 4 . 4 9 7. 2 5 7 2 or • Custom Wax & Detail views Wed thru Sun even 1 n g sh I It IMMEDIATE POSITIONS It Newpon Arches Ma· 494-0059 ANSWERS Reas • Tony 547-824 1 Phone 644-5404 3PM· 1 lPM See Margie AVAILABLE IN rlna Bldg 6412"4644 ---------COEDS • Would love IOI CASHIER & houseweresl 10 apply, 497-4477 V lartetl•& ,ou"Tll. VALLEY ,.,.,tr/a/ l1•t1J45H Myallc • Downy rt I C 11 S E 0 E IHICtMHI Plump • Egoltm P• Y w th you a ue sale1, Flume Apply 1n ---------l Prime olltce raclllty roca-N••B•••3°9"7°5••9•, ••h••5•9•00 11••• MISSED or Ka 1 h Y an Y ti m •. person: Crown Hard HOUSECLEANERS V ltorelarlal re sq 953-9363 ware, 3 107 E Coast led directly across rrom 11 or lees MIA zone This guy is wch 8 snot> Flex hrs. PTtFT Own V ltllYery Civic Center eeay ac· Agent 541·5032 He won'l turn his head at E•~ 'P.'!l•I _H_wy_;_._C_d_M_____ lrans Exp'd 540-0857 10 UPERIHOE cess 10 lrwys, llaxlble 5750 un 2160 11 lndu· a tennis match He fl. J•• 1.. ••u:•••:;•••••1•1•1•; Chlldca'e Need mature ~Jtf4~05s~"~\~:~X s1r1al ."'omce 18081 Re-gures II the ball doesn 1 .!!'.~.r:!~'.~ ....•••• ! woman, 3 days a week llVHTlllY II SH( Flllll d1t1onal Info cell dondo Clrcl11 •E Hunt· come bBCk. the player botllHt lJJllt my home Permanent COOlllllATOR 714-114-147J ington, Beach. 842-2834 MISSED II. Desires to do typing In 631"3523 Cotporate headquarters D.Y.I. IH. £111 • "•••' 5300 h h w I CLERICAL/PART TllE It"' &11't tr ORT 28 yr old nonsmkg prof &41 1020 • ,, er ome 11 pick upl lor statewlda llnanclal • man seeks rmmte 10 shr • l1•t1/1 W111IH 46H • • ••••• ••• • •••• • ••• ••• with reas distance Ne· Looking for 1nteres11n, services firm In Fashion Medical asatetant pref II· beaut furn 3 br Blurts 300 sq 11 2 office suite l;,k~;g··,-0~·~~;~;~·3•t,; go1111ble rates work? Typing, no shor laland To run inventory mlted X-Ray Cer1illcallon condo In N B S375tmo $300/mo CALL 833-0423 1han0 8-Noon Ole on operation, shipping, rec· or CAT Good pay with + •, ullls 720-17441 Mark 673-6606 apt or condo w/enctosed FOUND ADS JI, I w _ _i 11001 pc H 646-74131 elvlng, supply ordering, chance for rapid adven-garage tor 3 mete OC I 1. rrlllln 1nven101y controts & cement Call 752-6300 Prof outgoing single le-llEWPOllT PlllHUU students. No smoking, ARE FREE • • • ••••••••• •••••• • •• OLE Ill TYPIST special pro1ec;1s E.xper Dr Levin or Judy mate Non-smoker' no 940 sq It prime exec ~~ .. kl,ng Sor pertyl_n8g2 AOCIT /SOTllY to assist ore manager tn •r•eq•'d_64_0.-0.••2•3 ___ MEDICAL, F/llme, front dBeRpe2ndents toGsdhs,re 2 office space Mark R'"""1 or atp~Ubl, Part 's'"'e. approx 6 hrs daily duties Typing olc position Mission bath apt oc ,,, 673•6606 en guaran ....., y P•· Call·. <lay etery negotiable 0 5 lrv111e $330 mo plus ulll rents Local family Plea· H H Y a c ht C t u b 41 • 41 wpm, answering lrrl11tlt1 Voe10 Reefs rnedleat se- Wendy 551-4961 NEWPORT BEACH ,. call (714)851-8829 t••-Stll 8416-4453 I ppehonesk. ~3t1501ing$.42505 hhrs I I cretarial eaper including "T K " Olli $390 ~• r w .. -r SptOll Ill Insurance b 1111 n g Shr 3Br nse S260 mo .. B~r;nc~t 0111~~ $ 75 Refined Bustneu Lady ACCOUITAIT based on axper Req's Person with EXPERIEN· 495.1060 $520 move-In Apply 250 Seminar meeting rooms needs unlurn 1 bdrm ~~~~~~~~~~I Ore manager construe g d transport atlon CE in ln11a111111on & OP&---------- Cedar St , NB 1111 5PM hourly Typing. malllng. garage or coach apart· Loat Cat, Tabby rem 1100 oper ,eq'd Job Great locatton & working ra11ona1 maintenance or ltlllloal l1ok tffict ment rear or private r~ , J .. S 1 p co n d 1 C a II J 1 m larger S"'"tems Fultt1me. Pt11-e. e•"I for G p call EE. phones Call tor info · v~ 1sm1ne . vie hore-cosung & financoa thru ,. '" ~ .. I A HIT CIT1 752•6408 Eas1stde Costa Mesa cMs, CdM 760•6057 evs & L Send resume 10 673-4302 I permanent Salary based 645-4458 Working ladles over 40 __________ 1 Xlnl references Aller p 0 Boa 6668. Laguna I COMPUTER OPEil-Pi T on axperoence Irvine-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wtlllng to talk about fin· WESTMUISnR 6pm Mon-Fri. 541 1-4070 Lost 3182. Blk tong hatred Niguel, 92677 based company Wilt IURSES lllES ding and sharing a l'lOu&e 1200 or 2400 SQ. 11 0., Wanted Humble abode cat. $100 Reward Celled 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 you are looking for a take appllcallons from (Newport area) Catt tu•e office 0, •tore "Meatball" 673-8972 I' perm . ptlime oppty lor1 8 30am-2 30pm Call Conv ·long le<m care T L " 6 2 7563 S ~ ~ tor young woman In 0 C ACClllTIH CLER., 5 h • ....... da Id 7""' •751 exp ..,...d E II " at 4 · un· space 14302 & 14304 W1lh rent diminished by LOST Smell yellow laun-" b ..... r Y we wou ~ r-.. xce wor-day lhru Thursday aller 8 Beach Blvd Btwn 2 my prol care lor uour drybasketlullol ctolM5 The Jolly Roger, Inc has l1kelohearlromyou We J'•ITIRIAL ktng conds & t>enel11s P"' F c i c v 1 ' an entry level pos111on are a CPA ore who -Fttlme. 7-3.30, 3· t 1.30. rwys Iv c enter 1 • orchids, gardl!f'I, plants Fell from car In College a liable 1 ou Sat~ & needs an operator tor Ole cleaning. Npl Bch 714-642-8044 or ap"'y tn Bay t>ack view. E·blull tage S11opp1ng Center Call M-F 8 10 5 Lori, Park arae, Costa Meaa va n r v• "" Cash A c ti o 1 I our m1n1-compu1er Must Flllme days Ptt1me person. 466 Flagship 1000 pvi sq 11 entire 1st Prime location 979-8889 213/285-7195 REWARD! Please c all c oun ng llP s c T s ltoor . Incl den, 2 br lull or 645-1260 64 1 •2818. lor a person who haa II· be abte to type & use aves U I IZEN HIP •lliRlidii"iiNlliB•-----• h 759-o mlted exper but ts 10-key by touch Acclg REQUIRED Some p/ 1>111 . «• eve 3 olllce 850 sq It suite lali•1H/lan1t/ Lost Gold charm brae• ambitious & witting to uper helpful but not time nlla wner ope----,-A-R_T_Tl_l _E __ _ Rasp non-smk1ng fem 10 avell or 400-800 sq ft fl•••tf let Unusual charms, fa· learn 1 yr ellper pre-req d Located nr 405 nings Apply 123 N Eves and/or weet<ends. shr sunny 2Br 2ba CdM designed 1osu11 Cotltena •••••••••••••••••••••• mily jewelry, r-ard terred Dulles Include I Fwy In Hunt Beach Call Olive S1 • Oran ge ap1 ·w/sama Pvl bch Bank Bldg, 301 E 17th l1d•IH 556-5797, 540-3288 auditing of sales reports. btwn 8AM & 12Noon 1·5PM, Mon-Fri. Responslble adults, over $312/mo 760-2615. SI, C M Contact John 0 I 'I SOOS some flllng. mall proces-714-891·0253 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ 21• wllh outstanding, •I· 675-7837 evlwknds Walsh. 979-4200 ••• !.fr.!.~~!.T........ Ctohr Spt1i1l1 Ilk sing & general clerical DANCERS JOB HOTLINE lraclove i::'rsonallttes 10 ~" SWIMMING Pool Cheml-(2) male, fem. LOST 6122 work EitceU benefits & work wit youth (llges CLOSE To .EACH Aorporl 11r11a • <J<8C Sul· 1 Woodb Id R d 10-14) Call 2·5PM , tes From 225-450 SQ 11 cal service llC Costa vc r ge _., working conditions wolh 1100 ft 11,000 Wttk 43 6412·•321. Ex1 34~"0E Roomma111 needed H B $ l per sq 11 Many xtras WMes 1 a area No exp nee 857-4894 a growing co slat~~;~:"~; ,:1th pay S260mo L11she9641·7734 Call 557-70l0 II lfeln $50,000 lull Found male blk & whne THE JOLLY ROGER PflllT SllOP I 'd Will 1 c Summer joba, lull & pert 0 1...o amoun req ne puppy Female silver & IN Trainee for shipping & M T n ER W Ito d d I er Ole tor rent lull or pan, $40.000 plus Call col-white husky ml• puppy 17042 Giiiette Ave lime dancers wanted lor would like to shr nouse 19th St .C M Xlnl front 1ec1. Mon-Fri , ask tor Male silver & v:h1 husky Irvine. CA 92714 Bera Minimum Tele· $1,200 receiving F/tlme New- or apt Up lo $300 mo olc toe Avail lmmed Rud I 9 -6 p M , ml• puppy Female greu 714-548-0331 grams Auditions being ~~;.•9:1~a~~n;~~on'"sc 644-1879 540-1267 409 867 0111 ~ , ~~~~~~~~~~ held this week from 9AM ----------• • • terrier mix Mate trl-color _ 10 3PM Apply at Bare Quiel M to shr IMna 2 br VIEW OFFICE Small business owners°' golden retrvr mox Free * ADM ASSIST. Mln1~um 1807 W Ka-Per P.TIIE SAW apt wt same. nonsmkr, Well-appointed olllce w/ buyers, do you need tr.111en1 Newport Beech W/sm1tl09 phone voice tella, Ste 216, Anaheim Month Eannd1oywlwoshrk1n'nocre~~~ t<.'.~sr'. straight. $285 + '' urns. help? Expert advice on Sheller 644-3656 A V S t I I """"' ~ 857•4796. Nwpt Harbor view, BP· b sserllve, high energy IEllTAL tort Ir I ntngs, utilize your out· prox 1,000 sq t1 money. uslness opera-Found Orange Ing heir OR recruiter wfsec skills I V 111t11r1l l• .. tr 11on1 1 G 1 1 R 1 th ft E • • going personality. team 2 rmmtM wanted 10 shr 656-7100 • e c e ~o ng cat, nr Mariners Llbran. tor Pres Nat Search I ecp or o o c xpr II I $7 Ed ·' XI 1 & 1 V lar .. tfll& how lo ~me 8 lraone<I 3Br turn s Laguna hme consu a1 on. 5<18-l036 Firm Money open nee n wage bn ts a F P beamed cell sun-TOP LOCATION, Hlfbor-7141-754-0531 7141833-1030 Nwpt Bch 640-0121 V 8tltrll Office sates co nsetor Call deck ocn vu s275 per-Baker Center, 301 1-23 ----------•Found Fem Short Heir ---------2-5PM 642-4321 . Ext son plus ,~ ulll 499•4884 Harbor Bid CM 580 & SANDWICH SHOP, Baer Ger man Potn I at. VIC AMERICAN Dream . You DENTAL Ch81rs1<1e Asal l11t•lllll1ft lliria& 343. EOE 1 2 5 o 9 q 11 M gr & Wine, seals 19, by Adams & Brookhursl. can never be 100 ricti or Npt Bch 4 day wk Exp llt Ea,trltlOt Share my 2 br & den 2•, 645-8100. 549-1366 owner 5 4 8 • 9 2 8 9 . H B 8•7 7366 100 thin' Now you can be or prof school tra1n1ng I RUL ESTATE S&LEI be Harbor v1-condo ---------545-2453, 979·1919 • both • effortlessly pref'd 646-3535 IOHll'J We have en opening lor N B $500/mo + uttla & IEWPOllT IUCI Found sml blk & gray M 975-0619 11 I••• Fltllllt two well-dressed. intelll- phone 759-1465 IEllCIL SllTI lllHf. I• LH• 5025 dog w/collar. Meae del --------Dt1f1I bto. IJO. lH-Hl-HH gent salespersons 10 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Mar.C M. 549-1028 AUTOMOTIVE Enthusiastic. elflclont & ~~~~~~~~~~I worll 1n the Newport RMMTE Wanted 10 stir 3 Prt•ltr ltHflH. PRIYln IOHY PHTI organized w1bkpg exp -Harbor area In commer- br hom1 In Univ Park l•rlllH 111111, $10,000 & up Tom Found Sm Pull-Cocker OOllTIRIWI 4 day w k C Mesa Journeyman/Skllled clat sales end/or res-srea of Irvine Fem, non· 642 9914 mix(?). gray/brown, 5416-3000 Maintenance Man with smkr Must be neat 8 900 sit . amenities • allaggy, 22nd/ lrvtne Deaterahlp or foreign experience In plumbing, ~~~~~:::sin the more responslble Pvt pool & IJS-2110 /1111111111, ft•ll 646-1929 auto parla experience DENT Asst Ortho Npl electrtcal & carpentry LEO HANNA tac Comm tennlS & pool SUITE DEALS lhff1 5035 FOUND lllase epso, preferred Cell Gtan for Bch 4 day M·Th. E.Jcper work Full time. Mon-Fri SR VICE PRESIDENT Deluxe 2 Br 2 Ba. Condo Adults, sec qate, ame- 2 blks away S350 mo 0 C Airport area Prof •••••••••••••••••••••• maJe, vie: Bullocks pkg. an appointment. & ROA req 642-2626 7 30AM·4PM. Salary Wesley I. T1Jt1r Ce. u,.1111 llot1l1 •JN Catt Rozy 640-3654 environment, lull service, 1.11. UmER tot , So Cat Plaza. ROY OARYEll IOllT SllOP comm11nsurate w1111 ex· Realtors 644-4910 ?.~ ••• ( .......... ! .. ~~ _o...;ayc...s_o_n_1Y:.__ _____ or no frills. tndlvtdual of-ltrt&aa• 01. IH. 213-431..,.174 ROLLS ROYCE Early AM shltt. No e><p per1ence S'end resume $210tmo 957-3955 nities. $650/fno Hatch 847-2563, 213/592-1531 evea. Wk~ylA~~~ ~!!f~vait S~~:~12 :!aar:''vuLa~~ ~~e~1~;~s:qs~~c:~ ~~ Spec~~~':,! 111~4~ 2nd lit1•••ll g350 :::l: ~·~.' !5~~~Y 'fno~:~,':;~ ~ ;d ;~~~5~~11yc';;~~~ s 105 & up Color TV !ec :enn';· ~;75 & de~ 1_F_R_E_E_7_59_·_6_9_78____ ~~,B~:~~r Bd ~:,~~ 5~·c·;:=;;~;:·11•1~;;~~7:; Alli IECUllC Otpplly Donuts 1854 _M_esa __ 9 _ 2 _ 6 _ 2 _ 6 ___ _ llnAJL IWlllEIEIT Apropo Fashion ISlatld • Contemporary European designer boutique Is seeking a creative tndtv for career In retell sales & mgmt Fashion bkgrnd ts e must Cell blwn 9 & 12, 547-7809 S.00 furn. or unturn. 1 Br pool, ape 18992 Florida 842-2834, 842-3172 Phones In room 22H 6~ 1 e :7 66 1 1• yr1. ca Approx 450 sq. II Zoned 642_217 1 545_0611 middle-aged man. stngle. Newport Bl, CM ltoi.l1ltt•lWIH Newport Blvd CM • v mtg C·2 Crpl, pvt bath, AIC. oelebrlly of sorta, tong Wheel attgnment and DRIVERS 25 yrs ol age Top layout & setup ope- I ~lllr• Ot1lllt 646-7445 M/F to shr N E Hun11ng· $200 mo 130 E 17th St, WIDOW HAS S$S tor TO'a ttme Newport Beach brake lie nee. Own hand Gd. drtvtng record rator for Torno• Swlu ton Bch hse. pets OK Suite F, C M 548-1168. RE Loans. IOK Up No resident now seeke •he IOOls Apply 494-1067 automatics Gd future, $475 497-3690 BE A C H A R E A ~!.! •......... .1.~~1 $77 /wk Orangetree 1 br condo, Kltchenette-Matd-Poot end unit, etc. OW, pool, Nwpt Blvd & Wilson tennl1, jac Avall July 5 Costa Mna 548-9755 $475. 675-1434 Con l•••t1 •1•t1/1 IZ°' Woodbridge do 2 Dr, ••• ••••••. •••••••••••• 2 ba, I year new In xlnl area. DHlrable upper end unit. All Woodbridge amenltllll. Near park, pool' & more $650 mo Cell Joa Aybua , Speotao.lar I.I. Summer renlal Spiral stairs, skyllghts, lrplc. Pv1 spa 1 ·~ btks beach Weekly 855-1743 551..0324 9-6 BEACON BAY FOR AUG -£---.. --.--3-,-4-11 Huge 4B' home Steps tc . !I.~'!~ ••.• '.~......... pV1 bch & BalbOll vaca. IOUIHHT Uon w/all the lull Avail July 21·Aug 21 $4000 I.A~ elegant apt. bldg tor mo Cell Robin (Agt' In Laguna 8"ctl. tlneet .... 7276 loutlon In town. brealh--"'"-""-------- taking vtewe, all bullt-lna, Summer monthly rental, h • 1 t • d po o I , July or Aug on quiet lub.-garag•. elevator Balboa Panln. 2 BR, Leue only. $850 & up oompt furn home. Reas. 330 Cliff Dr. 494·8083 Cpta p r ef, no pets ......... ..... 075-5538, 837-7949 Elegent 2 BR. den, 3 Ba, OCEAN FRONT Olx 48r, WOOCll>umlng !pie, poor, 2Ba, 2 c ar gar, avail lt600 IH . 499-3529; 711-7110 , 817-8121 806-telt-5328 675-7386, 535~17 (Ed) 962-5759 2nd floor walk-up ollloes. Credit Check. No Pen-"right lady". PO Bo• NEWPORT growing Shop In Laguna S 125 & $ 165 monthly atty Oennteon & AMO<:. 14'45, Newport Beacll CA TIRE CENTER People who need People Niguel oM Avery Pkwy F rmmte wanted to shr :: br, 2 ba hOUSCI, $250 Nice C.M. area Wknd! or 1111. 9pm, 646· 1356" Utlts pd Crpta, drepes, l_-;6;:7=3·=7=3=1=1=====;J.;;;;9;;;2;;;66;.=3;.=;.=;.===.=:;;;;;;;;:;l.=3000==E==C=o=as=t=H=wy==C;d_M_I T0haAtl'L1YwhP~LtOIThe Micro Precision Swiss, euy.r maeta teller-With an 11 C 714-831-9331 Call Chris affective claulfled ad. P 11 n e I n g d M SERVICE DIRECTORY Oullreull 642.5678 752·1830 II Alf Ahn<tll 1 blk beacll eln resp non IRAllE 1mkr Pk1ng $300 mo 1 olc , 300 sq ti at $250 Last mo S 100 aec alsc pe< mo. 1 olc., 500 aq ft wl<ty 875-7025 al $400 per mo CalL 714 633-0200 ~!!!I.~~.'!!.~'!.!!.~!~ r--L,-a-.. -,-,111-h--,- Dana Pt garage, front drl Owner deslf11• partner 10 veway, cloae 10 beach tease 7500 It of new 493-0803. 548-6446 space In Huntington Single, nr Laguna's Mair Beach Lean guar a Beach. Center ol town perc;ent ownerehlp In 60 . $65 mo. 494-3044 000 sq ft bldg close to Storage garege tor ren• beach No dn peym't. on 8albOI Panlnsult C a I I M r B r O o k 1 ne~t to Fun Zone. 10'~ > ,_2_1_•_15_96-_2_1_o_5 ___ _ 20•..;· 673-2943 OFFICE SPACE for leue, 0.111,,1 Jt•l•I ~•Ill appro!I 2.000 sq.ft. ol pv1 "'.. """' otllce1. General work ..•................... 520 tq. 11. s1 oo P8f eq 1re11 plua rac•plfon room Prof dac:;orelad. 11 ' 3975 Birch · N B Xlnl location. At IM 405 Agent 541"5052 Fwy & HarbOf Blvd. exit. 1817 WestcttM. N.B Wan• Coat• Me11. For more llnanotal ln•I 7000s.I Info c•ll weekdaye, 111 flo or Agen t 75 1~191 5" l·S032 1_0_F_F_l_C_E_S_P_A_C_E_F_O_A ) ) (,,_ __ <05 ___ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes ' /I ANO SOON YOU LL BE SEEING SIGNS AROUND TOWN CALLING ATTENTION TO ESALES! IOW TO llAYE I IUCCEllFIL llUll SAU (or Verd ..... E1tate I•. etc.) i . Place your ad In the Dally Piiot Classified section (It's beat to run 3 days for maximum exposure). II you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 days 1nd only ch1rge you fC>f 21 NICE 2 8t 1bl, lrtp .. •, Claaey Condo, poolalda, pttlo, gar, rafrlg $850. •dJmcent ctubhOUM, mile . 1120 81 Anna. 53&-1463 to beec:I\, 2 Br. 2 Ba. •lrt wlldllt terga, S200/Wk. Monthly WESTCLU:F BLl>G Nf wrrJRl nr A01 LEASE In Corona d al Mer, on Cout Hwy, ep- prox 2.000 aq ft. Xlnl tlgnegt, prof. decotatad. Call lor dt11ll• w .. k· deya, 751·8191 in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach 2. Get your FREE G1rage Sale Mgna (all you have to do I• come In to the Dally Piiot l p1y for your •d In advlnCe -we wlll give you two 11 x 11 Sign• - FREE of ch1rge). .. •~~1. ••ff S600. 1741 Tuatln Apt lllMft -• -2 2 A . 5 4 8 • 0 44 0 or •• -• ...-;;••••••••••••••• 493-0803 Salt S 135, 1 It. V ........ Panth11 000 on court, 15 40 /mo ----------1 213/817·3202 bue Dal Mar Prlmt Rae. Sea- 2131H7-MOO ton. Sept 3rd. lhru 10th. LIDO BEAUTIFUL. 2 Br. frplo, patio, adultt t toeo. t1...a11t 1 ... ... llov.. r91rlg, p•rllnt on Ptnlntul1. '400, Cell 171-0e12 llPM S.11.ttNul 1 Br or 1tng1t, poolald .. Wlllt to trlCtl. 6' .. 844f or •H-ot03. lltnllT 4 bdrm. • bath, Nndy bMchj doele. MOOO. Alto l.ldo Ila I bdrm. fem nn .. 2 .,., NtOO Jutt, NIOO AUQUlt. 1111 Qnin. fti, Mt, llM111 '. #V•\f ........... ,. r •I' M• How11•d f.4~ b!O• *Ill.Ill ...... ''om 1 room to 3 room• lff1t11an11L 8()e/lq 11 328 N. Newport Av. 120C tq tt. oround 1100!'. Cll Ptla Johneon. 031-laM ,rOffl It. 11 I eq. tt. Ho Coell Mete IOO IO. ft, IC IMat rtcl\llftd AdJ. Allr· HOO ... n. 40t 111111 .. POl'l4r 11111, ,,,. Dl;pof\l ft & up Cell "'-IOH> Clll AM e.)J.Slll m10t Colp, IJMTOO. • • • CAlL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ..., ... ~------------------- 3. Prtce each piece of merctlandlM. 4, Have plenty ot cnane• on nano 1(nlckel1, dimes, quarter•, halvu, one and five dollar blll1). &. ~u. htY'I fun, and oount your money ., the end of tht day. ------------ = '1,~7.!~D~J tof . ~ d•y ad "''~ .... , Pl.IT ....... lllllTllY 00 IT NOWI , .... , ... ,,. Y~r Dally Piiot a.tvloa Dlr.CtOl'Y Aepr-t•tlve Ul·Hll, tit. HI ~~~~ .•..•.••...... Ofl~lyt, ParklflO LOI Repalra. SMlcoallno S&S Ate>hll 031·' 1Hllc Oen Hallberg G,.dlng & P1vl11g Co Ree/Coml. Lie. 397804 8'42· 1120 A•tMttl" .....••..........••..• Prot1111on11 Auto Cl••· nlng. Waxing. Poll1hlng. Tiie O.tallert 1140·5199. ~~{'!!~t .......... . Over 5 yt1 educattonal progr1m Incl Weekday• 754· 1352 eves. ~~!!.1!~1 •..••••..• ,.,, ... , .. , ... Smooootlloel 540-4479 F/O ltHktt•tr FULL CHARGE. Wiii do sml bu• acc't In my home All pllases Bkklng thru 11111 bal 548-5793 Make your tllopplng ea· sllll" by using the Dally Piiot Claatltled Aels. • • •••••••••••••• ............. U..lllrf ••. Owtom GMP41"lry, Otctcl l ~-Quality woril I.lo. •HOIOI. F,.. Mii· fnttee. ,, .... , , fl!l:'!'.W. •••••••••••• l'INCH & Ol!Cl(S Mark Roblnton Conal Slnoa 1978. 75'.ot&t CABIN£T8·AEMODt'.L Skyllt•• • Oreenhu WlndOwo 5'8-4809 f'21!'1r.llf!c.fffm/.. llffttf!!' ••••••••••••• fl!f!.~ •••••••••••• 9'1MOOl!L/ADD-0N9 iltOT"IOIAN-Prlced Mow, edge. rake, tw"4), l C.rpenlry. 1.lo'd. H rlQhl, frH Htlm.ia on 1prln11 clH n•UP, haul. ~·exp. lrwjn HW11t larg. or amall jOba. Olluoi e.2-H73 b•I t I.lo 3tM2t. t1s.o3H am II~~ Cai~ LIC'O ELfCTRICIAN -Ae-t-ld_C_l_n-·u-p-,-. -g-a-rd_e_n Lio. 419611 120-1290 O\lal. worlc-AN1 ratM Hrv, malnt, 1'H &rl'1" COMM'U AdlO. FrM •ti 831·6072 Tom Fr" .. t. 84MOGll Wiiiy Aamod·Add'na-Raotl,. l!LECTRICIAN Tot1I Y1rd Car• by Very r... Lio. 3002&o Sml )ob1/Repalr•. I.lo THI! GRASSHOPPER J1clc H e.nneo. Jr 233108-C· 10 5'1·11203 ~1-o.o.nd1bla Gen Contr 6&2-IH42 DomlnlO 942..tH 1 Bond.ct & lneur.o ' ............ ,, ... , I.·-"""'•1111 ____ ....... ' ....... , .. 11,.1, l•fta• I ... • •• DtdriclaM Fr" .. 1. Ken 8311·6035 "'~~~. cabl~-;:-· QlllllJ ht 1.ANDSCAPE MAINT C, lfl'rl 8AO.llllH/845"'4&« 1\ IJ1·12U Comm«ICll & prop«1y .~fr..'••••••~•••••••• --,-1--h---.-_-_ .. -#~ '4S·~2 man~11, 831·80411 No StMmlNO Sll1mpoo Al ti• tic•• ·--· ' Uc. t!OtOI Ron'1 01tdenlng 8 y11 Stain Spec:lall1t. Fiii Fr .. •II. Aeu. pr!Qel. ume ., ... Q11allt)I ti dry. ,.,.. Mt 839-1582 Qual. work. LIO. 33711111 El.otrlcal Con1r1ctor r • • e rt t H ~h In II 1131·2345 lnel., Comm, RM Lie land1cepa NO/CdM Crpt1 ln11tlllrep1lred Flood damage. StHm aenerel Co111rec:tor 333217 Pll 857-17311 876·9368 clng 55'·11510. 973-85611 Ind., comm'I, rM. llUlml ILIOlllO Hl·T'" Satvk:fl· hvy ctn· S111mpoo & etum clean. Lie. 333217. 657-1738 We Clon't make you wait up1, rop1lr tired yd1. reg. Color brlghlonera, whl ,,..nllt Lie. 37081111. 1531-1823 m1l"1 83,., 108 orptt .. 10 min. bte1ch. •• • ••• • • • •• •• • • ••• • ••• o A Ill L ... I Hall.llv/dln rm1$15;1vg •KATRINA·s. LIVE·IN RESIO/C MM'LllNO ' ........ ,., room 17 50. coucll s 10. llakprs, deity maid eerv, 20 Y" Do my own work. Trea trim, gen. clnup1, ehr u . Quer ellm pet olllc• clein1ng, crpl Lie. 278041 Al ~0-81211 cement worll ,., .... , 1 1 835 2118 Ce ll 549·e 1ervlce , odor Crpl rtl)llr 15 yra c ean no • fi •• •.•.t.J.····•••••••••••• _•_P_r_1n_k_1e_rs_ll_3_1_·7_5_7_o __ , up. Oo work myaell. -D-1-1--s,--1---"' _R_e_f_a_. _53_1-0_1_0_1 ____ 1.!!.!.'!f •• !!!~!!!..... WIOI FllOlll E11p'd Gardeller tree trim. EXCEL CARPET CARE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS Free eellmltM 1145·8258 lprlnkler 11palr lawns, Jack Buttlnoton FOR BUILDING PEAMIT ----------· cln·UP 751·3592 Owner/operator Reslden1111 1dellllon1 & FIHr C.nrl•f. a ' Cerpel, uphOI, aree rug remoelel Don 847·86011 ···cRPT·LiNo-wooo··· ~~~.I?'!~~ ••.••••••••• cleanlng. Work guar. D JI lnstalled/repelred. Oreg HOME IMPROVEMENT Free Ell. 845-1771 •• 11!'!~•••••••••••••••• Lie. 3692860 1·240-3082 REPAIR·PLUMBING ---------OAYWALLIACOUSTIC Carpentry, elec, Ille. Free f!!'!!~!/.~!~!!!!!..... Repairs. new & old t 1 ¥!!!!.8.!•.t............ est0 ~f 10:_.~81mall. Cement·Muonry·Block yrs exp Bud 552·9582 Gardening Wanted a aa t 1 Walla·CUSI wO<k Lie Wall textures·Acoustlc Mowing, eelglng, raking, EXPERT HANDYMAN .. 381067 Rob 547·2683 H1ng·Tape-S1eel studs sweeping. Free estl· Carpentry · Roofing Drives. patios. walks. Free Lie. 389944 1·632-5549 m1111. 845-5737 Plumbing. etc 642·6013 est No job too small DRYWALL TAPING 536-2607 All Textures & Acoustic CAil' C•lf Free est K9'11n 1175·9088 .......•.............. LIC'D DAYCAAE SELL Idle Items wltll a Intents & older, 7:30· Dally Piiot Clataltled Ad. 5•30 N.B. 631·5335 842·5878. TREES Toppeel/r~ Clean up, lawn renov. 75 1-3476 MOWING • CLEAN UPS Haullng • Landscaping Frea est. • 842·9907 FLAT RATE·DAY or'h ALL MISC JOBS INT /EXT • PROMPT INSTALLATIONS CHET 645·4757 ~~~!~.t .............. ~~!t!!!~!l!f ........ ~!r!-!f ••.••••.••..••• DUMP JOH O\llllty Houa.cieanlno • ,,1repltOM-Pl1nt.,,. & srn111 Movlno Job• wltll 1 Par1on11 Touon 110· .. P11io.v.,,.., C1ll MIKI 846-1311 B•lh 1150.01H Aef1 Fr" Mt 6A6-046i f !Hlf'i!·~...... T!!! .....•••••••••••••• fi\A8Tell' PATCHING CtAAMIC-llHOLlUM AH tucco1 lntlut, 'O Tiie.. Ft• -~· y,.., NMI Paul 5'6-2971 "-9. lob l1 .. H61 PfllOI'. 81"~ W&ITll bpert M1t0nry Ouallt) lflt'-t1tl.a• "-._..,_ Heullng • y11C1 ci.enup HNI to olain 1134•4408 wo1kman1111p, reell1tlt •••• ;ir;'•••~TI••••••••• ::::.~:~:•••••••••• Quick 4 clean. FrM nt. prlOaa Reft , 66 1·45116 BONTeKOe R.,AIO LOW AATeS·Tr .. ltll'I\· 873·08411 Wiii olaan your llome tor & AIA CONO. Merine, ming & removal, all _H_A_U_L_IN-a-.Q-R_A_D_l_N_O_ 140 lor 8-11 hour• PINN '"•''•• euto, comm'I 54t-8208 clMnUOI & trleh heullnO damollllon, ole•n·UP call 8411·783 7 •••••••'•••••••••••••• •••'4fll••l•1ul1 Fr e a ell Mar ttn aa Concrate & trM ramovll --~-•O_U_S_E_C_LEA_N_IN-G--1 "'' P&llTill •••••••••·"~ •• ~•••••• _8_M-__ 70_1_7 _____ _ Quick MN ~2·71138 B>r Scand1n1\/lan l 1<1y by Alehard Sinor lie. &"'H•httst.at .. 4. JAY TREE CA~£. oompl, H·ULING .. MOVING Ellp'd 548·2111 280044 13 Vlt or n1pC)y Fr .. Ml, R•U prlc.. Ml'V & •lump grinding. '"' '" local cutlomero Oual. work. Lie. 3371811 Uc'd, Ina. 840-9309 Lcx;al Student w/truck SCRUB·A·OUB Then11 you. &3l·U10 83 t-2,45 HERIT .. "E TAEE Sl!•v. L-1• 1175·11180 FrM ffl Very rell1ble ""' " &31·50Ui/549·8490 PAINTER NEEDS IHI/ Complete ,, .. Cltl 17 Haullno & quick oleen up, WORK! 30 yra axp, Intl •• ••• ~I ••••• •••••.•••• y,.. exper Dan 652-03n yell. oareg ... JOb·tlt ... 6 BHlflilll•f. Eata1 Acouellc celllnot AEPAIAS S25 to S 1116 8p3rt~OP865m. G1m1,' .... 1~01.,~~ ••••••••••• •••••••••• Oav11 Pllntlng 847·5180 l'rM ail Call anytime, I< "" .. u.. Rellabl•. mature lecly w, EXTERIOA PAINTING WALT 770·272& / rtl8 .. lkl hOUIHlllln' H1ullng-1tuclen1 w truck potlllon t.435•8g22 8 111 Cuatom work Frae .. , Huber Roofing-all typet. Low r 11a1, rell1bl1 Reu + tine Int & tlll· N-·reoover-deekt Th I II k You . S I e v • · n1ng Steve 547·4211 t Lie u 11&02. 548-9734 759• 1°28 f!!'.~!~~!~f •• • • •••• • • RALPH'S PAINTING ...-JOHN HENRY CO "' HAULING & DUMP Re11ov1tlno·Sprlnklera lnlleicl. Reas rate• Roofing tor Fine Hom• JOBS Aek IOr Ranoy. New lawna·Clean up R11t Free eat 536·91198 Lie 4 15232. 548-8213 641·8427 Dive 842-4853 ~~!!!!!~~!!I ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Survlc. • a thorOYgllly clean house. 540·0857 Bud 549·8265 B&M Painting & Tiie ~~!!{~~! •........... MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Free H I Int/ext & Slain• 10 yra In OC SP41C rote on apll Call 24 hta. t .995 3488 eollect -~~ .. !~~!~·~ ........ . BUDGET RATES lo min Sml fob• OK LIC FreeHt.tna 64t·7611 t '!.8.~'.rJ~I. ••••••••••••• Moil tubjeatl, K• 14 Oly .. V .. tuMmet l1Qwlt Mr Morgan, 6'1$.&1711 rTl.~-!t. !!!!!~ ...... . Word Prooe11lng/Tyiilng, Clocur11ant1. computtr proceu wltll •P•lllno correction Revlalona, 1111. Uly M111y type 1ty1el, lllgll quality, rN · sonablt Notary 75 t-13 t4 T L C Housekeeping Service. Low Rates Toni 850-02081642·0405 Raia Steve 968·648: Cuetom PalnUng by Jim Res.tcomm'I Xlnt rela 63 t·5507 aft 6prn SttH•• • ••••••• •••• •• •••. •••• Typing Word Proc. L•• • Exper11se HouMkeeplng We furnish vacuum & supplies. Vanessa 97 t-4838 HOUSECLEANING IS OUR BUSINESS! Janice's Raggedy Ann ESI tO yrs. 875·2514 Joan's Cleaning Service Houses-Apia-Rentals Olllces 540· 1287 General Housecle1n1ng Rellable, rel•. 10 yrs H P 962·05 to alt " Shop at home It's easy wttll clualfleel 842-5878 ~~!!~!1 ............•. BRICKWORK Small fob& Newpori, Coste MHa. Irvine. Reis 575.3175 Brick. block. concrete, stucco, very reaa lie Bob 548· 76501536·990( •A·1 IOYIH* Top quallty Special care tn nandllng 25 yrt exp Competitive Rotes No overtime 730· 1353 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Ltc ll24·436. ln1uree1. 641·8427 WATCH US GROWi MOBILE SERVICE tere. ratumee. lwm Pl· ReacreenatN-screens pers. MSS. ttc. Raaa !~~~;!'~ •••••.••••••• NB/CM only 6'2·11552 _54_9_·7_13_5 ____ _ Farthing Interior Oe111gn HANGlNG/S TRIPPING Vlsa·MC Scoll 645-9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 yrs local exp Guar ,,,,,.,,.1 111~1~ .. ..•••.............•••• SECRETARIES TO GO Your Olllee or Ours Elllc1ent1Rehable ln·house Word Proc No mlntmum 642-0969 work Prices start at --------- $8/roll Alec 75 t-7027 ~l!!~~J!!~ •• •••. •••••. Custom wallpapering, • SERVICE & REPAIR so11slac11on g1.aranteed Van Oppens ServlCe Co For 8 51 Frank 775-07 14 (7141 838·4666 I ED'S PLASTERING ALL TYPES INT/EXT Textures Patching FREE EST 645·8258 fill ···················•·· Custom Ceramic Tiie Prompt Call Chuck, ev1 642·65841675-1408 dye !!!~!~f ............. . WELDING· No fob loo small Very re&tOl'llbla Call Gene at 645-0875 ~~~~~~ .~~~~~'····. "Let the Suntlllne In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning Ltel 549-8853 20% Monthly Oiacount MR SPARKLE: all wndwt, both sides. screen• & tracks, Honest. depan· dable Guar no •treak1. Reas prices 540-6e5' ~!!F.!!! ••..•••.• ~.~~¥ !~.'~/!~! ........ !.~~~ !'.~·.t.~1!~~.'!.!! ••. !.~~~ ~!.'!cl!!'!.'. •..• !.fJ:f.~ 1totort~l11/ • Vu1 1510 A1t111 l••rtH A1t111 1 ... r1H SCHWINN GIRLS' f•ll tilt lt4 Chris Crall 1949 delx StHllll IJSO •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• r.-••••••••••• ••••• •••'·-··••••••••• ADVERTISING Ttlt•lltH An. Salts 20" Fair Lady. like new, Msttress. box spring and Atari Video Computer run·about, or10 relln $9. •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 CHEV VAN 4' ton, l/llW 111Z Fl•t 11ZS For local aports & nair. $75 5 8 021 S t CX2600A St25 350 tort>o New ures & •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. -. 4 ·1 lrame Xlnt cond $125.. ys em • 950 673·9 164, wk da 1980 Harley D1vld1on, WH +MORE $1 800 or 75 Fiat 124 2 CIOOf eou· Here'• 1 unique oppor· !~';'1~~7~;~~0publlca· Blue men's Beach Cruiser 7 It pine green Naug· 497·3070 Rick _A_M_IP_M _______ 1 Golden Anntverury LI· otter Iii'"' pe Mint cond Mull ... I '""'~ '""" _., ~'°" •It• .,.,...,. H>• -,., •• ~" "'" loOd ~· IElmflL 32. """"· '""' good. mll•d """" ""°'' STEVE '"·'"'' ' "'.,.... $4000 or beat oiler wOf'klno with the publlc TOPLESS MODELS s1751otter 645_0911 db le bed $100 OBO IWllP .. ITEI tooks gooel. very sound custom $850 pllnt fob 646·5601 or 549·2463 on tha telephOne and $75 DAY • PAID DAILY Moving 552·5698 .. Many many exlrlS, lots A•IOI W111tH 1510 earning money at tlle no exp • nee • 826-2583 l1i1'i•1 CEIUlllOI $~'~0 ~~rv4el 4 .~'ok~;~ ot chrome & gold plating •••••••••••••••••••••• H,.,. 11Z1 same time. TUYEL OllllLTHT #ittrilll IOZS In YELLIW SOFA Verv large horse $45 497•3511 $7.000 or 8 .0. 646·1854 WE PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• Your 1ucceulu1 sales Establl•ll•d Newport •••••••••••••••••••••• $250 540-410 I Cats $8. Also made to '8 I KAW 550. 2000 ml. 11, TOP DOL' •R Hiil lllTUllt experle11c1 wlll en1ble llOW 31o/FT •G<>• CHAIR animals. your choice 01 42' Mallhewsc95 lairing, kerker. all p1t1s Lii we can help' BefOfe you you to become a key pan Beach 1gency seeks • M .. "" colors l ulu 840·8709 24' 1979 Sklpjeck. open 5900 '--k ... ~-i of our Claatllieel Adver· motivated & protesslonll Redwooel 2K8 decking, with Vlbretore $100 eves/ wf(nda many eKtras. Ilka new exeept frame 962• FOR USED CARS SALH-SEllYIOE buy. c,..... our un..,_ •· tlalng De pa rt men t. agents. Min 3 yrs. expel' 4·20' long; alto reelwooel 540·4101 $13,995. 557. t566 KAWASAKI 400 12K ml au• llCIOI LUlllC ~~~ !!:!1~1on, saving• Straight commission on wltll Domestic. Intern•· fencing Call Jim or Ken p .,. h MOVING SALEll War<ls xlnt cond $750 OBO 11 83t.2040 495_.949 E .II ··•-·. tlonal, vacation & com· anytime. 775·1491. Duncan h,.e ma ogany w1a11«&gasdryer,both 25 ft t 9 72 Bayllner . s s s POITlaC/SIHll UlllY Rlln _..,. merclal Must 1>e Sabrt C•••t•I • Dining table w/2 leaves $150. Plald earthtone 8' cabln·Mtrcrulser mtr MU T ELL, at & PMs 11 SADDLHAOI llW :!J':' ~~:t:.:s~~l::~e trained, good salary 4 • S e 8 t 5 1 O ' $ 1 O O couch & loveseat, both 675-6032 HB 536-HBl 2480 Harbor ~Ivel 28402 Marguerite Pkwy $l1.ES I SlaYlll MONEY. -wlll train...,., benellls. 714-752·9038 L.i••t•I 1030 540-4lOI S 100 All llke new 17' Hawellen Trl·Hull '74 BSA 500B·50 Vietor COl~T.A~~OEOA Mission Vle)O 2850 Harbor Blvel. ,~ ••• ~~•••••••••••••• Steeleese desk w/wood 848-3396 Deep v, 355 Olds Jet, Classic, Of'1g equtp, iclnt • ·•• (Avery Ex11off 1·5) COSTA MESA In Clautflad prooedur.. TRAVEL A~t, ellpet'CI I I I I 1 cond $800 631·2310 S41· 141l Open Sunelays 540•114D For an .,,"""'ntm11111 tor •• 1 1 b CANON 514 XL MOVIE ira n orm ca op, o c sz. fll•ll.tll concours cond $7500 ...,,,.,. ,.,. n. yr a re agency 70 "'2 1207 lntervl-. pleaae caJI our EHcullve Travel Serv. CAMERA. u cellent con· .,.. • 673-1058 ·75 HONDA 350XL. Baia WE IUY Personnel Dept at lrvlne. 833·9406 dlllon, F·14 lens. auto SOFA, pull-out sleeper. l•1trm•••l1 IOl3 r8e3a1d·v2.3t1rolck equip $500 CLEAN CARS & *'77 1HIOINTOASDJ.CIVIC* 842-4321. Ell1 277. zoom. macro loeu1lng. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1967 Grano Binks 42. earthtona In pt1kl. S175 Washburn Stage Serles brl91 ol. raelar. cruise NUii ct&IT Typeaet11< needed P/llme only used twice, with Gery 673-8347 Elec Guitar w/tremelo reaely 2 boat o wner '78 Suzuki 370-D like AID TRUCKS Spitty little car Enjoy lltt.Y PfllT nights. Eellt wrltlf nper carrying cue 1200· bar w/case S500/otr. A s k tng $98 K B kr n-.mustsee toepprec great gaa mlleage lm- 330 W. Bey St. ~~·~3~~~~9 Ben. area. •6~4~5-~6~1~3~8~~~~~~1 L~er~~=' S~~~ w/top. Lab series L5 guitar am· 646-4005 $800 63 t-2310 CREVIER meculate Inside & out COSte Mesa .: 544.5955, 644•7697 pllller, 100 watts w/2 12" ----------1 * '78 3201, auto . snlrl, ( tBCB080) Juat neeC1 r• An Equal Oppty Emplyr C .. 11 1035 s pk rs S 4 o o / o f r IHll, Re•t '74 Honda CT90 trail bike ('1438VCK) liable party to make ~!!...!~~~~~'..'..'..!:'.!!.'.....)ill!lml--~~----i •••• • •••• • ••••• • • ••• • • Q u EE N w ATER BE O, 848-9784 Tom or Donna Cilrtfr 1050 2200 miles S225 * 79 5281 4 spd 1ow small monthly pmts. No G.r••• s.111 Free kittens, beau b lll heater. frame with Cira· •••••••••••••••••••••• 960·3•35 mis (• 140YCC) OICI contrec;ts to assume USS S 10 to $25 llr Un· ••••'••••••••••••••••• long tiatred I wtlt boo--rs. s tOO 536-3282 Sliver Flute wltll case July 4th Weekend Marl· • ·79 528•. auto . sn/r1, No back pmts due. A1k dercover Wear llome C•1t• #n• teel. 1racoon 1atled. $130. call 642-7018 , ner 40 Ketch, $Soo tor llotor Bo•11, l•/1/ 1.,53426l5) tor Rose 842-4400. parties. 6'5·7744 0·;;a·;;·$~j;·:·L~~;·~j 960-2534 2·7 PM o:::;~~~z~~~~·1t!rdi'~i: 548-6030, 646-8187 31,,. dys 673-5340 .!.~'!!/.~!!!~f! .. .!.'.~~i----------* ,79 633csi. auto. low 556·1008 Proto LIM. SALESLADY PI T. The Goodleal Sat/Sun 10-4 Neut cat. 1 yr olel. to lo-$50. 536-3282 N-Taakamlne Classical lt•I• l•il 1060 RV door with screens lllCM llHR mis • ("55354 t8) 1976 Honda Civic Good Mole Hole, Lido VIII 20 879 Arbo< St. (Nr 19th & vino home, must keep In Guitar w/soll case, S 125. •••••'•••••••••••••••• $35 * '80 3201, 5 SPd loa· conelltlon, 57 .000 ml yrs. exp req. 673-4655 Monrovia). c M llouse. $2 1194-6054 QUEEN Sofa Beel. Blue & 548·9995. 63 1·9947 (ask LIDO t4. nds repair &Mt 548-t230 Top dollars tor Sports dad' !•BDV020) Beat oller Call (71 4) Sales Parton. mature. Pl GIGANTIC SALE. Sat & IJY.1 IHO ~~t.~~~~8:d cond lor Malissa> Oller Seen by appt fr&ilm 1r•nl 111' ~~;.~ :~3.~s Campers. :ee1~r~i~~~o~Pd ioa· _9_96-__ 706_8 _____ _ time. HB girt &llop. Mon·Tuet. only. 641 Sur1 •• ··~·~:·•••••••••••• Ollitf F•t•it•rt I _7_60_-60_8_6 ______ ••••••• ;.<.............. Ask tor U/C MGR ·77 St Wagon, xlnt cond .. 963-6900 SI. CM. TV toots+ Pets R people. Boar· Scandinavian youth bed Ii • t IOIS 15' SAILBOAT, needs 78 Golden Falcon, 25' Jll lllUIO IH-311l am/Im srer Must sell SALESPERSON for ollll· Mo'REI 646-7018 ~~:s ~0~r:::1'~~t~~· With ma~~2~:, •••• (!!f~!~•••••••••• some work, great traJler. fully sell c on I'd Twn YOLISW&CH 208 W lsl $3000 673·2259 dren·s shop f.s;p'd In 3 Famlly Pillo Sale! OFFICE FURNITURE $300 Must sell lhls beds, tub & shower. roll 18711 Beach Blvd Santa Ana. 1980 Prelude, 5 spd, tun· retlll only Full/ P·tlme T I __ .. ,,_, __ I-I German Shorthair Point· Antique cherry wood Desk, 3 chairs, flllng ca· wee«1111CI. 960-5543 up awnlno Sips 6. llke HUNTINGTON BEACH Closeel Sunda'JI-root. 8oH 1402 AM/FM Petite Merche 642_..714 •et _, ••-• ers. AKC, dual champ Clresser. 7 drawers $250 blnet St95 all new in & out U9ed Vlf) 1~2•2000 G ------·----1 930 w. 19111 St. Conte-b c k 0 r d . 6 wk s OBO 642·6980 667·t544176().7167 llf IHflllt Sallhat little Must sell $5750 • CHOICE INVENTORY CBS5elle 58·000 ml. d SALESPERSON/BUYER rence t1ble & 4 vlnyl 714/871-48&3 13'.lt', brand new, compl. OBO 2t3-630·1500 W( IE(I VOLUME SALES conel '6250 720-0525 tor golf 1hop, private cllalrs, watller & dryer, ---------Solle! oak rolltop desk. New 6 11 oak Hemllton w/center boerd & ruel· & Honele, Toyota, Da11un, club.30·35hrswkty,lncl. o 'stutteel cllalrs, twin Doberman Puppy, 5 '~ 54" wide a1 new reelu· Dratting table anel der S700 1·828·4042 S · I YOIR UOTIO ' ell makes. $t99 does 11 d mos AKC reg Obed c--' to s5'95 ""'4°005. e q u 1 Pm ' t S 7 O O ---------1A•to IIY1t•, ut1 some weekends. Hourly mahog. ~Clbr s. book· · "" .,....,.. 0 1 I IRITlll CARS No 191 or last, no depo-wage + c ommlu ton case & Greet Books by trained. housebrokern. 559·6565 27 ' ALBIN Vega s I AtttU•lill HOO Sit No lie tee DellYefS B nels yarel gd temrww 2 B111e1 IOI' sloop Np1 sllp Sac •••••••••••••••••••••• 496-5767 tor lnlervlew rltannla. Clropleaf table, . ....... ········••o••········ Oeall. Flllng Cabinets. SIC s 13,950 pp 548·5556 LITE BODY WORK & I 0 I .. c La RE I any lease. buys any Clf S R dishes. bird cage. radio dog houses 6'0·0646. wtmlll WIU Like new • must sell No ----.------1 paint/up 10 50.,., ofl your over our coat All Savets SALE EP·Part·tlme, clock & imp, lamps. Sprlnner-•payeel. shots. 1 re as offer rel sed •·•ti $1 II BMW Leasing 634--0t89 644-60H. m se. yr Loves chlldren. Tral· Wkelys 768-4812, eves & DHh 101(1 KI Sales-Servtce-Leaslng J ITJO Jewelry & crafts. comm 1 ., ~ w/stanel $150 840·8777 u -, I body shop est 536·9832 ~EW~QTYT' "' ... ;~S~A~LE~S'..'...:..S_E_C_R_El_A_R_Y_I----,·.----~ neel $35 559·6325 BOARDING $100 per mo wknd 495·2517 •••••••••••••••••••••• FOINE~ASIHLllNNGE AGUTO M RJS 850 N Beach Blvd .!/.!~!••••••••••••••• .. ,,.,Lia Ill Why pay more? Back lt.,trf larl11 uer La uabra J '12 DE ,., ... AKC Golden Ret pup 6 B Otltce desk, very nice. Fr~ PU/del 5•2.5•49 n II 30 llra P« ~. 9:30 to •••••••••••••••••••••• • ay area Lg lighted cost $550. wlll trade tor Slips avail day. Wk or mo ~ ~ ~ a.22 a.3•• v 12, orig 36K ml. 2 plus 3. Follow leads, set ap. Aati••n 1005 wks Shots. $200~ male arena 545 2536 v ·v •• polnlmenls. lleavy ••••'••••••••••••••••• 84 t·3296 · • VCR, retrlg or sell tor 646-055t Creger Mags. gooel cond Open Sunday 2. auto. wtre whll , elr, h II II I N__.. Walnut dining rrn set with --------JtnlrY 101G $300 673·8347 -S-ld_e_tle_u_p_to_2_0_' _f _o_w-er $60 pr Call lor detalls 3t00 W Coast Hwy AM/FM Mint Co nd pone. g I typng .......... 6 lthr cllalrt. $1200 FrH ,. ,,. IHS ,-,. 840-8709 all 6PM Newpon Beech GRAHE ooum 'S 673 9 7 675 930 organlud & outgoing ESTATE:·;~·it;;;~;·dl~~ 1ttl IOl1 boat Bal Isle 120. ·4 4 • •4 person. Balboa Penln· 675-4800 FRE0E°KineN°s:7;:;t,; mond jwlry Plus 78 Ca-...................... 676-5624 A1to1 /11 s.1, 642"9405 OLIEST Jt ,, ,1•• I 673..()760 I H B Two adorable Peach •••••••••••••••••••••• • • ... SI.la, SETITIH&SOLICI cean. area Olllac C dV, 3 1K ml ·wANTEDOock spaeelor IMPORTANT NOTICE WAITED! •••••••••••••••••••••• ·-111-u-... $400 675-4800 846-4t58 ltllace Trap gun. men's faced Love bird• In gll· 13' boat. Bal. Island/ TO READERS AND &' ·73 JENSEN Healy. 400 _,.,, -14K Tissot witch. Chain ded cage 150 536-8574 Pevlllon area prel'CI. Late model Toyo tes. Chev & 350 trans. Too Japanese/American. Antique oak dlnlno room Female Delmatlon mli1 ADVERTISERS Volvo1. P1Ckup1 & Vans. much to 1111 Street legal Fluent In both 1anou1g91. aet, 8 cllrw Queen Ann, puppy, smart & lovable & nugget. 631·9276 PIP l&IY OICUTIEL 661-5798 evea. The price of items &Cl· Cell us toelayl & tun to drive. $4,800 Typing. S/H, $4.50 llr. !(Int cond. 11000. Kelly 646·11705 It. • . 1011 $20. Oraely 846·6948 SLIP AVAILABLE. up to vertlsed by vehicle dea-OBO 493 9595 Call M r . Yamazaki 9.5 Mon-Fri, ll45-7l04 ht•il•n IOSO .. ~!.!!!!'( ............ 11 I th I 35• CdM area. S911t, 30· lers In tmi vehlcte ctassl· Seles·Servlc.-Leaarng ----·----- 714/8-42-0411 •• •• ••• •• •••• ••• •••. •• &Ir o..,,.11., •••• r••• min enarge Call Peggy fled adve<tlslng c;olumns 67 JENSEN lnt8fC119tor ---.-R .. -ET-.. -.,---VICTROLA·Sacrlflee. xlnt KING INNERSPRING EX· 3 HP, 1 pllue. 60 gal •••:RENT.AL.PIANOS•:•• or Carrie 7141955.2413 does not Include any TOTOTA·YOUO rY"'tV r A fJ\ tr:.R RI g 11 t II and d r Iv•. --cond. S200. TRA FIRM mattress set. ve<t. ASME coCle tank. 0 1 S 15 wkdys 6-5. applicable tues. lleense, 1~ 1 ~' v c:; t60mpll. 4 pan. $5, 100 Full/time position to mt 558-9339 nevM useel. worth $530, Nev1< uaeCI 1695. Terms. F 1 ~~ P :n·P 1 a n~·8 • transfer tees. finance ltU ~ lh& or"" 'S llf '1.1--C ·ln1\V OBO 493.9595 Immediate opening. Ty-1-----------1 sac $248 del. Never 1•772•5390 7l4-6J8•2771 WANTED: Slip spaoe tor charges, f141S tor air pol-c......... ~iu ~'''-c; ll' .. ,-~, ,.... plnn, l"'hl bookkeaplng A1f.~lll•tn 1010 used queen sz, worth -------------------i Cal 25 Sallboat Oespe.. lutlon eontrol device "u•·OOJwUl).tUI ~ ...... , • .• .,.,, ,~·· ,., .-., ~1- .. ,. "" rate! N--.. sp·~· by Juty -~=~~~ji==~.,.~.,~,,,.~·~ .. ~·i·~·"~""~-.~.J •• ••••• •• • • • •• • •••• ••• & pllOnea. Compu111' ell· • ••••••••••••••••••• $399. cash only, $218 &Hat Jtlaftl 411, Kingsbury Uprlglll Plano, ....., ~ certifications or dealer pertence hel¢ul. Call tor AP~~~~~~ ~~'itvicE del. Usually h ome. 5135 575.5292 gooel tone. nloe original _2_8_A_l_an_4_9_4-_9_6_7_7 ___ 1 Clocumentary prepare· WI llY appt, 780-1041. 7~7350 cabinet. S495 847-7017 BOAT SLIPS lion charge s unless USED CARS & TRUCKS We ael1 reconel · guar t-*"'T'"-*....-Tl-iBrriUYll'T'*.,...-*.,....-Rockwell Woodworking AVAILABLE otherwise specified by COME IN OR CALL FOR 1982 BMW 633CSI. 1000 mlles All options plus 3001 BOS, P7's, red w/ 1an lntr Rare & perfect Gr and Garage . 63 t.J698 --•lane.a. 549.3077 Lallle. complete w/ BUSH & Lane upright th• Cle ti FREE ••-111a.l ...,,... I I' I NewPort Beach 20', 40' & '"' a v r ser ..,..,." a 11nnllY knives. 1495, 875-5292 p ano, magn , cent Restaurant design llrm I llY APPLIUOES Good used Furniture & 1ounel. Xlnt cabnt., 52' 642-4644, 9·5PM A•tifHI/ Cormier-Delillo llu lmmeellate opening Lii 957-8133 Appliances-OR I wtll sell lllu1IJHH•1 IOID bene1'1 $696 847·7017 --------CIHl/tl 15ZO CMEYHLIT tor • Secretary. Gooe1 HOTPOINT Elec:trtc: range. or .::nm YAion. ••• ,N.TEAARMS0M~.·x· .. Wurlltzer contole piano F'!!!'l.!~WJt~ ••••..• •••••1··u··E•l••;,·1~;1•1••••• ~~~~1N~i=:cr~ :i:gH typing, •hor111and. figure 30". Hlnlftt Gold. Ilk• .... Ill II Protesslon1lly Custom Very gd eond. S600 Alttrlll llJO '60 BMW 6331, Loaded. SH UI r.J aptitude & communlcl new 1195. 975·5292 141-• 21 Bullt Rifle. Heevy Barret 494-4881 •••••••••••••••••••••• Shay repHcaa; pickups & l•l-1017, eU·IJ31 $22.000 ISk for Warner, ~o• YOU• ~~~\~91u1;:'ia'::'rC::. -Fr-eez-.,--1200--.-w-a_sh_a_r_&-1--1-1-11--,.-1-1-m--11-1-·1 3.22-92580 with cRee111e11e1 EMERSON student ptano FOf 1Sale or,:": Tr~de. frC:,u,::1es10~6~~8~11rs°,~e 569-4221, 640·7990 HllTM•IOA. anu•~t expe<lenoa 1 dryer S 125 ea. Dish· Las 957-8133 X· x cope. 011 1 · very nice. play a easllv P." ner wan ° s are Top Dollar 1>. I 111S ~tNt~~~ua. Congenial, waellef 1100· 646-5848 New 1u11.-s1zo manress 1et. ~.~~o~~:::~ Jeff i~-~~821530.1022 ;!/~~00~1~u1~111>1i~ A309t~L'7i,tia;no 11 ~1!. ••. 9(,"cA."Pf.i0 ••••• : .: .:W ., 1m111 office l0<;1ted In Refrigerator 1350 Gaa S65. Naw queen size. OME. new paint. 223 gal Paid * llST •RU * · r·--i tlle lrvlne lndu1trl1I Stove $250. 3 yean olel. 1100. 750-5932· lllW• 2d ... Wurlltler spinet piano w/ fuel To be blHd u For Your Carl --" Comp lell Excell• n t 497-4955. 8 to 20' IOng, 3114 per ft. bencll, xlnt cond $600 close to Nwpt Boh as , ••••••• SOI RS Pkg. Real aPortY plus ltH Miii n, um ll(IA Ml me tn.olc.i/deotll plcilege. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ OHll 775-1491 anytime. 548-5313 postlbte. •J, snare $42, great gas mlleage Plenty Ptea1e contact: Jean, UPUllH II llEfl II 1111 600 + 'h all e>1penses or LIHtla·ltrtMry of extraa. 4 olhM moelets ---------641·5709 ' ' TIUIS Lowery Du lex Organ. wllt sell eompl for $80. 2828 Harbor Blvd avallable (762YOL) Jut! ·79 RX7 Auto. air, rldl&l1, SllYIOl Hn. 140 Ill 111-lllO Nwp1 Bell t•nnla club branel new conel Xtre ooo Gary 873-8347 Cotti Mesa 540-5630 need reliable party to mtnJ conel 36,000 ml SEWING MACHINE OPE· RATOAS. ~. qulllty mlndeel, piece rat••· Cotta M ... 6'2·9652 SPARE TIME HELP NEE· OEO. Your own llB, lllnt opportunltlH. Up tc 11000/mo. APC>1. Oannlt MS.-8417 TAN WHILE YOU EARN ..• Aeloft tntentlle It no. "lrtno for publlc rela• "°"9. cell' LIQUIDATING lam memberthlp. $500 features. Clbl keybowd & malle small monthly 497-3930 "LL New •PPLIANCES 4 ,. Ur I• let Incl tran1 tee ~4·2698 magic Genie corel• Fr" "1•-11 ••/• I"" .. Classlc Au1lln Hea· Premium prtcea pmts No old con1ract1 ----·-----•T '"'cosT 1 ....... -•o. ,. __ , .,,.,.,., ..... I lessons. Pd $2500. A•· "' r~ / ., """ Id 1 •--' ca '80 M1Zda 626 ~. 5 .,o, ,.. "" "' .....,. ~ _. 2 M t 1 d-a. , 2 .. 1 Jt•t l/ZO ley Merl\ Ill. 17.000. Call Pl or any u......, r to a nu me. No bec k air atereo 32M .._._ IMaytagJ $250 213-e30-5252 ea ...,.,, '°''• ,... king $1000. 558·9339 •••••••••••••••••••••• Jim Mon-Fri (80 I) (foreign or domestic) pmta. due. Ask for Roee 16250 67~2172• _,,..., w-...-..A1 10 $39995 FR T RE kl .. _.. tee commerlc11 1pkr1 • ..., .. ~! MINI-CAB-OVER Camper 288-6890 In good condition 842·4400, 558·t008---·------..,...,. · u NI u : no az """· end receiver Torro rl· 1 '"am.,i'' IHI clHn thtu·out 18115. See Us Flr111 tJ n.,-°'Yet 00110 1339.95 2 Cir-•. 2 coif• tab-di"" lawn mower. new I 19114 Porsche 356SC Proto LIM llaMI• •~ W._ l.A310 $449.95 '"· S195 1U o~·k drop leef deak .•••••• '1 ••• !!!!........ 5"ll-6762 or 830-t022 $10,000 Call Jim Mon'. •••••••••••••••••••••• Waner LSA810 '519.96 687-15441780-7167 545-3514, 9..t BEAUTIFUL 25" F\CA .. ,,,,," l.lkn 1140 Fri (801) 266·8990 OllUll Dlhwlhr WU701 $5111.05 Color TV aale. 2 yr wrnty. ••• ••••. ••••. ••••••• •• ---------..... 1 ,..,.....,.. Olhwlhr WUGOI S64!US Outdoor Furniture. Brown Menresa. king ilia Beau· $148. Free dellvery. 1978 PUCH. Very gooel 1975 Brtclllln, gullwlng .,. "'' • fAdmlralJ Jordon, (Willer Lamb tyrest. firm. Nr new. TV Jolln'• IJ.48-l78e cond. w 5.1nc11 owner's door1, 1 own1 Xlnt con<I. OOLDlft i3.5 cu. It. relrlg w/ Bronze). 3 lounge& S200 1350. 540.0117 m1nuat 494~861 714-530·9659 •i• ... JTI di 1 d each. 3 eanva rocil-. 17'' RCA XL 100 Color TV -------------------1 --~ S1~~!9"5H" n oor S150 eech. 1 alralgllt 4X8 POOL TA9l.E w /t11nd, lllnt conel. '79 MOTOBECANE. lllnt. ltnHtlt••l llJILDU ... -·· · ellalr S125, I bronze SI.ATE. S-400. $ t 7 5. Lynn work oond Turn 1lgnal1. fij/t/n 1$10 ~11118 11.u b1tt !{f\d -----"'' o.tlwshr ou2488 .... """ 115 rocker $150. 7 back MS-87811938-1888 559-5133, 111 8 & Wknd• m ag 1 . at c I 450 . ...................... We'n dellllar ln)'Wllere In Oltlwel'lrou24B8_.,,., r•taS20 eecn.&«-0509 LI~ UUllll 045-2028. _9"-0 __ 723 ______ 172 Dodo• Conv•r11011 thewortdl CotMln&IM 12811.GS 2 Utne gr'een velvet 011r1.. Send IOIMOfW you love Modul11 comc>onent #1,.,,,,ln/ ::~~ :~i :'11gs~= 119 •• W111r1poo1 Hit cleenlng xtnt condition.. 1 180 or 1 ~ot30beeutlfUI eywtem:'-*V9"&1Pk,. lnfttn lllO 531•2041 • clyt. •v• IUll ••n r1ngat from 1499.95. be 11 o If• r b o I h Hallum belloonl . LO\lely Xlnt cond. StOO. MlllMA •••••••••••••••••••••• 64~35 ...e Dow 9,,_. G1,..,_ a 81mw mlcfo/ 962..t039 ror bffd91 & tun tor the 641-tt95. 831-9947 '71 Xfll75, xlnt aoncmion.1---------1,---------N!WPOAT MACH M ..... 531 2401 etec bltn ovwn sa50. a. 4111 Of July. Beata tll• recent tune-up. 1278. 4 n .. 1 """' Hll l·,80--D-.,-2-10-w-~--.-Lo-l 112-1• •" • ~Ion Of COOk Iopa & WATERBED • ¥· • Deluxe "ll•ok" out ot ro .. 1. "'"I lllrl..1 762•M13 •••••••••••••••••••••• A11N'I la_,,.,, ...., M tw>od•. Oak rreme. Auto. lltr. ,75 lntrtl Seoul 2 x 2 New ••••• ••• .,....·l':-....... mlle•u· EKc• cond. ---------~=~~~~~=~i~;eu;R;t<;e~·a;A~PP~L;IA;N;C;ES;d 1125. 1175-11298 6734419 · •• ~JI!'!~!••••••••• Irani ,,_ bfalcH, 12500 ....,aJ 1111 AM/F cue, 8 apd. ##H41J... ffff IWM81S 8olld Maple bdrm .... u":' 00:'J\~"1·-;:r~ ,,,,,, ,.,,,, "'' ...... II ~-r 1~ 9 .. 6 4 & 3 3 :i;·;.~~·;;·ci:t:.··:-;r· s.tlOS. 5'5'-51H pvt pty •••••••••••••••••••••• m rDUnlr good condlllon. AllO P• ' go u• I e ....................... fl'•lrlng. lf\lnkcu.. 7,...,., 2 t31821~a2 • t 13? '1 Pklt t&ll,,. mo. '71 a•oz. lllgh P•rlor-~·· you ...,.. '°"' n;,a,,u·~ Wlllrlpool waehef, Ken-ml9c. ltelnt.14t-tll60 ~~21 h 24 4 · tl't " Lepe/I 1!!_!1c•..,,.f!'omP· tnll~OOOwner/ bet~I / no~I Cloeed 1no 41 mo IM.M. mlOOI eng, C91m body ~".~~own, ,.,!,.!11/f/t let. mot9 e1ec dl)'et, lt5 ee. IOn w r1 -, .,.,,. ,... ., -,._.. l#I AU IAVIA8. work l Int. Imm a o ....... -11 . .,... ' lllftDll !Mt-M72 20 EM.CUl!ve Olk Oeaka Tr9n1tnltt• Ottec\ef I 0,. d . • 3 a 0 . c'" 58M2tt :: r.·.................. ... 71'4J.MJ11t lhruou1. M11•1 ... to .... Ihle oPPOfMlltr ,.. '°" ftUN\ joood tor llom• llM ), Cllee* ~' ~. GM. 9'1.001 IH1 TOYota '"' allott Pfto. "600.141-76" '>Y-.eGt ""'Y\'9,..... • ~ 11uwv.ia ,,._,, ~~~ ~ 'y,962 ov• .. •t, c1111r, ootfM 11om• lor 11nlnvlltcl Wooclaon Dull C.lNdfll ·11 KAWAIAKI IOO bid, new 01u10", n11w ~ ~'IO o.t..,,,, eooa. ~:~:.:"Z ='':;..:! ~ 1Mlvl4t11at• for ~ • tlOllt :::' end '!:rd! 911Ht•. Al•• 11u tolo· 11~. 11·, o,., iO H-.d• "°'ll..t mvtt M41 "'"· n•1¥ "''"'· ''"' \'"me ............ r;•i• tt ooo mi,.,._"*' & ..., ;;r.;;.;; ~ n.e .. c1nw oeeee. P'IOf1e t• ...,. a '*""' "' fWwde, on ,,....,. '. • • • • • u o o • o ICM'• J•ooo ... o.uot '11 w ... 11ti111 •·::::.I''"' • · •r.1=• ~--'""""· ff'fQIDAIN oor ...... ~_.Ot ln-........ lllOO.Wlll 11800. Mu•t. H ll 1111• 14 .. 1113 ... ., ' Oo••=:.:..•···-tun ... IUlly . wl AO ·.t~-=ri-· =·~~ .. ,~~ "'°'la~'·'-•1eo ~llV~.;"j"' .... 'r:1. ... '°' UHO. ITW$4f ..... M0-1141 KAW-.Al<I KMtOOllltlet ,Orel "U t ~UlU . rOOf, '1.tw1rl'llltl: ,,.1 .. ::/1" '/4M/,, llt; -• .. ,. "Ina tft .,,_., , ... 1.0otlt;l,CdM &Htt'!Cfot_. IO' C1i.1n Orulttr, twin OI Trll_llUl>Clflt,1~,t!01 tHOO, l~tll, Olhe';a l•ll1t1 ~t.!_l~,~ ... t•,•1•~1· *~· •!!!.,"*' ..... 9ft/ J!tl:i.P 911!11. ...,. =~• 1e1 ..., ,.._,. 11 & titMi. , Oii CIMll. MOO, en1ln1 wflh tllp, Mutt lflltlt, M T ,M)Ju "' ~ 4to Oolt• !! ...-,,._., ' .. , ......... ~,..'90flf -·-"' Clu -, ..... ,. ........... 71t .. 1 1 7 lllllltlf•tllt,ff7-40t4 t40014Mt11 ll.0.M, ,.. a -? ca i11~.~m lftmftt. ffta!. .. 1.~i '71 3000. • dr •adan, P9f1ect oond. 10 ml, mutt ...1 "nancdng avall. Dye 048·~00. eve 813·04D4 l!'!ll.F!!I. •••••••••• ~.'.~'.~.~!!4 ........... 11.'111.V.'ll. •••••••••• ~!'!!1.V.'!I. •••••••••• '1.'!A ••••••••••• !!.{f f.~~'~.' ... !'1 •••••• 1!.t ¥H!!ff/!~ •••••. !!.!f llW 1111 VW lllU 'Ta AMC HOtM I 2 dt ... Tiii LARlllT '78 MA"IC IV, wnlla. Up.. '79 Cull8M 8up Btgm 0 om P I e I a I y d1n, recent v1lv• lob. llLIOTIOI llok ld111on, o1brlol11 * ... , llU * 'II IHMft Lt ler refurbletledlll New 1771 brakM . and II.Ito 1rena landau, 1101 mega, 3 Model• ror 111e. All 30 10 OhOOM lrom motor a, complete ly rbH. Aelleble. low ootl Olllle mOd•Uow mllM be• u 11 f u I 13 D 5 0 •Quipped with p lu1h ..... ,,. .. , . ....... ,. .... ...... .. ,.., ...... , __ Fl .. 1 Salee or rltll ''" lmlMCllate Delivery chromed. with 40 IDA 1 r a n ' P 0 ' 1 1 11 0 n o• Cadlllaca In 8outhe<n 875·2172 v .. our lntlflOt 4 luM Po· (8etlal No. 0093• f) I 1800/btl 714/490-4903 CllllOfnlal ISM UI IOdaul ~fttl 1 ~tth •"ntool, I Wet>ef CllbUtllOtl. Po-' ~ ~ '"' C11ir1p11• 11ouu or 1111 110rlt Dheel lt111H 111111 GO rnp1 IOllllOlf pym11 l>lal 11:; "' 114, MfR c I l) l b I I '1 I .I ti ' 1141bJ1 ,•,t I.I flO 3-000, io.200 ml. fully letM Llnle calh needed lu•ollU. ltli.11!0 IU.000 edg., 1158·007 I 0 10 ll73 ~ 14 l (Aoy or '80 M8l 48081.. loaded. l loyd), IVH .. wilnd•. 30K ml. •Ii ava rod• I 8711 321111 1vory1tan ... thei lm•n• 14111 llahed oenlerllne rlmt . 68 Aamblll', 4 dr, big Ja· IAllRI Contlll 113 wllh T ·lop (702UOP) .,. 4IO IL ...... IUIT Cull OM lnlerlor' new V9lln V8 eng. NHr 011.. OADILUO ••••• ••••• •••••• •• •••• (132WI' n (8llOXICW) Jutl Ortve your dr .. m oar palnl, 240 1ouver1. Mutt tic. Running, n11d1 '76 T·TOP, " tpd 1828 nHd relltblt p arty lo TOOAVll Oorgeoue AllO/.lllP/HUILT ... lo appreolatel Be· aome work $1118 2800 Harbof Plvd Fullerton Ave , Colla 11ke 1m1llmonlhlypm1• creme w/Bamboo lnl • 282• HttbOf Blvd .C M. rlout Inquirer• only PIN• 8"2-8812 COSTA MESA M11a. 8-6 Wffkd1y1 No old conlrtOll lo u. 111 MttCeOH 6en1 200. .. cu I a I. • 3 3 • 0 0 0 Ctdlll~• tu Uo Carll r.yl 4 ar, .. o Nie• d•· 7112-0192 or S.4°84411 AM/f'M eaae. air, orulM . _6_4_8_8_0_2_3 __ a._6_·7_1_10 .. Call IOf more lnlo -------140-1180 eume No bac:k pml• UNI ALL gH H11C1 6 ltlll lf'T!,f 111• Private plfty. PIMM cell l1l1k HIO DM•I 113 du• A• k Io r Ro U Wh•t•v•r lhe 'ad pl'n<lob • car 127110 78 3000. •Ptr• tt nk, Roll 04tlT1 ott lh• mttkll 21J1~ll~ 31132 aunrool, Ivory w/11n, 1 IOI, lop Aun• pert.ct . c11•) lll-OJll •••••••••••••••••••••• --------..• ~ ...•••.••••.••.•. 842-4•00. 568· •008 REOUCfO from 110.800 •••••••• ••••••••••••• .. 78 sov Veiy CIHn Auna 72 DART SWIN()fR 2dr Proto LIM ,.14 000 Thi IEE II good Brn/ten, $4000 8cyl AT R&H radl•I•, -----:-:-:::--- Wllh a Cl111Hltld Ad s.11 lhlnga tu t with Dally owner, mint, I 14,llOO Call No11111 8"2·6878 Pilot Wt nl Adi ll711-Q678, 875-4024 10 • • ' wee· '76 VW Bui , 1 PUIMlllQ«, IOI the l119111 and *I 8 8 8 2 0 2 9 wo r k orig ownr I 1400 OBO Old1mobll• 811 Aoyale kend ontyl 675.0062 •1 O{ALER IN U.S.A clnt condition 13180. 11leollon or new 1nd 876-6784 638•7781 1978 411.000 mllet Air, ~ ... ~• . .1,.!.-.'!.=t~I ~!Ji!,.~ ... '! .••••. !.~ .. ~ ... w,.~ .... ! ...... !.~~ 1978 MBZ dtl Sedan, aul o, aunrl, 11ln1 cond 18.000 840·7•911 81l l·ll366 uMd Bulekt In Or•noa -----------cru111, 29mpo Look• ™CARVER .7,. ,._881T .......,, 23>1 ml. County t0d1yl Ci1ir11/1t llZO '14 Swinger am/Im CHI, lantnltc, run1 1up1rb • "" ..,., " • • • • • • ••• • • ••• • • ••• • • • 1 / C, p I P 0 S I 3 9 S $3550 Or bMI Mr Wll· _lY"'t.l'""'C Loadedll Mull ••• lo SEE US FlllSTI 646·2371. 646-1078 llama 648-7245 mm~mm HUNTING? WE CAN mo mm '82 •• d 380SEC N.../l\..~ 1pprec:111a 640-0848 ~ ... erc:e •• We h1ve a good selec· --IHO "New Cou~ ... H irai all· ~::t'.1o.t..7':"~~1• '77. Air, lleteo CISI. Gd le llon ol NEW & USED ,.,, 1140 ,,.,. .. ,. Ve, Olu. l •• th.r 1un d an 000 I 12'"'" C I I • • ••• •••••• • • ••• • ••••• ••' ;-; •• ••• • • • •••• • • ••• • • • ClOSIO SUNDAYS con . vv. m ·""· ht vro eta '80 FIEST. Ghia, 16K ml, '69 Plymouth, 8 cyl, runt. 1001 S51,900 (4 19) 720·0526 "' 886-5400 Ohio. 1---------loc ownr $4.900 $300. new bell & gr brk• I '.,,~ '79 CON VT Wht/Whl. •I"' 0 c-.... 673-2290 640-8685 lflldf l16G da11 1• • Stored 2 yra. Only 1400 ,..,. -• - -•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ml lmmac: 18 960 2925 HlfbOf Blvd so-Ford Fa~ 4 or l o11i1t 1115 1111111 IO Sal .... Strv~Leulng 8•&-02'7 • COSTA MESA auto llr AMIFM $4800 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lui her Interior, new IAllLll&OC Ill 2101 968-5119 80 Flreblrd E1Prll l.•••t * IHT HLL * paint. S 1500 aleteo, 16" -'79 Conll9fllble Buo. rid. • --------• Liitol• 1945 pollahed alloys. new U1·2040 4ta.4MI xlnt cond. AM/FM tape. -,,-.~1-11,1-----ff-J-•' ·73 Malibu 40r, 30,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Clasay yet .... y BrO:n blutp(lnted engine, con· 28 .000 ml, reg gH . .,..u 1M ~ or 1 g m 1. s 1 9 o o till IARl IY with gold v111oor buc et court winner, beal otter ftnla 1115 $05001 bHI offer PP •••=;:;;~TIH••• 645-4199, 645·4203 54995 8:1,000 mi 1 Ow-~at~ha~u~~11;:::~ =~=:~ 0111 1-ltl-2221 MEISTER PORSCHE / AUDI 1363 I Httbor Blvd. Garden Grove S1l11-lenloe Lt11l11 l 14 131-2333 78 Turbo. spectacular rec Targa, loaded, low ml 1eege Tom 642-1603 642-6487 .. 1.•••••••••••••••••• 497-32•11 ._,~.,. ner All while 840-8902 p 0 we, & •con 'IO 0.relle lpt ,,. -.8-ll_V_o_lk_1_w_1-1g_e_n_V_1_n-.1 OAIMlUOt '65 CORVAIR -I IAEK088) Juel need ~~~ ~~l~lo~la;k:~ ~~ o!:r~· s~.:O b~~· ~~ '~~:~~ !~= N~-·e:~~ko~~-~~fs ~!!!~~t ........ .!.~~~ ~~~~'!tn~~~yy ~~l~a~~ AM/FM cuaelle. Perl 557-t"'"" tlve & proletllonal. ~~~~~~~~~1 '65 Mustang 6 cyl, good uvv c•r good prlcA $"900 old con1rac11 to asaume cond. SS,000 or beat ol-• • .,11 leltetltl ~ · v c fer 788-4751 from 810 5 68 VW Bug, aunrf, AM/ ft ... 1112 ~:~e~:,,L1IBc~~:G~~A & 673 0339 ~i, b~c:5~rn~s4:~:4~~~ PM FM, $2250. Good condl· ·59 Mustang Fastback 556_ 1008 Proto LIM lion. Oa41Hllt Int, engine not running Has air c:onel power ---- '77 Cellca llllback, $3500 499-21186 ..... ltHlll $600 642-4653 brakes power s1eering '78 PONTIAC PHOENIX, :~;:~~!~ ;~~!:n~-5 or -.,-2-S-u-nr_oo_l_B_u_g-. ,-,bu-11-1.-1 327 Chevy V8327 engine Great shape N-root. 10 ml, $2695, 549-8851 yt ar guatanlee, l)lf'lecl • with 350 trans sh1l1 kl1 new paint $1500 Mon-Fri 9·5 frl•••i 1111 patnl , Int $2500. NABER~ HI performance MUST I 645-0758 ·77 F1reb1ro Formula V8 ·se··rR!:A~·;~~;;;·~~~ _66_1_-3_9_82_____ SEE s 15~4~~f 1 Oli••dil• 9955 silver/ reo 1uto arr 1111: V6/2600 Capri & 4 9'><1. ·72 BUS Xlnt eng Fold CADILL1\ , ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• P/W PIS. P/B, Pllo•. Ful, run & econ $3,200 awey bed, but oiler /c-OOH.111 •• 1\1\d '64 CORVAIR 4dr Monza OLISIOllU 'll AM/FM St CHI 10 ml, OBO. 493.9595 Tim 640-5278 l •"'"\I,..._, '>JO 'll ~ A/T xlnlllrestm&c:h $800 CUTUSS SUPllEI( sh a r p mu 9 I sac: Before you buy. compare our sa vings, selections & service. '60 Super 90, llCIOfY rims $4800 1146-5264 'II Spitfire l1llO DH Ht-IHI ~3:-?,8 I S a I & P M s lllOUIMAM COUPE! 714 642-9223 VtJn f 11Z 7 3 G RA N A M 4 d r . • ••••••••••••••••••••• '79 CdV Cl' Elegance. Al c·&. I 9925 Loaeledl Economical die· bucke1 seals. console. 0 ATLAS CHRYSLER..PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546·1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd Complete! , body shop Sales Service Parts Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 P M and 8 A.M to 5 P M on Sa1urday BEACH IMPORTS 84a Dove S1ree1 Newporl Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we re the spec•allsts ror Alla Romeo Peugeot. Saab & Maseral, THEODORE ROllNS FORD Modern sales. service, parts. body. painr & lire depts. Compe11t1ve rales on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Me'\a 642·001 O or 540-8211 G JOHHSOH & SOH LINCOLN MSlCURY 2626 Harbor B lvd Cosla Mesa Tel 54().5630 57 Years of l11endly lamr y service -Orange County s oldest U n· coin-Mercury dealerst11p 0 SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-0330 RV service spec1alls1s custom van conversions NEWPORT IMPOITS 31 00 W Coul Htghw8y Newport BHCh Tel 6-42·940S1S40·1 764 The F._rr911 HeadQuanert '80 9 t I SC Targa. Light gold, tan lealher, loaded 20.000 ml, 5 yr/50,00C ml warranty. $27,000 752-0892 or 644-9449. Y!!~!.'!~11~ •••••• !.~~. # 1 Y h .. I moll new Mich tires •17.I •r sel engine! Handsome' A•• / F •• S 1 • 2 0 0 • 1 1 tr Service reds avail. Xlnt • •• • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • (865V JE) ,., 68M 11 Or1111 0.11tJI cond. Loadeo w/ex1ras. '67 NEWPORT, lClnl Iran· OMLY S52HI _B_4_8_-0_1 ____ -:-:--::-: ·-·-$7900. 545.5.u5 sport 5550 •&. i L ' i 9910 ..... 493.9595 MOW lilt Chtnelet • .01 ,,,,, SAUi, IHYIOI Llttle MIN Muttt1 u t on 1 -C----1---9-9-3-0 oove/Ouau Sis 5·9·;:9,;~.··;,;;;;h:1~·;tt All LUSlll Tullet, along came a .!!'.'!~.'!'.!'............ NEWPORT BEACH orig Not even a scratch. OVERSEAS DELIVERY spider ind rud In lht '82 Con11nen1a1 Sig series 133-0111 air. 10 m1 Impeccable EXPERTS Dally Piiot Clanlfled 10.000 m1 $20,000 thruoul $2450/bll Call WUllE YILYI aec:tlon aOOut MIN Mui-559-4221 640-7990 'll C11tl11s Su,remt Mr James 548-7245 ~~~'s1~~'. ~~ ~~~\\ Warner S:ri~a;,:~m Al~~~~2~o56 ~ • 1914 your tuflel end Iota or 66 SEMI-CLASSIC ----1 .!'-........•........• ol her thing• throug h May need mulller. bul 72 Olds Cutlass runs 75 Vega Wagon. runs 1111. Dally Piiot Cl111llled Otherwise good cond very good. xlnl 1ransp needs some work $600 Ada. Call 642-5878 $399. 979-8017 car $900/olr 558-9339 OBO 545·0982 MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS-IN THE BOXES • NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vlclorla Station. Sales, Service. Leasing & Parts. We make great deal st 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor B lvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9100 Orange Counly s Largest Cadillac deale< Sales Service Leas· 1ng • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC..ftONTIAC..MAIDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Ahcia Par!(way Laguna Hills 837-2400 G) CHICK IVERSON PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy . Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County With theae three great makes under one roofr • ALAN MAG NON PONnAC..SUIA.RU 2480 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 5-49-4300. Sales, Service, Leasing 'Mr. Goodwrench • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 765 Newton Way. Coeta Mete. Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTY" XK 120'a/ 140'1/150'1/E· Typee Salee -Service -Rettoratlon• Ott PlllC«ltla between 17111 & 18 h I IOI LONGPRE POMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange Counly's oldesl and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service. Parts C) DICK MILLH FIAT/LANCIA "Probably Iha lowest priced Fiats in Soulharn Calilorn1a" (Located 1 mlle flOfth of South Coas1 Plaza near Main St and Warne< Ave In San1a Arte ) 120 W Warner. San1a Ana 557-2132 0 SAMTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street, Santa Ana. Tel 558·7811 Youri Original Oed1ca1ed Datsun Dealer 0 MIRACLE MAZDA We've moved' Our new locatK>n is 1425 Baker Street. Costa Mesi Tel. 545·3334. Stop by & visit our brand new showroom and see why we're the #I M12da dealer In Southern C11tfornla Sales. Service. Perts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAZDA ''Ollty o.c. ...... .,..,. .... ,,... s.na &.e. C.-." 601 S An1helm Blvd .. Anaheim 956-1820 Just north o f Santi An1 Frwy on Mlhelm Blvd. Cell us first' 'WE ARE HARO TO AND-eUT WORTH tT!' • SADDLUACK IMW /SUIAIU 21M02 Marguerite Pkwy • Av«y Pkwy exit We offer whit no bank or lease company Cln 1 E•Plf'tly ttlitfed, most modern tervlce & pert• dept • 2 One o f the Southland'• mo•t experlanced Ml• a 1 .. 1ng 119'1. 3 Ellrnlnatlon of the m iddleman by le111ng dMliw direct 831 ·2040 Mltslon V o ~es-.949 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540·6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years I Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of W1lhe the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 ORANGE COUNTY VOL VO 10 120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530·9 190. Exclusively Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements New•Used•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close In the hear! of Orange Coonty at Garden Grove Blvd & Brookhurst 0 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 H1rbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. 0.-er 20 years serving Orange County! Sales. leasing, SGfV•ce Call 546·1200, special parts line, 546·9400; body shop line. 754-0400 0 ROY CARVER ROUS ROYCMMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport Beach ~· Salaa, Service. Par1s And Leasing COHSIDIR IT SOU>I UMd cars are 1n dem1 nd end Mii quickly when ldven•Hd In cluallted To p11ce your private pany Id. call Sally L" 116'12-5678 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, 'OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT . REP. 642-5678 ' DRANGI CDAIT YOUR HDMfTDWI DAllY PIPIR MO NO AV. JUNE :.>B . 1!-111:/ OR ANGE COUN T V C A l If OHNIA 25 CENTS Shuttle astronauts hail Columbia CAPE CA NAVERAL, Flu (AP) The SJ><ll't' shuttle soan.'<l through thl• first full day of M1ss1on 4 today, 1t.s astronauts plunging into a flu rry of l<'sts after sending l'oded message's about a Pc•nt.agon payload that symbolizes a marriage of the civilian space program with the military. Columbia. launchc•d ~o b rd l urntly Sund ay, hummed along with no major problems. On ats last test flight, astronauts Ken Ma ttingly a nd Henry Hartsfield were qualifying the craft as an operational space VC'hlclC'. "AU the things people have said about this machine are true," Mattingly said in p ra ise of o.-, Not PMto 111 • ...,. Trtpoll SPARKIE 'S ON THE MEND -Sparkie the sea lion is recovering quite well at the Laguna Beach Friends of the Sea L ion center . doctors said today. The 125-pound ocean mammal underwent surgery Saturday for a broken jaw suffered w hen someone shot her with a gun. She's eating herring spiked with vitamins following the reconstructive surgery. Sea lion saga Shooting victim recovering By STEVE MITCHELL 01 the Dally Piiot Stat! Her jaw i~ swollt•n and she's having a little difficulty maneuvering fish so they'll go head first down her throat. But Sparkie, a female sea lion w h o underwent surgery Saturday to repair a broken JaW. is recovering nicely, says Dr. John Hamil. a Laguna Beach veterinarian Spark1e was found last T hursday floaung listlessly in the waters off Newport Beath. the victim of a bullet that shattered her jaw. She was takC'n to the Laguna Beach Friends of the Sea Lion com pound on Laguna Canyon Road and the operation was performed Saturday by Dr. Robert Rooks, a Santa Ana veterinary surgeon Rooks, along with Dr Hamil, picked splinterf;d bone and pieces of teeth from her jaw during the surgery, which they say will leave Sparkie with a slight overbite. , She'U still Ix> ablC' to grab fish. Dr. Hamil said. Since sea lions don't chPw, Sparkie is ablc to adapt to the cumbersome brace and steel pins tha t are holding her jaw together. There is the p roblem of maneuvering the hernng so they go down head first, Hamil said, "but after a few shakes of the head, it's down the hatch." Friends of t h e Sea L ion volunteers arrived at the canyon center lhis morning. to find Sparkie had transferred most of the water in her kiddie pool to the ground outside. "She must have been frisky last night," laughed volunteer Marsha Silverman. She said Sparkie consumed only six herring on Sunday, but added the fish were s piked heaVJ!y with vitamins to expedite her recovery. Hamil said the stainless steel clamps wiU probably be removed in four to six weeks at which time she'll be put out by the larger pool with other recovering sea lions. H er stay at the marine. mammal center will be at least three months. he said. When she's fully recovered. the two-year-old sea lion will be transferred to the ocean. MOSCOW (AP) -Four Soviet cosmonauts spent a quie t day orbiting the earth aboard the Saly~t-7 station w it h th eir French guest in space. test pilot Jean-Loup Chretien . , NATION Hunters kill raccoons BARABOO, Wis. (AP) -Hunters killed 14 raccoons over the week end at the International Crane Founda tion, where the animal.I have been attackJng rare bird.I. Bankruptcy law shot down WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supr me Court today 1truck down 11 uncnnllttutlonal a bankrup1.cy IAw Conar nac&ed four yean aao. Th rullna wlU hav no ff •t, however, on aUGt alreedy Utlpiod undf'f' tho law. Colum bia's perform a n ce on Sunday. There were some troubles. T he booster rockets that were to have been recovered for reuse sank in the Atlantic Ocean, a $36 million loss The spacecra f t also developed a steer ing jet leak and a high temperature reading on a f\Jel cell, but offidals satd thesee were manor and would not affect t h e mission . A s t udent experiment failed to function. And for the second day, Mattingly a nd pilot Henry Hartsfield were unable to turn on the science expenment, which was developed by Utah college students. Mattingly switched on the military payload agam today and was Ins tructed to override an unident1f1Ni tt•Sl called Charlt·y Alpha. One of the top-secret Defense Department experiments might not have worked. At least that was the inferen ce when Mat tingly reported. an u l'Ode- worded exchange. "no JOY on step No. 3." The astronauts ft-11 so far lx>hand m their routine that they didn't gN lo bed until nearly 11:30 pm -almost three hours lat.er than scheduled. But after favt' hour.. sleep they were ready for a busy day Mass1on Control wakened them with a recording of "Up, Up and Away ," and commander Mawngly acknowledged: "My compliments to your taste in (See SPACE, Page AZ) u.s • loans due on sale Decision seen as boon to f e d eral saving and loan firms WAS HI NGTO N (A P) - Federally charte-red savings and loan associations can force home owners to pay o(f mortgages granted through the institutions before selling their homes, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. government agencies, banks and mortgage companies would not be affected by today's ruling. About half the nation's 4,000 savings and loan associations are federally chartered. The court ruled that a 1976 federal regulation allowing federalJ y chartered savings and loan associations to exC'rc1se "due-on-sale'' c lauses 1n mortgage contracts t a k e~ precedence over a California law barring such l'laUS<.'S. Cahfornia and 17 other states drawn by the Ft•deral Home Loan &nk Board, which govl'rns fC'dt:r<illy t·hartered savings institutions, undt•r the Home Owners' Loan Act of l 9:J3. Writing fo r tht' court's majority, Justice Harry A Blackmun said: "We• conclude that the board's due-on -sale rl'gulation was meant to prc•- empl ronfhcting state hm1tallons on th<' due-on-sale prac•t1t'l>S of federal savings and loons. loan~ from the· requirements of st.alt• l:ciw may not be boundless. 1n this case w(' nt•ed not explore thC' outer lirrnts of the board's d1sc:rt'l1on. We have no difticulty tondudmg that the due-on-sale rt"gulauon 1s within the scope of tht' board's authority under the· 1933 act and l'Ons1stent with the ~it·t's pranc:1pal purposes," Justice Blac:kmun wrote The court's 6-2 decision could severely restrict the availability o f so-called "assu mab le mortgages," w h ich allow a home buyer to take over a federally chartered S&L mortgage at a more favorable rate than the buyer would have to pay for a new mortgage. with similar laws attempted to "Although the board's power lt was not 1mmed1ately clear wcathl'r the ruhng apphes only to mortgages 1s.5uc>d an the future or whether 1l also applies to mortgage· contrac ts already s1gnl'<i Mortgages gran ted through state chartered S&Ls. bar the "due-on-sale" dauS<.'S to promulgate regulataons __:A...:...:..t ....:•c::s.::.s.=cu.;:;.e_w--=a--=s;.....;;;a--"r...:..e.,.g"'"u_l _a _t 1-"o_n_---'-P ....... xempting f c..-deral sav mgs and * * * S&L firnJs hail court loan ruling By JEFF ADLER Of 1M D811y Piiot ltaff Savings and loan assoc1auon officials in Southern California applauded the Supreme Court ruling today that homeowners at federally chartered savings and loans can be forced to pay off their loans when they sell their homes. The court's 6-2 decision will severely restrict the availability of assumable mortgages, which allow a homebuyer to take over a mortgage at a more favorable rate than the buyer would have to pay for a new mortgage. "This will mean more funds wall be availabl e for t h e homebuyer. It will be great for the c.'Onsumer and very much of a plus for creating funds for home loans." explained James Schmidt, presiden t of Great American Federa 1 Savin gs a n d L oan Assoc1at1o n . Both Lagun a Federal and San Diego F ederal savings and loan associations are divisions of Great American. Sch midt a lso said the h igh court's ruling will help to brinE dow n interest rates a nd w ill eliminate the need for creative financing for home buyers. "It will create greater competition between lenders again." he added. ON THE BEACH -Rich ard Watson uses shovel to dig around propeller of h is sloop. which we n t aground at Newport Beach early D•lly Piiot ll'hoto by Cl8ry AmbroM today. He was hoping to keep h is craf t in on e piece long enough to refloat her on the high tide. See story, Page A3. -------------~~~~~--------~ It's 'Prince Willialll of Wales' Schmidt said Great American currently has some $2 billion tied up in 58,000 loans in California. Royal baby named William Arthur Philip Louis Anothe r sevin gs and loan official who said he was pleased by the court's decision was Larry Rossa, senior vice resident of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association. "Ob vio u s l y we'r e very p leased ,'' R ossi said u pon learning of the court's decision. "It means increased availability of fi xed -ra t e lo n g -te r m (See S&L, Page A%) LONDON (AP) Prince Charles and Princess Diana have named their infant son William Art h ur P h 1l1p L o uis , Buckingham Palace announced today. The announcement came one week after the royal birth. The child, sec.'Ond in line to the British throne behind h is father, will be known as Prince W1ll1am of Wales, a palace spokesman said. BUSINESS Sambo's tries new image The troubled Sarnbo's restaurant chain tries out a new menu and different hours in Santa Barbara. Page A4. Housing 'bailout' controversial Controversy continues over what some term as a "bailout" for the housing induatry. Page A 7. COUNTY enlon 1tretoh their Jes Ru~ mech 86U lelvtn, 71 , tHChel ctU11n1 hoW 10 klep Ill. P ... Bl . ., nlor The selection of names was "entirely a matter of personal choice by t he prince and princess," the spokesman said There have been four previous Kings William -the last was William IV who reigned from 18:30-37 . He was the third son of Kmg George Ill, during whose reign the American colonists won the Revol utionary War aRa1nst INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment Horoecope A4 8 2 AS B2 C5-8 B3 B3 C4 A6 B6 82 SPORTS England and founded the United States "The baby wall be known as Prance Wilham, and the name won't be foreshortened in any way," said the palace spokesman, specifica lly noting that the boy wall not Ix> called "Billy." Born June 21 in St. Mary's Hospital. West London, the baby weighed in al seven pounds, I 'h ounces Ann Landers M ovies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets T elevision Theaters Weather World Ne ws 8 2 B6 A3 C4 C l -4 B4 BS B6 A4 A3 Productive weelcend for Ansel Tho.Anpll tut the road with a i~-pme 1Md In tho Amctrtnn 1Aqwt W t aft.tt rtpplftl Kan1u Oly, 8-l. P Cl. ' • :· t . ·-.. ·. t I : . j 1 . . .• . ., ·~ :· ,• . • -- stories SPACE SHUTTLE . . . • mu,lc. We're ready to 10 to ,tvt deteNe aat.ellit• navtption wOl"lk," capability free from ground "We're al1td to hear that; control. th~1 Iota for you to do today," M a t t 1 n g J y . t he m 1 u I on aald cap1ule Communlc4ltOr comm ander, activated the .Brewiter Shaw. experiment for the first time on "I ,never would have gut'Med." s u nda y, rl:!ce Iv i ng coded MutUngly replied. Instructions from a t1pe clal S h a w lo I d. t ~em l he I r military control center separate apaceahl~ was m ~ood shape, from NASA's Mission Cont.rot in and we re fflad you re tX>th ln Houston. NASA and the Air good spirit.a. Force had said they would Hartsfield waa the point man maintain open communications today for two space processing throughout the flight even with expe~1m en.ts whl.ch hav e the defense payload on board. poten~med1cal app~1catlons. But lhe astronauts w e r e . Mattingly, accordm.g to the instructed not to discuss details or flight plan, was to switch on a televise pictures of 1t. Defense Department payload for lO 'tS hours. The Pentagon has Indeed they did i:iot. AJJ t~e labeled it "top secret" but there is exchanges about 1t were an enoiigh Information on the public clipped phrases: "Perform Bravo record to identify the main AJpha," "Fl)xtrot off.'' or "try elements as sensors being t~ Charlie step 3 again ." The to detect hostile missiles and pack.age was refe rred to only as spacecraft and a device that could "the experiment." S&L REACTION. • • financing. Rossi also predicted the ruling will affect the price of real estate in the ver y near future. "I believe we wiU see a short-term decrease in the inflation of real estate prices," he said. AJbert Clemens, a senior vice president of Fcdclity Federal Savings and Loan Association, which was a party to the case before the Supreme Court said the ruling "gives the n e w homeowner the ability not to subsidize the other mortgages out there." * * * He said the court decision will help both the new homebuyer arid the financial institutions w h ich l end mon e y to home buyers. Clemens pointed out that rates on new home loans have been Inflated to subsidize the rates on assumable loans. "This will equalize the waters somewhat." he said. But Clemens added he doesn't believe the ruling will result m short-term lowering of Interest rates. * * * Mortgage decision blow to HB Illan Huntingto n Beach residen t Reginald d e la Cuesta w as driving along the freeway this morning when he heard on the radio that the U.S . Supreme Court had ruled on his challenge of federal "due on sale" regulations of assumable home mo rt.gages. "It just hit me hard," De la Cuesta said of the 6-2 decision which severely r estricts the availability of assumabl e mortgages. "I believed we were going to win unani.moualy." He added that not only was he disappointed by the decision. he was "shocked and scared" by the justices' action. "It's an important decision and it's a bad decision," De la Cuesta declared. "l feel 20 percent of the people in the United States are affected. The buyer b e tter beware." D e la Cuesta said he was surprised that the high court reached a d ecision i n the landmark case so quickly. He said he didn't expect a ruling until later this summer. Altho ugh he hasn't had a c h ance to assess what the decision w ill mean to him peT'90l'\&lly, De la Cuesta said he already is worrying about the legal fees he believes he now will face. The landmark case centered around the sale of a seven-unit shopping center De la Cuesta sold more than four years ago. llP Wir.ptloto SCATTERE D -Birds fly as the space shuttle Columbia lifts off Sunday at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Surf does its part for Laguna contest Wav<!S up to fi ve feet prov1aea good surfing condiuons Saturday as the 28th anJJual Brooks Street Pro -Am S urfing C o ntest in Laguna Beach was held without a hitch In past years, the a nnual contest has been postponed for m onths wh ile ci t y o fficials patiently waited for adequate Photo s tore fire quelled A fault y extension cord is being blamed today for a fire that caused more than $10.000 damage t o a Costa Mes a photography store Costa Mesa ftre officials said that a short in an extension cord connected to a stereo at West Coast Photography, 1904 Harbor Blvd .. caused the blaze about 5 a.m. Saturday. weekend surfing t'Ond1uons. "We had glassy rond1ttons and the breakers had good shape," says Ron Luu. "We ran straight from 10: 15 in the morning to 6:45 in the evenmg." The contest, open to surfers who reside within the boundaries of the Laguna BeaC'h Unified School District. had 85 contests, including three women. Most of the s urfe r s -5 4 w e r e between ages 13 and 29, Lutz said. City oCficia1s say it's the longest runrung annual surfing <..'Ontest m the world. The ftrst and second place winners m the respective divisions are: -Minnies, 12 and u nde r : James Pribram. Kurt DePhyffer. -Boys. 13-15 J e ff Booth, Mtke Stafford. -Jr. M e n , 16 -19 M ark Watkms; John O'Connor -Men. 19-23. Tag Gaspanan , Brian Coit. along the coast By STEVE TRIPOLI Ortlle 01111 Piiot llett If variety was really the spice of life, thts weekend would have left me with the kind of heartburn you get aft.er wolfing down a pepperoni pizza a little uncomfortable but worth almost eve ry bite. Some timet1 the life of a reporter is almost as interesting as the Holly wood stereoty pe. ON SATURDAY I traveled to 1''ountam Valley, but my car was as good as a time m achine ~:ausc I ended up at a full-scale medieval fair sponsored by some local history buHs. These people really do tt to perfection, c:rcatmg a slJce of Middle Ages life complell: with lords and ladico, kni hts in armor, costumes, music and a complete social structure. I almost got my head torn off when the local baron demonstrated som e jousting techniques do me, but it wasn't a total loss. My echtors tell me m y writing has been much clearer cvl'r since. LATER THAT day I caught up with the area's latest heart-rendin~ nature story, the surgery on Spark1e the sea TRIPOLI lion, who had been shot through the J<IW by a thoughtless human. I visited Sparkie just after her .JaW was Wtrl'<i together at the Laguna Beach headquarters of Friends of the Sea Lion, the volunteer group that arrangl'<i for her rescue and surgery. Aside from the pity ·l felt ror the rC<.'OVl'ring animal, I was impressed to see some dedicated people working for free to help S park1e and a lot of other sea mammals in distress. You can help too 1£ you'll give FSL a caJJ at 494-1936. FOR THOSE with a yen for collectmg things of an offbeat nature, there was a World Airline Hobby Club convention in Newport Beach. If it's.been on a commercial atrhner -any thing from swizzle sticks to. no kidding, airsickness bags -you probably could have found 1t there. Thcr~ were lots of airline-related items like model airplanes t.oo. There also was the story of three local ladies, longtime restauranting partners, who got a long awaited splurge at an expensive Newport Beach eatery They'd saved quarters for six months to pay the $225 tab. Finally, there we re the not-so-funny happenings ,at Friday's concert by rock star and oddity Ozzy Osbourne, whose main claim to fame is that he supposedly bit the head off a live bat during a performanc:e 1n February. I caught up with that event in talking with Irvine police. THE CONCERT was the scene of t wo stabbings, a lot of a lcohol and drug a buse. noise tha t bo ther ed nearby residents and a generally unhealthy social scene (though some of Ozzy's fans might dispute me ) Witt) that exception, the weekend's activities s howed that there are plenty of intcrestmg things to do around here. especially on summer weeke nds, if you're inchnded to find them. Though l came across them as a reporter. you don't have to be one to make some fu n for yourself Most of t hem didn't cost anything, either Just don't try to keep track of everything in the same weekend, like I did while following the news. It left me yearning for a co1d 'beer, some burgers on the barbecue. and a little quiet at home. Cool and cloudy -Senior Men, 24-29: Bnan Buckley, Carl May. -Mas ters, 30-39: Walte r Viswley; Ron Sizemore -Senior Masters, 40 and over: Haig will • rellla1n Coastal High cloud• thrOUQh thll eftemoon end evening. Hlgl\9 88 to 75. Moatty cloudy tonight wltl't tows of 57 to 63 Low cloud• In tile mo<nlng hout1 Frldey with pertly cloudy ellernoon Hlgl't1 Friday 87 to 73 Elsewtter e . from Poi nt Conception to tile Mexican bofdef ind out 80 mllel: Smell cr111 ed"'9ory over outer coettlll 'lllSterl with n()f'lh-t wlndl 20 IO 30 knot• end Choppy 5 10 7 loot -from t"-no<1tlwMt. Locelty. llgl'tt winds nlgl'tt •nd morning ttoura becoming 1outttwe11 to well 8 to 16 knoll In lhe afternoons lod1y( end TuM<tey wttl't 1 to 3 too wind we-Con1f der 11 ble tow ctoudtnen tl'trougl't Tueed•Y tJ.S. Summary A t~O rlPPeo tllrOUVfl II l)09: metlnl In W111t Fk>tld• during • day of Jleavy thund«ttO<"ml thet bettered ecattll'ed aect10n1 of Ille /\tlentlo Coast 11111111. The !Wiater toucl'ted down In Penseeote Sunday, ripping looM stee4 belms and leerlng off the roof of • bo•t 11orege bulldlng •t tile Holid1y Harbo< Merine Inc , autl'IO<"ltlel said Overnlgl'tl tl'tunder 11orm1 l'tern!Ml'lld Ille nor1hern Roclli.e. tile notthern Pfeln1 and muc:ti of Ille H llern U S wttl't l'tell In Mont-and lloodlng In ffllern Nebrab A f-.i-1 ltnQered -tti. Pecillc Honttwwt todey wfllle fllt weather prev1lled onr the 90Ulhwal 11ml)llr 11ture1 1round tile ne11on bMore dawn reng.d lrom 47 In Houlton. M11ne. to t2 In Pnoenla, AIU. ·caDfornia 11111( sudden outburlt of weekeltd sunshine m 1y iede T~lld• Into 1om1 lncreallng c l ou d tne11 end cool•r t*"t*._11, tile U 8. W...,_ ~,.id. 111911, Ill l.O• AngtlU on T'*°411 ~ dr~ to IN ..., 70I entt the downtown """ « 11 ~. Miid! Goupled wlttl lfte ....... eent 1neetlmMed OM ~~to ttle ...... 111 ...,._ OtllfOrftla, C .... 114 ., ... Wiii ... ._..... ~11to W...,_. llMftl ...... ~ :\ ..... .i. o-1.,,. .......... ...... WJ .. ,,, ,...., """ .... U t H "''" \fl .. ... : ..... ... ...... -.. ·~·~·m:~.\.\~ • Temperatures· NATION HI Lo Albany 78 54 Al~ue 96 64 Amil/ llO 88 61 Aattevllle 77 84 1'tl•nll 82 70 /\llllntc Cly 74 60 Aus11n 92 88 Belttmore 87 63 BINlngl 87 56 Blrmlngl'tm 84 7J Bltmercil 81 ·,5 Bolte 89 52 'Solton 71 64 8rown1vlle 9; 82 8utllllo 17 S4 8ut1lngton 74 48 CMPll< 86 52 NOM US Oeol OI ~,. Cherletton, SC 82 75 Watm..., Ctler*ton. WV 87 81 Fronts: Cotd ..,.. ~Nlotte. NC 80 70 heyenne 73 50 Phoenix 110 79 Cl'tleego 83 54 Pittsburgh 85 59 Clnclnnell 87 86 Ptlend. Me 71 48 CleYeland 83 58 Piland. Ore 73 59 Clmble SC 88 70 Prcrtldence 80 85 ~h 88 83 Ra:?l't 911 87 94 71 Rllpl City 80 58 OIY!on 84 84 Reno 83 49 Denver 80 52 Sell lake 98 80 0.. Molne9 84 67 San Antonio 95 75 Detroit 80 81 Selltle 72 58 Oulu th 80 48 Sttr~ 91 71 El P1so t02 88 SIOux 1111 88 55 Fergo 82 59 St Louie 85 70 Flagsteff 84 46 St P-Tempa 90 75 Grell Falls 78 65 St Ste M•rle 76 4t Hertford 78 63 Spokene 7 I 80 Helene 81 54 SyrllCUM 77 47 Hono4ulu 88 73 Topel(e 80 89 Houtton 88 74 Tucaon 108 87 lndnepll• 86 85 Tulsa 85 89 Jeck111 MS 86 73 Wulllngtn 87 10 Jeck111vlle 91 71 Wlchlte 82 81 1<1111 City 82 70 L .. llegu 107 78 CALWOtutlA little Roell 88 70 BekWlltleld 98 77 Loultvtlle ee n 8lytfle , It Lubt>odl 82 80 Eureka 88 53 29 Memc>flie at 75 Fr9MO t2 84 Mleml 17 82 ~ 89 ee Mllw1111!11 13 54 ~~ 81 63 M~t.P 86 63 88 Neellvtlle 88 70 Monterey N H9w on.en. 85 78 Heed .. 10t H9w YOftl 90 71 Oeld*"' et 90 Hotfollt 89 71 Paeo Aob1ae 93 57 No.Piette ~u Red ltutt 8& 84 Otlla Clly Redwood Clly 74 6t Omella '3 n Sacremenio 83 58 Ortando 92 72 8atlnal 70 56 Plllltidplli• 87 81 Sen 01i9oo 73 M • llRf RIPOii ~' Iii ~· TIOll Hllft ... 1111 1 1.t11W It Cl 1111 , hlll ' Sen Frailciteo 64 56 Senti 811rb1t• 73 57 Senti Marie 69 Stockton 85 Tttermel 105 Uklel't 78 eer11ow t03 75 Big Bear 80 41 C1t1111na 70 57 Lor19 Beech 74 63 Monrovia 90 57 Ml Wiison 77 81 N-por1 Beach 70 60 Ontario 86 67 Pasadena 88 58 Sen Bernardino 91 58 Sen Jose 78 53 S1ntt1 Ana 77 60 T1hoe Valley 72 46 Smog Tile Air Quellty Mene~t Olllrlcl predict• unl'IMJt lul llr quality tor Hnaltlve pereo111 Mond1y In the valleys, Ille Rlverelde-S1n Bern1rdlno ., .. Ind the Hemel·Elalno<e region, lk.tt oood llr qulllty 11 lorecaet for ell other .,. ... of the South Cout AJr Bain . Where to cell (toll free) lor tat•t ~Ol'll"lllllon Orange ty: (800) 445-3828 LOI Ang•lll County: (800) 242-4022 Rlvtrllde end Sen Bemerdlno countlM: (IOO) 3t7,..710 AOMO Epltode Center: (800) 242 ... eee Tides TOOAY 1SeOOM lllth I : 17 p.m. 1.0 a-id t.W 'l'Ul~t p.m f,f .... 1::1 .. fft. ... tow t1: H e.fft, t.1 111tf1 1.0 t p 111 11 e.on4• (WM) tllUm 1 t II.ti .... ~·" lot'"'· ti.T~lll '"'"'· Mfltll ,.... • UI • "' I .. tflllMlrll I t M •• Corky Smith; Dave Wh1tegon. Wom e n , n o a g e requirement: Alisa Schwarzstein; Julie Whitegon. -Knee boa rde rs. no age requirement: Bob Kronquist; Ron Jakobs. -Oldies. an yo n e wh o competed in the <..'Ont.est before 1967 : Ron Sizem or e, Dave Whitegon. • to assist Shultz WASHINGTON (AP) -A White House spokesman said today that outgoing Secretary of State Alexande r H a ig will remam in his post indefinitely while his designated successor. George Schultz. prepares to take over the JO b. Deputy press secretary Larry S peakes said Haig, who abruptly turned in his resignation Friday, w ould remain fully in charge at the State Department "until he leaves." CANCER DETECTl .ON CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER ,. SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Sm••.r ~pr Women Self Examination lnatructlons Medical Center ~rofe11lon•I Bulldlng 18800 Mein Street Suitt 105 Huntington le•ch, C1llf. 841-1871 ' -.-------:r:-~---~---~--------" Terrorist bomb hits 300 houses By Tlae A11ocl1&ed Pre11 BELFAST, Northern Ireland -One of the laraeet terrorl1t bombe ever reported In Northern ls-eland blew up today as &ltlah Army experta attempted to blow It up by romot-4! oontrtSl. The blut damaait'd 300 howes and gouged a huge '(!tttter in • street, but caused no Injuries, police 8.llid. Pollrt> sources said they suspected the Provisional wing of the lrhth Republican Army. A second bomb exploded in a Roman Catholic Church, causing damage but no injuries. A telephont! caller claimed reaponalbillty In the name of a new Protestant organ iution supporting a convicted Protestant killer who is on hunger strike in a bid to win political-prisoner status. Hitachi apologizes for computer scandal TOKYO -The president of Hitachi Ltd. apologized t o stockholders today for the computer espionage case in which Hitachi employees have been charged with paying FBI undercover agents more than $500,000 to obtain computer secrets. Katsushige Mita told 414 stockholders that ''although the details of the case are stHl being studied, we deeply regret having caused a situation which could raise suspicion about our behavior." Red Cross meets with Solidarity l~ader WARSAW, Poland -Two International Red Cross officials and a physician visited Solidarity leader Lech Walesa for the second time since hls Dec. 13 detention under martial law. a Red Cross spokesman said today. Spokesman Pascal Gondrand refused to comment on Walesa's health or the conditions of his internment -a condition reportedly set by Polish authorities. About 3,000 Poles, many shouting "Free Lech Walesa," attended an officially sanctioned ceremony Sunday on the same spot where Walesa laid a wreath a year ago. The ceremony in Poznan, western Poland. marked the 26th anniversary of rioting there in which scores of workers were killed. Evidence 'lacking' to prosecute Donovan WASHING TON -~pecial Prosecutor Leon Silverman said today "there was insufficient credible evidence" to warrant prosecution of Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan on any of a variety of allegations of criminal activity made against him by FBI informants. "The special prosecutor concludes that no prosecution of the secretary on any of the allegations investigated is warranted or could successfully be maintained," wrote Silverman, concluding a six-month investigation. The report said no evidence was found of ties between Donovan and organized figures "with respect to all organized crime allegations put before it." Teddy tells Democrats 'Our day is coming' PHILADELPHIA -Their midterm party conference behind them, Democrats are turning their political efforts to the 1982 congressional elections with a confident prediction from Sen. Edward M. Kennedy that "our day is coming again ." "We are in the midst of a fierce struggle for the shape and soul of our generation," Kennedy declared in a rousing speech that stole the show on the final day of the Democrats' three-day National Party Conference. "Only a few months ago, Democrats were scorned and told that our day was done," added Kennedy. a candidate for re-election to the Senate this year and one of two front-runners - along with former Vice President Walter F. Mondale -for the 1984 presidential 11ommation. High court rules on sign language case WASHINGTON -Deaf children attending school with non-handicapped youngsters have no legal right to free sign-IangUage interpreters to help with their classroom work. the U.S . Supreme Court ruled today. The justices ruled 6-3 that a 1975 federal law guaranteeing all handicapped children a "free appropriate public education" does not require states, or local school districts, to maximize the learning potential of each handicapped child. 200,000 attend Lesbian-Gay Freedom Day SAN FRANCISCO -An estimated 200,000 people. including gay square dancers and lesbian motorcyclists, took to the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles as part of a nationwide celebration of homosexuality. Francisco's annual Lesbian-Gay Freedom Day parade, the largest gay gathering held in the country Sunday. The women roared down Market Street, leading the procession to City Hall, where a rally included speeches, music and other entertainment. More than 150 ieather-clad lesbians, billing themselves as Dykes on Bikes, kicked off San Pathologists disagree on Settles' death LOS ANGELES -The family of college athlete Ron Settles and their attorney ,were ''elated" by the results of a second autopsy on Settles, who died in a Signal Hill jail, the attorney said. "l think it was an absolute banner day for the family," said attorney J ohnnie Cochran Sunday. He said he was pleased that two of the four pathologists who conducted the autopsy in Suffolk County, N.Y., had concluded suicide did not cause the death of the 21-year-old Settles. who police said was found hanging in a Signal Hill jail cell June 2. 1981. The other two pathologists gave differing opinions. State budget up for final assembly vote SACRAMENTO -The annual state budget drama is expected to end today with an Assembly vote to send the governor a $25.2 billion spending plan for the fiscal year that begins Thursday. first s.ince 1943 in which less money is budgeted than for the previous year. But the delicate deal worked out in eight hours of Assembly meetings Friday night could still dissolve, particularly because the Senate was not part of the deal. If passed as it stands, the budget will be the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomae P. Halev ~ -°""' &.c.rttve Offtcef Key Schultz Vlce~t elld Dlrctor of ""-lllllnO Tom Murphlne ktllor Mike Harvey onctor of Merlceono (OraM!lon) Ken Goddard Ohclor of ep.inlone ~ecl.een Chartee Looe ........,.!41tor CleHlfled edvertlalng 71'41942-5878 . All other department• 642.,.321 .. AIN OFFICE JJO West Bay St., Costa MHA, CA. Mall addtHs: 80~ ls.cl. COiia Mew, CA. '2626 Ce111yr19M 1te2 Or-.ot Co.st P,....ISlll119 C-y. No Mwt t~t. lllus1ratlons, ectltorlal m-°' ~ vertlMm..,ts herein may be reprocNc:..:t wltllout Joe<lal oitnnlulan of u1ov•i11'1t _,.,. Se<ol\d ciau POSIA99 peld at COJta AMsa. ~lfomla. CUPS 1...eooi. Sublcrlpllon by carrier M"7S monthly by mall .• 16.fO ,.,_lhlv. VOL. 75, NO. 171 Spilled ammonia disrupts movie LOS ANGELES -A spilled bottle of a,mmonia temporarily disrupted the Beverly Hills showing of the Soviet documentary, "The Olympics America Missed," which was picketed by two Jewish groups. The showing of the film Sunday was disrupted when patrons complained of a pungent odor . ·A bottle of a mmonia authorities said may have been used deliberately as a "stink bomb" was found and the film continued after an investigation b y firefighters and police officers. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot ? What don·t you like? Call the number below and your mtlH8t will bt recorded, tran1cribed and dellvtrtd lo \M 1pproprlalt editor. Tht aame 24·hour 1n1w1rtn11ervlc1 m1y bt uatd lo record ltt· ter1 to the tdllor on 1ny toptc. Mailbox conlrlbulon mu1t lnrlude thtlr name and ttltphont number for verUioatlon No l'lrrul1tlon Hiii, pltlH. . Tell u1 wh1t'1 on your mind. Orange Cont DAILY PILOT /Monday, June 28, 1982 H/F SWIM CONTEST -Huntington Beach's 32nd annual Rough Water Pier Swim drew its largest group of participants -160 -when the competitibn was held Saturday morning. New records were set in five of the seven Delly flllot f'ttoto bf ChertN ~ categories, which are arranged by age and sex. Participants were required to run into the surf, swim around the pier and run to a finish line, a total distance of one-half mile. • HB swim sets records Largest field produces five standout times in 32nd event By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(lhe Delly Piiot St.If Huntington Beach 's 32nd annual Rough Water Pier Swim was a record setter in several respects. The competition, conducted Saturday at the City Pier, drew the large s t number of participants ever. City recreation supervisor Jim Engle said 160 water e nthusiasts from Santa Barbara to San Diego took part in the event. Also, he said, the participants set new time records in five of the seven swim categories. Participants were required to run into the surf, swim around the pier, and run back to a finish line. Engle said the new records in part were due to the low tide during this year's contest. which exposed more sand and provided more space for runnin~ than previous years. The total r-un and swim distance is one-half mile. The recreation supervisor said conditions were a bit calmer than last year, when rough surf forced the contest to be stretched out over two days. But Engle said swimmers this year still had to contend with a strong cross- c urrent that tends to sweep swimmers through the pier. The winners were: -Junior Men (age 12 to 15), Gary Strachen of Santa Ana, establishing a new record time for his division, 9 minutes, 12 seconds. -Senior Men (age 16 to 24), Mike Reynolds of Santa Ana, who set a new record at 9 minutes, 10 seconds. -Masters Men (age 25 to 39), BiU Penn of Long Beach. who set a new record of 10 minutes, 44 seconds. -Grand Masters Men (age 40 • and older), Tegze Haraszti of Newport Beach, who finished in 11 minutes, 16 seconds. -Junior Women (age 12 to 15). Michelle Boehn o f Huntington Beach, who finished in 12 minutes, 49 seconds. -Senior Women (age 16 to 24), Mic h e le Hampton of Glendale, who set a new record at 9 minutes, 51 seconds. -Masters Women (25 and older). Lori Scott of Tustin, who set a new record at 12 minutes, 45 seconds. Michelle Boehn of Huntington Beach, who finished first in the Junior Women's category, was given the trophy for top Huntington Beach girl in the contest. No Huntington Beach boy's award was given. The Gene Belshe Memorial Trophy , for best team perfonnance, went to the Beach Swim Club. Su011Der arrives, belatedly Warm weather lures thousands to beaches along coast By STEVE MARBLE Of the O•lll' Piiot Staff Orange Coast beaches baked under clear blue skies and were dotted with thousands of visitors as summer, tardy by a week, finally arrived this weekend. The sun, an infrequent sight in recent weeks, finally broke through and the massive crowds that hit the beach didn't appear to mind when a light layer of haze moved in Sunday The National Weather Service predicted a return to overcast mornings along the coast early this week. The first genuine weekend of summer was marred by two boating mishaps. Yachtsman Richard Watson, a resident of Alaska, put his 34-foot sloop on the sands of Newport Beach near 50th Street early today. Orange County Harbor Patrolmen said Watson, sailing down the coast from Alaska, reportedly fell asleep and was unaware his vessel -The Deta Vu -was making a straight line for the strand. The sloop was still high and dry on the sand early today. Covina boater Arthur Rukasin was attempting to get his 34-foot vessel off the sands o f Huntington Beach today. His sailboat went aground late Sunday. Woman with gun robs LB floris t A woman wearing a red bandana and brandishing a brass-plated handgun robbed a flower shop in Laguna Beach Saturday, escaping with $200 in receipts. Police said the Laguna Tradition flower stand at 666 North Coast Highway was robbed at about 7 p.m. Saturday. The suspect was described as standing 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 117 pounds, and wearing shorts and thongs. Lifeguards said the boat went on the sand near Beach Boulevard and sustained some rudder and keel damage. There were three persons on board. Nobody was injured. FollQwing wP.eks &f gloomy weather and miserable beach attendance. local beaches were jammed. · In Newport Beach Sunday, 95,000 visitors spread out their towels. It was the largest crowd of the year The air temperature was close to 70 degrees and the water, which had dipped into the upper 50s last week. was measured at 62 degrees. More than 110,000 beach goers showed up at the mile-long city beach in Huntin gton Beach. There were 82 rescues, none of them serious. At Huntington and Bolsa Cruea state beaches, 151,000 guests turned out over the weekend. Lifeguards said it was their largest crowd of the young SE't:.SOn. al 1 cotton ch1no ... elwey..s e t.rad1t1orol fovorit<z.; plczattz.d or plom Pront ~gnzatw1th eporko:lt.ei or kn1t shtrli.5 pz.rhape oncz.of thz most comfortablcz. trOU.5CZ.r.s you'll (l,Vf/,f \VQa.T . ' l . ... H/F Orang• Oo••• DAILY PtlOTIMond•v. Jun• 29, 1982 NYSE t.:OMPOSI TE T RANSACTIONS tUOf ftTIO .. , INCl.UOI •••D•• ON, ... NIW YOllt, MIOWUf IOACllllC .... 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Tell< Ir n • 1 10•1, •, Wynn\ lMI S 9 11~ .\oi :::~~~ iJ: .~ ~:.: Vo g:•ner. 1 7011alrol S~~· 4 ~:~~ J.84 7 1: 1;:~ ::::.'w1 JO•~ :t~: ~ :::~~~ .. :; J1 ,,~, :~ m.i.::;-1 ll ': ~'fl lttro> : SY~f Jl'~•I 81ut8 I ID I IH 7S • I Or"t:..:: 80 t 10 12"°" • ~ Hatotll:I .IO 7I I H iil f::111 01 1 jO 1 JS.. .. PlaybOy 11 A4» '"" • 'At Teldyne OJ 101 , t .... lt T AA _. 9 If IJV.. • v. 8 ... ~ I -4 >"IS ISV. Oo,.,,. Q IO I06 ~ Ht<b J4 t e ' ~ •OS 1.-I -· 11'k• •~ P-urno I I 91 ts•-+ If• T 1 •• llol . I;:: • •'n 11'"1 Oonakf .. ' 1• 16V• • : .... leM . 17l 7~ t --c:' ft ,-. II ... .J. -~ ~ ·~ ., t e> '-I ZaltCp I lit 6 1J 10 "' ~u 20 • .. •to ~ Hallmn .n I ,. ,.,,.. • ,... • JV .... -PPOOoo .. ~ '°1 2's '11S1 21t1~ •, "" Te"nco 1 "I s •11 ,.-.. ,,.. f •Ptt• " • ,.. ,,.,. '" Borden 112 • 61 .,,._. ,... ""'' • :.,. ~ • _,Mc m I ID 4 ,.. " 01 .. -.. Teraovn u 1 ll014o avre 40I> 10 11 34-.. '"' eor-ow •I •• , .. ,..... ~ Oo0o"",.2Y I «11 10, u.tl !!,_. ~ HH·.~ I ~ ~ 11 .... ·~ ""'°'"pt 2 to ,, '° PPllCl•O\ «) ' llS "'-. ... h\Oro "° • 2l)j 11'4 etlllllA JO lO 111 20""'11> ..... BorrnM ....... -_, ~~ -....... ..,, ..,, 0.ptJ.0 1 ,..... ... orlK ID. ,. ""'• "" Tt\Qrpf,.. I ,, .... "'Z•ro\ ~II • Bos EAi 1 ID 6 41 2t-., t .... 0oYet • .. I .. ti~ lt Heir Int I.JO ll " """ • ~ Oniel I 20 11 ,,,. 11\o • 1 PonGE I I• 4 leJ It~• ll't h..aco 1 4 47S l'I''-\o.o zvrnln I iij S 21 BolE pr I 17 J ..... OowCh I tO I IOtJ ~\>e • "'1 HellllP .JI S 171 11*--OnO I 1• I $40 JS•• PorO 1J1 • 40 JO ,,..,._ .... ._ _________________ ;._.;.;,...;JO.;.VI-. •• .;· ... BolE pr I 4' • 10 10 Dow.Jo/I I • 17 el 40'-• "'1 HemC.e 2' 4 GEd 2 • SO 16\'J + \lo PClllkh I a 19 11" • "'1 r 8rl11S1 l.»e ' " ,... Dr•YO .. I• II• ' .... Hen:u~ 1,, I • II • GrH , • u 14 Jt'41• ..... PotmEI I .. I '°' I~+ .... llrhlM 2 IO 11 .., S.1'-O.ev • • TIO •• "" H•rllC" ,. a ~. .... Im 11 J '"'-.... p,-,_ s ., I] H JJ .... &rll pt I.I' .. • • ~ ~ OftaB 7 I 14"-• 14' H•rllC pCl,j() • I IS -i., L.Nll lei . '7 14.,. .~ Preti.., lO S IS 9\olo • 14 ll•OO II 1010 .. llh. DrtyfU\ ..,. • .. ~. '"' ~ ...... ,..!.. '·'°10 I 2,•1 ~ • ..... ~ 6 , 12'6. -Prmrll.,,, «) • II , ......... "rtkwy I :Ill S IS I• ll't du~Pontp HO 6 ~ '3YI • II> :::!.i::"r:' I .,. • I .-• 14 "" J S 11• , • ..., • \lo Prl-C IS 2tl t~ • 1>e &kyUG 110 J 1' U\lo • "-11.t f.20 1 201 211-.• .14 ~•" ., I~ 14 _,. !O. 1J 14\o-v. PrlmNll lO IJ '1 "7114, "' 81CUG 111t.A1 ) llV.-\lo • pl 1.1' 00 60 Heulll 2 I M Jr\.o-"" Me«m .. It IU u47lt t lt ProctG •,JO t tll _,..., + "'1 &llUG Oil ts J7 2"'-ll't Ovkt f'f 7 '° l9iOO »io... ,.,. Htwll" J t4 U 110J 4Jl,I> •I llOll 111 t4 S 10S » "'1 PrORtll 2t IS to ..... &w11Sfl • U I• If V. Ovllt OI J.. 7 20" Htac:.I 60 17 >4 t~ • "' l~lt t Of t ... ... -1-. PhCol I I• 1 t0 IJ~r • i,. 8-atl l 7t 1 !GI ~II\• '-~t pt )IS It ,..... "' HIVOll U 10 Jl • "' -l t 11 .. \lo Hff: ,,,2.10 . I IS , 11_,.._ I 10 104 211\li • IA> Er.1o11,m. · 110 st\'>-111> Hlllltid s M t 21 U V.+ Nt" •• I t 6 i6 14 . .. • lld U• • IM 22._ 1;e 8,,,_ I t ... 21 , _, t It ll Q .. • I Hit*' I a ~ 11 "" t "" tel Ji IJ H1 M\t\ t "-flf I.. ,._ '" ltlov"'W I :IO IO 4 U YI V. In • " lllh-"' ttltec1111 I. ltt 14 -Vr MtrOllll 1. t It M , \lo pl 1.0I llCD I'-, • lvoE,:_ t~ •t ta7 m~ • l>Vll tlf J l · 1!00 1--"' ... llOfY M I Jn 11"'1 •I tfLY I • .. 111\tt , '-Ill r: l.D 100 JI~ I\\ ull6I " ,. l I'• '-~o'J.. 1.~ • '1 ~J Iii f>fl'-VA IJel.. I *'+I Me .. "' t 'IJ IJto+ 4' vH =i·~ t .. I~• 1;e ~ll"CI t P .... '"'·· .. fi • t'll .._,,YJ l" I• JO'W.-llM .. ._ t Jl\4i.. .• H . It II-1111 Hiii UU ttf '2'-• "° Y Affl l tr "-• .. HrflfQ lfl. j.I. l!! I .... #tHH 1,»I • .... + 1;e NH'( S 10 tl V. Ht rtl ff c J )lol • 11't -•;-1,..-....,.... • • !.,...._ Mette J 114 + ~ •N t ID t 110 U \\ I~ .. ,!! , ,, ov., ... o. ·~ 'J ;;s ~ ... ~. ~ : t u"'-:f''"' .I 14 l,.. -•111 a ,, .. 11w @ -.... ::r~ 1 ·; ; 1;t ,.~. ~ :e: '; 'f '1 a-.: ~ ~ :;: 1 , " ... • ... =-~,.... 'l1 44141. .. 1=l~= a.: "': .~ utttl :~ 1,-:-..c7:;.~~ ... ~ :tJ,, I , ., 14i-t: ¥. ·~;,' ,; ·:~ 'qli.J ~ I l "'· .. ij lllb.44 ' 0 1 ,ft+ Iii • , .. ~ :1 .. II ,.J ,l ._. . ~if:J! .• I -::~ Ff:I:: :~ qy,~~~ c i 1 =:1 · ~n ~~Ji 1'1~ -.: ~ ,L ,:~;Ii t ~ . , . ~ 'I " 11~.W~ " F: ~ -'~lt . f 1~· .. I -J ·.11 :' ~·~ !11 '!'!· ... ' .. • t.. - .l '"' r l ~·. ri ~ "' f ·a I 1'1' •;l r 'I ' •I ,•, ~ • -• u Union rally falls short FLINT, Mich. (AP) -The finrt national rally of white<0llar workers at GeneraJ Mot.or• Corp. attracted about one-third the number expected by organiRn of a move to unionW! salaried employen of the nallon'• lar~eat carmaker. "There 11 no qu..uon that OM will r-.1.rt '/OW' Orpnizlna efforta," lrvtn& Blueatone, a tOlltod United Auto Work4!'1'11 vtce pNl!c:l.ent told the !100 who turned out for the meetlna. Orpntan expecUld about 1,000 . 0.ner&I MOIOn lllued a 1cas.n.tnt Su.nda~ 11)'1.na. ''The (tJJure '° I" 1 .a1nJf ICant lumou\ • . undtrlOONI our b4tlltf ~ha' moe& ularted OM emplo~ do no& wan' &o blcon• lnYOlvWd wlth 1 &ride unton." LOS ANGELES (AP) -The retail price of gasoline has Increased l.8 c.-ent.a in two weeka, bul oU industry analyst Dan Lundberg predict.a the prk-e should remain aleady through the summer. The average price l'O!le to $1.29 during the penod, placing the cost abou~ halfwuy between the three-year low of $1.20 a gallon In April and the rewrd high of $1.36 in March 1981, Lundberg &aid Sunday. Lundberg's bl-weekly survey of 17,000 gasolme statiOJlB around the nation checks prices that include taxes, all grades of gasoline. lf'lf-servit'e and full- service pumps, he said. Dividend incr ease told Comprehensive Care Corp. or Newport Beach, announced the board of directors approved a first quarter dividend of 6 rents per share payable Aug. 19 to shareholders of rawd July 30. This represents a 50 percent increase over prior dividends. Irvin e lease sign ed M1el, Inc , a Florida-based commun1cat1ons equipment company, signed a lease for mor~ than 5,000 square feet in the Irvine Company's Ext.-eutive Park garden-office complex at Main Street and Red Hill Avenue, lrvine. The company plans to move into the second floor of the complex's Toronto Dominion Bank building from its Costa Mesa location this summer. H elion etics stock trade d The Pacific Stock Exchange announced that an Irvine hnn, HelionNics lnc. was admitted for tradmg today as a PSE issue. The common stock of Hehonetlcs is traded under the ticker symbol HLX. Helionet1cs manufactures electronic power conversion equipment and systems for commercial and m1lrt.ary use. Warranty p eriod extended Newport Pharmaceuucals Lnternational Inc. has announced its post-eCft!cllve amendment to the company's registration stateme nt exte nding the expirat10n dale of Newport's B warrants from June 30 to Aug. 31 was declared effectJve. .All other tenns and conditions of the warrants w1U remain unchanged A rea firms aid project Construction is to begin m July on Phase I on Kline Center, a 50-acre master planned, muJti-use bus.mess park, at the t'ntry of the Ontario International Airport. Kline Develo pment of Newport Beach is developer of the project. Valued at $6 5 m1l!Jon , the first phase wall consist of an 82,000-square-foot, two-story corporate office building . The Newport Beach and Ontario offices of Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Company are exclusive marketing agents. F.quidon, of lrvme. 1s the general {.:ontractor, and Langdon & Wilson, or Newport Beach, architects. Hir ing d eclines Employers in the Orange County area predict a decline in hiring activi~ for the next three months, according to a quarterly survey condµcted by Manpower, Inc .. temporary service firm Marjorie Bartok. area manager of Manpower's Orange County office. said, "Overall, 7 per ~nl of the area employers polled plan to hire addillonal workers during July, August and September, down from the 15 per cent with s1m1lar intentions one year ago. Another 10 per cent expect staff reductions, 5J per cent plan no change in staff levels and 32 per cent are unsure of hiring plans." Staff reductions are expected by manufacturers of durable go o d s, e mplo ye r s 1n th e finance/insurance/,real estate sector. educational institutions and public administrators. The oullook is st.able in other sectors of employment, she srud. Gold, m e tals quotations Gold By The Associated Press Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing: $303.40, off $2.10. London: afternoon fixing: $303.75, off $1.75. Paris: afternoon fixing: $303.43, up $1.48. Frankfurt: $304.99, unchanged. Zurich: Jate fixing: $304.25, off $0.25 bid. $304.75 asked. Handy & Harman: (only daily quote) $303. 75, off $1.75. Engelhard: (onJy daily quote) $303.75, off $1.75. Engelhard: (only daily quote ) fabricated $318.94. off $1.84. M eta/,s NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonlerrous metal prices today: Copper 66Yll-72 cents a pound, U.S. destinations. Lead 24-27 cents a pound. Ztac 35-37 cents a pound, delivered. Tia $6.0647 Metals Week composite lb. Alamlnam 75-77 cents a pound, N. Y. Mercary $370.00 per flask. PladJlam $249.00 troy oz., N.Y. .Sj.lver Handy &Hannan. $~.100 per troy ounce. ·Goldcouu NEW YORK (AP) -Prloee late Tueeday of aold ootna, compaftd wi th Monday'1 price. Kn1t rrud, 1 troy oa., '823.00, up t 2.60. Maltle ... ,J 1 troy OI., P23.00,_~p~2.50 . M•ltcu It ,..., l.2 &roy oa .• '311.60, up f2.50. A11hiu IN cren, .9'02 qvy oa., '307.00, up u.~. .. ·' 1 I !'I ·~ '~ " ---------~ r ClASSlf ll D cs MONDAY, JUNI! H , 1882 H/F <!;oltz of old tames Kansas City Angels hit the road with a 2 1/.2 -garne bulge in AL W est • By JOHN SEV ANO now a confident member or the Angels, he saw little that separated the Goltz of Goltz signed with the Angels m rn1d - Of 111e Oelty l"ttot •1•" capped a strong homestand by the then from the Goltz of now. May for the ma.)Or lea~e minimum or For Dave Goltz, the difference leaders of the AL West with seven $33,500 (the Dodgers must pay tht• bet h. f I h h · f h hi ball 9 "The only thing that might havt.> been ween is success u years wit t e mnmgs o t ree-t en route to a -1 balance of the $425,000 he t•arns M. • T · (1974 79) d 21 d f KC b different was that his philosophy 1 esota wins -an ~ poun in~ o efore 36,572 at annually), after toving w ith the notion bl 'th h Los An I An h d s d changed a little," said the Angels J" m a e ones w1 t e ge es a etm ta 1um un ay. of a lso playing in Kansas C11y or (1980 82) h' skipper. "I don't know how he ever got ers · • was not mg more The Angels now begin a six-game road 11 h Milwaukee. t a alt f f .d the label of being a sinker ba plt.c er in m er 0 con 1 ence. trip with a 2'h -game bulge over the M h' · A h vfhentheDodgersreleasedtheright-theNatlonalLeague,butDaveGoltzwas a uc s presence 1n na etm hanSer early this season, Goltz admitted Royals. •• never a sinker ball pitcher when he was d~finitely influenced Goltz's dec11uon, tha( his frame of mind was somewhat Goltz's pedormanc."e was vintage Goltz with me though, to sign with the Angels. sha ky. in that of his 21 outs, 10 were via the "I'm not knocking the Dodgers, but "l was relaxed a nd confident the• "I started doubting myself and that's ground ball and six others were by when Dave was successful he had a entire time I was out there," so1d Golt1, something you shouldn't do," admitted strikeout. knuckJe curve and a riding fastball." who was touched for onJy one• run on a Golll of his tenure W)th the Dodgers. "Goltz pitched today like he did fC?r Goltz signed as a much-c.-elebrated free two-out walk to U.L. Washington and a "Si~ I came over here it's been an me three, four, five or however many agent with the Dodgers in the wmter of subsequent "sun" triple by Gf"Orgt: Brett en ti(ely different atmosphere." year s ago it was," praised Angel 1'979. After a 9-19 two-and-a-half year m the sixth mmng 'Mth, it might also be added, entirely Manager Gene Mauch, who managed NL record and a 4.91 ERA, however. the "I felt good, but then I ft-It good different t-esuJts. the Twins from 1976-80. Dodgers gave the right-hander his during spring training, too." It's JUSt I In his first American League start Goltz won 63 games in the four years outright release despite the fact he had never got a chance with the Dodgl·rs sine beating the Kansas City Royals as a he was associated with Mauch at four years remaining on a $3.l million Goltz's bitterness toward the Dodgers, me r ot the Twins in 1979, Goltz, Minnesota, and the Angel manager said agreement. (See ANGELS, Page C2 ) _ _..,~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~-"""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- SHARP -Pitc h er Dave Goltz pitched seven innings to earn his first win with the Ang1·ls Sunrlay Hooper stunned by Simpson A ustin, J aeger win matches WIMBLEDON, England (AP) New Zealander RusselJ Simpson s tunned Chip Hooper in an artillery battle today, sending the American reeling 6-3. 1-6. 6-3. 6-7, 11 -9 in the longest mat.ch of this year's Wimbledon tennis tournament. On t h e wom e n 's side third-seeded Tracy Austin over - came a lapse of concentration caused by a rain delay to post a 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 triumph over fellow Am erican K athy Jor dan Fourth -seeded Andrea Jaeger defeated South African Ros Fairbank 6-3. 7-5; 10th-seeded Barbara P otter of the United States beat compatriot Jan1..• Preyer, 6-4, 6-4, and No. 13 Anne Smith tripped Franc:e's Omnne Vanier 6-3, 6-2. The defending singles champions, Chris Evt>rt Lloyd and J ohn McEnroe·. both held convincing leads when a second s torm fro nt f o rct•d suspension of play. . Lloyd led American Kate Latham 6-1 and gamed breaks m the first and fifth games of thC' second set to hold a 4 I advantage. McEnroe, despite problC'ms with his strokes, posted 1dent1cal 6-2 scores m the first two sets and was leading 4-0 in the thirci. LEADS SOUTH -Fountain Va lley High product Matt Stevens will be in charge of the South's air attack in tonight's Delly Piiot Steff Photo Orange County All-star football game a t Orange C oast College. In other men's results, s1xth- sceded Gene Mayer outlaswd Australia's Brad Drewett ti-7, Dodger rookies sparkle HOUSTON (AP) -Manager Bill Virdon said the Houston Astra.s need to get hot, but they'll have to do it away from the air-<:<>ndi uoned confines of t he Astrodome. The Astros completed their longest homestand of the year Sunday with a 7-3 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers. They begin an eight-game r oad trip Tuesday with the Atlanta Braves, whom they trail by 13111 games. "I've seen clubs in a lot worse shape get back in it," Vinion said, "but we have more problems m the bullpen. I think the club on the field is capable, but we've got to help our bullpen some way." The Astro bullpen got more bad '1ews Sunday when it was announced that pitcher Dave Smith was being put o n the disabled list. Meanwhile, the Dodgers continued to keep pace with the Braves, and now stand just 5 'h games out of flret. "Thi.a was a mu.at win for us, the way San Diego and Atlanta have been playing," said Los Angeles cente rfielde r K en Landreaux. Land~aux and rookie eecond bueman Steve Sax combined for three trlplee, two 1ingle1, a double and five RBI. • Oodaer M.aNpr Tom Luorda uJd he hu l»en pleued wllh the play ot Sax and another rookie, pttehel Tom Niedenfuer, who ptthed two lnnil'9' of 1CON1-r.ue« Sunday. "Mledtntuer ....Uy wen' .,.., U.. hlt\ttl with ane ktnd ot 1nU\Ullllm:' i..wda -'di 11He'1 ID&nl Lo t. In OUfMndlnt NlWf ,......,, .. Football stars will be out this evening St even s, Ger o u x a m o n g stando uts on display for South in to nig ht's con test By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille Delly Pffol 8l•tf Edison High's Dave Geroux ta kes h is last jaunts through t h e line, Fountain Valley's Matt !:it.evens goes to the air lanes once more and a host of others take their final shots represenung their respective high schools tonight as the South All-stars attempt to make it five in a row. It's the 23rd annual Orange County All- star football game at Orange Coast College (lockoff is at 8) and the game pits most of the cream produced from Orange County ranks this past season . Eac h t eam e nters with nuggets commonplace. Geroux, the pounding runner who is headed for the U n iversity of Kansas, averaged 8.8 yard per carry and scored 13 touchdowns; Stevens passed for 4.427 yards and 25 TDs over a two-year span for Fountain Valley; Foothill High tailback Mark Templeton, the CTF Division Il's Player of the Year . . . the list is endl~. The South, coached by El Modena High's Bob Lester, is going for its fifth straight victory and is a seven-point favorite (the North still leads in the series, 14-8), has a loaded backfield. The North's strength is built around a solid defense, keyed by El Dorado High 's Sean Foy, Serv ite's Steve Rahon and Valencia's Steve Garten (250), among others. Each enters with similar styles. using an I and split backs offensively and a 4-3 defensive scheme. The South's defense is keyed around m1ddl~ linebacker Rick DiBernardo, who is headed for Notre Dame. The Rebels are expected to put the balJ up often and Lester says: "We want to put on a show, not to highlight anyone. but to show everything we've got." North Coach Ron Smeltzer, who led his Servite team to the season's upset of the year (14-7 over Edison, snapping a 32-game winning streak), has his own quarterback (Doug Butler) at the controls. Behind Butler are tailback Henning Peterson of Esperanza and Canyon's Ed Brun ot, with Buena Park tailback Mo Printup in the wings. The South's 31 -man roster includes four starters from Fountain Valley (Stevens, Joel Seay, Greg Bolin, Dale Crane); four players from Edison (Ge roux, Craig Dumity. DiBernardo, and Rick Ponder). two from Marina (Pat Ceman a nd Ken Lazslo); two from Mater De1 (Greg Locy and Brian Lopker) and Corona del Mar's Glenn Rogers. Eight of the South starters hail from the Sunset League, all three South Coast League players (Mission V1e1o's Jeff Holmes, Capistrano Valley's Sam Finch and Laguna Hills' Dan Blanck) w ill start; and two Sea Vie w League stars will start (Rogers and El Toro's Steve Svitcnko). Both of Mater Dei's standouts will start, too. There arc three changes fcom normal CIF champ1onsh1p rules. A team down by eight points or more has the opuon of receiving or kicking after a score. There 1s no tie breaker. A first down is awarded at the spot of a defensive pass interference. Magee in limbo as NBA draft nears With the NBA draft less than 24 houn away. UC Irvine All- American K evin Magee Is s urro unde d by a c loud o f unoer\ainty. Oooe projected to be a eure-flre top 10 .election, Magee hu since tac1ed, accordlna to 10me reportll, to belna a late tin t round cholca, or even pcmibJy an early .amd round pk:k. Why? Well the an11wer to that i.u:=n la jult u unmrtain u 11 ICAtUI. Many NBA txperu are po6nl!na to Mute'• lhowtnl ., an All...., ,.hJ6'Uon. ol ICltii, ln Chlcqp II btlnt ,_pcnible flw hll demi•. On the one hand there are thoee that are eaying Magee'a perfonnance ln the Windy City was a poor one. On the other, auch notablet as La.ken Special Conaultant Jerry West and Long Beach State Coach Tex Wlnter contend Maaee dldn' t do anything to hurt hll 1tandlnc. In fact, he may have helped hlmlelf. "1 th.lnk Kevin jult want. to pt \he whole thll\I t:/Vet with," ilJd UCl COICh 8Uf Mull1pn 01 Nilly th.Ink If he ~·t 10 '° Ch'-F he'• one ol lhe tint 10 Oft It . pla~ •L«ud . . . bu& that'• tilndlllht. "At the time we (Mulligan. Magee and his attorney ~nnis Harwood) felt he had to ~o." On the ESPN cable -sports network Sunday, New Jersey Coach Larry Brown, with the Neta ownina the No. 13 and 21 r.lcka, ex preaaed considerable nterttt In M1.1ea. Milwaukee hu al.Nldy IAWi lf th• 6-8 power forward la avaU.ble, the 8Ucka will Uk • him No . 20 . Philadelphia, at No. U , repontdly want Mac• bladly. Harwood 11)'1 1 number ot tndll npeoted to be made before ~t'1 mldnl1ht deadllne oould alter M11eo'1 HlH'llon In 'h• dr1f1. "What l can't understand." said Mu.Waan Sunday, "ls how h~ could have gotten so bad all of a audden. "Here ii a guy who led the nation In ltatlatica that nobody had ever done before. Plue, thll LI the aame l\IY that 8"0red 31 point• aaalnlt the Ru11lan1 durinl the ~r. 1 don't. think anybody has ever done thal beforw. "1 Juat th.ink Lhe NBA ta rMlly 'poorfy run. h'I I JDkt," M•r,•• doe1f1't 111ur to be llu,h na much n.day. 11 .JOHN' llVANO 6-:i. o-1 ,,ind Man·os Hou•v<Jr ot Br<iztl bestl'<i Aml'rt<.:<IO Francisco Gonzalez 7 · n. ~ n. 7 fi. 7 ti Both J<>int'CI S1mpWn in r<'aching the· third round. Both the Mayer Drewt•ll and Simpson-Hooper duels w erE' susp1·nded Saturdav night because of darkn1..•ss Hooper managed to draw the• mau:h even at two seLc; each S<iturday by coming back from a 2-0 dc•f1c1t in the tre brt.•akc·r with spven straight points Th(' final St.'t also was delayed mor<' th<in 90 minutes at· 3-3 bv the· first of Monday's rain showef'l> Bec-a usl' of the• bac:klog of mat.chc-s crea\l'd bv last WC'ek's showers. off1c:1als of thl' All- England Club announn•d that th<.' first two rounds of ml•n 's doubles would Ix· best of -three• S(>ts rather th:rn th1· usual bC'st- of-f1Vl' ' Th<' New Zc·aland«r, ranked 89th in th<' world c1gainst tht.> big-serving Hoopc•r's No 23 ranking, traded the 6-6 American S<'rve for S<·rY<' throughout the match Prior to ht~ w1nn1ng bn·ak in thf' 20th game'. Simpson held the onl) brl'ak po1111 of the· final SN. It c:amt· in thl· sixth game. but Hooper PXlnt·atc'Cl h1msC'lf from three break poinL<; and won thl• game when the Nt•w Zc•alander failed to rC'I urn -;c•v1l·1· on th1..· final two point.-; * TODAY'S RESULTS Men'1 S.cond Roe.ind 811>91411 Russell S•mpson !New Zealandl del Chip Hooper (US). 6-3 1 6 6·4 6·7 11 9 Gene Meyer 1 U S I dt>f Brod Or .... ell IAustra11al 6-7 6-3 6·2 6 1 Marcos Hocevar 1Bra1111 OP.I Francisco Gonzalez IU S 1 7-6. 4·6 1 6 1·6 Women'• Third Round Slngl .. Barbare Potier cu S J dot Jane Preyer (US), 6·4, 6-4 Anne Smith IU S 1 del Lonnne Vanier (France> 6-3 6-2 Andrea Jeeger (US 1 del Ros Fa11banh (Sooth Alrtcal 6-3 7-S Tracy Austin IU S 1 <Jpl Ka1hy Joroan IU S I 4 6.6·1 6·2 J apanese team wins opener, 1-0 From AP dispatches Right-hander Toru N1muro fired a thrC'<.'-h1llcr and struck out nme Sunday as the Japanese All-Stars defeated the United States All-Stars 1-0 at Anaheun Stadium in the opener of the I Ith annual USA -Jap an Collegiate Baseball Series. The J apanese team got the game's only run 1n the f irst inning on a two-out double by Shinji Nishida, a s ingle by Katsuhiko K1do and a run- scoring sin g le by Take hiko Kobayakawa N1muro, who walked two, didn't allow more than on e baserunner 1n any inning. P ic k ing up hits f or the Americans were Kevin Ward of Arizona. who doublt.'QJn both the fourth and ninth Innings, and Gres Olton of Mlnne*>ta, who alnglt-td In the fifth lnnln~ Ward'• doubt ln tht• ninth came with one out. However. Nimura eacaped troublo by r tlrln1 Mlk«' Aldrel of scanturd "n a "r blU nd Ket\h Mucha or Ora Roberti on I pound t'IJI to rnd lho ,. 8411 tlwlH ol Mal pt fll'll l(lhl lnnJnp fut 1 \ .. -, I J I I I ' ' i ' ' I a •::sc g -I!!!--- Cl Hll' ~ Oout DAILY PllOTIMondey, June 28, 1Ha Lake rs hold key to draft • N'&W YORK (A.P) -Three )11191'9 ago the Loe Anjel"' Laker1 had lM tint pick ln the National Buketball AatoclatJon draft and made no MCNt that they wou.ld chooeo b.rvln "Magil'" JohNOn, at.at of the NCAA champion M chlaan S\a~ Sparlana. by the Ume Oallu chooees fourth. "With Worthy, Cummins• and Wilkina, you have three ar•at Individual• at well •• thno, area\ athletet," Lakert -.pectal con1wtant Jerry Wett aays ll'BVt' )'OU W01\durJ/lg If l')ft l'e Jy did them.'' ,' I On Tueec:t.y, the Lak~nt aaain have the chance to take th htiro of the colleaiate t.ltllN. 6-9 Jamt!I Worthy of Nortl\ CatoUna, u the No. l plck. Th!. time, however, they aren't aaylng who their choice wm be; Although moat people believe Worthy's name will be the firat one aelected ft the Felt Forum •draft headquarters. The NBA champion Lakers will concede only that they will choose Worthy, Terry Cummings of ~Paul or Dominique Wilkins of Georgia, three of the seven underclassmen who are expected to be drafted among the first 12 selections. "Worthy la a play~whQ CAil 141'Cly play both as a big fo ard ar A\ a ln'Mlll forward," Wes\ aaid. ' e playH n out1tandln• program J.trl o ne of America'• g'lat coac,1>-. "'Dean Smith. James hu the ability to play In a very up-tempo type same and when he ~bounds oft the defensive boards and st.arts the fast break, he can remind you of Magic Johnson." Co6cl\ Paul Sllu ot the CUpPf:r1 hu uld S~n Qle would lean Jowerd CummhSp ll the-Uk~ooee Worth)', and to"'4U'd Worthy If Ang Np cka Cwnm . Frank Layden, Utah'• coach and senl!ral manaaer. &AJd hi. team "wlU be happy with any of tM three. I don't really have a preference." Texas center LaSalle Thompeon could be the fourth straight underdusman picked at the st.art of the Clnt round, alt.hough Dallas reportedly la deddlng between him, 6-9 aenfor BUJ Garnett of Wyoming and 6-6 aenior guard ~nt Tucker of Minnesota. The next two teams to 1ele<:t, San Diego and Utah, also agree that the three juniors are the gems of the draft, making It certain that they will be unavailable West said the 6-10 Cummlng11 "is the mold of a strong power forward. You couldn't find anyone to fulfill that role ony better. He's a good rebounder, excellent shoo~r and comes from a good program.'' Of the 6-7 Wilkins, West said, "he IS the one player moot people in the league f.::el has the excitement level of a Julius Erving. He is an incredible leaper who can do things with a basketball that ln addition to Worthy, Cummings, WUklna and Thompeon, undercluamen expected to be drafted by one of the first 12 teams, are 6-7 forward Clark Kelloq of Ohio State, 6 -8 forward Cliff Levingston of Wichia State and 6-3 guard Quintin Dailey of San Francisco. FUTURE LAKER? -James Worthy is reportedly one of three players the Lakers are considering choosing in the NBA draft Tuesday. English fans having a hall at World Cup From AP dispatches MADRID -American football m fans have their tailgate picn ics. English and Scottish soccer fans at the World Cup have their kilts, fountain swims, cemetery campsites and nationalistic slol(ans. The fans from the British Isles. most of them young and traveling on a shoestring, are easily the most visible group of enthusiasts to hit Spain for the world's biggest soccer tournament. Flags. banners and T -shirts with a distinctly British flavor, oft.en bearing a political punch, abound in the streets and stadiums. At San Mames Stadium in Bilbao during England's 2-0 victory over Czechoslovakia. English fans taunted Argentines over the surrender in the Falkland Islands, chanting: "How does it feel to Jose the war?'' After the game, 5,000 singing and waving English fans danced down the city's main street as wary Spanish police followed in armored I vans. At the same game, a group of youths sought to reassure their mothers, wa~hing on television at home, with a banner hung high from the menanine: "There's no hooligans out here, mum." Rumor seems to be winning out over politics in the T-shirt department. Shirts with the silk screened messages "Officjal Hooligan" and "We'll &in in Spain" a.re outnumbering "The Malvinas are Ours." The Argentines refer to the Falkland Islands as the Malvinas. Gilder wins tourney, misses record Bob Gilder scored an easy five-n stroke victory Sunday in the Westchester Classic but fell four strokes short in his quest for the PGA Tour's all-time scoring record. Gilder's 261 total was good enough for his second title of the season but was sh ort of the all-time record set by Mike Souchak of 257 in the 1955 Texas Open Sandra Haynie birdied two late holes and ' won the LPGA Rochester International title by six strokes with a five-under-par 67 in Pittsford, N. Y. . . . Former Masters champion Bob Goalby cooled off but held on to win a PGA senior tournament by a stroke over Gene Littler. =rom Page C1 \NGELS ROMP. • • Cleveland holds off Yankees Andre Thornton opened ~he Ii eighth inning w ith a double and scored the tie-breaking run on Rick Manning's amgle and Jerry Dybzlosld singled home the eventual winning run as Cleveland topped the New York Yankees Sunday, 4-3. Rick Sutcliffe bailed starter Lary Soreaaoa, 7-6. out of a jam in the bottom of the eighth to earn his first American League save . . . Elsewhere in the AL, AJ Cowens' two-run triple highlighted Seattle's five-run fifth inning and the Mariners held on to nip Chicago, 6-5 in a night game i n the Kingdo me Rookie Dave Hostetler knocked in four runs and had four hits, ~ including a club record 11th THOflNTON homer for the month of June, as Texas routed Oakland, L0-4 . . . Gorman Thomas hit two home runs while Bea Ogilvie took the league lead with his 19th homer as Milwaukee made it three in a row over Boston, 7-5 . . . Cal Rlpken Jr. and Eddie Muray drove in three runs apia-e, helping Jim Palmer to a 13-1 win as Baltimore handed Detroit its 13th l~ in 14 games . . . Second baseman Damaso Garcia belted a leadoff homer in the bottom of the ninth to help Toronto nip Minnesota, 3-2. Lollar keeps San Diego rolling Left-hander Tim Lollar gave up Ii only two hits in the first eight innings and belted a run-scoring triple, boosting San Diego to a 4-2 victory over San Franciaco and a sw eep of their weekend series at Candlestick Park. Catcher Terry Kennedy cracked a two-run homer to crack a 1-1 tie in the sixth inning as the Padres streaked to their seventh win in eight games against the Giants this season ... Chris Chambliss singled home C laudell Washington to break a scoreless deadlock in the 14th inning, boosting Atlanta to a 2-0 .victory over Cincinnati . . . Bo Diaz and George Vuckovich each hit three-run homers and pitcher Mike Krakow earned his third Lou.A" s t r a i g h l l r i u m p h a s Philadelphia completed a sweep of their five- game series with New York with an 8-3 win . . . Larry Bowa singled In a pair of runs and Leon Durham rapped out four hits, including a run-scoring double to lead Chicago past St. Louis, 4-2 . . . David Palmer to6sed a three· hitter and Tim Wallac h and Dan Norman homered in Montreal's four-run fourth inning as Montreal snapped a four-game losing streak by beating Pittsburgh, 5-2. O'Meara Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1910: Joe Tinker of the Chicago Cubs set a major league record since tied by steal.ing home twice in the same game. On this date in 1907: The Washington Senators stole l 3 bases in one game against a New York Yankee ca~her named Branch Rickey, who would find fame as one of the game's greatest executives. Today's birthdays: Angels slugger Don Baylor is 33. Montreal shortstop Chris Speier is 32. Houston bullpen ace Joe Sambito is 30. Jenkins balks at Falcons' otter Alfred Jenlll••, one of the . National Football League'• top wide receivers, }\as delayed signing a contract with the Atlanta Falcons this seaaon, saying the team is being "unfair" and "insulting." Jenkins said, "I've had it with the Falcons. They've never given me the money I think I deserve.'' . . . Veteran driver David Pearson edged Dale Earnhardt by 26-thouaandths of a second to win the rain- plagued NASCAR Coca-Cola 200 Late Model Sportsman race at North Car olina Motor Speedway . . . MJcllael Musyotd burst ahead ol Jon Sinclair over the final 50 yards to capture the 15-k.iJometer Cascade Run OU road race in Portland . . The Chicago Bulls have called a news conference today during which former Los Angeles Lakers' Coach Paul Westhead is expected to be named coach of the squad. Quote of the day Mike Sclo1da, Dodger catcher. when asked how he h.ad developed into one of ~ball's most formidable plate-blockers: ''You don't get a heck of a lot of practice. It's not easy to find guys who'll come out early before games and run into you." Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vv'vv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. e 6:30 p.m. Channel 7 v v v BASEBALL: Houston at Atlanta. Announcers: Don Drysdale and Steve St.one. It will be first place against last place in the National League West as the Astros try to slow down the Braves. Flame-thrower Nolan Ryan (~·8) opposes right-hander Rick Mahler (7-5) in toni~t's game. RADIO Baseball -San Diego at Dodgers, 7:35 p.m .. KABC (790). Football -Orange County ALI-star game. 7:45 p.m .• KSBR (88.5 FM). TUESDAY'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER 11~45 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER A1nericans win over Ger1nans Tonight's All-st starting lineups SoutJa Offense Poi., Player, acbool, No. SE-Joel Seay. Ftn Valley (7) LT-Glenn Rolct'ra, CdM (75) LG-Brian Lo,>k.cr, Mater Dc1 (67) C -Dale Crane. Ftn Valley (50) RG-CraJg DumJty, Edi.Ion (65) RT-Chuck Steele, El Modena(~) TE-Gres Bolin, Ftn. Valley (91) QB-Matt Stevena, Ftn. Valley (15) FB--Dave Geroux. Edison (34) TB-Mark Templeton, Foothill (25) SB-Dan Blanck, Laguna Hills (49) Soutb Oefen1e DE-Greg Locy. Mat.er Dei (86) IYI'-Pat Ceman, Marina (77) IYI'-Greg Sellers, Foothill (74) DE-Fortino Rivera, Santa Ana (22) OB-Mike Adelman, Pacifica (89) MB-Rick OiBemardo, F.dison (43) OB-St.eve Svitenko, El Tero (63) DB-Gregg Haley, Foothill (16) DB-John Collard, Tustin (20) DB-Jeff Holmes, Mission Viejo (21) DB-Sam Finch, Capo Valley (28) North Offense Pos., Player, scbool, No. SE-Mike Bowles, Cypress (84) RT-Joe Florentine, El Dorado (77) RG-Kris Bakke, Brea-Olinda (76) C -Nick Gotovac. Esperanza (55) LG-Mike Beery, Magnolia (75) LT-Ray Orogel, Anaheim (79) TE-Paul &illy, Servite (15) QB-Doug Butler, Servite (10) FB-Ed Brunot, Canyon (30) TS-Hennlng Peterson, Esperanza (24) Fl-Mike Ruberio, Rancho Alam. (82) North Defense DE-Adam Lowitz.. Esperanza (61) IYI'~Steve Gan.en, Valencia (69) IYI'-John Gammon, Sunny Hills (54) DE-Mark Alario, Canyon (34) OB-Sean Foy, El Dorado (44) MG-Daryl Meddings. Kennedy (32) OB-Dan Honikel, Servite (28) CB--Chris Hutcherson , Brea (21) CB--Chris Alvarez. Los Alamitos (4) S -Steve Rahon, Servit.e (26) S -Brian Owens, Fullerton (37) Hl. 5.11 6-2 6-3 5-10 6-2 6-2 6-S 6-0 6-0 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-2 5-10 5-10 6-4 6-2 6-2 5-11 5-10 6-3 Wt. 165 245 235 220 220 240 225 195 216 190 200 200 220 230 180 200 218 210 170 180 170 185 Ht. Wt. 6-0 180 6-3 230 6-2 230 6-2 230 6-4 220 6-4 240 6-0 190 6-1 175 5-11 200 5-10 180 6-0 185 6-1 230 6-3 250 5-10 205 5-10 190 6-2 220 5-10 190 5-10 180 6-0 185 6-0 175 6-4 195 6-1 180 Blakely holds on • to win tournament BAKERSFIELD -Mark Blakely of Temple City saved par from a bunker on the 221·yard 18th hole to capture the 83rd Southern California Amateur Golf Championship by one shot over Duffy Waldorf. Blakely, 22, had to par the final three holes alter Waldorf fired a course-record 64 over the 6,332-yard, par-71 Stockdale Country Club course. Blakely, a 1982 graduate of United States lntemallonaJ Uruversity, had a two-over-par 73 Sunday to finish the tournament with an even-par 284. He had scores of 73, 68 and 70 m the f~t three rounds while Waldorf, 19. had rounds of 71, 77 and 73 before his course-record performance which gave him a total score of 285. Waldorf began the day 10 ,strokes behind Blakely. Blakely put his tee shot in a greenside bunker about 40 feet from the pin on the par-three 18th "lole. It was the first bunker he had hit during the 72-hole event. However, he blasted out to within ~wo feet of the cup before tapping m his final shot. Paul O'Shea and Lee DaV1s, both of Newport Beach, ued for third place at 288. O'Shea, 24, had a 76 Sunday while Davis, 37, Cirushed with a 71. -Rod Geiberger of Santa Barbara. Jim Empey of Los Angeles and Mitch Voges of Northridge tied for fifth at 289. Ge1berger. the 18-year-old son of touring pro AJ Geiberger, finished with a 75. Sailing class offered A two we~ks beginning and intermediate sailing class begins today at Orange Coast College. The course is being offered as a part of ()(X;'s 1982 Summer Sailing Program. Classes will meet at OCC's boat house located at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All classes will meet Monday through Friday. The beginning class will run from 3 to 5 p.m. Fee for the course ls $40. Three intermediate classes are on the agenda. lf you could say there is any, is directed more at Manager Tommy Lasorda. who showed Uttle faith ln Goltz at a time the pitcher said he needed it the most. The Angels hitters presented him with a 4-0 lead after the first mning and proceeded to total 14 hits, including four home runs during the contest. Brlan Downing , Juan Beniquez, Don Baylor and Doug DeCinces each flexed their muscles as Mauch used the extra-Inning win of Saturday with Sunday's day game to give five of his regulars -Reggie Jackson, Bob Boone, Fred Lynn, Tim Foli and Rod Carew -the day off. sweeps to title DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -Dave McKenzie set an One meets from 10 a.m. to noon and the second is American record in the hammer throw Sunday, slated for 1 to 3 p.m. Fee for the classes is $35. A while Juon Grimes had a near-record performance third intermediate class will be held from 5-7 p.m. in the long jump blown away as the U.S. team The fee is $40. claimed victory in the Summer Games international Registration is being conducted in OCC's "Today, I was out there with he knowledge that the manager 1as confidence in me," Goltz • ·xplained. "That meant a lot." ''Is that new?" someone asked. ''For the last 2 112 years it la," 1 :tolu quickly countered. Angel c.atcher Joe Ferguson. who caught Golu Sunday and s.00 handled manv of his 5lames with the Dodgers, agreed that •.he change in acenery has ai.o nade a change tn Goltz. "He'i throwing much better aow.'' said Ferguson. "l don't 1-eally know what the reason la, lout he '• throwing with more cmillde.nce. "You can be intimidated in a 'ot of dilf erent ways in the major ea1ue1 -management, Hlf t loubta. HJa Lack of conlldenoe . .ffected his ability to make good I juallty pitches." Ferl\*)I\ ldded that Golts put • 1 lot of ~on himlelf when I ie ftnt c.me to the Dodpn. ';'hat, com~ with a couple of l IOOr early _,.rformancea ju1t 1 nade life tiilJ for the fonnw 'IO·P? wtnnel' dUl'inl hta ttay •Yith Lee An81Me. ''But &hat'1Mppmwci to • lot of uy.n," r~ lnt.erjtc\td. Tm )* 1'°' ~ hlin out, -.U.. 10" Ii\ vWwW Jn I • ...... WI'/ ..a no man. WMt 1ou 4o iou'rt In • •no win' 1 ttu1•. ~ --.. It ....... h9w lll9Wlll• ,_.. •Wta "°''°win ... t ..... , The way Goltz pikhed ~t the Royals, Mauch could have rested a few more. Goltz, who h.u now appeared s1x times ln an Angela uniform (fiw ln relief) and figures to be a fixture in the starting rotation sometime next week, has a record of 1-1, an ERA of 2.37, and a revitalli.ied atUlude that hu hJm \hlnking Ilk• a winner again. "If you think I'm ~ to ssy ~thln1 bad about tbe n, I'm not,'' aatd Golu, Who added la tM nest bnath, "but I'm tryln1 DOl &o think about .Ut ba,,...c1 (wtd\ LA). '"lbe future la brtlht ep&n . • .and lt'1 abMd ol rm.'' ...... 9'0'7a -Mlf .......... ,_.,,on Ille~ lllt =NM I 11111.t11 =-='!::~~~ ,......................... ;.~-:: ::..r:. ~.:F'.i.'= ·11~~· .. II lfttt I ~~ · • ... ='". ....... ~ .... -.. track and field meet at Duke University. Community Service office located in the college's The American men claimed a 123-99 victory Administrative Building. The office is open Monday over West Germany, building its margin in the through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and speed events over the two-day meet. They also Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. downed the Pan Alric.an team by a 137-67 margin. For registration information call 556-5880. American women were victorious by a· 90-56 edge riiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;~;;;;;;-~;;;;;;;--iii over their West Gennan counterparts. CM ~ r McKenzie's throw of 243-11 bettered his own ~ • ouProfessional record of 237-2 established last~· However, his Florist belt wu Just good enough for• -place finiah u R..OAST 2915 Red Hill Avenue Klaus Pl<>ehaua of West Germany captured flm wlth a tom of 249-6. Tearnma~ Jorg Schafer wu A· 108 Costa Mesf aecond at 248•3. ~S~to~n~e=M~ill~B~uisiin~esis~Pair~k~~~~=6i4ili-08iai 101=il Grimes recorded a jump of 28-1 'h in winnidg Ir his specialty and becoming the fourth person to post I • jump lonaer th.an 2a feet under any conditions. This Week's Spec But the wind, which had been c.alm much of the hot and humid altemoon, suddenly whipped up to men Win S mUee per hour, wipll\1 Grims' name fftlm the r9COl'd booka. Mac WUldnJ., 1976 Olymplc aold medalist, capewwd U.. dilcul with a t'9 of 212-6, bnU:lna the IDllet record o( 211-2 tet ln 1977 by HW\-Dreck N..a. 1981 CADILLAC ELDOR\00 A14fUUTZ ltlCluct. all 81an'it:a opllOna. AM /FM 1ttno wi\h ~ t.pe player and low mtla '101''J4&1). '16,995 QldaMo Valw ~ ,.,.._ ~r A.,... NIGw.._.T't,._,aAI U~"-~•1.-.. BRllGI CIAIT 11 IUCll I flUl llll:U MONDA 'V JUNI .'II 1•111: OllANl.ll COUNT 'Y L J\l 11 <>HNIA 25 CENTS Shuttle astronauts hail Columbia CAPE CANAVERAL, F'Ja. (AP) The space shuttle jerked and rolled slightly todar in u n expected -but-harm ess movements that disappeared whi le Columbia's astronauts plunged eagerly into a second day flurry of scie nt1 fie a nd rrulitary tests. The shuttle, launched brilliantly Sunday. hummed along on its last test Clight wtth no major problems. "AJI the things people have said about this machine are true," Mattingly said in praise of Columbia's performance Sunday There were some minor tro ubles , includi n g an unexplained movement of the s pa cecraft which c a u sed Deltr "°4 "*o ti, ..... Tr1poll SPARKIE'S ON THE MEND -Sparkie the sea lion is recovering quite well at the Laguna Beach Frien ds of th e Sea Lion cen ter. doctors said today. The 125-pound ocean mammal underwent surg ery Saturday for a b roken jaw s u ffered when someone shot her with a gun . S he's eating herring spiked with vitamins following th e reconstructive surgery. Sea lion saga Shooting victim reco vering By STEVE MITCHELL Of the OellJ Piiot St.tt Her J3W 1s swollen and she's having a little diffic ulty maneuvering fish so they'll go head first down her throat. But Sparkie, a female sea lion who underwent su rgery Saturday to re pair a broken jaw, is recovering nicely, says Dr. John Ha mil, a Laguna Beach veterinanan. Sparkie was f o und last Thursday floatmg listlessly m the waters off Newport Beach. the victim of a bulJet that shattered her jaw. She was taken to the Laguna Beach Frie nds of the Sea Lion compound on Laguna Canyon Road and the operation was per formed Saturday by Dr. Robert R ooks. a Santa Ana vetermary surgeon. Rooks. along with Dr. Hamil, picked sphntcred bone and pieces of teeth from her jaw during the surgery, which they say will leave Sparkie with a s light overbite. S he'll still be able to grab hsh. Dr. Hamil said. Sin ce sea lions don't chPw, Sparkie is able to adapt to the WORLD cumbersome brace and steel pms that are h old ing h e r Jaw together There is the problem of maneuvering the herring so they go down head first, Hamil said, "but after a few shakes of the head, it's down the hatch." Friends of the Sea Lion volunteers arrived at the canyon center this morhing to find Sparkie had transferred most of the water in her kiddie pool to the ground outside. "She must have been frisky last night," laughed volunteer Marsha Silverman. She said Spar kie consumed only six herring on Sunday, but added the fish were s piked heavily with vitamins to expedite her recovery. Hamil said the stainless steel clamps will probably be removed in four to six w~ks at which time she'll be put out by the larger pool with other recovenng sea lions. Her stay at the ma r ine. mammal center will be at leas1 three months, he said. When she's fully recovered. the two-year-old sea lion will be transferred to the ocean. Cosmonauts in orbit MO SCOW (AP) -Four Sovie t cosm onauts spent a quiet day orbiting the earth aboard the Sal yut-7 station with t h eir French guest in space, test pilot J ean-Loup C hretien. NATION Hunters kill raccoons BARABOO, W is. (AP) -Hunters kille d 14 raccoons ove r the weekend at the Internation al C rane Foundation , where the anlmalt have been attacking rare blrda. Bankruptcy law shot down WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . Supre me Court today •truck down H unconaUtuUonal a bankruptcy law Con~ en.teted four yeara qo. The n.alln1 wtll have no effect, however, on cuee AlrHdy Hllp\Od under th Jaw. ' Colum bia to drift 110mewhat off lta orbit. The craft a lso developed a s teering jet leak and a hJgh temperature reading on a fuel cell, but officials aaJd these would not affect t he mission. The booster rockets that were to have been recovered for u se a gain sank in the Atlantic Ocean, a $36 million l oss A student experlmen t also failed to function. And for t h e second day. Mattin g ly a nd pilot Henr y Hart.field were unable to tum on the aclence experiment, which was developed by Utah college studenta. Mattingly switched on the military payload again today and was Instructed to over ride an unldenlified test called Charley AJpha. One of the top-secret Defense Department experiments might not have worked. At least that was the infer e n ce when Mattingly r eported. m a code· worded exchange, "no py on step No. 3." The astronauts fell so rar behmd in their routine that they u.s • loans due on didn't get to bed until nearly 11 :30 p.m. -almost three hours later than scheduled. But alter five hours sleep they were ready for a busy day. Mission Control wakened them with a recording of "Up, Up and Away," and commander Mattingly acknowledged: "My compliments to your taste in (See SPACE, Page AZ) sale D eci sion seen as boon to f e d er al saving and loan firms WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. S upf1me Court ruled today that homeow ners with mor t - gages at federa lly ch a r tered savings and Joan associations can be forced to pay off their loans wh en they sell their hou ses, instead of passing the mortgages o n to buye r s. Mo r tgag es granted through state-chartered S&L s , b a nks a nd mortgage companies would not be affected by today's ruling. About half the nation's 4,000 savings and loan associat(on s a r e federa l ly chartered. An attorney for a savings and l oan association involved in * * * S&L firms hail court loan ruling By JEFF ADLER 0( ttMt Delly f'tlot St.ff Savings and loan assoc1auon officia1s in Southern California applauded the Supreme Court ruling today that homeowners at federally chartered savings and loans can be forced to pay off their loans when they sell their homes. The court's 6-2 decision w ill severely restrict the availability of assumable mortgages, which allow a homebuyer to take over a mortgage at a more favorable rate than the buyer would have to pay for a new mortgage. today's ruling said due-on-sale be affected by today's ruling cJauses in existing mortgages About half the nation's 4.000 issued by federally chartered savmgs and loan assoc1at1ons arc thrift institutions are enforceable federally chartered. in light of today's ruling. The court ruled that a 1976 The court's 6-2 decision could federal regulatio n allowing severely restrict the availability federally chartered savings and of so-called "assumabl e loan associations to exercise mortgages," which allow a home ''d ue -on-sale" cla u ses in buyer lo take over a federally m o rtgage contrac ts takf's chartered S&L mortgage at a precedence over a CaJHorn1a law more favorable rate than the barring such clauses buyer would have to pay for a Cahforrua and 17 other states new mortgage. with similar laws attempted to Mortgages. granted through bar the ''due-on-sale" clauses. state -c ha'rtere d S&Ls . Al issue was a r egulation government agencies. banks and drawn by the Federal H ome _m_o_r_tg_a_g_e_co_m_pa_n_ies __ w_o_u_ld_n_o_l __ Lo_ an Bank Board, which governs f ed erally chartered savings mslltutions, under the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933. Writing for the court's major ity. Jus tice Harry A . Blackmun said: "We conclude that the board's due-on-sale regulation was meant to pre- empt conflicting state limitations on the due-on-sale practiet:S of federal savings and Joans. "Although the board's power to promulgate r e gulations exempung federal savings and loans from the requirements of "t:lte Jaw mav not be boundless. m this case we need not explo1·e the outer limits. "This will mean more funds will be avai l able for the homebuyer. It will be great for the consumer and very much of a plus for creating funds for home loans." explained J ames Schmidt, presiden t of Great Amer ican Federal Savings a n d Loan Associati o n . Both Laguna Federal and San Diego Federal savings and loan associations are divisions of Great American. Schmidt also said the high court's ruling w ill help to bring down interest rates a n d will eliminate the need for creative financing for home buyers. "It will create greater competition between lenders again ," h e added. ON T HE B EACH -Richard Watson uses shovel to dig around propeller of his sloop , which w en t agrou nd at Newport Beach early 0811y Pflot Photo by a.,, Am~ today. He was h oping to keep his craft in one piece long enough to refloat her on the high tide. See story, Page A3. It's 'Prince Williain of Wales' Schmidt said Great American curren tly has some $2 billion tied up in 58,000 Joans in CaHfornia. Royal ba b y named W illiam Arthur Philip Louis Another savings a n d loan official who said he was pleased by the court's decision was Larry Rossi, senior vice reside nt of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association. "Obvious ly we 'r e ve r y pleased." Rossi said upon learning of the court's decision. "It means increased availabrnty of fix ed -r ate lo n g -ter m (See S&L, Page AZ ) LON DON (AP) -Prince Charles and Princess Diana have named their infant son William Arthur P h ilip Loui s, Buckingham Palace an nounced today. The announcement came one week after the royal birth. The child, second in line to the British throne behind his father, will be known as Prince WilJ iam of Wales, a palace spokesman said. BUSINESS · Sambo's tries ne w image The trou bled Sambo's restaurant chain tries out a new menu and differen t hours in Santa Barbara. Pa ge A4. Housing 'bailout' controversial Controversy continues over what 10me term as a "bailout" for the houain,g induatry. Page A 7. COUNTY S enion 11re1ch their le6' Ru.nn.lnc coeeh Bill lelvtn, 71, teac:h• •nJot etttsen1 how '° keel> m. P111 a1 . The selection of names was "entire ly a matter of personal c h oice by the prince a nd princess," the spokesman said. There have been four previous Kings William -the last was William IV who reigned from 1830-37. He was the third son of King George m, during whose reign the American colonists won the Revolutionary War aRainst INDEX A t Your service A4 Erma Bambeck B2 California A 5 Cavalcade B2 Classified C5-8 Comics 83 Croesword 83 Death Notices C4 Editorial A6 Entertainment B6 Horcecope 82 SPORTS England and founded the United States. "The baby wiU be known as Prince William, and the name won't be foreshortened in any way," said the palace spokesman, specifically noting that the boy will not be called "Billy." Born June 21 in St. Mary's Hospital West London, the baby weighed in at seven pound!, l 1-1 ounces. Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News A 3 Public Notices C4 Sports Cl-4 Stock Marke ta 84 Television ~ Theaters B6 Weather A4 World News A3 Productive weekend tor An6el1 Thi AJ\ce1' hll the l'Old wf \h a 2 ~ .pme laed ln the Amtricar' lAqu. Wiit attM rtpplna Xanlll City, 9·1, Pl,lt Cl, I I I '· 1: • t • . 1: . . , . ' . ... 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I .:.:. = , 1 !" ~~ 4t i.111tt ~ ': ·ri r.--. •. ~ i~ ::": ;: .?!~. ~ I 01 r t • tit II ri , . . ...,,, ,:; ,ff•~·" :r .... i •:,~ 1 .. ~:: :~"~!J • ' " .. ~ •, u , ..... "":tl:~sn '*n"'•' : ~ .r. ~ ... :: =..· .·!. ·,:!a :n::: , .. , ,: 1m:·i =~i1~1 1~: ·~:. = ·~=~, ... ~:1: · ,.1 1 ·, ., ~Ii ;1.1~1.1 ;f~ N::·i ~ ~:,: "fl: d "11:·;· i .=rrz.,]:#, ~:.'Ii :!tn~ ~\ ~~ ~' •im:~ 511!f~~I h.: ~ ., ~ .. w • " b'E ' le I ~ • W I 'l • w ' f I l ,;J~ ~ ,1j ', I ....................................... ______ .... ' Dow Jones Final UP 8.85 CLOSING 811 .93 ~\\\ ,.,. Retail gasoline prices climbing LOS ANGELES (AP) -The retall price of gasoline has increased 1.8 cents i.n two weeks, but oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg predicts the price should remain steady through the summer. The average price rose to $1.29 during the period, placmg the cost about halfway between the three-year low of $1 20 a gallon in Aprtl and the record high of $1.38 in March 1981. Lundberg said Sunday Dividend increase told Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach, announced the board of directors approved a first quarter dividend of 6 cents per share payable Aug. 19 to shareholders of record July 30. This represents a 50 percent increase over prior dividends. Irvine lease signed M1el, Inc .. a Flo rida-based commun1cat1ons equipment company. signed a lease for more than 5,000 square feet m the lrvme Company's Executive Park garden·off1ce complex at Main Street and Red Hill Avenue. Irvine. The company plans to move into the second floor of the complex's Toronto Domiruon Bank building from its Costa Mesa locallon this summer. H elionetics stock traded The Pacific Stock Exchange announced that an lrvine hrm. Helionetics Inc. was adrrutted for trading today as a PSE i~ue. The common stock of Hehonetics tS traded under the ticker symbol HLX. Warranty period extended Newport Pharmaceuticals lntemat1onal Inc. has announced its post-effective amendment to the company's registration state ment extending the expiration date of Newport's B warrants from June 30 to Aug. 31 was declared effective. All other tenns and c.:ondit1ons of the warrants will remain unchanged Area firms aid project Construction is to begin in July on Phase J on Kline Center, a 50·acre master planned, muJt1-use business park. al the entry or the Ontario [nte rnational Airport. Kline Developme nt o f Newpo rt Beach 1s developer of the project. The Newport Beach and Ontario offwes of Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Company are exclusive marketing agents. Equidon. of lrvine, 1s the general Contractor, and Langdon & Wilson, of Newport Beach. ardutects. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK IAPI S•i.\ JP m onto •nd ntl <"4nt)P of lM f1ftttn "'°'' ac••vt lltrw Y0tk St«.. f;•ctt•~ 1\~ ~~~'nlor":'1°""'Uv at =~~tn•n1~\ ''- Colot\!.•<f' •08.!00 !>4"-._ Mf'~Pf-t" .,.., eoo u•. • .,.. IBM ~700 61 • ol E: ••on ,. )81 9()) 11-... .. 1 • Amfr T& T JI/ 100 50.. • '• Amer~" J~ 100 1•• o • .. Ea\I 1(-JOT S00 14 • I .. 01\MV W lOS IMlO Sil • t• • Ph•HPNID<r 7'lt 600 SI.. • "- (Dn\u Pow 111 JOO l&lo. '• Mt Oontlo 111 600 ,,.... • 1"- Sc "lumbt'Q 1 .. SOO l'I"* " AmE•l>'tn >U too •••, • , CouCOI• 1H 000 JJ" '• UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IAP) Tht ro11ow1no "~' .nows Ille N•w York SIO<k Esth-~toc;:li~ 49ro ...... ,,.dinh tt'•' "•"~ QOflP up llW moll --n 1,,.. mos1 bl..O en J:rct-nt Of c"41noe ,~rdln\ of volume O~O =r.. lr..iinQ b<!IOW U •rt in<I Udecl Ntl •nd pt•Cor>lf9t Cl\onQO\ •re IPW dlllf(~n(f belWffl\ lht Dt .. IOU~ t\cW"Q ortce •nd 1ooav·~ l om pr1t~ Nemt I MGMGHoll , Meno" l Wurlll11,.. ~ ~~· .. t~ • Emc>OE IJfC I l!moOE pfA IA•meda CP I~~~~";'~, II l"leQt'I RH IJ L-Slt Incl 13 Munford pl 14 OCA (Of'p ' U Fll"""Y IOof l& LLCCorP 11 Ntl Homltl 11 PSEG • l80f " R ec>UbA 11 lO "•IS.mi 11 PltybOv El\ 11 Tull I"" 1l MoltlCp " Na mt I i..•lnCll 1 GNC ~ l u .. s.eo "' 4 p.,eoy,. s Otlele<m • SntllrO Jc>f 1 OMG Inc 10 WOfld Al"" 11 NSPw 4 IOpl 11 Mno!A\\I ti CLC Am 14 v111c..., M.-11 IS IMCICP"m It Ah-111< 11 l!AI. wt0 1e ()..-Am Inv 1• Meti1• -I'll ....... ,"' 21 OA 'flt Cl> p1 UPS L•~1 cno Pc1 ... I Up II• 1 1. Up 14 l • I> Up "3 1~''> • 1 Up '' • ) ... , c, UD tO J •"-• '> Up a 1 l1 •. Up 11 7' • • 'r Up 1 4 IS•• I Up •I 7 •• Up • 1 11 • I UD • 3 11 I'• Up •l ... 'J UP • l t\1 • '• UP 6 t 41 t • '• UJ) St 11. • •, VD S9 1'• • 1• Uo S 'I J~ • l' i Up S 1 •"'-• '• Vo S 1 ,,.._ • 1'• Uo >• •\\ I • Up '. 1~ _. • Up S • I&\. • • UD IS DOWNS 't\I s .... ...... S11 t ,. .. ••• .. .. , .. 1'• ""' ., ... 1 .,.,. •to ,..., , .. 14'~ llll ) Pel. Oft 121 Otl 10 5 Ott " Oii • s 011 /,I OI• •I ,. Otl s. "' , .... Ott } • Off s. Off I ) Otf SI 011 , ' Ott 1• Off I I Otl ••• ()It 41 Off ... gp a n "-""'UPI tt Verco ti JO"> 40~ , .... t Otl u "' ()It ., GOLD COINS NlW YC)M l#'P) -f'rio. lele .......,. of "*' ClllN, ~""" ~· l)r109 !3if mA t lftl'/ OI., PH.00, 16' tt IO ~ *!.t I troy llL· An.004alf. IUO . .. r-• ,..._' I ffot oe .. -IO. I.IP ... ,,. ... 111 er•w11, HOt troy oa • 9*17 00, 11t _, IO .... 0.. ..... AMERICAN LEADERS METALS .. 1. I It NEW YORI< (API m<1l•I• prlCOS loday Spol nonlorrovt Cop1>1t 66'~·12 """ I POul\d, US dfflltlel!Olll LMod 2•·27 cents e pound Z1M 35-37 e«>ts e PCIU'l<I • .,..l_IKI Tin S6 0647 Met els w-compos11e lb Ah.tmlnum 7~ 77 cen11 • pound. N V Mtfcury S370 00 Pf" ""~ .. lellnum $249 00 lrOy 01 , N \0 SILVER HllOCly & Herman, S6 100 Pf" 1roy ounc. GOLD QUOTATIONS Lo11dot'I: morn1n9 ll•ln9 1303 40 otl $2 10 londo1t: au ... noon ll•lng S303 75, oll ,. 75 ,._, afternoon ll•lng '303 43. up 5 1 •a Frenl!"-t $304 90. und\ll'IJ90 Z:Utlctl: la.it ftalng $304 2S, Oii IO 25 11;o 5304 7 5 Ull.O Handr a Har"1111: (only d•lly quo ta) 5303 76, on St 15 .,,._....,, (only daffy auota) S303 1s. on 11.75 1,...eNrdl fonly d111, quolo) 1318 94, Oii S1 84