HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-23 - Orange Coast PilotIUlll Cllll I fl ll) A y .1111 ' . I I .' u WINpflolo 41 YEARS OF GUILT -William Farley, right, learned Thursday he won't go to Jail after confesfilng to a $6,000 embezzlement from a Chelan, Wash., bank in 1941. Farley is shown with Chelan County prosecutor Dick Whitmore after a judge said no charges would be filed. Cops to quiz doctor in Sch1nitz case By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the o.ii, "4>t lteft Tustin police investigators were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them af injuries suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the son of s tate Sen. John G. Schmitz -were accidentally or intentionally mfllcted. "He's the one who's going to be able to te ll us if it was Intentional or accidental." Police Capt. Woody Williams said tha morning. The surgeon was identified as Dr. lgal Silber of Children'• Hospital of Orange County. He's the physician who operated on the 13-month-old ctuld last week after doctors discovered the baby's penis was nearly severed from having a "hair string" wound tightly around 1t Meese's son killed in auto crash McLEAN, Va. (AP) -Scott Robert Meese, 19-year-old son of White House counselor Edwin Meese ID, was fat.ally in;ured when his car ran off a road and struck a tree i.n this Washington suburb, U.S. Park Police said today. Officer John Nawrot said the youth, who had been alone an a compact car, was pronounced dead on arrival Thunday night at Fairfax Hosp1taJ shortly aft.er the 8:50 p.m. PDT wreck along George Washington Parkway. "There were no signs of life" when police reached the scene, Nawrot said, adding that police pulled Meese from the vehicle just before the engine burst into flames. Nawrol said the car "failed to negotiate a turn ," left the roadway, skidded for 330 feet and slammed into a tree. The injury was detected after the child's mother, Carla J . Stuckle. 43., of Tustin asked a pediatrician to examine the infant. The ch ild 's c o nd ition eventually led to county aocia1 service officials taking CUS10dy of the boy late last week becau.e of the nature of the injuries. On Monday, Orange County Superior Court Judge Wllliam Murray ordered tbat i'he baby be kept in county care Wltil an Aug. 6 dependency hearing ia held m Juvenile Court. It was on Monday that It was re vealed through co urt documents that the chlld was alleged to be the son of Sen. Schmitt, R-Newport Beach. On Wednesday, Mias Stuckle, a Re publican party volunteer and a clerk at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, claimed that both the 13-rnonth-old boy and a two-week-old girl were fathered by Schmitz, following a 9-year love affair. Birth records list Schmitz as the father of the two children, although the birth certificates were signed by the mother only. The senator has refused to comment on the case. A family member said this morning that Schmitz planned to Issue no statements today. Dr Silber was to have been inte rviewed Wednesday or Thursday, but CHOC officials wanted police first to obtain a court order relieving the doctor o f any liability related to disclosing confident i al information about a patient. That order was obtained Thursday in Superior Court. "Going through these legal hoops does take time," Capt. Williams said. Police investigators at first believed that a mass of hair had become tangled around the child's penis. But investigators are now being told that it was a "hair string" and they are uncertain exactly what il is that (See SENATOR, Pace AZ ) TELEVISION 'Roses in December' airs PBS' "Roses in December" is the story of how a giving woman ended up a victim of El Salvador's dvil war. Page C6. KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening n ews on KNBC is getting an overhaul, starting with "LA at 4" on Channel 4. TV Log. NATION Who says they're bad? To Andy ftoon!y, liyina up all thoee thlnp the pemment 1aya are tillcl for you juat doeln•t 1ee1n tc be worth the price. f9p A8. - - OHANl il C.OlJNI V 1 Al II <>H NIA l~> C l Nf S Years of guilt lifted Man confesses to half-century hank embezzlement case • WENATCHEE, Wuh. (Al') - Almott halt a century after embe11Un1 several thou.and dol.lan from a arnall-town bank and then vaniahing, 69-year-old William M. Farley returned to contesa -and walked away a tree man. Certain he waa headed for jail, Farley carried a auitcaae and toothbrush when he turned himlelf ln to the Chelan county sherlff'a office. Superior Court Judge Charles Cone rernembtted Farley from the old days in Chelan, • nearby community of about 3,000 In north-central Washington, and told the California man Thunday he WU fl'ff to IO. "Criminal charges are not warranted in this case," the judge said as Farley str8.ined to hear from the defense table, cupping a ~d over his left ear. Cone said he remembered that Farley used to work with the Soy Sooutt and ttmi.n111c:ed, .. , can still recall the 1Ur thai occurred In that community when you left." Proaecu tor Dick Whitmore asked the court for perml.81ion not to prosecute, but aaked Farley about hi.a life aincr he left (See EMBEZZLER, Pqe A%) States --0ppose Watt Seven groups also seek oil lease halt against secretary WASHINGTON (AP) - Seven environmental groups and the states of Alaska and California have gone to federal court in an effort to halt Interior Secretary James Watt's five-year coastal oil and gas leasing program. The suit, filed Thursday in the U.S . Court of Appeals, charges that Watt's program fails to properly balance the potential for finding oil and gas with the possible environmental dangers. "Never before baa such a massive turnover of federal lands to private interests been proposed. No area of the outer continental s helf as excluded from the leasing achedule for environmental reasons," said Sarah Chasis, an attorney for the Natural Resources Defense ' Council, one of the groups bringing suit. The environmental groups said they w ere worried about the potential for catastrophic oil spills. They said this danger was even great.er in the waters off Alaska, where ice and heavy seas would make cleanup harder. The groups claimed that Watt's leaslng program would offer for lease areas contalning "some of the world's greatest fisheries, seabird colon ies and marine mammal habitat." Watt, in adopting the leasing program Wednesday, said it would be carried out under "rigorous environmental controls." The program calls fo: ma.king l billion acres. an area equal to hall the land maiS of the United States, available for Jeasing in 41 sales beguuung next month. Not that muc h land would actually be leased, but Watt saad he hopes to lease up to 12 rrullton acres annually. The most offshore acreage ever leased before was 2.2 million acres last year. In additior. to the lawsuit, resolutions seeking to overturn the leasing program were introduced in the Senate and H ouse Wednesda y . The congressional c hallenge, however, faces the prospect of a presidential ve to if it clears Congress. ln addition to the states of Alaska and California, others Toni McCann takes Pilot editing post Veteran Orange County newsman Tom McCann has been arpointed new man.aging editor o the Orange C.oast Daily Pilot, it was announced today by Editor Tom Murphine. McCann'a appointment is effective today, Murphine said. He replaces Charles H . Loos, who has resigned after nearly 20 years on the newspaper stalf. "W e are ver y grateful to Chuck Loos for h is years of dedicated service to the Daily Pilot ln many posts, including ed u cation e d itor, assistant managing editor and managing editor," Murphine said. "We wW\ him the very best in his future endeavors." McCann, 53, most recently ser ved with Orange Coast Publishing Company as editor of the company's two weekly newspapens, Irvine Mirror and Mission Viejo Mirror . He has guided both papers since their inception and will continue at present to ove rsee the publications. McCann began his newspaper career with the Cincinnati Post. He came to Orange County in 1956 to become news editor of the old South Coast News in Laguna Beach. He has served ,in editors' positions w ith the Orange County Register, Orange Dally News, La Habra Star and COUNTY ·One-man art show Oailly ~hi Ii.ff ""''o NEW M.E. -Tom McCann, a longtime newsman in Orange County, has been promoted to managing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. ~heim Bulletin. He ft.rat joined the Dally Pilot staff in 1966 as assistant managing editor and later &erved the pape r as (See MANAGING, Page AZ) The one-man art exhibit by David Amico will continue at the Newport Harbor Art Museum until Sept. ~. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A group of Northern Californians mix sand, surf and ecrtpture at Big Corona Beach each weekday by pretenting puppet shows and lklta tor dilldren. Page Bl. STATE Stale Parka lose service California will cloee or cut l8l'Vlcel at 19 st.at. para tc aaw money. A lilt Of ttie iffec:ted facWUel appean on P-ae 84. filing suit were the North Slope Borough, representing Al.ask.ails living on the North -Slope, and another group representing Alaskans living around Norton Sound. The appeals court last October upheld a similar au.it filed against a five-year leaai.Jli plan approved by the Carter administration and directed Watt to rewrite that effort. Helicopter crash kills veteran actor CASTAIC (AP) -Actor Vic Morrow, the star of TV's old "Combat" series, and two Vietnamese ch.i.ldren were killed today when a helicopter crashed durlng filming of a Vietnam War scene in an isolated desert park, authorities said. The helicopter carrying a camera crew was hit by debris from simulated warfare and crashed into a set resembling a Vietnamese village where a four-part movie based on the old ''Twilight Zone" television series WU being filmed, Loe Angeles County Fire Inspector DeWitt Morgan aid. Morrow. 51, and two children ha waa carryiJlg ill hia arms died wh~ the main rotor hit them. a county fire official said. Five other people were injured, none seriously. The two child-actors were ldentified as Renee Shinn Chen. 6, of Pasadena, and a 7-year-old Cerritos boy. My-Ca Dinh Lee, sheriff's Deputy John Radeleff said. Morrow was best known for his role as Army Sgt. Chap Saunders in the television series (See ACTOR, Page AZ) ACTOR DIES -Actor Vic Morrow, star of TV's old "Combat" series died when a helicopter crashed early today in Castaic while filming a Vietnam War scene. Two die, two hurt in HB car rnisha ps Two young men were killed and two others were injured Thursday in two unrelated Huntington Beach traffic miahaps, police reported today. In the first incident , motorcyclist Fred Rodney Moiola, 19, of 16982 Marin.a Bay Drive, Huntington Beach, was westbound on Pacific Coast Highway near Bolsa Ch.lea State at 10:19 a.m., police said. According to traffi c investigators, Molola was being pursued by a police officer for an alleged speed violation when he collided with an auto driven by Gabriel Carranza, 22, of Long Beach. Moiola was rushed to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, INDEX where he died 3t 11:19 a.m., hospital officials sa.id. John Kanaley, 2 1, of Long Beach, who was a passenger in Carrani.a's auto, was listed in critical condition today at Fountain Valley with head and chest injunes. Carranza was taken to the hospital for treatment. He complained of leg and back pain, according to police reports. In the second traffic miahap, Jeffrey Shawn Yoakum, 20, of Westminster, was killed when his 1978 Dodge Challenger auto struck a block wall Thunday on the Adams Street frontage roed n ear Piccadilly Lane shortly before midnight. police wd. At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 Business C4-~ Movies Weekender Hugh Mulligan 82 Mutual Funds C4 California ~ Cavalcade B2 Cl..ified D 1-8 National Newa A3 CorniC9 ~ Public Nodoee B3-4,C4,D2 Sporta Cl~ Stock Marketa C6 ere.word ~ Death Notices 84 Televilion TV Lee Theetera Weekender Editorial A8 &ltertainment Weekender Weather A2 World Newa A3 Gardenina B3 Hormcope 82 lntermillion Weekender SPORTS Mesa swimmer secoad best Johh Mottet. of C.C.ia Meta. a reoent .NfJwport Harbor Hlah ctectuate, clocked the eecond i..test 200·tmter &Wtstrob time in Ainerican at the U.S. IW1mmlng world chainplonlhlp M1lllOn Viejo. ~ Cl. • EMBEZZLER FREED . • • a..i.n In 1941. , 1'l'v• never even had a fpeedina dc.Ut," rari.y Mid. 0 1 kept my ~ clean and I mean lllean." Cone Mid ht doubt*5 If any 9Yldence could be found eo many yeara later to prove the embeulement, addln1. "Under the clm.unltancet, a mlata.ke \hat Mr. Farley made ln the l930a ihould not be held a&al.nlt him after 40 yeara of useful and lawful living." Farley declined to identify ipemben of hi• family, aayina they shouldn't bear the burden t>f hia auilt. He a.l9o declined to reveal the .. urned name he hu been using and the California town where he lives. "After living with this thins banging over my head for 40·IOl'Oe years, lt just got heavier u\d heavitt until I ~t couldn't ~ lt any longer,~ he told the ~~ embe:izlement, he said, 6egan in the late 1930s when be waa working with savings accounts a t the Miners and Merchants Bank in Chelan. The bank no longer exista. Farley said he took money from the bank for "three, four, maybe five yeana." He estimated he stole "$~.000 to $6,000, aomethini like that -just a little dab at a time, trying to keep my head above water. "In those days, banU didn't pay anything and I had a wife and child," he said. Farley, who said he has a wife and three grown children in Callfom1a, lee.med Uuit he Nil a 1r1ndchJld by tM eon ht lth behind, wno now Uve1 In Omak. The wtfe hit left behind hail rernarrt.cl and he doesn't know where 1he ta, he ntd. She divorced Farley after hl1 dilappearance. A tearful reunion with MVeral family members came after detective Gene Daniela talked Farley -who wu atayiq in the Salvation Army becaU.. "he had Onl)' SlO in cuh left -into makin& a phone call to a brother lnT~t. "l hadn't ~ anyone in 40 yeara," he aaid, "becauee anyone who would do what I would. shouldn't drag their family into it." Farley said he rode the rails for about a year after leevinl Chelan, thlnking "the law wu breathing down my neck." In CalifomiAa, he worked u a farm laborer , in heavy construction and in meat packing. Clearing his name, Fariey aaia, might help him get retirement benefits for all tKe years he worked. After the judge aet him free, Farley called his wife in California and told her about his past. ''l think she'll understand," he said. Farley plana to continue living in California, but hope• to strengthen hia new ties with his first family. "Boy, after 41 years. do you think rd give them up now?" he said. SENATOR SCHMITZ . • • bad cut into the child's sexual organ. U there is evidence of child abuse, a criminal complaint could be filed. Also, if there is a showing of negligence on the mother's part. the child could be kept either in a foster home or in the home of a relative. Police investigators said there is no evidence to show that Schmitz waa involved in the day to day care of the baby. MANAGING EDITOR'. • • promotion director and Sunday editor. -. • • • 11Combal.1' whith ran from tee .. ee. TM blu.eyed blond typklally porttaytd an un1havtn touah 1uy who talktd throu1h a r but ahowed a human In "Th• Bed Newt Bean," he played the C011Ch who won the lta1u• HrlH a1aln1t Walter Mat\hlu't raa-tac 8*an but lolt the moral victory by alapplnf h1a pitcher. The hell~pt.er cruhed about 2:30 a.m. at Indian Ou.net Park, a privately owned park 40 miles north of Loa An1elea where ~ Warner Broe. studio waa film1na the movie. "There waa a river and a village along a bluff being lnvolved in war," Morgan aaJd. "They were going to have a helico pter doing rocket• or bombe, nplOliona and fireballa. The debrb from one explosion hl t the tall rotor and the helicopter landed in the river." M o rr o w 's 27 -year entertainment career included directing work aa well u stage, mod.on P"°ture and nr acUng credita. Morrow was born Feb. 14, 1931, in New York City and be1an stage work. d.irectlna off· Broadway productions, incfu.dlng "Deathwatch," "The Maids" and ''The Flntborn." He had a role in another off -Broadway ~~on, "A Streetcar Named H.ia film debut came ln the 19M clauic, "The Blackboard Jungle." That role prompted biographer Leslie HalUwell to characterize Morrow aa an actor "usually caat aa '-muttering juvenile delinquent. Later motion pictures included "Tribute to a Bad Man," (1956); "Men In War," (1957); "God's Little Acre," (1958); and two 1 P6 l films, "Cimarron" and ··l'ortrait of a Mobster." Little of hi.a later movie work, except for "Bad News Bean" earned him the recognition he found through television. He had guest appearances on the TV aeries ".Bonanz.a," ''The New Breed," and "The Seekers," plus roles in the 1972 television movie, "The Glaaa House," a 1976 miniseries. "Captains and the Kings," and the smash 1977 drama, "Roots." ... I# W1repMto WGB·RISE CAT -"Karl," a .hree-year-old tomcat, prefers a high shelf in a kitchen cupboard to socializing at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals center in Salin.as. "Robyn." an English bulldog, prefers to be more down to earth. W. Beirut bombing • continues By 'he AtMelal .. p,... llrMU warplanel d1vebambed au.trllla-held weat Beirut tOf' the MCOnd day today, corantndna on PLO poliUonl on the edCe Ol the BourJ tl·Barajneh refutee camp near t'he "paralyzed intematlonaJ atrpon. Allodated Preti oonwpondent Terry A.ndenon reportlna from Yaaaer Arafat'• admlniatraUve nerve center in weat Beirut'• Fakhani nelahborhood aatd at least three bombl were dropped near the area. "Ba;:;,~e after barrage of anti-al t fin wu wot into the aky and the pt.ane. came ln low and a low ,'' Anderson reported. The Tel Aviv command said ita jeta attacked Palestinian W1ka and artillery poa.l t1ona near the airport and the Sabra quarter, a Palestinian neighborhood on the Medi~ OCIMt. It aaid the attack began at about 1 p.m. (4 a.m. PDT) and ended 90 minutes later. The thunderoua roar of raidtn8 jeta and PLO-fired miasilea ahook the whole of the Lebaneae capital. Lebaneae state and privately owned radio stationa reported many guerrilla targets were ablaze as jets made bombing runs on the 10-aquare-mile besieged enclave. There waa no immediate word on casualties. PLO military centers in and around the sports complex of west Beirut were aeen taking direct hits. The same block wu hit ln almost ~ery air raid Israel has mounted in Beirut since Israeli forces invaded Lebanon on June 6 to crush the guerrillas. Israel had threatened the F 1 d • • Palestine Liberation J• .. ~ t a y J OJnS Organization and Syria with i ~ assaulta after hitting west BeU"Ut and the Bekaa Valley on Thursday with the heaviest £. t k ·ds ' camp fighting Ill more than a month. j un a J US. presidential envoy Philip C . Habib met with Syrian DUMFRIES, Va. (AP) -have a thoroughly good wne. Foreign Minister Abdul Halim Nancy Reagan ate two burned She confessed to a bunch of Khaddarn m Damascua today and hot dogs, blew the starter's young artists drawing horses that was to hold talks later with whistle for a game of steaJ-the-.. my husband can do this, but I .. President Ralez • --~ s::-.. ----. d yth" I I /'\llSa(J • :::>ources bacon and wiggled her haps cant o an mg. close to tne nettuu1auvu1> oo•u McCann was the first outside public relations director for Costa Mesa's annual Fish Fry. He also served four seasons aa j>Ublk relationl director for th~ Orange County Fair and was producer- director of the Orange County Home Show. The new managing editor is a former president of the Orange County Press Club and an early member of the Orange County Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the along with a group of inner-city Clapping their hands, two Habib is proposing that Syrian Daredevil arrested lods as they chanted "shake that doren children 8 and 9 years old, troops stationed in Lebanon thing." greeted her with a chant: "Well, exercise stricter control over national society of joumalista. D~LLAS (AP) -A stock For more t h an two h o urs hellooo ... With an Hand an E Palestinian guerrillas there to clerk who perched on a 560-foot Thursday, as she toured Camp and an (..(...0." ft wasn't Hail to prevent clashes with Israeli In 1979-8"0. Mc cann was journ.allsm and creative writing professor at Artesia Christian Coilege,Artesia,N.M. tower for four hours, then was Pleasant, the first lady seemed to the Ctuet, bUt at tit the occasion troops. arrested for criminal trespaas .-------..:.----------=---------------------------------+----------=----------------------- Immigrants burned OAKLAND (AP) -Two Vietnamese immigrants were badly burne d when a fire engulfed the 30-cabin cruiser they were trying to repair in Oakland's F.atuary Park. "Tom McCann bring.I .a depth of experience to our managing editor's chair and a wide knowledge of the Orange Coa.•t and ita people," Murphi.ne ~­ ''We are delighted to have him in this key position of responalbilit:,• as we strive to expand ar.d improve the Daily Pilot." after climbing down. said the stunt wu a plea for people to help charitable causes. Russell Reimer, calling himself "The Dallas Phantom," launched paper airplanes to hundreds of pt'Ople gathered below aa he sat underneath the obeervation deck cif Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas. Sunny days ctoudlneH 1n eou1nern l:11erra. CoU1al log and IC'# ciouCn Ol'I oentrel OOMI. COOi« s.l\;rdey. Rain mm Snow Q ,,,,..,.. Flurrlea{!j) Temperatur-es a-outM coutlf w•••• from Point ~lton to ~te ~ llland ~ wlfld9 12 to 22 knot• with 5 10 7 loot --South of Santa Roll leland wett to non-1 wlnda e to 15 knota OYer anr. water• light veriabla wlnde _,lo ~· 10 to Ill knot• alla<noon and evening SouthwHI 1wetl• 2 lo 3 feel ForacHt: high cloudlnau al tim.. ott.w!M ,.,, U.S. Summary Tllundaretorme hll waetarn Mzona on Thuredcy and 19'-aed to ~ nont>arn Olllatioma. ~ MllaOurl end Into northern Aric-ThundarslonM alto 1tr9lehad from Illa Lower Penlntula of M1Chlg9n Into Indiana, -tarn Ohio. tHlnola. l*ltrel Kentucky, cantrel Tanneaae end northern . ,. . ..,_ Shower• and tllundaratorme a.lao wata teatlarad along Ill• Quit Coelt. Flc)f1da and Georgia and to Iha Cerollnaa. and rain waa acattarad over Illa Naw En9tand CQHI. II WU moalfy ·tunnY~· The NlltloNI ,Waatllar S«1lloa tOf9C8ll tor todey celled tor rn<lf• ~from tlla Carollnea 1.crpJ• central and 1outllarn :t~ 11,. TanneMM Vt!W( ~ Jf1e Milam O'-IH Cout. Scattered .<111undartlorm1 a t10 war• ·~ ,,,,. Illa aemral 1-llanllc c:o.t and eoutham Haw Engl8nd. • Tllundaralorma alto ware torac11t for norllla11tarn ~L central Attiona and Utlh 810tn'9 ... be -narec1 wldaly over northaa11arn Montana. Sunny 11111a ware ,,IOf.-t •• hlil• 'California '•Ir tllrougll eaturday 1n , toutllatn C1llfor11la Early 1t1ornlng fog and lo• ctoudt ~ '*' IOllltl ooeM ' Ore110• Cou11ty aan e11pao1 • 111g111 ,,om mid to upper ro. at ......,... ,_, IO lnlend. ~~-,_,_ ...... .., ~ llflcl low iOO.. IOM In .. 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Stahoiwy •• 112 Sacramento 93 59 47 SallnM 1111 47 115 San Bernardino 104 118 75 San G1bflel 95 84 73 Siii Diego 79 70 52 San Francl~ 111 53 71 S111 JOM 82 55 117 Santa Ana 89 65 72 Santa Barbara 77 511 75 Senta Cru1 75 51 « Santa Mana 73 53 53 S1nt1 Moote. 74 112 72 Slocktoo 911 59 74 TahOe Velley 114 42 711 Tllafmll 10!1 80 115 TONenoe 115 83 119 Yum• IOI ~ ~Smog 74 Tiie Air QuaHty Mlneoatnlf'll llO Olllrlct pr9dlot• unheellt!M "" llO quallty tode·y In much of tll• &3 South Coaat AJit .... wfttt good 59 air roracHt tor 111e coe1tal 118 reglona. Inland Ofange CountY. 8I Big I••• Lall• and 1111 ·111g'h 4& ~ 84 u1111aallhtul air quatlly tor 77 ~ la ptedlcrted fer Ille S... M Gabr111 MCI Pomona ~ wftll t8 a Pollutant Stenderd lnda11 ot 113 225 . Tll• Alvarald•·S•n 811 8afn1rdlno arH wOI llava PSI .. 220 ~ Wiier• to call (loll trH) tor leteat ""°" lntormallon: :; Orln09 Countr. (IOO) 445-3829 8 Loa ~ngal•• County: (SOO) 1 142-4022 83 RMrllOe end Sen ~lno H oounu..: (IOO) H1-4110 87 AOMO EC>llOde Center: (800) 82 242 .... ae ....... --------.... ------Extended Mounlllnl Gift .,.at lllON2t IOI. IOWI in IOI end ICIW -v.,...,._ ctovda w1111 ao...._. a1t•r11oon end evenl no tl\underlllowerl tn 1oulllern SIRf RIPllT weather eund•y·TuHdey: OoHlll ... tolM ~ momlnO loW cloud• 1t1elnly eoutll 00111. r•:.,. MCI ....,..i ,_.,. oen ea.pact •••tt•r•lll uiun4'1ftf\0-11. Hltll• In all ............. 11 ... ....... '°~ -'"' ... ..., ...,,.. Ill ---...... .. ...,,,..,,. end centr1f Cdfl 1* ...,t fOf 9"!'ft"" . • .... ., t • I .... -I I I • .... -MW IW llW ISW ~ ""*'Y "*· ...,. "' 10. to t7 I\ IM OMCNe lftll IO to 100 ..,,., ~ LAMll .. to ... Mount•.,.. ~ okMlv 1tternOOt11 •Ml aveftlnte With ot11n" of uuinde,.howert ~,....~w . ~...,.. ....,_ lft IOI 9IO ._. Nto•. " ' I Color Graphs Found to Increase· Management Productivity The typical execuuve today is in a state or ronfl.ict Most ... executives operate on th e premise they lea rne d in graduate business school: "more information leads to bette r decisions." The computer age has caused a proliferation of analysis but left the executive without enough time to properly assim ilate such . Recent research has sh own that information in color graph form can substantially reduce the executive's assamilatlon tim e and inc r ease their comprehension of information for decision-mak.i.ng. The Wharton Applied Resear c h Center at the University of Pennaylvania was commissioned by the 3M Company to conduct research to determine if there were any differences in business meetings be tween u s ing overhead transparencies and a white board with felt tip pens. The findings showed distinct advantages of using color graphs. • 28% average savings in · meeting time ,' • higher likelihood of reaching a consensus • the prese nter using the overhead transparencies :. was thought of a.a more credible and professtonally prepared InfoGraphlcs Inc . ol Newport Beach now o.ffera both an easy to wie .ervice • ch006e the colors and provide the data; InfoGraphics· does all the rest! There are two locations for the InfoGraphics Service in Orange County: the Graphics One store in c.osta Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by ., •• o-i\ _.,oJD .,.,,oio ..o.oOI \O\.on .1oa.011 \" ,O<l ,,).vl• .... 011 • John and Chns Overrend and the Graphics One store in I.rvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg. Drop by the next time you need to make up a slide or overhead transparency presentation in a hurry The 1ypteal execuuve today doesn 1 h.lvc umc IO aumuJa~ ili,. mfonnauon n«<led foe dedaloo-rnak.lng . • IH r C ,.,..-I T ES T COMPAt~'I "t. I ut I t • t t f ,.,.., ... "'I ~tlt.l t1C-(•I"'' J C H IJU •-' r-------r.:.-.::~~ and a computer 1y1tem to ....... facilitate the translation of ' numerical Information into ' color graph form for business pre1entat1on1. The color grapha are available ln hard copy laser print1n1, 36mm 1llde1, and o v erhead tran1parencie1 . The uniquenem of the lnfoOraph • Servite It lta timplldty u a r .. euh of tb• De•i6n In~ toftware. Thi• advancement automat~• the 1el9Ctlon of which format (bare, plH, Unea, au.rf.ace anl>h. etc.) and which layout (borlaontal and/or vertb.1 sridat muldple ppba I*' pecoe, etc.) belt repr ... nu the daia lD u M9t.hedc ININ\lf. YOU lb:aply 0.1.1 ~led In the form ct• cok>r i..r prtnled lntoOraph" ~II Yloaa.l. candle, and lllllly undrmood • visIT ONE OF OUR LOCATIONS, LEA VE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A FREE COPY OF 3M'a GUIDE ''A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY." lnfoGrapbks. Service c.n~ In Or.nae County • 18017 Skyparll Circle 2000 Hatbol' Blvd. Sulte O Suite A-114 lrvtne, CA (T14) ~1817 Cotta M-. CA (714) au.an lnfoG.-.phb Corponi. Hiedquarten (714) e?M~ -----=-... ----~ ... ------ Or!"fl C 4 wrnrnarn !~illu~rnrn 1 ~umua , Reagan crafty in·hudget debate WASHINGTON CAP) - When cornered on a touah illue. the journeyman pollUdan tri• to chan1• the 1ubject. Only the maater craft1man rl1k1 an attempt to tum it to hi.I own ad van~. That la what Plelldent = la attempu.n, with hJa cam fOf' a oonsUtuttonal ame nt tb ~ the federal buc:laet. He calla it an ldee whoee t1me has come. although for the Reagan admlni1tratlon, It didn't come ~!°';!be· opinion polls and the growing roster ot conere-lonal aupporten bear out what the president said. In a congressional election year of economk woes and g:lant deficits, 1111 llllYlll the balanced budpt amendment la a bett 1eller of an t.uue. The original veraton of Reagan's own budaet for next year would have nm up a deficit ad.mated at more than double the record level. The comfromile veNJion Con1re11 f nally approved envtaiona a $104 bWio.n deficit, by far the biggest In hl.atory. There was no mention of that at Reagan's rally tor the balanood budget amendment. a meu\U'e the administration embraced three months ago. Reagan al•ys &a.id he favored the concept, 1;>ut the ldm1niat.raUon Initially WM cool to the meMUft now befon c.orurr-. On April 29, Reqan 11icf Con1re11 thould p111 a balanced bu~pt amendment 11 aoon u pcmlble; two weeb later, the admlnlat.rat1on aald It lhould be the one before the Senate. No matier how IOOn Conare- acta, the ~aU(JcaUon proce. and the two-year lead time bu.lit into the amendment mean that it probably will not affect the budgeu of the Reaaan admlniatrtitlon. TJlere la an outside t:hance that the amendment could apply during the final year or two of a second Reagan term, but that la unlikely. "It seems to me that Americans GARROW A Y EULOGIZED -Photo of Dave Garroway appears at left as former co-workers Jack Lescoulie, Betty Furness and Frank Blair euJogi:ze him during "Today" show Thursday in New York City. Garroway, pictured giving his "peace" signoff, committed suicide Wednesday at h.ia Swarthmore, Pa. home. He was the fint host of the "Today" show. Feinstein eases parking rules SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - San Franciaco motorists, inoenaed at $40 fines, rude clerka and early wake-ups to move can for atn:et-cleanen, have penuaded Mayor Dianne Feinstein to recommend easing parking rules. Mayor Fein.stein said she plans soon to ask the Board of Superviaora fonnally to approve cutting the fine for parking by a hydrant or in a truck-loading zorw! from $40 to $25. To settle a ticket for double-parking, a motorilt would aUll have to fork over $40. Two years ago, parking fines in the city were virtually doubled aa the city tried to unclog congested traffic and encourage use of mass transit. ' Towing wa. enoouraged until recently, mayor's aide Pete Gorman said, because "now our tow Iota are full. "We had a greater than usual wave of letters and protests from the public," said Gorman, who began studying the city's parking problems in May at his boa' request. Three-hour-long payment ltnes at Municipal Court and other obeervations convinced the mayor "clearly ~omething had changed" to worsen motorists' dilemma, he said. The city has 300,000 parking spots in lots and 15,000 metered spaces, Gonnan said. A brigade of 149 "meter checkers'' writes tickets. "We are hopinc lt won't eo.t u. anythina" to reduce the fines, Gorman said, adding that 90ftening the blow to offending motorists' pocketbooks could ooet the city as much as $2 million a year. Gorman said most of the $40. tickets now are protes1ed, and even 1f the motorist 108e5 the challenge, the city bean the coet of the paperwork and personnel. What's more, the mayor hopes more motorists will pay $25 fines without protest, he said. "Many times people admit they're guilty," Gorman said. "They also admit they can't afford the $40." Volcano traumatic experience PICHUCALCO, Mexico (AP) -The desolate earth still steams where Chinchonal volcano belched up millions of tons of rock and dust in a aeries of eruptions in March and April. began March 29. But 5,000 villagers who lived in the shadow of C,hinchonal have never been accounted for. The government believes they fled on their own and never turned up at relocation centers. government estimates more than 100,000 people were affected in aome way by Chinchonal'a eruption. • BuMhe aftermath of the quake cannot be measured in numbers alone. .,. ·~'No more &f1, and8 or butl' ,' Rilpn Mid at a Capitol rally thla W*tk. wwe want an amendment to the United StaUll Con.1U,utlon mak&n1 balanced b\&dptl the law of the land, and we want It. now."' Actually1 the amendment wouldn't make balanced budaet.a the law of the land. It would make It more difficult for ~ tb vote deficit 1pendlna, or to Locreue t.axa. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, prime apoNOr of the amendme.nt, said it.a temia "would be enforced primarily through the political proceu,' • by making the member• of Conareu more account.able for vote1 that produce deficit.a. Sixty perunt of the membeni of each branch of Congreaa "'1toU.ld have to go on the record with votes for deficit •pending if deficits there were to be. ~ if government revenues were going to go up faster than the rate of lncreaae in national Income, 51 ~t of the memben of each holdle would have to vote for that. .''The polls indicate that between 70 percent and 80 percent of the people in this country want a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution," Hatch said. Sixty-two members of the Senate have signed up to sponsor the amendment, and they'll need the support of only five colleagues to produce the two- thirds majority required for approval of constitutional amendments. The debate started on Monday, recessed for the pro-amendment rally on the steps outside , then was suspended for debate and action on tax increases to reduce the size of next year's deficit. The path ia a blt more difficult in the House, but everyone who wants to stay t~ has to run for re-election this year, and the amendment issue Is a handy antidote for candldates who have just approved record deficits. The amendment has been stalled in the HoU8e Jud1ciary Committee, but Republicana are gathering 1lanature1 for a petition to eend it to the floor deapite committee oppoaltion. 1bere 'It will take 290 votes to approve the amendment. Thanext step would be to send it to the at.ate legjalatu.res for ratification. It would take the approval of 38 states to make lt part_ of the Constitution. Leglalatwes rn 31 at.ates al.ready have voted for resolutions seeking a constitutional convention to adopt a balanced budget amendment. The political clout of the i.aue is evident in the debate; every opponent of the amendment prefaces his remarks by saying that he bows to no one in devotion to the goal of balanced federal budgets. Then they blame Reagan for the current deficit problem. Reagan blames the Democrats and Congress, saying they are responsible for laws and attitudes that create a built-in blaa toward more spending, and therefore chronic deficits. But ti)oee arguments are for the fine print right now. With his push for the balanced budget amendment, Reagan haa man- aged to steer voters attention away from the defldts built into his own budgets, toward a cha.nee that the red Ink might run dry later on. ~ W"9pfloCo FREEDOM CELEBRATED -Maridam Nodine, 82, and Ismael Mohammed, 3, sit together as they celebrate with Cham Muslim community in Seattle. The Chams are descendants of a little known people whose ancient kingdom no longer exists. They are refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos who fled to the United States. Bank failure cos tly to credit unions WASHINGTON (AP) Seventeen credit unions invested eo heavily in Oklahoma's failed Penn Square Bank that their uninsured deposits amounted to more than their official net worth, aro>rding to data federal regulators provided Co~ess. In one case, a credit. u.ruon with a net worth of about $750,000 had roughly $4.5 million in deposits in the bank, the National Credit Union Administration has told the House subconunittee on commerce, consumer and monetary affairs. The credit union, which was not specifically ldentlfted by commlttee offtclals, had assets o( approximately $85 million at the end of la.al year. The limit on inaured deposits is $100,000. Another C?"'Mit union had 90me sg.2 million m uninsured deposit& against a net worth of l"OUIVlJy $1.5 million, the data indicated. Its assets were $170 million. The net worth ~d asset figures were from the end of last year. The uninsured deposits will become a claim against the recelvenhlp Of the failed bank and it's not yet certain how much of the uninsured deposits the credit unions will get back. But regulators believe the institutions are strong enough to handle any losses and they won't have to dip into the credit union insurance fund. However, the chairman of the House panel that oversees regulation of credit unions says efforts are needed to make certain the institutions diversify to protect their investments. In all, 11 credit unions had uninsured depo&i ts in the bank in excess o( 150 percent of their net worth, and the deposits of four were greater than 250 percent of their net worth. Two of those were runnif\R at 600 percent and 612 percent of thetr net worth. th e data provided by tht' regulators indicated. Federal regulators have saJd 132 federally insured cr edit uruons from around the country had a total of $104.l million in deposits in the Oklahoma City bank over the insurance cap of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. The bank was closed July 5 by the comptroller of the currency a nd the Federal Deposi t Insurance Corp. WM appointed as receiver. Meanwhtle, the cmt. of bad loat\1 that three ma}or banki bought from the failed Penn Square could toi.al $31H> million. bank officials aay Chase Manhattan C.OCp. wrote off $4~ million in Penn Square Joana; Continental Illinois C.Orp drew down $220 rrullion to cover the loans; and Seattle's Seafirst Corp. lost $125 million. Net worth is generally defined as an mstitubon's asaeta minus its liabilities. But the term is no commonly used by credit unions which are financial cooperativet. owned by their members. For the information supplied t.o the subcorruruttee. the credi·. union administration used, for comparison. an inst itu t ion'i reserve s -money lega11) required to be set aside frorr. earnings -and undividec earnings -money left over after reserves are met and operating expenses and dividends paid. The credH uruon agency h& not made public the names of the credit unions affected by the Penn Square collapse or the amount each had tn urunsured deposits. The figures made available to the subcorruruttee give an idea oJ, the s1z.e of the investments ~· of the credit unions made. Birds of prey circle the bones of cattle trapped in the fields by abowera of cinder and lava. Where atream. run at all, they are red and smell of sulfur. The aoU, lifeless beneath the volcano's barren slopes, smolders at a temperature of more than 110 degrees. The volcano is located on the 'border of the states of Tabasco and Chiapas., in the center of a rich farming and oil-producing region. 550 miles southeast of Mexico City. "The trauma and the damage it left behind cannot be eraaed - even in a generation," said Ofelia Martinez, who owns a restaurant ln Pichucalco, less than 25 miles from Chinchonal's smoke-· shrouded peak. Summer Dollar Savings SALE Federal officials aay 78 people were killed when the eruptions An estimated 70,000 head of ca ttle that roam e d th e surrounding hills were killed by fumea, ash or lack of water. The A nderson OK for '8 4 funds ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThomuP. HMY ~ -CNof 6-Ollloer ~~ Md Dndorol~ Tom Muri>Nne ..... r:=..~ ~ KM Goddard ~ .. ()per .... CtHa~ edYettt~ 714.ll42-K11 All other departmenta P2..C321 MAIN OFFICE DO WHt a.y SI . CO&U Meta. CA a..11 • ..,.., ... U60, CotY M.u. CA ~ Cepyr19N 11117 0rM09 Cotti Publlll>i"I '-Y Ho,.._,~ lllVltrltl'-'•· .01ton.1 m-... .,. Wef'11M,,_tl lllfw4ft ....., .. r-Ollw<-wlt'- -lel .,.,.,._ ofo<epy~lfl!I -....- VOL 75, NO. 204 WASHINGTON (AP) -In making plan1 for the 1984 elect!oru, the Federal Election Com.miaion 11aff ia counting on John AndeCIOn to try again tor the presidency. "Three nominating convenUon1 and three general election candidate. seem a certainty given that Mr. Anderaon will be •ll1tble for pn-election fund.lna baled on hi.a performance in the 1980 election," aald a 1taff report pteMntA!d to the FEX:. We''e Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Dally Piiot 7 What don't you like., Call the number below and your me11a1e wlll be re-corded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate ecijtor. # The tame 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ten to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contrlbutora must Include lhtir name and telephone numbtr for verification No circulation calli., pltaH Tell us what·~ Of\ your mind. Extraordinary Pluehl Extraordll'tary Price! Thia luxurloua pluah la tufted thk* and deep wtth Trevlra• potyeeter yarn ... then "Super '4" protec1ed agalntt IOU and static ao your new sweep of color wlll look Ilk• new longer. One of Gull1ten'1 moat bMutlfut carpeta ... now dollara off ~ eq. yd. you buy. $14.95 9q.Jd. Moment's Della ht IAIY~ARE PLUIH ELEGANCE A New OeMrettoft Cupet , ... • Actuelly repela ltlllnw, IPflla, dlf1 • True antl·loll cf'larac:t• ... not a aoll hider • Mt-In ltatle control • Aetl!N Cf\arac:ter after w.er, dMnlng HMdeome ltJhl • Rlc:tl. eteoent IUlt9' nyton ywna • ._, 'HM•-a.t for emooth IUrlace, ~ WX1\n men•lon • 9lfllent, deMe. .. a auperb va!Ue • $19.50 .... rel Bellavia A 8UPERI •iEAIY-LIVINQ" PLUSH The Ulttmet• In Cerpet Flbert • New 9W*•tlon nyton t.ctlnology • Actu•lly r .... ta 1ta1na, aplb, dirt • Tn. tntl·aoll ~Mt ... not • aol hider • 8ullt-ln antt.lhoclc control • Aettllne cn.recter attw wMr, clMnlnO Luxury 8tJtlng • Rtctl, eteoent luat• nyton yeme • 0..--r....r.rrt, alnll-"' •11anoe • rk.-on '-d-Mlt for ~h eurfaoe. ~t •.xtin ......,tton $25.95 .... rel • ~ue dealer. fined IY PAT HOROWITI or .. ...,,... .. :-- DllJ\ R&ADl.RS: A Huntlnlton Beath auto ttPAlr dMJec' hu been fin.d "°° and ordtncf __ to_ make rt1titudon of '878 to h1I VlcUm afw ~no coni.t to two charatl of viOlaUnl ~ Aut.omoUve Repair Act, the ••••• Department of Con1umer Aftaln' Bureau o( Automotl..-e Repair hu announce4. The action wu taken by the On.nae Cou.nty Muntctpal Court, Wett Oranae County Judlctal Diltrlct, a,aiNt Gordon Henry, dolna buaineea u Henry'• Auto, 17301 Keelaon Lane No. 1, Huntlnp>n Betch. HeN)' wu found gullty of opera=ln an auto repalr shop without a 1\ate re tratton and maJdni or authorizina miale statements. Accordlna to bureau chief Robert N . Wiens, the bureau referred the c.ue to the Orange County DiaU'lct Attol'My'1 offloe alter investigating a complaint from a coruiuer who was dissatisfied with repairs pertonned at Henry's Auto. Henry was placed on three yean summary probation and ordered to refrain from eJlllaglng ln auto repair business unlesa1icenaed &na tO-vfolate no law. ,...,.., prlCtic.w are uked to wnte to the SW.u of Automotivt Repair, 3118 BrMlahaw Roed, &.c::ramen1o 9512'7, or ln an emetpncy, call toll-free: (800) 932-3210. VA claim steps 1isted OBAR PATt I •ad prevtou1 mHlcal quallftaattoa for a Vetera111 AdmlDl•tn•loa pea1loD bat wa1 dtaled dae to exca1lve lacome. Row do I ,..opea m)' claim aow tblt mJ Income ba1 been red1cedf · W.J ., Corona del Mar The Veter1n1 Admln1at.ratlon •YI that veterana ~ho wt.h to re.open thelr claim for pen1lon 1hould complete a statement of Income, employment and net worth, which can be obtained at any VA facility. • Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horo: 't'l w1u. Pat wlll cut NKl tape, 1eWn1 the - answers and action you ne«I to aol~ in· equities in l/O~rnment and ~. Man 7our q uestions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coat Daily Pilot, P.O. Box l'80, Cati. mesa, CA. 92826. As many lecters u possible will be all8· wered, but phoned mqulrles or let~rs nQt Including the reader's fulL name. addrna and busJneu houn' phone number cannot ~ con6idered. TOUGH GUY -Robert Rocchi of San JOM may be 1•ttln& hla hair curled but 10 what? He•1 one touah hombre. He a19 he llket curly hair on hot 1ummer day110 he doesn't have \0 bother combing. "Auto repair dealers are required by law to be reptered and to deal fairly with their ~·· atetAld Wiena.-Penom who believe they may be victims of queationable auto ~::::::::::::::::::~====•====~====~~,iiii~~~~~::--=~o==::~G::E:,=~o~:UT.R::-iiii-ir-~~o~:;;;NYOUROW~ Rent A Lu_xury Apartment DON'T F R F~~-:=~:;_.._. !¥.!:.! n Newport Bay. SUMMER SALE :~:~:.::~: 0 • * lllT SHIRTS lllD SPORT SHIRTS * • :£!'-:::=I ,. ca U'll •II aMWi11'9._... IATlllOOM Wil'll 11 .. " le ,., .. , ..,_ TllM ...... ..,_ 0.. tc. ............. ..,_ ....... Gracious hv1ng in a country club setting that overlooks the bay Thats Park Newport The finest ,apartment community 1n tash1~nable Newport Beach II • 12•• I , ........... AUMtJ• ta I Regularly 120.00 to 128.50 nOW "i:· ~irr,;::.~:::i!lJ?i COITA MBA 641-1219 ,.,.....,.. .... ..... YllJO 495-0401 2..aC.....QC ... ;' .... t II ... C WlfM ltlla Here for your pleasure a $1 1,; m1ll1on Spe1al and Health club 8 lighted tennis courts racquetball courts 7 swimming poots and acres of gard~ns Leases are available for 1 2 and :r bedroom lm1ts Some are eleganlly furnished PARKN APARTMENTS ANO TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM fS40 TO $1,000. Conveniently localed on the Upper Bay Park Newpert IS 1ust 5 QUtCk minutes from the Orange County Airpert and aJI maJO< business centers On Jamboree Road at San JoaQum Hills Road Telephone (714) 644-1900' • r······---------------------------··-----·-------···-···· I ~). ! We Sell lore Than Wholesale ·· ! Ind Retail Produce. We Ship i Anywhere In U.S.A. From 1 ! Carton of Fresh Fruits To 1000 : Coconuts (One order recentlJ). i We Deliver Fruit Baskets, Gift ' ·Packs, Ind Much lore. We H•ve ln Award Winning Flower Shop, Too! OP£N DAILY 'lll I • • r---·R111r:Mi1-----, r-----t<•llJ;fltJi]----,r----i<•l!l.Z•ItJ----, I I I :: LAaT WEEK l : LAROE llZE : l SHORT HEMMED II RUBY RED I I 8EEF STEAK I I OSES " SMALL I I TOMATOES I: R s 9 :: GRAPEFRUIT I : 4 a.be. •1°0 1: 25 FOR 3 g ll 10 $100 . : : Limit I Lb9. I I A RIAL 8UY1 II FOR ' I . ·---------------''--------------~~--------------~ THE 59481ZE THE II" SIZE r---1(•l•f:J•J11-----1 r-----t<•l•JI•m----,r----i(•lliil•Itl----, t • I I II I I LAROE 8UNCH t I NO 1 e~LL 11 ICE 8ERO I I CELERY l l BUTTON ll LETTUCE I , 3 11 00 1• MusHRooMs n 3 s1oo : • I '°" rl 99e FULL " '°' I I TME 5lc 91ll I I POUND I' Limit • I L----~!'!'l----~-1 L ___ .!:1!'!!.!~----~L ____ • __ ,.,. ... .:. __ .:.J • SPECIAL RADIO SfleCIAL IPECIAL • -----f <•J.lhl!lll-----· ,-----r@}il!t1r---11----1H'J~•Ttl':---, I . It 11 I I .MCY YALDCIA ll JUICY ti 9NOW WMfTI I ORANGES 11 LEMONS :: CAULIFLOWER l I 4 •100 !1 4 Lbe. •100 :: 79e c1u.o I U... II . II ..,~I UMtt I LM. II Limit I La... ti . I •, ------------1 l---------------•l-------·-------' • ---. * SPORT COATS * Regularly 5130 to '425 flOW 11 is'w s99oo Also A Great Selection of Suits & ~tack$ Reduced STILL A GOOD SElECTION AVAILABLE --~ 203 to 503 OFF Suits, Sport Coats, and Wash Pants 17th(, Irvine Ave . Westchff Plaza. Newport ~ach. CA ~ PUBLIC AUCTION , ESTATE JEWELRY & FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBUC AND DEALE~S WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China. Crystal, Porcelains. Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry Including fine watches, solitalre diamond rings, earrings. gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE flGHT Fri., 23rd, Sat., 24th I• Slit,. 25th, 1:30 p,m, INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. • 5:00 P.M. I 7 • 8 P .M. Sale ftchts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: VII& • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended term• c:an be arranged. Property moved for convenience of 1ate to: COUPONI l!XPIM THURa .. JULY 21 -I P.M. : ~ i 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. a Tuatln) -::::.• : Newport Beach ~ · 1 I c0..llONMENTI ACCEl'T1!D 'TIL I P,M, ~1~~~~~~~~~~ I • ,. .. CIM ... ,_,. •-.,....,., -------- Mime by Burl Bachorach Lyn<s by Ho/ Oo~ul Boal bl( Nt1l Simo" B•1t1i ~" ,:,, '"'''" n, "ir•"'"'"' July 22-24, 29-31 & August 5-7 8 p m OCC Auditorium ,I a •• , ......... Rd C.t1 .. u "'-4.-u Ttcl<rtt s· 00 Fu " S•• p.,fnrm•ncn ~5 00 Thu,. ,,.rtorm•n<H 1982 POllTIACS • TRAJIS Alla • TI 000 • BOllNIYILLIS e 12000 • GRAJID NIXS • 6000 • FIRIBIRDS • PllOlmXS LARGE SELECTION Of HARD TO FIND MODELS ·wallah say - matching II lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) sets . Many exclusively dMlgned print• and ~lore. 7 Al il1:1dgment appalls model's ex Comedienne baolt• Jnra revelarlon on we'6hl Jou A flltUan .......... tarmi. lcMI' ' UYI be lt "=d" at • msn.....-a.r t ..... h1m far ~ NlnJna her car.I' and Ulina her Ufe •vtnp to ~ the Wt of actz• moClll l(arpwc HemlnrNay. and Wt a downtown Miami hotel where they moved when th• bOlk1nlln ID_t into I d.llpute with lftOU.-hotel OWf I f 1.6 million bUL Recall set for Z-2Bs, Trans Ams DETROIT (AP) -OeDAJral Motora Corp. HY• 2e.ooo 1982-model Camaro 7.-2& and font.lac Flreblrd Trana Ami will bl' recalled becaUM oC reporta of fuel apllla&• from aaaoline J>(e9W'e buildup in fuel tanka. I I I .. Mia La•oa1aer, 28, who n~lld belwlf in the week- lona trial in New York State SupNDe Court. won the jury award from TyNM SJUor. Klndor'a lawyer. Ep~ralm r..Ma. ll1d be wW appeel lt the u .02t.ooo verdict la not diamteaed by acting Justice ,JOle,lMod ..... Codiedienne-singer Lalo (lomu dlacove.red in her bath ~t ahe wu sitUng on something other than the \ub. r=\ ·~~ ta&~'il tallbonef M1. Roman, an orlalnal cut member of "Hee Haw," the 1yndlcated country muaic· comedy ahow, hat Iott 130 pounda the put 18 monthl.. She wetpa 228 pounds. Comedian Georp Carlla w11 releued from an Atlanta holpit.al aft.er aucctmfully ~ a prooedure to unclol plaque in bee.rt puugea. a apolcewoman aaid. The '10-member entoura1• be11n packin1 after nearly a two-welk ata~ at the~ Hotel, II.Id QIU'lel p..... a nt1ht deak clerk. Tbe party occiuDled ~ toom1 on one of the hoeel'• 18 ~ he uld. lv•rai.clee offlclall aatd the Saudfa left no unpaid billa, and llCt.cl Wr.e ~ guem. The first debate between U.S. GM will replace a vent valve and a pN!118ure valve in the fuel •YJtem of the can which are equipped with ~-liter, V-8 engines with fuel injection, the automaker said. "I felt down there and couldn't flnd anv aoap I waa on or lmy\biftl,'f' ahe recalled. ''Finally, lt ooc:urred to me that it was my tailbone. I shouted to my Carlin. 46, WU to return to the care of hill penonal phY*ian in Loa Anplell after ieavm, Emory Unlvenlty lbpltal. The entoun@ of Saudi ahelk MoU.m.mecl al Fa1tl packed up Senate candidatea Edmund Browa Jr. and Pete Wtlaon will be offered to radio and televtmon stations statewide, say the orpniJ.en. The two-hour debate " to be held ftom 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 12, at the Airport Ptcadilly Inn at Fresno. ,., Wl"'9hofo UNDER BIG TOP -Actress Brooke Shields sits atop elephant at gala benefit during opening of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Los Angeles. The problem came to light when a Dallas, Tex.aa, man who owned a Camaro Z -28 complained the gasoline cap fiew out of his hand and he waa sprayed with fuel. The incident occurred as he investigated a whistling sound coming from the gasoline tank, he said. "We will~ put in a recalibrated {vent) valve that will allow a faster flow of vapor," said GM spokesman Harold Jackson. WOMEN'S F~HIONS PRINTED CHAU.IS COOROINATfS. Speciol ............. 9.99 ASSORTED~ Orig. 60.Q0.96.00 ....... 19.97-31.97 BEmR OReSSES. Orig. 90:00-180.00 ...... : . 29.97-59.97 JUNIOR SWIMWEAR. Orig. 23.00-38.00 ....... 14.98-22.98 JUNIOR COORDINATES. Orig. 13.00-76.00 ...... 8.97-20.97 TOMBOY ACmeNEAA. Reg. 14.00-38.00 ....... 3.99·20.99 FMOJSMN<ER~ll5.~32.00-42.00 ... 4.97-20.97 MISSES' SPORTSWEAR. Orig. 28.00-64.00 ...... 5.97-10.97 MISSES' TOPS AND SHORTS. Orig. 14.99 . . . . ........ 9.98 ~ COOROINATfS. Qrio. 18.00-30.00 .... 5.97-12.97 AS50RTB) SPORTSWfAA. Orig. 62.00-120.00 ... 19.97-39.97 BOUTIQUE SPOR1SWEAA. Orig. 36.00-75.00 ... 11.97-19.97 PmTE/MISSES DRfSSf5. Orig. 36.00-74.00 ... 11 .97-23.97 ASSORTB> BLOUSES.~ 25.00-33.00 ........ 7.97-1 0.97 POPLIN COORDINATES. Orig. 30.00-48.00 ...... 9.97·10.97 LINEN-LOOK BlAZERS. 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ATTHELOWESTPRICESOFTHEYEAR! FASHIONS IN-STORE • HOMEWARES IN PARKING LOT • RED ~ • saBY • AMAL.Fl • 9 WEST FIRST EOrTlON • BANDOLINO COBBIE CUODLER • DBJSO • AMANO MORB SUPER SHOE CLEARANCE 30%-80% OFF 1.99-43.99 reg. 18.00-60.00 Our special once-o-yeor doseoll. f9atlmg C'Mlf 1,800 pairs of sprVlg. summer and tJI shoes. Yoo'M ftnd cmJCJls. 900datS. df898V 9'l08S ond spony 9t'°8S In fcMrtte stytes ond colors! Nof Oii COien and styles In fNfKY size. 'In no WCI{ ~noted wi1tl the Amerloon Red Cross. SPECIAL JEWELRY EVENT We proudly announce our two Cloy PYemle<e sho'fWlO of CNef TliREE MIWON OOUARS Of DIAMONDS. COLORED GEMS. SILVER. GOLD and ESTATE Piece>. SAVE 1/3 to 1/2 AND MORE ON: • Qne.of-o kind prtyate estate pieces. eollec:ted from !he WOOd <Mt. • Loose and mounted dlomondS ... bi( the ltlouSlnds ... nmy <*1tlled tJ¥ G~ EGL and USGS. • Loose nA>ies. ~lteS, blue topaz. ornethy3ts. opolS, gometa. emeralds. !Onmnlfe, f9CNOOte and monv moni. • HundredS of fashlonoble 14K gold mountlf'lOS. • Diamond rings. ecrrtnos. penOonts. brooetets. 'Natches and more (nmy Including COIOf8d gem stones). • Plus o full line of st8'11ng slMlr nne Je'Mlty. lWO DAYS ONLY • SAT. JULY 24, SUN . .AJLY 25 BUFR.IMS SANTA N4A STORE HOURS: SAT 9:00-6:00,SUN 11:00-4·00 Wiii be on !he premises 10 size rings. set stones and customize )ewelry ... 'Milt You Wont ANE JE:WB.RY. 50% OFF l 4K GOLD COLLECTION Yw lost chonoe to 9CMI ~ on 14K gold c:holna. ctm1l9. ecJTlngs, brooelets and dloml OOldelSI Orig. 20.00-400.00 ................. 9.99· 199.99 ~JEWB.R'( 50% OFF FURS! MINK • SABLE • BfAVER • FOX • DESIGNER LABElS FULL-LENGTH COATS • 3/ 4 COATS JACKETS • FUN FURS 49.99-59.99 RMREWARE COOK SETS saw on RMrt'• 7-plece tet Yttlictt tncludls: l '/2-q. OCNMd ICJUCIPClf\; 2-q. CCMf'8d ICJUCIPO'I; 4 'h-cf. °'*" <Mrt 9'' open •• (Ollcn CMl"I CMf ftts • ...,,. °'°°" thf copplf dad tdonl Ot carbon COl't 11a1ni. -dellgnt. " ~ llj)O!Otttf. 114.00. '. ' ' ' ' . ' . ' 4,.99 saw on RftWI'• 9-plece 11t Yltllcrl lnckJdla 1 Y,·¢ ond~ ~ ~ e.ci. CMrtd~ ~ boMlf Mlt .,,. and ... flypant. oa.tlor'I COl't stolnteu or copper clad t>ottoma. If purchoMcl llPOf*ly, 149.00 • ' ' . ' ' ' .••....•.. ' •.. St.te BEDDING BUYSI SHEETS, COMFORTERS .AND ACCESSORIES WAMSUTTA PERCALE SHEETS ........ 4.ff.10.99 WN&JffA COMR>RnRS .......... 24.9M4.99 OtSOONTINUED 8EDSPRfADS ....... 19.99-34.99 MATTRESS PADS. Orig. 26.00-34.00 .•. 10.99-18.99 POLY A&ERAU PIU.OWS ............ 4.99-e.99 FARBER\NARE lURBO OVENS · oc.nertot>modlllw/l'OCtV~. Orig. 219.00 .... 149.15 flrobl.Mitaltoown. Oltg. 279.9& .•.. ' .......... '. 199.99 INTIMATE APPAREL ~ PANTIES. Orig. 3/6.99 ................ 99 each ASSORTED sutPWfAR. Orig. 17 .00· 23.00 . . . 5.97 • 7 .97 ~BR.Ai Orig. 4.99-8.iS ............. 1.99-3.99 R08f5 & LOUNGEWEAR. Orig. h .00-56.00 ..... 6.97-15.97 KIDSWEAR INFANT UOOOlER PlAYWENl Orig. 5.00-18.00 . . 1.4 7 ·5.97 GIRLS SOX. Orig. 1.80-2.50 ...................... 98 GIRLS 7-14 SPC>RlSW£M. Orig. 14.00-16.00 .... 3.97-4.97 GIRLS 7-14 SUNDRESSES. Orig. 22.00-30.00 ... 6.97-9.97 GIRLS' 4-6X SUNORES&S. Orig. 12.00-26.00 .. 3.97-7.97 GIRLS' 4-6X ~ ono. 18.00-26.00 ... 5.97·7.97 GIRLS' SLEEPWEAR. Orig. 7.99-15.00 . . . . . . ... 4.98 BOYS DRES.5 SEPARATES. Orig. l7 .00-60.00 . 4.99-19.99 BOYS WARMUPS. Orig. 32.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.99 BOYS FLEECE SEPARATES. OriQ. 5.99-15.99 . . . 3.99-9.99 BOYS CAHV~ JEANS. Orig. 15.00-17,00 .... . 4.99·5.99 A.SSORTEO TOYS. Special . . . . . ................ 49·3,99 FOR THE HOME BODY TOWB.S. Value 30.00... . . . . . . . . 14.99 BATHROOM ACaSSORIES. Ong. 8.50-46.00 . 2.97-17.97 SHOWER CURTAINS. Value 10.00-30.00 4.99· 7 .99 LUCfTE SHOWER CADDIES. Special Purchase .. 7.99 A.SSORTED TOWELS. Value 3.50-15 00 1.99·5.99 PARTY GOODS. Reg .. 65-2.50 . . . . . . . . .30· 1.25 COFFEE MUGS. Ong. 3.00·4.50 . .99 7-PC. REGAL COOKWARE SET Speciol 49.99 WOK UTENSILS. Orig. 1.00-10.50 . . . . . . . .. 99·2.99 WOt< SETS. ~ 28.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14.99 5·PC. STAINLESS BOWL SET Speciol. •.. 14.99 50-PC. STAINLESS FLATWARE SET Special . . . . . . 19.99 3-QT. WHISTLING TEAKETTLES. Special · ........... 9.99 BAKE 'N BROIL PAN. Speciol .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 5.99 12" NO-STICK SKILlET/UD. Special . . . ..... 13.99 EMBELLISHEO TABLE LINENS. Ong. 59.99· l 19 99 50% Off KITCHEN LINENS. Olia 1 99-12 99. . .98·5.98 A.SSORTEDPlACEMATS/NAPKINS Orig.199·4.50. . .98·1.98 LACE TABLECLOTHS/NAPKINS Orig 2 49-49.99 ... 47· 18.97 APPLIANCE COVERS. Orig. 10 00-14 50 . . .. 4.98-7.98 LACE EOGE TABLE LINENS. Orig. 3 99-37.99. . 1.98· 19.98 ~ABER MATS. Speclol .. . . . . . . . . ..... 09 A.5SORTED NAPKIN RINGS. Orig. 1.25·2.50 ........... , .. 17 FINOUS MAKER CHINA. Orig. 50.00-98.00 .... 15.97-39.98 SElECTED f()$T()RIA STEMS. Orig. 15.25· 19.25 .. 3.97-8.98 CASUAL DINNERWARE SET5. Orig. 125.00 .......... 74.98 DURAND SllMWARE. Orig. 3.50·4.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99 CAYSTAl. SALAD BOWl.S, DECANTERS. Special ......... 9.98 CRISTAl.O'ARQUESsnMWARE. Orig. 7.50· 14.00 .-. . 3.97·4.97 SILK FlOWERTS. Orig. 1.00· 7.00 . . . . . . . . . . . ....• 25-1. 78 CUISINART MOOB. 7E. Ol1g. 260.00. . . . . . . . . . .... 149.88 CUISINART MODEL6E. Orig. 190.00 ................ 99.98 IL GElATO ICE CREAM MAKER. Orig. 379.00 ..... 139.98 KRUPS COFFEEMAKER. 0rtg. 79.95 ................. 29.98 KR\JlS ~INDER. ~ 25.95 ...........•.... , .... 12.98 El.ECT'RIC ICE CREAM MAKERS Special .,. . . ..•... 17.99 WESTBENO pOPCQRN POPPER. Special . . . . . . . . . ... 14.99 WESTBEHO "HOT POT' OOffEEMAKER. Spedol ....... 12.99 ~ P\ACEMATS/NAPKINS. Orig. t .99·4.50 .... 98· 1.98 LUGGAGE ASS0RTB> OUffUS ~O ROt.L BAGS. Orig. ae.oo.eo.oo . • • . . . • . • . ...... 9.97·29.97 VAGABOND LUOOAGE BY WINGS ....••..•.. 14.99-38.99 &·PC. SET CROWN LUGGAGE • • • • . •••.••••..... 99." We~ VISA. MosterCotd. Mllltcon ~and, of OOWM. our *' 8t""-"8 aoge. ,. • Quantities Limited. Sorrv, No Mall or. PhOne Orders •• • ~· ' ~ Electronics could reduce court costs Each year, the Orange County Sheriff's Department transporta thousands of inmates from the county jail in Santa Ana to five court f acill ties. One facility, the central courthouse, is just across the street, so the transportation cos\3 on a per-prisoner basis is low. But other facilities -those in Westminster, Fullerton, Laguna Niguel and Newport Beach -are miles away. Consequently, transportation costs are higher. Finding ways of cutting these costs i.s under study ·by county government officials. To cut the cost the number of inmates transported for court appearances must be reduced. That is why one aspect of the study examines handling arraignments via closed-circuit television systems between the jail and the court facilities. An arraignment ts a perfunctory court procedure in which a defendant ia formally adviaed of the charges against him. • In nearly all instances, the defendant enten an lnnocent plea and the hearing ia over. Many arraignments are less than a minute long. Questions have been raised about the so-called video arraignment process. Some legal professionals say a defendant's rights could be violated. There ls also the question of how attorneys would participate in the proceedings. Obviously, the jury is still out on the video arraignment concept. But it should be possible to solve the minor problems while protecting the rights of defendants. Hindsight on Hinckley Hindsight rarely is constructive, but it is somewhat interesting to ponder the fact that John W. Hinckley Jr. today would be bemd prison bars rather than in the psychiatric ward at St. Eliz.abeths Hospital had Attorney G e neral William French Smith not rejected lawyers' offers to plead Hinckley guilty of assault on the president and three others in return for a single life sentence. Quite understandably, Smith refused the plea bargain proposal and insisted on a trial. Neither he nor the outraged public at that point could foresee the jury's not guilty by reason of insanity verdict that would preclude a prison sentence for Hinckley. It seemed more likely that cvnviction o n four counts o f assault with a deadly weapon would result in consecutive sentences that would keep him behind bars (9r life. That apparently is what his lawyers believed when they tried to bargain for a single life sentence whkh would make their client eligible for parole in 10 years. Of course, everybody guessed wrong and Hinckley is in hospital instead of in prison -where the public doubtless would prefer to see him. All of which brings us to the questions of plea bargaining and sentence bargaining which, under Proposition 8, would be virtually prohibited in California. Plea bargaining has always had unsavory odor -everyone has heard about the agreed reduction of drunken driving to reckless driving charges, to permit a lesser penalty. But lawyers and the judiciary contend, probably with some accuracy, that it is the best way to make sure offenders receive at least some punishment for their misdeeds. In fact, some 90 percent of criminal cases have been resolved in this manner without going to trial. Now most will have to face trial on the original charge and prosecutors fear that some ''weak" cases will result in acquittal either by a jury or on appeal so the offender eventually will get off with no punishment at all. Of course, had the attorney general accepted a plea or sentence bargain for Hinckley, there would have been even more public outrage than was generated by the eventual trial verdict. But the young man who tried to kill the president now would be in prison instead of in a hospital waiting for doctors to decide when he has recovered his wits. Environmental whitewash In an apparent attempt to a nsw e r criticism from environmentalists, the Preside nt's Council on Environmental Quality has issued a 291-page report that finds the nation has made ''great progr~" since passage of federal clean air and clean water laws in the early 1970s. Levels of m ost major air pollutants have sharply declined in the past decade, according to statistics in the report, but there still is room for mu c h improvement in water quality. The presidential report came on the heels of a similar survey by the Conservation Foundation, a non-profit environmental research group, whic h also reported progress but sharply criticized the Reagan administration's budget reductions for environmental programs. These, of course , have included major budget cutbacks and personnel layoffs for the • federal Environmental Protection Agency under administrator Anne Gorsuch, and even a 72 percent budget cut for the Council on Environmental Quality which prepared the favorable report. Discussing the document, President Reagan said the goaJ must be to achieve a clean environment while making sure environmental regulations are cost-effective and do not "stifle market forces." The irony here, of course, is that the statistics assembled to show progress in cleaning up the air cover the decade from 1970 to 1980, before .the R eagan administration began its EPA shakeup. By apparently taking credit for earlier clean-up efforts, without reference to what has happened in the past 18 months, the report can only be regarded as a self-serving attempt to silence cntics of the administration Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. Otner views ex presMd on tt11s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment ls in vii· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 1714) 642·4321. L.M. Boyd I Safe bathtub Q . Why doesn't somebody invent a aoft bathtub so you won't get hurt If you slip in it'? A. Didn't I tell you about that'? One Scott Bortz of Seattle, WWJh ., did so. Sack of the vinyl lining he put an inch-thick Insulation to the keep the water hot longer, too. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone called vaaopresln. Ratearchert have come up with a synthedc drug rela~ co It. That'• ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat called DOA VP It seems to d o wonders for the mind. College students scored 20 percent higher after taking it. It was given to 110me elderly people to treat deprealon, and tests showed it improved their memqrles remarkably. Our Chief Prognosticator thinks you'll be hearing much more about it. British justice calla for apecial punuhment of convicted subway muggen -Ufe in prilon. Thomas P. H•••v Publisher Thomas A. ft\ul"plttne Editor BarlNlr• Krelblch Edltor1a1 Paoe Editor Failure splits Soviets-Syria WASHINGTON -All thi ngs considered, there's precious little sausfact.ion the United States can draw from the Lebanon mess. But there is one thin silver lining to the dark cloud: Syria and the Soviet Union have wound up snarling at each over which ooe is responaible for the embarrassing success of Israeli military rrught in Lebanon. The fa ilure of Sov1et weapo11s in Syrian hands has been wtdely reported What hasn't been is the bitter bickering between the Kremlin and its Middle East client. the finger-pointing by each to blame the other for their mutual failure in Lebanon. INTELLIGENCE REPORTS reveal that the bickering has been intense. The Synan ambassador in Moecow has been rela ymg the complaints from Damascus. The Soviet weapons supplied to Syria, he re ported, w ere inferior to the American w~apons the Syrian troops had t.o race an Lebanon. In particular, he complained about the planes and tanks supposedly top-of -the-lane Soviet equipment that didn't st.and up t.o the Israelis' Western weapons. ObVlously stung by these complaints. the Soviets have spread the word that it was the Synans who were at fault for their own poor showin~ in Lebanon In Q -JA-Cl-Al_D_IR-SD-1 -~ private exchanges with other Arab countries and judicious press leaks, the Russians have 1mphed that there was nothing wrong with their weapons. 1t was the incompetence with which the Syrians handled them that was to blame It 1s, a senior U S . official told my associate Lucette Lagnado, "an mcredable dispute" a dispute that is greeted with glee m Washington. While the Russians have maintained a pubhc posture of confidence m their weaponry denying that the Synans' losses have been as serious as reported - l am told that lhey were concerned enough to send a team of experts to Damascus to chL>ek an to the destructi. in of Soviet T -72 tanks an souther;' Lebanon The T-72 is a new Sov1et showboat THE RUSSIANS are also reported t.o be concern ed over the Israelis' destrucuon of Sov1et-buill SAM missiles m the Bekaa Valley. Their concern IS understandable· These are the same models that are the mam Jane or Warsaw Pact defense m Europe against NATO forces For all lht-wry satis fac tion the Soviet-Synan b1ckenng 1s giving our mt.elligence people, tl#ey recognize that realistically it will probably have no ser ious long -term effect on th e relationsrup between the two countries. The reason for this 1s that Moscow and Damascus m .'('<f one anoth<'r Like 1t or not, they're prt•tty well l<x ked an to their alliance Is changing lifestyle worthwhile? You may have seen something about a report ISSUed by the National Academy of Sciences last week saymg that hall of us dae when we do, not because of old age, but because of our lifestyle. The people from the Institute of Medicine who issued the report recommend that if we want to Jive longer. we ought t.o change our !Jfestyle. The NAS and IOM give 0Cf1c1al advice to the federal government. I want to live a good Jong while, so I've been thinking about following these recommendations. What's the aense of paying someone like your government to help you if you won't take their advice'? THE PROBLEM I have with trying t.o change my lifestyle is that I don't think of my life as having any particular style. The word "style" to me is aomething that appears in certain sections of the newspaper and in magazines like Vogue. I just plod aJong. living day after day and having a pretty good time doing it, too, but it isn't what anyone would call stylish. Whatever it is, though, l'm thinking of changing the way I do it to conform t o government recommendations. The report says a lot of us die Crom things that are unne<.'efl.Ury. We die Crom • driving cars, eating too much of the wrong foods. drinking too much of the wrong liquids, smoking and generally living at too fast a pace. I don't know where to start breaking up this style the government thinks my life has. I guess I'll start with breakfWJt. I know the government wouldn't want me t.o eat bacon and eggs, although it would be afraid to say so because o{ all the farmers who make their hv1ng selling them. I'll have a samplll'breakfast of two shces of plain toast without butt.er. l won't toast the bread much because that nice brown color comes from carbon and carbon has been found I~'' -AND-Y -RDD-Nf-Y -~ to be a potential cause of cancer My grandmother gave me milk toast once for breakfast when [ was sick. It was temble, but it must be good for you or my grandmother never would have given it to me so maybe I'll start the day with milk toast. Of course, it won't give me much incentive to get up. I better not drive to work anymore. The report says too matiy of us die before our time in automobile aoodents. l don't know how I'll get to work. It's too far to walk and. anyway, the government also says too many of us are killed as pedestrians l was think.mg maybe I won't go to work at all because I won't be needing as much money once I change my lifestyle. I won't need so much money because everything I spend money for is bad for me, according to this report. The only thing I'll need reaUy big money for is fresh fruit and vegetables. l know I'll have to be eating more of those. They cost plenty. I saw California oranges for sale m a fruit store last month and they were two for 89 cents. The most remarkable thing about asking that much for two Califonua oranges was, the store was in Cabfom1a f'd like to know how the government proposes we pay for all this healthy fruit it wants us to eat The report says too many of us die before our lame because of heart attacks brought on by stress I guess I'll stop working so hard I sure wouldn't nund taking a month off from wntmg lhlS column some summer. I like to play tennis, too, but I suppose I better be safe and give that up. The government wouldn't want me dropping dead on the court unnaturally LlFE IS going to be pretty quiet for me for the next 50 years. I should Live that long with my new lifestyle. Long and dull, my life's going to be. When I wake up in the morning, I'll get up, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and go back t.o bed to get some rest I'll cancel the newspaper because that only creates stress by getung me all worked up If the newspaper doesn't get me worked up, the delivery boy does. I can't eat, I can't get to work safely, I can't play, and from what I gather, my government would JUSt as soon I didn't have a drink before dinner About aU my new lifestyle calls for 1s devoting full time to living forever. I don't really know whether I'm going to change my lifestyle or not. I'd feel like an awful fool if I gave up all these things I lake and then choked to death lying down trying to take a vitarrun pill with a glass of water TiIDe is worth Inuch more than mere :money· I have always disliked the phrue, "Time la money." That la the least thing that time la, for it is Irreplaceable, ana not all the money in the world can brine it back, or halt it, or re-venie lt. Actually, time is love. People who are always in a hurry, who have no time for ~ IYllEY 111111 "'> anythlns except the moat impor t.ant matttta. fail to undentand the nature and the needa of love. Many a man in our eodety lmag1.nea that he la "1upportlng" hll fe.mUy by working lona houra, a t te ndlna Innumerable meetln11 and travellna tncauntly. But thou&h hla moti~ may be aood. hla ~ W faulty, I No amount of mat.erial aocxil can .-ve u an etfectlw .ubltltute for time spent with loved CJ09,, 'nw moR ''neCJ«ted" children .,.. not tbme of the pooc', ~·of the rich -or thme trylna to eat there. Thent are no pramit • Important 11 ~· We liave t.mw the viiadJm ot time. Our echedW. al"9 rwmtna "9t lmWd Of our running them. While It is true that people in the Mlddle Ages worked many longer houn than we do, a third of the days in a year were devoted to holidays, when the families wen? together. Time ls love in other ways as well - the time we spend with the old, the lnllrm. the time a doctor spench with a patient, the time a teacher spends With a student ln apeclal need of help, the time a peat.or devotes co the penonal problems of hia flock. In all the1e areas, all of us are guilty of belng dominated by the clocl<, of rationlns our time so that everyone ls ''taken cai. of.'' but no one la rttlly cared for. Children, of courae, are the moat lnjunld by our obleleive delusion that time la money. Fathers wU1 apend Wffka alienated fram thell' chlJdren. and then lma1lne that an af ternoon'• flahlna expedttlol\ or trip to the rJC)() ma.be up fof' this nea1ect. IT WOULD BE more rea1i1tk to tum the~ around and~ that ''money 11 Ume" -that the beat tbJA1 money can d o fot\ you la to buy the Um• to cs.monttnte )'OW' love by your oompan)', your tnwe.t. your coactm and lO\U' ~· ' Of COW'le, I ~ 1hat thtte ar. .mlllloOI of bi'Clktn faznw. where t.lUI II ' hard. or lmposmble; and that millions of motheni with young children must work in order to meet the family'• bills. But I wonder how many of the.e might atill be together If the father had not put h1a job before hia parental responsibilities. it the mother had not gone to work for reuons other than financial need. Time is love, above all ebe. It la the moat precious commodity 1n the world, and llhouJd be laviahed on lhoee we care most about. When it Is not. retribution la swift and certain and there t. no tumlng back the clock. WIU Ianel (David) 'With our htlp eventually have to take on Ru11la (Goliath) -~ of tM Vlll C'1 ~ lD the Mldaat? OIUM FRIDAY I JUL V23, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDENING COMICS 82 83 BS Harve1Jtins of baby'B breath -tbe dreny tumbleweed in bridal bouquets -shown on 8 3, D D ~' . ~\t Jimmy Scripture lessons shored up Watt's a slick one BLACK GOLD DEPT. -Now that U.S . Interior Secretary James Watt has opened up virtually the entire United Stat.es coastlme for offshore oil and gas ·exploration, maybe we ought to just all quit worrying about it. The problem becomes universal. Earlier, of course, coastal communities like Newport Beach and Laguna Beach were niggling over a few small TOM who thinks big. underwater tracts where Watt, in his infinite wisdom, was toying around for oil bids. Jimmy the Mag - nificent, however, is obviously the kind of guy That is, if he's going to get into a fight with coastal communities over a few offshore oil rigs, why, let's fight 'em all. Forget about little bites. Go for the whole ocean. MAYBE THOSE COASTAL communities who have so long fought against what has been quaintly referred to as "the stench and vomit of oil," ought to just give up the battle. Perhaps all our coastal residents, who have fought for years to keep the beaches clean, maintain the public saf_ety on the sands and in the sea, and provide marine environmental protection, should simply start looking at the positive side of all this. If indeed the Watt extravaganza develops a whole series of offshore oil rigs off of Laguna, Newport and maybe San Clemente. the condition could be transformed into a boon. AFTER THE F IRST few oil spills, we can disband the various lifeguard services. You don't need lifeguards when Old-flme oilman swea.nng he smelJs It down rhere somewhere nobody enters the oil-slicked waters. You could just substitute one Boy Scout at each beach equipped with cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol to clean oil blobs off the feet of beach-walkers. Think of the savings to coastal city Sand and Surf Mission ey es more beaches B.Y BARRY E BE RLING Oft1teo..,Notateft Thia week a typical day at Corona del Mar beach will find 50 to 80 children sitting in the aand watching puppet shows and ski ta. But the Children's Sarni and Surf Miaslon is.n't average beach fare. It la put on by 29 Northern Callforniana of various denominations to acquaint their young audience with Christ. They start CSSM by building a pulpit out of sand and decorating it with crepe paper-covered matchsticks. Designs portray Biblical ~nes and messages. Then , when the actual program begins, the group's 24 high school and college-age members take over. They give I.he bulk of the performances, although group leader the Rev. Dr. Richard Todd usually says a few words. Last Tuesday's proceedings opened with a sing-a-long. A brief quiz followed, with questions s uch as "What is Superman's real name," and "Who was the first man in the Garden of F.den." The show's skit found Old Testament characters talking about space travel and library study. "We have some kids in the audience who have never been to church or read the Bible. We don't want to tum them off," Todd said, referring to the secular/Christian mix. But the mix is slight. No one will m istake this troupe for Monty Python. According to Todd, the CSSM began over a hundred years ago in England when an old man named Josiah Spears tol d children Bible stories on the beach. It apread to Ireland. Wales, Australia, New Zealand, and eventually the eastern aeaboard of the United States, where Todd became rn volved with the program. When he moved to Northern California's Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, he decided to start a West C.oast version. Because of his local beaches' cold climates, he decided to hold it at Corona del Mar. "We only had about two kids when we started five years ago," Todd said. But the audience expansion hasn't come wllhout an effort. Using kits supplied by Children's Ministries, the CSSM's parent orgaruzauon, the group plans the shows one day in advance. They work eight to 10 hours for a single one hour show The youthful perfonners pay their own expenses for the two weeks. Many have never worked with a children's group before, much less entertained 1t. "It was nerve-wracking the first time, but the kids will accept whatever you do ," sa id 16-year-old Can King, a returnee from last year. Another member polnted out that "the kids teach us too. When you give love, you get it back." Du.tin& 1ts !our previou& seasons the CSSM has built a small grassroots following. Some residents who are familiar with I.he group were W8lting for us return this year. accordang to Mm King. As for the future, Todd wouJd like to expand to Laguna, Maltbu and Redondo beaches. But the only certainty is a return trip to Corona del Mar The CSSM will be held weekdays through JuJy 30 at 11 a.m. and I p.m at Corona del Mar next to the jetty 0.aty Not "'-oloe by ~ Wec:t!Mf SERMON ON SAND -After Bngitte Dellebake and the children decorated pulpit made of sand, Cari King, 16, of Walnut, narrated puppet show mixing familiar characters with bibucal theme. ;i' ( '~, budgets. . The expense and policing of marine life sanctuaries can be knocked off completely. Marine life won't hang around to be protected if it found itself floating in more crude than salt water. Don't forget to keep memory activated Likewise, we could fire all the Fish and Game wardens since there wouldn't be any fishing for them to police or poachers of under-sized lobsters to worry about. Names, faces, vocabulary, fore ign langua ges and numerical data recalled ADDITIONAL BENEFITS might be accrued through new industry. If oil production booms off our coastline, we might need oil pipelines, more trucking activities and maybe even a couple of refineries along the coastline other than the facilities of Long Beach. Whole new industrial plants might spring up in our midst. Think of the hype this might give our economy. Of course, you might be one of those people who like to swim in the ocean. fish from piers or boats, examine the marine life in tidepools or walk on the sand sans tar blobs. NEVER TO WORRY. I am sure Jimmy Watt and all his federal aides, along with the oil people, will assure you they don't have oil spills at sea any more. And they'll assure you that the oil rigs sticking out of t h e ocean will be so far offshore you'll never spot one with the naked eye. AND BESIDE ALL this, they haven't even found any oil out there yet. They might punch down holes until the ocean floor looks like Swiss cheese and come up drier than a Kansas well rope. But don't you bet on it. By SANDI E JOY Of the OMty Noe 8tllfl R e m ember good old what's-his-name? What was his name? By "turning on the motion pictures of your mind." Arthur B o rnstein can h e lp you remember good old what's-his- name's moniker. "Mottvauon is at the top of the list," S&d Bornstein, who'll teach a memory tralnin~ workshop at UC Irvine Extension today and Saturday. "You have to want to remember the person," he said. "When you meet someone you want to remember, listen to the name. Get him or her to repeat it clearly. Observe the face and look for outstanding facial characteristics." For example, he said, "Suppose you just met Mr. Guarke pronounced Gar-key which sounds like car key. The man haa vtry small ears. Picture 'Sting' operations succeed SA police arrest 160, recover $13 million in stolen goods Undercover SantJi Ana police investigators recovered mo re than $13 m illion in s tolen merchandise and arrested 160 people In a fou r-year crlme- flghting program financed by $625,000 ln federal gra.nta. PolJ~ off&dall aa1d Thunday that . 95 pm.'el\t of the auapecta they arreNd u part of the ao- called "at1n1" operation were oonvkted. Known as operation • "Summit" and ''Pawn," the undercover lnvesUf.ation w .. .Jmed at "htch·lev•, or..,Uzed lt'hlte--collar crime and tenctna in ~ c.ounty," the department llid. Joinlnc In the op«aUon w~re the FBI and the Orange County District Attorney's Office. Officials said a variety of merchandise was recovered through the two investigatloN. The merchandise Included jewelry, stolen stocks, airline tickets, satellite navigation systems, 21,000 pounds of diet pllll, drugs, spor~ cars and heavy construction equipment. P olice officials aaid t h e undercover officers muquetaded u buaineamen operauna out of eeveral alt.ea ln San-. Ana. "Operation Summit" waa be.aun in A:l:'::J" uns with '400.000 in f arant funda. h had 11 unducovor officer• who r«evered $3.4 mllllon ln merchandise over a two-year period. .. Operation Pawn" was initiated with a new and smaller federal grant in the summer of 1980. In a two-year span, officers r~vered $10 million in stolen merchandise. Officia l• said the two operationt were able to get al offenders who normally are able to avoid de~on by 1tandard law enforcement tactics. The federal funding for th~ pro9ram la being dlacontlnued beeauae the U S . Law Enforcement A11l1uncc A dmlnlltratlon la being d~ndod. a huge car key swinging from his ear. Now you have a picture of the man with his name " That's mental imagery, Born.stem said, admitting hE' has lots of amusing pictures an his mind "Learrung should be a pleasant experience," he said. "Laugh and learn at the same lime " Bornstein, who has demonstrated his memory techniques on numerous national television talk shows, is director of the Los Ange les-based Bornstein School of Memory Training. "I used to make experts out o{ ' individuals in a few days' time on any subject," he said of his TV and radio appearances. Training involves teaching people how to concentrate, he said, and to use a c tiv e imagination and associations for retention of all types of names and faces, vocabulary, foreign la.ngtageS and numerical data. The average student can cut study time in half and still get top grades, Bornstein claimed, using the memory training techniques he first recognir.ed as a low-achieving college student during the late '40s. "I waa a struggling college atudent," he aaid, "and a tremendous amount of repeUUon would ati1l get me low grades. One niaht while studying for an exam, I found I could memorize material very rapidly usin g active imagination and clever al.IOClation. l memorbed three ch.apt.en." He took the teat In half the• notmal t1me and earned an A, he uld, 10 he rtlMAJ"Ched memory tecb niq uea learnlna many of th~ date t.ck to tM ande'\t Gr.eka, Hebrwww and Hir.dua. "M y p erforman ce i n all subjecta went from low ands to top~" Bama1dn wd. A few years after graduation, he opened the memory train- 1 ng school which teaches classes throughout the United States and Canada and offers correspondence courses At UCI. Bornstein and his 25-year-old son Scott will teach "Memory Training for Teachers" which runs from 7 to 10 p.m. today and all day Saturday. The class is open and applicable to everyone, Bornstein said, and is particularly good for high schools and college students because utilizing memory techniques builds confidence in students' minds and eliminates mental blocks. ''With practice,'' he said, "they *** Brain taking vacation? Fix memory in fall How much of what you hear do you actually remember? If you'd like to remember more, OraJl8e Coast College will offer "Listen.Ina Skilla" thla fall. Listed as Speech 160 in the claM .:hedule, the coune meets Tunday1 and Thuradaya from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Fall aemeat.er clauea Wgln Sept. 7. Regbtration starta Aua. 12. ''The c:oune ts d~ to help lnd lvtd uala lm prove th elr l19ten1ng akillt in all ll1Uatlonl, wlth an omphHi• on lecture t11tenln1 and tc>Cial Us&eninl,'' uid ~ne Instructor Freda S. Eldon. ''The clAlll II desdined to help ffCh 1tudent become a belier communlcator." For rqiatration lnfonnatlon, phone 651.~712. can make instant connections and they're more r e laxed at remembenng " Nine-and 10-year-olds can learn the technique as well as 80- and 90-year·olds who "ward of! seruhty by excercismg their nund like their muscles " Bornstein said the course helps develop both left and right brain capacity. Amo ng techniques he 's developed 1s one in which the average third-and fourth-grade student can learn multiplication tables to times 10 in three hours, he said, a system used by 9,000 schools across the nation. It has a set of 40 flash cards describing association. For example , 9 x 5 or 5 x 9 which equals 45. The card illustrates a huge football field with team 9 playing teaQ\ 5 on the 45-yard-line. "The reason people remember numbers more readily through pictures," he said, "ts because numbers are abstract and we make them into meaningful comblnatlona th.rough pettures." Bornstein a&ld he works with techniques through which studenta can boost their scholast1c aptitude test ICOl"e8 aa much u 300 points by asaodating words and definitions. "What'• my phone number," Bornstein aaked a reporter, who couldn't remember anything but the 213 area code. Picture a classroom with four 78-year-old atudent a," b e instructed. "The teacher la 20 and ahe makes them feel Uke 156. Try to 1ee the number In you r lmaalnation. Now , what'• my phono number?" T he reP.or ter p r omptly re1ponded, '478·20156." l\ea11tratJon lnfonnation for the ~ traWna. dall at ua Ex11tlllon ava1latie by mllN 833-5414. Tuition 11 $89.'l! lnclucttna a copy of 8omltatn 1a "Memory 'l'raln1nl" book. J .,..., f .,. Or1ngt Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 23. 19&2 •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE Overweight wife gains incentive for losing DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been about 50 pounds overweight tor the lut 10 years. u~ until two -years ago my husband and I enjoyed a very active sex Ute. We a.re bo\h in our early 40s. I gained another 10 .,P~ds or so, and he stopped making love to 16~. lt seemed to happen overn.i,ght. After six weeka of no ~x I asked him to explain why he had turned so cool. He said, "You are no longer desirable. Your fat turns me off and I can't get excited anymore." My question is this: Can 10 pounds or so make THAT much difference? All those years when I was 50 pounds overweight he never seemed to care. In fact, he was after me all the time Can this be a cover-up for lmpotence? Is it possible he is having an affair on the side? I am puzzled and need your help in sorting things o ut. - NCYI'HING DOING IN OARY. IND. DEAR N.D. IN IND.: Instead of looking for bidden motives and trying to sblll tbe blame, wby don't you accept tbe fact tbat tbose "10 pounds or more" broke tbe camel's back? Make an appointmen t witb your pby1lclan at once. Get on a diet and stay tbere. Sixty pounds of exce11 wel1bt are a terrible burden on your heart, your feet and otber portion• of your anatomy. Tbey could also put tbe dead band oo your marrla1e. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please aettle something in your column. Things are getting out of hand. AB a registered nurse who works ln a large, clinical setting, I often see a shocking lack of telephone courtesy among physicians. When Dr. A. wants to consult with Dr. B .. he asks his receptionist to place the call. Dr. B.'s receptionist then insists that Dr. A. be put on the line before transferring the call to Dr. B. Dr. A . 's receptionist vehemently ref uses, saying Dr. A. will NOT come on the line until Dr. B. is on. Am I correct ln assuming that Dr. A. is egotistical and discourteous to expect Dr. B. to get on the phone and wait for him? That happens time alter time. Sometimes Dr. A. is not busy with a patient. He is .aitllng at his desk looking at a medical journal. Please give us your opinion. -FED UP IN NEW ORLEANS DEAR FED: Tbe question you raise la one tbat ha• pla1ued secretaries ever since Alexander Graham Bell Invented tbat Incredible ln•trument. Tbe person wbo places the call 1bould be on tbe line wben the party be 11 seeking 1ay1, "Hello." After all, U 11 fair to a11ame tbat tbe party wbo laltlatea tbe call wants 1ometblng. and It 11 rude to behave In a way that suggest• bl1 time 11 more valuable than t b at of the person be may be loconveolenclng. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I pray you won't think I am weird. I need help to know what to do, if anything -or must I simply learn to live with it? The problem is I can't sign my name in lhe presence of olhera. I'm female, a corporate executive in her mid-30s. The last time I had to sign documents was yesterday, and my hand froze. I knew ahead of time and. tried to avoid signing but couldn't. I managed to get through it, but the signature didn't look like mine. What causes this problem -and can it ~ _AllN_l.AllDflS __ ... be overcome? -FROZEN FINGERS ON LASALLE ST. DEAR FROZEN: Your problem 11 tbe result of a lon1·for1otteo Incident &bat produced shame and gullt. A good lberapl1t mlgbt be able lo unearth It. Another approach, simpler and cheaper: Practice writing in front of otbers whenever you can. What's the story on pot, cocaine, LSD, PCP, downers, speed? C.an you handle them if you 're careful? Send for Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2.00, plus a Jong, self-addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. ACcustomed to face LONOON (AP) -It is fervently hoped that Alan Jay Le rner, like Alfred P . Do6little of the undeserving poor, has got himself to the church on time. The famed lyricist of "My Fair Lady" is patron of a drive to raise $510.000 to save St Paul's Church in Covent Garden, the Inigo Jones masterpiece where Eliza Doolittle is seen peddling her flowers in the portico as the first-act curtain rises. Lerner has grown accustomed to its face: "I went to school in London and can remember the church from those days. It does have special significance for me because of the part it plays in 'My Fair Lady' and I hope people will respond." DellJ ..itot "'-to bJ ~ K...._ COOLING OFF -When you live inland there Amy Ellison, 12, Thousand Oaks, found the is nothing like coming to the beach to cool water temperature off Balboa Island just down. Ryan Guthrie. 10. of Lancaster, and perfect for riding a ralt. Even in these materialistic times, church spires and steeples and squat Norman towers dominate the British landscape, brooding down beneficently on the High Street of every town, looming across the fields as the leading landmark of the picturesque villages. But many churches are abandoned. neglected, besieged by vandal.a and falling into ruins or the hands Scorpio: Wishes to come Saturday, July 24 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Stick to quality -this is no time to cut corners. Focus on terms, reiotrictions, rights and permissions. A Virgo aids in obtaining e ssential material. You'll be brought together with persons who share your concerns. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What seemed out-of-reach will become available. Accent on employment. ways of improving health and added knowledge concerning nutrition. You complete assignment by becoming more aware of special or unique services. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be ready for new starts, fresh concepts and direct appeals. You'll get to heart of matters, especially where important relationships enter picture. Focus also on speculation, change and ab1hty to win your way through personal magnetism. .. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus on security, basic issues and approval from older family member. You'll regain seme of direction. Follow through on first impressions. Obtain professional counsel regarding property values. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Check various sources regardin_g prices, special sales and varying interest rates. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons play significant roles. Unorthodox procedure will succeed - income potential will increase. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Timing, ju4gment prove accurate -moon in your si;n highlights personality, intuition, originality and greater independence. G~mini, Sagittarius persons figure prbminently. Recent fears, suspicions can nq~ be eradicated. •. : LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Take time to m~tate -being alone is not synonymous P.01 SH01S B:Y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THEY'VE CALCULATED THE" SIZE AND AGE ti't."-r OF !ME UNIVERSE, - BUT NOeoDY HAS VET c.ALC.U'-ATED rrs BEAUTY. with being lonely. Check details, insist on quality, highlight safety and security measures. You may have to dlS1ll3ntle in order to rebuild on a more solid structure. • HOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on change, fulfillment of desires, wishes that come true. Gain indicated through written word; get views on record. Romance is part of scenario and you will be rewarded for recent creative business decision. U'avel and a more precise definition of tenns, objectives. Pisces plays prominent role. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Basic facts concerning finances, credit ratings surge to forefront. Relationship intensifies and responsibilities increase. Get promises in writing. Refuse to give up something of value for nothing. Career and domestic life may conflict; key now is to be diplomatic. Avoid attempting to force issues -you gain most by actually making intelligent concessions. Family member, who initially objects. could berome a vociferous supporter of your aims. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Avoid premature starts -check legal rights, permissions. Focus on public relations, market research and popularity polls. You'll encounter aggressive individual whose ideas conflict with your own. Challenge proves stimulating. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF North South vulnnahl<' Soulh deal.~. NORTH • J 7 52 654 0 A 104 3 • 93 WEST EAST • 93 + K 1084 t:;>72 1?93 O J95 O K6 +KQ10872 +AJ65• SOUTH + AQ6 'V AKQJ108 0 Q872 +Vold The bidding: South Weet 1 1;> 3 + 4 <::} Paa1 Pau Paa• PaH Pa11 Norlh East Pau PaH PaM ~ + 8 'V PaH Opening lud~ King of + Don't dither! East gave-hit oppon~nt~twbchancesinthc bidding, then failed to ex- ll'•ct retribution In the play. It would have been wiler for Ean t.o bid five club• Im mediately rather than wait to ••• what would develop. The tact that he held five· nrd eupport for the 1uit In which his partner had pre· l'mpted weakened the hand's ddensive prospects. Alter nall vely. he could have pass· ed four hearts. South's pass of five clubs was an overbid. Since he had bid four hurts voluntarily. his pass was fore· ing. but he was probably the jack of diamonds and a trump 'lhort for that action. We ap plaud North's courageous Jump to slam. F111lh in part ner's bidding can sometimes be a wonderful thing. West led the king of clubs and declarer ruffed. Even if he could hold his diamond losers to one. declarer was still rued with the possible 1011 ol a spade trick. The trump spots meant thlt hi' had only one entry to the table, so an end play had to bt1 found. Declarer drew two rounds or trumps. cro11ed to the ace or diamond .. and ruffed dum- my'• remaining club. Now be exiled with a low dlamond from hit hand -hla only chance for lb• conlract waa to find Eut now wf\t1 the .. klna alone. Eut won the kine and WH (aced with \ho UJly proapect of fivln1 declarer a rurr and·sluCf or breakinic the• spade suit. He elected to lend a spade away from the king. Ueclarer let that ride lo dum my"s Jack. then took a spadt> finesse to land a very low percentage contrart. Note that declarer would be down if West held the king of diamonds or if East's king had been t wire guarded. But even on the actual lay out. East had the chance to defeat the slam. When de clarer crossed to the ace or diamonds, East should have jettisoned hjs king. Then he would have been off the end play. and eventually he would have had to make a spade trick ror 8 one trick set. ~1; l HUGH MUlllGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW of developers, and a number of organii.ations like the Friends of Friendless Churches, the Historic Church Preservation Trust Fund and the Fund for Redundant Churches are crusading to preserve them BRITAIN STILL BOASTS about 10,000 medieval churches and chapels, but nearly 1.000 are threatened with demolition, about as many as Henry VTII sacked and destroyed following his break with Rome over the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Then the problem was royal vs. papal power. Now the agents of demolition are changing times, population sh1fts from the rural areas and inner cities to the suburbs, unrepaired wartime bomb damage and rising stipends for the clergy. Many small congregations can no longer afford a vicar, and the church falls into disuse and decay. "A main problem at the present ti.me is raising money to pay the higher stipends to the clergy brought about by inflation," lamented Ivor Bulmer-Thomas, a former United Nations delegate from Britain who is honorary director of the Friends of Friendless Churches. "Enough vocations to holy orders have come forward in the past 10 years -regrettably not always of the right quality -but the funds are often lacking to meet their stipends." We chatted in the vestry of St. Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe, a lovely Wren church in the old city where the Friends hold their meeting. "We had to fight to save this from demolition in 1959," said the honorable director. "It was gutted during the war with only one wall left standing." WITH VOLUNTARY donations, pledges, legacies left in wills, even according to the annual report "whip arounds in public houses" and 10 from the compensation received "by a member hit on the head by a golf ball," the Friends rescue neglected churches of architectural and historical interest by instituting repairs, leasing them to other congregations finding alternate acceptable uses such as libraries, theaters and commuruty halls for youth and the elderly. "There are about 18,000 Church of England houses of worship still standing," Bulmer-Thomas said. "Sometimes two in the same churchyard, built by rival rich families for the glory of God and to insure their souls. Only in modern times do we think a church has to be crowded to the doors to justify its existence." A few medieval churches have reverted to Rome by lease or default, like the tiny 13th century St. F.d.mund's Chapel in Dover, which was used as a forge after Henry VllI dissolved the monasteries. It was scheduled for demolition in 1965 to make way for a road before being restored and reconsecrated u a Catholic chapel. ST. ETBELDREDA'S CHURCH in \he heart of LondoJ\, built in 1290 on old Roman foundationa, was the first pre-Reformation church to return to Catholic hands when 10ld a century ago by its Welsh Protestant congregation. Ita courtyard ia still a place of sanctuary, where police may not enter and no one can be arrested. Becauae of the housing shortage, thett ii great preMLU"e to conven old churcbel to private hornet. which the todety railtt.. althouah the battle bu been io.t.. indeed never waaed to aave vlcaragea and ~ tram developers. -In Eatt ~ a trawl flnn called 0 Wolaey Lodp • 1peclal.llff In offertnc holiday accommodat lon1 at rectortH ronvenecl Into 1M*Ja. wen ... the vlcm' to)d me when 1 left St. An drew-by·the· Wardrobe, "It bee ta belnl turned into • bln&O parlor... - ' . j ... crop blossoms TURLOCK (AP) -Baby'1 tneth would make few people'• U.t ot favorite fiowen: In fact, the 1peclo1. IYP•ophlla, once appeared on the Stanl1lau1 County Hit of weed• to be eradicated. .. However, WJlllam Hendenon and hil famUy are u devoted to a hybrid variety ut\lque to Turlock u hla mother wu after 1he wu Introduced to the mlnlature Oower ln the 1930.. 11Dad run1 the farm aort of the old-fashioned way, but it worka," aaid his aon, BW, foreman for \ Everlasting Flowera Inc. "He runa it like Gran~ ran it." William'• wife, Billye, handles hiring on the three-acre farm. The Hendenona are PfOUd that their farm la unmechanlz.ed. The plant, prepared for we in silk and dried fiower arrangemenu. Tooks like dressy tumbl~weed when cut. The ma'iilve flower balls. which amell more like fresh- trlmmed grass than fragrant fiowers, are hauled by tractor to sheds where women break off unsightly clumps and bunch select stalks for binding. A worker hangs clumps to dry like tobacco in the darkened sheds, and crews return three to four weeks later to grade and box bunches for shipping. About 250 workers tum out an average of more than 250.000 bunches during the 10-day harvest which usually ends juat before Independence Day. Most return each summer to add their penonal touch to the operation. "We're not as soph1.Sticated as maybe aome other grow en," saicl Bill Henderson. But the family's deecription of plant propagation and marketing belies its humility. ,_,~o FLOWERS GATHERED -Worker harvests baby's breath on William Henderson's farm in Turlock. Clumps of the delicate white flowers are hung to dry for use in silk and dried flower arrangements. · "The market ls calling for processed flowera, a stepsaver for the florist," he wd. A popular form ot baby's breath processi~g. introduced last year, involves bleaching and treatment With a softening agent. The delicate, double-blossom flower retains it.9 whiteness, and stalks become rubbery for easy handling. Untreated plants normally require refrigeration to become pliable. The p~ennlal. marketed under the Henderil trademark, is different from freah varieties commonly used in bridal bouquets and fresh arrangement.a. What he grows is a plant pushed by a Turlock nurseryman. the late George Harry Starr, onto Henderson's mother when his parents were running an electrical business in the 1930s. William Henderson also worked on the Starr fann counting bunches when he was 14. "He got my mother started m the retail flower business." Henderson said. "Next thing we knew. we were doing more flowei;s than electrical." Their baby's breath business lasted until the 1950s when Turlock expanded in their direction, and plastic flowers drove many flower growers out of business. William Henderaon, who lost a drive-in restaurant ln Ceres to freeway development in 1965. was approached about growing the flower again. So he accumulated a few hundred plants on three acres and put his family to work at harvest time. "We did it in the front yard on an old table or aomethlng from one of the drive-ins," said his son. After the early harvests, the operation "just mushroomed. It just b10&90med out." The family hu benefited from a burgeoning market since re- entering the busineu. "Whatever the so-called deco.raton use in their ads, that's the trend that goes," William Hende1'90n said. "These are the trends that the florists follow." New method cuts compos t time The old -method of composting took a year. Now you can have compost ready to use in two to three weeka. G. Stuart Pettygrove, soils specialist, UC Cooperative Extension at Devts, tells how: -Use any green material; chop or cut into ~ or 1 ~ inches in size. (When pruning, cut material into small pie<.'ea with the pruning shears or chop material with a sharp shovel). You can else include fruit and vegetable wastes. -Form a pile at least 3 X 3 X 3 (feet). If possible, place in a bin. -Composting works best if moisture content is about 50 percent. Since this is hard to measure, WOMAN DOES NOT RADIATE BY BODY WRAP ALONE Back from Japan with Beauty secrets proven effective for centuries, Debby Yeager, (formerly of Ultra Sllm) Is happy to announce the opening or "The Good Life Salon." offering Body Wrap, Steam Massage, Nutrltlonal Guidance, exercise equipment and much. much more. Shop w isely, compare programs. Call for free consultation. GRAND OPENING PACE PROFE8810NAL BUILDING 404 WMtmln1ter Ave., Ste #3 Newport BMch, C•llfornl• fRIDAY, JULY 23td 548-2949 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9UIMll ACTmOUI IUaMll N._ STATDMNT MAim ITAna.JIT Tht folfowlnO pereon " doing The followlng peraon 11 doing ~... '~ .. : DAY PAINTING, 11685 C9dar SUP~ SERVICES. CO., 424 E. Clrelt, Founteln V111ty, CA 92701 Sey Str .... Cotti Mele. CA 924127. DAVID ANDREW YOUNG, MORRIE CLINTON GROSE. add a little water and/or cover the pile wtth a piece of polyethylene plastic. If the mo1Sture i.s too high, the pile will become soggy and smell. If too dry, decomposition will slow down or stop. -Once decomposition start s. do not add anything unless there is an ammonia odor around the compost pile. In this case add some sawdust to counteract the excess nitrogen. The only other addition would be water if the pile should become too dry. When the temperature in the pile drops or no heat is produced, the composted material is ready to be used as a soil amendment. The volume will be reduced and the color of the materials will have changed to dark brown. ugglngyou? Don't Panic-We Can Help · using the best techniques available, our Callf. Certified Nurserymen show you how to control fleas. tl Scut "love bud '" I Florist Sp ecial I ~·· ROSES TAKE HOME DOZENS! Since 1946 Ha)lishtts 11115 Ceder Clrclt . Fount1ln JR.. 424 E. Sey SttMI, Cott• MMa. llllllllll• Vtllty, CA 92708 CA 9H27. Nursery -Florist 2840 Harbor llvd .• Coata Mtaa A4 fff4 th,.. Jvty t1. IM! °"""• wi.tr lwlf'I. Thll l>u'"-11 condUcttd by en TNI ~II oonducttd by en t===========r:==========i lndMduel. DrM 11. Youno lndMdUel. Mome c.ntOfl an. P\aJC NOTIC( PtB.IC NOTICE Thill 1111-1 -lll9d wtlh )M TNI thlte!Nnt WM llltd wftfl the IUll'IJllOtl COURT Of' ITATIMINT Of' AINDOl-NT CollnlY Clef'lr of Orenge Courtly on County Clettl of °'WlOt Coun!y on CAU'ONIA Of' UH Of' PlOTmOUI "'-30. 1912 Mt 20, 1912. __,,,_ COUNTY Of' I OI.ANO IUMtlM HAMS ,,._. ,_ M h.......... Th I II I II Publlllled Orengt COHI Dally Publltll,CS Orengt CoUI Dally ....... _. __ .. t O OW no peraon1 ave Plot Mt 2 ••• 17, 23, 1912 Piiot, July 2'. 30, Aug. I . 13, 1N2. l.'Yo!Aw PAIR ~.::UM of "" Flc:tltloua 2f09.h 330l-S~ Oii 11ef111f ef IOUTHEAN CALIFORNIA ---.. ---•c_lllft_TM'_r___ DIMICK JAml , •• "'"'°' ALARM COMPANY. 102 Eucalyptua l'"uau ""'"' NO""'r fllO. -• Lil .• Cotta,,._, CA t2827. '1CT1TIOUI IU-11 "8.IC ,,_ CfTATION TO Al'fllAll Tiit Flalllloua 8u11n111 Hamt ~ .,.,.....,. 'ICTmOUI IU-11 TMI N C»U °' TMI ITA'n °' rtftrrtd to tbOYt WU llltd In Tbt fOllOWtng l*'IOfll .,. doing NA• ITATIMINT CA&.W= 01r;a:_eounty on 3-23-ll Fllt No bu""-ae: Th• followlng pe11on 11 doing T09'1Roor.._ ollYt~~~ :! F 11,.. • ...:... I . Cu~102 1 ,_.._.._ .J & D MAINTl!NANCI!. 312 l:IUll,,_u: ....., .,,. ......., ~,,.,_ Poppy • ., ... , Corona Cltl Mar, OA OOAIT APPUANCI ll!RVlCE. lltfit>y Git*' to t Ln .• Colle M..a. 12f27. 92921. 27121 Mtwllnd 81. •11, Huntington JudOI Ptllldlno Iii the Deoertment Timotllyf.J Cue, 2172 Cotlt(Je Jill I . JNCl,.AI. 1tl a..d't,CAt2t41. TM of ltlll OOUl't on t/fa1n. .. lt.,COtllMNl.OAt2127. M.,oiia. Cotta MIN. CA tlta7. Hlcholu Li nu, 27821 1:30, tlltn end tnft to thow--j Thll~WM'°"4111C1td by• OAVIO OOLIY HOM'>l,_001. Newt and St. • 11, Huntington "~ ~ ';:;.Why In. ,.elttoft 1111 ..-... ~· Ma ,71l/. '"•· eorone oe1 .. .,. a.::·~~ by'" 5&.v!te~ ~11'1ll;. ='~ ™' ... o:!·;: _, ..,11 in. n. ~ 11 oanducn.o by a 11te1Mdu11 c:Nld. ~ noc M ortmM· County eit.ttc of Orflntt qounty on ..... ~. Nlollol .. "** Tbt adOf9le of In. ~ oourt: .luflt "· fttl. DllYld C. Nof1'Wtdot Tiiie ttlttmtnt -ftled-11 the IOO Union AW't'M111 F .. rntld, OA PublltMd Ofllllllt Coaet Dally THI ......_ .,.. fll9d wllrl IN Oountr Cieri! of O,Mgll County on 14m, ,..,._ Mt 2. t , 11, t3, 1NI COlll'IY Qll1t of OrlllOt COunty «I JIJ/tf 1', 1812 o.1td JIN 17, 1112. • 2ft3o42 JvM·IO. 1112. I '~ .... Ol•ll:i .. Clartlt":::::=======::::-'1 ,,.., P\lblltht4 Oreng.,COHI Dall~ '-..... 0.... Clartl ,...,, , ....... ,. Pvbll9Mcf Offft .. COlltt O•lry lllllot, ••• 17, at, IO, 1112 '°"bllltlff Or .... ·.eo&it Dally --· • Not. .Mr a. •· 17. a , 1111. n11142 Not. -Mt "· ta. IO, Aug. •· t1t2 Put • few word• lf20.t2 U1M2 to work ror ou. I • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, July 23, 1982 Ill Give plants extr a care Plantinc outdoon 1n hancSna bukN or other containen ta an excellent way of p.rcien.lnl io move t'Olor and beaut)' and to Mve 1p.ce, bUt plant.I irown that way need extra attention to keep them healthy. Such planttnp havt llmlttd eon, which means they mu.at be 1upj>lled with 1d~t.e moiature...and nu~tl CONtantly. Overall, the cultural needa are crt , includfn& control of pest.I and dileMet. Bulcally, more than any other factor, watering determines 1ucceu or failure of plant.I ln containers outdoors. In 1unny areu, drying la fut and the aides of contalnere may get too hot, 9'peclally lt they become very dry. Thia can be very damalfng to roots along the stdes. Bli containers wlth Sood drainage often need watering dally during hot, 1unny weather. Small containers, such u hanging buketa, may need even• more frequent watering ln expoeed locations. Ju.at becau.ae there hu been rain doesn't mean the plant.a ln your containers do not need watering. , Leaves about a container may 1hed water. U plant.a are large and leafy they may divert considerable rain water 10 It drops to the ground beyond the container. And hanging basket.a are often placed beneath eaves or porch roofs where they get little help from rain. Finn watering schedules are difficult for plant.9 in containers because sun and temperature patterns change as the seaaon progreuee. Don't let plant.a wilt; if a container gets too dry, it may need several frequent wateringii to thoroughly wet it. Hanging baskets and other movable containers that become too dry can be taken down and set in a tub of water. But remove them u soon as they are wet tnrouahout and air bubbles stop rising from the soil. Feeding is al.9o important for outdoor container plants. whkh are apt to lose fertility rapidly from frequent watering. Houseplant fertilizers that are applied with each watering in very dilute solution also are suitable for hanging plant.9. Generally, houseplant fertilizers used fortnightly should be enough, but if growth still seems poor, you may have to apply more often. But don't increase the concentration of fertilizer. Stick to the label recommendation. When liquid fertilizers are applied, the soil in containers should be sU htly moist. HANDSOME HOUSEPLANT -The Red Emerald philodendron is a handsome indoor plant with its bold leathery green leaves and a reddish tinge tq,.its stem. It requires diffused light and evenly moist soil. URDINIRS CHIClllST •Plant cyclamen tubers now for November to April blooms. •Don't forget to keep fertilizing lawns, roses, vegetables, annuals and shrubs at six-week intervals all during sununer. •For sturdier plants and better haJVests stake and tie tomatoes as they grow You can also use the wire cages, available at any nursery, for ti-is purJ>06e. •Don't let fuchataS set seed. Keep the o)d flowers picked off to encourage blooming. LLOl'D•s gordPn sl10 1 GALLON Reg . 3 .50 IOW 198 SPOON IT FLOWER FOOD Can be used on tndocr and Outdoor Plant!. 1.,. 11.11 IOW 1298 ALL lf04S SUBJECT TO STOCI( 0" HA:N~O ~Olf: .. :Gooo:~T""-:7~119:1:32~--;;\11$4";;~~~ OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-5 -SUN. G-5 LLOYD\S NURSERY ANO L~N DSCAPE CO .. INC. 2028 Newpart Blvd. (et S.y St.) Costa Meaa. CA 92827 / (71 •1 Me·7••t A Convenient Medical care center for the Entire Family ' ... Orange Coul DAILY PlLOTIPrlday1 July 23, 1882 REACH OUT AND PET SOMEONE - Chumley the basset hound apparently has a habit of answering the phone when his master Robert Smythe isn't at h is Chapel Hill, N.C., Alt Wlnlphoto home. In one "documented" instance, a dentist assistant called Smythe to remind of a dental appointment and heard the dog on the other. end. ftlUC M>Ta "9-C M>ncl •t0T1TIOUi .u ..... 11 ,iomJu.~11 WffiCl0 .. ,!..,.~ ftCnnout1 ........ , NAMI tTAHMINT NAMI l1'A~ ~ ........... ._. NAM1 tf.t-..J IN~~~~:w1n9 Ptt•on I• 001no Tiit IOllOWl"O ptrton It dolnQ co&Aot No. ... ~O~wlng ~rtOll It doing OAANOI COAIT li41LI. AND lMlnlM w. I T A" MOTO,.I, 1110 lo 0001\, HO I!. ~., lld 'L · hnla I)( pt AH DIN Cl IM A QI I lohool DltHlot: HIWltOllT • 11.,bot llvd . Co1tt MHI. OA Ana, CA 92707 WOlllKIHOpt, tool lale. ~ MUA IJNll'llD IOHOOL DtlTlllOT 12127 01vld H11otd M1mty, t 70 I IMOll. o,ilfom~ HMO IOOI I·' 11<1 l>Mdtlne: UO o'Cllook It M Of TiRAV ROARK, t t Ar ... C0Utt 18111 111 A Cotlt M•11, CA '2121 Ann.MMe olton, ..,a, IM 2nd day of A~t. 1H2 New00t1 Btacll, CA UNO M11h Oen• .AllDIOOll, nu HeiwoOcl INOll. O•llfomla HMO P l•o• or l ld ,..oelpt· 1H7 Tlllt ~It~ ltV"' Ceven Cit Muntlngton IMch CA TNt ~le oondllclld II'; Ill Pl1otnll1 It., Ootlt M111. CA 1no11110'* 126~7 llldMdull 92t27 ,.,,., "°"" Tiii• bllllnetl II '°1'\duoled by • Annellllll l<t lttOJ101 ldtnllllc•llon N•m• Thll ... ,_, WM flllO Wllll Ille Otntfal patlnttllllp Thi• •"""*'' WU with IM INTINOIVlXTl"I<>" ,AlNTIHG County Cltfll ol 0r-. County on Olvld H """"Y County a.ti Of °'11191 Oounty on ltl~ IJll11t are on 1111 1807 July 1 tH2 Tlllt lltltnlt'\I w .. "*' Wllll Int .My 20. 1MI. Plao1nU• It .. Co••• Miii, CA '1~ "'~· t C .... ·k OI "'·annt C""•Aty ~ '1-12127 Pu~11•• O Ortn""' COltl Otl J:;:; ri. ;'f92 V'···w .,,.... "'' PubllthlO Otange COHI Di iiy ' NOTICI If HfAEIV OIVEN 111411 hoe"..;;~ 17 is•io 1N2. ,1.,m Pilot, M ~. 30, Aug •. 13. t"2 1111 ·~"'*' 8chool D1t1r1ct ol • • ' ' ' m2.1a Publl1t11d Ot1ngt Coetl Delly U22.&2 Orange County. Callfomta. llGllnQ Pllol July I. t6, 23, 30, IH2 1----.. -.. -IC-..,,.-nr-r ___ by end llltough 111 Oov11nln9 3113·112 ,.-. "'"""' BOllfd, h«linlllll' t91.,ted to N .... IC lllll'IT1C( PIOtmoua IUllNIH r~ "" HAMii ltATIMINT MTTTIOUe IMl ... ll ~o~~ln9 p111on 11 doing MAim ITATl•NT TOY SOUND IF,ECT&. 1111e TM ·~ pareona .,. CSOlng °''""''>' Otlve. #C, Coelt Maea. CA bu"-.. 92828 LUIGI'S PIZZA. 1N2 Pl~lll WILLIAM LEON STORMS Strael. Coal• ....... CA 12827 c o c c ' 1.UIQI CAllPINTIElll. 204 ~~! c~;~:le '1"1• • • 011• Walle 'OtH I. Cotta Miu, CA TN• butlfllfll 11 conduc1ed by an 1212t lndlvldllll OUISEPPINA CAAPINTIEAI, W L St0tm• 204 Wallt For•t, Coat1 MMe, CA Thll el•ll"*'' wat ftltd with , .... 92e2& Or Coun Thia bllalneu .. oondllelld by .,, County Clark of "'91 ty on Individual. July 15, 1982 0 IMpplnt Cer llet'I 1'11a* Thlt ata~I WU 11:1 wlltl tM Publltnld 011ng1 CoHt Diiiy County Clerk of Ofange Oounty Of\ Piiot, Juty 18, 23, 30, Aug 8, IHI July 21, IH2 3209-82 Publl1lltd Orang• co.:1~, ____ PU8l __ 1c_NO_T_1c_E __ _ Pllo4, July 23, 30, Aug. e. 13, 1te2 OflANOI C()UffTY 3302-&2 .. UNIClltAL C0U"1' HAfla<*! MUNIC•Al. Dlll'ldcT P\JBt.IC NOTICC ,teTmOua euaaNaH NAMI •TATIMINT The lollowfng petSon(ll are 004ng bu11neu 11 .. , """"°'" flld. NlwPlfl~ CA "Dt8TAIOT", wlH IWAlve up 10, bul NOT!C410# TMllTIA IALI 11ot later lt11n tt\1 1bov•·tllltd lOlll No. Ol.IYETT!/l.AZA """·~bid• IOt lhe IWatd ol • T.8. No. ••.-ow c:ontrllCI IOt ttlt ·~ proi.ct NEWPORT "OMI! LO.AH, INC u llde tllaH b9 t~td In \lie ~ duly ~tlcl TNllM undlf !tit ldenllll•d l bOVI, •nd 111111 b• IOtlOWlng de9clflbed died of tfutl CJC)llllCI and publlely rMCI abH1 et Will ULL AT P.i84.IC AUCTIOH the lbov..1t1led time Ind pl-TO THI! HIOHUT llOOI" J'.°" Ttl11t wlll bl 1 NIA d1po111 CASH (PIV&bie II time Of Mii In requlreO lor 11ctl HI ol bid lawful money Of Ille Unli.d 111._I CIOOumlnlt 10 Q\<llltllM Ille ret111n &II rlgl\I, Utlt 'Ind lnter .. t ~ In good eondllloo '#1111111 NIA d•y• lo and now '*" by It undlf Mid an« tilt bid opening Ollt o .. o ol Trull In lh• prop11ty Each bid mu•t eonlCHm and bl lllflllnetl11 dMCllllld re1pon1lve lo the c;on1rac1 TRUSTOA BAUCE A CIUYfTTE documenlt. and SUSAN I LAZA, ,,,_beftd and Eacll bid lhall bl 9000mpanled Wiie ~ llW MQU(ity teltrrtd lo In Ille B~EFICIARY OR HOWARD A contract Oocumant• and by ,.,. lltl K H 0 H l • M 0 .. T t u. t.. I 0 r of ptoPQMd tubconlractCHI, HOWAAO R. l(NOHL. M.O .. INC. Tiit DISTRICT rtNrVN Ille rlghl PENSION TRUllT to re)eci 1ny CH all bid• CH to welve Recorded 8191.mblf 25, 1980 .. 1ny lrreg\14atltlet or lnformalHllt In lnelt Ho. 35 I Ill In boo1c 13768 pege 1ny b1cM or In tilt bidding l<IOll of Otflolll Reootct. In Ille olfioe Tiie DISTRICT llal Obtained lrom ol Ille f\Kor<Mr of Orenot COlll!ty, Ille Olfector of.the ~ment ol N110 OMC1 o1 trut1 o.ecrlt>et IM 1nou11r111 R11a110111 1111 11•n•re1 f~c'Emn11 "'° 11• 111 '"' prevalllng 11tt qf per di.rt! WJgn In ,.._ of ..___ e.kt'I. ,._....., at IM ioc.ilty In which lhl• wOt1I 11 lo ~·• • ....,..... ......... .. , I 9 state parks to be shut or ctit TL STABLES t60t Dow. Suite 270 N-POrl Beac;ll CA 926&0 Ta. Lev.,1ged Conc;19t1. Inc , a Calllornta COIPOt111on. 160 I Oovt Street Suue 270 Newport Beach, CA 92860 PLAINTIFI' HERITAGE BANI< .• Calll01nla c;orpor1tlon <Succea.to< ~n lnlttlll ol IRVINE NATIONAL BANK a Ntllona l B1nklng A1soc;11tlon) DEFENDANT JA MES E BENNETT DIANNE M BENNETT, and DOES ONE tnrough TEN . lnc;lullve bl pattormld for ucn etall or type Oranoe. 81111 of Celllornla, ol tNt ol woritman ~ 1o eaecute the c;1rl1ln Condoml111u111 Pro1101 contract T~ tll .. are on 1111 al d 11c;1 I b•O In th at c 1 tt1ln tlle DISTRICT olflol ioc.1ed 11 1657 Condominium Plan t9C:Otdld 111 Plac;entla 81 Colle Meu. CA book 107to, p age ~•. Olfloltl 92e:n. Copll9 m1y be obtained Of\ Record•. "' 111e olf~ of IM county A I lllM H rec0t<Mr of Or11>g1 County (IUGll req\1111 copy 0 t '8111 1111 plan being herMll11 ,.,.,,eel to u bl po.led 11 lhl IOb 1111 "'Ille Cotldominlum Plan"), and .. •UMMOH• Tiit foregoing M:tiedull of per ci.fll\ld In tllal Cllftaln Olcllr1110n This :iu11neu II conducl.O by a Elsinore patrols one Yictim of money-saving elf ort corporauon · Ta• Leve11ged Concep11 Inc; c ... No. 41141 diem wagH 11 bu•d upon • o f Cov•nant1, Condltlont a nO NOTICll You 111¥• bMn aued. wondng day of llQllt (8) hourt Tl'll RHtrlc;tlont for Newport CrH t The e..,,, may Oec:lde .. alftlt r.u rete ICH llOllOay and -•llnl worit wlll\Ov1 '°"' being llffld UflleH ...... be II ..... time Ind ooe-llalf H-. AMoclatlon, ,_did W1yne Schullr CEO SACRAMENTO (AP) -·The state says 1t will close or cut servtces in 19 of its 273 state parks to aave money~ -Ceapar Heedllllde •tate -...fl end "'-"'· rour mlles north ol ....,.docJno. Wiii be Cl<llld, a11110<Jgh c;-..i ll'try lor bMctl 1C01aa will be pernuneo. -'Dint Du-•tet• heotl, In lhl Santa Mon!Ga-Mlllbu .,... WIU be lutnec:I OWf to the •t•t• Oapanment of Fil/I Ind 01m1 later ttlla yeai-. T h11 11atemen1 ,,.., 11i.o with lhe Coun1y Cletlo. ol Orange County on June i9 1982 f112412 PuDhsned Or•noa Co111 0111y PtlOI. July 9 17, 23. 30, 1982 3108·82 yov reapond whhln >O dayt. "9ad It tllall bl m1ndatory upon IM In boolc 1034&, PIOI 1193.. Offtclal the lnl0tmatlon below. CONTAACTOA lo whom Ill• A1cord1 of Orang• Cou111y end 11 yoo '*'"' to .eel< tn• aovice 01 contract l• _.,ded, and ue><>n any -Omenll thereto. recorded In •n nuorney in lhll m111er you 9'.ibeOnllllClor und« Nm, 10 pay not booll !0314. page 461. Olflc;lal should do IO promptly ao thal your leat thin 1M Mid ac>adflld "'" 10 Recordt. and In boolc 10793, page wnllen ••9'>0"M 11 •ny may bl all WCH11men emp1oy1c1 by lhlm In 518 Olllc;tel Aecotdt ("1111 Camping fees will also be raised Jan. l, but by no more than the rate of inflation, the De partment o f Parks and Recreation said. -Adlftllll Wllll1m lfencll•J •t•t• fll1or1atto11 Ar.a, u 1nll11 north ol l a)'lon\lllM, Mando<;lno County. wlll bl cioald -,..,_.. • .,..... ~~. IWO mllM IOulll ol Pletcy. MlndOGlno County, win bl CIOMd -~ Ndge •tate ...,..., -• ol Santa Roaa, wtll be CloMd Sap1 16 unleN f" revanuM ere lllQher than tltp8Cled -Pofto&a ,-..._ ltarti In Ille Santa Cf\11 Mountalna, wltl bl cloMd Sept 15 un .... IM Income It l'llQ/laf lllln lllPIC'led 1111<1 on 11me Ille HICUllon of Ille con11ac1 Oeelarallon"). Ind Ille Oac:lera.'IOn Av I s 0 I u. I. 0 ha • I 0 0 No l>IOO. may withdrew Ne l>t4 Of Annual.Ion for LOI 2 of Tract t'O demand1do El trlbunnl puede l0t a pe<IO<I of lorty·flvl (45) da)'I 7817. fllle O.C:tatatlonl. •-Old dec•dir contra uo tm auo1enc1a a lft1< Ille date II\ IOt Ille opening of October 16, 1972 In tlOOk 10341. menos que UO re1pon01 Oenlto oe bidt ~ 643, Otliclll Rec«dt. In the P\8.lC NOTICE K~a Director Pete Dangennond Jr. said the park clQtUrea and service cuta would save $700,000 a year and the fee increases would bring in an additional $1.1 million. -TomalH aay •tale lt1rlt, M11ln ~ Tiie In-Ridge Portion win bl -LM 0.. Olkl ..... "-"• San Lule Oblapo County, 10 be clolld Sept 1. ITATIM .. fT 0# MANDOe._NT °" u .. cw 'ICTITIOUI IOtlNHt NA* The followlng p1r1one have abandoned Ille UM of Ille lietltlout ~ n1tn1 SUNSHINE LIOUOA et 724 w. 19111 Slteel, Coeta Meea. CalffOlnle 92&27 30 din l•• la 1nlormac.on que A p a y m t n t bl> n d a n d a olflol ol Ille county -dlf of Mid 1que pertonnance bond wlll bl tequlrad eou"ptyARCEL 2 An undivided Si Ulled deua 1011c11ar et P<lor lo eKecullon ol the contract. 114~111 inttrtll In a nd 10 lh• conHIO ae un abogaao en HI• Tiie p1yman1 bOnd ~I bl In tM -Thom10fl 11111 9aeoh, Dal)' City Al111ay c;loHd by ttorm d amege, II will remaln clolld unUI ne1tt \lune 30 II laltl -O.vloll •11ta IJlftl, Santt Berbart Coun1y, lo bl doMd Oct. 1 through Mateh 31. a 1un 1 o a• b • r 1 a n acer Io lorm 111 fort II In 1h1 contract CommOI\ AtN H Oalll\ld In 1111 8wtofl c..-•ta11 ltMl, -· ol Tahoe City, will bl cloMd. -....... Oft Lib ..... ~ttofl Aree, -1 of Freeno. The flnagold p0r1lon on IM -'9fuglo •tete ...._ S1nta 9artlara County. lo bl clOMd Oct. 1 lllfOUQh Mwcll31. ••oec>t 1hll wtlerl El Ceo111n 81111 8ead't ftlta up. Refugio wlll bl OC*'9d M nMdld Tiie llc11tlou1 bu11n111 name ••l•tr•O 10 1bov1 wu filed In County on June 17. 1082 1mmea1llteman11 de 1n1e m1nert Ooetimenll OaQarellon and In Ille o.datatlOll su re11>U11ta etcrita 11 nay alguna Governing 80ltd of Annexation, being L61 2 of T•ac:1 puede "' •lijl1tlreda a hempo Sy Ootothy H~ Flaher, No 7817, h Pet m110 •-0.0 In I TO THE 0£FENOANT A CIVIi c p M book 308, pag11 33 and 34 . comota1nl has l>len l11e<1 by lhe PurCf\Ulng Oltact0< MflCllltaneout Mape, In Ille ofllca of The parks affect·ed iuunediate ly are: -'*"' "-te e..cf\, 21 mli. ncwtll ol Cteeoant City near Ille Oregon bOfdlf, will bl Ck>Mcl, uoec>t lhll caaill wallt.tnt to the 1>MCt1 wt11 bl parmmed IOulh tide will be doa«S -F.,._ ll'ow•t o 111 at ,..._ Laka •tete "ec:teetton Ar-, Ml1 ol S.c1aman10 TCIU'a ..... bl diac:onlinued -LMe t--. ...... Rlcredafl Ar-. 10ul1-t of Corona. Lake Ind bolt l*fc»i w111 bl reduced end mllntananol of 1ne picnic; ... Wiii bl 11111 l>adl HYUN CHOO CHIN. 10t7 S Wliylldl Stteet. AMhllm, Calffornla 92905 ptaint•ll again•• you II you ""sn to Put>hthed Orange Co111 Dally IM county recor<Mr Of UIO county d•lencl lh•• .... IUJI you mull. Within P110I July 1e 23 IQ82 p A R c E L 3 . e II c; I u • I ". 30 days aller 1n11 wmmons 11 · · 3217-82 ~t• ac>PU'1enMI to MIO Un11 ~,..,90 on you •~e with lhll coort • Ho 1e. all ae mo11 apKIUcall;r -LMll °'O'ltll •tate AacfMtloft NM. -'""*• Tract ..... ~ AtM aou1r-t 01 Rio VlsU 1n 111e sac:r-t~ Joaquin Oella Th• public wlll 11111 llave aooeat, bU1 the ranger will bl rHAlgl\ld, ma1r11.,,_ money wm be oatarreo ano a 11111 will not be melntalned. -fmlfte Woed •tale •••oll. The c1mp•lt• portion wlll bt 11an1l11red 10 V1111u,. County lor OP«lllOll Kyung Soon Cllln. 1017 S Wa)'llde Street, Anaheim, CelllCHnil 92905 wt1ll8"1 rHpOnM 10 lh• compla•nl deiln.o •n Ille ~ Plan .. -IC a.inn.-c all() lhe o.ciatatlOn Unlesa you do 10 yOIJt delaull •Ill ,.~ nunw. PARCEL 4 A non·••cluelv• t>e en1erto on apphc111on ol the IC.o1021 .._...,,1 10 uae the common ., .. TM b<>al launcillng ramp and 0111« ladltti. II Soulh Forlb1y Ind half ol ,.,. boll·ln campe wtll be CloMd DEATHS ELSEWHERE I ALBION. Neb. (AP! -performances or George Eleaaor "Nell" Krause, 86. Gershwin's "Po,.gy and who in 1946 became the fir"St Bea" tn Los Angeles and woman to serve in the San Francbro. Nebruka Leg1Slawre. died Wednetday LOS ANGELES (AP) - Screenw·rt\er Mlclaael NEW YORK (AP) -Blukfort, 74, whose credits Aleiruder L. Steinert 81, a include "The Oline Mutiny," composer, pianist and ::T~e Plainsman" an~ conductw, died Friday. Tribute to a Bad Man, Steinert conducted the first died Tueecby DlllH NOTICIS WINSTON·SALEM. N.C. (AP) Dr Clt.arlee Hailley Stevens, 90, who built the -----------Piedmont Bible College into MALDONADO a respected 1nsutution, died P A T R I C I A A N N Fnday MANDONAOO. a resident of liuntlngton Beach, Ca. DALLAS (AP) -J~mea Passed away on July 21 R. Brown Jr., 58, president 1982. She had been a clerk of Dresser industries Inc .. for the U.S. Poet.al Service died Monday for the past 6 years. She is awvived by her aon Mark SAN ANTONIO. Texas Anthony, parenta Mrs. a.nd (AP) -O'Neil Ford, 76. one Mrs. John Williams, sisters of Texas' most well known Kare n Kroeger , Kathy arch1t.ecta, died Tuesday He Shotwell Dri>ra Buchanan designed the chapel at Texas Sandra 'Tarkington and W omen's University in Diana Holt, brother John Denton, the historic La Williams. Services wlU be Villtta and Hem1sFalr held on Saturday, July 24, compli:xes tn downtown San 1982 at 2:00PM at the Antonio Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel, 1625 Gisler, Costa LOS ANGELES (AP) Meaa. Ca. w ith P ast or Howard Strickling, 82, a Girardin officiating. Services M etro ·Goldwyn· Meyer under the direcuon of Batu publicist who promoted Bergeron Srruth & Tuthill Clark Gable. Spencer Tracy, We.td1ff Chapel Mortuary Greta Garbo and other film of Costa Mesa, 646-9371. st.an. died Wednesday. ,_ClllOTHHS NL&. nOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa S42·9t50 IAlnlHGH9 .. 5Mf114 & TVnflU WISTCU" CHA'8. 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 NICI llOTHHS swmtl' MOITUAH 627 Main St . l-klnt1ngton Beach S36-6539 PITTSFlEL.D. Mass (AP) -Caleb Roosevell, 19, a great·grancbon of President Theodore Roosevelt, died Thunday. P\JBt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI aU•INE•a NAMI! STATEMl!NT Tiie lollowlng persons are d<>4n; buS1net1 as PA INTING ANO MAIN· TENANCE COATINGS •862 Neely Ctr • 3 Hunlington Beach. CA 92S.9 Merlin K KCHuba ~2 Neely C11 • 3 Huntington Beech CA 26A9 Josepll Faecetla 5 772 Marthall Ot Hunungton Beech. CA 921149 Thi• butiMH II conducted by • gene<el pertnattfltp Maftln I( l<Otuba Tiiis 1latemenl WP hied With lhe County Cletk ol Orange Coonly on June 10. 1g92 Ftt1202 PublltlleO Orange COHI Dally PllOI. July 0 ,e, 23, 30. 10&2 311'42 Nil.IC NOTICE STA~ O' M~llNT OF Ull M l'fCTmoul IU ... llMAMI Tiii IOllO'#lno PlrtOn .... abarldOnad the ._ ol !'he FlcUl\ou9 ~nttt NM!e: REDWOOD 8UAL DESIGNS, 041 Unit 'E" lndu1try Way. "''""*"·CA 9~M3. Th• fllotltlowe Bualnaaa Name •l•rt•d to 1 bova ••• llltd In Ml)ll County CHI 1·23-f1 \llC1or AntOl\IO lfanoe10. tl7t' t ln , Hullll"Ofon leaGll. CA 1 TMI butln.1 w .. oonouc:tld 1tV lndl'ltdual Vietor A ltaneelO Tllia •llltffttllt .... fled Wltll the t)' Clatt! ot Of ange County on 7, tN2 '114Ul fl\ibll•Tled Ottno• Cotti Dally JUiy '· 10, u. :>O, tt12 Jta.U Tl'll Oec>artmenl Mid lM aJIOClllOn IOf the Big Sut ar .. SOUlll 01 Carmel wlll bl c;ut, but no reduction In -..no. la corllemplatad. Thll buainetl WU condllc1ed by llldlvldlllll (lluabl.nO and wtra1 Hyun Choo Cllln pl11n1111 and th11 court may entar I and fac;tlillaa of 1111 ......._.. .mOCfl 1uC19menl egelntl you l0t Ille retiel MOTICI M ,...v,..... cuimanded 1n 1ne c.omp1e1n1. wh1cn ntUt'flrl IALa "'.,.. belll or wlH bl ~ on PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUt aUllNfll NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng p@rson ts doing Pus•ness., WEST COAST ENVIRON· MENT Al 26' I Elden Coate Mesa. c~ 926:17 ROY PHILIP CANNIZZO. 264 I El<len Co.ta IAN9. CA 92827 Thia t>uainets 11 conducted by •n lnd/V~ Aoy Clnmuo Thll tlllamllll Wll liltd Mtl'I Ille County Cllfk ol Oranoa County on June 30 1982 1'1'2521 Published Orang• CoaSI Otlly P1101 July 7. 9 18 :13 1982 2e93,a< N!UC NOTICC K.-• ., A TOllNT 0# MANOOMMENT Of' UM OF f'ICTTTIOU• 8U ... H NAME Th• following pe rson have lt>lll'donld Ille UM ol Ille ric:1111oua bu1 ln111 neme R&W DEVELOPMENT NO II at tea Eat1 17tll SllMI, C:0.11 MaN, Calllomla 92&27 above The t1c1111oua buSINM namt t9'....0 IO W .. flleO In Counly on Augull 12. 197~ J Ray Conllrll011on Company, 188 Eut 17th Street. Co.ta M-. Calltornlt 92&27 Wellco. Inc;.. t88 Ea11 1711'1 Street. Co11a Meu. Ctllforn11 92e27 Thie l>ullneta WU oonduc1ed by a Cl8'* al per1ftll'1hlp l.41Chae1 0 Aly fOf J Ray ConttNCllon Co. f.om51) Publltll•d 011ng1 CoHI Da lly Pllol, July 23. 30, Aug 8. 13. 1982 3320-82 Ml.IC NOTICE STATEMENT OF A8ANOO.._NT Of' UH Of '1CTITIOU• au•tHEH NAME The following person Ilea aDandoned the use ol tile hclllloua bUsmess name IMPERIAL DYNASTY • 13 31&1 S11ee1 NewPOr1 Beacll, CA 92663 Tn1 F1c1111ous Bu11nt11 Name relerreO lo 1bovt wu llleO In Orange County on February 9 19112 MARl,.NO SALDANO 234 1 Wtl"#lck Avenue Lot Ar>Qeles. CA !I0032 T1111 t>u11n111 was conducled by en indlvtduel Menano Saldano This 1111.ment ... 111 llled wllh Ille County Clark ol Orenge County on Jurnt 30, 1982 FIU7U Publitlt•O 011nge COHI 01lly PllOL July 7, g, 16, "· 1982 2894-82 PlllllC NOTICC ftCTlTIOU• auMNU• NA• STAttMINT fhe lollowlnQ pa11on 11 doing butinetth SAl..'S SPORT SWAP, 171'9 Newport 9oulevaro. Cott• ....... CA 82627 NASER HASAN 9EHNAM, 3!IOO Park Grffn Ori.,.., CCHon1 Oet Mar, CA '2&26 Thll t>ullNH 19 c;onclucted by an lndlVldual NASER H llEHNAM Thie 1111.,.,ent WH filed with IM County Cllt'll of Onnge County °" Jvne tS IH2 ,.,.,. Publl1ll10 Ortnge Coall Dally Piiot, J\/lty 9, 17, 23, 30. tN2 31 ll·lli Mt.IC NOTtCE : Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •U•IHEH NAME •TATEMENT The 1011ow1ng pet19"5 are 004~ DUSlf\Mt U I RVINE FI NANCIA L INVESTMENTS 2091 Bu11n111 Cantet 011.,.. Su11e 200. Irvine. CA 32715 JAMES T CAPRETZ 2091 6us•n111 Center Df1va. Su111 200. lrvtne. C.A 927 I 5 KEN NETH S. KASOAN. 2091 Bulinut Cen111 Drive. Sulla 200 llVlne. CA 927 I 5 VANCE C SIMONDS. 2091 Bua1neH Cent&< O<wa. Sulle 200. Irvine. CA 927 15 FRANCES H 0000. 2091 Bu!ll,,... Cenler Orl..C Su111 200 Irvine CA 92715 Tn1s bu81rnttt 1s con0oc1eo by a ~tl parlnlflll•P James T Ce1>1etr ThlS Sleta"'41<\t "'" ltt.d w.lh Ille County Clatk ol Ottn91 County on July 7 1982 CAPMTZ ~ ICAtOAN Att0tner• at Law 209t auelnlu Cenlar °"" 8111t1 200 ,..,. Publi.lled Orange Co111 Dally PllOl, July 23, 30. Aug 8, 13, 1N2 3323-&2 could •null ,., g8fn1thmen1 01 T.I . No. 1M the lollowlng deecnbed r••I L I I IWOtlTANT MOTICI P<oPet1Y wages tb•ng o monnv or P'OPf!• y TO"'°"'""' OWW"= (11 Loi 1 of Traci No 7852 ... or otner reliel requuied in the YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A per map recCHo.d In bOOll 301, coomfr"E'nol J 1y 31 1980 OEEO OF TRUST, DATED 4·29-111, PI g 11 7 Io t Inc I u 11 v •. " u UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIOH TO Mttceuaneoua M114>1, In,,.,. office or P\JBt.IC NOTICE J Pele•son PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Ille county rlCOfdll of Uld county FICTITIOUt aUSINES• ~let: Ethon MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE EXCEPTING THEREFROM INt NAME •TATIMINT ~ty IF YOU NEED AH EXPLAHAT~ portion ol land lnc;luded •llhln Tna IO!lowtrlQ pettonl we OO<ng Law Otne.e of f100£fl A. SAEYIG 0 F THE NAT U A E 0 F TH E Perc•I I H ahown on a mt p bullneta u THOMA• J l'tlfNOYOST, Jfl. PROCEEDING AGAINST VOlJ. VOU r-cled In book 45, page 2e of R·VENTURES • 19 Mt•n Slleel 20l:2 llMehll-Ori••· ,.,1 .. too SHOULD ~T .ACT A LAWYER Patcel Mapa. In ,,.,. olflcl of tlle Suit• 7~ Hun11ng1on B11ch CA lfYlne CA 92715 Oii .Augutl 111, 19&2. at 10-00 County Aaeotdll of Uld county 92648 P1101111110 Oreng. • Co111 oa11~ a.m., Aaaldtnllal EQUlty Flnanclal aa 121 L011 1. 3 ano 4 of Trec;t VICTO" C ROBELET. ga72 P1101 July 9 16 23 30 l9"82 ~ ~ Trwltl ~ 1"4 No 7817, .. Pet m110 ,_,,.., In Pt11101nt1 OrlH Hunt111g1on 3112·82 ~I to OMO of TNlt r-dld booll 31>8, payn 33 end 3.-; Beach CA 92448 . Ml'f 22, 1Nt, u lnal. Ho. 30909. In ~ M..-. lfl the Ofllol of MARGARET A ROBELET. l'tllJC HOTlC£ booll 1<I070. ~49. of Ofllc:lal ~Couflly A1cotd11 ol H id ::;h~~!":ifa',.98 Ot1ve Hunt1ngl0t1 NOTICI O' TMISTU'I IAU! =:::~"'orange~~ -• E~0cEPTING THEREFROM Thia bullnell 11 conducled by an ~No. "7•19 of Calltornla, e 11 1 cut1d b y 11ow111er. any end all ••c;lutlv• 1na1v10utl T.•. No. 80292-J RESOURCES DIVERSIF IED euemenh 1pput1tnan1 10 all Vtclor C Rot>elll WEST·MONT FINANCIAL CORP INCORPORATED. I Olll1homa Condominium Unl11, 811C1C>tlng t..o Tnis ttatement was hied W11h lhe U duly appointed TrutlM under tlle C<>fPO'allon, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Unit No 18 now or hl rHft•r Counly Cleft. ol Ota"91 County on IWollowlnglLL s Ldalcll ·r"badPuedeldLIC ·uc°' T1rut1ION AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOEA ,...,,Id lo In Ille DedatatlOll Of the J 30 1982 IVILL s~ " " FOE CASH (plyabll II Um• Of .... Oeclat1tl0t\, .. ~ u,,. '1~ TO THE HIGHEST 8100£A FOR In la-.lul money of the Unlled A L S 0 E X C E P T I N G Pubhshed Orange Coast Oatl~ CA~ (peyable •1 lime of Mii In Stat .. ) at IM nortll lfont entrance THEREFROM one hundtad percent P1t01 JUiy 2 t 16 23 19112 '-M m<>n111 of Iha United s111 .. 1 of the Orll'QI eo.nty ~. 1~1 of a11 ng1111 to Oii. gee ano 29 t&.82 all right. lltla and lntar .. t con....,_, 700 CMc: Cini« OrlYe WMt, Senta olllet l'lydrocart>On tubl1MCIM lylf'Q t------------lo and now l'llld by II un<* Uld Mt. CA 92702 Ill tight, lltll Ind unOlr. Of INI mey bl procM:>ac:t P\JBt.IC NOTICE Deed ol Ttull In the P•OP•tly int-I~ to Ind now held lrom 1111 ebove deec:rtlMIO 1a11d, •------------hanMnatl« oaacrlbad· by 11 llndat Mid 0..0 or Trvet In IM together Mth one hundred pWcan1 FICTITIOUI to•M•I TRUSTOR WARREN J E8EALE property allullad In Mid County 100%) Of alt f1gl'llt. 10 tne P"~I NAMf ITATHllWT and JUANITA C. EBERLE. hlltband end State deec:ribld u therefrom and one tlundfed l*'Olf'lt '112S77 Tiie IOllOW'ng ~'°"' are dOln<,i and wit. at jOlnt lertlllll PARCEL I (1()()%) ol alt rent1. boouM1 and Pubhthed Orange CoHI Dally ou11neu u BENEFICIAAV: CONSTITUTION Loi & of Ttac1 968g, In IM City of profltt accruing tllarefrom. prOVldlO lrvlnl, CA t271S.11M pilot July g 16. 23 30, 1992 HOLING FAMIL V PARTNERS. S A V I~ G S A N 0 l 0 A N Nowport 8elch, u per IMP llted In ,,_, lhll Granlor wal-and 3 115.92 32371 Canbb11n Drive, Laguna ASSOCIATIO N,• Ca llfotnla Boott407,PagM7to12lnclullwof rallnqulthH th• tight 10 uH ot ------------N!Quel CA 92677 eotp«lllon "-dad July 22, 1981 Mlecell1neou1 M1pt, rKord1 ol oec:uc>Y or to enter upon any portloll PlaJC NOTICE JoM Erwin Holing tnO P11rlcia U lnllr. No 293e9 In boolc t4 t49, Mid County. I tlle tlirl-and 500 !Ml t>etow -------------Wiiey HOhng Trull" ol tl'll J and ~ 1159 of Ofllc:lal Aecordl In Ille EXCEPT THEREFROM all oil, gu, Ille 1urlac1. m111urad verllc111y IC.-? P Holing Aevoclbll Tr1111, daled office of tM Aecoroar of 0renge mineral• and 01h11 llydrocerbon from tM _._of Mid land. for the NOTICa CW DtaSOLUTIOll Juf'I 19, 1969 3237 I Carlt>t>Nn Couney, Mid dMCI of l•Ull OMct1tlM 1Uba1tlllCM lylnQ below a d9C11h of purpoee of d•Wng lor, c:apl~. Of'" a W ~ 0<1ve Leguna.NIQUll. CA 92677 the f~ P"oP«1Y' 500 feel Mttiouf 8")' l'lgrl1 to ent.r producing, etotlng, lt81tll\Q o r NO. I Owlghl W Holtng. 4231 GUbet1 The Soul,_1er1y 55 !Mt of upon lhl _._ Of tfll tublllrl-01 .......... handing 0t ut!llDng 1UC111 Pureuan1 10 S«tlOn 15035.5 of SllMI. Oalllllld CA 9'& t 1 the Nort....._,erly 12$ 1111 ol tile of Mid iano •bO'l'a t detpttl al !00 od, g .. or other hylelr~ or tM Cofi>oratlOnl Codi o1 IM Slltl Emll)' HOiing Diiion. 8520 tOlh NOrllllllllrly 100 1 .. 1 ol tlle felt, It prOVIOad ln lnttrumenta of mineral 9"bt'-tor !tit purpoee ol Calllornla, the unttertlgned, A.,.. tM. Beanie, WAN t 17 Sout..._,.,1y 200 feet ol Loi 253 of record or u1rc;l1lng Grantor'a rlgh11 contllluUng .. of lllt Pertnere of A Th•• t>u-• II conducled by • Newport Haigtlll :rraet ... 11\0wn ()ti PARCEL 2'. th•••lo ... rHllYl d In O••O• & W DEVELOPMENT NO. II. 1 gat>era4 partnarll\lp a Mep t-4e0 m Sook 4, Pege 83 e-ta M llUCfl ~1 -0.0 Mey 17. t972 In boOll ge,,.,al partnatlhlp. llereby give JOM Erwin HOiing of Mleeel'-Mac>t. tlCOfdl of l*'IJCularty Ml forth In the Midi 10129. pege 167, Olflclll "9oofde. nollol thlt tuc:ll Partlllftlllp WM Trull•. Par1nat Mid Orange Coonty 1n1lt11d "E111m1n1t" of the end t_. December 27, tN1 In dlaaotvld u of June I . 1982, and ltl Thll 1latamenl wit llled wolh the VOU ARE IN OE.FAULT UNDER A Deel at 1tlon ol coven t nll, book 6957. page 885, Olllcl1I alfalrl haw bM11 wound up. County Clerk ol Orange Counry on OEEO OF TRUST DATED JULV 13, condltlon1 end 111tlfct1on1IAaoofda. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th• July '· 1962. 19&1. UNLESS vou TAKE .ACTION deecrlbed In "Subjeci To:" below YOU .ARE IN DEFAULT UHDE.fl .A pettlet hefeto 114i.,.. o.acutld thlt Hufsl~. Mlltlr, Clflaoll TO PROTECT VOUA PROPERTY. IT (Ille "Oec;ler1tlon") und11 the 10 EE 0 0 F T R UST 0 ATE 0 Notice .. of lllt lllh Olly of June, a ... td•laJ MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. s.ctlOn hlldlngt In "'°" Artlela !SEPTEMBER 19, 1980. UNLESS 1082 A uw '"'--""' lnetudlftt IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION enllllld aa follow1· "Atgllte end VOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT A & W DEVELOPMENT NO II, P•ofHtlonal COfJIO'attofta 0 F THE HAT URE 0 F THE Outlet . Ullfltl .. 1nd Cable YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAV BE a Cllf*al partnaralllp 4000 MacArthur 111Yd1 PROCEEDING AGAINST VOU, YOU TllevttlOn", "Support, Saltlernenl SOLO AT A PU8LIC SALE IF VOU 8y J RAV CONSTRUCTION lull• 7000 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. and Encroecllmant", "Community NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE CO . Newpof'19Neh, CA HMO 2110 Orenge Avenue, Cotta Faclllll11 EHementa", "Ptl'tlll NATURE OF THE PflOCEEOINO a Celllomla corporallOn, f1'2!514 ~CA t2&26 StrMt Laridtc.a pe M1lntenance" AGAINST YOU, VOU SHOULD general Ptttnar Publlthed Orange CoHt Oatty "(Na t11WI ~ o< oommon and "O••ln•o• over Community ONT.ACT A LAWYER. JatMt w Aly. Pilot J\/lty 2. t , 18 ~ 1982 ON lon•llon 11 etlown above. no Fldltlll" 200 Cotumbl• s1,...1 Newport Vlol PteeiOenl 2921-&2 wartanty It given II lo ill PARCEL 3 BMcfl. CA 92te3 MIChMI o Aly. ------------fc:omc>let-or correctneat) The ~t OYll' tM Iott owned by "(It a etreet add•-or oommon Sec • Trau P\8.IC NOTJCE beneficiary undet Hid O..o ol "&lb)eci o.ner." ICH tM putpOea d11lgnat1on la tllown above, no By; WELLCO. INC., ------------fTNlt, by reaton of I breacll or of ticarclalng the rtgllta of OfllrtM artan ly It g ive n 11 to Ht • Calfomla Corp.. ll'ICTITIOUI eu1 ... 1• deleull In tne 0~11on1 MCUt9d herein at 1n "EnfordnO Own«'' 1a plel-or oonact-1 ... general partn« NAME ITAT"E•NT tlllfeby. 11e11tofort 111aouted and 1ucn term•. 1011 and 1&Mm1nt Tile banellclwy under Nld OMCS Thomtt H Wlllll, Tiie loHowing pareons 111 dotng Oellv•t•O lo lht undtrelgned a rlgtlta ara more oompl9tely defined f Trvtt, by ,_ of • brMCll or Prnldenl buatnnt u · written Daclareuon of o.t1un Ind artct dMcrlbed In the Cultom lot 1ult In tM obllgatlont MQUred Publlth•d 011ng• Co19I Dally SOUTHERN C ALI FOANIA Dalnand fOt Salt, and written notto. Otclllr•tlon dlacri'*' In "Subject lllrtby, llll'etofor• a•ecuted and Pllol, JIJly 22. 1982 ALARMS INC., 120 E 23td St. of breldl and Of llactlon 10 cau.. To:" below. (11'11 "Cuttom lot allv111d 10 the und111fgnad a 332&-82 Sutle 22, Colla M .... CA g2&a7. (A Ille undartlQnad to H ll H id 0.CWlllon"). ttan Dadarlllon of °"'*'" and ------------C11tl0tn1a c:otPO<atlOn I prOC>lf1Y to lltltf)' Mid obllglllona. The t tr11t 1ddr111 end 011111 fot Sela. and""'*' notlOt PUBUC HOT1C£ Oanllll S Cua. 102 Eucalyptva ind thett1lt•t tho uno1111gn•d dlljgn&Uon. If .,,,,., ot tlla breldl and OI 4f8Ct10n .io - Ln Coeta M .... CA 921127 ~ lllcl notloe of brMcll and Of real propatff dalctlbld above It ht llnd111l9n1d to ••II n ld &.aGAL NOTtC9 Timothy J Ona. 2112 College _..IOn to bl Aecotclacl Apf1I '· por1ild to bl # 12 Trel1f0er, to utWy Nkt o4111gtliona. ~ .-aA UNWIU> O< . 0ot11 M-. CA 12&27 tt82 .. lnlt No 82· 117909 tn t>oott "'11<>'1 hedl, CA 92te0. nd 111111att11 1111 und11alontd tctt<>Ol CMITNCT TNt bull,_ It conducted bV t , P101 , ot aald OlllQlll Thi undtrllgned Truatea aald notice Of.._ and of Notloe """'"'... eorporlllon Reoorda. dleclllmt any llatllllly fot any Ion to bl Aecordld A4w• 2. •NO. 11~ Soutlltfn Calllor111a Said tal• will bl made, t>u t lncionlC1,_ of IM etlMI addreet 1N 2 .. lnllr. No. 12·11~18 ltl NOTICE IS HEAEBV GIVEN lllt l A\armt, lno wlltloUt c;ovenant Ot war11nty, and ottlll' C0111mOn dallgnltlon, It a1k1 01t1c1e1 Recordl • ·-. Illa Board of Education ol tht Daniel S Cul ""' ... or llnplld, regarding tHll, tll'f, lflawn l'lereln. Said tall wlll tie m1de, 1>11t Nawporl·M111 Unlll•d Schoo1 Pf•ldan1 poauuton, Of ~-. to Seid ula wlfl bl mafe, but w1111ou1 cov1n a111 or ••'~•nty. Ol1trlc1 of Orange County wfll Thll tlltement wa1 lllld wttll tM plV tl'll t9fNllnlnO ptlndPll 111"' of llhout covenant ot warranty, ~ or lmplled. regan11ng tttte. tacal-.. 11t11c1 bldt up to 2:30 9.m. County °""' of 0r1ng1 Collftty Oii tt11 nottt•I ~ bV Mid Deed ot ~ or tmplled, raoardlflg tide. po11 .. 11on. or ~ to on the 2nd dey of AUQull. 11112. •f June 28, 1H2 Trutt, wl111 lntareel at In Mid nofl ou1ttlon. or 1t1oumbrancH, ~ tM ramafn4nO pr\nOlpll eum of Ille olfloe of Mid 8cihool Oltlrtal, f'tm. Pfovtdld. ldVllnoea. If ln)I'. unftr 1nctudlnq fHa, ollarOH and lhl nola(•I MCutld by Mid Deed of localed II 1817 "'-1tla Sltetl, . Publl1t11d 01111g1 Ooatt Dally 1111 tanM of Mid Olld of Trwt, 4111pena11 Of the Tnmt.e end ot the TNtt. With tnr.,.., u In ti111ct note eo.ta MaM, Clllfomll, •t whleh Piiot. July 2, g, 1e. 23, 1982 ..._ Cf\ltVtt encl •lJllllM of tn. tru•I• orHtld lly Hid o.td of provided, ~ It an1. Uftdet time llld tllde wlll be publicly 2022-&2 Tr\lftM ll'ld of tlll tNlt• cn9led by N9l. to p.y the,.,......~ 1111 tanna of Mid Deed ot Ttvet, ~ ancl ,_, IOr .id Dead ol Tn*. of lhl .-.(•) L": ..... cMt'Qtt end ...,.,... of "" I U A ' L. U I ' R 0 ' I R T Y Pml.JC llJT1Ct . Uc! .... wtl bl l*4 on M~. of T,,,.. '° wit; lllO NN9 Md Of tM lt\lltt Q9tad by CONlllTINQ 01' ONI IACN AUll"19,1"2 _, 2:00 pm , at tl'lt ~ 1Nr9on ll"CM'll M*Y 22. 111k1 Oaed of T'Net. aa141 ...... Mi HL.OCATA•LI C&.AllROOlll, ITA~ OI A&UDOllllKWT ~A-anfrtnOI to tlll 1M1 • 20.0CM pw """"" • "'*' °" ~. AwguM a. 1M2 • DOUllU Kai Ofl ~ OP CMo Center lluHdlng, 300 bat llf'O'ltold In aid note(tl p1111 00919 2!00 "-"" 11 !tit ~ A...,_ "'bide.,. to" Ill~ PICTmOU8 ....... ...... Cl\tOfll'llie Awnua, "' tfle City of trMI ""' --of U07,MLA 1nt11flct to 111.-CIVIC C•""' trlth oondltlof'I• etattcl '" bid nit 1011ow1n1 Pttt611• 11• • Or~ CA wcm.,.,.... 11111e11n1 , 100 111t Oll•~m1n otdlaoe nOW on ,.. In IN oflllol of ~Idol*' 1111 l.IM of tfle Itel" • At th. t 1111. 0' 111 t In 111 •I TN ~--Dead A.-ut. "' the City ol 0..-.. the ,I)~ Olrec:1Df ol Mid ~ nerne" l w °""*-nt pu~ ot trM l'IO\IOI, lllt total °' T"* ~ ..,..., ft A' I h. 11 m. ot th• I" 11 t •I 8C1lloot Dtflrlct, 11117 Plaoent11 It 1M la.. 1fltl ltre9t. llAel .,.A, ...-t of thll unplld MllnOe ot lllt cltllvafld to tnt unden .. f'ttel a pUblloltlon ot 111111 "°"°' ~ ~ llt1W9t, 0-. Mee&, Cellfomla. Colt•.._. CA tMlT. ~ wand by 11'9 above """*" O.C.at1on of dtltlillt llld ""°""' ol 1111 Ullpeld be1enot o1 N A l ld DtMeM of Olw TllOuMnd Tiie lloltttoue bue111eH namt clHOrllltd d"d of trutt 1nd Dllftand tor ...., Ind 1 ~ ~IOll .....,. by lhl ..,_, 004laf'9 (11,000.00).,.. llt ~ r-'•rt•d to a tto11a "'" med 111 tttlf!,.ltcl co.te, t.11PtnNt. •lld Mottoe °' ~ encl Dll*ln '° dHorlbtd o .. d of '""' and "'1M '°"" ot a lld tonct, CMnilt'• ~on Auauet= 1111. flt .a1oe, tlO.ll. .... ni. .....__, .._. lllld .. , •• ,.., oo.te, ~. MO C1M1C1! 0t Cel1llltd Ctllok, ft*'t . (1) .J. AA'Y 00 ST"UCTIOPf To 1MUr1Nnt1 tt1t optnl\'l9 bid, Notiot of ~ anc1 ..._ to adVanOlt la M?.-.'4. paylb~he Ntwpott·MtH ~/Mt, tM 17'tl atrMI, ~ nwy oe11f.14:ttf.-.. W to 1111 ,_,..... In N ooumy To dMlmlllta h ~ b1cS. Unrllad '.9dlo Dlttrlct. COiia W-. CA lltl?. _._,.. M 1 .._. tt1a ,.., P'--'1 la ......., ~ I'll¥ -{7141111.o.a- The Ion Of ~IOn ~ (2) MUCO, INC.. t~ wtlt-Mo "NANQIAl ""'""*' ~.......... Cate:"""~ tl\9 right to ref1ct wiy ot II bide and 11tl't ..... Coeta ..... CA ..WT. CON • lllld tNMM, ~ ~ &.OAH.: t• waive any 111for'"allty ot Tllll...._ ... ,aottdflr• ..... T~ ..ea~~. !HO ~.t.-z~· ..... ..c.-~=-I ~.~:;llAVICI co . ~::.,. "'*'~~ T .D . •u1v1c& acttOOL DllT190T tf J "9y C:.• Ill 1 Ot. ., C1r10f ...._.__, (1141 ~ --··. • ,,. ___ ...... ~ --· -........... w . _ ............ ~.. ,.._,G.PJI&. ~a.'ICOf~~-OMOll1 -.. ~.a.Dy,<'-· ~~ flU , .... ......, J4#J 11, tlN. .... ~ ......... H1rW *-OM Ollw•••-=---~-= "",,...., .._.,;:.~~-=-.i ~ """ ........... Of9f'll ~ pt111111aMO °'*"" C:Odt Dtllly ,.,,.,...,_ o..t '"llilttlM 0.-t OailV Dt11fr ,_, ~ n,; IO., A4, Tiil 17,.> Not -Mt , .. 23, ttu ~Mr D. AA.II· .. 1J, , ........ -Mt ti; n. ,.. ... ,,,..,.... ~ .,... U1M2 1111 1171... an..-.-.. ~ 1t. IS. 11. ~ ,, ..... . l by Bii Keane BIGGEORtlE a l f ~ ~ • ,.. by Vl~gll Partch (VIP) "He,_s lookin; at our speedometer." .. Oecqe. l11t night I dreamt I could fly:'' by Brad Anderson . "Because you dragged me across the street.. .It's called jaywalklngl" SPLUT Me, Too, f'ROF. BU~ -- FOLLOW ME! ACROSS 84 SIMI 1 On lligtl --on THUUDAY'I PUZZLE tot.YB> II Colt org. 117 Dog 10 "Too btdt" 118' 14 Serpent 68 In tlfldtm: 15 Admlnllt• 2 WOC'dl 1e l.olobflaldl 10 Dence 17 ~ 71 Utopia 1t GM oft 72 TlbeC'• 20..... Mlgllbor 21 a.Mlt 73 N.Z. ttvvb 23 UnmcMng 74 ElCUde 25 Tt• 75 °"" 2ta.tlan DOWN 21 Mr. cn.n.r 1 QfWdy 2tled• 2~ 31 FW1 3 Dllc:loelno: 33 worti· ~· 2 WOfdl ~ llndlngt 4 Ct1mlMI 3e ~ 5 MOit.... 21 Hlrlldlc 40 ~ ..... Set. belt'~ 42 r.tiooe -7 " ...... 30 C'Mlt 44 ""'.... •Ide--! 32 Prune 41,.._.. POe as ··--47 ooewtne t ,... lr'4tlen • p r' ........ .... 17Aultlng IOl\llry ,.,......, -~ .......... ,,.....,., ·---· tZ ..... -,..._, • .. Tlllt..-n tar. '' "Mamme .,.... , ......... • ,.... 22--.-. ,, ......... ca.--..... rra.,.. IHANKSTo )OUR TRUSTY GUIDE . • Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Frld1y, July 23, 1982 .. . by Charltt M. Schulz SHOE YOU Wll MAV! TO WAIT A!4 E)(TRA TWO MINVTE5~~ ... IS TAAT AU. R~? -rn~! FINl5~ WllU llE~ ... ~ru. ~ IT INTO lUE. OL' ~-~E'(!! 0 0 ........ ~~~:.::.J~ ~ANC\' -------~CAH™INK TME lJNTMtNKA&le'? by Ernie Bushm1ller I WONDER I'M NOT TAKING ANY C14ANCES SLUGGO ASKED ME IF IT'S SAFE TOGO OUT IN A BOAT HE BUILT - by Gus Arriola HOW CA>J AN J:IGHr PC>U;JD IUTTY NUD61!: A HVN~ At<D f'J.EN1V PQ».10 Pl!llhON CFF TIJE. Bl=D? by George Lemont IHA,.. WE:IRD WOMAN IN 2.14 IS POPPING Pl L.L.S AGAIN .' I . . ! : I ,. .. ] BRAND NEW 1982 _TOYOTA TERCEL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (448217). Don't miss this economy speclal at only BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan .. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (263857). This week's special at only 55199 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Door Uftback. 5 speed transmlsslo.n._MR.X &ter~ radio, pin stripes, bucket seats, Wheef weU moldings and fully factory equipped. (599431). Special this week at only 55299 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 'fl ton model with 4 speed transmlssJon & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). This tough truck Is fully fact()()' equipped & priced to sell quick at only 55699 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOIA 4X4 PICKUP Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transmission, window package and fully factory equipped. (046580). Go 4 wheelln' for only 57799 TOYOTA .J 1966 Haltxw BIVCL- Thinking of seMlng your car? If so, please consider our TAIEX system. We will sell your car as -you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise. qual- ify all prospects, take trade-ins. have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TAIEX representative to hst your car today' 714-646-9303 714-540 -9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY!! I 1171 CIULLEIQER SPORT COUPE Auto 1ran1 .. air cood .. stereo tape, power 11eering, brakes & Window-. tilt wheel. alloy wheels, new Tu-Tone paint & low miles. (18JK72•) Don't miu th11 grNt ~ tor onty $4999 . 1111 PEllEOT "104" DIESEL • speed trans.. AM-FM cassette. power steering. power brakes. power windows. sunroof & morel Very a.an! (0•9TZUI. A real steal at b9low wtloleNle bluebook at $4599 1171 lmYY CHEYmE MITCMUCI CPE. Economlcal • speed with air cond . radio, tilt Wheel, roof racil. custom interior. exterior trim package & morel Exceptional Inside & out! (507XJX). $3499 197& OPEL "DELUXE COUPE" Great transportation with an automatic transmission. stereo tape end morel Original and clean Inside & out (772ADH). $2299 1111 TOYOTA CELICl COUPE Popular 5 speed w ith air cond .. power steering & brakes. stereo cassette, alloy wheel• & exterior trim packege ( 10MH538) Don't miss this starting sliver beauty '°' onlys7399 1111 TOYOTA COROLU 11LlnllCI" Aat"o rra111 . a~ . power steering & brakes. AM-FM radio. exterior t rim pack.-g-e & more ( 18PD577) Great economy & tupef' stytlng at )u81 $6499 1110 TOYOTA CELICI .. ,, T. un11c1 " Top per1orm1nce 5 Speed with air cond AM-FM stereo lllt wheel rear w indow shade & more Sparkling red metallic finish with under 16,000 mites• Must see• "".$6599 1171 TOYOTA COROLU 11IELUXE 2 10011" Automatic transmission Fully factory equipped plus ext•I« trim package. New beige finish with saddle Interior (•76NIN). Don't min this special at onty s2999 1177 lllil IMI 1'11"UP1W Economic* 5 IOMd wlttl 11r oond., 1tereo CHHite, exterior trim package & more. (725ZLF). An outatandlng buy at only 1171 OPEL 11DELUIE COUPE" Automatic transmission, air cond .. AM-FM radio, H terlor trim package and morel An ootstandlng cer In every respect! (8S•UPO) $3499 . 1· ,. f '• Angels hit Broadway NEW YORK -GeofC Zahn will be on the mound for the Angels tonight in the first game of a three-game series with the Yankees, and that's bad news if you're a Yankee hitter. Zahn's off-speed stuff has befuddled the Yankee hitters three times this year. The most recent was a two-hit gem July 9 it Anaheim Stadium. It was also the Angels' first complete game m nearly three weeks. And a complete game is what Manager Gene MaUch could use right about now. His relievers have failed on several occasions on this trip , i n c luding Wednesday night's 8-7 setback at Baltimore. In that one, it was left-hander Andy Hassler who served up a two-run double to Benny Ayala in the bottom of the eighth inning .. New York is currently eight nine games be hind ~merican League-F.ast leader Mil'Naukee. Tonlght the Yankees wUl pit.ch left-hander Shane Rawley (5-5). LLOYD WANEK DEAD AT 76 OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Buebal.l Hall of Farner Lloyd Waner, a 19-year veteran with a .314 lifetime battin1 averaae. died Thunday of compUcaUOnl related to emph)'lema. He wu 76. Nicknamed "Uttle Pol8on," he 1tarted with the PUt•bur'h Pirates ln 1927 and 1et a ma)>r -..ue record wtth m hits .. • roolde, betUne .30~ that yeAr. Ilia brother Paul, a fellow biillball IW of J'UDl'f known .. ~ Poeloo," dSed in 1~. , BUSINESS STOCKS C4 · 06 Carner has slim lead . at U.S. Woman's Open in S,,cramento. Pase C2. Hot spot Friday's hot spot ii at Coat.a Mesa 's Oran1e County Fairground.a where speedway motorcycle action takes pl.ace before near sellout crowd.a on a regular basi1. In recent action, Alan Christian (far left) gets ready tor a big race after explainina some of the intec.caciea of his bike with 1 nfield announcer Margo Klng. Engliah rider Shawn Moran (with the PJl helmet) shrts a comer in a race with thr .. ~ riders in cloee pursuit. Rae ng, which begins at 8 o 'cl >Ck tonight, continues t.hn ughout the summer. The Ull al schedule includes 26 rac !S. Moffet qualifies a second time Louganis • returning Meagher, Rhodenbaugh, Hayes also win at swim trials By HOW ARD L. HANDY Of the o.-, Not ..... There are still many peaks to conquer for young John Moffet in the world of swimming but for the present, he ii perfectly happy with the progress he has made. Moffet, a graduate of Newport Harbor High and a resident of Costa Mesa swimming for the Beach Swim Club, became only the second American ever to break 2:18.0 for the 200-meter breas tstroke in winning the event ThW'9d.ay night. Moffet posted a 2: 17 .99 mark, second only to John Hencken'• U.S. record of 2:17.26 on the fourth night of the United States' World Champlonahip Triala at the Misalon Viejo Swim c.o.tiplex in Marguerite Recreation Center. The victory makee him a double qualifier for the World Garn.ea to be heJd in Guayaquil, F.cuador, July 29 throuch Aug. 8 and he will swim apin Saturday in the 200 individual medley. Moffet wa1 one of four winners Thunday night. Mary T. Meagher, America'• pmruere butterfly spedaliat, made it in the 100-meter event with a 69.44 effort; Kim Rhodenbaugh won the women'• 100-meter breHtetroke in 1: 11.04; and Mi11ion Viejo'• Bruce Hayea became the only double winner for the flnt four dayt of the lix-day affair with a win in the 400 free in 3:63.19. Moffet took the lead on dw thltd lap of the four·lap event and Mid be did it the way he had planned. "I felt 1ood oorntna home and I pomtbly CXJUld have IOI» a UtUe !Mt.er,'' he Mid. "I hlid a little left at the end. • "But I went out bard tlill momlnl and felt I wOuld hurt m)'Mlf by doU\i It tonlabt. P*lea here mean a lot more than time. The time will come in the World Games. "My strategy in F.cuador will change from day to day. I'm just going to race whoever is there. "I figured Glenn Mills would be my chief competition. I knew he would be riaht there and he's always in contention. "I've been tapering for 16 days and usually I do it for three or • four weeks. I just want to hold onto it another week. I felt in control all the way tonight." Moffet said the knee he injured during the high achool season while playing on the beach in Corona del Mar, has healed completely with Leon Skeie of Orange Coast College aiding his recovery. He alao talked of his early aaaociation with swimming. "I started when I was 11 and I read every article in Swimming World. The whole thing of world c hamplo n1hlpa -jus t the thought of competing at that level gave me a ihrlll. I've always had some doubts in the back of my mind but put positive reinforcements in to overcome the doubts." Rhodenbaugh also had the second fastest-ever effort for an American in the women's 100 breaststroke. She defeated favorite Tracy Caulkins who finished third behind Jeanne Childs. "I knew I'd get third but I wanted first or eecond," she said. "I improved by 1 ~ aeconda. Yea, I wu under preaure knowing I qnly had one more shot at makina the U.S . teem." Meagher, the world record holder ln the 100 fly, posted her third futelt time ever in winning in 69.44. Bu~ she hat chanced her tra1nlna hat)lta over the years. .., did a double warmup when I •t the record but I only do about half that much aJlymore. l wae kind of worried ln the morninl becauee my 1troke didn't feel qulte ri,ht. But I usually IWim futer at nlaht. 411 ttl.11 try to compete with the t1mea I did wblft 1 WM workina out man and I look badt anil don't know how J 9WI' did lt. "I don't feel any~ and l enjoy awlmmln1. ln Ecuador 1 there will be a few •1 1:09 and 1:01 but moll will be around 1:04 and 1:0&. I think ~ ane RUM&ao and a Japul!llle IWtrDms are pt at the buUll'Qy.11 ~-tbe~ot beComml the f1nt doijb)e wtnner oi me w.. altboUlh .,... .,. expeNd before tbe ftN1 eve\ S.tUrday. f to form INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Even with a sometimes-painful shoulder, Greg Louganis is quickly returning to form aa the premier diver in the United States and, poaibly, the world. "Hopefully, my peak wUl come in 1984 (for the Olymplca)." Louganis said after easily winning the gold 1nedal in the men's 3 -meter springboard competition Thunday night in the U .S. Olympic Committee's National Sporta Festival. "But I'm just thankful to be back, and getting beck into form." This year's Sports Festival, for which formal openina ceremonies will be held tonight, marks the fint ~competition for Lougania since January, when he auflered en injury to hil left shoulder. The iJtjury baa not completely healed and Loul(ani1 la etlll bothered by painfUl bone chi .. in the shoulder. 'lbe next i.t for Loupnla, 22, WM today'• 10..me• platform prellm1nariea. M~ ~. ~ won the women • aprt:ncboard title Thu.raday nlaht. The men'• and women'• platform divtn1 preliminarhte were the only events oo ~· hlUval calendar. Louaanla and Neyer are teemmaw at the Million VliaJcr N~ IWlm dub. Ulni wtib 3·meter 1llwt·medall1ta Ron Menic*. 22J. ol._~~_!*llmU. Mtcll.. and Chria ~ 2&, ot Aim Al1loi' Mich. '!'bey wtlJ Niii I I I\ th• it .8. ln th• 1prin1boercl competttlon et th• world champlon1hl'; In &cuador, ~~:~~~ .·-'/·-~-.. (IMPDHVAL. PIPaJ . - McKeever get~ce at Irvine Coast CC Former USC football 1\IU' Marlin l!I McKeever uled to aet the job done on the flnt ahot u a collegiate 1t.ar, now he'• gettin& it done In golf. The Corona del Mar rea.ldent connected for a hole-in-one Wedneeday at Irvine C.OUt Country Club. McKeever, using a four-Iron on thef par- three. 179-yard eighth hole, hit to the middle of the green with the ball taking two boW'ICel and jumping into the hole. Playing with McKeever were Rick Stewan. Dick Dillon~ Paul Hughes and Larry Stewart. Jt was the first-ever hole-in-one for McKeever. a 12-handlcapper. Quote of the day . ' " a .. eball tOday On th1a daee ln blleball tn Un4; Loi~ flm ~ 8111W Oarwy, who made tM N.rUna UIWUP ... wrtc.ln aandklaw. col1aewd two hlta and aparkled atteld u the outstand.lnl player In the N1Uonal Lt11u•'• 7-2 A1l-1tar 1ame triumph a\ Pftt1burab'1 Thrff Riven Si.cllwn. Today'• blrthclayt: Former 1on1t1me Brooklyn-Lm Al\a9lte ~ lhoNtop Pee w ...... It 83. J'onMt' Dodp!-.. Don ~ ii 48. Slumplng Lietzke charge• to lead · Bract Llebkt, a three-time tour II winner lut yeer. broke a llMllOn·~ slump with a 6-u.nder-par 6~ that 1taked blm to the fJ.rlt·round 10ld Geor1e Steinbrenner, owner of the New York 'Yankees, on hiJI poet-game behavior: "Sportswriters are always de9C!ibinc how I barse into the locker room. I never barge in. I'm always there waiting when they come through the door." Thunday 1n a PGA tournament 1n Williamlbw'I, Va. Uetlke held a one-ahot teed over h1I formu colleae roornmat.e at Houston. BW "-ten and C.Jvfa Pffte a winner at Milwaukee t-.io w"ka .,a. Bnce D;.pa11 wu next at 67. LSetlke'• only bogey of the round came on the par-& third hole, where he hooked hla leCO!ld lhot into the water . . . Eamoaa Darc7 of Ireland. T•J Jota.u1ne of Zimbabwe and Brlu Waltel of Britain shot 5-under-par 6ee to ahare the fin~ round lead in the Lawrence Batley International GoU Tournament at Bingley St. Ives in Bradford. F.ngland. Wlnfleld powers Yanks past Rangers Left fielder Dave Wl.Dfleld ripped la two doubles, including a tie-breaking two-run lhot in the fourth i.nninQ, and made a sparkling defensive play to help the New York Yankees nip Texas, 4-3, Thursday night. It was 1-1 when Winfield delivered his tie-breaking hit in the fourth inning following Jerry Mampllrey•1 leadoff triple and Oscar Gamble's walk . . . In the only other major-league action Thunday, Jerry BaJntoa'1 two-run single in the eighth inning propelled Britt Barna and Chicago to a 3-2 victory over Toronto. A new fish story: a pet bass SPOTSYLVANIA, VA. -Curtis ll Back\&I bu told many a fish 1to~ h1I 70 years. But the one he's te now ii the whopper of them all -an it's true. He's sot a pet bass. Backua teeda the normally shy gamefish, whose relative• have frustrated anglers for centuries, by hand. The bond between man and baa began this spring when Backus waa feeding other unal1 fiah in the pond behind his home here. The bua, now about 15 inches long and weighing nearly two pounds, swam up to within a foot of the shoreline -and waited. "At first I threw him a couple of wonns. Then I dangled a worm in the water and he came up and grabbed It." said Backus. Carner stirs up her • own exc1te01ent Despite erratic round, she leads Open S ACRAMENTO (AP) - Although there wu plenty of noise around the coune, JoAnne Carner created her ow n distractions, wit-h off-taraet shots, in the first round of the U .S . Women's Open Golf Championship. "If you followed me. you weren't bored." sald Carner, who shot a thorouahlY entertaining 3-under-par 89, good for the tournament lead. before a large gallery Thunday. Carner and the other players had no complainta about crowd behavior on the 6,342-yard Del Paao Countcy Club coune. It was the din cauaed by automobile traffic on busy streets near the coune and by airplanes flying overhead that had some heads bu.zzing after the opening round. which ended with the temperatures in the 90s. Rams prepare for scrimmage From AP dJapatcbes The Rrum, with a scrimmage set against the Dallas Cowboys Saturday in Thousand Oaks. went through two workouts Thursday with emphasis on goal-line offen.e and defense. Offensive tack.le Doug France. an eight-year Ram veteran who is the club's player represent.alive, checked into camp, a spokesman for the National Football League team said. Present.ly, the group at the Cal State Fullerton training site consists mostly of rookies, with the majority of the veterans due to report by July 30. The Rams alao announced that cornerback Billy Yancy, a former Saddleback College and Fresno State player who tried umuoceafully to make the equad la1t year, waa picked up on walven by the Detroit Llona. The acrimmage against Dallas will be held at noon at the Cowboya' Cal Lutheran training camp, the Rams' spokesman aaid. ''Thia ia the loudest golf ooune I've ever played on, but the planes weren't too bed today," said 39-year-old Sandra Haynie, whoee 70 placed her in a lour- way tie for aecond behind Ca.mer, 43. Danna White, abo at 70, aaid "I almost l&W two accidentl OD the street. But once rm uver the ball, It'• hard '°~me. I feel like rm in a phone booth." Al80 at 70 were Janet Alex and Vicki Tabor. Openln.,1 with 1-under 7la were Sall.Y Utt.le, Beth Ua.niel, Lynn Adami and 21-year-old amateur Dana Howe. Only 11 golfen in the 150-player field were at par ex better. "The noise WU loud and the rough wu high." said Carner, who found the rough with several of her errant abota from Del Puo's fairways. "I finally got my putter figured out, and then I couldn't hit a green. I didn't hit many, anyway," she said. "I counted my putts. just 24 of them." From the tees_ she added, "1 drove the ball abaolutely perfect." But from the fairways. her bad shots included one that went out of bounds and led to a double- bogey 6 at the fourth hole. She grabbed the lead by posting a 3-under 32 on the back nine, with birdies at the 12th, 17th and 18th holes. ''I had to 9Cramble for pan at 14 and 15," added the two-time U.S. Open champ. Cerone misses mandatory practice NEW YORK (AP) -Catcher Rick Cerone faced a pomible fine Thursday after missing a mandatory workout 4~ hours before the New York Yankees' game against the Texas Rangers. Cerone and six other Y anicees were ordered to the workout after the team's 1econd CONeCUtive late-inning l<Ma to the Seattle Marinen. The catcher, who returned after two montha on the disabled list earlier this week. waa the only player ai.nt. Dodgers play Phillies LOS ANGELES -At the All•IW' break 10 claya a.go, the Lo• An1ele1 Dodgen found themlelvea aeven qamea out of lint place 1n the National League Welt. but felt optlmlsdc about their c:Mncel to quickly get beck in the hunt. ' After all, the Dodpn were eet to open • 10-~ homestand a1alnat th• New York Mett, wbJle the Bnrwl were openb\l a .umiar ltret.Ch on the roed. Dlvtaon, one game ahead of St. Loul1. Philadelphia wW tend Larry Chtbtemo.n (~5) to the mound agaln1t tbe Dod1era' erratic rl1ht-hander Dave Stewart (~....{). The Dodot'9 abo announced that they liad recalled pt~ Joe s,ckwith from their AlbuQuenlue farm club, while opUoli1ns hurler Alejandro Pena to Albuquerque .. MEDAL-WINNER -Diver Greg Louganis won a gold medal at the National Sports Festival Thursday. From Page C1 FESTIVAL • • confidence," said Lougani.s, who totaled 702 po.inti. H1a best effort was on the eighth of hia 11 dlves. a one-and-a-half reverse aornersault for which four of the aeven judges gave him a perfect 10.0, two gave him 9.5 and one gave him a 9.0. "Sometimes, you know it'• a good dive when you hit the water. Sometimes it never hita you," he said. "I knew I hit the takeoff perfect, and when I came out of the water. I heard the crowd and figured I had hit it pretty good," said the three-time NCAA diving champion from UC Irvine. Louganla, the 1979 Sports Festival springboard champion, al.lo won the platform title in the last world dlving championships in West Berlin in 1978. He said the United States' chief competition in the upcoming world champlon1hlp1 should come from China. "But ln the 1pringboard. we have our best team ever, l think. We do a rulh job of ~our teams. but It'• to our advantaae- becauae we NY at our peak." Merriou, a recent pwluate of the Unlvenlty of M1chipn, ,ot 656.26 polnta foe aconcl. Mark Bndabaw,W,aju.nloratOhio State, wu th1td at &44.58 potntl. Dave Bu.ratrll\I of Mlelm Viejo WU fourih, followed by Kevin Machemer, Lenn~yland, Ron Me rand Rob • ;reyer, \he 1982 U. . womm'• 1prin1board and platform champion and, lib LouaaNs. • member of the 1980 U .S . Olymp&o tam that did compete at the Ma.cow 0.,.., totaled &14.88 point• to &U.12 for Seufert. the une~. F.Uval chain~. Tb.ltd wenl to W~ ."! land, of Mr.4M ~ 861.12 pomw; Bulla trade Gilmore to San Antonio Ania OUmort, an All·IW' In n1ne Ill o1 hla 11 J)l"O buketball MUOnl, WU acquired '11 . the San Anton.lo Spun from the \;l\kalO Bulll Tburaclay for backup center Dave Conine and 1tarlln1 forward Mark OlberdlD1. Ollmore, 321~ wa, .n All-Ital' In e.ch or the lfv• yean he p1ay.a for Kentucky in the American BHketb1ll Amociation ... Nellber the playen' union nor the Nat!onal Football Lequo team own.n made ~on Items auch u lndJvidual player nqodatlom or dNI t.etUDa Thurtdly 11 Wka cond.nued In Wuh!ncton over a new baraalninC qreement. Alter an almoat flve-hour -1on. neither aid4,, could aay any proar-Md been made nor were they any cloMr to an aareeinent than when the bepn 1pondk ne1ot1at!on1 on Feb. 18 ... Mtcuel Reapa won h1I ... uit on the Mt11t11ippl River fn appedboat racin1, breakin1 a decade-old record deapl te danproUlly h1lh water and treache.roua lop. Rea1an covered the 1,027 mile• from New OrleaN to St. Louil in an of1Jcial time of 25 hows and 11 mlnutet . . . The United Statea Football l.Auue tMm \Mt will debut at Glanta Stadium In !"Mt Rutherford, N.J. next year will be called the New Jeney Generals, the club announced. Televlslon, radio Followtna are the top 1porta eventa on TV toni&ht. RattnQa are: V' t/ V' V' excellent; v-"" V' worth watchlna; V'V' fair: V' forget it. ~ 5 p.m., Clwmel 5 V' V' V' V' BASEBALL: Angels at New York Y ankeea. Auoucen: Bob Starr, Ron Fairly and Joe Butt.Itta. The last time these two teams meL, the Anaell swept a three-game aeries in Anaheim. Tonight, left-twMSer Geoff Zahn (10-4), with three of h1a 10 victoriea coming against the Y ankeea, will face New York'• young Shane Rawley (5-5). The game abo means another return performance for Reggie Jackaon who left the Y ankeea a.ft.er last aeuon. RADIO Bueball -Angels at New York Y ank.ees, 5 p.m., KMPC (710); Philadelphia at Uodgera, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). Laguna cage tourney ends Mark Hill, Tim O'Brien, Tom Pfinpt and Dennia Rooney 1uoceeafully defended their 6-foot, 3-lnch and-under title last weekend ln the seventh annual City of J..aauna Beach Three-man basketball ioumament at Main Beach. The quartet, which won the same title a few weeks ago ln the first of three summer tournaments, rolled up victories of 11-7, 11-8, 11-2. 11-3 and 11-9 before dropping a game to Jon Chance, Dan Goosen. John Moore and Taras Young. 15-11. That 11et the stage for the final game. a\)d Hill, O'Brien and Co. jumped out U> a 10-2 advantage before settling Ior an 11.$ win. Fifth-aeeded ruck Bauer, Rick Aber-egg, Bob Odom and Mark Thurmond settled for third place in the same dlvi.aion. ,. Dave Helman and Randy Larson teamed with. former American Basketball Association (Utah Stars) player Wayne Stoute to win the 30-yean-and-older open title with wins of 11-4, 11-1 11·5. . Their only loss was administered by the team of Dick Barton, Lee Mc.Dougal. Larry Bonzomet and Kermet Smith -who recorded an 11-3 win. But the Helman team reversed the loss with an 11-1 victory. George Babl, Larry Koontz, Henry Thatcher and Tony Rodrigue'% repeated as champions in the ~0-years-and-olcfer, six feet-and -under category, and they needed three straight victories in the losers' bracket to do It. The team of Dave Scott, Jim Huckstein and Steve Windoni handed the champions an 11-2 defeat. The Babl Bquad eventually won with scores of 11-6, 11 -8, 11-4. 11 -7 and 11-8. Ticket plan devised LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tickets for the 1984 Olympics will be sold through a mail order and voucher system with measures to limit sca.lping opportunities, according to a plan being developed by the LdJ Al\Reles Olympic ()raanizing Committee. Olympics l>resident Peter ~. Ueberroth, while stressing that the plan could change, said selected major retailers and banks will distribute mall order forms to the public beginning in the spring and summer of 1983. Ueberroth said preliminary plans c.a.1l for the sale of ticket packages designed to include some lesser events for buyers wanting to purchaae ticket.a for premium eventa • • • • "°"'· • tM ~ prepare to~-· w..~.-llliNl Pbllldill~ at Dodltt' 8'8dlum tonl1bt ('1~3~). they find themielv• ell'-' ~ beck .,_ .... laul' of .. ftr8' BlckWtth,. 27-year~ riabt- hander I teNrm to th• maJOr -.. ilfW m . ~ that \htateBtd bJl~baiebNl caner Jut 7t1r. He 1U1feNd ftom McConDlck .... birth. followld by M6cbele ~ c.nw Ftnn•~tan Beker and M.ry • • ~ ...... 18, ~. ~a:dw~. ,,., ~hde;.::: • la atop d:W double vtston durtn1 '';:~ cninifti in 1811 IDd did• lut Maton, under101n1 •1• ""'*"' twice. 1 hid UMi tOP .... llDDal ttw .... ~ ,7U0 ldD• -.. w. f1pnt. Mar~'"'CocbNll, II, ~ ........ al •.ao. -Paul O\mNrTo. 1~ Sla*M, DJ., WM third at 87. 70. HAPPiNINGS IN TiHE DAILY PIWT"S · AUTO MARKET •.• COSTA MESA ••• Harbor BoW.vard of Can. of Cotta M .... hM announced the aelec:tkln of M a d e 1 i n • Z u c k e r m a n P u b 11 c -? Relational Advertl1Jn8 of Tuatin, Califomla, to develop a p ubllc relation• pro1ram for the Altodatlon. The 12-year-old 0r.,. County bued group of eleven Cotti Meaa car dealerthJ .. ii one of the dty'• leadJnl tnduttriet. Spannina appt<»d.mately 4 mil• alona Harbor Boulevard ln Cotta Mea, the croup form• on• ot the lar1eat automobile thopplng cent.en ln the Southland. The group ll compriled of: Atlaa Chrysler-Plymouth, Ba\ler Motors (Bulck-lluzu.Brltiah Cara), Connell Chevrolet, Coetl Meaa 0.taun, F.arle Ike lmporta (Toyota-Volvo), John.Ion & Son Lincoln-Mercury, Nabers Cadillac, Inc., Orange Coaat AMC-Jeep-Renault, South Cout Dodge, Inc., Theodore Robina Ford and University Salea & Servic:e (Oldamobile-Honcla-GMC Ttucka). Through a full-scale public rela,lon1 program. the Zuckennan Asency will concentrate on promotin& Harbor Boulevard of Cara u a leadini contributor to the local community. Thia will be achieved through major fundrailina and promotional events geared to Socal, 'as well as county wtde1charitlea and sponaonhii:-. Offering 14 years of expertile in the industry on both a local, aa well u national level, Zuckerman Public Relational Advertising handles clients in such Industries at re1tauranta/food. Cashion, education, peraonneVexecutive search, food service distribution, community service organizations, leisure tfme products and entertainment. The agency is located at 14751 Plaza Drive in Tustin, California. • •• WS ANGELES . . . The Motor Car Dealers Aasoclatlon of Southern California, which represents 900 Southland new car dealers, has praised California's Legislature for its enactment of the "Lemon Law" bill which helps to erase any consumer concern about buying a new car th.at proves to have major defects. Addreirsing the Aasociation's board <..f d irecton at their recent Loe Angeles Meeting, President Jim Willingham, a Long Beach Buick, British Car, and Saab dealer. stated that "any law that instills ~ater public confidence in new automobiles. and at the same time treats the consumer, the dealer and the manufacturer fairly. is a law that all dealers can enthusiastically. support." The Lemon Law, which takes effect January 1. 1983, amends current California law by incorporating theae specific provisions: • If, during the first 12 months or 12,000 miles following the purchase of a new automobile, a major defect (one that affects the use, value or safety of the vehicle) surfaces which is not repaired after three attempts by the dealership and one attempt by the manufacturer; • Or. 1f the vehicle is out of service for any combinauon of defects for more than 30 calendar days during the 12 month/ l 2,000 male period, the consu mer may establish a presumption, in a court of law, that tha vehicla is de!ective.. However , before the consumer can assert this presumption, he must present his cue to a third party arbitration system. such as AUTOCAP. the AUTOmoUve Consumer Action Program. A UTOCAP informally mediates complaints and, when necessary, provtdes arbitration by a panel of consumer representatives and dealers. A UTOCAP ~anel decasions are binding on the d~ers and 17 manufacturers who voluntarily partfcipate in AUTOCAP. but not binding on the consumer. Willingham noted that AUTOCAP, which operates under gwdelines endorsed by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, is a free public service of Southern California's new car dealers, which in its two and one-half year existence has helped several thousand consumers with their auto questions and complaints. Under the new Lemon Law, should the consumer disagree with the decis1Q11 of the AUTOCAP Panel, then the consumer has the right to take the manufacturer to court and exercise his presumption that the vehicle is defective. Should the court find in favor o f the conswner, the manufacturer shall either replace the vehicle, or reimburse the buyer an amount equal to the purchase price paid by the buyer. less that amount direetly attnbutable to use by the buyer prior to the d~very of the nonconformity. ••• i I I ! I .. . . .. !· .. ·' 'Y' I I . · ' - MAJOR LUQUI ITANalNOa =~ w "' ...._ oe ~ 13 '° 510 Kan-°''Y ,, u &3t r =Oell 4. 43 521 ' -·-41 '6 516 6 '° u '21 1' f.... M 53 404 16 M~ II 13 MO 221\ Utft•Ot~ .......... 54 37 Sta eo.lofl 54 31 • 1117 .,. ......,_ .. 41 ~· ' 511 7'" OWOlt 41 " New Yorti 4$ 44 eoe • 4M t 417 ,, .... ~ "45 TCWCIMO Q 41 ,~ ...... ..._Yon4, Tuu 3 CNceoo a. Tor0tt10 a ,.....,_ ... a..- .,.. (ZIM 1~) 11 ..... Yonc (RAwt.y e.-SJ T••a• (T t na n• 4 . IV) •1 Ul lfOll (l.Jnder#oOd 3-8) s.an1a (Perry e.-11 ar c~ano cs..1c11n• 7-4) Oakland (Keough 7-13) al B•lllmo•• war ..... 1-si TotOttlO (lMI e.-7) II Cflloeoo (hrMI 0· I) MHwauk• (Lltd> 7-5 Of lfucttovleh 10-4) et Kentae City (Bothelllo t.O) 8011on (Hur1t 3·3) at MlnnHola (8 Cu tillo 4-7) ... tton.I LMaue WHTW""OM~ w .. fief. 09 SI 35 815 51 42 548 6 60 4$ 528 • 44 60 '°' 13'" 41 51 446 15'A l41iut23 UITl9'MOM..oN PNlaoelpllle $2 40 $41$ 553 1 527 3'A 522 4 482 , .... SI LO<M 52 42 PlltlllUrgtl 48 q Montr..I 4e 44 Ne.Yon. Q llO CNc:ilgo 31 57 uoe 15 ,,_..,..~ No ow-ecMduled T...itM'•O-~(Cllf'lat-$-S)a1 ~ (S_, 5-4) Allanle (Cemp 7-.3) et Plt110urgtl (Modwl S-8) Cllleego (Hole9 M ) 11 C1ncmna11 CSoto .... , Houeton (J Nlekro 8·3) 11 St loull IAnclujW 7-1) -Votk (J Nlaluo 8-3) 11 St LOUii (MdulW 7·9) Mont,.., (Oulltclteon 7·7) 11 Sen Frencleco (Fowlk• 3-2) AMERICAN LEAOU! Y.,._.,.......,_, r..... 001 010 100-3 12 o New YOtl< 010 )00 OOx-4 7 0 Butcher, Mallaclt ('I and Sundberg. Erlcltaon, A May (8) and Wynegar w- Etielteon, 8-7 L-8ulctw. 0-2. S-A. May 11), HAe-TeHe, Aivao (ll. New York G4imt>le(ll A-14,828 '#Me ... ,, ... .-..2 ,_ 001 ooo foo-2 1 2 ClllcaoO 100 ooo 02:11-3 s 1 Oo4t. J ~ (1}, O. Murril)' (I) -B. Martir-= 9ume end '*'f W-9ume, 1~ l -J Mc:Uugtllln, .._. A-21,115 MatMer ~ lAlhn ,..,....0 ,,,_ wm Foncll Ser>ChC KllOn OottJ C«ben Tot• Aneel ..,.. .... aATTIMO UllM ... ,.._ 308 41 92 1 27 2" 304 57 II 12 42 2" 541 I 16 2 5 2MI »3 M 101 15 37 * 215 34 81 2 37 264 366 43 10, 14 56 278 334 411 12 12 50 275 211 11 12 2 34 271 216 4S 71 22 S4 267 30e 40 11 10 44 265 81 1 I 21 1 8 241 " 3 11 1 e 221 !>4 5 12 I 4 222 " 10 17 0 5 172 45 4 7 0 2 16e 304100033 3184 '35 Ml 15 408 273 mc...o • H U IO W-l lllA .,.. 3 2 0 0.() 0 00 48"' 33 27 25 ,., 1 85 13~ 122 35 44 10-4 3 11 1ot\<I ioe 30 64 a.2 3 30 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 ,9 121'1 811 33 45 4-3 3 SI I~ 1211 36 50 .. 7 3 57 41 47 22 26 3.0 3M 71'"' 72 32 42 9.3 3 75 4~ 35 II 23 4-2 3 80 821'1 51 28 36 1-1 $ 41 1521\ 113 307 317 63-40 3 52 H-. Aomo v~ ....... Weld! Stewert Forerer NiedenfUer SNrlloy P«le Moolon To1.,1 ~.,;: .... .. " .. ..,_ "'' ,.,, bl U 74 I " S11 no ,, .., 11 ._ _..,, Ht 4t t4 It '1 U. a. 7tl ~ ttJ? lltH~07 OH m 109 • $0 2 ,, "' 11 O S 0 I 171 )4() ,. t1 11 • ' ... 1as 21 aa ., ae ,.. H3 U II 10 31 l 4t i73 st ea 1 n a•t 45 4 11 0 2 .... 211. s 1 o a ,141 Hl\2021.ff• 220 H 41 a 24 .tot et • ,, 1 • a03 3225 3M 136 18 364 .251 MCHIMO IP H .. 10 W·l IU 01'"' o 12 31 e-2 a oe S4'h 22 1' t3 1-2 I ff 107~ t5e 46 108 1~1 2 90 ,~ ... 138 2t 11 10-8 3 14 131\; 111 4t 13 .. 1 3 4t 86 85 31 4t 6-4 3 77 47\.\ 42 18 23 ).5 3" 28"'1 34 15 21 1·2 4 M ~ 11 e , 1.1 4 11 35¥> 37 21 20 0.2 4 60 57 et 17 H 1.4 5 31 as2·,, 604 211 so2 50-45 3 ea Top 10 , ...... , ...... ) AMlllllCAJt LRAOUI W WlllOll.K C Genl,,.,MH Hrt>e41 Min Marra/I Cle Yount. MN BoMell. T0t P_..,C.,. IM Ptrr1ell, Del Cooper.MM Q A8 91 H l'e1. 87 290 37 101 348 87 219 23 74 343 91 31e 411 1oe 335 .. 361 12 119 330 841 350 83 I 15 321 IM 270 46 87 32:2 7t 290 3e t3 321 70 244 44 71 '320 14 352 eo , 12 311 .. 391 55 111 312 111 341 61 109 312 ~~~.J~ "°"'911-Tnornton. Cleveland. 22, Ogilvie, MllwMM , 22. G Tnomu, Mllw-•, 22. lie. Jeoluon, Angeh, U ; Cooper. MllwaukM, 11 llune .. tted II> M~R••. l(anua C11y, 83. COOP•• MllwaukM, 71, Thotnton, Cleveland, 70 Lu.11na111. Chleago. ea. You111. Mllwauk•. 84. OglMa, Mllwa\lllM. 84 Pltotllfts (12 DeoleloMI Vukovl9h. MllWeukM. 10-4. Zettft. Aft9111 1o-.; Buf'na, CMCegO, 10-4, Ceud~I. s .. 1111. 10·4. Guidry. Maw York, 1·4, Berker Cl•••land 10·5. CtH• 801ton 1·4 J Mc:Laugnllfl Tcwonto M NATIONAL liAOUI Q A8 , h ...... KlllQllt Min 112 351 50 112 319 T Ptn. Pgll 71 2116 30 13 31' 0ttv.. MU It 341 $2 107 314 McGee 51 L IO 201 23 53 313 ~~71 237 42 74 312 Lo Smltr1. SIL ; I J.411 75 107 307 Cet1er. M11 841 311 57 15 J05 Ru .xw-s D 113 m 55 91 3G4 ..... Dodgerw 84 320 S7 11 303 MIMl4ocl<. PQll 81 ,l30 54 100 303 "--"-l(lngmen. New Yott<. 25. Murpl>y Atlanta 24, C•rt• Mon1rea1, 20. Hornet At1en1a 11. Otoafora.o,Oodget9, 1L """ .. !tad ... Murplly, At1an1a. 97. Klngmen Ne"' \'ort<. 115. Oll••r. Monlr•al. 53 Catt er M0tt1teal. 61. ~ Oodaer-. 11. -"'tcNfttl ( 12 O.CW.-1 Aogera. Montreal. 12·4: D Rot>rneon Plllal>utgll. 10~. LOllat. San Diego, 10·4, Yale,,au .... Dod9e11, 11·7; For•ch, St LOVla. ..5. Montefuaco. S... Diego. 8·5. Cernon. ~ 12-8 DllTillCT 9' TOUNtAllbfT ArM A (et ......... Vi.to Lall•) ThwMeJ'e*-9 Mlsalon Hlllt 5. $acldla0eclt 3 (SecldleO&CI< elimonaled) TOftloltt't 0..- No game scheduled liltur'def'• Game MIHIOn Nortll vs. M-HIHI 10 e m (loi<>I•• II M,.,.,., NOf1h lo-. Seturdey enotller g.,_ Wiii be ~ayed Monday •I 5 15 Pm I ' ,.,... (at Ian Ctemenle Lll ~·aco.. lrvone South 13. VlejO 7 (Viejo ....,,.ne1edl r ......,.·ao..n. No 0-IChed\lled ...... , .• a- MIM!on Sourh vs rrvtne Soulll. 2 pm (Note II M-Soulh IOMI SthHday. ln01,,_ g.,,,. ..tll be ~ Monday II 5 1$ pm ) LoeAJemltoe ~AY't MtUl.Tt ,.,.... .. •-ttlell' ~ .. -""el f'NltT tlACI. 400 yatd1 Jell All<e (Aamu-1 I 00 4 to 4 20 MIClley "'--(Mylaa) 19 20 11 llO MIN £.I)' TOtneck> (C..OOu) 3 llO Aleo rllOed Spicy Bol.O.. RalM A BllU. Redneck Brother, Openuponem. Snena Plra ... Gtuder Ell.pt .... Navy CNOk Go Tltne 2014 II lllACT A ce.-11 paid $220 00 HCOM> llACI. 550 y11d1 KIP• CamalOI (T••--•) 14 4() 5 40 • 20 l,.lmHed POiiey (PaulW..) 3 80 3 20 Ala Hoel (Dalomba) 8 00 Alto r-0 HlppUy. Tolle Time, P- 8r0ket A Spy R~ Time 27 SCI n41AD llACI. 400 yarde lrilll Prefet-(Hlfll 21 ,40 7 80 • 80 Ovr atron (Biid) > 40 2 0 Oo11~ 10.00111) 4 40 Aleo reced Mll9Qlee Mam. Coney I~~ WlllU Neel• floctle1. ~· CnlC T-20 41 ,OOllnt llA~I. 360 yard• OtilO Oevll (Fry<1ay1 1 40 4 eo 4 20 Ret>e Won<Mt (Watd) 1 20 8 IO RuMUI &a (CardOU) 1 20 Aleo rac.d Annlea Game Mr Snawne Bug Moon• Triangle, Chick• Greatnl VIMOnJ Roo. Prompt VerdlCI Trny Mul Time ie oe '2 UACTA (1-31 pa.cl $53 IO """ llA.:.. 400 )'etd• H'Ofl OeMt1 Aoee (Mlcnl) 7 00 3 eo 3 20 MNU.Wa Rea (Cardou) 4 00 3 00 T em1 Copy (T Onie•) 5 40 Al•o reced A Zure A W1n11ar. MHI> We1Ch Me TuH. Go Cq>Oet Mine Humc.n ~. Vttlll CIOll9«. L-Uml11 T ..... 2074 tlXTH "ACI. 440 yatO• F .. 1 Wheal (Oeloml)e) 21 20 12 40 8 20 Ml<lnlQhl POiiey (Creeger) I 40 8.80 Aye Owe {TrNfU<•I 4 llO Aleo •aced c ..... In, ThrMI Of Voctory, EHy Oodad. AalM Your Oukaa, Trudlle T oet. Aebe4• Saini Time 22 22 1:1 IXACTA (M) peld 1254 40. 81VIN'" llACI . ~40 yatdl JaalOfl Row (MUI) 22 20 10 80 7 fl() Mr Qulct<neea (Piikenton) 5 40 3 40 War Win tBatd) 3.llO Al10 •aced Vagn Bo, Never Snor1, CNWger Go Big. Longlee1. Cto hr Moon, LOWS-.. fltM 22 04 1:1 IXACTA ( ..... peld 1133 00 llOMnt ucc. 360 r•m ~-Tea Ano*(...,._) 8 20 100 5.20 OK-Mt 9oone 9'IQ (Ctdr) 5.IO 4 IO 3 40 K .. S-(T,_I 4 20 °" -Oeed!IMI IO< Win ""'° ~ ~ .. Go. ,,..,_ -Y-Fuel FMtUteTNI T.,,.... 1718 SI DACTA (-) pelCI 134 00 II RICACTA ($-4) paid 137 40 12 "ICIC Ill 13·1·7·7·1·4151 paid 15 995 20 w1111 •• w1M1nQ nc ... 11 (llYe h0t'9Ml 12 PIClt Sia coneole!lon peld S 125 40 whh 15 WltlnHIO llc:ltet• (lout ti«-). lilllfnt llACC 350 yardl BICI Heh (Hatti I 40 4 80 3 40 My Ea.y VICIOfY (CardOHI I 40 $ IO Au1urnn L• CCl"M99fl 4 20 Aleo tac.d Et Plc:ho, Call Me Ray, Doe Rojot . K11a Caper. Loll Milo. Not>le cnemp1o<1, N.-Eaoon Tome 18 00 SI IXACTA 18-6) p.ad SA19 40 Allendanc.t 7,302 Oe4Mer THURIDAY'I MIUL Tt (2nd ...... --~ -lftt) ""'" llACI. 8 1Urlong9 Ouiel< ~ CPincayl 4 00 3 00 2 llO Sou ... Peg (SI~· 7 '° 5.20 Joe"a Tr11><11e IO•Cl•l 10 20 Al•o r1ced Ron Jon, Mao • Uullaw Zordan. Hot Track•. Sandi Of Vegu. Oiatenl Gem. Snoody Prudy. Con9Qr!c>110n Plfate Shot• TliN 1 10 215 Weekend TV sports schedule Two Angels basegall games, golf highlight action TELEVISION 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Houston at St. Louis. 2 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Third round play in the Anheuser-Busch Classic 2:30 p .m . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A profile of Larry Mahan. six-time All-around Cowboy. 3 p.m. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Angler Bill J)ance goes after stripen ln Tennessee's Percy ~ Lake. (7) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Third Seniipro football tryouts scheduled Tryouta foe the Huntington Valley Marinen le!Dlpro football team are echeduled for Saturday (10 a.m.) and Tueeday and Thunday nigtlta (6 o'dock) •t Mwdy Park ln Huntington Bead1' Coech Tom Mon~ ~ya an open lnvttat.ton is aVlllable to anyone dealrtni to compete in the ID-n.ert X..,U.. The Marin.en, defepdln1 Coutal Dtvlalon chmn~ (16-2), play tbeir home pme. at Ooean View llich School on Sunday aftemoona. 1be ant pr •urr.n pme ll at l!'.dwarcb AU r..::: ~~the f1J'St homo pme la Sept. Tht Coaetal Dlvltlon 11 compriHd-ot ~v:O~ Loe Alaml• City ot Kurd1 !Wt.: la located on Goldenw.t Streec. n.di Ol W..,_ AW!lue ~--.,-.·-=-~ ... round play in the U.S. Women's Open from Sacramento. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini vs. Ernesto F.spana in a scheduled 15-round lightweight championship bout from Warren, Ohio. 4 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -St. Louis vs. Louisiana in a series of bouts taped in December. 5 p.m. (5) -BASEBALL -The Angels at New York Yankees. (7) -NATIONAL SPORTS· F~TIV AL -Wide World o( Sporta pre.en ta taped covttqe from lndlanapolia. RADIO Baseball -Ansel& at New York Yankees 5 p.m., KMPC (710); Philadelphia at nM.-n 7 p ~ KABC (790). ~"' ' . ., Sund•y . TELEVISION 11 a.m. (4)-GOLF -Final round play in the Anheuser-Bu.ch Cluaic from Willlamlburg, Va. (5) -BASEBALL -The Aniela mHt the Yankees in New York. 1:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY - Mike Weaver defenda H.la heevywelaht Utle apJnat Randall "Te)(•> Cobb in a IChedulecf 16-rouncf bout from Lu Vep. 2 p.m. (7) -WOMEN'S GOi.F -Flna1 round play ln the U.S. Women'• ()pen from Sacramento. 3:30 p.m. (4) -WESTltBN OUTDOORSMAN -Filhina for tro~ on tbe Snake River. <4 p.m. (4) -SPOR'NWOllL1> -Secmehta: Cowraae of tht :Fronuor ~ Rodeo, taped at Preecott. Artz..: tht wcnwt11 climb and r..PJllel and whhe-water rafu.n, .wrm In the Su:rvtvil of UN P'lttM; ri • ~ on the finaJi ol the Tout de ~ ... ~:·ra ftcm Pu1a. ('1)-NAftONAL ~vn,.& ~AL -Wide World of 8;o1u pttlllntl tapila COYft8llt. fNIQ lhdiampqlJ.L ~ .. "'.t.o>!M.DIO -Anftll at New York Yankem. 11 a.m., KMPC (710); P'bOadelpbla at~ 1 p.m., JtABC (790). .. Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT /Friday, July 23. 1982 r.::=~ 1 ,,, ........ ,...,.. .;,J,,.""r4.. • IO : = : I ..,_ u.r~•) LIO Aleo ,...., ................ .,.__, IMMf Ill Tiit '""· Atllato. ICln\ Litt, °'= ~ ~ COWi, ~ .., • DAl.Y DOUel..I !Ml Oeld t 1t 40 '*'° MOL 1 11 II m11M ...... Mate (()Iver•) 7 10 4 10 I IO Old' AM (Ortepj 10 10 6 40 o..olt ~ (Pletoll t IO AIM r....i llMil J«wi. ,.,cMdenllll, On The ~owl. "wllall lk;u, "-' "¥. laciullW Ctloloe ~ 1,404/0 • UACTA (W) pejG t221 fSO ~ llACI. 1141 IWIOllO*. 'ourl..M~~) 700 4 40 3IO A Peppw Moearron> e.oo 4 eo 'l'kNiv ~ I (Olul 10.40 Alto 11oed: l<nlt Two, 11111ng 'l'ukon Prlnoen Oummo. t e rlcitn, "'ope1t11 llMl!llywMNI. Wlldll llunklll . ftme· 1:0t 1/9 ...,... MO&. • luttonve Pellet lllGolll (Cac>ltlllne) 21 00 I 20 10.to Golden ,_... (Mtnlil 12 00 • 00 Cotttot ~(Del~) t .00 Alto raoecl Ky CounM!ot. Ooott"• l.ldy. Kath!Ma. ~ HMverlly ...... r,.,,._ 1114111. • UACTA (2_.I P910 M64 00 atXTHMC«.I~ Ay (V...,_...} 10 .0 7 00 2 80 b"1ed I""-(Mnw-1 11 .0 9 00 Styllall Lad (Hewtey) 4 00 A.Mo taoed Sit AlaN. N"tlie Pull Nile eour-. Oetendoon. P1n A .... Aeelrllle Sa lute The Prince Spanawa y Ha II Ketchum Time 1 ,, 4/5 MVVfTH llACI. t l/18,.,.... C.tant Chefm (McC111on) 4 00 2 80 2 110 lncuraioft (~) 3 20 3 00 Pr.....,. Oepoai1 (HaWley) 4 20 Alao recad King• Dawn, Club Fluah Oloerl Age, WWJy Sa!Utday, HoO Wild ,._ , 46 315 • IUCTA (&-1) peld '31 00 ea ...c• tu1 13-11-e.:1-:s-51p.io 11.113 20 wit~ 34 wtnnlnQ llcllell (t!Ye hot-) 12 Piel< SI• eoneo111ion paid 132 80 w11h 850 wint>lng llCl<ela (IOUt ~) llQHTI4 UCI. 1 11111 mllM on lurt Avlg.,llon (Oelahouaalr) 8. 40 3 llO 2 80 Agitated L.lldy (Htwtey 3 40 2 llO Glamor01.1• Siren (MoCatrOtt) 3 00 Alto raced Miu Wiid Cat. Jendaya, 1Jm1"1 Glaaa. Time !·4• S/5 NIHTH UCL 1 1118 m11aa oi.1a ""'-l°""ll•l 4 oo 3 eo 2 60 Whll1'8 YOUt Bag (H-l 10 llO 8 40 o.-111e 0awn (UpNM> 2 eo ~eo raced TrlhOI. FINI Auler El Tycoon -·Order. Dlr1t Mui• Time· 144 215 a UACTA (3·•1 paid S 13e 00 Attendance 13,eot D.C .... ltoftaf Ca.Mic ( ............ , .__....._.. ...... JOM-lu+t Clerc (Argemtt-.1 def ll«natd P1l1 (Au•lrlal. 8-4. 6 ·1 Yannlcll Noah (France) def Mll<;e l.Meh ,U.S ), 8-4, 6-2, Rodney Hatmon (U.S, def MwlO Martlnu (90IMa), 5-%. e.-4, Claudio Panella lll•lyl def Thierry Tulllne (Francet. 6-4. 3-e. 6·3. Van Wlnlttl<y (U 8 t del Oat>rlel Mallo• C8ta&ll), t -3,8-4, Jo11-Lul1 Damiani (Uruou•y) def FlemMh Krllhnan (lndlal. (no aeore avllllat>lel. Jtmmy Attu (U S l def Jimmy lkown (US.), 6-4. 9-1, Rll<ll RM1!rei (Me~ol d«Afejandfo Ganzet>al (Atgentin.). 6-2 ~. Mel Puteall (U S I def Tom Celn NS), e.3. 7-5 ... ,ct..c~ep ( .... 2 011,i....t.) ._ .. nw.._..._... Gutllefmo Vllat (A<oentlMI fff Leljllo Fr--IC (Y~ e.-2. e.-2. P .... 9'olll (Ciecno11ovaltl•) de1 Zollan Kuhtrltt )' (Hungary), 9-2 M Jeff Bot-(U a Io.I Karl Mel••• (WHI Germany). 1-3. 7-e Chn•toe>he Aogoer.V ....... ''ranee) def l(lm Warwlok. IAuatr all al. •·•· 7·9, Marco• Hocevar (&twdl d« Hlcll S-(U S ). e.-s e-1. JoM ~ (SC>einl def T....or Allan 1Au11ret1 a ). e .o. t ·2. Corr•.d r 9"'aaut11 (llafy) -er111 ~ l""9tralla 6-3. e.-1. 9-3. OeYld Carter C"""tralla) def M«co 0.tojl (Y~ 6-0. 1.- •-.) 0-..• ....... ~ta Hub«'IA .. lrllia) de! SyMa HaniU (WM! Germen)'~ W , (withdrew~ Vltglnla RuzlCI (Aonuonia) def. Annlllf KanelOpOulOe (GrMOel .... ,, 3-e. 6-2 '~•Hon Cup (et ...... Clara) l""'9d ,..._ a. Mealco 0 ........ Cht11 Evert LIOyd (U 8 ) def Claudie H«nandet. 6-2. e.-2, Martlf\a NawatHova (US I~ liell-Stedeo. 7-5. 6-0. ~ AndrH LH nd -N1vrat1101111 tU 8 ) def -n...O...Sllllen. e.-2. e-o o... ..... Btaill 3 Hong Kong 0 EnQlend S. lerMIO ~la:t.~O U.1.~tt,._ .......... ~, ........ .00.melef ffM -1 true. M ... (MV Had•---). 3•1J 11. a Oao<ge OIC••IO (Tucaon ,.,m•• JOMI. a t4 f7. 3 Jell kottolf (lnd111tty Hlflt). $ H 21 4 Tony Col'bl•o (001111111 Aq\lelkll. a M H . ti Mall c.lllMlll (Wellinf10ll~ HI) I; I ,Jeff fllOal (A1d•n HllJaj. J II 77. 1. Johll HllleNlllnp (UMll •Nlde d-). J·67 12. I Doua T-CT-Fatl'lllf Jol\nl, 4 01 ie 20b bt-4 -I J0/1(1 MOflel (9Mclll llMI Club). t· 17 "; 2. Q~ Mllla (Clnolnnall "tjMl·MlliJna), Z Ill 03: 3 91..,.. lundqultl (Muetql, 2, It.et. 4 Oteg 111\oOtnbeugll (C>n lttp•l·M1tln1I. 2 21 73: a. llon KU1H vltoh (Nadado•••l. ?·21 H : • Tom Mllllr (Ntw Haven), 2.24 17: 7 Qia n Mangum (Crn llap•l·Marlln1). a 24 20 00 Nletc Nevld (Longhotn AQuetleel WOMCN 100 bu11e1l1y -1 Mery T MHQhet ILallaaidel, H 44, 2 Mel-9\idd~ (JC C Sa1111e111. 1 01 31. 3 JIU Ster al ~l.onQhorn A.quatl«J, 1 O 1 42, 4 Pe11y KlnO N .. fllllile~ 1'01 43. 6 t.ufla L<IMer (ArM allahH•Ml t 01 56. 6 Kare Mc01a111 (l,•-*l. I 02 34, 1 Holly Or-(Flotldt AQ;ialletl 1 03 :so e P111y Ga.in 1w .. 1 C,_lerJ, I 03 3' 100 bt ... I I Kim Rhoclenbeugh \Cln PtC*·Mlill<l\IJ 1 11 04 2 ~ Chlldt 1Puna11011 AQu.,lce). 1 11 73 s Tracy Caulklnl (Nult\-111•) I I 1 II Kath Trell>I• (Florida AQuat1ca1. t t? 391 '/ JtcquelN 1<omry IPetalUtn•l 1 12 es o Polly Wlnde (0.menlown). I 13 •· 7 (lie) Suaan Rapp (Slarllt Aquatle8). and Mlehella Meronenr (Ctn PIC)el-Matllna) , 14 15 TOOAY'I IWNTI ,....._8t 7p.m. w-·· 200 ln<ll\lldual medley. Men 1 20011u11er11y. w-·· eoo "-~.Men'• 100 becl<•l•Oll• POA tOU"'81Mftl (atW..._9,¥1.) 8fuc.e l..W.• 32-33-85 Bill ~ 31·35-86 Calvin l>Mta 34-32 ee Bruc:e Oougl114 33-34 -87 Mel Sullon 34-34 -ea Jolln M111>attey 34-3-4-88 ~k Mauang.ale 34-34-N David EdWatds .,_,..,,,_"° Batry JMCl<el 35s33-6& G11ty Mc;Cotd 35-34 -89 Payne s1-111 36-33 611 Milt• Sull<van 38-31 -611 Pa• MCG-en 36-33-11 urry Mize 34-35-80 Vance "'8alner 38-33-611 Bobby Wadk.,,. 35-34-69 Man M>llar 32·37 -611 Rlch11d Zol<OI 35-34-69 AllloniO Cerda 35·35-70 Jay Cudd 35.35 70 Paul A%"1Qer 35·35-70 Mtke Donald 35-35-70 Ed s .....ci 36-34 -70 Scott Slfnpeorl 35·35-70 Roger M al1 l>M 36-34 -70 Terry Olahl 38-34-70 Jonn Scntoeder 35-35-70 HUl>er'I Or..., 36·34-70 JOlln Cool< 34-36-70 VICI<>< R41galado 38-34-70 Butel> Baird Ja-34-70 Jell fhOmM(I J!>-38-71 em Bullnet 37.34_11 JC Snead 37-34-71 Jim 800<01 34.37 7 t Chll1e1 Krenke! 36-36-7 1 Ron Nvci<Oll• 3'·33-7 1 Tom Ch•m 37-34-71 Peter OoetethUIS 3-4-37-71 Lon Hlnkla 36-35-7 1 Bill Kratzerl .I0-35-71 Bob G-36-35-71 a-. 8IUgtl 34.37 -71 David T-. 38-33-72 Jim Simona 36-36-72 40-32-72 y 36-M-72 Ooug l 36-36-72 Bobby Clampett 36-36-n ;::, ~ ff:lt-:H Oen POlll 36-36-72 Don POOlay 35s37-72 FotrMI Feiler 33-.31-72 a.otoe Cadle 36-34 -7 2 Erte Banen c' 35-37-72 Kenn Kno• 3~37-72 Fred Funk 36·36-72 Mill• ,...., 37 ·35-72 Denny Eow11da 36-36-12 'Me:::~ U:~=H Mark Hayw 36-36-72 Mdy NOf1h 36-36-72 LM Elder 37·3S-72 Jeclt ,..,.,,., 38-34-72 L.-Ten Btoecll 37-35-72 Gary Koclt 37-.35-72 Ronnie 111.ak 37-35-72 Bob Prot>en 37 ·35-72 G11ty Trh11&0f\no 36-34 72 Coesl 8f'M rMUlta LAGUNA •ACH MIEW8 CLU9 (et Ian ,,_ Hlh Countty Clull) l ow Nee Tou~I Fllglll A -I. Frad Long, 74-11-113. 2 9111 Boecl>en. 75-14-84, 3 (Ila) HatVe)' M~ler. 78-13-eS atld Donald EM!ol, 80· 15...:65. Fllgllt 8 -1 Eugene Btancl, 113-17-M , ~ Watler Puth. 85-17-&t F11glll C -t (lie) Don Fletcner . 86-22-M and Watte< Nye. 84-20-84, 3 W•l Dick Jonea. 87-20-84 and Arnold Carleon 87 ·20-61 Flight 0 -t MUI in Rumm11. I0-29 -84, 2 LyM Cathcert 90·76-6.'\ CM golf tourney slated Mission Viejo After an uphill struggle almost the tntire game, ~ission -Viejo's Gerry Hall acored with just under six • minutes gone In sudden-death The annual Costa overtime to give lhe Vikings a 6-5 Mesa March of Dime• victory over Huntington Beach golf tou.rnament will be Thu rs d a y n lg h t 1 n America n held over the Los Lagoa Speedaoccer Aaoclation action at lhe course at Costa Meaa Los Caballeros Racqwet and Sports Golf and Country Club Club. HIGH acHOOl WMIMn lhoot°"I l•t o-vn ""'1> C.._ploneHf>•-•I M Id V allay 71 Jr Aellela 73 Oregon ea San Diego 11 Sourh C011al 12 S..111• 96 Lu Veg11 Slan11 Los AflOllat 61 c~•ectiel ix..n V-llS. Metro llO Foun11111 Veiwr 13. S... Fernando e 1 Ne•ade Stata U . Ventura S8 VICtOfll Patl< 77 Orange CounlJ $7 T Oftitl'l'e lctMcNle (ConeeletlOft atadoeil 10 30 a m Stn Fernenoo .,. Oranoe Couniy Noon Ventura •a Metro , 30 p m VIC!Otll Park "' Nev•d• SI••• 3 pm Fcun1111n V~,,. OoNli \/law (Chemploneltlp 8'aclr•ll 4 30 p m Loe Angelle .,. Sen Otego 6 p m Jt Aet>el• .e S..tlle 7 30 p m Sou1n Cou1 ... L.u Vegu Slat a 9 pm Mid \/alley .,. Oregon Misc. TiwtedeY't ttMMCtlona b ... AU 4-'-'a...w BALTIMORE ORIOLE$ Gave Don Saan"ouM t>••c"•' "'• vnco"d•hOft•I r ...... MILWAUKEE BAEWEAS T1aded Eo Brunton. OU1hel0er 10 lne Ball""°'• Ono-.. lot Mar~ Cotey OUtl- lOS ANQE~~ R«.- Joe Bed<wtlll PllCllll< from Albuquerque 01 the P1c1r1c CoHI Lugu• a,,d optioned Aleranoro Pane potctw. to AtOuqver-eAtl{ITaAU. Nllloftel llMltatbeft AHOCledoft SAN ANTONIO SPURS Traded Oeve Co111ne ce nl11 end Mark Olberd1no lorwa1d 10 11'1 Chicago Bull• lor Arlia G~more. _,,., fOOTaAU. Neflonel Footbelt L ... ue NEW YORI< JETS AcQutred Bot. Gtupp pun1e1 on wai..,, rrom ,..,n.., l..11y Placed Tom Co110~. "''d• receiver. on W4JV9'f'I DETROIT LIONS Cit•me<I Siiiy Ytncy cornert>•c• on we1ver1 from '"• Loa A~!Wnl ST LOUIS C ARDINALS Ch'I• l•ndlltom deten.ive oneman ie11 cemp HOCKEY MetloNI ttoc•ey lMVIM NEW YORI< RANGERS -Nemed Tom Webalar coach and Jim Wiley 1n1•ten1 ~oath ol Tul•• o~ 111C' Cenarel Moc•ey lMQUI HAIL fltw-.cley'• eco... Co.mot 1. Tor0ttto O • wins OT • 1n Huntmgton Beach, which feU to 0-6 m league play Addmg goals for lhe Dolphins were Oscar Durity and Faron Ghavam Mission Vaejo's attack was led by Duncan Clarke and Martin Careamo, who had two goals apiece. The Vikings upped their league· mark to 4-2 and remained in content.Ion in the Empire Division Monday with reae r -M lsslo n V iejo had t raile d vatlo ns avai\able by throughout, as Huntington Beach call.ing 979-2270. took a 3-2 halftime advant.a~e and led In tonight's 7:30 match at Los Barry Green will ~-4 early ln the fourth quarter. That's Caballeros, Irvine {aoes off against aerve as tournament whenBobWlbonnettedagoalat5:22 Orange. On Saturday, Fountain c h a 1 rm an w it h -.1 .. 1 .... to fo th _,._,, rtod Valley meets New{!:rt Beac h and C 0 U n C i l ..._ an E r l c ' .... ~"-.oe rce e .,,.. ..... pe · Sa d m nua Ana uels ta Mesa in a Johnaon, Co1ta Mesa-Rico Gnaulatl .cored three times for" double-header beginning at 7. Hewport Harbor Liona r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Club preal dent Jim Ferryman and Jim Mizell at1l1U.na. Th~ bonoruy chairman 11 Cb1·u Meaa mayor Arlene Schafer. A $$0 entry fee Include. electric 1olf cart, tee prliea and •wardl dinner. Arnoq the pri%el I.I a Stratton Golf brul J*«e-f and a "t of c!Mlk: I.tom from Plnaeeker Golf. A Datsun 200SX could 10 to a lucky l)la.)'er who fi.lw a hole-ID,..ooe on a apeclfled hole. ~MYOU~ ....... F..r-~1..~ ltul I JIMIMWIWI ......... --==. I ........... I ., ..... ,.._....,_ I .............. -..... •AT'*!,__ __ , ..... -........ Nlt 11 tlll ,,.~~~-=-.. 1'"1 .... IOllC Ill Tllll .. Ml.It NOTICE ptCTmOUllUIM .. NAMI ITAnMIHT The lollowlng penon II doing b\illln"' •• CYP RES S GLENN TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION, 3t30 Klllarnay Lan•. Coate Meo. CA 112628 CYPRESS GLENN TOWNHOME ASSOCIA TIO.N 5801-5815 Nelson. Cypren CA 90630 Thia butlMn la conducted by an un1ncorporeteo a11oc1111on otller then • par1netan1p Cyp111sa Glenn lown11orne ,. .. oc Mark G 8ootz Sec;ly/Treea lhlt 111111ment wH llled w1111 the Counly Cletk of Orange County on July 7 1982. ,, .... Putlllthtd Orange COHI Dally Piiot. Juiy 9. 17, 23, 30, 11112 2956-82 Pl8l.JC NOTICE NOTICI OF TIWITH'8 IAUI T.9. No. 11a-8 TOWNE ESCROW CORPORATION u duly IOl)Olnfed Trull•• under Iha lolfowtng deectlbed deed of lf\let WILL 8Ell AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH •Jl.9YtbM at time of Nie In lawful mon•y of lh• Unll.c:t S1ttff) all right, Otte and Int-I conwYed 10 and now held by II unc:t. Mid DMd of Trull In the prQPlf1y hartlnlltllf dllacrlbtc:I· TRUSTOR· TONI A. MOKEDE BENEFICI ARY GRACE P. BROOKS, t widow. u to • 40 54% lnttrUI •nd Iha WOODHULL FAMILY TRUST. FE WOODHULL. M D Truatee. H lo • 59 48% ln••-RecorCltc:I Jvne 19, 1981 u lnalr No. 29735 In bOOk 14108 page 711 ol Official Records In the olflce of the Recorder of Orange County: Mid d••d ol lru11 de1crlb11 Iha toltowlng pr°'*1)': lot 19 or Trect No 8&3a, In the dly of eo.ta M.... u per map recorded 1n Book 258, Pagea 5 and 6 ol Mltc*taneous Mape, In lhl olfloe of lhe County Recorder of Mid county You .,. In dtleu« under 1 DM<l of Trual dtled Jyne I , 198 I UnllN you l•k• acllon lo protect your property. It may be IOid a1 • publk: .. ltl. H you need an explanatlon of the nature of 1he proceeding agalnfl you, you lhOuld contact• iawyw, 1oe2 Sanl• Cna Cln:le, Co.ta MIN.CA "(II a street addr-or common dHlgnauon ts thown above, no warranty la given •• 10 Ill compleleneea or OOff~)" The benenc:i.ry Uf\det Mid o..ct ol Tnm. by reuon of • breMtl or default In the obltgatlon• MOUl'td thareby, haretofore exacuted and dellverod to tho undoralgned • wrlllen ~lllofl of Oef-.11 Md Demand tor Sele, and wri11en notloe ol tlrHCh and of alec:11on to COUM lh• underalgnod to ••II ••Id Pfoperty to aattafy ulcl obllgotlont, •nd 1hereafter the under•lgned cauMd Mid not~ of brMCll and ot tlee11on to be Recotded Aprlr 5, 11181 u lnttr. No 82· 11791 f In Olflcltl Recotdt. Said ule wlll be made, bul without covenant or warranty, ••Pf-°' lmplled, rega.dlng title, ~.or encumbrancM, 10 pay the remaining prlnclC>al 11Um of 1111 noll(I) lllCUftd by Mid Deed of Tru.t. with lnl«Mt .. In Mid note PfcMded, lldvancea, 11 any, under IN lemll of Mid Deed of Trust, '-· c:n .. gee and ·~of the lruat .. end of the lrutll CtMltd ti)' tald DMd of T~I. Said Mltl will be held on Monday. Augutt 9, 11182 at 2:00 pm , ti the ChlPfnln Avenue enlrllnCll, to the Civic Cenler Bulldlng, 300 Eaa1 Chapman Avenue, in the cny ol 0rll'Qll At 1na lime ot II•• lnllltl publlcalJan of Ihle nollce. lhl total amount of the unpaid btlenco of the Obligallon MCUted by tM aboYI da1cr1t111d dead of 1ru11 and Hllm•l•d coal•, upentH, and 1dvance1 It S21,458 19. To dettlm'llne the opening bid. you may c:alt (714) 937-0966. ' Oat• July e. 19&2 TOWNE ESCROW CORPORATION U Mid TNlt .. , By TD SERVICE COMPANY, agent By Shal'an Neice, AMlatant Secretary One City Blvd W•t. Orange, CA 92116& Tel: 114/835-8288 Publlthed Orange CoHI D•ll~ Piiot, July 16, 23, 30, 11182 3195-32 Nil.IC NOTICE NII.IC NOTICE T ":~ ....... - fllt ~ ~ ... Oo1nv blUllMM .. OLDI TVMI HOITALOIO l'ICTUi.I ,ACTOfll't. t34t IMull'I ~U; un11 I . Wttlmlnttet, C Victor A lrenuto, ttft 1 l'lobert Lene. Hunllnglon l•~h. OA 92~7 lhltl•y Ill lr•noeto, 1t?O 1 Flobtft L-. HuntlflVtOf'I lefoOtl. OA tH.t7 Thi• tweina.e It conouottd by an lndMdual _. lhir'-Y Ill lfenc:eto Tllil 1111-1 WU tlltd with IN Coun1y Clt<k or Orenge Coutity on July 7, 1112 P1 ... 1 P11bllthtd Or•no• Co••• Delly l'llOI. July t . 10. 2). )(), 1H2 nt4·&' PtCTTnOUa ......... ...-1TAT11....,. The IOllow\nO PIQOM -doing ~ .. A & A lQIJIPMENT RENTAL co .. , ... llllnolt 11 .. Coll• MeN. CA92Ut. HERBERT f , ALMAROO!. 1849 llllnol1 SI .. Coal• M .... CA 92029. INIX A AlMARODI, 18411 Hlll\Olf 81 , Cotla Mau. CA 112828 Thie buelneet It conducted by • Q4W*al .,.,., ..... ~ IMI A A"'*ode Thie •Ill-I WM llitc:I wt!h lhe County C-k of Or~ County Oft July I&, 1912 ,,Mn Publl•h•d Orange CoHI Dally Piiot, July te, 23, 30, Aug. t . 111112 3213-12 c"'ana NOTIC9 OP TRUaftra IALI T .a ...... 11117/WAUH ~ YOU ARE IN ot!lfAUL T UN0£A A DEEO 01' TRUST. OATED FEBRUARY 12, 11111, UNLESS YOU T Al<E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT Ao PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Of' THE PROCUOtNG AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYER. On Augull 13. 111'2, •I 9: 18 A.M .. GUARDIAN RECONVEYANCE CORPORATION, e Ctlllornla Corporation, •• duly appointed Trutt .. under and pureuant lo DMd of T~1 racorded Mtrotl 11, 11181, u lnet NO. 14838, In bOOll 13977, page 1130, or Official Rec:otd1 In the office of lhl County Recorder ol Orange County, 8111• of Calllomlt.. EMclut«I by P+tlLIP M. WALSH and PATRICIA A. WALSH, Will SEU AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH ·~bit at lime of ule tn i.wtut moM¥ of the Unl1td Slat•) 11 tne front enl1enoe 10 the old C>r-0• County CounhouH, located on S•ntt Ana Blvd . be~ Svc-t St & Broec:lway, Stnte Ana. CelHornla. Ill right. 1111e end lntareet c;onveyea lo and now held by II.under Mid.Deed or Trua1 In the pro~rly 1lluat.c:t In H id COunty end State de9ctlbed • EXHl8fT "A" p.,C.. , . Unl1 No. 30 .. "'°""' and dMctil>td In the ~ Plan r.corded on November a. 111711, In 8oo1t 12918, Pegee 901 to Me lnell.lllve of otllclll R«lord1 Of ulcl County. Parcel 2 · An undivided one torty.ftnt ' I/ 4 111) lnlerwt u • temi In common In 1ht I• tni-1 In and to the Common AIM of Lot 8, Tract 65112 .. per map llled In lloolt 422, Paget 1 10 1 tnclu alve, of Mlaceltan.oue Mapa, r.cord1 of Mid County •• 9llOh term .. Oeflned In the Attlde entttl9d ffo.tlnlllona'' ol the Oed9tatlon of ~ta. Condition• and Fl••1tlctlon1 deecflbed In "SUBJECT TO:" !*ow (the "Declerallon"): Parcel 3: faMmenl• •• ••I lorftl In Ill• 81otlon1 entllted ··c.t.1n ~ lot °""*"" end "S11pporl, Be111ement end Enoro•o"m•nl" of the Artlcl• enlllled "Ea1emen1a" of th• Oedefatlon. RESERVING UNTO GRANTOR, ltt 1UOOM10r9 end eteign9, I~ wnh the rlgM to or.m and trllnlfer all Of I portion of NIM, .. lollow9: Except •• tr•nl•d hereby, .......... end rlgh1a -~ to Grtnlor H Oeclar•nt In 1he Article entitled . 'bMrrlenta'' of the Oaclerauon. tnetwtlllg. without llmlltllon, oll, gel and rnlnertl r1gbQ. --rlgtlta and ~ fOf • community ar.1enna ~ eyetem and for con•tructlon. dl1ptay, rnaln1en•nc:e. HIN and exhibit ~. M provided In the Oec:Watlon. ltie rwtMlllOn for Oii. QM and mlnlfal r1GMf Ille:! for wat• rlghl• •f'l•ll not rHorve for the benlftt of the Orentor any rlgtlt 10 enter upon th• tutl•c• of th• property ~ tweOy In the -a.a ol "°' ~ rlgtlta SU8Jl!CT T0- 1. Cvrrent I•••• end MIHtmeola. 2. That '*1.aln Oed9t111on of Covenanta, Condition• end Reetrlo11ont (herein refetrec:I to u Ille "Oeder•tlon") recotdtd Ofl Moy 31, 1978, In 9ootc 12tll7, Pagao 38& 10 4'5 lndutMI, of Oflldlll Aeccrc:lt of Oraneo COunty. Collfomlt. end any emendmenll 1hereto, at tmpo•ed by Supplementary Decleretlon of Cowenanu, Condition• end RHtttctlont r-ded on NowMlbtr 8. 11171, In Book 12919, P•o .. IH 10 too lncluelve, or Offlclal A.COfdt of Orang• County, and any amendment• th11eto, end th• ~la. oondlUoM. 1'9atr1Gllon0. rlghl1. ~••· r-rvat1on1, benefit• and burden• therein contained, MCtl and ell of wtlldl •• hereby t•Prauly Incorporated httelll oy referenoe • ttlough aet OU1hertllnlf'lfull. 3. Covenant•. oondlllon1, r..irtcttont. r~•ttona, r'Ohll, rlgf'ltt of way and _,b Of record and appetW1t. Th• 11tHI eddr• .. end other OOfMIOn deelQNtlon, II any..' !'f_. lhe ,....~~--.. purpon.d to be: II AOOf<Y KHOU .. IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 112?16. Tho under•IOO•d Tr11 tt•• dleclalm• ony lfablltty tor eny lnOOmCtMM of "" .,... ~ enct CICMr oornmon ,...IMlofl If q, --heNln. Sile:! Hlo wlll be made, lllut 1111111 c11m •111111 RM1 "1.lte nec:uuve Tad JOMI rejoined CoWwtll Buker Commerdal Real E1tate lenictt u marketlna dlree1ar of tndUltriaJ ~ for the SoythwMt. Ht had been with the ~ C-ouncy real t1tat1 d1v_1Jopmtnt flrm of Tamutser·Hamllton. In 1980, he became W. man.pr of the Coldwell Banker 1ub1idiary Newport BMch of11ct. Barry Mccarroll of San Bernardlno joined Eldorado BaDk aa vice pr11ident and ma.nli•r of lta San Ben'W'dlno "*'' office. Eldorado Bank la hHdqu.artered ln Tultln . The HopklH DevelepmtaS Cempaa1 of1 Newport Beach la developer and ..... apnt forl Heritap Square, a ahopplnf e.nter In~ 8Uk1n Robblnl lee creun ii ~tenanta that will occupy the facility Btnrly Rlll1 8avt.&~ 6 Lou A11a. of Miasion Vie)> acgu1.red a controlllna inier.t in Wet&ern Paclflc Commercial Brokera1e Co. ot Irvine. Three eenlor officet'I of Beverly Hll.ll Savings abo will become director• ot Weatern Pacific Commercial Broke,.. Co. They are 81daey H. Morau. executive ~ preaiden~ Robert Pelletier, 1enior vice prelident!rea.l estate invmtments, and Deu Bierbower, eenlor vice presidenkommerdal real eat.ate marketlna. Denni• M. Ftt1patrlck, pre1ldent and chief exeeutive officer of the auociatlon, wlll continue to serve on We.tern Pacific'• board. The Vie de France re.taurant in the Cdurtyard Mall in Rolling Hilla Eat•tes, buih by Cfock Coa1tnctloD, Irvine, aentral oontnictor Oil the project, hu opened. The 2,800•eguare toot restaurant w., det4cned by McMarray /Sud• A11oda&es, Laauna Be.ch, and featu.ree an Old World oontinent.af flavor. A.l.u D. Bernnu of Mmion Viejo hlil beellt named the national dealer sales manaaer for, Competert&ed Rest.avant Sy1tem1, lac. Santa Ana.1 A reataurant owner, Herrman baa faat-foodt restaurants in Norman, Ok.la. and Scottabluff. Neb. i Plua Prodact1 of Irvlne purchued Mill Creek Natural Product•, Inc., Rolltns Hilla, a firm involved ln natural hair and akin care producta. El Camino Bok named William T. Pa.non I assistant vice president m it. 1pe<:ialized loan.1 department. Sears plans Mesa business center Sears Merchandise Group plana to open four bu1ine11 syatems centera in the Los Angeles metropolitan area ln the fall, one of them ln Coat.a Mesa. The stores will offer small comp ut ers and related equipment. The units will not be part of the exiating Sears retail store system. The first center is acheduled to open in Encino 111 August. Later, the company will open units in OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND HEW YOAlt (API Clnl ..... al Gp l:!IM-tal,low~ ~ ~ti 7 .• t .07 ... • ...... by tqwlt s ... 6.22 IN Na\llMI M•acl-Olanr.elOf' Gl'OUCI Mlon ,,, SeQ.orlllfl Hl v1c1 ._.. t .n ~·~ Inc., -HIMun 11 .. 11.0 ""ora• at M ien NDK 122• ll. u -woirlllfl TIMM IS.a .. ti ~ MW beetl ~ 10 01 Nl lllld (let •-t l'W 16.SD • °' ..-.,.1 or _ _,, r 11.90 NL ("'91,. plUt WM 0.nul -ell <fllr9tl ~ Qilonlal Fundt s.tl .... F\M u,..,,eil Allie U01 ~L Gt.Cit -all "-" F ,U7 Hl HI Yid .-v•11 MN 14.02 NL lna»im -•II Al\AU!'ll IU2 NL Oaln ,_well AIM F-. h• A'1I! ~avail C\IYld tl.41 1127 mlll 160I NL f-l4 •.01 II Alt I 11 I.JO HIVlcl Ut e.tt Iii 1.$1 I 70 AWla f 1•1' NL ... I .•• A 81""T IQ.el II 12 l Lt0 M'el1<el j111119. 11.0S NL A .. , I.II 9 ~ IA Gel'll. Pasadena and Torrance, as well u at South C.O.St Town Center. The 1U>res will not only aell, but also service a variety of electronic equipment under Sears and other brand names, such as IBM, NEC, Vector, Graphic, Exxon, Hewlett-Packard, Panasonic and Texas Instruments. Included will be small computer systems. typewriters, word processors, printers. desk-top copiers, dictation and communications NASO LISTINGS NASDAQ SUMMARY ~uipment and supplies. The centers alao will offer ' software for uae with small computers. Sears opened 1t1 first five centers in Chicago, Dallu £nd Boston ln 1981. Thia yur, Sea.-a Merchandise Group, the corporation's entity which also ' operateS traditional retail storea, announced plans to open 90IDe 45 additional bualneas centers throughout the United ~tates. -I -VI\ , Te4ot0 ) DOC\ • Lal•.. .'''9. 1~ • ') •\oo • -1i'I ..... ,,.., + 1v .. J'tJ • ,,, JV, • v, I • I '~ • I ,.,. . ''• • .,, • \It 2" • '"' 2""'-• ~4 .l .. "' 1' J • ~. ' . ,,, 1) • I )'• . " S''" • '~ S''• • ,.., N •4 llila .,. 2'1-• ''• ,j, . v.. 1~ • "' ,,.. ,, OOWltS l.al °'? • 1l , .... ) l >'• ,,, Pct Up ~, Up 26.I Up ••• Up 11 i Up 111 Up 161 Sp "1 :1: lH VI> n s Up ,,_, Up ". Up 11.4 Up 11 A Up 11 I Up "1 Up "' Up 10 I Up 10 s Up 10 s Up 100 Up 100 Up 100 Up 9\ Up t) Up 'l ~ °" 11 7 Oii u• OH UJ Ott Ul HEW YORK IAPI Motl K'l•ve o""'r s KyHru Stlpwnf '''• .. °'' 11 s ~·' ~~~~~le.I A\«:a N~O MCIC • I m ODO ,,._ 41'•> • ~ MNkC • ••100 7, l~ • •• OltMi< )7) JIO llJ'. -• • .. En A.Pr ),. JIO • • .... T-\ l?HOO 1~ !It =~ m: Ir· ~~ JJU1 1n.1DO lh ll~ T .ndilrt It.] U )Ji.o :II 50oe,.., 160 IOO lfl'o "' "11 >n 1 J6ot Ult .. SI ».••1 soo • 1 • • 10 11 11 \J w IS " 17 .. .. JO 11 Z2 2J :M 15 E•c.1111:> '"' .,, 011 11 I .. ,_ 1 ... Oii 11 I Wl~Tel , ... Oii 11 I .,,,,_ ~ ~ Off 10 0 llul18' pl ,.,. II. Ott 10 0 HHOllT ..... ., &: 10.0 WnPlclJf A 1•1. ... 10 0 w-, .... ... Off 100 O.vJm ) I " Off • 1 ,,._d 1 " 011 . , "-11118 ··~· I~ ()fl •> (;CQ,ldr 11'> "" Off • 1 r .... e. 1 .... ... g:: 'I ~ "" " .. s ... .... Off • 1 "°tlV\n ..... " Oii . ] ~<t'y 11 ... -1 011 u ~ .... Oii 1.0 GeNtl '"-"' Oii 1.0 OCGT.c '"' " Ott 1 , ----- wntiout 0011n1nt or warrant), ...... or lmP!ltf, ,...,dl!IO Wt. PCttttllOi'l. ot ~----'° !:Miii tha ~ ;:: IUll'I Of the llOM(t) ~ ... Oeed of Tru•t, wltll Inter•• '"••on, o ~ In Mid note(•). ..,,.,.., • It tlffj, Wldtt ... """' Of Mid DtN ot Tt111t, feta, ohero•• end _.,...of die T~alld « Wie truatt o,.ot.O by Hid Detcl of TNll. The total artlCIUl'l1 ol the i..-b4Mn0t Of ... ~ ..,...., by lhe ~ 10 tit .,... and reUelleblll t .. fll'Ot9'd CIOOta, ........................ of.,,. Wl*.r.blaHon Of"" ... ........ ,m .... of 'r~:r=-~o:: cMl.....r 70 Ille llndMtlgntld a "'*" °"'*"*'' Of OllfelAlt and DMlond lot ..... ""' ........ ,._.. .. °"-!Ind ~ to .... Tht~---., ........ .. ..... to ........ ,...,....,. .. ~ ........ ,.~ .......... . Diii: ~ 11~ ,.,. o~;\:.,.fleoO!lwy~ co..,., .•• ~ 1U 1 t "'¥•fllde Orlwe N•rt" Hot1r•ood, OA .. Orange Coatt OAILV PILOT/l'rlday, July 23, 1882 s Cl Nlt E COMPO ITE TRA SACTION OVOtAllOll• UtC\1101 H AOU ON TMI lfl W YOl l . MiOWltf , 'AClflC. l'IW, Htt 01t OIHltlf A .. 0 Cl•CllflfATI HOC• •.11tMll ... U AJIO jlt,..11•t 'r fltl llAto ANO llllflNIT .. l<t\ Ntl ~In Ntl \#IH Ntl ~IH Nel '"" 101 I' I !Ith (le .. (!It I' llC!t C10.. CllU ,. l llO• Cl9w ('IQ "t l\00 CIOM c..., I' I ,.._ C'-(flt ~~.· 111 '§ •j tm·· ~ "-'~"'' In • >U "'" 1.-f M•tw• Mt 1 )I .... -.... ,.... .. , 1M ,... .. " ~ "! "~. "' " ,,, ..... ,It<:" ,. .. • ..... Mt i.1 • ,, ... 14w "' 1'1111 II 1 • ;u IJ... tli I .,_ •.. ~·... N•I jer t 1: "1111~:1~ g"''""' ·;,i· .ff 2 • ~ Mtilm"",1: 1~u: ~~~~~"'Ii a:; :; *~.: fif .1., ~-~.~ '"c 11f\ C•o .. c,,. 1141 .,.,. 2 • . , ... • U 11 1m o._ " \\'I 1 .. • ~ I _.' ~ .. ' ,. •• 11 • "' "' ~13'::''Ut . ':r. ~:::·~ v~1~ f~ ~ ··~ :%: :: 11~~ n i ! 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' t 1 " W!Wt..1,40 I ti •I• d U IO • " "'" OE pf8 271 . • ti~+ "' !tM,.,w IS It eh .... MOMU• .10 II 171 '*. " '""" ,, 112 "• \It 1 Ill • W•tllGt •j al! ., ....... Of ,_.. IDO tO • · OE pr~ ' IH U lft • V. " "° 1 10 ~ ~ Mii LIO ~ · • II JSlll + '-ltll'll.l't ... t I j~ .. . ll!d Ii t ft'-~'~ WIMMl 1 I 1._ ' . ' ..... ,,: • ... g:=r,;·~· ·~ w-=,"' 11.ckw ,:,.'° " 1."' .... llU<~r ~l~ ~a:~~ '810ll "'::~ 2#"~+ -'· • ·~ ~·.it =n-.*·l· ,. f:~~.~ • -,_ .... ,~., !! 21~ ... 0e1e.,~·· • 14..., .,. =:::;~ ::~,::: u"':'::11M11<d1tw . u '"' .. ~,.....,Alt 1 tot 4 ···~ • .. ; st1 "'21 enl~ 1'10 IJ iii ,..._ ~ Oe•IM I.Id t 14 ,,.,..._ 111 Ii•-. p IM S tJ %2"'• .... IN>QICI •II IOI 1.-. It t t If' ,,.._\I\ ti ,4 t ....,,_Ill w.41 4t1 lJ ,,..._:i.t 1111.M .. 2 1 •I~ .. OIOltt M I •t t -"' Kt11JS I 41• ;q II'" MefonH t 40 II S1 Ja -.. ti , 1f ll~+"' ... ft~= lt Ill 1\11 .... I·= fll 11t .~ ,.!: :~ .:: i'~ : : :: .p 1'~: ,t =:ii.:..· ... J , ~ a~-:-." ~~ ~ 't ;: ,;=: ~ , .• ., , 1t~ .r-~·-,~ ·i ! ir !'... .,., • ,·~ : 1n r': ~ ".-l"Y U O l N M + ._ i::l 1·:,: m !f' ... HellCIK • 10 19 IJV,+ ~ ==~~. ·,.: ~ 3t··'. ::~ .. :.: ·~ lf"!:: ,, to •l\6 =~ 11,; ,lf ,~ ~ uo 1,~ J tl ,. • "" ...... • ffll •t111t-"' ~-2 ' '" ,._. " MlrH-. Ut • ... ... ,..,.Liif &AO.. n~ \lo ,( J!•".. .... l •• to nT ""• " ,U. . t 2111. 14 Ofll II 10b t lOJ II "•rarJ I • tt 14.... 'Jt MlrH llf !OD W .. .. ,.,,., -e , • ~ I ii .. \\ Wli'eft!' "'l. • , .. "'h ". M U • U"-+ "-11._, 1·-1 t6 -H•rlftO 1.., II 1.M U~-t Vo MM\1[11 a i• 1~ 0'9• lot 11 II~ .,7' • I 14 ···~ '6 W•l"I' 1 1 " 17~• "' ti~,{:=:-~ Ot-i 1,»lti tl~+ll<t ~~:i, 1! :; J"• ~ =r"..ttt:·. Jfi mt::: ,.: .. t_, ii.:j ff:"'• Ill .~·· ll ! ~ Wtlc1Tt1 • ., 6 1n:-"' 1 2 DI JCMo-~ 01~" II 1 t~ " lf•trlt f iSt -~ lit Mitt d 11 t JIJ '" ,..,.t ~ 1) • • • 1111 \I t -Ill =:tr ' 'ft 1P. '- , .. 11 ti. ll 4' Dr~ -!! IO ,,__ " H.,tee I l ~ IJ~• Ill .. ~ (•• 1.a 4 lt! ,.__·+· ;;. '•"1.r t •· S Y,,.... '-• \\ ~~ .t4 •• IOS4 i lll ~ Nelson tells drug contract NtJ.,n ~h & Development Co. of lrvine announced tt entered into agreements with Block Drus Co. Inc. ind SmlthKllne Beckman Corp for development of producta containing Ai.one The compound increllleS the ~netrauon of drup through the akin. The company also said for the th~ rnontM ended June 30, revenues rose 23 percent to $378,000 from the corresponding perlod a year aao. But there was a net loss or $50,000, or 'l cent a share, against a gain of $118,000. or 3 cents a share. m the comparable period Jut year MSI re ports esrni11gs dro p MSI Data Corp. of Costa Mesa reported net income of $860,000, or 35 cents per share, for the quarter ended June 26, compared with earninp of $1 ,229,000, or 50 cent.s (restated) for the comparable 1981 quarter. Revenues were $13,527,000 for the three months compared with $14,195,000 in the year-earlier period Paceseller sho,.t stock s up The Pac1f1c Stock Exchange reports an increase m !>hort intl·n't>t for stock of Aml.'rll'un Pacesetter of fqewPort Bcac:h There wert' 150 shares in that position June 15 and 1.238 July 15 The average daily volume for trading in June was 745 shares. A l>ho1 t po!>tl1un normally •~ wkt•n when an inVl'Stor l'XJX"t"Lo; the prtl't' of tlw ~lock to I.ill and hl· c·an rt"plal"< 1l at a lt~N prtl"t' Apprux1mall·ly 15 utht·r -.t11(:ks li~t<-d t•xc lus1v<'ly on tht• t:>.rhange also .. tww1 d l.1r ,L!l'r -.hort inll're>'>t posll1ons for the• pN11.td VA h om e loan f ce back ed WASHINGTON (AP) Tht· lluul>4.· Vetcr..tru.' Affairs Cornm1lll't:' cippruvt'<.l a $551 nu I hon, lhree·Yl'<Jr pac·kagc• of budgl•t saving:-. toda~ that mdudt~ <A mortga~l' ft't' for most vf'lt·ran~ n"l·t 1vmg a VA loan Thl' proposal. C'learc>d by v11ll't' vole. would impost· a ft'<.' o f ont' half perc.•enl on houw loc:1ns guaranteed by lhe Vctt•nins' Admtn1s tr<it11J/l. Comm1llt•C' staffl•rs t>st1maled the· average' c~1st pt·r 10:111 would 1.x· $28:'1 The proposal for a mt>rlgag<' ff'I' would appl~ to all holdl'rs of VA-bat·kc'<.I mortgage•-. 1·x11 pl vl't••r.1ns with st•rvtlt' ('O nnC'c tc d d1sab1lltH·s llomt•o\o,nl•rs pavmg lhl• fN~ would hav1· tht• option of a lump sum payment or monthly mstallmt>nlS ovc•r tht• life of th<'tr loan STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS 1 .... . .. . .... .. NEW V'ORI( 1,i.p1 Ille lottow1n9 l•Sl nwt Ille Ntw Yor• Sloo E ~'""Q(' ttD<:IU WKI ... ,,.,,\ ,,,., havp OO"• UP , .. mMI -dow" ll'tt "'"'' l>t1W<I "" ~.,,of ell-•POt•dltt• d •olu.-.. Hor=rH 1re<1n9 .. ,_ 11 -~ •nc1 -Ntl •ltd _<_.,_ <lltnue• ''" 10.. dlf1rt,.l'IC. ~ t,_,. Orf'vtCIJS ( 10\lnQ prlot _, T-.Oey~,;ce 1 "-lni:-~bl> ~~ .... °'J. 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""'" 0ti''.o I ,.. • Oii • j U"-I , Oii 1 • .... 1 " Ofl , 1 ... ~ Oii 1 0 1J~ 1"-Off I O 11·~ ,. • Oii •• 11 't Oii 4 J I ~ \l ()II t 0 •l't .... Oii s ' '°"" ··~ Oii s 1 10" "' 011 s 1 4'• 1 • OU S• ,... • .. 011 s. I '• •1 00 !) JI 1°'> 011 S J ,.._ ... Oii s 0 714 '-Off •• 4,,., 'lo ()II t 9 ''" '-Oii •• ~" 011 .. s I '-._ Oii 't 2 " I Ofl 4 4 Jl''I I Off 4 J ... .. g:1 • , 21 I I 4 l GOLD COINS NIW YOAK (A"I -Prlc .. lett Wldneedty Of QOld OOlnl. eomc>11ed wllh T..,..,_,., price • It~ t lfOy OI , 137260. oft la.TS . ...... ...._ 1 ~ °'· 1112&0. on n,!f· · .. lfOM ....... 1.t lfOY oa.. ~ 1 00. off lUO ~ t• ~ tl02 \ray OI., 138210. off l .UO ' loWOI Oalll·htWI DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VOllKIAPI f1n.1 Oo..,.Jonf" ••O• 1or n • .,,.... Jul n STOCKS JO Ind 10 Tm IS IJll •\ ..,u • ....... °"" Htlfl ...... c.... °'' .,~ 4) '3f II 1211) Ill 00 0 " ll!IO l••8' lll&l lll>tJ• O O 101 S4 10~,. ·~b 40 •07 10 0 1~ '" tJ& nn1 J•••~ J>t •1 o 11 ''•" \AH\ OS '>I• WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y'ORrC AP Jul 11 __ .., 0.<••....i ll'C".,_9fd Teo • 1\<UP'. ,..,. n1Cif'\ ~""' IO'N'\ --..i O.c.••~f'O 11\CMn~ Tal•I '\.\U~ ,..w h•fli' ~-'OVilll'\ METALS NFW vOFH< 1,i.P1 T""" ,., "'8 . ., 18~1 •S " SOM-1 ••I .00 I OJ• JOO • \SO JOO ~h o;r, 630 ... ,.,, I~ J7 ...... d~., U\ 111 • •• ·~ n Copper :·r. I!> r""'' a 1mu11d US aes11na11on~ lb ltH 28· ~<! cen1~ a Pound Zinc JT •0 cl!"" a po.ma aelt•"'lla Tin $6 080f; Mt!llllS Weelt C01'll>O'''" Aluminum 76 11 t~nt5 a pound N Y Mercury $370 00 per 1185~ Pl•tln11m SZ'l8 00 lrov oz N 'I' SILVER H 1110, A H111m1n $6 920 Pf'• lf(I> ouncf! GOLD OUOTATIONS ., The Aa-•••ed ...... Sf*l9Cl WOfld UOld l>''Ol't Tllu110ty London: mom1no Ilk•~ S38t so. up $13 75 London: •lt.,noon l.x1ng $Jell 50 up s 111 75 ""'~ •11.,noon 11111ng S362 113 uo 120.29 'r•nafllrt: S362 97. up i; 1 e 9 7 Zurtcll: 1111 O•tng 13&2 SO. UP $17 00 bid, $3153.25 Mked He'"'1 a .._.,,, orlly dllly quOle 5366 50, up $117i l~d: only d .. 1)1 QUOll l1tw1Caled 138• 83, up S19 89 SYMBOLS o H~ ~.,.1y •ow u-N-~ lloOh vn,.11 ol""""'• noltd ,., .. DI <I~• ... annual o••~I• DeMd on 11111 l&AI quute••t o• ""''·•nnu•I dec••ra11on Sptet•I or ••Ira O<ric:IMCI• Of paym911l• not OC!Slglljlltd H ltQUlet .,, tdenlllltd 11'1 lilt 1011ow111Q tOQ!nol" •·Alto ••ff• Of flalrat l>·Anl>ual rall Plu• llOC' aiwtd•nd ~ llq111d•11no dMdtnd ~lllfed Of pf'<I lrl ~Ing 12 ,,_,,,,. .. 0ec1 .. eo Of pe.G •II" ttOCI\ d1VICltnd Ot 19411 !IP I P.ic:! thlt ~. d!""*1d °""'*' ae••<W or l'O eet19"1 '~"' 1t 1et1 d•~ lnMltnl k·o.ct.,tc1 °' INllO ,,... yew en -ll\IUl!ll<I "-""''" clMO.'!dt "''""" n-New 1._.ue •·Oecltttd or pel4 Ill ~Ing 12 mo111111 p!Ut 11oet1 Ol'1fdtnd l•PllO "' tlOC-In 0--41"9 12 mO•ll"•· llillmelecl callll .,...,. Of' u~ °' t1~.ollltr1DY11011 "''• •·l•·O.~ or ••·•'l"ta .,.C• ~ _ ..... 111~1 ...... 111U1 till-Gilled wd·W!Mtl Oi9trib\1111d WI WM!\ IHU•CI •w·Wllll w1rr1nl• •w·WllllOlll WlllMll kOll•llt-ditlfl!IWl!Oll p I •ll!O Tiie J)rA Of I al«~ .. I 11'!11111plt 01 ptt-tntlr• -~1\led by d10fldino Ille i.tKI 12""°'1\JI -f\lnOl llQIM'a 11110 lut •tit pnoe ...... " ... . .. J .!t ~ .. i. H•r11M U4 • "l """" "';:' I ... tt , ~" ........ f·!. t ..... "• 1 ~· ... =~ I ! l mi.:I ~= ti JEF rl;S:,:'i.··:£1 n L~::a~ .... ~ .. u ·~ Hf.: 1 ·11·1 ~i . -lit WV" 1 s 'B:f· g*,Jl/t.:::: ·; n' u~n~:= •ija'~·~=-~.f· t' 1"'· .. "·~~t =:·: 1 16-1" ,, • .._ ' It ~+'WI ~l . . ..... • 11 ~···" , fl"•'... u 1lir.:'. -;fit . 1 • ,,. "' , ~\t , ,.... • .. I ,. .,., '"' . Wt • -• • 111 •• --'· .. 1="'·. "" ;;:"8f1'8M""' 7'l ,. a;~,~ ~s-. ,, f + ,...~· ~· • ~ i t .. = . "' . ft-... ""I"' I ' .... ... .Ult ,. ,..._ .. ··-•M .. 1 + \'I •Wltll9 I.a IU I•">••••• W ec. I t t '-• ..._... ... I •1 • 1~= ...... .., •"l't\INflltt• HI ~ .. • '11tt ~I 1•1 • 11111""9 11 .•••_!~-"' ~ w ., mw~T:r~;:: .,. ra :1= ....... e:.11 .. :i: ll~ i~! =•l·:! T :::. .::"\" rt =,,,.= . ti : ! _..,::. ' --~:~ 1::=.o~~J~: ~ =, ii,, f:.: >l1 • IU '-•Ill c -i .·1 1.t ~i: • .... , ., t • ... ::flt l:I .. •i loo A• a.-. fl 6 .. ~ +I w1'= 111 ,. t 2\<t , 'lttlGAt ,-mt• •••·• ._ _ _. _______ .., _________ _. _________ .,.._ __ .._ ______ ._ _________ _.._.._..,. _______ ._ __ ._ _____ ..,.. w •I" ut • l11 ""' • 1oo Wr19'y 1 .._ " • -,,. .. Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/l'rlday, July 23, ~012 Point blank • satire SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -A Democratic •tate Senate candldato took a dll at a ReCJubllcan hopeful by P.Th~~.~1~\¥rfet Wisdom of Orrln G . Hatch and Hia PolltJcal Protege C. McLain 'Mac' Haddow." The book's 144 pages are blank. 'Roses • ID December' Slaying of American in Salvador show's topic By BARRY RENFREW ....... ._.,..... ...... NEW YORK -Jean Donovan u.ed \0 tell worried h1endl who wane.cl her \0 leave El Salvador TVRIVllW that "they don't shoot blond, often have Ignored their pleu for blue-eyed North A.mertcan.a." help and answers. On Dec. 4, 1980, the bodlet of An eloquent and powerful tale Ma. Donovan, a Catholic lay that has u much to say about worker, and three American modern America as the politics of nuna, were found in a ahallow Central America, Jean Donovan's grave in the Salvadoran atorylatheflratfilrninPBS'new oountrylide. They had all been serlee "Crisis to 'Crisis." raped and ahot. John Houseman narrates the '.rhe story of Jean Donovan, first program. Barbara Jordan, the eventa and ideas that led her the former congresswoman who \0 El Salvador, and America's is a profesaor at the University of growing involvement in the Tex.as, ls host for the 10-part bloody politics of that country, series that looks at subjects are followed in "Roses In ranging from poverty and December -The Story of Jean nuclear weapons to evangelical' Donovan," to be broadcast on politiaJ and raciam. public televis ion , Friday Ms . Jordan. in her (Channel 28 at 9 p .m . and introduction, says the series the 1tory of a remarkable joumey . Like ao many others ol her generation, Jean Donovan came from a happy and affiuerlt home. Watching home movlea and pho\OiJ'aphs of her growing up in Connecticut, U.tening to her family and frlenda, the viewer gets to know Mias Donovan very quickly. Yet detpite succese and many lovlns . friends. there appears something missing from her life -a sense of purpose and underatandina of what life waa. She perceived that the answers lay in the church. A Catholic priest encouraged her during a visit to Ireland to test her dim faith by seeking out a very different world Crom what she had known, the world of the poor and the oppressed. "I thought Utah politiOll could use a little satire," said W . Paul Thompson, former mayor of Sandy and Democratic candidate for the Senate seat sought by Republican State Reps . C . McClain Haddow -the book's title mispells McClain - and Dix Holt McMullin. A, 0 Channel ~Oat 10 p.m.) singles out issues and themes E CO Several members of the relating to what America wants W L ME SIGN -Oregon Gov. Vic Atiyeh and former Gov. Tom Salvadoran security forces were to be, and its search for a In El Salvador, a land of poverty where more than 30,000 people have died in a civil war, Jean Donovan began to find meaning to her life by helping the poor, the hungry and the orphaned. McCall hang new welcome sign at state's southern border that says arrested in connection with the common identity. "Welcome to Oregon." Atiyeh was angered at older signs which seemed to killing of the four women. But "Roses in December" is very imply new residents were not welcome. They said "We hope you will the case remains open, and much about the modern enjoy your visit.'' family membe~ aay U.S. officials American experience. ft's also Ml.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9UllNHS FICTrTIOUI 8USINIU NAME STATHllNT NAM£ ITAT£M£NT Tho following peraon la doing Th 1 11 1 d-' t>uslnen as: e o ow ng persona are .,.ng JERRY'S AUTOMOTIVE & busmess as MOBILE MEDIA NIX. 245 FIKhef BLUE /\NGEL. 260 Newport Street. Costa MeH. Ca11rornla Center Drove, Suite 240. N-port 92626 Beach. C/\ 92660 Advanc.d Motor S«vk:M, 245 JEFFREY H. STEVENSON, 466 Fischer Street, Cosla Mesa, Mon1erey Lagune Beech, CA Calllomla 92626 92651 Je<ry Wiiiiam Lomper, 24972 KATHLEEN TALPAS. 466 Southporl. Laguna Hiiia, Cotllornla ~2~~~erey, Laguna Beach, CA 92$53 Thia bus!,_. la conducted by a This buaine&& 1s conduct.a by a genet&I partnership general partnership J«ry Lemper Jeffrey H Stevenson Thia statement wu llled with tho This statement was 111.0 with the Coonty Clerk ot Orange County on County Cterll ot Orange COYnty on July 21, 1982 F1--July 7, Hl82 -F1t2171 Pony Rides Today thru Sun. in the Huntington Center mall noon to 5. Youth Fund donation 50'. Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Pubhshed Orange Coasl Daily t==========::;::;-1 PllOt. July 23. 30. Aug. 8. 13. 1982 Piiot, July 9. 11. 23. 30. 1982. PUBUC NOTICE ___ Ml.JC ___ NO_TICE_....;3'"'2"'"81_-e""2~1 29se-82 1 ___ Fte_m_ 10 _u_•_•_u_llME_,.. 1 _ 1 ,..--- Pllll.JC NOTICE NAM£ ITAT£MENT FlCTITIOUI IMl .... 11 The tollowtng peuona ato dOlng * * * * Restaurant DAILY COCKTAIL SPECIALS Piano Bar Tues. & Wed. with Barbie Thurs. & Fri. with Betsy Thursday Night Men's Night Saturday Night Ladles' Night Happy Hour 4 to 7 19111 Broakllnt tbrtqton Beach At Adams 962-1341 ....-ITAnMINT l'tCTITIOUI .,.._.. buSlnns as The following person la doing NA-. tTATE•HT KENTUCKY DRILLING FUND. t------------------------1 busi-u . Tho following poraon 11 doing L TO 1. 1601 Dove Streol. Suite 270. AUTORITE. 1280 F Cobfllto Pk. buslnoa u : Newport Buch, CA 92680 Or., Santa Ana, California 92701 ARNETT OE SIGN ANO Tu Leveraged Concepts Inc . Joteph Pottlf Cecere. 1280 F DRAFTING, 2200 Park Newport, a Calllorn1a corporation, 1601 Dove Cebrlllo Pk. Or , Santa Ana, Apt 220 Newpor1 ee.cti C.llfoml8 Street. Suite 270, N-port Beach. Collloml1 92701 9zeeo ' ' CA 92860 Thia butl,_. la conducted by •n Jay Howard Arnett. 2200 Patti This bus•nesa is conducted by a fndMdual. Newport. Newpor1 Beech. Calttornta corporation JoMphPeterC--o 92660 Tac Leve•eged Thi• atotoment w .. filed with the Thia bualnota .. conduc1ed by an Concepts. Inc County Clerk or Orange County on lndlvlduol. Wayne M Schultz CEO July 21. 1982. Jay H. Amen This statement was filed w11n the F1... Thia statement -filed with the County Clerk ol Orange COYnty on Published Or1nge Coast Dally County Clertt of Orengo Coonty on June 29. 19112 PllOI. July 23. 30, Aug. 8, 13, 1982 July 21. 1982. F192 .... 3287-82 F191111 Published Orange Coast Dally ---o-11n-•1c-NO-Tl_C_[___ Publlthod Or1ngo Cout Dilly P1101 July 9. t8 23 30. 1982 ~ uut.. Piiot, July 23, 30, Aug. 8, 13, 1982 3110· 82 FICTrTIOUS BUSINESS !'?M-4' Ml.JC NOTICE NAME SUTEMENT P\BUC NOTICE The following persons are doing -----------ACTmOUI ~H bus1n9$li as IUf't!MOfl C°""" NA.m ITAnmNT U P T 0 N . S C H U L T Z , Of' CAUl'OtuelA Tho fOllowtng pet90t\I are doing FERGUSON . SALADINO & COUNTY Of'~ ~M: · STOKES. 1601 Dove Street, Suite 700 CIYlc CenW DfM WHt l. B. AIRPORT SHUTTLE & 270. Newport Be11eh. CA 926fi0 tenta A-. CA 92701 LIMO SERVICE. 1800 E. Flrtt Ta• Lever&Q8d Concept1. Inc. MARRIAGE OF PETITIONER StrMt, Sarita Ana. Calltoml1 92701 c) Calllorma corporallon. 1601 oo~e CINDY BRAUN; AESPONOENT· ~ P. a.-. 13M E:redo Street Suite 270 Newpor1 Beacn LARRY BRAUN Circle, Weatmlnltor. Colllornl1 CA 92660 SU....otft 92883 T hos business os conducted by a co1po•aflon Ta • Levera ged Concepts. Inc Way™3 Schu1t1 CEO This statement was flied w11h lhe Counly Clerk of Orange Coun1y on June 29, 1982 F1924e3 Published 011n9e Coast Daily PtlO! July 9 16 23 30 1982 3109-82 (FAMILY UW) RoNlla c. eunoan. &3HI Erlldo c-No. o 11" JO Circle, WHtmln1tor, Calllornl• NOTIC£1 You Mv. boeft Ned. 92883 The coutt 1N1J decide ,..inot rou Thia ~ i. oonductod by an wllttout ,_ bolflfl lleord unleM lndlvldu*. . rou r...,.nd wltMn JO .s.y .. "9ed Roaaallo C. 8uno4W1 the lofonnetlon !*ow. Thia statement wu flied with tho 11 you With to Mell the 1dV\ce ol Coumy Clertt of O<anQO County on an attorney In thlt matter. you July 21. t982. should do so promplly ao thel your F1taa7 response or pleading, II ony, may be Published Orange CoHt Dolly llled on time_ PllOt, July 23, 30. Aug. 8. 13, 1982 -----------1 AVllOI Uat•d h• eldo 3288-82 PUBllC NOTICE domondodo. £1 trlb11nel puod• cSeckllf contro uct. 11n llldeftcle • Ptll.IC NOTICE STAT'EMENT OF ,_. qlM Ucl. '"ponds dtHltro -----~-----WITHORAWAl FROM tMIDl11 PAR1'N£ASHIP Of'EAATINQ do ao dlal. L .. le lntormedon... NOTICE °' TMltTEF• •ALE UMMA FlCTITIOUS elglHI. Ma f 1TM2 BUSINESS NAME SI Usted desea sollclter et 111,0ATANT NOTICI TO T he f o II o w I ,, g per son h •' consejo de un abogado en este NOPtlRTY OWNCft: nus SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY mt! "The most satisfying film of the year so far." -Oaria a.a..,Mll, Ult ~a.a n•u "Extremely funny." -Vlamlc C'.aUJ, NIW YOlll lUIU "One f!I. the year'11urprisa!" -lln lft4, NIW Yoe& IA.ll.YNIWI asunto. deberla hacerlo withdrawn as a g-•al partner trom mmediatarneote de 0511 manera YOU AM .. Ol!fAUl T UNOl:A A NOW PLAYING the partnership operating undet the :.U -~-ta 0 · 81....,aclOO SI hay' Mm Of' TM.llT, OATIJ) UP. 11, llc1111ou1 business name of ,.....,...... -v · 1llO, UNLatl vou TAKI ACTION COST• MES• "dwards Bristol 540 7444 EUROPEAN PAINTERS, 3!>6 Costa ~~ponl. puede ser reglatrada 1 TO NOftCT VOUll NONRTY, "' "'.c . Mesa Street, Costa Mesa. CA 1 TO THE RESPONDENT The rr MAY M IOU> AT A l'UllUC IL ____ ....!::;l"°='-::::!:'5ACCUT111==='6ii=n=•-=-;;::E;.l ____ _J 92627 . I A LI • IF V 0 U N 11 D A N r RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ............. 9!MIS..• 1922 HA.llOR llVD. COSTA MESA -'541·1156- A star-studded celebration of kids, courage and hopel See miracles In the making as courageous children. their families and doctors wage a heroic war of hope against childhood's deadliest killers. Wlth hosts SO% OFF CEILING FANS AT HARBOR LITES. 645-7301 7 DAYS Michael Landon and Diana Canova WILLIAM SHATIIEll VIC TAYBACK -.. A moving human drama every DANNY THOMAS DENNIS WEAVER A spttCldl telev1\1on presPntat1on of St Judi:' Children s RPwarch Hospital parent should see:· -Danny Thomas FRI· 8:00 Pl-1:00 AM·CH 8 The llcllt•ous business name petitioner hll IHed • petition l!XP\.ANATIOM Of' THm NAT'Ufle statement tor the partnership was concerning your marriage. 11 you fall Of TMI fltl()CHDINQ AGAINIT r------------------------1 . to Ille a responte wlthln 30 days ol filed on J8'1uary 15. 1982 1n the the date that this eummons 11 YOU, YOU IHOUt.D CONTACT A COYnty ot Orange. S«Ved on you your deftull may be LAWYWR. Full Name and Addre" of the ent«ed and the court may enttlf a On August 18, 1982, 1t 10:00 Person Withdrawing Judgment containing lnjUnctlvo or A.M .. •• duly appointed Tru1tff JIAI AACEK, Olhef orders concerning division of under end pursuant to Oaed of 356 Costa Mesa Street properly spouul support Child Truat r•cordod September 25, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 custody · child support 1tiorney 1980. u Instr. No. 35825 book F111052 ,_ coet~ and such ot"9r retlef 89 13759, pogo 385. of Offlclol Published Orange Coast Dally m•y' be granted by the court The Record•. oxooutod by: C. BARR PHot. July 2, 9, 17, 23. 1982 garnlSllment 01 wages, tlllll,;g of FLETCHER 1nd LUCY ANN 2907-82 mOMY or prope<ty. or oth9r coun FLETCHER. huoband and wtfll u ---... ---,,.-Mn-TIC_[ ___ authorized proceedings may also tru1tor(1). In tho orlle• of tho rUUU\I nv res 11 County Record•• of Orone• -----------u • 98 County, Slit• or CaNfornla. Will NOTICE TO CMOfTOAS DATED .. ugust 12· 1 1· SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO OF llUUC TRANIRA Leo A Brench. HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (leca. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Clerk blo tJ of .... I I wtul Notice 11 hereby given to By Joennlne Gates (~a 11 mo n 8 creditors ol the within n1med Oepvty · money or tho United Slat•) at: ttlO "llnaf-ora t .. ·t 8 bull! tr8nlf8f la CIHOV MAUN North front ontronoo to tl\9 County v -'"' CourthouOI. 700 CMc Center Orlv9 ebout to bo mode on personal 2t2a N. •rtotof, 123 WMt Sarlto Ane. CA 111 rlgtlt title P<oi-1Y herotnatter d89Cl'lbed. hnl• Ana, CA t210I · arid. The nlme9 and business addr•s Published Orange C.:oHt Dilly end lntorMI con~ to now of the Intended trantf«ort ore: PllOt. July 2, 9, 18. 23. 1982292,._82 ~h:>' ~~~;;:~Y situ= fr, Ttr:: W 0 0 O E Y E . • G e n e r •I Coonty ar1d St•!• deoctlbod ae: Partnership composed of· TV't Lot 80 of Tract No. 1154, In !he Jame• M 1 t ch• II . 9 8 3 3 2 rtlllJC N011~ City or Cott• Mon, County of ~r= Orlw. Huntington 8aach. NOTtCI cw "*.IC H&AMtO O<•OQO. St•t• of cai11orn1a, .. '* Mlch&et Smith 28141 Avonld• ON N0P0SD ZONS CKAMQll Map recorded In 8ooll 37, pageo 11 8onochon M1U1oo0 VlejO Cellfornle NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN lhat end 12, M!-'laneoua MIC)I, In the The IOUtlon 1n Callf~I• of tho tho Orengo County Plonntng :8c~ho County Recorder of Chlol nocutlw office °" Pf~ CornmJHlo.n wlll hold • publlc 'Ttlo 1froet addrti-t 1nd oth•r bualnou office of the lntond•d ~ to ~ ':nc,~O: common dallgnatlon, " any. of the transftlfora la: SAME 1• oet• par · ,... ptop«ty deleflbod abow Jo All othor bualnou nomH end gonerolly at the~-~~ purpot1od 1o b« 499 Br09dway, addrHMI uHd by the Intended Crown v.-.y P--w•1 • .., .._ Coot• ~ CA 92927 tranat.ror within throe yMtS laat ~t lnotlAlguno ~· 2 lM2 Th• undo,.lgnad Truet•• p11t 10 lor aa known to the ,.im:; ~. 110': ' · ctl1clalm1 any llablllty ror any Intended tr-fwN -: NONE ~-ft·-v ·..;_,!.:_m .. °' M lnc:of'rect,_ of ttMt atroet. adclr-ThO mime and ~ ldd,_ aoon t.__ « aa ,...._.._. of tho Intended '~ are: LOcatlon: ~ Room. Hiii of and °"'°' common doolGnltlOn, If GRACE v VEST 1122 w Admlnlotrotlon, 10 Civic Center any, ellown h«oln. e-, A ~ CA 92802 · Plue (Corner of Broadway and Said .. 10 wlll b• made, but Th•t t:· ro •rt P••lln•nt Sent• Ana 81\id.), Sant a Ana. without covenant or warranty, h«oto 11 ~~ tn Y al aa; An Propout: C,,.,. of 1-C.. ••-or lmpll«I, roo-dtncl llllO, of tho elock·ln·tra~rnlturo, No. ZC 12-32 ptopooeo to ch8ngo g:;•:e":ft.:1,::i:::.,anc:n : flxlul'-. equipment goodwllt Wld e • r ti In prop arty fro"' I h • the ..,..., ) ~ .... NICI Daod of t 8de name of a cirte1n Gift ltlOP 200-C1....0000(SH) Looal ~ .... ,.,1 v1 :rw, 11 IOcated _.. 25022 Doi ""*'o (S~lo Hkii11way) Ototrlcl to the fruit, with lnt•r .. 1 tllorHn. " Sultaa E & f. oaiti. Point, Celllomia'. 200·Ct-4if-000(8~~:) Local ~O'lklod ~-:: t"Oea(I;. =~ The ~ name UMd by tho 8ulfnaN (Scenic H (leMoe lll'f, .-mo Mid~ at Mid location 1o· 8tatl0n) Dlotrlct. of fruit, fH•, ot\argH and WOOD EYE . Tllo purpo .. Of lho 8trvlo• • .,.,_ ot the TruatN and of the That Hid bulk tr•n•f•r •• Station Ol1trlot II to .. ,.blllll trutt• OrHIH .. ,, Hid °"° OI l.,tondod to be conaummoted 11 tho uniform atandardo In order to TNll, let tllo ~ teMOllMllV «>Ille• of: BURROW ESCROW oontrol lho looatlon, dHlgn and -.:::::::=:,~.:· 0... COMPANY, 1919 E. Unooln Ava,. :=n..ONnot 04 eutomoble MMcle Of TN9t heret .-Met and 0rel'09•1~ t2tl6 on« after Oompllenoa wltll tlla OellfOfllla ctallverecl lo tlla uhdarelgned a ~,,;,. trM.t.r II aubjaq to fnW01-1tal Quallty ~: ~ :cs~= :J"!dwrttt-: Callfor111a uniform Co1M10111111 11 c.tagorloelly Hempt (Ctuo I) Nottoe ot ~ and eactton to '* tactton ~11oe. from the ~ °' ClQA. The 1ndaralaned o8'leld Mid The nerne -"" ~ Of t11o All petM>M ell'* levortnt °' ~...... Of "'OlflUi;;;, llaOtlOn to wllrl •'-' ~ may bo ~ "* ~ .,. !!Meed ._._ e IUAROW llCAOW ~=!-tlMllt1 W.W.1 ~ ._ :r:J0.:~:-looa~ ~, 1811 E. Ul!OOln Ave., """™' ·A 041. Deee: 4l/lr ti, CA t2tM, anCI ---= for fUrttllr •lfOl'll'l9loli,~ -' fMN CONIOAATION ~ ~-r~~=~ tho =:.::.: .. r:;~ : ==-• ue I na 11 ct a y b •for• 111 o Of OOfM Into tfll loottold at ~ ...,..,_ °'*".,.,.., pon1ummat1on data 1poolflad :: CIW>• ~ ~o~' "°°:" Tn.iatee .... °""" ' ...,.... ::::.1-~~.!!ta n•. • I orn • 17_, ~ OfM Dlllled NI/ 11, 1* ~· ,..._'*'to ZC No. ._,Ollila OA .. IU Gr-.~ v:...... PlllllllMd Of"MOe 00..t Deify Ttl! ~14) ..... "*11.=:t'~et!a. C..t Dall~ "6t. Mr D. 1• IJublllMCI Ofantt .co.at Dally Not.»! 1t, t , 1t1a mM2 mt.a Not, My 13, IO,-· t . 1~ The Saddleback Company Theatre Presents A SUMMER OF AMERICANA Fifth Season 1982 DEATH of a SALESMAN by Arthur Miller Directed by Brian Donoghue Winner of both the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. WAYNE GRACE Starring JACQlJELINE SCOTT July 22 through August 8 (Except Mond~ys) Tuesday-Saturday, 8 p.m. curtain Sundays, 3 p.m. matinee only SAODLEBACK COLLEGE FINE ARTS TIEATRE Tickets: •7 and '6 (group rat .. avaHable far 25 or more) ClASSlflED Friday, July 23, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See todayTs Help Want ed ads , classification 7100 . . Real Estate CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI lll11t •••••••••••••••••••••• llte1t1 lfl l•I• 11111 /11 1111 111111 /11 lilt Ht11•1 /,, Iii• llte111 lt1 Iii• Hou111 l•1 11/1 g,.,,, 111 S1/1 ,.,,, 111 S1l1 •.•...........•....•.•...•.••.•••..•........ ·········••·•···•··••• ..••.••••.............•.............•....... ·••·••····•··•·••··•·· ••.......••.••................••••••........ ~~-::~.·~Md ~!.!~~L ......•. !.~! .~~1.~L ........ .'.~I .... !~~L ........ !!.!I ,, ... !~IJ. •...•.•.• !.~! f!!!~.!!!!! •.•••. !.~~1 ··;:,~11.. IHO ~l.~~-~!.t •• J!jf m.~ .. !'!!! .... !.~ff ~~btl~i ~o·~~:~'!d~r~ PElllllU 11111 FORECLOSURE 11.ll'-UllllAILI ···o·L·l··,·,··,·,··11···111······ ~~~!u':~u~~,~H~~~r lest ...... "" ... plen. 1 bath, 111, rm wt Co-ope trom S3f,ooo SEJYIC£S Sn111tteOU....t OIPl.OYMUIT & mPlllTIOll "-iirflOOh JMtrWltOft J(Jf>W••'"d• Hrip'll•"'""ll6f' MEatMANOISl ..,....,.,...,... AppltM'IC"f"\ ..... ~ tt:1'!: .. •lf'fl•h e.'"", ... Ect1ii11CHIW"nl c.-. °"'' ~"'°" ... f\tttwtw-c Cw•ft ~If' -... KcMMho'd '-'°' 4J Jriwlry Uwntod. MNMwr~ .. •w•tl•-..O..t M.wtu.,.....,-..mH !llw.t.M'el lft.._,.-.mitftll Ofhn h1rn • t..Q,up Pth :=~~i:,:.~ Sporu .. <.-. Stort ""'•w•n& ,_., ~~T .. .o H1J I ~f'"" BOATS l MAllJIE CQU"MCNT (.,~·· ... , ... , .. ~,.., .. 8oMt M•n1WL4tWJp &.u Po-" 8oalt Rt-M C'h•rtH lloaU~ll ... ulll•po Ooo-h ..... s.,...i . !ill 8oeO St•••• TWSPOITATIOll A1rrral'\ l•"'P"' ~ .... fltttt •l«\ri(' c·.,. =: ~C:' Stilat~·· MolOf Hftn \aJf' RMt l'u1litn Tr.a.ti !::;,~!.~'!"i•rh AUTOMOBILE lif'CN't"I • AaltqWI l'la.uu • attrt•tMM \ ""'(''"' Sfaort• "•'" Rndl IWbftf Urnn rrliN'b v .... A11lO lA•••"I Awtot.w'eAtf'd AUTOS. IMPOITED (#~r•I AllakoNlro ...... A.-o• tl••I.,, 8.lllW l:i&prl aw. t:olt Dou"" .... ,,.,. f't•l -· J•i&"'•' J-~:!.t=" ..... d. Jllttt"ffln "'"' »t. llCll Opel P•n••'• p ........ "°'"' ... ·-.... lo .. )« 11 ..... e!,w T-T"r.u,.,.. V .. h•tlf"• Vet.-. F1lt HOY•blQ Act of 1868 Prize Wets\ Bay bayfront. Sllpa for 2 boata, fllUIO 1700 l/f home In H.8 No beamed celllnga. hard equity price Condo• wtlloh f"l\llC .. II Illegal to mod led 3 bdrm 3 .. _th •l 200 000 llllLm ITIAL Jutt In 11~ IOt wm,.,., mOMY down Oii Q4Jr un-•---from 175,000 lull p.-ic. ad¥artlM "any p~ re f! • .,. • • • tlll1 lovely pool home lque lhar• apprecl1t1on wOOCI """"1 & cozy log Lelaut• World ReulM oa, llmltatlon or dlterlml· Ocean & jelly views. Marine room, 4 Pickup over 1500 • .{>J)O EQYITY fHluf .. terrific llnan-financing. Call Oao. burnl:;fc lrplC 1187•500 24221 PINO de Valen(;j1 IGGI nation bllld on race, bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. overnight. Oncebein abuJiktimeW. r~~~e cpl1ng.t4 large• ~rmtk, naw1 d Brooke. 7141881·5558 FullJi~i4:0N REALTY Leg. Hllll 714/137•5500 11• color. rellglon, 11• or A--anfront. never seen a tter y. on t uut. •rn · na r ,.ar 1 n 15000 down Tri-level 494~731 :m r:.~~~l~n o:~g~a:! =~~ V\.-.: Prime Orange Cty 2~ acre hilltop uhoola. Olfired 11 home 1149,000 CIOM •• auch praferanc., 11m111-LllO ISLE 11111 OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Pool, 113UOO 540"1151 10 beech, 2 ve•11 old. OCEANFRONT Mobll• •• Owner 1nxlou1 Andy HomN, aever11 S&0,000 1~HERfTAGE LDSlll .. U Lovet)! cornet c. .. Ml· l1no Manor. 28r. 281, g1rage, frplc, prim• view overlo<*lng lake & golf courM. 1158,600 C111 ::: 11on or dlectlmlnatlon." Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 \!\ balh. spa, waterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 sq ft Da)'a 7141 638•2154 7, P111. 4911-3818 ..... REALTORS ::: T1111 newapai:-wm not Lge L.R., 2 boat .Upe $1.500,000. w/360 degree view of all O .C . Tennis Ev" H0-0698. Cl•MHled Ada 842.~78 knowingly 1ccapt any + HELICOPTER d !51 ~.~~•=g11'~~ ~~,:!; Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 balh +large~. rm ~~~tUME LOANS & ~aERa~~ts : lnt.1 I H4 lmH J HI owner 830-aooe ::: of the law. beam ceilings, furnished, pauos. $420,000. Originally listed for $2,200.000. 1011 LlllA ISLE UYFlllT Sacrifice at $1,128.382.63 approx. with 38r, 2e1. dbl car o•aoe. 2 patio•, nag11on1 frplc, owner-Cullom bll home S 129,960 Wl1h 129.850 down. Own« will carry 1111oan ............................................ ~~~~~~~~~ ON GREENBELT -10% DOWN By owner, Leiaure World, MC gate 2 BR 2 Ba. WtD. refrlg, •MYm $32,500 et 14"1. All\lng S 1111,000 7 14-788-3800 :: HHH1 Advertl-$350,000 approximate cash down. :: aera should check Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, Only the serious need call directly to ""' dark rm, den. Boat alJp. Now $l.OOO.OOO. PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or their ads dally and UYSllE COVE ltJ M10ar•l1, •"'• Ml·llzt :: report errors Im-Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up: 2 br, 631 -1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agl. 1).lO med lately. The 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1.000,000 Brokers welcome. Lush tropical landscaping surrounds this 3 bdrm ~1.~!~.~.'1.e.!L.!.~~~ :: DAILY PILOT as- :: sumes llablllty for ::: the first Incorrect : Insertion only. ::: .............. ... COIOllAIO OAYI Coronado laland cu.st. bay!ront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/terms. 6Hin 111 lal• ILIFFI Cllll •••••••••••••••••••••• Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on --2S.lol -J1Grl .-..0 ••"" 1ooa largest greenbelt. $25-0.ooo. -...................... 011011 llllllUllS THE REAL ESTATERS llllT Tll LOIL Lovely upgrecNd M- -Vet<MI f\Ol'rle, prllfie OOt· ,_ lot. located In quiet ar-Large temlly r~. *" 11ua• room• thruout ura Beautltvl groundl, COY9- ltfll red p1t10. Excellent fl. nanclng, owner wlll catry -wtth S50,000 dO'M'I, 14%, toie I o r 1 5 ya Ir I C a II 5-46-2313 ... ,, -.an IO) ----THE REAL ESTATERS :: OISTI IE1A ui Cu1tom 3 Bdrm & tam = room Formal dining .i. Prot deco<ated LQY91y : p1tlo w/BBO Pool & .,., 1p1 II Iha price 1111. :: lhef• 11a few homn In .., beaCh arN any better _, Only S228.000 Jol'ln ~l!Roea!la·~liltlnollll!l:lllllll~I 759·9100 ...... --.... .., .... --2 Mutert, 4 bdrm 3 bl 'lCIO $185K, good llnanci"il --IWIU JW.1111 - t llO DRAMATIC tlJlll 9130 "'° tlll .... COUNTRY tti. ... - il\lu ESTATE '6.\1 '6JI) 8000 1/1 on 1 acre, --mH1lve electric gatn, -eobblea1one motor cour· >ll>IV -tyard. '99Ctacular entry. -8 bdrm, 8 batl'lt. 5 lrpl huge lrplc• Aoom for "1111 tennl1 No Tu1tln -ll7tli Ora;ri HUit wttll vi-. l'M "7<11 12-1 min 10 all frwyt, '111 1lrpor1, So Coat Ptaz.a. tlll rllf I 1,400,000. n 11 t7 .. RICK AU>ERETTE no "10 "7ll lnlttr/=r f7),j "7li! ll1-4t44/ll1· 111 "7» ... ,,,. LIDIY t?• W7ll in .. OOUIYIEW ,,.. '"' PEllTIOllE ,,. ,,. Ju1t completed. Over· ,,,.. ""' looking ~ Pt. Harbor "11 34331 StrHt of Tht ..,.., "" OrMn Lentam. °fn Frl1 1178' 81t/ Sun 12-15. 1.010 ..... ml 000. ee 1-3502. prln, me only. rm -........ n Pill Liii 3 bdnna, 21.-'I ballu condo near pool $1'45,000. Bill GRUNDY , REALTOR J4• Buv\'u" o,,,,. NS o7'.> olol LIQUIDATION Forced sale, two beautiful prestigious Newport pool homes valued at $400, 000 will be sold for $318,000 (Dover Shores) and $325,000 (Irvine Terrace) immed. Fee land. U you are a serious buyer contact Patrick Tenore at 760-8702 or 631-1 ~ ~w' RVM~ of Costa Mesa Stop by one of our well-louted offlc•• •nd let•a dl1cua1 r••I eatehf We heYe a YHled Mlectlon of homee, condoa end Income proplerty to tit your need•. Mobtle tim.nr. wtr. ---from .. .000 COftdo 1 bed ----·-·-··--m.eoo Newpof1 a bed ·-·-·----··-·-11-..00 Neef beech I bed -···-··-·-····--tz2l,OOO ~'bed ---·-····--$325,000 aelboe ... Chaple• --·-·-· lll0.000 Corona ........... --· S27UOO ~ Duple• ··-··--·--··-1271.500 On ••* w/dodl -······--·-··· .,_.000 Vil.I bed -+-~-·········--·-··-Slit.GOO Udotea.4bed.-+-........ 8aJ96de C"9 condo -·--·· 1775,000 Oceanfront Cape Cod ·----tlS0,000 a.,tront w/docll ··-·-··-11.200.000 Uncle .... 5 bed ·--···---$1,295.000 Oo'l9f atw. a.ytyont --11,500.000 P9nlneula a.,tfont ----11,710.000 ....... Home hl1l --~-· 11.-0.000 Unda ..... 5 bed ----·-··· ... 12,790.000 Tennie Ct. + home, new ......... '2,I00,000 11 Unite., Coeta ..... ·--·· .. ··-·· 15.t00.000 \\-AH Rf RO'\ l lfOMI "" "I Ill \ t t 1111" 2•~· ~ .......... . -us .... ,, ... ""' ~ . ..--..... ~ llel_, ... .... '31·1400 RISIOfNllAI Rf Al FSIAlf <;I RVIC£S llUlflllT IMI ... '"'""......,... .............. wWt ..., MM~ IQlea I II , ... ~ .. ,.,, ...... , ..... , ... ....... ., ...,.,. .. ..,... Mc ...., ...... IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ·~~"!"...ti:7~~:; ._ ro '°""" fo-.1r ,~ .. _.d• Ml -aHt 1911 1111 2-Story, 15 bdrm Nant• I C 0 II J U o I ud!91 In ~ with i--.1-1 -1-1-1*~1- -:::: 1~':h~ .__ ...... __... _ _... _ __. _ __.__, ooo Md bridl•. Tuteful~ 1 1 --., = -----911 -= _, --:r. decotated throuohou· ~-T ........ H ...... t ... G_I--4 , 1 with wallpaper• inc I' I I I ehuttera. Showa Ilk• t -· · · f =·'= ~.,~ I s o p u t I ~ :0 ~clown. 1790 ... ' .... l ......... l__..1 ........ 1 ..... : MM111 I t " ... to mo't'9 tM -• OAOHEH I 1\ Y I ·' 11: ' ., > rrrrrJ • ~~~M:t.' unu> I I I I I J ••• un ..... n ........... 91 .. . RVM~ of Costa Mesa l 1110 csegraa view from IOJ: 11reet In Turtlerock 18851 San A11flno, 3 br Preeldent Home, $388 ooo. $300,000 loan 1tar ting •• low •• 8% 752-0412 OIHIA HL IUI Excellent lln1nclng C.t•U '•I #•1 IOU South of Hlghw1y Two o·PEN.HOUSE·;;_4·0AiLY etory. two bedroom hou-1815 Bay1def• Terrace, M In front. One bedroom lrvlne Terrace Panor1- unll In rNr. Conven...,t mlc vlewa, IN land, mini to lh09s ... 1299.500 Mt•I•. s 1.250.000. Alley 111-1100 Realty 573-7478 001101 I l•it•H Yt1r Tents Home+GU91t+lncome OWC 1a1 • Flex T erm1 508 Acecle CdM nr bCh Spotleel Vacant Duplex Huge 5bt/3btt3br/3b1 4_.0l< own/bkr 846-7048 TATi1*Pin11 Northwood manor. Ultimate 392 Ham111on st p r I v a c y , t u c k e d aw a y I n You ~:·:~ M!:,_ of cul-de-sac locale. Park with two rr .. 11ek•ts 11111001 park grounds as your back vatue to I~ I I 1 0 01 AINOLING BAOS I y a r d . E x c e p t 0 n a 10 BARNUM & BAILEY I financing. Just listed. Call Rob, OIHll Agent . Arlaheim Convention 642-4253 .,._<Anter Aug 5-18 Long Beach Aren• I Aug 18-22 ==================-To clelm pauu. call ::-~:.~ :'.~~~ 1 FEE LAND -ASSlltABLE LOANS for raaervad teall al boc I ~!~c~ prior 10 parlor-I Beauliful lrvme Terr. Home. 4 BR -· • * * 2 1h BA . Ideal indoor/outdoor LI IWI/ UITllll entertaining overlooking large pool Cute 2Br llOUM. Owner I Dr Co d I M 11exlble Bkr 536·1453 I 706 K -Thanga • rona e ar l. llll 1·2 $375.000 3Br. 1B• l 1Br. 1ea in-Open House Sal/Sun 1-6 800. Or try leue 091ion We 111va 1vall1bl• eon· do1 from 1811.000 to 1239,000. Cell now f0t mora lnlorm1tlon 797-5370 \ f ~·I l I 111~. If ::. :~~ti::'!m':1f~ l llACUI laYlll IULn-UY llYIH 111-llDO CdMI BEST DPLX By owner 646-2768 $ HOME FOA SAL£ b)' ow-eomper. V9lue of tt11t 3 ner 3 BR 2 Ba. H1>ar11a unit duplex for only dining room, covered ......... ,., ........ . .... ,lnJ ... 2 bdrm, 2 b1. beaulllul Vtll• Pacifica home Adult Comm Financing 1vall Wiii consldlr teuet puref\ue 751-0482. 848-7958 Brand New Hom•• & Condos. no money down whlle they lut (7141 548-9522 Agl. OCEAN FRONT BY OWNER XLNT LOC $400,000 640-7990 lllFFI 1111111 You own tM land. 2,000 IQ 11 38r. lam rm. 2'"1 Ba, wide Greenbelt. near pool Far below market $245.000 Wiii lease 09· llOll Bkr 1544-0134 IEWPtaT HJHT1 1240,000 Attractive fl· patio, Ponderoaa St CM. 8 m011th ,_condo, t\/SC nanclf\9 Drive by 0 18 I 136,000 ~ Plaza. no quatttying. 2 Br NatcllNul Of call for ~ --- TRY $60,000 DOWN PRESTIGIOUS T\ITLEROCK Older houee ov« 1300 sq It. p1u1 large det•· ched double gatege on alley New paint. tome new plumbing & electrlC 60x 117 R 1 IOI Owner need• cHh $174,000 481 Senta An1 Ava Wkdys 831-3520, E.,,.. & Wknd1 548-5041 r 2 ea 2 cat. uwaded _1a11_1 _c_e11_84G-_1_8&5__ 12% llTEllEST w/com pool & apa. A• ly ......i Like MW, 3 Bdr 2 Be, IOIOlltll .um loan. amort 30 year lam rm. meny ••<ras. dua In 4 'n I 15,000 8eautlful CdM duplex. Beautltul low malnten1n- down OWC 2nd. $144 Super loc1t1on. Only ce yard $188,500 242 Award Winning Model· 2 Story SEAVIEW • Elegant & c111rmlng Hempton model lebulou1 v\ew1, decor, •P•. pvt comm w/poot & tannl1 lac:llltlee '486,000. Open HOUM Sal/Sun 12-5 1803 Vaclll Collnl 1544· 1017 000. "9t ....._ .... all 5. $329,500. 1-1142-4580 E. 22nd St. 831-0066 Den 3 Bdrm 21/J Ba. Family Rm Effective Interest 13.3% IUT llY Olltulll• II you MY9 ~ loollJng In C«ona cSel Mar, we llllnk you will recoonize lhl• .. the bM1 buy In town Loc11ed on tile ooaen tkM of Iha hwy. tutt 1 '" bloc*• from tti. beech. Art outttan- dl"il r«ttal pre>perty ,... duced to 1229.000. Uv• In one unit and IMI Oft the ... t. 1714167J.44o0 U IJI U .. 2121 C.U... I .•..••.•.•...•..••.••. FIXER $98,000 EHttlda COlll MaH, 127.000 under appraleal Owner daaperMe. Hurry 645-0303 COLDWeu. BANl(.eRO REAi. ESTATE TAX IN· VESTMENT! 16000 caahlll I 145,000 1h1r• Call for Details purc:haM MINIMUM tu Adnenne Century 21 857-2121 deductlorl 111. yMt s 10, !!~~~!-~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~ 000 Owr'9f (ln,,..tor) wlll 1upply lot11 down pay- ment up 10 $40.000 In equity Shara purchlM In new luxurlou1 2-3 lbOI UY• Fii HLT 141,IDOI Bdrm 3 Ba Condo. Co1ta Mn• Maximum Imrr.ac 2Br M obile home in adult Int depra .. apre. 1truv community. Expansive ocean views. turad tor buyer, pOUJble F h Cl bh I 4•1 benefit Phone res pamt-new cpts u ouse, poo, 1 1 4 / 8 3 1 • 5 o 5 5 . laundry. Great starter or week-ender 1~71~4/~84~2~-2000~~·~~~1 $4 7,950. 1nrN1T 1mm Charming 2BA 2ba COi· tage. Huge lot Fln•n .... 11 1185 .000 548-7145 & &42-Ua8 DOVEi IHllS lllb -OISTll HARBOR USIMl 10"4 LI. ~~~~~~~~·I Exec home. 4 bt. l<><m : din rm ~ kh , applca, ICWI YI/Wiii ctn 1•1 sm Approved plans & permits mcluded m purchase price for custom designed 3 Br wood & gl3$ lune. Fantastic location, outstanding priet Listed at $160,000. her 1.1 lCAEI Out ol the lllghl pattern. th is custom home otters magnt11cent opportunit ies Separate guest home and private pool and spa Owner wlll finanei! ent11e loan The prtee IS $985.<><><! \ ll\'1'1"'1 ol 11.ldMH ln\t''lm~·nl ('11 Thinking of I MW home for soring? S.. t~ men~ llsllng1 In tod1y'1 ciaul· fled colu~ 642-5678 RfSIOENflAl REAl fSJAlf S(AVICES llWPNT CHIT 1212,000 Lowe&t price plan 5 4 BR. clean. bright & cheerful Near pool. spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry financing Try 18% down Move in cilhdition Call for more detailed info. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ·==· Senaatlonal Beech cottage with 124Ji UIWnable flnancini for o nly 1 165,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759·U01 or 752·7373. . ... ...,. Choke 4br Executive r•nch atyle home in p rime TURTLEROCK location! U ,200/m o rent all appliea towarda purchue in 6 mootha.. Larp, low lntereet ... urn.able loen, formal dinina. frplc, and FEE LAND. 2e70 '"&n Mlluel 7141759-1001 or 7141752·731'3. m~o. cprt1 & drae>ft . Pool, Jae, deck, BBO pl1 a frplc I 149,900 S30, ooo down. owe 2nd •t 12% 1068 Concord 5A0-55e0 Owner HllWIJ .. tlWfYllll $112,000 4 8t. 2 Ba wltl aell thll ..,._, Pr1nelc>el1 only Tony Agent 730-1222 & 1548-883J ...... untulU 4 80AM 1130,000 NR FAIAVIEW/BAKEA BY OWNER 645-0164 PrtselfH •r Ille• 11111 l1•1H1-U40 111 WJIH1as ll11ttr 1n1.. 1ou 1m.. 1044 . •.••.•.•.......•...••...................... Trllk 18971 Antioch, lkbx., By Owner. Turtle Rock 3br 4 Br. 2 Be. D.A .. F.A vu 2b• ret11 S1000 mo or ol Univ S200,000 SSO. sell S2!50K &45-9555 000 down. I 150,0001---------1 A IT D 12"/e lnl only for 5 yre Agent 541-6032 IEST llY Low dwn l>Yyt beaulllul 3 Brand New Home• & br condo In Woodbridge. Condoe, no money down Won't 11111Cell551-3000 81111 C.lt, Brtt" 114/760· l 900 Ytnalllff/itJ .... , 1 Br PnthH. Scllolu Plaza Xlnt loc. NO MW In s 109.(100, &M-5133 whll• Illa)' IHI (714) [g]UL.._ ...... Id 548·9522 Agt ff. ""'"'"' 9c Int llLL IY 1/21. IY tWIO IJ. RcalllJ Vel'ealllee condo: Markel 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Over 1300 551.:tOOO ll~lf YftW ... ff value S 120.000. Beet ofr lq It 3 yr1 Old North· ttl41 llarroro i·~ .. •.In l~r Carmel. pool, A/C, more t1ke1 No down. greet wood Dev Mllllon I UNI PAK 4 Bdr townhome Mortgage lull)' usum Io an 9118.92 2 2 & clue>nouae. 488,llOO 24 on or .. nbelt Excellent $248,000 644-2573 52S-0878 hr MC 832-lllff buy. $137,000.~ Sit/ 3 Br 3 Ba Liv. Am Din. UI. IT • ._1 W1lnut Square condo Sun 12-5. Agt. 857-2040 Am lrplc, kitchen, lam. -'" 3BA 2ba Sale IM/091 rm pool For HI• b)' Sml 2 Br 2 Ba older 1v11t cai1 Irene or De-•VIII • 1121,IOO Owner S348.500 511 home w/grea1 loc:1tlon n 1 1 a , 5 5 2 • 11 5 4 11 , Adorable 2Br home In I r v I n • A v • . N 8 nHr Tu1t1n Ave HH 551-2193 or 878-8857 lovely nelghbofl\oodl Ex· 833-8773 or 1556--iH2 load• of potential. At· ---------cellen1 financing •11111. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aume '87,000 In io.tl• WAY llllW WllT Many amenltlH lnclu- w/S 15,000 dwn. Full 3 br, 2 ba. UnlV. Pert! ding 8 fruit t-. Cell price 1115,000 . Terrace. 1149,000 t • • I 831-7370 Terma. Ag1 955-0782 Of \ f : ·/ /. I 1l I:. ti TRADITIO~\L RL\LT\ 1111111 llUllT ..... 857-t010 Tim.II• Lovely home+ land. 381, 2Ba, 1177,900 Owner (714) 861-3933 11 f " ' • • l ' • ' ~~ t ... ~ u11v11sm A~::R ,••1 ocean ~ 3 bdrm, 4 1111 ba, kl1. w/COl'IWnlenCM, LllllUUIOI One or the ,_. end fl,,..t conttruc:teel hornet Oii Lido. FN1\lfel lnclu4a aunrool, merble tub and ehower•. "t bal, high calllng1, hardwood floot9, mood llghtl and muc:tl more. '839,000 -673-7300 Your own pool and I~ cuuJ oomee wttti thlll 3 bdtm home ln one ol Coet1 Ma1a'1 beet netgl'lbothood. Enter tnrough •jrl'll-1• covr-tyard 1n enjoy th• many 1menltlH thl• hOme otferl, Won't Int at •13t ,t00. C 1 ll t7t-5370. In th• pt1rk HomH. 3 tarn. rm. lga garden. pa- bdnn, 2 ba. Farnlly room tlo, torm• din. rm, lga llv. Ind do\lble MtllQtled o• rm. Quiet cul-de-11c . rage. C~ to IMOC11· '812.,000. 8y owner. llon pool and t111nl1. ,. .. -~iiimll1•1 ..... 111 ........ --.. -11aa.ooo. • \ r . ., /. 1 11 r fl .,... .... .,.. 8Hullfulfy uporaded hOfne • &Mumable loan • NHr acl\0011. 31" 2 bath. LlpH ....... •t·1'f1 lmlf-• ........ of ~ 9each. End unit on ~MC. ,_.. ""' Pf'fVe'• home. 2 .. den aptlt ~. Neel' pool & ...,,._ Cen't be ball for price l 1001\lon. taN.000 ~ ,...,. ... ~.(Je7). • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/fl'rld1y1 July 231 19U «~'!ff .(~he'! ....... !~Uf!.~~ ••••••• ,r.rmt.fnl! .• !.~ !'!'.lf!l.fml. • .llM ~!.ffflA .• !!.fl ~.!f!!.IJ.'l!t ..... !~~!f!.f~f~!~{'~.'.t. ,!!ffft.f~ •• F.'.m!.f,/HtJ!~ .. P.!Jlim!f. • .... U.lat•l••H ".r::::tn r _,, ..... ,,,, • .-,.,,,, !!••• ·m f.rn.• '"f ,__, ..... '"' f..-4 .......... ,,,, . . •• • • ••• ••• • •• ••• • • •• • ••••..••••.•.....•.. -.... -"" .... .,. •••••••••••••••••••• ·•·•fn,.-.::lr........ ·•·•m•.~········ Fn,•i .... ·~¥. ~.,,1 .. ,,, ••·•.~ ·················•···• ....... ..•......•. . .. ""... ., ""' ... ~ Ullll 11111 OC·"INTAL8 LUlllU Tll ILIPPI ................ • • ••••••••••••••••••••• I GlltOI ILIPf I Appl'Oll 'A _. WHI Mil l·lb1'11200 lo i2ooo S 9clrm CMUIOfled tlomea 3 bt, 2~ ti., PfOf. deo. •Oi.n fbr/lba oondo N hlltl!Se del11•e 9lent t Lido Realty 673-7300 110,00D DOWI Newly remodeled Cape Cod beech home. 3314 W. Oceanfront. Lowest price on ocean. Thia 11 a financing dream. No qualifying. $325,000 aaaumable at 13%. Priced at $375,000. ltk ~' .... ,. ··~·tta. 11a.1100 PIOllfmR womn••1 In• UT /RI 11·1 IYtnn LIW.LIW ... llMMl\IOl.la tind lil\lt wtth Meulllul ... Owfter wtll flnMOI .ilh '°" dn Try ~II.cl JNymetlll. 1.-rr .............. t=rno 2nd 'ff..... ....... 11\0 Srd yr .................. 800/rno eTC .............. .,. ANO AISOCIATH 111-MH um111 RlOUCID 70 ITOl'lt r..t w/lllp fOI your own bolt. !xoelltrlt rffldentlll w1tertron1 col'llmunlly Owner 1111 mo\led • an1dout to Mil. hH offered hQfNI II un· btllevable prloel 1475 0001 mctuoet land and plenty ol guMt parking. ••2-1200 A PETE BARRE Tr . REALTY or Join I venture. Velut 700-~s 14 °'*' -7~1Yt 1n ellOellent .,.... A¥911• • m • n It I• 1 • I 11 '° IC Plu.a. 8 A 1575 No 8t • llUte wflltc-ln oloNt. uoo.ooo. c.11 .. o-1MS 11u WH bl• 1mm •d l 11•1~ 521-1 .. , "8000 '* 152.5122. e.1-1480 ri!.·S.:~~in:0=: --~811t 'blttnf.l 3 ldrmt I h . t1n1lly rm, ::.>'=:,'• 1 t~ll=• y~ ~I .. .. I Ill '3 t-0113 ... nloel .. d•oor•l•d ,_ w •.• , .... __ ,o ~.,..,.. ..... on ... -LIFE'' tul'--tn1e111 .. ___ ._, ··-,,, lt71/tn0 A I. 711-3181 r-... 1 ,.. --2 la. 2 1tory. •lnl .,.., •VCU ---,..,.., .--• • ••••• • • •• • •• ... • • • • O OClll fot ..._ doelil apece avail Brotctr 11111'111 I • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • • • • Time tnlf'• , --Pit (Nltlde 2 er. , 81 .. patio, i1 ... 5 .. 91" .J .......... .. ••tlUU t "" ~ UL •• "''brldte "' • TIA,..,..,....., ~ Beautlf:JI erdan 1p11 2 bdrm, ...... =-=· 1Ymmer or , at . una n e w 1 y d • o o r a II Cl fl\1\JU s 1 • 1 1 ' .... Shore•. 17100. ( 14) (Duple•). •·"&Imo. CC-RENTALS 00 11 .. ol v 1111 P•tlol/. • H .. t pliCI i" ~no~. 1525. " .,. ..1~•11u • •b • I""" 12000 0 It Io tor• Ft e e No pell • • 529-9518 851·9522 '-• w , • ., r 1 cvv 10 Sund 'li 2 Br 2 B. 1, •••a · 9&-• 4t 7....e •5t 'llOO 750-3314 opan7·dl'fl ...., Pill IPIUlll New 2 8R condo, dbl car "' ·' lruncn•B O'a• 308 W. Wlleon '31-5513 ••aliQt•• GReATE8T CONDO. 2 1ar· QIOH to ooaan r.t •' ... ''""''·'"!"" •=lur':..c~:v:;:~ Parti.t•Plu• E •Ide cu11 itudlo apt, ,.,,} 114_1 bdrm 8....,_ t . World t 6 0 M o n • p r I • lll'f&LI 10, 11100/mo. 073-2422 ~ ~· vaulted a.lllnge. Pvt P•· ••••••••••• ••••••••••• wide uchenge. Sec. t.2. 831-4381, 8-6. °' 2 13-828-5701 "I c "I AT I 0 N : 110. I.COO/mo Joye• 1550/mo. Near bHCh, 700 Ef•lde· nlOe Claen 2 8t 1 , to & bdm'la. ittartino " T • n n I • • F r • • w11111. t31-12ee n.w «Pl•. 2 8t a I&. no 71.C/4~.()378 B 1 d d 1 d 1450 to 11295 bqulllte a.. ltlll'ld ~-p 11 a. e • 2 . 1 3 3 o. a. ncN yer ..;1 ·~ j do tor INN 2 Br 2~ba. L...ont (PfO & PfO Eullide 2 Br 1 81 011t 553-1778 gerege. let,,.,,.,.. •· I' thop)•2 H111th 1chool1. No p 111 1----------0.t fl lt1t1 mlly, 1 oMd Ok. No'*'· ,o.!'..u~~1y". oColuub"1n'c1udu•l•I Club1•Saun1• $.C25/mo. 831-5155 Oelu111 poolelde, )ilfl lat· ,.... --1600/mo. plua aecurny -. o• 2br. 2b•, blln1. ...... ~~••••••~ 2044 Orange "O' pool. IP•· tennlt. 12900. H)'clromlUMQGol•t• Sp1rkllng clean, 2 Br 111. d1wllr, 11i1t ml'" beeQfl tHIH IAIOI, 540-2770. Ph 714-073.0475 ~tl'n~ Wl'ng. B• S405. Fenc.d, ullla Adulta, no pate. 1500mo 100 IOIM, one mile of WHllld• 2 Br., Ba. lncd WATERFRONT HIOH • I Au T,, u L Plld Relrlg• 2 1m111 53&-8352 River trontto• TRHSI patio. encl Id gareo•. RISE CONDO: 2 BA 2'h A, A" T .. ENT I : chllOren oil, no pell ·--.. --,,-,-LITl--11-- P A$ TUR I! LANDI 2 new cerptll, drap11, bathe, 11una/poo1 001 Sl(lgl••· 1 & 2 1980Wlll-8-42 ... 906 11~ Lo11 or amenl· pllnt. No I*• 1496/mo Lido, 8th lloor Furn Bedrooma•Fumlthed VILLA MEDEAA 1 & 2 Br Ol8count on tlee WIH C()ntldet tr.cl• p1ua 11Cu1lly 548-5442. 13000/mo Agent. Rite & Unlurnl1h1d•No 2Br 2ea E/llde, upper ~ '."1:~ :~·.8r:· Xlnt tin. 1vall. 545-~940 '170-5120 1f'13 CAM..,,J)a·l~lltE 752-5710 P1t1•Mod1l1 Optn IQI, dahwllr & dl1PQ911, S4M6 l 9 ... ti Qe f Alltf 1 Br with llOYI, CO\llfed BluNt. 3 br. din. 21"' bl, deity g to 5 wtr/g11 lrH Encl Ql·1:---------:--looaled In Newport Beach Pr!Qec:I In the mid 1400,000'1 R11d~ for Immediate occup1ncy 10% down 11 10"1, Int• •••1 tor 1st 2 yeera. to be 12w·~ lnleresl lor Iha flmllndar with 5·~ yeer due d1111 Ou1lllylng 1vell1bl1 thru bulldar Cell agenl now lor dellll1 end viewing al 845-5092 Telle over beautllul ~~~~~~~~~ Newpor1 d11lgner home : at r • P••klnQ, clll1d & emall pat p 11t P•llo lmmec. Nr OILWOOd r19e, lamlly eomplu. 1400 lurn °' unfurn 1 Br Hott•• rMI .. 1111 In thl ok, $450/mo. 53&-7979. TIRnlllOI Po o I . •ho PP Ing & ll 1545/mo. + '300 dep. pool, IP•· 18992 Florid• world. Juat returned L.ove'ly 3 br, 2 b•, fam echoole a11 ootmo. 111'4tl 548-41.C7 or 894-0338 842-283•. &42-3172 with country Frenoll cherm Wa have spared no IX· penae In tllls new remo- deled 3 BA 2 Ba lloma All modern kltch w/ 1tlll1n tile. French door1 and window• thruout Prof l1nd1c1p1d, lge S.. J•U ... C:-~!'.~~ .... !.~{f IY OWIEI 2 Br condo Capt1treno Vlllu. AedUC*I to 179. 500. Auumable 10111 213/697 ... 887 from Au11. h1v1 1 1 .. 2 Br 1 Ba. w/ e1pt1, drpe, rm, crpti. drpt, bltlna. 840-8931 .,.,._.ltl 2324 Elden St. Near beach 2 81 1,_. 81 w1tertrontlo11tmyco1t yard, E/1ldt. 1595/mo. 1850 mo 1 yr lae 1~hHll/h, EASTSIDE-Luxury In 1 crp1i,drp1,blHn1,lrp1C, $30K down, no payment• 875-&088 573.5120 ..,.. & wkndt 3 Br 3 Ba Liv. Rm Din ... ,...... or Int. ror 2 yra. GOO<I Rm . lrplc, kltcnen, tem 880 Irvine PlnH Foreat. Relf lg, endad garega 1595/mo WTlle-ott. lluge profit po-4 BR MIH V«dl, quiet Walnut Square, 2 br rm poo1 $1450/mo 511 (al 16th) dwahr patio, BBQ, gu Clll 536-o921 ten. No glmmlckl Bro-cul Cle tac: 1796 mo twnhle, Plan O, m1•~t -1rv1n1 Ave . N B utll Incl 2Br. 2Ba. 1525 ker In N1wpor1 1lnc1 Alk fOf BUI, 831-1288 10 apprec 1825/mo 833-9773 °' 550-<4982. (7 l4) 645· 1104 mo 1Br, 18e, 14215 mo llAltlDI WW 1945 c II I d I II 833·7519n52·1800 ....,.... ...... 1... Mgr 8-46-01&4, Rlctl M-F Lge 2 & 3 BR townllOule I or 1 1 1 2Br 2ba, 2 cat gar D/W, 4 BR, 2'>' bl, Npt Shorea 1700 16th St. (213) 592-2845 1pt1, yard1. encl g1r, St• 1 n • r 1 n v C 0 blt1n1, Ir pie, c/d, no 3Br. 3Ba. 1895 mo. End HOO mo. M· T-M Of IM lplc, hook-up1 Nr Hunt. 842-9e88. k Id I I P 111. S 0 0 0 , Unit, gardening Incl. option. A viii 8· 1-82. (Dover at 16th) So C11 ~Ian 18' Condo, Hrbr from 1575 Chll· corner lot. RV acceH. ---------k:..-----$259,000. Xlnl tln1ncJng. UlllMIHft,11 Back Bey .,.., 831-1851; 831-5007 hme ,,.,, ... , ,,,.,, ••.•......•..•........ #dll1B•n ,., Ith "" ....•••.•.......•.•... 546·25H .... POOi, etc. 857-M94..,.. 700.0207 (714) 642·5113 pool, 1eon11, 11550 mo dren OK 840-6007 ~Hill, fa1•11 AYlll 8-1. 955-842.Ci---------'1.nt 1100 •HA m11 Mlnut Square condo, 3 • ....., ,... ..... wkdyl, (213) 598·5088 Deluxe 3 Br crpla, drp1, •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 t>r. 2 be, ntce yard. BA 2~ ...... w/opt to 3 bdrm, 2 b•. rem room 1Br w1oarag1, t blk lrom 1vee/wlmd1 b11-lnl, dbl gar. w/d 11'1· 'f'•• I l!tt!V'/11'1 OUffUm OCEANFRONT Mobll• S Homea, MYeraJ, l&0,000. ··-· ......... ,( (2131827-8001 buy Call Ir-°' OenlM, N11r pool. perk, I Chl• bell, p\11 PllJO. $550 mo up $700. C•U 536-0921 ..._.. --552-9648, 551-2193 or S .,3.... 750-1902 SSOO/mo 2 Br 2 Be tpl,1---------3 br, Q~ HUii, Ran-3Br, 2B• hM, nr So Cit 978-8847 1250 mo &44--. ... ltlClld g11ag1, p1110. ARLINGTON APTS. cho Celll Family rm, PllUI, lrple. •l•lum. lam BluHt, lrg upgrlded 4 Bdr lfil ... d 1114 lrple, lndry fee Submit Quiet, 1p1c1ou1 lown-• Trade/ 1uto or ? Pvt 499-3818 Ownr/agt 548-4380, ---------494-0395. Newport 8Mctl De Anza dbte flreplace, pool, IP&, rm, 1v1ll Aug tat. No Tlftttr ... lWct 3 Ba Nu pllnl a carpel •••••••••••••••••••••• on pet hOUM 2 Br 1'"' Ba NM! 3+ IC. Fln1nce 75%-30 pet1 $850 mo. 5«-1179 1780 IQ ft . 2 mHter Pool, no pita. I 1386. Furn. 1 BA, quiet nbrhd, TSL Mgml 842-1803 b ••ch I 5 2 5 /mo REALTY ....... 01111 1 b1ylfon1 Perk. M i nt llUIPlllT c<>tld. '78 dbl wide, fir• place, brick patio, 1&8, E11cellent, exoellent, ex-5 o o . B 111 O r u n d y callenl buy on B1lbo1 &7S-8181 yr-14%. I 198,000 Ow-OCEAN/"'OUNTAIN VU bdrm1. Clot• to perk 044-0300 pvt p1llo. micro. walk 10 960-885& ner (714) 858-0591 .., end /m Av••i .,_1 1 bch. utll pd, 1450 mo $525/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba eot.1----------. SunMI Blulla. New dlx 2 · .. ..,.... Newport Terrice 3 Br. 213•598•5190 cerport, yerd, lndry rm. AVAILABLE NOW l•1l tltlff br. 2 ba condo Frplc, 833· 277 °' 752-6492 Condo. 1700 ptua MCU· Small dog ok. Call fOf 2 Bdrm 1 bllh apt ,_ Price and down reduced S50,000 dn Pl1n for $2500 Sq It 3 bdrm, 21~ b1 Anum1ble 13"fo Prl- vlle AITD Owner/Agt 851.0130 New 4 BR l\1ekb1y lfH 3.200 9Q ft. pM. comm., $3117,500. Wiii trade lor properly, TD's Wiii l11ae-opt1on or l ow down Ready to de1ll Owner /Broker 71.C-544.0814 Blvd .. Newporl 8Mct'I 3 ---------bdrm, 2 beth One ol llWNIT WOI tho1e herd to find Bel Air Home, Light wllerlront prop1rU11. 1nt1<l0<1. 2 bdrm 1 beth, priced II good mn11 front kitchen, Expanded value Malle Ihle I ~1 Hv, dining -Young on your wMl!end home adulla & pell wetcom. tour S525,000 For In-124,500. 540.5937 lormatlon pl111e c1111----------832-8800. '70 Fleetwood. 12•40, lxf•u•• ZIOO gr11nh1t wndw. gar., 1nn&H POI rtty. No'*'-~755. AJM1l•utt appt BelChtYoatown 1 cMCI ••••••••• '· ••• • • • ••••• yard, MC g111. No Pill. T 0 w N H 0 M E . 3 B, • 111'11U1'1d# TSL Mgml 842-1803 ok No Pll• Waler paid Ltt'a •ut I hell 1890/mo 2157 Pacific 2,1\ba, lpc, 2 car gar, Spaclc>U911• 8dr ax2':'1'~ ............... ,, ..... EASTSIDE 2 Br 1,,., Bl. S425t mo 545-2000 Corporalton d11lr11 10 Av S.. 111 • lhen call: Ale. pool, park, tennll, homalew em nn. ' ..iiM l•IHI '"' Agent. no fM 551-0822/t44..S722 padd tennlt oourt, on •• .. •••••••••••••••••• TownhouM, encl1d g1-1----------trad• 135,000 equity In 1600 llf, lmmed ocoup. I t I d 1 j 1 rege. lrp!C, smell pet Oil SUPER 3 Br 2 Bl In 1xceptlon1I 3 Br Naw-542·8&08 LM or 111/purcti 1805 ~tadcl ~~. ~-yz~ ..:::ie,1 ~Deck, Orllt 1oc 4--Plell $650 & 2 Br 2 Ba port 8Mc:h Conoo. AH IT'S only low! 2br lg 559-7051 g 1 , d 1 n 1 r S 1 3 5 O 075-0349 TSL Mgmt &42-1803 In 4-P1e• 1525, blt-ln1, 1uum1ble financing. gar. hk·upt, lncd yd 945-1528 enclld garao•. hll-up1 Wint Income property, $476 W•••• ..... 1141 lllM STUNNING large 1 Br No pet• 540~404. restaurant, or whll hive QC-RENTALS 750.3314 ••'••••••••••••••••••• Lge 2 BR 2 Ba condo, g1rden apt, pool & rae. --------- you. • • • oc11n/ bey view Sec 11•l•Hll 3101 rm $.C25/mo. 710 W. 1 2 I 3 ltlr•I Agent 8-4&-1044 Beautllul Condo Itel~ .111.L LIYIUHY bldg Pool. Jee, 1875 mo 2·9;"2·0:~-;~~i;,;:~~: 18th St. s:lr5 ~hru $450 lmm~- Back Bay, 3er. 3Ba 17 708 Larkapur A\19 Avl Im med Denny, rage, trplc. )'Nrly Bkr -M-1-tu-,-.-per-aon--Newty---d .. -1 dl11e 1vallablllty Adutt1, furn.. NEW range & r• SELL :die llema with frig, Slerllghl \1111 714/ Dauy Pilot ~tied Ad. 8 t 3 • • 3 2 8 2 1 3 / l••ldl mo.559-6483 CoronadelMlf 8 45-20!8 wkdy• or l 875-4912 corated 1 bf hOmly &Pt no pell Quiel 1tmos- • •••• ••• •• • • • • • •• • • ••• Wilk 10 So Cou1 PtlUI You ere Iha Winner of 548-5833 on 1 level 1rlple11 w/beetn ~hef-e l bltt lrom but & ••••n f•iaJIAN ~~:.: ~~~:~~ ~':,::111 (118.00) 4 Br 31;, Ba bonus gueet f!!!!'..~!{/!~! •• !.~~ ce1t1ng1 Buut qulll 1hopp~ng 18903 0.11- •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,, RINGLING BROS. rm. glrdener. Av1ll Lg lludlo apt New cpta, g1ound1. complete leCU· ware I (Acrou from 7K-1022 -:;;;;;;~=P\ll==u=c =NO=T=IC::f:..:.:===:t--======--=1 c ••• ,.,., "''' ... ~ ........ }.~!f SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALWORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANOE CASE NO. A·lOISSt NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE E~1a1e OI JOHN E fHRHAROT D11eeas.-<l No11ce •S he•,.t>y 91ve" 1na1 \uD1bc I lo conl" m;111on Dy 1ne Jl>Ove enlllle<I SuP<>rio1 Coofl on Auousr 9 1982 al I 1 00 a rn or lhl!feeller ... 11h1n !he 11me 1111owed by l aw. lhe u nder~1gneo e s Admin1s1rator Ol lhe ES181e ol JOHN E EHRHARDT. oeceaseo Wiii ~ell al pnv11e H ie to Ille h19hes1 anO best ne1 bidder on lhr! 1t1rms and cono111ons riere1naf1er menuoned all 1.gnt 11t1e and 1n1eres1 of JOHN E EHRHARDT al !he 11me ol n1s oee1h and all •fllll t111e ano 1nlereS1 lhal ll'le u tate has ac;quired '" .iod1tion 10 Iha! ol deceoen1 al 1~ lime of h•s dealh, 1n 1he real proi>e<1y 1oea1ed 111 Orange Counly Calllorn1a oeaeribeO lots • and 5 in Block K ol Arcn 8e11cti He•gnts Ad0111on 1n the City of Laguna Beach Co~y of Orange State of Collf0fn1a u Pe• map f9COfded 1n BOOk 7, P~ 22 of MLSCelleneou' Map' 1n llM! oHice 01 "'• Coonly Recor<lftf ol said county EXCEPT lhe eas1 42 5 lee! l ife sale 1$ sull1ec1 10 currenl 1a>es covenants cond1l1ons 1e11r1e11ons reser•11t1on1 r1Qh1S, flQhls of way ono easPments 01 •8COfd and In aOOll1on 811 t>uvers are c;eu11oned lhlll 1n11 Properly is zonf'd R-1 single f am11y use and 11 not listed as a duplex sir>ce no •&nanc;e has Deen grant~ lor any use othe• lhen as a s1ng1e l1mily un11 Any !>ale ... ,11 be made• only on lhe DBS•S lh&I "''' properly IS • s1ng1e lam11y uml and DuyM mus1 take suD1ec1 10 1tui1 cond111on and purchaser s snail hold seller M •mless aga1ns1 any 1oss ol li3b1llty purchaser m1gh1 incur Dy 1eason 10 lhe nonconlorm1no use The ptex>eftY 1s to be 5010 on an ",, b8$l$ Bids or oH«• are 1nv11eo for this P•ooe<ty and must Ile 1n writing Ind ''"" tJe receiveo al !he olfoee ol H1lhe McCormack Really 1000 Coal! Highway Lagunil Beach Celllorn1a 92851 (714) 494-7551 et nny ume alll!f 11111 publ1C811on 01 lh11 Notice and betore making lhe sale The properly Will tJe •Old on Ille IO!low1n<;i terms caSh lawful money of lhe lJ S 01 on lerms .1eceol1ble 10 Ille Admm1511ato• 1<>"'• of the ou•Chase pnce 10 be p11d at Ille !Ima of Ill<! bid tly ce<11l,.a check D111nce on conhrmauon ol Ille by !he Supenor Coorl Texet renlS, operating dnO me1nl enance expenses. and prttm1ums on 1n1ur11nce 11cceo1eble 10 the purch1ser shall be proraled as Of lfle date ol conlirma11ori 01 sale. Ex1minallon ol 11lla recordl"!I ol conveyenee. lransfer laxes and tny utle Insurance policy shall bf! al the e"pense 01 the purchaser or ou•chaters The undersigned reserv111 the rlghl lo rejeet any and 111 1>1ds P•IOf 10 entry ol an Ot'Cle< conllrm1ng Ille Ule Oared. JUI)' 20. 1982 Security Pecmc N1tlonll Bink By Aobw1 Graham SeniOf Trw1 Offl<:er OIU"O J. FA.HIE ~ ... ~ -~ ..... ''"'· tutte IOI, tlftta A,,._ Cllffofl'll1 '27'01 TM& (1'4) '12 ... 74 Pu'bll1had Or•noa Co111 0111y PilOI. July 22, "· 29, 11182 3304-82 ·---~--~ I c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Pacific View Memorlal P1'11, Nwpl Bch, LOI 744. Graves A & B, Bayview T1rr1c1 $2 200 873-7787 C..tl #•II 1JZ4 DREAMY 3br w/prlv111 BA"Nu•• & '"'"ILEY Se Pt S 1380 I mo drp1, & paint. lmmed rlty Wat:~ & 9gu 9PSlld5 Pac1Kli~ H9osp55 21 Y' dlflC1 •••••••••••••••••••••• gar aunny pool yd 1595 " Cl,..IOl..,.I 640-0290 occup. S475, 551-8!30 No pe1s. -25 79· 1 Of alny -u41 days, 1 Br. Trailer. private, no oc:RENTAL.S 754•331,. 2 Br, enct ytrd, g1rage, 760-7292 eves p e I s . u I 11 • p e Id . -Anaheim Con\19tltlon hall A.a 1111 408'11 Acacia, 3Br, 2941, 1385/mo. lat plu1 a«:u· 2Br. 2 sty condo nr 19th&. Cent« Auo 5-18 •••••••• .. •••••••••••• ocn 111-. $875 mo. p1110. nr echoola & 2 Br l'r Ba S385+1385 rlt".642.0835,499-1817. H1rbor $5 20 mo Baaull'""" malnlllned ol-873-79•2 shopa. 1500. 8-42-79!8 dep Crpta, drpe, Oui.1 ' Long 8Mc:h A,.,,1 ·-·7 older peraon preferred c ... 1nJ.i ln&I 3144 83l·5897 atl8PM Aug 18-22 der home. origlnal wood Lg1 2 bdrm. 1'-'t bl Lllsll, tlla4J l1ll4so1,. Nr Beach Blvd & Mc-,,...,,. JIOO •••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely 2t>r unit lharp To clalm pa11e1, cell peneli ng lrpl, aep l lownhouH apt Blt-ln1, 2 Br 2 B1 w/gerege F 1 d den No pet 1 •••••""••:r•••••••••••• Beaulltully up9r1d1d 3 kllCh, lndry kid• $420 &42-5878, 1.11. 272 Pas-b r eekfesl room. 3 lrpl, 1Un deck Lota ol S595, lrplc, pool, 1p1 l>C6-9243 & 893-4894 &Pfll YALLIY bdrm, 1'/\ bl Condo In OC-RENTALS 750-3314 -muet be exchanged bdrms. 2 cir gerege, wood and cnarm S775 11undry Stu<llO w1p11101------------- T .. --aa..-Woodbridge Frpl, lor r~ -ti at box large yard S850/mo 607'~ JHmlne 760-8520 1395 No peta 549-2447 WALK TO BEACH l Br _,..,.. Aaeoc., No Pat-. 1725. fefJ Pwt IHSI olllce prior to perfor-837-7918 stove & r •Ir I g • NMr MW 4-plex. 2 bdrm. 7511-1015 Freeh & elMn Fenc.<S manca Cnta #.u 3124 2 Br w. B1 . lrplc, pool, S400/mo. 536-7979 2 beth each unit with --------,...,.---• yd 2 BR-beth w/dbl • * • h•fj WJ••• 1Zll •••••••••••••••••··~·· apa, allaahed gerage No l • 1 1144 fir~ encloaad patio, Wt.P• ltafi 14 stnks Lge open beamed •••••••• •••••••••••• 1 U. 2 II, I Ill. pe11 Avau Auousi 4th .ffi~••••••••••••••••• garege, IW•-111. Poa. •• ••••••••••••••• ....... nv rm. wltplc Chlld Ot< EMERALD 8AV. 3 Br. 2 Monardl Bay large 3 br. Newly decor. G11 pd, 831-41184. OrengelrM Condo 2 Br 1 CHll flow Now $159, ·~::·.~v°&'h'~~~~ S850-1al, IHI & dep 8a trplc,brieltpallowlttl pvt beech. 11100 mo. encl gar, dw1hr. pool. 2 BA 2ba. pvt pallo. 81 pool. 1500/mo 500. Biii Grundy. Rltr. , ...... ,.... _64_5_-_2_34_8 ____ ~-• P • S 18O0 Incl w1ter & gard-bbg Adullt. no Pet• townhouse, carport, 857-8087 Tracy. •7"' • 1• 1. ,....,.....,,... 213/87.,2255 Av I II A U g -1 5 I h ••2 5073 v ..-.. v "" .,,.,._5,. .. ., .,.. • laund rm. pool AU uUI 1 • UI •---&. ••u • It a. 111 4 Br 2 8a lllarp & c:IMn, --------.. .,... .,,... w• -• -..... MAI ,.._...,, It• llmllv Ok 5•50 grdnr Lovely oceert I/law hOme, ----------1 1 Br gar~. atove & pd 1 Child oil $.4115/mo, ••'••••••••••••••••••• ... ..-.-.~••••••••••••••••• ' "' • · d po II Ha bo & IT TIE IOU Incl 3 BR. 2 Ba. 2 lptc't , WHtlll•llll JZfl r a Ir 1 g a No p • 1 a • • • nr r r IOIAllflllT HouM on com,,_cl11 lo1 UDO ISLE . 38drm, fem 54&-9950 11250 mo. 1422 Ten'-•••••••••••••••••••••• $370/mo 548-1377 191h SI S•• Mgr II MOit elegant IQI bldg on the Penlneuta, 1 lo1 rm. 28a, $100/dy July ---.-Wl--1-IEW ____ W_•Y_7_80_·83_79____ HOME FOR RENT Chlldren welcorM, 2 & 3 1978 Meple, Apt I In Lagun1 Beach. flnett from blaeh. Great aum-$3500 Am11. Biii Grun-OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bdrm. 1725. Fenced Br 1475-1825/mo Mon location In 1own, brMth- ·mer rental potential Low d · Allr 0 6..S18t MM Cl111y 2BR & study. 2 yard & garage. Kida & thru Sii 9-5. Corner ol .,....._8 ,,... lek1ng Y'-11. au buUHn1, down OWC 28r 281.lrplc,blt-lnl, bllll, 2 lrplc1, spiral petswelco!M.545-2000 Ad1m1 & F1lrvl ew ~-U rmv he1ted pool , R .. lonomlcl 875-8700 WATERFRONT HIGHRISE water oriented. 2 car 111lrc111. S 11500/mo Agent, no IM. 557-4785. No pet1 IPUTmJITI •ub.-g1r1g1, 1l1v1tor C••'•W•••I fftldt••n I 111 ...................... PALM SPRINGS CONDO. Time Sher11 currently ... , ._, $8,000 per wt<. Buy this'°' S7,000 mo. 1 bdrm, 1 ba comp lum. Buy with teveral trlend1. Toltl COii 184,000. 646-3317. 631-4405 COSTA MESA Modem 1 br, adult con- do near S C Pl1z1 Secur1ty get ... pool, epa, etc $74,050. LOW Clown - own« wlll help flnanoe. (714) 1188-5430 2 Bdrm furn condo, garege W/0911*, pool & Chlrter RMtty BeauUtully 11ndac1p1d LMM only 1850 & up 2'...,ba. eauna, pool. 510 191.17115/mo. 545-3115. 496-8122 or 493..a888 "--~--•-•.., 2 br • 1 ba • carp111. ~erden apti. POOi & Stp• ,_3_30_Clltl_--:Dr,.--•_IM~..aoa.J--:=-=-= h f -dr1p11. bul1t-1n1 N o , L 1 do · 8 t Io or 38r 21A8a Condo min to HARBOR OCEAN FRONT fahr.JJjN 141$ pell $.425 2272 M1pll overed perking No ..... ,, lf•ti 3111 s3oootmo Cell Agent, bc'h & •hopping Pool, Nu 3200' lux hm on btutf. •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-2927 pate •• -.•ir••••••••••••••••• R.ita 752·5710 Jae, & sauna. annual IM 180 deg vu of hert>cw, R"°'1·Hke adult tract nr 1 8' $475 • • • B•Hn U•lu.J1iH .••.......•.......•.•. C.•1111 1ZO ...••.•..•••.••..•.•.. llEITILS Yearty-Wllltly-Wlnler, 2, 3,4 Bdrme JlCOll IUL n PROP lllllEIEIT 171-1173 1785 mo 111 & lut + aurf, mtn1. 3br, 3ba, SC Plu. Pool. grdnr Spaclou12 Br. 1 Be SA25 131 E. 18th. &46-0816 PAIL II. PITll$ MC dee> (714) 750-5274 ucurlly. 11un1, spa. Dlux 1 Br. No pell. $.475 3 Br 1 'h Ba 14 75 3112 Hamilton St Leaae/opllon, d11lrabl1 Meu Verde arM, 4 Br 3 B1, pool, lmmec. cond S 1400/mo 522.0332 an 6PM Of wllndl 11995 490-7009. & 135 utll. 775-2580. Leundry lee · pool Upstilra unl1 2Br 1bl IQ1, Coal• Mfta E Id ... Pvt ....._...., Hlghly upgraded & cteen 548-9558 vacenl. 1425/mo Agl You ere Iha winner of mere ... y: .,_.,, ... ... 5 • 6 two free t1Ck11a ($18 001 pool1, tennll cour11. 3BR Newpor1 Bch Big Canyon $.420/mo. 2 "'. 1 .,., apt . 4.,...11 8 v1lue to the 3ba & gueet hM. Avlll 3 Br 2'h Ba, golfcour11 beamed oelllno. leundry E/-S-lde--Sp.a--2-B_R_enci_ AINGLING BROS Sept 15, S 1800/mo. v I e w . PO O I · IP• ~ ::::· Avell. July Call gar, adlt1 P,.1. no' I*• BARNUM & BAILEY w In t. r , • n t.,. I 1 4 0 0 Im 0 . c. 11 TSL Mg;.,l 642-11103 321 Monte Vlt1a Open Olllft B••tU,,.. 714/<497-Hl64 720-1009 -/wknds Of ___ ;;..... _____ -! Sun 1-3. $.450. 840-0105 Anaheim Convention ... •} II •i • •-1 780-9800 wkdyt ut $490/mo. 2 Br. 1 a. up. f .ullln • .,.,. •-390e ,_ unit, ~1 ... g••-. 1 BR upstalrl, no '*" Center Aug 5-18 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••···.·1•••••••••• 1----------.,.. ...,.,......, -.-R•t 'd vt A 1 Long Beach A,...,a CC-RENTALS HOME FOR RENT COSTA MESA Piiio. ell bit-Int, laundry 1 req ' a ug Aug 18•22 1-5br's 1200 to 12000 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. 1725 1 br. ldull condo n .. r rm ~~81~· 352 Victoria. To clalm p11111, call 750-3314 open 7-d~ to S750. Fenoed ywds & S.C Plue & 0 .C, Air-TSL Mgmt. M2·1ll03 642-5878, e11t 272 P ... !~!!!!.~r.!!f.11'!!! h••tr/Wllfer ltlf• NEWCRPT&PAINT g1r1g11. Kldl & pets port.Pool,ap1,1tc MOii Large 3 Br 2 Ba. Town-' •• B15r1. redac1o~t•1d11 -must be exchanged ala 3bf' 111\ bl. Kldl/ peta«*. welcome. 645·2000 ullllllet paid. $.485 plu1 hOull 1n quiet compll•. ... mo. p1u1 ,vv, u '°' ,~ Miii at box LAST CHANCE 10 buy Ihle belutlful 3 year old, 4 unit 1part· menl hOuM In San C .... mentt wllh OCNn-hllll & golf courM \llewl 11 I tremen<loue 11llino1 di· reel from Iha OWT'9r ~ lore being ll1t1d with brOkart. Act NOWlll Call owner at (714) 842.0138. Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3be OWC 11t -Ae1c Terma 509 Acacia CdM nr bell 4.COK own/bier 645-7048 ll1TI WllTll Trade fot N.8 . oefln· front llome. Owner. 1800,000. 3711 SH· more 87~7e E/Slde CM 1rlple11, lncld1 2 BR 1111. 1100,000 S 1500 mo r1n11. 1-492-1720, John We hive rentals eva!le-OW, ltY, rcrfr, Olf, yd, Agerit, no... ~~1po11t . (71 4) large pool, garden Ml· :!· q~u:°'w'or= office prior to perlor- ble by thewaell °' monlh pa11o. 1775 831 ... 320 ..__,, ...,j 3111 llng. $075. 8.C5-3381, couple 548-71589. manoe. ••• from 1650 to 11200 par 5 Bike 10 OCMn. Elegant 2 :-.·.~;•••••••••••••• ,........., 57S-51M9. --------- week Oc11nlront and Br. Femi!)' Am & Oen. 811ut. cu11. Newport f8nld# JIJS 1530/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba. BHulllul 2 bedroom, 1 Clean, upgrlded 2 Br 3 lntlliof. 1850 Mo. Plutll crpte. Helgtll•, 2 tty, 4 BR or 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouele. car por11 beth, gar•te-2053 C B 1 pie pool 17301 Winier ren1111 from 211\ B1 Cedlf & g1111., BR plul IOft·3 ba, OR, COSTA MESA . 2br. 2 bl. patlot aQ bit-Ina. 1nc:1,Y Tultln, C · Call for 9;:,~177 mo. 1650/mo 10 11200/mo, aun·deck, dbl car prv FR, plu1 LR-3 vrs old. No AC, trpl, Oltlwlhr, micro, rm ~II pat Oii Won't 1 PP1 · 0 w n •' ( 2 1 3 I ---------- furn. or unfurn. Npt Bch garege, fully main!. yard. p 1t1. Av I. I 1 S 5 o . prvt. ylfd. Att. dbl. g•· lutl 541-8196. 1425/mo IAY FmT Unfurnished. Beaullful & No si-11 Inquire 11 527 '4&-0789 or &46-0710 r 1 g • , po o I. I 8 5 0 . TSL Mgmt. 642· 1803 2 Bedroom, 1 bath apt Sptlcioue 2 Br. 2 Ba. eot lerge 2 Bdrm In VIiia 18111. SI. 9~1 -=-Ill"'-1-49e-0353 Alt. 5. 8-42-8221 wllh balm <*lino•. 1350 w/specttcular view, B •I b o • . 2 P • t Io• · ..... •----------1 month 111 & 1 .. 1 plu1 beautiful gardentl & ..,,_ S1200/mo 2 Br townllome with II· .... •-Alauf ,. ... •--1-a..~ Flreptace, pool. dl•h· StOO deposit required d" b11ch Overlook1 W t t t II tachecl garege Appllan-2 -1 r.-;;.-'!" •• , .. .,__ WMh«. pvt patio X LO C S4 0335 ' 1 tr rt• •••• CH Included A1klng 3 bdrm, 11\ bathltwnl'IM • ••,:::••••••••••••••• Oerdan 2 Br 1560 111 2" · Balboa llllOd, boll allp ... l850 3 11200 per mo. E.,.. & ..,_ tp•-1 11 1v1H No!*•-78().()919 •• 1 1 .. 'o 0 & &4~~1:0• &42-142 wknd1. 970-8986, da lnlal8'• J101 _5_5_7-_2_84_1 ____ --1 _ .... • • .. t r 632-1023 ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• E1111ld1 28r 1b1, pool, Swimming pool carpel Steps to bMCh 28r tBa. na-ttoO Mft II TIUTI • Br 3 Ba ........ 3700'""',, Beytront Bacllelor Apt, laundry, $460, Clll tad, drape•. cl11n & tge llv ., ... kit w/bar, 3 bdrm. 1 1tory town-'"view. 12a00lmo '"'" quiet older 1 person, No 833-7890, 8-49-1047 bright, 1tov1/ov1n & alee ger door, mini Oen C.1,.1 ''' #11 31U h p 1 1 1 pe1a. Yrty 1nc1 utll. l400 d11p. 1340. 548-4827. vllw. s750imo )'fly. Ref •••••••••••••••••••••• ome. oo, enn1, near 4 Br 3 81, oomm. pool, mo. lit, lalt + Clep. EASTSIOE lge pvt 2 BR, 731_8829 A.gt req. 875-7907 Eteg1nt, 1p1c. home In B • • c h I 7 .C 5 · S 1195/mo. V1ul1ecl clg, 2 tundedlt. molt pr .. llglou• ., ... 4 213/59.C-9131 Big Canyon 2 Br 2 Ba, ,_o_7w_7_5_5_____ t"· •II ulll pd. 1500 .••• ,ias,,. BHli•i' .. :;.:,.~~,.~·~::r~o:; 3B::!f!.•.1r7~. 38',mz ~ =~ c.r., '" llu ITIJ dlta. no pell. 752-2550 ••~••••••••••!!t ••• ~! ..•.••... ./!~! "' _,, .., mo. 17""" """' ••••••••••••••••••• .. • 2 8 1'A .... 810 Jo9ftn SI curved 1t1lrw1y, Inter-(714) ll&-2124 .,.,/mo Oceel'I view. beauutully r ...... ~ ~~~=t~ HOME FOR AENT :a:,~ea. comm. Pod ~-i0:t~.u~9~~~: ::~· Sml dog oil. Kennebunkport? & OCHn. 12000/mo. 3 Bdrm. 1726. Fane• Or try ... optlon on 873-0IM -~--,-8,-11,-P-omon--.-. -, -,-r.·• Isn't that the horse that won 769-1010 yerd ' garege. l<ld• l any of tlleH. Have ,._..... • •r.·a. , Ba, upe11111 apt. d/W, The Trlple Crown In '72? I*• weloomt. 545·2000. others. Frid Tenore, aot _,., IM • .., rt t 1 a attr lrtltlttMYlw Agent,nofti. 831·12te,t31·2711. •••••••••••••••••••••• ::S.0 • rerg • w i!"r:~r!i:.n;,~·1· WALi< TO BEACH." Br. 2 2 Br. 2 .. Pool & .,,,.,,.. ·~: ~~·~11;:,.:.a~ 1450~;~~ ~·s~ro'J: ~fD~ 4-Plex, M.a V•dtl. Ssi--~-110'00. Avail 111~ Ba. 1900/mo. 873-7838 uaa. 1700/mo. M111.1ra, quiet. No pet. AQeflt, no lee. II you're no1 sure who (or wnal) nleh Ille roof. Hurry & Aug. 1144-12 10 ot "3-83n. Agl 642-3850. 2234 Au\oerl Or. O.M. 2 er. garden apt, petto, KenflebunkPort was, don't t..,i bad -you're -.... l162K 1~ lonO 8 8 Bdrm 3 1-213-464-5104. ,_ .,.int, Cf'Pt, Clrap91. not alone. KennebunkpOrt Is one of 14 term toen. l32&K wttll EASTSIOE. 3 bedrm. large 2 llOIY & • 4 • WllfaR lllft & •ot d'-1--~-' dlffe ...... , anertment noorpl1n1 et S&OK down 731~. yerd, SUO. 238 Cotta bltft. 3 car O•-Avlll aft 4 8dnn, 3~ betha. 2 'tW ·-=-N ° g.e H ' 4 '" m 0 ' ••1 ~~ v1u~' 1n'1tunllngton BMctl. ...... St. 875-1594. ~ 111 .!!20011!'!'°· Hr ...., ,...._...., e•-""-n·~· -~---50_. ____ ....., • ._. I attv .._TNI ....... AQ1 .,.._ -""' ....,...., _.."'... ... Seawtnd VIiiao-19 e result o 1ot ., ••-N9W CdM c~mer 2 Br 3 · home with Hbrwy, lamlly ...................... 2 Br. 1 81· Upitllrt. w. personaHzad proleulonal planning. TM kind Good po11lblllty HOK Bl, adult• no' peti. 3Br 2\tba, lu•ury 1800 room, format dining Joenn St. No peu. ot ottertllon you d....-v. A pertect blend or dOwn, 2 tourp19x ... )(Int 11085/mo Agt 640-2847 sq.fl. ~o. Pool. Jao, room and 3 "'-"°"" l.l.'1 FllllT '440/mo. Sierra Mgmt. naturt and llvtng -nestled In• tor .. t With unite. Prime Co.ta Mell °' &«·t&73 ..,.., 1enn11 l raoquet bell t.2400 mo. ot ..... op. IC*lltl'I f.ltate Uvlnol _e._1_._13_2_4_. ------t• tMlbt>llng brOOI<• end qulel ponde, cooled by are&. OWner carry 10 ~ orle, 11c, microwave. uon. Call egt" 646-00tt e.autltul park·lttl• aur· NEW eReeo APT&. netvral OCNn breezee. Add to that t9f'lnl1 ~oe1ttve5c:r. ,n::·1 C..11... 1111 Avell Aug 1• USO, !He. 11ome. f11tbluttt. rounclln91. Terraoecl 1 It' & loft. 1 Br. Beet\. c:oun•. awlmfl'llng poot .. a ape and a .. • Y · or •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 1·247t o1ty to OOMl't ..,._ Pool. poot, aunten g.-bbQ, llrom IS60, Frpto, rec convenient locetlon,,.., shOpplng end tn-5310 eo.o. Hr. 2tMI townhae, 3 Br a ... 2 cw,.., ..... , nr ICM'. lbr, 2~ '°""-' 1parkllng tount1ln1. room. PoOt. epa, gee & .... ..- 2 hOulll on 2 dupth Iota frptc, mlcto, 2 ., 0-~ 11001mG."No...-s>e& din. rm."""· rm, 2 trptoe. lpeclOul tootM. ... ~ .. .., paid. No SN'• 303 employtMnl and you'w got 1 ...-enyon41 W.C.M. $a5f( MQtl, l301< w/O(lftr 1780/mo, Avtlll lkr. "2·0611 ldMI kit. W/etUno ..... ,. .. dining .... Wiik-'" H • m 11 t 0 " • c M . l(~~ld prfi'~ ~ ":':~oom OM CloWn, belanoa at 10%. a..>t 1. ~271 ~ lndty rm. OdM lilflootl. OIOMt-. home Ilk• lltdl-~ 1 t. nd 1.. rt-ta t~om •st5 oo Muet MM1lier142-Mtt, Wknda, HCM306 Wkcfya. JrriM I.~ """or llftfUm. leJ>t thN en A oablMla. Waltl 10 • IWO "_,. .......... " • · EA8T8109 3 bclr 1 ba •• •• ••• •• • •• ••• •• •• • June. U""'"' I 1to0 In-Hunllngton Canter. ~ nd ~J!.~l.r!!'. •••• M!f gu, t.~ y.,d; Wthri ~=-~pe3~t Ir:,:: ~..:.=.~ I ~'!.'t.n~& m tn Hulntl ,.,.. VIII-DOW clryw, 109 .• pet1 otc. ffPIO, ~ _• 2 8dm'I T~ rum .,., -.- IMO. 531-4443 (Pool. -.... ,,_. Ten'lflo vtew, .. nN. ,._ from lt15 YllW 2 8' frplc, IOt.ened XVI UIO 110·1111·, __,._, ...... town- rm . IH3 A Elden. t40·1H7, 111·1111, =~~= 15511._.:~~tAneHun11nOtor Lm tr/.o;· 13 '""'' °' t 7Ml41 -· 1'i\;;w7'....,. ~~cA"cfil)M3-a1M Ll'a lot9 In geMld, prmte, Unfit • ...,. l'lt, -. a/O, N M. .,.. Mftt '°°"' From n. Sin DtlaO ffW#JlY drtw rioc'm hllWde OCJMmunhY 0\19'-IC,.._ IA. I If oondo frplo. 1 ,., \~~·= ""'*'A• now.11800 8-.ch to ~Mclln. ttwn ._ °" 1oo1t1nO Dene '91 \ter1ne WIMOlll'tty. IUO/mo tnal _.. -.. per mo. a.I M°'9ddtn to a...ws W1ai19 wM ... to O•l•llna A ....... 9111. Gent fllf, II Avoll •ti Alif .'.fl, ""-: CleotW9 Clold--..m, brt, l'\lrnWl!np ~ • Opon clelly110 AM ', au Olel'llent1 111. patio. no •••· •tl -...1111 ._ill I~ for IJl't. to •••· dulll. 7141811-olOI 117..otn or...,..._ ._.., ' .. ' Orang• Coa1 t DAIL y PILOT /Friday. July 23. 1982 o a , • DO&;LAR DAY DOUGH IAVERI Sell ~our no-longer-needed lt9mt for ouh. If lt doeen't Mii, we'll run It another 3 daye FREE. One Item per ad, mutt be priced. Sorry, no real .. tat• or commercial ad1. Call today for full detal11 • ..._...,....., latra .._ t1AO) ~'· 4.,AYI -.:7_'"''~ CLA881FIED8642•5678 N •••••• r.":T•••••••••••• ~··••••••••iw;••f•u r::1•••••••••••••••••~.,. ccoununa .,.,,.,.,, '"" ._, 4111 IN1'11 ,_ .n.-U~ 1t1llH .. ,II f4M !!tr..'!tf!.~!f!!!M fft!.,.f!!:!t ••.• !~!frP.•Jl..'fM'!J. •••• !.~~ !•!1..,11.'!!. •••• !.'.!f '!.~'I. .rt.·~~~t ... !.{ ~~ IJ.~11. .tff!.'.~'!. .... !.'.~ . ..'!f!P!P!!~ .......... Pvl. elec!Ant home'°' tM :~,;k;,0~~·= ~ ~0~; CdM o'"CI IUITI 13~r· Ith"·=~& l•Olllng Co•ll Mtu ........ ..... ••darty, Leg. 8011. w/ • a 1 8 ~~·· 600 IQ "· ~ 1 lq. . FOUfl> •os Poelllotl '°' ~ntlr19 •!i.~•mJ-r!" :nr:f. .. ~n tamtty atmotp,.._ en. ~01~~:0 1m 0 · orpt•/ drap11 & paint 'ront ottlmw targa ,.., ft Clark w/good typtnf NO '111' At>t • COMO let Chea Vou1, 4~14 '47'0/!flO, 85,·81'° door. t11t 111tti. Av.. 1klll1 lnlllOU• 10 IMrn renllle. Vitia ~talt. liaaft l t al'1I 4111 M/F to tttr • Br NB :ft. Cuetom ea90utlva otttc.. g:l~10·UU. IYH ARE FREE grow. Tl'llt lob ta lot • f'f&-'4812 Brok.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• Pvl Ba. trg room. 124 l <tOO 1q It. Pvl btlh With Mll .. 11rt., wllllr19 to takt I Br. ""P• •. acirou ,,,. ullt. 8•1-f898 11\0Wtr. l1tbo1 Pentn. 1100 ,, WhH w/ofo, w/ can·. dlrtotlon 1n11111ty • IO "'llUJIQ m tlrtet from b•aoh. $ptietoua 28r lb• condo, 1300/mo, 842 .... 4123 tolltt, Oltt door t3:J!. aooapt lncreulng retp. FACTORY TAAIN!I PAIT Tml All 8hlfta avail Nawepapar Promotion, tdaal fOf' Illa mature wo-M 0 n I' r I . man°"" 30. 89&~480 5•30PM·9:30PM, ht. IVEAPAC COR~. 9 30 1;30PM &4&5 PrOCIUGtton Or. UA.00 to etart Hul\ll"Olon Bctt Than pannlflhlp't 1har1 llllllllf Aeepon•tlll• peraon to handle varle1y end heavy phone. 8horlhtnd Ft· ehton taland. non- 1mok1t 8 1laty oom· m•n1ura11 with uper ind abllltv. Mrt Ed· w1rd1. 940·5 II 1 NEW gated 20 Town• HH/wk. 81&-6ot8 nr bHctt WID non· 350 1f oto l whee, w/ I H I S1t1ry ~Md on el(per & home VILLAQI COM· N 1 1 b ., • ........ l !l)llr 1355 incit ulll bee ~um Suitt, prime tollet, ., .. , o/11 door, ulll 42· l 1blllly. Call C.,malla MUNIJY. 2 6 3 Ir. 2°" • r, .,pe "• 11.11\,,._ft, 631_109a N.8. loo. Phone Ind oo-pd 1200 915-412111. nowt 54&-Hte F11ttton PartlH: Hrn 1 of profit• Mutt htllt 1ummer wardrobt & ptt1un1 110101, prlvatt ht v• tun tool 85S·93&4 dHk & phone. c11utt --.. -_.-1-,-.. --&1---.-attlrt For tn1trvtaw. call '"" ...... Ba 1eoo-1100 IQ n of •t•p• to tand, avall. pltr IYlll 1225/mo pu;t tu•uty. Qarag•a. 1111 1325. 75-$-0038 Prol MIF. 23·30 10 tttr HCl· 1179, 414 0.9215 Prime AUTOMOTIV! IN• ll••d ltrttlltH Ana 8arv Plant otc. N.B. atter 8PM. &ftt141Ht FAIT ... 842·6e11 UI 312 Part time ...,.., a dayl •PH tn every home · COSTA M68A. Furntlhed. condo"' Ne. Own bath, (•YI) ~~~I~:Lpa:~.'°C~!~; and l>f•vino. ttandt totl ~~Plf ~';~~,~~r:•~ mHter ault•. dining 2 BR, 2'..tlte, pootllennla. ,gar• lr't>lo. t 385/mo. llYflDllT MMa. 8"5·6374. ttom rtno. AiWAADt Pl"~ tpm Pit 831·5840 ••-M••••-36 hrt al '5 ~ '" Mutt _. .. -" PlllTll l>a •KPtt Aet. rooma, wood burning Avall Juty/,Aug. '515/mo. Contact Ralph day• '42·57A3 Ftmout Aamot li01 Dog Wt n .. d a good part 876-2216 Place. P09ltton In Orange time multi ~ttor wno tlreptee11, mtcro·w•v• Agent 975 .. 4130 6" 1..()917 tllt 219 or ev/ Lrg office eultt wlaml vv lww 4110 '. Aplltttnent management. ownt. prlllll• p&tlOI & wknd 631--0e24 ot bly All Of pen lrom .;;1.................... 1100 llWUI Couple 10 manaoa 100 yard1_._9.,dantr provt· ~nlron1~.~~ 1 ~· want quiet rHP non-I I 40 Pr tq II . Call ITH&ll llll Lott 711 8. Min Scllntu· unite In So 0 County. a.d. fl9ganf tMng only 1 • 81 · ..,ty 11rn v .. · k FHA 1 h 1 845-41648 tor Into PH Ll&ll ,., Gr-v Seit & Peppw. top quality bldg No pet• 15 mlnut .. lrom FUhlon Wttkll 1 700/wt•I\. ·~ot'itd• CO~d! rN~ NEWPORT BEACH Pro-Lo ng E•rt Vin Clllt S.pt plu• lll•rr· t XP•· Count~"• """' regional alto 1cnow1 BI W •trip· Sign Dttlgn Co tHkt •hopping canter Top ping 20-30 hra/wtek hard hitting tGQr .. tlYe Nlary, tno.ntlv9 bonut. Newttead Printing outeld• H IH peraon. l>anafltt Incl ln.uranee, !48·4173 eome car expenH fur· taland, 1 mlnutw to S C 986-90 1 ~oao Heep. 1375 mo + lftalonal omoe. 833 Do-F°'ht~&lley. 1'·660 ortve, ~ Height• r I • n c • h • p f u t prolll •hilting, YICI UOn M program 11 you ar• a P.TIMl l&Lll :!:::'~nly~t 1~1t Plaza or 0 C.Atrport Your 01WO eandy l>aactt. •-t utlt 548-6238 ..,., St• 2 1308 /mo :J or' pan. l'=at~':: Very lrtendty Female, 714/843·0212 Jull tut ot Newport OCMnlront MOfro Bay 1-t 831·1094 i.y School Olt rlct N In 1 we r • t o B J 81\ld & to. of San OllgO hr Htarll C1111e. naw Fem rmm•t• 18-30 to •hr m I w I~ I. n i:-946-7168 ()( 873-2094 Attractive Git F r w Y $ 9 0 0 I m o houM, llPI Cl, 2 Ba, fPI, IQ 3B<, 2B• hM In Nwpt •EWPllT OllTD 714/842·8&51 Lo.t· 4 m09 old male Pit 631-54311, 2473 Orange aundeck, wetbar $.450 S 190 mo. ~8--0987 Full Serlllce Sutt• Bull Ptacentla & 19th, Sophlallclltcl, 1urecttve. AYI. Cott.a M.... Plf wk 805-712-4529 Lrg Npt home. Prof M SOIT MIT.. Ital.JI WHIH 4100 CM "Butcfl" Reward welt groomed girt to PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS k 28-3" A II •*2" "'--vi...... •••u•••••••• ••••••••• mod ti prlvtlety lor In· Balboa Ptntn Pt. 4Br, non·t m r, " "' •<> ............. n -M photographer, 34, 645-8826 d lvlduat 3.4 hrt per 2Ba. but d elH atilt n °w1 1 3 5 O D 1•n 1 All you need tor one 11•k• room In quiet Found· Male Cocker Spa· week Strlctly private and avail. '850 up 875-5030 831•12e& monthly 1"1 llOma In NB, CM. Prefer ntt l. PIHH ld•nltly In good IHI• U1mo11 man agar, an Htlttant E.nJoy wor1111n9 with kldt. 17th Suitt 'r c M. man~ of last fooda or and wllh lnorMMd Nt· 1---------•~ld Mk• to get Into tut ntnga uUllHJour out· Tet.,MH ltfleltwt IOOd• & ready to mow going perM>t\ lty, learn Needtd 1mmedletety up IOI' adva~t In I how to l>acorne a trained ldMI lo< ttudanlt Of' h0- mutt11tate, atrong, l>fOQ· utu coun111or Call memaket1 Evea 3-9. No , .... YI. growtng, pee>c>fe l 2·5PM 942·4321, I KI Mltlng. Airport arM. Call ort•nted company. cell 349 EOE bet 1>-12. llA0-4647, 1111 Car1 K .. t., tor an Inter----------1 """* "151 v~ PIT RHpon1lbl1 pereon _P_m_._......., ____ . __ _ 991-7213. I wanted Rttall exJ>( nee RU.-1 10.Wulmlnlltr Mall, FA 0 Schwarz So Co111 llUOtTlll W•llmlnller E o E Ptua 754-1681 Ga ' I I 4310 94<>-~7o w /profHtlonat couptt. 1 1 4 / 8 4 8 . 7 9 1 2 . dlecretlon 11111rad COUNTRY CLUB LIVING WIDU •mau .. !fl!!..!! •• ! ......... Offtc. Ot d..ic •pace lur-non-emol(era. 538-2483 213/398·3918 Gr .. t P•Y • 1111111* hrt. IN NEWPORT BEACH Av1ltable. Agl. 876-8110 Cottt Mesa. Meu del nlthed or unllJm Peet! Send photo and detailed A 10111 envlronmtnl u II • 1.i ~··o MatatM,llngtegareg1, Co tti Hwy NB • "n1'l ml'/ llWAlll detorlptlon to Box. Ad M/F. apertment community on !f.'.'..!! ••• !! ... !~~. ISO, 10x11. 50·44'7 1 845-7414 • • /' • LOST: wttll• long haired No 1011. Dally P1101, the Upper Bay. Privett OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br (10·3), 979-0745 an. 8. r lla••ff cat. Female. 1 blue. 1 Box 1680, Cotta Meta, General. Need 25 aoper ~~bh8o~:,,1!n~~=ll~ Avalt now. Weekly thr~ WANT: G•rage tor 110• V IOWHllTv -;;;j;;;;••••••••••••• green eye. 559·4193 CA 92828 vllOft P & Fttlme tor new poote, cloM to bu11ni... •ummar 973-7973. rage on Bal. Penln. Nr Pso:~•t,:"m!:.~'· n.-11••119 1001 Found: Mete mix Lab t>lk HTI llOIUIO ::~~~~~-~~~ram. Wiii airport, Fathton ltland. I t·' I •L 4300 15th St. Catt 1-771-2078 900 IQ "· 2 entrinoet ••• -~r.•••••°'•••••••• pup; mate mix rttrtaver Wilt altonmt. & brtta. Own Convtnlenl 1hop1 on •• tul I _,,, H Bc:h 5700 • Join tht IHdtr In the tan end wilt pup, matt harld toott. NIWPOf1 Tire General Office lltt Unturnllhed bac,,._ •••••••••••••••••••••• uni. garage pvt parking, mo. twlmmlng popl ch1m1 mix Retriever blk, brn, lnauranct Agency In tori: 1 & 2 bdrm 9911 and tar RH••lte lor rent. $.4S/mo. 1•492-1720 dtaler." Ltc'd territory wht., Female mix Lab/ g~M 3000 E Cat Hwy, Costa Men hat opening townllou.... Contact l•rgut G1y 213142<>-77011 UM lllLllll avallabte, Orange Cout Shp cream and blk. m ... ,_________ 10< ene<getlc perton to t540 -$1000 Mala Fem ... MrVICe In Lg garage tor rent, 14.111•-Stngl• o lflce 1 180• ., .... no expe<. nee. Wiii mtx hoond Doble, red & Auto Mtchtnlct Helper handle variety of dutlea Several bllChelort and 1 So Callf 540-e718 bte for em bu1lne11 3.room auttt $.425. Seely 1 r a In 15 O, O O O f u ti wttt. Male Retriever. gold for foreign car rep1tr In mlcro-ltlmlng dept Bdrm unltt leeture llOJ 2500 IQ tt Condo. will ec;.. $300 mo.'548·5891 MrV avtlt 3356 Via Lido amount req'd, some fl. w/Rlchmond VA ID F• Cati 548-6066 M ull be reapon and ,., ..... ,.. lltrt tmmed openlno fOf' hard worker. Pert time lloure lle•lbte. typing. 10 key & phone 1klll • mu11. N-· por1 Beech, 549-2988 HOlmtlllT We nMO gOOd paop .. to ••• up appolntmentl from oor Newport Beech office In the evening IOf' Holiday lnn'a new travel club Satar)' + commit· 11on + bonua Call 833-3740 an lpm Full time In lut growing --------- laehlon ectioot Good TeltJllHt lalet telephone peraonellty, Follow up, no cold calla sharp appearance Call PIT Co.ta M ... olc F0< 979-8073 IOI' lntarvtaw Info, Catt 631-7200. Alie dHlgner lurnllure and capt 2 edit•, Of' 1 adlt O/Un lt-1'1 44/M 873•4158 nanctng avalltble. Wiit mele mix Lab blk Nu· Auto Mechanic tor foreign wlltlf19 to learn Call M• aooetlqrlet MOYI In to-w/1 chltd or Juel 1 adlt ••••••••••••••••••••V. Wanted to aubte1 anprox nellt S4t0 .. ~00Fpltu: .• cp~~I merou1 ~1t11n1, :511.0 c•r rtpeir BMW-VW rle 549-9923 lteoelf/l .. pr day Of ,...,.,. tor tum· Poot. to kit, 2 pall09, lg UECITIYl Simi 720.,, 11. offtc. -:,..,. .. , co ec ... on· r •·u ""· pupptu 544.3., " Call 549·8068 lllll&L lfFIOl ~'Beach Dev Co fOf' Mr Carton T eiephone Saiet e.tn Big Morwty by the bHCh, $300· $1000/ weak Call 538-751 t. mer month• Smartly balcony w/bay view ..., ....---A• k tor T I m N-Port a..ch Shlltltf' Helltng ractfMlonlell turnlehad modetl open 557•1 .... A• •• ,. *,.39 IAVINE Phone anewe· protenlonal dHlgned, 408/887--01t1 F d y F S'-•• le HOUSEKEEPER nMdtd ~ I~ proc:eulng tn· "ookke•p I 1 Pl dally • "'°" "' ~ ring, cont. rm, ulll pd, exeepllonal, ocean view oun · oung • .... 1 tor buay prot ... tonat tn nulty & lntur l>ualnesa " " or Y nP. On JamborM Ad 11 San Joaquin Hiii• Rd sctry H rva, •le Aleo Ftexlblt for prlv•cy Dlnatlatled w/lncome? type dog Liie Brown NB , varied dutlM. mul l tor Invest. firm In Npt 85 WPM and general 0 • ROOllATE dHk apace S150/up Phone &44-4140 Earn SSll apere/lull· 558-8425 t>e enernatlc & ralfable, 5 Bch Typing, 10-key. flee du1111 Mull havt Tat.phone SolicilOf'I 540-9745 llme dltlrlbutorthlp & Found 7-20. black/while hrt/dy, Mon-Fri car & CAT exp r e q CI ti pleuant pettonallty and Full or part lime Apply flllDERS 1611 Westclllf, N.B 25& 'MUST lllLn "1"· 1811"1 growing female dog w/brown r ah r equired (71 4) 840--0123 :;:,•IC~~i::x:;,,:i•.: ~:,; M~h ~~ ~·~,.o. 144·1100 LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br frptc, patio, edut11 $105-0 875-8359 Oldelt & targeet agency. to 4000 IQ It tat floor ~~!. 'f:i'.:.. N~wf~:~ ~~~·1= ~~~r~':1~~~ cma·~~t~g5•9 ~0~;01W02 P:J"o, 640-e96e Graphtc art cemer• per-nems Salary wltl com· ---------All cllent• acr9et*l with ,_A_gen_1_S4_1_-503 __ 2___ ..., 530·1212 Ext 060 " CUi i ton tor eludlo In Legun1 mensurate with exper TOPLESS MODELS .-Of untum Aval! July 19 641·3080. Chrltty 95" 1""" .... t Al h $75 DAV • PAID DAILY' photo• & relerenc.a 520 sq 11 S1.00 P« tq Wand1 844-1520 Sld-•111 cal•. brMktut, E11pandmg Newport 8cl1 Must t>eexP« lnall """"" "'-or c no lllP •nee. 826-2583 Ctedltt· Cosmopolitan II . 3975 Birch N B Cotta .. _ 200 ..,.. " 10 1 u n c; h . B •• r I w In 9 Found 28th & Octanlront, !Mach Credit catd com· areaa ot graphtc art & Aec1ptlonlt1, part llmt, Good Morning America, Agent 541-5032 2600 ':',, 11 .... :-;.,., ..,. 548.g289 dye 97g.1919. female Pug, lawn col· ~Y hat opening for • c:emera work P/T to am/pm, 25·30 tire weekly TYflST Spec. 3 BR 2 Ba lplc, gar, belCfl 2 bike, 1900 yrty. No peta 845-1682 The TomOf'row Shaw. ..... ...,,. ,....... ..... 4 8 30 ored 675-3223 clar1cat peraon Mull start Catt Al or Lee for •••c o lflce aufl• lew rt 141-1111. 11 & up Call A•lono· • . Found Prescription Gtu· type 45150 wpm aoc:ura-494-1618 compleK 1100 Ouafl St We're looklr19 for FAST WESTCLIFF BLDG NEWPORT BEACH mica Corp. 875-8100 laml9nl aes. clear plattlc frame, I tety 8 moa to 1 yr olc Hair Dr-needed. VII-Newport 8Hch. Sulla & ACCURATE typlat with WESTCLIFF 2 Br. 1'"° Ba TownhouM. Adulta pre! Prof to 1hr Condo, houae, No pet• $&00/mo. 1729 alt amenities $285 Bedford Lane. 5-48-1533 882·2449, 966-8479 \.Cl"'°'IP< '11ife\I I• ,, ... 4"'4 h "'• ••• Executive olllca 1ut11, ~NtluJt. IOIS dark blue hHd strap 1 111pr req Contact W tage Faire Malt. Laguna 100, 752-0889 abltlty lo PROOFREAD corner of 405 Fwy, Near ••• -~~••••••;'••••• .. • Vic Santi An1 River Duncan Mon lhru Fri. Beach. 494-1600 Start Immediately Sale') 3Br. 2Ba. lrptc, g1raga, n-daoor. yrty, 2 blka to bell. 673-2511 . .;..,c_..., ../c......,.,-... ./ ....... Hart>Or Blvd Take over llYtlfor's W11tell J e 11 y In 1h9 water 8 a m t o 4 3 O p m HEALTH HctnlllllT open 720-0941 lane 1600 IQ It. at ~ 964-5115 759-7900 Real Estate Investment TYPIST. flex pan time. 35 119 Poulbltl ty o t part· Aer••lo/luoe Co . prole8'tonat WPM h It C111 751-81 1 nwlhlp. Computer Data Entry I I atr t ettflude/appearaoc• . touc . accurate Fountain Vallty Olllc• Eetab. chain bu1lne111 ,,,.,.,,, S3SO polltlon •viii Great l>a-eHre 18 • ••er 1 needed, llQht typing. 4,11 S 3 5 O hr -Beach & ./u .. -/,.,.. __ _ ,/.., .. __ ••• WIH l&WYIR IUOll llY 64 1 Victoria D Coata Meaa ./,.,.,,,. ........ apeoe. 2500 aq 11. 11 eoc opening In central c:out •••••••••••••••••••••• ginning opp with a EKperlenced. pert ttme day week Newport Edinger Area 842-4066 1 fl Good expoaurt. a r •a. Pt ea 1 e cat t * * * commerclal brof\erege CM Area 545-21 11 Beach 549.2988 Rear apt, Baytront home 1 bdrm. 1 ba. utlt lnci'd Tennl1 avail $875 per month yearly You 1re the winner ol two lrM tlcketa (S 18.00) value to th• Call Mr Howard 645 . 6t01 good parlclng, Talbert & 8051528·301 I for lntor-&tlittll Ptrltr co Call Loi• at 833·2900 ltTtL IHI OURI 9 r 0 0 k h u r 1 1 c 1 1 t matlon Retell Menagem.nt 151-8191 ---------1 Open 24 hra I day Cook/Hou11k1eper for Experience deslr1ble in ASS'T MllllER 875-8689 RINGLING BROS BARNUM & BAILEY From I room to 3 roome. From St 18 a aQ tt No teate required Adj Air· porte< Inn 2172 Dupont Call AM 833·3223 HELP ME · OUICKI 7 daya a wee!\ ruldanttel c11e home j CR-4200 Permanent IEWPHT IE&lel Need $2000 now Otte-Jacuul. Sauna Locate $400 plus RIB. Alto da>"l Apply In person Allso Current o ptnlng w t ..._0 ••ns rlno 24% APA. pyt1 w •• well •• tour11u 1hll1 avall 839·2100 1 Creek Inn. 311P6 Coaat future oppt y for 11or1 1K.--S200tmo P/P prefd. Celt eankAmwlc•rd, M1111r I Hwy So L'""una mgmt Mual be enlhu· No d1po1n1t Luxurlout A n a w t r A d 8 2 3 • Cherge. American EK· COOKS HELPER, paying · -. stutlc & -geuc new otttcH , lnctudtng &42·4300. 2• hra. prt1a. Olntra Alt wet· minimum wage 10 atan. MllUIEPll HICKORY FARMS $500/mo. 1 Br I Ba apt. Ctltll encaltd garage. tndry Anaheim Convention receptlonlll, anawerlng come 1141845-3433 evenlr19t Apply In Pl'· LIVE IN wented 5 day FASHION ISLAND 1ervtc1. confere nce Retire Young on 11o.ooo 2112 Harbor 81 CM "°"107 2•1 1 1181uePI, Ne..B '-~"io'r' •tek. aome cooking, Call 840-8030 lac., otoM to l>allCh cat Center Aug. 5· 16 oil, no dogs Long Beed\ Arena TSL Mgmt. &42· 1803 Aug 18-22 ---------1 To c;t etm P•n••. c all YllUT 2 II UYnllT ao• 1101 Garage, petto $975 mo/mo 876-0852 &42·5818, Pl. 272. Pu- -muat be exehenged tor ra«Ved -II at box otttce prior to parlor· manoe BIYfRONT room etc 752-8408 Let me 9'IOw YOU how · ..... .._ p n.. " · 50 to 160% '"""'"" lit COE08 -Would love to M1lta PulJ&Jtco. Btwn gar ......... lng rtv apt, W../A11itt lcr. I Prime otflCoe 973.1003 Hert>Or & Baker 240 IQ 11 year Ca ll collect. 0partyr Kawttt~yyou8nCye1111mSue1 ca9 30-1 ... ~~ No of\onl j g:~~ J::r'sn Olr I Mature woman 10 alllst lit n()()(, l>flv811 tnltlt\• 1·9•8-M89 ,. •• ,,,_ IEWPlllT IUOI I oe S200/mo 8"1·1324 ------.----• 953-9363 _ 675-6et1 I owner In managing d•· .,,.;:r,,.. fnll Courier/Clerk tor buty ................ !t .. ,...... signer llngerle s11op Executive olfioe In Cen· NIWPOf'I Alrl>Ort ArM 400 -·• ' medloat lab Mature pet· •n • Wf' ... SI I • a ••Pr n • c nen. VIiiage, S450/mo 2 400 I Ill 1131 UllA. _,.. c.-ly co·· • 673 7110 __ .. I J .... * * * Bt~er 87s.,..912 to IQ t o Ct •••••••••••••••••••••• •-• son a mull Mon-Fri ~ on "" ... rea • --or .,..,y y nalll Oeff apace lrom 90c t/I In· I.I l&nul PHOTO MODELS 8·5PM 840-0140 159-1458 Stu:lo, .. ~~ unde~gnd R~:;;: ;~~a:R~~ WllTlllllJO ~;c;'1"!'1c11f~:::.a M~~: •rti111 0.. lff, ESCORTS/DANCERS CUSTODIAN tor prlYate lllSIUIOE RE Saleatlk: Aeq plc.lf19 S500 mo ba gar S2CI& plus utU. 1200 or 2400 IQ 11 0... pancy l H or mo/mo Spec;tiel4zlr19 In 1st & 2nd OUTCALL 24 HRS community club houM Irvine Branch ol major 7141988-8132, Call 813--014 1 Evea-Jane luxe office or ttora 540•2980 TD't alnoe l949 HM2tl Rel'• required c all co ,.._, Sr multl·llne 2131594-3401 Prof woman 10 share 2 space 14302 & 14304 Robt Settle< NH/CM 873-8170. 9·4 30. Mon-1 c:omm·t rater wtth min 2 TWO BA. TWO BA Frpl. bdrm, 2 be, Parle N--~!!!h C~d C:,,':nv1~ lafl•HI lnllJ 44$0 RE. Broker Bd AMllOf'I Lady Needt Tranaporte· _F_r_t --------1 yFete~"11~m. CpaanltYB•a"rbparera <><:.an ·-1·· · •••••••••••••••••••••• a..2.2111 545--0611 uon To Cttk:ago, within OllT•r• IER-~ .. _ and Beyvlew, Lo-POf'1 891 840-9159 lag• Shopping Center. Oll1c1 and Laboratory ---------1 ne111 month Wiii lhare " •"'" Delport 8 em to 11 am S~llu~~y~o~oo~ds~:: -PR-0-F.-M-A_L_E-. S_T_AA_l_G_H-T. Prime Ideation 979-8889 space . up to 7SOO Ml 11 WIDOW HAS S$S IOI' T0'1 e11p1nse1 wt anot her Expanding Npt 8<;h ere-lor appt. Gym $1'""" mo LeaM NON-SMOKER, 25-30 _o_r_64_5_-1_2_eo _____ 846-2111 Ask IOf' Joe RE Loent. 10K Up No led)' 861·2871 dll card company haa 2 7141545-7700 EOE '7\1\1 B TEA Credit Chilek, No Pen· ---------optt1lng1 In !heir custo----------Agent 780-8617 SHA 3BR 2 A WA • 4 delull9 offices, strateg'<: Retail 11ort 11 2850 Avon ally Oennlaon & Anoe LOH 1nohn In one treat· mflf MrVloe dtp\. Apptl-Insurance FRONT BAL ISL. MAY tocatlon on Beach Blvd St , 1640 aq 11. ptu1 8 873-7311 ment. hips, thigh•. 11n· cant muet haYI pleasant Busy general agency haa Stepatot><:h.yrty3Br 2b•. CONSIDER FEMALE HB. Front eJ1p0ture. lg• cergarage 841-8777 •---------nlng •1tott ontr11111ea1-telephone manner. be opening lot personal new bltlna S850/mo 980·2471 sign area, 65c sq II 1111' Ull ment Eurotllneas, 1ggreu1v1, consclen· llnet auto raler Rapid _8_3_1_·5_90_3 ______ ,LJldMHI only ~autltut Npt Ownr 2t3·45-0-6555 C••••ttill Thert are HYeral op-S•5·3488 ttous & aell·motlvated advancement. Salary Beaut. decor .. oc:ea.n 11\1 Bc:h prlv home, room & Uont rather than lore----------Expr pref Contact W. commensurate with ex-penthouH. trplc. DR. prlv bath 845-9515 l1al'11 4411 closure Without co11 Of' Improve your Hit-Image Duncan, Mon thru Fri, 8 pertence Cati Tony ::'g:ie& ~!~ecu,,:::· -P-rt-v1-,-.-.n-,-,.-n-c-e-.-d-ec:-k. Alrp!,1~ .. ~J.!' suite ···1;F1Ci9H.iiii;··· f:~·~:;;,:'~':i':; ~~~':.''~:··,;~· to 4:30 pm 759.7900 _~_9_·99_2_3 ____ _ S lOOO Furn s 1500 private bath, main kit· expands, ctuay surroun-In _., bldg on Coast would be l>as1 !Or yoo. Catt SJtn Vallender llltll. lllctn. Keypunch Operator 675-9111 chen to ahare. Female dlng1, prof atmotphere. Hwy, Sc>Yth Laguna Ap· Ctrcie Home Lo•nt, IN· _530-__ 1_2_1_2_E_x_1_oeo___ Ortho Office • exper Dali entry person nee- pre le rr ed. Laguna haa 120 to 250 aq tt Of· proK 500 aq. 11 Exe.I-ding rHI etlale broke-PETER'S MASSAGE nee Exoal wage and~ ded !Of 2nd shttt, 3pm10 ha C/f8t•lf 3111 Beach $475/mo lncldl llcea & deP 1pace lrom tent prtvatt parking rage firm 114/499-2261 Prol • dlacrete and tho-n a 111 t Np I B 0 t( mldnloht Muat be res- •.•••.•••••••••••..... utllt Day• Mtk• Auuett 285/mo lnctudlng cont behind bldg 1525 mo , 0 ui g h ~ • 11 p 11 9 640--012 1 ponall>te Patd c:ompeny Near MW 1 Bdrm apt 7 14/6 40-3225. Eve• rmt, recepttonl11, an•-_T_u_r_nw_A_uoc: __ 4_9_4-_11_1_1_,Aa••••e.•nlt/ 494..,..87•1 ~ r ' benellt• Salary com- wilh bullt·lnt, carpeting _4_99-_4_2_fM______ wertng Hrvlce, tote of I _, / ltltal h.tttalt menaurate with txP•· & drapM, laundry tllCillty. M/F to lhatt 2 Br house. P•rklng, WP & Tt• avail S.•NI Pre,.rtr ,,_,_..,, I O Ex per AHi full time. rtence Catt Paulene. upnderubltcrooftenncarlt portcou'rtan• &d Cotla Mesa 833-9978 F ' .. •~,lelHYall ••• ~~:!.{!!~!. ....•• '!!f.P!} ••••••••••••• ~!. ~!>A ~~!'291No1wport ,_54_9_-8_909 ______ _ golf cour" right behind ---------air 17301 BMctt. H.B 2 bldg•. otllct fatorage B•••r Ml 113' ound rip h 0 • 83 1--0 I 89 $300/up: Cerpeta._ drapes, •• 11t8 •J R T c tcag Tlc:tl .-ach ......-I Leem & earn, high ac;hool property CIOM to •Y• Wanted Fam••• to lhr 342·2834. 80 i::"t ··~················· II. Mutt .... today $378 DENTAL ASST. Fri & Sat. atudenl•. PIT, help d .. ryt hlngt 1395/month 2BR 28A sc Plau ., .. ---------(15,8 & 2,8CIO Sq I) On July 19, 1982 a baby v alue . $175 c11h C M !amity practtce. lignar do setup & wed· Avaltebll Augutt 15, on. S 2 9 0 mo + 'It u 111 YllW lfflOI Excellent corner toe • girt named Tara Siobhan 557-7196 needa e11per. bright. en· ding partlea Othlf tot>• Of two equ111 only & no 751-4801 Well··"""'nted olllol wt perlltng, ..... all Of Plr1 Hanlon. weighing 81b-toz _R_ou_nd--Tr-lp-O-ra-~--C-0-10 thuelattlc ~eon Call M in. wage. Mull llavt c 11 1 (7141 ...,.....,. Annual ..... with option w11 born to tile parent• Emily, 545-5485 car & drive. 815-3738 pelt. • owne< • S..ut 2 Br 2 Be furn Nwpt view. Apptox 1,000 to rtnew FOUNTAIN of Barbara & Thom11 PhoentK $13 value 842-0l38. condo. No Laguna, prof. tq. tt VALLEY SCHOOL DI· HanlOn Mutt ••• lmmt d 160 llftlltff 2 br. l 'lt ba Block to pref Sheron 497-4159 845-1100 STRICT, PO Boa 8510 ---------1 cattt. Good tor 1 yMt INCOME TO $1300 ptu1 beectl Petlchltdren OK $425 CdM dtx autte. A/C, ample Fountain Valley Naomi 1.#f I 11N4 SJOO _5_5_1_-1_1_98_. -----mo P/tlm• In Mlctng $450. 974·7225 tnllne 2Br 2ba. 1245/mo& pttg, 11111 pd. 2855 E Cat Wlet1nd 114/342~51 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cln't got 9 day 7 n!Qht Mgmt, lnduttrloua .... -4--utll. pool/Jee. Nd own St Hwy. 875-41900 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilLoat. Burmaae. tamale Caribbean CrulH with 845-&77CI •••••!•••••••••••••••• furn Muat Ilka catt. mAllftVR lllTll Plllll eel, dark brown ooel. NC L S510. Ship letYM ---m--.-.. --.--- Poot. ttnnlt, take, club, Dana 559--5212 alt 6pm 881 0:,::.,~·:B. 831-3851 •Ill IR 1111 untv. Park, Irv. Reward. Aug. 7th 714/875-UJO wuher/dryer, lull El Toro Room for rant In C M. Office ~ lor ...... 562-8331 lttreff ... 114 PART T1lll hOUM l>ffV. 'la ut1t1. 1280 $200 mo. plua MC llWNIT llllOI South lld• of highway. Found Engtteh Springer with ,_ Van, can take 2 ~~ : f ~~,·~;.:~::~~r 111. & tut. 588-4039 Iv 114}.5005 attltf' 5pm llltOAL lllTI Call DHn Rathbun 11 Spanlet, male, brwn llhr people • lhar• ~"· man 87., ... """ IOf' detall• .,.,1 collar 645-2038 *"1 •• 11 No experience n1ct1· -..· LIVE AT THE BEACH Premier loeallon """"""' • 7 · "" " atry. WOf'k only 12 hourt Eut•lde Cotta Meaa fur. Famata to thar• Batboe Geldan BulldtnQ SCRIM LETS la I 1 • WMll 176 to ttart ptue ntthed, prlvat• ent, r• tlland hO\IM. 1285 Incl 900 aq 11 • amentttu lalaittl•I i.atll,IOO ft • •• !t.~!!••••••••••• eddltlonat •h&r• ot part· lrlge. $300/mo plut S400 utlt 815-9142 lll•JIH •••••••••••••••••••••. ANSWERS ~t,./1 I n«lhlp'• l>fOftte. MC. 873-7544 N B 3975 Bl _._ 3**" OO A rMI fun l<>bl ----------iProt. Ammt Mal• $235 •-IUOI '"'" ·....., aq. lannfllt• 1 I Management cpportunl· Room w/hM prtv 1250 (Lag Hit), S 195 (Santa -""~' IJ. or 11"· MIA zone Jocund· E.lattt •••••••••••••••••••••• tlet. r:or tnt11vl•w call Npt Riviera. CM. w oman •na) ""ut •L utl'·. Pr1vat• Executi.... oflloel 1,000 " Agent 541-5032. Ptoue • Handed Credentleled. tHcher In " "' " ,. to I 860 It A11raat w.11 on th eltlf t :OO PM. 142·5618. over 30. 1 child ok home . non 1mo111ar mal~taln.d bldg. 'N•ar 1750 up 2190 tt. tndu• • u-"~t~~.o ...._._ ~ .. ~°'~ ':f ... ~~r~ 1111 312.. UI Olll a IPEI. Challenging tong term poeltlOn In San Clem.rite IOI' a Meg Car "A" ope- ralOf who 11 flextbta & works welt under pre•· eurt For Immedi ate Interview call MAN p 0 W'E R 714/851-5858 MAID/ Full time englllh tpeaklf19 for mo- lal Ulg Bc:tt. 494.5294 llffltal ......... eactt office !Of' Hunting- ton Beech NM. EXPef nteeaNrY. Excellent be- netlU. 548-8904 831-1196. Hoag Hotpllat. Cpti, 1111&1 . ~. 1I08, A.-" • ..,..,... ....... _. ........... ,_.,, 1--------- Room tor Rent, MtH PentllouM. oceen vl•w, mini btlnda. D•dle•t•d dondo Clrcl• •E Hunt· whO gr•b• for '"-•tOOI Putman 54&-9151 \ WO IEO'Y 1 ____ 94_7-8004 ____ _ Varda; C.M. 8·1. 122& turn .. ~ proleiutonal. pldng. Prol. tnY!rontn111t tnoton, Beactt. &42-2834. wttenp youNo111"' 10 move J• ffu'-' 1111 Cttattenglng tong 111m Wltel INhtlllt plul uttt 164-1838 t 0 1'13 '1&60 \In ,......, Mis..3323 IM IAN( ' •••••••••••••••••••••• polllton -Ing Imm. . 52 /mo • , ... ~ .,.._ lffltl Waaa.11 F~nd bl ltlack Lib mM, Young marr1ed man wtll -.. -.. Claman Front and bade otllee for Rm 1245 mo. working n0-1018 wotk CIYI Approa 2000 lq It. Nr 8 mo. Vic 23rd l Tuetln, do genlr .. handy work. r:':V.:•:-'wtio h•: W11tmlnltlar Area. man. PV1 ent & COOldng.. Lagunl cttermtr, S3•0 EXc:allen1 Ofncet • Up to Crown Valley Pkwy, & N 8. 642-1812 Call tYH I wk1nd1, ltlalllle, drlv•, & allt"' Computer kne._wladge Laiguna Bdl. 494-4-458 mo. 2 BA. 2 b ike to 4000...,. n. t801 Newport FOf'blt Ad .. MIMIOn v• 972·9825. ,.. llelplul. bper. nee ... """ !. Bal alclll• In llhOt'lt'land I ty· wy E.JtoaMent beMfltt ROOM AVAILABLE In bMdl 497•2121 Blvd, C.M. 945•2111 Alie Jo 17141 54&--0215 F= ~"P-:rot. mi.:: -sp-k~-=i-:x,_r_w_an-1-.-,-u-ll-l-lm-. p ing. CHual atmoa-'41·1615 . CdM hOuee. 1225 Cel Older reapecteble em-fOf' Joe Approx 2500 aq ft offlOt grn Cell t1M724 OI\ motot \lllRI, ptltre, requlr .. n.xlblllfy. 1-----.,,...,....,......-- Mlke 810-7050, .n.1 pm. ~ female. Weetc:tlff Oee9er•ta must rantt Oto arid wtr•llH •P•C•. . . xJnl With people, mecllt.-Call lor lmlnedlll• Int•· ~~ ... ~;:R: Am wtth pool tor empl'd area. 10 ahr home, Lv lull or part time, 19th 81., Central Cotta M •ta. Found: l'lk/grey Poodle nloat baclcground. 100 ~ llTl/t1500 per mo. 0.- ftm -40-to YI"' cMd Khch meg. &42-418-49. C.M. Xlnl lront ofc toe. Fenced yd. AvaJI now. ml•, M . 8rookl\ltrll/ ton llolnM, .. II N6oolte. MAN P 0 W f R pendlnQ on oo. 11111 6 prlv. Aet. 12ae !TIO M/F to tl\f my NB oc:Ml1 540-1287 l800 per mo. 842~ Atlen1L HB. tel 304t 8ud 213/822·1041 'lt4/881·813a exper. Profit tllarlng, 6'&-2590 Hewpt 8cll Iron I ho u H 13 25. f liiiiiiiii-:====~===:::;••••1 '::Ji· med, pM Other ~ P'VmltMd, Lagune 8tectt t4t-7380 IMY9 meo. ,. • ~·:w......: You can be a '1' DIMM ... nAIY n• iae. &f19111, mature, Kit a "'8un f rlv. Nol'-~ 2br, 2b• oondo ,_.; Clt.-w ledr nntld, 8o. 1m11r. e 10/mo w/pool,..,.. amenlltee. ~; WINNER I . We aeek a hlshly quallft~d L19C1M. tel: 4tt·1394 <t91-40t'f or 1'424233 )(Int loo. Nr SC PIH, I .: confJdenUal MCret&ry to • CEO who 1-'°'~llCIPt---·~~=-~~ •ml• ,,.,.,, flM OCC, Flout. 112·22'41 4dl t ~ poMe1ae9 excellent •xecudv• •uppon, 181• UlllfUfT •••• m .............. ..-i 4 & wttndl or 079-4190. ~ N clerical and oiflclt ~t aldlll. ~•rn m.cllc•I Milll• a. guw 9ITIL s11ar• HA HA, P001· J ust by sending us yo ur name and Th~ ability to take ~ and work """"' tt1e ~,.... Wkty rent• now ewll. Jae., So CoHt. Pt•u dd d b hi f ..,, _ _.._,_'-~·-an.___. ...... .,..•_ ..... -..~ ~ nw ~ 1°' 11•0 a up. 0010f' TV. .,.. t2ao. 1Mt-soe2 a ress an y watc ng or your Ull:'MU.... • ._... ~t::\I .. _, u -d9)'; Ptton.ee in room. 2274 Corield•ra•• '•m•I• na me in the classifi ed ads of the poaUlon allo r•qufrea exceptional .Ji~~t3 N9wpc)tt .:1Jr· ~~·Wot~~ 2 .!! spelUna and a aood VOC8bUlaty. We offer UIAHIT" cw ... 1n Hiiia _ ..,... Da lly Pilot. · I a compe4itiw .i.y, tJ:'°4 bemftta and. a •-------- 8 EICH ARE I _,,._,,,,~. •ftt,wlcnd• ' c.hallen1l..n1rand exclU~ work~ln ... _ -·-...__.._._. n ,. -•7"'"• Win tick~• to till' clrt'u • are• amuument attrac •• • .,.._ ______ _ t ion• or &port.In• t\'ent• Just tlll ou\ thlt cou,w>n and • envfnlnment. In\er'elWd Cl'•ll ... U.....,,... ""'°'..._--. "'* $77 /wk ~~~ m;:;: mail it today to the J 1 .. · candidai.a may ~ their rwaw ln ~ == ': '°'*',... llild 'ool yoi.. lf'l 111t right dlfectloft • .., ~ c:ionlldera t.a BoX' ltO, DUJ7 ·ruPd6t,j P.O. work wtttl youtll ,.,.. Nwpl lflM & W11on to rtnd th• ttome you Clautfled Departm at, OaUy PUM ..... " Box 1080, CCll\I Ji!Pi. CA. n118 W 10.-u), oan 1-tl'M, eo.ta MW ..._..,st neea f42-te7t 33G W. Bay Street, Cotta Meu, CA tH2t 0 • - -Mii t M1..U1. lbt . ...,, tot 1tc0m1 Toaay there ere un11m1- ted opportunlllr.s 1n real 9Sllll ...... If yc>Y IOln the dyn1m1c ttam or prolesslonals at Coldwell Benker · F0<e11 E Ola.on., Reallor1 Our program wOI aopply you with the winntng combtnauon tor 1 success ·A E LICENSE COURSE (2-day, S45) ·COMPLETE SALES TRAINING 'CONTINUOUS EDUCA· TION ·sECUAITV OF A LAR· GE DYNAMIC COM - PANY ·HIGH INCOME POTEN· TIAL •MGMT GROWTH OP· POATUNITIES LtoenMd or unltoenMd II you would 11111 10 know more •boW a car-In r eel •11•1•, c ell the company 11111 apec1111ies tn l<JcceN Call Chuck Stoffel or Biii BleNlng 714/894-7521 982-5585 An Equal Oppiy Co SALES Proleulonat media 1111· spaopte. Min 3 yra e11p . ad salel. High oomml•· slon etructura HOllHI Or C~ l>utln ... mega. Zlne. 1.a 1.00 llLUPEllll w1nted tor ettracttv• women'• attoe dept In Fuhlon t1land. Part urne eic ~d • 810 SALES Tettpllone eollcltora wented, no ••per nee Tuet 11\fu '" t AM 10 ,2 noon.~~"" I 840 aoentta Ave, OOttl M ... , llTIY/llllPY Entry ~ poeltton wtth "'" ,..., !llt•nev In Ir· vine. ~,... OOocl ~ pl~ $/ ' ftllfig ...... wll plH11nt pllon• per~. SOM c;; offlotl upr. pref. relUIM end l8lll'Y hllto-?: Of 1'9quir.mente to! Ad 410, Dally Piiot, l ox tltO, Co.ta ~ CA IHU 8tc:tet:l '"· ltMll fn· o'r La : Good t= tklff•.~ • rM. M , M-f!. 181 °"""' .. ,...,.~,* .. .._. '°"*""IO IO ... , ci..w .-do" Wiii ~ c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ' " D Or•noeiOout ~ll.V e!kOT(,rtQay. J.Uly.23 ....... 1 .•• Uiiiiiiiiiii--ii-iii--~--~~--~~ -· ~ -. :a; ... 1 ,~"!~-: _u,1 ~-pTj. _: .. t~ ... 1.~ ·1~ ... ~ ... )l;;l•J 1 )· ~'-,,j .. 1 ..... q_,_·11.--.. r· :·• I!=~!~!~. . trt. ••• ~ •••• ~: •• ,,,.~~· • ~ --~ ••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• '-~~ •••••••• ft~ ••••.•..•. tm."111. ••••••••••••• ~ ••• ~67 D D lllnlell l routll oetPtnlry, ...... 11•11, 1.IO 0 1.1.IOT"IOIAN ftON'I OA"DININO •J&."H''Tt$i 'MANDYMAN Tll"IO °' HAMLH' VAHOtHllNI l'lllfMdl" 19 ~ •,., ... ~•.!... JIY oablnete. r;om 1ddl· ,,.. "'· . ptlQIM Cl\1111 work • "-U. ratee Ir'' Ml/OclM ~~ Plumbl=llO-Odd ~ f'tlllble oi.antllG help I• ~HotOA,INO lllt/lxt, '°"'' ,-.., ~ Cf•ft~p ...... r-"9 ltont ...... 12 I ~ -..otll. UO 331111, ,,.. "' '31·6072 TM a ,_.. Ill•. Mlllll "'-Mt tee 760-tl1 n.ret ~ ffO.?•H Mm!M., IOd, plenllng, :.~ :~::: tO "9l••I099. To.em Co. '°'a II.a_,........ '*l•HU ILICTllllCIAN I.an~. 11 ... t3et ff0.12:)9 H m..ning· Mid lewne, ~ l 9*7MO Of &42·t87t SOtn"#.. N mr.:.r.::U1ooo•••• o.n.r.i Conlractor 8ml jobl/Repalrt Lie Verd mllnl & -.n~, Call fOf tml oontlructlon. =bit. 11antWorti~ trim LIO'd t?t.5146 lnl/ .. I HoMet, ~ IMU ·~~r~h•l=•~t Uo.l~~~ .. 09'"1 . m'l11,..7·1'1•1 U310t-C·10 Mf..1203 Jo.be. Loql '-' ~ ~';, .i.otr.. SllUm-rllftiltiioee.114-4414 .. ...,. ?l."~~ _:rc;:r_..71 '1/N!!.l!!TJr. .... !t.' --orpte • 10 min. bleilctl. .... .. "11· 1:1 .. ti.ctrio.1 COrltraotor fY9I &4l .. ?H.NMI --. ~~ &llP Tl\Or h old-fiitlloned ....... ,.............. PAOl'llllONAL M · .::::.. Mall, IMdln rm1115; avg C"IATIVE Muonry. Ind .. Comm, "91. Lio ........ WNW !'.i!!!iil.f.l!!f!...... Con\~t llMCtMnlng. B=~'&:~~· *:-';:' :.:on1,t= SUMll I OA"fP -•-room 17 SO: couch 110. Cbnorett , Oarpenlry 333117 Ph H1·17~ MO'lring, eOgtng, raking, lrlatlll·~ttl.CIMn Reft. Jen "HfH lrvtne. "919. 87'5·3176 atM. 'r• Mt. 8'2-1111 COUNSIL.INQ 151.0100 lllllTNY ohr "· Gutr. ellm. pet I u 11 d t 0 • u 11 LI 0 AIBIO/COMM'L/IND •WMQino. "1~1 .. 11. Wu Sw.dllllclteman. MAIDS OIJ OAANGI co Cutt-8rlck·S·......... IMJll• 00 IT ~wJ odor Crpl repair 16 yrl ~S.0191 "O ure Do mw-.... work ""'" 1411·6 ,. ·~ 1147 lrM 0 1 T ,.,,___ ..,... .-.. ~ W• Paint anything thet ••••••'•••••••••••-•• ..v 0 11 • ' . ' v-•· . . . ' . uahty .. m .,_,Ing 81oox-Conor9'.•81UOOO doetn'I move lne!Oe OI " ~!f. 53~-~~~~ myH !!!J .... '-'l~~dOT1/,.._!lml Lie. 278CMt Al Me-11'8 1(10 Landac:.c>t Malnt. 1·11881727·3740 llonded. ln1. 8'1 .. 2~2 Ael1. 'rM ftt. &4M4t2 outllde. Lio. 389791 H~i::w~~ ... hf...,,. .................... """'' Aelld/Comm. CIMn-up. 1 .. n.. G ., H MOIM I llH-HOt Lie. 1411I02. 8*t73A Your Delly "lot No Slum/No Shampoo ESTIMATH Lie 3t022t G.rl••Ja• Lite hauling. 5411·2489 ••••••~•••••••••••••• -ou n l'IO Brlekwork•Ml&ll or lot Stt'lllc. Dlfeotory Stttn Speol1ll1t '"I Madllerran .. n ••••.,.•••,_.•••••••••••• DUMP JOBS Reliable, reft. lO V" •>ep. joba, 100't IOOel refe AeprMtl'ltatlv. dry. FrM Ml. 839·1582 conalructlon Inc. TRiii Oual wMdtno. remember & 8maH Movt~ Job• 1182-0lllO tit. 4 Slnoe 111&1. &46-8412 1h• 3 R'•· reu. retlebte. c·•1 ••11<1 •... 1 .... , l.U•M'JI, tit. lfl V<CIL CARPET CAAi 549·1978 "k for Jot T0PP9d/remove<1. Clean Rlok, 497'·S070 ., ,.. ,... • "'" E>eper .. rel .. honttt, own #, m Jtck Buttlngton Ct rf~ iJa up. lawn rel\Ov. 7111·3'47t Con\ HAULING-OAADINO 1rane. Jane & Sher~ •• ! ... •••••••••••••••• Owner/099'et0t •••~~••••••!!~ •• !f. MOWINO CLEAN UPS pi.te Lewn care, demollUon, otean•uc>. 754.7939 or 1158· 75 • ABC MOVING. •-~·•1 Ca<pet. uphol, ar .. rug Kii Rttflod .. oeramk: Ille, • CINn·upt. Ir .. MrVlce. Concrett & trM removal Chrl•llen Lid" 30 Gen Quick. Careful Sefvlc.. IW ., Haullng • Land110aplng eprlnkler1, Mlkt "· ·lck .... ., 7•"9 ' F ti t 552 "410 •• ••••••••••••••••••• cteenlflg. Work over ca~. Call now · lrM F'rM •I 842.QtO? 1131•71170 \JV ..,..,, .,.. ... .,.. houM cteanlng •>es>« , .. " m1" ..., D=~~·S:::~1~01 FrM 1!1t M5-f771 __ .. _urna_1_ •. _ ........ 2_.0_118_1 __ Mow, tdgt, '9k• .• ...., ·---------HAULING & MOVING :;43~,:' 11112-3212 •It ••·1 ., ... SlS Atphll 831·4199Ltc ~!r..'l.'!~!.'!!!!l .... '!!!!!.•.............. 1prlng OIHn·up. llaul •• ,,.1 '-"''" L<>efe!.~~~~~~uck. Top quallty. Special oar• Oecorallv• w1terproof Chuck 942-2873 b•I ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------JuJt.n.J In handltnQ. 29 yra up. Aa,..tlJW CARPET & N~~HI.. CLEA· dtc:klng. ftPllra & rec· -""--------Learn C.P A from prof-Haullng & quid! clean-up, •••••••••••••••••••••• Competltl11t1 RalM •••••••••••••••• • •• • •• 3 S35 ood II II OYtlr epealalltl. Douglu llonllla. Summer l ydt . 08(1QM. job-lltN & LOW RATES OttlON, No overtime 730· 1363 Aulomoblle Air Cond rme, • w r t F'-'"• Co •73.•77n J .... , Gardening ~~~.f, 12 S·'""mdlec:oun11. r..op1). mgrn. Kt.rl• .... 1 ,!!IC5! bl""• Vac:anc:let, •trip & I ST•AVING COLLEGE ~llr. 160 Wtlll Plac. WOik guat 8311-55.43 ...., v " " C ... n-upa. ""trim & """' " "'"' .,.. -*S.' .,,. """' "' w;: elc CHRIS ST,..UOENTS ••OVING CM Bont_..~ • • '"5""'" "--11 malnt Nrv 5•0·1103! .., . --._,... •vo C. ••• • •• •• •• tl..Ci0t,•.1.1.1 •• t1 •••••• __ .. I 714·lle0·839e CO Lie. T124-4311 '· .... .;v................ * * • B ,.,. Mauuno .. 1udel\1 w/1ruck lnaured 641·8427 •'-'"'•• Cement-Muonry-Block • KA TRINA ·s LIVE·IN ·t:o~:.'E"··1·~~P·A·o··v·E·M··E·N·T·· ~-k tlty .. ou'. r .. Slet~ '. ' I. WATCH us GROWi •• ;"'6':"••••"•••••••• ••• Wall .. Cutl w<><k Lie h1kpra, deity maid MN, I.I, •II.LU n .., .., ,,..,, ••• -· UI• •f. BABYSITTING-my home, #3111057 Rob 547·2983 otllce cleanlng. or pt IOll llr.tafftr &H. AEPAIR·PLUMBING 75e.-0128 •••••••Oil•• •••••••••• fncd yd, hot meaJt Any· 1--------cleaning 1135-2119 0.a"-Mita Carpentry. etec. Ille. Fr" PROF. SERVICE fUI lln.ITll time. 548·2874 Concr•l•·•mall or lg• ---------•• Sod Ink'-• ... )obit ~ve. rep!-°'" D JI You •r• the winner ot NI No job too arnlll Hauling. yrc1 clean up . 'Pf -• ... rub INFANTS & UP repllr 1145•8512 .!1!'!!•••••••••••••••• two 1 " l"'k•I• (S l'" 00. 1145·21111 Quick & ct.n. Fr••• lnatallallon Our work Dau Of N"'hl SCl\/wk ORYWALL/ACOUSTIC r "' " 873-05.48 only looll1 eKpenallltl , . ., · .,., CO A v1lue to lhe EXPERT HANDYMAN C'"~k our ""......._ ...... f~e Co111 M... 649-5759 NC ETE WORK & Repelra. n-& old II AING ING BROS C A w::-:: L::J' ,._ ,..,.... .,.. "' BLOCK WALL REPAIR yra exp Bud 562·9582 L trpenlry . oortng llt81#1-•f. you buyl Lie 2045111 harltttt'• Sltt•n 771·6278 •It 6PM BARNUM & BAILEY Plumbing. •le. 642-9013 ••••••••••••• •••••••• Cell Judy, 114'6· 155, wan 1e•turea-Acoua11C otROll . ROBIN'S CLEANING L'-•' I .. ...__ Llc'd 8ondec:I Agency Ct•llltltn 1f.111J ~ang-Ta~teel 1tud1 Anen.tm Con11t1ntlon LOU S HOME REPAIR Service . a lhOroughty .,., I II • __,, •20 82nd St. NB •••••••••••'•••••••••• 3.,.9 53 5 ft ftec .. Carpentry-PttJmb ctean hOUM 540-0857 'C.Coder'1 Bab'f91ner REMODEL/ADO.ON$ Lie. ""' « 1• 2· 54,, Cenler Aug S.18 Pluter·Stuceo-Patnt . 01lff, UH I l1Nt• Agney Call 845-3748 & Clr!*llry. Llc'd. 25 DRYWALL TAPING Long S..ch Arena Aeu. prlcet 1173-0633 Joan'1 Cleaning SWvloe ltnltt, 111 ... 1•1 WILL BABYSIT $1 /Hr 6 wk•2Ya yra. Mon-Fri 6am~pm C.M &42·2995 Cllrlallan mother wlll b•· bysll, Infant & up, my home, vie. Baker & Har· bor. Rea 8'2·2482 yre ••P lrwtn 5•8·2719 All TeKturu & Acouallc Aug 111·22 Hou-·Apta-Ren1111 Free eel Kevin 975-80811 To cl1lm pus., call Ben'a oomplele malnt Ottloee. 640-12117 UAICWS LANDSCAPE Fine Finished Carpen1ry Aemod. Spec. A1nd1t1 lie. 419587 720-1260 WAY CONSTRUCTION AemO<lel • Addl1ton1 Lie 420802 M2· T200 842-5878. eKt. 212. Paa· & home lmprov«nent NiiCI • mild or 1 hN-MAINT. complel• m1lnl flHtr/11] NI mu11 b• uchanged ""'· 964·5231 k,._.,7 Hrly °' ..... ty? Mrvloe. II tndtcpng, •••••••••••••••••••••• I r -' I I ~...... "" G GC ELECTRICIAN-Priced ()(" eeerv......... O• Carpenlry, Cabln•t•. FOt" compl ~lcet, cell clean-up•. MA I AL rlgh1, free eattmtte on Olflc• prior 10 perfor· Plumb , Drain CINnlng, Viejo Service Agy. ILLUSIONS large or emall Jobi. mance. Etecl., Tiie, Reta. 973·9000. bonijed by SI. FOR ALL OCCASIONS Uc. 396621. 873-03511 * • • 9e&-0149 of Call!. Aefl Slew Me-&483 r~~!!~1. .....•....... flll P&lmH by Rlch1rd SlnOf Lio 28064-4 13 yrl of l\ap9Y local cuatomere. Thank you, 831 .. 410 PAINTER NEEDS ) WOAKI 30 yr1 exp. lnll Ex.-r. Acoulllc celling• Davie Painting 1147.519e EXTERIOR PAINTING Cullom work. Fr .. Ml Reas. + lln• Int. & 1lal· nlng. Steve 547-4281 HOlJSEPAINTING In & out. FrM Ml. Celt 9NQI 972.01111 r1~~~ ............. ,,~~~.-........ . Fltttllno lnltrlor 0..lgn IUOOl!T AATES HANG1N0/8TRIPPIN"G Low min. &Im Jobe OK Vlll·MC Scoll 946-93211 Lie. ,r .. Mt &4 1·71181 ASA PAPERHANGING •--~·-'IJ •-..J 7 vra local eicp. Gu11 -• .,, .. ,, -~nm 1k P k>et Mwt t •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ :. .. A~ 7511027 1 CLERICAL SEAVICU -r.,.. • BkkPO•Typtng•Fllel Wallpeperlng-Pllntlng PU/del. 1vali &42 .. 511 Rellcom'I. Scandinavian quality Httmat 5'8-111711 fffl~}!!? •••••••••••• '111111 l•--11 SERVICE & REPAIR •••••• _,. :.-c. • • • • • • • • • v.,, Oppent Set'vtcl co EO'S Pl.ASTEAINO (714) 838-4e&e Neat pelchM/te>e1uret ALL TYPES 646-112611 "'' ....................... Cu1tom C.amtc Tiie PLASTER PATCHING Prompl Call Chuck RMIUOCOI lnVeJCt 30 >"• NMI P~ 545-21177 ___ 11_1_s-_1_40_a_dVI __ _ TILE INSTALLED 11•.Jh• All l<lndt Guaranteed • • • • • • • • '• • • • • • • • • • • • • Reta. John 840-·1217 . ........ " ...... Your 1u11 Ntvtce p1um'De. ,,.. i.m1t 1aa....,.1'40-a212 ••• • •••••• ••••• •••••• • ILOW AATESt U lU 141-1121 TrM trimming & removal, 24 •r <v ,l••Mr ttt 111 c1e~~:, ~owing ~ .... ~~!!!'!11.~!r.I! ... 144'tt·ltllc•·•llM4. Fr" Ml. AW. prlctt. Oual worlc. L.lc. 3371611. 831·2345 !!~4~.~{~!~f ..... "Let the Sunlfllne In" Call Sunlhlne Window CINnlng. Lid 6411-e&~ 20% Monthly DtKount ~!!!r.!!.~!! ....... !'.!~~~!~!!!! .......... ~.!!J~~ ...... 1.01¥ !~!!l!m ........ !~~~ ¥!!!1.'..~~{'. ..... l!.!f !'J.'!.•,,1!~.'!.~! ... ~! Oll.~lN_f•altan 111111 fr.!.'!!1.1!~! .. l!.!1 SAT/July 24 TOam to Ar,~lu-1 1010 Y-·· -•d K~-.. -.. nd mlv Whit• wicker bookcaae M1pl• chra. l1mpa & Newport 8Hch Tennie llJ-Ut w SURF BOARD, 0 loot. • · ••· w... "" .,....""" ,,_ ' ..... d lq CI b F 11 M •••• •""•••••••••••• leO 3pm Moving Sale. o.. • ••••••••••••••••••• mate All 1hot1. 1ralned, newly painted 9K27, 3 ... a ... tome ent ~. u am Y •m · 3-M Oty PHOTO COPIER OAIAOI SALi ADS NOW ClASSlftlO H C.rtl Sii HlOW .. '·· aJgner Warehouee Uqut· HARBOR AREA lovffble 642·11583 ahellltlt S75 1173·7101 plcturH & ml1c 11332 berahlp. $650. 833-9704, le() OBO Call 645-1997 d1flon Sale. Prlcet lruty APPLIANCE SERVICE Old M h 4 1 Motokal. HB Sat only evu 1155-19114 Hk lor Cal1 1173 7311 Surlboafd ca1m SI-art extraordinary Ou1111y We NII recond., guar TGo gd "s~~~~dng1ofTm Canno~b~~ 1w11~!d~' Cu1tom II' 1011 1350 Clyde -5'3". dbl.winged -allow anUq.-10< f\ome °'" of· appllanoel 549.3077 enn ,....,._ • v ng, . C fl IZSO .,. -yami • FANTASTIC OEALSI II Good cond $ !50 flee 54.. k octag 11 gd w/klda. 842·8277 1ft. $1200/bll 539-9035 o •• llbl• " r.--xero• 3100 eop1er Jul! twl'I n conr llbl~a 01k br:k I llJ &PPUllOll 8 48' round Tra~tne Cof· 11••90 & llpe deck w l Slate. Go1ham. ~. sz. pldl up 23 pa~11 of 1_4_911-_2_42_4 _____ _ fron1. lrlsh 'ChlPQerld. Ln 1157-11133 8 week Old kittens. lee table S T30 Cell ~~~'1.ht;,~50~ seoo. 545-3519 $136.711 mo Currently Walton prof 9Mc muuge grandfalher'a clock Freezer $200 Washer & 5 Fe. 1 Male, 538-6035 cheSI Ml 1100 Portable1--Id ... under Xerox -vice roltettlllenew C09tS370 Partner'• dMk. framed dryer S125 H Dltll· 631-0477 9 • 13· blot !weed atN bat with relrlg w/freaer B to 20' IOng 36c per It agrMmerlt AllO IBM Mil SUIO. 548-4413 print•. lllllMd Ol•H en-waaher $100 M&-58411 Young tern Golden Lab. rug $100. $300 Lge birch tlble. 6 775-1491 anYtlme Selecirle 11 NII· ln6oor jogg« trMdmlll, tryway. deltgner ftbflca, 11 .,,,. ""35 chatra & aervtnn bar CO<rectlng lypewrjler wood rolWI canvu co-S.4 10 StO yrd. A~ Aelrtg/ wullera/dryera very sweet/ge nii• 10 ca ~ S 115 0 C • t II 0n 1 Y Stan II•• lltt4 1850 IBM Seleclrle .,,.. ,76 ~4t3 ll}#a /tU. 'Ctltl #tu rlea & Juncque 16311 Many 10 ChOOH from good hOm4I &42_.066 8' dr1pea. gold with blk 550--0998 9 )( 12 N-1125 Ot bat S250. All In Kini cond •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Monrovia Ave. S100/up 859-0682 Oeeer1 Tortoise & top... we•v•. under drpa to otter 5'8-7202 ~-0783 Orlgln81 electrlC ~vy 218 Colllni, Balboa lllend GARAGE SALE Sat only MOVING SALE S 9 5 1 red rabbl1free11 >'°" P•Y matcll $50. 536-6035 Bmn IOIO · duly Exercycle S125 July 24-July 25, 9-4 227 Broadw•y CM furn • 11 • Uf•tt1••tt• Id 557-1209 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 B•lhrm cabinet w/1lnk, 1111 1•1 548-'413 Biby Hema. 1oy1. oak ctolhlng,mlac CHEAP! Etec mower. FIF relrlg, " "" " Ill C•llforn11 Kg Waterbed Reg Quarter HorM Gel-ahe4f & extra cabinet 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- desk, furn, prln dtk ---------• 12' redwood po11lngl Good cond 548-5715 wlhlr. ar-11. finer $300 ding prof lrelned g yr1 matching> In xlnt cOnd ThrM adorable klllena In Poot Table, xlnl c:ond. r .. ANllOUE DRESSER bencll. Kenm0te gas dry. Fru•ll•n IOSO °' bu1. 801-9137 old 'Chui nu I S2500 onl $ 10<1. 642.0138 · aearcti ol good hol'MI. gul•llon alze S550 ESTATE & front yard Hie + 100'• of olher 11em1 Geller• & Setll•r g11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 857.U57 1 Y • Pl .... call 062-8164 497-11148 116 Onyx Ave Balboa M1hog1ny. very well 2045 Por1 Chelesa' CdM Stove 4 burner griddle KING ll'INEASPAING EX· 7 Place Girts Bedroom 'STEALING SILVER CAN· ---------1--------- lsland. Sal/Sun t 1·5 mide Approx eerly ' $ 7 5' 5 4 B . '1 2 O 7 ' TRA FIRM me11res1 set. Furniture, 1 year old. lllnt AO HA Rig 3 yr old DLESTICKS, fine cond MILIT.AAY MACAW 3 yr1 rf,_~'1t, Orlen Ill & Occldental t940'a S475. Wiii lake Movlng/G1rege Sale Anll·I 645.5219 never uMd, WOr1h $530, con d S 8 0 0 0 B 0 Fiiiy. white IOCkl, blaze. S235/pr. 546-5715 Old SllOO Inell tge cage mi/ llflH 1111 anUquea. collecllblu. besl orler Olher Misc quea, Jurnllure. mite. -aac. $2411 del Never H&-9219 fluen mene ind 1111 (71')8111-2605 or ••••••;(••••••••••••••• advertsilng memorabtlla, llems Call 549-05715 al· Sal only 9-5 2502 used queen n . worth $1800 Women'• whit• roller 531·42 12 BEAUTIFUL 26" RCA toys. books. llns. Edlaon let 5pm weekdays, or Baytarm Pl. Santa Ana Aelrt~er•tor Ilk• new. 2 $399, cHh only, $218 6 piece MedH full sue 653·3561 1k11ea $12.50 Size 8-9 ColOf TV Nie 2 yr wrnty & 78 rpm records. 3x5 675-8708 11noansweral Helghls otf Mesa & 1,. dt roallree$165 del Usually home. Bdrm Set S250 5 .. ,.,, .. ,1,11_.~,IOI" Cllls.8-5715 Alrlc1n Grey parrol & s 14a Fr .. dellvet)'. above number vine 893·9060 75 •• 73..,, wrOUQhl Iron blr atOOI• ni • -~ cage, 6 mot old $200 TV J-.. n•a ,.~1117 •• Kelsey prlnllng preaa. .. JV St5 1ach Merble top •••••••••••••••••••••• WEDDING DRESS, Size 642·1304 ""' ,....,.. "v lead type, lype dra-s, Netghborh<>Qd Sale Play-GARAGE SALE Sal & ~ colfee t•ble $.40 9 A•"· 2 Levelor Rull Bllnda. 16, White satin & lece AC• ,-.. lo & r~d rJ1.-, rubber stamp-making pen, maple dining 1bl & Sun 11 -3pm 1839 1~~!~'~'::n:~2:~ost lrM, **'BUY** en Tree, lrvln;-57',,WK99W'long Like SSSNegot l able ~~·~~~~atlel with ln~·:itque"-;"anoQ ~ machine, 10011. kitchen Svl rocker. hld•·•·bed Newport Hiiis Or E 547-2916 552-8691 MW SSO N 559-9154 759-00811 -·---..·..,., blnet 175 642.0138 Items. furniture . Iota Check writer, clo1hea. 644-2039 Misc "'•nl•, ___ Good uMc:I Furniture &• MS-711&4 · more Cellh NIM only, mlac 3087·92 Piette Or d It bed ,.. Apptlane.-OR I wit! NII Ofc Walnut atand1rd az Tlllany Style t1mp1. et· COMFORTER. king 1tze ---------QUASAR Video recorder pie... CM Sat 11-5 89 · · !Hotpojnl Upright FrMZe<. or SELL'°' You desk w/uphol11ered ched tul1p lhadel, Floor 96lt98 PIUm, 1/U•f I Orf.., IOH S225 cash 28 · wide S 7' high 11116._.. •-cllalr $711 11-42 ... 942 table, & •w•g S 196 $95 7611-ee29 •••••••••••• ••••••••• 1162·2331 aft 6PM lat telJ 1·2 Many llut>Capa 40·'70 & E.state P'-Plul YNtl $100 Call 552-1070 _,_. ,...,.... 55&·9154 l P~n'-tbl. r··• t~al. ~ PIANO 5-muel B,_ &1--------- Aa111n lovHHI. pair re l•l•d 11em• 49 f~r:~~I~· ~~= ---------........ 111-1121 ci .. , R1•H llbl• top, "" ... -~·.. ~ Co London Circa Meple Stereo eon.c.. velvet ch1lr1 cu11om .i.tpater. ·55 2205 MB, tabtes1 etc. 81il Bison IL•I• model "'"llco m... 81X33' xv .... S400 value. G_?r~·dOek S·Roll top Kagon. II malehtng bell· 1800'a. Sec $760 Pert ~ Good ._. king headboard gun Fri. Sii, Sun. g...5 1355 Ave ioff J1mb9ree) ,..,, • ..., I Ill flllnm asking S250 080 .. ea tn ewtvel cllalr ChH, Potyuretllane fl. 642·1485 king oondltlon $24 rack, gutter. ltdlH 10 L 0 g 1 n ,, 11 , c M Newport Beacll. Sllur. size. e vocado. Good LM ~-8 133 1573-0741 L-11\an yr old, Co11 nllh, 1100. 640-1735 642 ... 1142 1peed. dupllcate wed· 751-1047 diy g-00-4 OO I oond 1200 ll73• t l 4ll New MHtre mat1r-"'· Need US detper1lely ~;:_llS1l;:o. ult.Ing 1795 #/tnlJ~u KIMBALL ORGAN moo.I -25-.-. -Zeni--lh-COIOf--TV--Xln-.1 ding ottts. miac ~ PATIO SALE etec off.__ S"'5 Ne 1 Musi uc:; 7 pc ltv rm 1 700 sw1...-Jua1 lllt• ""'"'ure. ~t cab .. Ilk• 119 Rub Balbo . • ....... Treasur•' Sunvi-1 u w queen I ie. • .. ,.,.. Br-·"'n"' ·'"-'r & ·~ta ..,,.,~ IOIJ . ..,.... .,.,... rteS y. a mulie aporls 254 16th · .,.. Free.i:., S75 Dryer S60 $100 750-5832 ~firm 5 pc bdrm NI v_ .. " 1• ,.._ -"'' -new S2500 Calt new, $250/obo Island Pteoe ·CM. Wlllld1' Mulll·famlly 111• from Aerno-r11or $150 Elec· ---------1 $375 Din nn NI S375 (que.i hld .. a-~) IOOlll •••••••••••••••••••••• 545-71192 54> 15S3 household 10 boatsl 23 1r 1 c 0 r g • n S 3 5 0 OllOll Whirlpool waher $75 llkt teether b 12 lheg WANTED. RmfrlgWalOt" C.rtal ''' #'1 •-£ •--Beacon Bay. Newporl 114 •• 123 Hi•-, II. llll ~-6633 cerpet 8'4·7701 and wUl'llng mecnlne. Make your lntetllvllion •••••••••••••••••••••• ... .._. Sll·Sun 9 AM 10 3 PM .,..., nEU 697·3939 B8ldl!rln Plfiof Grand. game a hOlne c:ompu1er MOVING SALE • Every· 296 1 Royal Palms Or ••A -••• lllO IU'"'... J1W/n 1010 S'S", menog.ny MHter k-boerd Ind thing mu11 go Furn. SP<>rll Ubr•ry UTllll&Y llLTI Brown GE Electric Dryer, -._. OecotttOf ·~~~I table ••••••-'••••••••••••••• #•tlt1J $7500/bat olr 494-4440 toltwere ,; .... $450. beda. tamps, dllhu, --Mtsc Items. ski (Pn good cond $100 * * • 1-lnlllioll.LuciletopWllh 8Hutllul YELLOW SAP· latlr••••I• IOl3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 840--73115 clothes, mite ar1. boot.a. YUi SAU lamp, vacuum. Clolhn. &46-6148 all 7pm Shir· MIOIR lllTI solid br ... leo• and gold PHIRE. Only S201 •••••••••••••••••••••• S..U11ful 191h CenlllfY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii appl, •lereo. Sat/Sun 2111 & Elden Furn. clo-bric-a-brac, etc Genvlne ley 300 E Cout Hwy Sp. 217 teal; dining table Ind 4 640-8688 GUITAR. Arlan• CluelcaJ. ~Ofler Conc9l1 MIO otWlfTl 9AM·4PM 439'~ Hello· thing, pl1n11, stereo Allen wrench sets. N-. ~ Beach chairs: lrM standing bar #~tti•tn 1011 Brand new $50. Call grand, AOMWOOCI 1875. lrope, CdM spelktfl. Set 8~ below wholeule. 1520 You are the winner Of and 3 lloola Aefrlg and ••••••••"•••••••••••• 539-24111 $7500. 545-3880 p P. Allee I.anting ftoor Iron bed a. ledlel ski boat a ---------1 __ A_u_th_L_n_9_·_? ____ ~!!r!!!~ •... ••• .• I.~~ two free 11cttet1 (S 16.00) m • n y m t• c II• m • OllOlm HIP -K-IN-0-25_K_ol_d_Fl_u1-.-. -ap-p<-.1~~~~~~~~~1 =.k:.· ~~on~ & clolllea. typewriter. EVERYTHING GOES Wiii Garden 10011, bicycle. TEN SPEED. 25" Centu-value lo the 640-7775 or 646-9953 15550 . 559-1833 I $2700, lmmac. cond. Baby Grand Pleno, 5'9" lumtable $50 Shetwood adding mechlne & m0<e Bargain Hide-a-bed S25. toys, sklls and household rton cu11om dlx, lk nw B~IRNNG(JL~~G& BB~01LSEY M p p S #.''t"'tlluH•f IOIO Sleal •t S2400, 49•·6719 Xtnt cond $4000/bat rt!C91vet •50 Sat 9.3 1007 Tiller Way, Dishwasher S25 Ky Rifle Hems Set 9.3 547 Santa S15010BO 956-0434. "' m " ovlng t.y en ola. 1 • 5411·1277 ext 10. • CdM $75 S s25 ot•Qtl Obi S.CS, Refrtge, Deak. •••••••••••••••••••••• Glblon guitar, 1g52 Let 1~~~~8~5~7~-A~1~9~11~~~ 1•reo Lawn· Ana (In alley) Schwinn blkM. bo""'. 24" " Mull Niii 675-3223. PlnbaJI machine Paul model mini cond 827·30« •• 1 B d s 6 mower $25 WWII Bayo-•---------,. Anaheim Convenllon ''A1~6 Ctr"'"""" · · 1---------.... ape e room II. . net S20 Mirror S 15 GarllQI Sele 24111 & 25th IO·IPMd $85 Sllng Ray Cenler Aug. 5-111 Trundle a.cs & malcillng 6"..2.51137' $1500. 67!>-7025 PIANO • Aet>ll uprlgllt ... ,. I #m SMolle, 5Co3~~ag• Curlllna. MORE 29611 Babb 1502 Haven Pl . N.B. (In _S_3_5_Xlnl cond M9·9558 Long BMcn Arena Duk & Oreuer $275. ---------Drum• II pc pearl w/ Xlnl tonea. nice ceblne1 •• sc. 1 'n Jumlne Ave Street c M alley) Furniture, blkH, OBO. 559-7802 400 da Md carpe1 Ca S595 call 847 7017 r..1-nt bench pre11. welghl1. 1.1r~1:::I Aug 111·22 __ }c-•~ S1 .,. ~ yd. cymbeJ. & lland• . • •• ~:--".-.•••••••••••• u•,. To clalm p111e1. call ---------.,.., ..,.~, ,JV...... $525/bst olr. 9611·10•8 11. f!.'!~.!!!!~ •.....•.... rv. desk 6•9 ruo. recll· t>OOgle boards, fine,.... lbttrllh IOZS 642-5678, ext. 272 p ... CORNER BEDROOM UHd 11 dl1p11y only btwn 3-8PM '-la.f #11JIJ.11llli !"'!'!~~•••••••••~~! 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE ner. bookcase, car 1--'eo_._m_•sc_.o_t_h«_l_lern_• __ ...................... -moat be exchanged =~~ik! ~: ~~-549•6518· °' K .. lno 9 ch. PA·HMd, ..... • .............. Elec1 Boat 111· Dvffleld 824 Congr .... CM radios. lots of 10011, 2 matt/lllMl IDW 31o l n . fOf reMNed -··II box 640-5287 &45-4509 125 watt AMS, 2 Peavey RlCCAA Sew Machine, Y .. low • blue. sa.ooo Sil Onlyl 9AM-3PM Ion Hyd Jeck & more Beds. chair•. lamps, 811 Redwood 2110 decking. office prtor to perlor· Pallo g11 healer. Sun· cablnell w/15" IP!lrt & =~' ~~50 ~ _M_u1_1_M1_1_. 83_1_·7_7_n __ Children. Clolhel. llOm8 1199 Bismark Way c M hOUMthOld lt•m• 1524 4·20' long, lllO redwood mince MARBLE COFFEE TAB· gtow 7'1t 11 high $50 homt. S.450 firm 754-7038 1e· Avon k'ltl811ble epor1 like new, men'a & wO· a-. Sal/Sun Irvine Alltl (al 20th) M fencing C.U Jim or Ken • * * LE 20"x60 " w/lron SAS.56111, &45-4509 1142-8155 men'a clothes. btket,i----------S1VSun any1lme. 775·14111 ---------1 baa• Lk/new. s 75 ---------l•rtl•f.... llH r9'· good div. boat. girl• 6 boy•, turfing Vent hOOd. kg bed frame. i----------_________ 110 II WHITE ANTIQUE 64().5287 Hol lub, Incl heater, OIHn lsnltsn I ........ •••••••••••••• ~19:' bMI ot19r equip Ski equip LOii ol '70 Honda XL 100. ,...._ ~5~·~3~~ DRAPES _R_A_T_T_A_N_B_A_R--7-. -lo_n_g_,1 ~~·~~;\! ~~: LsJ , '°'' Sal'• S,.rt .... Hthld oddl & end• Lall meta. StlngHy bike. pie-!'.!~~!!'!'!!.......... Cl•llll I Fonntca top. w/11 11ooi. S 18 0 0 0 r b • 11 0 fr •• ~.!f!'!!!.......... We buy and Mii quallty Buttel your own Cit- day sale -everyllllng turet. bOOkl. metal cot1. Aati IHS L !) IOJO 411" SQUARE GOLD OT-lk/new $.450 940-5287 1157_.675 ANSWERING SERV uaed epor11ng equip. on ren. 2 Mta of mold•. 1 goes M•k• otters Farberware rot 2779 •••• J!..~••••••••••••• ••• ":1!~!~!......... TOMAcNnS!~:. ,.,....5 Like new 3 Captain'• S15 conalgnment Snow c:omeoy~T., "t' ~ua .,';:' Ol1hwa1her. ~ood cond Tern Cir S•I 9.3 135mm F2 5. P Takumat • ....,.....,.,.. _ _, . ool LI Weigh! E J Traveler 73Q.-A770 SkHng, wind IUrflng, r ut ty WESTMINSTER ..... ber II •. W81nul. Wheel chllr S275, call W8ler lkllng. lennlt, aur1 Mak• offer 498-<ttsa. S85 2453 anti Ana lenl, and Iulo-Winder for Whtie wlctcer bookC8M. bf ... rall $125 M. now I • Illa.. ...... Ave. Colla Mesa FrtlSll 3 Family Gereg• Sale AN~'tB~ALL Penlu Bolh Ilk• new newly Pllnled 9ll27, 3 $150 '°' ~ 3 551 ..... 38 542·40e3 -PJ .. board, bac:ll pecillng, 12· ABEAGLASS Fl· .. Yll •... • TV's, table8. cnre. beds. 11751 Wntm'-... _ ·-. 175 .. 569-9154 ehelvee S75 573.7101 Mink Coat, am11t. whlf• In •Ollllent cond clothing IOt all at>ow SHING BOAT w/dual ~ 1hoe1, 1amp1, dl1he1. "'••-"'•• ---------11 S.CSroom Or"eeMr from Canadl•n cllron, mid· 64~2. 642-looe IPOf1•. 645-43lO 17711 el«: lrolllng motOf, & trlr, Anllque1. furn, 10011. toyt & cio1"-. 10.4600. GARDEN GROVE EARLY AMERICAN IOl1. Slat Dull Hotel. S80 c I It, Lu K I 1 9 0 0 E>eec Wood Oeek, 7 dre-Newpott Blvd CM uaed 4 ltm. Pd S 1400. toy•. bunnies & bird• Sat/Sun 11-S 29211 Baker ••--•5•54--11•10•3--•I a.., IHI new! Mlllng •I s275. 1111• &45-78&4 S39-9952 111r9r ex1. top + ftlvel RIP CUAL MEN 'S WET Sell SS95 834-0989 Sal only 11-APM. 20141 St. ,. :-~.................. 1:oe, 835-2598. "' ....... • • ...... h•' $"""/OBO SUIT Lat.... " ..,.n rm 1-• v ...... ,.. For S•I• DA Kin• Surf· c .. r '"" ..... Halltl tome1hlng to ...,, B•yvlew, Sanl• Ana Hg11 Antique Solid Black Wal· Ore11 D•n• pup, lntelll· Steel d•. 30ii40. eecure S250. Sola, whl neug1 boerd. oaed one.. s.c;,1. 5411-9111 S75. 7e&-M29 Claulflec:l ltd1Ck>11 well. 3 FAMILY SALE: Kawa· • t l u 1-1 nut Armolre ...... ,. gene., bHuly, oompt-lock '°'" •II drwra. S55. hvd• S35. Stereo cab e· 1•~ $1'"5 •7•7097 , ••• , • ,., n ..,.,., nlonlhlp, Kint dltpOll· 831·04116 $35. Coll•• lbl I 10 "'"' v " J-r Mkl 100 dirt bike. clo-••••••••••••••"'••••••• 873-8888 llon S350/olr. 838-A1192 54t~ Coll de cu:a mem-,,.B thing. A~uarlum. cpll, Oarege Sale 2411'1, 25th. Anlq. American walnut ---------1Sol1. cullom Chocollle -berltll S750 F I lo loll of mac. 273 Sher-Many freeblu 111174 •Ingle bed. •Kcell. cond. LUSA &PSI brown, ottoman, 1olld s· op1n heuth trlple call J;..:w80·..,:;~ • .' ,. - wood. St. 831·62711 Ml. Nimbus, FV Euclld/ $150.1147-1528 AKC. M•le 2'h yrl old. wllnu1 blU. Orig. dresaer.1111• MW B ---.......... e~ ., ---~ GARAGE SALE Book• Edinger name "Snicker•". All S 1800. Baer. $300. S)75. 54MM7 Wheelchair. Evernt & 10011. gluawar~. mlec: ---------Anllque MWlng m1ohlne llhOt• 10 date. RN• otter. 730-15381 Jennlng1, good eondl· f } I 11 _¥ 427 Walnut Pl. C.M. Sii IDVllft SALE ceblne\Od7.C:.~'!~· S100. 7W754·7312 --------Patio ch1lr, xlnt cond llon S50. 552·1ee3 ,.., • .J ~ ' • .,57 ...,..... lrH lt4 wtlll• w/blue ped. '35. ~ /, o II·? Fri/Sal/Sun. 9AM. Furnl-$75 75t-10IO 831-1087 IBM Peraonll Compu1er· 1 0 ~ · ture. o•mea. clolhH. Oki roll top deek w/swlvel S..u. mate Pekin .... butt Apple 11Mod111. Prtnten.. 0 ~' ' kl1ch tteme, 30 -•mite. edf. cnlllr S1t75. Dll"'9-color. 12 mo, paptrt, O~ oak platform bed Sola, IOOM pillow back., II 12995/bal otr 813 7422 , SWAP IDT ..,.. -11 St .... ~n·t ........ red. 549-3162 very tovlng. lovt• Ohll-ind m111reu S200. ft, celery grHn $100 111$9-5141 · -' 'i 1 A OS000"!,V09ULROLBE Every Sundey, 8am-3pm 536.elefl nv """ dren $100 Of bit oner 759·1010 Mllolllng end llble $25. • SHIN SlvN A UNO Orang• c 1111 Coll~. i----------~·F·r.inicihiiPioillilihiWiiailniuilil 9*1000 640-1690 Blletl and Decker hMvy I Felrvtew Arllng1on. --N-6 IJC9 Modulet Oak ~ ~·~ ~2,1111" $05. Lit!• 4 .; . SA I ES • ,luion SAT·SUN Beach·Wemer 1846 beeutlfUI 19th cerl· bedroom aet S•OO. OININO ROOM SUITE ,,.._ .,......,. , Coel• Meta. Adm CIOll'let. OOUCllH , di• lury 8ottodorter concert Doble Pup•. •Kc.pllonal 7511-1010 EXC HC. cond. IOlld ---------Ir•• to buyer1. Seller hM, 811 goee reel chMp grand. $7500. qutllly lor Hrloua -inut, 16 pea. buffet, "RED MEAD" 3/8" ham- RM9rvatlona/lnfo S45-U88 PIP buyera Xlnt '81 Champ S.CSroom Mt Oiied walnut c hine Incl. $395 frm. "* drlll._!!O.!k1•2 new f ,__ llWR 111'-.0Dl'fll. lll•IM ••• R S6'-6180 p. d I gr.. •Ir. c H King heedbolrd, Mr. & 64&-0397 --...... lJ5 --------~ Butl.a!ftM IHd 11110 Dough a.n k1tct1 cat>. ~~C~Lr°' ~~ ::S.:'~~~~~~--So-,-.. -,-.. -Bi-o._n_Ptlkl ____ aa_5. Antique cerpent ... p1.,,., (or Yant ...., lltate ...., etc.) G~ Sal• • Lott or ...... .............. rellnt1hed. Xlnt cond bralna 6 PfOlect~ Good Cond. (NI~ '200. 871 "".,!,, S:.~'~:' I~& Ett•1• Sllle. July 24. 25 1 1200 080 US-9457 femlly ralHd. Htalth-PUY ,.. ... teo-S645 IMM212 , 1. Piao• your •d In th• O•lly Piiot MonrOYla) CM 10AM to 5PM. 19251 ~ntlq\le Pine Hutctl, 3S" temp ouar. Showlptt. (Liv rm) n e vtr UHd. 2 ~ 8rown Vetwt Sliding gtua dOOI'. com-Clalllnad MCtlOn (lt'a belt to run 3 ' · Brookhurtt f45 H.B. w x 1111" Htgtt. Country Trllnl"9 1vall. 1200 & up. Wonn 11100, tac 1695 metolllng. plet•. 11'0/blt off. daya for muJmum ~). tf you GARAGE IALE·HltJ\chr. Furn., dllhet, gtuevrtre. Style, good oondlllon. 5".o048 ~11 11 .wt. wkncst 1100 ... teo-3&411 ~2 pay for your ad In edvlnOe we'" run It 3 I pt•Yl>«I· blk .. , tt•reo, etc Guut ptrklng at $475. 548..e2:M 10 Pea ~Aoom Maig6o llltlnd Oold Card days and onty charge you for 21 toy9 & mite. nem1. 883 clubhoute. OM MlnlaM• Pornper... M b Ill I s I Cheyenne St. CM s11 --------• • • n11111 puppy. N<C, "'°'" f .. S le Set. em ere "P or • e . 2. Gtt your FREE a.raoe Sall algnt ( .. onty E>etrav,lnt Multi Apart• UUL mlllY wormed. 1-W-3S!t lll'ittre a &45-MM "711· &44-H1s you .... ye to do la come In to tM Ody • rnent ale furnl1tllng1. 2250 Cornell Dr. ·KC ., ........ __ ... .... ht/a. 1t.. .. 2 Gold Ml ·b•ok End Alt Condltlontr. Ilk• new. PUot a pay for your ad In lldv.nce - -------~ :'.'::;,.":,~ Coet1 M... "' ,.,...,. "-· .... am. ~&1•• 11111 Ctlalrt. ~!/~. 5000 btu. _..., _,, ......_ we wlll ~you two 11 IC i7 S6gM _ ...... I lttwh .. __.. You _ tn. 'lltmer o1 pion blood Hnea, 1260. _,...,,_,, 5 . 5 •"' p • . t 1 9 a • ........._ FnEE _ ). tit tllM ..,.,, 25 yre o1 OhMp. 8atllun. 21050 two fr .. tldteti (111.0Q) 131 ... 592 -11 tPM. High q"1llty Drtul. 5111-4431 " O .""'llQe oolleclabl .. Tlk• •d· LoohlH Lane , #SO, value to tn. Mer'lt11ge, ~.etc. Oft PAlntfllQ. 511'' wide X •-•1111 q It -.. p ... -_....._ ...._ o. f merchandlee.. ventega of neoptntu. Atlanta / N•l"tland. RINGLING 8,.08. Springer 898fllll puppjta, China. cryttal & aooee-~high, 8oene..,._... -.. UL.FF' ~ , _ _.., ...- QIH1wart, llOUMhold ,_teo-_10_13_._____ BARNUM I BAILEY AKC~ 8 Wkl old, too l tOr1M alto. hnd ~ Wo'I love h •t•m• ltnto-kn••• kit .... up.17,._2..... King •1 b•d w /bo• abeaUtlfUlboUqUeiloflO 4. HIV• ptenty of onang• on ana -..... ;'ii1 ~ YAAD SALi. Fri/Sat. .,... ....... I SlndWr • rno~. rn-tt • NQ ~ balloon9. ,__ ' 1(nlckel1, dim.a, quamn, ·halvee, ud 290XHlwlda TL. 12&. 21/24. tturn •• Gem••, ANiMlnl ConvwitlOn u111e Mt11 Mulftt Ht on 1 C«ona cM1 Mw :c;, cai ~{~;2· ~~out~~ -.;; tone and ftw dollar blll1). tt11 lultel0. "* O)IClle c.otlllno. •111 PlllNICM c.i• Aug. &lll Tutltt. alOl'Q oem• • .... ,_ "' ·---..... _... t _, equtpmtnt. letthn1_Dr_,_H_I_._____ L~ Arena lf>lOtt end rMd In Int Oouble mat1,._.,.bOlt m· .., ....... ,.. S. Aelalc, flMWe '"''' .. ..., OOUft your,,...,._, ~-• ..,_. It, lat ..., M To olelm 'p~~:: •• call Dilly Piiot Ctu11fltd Whit a WoncMrtut World :.:.~ ~ ,:;:· ~ ,Of-. 1 l'OUlld _,. ,.. , It tM end Of tM d91. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Metal lurfet lllltlt AltN\; MMf71, ..i. 212. PM-~!~~~ ~.!."~ or l llopplng, right a t .., • a.a"'*" on ~ ~ __ ;;; tMque wrwft -~ = ~ ~ lor ... ff, \'bu Q;:''l.n s:iiy~C~ ltof9 ...,, queen D ~~ ~ri 1 ~J ~tt:.--· ... !net °' .. ~ ... O..= belt Wltll lfttlMll t 120: offlee prior to ..... ,.01 your Mftt IM lot• ol Ml. To ptace V01Ji ad, OOod oond. t115, ~ ~ _1 ~ ~ J1 .~U .._...,.._71 .-. ...t ...,. .. ...,. l'lutclll, muctt """'°· ,... · 011\tr 1111no1 tllrovoh c111 642-'t7t. enct lt4 a ...._tMa • """T 11-·~ ---.Vb M . 11U --j 111Q1 Ou&'ltw I.ft. H.I . ""'*· Oelly .. Hot CleHlllecl CIMlll'ld M-vtllor 11e1p ..... ... ....:_ ~~ -· [ ..,. ----. ! .. ~• !~~~·~·~··~~~-=·:..;_~~ . ...;:.l~'~'M~W~and~~ld~~~!dla.~=:;---:::.j..:.:;;;;;;;;;;;~•~•~·~!*::;_-~~:;.:-:.,~.-Ad~~~~~~~l42~~·&e~11~-~--~=~j·~~::=:-::'.::;·~i;:_:_~--_.1~Qaea::::::.::".,.::.:ae1:,~·64::2~·=.,.~·l~,!~~,..~.,...~;~;;;;:~·~~;;;;~,,~~;!!~!!!::;:~~==~f:::!:~~-:-~-~;:!!!!:;z~:::::::=::::'":=:::: .. -. --i· . --- l f - I Or1ng1 Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 23, 1982 DI ,.,_!'*1111• · 1 MM ';."'rt,""' MN • • ~ft .o·,;!:t;•60•·:.~!.-!! M'l11.~ ...... ~.~~~•.!f!ttf~ ....... ~.~'!.~!ttr.t!~..... ~.'.~'!.!t'.mt ........• ll.'!!1.-• • ·- •• ...,,.. 1.... • .. ....... Uoll •• • • ........ m .. , '\' •r· .~r-. "trtr000.. ...v ,. -,,,...,, •Nt .,,.. ffM ,...,. ..;a .L.w" .. , •'ff ...... , "'.,. •-_. ... Ylllnt Mf Ofl..w WAH'f ~· • .,..,.,. • ... _.L.1 ea. . * MT -.a. * ~ ............ r1.·n r. .. .-.i .......... r1.TJ ur. ............. :1.'TI' ....-..... ....,, ."fTT .... 11. rrrr. ............ r1.":J 11 ,0, w t rMOM ,. .. '""'' atv111p • Mi· to'#et , ...., In•· f4f '""' L.wt.w.y, WMe w1 11n .. O.teun '74 .. :r'ot' dr •rt 'lleta Clhla. 11t conc1.. • IDOUll tlt IUI Tllll ter•• """" • 0 •11 Mtld In lonttertft ..._·1·w-A.,.N-T""'1""'0 ..... T""AA"'"1t-ULl.....,f\l-OI._· Ttin Cloth tntwtot NI 4.. tuto, *1 ••200. " Nl(!C!'i .,,.., ~. '"" .., ....,... tit..: 111 111. .... .,.. O• AntwlfAd ,.,.a. ..,, Mlf oontti!Md, env 4M,,M/OMe., OtlnMM AutomatlO ~Mt., .., , " ,..,44 ..._Dff, WllTll 7t:r~' t?a.fOM fli.\"i:~ "''"'* OOnd . Pflold '"'· ll'om ~.~0 ~ ~ oonct .. AMll'M, '°" m1111 n ''o 0.1. w xrn1 ·eo '°'d ,_,., mi.tt ......_, ..... ,_.... -1,-,-1 -Ion-net-.-,.-__.-.......... - '"" ~ • Yf1 Clld, ~· . • •••• .. •• MOO~tNO IYtllllble. 30ft rn· patty, -.. ,.~., ""D and In lmmtiCIUlete con. t\IMlnO OOfWI. ownet. oond., Atn"rn lttteo. ~ P9tet Ka -· dl11on 11900....,.... -~ NN f'Mt. loOtce ~t • .:. ._,tlfUI :::=' max with tth bot! eux., 1""'4M4H m:;~~~ ~A:; dltlonl (NH_.) ttlOO, t&&-01'1 IM ml, .... 000. 84 .. t2N Dt.i 213Of17• • 4944474 '800. (111) 4t7·tot7 114/IU·l101 ' ~ ~ Hltt>of. Ptl ,_,. ...... '"" llabtt petty to mu• IUll 'IO 01teun 200IX. unOet .... 1111 9'MS~ evee, (T14) t?W117 114/tlt·t~ Watt9n tttlt-t41-.N41 I.....,,., Hll ""'" rnontllly PMt•. No M ._ tt,ooo rnl. ""* lfllfP & •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... tf ............. lie l•t• ffl l wllnde. 19• H'*le 0.. .-..... / H' ettp even tor ~ ...................... Old oontreot1 to MIUIM· -• dMll Z..1one pelnt I •1& •Tmt ...,...,., ................. :~ .. . letlellt NII tllllng No 17. t-,;:. ·~ !', QrMI too In NI. C>nfV AtonH Chevf, lr\IOk l*\IR: ·~ No ti** pm11. due. Ae6I .. _,.twAlll ll)d. luHV loeded w/AO, Wt oan llelpl lefofe you Hewn't you welted tono S~L.Mtlno IOOO ............. -.... ..... t200/mo ... -.. 0 dleMI. Ft>H tor "°" '42-.4400, 11111 IMOt\ llYd P/llMt'lnO, AM/l'M ....... ~ ............ _ .. , ... .._..t.. _,,....,h to own I M•· UllllUll Ce111«iM'1.0i'11--· MW. I . 11 .... ,.,. . ........ ._ trll\ll'l\lellon from 11eii l& ... IOOI Proto l/M. Hun!l!.19lon heoh '"· IUM, pwo mlnonl ~ -~ -~ ~ Baf'l17 Don't ... ...... Trlllw f 18 n "·t NAl'Lll tAIOT, quellty .,,,, llHI I & up. el4· 1860 1171 flll ..,..1111 entenn• l more. M4H ind MtVIOll ' thl• opponunlty put you 111 IMO 41a.CMI ... 14 'Fl'::' °' .,.. . bolt, tlke ""• llltru & ••1 MM tt4 PortlChe Iona blook 9'l.eo30 lllYlllm by .. ac1 nowt Wt ht~ 1 --· ------'N-f'N "". Ot.., dotly. Ont)I '8111 .••• -.;· ............ 1."ttl ao 000 rnl 1315/offef' ...... ...... 10 ........ ,... '71 110 Ott. 6 lj)d. 2 dr ,,,,i .. tto MleGtlon °1 1111 llWI ..,_ ___ .;....._..__1 638-15e9 '78-21' DIYCNIMf J« 84~·019& 'Ttll1 one llu • otrn~ 2t.000mllel. MlylOedecf ~IClllMIOk wMe/t>lu UlU I IRYlll model• & COi«• •veil• DAT Trtllef, new tor Jet lkl, CAl. 20 +21t7 new 1 cabin, ·~ 4, big ..._-------•hell, autom11lc tran1.1 ~.oo• .• ~ ... ~·0L11110•. 1tr1,,.., 11;, tm/frn tepe, 2160 Herbor lllvd. bi. "'qul""'•nt 1 .. ~~·d• • 1n1tat•JM'boe11. 1 rno or, c= ':I· on~ H hra. OY11om •wlwi 1Mt1 fO( AM"M & 11 t11tre otetn ...... fa . ...,., 1 IO 1 Ilk COITA MUA tltl IUllll " ..... """" Hinged '""t wtmotor .. van (l>M) t71 84&-1211 rv... OWM\', m · •MW. ''*'· Thi• OM h .. low '9S·'1H An a or l •t tat~: without motor. -• •211 942,..e1o (tNet0421• 1157·H84 d•Y'· !!: 83t-6l12 wt 141·1140 llNITI mu .. toot t868ZEOI Smell refrigeration unit, I •2&00. '48-"87. 8peo1ra ,... 460 Ford, ••••• '76 AUDI F"V • 1301 Quall Str•t .... . 110 8trlow Wlnchee C.tam 18' With Jib' lkfkt.y Jet drl.,., *19 U\lllty INCi! b.ct wllocklng ,,.. ....... .. dr llUtO ..= _,, 72 Oeltun Pick-Up, Honda, Toyote, Dat-...n, NEWPORT BEACH ........ , .. s11..n. w· Hatverd 11r111 1111C11 covw. teQOO, bOll" wlroot rtck. .. • • ·--· ... Mad• work MOO or beet •II mllcN. I 109 dou It. 111-taoe .. - 8t()l)9«, total ws. ~.~:' ii'f:t ~=. = "4·7&44 '600/bet ofr. 831·15&0 YILllWllU trane. brllc•1 redlall, 0n.,., ......:.21 No let°' tut, no <lePO-YILISWllH 855-0840 t&MOOl or .... "l"IO PORSCM! l!NOINI: 4 ,.,,._ 18111 9eeoh Blvd. •Int oon<S. •:rtOOloff. ell. No Ito. f ... Oellv.,e , .. ,,.fer I U ~ .....,.. • _,. H.unll .. ton 8Mct1 407·t0~7 '8' 200 IX. 27.000 rnl, •f'IY INN. buys eny cat 4 ltreff I I I h Blvd c.no.. Nona 17', nw-1t79 I "SEA ::Jcond rru...,,111M ~~· ~!:!.'*•· good .. ---'Te """"I 100ll. -1-1 oond, coupe wllh air, 11/T\lfm OVftf our Cott. AU 6111•• ... ., " Hunllnglon 8Mct\ -· -,,....., .._ v•• Muet Mil eoon ••75 11. •·• ' --------1 .. .,_, CUMll•. llCIMd L_. ... ..,,, 714/83.4.0181> • • f:·~ ..... -....... , ..... ...... ' """" ·····~·············· .......... ....,.,/beat olfw -.... ....... .. n 6' tt • ... 1•2 2000 · K.n. 8444484 81S-4842 t16~Tt78 -•,nt, Hll 962~4S '7t TOYOTA PICKUI' f249&1tm Ofr, 18,500 °' beet olfftf -"' allJt'I .. tlttt WANTED TO BUY .. a... ' lnl 1111 A 6 ,., * llSf llU. * 030-N<t& ff8..84S11 83U656 1111 ..... Compare ""--or Im 07n8.,•,X4c•~~n81 WFuglln, m1 •~nt·. "' ,...,. SANTANA 27' Honda OB. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,., 111 11 • I • •-••t LJ """'.... ,_ .. eon Avon. reuoneble 4 Miii oompeN ADF & 11•t -. •••••••••••••••••••••• oPOfl Moctel, o<Mt ml-lllJI 11. '13 240Z. euto. ci..tt & ._. pone Dlftc1 INN end r.eord1 Nev.r ~ hit pr1cle. 844.0514 mor•. Stl 000. 873.8098 ~ • .::::• IMPO~TANT NOTICl i.ag., wet. wn..11, dl11. •••••••••••••••••••••• enerp, r\\J pelnl, menv 5 ePMd trenemlNlon. mot Mnllbi. pymta $2960 496-2077 S6 HP HorMllta ~ ' -r-TO READERS AND lnt.,IOf end morel 1 .-xtru 14800 tn\191ted. AM/l'M. air cond and Olal 213 or 714, MER OUlboetd Lr ~~ft 12' Sloop with trlli.t Thi• OM h .. evwy1hlng ADVERTISERS (1507"4) Jutt Mid r• youre ror J3900' tow mllae. (382UZW) CEDES le 213 f •nll 111$ Beet off.; 84~980 · 1850 OBO Including a ehowftf. tlnk TM pric. of ltMi• Id-11•~ Pat1y to mu. , 842-46&8 S4111 714/837-2333 •• ,.-. ................ . 659-1833 & tolMttl (1ADZ009) vertlMd bV veillcle OM· emell montfltv Pf!'lll. No 78 TOYOTA F 18' hull 11111 t.r 1 le Old contrecte to aMU1M '80 Dtt-...n 310 G)(. Mu11 illM llUIH •IZ I.I OHPI CELICA GT ,... 21' Sloop Need• ""°'" • n Ille Yeh '-claNJ. No beck prnte. clue. Aek Miii a.low SW.boolc YILllW&IU Showroom cond Or MllT IEU U2-11M No lrtr $950 OBO .ftM ..... ~ ldv«1lefflg columnt for ROM 842-4400. prtc. S3800 559-7902 bl~/ten 1n1r SIR, at * * 558-1833 y .. •tw•••• dOM not lncl\ICM lnV 55&-l008 Proto LIM. 1871 I BMch Blvd 120 ~ OH. Wt4AT A FEELINGI ... ,, '""' Hfl .-_. apptlcat>i. tuM. llcenM, W.11-SllYIOI '77 B210, axcell. cond, Huntington BNcfl option• ,JVV P.rtect comblnetlon ol •••••'•••••••••••••••• Hobie 12' M~t 18711 8-.dl 81vd. treneler r.... nn•11Ce '87 Ford F800 2~ ton LWlll 4-ec>d. AM/FM c... U2 2000 72o-1ee5 ltCOl\Olny and eport llY· PlllD Ul.EI Xlnt cones. 1685. Huntington 8Mctl cnergu. ,_ '°' air pol. Bobt•ll. 390 CID engl,,. w/~11.. 12700/bet • #I 114a Ung 5 •Pd w/POYf etr , OST .. tea-eoea 141·2111 lutk>n control ~ encl van plve Hftg•I• 83 t-2040 496-4948 759-9032 '80 Honda Accord, 4 dr. •••••••••. ••••. ••••••• A/C. IOVVrM and moral L ..,y SLIP LASER SAILBOAT --------1 C*tlllcetk>ne or dMJer $4900/ off., 979·2000 UlllUllll ... ~. elr, "M/FM c... ·79 MG Midget 18,000 ml (024UBV) Juat need re- 24' Drake Cabin Crul_. with t al* 1,_100 • • • dOCUm41ntary pr~r• ••I 132 or 551.3eeo ••· 28402 Matgu-.'11• Pkwy 11111.11 ITU Llk• ,_, S6i50 OBO Spou rims. •mllm caa. ll•bt. perty to mau lllOI f/P ea2-2sn 11&1111 L lam tlon chero-e uni.a. 19' 4 pm MIUlon Viejo "iiUiii".;.;;m:i.. 714-857-8289 roll bar, 0111-r •~tr•• Xlnl small monthly pmt• No ( 1948-Wood-Chry1l•r --------3232 c..a~ ... -Pl. otMnwlM 1pealfl~ •7.,, (Avery Exit off 1-6) .,.. .79 HONDA cvcc cond S4995 OBO. old contract• 10 H1<1me 130) Later=., ... ,.. V!Vf...., 9520 . • '/tT. C"-"Y p u .. lo ml, Op.n Sundeyt llU an.1111 831-7437 No beck pmll du• Aek v·• .... ..,.,.,,, Costa M-ictnt cond. 14950/btt olr 4·9'>.. am/Im ca... 30. lo R 842 4400 -.,._,., aeve 1 1 & hi.,. a Ycxi ere ,..._ win~ of ••••••••••••••••••••• 844-1395 FE11•a111 000 ml. Redlal• r OM • ' Ed 69-4-8840 ch•--to ...... 9 ...... _.. ,,. ·---L .. ,,, I ~ "" 1111 1144 558-1008 Proto LIM --... n .... ..,..nt two Ir .. tlck•ll (118.00) ..._ • I r-..Jlll.UH!l ........... '3800/obO. PP. ·79 lnvedet. 19 n. lull bay Sallboatd with a pur-velue to the Shey r-c>11c .. : pickup• & fHI 1110 534-7777 ·'19MGB~v;;lb;,"jj;; '82 Toy Cellea. every op- & 1kl boll. 280 h/p dleM of any,_ LIMr RINGLING BROS. coupee. 4 to chooee ""••••••••••••••••••• SaJee..Servlc."L...ing ~~I -.7-9-P-rel_u_"--4-9-pd-.-m-oo-nrt-. n-. lo ml, etet.o caaa, lion $9000 ~.hr crulur. 18900, du~:l ~~ER STORE BARNUM & BAILEY fromt (008788) (Slk. '78 Ood~ Ven Conv. 'II J20f't &rt lfrtl f"G gu, AM/FM. gd racing 1tr1~. 16000. 7141760-1393 780-1334 All thlngi l.IMr & M0te. OllOIS A3093). Pnc. etatttng at * lllT llU * Nlo. s.t.cilont i rMCh. $5600. 499-3188 875• 1589 Mu11 Hit '78 Tovota Co· Ctue lc 18' La pllrak• 824 W. t8th St, CM. Anaheim Convention lllf lt,lllf SUMMERTIME FUNI Full * '70 3201; euto., tn/rt, ~ .. 78 HONDA ACCORD, 'II Ill rolle Good cond S2800 Cent~ bey boet, 4 cyl, (714)842-<>M8 Cent., Aug. 5-l6 Y91our Capt. Chalre, ('38VCK) 3100 Wut Cout Hwy. hatehbeck euto. AMIFM flltra clean. a.mtlm OBO 71"1644-0309 Grll'f. $3500. 875-8181 __ .;___.;._____ Long Beach Ar.na Matching Sol1b4ld Panel. * '79 833cel: auto., tow ...,....,.,.,. ........ cau ran.¥ .. nreat ml-E ..,.hi SEE TO 979 C S Ho!M 18. A 18 22 c t "IC 6 t L 1 (553"~ 18) ·~--.,... • .,....,. -• • va.,. ng n-1 elica I Xlnt cond ug. • .,~ ' ... • ... u O., ow m ... .... 842 9405 ,_ $29 5 BE E I 19' Gl .. tron ctr cont* 11200. Good cond To ctelm P8-. call Mlleel 11E83058) Ju.I * '80 320!: 5epd .. 101• • .... . 497-3958 LI VE 3500 or trade 5 epd am/Im caes 36, llanlng bott. 126 John-7141176-&t&e 842-5878. e)(t. 272• Pu-nMd raltet>i. party 10 d~I (lBDV020) llil 1111 gd/cond 10<? 831-5588 Man 000 ml S4995 eon. tandMI trtlr. Compl. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -must b4I exc:n.no.ct m•k• ernell monthfy * '77 530!: entrf, tow :••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Civic CVCC Hatch-11..J 1141 63 t-047 l aqulpp•d. Xlnt cond. '70 Columble 28 16,0001 for rnerwd -ta at &o11 pmte. No old c:ontrecte mle. (842TRT) 73 Flat 124, ,_ eng, back 37 400 ml auto :-r. •••••••••••• .' •••••• i---.-7-2_C_o-ron-a.--S4500. 538-1820 .,,_,_ ...,.... t ...-1 No ... _.. * ·79 3""' • c enrt nMCI• Int work · ' ' ' ·7• o w w/ellp, ~ owrww.hlp Cell o .. _ ......... o .....,.or-o aMUme. .,_.. "'"'• .. epd., IV Sl3So/ Ir 831•7187 ale, Almost,_ Mtchelln " pel agon run1 good $550 FOR SALE OR TRADI!, 7-!pm. 543-7290 manca. Att.nllon coHectorel 1958 pmta. du.. Alk tor ROM (468XE0) o radlal t1rn. xlnt COnd Automettc $127!> 960-5375 11,,. S2' .i.1trll'fl. $&500. -• • * EdMI Ranger In gOOd ~2;44L/OOM 558-1008 * '80 320!. 5 epd .• en/fl, mlg o,,. ownet White. Mull Call 714/754-7642 1-------- CIMn cond. 484-2043. Prindle 18 wltrall.r, NII CAMPER SHELL tor running condition! ONLY ro O · A/C (659ZOK) '76 Aat 128. Nice & a-i. MCtlllee 14400 -,,------1-1-4-1 ~~·~:l~~:.:o~ Sea Ra~ 24' ceb. crule. ftv 11360. Orie own.r. I 1350 Courief/0.teon/Toyota, 15501 Call 842-2073 or FORD, bUbbi. top cam-111-1111 GrMI '"PO Only 11700., 7 141875-1611 .!.8J!!!. ••••••• :..... itlr .. '4500 642-3555 brld/i• nu Volvo 280 080. 975-8978 etc. W/boot 0< eotld S.S-~4 11 1"° en.-. pet Ta!M. _,.,, 18 208 W let, Santa Ana Lawr~ 7141962-5047· '80 Prelude 28.000 mt, LWI & 1112 118, 50. Hind. 873-1092 18' Flt>wglua Sloop, tips Window Eno wtnoor & ~957M9 rytlng. ~s'1.183311850 OBO Ck>Md Sunday ·77 12W41, er~ with ten 11/T\llm cass1'oooa/c, pelf PRIEOT 105 S ¥!!!!.-;~f!~ ...... !ZZ~ 13'8" Boeton Wh•l•r 2. WlfY clNn, IHI, xlnt doOf In r.., S126, M ....... 1 , r•bu It engl,,.. CHOICE INVENTORY Int ,. r".,.· AM/FM cond obO Tl•IO DIESEL 1111 YW 35hp Evlnrud• 1tlnt trlr 12500/bet ofr S4&-8648..,. New tr9N Good cond, '89 Ford Ven, B/Top, VOLUME SALES 55,000 ml 11lnt In & out. 642-8155 -n cond. $4800. 552-Sa10 559-4095 alt 5Pm Sielt• Cab Over Ca.mpet Conv, red. Tamllc prkle Cmpr. 15-18 '"PO· Sips & 14750 49Me95 J 1130 UllfT 2 HOI --------29. A lllleecopie. 1750 or bMt 538-4232 2. tebMI S1500 OBO .fl.~~!••••••••••••••• $289 \ Option• Include a 4 24' Sklpfeck, op•n. Im· t>erglue Mllboat kit. oft ... 545-5878 11•2 Fer.a le-..atttr 559-t833. 1978 J AG XJL sPMd 1ren1m1t1ion & a mec. con4 , to hrs, trlr, OtM purcil&M buye eve-• • -IOI loWEI Orig owner 53.000 sunr:><>I (026XNKJ VHF, meny lltraa, 115. ry1htng nMded to bulld lllllliH4 li.tn 1140 All SIMI, axqulllta 80'1 '88 Ford Van 240 Big 8. W mites Every SoefVloe red '*'month plua tu $211& 500. 557-15&8. 775-7058 c:uetom boat. Molded •••••••••••••••••••••• rod 118,500 OBO Eng nd1 work. Hvv duty II alnca n-Sllllflf'/red 48 month clOMd end u 42' H Matt'-a, twn dll. hull, dlMI eng. complt. P*'O.Ot moped, 3 yrs Old, 1111 hft IMI, hi rH r. hvy duty tuep. 3 Satea-Servlce-Leulng *FANTASTIC* 19500, 720-1665 leaM on epproved er• illM .. 1111 Brletol. Liv• aboerd m .. t rigging Mlle. cabl-runs Qd. S225. V-8 turbO 400. Total ec>d. eunrool, saoo nrm. 850 N. eeacn Blvd'. dll. Co,,,. In end •lk :or YOLll WIUI I netry, cf.Ck hetdwr., etc. 159--0088 -· rn1ored H500 OBO 751-88711 Le Hebr1 * * '73 XJ converaloo, small d•tallll ($4tr. 18685) t8711 Buch Blvd 5 9 . 5 0 O PP . ( 2 1 3) 552·4574 -· 540-5211 , W 1 --------1 fl ATS block Chevy, 350 trana. 6 9 8 • 2 5 6 1 ' ( 1 1 4 I deye, aak for ED 79 Puch Mui. '79 Pudl II trld• Wknd 3 e.nch ... 11 tor Ford 122-UH Xln S6 IEACH IMPORTS Huntington S.ach 760-1178. 1--------Sport 2-lpd. Both rblt 642-4283. Wkdt Club vin. Including Open Sundey tllG[ Sfi£CTION 71;1839~~9 500. 848 Dove StrMt 142·2000 •STAR #5221 fl-12-82. 1350 ... 7S.-7788 harc!w1re. 1300. N-. --------PRE OWNED Newp<l(t a..cn 1~~.d~~~:. s~~~c~?~i2~~· 960"5809 1111Pent .. •112 -. 5-4-8-0-30-4-----1 tulll •ITY'I FIAT SPURS & Xl/9's 7~o~~~.9'::0:.t c~~ 712-0900 ·~~r;~:e~h1~! ~~~: S550. Dye 433-1541. 1--"------'78 Reiley Scoot.,, 200cc, Rebuilt motor, new pelnt. 83 Ford Van, beet ofttr. ILUIT MANY TO CHOOSE FROM 714'·497-1037 lh1ng S2900 842-2455 evee 842-0868 ... DAT 4000 ac1ual mllM, front New ufholet ... I""'. Extra by July 25. Pan.i.d. 6 ·72 .. Or P 1 R .... c'"" 3 ,,.,.. 9•• ..... 2 & EXloMPLE ·•• J 6 GU"R. M .. RK X. .. ~ une 1110 YW Clasalc bay launch, r~t 18 ft. 1980, 4 color .. 11,, ftwTlng, ,._. box. $1200 cleen. 7,000, '" ...,.. .. .,......, "" " ,. " gd, n-Mlcn.lln urn •xtr ... S2100 OBO. Aft 7PM ~ 1HI ..__..._• 211 ·79 Cl1-vy Ven. Xlnt cond. 77 FIAT Xl /9 runa good, 15095. MW $600/obo. 848-8518 NPTIP CUPH bottom cleanlng, petnt. ... 78 ... ,__ 4 SPO St •• brakn. 117S-1594 l/B, 12500. 875-1835 .... 2. 72 200 PE Veepa: Vlny1 hatdtop. Extra tow mlteaQe. lulfy equip. Salff.s.rvlce-L .... ng ereo ...... ags. " i 115, Thi• on. ta rudv lor - 19 - 5 - 9 - 2 - 5 -C-----LIDO 14 wltrtr lull cvre $1200 ct.en $4,000. 488-7271 peel, cuetom 1n1 ... 1or. rY""tv CARVER OCn~y 57 I< 6~9SMR Jt•IU 1131 .!.'!!.! ............... eumm41r runt (769NIH) A · hrl• Crelt w/ reedy 10 ..,, i900 firm· 845-8383 cell btwn e-11 98e Old T meny xtr ... '8500. Cell 1..._, 1 o c o t • t e •••••••••••••••• ... ••• 11ea1 at •llP. slpa 4, new uphola, 844-5<>75 . 1 • oronado, Donne 2131593-e!MO KY-.' C' ~.m.nM Brown/BelQe '74 '*'-Heety. Royal MEISTER 12311 ,_ canYM top. HMd9 '79 ~-3000 rn11ea. gr•I OONI . 11200 8AM-5PM. • "'-"U.:>"-.l~l: lllVIH s4495 blue with,_ white top eng work. hu 327 21 ft ............. 1250. 548-49N d•vs, 548-0304 __ ..,,., ~ .... '"'' ~ trene, ciutdl 74,000 PORSCllE/1111 .91M 1111111 ett.vy. Bait lank. Ae611ng ...... "" ..i Trlr 842-1309 -& wknda. ·53 St~er Champion A•tn WHIM HIO __ ~_-_.,._._ .. _M_ ... _, __ _.__ orig ml 8natP. 14200 1383l H.,t>Ot Blvd YllllWAlll l4000/otr. es&-0271 • • '77 FOXI GT moped gd 5 p ... C99 Nloe cat ••••··.·••£••·,·,··,·•••••• 1980 BMW 8331. Load~ 77 FIAT Xl /9 240-2112 G1tden Grove 18711 ee.ch Blvd '78 Cerevlll• 20' Cuddy ......... ..,, ht cond .. tow m~ irt& J3750 213/592-1792 Beige $22.000 611•0• fth fTJI Salts•ltnlot Huntington Beech cebln. tendem tr1r, xtraa. 1411 '1ln .U. 080. 850-1 HO •83 T-Blrd .,, power 57K TOP DOWR 55..,.221 ~ ~~s 81r~ g;s; 9 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lenhlc H2·2000 18095. (714) 653-7801 lla.tm #•t In/ origlnel i2950 ' ·n BMW 830 SKrllloe •t Rack Yellow/Ok 1t11 YW l SKIPJACK 24 ft. OPEif .,,, 111,. i:::n llJI 648-0389 FOR llEI CUI !~t~80 Low ml1eeg41 Brown 614TMY Ul .... Ull 14 131-2333 114~1 l&.lA t':,2455 CRUISER, 130HP, dleeal ~ ,,1, ...................... l«tNtJtHJ A1J1 UI• s4995 This IUpet clank: Is ell· '75 911S Brown/ten, rcnl -------- eng, euto 1 pilot, Iott of •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 ID " L r I ll,O Pll'T1IO/lft&lll '79 320!. eunroof. air, ,_ tfl c:leanl (8684). Won't velva fob. new llru, lo-1174 YW xtru. 15,500/olr Sllp llYall ...... to 30. ,. .. M llOOIT --oYOU r•iuf n 2 .. ..,.. ....... ~ .. ~... patn1. 111c1c. mege. cue 1u11ong at -ed. bre, ~lkln• ... 12 W&"-642-6540 W. •t ~ '•""' ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• ~VW' n-U'U'I UtYU It pert cond $3111 S 3 SOC) 'II ..... -----·---., ... S9 00 pr h Peggy (~) • Cu11orn bvllt 2 -lftf w/2 COST A MESA ... ] 8 FIAT X 1 / g tmmlC 1 · Equipment mciuct.I an 1!·4gt~.~:r~.~~ :.~-;:>; 1·955-2473 wtc. 11111 ;~O::. ':.:.C:,,~: 141-4100 !:~6~ 831-4721, 4 Spd Fact Air. "11..... ·~~3~:b0, ~ '80 =~omau~n tr11n~~~~ lltru Must -· "4500. ,, .. 11&11111 cal clutch wllorward, ICl· 1411 M 1. ~. US tegel, 5 1 ere ° C 8 s 5 YILllWAIU 924 Teke ov., leaaet (&47WCU) 548-0802 PIER YILllWAIU neutrer & r-. Unique WE llY by owner ~ uag:: g.e Rack · ~~011~8:" ~ plus ~t Sl.000 S23H 1985 28' Owen Cebln UP TO 28 It. $150 mo. 18711 Beach Blvd oppty. $900. T tralt.f, 831-3689. 548-5968 0' an g e I Brown H2·2000 7141826-1808 .llM IUIUll Crul_., encl held, gal-873-8145 Huntington 8-:h. ~~· call anytime CLEAi 01111 1977 830CSI, blk w/r.O 18UC707 __ _;::,...:..=.....::.:::.::.:. __ '61 358B, nu bettry1 ley, Mly ~utp Nwp18cn 142·20IO "9082 Ill TlllOIS lthr Int. auto. air. AM/FM '74 K11mann Ghia, aupert> clutch Just rbtt Needs YILISWAlll ellp avell S8000 . BOATSLIPSAVAILABLE. Corv1lrTurbOdunet>uogy, cass Full power Xlnl s5295 cond. ,_ ~adllner. work 111 $4000 takn l87118eachBtvd 6'42-9274 ,.._pon Beach· 2!', 28' 1980 Honda CX500 w/trtr, extre tlr" 11600 cond S15,000 759-0932 f'\191, sheeplkln covers, 494-6875 Huntington Beach 35' & 40'. Call 842-4844 F1lrlng. Trunkc.M. Al· 842·8447 bru.Jhed 1lum wti11. stMt IC2-2000 ... I from t to 5. moet new. 7400 mllet. --------'76 BMW 2002, lmmec. 77 FIAT 124 rad1111 tlr ... G&r&ge llept 1111114 ,,, nl $2300/0BO. 871..()841 , 4 """' Drlrn ''" must -· SM00/1>4111 $5800. 642-7968 91/etJ/ 1 7 Liter .ng, AM/FM ·74 Super Bug, $2.800 or Ciutlt IOfO WANTED Boat 1llp In 559-9299. ••••••••••• .. ••• .. •••• off., 875-4775 SPIDER wtmda. cast. Bl~~ (AP""'•renc• best oiler •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt Beil lor 53' Hatter· --------1111 ilflP CU """ ,._ ~ 642 1485 31' JERSEY S/F. Twin Del. r" 844-0159 '81 YAMAHA 850 SPEC II Cl'f.tl 1115 5 Spd, Stereo, Mags. Group). $2760 . 4500 ml etlH ~ 11'""" ~TU PllltPt --------•• ••••••••••••••••••• Mint C dltt 2131381-9433 1171 YW S175+ per d•V· Sell thlnge last with Dally · ·-· """" Ready for workl (5795). 'll O&Pll 11200 on on 846-9549 Piiot went Ad• OBO Howerd 557-9609 OILY l""lll 1111 lml 1ACP577 '70 911E TARGA S6ii5 CHYHTllU WHAT'S NEW FOR BOATS The Daily Pilot will publish boat picture ads starting Friday, August 6th -we'll even take a picture of your boat for your ad. You can't beat the price, if we take the picture, your ad will only cost you $45 -if you provide the picture. your ad will cost $40. SAMPLE AO For more lnformatlon and to aohedule your ad, please call 842-5618 and Uk for Cha8alfted Advetttlfng. . •77 S 1 ~ Top dollar• for Spon1 Oependebt.. 875-6828 $ 549 5 OBO/tr1da Must Mil uzuk PE260. low ml, C A.~ C 496_8313. 831_2750 Bra and ,llMIFM casset· good cond, runs grMI, HW&ll tltnrtlet trl, ~w•· ampets, '74 Capri 4 epd 4 cyl gaa te Thia on. looks brand 1750. Br.-t. Oove/Ouell Sii 9l4'•· Audi'• sav .... $1560. ' · n-r (36891 875-19781873-7088 NEWPORT BEACH Aek tor U/C MGR 840-5949 '78 FIAT 124 000 ml eoppet tnrl SHOWROOI R BUMPER RACK UMHI JIM 11&11111 '79 Capri. foeded with SPIDER mag wtit1, crulM cont. EA DY! '°' motorcycte °' trell 75 GMC. JlmrnV-4'0UQh YILllW&ID xtru, good cones. Mutt S R AMtFM cue radio, nu ,,.. IURIU blk•. l60. 64&-2335 country .......... elorl a 18711 e..dl Blvd. Miii ~95. S.8-4748 ah 5 pd Bright ed. '"" & brk• 17900 YILllWAln __.. HUNTINGTON BEACH 5. Stereo. Mags. Rack, 844-2957 8e11 Moto 111 ~ Biii lltrt r.., epring• Bendit VfJfY Sharp Car. N.-N 18711 B .. ch Blvd Walt.,. riding pente, rtma1 tit• P/tkM 4X4, UJ.Jtll -,,,-,,.-.----,-1.-lf-I Tires •1296 8netp '79 911SC, blecl< Huntington S.ach SIOO both. ~2335 Cepee roof nldl, CB/8 WAITED! •••••1·,·;:.·· .. ··;;;,;:•••• on tMeck. ~. to ml 142·2000 '79 KAW"'"""I 1(2•"" ~~.;....,,.new HoloY .... ~...!>.: -·-$ 5 9 9 5 .,, .. , ~ s8~~·5001-1 855-9991 Of --------c cond "'°M""uST sa"""'L ..,...,., ..... ,...... Lat• model Toyota. MD lllPIJ • .. ...-"' '80 Del vw Rabb•t Dill 4 . . 552-9082 Volvol Ptc:lc•-& Vane J.01 'OUI • POfle:M Tat~ rMt ""au dr, a.m/lm C&la. 5 epd ecnfloe 1700. 873-7925 --------Call 't"'"-'..,... · AutC>m8tle: tr-.. T ·Top NUT MAUA. ..... ... -.• ., . v• AIC. eux tank 15500, '80 Chevy Blez.w, SllYe-ue .._,. a. IO*"<ll ~938) It'• a '75 F1·r 128Sl ..... """"" -750-t334 '78 YAMAHA Yl.80 good lldo _.,wt. ... " " 875-9909 CdM condition 1295. Pmte r . ,...., t, .._,, euto, mecho CM SPOR '"' n ' party. eeo-1ee2 ~ ::::'. ;_~,,.ft.. OILY 112111 T COWE ""•.. ... LOADED '78 Poreche 911 101AMllP~I --..... ...___1....,. 4 I p d , A M I ff M fAClml SC 8es1 of ev~hlng 11: ·79 Suzuki GS750E. Kint w/10,000 rnl. :y 84.000. -....,..,.... Ster90. Megnlfloent Pristine cond S.8-228f Gtt ready for eumm41r cond. ontv 2300 mltet. $9000/ofr. 493--320 1 tu HwMr ... C><Mt/Quell St1. Condition. (579NPF). "H MIO IT. CIS!Uu.t ~UUI days or 968.-3187 ev1 tun I Thlt one h.. an 12500 080. 891 ... 731 ·79 Chw<* .. Chi.f, auto, C. .... Ntte NEWPORT BEACH $ --------1 wknde. AM /FM 1t.,te & ,_ ·so KAWASAKI 100 quid, AC. AM/FM. trtr ~ .... noJ • .. .,,.., ' ....... 19 9 5 1110 IUD& i-.-.-.-,-.-11----,-fS-5 mil•• Ct.ant (317SZG). itrMV trail, xlnt. oniv peck 12950 409-3188 WI llY Ul OllPI ...................... $1115 1200 rnl .... MUST SAC-·44 lnternatlonel Scout. USED CA"'S • T"'' ir""' '78 FIAT 128 Thi• one h'• everything IEW illM IUlllO RIFICE l400 obo Roet 1700 or b41at offer. n "' ""vn<> lncludlng • 5 epeed , 846-3197 841•1278. COME IN OR CALL FOR 2 DR. SEDAN trans., air oond. a eun-12 lt ... lt LI lat YILllWAIEI FIU &PPUllAl roott (071ZEB). M1ny to cilOOM from. 18711 Buch BIVd 1~:.n.~~ C:S:..t~~: f11tl1 1560 Cotmt.r.DelJllO 4 •Pd • RI d IO l 11411 tmmecllal• Oellvery Huntington 8"ch ....., .. ~. ,,,792 •••••••••••••••••••••• • __ ... -Heater, 1 owner u• .. ,.,_ 11•11 U2·HOO .-. .....,... · :a.a cn.v ~ton 1!'\IOI, 10· _ .... ._, Te rrlflo rnll••o• -....... • '78 SllMI 260R.M Excell. Alukan ca~. A· 1 ~~~~!:fr'a:~ :~g.i #8-409. YILllWAIU wE;:_~~~ ~;2!'s1 '11 MlmnlU COnd, MOO or Mii. P.P. condition. 3-wey trtdoe & Ul..eoll, Ul-IHl $2295 t8711 Beect1 Bl'lld. .-1 _1-.-... •, Sup..-a.tie. black w 979-7351 many extrll S2Mcl. Huntington BMdl .,..... _. gOld trim, xlnt cond. A• MONDA MR50 •-8-13_-_e1_1_8_____ Top Dolar 1'2·2111 :!t~211t>or3 ~:: ~r·~c· li1ng '9500. 642-1820 Ak• new, "425. '80 CHEVROLET HAL'· '71 FIAT a -842-8410 TON PICKUP. PIS, P/IS, 111111--12 1873 Mazda. 1 owl'l•r. -1111 -P 'd •-R'llEY SPORT p•rftot. 11500/oll•r ""'' "" .,., • ...,, "111 ~-3e7~1r... "4700. al HU 2+2 " P am . 5 4 o -7 1 9 o . 'II ..... It Lt Oar IOllMOI latllt 1111 FOf Y<Nf Cet1 Thie one hal en the loYS 2 DOOR 497-3157. llMJ ft .... p,.., 4 lpeed trene , AM/FM. ;.;;;"';;~!'=.••,;;;, FG~·~=· .... I -lnCtudlng • 5 r 4 IPd. M901. Stet9o. '75 Mucla Plclcup. runt flt: Sunroof, Buc:tlel j;';~~tt~ •x1'9 lhetl>I • 8. ~io.:r· 114n»Otee P.P. ~·~.,= '"7~i1 >· =:~n~ ~9db::::1~: ~;!;r :;:~~J:;18~: =t~,~~T~ s1•11 'It ......... 11 Cotta Mela 540-6890 • llW (323WQV). 12800 080. 581.;ee&T ~ ll'ront Wl'lell -11&1• RVfOt ~lnAug, =::'~ T~ ... = peld'"';:":;ys:'car 10~~. s2595 ~~ .. ~~!'.:! ~&t ::::M)t~ 18~~~. !l~ ~ ~~ s =or. enctewt ~~ er~ HuMJ~~ •74 FIAT 124 i:fJ: =-,,,:; Sllli HvnMl~~ tof ent"111M1er7t Pl'-:':..u~~ == .. • • ~T Cotft =-•~730, t1o-tt11 we·~o~:~J081 ·1:1 vw Poptop CMioer. poem tor locM l..llW Amt. 1 •I-..... :! ul!Ge. 8._ -·--·-new YalYe fOb, ~. WIN pay ,... rate end iiiii14-iiiii17iiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif 1392 TtlMiN Or. AS14.A ?t K.:A ;;;;; 'Te 290 Sedtn, wtlt mt --• 048-2S.t. GUif cond of unit. Huntlncrton hid! o.r'ltd ._.. -b1U Int., VERY, ¥9'}' •t.lllP/tlUILT 1-. ------151-1008 '71 l'«d Courter w/INI VOi.i .... the wlftnet of ............ -C!Mn, nu '*"-' IN, 2624 H•bor IMI., C.M. 71 vw eve. "" enotc ' •19 Titan Deluxe 22' & tflr 11111Gh. >Clnt OOfWI. 1" ,.... ._ (111.00) ope. (U14ffl, "*"· xlnt. Mule 19M. 6'M02S 84&-7710 :2foo~ '°!" .... ~ -; SIOt 5, l400hllk + 20t 30,000 ml.13IOO Ot belt .'881 llurbor Hiid Yelue to the s 1995 fl: taa-0823, WW •a11. •-ffll 49'-t715 rnl. 061 ... 22, ....._.122, of*. IMt-5'00 l'1'?'la ~f4·~u ~ O;IJO AIHGUHG I ROS. o..1312 Mk lot 9111. -::-;n.-;:1:.-. •••••••••• 1-------- 842.eec>e BARNUM' I M.BY ·11 '°°° dWk Dfliel blUe •1 DE•L£R IN US A ·eo vw v"""°" '-\l9r"I 1911 Travco °"' Mtr· '73 O'*Y OrttWCllll tf'Uelk, HIOf*t ca1t1 lmmecllet4ltt -MD MANY MOl£l '"'· ~ MOttflqe. ow. " · · · cteen, ti.OM rn1. onnoe llOIM 29ft 1"'" bedt "~1 vt1.Mllo, new pelrtt, tor ~ ""'°"' Do-An~ ~lclfl ............. Ill .-i 7'H-tn1 & «Min. /.C, ,.._, ,.., b.1h, 'r• 1 dMfi 10w' ""cont'd ~. mwtfo or f~. ~ ~.· s. tt .,,. & ..._. ._,Rell , t11Pe-aaaoo. MWMO ~L .-.o, ca...._..... m, '·mt ooM. NtH .• _ .. _1_.e_m_..-......;...___ Lone IWfi Aw 11111 c.1. ':or::'.-. "'°'J..~ 114' '73 THING.,.._ oonv._,, ND.000. , ... ,. __ ._tt_n ____ -t .a:.. ,..... ~ta-a . 11tar•11 .... ~•~CINfUI New wlndOWI, ·11 Eftf.. '711<&Celftlno ll4*"9P«I _,.,'I ,_.....atl To tlllltt .,_. Oii ........ _ .. , .. lf 'Fl .,,., .._ ...-~~11 .. 1.....,. AMlfM, XUfT COfld 71 l'11et Attfl/lll II ft.~ vw. fll/8. fll/11, AIO, ~::;; ••• ~............... Ma-"78. -. 271.,... -...: ,.._.. ...,., to-CU>SIO SUNOA.n ,_120-__ ,"-'--...-...-...; MOO ml. loldld. '·'· NOOO *' ol\P .... ,a.6 ,._« .,.., w ""* i. ....... MllOO ~. "'"'°°'· . ...._ ..... -·--1 .. •-N7~. · ••••••••••••••••tl'e•.-:: tor ,_......... .. CIOf'Ct. 13t.OOO. ~ ";ii..;:" ;_-_. 117• f.iJ/11 .IOOOLre'-WI Offtoe ~ IO ........ ~·-· ~ .... -•..,•• ... .... ... ..--·-ti .,..._: •..._• ""-' NJ. ......._ "ff Ya ..-1.:o lClrll 11741AAa.49"M,ttllll ""-..,._.,,.,_.., /#IN n' ' .......... nut ... ......... OOod 'ii vw 0..... -..: ~= ""''!! ... ...-... -,..--.. -... -................ ::,·~ .. "' :-fJM ......... :1:~1.=:Clll ' ' . . ... ,. """· ·····~1· ·'~· ........... ~.'l~ •• ~tft ........... ~.~~~.qtff ........... ~ ... t~~.q~ .•......•.... llt~· .. ~! ............ ~ ... ~ .. ,!~ ........... ~ ... t~.,~ .•..•...•.• P>JllJrtrM ••••• tm ~ ........... m f Mti\tW........ ~MJ •••••••• 11.fl "'111tr ••••••••• Mf1• f l!'At ........... 11.ff ~ .. ~ .. r!1f. IHMrH!! ...... 11.ff t/IJf ....... : .... IMl 9111 " 'M 8'11· """ .... !*! 'f1 <*"'tY Ltd. Mlflt 'IO MOfifTI CAN.O ...... Alf °""· 4 elf, 117' •Wtti ·~ ~-~'3:or 1111~tl..~ M•' "" ~ lilt ... lllU &/I .... IM· Pftt, ~. ~1t*' eon41. f\AllJ:o low fN. * lmf.-.&. * run1 900d, N, oond. AutONtlo lrw.. air t>tlll• • 11900• utA MtOo MZ-'Tl• ll'fUll IWfll• MCK · 11110 A.,... tfllNl'l'llUIO. .... =·" obO. tt:.11 *· ~o:'""~ru..:m ..... pfl M Y· 17 ~ZAii~ ..., clMnl IM-41" . Ml'ni ooncmion . ......, IUWl'l lllfll •at-1~ AMm-e end O.l .'redloa; . 1n.:.r. .;. mtinY • NIW OMwy INGINl lt7. NLY llllll llTATI IALI 4 "' •11 Merewv 1"' 2 ctr oou-Loededl lconoirnlMI c1i. ·n ale~ WllO 'Into, (OOtMll). •a VW a...... Xlnt '71 llleoal OcK!pe, Mtto, polntmenta 2-tlott ~ wfSIO tur• Ood,... ,_.,.,;,.at w/Nll pe 11200 Of oft9t ... powwl HllllCleolM IOW mhl. '"*'· 11260 11111 OOftd, ~ tMtot. AM/~ .iweo, llt, M · t>o trane & thlft k" 11. ..... _.,,.,,...., Id 14a-40lO cart (MIYJI!). oeo nt-1hJ M... UIO/blt off, Al ... M r,'J>iu 1414631• ~l'M'8:".o..:"' '::'o' ~ .. ~~:~ft'::· on 1110 OllmTlt ~· ~k :'1A~ ,'g; #.,tu• JllJ llLY 141111 i---'1-.-,.--,-.--ftl.llWIMI '71 VW "it QOIW., ~ (1IH41471 Jutt need r• ' ' Automatlo tran1., air deua1t1. WlcdYt onty 1·3 ....... r.............. HWlll.....,.... OILU>CI MOOIL 4 wlbltletc lnt.1 . 1m1on.o. tt,,41.11-•If liable Plf't.Y. to m11t1 cond. & "aye appeal"! pm. 719·4312 ·e a Muetano. o cy1, PS. Dove/Quall Ste. IPMCI 13200 17 o0o m1 11711 haot\ llvd. MUIT llLL. Ml·M1S tm•m ......... ,..~. 111'1911 monlllly pmtl. No (11811007) '71 Ood Colt ood AT. to ml, xlnt oond NIWPOFIT llACH 902.2730 . • • HunMI'°" IMotl '71 vw IUG OonYlttlbta. ..,.IPL&,.. old oontract• to wwne, OIL' 11 J,4111 cond MrST SELL gM(). 12500 OBO 840-514• 111-1111 II I "" •1111 Y .. loW w/bltlctl Int. lmUlt ro beGk~•·:r..:: VINO 12500 obo '&e Mueteng oonv New ,.f!P.! ............ .. •07 Oti1 lug, MW tlfel, lalOO 080. lvM. We ~ In ...... 5C:..100I Proto LIM • 1111 •YIJTll 845-~ brlk•. MW clutch l '79 Cvtlue 8\lp lrOUQ· '11 Votare Ste W9n, AT, new '*" runa grMI ltS-5970 tor the bUall*le exeou-· 'II 010 •YI Loaded wtth opttont. 4 r.., View mlmw Xlnt hem Del. io.ded, 14350. PS, AC. VI 311 11H5. , 545-~1M. '72 SQUAAEIACI<: C1Mn, tM l prot.ulonal. 1HI ~ IPMCI tran1. & t>Mutlfult ltd IHI oond. '4000. Anehelm PP 720-HIM. S.U-oto5 11200 700-1940 573-1714 rune W911. l2000. Llrlt 1111..... ....th•._ I Ir. UlllTIP (iCBU427) ....................... Htlll. (71 41974-315& ·ao Old'• ea Royate, pie, tli•lt1i/IJ Htl bladt on I>**. (111421). 71 4/MO-OOll lfltw 1MI Thia one hM • 4 IPMCl 8 Cy1, auto, Vwy clMn, 1 llLY 111,1111 ~~Rf:!":': :C~ 'H Mach 1351. auto, P/8. p/b, p/w, alt, ate. c/c. •••;•••••••••••••.••••• OrMt tran9'1«taUon for '70 vw ....... eunroot. runt l1M111 trane .. & 11 extr1 clean• o w n • r o a r ' n I o e seao: 494-3211 ' . P/B, AIC, Tit wttt, fOld· am/Im, auperb cond 11 Thl4ttMr4 12111 ..,.. ltw II ltMll 8~ eoonomlcal' lnvMtment. CS8MI04). MW&ll 1,tYrtltt dwn t>eck ... t. v~ llMIOO. 851-3199 dtyt, Good cond. Mike offer WEEKEND ONLY • ... 1mo.c1Mn. 414-M76 N~~ (0 7WCA). 11111 ~Ou•ll llt. ·1~ .. ·"!~kd. ~ml, "tiood .. cleanft. 12000. &42·055 e&l-7379 ...,... 751-2770 --••-IJlll NEWPORT BEACH ......... """' " « nu r ' a "'· ·-· .. -· '72 vw PllMI lklt. nu A/C, AM /FM cue .. -= ...... ===-=== 10711 8MCh 81Yd. tltM, rblt eng. C1Mn In/ (' M .... Ill..... I 1000/ beet oft« Huni41ton 8Motl out. $3100. 54M221: "' "' J wtlllWllll lilt_ .. .,. 85t-0740 • .-845-3956 2600 Hubot Blvd. 11711 ., __ _.. ...... _ ... ._, i---------i .... Coua Meu ~40·9100 _., _... •• T TIP ·ea Ford Ratlch«o. clu- 1.lt -71 VW eonv.rt. Hlgheet Hunt!nqton 8Mctl ana • 1lo, 4 IC>d. very clean . • .;" bid Good condition. Ml·IOOO Automatic trane .. AM/ Mull -1 Many xtru. ... 175-7737 ·eo EldCKMSO, 2eK ml, Ill FM, air cond. l cocoa 12000 OBO. 545-9&08 Thia one hu a lrMh en· e111ru. ldnl cond. '73 Monte Carto. xlnt brOWll exterlCK. (171Ntn. •"••· 895-2180 days. glne. tunroof, AM/FM VW Rabbit OIMel engine, 111,000/080 . 845-751M1 cond, ctHn body lntlde C..tl•t•lal Hll JlllO and low milM. (200XXP). Ilk• new 11200. & out. recently rebuilt •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Ma•IH 1981 Elcort. I owner, 17, .I.II 575•9909 C<IM. Tll WlllT engine 11000 S59-14e1 Lincoln Continental • -GOO ml, runt perf9C1. 44 . . . * Tll 1A11 * YIUIWAlll mpg, mu11 Nit. ~ M 1111M '7~,~~"iM~Fc:.-~ IELlmll 79 Monte C.,to, lftYer/ Long llai.d u the ult~ 18711 8Mch Blvd. IM5-3593wkdyabel2PM YkllWAIU Mii 12700/ofr. 546-4135 ot lat• model, low mllM· blue Int.nor. air. VI. lo-mate In !*tonal lu•uty. Huntington 8Mch '80 Ford Ranch«o. new 8 ••1 ...,,... ~ CadiU.C. In South«n cal 15K mllet. 15700. R ... ht now. llw model• ••2·2000 reblt • """· ~--•AIU\. I 711 8Mlctl Blvd. or '" .._ •Nt~-1-I .,_ U1 todayt 84M211 'V -u w>' .._, ~ --·-._. · are avallatlle. poulbly 548-9273, 775-8899 HunOnglon 8Mctl '72 A.cl Convwt Bug. rblt 01111 one for youl Jull need RIT SILL Ml·HIO eng. 13900. Call OUILLIG EL CAMINO "ti&" rell1ble ~rty to make my epotlnl •81 4 IP<! £i•ff/• IHI e73-4351 or 873-4'31. New Engine 11.1100 1mall monthly pm11. No Vette. White, red leath •. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll 11,.r lfftft 0.H •. 77 vw BUS. Clean, many 2800 Hart>ot l!Slvd. &4G-1909 after •p:n· old contr11011 to MtYl'M. All goodl••· 540..0737 74 Mark tv 75.000 mli.t, 1 owner. Beaut. cond. t l5700/bMt t COSTA MESA No beck pmt1. due. Alk MS-68e5 !ult ~. new tlr•. Maint record• Won't ex ru. 0 '· 140•1111 for RoM 842~. gold met vinyl top. Im· tall Muet _,A 1tMl •I =~~r=2 emlfm. <714> 116,~~c~.!.. ~ 556-1008 Proto LIM. ·ea corvette, rare 427 mec cond. S3500. S44!50. 837·2753 • Ult t lrg ..n, P/W, P/L, 1982 Llncol Cont """-Tri-~ Big money In 875-5974 '71 lllTUI 1111 OOIPE 1 owner • Mint Cond. 4 •pd. Fll010fY Air, FaclOfY Moonrool , Stere o , Factory a lloy1, P/1tr, Wine velour Interior, only 75K, #5883. lnlTlllOU 12111 DICK MILLER MO TOR S ; /11 'If 1"1 0111~1 Av• )Jnl.1 A11J ~'•; • l I.' --------·e1 Bug. 1211. radial tlr•, '11 llYIUI Am/Ft.A Ster. A/C, Low n · -v-car A reel 1>eau1yt 1---------1 1500cx: eng, dual C#be. 59K ml, ~ aunroot MIM. $11500. Celt Ken neture S.IM L~. Sec $7900 # IHO 01' ~ HI I NABERS C:ADILl .. AC catm Int, 1 piece win-SCl595. 640-8472 Donahue, 979-4200 120,000 559-4221 213/944-5810 •• ~~~~•••••••••••••• ••• ! ....... ! .......... . CLEARANCE SALE! dowa, Sl800 or bet otr ... 1 Con ·ea Plymouth S350 See 11 ..... ~-5~38 "" E Dorado vertlble, CM\ly ·es Impala. Mint CHnttt 1111 '77 lmmac cond Lo1ded. 8: . ._ . tan fire ml11. S9000/bll --... n....1n-• -. • ••••••• • • • •• ••• •••••• Dual reer -~·"er with •t 3 20 w. 5th, Sante Oltlns lft~ I Pp 4.,4 ••• ,, ....,.,. ""''V ., v-·~ ...,.._.. Ane 8.30 to Spm. Mon 71 Bug, r~t w/recelpll, or. · • ._.._ S 11195. 840-5324. ·7e Veit•. Loaded. Orlgl-equalizer Cu1tom thru Sat CrulM, Tilt. P . P/L, new redlala, cua. Xtnt 'ti& Cadlllec Cpe O.Vtlt• nal Owner. Low mlteaoe. wh .. la. s12.ooo. · A/C Ta~ Am/Fm II• $2050. 5&1-3982 AC AM/FM 1tereo ~ ·es Corvalr, need1 worlc. xlnt cond. 18295. 644-95e2 reo. Wire w11ee11, tow •78 Sclrocco, xlnt running, tff.;., xlnt running Cofld. bell olf:,.~~;:e ~6-7107 '73 COUGAR XR7. Lo mllel. 18750 Call Ken tu~. t ... M , comfort '""50. 542-3289 '80 CHEVETIE Bronze C••••t 1133 mileage, AIC AM/FM Donahue, 979-4200 • -" ... • • •" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Xlnl traneportatlon car. $3900 0 80. 491S-M85 ·77 s.vttte. xJnt cond. pp 1978 Chev. Caprice, 28, 4-dr Air. auto. tllt·wtll. 79 Cofwlte, alt pwr, xtraa. S1800 845-0HO, t972 Cuttue Otdemoblte, MUST SELU ·aa vw Sa-17900. 000 ml. $3800. 859-1845 A-1 cond Mutt -· 350 euto. ,_ ltrM. 751-053e good condition 1979 CADILLAC fart But. Slide rt, nw 642-6410 after 8Pm & wttnd1. 545-295t, 535-NIO custom wttll. 841-4913 842-9499 pa.Int, llflil. trans ....... '77 Fltwd B m low ml ILDOIADO COUPI uree, 496-25&1, pe,f cond 'tMther aii (260XSO) 544-9539. xtfu. te2501b1t ' otr. $11 995 '81 SClrocco "S". lmrnac 542-3555. , In/out. 19750, 720-07321-.11-5-Cou--pe-de_V_llle-.-com--p 1979 MHCIDIS llNZ 300D "SUNIOOf" (735WDO) $17,495 8Yet, or 645-27 43 Over1'ltli.ll, •11 .1ma 1900. e:s1.321e Sunroof, wNI, arn/fm Culan 1111 eaaa. xtnt cond • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $7500/bo 84>8272 Chevrolet • UllUt LIYDS • '80 VW Rabbit. convert, 11 you really love C.. wttlte. 111,000 mt. air. maroe, glv. me 1 call. 1 S94oo. c.i1 875-2740 have a bunch. lncludtog fully loaded BERLINE"f· OBD AU!ROBIZID S!OC ••BIDUC!IOR SALi~ 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI (6!MXZT) $8995 1911 CADILLAC SIVILLI "fACTOaY 2·TONI" (689179) s16,995 VtJN 1111 TAS, TYPE LT and •••••••••••••••••••••• z2a·a. Just need retl1bte # 1 YtlYe • ..., party to make llNll 11 lrMct OtHtJt monthty pmi.. No old contract• to at1Ume No ••• ir• lllYIOI bedl pmll due. Alk tor _., ROM 842-«00, m I ft'W 556-1008 Proto LIM. OVERSEAS DELIVER'\' EXPERTS 1n2~ UllAllUtl Ulll .. Loaded lndudlna a 4 ..... tpeed "-· fhrlltlnQ 195& Httbof Btvd cwt (1817). Only 3,000 COST A MESA mileel 1911 CADILLAC 141-Ull Ml-Mil llLY 112,Hll fLHTWOOD UOUGHAM COUPI '77 Volvo 24'DL Exotl ...... " .... "ASTIOIOOF" cond. New tlr• 13900· N=~~~H (1CRR592) 7141700-1393 W 1111 ·ea votvo 122s. lCJnt cond. --------S} 4,995 s11so. en-0320 1111 lm1llUT .... 1911 CADILLAC SEDAN DIVILLI D'ILIGANCI O DFH731) s12,995 ·ea S..tte, auto ltlclc. r.w Automeuc tnll'llml9elon pM!t, cteM. runa good. and an AM/FM CMMtte. _1_2_100 __ 5-4().._953_7_. __ ~ (809914). A11e1 II-' ••••• l •••••••••••••••• AllC IHI ..•................•.. '82 AMC Eegle SX4 Only 1980 CADILLAC 2300 mttea_ s ..... OvtW $3,000. P9 546-4629 14111 ...... ........ 18711 Beadl Blvd. Huntlf191on Beadl M2·2MI ILDOIADO COUPI lu t Hll (602277) ••• ! •................. CA,,.,,.,., Hll $12,995 SH II ••• ii.fi·i-Fiiiii .. '°' the largeet and beet We hav. a gOOd ..i.e. Nlectlon of ,_ and tlon of NEW & USED uMd Buk:tlt In Orenge Chevrolet1t Offer Gol'ld Thru Monday, 7-26-82 NABERS C:ADILl .. 1\C 2900 HARBOFI BLVO. COSTA MESA 540-1860 ~ •1 •0r_,,c.-, 2925 Harbof Blvd. COSTA MESA 179-2101 COMMCL:. CHEVROLET ""'"-'"I•,·. •· ": . ~ ~ SU-1200 '79 Capnce ClaMk: St• tlon Wagon, 9 peu. low mllMQe, xtnt COnd. S6260. 780-3227 HUNTING? Before you buy, compare ow savin1s, selections & service. THESE VEHICLES AYAILABU FOR INSPECTION AT THEODORE ROBINS FORD THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY -JULY 23, 24,25 & 26. FORD MOTOR CREDn FINANCIH OR FORD COMPANY RED CARPn LEASINI AYAILAIU. CREDIT UNION IUYERS AllD DEALERS WELCOME! MOOIL '11 DCOIT 4 OOOI '11aallTcu4111. 'll DCOIT CU IAQOll '11 Dall f 1 OOOI 'll DCOIT l IMCll 'llDCOIT Cl. IMCC* '11 DCOIT l 4 Dl. '11 DCCal cu • Dl '11 DCOIT l1 Dl '12 Dalil • 4 • '11 OP IPOIT cml '12 OP IPOIT CWl '12 OP IPOIT call '12 OP IPOIT CO.. 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An1.ico • • • Leads revolution in art It took four yean to finish and there are about 10 paintings underneath artist David Amico'• creation "Pyrrhic Vidory" which the Newport Harbor Art Museum recently purchased. "I liked it because it was a painting of diacovery, and becaUle he (Amico) went back to it agabi and ap1n. it has an interesting his10ry," said Paul Schimmel, curator" of exhibitions at the museum. Thirty of Amico'• oil on canvas works are on exhibition through Sept. 5 at the Newport Harbor · Art Museum. In his first one-~rson museum exhibition. "David Amico: Sonata,' the 31-year-old, Los Angeles artist displays the vibrant, exprasionistic palntinas that critb believe make him a leader ln the revolution toward penonalli.ed imagery in art. · The aoft spoken Amlco balks at his role ln this . international rebirth of highly ~ttii.ed technique. . "I really don't see that u being a revolution," be said. 1'1 am tryinf to reach out and say • 1 ~' • 1de-al11Uca>l~. that ~f»le •te thtl\klnJ. ~ne 1; 1 •·h •'*'"1naa were·m~ to .&~ people cbokef." . By PAMELA STEINBIEDE Of the Dally Pilot Statf In "Pyuhic Victory" Amico portrays contemflation of the great 10999 .Wfered for the sake o victory. referring to the defeat of the Romans in..179 B.C~hy Pyn:hul.. one Qt the ,reatat generals of Hellenistic ti.mes. A young man pensively ttues while tn deep , . thought. a city skyline looms in the background, a tree branch and leaves bend from the .left to atop the canvas, and in the fore.ll'OUnd of the man's head and the skyline, white anc:f ar-Y dovee are featured. Amico, who frequently uaes a loaded brush, at one time painted out the drippings from the doves' wings. But "to make the painting more dramatic," he repainted that aspect back in for the Clpal product, ' Most of hia paintings deal with the eve,yday experiences of humans and man's relatlonahi.. . , •with 1the,. en~l The th-"* ~: ll!c>lil-. ~ \; Sile Amioo, PaAe 2 ' • •: ·-. •. •,• ·" . t Indian artist-'just push paint around' By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of &tie Dally Pllo' Slaff i John Nieto, an artist of M_..Jero Apeche c detcent, bu aome simplistic approachee to hfa ~ Indian paintinp that sell for thouaanda of dollM'I. 1 "l just ~ paint around. ~ "I don t consciously paint in Intellectual ~ """"~·~0~t do the paintings and then try to figure 0: out why I did them." Be that aa lt may one thing la certain -Nieto'• painttnp are the aort that "grow" on ~viewer. Why la difficult to explain. Perhaps It ii the vivid colon. Or ma)1be the si.mplildc•yet dynmNc method in which the subject matter la _po PlM For example, a huge canvas entitled .. Buffalo Confrontation," featurea a buffalo in the foreground, allghtly left of oenter. But thia buffalo has a red noee and~ and purpJee In his I.ace. The figure t. outlined' with • broad stroke of oranae and purple p.in~ am.i -if Nieto intended to give It a car1oon1ab quality. •'l aot a --of urgency, came back to the The.painting, ooe.of.many currently-..onAisplay states"""~ then New Mexico) met-started · at Galeia Capistrano In San Jum CapUtnno. .ells palntinc Jika c:nzy:• he aid.. "I haven't been able to for $5,600. It hM • ·~" appML_ alow doWft.=-..t ._ -ocmmttted tO maiiq my 'Mmt of the peln~ aJona with pen and lnk mark." aketchea, pute)a. lllbc:reem, atone li1bol ed bronze A trip -.t&b Ma ~ to a oaeanonJ.al sculpture, focus on the Indian, a -..b)lc:t molt dance hoobd Nt.to on choclllin8 the ~ • hrDIJlv to the lil'd8t. llUbjlet. IMtW. Tbe Ind!-. la a tapk: that took !ifieto, who at t6 NJ haw lived around the l.nd1an. I came to can be cxmldend • prolific artist. a kmg Ume to iblnk' t eould c,,uae a valid work," be aaid. realize .. hia for1e,_ ---4ilmy of • Pifhlfnaii depkt tfii liidJan In He FeW up with the Jnd•am in hla native / Cl!ft'l•W\lal drw. wearing brtaht-colored doChes. Rclwell. N.M. And 9UD llV9 amaac them -his The bold cob's brint &}amour to Amerb'a nad\le home 18 blab oo • mountain outlkte Santa Fe. people. And altbouah 'NJelio .tmttted. during a Yllil to "I've dua bllCk Into the put and aen - the pUery, that be DeYer want.d to do an)'thlnl wli$tJ ln the human anlmal 1l you w111. eome tOaa1 = ~ ~2.;,,'f:t='t! =~.. ~~ =~-tbemm -the DtberWr al Be WM atudylnC at ti. LiauvN: water, Mnctnc for nm. llvinl tMnb for Fod '-rbe petnUnp ot them ••-re~ Jaree crops. IC8Je they talked to -. TbaJ .._tbed, tbl7 wwe "Whim YG'l reabl biltoricaUy that man hM alive." ..lid Nieto -bll hair ta• ..... pany 1llll that 1pmt men mmey IDd emro dmldnc ways ot trailed from a bbdt bat.: ldillna off bum.m tb-.:a co ~ ellle, I llb to ''When I went to hitil llW mc!l'al! al~ put eome value oo ~ tbfnp. .. - ,and the blc dU. to reaWne who 1 WM. He dtel •an ....,.. belni dwikfu1 foe rain "I WM ._,nuct wttb ibe dlid~ cl« the thatmabltheoompow. •ic.omthat,W.phymbl mMten and wtiat • human ~ cma a II bi.. nOurilbmlDt. his mind to h. · M"bat'a VflJty t.k: but heavy -lt'a u natural ~ ii .Ph>m Pagel u a sneeze," u.ld Nieto, hla brown eyes starring atratabt ahmd. ODLof the JnOSt dramatic pelntinp at the p1Jery la ""Gtr~ Talk." Two Indian women, di m e d In bri,gbt colon. chat u one alta under a mulUcoJored umbrella. Nieto hM Jeff the acrylic.paint GO c:ne womm'a lldn drip and there 18 a drip ol purple and .-.i paint at one llde of the UkDbnUa. _ _ Nlito includes the moon In many of bis wCX'ka. bellevln& that celsdal body '"lmk. ua aware of · aometbing patel' than ounelv•. Something .prttual..'' And he UIUallypu~ a face en the moon to tndJcate hapPnal, .. .-dnell--~ - A lilka:aeen of a Indian nmnlnC bu a moon wtth twdfalo boml In the upper rtpt. The borm, Nieto aid. indicate powe!'. ~=:t=s:lnk~bsi · "And when the future ua, Jet them ay 'they were • m1Q1c peop» In thll ordinary place'.'' The exhfbU la at the pllery, 11881 Camino Capistrano, acroH from Muaion San Juan Cap.trano. throuch July 31. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 1hrouab Saturdays. conflict, c ontemplation, and aggre.aion are studied by Amico. aourcea foe hJ.t images. For example, the doves In "Pyrrhic Victory'' were or1glnally card1nala Clll • Chrlstmaa card. A black-.and-white comic book llluatration waa the source for "Crowd." "I think I have ha,d more experience at different levels ln IOdety than Dl09t people," said Amico, who al.lo ia emt>loyecl u a computer prqp-ammer. In ° Aplnst Medical Advice" the man -Amico poriraya hJ.t own lmqe In levera1 painttnp -la examinJ.na h&a pertOnal history but wants tO dhgulae 1he tact that he h "caJculatlna bia way through life," aoootd1na to Amico. Critic.I have compared Amico'• art to the melancholy and romance of French painter Paul Gauguin and German Landlcape painter, Casper David Friedrich. ''I think we should wait about 80 year.," Amico quJetl)' commented about the suggested s-raJJel. Amico spent bia earTy Ure In Whittler and araduated from Califcmla State Univ~ Ji\al1er'toD In 1973. He also a Hunter Collea-In New York In 1974 and 197&. -------------------\( At th• Movie• )1-------------------! --------------2 . . . what H·s really made is a 1980s version of those 'Beach Blanket Bingo' movies of the 1960s. In the world according to Randal Kleiser, life would be a whole lot simpler and sweeter if everyone would just peel off their clothes and plunge into the nearest body of water. Film director Kleiser first popularized his skinny-dip phlloeophy in the 1980 box office hit. "The Blue Lagoon." In his latest release, "Summer Lovers," he takes things one step further: instead of Just two handsome teen-agers frollic~ in the buff · in a deserted rove, Kleiser now aims his camera al an entire Greek reeort island fulJ of similarly uninhibited young people. But rest assured. "Summer Lovers" is not some pae<.-c of sleazy pornography. Though Kleiser takes advan\age of modem sexual mores and relaxed screen nudity standards, what he'• really made is a 1980s version of tha11e "Beach Blanket Bingo" movies of the 1960&. "Summer Lovera" is just as entertaining -and as superficial -as any of Frankie and Annette'• surf.aide excursions. Peter Gallagber and Daryl Hannah star as Michael and Cathy, two affluent American college students vacationing on Santorini, an island that attracts hordes of young people who enjoy sleeping OD the beach, dancing in diacoe and, yes, sk.inny- cilpping. Soon enough. Michael finds hirnlelf intoxicated by the romantic atmosphere of the island and sneaks off to begin an affair withJJ.na. a beautiful •Ubum-haired French archaeologist portrayed by Valerie Quennesaen. The somewhat less liberated Cathy treks to the Woody's 'Sex Comedy' filled with smirks By BARRY EBERLING Of tbe Dally Pllot Stan With "A Midsununer Night's Sex Comedy," Woody Allen takes a step beckwards. Make th.at hall a step. After the weighty "Manhattan" and "Stardust Memories," Allen has returned to his comedic roots. But "Sex Comedy" is no broed farce like his earliest films; the gags an designed to produce a smirk rather than a belly-laugh. The plot is almost exactly what the Shakespearian-allu~ Otle suggests. Allen and his wife (Mary Steenburgen) live in what they claim is a magical forest. Unfortunately, their sex life la anything but magical They are joined for a weekend by two mismatched couples, played by Mia Farrow, Joee Ferrer, Julie Hagerty and Tony Roberts. What follows Is an airy romp as the six principals plot varioua rendezvous with the penon they !eel Is their correct lover. The problem ls that they're not very perceptive. But luckily, writer-director Allen ls. His 8Crlpt Is fast moving, diverUng. and full of 111\iJ"ka. The film la beauttlul to watch with Gordon Willlil' photo8faphy portraylna the forest as a lush ~· Allen's UM of Felix "Mmdelaohn'• mulk i1mltarly captures the ~ wh.lmdcal quality he'• aimina for. The. expecU.na a typical Allen film. from bia HriOUI or comeay period11 are apt to be dlaappolntecl. "Sex comedy" la neither Man Brothen nor Sartre. But It ls en&erta1.nin& on lta own t.enna. 'Summer Lovers, is a romp in the buff By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Or &be DaJly Piiot Staff Frenchwoman's home for a confrontation but instead finds herself enchanted with Lina, who is fleeing an unhappy romance and remains reluctant to start a new one. The three young people soon begin exploring the island together as friends. An awkward tension is soon broken when Cathy encourages Michael to divide his romantic attention between both women. Welcome to the 1980s, Frankie .... Thia lovable menage a t.rois may be Kleiser's male fantuy (he wrote the IC:l'ipt u well as directed). and the relationship aometimes seems too good to be true. But one of Kleiaer's akills ii to make us suspend our disbelief long enough to accept that outside a conventional social setting, such a three-way love afCair could be possible. In "The Blue Lagoon," Kleiser made it seem perfectly natural for a boy and a girl to grow up and learn about love without the aid -or interference -of oJd~ authority figures. In the similarly remote setting of "Summer Lovers," Klelser makes the three young people appear so natural together that when one woman leaves, the remaining lovers immediately seem incomplete. It should be pointed out that, despite the volatile subject matter. "Summer Lovers" has been made with a wide audience in mind. The swimsuit-free young people are photographed tactfuUy (lots of bare backs). and there is no explicit love-making on screen. Kleiaer even leaves out any suggestion that the two women are indulging in any bedroom anties with one another. All three young actors are easy on the eyes, although Valerie Quennessen la the only one who brings any depth to her portrayal. Kleiser's direction moves the film along briskly so that the audience has little lime to dwell on some of his matt awkward dialogue. Peter Gallagher and Daryl Hannah of "Summer Lovers" Like the beach party movies of ~ "Summer Lovers': doesn't give you much idea about what these young people will do when the summer ends and It's time to return to more conventional pursuits. Maybe it doesn't matter. Just make sure you shake the sand from your shoes bet~ leaving the theater. Your weekend starts here ... at Al's Garage Hete we feature 83" cotton. 17'i polyes'9r COfd pants wlltl eloshc waist tlOfTI Stubbles. SpeciQlly designed for the octhie lifestyle that lets you rTlOlle. Put It together w\lh one of our mony shat sleeve knits and you're set -~ ----- The C!l'lly l"M1 Oaw ii the end1rlC which II. ln a ~ dUmb. BUt~t on1 • lniDute. TI.,,. ...,...., • '1<JCI I I ., ~{f .ilft• t•,lllLoillltd..•o.iiol!z. . ~ ~ . ... ---~------~--~-------~=~---...... --------------~----------------..... ------~---~· -------------------..,,---- : ===================================~(Currently S~r••nlng )~-----------------= .- ri A LITTLE SEX: Rated R, stars Tim Matheson, N Kate Capshaw and ~ward Herrmann in the story -5' of a man who tries to be faithful but finds it hard. , The R ratihg is for adult situations. >. ., ~ ANNIE: Rated PG, s1ars Albert Finney, Carol LL Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the i popular musical. "'O i ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R, stars Burt ~ Lcvtcast.er as an aging, bottom-rung ex-gangster I who gets one Wt chance to make a big buck when ~ he happens upon a large amount of cocaine, and one ~ last chance at romance when he meets Susa.n- il:: Sarandon, a card dealer. Louis Malle directed this bit of whimsy. written by John Guare. It's fresh, funny, and alive. The R ratmg is for violence and adult situations. Movies now showing along Orange Coast AUTHOR, AUTHOR: Rated PG. stars Al Pacmo, Dyan Cannon. Tuesday Weld. Alan King, Bob Dishy, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. Pacino plays a playwright who suddenly -finds himself with a family of five children and no wife. It's rated PG because of mature language. BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated classic that first hit the big screen m 1942 This sentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for youngsters of today, just as it was years ago. f7Jou0t ~ ~la:fa r~ ~~to~lk 5itd ~ f7Jou0i ~cad ~e4/ta/U· B~ on f7J~~ $"'1; 2~ ~982 ~ ~0:00 a.'Wt. to ~:00 ft.wt. \ SOuth-Coast Plaza .Village Suntlc:Swer & Beat Street& Santa Ana. CA 9'Z704 • (714) 761~ BLADE R UNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos and Rutger Hauer Harrison is a police ''blade runner" in Los Angeles in 2019. His assignment is to hunt genetically engineered human replicants who bolt from slavery and cause problems. h's rated R for bloody v1olcn<.-e BODY HEAT: Rated R. starring William Hurt as a bungllng, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme fatale. This sexy, devious mystery Lakes place in a fictitious F1orictl town so hot that people in cafes order ioed teas two at a t.une. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage to film noir, the R rating comes from brief nudity, salty language and a general air of steaminess. See Currently, Page 7 POCI ERGEIS I 'I ROl.lER-COASTER • •. :' -i.--ci ..... .,, EHTEl'l'-HT 1t)fjQ(T ............. _ ifiZiii NOW PLAYING .....,. •c:esTa.... •MUWT• • .._ '9clloc"&.......,. 0.-lft Uw•• C:-. C.. foa 525 ,,., UA OIJ C-. lrt M~ 9!«141 LA..... 63A 391 I mA U TGIO SllO u ...._ WUT-1'lll ...... ltN flW1 EdwllOS S-. 0rM Ill Edw-C-WHI S21 5331 HI 5'IO 121 170I ltl lt35 •cen• .U l .... os c.n.m. 5AI 3101 ... Nie DrlflOl lilal 637 Ol•O •Wli!ii''!!'!iJ (••--ff-""!£!!_ i) Triumph "A mot'fe of soarla• flleasures t••t yoa ••,,e will aet'er end. Te be seea •••In anti •6•1a ... aad treas•refl." 6e.e S•aUt.. N•C·'l'., TH•Y SJt•w EX THEExTRA~RESTRJAL A ST'tV!N Sl'IEUUG fU.M E. T llfE !XTU. l"EllDnW. DU'&'.'UACI mucoron H!NU ~AS llUOTT MUSIC IY }Ofo. WIW.UIS WRITTEN IY MllUSIA MATHISON f'llODUCED IY S1JWN SPIELIDG a ICATHUIN ONN'IDY DmECTm IY STIVIN SPIEUllG A UN~ PIC1\/U , • ..,....,.......... .......... .,.., ~~ .... ~!· ~--~--~~D_l_v_•_r•_l_o_n_•~~-)~~- 0 What's happening along Orange Coast -PLAYS------ ''DEATH OF ASALESMAN,'' Arthur Miller's world-famous .drama. opens thia weekend for the Saddleback <:.ompany Theater on the stase of Seddlebeck College in Ml91ion Viejo. Performances are tonight, Saturday and Wect.ne.day through Saturday of next week at 8 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. Reservations 831-4656. "DICK WHITrINGTON AND ms AMAZING CAT." a production of the Fountain Valley C.ommunity Theater, ia on stage at Loe Amigos High School, Newhope and Heil in Fountain Valley. CUrtain is 7:30 p .. m. tonlgbt and Saturday and 2:30 Sunday. Re.ervationa 964-6392. "THE DRUNKARD," an old-fashioned melodrama, is the fare at the Weatminater Community 'nleeter, 7272 Maple St., Westminster. Perlonnanca ~ Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Aug. 7. Reeervatiom 99~113. "THE GAZEBO,.. a comedy about murder, opem tonight at the Huntinpm Beach Playbou.e, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the $eacUff Village ahoJ>Pb11 center. YerfOnnancel will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Aug. 28. Reaervatiom 847~. ''GIDBGE M,'' the atory of llhowman George M. Cohan. ii being pre.ented at Sebutian'a West Dinner PlayhoUle, 140 Ave. Pico, Sen Clemente. Showtime8 are Tueedaya throuih Thuradays at 8:15, FridaY11 and SaturdaY11 at 8:45 and Sundays at 1:30 and 7:46. Re.ervatiom 492-~. ''OKLAHOMA.'' ~nd Hammerstein's tint musk:al, a. pJaytns Aug. 22 at the Curtain Cd Dinner Theater, El Camino Real, Tustin. Performances are liven nightly except Mondays. Reeervatiooa 838-1540. . "PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM." Woody Allen'• comedy, opem t.migbt at the Patio Theater of Golden West Col1eae tn Huntinaton Beach. Curtain ia 8:16 klnlgbt, Saturday and July 30 and 31. Raervatiom 894-«nO. "PROMISF..S, PROMISES," Orange Coaat College'• aummer muaical. opens thia weekend for a nine-performance run in the CX::C auditorium, Costa Mesa. 'The ahow runs Thuradays through SaturdaY11 until Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. Reeervations 5~6527. "SUGAR," the musical pJay baaed on the movie "Some Like It Hot," ia being served up at the Har)equln Dlnne:r PlayboUle, 8603 s. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The show rum nlahtly except Monday at varying curtain times through Sept. 6. llelervaUom 979~5511 . •:'I'HORNHJLL," the world pttlJliere of a new play, oonUnues at the l4una MO\llton PJayhou., 606 Laguna Canyon !load, Laguna Beach. Perfonnanoee are-Wect.ne.daY11 through Saturda,ya until Aue. 14. Reeervatiom 49f..0?43. -ART------ WORKS OF YOZO HAMAGUCHI. Rene Magritte, Pablo Picamo and Odib1 Redoo are at Vorpal Gallery, 326 Glenneyre, Laiuna Beach through Sept. 12. . "PIDPLE OF THE SUN'' exhlb6t Is at Bowen MURUm, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, throu&h AuL. 29. '"Chlne9e Art Tanc to aunc'' on view until Sept. le. M~ houn: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tunday-Sat\lrday and noon·& p.m. Sunday. Adm1llSon by dooatkln. ETCHINGS BY ROLANDE are at RluoU Gallery, South COM& Plaza. a.ta Meea, throu8h Aua, ll. A GEORGE ROY HILL Film ROBIN WIWAMS 04THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP· MARY BETH HURT · GLENN CLOSE · JOHN UTHGOW Execull" Productt PATRICK KELl.EY ~by STEVE mICH Based on""~ by JOHN IRVING Productd 11y GEORGE ROY lllll .t ROBERT L. CRAWFORD otttclld tir GEORGE ROY HIU f~OM .._ ... "" A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY W ..., ........................... -I J_ 56~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1c=:: Dlver•lon•· )'--------.... ~ hon>Page5 >-~ -ETC.----------! SA TEL.LITE LIVE, a weekly radio show, is .:: new on Universal Studioe Tour. Show is broadcast IL live in front of tour audience 7-9 p .. m. Sundays. .: • v .. SNOOPY AND ALL THAT JAZZ," ice i ~. is at Knott's Berry Fann. Buena Park. i three times daily except Fridays. Colo~el How~·s ~ TraYeli.ng Circus Extra':.aganza is five times daily except Tuesdays U\ Knott'• big top. PLATE COLLFX:'TORS CLUB plans to show film, "Perillo, An American Artist," at its 2:15 p.m. Sunday meeting at Brookhunt Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent, Anaheim. Visitors welcome . Admission free. -MUSIC------ BLUOORASS ~TIV AL is 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday in Long Beach Veteran's Stadium, comer WCXXJY ,AJJ£N MIA f AAr;(JVV .OSE FERRER JULIE H.AGERTY TQ\JY KeffRTS MAJ<:( STEENBURGEN A JACK RClllNS ond CHARl£S H. fifE Produooi Production Ue1ogner O.rector of Ptlotog<ophy l xecvtove Prodvcer MEL eaJRNE ~ 'NIWS CHARl£S H . .DFfE Produced by • Wnneo and O.rected by K(ffRT GREENHUT 'NCXJ:)( AilfN Clark and C-arson. Features Bluegrass Band, Blue Skies, Hot Off The Press, Foot Loose Cloggers, . Lone Star Swing Band Bnng tnStrurnents, picnic baskets, blankets and canopies. RICK NELSON IS at Crazy Horse Saloon Theater, 1580 BrookhoUow , Santa Ana, at 6 and 9:30 p.m. Aug. 1 Glenn Yarborough and the Limeliters perfonn at 6 and 9:30 p.m. Aug. 8. "JAZZ IS" free performance by North Carolina Schqol of the Arts is at 1 p.m. Sunday in Golden West College Amphitheater, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. Information 891 -3991 , -SINGLES------ PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS has a family campout at Lake Henshaw this weekend. Call Annette at 963-6401 for information. Tri- chapler dance Is 8:30 p.m. -12:30 a .m. Saturday at Ebell Club of Santa Ana, 625 French St. Infonnation 892-0732. Sunday brunch is planned at the Jockey Club, 3131 S. Bristol, Costa Mesa. Infonnation 979--0139. "t\ MOVIE YOU'VE JUST GOT TO SEE!" -IOEL SIE6EL GOOD MOR~ING ~MEBIC-' AllC·TV • lf./.O~!.I "'At I o ~ l ~ ••• .,,8 ... ~ ........,, I J~~lf lfrrf ~ ------- -----------_,~,, ... .,,........~~ ------------------"'C Currently Screening)""'-----------------~ From Page 4 CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Croes and Ian Charleson as runners in the 1924 Olympiad, who run races for different reasons but manage to win just the same. The PG rating must be for its lofty themes; there is no nudity. no violenre-and very little offensive language. murder and intrigue. The PG rating is for adult situations. ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R, stars Christopher George, Franco Nero and Suaan George in a tale of martial arts and vengeance. The R rating is for violence. acclaimed science-~antasy film deals with a young ~ boy who befriends a little lost a).ien from outer I s.pace. This family film has been touted as one of ._ the beat in years. ! FIREFOX: Rated PG, stars Clint F.astwood ~ (who ia also director and producer), Freddie Jones, ~ David Huffman, Warren Clarke, Ronald Lacey and S: CONAN THE BARBARIAN: Rated R, stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the muscle-bound Conan. a pagan warrior who seeks revenge against the other pagans who ~ed his mother ~nd f~ther. Directed by John Milius. The R rating 1s for violence and sex. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated Kenneth Colley . .F.astwood is an American pilot ~ PG, stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert who tries to steal Russia's top secret superjet and fly ~ MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly See Currently, Page 9 c -------------------------------'< DAS BOOT: Rated R, is a German-made tale of the crew working in brutal conditions aboard a Nazi submarine In World War II. The film stara Jurgen Prochnow and Klaus Wennemann. The R rating is for violence. DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG,. stars Steve Mart.in in a spoof on the detective films of the 40s and 50s. Intercut with the film are "guest" appearances by Bogart, Lana Turner. Veronica Lake, Bette Davis and Burt Lancaster. This PG rating Is for adult humor. DEATHTEAP: Rated PG, stars Christopher Reeve, Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon in a clever murder mystery about a washed up writer and a promosing young author who pens a great myslery. The PG rating is for violence. EVIL UNDEft ntE-StJN': Rated PG, stars Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Sylvia Miles, James Mason and Diana Rigs in Agatha Christie's tale of 1111 w ......_" o• •·-11 Clll Ml HM tl Open~ l -.c..i Mal,,_ Ptoc:.e Dally "lwen••t11e S1ro1nr'' <•> "DIV A" CA> "Tht Young Doctors ----Lu•" " 'Firefox' is one of Clint Eastwood's best movies. It's fun--with leaping, vaulting, shooting, flying special effects .. " -. Joel Siegel Good Morning America -AB~-TV <.'lint ~:.1.-.tw1M1d 1n'Fif\•rm.- r ..... ,,.,.,,. t'noeloc<'r H·h1 ~him·'. S..n•l'npln II) i\lt•\ l.uskt·1·11. \\'t•11tll'll \\'dllllllll 1111 ... ·d "" 111 .. '"'"'' ""l'1111~ Thumus · ''"od<it'\'<I ll1ld llln•<'l•'Cl "' Clint E11:-1t'1'~1od <lrl!Urwl ,,,..,..,,onpo ... '(J end nnlut'l•'Cllft· ~h111rk<t• .Jnrn• · Plt1111\1'4lr•1•t,•r~ Ol~ "' ........ r • ,.,.,., n.· ,.;;um"'•• I .-:-:-:··:~o jroJ!:'·~--1 -....... ....., .. pMe! . wtEN N SOlJTHERll CAlFORNIA VISIT .; NV8RaAL ~TDUR Al/llMOA~v With Burt&Dolly this much fun just couldn't be legal! 8 i L_ I I I I ~ I ---- FIND YCU NAPIE W11 2 tickets worth . sis Anaheim Convention Center: Thursday, August 5 through Monday. August 16 Long Beach Arena: Wednesday. August ie through Sunday, August 22 TICKETS available at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus locations and at all Tlcketron outlets. For m91'e circus Information, call (213)4•3131 or (714) 199 1852. 9 Wlnnera In today'• Claaalfledal IT'S EASY! Find your name and addr8$$ in today's classified section, then call 142-5871Ext.272 to claim your tickets. Winners each day, so check the classifieds in the ... Daily Pilat "This S1•m1r'1 l11w1r To lllPUIE ••• " llrl ....,"" -.......... ..., ... ABC MOTION PICTURES PRESENTS YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE .,_MICHAEL McKEAN • SEAN YOUNG • HECTOA Ei.IZONOO HARRY DEAN ST ANTON • PATRICK MACNEE • OAllNEY COUMAH--. ....-.. MAURICE JARRE ~•cu•""-• GARAY MARSHALL -""'.,MICHAEL B.IAS & RICH EUSTIS -.ao .. JERAY BRUCKHEIMER °""eno .. GARRY MARSHALL IRl""R-&-1 I 11cAOTHE-~118ACl(J llf.ll ................ , ......... ,, ... .. -------....\( Coming Atlrdfflon•),__ ___ _ Music fest scheduled in Laguna The sixth annual Laguna Beach Summer Music Festival opens today with a concert by the Orange County Pacific Symphony Chamber Orchestra. The concert, one of four to be offered this summer. will be held at the Artists' Theater at Laguna Beach High School, 625 Park Ave ., beginning at 8 p.m. The first classical music offering featurea festival music director Maaat.oshl Mitaumoto, a cellist and graduate of the To~yo University of Fine Arts, the Paris Conservatory and USC. He haa performed aa celUst ln Europe, Japan and the United Stat.es and conducts annually at Japan's Tateahina Festival. He ia also conductor of the Laguna Chamber Orche9t.ra. . • French pianist Francoise Regnat will be soloist with the Pacific Symphony Chamber Orchestra in Mozart's Piano Concerto in B flat. For ticket information, call 494~6811. MASATOSHI MrrSUMOTO LOUIE BEilSON & THE BIG BAND EXPLOSION Augi.1111·8 COU~&HIS ORCHESTRA ~$-'4 LIONEL HAM' loo & HIS BIGBANO ""9llA 15.21 LES BAOWffllilS BAND OF RENOWN Augllll 22·Augllll 28 TEX~&HIS ~ Al'ljlUll~· ~· llofE BUDOV RICH BAND Ill Coricert ~-5-11 ------------------'l Current~ Screening)~----------------~ s From Page 7 it to the West. It's rated PG because of some violence. FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R, is a acience fiction horror story set in space. The R rating is for violence. GOIN' ALL THE WAY: Rated R. is about a steamy summer and young people with "only one thing on their minds." The R rating ls for adult situations and nudity. HANKY PANKY: Rated PG, stars Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, Richard Widmark and Kathleen Quinlan. In this suspense-comedy. Wilder is a meek architect who is accused of murder. "mt: 'f. 't' or ANIPIATIM ... A wonderful famUyftlm resounding with IOYe andoptlmlsm ... sweetne.ssanduttercharm'.' -tln.cac~ TOl!IOmOMl" .. WILL Dt:LIGHT KIDS t:YlRYWHiRt. •• "The Secret ofrtlMH' ls an ambitious and entertaining debut ... Sllghtly lunatic and all the more fun for It:' "AUTHORI Aut'MORI" DAILY z:it .... 11M(N) ·o..idAn~~ .. They're here." rT~WKAT llCAllD YOU POlTERGBST DM.V 1,..,.-, t:20, --. ,.. (N) -~ .. THI! WON.D ACCORDttlQ TO OARP'' DAILY t:M, 4clt ,., .. , .. , "SUMMER LOVER8" Radner ia the only one who believe. hia claims that ROCKY 111: Rated PG, stara Sylveste1' ~ he's innocent. It•s rated PG because of some Stallone u the gutay Rocky, who bettls co defend I violence, sex and bad language. bia crown. The PG rating Is for violence. .,,.,,/IDX ClNr EA..<;tV.()00 DAILY 1:11, l:OO .srM TN:.JU. ''SUMMER LOYEU" DALY 2:11, 4:11 e:u. 1:11. 19:11 (IU .. They're here." POLTERGEIST _.I!!! DALY t:GO, 4:11, 7:11, 10::00 POLTERGEIST~ ... t:tl, "ltAIOUI OF TH« 1.0IT AlllC" '"' DMYMt, .. _ _,.. wa.LMll8 .. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO OARP'' DAILY HO, 4c:10 7:t0, Ml (It} "They're here." l'f KNOW9 W'HA T ICAAUYOU POLTERGEIST _ ... -1111 DAILY1-. .. .,.. ... E.T. T1lll EllTL\· 'hallUTIUA1. J I 1 I I • ,... • . r-- . . ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----'( )l-------- -.2 a: WAYNE GRACE JACQUELINE SCXYIT -. .,.,,.. 1.Jt -w..1a Jo.u a..san""" IM,OflTAMT ltOTICl1 CMllDllH UltOIR 12 fRH! .................. ftl,... Sil. Sta • ......,. .... Dllloll -• -All CM -IS 1'0Ull SPUtlO tff 1111 All CAIMClll wmt -~ l'OSllDt ---.. ~··~CM-" -111• Ml - ...... -....... ANAHEIM ORIVI IN -aAOE~1111 --THE SWOlllO AND IOM:•MW' •-tt•i-• Oil ln-tlJO;;....;... ___ _ -~.!'-~ _____.. "THl .. Tunu WMOMHOUU .. nu.a·.,., -"AU NIGHT LC*G" C•l ...... lllOUNO ~ • "4 A t A W°f BUENA PARK 0111~t IH -.OCKYr_.., --CLAIM Of' nte mAMS• CPOI C .. fl_ -~Nl'Ol"IN> -"TW aWOflO AMO ~1111 c.. lltoullO " ........ LA HABRA Dlli~f l'I ---·--·--f7MM2 ·••4 . POl TEROEST" '"1 -"91EA WOLVES""" •LT. ~ IXl'llA· TUIMS1WAL" CNI -"AMA&. .. ~, .. , •TMe WOM.D ACCOM*tQ TO GAN"' 1111 -• All'THUll'' Cf'Cll .,,_ MIT UTT\.I. ~·rwx.u·CJ11 •AO. NIQHJ LONQ• Ctll •THE Ttt!NQ• lltl -•IN.AM .......... 1111 :!Ill H SOI.cl --- "YOUNG OOCT:Z:-.. LO\T' Clll ................. , Cllll A IOlillo •THI ..-T UTTU ~.,... .. "" •AU NIGHT LONG• fll ORANGE n111vf IN ... .... . -., MI SSION (,Ql\lf IN 'Death of Salesman' Saddleback finale By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of tU Dally Pilot 8talt There haa been a lot of emphasia lately on lell1na America, buying America. And the IWnme!' theater eeuon at Miaion Viejo'• Saddleback C.Ollege ii as American as the Fourth of July. ''The Music Man" recently cloeed a successful run and "Death of a Salesman" opened Thuraday in the fine arte tl\eater. F.ach play is built around the main character - a salesman. "Death of a Salesman," rounds out the aeason. • acoo~ to Brian Donoghue, director. "We don't really want to be in the businea of doing musicals and only mualcala," said the 33-year-old cofounder of The Saddleback C-ompany Theater now playing it.a fifth seaaon. Whale each play 1s Americana, "The Music Man" ii light-hearted entertainment. "Death of a Salesman" la ao aomber it can leave the theatergoer rather depreaed. Each demands top talent but playing Willie Loman in "Death" can exhaust the most competent of act.on. Waynl! Grace, a familiar figure in Orange Cout theater circles, plays Loman. Jacqueline Scott See On Stage, Page 11 The Rlbn af Ille "A Heavyweight Hltl &nit A Boxoffmce Knockout!" Mvm1tm1. .r_., __ ROCKY ID ~ .......... Gf'l9t '-""'·----<--.. ._-... NOW PLAYING ... UA ...... tt0.012 •w-• .. •-•••-... ._ Ill.IT-Ta ~ ...... a-. :..... ~ c:.-a ... (7141 t41t3M lSHS53 Hl3t35 •CIMTA..U fifwMllll-~ 7444 -WUIWTUI ~ DrlYS Ill l'ldlc"a It WfY lt DIM ill SSl·~On ffl :llt) cesTAmM ..... 1.., 131 )$01 ...... .... e PreMntecl In 3SIMll .. l'"l'""-==-=1 YllltT• "°"'° *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday tflru Saturday All 'erlormMC .. bef«e 5:00 PM lh-' ...... -.. ----Htl!Uyl) Bfl!ll'·• lo ~~~;j«X)'on'] "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S "ANNIE" <H• IEX COMEDY" INI _ ....... "..... ___ , __ , ... --·---·------------------.....+---~··~,_,.,,..., .. "ITAA ntEK It: ntE WRATH OF KHAM"lf'Cl1 .. _ _.,._ ---....... 11POL T!AQEl8T" <NJ "ROCKY· HI".-..--_., -----ttadt. ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTHI ""'"'" ,. --. 0 ROCKY It~ .. ,_DOUY 0 ----...... lAli'fWOOfl rfNTfP '>OUTH ""• • " ''YOUNG DOCTOAI IN LOVS"_, .... a. ......... -""'··-·-·-,, ... _ --~WllllUMlt.l ... ~"°' ntii"'-c.FS ~•tl.l"1 -·--·--lllJVlWl._,W_ -.-.a.-QJJ'QU£16."V...,_ ~=--.:=-. -ca... ·--· ·~ .. ~~ llt ":.7' llOW PLAYlllG ,_, .. ,.un fllll!IVT• 1121141 ---AMCOr--U10340 -UACllJl*- 634 "" llUlWtlll UAllW H3*41 _, ____ _ LUXUaY THEATRES Olo.CI lolllut{orloOM.';Jktttltt"'°<l<tl# fltw• °'"' Al OF THL 1.:'t:J,1 LOST ARK m (PG) .._, Tfte Tlllnt I") l!.m ---·-------- ~---------------------------------l~ ______ o __ n_s_,_o_s_• ______ ~~--------------------------------~i From Page 10 is Willie's wife, Linda. Theater is their lives. "I'm 90 involved I'm afraid of haV1Jl8 a nervous breakdown while shopplng in the supennarket meat department," said Scott, a veteran of stage, television and movies. McKinney, an equity actor who played Mayor Shinn and produced "The Music Man," appeared with Mia Scott in "I Do, I Do," an 1977 in Springfield, Mo. Miss Scott comes to Mission Viejo !rom playing in "Butterflies Are Free,'' at a dinner theater in San Antonio, Texas. "I want to do another funny play," she said. She is currently studying and rehearsing the lead for "Gypsy,'' a part she is interested m playing for She said "Gunsmoke" is "one of the shows that 1 I did really good guest star roles. ~ "I was stuck ln westerns awhile. It keeps people from remembering your name. They ~ reember your face, not your name." ~ Those who 1ee the play shouldn't forget her. Performances are scheduled Tuesdays through ::ti Saturdays at 8 p.m. with a matinee at 3 on Sundays Ci through Aug. 8. ~ Tickets at $6 and $7 are available by ~ Scott has played many roles but is most recognizable as the widow Abella in "Gunsmoke" or as David Jal'\8$en's sister Ill the long-running 1'eries, "The Fugitive." "The pert of Linda is a wonderful role every ac~ should be able to do someUme in their career. Some of the moments of portrayal are very painful," she said. telephoning the box o!flce at 831-465d 5.. r-----~~~~~~~~~~~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ ? "anyone who wants ine." "When I was young I used to live everything," Grace said. "It drains your e nergy. Now it is free to become one of us . "The trick is to get away from feeling sorry for Willie. You have to stop being objective and stop saying 'oh thoee poor people.' When you perform you can't stand outside.'' Donoghue says Grace, a regular with South Coast Repertory Theater in Costa Mesa, as an lHilO "exceptional actor. · "I've never worked with an actor who came to work better prepared. He keeps me swimming to k~p mr head above water. He knows the script," sa.id Donoghue. "Miller wrote an impec:x:able play," said Grace, who lives in Capistrano Beach. "It is the tragedy of the American dream." Grace compares acting to playing chess. "You have to remember what moves you have made and make them again.'' he aaid. He claims "acting is all I ever wanted to do." But he said that when growing up in Pomona he "couldn't possibly tell my friends" of tho&e arnbuJons. He was into the "macho game" playing football and other sport& He •ttended Wayrw? State University inDetrolL and San Francisco State and broke into big time . theater ln New York City in the early 1970'1. Miss Scott, who lives in Loa Angeles, is at Saddleback because of Doyle McKinney. dittctor of community services for the college. She credits McKinney's influence for her acting career. He was her high achoo! teacher in hometown Neosho, Mo. And he persuaded her to play Linda Loman. !RI COMIDY SllASH or !Bl YIAB! "JOD CLUSI, MJCll&llL f£LIJI, GIARAM CJBilllO OD nm JODI or iiOlltt nmmr OD nDllDI •.. m son OJ' m ruaamt •l4D•011to111011J1D m .an rmn-an •ovm ... CIB!D'llD LO.ADI." "TrllAHDUDaa UJJLUAflTm gouu.0011 H&l.d'flll !'O UYlla.• c.-.. ......., ............ ·•nnnn PVlnrTllCWDI" ........... ......., .... " .. "A llU'S! roa MOllTI PftBO• I.ADI" ., .... c.-...,.,,_ "In Ilea !'O I.UH 11.&U M.UW. I OU'! uuuuau.w.r NZ-. ft&l IJRI 'AD.ll.&llr. "'., urn•m'TD nan tolJCllll&Jl'I OfDlUU.'." ................ ---"MOmft P!'IBO• fill IBOVLD LOVI I!. ---~-~rt THE SFAllET POIMDAN'S~J. S&arr\111.Jml C1D.8B • PmR OOOlt • MICKA!L PAUX • OlAHAM CHAl'MAlf • T!lU!T JOn.9 PAIQLA llT!l'KINSO!f • ..,.. ..:. 8'l'IWG • PIT'l 'TOWWSK!ND • PHIL OOtJ.1118 • J'ln 8IClt • OX: Cl.AJ'rol • ~ •· -..,,,... •••• • .~. • t< -.......... ""' ............................. ._.., . C••J--l""-· lMISl"1• -----NOWPLAYING ----- COITI MEii GlllDEll lllOft EdWards Cinema Center 979·4141 Edwards Westbrook 530 4401 ~SCIENCE-FANTASY ROMP." -P.. ~.LA H£Ml.O.~ ;....:.-·-~ ~n .r -- g Somewhere, beneath all the weepina, walJinC b and ~ of teeth ot Me.de Roberta' original :::> play "niomhill,'' 1a a atory of power and OQDYict1on : trying to get out. _t -'there are tome compelling and painfully ~ honest moment. l,n th1a world premiere at the Lt. Laguna Moulton Playhouae, not to mention 80me i superb interpretations on ~· But for too much of i5 his epic saga of a fictional literary Jiant. Robert.I la i indulging in self-flagellation and aakina his 1 audience to ahare b.11 torment. 'Th.la is not easy, £jven a central character who ~ does not elicit a shred of empathy tmtil the third ~ and final act of what ia very nearly a long night'• ti: journey into the next day. In ita original i.ncarnation. "Thornhill" reportedly was a nine- bour exerciae, and in capeullnc it to about thtte ·boUra and 20 minutes, aome rough transitional edges remain. The skeleton of Roberta' play is sturdy stuff, and it.a major characters are ak1lltUlly drawn. But It would be difficult to Imagine anyone actually speeldna in the YemllCU1w aot.rta cbP-fer them. Thornhill'• fllahta into hyperbolic fancy can be fOfliven -be is, afler all, a playwright -but NOW ON STAGE DONALD O'CONNOR ~TIMIJ~ <••a> 460-8488 or 487-4181 Tdlbll ........ .,r....,_, en., Wa: (tll) •1m 'Thornhill' sturdy stuff at Laguna By TOM TITUS Of dae Dally Pilot Staff most of the people around him tend to imitate h.ia style aa if demonstrating their ability to play in the same ball park. The result la a 90rt of debating &esslon with Thornhill matched against the ghosts of his paat - two. wives, a aon. his parents, etc. They are heady confrontations, steeped In rancor and bitterness and eeaaoned with Oedipal fremy. The title role of the eeethina playwright with a whiak.ey-908.ked IOul 1a a tour de force for Laguna's rnanqing director, Douglaa Rowe, who tuma the full thrust of hi• artistic talent into Its interpretation. Playing the aevttal ages of h.ia character alternately from 1890 to 1955, Rowe must NOW PLAYING -----. LIDO WINE AND ·~~.CHEESE RESTAURANT pre~enl~ NIGHTLY PIANO MUSIC WE WILL OPEN ANY BOTTLE OF WINE IN THE STORE FOR A $1.50 CORK CHARGE - /Hfllf'illf • Calaway • Cuvaison • Chateau Ste. MJChele • COrfans From New Zealand eschew special makeup tn favor of pure characterization, which he utilizes brilliantly - particularly as the aged and infirm stroke victim of the final segment, his hand.a perpetually twitching. Of the large supporting cast, the moat impressive 1a Jon Sfdoll u his antagonistic eon (or the ghost thereof; hie character committed suicide and lingen to haunt Thornhill). Sidoll skillfully fleshes out the meat of hie role and provides a constant thorn in hia father's side. Jacquie Moffett u the la.st of the playwright'' three wives runa the gamut from highbrow lad)'" to domineeJ'ina shrew to epitome of vulnerability, all with keen credibility. Catherine Rowe plays the round-heeled second wife with a poignancy that shows through a rough facade. Others contributing effectively to the ensemble are Peggy McClure as the actress Thornhill "TMOlll•ai." The world premiere of a drlllna iMMde RoberU, dltec:ted by .Al.x Golaon, -deeign by Paul Toft. ting by Ron Coffman, coetum. by Mlrthella Raooall. lachnlcal ectOf Jim Ryan, atage onan11Q8' Hatrlet Whltmyar, pr-S.S W~ tbrougll Selurdaya at I pm untll Aug. 14 at the LliCIUN Moulton~. eoe ~ Canyon Roed. L.-8-:1\. ~ 494-0743. THICUT Tilomhll .................................. ··········· ... DOl9M Rowe EJlzab9ltl ...... ......... ...... ......... ... . .............. .. Jacquie Mon.n Teddy ........ ·-· ... -........................................................... Jon &dell ~ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::·::: .. ::::· ~~ Pam.la .......................................................................... Aoblnede Thomaa ......................................................... , ................. Bob I(~ Etin-Ellewi ... .. ............ ...... ................. .......... ... ... .. .. . . . . .. Joanna 8ledC Jarvie ............................................................. Leonard L~ Ubby .............................................................................. MyrM Ayan J«9ll'llah ................... ' ..................................... ,_.... flailptl Rldwnond Franr ...................................... , •• _,_,,,_,, ___ Alan atone 0.-. Ev-.................................................................. E.n McCenna = v~·:::::·::.::::'.'.:::::::'.'.:'.·::::.:·""""""::::·:::: .... ~ ~ apparently pries from his 80l'l. Robin Cole u the playwright'• young and naive first wife, Bob Koko! and Joanne Black aa h1I cool. distant parent.a, Leonard Lowenthal aa the producer who starta Thornhill up the ladder, Myrna Ryan aa the latter's gutty wife and Ralph Rkhmond as Tbomhill'a ebullient uncle. "Thornhill" 11 rife with clua and pollah (lncluding a program designed by John Caaaavetes) but ita length and intenlity ttnder it not ·every playgoer'• cup of tea. It 1a an ambitious project splerid.idly mounted by director Alex Go.18an which in the final analysis impremea despite ita structural flaws. The premiere production continues Wedneldays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Aug. 14 at the Moulton. 606 Laguna Ca.n)"Oll Road, Laguna Beach. F.arly arrival 1a sugaested since parking during the adjacent Festival of Arta always ii an experience in ltaelf. r-----------~---------, ] CONTROL STRESS-TENSION I WEIGHT, SMOKING, PHOBIAS I (714) 964-8879 I *FREE CONSULTATION• I I NEW LIFE HYPNOSIS CENTER 1 21062 Brookhurst # 106, H.B. L---------------------J IN CELEBRATION AND APPRECIATION OF APRIL MAI April, May, June & July, 1982 from "Big Tate", ff den, Bass, Mike, Tony, Robie, Sue, Krissy, Tim, Mary, Chris, Andy, Silly, Earl, Stephaine, Tina, ]esstt, Dave, John, Connie, Terry, Austin, Helem, Stan. Also Rangus, Sunny, Gideon, Barnsltt V>d Harry. Real . Cantonese Fiii Ht here or take home FOR LUNCH OR DINNEK Serving the finest wines for your pleasure! I 540-aM1 I 158 ST. CLAIR IAT llANDOU'BI COST A MESA ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF BAKER YJ BLK WEST OF BRISTOL CALABASH LANDING nt 1. n• ltrfft Oetta .... 142-tlll In Von's~ Ctr. Fri. • Sat. 23rd & 2-4th sw111 s11n James Hannan land Maa.&T M & 27111 Wed. 21th n.n. 29th 210 WEST MIGHTY FL YEAS James Harman Band a & Chat..., ..... LutSac "Y" ST •• LIOll 4 S1'indrilter R,."ol:u;w Discina1vc Watcrfronl Dining • Oyst.cr Bar • Cocb11ls 3333 W. Pmfic C..O.t Higbwsy, Newport Beach Rac:rlilbOllS A.«cpced. 642-~ A Family Shopping/Dining &-Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of Amenea •Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet• Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione·s • Music Market • Plecemakers' • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Cahforn1a Optical Spa lady• Swensen'• ' 15 l! 0 -~ t ~ Q. ~ ~ 1 Q. ~ c.. c -< N !"' -U) CD N •• ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~----------------4~-~-'-o_b_l_•_t_o~T_o_b_I_•---~~~--~------~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ .... THE WAREHOUSE, 3 450 Via C'ti Oporto, Newport Beach. 673-j700. ~ Lunch served from-11:80 a.m. to 2:30 '3 p.m. Monday th.rough Friday. Dinner -, served from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Monday ~ through Friday, 5 to 11 p.m. S.turday -c and Sunday. Brunch served tram 11 ;£ a.m. r.o 2:30 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. r.o ~ 3 p.m. Sunday. Lunch from $4.95 r.o Cl $8.50. Dinner from $9.95 r.o $17.95. j Cham~e brunch $10.95. Limited 'The Warehouse' offers atmosphere had~;:~~i:ve note about service. We were to ~ llK our with its international cuisine ~~.a~~ !~~t~~\i:r::;e~~~ only way to keep track of the orders. By JOEL C. DON 0 1 tbe Dally PUot Staff Nevertheless. considerable time -. elapsed between the arrival of our appetizers and drinks, which were served by different waitresses. j reservations. ~ The Warehouse Is atmosphere § pack.aged within a restaurant. It has a 0:: spectacular view of Newport Bay. The decor is modeled after a rustic, dockside warehouae, complete with barrels and crates suspended from the raftera. Miasing is aome cruaty old first mate waiting to ship out to his next port of call. This "theme" restaurant. however, is not terribly imposing. It accords guests a wide selection of seating arrangements; (rom tables with a bey view to more intimate boot.ha tucked away in far off comers. Amid these shanty-like confines, guests dine i.n relative elegance on linen-covered tables with wicker chalra or at some other romantic hideaway. The restaurant of f ers an international assortment of entrees, [iJ DrNrNG 1c ENTJ:RTAINMENT GUIDE~ DIRECTED BY Allan Hunt Complete Dinners from S5.2S to SS.95 5:00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or salad and one of these enrrees Fenuclnl "Neptune" The Welghr Watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef c ountry Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips o m elette du Jour ... plus your choice of dessen. Including Haagen oazs Ice c ream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages from coffee. tea. Iced tea. milk or Sanka. ~lludl @APRICCIO CAFE a• 'i(g including jwnbo Malaysian shnmp, bouillabaisse, chicken Colombia with mushrooms and brandy sauce and stuffed Pacific red snapper'. Owner Burt Hixaon, though, has n!<lelltly added some new enticements to this Lido Marina Village establishment. New to the menu are several fresh fish flown in from Hawaii. The seawater delicacies have exotic names such as ono, ahi, onaga and opakapaka and, from our fint introduction. shouldn't be passed up by anyone wishbig to voyage away from the traditional fare. Hixson launched his restaurant on the Orange Coast in April 1975, shortly after opening lla parent in Marina del Rey. A photographer and world traveler. he opted for an international approach to cuisine that meets the demands of beefeaten and aeafood aficionados alike. We settled into the bar area to wait tor oar tab~ -and decided on 110me ratizers to !let! ua &hrougb. The arehouse's oyster bar la designed to suit just about any palate this side of Pago Pago. There's the standard shrimp and crab cockWll. But the list conl1nues with crab ruma.ki, steamed clama. oysters anilette, Rockefeller or in the half-shell, rlba, nachos, q11.esadi11as, potato skins and garlic bre9d. My guest choee the clam chowder (ti.JO) and I decided on the more tndiUonal shrimp cocktail ($5.50). The chowder was smooth to the palate and brimming with fresh, chewy clams. But the Shrimp WU much too dry and limp, suggesting it I prefer to have one tab for the entire evening if I have to wait in the bar for a table. Many restaurants do accommodate diners in this way. As it was, I had to reach for my wallet three times that evening and that. I felt. was two times too many. Dinners are .erved with a choice of aoup or salad and an assortment of steaming rolls. We both selected the spinach salad, topped with the Warehouse's unique mustard dressing I have enjoyed on previous visits. My guest selected the onaga ($14.95), one of the fresh Hawaiian imports baked with butter and nestled between rice pilaf and sauteed iucchini slices. The fish also includes hollandaise sauce on the side, which turned out to be a splend id accompaniment. though th.is delicate and flavorful fish stood well on its own ground. After sampling the ooaga I al.molt wisne<JTh.ad selected one of the other Hawaiian spectliltles. Instead, I decided to satisfy my longtime affection for bouillabaiae ($14.9~). It was one of the best rve tasted, having sampled ~ meal at other restaurants and .eVeral times in the home of a gourmet French cook. The restaurant ..i.:, is the home of prime rib, lamb, rtba and a host of steak entrees -all prepared under the culinary guidance of head chef Charles Kalagian, The prices are a tad higher than the nearby competition, but this Is a restaurant that hu always maintained a much - appreciated high level of quality. Something Old ...... . ....... Something Newt ALL REMODELED. JUST FOR YOU Crown House r\estouront '101¥AROI BAY PLAZA Yes, Remodeling (and what a face-llttl) Is over. We took fOtWard to seeing you once more at our excttfng ''new" restaurant. · MONARCH BAY PLAZA 32802 SOuth COost Highway (At Crown Valley Parkway) Laguna Niguel (714) 496-5773 (714) 499-2626 Conttnentat Cuisine • Cocktails Dally Lunch and Dinner• Seafood Bar Sunday BNn<?h • Entertainment Dancing'• Banquet Facltltles Don't FOJget CM Other Flne Houses Ba)"shore Houme IT)' House , 'r''' gm !J"ff'i IA 'MllDl'l'JUW JLW. (TWKJGHT DeNNERI DAIL.Y W P.M.I ~ ............... ,...... m11..__(11t Aoute) l•.t ofi-.t;c,.;:: ' -, DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family .,. W+-" ftATURIM 10 lflBMTDW. mTUAtm 4881 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Comer o1 von tunn.n A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb westem·style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. Id 9-~ o en =:,,~s~~ ·~· 'Sl;;Jtagon .. -- CiENUINf CHINESE MAHOMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes • Luf'ICh Dinner Oa~ • Food To T1k1 Out 4711 c ...... ou.tlel . .20JJ .......... 750.7171 • 750-SOff COSTA MUA ~....._ 642-71'2 • Ul·ffll NoW-Open in our New LOCation. 880 Newport Center0rf\l9 Newport Beach Lunch-Monday through Friday Dinner and Late Night Supper- Monday through Saturday Reservations (714) 720-1800 now <Appedrinq . WHITE ROSE alWl REC,Ent h0t£l-=----- • 7 c19y11e nllf* tor• penona (2 roome) 8l lhe...,..,.., Hal •U., Regent on v.tktld'I "** lldlrw°'8rnond Helit.: • Rcxnt Trip..,.. ¥11111.-Aoui Wortd Al,.,. Wide Body .... from t.-M9•1• to Honotulul • ar.t" Melts .. Joly Roger/ ....... loc8dorll . I (TIJCea. ur-tultlel Ind ground transportation not lnctuded.) Entry forms end complete rules.,.. at your participet-. ing Jolly Roger. You must be 18 or older to enter. no purchaM MeeM&ry. Odds of winning ere determined by each week'I entries. New entry forma uted for each drawing. to register often! Sweepstakes ends August 3. 1982. ... . -I 16 " INr-~-:::~:=::~~----... -..--iliiiiiiiillllilil--lliiiiiiiilili.--------------, ,.. .. HUNTINGTON ri t 301 ~t81Yd. ... ,__wporitV1r1 Beach, CA 92663 (714) 64s.eecx> I ........ ----A--0-00_R_S __ • -WINDOWS & SCREENS I ., w. bt Sl Newplft 8tach . .,.._ ____ 540-___ 1_1~91 ______ • ~ For A 200-Mile CycHng Adventure Thru Scenic Southern California July 31 -August 2, 1982 Proceeds To Support Programs That Prevent And Control Lung Disease BE A TREKKERI lnteicommunity Hospital 111n Btldl llwd .• •••ctan 1nc11 .. BE A TREKKER!" MATTEO 'S RESTAURANT 2325 E. Coast Hwy. Corona de/ Mar 673-8267 . ~ l Noack Trophy & Engraving Write Or l 7D E. l 7tn St., Ste 117 ... -Call today AM ERIC AN L lJ N(i ASSOCIATION 1217~. Broadway, Santa Ana. CA 92706 MISSION CYCLERY 27672 Crown Valley Pkwy. Cblta Mesa ' 646-3141 For Details: {71_.) IJS-1.llNG Mission Viejo 495-5771 ~ DeAnza Bayside Village · 300 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 673-1331 ZHENDER TRAVEL 5321 University Dr., Ste. H. Irvine 552-3052 /-llR~L r. v 'I 1,~.., ,,,, 11ykl 3838 Blrdl, Newport Beach 752 ... 1000 LLOYDS NURSERY & LANDSCAPE COMPANY 2038 Newport Blvd., C.M. 846-7441 MARRIOTT HOTEL Newp_on Center Dr. • Newpo_rl Beach 64(J..M}()O Grinder Restaurant 1400 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-8881 .{7}' ''Focus On Community Hu/th" Pacifica Community Hospital 18192 Delaware St. Huntl t0tt-Beach IU2-0611 THE FLOWl:R REMINDER 3841 Birch St. Newport Beach 751 -4705 FOR LIFE AND BREATH • AMERICAN t ~NG ASSOCIATION~ ·~ ..... ...... Trek For Life Ad Sponsored By These Orange Coast Businesses_ and CltlZ!!f1S TWO GUYS FROM ITALY 2238 Falrvfew Costa Mesa 642-9500 AWARDS ETC. TROPHIES 7266A ~dinger Ave. Hunbngton Beach 842-7477 John Wayne Airport Medical Clinic 2192 Martin Irvine. 833-9490 THE PElJAL PUSHER 2809 A. Newport Blvd. -11 11 n 5 WESTMINSTER ABBEY BICYCLE & 1'0PEDS ANTIQUE MALL Newport Beach 675-2570 15623 Broo•hurst 1J751 Weztmlnster Ave. Westminster 554·2414 Garden Grove 554-6103 BE A TREKKER Along With All Of Us At The Costa Mesa Fireman's Association COSTA MESA MEMORlAL HOSPITAL 301 Victoria, Costa Mesa \ 642-2734 Enrolling in K & 1 CHRIST LUTHERAN PRE-SCHOOL & DAY SCHOOL 760 Vlciotla Costa Mesa HERITAGE BANK ROCCO COMPANY with branches In Cu.rom woodworlclng & Interiors Costa Mesa, Irvine, Lake tor yacht• & hou.,. For":~ ~J~• .Ana 1&18s SuJ)llr,::,'irr'. 6's-2216 JOSIE'S ICE CREAM PARLOR & DELI 206 Mtlln St. s.Jboa e75-122.-61u1.-e PENELOPE'S FASHION FAIRE 1125 Victoria Irvine 646-0734 EDGEWATER REAL TY 188 Pomona Ave. Long Beach (213) 434-4481 Newport Poclatry 6nq» Dr. Arthur Walton O.P.M. 1411 Superior All9. ~ 8Mctl 548-612 1 Dr. Robert J. Stelnbron« D.P.M. 1303 A lo'OClldo A wt. ~ 8Mctl T(J().#()1 ~. "Always the season's Fln6St" FLOWERS• PLANTS • ACCESSORIES 2983 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 2275 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa THE WABASH APPLE 23721 El Toro Rd., Ste. ca·o El Toro ' 768-3236 . RENE REAL TY 109 Psrk Ave. Long Beach (213) 434-0908 MILLER MARINE CANVAS PRODUCTS 2132 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 831-2931 • Entertainment ... Quincy. ... Orange Coast, Page 2 Inside · TV, Pa$e 3 • ~enry VIII. • • Letters, Page 27 •July 23-July 29 • KNBC news • • • Ke!ly Lang5' Jack Perkins team up for 'News 4 LA, . --· ----- -\ ·'-· I I I I I , l . I i ... ~ ~ ::l ~ ~ 'O ;£ TV Antenna ~Hendren: A man ~·for all channels .2 a: By P111L SNEIDEBMAN or .. ..,,... .... Ron Hendren ta IOl't of a man for all channeJa. At t :30 p.m. week~ya. you'll see him co-- anchoring the syndicated show buaineaa news program "Entertainment Tonight" on KTLA Channel 5. (The 40-mlnute programs are rerun at midnight oo weekdays. and a one-hour weekly roundup is aired at 11 p.m.. Saturdays and 8 p.m. Sundays.) During KNBC Channel 4's 5 p.m. weekday news broadcasts, you'll aee Hendren delivering a commentary on a non-entertainment iaue, uaually a loc:a1, nadooal or world topic. And lf you Usten to k:NX-AM radio, you'll hear Hendren awardlng "rabbit ears" ratings during his ayndlcateo review of television prosrammirlc. To top it off, Hendren ii currently working on two boob, one oo ~ and the other a compllatton of oolUDlDI he wrote rn ·waablftgton. D.C. The obvtoua que.tioo la; what make8 . Ron Hendren run? "Well. ifa a funny thing," he explained in an 'When they let you work in tlJn hu•ine••, you'd better tlo it while the •uni• •hinm,. , • • • Crltk.ily-acclaJmed new. Npomr Bon Hendton ro-bost:s "&ltertainment Tonight" wieh Dbde Whatley cWly on KTLA (Cb. 5) at~ 4:30 p.m. hardhitting .,, say, "60 Minutes." The formula aem to be working, bowe\'er. "Entertainment Tonight," which ia produced by Paramount, now aira on about 120 atatlona nationwide and baa been pkbd up for a .ecood le8IQft. To Bon Hendren, the fnffial aJMike..uJ» were not unUIUal tor a IJ"OUftd-breakina pl'OlnUll. ''Thia abow 18 unique in a lot of ways." he aaid. "It'• unique in terms of the material it pre1mta, which baa never been done before . And it'a unique in tenm of delivery. lt'a the flnt time in the hla1ol'y of televWcn that a (dally) ~ted show bu been delivered via •telllte the .... day. ''We have a Yf!riJ larwe budael -eomethin8 ll.ke $22 million in ltart-up tmta. We have a staff o1 about 150 people who bad DeWr' wcrlr.ed toeethel' before. We have a number of pannen involved, all of whom hid ln h1a or her own mind llJIDe Ida of what the abaw oupt to look lib. It waa anly natunl. I think. ln the emiy montba that there would be the ldnd of experimenting we went through to acn of all come together, to make the chemiatry happen. to make the abow happen. .. Hendren-ao.n•t •pnlntp• for the fact that he doesn't 1ee1n to tab ..ne of the abow'a more ao-IPY lten» too aerioualy. "No, I'm juat who I un." be aid. "One of the ways rve eutten in tm.lbte 1n life w.. to be too bonelt. But rm not behtc anobblah rm not tr)'inl to put it down. I want to ernphM• that I tb1nlt there are Iota and io.. of= who are and have a right to be lnt.en!9ted ln -Information about people in the newa. • -........... wrona at all with thaL" Hendren'• habit of beU:tc biJnelt Cot him into trouble a few yean beck 9bln be lfl'Yed • rmklent televWon critic on NBC'a ""Today' show. He dkln't bellltate to pan NBC'a procraim when ha aaw fit and eventually he 1oat..., job. •"fbe trouble arcJR, m m~t. ftom 1he aff:Wate ataUcnl who ldm~ not fathom the wiadom of paytna thla cu.rtY~bQ.ded kid aood money to •Y bed t6lno about NBC and aoocl th1np TV about ABC and CBS," he e.xp)ahwd. "To the network'• credit, they stood by me for a year and two montha." • Before moving Weat, Hendren wa1 a ayndicated oolumnlst in W~ D.C. He aeea almi1'ritiea between Wuhingion and Hollywood. ''There la a lot of power, a lot of money," he Mid. "A lot of coming and going -people who are in today and out tomorrow. Tile whole procem ia faacinati.ng. Of course, folks in Waahinglon deal with matters on a day-to-day basis lhat are of greater importance to the country and to the world than what we do in Hollywood, but so what? As to how it all happens, I think there is a basic similarity." Putting on h1a televtdm c:rldc'a bat for a moment, Rend.nm Did he believes the media'• current ahortcomtno are rooted in executive.a' reluctance to take rtlD with programming. and in an attitude that more money must be made than a rival network, even though both are reaping aubnantlal profita. "You know," Hendren said, "I once charllcterlzed teJevialoo .. the ultimate billboard - pJctures that move and ff8JD!9 that are ponable in froiit of people who are atill. It,a been ao advertiaet"a and a ~ter's dream from the very befd.nnina. After all, look at the very first network. NJlC. It waa created by RCA for the I01e purpaee of produd.na an excw1e for people to buy TV .ta. "So when you oonaider that television baa been little more than a marketing tool. the remarkable thina comes to be not that 1r\' la 10 bad but that under the drcwmtanoea IO much of it ia generally good." Reprdina favorable trenda, Hendren pointll to cable ~ md non-netW«k proaucea abowa (like "Entertainment TooJ&ht''). "I think the American public la Jeaming that there la more than just an off-on switch on the TV 'I thinlc the American public i• learnin6 that there i• more than ju•t an oil-on •witch on the TV •et ... ' aet." be aa1cL ''People are beccmtng more aelective, much more educated about teJevWon. To me, that's the happiest alp.'' HendMD ii natvlna a amall tnak from ·hit hectic achedule now that -Steve Edwuda (of KNXT Olannel 2'1 ••2 on the Town") baa~ to take his place on the weekend wrap.up ''l'a1er1atnment ".l'bJ.a Week" ahowa. (Rend.ftn at1ll contributes oommentariea to the weekend~) He declined to dl1cu11 how long he'a contl'lidUally bound to "Entertainment Toniabt." •ylna ~ 0 rn be with the lhow aa big aa 1bey want me." ~ the hwy acbedule and the fact that Hendren travela recularl)' between Hollywood and hia bmnit ~ miles away in Oxnard. aren't there other th1J18I he'd nther be doinc? "Ob, aure then are.•• be lauahed. "rd ntber be ancbortnc the atahtly news. rd rather be pnsidmt of Paramount.. ait mi emted to be doma what I am dolDi-1-JI• whale~ rlDll of-Jobe llllld experlencet and op~rtunltle1 to make a coneribu11icm, ad rm 'VWY ~ to be in the one rm ln rtcht now." r~ Md tbe ~Corp. of New :York. lt ii bMld cm a review' at 38 lloun wodh ol dilldien'a aho"9 Uwd ln \hit Boston area dW'tnl J&DU.U')' Ul81. ll~il~ llilllt MAIN OFFICE 330 Wfft Bay SL, Cffle M•N, Ca. M•lt eddr...: Box 154IO, Co•I• Me .... C• .• 92621 Telephone: 842-4321 J'rogram information is provided by the networks land stations and is subj«t to change without nolire. ( ___ ln_d•_" ___ ) TV Antenna .......................................................... Page 2 Inside TV .............................................................. Page 3 Sports Highli.ght.s ................................................. Page 4 llsytirne Schedule . .. .. .......... ....... ... ........... ... . ........ Page 5 Evenif18 &hedu.Je ................................................ Page 7 TV Puzzle .......................... ......... ......... ............... Page 25 Return with ID to ............................................... Page 25 Llaytime I>nuna .................................................. Page 26 Letten1 ................................ ................................. Page 27 TV Teasers ............................................................ Pap 27 Word Game ...... ......... ... ...................................... Pap 27 (-~~-C_h_o_n_n_e_1s ____ ~_) 8 K NXT<CBSJ 6121 W. Sunset Blvd , Los An~eles, Ca 8 KNBC (NBCI 3000 W. Alameda Ave . Burbank. Ca 0 KTLA (Ind.I 5800 W. Sunset Blvd , Los Angeles. Ca fl KABC (ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave , Los Angeles. Ca 18J KFMB tCBS> 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca ClJ KHJ-TV (Ind.I . ,, , . 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles. Ca ( 101 KCST IABCI 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca • KTTV I lnd. > 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. IA>!! Angt"tes. C11 • KCOP·TV (Ind ) 915 N. La Brea Ave , Los Angeles, Ca I 241 CBS Cable @KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los An~eles. Ca 9KOCE 1PBS1 15744 Golden West St . Huntington Beach 101 On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca IZI Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Monica. Ca <HI HBO Time-Life Bldg .• Rockefeller Cent.er, N. Y .. N. Y ICl Clnemax Time-Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center. N. Y,. N. Y fJ<WORl N.V., N.Y. 1171 (WfBSi Atlanta. Ga 1 E1 ESPN 1 L> Select 1S1 Showtime 1S1 Spolli.iht 1C1 I Cable News Network I """ ' Jatft JC ''.noiaA ---------.......-- ln•ld• TV ) 'Quincy's' long run amazes John Ragin By JERRY BUCK .,,....,.......,... LOS ANGELES -John S. Ragin shakes his head in amazement that he is starting hi.a aeventh year in NBC's "Quincy." a show that had an unce.rtain future for several years. Most of that uncertainty originated from J ack Klugman's constant threats to leave the show because he was dissatisfied with the writing Klugman stars as the volatile Dr. Quincy. "I never thought we'd go this long," said Ragin. who plays Dr. Robert Asten. Quincy's base at bhe coroner's office. In the beginning, both Ragin and Klugman were a bit uncomfortable because their characters were always at scalpel's point. Ragin plays a by- the-book administrator and Klugman is the maverick medical examiner. "I had stopped smoking just before 'Quincy' started," Ragin said. "I had played a lot of quiet, calm businessmen. I get on the set and see the line, 'You rotten bureaucrat.' I figured Jack wouldn't say it. But Jack said it, and I wasn't smoking and we got to shouting. "Suddenly, I realiz.ed it was fun," he said. "That's how that developed. A lot of the things we said we~ ad-libbed. "But I guess it got to be too much. We toned it down, but people always say they miss those fights. We haven't had a good screamer in a long, long tinle." Ragin said he thinks that Klugman has mellowed over the years. "I think it's-done wonders for him." he said. Klugman's well-publici1.ed blowups developed over the quality of writing. Klugman contended that for a time he was rewriting all the acripta. "It started when J ack said we would do relevant shows," said Ragin. "Nobody thought it would work. The studio wanted more comedy. "l always thought of t he show as a dramatized documentary. The writers had a bard time writing for us beca~ they wanted to write a drama with relationships. But on 'Quincy' it's the diseaae or the pollution or whatever that's really the star of the show. One of our best shows, for instance, was tracking down a rapist through the teeth marks on the victim." ''Quincy" is the second series for Ragin, who like Klugman is an alumnus of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Ragin WfAS in the CBS aeries "Sona and Daughten" in 1974. "I thought it was going to be a show about the parents. That 's the way it was in the pilot," the tall, · slim actor recalled. "When we started .work on the 9eries, we found out the show was about the kids. . .. .. John Ragin, who is Dr. Robert "Ast.en on "Quincy," is amazed he's starting his seventh year with show. I'd come in about once every 10 days and film something with the kids. It only lasted for nine shows." Ragin said that one"Of the things be likes most about being an actor is that "actors never have bosses. "You're in a play or a movie, but it's your scene," he said. "You're on your own. I think it's the independence that appeals to aciOrS, although when you go into a series you find yourself tied down. "I started acting at Carnegie, where Jack went, too, but we didn't know each other then. I studied Shakespeare and went to London on a Fulbright schol.anhip." When he returned to New York. he found it was no longer a flourishing television center. "So I did Army films on Long Island," he said. "I got $60 a day and you had to get up at 6 a.m." He also perfor~ in plays at the Shakespeare ... Festivals in New York and Stratford, Conn. Finally, he made the move to Los Angeles. "I starved to death for years," he said. Then he began getting guest star roles on episodic series. He was also in such movies as "The Paral.lax View." "Marooned," and "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice." VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • CAT PEOPLE • THI NIGHT PORTER • MAGIC • SOME KIND OF HERO • THE BIG BUS • OUTLAND • RAGTIMI • LOOKll • IOIDll • ALL NIGHI LONG •= ___ ca z...-;,a;~ 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sports Highlights and Casey Stenge:'s Induction Into the Baseball Hall of Fame ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • GREATEST SPORTS LEGEN06 2:00• 9 LPOA GOLF "U.S. Women's Open" Live coverage of the final roond from Del Paso Country Club in Sacramento, Calif. (2 hrs.) ~ ~ ~riday JULY23, 1982 EVENING 2:30• SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Highlights" (Part S) ( 1 hr.) 3:301 WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN 4:00 SPORTSWOALO Scheduled: Prescott Fron- 6:00(1) OllTOOOR LIFE Character actOf Dub TaylOf ~ and his grandson go quail hunting near Albany, -G1ia tief Days Rodeo (from Ariz ) : Survival of the F11test, women's climb and rappet and white water swim and rall evenls (from New Zealand); a report on the finals of the Tour de France bicycle race (from Pans, France); coverage of The King Geo<ge VI I Queen Ehzabeth Stakes Turf Race from Ascot. Eng- land, "Years Ago Today" features Ted Williams' and Casey Stengel's Induction int<> lhe Baseball Hall of Fame ( 1 hr., 30 min.) > 6:30 RACING FROM YONKERS ~ 7:00 BASEBALL New Y()(1( Mets at San Diego ~ Padres (2 hrs .. 30 min.) a: 7:39(0) BASEBALL Philadelphia Phlllles at Los A~es Dodgers (3 hrs.) 8:00 SPORts CENTm 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlanttc City, N J (2 hrs , 30 min.) 11 :j() (E) SPORTS CENTER 12:30([) CR. FOOTBALL Montreal Aloueltes at T0<onto Argonauts (2 hrs , 30 min.) 3:00 (I) UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE RACING "Thurr der On The Ohio" from Evansville, Ind. ( t hr ) 4:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER JULY24. 1982 MORNING . 5:001 ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team Final" (2 hrs) 5;05 BASEBALL BUNCH 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:00 WRESTLING (I) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1982 Davis Cup Quar- ter-Anal" Sweden vs. U.S.A. ( 1 hr) 9:00 (I) NASl SOCCER KICKS {() HORSESHOW JUMPING "I Love New York Grand Prix" (2 hrs., 30 min.) 9:301 THJS WEEK IN BASEBAU. 10:30 NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 BASEBALL Houston Astros at St Louis Car- dinals (3 hrs.) I BMX MOTORCAOSS BASEBAU Regional coverage of Qakland A's at Baltim0<e OflOleS, Houston Astros al St Louis Cardl081s (3 hrs ) 11:30(() NASL SOCCER Jacksonville Teamen vs Chi- cago Sting (2. hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:30. VJC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Approach Shot, Spin And Service Return" Vic Bra- den demonstrates the basics of ball rotation. (R) o 1:30(() TENNIS "Michelob Light Cup" C<Wefa Of Conno<S vs. Gerulaitis from Industry Hills. Ca1tr.' (2 LONG BALL BITTER -Jan Stephenson will be among the contenders in the U.S . Women's Open Golf Tournament from Del Paso O:>unay Club tn Sacramento. The last two rounds of the event will be Saturday and Sunday st 3 and 2 p.m . respectively on KABC (Ch. 7). 7:00(!) BASEBALL New Yorll Mets at ~an Utego Padres (2 hrs., 30 min.) 9:00 ([) SPoRTS CENTER 9:30([) NASL SOCC~ Jacksonville Teamen vs. Cht· cago Sting (2 hrs.) 11:30(!) SPORTS CENTER 12:30 ([) CFL FOOTBAU Hamilton Tiger Cats at W1n- ntpesi Blue Bombers (R) 3:00(EJ BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Micht· gan State --'74" ( 1 hr.) 4:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER JULY 25, 1982 MORNING hrs. L 5:00 (!) NASL SOCCER Jacksonville T eamen at Chl- 2:00 D fl) ANHEUS~ BUSCH GOLF CLASSIC cagQStlng (2 hfs.) Coverage of the third roond of this gott tournament 7:00 (() SPORTSCafTER (live from the Klngsmllt Golf C1ub In WIHiamsburg, 8:00([) FISHING "Bass Mastm Classic"' from Mont- Va.). (I hr.) gomery. Ala. (I) WRESTLING 8:30{[) AVON WOMEN'S MARATHON Coverage of 2:30 8 GAEA TEST SPOATS LEGENDS "Larry the 26-mile coorse trom San Francisco. Calif. Mahan"' Host Ken Howard. 9:00([) CR. FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiget Cats at Win- 2:35 G1) MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRA TEO · 9Blue Bombers (3 hrs.) 3:008 OUTDOOR LIFE Bill Dance and Spider tO: BASEBALL BUNCH Andressen fish for striper In Tenneuee's Percy 10:30 OUTDOOR LIFE BIM Oanoe and Spider II 9 NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL Coverage will fealure compet111ons m track and held, boxing, ftgure skating. and diving (from Indianapolis, Ind ) . (2 hrs) 4:05~ WRESTU NG 4:90 SPORTSCENTER 6:00 TENNIS "M1chelob Light Cup Finals" from Industry Hills. Calif. (3 hrs.) Cil FALL LINE Surfer Nat Young and free-style ski· Ing champion Randy Wieman show the similarities in sports ltke surfing, sknng and hang-gliding. EVENING 6:30~ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS 8:00 SPORTSCENT~ 9:00 CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger Cats at Win· nlpei Blue Bombers (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:30 I SPORTS WRAP-UP 10:-45 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:30 SPORTS ANAL . (I} WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP ([) SPORTSCENTER 12:30([) TENNIS "Women's Federallon Cup Final" (from San1a Clara, Calif.) (A) (3 hrs) 3:30(EJ ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall Of Fame Boston Celtics vs. ·57 World Champion Mffwau'kee Braves 4:00 (£) SPORTSCENT~ Monday JULY 26, 1982 EVENING 6:30 ttl BASEBALL Regional coverage ol the Toron- to Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox and another game lo be announced. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (£) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavy- weight Contenders Bout" (from New Offeans. La ) (R)~1 hr , 30 min.) 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TENNIS "Mlchelob Light Cup Finals" (from Industry Hills. Calif.) (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:30 ([)8~ 12:30(() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavyweight Contenders Bout" (from New Orleans. La.) (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00 ~ AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (R) 3:30 HORSE RACING WEEKl Y 4:00 SPORTSCENTER Tuesday Priest Lake. Andressen fish fOf s1riper in Tennessee's Percy • 111 U.S. WOMEN'S OPEN Coverage of the third Priest Lake. JULY 21. 1982 round of play in thlS golf tournament (live from Sac-t0:35Gl) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Pittsburgh rarnento, Calif.). ( 1 hrJ Pfrates (3 hrs .. 16 min.) EVENING Cf) RACING FROM BELMONT 11 :00 D e POA GOLF ".Anheuser Busch Golf Clas- 3:05 Gl) WRESTLING sic" Uve coverage of the final roond from the e:06Gl)BETWEENGAMES SHOW 3:309 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY 15-round WBA Kingsm1ll Goll Club In WUllamsburg, Va. (2 hrs) 8:35@ BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Allanta lightweight championship bout between Ray "Boom g BASEBALL California Angels at New York Yank· Braves (3 hrs.) Boom" Mancini and Ernesto Espana (from Warren, ees (3 hrs.) 7:00 I OOOOER DUGOUT Ohio) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:16 OOOOER PAE-GAME (!) TENNIS "Mlchelob light Cup'' live coverage of AFTERNOON 7:30 8ASE8ALL Los Angeles Dodgers at San Borg_ vs Mayer from Industry Hills. Calif. (2 hrs.) Francisco Giants (S hrs.) 4:00 • SUG~R RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN 12:00 Cl) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN (11) RACE~ THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and GLOVES Louisiana vs. St Louis ( t hr ) (!) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Ruffian" Host: Tim Mccarver oover all the bases leadlng to the -4:30 I SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY George Plimpton. 1982 WO<ld Sef111. &DO BASEBALL Callfomla Angels at New YO(k (!)TENNIS "Women's F9dlfatlon Cop Analt" llVe 8:0018PORT8CE.NTERe Yankees (3 hrs.) from Santa Clara, Calif, (4 hrs., 30 min.) 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT • WIDE WOAU> OF SPORTS Coverage of the 12:30(1) BASEBALL BUNCH 9:00 PICA FULL CONTACT KARATE "light National Sports Festival wtn feature competltlont In (!) OUT'OOOR UfE Bill Dence and Spider Andi... Heavyweight Contendera Bout" (from New track and field. boxing, f~e skating, and diving sen fiSh for striper In Tennessee's Percy Prleet Lake. 1&~-~ (A) (1 'l'i·.30 min.) (from lndianapolia, Ind.). 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:00(1) THIS WEE>< IN BA8£8All .,.,_ ~ 8ASEB-.... 5:30 0 WIDE W~ OF PORTS Coverao. 01 the (I) BA8EBAl.L New York Me1a at Sen Diego Padres 11:00 8PORT8WOMAN Netlonal Sports Festival wfb feature competltlona In {? hr1 .• 30 min.) 11:30 8PORT8C~ track and field, boxing. figure skating, end dMng • SPOATSWORU> SehtduMet Pr-=ott ffontllr 12:30 AOOEO "Schrade Pro T98m Flnll" {R) (2 i!!OM lndianepC>lle, Ind.). (1hr.,30mln) Days Rodeo (from Mz.); ~of the Rtttlt; tw1.L (I) 8PORT8 CENTER women·• climb and rappel and whit• wettf twlm 1:08(11) RACE FPR THE PENNANT Barry Tompldna and raft tvtnJ!_Jfrom Mtw ZMi.nd): a report on and Tim McCarw COVlf all the ba8" leadltlg to the _,;~~:m~t==~L!!!~~!!!.'!M19o-4tJi.-j niplg Blue 8omblfl (3 hra.) land; "VHrt ~ Today'' ~ Ted w..mt• See~Plp 14 4 I --- Daytime 4:55 (CJ MOVIE (THU) 5:00 II SUMMER SEMESTER I TWILIGHT ZONE (FRI) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (THU) COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING ( 1 HR.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) 5:05; MY THREE SONS 5: 10 GENESIS IN CONCERT (TUE) 5: 15 MOVIE (2 HAS .• 1 MIN.) {WED) 5:25 MONEY MA TIERS (WED) 5:30 JUNTOS (MON, WED, FRI) II FROM JUMP$TREET (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART (MON-THU) OCEANUS LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (TMU) MAKING IT COUNT El TON JOHN PLAYS CENTRAL PARK ( 1 HR.) f l) THE PEKING OPERA (1HR.,20 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 18 MIN.) (THU) 5:35~THAT GIRL 5:40 FALL LINE (FRI) 5:45 8i) A.M. WEATHER (%) CINEMASCORE (TUE, WED) 5:50Gi) NEWS 6:008 L.A. MORNtN6 8 HEAL TH FIELD UHOTFUOGE D ®) ABC NEWS THIS MORNING Cl) MORNING NEWS I COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYORS (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) m IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART Cl) VILLA ALEGRE El!) AMERICAN STORY • MA THEMATICS FOR MODERN LIVING • WRITING FOR A REASON MOVIE (TUE. FRI) DON'T CHANGE MY WORLD (WED) CFL FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON. WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) SAMMY. THE WAY-OUT SEAL (WED) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (WED) CLOWN WHITE (THU) MOVIE (1 HA., 39 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, 46 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,23 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. "3 MIN.) (WED) 6:05 (17) MOVIE 6:15(1) MOVIE (1HR.,37 MIN.) (MON) (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. "3 MIN.) (MON) 6:90 I CAP't AIN KANGAROO EARLYTOOAY 80'S WOMAN (FRI) GAUERY (MON-THU) fT CAN BE 00Ne (FRt) COMMUNITY FEEOBACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE '8SUES (TUE) OFF HANO (WED) FRANKLY FEMALE (THU) GAEA T SPACE COASTEA FELIX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PRESENTE (MON) IHT'AODUCtNG BIOLOGY CASTAWAY (MON) MOVIE (THU) SPORTS FOAUM (FRI) HORSE RACING WEEKLY (R) (MON) ALL-ST AR SPORTS CHALLEN<lE (TUE) NASL WEEKL V (WEO) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 20 MIN.) (FRI) BIGHORNI (MON) SAMMY, THE WAY-OUT SEAL (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., "3 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (THU) 6:46 I MOVIEj2 HRS .. 14 MIN.) (FRI) 6:50 · MOVIE 1 HR.. 47 MIN.) (THU} 7:00 MORNI G NEWS TODAY 700CLUB ®.l GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM TOM ANO JERRY WOODY WOODPECKER • BUSINESS REPORT • PROJECT UNIVERSE CID MOVIE (MON) SPORTS Cf'.NTER (FRI) SPOATSCENTER (MON-THU) RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (THU) 7:308 THEREISA WAY F'REO FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING NOEL BUYS A SUIT (WED) THE DEADLY GAME (TUE) MOVIE (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,15 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 35 MIN~ (TUE) MOVIE { 1 HR .• 30 MIN. (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 65 MIN. (TUE) 7:45 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 52 IN.) (WED) 8:00(Jl8U~ SAN-OfEG(}- l JIM BAKKEA TIC TAC DOUGH BA TILE OF THE PLANETS CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (R) I BODY BUOOIES MOVIE {TUE-FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 39 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (THU) FRACTURED.FLICKERS (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (FRJ) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 47 MIN.) (MON) 8:05@ MOVIE 8:308 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER (!) BULLSEYE at SPIDER-MAN VILLA ALEGRE (A) n • OVER EASY ...,. CH)MOVIE (MON) THE MAKING OF AEAOBICISE ( 1 HR) (FRI) ELECTRIC ESKIMO (1 HR.) (MON) CLOWN WHITE (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 14 MIN.) (THU) 8:45(%) MOVIE (1 HR, 23 MIN.) (THU) 9:00 fJ Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) OfFF"RENT STROKES (A) OZZIE AND HARRtET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFOAO ALE.8 I LOVE LUCY ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREEl (R) n DONAHUE ..,. Y1U.A ALEGRE (R) Q ~ TOP RANK BO>ONG (fRI) NASL SOCCER (MON) AUTO RACING (TUE) TENNIS (WED) PKA FULl CONTACT KARATE (THU) El TON JOHN PLAYS CENTRAL PARk (WED) HOTWHEELS (TUE) PERFECTLY MANK ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. SO MIN.) (FRI) 9:30 9 (I) ALICE (R) WHEEL OF FORTUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING LA. MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY LITTLEST HOBO. I ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) MONEY MATTERS (TUE) AEROBICISE (MON-WED. FRI) MOVIE (1 HR.. 20 MIN.) (TUE, FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) 9:45 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 43 MIN.) (MON) CZ) CINEMASCORE (WED) 10:00 fJ (I) THE PRICE IS RIGHT 1 6'TEXAS EMERGENCY ®'LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (MON-THU) DORIS DAV · EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING • SESAME STREET (R) n MOVIE ...,. TENNIS (TUE) MOVIE (1HR .. 31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (MON-THU) MOVIE 1HR .. 55 MIN.) (WED. FRI) MOV.IE 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR .. 25 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 50 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR .. 50 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1HR.,30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 40 MIN.) (WEO) 10:05@ MOVIE 10:30 at CHARLIE ROSE (FRI) I MY THREE SONS (MON-THU) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS (FRI) MIDDAY (MON-THU) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (THU) § wtrJ,EVE AU.EN SALUTES THE OE U { 1 HR.> MOVIE ( 1 HR., 55 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 14 MIN.) (THU) 11 :00 II Cl) THE YOUNG AND THE RESnESs D THE DOCTORS I BONANZA ®) FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE (MON-WED. FRI) I NOWHERE TO TURN (THU) PITFALL WOMEN'S PAGE (FRt) PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES (MON- THU) (!)MARCUS WELBY, M.D. flj) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) I RICHARD SIMMONS VEGETABLESOUP (R)CJ TOP RANK BOXING (MOR) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR.) (FRI) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (TUE) 11: 15 (%) CINEMASCORE (TUE) 11:308 6? SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME (MON-WED. FRI) MATCH GAME mNEWS MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT • MISTER ROGERS (R) MOVIE (FRI) UNLIMl1EO HYDROPLANE RACING (FRf) AVON WOMEN'S MARA THON (THU) MUMBO, JUMBO. IT'S MAGIC! (1 HR.) (FRI) ·~£E~~KH:~: M~!N~l~~)1 HR.. 30 MIN.) MOVIE 1 HR. 29 MIN. } MOVIE 1 HR, 36 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR.. "3 MIN. 11:45(%) E (1 HR., 30 MIN.) ( ED) 12:001 TA TTlETALES 8 DAYS OF OUR LIVES See Daytime, Page 6 s .,, g - ,- $ .... CD Oii N --6---------------------------------------------------------------------I YESTERVEAR ... '917 (FRI) ON LOCATION (TUE) D MCME (1HR.,20 MIN.) (Tue) 4:~ Gll BASEBAU (W~) :Daytime b ~ From Page 5 ..., I TWILIGHT ZONE ~ ®J ALL MY CHILDREN -o NEWS ;f me MOVIE • BONANZA ~ DICK CAVETT PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· ~ MENT .2 <Ii) MOVIE (WEO, THU) ii: HORSESHOW JUMPING (THU) -I GENESIS IN CONCERT (MON) FLASHBACK: WALL 8fREEt CRASH 1929 i~FF-A-THON" (MON) MOVIE 1HR,30 MIN. FRI) ~ MOrulE 1 HR .. "° MIN. 1 wEO) MOVIE 1 HR, 37 MIN. TU£) MOVIE 2 HAS., 6 MIN. HIJ) 12:06(1?) IME 12:308 (I) AS THE WORLD TURNS TWlUGHT ZONE OVER EASY YOU ANO THE LAW ALM FEATURE {TUE) - TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) AUSTRALIAN RULES r=ootBALL (R) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 37 MIN.) (FRI) ST ANDING ROOM ONLY (MON) FRl;™E PEKJNG OPERA (1 HR, 20 MIN.) (MON, (ZJ MOVIE (2 HRS .. 1-4 MIN.) (FRI) 12:351THE FLINTSTONES 12:46 OHEMASOORE (THU} 1:00 e ANOTHER WORLD HOUR MAGAZINE III ONE LIFE TO LIVE OUTERUMfTS EDUCATIONAL ~RAMMING SESAMESTREET (A) O MOVIE-(MON. TUE. FRJT MOVIE iTUE) MOVIE 2 HRS., 5 MIN. IJ) MOVIE (1 HR, 39 MIN. MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 4" MIN. ED) MOVIE 1 HR, "6 MIN.! ~E) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 43 MIN. HU) 1 :06 «7J THE AOOAMS FAMIL V 1:15(%)MOVIE (1 HR,30MIN.) (MON) (%)MOVIE (1HR.33 MIN.) (TUE) (%) ONEMASCORE (WED) 1:309 (I) CAPITOL NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) STRUMPET CITY (MON) MOVIE (WED) SPORTS FORUM (FRI) HORSE RACING WEEKLY (MON) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WEO) MOVIE (2 HAS .. 1 MIN.! (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 28 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN. (WED) 1:351 OZZJE AND HARRIET 1:50 aEVEN'S KIDS (THU) 2:00 ()) GUIDING LIGHT CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON ({g GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE (JJ MOVIE OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MlXED BAG (T~) OUIZ KIDS (WED) COLUlLECTING (THU) MISTER ROGERS (Rl GENESIS IN CONCEAT (THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) Ol.DTIMERS' BASEBALL (MON) INSIDE BA8£.8AU (R) (TUE) AOOEO ~WED~ =rJ~ (THU) TOCU BA MOUNTAIN: JULY -4, 1981 (THU) A~ISE (MON, WE'D, FRf) 2: I TH! PA.RTAtooe FAMn. v ~i£4:~HAAtroK (MOO) I~ ~VERB RAAB. y EVER PLAY ~~BUOU (FRO ~tN>ERS'TANDeNG HUMAN B&iAVlOR (M~ ---~._... (A) (THU) MOVIE iWEO) MOVIE 2 HRS., 5 MINU 8FRI) MOVIE 1 HR.. o40 MIN. MON) JOAN RIVERS CO E Y HOUR (1 HR.) i EO) MOVIE (1 HR, 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HA .. 1-4 MIN.) (THU) 2:35 (fl) HAZEL 2:-45 (%) CINEMASCORE (MON. FRI) (%)MOVIE (1HR.30 MIN.) (THU) 3:00 8 BARNABY JONES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN CARTER COUNTRY LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOUSE OCEANUS HOUR MAGAZINE AMERICAN STORY (MOH-THU) CASTAWAYS (FRO CASTAWAY (MoN. WED) WHO WANTS TO BE A H£Ro? (TUE) 00 MOVIE (THU) COLLEGE WORLD SERIES HfGHllGHTS (R) FRI) BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 15 MIN. IUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 25 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR. 30 MIN. E) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN. WED) MOVIE 1 HR .• 35 MIN. FRO MOVIE 1HR.,47 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 56 MIN. IE) 3:06(11) MY THREE SONS (MON. WED-FRI) «l) BASEBALL (TUE) 3:15(%) MOVIE (1 HR, 52 MIN.) (WED) 3:30. RtCHAAO SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT WHA rs HAPPENING II CHARLIE'S ANGELS DANCE (MON) APlAY roe LOVE: A AOO Of IRON (WED) THREE PORTRAITS (FRI) FAST FORWARD (MON, WED) FROM JUMPST'RttT (TUE. THU) GROWING YEARS (MOH-THU) CASTAWAYS (FRI) MOVIE (MON, WEO) 8LINKEA'S SPY SPOTTER (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 35 MIN.) (FRO MOVIE (1 HR., 43 MIN.) (WEO) HAMMER HOUSE OF HOAROR (FRI) 3:35(11) FATHER KNOWS BEST (MON. WED-FRI) -4:00 8 BARNEY MILLER MARY TYLER MOORE COUPLES NEWS waCOME BACK. KOTTER (MON. TUE. FRI) M•A•s•H (WED. THU) (O)MOVIE ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT TOM ANO JERRY BUGS BUNNY CABARET (TUE) THE NEW STORYTELLERS (THU) MISTER ROGERS (R) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (A) Q MOVIE (FRI) All.ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKLY (TUE) SPORTSFORUM (WED) FROM THE 55-Y A~O LINE (THU) MOVIE (MON) YESTERYEAR ... 1917 (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 39 MIN.) (THU) -4:05 d1J WINNERS (FRI) Ql) GREEN ACRES (MON. WED, THU) '4:16(%)MOVlE (2HRS .. 14MIN.l CTHUl '4:308NEWS BOB NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ABC NEWS (MON) M• A ~·H (MON, TOE. FRI) PAOAES PRE-GAME (WED) PADRE me-GAME (THJJ) YOU ASKED FOR IT PEOP\.F8 OOUAT 8C008Y 000 (MON-THU) SIONA T\JAE · 8E8AME STREET (A) Q ~8POllER(THU) &~€) MOYIE 1~~ t VO'lll ,..._,;;~ I «l) ANDY GRIFRTH (MON) 4:40 i BASEBAU (WED, THU) 4:"6 MOVIE ( 1 HR. 55 MIN.) (FRI) 5:00 DD ®l NEWS BASEBALL (FRI) ST ARSKY AND HUTCH (MOH-THU) NEWS (MON. TUE. FRI) SALLY STRlfTHER'S WORLD OF LOVE (FRI) I, CLAUDIUS (MON) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS (TUE) APPLE POLISHERS (WED) (8) MOVIE (THU) THE BRADY BUNCH CARTOONS MIXED BA~MON, FRI) QUIZ KIDS JE) COlllll TING (WED) BOTANIC MAN (THU) LIVE AT AVE MOVIE (FRI) AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY (MON· THU) MOVIE (MON) Noa BVVS A SUIT (WED) CFl FOOTBALL (FRI) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBAU (MON} TENNIS (TUE) AUTO RACING (WED) SPORTSFORUM (THU) BIGHORN! (FRI) SAMMY, THE WAY-OUT SEAL (TUE) MOVIE !1 HR, -43 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HAS.) (THU! MOVIE 1 HR., ~ MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 43 MIN. (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 36 MIN. (TUE) 5;051 MOVIE (MON) 5: 15 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 43 MIN.) (WED) 5:30 BASEBALL (MON) BASEBALL (TUE. MO) THE BRADY auNCH scooeYooo BEETHOVEN'S EMPEROR CONCERTO (FRI) MOVIE (MON, THU) ~NC£ (TUE) PIANO Pl.A YEAS RARELY EVER PlA Y TOGETHER (WED) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON· THU) MOVIE (WED-fR1) RACQUETBALL (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (FRI) BIGHORN! (MON) SAMMY. THE WAY-OUT SEAL (WED) MOVIE (MON. WED-FRI) THE PEKING OPERA (1 HR. 20 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 35 MIN.) (WED) Suicides linked to TV soap operas SAN Dimo (AP) -A sociol<>fPst who studied health statistics and television episodes says the nation's suicide rate rises after a fictional soap opera character attempts or commits 5Uicide. David P. Phillips, a University of California San Diego 90Ciologiat, aa.id tha\ Catal car crashes abo increase after televiaion suidds and that his study indicates these wrecks may be "diaguiaed sukides." According to hi.s study, city-dwelling women are the most likely to try to kW themaelves In' the event of a fic\ional suicide on television. Phillips, 38, based hia findings on a 1977 computer survey of health statistiaa and newspaper summaries of aoap opera epiaodea. The study fa to be published in the Chicago-baaed American Journal of Sociolqgy. The IOcio1ogiat cautioned, howevec, that the evidence la too prellmi.nary to justlf y undue c:onoem about the impect of the popular daytime ahowa. He said more reeea.rch la needed to determine whether the link la grounded In fact or ls a rtatiat!cal .. Wuaion." , • Phlllipa aid, for example, that be doesn't know If the r-1 IUlcid@ vict.ims watched the 908p operu. Phillis-. a Harvard graduate with a doctorate in IOCfoloCY from Prtnc.ion. said he \.-d reoorda from &M NaUonal Center for Health Stau.tb. the lat.mt ,_,. fOf' whkb ft8\.llw wen avallable. He tabulat.d a ioial of 13 attempt.cl or 1ucx:11iafuJ tufc{dee ln 1977 md\Uomd In '"'lbe Soaps." a newwpeper c:olwnn OQ the ~ lhoWa: He laid that tn tM periods after I.he 13 teJevWon ~ 127 ~'dd9 ~ ....id MW bMI\ apec.1ld at the 8Wl'llillt rMe menadtt.it~.· j Friday \ I< >It\ I :'\( ; \ I< )\ · 1 LS 5:00 (%) "The Silent Partner" (1979, Suspense) EUiott Gould, Christophe< Plummer 6:00<1:) "Mclintock!" ( 1963. Western) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. 6:06@ "Toy Tiger" ( 1956, Comedy) Jef1 Chandler,. Laraine Day . 6:30® "Give Me liberty" ( 1974. Adventure) Rob- ert Culp, Richard Kiley CS) "Shipwreck" (1978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Mikki Jamison-Olson 0 "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney, The W}'lo. 6:45 CZ) "Fame" ( 1980. Drama) Irene Cara. Barry Miller. 8:00(C) "Inside Moves" (1980, Drama) John Sav- '!9_e. David Morse. cttJ "The Nollh Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barbara Hams 0 "I Hate Blondes" ( 1981, Comedy) Jean Roche- fort. Enrico Montesano 8:05@ "The Damned Don't Cry" ( 1950. Drama) Joan Crawford. David Brian. 9:00(%) "The Last Of The Blue Devils" ( 1979, MUSI· cal) Big Joe Turner. Jay McShann. 9:30 0 "The Girls On The Beach" ( 1965. Mystery) Noreen Corcoran. Martin West 10:00(C) "Two-Way Stretch" {1961. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Wilfred Hyde-White. ® "Hardly worlong" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Oliver CS) "The Last. Time I Saw Paris" ( 19~. Drema) Elizabeth Taylor. Van Johnson. 10:05@ ''Walk East On Beacon" ( 1952. Mystefy) Geo19e Murphy. Finlay Currie. 10:30(.Z) "Wollen" ( 1981. Suspense) Albert F1rmey. Dwane Venora 11:000 "Patterns" ( 1956. Drama) Van Heflin. Ed Beg~. 11:30(C) "Gulliver's Travets" ( 1939. Fantasy) Ani- mated. . \1 .. 1 lJC\< >< ):\ \ 1< )\'I l·~S 12:000 "Copper Canyon" (1950. Western) Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr m "Two People" ( 1973. Drama) Peter Fonda. Lindsay Wagner g) "The Inspector General" (1949, Musical) Dan- ~ Kaye. Elsa Lanchester. g "Never Never Land" Petula Clark, Christian Henson 12:30® "In God We Trust" (1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman. (%)"Fame" ( 1980. Drama) Irene Cara. Barry Miller l :OO (C) "The Gumball Rally" (1976. Comedy) Michael Sarraz1n, Tim Mcintire 1:30 g "Gloria" ( 1980. Drama) Gena Rowlands. John Adames 2:00(!) "Pendulum" ( 1969. Drama) George Pep- pard. Jean Sebe<g. (]J "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Berg- man. Johnny Doran. SPECIAL POWERS -Peter Barton plays Matthew Star, a seemjngly normal adolescent who is actua.lly a rel~ from another world where as an infant prince h e was marked for death, in "The Powers of Matt.hew St.a.r," a new NBC series to be te)ecast Fridays at B pm. this tan on KNBC (Ch . 4). 2:30@ "Ballad 01 A Soldier" (1959) Vlad1m1r tvashov Shanna Trol<hofenko. CS) "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adventure) Roger Moore. T opol 3:00(%) "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy Spa- cek, Enc Roberts 3:30® "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adventure) Per!t_ King. Don Stroud 4:00 U "Night Gallery" ( 1969. Suspense) Joan Crawford, Barry Sulhvan CC) "Don't Change My World" Documentary cm "Blood And Guts" ( 1978. Drama) William Smith. Micheline Lanctot 4:30 0 "The Nonh Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Com- edyLEdward Herrmann. Barbara Harris 4:45(.Z) "Wollen" ( 1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. Diane Venora 5:008i) "Song Of Freedom" (1936, Orama) Paul Robeson Elizabeth Welch. CS) "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson 6:30 CC) "Two-Way Stretch" ( 1961, Comedy) Peter Sellers, Wilfred Hyde-White. CID "Give Me Liberty" ( 1974, Adventure) Robert Culp, Richard Kiley. cm "King Of The Mountain" (1981, Adventure) Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms. 8:008 D 8 NEWS I CBS NEWS THE SAINT OUTOOOR LIFE Character actor Dub Taylor and his grandson go quail hunting near Albany, Georgia. I ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY "Grandparenting" Guest. tenor Jan Peerce (R) D GD NBC NEWS 6:30 (J) cm NEWS i RACING FROM YONKERS BARNEY MILLER STRUMPET CITY Peter O'T oole stars in this sev- en-part drama of life 1n Dublin from 1907 to 1914 tf'art 1) (1 hr.) 9 otCK CAVETT Guest: John Gielgud. (Part 4) i ) SUM CUISINE MOVIE "I Hate Blondes" ( 1981. Comedy) Jean Rochefort. Enrico Montesano. Thieves discovef that a wealthy novelist's latest work describes 1n detail the security system protecting the valuables 1n htS home. ( 1 hr .. 50 min) 7:00 II CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A modern-day JOUSllng tourna- ment 1n England:-an American couple who adopted two Polish infants CiJKOJAK Cf) BASEBALL New York Mets at San Otego Padres l hrs .. 30 min ) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M"A"S"H JOKER'S WILD '1) BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Blow-Up" ( 1966, My$1ery) David Hemmings Vanessa Redgrave. When a young Lon- don photographer has some ol his pictures blown up, he discovers what appears to be a murder. (2 hrs) CID MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barbara Harris. The new minister 1n a small town organizes a group of dotty women 1n his congregation to stop the flow of church funds to criminals 'G' ( 1 hr . 39 min ) (()MOVIE "High Country" ( 1981. Drama) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl An escaped convict and his handicapped g11llr1end flee to the mountains. 'PG' U hr .. 32 min) CS) THE MAKING OF AEAOBICISE Rehearsals. cos- tume tittings. make-up sessions. and the p~nnlng of cinematography and lighting are chronicled in a behind-the-scenes study of the unique physical fit- ness senes ( 1 hr ) (Z) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Drama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller Several gilled students at a New York high school for the performing arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs., 14 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· some hints on winning contests. an exploration Into the puzzling NOTICE TO VETERANS If you are an Honorably Discharged Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, In good health, you are entitled to a Double Interment Space (for you and your Spouse) In our Dedicated Veteran's Section at the cost, to you, of only a Single Interment Space plus the Endowment Care Fund Depostt required by State law. Harbor Lawn, long known for its Soeclal Considerations to Veterans, Is making this Program avallable to the Veterans 9f this area. Space Is limited and It wm bt? assigned on a ftrst come, ffrat served baala. To assure your space, .. MAIL. XHE CO.UPON TODA YI 101 '!Uai !1881'>VO •uft Ja ~X!l n~ ?vocf bwow .'\M'( ~ lo ltta.~ti' L --=-=------ -------------------------~------------ #ARIOR LAW# •E•ORIAL ,All I •ORTUAIY 1825 Glsler Ave., Costa Me••, CA. 92128 (adjacent to the San Diego Fwy. (405) at Harbor Blvd. So. I am an Honorably Discharged Veteran In good heal1h (Name)-------------------- Serial No. ---------------DllChatge Date ____ _ -----..:..------~-------~ZlP~~~~-~ I I !1 • * 8 ~ Friday (continued) a. sounds coming trom outer space; the national tnir ..-bee champion dog. ~ 1 •FAMILY FEUD >-EYE ON L.A. Featured. a report on punks, a took :; at cars of the future: the newest sport, parasalling. .., 1 ·TIC TAC DOUGH >. YOU ASKED FOR rT ~ M•A•S0 H ~ SIGNATURE Guest· ThOf Heyerdahl LL MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT * WALL STREET WEEK "After The Tax Cut" -' Guest: Otto Eckstein. president of Data Resources, Inc ~ cm BASEBALL Philadelphia Ph1lhes at Los Angeles Jo 7: NEWS ~ ~ets (3 hrs ) 0: 8: (I) THE DUKES Of HAZZARD When ~osco and Cletus go out on strike. Boss Hogg appoints Uncle Jesse acting sheriff (R) ( t hr ) D LEWIS & CLARK Stu has 10 figure out how to win Roscoe's friendship back after asking him to stop hanging around his house U MOVIE "Beyond The Bermuda Triangle" ( t975. Mystery) Fred MacMurray. Donna Mills. A retired businessman loses his fascination with the Bermuda Tnangle when his hancee and friends vanish white on a ..e_leasure cruise 1n the area. (2 hrs ) 8 ®) BENSON Benson has one ol those days when he rubs everyone the wrong way. (R) O ii ST. JUDE'S C HILDREN'S HOSPITAL TELETHON Danny Thomas hosts a benefit for St. Jude's Ch~dren·s Hospital In Memphis. Tennessee • P.M. MAGAZINE A modern-day jousting tourna- ment in England. an American couple who adopted two Polish infants e MOVIE "Pony Express" ( 1953. Western) Charl- ton Heston. Rhonda Fleming A patr ol cowboy heroes help 10 ensure that the mail goes through. (2 hrs ) Qt MIXED BAG "Faking tr· Artists who copy the masters and get paid tor it I ~ WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Drama) Peter Fonda, Susan Saint James. When a country-western singer steals his song, an ex-<:on tries desperatety to retrieve his recording rights while baffling the police 'PG' (I hr . 40 min.) 0 MOVIE "Falling In Love Again" ( t980. Drama) EHlott Gould. Susannah York. A man goes to his high school reunion in the belief that he can relive the good !Imes of the past 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 8:30 B 8D CHICAGO STORY A robber Pellegrino helped set free commits a murder. and Max tries to prevent a renowned surgeon from operating unne-- cessartly on one of Max's patients (R) ( 1 hr , 30 m1nl 8 GI MAKING A LIVING Jan persuades Maggie to pool their resources to bet on a sure winner al lhe racetrack (A) e ooocouPLE @ BEETHOVEN'S EMPEROR CONCERTO The Orchestre de Pans is conducted by Paul Kleck1 with soloist Arthur Rubinstein for a performance of the composer's "Fifth Piano Concerto 1n E Flat Major .. {_1 hr ) • WALL STREET WEEK "Alter The Tax Cut" Guest· Orto Eckstein. president of Data Resources. Inc. a!) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper talks with highly successful Black people of Orange County. 8:35@ All IN THE FAMIL V 9:00 II (I) DALLAS J.R. uses Marilee 'Stone 1n an effort to regam his standing with the cartel. and Ray's neglect of the ranch threatens hli marriage {B) { 1 hr) D cr.t MOVIE "Marciano" ( t979. Biography) Tony Lo Blanco. Belinda Montgomery. Rocky Marciano rises from his meager beginnings as a poverty- stricken youngster to become the only undefeated heavyweight champion In boxing history. (R) (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFFIN "Ghosts" Guests. Razzy Balley, Beatrice Straight. parapsychologist Dr Thelma Moss. Dr Julian Burton. Richard Senate ( 1 hr ) • CRISIS TO CRISIS Wmt BARBARA JORDAN (Premiere) "'Roses In Deoembef: The Story Of Jean Donovan" Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan traoes the Ille 6f a young American missionary from hef childhood In the U.S. to he< brutal Oeath In El Salvador at the hands of the Salvadorian National Guard. ( 1 hr.) e U.S. CHRONICLE "The Power And The Glory" Edmund Muskie. Bflot Richardson. Clark Clifford. Robert Strauas. Lyn Nofziger and Stuart 8z.enstat analyz!9 the mystique o1 poMf attached to high rnmont office . ... ~AIMy'' (1978,,~)• I .... ,.,hMf.-• -'~tire. A gumban ~ CAR'S THE STAR -Fot-IMr big-dry cop Michael Knight, played by David Hasselhoff, fights crime with the most incredible car ever made in "Knight Rider," to be telecast.on Fridays at 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) this fall. the na1t0n s htghways and back roads. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 47 min.) ([) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, N J (2 hrs , 30 min) CB) MOVIE "'Hardly W0rking" ( 1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis. Susan Otrver After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tnes his hand at various jobs. taihng miserably al them all 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) CIJ MOVIE "Silence Of The NOfth" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerritt. In 1919. a young w~n·!. mamage to a trapper leadS her to a lite of hard!.h1p 1n the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 9:05 dlJ MOVIE "The Can~ Mutiny" {1954, Drama) Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer. Based on the novel by Herman Wouk. A group of otficefs mutiny against their captain. cta1rntng that he 1s mentally unstable. (2 hrs., 40 min.) 9: 15 (%)CINEMA.SCORE 9:30 (!) MOVIE "They Saved Hitter's Brain" ( 1964. Horror) Walter Stocker. Audfey Caire. A handful of Third Reich loyahsts wages a last-ditch effort to gain world supremacy by abducting a prominent Ameri- can scientist as part of their nefarious plOt. ( 1 hr . 30m1n.) Qj STRUMPET CfTY PetM O'Toole stars tn this sev- en-part drama ol life In Dublin from 1907 to 1914 !art 1) ( 1 hr ) EUROPEAN JOURNAL MOVIE "Raggedy Man·· (1981. Drama) SISsy Spacek Eric Roberts In 1944, a telephone operatOf 1n a small Tex.as town sacrifices her standing In the community whoo she has a short affair with a com- bat-bound sailor 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 mln.) -~ 10:00 II (I) FALCON CREST Maggie dltcovers hat an extortionist is terrifying Falcon Crest wor Js;> ~ ~ksaE & CO. Cassie enlists. the .Aid of a Chlne&e t>usloe&sman when she is hired (o find a m1ssmg mail-order bride. (1 hr.) • I m.NEWS LOS ANGB..ES WEEK IN REVIEW CRISIS TO CRISIS WfTH BARBARA JORDAN (Premiere) "Roses In December: The Story Of Jean Donovan" Former Congresswoman Barbara JC>fdan trace& the ltfe of a young American missionary from her childhood 1n the U S to her brutal death in El Salvador at the hands of the Salvadorian National Guard. ( 1 hr.) CB) MOVIE ''For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 0 MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Drama) Dustin Hottman. M~e Streep. A man battles with his ex-wile for cust of their young eon after she walks C>Yt on them. •p ' (1 hr., 45 min.) 10:-SO m NEWS I SIONA TUAE Guest: Thor Heyerdahl. MATIERS OF LIFE ANO DEATH LAUGHS Four stand-op comedians are followed through 'nlghtctub performances and theif behlnd- the-"SCenes lives as they ptJf'fUe laughs and tame. ( 1 tv .. 15 min.) Cal PlAYBOY OH THE AJA 10:3&iCHAAUE CHAPLIN: THE IM ... IGRANT 11~ ••ma• NEWS ' II) BENNY HILL ID MIXED BAG "Faking It" Ar11SIS 'i"ho copy the masters 1Jnd_get paid for It. I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Inside Moves" ( 1980, Drama) John Savage. David MOfse A newcomer to the group of regulars al an Oakland bar may hold the key to making the banender's dream of becoming a pro basketball player a reahty 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min.) ([)MOVIE 'Statehne Motel" ( 1978, Adventure) Eh Wallach, Ursula Andress A wanted crlmlnal attempting 10 cross !he Canadian border Into the U.S is waylaid at an out-of.the-way motel. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Staircase" ( 1969, Drama) Rtehard Burton, Rex Harrison Two elderly homosexuals share a thrtving barbershop business in the heart of London _J 1 hr . 40 min.) 11:308 (I) MOVIE "The Drowning Pool" (1975. Mystery) Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward A pri- vate investigator 1s hired by a wealthy Southern Oii heiress to discover the identity of the author of an 1ncrim1na11ng letter (2 hrs . 2S mtn ) D CID TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson Guests Bjorn Borg. Jean Marsh, champion grape catcher Paul T av11ta ( t hr ) I (II ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE THE JEfFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON BEETHOVEN'S EMPEROR CONCERTO The Orchestre de Pans is conducted by Paul Klecki with soloist Arlhur Rubinstein for a perfOfmance of the lco~0ser's "Fifth Piano Concerto in E Flat Major " UNOERST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER . DAVID ST8NBERG IN CONCERT Oevid Stem berg performs a concert. !aped al York University In Toronto with special guest John Candy ( 1 hr.) 11:-45@ MOVIE "Mothra" (t962. Science-Fiction) Franky Sakai. Hiroshi K0tzuml. A honible flying monster terrorizes Tokyo (2 hrs.) CH) MOVIE "History Of The World -· Part I" ( 198 t, Comedy) Met Brooks. Madeline Kahn. Man's 11tustn-ous history --from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spanish tnqu1S11ion -is examined 'R' ( t hr , 33 men~ 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 FRIDAYS Host: Lynn Redgrave. Guests: Huey Lewis and the News (R) ( 1 hr . 30 mm.) (!)MOVIE "Kashm1r1 Aun" ( 1969. Adventure) Per- nell Roberts. Alexandra Bastedo A girl and two men ltee to the Kashmm border to avoid capture by a Ch1nese·Communist detachmenl. (2 hrs) ID MOVIE "The Legend Of Hell House" ( 1973, Horror) Pamela Franklin, Roddy Mc:Oowall. A wealthy man hires scientists and mediums to lnvestl- i e his newly acquired mansion. (2 hrs.) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Fame" ( t980. Drama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Milter Several gifted students at a New VC>fk high school for the performing arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures 'R' (2 hrs . 1-4 min.) 12: 10 CS) MOVIE "The Hand" ( t981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcov1cci. Bizarre incidents and nightmares begin happening 1n a cartoonist's life alter he sutlers the toss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr • 44 min} 12:30 D ID SCTV NETWORK Guests. Third World. I) ( I hr ·. 30 min ) COUPLES NEWS smUMPET CfTY Peter O'Toote stars In this sev· en-part dfama of kfe in Oubl1n trom 1907 to 1914 featt 1) ( 1 hr.) CE CFL FOOTBALL Montreal Alouettes at Toronto ~dis (2 hrs , 30 mtn.) {.L) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "A Doll's House·· A woman (Julie Harris) a&Serts hef own iden111y after confronting her husband's (Chrtsto- pher Plummer) Immorality in a teleplay based on the play by Henrik lbSen (2 hrs .. 15 min) cm MoVIE "Hot Games Of Love" (1981. Comedy) Guy Royer. Karine Gambler. A young woman. her sister, ex·husband and hef best friends engage In a series of romantic interludes. ( 1 hr.. 15 min.) 12:-46 (%) MOVIE "Lightening SwordS Of Death" (1980. Orama) TomisabOro Wakayama. Masahiro l'omitcawa. ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "!stand Of L.ost Soots" (1933. Hor- r.or) Charles Laughton, Richard Arlen. Based on the story by H.G. Wells. A demented scientist perfects a method to convef1 Jungle antmala Jnto homan savages ( 1 ht .• 30 min.) II MOVU: "Night Gallery'' (1969. Suspense) Joan • Ctawford. Barry ~an, Aod Setting preMnts ttitee tales ot the supemetlftl: an Nit pt"ovoket his uncle'• death; 1 WMlthy bllnd women buya a poor mt1n'1 eyes; en tx•Nazl dttlml of ~Ing part of CJl..~·~if\8!iln•Soult\~ "10ll(J ~~~~~===:~~ l'UAOAYNiGH"f ~ .q -.~, no A.14 tfl 0 6 1 \ • J ~~--... Friday (continued) and her paramour to dispose of her husband via an "accidental" death backfires Ironically for the scheming pair ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Satuniay .\I< >IC\ I'\< ; CC) MOVIE "'McL1ntockl" ( 1963, Western) John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. A cattle baron tries to handle a group of dlsgtuntled Indians and cope with a fiery, determined wile at the same time (2 hrs .. 5 5:00(1) CHRtSTOPHER CLOSEUP mln.l CC) MOVIE "81ow~Up" (1966. Mystery) David 1:20CH) MOVIE ··Hardly Working" ( t981. Comedy) Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave. Jerry Lewis. Susan Oliver After the circus closes Cl) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team Final" (2 hrs.) down. a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. 5:05@ BASEBALL BUNCH fallll miserably at them all. 'PG' ( t hr .. 31 min) 5:20(%) MOVIE "Lightening SwOl'ds Of Death" 1:30 EVENING AT THE IMPROV (1980, Orama) Tomlsaburo Wakayama. Masahlro 1:46 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE Tomlkawa. ( 1 hr .• 23 min.) 1:65 NEWS 6:30 II VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA 2:00 GD NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT Cf) NEwARK ANO REAUTY at MOVIE "The Mountain Road" (1960. Orama) 6:36 al) THE PARTRtDGE FAMILY James Stewart. Glenn Corbett. An unscrupulous 6:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTEA major 1n the Army learns compassion after being 8ERENOf PITY charged with blowing up villages, bridges and roads PUBLIC AFFAIRS against advancing Japanese during World War II (2 TEEN TALK hrs . 15 min.) APPLE POLISHERS cm MOVIE "Emily" ( 1 hr . 30 min.) NEWSMAKERS (]) MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. FAMILY AFFAIR Adventure) Bruce Lee. Robert Baker A martial arts WATCH YOUR MOUTH student sets out 10 avenge the murder of his teacher MOVIE "Running Scared" ( 1972, Adventure) m which a nval school was involved 'R' ( 1 hr .• • 7 Keo Wahl. John Suon. ( 1 h< , 30 m n.) minffi ()) THE PEKING OPERA Joanne Woodward hosts 2:05 NEWS a Chinese extravaganza featuring singing, dancing. 2: 10 MOVIE "The Last Of The Blue Devils" acrobatics. mime and martial arts ( 1 hr • 20 min ) ( 1979. Musical) Big Joe Turner. Jay McShann ( 1 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR TOUGH BARBECUE -Buck Owens (left) hr . 30 min.) 8:061 WAR AND PEACE d Ro ,..,_ -k /'. · ht) Jain bo t tb 2:25 II MOVIE "'Ltttle Fauss And Big Halsy" ( 1970. 6:20 NEWS an 'Y "'.uu ,ng comp a u e Orama) Robert RedfOfd. Michael J Pollard. Two 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE tough meat to Slim Pickens during the motorcyclists leave behind a string of broken hearts THArS CAT "Slim's Ba.r-B -Que" segment seen every as they roar through the West on batlered bikes PACESETTERS week on "Hee Haw," which airs Saturday at with despera1e dreams ( 1 hr . 55 min.) VOICE Of AGRICULTURE 4 p.m. on KRJ-TV (Ch. 9). 2:308 MOVIE "Roseanna McCoy" (1949, Orama) FAST FORWARD Farley Granger, Joan Evans. The love between two DAVEY ANOGOLJATH (!)WRESTLING membefs of feuding families eventually results in a rrs YOUR BUSINESS GI MOVIE "Just Around The Corner" ( 1938, MuSi- truce (2 hrs.) WATCH YOUR MOUTH cal) Shirley Temple, Joan Davis . • NEWS NEW VOtCE I MOVIES IN BLACK ti) MOVIE "The Devil's Hand" (1961, Orama) CAPTIONEOABCNEWS REBOP Robert Alda. Linda Christian. A man finds that his OR. SNUGGLES WRfTING FOR A REASON innate goodness prevents him from becoming a 8:-46(%) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Orama) S~ TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1982 Dav.-Cup Ouar- total par1tc1pant In an evU voodoo cult. ( 1 hr., ao sy i cek. Ertc Roberts. (1 hr .. 35 min,) ter-Flnal" Sweden vs. U.S.A. ( 1 hr.) min.) 7:00 KIOSWORLD 8:30 I Cl) TARZAN I LONE RANGER 0 MOVIE "'Blood Beach" ( 1981. Horror)· John I THE FLINTSTONES I KID SUPER POWER HOUR Sa1100. Burt Young. A pair of pollce olfloers have BIG BLUE MARBLE FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG their hands full when they investigate the cause of ([I SUPEAFRIE.NOS GETTING TO KNOW ME beachgoers being sucked into the sand. never to be INTERNA TioNAL HOUR WRITING FOR A REASON seeo again. 'A' (1 hr .. 30 min.) DAVEY AND GOLIATH MOVIE "The Hustler Of Muscle Beach" ( 1980. 2~35 (!) MOVIE "San Quentin" ( 1946. Drama) Law-TO LIGHT A CANDLE Shirley Boone hosts a Orama) Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz. rence Tierney. Marian Carr An inmate-Initiated prls-documentary on the life and work of Mark Buntin CJ) THE FOLK MUSIC REUNION The Kingston Trio on program '°' the reformation ol parolees goes with special guest Mother Teresa. (1 hr.) host a musical special featuring Judy Collins, The awr~ ( t hr . 25 min.) I TEEN SCENE Llmellters. Glen Yarbrough. Mary t ravers. John 2:"5 WORLD AT LARGE CHECKING IT OUT Sebastian. Tom Paxton. The Brothers Four and The 2:65 MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( 1981, YOGA FOR HEALTH Fireslgn Theater. (1hr .. 30 min.) Adventure) Perry King. Don Stroud. A fooner South WRmNG FOR A REASON (%) M"OVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Vietnamese official seeks revenge against the lour MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, Ch~ Chase, Ben1i. (1 hr., 43 min.) Americans who abandoned him In an ambush dur-Comedy) P J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. 9:00• LEAVE IT TO BEAVER Ing the war 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY 3:00«!) e NEWS I) MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Orama) NATIONAL ELECTRONIC HOME SERVICES Cl) UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE RACING "Thund41r Dustin Hoffman. M8fYI Streep. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) TEST On The Ohio" from Evansville, Ind ( 1 hr.) 7:05 al) MOVIE "The Bridge On The River Kwel" i NASL SOCCER KICKS 3:05(C) MOVIE "'The Gumball Rally" (1976, Com&-(1957. Orama) William Holden. Alec Guinness. ERNEST ANGLEY dy) Michael Sarrazin, Tim Mcintire. A gumball 7:30 I MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS MISTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS machine is the grand prize In a New York-to-Los SMURFS ABOUT COMPETITION Fred Rogers and Harvard Angeles car race which brings all sorts of zany char· OR. SNUGGLES psychologist Tom Cotlle talk with parents about acters onto the nation's highways and back roads O RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 how they can help their children deal with competl· 'PG' (1hr .. 47mtn.) INTERNATIONAL HOUR tion (A) (1 hr.) 3:30 cm THE TUBES VIDEO Sonas from their album DA VEY ANO GOLIA TH ID AMERICAN GOVERNMENT "The Completion Backwards ~nnciple" are per-CALIFORNIA PEOPLE (I) HORSESHOW JUMPING "I Love New York formed by the Tubes ( 1 hr.) VOICE OF AGRICULTURE Grand Prix" (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 3:40(%) MOVIE "Staircase" ( 1969, Drama) Richard BIG BLUE MARBLE 0 MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979, Burton. Rex Harrison. Two elderly homosexuals WRrTING FOR A REASON Corned~ Edward Herrmann. Barbara Harns. ( 1 hr .• share a thriving barbershop business in the heart of MOVIE "Gloria" (1980. Drama) Gena Row· 39 min. London. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) lands. John Adames. (2 hrs., 1 min.) 9:301 BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER 3:50(1) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Orama) (I) JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppeteer ' I SPIDER-MAN Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James When a country· Barclay Shaw and the Troplcana Dancers are lea-OZZIE ANO HARRIET western singer steals hls song, an ex-con tries des-tured. (_!hr.) tI1 HEATHCLIFF & MARMADUKE perately to retrieve his recording rights while baffling 8:00 II Cl) POPEYE WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS the ~ice. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 40 mtn.) 8 MOVIE "Comln' Round The Mountain" ( 1936, MOVIE "How To Steal A Million (Dollars And 4:00 Cf) NEWS Western) Gene Autry, Ann Rutherford. Live Happily Ever Alter)" ( 1966. Comedy) AUdrey ~SPORTSCE.NTER ~~~~~~~~~~~--'t1=·~M_A_V~ER"--IC~K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-H-e_p_bu_rn_._P_e_1~_o~·T~C?Ol9~·~~~~~~~~~ NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER llt~ta~rftM!Mn ... WILL CREA TE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE ANO LIFESTYLEI 9 ---- 10 <'I Saturday ( oontinued) ., CJ) ... I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL AMER9CAN GOVERNMENT ~ MOVIE "Tess" (1979, Orama) Nastassla Klnskl, ~ Peter Firth. (2 hrs .. 50 min.) ::> 10:00llS SPACE STARS .., I SHA NA NA ~ 0 THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD 'O MOVIE "Frankenstein Meets The Space Mon -c ster'' ( 1965, Science-Fiction) James Karen. Nancy u.. Ma.rShalJ. ICAR CARE CENTRAL BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979, Orama) Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:15(%) MOVIE "From The Life Of The Marionettes" ( 1980, Orama) Robert A tzorn, Christine Buchegger. ( 1 hr .• •3 min.) 10:30. AMERICA'S TOP TEN IWE'REMOV1N' NASL SOCCER KICKS 8QUAAE FOOT GAROEH.ING AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Maa Wednesday" ( 1947, Comedy) HarOld Lloyd, Frances Ramsden 10:36 az> MOVIE "Doctors' Wlves" ( t 97 1. Orama) Dyan Cannon, Richard Crenna 11:00D BASEBAU Houston Astros at St Louis Car- dinals (3 hrs ) I TARZAN 0 WEEKEND SPECIAL "II I'm Lost, How Come I Found You" An orphan. an elderly shoplifter. two foreign missionaries and a puppy complicate Hie for two amateur bank robbers (Part 1) (R) Q I SOUL TRAIN ewe MOTOACROSS COOKING MEXICAN BASEBALL Regional coverage of Oakland A's at Baltlmore Orioles; Houston Astros at St. Louis Cardinals (3 hrs) ID PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT 0 SHOESHINE GIRL When an unruly girt' s boss is injured. she Is faced with running the business sin· glehandedly and learning the meaning of responsi- bilit . 11 :30 b Cl) BLACKSTAR In AMERtCAN BANDSTAND WILO, WILD WEST THE ROOKIES MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING PStSONAL RNANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT ([) NASL SOOCER Jackson11111e Teamen vs. Chica· QQ_ Sting (2 hrs ) g MOVIE "Going Apel" (1981. Comedy) Tony Danza. JesslC8 Walter. ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) .\F-JlJ~\< >< >\ OLDER TRAN BE LOOKS -Ricky Schroder. in hJ.s first &tarring TV aeries, portrays an older-than-his-yea.rs young man who bas a father who is not so mature in the new NBC comedy "Silver Spoons," to be presented Saturdays at 8:30 p .m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) this fall. m MOVIE "San Antonio" (1945, Western) ErrOI i nn. Alexis Smith MONEYMAKERS INTRODUCING BIOLOGY Ft.ASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 Actual newsreels help dramatize the stories of lour survivors fOllowlng the Octobef 1929 New Yori< Stock Exchange crash. ( 1 hr ) D MOVIE "Big Wednesday" ( 1978, Orama) Jan- Michael Vincent. William Katt. (2 hrs .• 5 min.) 1:308 (I) 30 MINUTES Scheduled: reports oo drag racl~ainbow Company and wlndmllls. I NOVA "Strange Sleep'' The men wtio discov- ered and pioneered the field of anesthesia 1n the 19th century are profiled. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) G) INTROOUCING BtOlOGY ([) TENNIS "Mlchelob Light Cup" Coverage of Connors vs. Gerulaitis lrom Industry Hiiis, Calif (2 h~.) . cm MOVIE "Gas" (1981. Comedy) Donald Suther- land. Susan Anspach. 2:008 MOVIE "That Touch Of Mink" ( 1962. Come- 12:0011 Cl) TROLU<JNS ~) Cary Grant, Doris Day. • LOST IN SPACE U e ANHEUSER BUSCH GOLF CLASSIC Cover- (!) MOVIE "Gorilla At Large" ( 1954, Mystery) age of the third round of this gOll tournament (lrve Cameron Mitchell, Lee J. Cobb from the K1ngsm1ll GOif Club 1n Williamsburg. Va ) e MOVIE "The Man Who Understood Women" !hr) 1959. Comedy) Leslie Caron. Henry F'onda. GILLIGAN'S ISLAND RtCK'S ANIMALS MOVIE "Savages" (1974, Suspense) Andy PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE-Griffith, Sam Bottoms. MENT 0 MOVIE "A Bullet For Sandoval" ( 1970, West- (C) MOVIE "The High And The Mighty" (1954. Ora ern) Ernest Bofgmne. George Hiiton ma) John Wayne. Claire Trevor (!)WRESTLING cm MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981 , Comedy) G» MOVIE "The Scalphunters" {1968. Western) Richard Ben1am1n, Paula Prentiss Burt Lancaster. Shelley Winters CS) HOLL YWOOO Bill Hams presents up-close I SIGNATURE Guest: Thor Heyerdahl. reports on the people al}d events which are making INTRODUCING BIOLOGY news in the production and glamour capital ot the , MOVIE "Runn;ng Scared" ( 1972. Adventure) movie industry Ken Wahl, John Saxon. ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) CZ) MOVIE 'Wollen" ( 1981. Suspense) Alber! Fin· CS) MOVIE "Spy Wrth My Face" ( 1966, Adventure) ney. Diane Venora ( 1 hr . 55 min ) Robert Vaughn. David McCallUm ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 12:30 8 Cl) TOM ANO JERRY CZ) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981. Drama) Sissy I PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND Spacek. Enc Roberts. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) MOVIE "The Siege At Red Rrver" ( 1954, West· 2:30 g GILLIGAN'S ISLAND ern) Van Johnson. Joanne Dru G GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Larry Mahan" I KIDSWORLO Host· Ken Howard. AOAM·12 @ MIXED BAG "Faking It" Artists who copy the VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE masters and get paid for 11. "Approach Shot, Spin And SeMce Return .. Vic Bra· llREl.ANO! A TElEVISION HISTORY den demonstrates the basics of ball rotation (R) D INTAOOUCING BJOLOGY 9 PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAG£" MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, MENT ~) P.J Soles, Vincent Van Patten. (Ii) vtOEO JUKEBOX 2:35 ® MOTORWEB< ILLUSTRA TEO CJ) MOVIE "Oliver Twitt" ( 1975. Adventure) Arll-3:00 D OUTDOOR UFE BHI Oance and Spider . mated. (1 hr., 15 min.) Andressen fish for striper In Tennessee's Percy 1236 al) MOVIE ''e.nd Of The RNer" ( 1952, Adwn-Priest Lake. turel._ James Stewart. Arthur Kennedy. e MOVIE "Sallof Beware" (1952. Comedy) Dean 1:008 Cl) t<WO<Yt<OALA Martin, Jerry Lewis. THE MUN8TEA8 • 0 U.S. WOMEN'S OPEN Coverage of the third MOVIE "G9tllail II" 1072. Sclenoe-F'lctlon t nament (!Mt from Sec-·~--~~~~~~~~ Comedy) Bing Crosby. 6ob Hope ta BEETHOVEN'S EMPEROR CONCERTO The Orcheslre de Paris is conducted by Paol Kleckl with soloist A"hur Rubinstein for a performance of lhe composer's "Fift h Plano Concerto In E Flat Major." U hr.) GD MOVIE "Kansas City Bomber" ( 1972, Orama) Raquel Welch. Kevin McCarthy I!) INTROOUCING BIOLOGY ([) MOVIE "VIP. My Brother Superman" (1963) Animated 3:05 al) WRESTLING 3:30 11 CJ) SPORTS SATURDAY 15-round WBA lightweight championship boot between Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini and Ernesto Espana (from Warren. Ohio). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) II EVERYWHERE Location live from the Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach. SOth Pageant of the Masters ; hr .. 30 min.) NINE ON NEW JERSEY WERE YOU THERE? "Oscar MICheaux. Film Pioneer" 1930s stars Bee Freeman and Lorenzo Tucker remember pioneer black film director Oscar Mlcheaux. (R) Q fl'D SURVIVAL Secrets Of The African Baobab" Otson WellM narrates a close-up portrait of Africa's great baobab tree. filmed by Alan and Joan Root in Kenya's Tsano National Park (R) ( 1 hr.) (() TENNIS "Mlchelob Light Cup" Live coverage of Botg vs May8f lrom lnduStry Hills. Cahf (2 hrs.) (fi) MOVIE "Gloria" ( 1980, Orama) Gena Row- lands. John Adames. (2 hrs .. 1 min.) cm MOVIE "The Cal And The Canary" ( 1978. Mys- tery) Honor Blackman. Michael Callan. CS) THE FOLK MUSIC REUNION The Kingston T rlo host a musical special featuring Judy COiiins. The Umehters. Glen Yarbrough, Mary Travers, John Sebastian. Tom Paxton, The Brothers Four and The Firesign Theater ( t hr .• 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Forever Female" ( 1953, Comedy) Wll Uam Holden, Ginger Rogers. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:'46(%) MOVIE "Autumn Sonata" (1978. Orama) Liv Ullmann. Ingrid Bergman. ( 1 hr., 33 min.) 4:00 8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Louisiana vs. St. Louis ( 1 hr l I HEEHAW ERtC SEVAREJO'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKfOAO FILES MOVIE "Paper Lion" (1968, Comedy) Alan Alda. Lauren Hutton. Cll STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in this sev- en-part drama of Ille in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 {Part 1) ( t hr.) • QUE PASA, U.S.A.? "Carmen's Night Out" Car- men returns home drunk aher her first night out without a chaperone (CJ MOVIE "The Roles Of The Game" ( 1939. Ora· ma) Marcel Oaho, Nora Gr~ 4:30 Cf) AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY I SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY PREGNANCY ON THE ROCKS ... THE FET Al ALCOHOL SYNOAOME Researchers. physicians and authorities on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome discuss findings concerning the potential effects of a mother's drinking on her child during pregnancy ( 1 hr.) ([) CAOSSBAA 5:00 II AMERICAN ADVENTURE I F'REE-4-ALL BASEBALL California Angels at New York Yank- ees (3 hrs) 8 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage of the National Sports Festival will feature competitions 1n track and held. boxing. figure skallng, and dMng iom Indianapolis. Ind. ) ( 1 hr • 30 min ) M•A•s·H GRIZZLY ADAMS COUNTRY GALAXY OF ST AAS Mel Tlllts and his special guest Sylvia trace the development of country music since 1965 In a recollecllon of some of the stellar performances during the course of 15 years of the Music City News Country Awards pro- i ms (2hrs) NEWS SOLID GOLD CARMEN Grace Bumbry and Jon Vickers star with the Vienna Phllharmonle In thrs opera about a ~psy girl and a young soldier (3 hrs ) LAWRENCE WELK MOVIE "Continental Divide" ( 1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. CS) HOLL YWOOO Bill Harris presents up-<lose reports on the people and events which ere making news in the prodUction and glamour capital of the movie lndusl ry. 0 MOVIE "The Turning POint" ( 1977, Drema) Anne Bancroft, Shirley MacLelne. ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) &054?) MOVIE "Bae'< To Bataan" (1946, Adven- ture} John W•yne. Anttiony aurnn. 5:30 8 DANCE FEVER 1 ~8ACK.KOTTER • WtoE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage Of the National~· F•tlval will feattQ come>et1llons In ---· . -.. -- Saniroay (continued) • ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Leatherstocklng Tales" Frontier hero Natty Bumpo rs given the name Hawkeye by an honorable Huron lndlan. but later Is captured by the enemy Huron camp. (Part 1) (A) I SQUARE FOOT GARDENING SPORTS CENTER THE DEADLY GAME Three retired criminal law- yers play a game of cat·and·mouse with a seeming- ly Innocent victim: George Segal, Trevor Howard and Robert Morley star. (2 hrs.) CO) MO\ltE "Gloria" ( 1980, Drama) Gena Row· lands, John Adames. (I) MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. cg hrs.) (%)MOVIE "The Last Of The Blue Devils" (1979, Musical) Big Joe Turner. Jay McShann. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:00 I (I) CBS NEWS II NBCNEWS FM -TV Music from The Rolling Stones. Nell Yoong. Dire Straits. Joe Cocker and more. (Part 2) I hrs.) S.W.A. T. MOVIE "The Amazing Dobermans" ( 1976. Comedy) Barbara Eden. Fred Astaire. Five well- trained Doberman pinschers belonging to a revival- ist ex-con turn their ears and talents toward tracking down criminals for an undercover cop. (2 hrs.) flJ RICK'S ANIMALS m> WOOOWRIGHrs SHOP "Dumbheads In Action" Roy Underhill completes the upper part of the shaving horse. (A) CC) MOVIE "The"" Hustler Of Muscle Beech" { 1980, Ofama) Richard Hatch. Kay Lenz. A smalltime hus- tler contnves a scheme to turn a stow-witted ama- teur into a world class body-building champion. (2 hrs) Cl) CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger Cats at Winni- peg Blue Bombef,s (3 hrs.) 6:30 tJ U CJ) Im NEWS I MARY lYLER MOORE CHECKING IT OUT Featured: a report on Incest a profile of teen-age entrepreneur Juan Caballero. D ·--~-.-..; \ . ESCAPE FROM WAR -Beulah Quo (left) plays a Vietnamese woman who runs a Saigon orphanage and Shirley Jones and Ina Balin port.ray American women who try to evacuate the orphans, including little Gigi Morales as Mai, to America during the last days of the war, in "T1ie Chttdren of An Lac," a CBS motion picture on KNXT (Ch. 2) Saturday at 8 p.m . m> MOTORWEEK D P.ERFECTL Y FRANK Cloris Leachman is fea- tured in this song-and-dance revue honoring com- poser Frank Loesser. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 7:00 tJ CJ) IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? ')lt::'li'S TR \DITIO:'li \I. W•: \R F11r t ho!'>l' \\ho -1hop for q11a1i1, Pat Marley's unparalleled traditionals wear on forever! We have the correct fit ... handsomely detailed. successful look that sets you out front in the best-dressed realm. Come see.. Ladies traditionals too. ,. FAOUTIES INCLUDE: .. (I) BASEBALL New Yor1< Mets at San Diego Padres Jl 0 -I hrs .. 30 min.) PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT THEMUPPETS U.S. CHROMCLE "The Power And The Glory" ~ Edmund Muskie, Elliot Richardson, Clark Cttfford, ~ Robert Strauss, Lyn Notzlger and Stuan Elzenstat .,, analyze the mystique of power attached to high 5: QQ_vernment office. • (]J MO\ltE "Stripes" (1 981, Comedy) Bill Murray, '!< Harold Ramis. A New York cabble looking for ~ excitement convinces his best friend to· join hlm in -<" enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'A' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) ~ (%)MOVIE "Raggedy Man'' (1981, Drama) Sissy $..> Spacek. Eric Roberts. In 1944, a telephone operator in a small Texas town sacrifices her standing in the communi1y when she has a short attair with a com- .bat-bound sailor. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 min.) 7:05 (Ill NEWS 7:308 DANCE FEVER LOOK AT US PEOPLE'S COURT FIGHTBACK EYE ON SAN DIEGO PRESENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el host an Informative look at what's new at the movies. CB) MOVIE "Tess .. ( 1979, Drama) Nastassia Klnski. Peter Firth The daughter of a poor English farmer becomes lhe victim of her famny·s aspirations and her own beauty. 'PG' (2 hrs., 50 min.) CO) ON VIEW 8:00 tJ Cl) MOVIE .. The Children Of An Lac .. ( 1980, Drama) Shirley Jones. Ina Balin. The true story of three American women's attemets to evacuate a large group of war orphans from letnam during the communist takeover is tc::>ld. (R) (2 hf&.) II ti) HERE'S BOOMER Boomer shows a down- and-out youngster that you don't have to be born to money to succeed. (R) D MOVIE "The Lisi 01 Adrian Messenger" ( 1963. Mystery) George C. Scott. Dana Wynter. An Englishman believes that he and a. number of other ~e!_e are targets for murder. (2 hrs.) U (!JJ TODAY'S FBI An agen1 who has gone under- cover as a construction worker becomes a target for murder. (R) ( 1 hr.) CiJ MOVIE "The Baby" ( 1972, Suspense) A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR THE YEAR 1982 FULL TE1~ ~98ERSHIP (l91ulatlv $1200) Oft.. o-1""" Mr • I 9 T enolS COUllS ( I 3 ligllled) Several prestigious tournaments have chosen NBTC's courts and facllilles The Pacific Southwest Senlo<s Tournamenrs annual event now calls NBTC home. This is the oldest and most prestigious event 1n the Untted States Entries have grown from 300 to 800 ln twenty divisions. The Orange County 7-c1oplfon Guild Tournament brings two weekends of great tennis to our courts white supporting a very worth white Charity as welt. In April of 19n the eyes of the world focused on NBTC via T.V and world-wide press coverage of the Davis Cup North American Zone Finals between the United States and South Africa And the first LadleS Prolesslonal Tennis Tournament ever held In' Orange County took plaee at NBTC on October t. 1917. We aH enjoyed watching Chris Evert. Martina Navratilova. Francoise Durr, and Batty Stove demonatratlng their e•ceplional tennis slllUs. 675-tMO 3."IB.'\ Eust Couilt lllahwuy c.·oi-onu del Mur • Jt OlymJMC Size POOi • Dining Room • Bar • Backgammon and Card Room • New Mttch Male 811N M~ • Ja<:uzzl • Vi<*> Equlpmenl • Awaie4/Pro Shop e Ae<Qbic CIHMS • &Mnmer JunlOr T t1M1S Clinics • 80dy Succesa Seminar FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OUR SALES DIRECTOR FROM 10:~00 Ttli&~SUN. CALL 844--0050 - ··----, ·--,__.. .... -------------...-:= II ~ Saturday (contirrued) CJ) - ._ ____ .... -···-··--· ·- Sunday .\ I< >IC\ I '\< • 6:00• VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (!) NASL SOCCEA Jacksoovlle Teamen at CNcago Sting (2 hrs.) e "MOVfE "Galaxy Of Terror" (1981, Horror) Edward Albert, Etln Moran. ( 1 hf .. 20 min.) 5:06 (I!) JAMES R08ISON 6:15(C) MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Comedy) Mac Davis, Tovah Feldshuh. 6:35 CARTOONS 6:"6 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 5:301 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:00 MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM I SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL R08ERTS OUR LARGEST MINORITY: THE DISABLED The role of disabled Individuals In Ametlean society and the growing awareness of thelr abilities are exa- mined. (R) ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Otlvef Twist" ( 1975, Adventure) Anlr- mated ( 1 hr . 15 min.) (%) MOV1E "The Last Of The Blue Devils" ( 1979, Musical) Count Basie. Joe Turner ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 8:05Gl) LOST IN SPACE 8:16CH) MOVIE "For Yoor Eyes Only" (1981, Adven- turel_ Roger MOOfe, Topot 8:309 FOR OUR TIMES SEHENDtPfTY ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA. FAST FORWARD POINT OF VIEW TO BE ANNOUNCED CALIFORNIA PEOPLE MOVIE "Monster Island" ( 1981, Adventure} Terence Sfamp. Peter Cushing. (1 hr .. 40 min.) 7:008 TODAY'S RELIGION THArSCAT LITTLE RASCALS IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND e SUNDAY MASS PU8UCPULSE DAY OF otSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH AMERtCA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Bumi" ( 1970, Drama) Martoo Brando. Evaristo Marquez. (I) SPORTSCENTER 7:05 Gl) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:308 FAJTHWAYS I WHITNEY AND THE ROBOT CAMPUS PROALE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI- TION I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRIT SPECTRUM JIMMY SWAGGART ACUPUllCTURE 1111-IWI Ull, a.a. AUTHOA Of "ACUPUNCTUM & IC•NCI" Fermer CM1rm11n, Mmlnar of ChlneM Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 Moft.·W.SAI\. ............. c.... .,.. ............ .......... IAMTAMA 132.5040· T-·Thur...a.t. ....... o.e9' c.. .-LK...-.A-... , Oil.YIM .. RETURN TO GOOD OLD DAYS -Meeno Peluce pl.ays the Ol'phan Jeff, who join.ta friend for an uncharted ody!J8ey back through time., he witnestes some of the most exciting moment• in history on "Voy~" a> Sundays at 7 p.m. this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4). I Fa.IX THE CAT MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOARoW AMERtCA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Staltcase" ( 1969, Orama) AiGhafd Burton. Rex Harrison. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 7:35(1l) MOVIE "Battle Cry" ( 1955, Orama) Van Heflin, Aldo Ray. 8:009 SUNDAY MORNING THIS IS THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRfENOS PERSONAL OtMENSK>NS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSIC WORLD JERRY FALWELL CARTOONS ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY FISHING "Bass Masters Classic" from Mont- g_omery, Ala. (SJ MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978, AdventUl'e) Robert Logan, M1kk1 Jamison-Olson. ( 1 hf., 43 min.) 8:300 ODYSSEY Guests: Dr. Judy Glass. professor at the University of Judaism, L.A., John and Kathy Du1tsman, missionary translalors fe>1 Lutheran Bible Translat0ts. Inc .. Orange, Tom Ranzak. profession- al musician. composer and youth minister at Sl llTERESTED II I HOME COMPUTER IUSllESS'l A LIFE T1M£ OPPORTUNITY TO 8E YOUR OWN llOSI BECOME PART OF A GROUND A.OOR MUL 11-UVIL llAMITINQ PLAN JUST aTMmNQ .. U.1.A. Now ,.. ...... ~ ............. .,. ..... . dl•trlbutor, Marllet1n1 • "•tl•nol lttoft• hoMocio,.. ...... HIGHLIGHTS Of THE PL:AN: ••NO COMPVTEA OR SALES !XPEAtENC! NEEOEO (TAAtNINO PAOVIOEO). ••WORK OVT Of YOUR RESIDENCE ANO KEEP YOUR CUF\R!NT JOB OR PAOfE8SIOH . ••MULTILEVEL COMMlSSION PL.AN. ••NO FRANCHISE FU OR INVENTORY COST. ••TAX ADVANTAGE&. ,. - Patrick's Parish, North Hollywood. TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREOERICt< K PRICE a.ecTRIC COMPANY (R)_' o KNOW YOUR BIBLE c AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY ,, AVOt4 WOMEN'S MARATHON Coverage ot the :2. 26-mlle course from San Francisco, Calif. ___ i ® MOVE "Hawmpsl" (1978, Comedy) James ~ Hampton. Ctvlseophef Connetty. c.. • THE GOlOEH AGE. OF l£LEV1810N "No Time ~ For Sergeants" Andy Griffith por1rays a Geofgla ,.,, boy who, once Inducted Into the Army, sets the rrilll-!.> tary on it& eer. ( 1 hr.) 9:00 D NEWS CONFERENCE PEOPLE7 IJ ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN ~g,~JDsmm~R> c;> • MOVIE "Heavens Above!" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Cecil Parker. (I) CFl FOOTBALL Hammon Tiger Cats at Winni- peg Blue Bombers (3 tvs.) 9: 15 t%) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Drama) lrefle Cara. BariMlllet. (2 hrs., 14 min.) 9:30 ()) FACE THE NATION MEET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMOAAOW YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "Five Summer Stories" (1975) Docu- mentary, ( 1 hr .• 30 min,) 10:008 NEWSMAKERS Guest: Sonia Crow, Regional Director of the Enwonmeotal Protection Agency. II OUR LAAGEST MINORfTY: THE DISABLED The role of disabled Individuals In American &Oclety and the growing awareness of their abilities are exa- mined. (A) ( 1 hr.) I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8ASE8ALL BUNCH MOVIE "Love Story" ( 1970, Romance) All MaoGraw. Ryan O'Neal. II HERALD OF TRVTH (!) MOVIE "Charleston" ( 1979, Comedy) James Cooo, Herbert Lorn. I REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKEAS HEW8CENTER WEE<L Y YOU A.ND THE LAW THE SOUND OF MURDER Michael Moriarty and Joanna Miles star In thtS suspense drama about a woman and her lover plotting the murder of her . sadistic husband. (2 hrs ) 10:30 9 INTERFACE I GILLIGAN'S ISlAND 111 KJOS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guesta: John and Mackenzie Phitllps. Ann Jilllan. puppet"' Marc Wetne<. (R) ( 1 hr.) I R08ERT SCHULLER JERRY FALWELL OPEN MIND OUTDOOR LIFE BUI Dance and Spider Andres- seo fish for striper In Tennessee's Percy Priest Lake. • YOU ANO THE LAW llEWPORT BATSUll ---...,,._ I ... ~ Sunday {continued) S! 00 MOVIE "SST: Disaster In The Sky" ( 1977, Suspense) Lorne Greene, Burgess Meredith. gi 10:36 al) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at PlttebUrgh ~ Pirates (3 hrs., 15 min.) ~ 11:008 MOVIE "Stalag 17'' (1953, Orama) William .., HOiden. Otto Pr~. ~ e e PGA G<ii. ;,.Anheuser Busch Gott ciass1c· · 'O Live coverage ol the final round from the Klngsmlll "C Golf Club tn Williamsburg, Va. (2 hrs.) u... e BASEBAll Califomla Angels at New York Yank· g ees (3 hrs.) ..J • MOVIE "The Road To Hong Kong" ( 1962, > Comedy). Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. ._ • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Preju-R dice" Mr Blngley's abrupt departure to Loodon -hurls Jane deeply and Elizabeth is convinced that ~ i>i!ii~~Oarcy was to blame. (Part 3) ~MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji. • MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Orama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 11:30 8 aJ THas WEEK WTTH DAVID BRINKLEY I TERRY COLE· WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME GROW1NG YEARS MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji. (1 hr .. 43 min.) .\I' l'l.l{'\( )( )'\ 12:00 (1) WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 8 SEAACH CJ) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS .. Ruffian" Host George Plimpton. • UOVJE "rtrlake Swedef'I" ( 1965. Comedy) Bob Hope. Tuesday Weld. • PAPER CHASE "A Day In The Life Of ... " A third-year law student (Darlene Carr) almost seri- ously m1ures bicycling James Hart (James Stephens) while driving hef' car. ( 1 hr.) .GROWtNG'YEAM (() TENNIS "Women's Federatioo Cup Anal&" llve from Santa Ctara. Calif. (4 hrs .• 30 min.) ~MONEY MATTERS MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, uslcal) Paul McCartney. The Who. ()) MOVIE "In God We Trust" (1980. Comedy) MarJi'. Feldman. Andy Kaufman. ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) 12:30• OIRECT10NS Teen-age solck1e. the third leading cause of death among young people. Is exa· mined (Part 1) (() BASEBAU BUNCH 8 MOVIE "Gumshoe" (1972, Comedy) Albert Anney._Janlce Rule. Cl) OUTDOOR LIFE Bill Dance and Splaer Andres· sen fish f=r In Tennessee's Percy Priest Lake ·~NG~RS (ft) MOVtE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven· ture) Roger MOOfe, Topol. Cl MOVIE "Simon" (1980. Comedy) Alan Arkin, Austin Pendleton. (1 hr., 37 min.) 1:00D AGRICULTURE U.S.A. I DISASTERS THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU BASEBALL New YOfk Mets at San Diego Padres I hrs . 30 min ) ENTERT AJNMENT THIS wee< . ADAM-12 DANGER l1X.8 "Butterfly Winter" The bomb dis- posal team comes across Hitler's latest novelty - the butterfly bomb. (Part 10) (R) O ( 1 hr.) e SPORTSWOALO Scheduled: Pfescott Frontier Days Rodeo (from Artz.); Survtva1 of the Fittest, women's climb and rappel and white water swim end raft events (from New Zeea&nd) ; a report on the llnals of the Tour de France blcycle race (from Pans. France); coYerage of The King George VI I Queen Elizabeth Stakes Turi Race from Ascot. Eng· land. "Years Ago Today" features Ted WiUlamt' and Casey Stengel's lndootlon Into the Ba&eball Hell ofF~ru=~ ! MOV1E "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975. Drema) Ryan O'Neal. Marisa Berenson. 1:15(%) MOVIE "Caddle" (1981. Orama) Helen Morse, Jack Thompson. ( 1 hr .• 47 min.) 1:308 (I) SPORTS SUftfOAY UY9 coverage of rhe WBA 15-round world heavyweight championship bOUt between MYce Weaver and Randy ''Tex" Cobb from Caesar's Palace, Lat Vegas.. Nev. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) D ON CAMP.US "Wood ot College Radio'' at Pomona College. GAE.ATEST 8POR~-1-s l.EOEND8 ADAM-12 PAOJECT UNIVEA8E ' .... f'f, ~ PET BUSIN&U -San Fteed, as Richard, and Laurel Lee ~. h.18 wife, Ginny, share cbeir apartment with several pets because she runs an animal talent agency in "Kanproos in the Kitchen,'' a comedy pilot an KNBC (Cb. 4) Sw>day at 7;3() p.m. 2:00D SUNDAY Location. live from Graystone Man· slon, Beverly Hills. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 9 LPGA GOLF "U.S. Women's Open" Live coverage of the final round from Del Paso Country Ctub in Sacramento. Calif. (2 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "Moby Dick" (1956. Adventure) Gr~ ~Peck. Richard Basehart • MOVIE "The Scalphuntere" (1968. Western) Burt Lancaster, Shelley Winters. e MOVIE "The Jayhawkers" ( 1959, Western) Jeff Chandler, Fess Parker. r8 CARMEN George Blzet's ope<a teftlng the story of a gypsy g1rl who ruins the Ille of a young soldier i htMl1oe BUSINESS TOOAY "The Record Busl· ness Is Not Just FOf The Big Guys" Dick Goldberg talks with a recording artist I producef and the owner of a small rec0<ding company. I!) PROJECT UNIVERSE (I) MOVIE "Quo Vadis" ( 1951, Ofama) Robert Taylor. Oebofah Kerr. (2 hrs., 50 min.) 2:06al)RAT PATROL 2:30 e On.UGAN'S ISLAND I ~y LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Highlights" (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) I PAOJECTUNIVERSE M~ "Monster Island" (1981. Adventure) Terence Stamp. Peter Cushing. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 2:3611!) UNDERSEA WORLD Of JACQUES COUS- TEAU 3:00 8 2 WrTH YOU • MOVIE "Road To Ball" ( 1953. Comedy) Blng Crosby. Bob Hope. I WONOER WOMAN CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT PROJECT UNNERSe B.TOH JOHN PLAYS CENTRAL PARK The popular rock 8'1perstar of the '70s perlorms many of his smash hits in an 9'ectr1fylng concert In lhe'park {j hr) (JJ MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" ( 1981, Orama) Marsha Mason. Kristy McNichot CD) MOVIE "Kill Or Be Killed" (1980, Adventure) James Ryan. Charlotte MIChelle. (%)MOVIE "Raggedy Mll'I'' (1981, Orama) SISsy Spacek. E'rlc Roberts. ( 1 hr .• 36 min.) 3:308 MOVIE "Play Misty For Me" (1971, ~t Eastwood. Jessica Waner. l ~~~,;eN CLIFFHANGERS, OOME8ACK8 ANO CHAR- ACT'm e HUMANmE8 THROUGH THE ARTS S:a6 al) NtCE PEOPLE .. :OOD 8PORTSWORLD SchedUted: Prescott Fron- tltt Days Rodeo (from Ariz.): Sutvival of the Atfest, women's cnmb and rti)J:)tl and whit• water swim and raft eventt (from ·~ Zeeland) : a rep00 on the finals of the 1 our dt France bicycle tece (from Parla, Frano.k.1.. C~fQt. ot. Itlt.L<~ Glofge V1 I Q\Aeen et1zabtm StlftW"Ttif MM if Aacot. E , and Casey Stengel's inductioo Into the Ba1ieball Hall of Fame ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 8 9 NATIONAL SPORTS FeSTIVAL Coverage will feature competitions In track and field. boxing, figure skating, and diving (from Indianapolis. Ind.) STAR TREK i lhrs.) MOVIE "The Baby" ( 1972, Suspense) Anjanelle Comer. RU1h Roman. CJ) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK • MOVIE "Paper Lion" ( 1968, Comedy) Alan Alda. Lauren Hutton. e MOVIE "Lifeguard" ( 1976, Orama) Sam 811ott. Anne Archer . • WALL STREET WEEK "After The Tax Cur· Guest: Otto Eckstein. president of Data Resources . Inc (R) e MOV1E "The Beast Must Die" ( 1973. Horror) Calvin Lockhart. Peter Cushing e HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS (]j) MOVIE ''Hawmpsl" ( 1976, Comedy) James Hal ton. Christopher Con~ly. 4:05 WRESTLING ..:30 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (A) e UMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS CC) MOVIE "Burn!" ( 1970, Orama) Marion Bcando. Evaristo MS2E:ie1 ~="Escape From New YOfk" (1981, Sc1- ence-Action) Kurt Russell. Adrienne Barbeau. • MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza Minnem. Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knight and Carty Simon sing some of tOday's greatest hits including: "The Way We Were." "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does It Better " .. :"6 (%) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Orama) Irene Cara, Bar!Y_ Miller (2 hrs .. 14 min) 6:00 U KUNG FU (I) M•A•s•H CJ) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES 8 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev· en-part drama ol Ille In Dublin from 1907 to 1914. {Part 1 ) ( 1 hr ) • AAtNG LINE "The Polltlc81 Future As Viewed By· A Young Llbe(al And A Young ConservatJve" Guests attorney Mark Green, author of "Winning Back America": syndicated columnist Kevin Ph1f. lips. author of "Post-Conservative America... ( 1 hr.) · e HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (I) TENNIS "Mlchelob Light Cup Anals" from Industry Hiiis. Calif. (3 hrs.) ([) MOVIE "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976. Adventure) Fred Keller, Joseph MacGuire. ()) FALL LINE Surfer Nat Young and free-style ~ ing champion Randy Wieman show the similarities in sp<>!IS hke surllng, skiing and hang-gltding. 5:05® NASHVILLE ALIVEJ 5:30 8 C88 NEWS I NBCNEWS HEALTHBEAT MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "For Yoor Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven- tufe) Roger Moofe. Topel. (2 hrS . 5 min ) 1 . \ I . '\ I '\( ~ 8:008 8 8 tll NEWS I WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTE:A· IES i IT IS WRITTEN M•A•S•H MOVIE "Swim Team" ( 1979, Comedy) Jenny Newman. Stephen Furst. A pampered group of country clUbbel'S acquire a gorgeous new member who charges them up for the championship. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) QI SONG w-Rt-r ERS-: SHaDON HARNICK A cel&- bfatlon with the composer of "Fiddler On The Roof" and "Shi Loves Me". (1 hr.) • THE SUN DAGGER Robert Redford narrates a visual study of the receolly dlacoVefed sun calendar of the Pueblo Indians. ( 1 hr.) I N8CNEWS NOVA "Strange Sleep" The men who discov- ered and ploneered the fleld Of •NSSthesia In the 19th century are profiled. (R) o (1 hr.) <Bl MOVIE "SST: Disaster ff~'The &<y" (1977. Suspense) Lome Greene. Burgess Mefedith. The maiden fhght of a supetSOnlc traotP<Jrt tums Into a nightmare when saboteurt , .... se 1 deadly virus. (1 hr .• 40 min.) t Cl> MOVIE "Shipwreck'' (1978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Mikki Jamison-Olson. A widower. his two daughters. e repc>fter end a runaway are stranded on an Isolated lslend 1tter encountering a vloltnt storm at .... 'G' (1 hr., .a mWI.) 8;06 W£B< IN AE\'1EW 8:30 FIGHT BACK 1'!8 tiOU.YWOOO .... I·'' .. ~- Sunday (continuerl) I GREATEST SPORTS LEGEN08 THE JEFFER80NS Flt.M FEATURE 7:001(1) 80 MINUTES 8 THE FLINTSTONES Fred decides to enter a marathon running race. (R) I WONDER WOMAN 0 COOE RED Danny tnes to resolve a feud between Chris and Ted. and the firefighters battle a blaze started by two rival canyon residents. (R) ( 1 hr.) II EHCOAE NEWS "November 21, 1962" Highlights. The American blocede of Cuba IS sus- pended by President Kennedy; the Civil Rights Bill JIMMY SWAGGART i sses ROCK ANO ROLL; THE AAST 26 YEARS "The Women Of Rock And Roll" Tina Turner traces the history of women In rock from the mid-fifties to the Influence of the women's liberation movement In the seventies and eighties. ( 1 hr.) r8 DANCE Featured: May o·Oonnell. a former Mar- tha Graham Dancer performs. ( 1 hr.) I ASCENT OF MAN V1CTORY GARDEN MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji. While Investigating a political sex scandal 1n London. a private detective is mur- defed and reincarnated as a scruffy dog. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) (I) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The PhlHy Rash" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin, GarOI Burnett. An alcohoOc former baseball player and a kooky street entertain- er become partners In a scheme to make money by returning a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. ~ min.) (%)MOVIE "WOiien" (1981, Suspense) Albert~ ney, Diane VeOOfa. POiice ate laced with en unusual problem as New York City Is Invaded by a pack ot displaced wolves 'R' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 7:06 al> NEWS 7:30 8 • KANGAROOS IN THE KITCHEN A wom- an Who runs an animal talent agency from her Man-- hattan apartment Is taken to court by a complall'llng neighbor. ; I. fOCU8 ON BRfT AlN PORT'AAITI) IN PASTELS MOYIE "Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) Jer· ry Lewis. Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. fafllng mi.serably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 31 ml.n.) cm MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" (1981. Drama) Marsha Mason. Kristy McNlchot A New York actress returns from a drying-out Clinic determined to renew her career. her romanoe with a playwright and hef r8'8tlonship with her 17-year-Old daughter. 'R' t2 hrs.) e:ooe ARCHIE BUNKER'S Pl.ACE Archie comes up with a way to catch the person who Is breaking Into his storeroom at night. (R) 8 e CHIPS A woman and her two unruly sons i to s1eal an armo<ed car. (R) (1 hr.) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK 0 ABC NEWS CLOSEUP "Maxie<> -Times Of CtlsJs" The economic and poll11cal chaDenges that threaten Mexlbo's Internal security and Its relatlons with othef countries are examined. ( 1 hr.) I PAIMETIME ITISwRITTEN MORECAMBE & WISE MO\ltE "The Scalphonters" ( 1968, Western) Burt Lancaster. Shelley Winters. A fur tradet tracks down a band of scalphunters to regain his stolen furs and free a kidnapped Negro slave. (2 hrs.) I ALISTAIR eoot<E'S AM£RICA 8TAUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-part drama of llfe In Dublln from 1907 to 1914. (Part 1) (1 hr.) e NOVA "Moving Still" The world of high· and low-speed photography Is captured In this program wtiich follows the experimental work done In the field and Its PoSSlbte .w!lcatlons. (R) Q. ( 1 hr.) • MASTEAPl£CE THEATRE "Pride And Preju- dice" Although Elizabeth found the manner of Mr. Darcy's prop<>NI Insulting, she leams the truth about Wtef(ham and grows ashamed of her former REA80NABU! COIT FOR FURTHER INFO ON THE MOVE -Beth Howland •t.an .u Vera, the tJCatter-bral.ned waierea in Mel's Diner, in the CBS comedy serie11, "Alice," whkh will be moving t.o Wednetdays at 9 p.m . this f.U. The popular lhow ia presently seen Sunday at 9 pm. on KNXT (Cb. 2). ~ng~~4) (R)Q(1hr) Cl) MOVIE "LoOldng For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977, Dra- ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoOlteachef seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring various men fnto one-night stands. "A' ca hnt .• 15 min.) 0 MOVIE "Siience Of The North" (1981, Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrltt. In 1919, a young woman's marriage lo a trapper leads her to a life of har~ip in the wtlderness of northern Ganada. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 min.) • 8:06 (ll) JEARY PALWB.l . 9~30 8 ONE DAY AT A TIME AM and Francine could lose a big account unless theY accept an offer of financial assistance from Schnelder. (R) G THE WORLD TOMORROW (!) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 9:008 (I) ALICE Mel gives Tommy some advloe about girls then regrets lt when hlS niece shows up and takes off on a dale with Tommy. (R) •• MOVIE "The Faa Of The Hoose Of Usher" (Premiere, Horror) Martin Landau. Robert Hays. &sed on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. A young engineer finds his Ille In danger when he Is sum- moned by a childhood friend to help save htS crum- bling New England house (2 hrs.) • BEST LITTLE SPECIAL IN ~ This musical- variety special focuses on the ptemlere activities 94.Jrrounding the him "The Bat little Whorehouse In Texas." ( 1 hr ) G 0 MOVIE "Tlvee Days Of The Condor" ( 1975, Suspense) Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway. A research reader employed by the CIA uncovers Internal treachery when an of his ~wori<ers are assassinated by a hit man who Is now stalking him. i) D (2 hrs .• 30 min.) OR.CHO LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE SONG WRITERS: SHELDON HARNICK A cele- bration with ti.composer of "Addler On The Roof" and "She Loves Me". ( 1 hr.) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Preju- dice" Althoogh Elizabeth found the manner of Mr. Darcy's proposal Insulting, 8he learrts the truth aboul Wickham and grows ashamed of her formef blind prejudice. (Part•> (R) O ( 1 hr.) ID MYSTERY "Malice Aforettfought" Dr. Blcklelgh decides to host a tea party of his own -a party that he hOpes will prove fatal to some of his guests.. {Part 3) (A) D ( 1 hr.) (C) MOVIE "lfeavens Above!" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Cecil Parker. A welk'neanlng revefend becomes a bishop "' outer~ after being rejec;t- ed by the parishlooers to whom he was sent by int&- tat<e. ( 1 hr .. 60 min.) (() CFt FOOTBALL Hamttton Tiger cats at Wlnnl- (2!SJ Blue Bombers (2 hra., 30 min.) CH) MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Drama) Kristy McNlchOI. Mari< Hamill A brother-and-sister songwriting duo have many adventures while trying to eke out a living on the country-western circuit. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 50 min.) (IJ MOVIE "Gas" (1981, Comedy) Donald Suther· land, Susan Anspach. A radio DJ and a reporter try to expose an oil magnate's plot to drive up gas Drio-es by contriving an oil shorta_J19. 'R' (1 hf .. 30 min.) (J) MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( t 980. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Benji. While Investigating a political se)( scandal In London, a private detective Is mur- dered and reincarnated as a scruffy dog. 'PG' (1 hr . 43 min.) 9:05 (ll) OPEN UP 9:309 Cl) THE JEFFERSONS A smooth-talking record producer convinces Florence that she can be a star. (A) II JACK VAN IMPE (J) MOVIE "The HOU119 On 92nd Street" ( 1946. Orama) Lloyd Nolan. Signe Hasso. During World War II. the FBI attempts to invade a Nazi spy ring In New Yori( City. (2 hrs.) eNEWS cm MOVIE "Pick-Up Summer" (1981. Comedy) Mlchael Zelnik8f. Car1 Marotte. The fun-ftlled sum- mer vacation of two high echoOI students culminates In a hotly contested plnbaH competition. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30mln L 10:009 (I) TRAPPER JOHN. M.O. One of Trapper's· doctors mistakes his wife fOf a bUrgtar and shoots her~,,,(~ I THE WORD FOR TODAY DANCE Featured Mey O'Oonfle'I, a formef ~ tha Graham Dancer performs. ( 1 hr.) • PACKAGING AMERICAN WAAS The rOle and development of u S. wartime propaganda are traced, using historical !Am footage. posters end commentary from speclellsts. ( 1 hr.) e flAMBARD8 "New Blood" Christina retums to Aambards after hearing about Wiiiiam's death. (Part 9) (R) ~1 hr.) •MOVIE •· y Man" (1981, Ofama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Ro s. In 19~. a telephone operatO( In a small Texas town sacrlfioea he< atandlng In the community when she has a short atfelr with a com- bat-bound sall()r. 'PG' (1hr.,36 min.) 10:06(11) MOVIE "Knight Without Armour" (1937. Adventure) Robert Donat, Marlene Dietrich. A secret agent helps a young woman flee from the RU5Slan revolutlonarles. (2 hrs .• 15 min.) 10:308 LONE RANGER ! SPORTS WAAP-UP JIMMY SWAGGART NO REGRETS MOVIE "WOiien" (1981. Suspense) Albert An- ney. Diane venora. Police are faced wtth an unusual problem as New Yori( City la Invaded by a pack of displaced wolves. 'R' (1 hr .. 55 min.) 10:"6. SUNOAY SPORTS PAGE Cl> CtNEMASCORE 11:0088(1)eNEWS I PACESEffERS COME LOVE THE CHILDREN Hosts Art Unk- letter and CarOI Lawrence focus on the hopes, dreams and survival of the world's children. (1 ht.) I JERRY FALWB.l STRUMPET CfTY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- ~art drama of Ille In Dublin from 1907 to 1914 {Part 1) (1 hr.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el host an Informative look at what's new at the movies. (R) CC) MOVIE "A Clockwork Orange" (1971, Solen~ Action) Malcolm MoOOweft. Palrfck Magee. Direct- ed by Stanley Kubrick. When polloe capture the leader ol a leen-age gang of raplsta and murderers. the method of rehabllltatlng him proves even mo<e threatening to society. 'R' (2 tvs .. 17 mtn.) (8) MOVIE "For Yoor Eyes Only" ( 1981, AdVen- ture) Moore. T . Jamea Bond tracks a -C> CD N -. _ .... .. . . . ' t I I ~ I I I I J __ • -·-·---...... Monday ~-:---------~---------------------------------------------"' Sunday (continued) ! criminal who RUr1olned a top secret BrltiSh defense • device. 'PG' (2 hrs., 5 min.) ~ CD MOVIE "If You Don't Stop It, You'll Go Blind" ( 1975, Comedy) Keefe &aseeMe, Pat McCotmaek. -S' Ribald storleS. }Okes and sketches lllu9trate the tun- • , nler side of aex. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) I. CJ) MOVIE "Anal Cut" (1980, Drama) Lou Brown, David Clencltnnlng.. A filmmaker trlee to discover the truth behind a mutdlr he thinks he saw and photo- gtaphed. ( t hr .. 18 min.) j 11:t5,C88NEW8 ~ 11:130~~WRAP~P !l LIFE Of AILEY 0: TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED MOVIE "New York, New York" ( 1977, Musical) Liza Mlnnelli, Robert De Niro. During the big band era of the · 40s, a dedicated musician finds his devo- tion torn between his music and his songstress wife. ~) (3hrs.) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Just A Gigolo" (198t, Drama) David Bowle, Kim Novak. An aristocratic Prussian soldier returns 10 Berhn after Wortd War I to earn his living as a male escort. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:'6 9 THE AOCkFOAO Al.ES • MOVIE "New York, New York" (19n, MuslcaJ) Liza Mlonellt, Robert De Niro. During the big band era of the '40s, a dedicated musician finds his devo- tion torn between his music and his songstress wife. ·(A) _J3 hrs.) 12:008 ABC NEWS (I) ST AR TREK Cf) MOVIE "~n Sinners" ( 1940. Mystery) Mar- lene Dietrich, John Wayne. A Navy man Is forced to choose between his career and the woman he loves. i ~~~E MISSK>N: IMPOSSt8LE MOVIE "Riders Of Destiny" ( 1933. Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. A government agent Ines to help a group of ranchers regain their water rights. ( t hr.) GI SONG WRITERS: SHELDON HARNtCK A cei. bratlon with the composer of "Addler On The Roof" and ''She Loves Me". ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Starting Over" ( 1979. Comedy) 8urt Reynolds. Jill Clayburgh. After months of TV dinners and blind dates. a divorced magazine writer thinks he's found true love when a schoolteacher enters hls life. 'ff ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 12: 16 8 MOVIE ''The Marriage Of A Young Stock· broker" ( 1971. Orama) Richard Benjamin. Joanna Shimkus A young businessman bored with his lot In nte decides that becoming a "Peeping Tom" might add some spree to his dally existence. (2 hrs.) 12:201Jl) MOVIE "Petulia" (1968, Orama) Julie Chris~ tie, George C. Scott. A married woman fans In love with anolher man, but decides to patch up her mar· rlage aller her husband beats her. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) (%) MOVIE "Staircase" (1969, Drema) Richard Burton. Rex Hanison. Two elderty homosexuals share a lhrrv1ng barbershop business in the heart of Loodon ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 12:30(E) TENNIS "Women's Federation Cup Final" {!!om Sanla Clara, Calif.) (A) (3 hrs.) CIJ WELL rT SEEMED FUNNY AT THE TIME lmprov, Magic and stand-up comedy Is performed ~Martin Mull and his guests. ( 1 hr.) c..sJ THE SOUND OF MURDER Michael Moriarty and Joanna Miies star in lhls suspense drama about a woman and her lover plotting the murder of her sadistic husband. (2 hrs.) 12:'45 I NAME OF TiiE GAME 1:00 TEEN SCENE t8 DANCE F.eatured: May O'Donnell, a former Mar- tha Ore ham Dancer performs. ( 1 hr.) 1: 10 (H) MOVIE "My Bloody Valentine" ( 1981, Suspense) Paul Kelman. Lori Helle<. A small town becomes a scene of Utrror during their annual Valen- tine's Day dance. 'R' ( 1 hr., 3 t min.) 1:16(C) MOVIE "Barry Lyndon" (1975 Drama) Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson. A handsome soldier finds aclion and romance In the 18th-century British ar"1l:... ·~· (3 hrs .. 5 min.) 2:009 MOVtE "Sunday lovers" (1981. Romance) Gene Wiider, Roger Moofe. Four middfe.aged men In different countries artt followed as lheY pursue their amorous adventures. 'R' (2 hrs .. 7 min.) (%)MOVIE "Wollen" (1981, Suspense) Albert fu ney. Diane Venota. Poflce are faced with an unusual problem as New Y()(k City Is Invaded by a pack or dlSplaced wolves. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) ~~i= 2:30~8 RELIGION i~v~:::: 1 n~r~~tf~~A\~~lh\l?i'#~~~': \ I< >I \ '\ I '\ < • \ Jc )\ 11 ...., 8;00~ ''n. HOtth A¥8008 lff9go6ita'' (1979. Com-Ed'dfd Hemnann, 8att>lfa H1nt1. 9:~ "~ n-. Light Of The SMYtfy Moon" '( 1963. ~) DMt Day. Gordon MacRle. 1:15(1) r.tn God Wt Tn..t" (1980. ~) Marty Feldman, ~Kaufman. CZ> "From Ttit life Of The Mat10ntttts" (1980, Drama) Robert Atz0tn. Christine 8uchegger 7:00CC) "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981: Fanta· t}') Rolf Harfe. CH) "Give Me liberty" ( 1974, Ad\'enture) Robert CUIP-Richard Kiley. 8:000 "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Orama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. CZ) "Caddie" ( 1981, Drama) Heier! Morse. Jack Thompson. 8;0f)(ll) "The Steel Claw" ( 1961, Drama) George Mon~mery. Charito Luna. 8:30~ "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, Come-~ P J Soles, Vincent van Patten. (8) "Search And Oes1Toy'' ( 1981. AdwntUJe) Perry King, Don Stroud . 9:'6(%) "Oh Heevenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji. 10:00~ "The Gumban Rally" (1976, Comedy) Michael Sarrazin. Tim Mcintire. <ID "Star Tr~ -· The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Set· • ence-F'rc11on) William Shatner. Leonard Nlmoy. (I) "Royal Wedding" ( 1951, Musical) Fred Astalte. Jane Powell. e "I Hate Blondes" (1981, Comedy) Jean~ tort. Enrrco Montesano. 10:05«!) "Savage Wilderness': (1955. Western) VIC- tor MatU<e, Guy Madison. 11:30e "Gas" (1981, Comedy) OooaldSulheriand, Susan Anspach. CZ> "Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. . \ l !" l. l { '\ < >< ) '\ .\I< >\ 1 L~ 12:ooe "love Of Three Queens" (1953, Fantasy) Hedy Lamarr. Hans Conrled. • "The Neptune olaaster" (1973, AdVenture) Ben Gazzara, YveJte Mlmieox. • "By The Light Of The S!Mtfy Moon" (1953 Conledy) Doris Day, Gordon Macftae. · 1:00~ "Agatha" ( 1979, Mystery) Dustin Hoffman. Vanessa Redgtave. , e "The North Avenue lrregutars" (1979, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barbera Harris. 1: 16(%) "The last Of The Btue Devils" ( 1979. Musi· cal) Count Basie, Joe Turner. 2:00(!) "Alvarez Kelty" (1966, Western) Wiftlam Holden, Archard Wldmartc. ,CB) "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barbara Harris. CD "Deadly Games" (1981, Mystery) sam Groom. Dick Bulkus 2:30(1) "Where The Boys Are" ( 1960. Comedy) Dolo<es Hart. George Hami.lton. 3:00D "Mr. Rock And Roll" Documentary. CZ> "Caddle" ( 1981, Drama) Helen Morse Jack Thom ' 3:30~u1Mver's Travels" (1939, Fantasy) Anl-- mated. 4:00 D "Alcatraz Express" ( 1960, Drama) Robert Stack, Neville Brand. CH) "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adventure) Perry King. Don Stroud. {Q) ''The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" ( 1981. Biogra- phyL Oocumenlary. Narrated by Orson Welles. 4:301:1 "Gunn" ( 1967, Mystery) Craig Stevens, Edward Asner. 6:00 ~ "Inside Moves" (1980, Orama) John Sev-~. David Morse CZJ "Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Benji 6:05@ "Serenade'' (1956. Orama) Marlo Lanza, Joan Fontaine. 6:30QI "Tiny Revolutions" (Orama) Freddie Jones. CD) "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adventure) Perry King. Don Stroud. I .\ l '\I '\( I e:ool:LtEWS · C88NEW8 THe8AINT I WOMAN • MOVIE "The Thing" (1961. Soience-Fictioo} Jamtt Afntst, o.w.y Martin. A U.S. research sta· tlon In the Arctic It haunted by an eeffe ~ng. (2 hra.) I ABCNEWS · · S.W.A. T. &mOdaO nrlQI. .tWJ~ 3ROT= I • PAGEANT PRINCIPALS -Terri Utley Mjss USA 1982, and frene Saez Ccnde ~ Uruverse 1981, will appear in 'The' 1982 Mi.s!I Universe Pageant," which will be broadc&Jt live from Lima, Peru, Monday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Cb . 2). I HAWAII FfVE--0 OVER EASY Guest Helen Hayes (R) n NBC NEWS ...,. HUMANrTIES THAOUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Give Me Liberty" ( 1974. Adventure) Rober! Culp, Richard Kiley. A peddler's adventures In colomal America take him from the edge of the wilderness to meetings with the founding fathers. ( 1 hr .. 20mln.) 8:30(1). NEWS 9 BASEBALL Regional coverage of the Torooto Blue Jays at Boston Red Sox and anolher game to be announced. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) • OtCK CAVETT Guest Arthur Mitchell of the Dance Thealre of Harlem. (A) • AMERICAN GOVERNMan' (I) PKA F\JU CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavy- weight Contenders Bout" (from New Orleans. La.) IBI ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 18 MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S lour includes performances ot "Jet." "Band On The Aun." "Silly Love Songs" and some old Bealle ballads. 'G' ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 6:"5(%) CINEMASCORE 7:00 8 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU P.M. MAGAZINE Keeptng lhe pros on theif toes; l a 1~~~he late Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion. M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD CABARET ".Eileen Farrell: From Classics To The IB:~;;.e:a:::a;:P:;.de ~ariety of pleoes are THEMUPPETS GENESIS I~ CONCERT MOVIE "10 Rlllington Place" ( t971, Mystery) Richard Attenborougfl, John Hurt. A young British couple fall victim to a kindly neighbor Who offers to help !hem out of a serious predicament. (2 hrs.) Cl) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another 8fe featured In lhls uncensored comedy game show. CZ> MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spac~. Eric Robef1s. In HM4, a telephone opetatOt' In a small T eicas town sacrifices her standing In the community when the hes a shOt't ettalr with a com- bat-bound sailor. 'PG' (1 hf , 3S min.) 7:30 • 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: an acupuncture faceHtt, the circumstances surrounding the death of lact;.~~:•lloy GWI" -omenon SIGNATURE Guest. John Osborne. MACNBL/L.EHAERREPORT EVENING AT POPS "NatOanlel Aoeeo" Virtuoso oetllst Nothanlel Rosen Jolne JOhfl Wllllarns and the Bost~-~~Of-.rfo(o<.-torm~~ m by T~ !'M~~-Jit~r;letilmW ~'ntH ~t .. ~ih> Monday (continued) CJD TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN: JULY 4, 1981 Eleven handicapped people, possessed by Indomitable courage and d8'/0tlon, dare to challenge 14,4 10- fool-high Mt Rainier ( 1 hr ) ©) MOVIE "The Children" ( 1980, Horror) Martin Shakar. Gil Rogers A strange radioactive cloud tums a group of schoolchildren into murderous zom- bies with black ltngernalls. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Ci) AEAOBICISE: BEGINNER Get In shape, look gOOd. and feel great with this physical fitness pro- gram. 7:35(11) NEWS 8:00 f) Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Thinking Cap1 Lewis has been bribed IO 1hrow the Fort Bradley war .. games. Benjamin goes undercover to throw 1he Q!me5 the other way. (R) U fl) MOVIE "The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow" ( 1980. Mystery) Jett Goldblum. Dick Bu1kus Based on the tale by Washington Irving. A school- master in a sleepy upstate New York town in the 1830s learns flrs1h81ld 1he truth behind the town's '!9end of a headless horseman. (R) (2 hrs) U MOVIE "The Sea Hawk" ( 1940. Adventure) Errol Flynn. Brenda Marshall A dashing swatdsman becomes the hero of 1he high seas. (2 hrs ) D BEST OF THE WEST Sam tries 10 reunite his wife with her father. who disowned her for marrying Sam (R) 0 MOVIE "Walk, Don't Run" ( 1966. Comedy) Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar. A middle-aged man Ines to play Cupid for the two young people he 1s forced to hve with during the Tokyo Olympics (2 hrs ) Cl) PAUL HOGAN G) P.M. MAGAZINE A tour of the late EtvtS Pres- ley's Graceland mansion. meet KTIV's new bedllme movie hosts. Q) MOVIE "The Stepford Wives" ( 1975. Science- Fiction) Katharine Ross. Paula Pren1iss. A young Connechcut housewife with modern Ideas Is appalled at the robot-like accuracy and strange smiles with which neighborhood wives lulf1U their domestic duties (2 hrs ) • Qt MtXa> BAO UThe Great American Art Game .. A look at the influences and forces behind 1he art scene tOday. e EVENING AT POPS "Nathaniel ROS81l" Virtuoso cellist Na1haniel Rosen joins John Wiiiiams and the Boston Pops Orchestra for performanc86 of works ~Tchaikovsky and Hayden. ( 1 hr.) (CJ MOVIE "Fort Apache, The Bronx" (1981. Dra- ma) Paul Newman. Ed Asner. A tough cop battles crime and corruption 1n New York City's South ~~~·R' (1hr .. 59mln.) CS) MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980. Biography) Rob- ert De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptitude for violence brings him success in the ring but disrupts his pe<sonal life 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 min ) Ct MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955, Orama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to restore order in a big-city train- ing school where teen·age lawlessness and violence have 1aken root. (2 hrs.) 8:30 IJ Cl) WKAP IN CINCINNATI When Johnny comes Into money. Venus becomes his Investment counselor. (R) II MOVIE "The Wind And The Lion" ( 1975, Adventure) Sean Connery. Candice Bergen. An international 1nc1dent occurs whefl a Moroccan lead- er kidnaps an American family end Teddy Roosevelt must call out 1he Marines to rescue them (2 hrs .. 30mm.) (!) IRONSIDE m SINGLE'S MAGAZINE Featured: Interviews with actresses Audrey and Jody Landers: a look at older women and younger men @ MOVIE "Tiny Revolutions" (Orama) Freddie Jones. A Czechoslovakian professor Is J8iled for pobhsh1ng hJS jokes ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl!) GREAT f>£RFORMANCES "Three Cheever S1o- rles· The Sorrows Of Gin" Edward Herrmann and Mera Hobel are featured In Cheever's story of an 8- year·old gi,rl's search for a sense of tamlly amid the detached whirl of hef parents' fives. (A) ( 1 hr.) (ID MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Orama) Irene Cara, Bar- ry Miiier Several gifted students at a New YOfk high school for the peffonnfng arts experience various setbecks and succesees ot both personal and pro- fesalonal ~Mes. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 8:36=ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:46 ClNEMASCORE 9;00 ()) MISS UNIVEASE PAGEANT Bob Bar1<er and Joan V8fl Ark hOSt this annual pageant. with guest stars-Rex Smith and Jose Luis Rodriguez. to be broadcas1 from the Amauta ColJMum In Lima, Peru. (2 hrs.) @ BEST OF THE WEST Sam tries to rlUfllte hts wife with hof tath4H, Who~ her for manytng Sam. (A) t • ..,.,. ~·'''SWftl._•~cf-:.~t\olaf'M('~ !•t.U> ' G"*Si . Henry Wlnklef. ,~ ~ 9MW/af{l.1;.l r -td CHEEVER ENCORE -&/ward Herrman and Mara Hobel co..st.ar in 'The Sorrows of Gin,•• the first of the John Cheever trilogy, on KOCE (Ch. 50) MondJJy at 8:30 p.m . Larry Miller. ( 1 hr ) 89 GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Three Cheever Ster ries The Sorrows Of Gin" Edward Hefrmann and Mara Hobel are featured In Chee<Jer'S story ot an 8- year·old girl's search for a sense of family amid 1he de1ached whtrt of her parents' lives. (R) ( 1 hr.) (!) TENNIS "Mlchelob Light Cup Anals" (from Industry Hiiis, Calif.) (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ([)MOVIE "The Hound Of The Bask~les" ( 1978, Comedy) Peter Cook. Dudley Moore. Master sleuth Sheflock Holmes investigates mysterious golng5'"°" at Baskerville Hall and begins to suspec1 evetyone. 1nctud1ng himself. (1 hr . 16 min.) (%)MOVIE "Caddie" ( 1981. Orama) Helen Morse. Jack Thompson. A young woman leaves her com- for1able suburban home and her cruet husband, determined to take tun responsibility for supporting her children by doing whatever odd jobs she can get .J1 hr .. 47 min.) 9:06Ql) MOVIE "The Last Sumet" (1961, Western) Rock Hudson. Kirk Douglas A woman is porsued by three men during a Mexico-to-Texas cattle drive (2 hrs . 30 min.) 9:30 Cl) MOVIE "Frve Came Back" ( 1939, Adven- ture) Chester Morris. John Carradine. Courage and cowardice are displayed by 12 passengers who sur- vive an airplane crash In the Amazon jungle ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9) YOU ASKED FOR IT Ii) HENRY MOORE An intimate him portrait of modern sculptor Henry Moore is presented (A) ( l hr.) (OJ MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts. In 1944, a telepl')ooe operator In a small Texas town sacrlfloes her standing In the community when she has a short affair wilh a com- bat-bound sailor. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 10:0011 GD REVENGE Of THE GR£Y GANG Ave senior citizens use their unique abilities to bus1 a dQgG;·1~) ( 1 hr) • BARNEY MILLEA • CABARET "Eileen Farrell: From Classics To The Blues" At the piano a wide variety of pieces are ~yed. • HENRY MOORE An Intimate tllm portrait of modern sculp1or Henry M()()(e is presented. (R) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roff High SOhoof'' ( 1979, Comedy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. A bUdd- lng songwriter at Vince Lombardi High tries to gel the Ramones to record her music white her equalty ambitious friend poraues the school heartthrob. 'PG' ( t hr., 31 min.) e MOVIE "Hardcore" (1979, Drama) George C. Scott. Season Hubley. A conc:emed father leaves . the peaceful surroundings of his home town to 9Ml'ch ror h1$ daughter. who hat bfeomt '*~ Involved In. big-city pomogtaphy~•t. 'R' (1 ht., 4'6 min.) 10:30 ~ A!NMENT TOMGHT t>.V·;ti ".JtJ1' .I atGHATURi Goettl JoM O.b«M. .T A.W.(I,. n Q[9 THREE PORTRAITS TNee l\~rd-wlflnlng MIChl- gan ar11s1s --a potter. a choreographer and a sculp-~ tor ·• share their work and their feelings about creal-0 ~art. (A) - TOM WAITS FOR NO ONE ~ LAotES NIGHT OUT STARRING PUDGYI Comedienne Pudgy hosts an all-male strip show 1n a ~ sensalt0nal evening of entertainment from Chlppen· .o dale's ~htclub In Los Angeles. ( 1 hr • 15 min ) 11:008 U D ()) 9 ID NEWS <-c -< I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE™NKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHIU MIXED BAO "The Great American Ar1 Game" A ~ look at the influences and forces behind the an -scene today I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adven· lure) Perry King. Don Stroud. A former South Viet- namese olficial seeks r8'1enge agalns1 the four Americans who abandoned him in an ambush dur- ~ the war 'PG' ( 1 tv . 35 min.) (.LJ MOVIE "Le Sex Shop" ( 1973. Comedy) Juhel Berto. Claude Bern A bookstore propnetOf' finds 111stan1 suCGeS& when he stock6 his establishment with sex manuals and mental aids. ·R' ( 1 hr . 32 min.) CI> MOVIE "From The Lile Of The Marione1tes" ( 1980. Orama) Robert Atzorn. Christine Buchegger. An apparently mild-mannered business- man mU<ders the prost11u1e whom he vlS1ted regular- ly 'A" (I hr .. 43 min ) 11 15©) MOVIE "Rude Boy" ( 1980. MUSIC81) Ray Gange The music of The Clash is featured rn a look at the British-punk scene 'R' (2 hrs .. 15 min) 11:3011 Cl) QUINCY While investigating the suspl· ciovs swcida o1 a teen-age1 ~ Quincy uncovers a vicious child pornography ring. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) II f» THE BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Car- son Guests; Shelley Win1ers. Susan George, Kelly Garrett. Enc Heiden (A) ( 1 hr.) 19 ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE "Alcatraz Express" { 1960. Dramal Robert Stack. Neville 8'and 81101 Ness Is instructed 10 dehver the notorious gangland czar Al Capone to iison. (2 hrs.) THEJEFFERSONS S~FOAO AND SON MOVIE "Tiny Revolutions" (Ofarfia) Freddie Jones A Czechoslovakian professor is jaded for pobhsh1nghrs jokes. ( 1 hr .. 30 mtn.) I UNOERST ANotNG HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTEA 11 ;35(11) MOVIE "BIOOd Alley" (195!>, Adventure) John Wayne, Lal'.lren Bacall. An Ame<lcan merchant marine helps an entire village of Chinese peasants escape from pursuing communists. (2 hrs.. 25 mlnj_ 11 :.CO(t) MOVIE "The Gumball Ratty" ( t976. Comtt- dy) Michael Sarraz.in. Tlm Mcintire A gumball machine 1s the grand prize In a New York-to-Los Angeles car race which b<lngs all sorts of zany char- acters onto the nation's highways and back roads. 'PG' (I hr., 47 min.) 12:001J ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 0 MOVIE "Thieves" (1977, Drama) Marlo Thomas, Charles Grodin. An unusual couple try 10 recapture their Innocence In New Yori< City (A) (2 hrs . 15 min.) Cl) MOVIE "They Lrve By Night" ( HM9. Drama) Farley Granger, Cathy O'Donnell. Three escaped convicts set off on a crime spree during the Depres- sion years in the South. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Walk On The Wiid Sidi!" ( 1962. Ora- ma) Laurence Harvey, Capuclne. A man learns that his former girlfriend has moved ln10 a house of Ill (lie (2 hrs.) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Bruce Lee's Deadly Kung Fu" (Adven- ture) Bruce LI. A martial arts master battles a fist- 1.!gtltlng mob. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ct MOVIE "Gas" (t981. Comedy) Donald Suther- land. Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a reporter try to expose an oil magnate's plot to dr1ve up gas prlc· es ~ contriving an oil shortage. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:30U. LATE NIGHT WTTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests. comedian Gary Muledeer, ph~I fitness s Jack and Elaine Lalanne. ( 1 hr.) COUPLES EW8 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavy- weight Contendera Boot" (from N.-.v Orfeans. La.) m> ('hr .. 30mln.) C1J MOVIE "ParedlM Alley" ( 1978, Orama) Sytvn- ter Stallof'le, Armand Auante. ThrM aoheming brothers from the Helt'• l<ltehetl teetlon of New York City combine their ttalts of bfU. and blawn In thelf efforts to eteate ~tt« ltve& for thernlltveL 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.} 1~(11) "°"1E ··~ Btl' (1980 ~ ~~~i~· co 00 N \ . •• .. Mnlay (continued) I success In the ring but disrupts his personal Rfe. 'A' • (2 hrs., 8 min.) ~ 12:408 (I) COLUMBO Columbo matches wits with a ~ charming nightclub entertainer aoapected of klfflng a :2 business associate. (2 hrs.) .., 12:"6(%) MOVlE "Lightning Swords Of Death" ( 1974, t Adventure) Tomlsaburo Wakayama. Maaahlro -o Tomlkawa.A boshldo warrior, forced to roam Japan 't: as a "hired sword," la hunted by hi& former ene- "" mies. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) ~ 1:00• GE'NE AUTRY ~ ..J e Movie "Paris Blues" (1961. Drama) SldMy > Poltl8f, Paul Newman. A pair of Americans In Paris .,_ romanoe two girts on vacation. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ @CABARET "Elleen Farrell: From Classics To The ir Blues" At the piano a wide variety of pieces are played. 1:30D. NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT e aENEAUTRY (J) MOVIE "The unseen·• (1981, Horror) Barbara Bach, Sidney Lasslck. A TV newswoman and h8f two assistants find lodgings at a boarding house Inhabited by a disturbed brother and sister and their monstrous offspring. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) g MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. HOI'· ror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murder begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim --or possibly the knler. 'R' ( 1 hr , 48 mlnl_ 1:35 CC) MOVIE "Inside Moves" ( 1980, Drama) John Savage. David Morse. A newcomer to the group 01 regulars at an Oakland bar may hold the key rc making the bartender's dream of becoming a pre basketball player a reaflty 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 min) 2:00 G) SPEAK OUT Ill) MISSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE (!) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (R) 2:05(!) NEWS 2:10(%) MOVIE "Oh Heavenlr, Dog" p980, Come- dy) Chevy Chase. Benji. While Tnvestigetlng e pollti· cat sex scandal 1n London, a private detective Is murdered and reincarnated es a scruffy dog 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 mm.) 2:158 NEWS 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH 8NEWS . 2:-408 NEWS 2:50(11) STANDING ROOM ONLY "Diana Ross" The former "Supremes" membef Who has evolved Into a singing and acting superstar performs many of her hits before an audience at Caesars Palace In Las Vegas ( 1 hr , 25 min.) 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN @NEWS 3:108 MOV1E "China Gate" (1957, Adventure) Gene Barry, Angie Dickinson. A Eura51an woman finds the husband who had abandoned her when she leads a patrol on an Important mission. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) CS) MOVIE "Raging Bult" ( 1980, Biography) Rob- ert De Niro, Csthy Moriarty Boxing champion Jake La Mona's aptrtvde for violence brings him success 1n the r1ng but diS1upts his personal life 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 minJ_ 3:30(C) MOVIE "Agatha" ( 1979, Mystery) Dustin Hoffman. Vanessa Redgrave. In London In 1926, an American newspaper reporter meets and becomes involved with famed mystery writer Agatha Christle, who has left her unfaithful husband. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min.) (E) HORSE RACING WEEKLY fl MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" (1981, Horr0<) Edward Albert. Erln Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frightening alietl creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a for- blddi~ planet. 'R' (1 hr .. 20 min.) 4:00 Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART (() SPORTSCENTER (%) MOV1E "From The life Of The Matlonettes" ( 1980. Orama) Robert Atzorn, Christine Bochegger. An apparently mild-mannered busJness... man murders the prostitute whom he visited regular- ly. 'R' (1hr .. 43mln.) 4:06 (!l) FUNTIME 4:1600 MOVIE "Fame" (1980. Drama) Irene Cara. Barry Miiier. Several gifted stl.!dents at a New York high schOOI for the pertormlng arts experience varl· ous setbacks and ~ of both J*&OOal and professional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 14 mln.) Tuesday .\I< >H '°' I '\C ; \I< >\ · 1 L ~ e:oo cm "Tom Sawyer" (1973. Muak:al) Johnny wtu· taker, Celeste Holm. e "Rockshow" (1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. (%) "Ligh1nlng Swords Of Death" (1974, Adven- ture} Tomisaburo Wakayama. Masahlro Tomlkewa. 6:06G1J "lullaby Of Broadway" (1951, Musical) Doris Day, Gene Nelson. 7:30(1) "O«WH Twlst" ( 1975, Adventure) Animated. D "Siience Of The North" ( 1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrltt. (%) "Wollen" (1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. Diane Venora 8:00 CC) "leave Yesterday Behind" ( 1978. Drama) John Ritter, Carrie Flshet. 8:05 (!l) "Tokyo Joe" ( 1949, Drama) Humphrey Bogart, Florence Marly. 9:30D "The Concert For Kampuchea" (1980. Musi· cal) Paul McCartney. The WhO. (%)"Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts. 10:00(C) "The High And The Mighty" ( 19S.., Orama) John Wayne. Claire Trevor . <ID "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Drama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. CS) "Spy With My Face" ( 1966, Adventure) Robert Vau1l!'n. David McCallum. 10:05 (IZ) "Flamingo Road" ( 1949. Drama) Joan Crawford, Zachary Scott 11:30(%) "From The Life Of The Marionettes" ( 1980, Orama) Robert Atzorn. Christine Bochegger. 12:0011 "The Loves Of Hercules" [1960, Adven- ture) Jayne Mansfield, Mickey Hargllay. G) "Lafayette Escadrille" ( 1958. Adventure) Tab Hunter, Etch1ka Choureau II) "Rio Grande" ( 1950. Western) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. g ··irs My Turn" ( 1980, Romance) Jin Clayt>urgh. Michael Douglas. 1:00ct) "Echoes Of A Summer" (1976, Drama) Richard Harris. Jodie Foster. CID "Running Scared" ( 1972, Adventure) Ken Wahl, John Saxon CS) "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979, Drama) Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep 1: 15(%) 'Autumn Sonata" ( 1978, Drama) Liv Ullmann, lngnd Bergman 1:30 U "Silent Movte" ( 1976. Comedy) Mel Brooks, Ma'.:!i'_ Feldman. 2:00 (!) "The Internecine Project" ( 1975. Suspense) James Coburn, Lee Grant CO "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Orama) Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep 2:30 tB "Tiny Revolutions" (Drama) Freddie Jooes 3:00(1) "Oliver Twist" ( 1975. Adventure) Animated U "Never Never Land" Petula Clark. Christian Henson (%) ·wolfen" ( 1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. Diane Venora 4:008 "II It's Tuesday. This Must Be BelQlum" l1969. Comedy) Suzanne Pleshette, Ian McSfiane. (0) "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji 4:30(C) "Tom Sawyer" ( 1973. Musical) Johnny Whl· taker, Celeste Holm. CS) "The' Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Berg· man. Johnny Doran. 0 "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney. The WM. 6:00(%) "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) Sissy Spa· eek. Eric Roberta. · ENTERTAINMENT RE P OR TER Popular Los Angeles news anchorwoman Dixie Whatley cohosts "Entertainment Tonight'' with Ren Hendren Daily on KTLA (Ch. 5) at 4:30 p.m. high school reunion in the behef that he can rehve the~od times of the past. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 6:05 BETWEEN GAMES SHOW 6:30 GI) NEWS 0 BARNEY MILLER ta A PLAY FOR LOVE: A ROD OF IRON A portrait of the unspoken feelings and love that exist between family members. ( 1 hr.) I OtCKCAVETT Guest Odetta. (R) AMERK;AN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Union City" ( 1980. Suspense) Debra Harry. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 25 min ) CS) THE MAKING OF AEROBICISE Rehearsals. cos- -tume fitltngs. make-up sessions. and the planning of cinematography and lighting are chronicled in a behind-the-scenes study of the unique phyS1Cal flt· ness series ( 1 hr.) 8:35@ BASEBALL San Otego Padres at Atlante Braves (3 hrs ) 6:45 (%) CINEMASCORE 7:00 f) CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KU~FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Using infrared phOtography to take pictures of pain. a profile of the female leader of an all-male Army platoon. • KOJAK ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT DODGER DUGOUT JOKER'S WILD Ii) BUSINESS REPORT THI! MUPPETS MONEY MATTERS MOVIE "Ordinary People" ( 1980, Drama) Mary Tyler Moo1e. Donald Sutherland A gu1lt·rtdden teen-ager trying to put his life back together alter his brother's death and his own suicide attempt reaches out to his complacent father and his cold, reserved mother. 'R' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) (%)MOVIE "Autumn Sonata" (1978, Drama) Liv Ullmann, ln?.rld Bergman. A prosperous concert pia- nist Is reunited with her estranged daughter and a revealing and deeply emotional battle begins between them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 33 min.) 7: 151 OOOOER PRE-GAME 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of sports announcer Chick Hearn; the. superstition that famous people pass away in groups of 1hrees; a therapy whereby pets are prescribed for people tor theriutic reasons. I FAMILY FEUO ON LA Featured: a report on marriage; a look at Los Angeles' night spots: the latest look In metamc fashions . • TIC TAC DOUGH OU ASKED FOR fT BASEBALL Los Angelea Oodgert at San Fran-Glllnta (3 hrs.) ISIGNAYUAE Gueat: Glo<ie Steinem. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WONEYMAJ<EAB RACE FOR THE PENNANT 8eny T~ end McCaMW cowir II the betel IMdlng to the 1 . - I J ------------~·---------- Tuesday (continued) Get in shape. IOOk good. end feel great with !his phySICal Illness program 8:00 ti Cl) BUNO AMBITION John Dean (Martin Sheen) Is aPPQ(nted counsel to President Nixon (Rip Torn). meets htS luture wife Maureen (Theresa Russell) and learns of the Watergate bfeak-.ln (Part 1) (!!) (3 hrs.) D • FATHER MURPHY A miner and his partner team up w11h a schoolteacher 10 pro1ec1 a group of youngsters lefl orphans by a gold claim confronta- tion (Part 2) (A) D ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Ad\ltmlures Of Don Juan" ( 1949, Adventure) Errol Flynn, Viveca Lindfors Don Juan Invades lhe cour1 ol England and the hearts of the Enghsh ladies. (2 hrs ) 8 0 HAPPY DA VS Fonzie Is furious when Jenny Piccalo spreads rumors about a new girl In school. ~) GJov1E "Crazy Joe" ( t974. Drama) Peter Boyle, Paula Prentiss. Joey Gallo reigns as a Mafia leader until he Is shot down In 1972. (2 hrs.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN • MOV1E "Sharon: Por1ralt Of A Mistress" ( 1977. Drama) Trish Van Devere. Patrick O'Neal. A beauti- ful woman habitually drawn to married men finds her hfe unfulfl~ (2 hrs.) I ~NGER UXB "Dead Letter" Brian Is sent to cambl'ldge to aSSlst and test the booby-trapped "V" fuse, he and Susan have an uneasy reunion {fart t 1) (R) o ( t hr.) G NOVA "Mc::Wlng SllH" The world of high-and low-speed photography Is captured In this program wtuch follows the expemnenlal work done 1n the held and its possible apphcatloos (R) O ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Leave Yesterday Behind" 1 t978, Dra- ma) John Ritter. Came FtSher Following a tragic acc1den1. a college athlete learns to hve and love again with the help of an undefstand1ng young wom- an.. ~ t hL.. 4DJrul\.) CE SPORTSCENTER CH) THE OEAOL Y GAME Three retired criminal law- yers play a game of cat-and-mouse with a seeming- ly innocent victim, George Segal, Trevor Howard, Robert Morley and Emlyn Williams star. (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Escape From New York" ( 198 t. Scl- eoce--Ficiion) Kurt Russett. Adrienne Barbeau. In t997, a hardened criminal is offered a pardoo It he can rescue lhe presldenl of the U.S. from the prison city that Manhallan has become. 'R' (1 hr .. 40 min.) (!)MOVIE "S.0 .B." ( t981, Comedy) William Hol- den, Julie Andrews. A movie director who has just finished a multi-million dollar turkey goes from attempled suicide 10 a bizarrely inspired re-shooting of his epic 'A' (2 hrs , 4 min) g MOVIE "Gloria" ( 1980, Drama) Gena Row· lands. John Adames A former gun moll becomes lhe protector ol an orphaned 6-year-old Puerto Rican targeted by the undefwOfld fOI' the 1nforma- hon he carries In a battered briefcase. 'PG' (2 hrs . t min) 8:308 QI LAVERNE & SHIRLEY The entire gang pays tribute to the world of entertainment. including Is of famous operas (R). D RACING FROM ROOSEVELT DANCE "Twyla Tharp" Choreography by one ol Ow neat Drivtt Education MSslon Is Wtd. Au&. 11th ·Get your permit etter 1 dey of Driver Education Cal now 645-0686 or 599-3051 130 E. 17th St. Coete M ... GIFTED SURGEON -David BUney plays Dr. Ben Samuel.s in NBC's fall television,, series, "St . Else where," a realistic, sometimes humorow medical drama, to be telecast Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). America's most innovative dal'\CefS. ( 1 hr.) 9:-008 • BRET MAVERtCt< Mavertck trnd Gott\lttr are assigned to guard the Sweetwater bank when a fortune 1n gold from the United States Mint Is stored lhere (R) ( 1 hr.) D 0 THREFS COMPANY Furley and Larry scheme to keep Jack. Janet and TeHi from moving after lhe three are offered a dream house. (A) D (!) MOVIE "The Maggie" (1951, Come<ty(~ot Douglas. Herbert Gregg. A Scottish sea captain gets the best of an American executive who wants to do some serious business. (2 hrs.) • MYSTERY "Malioe Aforethought" Arrested and brought to trial for the murder of his wife, Or. Blck- leigh remains calmly convinced lhal even Scotland Yard can't prove its case against him. (Part 4) (R) D (t hr) GD DANGER UXB "Dead Letter" Brian IS sent to Cambridge to aSSISI and test the booby-trapped "Y' · fuse. he and Susan have an uneasy reunion. (part 1 t) (R) D ( 1 hr ) (!) PKA FULL -coN1' ACT KARA TE "Light Heavy- weight Contenders Bout'· (from New Orleans. La ) {R) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) • CZ> MOVIE "From The Life Of The Marionettes" ( t980. Orama) Robert Atzorn, Christine Buchegger An apparently mild-mannered busines9- man murdefs the proshtute whom he visited regular· ly 'R' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) f'WI security you can count on, energy savings vou can count 9:30 8 O TOO CLOSE FoR COMi=offf +ien<y ·is fired for being unpatriotic when Cosmic Cow takes on the White House. (R) ~A PLAY FOA LOVE: A ROD OF IRON A portrait of the unspo'<en feelings and love that eJClst between family members. ( l hr.) (I) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey A man decides 10 change hlS lllestyle and physlcal appear- ance to resemble his screen Idol 'PG' ( 1 hr , 31 mm j 9:35 trn NEWS •9 ::2 0 - 10:000 GD MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain helps an eld-~ erly couple keep lhetr home by trapptng an unscru--< pulous contractor in a sling operation (R) ( 1 hr ) N l am News !--> 9 HART TO HART Jonathan's partner In wine - producllon discovers a murder and a sales fraud ~ that could ruin the Harts' reputation (R) o ( 1 hr.) N • WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "Crazy Harrie Enters The Ice Age" Tyne Daly and Ruby Dee are featured in an adaptation of Ernie Brill'\ short story about an ~ing hospital worke< and her supervisor. D t11J MYSTE.RY "Malice Aforethought" Arn&ted and bfoughl to trial for the murder of his wife, Dr. Bick· leigh remains calmly convinced that even Scotland Yard can' I prove its case against him. (Part 4) (R) Q (t hr.) (CJ MOV1E "Cheaper To Keep Her" ( t 980, Come- dy) Mac Davis, Tovah Feldshuh. In Ofdef to meet his alimony payments. a rec6nlly divorced private clelecllve tracks down dellnquenl husbands for a divorce lawyer 'R' ( t hr . 32 min ) ® MOVIE "Gas" ( 1981, Comedy) Donald Suther- land. Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a repor1e< try to expose an oil magnate's plot to drive up gas pric- es by contriving an on shor1age 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) cm MOV1E "Wolfen" ( t98 t. Suspense) Albert Fin- ney. Diane Ven0ta Police are faced with an unusual problem as New York City Is Invaded by a pack of dtSplaced wolves. 'R' ( t hr., 55 min.) CliROMANCE LAURA, SWEET LAl.JRA (Part 3) U MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980, Romance) Jill Clayburgh~ Mtehael Douglas. A briHlant Chicago malh professor realizes the problems In her live-In relahonship when she finds a new love while In New York for her father's remarriage. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 37 min.) 10:05(11) MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1950, Drama) Oavtd Brian. Frank Lovejoy. lnlantrymen togettier since early training face their first big Invasion. (2 hrs.) 10:30 ID e NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Gloria Steinem. WERE YOU THERE? "The Facts 01 Lile" Blues musician Willie Dixon. composer of over 300 songs, is profiled and performs with the Chicago Allstars. /:.,l ~IOE BASEBALL (I) MOVIE "Kramer Vs Kramer" (1979. Drama) Dustin Hottman. M~I Streep. A man battles with his ex-wife for cust of their young son after she walks oul on them ' ' ( t hr., 45 min) t 1:0098 8 (() 0. NEWS I SATUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN BENNY HILL OUIZK109 8UStNES8 REPORT Tme and again, l'~ou\c hcunl 1l MiiJ , .. ·1;, rnul-.l mot'IC), )OU huH: to hU\c mot'IC):· The lnlth i,, \OU hu\c to 1-.no\\ hu\\ to ..U\ c ITlOllC\ hcfon: ~ uu cun thin I.. 11hrn1t making mt;n:. - ·11,ut'lt \\h) rnon: LuiJ mon.: p1..•op~ ttn.' join in~ the Pu) mll Su' i1~' I >lun to ht1) l ·.s. Sl\\ in~l\ HtMld~ Thut "U), 11 littk l!I h1h·n oul of t.'U<:h pu) cht.'CI.. uu1t>1nutic1tll). In no tinlC, }ou'll hit\\: t.'llo1."'h Bon~h for u nc\\ cur. ) our chilJ'i. c.:Jucut;un, c\ en u Jn.'\lm 'uc..1~"'· c .... -l I I I I I I l to ~ Tuesday (rontinued) ~ ~DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE SPORTSWOMAN ~ MOVIE "t:lz" ( 1979. Ofame) Elena Glenn. Rlch- b ard Roman.A woman Is tom between the stablllty of ::1 her marriage and the need for experimentation. 'R' ~ £hMo~r.~~olfen" (1981. suspense) Albert Fln-5:15• "Gloria" (1980. Drama) Gena Rowtands. c Di V Poll I ed h John Adames. "O ney, ane enora. ce are ac wit an unusual e:OOl'B'I "The Hldeawa""'" ( t973• Comedy) Ingrid ~ problem as New York City Is Invaded by a pack of \.ii.I 1v displaced wolves. 'R' ( 1 hr., SS min.) Bergman. Johnny Doran. ~ 11:308 Cl) ALICE Allee talks Met Into going to the (%)"Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980. Comedy) Chevy _. ~as a witness to a robbery. (A) Chase. Benji. ~ D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests. 8:05@ "Calamity Jane" ( 1953. Musical) Dons Day. Liberace. Henry Winkler ( 1 hr) 7:H30ow~d ~ssee'i.. Disaster In The Sky" ( 1977. -0 I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE \DJ a: NOWHERE TO TURN Stan Mooneyham and Suspense) Lorne Greene. Burgess Meredith Carol Lawrence host this documentary on the m<><e 0 "The Turning Point" ( 1952. Mystery) W1lllam than stx miHion people In Africa who have been Holden, Edmond O'Brien. attected by war and drought and the results of such 7:"5(Z) "Burn!" ( 1970, Olama) Marlon Brando. ( 1 h ) Evaristo Marquez. events. r. 8:00(C) ''Oh Heavenly Dog" ( t980, Comedy) Chevy I THE JEFFERSONS · Chase. Benji. -SANFORD ANO SON DANCE "Twyta Tharp" Choreography by one ol 8:05@ "Fancy Pants" (1950. Comedy) Bob Hope, America's most innovative dancers. ( 1 hr.) Lucille Ball. I UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 10:00 CC) "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemm- CAPTIONEO ABC NEWS ~ Vanessa Redgrave. SPORTSCENTER CH) "The Night The lights Wenr Out In Georgia" MOVIE "Starting Over" ( 1979, Comedy) Burt t!981, Orama) Knsty McNichol. Mark Hamill Reynolds. Jill Clayburgh. After months of TV dinners CS) "Boys· Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak, and blind dares, a divorced maQazine writer thinks James Garner he's found true love when a schoolteacher enters his CZ) "Staircase" ( 1969. Drama) Richard Burton. NEWS GETS NEW LOOK -John Beard, I R. ( 1 h 44 ) Rex Hamson. he. ' r.. mm 0:05 "91 along w1'th Kelly ' ""'ne, will ........_anchor the f7'C'I 1 . \W "The Young Don't Cry" ( 1957, Orama) ....-.'lS' .. .,.-l l:40 l.k.J MOVIE "The High And The Mighty" ( 1954· James Whitmore. Sal Mineo. "LA at 6" seament of "News 4 LA" nightly Drama) John Wayne, Claire Trevor. An airplane o··· with 22 passengers aboard runs into danger en 11:30C) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Drama) Woo-gt 6 p .m. on KNIJC (Ch. 4). route to San Francisco. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) dy Allen. Cha1lotte Rampllng. (fi) MOVIE "Galaxy Of Ten°'" P981, Horror) t1:46(%) "The Last Of The Blue Devils" (1979, Musi--8:30~ARNEYMILLER Edward Alben, E11n Moran. A spaceship crew cal) Count Basie. Joe Turner. I OtCK CAVETT Guest Yo Yo Ma. (R) encounters a cotene of fnghtenlng alien creatures NEWS while looking for another vessel stranded on a for-AMERICAN GOVERNMENT bidd1~ planet 'R' (1 hr . 20 min.) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and 12:00,ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 12:008 "H01 Spell" ( 1958. Orama) Shiney Booth. Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 8 FANTASY ISLANO A secret agent tries to Anthony Quinn. 1982 World Series Jrack down a soldier of fortune. and a middle-aged • "Blowing Wiid" ( 1953. AdVenture) Gary coo-0 MOVIE .. Forever Female" ( 1953, Comedy) Wll- woman is transformed into a young beauty. (R) ( 1 ~. Barbara Stanwyck flam Holden. Ginger Rogers. A lovely, youthful hr .. 10 min.) m "Island Of Love" (,1963. Comedy) Robert actress lends the sparkle and talent needed to get a Cl) MOVIE "Dlngaka" ( 1965, Adventure) Stanley Preston. Tony Randall young playwright's production ott the ground. ( 1 Baker, Juliet Prowse. In South Afrlca. an attorney CC) .. Mad Wednesday" ( 1947, Comedy) Harold hr . 40 min.) defends a native accused of committing a mutder in Lloyd, Frances Ramsden. 7:008 CBS NEWS revenge for his daughter's death. (2 hrs.) CID "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adventure) Roger I NBC NEWS • MOVIE "L06t In A Harem" ( 1944, Comedy) Moore. Topol KUNG FU Bud Abbott. Lou Costello The throne of a small CJ) "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Ofama) Peter Fonda. ABC NEWS kingdom up for grabs Is contested by two prop men Susan Saini James P.M. MAGAZINE A 9-year-ofd New Jersey girl and a smger. (2 hrs.) 1:000 "Starting Over" (1979, Comedy) Burt Rey-wtlo plays an orphan in the movie "Annie"; a look e LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE nolds, Jill Clayburgh. back at lhe era of the Negro baseball leagues cm MOVIE "S 0 B .. (1981, Comedy) WiHiam Hol-1:30(C) "Two-Way Stretch" (1961 Comedy) Peter I KOJAK den, Julie Andrews. A movie director who has just Seiters. Wilfred Hyde-White ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT finished a multi-million dollar turkey goes from (%)"Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek. DODGER DUGOUT attempted suicide to a bizarrely inspired r&-Shoot1ng Enc Roberts. JOKER'S WILD ol his epic. 'R' (2 hrs . 4 min.) 2:00 Cf) "Diamond Head" ( 1963, Orama) Charlton THE NEW STORYTELLERS The lite of Marshall 12:0511 Cl) WKAP IN CINCINNATI Herb's family is Heston. Yvette Mlmleux. Dodge. the yarn spinner from New England is docu- chosen to appear on a televisloo &how called "Aeal (1J "The Endless summer" ( 1966. Adventure) mented. Families." (R) Mike Hynson, Robert August. 1 • BUSINESS REPORT a:z> MOVIE "In Enemy Country" ( 1968, Adventure) 2:30® "Tess" ( 1979, Orama) NastaSSla Kinskl, THE MUPPETS Tony Franciosa. Anjanette Comer. A French lntelll-Pe1er Firth. SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at gence agent during World War II is assigned to sab· 3:00 0 "Raggedy Man" ( 1981. Orama) Sissy Spa-the movies. specials and sports events coming up ota~ a Nazi torpedo plant. (2 hrs .• 10 min.) eek. Eric Roberts on Home Box Ottlce 12: 15CA) THE MAKING Of AER08ICISE Rehearsals, 3: 15(%) "Bumi" ( 1970. Ofama) Marlon Brando, (1J MOVIE "The Valley" ( 1972, Ofama) Bulle costume fittings, mak~p sessions, and the plar\-Evaristo Marquez. Ogier. Michael Gothard A wealthy woman travels lo nlng of cinematography and lighting are chronicled 3: 30 ~ "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 1981, Fania-New Guinea in search of native art ii acts for her Paris In a behind-the-scenes study of the unique physical sy) Rolf Harns bOUtique. ( 1 hr .. .40 min ) fitness series. ( 1 hf.) Cl) "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan, CZ) MOVIE "Staircase" (1969. Orama) Richard 1~8 Ill LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Mikki Jamison-Olson Burton, Rex Harrison. Two elderly homosexuals Guests: novelist Louis l' Amour, country-w9'tern 4:0011 "The Secret War Of Harry Frigg" ( 1969. share a thrMng barbershop business In the heart of musician Charlle Daniels. (1 hr.) Comedy) Paul Newman, Sylva Koscina. London. ( 1 hr., 40 min,) I COUPLES cm "Angela ( 1977. Drama) Sophia Loren. John 7:161 DODGER PRE-GAME MOVIE !'If It's Tuesday. This Must Be Belgium" Huston 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of (1969. Comedy) Suzanne Pleshette, Ian McShane. 6:000 "The Turning Point" ( 1952, Mystery) Wit· James Snyder, Jr . son of Jimmy the Greek. a look A woman-chaser leads a group of Americans on a liam Holden. Edmond O'Brien. at how Los Angeles is becoming an au1omated socl- quick trip through seven European countries (2 6: 16 (%)"Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy it . a profile of actor Rod Steiger. hrs.) • Chase. Benji. • FA.MIL Y FEUD I NEWS 6:30(C) "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy EYE ON LA. Featured. a report on soap operas. A PLAY FOR LOVE: A ROD Of IRON A portrait Chase. Beni• a profile of X-rated him star Marilyn Chambers, a of the unspoken feelings and love that eidst between cm "I Hate Blondes" ( 1981, Comedy) Jean Roche-I!' on divorce. family members (1 hr.) fort, Enrico Montesano. ti) TIC TAC DOUGH Cl) ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team Anal" (A) (2 hrs.) Cl) "Royal Wedding" ( 1951. Musical) Fred Astaire. OU ASKED FOR IT (1J MOVIE "The Survivor" ( 1981, Fantasy) Robert Jane Powell ASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at San Fran- Powell. Jeony Agutter. A pilot survives a catastroph-cisco Giants (3 hrs.) le 747 crash unscratched and searches for the man I SIGNATURE Guest: Gloria Steinem. res~sible. (1 hr., 24 min.) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT 12:408 (I) MCCLOUO McCloud's search for missing SURVIVAL "Balloon Safari" Alan and Joan beauty contestants leads him to the powerful sec-Root's flight over Africa's Serengeti Plain In a hot air ond-in<..command of an oll·rich Middle Eastern coun-balloon is documented; David Niven narrates. (R) try.~ hrs • 6 min.) L! hr.) 1:00 MOVIE "Frenchman's Cree.I<" (1944, Adven-~ MOVIE "Mad Wednesday" (1947, eorn.cfy) ture Joan Fontaine, Arturo de C,ordova. A proper Harold Lloyd. Fr1noes Ramsden An ambitloua Mtf- Englisn lady II wooed and won by a swashbockllng start et ot the t 920s learns that success hH ltl French buccaneer. (2 tn.) R!lee· (1 hr .. 20 min) • MOVIE "DetectlV9 Story" ( 1951. Orama) Kirk {!) All.sf AA SPORTS CHAUENGE Han Of Fame Ooogla$. Eleanor Partctt. A New YOfk Clty detective Bo&ton Oelllcl vs. '55 World ChamptOfl Brooklyn ~ atlaCkJ& 7M%='i1ruan1ll ~1 R .. Thelnto~ and ::='1 ~ (1 hr., ?) • r-o.-....,._.,.Yiiii...,.~..-.~;..;.;.;-. ____ ~:":':"_,;.~t~~~..;;;;;;,;;;;;~;.;.;;;.;.~;.;;~;;.;~.J~ Wedn~y \I< >H ~ I '\< ~ \I< >\ I LS ... \\ed~ (contirrued) &1ng1ng and acting superstat performs many of her hlts before an audience at Caesars Palace in Las V~as. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (a> 8ASEBALL Oakland A's at Calltomla Angels (3 hrs.) (1) AER08tCISE: INTERMEDIATE Get In shape, look good and feel great with this physlcal fitness 7:35 NEWS prriam 8:00 (I) BLIND AMBITION The Watergate defend- ants are Judged guilty and. under pressure to appear before lhe Senate Watergate Committee. John Dean learns that he faces conspiracy charges and forces a meeting with the PrEtS1dent. (Part 2) ill) (3 hrs) U REAL PEOPLE Featured· a monster marriage ceremony a mask maker; a flying lawnmower: a New York stockbroker known as Rollerena (R) ( 1 hr) 9 MOVIE "Eltzabeth The Queen" ( 1939, Drama) Bette Davis. Errol Flynn A confltct over power occurs between Queen Elizabeth and her lover in Shakespearean England (2 hrs ) U ®l THE GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph becomes the target ol a mystenous carload of assailants after he rescues a kidnapped hllle girl and recovers the ransom money. (R) ( 1 hr ) 0 MOVIE "The Key" ( 1958. Drama) Wtlltam Hol- den. Trevor Howard Disabled Allied ships are towed to safety by a seagoing tug whose command- er possesses an important key (2 hrs ) (!)PAUL HOGAN ., MOVIE "The Dark Secret 01 Harvest Home" (Part 1) ( 1978. Horror) Bette Davis, David Ack· royd A young couple leave the city life behind to seltle in a remote New England town bound by a strange yearly ntual lor crop ferttilty. (2 hrs.) 9 COLlllLECTING A look at the many different Items that people collect. • ID SURVIVAL "Balloon Safari" Alan and Joan Root's flight over Afnca's Serengeti P1a1n 1n a hot air balloon is documented: Da111d Niven narrates. (R) L1 hr) • e TENNtS ''Welts Fargo Open" Coverage of this event tor Womefl from the San Diego Sports Arena i. resented. (2 hrs.) SPORTSC~ BJ~E ~~l~r;:~at~ THE OE II Phyllis Diller. Norm Crosby. Jayne Meadows, Impersonator Jim Bailey and Barbi Benton joln Steve Allen aboard the Queen Elizabeth II ( 1 hr.) 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE @ PIANO PLA YEAS RAAEL Y EVER PLAY TOGETHER Featured Isidore "Tuts" Washington. Henry "Professor Longhair" Byrd and Allen R Toussaint ( 1 hr, 30 min.) I!) SNAP OF TAP ANO THE AAZZMAT AZZ OF JAZZ The Hubbard Street Dance Company per- forms pieces from their wide-ranging repertoire. (I) MOVIE "Serial" ( 1980, Comedy) Martin Mull. Tuesday Weld A happily married Mann County cou- ple are spurred by their trendy neighbors into exploring alternative lifestyles. 'A' ( 1 hr . 31 min.) 8:35 AU IN THE FAMILY 8:-45 CINEMASCORE 9:00 THE FACTS OF LIFE Toolie is mistaken for a TAKATA NURSERY, Landscaping & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardening Service *Monthly-Weekly •Yard Malnt., Tree Trimming *Bonsal PrunJng & General Clean-up •Commercial & Residential *20 Years Experience Expert Takata Landscaping Service *New or Relandscape *Western & Japanese Style •Specials: Waterfalls, Kot Fish Pond, Rock Arrangement• *Landscape Desfgn *Irrigation System & Drain System •Patio -Decking -Maonry WATERGATE AGAIN -Martin Sheen and Theresa Russell star as John and Maureen Dean in "Blind Ambition ," an eight-hour dramatic special based on their "Wh ite House years" during the Watergate crisis, to be telecast Tuesday, We dnesday and Thursday on KNXT (Ch. 2). teen-age prostitute when she becomes lost In New York City (R) 8 @ THE FALL GUY At a stuntman's convention, Colt is put In the posihon of ha111ng to rescue hiS major contender for the group's annual award. (A) (_1 hrj · flD ~ SYLVIA FINE KAYE'S MUSICAL COMEDY TONIGHT II A star-studded cast 1nclud1ng Danny Kaye, Bonnie Franklln. Jack Lemmon and Lynn Redgrave re-creates some of the magical moments In American theater with scenes from "South Pacif- ic," "F1man's Rainbow," "Sweet Chanty" and "lady In The Dark " (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min) CC) MOVIE "Foxes" (1980. Orama) Jodie Fosler. Sally Kellerman The V1Ct1ms of broken homes and uncanng parents, four teen-age girls try to soothe thetr emotional wounds through drugs and sex 'R' L! hr .. 46 min ) CE) TENNIS "Women's Federation Cup Final" (from Santa Clara, Call! ) (R) (3 hrs.) . CH) MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980, Come- dy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A soft-hearted law- yer 1s tom between her hopeless ex-husband- turned-bank robber and her uptight present hus- band who is runmng for California attomey general 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 42 min ) (I) MOVIE "Mon Oncle D'Amerique" ( 1980, Come- dy) Gerard Oepardleu, Nicole Garcia. Three Pari- ED ~ 8RAD IMPORT U=:U DOMESTIC t4NDE~~ON ~ f\UTON\OTNE COMPLETE A UTOMOTIVE SERV ICE FREE PICKUP-DELIVERY ~;.·:-:·.,.21 (114) 842-811& ' (Formerly of Whitman's) il£NE PROBLEMS?? •Do something GOOD for your skin ..... • Call for FREE analyslsl 875-0727 s1ans wtth d1tferen1 ambitions and backgrounds become close triends as they help one another struggle with the \llctssitudes of life. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond traoks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs . 5 min ) ,- CZ) MOVIE "Burn!" ( 1970, Drama) Marlon Brando. ~ Evansto Marquez. A small Portuguese Island's ,, struggle for independence is exploited by a crafty .... 18th-century British colonist. ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) i 9:05@ MOVIE "Four Feathers" ( 1939, Adventure) ~ Ralph Richatdson. June Duprez. A British army oHI· <- . cer redeems himself from charges of cowardice ~ when he manages to quell a native rebetllon in Sudan. (2 hrs , 25 min ) ~ 9:30 D 1.0 VE. SIDNEY Sidney S8Cflfice5 his family hie when he takes a 1ob working at an advertising ~ncy (R) Cl) MOVIE "Bltnd Spot" ( 1958, O<ama) Robert Mackenzie. Delphi Lawrence. A blind ex-Army offi- cer becomes mixed up with a ring ol smugglers. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1();00 D m QUINCY Quincy tries to prove that IWO deaths were allrtbulable to a cnsls-level smog alert i )l 1hr) • tl)NEWS DYNASTY Blake pretends to be bhnd, AlexiS wins an unexpected v1etory over Krystle, and Colby plots to gain access to the Oenver-Carnngton Illes IBl ( 1 hr l 9 THE NEW STORYTELLERS The life of Marshall Dodge. the yarn spinner from New England ls docu- mented. (I) MOVIE "Funhouse" ( 1981, Horror) Elizabeth Berridge. Sylvia Miles Four teen-agers spend a lrtghtlul mght 1n a carnival tunhouse inhabited by a demented barker and hts monstrous son 'R' ( 1 hr 35 m1n.l_ 10:308) ti) NEWS I SIGNA TUAE Guest: Gloria Steinem. SNAP OF TAP ANO THE RAZZMATAZZ OF JAZZ The Hubbard Street Dance Company per- forms pieces from their wide-ranging repertoire 8!) INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Lillian Vernon Maic1ng II tn Mall Order" One of rhe na11on·s leading mail-order entrep.eneurs tells how she did 11 (R) CO) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven· lure) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bood tracks a cr1m1nal who purloined a top secret British defense devtee. 'PG' (2 hrs., 5 min.) 11:00 e u a (I) am NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN BENNYHIU • COLLLUECTING A look al the many ditf8fent items that people collect. I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Mclintockl" ( 1963, Western) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. A cattle baron tries to handle a group of disgruntled Indians and cope with a fiery. determined wife at the same time (2 hrs.) (}I) MOVIE "Tess" ( t979. Drama) Nastassla Kinski, Peter Firth The daughter of a poor English farmer becomes the victim of her family's aspirations and her own beauty. 'PG' (2 hrs., 50 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Final Cut" ( 1980, Drama) Lou Brown, NEW JAPANESERESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura Shu1hi bar prepared by our ramoua Japane~ Ch~f • Beer • Wine • Said @ JAPANESE ~g.:sa. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon. thru Frt. 11:ao to 1::30 Dinner from S p.m. tun. from 4 p.m. ~===Cloeed~ Wedneedey II N \\hlnesday (continued) ~ ... David Clend1nnlng A filmmaker tries to discover the truth behind a murder he thinks ha saw and photo· gf gra~ed. ( 1 hr., 18 min.) b 11: 15 tLJ MOVIE "Let's Make A Dirty Movie" ( 1978, :> Comedy) Two producers e11empting to make a -, tasteful porno movie are stymied by en uncoopere- ~ hve cast and crew. an amateur director and en lnfin· .g 1tes1mal budget. 'R' ( 1 hr . 22 min ) "t: 11:3011 (I) MOVIE "Portrait Of A Rebel: Margaret LL Sanger" ( 1980, Biography) Bonnie Franklin, David ~ Dukes The tempestuous life of Margaret Sanger, .J the controversial woman's rights activist who esteb-> lished the first birth control clinic, Is dramatized. (R) I-(2 hrs, 15 min.) D fl) TONIGHT Host· Johnny Carson. Guest· Drew Ber~more ( 1 hr.) I Q.gl ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "The Secret War Of Harry Frigg" ( 1969. Comedy) Paul Newman. Sylva Kosc1na An Army pnvate Is sent to help live bfigedler generals escape from the Italians. (2 hrs ) I THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORD AND SON MOVIE "The Sword Of Ah Baba" ( 1965, Adven- ture) Peter Mann, Jocelyn Lane. All Baba. once wronged by his proposed father-in-law, becomes a champion of the dOWntrodden~( 1 hr, 50 m1t1.) @ PIANO PlA YERS AA El. Y EVER PlA Y TOGETHER Featured: Isidor "Tuts" Washington, Henry "Professor Longhair" Byrd and Allen R Toussaint ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981, Drama) Sissy Spacek. Enc Roberts In 1944, a telephone operator 1n a small Texas town sacrifices her standing in the community when she has a sh0r1 affatr with a com- bat-bound sailor 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 11:40(1) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Orama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James Wt1en a country· western singer steals his song. an ex-con tries des· perately to retneve his recording rights while baffling the,hce 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT U LOVE BOAT A couple celebfate their 40th wedding anniversary and Doc 1s accused of making ~ass at a passenger's wile. (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min ) (!) MOVIE "Assignment Terro<'' ( 1970, Sc1enc&- Fiction) Michael Rennie. Karin Dor. Extraterrestrial creatures plan to use human emotions to conquer Earth (2 hrs ) GI MOVIE "The Gay Dtvorcee" ( 1934, Musical) Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers Mistaking a lovesick dancer tor someone else. a lady issues him an 1nv1 talion (2 hrs ) ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (() SPORTSCENTER 12:20(%) MOVIE "The Last 0 1 The Blue Devils" ( 1979, Musical) Count Basie. Joe Turner. A docu· mentary portrait of Kansas City's contribution to music is presented as many jazz greats gather in their old union hall to perform and reminisce. ( 1 hr . 30 min) 12:300 GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETIERMAN Guests Mister Rogers. comedian Andy Kaufman and wrestling champion Jerry Lawler, "Late Night" chef Mollie Fitzgerald, author David Wallechil\Sky ~'C6uPLES .NEWS 12:46(() QUINCY JONES: REFlECTIONS Patti Aus- tin, James Ingram and "Toots" Thieleman are among the artists performing soogs with Jones from his hit album "The Dude " ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:00 O MOVIE "If I Were King" ( 1938, Adventure) Ronald Colman, Ellen Drew. The rascal-poet. Fran· cois Villon, tangles wits with Kl.,ng Louis XI of France. {2 hrs) «I) MOVIE "The Counte<felt Traitor" ( 1962. Adven· ture) Wiiham Holden, Lilli Palmer. The British gov- ernmenl blackmails a naturalized Swede into becoming a spy against the Nazis during World War II. ( 1 hr . 30 mm.) @ THE NEW Sf ORVTELLERS The life of Mar$hall Dodge, the yarn spinner from New England Is docu- mented. (()AUTO RACING "British Grand Prill" (R) (1 hr.) cm DAVID STEINBaQ IN CONCERT COmedlan David Steinberg Is iOlned by John Candy for a coo· cert performance filmed 81 York Unlvefsfty In Toron- to. U hr.) 1:06(C} MOVIE "Blow-Up" (1966. Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave. When a young Lon- don phOtographer has some of hll plctllret blown up. he d!ScOvers what appears to be a muto.r. ( 1 hr., SO min.) t1oe M<ME ''Sna~· (1972, Mystery) Ho~ atd Dvff. Leslie NielMn. The husbandS of three klO- napPed womeo lft brought Into confllct when one vl" .. !p1R.t,Y.,n,.'i'}~ J~,.~·,}l{Y~ ,30 (fl · ~ ... Ui&~et tll'I ortt "' nobnO.JJll 1 :fO ~)lltllt0tlf.~~IOHATIR30'1U • MORE NEWS -Trit.ia Toyota and John Schubeck share the anchoring chores on the "LA at 5" segment of "News 4 LA" nightly at 5 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Cf> MOVIE "The Happy Hooker" t 1975. Comedy) Lynn Redgrave, Jean-Pierre Aumont. The Ille of New York's famous call glrl. Xavlara Hollander. Is told 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 1:30 D fl) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 0 MOVIE "Blood Beach" ( 1981. Horror) John Saxon. Burt Young. A pair of police otticers have their hands lull when they investigate the cause or beachgoers being sCJcked into the sand. never to be seen again R' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 1:451)NEWS 1:50 (%) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Drama) Sis· sy Spacek. Eric Roberts. In 1944, a telephone oper· ator 1n a small Texas town sacrifices her standing In the community when she has a short affair with a combat-bound sailor. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:0081 MOVIE "Five Came Back " (1939. Adven· ture) Chester Morns. John Carradine. Courage and cowardice are displayed by t2 passengers who sur- vive an airplane crash 1n the Amazon 1ungle. ( 1 hr 30 min) (£) AUTO RACING "IMSA GT Race" (from lime Rock. Ct ) (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CH) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven· lure) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a crlm1naJ who purloined a top secret British defense device 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) (0) EVERYTHING GOES 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:158 MOVIE ''The Specialists" (1974, Orama) Robert York. Maureen Reagan. Doctors at a disease control center are faced with the problems of Identi- fying a peculiar rash attecting schoolchildren and a series of unexplained accidents In a soap factory (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:20 (fl) RAT PA TROl 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH IDNEWS (Q) PLAYBOY ON THE AIR 2:401 NEWS 2:50 WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 RAT PA TROl i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppetee< Barclay Shaw and the Tropleana Dancers are fea- tured ( 1 hr.) U MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" (1955. Drama) .1 Glenn Ford. Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to restore order In a big-city train- ing school whefe teen-age lawlessness and violence have taken root. (1 hr., 45 min.) 3:06cel MOVIE "Foxes" (1980. Orama) Jodie Fos- ter. Sally Ketterman. The vlc11ma of broken homes and uncaw~ pat8nts. four teen-age glt19 try to soothe thff emotional '\ttounds throogh ~ugs and sex 'ft (1hr .. 46 min.) 3:30 a V<:JY AGE TO TiiE 80'TTOM Of TiiE SEA • MOVIE "Isle Of The 0..d" (1~ Mystery) Boris KarlOtf, Ellen Drew. Whlle battling an Island epidemic. a Greek general finds tllmstlf catapul1ed Into a dark. eerie WOfld of wltchcreft and the ocoutt. lhr~ MOW!~~ en'ft?v'i r 01 • ~~N,fcP~ Thursday :\I< >I {:\I:\< ; \I< )\ · 1 LS 4:55CC) "Mad Wednesday" ( 1947, Comedy) Harold Llo)'d. Frances Ramsden 5:30(1) "Flnal Cut" ( 1980. Drama) Lou Brown, David Clendinntng. 6:0000 "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979, Com- edy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harris. 6:0501) "Send Me No Flowers·· (1964, Comedy) Rock Hudson. Dons Day. 6:30(C) ··Gulliver's Travels" (1939. Fantasy) Ani- mated 0 "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955, Drama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. 6:50 (%) "Caddie" ( 1981 Drama) Helen Morse. Jack Tho~son 7:00lS.) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. 8:00(C) "The Gumball Rally" (1976. Comedy) Mlehael Sarraz1n. Tim Mcintire ®"Gloria" (1980, Drama) Gena RowlandS, John Adames 8:06 tm "3 10 To Yuma" ( 1957, Western) Glenn Ford, Van Helhn 8:30 0 "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939. Come- dy) Bob Hope. Paulette Goddard 8:45(%) "L19htn1ng Swords Of Death" ( 1974, Adven· ture) Tom1saburo Wakayama, Masahiro Tomikawa 10:00(C) "Agatha" ( 1979, Mystery) Dustin Hoffman, Vanessa Redgrave ® "Hawmps1" ( 1976. Comedy) James Hampton. Christopher Connelly. (S) "Quo Vad1s" (1 95t. Drama) Rober! Taylor Deborah l<err 0 "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980. Orama} Elliott Gould. Susannah York. 10:05@ "Hercules Against The Mongols" ( 1960 Adventure) Mark Forrest, Jose Grec1 10:30(%) "Fame" ( 1S80. Drama) Irene Cara, Barry Miller . \l .. l lJl:\< >< >:\ :\I<)\ I LS 12:000 "The Navy Vs The Night Monsters" ( 1966, Scfence-F1c1ion) Mamie Van Doren. Pamela Mason GI "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1946, Suspense) Dor- othy McGU1re. George Brent G) "Ulysses·· ( 1955. Adventure) Kirk Douglas Anthony Quinn CC) ·Heavens Above•" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Cecil Parker CID "In God We irust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman 0 "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adventure) Roger Moore. Topol 1:00(S) "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adventure) RQger Moore. T opol. (%) "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Ben11 2:00(!) "Killer On Board" ( 1977, Mystery) Beatrice Straight, Claude Akins CO "Counldown To Disaster" ( 1980, Adventure) Pup~ts. 2:30lSJ "The Amazing Adventures Of Joe 90" Ani· mated Cl "The Cal And The Canary" ( 1939, Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. 2:46 (%) "The Last Of The Blue Devils" ( 1979, MUSI- cal) Count BaSle. Joe Turner 3:00(e) "Gulliver's Travels" (1939, Fantasy) Ani· mated. 00 "Gloria" ( 1980. Drama) Gena Rowlands. John Adames 4:000 "The Buccaneer" ( 1938. Adventure) Fredric March. Akim Tamuoff. (D) "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adventure) Tom Skerrltt. M1chetle Ph!Uips D ''The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harrls. •:15(%) "Fame" (1980, Drama) Irene Cera, Barry Miller. 5:00(!) "Jack Of Diamonds" ( 1967, Adventure) George HamMton, Joseph Cotten. Cli) "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Balbeta Harris.· Cl) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conwai. Oon Knona. 6;308 "The l'hr" P~ Opera'' (1931) Lotte lenya. Ernst 8utc:h . eel "Rock 'fiil' Roll High Sohoor' ( 1979. Comedy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. cm "Blood And Guts" ( 1978, Orama I Wdorn Smith. Mlc:heine Lane1ot. ----...:..----~------------------------------------------------------------------------t3 Thursday (continued) I THE SAINT - ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY "Friends Al Any Age" Guesl Molly IP1c~ned~as HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS TOP RANK BOXING MOVIE "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976. Adventure) Fred Kelle1. Joseph MacGulre. A yoong girl meets an immortal family known as lhe Tucks. (2 hrs .. 6 min.1 8:30 9) BARNEY MILLEA 9 OtCt< CAVETT Guests Harry and Jimmy Ritz. J:>NEWS • AME'RJCAN GOVERNMENT 8:45 CZ) CINEMASCORE 7:008C8SNEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A gymnasl's comeback after a paralyzing injury. a man who owns a Florida alligator farm KOJAK NEWARK ANO REALITY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD ID BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Agatha" ( 1979. Mystery) Duslin Hott- man. Vanessa Redgrave. In London In t926. an American newspaper reporter meets and becomes involved w11h famed mystery writer Agatha Christle. who has left her unfaithful husband. 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 min) CID MOVIE "Hawmpst" (1976, Comedy) James Hampton. Chrtslopher Connolly. Members of the United States Cavalry try to adjust to riding camels Instead ot horses in the untamed. lawless Texas of the 1600s. 'G' ( 1 hr .• 53 min.) • CD MOVIE "Gaptain Midnight" ( 1978. Comedy) Tracy &basflan. Mia Kovacs.A teen-ager operates a pirate radio station illegally from hlS van. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min) (%)MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( t980. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Ben11 Whrle investigating a political sex scandal in London. a private detective Is mur- dered and reincarnated as a scruffy dog. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 mm.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a talk with authorities about aging and sex: a profile of Susan Olsen as she practices "origami". a look at Holly- wood's d1st1ncll\le night life I tm FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L A. Featured: a trip to St. Thomas; a on the hottest line of swimwear from Israel. ti) Tte TAC DOUGH NEW YORK REPORT YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest· John Simon MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAWLTY TOWERS MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( 198 1, Adven· ture) Perry King. Don Stroud. A former South Viel namese ofhclal seeks revenge against the four Amencans who abandoned him 1n an ambush dur· I~ the war. 'PG' (1 hr .. 35 min.) lSJ AEROBICISE: INT9'MEOIATE TO ADVANCED Get in shape. look good. and feel great with this ph~cal fitness program 7:35 (fl) NEWS 8:00 II CJ) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum encounters a swaggering, cowbOy hat-wearing Texan who looks exa<!!!}' hke Higgins. (A) (1 hr.) II m THE CIRCLE l=AMIL Y A motor coort opera- tOf's rural family life clasbes with that of his neigh- bors ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Captain Blood" ( 1935. Adventure) Errol Flynn. Ohvia de Haviiland. A &lave escapes from pnson and becomes en infamous pirate. (r hrs.) D a:I DARKROOM A TV reporter tears a star anchorman has mel with foul play. and a man thinks that his son·s radio Is receMng bfoedcasts from the ~st. {R) ( 1 hr.) G MOVIE "The Sailor WhO Fell From Grace With The Sea" ( 1976. Orama) Kris Krlatoffecaon, Sarah Miles. Based on a story by YuklO Mlsl'llma. After discarding his career f0< an Englishwoman'• love, a sea captain falts to meet her son't lnSantfy .IM~ demands fOf i>erfectlOn. (2 hrs.) Cf) PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A gymnast'• corMbaek afttf a J)ll'alyZlng Injury; a man who owne 1 Florida altlgflC>f fatm. {Part 2) ( 1978, Horr«) 6 • MOVtE "'The Dark~-1· • royd. A ~ cous>i. __ YOUNG LOVERS -Erin Moran and Scott Baio will star in ''Joanie Loves Chachi'' this fall on Tbursdays at 8 p.m. on KABC (Ch. 7). settle in a remote New England town bOUnd Dy a strange yearly rltuel for crop tertltity. (Z hrs.) @ BOTAN.C MAN "On The Limit" Or. David Bella- my travels to the wettest place on earth to see the first man-made ecological disaster. 9 U.S. CHRONICL£ "U.S. And Canada: Violent Crime" The dramatic differences in the violent crima rates f0< Ganada and the U.S are studied. G SNEAK PREVlEWS Roger Ebert and 08!)8 Sisk· et host an informative look at what's new at the movies. (I) MOVIE "History 01 The Wor1d -Part I" ( 1981. Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. Man's lltustri- ous history •• from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spanish lnqu1sitJ<>n --IS examined. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 33 min.) 0 MOVIE "Sunday Lovers" (1981. Romance) Gene Wilder. Roger Moore Four mlddl&-aged men in different countries are followed as they pursue their amorous adventures. 'R' (2 hrs . 7 min.) 8:30 Cf) RACING FROM YONKERS I OOOCOUPlE MOVIE "The Three Penny Opera" (t931) Lotte Lenya, Ernst Busch. A tale of crime and paSSIOn set In LondOn in the late 1800's (2 hrs.) e SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el host an informative look at what's new at the movies. G LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Seats talks at>oot the causes of and oores for poor mileage and sl~gish pertormance ([) SPORTSCENTER 8:35; ALL IN THE FAMILY 8: 40 CATERPILLAR 8:45 CINEMASCORE 9:00 (I) BLIND AMBmON Dean and three other lop White House aides are fired by Nixon: after appeanng before the Senate committee, Dean is judged guilty by Judge John Slrica. (Part 3) (R) (2 l'lrs.) D ff) OIFF'RENT STROKES While confined to the apartment during a fire. Arnold chews out 1he school bully on what he thinks is a dead phone. (R) ta 0 BARNEY MILLER Crowds of people st0<m a warehouse to get at government-owned frozen chicken, and a man assaults a reporter for prema- tUf'ely wiitlng his obituary. (R) r;> I MERV GRIFFIN IRELANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY MASTEAPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Preju· dice" Although Elizabeth found the manner of Mr. Dercy's proposal Insulting, she teems the truth aboot Wickham and grows ashamed of her fOfmer blind prejudloe. (Part•> (R) 9 (1 hr.) ~ M<Me "Shogun Asaaseln (1981. AdventU..) Tomlsaburo W.kayama. Masahlfo Tomlkawa. A fOr. mer shogun a.alSln Who was maneuvered out of hlS posltlOn by 1 ru1hlea clan of aplee YOWi to talk• t>l90dY revenge. (1 hr .. 28 min.) ®MOVIE ''Only WNm I Laugh" (1981, Drema) Marsha Mnon, Kristy McNIChol. A New Yori< actr .. returna from • ~ clnlo dllefrnln9d to renew Mr carett. ti.r rome• wtth • otaYwriaht and her relatlonlhlp with her 17•year-ol<f deUghflf, ~~- women JOln the hordes of FlOtlda~boUnd cotteglans dunng Easter vacation. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "The Last Of The Blue Devils" (1979. ~ Musical) Coonl Basie. Joe Turner. A documentary g pOl'tra1t ot Kansas City's contribution to music Is ~ presented as many jazZ greals gather In their old union hall to perform and reminisce. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.). 0r- 9:05 al) MOVIE "Boeing. Boeing" (1965. Comedy) Cl Tony Curtis. Jerry Lewis. A London playboy lhlnks "" he has devised a fOOlproof plan fO< Juggling the visits 1 ot his three stewardess girlfriends lintlC unexpected-~ ly. their ..e_!anes all land on the sama day. (2 hrs.) ~ 9:30 II GD GIMME A BREAK The Chief runs Into a c... woman he knew In high school. (R) c • 0 POL.CE SQUAD Detective Frank Drebin .;c goes undercover as a fight manager to lnvestlgale ~ the apparent suicide of a boxer. (Al Cf) MOVIE "The Secret People" ( 1952. Mystef'Y) (Q Valentina Cortese, Audrey Hepburn. A refugee's ~ fOl'mer liance persuades her to become lnvolVed in an espionage plot. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ([)Al/TO RACING "British Grand Prix" (R) ( 1,hr.) cm MOVIE "Kill Or Be Kiiied" ( 1980. Adventure) James Ryan. Charlotte Michelle. A former Nazi com- mander, who lost an Important karate match to the Japanese during the war, seeks to avenge his defeat by enhst1ng the top kung tu fighters lrom aroond the WO<ld In a tournamen1 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) CJ) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and foor comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. 10:00 II • HILL STREET BLUES Washington uncov- ers evidence to clear a bigoted cop of what appears to be a racially motivated shooting, and problems arise between partners Lucy and Joe. (R) ( 1 hr.) l ammNEWs 920 /20 TO THE MANOR BORN OOYSSEY "Franz Boas.(1858-1942)" The life or Franz Boas. the German physicist singularly responsible for shaping the course of American anthropology, ls documented. (A) D ( 1 hr.) ())ROMANCE: LAURA. SWEET LAURA (Part 4) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest· John Simon UPPOMPEll MOVIE "Boulevard Nights" ( 1979. Orama) Richard Yniguez. Danny De La Paz. A Chicano youth unexpectedly rebels against the standards and tradihons of his ne+ghborhood gang In 0<der to fulfill his own desire to get married and help his trou- ble-plagued YOOtlQC!r bfother avoid self-destruction 'A' ( t hr .• 42 min.) ([) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Michigan State · '74" ( 1 hr.) Cl) THE SOUND Of MURDER Michael MOl'iarty and Joanna Miles star in this suspense drama about a woman and her IOYef plotting the murder of her sadistic husband. (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980, Orama) Elliott Gould. Susannah YOl'k. A 'man goes to his high school reunion In the belief that he can relive the good times of the past. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Lightning Swords Of Death" (1974, Adventure) Tomlsaburo Wakayama. Masahlro Tom1kawa.A buShido warrior. fOfced to roam Japan as a "hired swOfd," is hunted by his former ene- mies. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) 11:00 8118 ()) a:I GD NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN "On The Limit" Dr David Bella· my travels 10 the wettest place on earth to see the first man·made ecological disaster. I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE LAUGHS Four stand-up comedians are followed through nightclub performances and their behind· the-scenes lives as they pursue laugh& and fame. ( 1 hr .• 15 mm.) CD MOVIE "Goodbye, Emmanuelle" ( 1977, Ora· ma) Sr.Ma Kristel, Umberto Orsini. A beautiful woman s search for the ultimate erotic experience bl'l~ her lo a startling realization. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 40 min. 11:06 MOVlE "Taggart" (1965. Western) TOf'ly Young. Dan Duryea. Based on Louis L' Amour's novel. A man Is hired to kill a young bOy who wants toaveOQ!h_la~~nts' murdef. 0 hf .• 60mln.) 11:30• Cl) QUINCY After ~Ing a fortune In stolen Jewell hlddltl In 1 corpee,_ Quincy Is asked lo go undercover to loelte a Jewet fenoe. (1 hr .. 10 min.) l ·~~C.rton. (1hf.) ~ "Th9 Buocaneer" ( 1938, Advem'") redrlc March, Akim Tamiroff. Pirate Jean Lafitte lldl the Unlt.o Stal• In the War o11e12. (2 tn.) I THESIUGWI ~~tMy Opera'.' .(1991) Lotte ltn)'e. Emet au.en. A Ulle of crime• Pr·~~ a!' In london tn thl 1111 18CJ9'J:$,C~K R eUNDIMT~ ...... «IOl:t ---··--~---~-14-.....====~--· __ ·-----~-----~ ____ ...... __ -:::::::_--__ -:::::::::::::·:"*::Z:Z:::::::::::ss::u:t:--:•:•:~uu_.::z::s:::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ll, N Thursday (oontinue.d) ; I CAPTIONED A8C NEWS • SPORTSCENTER ~ MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (HJ81, Orama) Sissy ~ Spacek. Eric Roberts In 1944. a telephone operatOf ~ In a small Texas town sacrifices her standing In the -, community when she has a short affatr with a com· ~ bat·boUnd sailor 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 't:> 12:00 D ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ;f 8 9 VEGAS Dan helps an Old prospectOf who took a fortune In cash from a group of gangsters (A) (I hr . 10 min.) (!)MOVIE "Redneck" (1972. Drama) Telly Sava· las, Franco New A 1ewet thief who IS also a kid- napper and a psychopathic killer IS pitted 'against his former partner 1n crime (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "In Name Only" ( 1939. Drema> Carole Lombard, Cary Grant A selfish wife whose only concern for her husband 1s the status and wealth his name bnngs staunchly refuses him a divorce that would enable him to marry the woman he really loves (2 hrs.) g) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (%)MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miiier Several gitted students at a New York high school for the perlorm1ng arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'R' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 12:15('C) MOVIE "The Gumball Rally" (1976. Come- dy) Michael Sarrazin. Tim Mcintire. A gumball machine •S the grand prize in a New York-to-Los Angeles car race which brings all sorts of zany char- acters onto the nalion's highways and back roads 'PG' ( t hr . 47 mm ) MOVIE "Galaxy Of TerrOI'" (198t, Horror) Edward Albert, Erin Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frightening ahen creatures while loo+ung fOf another vessel stranded on a for- btdd1ng_elanet 'R' ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 12:3011 W LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests John Helliwell of the rock group Super- tramp author David Walle<:hinsky. heavyweight boxer Gerry Cooney. movie tight choreographer B H Barry ( 1 hr ) I COUPLES NEWS TOP RANK BOXING MOVIE .. For Your Eyes Only" (1981. Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs . 5 min.) 0 MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" (t981, Horror) Edward Albert, Enn Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frightening alien creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a tor bidd1ng_elanet 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) 12:.40 I) (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE When their home is rocked by an earthquake. pOlice comm1sS10ner McMillan and his wife discover a skeleton in the rub- ble ot their ltreplace (2 hrs ) 12:45(1J MOVIE "Wollen" (1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. Dtane Venora. Police are faced wtth an unu- sual problem as New York Crty rs invaded by a pack of d.!3>18ced wolves 'R' ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) 12:55QZ) MOVIE "The Only Way" ( 1972. Drama) Jane Seymour. Marfa Potter:""fhe Nazl occupation of Denmark is re-enacted (2 hrs. 5 min.) 1:00 D MOVIE "Caribbean" ( 1952. Adventure) John Payne. Arlene Dahl. Pirates-In the 1700s attemp1 10 take over a Caribbean Island. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "Point Of Terror" (1971. Mystery) Peter Carpenter, Dyanne Thorne. FOllowfng a tragic car crash, a young man's feelings of morbid guilt pro- duce amnesia that later erupts to des1roy him. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Chisum" (1970, Western) John Wayne, Forrest Tucker. A cattle baron enlists the aid of Billy the Kid In fighting COl'rupt. power-hungry law officers. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ONEWS 1:30D ID NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:.40 CB) MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Robert De Niro, Cathy Mortarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptltode for violence brings him success In the ring but disrupts his personal ilfe. 'R' (2 hrs .• 8 min.) -" EYES THE MOB -Jameson Parker (left) and Gerald McRaney, A.J. and Rick Simon investigate a broadcaster's involvement with the mob an "Simon & Simon" Thursday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). John Ashley. Celeste Yarnall A mad doctOI' abducts a young repofter 1n order to experiment on her body ( 1 hf • 30 min.) mNEWS (%)MOVIE "Caddie' ( 1981. Orama) Helen M0<se. Jack Thompson A young woman leaves her com- fortable subUrban home and her cruel husband determined 10 take lull responsibility tor s~pporting her children by doing whatever odd Jobs she can gel (l hr . 4 7 min ) 2:40 II U NEWS • CS) MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980. Biography) Rob- ert De Niro. Cathy Monally. Boxing champion Jake La Molta's aptttude for violence brings him success in 1he 11ng but disrupts his personal hie 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 mtnl 3:008 RAT PATROL ~JOE FRANKLIN • NEWS PRO-CELEBRITY GOLF Hill I Zoeller vs Trevino I Trueman (R) ( l hr ) 3:1011 MOVIE "Man-Trap" (1961. Orama) Jeffrey Hunter. Davtd Janssen A war velernn IS badgered by his aleohohc wife and pressured into a violent robbery by an Army buddY ( 1 hf .. 50 mtn.) 3:30 D VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA 3:50('C) MOVIE "Heavens Above!" (l963, Comedy) Peter Sellers. Cecil Parke<. A well-meaning reverend becomes a bishop in outer space after being reiect- ed by the parishioners to whom he was sent by mrs- take. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) (8) MOVIE "In God We Trust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman. A naive monk is sent out into the wOl'ld to raise money for his lmpov· erlshed monastery. 'PG' (1 hr .. 37 min.) 4:00 Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART • MOVIE "War Of The Gargantuas" ( 1966. Sci- ence-Fiction) Russ Tamblyn. Kuml Mizuno. A pair of monsters clash because of conflicting personalltles. i hra.) SPORTSOENTER MOVIE "Sunday Lovers" (1981, Romance) Gene Wiider. Roger Moore. Four middle-aged men In different countries are followed as they pursue their amorous adventures. 'R' (2 hrs .. 7 min.) 4:06 ~ FUNTIME 4:15 MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980. Come- dy) hevy Chase. Benji. 'Chorus Line' film set . ~00· MOVIE "Lady Luck" (1946, Comedy) Rob-ert Young. Barbara Hale. A young lady feels that marriage Is the answer to reforming her gamble< ~riend. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "S.O.B." (1981. Comedy) William Hol-HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A film venion of the den. Julie Andrews. A m<Me dltector who has just smash Bro.dway mllllcaJ 0 A Cban.ia Line" ia .._. ... finished a muttl--mllllon doltar turkey goes from 1--~ b Pol Di-..-......... attempted suicide to a blzarrety Inspired re-sl'IOOtlng p ... URU Y ygnun £ -.-~ with veteran ~ of his epic. 'R' (2 hrs.. 4 min.) and Wm producers Cy Feuer and Ernest Mardn Sports . Highlights From Page 4 4:00 (!) SPORTSCENTER Wxlnesday JULY 28. ~~2 AFTERNOON 1 :30 (()SPORTSWOMAN (A) 2:00(1) RODEO Professional compet111on lrom Mes~ 11e. Tex (Al (2 hrs) 4:00 SPOATSt:ORUM 4:30 PADRES PRE-GAME (() SPORTSCENTER 4:35 Q!) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Allanta Braves (3 hrs ) 4:40 Cl) BASEBALL San 01ego Padres at Atlanta Braves (2 hrs . 20 min ) 5:00 (£)AUTO RACING "British Grand Pm<'' ( 1 hr ) 5:30(!) BASEBALL New York Mets at St Louis Car- dinals (2 hrs . 30 mm ) EVENING 6:00 ([) AUTO RACING "IMSA GT Race.. (from Lime Rock. Ct) ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 6:30(B) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading 10 the 1982 World Series 7:00 I DODGER DUGOUT 7·15 DOOOEA PRE-GAME 7:30 BASEBALL Los Angeles Doogers at San Francisco Giants (3 hrs ) CE) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall Of Fame Boston Celtics vs. '55 World Champion StOOklyn Dodgers (R) ©)BASEBALL Oakland A's at Ca11forn1a Angels (3 hrs L 8:00 Q) TENNIS ''Wells Fargo Open" Coverage of lh1s event for women from lhe San Diego Sports Arena 1s presented (2 hrs) (E) SPORTSCENTEA 9:00(() TENNIS "Women's Federation Cup F1na1" (from Santa Clara. Calif ) (A) (3 hrs.) 12:00 (£) SPORTSCENTER 1:00 AUTO RACING "British Grand Pnx" (R) (I hr) 2:00(f) AllTO RACING "IMSA GT Race" (from Lime Rock. Ct ) (A) ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 3:30 $PORTSFORUM 4:00 $PORTSCENTER Thursday JULY 29, 1982 MORNING 6:00(!) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Elimination ChamJ)IOnships" Tom Beach vs Mario McCutcheon and Kim Tay10f vs. Lisa ZetS (R) ( 1 hr ) 7:00 (() SPORTSCENTER 9:00(I) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavyweight Contenders Bout" (from New Orleans .• La) (R) (1hr .. 30min.) 10:30(1) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Michl· gan State -'74" (R) (1 hr.) 11:30(() AVON WOMEN'S MARATHON Cove<age of the 26-mlle course from San Francisco. CaHf. (A) AFTERNOON 12:00(1) HOR8E8HOW JUMPING "I love New York Grand Prix" (2 hrs.) 2:00~ SPORT'SFOAUM 2:30 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (A) 4:.00 FROM THE 56-YAAO LINE Action hlghllghta of the Ganadlan Football League. (R) 4:30(1) PADRE PRE-GAME • (1)8~ -.:35Q:l) BASEBAU. San Diego Padres at Atlanta Breves~~ 4':40 Cl) ~All San Diego Padres at Atlanta Staves (2 hra .. 20 min.) &.00(1)8~ 5:30(1) RACOUETBAU "Women's lntemational -Arst Round" 206(!)NEWS ~ 210t'.C) MOVIE "Shogun As.saaaln" (1981 Adven-Feuer and Martin. who have produced such 8:00Ea0PAAHK80XING ture) TomiUbufo Wakayama. Maaehlro T0mlkawa. •how• on Broadway H .. Guy1 and Dalla." 8:30 AACtNG FROM YONl<ERS A former shogtJn assassin who wu maneuvered out "Can-can .. and "How to Succeed ln Buainea Cl> of his position by a ruthleM cla.n of ap1ee vows to Without Re&Uy ~ ... produced the film venian 9:30([) AUTO RACING "Ekltlsh Grand Prix" (A) (1 takCzl~1hr .. 26mln.) of •ic.buet." Th8t movie won .qbt Ac9demy 10:1SC;>(I) BEBTOF NO~ DAME FOOTBAU "MIOtlf.-~~~at' • ., ..,. .., Awa;:~ ta.. been for "A Oxin.. ~st~~J. ·-.e•rh...-~11oo1111~ be _..b"'"1 " 1 n1111111il\t1W11tlllllllllH': -... .. ··------· .-~--- DOWN t Quinn or Newley 2 Marvin or Remlcl< 3 PTA type 4 -the Living 5 Plays Ray on Hiii Street Blues 6 Anger 7 Nickel symbOI 8 Super sport 9 Plays Bonnie on CH1Ps 10 Tatum or Ryan 12 Call, to Rob Reiner 14 George or Vivienne 15 Cttarlle'a LaOy 20 Miss Bancroll's slgn·ofl 23 Miss Moorehead 25 Mayor on Harper Valley 27 Asner and Wynn 28 WKRP newsman 29 Bygone 30 Party treat 33 Aneta Corsaut role 34 -Davis Jr 37 Gave a 1ob --Lucy 31 39 John Amos on Good Times ACROSS 40 -Fair Lady 43 -World of Sports 1,3 Shown, plays 35 Road curve Al on Happy Days 36 A Night at the - 11 Romero or Beatty 37 -Girl Friday 13 Greatest -Hero 39 Mrs Steve Allen 1nit 14 Pt ace 41 Take It on the - 16 -Day at a Time 42 MO's neighbOr 17 Compass point 43 John or Newton 44 A Shearer's sign.off 45 Have a snack 48 Certain voter· abbr 49 Sked abbr 51 Tennis stroke 53 Rough lava 54 Blble bOok. abbr. 18 What say? 46 That's Amore singer: 19 Miss Keaton lnit. 21 C<x.irt VIP 47 Steiger or Stewart 22 Small antelope 49 Goal 24 Mr Goodman's 1ns1gne 50 Role lor Linda 25 Buck Rogers' star McCullough 26 Kris or Kelly, e.g. 52 Alias Connie Brooks 29 Much -abOut Noth1flg 55 Shoe front 31 Played Uncle Arthur on 56 Uncle Charley on My Bewitched Three Sons 32 Plays Floren~ on The 57 -Love Possessed Jellersons EMERGENCY - DOCTORS OFFICE THEA TTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A conv•nlent •lt•rnetlve to hosp/ta/ em•f'fl"C>' rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK Ha DAYS A YEAA 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-9300 •••n•NCY DOCTORI Ol'FIC• 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY I o.c. Alrpott = '15oFF --= with thia covpen · - • SH wh•I we h•v• to oH•r • !i11111111i~il1iiii'ilr=. WIN A Fa.EE TRIP FOR TWO TO TAHITI By Eqjoylng the Luxury Services of <J'kWPOiCi "?/fw/,,thfc LIMOUSINES ('1111h'l>t ll\'liocl 111d11tl1•s tilt' 1111111th~ 111,July. Auh"'"' 1111tl Sc·p11•111l1<•1'. A llrnw inl( will lw lwltl Sqt11·111lw1· .IOth 1111 tlw lrt•t• trip 1111 twn nt tlw ('11pl11i11 (:CK1k lk,ll'h llolt'l ltK':lll'd 11111h1· w1h·1 j,l;i111I of MtK1t1'11 111 I 11•m h l'oh·111·,111. i11dud1111( .111'1.11··· .md ""'"' h11t'.1I~ .11111 ht•\ \'r.ll(t'l> 11111 1111 lud1·1ll. rill' lllOl t' \\Ill l1eM1t.. ""' I 11x111_\' l.11111111 .. 1111· ~·n Ill'. tlw mun• n111potlh y1111 11'1·1·11 , .• 111tl tlw h1·111·r '0111 1'11.1111·1·" 10 w111 ,, 1•111.,1111111 nl a liftotinlt'. rur t'arh 3 hour• ofLlmou•lrwo krvlc-f'-l Coupon Four hour• or moN'-2 C.oupon• OUR 8UMMER SPECIALS Suoda~· Brun<"h $7:"'1 for Thn•t• llouri. \'our dwin· ol Nt·wprn·t'i. !'int• 1<1•:-1m1r;111t~ Weekda.'' Lun<'h S.i.i 101· Two !lour" Si.i for Thn·1· llour:. r\ Lt\ oritt· of 1:x1•t·u 1 in·:. 111· S1•t-r1•t .iri1·i. (l.itht't' M't'\'tl'l' g-ornl 1111' Ulll' l'OUJ>Oll) Regular R alt>s S11t11lay cl11·m1~h Thursday Ni~hf:. s:m 111-. l'rida~· and S.ttunlay Ni~lus-S:i5 llr. :st1ourMini111u1n 111''"'"'""''""'''''"'~ .:1.1 ... 1. Don't Walt for an Ottaslon-Make One? <J'kWPOiCi ~t/(6: 675-4971 A >J '"" • • 1\'<JLJ 5•!\t ~tfl\/•C f OIUDM'.i ar oDIJIP*'*' l'8R.., ' Nr Automatic Garage Door Systems FOR SAFETY ..• SECURITY ••• CONVENIENCE Automa!ic Garage Door Operators by Stanley STAM.EY Mel. 201 $149.00 LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" ~. 'f I . I _;-r, tit ,,. -...... ....A~~-:::::;:;=:.llli.. ;~~~~, S TANLEY ·f'oay or Night Prompt, coul\teous - • conscientlouslservlce. ~ Sprilcp • • •••1• Doon• lepaln "Laedlnf ln•,.ll•r of Automatic Doorb,_..,. In o,.,.,. County"• JR.VINE DOOR COMP ANY Sal• ct: Service _"'.....,. .... ~J,_.. ........... _ .... ____ ·-···----------. ._ l I 0 ~ > Daytime 3 ..., ~ ~Langley's evening ~ ruined by Opal :§ By LYNDA HlRSCH a: ALL MY CHILDREN: Langley's plans for a romanuc everung with Opel are rwned when she gets drunk at the Goalpost. Ray conunues his tunnel to freedom from pnaon. In New York, Jenny and J~ move into seedy quarters. Using fictiuous name, Jesse calls pohce and reports the Kozmo porno scam. Realwng Erica only interested in her career. Brandon breaks engagement, tells Sara he loves her and lo pul divorce on hold. Leaming she's lost even her rrunor movie role, Erica wants Brandon back but It's too late. Owing $25,000 to loan sharks, Benny beaten and left fOf' dead In the rrudsl of a zesty argument, Palmer and Datsy fall into bed. In need of money for the anemic EmlJy Ann's medicauon, FiteUe considers return to hook11'1 but Rick 1top1 her by giving her cash. Having contractions, Donna lS rushed to hosp1taJ. When Palmer doesn't rush lo Donna's side, Daisy la certain Chuck is the baby'• father. ANOTHER WORLD: Unaware that Rachel and Steve are trapped m Bel lur Towers cave-In, Ada think.& they've run off together. Vandala Nin M!Veral movle costumes. Pete believes he and Diana may have rushed into marriage. but w1U try to suck il out. c.eaJ.le manages to get imprea.ion of key to Blaine's new lock Mac wama C«il.le to start being a good mother lo Maggie. or her job is over. Cecille diabelleves il when Sandy repulaed by her come-on. Chris telll Jamie she la fa11inc in love with him. AS THE WORLD TURN& Margo and Tom lliid Bilan after they are washed over a giganUc waterfall A.a the lwoeome try to re9CUe BUan. Mr. Big appean and holds a gun on them. Moving out of hotel with Paul, Barbara p1aoa to sue .Tames 1oc divon:e and wanta to accompany Gunnar when he goes to Switz:ttland. Having been the one to I.ell Barbara about James and Brenda. John feen f« hil aafety. Atlel upmet at dol.ens of her wedding Invitations are returned with "will not attend" checked. Although he'• running into trouble railing money for his trucking businela. Steve happy with his burgeonin& friendshlp wtth Belly. Jeff and Annie plan Las v~ wedding. CAPITOL: Brenda tries to edvt.e Jordy that the way to win Lizbeth from Thoml9 ia not by brutality but with charm. Just aa Myrna ~ to bl9ckmall Philip Olde. be ll!eS Shelley Grangw and realizs he h.u killed no one. Mark Mks Philip to string along with the b1ackma11 plot ao that Myma and Trey can be caught. but Joan t.a.lka Philip out of the deal. Mark deddea to bluff Myrna. calla her to his office and aays he knowa that she ls behind everyth.lna, but Myma doe9n't take the t.Jt. Trey lmisll M,yma blem the Julie-Tyjer nuptiala. at.nee u an ~law to the C1eep, Tyler would protect them from trea.on d\aJ'ie9. 'Thomu tells Tyler Lizbeth wu unable to make love to him becau.e of hJa Immobile lep. Wally ls .uckered Into poker pine and b allowed to win big; he ls attracted to a Jul.le look-alib watchina the pme. DA VS OP OUR LIVES: NeU lt1ll hoven near death, and Lix armed be Will die lf she doesn't return lo the Jlemearaa• home. Evan infonns Stephano he ii aware of a man named Fznesto, who had buslne9 ~ with both Steplww> and Stuart; this caUlel Stephano to tell Alex that !van la an enemy and must be watched. Evan haa met Sandy Horton in Hawaii and ill quite taken with her. Out of sanitarium.,~ having trouble edjultina. and Marlena thlnb she can land him a job developina h1a Jnventlona at Andenon. Johnny'• mother contacll a )$ % Cn special sequences taped on location in St Croix, "Guiding Light" actress Jennifer Cooke as mndeJ Morgan Nelson explores the tropical ~ wit.b ber tmnd, bus.inessman J osh Lewis (top), played by R obert Newman, and spends a romantic time with her husband Kelly, played by John Wesley Shipp (below). Marlena'• DlOlher and l&)!l..me wanta-Jobnoy rewmed. <Anny mka Abe to be his roommate. Lil told by Tony lf she doesn't return home, her brother Todd will be ln the l&Jlitartum fOftYtt. Maaie working put.timefor Chris. Renee falling beck in love with David. EDGE OP NlGHT: Calvin discovens Jocite and Pietro and as arnaz.ed when Jodie creates diversion 10 Pietro can er.ape. Through Spencer. Sky telll GenJdine she and Raven mu.at &eave the mansion. Raven ls off al a spa tryin, to beaullfy henetr when Geraldine hean the news. Jim thrilled when Sky uys the Wh1tney feeder can be uled by the dramauc company A.a Jodie and Pietro ha.de. there 15 a loud explmlon GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke ramng for Holly. but she ts purpoeely keeping al dislanl..'e. Holly's father hires man to ,x. a1 geolCJli.st Van ~Ider. who Mys oil on dump lite w the real thing, but HoUy feigns disbeUef Luke deddel to hJtt another ~)ogisl and thil time Holly's father pays off geoiopi t.o give 1ood report. Believing Heather's cry that Srony only says Heather is still skk because she refuad to bed down with hlm, CAii gives her clean blU or health and judge agrees.. Al Healhet"'s celebration party, Amy tells Joe she saw Scx>uy and Heather al the Croyden Hotel. When Joe confronll Heather, she attack.a Amy and Gall reali1..r1 Heather ii stiU urutable. Alice shocked wh~n Susan agrees to Heelher's scheme to sue Alan for m1Uaons. The St.ar opens with 192~ decor. Dttnley wonders why Scx>tty betung on Johnny when he's 1Upposed to be taking a dive. Noah falUng for Tiffany GUrDlNG LIGHT: Silas abd~ts Nola, places her on ledge above inactive volcano. IU she lotl#rs on bnnk. Silaa and Quint do battle. Qwnl la the victor and rushes to save Nola. ~ he does, he notke gold gleaming below and realizes his quest ls over. Suddenly the volcano erupt.a and the artifacll are l01t, t~ving him devastated Feellna 1he is at fault. Nola depart& for Sprin1tfleld alone. unaware Silas Ill on the same plane With Jennifer a out or town, Mark pull! moves on Amanda and the twosome bed down Henry decides to pull out of Spaulding and have Vanessa take over h11 busmess dealmp there. Alan plellled when Henry det-1da l'> work for Alan'• <."On5uJting firm part-time Kelly jeaJoul when Morgan .nuat go to St. Croix for cogunerdal shoot. ONE UFB TO UVE: When Donan wanta to lake Caaie on cruJ.ae lo get her away from Gary, Cassie sees 1hrough ploy and refuses. Marco researches a true murder cue and decides thal should be Asa'• new muvte. Asa agr~ but wanta Mimi to star. ao4 Edwina signs on aa the screenwriter. Seeing Jenny al Mary's grave, Katrina realit.es Jenny knows the truth. Brad dacoven Peter's confess100 hu been erued.. He con.fronts Jenny. who adrruta she knows everything. Brad tells Jenny even though Katrina has once again agreed to marry him, it is Jenny he loves, and he begs Jenny to be his wife. Georgine wants to marry Bo but has no desire for ctuldren The newspaper battle continues with Viclu running a contest wtuch Clint 11 det.enruned to win, and Clint slashing advertising rates 50 percent. RYAN'S HOPE: Roger gets his mother's pearls back from E.J and their relauonsh1p 11 fmis. Ox rNlws his talents Ile nol in racmg can;, but designing them, and E.J plans to back tun up After Det.-plays tape of Kim for Rae revea.lmg Kun planned Arley's kidn.pping. Rae goes to Kim, tells her what she knows and demands LO be given custody o f Arley and total control of Kim When Rae suggests to Seneca that they share the ralSmg of Arley, Jill questions what Seneca seems eager to BCC'('pt ru Joe and Siobhan grow doser, Johnny pulls back from Maeve and bero~ more sullen SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Tom beginning to realu.e that Stu has a yen for Jennifer Marun and StephanJe continue lo practice lh('tr poker. Travis 11 still being kept a prisoner. unaware that be is in hl5 father's house. With Aja having been abducted, Dane ts on tus own lo try and hnd both of lhem Jo becoming more and more concerned because she lS !lft'lng less and less or Martin. Sunny is unhappy with Ted's seeing St.ephame and wllhea Janet would return. TEXAS: Joel 1s convinced by Lurlene to borrow money for tu.a eye 1urgery. Gregory as senously mjW'ed and JUltin stunned becau.e the boy may die. T.J. and PaJge continue lo plan lavish wedding. Billy Joe having trouble coping with Cafftf' and single parenthood and wishes Nila would return. Rena decides to leave World Oil and plans her next career move YOUNG AND THE RF.STLESS: Ashley renunds Jeck llhe'1 w•tchl.nc him and if he maka one falle move with another woman she'll IO lo Patd and tell of hia woman1zlng befatt and aft.er the wedding. Pete Walk.er lakes the stand and U}'s he never saw Carl before. Carl umsts that Pam hed and he was us.mg her • an mfonn.ant JiU funous becal.llle Ltz wants to tell Andy about Jiii's Infatuation with J oh n. Andy breaks engagement when he reallies J1U cares for someoe else J ohn comforts Jill and 111ys he cM'e!I for her deeply JuJui pleads with Laurie not to hurt VM:tor. tf she doesn't war11 to.nwT)' ham. to give back the 12-karal engagement ring Julia fears Laurie will use Victor's love to further the expose she'• writing about Victor. Allison is irate when she dJacown Earl'• been In town for days without t.e.lllng ·her. lhw a quesboll about your favorifl> soap or .,.p 11ur~ Write to Lynda Hirsch. clo Field New11paper Syndkate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714 She will aMWer as many questions as she C'8n m her rolumn. but rhe V'Olwnl' of fJ18jJ m11lcf'S pel"llOlllll ~plif.'S 1mposslblf. If it floats, chances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 C, ______ L•~''-·-'-'~~~_,,) Riggs not among Henry Vlll's wives RIGG·ED QUESTION -ftere was a great aerlea oe PBS some yean Nd called •cne Sb Wives of Beuy VDL" I was welld ...... If 1" cu tell me wlto played opposite ltel1' Mldlell u 1'e ab ·~· Wu I>lua Rlu OM of diem! was not amona the lix wivee. who were played y: Annette Crosbie aa Catherine of Afason, Dorothy Tudn as.Anne Boleyn. Anne Stallybraaa u Jane Seymour, Elvie Hale • Anne of Cleves, Angela Pie-nee .. Catherine Howard and Roulle Crutchley u Catherine Parr. Their respective fates were divorced, beheaded, died ln childbirth, divorced. beheaded, and finally Parr managed to outlive her liege. The six-part British import was actually aired on CBS in 1971 prior to its "Masterpiece Theatre" broadcut the following year. WHEN WAS 'WEST' -I& seems SO me tltat "Tile Wild, Wild West" wu oa aot tMt 1oq g•. My bro&Hr lulltl lt ru la 1'e .... , U.0.0. I wHld uve beea ID elemeatary ldool, ud f" remember bela1 older tba tltat w.Ue elljoytq Jim West's uplolta. Pleate clear dala ap. "The Wild, Wild wear· ran on CBS from 1965 untll 1969, and was shown in.reruns the summp.r of 1970. Of OOW"8e, you might have eeen the show in syndicated reruns during the '70a. Jim West and Artemua Gordon were,Jt!SUJ'l"flct in a 1979 made- for-TV movie calleCI "The Wild, Wild Weat Revllited,'' again starring Robert Conrad and the late Rom Martin. , GO THE DISTANCE -I uve a bet plaa oa net 1'e ~ prlme-Ume lel'lel •TV la. Pleue tell. ~ With 28 years under it• belt, under the cbaJlling aegis of all three networks and a half- --·------·---- ( __ w_o_r_d_G_o_in_• ___ ) FIL l I~ ll4E Ml>SINi L.EifERS; ltJ ·n.1e ,, TV WORDS'1 BELOW. I IOIBIEI ITI IVI IUI ki1 ii ILi 11 IEI I IA~I I IEI RI l&IN K>l 11Al!P ~; ~ I I 11 .INITI ~~~~~" -· ~ R!£A~NJGE TH€ ~q ~M t.errais You FtllED 1~ ~' 6, '™ lo SPel.~ i'HE ~ ~ A . MtN14 Acme: ~ I I I I I I I I 1.-..--1 · ---1 -.-1 _,, I·~ ~VM-..J..ftlVS bN~ ~~!J~~:~y e 1"2 ~ ,..,,_ ~. "'°' dozen titles, "Walt Dlaney" la the longest continually runnm, show in prime time. When it firat premJ.ered in 19M, it became ABC's firat hit ~ thanks in 1arp part to the ''Davey _Crockett" three-parter that put a coomldn cap. a noaln. In the fall of 1961, the lhow moved to NBC ana-cUacovered color, aa well as Profeaor Ludwig von Drake, who became bolt. At the end of last eeaaon, NBC dropped "Dlmey," but CBS picked it up, where it bu 6een b9ck In the Top 20 most of the ....... - Send your letten to hppet' O'Brien, United Feature Syndbt.e, 100 Park Awnue, Room 802, New York, N. Y. 10166. ean for your free estimate 6S1•1JD W.Nllll)OCllll IWCOilfi•dlllon It -... ..,.. ...... Low Bock Pain? There Really Is An Answer ... (_~1 ____ r_v_Ti_•_o_•_•_,_• ___ ) Who was Evers in 'Most Wanted?' t7 J! 2 ~ i ~ By W. WILSON CASEY ~ c.,..,........... ~ 1. Who played as C..ptain "Link" Even on the-< criminal action leriea "Most Wanted?'' Thia actor !\> ahlo played on '"lbe Untouchablee." Both eerlea !..> were produced by Quinn Martin. .... 2. Name the star of "Delvecchk>," a aeries about ! a cop with a law depee. 3. Name the crime drama arles. Clues: Cold ... mawy days ... The Alaskan State Patrol ... Cal McKay . . . IJnbook . . . Cint Walker . . . Abner Biberman . . . Outdoor Acti.Qn . . . ABC. 4. Patrick O'Neel ttarred along with Chester Morria and Cal Bellini in a show ... newhat like "Quincy" that involved a crime-eolving pathologist. Name the ahow. 5. What waa Lew Enkine'a (Efrem ZimMJist Jr.) title or rank on "The FBI" 6. Peay Lipton, Michael Cole and Clarence Williama m-played u undercover cops on "The Mod Squad.; What was each'• ffnrt name on the show? 1. Robert Stack 2. Judd Hinch 3.K.odlak 4. Diagnosia: Unknown 5. Inspector 6. Julie, Pete and Linc TV Teuers ~ •vaiWlle in the book. 'TV Trivi• Quiz," which Include• more tban 300 quetJt1ons and ~ be orden!d for 13 from C.-e Co., 101 L•layette St., Sp.rt•nburg, SC 29303. S.tildaction guaranteed. Al s.ctaes Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Cones Al Pi\ts & Quarts • ~ L I I r I I I t l I I t ... ri f I !-----~ I AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-ltEMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. . Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS - CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546!1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street . Newport Beach -133-1300 FORD THEODOllE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540.82 I I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM .. UNCOLN-MERCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UNCOLM-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -5.~7-0511 MAZDA .MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 60f S. Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -7J2·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast t-f'hY. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor-Blvd. Garden Grove...:. 636·2_33'3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848· Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA IARLE llE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855! VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLISWA.GIN- 18711 Beach Blvd., · Huntington Beach ·142.2000 VOLVO .. I '"I j /\ ' 11 11 I ' / l .,.., ,... ,....... "" o.y AMIW9M GALA CONVERSATION -Author Joseph Wambaugh chatted with Barbara Young, chairman of the Committee of 4000. at the spangled Black and White Ball ThW'9day night. Protest ritzy Shirts, lessees ruffled By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM o.lt1 ....... ..,, They drifted into the dimly llt hotel ballroom. Many of the men wore ruffled shirts with their tuxedos and the women were in evening dresses. The wine flowed. The big band struck up a nostalg1c tune. It seemed that everyone who waa anyc:ne was there. W elcome to a rent protest, Newport Beach style. Organized by the Committee of 4000, the Black and White Ball T hursday night at the Newport Beach Marriott attracted more than 350 luminaries who paid $50 each to attend the gala event. It wu, perhaps, the ritziest rent protest ever held. Barbara Young, leader of the group fighting the Irvine Company's plans to increase the price of land leases for a reported 4,000 people living in Newport Beach and Irvine , proclaimed the evening a success. "The party shows the support of the pillars of the community," said Ms. Young. Indeed, many notables showed. J . Robert Fluor, chief executive officer and chairman of Fluor Corp .. was not there. But he had purchased hall a table. The other half was paid for by the company's senior-vice- p re aide n t , George Mefferd. "We 're here aa individuals in support of the Committee of 4000," said Mefferd, whoee Linda lale home ls on leased land. Dave Tappan, president of Fluor, said he was there to find out more about the issues. "It's a good party," he said. "Everyone's going to have a good time." And they did. hi Wil.~h the l.rviDt l:o. rid'tt out ol ~ h.1r. Price Quote ~ tm Market value ... f~ SUDSY SOLUTION - Shampoo was souvenir for protesters. Following a dinner of roast sirloin topped off with ice crea m with raspberry sauce, couple• danced to the soothing aounds of the Big Band Commotion. Barbara Amstadter and Warren Johnson, co- chairpersona of the gala ball, were there. So waa George Thagard, Swerln Wunderman (part-owner of Gucci). writer Joeeph Wambaugh, Lou Scott, Harry Joruuon and Harry Baker. On the political side: Newport Beach City Council members Don (See RENT, Pap .U) TELEVISION 'RosetJ in December' airs PBS' "&ee. in December" ii the story of how a glvlna woman ended up a vict1m of El Salvador'• civil war. l>age C6. ' KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening new1 on KNBC is getttna an overhaul, -tarUna with "LA at ••t on Channel 4. TV Loa. NATION Who says the~'re bad? 1111111111 IUa/llllllll lllUI UH l\N• .1 I <HIN I'( (A L IJ OHNI A '}'>CEN TS ' FBI seeks hefty robber 'Humphrey Pennyworth Bandit' s uspect in 10 bank heists By PH1L SNEIDERMAN or-.....,Net._. FBI qentl are 1eekin1 a man they call the "Humphrey . Pennyworth Bandit,'• an overwel1ht middle-a1er aU1pec1ed o1 robbina 10 banks includln1 three fn Ora.nae County a week a,o today. The man la al8o suapected of robbinl banka ln Costa Mesa and FOUhtain Valley last March. An FBI spokesman aid the nickname la derived from a rotund oorn1c strip character the auapect reeemblet in photographs taken by bank cameras. Doctor quizzed In the molt recent incident.I, the man robbed Security Pacific Bank officea in HunUn1ton Beech, Santa Ana and Garden Grove all within the apace of about one hour , an FBI apokesnan Mid. The robber fled with about $4,000 from thoee holdups. On March 26, agent.I believe the same man wu retponaible for the robbery of a Costa Meaa office of Security Pacific at noon, and a Barclays Bank in Fountain Valley 20 rninutel later. The spokesman said Orange County apparently Is a change of Schmitz case set for probe By DAVID KUTZMANN or-. .,.., ,... ...,, Tustin police investigators were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them If injuries suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the aon of state Sen. John G. Schmitz -were accidentally or intentionally inflicted. "He's the one who's going to be able to tell ua If It was intentional or acc:idcltal," Police Capt. Woody Williama said this morning. The surgeon WU Identified as Dr. Igal Silber of Children's Hoepltal of Oranae County. He'• the physician who operated on the 13-month-old child lut week after doctors dh1covered the t.by'a pen.la was nearly .vered from bavln1 a "hair atrtng" wound ti,tltly around it. The injury WU detected after the chlld'a mother, Carla J . Stuckle, 43, of Tustin asked a pediatrician to examine the infant. The c hild 's co nd1t1 on eventually led to county social service officials taking custody of the boy late last week because of the nature of the injuries. On Monday, Orange County Superior Court Judge WUUam Murray ordered that the baby be kept in county care until an Aug. 6 dependency hearing ls held in Juvenile Court. It was on Monday that it was revea I e·d through court documenta that the child was alleged to be the 90n of Sen. Schmiu, R-Newpon Beach. On Wedneeday. Mias StuckJe, a Republican party volunteer and a clerit at the El Toro Marine C«ps Air Station, claimed that both the 13-month-old boy and a two-week-old lifl were fathered by Schmitz. following a 9-year love af f alr. Birth r'eOOC'da liat Schmi U as the father of the two children, although the birth certificates (See SENA TOR, Pase AZ) Tom McCann takes Pilot editing post Veteran Orange County newsman Tom McCann has been appointed new managing editor of the Orange Cout Daily Pilot, it waa announced today by F.ditor Tom Murphine. McCann's appointment is effec\ive today, Murphine said. He replaces Charles H . Loos, who has resigned after nearly 20 years on the newspaper staff. "We are very grateful to Chuck Looa for his years of dedicated aervice to the Daily Pilot in many poata. lncludlns education editor, aaaistant manaling editor and managing editor," Murphlne aaid. "We wish him the very best in his future endeavors." McCann, 53, moat recently served with Orange Coast Publilhln8 C.ornpany aa editor of the company's two weekly· newspapers, Irvine Mirror and Mlnlon Viejo Mirror. He has guided both papen ainoe their incep\ion and will continue at ·Pre a en t to over• e e the publications. McCann began hia newspaper career with the Clndnnatt Post. (See MANAGING, Pa1e A!) COUNTY One-man art show OellJ Not lteff f'tlolo NEW M.E. -Tom McCann, a longtime newsman in Orange County, has been promoted to managing editor of th e Orange Coast Daily Pilot. • The one-man art exhibit by David Amico will continue at the N~ Harbor Art Mw.eum until Sept.~. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A lfOUP of Northern Califomla.nl mix aand. aurf and ICri~ at Big Corona Beach MCh weekday by '~ntt.na puppet ahowt and lk.lta for chil~n. P.,e STATE territory for "Humphrey PeMyworth." He alto la believed to have held up flve Loa Angeles County bAnka in early 1981. •triklna in Torrance, Cerrlto9, La Mirada, Downey and Hawaiian Gardena. Asen ta a aid they were unoel'\aln why four of hia five Oran.re Countv targets were Security Bank branches. The bandit is described aa C..ucaaian, age 40-~, ~-feet-8 to 6-feet, 220 to 2~ pounda with a very stocky build and graying short hair. The man's trademark, agent.I f ACTOR DIES -Actor Vic Morrow, star of TV's old "Combat'' series died when a helicopter crashed early today in Castaic while filming a Vietnam War acene. TV actor Morrow, kids die CASTAIC (AP) -Actor Vic Morrow, the star of TV's old "Combat" aeries, and two Vietnameae children were killed today when a helicopter crashed during filming of a Vietnam War scene in an isolated desert park, authorities said. The helicopter carrying a camera crew was hit by debris' from simulated warfare and crashed into a set resembling a Vietnamese village where a four-part movie based on the old ''Twilight Zone" television series was being filmed, Los Angeles County Fire Inspector DeWitt Morgan said. Morrow, 51, and two children he was carrying in his arms died when the main rotor hit them, a county fire official said. Five other people were injured, none seriously. The two child-actors were identl1ied as Renee Shinn Chen, 6, of Pasadena, and a 7-year-old Cerritos boy, My-Ca Dinh Lee, sheriU's Deputy John Radeleff said. Morrow was best known for his role as Army Sgt. Chip Saunders in the television aeries "Combat," which ran from 1962-66. The blue-eyed blond typically portrayed an unshaven tough guy who talked through a grimace but showed a human aide . INDEX aald, la a U1ht-colored Ooppt fllhl.na hat that he wean with dark aunaJ.a-. The bandit ,.eneraily handa a note to a teller, aaytna he baa a RUD and demandinc money. The man 80IMtime. keeps a band in hia pock.et l.ndJcatin& he baa a gun, althouah no weapon haa been aeen, the FBI aaid. The man carrlee a vinyl folder in which he placea the money. The FBI aa.ld he haa been 1een ln a vehicle de.cribed u a blue (See OVERWEIGHT, Pase Ai) Cable TV clerk on job A law clerk haa been hired by the Public Cable Television Authority to reconstruct 10 year'• worth of records inadvertently thrown out while on loan to Fountain Valley Oty Hall. The PCTA, which oversees the installation of a cable television system in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster and Stanton, is made up of counc ilmen from the four participating dtiee. John Bateman, executive dittctor of the PCT A. said the clerk began workina W~~ to restore moat of the lost by duplicating copies retained by the four dtiet and the authority's attorney. . Bateman laid he is cxinfident neerly all documents relaUna to PCT A meetJnp and agreements can be~. The materials were loaned to Fountain Valley in 1981 during a time when n~roua inquiries about the city'a involvement in cable television surfaced. Aoconiing to dty offidala, the documenta were inadvertently thrown away during a library cleaning effort. The m.iaaing materiala became an luue laat month when Fountain Valley Councilwoman (See CABLE, Pa1e A!) HB hospital • to get ma1or • renovation Huntington Intercommunity Hospital will spend more than $1 million on building renovationa and new equipment du.ring the coming J.ear, hospital official.a have sai . Michael B . McCalliater, executive director, said the expenditure• have been approved by hospital trustees and by Humana, the corporation that owns Huntington lntercommunlty and 89 other hospitals in the United Statee and three other countries.. The most expensive equipment purchase, he said, wlll be a s tate -of-the-art digital radloaraphic system, which ta c.apable of reoord1ni oon\.entional X-ray pictures in digital fonn. Tl-analating X-ray imaaea into dlSital format provides a more preclae reeding of the areu being examined, the hoapl&al aal<f Ann Landen B2 Movia Weekender Huah Mulllpn B2 Mutual Funda C4 National News A3 Public Notica Ba-4,C4J)2 Sparta Cl--3 Stock MarkeU C5 ~ TVLos n.ttera Weekender Weathlil" A2 World Newt AS S PORTS .. . wwe llaned by the mother-only. The Mnator hu retu••d to oommena °"the Cllll. A family member Mid thil mom&nc that Schmits plann•d to l•1ue no Nternenta ~. Dr. Silber WM to ~ve been interviewed Wt_dnHday or Tbunday, but CHOC offlclall wanted poJice flnt to obtain a COW1 order reUevtn, the doctor of any liability related to dhcloain• confldentid information about a ()Attent. 'n\at order Wll obtained Thunday in S~Q)un. • Goina throuah theae leaal hooi-doet take tlme," Capt. Wll11amluid. l1 no evidence to 1how tbat Sc:hmlta Wll tnvolvtd Pa thl d(ky to ., QIN of the MhY· Dr. Colin KubalUd. ....... t of the o.r.na. Oowlty 'P9dtavtc Society, laid ln en lnwvtew that tt ll not Wluaaal for ltrandl of hair to bteonle dChtli Wound aroul)d a youn1 child •a appenaaa-aUch u a toe or a f{ftler. Dr. Hubbard aho 11ld that hair could become ~ around the penis. ''Thia can be a natural. narmt.1 phenomenon,'' the phyatctan -.kt. However, Dr. Hubbetd llMl be could not comment on the spedfJc lnjuriee IUffend by the 1;-month-old child .. _. he bad not examined the child himlelf. fl.!t.JMfJ.UNTUDY Oftldall Of 1.-ana ... -Newport B•dfiaday 1~ a law1uit filed by Ca)lfom~•J Al.MU and .,ym •vtronmle• chall•n1tn1 lniertor Jerr-Watt'I salan to open i • U ,lj, coaeUlne to oOlhGn oU drtWNr. ••rm really·.d•fi1hted," •1d Sally Bellenie, mayw ol i..,u.na a.ach. "Thi• blank•t ••l• of offahor. oil 1Mltl nHCll to be ohallen1ed btcauM it doeen't ClOMlder envtronmental ~ to local .,...., •• Kenneth Dellno. ...a.iant to the city manAl•r of Newport Beech, ..,-. ''ThM (JaWIUlt) aounda CClftilAltent with th. dty'• lon1·1tandln1 poUcv on thl• i.ue," DeUno aid. r.w. hllve environmental and economic COIJCa'ftl tn our clty that could be ~by offahore ~." ML Bellen.le allo crttidled the 8-p.n A.dmlnlltration tor what lhe laid WU ~tina it.a own phlloaophy of 1lvln1 more toVemment control to atata and From Page A1 mUnilll~tMI. ''It 1 tronle that th• adiNnllltr1tton wantl to return 1odal pro1ram1 and other 1ovenunent or:rattona to the io.i JeWl. bUt thil Clll itl not lntertated In 1tvln1 local control," the Mid. Watt announOld ha ftv..Y9_ar plan Wedne1day tut would oU. 1 blWon otfltlon llCNI ln f 1 aai.. to be held from Auauet ot \h1a y-.r thro~h June 19117. But on Thuuday , th• ~ lawadt Wal filtd ln the U.S. Court of Appeala, chars1na that Whatt'• procram faUa to pro~erl.)' balance the potentlal for flndlnl oU and a:u with the pomtble environmental dan.aen. -··~evel' before hH auch a ma..tve turnover or federal 1andl to private interesu been propmed, .. laSd s.rah Ch.ala, ml attorney for the Natural ~ Defenae Council, one ot the group. brtJ1'Elna Nit. "No area of the outer continental ahelf 11 excluded from the leaalnJi achedule for '5Jt si•t n•in." lbe Mid. .... llDID .. 11'.0U .. Mid they nn wOl'l'Wd about th• pot.nttal for cataairophlc oil tpilla. Oov. l'.lltiDund O. Brown Jr. ai.o lMJed a bu.c.rtna verbal attAck tOin1t W•tt.·aaylnc he II ,uUty" of 0~ vtOlatSan of tll• public: tru1t.1' The 80\W'nar UiO Mid HJll.r. Watt II full of baloney," and 11 1 ..Ua~t)' to tbe Jll'tlldiint and lt'1 about dlDit dw ~t put h1m on a lbGrt JeM6 and Sot him o(t our b.:ka." c..J.lfomla'• ault. filed by ltate Attorney General Georce Deulcmejlan. oppotee oU ~ in parg of Humboldt, Ban DSesO and Santa Cruz counU... Senta MoNm •1 and tM ... ot1 NIWpart -=· Watt. ln tht ~. llliid edMlday 1fb.t*I would be carried out WMler "rt1orou1 envlronmeatal control1. •• The plan calla for openJ.na 1 bWJon aen1, u .,.. egual 1to t.1f tba land ,._ °' .. V.S.,for~. Not that mUCh land WOUid bt leutd, but Watt Mid he~ to lea1t up to 12 Olll11on Mt•• annually. Th• mott oft1bore acr_,. evet 1..-d befoN WM 2.2 million aciw latt y.r. Jn additic>n to the law1uft, l'901ut.iona 1eeldnc to OYWtUrn the leaaina pro1ram were introduced in the Senate and HOUie Weclneeday. Police lnveatt1ator1 at ftnt believed that a ~ of hair had become tanaled around the child'• pen.la. But investigaton are now beina told that it wu a "hair 1trin1" and they are uncertain e)f.llCtly what it ta that bad cut into t.he child'• aexual organ. If there ta evld~ of child abu.e, a crtm1nal complaint could be filed. Alto, if there la a showtna of negllaenoe on the mother's part, the child could bt- kept either in a foeter home or in Over the lilt few yean he aid he bad bad two cu. in whk.h hair became tana1ed around • child'• penis and around• child'• toe. In the cue of the f.lnt child, Dr. Hubbard aaid, it wu dlffJcult to find the at.rand o1 hair on the penia becauae of the folda of the akin. RENT PROTEST ... Huntington man gets GWC post the home of a relative. · Police investigatora _aald ~ere The pediatrician said colleagues he has talked with over the put few days have aeen l1milar accidental injuries. CABLE TELEVISION ... Barbara Brown asked for copies of IOlDe PCT A reoorda and was informed they were milling. PCT A dittc:ton voted July 8 to apend u.p to $1,000 to recomtruct the authority'• record&. The tuk i.I expected to be concluded in 10 days, Bateman aaid. MANAGING EDITOR ... He came to Orange County in 1956 to become news editor of the old South Coast News in • Laguna Beach. He haa aerved tn editor•' po1itlona with the Orange .County Repter, Orange Dally Newa, La Habra Star and Anaheim Bulletin. He fint joined the Daily Pilot staff in 1066 aa aalatant managing editor and later served the paper aa Daredevil arrested promotion director and Sunday editor. McCann WU the first outafde public relations c:l1recior for Costa Mesa'• annual Fi.ab Fry. He al8o served four 1euona u J>UbUc relation.a d1rec:tor for the Oranp County Fair and waa producer- director of the Orqe County Home Show. The new managing editor ta • former president of the Orange County Prem Club and an early member of the Orange County Chapter of Stama Delta Chi, the national aodety oi jou.rnaliata. StraW., Paul Hummel and Evelyn Hart attended. Mary Ann Oaido from the lrvlne City Council aho was there. Wambaugh, who lived on leased land on Unda Iale, moved a couple of blocka away in January, partly to aet off the leued land, he aa.ld. From Page A1 OVERWEIGHT older model two-door Plymouth with a white vinyl top. An FBI 1poke1man said anyone with information on "Humphrey Pen~worth" should contact local or the Orange County BI branch office, 542-882~. Nuclear missile launch failure CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The Army .. ya lt will So ahead with plana to launch • second Perahing 2 nuclear m.l..tle, ~ though the first of the $2 milllon weapona to be tested had to be deatroyed shortly after launch. Offlciala watching Thunday'a Wambaugh vowed to continue fighting the Irvine Company, even thoush he haa moved off leued property. The fighting mood wu heavy in the party room. The com pany waa acrUled by men wearing black tuxedoa and aoltd gold watche1 of being "greedy." Women lipping chilled chardonnay aata over and over how aro-!Y "u.n.fair" the whole thing was. Said one man surveying the elegantly drelaea crowd, ''The people who can afford It came hett tonJ&ht. But a lot of people can't even afford a $~0 ticket and didn't come." Several Gucci watchea were atven away u door prue. along with a balloon ride, monogrammed beach towel• and a bottle of cranberry liqueur. But nobody left the ballroom empty-handed. On the table were white bottles of Committee of 4000 shampoo guaranteed "to wash the Irvine Company right out of your hair." Gene Farrell, a Huntfnltor! Beach resident, baa been named aaaociate director of business services at Golden West College. Farrell has aerved u the achool'1 athletic director for the past two years. In hia ~w position, he will • Golden West College will aponaor a free evening of vintage "Big Band" jazz under the stare Sunday with the Bill Baker Little Big Band performing in the outdoor amphitheater on the . Huntington Beach campus. The concert, scheduled from 6 to 7 p.m .. ia part of the e A MW 12-bed extended ahort atay unit haa been opened at Cbildrena Hospital of Orange County for YOUJl81ten. primarUy 6 years old or younger, who need hospitalization for diagnoetic ~or abort stay medical · The $63 .000 colt of a11i1t in 1uperviain1 and operating the college buline9 aervicea and facilltlea development, campu a man.agenent and operadona, energy manaaement, finand.a.l attain. printing and publication, and campua boolatore and food aennoe.. annual Outdoor Band CDncert Series, pre1ented each summer by the Mu•ic Performance Truat Fund, the Muaiclana' Aaaoelatlon of Orange County and the college . The ahow will include numbers from the bia band era and contemporary times. co nverting 1pace that previously was uaed for phyaicl~n a offices was underwritten by CHOC Padrinos, the h01pital'1 men's support group. The firat patient to be admitted to the ho1pllal'1 recent addition waa 7-month-old Eric Davia of Fountain Valley. DALLAS (AP) -A atock. clerk who perched on a ~foot tower for four houn, then wu arrested for criminal treapau af1er climbing down, said the stunt WU a plea for peopl.r to help charitable cauees. Ru.ell Reimer, caUing himaelf "The Dallu Phantom," launched paper airplanes to hundreda of people gathen!d below u he sat underneath the obeervation deck of Reunion Tower in downtown Da.llaa. In 1979-80, McCann waa joumalim> and creative writing profeuor at Arteala Chriatian College, Artesia. N.M. teat launch at the Air Force·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~- Verlabl• high cloudlneH, lllaMjy cooW. e-tal high MI0-70., Inland low. toa. eo.t• low mlcS-«>t. llMlld ~ 10e. W8* 87. MetN for.-1 t*le tor tight _... wtnde night end ~ Jlourl becoming 1outhWMI to W.C 1010 18kn0tlln llft~ Two to 3-loot wind wa¥•• afternoon•. Two lo 3·1001 ~....._P*'1y~ "'°"*'II low doudt end too liof'O aaultl ~. ~ -'able high~ ''Tom McCann brinp a depth of experience to our managing editor·~ chair and a wide knowledge of the Orange Coast and itB people,'' Murphine aaici. "We. att delighted to have him in this key position of rsponaibUity •• we strive to expand an.:! improve the Daily Pilot." Miaile Test Ranae here were "very, very diaappolnted" by the failure, said Col. William Fiorentino, manaser of the Penhlng project at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntaville, Ala. The unarmed Penhing, which llanda 34 feet high. began to abed fiery frag:menta like a Fourth of July sparkler u it rode a plwne of white-hot exhaust. A bit cloudy Temperatlll"es .. a..·,. ae ea IMS 88 .30 97 81 17 U AO 92 • .31 • 10 .2t .. 711 .13 • 73 .01 92 85 t1 74 .53 92 13 17 56 70 .. .38 IMS 75 14 12 .. 13 " 5t t1 71 112 ee .eo 14 71 .29 93 51 78 es .oe 13 70 1.28 811 82 92 72 111 17 .03 H 78 78 ... 24 " 10 87 • 79 et 76 63 100 12 14 .. 80 A .. 111 ee a IO 81 .. 74 .01 n 11 .11 11 ro .. '12 1.17 IO 74 .o2 .. 17 ··~ 103 11 It 112.68 17 .,, .11 The Foreeest For aa.m. EDT fWin& s--~ ""''O""' w ....... Se-..:• -.oo us 0.00 O' c-u Fronts· COid .. .. 71 t7 76 .60 .. 11 .03 70 11 .11 IO 86 87 " .ea 92 74 \.82 .. 72 80 77 92 87 .. 71 17 70 t2 71 .71 .. 71 .01 102 11 .oe .... 7t 67 21 IO 57 10 es .40 t1 78 ..... 21 .. 11 ., 77 100 n " 71 11 St .. 71 .. .,, a• .. 74 7t IO SllOW9fS• Flumes[!:!) Tides TOOAY 8eoond low 6:68 p.m. e.cond high mldnlgM IATUllDAY u u Flr81 low 8:159 a.m. -0.4 "1tlt l'llQll 1:34 p.m. 4,7 8eoond' low 7:0S p.m. 2.0 Sun ••t• 1 :01 p .m., rlltl 8eturd41y S:SS Lm. Moon Mfl 10:13 p.m.. ,.. 8atufday 10:111 Lm. Smog IURf llPIRT Color Graphs Found to Increase Management Productivity The typical executive today la in a atate of conflict. Most executives operate on the premiae they learned in graduate buaine11 school: "more informatJon leads to better decisions.'• The computer age has cauaed a proliferation of analysis but left the executive without enough time to properly aaaimilate auc h . Recent re1earch hu shown that Information in color graph fonn can aubltantially reduce the executive'• assimilation time and lncreue their comprehension of infonnadon tor dedaion-rnaking. The Wharton Applied Reaearch Center at the Univeralty of Pennsylvania WU commiaaioned by the 3M c.ompany to conduct reRarCb to detennine lf there were any dlfferences in bu.1.ne9 meeting• between u1ing overhead tranaparenciee and a white board with felt tip pem. The findinp ahowed dllt1nct advantaps of ua1ng color eraphs . • 28" avera1'e aavinga in :. meettna t1me ; • hi1her likelihood of , reaching a conaenaua • the preaenter u1in1 the overhead tran1parencle1 ;: wu thouiht of aa more credible a ~monally prepered . chooe the oolon and provide the data; InfoGraphka" does all the rest! There are two locations for the lnfoGraphlcs Service in Or~ County: the Graphics One store in Costa Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by .i•.~' ..... ._. .... ""'·-"°'·°" , •• Oll '" ll't 61l.OI' ..... u John and Chria Overrend and the Graphica One store in Irvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg. Drop by the next time you need to make up a slide or overhead transparency presentation in a hurry. The typical l!?Ct!<'Utive today ~·1 Niw tmw to ua1nula~ the lnfonnation ne«led for dec:Won-maJdnc. TEST COMPANY ~t...AYI VC ¥C1Jr,..-t-iNlt'"C . i t . . i . . t i • I I _ .. -- WORLD PLO director slain •rTMA.u11klMPna1 The PW. No. 2 man 1n Part. wM killed by a bomb that blew up hla car .. be hMd4td '° work th1t mombw. police llld. The victim WU "Padel tl Dani, 87, deputy director of the Paltt\lnt Llbtratlon Oroni&aUon otflce which hM been operatlnl ln Pana .me. 197&. Ibrahim Souaa, the otflc•'• direct.or, clabDed DNil'• delt.h ''came at the c:rtm1nal hMdl of w..ua.·· The llneli Dnbuly ln Parta tnunecUately dani.d the charae. ' No poup Mii yet claimed reiponalbWty for tht attack wh.lch occurred at 8:20 1.m. (2:20 a.m. l:DT) ou"1d8 Dani'• apartment ln a worklnc clMa ntlahborhood ln Parta' 13th dlltrict on the Left Bank of tht Seine. ltlexlco hl~llway dan~erous? MEXICX> ClTY -The U.S. 10vemment ~ warn Ammicanl to 1t.ay off Mtxko'• main West Cout. hlchway &ecau. of the violent cleat.hi of two Atnericanl and the ·diappeanmce of a third along the route lut month, .ou.rces cloee t.o the U.S . Embuay report. The eourcea uid embuly offidala are conaiderlng recommendln' that the State Department renew the advt.ory lt ialued ln 1976 aplnlt travel on fflahway 10, which l'\U\11 for 1,400 mil• from N«>1alea, on the Arilona border, io GuMi•lajara and on to Mexico Oty, after a number of Ammicana were killed, muaect or haruled. An estimated 30,000 people a year from the Unitfd St.at., most of them Americana travel on the hlchway, which runa throuah ~ number of oommun1Ues where drul traffic and other crtmM flouriah. Britain lifts blockade LONDON -Argentine ahJpe and ain:raft muat 1tay at leut 160 miles from the Falkland lalmda delpite Britain'• decillon to lift Its blockade around the recaptured South Atlantic colony. Prime Mini1ter Margaret Thatcher aaya. Announcing Britain waa llftina the NATION 200-mUe &1r-and-1ea blockade around the Wanda, Mn. Thatcher u.id Thunday that A.rgftltina has been aaked to keep it.I lhlJJ9 and aircraft out of a 160-mile area around the Falklands "to minlmiie the rilk of miaundentandlnga or inadvertent cluhes." Consumer prices up I% WASHINGTON -Consumer prices, spurred by a big jump ln guollne ooeu. kicked up a full 1 percent in June for the second ltraiaht month, the government laid today. l:ven with the strong urge, which amounts to a 13.3 percent gain on an annual baaia, inflation wu running at a modest 5.1 percent annual rate for the first half of thia year, the Labor Department u.id. That com~ with the 8.8 percent of lut year and 12.4 percent of 1980. &onomilta are predicting an inflation rate for all of this year in the range of 5 percent t.o 7 percent. Senate OKs record tax hike WASHINGTON -The Senate early today approved leplatlon contain\nl the largest tax increale ln history -$99 billlon over the next three yean to help lift the nation out of the wont recession since World War II. The bill would booet taxee on daarettes, telephone eet"Vioe and families wi'th large medical expenses: lmpo1e a 10-percent withholdini tax on int.erelt and dividend&; and take back more than one-third of the reo>rd tax cut that Congrem voted for business last year. Approved by a 50-47 vote at the end of a 20-hour ..ton. the measure al.a would cut about $17.5 billion over the next three years from federal lpending for Med.le.aid, Medlca.re and aid to the needy. Reagan seeking economist ST. LOUIS -After the unexp«ted resignation of chief White Houae economist Mun-ay L. Weldenbaum, President Reagan wu considering "four or flve" people to help ovenee h.ia atwmpt8 tp pull the nati°" from one of the nation'• rooet persistent recemtom. Sources in WaahJngton uid today that Weidenbaum had quit beanae of lncreuing unhappinela with hil dimlniahed lnfluence in shaping Reagan's plans. ·Nerve gas lunds slashed WASHINGTON -Alth<>uah the House hat left most of Preaklent Reagan's military procurement budget UNCathed, It *1.uhed $54 million the administration wanted to ltarl production of a new form of nerve gas weapons. STATE After • IQmettme.erDotional debate that dominated Thunday'a floor action on a $177.1 billion defenae authorization bill for flacal 1983, the Howle voted 251-169 to deny the president his request for the money to begin making the nerve pa weapons. Look-alike drug tlrms sued SACRAMENTO -California officials are IUing to force finns to It.op 1elllng look- alike drup. ' Attorney General George Deukmejian and Health Direcior Beverlee Myen said Thunday that look-alike drugs l'e9emble - by name, appearance, color, 1hape and markings -controlled aubetances such u amphetamines. The look-alike• are not controlled subatance1, but usually contain a potent combination of 1uch druga u ephedrine sulfate, cattetne and phenylpropenol.amine. Alcohol mlx~d with 11asollne? LOS ANGELES -Callfoml.a ~ may be ~Ing "alcohol-contamloated guoll.ne" refiners and wholesal8S who were trying to lncreae their profit.I, according to a Ila.ff report to the state Air Reeources Board. ARB offictall said Thunday that several compan.iee apparently are addini alcohol to regular grades of gaeollne, then aelllng it as premium without labelin8 it as a mixtUre in order to make a higher profit. ORANGE COAST CIH.m.d actweftiaAnt 714Jl42-M71 All ottter depertrMnta 142-4321 Draft opponent faces court date MAIN OFFICE • Daily Pilat ThOmM P. Halav ~ .... Clllll '--OMo. ~~ ---~ Tom Murpfllne ..... mw ... ~ sc .. c..u -· cA. .UM..,._. kl! IMO, C•te lllWM. CA...,._ Cenr._ tm °""91 c..a ~""'"' "-Ne -ADftft ............... edttarial ~., .. ..... u .. ....u ......... -. Ila ·~ wttt.ot _ .. , _..... ........ ,09¥1 .... -. LOS ANGELES -A 21-year~d Puedena man hu been orde~ to face a federal anatanment next montb after beln1 lndlcted for falllna to ~ for the draft. •rve been aware all alon& of the pcmtble ~don." David Alan Wayte Hld after the 1in1le-count indictment waa returned br. a federal crUMS ).&r1 Tbunday. 'Bu\ I wanted to state ln the be8lnn1na my oppomtion. =-~ tom * ~Qoddwd c.-•~ ~...,, a.tla Looa ......,. ..... We're Listening ••• w·hal do you lUtt about the Dally Pllot? What don't you llkt? Call the number below and your mH1a1t wlll be rtt0rded traoacrtbed and delivered to tht appropri•l• edllor. ' The same 24-hour answertnf Ml'Vlce may be UMd to record let· ten 1o the fdltor M\any lopk. IUllbox contributon11nuat lncl¥Cle thelr name and telephone number for verification. No clrtulatloff callt, pluM. Tell ua what'I ori your mind. Orange COut OAILY PILOT /Friday, July 23, 1912 Consumer decision upheld Holdln1 firm on • declalon ln8de OM week llO• the 0ranp County Board of Supervi.lon bu rejtcMd demanda that It retnlt.ata J oonaumer attain prosram that lat\ year handled mcn than 40,· 000 complalntl. In actfan Thunday followin8. 1tormy two-hour public hearlnc. the board, ln a 4-1 deoi1lon, aupported a M0,000 thrw-month pro1ram to phaH out the oonaumer affaln offJce that wu opened ln 1872. More than 200 pel'ION 1*keci the board'• hearlna room. They repeatedly applauded u David Horowitz, ho1t of a televlaed conaumer aff ain 1how, locked horns with the board over lut Friday's decl1lon to kill the $226,000 prosram. "I will haunt you in ~ you do," an angry f{orowitz told auperWlon. "We are all aoina to fall vlctima to a lot of thinp becau.e our local governrnnent l1 not there io protect UI," he uid. . . ·-. ., WltJJt&IJ A1 the hearina opened, Horowits and board chairman Bruce Ne1tande enaaaed in a ahou11ng match, after Netrtande criticU.ea Horowitz' abWty u a reporter. Neatande claimed that Horowitz, in recent bn>adcaall, had "violated the balk: ethics of journalism" ln commenllng on the board'• action. U YEARS OF GUILT -William Ferley, right, le4J'Qed Thursday he won't go to jail after conf esslng to a $6,000 embezzlement from a Chelan. Wash., bank in 1941 . Farley is shown with Chelan County proaecutor Dick Whitmore after a judge said no charges would be filed. · "Your activitie1 have been more of a media hype than media news." Nestande said. Neither the appearance of Horowitz nor the con1umer advocates could change the board's mind. Confession erases half-century guilt Under the phue out pl'Olram conaumer complaint.I currently being proce11ed will be completed. Ten employees of the office will be relocated to outer positions wlthln county govenunent, official.I said. The board'• action io daband the consumer affain office will not affect a ..e,,.rate consumer education prqp-am and a service that provides aaailtance lo per10n1 flllng legal actions in amall clalma court. • WENATCHEE, Wuh. (Af') - Almo1t half a century after embezzling several thousand dollars from a small-town bank and then vanishing, 69-year-<>ld William M. Farley returned to confess -and walked away a free man. Certain he was headed for jaij.. Farley carried a suitcase a nd toothbrush when he turned him8elf in to the Chelan county sheriff's office. Superior Court Judge Charles Cone remembered Farley from Two die, two hurt in HB car mishaps Two young men were killed and two othen were in,ured Thursday In two unre ated Httnlington Beach traffic m.llhapa. police reported today. In the first Incident, motorcycll1t Fred Rodney Moiola, 19, of 16982 Marina Bay Drive, Huntlnpn Beach, waa westbound on Pacific Coast Highway near Boba Chica State at 10:19 a.m .. police uid. According lo traffic investigator1, Moiola wu being pursued by a police officer for an alleged 1peed violation when he collided with an auto driven by Gabriel Carranza, 22, of l..on8 Beach. Molola wu rushed to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where he died at 11:19 a .m .. ha.pit.al offidala uid. John Kanaley, 21, of Long Beach, Who WU a ~ in Carranza'• auto, wu Uated in critical condition today at Fountain Valley with head and cMt inJuriea. Carranza wa1 taken to the ho1pltal for treatment. He complained of leg and beck pain, aocordi.ng to police repol18. In the aecond traffic miahap, Jeffrey Shawn Yoakum, 20, of We.tminater, wu killed when his 1978 Dodge Challenger auto 1truck a block wall Thursday on the Adams Street front.age road near Piccadilly Lane shortly befo(e midnight. pol.lee said. Anderson OK for '84 funds WASHINGTON (AP) -In makina plans for the 1984 elections, the Federal Election <:ornrn.lamon staff is counting on John Andenon to try again for the presidency. "Three nominating convenlioM and three general election candidate• seem a certainly given that Mr . Andenon will be eligible for pre-election funding hued on his performance in the 1980 election," said a staff report pre1ented t.o the FiX:. the old days in Chelan. a nearby community of about 3,000 in north-central Washington, and told the California man Thuraday he wu free t.o go. "Criminal charges are not warranted in this case," the judge said a.a Farley strained to hear from the defense table, cupping a hand over bia left ear. Cone said he remembered that Farley used to work with the Boy Scouts and remin18Ced, "I can still recall the atlr that occurred In that community when you left." Prosecutor Dick Whitmore asked the court for pen:nla.ion not to prosecute, but a1ked Farley about his life aincie he left Chelan ln 1841. "I've never even had a apeedina ticket," Farley uid. "I kept my noee clean and l mean clean." Cone 1a1d he doubted if any evidence could be found ao many years later to prove the embez.zlement. addina. "Under the circ\Dnstanr::e a mistake t.Nlt Mr. Farley made in the 1930a should not be held against him after 40 years of useful ancl lawful living." Farley; decJined to identify membelt of his family, saying they ahoUlan't bear the burden of hia guilt. He al.lo declined to reveal the assumed name he haa been using and the California town where he lives. "After living with this thing hanging over my head for 40-aome yean, it just got heavier and heavier untll I ~ couldn't stand It any longer; he told the judge. The embezzlement, he said, beaan ln the late 1930a when he waa workina with savings account• al the Miners and Merchant.I 8ank in Chelan. The bank no longer exists. Farley uid be took money from the bank for "three, four, maybe five yean." He estimated he 1tole "$5.000 to $6,000. --~ Summer Dollar Savings Extraordinary Plu1hl Extraordinary Price I Thie luxurloua plulh 11 tufted thick end ~ with Trevlra• ~ yam ... then "Super 4" protected agalnlt 1011 and matlc eo your new eweep of color wlll took Ilk• new longer. One of OuH•tan'• mott bwrttfUt ~ ... now doetan off fl#lllY lq. yd. you buy. $14.95 ..,,., ,.. ' SALE Bellavia A IUPERa "eAIY·LIYING" PLU8H TM utttmat. In c.,.e l'llMlt1 • ... 9"*a11on nyton tech.~ • Actuelly Nalet• atalna, .,..., dlii • True 8ntl-eofl ~t . ..not a IOI hider • Mt.-, antl-ehodl control • A9talne Character ett. ..., • deaning Lu"" • .,.... • Nd\,= MW nylon )WM • °"* ... .., ....... • hwon heed ... fot ~ aurteo.. pfnpotnt *""' ..... tlOI. $25.95 ...... -- . . . • • . l "" I Gri:'E sets charge fqr late P.ayment LOS ANGa..&s (AP) -GetvraJ Tel•phcml Co. of c.u.toma CUICGIDln who were law .. ~ bU1a wtll be chuetd a fee of 1.5 percent nexi month, tn Wbat may be the nation'• tlrtt penal_!)' cNqe. n,e fee, epptOYed by the mt.o Public Utillt&el Cotnmiuton. It ~inf announced in the Santa Monkla·bued oompeny 1 July billl to It• 2.5 mllllon a.a.tomen. The PUC approved the char1e u part of the compeny'• rate-tncreue pllclulp. ~-will be made on any .unpaid balance carrled to the next month'• bW. BWI are due and peyable wt\h.ln 15 daya of recefpt. but the late charaee usually can be avaded if 119yment ls recetved before the next month'• bW la mailed, the oompeny aald. Fluorocarbon buys firm The Flu:rocarbon Co. of Laguna Nt,uel aatd today it •igned an agreement to purcbHe the UAP Compe>nentl aubeidiary of United A1.raaft Products. The purchue ptfce ta $1 million ln tenna, caah and notee. The buainesa la located in Columbia. S.C., where operationa will remain. UAP Componentl will become pa.rt of Flurocarbon'• mechanical 8eal divt.lon. Jim McCrone, chief engineer of the mechanical aeal division, will move to South Carolina to beclome general manager. AirCal executive named Jack J . Woodlock of Huntington Beach haa been named vice president-finance and chief financial offiicer for A1rCal of Newport Beach. Woodlock, ~l. will be responsible for the airline'! daily finand.al and accou.ntir\t" operations. Woodlock succeeds Andre C. Dimitriadis who left in May to become chief financial officer at Western Airlines. Woodlock joins AirCal after 13 years with Continental Airlines as vice president and treasurer. NEC acquires programs National Education Corp. of Newpon Beach has reached agreement in principle with Scholastic Inc. to acquire and market several textbook programs published by Scholastic. The acquisition is expected to add more than $4 million in annual revenues to the company's Steck- Vaughn publishing division. The purchase, to be completed Oct. l, was made for an undi.-loeed amount of cash and not.es. • Local costs up 1 percent LOS ANGELES (AP) -Fueled by increues in. the cost of tcanaportation and houaing, pries roee 1 percent in the Los Angelea-Orange County area during Jime, a U.S. Department of Labor spokesman aaJd today. Prices naUonwtde a1ao i.ncreued l percent during June, which amounta to a 13.3 percent g8.ln on an -annual buts;- STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS P<t Up 1'( Up 11.t Up II t Up 10 ~ Up 10 s Up .. Up "' Up t .1 ~ ::i Up ••• Up .. Up 1.1 Up I·' Up ·' Up 1 .0 Up 1' Up ,. ~ n \Ill 1 • t: p ii , : DOW JONES AVERAGES .. EW V()Al(IAPI _,_ o.-.-.... -· ,... nt.no.y, Jul n STOalS °"" .... l.9• c-0• ll)lnd il1Hl llf11 12lll l3100 01t lO Tm J1UO 310• Jt1U 1"'1• 0 •S IS UU 107 S6 10&1' 1~•0 1'1 10 OJI .S Slk J1t 06 '11'3 J1UI J,. 1) 0 11 tnilll S.1161 <00 Tr•n t ••• 600 l.Alh t,024,JOO .S S" I UO. JOO WHAT STOCKS DID llllW VOlllC IAPl Jul 11 --Id Otct~ UIC!Wn9ICI TOl•t '•"" .......... ...... _ W"' f A._.( I [)0 .,_. ,.., ... .., lt\1 0 ., lllEW VOlll( IAPI lul 11 °""' -lf>tld 11>1 Ot<llM<I :111 ~Qlld D4 Tetal i•un 71' ._.,,,,~ IS .... ._ 11 METALS Prov d~, 111 n1 lri 11 n NEW YOAJ< (AP) -Spot noni.ttou• 'Mlel prlOM today c...-7~75 OWllt • pound, us OMU~llona. lb L9M 28-29 ...... pculd. Zleo 37-40 oenl•. pound, delNW'ecl Tiii 16 OM4 MetMI WMIC oompoelte .....,..._ 7~77 Cllf\tl e pollnct, N.Y .........,, 1370.00 '* lleelt. ~ Ute 00 ~oy oa... H.Y. SILVER Handy & Harman, 17.210 pe1 troy ounoe. GOLD QUOTATIONS ,, II I -- - I 111111\1 1111 I • I''' . .., .............. CAMPAIGN CHICANERY -Laguna Beach Honorary Governor candidate John Schwuu holds up "evidence" found at his campaign headquarters following a mysterious "break-in" this week. Bogus break-in? Guv's candidate cites 'loss' By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM Del!r ""°' ..... No way does the break-in rival Watergate, but just try to convince John Schwartz of that. Schwartz, president of the Laguna Video Club and one of five candidates in the Honorary Governor of Laguna Beach race, aays his campaign headquarters were broken into earlier this week. He even called a press conference to voice his outrage that someone -most likely a competitor in the governor's race -cleaned out his headquarters, located in a decrepit garage on St. Anne's Drive. "They took our flies, our campaign strategy plans and campaign literature," the top- hatted candidate said. "They stripped the place clean." Now some might suspect the garage was empty in the first place, and that the press conference was a publicity stwlt by Schwartz to raise funds for the govemor'3 race. 1 And, that indeed, might be the case. Schwartz and the other four contenders in the race are attempting to sell votes to Lagunans, the proceeds from which will be split between 1ponaon of the candidates and organizers of a Main Beach Village Party Sept. 18. The candidates are selling votes, at a penny apiece, in hopes of raising about $7 ,000 for an end -o f -t he-tourist-season celebration at Main Beach Park. But back to the alleged break- Ln. Schwartz thinks he has a SUS~. ' I found this on the garage floor," Schwartz said, holding up a rusty horseshpe for inspection. "And there were hoofprinta all over the garage," he said. That "evidence" would lead one to suspect candidate David Solomon is· the culprit, after he arrived at a campaign kickoff party earlier this month astride a burro. But then, candidate "Doc" Blacketer is not above suspidon either, Schwartz said. After all, Blacketer'• campaign "platform" ls the papler mache rear end of a hone. Schwartz aald he will turn over his evidence to the Laguna Beach police lab ln hopes of 90lving the case. Meanwhile, Schwartz and his supporten (both of them) will continue to sell votes in hia bid to become honorary governor and official host of the Village Party. He's not horsing around. TELEVISION 'Roses in December' airs PBS' "Ro.es 1n December" ii the atory of how a giving woman ended up a vlct1m of El Salvador's dvil war. Page C6. KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening news on KNBC i1 getting an overhaul. startin8 with "LA at 4" on Channel 4. TV Log. NATION Wbo Mys they're bad?- •>HflN•,t « •Hll'JIY 1 AlltOltNll\ ~·'> L lN lS . 2 • • coast c1t1es oil lease suit By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of"'INDlllJPlelltllft OUiclala of Laguna Beach and Newport Beach today applauded a lawsuit flied by California, Alaska and aeven environmental group• challenging Interior Secretary J&me9 Watt's plan to open the U .S . coastline to offshore oil drilling. Schmitz case set for quiz By DAVID KUTZMANN Of CM 0.-, l'teot ltelf Tustin police Investigators were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them if injuries suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the son of state Sen. John G. Schmitz -were accidentally or intentionally inflicted. "He's the one who's going to be able to tell us if it was intentional or accidental," Police Capt. Woody Williams said this morning. The surgeon was identified as Dr. Igal Silber of Children's Hospital of Orange County. He's the physician who operated on the 13-month-old child last week after doctors discovered the baby'a penis wu nearly aevered from havine a "hair 1tdng" wound tlahtly around it. The injury WU detected after the ch ild's mother, Carla J . Stuclde, 43, of Tuatin asked a pediatrician to examine the infant. (See SENATOR, Pase A!) "I'm really deliahted," aald Sally Bellerue, mayor of Laguna Beach. "Thia blanket sale of 0U1hore oH leases needs to be challenged becauae it doesn't consider environmental damage to local areu. •• Kenneth Delino, uaistant to the city manager of Newport Beach. aereed· ''Th.la (law1uit) eounda conailtent with the city's long-1tandln1 policy on thil I.slue," Dellno aald. "We have environmental and economic concerns in our city that could be damaaed by offshore drilling." Mt. Bellerue alao criticized the Reagan Admlnittration for what she Mid wu violating its own phi101ophy of giving more government control to stat.es and municipalities. "It's ironic that the adminiatration wanta to return social pro1ram1 and other government operations to the local level, l)ut in this case its not interested in giving local control," she said. Watt announced his five-year plan Wednesday that would offer 1 blllion offshore acres in 41 sales to be held from August of th.ia year through June 1987. But on Thursday , the challe~ lawsuit was filed in the U .S . Court of Appeals, charging that Whatt's program fails to prope,ly balance the potential for flhding oil and gas with the possible enviro1unental dangers. "Never before has such a muaive turnover of federal lands to privat e Interests been propoeed.'' aald Sarah Ch.uis. an attorney for the Natural Reeourcel Defense c.ou.ndl, one of the groups bringing suit. ''No area of the outer continental shelf is excluded from the leaainB schedule for environmental realOl'\S,'' she said. Tom McCann takes Pilot editing post Dellr fltlot • ..,, ....... NEW M.E. ~ Tom McCann. a longtime newsman in Orange County, has been promoted to managing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. COUNTY Veteran Orange County newsman Tom McCann has been appointed new managing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. it was announced today by &ii tor Tom Murphlne. McCann's appointment Is effective today, Murphine said. He replacea Charles H . Loos, who has resigned after nearly 20 years on the newspaper staff. "We are very grateful to Chuck Loos for his years of dedicated service to the Daily Pilot in many posts, including education editor, assistant managing editor and managing editor," Murphine said. "We wish him the very best in his future endeavors.'' McCann, 53, most recently served with Orange Coast Publishing Company as editor of the company'• two weekly newspapers, Irvine Mirror and Mission Viejo Mirror. He has guided both papen since their inception and will continue at p r eaent to oversee the publlcationa. McCann l:Jeean his newspaper career with the Cincinnati Post. (See MANAGING, Pa1e AZ) One-man arr sbow The one-man an exhibit by Davtd Amico will continue at the Newport Harbor Art Museum until Sept. 5. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A group of Northern c.atifomiant mix und. surf and ICripture •t Big Corona Beach each weekday by ~nting puppet ahoWI and akita for children. Pap Bl. STATE o.ly ............ ..,,o.r.,~ GALA CONVERSATION -Author Joseph WaJnbaugh chatted with Barbara Young, chairman of the Committee of 4000. at the spangled Black and White Ball Thursday night. Posh protest Black tie all air in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD 0( CM Delly Piiot ltllft They drifted into the dimly lit hotel ballroom. Many of the men wore ruffled shirts with their tuxedos and the women were in evening dresses. The wine flowed. The big band struck up a nostalgic tune. It seemed that everyone who wu anyone WU there. Welcome to a rent protest, Newport Beach style. Organized by the Committee of 4000, the Black and White Ball Thursday night at the Newport Beach Marriott attracted more than 3~0 luminartes who paid ~ each to attend the gala event. It was, perhaps. the ritziest rent protest ever held. Barbara Young, leader of the group fiJ.hting the Irvine Company s plans to increase the price of land leases for a reported 4,000 people living in Newport Bea c h and Irvine , proclaimed the evening a success. "The party shows the support of the pillars of the community," said Ms. Young. Indeed, many notables showed. J . Robert Fluor, chief exec utive officer and ch airman of Fluor Corp., was not there. But he had purchased half a table. The other half was paid for by the company's senior-vice· president , George Mefferd. "We 'r e here as individuals in support of the Committee of 4000," said Mefferd, whoee Linda Isle home is on leased land. Dave Tappan, president of Fluor, said he was there to find out more about the issues. "It's a good party," he said. "Everyone'• golna to have a eood time ... And they did. INDEX The Committ of 4000 io wa.~h rht' ~ l'o. rii.itit our at ,-o« lwr. Price Quocc 1111 \1~$~ SUDSY SOLUTION - Shampoo was souvenir for protesters. Following a dinner of roast sirloin topped off w I th ice cream with raspberry sauce, couples danced to the soothing sounds of the Big Band Commotion. Barbara Amstadter and Warren Johnson, co- chairpersons of the gala ball. were there. So waa ~rge Thagard, Swerln Wunderman (part-owner of Gucci), writer Joeeph Wambaugh, Lou Scott, Harry Johnson and Harry Baker. On the political side: Newport Beach City Council membera Don (See RENT, Pqe A!) At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 Busine9a Cf.6 M<Mel Weekender California A6 Cavalcade B2 Hqb MulUpn 82 Mutual Funda C4 Clulified Dl-8 National Newt A.8 Com.lea B6 ere.word B6 DMth Nodcel B4 Public Notka B3-4,C4,D2 Spor111 Cl--3 Stock Marketa C6 l'.dJtorial A6 llntenainment Weekender TUMllon TV Loi Thea ten Weekender Oe.rdenJ.ni B3 Hora.cope B2 Iriterms.Sori Weekender W•ther A2 World News .U SPORTS . . Crean primary cost $809, 7 40 ~Jf!~ueved to bt MANAGING EDITOR • • • one of •h• mo1t expen1IY1 ODRlr ... lonal prlmarJt1 IYlt, cnwi-u.u..-mepa• Johiinlt ll er.an apent men than fe00,000 tylnf up th• Republican nom naUon 1n the 43rd He cunt to Onnp County ln ltol to become newt tdJtor Of \he old South Comt N.w. 1n r .... 911dl. He baa Hrved Sn edlton' i)Ollllont with the Or~• c.oun~~.~ y New1, La Habra Star and Anabllm Bulletin. Ht &et Jo&Md the p.ny PUot itatf tn lGM ·• ...-at manaeinl editor and later Hrved the poper u prunoUon director and S'-'Dday editor. ~ wu the lint outade public Nlatiom d1ncior for ea.ta M_.'• tMual n.h Fry. He U.O aerved four aeuona aa _public relatklm director fot the oranae County Fal.r and waa producer· cU.aw:1Cll' of thit Oranlll County Home 8hOW. The new ~ edlw ii• fCJnW t:=t ot UM Onnae County al.Lb and .. IJU'ly nwnber Of tbl OJ-. ODUnty 0'8pter Of 8lptA Delta Ct_'1i the national IOdety Ol ~ In 1918·80, McCann waa journalLn and cnaUve wrtttDI ~rat Artnla Chrlidan , Arte1:1a. N .M. • 'llJ'om Mc:Cann btlnp-·.a dep(h of experience to our ~ editor'• chair and a wide knowJeda'e of the Oranae Cout and 1111 p.ople," Murphfne aald. "Vie .,.-dellabted to haw him 1n thla key polltion of rmpamibWty a1 we 1trlve to expand and improve the Dally PUot.1' ~~fu.dwt&h tht eral on Comm1mlon in Wuh~, D.C., show Crean 1pent t809,740 In hl1 92-vote victory over hl1 neareat competitor ln the crowded 18-ca.nd1date field. Second-place flnl1ber Ron Packard, the former mayor of Carlabad who bu announced he will nm u a wrtc.-tn candidate In November, 1pent tl 73,~78 SENATOR SC HMIT Z • • • The child's condition eventuallohsd':ts to oounty aodal aervlce ta.kina a.wtody of the boy late Wt week bec::au.e of the nature of the injuriea. On Monday, Orange C.Ounty Superior Court J\.ldae William Murray ordered that the baby be kept in oounty care until an Aug. 6 dependency heartna la held in Juvenile Court. ' It was on Monday that it wu revealed thrOUJh court documents that the cbiJd was alleged to be the eon of Sen. Schmitz, R-Newport Beach. On Wedne9day, Miss Stuckle, a Republican party volunteer and a clerk at the El Toro Marine· Corpe Air Station. claimed that both the 13-month-<>ld boy and a two-week-old girl were fathered by Schmitt. following a 9-year love affair. Birth records list Schmitt as the father of the two children. although tJ:le birth certificated were ll&Jlec:1 by the mother: only. The 1emator has refused to comment oo the cue. A family member said this morning that Schmitz planned to issue no statementl today. Dr. Silber was to have been interviewed Wednesday or Thursday. but CHOC officia.la wanted police fint to obtain a court order relieving the doctor of any liability related to dilcloalng confidential information about a s-dent. 'nlat order wu obtained Thunday ln SuJ>!!riOr Court. "Golna tbrouah thne le1al hoop• does take time," Capt. Williama aid. Police tnvet1tl1aton at firat believed that a m-. of ha1r bad become tangled around tbe child'• penis. But invmtipton are now beiJi1 told that tt w..--. "hair 1trin1" and they are uncertain exactly what It ls that had cut tnto the child'• aexual organ. U there ii evidence of child abule, a c:rtminal complaint could be filed. Alao, if there is a ahowing of neg1i&enct on the mother'• part, the Child oould be kept either tn a fester home or in the home of a relative. Police investigators aald there is no evidence to show ihat Schmitt was involved in the day to day care of the baby. Dr. Colin Hubbard. president of the Orange County l>edJatric Society, said in an interview that it la not unusual for at.rands of hair to become tightly wound around a young child's appendages such u a toe or a finger. Dr. Hubbard alao said that hair could berorne tang.led around the penis. ACTOR DIES -Actor Vic Morrow, star of TV's old "Combat'' series died when a helicopter crashed early today in Castaic while filming a Vietnam War scene. Copter crash kills Morrow El Toro cyclist injured CAST AIC (AP) -Actor Vic Morrow, the star of TV's old "Combat" series, and two Vletname9e children were killed toda)' when a helicopter crashed during filming of a Vietnam War 90ene ln an i8olat.ed desert park, authorities said. The helicopter carrying a camera CT"eW was-hit by debris from simulated warfare and craahed into a aet reeembling a Vietnamese village where a four-part mOvie baaed on the old "Twilight Zone" televiaion aeries was being filmed, Loa Angeles County flre lnapec\Or OeWiu Morgan aald. A 38-year-<>ld El Toro man waa admitted to Miss.ion Community Hospital in fair condition Thunday after the motorcycle he waa riding collided with a car in Laguna Nicuel. PauT Caines was admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit with abdominal injuries and a fractured arm, a hospital spokeswoman said. California Highway Patrol inveatigaion said Carnes was riding north on Camino Capistrano, ju.st north of Avery Parkway, about 7:25 a.m. when he apparently attempted to pass a car to the left aa it began making a left turn. The driver of the car. 24-year-<>ld Vickie Rodarte, of Mialion Viejo, was not tnju.rect in the collision, a CHP apokesmar. said. Mom:>w, ~l. and two children he was carrying in his arms died when the main rotor hit them, a t.'OWlty fire official aald. The Forecast For S..m. EDT R.inm,'1 · SftowiZ] Show9rs. FlumesfEJ Tempera tures Verlabl• high c:loudlnH•. lllghtly~. Coaetal high mid-70•. Inland ~ eo.. Coast.. low mio-eoa. Inland upp« 809. Waw 87. M11tlna torKMI calla tor llght Y9l1abta wind• night and morning hour• b.eomlng aouthwMI to -1 10 to 11 knota In .,,.,._ T wo to 3-foot wind wav•• 11tarnoona. Two t o 3-loot ~ ...... hlc:hy ._ty morning IOW doudt and fog along eouth COMt, otMtw!M varlable high~. .. Lei .... ae 82 " 88 .30 97 81 87 88 40 t2 ee .31 " 70 .2t 91 75 .13 89 73 01 t2 86 91 74 .53 t2 93 81 56 70 64 .39 " 75 84 82 M 63 " 69 11 71 92 ee .eo 84 71 .29 93 N 11 85 .oe 83 70 Utl 85 82 92 72 S1 87 .03 " 78 71 ... 24 " 70 87 • 7t 541 75 53 100 n 84 .. eo 53 .. 51 .. e3 IO ti .. 14 .01 t2 1• .11 ., 1o " n ,..., 10 14 .02 .. tl1 •• .as '°' ., " .. 2.16 17 11 .11 "I•-WH!t'e' S.,. rc:e "l()AA US Oeo• o• CO"""e'<.., FtOf\IS' COid ... Warm .... Occluded .... .. 71 97 75 50 N 11 03 70 81 , 1 90 88 87 Ill 88 t2 74 1.12 " 72 90 77 92 87 91 71 lf7 70 t2 78 71 N 71 .01 102 s1 .oe •• 71 57 .21 eo 97 70 83 .40 91 78 H M .27 ... 11 '' n 100 77 " 71 73 51 .. 71 .. 71 a • .. 74 71 IO Tides TOOAY a.cotld 10w IS:M p.m hoond high midnight aAT\MDAY u 5.t Flnll low 1:51 Lm. ..().4 First high 1:14 p.m. 4. 7 8-d" low 7:03 p.m. 2.0 Sun Hll 8:01 p.m .. rl••• 8aturdey 6:6' &.m. Moon Mta 10:13 1un.. rlMe Saturdey 10:15 Lm Smos SURF RIPIRT ::!~l'lrnar1 oonte1t, to "" rfllO"-I· While ~· .. to ... fot = Of;Uw 18,181 ~ii~ ~ ln both 9'"t.nP and Dul ~ ooun• PldcMd """' a little more than '12 -.ch" for h1I 131890 votet, an anal)'IU of the elilctJon 1tatittScl l'9V9ala. Oth•r top flnl1h•r• whose ~ haw been 'recorded by J'EC 0Ulclal1 are third.place fin.laher BUl McColl. who 1pent t879,281, and Deborah Sr.ekely, who reported expendlturea totallnl '409,408. S»kely pleoed fourth in \P• bitterly contelted GOP primary. Democrat.ic nom1nee Roy "Pat" Archer spent lell than t58,000 dwinl hil campaign and wu not required to file the detalled ~the~ IOp ftnlllWI ln th• u:=OP prl ary relied MiiYtly on contlibuLlonl to f\&Qd eamDaio-tUorta. Aamd1Nr to ~ J'IC ~. Crean lel\ChiJ c:ampalp "92,· &OO: Sr.ekely lddttd ln P50,0C». McColl loaned hi• campat1n $282 .000; and Packard contributed t?0,000 to hil own prtmary bid. Marred by accutatlona of mud-alJ..nlina, the OOP primary depnerated Into a toply-turvy free -for -all amona the 18 candidates vytna foe die coveted GOP nomination. The eventual winner of the GOP prlm•ry Cn the dl1trict, which lnclude1 heavily Rqubllcan pcrioftl oC .ouci.n Oranat and nm1Mm Im °"90 countl•1 WM bllJewd to bl In tu)' Wll\MI' in the NCMl'Dblr lftlilral .i.caon. aow.v.r, P9Ck.vd announced he would mount a wrhe-ln challenp to the GOP nomi.rwe becauH of the queatlonabl' cam~ tactk:I Crean ll ICC\.-cl ot' employlnc dwtna the prtmary and becaUMt he bellev• Crean WU attemptlnc to "buy" the 4$rd • dlatrlct Hou. ant. Both Cttan, who 1a v.cationina in Europe, and Packard, who wu reported to be te1ttn1 the poUUcal waters in Washtncton, O .C., thia week, were not available to comment on their expenditure reporta. Laguna budget OK'd for '83 Laauna Beach City Council rm;mbers have approved an *8.3 million budget for the 1982-83 flacal year. The budget includes a •79,800 lncreaM ln general funds and expenditures becauae of the. Orange County Board of Supervilor'• recent action to levy a •7-per-ton dumplnl fee at all county landfill refu.e fadllties. The sum is shown aa both income and expenditure becauae the cost ii to be puled on to residents rather than taken from the general fund, city officials said. City Manaaer Ken Frank aafd the new budaet wu "healthy" largely because of a recent $454,- 000 reimbursement by feder~ From Page A1 author1tlel fOr expen8ea invoJved with the 19'78 Bluebird Canyon landallde. Council members unanimoualy approved the budget Tuesday with only minor changes from the prellminary budget that they approved in mid-June. The ctwlaea included the new ~unty dwnpl.ni fee, aa well aa an appropriation of $25,000 to study new use for the lite of the old sewage diapoaal plant adjlcmt to City Hall. And •23,- 600 was appropriated for a recorder-louer for the police and fire dispatCh center, where one dlapatcher will be added. Although the city got the $4.M,000 federal reimbursement for the land1Ude coats, atate bailout aid WU reduced by '363,- 000. City officials had antidpeted a decreaat of only $2M,OOO. Laat fiscal year, the city received '696,000 tn It.ate bailout funds. The largeat capital - improvement cart, of $1 ,029,000, will go for atonn drain and flood control work. The new budget alto provides for a combined cost-of-living aalary and benefit increase of 9.5 percent for 18 ci t y adminiatraton, plus 162 firemen, police officers and municipal .employees. However, the employee.' sick leave allotmont was reduced by one-third, from 12 to eight days annually. RENT PROTEST • • • Strauaa. Paul Hummel and Evelyn Hart attended. Mary Ann Gaido from the Irvine City Council alao wu there. Wambaugh,. who lived on leased land on Linda Isle, moved a couple of block.a away in January, partly to get off the leased land, he said. Wambaugh vowed to continue fighting the Irvine Company, even though he has moved off leued property. The fighting mood was hPa~ in the party room. The company was 8CCU3ed by men wearing black tuxedos and soltd gold watches of being "greedy." Women aippl.ng chilled chardonnay saia over and over bow groealy '"unfair" the whole thing w ..... said .one man surveying the elegantly dresaea crowd, "'lbe people who can afford it came here ~t. But a lot of people can t even afford a S50 ticket and didn't come." Several Gucci watches were given away as door priu!9 along with a balloon ride, monogrammed beach towels and a bottle of cranberry liqueur. But nobody left the ballroom empty-handed. On the table were white bottles of Committee of 4000 shampoo guaranteed "to waah the Irvi ne Company right out of your bale.'' Fish ban studied PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Sport fish ing for salmon continued in state-regulated waters off the Oregon Coast Thunday aa U.S. fishery officials tried to determine whether the federal government should order the seaaon clO&ed. Color Graphs Found to Increase Management Productivity The typical executive today is in a state of conflict. Most executives operate on the premise they learned in graduate bustneaa school: "more infonnatlon leadt to ·better deci•lona." The computer age haa caUled a proliferation of anal)'lis but left the executive without enough time to properly aasimilate such. Recent researc h has shown that information in color graph form can substantially reduce the executive'• aaimilatlon time and increase their comprehension of infonnation for decision-making. The Wharton Applied Re1earch Center at the Univeraity of Pennsylvania WU commiaBioned by the 3M Company to conduct reaearch to determine if there were any dilfetence11 in business meetings between using overhead tranaparendee and a white board with felt tip pens. The findings showed dlstlnct advantages of using color sraphs. • 28411 average aavinga in meeting time • hi1her likelihood of reaching a conael\IUS • ' ' ' . .. chooee the colors and provide the data; lnfoGraphica• does all the rest! There are two locat.fons for the lnfoGraphics Se~ in Orange County: the Graphics One store in Costa Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by ,,,,011 ... 010 ..... -..o.OOI tot.•li , .. _.,, w1.ooi •U·•'• .... 01> John and Chris Ovet1'1!'1ld and the Graphics One store in Irvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg. Drop by the next time you need to make up a lllde or overhead transparency presentation in a hurry. Ttw typieal ~xecullve today doesn'l hav~ u~ IO uainulat.e lhe lnfonnaoon ~ for dec:Uloo·makJ.nc TES T COMPANY ... ..... IJrl ,_, C'C r(J.r•~1Mt_., L ""-*'"'-« fCOINt ~CtuF't• • the presenter u1lng the overhead tranaparencles wu thouaht of aa more credible and profemt9nally prepared :; ,,,, .__ __ ..;.;....;__;..;;._ ___ _..;.--'---------.. Inf0Grapbic1 Inc. of ::, ..... Newport Beech now often : •"-'!-------------.----~ both an easy to u.. terYice ' ""' 1----===~;;:;;::; and a computer ty1t.m to .. facWtate the tranalatJ.on of ~ numeric.I lnformatton into ' color araph form for bual.nell p reaentation1. The color pphl are available tn bard copy luer prtnttna, Hmm 1llde1. and o v •rh •ad tran1parencl••· The uNquenem of the lnfoGra~ • SeMce la ltl limplidty ... reau lt o f the D••l6D In-'a,rnc.--dtware. 0.ta PtWmtld tn the bm of a cob' a.. p'11ntld lnfoONph ............ II WMil1. ODlldle. -s ..-q unde "°°" VISIT ONE or OUR LOCATIONS, LEA VE YOUR BUSIN'!SS CARD AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A FREE COPY OF 3M'a GUIDE "A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUSINJ!SS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY.'' ~· a.vkll o.o .. tn ~County f- ' ' i I .· \ ., I I I I ! 11 1 ,\ l 11 I I l • \'I Deir,... ....... bf Gery ........ GALA CONVERSATION -Author Joseph Wambaugh chatted with Barbara Young, chairman of the Committee of 4000. at the spangled Black and White Ball Thursday night. Posh protest Black tie affair. in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD Of ttw OellJ Not ,..,, They drifted into the dimly lit hot.el ballroom. Many of the men wore ruffled shirts with their tuxedos and the women were in evening dreaes. The wine flowed. The big band struck up a nostalgic tune. It seemed that everyone who was anyone was there. W e l come to a rent protest, Newport Beach style. Organized by the Committee of 4000, the Black and White Ball Thursday night at the Newport Beach Marriott attracteq more than 350 luminaries who paid $50 each to attend the gala event. It was, perhaps, the ritziest rent protest ever held. Barbara Young, leader of the group flfhting the Irvine Company 6 plans to increase the price of land leases for a reported 4.000 people living in Newport Beach and Irv i ne ,• proclaimed the evening a s~. "The party s hows the support of the pillars of the community," said Ms . Young. Indeed, many notables showed. J . Robert Fluor, chief executive officer and chairman of Fluor Corp .. was not there. But he had purchased half a table. The other half was paid for by the company's senior-vice· presid e nt , Geo rge Mefferd. "We 're here as individuals in support of the Comnuttee of 4000," said Mefferd, whose Linda la1e home is on leased land. Dave Tappan, president of F1uor, said he was there to find out more about the lasuea. "It's a good party," he said. "Everyone's going to have a good time." And they did. ll• \\-.lllh the lrviM • l'n. rilltir l\Ul of Voll' ~•r. Price Quott ~ } r \l.iriu-1 v;alut .. · $l~ SUDSY SOLUTION - Shampoo was souvenir for protesters. Following a dinner of roast sirloin topped off with Ice cream with raspberry sauce, couple• danced to the soothing 'sounds of the Big Band Commotion. Barbara Amstadt.er and Warren Johnson, co- chairperaons of the gala ball, were there. So wu George Thagard, Swerin Wundennan (part-own.er of Gucci), writer Joeepb Wambaugh, Lou Scott, Harry JohnllOn .and Harry Baker. On the political 1lde: Newport Beach City Council rnemben Don (5« RENT, Pap AZ) TELEVISION 'Roses in December' airs PBS' "Roeel in December" is the Jtory of how a giving woman ended up a vtctlm of El Salvador'• dvil war. Page C6. KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening news on KNBC 11 getting an overhaul, starting wit'h "LA at 4" on Channel 4. TV Log. NATION Wbo says tbey're badt 0 IU\l'H , t l 0 lJ N I 't l. A I If 0 IC N I A '} '> C [ N T S ,coast cities laud suit •Newport, Laguna say challenge needed to halt lease sales By PATRICK J. JtENNEDY or ... ....,,.....,. Ofllda.lt of Lquna 8"ch and Nr.vport Beach toda)> applauded a law1uit filed by California, Aluka and ae~ environmental group• challengln1 Interior Secretary J-.met Watt'• plan to open tl\e U .s . coaatllne to offshore oil drilling. ''I'm really delighted," said Sally Belle.rue, mayor of Lacuna Beach. "Thia blanket sale of offlhore oll leue1 needa to be challen1ed becau1e It doe1n't conaider environmental damage • to local areaa." Schmitz Kenneth Delloo, Uliatant to the city manapr of Newport Beech, aareed· ''Thll (1aw1ult) 10un<b conslltent with the dty'• lon1-1tandlng policy on thla ltaue," Dellno said. "We have environmental and economic concem1 ln our dty that could be dam.aced by offahor. drilling." Ma. Bellerue UC> crlticlz.ed the Reaaan Administration for what she Mid wu violating Ill own phllo1ophy of glvl na more government ~ntrol to atatAIS and munldpalitiel. "It'• Ironic that the adminiltration wanta to return 1ocial program• and other 1ovemment operatJona to the local level, but in thil cue lll not lntere1ted ln 1ivln1 local control," 1he Mid. Watt announced hia five-year plan Wednesday that would offer 1 billion offshore acres ln 41 IAlel to be held from August of thil year through June 1987. But on Thursday , the challenging lawsuit wu filed ln the U.S. Court of Appeall, charsfna that Whatt'a program fall1 to properly balance the ootentlal for flndlng oil and gaa .. l _.Q...,.4..__-__________ CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH •TATI! 01" CALll"OltNiA ...... , w '"'"----''"' ~II ....... tC Utt With the pomible envtronmentat ~er before-ha1 1uch a l'DUl!ve turnover of federal Landa to private i ntere1t1 been propoeed," Mid Sarah Ch.ull, an attorney for the Natural Reeourcel Deferwe C.ouncil, one of the g:rou.-brinllJll llUlt. "No area of the o uter continental 1helf la excluded from the leaaing 1ehedule for environmental reaaon.1," she laid. The envirorunental grous-Mid they were worried about the (See Oil.. Pa1e AZ) 8K8t0 '•417 3000 13182 1340 case set for quiz • ~..·I ""='~-=-====----~~~~~-~~-=:±:---=ST~EWAJl====T=--=DR=I~VE=---~~---~---.. lTM I •• COV ~ By DAVID KUTZMANN Of Ille Dellr Not ..... .. •100t.t ' : IC LAH WCE J l't&T& Ot l19'M ••• 0 1 ,., .... Tu1tln police lnvelligatora were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them if lnjUrte1 suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the son of state Sen. John G. Schmitz -were acddentally or intentionally i.nfllcted. C.o W1acons1n ...... ,.. .... , ., .. ,... . .... .. ...... K ._... M IHtl 0' llat1t tt ._.,Of •Ot11U Sweden 42 t U • •t"tf ..... fl le Ul.l.l.e 'UC .. , • .._ ... . t\ 6\....... , un.ll 1981 I)( .. , ......... l.1-;;~~:!.:::..:=~~~.,Lj~~~4;:~f;!::=,4C...~~:..._~-~~~C~027_3_94~-'---/~]~4_/ 101.Cit Drive South Oran e . ~ .. al-"He's the one who's going to be able to tell us if it was intentional or accidental," Police Capt. Woody Williams said this mornina. The surgeon was identified as Dr. lgal Silber of Children's Hospital of Orange Coumy. He's the physician who operated on the 13-month-old child last week after d octors discovered the baby'• penia wu nearly 1eVered from having a "hair string" wound Ughdy around It. COUNTY RECORDS -Birth certificates for Wilhelmina Bostrom list Sen. John G . Schmitz John George Bostrom, above, and Eugenie as father of the children. Name not proof of paternity Schmitz name on birtb certificates signed by Carla Stuckle 1be injury WU detected aft.er the ch ild's mother, Carla J . Stuckle, 43, of Tustin uked a pediatrician to exan).ine the infanL (See SENATOR, Pase Al) By FRBUERJCK SCHOEMEHL or ... ...,,......., It 11 poaaible, al though exceedingly rare, for birth certlficat.ea to bear an errooeou1 name for the father of the child Torn McCann ·takes Pilot editing post Veteran Orange County newsman Torn McCann has been appointed new managing editor of the Orange Coast Oaily Pilot, it WU announced today by Edit.or Tom Murphine. McCann's appointment is effective today. Murphlne ~d. He replaces Charles H. Loos, who has resigned aft.er nearly 20 years on the newspaper staff. "We are very grateful t o Chuck Loos for his yean of dedicated aervice to the Daily Pilot ln many post.I, including education editor, auistant managing editor and managing editor," Murphine Hid. "We wish him the very best ln his future endeavors." McCann, 53, most recently 1erved with Orange Coast Publlahing Company as edit.or of the company's two weekly newspapers, Irvine Mirror and Million Viejo Mirror. He has guided both papen lince their inception and will continue at present to over1ee the publications. McCann began bla neWlpaper career with the Cincinnati Pe»t. (See MANAGING, Pa1e AZ) COUNTY Deltr ......... f'tloto NEW M.E. -Tom McCann, a longtime newsman in Orange County, has been promoted to managing editor of the Orange Coast Dally Pilot. One-man art show The one-man art exhibit by Davtd Amico will continue at the Newport -Harbor Art MU18um until Sept. 5. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A group of Northern CallfomJ.am mix sand, 1url and ICrlpture at Bia ~ BMch e.ch week~ by preaentlng puppet ihowa and eklta for chitiren. Pip Bl. ' I STATE ln que.Uon. acoordfna to Orange County Cink-Recorder Lee Bnu')Ch. Branch aald today that the father's name on a birth certificate is not proof of paternity. Any exact paternity determination mu1t be made though ClOUrt act.ion, Bnnch said, if paternity is questioned. In nearly all cues, Branch laid. it is the mother who provides the birth certificate in formation, i.ncluding that of the identity of the father. For the birth certificates on file for two children alleged to be the illegitimate offspring of state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, it was the mother, Carla Stuck.le, who signed them. Such information is not provided under penalty of ~rjury. Instead, the form reads, 'I certify that l have reviewed the stated infonnation and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge." Either parent can sign a birth certificate. In nearly all caaea, however, it is the mother who signs. Branch said. A doctor alao may lign, he noted. Bcanch Mid he Is aware of rare Instances in which a man who la not the child's father la lilted as the father on birth certificates. He Mid there alao have' been case1 in which the word "unknown" ia written under the title "father" on a state Certificate of Live Birth. "The woman can put any name on it. She doesn't need anyone's permission," Branch said. Schmitz, a aelf-deecrlbed right wing activist and anti-abortion cruaader, ii liated u ~ father of INDEX John Georae Bostrom, bom June 10, 1981, and Eugen.le Wilhemina Bostrom born laat June 30. Ml11 Stuckle has claimed Schmitz la the father of both children. Sdunltz and his wife Mary have had leVen children. The male child of Mi'8 Stuckle is now at a county home for dependent children. The child wu placed there over Schmitz' protest.I by a superior court judge after a penile in jury waa diacovered and the mother'• care (See PATERNITY, Pa1e AZ) Vic Morrow, 2 children ·die in crash CAST AIC (AP) -Actor Vic Morrow, the star of TV's old "Combat" 1eriea, and t wo Vietnamese children were killed today wnen a helicopter crashed during fllmina of a Vietnam War scene in an i.olat.ed de9ert park, authorities aid. The helicopter carryin1 a camera crew wu hit by debrta from 1lmulated warfare and craahed lnto a aet reeembllng a Vietname1e village where a rour-part movie hued on the old ''Twill8ht 7.one'' television Mrie.s was being filmed, Los Anaeles County tire Inapector DeWitt Morgan uid. Morrow, 51, and two children he wu carrying in hll anna died when the main rotor hit them. The two child-actor• were identified u Renee Shinn Chm. 6, of Puadena. and a 1-YMI'~ c.enitoe boy, My-Ca Dinh Lee. SPORTS . SENATOR SCHMITZ . . • . The child'• condition eventually led to county llOC!ia1 lervb offld,lla taJd.nl eultody of the boy La• lalt weelC beeeu. ot the natun of the ~ On Mondey, Oran,. Coonty Supertor CoUrt Jucta. William Murray ordered that the ba~y be ug::= care until an 'A~. e hea.riq la held in Ju\W\lle Court. It WM on Monday that lt WU revealed throush court documents that the child Wiii alle11d to be the aon o1 Sen. ScbmUz. ft.Newport ae.ch. hoops doe• t.ek• time," Capt. Wllllaml aald. Polle• lnv .. u1aton at flrtt beu.ved that a m.. of bait blld become tan1l•d around the child'• penis. But inV91tlpton are now belna told that lt w.. a "hair 1trln1" and they are uncertain euctly what It ii that had. cut tnto the child'• leXual otpn. By 3PPM>LB& ... ..., ........ In .. wha\ l1 tMtlleved to b• one of tht moat exp1n1lv• eon1retaton.l prlmar1• 1ver, t.raveMnUlir ...,... Jabnnle It . er.n 1pent more than $800.000 tylnf "P tbt Republican nom nation In th• •Srd ~Dtl1rlot. tioenditure reports tu.cs wtth the tederal Election Comrnillion in WaehinPm, D.C., ahow Crean IJH'nt '80'l, 740 in 'hi1 92-vote victory ov•r hta neareat competitor ln the crowded 18-candldate field. S~ond-place flnlaher Ron Packard, the former mayor of Carlat>.d who haa announced he wU1 run u a wri\e-in candidate ln Nt>vembM, •JH'nt tl7S,578 ~rln th• tptlmary con teat, '°the~ . Wh1llt · ll)lnl ca. to toe forilllCh of the 13,781 ~e~ recllwd in both 0nnp IU-Gmll a.., oounU.. PldW'd 11*\t a little more than t12 each for h1I 13,899 votes. an analyail of the election ttaU.tlcl reveala. Other top tlnlahert whoae reports have bMn ncorded by FEC official• are third-place flniaher Bill McColl, who apent $379,281, and Deborah S.-,ekely, who reported expendlturea totalln$( '469,408. Sukely placed fourth Ip the bitterly contested GOP primary. Democratic nominee Roy "Pat" Archer 1pent lea than $68,000 durt.nc h1a campatp and wu not required to (Ue the detailed ~~s;:;; top flNlhen 1n cha GOP primary relttd •vUy on ~ oontribuUona a> f\N their cam~ttcn. Cre~~ ~palpren;r ~; Szekely kkked 1n '360,000; McColl loaned hi• campal1n t282,000; and Packard contrtbut.tid •'70,000 *» hla own primary bid. Marred by accu11tlon1 of mud...itnlina, the GOP primary d....,..W-in'° a tops)'•tW'VY free•fOr·all amon1 the 18 candldatea vyiJll for the coveted GOP nomination. The eventual winner of the GOP primary ln the d istrict, which i ncludes heavily Republican portl()N ot eouthlm Oranp and northem San °"'° COW\Uel, Wll belJewd '° bl al\ Ill)' winner in the November ~~ack&rd annowad he would mount a wrlte-ln challen&e to the GOP nominee becauae of tht queatlonablt campalal\ \aiOtScl Crilen la ~ of employtna dwinl the pdmary and beca1.a1e he be1Jevee er.n wu attemptJnc '° "buy" the •3rd dJ.atrlct Houte eeet. Both Crean, who la vacaUoftina ln Europe, and Packard, who waa reported to be teaUn1 the polltlcal watera in Waahlnaton. D .C., this week, were pot available to conunent on their expenditure reports. On Wactn.day, M.laa Stuclde, a R•publlcan party volunteer and a den at the El Toro Marine Corp Air Station, cl.aimed that both the 13-month-old boy and a two-week-old ,irt were fathered ·by SchmlU. followlnl a 9~year love atfair. u there it evidence of child abule, a crim1na1 complaint could be Uled. Alao, lf there la a ~of~ on the mother 1 part.. the Child ~ be kept either ln a fOlteJ' hOme or ln the heme of a relative. Pollce invetilptora llkt WW. la no evidence to abow that Schmitz wu involved in the day to day care of the baby. Chirpers take up residence at Irvine PD Birth recorda lilt SchmiU U the father of the two children, althou1h tt:te birth cert1flcate11 were llgned by the mother only. The senator has refused to comment on the cue. A ~ metnber aald thla mornlna th.at Schmlta planned to iaaue no atatementa today. Dr. Colin Hubbard, praldent ot the Ora.nae County Ped.Latric Society, aaidln an inwvtew that It UI not unusual for atranda of hair to become ti&htly wound around a youn1 child'• appendqet 1uch .. a toe or a fln1er. fir. Hubbard alto uld that hair could become tanaled around the pen1a. The 1rv1ne Police Department 1a for the blrda. Keeplna company with Front Deak Of flCer Linda BlMchi OD Thunday were two tiny gray and white blrda. They're kllldeer, (a part of the plover family), aa.ld Susan Parket1 of Or~, a volunteer for the From Page A1 Dr. Silber wu to haw been Interviewed Wednesday or Tbunday, but CHOC oftlclala wanted police fl..ntt to obtain a court order rellevlna the doctor of any llabfllty relat~d to dlacloain& confldf'ntlal lnfonnation about a patient That order WU obtained Thunday in Superior Court. "Th.la can be a natural, normal phenomenon." the phyalclan aa.ld. OIL LAWSUIT potential for cat11trophlc oil apllla. "Goina lhrouah these legal *** However. Dr. Hubbard aa.ld he could not comment on the specific injuries suffered by the 13-month-old child becau.e he had not examined the child hlnwelf. *** PATERNITY PROOF • • • of the child questioned. The female child remains in Mimi Stuck.le'• cuatody. The cue is under investigation by county 80Cia.l service workers, the district atio.ney'1 office and the police in Tustin. where Mia Stuckle resides. Schmitz baa made no direct public comment on the C88e. MANAGING EDITOR • • • He came to Orange C.Ounty in 1956 to become news edit.or of the old South Coast News in Laguna Beach. He haa served In editors' positions with the Orange C.Ounty Regiater, Orange Daily News, La Habra Star and Anaheim Bulletin. He flnt . ined the Daily Pilot atalf in 1J66 aa assistant managing editor and later served the paper as pronl9tion director and Sunday edHor. McCann was the fl.rs\ outside public relations director for Carta Mesa' a annual Fish Fry. He also served four season~ as public relations director for the Orange C.Ounty Fair and was producer- director of the Orange C.Ounty Home Show. The new managing editor I.a a fonner president of the Orange C.Ounty Presa Club and an early member of the Orange County Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the national IOc:iety of joumalifta. In 1979-80, McCann waa journalism and creative wriiina profeuor at Artesia Chri.atlan College. Artesia. N .M. "Tom McCann brings a depth of experience to our manag:in'2 e ditor's chair and a wide knowledge of the Ora.op Cou~ and its people," Murphine 1a1d ''Vie are delighted to have him ln this key position of responsibilit"J as w e strive to expand anu improve the Da.Uy Pilot." Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. abo leveled a blilt.efin8 verbal attack agalnat Watt, aaylna he ia guilty of "promt.:uoua violation ot the pu bllc truat." The 2 teens held after Irvine car crash Two cars collided early today at Main Street and MacArthur Boulevard in Irvine and police offlcen said the driven o1 the vehicles -both teen-agers - were arrested on auapiclon ·of drunken driving. lnveatlgat.ora said a l 7-year--0ld youth In a 1982 Camaro apparently drove through a red light at 2:07 a.m. and struck a pickup truck drive'n by Glen Panona, 19. of Laguna Hilla. The youth, whoee name was withheld because be ia a juvenile. waa rec uperating in Tustin Community HospltaJ today with several fractures, according to a hoepiw spokesman. Parsons and a pe.aaenger in his car, Rot>.rt Wallace, 21.-of Corona were treated at the ~ospital and released. Kemp Poetler. 17, of Irvine, who was riding in the Camaro, also was treated and released. A bit cloudy Verllbl• high cloudl neu, ~tty cooMt" 0 .. 111 high mld-70., lnltnd lower eo.. Coellll low mld-eot. llllend ~ eo.. w .. 87 Menne t«ecul celll ~ ¥W1al* wind• night llnd hour• becoming aouthw••t to weet 10 to 11 knot• In enemoona. Two 10 3·fOOI wind WIVll 1fternoon1. Two 10 a.foot aoutt1W911eriy 11#11. P1tctiy .at'Y "'°"*'II IOw clOudl _, fog eblg IOUth c:oeet. OfherWIM vw1a!>le high cloud~ U.S. Summ~ry Thunder11orm1 ranged from IN Atlalltlc Cout to Ille Rodi ... white more then 5 lnChll of rain ... In pettl of llllnc*. ~ poffoeman mllllng 1ner hi t to reeoue two people trom • rlllng ci..-. In llOl1hMlt llllnole. ~n po11oe ofllcll° I.any H , 34, WM fMred df-*I lfler being Temperatures .. ... ,. Alberty ee 62 Albuque 941 88 .30 Arntrlllo 07 51 ~ 87 .. . 40 Al.Senta 92 " .31 Atlllrttc Cty 89 10 .29 "'-*"' Ill 75 13" BlftlmOre • 73 .01 8"llnOI 92 56 8lrmlnghm 91 74 .53 8ilmerQ 92 53 8olM 17 56 Boston 70 ... .3C &_,....... 91 75 Buffalo ... 62 luf1lngton M 83 Caper 90 58 Chet191n ac 91 71 Chaflaln WV • 92 .. . eo Cherltte NC ... 71 .2t Chloywnne t3 58 Ctllc8go 71 55 ,oe Clndnn•ll 83 70 1.21 c~ 85 62 =.!l 92 72 11 57 .03 Dal·Ft Wth M 71 Oeyton 78 M .24 99 10 1113-w-St<rc:~ ~AA U S 0.0• Cl CO'"'....,Ct· Fronts. Cold ..... Warm WW Occlllded ..- 85 71 17 75 .50 .. 11 .03 70 81 I 1 to 86 87 " .18 12 74 1.12 .. 72 to 7T t2 87 .. 71 87 70 Tides TODAY hoond tow 1:59 ".m. u 9-ld high midnight u IATIMDAY Flr9I IO#. 8:59 a.m. -0.4 Am high 1:34 p.m. ... 1 Seconcflow 7:03 p.m. 2.0 =Into the l"Oll Alvlr. POllOI Denwr .women 8~• Elllot1 Mid Oii~ reeouect one '*'°" !Ind O..tolt tne al* men reeched aeflty by OUMh 17 • 79 ff 75 113 12 1t .71 .. 71 .01 102 11 .QI Sun Ht1 1:01 p.m., tlHI S11U<d1Y 5:&1 Lm. Moon Mll 10:S3 p.m .. rt.. l•turder 10: 11 1.m. hkNelf. EJP-~ l6lo boed ~ Fergo of •• a 1 bMCfiee .,.., 2.11 Flegetafl ,.-on gi1110f1e ol au ... &lllnted Greet F ... _,,.,., water wwe ,..._, from HIW1ford Wilmette H.,bor to rtlleve Hllefla llOodlng. • Honolulu "'*' ellO ... on Mlllne anct ttle Houllton loutMael. IOCOfnl>Mled by I :::. *'*'° In nonMr'll A6lbeme _, 10 l\'IPtl wlnde In Ml11t11'rpl. ~ 8011tered 111 owet1 and K-.Clty ~ hit 1t1e T..,..... l<noJMle -Otllo wae,e. .. ,... ••MUo LMV ... coe1t, th• nott~n Aooa1 ... Ut11e ... 8olltft Dakota anct MloM. Moec Louitlllll of1"9W...,_ ....... T•"'e;.:!"'H around th• ..... dell!\ tenpcl trom #.a:.:.~· Mont.. to 11 In California 100 ... 80 .. 89 to .. t2 11 t5 to .. .. 103 " 17 72 .. 113 61 93 1, .Oi 71 .11 70 711.17 74 .02 .., .. .II 11 MU6 71 .19 II M 71 57 .21 IO 57 70 13 .40 ., 1t .. 18 .27 .. It '1 77 t00 n .. 11 71 61 .. 11 .. 71 a " .. 74 rt IO Smog State Department of Flah and Oame who's licensed to rehabilitate all types of lick and injured bird.a. K i lldeer usually live in mudflats such as the Back Bay ln Newport Beach, she explained. The pair she's tending were found in Irvine and taken to the • • • governor also said "Mr. Watt ia full of baloney," and la a "llab!Uty to the president and it'• about time the president put him on a abort leash and got h1m off our back.a." California's suit, filed by state Attorney General George Deukmejian, oppoees oil drilling in parts of Humboldt. San Diego and Sante Crua counties, Santa Monica Bay and the zone off Newport and Laguna. Watt, in adopting the leasing program, said Wednesday that it would be carried out under "rigorous environmental controls." The plan calla for opening 1 billion acres, an area equal to half the land maa of the .US., for leasing. Not that much lartd would be leased. but Watt said he hopes to lease up to l 2 million acres annually. The most offshore acreage ever leased before was 2.2 million acres last year. In addition to the lawsuit, resolutions seeking to overturn the leasing program were introduced in the Senate and Houae Wednesc:?Y· police station for pickup by Ma Parkes. Sitting in a ama1l cardboard box behind Officer Blanchi's desk, the birds peeped and cheeped constantly throughout the day. . They were atil1 making a fuss this mornins although Ms. Parkes had them aet up in a bigger box on a heating pad so there would be lota of room to run. From Page A1 "They need ample food and water all day," Ma. Parkes aakt, "and they get hand-fed about every hour on the hour." The killdeer pair are 2 or 3 days old, ahe esttmatec:t, and ellCh weigh.a less than an ounce, but their down featheni make them look heavier than they are ... She aald, even with the beat of care, the birds' chances· of survival aren't very sood becauae they're extremely delicate. RENT PROTEST • • • Stra~ Paul Hummel and Evelyn Hart attended. Mary Ann Gaido from the Irvine City C.Ouncil also was there. Wambaugh, who lived on leaaed land on Linda Isle, moved a couple of blocks away in January, partly to get off the leased land, he aa.ld. Wambaugh vowed to continue fighting the Irvine Company, even though he has moved off leued property. The fighting mood was heavy in the party room. The company was accused by men wearing black tuxedos and solid gold watches of being "greedy." Women sipping chllled chardonnay saia PAID A.DVr:lmSDdlfT over and over how g?'<*ly "unfair" the whole thing was Said one man surveying the elegantly dreaaed crowd, ''The people who can afford it came here tonight. But a lot of people can't even afford a $50 ticket and didn't come." Several Gucci watches were given away aa door pni.es along with a balloon ride, monogrammed beach towels and a bottle of crariberry liqueur. But nobody left the ballroom empty-handed. On the table were white bottles of Committee of 4000 shampoo guaranteed "to wash the Irvine C.Ompany right out of your hair." Color Graphs Found ~o Increase Management Productivity The typical executive today I.a in a state of conflict. Most executives operate on the premise they learned in graduate business school: .. more infonnation leada to better decisions ." The computer age haa caused a proliferation of analysia but left the executive without enough time to properly assimilate such . Rece nt research has shown that information in color graph form can substantially reduce the executive'• assimilation time and increase their comprehension of information for decision-making. The Wharton Applied Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania was comm.lal1oned by the 3M Company to conduct reearch to detemft.ne lf there were any differencea in buainea meetings between using overhead transparencies and a white board with felt tip• pena. The flndinga showed distinct advantages of using color graph.a. • 28~ averaae saving• in meeting time • higher likelihood of reaChing a oon.ensus • the presenter uain1 the overhead transparencies waa thouallt of • more c:redible Ind profe91ionally .prepared . .. I • • .. . .. .. .. .. ~ . I ' , .. • ~ chooee the colon and provide the data; lnfoGraprucs· does all the rest! There are two locations for the lnfoGraphlcs Service in Orange C.Ounty: the Graphics One a'°re in Costa Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by .i•.011 ... OJll ~.010 '611.- ""·°" l"·'l' \ti /11'4 t \1 .... ,. ..... u John and Chris Overrend and the Graphics One store in Irvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg. Drop by the next time you need to make up a slide or overhead transparency pre.ent.ation in a hurry. The typtcal executive today doesn"l have lime lO a.imllalA! the information needed for ded:aion·maJdnc. TEST COMPANY ,Ct.l'rtvl ,r,,.. • ., ... ,,, 1-,...-\.C Hl.OIMltt 1'111 ... ... . .... ·-·-"''""" ..... .\)(\ """ • ............... IAia pr-.mied In the fmllD it e Cob' a..-pm..S lnfaGnph • pictUn 19 -...I. ~ wt -.G1 unda'tWlod. VlSIT ONE OF OUR LOCATIONS, LEA vE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A FREE COPY OF 3M'a OlJIDE "A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY." Into~lll!m·' ~ 0..... la C>raop County I ! ! I i I I ~ i . . l t ~ ' .. • I I t 111 lJ A y .J lJ I ., .' I ' ' "I ,' l 0.-, Net ....... "' Gery .,,._ GALA CONVERSATION -Author Joseph Wambaugh chatted with Barbara Young, chairman of the Committee of 4000. at the spangled Black and White Ball Thursday night. Posh protest Black tie affair.in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM o.111 "'°' ..... They drifted into the dimly lit hotel ballroom. Many of the men wore ruffled shirts with their tuxedos and the women were in evening c::lre93es. The wine flowed. The big band struck up a nostalgic tune. It seemed that everyone who was anyone was there. Welcome to a rent protest, Newport Beach style. Organized by th e Committee of 4000, the Blac k and White Ball Thursday night at the Newport· Beach Marriott attracted more than 350 luminaries who paid $50 each to attend the gala event. It was, perhaps. the ritziest rent protest ever held. Barbara Young, leader of the group fighting the Irvine Company's plans to increase the price of land leases for a reported 4,000 people living in Newport B each and Irvi n e, proclaimed the evening a SUcce88. "The party shows the support of the pillars of the community," said Ms. Young. Indeed, many notables showed. J. Robert Fluor, chief executive o fficer and chairman of Fluor Corp., was not there. But he had purchased half a table. The other half was paid for by the company's senior-vice- p r e aide n l , George Mefferd. ''We 're her e as mdividuals in support of the Committee of 4000," said Mefferd, wh0&e Linda Isle home is on leased land. Dave Tappan, president of Fluor, said he was there to find out more about the issues. "It's a good party.'' he aa.Jd. "Everyone's going to have a good time." And they did. Ill wasl} the 1mne Co. "'6'it llW °' Y<'fd h~1r. Price Quott ~'Lf \.t~S~ "ffu..J. l.C.. SUDSY SOLUTION - Shampoo was souvenir for protesters. Following a dinner of roast sirloin topped off with ice cream with raspberry sauce, couples danced to the soothing ' sounds of the Big Band Commotion. Barbara Amatadter and Warren Johnson, co- chairpenona of the 1ala ball. were there. So waa George Thagard, S~erin Wunderman (part-owner of Gucci), writer Ja.eph Wambaugh, Lou Scott, Harry Johnaon and Harry Baker. On the polftlcal side: Newport Beach City Council members Don (See RENT, Pase A!) TELEVISION 'Roses in December" airs PBS' "Roses ln December" ia the story of how a giving woman ended up a victim of El Salvador'• civil war. Page C6. KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening news on KNBC is getting an overhaul, starting with "LA at 4'' on Channel 4. TV Log. NATION Money supply down, but • • . NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Beaerve reported this afternoon the natico'1 moniey 1Upply <M·l) fell $100 mlllioJ\ the late.t reponina period. 8'.it tnden e~ a ...... drop and bond prkial arid lnters ratm roee tmmediat.ely. C1HANl af C:OUNIV <Al If O HNIA :.!!:>C f.N I ~ Coast cities laud suit Newport, Laguna say challenge needed to halt lease sales 8y PATRlClt J. ltENNEDY or .. Dlllr,......,. Offldala of Laguna Be.ch and Newport Beach today applauded a lawsuit filed by California, Alaaka and teVen environmental groups challengtn1 Interior Secretary James Watt's plan to open the U .t;. coaetllne to offshore oil dril.11nc· "l'.m really dellghted," aaid Sally Bellerue, mayor of Laguna Beach. "Thia blanket sale of offshore oU lea.es needs to be challenged be<:auae it doesn't consider environmental damage to local &lua." Schmitz Kenneth Dellno, Uliatant to th• city manaaer of Newport Beach, acreed· "Th.la (lawault) eounda CONittent with the city'• lon1-1tanding policy on thla t.ue," Oellno said. "We have environmental and economic concema in our city t.Mt could be damaged,by offahore drilllng." Ma. Bellerue alao criticized the Reaaan Adminlatration for what she aald waa violating lta own phlloaophy of giving more government contro1 to states and munldpall ties. "It'• ironic that the adminiatratlon wanta to return social programs and other aovemrnent operation• to the local level. but ln th.la cue ita not Interested lh glvln1 local control," ahe aald. Watt announced h1a five.year plan Wedne1day that would otter 1 bllllon offlhore acret1 in 41 aalea to be held from Auauat of th1a year through June 1987. But on Thursday, the challefllini lawsuit wu filed in the U .S . Court o.f Appeals, clw'8ini t.Mt Whatt'• program falls to properly balance the ootential for finding oil and~ ... l_.Q'-4..__-__________ CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH aTATI 0,, C:Al.l,,OIUUA .......... ._..,~~·' ...... :•• ..... • t< L41f with the poalble environmental ~er before-haa auch a mumive turnover of federal lands to private intereata been propoeed.'' aald Sarah Chula. an attorney for the Natural Reeouroea Oefen.e Council, one of the group1 bringing auit. "No area of the outer continental shelf la excluded from the leulng schedule for envirorunental reeaons," ahe aald. Tile environmental 8J'OUpl aaid they were worried about the (See Oll., Pase·AZ) BK910 Pg497 3000 13182 i..ec.• .... ,,.,._ ...ntn ••• 11••.,-..n •••••• case set for quiz By DAVID KUTZMANN t 0( IN Oe11J Not 8'811 :s· t-::-~·-=-=OS=='EPH~---------=-==~---=ST~E\l=:.:AltT=-~o~ar~VE~--------~ ~m IC CfnMfOWW ti COU t Tustin police investigators were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them if injuries suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the eon of state Sen. John G. Schmitz -were accidentally or intentionally inflicted. '"~a cMILD 1tl •llMM.I n IA ••••• ..,,., ., ••'•'-~'·••• .... , .... , 0 CE I( Ult • : Schaitz ' sun Of 111 0, Wisconsin to 1un or 11•1• tt ,., or •OtMU Sweden 42 , ••• ••'-., ....... "c•n• : ttC .. , ........ . un.11 1981 tit PU•U •w••l• IK .. ,, ...... c 027394 . ,_ I ] #I 0Tan e "He's the one who'a going to be able to tell ua If it was intentional or accidental," Police Capt. Woody WU.llama said this morning. The surgeon waa Identified as Dr. Igal Silber of Children's H08pltal of Orange County. He'a the physician who operated on the 13-rnonth-old child last week after doctors dlacovered the baby's penil WU n81'ly 9evered from havin1 a "hair 1trlng" wound t1&btly around l\. COUNTY RECORDS -Birth certificates for Wilhelmina Bostrom list John George Schmitz John George Bostrom. above, and Eugenie as father of the children. Name not proof of paternity Schmitz name on birth certificates signed by Carla Stuclde The injury WU detected after the cblld'a mother, Carla J . Stuek.Je, 43, of Tustin aaked a pediatrician to examine the infant. (See SENATOR, Pase Al) By FJUmEIUCK SCBOEMEllL °' • ..., ......... It ta pon1ble, although exceedlnaly rare, for birth certificatea to bear an erroneous name for the father of the child Tom McCann takes Pilot editing post Veteran Orange County new.srnan Tom McC.ann has been appointed new managing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, it WU announced today by F.ditor Tom Murphine. McCann's appointment is effective today, Murphl.ne aaid. He replaces Charles H . Looa, who has resigned after nearly 20 years on the newspaper staff. "We are very grateful to Chuck Looa for hla years of dedicated 1ervice to the Daily Pilot in many poeta, including education editor, aaalatant managing editor and man.aging editor," Murphine said. "We wish him the very best in h1a future endeavors." McCann, 53, most recently served with Orange Coast Publi&hing Company as edit.or of the company's two weekly newspepen. Irvine Mlrror and Miaaion Viejo Mirror. He hu guided both papen a1nce their inception and will continue at present to oversee the publications. McCann began h1a newspaper career with the Cincinnati POBt. (See MANAGING, Pap Al) COUNTY 0.-, ........... l'tloto NEW M.E. -Tom McCann, a longtime newsman in Orange County, has been promoted to mana1ing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. One-man art show The one-man an exhibit by David Amico wiU continue at the Newport Harbor Art Museum until Sept.~. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A group of Northern C.allfomianl m.lx sand. surf and ICrlpture at Bia Corona Beach each weekda}' by ri:-'nting puppet lhoWI and alcita for children. Page STATE in question. llCICOrding to Orange County Clerk-Recorder Lee Branch. Branch said today that the father'• name on a birth certificate ls not proof of paternity. Any exact paternity determination muat be made though court action. Branch aald, if paternity ia questioned. In nearly all cues, Branch said, at is the mother who provides the birth certificate information, including that of the identity of the father. For the birth certiflcatet on tile for two children alleged to be the illegitimate offspring of state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, it was the mother, Carla Stuckle, who signed them. Such Information ls not provided under penalty of ~rjury. Instead, the form read.a, 'I certify that I have reviewed the stated information and that lt is true and correct to the best of my knowledge." Either parent can sign a birth certificate. In nearly all cues. however, lt is the mother who signs, Branch said. A doctor alao may lign, he noted. Branch said he la aware of rare inatancea in which a man who is not the child's father ia llated as the father on birth certificatea. He said ~ alao have been cases ln which the word "unknown" LI written under the title "father" on a state Certifi.cate of Live Birth. "The woman can put any name on It. She doesn't need anyone'• perrniaaion," Branch said. Schmitz. a lelf-deacribed riaht w1na activllt and anti-abortlon cruuder, la Ust.ed as the father of INDEX SPORTS John George Bostlam. born June 10, 1981, and Eugenie WUhem1na Bmttoln bom lut June 30. Miaa Stuckle haa claimed Schmits la the father of both children. Schmttz and hie wife Mary have had 8eVen children. The male child of M1la Stuckle ia now at a county ~ for dependent cbildttn. The child was placed there over Schmitz' protests by a superior court ~ after a penile injury waa d.i9covered and the mother's care (See PATERNITY, Page AZ ) FBI seeking overweight bank robber By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<1t1e Dlllr,.. ...., FBI agents are .eeking a man they call the "Humphrey Pennyworth Bandit," an overweight middle-ager suspected of robbl.ng 10 banks including three in Orange County a week ago today. The man la a.l.9o auspected of robbing banks fn Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley last March. An FBI apokesman said the nickname la derived from a rotund comic strip character the suspect re11e111blea in photocrapha taken by bank cameru. In the most recent incidents, the man robbed Security Pacific Bank offices in Huntin1ton Beech, Santa Ana and Garden Grove all within the space of (See OVERWEIGHT, Pqe Al) I 11 I SENATOR SCHMITZ •.. Th• child'• oondlUon ewntually led to COW\ty IOda1 Mr'Ytce offldala tak1na cuatody of the boy late Jui weefi t.:.u. ot th. nature of the lnJw1- 0n Monday, ~ Coounty Superior Court Judft WlWam Ml.ll'nl)' order9d that the baby bt keDt in ooun"°carw until an Aua1, e clependentj heartnc ta held 1n Juvenile Court. It WM on Monday that It waa revealed throuata court documents that the child WM alleeed to be the aon of Sen. Schmitz. R-Newport Belch. On Wectne.day, Mi. Stuckle, a Republican party volunteer and a clerk at the El Toro Marine Corp. Air Station, claimed that both the 13-month-<>ld boy and a two-week-<>ld girl were fathered by Schmjtz. following a 9-year love a.ff.air. Birth records lilt Schmitz u the father of the two children, althouah the birth certlflcatea were aigned by the mother only. The senator has refused to comment on the CMe. A family member Mid th1a morning that Schmitz planned to iaaue no statements today. Dr. Silber wu to have been interviewed Wedneaday or Thursday, but CHOC officials wanted police flnt to obtain a court order relieving the doctor of any liability related to dlacloaing co nfidential information about a patient. That order wu obtained Thunday ln Su~or Court. • Going through these legal *** hooJ>ll don take Ume," Capt. Wll.llaml Mid. Polle• lnv•l.ll•ton at tint beliewd that • mlll of hair bad become t•hll•i arouad the chlld11 penil. But ln\Wtlelt.on are now bllftl to1d that tt w• a "hah• 1trln1" and th•1 are W\Ctrtaln Ulldly What ft It that had cut lnto the d\Qd11 •xual orpll. u then " evtdtnc9 of child abu.e, a c:r1m1nal complalnt c:oWd be filed. Allo, U there ta a ahowtna of neaJJcence on the mother's part. the chUcl could be kept either ln a foeter hoine 01 ln the bane of a relative. Police tnveitlptore eald there 11 no evidence to 1how that Schmitz WM involved In the day to day care of the baby. Dr. Colin Hubbard, president of the Ora.nae County l>ed.t.atric Society, Mid ln an interview that lt la not unusual for atrandl of hair to became ttshtly wound around a youna child'• appendaaee such. u a toe or a finger. Dr. Hubbard aho aatd that hair could become tangled around the penis. "Thil can be a natural, normal phenomenon," the physician said. However. Dr. Hubbard Mid he could not comment on the specific injuries suffered by the 13-month-<>ld child becauae he had not examined the child himaelf. *** ACTOR DIES -Actor Vtc Morrow, a tar of TV'1 old '1Combat11 aeries died when a helicopter crashed early today in Caatalc while flllnlng a Vietnam War acene. Vic Morrow, 2 children die in crash CASTAIC (AP) -Actor Vic Morrow, the atar of TV'1 old "Combat" aeries, and two Vletname9e chlldren were kill~ today wnen a helicopter crashed during filmlng of a Vietnam War ICelle in an ilolated de21ert park. authorities Mid. PATERNITY PROOF • • • The helicopter carrying a camera crew waa hlt by debris from simulated warfare and crashed into a eet reernbllng a Vietnamese vlllage where a f~-part movie baled on the old ''Twilight Zone" televiaion .erie.s WU being filmed, Los Anaelee County ti.re Inspector DeWitt Morgan Mid. of the child questioned. The female child remains in Miaa Stucltle'a C'Ultody. 'Ibe cue 11 under invet1tigatJon by county llOCiaJ 1ervtce workers, the district attorney'• ottke and the police in Tustin. where Mill Stuckle resides. a . Schmits has made no cnrect public comment on the CMe. Morrow, 51, and two ch.Udren he was c.arrytna in his anns died when the main rotor hlt them, a county fire official aaid. MANAGING EDITOR • • • From Page A1 He came to Orange County in 1956 to become news editor of the old South Cout Newa ln Laguna Beach. He has served In editors' poaitlona with the Orange County Register, Orange Dally l News, La Habra Star and \ Anaheim Bulletin. He fint joined r the Daily Pilot staff in llk56 aa auiatant managing editor and later served the paper aa promotion director and Sunday editor. M~ waa the first oui.lde public relations direcior for Costa Mesa's annual Fiah Fry. He abo served four 1eaaona aa public relations d.lrector for the Orange County Fair and wu producer- director of the Orange County Home Show. Then~ managing editor I.a a fonner ~dent of the Orange County Club and an early member of the Orange County Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. the national IOdety oi joumallaU. In 19'79-80, Mccann waa journallsm and creative writina to'Yireaor af Artesfa ChrtatJan ep, Artesia, N .M. ''Tom McCann brings a depth of~toour~ editor's chair and a wide knowfedae of tl't Pranae Coa5t and Its people." Murphine aaio. "We are delighted to have him in th1a key pcmdon of respomlbthty as we strive to expand anC:: improve the Daily Pilot.'' OVERWEIGHT about one h o ur , an FBI 1pokesman laid. The robber fled with about $4,000 from thoee holdups. On March 26, agents believe the aame man WM reaponstble for the robbery of a Costa Mesa office of Securi\y Padtlt at noon, and a Barclays .Bank in Fountain Valley 20 mlnuta later. The 1poltesman aaid Orange County apparently I.a a change of territory for "Humphrey Pennyworth." He al8o la believed to have held "P five Loa Angele1 County banks in early 1981, striking tn Torrance, Cerritos, La Mirada, Downey and HawaUan Gardena. A bit cloudy The Forecast For a..m. EDT R.tnl/ll s.-~ ~-Flurries~ Temperatott.s Verlebl• high cloudlne n . lllgtrtly c:oOlet. Coutel lllgh mld-70e, Inland ._ 90e. eo.t.i IOw ml6-e09. kllend UC>!* 80e. Water e7 Marine tor~ call kw light ~ wtncta nlgM and morning houre becoming aouthwHI to ..i 10 10 11knOU1n .nemoone. Two to 3-foot wind wn•• afternoon•. Two to 3·1001 ~erty ...... PatCfly .-1y morning low~ and log ak>rlG IOUth co.at. CKNr'MM .,.,,.. hlG'I dOudlneea. .. LA .. ee 12 911 ... 30 111 51 11 ee .~ 92 tll .31 " 70 .21 9S 75 .13 1111 n .01 92 65 91 74 53 92 43 S7 55 70 14 .3:1 Ill 75 14 12 ee a 99 5t 91 79 92 M .eo 84 71 .2t 113 58 75 e& .oe 83 10 ue 55 12 92 72 81 57 .03 91 78 75 ee .24 " 10 87 Ill 79 118 75 ea 100 72 ,. ee IO S3 .. 81 lltU ~ .,, .01 t2 1t ,,, It J'D " 1t 1.17 to 7' .02 .. ., .... 103 t1 • 112.N 11 11 .11 H 71 81 75 .so .. 11 .03 10 81 .11 eo ea 11" ... t2 74 1.82 .. 72 eo n 92 87 911 71 17 70 92 71 .71 .. 71 .01 102 11 .oe .. ee 71 57 .21 80 S7 70 83 .40 t1 78 ..... 27 ... , 11 n 100 n .. 71 n 51 .. 71 .. 1' ., .. • 74 7t IO lllf IEPIRT Tides TODAY ~low 5·et p.m. ~ hlgtl mldnlgM IATUM>AY u u Finl IOw 8:59 a.m. ..0.4 Finl hlah 1:34 p.m. 4,7 8-ld low 7:03 p.m. 2.0 Sun Hit 8:01 p.m., rlHI 8e1urdey 5:58 a.m. Moon Mii 10:S3 p.m.. ,.._ 811urdey 10: 115 e.m. Smog l Crean naminatio)l expensive fl.!B:'n" In What 11 believed to be one of the moat ••penatve conar ... tonal prlmatlft ever. travei.traller mapate Johnnie R. a.n apent mon than '80(),000 tylnf up the Republican nom nation In the 4Std ~Diatrict. EXpend!tw. repot1I filed wtth the '9dera1 !'Jee~ Conunlmton in Wuhlnp>n, D .C., ahow CrMn •pent •eoD, 740 In hi• 92-vote victory over hh nearut competitor ln t.he crowded 18-candldate fleld. Second-plac• flnlaher Ron Packard, the former mayor of Cullt.d who hu announced he wW run u a write-in candidate ln Novem.,.r, apent U 'la.678 durinf the primary contest, aocordina to the repcna. While Crean apent clo.e to $~9 for each of the 13,761 votes he received in both Orange and San Dteao count1et1, Packard spent a little more than $12 each for hil 13,699 votes, an analysis of the election atatlatica reveals. Other top flniahera whose reports have been recorded by FEC officials are third-place finisher Bill McColl, who apent $379,281, and Deborah Szekely, who reported expenditures totaling '459,408. Szekely placed From Page A1 fcutb in h btt1erly conwiect ~ .. ..,. Dlftuualki aicnlnee Roy "Pat" Ardwl' .,..,, -than t&a,000 dwi.n& hii campai8h and wu not req\lfred '° m.-tb• detalled ~~"e top flmlhera in the GOP primary reUed heavUy on penanal ClOntribuUona to fund tMlt cam~ effona. ~ to the l'JlC l'eP9J'tl, Crean lent hll campatp S502,: 600; Ste~ lcfcked In '360,000; McColl loaiied ht• oampatan •2a2 ,ooo ; and Packard conut.bu~ $70,000 to h.ta own primary bid. Marred by accuaation1 01 mucl~, the GOP primary degenerated into a topey·tu.rvy free-for-all among the 18 candidates vyt.na for the coveted GOP nomination. '!'he eventual winner of the GOP primary ln the district, which includes heavily Republican portion.a of aouthem Orange and northern San Diego counties, wu believed to be an easy winner ln the November l(eneral election. However, Packard announced he would mount a wrlte-in challenge to the GOP nominee because of the queation11ble campaign tactics Crean is accused of employing ~~-the primary and becauee be beu.v. ~ WM aci.nptinc to "buy'' the 4Jrd dlatr1ct Bou. .. t. Both CreAn. who ii vaeaUonlna in a.&rope1 and Peck.ant, who w.. ~ortea to be tntlDI Cb• deal waten ln w~ .C., thlt week, were not available to comment on their expenditure reports. From Page A1 OIL • • • potential for cataatrophlc oil apllla. • Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. also leveled a bll.a1ertng wtbAl attack apinlt Watt, aaytna he ls suilty of "promiscuoua vtoJadon of the publlc trust." The governor also said "Mr. Watt la full of b1loney," and ii a "liability to the president -It's about time the president put him on a short leu6 and got him off our backs." California'• auit, filed by state Attorney General Georae Deukmeji.an. oppoees oil dtWlng in parts of Humboldt, San D&eco and Santa Cruz counties, Santa Monica Bey and the zone off Newport and t.a,una. RENT PROTEST • • • Watt, in adopUng the leuing program. Mid Wednelday that it would be carried out under "rl1orou1 environmental control a." The plan calls for open.Ins l bllllon acre.. an area equal to half the land mus of the U S.1 for leasing. Not that much land would be leased, but Watt said he hopea to leaae up to 12 million acres annually. The moat offahore acreage ever leased before was 2.2 million acres last year. Strauaa, Paul Hummel and Evelyn Hart attended. Mary Ann Gaido from the Irvine City Council also was there. Wambaugh, who lived on leaaed land on Linda Ille, moved a couple of blocks away in January, panly to get off the leued land, he said. Wambaugh vowed to continue lighting the Irvine Company, even though he has moved off leased property. The fighting mood was heavy ln the party room. The company was accuaed by men wearing black tuxedos and solid gold watches of being "greedy." Women lipping chilled chardonnay said over and over how groesly "unfair" the whole thing WU. Said one man surveying the elegantly dreaaed crowd, '"The people who can afford it came here tonight. But a lot of people can't even afford a $50 ticket and didn't come." Several Gucci watches were giVen away as door priz.ea aJonc with a balloon ride, monosrammed beach towels and a bottle of cnuiben'y liqueur. But nobody left the ballroom empty-handed. On the table were white bottles of Committee of 4000 shampoo guaranteed "to wash the Irvine Comoa.ny right out of your hair.r. In addition to the lawsuit, n!90lutiona aeek.ing to owrtum the leasing program were introduced in the Senate and Hou.e Wednesday. Daredevil arrested DALLAS (AP) -A stock clerk who perched on a 560-foot tower for four hours, then was arrested for crtmlnal trespau after climbing down, said the stunt was a plea for people to help charitable cauaes. Rusaell Reimer, calling himself "The Dallas Phantom," launched paper airplanes to hundreds of people gathered below u he sat underneath the obeervation deck of Reunion Tower in downtown Dallaa. Color Graphs Found to Increase Management Productivity The typical executive today ls in a state of conflict. Most executives operate on the premise they learned In ·graduate business school: "more information leads to better decisio ns." The computer age has cauaed a proliferation of analysia but left the executive without enough time to pro perly assimilate auc h . Recent research has shown that information in color graph fonn can aubetantlally reduce the executive's assimilation time and Increase thei r comprehension of infonnation for decision-making . The Wharton Applied Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania waa oommisaioned by the 3M Company to conduct raearch to determine if there were any differences in buainels meetings between ualng overhead transparencies and a white board with felt tip pen.a. The findings showed diatinct advantages of using color graphs. • 28" average savings ln ~ meeting time : • higher likelihood of ;· reaching a OODMIVUI chooee the colors and provide the data; InfoGraphics• does all the rest! There are two locations for the InfoGraphlcs Service in Orange County: the GraphJcs One store in Costa Mesa on Harbor JJ<>ulevard run by ., .... , 1t4.0JO ~.oze ""'·-"°'·°" 111.011 ~"·eu .i1.u1• .... 111 John and Chris Overrend and the Graphics One stor~ in lrvtne on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg. Drop by the next time you need to make up a alide or overhead transparency presentation in a hurry. Tht' typi<'ll execull~ todey doesn't havt' Umt' to 119111mit.i.. the Information needed for dedll.orwnaJdna. TEST COMPANY •tt.. ... ,1 c 'f"""'~,...,.,..c • the presenter ualng the . overh~•d tran1parencle1 E WM thought of u more credible and profetllionally ~ h -~·~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~ Inf oGra ph lea Inc. of .. .,., ------------------- Newport Beach now ottena ; ·-~---------=-------f;":"';":=:;i;D both an euy to u. aervb 't '"" ·~~ .. ~' and a computer •Y•tem to .: .: facilltate th• t....W..Uon of ~. numerlcal tn1ormatlon Into ' color graph form for buaineea pte1entation1. The color ,raphl are available ln hard copy luer pdntina. 36mm 1l1dea. and overhead tran1parencle1 . The uniquerMm of the lnfoGrapJl • S.Mce ... ltl clmplldty .. a reault of th• D••l•n ~eott .. ~. Tbh ad•ancement automatn th• Mleetlon of which format (bara, pt11, Unll, turfa ':&etc.) .... Wblcb la1out horiaont.al milJJOrNlklill ......... ........ "" ........ ) ... repr...--. tlut da&a la .. -·111:7' z.-Yau_., 0 DI• ..._.s tn the form Oi • GOiar ._. pnnfltd ~· pldan la ¥tlUll. conda, ..... .-J.·iUJldlntood, VISIT ONE OJ' OUR LOCATIONS, LEA VE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A PREE OOPY OF 3M'1 GUIDE "A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUStNESS MANAGEMENT PRODUcrrvtTY." ~-s.Wle cm... ln Orar_\19 Coun~ I I HIDAY JUL Y ' 111'!.' ' 0.-,,... ........ ~ca.,...._ GALA CONVERSATION Author Joseph Wambaugh chatted with Barbara Young, chairman of the Committee of 4000. at the spangled Black and White Ball Thursday night. Posh protest Black tie all air in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD of ttie OellJ Not Ii.ff They drifted into the dimly lit hotel ballroom. Many of the men wore ruffled shirts with their tuxedos and the women were in evening dresses. The wine flowed. The big band struck up a nost.alg!c tune. It seemed that everyone who was anyone W&I there. Welcome to a rent protest, Newport Beach style. • Organized by the Committee oT4000, the Black and White Ball Thursday night at the Newport Beach Marriott attracted more than 350 luminaries who paid $50 each to attend the gala event. It was, perhaps. the ritziest rent protest ever held. Sarbara Young, leader of the group fighting the Irvine Company's plans to increase the price of land leases for a reported 4,000 people living in Newport Beach and Irv i ne , proclaimed the evening a success. "The party shows the support of the pillars of the community," said Ms. Young. Indeed, many notables showed. J . Robert Fluor, chief executive officer and chairman of Fluor Corp., was not there. But he had purchased half a table. The other half was paid for by the company's senior-vice· presi dent , George .Mefferd. "We 're here as individuals in support of the Committee of 4000," said Mefferd, whose Linda Isle home is on leased land. Dave Tappan. president of Fluor, said he was there to find out more about the lssue.. "It's a good party," he aaid. "Everyone's gothg to have a good time." And they did. Price Quote ~ I.., Marker value ... fl# SUDSY SOLUTION - Shampoo was souvenir for protesters. Following a dinner of roast sirloin topped off with ice cream with raspberry sauce, couples danced to the soothing ' aounds of the Big Band Commotion. Barbara Amstadter and Warren John•on, co- chairpersons of the gala ball, were there. So wu George Thagard, Swerin Wunderman (part-owner of Gucci), writer Joeeph Wambaugh, Lou Scott, Harry Johnaon and Harry Baker. On the political aide: Newport Beach City Council members Don (See RENT, Pap A!) TELEVISION ' 'Roses in December' airs PBS' .. Bolles in December" 11 the story of how a giving woman ended up a vict1m of Ei Salvador'• dvil war. Page C6. KNBC news 'overhauled' The evening new1 on KNBC i1 getting an overhaul, starting with "LA at 4" on Channel 4. TV Lot. NATION • • • ·11111111m1•111m OHAN< ~r couN 1 v , "' If OHNIA 25 CtNTS Coast cities laud suit Newport, Laguna say cha1lenge needed to halt lease sales llY PATRICC J. KENNEDY or ... o.., ......... Ottida1a of LAluna s.ch and Newport Beech today applauded a lawault filed by California, Alaaka and •ven environmental groups challengln1 Interior Secretary James Watt'• plan to open the U.S . coaat11ne to offshon oil drtlllna· Kenneth 0.Uno, Mliltant to the city rnana1tr ot Newport Beech. qreed. ''Th11 (lawsuit) sounds comlltent with the city'• lon1-1tandln1 pollcv on thia lalue," De.lino aatd. r•we have environmental and economic concema In our city that could be damaaed by off.shore drtlllna." aocta1 pro1ram1 and other 1overnment operattona to the local level, but in this cue Its not lnterHted ln 1tvtn1 local control," ahe u.id. Watt announced his flve-yee.r plan WedneadJy that would offer 1 bWlon offahore aaw ln 41 aa1ea to be held from Augutt of th.la year throuah June 1987. with the pomtble envtronmental ~er before-has such a mallive tumoVel' of federal Landa to private lnteruu been pro~." aafd Sarah Cham, an attorney for the Naturat RaowU9 DefeNe Council, one of the groups brlnclng 1uit. "I'm really dellahted," aaid Sall>' Bellerue, mayor of IAguna Beach. "Thia blanket aale of offahore oU leuea needl to be challenged because It doean't consider environmental damase to local areas." Ma. Bellenae a1IO criticized the Healan Adminiatration for what lhe aakl wu violating Its own phlloaophy of giving more government cont.rol to states and munidpelltles. "It'• ironic that the .runlnlatratton wants to return But on Thursday, the challe~ lawsuit WU filed ln the U.S . Court of Appeals, charlinl that Wbatt'• prosram falls to properly balance the DOtential for find.inc oil and. ~- "No area of the outer continental shelf ii excluded from the leaainj achedule for environmental reuona," she u.id. The environmental aroupa aid l they were worried about tbe <See on.. Pace Al) Schmitz case set for quiz By DAVID KUTZMANN t of'tM 0.-, ..... '""' Tustin police investigators were scheduled to question a surgeon today who they believe can tell them if injuries suffered by an infant boy -alleged to be the aon of state Sen. John G. Schmiu -were accidentally or intentionally inflicted. .l_.Q._..4...._-__________ CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH ..... ....,. C.l.H.WIMH H•ftt 9TATI 0, CALl~O .. HIA '"lllU cili\.o .... ...... c. •• ~ ..... .......... : ,_ •tOOLI r e '" un Oll.\HGE : tC Utt Schlllitz BKl10 Pt411 30 0 0 '31'82 '~" UINf•O ...... .-..c, ... U n touu ...... e .IM U fMU Wisconain ~o .0 SUH Of' l lH .. .. , ...... , .. ,. Sveden 42 f t•t lll•'f ... tJlllf ,. C•lt.t ·,,~ : UC Mtt tJot•M : un.ll l981 Ill UClett ..... ,, • U( .. ,, ••••• ,_I] I'/ c 027394 Oran e "He's the one who's going to be able to tell us if it was intentional or accidental," Police Capt. Woody Williams said this morning. The surgeon was identified as Dr. Igal Silber of Children's Hospital of Orange County. He's the physician who operated on the 13-month..old child tut week after doctors discovered the baby'• pen1a waa nearly .evered from bavin1 a ••hair string" wound Ugh tly around lt. COUNTY RECORDS -Birth certificates for John George Bostrom, above, and Eugenie Wilhelmina Bostrom list John George Schmitz as father of the children. Name not proof of paternity Schmitz name on birth certificates signed by Carla Stuclde The injury WU detected aft.er the child'• mother. Carla J . Stuckle, 43, of 1\iatin askeCi a Jfedtautctan To txamtnE -i~ infant. (See SENATOR, Page Al) By Jl'&EDERICK SCBOEMEBL or ... Drlllr .... ...,. It la poulble, although exceedtnaty rare, 'for btrth oertificata to bear an erroneoua name for the father of the child Tom McCann takes Pilot editing post Veteran Orange County newsman Tom McCann haa been appointed new managing editor of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, it was announced today by Editor Tom Murphine. McCann's appointment is effective today, Murphine said. He replaces Charles H. Loos, who has resigned after nearly 20 years on the newspaper staff. "We are very grateful to Chuck Loos for his years of dedicated service to the Daily Pilot in many posts, including education editor, assistant managing editor and managing editor," Murphlne said. "We wish him the very be9t in his future endeavors." McCann, ~3. most recently served with Oranee Coast Publiahing Company as editor of the company's two weekly newapapera, Irvine Mirror and Mission Viejo Mirror. He hu guided both papers since their inception and will continue at present to oversee the publications. McCann began his newspaper career with the Cincinnati Post. (See MANAGING, Pace A!) COUNTY OellJ ,... ..... Phoee NEW M.E. -Tom McCann, a lonatime newmnan in Orange C.owity, bu been promoted to managln& editor of the Orange C.OUt Daily Pilot. One-man art sbow The one-man art exhibit by David Amico will continue at the Newport Hubor Art Muaeum until Sept.~. Weekender. Sand, surf, scripture mix A group of Northern c.utomiana m1x 1181ld, surf and acrlpture at Big Corona Beach each weekday by prerenting puppet lhowa and lkita for children. Pap Ill. \ in qu.d.on. lllCCOl'dina to Orange County Clerk-Recorder Lee Branch. Branc:b aaid-toda}' that tilt father'• name on a birth certificate is not proof of paternity. Any exact paternity determination must be made though court action, Branch said, if temity la questioned.. ~ near!y all c:aea, Branch said, it is the mother who provides the birth certificate information. mcluding that of the identity of the father. For the birth certificates on file for two children alleged to be the illegitimate offspring of state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, it was the mother, Carla Stuclde, who signed them. Such information is not provided under penalty of perjury. Instead, the fonn reads, "I certify that I have reviewed the stated infonnation and that it la true and correct to the best of my knowledge." Either parent c.an sign a birth certificate. ln nearly all cues, however, It is the mother who signs. Branch said. A doctor al.so may siin. he noted. Branch said he ia aware of rare l.natancea in which a man who ls not the child's father ls lilted as the father on birth certificates. He said there also have been ca1e1 In which the word "unknown" la written under the title "father" on a state Certificate of Live Birth. "The woman can put any name on It. She doesn't need anyone'• permiulon," Branch uld. Schmitz, a lelf-dacrlbed right wtna activist and anti-abortion cru&lldet, ls listed u the father of INDEX SPORTS John Gecqe eo.taom. bam June 10, 1981, and EucenJe Wllhemi.na Bostrom born last June 30. MiH Stuclde hH claimed &bmiu is the father of both children. Schmiu and hi.a wile Mary have Md seven childttn. The male c.hild of MJaa Stuckle la now at a county home for dependent children.. The child was placed there over Schmit&' protests by a superior court judge after a penile Injury was discovered and the mother's care (See PATERNITY, Pase A!) FBI seeking overweight hank robber By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or-. n.lr ""' ...,. FBI agents are seeking a man they call the "Humphrey Pennyworth Bandit," an overweight middle -ager suspected of robblna 10 banks Including three In Orange County a wttk ago today. The man la al.so ~ of robbtni banks in Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley last March. An FBI 1pokemrw\ aafd the nickname Is derived from a rotund comic strip character the auapect reaemblea In photographs taken by bank cameras. In the most recent Incidents. the man robbed Security Pad.fie Bank offices In Huntinaton Buch, Santa Ana and Garden Grove all within the apace of (See OVERWEIGHT, Pqe Al) I t ,- 1 IHI S.I" Cllt ,.. I "°' Ci.M '"ttjr:e 3 i~· i fi": 11 U1 "' •; ~ '"'~ .~ " 1 , 11,1 r~. : tr a ,, lru 1• I '""" I 11 1 " •..• n .... ,.,Old• ui.. l<o II Ir » , . UJ t"' + \'t ii n 1 ' • 1 ... twt g '4 11 JU:~ 'IU n I .1 . 1• :m• i. t , , • • .... .. 2 • tlill -.. •lr 1 ' let ..... .... Mn ·*'•"-IM fl I ~-1111 ~~I· .!!i,2~ ~~;:: $;;;;,.11G .:.J 7 fi t1 o,, .... ~: liO It~' .... I;'~ '°' 7 n ""'-.., S'mlfW I 110 II la. • 11111 svau• it • ""'• "" -T-T -TDK n toe l• .. , ;e+I rrc;o 1 • 1 ff ..... Tiii. I IS I \.\-Ye TJIW UO t I I Sf -.... TltW pr f '° , I "-... T•< ... I 1 U It . ''"'"' ., • ao ,, ... • "-t.ri.v 11 •"'> Taller pl I f ''-+ .... ,.,_.... 1n• JI • T nclV<ll 11 12 I~ 'to T<llclr 17 4 1• 10\oli ••.. teklm• I 11 1n1 ...... s Tel<om n 1"' hlO-S 13S4 n • ... + "" Telea • 10' ,._._ ._. hn11<0 2.0 s1m 2'h •'"' ~=~ 11,. :: ~~ + IVt Tetoro «> • 1• """ ~ T•-llf21' n n huc;o J • '3t ,, .. _ ,,. T•AB< nl n • If 2t TnCm I 10 • 111 "'· ..... TUE>I Jto S JU ..... • "° hETpl7«1 J ~. '• T•Elf J t7 • ni,, TUG t 12 4 •1 14 • I Tutnd tOb I SJ I~ .... TOlllll 2 n t09 .. + ~ THll\1 05 t2 ZOU tl<o • ~ TaNM1 1 OI I 4 ti~ '" TaOG• 11 10 1'3 , • ._ • ''• hi'« JO 10 , IA.+ ... Te1Vlll 2 CW • llts n'°' r .. 111n 11 n •. THI""' I ID S 201 "'°' \, Tealr pl JOI S 20111-"' THlr Pl I 40 ,. J dlSlh-''• T,,.O . 4 1\lo • "" TllrE n I 140 dlS'"' +. TlllGtll I JO 14 61.. ... '- TllMa.t J 12 12 4ol 41\oo ''' ,_.,,,,, -... 101.o+ .. ThmMd tOe 6 '6 ...... ,,., Tllrlllv .ID 1 Ill ..... ... TIC .. o I 20 S 3 .. ...__ 'I• TIOwtr WI A 11• I~ llo Tl~rtn tJI '"" . 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S '"" 1~\oo -v-v- ""• 11o v,.~ 2.«> • ..,., ~. v. 16 v• 111 • ., 1t11o .. • e111'.;''°' YlleYln 40 • n o~ .... nth 141 VtnOnl 1.12 6 6 12~-141 1J'llt Vllf'CO 12 l .. d J~-'-,..,..._ '°' Varfan U f1 9' ,.-. • '"' .. -.v-., .... , .. ...... .. . = 20 1l ... 11-.. .. " -~ V.Se U•• :. r, ,~!_" "' t ..... OOW Jones Final OFiF 1.43 CLOSING 830.57 GTE sets charge for late payment LOS ANOELES (AP) -General Telephone Co. of California cuatomen who were late paytna their billa will be charaed a fee of U5 percent ~ next month, lll what may be the nation'• tint such penalty charge. The fee, approved by the state Public Utilltiet Commi11lon, la belnf announced ln the Santa Monica-hued company a July billa to lta 2.5 million customers. The PUC approved the char&e u part of the company's rate-lncreue package. Chargea will be made on any unpaid balance carried to the next month'• bill. Billa are due and payable within 15 days of receipt, but the late chargea usually can be avoided if payment is received before the next month'• bill la mailed, the oompeny said. Fluorocarbon buys firm The Flurocarbon Co. of Laguna Niguel said today It signed an agreement to purchase the UAP Componenta subsidiary of Uruted Aircraft Producta. The purchaae price is $1 million in tenTlS, cash and notes. The business is located in Colwnbia. S.C., where operatJona will remain. UAP Component.I will become part of Flurocarbon's mechanical seal division. Jim McCrone, chief engineer of the mechanical seal division, will move to South Carolina to become general manager. AirCal executive named Jack J . Woodlock of Huntington Beach haa been named vice president-finance and chief financial officer for AirCal of Newport Beach. Woodlock. 51, will be responsible for the airline'1 daily financial and aocoun~ operations. Woodlock succeed.a Andre C. Dimitriadis who left in May to become chief financial officer at Western Airlines. Woodlock joins AirCal after 13 years with Continental Airlines aa vice president and treasurer. NEC acquires programs National Education Corp. of Newport Beach ha9 ~ agreement m principle with Scholastic Inc. to acquire and market ae.veral textbook progf'enw puolished by Scholastic. The acquisition Is expected to add more than $4 million in annual revenues to the company's Steclc- Va hn publishing division. ~e purchase, to be completed Oct. l, was made for an undiacloaed amount of cash and notes . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK IAPI· Sllff, J p.m prlo elld net <,,_.. al IM llllM" mot! «II,,. ,..,.., York !iloO t:•<,,.~ II~. 11"".01"9 __ .. , .. -,_ ,, E oon l.IH.11l0 2t"1 '> Of'e'\I I r'ld 7 .. , 100 9'"-• '"' Gen -ors , ... ooo o~. '" Amer T~ T •71.000 »'• '• TftlollOI SJ7,60ll 44 \oo ~er11 GO S1J.11l0 H 1\o UnOllC.t 07,900 '7 ,:= ~~r.:.::..o ~:r: ~1• • 1 .... Pllrer •11,.00 SI'-Jw H119f!H'TI Cll llOO 1"'-I• ConEdl\I\ t ,,.,11l0 11 • • • tlM ll'.loOO .... H•lltiurtn )41, 100 1l'• • '"' Sony ~P a.1.t00 12w UPS AND DOWNS Pc.t. VP 14' VP •• Up 9-1 Up 1.S Up I J Up 1 J Up 71 Up 1.0 VP U VP 6.1 VP •.S Up LS U• U Up U Up •o Up U \Jp ~· Up H Up S.I Up U Uo S1 VP H VP SS Up Sf Up jf AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nont ... '°"" l'Mlal pnc. 1odey c...., 7~75 cent• • pound, u.s Oeellnallone. LMd 28-29 cen11 • pound Dnc 37_.0 centa a poutld. dellvw" Tift S& 06&4 Metala Week compoel19 lb. ~ 1&-n gent. a pound, H 'f ~ '370 00 P4" llelll ,..,..._ 12$1.00 troy m., N.Y. SILVER Ha11dy & Harmen, 17.210 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ' .. ..