HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-30 - Orange Coast PilotCRIMSON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misunderstood minority, Stephen Douglas, 28, of Mission Viejo has organized °""' ..... ~.,~ ..... an international club. Members frequently add color to parades. If you qualify, the "red line" is 951-1023. IY PHIL SNEIDERMAN °' ... .,.., ......... Two week• aao Fountain Valley bu1ine11man Roy En&Jebrecht ligned an apoeement with the Hunttnston Beach Union Hlsh School District for the riaht to televile a1x local ht&h tchooI football games live thil fall over cable television. Enalebrecht aald the project woulCl be the f lnrt time ln the nation that high school sports would be offered on a pay-per- view bul1 over cable. It was expected to senerate thousand's of dollars in revenue for the school district and c able companies. But Englebrecht'• dream project abruptly collapsed Thunday when he was unable to conclude an agreement with Dick.lnaon Pacific Cablesystema, the West Orange County company through which Englebrecht had hoped to offer the games. contsdent th.la II a concept that wUl work. We'll have to wait another yeer to find out.'' Tlte bUatne9lrnan had agreed to 1uarantee the hi1h 1ehool diltrict •1 ,000 for the right to televise 1lx football 1amea lnvolvlns dll\rlct achooh. He plannea to charge cable aubacrlbera $25 to view five contest., with the 1ixth 1ame (See CABLE, Pase A!) Kin given custody of Alaia kids The two young children of J.Jr. Lou.is A.laia, who wit.neaed their father fatally stab their mother and a Lons Beach lawyer two yean ago in Huntinston Beach, have been turned over to the custody of relatives in Ohio by a Santa Ana judge. AirCal says it'll match PSA fares Residency request rejected Englebrecht and the cable company releued the followins f..1nt statement late Thursday: 'After many positive meetlnp. the Englebrecht Company and Cablesystema have mutually agreed to auapend negotiaUona on this ambitious project for the aeaton. "Due t o the lack of time needed to sell the concept 2_ro~rly, Cablesystema and the Englebrecht Company feel it ii ln the best interest of all parties to delay Uve cablecaatins of high school football for the time being. The ruling came Thunday in Oranae County Superior Court followlnJ a two-day hearing before Judge Phillip E. Cox. Marc and Maria Alaia, 13 and 11, had been In the care of foster parents in Fountain Valley since their mother, Margy Lou Alaia, 37, was killed in June 1980. Motion denied in West County judicial election issue Officiab at NewPort Beach-baaed AlrCal said that the carrier will match lower tare. on Southern California-San Francl1co bJy area routH announced Wectn.day by rival Pedftc Southwest Airlinm. PSA. in a move that cauaht. tndumy competiton like Air<::al by IUr'pl'ta, announced lt WU a&tting 1111 regular one-way fare on the routes to $45 from $49. The new fares are effective Tuesday. A1rCal imrMdiately resf)Onded by matching the new PSA fare on routes on which the two carriers directly compete, such as Orange County-San Francisco and Lot A.Jiaeles-San Jme. AirCal alao announced that It ia dropping advance purchase requirements for di8count fares on other routes ln Its five-state route system. Lower fares on some other routes alao were announced. . .• Like PS.A. AirCal la offeriJls in AUl'JSt free passage to children between the ages of 2 to 11 who fly with a paytn,{ adult over the _(See LOWER, Pace .U> By DAVID KUTZMANN ot"hO..,Notl .... A superior court judge has rejected an attempt by West Orange County Municipal Court Juct,e Joanne Harrold'• attorney to have California's residency requll'erpenta for juria1I declared unciomtltuUonal. Judge Ronald Owen turned down the motion by attorney Eleanor Stemeer without City's 'wet streak,. ends WAYNESBURG, Pa. (AP) - Sunny skies dampened "Rain Day" fes1iv1tlea In this aouthwest Pennsylvania town, where the lack of a single drop of rain snapped a six-year wet streak. It bu rained here every July 29 for the last six years, and 93 times in the last 107 years. But no rain fell Thunday. John Daily, who carried a red and white umbrella in hopes of a drizzle, lost a golf hat in a wager that the tradltion would hold, But he took the dry weather in stride. Parking r _amp eyed By STEVE MITCHELL °' .. Deir ......... It took a steep rent increaae on a lemed parking lot ln Laguna Beech to convince city officials to study future parking needs ln the traffic-choked town. 'nie result: A ~.000 plan from a CONU.ltant that reoommenda a 3 ~ -atory parkin8 structure be constructed on the city-owned Glenneyre Street parking loL Lasuna Beach currently operates eeven parking lot.a ln the downtown aector, of which four are leased to th~ city by landowners. Earlier this year, a Pasadena bank which owns a 28-apace lot on Ocean Avenue negotiated a rent inc:rea8e with the dty that will lee Laguna paying $30,360 per year for the lot instead of the '6,000 current annual fee. And, since leases on the other three privately owned lots expire within the next five years, the City Council quickly formed a parking committee to explore means of expanding ~guna's BUSINESS What's .new in business Newa of promotions, eaminp and activitiee of Oranp O>unty bullnemes appears on Pace 84. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -Predd'ent Reagan Mid ~the United Stata wtll dJlc\m with the Soviet Union a pomlble one-~ extenllon and e>CJ)anli.on of Uw two natklm' pain ialee qreement. But he did not flatly approve a condnuatlon of the pact and ruled out, at Mi for now. any new. Jona·term deal. Ta% credita for women t Sen. Jtnmlah Dlnton ot AJatmna wanta tpeClmJ tu credtta for women 10 they won't hllYe to work out•ld• the tiome for financial reHon1. The. 0 rea1anabl7 i'Mted'' woman AllO could 1erve her bullbmd a COUPie of mu1lnJa. P-ae A-4. • comment ThurSclay durtna the fourth day of proceedings to determine If Harrold'• election victory on June 8 should be nullified. The lep.l action wu brou,ht by Dan Charles Dutcher,• Saftta Ana attorney, who finlabed a distant leCOnd to Harrold in the election but who dahned 1n hia lawsuit the Westminster judp was not a Ie1al resident of Orange County. Harrold hu claimed that she always considered benelf a legal resident of the county even though she hu owned homee in Riverside. ,# Her attorney, aeeking to have the case d.ismlaed. argued that c ourts and constitutional amendments in recent yean have stricken requirements that public employees must live ln the same city or county where they work. But a WeatmJnster attorney, representing Dutcher, contended It was "laughable" not to require judges aa elected offlciala to meet residenc7 requirements. "Becauae i you follow that (no residency rules), what happena to government 'of the people and by the people'," he uked. Election codes now require a jud.ictal candidate be a re9ident of the county ln which he or ahe la running for at least 54 days prior to the election. Judo Harrold has claimed she lived ln a •2-mllllon home in ~Beach deeded to her by her ~and mother, Arylne l•n e of Walminater. She said lhe ~ llvin& there in late Pebl'uary of thla year. Owen refused to grant lmmu.nity to a notary public who tnvoMd her Fifth Amendment ri8hla ~ eelf-lncrim.lnation when lbe WM called to telUfy on the notariration on the deed. (See-ltJOOE, Pqe--A!) " ... Ctbleaystema and the Englebrecht Company believe that becau.e of the position that Sunset Lea1ue Football holds in hiCh IChool dreles, th1a idea has merit for future oonaideration. ,, Englebrecht noted that no money ha yet been collected from aut.rlben, and no money has been spent on advertising the programming. "l 'm disappointed," EncJebrecbt said in an interview after the joint statement wu released. "l 'v._ ,a!wa)ts been Both she and attorney Marvin Tincher, 60, were attacked in Mn.. Ala.la's Huntington Harbour home. Alaia, a noted orthopedic aurpon, was 11entenced to eight yean and eight months in state pruon after pleadins guilty to two count1 of voluntary manslaughter. The pleaa were entered after a._ len&ihy and htghJy pubHcUec:t- trlal that included testimony by M..-c and Maria. Though court offidals retu.ed to comment on ThW"lday'a ruling because juvenile matters are <See A.LAU.. Pace .u~ ID perking inventory. T h e c o m m i t t e e ·h l re d International Parkin& DeailJl, lnc. of Sherman Oaks to study the Glenneyre lot (between Laguna Avenue and Legion Street) aa a potential site for a parking structure. 1#9' ..... That city-owned parcel currently has a capacity for 92 vehicles on the uphalt lot, whJch haa a frontaae of 325 feet on Glenneyre Street. 'T'h., consultant's report (See LAGUNA. Pa•e .U) IN THEIR CUPS -On a day when the world•• pre11 carries phow,rapha of the Prince and Princeea of Walet with their baby, Prince Willi.am. OM enterpdllng Cambridp company has made caricature IOUvenil'I of the royal trio 1n ea cup form. 1be let ?etalls for $21. COUNTY Lons walk down coast P~ ~ ~ Beech th1t week was a Canadian walklna from Brlti1b ColumbJa to Argentina. Pace Bl. A nightclub for ldda Circul Cln:ua la a nlchtdub when you are carded and lf you are over 21, you're turned away. Weekender. · OCC'• 'Promlaes' flelJYen INDEX At Your Servb A4 Bullnelt 84-.6 Cavalcade A7 Oa•Hied Dl-6 Comicl 82 O:Wiword 82 Death Nodcea C7 Editotlal AO l'.ntertainrmnt Weekender Hy Oardmr AT ~ AB Hon.cope A7 lntermlllioll We.kender SPORTS I .. l .. F .uoL Y FIGHT -Continuing the tradition of 19 summen of intramural competition among Disneyland employees, two of the top teams in Thursday's 19th Annual Canoe Race b Fina1a aplaiter the water of Frontierland's Rivers of America · all over each other ln the spirited contest held each yyr on · the ael~ day early in the mo~ prior to the par~'s DellJ ..... ,,.... W LM ,.,._ opening to raid vlsitora. Winning this year's competition was the team called Entertainment l (left) from Disneyland's entertainment division. Top women's division team was the Sophisticated Ladies (right) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the ~-mile run by the 10-member team paddling the 1,800-pound fiberglaaa canoe was four minutes, 9.63 seconds. CABLE PROGRAMS ... ldded aa a bonus lf 1ubecriben tllr*1 up before Sept. 20. MW' ccncl&.Mllnl iM I*" wtth th• hlah aehool dlatrlct. ~t MkS he anUdpaMd no dltfSculiy In c:oncludln8 an aarffrnent with Cablety1tem1 bicaUll he plaftn,iid to etioulder all flnandal n.a. Dtcklrwon Padflc Cablelytteml bu 26,000 1ub1crlbera In Huntln1ton Beach, Fountain Valley, We1tmln1ter and Stanton. The hSah achool district hu ICbooJa in all of the. dtlet except Stanton. But Cab~ offldall laid there wH too little time to determine whether there la enouah interest In the dtJes to make the htcb echool football telecMU pey OU. En1lebrecht 1ald he would reach a breek-even point on the project lf about 2,500 aubecrtbera paid the additional charge to view the hlah achool football pmea. Althoulh the cable company was nQt ~ uked to pick up • any of \he production co1t1, markettna director Rudl &n,el iald the company would haw 10 pu1 at.af f \lme f nto \hu p.rojlct and would be puttlna ltt re~taUon on the UM. 'We're 1ttll a fairly youn1 cable syatem.'' added Doualu Rook, the flrm'a aen•ral ~er. "We feel that by MXi year we mlght have • blgfer 1ubecrtber bue to Wotk with. Cable company offlciall altO admitted they have had very limited experience with pey-per- view prot!r'mln1. In tbll concept. 1u ben who pey the add I tlonal fee for special progra mmin1 receive a de9crambler device that enablel them to view lt. The welt munty firm has only Uled thla procedure once, for a boxing match televised last summer. Bu.11.neaman Englebrecht said he remains conflcfent that the projfid could work In the west couuty becau1e of the high Interest In Sunset League football competition. ALAIA . CHILDREN . . . PLO pressured to negotiate HB attorney suspended for 2 years conaldered confidential, It wu learned chat Susan Atala, the 1ur1eon•1 eecond wife, sough\ custocl)' CIC the chUd.ren. 'The..._ ruled, however, that Marc and Maria would go to live in Ohio with coua1ns of Margy. "'The ldda are agreeable to th.is," one of the childrena' foster parents said. Tuliin attorney Sonja Rhodes, ~ho represents the A1aia family, could not be reached for comment. It ia expected the children would leave next week for their new home. "They're doing just great." the childrens' foster father said "They·re in good ,hape .. I, '-egin claims U.S. has received no evacuation plan By 'fte Alaectasetll Preu l1 hraeH Prime Minister MeDllChem Belin w• quoted as a a y tn I to d a y that U . S . ndentlal envoy Phtllp C. & baa not received a tment from the Paltdne Liberation Organization to Jeeve Lebanon. •, He told Israeli PAttlament'a F-0relp Affairs and Securt\y ~mmlttee If there was no riegotlated 10lution IOOI'\, Ianiel would reeume iu bombin1 of PLO-held west Beirut or ~ af\ aaault on the city, Armed ,oroee Radio reponed. llrael'a 1tate rafilo quoted Begin u aayina the Palestine Liberation Organls.ation had dffered to withdraw to e~m Lebanon'a Bekaa Valley, from where the auemn-wouJd lat.er ~ evacuated to several Arab dlwltdea. · Habtb rejected the propoul and inlllted :he QUeft'Wu a&ould go 41ttctly to Syria and from there be distributed amonc Arab c:ountrt. ~ to tab them in. the ndJo qUoted ~ • ayl.nc. . Reporta from 'Beirut aaid a Lebaneee army offidal and PLO Chairman Yauer Arafat'• political advber had drawn up a tentative plan under which the PLO'a 8,cJoo perrillu in wett Beirut would go to Syrla and then be divided amona Syria, Jordan, lnq and F.cYPt. Habib was reported to have received that plan, but it was unclear whether It had been conveyed to Isael Be1ln said after meetings Tue.day and Wednaday wittr Habib ihat the U.S. envoy proml8ed to ll!ek an "unequivocal commitment" from the PLO to leave Beirut and to give larael the answer toda~ Earlier today, .Foreign Miniater Yitzhak St.rnlr aa1d a reply to Iarael'• demand that the PLO leave Lebanon would have to come via Habib from Beirut. and not from Jidda. Saudi Arabia, where the Arab League announced a plan for the guerrilla withdrawal Arafat told a newa conference ln west Beirut that the Jidda declaration meant the Arab I...eque bad approved "what we haw aa,reed VPOft, the Let.ne.e government and u.." He waa alludlnc to the PLO'• written pledJ(e to leave Lebanon, Temperaturea llATIOll .. 71 J7 11 to 12 100 .. t1 71 • .. 1'I 71 tt ... .. u ... ... 12 17 7t • 12 11 82 79 • .. submitted to Lebanon's prime minister July 7. · Shamir flew to Switzerland today for a two-day stopover en route to Washington. where he meets Sunday with Secretary of State George Shultz on the evacuation of the PLO guerrillaa from west Beirut. The guerrillas were surrounded a week after brael invaded Lebanon June 6 to c:ruah the PLO. Lebanese government sources, who requested anonymity tn keeping with government regulations, said the estimated 8,- 000 guerrillas in west Beirut would be taken to Syria by land In "a few weeks" and then divided among the four Arab countries. There wa1 no immediate comment from the nations Involved. According to the aouroes, the agreement was reached at a meeting earlier tbt1 week between Col. Johnny Abdo, head of Lebanese army intelligence, and Arafat's political adviser Hani El-Hassan. Details were not made public . ,_ .. The execution of the evacuation will take a few week.a." one of the IOW'CeS said. 71 75 11 .. .. 12 100 t7 .. 12 • 85 llS 75 15 t7 IO .. .. 61 PMO AobM 11 RIYenlcM 64 R9d Bluff 52 Redwood City :! :::"to 75 Sen 8erMrdlno 55 San GabNI 71 SM Diego 83 SWIF~ 85 8an JON 75 Santa An• 62 Senta Betbva 57 Senta Cfuz 61 Senta Mwte 71 SMte Monlea 73 Stocllton e8 Tahoe Valley 70 Thermal 106 ff 104 n 117 • t02 10t IO " 81 85 78 75 73 74 101 17 71 7t .. .. .. .. ... ... c~ Ton.,.. Le Yuma 80 111 7t 109 58 ... Ill IM 57 ... ea .. 70 60 55 .. 61 57 52 12 It 411 86 ... 14 " :1 ... 10'7 ti .. ta .. IO • 17 tt 14 .. ... .. 1to ... 10I .,. .. 106 106 106 103 14 101 113 T1 .. tt 10I • '°' a 17 "'101 t2 12 tt 113 71 71 .. 112 ee 71 IO 64 411 t1 .. t3 ea A 71 17 73 17 .. ... 70 52 .. 16 ea 55 61 90 Smos .. ... 12 71 71 n 11 74 75 '--62 " 11 .. 41 16 • ell . . . Wl'l•t• 10 cell (toll trM) tor 111191 -noo lntonMtlOn: Orenge county. (IOO) ~ Lo• Ang•l• ... County: (100) 242-4022 Nvetllde end ..,, IW!WdlftO oouoti. (IOOI 317-4710 AOMD IPleOOt Cerrler: (IOO) 24,. ...... T,ides • A Huntington Beach attorney who allegedly mishandled his clients' funds has been suspended from practicing law for at least two years, according to an announcement by the State Bar of California. The attorney, Henry Ross WW.On. 67. must pua a state bar ethics exam within one year and must make restitution to five clients before he can practice law again at the conclusion of the two-year suspension period, according to Mari Weaver, a spokeswoman for the state bar. Ma . Weaver said the regulatory body investigated and held heariJl8I on allegations of misconduct by Willson, then recommended that the California Supreme Court suspended the attorney from practicing law for five years. After reviewing the caae, the court approved the two-year suspension and five years of probation for WU.l.son. Among the charges filed against WW.On, Ma. Weaver aald, were allegations that he failed to provide proper documentation to a probate estate client and misappropriated funds from the client; that he charged for services that were not perfonned; that he refused to refund unearned fees, and that he failed to use funds from a personal Injury settlement to pay a client's medical bill. as previously a.ueed. Willaon could not be reached1 for comment on the charges. LOWER FARES . . . age of 21. 'that move is designed to booet ~tionary, or non- busineal trevel. Said AlrCa1'1 Mark Peteraon of the PSA move : "I think generally it caught everyone by surprise. But it would be an overstatement to say we were caught oft auanl" Meanwhile, Charlyne Sh.irek, chief of the Travel Advfelltures travel aaeoey in Newport Beach, &a.id that the new fare changes will only add confusion to an already confWled situation. She said many agents were selling tickets in advance Sunday, expecting an Aug. 1 fare increase Just the opposite occurred Travel agents receive 10 percent of the price for each ticket they lell. Customers, however. pay no additional price for buying a ticket through an agent. The reduced tares Wlil mean a commensurate drop in the fees paid to travel agents, she said. LAGUNA PARKING .. • outlines three alternatives, but recommends a concept that would be a 3 ~-story structure that oouJd aa:QmmOdate up to 334 vehidea. Inell ided ln that plan is •pace for abou1 4,800 8quare feet of commerclal apace fronting on Glenneyre. Were the commerdal space elQninated from the plan. another 13 perking apaces could replace it. The report suggest• the structure abould contain parking metera which, if rates were raised to 30 cents per hour, would mean the city could receive about $17,700 in monthly revenues. Coat estimates for the consultant's recommended Jlan amount to $2.3 million. But · the commercial shell were deleted. ·the cost would drop to $2.18 million. the report says. Laguna Beach currentJy has about $1 million in its parking authority fund, the majority raised from meter revenues and from parking fees imposed on developers. Assistant City Manager Terry Brandt said the other $1 million necessary to build such a perking structure could come from a bo.nd sale or other alternatives. JUDGE HARROLD ... The question of when that deed actually was signed has become a major 1-.ae in the cue. Though it la dated Nov. 30. 1981 the document actually was signed in early 1982, aocordlng to Harrold'• testimony. Golden claimed the deed wa1 intentionally backdated when Harrold found out that Dutcher planned to make an issue of her living in Riverside. The deed was not recorded until May 17, 1982. Harrold has testified she was only following her grandmother's i.Ntructions In placing the Nov. 30 date on the quit claim deed. 0BIE SPORTS LTD It's time for a NEW SUIT! All Ladies Swi•we1r 20~ OFF FEATURING: Raisin, Sea Squirts, Connie Banko, Gotcha Toth & Yawah DMV BECOMES DRIVE-IN -A pickup backed through a glass wall into the State Department of Motor Vehicles in Visalia and came to rest just inches from the testing area. ., .... .,..._ The driver reportedly suffered a seizure leading to the freak accident. The commotion how~ver didn't stop Shelly Lavender from completing her driving test. Reagan assails huge deficits Seeks balanced budget amendment to Constitution WASHING TON (AP) -Back in his campaign days, President Reagan used to taunt Jimmy Carter with a quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoona." The spoons, presumably, are safe. The counting house deals m budget deficits now. And the higher the deficits go, the louder Reagan talks of changing the Constitution to forbid them. He pressed his campaign for a balanced budget amendment to 'the Constitution at hi.a nationally televi1ed news conference Wednesday night, saying the measure could have a profound psychological effect that would spur economic recovery. "l was just trying to get a little more publicity for the American NEWS llllYBIS people to urge their congressmen to adopt the constitutional amendment," Reagan said. When and if Congress approves the amendment by two-thirds majorities. it will go to the states for ratification. And If 38 of the 50 states agree. it will become Gypsy nJoth threat felt in California SAN FRANt:lSCO (AP) - Exit the Mediterranean fruit fly. Enter the IYJJIY moth u the most 1erl~ threat to California's $ ~ Dillfon farm industry. While only a f<!W, apparently isolated, medflies have been di.9:x)vered thia year following a $100 million .campaign against the peat, the voracious gypsy moths have turned up ln trapa in 12 cowities from Redding to the Mexican border. An ad ult gypsy moth was trapped Wedneaday ln Marin and another was found in Loa Angeles. On Tuaday, a gypsy moth was found in Santa Clara County just after three others were found in nearby San Mateo. ln the past week three gypey moth• were found in Shaata 'County. F.arlier this year, the moths were found in Alameda and Contra C.osta Counties. "It's the worst set of introductions we've had," said Pat M inyard , Northern CaJlfornla supervisor for the state Department of Food and Agriculture. "It's pretty heavy. Nobody can remember it belng thla bad before." Gypsy moths are the "single most destructive insect known for forest trees," said C. Bruce Wade, Shasta County's agricultural cornnu.sioner. Although the moth larvae prefer oak, they will devour the leaves from almost any kind of ~· Including fruit trees and conifers. They can devastate forests, humbling the mighty redwoods, and wipe out entire grape, peach. apricot and apple orchards. Officiala are not yet convinoed there is an infestation of the pest, however. "The one moth found here is not an indication thai there la an infestation," said Eric Winkler, Santa Clara County'• deputy agriculture oommisaiooer. ''There is the poealbillty of an infestation, but there's also the JQl(billty that the mo~ emerged from a pupa that came Into the area from out of state." U officlala determine that an infestation exiata, the battle will be very different from the one against the med..Oy. "lt'1 very leisurely compared to the medfly eradication eUort," Minyard said. "That's because the gypsy moth onl~one life-cycle per year. that we're finding now wil detennlne what we'll do to fight the moth next year. State offidals want to usure the public that they are prepared the atol!_ the gypsy moth. "We re making a good effort. We're on top of thia one," uid George Buxton of the state Department of Food and Agriculture in Sacramento. Air and ground apraytna may be initiated ln a few montha ff evidence of egg ma11ea are found. CIHltned ed¥9rtlalng 7141142-1171 All other department• 142-4321 ..., ... ....,., .......... MAIN OFFICE alO Wnt a., St., c..-. MMe, CA. ¥4111 .-..: lea IMO. G..W !Mu, CA. tM1t C.,,r19flt "" 0r8flgt c... "'*'"""' ~. Ne -...,... lllvttret..,1, Miione! l'!Mllltrer .. nrtlw,._tt twr.+n _, • r~ .. ~ -lel ,.,,,,......of c-••-· .VOL 71, N0.20I t .• Lid clamped on 528 schools with student defaults barreil . have ct.faulted on f896 millJon in Nattonal Direct Student Loan fund loana, or 16 pen:.oent, tlnce the prolfam be1an in 19&8, Bell utd. The ptolfam la run by the coUeaee wlth a revolving 1'*1 fund compoeed largely of federal money. Student.a are charae<t 6 percent interest on the loaN - until last year, the rate wu 3 percent. The program ia 1eparate from the Guaranteed Student Loen program. under which student.a aet loana directly from banb or 1tate lending age'nclea at 7 peh.-ent to 9 percent interest. Bell aaJd the gqvemment is owed Sl.7 billion ln defaulud Ouu1n11 ... Student LoaN. The Quann Student Loan def.a'4}t rate II 10 pet<lent. He allo Hid tl)at the 62 lnltituUon1 COUld reptn the fundJ for the u~ • year "ll they'll merely ref# p11per to U1 for collectlon. '' Many butituUona have been! reluctant to do 10 becau1e it• reducea the 1h:e of thelr1 rwolvrn, loan fund. : " Student.a at the 628 lrwtitutiorwi may be able to get a NaUonal 1 Direct Student Loan if the1r1 achool h.u money ln lta revolvina• loan fund. El Salvador slow with human rights Summer Dollar Savings SALE Extraordinary Plue hi Extraordinary Prlc•I Thie lu~urtout ptulh la tufted thick and deep With Trtvtr .. Pofyeeter yam ... then "Super "4" pr01ected 1galn1t toll and ltatto '° YfJ4,Jr new eweep of color wilt look Ilk• new longer. One of Gulletan'a moet bMutlful GarJ)e11 ••• now dottert off .-y aq. yd. you buy. $14.95 ~Jct. Moment'• Dellaht .. IAIY~AU PLUaH ILIGANCI A New GeMretlon Cerpet fl1W • ~,..,... ttaMI ..... dlt1 • True antHoll cherect• ... not • aott Nder • lullt-ln ltettc control • -.... chwtlC't• eft• weer. o.nlng .......... .,.... • Net!,....,.~ nyton ~ • ~ lMet.a.t tDr amooth ufw, ~ e.ture ,..,,Ion • ~ .......... Wllue • $19.50 ~,... Bellavla AIUl'llM "IAIY-LIYINQ,. PLUIH l II I 4 'Tips given on tear problem I • I I I I j I I I I I I I I I By PAT HOROWITZ Of"IMW,-Neiewt DEAR PA~ Do yo1 or yoar readen bow ~o. w to peel oalou wl~omt tMnT I love to cook, baa "11 la a real problem for me. H.W., Lapu Beacb Try peellna oniona from the root end with plenty of ventilation (exhauat fan or open window) or under Nnnlna water. Blanching them ln boilini water before peellna a.I.lo help1. Another trick la to run water over your cuttina knife the moment your eyes start to burn. -StorinB oniona ln the refrigerator a.I.lo eeems to help. An old-fashioned remedy la to peel or alice onions by candlelight to kill off the fumes. Since this is not a "new" J:Stion to A YS. auggestions from readers include holdlni the wooden tip of a kitchen match in your mouth while cutting with the sulphur portion "between you and the onion." Or, keeping onions at arms' length and keep your mouth shut just before and during the peeling and cutting. Another reader suageet.ed avoiding the problem altogether by using frozen, chopped onions or the dehydrated version when only a small amount is needed. Creditor can collect DEAR PAT: ID a divorce decree my ex-1poate wa1 ordered to pay all of tbe debt1, bat thl1 laaan't uppened. Now, tile credlton are coma.1 after me. Cu they do ~1? E .L., Foutain Valley Yes. The divorce court only had the power to say who was going to pay between you and your spouse. The court didn't have the power to extinguish the creditor's right to collect against both of you. You are still obligated to pay the creditor for all of the community property debta that were incun'ed, during the marriage. You do have the right to aue your ex-spouae and collect (if there are any collectible assets) for anything you pay to creditors that your spouse was ordered to pay under the divorce order. Weight not !actor DE.AR PA~ I've been 1bopp1.D1 for 1Uver-plated flatware. Several l&lnpenou bave told me I cH be 111'41 I'm buyln1 flue quUty lf tbt pieces are beavy. Doti tllJa meu tbert'• more 11lver 18 ~eavy 1UverwareT LT., HutlDatoa.BMcb The weliht of tbe piece. hu no relaUqn to the lilvt1r cont.ent. There are no reaulaUona 1ove the thlckne11 of the CCMttlna of allver ap ed to the hue metal. Federal Trade Coinm.imi.on trade regulations 1tate only that the article must be complet.ely covered br, "allver which la of 1ubltant.ial thlckne91. • Quality marklnga from "A-1" (the lowe.t amount of 1llver ) to "XXXX" (or "Quadruple") have not been uaed oonalat.ently. And from the lowest to the highest allver content, these marklng1 may indicate an amount of allver plating welghlng two ounces • per grou of teasp oons in the "Al" claasification up to eight ounces per Bl'08S of teaspoons classified "XX.XX." Cornmeal cleans carpets DEAR PAT: I wut to pa11 alon1 a money-1avlD1 homemade carpet cleaner ud deodorlier tbat I've u1ed for yean. It call• for combla!DI two capt of corameal wltb a cap of boru. Sprln.kle It on a 1tatn or 1pW tliaat bu been wiped ap, let 1ta.ad for one boar and tben vacaam. It worb ja1t u well a1 commercial powdered carpet cleaner• I've tried and co1t1 a lot lea1. Now, I'd like to a1k If you or yoar read en cu come ap wltb a homemade recipe for flD1erpahat1. My youpten are dolD1 a lot of pa.lDtiDg, ud I thoagbt It mlgbt be fun If tbey coald make tbelr own palat1. M.K., Coata Meta Thanks for the carpet cleaner tip. Try this recipe for fingerpalnts. Mix two cups of cold water and a quarter-cup of cornstarch. Boil until thick. Pour into small containers and color with food coloring. • Got a problem'! Then wrlU> to Pat Horo-' ·~· i w1u. Pat will cut red ta~. getting the - anawers and action you need to ao/ve in- equities In government and busirie9. M.n 7our questioll6 to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, On~ Gout Dally PiJOl,' P.O Box 1560, Oista mesa,. CA. 92626. ----------------------~ I I I I DOGS CATS I PREVENTIVE MEDICINE FOR ANIMALS LOW COST VACCINATIONS Rabies $3.95 •Distemper M.50 • Parvo $5~00 Dog 5-in-1 $7.00 •Cat 3-in-1 $5.00 FREE PET CONSULTATION by Doctors of Veterinary Medicine Call (2 13) 888-1100 For Information Satwday, July 31 11-4 p.m. a VINE Wllam Mason Par\ .... ....., Dr. at Cdw• ltd. SllMtay, Aupst 1 10-1 p.m. COSTA MESA Von's Manet 115 E. 1711 St I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $A VE THIS AD I PLEASE-DOGS ON LEASHES--CATS IN CARRIERS .. • ---------------------- PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, :flL VER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't ml11 this Important salel Ane China, CryataJ; Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olla, Etc. 1 Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including : fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster •diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Frt:, 30th, Sal, 31st 5'11., 1st. 1:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P .M. • 5:00 P .M. ' 7 -I P.M. We flchts Property of eeveral prominent Lelaure World residents, together with Inventory of wetl-«nown L.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Alao. out-of-pawn ~ merchandlM. TERMS: Visa • MuterCard PereonaJ check • Cuti. Some extended tennt can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of tale to: - women urged WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Jeremiah Denton, uytna • man Uket to pt h1a 1upper from a "l'MIOftAbly N9ted' woman, ii ~for aptdal tax credlta eo women won't have to work outaklt the home foe flnandal reMOnl. The Alabama Republican, addreu1na a leaderthlp con· ference for conaervatives, a1IO ur1ed the parUclpants to Join forca with feminiau ln ending pomop'aphy. Spealdna at the Family Forum n. Oen ton -railed the idea of tax credit. that would nullify the need for women to go to work. He dld not elaborate on hla propoeal. But he told the audience of about ~00 people, "The guy llkee to come home and get supper and a couple of martlnls from a woman who ls reasonably rested." T h e three-day family conference ended Thunday. On the laaue of pon'lOiJ'aphy, Denton polnted out that feminiats say "pornography cheapens a woman, makes her a tool." He added: "1 totally agree. And, he said the pro-family movement should not alienate feminists with Its rhetoric. "Let's just don't be too acerbic or self-righteous about the way we express ourselves," he said. "Some of those women (feminists) who have been abused by men, resent th e bombardment about the nuclear family when they don't have one of their own," he said. ''That chasm grows because of that miaunderstandlng." Denton criticized the news media ln Washington as having a "disdain for pro-family issues." He singled out The Washington Post. "Not ever ything about The Washington Post is bad. But on balance, it is not with us," he said. 0.., Net Pfloto "1 LM hrM WATCH OUT! -Costa Mesa policeman Phil Hartman (left) assists police explorers Kellie Hanson and David Bridgewaters with installation of new Neighborhood Watch street signs. Presently, the signs are• scheduled to be installed along ~O streets. Neighbors interested in starting the watch program m their area are asked to telephone the police crime prevention unit at 754-5320. U.S. aid pledged for SF cable cars SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - City officials say they're ready to start rebuilding their rickety, century-old cable car system following Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis' promise of another $25 million to the cauae. "We knew it was coming, but we didn't know when it was corning," said Richard Sklar, general manager of the e1ty's Public Utilities Commission The city plans to shut the system for two years starting in the fall for an overhaul. Lewis prat.Sed San Fr&nCUICO's efforts to raise private funds for the cable car reconstruction as he made the announcement at a meeting of the Corrunonwealth Club of California. FURNITURE BLOWOUT! I • P• Orange Ooatt DAILY Pll.iOT/l'rld1y, July 30, 1882 Al Where's Goy. Spellman? Graduate relig ion course set Staff mum on Washington boss's plans Oov. Jou pellinH ot Wuhinaion la mlaina ln Inaction. The treahman Republican hu not been ln public view atnoo he ltf\ hla office laat J'riday. Reportet1 who cover th• capital noticed wlth curlbllty that he dld not ahow up for work thlt week, nor did he appear at the aovemor'• manalon ln Olympia. Spellman'• pree1 alde, Kate Helmbac ... Mid the governor left 1trict lnattuetlona for the 1taft not to dtacu.a the plaN. Singer-10ngwriter Stevie Wonder canc.-eled a acheduled appearance at next month's ChicagoFest music festival amid calla for a boycott ot the event by blacks, festival officials said. Tom DrllJ11, president of Festivals Inc., which produces the event for the city, said he waa notified of the cancellatlon in a telegram from Wonder's attorney. The seventh annual National Gay iJ«>deo gets under way today m Reno at the Nevada State Fairgrounds, and confident organizers are predicting a It, ... f.~ crowd of up to 20,000 Last year 's event drew slightly more than half that numbe r , but founder P hil Ragsdale said mterest in the rodeo seems to be growmg. Comedienne J oan R ivers a nd country-western singer Rose Maddox have been named lllfV•11• grand marshals of the event. A garden with waterfalls, pools and small streams will be built on 8.8 acres near the Potomac River to honor the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Reagan signed legislation that gives approval for construction of the memorial estimated to cost $31 million. The garden will be near Lincoln and Jefferson memorials. An execuuve at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington has been named director of the Oakland Museum. J ulian T. E uell, 53, will become the first black to head a major U.S. museum. At the Smithsoruan since 1970, Euell has been in charge of the d.ivtSion of performing arts, the Smith.soruan magazine and several social programs. Prince Charlea and Prlnce11 Diana spent theJI first wedding anniversary quietly, and Charles disclosed that their 5-week-old son Prince William is get~'angrier and noisier." Bue · ham Palace said no special celebrations were held. he heir to the throne briefly went to Brize Norton air base west of London to welcome the 1st Battalion of the Welsh Guards home from the Falkland islands, and a spokeswoman said Diana and the baby spent the day quietly at the family's London apartment at Kensington Palace. The low-key anniversary was m contrast to the couple's wedding last July 29, when c heering crowds lined their route to St. Paul's Cathedral and an estimated 800 million people around the world watched on television No one buys a house or stock with the expectation of watch11"lg its value plummet. why buy a car 1n which that's not iust an expectation. but a virtual certainty? Particularly when you can avoid all 1nfenor performance. investment or otherwise. by buying a BMW 3201 According to the January 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide, 1f you'd bought a reN BMW 3201 tn 1979 and sold 1t this year, you'd get an astonishing 10196 of your money back• That's more than Audi 4000, Dat- 11111/flCEI . During a WhJte HOUM brleftnc on the war In Lebanon, P realdtDl RtalH txcund hlmaelt, explalnlng he wu Solnl to bav• tu. plciure taken with a group of haridlcapped chUdren. ''Your heart would dlt for, them," House Speaker Tlaomaa P. O'Neill J r. quoted the president aa aaytna. AA the· president was about to leave the room, O'Neill lald he shouted to Reagan: "Don't forget to tell lhept Tip O'Nelll i1 flRhtin& for their budget." Reagan's only reeponae, O'Neill reported, waa an icy glare. The 1ub8tanual O'Nelll, mff.r\While, has gone on a diet. He claims to have lost 30 pounds 90 far. "It's laying off beer and bread," he confided. SEBAGO Genuine hand sewn loafers with leather soles FOR WOMEN Tho board of dtrecton of Southern C.Utomta Colle1e ln Coata M ... hu approved a one-year ma1tera proaram In reUaton. The four -y e ar Chrlatlan, liberal arta collese afflllated with the A.aemblles of God, offers undergraduate programa ln religion and 11 other fields ol 1t.udy. A bachelor'• degree ln religion la required for entrance to the graduate program. For Information call ~~6-3610. Tassel Moc cordo brown calf a great campus favorite Sizes 4 -S AAAA AAA AA A x 8 x x x c x x 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 8 x x x x x x x x x x x x Penny Loafer cordo brown calf 9 10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 99 FASllON ISLAfll •L.1ta(j~ ..:..::NEmWPORiiiiiiiiilT liiBEiiiiAliiCHill7m5-.9-11195.-51-..,,, 11.,,1 SHOES- sun 280ZX. or any other car 1n its pnce class Even more than many other cars 1n substantially higher pnce classes. such as Cadillac Seville and Mercedes- Benz 280E All of which makes the BMW 3201 one of the world's most exh1larat1ng cars to leave a dealership 1n G A car that leaves you ennched by the expen- ence. Instead of 1mpover- 1shed by 1t. ........... Ml ... BMW M\.NtCH G£AMM-IV •e..ci on --.e rtt• ora "'°"' Mlr'I pnce "wt...., eccor" K> lhe concfi1ion o1 )'QUI c• ...o wnethtf ,o11~1t Pfl'tl\ely or lo• dealef c l'Mll WW oC North Ameoa ll>c: The BMW,,_,..,,,_ eno lcl(IO •e reaiste<ecl t•lldlltNrll• °' 8.1¥enachl Molortn W.t..e :l G CAMARILLO -----411 Daily DrMI (805) 482-8878 (213) 889-2312 CANOGA AW< ...... 7050Topqa~ 8oulMrd (213) 346-31•4 GtfNOAU ---818 SOulh Brand &'II (213) 2.Us.J LET YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANG[ A THQ!p,JGH Tf.™~ HERMOSA BEACH ..... _ 2901 Pac1fc Coast Highway (213) 376-0935 HIJ'o4TINGTON Ao\RK -? 6000 Pacific: 8tVO (213) S83·1901 ~ =:;,Beach 8Ml (213) ~916701 (714) 522-&333 LANCASTER --45201 N Sierna Hwy (805) 948·6004 LONG BEACH -----3670 Chefly ~ (213) 1/)7 5494 (714) &36 5790 LOSANGCLES .......... 3443 'I.Ml 43td St (213)299-3270 MISSION VIEJO ·=Pkwy (714) 831·2040 NEWPORT BEACH ....... 1!S40 J1mbof .. Rd (714) 640-6U4 NORTH HOl.LY'MX)O _, ...... •270~ 80ulevlWd (213) 761 6133 ' ' NORW\LK MUCIMW 10840 Frestone 61¥<1 {213) 868. 3233 (7\4) 636-6775 :i~=~-409SF:.-st~m ~~52~ RIVE'.RSIOC ~--7850~~ (714) 78~44"4 SANTAANA cmwm...._-. 208 West Fnt Strtf'I (714)8353171 =.:r.J.lA 1820 5'11ta Monica Boult-4rtl (213) 829 J~3~ ~NNUYS ----1~32.~~ (2il)fe81791 " saddle back coll~1e • ~---·community services ----IL. Saddleback Valley's . "Very Own'' GIANT SWAP MEET ! Sunday, August 15, ·1982 9 a.m. -3 p.m. SADDLEBACK COLLEGE (Avery & Marguerite) FREE ADMISSION TO SHOPPERS! SELLING SPACES AVAILABLE FOR s10 EACH Call 831 -4646 For Space Reservations Or Further Information. WATCH FOR OUR FUTURE MEETS THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH! LU><> MARINA ANNOUNCING •••• NEW SUMMER HOURS AT THE VILLAGE! FRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. SUNDAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. Come enjoy a summer afternoo n or evening waterfront exper ience at Lido Marina Village In Newport Beachl Here you'll find relaxing pleasure with the fine shops, the outstanding restaurants, the quaint brick streets, the weathered wooden shop exteriors nestled 'neath scores and scores of sheltering trees •.• all on the water's edgel Also, enjoy a vast pan· orama of sky and sail •.• of clouds and soaring birds .•. of water and boats heading for the open sea. All yours ..• at Lido Marina VIiiage on a summer afternoon or evening! Come ••• browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront In Newport Beach at your leisurel • I Oranot Ooli• OAILV t'ICOT/ft,_, tNJi/ IO,, .. County could make got;Jd use of ziggurat For 10 years, we have watched the federal aovemment agonize over what to do with what unmistakably la a "white elephant" -the one million lq~are-foot Chet Holifield ltWldlna in Laguna Niguel. Most people call the multi- tiered structure the zJggurat due Cb its Babylonian design. t The feds had great plan.I for lhe building when it was acquired from North American Rockwell in 1972. A buildlng of that size, the officials eald, could provide space for many federal agencies. A problem soon developed. None of the agencies wanted to "' relocate to the ziggurat nestled in the rolling coastal hills. Thus it has been. Occupancy has never amounted to more than 30 percent. Vast spaces -some Uoors could hold several football fields -sit empty. Should it be this way? No. It ~ time for the federal government to admit the mistake it made in acquiring the building . The ziggurat should be declared surplus property and put up for tale. Who would buy it? Orange County savemment la expreairig lnterest in the buildf.na. It oould provide much of the additional •J*e that will ~ needed u the. south county grows. But any moves county government might want to make are subject to decisions made at the federal level. The prevailing theory is that officials ln the federal General Services Agency don't want to sell the building and that any move ln that direction must come from the Reagan administration. Since the administration is intent on getting rid of government waste, it would appear sale of the ziggurat would be something to be considered. Perhaps Bruce Nestande, chainnan of the county Board of Supe rvisor.s and a Reagan confidant, could make this view known on his next trip t o Washington D.C. Watt oversteps mark , Interior Secretary James Watt has proved quite adept at ~•king actions that threaten ruination for many of our nation's natural resources. But la.st week t\e aimed his loose cannon at U.S. foreign policy -choosing the most volatile area in the world - ~y making irresponsible written statementa that are clear grounds for his prompt removal from 9ffice. In two Jett.en, Watt attempted to tie what he thinks ls the need for his shotgun ene rgy development program to American policy . m Ule Middle East. In the first letter, written to Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arens, Watt suggested lack of backing for his policies from American Jews could jeopardbe American ability \0 support Israel. In the second letter, even more damaging, Watt wrote to Congress that tary force could become necess y to secure oil supplies unless < e U.S . pursues his drill, strip er plan for energy independe The letter warned "the world's political leadership wiJJ secure with economic strength or military force the needed energy." Foreign and military affairs are emphatically none of Watt's business. It is not the province of the Interior secreta ry to pontificate on U.S . relations Wlth foreign powers or on such a sensitive matter as possible military intervention in the Persian Gulf powder keg. American diploma ts are having a difficult enough time trying to prevent the Middle East from flying out of control any more than it already is. They don't need wild remarks from an Interior secretary, of all people, to complicate their task. In short, Watt ought to keep his thoughts on world alf airs to himself and let George Shultz formulate our foreign policy. We also question Watt's lobbying of American Jews. It waa a ba1e appeal to this group's concern with Israel to win support on an issue that concerns all Americans. Furthermore, if he felt it necessary to discuss energy matters with American J~. he should have contacted one of their prominent representatives, instead of buttonholing a foreign ambassador. Watt'-eventually· admitted he "made a mistake" in writing to the ambassador. By themselves, Watt's antics this past week bring his fitness for office into question. Taken together with his drive to sell off the p• .... bllc trust he is suppmed to pre cect, we believe without hesitation Mr. Watt should be shown the door as soon as possible. Misuse of Social Security . California school officiab do J')Ot welcome the idea of checking up on youngsters to verify their eligibility for free or low-cost lunches, but it appears they have no choice. A free lunch is available ta a. child ln a family of four with al\ annual income under $10,900. A massive "budget reconciliation'' bill passed by Congress last year included acnenclmenta, added on without oommittee consideration, designed to eliminate "fraud and abuse" in the school lunch and food stamp ~grams. ' These include a requirement ihat school districts check up on a percentage of youngsters applying for the lunch program by ~uiring their parents to submit w,age data, along with the Social Security numbers of all adults living in the household. Employers and landlords are to be contacted i'f the information seems f.Kauffident. School officials insist that f,r.aud in the achool lunch program iJ. minimal -it's estimated at 2 1>1e r c e n t -a n d t h a t t h e ~fication program will create an lt • unnecessary mass of paperwork, while probably discouraging some families whoee youngsters really need the meal from applying for aid. State Supt. of Schools Wilson Riles objects especially to the demand that the schools collect Social Security numbers that can be run through computers for a cross-check on family lncome. Riles says, "It is absolutely wrong to use the Social Security program for something it was not designed for -in this case checking up on youngsters getting free meals." Under the U.S . Department of Agriculture rules, the free subsidized meals must be dented if numben are not provided. Thia raises some very sticky questions about the invasion of penonal privacy by government flat. There definitely ts not enough evidence of fraud in the lunch program to justify burdening the schools with this sort of investigative work and hunting down poor parents on the chance they may aho be criminal.a. Opinions expreu.d In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views tll· pljessed on this page are those of their authori and artists. Reader comment Is J1wlt· .... Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. BoJC 1S60, Cotta MtM, CA 9262'. Phone (71~) 6f~·43l1. Thomas P. Hate, Pubflsher TIMNMe A. Mllrl*IM Editor ••rNr• KretMclt Edltorlel P-_ge Edltof' TIIN SQ.t~ONC OUGMT b ~D OOT ~S POONVIN6 LE.8ANON To PtE<lS t I Dispute endangers .sub fleet WASHINGTON -President Reagan la trying to cloee what he calls the "window of vulnerability" that would allow the Sovieta to penetrate our land- baled rnissilf defenaes. But he la leaving wide open a s maller "porthole of vulnerability" that would make our carrier fleet submarines virtually defenseleaa against attacking Soviet submarine.. The problem ii not only that a dangerous "submarine gap" Is developing, but that It la cawied by unseemly Pentagon equabbllng. In an earlier column, I reported that the backatabblng and unden:uttlng inside the Pentagon wastes billions of dollars and seriously weakens the nation'• security. • EACH WEAPONS system la supported by a formidable lobby, oompoeed of the military bra. who believe in it, the contractors who manufacture the component part.a, the workers who put them together and the congressmen whose dlatricta enjoy the economic benefita. A canceled defeme contract will cauae thoee d.llparate interesta to swarm like angry bometa. They will fight bitterly for the molt. extravagant and unneceeaary weapona. All too often, the nation'• military requirements will be forgotten ln the fray. Thia la what haa happened to a sub- to-aub auclear mJull• called the SUBRoC (eubmartne rocket). It wa1 built by Goodyear Aero.~. wbkh hM l08t the battle to replace it now that 1t'1 growtna obeolete. 1'be contract few the new m1lltJn\u gone to"'BoelnCfGcWd. Overlooked ln the lnftahtinC between the two rnilll1e ty1teml ii the teCUrity of the carrier tult forces which the mislles att auppoeed to protect. Here's what haa happened: At present, our attack submarines constantly patrol on the rim of the carrier task forces. The)' are equipped with SUBROC rni8alles that are intended to keep enemy 1ubmarines at the minimum aafetx distance of 20 miles or 90. The SUBROC la a 22-f oo t , 4,000-pound missile that la launched from the torpedo tube of a submerged sub. The mi&ille churns through the JICI AIDIRlll water. leape into the air and drope a nuclear depth charge to cru1h any lurking enemy subs. The charge i.s lethal lf dropped within three or four miles of the underwater target; the SUBROC's effective range is 25 miles. The Navy, however, has pronounced the SUBROC obsolete and has decided to phase It out by 1989, aocordmg to a top le!C:l'et Pentagon report. Boeing/Gould's new. super-standoff mlssile is in the works. But here'1 the hit.ch: The SUBROC replacement won't be operational until 1989 at the earliest. Thia ii the same year that the tut SUBROC la auppoeed to be withdrawn from eervioe. Yet a .ecret General Account1n1 Office audit 1uggeat1 that, llke most Pentagon project&. the new m1llUe will not only co1rmore than ~~ &mnates. but wt.ll not be flniabed on .:hedule. Thia means that, for an undet.enrtined period, our attack submarines will have no long-range weapon with which to keep Soviet subs at bay. Pentagon sources told my a.oci.ate Dale Van Atta the gap between phue-0ut of SUBROC and deployment of Ua replacement could be aa long as three years. . DURING THAT critical period, the Navy's attack subs would have to make do with a conventional 1ub-to-sub torpedo, with a range of only 10 miles. .And by the time a U.S. sub geta that cloae to a Soviet sub, the approach will be picked up by Soviet tracking systems. A. the top secret Pentagon report puts it starkly: ''If U.S. submarines are not equipped with a new nuclear-apable weapon after SUBROC iB pha8ed out, the force will havt.> to rely on the shorter-range, conventionally armed MK-48 torpedo, whole effective uae will require U.S . .submarines to cloee with the Soviet detection envelope and within range of the eXlSUng Soviet ltandoff weapona." The problem has not gone unnoticed in Congress. In 1979, a Navy official told the Senate in secret testimony that the 1989 phase-out of SUBROC would leave our aubs without a long-range anti· submarine weapon. In May 1981, the Naval Audit S.:rvice recommended that SUBROC be upgraded. But the Navy decided to spend the money elsewhere. Yet Deputy Undersecretary James P . Wade Jr., responding to the suggestion that SUBROC be upgraded and retained, complained that thi.I would be only an "interim lmp~ement" that would COit more than $80 million. ''If the program proves to ,be ooat-effectiveJ it will be considered," he added lamely. Meanwhile, our carrier tuk forces face po~ntial di.sa.ster at the hands of the vaat Soviet undersea fleet. Gianturco swan song remains storiny Apparently 1tate Tran1portatlon Direct.or Adrian. Glanturco, who1e tenure In office ~lrel with the md of Gov. Jerry Brown a tenn lell than m montha from now, ii detenn1ned to to out the ume way lhe came in, bloddnc every hJahway project lhe can. The firebrand offldal, imported from Ma111achusett1 by Brown, ha1 been oonatantly under fire for her opposltkln to road COlllltrUcUon projecta throuibout the state. Leplaton have demanded her restgnatkln end even cut her l&lary from the budpt in attempll to compel llrown to replace her. BVT THE tough-talldna, embattled appointee hu weathered the stonm one after another, lndlcatlna that, while her actiona ariget the public and the IOlonl, lhe is pleasing the guy who pve her the job. For her poltcie1 carry out the governor'• "no-growth"' and ma11 transit positions. In fact, ahe haa done everyth.lng pomible to lteer money away from both highway conatruction and maintenance into long-range plans for mua transit. ..... -It waa becaute of th8t' policies that the l..egialature created the California Tran1portation Comml1111lon with .. · 1111 111111 authority to decide which highway projectl are to be undertaken, a power formerly~ by the director. Yet Gianturco..t known among detracton u 46the ulant Turkey." hu been unwilllna to =their ckdlions and bu become em in attempt8 to block the projects they approve. Sports 'protection' fails Th1nJl;S I LNmed En Route to Lookin6 Up6rMr~ -That l1nce 1980, a dozen lawsulta involvtna brain injury or pa.ralysil have been trfed against manufacturers of protective football equipment, with another 75 pendlns and $25 million alread)' paid tn damaaea. (Thta l1 "•port''?} -That the minaret, a tower a~ to 1 mo.que, had lta orllln in the Pharo., IYlllY 01111 I llahthoule at AJ.exandrla, oat of the Seven Wonder• of the World, demollahed by an eanhqua.M In the 14th century. -That ••araphlte" lt a m.llnomer, betn1 made from carbon, not the 1raphtte mined from the earth. (Synthetic fJben are IUpt:rhta.S lnto carbon ru.r end boftded.) -That 1he U.S. ta the only natlon on Earth wtUl roare rwtb than people - about twt,. • many .... -That Bri\alrl hM Clllld to be an lndwtrtal nation! It now contributee 1eM than tWC>ofttthe of Ow country'• -.1 output of aood1 and tervicea. and industry tiCCOUntl for an even ama.Uer proportion ol the employed work force. -That when the Japane.e buy our can, they 11lect the more powerful V ~8 englne9 by a wide DW'8in of nNl'ly two-to-one. -That the dUe1 dlftettnce between RUlllan and American vodka ll that the fonner ii alway1 made ft'Ct1) potatoe1, while the latter II pnerally dlatilled ftcm lfaln. -'niat ''aloe lln" lt not 1 l1n at all - tt 11 a liqueur made of lloe ben1t1, which cornt from !he b1ackt.horh bulh. -'nlat althouch the heavi•t known material• are metal1, one of them. Uthlwn, ii only little more than half tl\e welaht of water. (The denllty of• metal II ~Y nprelled In term1 of water.) -That in eotni from 1 bl.rely audible IOUrid level to the 140 dedbell of • Jll'-operated on an a.l.rc:f'af t carrier chick. the eound lntenllty lncn•-1 100 mlWon- mllliccth. (The noUI power of 1 tyP6Cal Jar.-Jet ~ belnf rewed Up la IO tnonbOW th.at ·co ma.ch 1t every livtnl human betni WOukl have to ICl'Mm at the top 9f hll volol.) -Ttiat the ,,_wi number of Jobe aotn. ~an lh nW'llne, with 100,· 000 -.ti'ff nurse po1ltlon1 currently unto.led. (Qnly n.Wo-lh1* of liolmed n~ are ··~ tn th1i n.ld.) ·- 4 ...... -......- Her most recent rebellion involves the heavily traveled Routes 99 and 70 between Sacramento and the dties of Yu\>& City and Marysville. The9e routes, first authoriz.ed by the Legialature aa early aa 1925, have had a history of blockaae by the bureaucratic state highway officials. In fact the routes, the most direct between the capital and the two northem cities about 50 miles d.lltant. weren't actu~lly opened until many years aft.er the Leglslature bad decreed them. A.a 100n u they were constructed, the need for at leut four lanes became more than evident. And that need bu grown to the critJcal stage of being a matter of / life and death. rn the past four years alone, more than 40 accidenta have resulted in seven deaths and 150 injuries. Acting on that need the rommiaaloners last month authorized two dot.en projects for the widening of the routes, an expenditure of BOme $10 million, not a great sum compared to many other hllhway projects. BUT GIANTURCO now has ordered that work not begin on the projecta, pending her appeal of the authorif.ation1. 'the onter .has created a storm among thouaanda of reaidenta as well aa leglalaton and even congressmen. blanturco apparently remain• adamant. refusing to dl8cuaa her reuona with report.era and aoculina the pn111 of inliccurade. and dJatorUon1 "'Wh.lch have cau.ed th.la furor.•• So far, u he hu in 1uch cuee ln the put, the governor hu tefrained from entertnc the battle althouah appeal.I by dvic FOUP' and ot.hen have beerl mllia to him to overturn Glantutto'• ecdonl. What.ever de.9thl and h\JUri• which ma~ ~t from this arbitrary delay in widen.l.J\I the hlthways l.rw.:apably will be blamed on her action KYPID Gu·ilt over DEAR ANN LANDERS: l feel ccmpelled to respond to a rteent letter In which a woman condem.ied the ·~,. of a mother whole child dt.d u a reeult of a fire durina her at.nee from home. U the writer, who IU,..ted that the mother be tried for murder, la henelt the model parent, then let her and a jury of 11 perfect parentll go ahead and judp and condemn. But l1 ahe la typkal of virtually every human parent. let her CONlder the times ahe may have turned her back on a child in the bathtub, left hlm alone ln a car for a minute while she daahed Into a •tore. or went inalde to answer the phone, leaving a toddler unattended. Find 12 parentll lnnocent of momentary negligence and you will have found a jury capable of convicting the mother whoee child died. When you are ~ady to concede that no such perfect dozen exists, grant all parents the cornpaaion to conaider the IUilt experienced when a ch.Ild dies as the result of a pttVentable accident. I am such a parent, and the beetfns I have given myself is punishment enough. Only God can help me get over this tragedy. -UNJUDGED BY A JURY DEAR UNJUDGED: I wlata I coald wield a mapc wud aad taeaJ tbe beart1 of all parent• wtao of Laguna Beach T rou1 111A1111 DA. PETER J . STEINCROHN OA a help . 1 for many DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I read you cola.ma regularly aad agree witla ma tlaat y01 say, Ht &Mre lt Re tllhla JW d•'t me.tao. tbt bottaen me. I am overwelpt ud beloag to Overeaten Aaoaymoa1. I uve aoticed tlaat wtaea overwetpt people wrtte so yoa, yoa don't meadoa OA. I uve takea tbe liberty of 1endta1 yo• 1ome OA Ut.eratare. OA ii oft.en tbe lut resort of people wlao bave tried docton, pW1, diet, clllbl, 'ypDo•ll -yoa aame It, we've tried It. • OA doesn't co.t aayt~1; doesn't welp yoa. .doea't lbame yoa. It -lllle ttae pareat groap, AA -1eeu to belp Y• to clwage you life IO food la DO loa1er tlae be-all to ead-all of JOV uiltace. P1eue read oar Ut.eranre. U yoa ~ tllere la merit la oar prosram. tJaea pleue ••aest it to overeaten wllo wrlt.e to yoa. -MRS. 8. · DEAR MRS.: I have mentioned OA a few times in the past -perhapa you were out of town on the days the column appeared. I believe that an organization such as OA may help many obe9e penons who have failed to klee weight by other means. Here Is some infonnatfon for tho.e interested in joining: -OA ia a fellowship in which compulsive eatera have joined to share their experlence, atrength and hope in order to aolve the problem. -OA began in 1960. It can be found ln more mi.n 4,000 weekly meettnes throughout the United Stats. Check telephone boob, newspapen, or by writing to Overeatera Anonymous, World Service Office, 2190 190th Street. Torrance, Callf. 90504. · -Anyone can join. There are no dues or fees for rnembenhip. -There are no reli1lou1 requirement•, aUWattona or orientation. DEAR DR. STEJNCROBN: I •a•e a H·1ear-old ~· •• w beea dlaooted .. ~ sp1aa1 a.rtmtt11. wm '" esplalllf -MRS. c. • •ANN LANDE!RS •HUGH MULLIGAN. •HOROSCOPE • r chiid tragedy enough punishment are ••ff•rl• u ,.. are. tMtt la dMt abieMe of IM aMllC, so pertorm &Ul miracle I on.r &WI from Omar D&Jyam: TM mOvlq fla&tr wrUn: ud, uvlq writ, Movet u: aor alJ yo1r pie~ ••f wit SUll l8re It beck W cQffl Ulf a llae, Nor all )'Hr tun wuta out a word of It So -doa•t loM back. Look uead ud ctovote yoar dm~ ud eDerlY so 10me"1a1 eoa1tnctlve. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Both our teen-age d.auahtel'I and I are tl'Yin8 to loet we.laht. We are not arc-, but we would loOk better wttl\ 10 powlCb off. Three n.lahtll a week l 11erve flah -IErilled, no butter. For the last two weeka mv bual>and has Allll WIDllS • ft& •MI 1troa11pray..cu deodoriser, aad pac • clo•npln by your baab&Dd'1 place -juat for tlae .... ,,. .. CONFIDENTIAL to Need Relief fro~ OverharlD1 Pare11ta: So, wby doa't yoa set oat of 6e MuM ud try It oa your own -wbile you 1t1Jl new everythlns? . Band concerts: Sign of ~1immer RIDGEFIELD, Conn. (AP) -Front and center, Colonel Bogey. and attention, all you Yankee Doodle Dandies. The band concert, absolutely free, costing nothing but a summer ev~. is back in style. Bigger this year. they say, than drive-in movies, and almost as compulsive as video space games. We had one in our town park the other evenlfli, and I happily happened on several starlit oompah recitals on picturesque village greens wbile motoring recently through Vermont. More vividly than an old photogRph album, the ecene and the sounds brought back my boyhood on a fond tide of remembrance. Here was the past in instant replay. Fireflies Ught!Jl8 up the night in a merry dance of sparka. A muted trumpet coyly calling to the tin aoldien to brin& down the thundering brasa fanfare of the "March of the Toys." OLD FOLKS IN FOLD-UP chain fanning thermelves with cardboard fa.Ill (donated by the local funeral parlor) in cadence with the pulsating tempo. A toddler on uncertain new shoes swaying ln tune to the melodic march Une. Loven cuddllni cloee in the ailvery starlight sifting through the arched canopy of giant elms lllhtly ruffled by the breei.e and the ice cream vendor almost wtmpering his wares. Small fry crowding the stepa of the circular wooden band.stand. all Victorian curved com1cee and gingerbread raillnp. for a better view of the unifomled instrumentalists, especially the virtuoeo on the huge copper drum. The local wileacre sucking lemon in the front row just as the tuba player begins his eolo. The bandmaster's precision about-face on incredibly polished shoes and snappy ulute to acknowledge the rousing appJauae that followed every item on the program. The long line at the water fou.nta.in durinc bltermillion. Giant rnoth9 In mesmerized nt1ht around the lamp1>91t1. Ky grandmother reechi.nc Into her ·eoormoua handbec for the boule of dtronella that keep the moequ.lto. at bay. The al.moet univerul ~ty of band muac owes more to America than (ta Britbh and Gennab origins. Hardly a man ls now alive who can clalm to have heard the bands of John Phillg Soula. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, Edwin l'rafko Goldman, Liberati, the Greet er.tore and the ot.hel-farnaw band.mast.en aaluted by~ MeNdlth ww.on In hla introductory lyric• to "Seventy·8'x Trombones," the atompinc march bun hil hit muaic.al ''The Mumc Man.'' Born in Dublin, Victor Herbert bad h1a first b6a IUOOe98 in New Y orit when Gilmon! the Grat dleCI and he was aaked by the band members to be their new leader. Deaplte h1a genius u a campcmr and . his great success in light opera and musical comedy, Herbert never lost his fondne. for bnm band.. He spent many s ummer• up In the Adirondack Mountains of New York State sitting in with local village bands, who rarely reallzied they had a world class cellist sawing away at the ti.ck of the Uny string aection. BAND MUSIC PllOBABL Y kept ita warm small-town glow becau.e it never quite caught fire in the economics of the entertainment buaipem. despite lta great popularity. Souu sold the rightll to "Semper Fidells" for $35 to a Philadelphia music publisher, who.l.naisted u part of the deal that the march king orchestrate lt for piano, band md orchestra. No one seems to know who Colonel ~y was. but the famoua march waa written by a~ Fred J . Ricketta, a bandmalter' in the Brttiab army for 38 ye&ra, who wrote another mM'dl about h.lrmelf GOlfN 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. West SOJJTB deals. • A K Q J2 NORTH V' AQ8 •976 o'"AQ52 V'K64 +z 0 I 8 7 3 The bidding: • 954 Wett Nortli Eul S.wtli WEST EAST I + P... Z • 3 • • 8543 • 10 Pa11 3 o p.., 3 • V'JI02 'V 9753 Pa11 4 • PaM Pua O KJ 0 106' Pa11 • AK 8 7 • Q J 10 63 Opening lead: King or +. One of the penalties of growing old 11 that your circle of friends becomes ever smallet. It ia with great sorrow that we learned of the death of the doyen of Dutch bridge journalls1s, Herman Filanki. U ever a man deserved to be calletl a gentle giant, it was Hemlall. He wu a man of great integrity who never bad a bad word to say about anyone. The respect in which he was held by his peen was marked by hia election u Executive Vice Pre1ident of the International Brtdae Press Asaociation, which benefited for yean from hia labor and his wisdom. The Bola Bridge Tipa we~ bis idea, and he worked t.J.relesal.Y for the benefit of bridge throughout the world. We loved him, and will mia him sorely. PllSOllALITY Q.&A. BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER Some men of means Q; AaJ waf of learalq IMw mtd ~ u.s.. ,,...._ .. etnda1ly reperied u 6eir aet w~ ltettn ...... laSO fM Wllte BHM? A : Yee. We f~und the anawer to 7our fuclnall.Q financial question in the hllhlY- r...,..leid .,O.S. Newa & World Report ol Diiie. 7, 1981. ; hailiy Carter reported hla '* wonh .. t7N,OOO 1'wfwm he MIWDld oUk:e • . . Rlchard .Nixon'• net worth when he became pn!lldent tn 'ff Wll *7,141 • . . GenJd Jlord. Who IUiDCeedeCI baa be. when NbtDn re1icnec1 h1a lof1)" role ln 19'14 m..w a mt worth of .-.e1e ... AD o1 u.. IDlft are now miUIG .. r11 dtawtq aovemmmt penltont, peanuts compared to monl• alreldy recetYed and IJ*llfled tn the macadne'• wne ~ .... ,... .. ~C.1-dlattM~ ., ..... l 1&),lftf'NPa ........ ,... ..... ......... Nn l .... t91111-.___,.J'll '"'•••: ,.,...,. •• •••• •••••t. -;1.c.a~ M Jllll I . Herman w.. a tower of 9U'ength on the Dutch team which, unta prime, wa. always a con .... ln the European C'hampiol\1hlp. Today's hand occurred during • rubber brtdae pme 1n UJ33. West led tfle king of dubl and continued wtt.h the ace, which FDank1 ruffed. The contract 1eemed simple until East aluffed a heart on the second spade. Now declarer, to keep control of the hand, was forced to abandon trwn1>9. Filanki cashed the ace of diamonds and ace of hearts, then cnmed to the king of hearta. He led a low diamond from the table and ran It to Weat'1 king. West did the beat he could by retumine another club, but declarer had an elegant counter. He simply di8carded a diamond from hil hand instead of ruffing. West wu helplea U he returned a.not.her club, declarer would ruff it on the table. And any other lead would allow declarer to win, draw trumpa and make the rst of the tricks with h1I winnen. IUve you been runniDsl into double rroc.d>)e1 Let Charles Goren help you bnd your way throclJZh the maze of DOUBLES IOI' pen.alties and for takeout For • copy of his DOUBLES boo1cJec. ~ $1.85 to ''G«etl-Doubles,,. care of th&~. P.O. Box 261, NOl'WOOd, N.J. 08648. make Mecb ~ble to Newspa.perboola. . I HUGH MULLIGAN' MULLIGAN STEW called "The Mad Major." Among lovers of band mualc, he won renown under the pseudonym of Kenneth J . Alfrod. . Lastly, on matters of marua.J music, the Marine Corpe hymn was li~t.ed -or liberated, to use a verp_ popular with the Jarheads -from "Genevieve <ff Btabant," a now rarely performed opera bouffe ~ Offenbach.. U they had swiped his can-can mUSlC inlt.ead, the war in the Pacific might have been over in td.x months. Jt. George M. Cohan said, "Any tune like Yankee Doodle simply sets me off my noodle,'1 especially on thete lovely swnmer evenings. Grab your fold-up chair and do likewise to add some free fun to your vacation. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT AT ANY MOMENT SOMETHING ' G OULD HAPPEN TO C HANGE: MY LIFE, BVT AT MOST MOMENTS, NOTHING DOES. HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA ., •I ... . · SahlrdaY. Jaly 31 ARIES (Mareh 21-April 19): Travel plans can be IOtidified. Lines of comrnurucation open. you perceive potential and could have marvelous idea for special report, story or novel. ·; . TAVR(.!S (April 20-May 20): Focus on credit retinal and prasure from member of oppoaite aex for loan. Important purehase is linked to family member who wants to beautify surroundings. . GEMINI (ttjay 21-June 20): Play waiting game. You don't have complete story. Leaal ramifications require clarification. Examine, probe · beneath surface -you'll make discovery whicl(• preventa financial loa. Pisces plays significant role.• ' CANCE' (June 21..July 22): Nothing OOCW'1t halfway -you'll have more responslbllity •. relatio~8.n:ta up and your requests for f_undi.n&. will be f · . Accent now on work. productlo~ m>plo~t and ways of getting job done throug}i unique •rvice. Lm (J~T..:.3-Aug. 22): Scenario hi1hllabti fultillment, of heart and reunion with OIW wlM> l'Deabt much to you during formative yearL Arta, Libra and another Leo figure promlnentl)'. ••• VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New start in ne,v, dtrec:Uan !9Wt11 in greater independence. creative freedom. Attend open house. Bargain in property ~ home II made available. • I I 'I I I I j Roses can suffer in summer 0on•t l•t your J'Olll "j111nt" 1n lM hMt. ,,., dine One ... "'*· if ~ tind lnfeNd brw.t-. to 11w them that added care to pt Y9t another a\lp them ott Mil.., UMt facled now.. p6c:Ud. nuan ot bloom t.h1t tall, with IQatteNd b1oam rtabl up to winter. ROl89 autfer the meet at th1a Ume from Inadequate or improper watert.na. Th1I plant lhould never be dry around its roots. Remember roeea bloom only on new wood IO wttbout proper irrigation there will be Utt.le·neW arowth for blooma to form. Hold back on any overhead 1prinkllna. In the · cooler rout.al areu, whu. humidity la hieh, overhead watertna will promote funsua problema while in the drier areas of the atate, it can lead to sunburn lf done durtna the day. Of coune, the biueet boon to help ~ retain molature and keep their root area cool durtn, the swnmer la mulchlna. Put a thick layer of mulch around the bottom of ~h l'Ole buah, at leut two to three inches using either redwood compOlt, bU'k or wood chips. An important step in mid-1ummer ro.e care 11 preventive spraying to keep your roees free from pests and diaeuet. Aak your nuneryman about sprays it you're in doubt. Alao, he'll have spray equipment available to make t.hJa an easy chore. Fertilizing Is equally important. U you want to have blooms into and through fall, fertilize now. Here again, check with your nurseryman as there are pre-packaged rose foods with simple directions to follow. SoIDe shrubbery grows like vine There are times when gardeners run acrom plant mate r i al , like the star jasmine (trechelospermum jasminoides), that doesn't know whether lt wants to be a vine or a ahrub. The usual habit may be ln climbing but bddng a place to climb, it forms a shrubby and highly useful ground cover. Or if the lower growth ls thinned, it forms a handaome, fragrant shrub. It is, of coune, up to the gardener on how be chooees to uae star jumine. It can be trained up and onto a trellis, espaliered against lattice, staked to form a spreading pattern on the ground or even cut back aeverely to flt into a large tub. No matter how it is grown, fragrant pinwheel blooms are the reward. TAKE CARE -With proper care ln awnmer, toaes will bloom throughout fall and into winter. lllllllll l:lll:llllT • Uae petuniaa, mari&olda, lobelia ar zlnniu to keep the color ahow going ln late summer. • Prune back any faded annuals and give them aome fertilizer. You'll be rewarded with another flush of bloom later on. • Cut off the runners of your strawberry plants before they root IO you don't end up wlth a tangled mua of plants. •Cut back all of the dried, dead foll.age of any spring blooming bulbt. U they need dividing, do 10 now lor better bloom next yeer. ' fl,~~ o.n..11~ \here'• a aood reuon why your amanwnia1 planta don't bfoom. YOU can ptobabl)' flnd out why they f.a.u.d to flower with a Utti. detective work. A plant'• fallure to flower LI Ul\&8lly related '° OM of ftve ftMN) C8Ullt llOCOl'dlq to Mich.lpn State Unlveralty'1 Zxten1lon Fiorltlculture . department. They are the plant'• a1•. the c.nperawre, Uaht. nutrition or pl'W\J.nl. Mancah.doody plaptl P9l9 throu&h • lfOWth period Juvenillt)'. DWina thll early period ln a plant'• lif•, the plant produce. lotl of leavet and new ahoota but no flowel"I or fruJta. JuvenWty may lut 2 to 8 Y9ll'I 1n aome lh.rubl, & to 10 yean or lonaer in IOme treet. The only Curet are patience andUme. Extremely low winter temperature. may kill flower buds of fonyth.la, flowertnc dop'ood and eome othet' planta. Of ooune, 110Cne cold or cool w•ther 11 needed for certain plantl to flower properly. Th.la la true of 1prtna bu1bl auch u tulips, crocua and daffodlla. Some Dou.plants, such u holiday cacti and kalanchoe, like lt cool. Many plants are photoperlodic, which means their flowertnc 11 controlled by the number of houn of llaht and darknml to which they are ~ daify. Shon-day plants. 1uch u poinattia, chryunthemum and aardenla. need 16 to 18 hours of darknal for a while to flower. Long-day plants -ahrub althea, glomy abella and Wiegeha - require 1~ or more noun of light to flower. Some plants respond to the inte~ty of Ught available. Flowerlnl ahrubt or aarden plants plaioed in shady areu may produce few, lf any, flowers. Mulchil\I can help control weed.I ln IWDlllfl'. Cover th9 eoU between row1 wlth blldt plMtk, layert of newapapen, old carpetlnc OI' leYera1 lnchel or orpnlc material 1uch u straw, compost or 11'1.9 cllpPlnct. Theee cMck annual weeds by prevendq liiht from rach1nc weed aeedlJncJ. Such mulcn la leal effective aplntt perenn.la1 weeds and sra-es. which mu.at uau.ally be removed by hand or mechanlcally. r- Plant citrus now Aucuat weather 11 ideal for plantlnc dwarf dt.rua or full med dt.rua lf you have the room. The warm days pt theae heat lovers off to a good start. MAM a buin around the ttee for irrlption. but keep a mound of earth right around the tnmk. Too much water la not iood for the root crown. Ai.o mulching will help. Dwarf citrus can alao be planted In large containen. r·······-··················1····---·-·--····-···········1 ~~. NIW'l2 ... CIDll·llNZ DlllaRDAN fully ~ppect Cap COit S20.000 tealduol •• • .000 NO CN llfoucnoH. 60 month Leo .. PCl'fl'Mnf plua tax *356'0mo Otd9r \'our'l T odayt 1' ZS call a 8o6111aina11 · Flonn AIW O.nl Oii••••/ i W•• .,,..,1 Tiiey I•/' L1tlrlo1 /1 #/rlll FIRST PICKINGI WATERMELON 5 1/2 ~ 'ound LOCAL NOWI LOOKI JOEi THEYM NOT 1.00 HERE Ol'EN OMY 'Tll. I CJ g· c-.. -· - r---ff•l•f:J•Til--:..--,r----'1(•1fl:NJJ----,r----1<-1mN11----, I LARU 11 It ALWAYI LIU MDI I I ICERRG 11 GORGmOUI It BUTTON I I 11 II I I LETIUCE : I CARNATIONS :: MUSHROOMS I I 4 s100 n *1'' :: 89• I I '°' I t Doz. II flOIMd I I Star jasmine ia not the only plant calssified as shrubby vine9 or vining shrubs. Included is cape plumbago (Plumbago capensll) which gives a mass of blue flowers often aeen in summer gardena. • Don't feed plants or lawns just before leaving on vacation. The tender new growth promoted by fertil.lzlna will be the first to suffer if ______ _.iiliil there'• a heat wave while you're ,ane. I Umffl • II Umtt2Doz. II UMltlU... •I •---------------' •---------------'L---------------' Nursery Spedul ZONAL GERANIUMS Hardy, Rellable SunloYlng Plants. Very Colorlul Bloom Clutters. RUFFELL'S U'MOLSTHY • et no ....... Ital ....-oa &YD. COSTA MHA -~ .. I IS. ''''#f'''''' INDO GREEN PLANTS NOW 97 ONLY 5 · Aleo: Limited Supply of I" HouM Plante. RE0.1.95 (CIDj Since 1946 Ha1lisbits Nursery-Florist 2140 Harttor llvd .• Costa Mesa MeGOO ~AUIUIJ 1.1111. __,_,.,, t..UTI. -------- SAVE ELECTRICITY ~°"" CNOIC8 °' ,..._ R'U. llATCM ..,_ WOOO ~aUAC"n.T See Our Complete Select Ion of e'*'IJ Saving Fluoreecent Flxtu'" 2-LITE 48" •ec. Slt5 · SALE rt .50 4-LITE 48" •11. S255 SALE 127.SO ALLIED LIGHTING a ELETRIC m Y1otoN. c.u -. ~--.......... ......,, 646-3737 /646-8194--.P.~ CIOl9d Sun. & Mon. LLDl'D !i gilrdensho excellent color for Summer Sun Bud & Bloom 4" Pot a..s1.ot 690 I 1 GALLON .... 3.50 Dally Living AIDI FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 'ht • -11111 -,.,,,,,.. we OB.MA ~cJl-J'illt ~ 2907 W. WMID. S.A. !'JI M2·1112/111D Coming August 1 . IAVE 4.50 THEY·RE NOW e.oo HIRE SAVE .... .----1(•l•f :M1 t--- --, r----'1(111J;z.ra----,r----1<•11Iil•It1----, I • 11 AllORTID I I "OUR OWN" 11 POM POM .:.c::. I I WATERMELON 11 MUMS I ' ti TOMATOES I : 51L2t II •1•• 4 •100 I I '/~ Lb. 11 9da. Lbe. I !_ __ ~,!-~ __ _._J !_ ___ ~!~----'L----~!~---.=..! SPECIAL RADtO IPECIAL SNCW. 1-----((tJ.'Lil.!IJl-----i,-----1@WfJr---1r----~j•Tit----1 I ...a1''MIYUR .: SALAD II '"'9VMD I I GREEN It TOMATOES 11 COAc:tmu.A I I BEANS II :: GRAPEFRUIT : I 29• H 29• II 10 1100 I : Umtt•~ n ~.. :1 ~-: , _______________ 11 _______________ ,l--------------~ COUPONS EXPIRE AUGUIT 5 -I P.M. ---1601 Newport Blv . ..~:, ,_,_._..,, 645-0032 ........ 111•~ ....... Le••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' AMLING'S. Newport Nursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20 1 OFF ALL • POmRY I SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS •STRAW BASKETS • ron11a sotL • WIRE BASKETS ""IDAV. JUl.V 301 18U C111allna set• a new bank and Allan Gibton bas been named its chief 0 ~ 0 - COMICS STOCKS 82 86 o~ratlns officer. Pase B4. Lengthy feat challenges feet Canadian walking to 'beat of a different drummer' still harbored FADING DREAMS DEPT. -It has not been reported in the news that Ken Sampeon, the now-retired chief of Orange County's Harbors, Beaches and Parks Department, has become diacouraged over the prospects for a Costa Mesa Marina. Thia is too bad. Not only is it unfortunate, but a bit unusual in that when it comes to creating maritime facilities, Kenny Sarnpeon isn't the kind of .guy who usually. discourages easily. ,,....'\ .... Sampson has been on TDI MURPHINl@11 ~!:::i~~th~9!~to~ ~ build a boat marina with some 3,000 slips upstream on the Santa Ana River that slices down to the sea between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Proposed for some 420 acres in the Mesa metropolis, Sampson figured the city could get the marina project under way by 1987. Now that dream is fading a bit. SOMEHOW, THE U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers, a key government agency in such matters, has put the project on By PATRICI. J. KENNEDY OftMDllJ ......... The beuded, ahirtleea man pulllng a rickshaw alon&ldde a Pacific Coast Hiahway traffic jam in Laguna Beach didn't appear out of place in a town of varied lifestyles. But Klaus Werner of Vancouver, Brltlah Columbia saya he's not ju.at walldna to the comer market. He's strollins to Argentina, he said while pausing Wedneeday afternoon in the Art Colony. Hia hike •tarted 93 days and 1,850 mile• •10 from his Vancouver home, he BllYB· Averaging 24 miles a day, Werner, 38, aaya his hike ia a sPtrftual quest for self-realization and has taken him along the coasta of Washington, Oregon and Calllomia. With every footatep, he uys he's testing himaeU and creaUns hannony with the earth and the people he meeta, while learning patience, endurance and the oneness of everything. He says he's also learned to cope wit)l sore feet. A former carpenter, Werner says he lived on a 40-foot yacht for five years before deciding to build the nckahaw. He says his hike is to attain freedom from the stress in his life that included a broken marriage. ''Some nights I'm totally exhausted and can barely cook my food, but I've found the journey Isn't ao difficult," says the German-born Werner. "I've learned to separate the pain in my feet from the pleasure in my mind," he says. "I've .,.., .......... Photo MANY WAYS OF SINGING -Klaus Werner has learned to. see life from a different perspective while hiking from British Columbia with a designated goal of Argentina. He stopped the other day to contemplate life, a la Laguna style. created an alternative way of living and some people are frightened by that and think I'm ~when they see me on the "But there are so many different way1 of 1inging, of heart.na the blrda, ao why not try an alternative way of living?" Werner aaya he'• f1Jw¥:ied the trip off the intetet1t of $lr>,OOO aavinp and has spent an average of $8 a day. He camps at night and carries food and water on hi. cart, which I.a 6-feet in length. Fully loaded, the cart weighs 260 pounda, he aaya. Hand brakes allow him to rest on steep inclines. W~mer cal.la b.lmaell an actor and ''contemporary folk singer," and ls quick to break into song or give an animated account of hi& journey. He tells of a woman in Santa Barbara who had trouble believing he'd come all the way from Canada and asked, "Isn't it hard to get your cart on the bus?" "Most people are suffering from what I call the lemmings effect," Werner says. "Everyone I.a moving faster and faster and if aomeone tries to slow down they're bumped in the heel by someone behind them and they give up and m6ve faster. "People 1hould slow down and see what's around them," he said. "Besides," he added, pointing to the traffic jarrt by Main Beach Park, "I usually move faster than that, without the stress." Werner, who speaks Spanish, says he'll be in Argentina within two years, but he says he may cut the journey short if there is still a tense situation in San Salvador. He says he'll get a job on a freighter or yacht for his return to Canada. Plan on airport-close buildings hacked llllna Point HMbot' JO years ago •t dedication: A dream that became reality. bold, pending the outoome of a marina projec:1 in Bolsa Chkia, at Huntlng!on Beach. 'Meanwhile, Sarni-on'• consulting 9el'Vk!es to Costa Mesa city government have been out back to half of what th9Y once were. Sampson, himself, has deecribed the project as being "in limbo." . Normally, you wouldn't think of this man as being gloomy about marina prospects, despite the odds. He was ln the forefront of Orange County leadership that created Dana Point Harbor, to the south on our coastline. He was also in office when Sunset Aquatic Park, upcoast, -Was ~ developed. once many years back, it appeared that Aliso Beach, in South Laguna, was going to be shut off from public access by private development. Sampson, and many others, thought it should be retained for the public. Policies could replace 'extremely restrictive' FAA regulations Revi8ed policies that offidala say will pennlt greater flexibility in deter111i9'n1 the hei1ht of bu.ildi.no Lr\ areu aurroundtng three Orange County alrporta have been endorsed by the· county Pi.nifna Commllmon. The po1icM. -:.... which Would · apply in u.nlncorporated areu if approved by the county Board of Su.J>4:rvlaora -would replace existing rules that one Federal Aviation Administration official described as "extremely • restrictive." Under the revised policies. a developer proposing to construct a building or other structure near the three airports would be required to file a notice with the Federal Aviation Administration, which would determine whether the project would conatltute a hazard to air navigation. The airports are El Toro Marine Co.rps Air Station. John Wayne Airport and Armed Jii~ccea Re~~ve Cea&.eri, LQa AJ.nitoe. . If no hazard waa found, the elev~ would be free to go -~ ~~ projed, llUbjecS to routine proceaalna of his appltcatlon by the county Environmental Management Aaency. U problems were found, EMA offidala would be permitted to reject the project or require meaaures -auch aa wamlng light.a -to make the structure more visible to pilot.a. Under exiatlng zoning code rules, developers were often forced to seek variances from the county for construction in the airport·area zones, said Bob Enaten, an FAA ainpace analyst. Ensten said the revised rules would allow for greater coordination between the FAA •nd the EMA in resolving building bet&ht ... in areal surrounding a1rpor1a. Land 1urroundln1 three airportl would he affeoeed'by the prop<*d cJianaes. Height rertrictiona are impoeed in a 20,000-foot radius surrouncfini alr facTlitiea. Generally, an additional foot of buildf.nc height la pennltted for each 100 feet in distance from the airport runway. Thu.a, a 200-foot tall bulldin8 I.a permitted at the perimeter of the restrictive zone. Review of county zoning pol.idea aurroundina airports was ero~pted by the Carma- Sandling Group, developen of the Whiting Ranch property near the El Toro bue. It was di9covered that some Whiting Ranch land in the Santa Ana Mountain foothills fell into the height restricttve wne, thus precluding development. EMA officials Initially ested the county leave the din. height taaue aolely to \be '-· They suggested repealing the zoning code section dealing with airport area height res~Qna._ .. That suggestion drew protest from Murry Cable, manager of John Wayne Airport. who reminded EMA planners that the FAA baa no enforcement power over building heights. The FAA's authority in that regard, Cable said, is strictly advisory. Alter restudying the issue, the EMA ttaff developed the current proposal. It will face action by county supervisors ·sometime in August. . ALAS, RE DIDN'T have unqualified support from his own Harbor Commission or the Board of Supervisors for spending public money on a bunch of sand. But the astute Mr. Sampson knew that on both bodies, there were a number who were avid fishermen. When he unveiled his Aliso beach purchase proposal, lo and behold, there was a fishing pier in the project, with a diamond-shaped end so it would accomodate more fishermen. Paintings soft, cartoons funny 'fats' Both the Harbor Commismon and the supervisors took the bait, if you'll pardon the expresmon. The beach was purchased for the public and the pier stands there today at .AlliJO. Artist's success allows for second career as writer Some beach purchase supporters opposed the pier concept. Little did they know why it was in the blueprints. COSTA MESA CIVIC leaders have long held the dream that their fair city would have an avenue to the sea. Decades back, when Costa Mesa's Broadway was built out toward Upper Newport Bay, it was to lead to Costa Mesa's seaport. Alas, it never happened. Newport fa¢ons smelled out the idea and quickly ringed all of Upper Bay with an annexation. In the middle '60a, Costa Mesa looked to its western boundaries and began dreaming of a marina where the Santa Ana River bed could provide an openinj to the sea. AGAIN, NEWPORT wasn't thrilled with the notion, fearing that more jetties jutting out into the ocean at the river mouth might raise new hob with beach erosion probleml in West Newport. By 1974, it was estimated that Costa Mesa's marina dream would cost upwards to $39 million. Heaven only knows what it would cost today. Dreama, · however, die hard along this best ot all =~ COU117 ~Y· many of them become rMJ.ity t.e apparent When people about Dana Point Harbor, they ta1d It COUid never be done. Look at It today. , By PAMELA STEINRIEDE or .. o.1r,......,. Many artists of the Laguna Beach art festivals muat work second jobs to support themselves. Their artwork doem't always pay the billB. Howe\' er, Alida Van Gores' paintinga, which ahe baa sold at the Sawdust for seven year1, provide more than a living. 'nley allow her to indulge in another talent -writing. "It's a wonderfuJ way to make a living," the Laguna resident aaki "The paintingl support my writing." All aigna indicate writing al80 could prove fruitful. • She ta two clUlel · lhy of a master's of profeaional wrltin& deiEree at USC but already bal aold a television mo1/ie acrlpt to CBS. The \crtpt is about two couples whote newborn babie1 were mistakenly switched at the hospital. The story examines the trauma the couples face eight months later when the error is dilcovered. In contrast to the aeriousnesa of her script, the beauty in Van "I wasn't afraid of making a · livelihood." Gores' watera>lon make them "easy" to view. And her cartooning, which aooounta for 50 percent of her bullnell, provokel laughter froln nearly all who stop at her booth to brow1e. Her comical characten, which 1ell for $12, Include ho21, cats and newly added ''fata!t 'Fata are larp people (that'• an undereaUmatlon) in vartoua Deputies seize cocaine, ' Phone firm five suspects held eyes mail Orange Co~~herUf't ·Dana Point; Steven Mu11:~ depudee have ted $350. addrela ud qe unknown; ==an e County for Pacttlc 000 in cocaine and booad five Georp Baroudy, 2G, of Dana Ti and T*1elraph. She people Into ~ County Jail PotnL that lt a~ clriwa to on ctn.., aalel cbarpe fonowtn, a )l.u1lck and Baroudy were a peyment ..-cy or telep~ one-week lnv.dpt.ion In ftrO amNd In LOI~ by po1IQe olficl and the f'OWldtrlp tnWlwl counU.. de*1lvea there wlillil the other four to flve milet the c:oet of Oranae County Shertfra Lt. thrM ~ were --lnto ~a. mon than the 20 omta · Wyatt Hart Mid the ftw ~ ~at a bOlne ln Dana PamL 'P'!S't on • It.Imp. were belleved to be ~ drUc n. ...rcb Of the ~ at · trafftcken ln aouthem Orarifi 248?8 Dana Polnt Drive C4'miy. · Wnrb ~ curnect up w three TMy ... Identified .. Otna poUndl eoc.int, valued ., 011:1llanlron,2'7~o.Ml>o6ftt; ta&o~ooo. aftd 10 loaded WlDlalll Dilnlel ..., "· Of ~ and a ~ Thi DMii Pomi; ~ ~ ,M, Of ottJom hlid a .arch W'MftftL aspects of life. For example, "Incredible Bulk" la a fat woman at.anding in front of a refrigerator with the door open. But the contents of the refrigerator are virtually bidden bl the woman's wide expame 0 flesh. In the cat category of her work, Van Gares drew a feline painfully feeding and tending her kittens. The uncomfortable talk .rendered the title, "Joys of Motherhood." Van Goret' mother• Alida, dl1play1 her paintings at the aame booch. Mn. Van Gons, a well known Dutch aritiat, provided the artlatlc IW"l'OW1dinp that influenced the )'OUD&'el' Van Gores. "She really didn't teach me, but bavlna pvwn up with it, I wHn't alrald of makln-' a 1tYel1bood out of tt,•• the daup• ll1d. . "I wanted to be• llc:Mnu.t at flrat, but my math cla•H• dlltroJMme ... Vae Clolw dbml't S. the i.t pece of the S.wdult deitn>7 )Mr. AJ•"-· ...... -'-mq toui-flve-;;:;. ellCh .t dUrtnc .;: ..... thow, .. 41lbl to dolt thll .. ... ~~ the two mo11tb1 of rm11 mt. bard wadt. and then ten rocDtbl ol1. .. lht Mlcl. BNfdair blr wrldna. Van aor. f11ll ta.. 10 manthli wUb wwld tnWL She Mkl that the and 1 fdmd wt1l climb the mounialn ot Mldlu Piccbu ln Peru. later thla ,... The S.Wd\19t tl~O a.m. to l1 .m. eidl dij . •· 'Aitcddm II ti. ~ ,..,. ...... ffw. lt'a ....... on tbe .-ut aid• of Laauna ~ ..... jl.-nDnh al u. Bo1'0ub. ; I ' I .1 . p by 911 Kean• ! ,; l • • ~ "Here, Borfy, do you wont this Popsicle bone?" "George, wanna see 1 pretty tight?" ll.\R.'9 \Dl'Kt: '·''"'' I NEED A DIME TO HELP ME GET __ __ A J00 "Hey, Pop ... how come Marmaduke can wiggle his ears and I can't?" .,,, '(4~: -·CALISE WtRt USl!f3 A CO'r1~TfLY -. : 0 ! GOROO ----- .ll'DGt.: P.\RKt.:R HOO' H l ' 1..1..I NS ACAOSS S8 AcrOll: Pref. 59 Unlock· Poet. 1 Pra 60FKU 5 -tyltMI 6~M9te1Yfmo- 10 Snlir•· nlous 14 PreposittOn 658ri 1 s JoH'I torc:es 67 Ktnd of boom t8G•ment 69 Allan ~lion 11 Gull'• kin 70 Noun ending lto.feeta 71 GnlW9d It Br.inwtw 72 GlelM 20 Of:141ter•I• 73 Sperm 22Mllk•lace 74 Splitt 2• Sott 75AOll 26 Tllrn 27 Fidl bt91N DOWN 2tH .. Mallar :12 91rd of myth I Dainty 33 Outch town 2 Loner '.\-4 (:(iet«f :\ 1<"1cl of br I ~ •l~ J8 Aoc.11 Ptf'f "'* 40 In Mtdtlkll'I s lHl lfWI 42 tMAWIOIV MllCh I body 8 Prnnoun 44 PrOMIC 1C'4 .... 45 ......... I PttflffN •78umpluns Dalt •• Stlf 9 NllPPtf 10 Ttw.. Pref tlFr~ 12POCIW 13~ NEW, FQ LEMaN TOQ.\Y. ~ Al L RIC'HT' <:.<' lO ll-IE KITCHEN AN() 0ET YOUP. L'-A55 Of" WATER &JT MAKE IT FAST! ,.-..,_ HE'S ON HIS WAY) PROFESSOR r THUMDAY'S PUZZLI IOlYID 1 I f II A A I ' 21 e.d 48 Ptrtuadtd l3H .. 41Dlc>9rt 21 Vt'ICe st Tormenlor 2t Fro.tted 53 Complete 2t AllC9 ached· ~ 8*eta "" SS Pond« 30 VIII! S8SllyCMMt 31 UncJe -51 BoutlQUt 3S ()pMung 11 Sfloftty 37 Mof'ly man IJPrlnt~ .,., .... 140bflcl'* 39 lnlttumtnl teCCllor 41 I.ill ..... •r-.'°' 43...,,.. "°""' • 2 3 • • by Harold Le Ooux I by Jim Davis YOO'Rf 5UPP05£.'7 TO B£ ON MV 5U~E ! by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~tc'E MBV- SITTIAJ~ eJETE VL'll<:.t: 1V~.V1 T TQO 14&:.Tt4.." "'-~ 'Ct.J/ 7-:.:;- DR:\BBl..E l.oo.(~11~ ~L.'1UM . (,M. Mf., ~(, ~~. . ' by Tom K Ryan we PIU-n4E H11'-ANC1-~UN AAIP ON VAP'IU crTV. 9~ M~L. v-H rr eveftf' S10Pl.IC1Hf ON OIJR WAY \Cl,~T, P4f.' I 'VE C't~\IEREC' 4 \Jt=AT 7lii:.W v.'L 1/L/ZEli?r IHE MA5TE~ 5f'l.<5: A GIRL wm~ L..AU6HIN& €4E5 ... <:$ COOllSE., M-1 ~l~lf. M~fl.K <:$ OIS11NC110N w~-s eE.1t4c, 1'~E. rure.s 1 KIO IN \.lftU. Lf.Ab\)E. • ..., . O(.rr oF-rowN. by Ernie Bushm11ler by Gus Arriola ,,. . ' ~ .~ by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan l"E. ()NL 'i l~Of"'I 1"£-. &AIJE. ME WAS A l11ll£. eROt4Z(.Q OONl.>T. r .ID l iff~ ! I by George Lemont .. ~t.\[L~ ©~ ~ PoP_Cof<~ _ f F~E: B4LL~NS ~-,0~~~~v~ . ~ ~~~~~ . \. ' . • ~er Mo.rtAs K' . I .,,.. S,r~~~· ll A';J 1: ~ p. ~· ~ ~ow ,s. E"«~ <Ai*umt-l.~ ~---·~· es . Plaza . I -.t• 1111•• LN of Newport ......._ w• ~ '° flC10fY mANllW at .uer Ve&•'• aanaa Ana ·~. aaM tf America hll reduced lta prtrne 1tndina raw to 16"' percent from 18. aaclaard Tatro haa bHn promoted to mana1emtnt 1upervl1or at Cocl1raae Claau, Llvtq1tM a Co .. lac., trvtno Walker 6 Let, be. of Santa Ana will provide aal• and mark~ Uliatance to Mountain Cnlek n ln Colton, a developrn11nt of L . Vincent Mayell, lnc. Lelud Oliver Compaoy. Jae., CommuJcadve TeeblqH•. moved otllcee from Oranp to Santa Ana. The public relation1. marketln1 and ~vert.iaina company la looa\ed ln The Broadway Plua, 210? rt Broadway. Suite 303. Ml11Joa Beeclilcraft of Santa Ana received a l"«.'08Jlitlon award from Beech Aircraft Corporation for l&a 15 years of providing sales and eervice of Beechcraft product.a to Orange County. Mlsaion Beechcraft is located at the John Wayne Airport. Elllabe~ K. Lewis of Newport Beech has been promoted to regional first vice preaident for Security Paclflc NaUonal Bank's southern dlvi&ion. She ia\admlnistrator of the north Orange County region of the divislon, headquartered in Garden Grove. Capistrano National Bank will hold a 9:30 a.m. ribbon cutting Monday at the Irvine branch at 1M15 Jeffrey Road. FKM Bu1inea1 Equipment lno. on Aug. 5 will open corporate headquarters at 17222 Annstrong Ave., Irvine. FKM is an independent copier dealer. The facility, a 12,000-aquare-foot free-standing building, will house FKM's executive offices, service center, supply sales department, warehouse and demonstration facilities. Robin L. Monica, assistant vice president at Bank of America's Irvine industrial branch in Newport Beach, received the "golden" track shoes award. This is the fourth year for this award, presented t.o the outstanding performer of the bank's Orange County and Los Angeles coast rejllon. Keeler Foods Inc., Santa Ana. selected MadellDe Zuckerman PablJc Relations/ Advertlalllg of Tustin, to handle its public relations and advertising. Security Federal Savings and Loan A11oclatlon, Garden Grove, reported net profits of $2 million for the six-month period ending June 30. ~rkettng Dlrectton1, Inc., of Newport Beach has been signed to handle public relations for the Scllolle Corporation of Irvine, manufacturers of bag-in-box packaging and filling equipment. Lorraine Atti1 and Jeffrey Jobnaon were promoted t.o senior vice president, by Herlta1e Bank Anaheim. Mrs. Attig w as vice president, employee benefits and becomes senior vice preaident, employee beneflts/lnvestmenta. She la the first woman with the bank to become a senior vice president. Johnaon, formerly vice president and real eetate and conatruction loans/airport office, ii senior vice president of real estate and construction loans/~rt office. Juea May of Irvine has joined TH Co• Barcia AdvertlllDI Company of Newport as media coordinator. She was administrative coordinator with Younique, Inc., a sales and marketing organiz.ation. Dave HawleJ of Huntington Beach, director of finance/treasurer for the Mollton Nlgael Waaer District, received a 10-year plaque for aervlce to the district at a board of directors meeting. HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DISTUllTE TI 99 I 4A tlcro Con1Juten ...... IMSnEfT llUT Wllll NTEITIAL CALL 144-1111 'Waltah say matching la lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) sets. Many excluatvely designed prints and colors. Celling Fans so~ OFF lTUllMU111 1MI tn,eft IL, I.II. Ml-lM1 .,.. 1 llJI Call U2-5t71. Put a few words to work for ou. tblth Cout Pt._ by the Carouaet 751 -7600 The diauict, with otfklee at 2&00 La Pai Road. Laguna Niguel, delivers water and aewer aervtcea to ~o.ooo cuatomera in Lquna Niguel, Laguna Hills and Mmion Viejo, Lyu Meyer of Fountain Valley has been promoted t o directo r of network and communications services for TRW lnformatloa Service•. Point• Data Corporation of Irvine announced that Jobn Matber, vice president, will leave the oompany to operate Independently. Mather is the author of the Readmet software that forms the baSll of Point 4's 4S1te Project Management System. Point 4 will continue to sell both Readlnet and 4Slte thro ugh its OEM distributors. Mather will concentrate on further development of the software. Mather and his wife will form Ol11tal Plannen, lac. of El Toro. Garden Gron Community Bank board of directora has elected Victor R. Ferrell of Corona del Mar chairman. He succeeds Wllllam Estep. Mr. Ferrell has been a director since the bank's organization. He owns a printins firm in Orange County. Jobn Vogelua1 of Tustin, an insurance broker, is vice chairman. John Woolley, former prosecutor for Garden Grove aa well as assistant city attorney, secretary. Glenn McConaelee of Huntington Beach. who owns Mediaco. a corporation involved m the health care professions, ~ treasurer. President Donald Olson resigned and a succesaor iB being sought. The Air Force accepted delivery of the final production unit -number 149 -of the Pave Tack Target Designator System produced by Ford Aerospace & Comm1Ullcatlon1 Corporation at its Newport Beach-baaed Aeronatronl,c Division. Pave Tack is a 24-hour-operatlon electro- optical target acqulaltlon, laser designator, and weapon delivery system. [t provides the Air Force with a capability for detection and recognition of targets during day, night and adverse weather condJUons. Pave Tack systems are deployed worldwide by the Air Force on F -4E, RF -4C and F -11 F aircraft. The system ls contained within a pod which ia mounted beneath the aircraft fuselage. Suit tests S&L due-on-sale loan LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The !Mue of whether a savings and loan inslitution that has converted to a federal charter can exerciJle a due-on-sale clause in a Joan made under a state charter la in the focus of a laWBUlt. The suit, filed in Loe Angeles Superior Court by Sanford and Deanna Halter of Granada Hills, names World Savings & Loan Association of Oakland and asks that the due-on-sale clause be declared void. The loan was made when World was state chartered, before it converted to a federal charter about a year ago. 'nie U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 28 that federal S&lA have the right to demand full payment of a loan when a home changes hands. The suit seeks at least $10 million damages on grounds that World's actions allegedly undennined the sale of a Reseda house in which the Halters were investors. Bank to open on Catalina Isle Applications have. been filed for the National Bank of Catalina, the fU'St commercial bank to open on the Island since 1919. According to the chainnan of the board, Robert A. Stein, the ban.k's directors are Individuals who have been involved in businesses and organizationa in Catalina for many years. In add.iuon, several directors have business interests on the mainland. The bank is acheduled to open in th~ fall at 303 Cre.cent Avenue, in Avalon. Allan T. Git.on has been appointed prealdent/cht.ef executive officer. He was Wlth Union Bank aeYel\ years. Restaurant No new jobs at PacTel SAN Jl'RANCJSCO (AP) -In ....,. day., the Plldflc Telephone Co. rnllht be lU.Ual the :f.fd wanted pea-wtth ad.a for aooc:l Jobi with a compeny. Not thta year and not next year, thCM.tah. PacTel Vlce PrHldenL Ben Dial 11ld Che compen)"a work force will remain "about levtl" t.hrouch 1~3 lnlie.d of lfOWlnt by the 1&,000 jobl prmoualy projected. ''Ortiinall1. we expecied to have allJ'Jlle&nl srowth ln the next couple of yeen but th• recemlon and slower than expected lf'Owth in new service ln1tal111ton1 and Iona dl1tance volumes have elim1nated that need," 8ald Dial. "We haven't had to hire u many people ..a we on,lnally planned, We haven't had any Involuntary layoffs &na we don't expect to," Dt.al added. "A lot of our employees have been calling. They thouaht we were aoina to line up 16,000 and walk them off the plank. But lt'a juat that we're not going to be hirina for new positions. We're not golnl to be laying off," PacTel spokesman Bill O'Brien uid. The company will hire employee. to replace retiring or transferring workers "when needed," O'Brien aaid. PacTel'a work force ii 112,398, includlna about 8~1000 non-managerial employees, according to O'Brien. He aaid 1,260 of thoee non-managerial jobs are "really unnecessary" and will be eliminated by attrition. Annual turnover among non-managerial workera runs cloee to 20 percent in nonnal times, O'Brien said, but the turnover has been lowtt during the recession as workers hold onto their jobs longer. William Demers, business manager of the Communications Workers of America, which represents most of PacTel's non-managerial staff, aaid the union has been working with the utility on its reduction plan. "We don't expect to have any layoffs," he said. An undetermined number of ernplovees will be shifted to the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. when the ties are severed between PacTel and its parent company. "We now expect the work force to stay about level through 1983 although some people may eventually be working with subsidiaries of AT&T rather than with Pacific Telephone," Dial said. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS , ... AP Wll 1Jt II DISCOUNT CARD -Thll card LI the flm of itl ldnd ln Southern California, with the purpo1e of conaolldatlng businesses that wtll provide goodt and services at a aubetantial diloount to the Spanish-speaking market. Brow-n seeks gas hearing SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr wants a federal appeala coun to require public hearing, on a ruling that boosted natural gaa rates for Callfomians by $800 million last March. Brown, who iA runrung for the U.S. Senate, aaked the Circuit Court of Appeals In Washington, D.C.. to review an order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approving rate hikes for the El P8.80 Natural Gas Co and the Tranawestem Pipeline Co. In a related development, Southern CalJforn.ia Gu Co. .,Ud it expects another such mcrease in October which would boost the average gas biU to $5~.50 a. month next January, compared to $33.26 laat January. Both El Paso and Transwestern supply ga.a to Southern California, and l!:l Paso a.lao supplies Pacific Gas & Electric Co. in Northern Califonua. The California firms also get gas locally and from Canada. Brown said in a letter to Charles Buller UI, chainnan of the federal commission. that it had ignored his protest of the March increase. and noted that the pipeline companies were about to apply for another rate hike. Brown charged that the commission seemed ready to approve of the pipeline rate boosts "without any participation by the pubuc." • f ~ .... E"Q~\Y •...:•"' Q wruem,, l(y(l'l ' qtl>'O 'W.>.-•St °""" "' 1"1110 ~9<( p.,~( ff•()\ ....,.,. .. .,. \w.,tn C.Oml«n S¥"<"' p,.,m"" r.nv1 0.Cl\0.1 •f'nt'COH 0.nl"LD S•n<t ..,15 c..-11 l>•QO.t 'Nd> Tc l>'t ff'tf'tl ,~ .. I O\o Ptl • J , Uu .. , •· \XJ HI I VD u) ) • Uo 11 . t UO H 0 • uo n s I VO 1). • ~ uo t) 0 S' • • )•, l • 1 .. Uo It I uo 11' 1 • n' " I Uo '' 0 J•, 1 ' • ' . • J . .... . s .. '. l I • • • 1 DOWNS """' I s ... 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SoCal Cas seeb higher rates L08 ANGELES (AP) -Southern c.allfomla Gu Co. aan it wlll Hk the atate Public Utilities Commialon to approve an $800 mllllon yearly rate i.ncttue •tarting in October that could nearly double residenUal cuatomitn' bWa next winter. The commlulon ~pproved an $834.3 million annual rate hike ln AprtJ for the same reuon cited In the latelt projected request: The gaa oompany I.a paytna more lor aupplie. from Ua Houaton·based pipeline companlea, El Piao Natural Gu Co. and Tranaweatem Pi~Co. T'he utility estimated that the oombined rate hikes would boost the typical realdenual customer'• monthly bill from $33.26 last January to $55.50 ln January 1983, or about f265 more a year. Time§ Mirror revenues up Revenues of 1'b3. Mirror Co. baaed in Los Angele. lucruud to UU.1 million in the second quarter from $539.5 million in comparable quarter of 1981. Net income was $33.1 million, or 97 cent& per share. VI. $38.5 million, or $1.13 per 1hare, m the seo:>nd quarter of 1981. Thia year's second-quarter re1uJt1 benefited from Inclusion o f an 8-<:enta-per·ahare gain on the sale of a 50 peq-ent interest in the company'• Long Beach cable system. ~half net income totaled $53.3 million, or $1.56 pet' ah.are, againlt $64.5 million, or $1 .89 per share. In 1981. Results were abo enhanced by a 21-centa·per·ahare gain on the sale ot real estate posted ln the fl.rat quarter. Times Mirror publlahes the Loe Angeles Times. Newlday, Da1lu TiJnee..Hei-ald, Denver Post. Sporting News. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Hartford Courant and two other papers in Connecticut and has newsprint, broadcmt and other compania. Baker earnings level Baker International Corp. of Orange aaid earnings for the t)\J'ft montha ended June 30 were 92 cents per share, equal to the amount reported a year ago. Revftlues for the quart.er were $672.96 million. or $596.46 million without the recent Envirotech acquisition. compared to $559.3 million in the yev earlier period. an Ulcn!ue of 20.3 pen.-ent. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YORl(IAPI l'•N I Dow -••Q\ tor "'-'""'• Ju• ~ STOCllS :JI .,., 2D Tm •S Ult ~St· 0..fl Hi. UtW C-0. 11113 s11 54 .,,o ''' 11. o.ii JOI IS 111" JOO•> JOI .a• o 61 10111 •Ol '1 10111 1CD 11 0 11 )11 I l )1) P) YIP ~ )11 )1 • 0 1' '"""' ,,.., IA•ll tS ~- WHAT STOCKS DID '•EW VORIC •API Jill " -•• •.,.t•OO Tho.ncley m ..., II) ,,,. •o 111 HEW V0RI( ••P• J"" " METALS ThuroOrt 10 JH ... .,. ) 11 .... (Jt)G . , .. ~ 1.0C?.000 1 111 tllO ,,,. .. o~r, un ~J •11&1 I) '" Pr•v O•V ... II\ m 13' Ill HEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonlwfous -..-~ c.,.. ~16 oeni. • pound. us deetlrletlonL ...... 2t-2t Otr'lt9 I pound Z1M 31...0 °""'''a pound, dell-ed Tiit ... 00$6 ~-Waelc CC>mPOllte ... Mu A 1t-n otntl a pouncl, N Y _.., 1370.00 I* .... .......... a2N 00 troy GI., N Y SILVER --------------- BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (448217). Don't miss this economy special at only 1 I BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (263857). This week's special at only 55199 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Door Uftback. 5 speed trans., factory air cond., AMIFM stereo radio, pin stripes, bucket seats, wheel well moldings & fully factory equipped. (598687). SpeclaJ this weekend at only • 55799 INCLUDES FACTORY AIR COND.! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed ~ ton model with 4 speed transmission & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). This tough truck Is fully factory equipped & priced to sell quick at only 55699 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP~~ Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transmission, AM/FM stereo, window package and fully factory equipped. (047663). Go 4 wheelln' for only 57799 TOYOTA • . ·.1966 Hat'bot Blvd. COStaMesa I I I 11 I Thinking of selling your car? If IO, please oonSider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plusseal We will advertise, quaJ. tty all prospects. take trade-ins, • have available financing & do all paper work! When your car ls sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-&46·9303 71 4-540-9467 -----.J.----- BEST USED CAR BUYS IN OR ANGE COUNTYlll 1171 OHALLEllER 1111 TOYOTA SPORT COUPE COROLU 0 LlnllCI" Auto. trana • air cond .. atereo tape, Auto trans air cond , power power steering, brat!es & windows. steenng & brakes. AM-FM radio lift wtieet, alloy wtleefa. new Tu-Tone e1tter1or lrtm package & more paint & •ow mu.. (t8JK724). Don't ( 16PD577) Great economy & IUpet'" mlu this great bYy '°' only atytlng at only $4699 $6299 1111 PEllEIT 1910 TOYOTA "184" llESEL CELICl °C.T. LIFTl&CI " 4 Speed trans , AM-FM cauette. Top perlormance 5 Speed with atr power 1teerlng, power ~rare•. cond AM-FM stereo. 1111 wheel power wlndOWI, IUnrOOI m0f91 rear window shade & m o re Very cteanl (0'49TZU). A real 1teal at Sparkling red metallic linlSh with below wholeeale bluebook at under 16.000 miles• Must see' s4599 C 1A11(5601 $6399 1112 llTSll 1171 TIYIT& CORILU "1111111" PIOllP 0 1ELllE 2 HOI" DleHI. 5 apeed trana., atereo Automatic tranaml u lon. Fully eauette, moon roof, ~ome 1tep factory equipped pkla exterior trim bumper & mof'91 (2Ae3e55). Juat OY9f 10,000 mlleel A atMI at only package. New beige flnlah with addle Interior. (476NIN). Don't miss this apedal al only $6999 $2999 1171 OPEL 111Tllllia .... .,IELIU COUPE" .. ,.,..,... Great tranaportatlon with an Econorl._ I :ft:' wfttt _,, oond., MJtomatk: transmlallon. atereo tape 1tereo OH•• te, exterio r trim and morel Orlglnal ind clean Inside package l more. (721ZLF). An & out. (772ROH) outstanding buy et only $2299 s2919 1111 TOYITA 1111 OPEL on1oa OllPE 0 1ELllE COIPE" Popular 5 apHd with air cond .. Automatic: transmlUlon. air cond .• power 11 .. rlng & brakea, atereo AM-FM radio, exterior trim package cusatte, alloy whHla & exterior and morel An outstanding car in trim package. (1DMH538). Don't every respect! (854UPO) mu· this 1terllng allvef t>Nuty for oNy $7199 s3499 Ch•rle1 W'hlle POR TH! R!OOAD ce le•ve• drub problem belJJnd ·hlm. P•6e ca. Mariners capsize in A 1 naheim Angels outlast i:mproving Seattle behind DeCinces' blast BY CVJlT SEEDEN °' .................. When the Seattle Marlnen played thelr lOOth 1ame of the 1981 leUOn, they ca.rrted a lackluster 3'7-80 record into the contest -which wu about what wu expected of the YOWli ball club. It ia now 1982, and the MQinen are juat aa youna. and under the able Jeedenbip ot the younaest manaaer ln the majora, Rene Lachemann, are hovering ln the realm of respectability. In any other yew, a late-July aeries with Seattle would not have much of a beu1nc on the American t.e.gue West standinp but as far u the Marinen a.re concerned, this ia no ordinary year. Thunday nJcht at Anaheim Stadium, the Mariners' bid to move to within four games of the division-leading Angeb It wasn't what she expected By PAMELA STEINRIEDE or .. Dlllr,......., Becauae my father is a long- time scout for .the Cincinnati Red.I, I have attended major- league bueball games since I was f!t&ht years old. rve sat in every lectk>n of various ballparks - from "peanut heaven" to field level box 1eata. However, Thunday night at Angel Stadium I obaerved the Angel-Mariner game from the unique vantage point of the press box. And with a surprisingly lerious crew of aporta writ.en. They came from San Bernardino, Loa Angele s , Fullerton, Long Beach, Cotta Me.a and other dties not only to watch the game but to report it. There b a difference. Al~ it WU DOt U stoic U a Bank of America board meetina. they were at work, and the emotlcm level waa low. Concentration at times was atudioua. WITNESS THE reaction to Doug DeClncea third inning home run. While the fans cheered and screamed wildly, eech repor1er dutifully recorded the three-run blast in his ever- preaent 9COrebook. wu upeet by OM of the many durable veterans ln the Anael lineup, namely third bueman Doua bea.ncel. Deane.. finiahecJ the nJcht with three hii. ln four at-beta, but it wu hla U.mely, third-innlnl. three-run homer that made the difference ln a 3-1 victory before 26,!H2 a fan&. It is, indeed. hard to believe that the A.nae.la and the rest of the baaeball world are keepin1 a close watch on the Marlnen, who today find thernaelves six games behind the leaders. "Se attle has an excelle nt team," admitted Deeinoea, who waa still weak from a two-day bout with the flu when he hammered his three-run shot over the center-field fence. "When I saw them during aprinf training I really didn't think much o them. "But they have proved they have excellent pltchln1, eapeclall~ I!' the bullpen and~. aolid deferwe," DeClncel contlnued. 0 They abo )\ave 1uy1 who can put it out of the park -10 they have al the ln,redientll it takea to win. Qut that wasn't the cue Thunday niaht. beClncs' blaat, a one-out ahot with Tim Foti and Brian Downlna aboard, spoiled what was otherwiae an imprftllve effort by youn, rlgh~hander Mike Moore. The Marinel'S' have made conaiderable progress thil seuon thanka to a fine young crop of pitchers like Moore, Floyd Banniater and reliever Bill Caudill, and, in fact, bout the best ERA in the league (3.66). Their turnaround doesn't surprise A.nae! Manager Gene Mauch at all · ''l'm not aurprhled with teams like Seattle or San Dleao. We played thc.e two ie.ma a lot durlna •J>rlnl trainina," Mauch explalned. "I told (San Dte•o Mana1•r) Dick Williama then that I liked Ilia club. "And thla club here (Seattle) plays very intelligently a nd v e ry enthualuUcally. They're nJce and looee. They obvtoualy made IQJ1le good mbVes.'' Mauch added. Meanwhile, DeClnce9 made a pretty good move, but he really didn't feel like dol.na an)'thinc. Still weak from the flu (he rn1-ed Tuetlday and Wednesday's g a mea), DeCince a d id just about everythin$( rlahL After poppfug to 1eCOnd in the first, he followed with h1a home run, a sixth- lnnin~ single and an eighth- (See ANGELS, P .. e C3) • "Everybody keeps score up here," said one reporter. "We need to refer back to it aometimes and besides, it keepa ua in the prne.'' DIFFERENT WELCOMES -Angel base-runner Bobby Grich (left) lllldes under Seattle's high-flying second bueman Julio Cruz during fourth inning double play. Before the game, ...., ........... .., PlllrWI O'DoMel Martnen' pitcher Bill Caudill is greeted in familiar fashion by his mother. When they weren't "in the game," they were exchanging trivia, fumbling through an obnoxious amount of statistics, or utilizing their binoculars to claeely examine a female fan. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO Schubert confident of success GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) -United Statea Coach Mark Schubert said Thunday he la countina on past 1ucce11 by Americana to intimidate awlmmen from other countries at the W o rld Swimming Championahipa next week. "Traditionally the U.S . has been the atrongeat 1wlmmin1 power In the world," Schubert said. "When we get on the starting blocka, we have pride and the other swimmers know It. No matter what the previoua best times are, we think we can swim with anyone." Three a c ti v e w o rld recordholden from the United States failed to make the team lut week at the U.S. trial.a. Cynthia Woodhead, who holds WORLD GAMES the world mark ln the 200-meter freestyle, and Jesee Vasallo, the rec ord-holder in the 400 individual medleys, swam in the triall. but were n o t fully recovered from illneu and injuries. William Paulus, world reoord- holder in the 100 butterfly, finiahed third in the trials by .02 9eCODda and thus did not make the U.S. team. Each country i.a allowed a maximum of two swimmers in each individual event. "It's enoouraging that we have enough good awimmen that we can leave world recordholden at home," Schubert, coach of the Miuion Viejo Nadadors, said. "Jeue and Sipr.y (Woodhead) would have he ped ua if they were 100 percent healthy. We're especially inexperienced in the 400 individual medley." The United States has five other active world record-holders on the team -Mary T. Meagher of Louisville in the 100 and 200 butterfly; Craig Beardsley of Harrington Park, N .J ., in the men'• 200 butterfly; Steve Lundquist of Jonesboro, Ga., ln the 100 breaatatroke; Rowdy Gaines of Winter Haven, Fla., in the 100 and 200 freestyle, and Kim Linehan of Austin, Texas, in the women's 1,500 freestyle. In addition, the United States has Tracy Caulkins of Nashville, Tenn., a former world record- holder in three events who has won 39 Individual titles at national championship mee ts since 1977, aurpauing the (See WORLD, Pase C3) Alao, they are not treated to (nor bothered by) the vendors' aervice, but went after their own refreshments and popcorn. About the time a typical fan ia on his or her third cup of beer, the reporters were drinking coffee while composing the "Angel Notes" lection for their paCng the two hour and 31 minute contest, they enjoyed thenwelvea, but were comtantly aware of their duties. How can you forget you have a story to write while in the midst of telephones, portable typewrit.era. video d i aplay term i nals, ICOl'eboou, aportB pages from a variety of papers and the endleaa statilUca. Ow-ens was Rams' I orgotten man ••Sometimes I mlu bein& a fan," one reporter remarked. Sure, they may get luy from time to t1me end overwork a few word• like "outatandlng" or .. aw~." but when the rest of ~ stadium ii ~ ''Take Me Out to the Bellpme durinlr the aevmth lnninl stretch. they are My plednc ClOll'llDM ln all the rtcbtplMm. JN TBB EJGBTB lnnlna when mo9t ,fanl are deckUna 6ow to beat the ~pme traffic. the ....-writen.,.. ~their bnim for a new and innovative lied for t.cmoc1aw'1 story. And when the final out i• recorded, and your ptfmary O&WD II how to u.nlodp the .... kemel8 betwem your • ..., they .. ~ tlO the .,._. rocm lcii' a paMblA earth- lh.twtnc OUIGment. A ~ wm may tdl to them. ' • M the onl7 woman ~ lbout '° ,.,.. ... "' .... .. °'the ~u...d ~ boiK.1 eoulcln't help notlclDI •b•lr C""""*'-Uct qu.UODJna l~wwe~ -~ ... Cl) I Rama' poor 6-10 record, couldn't get into a game until the final four mlnule9 of the team's final conteat of the year against Wuhiniton at home. ''C1rcwnstanc.9 dictated that I couldn't do what I wanted," explal.nl Owens. "I tried to do the best I could in the lituation I WU in. There WM nothlna I could do. I wasn't the one rnaktn1 the decision•. I reallied about halfwal throu8h the ~ that I WMn t golna to play." I It'• hard to fiCure why Owena waan't 1tven more of an opportunity. Coech Bay Malav91i bu always OUiltended that the P.Jlidon of 1lnet.cker " probably the touahed to learn in ihe NFL. But even takln1 that Into MCDUllt. end the f.aCt that Owena reported 10 daya later, It lhouldn't have taken the 8-21 2M·DOUnder the better put of lv wHkl In order to learn the .,..... ~ • I I s commissioner on the way out? ..... A'# ....... Nft' YOIK ;~ Storm cloud• • &1tben4 Ov•r.(CoinJllloner Bowle Kuhn Thuradaf after National ~• ue ownel'I caUed a apeclal to COl'lllldel' NI re-election. K ··•ta• w• amona th• top1a1 to be • dlll:\-.d Aue. 18-18 ln San Dlt!l(O at bueba11'1 replar aummer mHtlnfl. But the NL will convene a day earlier to conalder the aomm111ioner'• lituatlpn. The lpeclal meetina WM ~ by the New 'York Meta. St. Louil Cardtnala and HOUltOn Astroe. all re~ ·to be a1ain1t Kuhn a re- election to a third term. If tt.c.e teams get a fourth NL club to jotn them. they could force K"uhn'• resignation or icw. flrtn¥,The meeting doean•t m•an he'• in trouble," aaid Chub Feeney, president of the NL. "Bued on my conversations with~ ln our 1-«ue, if I WU a betting man. rd bet that he'd be ~lected ... . Nellon Doubleday, owner of the Meta and reported to be one of Kuhn's chief adversaries, aald, "I hope the National League =dent '· would be smart ~ not to say that use I hope he would not be a betting man." .. Quote of the day Tennis star Job McEnroe, diaculBing hia six-hour, 32-minute marathon match victory over Sweden'• Mata WUander to pace the American team into the aemifinala of the Davia Cup competition: "It wu the Jonei!st match rve played and I can tell you ftr a fact that my body's not feeJJnc vsy ..-.·· Alternate tak• Cenadlan Open lead ..... BrJaat. who got into the l!I t.o'1mmltnt field <Jnly u the ninth alternate, played a 80lld round of 4-unaet-par 67 and took a ahare ol the flnt-round lead Thunday ln the Canadian Open Golt Champomhlp in Oakvflle, Ontario. Bryant, a non-winner in five yeara of PGA Tour actfvity, wu tied for the lead with Bnce Doqlua and Gret Norman, a Joni-hitting Auatral.lan who bas won 20 titles around the world. Bryant waa paired with Davtd Gr'dam and Jack Nlcklaas, and responded with a ~bogey effort before the I ~ sallery on the COW'9e • • • Sally IJnle, the le9dlng money-winner on the LPGA tour, battled chilly temperatures, wind and intermittent rain to a 4-under-par 68 and the tint round lead in a tournament in Denver. Uttle held a two-stroke leed over Patty SlleeMa. Wallach'• .. critic~ fly decld• It Tim WaUaeat, a P-roduct of • Unlveralty Htch and S.ddleback Collea-. lifted • buea-loaded ucrlfkle fty tn the bottom ol th• 10th lnn1na to eocn A.lldn Danoa and boon Montreal to a 4-3 vtc1ory over St. Louil Thunday n!aht. The' ~ had bettled back from a 3·0 deftdt with thrM ND1 tn the bottom 0, the etahth . . . Eleewhere ln the National Lea1ue, Jerry Roy1t.r belted.a two-run triple to 80 aionc with a palr of Dai. MIJ'Pb)' homen u rampqina Atlania completed a four-game 1Weep Of ll.aii Dteao wn.h a 6-2 victory over the Padree. The Braves now own a nine-game lead In the Western Dlvilion ... M._e SebmJdt homered and Gary Ma~ewa hlt a two-run alnale ln the eeventh to help Philadelphia win ita 11th~ In 16 oulinp, 3-2 over Chicago . . . Don Robtuoa pltched a aeven-hitter and Dick Davts alammed a two-run homer to pace Pittsburgh to a4-1 triumph over the New York Meta ... P'11 Garner's ninth home run of the aeuon, a tfe..breakina shot In th~ eighth inning, powered Houston to a 4-3 victory over Cinctnnati. Thornton puts slam on Brewers Aaclre Tllonton belted a grand Iii al.am home run with one out in the top of the 12th Inning Thursday night, i:lvina Cleveland a 5-1 victory over Milwaukee and knocking the Brewen out of flnt place in the American League F.ut. The Brewen. who had been trading first place with Boston in recent week.a, allpped one hal.f-pme behind the Red Sox . . . RJct Laa1ford pitched a four-hitter and Rickey Heaclenoa stole his 96th bue of the eeaaon to help Oakland blank Minnesota, 5-0. Henderson la now juat four stolen hues lhort of the American Le.ague record he aet two years ago . . . WJWt Aiken drove in three runa with a homer and alngle and Hal McRae drove In two, leading Kanaaa City to a 7-2 win over Baltimore, mapping the Orioles' longest winnl..na streak of the aeuon at seven games . . . Jlm Rtce'a tie-breaking two-run alngle in the fifth Inning and Carl Yaamemskl'• 439th career homer in the ninth paced Boston to a 7-3 victory ov~r Chicaso. sending the White Sox to their fourth straight defeat. =-,-,.. --.. I .. - Bueball today On &ha. •• ln ~ in 11Ul otr'="=~':c.lor\~ un111l1ted trlplt e.lay In major l••- hl1tory, but th• 8enator1 lo1t to OM 0.V.land lndlaN 10·1. With none out in \he botwm on the ftnl tnnlna. lhe Indiana had Dlw Hellion on llCONt hue and RUii Snjdir on tint. /ta the. nannen wmt movtnt on 1 8·2 pl11Ch, JOl!t Alcue hit a liner to Hanaer\. He •ttpped on eecond to double Nellon fOI' t.M eeeond out and tUll9d Snyder few the third. On thil daw tn 19~9: San Franclseo Otanta' rookie WUUe McCovey made an auaplcloua m.jor l~ dtbu" at&lna 4·for-4 81alnat Philadelphia ace Ro6ln ltoberts. McCovey had two linal•, two triples and drove in two rune. Today'• birthday: New York Meta outfielder E1111 ValenUne II 28. Sima not ready to come to camp Contract problems will keep Billy • Sima out of the Detroit Lions' training •II• camp for now, the runnJ.na back aata In a radio interview Thuncfay. "There are just 80me thinp that happened when I f1nt went to Detroit that. need to be ironed out before I go into camp, and hopefully they will be resolved real IOOn," he said. He retu.ed to elaborate, but said money was not an lmue . . . Joe Mon&au. the Super Bowl hero who hM been fighting the flu the put week, took pert ln hil first pre-eeason P.ractice with the San Franmco 49era Th~ay. "He'a not feeling iJ'fft. but be ii better," said Coach Bill Walab. The quarterbedt arrived in cantl> Wednesday night and participated in one Thursday practice, the itfternoon drill. One of hla receivers wu newcomer R•11 Francl1, the former New Ena1and Patrlota tight end who began practice wjtl\ the 49era Wednesday. Sampson receives another hoqor All-American Ralpb Sampson of • the University of Virginia received t he Tanqueray Award for Achievement ln amateur aport Thunday In New York. The 7-4 center averaaed 15.8 pointa per game, lee<iinl VirPtla to a 3l>-4 reooro lut aeaeon ... Tlm Tayfor. head ooecb at Yale University, was named as one of the four ualstant coechel for the 1984 U.S. Olymp6c hockey teem . . . TilDa IJllat of Fln1and broKe the world record in the women'• javelin Thunday with a heave of 237-6~ at the Hellinld World Games. The previous mark ol 236-10 wu eet by Aatoaae\a Toclorova of the Soviet Union on Aue. 15, 1981 at Zqreb, Yuaoalavia . . . Dalaenda, the favorite rtaden by Lafflt Placay, moved In front early and went on t.o a 2~-lenath viciory in the feature race on the tud at Def Mar. Dalaenda, never aerioualy threatened after ahe took the lead. carrled 117 pounds and covered the 1-1/16 miles In 1:44. Television, radio TV: No eventa ICheduled. RADIO: Bueball -Seattle at Angela, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Dodgers at Atlania, 2:30 p.m. (doubJ.e:~). KABC (790). YOUR Anteaters' schedule set rr.!\ from ltl molt "ICCWfu1 ...,., ln the 1CKoo1•1 ~. tn. UC lrvtni ~ teln\ will open the IM2·P ....on aolnlt a nadonal team, y.t to be detenn1ned, Nov. 11' at home. 11\e Anteatan will then hast the Univwatty Ol OrelOn at the Anahetnl O;lnvenUon C.Oter Nov. 29. "The Anahllm C.OOvertUon <Anter will alto bit tbe ate ot pmea ac•bvt P.ppetd.lne and Cal State J'ullerton. UCI wtU allo bo involved In two regWar•lell900 tournament.a (WolfJ*lk Clalllic in Reno and KOA Clualc In Bll.Unlt. Mont). Nevada-Lu Vegaa joins the Pacific Cout Athletic Allodatlon thJ.a year which wu won by Fresno State in 1981-82. The Ant.eaten finished aecond with a 10-4 mark. The 1982-83 schedule: Tuel., Nov 11-NelionC INm (yet •o be """9CI) c.J!r" Nov. at-~ of Oregon (el Anaheim Col1-dN>n Thure.. 09C 2-~ of Sen oi.oo Set .• 09C 4-PepperdlM 1111 ANIMlm Convention Center) Thura., D.c. t-et L.oyoie·Matymounl Tu., D.c. 14-~ a.t .• 09C 11-111 ~ty of Ide/lo Mon.·Tuee., Deo. 20-21-et WolfDec* Ou.IC i.eno wed • ~ , 09C 29-30-et KOA a...lc. a.ng., Mont Thin , Jen 6-., Cel 8telt Fullenon Sat., Jen 1-~Lal VtGM (el long 8Mctl At-) Mon., Jen 10-~ty of Portieno Sat .. Jen 15-el 8en JOM Slett (I 05 p.m I Thuta . Jen 20-et UC 8-nte l!letbett SM., Jen 22-Freeno Stett• (l'IOmt lilt 10 be ~) Thurs . Jen 27-Sen JOM s .. , •. Set., Jen 2t-Uteh S1e1e· Thin., Feb 3-al Long 8"dl Slate' ht .. Feo 5-et Ne¥ad•·l.u Vegaa' Thin .. Feb 10-Cel Sltte Fullerton' (et Anaheim Convention Cemer) Sat., Feb. 12-et Uleh 81e1e· Sat .• F.ti.. ttl-UC Sanlt S.rber1 • Thu,.., F""ab. 2•-Pec:111c· S.t., F.O. 2'-l0fli1 Beech S111e' Thunl., Merell 3-11 FtMnO S1e1e• Set .. Merdl 5-et Pec:lflc' Tflure.·8•1., Mitch 10· 12 PCAA Tournemen1 (•II• lo be I' ~) '-Dlnol• PCM g1me (All g..-et 7:30 p m unleal olherw!M Indicated All hOmee c:::ecs.,-et CrewfOfd Hell on •he UCt caml)U9 unlesl Olher#IM Sigalos to race at fairgrounds Dennis Slgalos. one of three Americana to qualify for the World Speedway Championships at the Collaeum Aug. 28, will nde tonight at the Orange County Faargrounda an Costa Mesa as promoter Harry Oxley presents the weekly motorcycle program. Sigaloa finished third In Sw~en last weekend In the intercontinental qualifier to gain a spot in the flnala along with Bruce Penhall of Balboa and Kelly Moran. Slploe will contest Alan Christian, Mike Bast, Gene Woods and all the other speedway favorites during tonlght'a program. He will probably be matched against one of them in the featured match race. Ba.st.. suffering a broken bone in a foot, will o0mpete only in the scratch events on tonight's card. Oxley j\at returned from Europe where he witnessed the intercontinental championships. White claims problem with drugs behind him MENTOR. Ohio (AP) -Ceveland arow.. running bMk Charles White, the Reisman Tror.hy winner at Southern Califom a in li80, said Thursday that a "chemical dependence'' could have ruined hJa f.amlly lite and hia foothd. career if he had rial -..,ht profelllklDal help. c caught it before It got too t.d. e .... ,., ... ,., frl ... , parts ,..,,,. DIE·IT9P SOUR Prtea 1CHH1 thrul·l .. 2 White refU8ed to dilr:\m the details of hia problem, althou1h earlier reporu bad aaid he waa treated recently for oocaJ.ne addiction at a Los Anaela bospltal. ''It (the cine dependency) affected my play a little . . . to the extent that I wa1 more annoytnc to my fellow workera for not being there mentally,•• White aald. "The rebabllltaUon will alve me a clear mind aa to what's lilied of me by the Browns." Sam R~11!:Dno, coach of the National 11 Lelpe tam, hM said White would llbfy be a ltarter for the BIOWDI 'ttdl eMalL White'a spot en 0.. dub w toJMlfled dwina the olf11llon by the retirement ol vet.enn Qilvbi H1D md the trade of Orea Prultt to t1'e O.ldand Raiden. ·Whtie latcl hla dedston to teek treatment WM ln.Ouiiilicecf eomewhat ~ thl tnde of Pndtt, 'and not at all b)' a recent Sports muatrat.ed article by former NFL ,player Don Reeee, who wrote that cocaine was a widetpreed problem In the leque. "l Just thouabt I'd 10 aet help, befqre my problem aot too bad, t White aaid at a prna conference, wtleN he Wal joined by ftutaallaM and owner Art ModeU. "I think I "ft is a diaeue and a day-to-day thing. I take life one hour at a time and one min~ at a time. With he'lp ... 1 think I can beat It." White said IOl'De of hJa teammates were aware of his problem. ''Some ignored it, •• he said. ''Some guys probably felt I could handle it myself. '"nl.l.s la a very important th1na for me to announce this. l think I can help playen in the ume situation to not be fearful to seek help ... White aa1d be first decided to aek treatment oo June 18. and he new from bis Loa Anseles home to Cleveland to lnfonn RuUgl.l.ano of the aituatian. Since the problem WU made pUblic two weeks aao in a Loa Anaieles 1'tme9 report, both RuU&Uano and Modell have pledgied their IUpporl to Wbite. ''l think-it takel oounp to stand up and •Y· 'I want help.• He'• a eood kid and today he prowd that," Modell said, indicating that White would continue an after-can treatment program In Oeveland, where he planl to make hJa home aoon. White. who ruahed f()r 6.246 yarda in four ~ at Southern Callfomla, has been a .-rt-time player lira the Browm made him their No. 1 draft choice ln 1980. He has carrled the ball 183 tlmes for 621 yards, averaging 3.4 yards a : He hM eaua)tt tf .,.._.for 372 "I'd like to •Y.1 l made a mt.take,'' White adS. "I'd like to leave th.at l>'rt of IDf life behind ~· .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fram Air Filter$ for man~ Imported U U.S. ear•, ., • ...,, It. tn.eb t .J CAIMPI. • z~: r.,.,r.r~pc ......... 79~ (lllt IWfU a .01J : ............................. 95!.. CA J4t PL, l .. PL, df PL, 1", JQ, CA J4'f, Ja4A, SIS, JSI, JSJ, JJM ......... . CA Ja6, Ja1, Ja8, M•A, '41, JU, CA 271•, ~. JJJt, JJJ1 ............... . • • • • • • • • • • KUW Allto"'41tfe • Tr•"'"''"'.,. T•n•·l1p JOos. J9' .Bco110111~ •fu .,.. • • • • • • • • =~ . . ·-··· .. •• os •• 1s. z~~ .. for eo1111Met Cflrt. • • • • • • • • • • • . Valvoline ' • t • (Hit' ..... ~·> •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • rrs SCEt-.a. •BUT rT ~ LJ<E MKJC. • • • • 40s ...... I?~ • : los ...... Z!!. • • Cleaner : l6os ...... J~~. BAD GAMBLE -Angel shortstop Tim Foli awaits the call of second base umpire Ted Hendry after tagging Seattle's Bruce Boehle in O.W, ... flttoto bJ "•trtcll O'OoNMll the fifth inning Thursday night. Boehle, who had singled, was thrown out trying to stretch it into a double. Davis says 20,000 seats sold OAKLAND (AP) -About 20,000 season tickets worth $3.6 million already have been sold for Raiders football games in Los Angeles this season, team managing general partner Al Davia said during a surprise court appearance. Davia was called to the stand in Alameda County Superior Court Thursday to fight a suit by two 1 long-time Oakland Raiders aeason ticket holders who have asked the court to block the National Football League team's flight IOUth. Raider attorney Moeee Laskey branded the suit .. an oddball case" and said it wa11 moot because the team has already moved and ~tabliahed itaelf in Los Angeles. He noted that a federal court in Los Angeles had decided that the NF1.. itself couldn't block the Raider move. Fonner season ticket holders Stan Tremewan of San Rafael ~d Richard Duey of Oakland contend that they are beneficiaries of the 1966 merger of the American and National football leagues. But Davia denied their claim that the .language of the merger agreement guaranteed that the Raiders would never leave Oakland. From Page C1 ANGELS WIN • • • IIUUJlg leadoff double. threat and provide a breath of His teammates couldn't get fresh air out of the bullpen. him home on the final two hits, Moore. 5-8, surprised Mauch but starter Steve Renko (9-2). with hlS effort. Andy Hassler and Luis Sanchez "That kid didn 't pitc h tamed the Mariners on seven according to form. He didn't hits. walk people," the Angel skipper "~ve Renko has been the lamented. "He's been giving up most consistent pitcher for us," well over a hit an inning and he's DeCinces noted. "He -gives us been walking fou r guys (a seven or eight strong innings and game)." we usually build a lNd for him." But then, things have changed Unfortunately for the Angels, considerably with the Mariners. building a lead for a starter has After an 11 -12 April, Seattle often ended in losing a lead finishe d with its best May becauae of a reliever. (14-14) and its best month ever in But Sanchez managed to pitch June with a 15-10 mark. out of an eighth-inning jam and The Mariners have silently then survived a two-out, ninth-played good ball and kept within inning double by Gary Gray to striking dlaumce while most of e.m Fu. first uve of the 8eUOfl. the attention in the AL West has DeC1nces wae a humble hero. been focu1ed on the Angels, He could barely discuss those Kansas City and Chicago. heroics with the piess due to the * lingering effects Of being sick.. ANOU NOHt: Cotcller ..e •0011e•e "l sure didn't feet Uke eating ....., perlotmonce beNnd ine ptoto 1n ,... ed beef d bba " h flrlt .._ wflll Ille AAgolo 1100 meOe tt .-y corn an ca ge, e to'°'~ Id Ott, woo•• i.mmote admitted after taking a look at Noll -lost kw the _, wttll • the post-game dinner. tMn rototOf cull In 1111 rlglll ahouldef, 11 oceoalOnOlly __, oround 1he boning cao-Asked about his success at the prior 10 tM QM'M. &.11 Thllf'lday nlgh1, 0t1 plate Thursday night, DeCinces ... lnllde !he cage tolclng .... ~ Ott, responded: "It's hard to answer ""'°turned 32 1hlo mon111, 1Ulferecl 111e ro101or cutt Injury ObOul • monlll before Bur1eoon WU when you play every ~ame. God 1e11ec1 by 111e -m1911op • WMn one knows my mind hasn t been on , ... .._ grounclecl Into on lnnlng-.ndlng .. A_ .. _ 11 the last two days... Ooubl9 ploy In ttwi MCOnd, it tn0t1tec1 the 110111 ~·>dli OP eitec:utecl by IM Anoota thla Muon -Renko managed to 9C8tter six tope 1n 111e American Loogve. They added two h · 7 \l.i · · hi 1 more before Ille nlQhl wu over . See111e I ts over innings w e cotell•r Terry tulllne, th• former Golden walking four and striking out W•1 ColleOe a10fldou1, 11 botUng .333 11nce four. Hassler came in, threw one 111e All·ator b<Nk 16·10f-15), bu1 wa not 1n the Pitch, and hit Bruce Bochte on •lortlno lineup Thurodoy evening . . Moro on Bulling. Ono of llwl r~I lie lan'I tMlng 00 the arm in the eighth. mudl p1oytng time I• Ncti aw..., 111e .w11c11- sanch..,.. got Richie Ziak to hit hitting catch9' ""'°woo In Ille lineup Thuf'Odoy "'~ night s-t ,, bolling 330 from lhe lef1 aid• into a double play to end that and 298 overall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;.,_-'-~~~~~- .. GRAllD OPElllllG SUMMER SALE Italian Tennis Wear, Women's -Men SHIRTS R91. $41 ............................... Now_ $12 • si1ns 111. S48 ......... " ..................... Now $12 . • WIRllPS .... $121 ........................... Now $39 • llESIU.111. Sii ................................ Now $.~295 • '8111ETS .... $11 ............................. ". Now $15'' • TEllYCLITI SHIRTS 191. $31 .i .......... Now $1~ TElllllS SHOES 011 SALE: Adidas, All Mociel1 From $1 ~9 to~ sas 1Tl9 NIWPORT ILYD. COSTA MISA 645-4310 (ACA088 FROM TH! GRANT 80Y8) HOURS: MON.-8AT. 1CM Of1n91 Coelt DAIL V fttLOT 1'rlday, Juty GO, 1112 C1 RAMS' FORGOTTEN MAN • • '° dMplay hJI w ..... Malava1l, who 'llewed Klolnennan u a threat to hit aeeurlty u a coach, however, rebtlled apn.tlUCh ~ thu1 l•~:en1 on the outllcM ln. The other , and th one malt l'Mdily WhJapered, WM that there were many amon1 th• Ram1' coachln1 1taff who QUeStiGned whether Owerw had the ablllty to play in the NFL at all. Bud Canon, the Raml' former defenlive coordinator (he now 1ervet in the Mme capacity at Baltimore), even went u far u to uy he 1erioualy doubted Owens "would ever play a down ln the NFL." Owen• 1hru11:1 off 1uch criticism, uyina, r.1 don't think he (Canon) hacf a grudge agalnat me or anvthinR. He wa1 just workins with the guy• he knew." Cowboys' Jones remains a holdout And Owena admit.a M dJdn't .uctly know what WM DJ\I on durlnc the Rtly part ot1981. ''They (the eollChel) would talk about one thlnl and I wun't aware (of what they were tal.klna about). By oom1nC ln late, I just wun't up to where they we,.." Thia yur lhould bt d!ff erent for Owena. Ht reported two weeb aao with the reet of the rookl• (of cou.ne, he had to), but Owen1 feell the 14 day1 of prac:tic9 he'a had will prov• to be invaluable. "l'm gettin1 to 1ee more repetitions (of playa) and 1 think I picked up a lot from watching la1t year," he 1ay1. "Lik e everything else it'• an adjultment, but once you get the hang of it lt flows right along. "I'm learning 10mething every day and everything ta atill brand new to me. The difference now ii that I have a better fe,1 for lt." And, Owens h.as a good feeling about himself. too. "I don"t have anything to From Page C1 -1 :rove co anybody," uy1 f J 8&1boa .-..klent. ··At Jone• r':: happy within mymlf, I 0 1 know l cen play On thi NVL) and I'm r.cty to CIC_llDPl1e." At.cl IMt YMt1 11 l' OM Mel Owerw would Just • IOCll1 ~ "l wouldn't want to f~ it by any meam." •Y. Own ltt, a am.lie. "I\ wun't UM it Wll ru,htmare or anythinc. l bad 1o0d t.fme, II j From Page C 1 ! PRESS. • • to be fruttrat.ed jocka. Dld y°'* know most of them even ha:J deareee? And when a foul ball wu back at one of them, did h• attempt to exhibit hit ama1.eU4 athletic ability? No, he lhuf.fled to protect hi• typewriter. Prtoriues. , Ms Sreinriede, • San Joa~ Sta~ arudent, i. in~ming with· the Daily Pilot thJa 1U11J1Mr. THOUSAND OAKS (AP) - All-pro defensive end Ed Jones failed to make his asalgned team plane and bus ride to training camp Thursday, heightening speculation that he waa holding out in his contract dispute with the Dalla s Cowboys' management. WORLD GAMES • • • prevloua high of 36 by Jo?lnny Weiamuller. include international competition i n d I v I n g , 1 y n c h r on i zed! swimming and water polo In• addition to swimming, were held• Thursday. PreHminarle1 int diving, synchronized swimming! and water polo begin today, but• the swlmming competition c1oes: not start until Sunday, with thei women's 100 freeiityle and 400: individual medley and the men'a1 100 bre aststroke and 2001 freestyle. : "We have no comment one way or the other," said club president Tex Schramm. "He can't be fined if he doesn't show up because he doesn't have a contract.'' Jones, who has been offered some $300,000 a year by the Cowboys, is at odds with Dallas over a signing bonus. "The U.S. team is filled with racers and I agree with Mark rhat there is an American intimidatio n factor ," said Beardsley. who came within .13 seconds of breaking his own world mark in the 200 butterfly at the U.S tnals. The opening ceremonies for the World Aquatic Games, which Rams reduce player roster From AP dbpatcbH The Rams announced Thursday that they had waived rookie free agent Tom Knight, a comerback out of the University of Hawaii. The National Football League club now has 40 rookies remaining in their Cal State Fullerton training camp. SPECIALIZING IN MERCEDES MATERIAL ORIGINAL ~ ~iiN~es l@i~ BENZ Also Spec1altz1na rn Porsches and Jags SPECIAL Of Tt£ MONTH 450Sl Oritilal Soft Tops .............................. $999 AUTO UPHOLSTERY II, se..~ 711 W ITTH ISTli ._&) MESA K«>US~AIAL PAAK COSTA MESA. CALIF r "'Wf.l&L1 141•9841 ...... ·TRAINS 101~~ o~'« \tl"E.tl1 . -JC~P~: -~ 4'i• NIGHT DIRT TRACK ~v~-~ n ·l/ t l' .. ·J -~.L!2il._L S ~_l.L.LU _ SPRINTS STOCKS llACO-Cll SllllS "THUNDER & llGHTNING" Set., July 31,. , ... A,_,,.. ... c:. .... _...,..,_.. O• SAN DIEGO ANO 91 ftEEWA'fS MUT ·~ '//, ..... ._ • ., • • r(/ • • LIONEL -NEW 40% (tfii: 0 ;\\ ~;;::::;;;:;::~ (Old Collectibles 20% OFF)~~.'-~>~ •• AM FL YEA ·.~0 ~o a~0 ~~~ •• HO, HO N 3, N GAUGES I ~llJIJ"ll ••LANTERNS ••BUILDINGS ETC., ETC. MINI TRAINS 1089 #C BAKER ST. COSTA MESA • 549-1596 Moun: Prt. 1 O •·"'· -I p.m. let.10 ......... ,..... Also: • Hobby Suppll• • Dremel & X-acto •Scenery •Rockets • Plaatlc Kita •HO Layout• ,. I I ! . . . . . . . . . I f I I Ma1lie ofr critical list Dailey case blamed lor USF decision Irvine Park runs slated NIAGARA rALLar:J~/J>) -a.i ·-n.. ...._... eo. a sittiehet with the old New York Giana and other bta leque 'or •tren c.ama In the ltfOa and ·~o... wu removed from th• crUJcal 11.at at Nla1ara Fall• Mmxirtal Cent.er today. Ma1U•, who underwent suraery Saturday IO drain a brain hemorrbap, WM taken out o1 the bOlpc.111 lnterllive care unit and placed in a re,war room. HUI condition WU Uated u fair. but hoepltal ~eo~esman John WWJanw aaid M.a8Ue atilJ could recetve no visitors except for memben of hia immediate family. SAN raANCllCO (AP) -Th• UnlvenUy of &en J'rancleco, two-tlme nadonal bllk.iball chunp&on and ~ ch&Uenpr, dropped la men'• biulmbell JVOll'Am ThW"lday, admlttJ.na It could no lona-.r control people who ln1l1ted on chelU"I to ~ oompedttw. University PrHldent R•v. John Lo8ch1avo Mid the action. taken becau.. o1 continUOUI ruJ.I violatlonl dattnc to 1979, wa1 neceHary to aave the 1chool'1 reputation a1 an ln1Ututlon of hi&h•r leamJ.na. /Jthouch the decilio.n wu bued on a eeri• of vlolatlona over MYeral yean, the catal)'llt appeared to be the Quintin Dailey out. Dalley'• prob1em8 beaan when he wu charaed with .... uiuna a atudent nune and ended wlth revelatlona the All- America guard received u much u ~.000 In under-the-table pay mentl from a wealthy alwnnua. Heed~ c:mdl .... ~ •. 1.n. etatlllnlntrel...clatwthe~t. .Sd tn p&r't, 1"n\e CIOICblN Raff It ttuMlld by the ewntl ot the 1lllC 14 houn. W• are terribly dlaappolnted for the pJay•ra, qu.tllty indJvkluall. the foundation of tlWt ~·· There wu no lm.IMCllate word on the fate or Beny'a job. Lo8chiavo aatd in a new1 conference that, 11Pete la atill employed by the unlwnit1, but Wt have eliminated the buMtball propvo, ao It la difflcult to ... What A ~ coach will do." The 1tunntn1 announcement ended a proaram that t>ecan ln 182• and peaked with con19CUtlw nadonal champtonahip1 in 1955 and 19M by • team reaturlna All- America cents Bill Ru.ell and K.C. Jona. A.a a DIYUdon I basketball power, the Dona reached the National Colle,late AtbleUc Alloc:latJon tournament lnal thrn UrnH and wtr• Hlected for th• national playoff• 1' tlm•, lncludJA1 the Piil. two YMl'I· Dwil\l 1111 68--year hiitory. UMt IChool eomptled an eee....e1 record, a remark.ab!• accompU.hment for a .mall mvat.e IChoo1 with an enrollment or about ',000 th.II year. "Anyone who la f amllar with thl1 ln1tltutlon and lt1 proud hlatory wlll understand what a painful dec:iaion th1a ll.'' Mid LoSch1avo. "The clrcumatancee centrally Involve problem• with the buketball proaram, which have been plqulns ua and which the unlvenlty h.., been unaucceufully tl'Y1na to eolve for many yean. -,"The price the university hu had to pay for thoae problema bu been much sre•ter than the heavy finandal price. There la no way of meuurtnc the damage . . . to the unlveralty'a moat pricele11 a11et1, it• integrity and lta reputation." The llxth annual lrvlne Park 2 and & MU. Rww wU1 be held Sunday, Aua. 1&, with check-in tlme from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Irvin• Park 11 louted tn 0ranae and can be found by taking the Newport Freeway &o Chapman Avenue and by ao&na alt five mllea. The l"OMI-wtD dead-end lnto the park. Pre-reglatratlon feee are t8 with a T-ahir1 and $4 without, but after Aua. 10, a tl late fee la added. The race la run over one loop inside lrvlne Park and over 100 trophies and awarda wlll be PN!8eht.ed. For more information. ooni.ct Bill Holt at 774-3959 or 637-1588. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sports on TV for weekend S•t•rfl•y TELEVISION 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Cleveland at Milwaukee. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Atlanta. 2 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN - Wind surfing on San Franciaco Bay and angling for rainbow trout. 2:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third round play in the Canadian Open. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY -w:ec lightweight champion Alexis Arguello (75-4) takes on Kevin Rooney (19-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout taped at Atlantic City. Also: Coverage of the World Swimming Championships, taped at Guayaquil. Ecuador. 4 ]>.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES , -Pennsylvania vs. St. Louis in a eerlee of bouts taped in 1981 In Ues Moines, Iowa. • .5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Segmenta: The U.S. invitational sidecar motorcycle championship, taped at Carlsbad ; the boxing competition at the National Sporta Festival in Indianapo lis; and th e U .S . s kydiving championahipe. RADIO Bueball -Dodgen at Atlanta. 11:15 a.m., KABC (790); Seattle at Angela. 7 p.m., K.MPC (710). Sanfl•y TELEVISION 11 a.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play in the C&nadi.an Open from Oakville, Ont. 11:05 a.m . (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Atlanta. 1 p.m. (2) -AUTO RACING -Coverage of the Talladega 500 from the 2.66-mile Alabama International Motor Speedway. 1:30 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -Segments on spring creek fishing and wild turkey hunting in M1-:Jwi. 2:30 p.m. (9) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The finala of the WeU. Fargo ()pen. taped at San Diego. 3 p.m. (7) -NATIONAL SPORTS FE.W1V AL -Taped coveraoe from lndlanapoli1 includes boxing, swimming, gymnastics, track and field and figure akating. KJ•~··· Auto Supply Wl'RI HILPlllG YOU DO n •IGHT PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, AUG. 3, 1912 JEEP CAN ---SGol. ::::.·9aa 111010 EACH 29!! Allialine .,,.rgy c.U1, Haled lfl 1teel. GENUINE SHEEPSKIN SIATCOVIRS ..W 11•,•• · 'ure 1heep1lun, cool in the summer ond wol'm in •he winter. Machine woshoble. Fown/ton, or honey. ,_ • ....,_ # 1044 low Bock, # 1049 High lock. 39!!1 TECH CHEM R-12 FREON .89 HARADA AllTINllA Long life. YOUR CHOICE "C"-114-2 or .. 3:30 p.m . (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Rock ainger Corey Wells Oy fiahes for brown trout in Pennaylvania's Spruce Creek. Alao: A look at grou.e hunting in Southern VentlOnt. "0 "·113-2 129 : '• 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Tony Ayala (20-0) meeta Robbie Epps (30-2) in a scheduled 10-round middleweight bout taped at San Antonio. Aho: Swvival of the Fittest features the women's aerial obstacle courae. 5 p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS. RADIO Bueball -Dodgers at Atlanta, 11:05 a.m., KABC (790); Seattle at Angela, l p.m .. K.MPC (710). Niekro's goal: ·NL West title ATLANTA (AP)-Phil Niekro, a team player through all the years with the Atlanta Braves, baa found a number that impretses him more than his 260th careel' victory. "El1bt fames ahead, that's a nice round number, &oo,' the 43-year-<>ld knucklebeller aald. H1a 250t.b career victory, over the second-place San Diego Padres on Wedne9day night. had given the ' Braves an eight game lead in the National League West. "'nuat'a how I look at it," said Nlekro. ''It's not a win for me. lt'a another game to keep wain first • place. f. "I don't look at 300. I never looked at 250, and f .here I am. It'll be Important the day 1 walk into the clubhouae and can say we've won the Western 1 DlvUdon and are going to the playoffa. ·• The Braves beat the Padres again Thunday to strenathen their lead to nine games on the eve of a • double-header today against the Lo. Angeles Doctaen. The Dodaera trail by 10th games entering ' ' th.Lt weekend'• four-game eerles. .J Newport defeated :·in speedsoccer 11le Oranae Gunnen rallied for three at.raiDlt , pla in the third period to overturn • 2-1 deflcit and went on to defeat Newport Beach, 6-4, Tburaday nl1ht ln American Se_eed1occer A.odaUon play at the Loe Caballero. Racquet and Sparta Oub. , • Martyk Miri1dan fueled the Oranp rally by lYtnl the pme Mrly in the thJrd period and Tom Jllaherty followed momenta later to pul the r O\mMn In front. Dleao CMt.ro netted the next two pit t0 mOe it ~-2 and N.wpol't WU never in cont.mdol> after thaL Thi ar.ken, W== IOU in the Beech Dtvtmon, Nd bW1bd with Morpn Moore, w.iw ..... a.ta aDd Tlm McDroy an ~.~., • ...-'-"'"'a lbowdown between the~ ...... eo.. Mta.~ln the a.ich Dl¥t..son. fadftl off a1atnet Empire DMlllila __. Huntincton Bllch at '1:IO. S2.00 Rebote off.r from ,.lSTONE OU. IAU PltlCI Umff 12 Gol. .......... .. ,°"' .... ....... uoo ~-2 00 PrftfON • e , ..... ., fw, Oel -· s ... l'IHTOHE LIMITS ONE CASH llfUND I'll fAMll Y I'll ADDllSS l'llAS( SH STOttl fOI DETAILS LISS 5'tAKllS Poet forward I • C4tntrot ISS-200 27,47 Auto atop at •~tape. EACH 2 botteriH to o podc. PACK l<ASCO MAINTENANCE FREE BAI IERIES 12votr 60 MONTH FOR MOST CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS 22FMF-·60 (390CC AMPS) 36~!H 24MF-60(410CC AMPS~ 24FMF·60 (41 OCC AMPsi 42MF·60 (365 CC AMPS), 4SMF·60 (325CC AMPS), ... 71MF-60 (390CC AMPsi 4 74MF-60 (410CC AMPS) EXCH 27MF-60 (415CC AMPS) 91!•· 27FMF·60 (415CC AMPS) 4 . IXCH ILICTllONIC MUllCALHOllN CHEVROLET 6 Cyhl'lde• 1955 '76 230 235 2!50 !hUpl 197' '76 w 11h 250 , ln91ntl CHEVROLET 8 Cyf1nde1 1955 '68 26S·213 307 327 •he.pt Ht l'erform°"ce1 FOllO 6 (yltndt• 1960 ·74 170 200 .. ,; ',r - Or~ Cout DAIL.V PIL.OT/l'rlc'1y, July ao, 1NI Stephans · pockets four gold µiedals lNDlANAPOLlS (AP) -Buketbl.11 PkYer DMd Boane found hlnwe1f wj\hou\ a coUeit ind Lydia Stephani found h•nelf with four ..,.td mtda1a. the Lut one tn men'• compet1Uon. Th~ ln the National 8~ hldval. TM 18-yel.l'.-old Boone, a e-e 8UAl'd, let.med h¥ coUeae choice, San Franct.lo, ha() qui\ bubtball before he ~ pa.11 tn the wtnl-Weet'• 86-83 io. to the llut. In 1peed 1kattn1, Stephani, 21, from Northwood, 111., won the 1,000-meter women'• l1na1ea Sold medal and then picked up her fourth aoia tn a unique manner. She was prelled lnto aervtce with the W•t men'• 6,000-meter relay when Tom Cat1er, an alternate, wu hurt. The men had no one elae IO they called on Stephana. She helped Andy Gabel of Northbrook, Paul Orannea of Mtnneapolla and Steve Merrtlleld of Can<>i• Park to the winning time of 8 minutes, 23.42 aeconds. castro/Grx MOTOR OIL .lOW-40 or 20W-50 limit 24 quarts. ' 111G••w11 Engine deoner. 2002.#El·l 139 EACH That enabled Stephana to flnlah with !Our IOldl and a.. .Uvtr and M.mtleld wtth four aoJda Tn &ht llaMd akattna. varm. Zlmrtnl. 1'1, of Loa~-broke two hltlvalnccrdl ln women'• rbythmli:~ 1 tn ca t.he IOld. Her total of 8'1 ti and her e.f~ta ln rope competition ere the new ltandardl. In wet1btllf&&n1, Brian Miyamoto of Lot Anal• •rued hit own Feet1val reCord with a hotat ot 170 pou.nda ln the clean and jerk. ff.la total of 488W pOunda pye him the 123-Pound crown for the llCOnd •tralaht year. Mitch GaylOrd, 21, a three-tlme national rtlJfl'• aymnutlca team member from Tempe, Ariz., captured the all-around title with 67 .8~ polntl. &Ott Joh.man of Colorado Sprinp, Colo., won the lilver and Marlo M~tchecm o1 New York the gold. In the men'• lee hockey flnala toniaht, the North wW face the Weet. The West beat the East FRAM 1!! For Most GM Produc ts·•PH I J, lfPH25,PHJO 2!! &·land the North re.W9d from• 4-2 deficit to tie the South 4-4 tn ThundA)''I matchet. I And lt wW be the South aplNt the Weat foe the aold medal tn wocnen'• bMketbt.11 Saturday Nahl tn 17,000.....t Market 8quaN Arena. Charlotte Jone1, a UCLA IQPhomon, ICIOred 16 DOtntl and the Welt~ from an 11-polnt deficit io det•t the ,,.., ae-83 ln two over1Jmel. The South aquad, the de(endin1 women'• buketball champfon, eully handled the North 110-81 for a 3-0 Fett1va1 record. The W•t lt 2-1. Shella Collini, a Tennemee 10pbomore, ~ 18 potntl. Meanwhile, the Feet1val continued to add to ltl box-office nicord. 'Ibroulh Wednmday total ticket u.lea for the 33 1port1 had •wept by $944,000, alrnmt $500,000 more than the prevtoua record for th1a four-year-old competition. The belt prior t.lcket lroM wu the $450,000 t&ken ln dwinl the 1981 Fett1val ln Syncu1e, N.Y. :CHAMPION :,'///~-.... SPARK PLUGS A new Mt of CHAMPION 'LUGS h.fps IOVe gotf Umit 16 plugt. STAHO.UO HSISTOI .89 .99 '7/ For small lruckt, pickup• & vans Chrome or Block 17091711 YOUI A95 CHOIC~ EACH nte polieher thot dupli· cot" hond action. Inhibits heat & sun damage to ca r interior. Helps reduce rear traffic night glare. IOUHO •HSOOI ................... 10\INO •HIOOI 4 .......... low 6 98 E.A 2 terry doth bonnets. lnclud" the Wo•moater, 79•• cleoner·gloze, arwf Simoni1 Formulo 90I KIT SUPER POLY CAlt WASH "'2' I 69 EACH SUPHPOLY u::~o$49 IACH , .... l2IO N. ludld ,., .... .. • 2340 W. Uneotn Ave ..... 1621 _._. 5256 leodt INcl. "4-tnl • hord paste wox. 110V. #30151( Motorcraft IGNmON TUNE-UP KITS For moat FORD products. 1951-'736cyl.& 449 1957.•73. cyl. KIT Delco IGNITION TUNl·UPKnl For matt Generaf Moton produc11. 196l-74 4& 6 Cyl. 1957.73 ICyl. 5~~ SOIDD SUL LIQUID WRlllCll #1 KJRlABlm Auto SupRl°Y Wl'lll NII.PINO YOU DO II' lllOHT • Over the wiper Si1H to fit m0tt Can or 3-piece style In'· Helps kHp lnjecton clean, diaperMt water, fighta fuel line freete .• 01. nooa • .. IA In'· lncreaM1 via<Ctttty I reducH oil consumption. 15 Olt. •101~ I ~A· ITP • Clean• corbureton, .. llnlcoge, outomotic dtok•• i •• ond KV valves. 13 01. 12113 fA HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILO'rS AUTO MARKET .•. SUBARU DEALERS OF ORANGE COUNTY - Subani of Southern California, Inc. la pleued to announce the formation of the Oranae County Subaru Dealers Advertlatna Group. Pictured above left to right are: Mr. James Sutton, Dealer Principal, Select Subani Anaheim; Mr. Rk:hard Werren Jr. Dealer Prindpa1, Rk:hard Werren Moton, Inc. La Habra; Mr. Klaua Liacher, Dealer Principal, Saddlebeck Subani, Mlasion Viejo; Mr. Chril Rinker, Dealer Principal, Garden Grove Buban.a: and Mr. Roy Wu.on, Dealer Principal, Sea & Sun Subaru & RV, Huntington Beach. The primary objective of thia group la to unify their advertiaing efforts and promotion of the Subaru product ln the Orange County area. *** COSTA MESA ... A Toyota SR5 Convertible with a 30-eecond puah button power top has been introduced by Matrix 3, a design, manufacturing and mar~t.ing company In Costa Mesa. The company has included a color coordinated Haartz Sta-Fut fabric top, matching vinyl boot• and integrated chau.is and body reinforcement. Rear pueenger aeat.ing and luggage area are reportedly uncompromiled. Matrix 3 ia providing a 12 month, 12,000 mile limited warranty and illustrated owner's manual on the convenion. A free brochure ls available on the new power convertible from Matrix 3, 1781 Placentia, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. *** NEW TIRE DESIGN -Even off-road racing has become ao spedallz.ed that there is a new tread design being introduced by the apomoring tire company at its 10th annual Bridgestone SOORE Off-Road World Championship Aug. 7-8 at Riverside International Raceway. Top, pickup truck driver Danny York of Canoga Park. Calif., showa how the open tread of the new Bridgestone designed strictly for short course spectator racing events differs from the stock Desert Dueler model he U8eS ln Baja California racing. Below, engineer Mark Dondick checks heat buildup of the open tread design with a pyrometer (heat gauge) . ••• OFF THE W1llE FROM WASHING TON, D.C. WASHINGTON .•• The Rea1an admlnlltratlon l1 propo1ln1 1crappln1 a tire-~ lyirtmD that ClllOe WM billed Ma major ttep -towanl helplni CIOllllWD9l'I .. t the belt Ure value fol' their money. nw Tranlportatlon Depertmflnt aUd recently lt Would hold hearhlalt oat month oe whether to make a final derWon to drop • ~ulrement. oppoted by manufaoturer~i that treadwear tnfonnatlon be~ Oil all Ura f'Our own trwtWw-""..-altl vary touch • a.-that the -.nd&RS ~ be m\farc.d In ltl ~t term.•• Rl.YlDODd P.ck. belld of the Nadonal Hilhw.J Tralflc ~ AdmlnlltradOQ. .ad In • stat.net. • it • . . SEE YHA T YQUR LOCAL Atrro DEALERS HAVE TO OFFER YOU INTODArSP~ •. • ':/ . . ., . ' " MAJOR LUOUll ITANDIN08 ~~ W L "91. CM ~..... 51 4S 510 I<-CHy 14 ... .151 I S..lllt 01 4t 610 • c~ 4t 4t .aoo 1 Olllllend 4:1 to 411 It 17 23"' T.... S& M 3M MlnMeole 34 87 337 9oelon .......... llllllmote Hew Yorio Detroit ci...i-s Toronto IAITINI DM"°'9 5a 41 57 41 64 42 .... 70 47 4' 4' .. 52 ... 2141 7 7 ·~ I I'<\ ~eo..­ ...... 3,S..ltle I OwMnd S, Mllw8ull .. I ( n IMlftOI) Bollon 7, Cnlcaoo 3 KIMM CHy 7, lfllnMn«I 2 Olkllnd 5, M lnneeo41 0 Only ~ ICNdulld , .......... Ol!Me S..11 .. (llMll .. 8-7) •I A ...... (F0t9d't 8-7) 0.lroU (P•lry 11-6) at T0ton10 (CllllCy ... , Ct.wlltld (80fllllOll 1-7) et Mllw•uk .. (lwell 7 ... ) Boeton (Torru 7-5) •I CNc.oo (Hoyt 12·9) llelUmOf• (81-lrt 7·5) 11 Klneu Clly (Out• I 1·7) New YOfl< (Oulclry M) et Tana (Medlefl 7-8) MlnnHoll (Wllllem1 3·7) et O•kl•n<I (Klngm111 1·8) NeUoM&LMaue ftll'IM OIVICloM W L f'ct. 08 Al'*tlll 81 37 622 8en Oltgo 63 47 .~ 9 .,....... 62 48 .515 10'A 8en ltrenollco .. a2 480 14 Kou9eon 44 54 441 17 ClnchlMl 37 83 370 26 IAeTQM DMltON PlllllOlo1pNe at 42 6 71 St Louis 57 ~ 570 =-.r U 45 531 3'A 52 .. $31 4 Nllw Yin 44 55 444 12'A a..., 40 13 388 ll'A -~·---Moftll'MI 4, 81 LOUii 3 (10 llWnoll Plt,_.gll 4, ~ YOr1l I PNledtlpNe 3. CNclgo 2 Atllnll I. Sen Ollgo 2 HOu9ton 4, Clne:lnnail 3 Only ~ ICMdulld ,.......,....._ ~ (Wetdl 8-7 -Aeuw 10-1) at AtlMll (MINw M Ind &r.drOllln ~1(. 2 SI Loula (LIPOlnt 5·2) at MontrHI (Sandenon e.9) Siii Oltgo (MontefUeco 11-5) 11 Clndnnetl (Blrlnyl 7. 10) Pl111bu<r fClnclelwll 7-4) •t New Y0<k (SWWI 11-3 Chleago (Jenklnt 1-1!) at PNi.delpNa (Clrfton 13·11 Sen FrllnClltco (Hamm•1t e.5111 Houlton (Sutton 9-11 AME•UCAN ll!AQUS Anoefe I. MertMrl 1 lbn\s CAUPOMU •rttW •rlllll J,CNz 2b 4 0 I 0 Downing 11 4 11 O M c..tlllo 3b 3 110 8en1quz 11 O 00 0 Bocftte II 2 0 1 I DeC1noee 3b 4 13 3 Slmpeon II 00 0 0 "-'**-"rt 4 00 0 Zll*Oh 4010 lllClet11rf 0000 c-. rf 4 0 0 0 L~ ci 3 0 0 0 S.....c 3000 Qndl2b 2000 O..Gny 1b 4020 ~lb zooo DHnde<Mol 3000 fell• 2110 TCna a 3010 --..c 2000 T-27 171 Totlll 2t353 ..,...,,._..,. s..tt1e 000 010 000-I Caolllomla 003 000 OOll-3 DP -S..1111 I , C1!110<Na 3 LOii - SHiii• 7. C1lllorn11 t 28 -Cullllo, DtClncel. 0 Otey HA -o.c.._ ( 11) 8 ~ Boone. Ao JICQon ..... . M•t111•eo 5 3 3 4 2 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 Ml Moore (l.~) 1 V9nde61rg \'I Cauoll ·~ c..... IWWO (W.9-2) 71\ & I I 4 • H...... 0 00000 8lnchU (S,1) I\\ I 0 0 0 0 HIMilr llllctllO 10 I bell« In the 8111 Ml M00te plldled lo I bltt1t In thl itll H8P -by H ..... (8ocllle) T -2 31 l.ynn cer-Downlno Beylot Angel •nr90M HTTINO .. " " "" -l'ct. 331 e2 100 13 50 :>02 318 51 115 ' 21 299 3711 70 '10 1e •2 2111 391 49 111 18 14 2M Ro Jeckeon DIClnole Re J9Cileon Boone ee 1 1e 1 12 211 355 52 118 13 !>4 27& 323 52 89 25 59 278 294 n 711 3 37 212 Foll Clwtt Or1Cll Beniquez FerQU9on Wltl009 llurWon 1( ...... TotlM MINw H ...... Aetlllo Win ,... 2Mln Kleon forldl &lncflc Goltz CO<blll TOI• 313 34 14 2 3e 2811 60 I 1e 2 5 297 327 42 ee 11 •• m 14 13 23 I II 251 55 6 12 1 4 21• '12 12 19 0 5 let 45 4 1 0 2 1se 31 4 1 0 0 J 32 3418 .... 937 106 450 274 ma91G • M •to W-&. PA 7 1 4 5 1-0 000 52'-\ 341 30 28 2·1 1 71 1~ 119 M 51 9-2 3 341 103'-' te M 49 W 3.40 52 u ~ 40 w a .... ,., ..... 132 41 41 10-1 3.57 ea 7'324f 8-43.M 150 144 15 50 .. 7 3.te 50'!\ 51 22 ao i-1 4.ot 4"-' 47 22 M 5-2 4.20 17'"' eo a 1 42 1-e u11 917'A 151 m 433 57~ 3.11 AIMftoeft L...-....... , .......... lol1on 001 031 002-7 13 3 cnac.oo 000 110 100-3 7 2 "''"IY· 8uro1111ter (t). Cl11r (I) '"d •llooneon: L.amo. ~ (51. H!Ck9Y (9) tnd Flell. W-Allnly, 14. L-'--"P. 7 .... I-CINI (12). H,._eotton, Y~k 13k ~. V. '-" (S). A-11. 1a7. ..,...1,o.w-1 8111lmolw 001 ~, 000-2 • 0 K-Olly 040 000 aox-7 11 I 0. Mltttlm, 0. Dtl'lll (2). ltoddwd (7) end No191. eoltltlo, ~Ill. QI~ It) ..0 lleuGllt W-loWIO, M . L-D. u---. '°"· ""' ·--~ 1n Kar.-Qly.-.. (t) a---.a11 ....... .._, c......nd 000 100 000 004-5 14 0 ........ 000 001 000 000-1 11 0 81rll1r. Glyn" 1111, Splll"lr ~".: HMey, VUC*~ ... on ( 11) llld W-Splll111t, 8·6 L-Slelon. 7-2 H"-a...llnd. ntorftlon (23~ A-lt,7t1 ...... """'. Mllw9ot• 000 000 ooo-4 4 1 0.lllld 200 200 01•-5 • 0 .--. Afton (t) ..i L.-IMr: ~ 1nd NIW!ftln. W-L1n9ford, 1·11 L-~ 1-1. "~· ""'°""" (t). A-~U,ta. ..L;:t_. t 0 .... 100 000-1 1 0 ,..,....Laeoll 3 Z l'lrJ. 18) 1nlll 11111111. W-0 . 1•6 L-,llOoML .. 1. H"-• Dtl'lll (4). A -1-. ... ,..... .. ~. CNo1ieo ~99 001 ooo-a 1 a ~ ~ 101 10.-1 1a o lltd, m _, J, 0w""4 KNllOW, ,._. (8) Md I . DIM. W-ICl\llow, lM. L-Tldrfw, •·t. •-11t11d (I) Hiii- ,. a 0 ,.._ .... cm. A-*3.12A. .... o.... II LelA IOI ttl OtO t-t 1 t .......... ,_..,, t.:l":::.o. :::., ... ,,,.=.!! = C...w-...-.M..L-........ -kL-.. ..... (1 ... A --- NA TIOMAL LIAQUI KftlOlll, MU Cert1t. Mii ~~ Mc;Oee,81.L T Pen1.Pgh Lo.Smith, 81.L. Au.>on..S.O Murphy.AU J.Ray,Pgn. OU•N'-'-98 385 6t 111 318 91 331 6t !OS 31 I 1s 241 42 n 310 115 218 2S 87 310 13 308 30 t5 )()41 98 3t7 83 112 .305 89 323 51 .. .303 97 383 74 ~10 sos 98 387 65 117 30? HolM"-Murphy. Atllllt•. a . Klngmen, ...... York. 211. Cert1t, Monlflll, 21, HOfner. AtMroll, 20; ----~18. ,._ .......... Murphy, Atllntl, 72, Klngmen, ..... YOr1l, ee. Oii-. Mon1r111. 111. Hen<lrlc:lt, 8l Loui.. 85; Certer, Montr111. 114, Ow1rr1r1, ~ Ml Clerk, Sen Fr.,,._ 64. ,......(,,.,......., P.Nlelcro. AllMll. 1o-3, Aogera, Monl,..., 13-4; O.~. Plttltlufgh, 10-S: !Cored\. SI. Louie. 10-5: loll1<. Sen Dlloo. 10.5 ce111on. Philedelpfli•. 13-1. v.i.u-.. o..ie-. tM. ~~~ llUNO: R Hendereon. 0 1kl1nd 18, Molllor ............. 75. Hltrell, ~. 74, e-. Boelon. 11 YOUflt ............. 71 ttlTI: Yount, MllwaukN, 12t . OltCll, To1on10. 127, H1rr1h, Cl1v1l1nd. 122, Cooper, Mll'#IUl<N 120. McA•. KenlU ~O: While. K_.. City. IO; Yount, Ml,._ .. , ~. LJllft, ........ Ev1111, lloeton, 2S; DIC...._ ........ & TlllPLll: Herndon. D11roll. 11. W w.._., K-.. CllY. 10; Yount, ....._.., 9: Gtlflln. Toronto. 11. UP9N*. Toronto, 8, 8tett, ~ Ctty. 8. C-, Seattle, 8. ITOLDI SAMO: A ~ Oelctlnd, 98; Oarc11. T0<onto. 31. Within. ~ Clly. 28, J Cruz. 8111111. 21; L1F1011. ChlceoO. 24. STNKIOUTO: I". Bennlet1t. S.ltll, 123; Bl<tl1t, Cleveland. 1111, Guidry, ..... YOfll 102. Eck...,. &oeton. 91: eeetlle. s..n ... 98 NATioNAL L.UOW MMa: Lo. Sm111l. St Louie, 83: Murphy, All1nt1. 711. 0 1w1on, Mon1r111, 71; Slndbl<g, ~ 83, Homer Altln\I, 82 MfTI: J Rey. P11111>ur9h. 117, Knlohl. Houeton, 117. Ollv1 r Montrell. 11 e. 9ucltnet.Chicligo, 115. Lo Smnll,St LOUii, 114; .... ~11S. DOW'la: T ~.Sen °"00 27, KnlQM. Houllon. 25. o__... Montrlll. 24, M..a.oc.. Plltabutgll, 24. ~ MontrMI. 23: CecMno. Clndnnlu. 22 TillP\.ll: McGee. SI LOUii. 7; 0•"*'· Houllon, 7. Templeton. Sen Olego. 7,, M0<eno. Pltt.M>ur9'1. 8. Tllotl. HoUlton, 8, Purll . .._.11 ITOUM ILU€9: Moreno. PlltMlutgll U; lo S<nlttl, St loutt 44 RalnM. MonllM. 43. o.-. ~ 40 ..... ~ I&. •TtmtlOUTI: Soto. ClnCIMl ll 118. ~on. PNllOillptM.. IM. Ryen. HollMon, 152. RC>Qlfl. MonlrHI 1 Ill v-.i ....... ~111. LITTLE LEAGUE Al.L-8TAM a.neon l14-1~-oldl) Nc110MALT~ ( ...... ..__...._~, T ....... r.o- Aoblnwooel vs. Oow!ley. 8 30 P·"'-(WlnMr 1dv1nu1 10 10 30 a.m. 01"'1 S11urd1y, IOeer .. 911minated) I 0.•'-°'------iiiiiiiiiiii ~ AACL 400 ywa WllrtOn A..traf (LIClll~ 14.40 7.40 4.20 Pwrllr (TOllUj t 140 uo Oo High T~ (Oltdolil) 4.to Alto r1c1d: Tl'le Du1k11, T•o More OOuble9, '°"'9 IUnda Volt.... ZUoo. Del l'lcllle """'· Ole Softh. ""* 20.30 • 11 llCACTA (2·10) peld 1109.20 '9'TM llACL :tao ytl'dl( Thmla To Cl lier 1t;rdz.I) 4 80 3 40 3 00 Miit• W1zlr (Hlr1) 7 .00 4.20 S"'*" Cryelll (lllldl 3.80 Ai.Cl rllOICI· Nollie o.llA, FNt An<I Cl.-y. P1y On Demand. Time: 17.88 llXTH llACI. 870 )'111'<1• Mt Colfu Lltk (Ptknl") 37 20 13.40 1 60 MliCllO Miio lPIUlltle) 5 20 3.eo Ollllnt l!llrd Hirt) 3.80 Aleo r•ced· Rtp111 Rocket. l(ryp1on Rocket, F'IMt Mlekey, Biiiy Carter e-. T ortllll Fiii Time 45 94 II HACTA 14-2) peld 1149 40. lnDfnf llACI. 360 yerda a-8-ltt (l!lrooll•l s 20 3 oo 2 80 l1m100 (T onkt) 3 40 2 80 L.oy Seler>e (Clrdola) 3 20 Aleo ri ced Toopere Bug. 01111 Six.· Wltc:ha SlllCll. Tlnye Gay Oo Time 17 87 II DACTA (7-1) l*d 112 00 moHTM llACC. 1· 1118 1111111 on 11111 o...endl 1"'""1) II 80 3 20 3 00 P• Purple (Sibilla) 4.80 3 40 t..oy Tr-oua (Me<Affon) 3 40 Aleo raced Surely A WW-, Caolllll ~. ~ Gtenll ~ lln'e Miiie Up IOt, Ml'fWI. 8ettica. IWflnede, lltk't 8eat Time 144 N9fT'tt llACL 1 \119 rn1111 ~Z..O:llO 1D191ty1 8 20 • 40 3 eo Alone 10rteea1 21 .eo 8.40 Rid! c.-l~on) 3 oo AllO reoed. Aevltb, Aulllh Buzz. Eeoi. M111, HI'• Loolllno Oood. BIO Geo Alllton. Fenqy Guy, Hiii To Albetl. Time l~44 115 11 IXACTA (2s4) pekl 1617 00 i'llendll>CI' 16,09 '°"'"'" llAct. II luflonQI Lode O'L.uclc (Slbllte) 50.llO 20 80 9.40 Jet MW*NW (McHwgue) 5 60 3 00 By The S.. IONhou..ayitl 4.80 Allo reoed· Ten Pera.II. Top~. El P11!l1111. lucMdof. Sr-Hla, Alley Fox. Heed Oecller, Idler, Emmet Kay Time I 12 115 ....rM "ACL 1 1111 m11ee on turf HuolN'f (McHW~) 12.00 5.40 2.40 Proaper-(Plnoey) 3.40 2.10 EMI .. (llftoelMklr) 2.20 .t.110 r1oed· ln1vll1bt1 L11d1r, Mr Aln~. 0--ol)' Tlrnr. 1:43 215. • UACT A t•2l plld '74.110. 8Dl1M -.ca. • lutlonOl-eontlonllr"e cv__.1 e.20 uo e.40 Door!'• Doll (Mc:Herguel 12.IO 10.00 r111 SmoocNn llJpMm) ,._eo Nlo '**' ~-Pleeeurel. w. Of a.. worn or.. Ni Inell, ~ ArttJ ~.Sendra l., ~ ....... Pia Joy. ~Move. T1me 110 315 NWlmf llACa. • fUt1onOt Ludly ~Eller! (PtnceyJ 3 20 a.eo uo Ao• H I~) 4.40 4.00 Olympic: ~ (Sl'lolmaller) 3.80 Alto rllOICI: Northern FIOll. Pro Or c..,, Trecy L, 0~1, ~. Abllltlll, Trtell JMflr, llunon Tep Time 108 4/I, II DACTA (5-11) peld '44.00. • ~· IU J~!~o.+7~ plld l.$2. "1.40 with -ltclCet 11111 hof'MI). 12 Pldl Six OONO!lllon plld .IO ... VI 25e wtnnlnQ llcllete \!Our hOftll ).. t2 PICll 81• tc:t11en coneot• .on pe1c1 11&.eo w1111 332 wlnnlnO llOllll• ''"' .. horMI, -tc:tllClll). AllT'I J>::o e::.~) -95 eng1Ar1. 11 elt>ICOfl, 1 bonllo, 32 clllCo bell. 201 lllld<••. 111 roctt 11111, 22 lllld baa. 18 ecutpln. 1 ~. 1 cebelon DAVl'l'O lOCltlll (~ llledl) - 197 ~ 13 lll>IC«• I berrKUd1, 4 Qlllco o.... ~ ........ 21 roek "91\, 391 rer:: 'WtWlfl -287 eng1erL I 103 baa, 5 lier,_., 41 bOMO, 1 hlllbul 442 mackerel. 10 roe-lltfl, 4 1cu1p1n. 5 ~hid I AL OIACM -23' englere 13 betHCuda. 3 ulc:o l>MI. 4 Nllbut 451 ~el, 4 rode IWI. 1, ltl ~ b-. I wNle -~. 5 IQllPln ..,_ -II linglerl. 3 llellbul. 800 mec:ur.l 1 lllld bUI, 75 ~ 11111\, 150 wM• croe11er Better Golf .with JACK NICKLAUS 32·35-.17 33-34-17 33·34-87 33-35-ee 3•-34-88 34-34~ 33-35-M 32·3&-111 32·'4-ee 33-35-M 34·34-M 32,31-1111 33-311-119 34,35-19 Jll.33-19 3S-34-tl 32·37-99 34-35-118 34-3&-70 33-37-70 ~70 32s311-70 33-37-70 3~35-70 32..:18-70 ~-70 3S-35-70 33--37-70 36-35-71 SJ..3t-71 3!>-36-71 36-35-71 3~-71 34-37-71 34-37-71 3'-37-71 3$-311-71 34-37-71 34-37-71 34-37-71 33-31-71 34-37-71 33-311-71 311-35-71 37-34-71 33..:18-71 36-36-71 3~-71 H-35-71 36-35-71 36-35-71 36-35-71 35-3&-71 36-35-71 32-39-71 33-38-TI 311-35--71 36-341-72 37-35-72 ~72 3$-3.4-72 36-37-72 34-34-72 36-3&-72 3$-37-72 38-3o4-72 3~7-72 37·35-72 34-38-72 35-37-72 3~37-72 34-311-72 »-39-72 34s311-72 Je-31-72 J&..311-73 36-37-73 39-34-73 • 31--36-73 37-36-73 34,39_73 31-35-73 37-36-73 37s311-73 3&-37-73 3S-38-T3 34-39-73 35-38-73 31-35-73 35-311-73 33-40-73 34-30-73 37-341-73 )4..t()-74 35-it-74 31-311-7• »-41-7• 3'-se-74 ~-74 36-31-7• 31-31-74 ~74 36-3e-74 3&s31-74 37-37-74 36-31-74 ~-74 33-41-74 37-31-76 34'41-75 37-31-75 38-37-75 39-311-75 37-31-75 34-41-75 3•37-75 31-31-76 3~-76 35-40-75 37s31-76 ~-=n :Si ..... -•• 38-38-78 36-40-71 ""37-78 31-31-78 )8.40-78 34-42-78 38-41-79 40-36-1' 40-S.--78 Sf-39-711 3M1-7t 37-39-78 3841-78 ~1t ~7· 34-43-n 41~n 34s4S-71 ---77 »-41-n -..-n r Qrend Prt• toum.rnenl (It Mont> C-ey, N..H.) lflnt~ ..... VIGIOr PICCI (P•r•ou•Yl def OuUlermo Vllu (Argenllne). ~7. I-•, 1-2. lven Lend4 1C1ectlollovlk111 de! Ju1n AQulllett (Sc>elnl. &·2 3·6. 1-3, JOll·Lule Clerk (Argentine) def Ken FllCll (U S ~ 11-0, ~ Men'• loumanwnl (al 14Mh o-.ee. tu.) S-.cl._... ........ Yonn1ck No ell (l"r1nc1) del Ben Tetter men (U S ). II· I, t -3=Jlmm Arl1t IU s I dflf Mwco 0.IQjl (Y ,. 11-3. 11-0 Ven W1nllllky (U S I def S Ven Der M.,_ ISoutll Af,g). S-7, 7-8 l-2 Tlllrd lllowM ........ Noah clef Jonn J.,,_ fAuetr111e1. 11-2 1-2 Anu Gel Der• Terr (South All'ICI) 11· 1 2·6 8·3, Dick SIOCklon (U S I del Wwllky 8-3. 3-6 7 ·$ J r/ ~ IU S ) Oii ~ Kr11Men (lndtl). 1-8. ~. M Reul A1mlr1z fM1a1co) def Mell Anger (US l 7-8. e-2 ShlOmO Oldilleon lt11M1) <Ill Anl<ld Amf•lr•I lln<lll ) 7-8 ~ MlrlO M1r1..-tBol•Yll ) de! Eric; lakera~y IU S ) 1-3 1-2 Ml.JC NOTICE l'tCTmOUa .,..... f1CTIT10UI .,... •• Nam ITAT'UIRNT NAa. ITAT'EmNT Tiie IOllowlng ~ ere doing The IOllowlng peraon(I) lfe doing bull-u: bulll\8U u . PAINTING AND MAIN -TENANCE COATINGS, 4862 Tl STABLES. 1801 eov.. Sutte Neely Cir #3 H\inllnglon 8Mdt 270. Newpof1 Beech, CA 112ee0. CA 92t49. ' ' TIX L-lged <:onc:.pta, Inc., Mwt..:i K KONt>I 4862 Neely • Celffonu corporation, UJOt oa... Cir " 3. HUntlngton' 8Mch. CA s 1 ... 1. Su11• 210. ~ BMc:fl, 92649 CA 929e0. ,jo.ph Fucelll 5772 Mar1lhlll Thia~ II oonduc1ed by I Dr., Hunllng1on e..di. CA 92649. c:orpofltl<>n T • " L • y • , I g • d This ~ It conducted by • Conceptl Inc. 119'*11 ~KONl>I Weyne Sd>ultz, CEO Tiiie llal-1 -llled wtth ttMI Thie 1111-t WU llled wllll Ille County Cllr1t of Ortnge County on County Cllr1t of Ortnge County on June to. t982. ,..,_ June 29. 1982. ,...... Publl1lled Orange Coaat Diiiy Publl111ed Orenc>e CoHI Dally ""°'· Juty 9, 16. 23. 30, 1982. Pilot. .N/l<J t. 17, n. 30, tte2 3114-82 31()8..82 DE1.J'TSCllMAN Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive PAUL GE 0 R GE Mortuary of Cotta Meta. DEUTSCHMAN, resident of M0-5554. l!l Toro, Ca. Plllled away ·July 29, 1982. He was an MA YES •• , accountant for the pest 56 EDITH MARIE Ml\ YES, yeu-a. He la eurvtved by his ~ residmt of Orange wife Far •. ~ eon Martin and County. Pa11e-d away on 2 grandeh1Jd.ren. Pecer and Ju 1 y 2 8 , 1 9 8 2 . Sh e h Perl. Gnvt!lllde eervtces will 1urvlved by her hu1band be held oo J'rlday, July 30, Bob, daughter Marilyn 1982 at lO:OOAM at the Amarde and Kanne Math.ls, Harbor Lawn Mount Olive 10n Marvin Rowe, altten Memorial Park. Service• Carlena Wane and Shirley under the dir~ctlon of Camp be 11 a n,d 4 ~ Servicel will ,_Cl•OfHaS -.&.taOA•WAT MOll1UAH 110 8r08dway Costa Mesa 6't2·9150 IALT%-Mae* SMn'H a 'nlTMA1. WISTC~CHAPll 427 E 17th St Coeta Meta 64~371 r 6e held on Saturday, July 31, 1981 at l:OOPM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Interment aervlcea lmmedlately followlng. 8er..1ce9 tmdel' the direction of Harbor-Mount Olive Mortuary of Coeta Mesa. 640-5654. ACTTTIOUa .... U NAm8TAT'SWMf The following petlOn 11 doing t>u.U-. M: ORANOE COAST MILL ANO DOOR. HO E OY9f IW "L", Senti Ana. CA 92707. Oevl<t HaroMI MU1T9Y. 170 E. 181h St. A.~..._, CA 12627. Mark Oan1 Allbrook, 83t2 C1van Cir , Huntington Beech, CA 112t47 Thll ~ i. oonduc1ed by a generll pertnershlp. DeYld H Murr1y Thia 1111-1 -hied with tM County Cler1t of Or.nge County on June 11, 1982 '1ttD7 Publlalled Or1nge COHI Dilly PllOI. July II. 16, 23. 30. 1982 3113-82 ct ' MUC ND11Cl 'ia.ft.-· Tll• l•llO"l119 ffftt" I• 4tfll9 ~,.: OOAIT 4P"'-~"°I .. "VICI. t?t# 1 Nftland II • 11. Ht.111urw1on heel\ OAIH4t, MUC. ... .. ... MUC M>TICr _!!Y 'ID'I, I MUI.. tiM ;ma••· 'im,WJI ~9'~;;;;.:J_,_~:ii§~~.=-::-1 A T •~flt AMfMll •otnt Q ~ O fi\ I Ttte ac:.: ._ ~· I flt llMJ'Mn It ctolnt ~~~ '*'°"' .,. OClll'9 !ii' Tru~ ......,. fti ,........ _. ... ... ~ ...... ~ ~-ft!.. 01.01 T'l'flll NOIJALGIO LMiofl ~ ~ ..._ "-'Wl'~. ~-f.~ar1,· flle\H ~e:"t~f le "! ICIN'f.~..!1!_ °"'I.LINO ·~ A-ti 'Nttlnl;~cr'J:·e~'f:. "0TUl'I ,ACTOl'Y, ~11,..,ty W I rtHlve .. lltd bide lot .,.~.,.~ ........ Nl otiol•t La11u, Utl t tiaewland 11. • 11. ttun1ln11011 fMOll, OA fl041 -,0,."'"~u •. ~ n~o'M T~ I.TO 1· ... a!Mr.JK lfO, ~-=--· ~Uni' •• W••tmlnlltt. CA ~~" Mllllltll"= = ,_..., -~~. .w .. I.~·~..,, · 0 lii•iilll 11ooililoo 0Ai1 :':,~~· ,' t5'. '""" ., .. ':."r.-,/:':.~:. ''"" • '"'""· '"" :::=•"',:: :r::' Jr." o1 ~ ~,,,;= ~.~,· "ooncNG1ed w.,. =~"' ,,-,"' .... ~. !',,!!"' ••• ":~ .. :n •• ,.. 1\11\t I o. ~ • ...., ."9,r.!t Lane. l'Wl!llflOIOll '"°"·CA e1ct1 •11•11 bt Oltttl~ m11ktd TNelr MCatllllfled fhlt O\ltlneae 11 oonct\ICltd by M 111cllvidu11 Nichol .. LAMI ~ ,1't U .. .,. -• OAtateo rfl .. I IUOtllt h,,y, H.1 -r ·~~~.lid No. dtttaJ\llltll, '"°·171'1&.A,_ Morn. CllnlOll Otol9 t , 1t1ct w.w.t ~to '"'• ~ It~~ a • Oolta ....., OellfOnlle llllrl•r "· 1r1110110, tt1t1 IOt,'' ldellnlld 101 "°90, LafU'\I __,,CA..,,, Tiiie -'•le!T*I Wit llled Witt\ ltle no., held~ ll w* Mid Deed OOfl>Ofallon. t 1 "°'*" LlllW. HVllUntton IMoll. O.A AllYfl I . f'OWlt~. fturo1•111l119 Mr-ir I . tiWMr, •, T~ Oollnt'I ~ of °''"" Ooul\IY Oft of fr\jll 111,._ ~ llMIM"-T • • '-e.,, • t • t •Cl WIMt terrv. IJI "°°'*I«, '2"41. M.l!)IOlt of TIIJ Arttlllr I. llrt..,., elMf Thie 111~1 wta lllld will\ the Counl'f Clef• of Of•ntt County on Jul~ 1, 1982 "'"'IO 1NI ll11Wlllecl1 ,.____.., ino. Ootfe Mt•a,· Cillfornla IHtf 1 ~cl ~Mill II oondllOftld b'I"' ~ununeton haoll Union w-11 tl"'''Y fl. e1rte11., flro~~I _,, ' · ~ T " U e T 0 " : I A A " _..._.. WtyM M loflulll OIO '-....... :i00flduo'9d by • ndl .. ual. ~ °""'°' .. tet11M1eftl "'4f ._.,. f""' Publllhtd Or111 .. c ... t t>..i1 00 .. ftO!'ATION, • 01tlfornt1 Tlllt ttlttment wN ftltcl Wit.II tilt II Plftl* • fflft 11!~!:,~ .. :-;:::owtttl Ille 111211 YOltltown Ave, t AUQUtt ti. ttll;-tft'J#,,,,_ ,, .... "11bll1fltd Or1ng1 Oottl Delly Pltol, July t , IT, IS. 00, 1111 ll907·H Piiot. July H . 111• Aue. •• ,~,,. -r.:r, I 0 I A" v: DA .... y =-i.~.°' Orenoe Ooun\'I on tllla .. ~ .... ~ with,.... County Cltnl 01 Or•no-County on ~·~~~ ~ 1:00 ~ \:::.. ~~---..., I ~':,OJ~NO, tn u11mertl1d Miii, PftMll Qountv Oleril Of OrlllOt County on July 1. IHJ p.m .. AUQU1t tt. 1tl2 tt 'tlJtlldl time generll """"~· NSLIC HOTICE PlaM:,.,.11),....m IAUI 11D11_ V•~rll•A~ 'm,Mn.o•Mnldl.JL ,..~.11•J~ Put111111r. Otano• 00 .. 1 O•llY J4Jtf aa. 1ffl. Publl•h•d Oranni Coa:i1:; tnd plaot bid• wul be publloly MT tlutet I~~· ... .... P11o1 J1.11y • te, n . oo. tNa ,,...., .. ...... .... "" ~ n ....s. ru • ... ·-HOnc• cw lf<AWINt I •• mantect min •• ,. 5110·12 l'Ullll•lltd Orano• Col.It Dally PllOt, July 9· '"· ..... ""• 1 .. bot! bid 111111 remlln vllld fOt • Mtiur •• llrtcher loan No. GUYITTllL..UA '* Md ..... ,...ny Not. J4il'I IO end A119. 8, 13, JO. "" .... 2 '*1od of 41 d¥ '"" Ille det• ~ llllt1w "· lirtdl9I OlllAHU COUNTY MUHIOlftAL COURT HARltCNI MUMfC•AI. DlaTittCT 4901 .11111 ....... M . HewPoft IMtotl, CA T.I . No. 11'°'4 "toOrdtd Mtroll t4. IHO •• •-• -1"2 •Bl II' AlftflC[ IC*lfled fOf tt1e t9011ot of b1cM. Property~ end NIWP~ HOMI LOAN, INC. M lnatt. H01 111tllnllOC*1MllPt8' ,._ 11911•-~1M2 '"""""""" Tiit loerd Of trwt.. 111t1t bt IUCltlOl1Tl\llt0...0 duly lj)llOI(\~ Tr1111• unci. the HM Of°"'*'"'°°'*"'"" (lflloe "O'MIOUI .,.... '1CTI'TIOUI •utlNIH .... IOlt IUdGt of "" Cl'*lty of Auoull 21, tN1 IOllOwll\ Cltteflbtd deed of tn.t of tne AecoNMI of °'*'It~ MAl9efA,_.,y M.IC M)TIC( NAMI ITATIMINT ~I offwtd Ind rtMtYee the fhl1 etall!Mlll WN flltd with lflt PLAINTtFI!: HfRITAGE BANI<, I Calllornla ¢0tl)Oi'at1on (8ucc:"'°' In lnterHI ol tRVINI! NATIONAL BANK, 1 N1tlonet B1nklno A'80Cilttonl. WILL I U. AT PU9LIO AUOTION Mk! deacl ot mm CltaOtlbta U'lt , TM fol.IOWlng ptnOM.,. doing --_...,.....,11 Tht following perton 11 doing right IO tejeclr.a all bide end to OouJ IVn~r_ Cletll8., of Ortnot County on TO T~E HIGHUT llOOIA 'Of' foloWirm "'°'*1Y-~ ... ,,, --_,_ b 1 ·"-an t ..._...._ u ,,. 1t • CASH (payable II ttlnt of .... In Tiw ~U..~ 111.00 leet of bl!JlrvJdlf INTll'P"'IH, t7IO lilMm eTA.,....., ul 'er: P"R E 8 8 Q l E N N w.,..... l.E. ~ "--·· • ,,_ ~·uwr:! ... rnoneytlt"" -~'"'int~·= l.ot tn of~ HtlaMe. City°' Otbllleto aoui .... 11. luena Patk ..... !t'....~lowtnau ptr9CNI " clOlnO lOWNl-40 ... E ASSOCIATION, 3130 PurOllUlng Maneoet HUNTIA' 11048 OEFENOANl JAMES e BENNEfT, DIANNE M. BENNETT. and OOES ONE through TEN. .,, r..,.... .. • .., .,_, oon Oottt M .... County Of Or11i99, Celltornlt toeao --u Ul'llPAIC USA TIVillEI.. Klll1tn1y l1n1. Co11t Me11. CA DATED July 29, 1H1. All0t"'>'1 at L9w IO and llOW held by " under Mk! ..... of Oellfotftle, • 9'loWt1 on • ,. A, YOllN>. ff15 Gantva. .... VICI. HO Newpoft O.nw Of .. 92828. Publl•fl•d Orang• CoH I D•lly 1eeoo ,~Id Ori.... 0 .. d Of Trull In tfle property mtp rtoofded In 1o01141M18t 85 Qt ftull9rt0fl, Ct11forN ~ lullt 380, Ntwf>0(1 lttcl'I. Ot. C y p R E 8 S Q l l N N Piiot, July 30. 1H2. Suitt 100 hetllntfltr ci.actlbtd: ml~lleneoua mape, ttcont1 of AOll81d M. OVolt. 11-0 I. t2te0 . TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION. 3410-t2 Poet Offloe 8ox 1ft77 TlllUSTOI\: BAlJCI A. O~E Orange County, caNtorftia. IMdWg LAM. Ortngt, Callf0tnla Mldl!IO roOtf', 3HO I. 1tt Ill. !580 1·11815 N1l1on, Cyprtu, CA Irvine. CA t27t3 IUMMONI and SUSAN t. LAZA. llulb#ld and excepting therefrom tllt 92eel No. t, L.ono IMch. Ca. to803 90030 Publlahtd OrlnOI Cout ~ c ... No. 4tMI Wltl Northttlltrly tH.00 '"'· Aleo ,..... ~ .. oonoucttd by • Tlll• butfneea" oonduotld by 1n Thi• bu~• II eonduCled by In Piiot. JUiy 30, Aug •. 13. 20, tt82 1nc:11111ve NOTICl!I Y~ twlVI bMfl wed, BENEFICIARY: OR. HOWARD I'. t • O •PI In Cl I ht rt fr O Ill th 8 gtntrtl pettnerlhlp. lndMd\lllM, '"UHO ,.,.,.,.,.,., un1ncorpor11tO 1noc1111on olht t •-"' --&423-12 TIM cout1 m•J Clectde -aiMn•t JOU KN 0 H l , M · 0 · • Tr u 1 t1 • for 8outhttltttty 55.00 ..... "<)HALO M. GAACIA, 1 "" ""'"':..,.. then 1 parlne<lfllp ~ "'" ,_ wllfloul your bltne ~ un1H1 HOWARD R. KNOHL, M.D .. INC. YOU AM IN DIPAUU UMDllt A Otl*., pe.nner Thia tlll9ment wu ftlld _.lh Ille Cypr ... Oitl'ln Townhom41 ASIOC, C ... emla ........... .._ rtaJC M)llC( JOll ,.apond within 30 deyt. lltHd PlMSION TRUST DUD Of' TMllT OATID MARCM Thie ti.tltmtnl ... flltd with the County 011111 Of Or"'O' ~ Oii M•rll G 8oo1Z c-lr91 I tha lnlor1n1tton Mtow. ~dtd Septtrnber 25. t980 .. 11 1111 UMUee YOU TAKI County OWk of Ort!IOt County on July 28, INa Sacty/Tt1~. a: AN~ C ...... u you wish 10 Mttc lhe 1ctvlce ot lnttr. No. 36t II In boOlc t37!58 Peet ACTION TO •lOTICT YOUlt Jvi; H, IN2 P1M117 Tfllt llltemtnt 1,.,.1 fllld wllh th>e -...... 4~..;... IOO NOTIC8 CW tn ellorney In 11111 mt lier. you 1'°8 of Offlelal Aaoofd1 In tht ofltot ""°"91tTY, IT llAV •~AT A ,.....,, Pub"-"'d Orange Cout Delly County Cle<k 01 Orenot County on .........., CA -TillUllU't IAU al\ould do so promplly t0 lh1t your of the "-der of Or""8' Counly. PUMJC tALI, • YOU mD AM y. ~., Pllol. July~. A4IQ O. 13, 20, July 7 1982 NOT1Ca Of'"*'° M9AMtO T.S. No. 1..- wrltlen rnponH, lf •ny, m1y be, llld dttd Of ltull dM«lbtl tM IU"-AllA110M tW Tttl MATURI O......_ I.. COCll'mt 3370-U ' ,,.... 8ll4 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A filed on time • tollowlno property. Of' Tttl "'°°9IDM ,....,. •. -... -• ......__._ --p bll ~ d O C I O 11 -DEED Of TRUST, DATED MAACH Av ts 0 I u. t. d h. •Id 0 PAACEl t: Unit No. t8. In the YOU YOU IHOUU>CiotrTACT A ;;; oa11 "D;"L;',;.--.. "8JC ll)TIC( u .... range OH • y :=.:.TION , .... WAPW 17. 1980. UNLESS YOU TAKE demandado El 1rlbun1I pued1 City of ~ Belch, County of ui\till a....-t .... C .. IFNa -Piiot, July 9• 17• 13· 30• t~5t-82 Diec: MWMENTI ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR decidlr contra Ud sin •udierlcl1 I Or1ngt, S11te of Callfomla. of that 142 E. letfl 8tr•I, COiia ....... Publllhtd Or C0Mt "-'... ~ 11711 (....._.. ,....,._ DltoMr9I PROPERTY, IT MAY IE SOLO AT A mMo& q_,. Ud respond• dlf'ttto oe certain Condominium ProjtCl CA 92e27 tn9e -• NOTICI Of' TWUeTa'I UL.I •-II' MftTll'r lllmlllltll 1 ........ '-"'") PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU HEEO AH 30 diet Lea I• lnloimeclort que ducrlbtd In that c.,tatn "(K. lttMt add,_ or common :~~ ... ~so. Aue .•• t3• 20• T.I. .... ..,,,.A&.... ,._ ""',_ .. EXPLANATION Of THE NAT'U"f 1que Condominium Plan recorded In d"lgnatlon 11 1hown 1b0ve, 110 NOTICa ........ ~ ._.... .... DletrtcJtl OF THE PROCEEDING AOAJNIT SI usted dlUB sollclter el book 10790, paga 908, Offlolal war'8nty 11 given 11 to Ill __ .,_ -YOU AAE IH Dfl'AUlT UNOt!R A NOTICa Of' TltUITll'I IAUI The ~tv'8::'1t=i•trl0tt of YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A conseio de un 1bogldo en Hie Ato0rdt, In the ottlOI of 1111 COii~ comt*t-°' correatne11)." ~ """w. DI! I! D 0' TR U 9 T , DATED lit .... '·'7'G Orange County (C800CI fl1t ftltd 1 LAWVEA asunto deberle haoerlo r.oorw ol Orange County ( The btotflclery 1111<* Mid Deed YOU,.,,.. DIPAUl.T ~A FET .. ~T~·T10NPl~~YOYOUUR I ,OlllTAMT NOTICI TO raporl of wH~ dlacharo• end On Friday. Auoi-t 20. 1912 91 1mmedlat•men1e. de eatl m11n11a. pl111 being llereaflef refetttd to• of Trutt. by r-..on Of a br..ctl 0t DllD 0 , TlllUIT OATIO ,..,, .. ....., "'" .....,,.....,, ~fU¥ OWNllti 9:t5 a.m. Cl'liocaGo Title lnMK._ sureapuestaescr111.slh1yaaguna. "the Condominium Plan">. encl" default In tllt obllgaUont MCUflcl ~t,--~YOU P"OPIER~_.ITMAYBl!SOLOATA1 YOUAMINDlflAUUUNDaRA IPPli.d IC>f req lrem.nte fO< lflt Comp1ny, it duly appointed puede ser re<;1111rads a tiempo defltlld In tflat oertaln Declarttlon tlltraby, lltrttofor. uecutld and TAICI AOTfON TO ftltOTICf PU8UC ..,.lf. IF YOU NEID AH oaaD OP TRUlf, DATWD 11,.11, ~~f.:=c,lnt:= ::: TrutlH unda r 1nd purtu1nt to 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A CIVIi ol Cov1n1nt1, CondltlOlll and dtllvtrtd to '"' under11on1d • YOUlt llltOl'tltTY, " MAV •• g''t.:ri~~~E .~~ "'°' UNlffl YOU TA.Ill! ACTION • Joint Permit lllUld by both the ()Md Of Trval Executed by AoNr1 complaint hes been lilld by the R11trlctlon1 for N1wporl Crall Wfl\ten Oeotarallon of Othull and IOU> AT A ll\a.IC IALA. •YOU YOU, YOU •.u.. 'LD OONT .. "T A TO ""<>TWCT VOUllt "'°""""• R • 0 10 n •I 8 0 a rd a nd 1h 1 Vanadot1 •• Tru•tor r•corclen plamtill ag1tnst you ti ~ou wish to H~ners AMoc11tlon, r~ Demand for Slit. end written notloa NllD AM IXPLMATIOll Of' TMI "'"""' ..... rT MAV M IOlO AT A PUaJC "'-vfr P A Mwch 19. 1980. • ln•t. No. 2tl39 .. delend tll•s tawsult. you must. within tn booll 103<'9. PtOt 89$, Ottlcltl of bflloh and of tltCtlon to callN LAWYER I A L I '' V O U MI ID AM ... ,, ronintntal rotectlon Qtl\CY In boOlc 1a540. ~ 924. of Ofllclal 30 days aller 1111s summons Is A.cord• of Orange County end lfl• undtt1lgn1d to 1tll Uld MATURI Of THI "'OCllOIMQ On AuOuet 13 t942 at t: 15 AM ~TION CW TMI NATUNI ~..2:.. T1h0• !!n"'t 8h•!-J!~~t1.".'.'om1Y Record8 In thl ofb of ttoe County served on you tOe with this court a amendmentt thereto. raoordtd In P'°'*1Y to utttfy Mid Of>llgatlonl. AOAINIT YOUJJ'I":.." IMOULD QUARDlAN Rl!CO .... llE.YAN'cii OP Titl PROCSSDIMQ AGAINtT --.. •·-· ··--" Recorder ol o,.ng1 CountyJ wntten resJ>Onse to the complaint book 10384, pag• 481. Off.lolel end thiirHfttr tf\1 und.,algntd CONTACT A LA CORPORATION. a C11trornta YOU YOU IMCMll.D CONTACT A Iha eacond1ry 1raatment C1Hf0tnl1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Unless you do to. your del•ult wHI Recofdl, Ind In booll 10193, P-ot ~laid noUoe of brllltOfl end of TMJ"'f!!!:! c:u.. OorporatlOl_I. H duly appointed 1.AwYa raqutr-te of thl CIMn Wttef AUCTION TO lilOHEST BIDDER be entered ort eppllcatlorl 01 the 518, Otllolal Rtcord1 ("th• tlectlontobl T.i--Tru9t•undtrenclpureuent1oo..d On Augusl t8, 1992, at 10!00 ;'.:~:.::~30l(h)to FORCA8H(pay1blt111tmeof .... ptamlill. end this court m•Y enter a Oecl1<1tton"), Ind the Oeclerlllon ReoOteltd AptJI 8, 1982 .. ln8tr. NOTICl: IS HEAEIY Gll/lN, tllat of Trull ~ Merefl 11, t991, AM H duly appolnttd Tru1tM · 1n 11wlut money of tfle United ludQrMnt against you '°' the rettel of Ann1x111on !Of LOI 1 of ~rect No. No. 82-119884 In uld Offlcl•I TllYrtd ... _ .. , 5 l"2 t • !net. No. l4t38, In bO<* 13977, u~der and purauant to 0..0 of On the bull of ptellmlnary itatt States) at tilt fron1 amr..-10 ttlt demanded In the complaint whlell 7817. (1111 Oec:lerallon). rec0<d.ci Record8. on I/'/. ___. • • 1 Peet 1130 of Offtclll Aecotda In the Tru1t ttcord•d Septtmbtr 25, ravl-ind appllcillon of liwful old Orange County CourthOUM, could result 1n garnishment ol Oc:1obef t8, 1972 In 1>0o11 10381, 81ld 111• wtll b1 m•ct•. but t:OO o'docll a.m. of Mid city, In !ht offtoe of iM County Atcorcler of 1980, H lnltr. No. 3HH booll •l•ndardt tnd regulattone. lhl loca ted on S1nl1 An1 Blvd .. wage•. taking ot money or properly PIQI 5.43, Offlcil>I Record-, In IM without cev1n1n1 or warranty, room "' Hid• for cionduotlnJ Oninoe County Slat. of CIMomlt. 13759. page 386, of Offlcilal Clllfomla ~ Will• Oualtty betwetn Sycamore 81. and 0, other rellel reque&ted 1n the ottloe of the totinty r-der of Mid ~or lmpllld, ragardlng tltll. ~~'t'·~:~r£"':'1!~U~ES Eucuttc1 by PHILIP M. WAL&H anci Record•. tktcUl•d by: C. BAAR ContrOI Boar • Swita Ant Region. Broadw1y, S1nta Ant, C1llf., 111 complaint county po11wt'on. 0t ancumbfancea, to SERVICE. loc*ICS at 202() Notti! PATRICIA A. WAl.9ti, Will SELL FLETCHER and LUCY ANN lentitlvely pr~ to ...... wuta ughl, title and lnt.-t COflv'Y9c1 to OATEO July 3t. 1980 PARCEL 2: An undivided PIY tht remelnlng pr1nc1pe19111'11 of AT PVBUC AUCTION TO HIGHEST FLETCHER h\4band anc1 wtt. • dl9Cttatgt rtctUlrementa Including end 110W held by II undtr Mid Oetcl J. Peters<><•. l/65tfl lnt1rHt tn and to tht tilt note(•> ltCIUrld by Mid Deed of Broeclwty, Wtt 20t. In the City of BIOOER FOR CMH (peyeblt at time tru1tor(11.' In Ill• off let of tlle affluent llmll•tloni and •P•Cl•I ot TrU91 In the property lttuatld In Clerk Common Ar .. u def"'9d In IN Trvat, with tnter•t •In Mid not• Santa AM. County of Onnae. 8tatt of .. In ltwful money of the Unltld County R1cordtr ol 011ng• conditions. Pareon1 wl1hlng to Mid Coumy and Stall Otec:nl:lld M : By R. Ellloll. Oedel'•tlon and In tht Otclartllon provided, advanOea. K lllY under of Cillfor11la, SAN MARINO 8taWI) at the tront entrll!Ce to "'9 County, Stale of Ctllfornta.. Will oomment upon °' objeei to the lot 2 of Tract No. 30e6 M Pl' Deputy of Annexation, being Lot 2 of Tree:! thl wme of laid Oetc1 Of Trust, S A II I N 0 S A N D l O A M old Orange COYnty Courtfl04.IN. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO propoeed dlac:ttatge requlttmlnll m1C> r-decl In 8oOll ff, PllQI 10 Law Office• of ROGER A. IAEVIO No 7917, .. Pl' map -ded ln .... Charget encl~ of"" AS80CIA TION, • Calllornla located 011 Santa An• Bl¥d .. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH -I~~ ~bmlt-lalntwrtt .. ~ 01 MleClell-• MIC)l In the office TI40MAS J. PRl!HOVOST, Jfl book 308, p1gee 33 and 34, Truet• end of 1111 '"*' crMtld by corporation. 11 duly appolnltd ~ &ycemore St. a Br~. (piiyabll 11 time of .... In lftlM to ... _,.........,,..no ., t·-· of the County Rtcordtr tn Hid 2092 MlclMlaon DrlVI, lull• 100 Mlacettaneou• Mapa, In the otflce of tNlld OMd of TNll. Truat" under and punuant 10 the Santa Ana. CelfOmle. 1111 rtclM. title mon1y or the vnttld Sllttl) 11: tht Auguet 29• tN2. "'" oomment• or County trvlne. CA 92715 lhe county r-dtr or Mid oovnty. Said ule wlll be Mid on ~. power of aale conferred In 11111 and Int.,.... ~ to and now Nor1fl front .,,,,.,_ to the County obJ1etlon1 received prior to th• The llrMt •dd'IH end Otlltr Publl1hed Orenge CoHt Delly PARC El 3: E 11ctI.I1 Iv a A.ugU9t 23, 1982 11 2:00 p.m .. at Ille otr1MI Deed of Trwt tMOU11d by held by It under Mid.Oetcl ol T""' Courlh-. 700 CMc Cenllr Otlve ebow date _.N be OOlll6dll.0 In tllt comrnort OMignallOI'. K eny, of V'lt Piiot, July 9. t6. 23. 30. 1982 HMmtnll appurtenant to uld UnM Cllae>mtn AYtnYI tnltwlGI to the ED WA AD M · RO l ETTI 8 n d In tflt pr~y 1ltuated In Hid w .. t Santa Ana, CA alt rlgflt, title fOfmuletlon of flnal delermlnatlOnl reel p<operty Ottct!Cltd ttlO¥ll It 31 t:l-112 No. 18, all H mo" 1peclflcatty Civic Cini., 81.1lldlno. 300 EHi PATRICIA P. ROlETTI, flueband County and State dllcribld ea: and 1nt-1 c:onveyld to and now ~the WMle dltclhttgt. purport•d to b•. 2242 W111ac• -----------defined In lht Condominium Pieri Chapman Awnut, In the City of end wife, ,_dtd March 3, IMO, EXH191T "A" Mid by It under Mid Deed of Truat ht Olfd wllhH to obtain Avenue, Cotti M .... Callfornl1 P\llUC NOTICE and the Oeoleratlon. Orange. CA In 8oOll 135.20 of Oftlclll Aeoorda of Parctl 1: Unit No. ao .. lhOwn In th• property 11tuatld In .. Id Inf 0 rm. ti 0 n I 0 • •• 111 It In ~27 PARCEL 4: A non ... xclu1lve At 1111 time of the lnltlal ••Id County, 11 P•O• 121 • llldo-irtbedlntheCondomlnlum CountyandStaltd.-oribed .. : de'ltnnlnlngproper-wdltCMrQe The underllgned dltclelma IOY IC..otCl21 ..-nent to UM the common -publlcatlon ot 11111 notlOI, the tottl Recof'dtr'• lnettvmtnt No. 119, by Plan recorded on November 8 , Lot eo of TrlCI No 1 tM, In !ht requtremtntl encl, 101 that purpoee, M~Hty f« 1ny Incorrect,_ of 1111 NOTICE OF •nd faclNtlte of Ille projeCt wt1ldl amount of Ille unpaid 1>a1anc:e of tM =nf 0~ :r.=m~n:::"tl'I~ 1971, In I«* 12118, PllO'I 901 to City of Coit• MH•. County of ~~ ~~ :;~:"""'· tlreet addr-and other oommon TltUITI!FI IA&i ha,,. bewl Of wllt be developed on obllglllon __, by tt1t IDo¥a Ml lnclullw of OfflClll Aacotdl of Orenge. Slate of Calltomla, • per .... • detlgnatlon. If 1ny . .,_ hertiln. T.I. No. 1M lht folio wing detcrlb•d real ducrlbed deed of tr ult and obllgatlon1 Hcured tfler•~· Mid County. Map recoreltd 1n BOOll 37, ptgea 11 TIME: 9:..., a.m. Seid 1111 wit! b• made. but IMPORTANT llOTICI! property· Htlmittd co1t11, expen1 ... and lneludlng ttla1 bfeadi Of d« · Perctf 2· An undivided ona end 12 Mlaoelllneoua MIPI In tM Pt.ACE: City Cour1CiA Chembln, w1tllou1 oov1n1n1 or warr1nty, TO PftOPEtTY OWNElt: (11 L.ot, ol Trac1'No. 7852," ac:IYenc.a 11132.908.51. Notice of wfllcll WH recordtd ftrlt (114i9l).,,._ • • ttnall\ office 0. the County ~-of 3300 ~ eout.v.td. ~ ••PfMI or tmpllld, reoerdlnO tltll, YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A Pl' map recorded In book 302, To de'ltrmlna 1111 ooen1ng bid, FllH'uery t9, 1N2, .. Aecordar't In oomrnon In ttoe ,_ tntertat In and Mid County Beech, Ctllfomla poawrlon, or ~. to DEED OF TRUST. DATED ... 29-81, page. 7 I 0 9 Inc I u •Iv •• you may call (714) 9()7.()Me. -tn1tn1ment No. 92..05Mlt. Will 10 tM Common,., .. of lot 8. Tract Tfl• llrtet 1ddr ... and olh., tnt-tld per$Onl .,. lrwttld to PIY thl r1m11nlng prtndpal""" of UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO MtleelllnlOU8 Mape. tn Ille offlol Of Otte: July~. t982 SELL AT PU8llC AUCTION TO THE 8692 .. per mep ftlld In Book 422 common dltlgnallon If lllY Of tM attend to tlCP'-!Nit ........ on the note NCUrt<f by Mid OMd of PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT the county recorder ot Mid county. GATEWAY MORTQAOE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, Pegu l to 7 lnctu1lva , oi ,.., Pfoper1y dltcribed above it 11-..._ r ... llng lo the aboW Tru1t, with lnterett lhareon. 11 MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that .C~POAATION lewful money of the Unltld Stat•. MllOtilatl904.ll Map1. record• of PY'J)Or11<1 to be: 499 Broeclwty ...... dtlc:Nfge. PerlOnl malling prOYldtd In Mid not•. ad'YlnOll," IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION portion ol tend lnctudtd within aa Mid Trust.. Of a caafller'I cl** ~ on I Mid County 1a lllC:ft term le dtflnld Col1• Mala CA 92827 pr_..tatlont "'°'*' confine '"""' any. undef the lermt of the Deed of OF THE NATU RE OF THE Parcel 1u1hown on I map By TO SERI/CE Ital• Of netionel bank, a ttatt Of In the AttlCli. entmld "Ollflnltlont" Tha undtr1tgn1d Truete• ttattmen11 lo tfla ebovt lllted Trutt. '-· charget and~ PROCEEDING AGAIN~T YOU. YOU recorded In book 45. page 28 of COMPANY, egent tec:ltr1ll crwdlt "'*"'· or• IUll• Of of 1111 Oec:Wetlon of c-tnta. diec111m1 1ny ll1blllly tor eny 1 .. uta. Oral ltatimenll will bt of tllt Truelte and ot tto1 INltl SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Parcel Mtp1. In the off\ol of the By Wanda MeM11t6on ledtf"llM¥\nglandloen-.oclatlon Condltlon1 end R11trlcllont lncotr~ of the etreet lddr-'-d, but, fof tht aDO.l(ICy of the crutld by uld Deed Olf Trust. to-On Augull 18. 1982,. at tO:OO County Aecofdtr of l8'd county. Aellttent Secr9tart • dornlcilecS In thll ital•. al peyablt at d81cr1bld tn "SUIJECT TO:" below and other c;ommon 6telgnatlon. " record, all Important tNtlmony 111r1t: 120.000.00 (plul 1n1ertat 8fid 1.m .. Rtlldenllal Eql.llty flnanclal 81 12> Lot.a 1, 3 and 4 of Tract Onl City ~d W•. the lime of Mle, Ill righl, dtle and (ttle "Oeai.rltlon"~ en .,_ "9rein tllOUld bl albmltt9d In wntlng. Oral COIUI duly appointed Truatee under and No. 7817. 11 Pl' "'IC> ,_ded In Or1ngt CA taee In__. helcl ~ I\.. • T"""8, tn P1roel 3: EaMment1 H M1 i 'a1d HI• wtH bl m10•. but ltaltl'lltntt lho.llcS bl brtef to lllow Thi~ under Uld o..ct pu'9Uanl lo OMd of Trull rtCOfdtd booll 309. itegu 33 end 34, Ttt 1t4/835-82U th.i f9ll PfOPt"Y lllua• In Mid forth In th• 81otlon1 1ntlt11d without cov•n•nf or werrtnty. II Int.,..... ~ *"' to bl of True! w•ofora executed and Mey 22. 1991. u Inst. No. 30909. In M~ MIC)I. In tM Ofllce of Published Orang•. Coa1t Dilly COYnty and State. d..ertbtd I.I "Certain i:-ta fof Ownlrl" tllPfeat or tmpllld regwdlng tit.II '-d. det1111rtd to tllt und~tlgMd a booll 14070, Peoe 249. of Offlclal the County 1'ecordtt of Hid Dllot, Jul\! so . .wg. e. ~ ~~.,,.............,of 1111 and "Support, 81ttttment and cu11111lon, or enCumt,,.,_ .0 .... ~ ~:~ :='H:; wnttan Oeclaratlon o1 Oefd lfld Aecorda In tllt o1t1Ce of tilt County COunty. 131642 --~.. Encroachment" of tlie Aftlol• PIY tM rlfNllnlng pnnc1p11 "'"' ot ·-·-. • o.mand for S-. and • wntttn Aecordet°a of Orange County, Stat. EXCEPTING THEREFROM klllowlnG: entltl1d "Euemenll" of 1111 !ht nota(i> -...'Id by Mid o..d of Board 1 PfOpoMd requlrtmtnt1. NottClt of DlllUl1 and 9ectiorl to of Cttlfornl1, execut•d by flowtY1r. •ny and 111 exclu1lv1 P\111.JC M)T1C( PAACE( t. Oeoleratlon Trutt wttfl 1n11r .. 1 lll•raon 81 ind •II com-I• and pet1t1on1 Sell. Tiit undel1lgnld c:allld ulCI RESOURCES DIVERSIFIED euemenll ippurtenant IO all Unll No. 4, tocatld on Lot t of AESERViHO UNTO GRANTOR. Pf0¥tcild In ulCI not-<•>.~. rlCtlved ma~ bt ln1p1eted end Notice of OeflUft and £lec:llorl to INCORPOAATEO. a Oklahom• Condomlolurn Unfta. ucepUng Mod NOnCI "'TN18TD'9 IAU Trect No. 8094, .. .,_ Oii i map ltl .-.W'd ...... ~ If any under Ille·-of Mid ()Md copied at the RtglOnal Botrd °"'°'· Sell to bl recotded In the county corporation, WILL SELL AT PVBLIC Unll No. 18, now or heruller T.I. .... ,_.. -did In loofr 3t8, Pagt1 31 wfttl the r1gt1t to.grant and tr..,. of T~uit IHI cflerglt end 8809 lndllna AllenUe, Sult1 200, wtiere the rell pr-operty II toce'led AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER ,.._,,ed to In the Dlc:WitlOn 0t the TOW HE ESCROW and 32 of mlactllaneout map1, II 011 portton Of-. 8l k>fl<>M: .. ,.,._ Ot 1111 TMt• end of the Rlveraldt, CA 92509 (pllont N•mt. Streit Addr"I and FOR CASH (payable II time of la.II Oectarltlon, .. amended. CORPORATION u duly aippoini.d record I of Orang1 County. Eactpl 11 granted hereby, trullt crHted by "Id O.ed of 7t4·984-9330)~ thef\ouflof Teteonono Number of TNltw 0t In l1111rful money of tht Unlt1d AL so Ex c E p TINO Truitt• undlt th• foltowlng Ctllfornta, and u llhowl'I on the _, .. end r1gt1t1 .. ~ Truel for Ille lll'lOVnt ,_.,1bly 8:00 a.m. arid 4:00 p.m .. Monday pe<.on cond<ictlng .... Ill Ct!Kaoo S11tee> II tllt north front entr1nee THEREFROM on1 hlJndAd peroent ~ detd of INst WILL SEll dtclandtlond andA cot11 ldol13mll1~73pl1n 10 Orantor aa Otclarant In tflt eetlm.ite<I to be: $142,300.00. I~~· ... _ f_....... 1 ...... Title tn1uranc1 Company, 3255 of the Orange County CourthouM. (100%) of 111 rtgflll to oll. gaa and AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE recor t pr · "' II Art1cM antttlld "~"of ttoe The t>entftc:llf)I under uld Deed ,.._ ~""' u-_..,,......., o ,,_ Wlllhitt Blvd . lot An(lel11. CA 700 CMc Ctntet Orlve.W-1. Senta other hydrocarbon 1Ubltainc:9I tying HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ln•trum1nt No. t3388 In Sook Decloretlon, tnoludlng, without of Truet hetetofort txlCUlld and 111tntlon of any perlOnt known lo 90010 (2131380-3940. Ana. CA 92702 all right. 11111 and und«, or lflat may be produced (peyabll at tln11 of Mlt In lawful 10644, PIOI 4f.2 of offlQll recorcll tlmlla.11on. oll, QH and mln1nl diliverid to the 1.1nder1lgnad a you wl'lo would bl lnl-tld In tflhl Dalld Jl*I 21. 1982. Int«"' conveyed to and now held from the 1bov• daacrlbtd lend, money of tflt United StatH) all of 0 r • n 0 • Co u n I Y • Ith• t1gMa wawr rlgMI and 1w1 "*''-wtllt8ft Oeclaretlon of Oefeull Ind mitt«. CNceeo Tiet lllew•-by II utldet NJd Oelld of TNlt tn the together wttfl one hundred J)9'0tnt rtgM. lltle Ind lnrer.t oonY8)l'ld to 'CONDOMINIUM PLA"'I'' ANI> tor. Oommunity .,,..,_ t-.vtllon Oemencl for Salt and • wtltten Publllfled Orang• Coett Dally ~. -T ....... pr098f1Y lltU1tld In said County (100%) of .it ngntt. to thl prooeede and now fltld by It under Mid Deed AMEN 0 ME HTS TH~ RE T 0 ·~•t•m and for conetructlon NCltlCle of o.tlUl1 ·and e.ctlon to Piiot. Jvty 28. 211, 30. 31, A41Q. 1, ~a.. and Slate dMcrlbed .. : therefrom Ind on1 hundt.o percent of Truat In the property herelnaft• ~~~ ~ ~5~1~P5T d'99111Y. m11nttMnce, "'" and Seit. The underllgned cauNd lltld 1912. 3302-82 Publi1htd Oranoe Coa11 Dilly PARCEL 1: ( 100%1 or all renll, ~ end ct.crtbed: • • • edllblt ~Ii.a prcMdld In"" NotlCle of o.teutt end Election to Ptlol, Juty 30. Aug. I . 13. 1M2 Lot & of T tlCI 9589. In the City Of profit.I ICCNlng ttwefrOm. prO'Adld TRUST OR: TONI A. MOKEOE bot~~. offlcMI record1. OtcWatlon, the ·-•tlion for oll, Seti to be ~ In the county ~ Newport Beech, .. per l'NIP ntld In ri-. tllal Grant« wa1YM encl BENEFICIARY: GRACE P . PA~ 2: get and mlntrtl~end for W8ttr wtiert the ...i property 11 loea11d. Boole 407. Peoea 7 to 12 lndutNI of rallnqul1h11 the rlgflt to uH or BAOOl<.S1 a~ ... to a 40.54% Alt undMdlCS tlt8 loter9e1 In Lot rlgflt• 111111 nol rtMrvt lor tllt 0.11. Jl*I 12. 1982 Ml1call1neou1 M1p1, record1 of occupy Of 10 en19' uPOn any portion lnterut land tflt WOODHULL l of TrlCI No. 9094. • lflowl\ on a be1*1t of tt1e Onntor eny t1aM to IMPERIAL CORPOR.ATION said County. of Ille aorlace and 500 .... below FAMILY TRUST. F,E. WOODHUU.. map r9COtd9d In ~ 319. Pagtt enttr upon th• 1urf•C1• o) tfl• OF AMERICA EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill o+t. gu. th• 1urf1ce. mMaUred vtrtlcalty M.D. TruetH, H to 1 59.48% 3t Ind 32 of ml9clllaneoua mapa, PfOPt"Y con..,.i ,.,.,..,,. In the 18 Mid Trult• CONSOUOATED mineral• and other hydrocarbon lrornthl-1-ofuldland,fOftM Int«• ,.oord1 of Orange County. -*tofllldl-1'1ghta. ByEstrellt1Cflamb«1111n, REPORT OF CONDITION IUbttanciel lying below • depttl of purpoM of drilling IOf, c.pturtng, Aeoordld "'-19, tNt 81 lnttr. Clllfomla. --and defined .. 8UIJ£CT TO: Truet• Sale OttlClt c ---'Id ed D_,,,, f c dltlOn f "SOUTH COAST 500 feet without "'Y rlgflt to enter producing, 11orlng. trHtlng or No. 29735 In book 14108 P11Q17t of common.,._ on the •boYe ,.,.,.,Id I . Our r 1 n t t 1 • •, and 8787 Comc>leJt 0r1ve on...,. at ._,,.,rt O on D upon tilt turt-or the tubeurlace Olhlrwltl llandllng fK utlllzlng 9'ICfl Offtdal Aecord9 In tflt office of tt1e to declaration end condornln1um -11-rta. Sen Oleoo. CA 91!t23 BANK" of Costa Mesa, Orange County. and Domestic of Mid lend above• de9th of 500 o11. gu <>< other flyctrocwt>on « Aacorder of Oranoe Coun1y. uld pttn. 2. Thtt _,_ Oedaratlon °' Tel: 11141 m-9490 SubskHartea at the doae of business on June 30, 1982. tell, u provided In Instrument• of mineral aul>sllnoee, for 1111 purpoee deed ol tru1t ducrlbat tll• ReMNtng tn.tefron;i, .. e1uilv• Co11enant1, Condlllon1 end Publteh.ci Or1no• Coa1t Dally St1te Bank No. 1239 reoord. ol 1xerclelng Ot1ntor'1 right• foloWlnc> property: H1tment1 ov.~r tr.. r"trlcted ~ ('*9ln ~ to .. PllOI, July 23, 30, .wg. 8, 1912 • PARCEL 2: thereto ... fHl(Vld In d••d• Lot 19 of Tr9Cl No. ee38, "' "" oommon lfW • , .. ttle --... "Otdtlllion") rtcOtdld on Mey 3290-82 e_,ta u eucn ~t 1re recorded Miiy 17, 1972 In book citty of eo.ia Mela, .. per map thown ind dtfln•d In Uld 3t, 1971, In~ t2t87, f'IOlt n& p111t1cu1ar1y "' forth 1n the Antell 101211. page 857. Ofllclal Aeoorct.. ,_ded 1n Boole 25e. Peoaa 5 lll'ld declerallon and oondomlnlum plan, to 4e5 lnduel¥9, of Offlclll Aecorda rtaJC M)T1C[ ent1t11d "E11emant1" of th• and rtCOfdld Oeclrnber 11. 1M11n 9 of MlecitlltlltOUI Mape, In ttoe aa 1me11ded). for ttlt u1tt end of 0ninge County Oe11fom1a. Ind ASSETS Dollar Amountt In Thousand• Oecl1r1t lon of cov1nanu, book 5957, P•O• 885. Otflclat offlol of the County Aeoorder of purpo••• let fort h In ••Id any amendment• thereto 11 NOnc. °' aALa condition• and rutrlct1on1 Recofdt.. Mid county. cleclaretlon end oonooml11lum plan. lmpoud by Supplementary CW MAL."'°"'""' Cash and due from banks ...................................... 6,713 deecribed In "Subjeei To:" below YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A You -tn Otlllllt under a Oetcl PAACl!l 3: Declaratlon of Coonantt, AT lltWYAT1! IAU lnves1ment aecurltlel (the "Oeclar1tlon") und1r th1 DEED 0 F TA UST OAT ED of Truat daltd "'-'· 1Nt. unlala ~ ~'!~f tntn~ Condlllona tnd Rutrlclto111 In Ille Su-~'~ of rheSllll (Market vatue $11.147) ..................................... 11,529 Section hMdino8 In euctl Artlde SEPTEMBER tt, 1190. UNLESS you like tctlon to protect your lo ,.,. "''" _,,_, ....,...,, Ot U8I t9COtdlCS on NoWmbtf 8, tt71, 111 ..---antltltd H folfowe: "Rlglll1 and YOV TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT property." mey be IOld at a publlC and oocupency ol the rtatrlCltd look Uttl, Paa-• ltl to too of California, for tfle CountL of Federal f\Jndt sold and teeuntles · Dutlll: Utllltl•• and Cable YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE ..... "you,..,*'~ of COf1'\n\On.,... ~ llld deillntcl lnolullvl, of Offlclal AICOfdl of Ol'm'lgt. tn tM matter of Ur:zle .. pu~ under agreements Tel .... lalon", "Support. Sett.lemtnt SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAIL IF YOU theMtureofthepr~~ In ~he·~~ ~odecltratlon Or1110• County, and •ny H~~ gMln thet the to t'9Mll In domestic otnoes ................................ 1,$50 ~n=~~i.::~ ~~~R': gP~~~~~Di~~ ~cG :.:!° ~:._~,. :OC:.: ?: =::.::"u:.' ~~ :::.':!':'..'~0,.:~ Ullder""'1ecf w«l ltlf 11 Prtvete NII. a. Loena. Totel (excluding StrHI landac•pe M1lnt1n1nce" AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD ...... CA OW!* of IM unit dWl1bed ebo>ll, rlglltl. ·-··· r ... rvetkm•. to th• fllghelt and belt bidder. tlnearned Income) ........................ 36, 194 end "Oraln1ge over Community CONTACT A LAWYER. "(H a WIM add,_ Of C01M10n a· petlo C 4; bltoony 8 4; and btnefltl and burd1n1 tfleraln subject to confirmation of "1d b L ... ' Aelef've for Facllllltl." 200 Columbia StrMI N-port d"lgnatlon la •flown above, no perttp AC ~ P 4· oontalned. -=ti and .. of WfllOfl -~~;:'2.~ ~: !~.4• !: · pOlllble loan loaaea .......................... 386 PARCEL 3: Beach. CA 92M3 w1rranty ,, given •• to 111 A l 4; lltrlb)' .. PrtHly lncorpor•t•d -· .._. 35 828 EaMrnent over tht IOtt owned by "(It •'•trMI ~°'common ciomp19Cent1a « correc:tNM)." Non·Holu1111e HHmenl• tor ....,_ by ~ .. tt1oug11 _. Ult S4lperior Cour1 of Oelflomla. c. Loans, net ...................................................... • "Subjec1 Owner•" for the purpoee dHlgn1t1on 11 •hown lboVI, no The bentflclary under Mid 0.0 -. lngfwa Ind .... '-and °"',...,.,In Ml. County of Orange, °"*1mtnt 3, Bank premises. F.F.& e .. etc .................................. 3,951 of exetclllng thl rtght.a of Grant" w•rr•nty 11 glvtn •• to Ill of Truet, ~""""'of• brMctl °' enjoyment of tll• common .,.. 3. Oovtnent1. condlllon1, located on the~ floor It 700 Real eetate owned other herein u en "Enforcing OWner" u complet-« comicl-1." dlf9Ult In lhe otlllgatlone llCllncf ellown #Id ~ lfl lht abo'll rMtrlotlona, ,_tlone. 1~1111, CMc Cenw ~ Wett. Sant• Anti ,.. .. __ k 1 ••1 1uch term•. 1011 ind H1tm1n1 The~ under Mid OMd thereby. lltr9COCOre aecuttd encl raftrrtd 10 dtcl•r•tlon and ~ of Wfl1 and ••• i•lft of County ol Orang a . Sitt• o nan '""' prem see ................................................ ~ rlgflt1 w• more completlly o.tllltd of Trutt. by r_, of a bftecfl Of dtllYlred to Ill• undertlgned • co11dom111lum pttn. • NOOfd encl ..,.,.,.m. Callfomle. 111 !ht right. utle encl Other .................................................................. 1,530 and dltcrtbld In tht Cuatom lot dtflUft In tht obllgatlona MCUr9d wrttten Oedllratlon of Oeflult and hoeptlng therefrom tfloH Tiit 1tr"i •ddrtt• and otlltt t~•oft ~--! ... ~....!'. t~ TOTAL ASSETS .................................................... 91,782 Oeclafatlon C181crtbed 1n "Subltet th«tby htrttofor• 1Xecd1td and OelNtld '°' SaN. MCI wrttten ll041ot portlonl of ttoe common -.,_, oonwnon deelClfltllOn, If env. of "" ~·-........ ..... .. .. • .,,... .... UARITIE8 To:" below, (tfl• "Cullom lot d1llvar9d to lfl• undtr1fgned a rA brMCfl and of eltctlon to~ end dtftntd • '9ttrklttd OOIMIOfl r..i pGper1y ~ Mlo¥il 11 end lnt«tiat IMt IN tlttl• °'Mid Oeclaretlon"). written Oectaritlon of Def8Ult end th• undtralen•d 10 Hll utd are• In uld dtoltretlon •net PUl'llOtt.cltobe:Ufl()Cl(YKHOU., decttud llu acqulrtd by TOTAL DEPOSITS IN Tiie etreet addttH and other Demand fOf Slit. tnd Wfltten tlOtlee pr"*1:Y to ..;wy Mid ~tlOnl. oondOnllnM'll jMM. IAYINE. CALIFORNIA 92715. optratlon of law "' ot~ '": DOMESTIC OFFICES ....................... 59,241 common dtllgnlllon, If any, of tM of brMoh and of .-ctlon to~ and thtrHfttr tr.. und•telglltd ffl• ltrHt 1ddre .. or otll., Tiie underalgned Truett• :.:.::d!~'~~ \f,,!"!.' :..:.•in Totet defnend depollta ................ 12,094 reel Pf°'*1Y dtlet'll>ld abcMI la th• und1rtl9n1d to Hll u ld .-s Mid notice of llfMCltl and of oommon c1ea19natl0ft of 111• rHI dltol•tm• •"Y tr•blllly for 1111 _ ... 10 ...; 1 .......... ..._ U.~ Total ttm. 6 NYf""'• d.-.Aa•ts ..... 44, 147 ~•d to ba· #12 Trafalg1r, property to elitlllty Hid obllgatlone, tltOtton to bl PGPtr1Y ~ o-tbtd It of tllt .,_ addllW .,.., -,,. ,_._,, ·-...,_., • ._ _....... BMdl, CA 92te0. and '""""" tfl• under11gned Aecorded Apf11 5, 1M2 .. tnatr. llUt'POfted to bl: 93a IJdO Pitt! °"* oornrnon ~ 1t llluettct In tht 0tty of a MtM. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC The under1lgned Trutt"ceuMC1MldnotloaofbrWltlanctof No.82·117t111n0ftlelel"9ootde. l:>tlitt. No. P'·2. "'""°'t IMCll. ,ltlOWfilllrtln. ~of 0ftf'l9t~of ANDFORE1GNOFFICES ............................... 5e,241 dleclalm• a11y lf1blllty for 1ny lleetton 10 bl Aeoorded -""" 2. 81ld 111• will be m•d•, but Ctllfomle. aid HI• wlll bt mad•, but ~~ • Fecferel f\Jnda purd'tlMd and MCUrltlM tncor'9CtMM of the etreet ~ 1112 • "*'· No '2·'18215 In without co11tn1n1 or warre11ty, Tiie undere19nad fltr•b~ tthout oovenant or warrenty, ... •~ D J ...__. No. .. ...... ,,_..._ --·-to and other common dellgllttlon, K Mid Of!lclll AecofOt. .,,,_Of lmplllid, '9QIWGlng tl'1il. dlaolalm1.•ll llablllty for any "'""'*9d. f9llfOlnCI ttna, .., """"" "' ,,_, ......, ,,.,...,.. ...,_.. .. _ ... any, .nown '*"'"· Seid ult wlll b• 1ud1, but pm m•on, °" ~ to 1Moi11111t11t11 tn Mkt ..-llddfeta , °' ~ to "4. -ded Ill 8ooll t9, ptgtt repureh9M In domeltlo offloea .............................. 623 Seid 111• wlll b• made, bul wttfloul covenant or warr•nty, pey the rllMlntno ptlndptl 111111 of Ot °"* OCMMIOn dtillOltdon. the ~ ~ """ or ~:c!~~.o~f~1~:•8:;~0o~•c::f:y· MIJJ•• lndebtedneea (lnOIUdlng without coYlnant or warranty. tlCPf9I or~. r~ tltfti, itlenote(l)tiOUNldtlytltdo.clOf leld Mlt _.. bt mede Mttlout noel(e)MOllNct Mldo.clof 7=11 ._..._) s.t7 ...,.._ Of lme>llld. regtrdlno \hie, 110•111100, or ~ to Trutt. w1tf1 lnttrtet •In..,'*" wttre111y, txPrtH or lmplltCI, ruet wltll lnttrH lfltrton, aa "-Ow, mew. commonly it.--.............................................. .. po11Halo11, or enoumbrtnoH, pev the rtmtlnlng ~"""of PfcMdld, ad\lwlCt9 • any ~ r99ardln9 tltlt, po .. tlllon, or In..,""*(•~~ M; 24t Eaat ttlh Street. Colita Other ~ ........................................................ 1,t73 Including ft at, oflargH and tllt nolt(a) eeour.o by Mk! OMd of iN t8""1 of 1111c1 bates Cl# TNll, enoumbr•n.oH, to 11tlafy tlla 11'11· unClef tM *'""of Mid Oiied = = llnow•u• 241 bit TOTAL UA81LmES ........................................ m .... 51,3M ~ ot Ult Tt\INt end of ttle Trvtt, witfl IMerelt .. In .... l!Ott ,._, dwQlll .and ...,.,_ rA ttoe ~ blMlloe of tM ~ 0t I Truat, feH, ohtrtH end tltfl Stree4, cOata MIM. CtllfofntL ~flt •GUITY trult1 CrHtld by Hid Dted of pro'f'idtd, adwnoea. If eny, unOtt frueltt #Id Of tht tl\llta ar..-d by OCl1IF ~ MOlnll by Mid •..,._. of IN TMl!el end of tM The bacu1of of 1toe bta9t '* P,.,_r9d •odt Tn.tlt, to P9Y fhe l'WllalNng) ialNnG °"~ lht """' of Uld o.d of f~ Mid 0.0 of TNM. Dttcl °' ""'· """ ,,..... end llrt••tt Orttttd by Mid OttCI of "te•l¥td • bid of ttH,000.00, No ....... ___ , .... -...._ -..., __ aumt of tt1e nota(I MCurid by M6d ,_, Cltltrget end ..,_... Of -laid M1e .. bt 11t1C1 on MoMey otlltf Wiii• .. Ptewfdtd tlltf9111; TNlt Wme Ill Ol9I to IN lllt.IM. T1l9 ... --..... ..._"",..,, ~,. 0..0 of Truet to wtb 1180,000.00 T~ and of the tNttt ~by ~ t , 1112 tt 2:00 p..m.. • tll9 llfUa ~ If tny, undlr !ht Th9 totAll emclU!'lt of the llnl*d f'llWmum owrbld muet be t 1a1, Common ltock wttt1 lnttrtet thtflon fl'om Mq 22. Mid Deed of Tl'Ult. 8tld .... wll bl CtoapftW1 A-entrante. to Uflt ter.11111 "*"°' end ..,.._ CHI IUdo btiW10t o1 tt1e ~ __, ...,_ -~ .., ._.. 1 000 000 10l1 @ 20.00% per annum .. Mid on Mondi/'/. Auguet 8, tN2 M C&VIO Centtt e.i1tdl119. aG0 I• ...... end plUI .... oMf9M ~ tflt pGper1y to bt totcf tlld 200.00. The *""Of .... of Cltlfl tn a. ~ ,.. __ a&tnOfLWU • • prOlllded 1n Mid lloftl•~ °*' 1:00 p,m. at tht ChlC!l'ftjln ,..__ Ct\tptll8ll Avenu.. 1n ... ~ of n .,.._. oftflt T,,,.... lncf of rtuon•••• ••Umttect ooali. lftlftll oon:t: ":,.united ': t>. Ho. that.-outllt.nd1ng 585, 139 1,4413 end .,.,., edvenoet of .240.53 ellll•not to lht Cl111c Ctnl•r ~ flt~.....-. oY .id Dttcl Of ..,...._ .,_.,.. M tlle lll'M :"nc1 btlance .::ce.nc= ~ llot• o. ~ ........................................... 1,317 111tt111n1.-. lulldlng. ~oo IHI Cti1pmtn Al 111• time of tllt lnltl•I Tnitt. TM fbt., emount Of aald of-111111111 pUbloatton of tN Nott "' TOT"l NTAl8UTEO CAPITAL 2 • ..,. Tiit btneftdary under Nld Oetcl A.-. In Ult city ot OninDt. ~llbloMlon ot ttllil llOtkle, "" ~ obtloet10n, lllCludlnt reuonably ot ~ It saa.m.42. MOUt.0 by MM4Jlllt 0t Trwt OMd " .......................... .-v of Ttutt ..., .. ._ DtOUttd Ind At tfl• ttm• of tlltlnltlll ~tofthl~bllfnOeoftflt Htfm•l•d '"'• olltrgH •net Tiie '*"''°'••/UIMllW tllll Datd on tllt proptrty 10 told. Te11 Aetllntd eernfnat ...................................................... 518 dt1lv1rtd to 1111 11ndar119nt0 • pubflolltlOn of tflllt notice, thl &otal ~ Wl'lnd br "" ~ ..,.... of tN T'ruteee. tt tN t1n1t of ,.,_ ,...... llMlllild Ind = ~a::w11t bid lo ba TOTAL $4AAEMOU>IAS EQUITY ......................... 3,3M Wl1tMn OecteflllOn Of°"*"'_, tmOUfltof"'9l.ll'Plldbtl8nolofU. clHorllltd dHd ol lruat a11d of'""'9l.,aa•11nofW.Nottoe.le ctlt!Wftd to tllt llndtf91tf*I 1 lldiotoftlrlto't1t1n-end TOTAL UABIUT1E8 ANO Oernllnd t« ~ end• --~ MCUrtes br "°' ~ t1tlmetac1 °"'''"~·Mid 111t.1oa.eo. .,._ Oldw .... , of~~ "'""• • ._.,._Uft.I ~-EQU-" 11 ~ ~ ot Oetault Ind 8lclon to dHOtlb•d dttd ot truet a11C1 •cl .. nct• II 11•.•H.tt. To DATID=1a 1M2. .,.._.. '°' ...._ 11111 • Wl'ftltn wt1 be ....i¥lld • .. _...., o~~ "' ....... ~...................... • ISel. Tiit undlnlGMd CllLtMCf tlkl a1tlmattd coete. •IC.Plft .... tncf dettlln••,.. ~ '*'·~NY &AH M 1 YINQt NolOt of .,.._,.. _. ......_ to ~ Depar:ment 3 tt •.JO The undlnlQrned, NfOk J, ~ Pt llkMnt end Mll'Y Motklt of ~ lild lllcfiOft to ...... la ... 7,tta,4tt. 0111 f71A) taf..olll, -l &.0~ Anott, M. "'9 "'*9111..S Olllled _, 1.1'1. Oft~ 4, 1MI. ri..--. A. Ale, V1G9 Pr-1CMNw d the~ blnk, e.afl 8111 to bt ,_,,.,In ... oounty To ...,11tll1t thl ~ bid, 0..Jutyt, 1tl2 -~~ H*t of~ 1t1ct ._.to ~-:-:.:..'"'*tit~ dlellll• fOf hin'911.,. erid "°'for .. Olflor: I .... ~lalOOMICI, yourwyOll/IP\4.1..m TOll¥NllUCAOW •~u, ... '° • ,_...."' H ~ o.itNttl4tl«M1yof""", 1Mt. _.., kno"1•• ol h __.. oGntelMd In Wt ...... ~Altndlt o.ta:~~HOMI LOAN, ~=i ~~ -:.c~-:.~latwlld. ~1.~llllllllMOtof =--1nctftMililw9thltMcft ..... .., ... ,..... • ..... ..,,.,. ,~ INC I T 0 • • u re I • Ctibftla ~-0 .....:... -'"' l•t•t• ot "'al• MH ""'· ::L"".'.:' .... -.-...... -..... .....___. -AAA -Suitt no . . I T. D. I I" \,II 0 I C&. . . " .. ha~ ....... ,_, .,_..n,:::c• ' 11 II l:i8Gln Vt v .. --.... -· "" ....,.,_ -... ,_ ltvlM,CAtlfW OOMPAH'./. ...,:Nf'f. -D.~ ..... ' I ~\'':'~~:. Ortwe LliW OflOet of M ~OM fOf ._ °"*• ....._ Ulider ~Of ptrlury "* .. (7t~~ .. -.!.n • t!'"'-. ~. ~ lfwM ...-. :_ t ,.., ._ Hollyweo4, OA ~ ~T_.. "'°°'••':: fo'llGll'I 11 tNI Md OOf'NOt; ' L-~, ~~ ~.....,., =.• • *' g:.:,:r ..... ~~:t:'i. ,,14, tiecu••ct on .luty u, ttH. 1t ooat• M•H • ... _..__. • HmlMlr a.....;.o.· =---· ..... .._,.OA'llJOt !.'f _.. ?lt·OHI, 1tttt11..,e ftr Utt ~ ,,;:-:.e~leif ....... Q; -~ CA Ttl: 'M;tiMe10 :.. ~lrf ._.. ....,_In.....,..._ 11/NtdA J.. flMWto 00811 o.1Y P'lot. NI/ II.'°-Ai.Wo Tit. 14)...... rv•iJ: Or9ft1it Olly 9'JllM~ Of*'lt 0oeM 0111Y ~ ~ q~~ ...,........ °'.,. CMlt ~ '.laJMMv.A... Na e. tta. mf.t.2 ~bJ::1, t~ .:a'f,t:I Not. Mr~" n.11,-,.... ~ "'-.eo..1111 _. I,.....,.._.,_, :m.:. ....., ~ ,,, ,,, . .._ .•. ''llwa ,........Of11!910llllCWifliiL~--.. ' . . .... Cw-.....,_ i....a ,_ -· loNIC!Mo" TrllWI• Frtday, Jul)' ao, ,.., L'oOk#&g /or a career m •<ilea? See t0da11'• Help Wanted ads , clalli~titm 1100. !¥!.ln1tt ........... !~tt!.~~'! ....... !~!m.{fl~! ....... ~'!n.w.~'! ....... tmnJgg ... 1 ••• !~m.~~'! ....... ~m.{'!~ ....... ~m.~1.lm. ....... !~l!m.~1.~• .... ... P!M.1;1. ........ .J.~I fm.t.~~~ ......... J.~I P!!!'.a/. ......... J.111 111111. ... 11.fl "111.lfftt ...... IMf 1M91.'11.~t •• Jl~ff '1!mn.ftm. •• l/At '1.w.!.fm! •. !.'1f ,. 1• ..., ........... ....... ,. All ,... .... edWftJeecl : I" thla n1wap1per I• -eut>tect to IM Federel :: Felt Houelng Act of 1"8 *' ~ ""*• 11 Mieg.I to =~··any~ -°" llmttaUon Of' ~ ::: n11tton bMed on race. -ootot • ..-ioion .... Of = Nlttonal oitgln, OI any -Intention to !Mk• any ,. "°' ~IC)e, limit• :: I uon or c*«lmlnetlon." Thl9 MWlfleper wlll not :=I knowln91y ec:cept eny •• edvwtlelng for reel _. :: l•t• wtlict'I la In Ylolatlon >• of the law. ·-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... -------· OUMI LAGUNA CHA"M 0CtAN '"°NT °'' N!W,.OA'T II.VD FORECLOSI •( Pia .. M••• W • H•m U1f e.t& m& ~I • 2 bdrm "oor IY OWNER. XLNT l.OC. ~ 11.K TO UI\ • 1'11 ::-, OPl!N AU. WllK -~ "" w/ '400,000. '40-7890 IU..' I SANO -111 M.,.,,. Aw. , twd-1e1ow mn• ~ 11111.lft 111&1. Trad11lonll flmlly home NOW tH4,000I On 2 II\ 2~ IA, etrtutn, WOOd flo«'I I oozy loa .... ...... Nw duQIU wt1" U Ut Plckup over uoo.qoUQulTX on IMcorl lave bMctl. '°"I& It lot. Adorable lero• enoloMd pello. bUmlna "'*· 1181,IOO unit.. 12211.000. ,_ __ 1 .. ht. Once fu a meume. rJiive Older, need• Tl.C l>Ut 21r tba W/br!M peno. A Lolt of~. I= 'ul PriOe. Youftow:.,IM:· 2.c: 144-7020 ., .. -.... owner wtll finance end 8UPIA VAi.Vai ~ ~.,~ooo. M~2'.!,'~l.TY ~ -~·,., ... IUL ll'flll never 1ee11 a better buy. Won't lut. ~ It 1ttrect1W. s -.. ......, .. Prilne l"\o.. .. .-~2 \,i acre hilltop Bdnnt •• beth end room WATI Ml MC >Nl 9er't ~ 141 OfWlnll'ICI Older oottege. pool. ,., below IMltlM ••PWT llJlltl ~ ... u-vmw--•"" ESTATE. p 1 for • Im .. ~t. OOUr1 ltOMI .. e-. wonderful OOMll Ylew. 12411,000. Wiii .... GP-Oldlt llouM OY9( 1300 ""-'~.. ' 00 • IOI tennll. Now at "60. REAL ESTATE Tiweie Af«t Bey. eimo.t tlOn. lkr. 9"-0t:M eq ft. l)hl9 lerge deta· tpa, waterfalla, electr. gates, G80() tq ft 000. A llatlng of Matltyn 6Jl·1400 ootenfront • term• • oMd doubta 941fl09 on w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tenn.la HodQM. 14M,OOO mH• alley '""' paint, acme court + HELICOPTER pad area. u.-.1001: t1f)Mt:I llWI 1111• LlpM ... LL = · I!~ ::,~:r9J. ~ ASSUME LOANS & TERMS . ....iton tTMOOO Aedeoor•ted Hr 2t1e on •T·1111 mod91. tabUk>ut ..._ ,,_,. ceal'I. 11ee,ooo. Oriainally Hated tor ,2,200,000. prime loC8tlOn. Genoe. U -• deoclt, ape. P¥t oomm ~t Sent• Ana Ave Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approx. with ~. p.tlOe. Nr. ~. "I-l 111':'1' SHIM w/pocA I*"*'**" ... 831-·3520, E-& Wkride '350,000 approximate caah down. ~~~~· PAl-F<>f'ECl.OllJAI ... ••• :::=· ~ ~'; _54_ ... _504_1_· ---- Only the aeriOWI need call directly to e.r.i I.I llM llll !..it·!:;'.:,..:": ,,..... w/ftu"'-YllCIM Cob '44-ton ~~~ 1~7~,!:,"2 PATRICK TENOJ\E 760-8702 or ...................... ~ .. llW1111,..-'""'"Bit 8at>ev .,.. be, t>tt-1nt. s125,ooo. 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtora, agt. --.....,. Ywr lttw lttS,000. Pool, lge lot: Ht 2be • 8,200eq.fl.l)M.comm .. 1173-0807, 213-995-<8855 n -t..--1--..,_,__.. Home+Guee1+1noome PROPEATY HOUSE II'*' ~ CIOM lo '387,500. Wiii tr.O. IOI OJUl\C.nl we-...... ~oba~ ttie ba9t buy 1n owe tat . Rex. TWIN RI.TM Clowntown Uiauna ... ~· ro·a. w111 12 .. 18t. t 1111,000 BMcfl. One ti. 509 Acec1a CdM nr bd'I 1142-38&0 12N,000 tlon or tow le ......... Luu droom QOndo. Spending Spot .... Vecent OupleX .... 1111 ctown. Reedy to deell on U\11 bMutllul 4 Br R&IMta.'< of Costa Mesa ·--= pool. Two YM1' old kit· HllQe 5bf/3~bf/3be OILY ._.Ill Ownerlll'Ok•. Pononno model 1n Har-e:"•"· FrH"IY refur-440K own/bkr 846-7048 .. 7l4-54+0014. bor View. Separate 1111111 Advert!· blahed Interior. Cerport. MOVES YOU IN • -·-mother-In-law quattera. aera lhould check i~=~===~=====11~•;95;·000~· ~~~~1 CdM' BEST DPLX TODAY -r-•-Almo.t new c:arpeung. U1·lHI S 3 Bdrm c:ondo • ,welk to 1198,000. 3 Br hm. on CIOM to poo1. $309,500. their ada dally and PUllllU .... Comp.,. value o1 ttll• 3 So. Cout Plue. No gltnt 110· lot. A.dlolnlng = 1n4aJ 12~ report errors Im-" unit duplex for only qual. 11% fin. INl3~7&e r.-.., aJJb '"' natunt centar. Trade/ r~ -......a~ d I I Th ......, __ w-D-bav#-~ SU f 2 ..__ $240,000. Attrectlve fl.. rm• ::7............................ MO Of' ?. Ownf'/egt. ... __ ... me ate y . e .-.uc .... D9Y ,, ...... t. pe or .... ta, ...... -* ~ ... ..-.... ,...,... .. •-1.1.1 1 ...._ -----..,. ----"el--" 3 bdrm 3 be• ... •1200000 --••• nenclng. Ortw by 8l8 54-. 4.,.......,..,. , _, ,_,, DAILY PILOT a. ,..,,....... ~ · on • • • · *ITIPt Tl IUll* N81ciaaua or c;a11 for cs. 3 8d 2 Be. pool, RV eo-Co-oC>e lrom 13 ,ooo ll...a../11..-ll 141-HOI aumes llablllty for Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 Senaatlonal BMdl c:ot· 1a11a. ce11 M0-7tea ceee & AIC. Located In equtty pt1oe. Condoa ••n •n• --... -the first Incorrect bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1 ,385,000. tage wit" 12% UIUf'nl· Idell Axer Upper In~ Meu del Mat. Probele lrom 175,000 full price Bontt. plen, 8 Br 2 Ba, lllffl Mf" · Oce bl• flnanc:lng fOf only _._borhood. 2 Bdtm 1 aale, make an offer. Leleure w~ ......_ end unit. Pv1 petlo. Choloa view loc;atlon lor ----lneertlon Only. anfront. S 185,000. 2e70 Sen Ml-d;f' 1~ be lncludee 75t-31t1 ~221 Peeeo de Vaa.nda ~bet\. Owner ttllt 3 Br 2ba and unit. UM IW ll•EI Y:.~·1~-=· UM 'ot pvt t>M.ch. 1289, Leg. HWle 714/837-5500 eo-097 or 752..e871. GrMl terms.°""* wll4 --..... ,.,i.i. ::: .............•........ -..w lllJ :: ....•.•......•........ -... .... .. -.. .. --.. '* -- ... llAIUT ltvlM Gtowe ·~ ... end unit In~., ... 2 8drmt ptl'8 den, loWfy '8ftoeO-ln oerden pdo. Al tor 1 t3t.eoo. c.11 Biii or Helen Gold. -12 Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5~ beth. ~--. 000. er~ 758-t148, Wt,_, IHJ Baylront vt.wcondo, 2 BR c:err ... "' 1Anll.lra'11 .. nanc::1. C~t ,-.!_ "' • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 2 Ba. MC. bldg. 8oet lip .. V"" Lge L.R., 2 boat alipe $1,500,000. 11&1• YllW _. Cameo ShorH OC:H WltmmT ev.11. $500,000. By day *IU-* view, 4 Bdr, 5 Ba. 2' ..... aat .. .., 38f, 2,....,._ lwn rm, 3 QIMW/bkr. 875-M37 Oennlt Rletcetlt & ANO<: D _ _._,__. 3 t.A-2 "--•t.. 1--wetban, pool, Jae., lrg .SW-I -851--0424 &loC:UIUUC..,.. ........... ... ... + ....... rec. nn. Lowty MONT£00 plen ~•bo. By Owner YOUt own pool end ... ~· mod9I home by BUILOEAS SACRIFICE. 3 --------beam oeili.np. fumiahed, petioe. $4 20,000. l•IU<lng 4 Brt, PfWell ,000. 780-173-4 cuul c:on'lel wttn Ihle 3 ~. Dock. boet, BR 3 Ba, lux ,_ la J•U loc:allon and ~meble bdrm home In one of 1291,000 w/20% ctwn. oondo9., er-t loc. S150, C.•littut 1011 Ulll llU llYFIRT lAaoon view f.ram 6 bdrm., 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000 . llYllH •YE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 ~t alipe $1,000,000. OllllUI UYI Coronado Ia1and CUl't. beyfront lot. 85' boet dock. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/tenns. ILIFFI OllM Single ltOry end unit, expulded 3 br, 3 be on 1argat greenbelt. •2~.000. PW I.Ill 3 bd.nnl. 2~ b&tha condo De8l' pool $14~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ' ! ,.. t'• 1· L.)' ., •,. Q f-. '. I '• f I n an c In Cl . 0 n I Y C#tl... 1114 Coat a Meae'a belt S... ... CMTY .. pepet 000 I S190,000 ••••~••••••••••••••• S249,800ll 2e'IO 8en Ml-•••••••••••••••••••••• n.+g"bor"ood•. Ente r et well b9ow curr.-it Int. 176-4333 $eOO mo payment for Y'* Or., ~ 8Mctl 3&, 2S.. dbl CM gerage, thr~ • pnye• COUI'· 581-s42t, 518-2521. BAYCREST: 38', pool, 28r, 28a condo. 9~% VA 5~1501 or 52·7373. 2 patlCJe.. llegttone lrplc, ~=~Y :~d•n~~~ol ,~: lwsn•..... ape. flreplt, BBQ. Very ~-.... ~Ing S94.500 ~ Walker & Lee owner-custom bit llome.. home ottwt. Won't !eat ...... 1.111111 pttvetel Fentllltlo ..,_ ----~----------S12t,950. Wit" 129,950 000 __ ......_ ...,.__...,_,, .___. •--1 ... _. 1-.11 down. Owner w111,..,..,., at St39 ,800. C all Secl11dedepe,owr1. ,,_.,,.·~--""·...,.._, ... ,,... _., _., "7" ••10 ft ... ~........ 2 prtoe In .,. ... , 1299, •••••••••••••••••••••• 11t loen. • ......., :'.et~ ~.~ ooo. Vacent. 2007 Hofj.. Zero down payment. 2 BR • ., ....... lltr, on lamlly room, dee6grw dey Rd. Btlr. 955-2841, 2 Ba condo, nr So. Cout ... lld dreperiee. oentrel elr. 7fl0-72t2 Pia.a Tennis, pool, apu. "8fdl ttyte 4 bedroor9, uaume $68,800. 1st TO \ f >I I / 1/ /:'II 2 beth. Excellent ..,_ U1t1L1JP wlmonthly pymla ot mab1e toen. S115,000 1858 . ...._ w/c:.rr; beJ equity, will ~ 8aM repo. 2 atory, ll al 12%. Altllng $87,000. t_,,,_ .... Nor1tl 0r-bdrm, famlly room, e«· ll40-&825; 558-7955 ·-"" -...,... "" lot. Gl'Mt family --------=ty ~· ~ hof'rle with !Ott of room. Otttt INI lit•U'- egenl AM for Cetol. Neer penc. Benk ofterlng ••• ••••• •••••••••••• •• ,_ 30 yeer 1oen et low #MJJI ... H 1........ lntereat with 20% ~ ftt Wt I llO 111·1• See & .......... 123 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 000 Newport e..dl De Anu beyfronl Park Mint c:ond. '711 dbl wide, llr• pl/fCe, bflck petlo, '58, 500. Bill Grundy 87Mtet 1:l Loe Alemltoe oondo: Na !!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,.. 4bf, 2be. 2 atory condo. Pool l •P•· Refrlg, -...... ~ lnc:luded. -115,000 down Of wtll = trade I« c:6ea6c: automo-= blle, motor ~ or ? -Owner/ egent. -7~589 -·-~~~~~~~ = 1110 5 3 ~J!~~ = ceted. Ptlced at N 2,000, -'81,000 and 184.000. If -YoU',. • handyman or : women you wlll mllk• a -greet r9tum wt1" • little : pelnt end work. Cell =f1t4•tti ... -------- LIQUIDATION Forced sale. two beautiful prestigious Newport pool homes valued al $400,000 will be 90ld for $318,000 and $325,000 immed. Fee land. U you are a serious buyer oontact Patrick Tenore at 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! RVM~ of Costa Mesa ....... .~ .. • ,• cars*bikes• *skateboards* trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•trlkes rotlerskates• walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters*hot rods• coupes• trailers*hard tops•convert- ibles*motor homes* lawn mowers• 1 imos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles• golf carts*model trains*blkes *planos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If tt'sgot wheels, you'll move it faster In a Daily Piiot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a f rlendty ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. "11!1:1.'1t11ff ••••• ~ ••• "lflrllhtlfllnl~·. lrlNlrtl.wt ... 1w1t11t1r ............ fltilltll •••••••••••••• 111111rk1tflr •••••••• "'""'·············· tlll!'!!M •••••••• ; .... ff!m! ••••••••••••••• F, '*"' ... , ·Q~ 1 .. ,......, :re: Qlall ~......... HAUUNCMI~ -=:.:... ..... ~ ~~ .. ..,eoo .,, .. " 't:."HANO~ -..oa1L• ""VIC• .::: .~":.:1.:. 1Jo.4IOIOI Ml•tlOO s=;-;,Oftl .... tOll =-~Al'.ao10 ,....., t:::"l,,..:=:: ~" ..... ,,.. ............. .: ,,..~.,. •• ::r~'-... a;.: HaA.11¥/cM. ""'e11: ~ W. .......... , .. 1arfnfM oa...-'-'"" · QIM ..v: ..,..,. Hol-h•IW ....,., 1 lr'91cworti4NI °' ·ioe ti/roll. Aleo 111-701'7 .__,.,,Al._.,. r:i:f~OOUOfl •,:-,,. .. ...._.,._, mr.mw ............ ~.a....= AAuuNcuMOiiiHO ~.-a\o....:ine. ...-. 100'• ...., ,.,._ w~·'91ntino rrn:mmr..; ... ;.=; ... :'cw 0rpt ~t W" CM!. waftt. Uo. IS'1tl. ftlD ""*"' _. t.oo.1. ""'*" w/Woll. UM101 Mk fw ~ ...... 1 ... 14W111 ""'oom'I. ~~ ~~.:~~': .. p,' 00 WOfk 'myM!f. llt-IMI :fOH*I/,..,.... 011M A1·1f10 L.w 11Mtl0 ~ VIOlftt llt ._... ciuelltv. Hllmar-1t18 PUlolJ'. awi/A. "42""1I ...,._ Qt.0101 .. Ill~ ""' '"",.... 111..,.,. 'Ill --Haullno & .... OleM-UP. deenlnl. "'"""9' ..,. m;nir ..... , ......... ••w ._, ~ "911dl0omml MOWINO • Cl.IAN UPI ~ rdl. .,.,.I09il )OtMl1• & pet .... Ml.OU? ., ·~ 1 --· n,.-.-.m17.\n ••••••• ll!!Ulm ~::-;v.,:r.~ UTIMATll Lio 110att Hdnl -~ thNb... prop. mgmt. Niil ,~........ :~~ • ·aiAVlet·a·M;AI;;·· DO IT NOWI frY, ,,.. Iii. 13 .. tHI ~lnMI\ ,,.. etf, Ml~1 TNe It~ 1'1.oNI, l<tte U1.otn ~··~•••u•• In ·ti~· All T 142·13•3 Vin 0ooena lerYloe Co . ... hr .... IXOIL CA~IT CA"I Oonltl'\IOtlon tno. ,,_.. •• ~ l..nn ~~ PAO". IPVIOI ••HC)Uii.WATOH INC. No !Ye J'tO.tlN )'Ptl. lf14l 13MMI Ywr o.NV "°' JtlOk lufflnglon ...... 1111 Mk for Joe Qeen..upe, ~ t a ,,_ ~,. HtlUllncl . ~ dW Ill> =~ ":•~ . flfltf'J~l1 f#• 9ervloe DnGICHY OWMr/operalOf mllnt • .v. ~ ·~· Qulokt' .... ,,.. -1 °' ITAlllVING OOLL&QI i6·1 ;.u-.·.;p_;NQ··· .:n ................ .. ~1111119 Owpet, uphol, .,.. NO Tm'Sfnn"............ 11a.o641 le YfNf llou• unaold, but ITVOINT8 JiotOVINO NMI patofletlteJC1'"9 TILi! INST ALL.aO Oleenlng. WOf'tc QUiit. • • • HOMI IMPlllOVIMIHT .. ....,_ Mild to mow? I'll hou-co. Uc. T11.•-4H ALL TVPll All Kind• OuarantMd Ml·Hll, eat. Ill ,r .. 111. ..... 1'11 oabl~ o.n now.,,... I.at Ulflll fllPAIA--PLUMllNG ;-.~ft!•-.r.r.~ ........ ...it. do ~ vwy w1~T"H·u':'0·!'02w71 .,.e-82H ~. Jann MCM211 ~~~~~~~~I ~f •tlma1a .... 2-c>Nt '111 y~.... C1tpentry, atao, tile.,,... AOllN'I CLIANING rlllable bulldef. PNfilf " "' " " P' ••Tl" ••TOHINQ • •-,111.J..1,,_. hltt •'-No Job too emell. ~.at~ leech Ar• ~'I/I.""-........ ,..,. •IH .-nrln ••• •• l.";t'tt7;.;;-d •••• a..w.. 1 641-2111 .. _, 1 11" .... t .. '"' Aaltuoooe. lnl/axt. 30 •••••••1::i; ......... . ~t CARPET l UPHL CLIA· ~••••••u• .. ••• You .,. the winner of OIMn ......... .._.. -•• •••••••••••••• )'fl. N .. t. PIUI MS.2t11 tLOW AATl8t ·o.;:;;;;;:p;;,;s·c;;· ......... ~ ........ ".::\~"/'.:'. ::.. -:.::-..... .., ~~ ~~..!!\:' leJ.lfttfl............ ~L~ LIO. 11..-i.. "::.-:::: = aar~~1~ WOfk gu11.13MM3 owr llt. Oouglu AINOUNO 1"°9 P1u etc .... 2..013 om;;:."""'",....t.a:;o_1117 LOW AA.TH. Oflloaa, 2 • ti )ft of~ ••••••••'••••••••••••• 554-7017 N,n;;; b. •• -,,. Refd• . 81Mm IARNUM a IAILaY LOU'i HOMI R!!~"b ....__.. • _....., Of a .. ~ ~ v~. •o:.'°11' ioo.1,0UtltometL A~~.~~u=:cr:111i: Wl.lbtt Cl.W•• Oen Hallberg Greeting ••• ::-M.T.f:: •••••••• ....,,, .... ~ry-... _... -....... ·-.. _ 9'V ~" TtMwtk ycu, 831 ..... 10 In Aeo9lr• a "9o11e9oo ...................... . & Pftlng Co. Aal/OCln'll. Paint thoee ditty oelllng1. •••••••••••••••••••••• Anlhelm Con"91'1tlon Plaltw.Stuooo-Palnt' lcaeper? Hr1y Of wetly? 11"·NC>«IM PAINTIA NEIDS rMnt (t1") 6"8-1048 "Let the 8unehlne In" Lio st'7804 8'2·1120 Avf. 3·8r llH 1225. •KATRINA'S: LIV!•IN c.nt., Aug. 8-11 AMI, pr1oe1 17~ FOf oomc>I MrWiee, eel w.bftal-'fON<I 30 )'l"l 9JIP, Intl Call Sunll'llne Window blM«lff 85 ·8818 hlkpre, dally maid MrV, long e.ol\ Arana e.n· \llelO 8eNI09 Ag)'. ... .... ;r.;r.......... b1«. Aoouatlc celllnQ9. •--'~/.••nu Clelnlng, Ltd. MM453 •••••••••••••••••••••• C...I lftlf office otaanlng, orpt AuG-1t-U I oompiet• melnt 97S-IOOO. bonded by It VAN~Nll!AO O.W Palnllng ... 7-&fM ••••••••h ••• •••••• 2°'4 Monthly Dtec;ount Au10m0blle Atl Cond. ••••••• •••••••••••••• ctMnlng. 8S5-2118 To dalm peaeee, cell & home lmprowrnent of Calif. LAND8CAPtNO ........... p .. tllM. •FINEST IN 0 C * ~-180 Welle P*le Cement·MUONY-llodc O...llJ 9"2·5811. ut. t12. p.... ..-v. "4-5231 M81nt., tod~, HOUHPAINTING Fr• ......... prae Aon'• Window Wuhlng CM. Bonteltoe 541-5208 w31a1i.-cu.t1,..1 .. :.~1. ~ .. -::1.-.,................. ... muat be •dlenOed Carpentry, Cet>lnetl, ~'::. o~~ 11 ...ci i.wn.. In a out. Fr•-. auat. work. Uc. 331189 RNl<I "--· 930-n 11 ~tfh If UQ """.,.. • ......., ORYWALUACOUSTIC fOf r....-..d -t• et box Plumb .. er.In a..ning, la. tea-?·-.. trln). UO'd. '7M1 Call ll'UOe 872.0t11 831-2.3"& ::·.Y·a··ITT··I·!:::~··:=. c~~~_r!~~·. l!_!-r Igor• ~: = J2.:e2" :!i'::.. priOf to parfof-~'149 na. Rafa. her.iH"~Cte()..L'"''"N.al •• ~ .... tmlATD Int/kt, ~~·o· ...... hnlff !~.~~!!~!I .••••• unD """"'"' ,...,,,. ,..._ .._,..,_ ,_. ,. • ....... VVQ~ '°" ~ Sod, ..,nnk• a lfW'ub pn>mpt, neet _._, 1 to•oo•••••••••••••••OO Computer WOfd PfO()M.. tnod yd, hot~-Any-repair ... 5-8512 Welt texturea-Aoouello * * * te0-t2.38 By 8candlnavlan ~ ln11.-..1on. Our WOttt )'l"l In W. 141 58... PROFESSIONAL RE· ting Faat 9C(:Ur111 MrY time. 54a...2e7" Orlvel, patio.. W9*L F,.. Heng-T~teel ltudl ..... Lan..... Call IOI trnl conetructlon, Exp'd. 6'1-21 1 only IOc*• ~ •IWIOP • Son Painting SUMES & CAREER ~ ,., .. Notaty FrM INFANTS & UP E11. No lob loo email. Lie. 3899« 1·532-6648 ltnttt, .. , .. 1•1 repalr9, elec:tt., plum-Home c.ntng: honeat, Cheolc OUf prtola befot9 JO )ft exp, In Bead1 COUNSELING 85l.0700 pkup l delivery Len. "-orN"'ht,S601Wk. 538-2.807 DRYWALLTAPINO blng.3Synexp. rettable. hardwonllng l YoU buy! Uo. IO'ttt ..... "" .... 982.·1111 I•"-151-1318 ~{. ~ &4W158 Cultom concrete brick-All Textur .. 6 Acouitlc RON'S OAADl""NO Carpentry -Muonry r.-.noee. 554-44M C.it JIMty, '46-1N1. .::-:::-'••••••••••••••• -;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;_ WILL BABYSIT 11/Hr block well1-pet101-F,.. Mt Kevin 87&-eoel 8.r ,..:~~~: .. :i.:~ Roofing -~ Th«ougtl•oldh~-faefllOMd ~'I......... 2t =· ~1 Hui::w.:.:::,~~ 8 wk .. 2~ )'l"I. Mon--Frl roundet lon1 Llc'd llt1trllll 87 Orywell -Stucco -le Compfet 8rlctc·Btootl·Tu.Cono-8ondtd 1ne Aeft COIOf Uc. 11411802. ~8·0734 8am-8c>m C.M. &42·2"5 536-6013 •••••••••••••••••••••• L~. 8-11388 Remodel J.B • ...._"90 Refl. Jan 53M Oeck1, oown, '9nOea. ·~· ti3..oe11 RI------------l .._.1,. •--1-.. ctJJi Cut E!i!hCTRrrlCIAN-1 P1rlced Y!!_ ml~~. ~ ~& a.d--' n... MAIDS OF ORANGE CO. etc. Uc. DouQ. 8'M711 chard ~~.~!#~.(••••••••• --,. ~·•• ••e••••••••••••••••••• . .., t, .. ettme e on ,.,..... ....., •••· .,.7 •••••':':;'1'••••••••••••• Quellty T.-m Clelnlna •~1-.......... , _ _. • .._.. ..._., --------• BUOO«T RATES W;,;.~n•d•;:.•;:;.•;;di.l; Meture Mother Who lerge Of tmlll fob•. .-. MH'7H Neel lnetell-Aeflnllh--Cleen Bonded. lne. 831-1222 t,;~~ "a~.:...ti= eu.tom waftt, Int & ext. LOw mtn~Slm lob• OK b'; bod'; wrap atone, eel· C.rM. Babyaltl In my Lie. 3Ge821. 173-0358 .. _ _..._~--.......... Wu. Swedllhetenaman. 6'j ...... .... llo'd 20 )'l"l In., .. rete. Uc. Fr• Ml 8,.1_7681 lullte & Weight lo... II 0 me . An)' age . L C'D E ECTR c ----Since 1S..7. Comm/rwe. General HouMCIMnlng I.any s-7~ Hetti (114) &21-eo12 alt Deb'"' Yeager. ~8•340 642·8072 Ou~ ~ ~IAN Mowing, . raking, NM 1891127·3740 Aellable, refl. 10 >',.exp ... ...,,, 6:30PM. More femllld ere getting __ v_, _____ r:: • ._,,...__ JL::f'I-' · • · retM ....-ping, FrM .. tl-te2.0610 aft.... ouee0.1 ... u .. uuuo t"'-~·-plnn "bug" th'I -u ,,.... -., Fr• •t. &31-6012. Tom mat•. &45-5737 B1.U.• ~'--nl ...._. ........ BRICl<WO~K: Smell Jobe. 11-'-,,. ...... ... ' Keep an eye on prloM th« .. REMODEL:AoO:oNS.. ELECTRICIAN l<&D Landtcapa Mllnl. ...... ~;;.;·.;oes000 H=&r~~: r; Newport, Coeta Mw.. ·;~~;.;,;;=· ~·.~:.~ ~~~ g1e~::-'~ :~:y. ~;~~b: ~ ar:S~~· & Carpentry. Llc'd. 25 Sml jobl/Repelfl. Uc. Rllld/Comm. Cleln·up. a Smell Moving Jobe Mt. Call Carol •" &PM. IMM. Refl. 815-3t18 HANG1N0/8TRIPPI uNd, Mii It now with I ... 2"'5818 )'!'I exp. lrwln 54a...2718 233108-C-10. 54a...5203 Ute heullng. 15-46-2'89 Cell MIKE 846-1391 ~182 Sell Idle Items ... 2'-5171 VIN-MC Scott 645-932.5 Claaelfled Ad. tor your car or truck DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 INES FOUND ADS ARE FREE SELL Idle ltema with e Dalt'; Piiot CIUl/fled Ad. • days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (Non~ btra bee S1.00) 3 ·3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 I ~~-~!~1.~ "1!:/:'' ,,.,, "" ~!.,.!.~ .... I .. r.~'1! ........ !~ff !-11..~~'!!. .... !.{'!f !•!1..'!!!'!!. .... !.'... ~!ll..'!!~.'.'!. .... !.{'!: lfflll WU...... •••••••••••••••••••••• Found mele kitten ' mo.. TAI If PILL • Babylltt• l Hou.-eeper OlllTU OUll DOllT SHOP Approx 2000 eq It. Nr I.I. llm.D grey, Vic 2100 Node, I ...ad8';9 8AM-ePM, Merura per.on Of'y Crown -Valley Pny. & ~ .. lit. Hetl>Of Blvd. C M. OUARANTEa>I Newpor1 home. Mr. Hood cleaner•, 3 dl)'I per No CM ,, .. Eetly m<>f· Fort>et Rd .. MIMlon vi.. • &46-5148 91'-0780 Of 664-1.l'O 7eo-eee3 week. Newport Beech nlng hr• Kitchen & • jo. (714) 546-0216 s~.. '"\~t 2nd FOUND: 2 puwtee. LAb Oltlrlbutors Weloome.. Baby9itt• needed, CdM. .. 646-71121 ~~~~r13 545-4902 Of •-•·•-It •L--f •• IU~I •-,_1 ff-IUll •-_, ,~. Approx 2600 eq ft office RObt. Sitt::.?' NH/CM mix, Sprtnocfele & WMt· .. ...._ ,...,.__ .........__ Pait time, Englllh IC>e9· CUSTODIAN for private ------- -•... ~ •' vi111t _.,., -vi11ff -·~ , and wetehM epec:e. R.E. Brott• 8d RMltOf'I mlrwt«, Hfl. 8~ .,.,.., ,.,.....,een ..,_.are king. Call 76S..9098 oommunll Club houM mllHI ••-•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• c.ntrel Coetl MMe. 8'42-2.111 5'5-0811 you? ~t -call BNI Ref' y I ed II p•-Til1t M/F to lhr my E.llde C.M. mOITIYI llfTll Ott1oe Of deak epece fur· Found: Little white l«T'I von N . 213/~2 Bed & board In exchange 1 requir ca ""' " houM. Lrg. rm. Opt. IRVINE Phone ~ nlehed Of unlum. Peclt ~ Y!o t~~· WIDOW HAS SN for TO'e kitten. Catiline Dr. NB, Of 213 13+-7213 IOf exp. cNtd cate & 1113-6170. 9-4:30, Mon· Be a carrier counMlor furn., laundry rec.. 1325. ring o0nf rm utll pd Cout Hwy. N.8. per · RE Loanl, 10K Up. No 1146-2980, ... ~. houNkeeplne. 7&&.318e Fri. tor a local ~aper 1146-7813 ect,Y ~. ~c. ~ 645-7474 1300 eq. n. "425. Credit Chectl, No Pen-FOUNI: M... Sohn.._ P:1onwc::1 =: = 804LEA MFO CO. CEO 111.1 OHml No a..perlence necee- AOOMMATE, oondo nr ~ ~ S160/up. Newport Airport Area 400 1800 eq. It. s575 atty Oennllon & A.Noc. llO coltat. Vic Newland l ~ --"I..-. Pr~ r900td •exec In FuM time. mull be over llry WOik only 12 hOura .._......_ 0.,_ r-540-8745 to 2400 ..,. " oft1ce Front omoe, large ,.., 873-7311 Adami HB ~1 "' ..,_ """7· '"-'ler ..__..._ _..._. 1 week. 175 to 1\811 plul ._.... -.-. -.... ............., door 1779 Whittler Ave. ""' ,,__,_ • .,...".... 18 S.. Hetotd, 485 E additional 1here or pan- norHITIOk•. 113 ~N 520 eq. "· s 1.()() per lq. ::9,,g rr;:h~ ~ Dey1° 540-9352. E-,.....,...,./ FOUND: Smell orange l l,,..,J ~"= c;;;~ 17th St, CM nerahlp'a profit•. •"-I. It., 3916 Blfcti .. N.B. AJC etc lmmed oocu-~1 ~r/ wtrt cat. Me9a Verde. .....,_ •w ~ fOt CM rtgM Dentel office maoeoer A reel tun l<>bl Mele/Fem• Slngle Pa-A.Qen1 M 1-6032 ' · mo1' .._J_ , n. 6"6-1772. ~ .._ ......_.. (mature) w/eq, In gen-Manegement opc>artuni-' pwicy. LM or mo •SMll#I/ _..,.,/ 1.#t I 1..-•••••••••••••••••••••• per90n • ...,.., reeume to: al Ice 1 • tlea F'Of lntetVlew call r9nt Ok lh-large 540-2980 l'lllM# ...................... Found 2 Pupplee, COiie/ Engllfl o.na.11911 8ol8f CEO Box 147, San :k pr~ n~erw;· in• e oo PM &42-5171, = utlle ~·507:r. •••-•••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .&.t I flflM #II ~ mix. ~ &oott fOt women Juen ~. C&. nc. ~ 1 1420 • ext 312 --· --...... ....................... Vic 19th/Pomona. c.lt 497-512.6 (bllt .......apm) 02tl3 ---------"4-8877. t7810 Sl<YPARK CIA-~ ~aft 5:30. ..._, Hll ,_._ lo .. ___._. ._ ........ •~1-A-..A hHllttte ·--CLE. Suite 101. 600 eq "' 16..a .,..,.oc>reet -·ant, ...,... _.,.., _.., Lull Ollna pt ~ Condo It. gi-pwt Furn eY1lil ••• ••••••;'•••••••• Loet: Bleck Codtapoo, •••••••••••••••••••••• front & bedt otc, Mon-Expenenc. Are )'OU loo-•KP« In property eaiM l tor 3 mo., mM1-IUlte UtlUty Plkl Moo per rno' Join 1l'le leader In the N 1111\ S "Mumn··. L.eguna Shor-.. LAX to DALLA.8. •n. Frt PteMe ~ raeurne: king ror • ,_.,ding ce-ecqulaltton• pref'd Ty- lllttll trplc. pool, ~-./c-tf1t118,,,,_,.. 213-&53-4280 · "4mtnlngment l)'lterna fuunu AD .,.._ ee1~1M L.eevlng ThuR. Aug. 5tti. 1801 Haven Pl., N.B. ,.... oppottunlty with ex-ping & eome ll'IOfthend 1~96-2.Ml, ~539. ~=--deeler." Uc'd terrttory LOST. OOld«I Lab. encl 548-7 ... or "2.·1~70. f2.te3. Attn: Pem. oelten1 potentlal for per-req'd Salary °'*' Fem, 30 lhr lge levlltl ,/,.__ So.l..aguNlet3Atefl8ay. evallabte. Orange COUt anr FREE o.m Shep, Reward .. eon8ll growth and rec-50&-1821 twnhM w/r~. working ./--500 eq. It. wfth good hwy et•. no exp«. nee. Wiii ML Botti loet In Woodbr1dgl'. ••'-t9'M&. ognltlon? We -)'«If IHWL lfflll FIT fem. Unbeltevlble ./ ..... .,..... vtllt>Hlt)' "97·23A1 train. iso.ooo lull 5...,. H..... ..;f:"'d::::'••••••••••• ~ Unton or 1'91ated cartng ohalrelde exper-· rooms. owrlooklng amoun1 r9q'd, eome ti-Cal: ----. JMI fluW 1111 GPeJ •. u.. of on-1ne tlM to oompement our Meture exper MC:1etary. brook 6 wetertell. Poot, ~~u=-=~ nenc:lng available. Wiit • Found 3 yr old Pett T•· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1enNnal 10 key end tight hight'; lidlted teem Mo-xtnt typing, phone per- jac, lake. etc. NB/CM te. parttlnn, pattoe. net '40,000 plul. Call Ml-Hll r1er, BrMI w/fMvet petch Young rn#rled men wal typing. Muet ~ WI <Mrn, pteuant environ· tonality, thinking eblllty ., .... 7~5 673-1003 .... cotlec:t Mon-Fri 9-tPM. on heed, colter. MV.,.... do 91'*al Mndy ~-wttll publlc. Fvll tlml -rMn1, excellent M.lery Non--tn*r, CdM Send Aek for Tim 881-9211 Call 9'191 & wt!ende. try poeltlon. Hon11ngton and benefit pec:tcege In-RMume• to Claaelfled Spac:loul 2Br 2.ba condo, •llLDl lffllll• IEWPOllT IUCI 408/ee7.()111 Loat: tonghalred crwny scn•u.L£TS 912-9625. 8eadl aty ~ eluding medleal lneuran-~x·~:o.D~i.''°:...: nr beech. wMller/dryer, From 1 room to 3 roorne. white cat w/orange .... l\IUll Oennen Gentlemen 40 Credit Union 536.e611 ce. 4 day WMtl Hunt-~~~e 1355 Incl From 11.11 • eq. "· No ~-~r'Tnr= '!w!fi To NII and dl9trlbute Hlrnaieyan type, LAQUna Mek• Job u companion COCt<TAlt. Wlltrw Wllnt· lngton Beech 11<42·55e1 _c_._0_2e_2_e ____ _ IMM required. AdJ. Alf· maintained bl""'. Nf 9Mch ~ 1N$111rDS or cneutteur. 63~2.151. ed. nloMI. pref'd. ""91'1 Dentel Aut1tant, FfT, <>-•1 Office ""' Fem to ll'lr ,_ 28' 2.ba poner Inn. 2172 Dupont. H HolC)ltal ~ Netlonally advertlted 4~12/40Y·545' ft RU\ Mon-Fri. 11AM....-PM, front & bldl experience. phonee. llllng, typing condo/Quell Creek, Leg Cell AM. 833-3223 m~bllnda. Oedlcat~ =::.oeo:!:;:"': Rewerd: l.Olt, MM8 Veres. OemMk. Crett Bill. flulfi 1111 5'1 w. 8akar .St. CM. RDA x-ray lie required. 50.55 wpm. Ask for Bob Hiiie. Tennie/pool, clffn IU_.... ...t.•g. Prof. envlr-t MlfMll. Upfleld ••• •••••••••••••••••• The Huddle S·• . 0-~ll ~2-7222 ••tr•• ..,n "'"'-· )'04.lr own, MIUng 10 euto erM, 1ml M. Cat, gry/ DARKN!88 •MllllTllT* . .,ary open. .,....,, '· --------~/rno. E~~2b1~ llWPllT B1'll -quiet .,.._ 6-46-3323 petU 11or-. car dealel'9, wM, Info 549-01'48. My brott.-tn-ft le e -... ___.... I ..__ .__...., 8'42-8880 or wtlndll•vea General Help. eern up to _.,., ·-_,, .., With UM of reception, d)'s. MrvlCe 11atlone. & g.-549-0772 Vf/lfY profound "**•· '... contractor •-l•ICW "'..,. 61~3 Npt Beh ArH $400 wtc talc Ing •n•p oonf. room, kttctl, phone, Futt ..vtce offloel, Hunt· regee. Choice.,... 1v9'-He'• oome up with a =:ated ~~ ... I Jft ,....,. r:t DENTAL .ASSISTANT • •hots 10 your area Am•· Roommate to lhr w/2 I• malee pv1 br/bl. CIOM to beh. S300 + dep. ~2--7115 =::~.: :::.= :~~~51f375 mo. =te 1:'8: ~~ LOS~~J:T 24th, ~et.::• :t~A~ ~ lypeOr~ ~· ~n CtctWpAS~L =us 7wp~~:~•3 ~ ~~ ':,~~,~~':·~= t«V. 1~111. eeparet...., 11 S'"-·• 0 ... _ or..._.. Fum with exl1tlng eccounta. Eallbluft Aree.. RE· NESS. 83 ;.5282 · tor DEC PDP 1 t/23. day wic 64e--48&8 • or telling req'd. Wrl1• to deelred Call· ;Ji,y ,_, ""'"' ._. . Vehicle and ~ WA.ROI GrapNcl bec*ground . Un1118flel. PO Box 1223, Super vt.w, pool, epe, 71417ec).o 100 · · Phonel. Copier. P'9111ge program lu . de 833-8853. eYM ~ UH a...... 1Mlr11M prllf'd. tnnovallve pro-Dependable women wtth MOflle.,...10, CA ~o MC. gate. tennl•. ----;I· wAlil IOc. In Harnage Bank Moderate depoelt ,.. 844 4138 ...................... PARTnie Pr .... oat· tec:ts. Info ~ Inc. •trong pereonallty &I live f~~~ a hlkpng •WNIT IUOI =-~~a.=: ~.~or~~ C:: Loat 112&. Black b1nocu-attad: ;.,.., ::0, exi-·d hlQll IJdO ~~ ~~ c=: ~::'!,'..,~11':;.;•~:j Rmmate to lht ~lfut Executlw offlcl In can-f0t dlent. Ideal for con-~5 ..eekd8';9 lar9 In brown lhOuldet Open 2' hr9 e day gr.... Pw9o-Nlary MgOtlable Reply dlalrlbutor Good typing C.M. home. nr bc:h, W/D, ~-~'91~50/rno. IUltant.,..., Mtete. 1neu-(211) 114 1111 ~ :!,~ Jr.~c) 1 deye a..-=ect =.,. outgolnG. ~ ~~-with reaume & referencea ~~~~ -:'J~. ~~~~ ~~r OK:...=; WllNmlHI ~s:.=~· $200. Utll Laundry Mat. Hllbor I Ex1 11. a... ~ ~ t~ "7•3516 Mon-Ff1 8fyen ~ ~~~ 0:·~2~x 61 •· needed Benellt1, Selery _,,. .... _ Q 1 .... &~•t ....__ nego111ble Cell bet-831-8145 btwn 1200 or 2400 eq. ft. 0.. Good Fountain v.,,,,., loc. ,.....,,_ roee ncome Found: M• mix .,..., 8ankAmer1cerd, Malt• """,... ---· 9 em -12 noon llPM·9PM. kill.I oft1ce or 110fe Fulty tum. office Ip«». '4000/mo. Full price dog, greyhwtllte & ten. CMrve. Amer1cen Ell· EJrper1eooed/tctl\oa -·t DIETARY 841·26&5 Prof. F. eri·~ ........ _............ ~-14302. & 14304 Ren1 1 deek or 1 large MOOO. Fluff & FOid ~ Maje mix collle. Mb4e & pr-eea, Olnere. All ~ ~t ~ for FOi Cleuffled Ad F1'I tlma.8Eiu> In hoapllll ...:...------- H ..,.. .. , ,,_ BMch Blvd Btwn 2 portion. Sec:y/Recept. c:IUded. 940-8754. wNta. ,.. ... ~. come 71".,.5--3-433. 200 unite fwnllY compleic ACTION kltehen. ome cootllog. llllll flllllY ~j~~:,;.ga.:; Frwye CMc lncl'd. Low rerrt. J..S.., flulffl "" blkltan, C.M. ~ i.. 2112. Hert>or Bt CM In Etcondtdo. tecMNl Oelc:'PTtot :~ &pr~ey Mt-Entry level poaltlon wtth each. 403-<IS..1. C.nterlO-Ol"". 754-13ee •••••••••••••••••••••• male Ycwkle T ' ':! . Would loft to Alelet In ~ Shop, AO-VISOR HUNTINGTON BEACH v1rled dutlel end good Airport .,. -Exec. Sul-., .. _.e ~ ............ ..,. wtt .. WANTED-5°" pwtner/ & peclpat brwn. M• ......., with you. C.. Sue 90IM :":l: pert time. ...2·5178 Corw.i-it Hoepllll 1yplng llllilt • for pluth Reep M/F wtth or w/out F 2.2."' •50 ...--·-vo•-.... " ln'<IMtor 10t:.,.r:t"' & 'I'S'/ Him long heired ...-'7 wttl train t1'5 S 0 --f F ... t•. rom ~ eq. n. ua,,.., Oyer, SIA up to _, ....... , ....'.! cat. eu 3e51 or Kathy anyUme. • · 1ae11 Florid• t Newport ..-Ch o c. °' furn to lhr 3 ... 2.be NB S1 per eq. ft Meny xtru. 100 eq. It. Prllf9r ir.. ·-·.., ..., 95M"3 Huntington 8Mch 1ppt call &44-2501 home, 3 bike to bcl'I, bl-Call 651·7010 brtlr or tlmlllr offlcl UM. Orangetr• condo. Tllk• LOST. E~ .... In CMe-t;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •ttrac~e Gil tine, frplc, dbl ger. 1375, 1 ell tu end dePNdetlon vie Coe1I ...... Golf"" " u' 'Ii utll. AMI ... 2·9937, '" CdM dlx eulte. A/C, ample W549-2l20 ~! --~ _!::°"IClttl'; Club. Atwerd. 5"5-0380 ~. ettract!W, _12_. _9"5-_2_583_____ pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cl1 Newport c.nter Of'llce nega,,..... ..... ..,_ •"-well groomed gtrt to Prof woman to ll'lr belUt Hwy. 875-8800 ~. 1181 eq It • , pvt ty down. 8aed on llCtuel Found female kitten, tiger ~ ~ ~ In- ...__... StlorM home. m--• offlcea. Lge r:iit. rm rnld· 198 t ~ price 1trtped, 5 mo. old. Del dMOuel M 111'1 per ·~...,., -•••• ..,.,_ -"""" T-d pMS. 71,/055-2033 or Taoo. W Hth/Ntiwp(Wt .-9-..... ........... Md Utll Incl. 1350. M5-95e1 881 Oov9r, NB. 831-3851 ;~· rd. if80 16 .. 1011 Karen Blvd. 5"8-0021. F,.. 10 In oOoci''t*"u;,_. No. Lag OoMn front. 2 Prof. off1c1 19-In Npt. per alt. Mr o,.._, ,...,,._, good home. ANTED: MALE MOO-dtlcntloft wurect. bdrm, 2 be. 8Mu turn. Center for attorney or 1144-8800 ~ -• ll''I Found: 8ml w111 000!<• .,, .. ...._ -... ... __... , ~ Oreat pay • flaXlble hra. 1425 rno. Sheron other profeellonal. u.•rw'"' , mix, buff..,., IPOt• on .,..... ,.,. ......... '"'"" .,_ Send ptlot~ and detailed 487.,.159 of r.oeptlOnlat. x.rox. l..U#I lntlll H• ••• ...... et........ tw. M rnoe old. Olt~ •tt-aaa dteOli:ltlon to 9olc. Ad LADIES ONLY. a..ut. 1-1tbrery. Avell lmrned., ••••••••••••••••••••";': l1yltflr'1 Wllltt4 teo·27t8 No. fo11, Dally Piiot. "" B ....., h & •• call tor detalla Mikki or Aetall ltore et 2.850 Avon Poell-... of ....... SUNNY'S IJtaouttw Boll 1MO, Coete W... "· · ..,,. om. ... v .. I Art 71"/95~2411 St., 1tMO eq . .ft. 1)1119 t --:::-•' ...-• Found: AFGHAN. 8lectl SU..-Aeduetlon: CA tM2t now. MM615. car g8rll09. .,.1-1m. ;t;,,"" chain ~ temell. Hunt. ~ 11~. ~ ji~=~====~I F, non lmkr to llYe w/2 ExcaMent Otftoea • Up to Of'llce and Laboratory ~ In 09nVtl OOMt o.il 71"1~ 131-IS'71 11111 II p II .,,... 1 femMe, ~ 8ctl 4000 lq "· 1801 ~ 1500 ft. .,... P'9MI cell Found A.muon type ~1~~~~~~~~1 ooaenfront. 5br 3be. ~.M .... ~2 111 Alik Z::11r,.,:ror..: 808/&2W015 fof 1nb-. rot,~ Senta IMbil & Prof men...,......,_ ::=.t:~- w/d, frplc, baloony, lfVf, 1..:.:::.:...:.=------l-::---:--:----1 IMllol\, IMte AN Aft., CM. houealcaeper, muM be f~~. AV811 Aug 15. EJcec.. Furn Suite. prime f!M•fldl.I .__ ,. ..... W ~ to ldantt'1 _., 1n cMnfn9. lflOp-••HvJ h Fem ~r to lhr 2.8' 11M. E.eltllde CM. 1276 mo. 9'1-6380 2 ,.. non-em9CI to r« Nol Mt H.L .... DI W, W/D, at0.14().tnt N.e . 10c. Pt10M enc1 co-,_,,,, Hn ~1 ................ FOUND: P"PPY tllkl1en ptng & n e>oe*!nG. ~ .,... a ,_ 'l"OWtnt in. .,.., av.I. 122tlmo ••••.................. py, ~Of ,_ leOC) 000 ,,_, ~ ' VlO nllieCt w/OOod ,._ In ~1t 1f10p 11a1 Imo ..._,m, ~215 .,. •.. to 1oan on '" ro' on HbrM.IH.e1MO-~ aicdlallOit for ape In ao. mees oPefllnla. T°' Ptl1 (.,.I 1n MWer ....._ on eo.t ....._ rentll tnooma Legune on ttie beeclfl, & lllnt WOftllnll ~ Hwy, Sou1t1 'l:.auna, A.p-~ Orange Coa9t LOIC YOfbhlre Tenter, ....... -"" ,_,.,,. to: fOt QlltMad lMW. (11•) prox. 500 eq. lt. ~ .,. Myra, 111Mli' to IMt..., lrl ,,V. nr T• Mf. Oenlet, l'O 9olc O.. ...1111~ In ~ petl!lng I PoMfil. C411 (11•) b9rt & ~ ''lilflll" C-19621, "*9. C.. l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j betllnd bldg. 1525 mo. ·~ (21S) ~161 '2713. Turner Meoo. ..... 1171 -f Cluallled Departmft& D1Uy Piiot m w. Bay Street. Coeta lieu. CA nae .. ( ( } ) IBTID ( .. NewsPQper Carriers tor routes in Huntington BeOch, Fountain Valley & Ne,,vport Beach CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 11"1'1111 e~~-4321 ' I I I • .... --.-, ••M llll .r+liM~ l(ff ..... I ., '•.... ,.. '· -~'"' ~ -E--.,, .... ,,,,.. . ..... 1....-•1;;"' ...... '11111111 ........ 11111 ---.~ ~~··'!!~, ~,.._,.,_., -~· --·•• • 11a1n. ....._ .. ..._ • 1.&...-:: ........ .,.,... 1•l' . · 1-te00,... Oepjlr, ,... •• m1'11n'S1' .,.. ..... "IHI M ¥'--~ .. • .... nm CIWlint ,...:r,. ~ ....... r .. ~ .... ~"!nL-' ~·~=··nlnm'n'••••nttl .., ..... , Wt 1ttk a hlthl y quallfled A.Ill ~~ .. ~ -,,, == ,,.,,,IO.Mto? • ~ • •• '',...,.. ~ ltflO .__, ••f oonnct.nUal llCfttar1 to I CID Who ANTJQ1,19 MM.t. •40 :.'f..~ ~ poup. -• ~ 1~ ~ n : ,.:-wtttt a,::. t?W4tJ, Mon-'n ~=·:~:-=:';!, ~~·!_!.~.!!.-~' IJllCUtlW 1u ppori. ttf~~"· =." ... , .. ~IWI ==...f~:! $ ~ ·1:""-..;:1u1-.l·~ r .. L~ ~~7~ t111 ............. l!M :mo~==: """" ..... -uu-"'~"~'"'*" lldll&. li?t••• aoo 1e>wct" , .__ i:g ,... IMt .,, heedbowct. "····"" ••• .. ·~ .t •. 1 ... , J1 · ..,..,, 'doof&t• 11en t •a .... -. ......... v--....... m The abtlihl to \lb .. \.~--lftd woril welnut. I fOo. ~ MW ftttecf bed9'1,_,, -.';4 r ,. '1 .,,. o, _.... ,,,__ -1_-__ . ___ _ flai~~ .. ne«W";.;"am--. The MOl'I Ml.oet2 ~I plllOW aMIM. ...... IAt.IAOINOW ..... ~~ J;., :=--::t ::::0: ~IO~~--· otd. Wanted· ~ ~ 1 1 .l 1 ,,.,_ 11o1111t w~ ~ oomer G'owt> With CLAllll'ttD If ant • ...... ,., ""*'* type'' Wll .,_ ttnictor on my own boln, polll Oft • 10 J"IQU , .. ••c•pUonal , .... ....,.IM 1tth Olfto 110 ~ ft. IOl!d TNll. ,..,., Ible, "" water ... IAOW -.. ell fof Otttt •100 oo: m10N1: "°'*' 11114 ~ .. Ynll I llnelly 1pellin1 and a aood VOOlbulary. We olf• uy ~l'ldOtflr oonc.t too1\t11n ~.~"'· 11.IO I* bed oomp. Ou """°'· 1• '*-., ~-'20:~ ~) .• ~enoy. a.:::-.. ·,·o« ~:· .. ~.~ .. ~. a com-•uve M1uy "--' btnttiia and. tftind. •reoo . -tom mtlled. Oti. tlemt.. "'"· 1-E ........ .... .... -llOt--....... ..... a n cf . ....... ..-.... -...-...'. "" Ml-<>H2 Mf..1320 .. , ...... ,.... DON'T Miii WMll~too· new ow MOtl. Ml-41Q challen1tn1 a n 1xcUln1 workln1 ~,. Mff OIWll VtbfetlnQ Aeollner ~1.nrnn~..... OILH"ITY IM'~ °(4>otao.oo: ,,.,... I .. ,., MM .,,,, ,,,,,., envtronmenL Inter.ied and qualWed T ...... .............. 11'·••••••••••••••,..... 131 CNna. tum. & mleo, 1110 PATIO IA'-I new 1• lncin light a11oy •• ..-.-.-••• o':a •••• rr.-;1 Ld_..I NII oandldai. rnaio •nd their ...wne ln With "7r£:t: -Hlf'Mleyen kt", top qtty, 7 . 64M148 w . ..,boa llYCI. wees. Actor'• beeutlful collllotl· rime (IMW'•) -Of Yll'l\Me •• Grand OH ;;.;?~00:,~;;;.; --·· ... ~--.... x OQI\ ~ Pilot p 0 ,._.. AmertoM "'· llue, ..... O,A ~. Thw9, '"· blea. ~ oll pelntlne•. 4·1200.00: two MW con-mdl, walnut, 7 )'rt old motor ._.. fOf ~ O< vwuillMD-.., "rv• .., . . ..._ 11IOO. Oki MOiier Heelth gu11 1175 White cf......,. Conl/9rt1 furniture, NO•· tllvetl Unentll t lMI belled r•· NIOO. 87M2111 ........ ·,--:r.:o ,. ... 7• 97• .. ,. Box 1660 1 Colla Meu, CA. 3828 EOE .... ..ao. ·linger ... ~Mt1 ' Into otlanolno top. Like MOVINOI 'urnlt1n Sale, Ol')'ll.,, mtrrora. bMUtlfU dial tlr• 195170 HR ...,.,... · -u. "" ~· Iii!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ maoNnue l 1IO. --·--1<11•-......... ..... ""· h0. ll6-04t8. ~ ... ~ w~,· ' tleganl mlec. 1et32 14-1100.00; I MW 320! IMutllUI 19th CetllU"' IVINAUOI .;;; a.cnt:zio <*le, ohelt .... _, -·· ... Mt• ,_ w • I .... ,.. . ..,.,_,,., ..,.._ . •• I W"I r: 1-· ...... _ ...... I"" 00 •• . ' ... h t"-~d ... llO ' "'-. . ..... ~ male, aholt, ,,_, ATo;A !O. Klng, new II· Oeme Tabte, ldrm wt•. ,.,oun "lne)', rOUn .. n '"""""-· •v. i "'"· lotMlndOfl• ool'loert ..., P ou...,.. · -GROOMING, Ml-tlrM, llM"11111f .,..... ...,,, ......., 1 ·..., blldd H t E:JCi""" MUST 00 Velie)', I bike No. ol ror medtclne j rencl, AoenOOd 1176. 84A·l6" Mon-Fl1, ""'9t •have ancs-• omc. dull•. cene on.I,.. 1111 ... DI-2'15, Me.He& '*'• •· Mer. ""' · Wa1rM on !uclld, l'rl· cablnet·l20.00. Cati 1•"" ... ., ......... pp eome r:.ooml"" -= ·-·--nlng N>Om 11.ble I "x • '375. 642·1iet Sat/ n. 10am..3'>m. • .. 2··"1'"8. """· ......... .... ' • ·eo 811HP EVINRU06 "• ' Newport IMOh "1m. l'j>I' ., 12 h~ .. ....., ._, ~ t707 Plu• Ott lur Sat-8un M . 138-3007 """ .., " MOTOA. POWlf trim. Apt)ly on·l'tl •I • lnltfVlew oen: Lu ~. '" ~~ ~•••••••••• ... ~':' 0r-. mirror and nit• 1 1 800 pOfl Harbor Anlmtll 842..eeoo MIMlon .-uu. AU IDtlno« lpant.1 pupplea Ilene!. Ch«ry WOOd. C.UI ltJ .,, •uda.flM ,,,,. -·-bl --Baby Grand Plano, 5'9" L ke ~ t • Hoep. 125 M ... Or··r-;u.MUi;;;W;i;;;--mint oond. MUOh, muott AKO, ehot1, •eo & up'. 1100, Ph M2·72et •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... •••••••••••••• e 10 20· tong,* Pl!'" Xlnt oond. l4000/b11. _64_2_·7_0_641 _____ _ C.M. UllPTWT mot•. m.un 170-2432 Full bedroom WI, dbl bed, Anttquee, IUrnltu,._ lernpt. • • • 775.1491 anytime. ::~~! e111 tO, p 11111 II Hair Or__. needed, VII-with typing tkllle fOf rMI OrlQ AnttQue "8 " rolltop POOO\.I, 7 wtlt. Al<C, Open HMl'th Top oond. =re:· t:'-.:'~111~11' Ill. lllllT'f Welton prof 11eO mMHge HP DleMI, 2·1, MVI lage Fllf'e Mell, lagUf\e •t11• offfoe. Non '"'°" deak, "Aa/lroeCS" •lylt bua. 845-2420, r.. Sean. t1000. 842·728 • u" y 217 ChlcaO<> Apt. A roller llke ,_, coet 1370 PIANO • Ref)l1 upright 1500 845-4220 8Mch. 484-lllOO. ker. H0-1591 w/lol• of drewen. 6' l1110. 912-0171 ,._.. .... ~!' ... 71!!· •• 222\.\ Mar-HuntlnQtn 8Mch Mii 1150 &48-4413 Xlnl tonee, nice cabinet AVON ...... t I ft ...._ tong, >Ont oond, Incl IWI-....., .... t.,., IOlld welnut ....... • ""'"'· Vou we the wlnnet of · $596, call 847-7017 .,_, ar n •ta .... HAIRSTYLIST. Pr9f9r me-RllTllUIT VII ottalr, collector• Item Purebreed Lh ... Apeo, e contemp 871124" •· 1wo rr.. tloil91• (118 00) Indoor Jogger trMdmHI, boet, Jtlnl condllon lure wflh c:llent• CM The flneet nouw119 ,_. S4 000 511·520l weellt ," mlllee, 1100 ... tend• lo 82" 1125, F=y ~h~~~:: value to the wood rol*t, oaovu eo-Lerge club chell'. llllt '350 84&-9177 .,.... 648-4291 Of teurent In Or:Tn ' • 847-3228 tl2·14•3 Blk•, loll of 111,_ & RINGLING 8AOS. Y9tt 176. 648-4413 blue, lllnl cond., ... to IH a -~. 546-27te. Cou .... Pr of old hand etai.er .-B•RNU appreciate. 12H 11, ..-.wt m nty 11 lnlereetwu n tlrajghl badl chrt Oettl 8Mll 11c' ~ 8p&-ChMI, 3 drawet1, con-tmall mite. 521 Avo-" M & BAILEY UlglJn• PeQMnl Tictl9ta. 640-9079 ••••• ••••~•••••••uu Hoepllal qualified l*'tOl\nel We wood. cetWd nnleie up. ni.t, C, lholL LOVM lemP.. 8olld walnut, 3e cado. ..... FOf Thure Aug 12. lte. CIMllc 18 Lapetrue ........ .......... .,. aootpllng ~IC&· hol•tW ....... t " .:....... kid• 1100. lernie. 1119 . '"'· te2-1443 SAT •M. ONLY MOVING AneNlm Convention Pem atl epm, M3-8183 ,.,,,. • .,,tJ.nllll Century bey bolt, 4 cyt. tlon• t>e'-1 0.11 am -• ,,_.., 637 ioee "' Cent A 15-11 •••••""••••••••••••••• Orey '3600 876-1111 General ottlot poetllon dally. fO< the lollowlnQ Altrac11W 8penlah/ -Sofa & LOYeMAI (~ SALE Mower. edget. er ug. N9w Hua1lef II aulOINtlc SEWING MACHINE avallable In Corporate poeltlonl: MedlterrMNM eccent. AKC AMER COCKER ten) & cotfM table, per-eprayer, dealt, trlge, Loni 9-::;_~ Pool clMnw. wt1o1Ma1e Kenmore 176 Cabinet 42' H Mattn.wt. twn dal aocountt reoelveble Of· HOSTE.SS Id ... O< 185 both. SPANIEL 8 .... with *t cones. seoo more 822 S.ntlego. To cta1::i9' puMI, Cell prleed ., l200 Only 1 model Ptl 842-7281 BrlllOI l.Jv• •boerd ~p,...~~c:n: w!~~~;:Es &44-5977 "'°''· butt; male, 1150. 14().()218 C.M 842-5178, axt. 272. p... '-"·Blue. 1eo.o916 ,,,,.,,"' ,.., UH re::~.. PP !~:~: nlcatlonl, mathemellcal T _._,,,.,., 1111 l-35t-7317 t h ouet eola, gold velvet CHl1 #IN ... mu11 be e11ohanoecl Bankrupt NurMry atodc .• r;-;; •• f•••••••••••••• 760-1178 and tyi>tnq lllllll. Mull CAP AINS -;re:~•••••••••••••••• Secrlltce 9 wk AKO .. '360. 2425 8o'Ndoln Pl. •••••••••••••••••••• •• fOf r~ Miii It &o11 A~o Tr-15 M lal't a,.rf I .. ---------be dee>endet>le raannn 333 Ba}'llde Oftve HARBOR AREA male, A.cs mini Dacm· CM offlQe pr1of lo pertor· 645-4199 . . W ... ~ and Ml W 17' Steveoe \1-drtw. lkl. ' ·-.-~·-NewpOfl e..cn. Calif. APPLIANCE SERVICE lhund, 1175 Of beat ofr. 558-0998 IWAP mo menc;e. _._,_ ~, I I q,uallty 440 Ch"Yt*. many tibia and Nit motivated We Mii r..........,~ E S nd 8 ,. ATARI .. ,.,. ,.. __ .,..,1-. u-.. apor1 ng equ p. on •trH. Mull -· $4500. Ir-Ruiz 714..e40-8950 Rea11uren1 • ......,,,~ .....,.,..., 7·7 64M888 Of 979-2755 waterbecl: ~. k"/ "'lf"I u 1>'• em-..pm • • • .................... , bovum..-123-5 conllgnment Snow 548-0&02 11.1ppller of good food to I llY ~ Blk. tern. dog, 1 yr. mbted, guard ralla 1200/blt. ~~~. :~!'l:!,c:; 558-1170 weter lkllng, 1 I turf 1915 21' Owtr'I Cabin ~hoff'• primary --'" 5PM bookcue hdbrd/ped~ Orange CoMI Colle09. .._.. • n ll. Skiing. wlnd~lng, -------- lllllllOO -....,. Weekend• -for 14derty lady. No tmOklng. llWI Irvine CO<pofate L• 957_.153 medium ilze, lrelned. H0-18151 fr" 10 boyere. Seller BLOCK GARAGE SALE Heavy duty wheelbarrow. t>oerd, baok Ing, CrulMt. encl head, gal- c:ornmunlty neadt an en-R9fr"'/ ~.._, .. .._.., 830-8472, 139-7214. Sofa.p•~ Ptn, IO ............. Retervlllont/lnlo. SPECTACULAAt Toole, Good condlUon. 135 clothing tor .n V9 ley, fully equip. Nwpl 8ch thulllMtkl, reeponlllt>le "' ..__..,.,.,_. _, .......-558-6880 iO<e)'lel, double own. fJ4.4..0317 ll'M•· 645-431 1779 lllp avail. $8000. employee fO< coonler Meny to ohooM from. frH ff f•• IHI dtfk brown. nice cond. wather, lltftol, golf Newport Blvd C . 542-1274 ...... tood prep & dell-1100/up. Qt-0682 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1200. 175-3223. bl, tout« o~. oio-llTITI UL.I --------...uunl/1111 Y9tlM. M·F, 8-3PM. Cold t R.t F I ._ YMI old l<IMhond ml11 V"""' "' aectlonel "' de-Large 3 Party O,rege Sale ng & many mltc. Sat Pell Tiil.i '67 Chrlt Craft Capri, 19', Balboa Bayfront home. 1 Good driving l'900fd ne-IPO · roe ..... mete All lhot• trained ~, "' • "' Sit-Sun, 7-31, &-1. Hand 11-6pm: Sun a.2pm Sliver, Cf"/91al, quality Regulation lllze, llOlld very rare, rMtor9d. 54&-3184 weak only. Elderly gent· c.aeary. Call M·F aft Elle. cond. 1225· lo~ble. 842·8&.3 ' CO<ltOf mirror, pr lg elec. 10011, nult, bolt1, 7 t7202 SI Andrew9 Ln. antique & eontemporery oak. mint c:ond. 1725 16500 or bit olr teman ndt eKpr'd peraon 1PM. 567-1232. 5"47•29111 F .. Kllttnt 1 1 f•ndelabf~ ';19~ 11bj motorcyciee, automotive H.B. turn, tempi, kltohenware, Treed Miii 1125. MUCH, _54_5_..eeoo _____ _ from Aug 29 to Sept 4, RMlturent Holpolnl Uptight FrMlW ~ old '"'lf"I ame, ,uret, co ~ n ' 1 . partt, wNelt, llf•. lur-loOla, bedt, llnent, MUCH MORE. 30' MONK FIB TRWLR Mutt have own cw to do ~ tun-ume 28" wide 57" htgh' ' c;d 1137 1098 :f'O:· ·~r~ glaM ca-nllure, wOftl t>enchM, 3 F 11 8 9 P wether. dryer, refrlg. 133-3389 Dal pwr. 1200 ml/R matkellng. Satery optrl. w·•tr ... A"""' In ...,. 1100. Call 552-1070 · • J 1' n .,~ chr. lhop chalre ate 1780 ,•m ylna1e ... ~ 441 II· mite. 1533 Fairway !><., VHF. CB. ttito pilot Bob 9a.2229 • _., ,....... --------FREE to good home 4 yr IPanete '°'"" & Monrovia Ave. . Bldg c• rn . D<ookhurtt/ Orange. Fri 4-8, Sat Scuba Ttnke. Us. Diver. I 18,500 AYMe-9000 4 eon. TM 8eact1 Hou... CALORIC Del OVEN Old Springer SPM'9t f• IC~, ... ~~~ flxtur1ee & A3-A4-A5 In rMr. SWuarn.d/Yorklown. Fri-10-8. Sun 8-4. Twin 50 with J-Valve (can llSllUll IA&JI 119 Sleep)' Hottow I.AM, Oat range, 21...t yra Old, male ftlled. t1A218 01,..., ......,.11or tem1. bt -In Santi Ant) CABIN CRUISER & tr1r, Own your own egenc:y. Legune 8Mch, 494-9707 Harwet gold, bit-In ' _ Call 71 .......... 8819 Neighborhood Owege HOY..nold ltemt TV & UlglJne Fte1lvel ol Attt $200. 737-0elll 1tt 8PM 24' oldie bot goodle. No expr. needed. Earn •-a....../•·-----.. pltl!Tl«llot · ~ tleclronlc F~ln 1~-~ S~dF. Lge cull burn deelgn un-SeleH_;...,_~ndtlque k TMable, 1tereo llkt nft, !5042 P-t Tlcketa avell, fO< Pool Ttble, Regulation '35006, contlder trade 75 ..... ,.... ...... K ._. _, -... . .......,..t mlcto .., UWI' .. _, .,......_ , tq .. 1...... 2~2• _,.,... , trun . eny Qu•'I "'r ("""'•• ....-· .,.. or 7 Lincoln or Ced ..,,_ )'OU ._.n. MP Mature women to Malll $450/bet off. 493--8680 ' 4 Y"• Atl I , 549-9300 .. ~~ .... p;-· .. c.':: other coltectablee s ti ., "" ._... night of Augutt l21h ,iz., .. , atat• lop Oall 1-52$-7597 prMtr'll Job white lrll· OWTllf In managing ~ ..........,..., .... Sun 1o..5 258 Vi ~I Chlc&/McFldden) Fri-thru Baja Ctllldr9nt flnllh, eu.., balll, cover -------- nlnQ. Fwrner1 lneurenoe 1 Obi door refrig w/freear. llTTlll 5ae.<>998 · · rg • Set-Sun Foundation. 116. C09t & pool lamp Incl. S1000 '61 Baylln« 23' Mont•ey Ed laril, 762· 1 t47 = 1 '::;9 ";:: Whlr1pool ...,_ a dryr, 83 t-0477 9 ft tt..-.o rec player tape Pl. C.M 1""' totllty deductible. Cell Ult OBO 752-3577 day, eunbrldge. Low hre . .IEWEiiY SALES &73-7710 u« '°'Jud)'. ~~t Ille line. Cell 8 rno Blectc Saner. tem. 2 dk. radlO, flaal'llng Ughtt. 3 ~~:· ~ rn~ ...... !................ :P~~83te0-1084. Aft 951-353818 pm Showfm cond Full cru11e High One 11~. mutt be SALE~/tg~:~;.:s1NO Aefrigentor, wather, yr ~'te;:::,~:i: ~&~Bowdoin Pl. tllver.mltc.SAT~~ 2Fu~~J~:.. ':: 2~arat Dlamoncholltalfe. fV~J., ~~4'i:N-1:,~· ~~~::-"': That'• wtl•I our dlenlt <Styer, dllhwuher & s c 10 pc din NI, IOlld blreh. at 2022 Pak>ma. ·~· 3000dM, ..... m!~: .... ~1 Appralled $9000. Tak• •••••• ~.1!!!!! ... ~ 2e· RYAN Cus1om FG tell Ull. N4'W unique ad· fr-. 646-5848 trey ellco klnen. IP-le50 2425 Bowdoin Pl. LAROE GARA.OE SALE ~k,..., ~~I.·;,__,.,...,, 145001080. 831-92711 BEAUTIFUL 26" RCA cruller ONC. head, ,._ appt. Ytf1itlng & marti..01..... pro11 1 t mo. old neede CM 55&-<>998 S.I 9-3. 1084 El Cwnlno • _::J"''Turtomle <l~ PIP Color TV .... 2 yr wrnty. trig, loeCSed Trlr Very LIQUOR CLERK. luU or ·~"' Aefrigeretor, 2 door, Q.E. OOOd hOme. 845-9775 Dr CM pu .,..., .,.,.,.. 1148 F """"" CIMn '9500 I ade I c:c>n0a9I. lnlernetlOnally Ilk• ,_, 13 cf. 1125. Cutlom cab bar w/emall . . Drive Oeorglen ROM lltfitng . r .. .._.very , or r Of ~.~~8 Broe<tway. ecc111mec1. Call Now 876-3223 .__,,,_..., ._0 r«r"'. ·Stor.,,. ,.,_,. ... Lot• of ctoti-. Llk• ..-. 0 R..cs & Berton 8 p1a TV John'• &46-1781 1~~1~71 ~~5 + c:un .._.. 831-5540. ---------1,..,...,,... -~· "' -.-....--ladlea IZ 10..12, men• & ame table/chalrt, Tree ae111nn1, 1 .-... .. & 10 Lrg Wh ... d ....... --. .. -. • LJw.ln •&1 -II.DI Refrigerator, Ilk• new, •••••••••••••••••••••• $300. 2425 Bowdoin Pl boys. King hdbrd, oth« llghl1, back PAC*. dr-aerA;;Q ~. 11000 ··,250 ....---· -,e-.-O-lup--ar-boe--1.-t-rtr-, laalt WMfH -• Dryer, E1ec:1r1c Organ. l<INO INNERSPRING EX-CM 658-0998 goodlM. SAT only. e to f0<m, clothlng, mite. Sat. 645-9937 875-1417 -45HP Jot.neon 12,000. Coela MeM Stallonert Mutt Miii 848-8123 TRA FIRM mattr-Ml, Olnella table 4 Chairs 4. 2024 AJllO Av. nr 20th 9-3. 15305 Saverne, Irv · 538-5341, 833-1908 lo tare ~Of 2 )'Ml' old 270 E. 17th 11. St. Coata Froet Free SNIS ColdllPOI ~ Su28!"8• ~h Nl530. mettl b ... iso or tJesi (ranch lrac1) 551-4091. Lad .... Need your lovely Make your lntelllvlllon t>oy, I with fainer. M .... Full and pwt time -· .. ...... -ofter 494~205 GARAGE SALE-Oak bath clot'-on conalgnment, game a home computer Clulllc 1tMI -mutt ... 1 Smell Mlary, room end help. APPLV 10-12 only. ~alOf. llOO. uted qUIWI IZ, WOflh . ~. towel bar•. NEIGHBORHOOD OA-~fl«· our IP9Qlallty. Muter keyboard and 111'6" Soulh Cout Bey board. N9wpor1 BMch. 2 13H. cuh only, 12111 Gorgeou1 Camel Sofa & ... 11. mlrr0<1. etc. Furn RAGE SALE·Fum. blkM. _.we elllO carry new Clo-aoltwar• fOf ..... $450. Launch, 6 cyt gray. Int. 135-7772, 535-9893 Salelp«IOn on tl,.lght 13.9 cu i., no froet refrlg. del U.Ually home, lovMeal. Bf~~ new. & lo)'I. 1979 Tu1Un Ave., chlldreo·1 toye & clothea. lhel, bualneas tulle, oa-84&-7395 Jull reflnllhed 13500/bll •--'H Pli•Hr f;"~m~_!.<>r .. ~11:1 1225. Prect.lcally ,_, 764-7350 $700, 552-288}9· . ..,-CM. Sat 8AM. mlac 211 WOOOgrove. Irv. euala. fUrt, etc. E•t•· olr 842-3831 -· ..., ""' Wor'kt grMI MG-t07Q H 0 S Sat. blllhed 17 yre. Reg1 to Beatcat Scanner wllh •Ir· ~':'~~ f0< =:~ ~~ling==~~ R.trtgeretor lSMBl Frtt **'BUY** N,:,.~~ ~~:_.,~~ales,'; ~ ~":, .. ~, -~! • .,,..,, IH1i Rlcn•. 285 EMt Main, i'2~~-a~:11~e'.';'8::nd1 2grul~~~C~~r.;.•~: Wiii train. Apply BOAT Orange Co. Info Or•· fr ... bottom trzr. 18 elf, Good uaed Furniture a lt25 557·3119 tum., plcturM, mlrror1, ••••••••••••••••••0 •• Tutlln. Tu.Sat bullt. r--.tly rtfur· SYSTEMS. 480 No ~ phlc9 Inc. 175--4385. wtlt. $295, 551-5511 Appllancae-OR I wtll Mii Oalc Fl Q ell kinda of goodies Furniture. Rolleway bed. ~M-5:30PM. Amateur Radio blahed, bell tank. radio. port Blvd Nwp 8ch s•LES A••"-"'' Of SEU lor You uptlol~: eh-:.-~:;.,: ~~~0;~': I~~ =· :~:~~"o.=. Obi ::;,:_. Sterne & ~:'.i:=..s:..-:ih ,~~ Newport lllp 1nc;d. XJnt 1194 ..... ltftet n •••••••••••••••••••••• llAlllll IMTlll leaf, lllnl cond. '425 (• nr HwbOr/Nutmeg. rlCOfdt. "'°'' S.. F011ar Hyde Park xtra ~ tupply & IC)MXtr. :';~565 1 l.500. Buey ped1. E-i> required Telephone IOllcllort PUBLIC FURNITURE ....... Ul-tlH ttMI). 492-8641 Olme.-a-Llne S.t/Sun n Al I . 195 Alto Ot04 micl'ophone, M YARD SALE-OU cseak & ~. 1909 Diana Lane, ~~'!:·,. .. ~ new · epare luti. all '325 'tlA Luhrt w/flyt)rldge. ,_ &44--097o wanted. no 1XP« nee. * •UCTION* I Ill FllllTlll ~~E m\•rr~~~~h. curio cab. Hunt.,.. c:a.. N B .,.....,,,..... (714) &44-82115 eng. ,,.., water cooled, MEDICAL RECORDS. TUM thN Ff1 9 AM '0 12 " L• 957 8133 w---......,.. poctlel Wlleh, MIQ_.y 8 man lanl, -SIJU In 350 Chevy I 1 000 Prtltlme clertt. 18 houri noon. Apply PennyMver. I FrWn llaJ·•-----------S alnul \/-. Mowe comrnwattve MOVING SA~E-Fum, ttc. b011. Oflg 113-4. Now 175. Allee &-lllA 1P19ker c.-831-0111, ~ ~ ~ per ..-. AfJPtol 340 f880 ~Ila Aw, ,:Z uaed bdrm-..: ~ tull-elie mettr.-Mt, 1000/obo 49&-2800 watctl. oti. Ant~ 435 Vlfla i NCtle. N 8. 842-2304 blMt l50. \llc1orla St., CM. Coal• Meaa. dining rm ,...._ rm 1ur' MS. N9w q--. ce, e ctlalrt, tolld walnu1, xJnt Ben Franldln 11ove S.I & Sun (East Bluff) H0-185t 30' Cabin CNlew. nda Medlcal Atll8tant needed Salee nlllKe ~of W ltOO. 750-5832 eond. $120 for all. wheelbarrow, AM/RA Otn. Schwinn, food pro-TENNIS MEMBERSHIP QRUNDKJ etlOt1 w..... wort!, 271 dal, 11lnt inect'I fOf ~owing practice In Wanted Mlf-mottvated _..ry Dome Clock.. * * • !144-4157 N.B. Record & tape ttereo ceaor. bed wetting ~~JWTZ F::;J radio. Satallll• 2100 ~1~ 53&-6341, So. Laguna. Ellper. pr.-~ .. O•P! ..... '"~~2 PLUS LOTS MORE. ... -···-~ IMth/rONWOOd radk>. contrOlled r-ai.rm. dl9hee, 2 lludenl 85~110n -10-band Origlnel pac;----------lefred bu wlll ...,._ ............... .....__ •• -Ys -c:tlr & car, .22 rlfle, 110 air deakt. hOUaahold lteme · king end warranty. e..1 25' Wellcraft, ell equipped 1 train • w/rtf//flt)' mneted pro-.. YE llVE SAYE 29115 8Mr St. 1700, 0~ N9w cond. Home b-CB . & mueti mucti more. Pinball Mach. (Pet Hand offer 10 fllh & trlller. = ~-~~ ~R lnt'I We honor BofA, MC, Cotta...... 842-4815 atl 8pm 1250· .... mitt< b&48 WM1-2215 Holly, M Set onty. Jub41M) 4 pl9'Jlf S300 ee&-2572 118.900/beat ~788 I ee- 13 ,_,_ ,.... .... Cathier't CMcka & You 119 the ~ of mll\SW Pl. CM. 080 . , 511·5063 da, 1--.. --------1--------- w exp.. IM (7141 831-3291 dya cw Cath. NO PERSOHAL t.o free lldl9ta (118.QO) Couch/ ~. Avo-CollectOfl 1tem1 plat• 10Fumfamly• ,,,~.,..·, ...... ~· 551-2240 EVM 2oolor1 Pecttt wd ~-contolel 26' Montef'ey 11th boat ...... a.... (714 175-5418 ....... CHECKS PLEASEI Food value lo the .. cado M .,......-ci.rwd ' • ..--......,,...., v, en._ wtlte, Grll'J marine Lugger. Xlnt ....... ...-...... for .... -t...,,.-ev ...... ltemt eublect RINGLING BROS beck,J200 492~1 116b. OW.. CIOlhlng. jewelry. etc. Sal-Sun 9-4. PICNIC SET. e tided table W()f1(a, $100, 5484l17 cond. Aak 17500. ,._ "'"-""" ""'' llTIY/1111. · · retrlg dolly. wittque ~Ill, Enter cul-d...-: al 225 w/8 matching benchM 675-0923 on 8Mch Area. fllper lrvtne Electronlct firm to pr....._ BARNUM & BAl~9 Dining room Ml. all wood. mlac hMtlld & gar 11tmt. Klnga Pl. S..utlfully flnlthed i,; Quasar POflal>le 19" Col----------neoeeaary. Elloellenl ~ need IUS1llS 111'111 OllOll 4 C'llah (cowred), table 1254 Londonderry, CM., poiyurethane lllO. Of TV. 1Ma lhlfl 1 'ff Old, 1978 Wriedt Montara 23' nefltt. w/S.: = z:'ri, 2075'...t Newport Blvd CM Anaheim COOV'tnllon hat emoked gtue top. Sat. only ~bornood Oarege S40-1735. 1275. &U-e751 Dey Cruller Guardian 847-5004 wpm, tome adml-833--9126 148-aeee l~t~~·!.!! 1275· J57-5290 Stove, Ironer, Mlec hou-~~nO.~~ ltcwti' !!: STROLEE TWIN atroller Alr1lne ttareo, 2 ~era. ~:~1~i1 :~~;; ~ mllliL IPllWJIT nletratlve cepablllty. Cell Aug. 1&-22 Buu MW 9 drewer, tr1ple Mhold llemt. 353 1125. Furniture, oddt & S80 EllOlllent condition. Good condition. S300 58 ga.I. capectty, 8es1 L..,n ___...__, .... Mt• a Connie wl1h r.ume. ,,_.,_ 1111 To ctalm ..... -. • •• 1 wide d,....,. Heavy eo-BroadWay. C.M. Sat 9-5 tndt 5c a up. Sat 8-4. 546-0318 548-4815 offer (714) 847-6300 Of ,,,_,.... -7-6118 .::1:................. ...---..... lld ood '"""" p •• 82 9ef've In the Armf AM-Boyt 20" Bike, like ,_, 842-5178, 8111. 272. p.,. w · -vv. 3 FAM. GARAGE Sale • ort Abbey Pl. 1800 GOLD PENN REELS Solid walnut Plld(wd Bell -2-1 1 atl epm_. __ arve new home. Call te>-good cond. $45 obo. ... rmtl be exchanoed Mt-49&7 Blk ... btb)' accee. Iott block. 20/llO 11 WhOl&Ule 1tereo. radio. phono Oet GREEN cuh day: ICTllY/IEGPT 54~1040 fOf rMer'Vld ... t• al bo11 NEAR NEW SOFA. Earth-more. 981 Carnation Set lnter•tlng variety many prices. Aleo F/G 11 ecoop S100. Xlnl 54M318 for WHITE elephant. Tut11n 731-0481 PAIT TIIE 24" boyw 10 .,cs bike. office prior lo perfOf· IOOM. Muat ..... Witt MC 9-2 antique, colleclll>le a belt lenlc. 1275. SELL Idle lltm• wlih . with. c ..... fled Ad Santa An. 542~783 12 hre wkly 10 expand 10 Yellow \lolkac:yae, top m~. 1200. Fr" del. Garaoe Sale e-5 S.l/Sun. hOuNhold llemt. Fum. 714/144-7007 Dally Piiot Cluemees AO C.H tlA2-5178 USAR Ctr. 552-3173 20hrt. HMY)' ....._ & cond. MS. Kevin * • * 55M721 2074 Marlon Wey, C.M. 10 eportlng ltemt, tic. Comput« TRS80. Mdl Ill j;:::;::;;;::;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;,!.:;:=======;;;e Part-time ,__ aide, typing. Sand r~to: 1175-3732 Ctear ~,... table top, Solid Maple Clptaln9 "Uttle of ~NnG" 2307 Franc:flco Dr., NB. Tape, 1/0, Elltru. $795. M8'/ care, tome drtvlnG trvtne Chamber of Com-Bike for ..,. _, good 81X33' XV.", $400 value. chalre, need reflnlah, 120 Old cedar cheett. drum MultJ...fwnlly. s.wtng ma-call 551·5511 req. 642-2237 nwce. 2801 M<;Oew _ cond S400 · · Ulitlng 1250 OBO. "· 546-3123 tabtea. cwd table. Ilk• Chine, lum., bedt, blk•. LIYI ULLllll Pwt time medlcal front Irvine, CA 92714 Call . 87~ 973-0'T4t BABY CRIB ,._ movie camera proj clolhee. auto pwta. 1y. olTlce tAt. needed. Ty· l4l·llle7 IO Speed ~ MARBLE COFFEE TAB-LIKE NEW acretr'I, 2 pOfl typewrl-Pl'Wfltlf & muctl ITIOfe. Send eomeone )'OU IOve pl~, bookkeeping. Good cood 155 LE. 20"1180" w/lron l50 955-2949 tart, adding macn. radio, ~22 Vt.ta ~lf\de (Bluffl) =11~~ 4 1511 •llCIPI Thur9-Sectetary, ltte bkkpg & 573-IMie b.... Lk/new, 175. TEAi< STUDENT DESK 3 • Iv, pott, J>AM, muctl 11 only 9-2. for ell occalon8. BMlt deya. typing for tml bullneea. 640-5287 dnw ex1trl91on !Ml hOueehOld mlec:. 303 3 Famlly Oaraoe Sale the "heck" out of roeea. PART-TIME gal etallon l900. 857-8388 Boyt Bike, Pttto chair, 11lnt COnc:1 S160°. 142.()115 ar. llpm. ~nceton dr. S.t-Sun Extraveganu 9-4 Sall 873-4419. attendant, .m U.l lO s.cr..o~ Needed. Houn Schwlon Sting Ray 24", .tilt• ,...._ .._. ..... &In 800 Gary Pl. N.B. ----------1 per hr. 148-5781 eek lor t--3 ·~. Mon-Fri. Exp. $40. 955-2949 -~t0i7" ~. HUTCH Tent, camping llama, turn COCKATIEL wflh cage Terry. gen office 11110.. L..ad... Schwinn 8lcyde Sofa Bed, queen tit• ~~ ~5017 mite.. see E. ltlh CM OllllQI llOfllQI cablnett, ~ ~ ~~=h II PUT.,_ 549-0178, 9-5 M~Frt. 28", ~le tpeed. t50 1 • 1 · Sat. & Sun. mene llll dc>thM, hou ... ----·-----I Evea lltd/Of _.Inda. 842~91 ~~848 125· ~odd patio Mt. love YARD SALE· Lott ot OOOd =H ~-=· ur~:! lfbnJJa ... 1 Aeef>onllbta adulte, <>Yer IUllTUY /1111. La6IM 10 .,cs bike. Ell· ... ,. 2 ami c:tlra. ""' lb4 •tuft A to z. S.t Own. Suer!•. (E.utbluff) S.t. Wur.I 1#1 21. with outltMdlng at· MarketlnO dept. l\u cellenl cond. 156, Pl.If Pll ·-'35• 7ea.71133 . 873 Governor SI .. C.M. . only M .................... .. tractNe per90nalltie9 10 opening In NPl BCH. CALL 546-2855 (Liv rm) MV9I' uaed. Dining rm table, forrMI. II YARD SALE. 180 Men1H -. Drum: 8 pc PMll WI wort! with youth (agea An. IYCee flnn. Good ty-... WOflh I 1100, NC $595. ch,... Med. oelt. Xln1 pt c M OfT Orttnge c:ymbalt and hardwtre IO..l4). Cell 2~&PM. ~· S/H lllllta. Ellper. went Ad1 Call &42·5178 146-7711 ewa!Mndt c:ond. l300, tsi-5409 1>9twn 2ti22nd. Sal/Su~ NEIOHBORHOOO SALE l500 080. 918-1048 842~321. Ext. 341. EOE ~ d. Non--emkr pert. -M Al Tuetln Aw blwn ,UT -Call 840-0123 ( ,, .. 8 . ( 20/2111. Couehea, deek, •..w11 •-BIO YARD SALE Sal/Sun. qn a bed, weigh! bench. Iun.nt6 ,,,, N 988 Oak SI "-1 -.11 Ood... I 1coocn.. of •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Promotion, Security guard. lmmedla1• G lot• of"""'!.:.:!: do-dede. SAT. Kulno I ctl. PA·HMd, Mon-rt. opening, PIT. 32 hre P' ~ti. j-a ,-1 .. -I.JI•·~--~le~ o ~ --$}.-~ 142· 1307 .,....... 126 watt RMS. 2 PMwy 5:30PM-t :30PM. Sat. wti. Call 876-1101 bet WHtabllltl cabinet• w/15" 191tra a. 9:30·1:30PM 8-4. Mon.-Frl. ' Plano, Sellboet, Hope •••••••••••••••••••••• homt $450 firm Then ':!1~'~~ ~ ••••n ......_. en.at, Z..br• Ancn'• e11Lm llU 142-8.165 · of prottte. Mutt he-.. nMd9d !of ~ $2.50 .._ 9-5 8&1 only. E\'lf)'lhlft9 goee •owner 'K Vlolln. Like,_, plMMnt voice. private Uo required. • O II~~ 586 Know9ll Pl-. C.M It mtWtng. C«*>le 1225 Of rneke offer dMk a. phOne caau.i ~.es , 1 ti w r.n radtotroct P!eYer. cheet ot 641-1040 attn For Int_:..__ _,. leld'I. 1-1390 • " A 0 SOON VOO'LC. BE ·'~!. ....... ~...... drawwe •. dinette .... ---------1 · • .._, -SEEING SIQNS AROUNO Sml app119n099, dlthM lrQ MM)' oti. It.mt fnClu.. Randell P.A. with 15 Inch •n.14~78 . a12 nm .,,,. I , 1m1 Ci$0thlng .-c. teaa1 ding~ arm .... s.t. 19Mk .... hOrna , co- F toc..iy owned ~ s • 1 ES Cork Jvty 31 'lun. Aug 1. 7 "9r'I. S&OO pr. 751-8611. ~o~-*'~ ~~-Z::::.-'..!:: •·n.z: • ~eh~d1Megno111 Sat/ ~oA~.:~: ~w11~~: ::!; -.. ~.no Te ~ Include 1171. ~ ~ _::,~';L, ~ S*WOI••· .... P'omo-\ , .. Tl 11¥11 llllDIFa ._llM ULI ..,..,.,,._ 1111 _,_,_ 1111 MMln 028 gultat 1150 p1c11~ .t.•llOafNRt. ~·contiuytng. end ~ (• Y..t ........... ...._ eto.) ••••A•••••••••••••••• :::-;;::1••••••••••••••• mutt... , . &:s· ........ ,_, iontnll a.i.tY. pM ~ .... of 14K ootd OrMQe W9tdl. 1 .t....1a1 00flll~mrw,.,..i1111a1oo-"'"'"· ....,._ ' 1 P lac e o r Id In t"I Dall P ll t hend peln\ed wle*er Cllft pc. men't. atoo new. --------1 PenM!ient. PM time, beNlflta ....... Ptdl up ' ' Y u y O ~. 8amplea & ~ Still 125" obo, Ed Ccnotr1 Flut~ a.1-llWlmnllnO pool WW. In ~ .. T..atllrt9 0 181tftld MCtlon (lt'I belt to run 3 NOut•. . ~ 142~2000 "*· c..kUSlettng Newport 9Mcfl, wOttl flM, L1auN ... Mal. daya for maxinMn ~lrl). If you Dt1oel.. 17931 8'(y Pwtc 9eeu1 2 C.9' Dllrnond SMt. Mint COnd. v .. Thurl.,:r1., ...,, aeo • '°"at e "roro Acu pay for your 9d In lldWlnoe we'H nm h 3 I er. a .. a. AA'PCWt au. lllnd id.. out. va 1 ... · IUed at uooo ... ""* ... ..-~ 10,.,. dey9 end onty c1wge you for 21 ,,... Ctr M&-Mn. M500 (llCl9ft'd 11·~ 112ao. &e1..e31t.. ..... ~ ..... = _...... --... .... .... --"'""' -needed fof ~ tWlnlt 2. Get your FAE£ Ganige SW. 8'gnt (aN .,,_ MM TEAMa Plano. C>nfr 1 mo old. dub 1n Hpt 9Gh. "9fl. you hew to do II come In to the Delly •••••••••••••••••~ • .1...1.-N T,.,., 10 yr wmty. req '44-0052 Pllot I. pl!y for your lld tn edvenoe -5 yr. old in-.~ l ........... Mn Mutt ~ &2300 ,_. Control ......... • --~ 17 8 Mab. w.. . sC'. •••••••»••••••••"-~':' -r--· ~ -l'9PI ~. ..... ....... we -. you two 11 )( lgn1 -r---... CaibtMlt .._ ..,. _ .. needed lmmedletef)' b· ,....,..,,. ........., FREE ch ). t•. Nloe _,,..,,.,....... .....,.. ~-...,,...-----=· W d Otll)'. ~~ ~ :ro:: ti lll'OI ~ "°'919. lno Nddle & for ..... .... new 81gMt 1e1rMr 100 Cieri-..._Cell 636-7511• 3. Prtoe ~ p6eo1 ~~IN. taelc. 11000. 11i1.aa1e. ~~~~ net. uoo...,.... PIT, IOCUl'9'9 typtlll ,_. .J-.hw lf1if ~ efter'noolie. T•h•••• ... 4. Haff plenty or onang• on na no 11r.r.1.............. .,..., • ..., aw -.. lutdtut I • "4-1t1t. ._. pey 1n '°""' AOP4Y 1(nl~•. dlmee, quartere, halvea, " c..t rounct bf'lllllnt ~ •••••••••• r.;;J ..,_ 1 .... p-.. m w. · 1"' et. 1ti · H. ·OM and flvt dollar blll1). dla. "' ,_... ouet ~ ~: ....... • we:, .. a?:i!!~ .... ::.i ••-C.....___ Mete. Pert t11M ot --. f'lnO, APCnlMd .e N, fof 'as40 ,......, ta,t. m..o WoM Dillll1 7 ~ ~ _. *9, M -. __ a. Aelu. MYI run, Md count your money eoo. eeo *2200. ,.,,. ...... y....!-• _ ..._ ..._ too + ~ .,., • .. Hro I If_,. tit tt.-9nd of the c18y .....a141 -__.., ot -........ .,_. 1,00/090 WHAT'S NEW FOR BOATS The Daily Pilot wlll publish boat picture ads starting Friday, August 6th -we'll even take a picture of your boat for your ad. You can't beat the price, if we take the picture, your ad will only cost you $45 -if you provide the picture, your ad will cost $40. SAMPLE AD --·----- ~--~------~~---. For more Information and to schedule your ad. please call 842-5878 and ask tor Claaalfled Advertising • ,/ . a=-~=-~·:e::you ~D~YMOY 2~~ ; ...... .._ :x:.~.nw. .... 11111•11ar. o.. ~,_...-.no D1i11y ~l ~ CLA...,_MI '48001090. 111.ea11 1110 llalltM9ont-. 11'1Q. ...... .......1. IA "4>t Clee~ Ma to J , ·~ "'" Lof!O, . ...._ 1'4)0. 11~ ~ .... -,... .. o...eo. -. AU. ..... .,. ........ _d. •\1 ••1~• .... '" 7 011 Alll 14W111 ~ ......... 71 .... _ _ "8W ~ to Ml? WNff ~' a'111""4! :-.=;·• , , _ ~ -I I Cl.-W ed9 dO" Mii QI ...... Adf Ml-t111 '"'f •• ._ _ _;;>-~-----..... -------------... . ' .J .. • I II l. [J()IO ROBINS f ONI' ' 'l"I''' •W I!>• l I'" 1., MI A ~.I I )I\, I . 79 FIAT 124 SPiii a epc1, mN11c t>tue. ltweo, Aeclc, Mege. Only 37 K. Very 8hlrPI (AOL TYO!). $6495 '10 t11E TARGA .... . ,,,,,.., ... n• oao1tt.-~ ... . •••••••••• ~........ 4ee-8313, 131-2760 • • MEIOEIEI l.OA0£D '71~111 WllTll ~ oc:!s~= ~ Of IM4111 .,, wknda. J I DI mTSIW '17 Coupe de VIiie, 39K, loeded, IMth«, STUL AT SU60 Arm. 840-1149 ... t~'!!.lltftfttt •• ::.:~ IAM.llt ••••• ~ 1Atr.."'1Jl ...... ~ Att!\.flft ........... I.~~.~ ........... A•W..~ ••.••..•.•• IA<'!.""··········· ~ •••••••• mtr .......... mtr ~.~ •• :!!!.,., "'1111t ......... l!ll ""'11t......... ~ .... ~... ... .......... . !f!Wlllft 'IO M~~l.0 '?' M_., WMOn. 4tfC 1• •t11ti1--· '1t Yflte. LO!ld4MI. °""" 'tt Mliltlflnt, ftll, AIO, ,..,,..iii.I. t.e1l11 W••a• * ~ rM."""'9a.UOllO. ~ trw. • Nlllowntt.Low~. llltenew. ..... ~-~ ~ Nllll'l8'f .... te CUiiom • Otll .. *9 CtliiiDlf~·· ........ , 111ftt een;, ...... NIOO MO It.. ~ • Wle<M\ ~wlttl IUIOMello I0,000 lftl, Witt\ NI 171 Cft911 ..... -Id ... 1-1107 ~ ,._., ........ • tr~ oJ:.: =kif pg lllM't IP-:r.· .._.. Pllnt· MOO l&f 111,4111 'It ~Ot911, 111nt flt, Al( .-, iM1tM f':.~~ ... Wit """'· =~lllfwtndow...:f. AM?J:'cii.. • T1lt •· NMa11 1•t lllfiiiii ~ °' °""· ::.:,• ~....,v:= OtMit ~,::: :::. tOGtce:n,,:• ~!i n':.W...=-Med-::: fl'*.,, .. ,,,IMf ~~ wftft 41Ptlontttu 4 ft Oor-•te ... pwr, 111r1111 ....... L~~,Ooo) .. A~~t .... I powtt ... ,. AMifM .... kble l*tY. '° fNkt 1t11~0ol'dobeod rro-~'f>" & \leeul II IOO Milo\. new 1"" 1 1 a magnon reo luoo• rlOll only tmlll ~ pm••· No oonf, rOMt 1-.vthlnt. \ . cuetom wt.11. '41-4t11 11.ioo rnli,e. 1.11te' <Newt old oonlr.ot• to ueume. .,. oeo Pt-?111 llLY 111,Hll ...,_ .... , '1nanotno Avlii.ble. No NI* pmt .. Mi ~ &.tlw"1 Mil r.TAl ........... r~ (1211301 for =-Prot "J:OO· rmer.;; ........ r~J ....... ".... llTATI IALI: ' dt '11 ~1~~. a magnon ·=--~HIV. ~v~.-T\O ~°ilii* N=~t~H ~_elo~ = .. ~ IWllU t Ill Nft ~· MW Long t\a1ed 11 tM ult~ ....... O&ll HM of Amtr. lof ... ..._. Her-. lfYd, • '* Or. "'.. mecin ~ ttrone 1n1•• 1n S*'tonel iu.ury. o.t•Me. W11fr on1y t4 ~ in a.. w... pontl'ac;N•Nu lhafp, 111t ~ ,_lgM now. 11119 mOdlle 1111 - -pm, 75~ 1 owner. M4n1 oond. MM* ..... 1451 ~ Lene -.>I 1 NI, nr. ere evtllabl9, poeelbly -•-• r..J ,_,. MUIT IU THll OA"t 11tht1rv1ne. Weekend OM tor vout Ju11 need •wthl 1n: ............. Tr.~1 'eotory AIC, flt/I , lun '11 NITlll 11111 • H11bor BIVd. @ Fair Dr. only. reliable pwty to INll• Thie 'POtt• Oat hat·~ '71 ,ord 'llO, •••.Ml llft "°Of, lter.o, Alloyt, 4 fl-.A In Cotta Meet tn\111 ....... h ... -·· No I I (171NIT). ... "" , •• , ... ~ .,.. redi.I ",...· Low 648-~ 641·14117 '74 CtleW!le MlllbU olu-"""" ., ..... ... oy ICll, .,.,., trm .... 1. -MltM. Autometto 1rlNtnlellon. 11o. P/I, Pll, Auto, ~· old contraolt to ueume. OILY 17•11 '71 '°"0 Melllflek. Qood (lllU) power •leertno. air oon· '78 CMYeltt. ' dr auto. 350 VI, ctter tit l: ~ta. Jr-..:: • ..... oond. 3 MW Ur91, eoon. 11111 ~no, powtt .-....~ blue, nu rtdlalt. 8ll.I bk aaootOIO. "4-320!!. llll&.100I Proto UM ' -•twllll h&o ·~211 ...,.... tl1 wfleel, ,___ 1119911 494-<Mll 1 •-.a gold Vwy Oleenl ~an- -84 '""*' 31,000 rnllM, 2 '7' MARK IV, Vwy clMI\, 11711 9Mdl llvd. '78 FMd LTD, 4 dr, air, CinO Avelf.e~jt'nVVT) Trlde YoUr old atulf IOI door, U2t5. ~1 all IMther lntetlol Sun-Hunttnoton BMon load«!, Mka n.w. 111,000 ... Cltultltd ad. 842-11878 MOVING MUST S!Ll ntw goodl .. with I Wtnl Ade Call 842·5t78 roof. 720-1111 Ml•lllO ml. '3500, •87·22" a magnon ~-~~·,.~~'! ...... !.~ffl ~-'.~._•,.!•!! .•...•••..• ~.'.t'.•1.!'!! ..••.• ~ ~.'.~'1.!'.'! •.•••• !~!9 asoo~~e~AVl!~1409 • GOOD SELECTION OF 1982 CAMAROS NOW IN STOCK I IMMEDIATE DELIY.-RY ON AMERICA'S HOnESI SELLING CAR BY FARI SEE US THIS WEEKEND ... WHERE OUR REPUTATION (T11:!1Jll..j IS YOUR GUARANTEE! Au&ust1.1912 CONNELL CHEVROLET Serving Costa Mesa for 22 years. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Cosfa Mesa 1H2 Ford T·llrd, lull)' O!"•-IJI• ... , ftMtt~l";f'l•Nu ,..t~ 11 ooo epent .::mrnn ...... rr.-.· l"'ll\IV\. ~ '4900/b~t 01; '31-1271. 1111 IUtlllU Ht11>« Blvd. e Fllr Or. 'et Englllh FMd Conlna, lflUll ..... In Cotta ~ 111n1 runntno cond New M•lll "'"1 IMMSOO 6*-1467 upt1o1 a pllnt. S925 Loededl lconomic.t d.... ... ~ 9., 1-9181. 87~838 Aek Ml pow91'1 Handeome ..... '' r99•-... -~~ ~~~~ M '79 Grtnada. 2 dr. 8 CY1 OILY •41111 =·~~~ 1u10. Air, 9rulM cont. .. ... •nnltt dltlonlng ~ wtn- )(lnt. '5250 1159-015• Dow/Quall Sta. dOWI, tlit wheel, ONlee ·74 MUSTANG 2 pk.I• 2. NEWPORT BEACH ·control. tu-tone pelnt. nw/1.t..palnt, Ur•. ........ 11.y CIMnl Flnllnclng 11795. 842-73e4 . Avallable. (074RUW) ,, ......... a magnon ~!~ .......... !lj! ....... .,.... '72 Capri, new ang. b<lll. Crul•. Tift.. Pffl, .. P/L, t gd Urn, Int. Mutt NII A/C. Tape Am/Fm It• , 11400 7111·11227 Klfl reo. Wire wn.lt, low pont•~c;f'l .. .iutl 11177 Lincoln ConllMnltl, mllel. 18750. Call Ken 19 Mii U "8111 81111" 1pecl1I tdll. Oontnu., 117'-4200 Harb« 81Yd.@ Fllr Or. 18500 842-4111 '811 Cuti.... Aunt grMI. In Cotti Meta • rl t IH GrMI tral\tp0f11on cer 11-49-4300 649-1457 .• ~!! .. ~.............. S400, 1119•13e3 rtw•Ml-1 m1 '74 M•Yerick 2dr, 78K ml, 'll ... ..., •••••••••••••••••••••• clMn. $2150, 4 door. kMlcled, s5700. 811 T·Blrd, 2 dr., good 842-70541 •94-7224 condition, wlH be. a.. • HI .ic 1111a. H2-eoee •• !!~!~•••••••••••••• '74 Cuti .... Salon. Lan· '111 T-Blrd xlnt cond ---liiiiilliiililiiilirill dtu top, xlnt cond., new 12150 .:__1 ~ · '73 COUGAR )(R7. lo Urn/ braket. Of .... .,. ... mli.tge. A/C AM/AA. 12000/080. brwn/ltn, 645-3933 >Ont transportlllon car. 84S-02111 '53 T -Bird, Immaculate, 111100 845-0880, •81 ,. .. 11 Su eme muat NII. Aeduced to 751--0531 "" ... Pf 13,750 75f..1114 ~~~~~~~ Brougham d... loeded.1-------· = elec: moonrool, Y9l'Y 84 eom.1, Wirf clMn. n.w good lull ml. Tth ~ CIMIH!ed Ada 1142-5178 Ur•. radlllM. blll. 1700 p1ymen1t. Call 831-1325 A ,,, UIH - 080. 84.4-90111 -111 llPM. ••'-••••••••••••••••••• •••I••• Hll ·a 1 Old• 0et11 ea Broug- •• • ••• ·•· •• •• ••• • ••• •• ham. d.,, k>ac:IM. Uk• NABERS 78 Ford Mu1tang v.e. n.w. IMH. 848-6440 .. ~,':: ':i11 h•:n::O,.,:; """ "" CADILLAC cond I Ur• &o 000 IN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~:s:':o~2<:2 °" _. '11 "::'..:-' CLEARANCE '85 Mu.I llfMn/blue 2 dr .\utomatlc ll~. SALEf 12600 080 llr oondltlonlno. onty 49, 714189<4-ttoe 100 mllte. !xlrt oleanl 1 Fw jl~ Ad [1i-ii0il AO-VISOR I I '°\I ----==84==2·==118==78=~1 pontiac /Du ~.~t~11.~.~••••••!.~et1 ~.~~~·1.!'!! ...... ~~1 ~.~t ... 1.!'!! ...... !.~!fl ~-~~'!1.!'!! ••.•.• ~ff ~.'.'!,.'1.!'.'! •••••• !.~!9 H11~ =• t:: Dr 1979 MllCIDH llNZ JOOO "IUNIOOP" (735WDO) '17,495 AN AMERICAN TRADITION SINCE 1908 HAny Car Dealer can promise you low prices. JOHNSON & SON has been giving Southern Californians low prices and the fine t quality personal service for many year . Come in and we will help you select your new or used automobile." 1982 CONTINENTAL CLEAN SWEEP 8 500 Unde·r Invoice Large selection of Continentals Include: 36/36 Free Full Maintenance and Warranties ~11-4300 11-49-14117 '11 N'Tt OELU)(E MODEL· 4 epeed, '3200 17,000 ml 1162-2730 '78 Uflbec*. auto. w. pit. p/b, xlnt. $2200. 873-382e '71 FOf'd Pinto/Wagon. Runt a looltt good, ,... cond. enoiM. I 1400 080. 813-1299 ()( 84&-430e 1979 CADILLAC llDAN DIYILLI "AITIOROOP" (Ol1XNZ) 18995 1911 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI D'ILIOANCI (1DFH731) s12,995 !Jl'!!f~.~ ........ 11.ff 19IO CADfUAC 1tll PLYIHITI ILDORADO COU" ~ (902217) ~~ s12,995 trantmltalon. (079RXK). llLY 12111 ..... ........ 18711 8Md'I Btvd. Huntington 8Mctl MJ-1111 ·10 Dut1er, orig. owner, e cyl, aulO, llr, pwr ttMf, dltc bru•. N.w tlr•, balllfY, ttar1er, carb. radlttOf. Cleen. 11096. 845-51117 '70 Sport Fury, rune good. ttweo. c:le9' title. S350/best ofr 900-0879 '72 Valiant. '3000 H9ada 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD la~COUPI "A51"10100P" (1CRR592} s14,995 1911 CADILLAC SIYILLI "fACJOH ~TONI" (e89179) $16,995 wortl. Laallt o.y. 1979 CADILLAC 833"11281• e-ILDORADO COUPI 790-11117 (280X80) r~'h! .......... ~f s11,·995 85 Pont '400. Auna grMI, and body't ttralght. ~72 '15 Pont. C.tallna conv. NA~ Aunt well, od tlt9a, 109. hOO. 644-Tto2 Ev CADILL '87 OTO oln rblt mtr 32: .,HAMOR .._VO. 000 ml. New brtl-. ctutctl, radlelt, lhodct, em1 tml OITA ••A "'' 4 epd. 18 mlper. 11• 540-1860 100 obo, 3028 KMl)'btoc* C.M. M5-28311 ~· rou · AU!BOllllD l!OCJI · BIDUCJ!IOB . SALi ,_. •ILD ., ..... ,. •••AT ldtlm -,_ ... , . .-,.~._, __ ,., .... -.1 I I.,_ llNI -MUllll • ,_ n•• •MIT ~ ...... ----·---···· M :-.::r .. -..~==·-=ti .... ...:. ~ 12 f AllllllT 12 CINWIA a waa 11 liUIW)A 4 .. CUMOAll.4._ 12 LTD 4 OCQ 13Ulllll PIClll IJIAlllllPIClll 13 IMID Pall IJIAlllllPDW IJ IMID Pall 12 £250 Cl.la VM 12 FlOO Pall 12 FlOO PIClW '12 fl50 PICltr '12 f250 PICltr f J50 CAI i CMSSIS AMI~ 11611 AllOll I 16'0 AM11 11'2t 151 w r.:jlim•._liiiiiiiiii 1•---.1 .... ~·--In· Sport• C1rl Rolery ~(113135~ 11111m'f .....WI 1m• ..... T .top, VS. IUIO. trlnl., Auto. trena.. cut1om loeded with all tll• paint, air cones., low pdlal. (OUN5M). mllet. (211VOX). '1595 '8996 '3995 1•1mn , ... , ... Loeded. Q"'°'9I P9fn'. •oonc1 .............. ouetom wll••I•. (104l27). . 1mmn 1 tc!~"!"l*O~ orult•, air cond. (1M78054~ 11 995 •4995 '6995 1111 .. ........ Wllll I oyl .. auto. :-.i~ AMI ... 1111 .. LT.I. .... Auto. tr1ne., POftf ... ' toclkl, """"' lltr'tO tlpe. (3MYPH~ 1m,.,. , ...... Double llec*I LMdld, T·Top, onty 37,ooo mllt.(1A&l74t~ •3995 '6395 •7995 1mlnlm ..... ~·--4• ttlftt aft · oonf., Circus • • • Anaheim Convention Center rolls out c{lrpet for show --_._. . - "·, it j _______ ... 'We don't Allow loitering. drinking or drugs. l.f someone is looking for someone, we ~If!:. IAem . , . ;, I ;;;;;; Imaatne a niehtclub where yoG're carded and turned away lf you look over 21. That'• eXKtl)' _ w~t ~PJ*» at Santa Ana'• D11r,...,...... ~ u. ,.,_ Cll'CUI Circul on Mond4J niih.._ The dance floor, Youngsters kick up their h~18 at Ciicus, Circus, the under-21 nightclub. mualc and f1aahlna 1Jcht1 are an intact., but the dominant a&e l"OUP ii teen-aeen. '"'lbll ii a IOda1 hall where ~ people go to meet other people,'' aaid MicbrieJ Del Rey, pr.ident of the apnortna Under-21 Club orpniaatlon. They have plenty of opportunlUel. 'The club ...... OM". people evwy llcmday, ~ to Der a.y, maJdnj lt hard for the lhyest penoo to nmaln llolated. . Mon people an dnlled In new wave, new mod. ..S rocbbOly ~ 8lvina the place a 60'1 look. And most come llnele • .aid 1 f.year-old Wendy N~ addlna. "lt'1 man fun." w.t t.londay, the mullc ranted from the Go-Go't to the OMh. with the ll'WP'• imtcea being f1albed on a video 1C1-een behind the dance floor. Later, a ~ new wave t.nd, the Ll&uvera, played. Del Rey dmcribed the mu.le • ''KROQ," aQd, indeed, KROQ radh> penonallty Rod::i ~otteo..-ves •DI.~ la out, ~ant ---~ &hat 9Y'el'yoDe would tmr the ~clowll·tf·1t -pla;ect. She WM only lpMldni ~ly, of coune. Del Rey iltl I d Chat be WorU with the polioe md ,· 'You're all A tone in the world. When you've got that down, the rest is easy.' 'Officer and Gentleman' not sweet lemonade By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tbe Dally Pllot Statr Amid this summer'• succession of teen-oriented escapist movies, "An Officer and a Gentleman" arrives like a stiff ahot of whlakey after end.le. servings of lemonade. There are no laaer duels, no cardboard boxing champs, no · renegade compute~ programs and no extra-terrestrials in Ulla thouehtful adult drama. The film's power comes from an intelligent ICript and glowing performances that need no ~ ottJdlt WWW t CMitlelMllf"...-. aw .. story in a fresh way. It's that old Hollywood staple, the boot camp film, played without "Private Benjamin" style hijinka. This ia the one in which a rough-Edged but good-hearted boy enliata in the service, faces physical ordeal.a at the hands of a ':1jh-as-naila drill instructor, romances one of the 1 girls and (ina.lly emerges aa a mature ready-for-anything military man. In this film. the hero is h.and90me Zack Mayo ("Mayonnaille" to hia drill instructor), portrayed by Richard Gere. Through economical flaahbacb, we learn Zack's mother oommltted suicide when he was a young uten-a,er. He then grew up in a rough section of the Philippines, where hia often abeent sailor father waa stationed. Tattooed and toughened, he baa now decided to enter the Naval Aviation Officer Candidate School in Washington state. Here we 'meet the foul-mouthed no-nonaenae drill instructor, Sgt. Foley, played by veteran character actor Louil Goaeft Jr. In a performance that's already beina mmUoned as Academy Award caliber, Goaett bring, more than stmple surface toughness to what could have been a atel'eotyped role. Gossett plays Foley aa a man who baa an Mac's 'Mirage' offers little in surprises By BARRY EBERLING Of th Dally Piiot Stan There's good or bad newt about Fleetwood Mac's "Mirage," depending on your viewpoinL . Thoee who enjoyed the raged, ~Vic plecs spftnkled lhn>JahOUt '";[\Wt" won't find them hen. 'the IOWld ia uniformly smooth and b.cked by Juab harmonies, with nothing u aurprilin1 • "1\1ak'1" title track. In fact, the one fault with "Mlnp" la that 10CM of the melodies echo ~ or)eS. Foe ~pie, Chriatlne McVle'1 "Love.In Sten'' IOUndt v.,uel)' like her evlier "Think About Me." Still, one cen't be too u~t with '18e~WOOd Mac for .returnlnc to an earlier formula: they'N ,ocxt at It and the terrltofY hasn't been ovemJned yet. Stevie Nkka, ~V&e and~~ aC"e apln IN .,OUJ>'• ~ vocaHtca aDd !Min IOnlW'rit.en. And, althoulft d'9 Mil: playa and ..... ~~·" !.~ ~... ' •...-.-"". :\':t\~·,ta'•' Lou Gossett. mean machine , unerring eye fOI' the emotional aa well aa the physical flaws in hia officer candldateti. In Mayo, he sees a loner who easily completes the camp obstacle coune but haa no interest in eslablishing friendships with hia fellow 1wdents. In one of the interesting twists of ·Qougl&J Day ~rtA,~Q5ijax <~ in _pari on ~-oWI! the offioer'a course will depend not on whether 6e can endure the phyaical rigors. but on whether he can develop the necMUl')""strength of character. Complicating hia tuk ia a romance with Paula (Debra Winger), a local paper mill worker. The naval students have been warned about such "Puget Debs" who U1e all of their charms to snare Debra Winger and Richard Gere an officer husband. Goeaett'• aterllns pttfonnance ia matched by boxing champs -must make. the equally fine acting of Gere and Mi. Winger. He la aided lmmenaeJy by the performances of The pair have that e]Ulive chemistry that sends the three atara and by excellent supporting actors spark.a flying right oft the ICJ'een. In their early such as Llaa Blount. aa an ambitious "Puget Deb," scenes together, the two exd\ange few wor,:is. But and David Keith as Sid, the tradition-minded the carnal attraction 1a never in doubt. · officer candidate she trie11 to land. 'The film's teNioo la aenerated by the invisible Puttina It all together ia the au.re-~ barrier Mayo keel* between hbmelf and the people direction of Taylor Hackford, who pulls no around him. "You're all alone in th.is world," he in presenting the physical and emottonal the tells Paula. "Whenyou'vegottbatdown, the rest la pil6"t candldatea face. (The lanauage is euy." 'iippropriately salty, and this Is not a film for thoee "I'll bet mo8t pa>ple buy that line when you easily offended.) feed it to the,n." Paula replies. Despite lta frank contemporary eex ICeJleS, "An . A few of the more melodramatic en.es that Officer and a Gentleman" baa a comfortable old- ac~enwrlter Stewart puta Mayo tbroush are fashioned 9uallty to lt. It 111Ceeeds ad.mlrably in contrived and precllctable. But overall bla ICript demonatrauna that a man isn't worthy of Io....,. praenta h1I credible examination of the moral ~ until he leaml to diaplay theae qualiles choice. that ordinary people -not •pllCe heroes or tdward othen. - • Ir . .....__ ___ ___ .... The Orange COMt College summer production OCC' 'P • ' knows how to milk a part and ii an excellent Miss g of "Promiaes, Pronu.e." S. a aa.y little show about S r 0 ml Se S Kubelik -fiery at times and \·:tlncrable at timea. ~ a lonely little guy wantina only to be loved by a With Baxter she's untouchable. but with J .D. ::> pretty girl who imilta "fll Never Fall in Love served up Wl.th class Sheldrake, the unfaithful head of the penonnel .., Again." department, she's putty. Sbe pro,...cts both moods ~ Director John Ferucca hu a9embled a cast of quite CQUlfortably. · "O players who are very -well llUtt.ed-for the task of Sheldrake ls a maJTied man who thinks the ~ what might ve~ell be the laat summer By JIMMY JOHNSON girls at the office are there for his ~easure and he's • production at the Mesa college. • Dally Pilot Feature New• Editor making the rounds, one by one <: is desp.icable, ~ Funds for this production have become scarce the kind of person who is easy to dislike. Joe "g and if attendance doesn't piqk up, the 27th show Galletta brings that character to the stage . .; could be the finale of a summer event that began The other characten ln the play blend well I back in 1956. After many promilet, Baxter finally geta a with the leads. Paul Scop as Dr. Dreyfus. Baxter's ~ "Promises, Promises" ia the story of an promotion, not becau.e of his skills or ability, but next-door neighbor, Is e xtremely funny. The _ adminisk'ative assistant who wanta to become a because he la a bachelor who can be induced to lend executives -Dave Hutchinson, Steven Sloan, g bright young executive and dine in the executive his apartment to certain department heads for a bJt Richard G. Rodgers and Rick Granger -sing and a.. dining room in order that he might be near the girl of sneaking around. · dance well. You never learn to like them because he loves. She's a waittta in the executive dining He doesn't like what he's doing, but thinks It's you've seen their type too often at the office. room. the only way to the executive dining room to be Marsha Clark and Shelly Kennerly round out C.C. Baxter, the young man with ambitions, ia near Fran Kubelik, done perfectly by Brandee the leads with outstanding efforts. played very well by Michael Jon Sims. He plays the WUliams. lt'a a nice little show with a pretty large cast. part with a touch of modesty and it comes off Miu Williams, who is making her fourth "Promises, Promises" is well worth a rouple ot pleasantly. _______________ a_p_pe_arance ___ at_OCC __ ._i._a_ski_·_u_fu_l_pe_rf_o_rm_er_._S_h_e __ h_o_u_rs_o_f_,y'-our lime -try ll, you'll lik!_i~romise. FOUtfT All WALLET FUllUITOll OIWIGf OllAa Famtly TWIO Fox AMC Oranoe Mal UA City cinema 9621248 5254747 6370340 8343911 I NO, ..... ACCOTUI '°"nut IPIOAOawNf I Trl••P• "A ••.,le el s.arl•• flleuares tll•t Y•• 11•,,e will •e.,er e•d. Te lie see• •I"'• ••ti •••I• · · · •• ,, treat!lflrettl.,, Geae • ..,,,. !Wllf:.'l't' '1'-'•" S••• ,. "'AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL It Is every bit as tender, rare, extraordinary and fulfllllng as 'E.T.', as fresh and honest as 'Dlnert. h Is one of the most gripping, suspenseful and thoroughly moving fllms I've seen this year." -AH Reed, SYNDICATE> COLUMNIST ------------------'l( Ta111. 10 Tobi• ) .... ________________ ! C.J. FISH & CO .• 16390 Plldflc Cout Highway, Huntington Beach. 848-0621. Lunch aeved from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 11 :30 a.m. to 3:30 pm. Sunday. I>lnner-aerved from 4to10 p.m. Sundaythrou6h Thur.Uy, 4to11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Lunch from $f. 7$ to $8.9,. Dinner from $7.9' to $1$:9,. Re•ervations recommended. Perpetual dieters take heart; There ia a happy solution to thoee wiahing to shed extra pounds yet still enjoy an elegant evenfnl at a fine restaurant. The d.lxriminating diner easily can select from a host of Orange Coast establlahments to meet their menu demands aa well aa waiatllne worriea. Certainly one of the simplest auggeationa would be to opt for fish or fowl over the red meat menu aelectiona. And stay away from fooda that are fried or sauteed. Or you can let restaurants like C.J. Fiah & Co. steer your culinary course with ita all-seafood menu with juat a few items tosaed into the deep-fat fryer. But at the heart of C.J. cookery la meequite wood charcoal, which broils the 1eafood aelection to flavorful perfection without adding calories. The RCret of such barbecue-style cookins. aa any backyard chef knows. is in preeerving the moisture and delicate texture of the fiah. The chefa at C.J . Flah accomplish thia feat by Ughtly basting the fish with my oil and sprinkling the meat with an almost imperceptible amount of paprika and seasoned salt. The oil glaz.e locks in the moiature and the result is fish that ahowa ita true flavor and texture. C.J . Fish is a relatively new addition to the restaurant 10ene along the Oranp Coat. opening ln October 1981. But ii. foundation ta firmly baaed in a tradition begun in 1977 in Santa Barbaria ca11ed the Enterprise F ish Co. Another Enterprise waa launched in 1979 be(ore owners Randy J. La Ferr and Michael Bank decided to continue theif southern restaurant migration. C.J . Fish is quite distinct from ita northern parenta. The owners decided to cban&e the decor from the nautical warehoulle look to one of aJ,ua. soft paatels, tiles and brua r eminbcent ot an F.as1em aeaboard establishment. The new desia:n la enhanced by ita dockside view of 9t'enic Huntirigton Harbour. The oyster bar ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT NEWEil llU~H • NOSTALGIA• COHClllTI • lllfUOIOUI l l'OfllTI • CHllotllNI• AOUU • OOCUfoUNT~lll INCLUDING THESE TITLES Targets The Big Bus Some Kind Of Hero The Endless Suminer Silent S<rffm Real life lOPEN: M-F, 10·9-SAT.10-7 -SUN, 12-& I ... *~I VIDEO . GAMES ?'-* · .. 11 "t d b "/ We started our meal with a fresh cevkhe ~ 1 Y.l. eSqUl e WOO TO I appetizer ($4.25), raw red mapper marinated in ~ lemon and Ume juice and then 8eUOJ'led wtth I tasty at C J Fl.sh cilantro, tomatoes, on1om and avocado. The citn.aa • • juice, according to manager-partner Michael ~! ~ -· · • · • • ·· -• 'l'umer, bleaches the fish and gives it a most tender By JOEL C. DON Of tlae Dail1 PUol Slaff aeafood . appetiz.en, and IOl1le are meala within thermelves. A new offerlna la called an oyster &hooter and, as its name augges1a, ia a tender oyster. floating in a shot glam filled with cocktail sauce. texture. In addition to the regular menu Items, C.J. ,, offers a aelection of fresh fish such,.. coho salmon, i5: Idaho catfish, petrale 90Je, New Zealand .ea bus ~ and local halibut. My guest, who forever watches every ounce of ~ .;z See C.J. Fish, Page 12 ~ ~ GEORGE ROY Hill film ROBIN WILLIAMS "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. MARY BETH HURT · GLENN CLOSE · JOHN UTHGOW E\('('lltl\"l'l'nlducttr PATRICK KEILEY ~\Pb)~ ~iEVE TESICH ·~ OCI th<' lli"el h) JOHN IRVING Pmduct'd "''GEORGE ROY HILL :allcl ROBERT L. CRAWFORD 111n-ck-d ~ GEORGE ROY HILL f(I , .. .. •• Mf '! •' ..., ' """ \ l.E8:i3 ~ fllOV 'tWINllt MOI "" A WA~Nf.R COMt.llJN1CA!J_9NS COMPANY \iW' • "" • ., I It lltr " .... _. ,.. . ,_.' ... l '"•Wtl•HU I It• I - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---4~--~~o_n~S_t_a_•_•~~-~,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~ Take a poliahed act.or and actre9I and one of g. Vie moat compelling dramas ever written, put them ~ on a atage with fl.rat-rate JJahting and acenery and ::> the result la1= .competent theater. : Those enta and mott are prnent in >-"Death of a Salesman" currently at the Fine Arta ~ Theater of Saddleback College in Miaion Viejo. ;£ Wayne Grace plays the lead Willy Loman as -though Arthur Miller had him ln mind when he ~ wrote the part. Grace la a regular with South Coaat i Repertory Theater in Carta Meea. ~ Jacqueline Scott, who has more years on stage I and before movie and television cameras than ahe ~ cares to admit, adds a teldom aeen depth to the role ~ of Linda Loman, Willy'• beleaguered but loving a: wife. Lighting is integral ln "Death ... Jeff Calderon, llght.ing designer. knows his hues and cues. The 90llletimes happy, often pe1nful dream 9e<1uencet of WWy wouldn't be nearly as effect1ve if not foe Calderon'• work. Wally Huntoon'• •t of IOerinl tenarttenta aa a backdrop to the simple interior ot the Loman residency is tops. 'nM! !$el and lighting work ao well one ii hardly "AIRPLANE married to HOSPITAL.". _....,...._,_...,,,_ .. . "Makes you stick out your tongue and say'Ha!'" -____ _..;. _ _, __ .......,..,... ,,.,..., 'Death of a Salesman' is poignant drama By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of Uae Dally Pilot Statr aware of the wock.lnga. That'a important. Brian Donoghue la director. Saddleback'a summer theater givea area amateurs a chance to rub ahouldera with profesaionala. While Grace and Scott are the "heavies," the performance of amateur Geoffrey Meek aa Biff Loman deserves equal billina. Biff is the son 'nearly as tormented aa dad' who llnally confronts Willy with life's realities. Meek appean comfortable handlln& the gamut of emotiona the role of Biff requires. His acting eeema natural. Stan Manning la good as the indifferent Uncle Ben, Thomas J . lU!illy plays a believable Charley and Effie Baird la convincing as 'Ille Woman. ·~···---~ OW PLAYING .. "-lllNl'loll •ClllUmM ~S.-c-tfllll• &46 7711 ~7t ~J3t COIUlllU (~C.-c.nt.. tit 4141 IL fOM ~-SldMK\ ~· !oetO *BARGAIN MATIN•••• MOflday tltna latvrday AU Pttf~ bef0te 5:00 PM ~ .. ""' . ... ......,.t I> ._,..1l, A ' • U ~ MHoOO Ot to .. c:r1111a LA MIOAOA WA lh IN tM·2400 .. M~AND A a.Nn.lllAW' ... ------- THE WOM.D ACCON:MN4iall TOGAllrtt11 ___ ,.._ '"ftOCl<V ..-...-.... ., ................ _ The re are weaknesses. Frank O'Brien, aa Wllly's nephew Bernard, nef'da to be more convincing. That's also true for David Meara as the Lomana' son Happy and Stephen Thatcher u Loman'a boss, Howard Wagner. There were mixup1 in lines opening week but that should be overcome before the Aug. 8 dos.In~. "Death of a Salesman" is not pleasant and in fact, painful, to alt through. 'there are a few chuckles but by the end It's uaually a aomber faced audience leaving the theater. Yet there is something ln one or more of the characters nearly each adult member of the audience can ldenUfy with. That's what makes the play 10 poignant. There are leaaona to be learned, aome reminders of life'a intrinsic values that can be lost sight of when caught up in the aort of life Willy lives. While the play ia aet ln an earlier time of America's strugg.les it ia every bit aa meaningful ln today' a aociety. Curtain la at 8 p .m. Tueadaya through Saturdays with a 3 p .m . ahow Sundays. Racrvatlons are available by telephoning 831 -4656. ............ ANAHEIM 01m1F IN 1_.,t1oti.-it 179·fHO "COMAN TMR~ I'll I "THI n.G" .., ....... ~ .. ,, ... ··~· BUENA PARK DRIVE IN 1.JltC-A ....... Of llllOll IZ1•4070 811f~A PA~, LINCOLN ORIVf IN 1-0111 A ... W.tl OI lr>Oll 821·4070 toll 0!•90 frwy ot --•(Sol f62·2All _..,.. __ __ "THE •IT UTTU WMOMMOUM .. TUAI" 1111 -"AU MQHT LONG"t•I (HftJt~' "LT~ 1MR IXTRA-TUIMSTillA.L" t"I -...,..., .... DON'T ..... l'\.AJD" 4"l "TMI WOlllL.D ACCON>ING TO~llll -"ARTHUR" CN I "THE ... , UTT\..I WttOM~* TUAI"'"°' "ALL MQHT LOMO"ca1 GolllNft a.-k-• - letK~IMSoOI J ci ..__•_•_•·_36_9_3 _ __,_ '1M)C«Y ... ..., -"CU ... 0# THI TITANS" 4"1 Cllll·'1IOUllO ..,., =""' ... •IMf WMICM WAY YOU CAW' .,.. C..·fltcllillO ,. . " r • ~ LA HABRA ·, ·' ~ "THl~"C'll "9'.AOll _,......(tit C1lll . " IOUllO ---"'°""° DOC~ * &.OVll" 1111 .. _..__.. ... , Cllll .. ... "THa •n urn.a WMOMMO~-TUAI" 11'1 ..,..,. -• Miii.,. • .. .., -•AU. MoHT 1.CMIG" I'll 17HIH ~ . ,. ORA NGE 1•1.'1'.1 "" M•SSION 'kl\ I ... . ..·-.· , .... , ..... ----·"'"---~---• ..... " ~--o\(_ ___ ~'n~t•_rm __ l_•_n_o_n~--)~--- Stop-Gap teams up with Sitton Home By TOM TITUS Of the DaJly Pllot Start One of the more impressive theatrical pro;ecia of 1981 was a ~roduct.ion of "The Miracle Worker" with a real blind girl plaYin8 the pivotal role of Helen Keller. AJs if to answer the unspoken question, "How do you top 10methini like that?"' the producen of that ahow .are preparing an original muaical bued on the word1, thought• ~nd experiencea of teen·asera at Ora.nae Countyft Albert Sitton Home. It'• called "When the Bouah ~· and. like "M~ Worker," it'a a project on the Stop-Ga company, a profeuional tourin1 troupe whic~ employs theatrical techniques to develop communication between the generationa and the disabled. Over the lut three yean Stop--0~~ written and perfonned over 60 short plays g with life situations faced by the elderly and the handicapped of all ages. The group performs for auch Orange County lnatitutiona aa the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Hope Center for aevei:ely retar~ youth and the Sitton Home, the county's facility for abused and neglected children. ' It's the latter group which la receivln1 , particular attention these days from Stop-Gap and its artistic director, Don Laffoon of Laguna Beach, who also staged "The Miracle Worker." For the last year, Stop-Gap has conducted drama workahops with the Sitton Home teen·agera, using improvlaatlona to deal with themea, relationships and actions that are relevant to the young people -running away, fear, anger, loneliness, peer preaure and livinl with rules. ,.. Laffoon explains it, the younasters begin the seuion by writing the end of an unfinished statement, such as: "l don't want to live with you becau.e ... " or "U you knew what I really thought, you'd . . ." The lmprovisationa are then outlined by the kids and the Stop.Gap staff and acted out. At the end of the lle8Sion, Stop-Gap's muaklan staff me mber, who haa taken the written statements, returns with the teem' worda .et to music and playa the aong. A compilation of thia material has produced "When the &ugh Breaka," which will be pre.ented Aug. 13-22 at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater in Costa Mesa. "Production of the musical will be a ahowcue for the originality and quality that Stoe-Gap brinp to Oranae County theater,"·~ Stop-Oap procram coordinator Rochelle Savin. 'It allO will UM the powerful tool of theater to educate the community about the problem• of thoae itolated throu1h emotional disability." Laffoon and b1a wife; Vlctorla Bryan (Annie Sulllvan in "The Miracle Worker"), have collaborated with musician Ron Creaser on the acrlpt, and Laffoon.ii dir«tlng. Cast membert are Rochelle Savitt, Meta·Suzanne. Lyons. June Silon, Karen Gedisaman, Jackie Kandt, Cathl Skillman, Kristin Kiefer, Robert Kn~p. Betty Young, Kie"ten Eb9en and oompoeer Creqer. A apecial benefit performance of "When the BoUl)l Sreaka'' will be performed A"llg. 12, with all prool!eda aotng to the Sitt.on Home'1 Oraneewood projl.'ct. The homP, which ii terioualy overcrowded, ia currently ralJlng funds for expenaion. Apart from giving the county facWty a helping hand, the S~Glif production of ''When t.hi Bouih Breaka' wl eerve yet anQ!her ~, according to lta apokeanen: "We hear much of the psychology of the ch1ld abuler and of tho COW\lellna ~ aval.Labr. to help rehabilitate them. uur. coumeunc. tf .ey, ti avallable to the chQclren. '"nM! mUl6cal written b)t Stos>-O_!p will , Ill~ -:-to ~hat thele lddl l,_w to •Y· ~ neeCl to - , ' .. 3> .;;.,: l .--; "' 7 ,, J! 5" -~ I l ..,.. &: ~ c.. c '< ~ ..... ...... I I N .. ~ •:• Fi:~:~ I ~ ------------------1( Currently kreenl,.. ),_...__......._ ____ --:..--..--..--------- co . ~ A LITTL.! SEXe Rated R, atan Tim Mathaon, 110Vl.eS nOW ShOWl·ng • Kate Capshaw and Edward Hemnann ln the story lY.l. 1 g of a man who tries to be faithful but finds it hard. ~The R rating ia for adult altuatlona. along Orange Coast • ANNIE: Rated PG, atan Albert Finney, Carol ~ Burnett and Alleen Quinn. The film ls based on the :g popular musical. ~ ... ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R , stars Burt ~ Lancaster as an aging, bottom-rung ex-gangster ~ who gets one last chance to make a big buck when ~ ! _____________________ ~ ~ THIS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! ''The most satisfyina mm~ the year IO far. 0 -a..rt.~, ... ucoaan•u ''Extremely faany. '' _,,__,~, wnroaa nJta "One ol the year'• sarprila!" -la ..... ,n'W~MIUOWI he happens upon a large amount of <.'OCaine, and one last chance at romance when he meets Susan Sarandon, a card dealer. Louis Malle dir't't:\.ed this bit of whimsy. written by John Guare. It's fresh. funny, and alive. The R rating is for violence and adult situations. nu , UA Mtwie HM022 COSTA MEIA ...... Tw 131-3501 fOU•TAll VAUIY ~.,.....v...., •Bli!E70MMCS'*i•+• 139·1500 ....... 1111>""'5(~ llCClltflOFM'fMISlMIMU40tf AUTHOR. AUTHOR: Rated PG, stars Al .-Pacino, Dyan Cannon. Tuesday WPld, Alan King. Bob Oishy, Bob Elliou and &y GoJlding Pacino plays a playwright who suddenly finds himself with a family of five children and no .vife It's ratcxf PG because of mature language. BAMBI: Rat.ed G , 1s the Wah OlSncy arumatt·d classk that fir..t hat the big scrt'<'n in 1942 Thu. sentimental tall' of a baby dl't:r should be a treat fm See Currently Sc!·ecning. Page• 9 ~CHEERFUL AND INGENIOUS.,. COSTA MUI OIWIGE OMIMll WUTlllMITlll Edwards South CAty Cen1er Pacific"s Ora11Qe Duve In UA Mall Coast Plaza 634 9282 558 7022 893 0546 5'C8 2711 MCHAUUACCIPUO fOUlfTAJlt YAU£Y Faintly TWiii 982 1248 '°" rtut OIGAO....-r With Burt&Dolly tltU 11tadl lbn jut coaldn 't belqal/ -.:I!> -----------------"4E Currenlly ,.,,..,,,,,. )-~-= · ! From Page 8 youngsters l)f today. just as it was years ago. BLADE RUNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, F.ctward James Olmos and RutfZ«'r HaU<'r Harrison is a police ''blade runner" in Los Angeles in 2019. His assignment is to hunt genetically ~nginecred human replicants who bolt from slavery and caUS<' problems It's rated R for bloody violent'(' . . BODY HEAT: Rated R. starring William Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme fatale This sexy. devious mystery 1.akes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cafes order iced teas two at a time. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan as an homage to film noir, the R rating comes from brief nudity, salty language and a general air of sll'am.ness. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and Ian Charleson as runners in the 1924 Olympiad. who run ra<'E.'9 for daffc.•rt•nt reasons but manage to wm JUSl the same The PG ra1ing must be for its lofty theme'!>; there is no nudity, no violenc't' and very little offensive language CONAN THE BARBARIAN: Rated R, stars Arnold Schwarienegger as the muscle-bound Conan, a pagan warrior who seeks revenge against the other pagans who killed his mother and father. Dire<-ted by John Milius. The R rating is for violence and sex. DAS BOOT: Rated R, is a German-made tale of the crew working in bru\al ooodJtions aboard a Nazi submarine ln World War ll. The film •tars Jurgen Prochnow and Klaus Wennemann. The R rating is for violence. DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG, l'tara S~e Martin in a •poof on the detective films, of the 405 and 50s. Intercut with the film att DAil Y 12:30, 1:00, 5::30, l!CIO, 10!20 ("01 "SUMMER LOVERS" SS-lft • TRACK DOLaY 8Tr"l!O ET. T1tt &XT1lA· Im • • fiallUTIUAJ. ·~••fll~I "'(fU4111f DAal Y 1:15, ~ t:OO, ~. 10-M (PQ) '"MfDl'JtS or THI LOST AltlC'" fNI DAILY 1:11, .._ ,.... _WIUJ .... "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO QAftP" ~ .. ~~· • DM.Yt:tt.4ki0 .1 .... "9(11) "guest" appearances by Bogart, Lana Turner, Pl"Ol'DOlina Youni author who pens a sr-t my.ttty. § Veronica Lake, Bette Davia and Burt Lancuter. 'the PG iatlna ts for violence. ~ This PG rating ia for adult humor. J EVIL UNDER THE SUN: Rat.eel PG, st.an DEATHTEAP: Rated PG, stars Chriltophel" Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Sylvia Miles, James .•• Reeve, Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon in a clever ~ murder mystery about a washed up writer and a ~ CwTently Screening, Page 10 edwards cinemas .. .,.. r-rt w .l rch N f W PORT ~ ,.IWl'<iR l • fNlfRNLARl'At C.OA SIHWY 644-07LO L. 8 1 IWft N JAMllORll & 111•<.AR IHUR 0 HDRYWM<&.a "NIGHT SHIFT" OM.Ya., ... ........ (II) ''They're here." POLTERGEIST..!! -~ "THE WORLD ACCORDING TOGARr' DM.Ya..4:11. 7:11, .. (JI, WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY • ct w .i r c1 • H I\ I~ R 0 R T W I N "ARO<Jh 8•JUl l VIJ4(J A I Wll ',AJN COSIA MISA HAAR&SON FOAO A-\Dlf lfUlflfVI ,.... 1111 IAT/IUN.. .... a:11 ROCKYm 631-3501 ... co O> I\) • I I I - ---~-~----~~~=====~~·-~· ~ ··-·· -------- • .. lO . i ~ g ~ ::J -, i ualllE" 'C ~ i i "DIVA., (R) 1 ~ -''111• , .... 0 if leoten •• UY•" --- :iio=~ ... --------...;,_-\C C.rrenfly, icr••n"'9 )~------------ Call 642·5'71 and a friendly act.visor wtn help you turn r.our wtleels ntocash. From Page 9 MMOn and Diana RJa in Aaatha Chria&ie'a tale of murder and intrigue. The PG rating I.a for adult situations. ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R, stars Christopher George, Franco Nero and Suaan Geor~ in a tale of martial arts and vengeance. The R rauna Is for violence. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, atara Henry Tbornaa. Dee Wallace, Robert • MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. Thia highly acclaimed aclence-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer apace. Thia family film has been touted as one of the beat in years. Radner I.a the only one who beUeve. hia claiml that he'• Innocent. lt'a ra\ed PG because of some violence, aex and t.d languqe. MISSING: Rated PG, stars Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek as a man and his daughter-in-law who tearch for his missing son. The events are based on a true story in whkb a young American who was apparently allowed to be killed in a Latin American country by forces friendly with the U.S . Government. The PG ratinl is for adult situations. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG. stars Henry Fonda and Kathanne Hepburn as an aging couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she's intennin.ably cheerful. They bicker politely until the arrival of their daugtiter (Jane Fonda). her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and his 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for language. FIREFOX: Rated PG. stars Clint Eastwood (who la also director and producer). Freddie Jones, David Huffman. Warren Clarke, Ronald Lacey and Kenneth Colley. Eastwood Is an American pilot -------------------who tries to steal Russia's top secret superjet and fly POLTERGEIST: Rated PG. stars Jobetb Williams and Beatrice Straight In a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg: the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suapen.ae. "'Firefox' it one of amt Eu1wood'1 beta mo•iet. h'1 fun-with leapiag, uuhlng, 1hoo1ing, flying tpeeiaJ effeeta. n -J0£L Sl£C£L COOO MORIVINC AMDIJCA AllC·TV •• •firerox.' A t lick mu1eular lliiriller 1 liiat combine1 espioaage with teience fiction." -ltOC£R £BERT CHICAGO SV/11 TIMES OISTillMITrOI\'--~ ~ -" ~ COWIUNICAllONS OOWMY W ·---.. --Cot7~ce.uiii:· ~ '''"''''" I ll\\' 11,1111 .... ,,.,._._ --l"l1.4 .. -""'\\l[J .. ·~·ri1<1w111; "A MOVIE YOU'VE rnsTGOT TO SEE!'' -Joel Siqel Good Morning Arneriu ABC-TV It to the West. It'• rated PG because of 90l'De violence. FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R. Is a science fiction horror story set in space. The R rating la for violence. GOIN' ALL 'l'HE WAY: Rated R, is about a steamy summer and young people with "only one thing on their minds." The R rating is for adult situations and nudity. HANllY PANKY: Rated PG. stars Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, Richard Widmark and Kathleen Quinlan. In this suspeNMKX>medy, WUder II a meek architect who la accu.i of murder. ROCKY Ill: Rated PG. stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutsy Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The PG rating is for violence. STAR TREK II: Rated PG. stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. ·-~--~-.,........--------~----- .. °""'°",.. ti.-'..._. ._.... --· !Bl OODDY llUIB or !D DBI "A llVlt roa aom rrno• rosr" -•ltJ•••• NOW PLAYING --- COSTA MUA Edwards Cinema Center 979~.t141 --------1( Coming Attractfon• ),_ ____ _ Pacific Chorale ready to start 15th season with five concerts The 140-voice Pacific Chorale, largest major choral ensemble In California, wUl celebrate ita 15th anniversary 1ea1on with the praentation of five masterworks co.ncerta tn 1982-83. John Alexander, music director of the group formerly known u the Irvine Master Chorale, will conduct for the 11th c:omecutive aeuon. The crystal aeuon will open on Oct. 23 with a celebration of the 250t.h birthday of Franz Joaef Haydn. Pacific Chorale will present the ma;e.tic "Lord Nelaon Mam." Ludwig von Beethoven's "Choral Fantaay, Opua 80'' " al9o acheduled. Chriatmu with the Pacific Chorale ia planned for Dec. 10 and 11, and will include favorite carol•, Britten'• ''Ceftmony of Carols" and aeuonaJ cl .... On March 6 , the chorale will perform Berllot' maasive "Requiem" at the Las Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. The group will be joined by the Orange County Pacific Symphony and the Northridge Masterwork.a Chorale. The charm of chamber music is planned for April 9 with the Padfic Sin.gen performing Handel's virtuoeo "Dlxit Domin us," Ravel' a deliRhtful "Chantons." new worka by composer John Bigp and lighter fare. Pacific Chorale will celebrate ill fourth European concert tour (summer, 1983) in a bon voyage eeuon finale performance on May 21 at the Crystal Cathedral ln Garden Grove. The October, December and April concerts are scheduled ln Santa Ana High School Auditorium. Season brochure•, ticke t order coupons and further information may be obtained by writing or ca1li.na the Pacific Chorale, P.O. Sox 1891, Santa Ana, Ca., 92701; (714) M2-1790. :.-,. ---~ • I ~ : . ~.~ ,..--~ • • ._ ........... _ -4!- FIND Y<U NAP.I: W11 2 tickets worth sis Anaheim Convention Center: Thursday, August 5 through Monday, August 16 long Beach Arena: Wednesday. August 18 through Sunday, August 22 TICKETS available at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus locations and at at( Tlcketron outlets. FOi' mo<e circus lnformahon. caJI (213) ...... ()( (714) -·~ .. 9 Winner• In today'a Claaattt-d1I IT'S EASY! Find your name and address in today's classified section. then call 142-5171 Ext. 272 to claim your tickets. Winners each day, so check the classifieds In the .. Daily Pilat The Saddleback Company Theatre Presents A SUMMER OF AMERICANA fifth Season 1982 DEATH of a SALESMAN by Arthur Miiier Directed by Brian Donoghue Winner of both the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. WAYNE GRACE Starring JAC(/IELllE SCOTT July, 22 through August 8 (Except Mondays) Tuesday-Saturday, 8 p.m. curtain . . '. , , I ' I It ( Wlrat'~.Happenln• ),..---------------i ... Now that Steve Skahill of Newport Beach baa 1\ Te 0 t • • • 0 won national recognition for bit jazz muaic 1 y I wp r JOZZ musician t'"> ~. maybe eomeone will notice him other ~ than the 1-rltooe axopbooe pla • • • d ~ Theaaxplayersareboundto~Skahill becau.e wins lf!J]Jresszve awar >. h1I award-winning ~t of Benny GoJ.on's f blue.y "Whllper Rot" featured the inltrument. lL 0 Baritcne ax players don't get many chances to ~play, ao I gave them a aolo~XS,lalned the "6 20-yeer-old music student who y graduated i from Golden West College in Huntiggton Beach. 1 Skabill won an outatandlng performance designation for the arrangement in the June edition ~ of :Downbeat Magazine, the national jazz music 0 magazine, 'The award ln the national competition ~ WU tantamount to a eecond-place flniah. Considering the winner of the collegiate competition was a 24-year-old student at the prestigious FMtman School of Music in New York, Skahill was more than pleased with the result. Now the question is whether the recognition will do him much good. Skahlll ia trying to gain admittance to Cal State Long Beach'• mutic program as a composition major. Jazz bl his specialty, he says, "but I'm interested in getting into the claaical end of writing." His immediate problem: The jazz ancfoompoeition pl'08J8JD9 are aepuate at Long Beech and despite hia obvious k:mck for the jazzy stuff. hia admittance will be t..ed on his cJasakaJ skilla. In other words, Buie takes a back seat to Beethoven in dlil leque. Skahill ia a trumpet player. He work.a part-time at John Llndlon' new ~Music Co. lhop in Irvine, and h1a goal is to become a performer and writer. His ma)lr infiuenoe, he'll tell you. isn't aome famous but far-off musician whose atyle he'• emulated from worn old al.burns but the man who has taught him the lut few years, Golden West inatrud« Tom Kubis. "I owe a lot of credlt to him." said Skahill. "He'• a very talented penon." A sax player, Kubis plays as a backup musician for Helen Reddy, has been a band leader for Quincy Jones and perfonna on fall Sundays in the Rams' Banet. Silverfem ... A short and pant vou'll find vou can't live without .. use It to ploy hard or jCJst to lounge Available In 14 colors. By GLENN SCO'M' ot Uae Dally Pilot Stan "He abo plays in all the good gig.s out in Disneyland," says Skahill. With Kubis' help, Skahill has improved both h1a musk aa well u writina and arranging talents. And to prove that h1a arranging award wasn't a Duke, he hu a doz.en other arrangements on the market. If and when he g6ta th.rough Long Bekh's program, he could have many more. Trouble ls, who wanta to buy a Beethoven piece with a baritone U.X IOJo'! C.J. Fish & Co .... From Page 5 fat or starch to touch her palate, choee the local halibut ($10.9~). Dinnen come with a choice of two items from a list including potato romano, rice pilaf, lteak fries, cole alaw and teaed salad. She opted for the aa1ad and IOme tomato slioes -traditional dieter'• fare. I aatid:ied my love of swordfish ($12.~) and C.J. didn't dlaappoint me with a generous portion of this eeafood delight. Both of our entrees were atnaz1naly moist and cooked just the way all of us would llke a p(ece of. barbecued fish. One-man art show set Kwok Wai Lau, an absU'act artist, will be featured in a one.man show at the new John8on Galleriet ln Laguna Beach. bePmina Aug. 17. His works will be exhibited at~ new gallery, located at l!WO South Coast Hlghway. The pllery, owned by Faith Joh.man Strona. will al8o leature the works of local artists oo the top floor. - .. from New Zealand ~~~ ~FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · ,(714) 644·7030 Steve SkahiD is a man with a horn. Disneyland lowers prices for Orange County residents Dlan'eyland ii offering Orange County residents the opportuntty to purchaae a reduced-price "summer night pHtport" to Disneyland aood throu8h Sept. l l. 'fhe pusport will entitle guesta to unlimited uae of all Magic Kingdom attractions (except shooting galleries), aa well •• nighttime entertainmeoi. including the Main Street Electrical Parade. With proof of Orange County residency, the pasaport can be purchaaed for $9 by adults; $7 .50 for juniors aaed 12-17; and $6 for children ..red 3-11. l>reviously purchued Dianeyland "A" th.rough "E" coupons may not be redeemed toward the sununer nlght pusport. however. Besides nlghtly performances of the Main Street Electrical Parade at 8;50 and 11 p .m., perfonnen appearing at the park fncltade Count Basie and his orchestra, Aug. 9-14; Les Brown and his Band ot Renown, Aug. 22-28 and the Buddy Rich Band, Sept. 5-11. . A1lo appearing are Frankie Avalon, July 26-30; the Pointer Siateai, Aug. 9-13 and Paul Revere and the Balden. Aug. 16-20. · Park hours through Sept. 11 will remain 9 a.m. to mldnJcht Sl.lndaya through Fridays and 9 a.m. to l 8.m. OD Saturdays, r---~----------_._-~---, I I I I I I I I CONTROL STRESS-TENSION WEIGHT, SMOKING, PHOBIAS (7 J 4l 964-8879 •FREE ~ONSUL T ATION• NEW LIFE HYPNOSIS CENTER 21062 Brootmurst # f06, H.B. L~-----~~~~--~----~---J ------.. ·- -------------------aC Dlver•lon• )'--------------------~ What 's ha • ( · "THE GAZEBO," a bomiddal comedy, ii playing at i '1'1111 MEDDLER -Jo Anne Worley will !Kar as Dolly GaIJagher Levi in the Long Beach Civic Light Opera's production of "Hello, Dolly!," begjnni.ng Saturday night and runrWJg through Aug. 15. It will be the final show of the 33rd aeason and will be staged in the beautiful TerrtK"e Theater of the Long Beach Convention Center. UC/ offers film festival during month of August UC Irvine Committee for Arts will 1pon10r a eeries of films throughout August, to be ICreened at 8 p.m. in U>e Science Lecture Hall. Ad.mission is $2. The .erles includes: Aug. 6 -"Semi·Touah" with Burt Reynolds, Jill Clayburgh and Kris IGistoffenlOn. Aug. 11 -"The Spy Who Loved Me," a James Bond flick with Roger Moore. Aug. 13 -·~e." one of the first movies ahowina 101 ways to demou.h a hJih 8Chool prom. The Brian De Palma film etan St..y Spacek aa the not·IO-diarming girl down the llreet, , Aug. 19 -'"l'be Pink Panther Strikes Again," more yuk-yuka from celluJokl gen!.-Peter Sellen. Aug. 24 -"200~ Odymey," the ultimate trip for .0-fi a . 1ile template for many 1pecjal effecta of the '70. and 'SO.. · Aug. 26 -"Sleeper," a Woody Allen voyase lnto future ahock with a little 8Chlock thrown in for good l'Dl!!MW'e. For more information on the 1erle1, call 833-6379. Every Sunday • -• • ... .i .............. ., ppenzng the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at. t Yorktown Avenue In the Seacllff Village shopping ~ along Orange Coast center. Curtain ii 8:30 Fridays and Satw'days throucb ~ Aug. 28. Raervationa 847.+I&. o. ~ "GIDRGE M," the life and times of George M. ·~ -PLAYS-------------Cohan. oontinuea at Sebutian'a Weat Dinner Playhoume, :i 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. The musical plays Tue.days ~ "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," the Arthur Mlller drama, ia being presented by the Saddleback Company Theater at Saddleback College in Ml11lon Viejo. Performances att tonight, Saturday and Wednelday throuih Saturday of next w~k at 8 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. RaervatJona 831-46!16. "TiiE DRUNK.ARD," an old-time melodrama, is on stage at ~ We9tmlns1er Community Tileater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster Curtain la 8:30 p.m Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 7 Reservations 995-4113. through ThW"ldays at 8: 15, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:45 ::< and Sundays at I :30 and 7:45. ReeervatiQna 492·9950. c.. c "OKLAHOMA," the Rodgers and Hammerstein '< mwuca.l. runa through Aug. 22 at the CUrtain Call Dinner ~ Theater, 690 El~ Real. TuaUn. CUrtain t.unes vary • nightly eXL'ept Mondays. Reservations 838-1540. r0 ''PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM," a Woody Allen comedy, d~ this weekend at the PatJo Theater of Golder) Weat See Diversions, Page 14 CID "' ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Albertson's • Bank of America• Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash· n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione'• • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady• Swensen's • 2701 Hllbor Btwt. • (Harbor I Adams) Ca.ta ,._.., CA _, • • ,. - It.:. "l ---_____ .... ..._. __ ---·--, _____ ·- ~~----------------------------------"'"'c ______ 111vi ___ ._,_._,o_n_• ____ .....,)~--------------------------------------- ~ From f'age 13 g CoUeae ln Huntinc'M ee.ch. Perlonnancee are tonight and g.turday at U5. Relervationa 8!>4-6070.. 1!-:1 .., "PROMISES, PROMISES," the Orange Cout ,,; Co1Je8e aummer musical, continueti lta run ln the CX::C ~ auditorium, Coeta Mesa, playing Thundaya lhrou1h 't: Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Aug. 7. Retlervationa 556-5527. LL i "SUGAR," a mUlical inspired by the movie "Some 'l> Uke It Hot.," la runn.i.na through Sept. 5 at the Harlequin i Dinner Playhou8e, 3:W>3 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. ~ Performance Umea vary nightly except Monday• G> Re.ervations 979-5511. ~ -"THORNHILL." fhe world premiere of a new £ drama, la on It.age at the i...,una Moulton Playhou8e, 606 0:: Lquna Canyon Roed. Lquna Beach. Curtain la 8 p.m. Wedneada:ya tbrou1h Saturday• until Aus. 14. Raervationl 4!>4-0743. . --ART-------------- RECEPTION FOR EMERGING NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ARTISTS la 7-9 p.m. Aug. 6 at 0ranae County Center· for Contemporary Art, 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd.. Spece 111, Santa Ana. lnformallon ~9-41>89. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CERAMICS SHOW Opel"ll Aug. 7 at nne Arta Gallery, 384 F'orest Ave., Suite 16, Laguna Beach. Gallery houn 11 a .m.-5 p.m. Wedne9day-Sunday. "CHINESE ART T'ANG TO CHING" la at Bowen Mu.ewn, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, throulch Sept. 26. Muaewn houn 10 a.m.~ p.m. Tuellday-Satw.day and noon-& p.m. Sunday. Mm•PkJn by donadan. CIULDREN'S HANDS-ON SCIENCE EXHIBlT ii at M~ of North Onnp <:ounty, 301 N. Pomona Ave., 1\&l.lerton, throuab Sept. 12. Gallery houri 10 a.m.-3 p.m.. 1\aday-1'tiday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sa~ and noon-& p.m. Sunday. M-""m by donation. Incl 2& ldence-<lriented ~ta. -ETC.------ "1'82/82," the trade ahow about trade lhowa, ii at Anaheim Convention Center Mon.day throug-b Wedne.day. Supplien. Including exhiblt daignen and bulJden, t.ranaportation 1peclallsta. aervlce contnceon, See Diversions, Page 15 0 . . ; __ DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE NOW PLAYING --.. ______ ..__ DANCIN' IS ENTRANCIN' AND BOB FOSSE HAS SCORED AGA/Nf' ftobeft a..,.. W4BC-TV DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family CHARGf BY PltONf RANlMJES FEAn.atG 10 llTOMTIOfW. ltUTUMTS 213/462-3104 4881 BIRCH 955-2484 ~~~~~~~~·ijjiji~~~· NEWPORT BEACH Comer ot von Kannan NOW ON STAGE DONALD O'CONNOR ~Tldebtr,._: Clll) 480-6488 or 487-4181 Tldlla at 1k lu lfficc w Tlclet,.. '"" Sela: (!tJ) •mt l I)\ AN c. f lt') (I I I' ... ' l) .... f "f\ BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN! ( ~Iden ~ -~i§ ~H....;> Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes Lunch Dinner Dally • FOOd To TMe Out 4711 c ....... OUMel 750.7171 • 7S0.50tl ztJltt.rt..r~ ..... COSfAMISA . ...... . '42·7142 • Ul·ttll CALABASH LANDING nt L n" *""' Ottta .... 142·1111 In Von'1 Shopping Ctr. ,,,.. .. .,.,,,, 11/INTY FLYERS LOST AlllELIS THE SIAPPERS For Dine Out Advertising And Info Call · Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 269 I I t ---- ----------------------------------"~~----0 __ 1v_._,_._10_1r1 _____ )~~;----------------~--~~~~~~- From Page 14 audio-visual equipment manulacturers, phocotJraphera and such to pal'1idpate. DOLL SHOW AND SALE is 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Aug. 6 and 10 a.m.-~ p.m. Aug. 7 at ~r'1 Quilt Shop, 2701 Harbor Blvd , Mesa Verde Center, Costa Meu Admission free. CHILDREN'S SUMMER WORKSHOP IN ACTING AND PLAYMAKI.NG for ages 6-14 II offered by the Young Conlervatory at South Coast Repertory Tileater, ti:>:> 'l'own Center Drive, Co11.a Mesa. lnformauon 976--2602. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL with Flamenco dancers, Scottiah J>lpers and mimel I.a at ~ Beach Convention Center 1 Terrace Theater Plaza, 300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, Aug. 14 and 15 Adml.ssion $3 lnfonnation (213) 438-4440. -MUSIC--,------""-- COMPUTER JAZZ GROUP, Amber Route, perfonns at 8 p.m. Aug. 6 and 7 at NewPort Harbor Art Muaewn. 8~ San Clemente Drive, Newport ae.ch. Member acimlwi,., M, 1tudent1 $3, non-members $5. DIXIELAND l]luaic II performed at New Orleana Jazz Club of Southern California 1:30-7 p.m. fl.nit Sunday each month at Elks Lodge, 4101 E. WWow St., Long Beach. Muaidana Day Open Jam featured thiJ Sunday. Dance Door; dre. casual. Donation $2. TWO FRENCH OPERAS. "Darda.nut" and the comic opera "RoblnlOn Cruaoe," are performed at Gem See Diversions, Page 16 {) ;JOINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE --lpl . Canf•se rm eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASIO Wf 'lfMilSI JOI COOO CIHlffSf f 000 WNCMIS • IMNNdS • 110fllCAl COCITAM.S . ~ . IAllUn FAOUTIU • ... cAllltNG * FOOD TO GO · . .,.,om "'' ..... '"='' HJ.ti II 961-IOIO Now Open • · mour New Location. 880 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach Lunch-Monday through Friday Dinner and Late Night Supper - Monday through Saturday Aeservations(714) 72Q..1800 complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :0 0 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or salad and one or these en1rees Fenuclnl "Nep1une" The Weight watche r -broiled. freshly Ground Beef country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips • omelette du Jour ... plus your choice of dessert Including ~agen Dazs Ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a scleaton Of bcVerages from cotree. tea. teed lea. mllk or Sanka. - • J • , I I -r t ~ •. ! ' I , If -____ __.._ ___ ....... --aa:w • -...:::X-; ----------·-........ ,..,- ~===================================~t: Olve,..loru )~~~~--~--~--~~~~~~~~~- ! From PlllJf! l~ Barranca Parkway and Lake Road, Irvine. Irvine -SINGLES 0 Theater, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove, Saturday Symphon~ ~ perfonm "H.M.8. Plnaton" with ----------- (1) ..,_,...,. •·-29 P1rt by Gem~ Pu-PldtJc M Chorale and UC Irvine Alumni Qorw PD>.PLE SAMPLERS, apc>n8C)nd by Man-Women --· ~· • onnani:. ...,_. ...--thil Monday. Inatltute, la at 8 ..._,.,. .a. ..... I ln Inn At 1be Park, 1855 8 . -3' and live daran fnxn Dame Al1a Theater of IAcuna --• -..., Hilla. Nfm"""km $2. lnfonnadcm 838-7213. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Profnalonally-de1l1ned 1•t-acquainted activities included In •12 admiaalon. : JAZZ DRUMMER LOUIE BELLSON and the FINLANDIA TRIO perfonna at La1una Beach InfotmaUm 984-5670. :'g Whlapen vocal FOUP open Sunday for a week at Summer .MUlic Festival at 8 toniCht ln ArUata' ~t.er. "BEING SINGLE -IDENTIFYING nm GAMES" u. Disneyland. 6~ Park Aw., Lacuna Beech. Pncran featuree Brablm' I.I dla.-\mlon t......u. for Center Club g1ft .. 1-at 5 p.m. Piano Trio ln C. ~·Plano Trio ln A minor and ..._ .. ...-i Sbostakovidh'• "Seven Poem by Alexander Blok" for Saturday at Advanced Health Center, 1300 Brislol St. -0 FREE SUMMER OONCERTS an at 7:30 p.m. every North, Newport Beach. Admlulon U . Information I ;M=o=nda~y~m~A=u===';a~t=W~ood:=:::b=ri===•=V=illa::=·:::Ce=n=t.e='=·==IOP'WX>=====and==pana====trio==.a..rv.=====dcrll===41M-61===l=l=. ========l3=l=-l=M=7=·================:;iiiJ=li~====:;- ~ (or jut li1ten) MIOO~ \\11?1 A journey th.rou6li your favorite 18800 MacArdtur Bou/eYard .(714)· 1.U-4111 .. ol ti.. her pmiy Coupon good through Sepremlwt 2 19fl2 Coupon ol no redeotmable monetary valuot M1!y noc be uK'd Inc~~ odlft diteount offtm. I fs the best dining deal in town! Simply bring the coupon fo any Big YellOVJ House, any day of the week, and every.adult member of your party will dine for only $5.50 (kids even less). That's a full donar off our regular dinner price! And what a dinner it js ... with seconds, thirds ... even fourths and fifths on the house! We always seive t\VO delicious entrees: our famous fried chicken, plus another that varies from day to day: beef ribs with barbecue sauce.. roast beef, tJi-tlp steak . pork chops with stuffing, and so on. There·s also a tureen of steaming soup, a crisp garden salad. vegetables, mashed pomtoes and gravy. and plenty of hot cornbread and honey butter. Save again and again! ; When you give this coupon to your waitress, she'll give .each aduh member of YQUr party another dollar-off coupon tor the nm visit And 1hlCe thls offer Is good onJy through September 2, yqu'd better hul'.fY on In. The sooner you start. the ~ Hrna you can saw. • • Oler~~ ~ber2, 1982 . ~ ·~~!!~~~use Saturday. 4·10 pm; Sunday. 3·9 pm: Sunday Brunch.10 am·2 pm. ... -·- J& --__ j_ __ ---.. ---·-=---------·~-----· "---· ----------------~ / Fantasy ... Little Drew • • • Simmons • • • .. TV Antenna, Page 3 Letters, Page 27 Inside TV, Page 28 •July 30 -Aug. 5• ()I\.\:'\( J: ( :< ).\S·1··s \H )S'J' ( ( J\lJ>Li':'Il: ll:I,l·:\'ISIC)~ \L\( ;.\Zl\:I·: Hee Haw ... Country variety show starts 14th season in the fall I r g b ;, , ~ ,, "C u.. ·-· ---·- ~-------~ ~ AMC-JEEP ORANGE ·coAST AMC-JEEP-IEMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLBACI IMW jSUIARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADiLLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 - DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove. Street NeWJ)ort Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODOll ROllNS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa # 642-00 I 0 -54M2 I I ___ r ,a_. LINCOLN-MERCURY JOI INION 11 ION UMCO~Y 2626 Hart>Or Siva. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UMCOLN-M&CURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-051 I MAIDA PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI ClttC~IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. . Newport Beach -=-67WtOO i. • -~ MBSTER PORSCHE-AUDI·._ .. 13631 Harbor Blvd. · Gal'Qen Grove -63'-!ZJJ.3 ~ . SAAB TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 . . MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. , Huntington Beach 847455£ llilJPillt MAINOFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mail address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642...:nl TV Antenna ......... ~··············································· Page 3 l.ntddr TV ............................................................ Pap 28 lllytilne Scbf!d~ ................................................ Page 4 Sparta Hl/lbUllbfll ................................................. Pap 6 ~~ .. ::::::-.:::-.:::::::::::::::::::·:.::::::·:.:::::···::;, &tum with .... to ··························~··················· Pap" ~ .. ~ ... ·:.-.:~::::·:.:::::·:.:·:.-.:~·:.:::·:.:::::::::::::::::· ~ ~ TV~ ........................................................... Pap27 Word~ ........................................................ ~27 ( Channel• ) 9KNXTCC8S) 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Aniel4!s. Ca. 8KNBC<N8C) 3000 W. Alameda Ave .. Burbank. Ca. • KTLA (Ind. l S800 W. Swlset Blvd., Los Anaelea, Ca •KABCCABCI 4151 Prospect Ave .• Los Angeles, ca <Bl KFMB CCBS > 7677 Eoaineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca. fJ KHJ·TV Clnd.) 5515 Melrol5eAve<LL9e Anaeles, ca. ( 101 KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd .• San Dleao. Ca. • KTTV Clod. l 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los An1eles, Ca e KCOP-TV c Ind. l 915 N La Brea Ave .. Los A.naelea, Ca <24> CBS Cable Qt KCET (PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los AnJteles, Ca. 9KOCE cPBSl 15744 Golden West St , Huntington Beach COJ On-TV 1139 Grand CentraJ Ave . Glendale. Ca CZI Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave .. Santa Monica. Ca. (H) HBO . Time-We Bldg .. Rockefeller Cenwr, N.Y .. N. Y <C> Cinemax Time-Ure Bldg., Rockefe ller Center. N.Y . N.Y. IJ<WOR> N.Y.,N.V. 011 cwres1 Atlanta. Ga. <E> ESPN <L> Select CSI Showtime IS> Spotlight CCI !Cable News Network> Coast TV Antenna 'Fantasy' something new in game shows By PBD. SNEIDERMAN or .. .,..,,... .... Got a favorite fantasy? Well, IOl1le people at NBC may be willing to - make it come true. Now, before you get carried away, keep in mind that the.e fantasies have to be in good taste. No, better make that within the limlta of what can be shown on daytime television, where good taste and good ratinp do not ne: ·rily walk hand in hand. With 1108p operas rmchina the •wratim point, and traditional game abowa approaching the vaniab.ing point, NBC aoon will unveil a new hybrid show entitled, you gue9led it, "FantMy." On the West Coat, the Jll'OF8lft will be aen each weekday from 2 to 3 p.m., beglnntng Sept. 13. Tbe JX'08J'*l'D haa a minimum 13-week canmltment from NBC. Peter M.a.rahall. fr9b from a 15-year stint at the helm of "Hollywood Square.." will aerve as host. Just what will "Fantasy" be all about? Well, an early announcement from the NBC mark.etinc people declares: "TbJa warm. bumoroua and highly appeeUnc ooocept will not anly explore the f.antalies and dreaJm ol people of all ,.. It'll ai.o help many of dieee dft8IDI come true! You heard them. Your fantasy may come true. You want lo spend five minutel in a bot tub with Tam Selleck or Morgan Fairchild? Well. if the star ii willing, the "FantMy'' people •Y they may be able lo arrange it. Or maybe your mother needa a new refrigerator or a fur coat or you name it. Acafn, everythina ii pci9ble in TV ·land. ian't it? The J>eople at "Fantuy" promiae human drama u well. They'll b~ together family memben who haven't aen ocher' in 30 yara. YOU know, the type of rewUon that'I guaranteed lo start the tear ducts pumping amona partidpenta and viewers alike. In addition, there will be stunts and nimantic match.up• of the type teen on "Truth or ~" and "The Dltinc Game." The NBC announcement even suae-ta a contest '° find out which woman baa the best voice while lfnalnc in the shower. s~ in the shower? wen. procrams lib the '"The G0nC Show'' and "Let'• Make a Deal" have Peter Marahall. after 16 years with "Hollywood Square.," w1l1 be tbe host tor NBC's new game a.bow, ''Jiantasy." proved that people aren't afraid lo look a little bit silly .. lol2C .. they can be on TV. The pl'Oll"8ID ii ai.o tryinc '° lure 8'JIDe big name guest stars to take "part in the festivitim. One early propmal ia lo ~ ••eme like Harwy Korman M a LM Veps marrytnc minilller. U the bride and groom reco~rman u their miniater, they will win a ebnwt.. "Fantasy" ia just 1tartinC to lhoot lta "'qllM!!)C!N, but thua far it aounda like It a. drawing on traditional g~ shows, "Candid Camera" and .. Real People." -"But unlike 'Real People,'" explaim Nancy Pru-., a spokeswoman f« the show, "we're not See Fantasy, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE _ _ _ _ __ ---~--------.. ·---... ·---• .. £ '!ml-•--"'e:sa!!!!ll!J!lllmll!l!I. !I.I. ~•!! .. !'!l •• !l's~~-~-~¥!2~-~e~~~· 4~------------------------------------------------------------------------ i Daytime · -\I< >I { '\ I '\( , -5 5;008 SUMMER SEMESTER .., IDAYBREAKL~A. (MON ~ MAYBERRY R.F.O. ) as GENE.BIS tN (WED) ~ LAFF-A-THON (FRI) u.. 5; al.I MY THREE SOHS ~ 6:~~~~g~~~~~~ ~ cWt~~~ COMEDY HOUR <1 HA.> ~ a~(THU) 0.: MOVIU1 HR., 40 Mil i5) MOVIE 1 HR., 50 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. ) 5: 8 JU 06 JMON. , FRI) FR>M JUMPSTREEr (TUE) POft'TFWT8 IN PASTEl. (TI-IU) JIMMY SWAOOART OCEANUS (MON,:s. OAYBAEAK LA. THU) LET THERE BEL lHT (FRI) INTeRNATIONAL. HOUR (MON, TUE) TV~ LOOt<8 AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AITAIAB (THU) NEWARK AHO REAi.iTV (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) ~~(THU) • MAYBEARY R.F.O. (THU) ~AIN:JULY .. , 1981 (RI) MOVIE U HR., 30MW.) (MON) 6: l"OR. :: fl:sM· WEATHER 8:00 LA. MOAf..a THAELD HOTFUOGE ltl ABC NEWS THIS MORHtNG ~NEWS OOMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE l8SUE8 (MON) MEET THE MAYORS (TUE) mANKL Y FEMALE (WED). fT CAN BE DONE (THU) 8TIWGHT T ALIC JMIY SWAGGART VIUAALEOAE AMBICAN STORY= HERE'S TO YOUR :AL 'rH (MOM-THU) MATHEMATICS FOR~ LMNO (RI) TO BE ANNOUNCED {MOH-THU) WRfTINO FOR A AEA80N =~~~FRI) =-'~~ WED) 8PORT8FOAUM (R) C MOVIE (1HR., 15~) ) MOONCHILO ( 1 HR. ) THE SOUND OF M I (2 HRS.) (FRI) MO\l1E ( 1 HR., tf6 M~l (THU) PtECE OF CAKE ~ =,\2~..o ...... , 1~> 8: @MOVte e:'ll~~~j.~ck,> 8:30 CAPT AIH ""1'tWVtUU EAAl.YTOOAY 8 WOMAH (FRI= QAll.ER'( {M()N. fT CAN BE~ ~TlEIS8UE8 =) OFFHAND~ ~ACE~ fllUX THE CAT ~~{TUE-FA) NOS.. IUVI A NT (MON) ~ HOWRACINQL~ (R) (~} rn ALL.eT AA 8PORTI CHAl..l.StGE (Tue) ~~ MOVIE Mlt ~ 7:00 I MORNING NEWS • -TODAY 700CLUB 0 GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM TOM AND JERAY (f=RJ) YOGI BEAR AND ~IENOS (MON· THU) WOODY WOODPECKER BUSINESS REPORT PROJECT UNIVERSE Billy GOA rs BLUFF (MON) THE UTTLE DETECTIVE (THU) SPORTSCENTEA SNEAK PAEVIEW (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 6 MIN.l (WED) f'fECE OF CAKE (MON MOVIE (1HR..40 MIN. (MON) 7:16liMOVIE (1HR.,27 MIN.) (TUE) 7:30 THERE IS A WAY FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING =J=X(MON) RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) ~HR., 43 MINU (MON=t MOVIE 1 HR., 53 MIN. (MON 7:'6(%) (1 HR., 32 IN.) ( ) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BAmE Of THE PLANETS CARTOONS Mt8TER AOGER8 (R) BOOY 8UDOIEB ===)(FRI) MO'llEU' HR.. 53 -~, MOV1E 1 HR., 50 M1N. MOVIE 1 HR., .. 1 MtN. ) KI08 THE BLOCK U) SHORT PICKS (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., SO ... IN.) (TUE) PIECE OF CAKE (THU) MOYIE (1 Hfl, 30 a.t) (FRI) MOVE ( 1 Hfl, 68 MIN.) (TUE) :so Err TO BEAVER 8PIOER-MAN VILLA AlEOAE (R) Q OVEREABV U=•> MOVE 1 HR, 30 MIN.) (THU) A 8TAA'8 OAUG~ (FRI) THE MN<JNG OF AEA081Ca8E (1 ~) (THU) 8HNI LEWl8 MAGIC .JJHR.~ ) MCME (1HR.,aa .... (%)MOVIE < 1 HR.. • rJi ) .(1tfl,~ .... 9': <*E~YAT A ( OZZIE~~(R) A.M. L08 ANQELE8 ~LALANNE NEWS THE AOCKFOAD Fil.EB fLOYELUCY AOMPEAROOM =:ne:t {R)Q ~~~(FRI) ==-~·~) MOVIE M· 30 MtN.) (WED) a gOF~ , THE flFlEMAN t.m UORf•«l LA. MAKE ROOM FOR DAOOV um..E8TH080 B.ECnlC COMPNfY (R) !iJ1l; MCMEr•MK ) ii1LPNd=" ~~A) =~FN) OONI~ IDUCATIONAl ~ <M> \alf AILE IOUft (MON-l'HO) lllU.IJO&i MOVm MOVIE ~ 1 HR., 38 MIN.! (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 58 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 33 MIN. (THU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 40 MIN. (WED-FRI) MOVIE (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE f 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (TUE. FRI) 10:05«l) MOVE 10:30 CD MY THREE SONS INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS (FRI) MIOOA Y (MON-THU) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) RE80P (TUE) PEARLS (THU) MOVIE i 1 HR., 20 MIN~ (THU) MOVIE 1 HA .. 43 MIN. ~MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 38 MIN. TU£) MOVIE (1 HR,40 MIN. WEO) 10:40(%) MOVIE (1 HR., 38 IN.) (THU) 11:00 8 (I) THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA al FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE PfTFALL PLEASE OON'T EAT THE DAISIES MARCUS WELBY, M.D. ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RICHARD SIMMONS VEOET ABLE SOUP (R) D 11:30 8. SEARCH FOR TOQORROW ff( AN'S HOPE i=HGAME MACNEJL / LEHRER REPORT MISTER ROGERS (R) MOVIE (WED-FRI) RODEO (FRI) CFL FOOTBALL (WED) PGA GOLF (™U) MOVIE (FRI) ON LOCAT'?r~ HR, 30 MIN.) (MON) MONEY MA (™U) MOVIE (1 HR, 50 MIN .. ) (MON) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) 11:'6(%) MOVtE (1HA.,40 MfN.) (FRI) .\111 .H'\<H>'\ 12:00=ATTLETALES DAYS Of OUR LNES ZONE 9 All MY CHILDAE'N '*W8 ••MOVIE eo.1ANZA ~CAVETT PEA80NAl ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE-MENT ~MON) IN CONCERT (TUE) HORSE Mc.Na WEE<l. Y CR) (MON) BA8E8All HALL OF FAM~ (TUE) ~rrr ~5~ MIN.) (TUE) THE DEAOl Y ~E (2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,38 MIN.) U JOAN RfVER8 COMEDY= (1 HR.) (FRI) LAFF-A·THON (MON) MOVE (1 HR., ~ MIN.) (TUE) •THifJEe7:.:w~lo~c~ HR., 11 MIN.J MOYIE 1 HA., tf6 MIN. FRI MOYIE 1 HR., 2 .. MIN. MOYIE 1 HA.. 30 MIN. :2:1aS, ~~· :.._MtH.TiMON) MOVIE~ ti\, =MIN. ~ • HR..27MIN. t 1HEWON..D ZONE W>tJ NCJTHE LAW THE OLD MU. GAME <A> (MON) fl£'l'a AU.EN Al«) rHE AOCf<E1TE8 ( 1 HR. • .... ~.~ . 1:00 ANOfte WORLD MAGAZINE -~OLNE !OUCATIONAL PAOCJR.&tllHQ {'ff} NOVA''IMOfll) ~nmu~ ~EiHAB., (MON; MU 1·------I • 0 0 w • • ----------------------------------------------,,,.---------------------5 Daytime From Page 4 1:308 (I) CAPITOL NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRO STRUMPET ctrY (MON) DON'T CHANGE MY WORLD (MON) MOVIE (THU) AUTO RACING (FRO Cfl FOOT8AU (MON) FRACTURED FUCKERS (WED) SHAAt LEWIS MA~1 HR) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., "4 MIN. (wtl>) TOflfY BENNETT 81 ( 1 HR) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 43 MIN.) (FRI) 1:351 OZZlE ANO HARRIET 1:'5 MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (THU) 1:50 JOO WA'rCH (WED) 2:00 (I) GUIOCNG LIGHT CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON 0 GENERAL HOSPfT Al IRONSIDE (DMOVIE OPENUNE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE SOTA.MC ~FRO MtXEOBAO QUZKJ08 ) STYLE (THU) UP ANO COMING (MON-THU) MISTER AOGERS~R INSIDE BASE8. ALL :11 OlDTIMERS' tl ) SHFS NOBODY'S BABY 1 HR) (TUE) FLASHBACK: WAU CAA8H t929 (1 HR~l1HR.,34 MIN.) (THU) AEROBlaSE (MON, WED, FRI MOVIE f 1 HR, 30 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR. 35 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. FRI) MCME i1HR.,36 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 40 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. TUE, WED) 2:05 Ill> THE PARTRIDGE FAM l V 2:30 m BEWITCHED SUPERMAN MOVIE (TUE. FRJ) SONG WRITERS: KANDER AND EBB (MON) DANCE (WED) HOPPER'S SILENCE (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH (MO~ THU) MA TlNEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (MON- THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) MOVIE (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 25 MIN.) (FRI) THE MAKING OF AE.AOBICISE (1 HR) (MON) CLOWN WHITE (WED) MOVIE (1HR,30 MIN.) (TUE) THE GOlDEN AGE Of TEuiViSION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.} (THU) 2:35 al 9ASEBAU (FRI) al HAZEL (MON-THU) 3:00 8 BARNABY JONe5 (MON. WED-fRI) BARNEY MILLE1' (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EOOE Of NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN CARTER COUNTRY (FRO BEST Of GAOUCHO (MOH-THU) LAVERNE & 8HtAl.E'I & COMPANY THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOU8E OOEANU8 HOUR MAGAZINE AMEACAN 8TOAY (MON-THU) CASTAWAY (MON. WED. FRI) MOVIE (TUE) BIU Y GOA ~8 BLUFF {THU) BEST Of NOTRE DAME' FOOT8ALL (TUE} HYOAOPt.ANE RAONO (THU) MOV1ESHA.. 53 MIN.I ~) MOVIE 1 HR., 50 MIN. MOVIE 1HR,41 MIN. ED) 3:06al) MY 80N8 (MON, T\JE. THU) al ~EBAU (WED) 3: 16 MOV1E (2 HRS .. 2 MIN.) (FRI) 3:130 ~~PLAYHOUSE (TUE) PEOPLE'S COURT WHAT'S HAPPENtNGll CHARLIE'S ANOa.8 ~~: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ lr~AP OF TAP ANO THE RAZZMA T All Of JA?fJr~~?· WED) FROM JUMPS (TUE. THU) GAOW1NO YEARS (M()N.THU) CASTAWAY (FRI) BILL y ~ra BLUFF~MON) BUNKER'S SPY 8PO (WED) THE um.£ DETECTIVE (THU) PETER AllCJ THE W<XI (MOH} MOVIELI1 HR. • .a~) (WED) MOVIE 1HR.t60 MIN.) (ml) MOVIE 1 HR.1 <WED> MOVIE 1 HA., 3e MIN. 3:36al) FA ER l<NOW8 ~~TU£. THU) CZ> MOVIE (1 HR., 27 MtN.) (WED) 3:'5 (%) MovtE ( 1 HR., 43 MtN.)~) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (T 4:00 9 BARNEY MIU EA (MON, ) MARY TYLE1' MOORE (FRI) =.rTHU) NEWS M•A•s•H (FRI) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (~THU) MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT TOM ANO JERRY (FRI) FUPPER (~THU) BUGS BUNNY SINGIH' (MON) SONG AHO DANCE (TUE) MISTER ROGERS (R) LfTTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) c;J (al MOVIE (FAI) NOEL BUYS A SUIT (MON) All-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKL V (TUE) SPORTSFOAUM (WED. THU) MOVIE (1 HA., 31 MIN.) (THU) SHORT J>ICKS (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 43 MIN.) (MON) ELECTRIC ESKIMO ( 1 ~R.) (TUE) PIECE OF CAKE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, 28 MIN.) (THU) 4:06 al) GREEN ACRES (MON, TUE. THU) 4:308NEWS BOB NEWHART~FRI) N NEWS (TU =AINM TONIGHT 0 ABC NEWS (MON) BA8EBALL (FRI) M•A•s•H (MON-THU) YOU ASKEO FOR IT PEOPtE8 COURT (TUE-FRI) GENTLE BEN (Mat+-THU) SCOOBY 000 (MON-THU) SIGNATURE 8E8AME8TREEr (R~ MOVIE (MON. TUE NOB. BOYS A 8lHT CW ) 8PORTSCENT£R A MOVE 8T AR'S DAUGHTER (THU, FRI) MOVIE (1HA..30 Mlm MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 20 MIN. 4: di)~ OAIFFITH ( , ~THU) &:ooeeoNEWS NEWS (MON. WEO-fRI) '~~ NEWS (MON-THU) MOVIE (TUE..fRI) I, CLAUOtUS (MON) THE BRADY BUNCH CART OOHS MIXED B~G MON, FRI) QUaKID8 STYLE ( ) BOTANIC MAN (THU) U\1£ AT FIVE~·~) BETTY BOOP rv AL (FRI) AMERICA: THE Secot«> CENTURV (MON- THU) r~~~k DAME FOOTBALL (FRI) WCT TENNIS (~ AUTO RACING PGA GOLF (W , THU) MOVIE (FRt) VIDEO J\JK£BOX (MON) MOVIE ~~· 20 Mr6. (TUE) SNEAK EW ) MOV1E (MON-THU THE SOUND Of MURDER (2 HRS.) (TUE) MCME (1 HR.. 29 MIN.) (f'AI) 5:051 MOVIE (MON, TUE. THU) 6· 10 MOVIE (1 HR.. 40 MIN.I ~) 6;16 MOVIE (1HR,43 MIN. U) 6:20 MOVIE (1 HR. 32 MIN. FRI) 5:30 9 BASEBALL (MON) I THE BRADY BUNCH SCOOBYDOO RACHMANINOFF'S PIANO CONCERTO 2 ~OVIE (MON, THU) ~(WED) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON-THU) TOP-AANK BOXJNG (WED) MOVIE (1HR.15 MlN.) (MON) MOONCHILO ( 1 HR.) (WED) KIDS ON THE BLOCK (THU) FALL LINE (FRO MOVIE (2 H~ .• 5 MIN.~ (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 46 MIN. (THU) PURLIE (2 HRS., 20 Ml .) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 38 MINJ (MON) MOVIE (1HR.27 MIN. (TUE) 5:35 Ql) BETWEEN GAME& HOW (FRI) Tony Bill set to direct 'Stealing' for Columbia , ' 6 31 Sports Highlights g Friday JULY 30, 1982 EVENING 6:00 ([) CA. FOOTBALL Tor onto Argonauts at ~ Saskatchewan Roughrldef's (3 hrs.) ..J 6:05 (ll) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanra > Braves (3 hrs ) ._ 9:00 i SPORTSCENTER • i 9:30 TOP RANK BOXING (A) ii: 9:35 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 12:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 1:00([) CF\.. FOOTBALL Toronto Argonauts at Saskatchewan Roughrldera (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) 3:30([) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLEHGE Hall Of Fame Boston Celtics vs. '55 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers (R) 4:00 ([) SPOR'fSCENTER Saturday JULY 31, 1982 MORNING &00 (I) ROOEO Professional competition from ulte, Tex. (R) (2 hrs.) 5: BASEBALL 8UNCH 8: FALL LINE SurlM Nat Young and tre&-Style skiing champion R8ndy Wieman show the slmffarl· ties In sports like SUl1lna. skHng and hang-gliding. 7:00([)8~ 8:00 (!)WRESTLING ([) WCT TENNIS "Medlterraflean Open Semi· Anals" (from Cap O'Adge, Frarlce.) (3 hrs.) 9:00 i NASL SOCCER IOCK8 10:00 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:30 OOOOER DUGOllT • NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:008 BASEBALL Cleveland Indians at Miiwaukee Brewers (3 hrs.) I DODGER PAE-GAME BMX MOTOACROSS BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves; Cleveland Indians at Milwaukee Brewers t3 hrs.) (I) RODEO "Schrede Pro Teem Final" from Tulsa, Okla (R) (2 hts) 11:06 (ll) ON 0EcK CtACLE 11:15. BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (2 hra .• 45 min.) 11:20 «?) BASEBALL Log Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs) AFTERNOON 12:30. VIC BRADEN'S TENNt8 FOR THE FUTURE "'The Ovemead" Vic ~ hetpl vlewere d*'09 theft OV8'tiead lhot from a humlllatfng handicap to II poif}t«Oflng weepon. (A) O 1 :00 ([) OLDTIMERS' BASEBALL "Cracker Jack Classic" (from Washington. O.C.) (A) (2 hrs .• 30 min~ 2:00 WEST~ OUTOOOR8MAN e Nl8 "Welts Fargo Open" Coverage of this event '°'women from the San Diego Sports Arena Is preeented. (2 hrS.) 2: 15 Cl) PADRE PAE-GAME 2:308 POA GOLF ''Canadian Open''~ of the third round from the Glen Abbey Goff CIUb In c:>elMllt. Ontario. (1 ttr.) (I) 8A8E8AU. San Diego Padrel at Clnclnnltl ~ (2 hra., 30mln.) 2:881 MOTOAWEEKUU8TRATED ~00 RAaNG FROM 8El.MONT 3:05 WAESTUNQ 3:30 SPORTS 8A TUROAY Scheduted: Mm.-dey ~ of the Wond Swtmmlng end Otvtng Cherri-~ (from Guayequl. Ec:uedor): coverage of the 1().f~ ~ -~t bout ~ AJexla Arguello Ind ~ RooMy (from AtlentJo J~.~~ .. f:Je11rMtetion.r' ~y LEONARD'S GOLDEN C)l.~ ~;-.vs. St. U. (1 hi.) Cl) CA. FOOTIAU. ~St~ It~ ton Cetl 3 twa. ... .., illrliil!~~N .... •t New 'tork . TUESDAY NIGHT BASEBALL -Pete Rose continues h.ts attack on '1Y Cobb's all-time Major Leiwue baaeball hit record when his Phll.adefphia Phl111es host the Montreal Expos Tuesday at 5 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). U S. Invitational Sidecar Motocross Motorcycle Championship (from Carlsbad, Calif.): the continu- ation ol National Sports Festival Boxing (from lndi-- anapolfs, Ind.); U.S. SkrdMng Championships (trom Muskogee, Okla.b . ( hr., 30 min.) 5:30 9 WIDE WORLO F SPORTS Scheduled: the U.S. lnvilatlonal Sidecar Motocross Motorcyc~ Championship (from Carlsbad. Calif.); the continu- ation ol National Sports Festival Boxing (from lndf.. anapohs. Ind.): U.S. SkydMng Championships (from Muskogee, Okla.) ('1 hr., :fO min.) EVENING 7:00~8PORT~ 7: 10 KJNER'S KORNER 7:30 NASL SOCCER Edmonton Drillers at San 1Socker1 (2 h18.) 8: RAaNG FROM YONKEAS 9: WRESTLING 9: Al/TO RACING "IMSA GT Race" (from lime Rock, Ct.) (R) ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 11:00(1) AU-8TAA 8~ CHAUEHGE HaA Of Fa.me Boston Celtlc9 vs. '55 Wond Champk>n 11:~<1>~~ 12:30(1) WOT TENNIS "Mediterranean Open Seml- Anala" (from Cap 0' A~. France.) (A) 3:30 Cl> RACQUETBALL 'Men'• International Cham-plonshl~" Wendall Talaber vs. Don Thomas. (R) 4:00 ([) 8PORTSOENTEA Swxlay (continued) AUGU8T 1, 1882 Induction ceremonies fOI Hank Aaron, Frank Robin- son. Travis Jackson. Vin Scully, and Happy Chan- dler, from Cooperstown. N.Y. (2 hra.) 11:06. BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (2 hrs .. 55 min.) (ll) 8ASE8ALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs., t5 min) AFTERNOON 12:30GD OUTOOOR LIFE Rock star Corey Wells and Lefty Kreh flyfish '°' brown trout ill Pennsylvania's Spruce Creek. Tony Atwill and Landy Bart~tt hunt grouse 1n southern Vermont. 1:008 ()) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Talladega 500" Coverage from the Alabama lntematlonal Motor Speedway. Talladega, Ala. (2 hrs.) fm SPORTSWORLO Scheduled: live coverage of the scheduled 10-round middleweight bout between Tony "El Torito" Ayala and Robbie Epps (from San Antonio. Teit.). women's Survival of the Fittest aer~ al obstacle course (from New Zealand) ; "Years Ago Today" features the opening of the 1936 Otym· ~Games In Berlin. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) C1J AUTO RACING "CART Bettenhausen 200'' Live coverage from Milwaukee. Wis. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 1:10,KINER'S KORNER 1:30 WESfERN OUTOOOASMAN 2:30 <II SPORTS BEAT G TENNIS "Wells Fargo Open" Covetage of this event tor women from the San Diego Sports Arena lspesented (2 hrs.) 3:008 0 NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL Cover· age ol competitions In boxing, track and field. swim- ming. gymnastics and figure skating from Indianap- olis, Ind (2 hrs.) ()) BASE&ALL BUNCH 3:30 IJ OUTDOOR LIFE Rock star Corey Wells and Lefty Kreh llyflsh tor brown trout In Pennsylvania's Spruoe Creek; Tony Atwill and Landy Bartlett hunt ~ouse In southern VMmonl. WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN HORSE RAC4NG WEEKLY 4:00 D SPORTSWORLO S<:heduled: coverage ot the scheduled 10-round middleweight bout between Tony "El Torlto" Ayala and Robbie Epps (from San Antonio. Tex.); women's Survival of the Fittest aeri- al obstacle course (from New Zealand): "Years Ago Today" features the opening of the 1936 Olym· ~ Games In Bertin. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) SPORTSCENTER 4:06 (JZ) WRESTLING 5:00. GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS Cl) BASEBALL HALL OF FAME Coverage of lnduc· lion ceremonies for Hank Aaron, Frank Robinson, Travis Jackson. Vin Scully, and Happy Chandler, from Cooperstown. N Y. (A) (2 hrs.) EVENING 8:00 (I) 8PORTSCENTER 9:00 (I) CFL FOOTBALL Celgary Stampedefs at Hamilton Tige( Cats (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:30 I 8POA'TS WRAP.UP 10:46 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:30 SPORTS ANAL Cl) WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP Cl) SPOATSCENTER 12:30(1) WCT TENNte "Mediterranean Open Anal" from Cap d'Adge, France. (R) (3 hra.) 4:00 (I) 8POA'l'SCENTER Monday AUGUST 2, 1982 EVEHtNG a:oo Cl> 8POAT8CENTER 9;00 (I) BA8£8ALL HALL OF FAME CoYer8QI of Induction ~ fC>f Hank Aaron. Frank Rot>ln- ton. Travis Jecklon, Vin SeuttV. end Heppy Chan-clerltrom Coopenitown, N.Y. (~) (2 hra.) 11:00 INllOE 8A8EBAU (R) '1:30 8PORT8CENTER 1~80 Cfl. FOOT8AU. Celgaty Stammipedll....,._..ra at HemltonllgerCarn rri.. 30 min.) aoo <1> POCl<E1' Joe e.-w. Cowboy .... .n=,w1~> T•tesday ' . . Friday .\I< >IC\ I:\<; \I<)\' I l·:S 8:00(C) "Burn!" ( 1970, Drama) Marton Brando Evaristo Marquez. · (%)"Outrageous!" ( 1977, Comedy) Craig Russell, Hollis Mclaren 8:06 IJZ) "The Thrill 01 II All" ( 1963, Comedy) Oo<is Day, James Garner 8:30(8) "Crossbar" (Orama) John Ireland. Brent Carver D "Forever Female" ( 1953, Comedy) William Hol- den. Ginger Rogers 7:"5 (%) "The Great Gatsby" ( 1949. Romance) Alan Ladd, Betty Field. 8:00(C) "The Hustler 01 Muscle Beach'' (1980, Dra- ma) Richard Ha1ch, Kay Lenz. la "Never Never Land" Petula Clark. Chrlsllan Henson 8:05 dl) "The Gatling Gun" ( 1972, Western) Guy Stoc1well. Woody Strode 8:3000 "Running Scared" ( 1972. Adventure) Ken Wahl. John S(IJ(on. 9:30(%) "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976, Drama) Roben OeNiro. Jeanne Moreau 10:00(C) "Union City" (1980. Suspense) Debra Har- ry_ 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) llJ "Where The Boys Are" (1960, Comedy) Dolo- res Hart, George Hamilton D "Raggedy Man" ( 1981. Drama) Sissy Spae8k. Eric Roberts. 10:05 azi "The Left-Handed Gun" ( 1958, Western) Paul Newman, Lita Milan. 11:30(C) "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975, Drama) Ryan O'Neal. Marisa Berenson. CHl "Tess" ( t979. Orama) Nastas.sia l<lnskl, Peter Arth. 11 :~(%) "Once In Paris" (1979, Romance) Wayne Rogers, Gayle Hunnlcull. .\I 1·1.IC\< >< f\ \I< )\'IL'-' 12:008 "High Hell" (1958, Orama) John Derek, Elaine Stewart. • "When The North Wind BIOws" (1974) Dan Ha~y, Henry Brandon. • 'They Call Me Hallelujah" Comedy George Hii- ton. Charles Southwood. (2 hra.) • "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, Musical) The Who. 1:30(%) "The Baltimore Buflet" (1980, Orama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. 2:00(!) "Bandolero" (1988, Western) Dean Martin. Jamee Stewart. ([) "Sparrow" ( 1979. Mystery) Randy Hefman, Don Gordon. e "It's My Turn" ( 1980, Romance) Jiit ,..,_,btJI'.,... Mlchaef Douglas. ...... ... , ""'' 2:30CB"'TM Three Penny Opera'' (1931) Lotte L!rY,•• Etnct 8ueoh. CB> 'Star Trtk -The Motion Picture" ~ ence-~ ~ snetnlr, Leonerd . (I.) ''Spv .. ~~., f fWi A<MnMe) V~, ODid .. I I. • J.15(%) "Thi lalt ~·· (1979. Oram.)~ I FINALE -Dorla Day week w1nda up today on the SuperStatlon (Ch. 17) with the showing of "The Thrill of It All." The popular motion picture will air at 8:05 a.m. OeNlro, Jeanne Moreau. 3:30e "I Hate Blondes" (1981, Comedy) Jean Rochefort. Enrico Montesano. •:ooe "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" ( 1961. Comedy) James Darren, Debotah Walley. CC) "The High And The Mighty" ( 195-4. Orama) John Wayrie. Claire Trevor. cm "History Of The World -Pan I" (1981. Come- dy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. . 5:00(!) "Forbidden Planet" (1956, Science-Action) Watter Pidgeon. Anne Francia. CID "Crossbar" (Orama) John Ireland. Brent Cilrvet. • "Statdust Memories" ( 1SM50, Orama) WOO<ly Alle!1. Chatlotte Rampllng. 5:20(%) "The Great Gatsby" (1!M9. Romance) Alan Ladd, Betty Field. I \ l '\I '\~ I "~"r ----_....__._ .. ~ Rub~'Bd':Jt:\fs 7 I CFL FOOTBAU TOfonto Argonauts at Saskatchewan Roughrl<Ser• (3 hra.) cm MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fan· tasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Qwynne. A day- dreaming Missouri boy fancies an encounter with an angel of dubious origin In medieval Austria. ( 1 hr.. r 30mln.) $ e:05 al) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) ~ 8:30 ®) BARNE"V MILLER a. QI STRUMPET CITY Peter O' Toole stars in this sev· ~ en-part drama of hie in Dublin from 1907 to 1914. lart 2) ( 1 hr.) DICK CAVETT Guest. Leona Mitchell. (A) NEWS SLIM CUISINE MOVIE "Union City" (1980, Suspense) Debra Harry. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) CHl BIGHORN! This documentary traces a band ol wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep through four seasohs. Cl) JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppeteer Barclay Shaw and the Tropk:ana Dancers are fea- tured. ( 1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "Silent Movie" ( 1976, Comedy) Mel Brooks, Marty Feldman A former mO\lie director and his two coh0<ts try to save a major studio lrom bankruptcy by filming the ftrst sllent movie in years 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A 23·year·old who started her own swimsuit company; a miniature-horse ranch In South Carolina. KOJAK NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILO • 8U8INE88 nrAEPOA_,........RT fHEMUPPETS THE OEADl Y GAME Three retired criminal law· ~s play a game of cat-and-moose with a seeming- Innocent victim; George Segal, Trev0< Howard. beft M0<ley and Emlyn WUllama star. (2 hrs.) ([) MOVIE "Blow Out" ( 1981, Suspense) John Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror fttms becomes lnvol\led In a murder mystery when he wllnetSeS an uaasslnatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Baltimore Bultet" ( 1980. Orama) Jllmes Coburn. Omar Sharif. A small-time pool hue- ttef must raise $20,000 and win a big tournament before he can have a rematch with an old opponent -who has neYer Iott at any game. 'PG' (1 hr., 43 7:~· IN PEMoN WfTH MAAaA BAANOWYNNE Marcia Brandwynne lnteMewl former First Lady S.tty ford. Phi Donahw and pofttal ectlvts1 Cesar lf~v~ ON LA. Hltured: a report on cuc:dV Koala loo4< It MIN w.lbu. TIO TAC OOUCM nfiMAVOAI YOU MtCEDICltlt ,. .. s~-:--------------------------------------------------------------Friday (continued) ('l,j co CJ) -I MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT WALL $TREEf WEEK "Back From The Dead" g:;t Michael Price. vice president, Mutual Shares o (I) AEROBICISE.: ADVANCED Get In shape, loOk ~ good, and feel .great with this physical fitness pro- :; gram. -, 8:00 8 Cl) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD The Dukes, Boss liogg and Roscoe are held prisonef at the Duke farm by escaped convicts. (R) ( 1 hr.) D LEWIS & Cl.ARK A local radio station decides to originate a show from the cafe. 8 MOVIE "The Charge Of The Ught B(igade" ( 1936. Adventure) Errol Flynn. OIMa de Havllland The ac11on-f1lled but tragic War of Balaclava iS rid- dled with pompovs mlhtary errors. (2 hrs.) D t!I BENSON An unscrupulous Investor demands • Denise's favors before his family will approve plans for a stale industrial park (R) o 8 WOMEN IN CRISIS The h8fdshlps endured by women around the wor1d are examined ( 1 hr ) (!) PAUL HOGAN CD P.M. MAGAZINE A 23-year·old who started har own swimsuit company; a miniature-horse ranch In South Carolina I!) MOVIE "LOOI< What's Happened To Rosemary's Baby" ( 1976. Horror) Patty Duke Astin, Stephen McHatlle. A young man has dlHlcufty coping with the rea1tzat1on that his lather was Satan. (2 hrs.) 13 MIXED BAG "Culture At 40 Below" The growth of the arts 1n Alaska Since the oil explosion. I ID WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE MOVIE. "The Children" ( t980, Horror) Martin Shakar, Gil Roge<s. A strange radiOactive cloud turns a group of schoolchildren Into murderous zom- bies with black hngernans. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (m MOVIE "Escape From New York" (198t, Sci- ence-Action) Kurt Russell. Adrienne Barbeau. In 1997, a hardened criminal Is offered a pardon If he can rescue the president ot the U.S. from the prison city that Manhattan has become. 'R' (1 hr.. '0 min) (I) MOVIE "Pretty Maids All In A Row" ( 1971, Mystery) Rock Hudson, Angle Dickinson. A gul· dance counselor. the Idol of a bevy of high school beauties, works with a teacher and a police captain In ,solving the mystery of several cheerleader klllings. 'R (1 hr .. 32 min.) 0 MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Dust" ( 198 t, Come- dy) Jimmy McNlchol, Janet Julian. A high school delinquent gets the whole town on his trail when he makes off with the homecoming queen and heacit across the state in a series of stolen automobiles 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) · 8:30D e CHICAGO STOAY Dr. Carson joins thE fight to save Or. Bergstrom's professional repota· lion, end Frank Wejorskl oonslder1 resigning frorr the police foroe (R) ( t hr .. 30 min.) e tlJ MAKING A UVINO Dennis becomes com pletely disoriented and fouls 8Ve1)'1hlng up at wO(~ after hls wife leaves him. (R) i lROHSIOE OOOCOUPLE RACHMANINOFF'S PIANO CONCERTO : Alexis Weissenberg perfomt with the Berlin Phllhar mon1c. ( 1 hr.) • WAU. STREET WEEK "Back From The Dead' Guest: MIChael Price, vlCe president, Mutual Shar~ Corp. e VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper discusses tht field of professional Nursing. 8:'45 (%)THE DOVE 9:008 (()DALLAS J.R.'s excitement over his latest cartel deal is overshadowed by his annoyance over Sue Ellen's retdndled friendship with CllH Sames, (R) J t tir.) 8 «I M0\11E "The Island Of Or. Moreau" ( 1977, Science-Fiction) Burt lJlncaster, Michael York. Based on a story by H.G. Wetla. A demented ~ tilt perfects a method to c:onver1 jungle anlmall Into human savages. (R) (2 hrs.) I PAUL HOGAN MERV GRtf'RN Guests: C:".k Van Patten, Rob«t Wuhl, Jimmy Bfestln, Brian Mitchell. (1 hr.) • CAl8l8 TO ~ WITH BAA8AAA JORDAN "Portrait Of An Amencen 2'.Nlot" The political and religious actlvlti.t of Ed McAteer u he pursues the goeJe of hit group, the Round Table, are , ..... u ... ...-) .""""".V· .8. CHAONtcl.E "U.S. And C.nada: Vlolent "The dramatic ditter.noes In the vtolent crun. retn for Cenada and the U.S. ere studied. !8PORTSO!NTER MOVIE "Runl'llng Scared" (1972, AdVtnture) Wahl, John Saxon. Two former Git rar under ~ of contPit1ng to Invade a Cerlbbean c~ ~· 'PG' ( t hr .. 30 min.) CJ.) MOVIE "S.0 .8." (1881, Comedy) Wllllam Hot. den, Jufi. Andrewt. A movie d#'ector wt1o has Jutt fin~ • mult...,.., do4lat tun<-v goe1 from W,,-m:,~!:::,r;r !nlpWtd re1hoot~ _ CONCERNED OPPICBR -James A.me.ss, police detective Jim McClain. takes a particular interest 1n a cue involving an elderly man who robtl a bank in order to keep his home in "Takeover," on "McC1aln 's Law" Friday at lO p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). 11 :00 fJ a D (I) a GD NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR fT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Culture At 40 Below" The growth of the arts m Alaska since the oil explosion I BUSINESS REPOA'T DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "The Siient Partner" ( 1979, Suspense) Ellloll Gould, Christopher Plummer A bank teller's Impromptu attempt to cash in on a robbery leads to harassment and terror when the real thief chases him 10 recapture his loot 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 11: 15(,C) MOVIE "Fort Apache. The Bronx" ( 1981. Orama) Paul Newman, Ed Asner. A tough cop bat- tles cnme and corruption In New York City's South Bronx neighborhood. 'A' ( 1 hr., 59 min.) C1J MOVIE "Some Call It Loving" ( 1973. Orama) Zelman King. Richard Pryor A wealthy ecoentnc behe11es his fantaSles are fulhlled when he meets a young woman ponrayrng a sleeping beauty In a car· nlval show 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Outrageous!" ( t977. Comedy) Craig Russell, Holhs Mclaren A good-natured ha11- dresser, who moonlights as an impersonator ol female cetebnt1es, shares an apartment and a pla· tonic relat1onsh1p with a schizophrenic young wom- an 'R' ( 1 hr , 4-0 min.) t t:30fJ (I) MOVIE "Mind Over Murder" (1979. Suspense) Debofeh RaHtn, And1ew Prine A model uses her psychic powers to Identify the man respon- sible for plant1rig the bomb that caused a tragic air· i:>lane crash. (A) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) D • TONIGHT Host· Johnny Carson Guest. Eddie Murphy (1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" ( 1961, Come- dy) James Darren. Deborah Walley. A chain of vacation romances Is compllcated by the arrival of Gldget's ~_yfrlend. (2 hrs ) l a THE JEFFERSONS (%) MOVIE "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976, Orama) SANFORO ANO SON Robert DeNlro, Jeanne Moreau. In the Hollywood of RACHMANINOFF'S PIANO CONCERTO 2 the 1930s, one man's success makes him the friend Alexis Welssenberg pertoms with the Bertin Phllhar· of stars, the envy of power-hungry executives. and mo~~ ~~,most eligible bachelor In town. 'PG' (2 hrs . 2 ICAPTIONtJ'~N~AN BEHAVIOR 9:06 NEWS MOVIE "Squeeze Play" (1981, Comedy) Jim 9:30 PAUL HOGAN Harris, Jenni Hetrick. The glrlfrlends of softball play- (!) OVIE "The Gunfighter" ( 1950, Western) Gre-ers decide to form their own team as a way of gory Peck, HeleO Westcott. A fugitive gunslinger Is avenging their neglect. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) talled by the vengeful brothers o1 a murder victim. 0 MOVIE "History Of The World -Part I" ( 1981. {_1hr .• 30 min.) Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. Man's lllustrl-tB STRUMPET CJTY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev-ous history -from Neanderthal cavemen to the en-part drama of llfe In Dublin from t907 to 1914. Spanish Inquisition -is examined. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 !art 2) ( 1 hr.) mini CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT MOVIE "The Hustler Of Mutc1e Beech" (1980 • FRIDAYS Host: Gregoty Hines. Guest: Boo- Drama) Richard Hatch, K8y l.*'2. A 1malftlme ~ nle Raitt. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) tier contrives a scheme to tom a slow-witted ama-(!) MOVIE "Blacula" ( 1972. Horror) Wiiiiam Mar- leur Into a w0f1d class body·bulldlng champion ( 1 ahall. Vonetta McGee. A vampire resurrected after hr., 35 min.) 200 years goes oo a kllllng spree throughout Los (I) TOP RANK BOXING (R) Angeles. (2 hrs.) Cl) AER08ICISE: INT'EAMmATE Get In shape, • MOVIE "A Streetcar Named Dealre" (1951, look good. end feel great with this phys.lea! fitness Orama) Marlon Brando. Vivien Leigh. A Southern e!._ogrem. belle loses her aanlty while trying 10 preserve her • MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" (1980. HOf'· faded gentility against the harassment of her harsh ror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glahn Ford. As murder and brutish brother-In-law. (2 hre.) begins chopping away et her circle of elitist friends. I LOVE. AM8'CAN STYLE a prep school aenkit worries that she may be the SPORTSCeNT'ER next vlctrm -or possibly the klfter. 'R' (1 hr., .a MOVIE "Soore" (1 hr .. 30 min.I mlnJ_ 12: D • SCTVES NETWORK 9:35 (ll) BASEBAU. Los Angeles Oodgef1 at Atlanta I COOPLN~ Braves _13 hra.) ~no 10:009 (() OAL1..A8 JR pushes his campaign to win STRUMPET CITY PetM O'Toole stars In this sev- Sue Ellen back end st the Mme time plOts against en-part drama of Ille In Dublin from t907 to 19t'4. Ray and CllH 8arnes. (R) ( 1 tir.) (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) • e CA881E & CO. C.-. enlists the aid of her 12:S6(1l) MOVIE "The Helen Morgan Story" (1957. ex..nusband In het lnvettlgatlon of the theft ot a Biography) AM e1rh· Paut Newman. A torch sJng- motGlon ~ture pttnt. .(1 tv.f ., sotf&fs peraooa and profesalonat lose n she I ••NEWS flQhta a baUle ?Inst aleoholllm. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) LOI MilELE:s WEEK IN REVIEW 12:G(I) MOVIE ' LlpstlcJ<" (1976. Orama) Margaux CMl8 TO CAl818 WfTH BARBARA JORDAN Hemingway, Anne Bancroft. A top fashion model la ortralt Of An American ZMfof" The polltlcat and hufrtlllated and fMtrated by her unauccessfUt relJQl®a actlvltlee of Ed MoAttet u ht l)UftlMI lht att1mp11 to Mnttnoe tht man who ra~ her to ~ii of hit group. the Round Table. ate ~ ptllOn. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) hr.) 12:50(8) THE' DEADLY GAME Three retired etlrnlnal MOVIE "Onty When I Laugh" ( 1981. Orama) lawyn play• game of cat-and•mouM with a seem-1raoa M8100. Kristy McNlchol. A New York lngly Innocent vletlm: Geor;. s.g.1, Trevor Howard, ectrete r:eturns from • dtylng..out ctlnle determlntd RObert Morley and Emlyn Wllllam8 atar. (2 hrs.) to renew het cat•. her romanoe With a pllywrlght 1:ooe ~ "Guys And Dolls" (1955. MUSlcll) and htf retaliorJlhlp with het t7·)'Hr-old ctaughter. Franlc Sinatra. Jean Slmmone. A mlteionary glt1 faJlt 'R' (2 hra.) In lowwith a Bfoedway gamt>W. (3 hra.) CJ) MOVIE "Hot T·Shlt11" ( 1977. Comedy) Ray • MOVIE "Witches Mountain" (f 973, M)'ttery) Holllnct, Steoha,,_ Lawlor. A tavtm owner faelna P•tty Shepard, John Caffarl. A news photographer bankruptcy decldtl to attrac1 mei. petrons by~ ·~ an ~t to photograph a leglndaty Ina -' T 1hlt1 contette. 'A' ( t hf .. 2e min.) ~ caned Wltchel Mountain. ( f hr .. 30 t'Nn.) 10:30 •YOUTH AND THE 188UE8 (I) CFl FOOTBALL Toronto Argoneutt at I NrW8 8akatchfwan Rougtwidefa (R) p hra., 30 mfn.) 8GHATUAE OUMt: Sy~ltt ''Pat" WN11et. CC MOYIE "Stlr$1St Mtmorlel' ( 1980, Orame) MATTEN OF LIFE ANO OEA TH Woody Allen, Charlotte Rlmpllf'lg. A tucceeef\11 8HEN< PAEVEW HoU Leonetd ~II ~ ~ dltector facM a~.' crlllt H J)I tn. ''t!"1. ... aJc:C!!! ~ !::! T!!1:!7i1'4 :no *te'"!f-&¥!!!tf!r!!!:!:" Friday (continued) (%)MOVIE "Orum" ( 1976, Ofama) Warren Oates. Isela Vega. A rich plantation owne< It disturbed ~ his young daughter's lnt8fest In his male slaves. Including one that Is fighting for his freedom. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 50 min) 1 :26 (C) MOVIE "The High And The Mighty" ( 1954, Orama) John Wayne, Claire Trevo<. An airplane wtth 22 passengers aboard runs Into danger en route to San Francisco. (2 hrs .• 20 min.) 1:30 8 EVENING AT THE IMPROV cm MOVIE "Bltttls'' ( 1977, Drama) Patti D' Arban- vllle, Mona Kristensen. A young glr1's sexual awak· ening occurs d0tlng her stay with a famlty friend ooe summer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) II MOVIE "Hardcore" ( 1979, Drama) George C. Scott. Season Hubley. A concerned father leaves the peaceful surroundings of his home town to search for his daughter. who has become heavily Involved 1n a big·dty pornography racket. 'A' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 1:458NEW8 2:00 m NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT • MOVIE "Black Sabbath" (1964, Hooor) Bo<ls Karloff, Mark Damon. Three tales of the supernatu· rel concerning, respectively. a ring stolen from a dead woman. the vengeful ghOst of a spumed lover and a visitor to the home of a loathsome vampire are tdd. (2 hrs.) 2:06(!) NEWS 2:159 MOVIE "My Father's House" (1975, Ofama) Cliff Robertson. Robert Preston. A heart attacic prods a workaholic businessman to recaU the days of his youth. (2 hrs ) (!) MOVIE "Bruce Lee's Deadly Kung Fu" (Adven- ture) Bruce Lt A martial arts master battles a fist- llght1ng mob ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 2:3b8NEWS e MOVIE "Twisted Brain" (1974, Horror) Pat Cardi. John Niland. A tormented teen-ager Is drtven by fOl'oes outstde hhs control to commit ~ act• of murder ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) 2:35(!) MOVIE ''Billy The Kid Vs. Dracula" (1966, Horror) Chock Courtney, John Carradine. A reformed outlaw m$es the awful discoYefy that his glrlfrlend's unole IS realty a vampire. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2':!50(8) MOVIE "Tess" (1979. Orama) Nastassla Klnskl, Peter Flrth. The daughter of a POOf English farmer becomes the victim of her family's aspira- tions and her own beauty. 'PO' (2 hrs .. 60 min.) (%) MOVIE "Onc4J In Parle" ( 1979, Romance) Wayne Rogers, Gayle Hunnicutt. Called to Paris to doctor a movie screenplay. a married Ameflcan finds hlmtelf falllng In love with a married English woman. 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:00@ e NEWS cm MOVIE "Wolten" ( 1981, Suspense) Albert An- ney, Diane Venora. Potlce are faoed with an unusual problem as New Yark City Is Invaded by a pack of displaced wolves. 'A' ( 1 ht .. 55 min.) 3:30(!) ALL-sTAR SPORTS CHAUENGE Hall Of Fame Boston Celtics vs. · 55 Wor1d Champion Brooklyn Dodgers (A) Cl MOVIE "SUent Movie" ( 1976. Comedy) Mel Brooks. Marty Feldman. A former movie director and his two cotlofta try to save a major stud<> from bankruptcy by fllmlng the first dent movie In years. 'PG' (1hr .. 26mln.) 3:45(1) MOVIE "Fame" ( t980. Drama) Irene Cera. Barry MIHer. Sevetal gifted students at a New York high &ehOOI tor the performing arts experlelice ~' ous setbacks and successes of both pet10nll and professk>nal natures. 'PG' (2 hra., 1' min.) 3:56(C) MOVIE "The Children" (1980, Horror) Mar- tin Shaker. GH Rogers, A strange radioactive doud turns a group of sc"hoolcNtdfen fnto murderous zom.. bles with black fingernails. 'R' ( 1 hf .• 30 min.) 4:ooe RAT PATROL (!)NEWS . • MOVIE "Year 2889" (1985, Science-Action) Paul Petersen. ·Charla Doarty. Followlng a nucSelr holocaust. seven surv!Yofs wage a deeperate battle to atay alive. ( 1 ht., 30 min.) (I) SPORT8CENTER 4:05@ VEGETABLE 80VP ~1rday .\ I< >H '\ I '\C , 5:00 (!)CHRISTOPHER Cl06EUP (() RODEO Professional competition from ~lte. Tex. (R) (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. Hor· ror) Mel1S18 Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. (1 hr .. 48 6:06 BASEBALL BUNCH mini 6:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA i NEWARK AND REALITY MAYBERRY RF.D. MOV1E "Union City'' (1980, Suspenae) Debra Hai 'PG' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 5:36 THE PARTAIOGE FAMILY 8:00 SUMMER SEMESTER SERENDIPITY HEALTHBEAT TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS PERSPECTIVE FAMILY AFFAIR WATCH YOUR MOUTH TO CUMBA MOlMTAIN: JULY 4, 1981 Eleven handicapped people. poese••d by Indomitable cour~ and devotion. dare to challenge t 4. • 10-foot~h h Mt. Rainier. ( 1 ht.) 8:061 ARANOPEACE 8:20 NEWS ()) ALL LINE Surler Nat Young and free-ctyle ski- ing champion ~temen show the slmilartties in sporta ltke IOrll • and~ 8:30• DUSTY'S OUSE ntArSCAT PACESEITERS VOICE Of! AGRtCUL TURE FAST FORWARD DAVEY AND GOLIA TH rrs YOUR BUSINESS WATCH YOUR MOUTH NEWVOtCE CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES 7: IKJOSWORLD THE FLINTSTONES BLUE MARBLE 9 8UPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIA TH OOCTOAWHO TEEN SCENE CHECKJNO fT OUT YOGA 'FOR HEAL TH WRmNG FOR A REASON MOVIE "Two-Way Stretch" (1961. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Wilfred Hyde--Whlte. Cl) SPOR'TSOENTER (JI) MOVIE "Kramer Va. Kramer" (1979, Drama) Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep. II MOVIE "Homer" (1970, Orama) Don Scardlno, Alex Nico!. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "From Noon TID Three" (1977, Orama) Charles Bronson, Jiii Ireland. (1 ht.,« min.) 7:06QJ MOVtE "No Time For S.geants" (1958, ~) Andy Griffith, Nick Adams. 7:30,~8MAOIC~ 8NUOOLE8 Ill RICHIE flCH I 8COOBY 000 IN'r£RNA TIONAL HOUR OAWf ANO GOLIATH OOOTORWHO CALIFORNIA PEOPLE VQICE OF AGAtCUl TUAE 8tQ BLUE MAR8LE WMlNQ FOR A REASON 8: • Cl) POPEYE 9 VOViE "Yodelln' Kid From Pine Ridge" ( 1937, Western) Gene Autry, Betty Bronson. GMAVERICt< .. LA UGHS APLENTY -Andy Griffith stars in the hilarious role that made him popular in "No Time For Secg~anta " on the SuperStation (Ch. 17), Saturday morniJlg st 7:05 o'clock. (!) WRESTLING • MOVIE "Lost Angel" ( 1944, Comedy) Margaret O'Brien. James Craig. l =SPECIAL WRITING FOA A REASON WCT TENNIS "Mediterranean Open Seml- Anals" (from Cap D'Adge, Franoe.) (3 hrs..} Cl) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977. e>rav.ia> Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James. (1 hr .• .-0 min.) 8:301()) TARZAN I LONE RANGER I KJD SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG GETTING TO KNOW ME WRfTIHO FOR A REASON MOVIE "Mcllntockl" (1963. Western) John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. e MOVIE "The Elephant Man" ( t980, Drama) John Hurt, Anthony =Ins. (2 hrs .. 3 min.) 9:uOO~~;u:=;ANNAL8 NA8l SOCCER KtCt<S ERNEST ANGLEY MISTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS DIVORCE Fred Rogers hc»ts a fOfWTI for questions from parents on their children'a feelings and fears about dlVorce. (R) ( 1 hr.) •AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (JI) YESTERYEAR. .. 1817 Dick Cavett hosts a penc>- ramlc oveM8w of the ewnta and peoPte that ahaped one of the most Important yeeni In Ameri- can history. (%) MOVIE "The Sorrow And The Pity" (1972) ~l!umentary. Directed by Max Ophull. (4 hta.. 20 8:30 ~r I ROAD RlMNER I ANO HARRIET Cll HEATHCUFF & MAAMADut<E WU>. WllD WOAlO OF ANIMAL& ~JI(~ Creative Jewelers, Inc. ~~~8"~£~$wf,,.r NATIONALLY KNOWN AWAAO WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER #JJ,tJ,m¥(J7~ (714) 760-6766 .. ~. ··-. ..... .. "'-~O!fJtgm~~~!'Jl\nf~tlon ~~,~ • P OILM . .. WILL CREA TE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE ANO LIFESTYLEt • Original Designing • Cuatom Remounting • Reatyllng • Designer COll~tlon of Gold and PMtlnum .#welry • OIAMONOS • PEARLS • FINE COLOREO GEMSTONES :J! 0 -~ ,.... $ ,, 1 Q. ~ (,. c: -< p ..... (Q C» N l .. ,... ..,,.-·-~1"1:*• -~----------------------------------------------------------------------San 1rrlav ( oontinued) ~--i-~~ .-9:3611!) MOVIE "Journey To The Center Of Time" o ( 1967. Science-Fiction) Sooll Brady, Gigi Perreau. ('I) 10:ooeeSPACESTAAS ~ I SHA NANA ~ ltl THUNOARR I GOLOIE GOLD • MOVIE "Terror Beneath The Sea'" (1970, Sci-~ enc:e-Flctlon) Peggy Neal, Andrew H=. ~ ~~EM~~;:;,~=.. ~ld~uur:.' < 1965. -II THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU ...Jg' 808 JONES THIS OlO HOUSE ~ AMERICAN GOVERNMENT -ON LOCATION "'Rich Little And The Great Pre-~ tenders" The MGM Grand Hotel In Las Vegas is the 0:: setting fOI' this Showcase featuring the greatest t_!!!Pressionlsts In Amerlca. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) lSJ MOV1E "In God We Trust" ( 1980, Comedy) Maf!Y Feldman. AndY KalJfma.n. (1 hr .. 37 min.) 10:30eAMEACA'S10P TEN I ~~~ SQUARE FOOT GARDENING AMSICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Ben~. 11:008 BA8EBAlL Cleveland Indians at Milwaukee Brewers (3 hrs.) I TARZAN 8 WEB<EH0 SPEaAL "If I'm Lost, How Come I Found You" An orphan, an elderly ehopltfter, two foreign misWnarlea and a puppy complcate life kw two~~.(Part2) (R)Q I ~'== MIEBAU Regional COYerage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves; CieYe&and Indians et Mltwa~ Brewers (3 hrs.) • PER80NAl RHAH0E ANO MONEY MANAGE-MENT (J) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team Anal" from Tulsa. Okie. (R) (2 hra.) D MOVIE "The Turning Polnt" (1952, Myat8')') William Holden. Edmond O'Brien. (1 hr., 30min.) 11:06 all ON DECK CfACl.E 11: 16. 8A8E8AU. Los Angeles Dodger1 at Atlanta BraYeS (2 hrs .. 45 min.) 11:20al) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves j_3 hrs.) 11:301Cl)8&.Aa<STAR I WU>~BAHD8TANO THEAOOK& MAGIC OF Oil P~ PEA80NAL F1NANCE AHO MONEY MANAGE-MENT C8) MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Drama) Kristy McNlchol, Marte Hamlll. \I 11 .I{\.< >< >\. UtJGJI 2DfB -''Hee Haw N~ •• llotll Stoneman (Jett) and Gordie Trapp (rlaha) ~t togetlJer for • laugh with 8Jkn PkKena on CM popular country comedy ahow on KHJ-Tl' (Ch. 9) S.nuday ., 4 p.m. (J) Ot.DTMEAS· BASE8AU ''Crac:Mr . IAr.lc ,...,. ak:~from w=;· D.C.) (R) (2 tvs .. 30 min.) 1:30~(1)30 I ~Moving Still" The WOl1d of Ngh-and low-speed photography Is oaptured In this program which follows the experlmental WOt1t done In the fiel~~~~lons. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) I MOVIE "Search And Destroy'' (1981, A.dwlrt- lute) Perry King, Don Slroud. CZ> t-KM£ "The Baltimore Bullet" (1980, Drama) James Coburn. Omar Sha.rtf. ( 1 tw .. 43 min.) 2:008 2 WfTH YOU I WaJIEHN OUTDOOMMAN Ol.l.IGAN'S l8lANO MOMENTS IN TIME MOVIE "Hurricane Sml1h" ( 1952, Adventure) y~ De Carta. John ltetand. ~THE HARDY BOVS I NANCY OAEW MYSTEA- al MOVIE "Escape From The Planet Of The Apes" 12:00 •Cl) TAOW<IN8 ~ ~I!. Science-Action) Roddy McOowall. IOm • LO&f If SPACE ~ • MOVIE "Suneet Boutevercf' ( 1850, Drama) Wll-C!) MOVIE "Chel" (1969, Drama) Omar . Nam Holden. Gion. Swaneon. Jedc ~. I 81GHA11JAE 04.mt: 8yWtftf "Pat" WMV«. I RICK'S ANIMALS T8N8 "Wella F1trao Open" Cov.• of thll PER80NA.l. ANANCE AND MOHEY MA.NAO& ewnt for women trom me San Diego 6poi1a Atefla MENT i'iretented.. (2 tn.} ..v11y cm MOYIE ''8atMbv And Mt'' ( l9n. eon.dy) INTAOOUaNG 810lvv SidCeesar, Met Mtia. MCME "Biow-Up" (1168, M)ts18')') o.vtd Cl) MOVIE ''The Hidelwaya" (1973, Comedy) ~ v1,...Aedgrave. lng(id Bergman, Jotwry Doran. ( 1 tw., 45 min.) cm MOVfE "S:At',JUW From.,_,,,_ .. (2 tn) • 12:30. (I) TOM AND JEM( Cl) MOVIE "~ Ntc;lt oUt'1(i"962, ~) Kim I PORTRAIT OF A l.EOENO Novak. James Garner. ( 1 hr., 65 min.) MOVIE "Three Bullett For A L~un" (1973, .MOYIE "Smokey Bllet The Cult'' ~981 eon. i-~=·: ~:_ ~~w=::.=: .. ~:~ ~ Overhead" VIC Briden helps Vlewerl change tht third round from tht Gten Abbey Golf CtUb In their overhead shot from a humlll811ng handcap to a 10.\~ = ~~ ~~M_98~ lRc, MONEY MANAGE-Oft.UGAH•& ISLANO DENT Alai MAH, POOR MAN: BOOK I Audy Jor. Cl:> MOYIE "TW<>Wly Stretc::h" (1961, Comedy) dache (Peter Strauss) hU an emotlontlltY chatged Peter Selef'a. Witfrtd ~White. reunion with Jolle Prncott (Susen Blafcety) and • MOVIE "The Concert Fet Kamouchea" (1980, Tom Jordaehe (Nlcic Notte) becomes I father. (1 Mulical) P*" MoOMtney, The Who. (1 hr .. 20 hr., 30 min.) min~ (I) 8A8EBALL San Diego Padres II Cincinnati 1:00 Cl> KWla(Y KOALA Aide (2 tva .• SO min.) ~ 8 M0CEt> BAG "Culture At 4'0 Below" The growth MOVIE ''TN Power" ( 1968, Science-Fiction) of tt\e arta In Alalltl llocle tht oM 1xPl<>elon. =~~=t•. 1~~HIBTOAV ~ ''£1"9a•f'\M'' (1~. Comedy) ~ 2: -~UU8TRATeD i W . IU1 . •. . . •""'• ........ ~ ...... '"l~~U.I.~ 95 Cl) RACING FROM BEl.MONT e MOVIE "A Summe< Place" (1959, Drema) Troy Donahue. Sandra Dee. QI RACHMANINOFF'S PIANO CONCERTO 2 Alexis Welssenberg perloms with the Berlin Philhar- monic. ( 1 hr.) ID INTRODUCING BIOLOOV CB> MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jer-~Lewls, Susan Oliver CLJ MOV1E "High Country" ( 1981, Drama) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl. 3:06 all WRESTLING 3:16(%) MOVIE "Once In Parts" (1979. Romance) Wa~e Aogec's. Gayle Hunnicutt. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 3:309 SPORTS SATURDAY Schedured: same-day coverage of the World Swimming and Diving Cham- pionships (from Guayaquil. Ecuador); coverage of the 10-round junior welterweight bout between Alexis Arguello and Kevin Rooney (from Atlantic City. NJ.). ( 1 hr . 30 min.) D EVERYWHERE Location: live from T Of ranee Mounted Posse Rodeo ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (I) HORSE RACING "Haskell Invitational" • WERE YOU THERE? "The Facts Of Ute" Blues musician Wlllle Dixon. composer of over 300 songs la protiled and performs with the Chicago Altstars'. ~) ~Al "Balloon Safari" Alan and Joan Root's fllght over AfrlC8's Serengeti Plain In a hot air balloon is documented, David Nrven narrate& (R) ~~ • MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) ':oo• 8UGAA RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN OLOYEB·Pennsytvanie vs. St. Louis ( 1 hr ) ' IHEEHAW OAVIOGAUEN THE AOa<fOAO FILES MO¥IE "&.ting" ( 1973, Drama) Elliott Gould, Robert Stake. ta 8TAUMPET CITY Pater O'Toote stars In this_.,.. en-pan drama of llfe In Dublin from 1907 to 1914. {Part 2) ( 1 hr.) • QUE PA.SA. U.S.A.? "The Conteeaioo" Carmen decides to ask all of her ~tlona about MX during confession. unaware that Pepe Is In the oonfessk>nal Ind not thepr~. • MARY~ MOORE ~ MOVIE "Leave Yesterday Behind" ( 1978, Dre- ma) John Ritter. Catrle Asher. (I) Cfl FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders at HamlJ- ton Tiger Cats (3 hrs.) cm TikTYPE8 this Broedway revue peya tribute to America's growing pelns In the era between the Gay Nineties and the end of Worid War I. ( 1 hr.. 50 min.) Cl) MOVIE "In God We Trust" (1980, Comedy) Mlr.:!t Feldman. Andy Kaufman. (1 hr .. 37 min.) ':30CI) BASEBALL Pittsburgh Pirates at New York Mets (2 hrs .• 40 min.) I 80CCER MADE IN GERMANY BOB NEWHART HENRY MOORE An Intimate film portrait of modern sculptor Henry Moore Is presented (R) ( 1 hr.) 00 TO CUM8 A MOUNT Alt JULY'· 1881 Eleven handicapped peope. poseessed by lndomltab6e coura~d devotloo, dare to challenge 14,410-toot~h Mt. Aalniet. ( 1 tw.) 6:00~ AN ADVEN'tUAE I •ALL KUNG FU WIDE WOAl.O OF 8PORT8 Sc:hecMed: the U.S. 1rW111tlonal Sidecar Motocroee Motorcycle Cham- otofllhlo s;:;. c.rtabad, Calif.); the conttnuetlon of Natlon&I Fe8tlval BOxlng (from lndlllnapola, Ind.): U.S. SkydMng ~ (from M\Mko- 1, Of<la.). ( 1 hr .. 3o min.) M•A•S•H OAIZZL Y ADAMS NEWS 80UOGOlD LA BOHEME Mirella Frenl and Gleonl Raimondi E Puccini's masterpiece. (2 hrl.) WAENCEWELK MOVIE "The Purple Taxi" (1979, Comedy) Fred Astaire, Chlrtotte Rampllng. e STEVE ALLEN SALUTES-THE OE II Phvtlls Diller. Norm CfOlby, Jayne MMdowt. lmpef10flator Jim l}ll6ey and Barbi Benton}:: Steve Aflen aboard tht ~ Elizabeth II. ( 1 hf, CJ) MOVIE "Outregeoual'' 1t77, Cofnedv) Craig Ruleelt, Hollis McLaren. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 6:05@ MOVE "Flying Leethemecka'' (1951, A~tute) ~-W~yne. RobertRyan. ~301wsOAHCE~ • WELCOME BACK. KOTTm • W90E WORLO OF 8PORT8 Scheduled: the U.S. lrwttatlONI Sidecar MotOCfOll Mote>toycM CJ\am- plonthlp (from Cel1lbld. Calif.}: the contn..tlon of Nlttooer Sportt ,.._"'91 Boxing (from ~ • • • 0 ' I ' l . . . , ··xw•r ., ·' "* . , . . ~ ...... ,.,,, ..... _..,. .... ,· '• • .,.. '. l - ' • -~.&. • -· • • "' -· • - -··--..-· ..... •""_... __ ~;.--•·----"""2'=~-=-=""""',__.'""'="'*~> ....... ~z,..~s•zs!!ll!!lllllOQ!ll!!l~ .. tc ............ lmllll .. 111 .... lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll~ ----.. --------___ . ____ __..__.............._._.,.... --..--· ...... -..... . Saturday ( contirrued) Tales" Hawkeye passes the Huron test of bravery but turns down a chance to become a membe< of the tribe (Part 2) (A) O ~ SQUARE FOOT GARDENING ® ON LOCATION "Rich Little And The Great Pre- tenders" The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas 1s the ~e111ng tor this showcase featuring the greatest 1mpre~1onists in America ( 1 hr . 30 m1t1) 6:00 I (J) CBS NEWS II NBCNEWS MOVIE "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" ( 1953, Muc;ical) Manlyn Monroe. Jane Russell Two showgirlS head for Pans knowing 1ha1 "diamonds are a girl's best friend " (2 hrs ) U 1982 HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEAOING CHAM- PIONSHIPS m s.w.A.r. Cl) MOVIE "Master Of The Flying Guillotine" ( 1978. Adventure) (2 hrs.) fJD RICK'S ANIMALS I!> WOOOWRIGHrs SHOP "The Rake's Prog- ress'· Roy Underhill constructs a garden rake. (R) CC) MOVIE "Tom Sawyer" ( 1973. Musical) Johnny Whitaker. Celeste Holm. Based on Mark Twain's novel A boy who hvas near the Mississippi River flndS 11 impossible to stay out of trouble. especialty when he tags along with his buddy Huck Ann. 'G' L! hr . 38 min.) (0) MOVIE "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. Atter recovering from an emotional crisis. a woman purchases a house that appears to be haunted. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" (1977. Orama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James. When a oountry.westem singe< steals his song. an ex-<:e>n tries delpefatefy to retriev.tiis recocdlog dghts while baffling tba polk:e. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) • MOYIE "Silence Of The North" (1981. Adven- ture) Eneo Borstyn. Tom Skerrltt. In 1919. a young woman's marriage to a trapper leeds her to a life of hardship in the wffdelneea of northern Ceneda. 'PG' e:~rJn~ I CHraaMG rT OUT Teen-age )oc*ey Aneonk> Velez. lncUtriillll ....,, Soto and N.t.8#. ....., bewr.,,., busy 1tm;ry talles yoo ... for buslneSS IJ ~e. before yoo ~ -plal a stop to Pat Mny's. for J) yeas row -Pat Marley, lllnSeff, nl associates contru to ~esent men's fashlcm that erme 111 cress er casual! Now we've extenied to ladles' trntmals! We alwayS have a hideaway sale upstairs in. the attic rm PIUS all ;rOtlld the store you' II llNI impected cn1ecwu ni gift items fer ~ special gift! ~~:l FLYINQ ACB -Pat O'&len .ran•• World War I Dylng ~ wbo M1p hia grandson re.core an andent bl.JJllme in "The S k y'• tbe L im it" on "Walt Dianey " Saturday •t 8 p.m. OD KNXT (Cb. 2). Nitii Cintron are prollled. c:;> •MOTOAWEBC 8:46 (I) OPERA (%) 1Jtl DOVE . 7:00·~ !'~SEAACH OF ... , .. ~ CloeE UP F.......a: Na'"V• FAOUTIH tNCl.UDI: . .. of the opening of the Univ.taal NTlf)~tr ¥tit1J 1 1 1 : Frank Sinatra and a loOlt ·a'\ fh&' 4faf!5'\JMe'd ~ · following the legendary smger's performance "lJ U THE HAROY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER-8 IES • - LAWRENCE WELK I PEOPLE'S COURT ~ IMPRESSIONS OF VON KARAJAN A portrait of l) this extraordinary conductor ( 1 hr ) IO I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ..,, THE MUPP£TS 5: U.S. CHRONICLE "U S. And Canada Violent 11> Crime" The dramatic differences 1n the violent crime ';< rates tor Canada and the U S are studied c... (I) SPORTSCENTER ~ CID MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" (1979, Drama) <-> Dustin Hoffman. Meryl Streep A man ballles with ~ his ex-wife for custOdy of their young soo alter she _. walks oul on them 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) fD ([)MOVIE "Boardwalk" ( 1979, Orama) Ruth Gor-.~ don. Lee Strasberg. An old couple refuse to leave the netghborhoOd they have spent most of their Uves 1n despite urban crime and poor living conditions. (2 hrs) CZ) MOVIE ··From Noon Till Three" ( 1977. Orama) Charles Bronson, Jiii Ireland. A drifter is recruited into a rag-tag robbery gang ( 1 hr . 44 min.) 7: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7:051NEWS 7:30 DANCE FEVER LOOK AT US PEOPLE'S COURT HT BACK AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY ; EYE ON SAN OfEGO PRE8ENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! host an lnfOl'matlve loOlc at what's new at the /movies. (I) NA8L 800CER Edmonton Orltle<t at San Diego Soctcera (2 tws..) a:oo• WALT asNEY ~'Pluto And Hts Friends'~ Mickey Mouse and his Mend PMo epend a comical day at the be8ctl and the golf °"""'9. ( 1 hr.) • • HERF8 800llER Boomer ~an aapW1ng comedian get to Holywood. (R) D • MOVIE "Gentlemen Jim" ( 19'2. Orama) Errol Aym, Ale>Ut Smith. Boxer Jtlmel J. Cot'bett beeomel the chemOk>n of the 1880I. (2 hrs.) • 9 TODAY'S F8I Ben and hll agents go under- COYet to pureue a member of organized Cflme Who la )nvolwd In murdef. drugl. prOltltutlon ~ pollce A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER FOR THE YEAR 1982 FUU~~-SHIP ~·1200) DUI TO THI OUTSTMW lllPONSI • WI All CONTINUING THIS OP"I THIU THI MOHTH Of AUGUST. The ~ BMch Tlnnll Cklb Is the tit• of IUCh pr9Stlgloul eYenll • the 1977 Devis Cop, the Annoel Pacific Southwell Senior• Tournament. th• Or1ng1 County Adoption Gulld Tournament end other•. Membera, l\owev9r, l9ldolTI find themlet.,.. welting for one of the 19 courtL The Club alao boests • Junior Olymplc-alze pool, taco.al. dk)lng room. and b9r. • 111 TeMOS Courts I t3 llghledt Memt>ert lrequ.ntty take adventege of the lltt1Cti¥9 fdtlle '°' PtlYal• pertlea. Mddlng recat>tlonl. eto. Otf'ler IOCMI ICIMllM lnclUdl bridge. beckgemmon. ICfabble, aeroblol, Ind our MW .mnet 00 "Body~" lnetNCted by Ptll Johnlon. For yow ~. try our new "MATCH MATE" bd mec:Nnea. • Jf ~ 6<te POOi • Dinong Aoom • '* • O~gammon 11nd Card Aoom • New Metoll Mitt Bal Mectw>M • IACulll • Video Eqvo~ • AN>ftret/Pro ShOI) • """°'° Cl"'9M • $114nrrlf!f JuniOI Tenn,. Chn1C1 • &d'( Syr.u~' S.miMr A llmlted numb., o l Regular, ~ate. SWlm. Meodall, and Junlof Executive M1mber1hlp1 ere now avellable, plue our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" and "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12·18 yra.) ,OR FURTHER INFOBMA TION CONT ACT OUR SALES DIRECTOR . FROM 10.00-e·oo rues -SUN. CALL &44-0050 , --. . ...... -"--____.. ---~--.---~ --~ ------------11------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ &tunlay (cootinued) ~ conupllon. (R) ( 1 hr.) ~ Cl) WALT Ol6HEY "Pluto And His Friends" Mickey Mouse and his Mend Pluto spend a comical day at the beach and the gotf course. Cl MOVIE "House Of The Sevet\ Corpses" ( 1972, Honor) Faith Oomeroue. John lre&and. When film- makers arrive at a deserted mansion to shoot a movie. the dwelling's smlstl!f past IS replayed. (2 hrs.) (!) PAUL HOGAN e PRINCESS A loo6< at the pe<sonal triumphs and dlfficulities being eiq>erlenced by Princess Diana. ( 1 tv.) • MOVIE "Yellowstone Kelly" (1969, Western) Clint Walker, Edd Byrnes. An Indian uprlslng started over an Indian maid draws a fur trapper to !he scene. (2 hrs.) QI LA BOHEME Mirella Freni and Gianni RaJmondl ~orm Puccini's masterpiece. (2 hra.) • PAPER CHASE "The Man Who Would Be Klng" Franklin Ford Ill's lather. visiting the university to recruit students for his law firm. puts pressure on his son lo be the star of the class. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Gulliver's TrfMlfs" ( 1939. Fantasy) Animated. Based on the story by Jonathan Swift. A man is shipwrecked In the l8nd of the smaK-sa.ed Lilliputians. ''hr .. 30 min.) (Cl MOVIE "Oh Heevenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Benji. Whtie Investigating a political sex scandltl In London, a private detective Is mur- defed and'h!lncamated as a scruffy dog. 'PG' ( 1 he., 43 min.) (OJ MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" (1981, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs into resls1anoe when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewery. 'PG' ( 1 he., 40 min.) Cl) GAU.AGHER: MAO AS Hal GaJlaghec P'OYe8 onoe again that a stand-up oomic II onty as tunny as his props -this time the "Sledge-0-Matic" Is DE'l'BCl'IVB Sl'O.ftY -Jot1eph COrfese featured. (1 ht.) ..... ..L._ l:ft.. .... &.. D MOVIE "The 8ephent Man" ( 1980, Orama) .-<)"II UK: la6t det«tiw an £.111TUJ In the year John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins. A dedicated physician 1996, who is prevaJled upon by • young takes under his wing a horribly deformed men woman to find her missing father in whose ~le until then had been spent In cheep freek "Computercide," a WOl'Jd pn!mi«e axwie exhibitions. 'PG' (2 tn., 3 min.) Saturda t 9 KNBC f.Ch 4) 8:0611!) MOVIE "Mirage" ( 1965, Mystery) Gregory Y a pm. on ' · · Peck, Diane Baker. A psychiatrist doubts his (I) AUTO RACING "IMSA GT Race" (from lime pat14Wlt's amnesia, but agr'8S to help him after Rock, Ct.) (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) becoming involved in a 8efies of strange events. (2 10:001· N9C MAGAZINE hrs., 15 min.) I NEWS 8:30 8 • ~ VALLEY Flora has Stella )ailed FANTASY ISl.AHO Mr. ~·s ownership f0t contributing to the dllnquency of 1 "*'°'· (R) of the Island Is ~. and • yooog woman Cl) FAEAl:S Animated. A young mortal Is chal-seeking a perfect hueballd get• help from a~ lenged to find and destroy an evtl spirit which Is she rreed from a bottle. (R)~1 tw. theeatening the existence of a fairy kingdom. (A) a MOVIE "Harlow" ( 1965, ) Carol L (!) RAaNG ~ YOM<ERS 18y, Efrem Zlmballst Jt. The and bewlt~ 9:00 • Cl) MOVIE "Tile Proml9e Of LOYe" ( 1980, Hollywood star's rise and Id Is treo.d. (2 ~-~ Orama) Valefie Bertlnell. Jamelon Par1<er. An 18-"*l.) year-<*S woman attempts to rebuild her life after her (!) MOVIE "Qxsed Medalion" ( 1976, Horror) ~husband II k-.d In Vietnam. (A) (2 hra.} Richard Johnson. Joanne ea.dy. A Nmmak•'• U • THE NA8HW.lE PAJ..>iet. Host: Joe young daughter beoomel drawn Into a cycle of Namath. Guests: George Lindsey, Cethy Rigby, Ed supernatural horrOf that epens fOf four centuries. (2 Bruoe. Oharty McClain. (R) (l hr.) tn.) e 9 LOVE BOAT Jill fds f0t Gopher, a publisher 180U000l0 tries to sJgn up a buf1y author eccompanled by his IMPf&8ION8 OF VON KA.RAJAH A portreit of attractN9 niece, end an Ul'MU8I couple lo<* ror this extraordinary conductcw. ( 1 tw.} treasure. (A) D (1 hr.) • 8Y\.V1A ANE KAYE'S MUaCAl. COfllEDV (!) WREBTl..MJ rONIOHT M A atar•tudded C81t lnclUdlng Dinny e MERV GAlff1N "S!Mw Screen Cowboys" Keye. Bonn'8 Franklin. .I.ck llmmon end Lynn Guests: Roy Rogera. Gene Autry. ,_x·A"8n, Dusty Redgrave re-cteatet tome of the magal moments Rogers, Rex Alen.}(., YakJma Canutt. Snuff Garrett. In Ameflcao theat• with acenes from ''South Peclf-U lv.) le." "Anlan'a Rainbow," "SwMt Charity" and • Oovseev "Frenz Boet (186&-1942)" The life "~In The Dark." (A) (1 hr .• 30 mn) of Franz Boes. the German phyt6oill 8'ngulerty ~ MOYIE "Mci..lntockl" ( 1983, WM4tm) John reepontible for shaping the courM of American Wayne, Maureen O'Hare. A cattle b9ron triee to anthrOPOloaY. Is doc:Omented. (R). o ( 1 hr.) handle a group of dlaarwltltet lt'ldllnt and oope wtth CID MOVlf!"··'lhe Night The UgMt Went Out In a fterv. de-termlned wife 1t the seme tme. (2 htt.) Georgia" (1981, Dfama) KttstY McNlchol, Mark CD>MoVle "Alice, Sweet Allee" (1978. Horror) U,. Hami. A btother-anckllt• songwntlng duo have da Mfler, Paula Shepperd. ~ of an bl!M- many adwtltw• wtllle trying 10 eke out a IMng on Ametlcan family ere ~ by 1 ptyehotlc nu- the c:ountry-west.-n olrd. 'PG' (1hr.,60 tm.) der« In their mfdst. 'R' (1 tw., .a min.) CD MOYIE "&cape From N9W York" (1981, ~ 10:20ft)MCME"SoEndsOUrNldlt" (1942. Oreml) ence-flctlon) Kur1 "-el, Adt1enne Bltbeau. In Fredric March, Glenn Ford. r"wto l*>Ple dltcovef 1997, a hardened Cf1mfnel IS offtl'9d a pardon If he each olhef wt:iHt at\d without peeeportt In Nazi.- can rescue the preeldent of the U.S. from the prison eontrOlled Europe. (2 tn.. 30 mh) city that Manhatt#I nea become. 'A' (1 hr., 40 1Ck80e NNOHT min.) •MCME "Gu" (1981,Corned1) Oon81dSuthef· (I) MCW1E "~Man'' (1981. Orama) Sissy land, Susan Mlpech. A nlClo OJ and a report« fry Spacek. Eric Ao&iwt& tn 10« •• tetephone operator to ft'Xpost en ol meonet•'• plot to dftve up get~- In a tm1N Texu town 11Ctff1c81 her standing In thjt es monlr~anoll~. 'ff {1hr .• 30 min.) community when she hu a short affair with a com-11:100 •Cl) Ill•-..~ bat~aalk>r. 'PG' (1hr .• 35m.) ~,.._ng;n (%) MOYIE "Once In P8'111' (1919, Romance) MOYIE "&.ffr1g" (1973, Creme) Elliott Gould, Wayne Rogers. Ga)1e Hlmk:utt. Cded to Paris to Roben Blake. A pg of ~ copt In Loe ~get doctor • ~ ICfeenpley, a memtd Amertcan the lea-than-f8'W8tdlng Job of anwltlng tfie '1ttte flndl himMlf fallng In loY9 With • married EtlQlfah Qt!Yt" ,... the real criminal mattern•a go tree. women. 'PG' (1hr.L4'0 min.) ihrw.J 0:30. MATI& A• THE BUOU FffnKtcr. "COun-MOVIE "The Stepford Wtvw'' (1975, 8dtf'°9. try ~tlilmln" {1937) ltatMa ate OIMr'I end Chic Ion) Klthartne Rott. Pua ~ A ~ Johneon: a thon. "~ A~ 1~": Connecdout hoc.....,. wttn modem ._. II lfM!:W~,,,,,.7~qvl .~~~ r ~ .. · ~i dl::•u.i..~ .robota=iiM:.:::~ --~---------.-..---------...... : domelt~ (2tn.) 9 LA BOHEME Mirella Frenl and Gianni Raimondi perform Pucotnl'a mastftJ)leqe. (2 hfs.) a JAZZ AT THE MXINTENARCE SHOP "Grea1 Guitars (No. 3) " Barney Kessel. Hef'b Blls and Charlie Byrd perform from the Maintenance Shop at Iowa Slale University. (R) ( t hr.) (I) ALL.STAR SPORTS CHALl£NGE Hall Of Fame Boston Celt1Cs vs. ·55 World Champion Brooklyn Dodgers (A) ®MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Drama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted stUdents at a New York high school lor the perrormlng arts el(perience various setbacks and successes ol both pe<aonal and Pf~ tessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs., 14 min.) CD NO HOl06 BARRED, MEN AT WORK Anything and everything goes on Ladles' Night Out at Los A~eles' wild and sexy nightclub, Osko's. (I) BIZARRE "lingerie Party" {%) MOVIE "Drum" ( 1976, Orama) Warren Oates, Isela Vega' A rich plantation owner Is disturbed by his young daughter's Interest in his male slalleS, Including one that Is fighting for hlS freedom. 'A' ( t hr .. 50 min.) 11:30,THE ROCKFORD ALES 8 TWILIGHT THEATRE Steve Martin and spe- cial guests present an offbeat array of comedy vig- nettes. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) eABCNEWS Cl) MOVIE "The Fighting Kentuci<ian" ( 1949, Adventure) John Wayne, Vera Ralston. In the earty 1800s, a Kentuct<y man attempts to prevent a pair of crooks from stealing and still finds time to romance the be8U11ful daughter of a French genefal. l hr .. 40 min.) KGB ROCKS 10 1882 LA RAZA CONVENT10H COVERAGE This year's theme Is "Economics,'' focusing on }obs tor Hispanic Americans, Hispanic American buying power and the effect of the new Federalism on the H~(1 hr.) ~MOVIE "The Unseen" ( 1981, Horror) Barbera Bach, Sidney lasslck. A TV newswoman and hef two assistants flnd lodgings at a boarding house Inhabited by a disturbed brother and alst« and t~r monstrous oftspflng. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 1 b&6e MOVIE "The 300 Spartans" (1962, Adven- ture) Richard Egan. Ralph Rk:hardlon. M Per11a's mighty *=noes. 300 Spartan so6dlers guard the~ at . (2 hrs.) 12:00 •BLUE JEAN ORK (!) MOVIE "The Man Between" (1954, Suspense) James Mason, Claire Bloom. A man risks h'8 ute In ~war Bef1in to rescue a kidnapped young girt. (2 CI) MOVE "tll98rts" (1976, Onme) Ald\ard Drey- fuss. Jessica Harper. ·x· (1 hr .• 57 min.) CD>MCME '~lntoSnowy" (1 hr.,30mln.) • MOYIE ''Wolfen" ( 1981, SUspenee) Albeft Rn- ney, Diane Venora. POik.le are faced wtth an unusual problem as New YOO< City Is Invaded by a pack of ~ wotves. 'A' (1hr.,65 min.) 12:06(C) MOVIE "Two-Way Stre1ch" ( 1961, Come. dy) Peter Sellers, Wilfred Hyd&-Whlte. A trio of pri&- on inmates plan to break out, then break In again With a truckload of diamonds. (1 hr., 30 min.) 12:30 8 MOVIE "FOfbldden Knowtedge" ( 1976. Ora· ma) Anthony Quinn, Angle Oicidnson. (2 hra) 0 MOVIE "The ~tlon Bureau" ( 1969, Comedy) OllYef Reed, Otana Rigg. A shrewd new&- peperwoman sets a clever trap to 8JCPOM an organi- zation of hired hit men. (2 hra .. 5 min.) (I) WCT TENNt8 "Mderrenean Open Seml-1~ .. ~ ~rEanoe.) (R) CJ)~ "The Baltlmor9 Bulet" ( 1980, Orama) Jem1t CObum, Omar Sharif. A amel-tlme pool hus- tllar must ralee $20,000 and win a big tournament before t'f can haw a rematch with an old opponent -who has never Iott at any game. 'PG' (1 hr., 43 minJ_ 1:00• ROCK CONCERT e MOVIE "Planet Of Btood'' (1966, SolencH=k:- tlon) John SaAon. Beall Rathbone. tn the yeer 1990. a ~ retums from 1 "*8lon to Mera with a tema• vampire aboerd. (1 hr., .S min.) I~ OF VON KARAJAN A portrait of u. 1xtteordlnlry concb:~ 1 hr.) • EVENNQ AT THE IM 1:1<>(1) MOYE ''Wo!Mn" (1881, Suapente) Atbert Anney. Olene Venora. Poflce ere feoed with en unu- -' problem as New York City la fnvtded by a pack of H wcMI. ·w (, hr .• 66 min.) 1:15 ~ "Hlltory Of The Wortd -Part I" ( 1 1, Cc:lmldy) Mel Brookl. Madlllna Kahn. Man'• lluttrloul history -from Neendlfthll caY&-"*' to tl'lt Spanilh lnqultltlon -.. Mamlned. 'Ff ( 1 he .• 33mln.) 1:30. MOVIE "A Fine Madneu" ( 1986. Comedy) S.n Connery, Joenrle WoodWanS. A potie becomee lnYolYed ~ don.-tc ~ wtlid\ ~ In ht -~~m·~: lrMDl;;'*l;·"1 I~ ·----·-u" .. ----~·-··..__,..,...ll:::ll'~•.--·~,~·~· .... ~s,..1!'191!l!ll"lll~Allll!!l~~a ............ & .. llllS .. lll ...................... ll~ _ ....... -...... --. Saturqay (continued) tress of dark forces.. (2 hrs.) (Q) MOVIE "Wild Pleasures" ( 1980. Orama) Guy Royer, Segried Selller. A woman allenated by her husband's dalliance with his secretary finds com- panionship outside the hOme. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:46 (t) MOVIE "Foxes" (1980, Dr1ma) Jodie Fos. ter. Sally Kellerman. The victims of brot<en homes and uncaring parents. four teen-ege girts try to soothe their emotional woundl throogf'I drugs and aex. 'A' ( 1 tv .. 48 min.) t &Oa!) RAT PATROL 2:00eNEWS • MOVIE "Falling In Love Again'' (1980, Orama) Elliott Gould. Susannah Y()O(. A man goes to his high school reunion In the belief that he can relive thel ood times of the past ·po· ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:05 NEWS 2:20 WORLD AT LARGE 2:30 DNEWS Cf) THE NEW AGE: A FOCUS ON OLDER PEOPLE "Being A Volunteer" all AGRICULTURE U.S.A. 2:350 ABC NEWS (%)MOVIE "From Noon Tiii Three" ( 1977. Orama) Charles Bronson. Jill Ireland. A driftef' is recruited Into a rag-tag robbery gang ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 2:45. MOVIE "Zontar. The Thing From Venus" ( 1966. Scienc.flct100) John Agar, Susan Btur· man. A creature from Venus comes to Earth seem- lngly_!o dO good for mankind. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:50CH) MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" (1981, Horror) Edward Albert. Erin Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frightening allen creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a for· blddi~ planet. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Quality Street" (1937, Comedy) Katharine Hepburn. Franchot Tone., A Y-OUOG wom- an attempts to embarrass a fOfmer sultOf after ahe loses In love. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) ~STRAIGHT TALK ~ = "Take This Job And Shove It" ( 1981. Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hen;hey. A young cOfporate e)lecutive runs Into resistance when he returns to has hometown to r8Yltallze a company brew~. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:06(1) MOVIE "La Cage Avx Foiles 11" (1980, Com- edy) Ugo TognazzJ, Michel Sel'rault. A middle-aged gay couple are the quarry of a secret Ofganlzatlon trying to get the microfilm that one of them swal- lowed. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 3:30. RAT PATROL (() RACOUETBALl "Men's International COam- ~ps" WendaH Talabef vs. Don Thomalt. (R) 3:40~ MOVIE "Leave Yesterday Behind" ( 1978. Orama) John Ritt8f, Carrie Asher. Foflowlng a tragic accident, a college athlete leerns to live and love again with the help of an understanding young wom- en. 11 hr .• 40 min.) 4:00 e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA i DA. PAUL YONGGI CHO SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Gas" ( 1981. Comedy) Donald Suther· land. Susan Anspach: A radio OJ and a reporter try to expose an oil magnate's plot to drive up gas pric· es icontrMng an oil shortage. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:06 BETWEEN THE LINES 4: 16 MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Drama) Kristy McNichol, Mark ACUPUllCTURE .Clll-IWl .. ,U. AUT'ttOR Of .. ACUPUNCT'* I ICimtea" Former Chairmen, Mmlnar of Ct'6n.e AcupuncutN Founddon PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDtCAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CMJFOMA, 13'h Edtllon 541-2431 ...... ~ ............. ...., ............ ----IANTAMM Sunday \I< >I { '\ I '\( , . 6:00 •VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA Cl) .._ON NEW JEA8EY Cl) NA8I. ~ Edmonton Ortllerl It Sen Diego if.rs (A) (2 twa.) 6: JAMES A08l80N 5: MOVIE "Blow-Up" (1966. Mystery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave. 6:30(1) DAY OF Ot6CO~ e MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, ~~s.lcal) Paul McCartney, The Who. ( 1 hr.. 20 6:35 CARTOONS 6;46 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6;00 MUSK; AND THE SPOKEN WOAD I SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM FRANCIS Of ASSISI: A SEARCH FOR THE MAN AND HIS MEANING The llfe and lnftuence of the 13th-century Italian saint Is expk>red. (A) (1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) ~rid Bergman. Johnny Doran. ( 1 hr .. 45 mtn.) Cl) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow'' (1981, Comedy) Chase. Carrie Fisher. (1 hr .. ~ min.) 6:06 LOST IN SPACE 8:.30 fOflOUA TIMES I A08ERf SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA.. SUM CIJISIHE POINT Of VIEW DIRECTIONS Teen-age &Yicide. the third leading cause of death among young people, Is examined. CALIFORNIA PEOPLE i art 1) MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( 1980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Stake. ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 7:009 TOOAY'S RELIGION THATS CAT LITTLE RASCALS IT IS WAfTTEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS PUBLIC PULSE DAY Of oescovERY CARTOONS YOGA FOA HEAL TH AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY SPORTSCENTER THE GOLDEN AGE OF TB..EVISION "A Doll's House" A woman (Julie Harris) asserts her own Identity after confronting her husband's (Christo- pher Plummer) lmmoraRt~ln a teleplay based on thei ay by Henrik Ibsen. 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:06 LIGHTER 8iDE OF E NEWS 7:30 FAITHWAYS I WHfTNEY ANO THE ROBOT CAMPUS PAOALE: VtEWPOWT ON NUTRJ. NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL F.njoy Teriyald • Tempura Shuahl bu prepattd hy ovr f•mou• Jape•~ Chef •Beer • w1.. •Said ® JAPANESE ~g.:s11. II.ESTA URANT NOW OPEN FOR LlJNCB Mon. thN Prt: 11rll lo 1:11 Dinner from • p.m .... "°"' 4 ,..... COMING 'l'BIS FALL -Juliet Jordan portrays "Sara Dane," in a drama based on 18th century Bl'ltiah hi6toly. The eight-hour m iniseries will malu! lta debut tbm hill QD the S~Station (OJ. 17). It ia tlw ~ ol Sara Dine, wbo rme from rag;t and ridicule to a position of wealth and power in the colony of New South Waler. T10N TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARMNG THA rs THE SPIRIT SPECTRUM JtMMY SWAGGART FafXTHECAT MISTER ROGERS (A) THEWOAlDT~W AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page . 7:35al) MOVIE "55 Days At Peking" (1963. Adven- tureL Chartton Heston, Ava Gardner. 7:46(%) M<ME "Outrageous!" (19n, Comedy) Cral!;l Russel, Hollis McLaren. ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) 8:00 9 SUNDAY MORNING THIS IS THE LIFE POPEYE AND FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSIC WORLD JERRY FALWELL CARTOONS ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) REX HUMBARD AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTlMf #EW/IORT llATSUll . W•1h Tt h Y11r #1 lltll1 h* Ill lra111 C._,IWhTMIJ ... W1 Ire lfllrilll F•lllltlo ""111111111 ~--------.. ...... ---a.----.. ...... _.. ......... ..::,....--"'~ ...... 111!'!'1111911!'19'!1111'11111111111111!!11 .. 1911 ......... m!!l .................. 111 .. 1111111111111111111 ... I I t- ~ Sunday (continued) (() W<:T TENNIS "Medlt8fT8nean Open Final" Live coverage from Cap d' Adge, France. (3 hrs.) CS) ptECE OF CAKE Two lonely efdefty men find com~nlonshlp during the Cttrlstmes aeasoo. 8:30U OOYSSEY Guests: Or. Judy Glass, professor at the University of Judaism. L A.; Rev. Monslgno< Felix Oiomartlch, priest at St. Anthony's Croatian Parish. L.A.; Rev. Anthony Mortell, St. Gregory Nazianzen ParlSh. L.A.; 'Pastor John Wold. music director of The Chorch on the Way, Van Nuys TOOAY'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE B.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE I AMERJCA! THE SECOND CENTURY SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Hams IC>OKs at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. (S) A MOVIE ST AR'S DAUGHTER Frank Cooverse and fon1 Alvarado star In this story of a teen-age gtrl in a new school. who suddenly becOmes super-pop- ular after her classmates tind out her father Is a movie star. 0 MOVIE "The Concert for Kampuche8" ( 1980, Musical) Paul McCartney, The Who. ( 1 hr.. 20 min) 9:00 D NEWS CONFERENCE PEOPLE7 Q ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME sTHTREETE, •w<R> Q YOU ANO ....,.. MOVtE .. Theatns In TheOfflce" ~ 197~. Orama) Susan Saint James, Barbara Eden. CID MOVIE "ClaSh Of The Titans" (1981. Fantasy) Har,Hamlln, Laurence Olivier. ( 1 hr., 58 min.) ~30 (l)FACETHENATION MEET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF OtSCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, AdVen- ture) Roger Moore. T opol. (2 hrs . 5 min ) (l) MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II" (1981. Hor- ror) Amy Steel. John Furey. (1 hr .. 27 min.) 10:001J NEWSMAKERS D ON CAMPUS "Food Science Program" at Chapman College. 8 MOVIE "The Errand Boy" ( 1961. Comedy) Jer- ILewls. Brian Donlevy. BASEBALL BUNCH SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON HERALD OF TRUTH OUTDOOR LIFE Rock star Corey Wells and Lef- ty Kreh flyflSh for brown trout in Pennsylvania's Spruce Creek, Tony Atwill and Landy Bartlett hunt louse In southern Vermont REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS NEWSCENTER WEEKLY YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "Under The Rainbow'' (1981. Comedy) Ct\e'..'y Chase. Carrie Astwtr. (I hr , 38 min.) 10:30 IJ INTERFACE I ARTS OF ASIA 9 KIDS ARE PEOP~ TOO Host: Randy Hamil- ton Guests Lisa W8'chel, Blltv Cryatal, animal exper1& Jack and Kathy Hanna. (~) ( 1 hf ) i THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL ROBERT SCHULLER BASEBALL P1t1sburgh Pirates at New York Mets I hrs . 40 min) DODGER DUGOUT OPEN MINO AGRICULTURE U.S.A. YOU ANO THE LAW 10: I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL • 10:50 OOOOER PRE-GAME 11:00 (I) PGA GOLF "Canadian Open" Live cov- erage of the hnel round from the Glen Abbey Goll Club In Oakville. Ontario (2 hrs ) I AT ONE Guest· Diahann Carroll ( 1 hr) MOVIE "A Summer Place" ( 1959. Orama) Troy Donahue. Sandra Dee • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Pre1u- dlce" Although Elitabeth round the manner of Mr. Oarcy'' proposal Insulting. she learns lhe truth about Wickham and grows ashamed of her former blind prejudice. (Part 4) (A) c::i ( 1 hr.) I ume HOUSE ON THE P'fAIRIE GROWING YEA.AS MOVIE "The Gumball Aally'' ( 1976 Comedy) Mlchool Sarraztn, Tim Mclnlitt. BASEBALL HALL OF FAME Live coverago of nctUCh~ ''°"etJ'IOC'l1 !et Hank Aor~ F.rtnk Robjn. ~ ~. :~··f~ '"'~~ ··¥!1't11~· 4~SJ PP1 Ch.,, ... 4 .... "l"'t-i"'.~'"'"'·i"I. '( .~~ • ~ •• ---... "ME TARZAN, YOU WHO?"' -Bo Derek mesmerizes Tarzan, played by Miles O'Keele, in the romantic adventure "Tarzan, the Ape_ Man ·• when it debuts on Home IJox Office Sunday at 9 p.m . CID FLASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 Actual newsreels help dramatlZe the slorles of four survivors of the period fellowing the October. 1929. New York Stock Eitchange crash (1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976, Orama) Robert OeNlro. Jeanne Moreau. (2 hrs .. 2 min.) 11:0&m BASEBAU Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (2 hrs .. 55 min.) 01) BASEBALL Los Angele& Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 11:308 0 THIS WEEK WTTH DAVID BRINKLEY II TERRY COLE-WHITT AKER G GROWING YEARS . \l·" l l'.1{~( )( )~ -J . e 8PORTSWORLD ~ live coverage of the schedulett 10-round mldttlewelght bout between Tony "El Torlto" Ayala and Robbie Epps (from San Antonio. Tex); women's Survtval of the Atte&t aen- al obstacle course (from New Zealand); "Years Ago Today" features the opening of the 1936 Olym- pic Games in Berlin. ( 1 hr . 30 mln ) D PROJECT UNIVERSE CC) MOVIE "A Global Affair" ( 1964, Comedy) Bob Hope. Ulo Pulver. (!) AUTO RACING "CART Bettenhausen 200" live coverage from Miiwaukee. WIS (2 hrs . 30 min ) 1: 10(!) KINEA'S KORNER 1: 16(%) MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981. Come- dy) C~Chase, Carrie Fisher. ( 1 hr, 38 min.) 1:130~~:N~MAN PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christle. ( 1 hr . 41 min ) (Q) CLOWN WHITE Jason. a 9-year-old boy. finds his perfect teacher ()) PIECE OF CAKE Two lonely eldef'ly men find com_Qanionshlp during the Christmas season. 2:00 U SUNDAY Location· live from the International Sur1 Fes1rval at Manhattan Beach ( 1 hr . 30 min l I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES CD MOVIE "Sunset Boulevard" ( 1950. Orama) W1l- llam Holden. Gloria Swanson. m MOVIE "The Savage" ( 1952. Western) Charl- ton Heston. Susan Morrow @ LA BOHEME Mirella Frenl And Gianni Ra1mond1 ~orm Puccini's masterpiece. (2 hrs.) 8l INSIDE BUSINESS TOOAY "Turning Your Job Into A Bosiness" Three people tell Dick Goldberg how they became their own bosses fD) PROJECT UNIVERSE (I) MOVIE "Royal Wedding" ( 1951. Musical) Fred Astaire. Jane Powell. ( 1 hr., 35 min) D MOVIE "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980. Orama) Elliott Gould. Suaannah York. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 2:20,CABLE NEWS 2:30 GIUIGAN'S ISLAND I SPORTSBEA T . TENNIS "Wells Fargo Open" Coverage of this event for women from the San Diego Sports Arena 1s presented. (2 hrs ) I PRESENTE PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page (Q) MOVIE "Birch Interval" ( 1976. Drama) Eddie Albert. Rip Torn 2:36 01) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 3:001J MOVIE "My Geisha" (1962. Comedy) Shir- ~ MacLaine. Yves Montand. U MOVIE "Monkey Business" ( 1953, Comedy) 12:008 FRANCIS OF ASSISI: A SEARCH FOR THE Cary_Grant, Ginger Rogers. MAN ANO HIS MEANING The life and Influence of 8 (!JI NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL Coverage of the 13th-century Italian saint Is explored (R) ( 1 competitions In boxing. track and fleld, swimming, hr ) gymnastics and figure st<atlng from Indianapolis, I LOST IN SPACE Ind. (2 hrs.) SEARCH (()BASEBALL BUNCH PAPER CHASE "The Man Who Would Be King'' (!) WOMEN IN CRISIS Gary Collins and Carol Law- Franklln Ford Ill's lather. visiting the unlV8'slty to rence host this examination ol the plight of the 1 6 recruit students for his law firm, puts pressure on his btlUon women in the world's developing nations son to be the star of the class ( 1 hr ) through the stones of six of these women. ( 1 hr.) Ii) GROWING YEARS ~CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT (Ji) MOVIE "The Black Pearl" ( t978. Adventure) PROJECT UNIVERSE Gilbert Roland, Carl Anderson. ( 1 hr . 35 min.) MOV1E "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adven-<m MOVIE "The Bank Ok:k" ( t940. Comedy) WC ture) Roger Moore, Topol Fields, Una Merkel. CZ) MOVIE "The Great Gatsby" ( 1949. Romance) (I) MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980. Adventure) Morgan Alan Ladd. Betty _Field ( 1 hr •. 32 min.) Stevens. Jeff Carey. ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 3:30 D OUTDOOR LIFE Rock star Corey Wells an,d g MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Drama) Letty Kreh llyflSh for brown trout 1n Pennsylvania s Glenn Ford. Anne Francis. ( 1 hr .. 40 min) Spruce Creek. Tony Atwill and Landy Bartlett hunt 12:30 D DIRECTIONS Teen-age suicide, the third l ouse In soulhern Vermont leading cause of death among young peopfe, Is eita-WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN mined. (Part 2) CALIFORNIA Wea< IN REVIEW g MOVIE "Man On A String" ( 1971. Advonture) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS Christopher George. William Schallert. HOASE RACING WEEKLY (II NEWSMAKERS SHE'S NOBODY'S BABY "A HiSlory Of Amerl- • OUTDOOR LIFE Rock star Corey Wells and lei-can Women In The 20th Century" This documentary ty Kreh llyf1sh for brown trout In Pennsylvania's traces the growth of women's roles In the home. &I Spruce Creek; Tony Atwill and Landy Bel11elt tiunt work and at play from the tum of the century to the l ouse 1n soulhern Vermont present • leatunng such famous per10nahties as GROWING YEARS Mae West, Shirley lemple, Eleanor Roosevell and 1: B (J) AlfTO RACING "NASCAR Talladega mai more ( 1 ht.) 500" Coverage from the Alabama International 3:36 NICE PEOPLE MotOI' Speedway_, Talladega, Ala (2 hra ) 4':00 SPORTSWORLD Scheduled ooverage ol the I TALI< ABOUT PICTURES scheduled tO-round mlddlowtight bOlrt between THE MUNSTERS Tony "El Torlto" Ayata and Robbie Epps (from San MOvtE Antoo10, Tetit ) • women's Survival of the Attest a~rt- MOVIE "Cutter" ( 1973, My&lery) Paler OoAn-ol Obslacle eourae (llom Now ZOOIMd): "Vt ti da, Cameron Mitchell. Ago Today'' fettures tho opf'nlng of 1ht 1936 Otym· I AOAM-12 • c Gam;$ In Berlin. ( 1 hr . 30 mTn) DA~eR UXB ''Otad l• t.r" QfiM nt to STARTREK J-Oemt>~~'lv assh,t an<1 te~ the',boOby·lrappod ENTERTAINMM ~HIS WE.l)( 1·y;· fU$8 he end SlMll'I mwe ah IM)ell5Y reun ••• '°"-'!l.<A.'l>•l\-"• ... 1&11-.tiJ..J.J..MOS._,l!llEi\l'"''B"',u't"tfna" I~ 113, nte • •• it' .,,..~•-.,...,r..,.,, . ., ·~. ,.,. :'."J L\'F'\I'\<; 8:00 8 8. NEWS e MOVIE "How To Marry A Millionaire" { 1953, Comedy) Lauren Bacall. Marilyn Monroe Three actresses use an expenSNe apartment as ba11 lor rk:h husbands. (2 hrs.) I CBS NEWS IT IS WRITTEN THE ROCKFORD ALES M•A•s•H MOVIE "Gas Pump Girls" ( 1979. Comedy) Kir- sten Baker. Huntz Hall The owner of a small lilhng station enhs1s lhe aid of his beautiful niece when a faneier operation opens up across the street and s1eals all his business 'A' ( 1 hr . 42 min ) 19 SONG WRITERS: KANDER ANO EBB A celebra· !Ion with the composer of "Flora The Red Menace". "Cabaret". '70 Girls 70". "New York, New York". "Chicago" and "Woman Of The Year" ( 1 hr ) I GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD NBC NEWS NOVA "Moving Still" The world of high· and low-speed photography is captured In this program which follows the experimental work done in the field and its possible ap·~f'tions (R) Q ( 1 hr.) CC) GENESIS IN CONCI CO) MOVIE "Just Tell Me What You Want" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert Hegyes. Lisa Hartman. A love- IVORCE MEDIATION A NON·COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOA·ATIORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO * PUBLIC llOTICE * •so CASH REBATE or 10°/o off our regular price James L. Zimmerman Certified Publlc Accountant Full range of personatl z~d proftsslorial services for small buSlnM~S & Individua ls . • INCOMI! TAX PREPARATION a PLANNING • SY81'£M8 DESIGN a lHITALLATlON • COMPUT'EAIZl!O FINANCIAL R~POATING -·-·------~------..-rr~----_..i::=l"_.....-~1~=>,...._.~y.-... !!ll9•SClllll!•C .. •E ...................................... ~ .... ~ ... ............ -. ..,.... .. ____ -..__ ... . .. -.2 0:: ' --------------n ON TllB MOVB -Bonnie Franklin will return tlt1t f.aJJ a Aan Romano m t.M popular ors~ Rliftl. 'Ole Day~t• J'fme. •• TM ili5w wf1l mow to SW>day at 9:30 p.m. ori KNXT (Cb. 2). -"Monday \I< >I { '\ I '\C ~ \I< >\ · 1 r.s 5:15(J) "0Utr8g80Ult" (1977, Comedy) Craig Aus-- .... Hoffis Mclaren. 5~· "Student Bodies'' 8:00® "Crossber" (Orama) John Ireland, Brent Carver. 8:06@ "The Fighting 69th" ( 1940. Orama) James Cagney, Pat O'Brien. Cl> "Up River" ( 1980. AdVenture) M0<gan Stevens. Jett Carey 7:00(%) "Once In Paris" ( 1979. Romance) Wayne R~s. Gayle Hunnicutt 7:30 CC) "The Fixer" ( 1968, Orama) Dirk Bogarde. Alan Bares Cl> "Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jam1son·Olson. l'I "Hawmpsl" ( 1976, Comedy) James Hampton, Christopher Connelly 8:00® "Hawmpsl" ( 1976. Comedy) James Hamp- ton. Christopher Connelly 8:05 all "Breakout" ( 1971. Adventure) James Dru· ry. Kathryn Hays. 8:~ (%) "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) ' Cheyy Chase. Carrie Fi8her 9:3011 "Vlctory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stal- lone. Michael Caine. 10:00 ~ "Heavena Above•" (1963. Comedy) Petef Sellers. Cecil Parker. 00 "Hardty WOfking" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver. Cl) "The Straiton Story" ( 1949. Biography) James Stewart, June AUyson. 10:05@ "The Ladles' Man" (1961, Comedy) Je<ry Lewis. Heten Traube!. 10:30(%) "The Baltimof"e Bullet" (1980. Orama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. 11 :30• "I Hate 86ondes" (1981, Comedy) Jean Rochefoft, Enrico Montesano . . \I ll.IC\< >< >.'\ \I< >\.IL" 12:0011 "Beach Ball" ( 1965, Musical) Edd Byrnes. Chris Noel. e "The Great Sioux Massacre" ( 1965, Western) Joseph Cotten, Philip Carey. • "Parrish" (1961, Orama) Troy Donahue, Clau- dette Colbert. ~ "Mad Wednesday" (1947, Comedy) Harold Uoy~. Frances Ramsden. 12:15{%) "Outrageous!" (1977. Comedy) Craig Rus- sell. Hollis Mclaren. 2:00(1) "Project: Kill" ( 1977. Suspense) Leslie Nlef.. sen. Gary Lockwood. CD "Amerlka, Amerika" ( 1964, Orama) Stathis Giallells. Lou Antonio. e "Janis" ( t974, Biography) Documentary. (%)"Once In Paris" ( 1~79. Romance) Wayne Rog- ers. Gayle Hunnicutt. 3:0000 "Hawmpsl" ( 1976, Comedy) James Hamp- ton, Christopher Connelly 3:~(%) "The Baltimore Bullet" ( 1980, Drama) James Coburn, Omar Sharif. •:0011 "40 Guns To Apache Pass" ( 1967. West- ern) Audle Mu"P,hy. Kenneth Tobey. Cl) "Shipwreck ' ( 1978, Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson. 0 "Darby O'Glh And The Llttle People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Coonery. •:30ct) "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975, Orama) Ryan O' Neal, Marisa Berenaon 5:00(D) "Improper Channels" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin Marlette HartleY. 6:06@ "To Catch A Thief" (1955, Mystery) Cary Grant, Grace Kelly. 6:308 "Victor Frankenstein" (Orama) Per 09ca,... aon. Leon Vitali. 00 "Croeaber" (Orama) John lrtland, Brent Carver •• CJ) "Unde< The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) ~ Chase, Carrie Fisher. ,. I \ I "' I '\._( I .. ,. ---~-_....~·-----~·-_....--~-1fll'9s .... oe~1.-•a ............... a .................................... .... Monday (continued) r.. I N8CNEWS HUMANfTIES THROUGH THE ARTS WACK'f WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest· Ernest Bofgnlne. D MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During Wood War ti. Allied POWs see theif ticket to freedom in a match between their soccer team and the German National Team 1n Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 6:30 Cl) CD NEWS I URBAN LEAGUE: CON\IENTlON '82 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PETER AUEN ANO THE ROCKETTES The Rockettes join singer Peter Allen on stage at Radio City MuS1c Hall in this musical special. (1 hr .. 8 min.} 7:00 8 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU P.M. MAGAZINE Sand. skin, suds and sottball: a 12-~ar-old heart transplant recipient I M<?i~~.H JOKER'S WILD SONG ANO DANCE The youngster of the Royal Ballet's Lower School perform a ballet based on a l~~::~~- THEMUPPETS TO CLIMB A MOUNT AJN: JULY 4, 1981 Eleven handicapped people. possessed by Indomitable coura~ antt deYottQn, dare to challenge 14,41~ loot-high Mt. Rainier ( 1 hr.) ([)MOVIE "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Partoo. Three WOl1<1ng women rebel against their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) (Q) MOVIE ''Seema Liq Old Tln'-.'' ( t980. Come- dy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase. A soft-hearted law· yer is tom between her hopetess ex-husbanO- flJfned-bank robber and her uptight present hus· ~n? who Is running for Calffomla attorney general. PG (1hf .. 42min.) 7:20Gl)NEWS 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: an examination of tt\e effeciS of sexual haruement: Btet Harte Pr• Q!r81ory Intermediate School U BODY WORKS "The ~ous System·· Or. Tim· oth~ Johnson examines the nervoua system l.TICTACOOUGH M•A•&•H 8IGNA T\JRE Guest: Alexander Godunov. MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT FAMLYFB.IO EVENING AT POPS Ethel Merman Joins the Pops Orchestra In performing a number of her hits, lnclUdlng "There's No BtJSinee8 Like Show Busi- ~ .. (1 hr.) (%) MOVIE "The Sorrow And The Pity" (1972) Documentary. Directed by Max ()ptluls. An exami- nation of pubffc aoquie9ceflce to Nazi barbarity dur· Ing the German occupation of France In World War It. included are lnteMews with Albert Speec-and Plefre Mendes-France. (4 In .. 20 min.) 8:009 ()) PFWATE BENJAMIN Judy suspects that Captain Lewts, an umpffe In the War Games has been bribed. (R) ' 8 • UTTl£ HOUSE ON THE PRARE Hester Sue's estranged huebend arrlYee In Walnut Grove and convinces Charles and Caroline to help him win her back. (R) D ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE: "Trle Love Boet" ( 1976. Comedy) Karen Valentine, Cloris Leeohman. The passengers and crew aboard a luxury liner haw. romantic mlsadventUfes. (2 hrs.) 8 t1I BEST Of THE WEST Sam mistakenty wounds hlmaetf, and the new jail begins falling ~rt. (R) • MOVIE "Susp6clon" (1941. Sospenee) ea Grant. Joan Fontaine. Directed by Alfred Hit~ A young woman euspect• tw chatmlng husband ot i nning a murder. (2 hrs.) PA~HOOAN P.M . MAGAZINE A 12-year-old heart trantptant rtc)lplent: a romantic wedding at .... ENCORE .PERFORMANCE -The ~Ethel Merman perlonm a medJey Jrer biggeJt Bmadwa,y hJta Jn an ~ performance on "Eveninsl at Pops" Monda at 7:3() p.m.. ao KOCE (Ch. 50). Y • MOVIE "Such Good Friends" (1971. Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Jamee Cooo. A neglected wife learns of hef "ailing" hu&band's extra.-marltal adventures with her "friends" aft81' he Is safely tucked away In the hospital. (2 hra.) a MD<n> BAG "Mom Art" Filmmakers make mov- ies about their mothers with approaches ranging from anger to humor. (Part 1) e EVENING AT POPS Ethel Mermen joins the Pops Orchestra In performing a number of her hits Including ''There's No Business Like Show ~ ness." ( 1 hr.) CC> MCME "The Axer" ( 1968. Orama) ()In( Bogarde. Alan Bates. Baled on a novel by Bernard Malamud. A tum-of-the-century Jewish peasant Is wrongfully Imprisoned for the death of a cNld In Kiev. (2 hrs., 10 mln.) ~~The Needle'' ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nefligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German aubma- rine. an Axis spy finds shetter from the 1torm In the =)"9 of a young m11rr1ed couple. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 51 CJ) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part 11" (1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly kllllngl ~ tlnue at a eomm« camp thllt had bMfl ctoeeo oown after a leflea of bizatre murdefs ocaKred there. 'R' 1 i! hr .• 27 min.) • MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" (1980, Comedy) Uy Tomlln. Charles Grodin. A housewife finds It hard to cope when the IUddenty beg!ns to shrink In ll:ze. 'PG' (t hf .. 24 mtn.) 8:20a!) ALL IN THE FAMll Y 8:30. ()) WKAP IN CINCINNA Tl MomlN Certaon hires e radio consultant who turns out to be en old txlddY of Andy's. (R) • MOVIE "CromMll" ( 1970, Adventure) Richard Hanlt. Alec Gulnneu. Polltloal tllnnoll and tyranny Inspire Oliwr Cromwetl to leed the Roundheads In ~ ~ Chatlel I of England. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) t1I WOMEH IN CRl8l8 Gery Colllna and Carol Law- rence host this examlnatloo of the plight of the 1.6 n binlon women In the wond's ~ng nations through the stories of she of tMM women. ( 1 hr.) • • SIHGLFS MAGAZINE Featured: lntef\'lew with actor. and 91nger Rick Sprlnglleld: Instructions oo visiting singles bars: comedy by Maureen Murphy. :!!' 0 - QI WOVIE "Victor Frankenstein" (Orama) Per Oscarsson. Leon Vitali. The new version of the clas-~ sic story by Mary Shelley. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) tO • GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Three Cheever Sto-.,, rles· lhe F'ive Forty·Elght" Laurence Luckinbill and a: Mary Beth Hurt are featured In Cheever's story '<.• about an "ordloary" man who Is shattered when he finds himself in a situation of mortal danger (A) ( 1 '- hr) ~ 8:60l1l) MOVIE "Drums In The Deep South" (1951. Adventure) James Craig. Guy Madison. When the Ovit War breaks out, good friends at West Point take opposing views. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 9:00IJ Cl) M•A•s•H Klinger Is stricken with a severe fever and no one can seem to find either the cause or the cure. (R) 8. MOVIE "Movlola: The Silent Lovers" ( 1980 Ora~a) Kristina Wayborn. Barry Bostwick. Direct~ Mauritz Stiller brings his protege Greta Garbo to Hollywood, only to see her fall deeply In love with sllent·fllm star John Giibert. (A) (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFRN "Salute To Swing" Guests: Met Torme. Jafe P. M°'gan. Larry Elgart. ( 1 hr.) a OREA PERFORMANCES "three Cheever Sto-ries: The Ave Forty-Eight" Laurence Lucklnbill and Mary Beth Hurt are featured In Cheever's story about an "ordinary" man who Is shattered when he finds himself in a situation of mortal danger. (R) ( 1 hr.) (I) BASEBAU HAU Of FAME Coverage of lnduc· lion ceremonies f()( Hank Aaron. Frank Robln9on Travis Jackson, Vin ScuUy, and Happy Chandler: from ~stown. N.Y. CA) (2 hrs.) ([)MOVIE "Silence Of The North" (1981. Adveo- tuie) Ellen Burstyn. TomSken'ltt. In 1919, a young woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a lite of hardship in the wilderness of northern Ca.nada. 'PG' {1 hr .. ~ min.) (Q) THE GOLDEN AGE Of Ta.EVIStON "Marty" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand star In a 19!;6 production of Paddy Chayefll(y's teleplay about a hOmefy butcher who falls In love with I ptaln girt. ( 1 hr.) 9:30 8 ()) HOUSE CALLS Charley comes to the aid of a young boy who needs an operation that his family can't afford. (R) Cf) MOVIE "Badman's Terrttory" (1946, Western) Randolph Scott, Gabby Hayes. Outlaws run ram- pant through ferTltlVV outside federal control ( 1 ... 30 min.) _, . '"" 9 YOU ASKED FOR fT 8 CRUEL TY OF BEAUTY This documentary oo Kabut<I theater Includes a performance of "Tera- koya"' ("The Temple School"). an 18th-<leotury Japa.nese chma filmed at the Kabuk._Za Theater In Tokyo. (1hf .. 30 min.) Cl> THE MAIONO OF~ Rehearsals. coe- tume fittings. mak~ Ulllona, llld the plennlog of ~tography and lighting are chronicled In a behind-I~ study of the unique physical fit-ness aerles. (1 hr.) • MOVE .. Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. A~ ture) Richard Harrla. Bo O.ek. A young woman Marches for her mllelng fafher In the African Jungle where she encountera an uncMlzed white man and an or~. 'R' (1hf •• 62 mln.) 10:008 Cl) LOU OAANT The pl!Qht of expk>ffed refl>. gees Is brought to the Trtb'a attention when It hires ·-~· (R) (1hr.) I SOHQ AHO~ The yoongstera of the Royal Ballet'• Lower School perfoim a ballet baaed on a oollectlon of children'• eonga. • ORUEl. TY OF BEA\ITY Thia documentary on Kabuki theater lncludel a pertormanc. o4 .. Ttrt- koya" ("The Temple School'"). 1t1 18th-ctntury Japaneee drlllN fllmed at tM Kabuk~ Theater In Tokyo. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ®MOVIE ''Fndly The 13th. Part 11" (1981, Hor· ror) Amy St•. John Furey. The grlaly k11mgt ~ tlnue at a IUmmlf camp that had been clOMcl doWn for ' • '. , - • .....:._ • .::....____,,_,.: ..., a• _.., --"" ___ , ----- -~ .r • --• --.....__-..-..__ ~ ' -------..,_·---¥----··--------~--lllllS:l ..... ,_.__... .... ~.._ ... ~5~; ... t ... ~SQ~·j ..................... ~_ .. ~ ................. ~~.·-·-~--~·.~11--~1 ~·~~ ~ .. I I 18 Monday (rontinued) -~ after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' °' U hr., 27 min.) .,... CO) MOVIE "S O.B." ( 1981, Comedy) Wiiiiam Hof.. o den, Juhe Andrews A movie director who has Just M finished a multl-mlHion dollar turkey goes from 3 anempled suicide to a bizarrely 1nsp1red re-shooting .., of his epic. ·R' (2 hrs . 4 min ) .,;. 10:15(C) MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" (1 981. Adven· ai rure) Tom1saburo Wakayama. Masahlro Tomlkawa :g A former shogun assassin who was maneuvered out u. of his posmon by a ruthless clan of spies vows to take bloody revenge. ( 1 hr , 26 min.) 10:309 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT fl ~I~ TURE Guest. Alexander Godunov. {!) MOVIE "Funhouse'" ( 1981. Horror) Elizabeth Berridge Sylvia Miles Four teen-agers spend a frighlful ~1gh1 1n a carnival lunhotJse inhabited by a demented barker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35m1n J 10:45@ MOVIE "Arsenic And Old Lace" (1944, Comedy) Cary Grant. Josephine Hull. Two old ladies poison unsuspecting gentlemen with elder· berry wine and bury them tn their basement com- plete with funeral 58(V1CeS, (2 hrs . 30 min ) 11:001J DD (I)®' tJD. NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT . JOE FRANKl.IN M•A•s•H BENNY Hill MIXED BAG "Mom Arl'' Filmmakers make mov- ies about theit mothets wtth approaches ranging tr~ ~nger to humor. (Part 1) ~DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE 1H810E BA8B3All (R) MOVIE ''Thtee In The Attic" (1968, eom.dy) Yvette Mimlewc, Christopti., Jones. A trio of CO«is lock a woman-chuet In the attic and t&M turns tir-ing him out. ( 1 hr., 30 mln.J 11:30e QUINCY Quincy attempts to halt abuae of the~bythelrchlldren. (1hr .• 10mln.) •• ntE 8E8T Of CAA80H Holt: Johnny c.r- eqn. Guests: Robert -·· ~ Kahn, Tom Oreeeen, HirOINma~) • IL~~ MMt IOOK I Tom (NI<* Nolte) and~ (Peter Stt ... ) Jordeche blttle tor~· iippr(Mll. ~ ·~byflla ~ BlaJtety) to~1tlelr ltnel '°""' or 2 hns.) e MCMI! •·40 Guns To Apache Pasa" (1967, Western) Audie Murphr, Kenneth Tobey. A cavalry offloer saves a group o homesteaders from an Ind- an alt~ then stalks the man who sold guns to the Indians.~ l ~ANDSON MOVE "Victor Frankenstein" (Orama) Per Oscarsson, Leon Vital. The new ~ of the cin- slc story by Mary~-( 1 hr,. 30 min.) I UNDEAITANOING HUMAN BetAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPOAT8CENTER LAUGHS Four stal'l<HJp comedians ate t~ through nightclub pertormanc. and their beNnd-t~ livel as they pursue leughs and fame. ( t hr.: tS'min.) g MOVIE "American Pop" (1981. Musk:al) Ani- mated. The history of American pop music. from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, It traced through several generations of a family of mutlclens. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 37 minJ_ 11:60CC) MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Comedy) Mac Oawa. Tovah FeldstUI. In orci.r to meet his alimony paymen11, a recently dlvoroed pf1. vate detective tracks down delinquent husbands for • a dlvor~ lawyer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 min.) 12:00,ENTERTAINMENT TONIGH'f • MOVIE "The White 0.wn" ( 1974, Adven- ture) Warren Oates. Timothy Bottoms. Three Whalers become lost in the Arctic In 1896. (R) (2 hrs .. 15 min.) (!) MOVIE "Mad Dog Morgan" ( 1976, AdVentura) Dennis Hopper, OavTd GulpAA. The lnfamOUI Mad Dog Morgan thrashel hie w1y through ttle days of t~ Gold Rush In AustraOa. (2 hrs.) • MOYIE "Behold A Pale H<>rse"•(100.., Orama) Gregory Peck. AnthOny Quinn. A 20-year feud between a St)anlsh loyalist and a local police chfef i s with the death of one of them. ( t hr .. 30 mlnJ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE. ''The ShOut" ( 1979. Horror) Alan Bares Susannah York A dllturbed man conlintct to an lns11tut100 btlievea he can make a "death shout," a soond that will kill. 'R' (1 hr .• 27 min.) (%)MOVIE "Orum" ( 1976, Orama) Warren Oates, Isela Vega. A rtoh plantation ownor la disturbed by his young daughltr's lnltrost In his mslo elaves, lnotud1ng one that It tlghling tor his frffdOm 'R' ( 1 hr,. mitt)···-···-· ., .. ~.,. ·"•..,,.•. ··-··--· .. 1.2:08 .MOYJE ·s o. e;• (198 f. Com~) WllUaro H MOVIE BOMANCB -SwNJab actras Kri8t1.m Waybom pi.ya Greta Garbo and &rry Bmtwkk portray. John Gllbert, two early liJm ~w.. wbo beame Honywood Jegenda, in "Sllmt Loven" Monday at 9 p.m. OD-KNBC (0.. 4). Just finished a multl-mlfflon dollar turkey goes from at1empted suicide to a bizarrely lnspifed re-shooting of hie~ 'R' (2 hra., 4 ~ I~ ....... t2:30. •LATE 9«IHT MW>~•·~ Guests: Roling Stone ~ photographer Annie L~ con1*11n 8lly ery.tll, New Y()ft( Y~TommyJohn. (1 hr.) 1~.1ipid&i1et ... ton Tiger Celt (R) (2 tri., j() min.) 12:40e THE WOAD Publlc reCltloos exper1 Steven Randall (Davtd Jannen) Is hfred to promote a new Bible based on a controver.laJ document purported to be an eyewitness account of Christ's llfe. (Part 1) {B) (2 l')ra.. 5 min.) 12:46 CID TkE OEAOL Y GAME Three retired criminal lawyers play a game of cat-anO-rn<Qe with • seem- ingly Innocent victim; George Segal, Trevor Howard, Robert Morley end Emtyn Wllllams s1ar. (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Uptight" ( 1968, Drama) Julien May· lteld, Raymond St. Jacques. Attar the KJng ~ nation, a group of black mlUtanta building up an arsenal of weapons In preparation tor a race war 1re betrayed by one ot their own people. 'R" (1 hr., 44 mlnJ_ 1:00 •GENE AUTRY •MOVIE "The Happy Thieves'' (1962, Comedy) Rex Harrison. Rite Hay\.vorth, A wlly art thief cons • couple Into stealing a precious Goya painting from a §f_)ani8h museum. (1 hr .. 30 min,) QI SONG AND DANCE The youngsters of the Royal Ballet's LowM School perform a ballet based on • collectiOn of chlldren'a songs. (2 hrs.) 1:161 M188ION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:30 • N8C NEWS OVERNIGHT e EN~AUTRY CC) MOvaE "Janis" ( 1974, Biography) Documenta- ry. Janis Joplin rllee from an unhappy and oblcU<e past In a small Texas town to head the charts u a ~rock and blues singer. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) g MOVIE ''Blood Beach" (1981, HOfror) John Saxon, Burt Young. A pair of police otflcert hev1 their hands full when they lnvtstlgate the Cll.IM of beachgoe" being sucked Into the sand. never to be seen again. 'R' (11'11 .. 30 min.) 2:00(%) MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Pert II" ( 1981, Horr0t) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly kllhngs continue at • sum,,,., ca'N' that had been closed down a t1er e series of bliarre murder• occomtd thtra. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 2:05(!) NEWS . Cl) MOVIE "Return Of The St1a1111 Aghter' ( 1975, AdVenttJre) Sonny Cf'llba. Yoko lchljf A loner takft on lhe Far Ea&t Malta and e legion of black b91t experts In an incredlblo fight ( 1 hr .. 16 min.) 2:15GNEWS tm RAT PATROL 2:80(JJ MOANINQ STRETCH 2:4 Tuesday· ' . ' .\I< >It\ I\:(; .\I<)\. I l·:s 5: 16 (%)"Orum· ( 1976. Orama) Warren Oates. Isela Vega 8:05@ "The Strawberry Blonde· (194 1. Comedy) \.,, .James Cagney. R11a Hayworth "1r:30 ~ "The Hustler Of Muscle Beach" (1980, Ora· ma) Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz CID "Give Me Liberty" ( 1974, Adventure) Robert Culp, Richard Kiley g "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982 Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne 7·16(Z) ''Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981. Horror) Aml.§teel John Furey e·OOU:iJ "The Night The Lights Went Ovt In Georgia" 0 1!981. Orama) Kristy McNichol. Mark Hamill (I) "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" I 1981, Adven- ture) Puppets 0 "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981 Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier 8:05@ "King's Pirate" ( 1967. Adventure) Doug McClure. Jill St John 8:30~ "Two-Way Stretch" (1961, COmedy) Pater Sellers. Wilfred Hyde-White. 8:'6(%) "Once In Paris" ( 1979, Romance) Wayne • ~~s. Gayle Hunnicutt 10:00(.C) "Oh Heavenly Dog" (1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Benji. CH> "Under The Rainbow'" ( 1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Flsher. Cl) "'The Maltese Blppy"' (1969, Comedy) Dan Rowan, Dick Martin. e "Silence Of The North" (1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrltt. 10:06aJ -r'he lives Of Jenny Dolan" (1975, My. teryl Shirley Jones, Stephen Boyd 10:30(%) "Under The Rainbow" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Asher. \J : I !~'\( I(>'\ \f( )\ ;1"" 12:00e "Son Of Kong"' (1933, F.,._) Hllln Mack. Robert Armstrong. i "Man On A String" ( 1960, Or1m1) Ernest gnlne, Kerwin Mathews. "Them" ( t9S4, Science-Flc11oo) James Whit-more, Edmund Gwenn. ®"Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sytvesrer Sta!Sooe. Michael Caine. Cl) "Breaking Glass" (1980, Orama) Hazel O'Con- nor, Phi! Daniels. g "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980. Co~) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin. 12:15(%) "The Baltimore Bullet" (1980, Orama) James Coburn, Omar Sharif. 1:00 ~ "The Hustler Of Muscle BMch" (1980. Ora~ ma) Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz. 2:00(!) "Brute F0<oe" (1947. AdVenture) Burt Lan- caster, Hume C<ooyn. (I) "Only When I laugh" ( 1981. Orama) Marsha Mason. Kristy McNlchof. Cl) "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" (1981. Acfven.. lure) Puppets. (%) "Hour Of The Wolf" ( 1968. Orama) llv Ullmann, Max von SydOw. 2:30r.lit "Victor Frankeosteln" (Orama) Per Oscar&-son. Leon Vitali. D "Klll Or Be Kiiied" ( 1980, Adventure) James Ryan, Charlotte Michelle. 3:00~ ''Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fanta· ID ROif Harris. .. CID "The Night The Lights Want Out In Georgia ( 198 1, Orama) Kristy McNlchol, Mark Hamill. 3:'6(%) "Once In ParlS" (1979. Romance) Wayne R~. Gayle Hunnicutt. 4:00D "The Man From Laramie" (1955, Western) James Stewart, Wallace Ford. •:30(C) "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Cf'levy Chase. Benji. g "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fantasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne. 6:00(!) "Nlcholas And Alexandra" (P•r1 2) (1971, Orama) M.chael Jayston. Janet Suzman. CH> "Give Me Liberty" (1974. Adventure~ Robert Culp. Richard Kiiey. CO) "Only When I LalJQh" (1981, Oramt) Marana Mason, Kristy McNicho{ · 8:05@ "4 For Texas" (1963, Western) Frantc SIN- tre. Ursul11 Andress &:SO(J) "Fliday Tho 13th. Pa'1 II" (i981. tiorror) Amy $t I. John Furey. .. ------~--~-----·--------s----..... 11119111._ ............... s ........................ j .. ll .. .. -----------=-----------------------------------------------------------19 Tuesday (continued) I ~~ HAWAII FIVE-0 OYER EASY "Widow: Wometf Alone'' Guest: Marjorie Guthrie. (A) D I ~UMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Peneua Is helped by his father Zeus In a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess aga1ns1 the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 6:30 Cl) NEWS I BARNEY MILLER DICK CAVETT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Two-Way Stretch" (1961, Comedy) Peter Sellers, Wiifred Hyde-White. A tno of prison Inmates plan to break out, then break In again with a lrUci<load ol diamonds. (I hr .• 30 min.) 00 THE GOLD BUG A young boy becomes lnvotved In a auspensetul hunt tor Captain t<Jdd's burled trea- sure. ( 1 hr.) 7:008C8SNEWS I KUNGF\J ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE An int8Mew with Cathy Lee Qosby: a self-contained, underground ~nl­ um complex for survivalists. KOJAJ< NEWARK AHO REALITY ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT M•A•&•H JOl<EfrS WIU> • 8U6INE88 .,..AEPOR.,...,...RT""' litOYIE "Payday" (1973, Drema) Rip Tom. Anna Capri. A country and we.tern lk'GI' ruthlessly makes Na way to ttardOm by manlc>utating end <ii-- carding thoee eround. him. (i hr .• 45 min.) cm MOVIE "Back Roads" ( 1961, Comedy) Sany Alld. Tommy lee~ A1'ooklr and a~ tWt-luck tx»cer melt end heed ...i In eeerch of e new llfe. 'A' (1 hr., 35 min.) (I) JOAN fWER8 C0MmV HOUR AdUlt puppeteer Batclay Shaw and the Tropeana Dancers are fee.. tured. (1hr.) (%) MOVIE ''Under The Rainbow'' ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher. The 150 midgets whO are In town for the fllmlng of "The Wlzarcf Of Oz." tum a Calllornla hotel upeld&-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 mln.j 7:30• 2 OH THE TOWN Featured: the lsaue of kids and marlJuana; a look at the Prltlkln Diet and some Interviews with patients. 8 EVE OH LA. Featufed: a report on the contro- versy sorroundlng the opening ot a hot tub parb In a oon&er1atlve neighbor'hood: a look at the growing use ol cocaine In Los-Angeles: a profrle of ooe of LAiii~= APPLE POlJ6HEA8 YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•s•H NEWS 8'GNATURE Guest: Jacquetlne Blsaet. MACNEJL I L9iRE:'A REPORT MONEYMN<EA8 8POAT8CHALLENOE "Super Bowl XII Rematch" WOftd °'8mplo6 Della Cowboy9 VI. Denver Btoncot CB)AACE FOATHE PEMiCAHT Barry Tompkins end Tim McCaNef OOYflf d the bales leadtng to the 1982 Wortd Setie&. 8:00·~ UNMR8E I ~Bruce Lee'a Greatest Revenge" Bruce LI. When westemera and~ IJ•r1 to leud. a student Interfere'• at hit own bodlfy r11k. (2 hra.) • 9 HAPPY DA Y8 Lori Beth enllsta FonzSe as her defWery room coach when she glvet birth. (R) o • MOVIE "A New Kind Of Love" (1963, Corn«fy) Paul Newman. Joenne Woodward. A buyer for a department store and a newspapennan ta• In io.... after meeting' on a plane. (2 hrl.) (!) PAUL HOGAN PBllllB-f'llllB aASBaA££ -Jo~ ~(Wt) Md Tony Kubell wtll repo11 from Veter.a. SYdlum In Phllltdelphla when NBC Spart. c: a ~ Jilioa of M.p-Le.pe l llCdon '-rurln6 tlll! Jlallnlal.,..,. ~""'Pl><'~ Pbilh n..day •t 6M KNBCT 4). • P.M. ~ lnterv\ew With C.thy Lee Qosby. a seff~talned. lhiergfound ~ um comptex for IUNlvallats. • MOVIE "Stunta" ( 1917. Mystery) Robert F«- 11•. Rone l.ewta. A veteran Holtywood stuntman joins e movte c:ta on tocatbi to leem the etroum- atences behind lhe deethe of three other atunttMn. ~ :taounoer brother. c2 tws.) I DANGER UX8 ''The Pier" 8tlln'1 life haf9 In the belance when • "*'8 explodel on a booby- trepped pier. (Part 12) (R) D (1 hr.) • fiKiVA "PaJecle Of ~ta" A behlnd-U. scenes look le taken et San ~·· Explondori-um, a unique ICience museum featuring cloee to 500exhlbita. (R) D (1 hr.) CC) MOVIE • Worrttiifl In Love" ( 1970, Drame) Gteo- da Jackson, Alan Betea. Based on the novel by 0.H. Lawrence. Two couples experleooe emblYal9nt feel. logs of love and hate In their romantic relallonahipe wlth~matea. (2 hra., 10 min.) ~MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sytvester Stallone. Mlcheel Caine. During World War II, Allied POWa aee thek ticket to freedom In• e match between their I0008f teem end the Germen Natlonel Team In Parla. 'PG' (1hr .• 67 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Oe:sh Of The Tltana" (1981, Fan'81)') Harry Hamln. l..eUf9')Ce OMer. Mythic hero ,,__. Is helped by hit father Zeus In • ..-of dangerow t81ka as he tn. to win the hind ot • ~ prlnoeel -oalnet the ~of • ~ ... god- dels. 'PG' (1 hr .. 68 "*'·> • MOYE "Fnday The 13th, Pwt I" (1981. Hor· ror) Amy Steel. John FUl'9)'. The grtaly kmlnge c:on- tlnue et a "'""'* camp 1hlt hed 6eecl doeed down after a aerlet of ~ murdlt't ooourred thtre. 'A' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) 9:30~ THE TWO Of U8 Btentwood gamblee awey Nan s food budget money In. a poker match. (R) e ((I LA~ & 8HR.EY Leveme arranges a bind datt for Shll1ev wtth I furril!w. (R) Q I LATINE PAOFU MAUDE ODO COUPLE al) ALL IH THE FAMk. Y 8 OAHCE "La Alie Mal Gardee" L.aty Colief and MCheel Coleman perform In Slr Frederic Ashton'• ::2 1960 version of the 1789 classic ballet. (2 hra.) ~ 9:00 e Cl) MOVIE "Desperate Vayaoe" ( 1980. ~ Adventure) Chflstopher Plummer. Ctlff Potts. A < modem-day pirate cruising the Caribbean takeS over a small yacht and terrorizes the people on .g_r board. (A) (2 h1'1.) 8 VIC'rOR AWARDS Top athletes In all major ..,, 6')0rt$ are honored In this annual event from Las S: VNSS. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) . ~ 8 di THREE'S COMPANY A visiting food critic - decides that Janet and Terri are moch more appet-'-c i~~~=~AQ (.) MERV GRIFAN !=' MOVIE "So Weft Rememt>eteQ" (HM 7, Drama) .... -< John Miiis. M1!111ha Scott. A crusading newspaper ~ editor struggles to promote badly needed social N reforms In a town where factory workers are being victimized by the "system" daily. (2 hra .. 30 min.) • MYSTERY "Rumpole Of The Balley. Rumpole And The Man Of God" Rumpole defends an elderty. absent-minded vicar on a shoplifting charge. (Part ~ ~l"lND FR1EN08 Guests· Ju1oe New- ton. Ronnie Mdsap, Hank Williams Jr . Janie Fricke. The Oak Ridge Boys. (2 hrs.) •DANGER UXB "The Pier" Brian's llfe hangs lo the balance when a rTtine explodes on a bOOby-1~ pief. (Patt 12) (A) O (1 hr.) (() WCT TENNIS "Medlte"~ Open Anal" from ~ d'Adge, Franoe. (A) (3 hrs.) CD MOVIE ·~ Men'' (1981. Drama) Sialy Specek, &le~ In 1944. et~ operator In a emeJt Tex.as town sactlficee her standing In the oommunlty when the hu • tt*1 lftalr with • com- bat-bound aallor. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. S6 min.) cm THE NAKED aw.. SERVANT In the t940a a "British man refused to apotoglzA9 for Of' even com- promise hla homoeeJQJ81tty. choolinQ lnstMd to make It otwtouund flamboyent. (1hr .• 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Hour Of The W<:l/r' ( 1988. Orama) t..Jy Ulmann, Max von Sydow. An artist'• unity begins to crumb4e after he rnovee to • remote lslaftd with his e!._~t rnllltreae. ( f hr •• 30 m .) 9:30 • B TOO CLOSE FOA OOMFOAT Sarah Q08I Into business for hereetf. making and eelllng cookies from a Grendml Rush recipe. (A) (!) MOYIE "O.S.S." (1946. Creme) Aten Ladd. Geraldine Atzgerald. Just pf1or to the 0-.Dey Inva- sion, an O.S.S. spy team Is dispatched to France. l.! hr .. 30 min.) • MOVE ''Witching Time" A young witch bom In te27 brfnge terror to e COUP'e In a farm house. ( 1 hr.) 10:001• ••NEWS 8 HAA't fO HART Jonethen, Jennifer and Jeo- nlfer'a father. who was an underoOYer agent cb1ng WOf'ld Wet II. are at~ by the ton of • Nazi Wit c:rlmlnal. (R) D (1 hr.) • WITH 088IE ANO RUBY "lmagee Of Bob Kauf- man" A visit with the poet In San f!'rancllco features video art created to enhance the Imagery of Kauf- man'• work. CJ e MVSI &W ··~ Of The Selley: Rumpote And The Man Of God' Rumpole defendl an eldel'ty. absent-minded vtcar on a ahopltftlng cherge. (Patt ~~~~u..n. TheA{)eMen" (1961. ~ tur.) Richard Harrili 8o befek. A young woman ... ,ct. for her ~ t8ltW In the Afric8n jur1g1e wheft ehe encount .. an uncNtlmd wNte men end en0tenguten. 'A' (1 hr .. =~ Cl)~ LAURA. LAURA (Pert 5) 1(kli) .. MEWi l iICINATUf'!aue.t: ~ Bleeet. WIRE YOU neE? ''The Cotton Club" Aw enterta1ners whole careers ~ et the legendeJ'y Cotton Cl.lb In Hetttm In the 19209 are riunlttd. J:.> JM SHOWCASE (8) MOVE ''Which Way le Up?" (19n. Comedy) Richard Pryor, lonettt McKee. A MX-ctaMtd fruit picker Is caught In 1 comic Cfoesfttt betWMn hll union and the Mob. and • hypoctttic.I preecher rinc1a heawn 1n 1 lldlM' choir. 'A' (1 hr •• 34 min.) 1lcNE Pao•LBMS?? - .. I I I I I I I I I I I I ---1 I I I ------.._ • IO . N Tuesday (continued) ~ Cl) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and tour comic -contestants who compete against one another ate -featured In thll uncensored comedy game shotN. g D MOVIE "Silence Of The NOf'th" (1981, Adven-~ ture) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skemtt. In 1919, a young => woman's marriage to a trapper leeda her to a Ufe of .., hardship in the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ~ i! hr .. 35 min.) ~ (%)MOVIE "Tbe Baltimofe Bullet" ( 1980, Drama) ~ James Coburn. Omar Sharl!. A smalHlme pool l'IU&- tiel must raise $20,000 and win a big tournament ..J~ before he can have a rematch with an Old opponent -who has never lost at any game. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 > min! ..... 11:00 •woe NEWS . ~ ATURDAYNIGHT ir YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNVHIU QUCZKJ08 BU81NES8 REPORT DOCTOR IH THE HOUSE MOVIE "The Happy Hooker" ( 1975, Comedy) Lynn Redgrave. Jean-Ple«e Aumonl. The life of New York's famous cal girl, Xavtara Hollander. Is told. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) (JJ MOVIE "House Of 1000 Pleaaores" ( 1976. Comedy) A young man Is IUl'pfised 10 teem that his glrl friend is wort<lng at an exclUslve brothel. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 22min.) Cl> THE SOUND Of MUROER Mlchael Moriarty and Joanna Miles star In this euspen1e dfama about a woman and hef lover plotting the murder of her sadistic husband. (2 hrs.) 11:309 ALICE Vera keeps her romance wtth Brian a sectet from Alice. Mel and Ao. (R) 11 TONGHT Host: Johnny Cert0n. ( 1 hr.) ABC NEWS NtGHTLINE RICH MAN. POOA MAN: BOOK I ~dy Jor- dache (Peter Strauss) lo6es his gltttrleod and a scholarship: Tom (Nick Nolte) falls deepfy In love. {g hrs.) • MOVIE "The Man From Laramie" ( 1955. West- ern) James Stewart, Watace Ford. A man seeks reveng& on the gunrunners responsible for hit brother's death. (.2 hn.) I THE JEfFER80N8 SANFORD ANO SON MOVE ''The Beachoombef'' ( 1955, Orama) Robert Newton. Glynis Johns. Hostile natives pose less of a threat 10 an Island bum than the attentions of a gentle lady. ( 1 tv .. 45 min.) QI DANCE "La Alie Mal Gardie" lAeley Collier and Michael Coleman perform In Sir Fredeflc Ashton's 1960 version of the 1789 ctasslo betlet. (2 hf&.) I UNOEA8TANOtNO HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 12:00 e ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • 9 FA~ASY ISLAND A dying mothe<-to-be wants to see her chHd grow up and an art lnstructOf w1at'6S to ~ta mastetpleoe. (R) ( 1 ht .. 10 mlh.) (!) MOVIE "Fallen Angel" ( 1945, Orama) Alice Faye, Dana Andrews. A man weds a wealthy wom- an IOf her money so he can dump her for a waitress, onty to become the prime IUSpeCt when the wait- ress Is murdered. (2 hra.) e MOVIE "That Man In Istanbul" ( 1966, Comedy) Horst Bochholz. Marlo Adorf. A playboy helpt an FBI agent peeing as a ltrippef to recover a kld- ~~~einE 1~~ Rainbow'' (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. The 160 midgets wflO are in town fOf the tllmlng of •'The Wtzarcf Of Oz.•• turn a California hotel upside-down 'PG' (1 hr., 38 12:~ THE WORD A powerful Dutch clergyman (Nicol Wllllamson) pu~lly denounces the new 8'ble as Randall tries to authenticate the manuecrlpt after a textual emx comet to light. (Patt 2) (A) (2 hrs. 40 min.) 12:15(z} M0VtE "Friday The 13th. Part U" (1981. HofrOf) Arny Steel. John Furey. The~ kll1logt continue at a summer camp that had been cloled down aft« a ..,_ of bizarre murder• oocun-td there. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) 1~308. LATE NIGKT WITH DAW> LmERMAN Gueets: comedian Robert l<leln, rock linger Joe Coe~) I LOVE. AMERICAN 8TYlE MOVIE "FrldayThe 13th" (1980, Horror) Betty lmtt. Adrienne King. The "°'*1lna of 1 turnmet camp, Cloetd 20 yelf'I ..,,,.,. after w .. rrudert. attracts a Vlndlctiv. kller who knlfM ~ t~t. 'A' (1hr.,38mln.) (II) Mow: "Only When I L.algtl'' (1981, DrarN) -· Mason. l<rllty McNlchol. A New Yorlc ICtt .. rwtufnt from 1 drytng-oUt ~ dlttrmlned to rwww ._ ~. tw>11om1ooe wltt. • ~· ~ ....... ~ .. ~~~. GROWING UP PROBLEMS -Jennifer JBJIOIJ Leigh Md Shawn Stewns star as y~ who lace ~n-age uncertainties in "! Think rm )/Jiving a Baby," to be broadcast Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). ~dnesday \I< >l{'\J '\C ~ .\I<>\ J l ." 6:16(%) "Hour Of The WOif" (1968, Orama) Liv Ullmann, Max von Sr.dow. 8:00 CC) "Shlpwrectc • ( 1978, Adventure) Robert L~n. Mikki Jamlsoo-Olson. 8:06 Ill) "Each Dawn I Die" ( 1939, Orama) James Ceg~. George Raft. 8:30 D "Kiii Or Be Kiiied" ( 1980. Adventure) James Ryan, Charlotte Michelle. 8:4& (%) "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976. Orama) Robert DeNlro. Jeanne MC>feau. 7:00()) "For YOUf Eyes Only" (1981, Adventure) Aoa8f Moore. T opOI 8:00{C) "Leave Yesterday Behind" ( 1978. Orama) JOhn Rltle<, Corrie Fisher 00 "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Bff.l!Y. Julie Christle. . 8:06 QZ) "Wives And Lovers" ( 1963. Comedy) Janet Leigh. Van Johnson. 9:00(%) "The Great Gatsby" (1949. Romance) Alan Ladd. Betty Fleld. 9:30D "Under The Rainbow" (1981 , Comedy) C~ Chase. Carrie Flshet. 10:00(H) "Clash Of The Tltans•· (1981, Fantasy) Har- ~amlln, Laurence Olivlef. W ''Take The High Ground" (1953, Adventure) Richard Widmark. ~lalne Stewart. 10:06al) "The Deadly Bees" (1967. HOfror) Suzanna L~ Frank Finlay. - 10:30(%) "Outrageous!" ( 1977. Comedy) Craig Ru. sell. Hollis Mclaren '" 11:30(C) "A Global AHalr" (1964, Comedy) Bob H9P1, Lllo Pulver. • "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald ~ man. Jane Wyatt 'A' (2 hrs"> e MOVI~ "Hardc::Ore" (1979. Orama) Geo<ge c. .. Scott, Season Hubley. A concerned father ieev. 12:00• Tall In The Saddle" (1944, Weatem) John . \l· · 1 Lil'\<>< >'\ \I<>\ I I.~ the peaceful surroundings of his home 1own to Wayne, Ella Raines. search f<>f his daughter, whO has become heavily • "Good Day For A Hanging" (1959, Western) Involved In a big-<:fty pornography racicet. 'A' ( 1 hr. ~4Pd MacMunay, Maggie Hay-. 4'6 min.) ' • "The Young phifadelphlans" ( 1959. Drama) 12:"6(C) MOVIE "The Hustler Of Muecle Beach"~aul an, Barbara Rush. (1980. Orama) Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz. A small-1 def The Rainbow" {1981. Comedy) time hustle< contrives e SCheme to turn a slow-wttt-Chevy se. Carrie Asher. ed amateur ln1o a woncs ctasa body-bultdlng cnam-1:00(C) "The GumbaU Rally" {1976, Comedy) pton. ( 1 hr. 35 min.) Michael Serrazln, Tim Mcintire. 1:008 MoVtE "Ball Of Are" {194'2 Comedy) Gary 1:30D "Starting Over" (1979. Comedy) Burt Rey- Cooper, Barbara Stanwyok. A gr00p of prissy p<o-nolds. Jill Claybufgh. lessors researching a dlctlonafy of American tlang 2:00(!) "A Town Called Hell" (1972, Western) become Involved with a gang of thugs and a cabaret Robert Shaw, Telly Savalas. singer. (2 hrs.) CJJ "Continental Divide" ( 1981, Romance) John e MOVE ''Flamingo Aoed" ( 1949 Orama) Joen Belushi, Blair Brown . CrawfC>fd, Zachary Scott. A beaut1rUi and enticing (%) "The Great Gatsby" ( 1949, Romance> Alan carnival dancef is left behind 1n a smaU town Where Ladd. Betty Field. she meets up with romanoe. dirty politics and mur-3:00 00 "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren def. ( 1 hr. 30 min.) Bea.J.!Y. Julie Christle. Cl) AUTO RAQNG "CART 9ettenheu9en 200" 3:30(1) "The Hideaways" (1973. Comedy) lngfld from Milwauk._, Wis. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Btf P,man, Johnny ~n. Cl) MOVIE "Looking FOf Mr Goodblf" (1977 Ora· • Witching Time ma) Dl8ne Keaton, Tueiday Weld. A eOciany 3:36(%) "Friday The 13th. Part II" (1981. Horror) repressed achoolteacher aeetta excitement by fr• 4· Am}'._Steel, John Furey. QU9911na singles bars and luring various men Into 4:00a "The Birds And The Bete" (1956, Comedy) one-nlgnt ltands 'R' (2 In. 15 min) Geor, Gobel. Mitzi G&YflOf. 1:to• MOVIE "The Night Ot The i0uane" {1EHM ~:30• "Toby And The Koala Bear" (t981. Fant• Drama) Alchatd Borton Debofah Kerr rtwee worn. ay) Rolf Harris. en touring Mexico are ~pfred by their guide. a ror-5:00(1) "DoctC>f. You've Got To Be Kidding" (1967, mer mlnlster. (1 hr .• 30 min.) Comedy) Sandra Dee. George Hamilton. Q NEWS CC) "A Global Affair" ( 1964. Comedy) Bob ~. 1: 161 MIB8a0tt. tMP06SUSLE Ulo Pulver. 1:30 • N8C NEW80VERNIGHT (D) "Take This Job And Shove It'' (1961. Comedy) 1:-40 RACE FOA THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins Robert Hays. Barbare Herahev. and Tim McCatver CO\ltr all the baMt leadlng to the 6:10(%) "Once In Perla" ( 1919. Romanot) Weyne 1982 Wortd Setlel ~. Gayle Hunmcutt. 1:"8(%) MOVIE "Outrageoutl" (19n. Comedy.) 6:30{1) "Fof ·Vour Eyes Only" (1981. Adventure)· Craig Russell, Honts Mclaren. A good-natured heir-Roger Moore, Topof. dresser. who · moonllghts •• an imptnlonator of female celebritiea, af'\lrea an apartment and a pla- toolo relatlonshlp With a achtzophr.WC ~ wom- an. 'A' ( 1 hr .. o40 m#lJ ~-MOVIE ''Tf\e 8egiMlng Of The End" (1'M7, Orama) &Ian Donlt"Y. Aoben Watktr. The lf\res of 8 ecietllllt Ind hit Wife beOome Inextricably ln1Wlntd In the dev~t Of the fltlt atomic bomb. ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 2:06 (!) NEW8 2: 10 (JI) MOVIE "The NIOht The Llghta Went Out In GeOl'gla'' (1981, Of'ame) l<rllty McNlchof, Mark H1miff A brOChtr .. ~tr eongwritina duo hevt rntny lldventUM Mlltl ·•~ to eke ouf 1 IMng on the ooontry-M11em Cif'oUft; 'PO' ( t hf., 60 min.) 2:15-~TPATAOl 2:30~1NG STRETCH I= . ., ~l(l~~;(.1970 .. !1=1: ......... _, ... • • ...i"~.,.., l .\ I .'\ I'\<~ ---·--------------...._~---------------... -\\Wnesday (conti11ued) ta THE SONG WRtTERS: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ The career of Arthur Schwartz featuring some of his work ( 1 hr.) I DtCK CAVETT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT DON'T CHANGE MY WORLD A conservationist tries to save his home land from developers ( t hr .• 30 mm) CID RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver covet all the bases leading to the 1982 World Series ~ 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS • KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A man who creates costumes for Walt Disney World. a teen-age women's arm- wrestbng champion. KOJAK NINE ON NEW .Jr:l 1SEY ENTE'RT AINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD G BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The famous group from rock·s golden era perform their greatest hits. including "Cahforma Girls." "Surfin' U.S.A." and "Barbara Ann " ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Giida Redner. Bob Newhart The sexually repressed daughtet of lhe country's weirdest presidential fam,.. ly complicates her father's attempts 10 conduct the affairs of state 'A' ( 1 hr , 44 min.) @ MOVIE "Manny's Orphans" ( 1980, Drama) Jim Baker, Malachy McCourt. The t>oys at an orphan- age risk !heir charity fund in an attempt to help their soccer coach pay baek a $40,000 debt to the mob. t! hf .. 31 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Greet Gatsby'' ( ts.49, Romanoe) Alan Ladd. Betty Reid. Based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald A wealthy 1920s bootlegger devotes his life to reclaiming the woman he loves. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:20 Q1) NEWS 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a town In Kansas where some Hollywood treasures are st0<ed in a film vault 25 stones underground: single adults who aQ<>Qt children; the Santa Anita H0<se Show. llJ. FAMILY FEUD EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on the safety ol the Los Angeles International Airport; a profile of a professional sort photographer; a look at the magi- cal world of special effects; a k.lxury cruise to CataU-na. ()).TIC TAC DOUGH ([) NASL SOCCER New York Coemos vs. Seattle Sounders (2 hrs.) I YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Vincent Canby. MACNEJL / LEHRER REPORT SUfMVAL "We Live With =s" David Niven narrates the story of Of. Ian las-Hamil- ton's five-year study living wtth his faml amidst a herd of wild etephants lo lake Manyara National Patk, Tanz.anla. (R) (1 hr.) • PIECE OF CAKE A lonely old man plarw a Christmas reunion wtth his daughter. 8:008())CBSREPORTS "Afte<1he Ofeam Comes True" Chafles Kuralt vlllt• Oak Park Matt In Kansas for a look at how the shopping center and others like It have affected our lifestyles and phllo6ophlea. {1 hr,) 8 • REAL PEOPLE Featured: a 75-year old vof.. unteer fireman: a restaurant where the meow are wrltteo on the waitresses: the preppy va. anti.prep-f?l' controversy. (R) ( 1 hr.) · • MOVIE "Cold Sweat" ( 1974, Ad\lentutt) Charles Bronson. Liv Ullmann. A man and woman are Victimized and held hostage by crooks from the man's past who want an Old flVC)( repaid. (2 tn.) • 9 THE GREATEST AMERICAN HE.AO Ralph lnadVertently Inspires three of his fellow teachers to tako~tld chancel. (R) (1 hr.) e MOVIE "The Search" ( 19-48, Orama) Mont- gomery Clift, Aline MacMahon. While his mother It Merchlng f()( him, a war orphan acc:epts food and lhelttr trom a GI. (2 hrs.) • P.M. MAGAZJNE A man who creet• costumel kif Walt Disney Wor1d: 1 teen:-aQI women's arm· wr•tllna cha~. • M<Wle "The Bingo Long Tr~ All-Stars And MotOf Kings" (1976, Comedy) B*Y °" Wlllamt.. Rk:hard Pryor. 'rwo b&ack blMblM pla)'WI 9"COUf'l- I• oppoeltlon when they INve the Negro NetlOnll l,'8QUt In t939 to form their own teem. (2 l'ltt.) Cll STYLE F91tured: a fox hunt In NMw YM'• IUb--urtMln w .. tchest• County: C111oon1tta Pit ~t and Paul Rigby. Ft. Worth. Texas. oelebratn II• "cow town" status. '•'~ "Wtl· ~""1 :tCl'\lS: Nvtn ,.,..... the llOfY of ~""' f ~ SOAP OPERA SIREN -Swoozle Kwu stars as actress Lauri~ Morgan, who. in tum, plays the notorious nymphomanilltc Gloria Tranelle of the fictltJoua .oap opera . "As ThWI We ~." on NBCa "Love. Sydney" Wednesday at 9;30 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). ton's l1Ve-year study llvm~ with his lamlly amfdSt a herd ot wild elephants in Lake Manyara National Park. Tanzania. (R) (1 hf.) CC} MOVIE "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) Michael Sarrazin, Tim Mcintire. A gumball machine Is the grand prize in a New York-to-Loe Angeles car race which b<ings all sorts of zany characters onto the nation's highways and baci< roads. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) Cl) SPORTSCENTER CH) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Oflvief. Mythic hero Perseus is helped by his father Zeus In a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenlcien princess against the wlStleS of a vengeful sea goa- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 58 min.) (I) BIZARRE "Blind Date" • MOVIE "Serial" (1Q80, Comedy) Martin Mutt, Tuesday Weld A happily"'trl8rrled Marin County cou- ple are spurred by their trendy neighbors Into explQ<lng alternatlve l1festytes. 'R' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 8:20 Q1) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30. 000 COUPLE -QI HOPPER'S SILENCE An examination ot various points of painter Edwatd Hopper's llfe along with a look at some of his wOO<. ( 1 hr.) • WORLD Sl>£CIAL "Survivors" Archival footege. animation and lntecvlewl with American citll.ens who were in Japan dUrlng World War II rec.JI the bom~blng of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. (1 hr.) Cl> THE GRAlEFUL DEAO The Grateful Oeed are seen per1ormlng many of their greatest hits In this concert taped Rahoween night 1980 at Radio City Music Hall. ( 1 hr., \8 min.) (%) MOVIE "The last 'tycoon" ( 19761 Orama) RE>bert OeNlro, Jeanne M<>l'eau. In the HollYwood of · the t9308, one man'a sucoesa mak• him the friend of stars, the envy of powet~ngry executlv9s. and the mosl eligible bachelof In town. 'PG' (2 hrs., 2 mlnJ. 6:50al) MOVIE "Come~ Get It" (1936, Orama) Joel McCrea. W1h8' ~n. A cruel papef mlll owner acqulr• the power to control the Wllconeil"I lumber country, (2 htt., 5 mln.l 9:008 (I) MOVIE "Sky RJdefi' (1978, Adwnture) James e<>bum, Rowt Culp. A private ~ la ..,.., In 10 retrieve a WMJthy bOllnellman'• klOMpped family from a gang of terrOfttt~) (2 hrs.) 8 •THE FAOTS OF LIFE Ind '* boyMend ~)along on M,.., Garrett' a flrti dlte In ftfteen yeera. 9 Q THE FALL GUY Cott cluhe9 wtth a belullf\Jt lnlUrence ln*llglt°' when ht attempa to brlnO In ~thief. (R) (1 hr.) • MERV ONFFIN Gueett: &ob Anderton, Una Wartmuller. GaflOn t(aNn, Biiiy C'~al. (l hr.) • WOAU> 8PSCIAL ·~''ArotWel foot INmatlOn Ind Int.Mewl with Amencan cni:9: who were In Japen durtna WOttd War II n9Call the ,..~lnd~-ii ;; ~~l:Ss~ ous history -· trom Neanderthal cavemen to the II Spanish Inquisition -is examlned. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) ail MO\llE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Drama) :2 Woody Allen, Charlotte Rampling. A successful 0 direct<>< faces a personal crisis as he tries to make ~ some major dectSlons 1n his life. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 29 < minl 9:30 D • LOVE. SIDNEY On hts first vacation, Sid-8 ney's crankiness nearly ruins a Caribbean cruise for - Laune and Patti (R) "T1 (!) MOVIE "Octaman" ( 1972, ScleOCe-Flction) 5: Kerwin Mathews, Pier Angeh. Eanh IS v!Slted by an ~ Interplanetary creature ( 1 hr • 30 min ) ta THE SONG WRrTERS: ARTHUR SCHWA.RT The ~ career of Arthur Schwartz featuring some of his -< work ( 1 hr.) c.> C!> NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE CONFERENCE !:J Host Delores Handy and White House conespond-...... ent Mark Gibson present highhghts of this year·s co conference. ( t hr.) ~ (!) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '76" ( 1 hr.) ct MO\llE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher The 150 midgets who are in lown for the filming of "The WIZ.ard Of Oz. .. turn a Cahforma hotel upSide-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min-l 10:000 GD QUINCY Outncy suspects a cover-up by fellow stUdents ot a college man who died duriog -"'tratemny hazing Week (R) ( 1 hr ) I D•eNEWS 0 DYNASTY Fallon learns that Blake may not be her father, Alexis revives her affair with Colby, and Blake announces that his sight has returned lR) ( t hr ) • NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE CONFERENCE Host Deiofes Handy and White House co<respond- ent Mark Glb6on present hlghUghts of this year's conference. ( t hr.) CC> MOVIE "Leave Yesterday Behind" (1978, Ofa· ma) Jotin Ritter, Garrle Fisher. Following a tragic accident, a college athlete learns to five and love again with the help of an understanding young worn.- an. ( 1 hf .• 40 min.) CID MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scoltlsh Island to meet a German subma- rine. an A.xis spy finds shelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) (])MOVIE "The First Nudle Muslcal" ( 1975, ~ dy) Cindy Williams. Bruce Kimmel. A down-and-out Brcedway producer plans to spark lnt8f'est in his latest project by staging II completely In the nude 'R' 1_1hr .• 36 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: \lincent Cenby. INSIDE BUStNESS TOOAY "Starting And Run- ning A Small Business" A rMtauranteur. a boutique owner and a university professor discuss the trials and tribulations of starting and running 'f04JI own business. (A) (I) 8PORT8roRUM (R) CD) MCME "Oulcima" ( 1971, Ofama) John MHls. Carol White A young house«eeper covets lhe stashed fortune of her ml9etty employer, a eeeming- ly Dished Old farmer. 'PG' (1 tw .. 36 mfn.) 10:~ TOMWAITSFORNOOHE 10:56 BASEBALL San Francl9c:o Giant• at Atlanta Braves .,s; =-~~~ 11:100ftTUt!'A'f k NEWS YOU A8t<EO FOR IT JOEFMHKUN w•A•&•H BENNYHIU. 8TYlE Featured: a fox hun1 In New york's subur· ban Westchelter County; cartooolslt Pat Oliphant and Paul Rigby; Ft. Worth, Texas. oelebf'etee Its "cow town" atatua. I BU61HE88 REPORT-. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE 8PORT8WOMAN (R) MOVIE "Summer Camp .. ( 1979, Comedy) John C. Mclaughffn, Matt MlcNlell. The owner of a talllng summer camp decldel ra)le money bY hOldlf'lg • reunion for the now-matured aJumnl. •Ff (1 hr., 30 min.) ~~C:..~.~· ,~ee~ are In town fOt the fltming of ''The Wtwd Ot Ol. ·· tum 1 CaMtomil hotel ~-'PO' ( 1 hr., 38 11:~· MOVIE "To R.c. The Wind" ( 1980, er.mt) Stelle Gutten~g. Randy Quaid. An "'--IOlnl bind Ht.Mfd lt\.tdent i-. hit ~ to ~ ='Ewllh hit lighted dellme• (R) 2 tn.. , I x=.~ewn. (1 hr.) MAH, P'OOft MAH: 90<* • AUdy Jor-dlchl (P.wt9r atrw» ._ en tmelttOl181y ohwQed 1~~·~1 (...., .... , Ind ·~,..,_..,_......,._, ...... ~ ,. -. { . It ~ (cootimed) ~ G MOVIE "The Birds And The Bees" ( 1956, Com- a> edy) George Gobel, Mitzi Gaynor. A proud man ... rejects a girl with a shady past. but later falls tor hef g i ln. (2 hrs.) THE JEFFERSONS 3° SANFORD ANO SON -, HOPPER'S SILENCE An examination of various points of painter Edward Hoppe<'s Ille along with a look at some of his work. (1 hr.) I UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "SmOl<ey Bites The Oust" (198t. Come- dy) Jimmy McNlchol, Janet Julian. A high school dellnquent gets the whole town oo his trail when he makes ott with the homecoming queen and heads across lhe slate in a series of stolen automobltes. 'PG' (1 hr . 30 min) 11 :40 (]) MOVIE "History Of The World -Part I" (1981. Comedy) Met Brool<s, Madeline Kahn. Man's illustrious history --from Neanderthal cave- men to the Spanish lnquisU1on --Is e)(amined. 'R' ( 1 hr , 33 min) 11:45CC) MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978, Comedy) Gerard Oepardleu, Patrick Oewaere A young and opt1m1stlc husband goes to almost unbelleveable lengths to ensure his wife's hap,iness. 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT D LOVE BOAT Julle lransfOfms a plain Jane into a glamour girl, Vicki and a boy help a stowaway and a man accuses crew members of making pass- es at his wife (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) (!)MOVIE "I KilleQ Rasputin" (1967. Drama) Ger- aldine Chaplin, Gert Frobe. A mad monk, who held the Romanov court in the palm of his hand. befriends the man who wiU eventually assassinate him. (2 hrs.) • MOV1E "The Court Martial Of Biiiy Mltchetl" (1955, Orama) Gary Cooper, Charles alckford. A man Is put on trtal when he defies military bfass In order to shorten World War II. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (H) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" ( 1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre mufdert occuned there. 'R' (1 hr., 27 min.) 12:308. LATE NtGHT WfTH DAVID LETTEAMAN Gues~on surfer Gerry Lopez. ( 1 hr.) I LOVE. AME'RICAN STYLE THE' SON WIRTERB: ARUTHER SCHWARTZ The career of Arthur Schwartz feat\Jl1ng some of his wor1t. ( 1 hr.) . Cl) TOP-RANK BOXING Coverage of the 1<>-round lightweight boUt between Bobby ''Wildman" Ale"- andet' and Kenny Bognef, from Atlantic City, N.J. (BJ (2 hrs., 30 "*'·) . CD> MOYIE "Take This Job And ShoYe It" (1981, Comedy) Robeft H9YS. Barbera Henhey. A young caporete executtve ntnt lrWo r...-tence when he retum1 to hil hOmetown to r"44tallze a company bteWIJY, 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) ~~CZ> MOYE "Onoe In Pn" (1979, Aomance) ~ RogefS. ~ ~n. Celled to Pwtl to «>ctot • mc:Me IOf91f.-y •• rMnted Americml ~.r,.4te fW1Ci1 h6mle# f*'9 tn ~ wMh • mllfild Engllh \ women. 'PG' ( 1 ._,, ~-) ~ MCME .,.._ ... ,,_ •• (1~ W..e.mt GlrY ~. w .... Br.,...,. ltw tyrennbl .Aadae ~ 8Mt\ II oonlroftted -IM powi.iUI "'W•eih-W." (2 hrs.) • , • MO\IE ''The~-<MnlmlOn'' (19a1, p;. me) ,,auy~.,...,.._.~, Noh""°°' teacher ta k '••• Wild flt ct111 c>oM cit-~of 181(, Na...,._ rtJ1t to hll dlfeflil end fofoe. ClfUIC'8l conhnt*Jn ~ ~ bOerd -oi.. ( 1 hr .• 30 """') . CD MCME "Big WedneedlV'' ~a Oreme) Jin. Mld\Mt ~ Wllliln Katt. ~ boyl enjoy the ut and Mnd ~II -~ to ,.... that that•'• "'°'• to ._ thin ~Ing down their bcWdJ. 'PG' (2-tn., 5 Mn e MCW1E "Get" ( 1ee 1, > Oonlld SUtMr-llnd. ._,,~A~ 8"d a NPCW* try . =~~~ir::rn:.r 1:1••..,.. '&om~~(~ ) Virginia MceC.nne. • rr ....... "".lf9'!1t ..,.,. Ind hie• ,. """~ a.. !ft~"""=-fOfCld -,-~i=.=::::~,.:: " ·~.::. Moofi> Topot -.. tMdca • <:rin*Wt ~-.... ..,... "'*' ..... ~~· 2::-1-~ 'abi ., .... '" ?:rM•:t•~."'"um. Fent•> ,. &; lelttj, .Mt awt111t. A1W a tooebell toMl'li ' ... , r T'HOW1TT\r.111&mATJUU8 -~ -·-- " SURPRISE BEBO -Stephen Ccllins will s tar as Jake Cutter in ABC's "Brass Monkey" series this fall on K.ABC (Ch. 7) Wednesday at 8 p.m. Thursday .,., .... " 6:30~ Global Affair.. ( 1964, Comedy) Bob Hope, Ulo Pulver. 8:00(1) "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Ber~an, Johnny Doran 8:0511Z) "Devil Dogs Of The Air" (1935, Drama) Mar~ret Lindsay, Pat O'Brien 8: 16 CZJ "The Sorrow And The Pity" ( 1972) Ooco- mentary Directed by Ma)( Ophuls. 8:30® "Never Never Land" ( 1981, Orama) Petula Clark, Cathleen Nesbit 8:00 CC) "The Baltimore Bullet" ( 1980. D<ama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif 8:05@ "I'd Rather Be Rich" ( 1964. Comedy) San- dra Dee Robert Goulet 8:30® "SST Disaster In The Sky" (1977, Suspense) Lorne Greene. Burgess Meredith. g "Darby O'G1ll And The Lltlle People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Alber! Sharpe, Sean Connery. 10:00(C) "Mad Wednesday" (t947. Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances RamSden CID "Attack Force Z" ( 1980, Adventure) John Phil-'!E. Law. Mel Gibson Ci) "The Trouble Wtth Girls" ( 1969, Musical) Elvis Presley, Marilyn Mason 10:05al) "Those Redheads From Seattle" ( 1953. Musical) Rhonda Fleming, Gene Barry. 10:300 "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, Musi· cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. ,, 10:40(%) "Friday The 13th" ( 1980, Horror) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. 11:30(C) "Mahogany" ( 1975, Drama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins. .\I ll.ll '\< >< >'\ \I<>\ 11 ." -------~------------------------------------..... ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------., ground notse of a tape sent by kidnappers. (R) 1ltursday (oontinued) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. A sma»-tlme pool ~ tier must raise $20.000 and win a big toornamenl before he can have a rematch with an old opponent -who has never lost at any game. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. •3 min) ® MOVIE "Never Never Land" (1981, Orama) Petula Cl.ark, Cathleen Nesbit. A nine-year-old girl from a broken home escapes loneliness through the Peter Pan myth. ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 8:30 Cl) e NEWS I BARNEY MILLER otCKCAVETT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 7:00 9 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNGF\J ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A patented antl--snoflng device: a look at a bachelor-father household. KOJAK NEW YORK REPORT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•&•H JOKER'S WILD • BU8fNES8 REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "The Knack And How To Get II" ( 1965, y) Rita Tushlngham. Ray Brooks. A young man attempts to t>ecome popular with the ladles by tludyln~ hlS beSt friend's methods. ( 1 hr., 2• min.) CD) MOVIE "Hometown U.S.A." (1979, Orama) Gary Springer. Dave Wilson. The ptoblems and anx- ieties ol 1hree adolescents eoplng with growing up In the · 50s are expl<><ed. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Outrageous!" ( 1977, Comedy) Craig Russell. Hollls Mclaren. A good-natwed hair- dresser. Who moonlights as an lmpersonet0t of female oetebrltles. shares an apartment and a pla- tonic relationship with a schizophrenic young wom- an. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 7:08V)MEW8 7:30 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to E~ for a toor of theiamlds, the Sphinx. a etuise a the Nile and the hts of the modern metropolls. eFAMILY 0 THATS HOU YWOOO e TIC TAC DOUGH MEET THE MAYORS YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•s•H SfGNA TURE Guest: Helen Thomas. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT FAWLTY TOWERS MONEY MATTERS A fast-paced documentary examines how to out food bills drastloally and how to save money by catalogue &hoppl.ng. Cl) AEROBICISE Get In shape, k>ok good. and feel great with this physical fltnesa ptogram. 7:35 aJ BASEBAU Atlanta Braves at Loa Angeles Dodgers (3 hra .. 15 min.) 8:009 (I) MAGNUM. P.I. Magnum aearches fOf a rvn Who disappeared White salll~ thrOUQh a chan- ,.radltlonally teared as "cursed. ' (R) (1 hi.) 8 e FAME' Danny tries to raise money eo that Leroy's mother can see her son dance. and Mr. Shofofsky _Is reunited with an old love. (A) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Ban on: Walk Up And Ole" (1971 , Mystery) Robert iOfSter. Darren Mc:Gavtn. A 1930s prlvato eye becomes a prime IU8P901 when a glfl Is found dead In his office. (2 hrs.) • 0 MOAK & MINOY Mindy opts for exotic togetherness With MOfk while Mearth II away '°' a week. (R) • MC1¥1E "The Lady In The Like" (1S..7, Myt- t.,Y) Robert Molltg()IMry, Leon Amte. Private lnYeltlgat()( Phlllp alartowt becomel lnvol'Yed with murder, graft and beautlfuf 10:00 Newt (3 hrl.) (J) PAUl HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A patented antl-tnOMg dlYlee; I IOok It I bachelor·fl1her houlehold. MOYIE "Aomen Holiday" ( 1063. Romence) Pfek, AUdrey Hepbum. A p(r11CeM feNe In ~ th • newepaperman ~ on vacation In Aome. (2 hit.) • 801ANC MAN "Credq>ot Jeotcpot'' OJ. DIMd W.my oomper• the tlfllatytll of ep9rtment dweller• In Catfomll end lndllnt In Mexico. • U.8. Ct«>NIClE "Hot Chlpe I Cdd Celh" The arowtnQ number of theft• of oomputtr chlPI from Cellfomta manuflQt\nt't II txamlntd. ' 8HEAK PAEVIEW8 ROQlt Ebert Ind Gene Sllk- hott en lnformetfll9 loOit at whit' a new at the rncMll. C1n MOYIE "Mghtmate" (1981, Horror) Baird Staf- bd, Sharon smith. OelPlt•-===... thtt II~ to toOthe hit hot t I llWt'tly dllturbed young min oontlnull to commft hatchet murdn. (1hr1,37 rftn.) SQUATTING -A tenement dweller evicted from her apartment, guest atar Audrey Meadows. geta a compassion.ate look from Arnold (Gary C.O~man) while she ~es a ait-in at Che Drummond house in "The Souatter" on NBC's "Ditf'rent Stroke." Thursday at 9 pm. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 'PG'__{1hr.,3-4 min.) (J) 19 MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Orama) Sis- sy Spacek. Eric Roberts. In 19«, a telephone oper- atOf In a Slnaff TellU town aeorlflces her standing In the community when she h8a a lh<>rt attalr with a oombet-bound sailor. 'PG' (1 hr .• 35 min.) 8:30 e 0 BOSOM 8UOOtE8 Kip and Amy go to a tattoo parlor In an attempt to prove their reepeotlve loves for Sonny and Henry are mol't than akin deep. i)~ FROM YONKERS OOOCOUPLE MOVIE "Oodes'Ka-Oen" ( 1972) Aklra Kuro- aewJ. The atory of a groop of alum dweller& with hopes and dreamt about Nie. (2 hre.) • SNEAK PREVIEW8 ROQ8f Ebert and Gene Slak- 9' ho8t an Informative !<><* at what'a new at the movies. • ~~APLIN COMEDY THEATRE ~ MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1980, Orama) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Thommy Pollard. A young black utes hi• ba>ctng 1ldllt to 8Uf\'Ne In prison. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 9:008 Cl) SIMON l SfMON A.J. end Rletc Inno- cently become Involved In • counterfeit ticket eoam Involving a rock muelc atat. (R) ( 1 hf.) 8 • Dff'RENT 8TAOt<E8 An l6der1y reeldent ot the bulldlng that Mr. Drummond's construction company plans to tMI' down gamers the support of tha Drummond chlldrtn. (R) 0 • di BARNEY Mill.ER WOf/J tett otf a fulHcale Investigation when ha wounds 1 robber. and a cou- ple are arr"ted for u.auttlng • prtvata lotlOOI otn- cial who relecttd thelt eon. (R) Cl (!) MOVIE' "A Men Called Ader;,'' (1966, Orama) Sammy Oevll Jr., Petet Lawford. A black trumptt pllYtf IOMI hln.elf In a pool of eelf-plty Ind rernorae over tt... dM1h of hit WV-and chlld. (2 ;->MERV OAff1N °'*9tt: Phv*' 0...,, Lecy J. Oillton. Doug Birr, Or. W""'1fl Thomu. Char. ( 1 hr.) [ IAELANO: A TU£Vl8K>N HISTORY MAii WIECE THEATRE ''Pndt Md Prefu- "Ellzabtth \lllltt Pembenly Md mMtl Mt. Cer- cy tgaln; the beall'll to r~ Iola opportunltlle Ind II dlitrMlld by tt(f newt Of L~'a elopement With R"o <~Rta~ e!tttnhauetn 200" from MNwaut<tt, Wll. (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) (J:) MOYIE "The Glrt9 On The Blech" (1M6. ~ tlfY} NofHn Corcoran. Martin Wiit Thr.e young co-ecM try to~ 1 roek group to ltege • t>enoo .nt ~ wteft ~OC*'O towerdl MW beeohhouM. (2 hrs.) Cl>MCM! "Frtdayl'he 13th'~(1 , Honor) Betty Pilmtr, Adrtenfle IQng. The of I unmet ~. ctolld 20 Y'l'I ...., iftlr: nudlrl. lttrlCtt a WdetNI tdllf' who ~ ~ -~A~p&· Em a. .... 10:009 (I) KNOTS LANDING Katen'e former oot1ege roorru11ate offers her a job In New York, and Laura. 3? about to leave Richard, learns that the Is pregnan1. 0 i > •1 ~t~ &TREET BLUES Washington uncovers ~ evtdenoe lo clear a bigoted cop of what appe8111 to be a racially motivated' shooting. and ptoblems arise ~ lbe'f~~LucyandJoe. (R) (1 hf.> ~ TO THE MANOR BORN 5,: OOY88EY ''Shipwreck: La Trinidad Valencera" ~ The artitacls found on board the fourth largest ship c.. In the SpaniSh Armada. discovered ott lhe coast of c Ireland, tell a unique story of Ille on a 16th-century -<" war~(R)~ (1 hr.) ~ ~arlsto ~~rq:~ ~9~ria~~:= ?:i:~i j struggle f0< Independence Is explOlted by a crafty N 18th-century British colonist. ( 1 hr., SO min.) ®MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981 . Comedy) Chevy Chase, Cerrle Fisher. The 150 midgets who are In town for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." tum a California ho1el upside-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 38 min.) {I) MOVJE "Outlaw Blues" (1977. Orama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James. When a country-western Singer stoats his song, an ex-eon tllee delpefately to retrieve his r9C()(dlng right• while baffling the pollce. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 40 min.) • MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" (1980, Orama) Mel- vyn Douglas, Ula Kedrova. A withdrawn. elderly woman, unaware that &he it dying, embarks on a long Journey to reacquaint tierself with her geo- graphically and omotlonahy Nf)81ated tamlty. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) 10:30 .. NEWS ' I 81GNA TURE Guest: Helen Thomat. UP POMPEII MOVIE "It's M Tum" ( 1960. Romance) Jiii Clayburgh. Mlcha:r Douglas. A brllllant Chicago math ptofessor reallzea the ptobtems In her llv&-ln relationship When she flnds a new love while In New Y0<k for her lather's remarriage. 'R' ( 1 hi., 37 min.) 10:36(%) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981, H0tr0t) Amy Steel, John Furey. The C kllllngs continue at a summer camp that had cioeed down after a series of bizarre murders oc:ourred there. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 10:60@ MOVIE "A Matter Ot Innocence'' (1968. Orama) Hayley Mills, Trevor Howard. A homety. lntrOV9fted girt 18 transformed Into a beauty when she falls In love with a_glgolo. (2 hrs . 10 min.) 11:100ftUA~N<f!.W NEWS YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN "Crackpot Jackpot" Or. David Bellamy compares the lifestyles of apartment dwellers In Callfomla and lndlans In Mexico. ! BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Return Of The Dntgon" ( 1972. Adven- ture) Brue. Lee. Chuck Norris. A martial ertl expert journeys from Hong Kong to Rome to help 1 friend who It In trouble wttn tt...mob. 'R' (1 hr .• 31 min.) 11:30• QUINCY A Latin Amlric:en dlctatot II threet- ened by an e....aln whlle reoeMng medlQel treet- ment In the United Stat• ro::__,10 min.) e e TONGHT Hott: C.l'IOl"I, Gueits: ltz:hak Perlman, Martine Nlvflt love. Jeeon Hard· man. (1 hr.) 1w=r~ BOOK I Aftlf an uneuooesatut ... rch for'* wlf9 and eon. Tom (Nick Nolt•) retuma to tht rtng and~• eparrtng ~,,.,for Jcwt Ol*I (George Meheril}. (2 l'n.) • J.tOVIE "Pretentll'la Uy Mart" (1943.•Muaical) Judy Garland. Ven He1'ln. A young glf1 .tth ltatl In hit tyte almt for blgo-tlme MX*I on ero.dwey. (2 hrl.k JEmA80N8 I IANFOAO MID 80N MOYE "Oodlt'l<at-Oen" (1872) Aklr• KIKO- ..... The ltOfY of I group of llUm clMler"f With ,~..::~-CAIUIONED AIJIJ NlWI IPORY8CENT8t . MOVIE "Get Out Ve»~., (1878. ) Ghrd Dlplfdleu, PMrtck Dewlln. A YOIA"Q Ind optlmlltlo hUlbend go11 to etmoet Unbtlllwebtt llnathl to .............. hepp'- ,,.., 'ff ( 1 hr., ..,. "*") 11:.41(1) MOVIE "Atteclk Foret r• (1llO, AcMnt\n) Jotjn PNlp Law, Mii Qlbeon. A~~ lln llteck "'* ......... "*"' •• ,.. .... to Dl'form I dlftna ,__ mllliarl. (1 hr., 33 "*'.) • Cl> MO¥E ''WOiiin'' 1•1 • ..,.,.. A..-. Rn- J -I - M Thursday (contiwerl) ~ a g ~ A vengeful ex-addict laces Dan's ~ food with PCP. (R) ( 1 fir .• 10 min.) 0 (I) MOVIE "Oh, Men! Oh. Women!" (1957. Com&- (") dy) Tony Aandaft, Ginger Rogers. A peychletrlat di&- ~ coven that his flancee nas been conaortlng wttN one ~ of his patients. (2-hrs.) .., • MOVIE "Only The Valiant" (1951, Adventure) ii' Gregory Peck, Barbara Payton. A cavalry unit l! regains respect for their leadef when he saves them at from an Indian attacJ(. (2 hrs.) a LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE ~ CC) MOVIE ''Mahogany" ( 1975, Orama) Diana J Ross. Anthony Pef1llns. A young blaci< girt raised In i! the slums of Chicago becomes a sucoessful fashion cteslgner. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) .§ (Dl MOV1£ "Figures In A landscape" ( 1970, Ora- 0: ma) Robert "Shaw, Malcolm McDowell. In an unnamed country. two men flee their mHltary pur- suers In the hope that they can reach the border before capture. 'PG' (1 hr .. 50 min.) 12:16(%) MOVIE "The Baltimore Bullet" (1980, Ora- ma) James Cooorn, Omar Sharif. A smalHime pool hustler must raise 120,000 and win a big tourna- ment before he can have a rematch with an old opponent -who has never lost at any game. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN i}f!e:;~:p .. eo-ageol ~ fll'$f' round ftom Southern Hiiis Country Club, Tutsa, Okla. (R) (3 In.) 12:'40 e THE WOAO The manuscript Is authenticated by a workkeknowned Biblical scholar but Randall tries to delay publication aft&f hearing the story of a former Oevn's Island Inmate (Ron Moody). (Part 3) (R) _J2 hrs .. 5 min.) 1:00e MOVIE "Dodsworth" ( 1936, Orama) Walter Hust®, Ruth Chatterton. A businessman finds his bucollC life disrupted when he and his wife retire to Europe where they are confronted by a new lifestyle and values. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Arst Spaceship On Venus" ( 1962, Scl- enoe-Flctloo) Y()f(o Tani, Oldrlcl< Lukes. In 1980, eight scientists dlsoover a progressive civilization on the planet Venus. ( 1 hr .. 30 mrn.) «Zl MOVIE "The Good Ole Young" (1956. Mystery) Richard Basehart, Gloria Grahame. Four men who have unsuccessfully at1empted a London bank heist each desperately plans their Individual escapes from the law. (2 hrs.) ([) MOVIE "Swept Away" (1975. Comedy) Marl- angeta Melato, Giancarlo Giannini. Directed by Lina Wertmuller. In order to survive on a deserted Medi- terranean isla.nd, a Slcillan sailor and an Italian socialite must settle their sexual and political dlffm· enoes. ( 1 hr .. 65 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Divorce Hers" (1972, Orama) Eliza- beth Taylor, R1¢hard Burton. The effects of a marital split are seen from the wife's standpoint. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) <llNEWS 1:20® MOVIE "Hardly Working" (198~. Comedy) Jerry Lewls. Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs, falllf]ll miserably at them an. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 1:308. N8C NeWS OVERNtGHT e MOVIE "Stud9nt Bodies" An eggplant. paper ellp and blackbolrd eraser are some of the • lethal weapons" used by a killer on a high school cam- pus.'R' ( 1 hi., 30 min.) 1:'40()) THE MAl()N() OF AEROBIC'8E Rehearsals, costume fittings, make-i.ip sessions, and the plan- ning of clnematC)graphy and lighting are chronicled In a behlnd-thHcenes study of the unique physloal fitness serieS. (1 hr.) 1:66(C) MOVIE ''Oleapet To Keep Her" (1980. ~) Mac Davia, Tovah Feldshuh. In order to meet his aUmony peyn-.enta, a r.aently divorced pri- vate detective tracka down delinquent husbands for a divorce lawyet. 'R' (1hr .• 32 min.) 2:00• MOVIE "Yeltowneck'' (1955, Adventure) Un McCarthy. Stephen COurtfelgh. A groop or OM{ War desert&fl head fcw freedom through the FlOl'lda Evefglades. (1 hr .. 4S min.) CZ) MOVIE ·~ Sorrow Aod Tht Pity" C 1972) Documentary. Olrecttd t)y Max Odhuls. An examl.- natJon of public acq~ to N'azl baflbarity dur- ing the German occup8tlon of France In World War 11· Included are Interviews With Albert Speer end Piette Mendes-France. (4 hrt., 20 min.) · 2:06 (!) NEWS ~SO Cf) MOANING S'mETCH • MOVIE "H0tror Rises Ffom Tile Tomb'' (1970, HOl'ror) Paul Naschy. Emma Cohen. A young French couple Inherit a curse from their ancestora wtieh they retUm to the castle where a Frol'ICh kn:t't end hia m1'trts&dled. (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:!a~ews EXPANDS HORIZON -Shelley L~ng plays a well-bred, sheltered teaching assistant who beoome6 a cocktail waitn!Ss to expand her horizons in "Cheers." &he new NIJC comedy serietl to be seen this tan on 'Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (Cb. 4). sensational evening of entertainment from Chlppen- dale's nightclub in Los Angeles. ( 1 hi .. 15 min.). 2:468NEWS 2:50(B) MOVIE ''SST: Disaster In The Sky" ( 1977, Suspense) Lorne Greene. Burgess Meredith. The maiden flight ot a SUJ*SOfllc: transport turns Into a nightmare when saboteurs release a deadly virus. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:00.AATPATROL • i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "It's My Turn" (1980, Romance) Jiii Clayoorgh, Michael Douglas. A brllllant Chfcago math professor reahzes the problems In her live-In relationship when she finds 4 new love while In New York for her father's remarriage. 'R' ( 1 hr •. 37 min.) 3:168 MOVIE "The Strange Possession Of Mrs. Oliver" ( t977. Horror) Karen Blaci<, George Hamil- ton. A housewife's personality gradua.lly alters until she becomes a woman who died five years earlier { 1 hr., 20 min.) 3:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA ~MOVIE "Women In Love" (1970, Orama) Glen- da Jackson. Alan Bates. Based on the novel by D.H. Lawrence. Two couples experience ambfvalent feel- ings ot love and hate In their romantic relationships with their respective mates. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) (I) SPORTSWOMAN (A) 3:46. MOVIE "The Las Vegas Story" ( 1952: Ora- ma) Viotcw Mature. Jane Russell. A woman s old flame attempts to clear her husband ot murder cha.!:Q88. (1 hr .. 45 min.) -4:00 CJ) JtMMY SWAGGART Cl) SPORTSCENTER · (I) MOVIE "La C8ge Aux Follet 11" (1980, Com&- dy) Ugo Tognauf, Michel Semrult. A mlddle-•ged gay couple are the quarry of a secret organlzailon trying to get the mlctofllm that one of them swa"' !Owed. 'R' { 1 ht .• 39 mll"I.) "-4:06a1' FUNtlME -4:2600. MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( 1980, ComedY) Dyan Cannon, Robert ~e. A runaway hoUW#lfe and a scrappy trucker haUtlog cattle coast to coast become the target of a wild CfOS&-OOUntry chase. 'PG' ( 1 ht .. 3-4 min.) -4:80• VOYAGE TO ntE BOTTOM Of! THE .SEA CJ)JfMBA~ a MOVIE "Friday~ 13th" { 1980, Hortat) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. Tht reopenlnQ of e summer camp. closed 20 years earlier art« tnree murders. attracts a vlndlctlve killer who knifes uneuspeotlng teen:aoers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 4~@1 DREAM OF JEANNE Jl.iiillA•OIEiSWfiijiiljiilllllijltljlli .... ~~~~ Sports Highlights From Page 6 3:06 fl) BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlanta -4:~1ves8=~= -4:30 SPORTSCEHTER Pr ·"-··" 6:00 PGA GOLF "PGA Championship ev,_ 6:30 TOP-AANK BOXING Live covera~ of the 10-round llghtwelght bout between Bobby "Wiid- man'' Alexander and Kenny Bogner, from Atlantic City, N.J. (2 his .. 30 min.) EVENING 8:30 CB) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompklns 7:30 (I) SPORTSCHALLENGE "Super Bowl XII Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys vs. Denver B1oncos CB) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompklns and Tim Mc:Calver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 Wor1d Serles. 8:00 Cl) SPORTSCENTER 9:00 (I) RACING FROM YONKERS ·~ WCT TENNIS "Mediterranean Open Anal" from Capd"A~j=·,~ (3hrs.) 12:00(1) s ha 200" 1:00(!) AUTO RACING "CART Betten useo rrom Miiwaukee. Wis. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 1·'40(B) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins 'and Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 3:30 (I) NASL WEE.KL Y (R) •:OO (I) 8PORT'8CENTEA AUGUST•. 1982 . and Tim McCarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 7:30(1) NA8L socceR New York Cosmos vs. Seat- tle Sounders (2 hrs.) 8:00 (() SPORTSCENTER 9:00(() PGA GOLF "PGA Championship Preview" 9:~~ BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '76" (1 hr.) 10:30 (() SPORTSFORUM (R) 10:-55@ BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlanta Breves (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 11:00~SPORTSWOMAN (R) 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 12:30 TOP-RANK BOXING Coverage of the 1~ round lightweight bout between Bobby "Wildman Alexander and Kenny Bogner, from Atlar.itlc City, N.J._J_A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) · 3:00 CEJ POCKET BlLUARDS Babe Cranfield vs. U.J. Puckett (R) ( 1 hr.) •:OO(() SPORTSCEkTER Thursday AUGUST 5, 1982 MORNING &OOiSPORTSfOAUM (R) . 7:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TOP-AANK BOXING Coverage of the to- .round llaf\twelght bOUt be~ Bobby "Wildman" Ale~ 'and Kenny Bogner. from Atlanllc City, N.J._l_~l (2 hr&, 30 min.) .. 11:30(1) ~A GOlF "PGA ChamplonaNp Preview (A) AFTERNOON 12:00(1) ~GOLF "PGA Chemplooshlp" Live C<Y'/· erage of the first rOUf'ld from Southern Hills Country Club. TU!M. Okie. (Cl l'ltl.) 3:00 i1r-I HYOAOPl.ANE RACING "Thunder Of The ~from EvalllVMle. Ind. (R) (1 hr.) 4':0018PORT8fOAUM •:30 8PORTSCENTER 6:00 PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Coverage of the first round from Southern HMla Country Club, . Tolsa. Okla. (R) (3 tn.) • EVENING l -----------------------------------~ ............... .. ( ___ r_v_,P_uu_I• __ ) 1.7 Shown, star on One ol the Boys 13 Regular on Bosom Buddies 1' Golonk• or Frances 15 Mr Llttle's ms1gne ~16 Greek cross 17 Run abou1 18 MISS Miles' sion·Olf 19 -and Abner 21 -They Sail 23 Miss Farrow 24 Mr. Sharif 26 Thia -lor Hire 27 Autograph 28 Neighbor ol India 30 Susan Howard on Dallas 31 Charlie's Princess ACROSS 32 Role for Marinaro 33 Desi -Jr 38 Moat '4() BJ Ind the - • 1 WKRP newsman 44 Mrs. Roy Rogers 45 Container '8 Actor with .. A Touch ol Class .. '8 Newsman Rather 49 Switch selling 50 Fall mo. 51 Adam's - 53 World org SC Miss Brewer 56 Actress Plummer 58 Claire - 59 Hogan's - . DOWN \ Brando 2 CHI llghl upon 3 MISS Francis s1gn-01t 4 Krazy - 5 Jacob s twin brother 6 Played Marcus Welby 7 Astin on Quincy 8 Type ol 1es1 9 This -House 10 Compass po1n1 11 -O'Toole 12 Role tor Jack Soo 20 Tourists 11d 22 El -Brute :?3 -and Bill 25 Burgholf role 27 -Gold 29 Miss Taylor 30 PTA type 33 Who s on First? comedian 3' Alias Mike St1v1c 35 Fabray for snort 37 L11Ue fellow 38 Played Lobo 39 Hllr dyes • 1 One of the Burton• 42 Mr. Mlfa"-11 43 Purc1ll of Real Peo61e '8 Jus1 'lair 47 Kind of 108 50 Nelghbot of Ariz. 52 Salad - 55 In - 57 Negative SOLUTION EIERIEICY llCTlllS IFFICE THE A rrEllTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED ITMOllT A conwnlent •ltam•tW. to lt,,.,,U.l .,,..,.ency rooma for. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough. Profeulonal & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHI LOREN No ~ntment Needed • lmrMdiat• Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED ~: 1 MYaAWSIK I MSDAYSAftAR • A.M.·11 ...... I Tt1e FA#QU6 affft~ ~ THe COWCS W.A5 ON<:r .A POPulAR "M:>IO et10W. !M.R:R-All.AN Fl"8T C.AMe 'TO THf: AIRW.11!!5 VIA THI! ~TUAL Nf!T- lllORK .... ~o. euo COLL"1'fR, LATfR A Tl!:LE\/'I~ M .C.1 °""'5 THI! MlLO-MANNe..eo \/OK:e Of'~K!!NT ~:~~.---~ i:ou:Y-eR'e ML.ATNe.1.:r' H10H-Pn01eo TOtE FOR t<eUT He> n1et4 A oe.eP, POWeRFUL T0Ne FOR SUPl!RMAN ueu.AU..Y C~ IN Tiie MIOOU! OF THf! LINe .•. THtS l.OO"l'S LIKe .A >JTOa ..• ~ SuetellfMAN.' .. .. ts 'l> = 0 -~ $ .,, :1 i '!' c.. c '<' c.> 0 ~ co Q) N I -I I I ' ,_ '16 i 0 - ~ ~ Nina has trouble ~ with computer ~ ANCn'BEB woau>: With a.w md Raebel tralll*i underJround. the Bel AJr TOftft Cllldlnu. to crumble and Stew II lojund. Hany deddM to c:rn and ti')' to r-=ue Stew and Rachel 8Dd be ill C«:We and Alma deddlt to buOd ~ Oft C4ry property that will look ,_ lib the fanD of. Blaine'• c:b11dbood.. Wen he depar1m far 1-cmdon, Mac brtQ9I up the nmne of Louil St. Gelql. • name which makm Dena ftr/ ecto. DedcDnQ aolnst aex with Bob, Henrteua departa and Quinn cfedilea to NY with Bob. Vic dia:loYen on the day of lhoodnl film bl la $2 mllllan over budpt. Al 1'llB WORLD TURNS: Mr. Bia grants Tom and ln a 6peda1 aclvw?n~ aequence taped on .location In tropkal St. Croix, popular actors of CBS'• daytime drama. "GuidinJI Ught," MJchM1 Tylo (riBht) and Liu Brown as arcbaeologlar Quint McCord and bis assistant Nola Beardon llDd Cbtm»elves on the brlnk of an incredibleadventutt. Georlle Kappaz • Gtmtber Lugmi la allo In the 1peclal sequence. "Guiding Light" airs weekdays at 2 p.m. on K.NXT (01. Z). Marao one ftml willh. They uy mce he'• • capcaln they deed all thme y.n -CIOn* to town. Kayla'• jlalowy want him to c;:rm their marrai1e. Be •IJ'ea. '1W6 Renee and David's frlendlblp aJmaat md8 lw Suddenly BWn to free \hem and Mr. Bia Is turned relallonahlp with David. Gwen uneasy when she avr to lntlrpcl. J...,. plans to 1mear Butma any way be dlacown her mother 11 bouRbeper at t.ficby's office, cu In Older' to 8" CUit.Ody of P1lul. and birs .neone to and wblle calldba with ber modm', alludes tiO the daneer' .... her therapy tDea from Matt'• omc.. Aerill .... to In both ot their llw.. .h>hn'• request that they elope to Jumlca. Suffertnc • ~ Annie 8i'W to lee a doctor. Cricket II not DOCTOR& Mau tin"•-ldl downward aUde '-when J:mje taklS out a full--ad to .. her CDll -· Ill" ........ health. a.. tells ....... lhe pa.. '° marry Theo and for a date. Stan teDa Bob that'a pcmlble Miranda could be moY9 to o.1ifomia. Philip Cll'der'I 801y to apy on hospital m i:1 from prt1m. pruiee1ura Mona auu aerioualy w. BOOB OP' NIGllT: .Bewm1Q1 from her .-at the apa. Rawn stunned when lhe dllcown Sky b.9 thrown her and Geraldine out ot the "°'*· Sky ai.o -.&19 her that any beton1tnaa ahe boqht while married to Jdfenon Brown. who w• ...... • SkJ, stay In the mmllon.. M Raven atarta to llWIM a hm. Sky puts bill banda around her throat, but llUddenly Is-. her. Sky clalma it w.. to keep her quiet, but Rawn feels that one day he'll be hen. Jodie leama that Chad'• father ia the prealdent of Eden. Jodie dt..ooYen an aillni Pteiro holdinl Chad captiw. Damien ill beU\c aet up to be ahc>t by hia new J*1ner, who happem to be Loomis. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Holb' .. attnded' to Luke but continUM to front her t.tbef'a s:mD. Luke belieYa tbe popeny around the dump •tie .. laden with od. eYell thouCb continued ~ doe9 nodLlnc to a.ck up Im optimlam. Luke tells Joe that he w.nts yacht mortPled for more money. LuU refUlel to haw F.dwud buy ln on the deal. P<mna • the C4rinG9, Holly's father and Bu'1 act u thouah they wurt to buy llolly'a Land. an klea Luke vetoes. Just • Luke la abau& to live Uj), alt wat.er la struck at the drtJllna lite/• aun llln to Luke that there 1a oU. ro11ow1n1 a ftaht with Rme. Meet.her la thrown out of the diner and lhe mD\W In with &ml\. )oe app.lled when Heather Mb him to be &.A'• attorney when she auea Alan for fraud. Scouy •• 0 Monka do pbol\J RANCI©- GUIDING UGB'I': Amanda la tilled with rernone after makinc Joye to Mark, but he tella her it wW be all rtcbt. Maril la aware that Amanda'• new will namm Jennifer • chief recipient of all the Spauldtna atodt. Mark ieDa Henry he 1pe11t the entire n!Cbt t.alklne to Amanda t..i..-w '• ••ldda• When Alan auaem to Justin that PbWp llw with him md Hope, an UlCJ'Y J..iin bluna out that he II Pbillp'a natural father -a bet that starUea Alan. Kelly be9da for &.. Craxi to be with Morpn. Nola rebut& Qu.lnt'a trim at f"!C'Mdlladon. SilMipreparea to abdUct Nola. LeaUe Ann acr-a to marry Floyd. but later leaml Derek baa been anonymoully .ent domer on her pMt •hook.er. Mn.. Benfield upmet when 'Quint Invites Helena to live with them. ONE LIFE TO UVE: Katrina confronts Jenny with the truth of Mary belnC her chOd, not Jenny'a. At first Jenny~ that tbat'a a lie or Kab'ina ia autlertna from delUllom. Howwwr, Kat la able '°convince Jenny that aJmo.t everyone knowa the truth. Sam .. told by Jenny that Bnd ~ to her. During her confrultatioo, Kat ..... that Bnd knew about the beby twitch f« • year and didn't tell Her. Thia ca.._. Kat to bec:k out of her marNee to Brad. 'rony arrivea i.ck In Llanview and ten. Pat be wuta bs to be part of ht. life. When Gecqina lallm a a-month Ca1lfornia pas&. Bo postpones their maJ'riale. Karen and Marco far they may be jliled f« t¥r part In the baby twitch. BY A.N'S ROPE: Seneca ....-. to lip cwtody deal worked up by Rae, specially when lhe 8ll'W to live him lmmed1at.e llx-moatb cmSody ot Arley. JUl, feelJnc Seneca la maldnc • miatake, quits -bla lawyer. Rae ttum Dee by stealinl the only copy ot the tape which ahow9 Kim lbtinc about her part In Arley'a lddnapP.n&. Rae then telJa Dee that the wW not talk to BoWa about livtnc her air rlahts around Crystal Pa1Ke. but Rae doea my Jeck'• plan to au.ck lfcWa In the ~ Unable to cte.l with Johnny'a moodt..,,., $W>han deddm to have a bmlly CXlllfenDoe. At first Johnny ~ to 10 but has • cbanae of heart. ,.. be walb into the pow wow he awrhan iau,ht.el', be1Jews the job'a OD him and walb out before t.eD1ftl an~ he has arrlved.. Joe learm that bla OOll)pMy la the tarsrt ot emba:zien. • ---- ,.,,.,. ) One in long line of great actors ) DREW WHO -Ila die mevie "'E.T." I DOticed the IUUlle Drew Barrymore. WUt caracter dJd lae play ud it lae related to die Barrymore family? "He" la a she; 6-year-old Drew was the little girl in this summer's -and perhaps movie history's -blockbuate..r. She la al8o the granddaughter of John Berrymott. Her father la John Drew, who dJd some acting himlelf in the '50s and '60s. . CHOP-ceOP -A frim 1eW me dley H&nl tlaat die TV now "Kua h" 11 comJa1 back. II di.at tne? Caine, a .k.a. Graaahopper, a .k .a. David Carradine, returm, but not on TV. The Zen Western which aired on ABC for three .euom. 1972-'75, ii miovU>a to the tq .:reen compliments of Warner Bros. ''Kuna Fu: T6e Movie'' ii ecbeduled to go before the cameraa thla fall. A LEGAL POJNT -I Ila•• a l9et wt• -•t frleM .... t tlte ... of "Tiie People'• Cevt di.at aired Jae ti. Please tell me .rMre I cu readl die dlow. , You can get the f.actJ by wriUna producer John Rhinehart in care of the lhow at JWph F.dwarda ProdL, 1717 N. Highland Ave., Loa ~ CA 90028. POLICE PLEASE -Pleue tell 11e die ume ef die e_, .... SUI Lee Manta ...,.,.. .. aaaY years a.el. AIM, ... , wu Brdertet Crawfwd'I ...._,haplqcruJ~ter....-... ca •1 ....... '1>npet." (~~~=~he= on NBC from 1061-60. Meawbile Crawford WU butdnc ._.,en-4" ln1o Im car ndlo fN'f!rf week' on the syndicated aeries "BJabway Patrol" . . A MANION MINION -I recea&IJ 1aw ""ne MuloM ef Amertea" • TV. W"9 wu 1M meYle 6J1•1JD . There Really Is Ari Ariswef . . . (-~~'-v~i_._o_•_•_r_•~~-) I Who replaced son ~ .- on 'Sanford & Son?'-~ . ,, By W. WILSON CA.SEY ~ ......... J 1. Who replaced Lamont as Fred'• cohort on ~ "Sanfontr• '1'houih not of the aame raoe nor h1a -< son, thia overweight actor waa ·always the ~bject of ~ Fred's (Redd Foxx) wit. -~ 2. Who •tarred as Ellie Mae on. the once-~ popular "The Beverly Hillbil.llea?" And, as a bonus, N what did ahe take up after acting for lack of decent parta? 3. What w• the name of the ahow that went off the air in 1962 whk:h atarred John Fonythe handlin& the problelm of hil niece, Kelly' played by Noreen Coftioran? .. Patrick e'Neal starred Uanc with a..i- Monia and Cel Bellini in a ahow anewhat like "Quincy" that involved 'a c:rizne...lolvtng petbokJPt. Name the ahow. 5. What WU Lew Erakine'I (Efrem 7JmhaJJst Jr.) title or rank on "The FBI?" 6. Peay Lipton. Mldwel O>le and Clarence WWJ.aml m played • undercoYa' cope m "The Mod Squad." What wu eech'• f1nt name on the lhowt ANSWERS ,, 1. c.s (Dennie Burkt.y) 2. Donna Douglae; ,.., •ate 3. Bachelor Father 4. Dltlgnoela: unknown 5. tnepector e. Jutle, Pete and Unc ''TV Trtvta Qulz," which lndudel more than 300 ciuesttona and may be ordered for 13 from C... Co., 101 l.ayfayett8 St., Spartanburg, .SC 29303. Sattafactlon guaranteed. M s.ntaes Banana Spits Al Ice Crum Cones Al Pi1ti & Qua'ts . . - -. ,, John James is 'Mr: GOod Guy' " I CRIMSON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misunderstood minority, Stephen Douglas, 28, of Mission Viejo has organized Dl9r,.. ...... "' a.tee ...,., an international club. Memben frequently add color to parades. If you qualify, the "red line" ia 9~1-1023. High school fOotball TV \ deal downed . • . . BJ PHIL SNEIDEftMAN or .. ...,,......,. Two weeks ago Fountain Valley busineuman Roy En&Jebrecht ~ an aareement with the Huntin1ton Beach Union High School Diatrict for the rtaht to televile atx local hilh schooT football g&nlee live thia fall over cable television. En1lebrecht said the project would be the fl.rat time in the nation that high Khool aporta would be offered on a pay-per- vlew bull over cable. It waa expected to generate thousand'• of dollars in revenue for the school district and cable companies. But Englebrecht'• dream project abruptly collapsed Thwwiay when he was unable to conclude an agreement with .DickJ.n8on Pacific Cablesyst.ema, the Weal Orange County company through which F.ncJebrecht had hoped to offer the games. planned to char1e cabld aubaoribera SH to view fivff contests, with the sixth 1am• added • a bonua if aubacribe"' ~ up before Sept. 20. After conclud.ina the pact wttb t h e h I I h a c h o o l d ii tr I ~ ~tJ J'..na)ebrecht uid he anUdpa~ no difflculty in concluding aq agreement with Cableayatem~ becawie he planned to shoulder (See CABLE, Pase..\%) Kin givt:n custody of Alaia kids The ~o young children of Ur. Louis who witnessed their father tally stab thelr mother and a Beach lawyer two yeus in Huntington Beach, have n turned over to the custody f relatives in Oruo by a Santa judge. The came Thursday in Farewell )\ash for Schmitz still scheduled Residency request rejected Englebrecht and the cable company released the followtng ~int aiate~t late Thunday: •After maJ1y positive meetingl, the Englebrecht Company and Cableay1tem1 have mutually agreed to suspend negotiations on thia ambitious project for the 8e&llOD. "Due to the iack of time needed to sell the concept e_ro~ly. Cablesyatems and the lllglebrecht Company feel it la in the best interest of all partJea to delay live cablecasting of high school football for the time being. Orarnre COwt_ty Superior Court followin_s a ~o-day hdring before Judge Phillip E. o,k. Marc and Maria AlaUl, 13 and 11, had been in the care of foster parents in Fountain Valley since their mother, Margy Lou Alaia. 37, waa killed in June 1980. Motion denied in West County judicial election issue By l'llEDERJCK SCBOEMEBL .,. .. .., ....... The letters of Invitation are out. But the question remai.m: Will state Sen. John SchmiU. .ne11• to be tlw father of two UJecitimate children. attend an A"-1· 10 farewell party at to's ~ Sutter Club? ti, a Newport Beach lican, ha yet to be 8e8l'l or from since the July 21 dl8clowre by a Tustin woman that he was the father of her 13-month old aon and month-old daughter.. ' Ironically, it waa that same day that one state aenat.oc, a northern California Republican, received an Invitation to the $1,000-per-pereon Aug. 10 perty. Said Schmitz in the letter on oftidal stationery: "You are undoubtedly aware that I will soon complete my IFOnd tour of duty in the state Senate. My departure as you ~u know, is strictly voluntary." Schmitz' term ends this year and becauae of reapportionment plans, much of his repraented area la amigned to a new district that will not elect a new aenator • unUl 1984. Schmitz, 51, .et his sighta this year on winning the Republican nomination for a California U.S. Senate .. t. He lost. "I srabbed for the brus ~ and fell off the carou.el hone, ' the invitation said. "1 believe my . pendinc exit from the shrine of rl1htenousne11 we call the Capitol should be a festive CXDlliori marked by good humor, excellent spirits and much . camaraderie. .. Ttu.w a generous area of the Sutter Club on 9th Street baa been re.erved for Tueeday, Aug. 10, between 5 and 7 p.m. for this ladellble event.•• Ell%abeth Beelar, a Schmitz (lee SENATOR, Pqe Al) By DA VtD KUTZMANN or ... ca.ii, Noe ...,. A superior court judge has rejected an attempt by West Orange County Municipal c.ourt Judie Joanne Ham>ld'a attorney to have California'• residency ~ta for jwistl dedared uncomtituUonal. JudgeROnald Owen turned down the motion by attorney Eleanor Stemeer without comment Thwiday durinC the fourth day of proceedings to determine if Harrold'• election victory on June 8 should be nullified. . The leaal action was brought by Dan Charles Dutcher, a Santa Ana attorney, who finished a distant second to Ham>ld in the election but who claimed in his lawsuit the Westminster judge was not a 1-egal resident of Orange County. Harrold has claimed that she always considered herself a legal resident of the county even though she has owned homes in Riverside. Her attorney, seeking to have the cue diamisaed. argued that courts and constitutional amendments in recent years have City's 'wet streak' ends WAYNESBURG, Pa. (AP) - Sunny skies dampened "Rain Day" festivities in thia aouthwest Pennsylvania town, where the lack of a single drop of rain mapped a six-year wet streak. It baa rained here e!Vtt'"J July 29 for the last six yean, and 93 times in the last 107 years. But no rain fell Thunday. John Daily, who carried a red and white umbrella in hopes of a drizzle, lost a golf hat in a wager that the tradition would hold. But he took the dry weather in atr1de. BUSINESS What's new in business News of promoUona, earnings and activltlel of 0ranee c.owtty buaine9le9 8fpeara on Page 84. NATION stricken requirements that public employees must live in the aune city or county where they work. But a Westminster attorney, reptelellting Dutcher, cont4Dded it was "laughable .. not to require Judie. -ekcied oftidall '°- Newpcn Bellch deeded to her by ber~andmotber, Arylne Lan e of Weatminater. She aakl lhe bepn living there in late J'ellnMry of th.la year. The quation of when that cleed ~ WU slped baa '' •.• w~al lt-•ppens to government of tlJe people and by the people?" residencl requirements. "Becauae i you follow that (no residency rules), what happens to government 'of the people and by the people','' he uked. Election codes now require a judicial candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she is running for at least 54 day. prior to the election.. Judge Harrold has clalrned ahe lived in a $2-milllon home in beuoow a major ~ b\ the cw. Thou&h.M la dated Nov. 30. 1981 the doCwnent actually was ~ in early 1982, aooordlng to tr.rrold'•' testimony. Golden claimed the deed was intentionally backdated when Hanold found out that Dutcher J;ll.anned to make an istue of her hvtna tn Rivenide. The deed was not recorded until May 17, 1982. ..... Cablesystema and the En&Iebrecht Company believe that becau.e ot the pmltion that S\mMt Leque Football bolds la hilh IChool clrclee, thll Ides has merit for future oon1hles •tiolL.t' ~n1lebrecbt noted that no money hu yet been collected from IUbKrlben. and no money has been spent on advertill.DC the pr'Oll'amlDina. ••1•m dlsappointed, '' Engletncbt said in an intervieW after the joint statement waa released. "I've always been confident this is a concept that will work. We'll have to wait another year to find out." The busineaman had agreed to guarantee the high school dt.trict $7,000 for the right to televise six football sames involving district schools. He Valley moth case isolated? Adult insects trapped; no countywide infestation I eared Orange County agriculture officials say the discovery of adult gypsy mot.ha in a backyard trap in Fountain Valley thla week appean to be an t.olated incident and does not tndk:ate a widespread Invasion by the damaging i.n9ecta. Gypsy moth caterplllara feed on tree leaves and are capable of defoliating an entire foreat, according to Leonard Leikhu., c hief deputy a1rlculture cornrnillioner for Oranae County. But, referring to the Fountain Valley finding, he said, .. We really don't think we have an Infestation. Thia ii more like a quarantine interception. We think we caught them in time." Liekhus said gypsy moth trap1 COUNTY Commonly are aet throughout the county in an attempt to detect any early ap1>earance of the I.meet, wbicb la prevalent In the Ea.tern staies, including New J'.nlland. Inspectors Inform county agriculture officials when a moving van carrying out.door =.i!.rom the Eaat enters Ltekbua aald auch a D«Jl:ffk»tion led county lnapecton &o checll the belongings of a family that recently moved to Fountain Valley. He said the female moth often lay. her egp on outdoor items such u a lawn clwir, barbecue or a plcnlc table. In this Instance, a county lNpector found an ea mus on a Lons walk down coast PUiing ~ ~ 8-Ch th1a week WU a Canadian walldnl from Brlt11h Columbia to Argentina. Paae Bl. I A nightclub tor lcle ~ toy c:bmt and placed a trap at the borne to catch any adult malee. The airiculture official said the trap ..... plllced in early July and lleveral of the adult tnotha were dJax>vered Monday in the tnip. He added, however, that no insects have been found In limllar tnlpl installed throuabout the Fountain Vafley netahborhood. Lelkbu1 aaid IYP•Y moth catel'pillara devour tree leaves but that eas and adult moths are harmlell. Although San Dle10, Loa An1elea and other nearby counties have reported IYPIY moth infestations, no auch lnvuion bu occurred th.la year In 0ranae County, the agriculture offidal Mid. INDEX A4 B4-5 A7 01.e B2 B2 C'I SPORTS Both the and attorney Marvin Tincher, 60, were attacked in Mn. Alaia'a Huntington Harbour home. Aleta, a noted orthopedic IUl'f'Obt ... 18ltenced to ei,ptt ~ mm eilht months in state pri80n after pleedlng guilty to two. counn of voluntary "*'*uebter. 1bt plea were entered after a leqth)' and bJpty publicized trlel that tnduded testimony by Marc and Maria. n.ou,h aiurt offk:ials refu.ed to comment on Thuraday'a ruling because juvenile matters are (See ALA1A, Page AZ) Auto strikes, kills Valley man in HB A 21-year-old Fountain Valley man waa struck and killed Thunday night when he stepped Into the path of an auto on Hamilton Avenue in Huntington Beech, po&-e reported. Pronounced dead at the scene w• JC*ph Geraro Chiarello of 17227 Staedler Clrcle. Police said he waa the city'• third traffic death in eiaht days. Traffic -inveiti1ators said Chiarello, dreued in dark clothing, attempted to cross HamOton near Spyglua Lane at 11:50 p.m. He was struck by a lilver vonc.w.,en sedan driven by Christopher Allen Louahian. 19, of 20~52 Carlabad Lane, Huntintton Beach. Two other young men died in unrelated Hunttn1ton Beach traffic mishaps last Thursday and Friday. acoordlng to police. ·' tinandll Nim. Diddnlift hdf&c C.blel)'lteml tiH 28,000 1ub1crlbert In Runt1n1'4Nl hach, rountaln Valley, WHtmlnater· and Stmt.on. 'nM hiah echool dLttriet Ml ICboOJa In all of theel dU• txctpt Stant.on. But C.bleeyJtema of fldab said thtre ••• too 11 ttle time to determine whether there la cmouah Interest In the cities to make th• hl1h tchool football telecu\I pay oU. Enalebrecht aatd he would reach a brelk...ven polnt on the project if about 2,500 aubecrlberl patd the additional charae to View the hl1h tchool football earn-. ~-------..,-·· and would be puuln1 tu ~don on the UM. 'We're 1tlll a fairly youn1 cable 1y1tem," added DOu1lu Rook, the flrm'1 aeneral ~· "We feel that by next year w• mlcht have a blaf•r aublcrtber bue to work wlth. Cable company of fldall ai.o admitted they have had very UmltA, experience with pay-per- v ie w pro1rammtn1. In thi• roncept, 1ubecribera who pay the additional fee for special programming recelve a deecrambler device that enables them to view lt. The west county finn hu only used this procedure once, for a 'boxing match televised last summer. AlthouP the cable company WU not beina qked to pick Up any of th• production co1t1, marketlna direcior Rudi Enael said the cunpany would have to put 1taff time into the project Bua1nessman Englebrecht said he remains conflcfent that the project could work in the west couuty because of the high interest in Sunset League football competltlon. -, FA.MaY FIGHT -Continuing the tradition of 19 summers • of intramural competition among Disneyland employees, two of the top teams in Thursday's 19th Annual Canoe Race Fina1a splatter the water of Frontierland's Rivers of America all over each other in the spirited contest held each year on , the aelecte9. day early in the mornin$C prior to the par~'s ~ ........... "' &Ae p.,._ opening to paid visit.on. Winning thia year's competition was the team called Entel1ainment 1 (left) from Dianeyland'a entertainment diviaion. Top women's diviaion team was the Sophlst1cated Ladle. (rtaht) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the ~-mile run by the 10-member team paddling the 1,800-pound fiberglass canoe was four minutes. 9.63 eeoonds. Jobless rate at 7 percent in county I Orange. County's unemployment rate apUJ'ted to 7 percent'ln June, nearly a six-year high but still below state and national joblea fi8W"fJ9. < Stale labor analyst Alta Yetter said the unemployment rate la at its highest level since November, 1976, when it stood at 8-1 J)t!!rcent. Yetter said the fjrurea for June an! attributable prlndpally tt> the nation's overall economic sluggiahnea. Additionally, she said, the June job market is traditionally crowded with college and high school graduates. Orange Countllt.t work force now stands a1Pl .2 million, according to offidah with the State Employment Development Department. The actual number of unemployed is 85, 100 people. June's unemployment rate advanced to 7 percent after it was recorded at 6.4 percent In May. Last year at this time, the jobless rate was 4.3 percent. Israeli artillery break cease-fire By ne AIMdate.t Presa Iaraell jets and 1unboats bombarded perrilla-held weal Beirut today, shattering the U.S.-mediated cease-fire after presidential envoy Philip C . Habib reportedly failed to get a commitment from the PLO to leave Lebanon. The barrages started at about 4 r.m. (7 a.m. PIYr), and the Tel Aviv command said: "The Israel Defenae Forces does not see itself oommltted to keeping a one-sided ceaae-fire .•• It said the guerrillas had breached the cease-fire that went Into effect Wednesday by launchina mortars at Israeli positions Thuraday and firing Katyuaha rocketa and small arms today. '11le bombudment followed a 20-mlnute artillery duel between Israeli forces and the PLO fighten near Beirut's paralyzed international airport. Palestinian gunners opened fire at the divebombing Israeli jets but none was seen hi\. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin had told his Parliament Atfain and Secw1ty Committee if there was no negotiated aoluti9n soon, Iarael would resume lta bombini of PLO-held west Beirut or order an assault on the city, Armed Forces Radio reported. Lebanese Prime Minister Shaflk Wazzan said in a nationally televised statement that Israel's blockade on electricity, water, food and fuel to west Beirut waa "one form of military option that negates the political option and maket us wond e r why then these negotiations and why carry on. "We have laid down these r ealities before Mr. Habib frankly and we shall wait for the outcome of hla efforu to take cer)ain positions on the domestic aWa international levels." Wa.zzan is L eba non 's official tntennedi.ary between Habib and PLO chief Y asser Arafat. Habib has not received a commitment from the PLO to leave Lebanon, Begin was quoted as saying earlier today. Fair and sunny I Rain Im Snowf:;:;J Temperatures Shower•• F•urr•lUJ I U.S. summary ' Th11nderetorm1 hit th• Eh•HI and tha 80111h ... 1 • wtdl t-'J rlln In Artrona. M••lco, the T•••• Panhandle ind 1111arn 1nd """" Coloredo. 1 Tllundarellowen 1110 were ~ ltom IM --.m pert ..... Upper Gt.-t.k• to .,,. to:.:::'~ CIW OWi nofttl A~¢c,;i, _,. NATION .. Le ~ 78 51 87 95 84 ., 4.07 80 u .50 90 74 82 ee 100 78 ee 13 112 f1 n 19 .03 78 48 89 ee 13 ee 97 71 79 58 78 52 .01 7e 49 91 78 84 e7 80 71 .75 12 53 .10 14 94 ... ee 12 80 84 74 .91 78 80 93 79 12 IO 85 58 • 13 112 91 79 82 89 59 .94 N 70 79 53 79 51 89 14 ee 54 • 71 M IO .03 84 13 t2 74 t1 71 72 81 17 t6 N<ot0toao Weatt>e< Sit<•"• 11,0AA U S 0.01 ol Comme<<.e Fronts· COid .,.. Warm WW Occluded wor 92 75 31 84 57 82 74 79 S4 oe 14 72 01 13 eo· 90 74 01 84 71 103 .. 79 59 78 53 75 51 11 80 71 73 .01 n " 12 13 100 7& e1 se 15 73 01 82 54 ee 12 85 73 53 79 H .01 " ee 75 53 103 73 105 79 87 70 102 82 113 71 105 59 104 71 77 5e 94 53 97 57 es 48 80 • 59 50 78 51 73 101 111 102 105 80 84 49 101 11 From Page A·~ SENATOR ... aide, laid the Aug. 10 party will be held despite th-. di.closures regarding her boss. She declined to .. y how many people were Invited, but did confirm th.at a $1,000-per-peraon donation ls being requested. That money, other sources said, would be used to defray outstanding debts remaining in Schmitz' 1978 campaign fund. Asked if Schmitz would attend the party, Mn. Beelar aaic:t. "I don't know." From F'age A 1 ALAIA • • • coruidered confidenual. it was learned that Susan Alaia. the surgeon'• second wife, sought cuat.ody of the children. The judge ruled. however, that Marc and Maria would go to live In Ohio with couainl of Margy. "The kids are ~able to thia," one of the cMrdrens' foster parents said. Tustin attorney Sonja Rhodes, who repreeents the Alaia family. could not be reached for conunent. Crash kills six in Reno RENO (AP) -Six Reno residents returning home from a swimming trip were killed and two were injured Thursday when their car ripped lb.rough a guard rail and overturned several miles west of the downtown casino center. police said. Bodies in swimming sults flew from the airborne car as lt bounded over an embankment, smashed into a tree stump, bounced oU it and came to rest on its roof in a shallow gulley at about 6:45 p.m .. said police and witnesses. ·. Women's session taking signups Registration ls under way for ~ College's fourth annual Conference for Women, scheduled for 5.tturday, Aug. 21. College officials aa(d previous conferences have filled up well l~ advance and they encou.raae e.arly registration. The event, entitled "Super't(toman: Multiple Choice and They're All •Huntington Beach Muonlc Lodge No. 380 wi'.l conduct Ill annual barbecue Sunday from noon to 2:30 p.m. ln t..ke Park, Lake and 11th atreeta, Huntington Beach. Tile ~ent is open to the public. Tickets. at U... each, •The student govenunent of Golden Weat College ln Huntington Beach will spon.ar a blood drive from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tue.day, Aug. 3 at Collea'e Center, located on the west aide of the campus off Golden West St. •The Huntington Beach Ch.amber of Commerce will honor local police, fire and marine safety employee. for act8ofvalor,merltorheroism during the organiz.ation's 1 lth annual Public Safey Awards Luncheon Wedneeday. The event wlll begin at Yours." will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the South COaat Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. The event will lnclude 18 workshops on family and :areer topics. The $30 re gistration fee includes lunch . Conference information and registration fom\S can be obtained at the :Aastline offices. 10231 Slater '\ve , Fountain Valley, or by :allinf' 963-0811 . may be purchased from a lodge member o r at the barbecue. Entertainment will be provided by the El Bekal Clowns. Special guests for the day will be local Masonic widows and children from the Masonic Children's Home in Covina. Organizers of the event say it Is aimed at helping re91.0re the Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross blood reserves. which have been depicted ove; the summer holiday. noon In the Huntington Beach Inn, 21112 Pacific Coast Highway. The luncheon charge ia $9 . 75 per person. Res- ervations can be made through Tuesday by calling the chamber office between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at 536-8888. OBIE SPORTS LTD It's time for a NEW SUIT! Texa1, th• nortllttft H9¥eda end c.llfOfnlll. n. b-=-t fof ~ ... r tll11nder1torrn1 lrom tlla Atlerltlo COMI ttwollglt '-MllllMlppj VflWt to M 73 .31 107 84 15 74 .24 14 17 t1 f1 t2 79 1.10 ee 13 .oe IO II 15 u 97 75 80 70 .12 .. 71 .. 72 CAU'OMIA Wartllatd 108 12 11 ea • 57 a 11 101 14 91 It 75 .. H II 112 80 t02 .. All Ladies Swimwear 20~ OFF 18 82 Sf 7' llythe 11S eur.1t1 8 t n 03 lllf llPllT Smog Whar• to 0111 (toll lrH) for i.teet MIOll lnforrMllOn: ()tengl COUnty. (IOO) 446-alH Lo• ~no•IH Covnty: (100) 24~ end 8an lernatcllftO oounti. (IOO) 3'7"'*110 AQMD lpiaOda ~ (IOO) U2-44Mlt Tides FEATURING: .... Raisin, Sea Squirts, Connie Banko, Gotcha Toth & Yawah l i i j I . i r -···-' .. \ Orange Oo11t OAIL.'1 PILOTl'rlday, July 30, 1882 • ID .. fatal crash ' by a center ph~. G~ GREAT-GR EAT REUNION -Most families arrange vacations to get together but this Huntington Beach contingent gathered five generations -on both sides -without leaving ~wn. Great-great grandmothers Nellie Shane, 77. and Leastie Hudgeons, 86, center front, are flanked by their daughter and DellJ Not "'*° .., Nolwd !{-- son, Carolin Resendez and Vern Hudgeons. At rear, lnder and Verna Sunghera join daughter Denna Tietz who holds her 7-week-old daughter Shawna Marie Tietz. Denna and her husband Mark reside in El Centro. The relatives have been Huntington Beach residents for 40 years. Revised budget shows. recovery Due out today, it r efle cts upturn for last part of '82 WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration, in a new forecast some of its own eenior officiala are calling overly optimistic, is predicting a substantial economic upturn this year and a budget deficit of $115 billion next year. The revised budget report, due out today. assumes a more robust recovery during the second half of 1982 than most private economists expect. WASHINGTON (AP) -The HOUie La giving President Reagan nearly everything he wants in a $175 .3 billion defense authorization bill. although lawmakers slashed it by 1 percent acrou the board in a , largely l)'IDbolic move. Rep. Dan Gllckman, D-Kan.. sponsor of the last~te reduction, conceded the cut may be scrapped when 'he bill reaches a conference ~ommittee, which will try to resolve differences with the ~nate'a $177 .9 billion version. to OOE spokesman Jim Boyer. The test was code-named "Monterey," he said. WASHINGTON (AP) -The . government, in a plan blasted by environmentalists, says General Motors won't have to recall some 675,000 1979 cars that don't meet emillion standards as long u the company exceeds clean air standards on millions of new autos. The first-of -its-kind a'greement was announced Thursday by the Environmental Protection Agency, which hailed it as an "innovative" approach that will save GM the ca1t of a $12 million recall program while removing twice the amount of pollution. recording atar who headed the Last Days Ministries, a commune in the rolli.ng hilla near Lindale, about 90 miles east of Dallas. NICOSIA, Cypra1 (AP) -Iraq today conceded that Iran's latest offensive near the 90uthern port of Basra waa "maasive" but reiterated its previoua victory claims saying a total of 1,950 invad.ing troops were killed in the fighting. The official Iraqi News Agency said Iraqi forces defending the strategic oil port "continued repelling Iranian troops which launched a massive attack east of Basra." PEKING (AP) -A communist newspaper in Hong Kong said hijackers seized a chartered Chineee airliner on a flight from Shanghai to Pe~ today and were overpowered after a "fien:e strugjJle," but an official of China's national airline denied the report. The official, who gave his name as Quan. said there was no basis for the report of the hijacking attempt, which would have been China's second this week. ' that there was no indication whether the bodies were thoee of the seized tourists, two of them American. Further identification was not provtded. W AS HI NGTON (A P) - woman has died of injuries received when her car was rammed by one of two vehicles involved in the filming of a stunt scene for a cable t e levision program on the martial arts. Police in suburban Fairfax County, Va., say they are still investigating circumstances of the wreck that resulted in the death Thursday of Judith K. Misenti, 28, of North Haven. Conn. By Tile Alaodated Pre11 Sadness but little surprise marked reactions from workent and city officials in three states to news that money -loal ng International Harvester Cil. plans to cloee or 1ell several plants in the next 15 months . SAN DIEGO (AP) -A Marine eer1eant waa hel d for lnvestiaatlon of multiple murder and fefony hit-and-run after h.la car 11.ammed lnto a aroup of 34 Japaneae atudent touriata and thelr American guides standing near the border croaina polnt. Authoritlea aaid three women died and aeven were Injured. Oeorae Biddy, 25, allegedly wu fleeing a previous car cruh at Camino de la Plaza In San Yaldro, just north of the international border, when the fatal accident occurred at 1:34 p.rn . Thuraday. San Diego Police spokesman Bill Robinson said. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The atate labor commiaslon, which will hold hearings into the movte helicopter crash that killed actor Vic Morrow and two children last week, plans to file charges against at least o ne entertainment company, The Asaociated Press has learned. A 90W'Ce close to the investigation who asked not to be identified would n ot say Thursday who would be named in the charges, which could be lodged against any of several subcontractors on the Warner Bros. film, "Twilight 2'.one," or if the charges would be civil or cnminal. SAN F RANCISCO (API -The state Court of Appeal has ruled that the state cannot Limit more than $35 million in abortion funds for poor women through restrictions in the 19821983 budget. The three-member panel, which also struck down the HIS 1 restrictions, ordered State Treasurer Jesse Unruh on Thursday to ignore the unconstitutional restrictions in the Budget Act, which limit Medi-Cal funding for abortions in all but four special situations. LOS ANGELES.( AP ) -A coroner's inquest has determined that the death of a Raleigh Hilla alcohol treatment center patient was accidental and not natural as mdicated on the death certificate DE AD AT 6% -Actor Harold T . Sakata, best known for his sinister characterization of the killer bodyguard "Oddjob" in the James Bond movie "Goldfinger," qjed Thursday of cancer in Honolulu, Hawaii. LAS VEGAS (AP) -A low- yield nuclear test detonated l,312 feet below the surface of Yucca Flat was the 10th such test announced this year and the 706th ln hiatory, the Department of Energy said. The blast, condu cted at 1:05 p.m. PDT T h uraday on the sprawling Nevada Teat Site some 90 miles north of Laa Vegas. had a yield of lem than 20 kilotons, aax>rdlng LINDALE, Teu1 (AP) -A light flane that crashed after takeof , killing 12 people when it burst into flames after clipping trees, was so overloaded It "just couldn't climb," a f e deral investi~or says. 'rhe twin- engine na 414 was flying in a "tail-down. nose-up situation" when it crashed Wedneaday evening after taking off from a private runway at a religious commune, said Warren V. Wandel of the National Transportation Safety Board. "The shift of balance was to the rear and it just couldn't climb," he said Thursday. The dead included eight children and Keith Gordon Green, a Chriatian KNOXVILLE, Tena. (AP) - Scientists unwrapped hundreds of yards of cloth from a 600-year-old Peruvian mummy to reveal the remains of a 2~-year-old child with a jewel on ita forehead ln a ceremony opposed by a p-oup of American Indiana. A hushed crowd of about 800 people watched Thursday night as 13 white- robed Peruvian and American ICientlsta apent l ~ houn slowly unwrapping the funeral bundle. Summer Dollar Savings ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomaa P. HINv l'\MINI' -Olllf t-.c... Ollloer ClaHtn.d edveftlalng 7141142-M?I All ottt.r Hpar1mants 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE J:IOW"t ...,SI , COit. MeM, CA INll ......_:Boll U60, C.U Mew, CA .,._ c..,,,..,. 11111 o. .... c .. sa ~ltMnt ~. Ho MWt Pottet, lllvJtrM.I..,•, ""en.I m41ttwer .. .... " .... ,,.., .. Mr•ltl m.y ... ,~ ... "'"'*" 111« .. I !Mmlluloft ef copyrltflt _,. BULAWAYO, Zlmbabwe (AP) -The aovernment tOday denied reporw that three corpees were found by troops searchin g for armed rebels and t heir six foreign hoetaam on the de~ day fQt executtna the captivet. Meanwhile, a eearch bepn for three other rni.ln8 Westemen. Security 90Urcet .aid earlier the 1earcbera had found thrft white male bodlee in the thorn-tree buab of western Zimbabwe but We're Listening ••• Extraordinary Plu1hl Extraordinary Prlcel Thia tuxurtoua pluah 11 tufted thick and deep wtth Trevtra• ~.,. yam ... tMl'I "Sus>« 4" protected against eon and 111tlo to your new tWMP of oolor wnt look llke new tonger . One of Gull1tan'1 moet beautiful carpet1 ... now dotl-8 off •"*'Y aq. yd. you buy. $14.95 -..rc1. Moment's Della ht IAIY~ARE PLUIH ILIGANCI A New GeMretton Carpet P1ber • AC1uelly repeil ltelna, ..... dirt • T~ antHoll ch«ecter ... not • IOfl hider • lullt-ln static con1ro' • Aet.llne cMteoter efttr ..., • cleenlng HendtolM '"""' • Alotl. eteaent lullt• nyton yeme • ~ l4tet..aet for lm001h IUl't9oe, ~ .. lltUt• retMtlon • .....,,, ........ ~ Wllue • $19.50 .... ~ Parra, 67, died early Marehe·ai Valley Vlata Hoapltal ln Sa Gabriel. He had been tranaf there from the San Gabrle &leigh Hilla center the ev before when a Ralelah Hill phyaician detennlned he wu ln II diabetic criaia. I MALIBU (AP) -The n~ sunbathing caae agalrut M~r Andrew Lieberman , 18, wa dropped when a Munldpal jury couldn't reach a verdict. aatd the Anaheim man'• attorneyJ Stephen Yagman. T he panel deadlocked 4-4 Thursday. Th~ case was bued on Llebennan's arrest June 6 at Pirate'• Cove( near Malibu. Shertfra deputi~ arrested more than 500 people a~ Malibu-area beaches last surnn>eq for violating the Los Angele. County ordinance that prohtblta beach nudity. Lieberman was one of only two people arre.ted on the charge ao far thil year, sheriff's Lt. John Love said. • LONG BEACH (AP)•-Citing nsing costs of phone eervice and the need for greate r accesa to compute rized information, California State University at Long Beach says 1t will install ita own multimill ion -dollaf communications system. The new sys tem . produced by C l Communications Inc. of Pacoima, will not only provide telephone service but will permit faculty, administrators and students to make use of the extensive computerized data. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Five more officers in the Police Department's scandal-plagued Hollywood Division have been connected to an on-duty burglary • ring, bringing the total of officers implicated to 11, authorities said. The officers were relieved from duty Thursday and ordered to face di.!lciplinary trial, said pol.ice spokesman William Booth . A· total of 40 departmental chargee were made. ranging from "unproperly removmg property" to making false statemenll to investigators about taking property. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A state task force h as bee~· disbanded after clear ll)g up &< backlog of mobtle home registrations, the Department of, Motor Vehicles says. Tuk force leader Don Leachman said . Thursday that the 250 state· employees who served on the-: task force ''not only cleared U. backlog of some 44,000 documents, but al9o prooew:d an ~ additional 120,000 that were • received during the period aince : the force began lta work i'1 mid-May." INCLINE VILLAGE (AP) - Tahoe Regional Planning A8ency ' members have failed to reach agreement on any of 50 propoaed ,l "thresholds" designed to protect ~ Lake Tahoe from environmental : degradation. Three attempts to : approve water quality standards 't were turned back Thunday, two by California delegatee and one : by both California and Nevada i members on the bistate panel. 1 Nevada member Bob Weise I complained adoption of the ! s tandards was stymied by a 1 minority of the board. SALE .. Bank threatened SAN DIEGO (AP) -The deciaion by Nucorp Energy lnc .. an oil and natural faa concern. to file for reorgan iallon under federal bankruptcl lawa pre1ent1 the pomibillty o another flnandal blow for a majlr U.S. commerc:tal bank ln Chlcqo. Nucorp, atruallna amid a decline ln domeatlc on and natural ... explor1tlon Ulia year. aatd it filed under Chapter 11 of the U .S . Bankruptcy Code. ln which a company ...U court ~Uon from crediton' law.u.ii. while lt uw to reorpntr.e financa Amon1 Nueorp'• credUora 1• a nine-bank lendina s:roup, of whidl the lead benk .. Condnental l1linda National B.nk & Trwl Co. In a..,o, the nat1on•1 lltWntb-w-..t '** and • unit of Ooliilrilinlal Illinda 9ai'P- Merger blocked Commerce Bank eyes office \ An application by Newport Btach-baaed c.ommerceBank. to establilh • reatonaJ olfLoe ln Lons Beaeh hu been approved by the State Bank.in& Department. ' The required Certificate of Authority will be lllutd followlnc approval by the Federal Des lnaurance Corporation. Th• date for open.inc Beach operations la under ~c;_ation by the of directon. CominerceBank la ln it.I thlrd year of bu.inea with ... ti over f70 million. Earninss projected Alpha Microsystems of Irvine aaya it will earn approximately $1.3 million, or 50 cent.a per share, for the f1acal year endlna Feb. 28, 1983. • In f1aca1 1982, \he company earned $1.5 million, or 64 centa, ahareholden we~ told Thursday. Alpha M1cro designs. manufacwres and markets microoomputen tor buaine. and professional u.e . NB firm's revenues down Newport Phannaoeut.icala International Inc. of Newport Beach reported an operating loa for the fl.teal year ended April 30. Revenues for fiacal 1982, were $9,567,000, a decreue of 9 percent. The company reported a loss of $430,000 from contlnulni operationa, or 5 cent.a per share, compared to a profit of $807,000, or 10 cents. in fiacal 1981 Standard-Pac dividend declared Standard-Pacific Corp. of Costa Mesa d~l.ared the regular quarterly cash dividend of 5 cents per share of common stock for the third quarter. The dividend will be payable Oct. 15 to stockholdera of record Oct. 4, Douglas gets Air Force pact The Air Force hu awarded a $31.6 million contract to Douglaa Aircralt Company. Long Beach. a division of Mcbonnell Douglas Corporation. for a research and development program on the C-17 transport design. Anaheim S&L earnings up Anaheim Savings and Loan Association's net earninga after provisions for taxes for June were $316~86 u compared to earnings of $39,032 in May. This was the fifth consecutive month in which the association showed a profit. On July l, Anaheim opened a SeaJ Beach office. Emulex sales increase Emulex Corporation of Santa Ana has reported aharply increated sales and eamingl for its fi.acal year ended June 27. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Pct ' f'tj ! lit ' ::j ; 'f:l h t ,4 'l L tt l • DOW JONES AVERAGES N(# YOR1tt4Pl F1--.1 Oow _.. •v"' "" ll\<1'411. J .. , " STOCQ 099,. ..,_, i..w C-0. r 11111 t n .11111s.11111 .. 1•1 11 • o 41 JD Tm JOI 15 111 " )C)ol •J JOI .. • 0 .. 1S VII 10) 17 IOJ fl 107 11 1(13 71 0 11 66 SI• lit 11 J•J 1J JOI •• Jll J7, 0 21 ,,,..., • "•.000 ,,.... 1 '"«IO IAUt 1 00 ,000 .s Sii< 1 111 «IO WHAT STOCKS DID "'!W Y0 "1( t4PI JUI 7• T~ SU "" '1) 1131 10 117 -·· O!lJ 0t0 .,£W YOAK 14PI '':C ~ METALS l -ey us llS ,.. '1• J J• Pr~v "~h US7 )AJ 1 .. 7 l) 111 Prt• "~r. '1S 10Q 1JJ ' '° NEW YORK (AP) -Spol nonlerrout ,,,.. .. P"C* lodW c..., 7~16 C9f!la • pound. u s ~ .. l.IM 28·2t a.nt.a • pound n... S7..0 09n1I. pound, cMll .... ltCI. T1l'1 M.1871 Met• Weelt compoelt1 lb • .........,. 7$-77 cenlt I pound.NY, ..._, 1350 00-1370.00 Pl' lluk ,....... '284.00.$290 00 troy ounce, NY SILVER Hendy & H1rm1n. I& 580 per troy -- GOLD QUOTATIONS a, Thi •11ut1t1• ..,_ lelec'9d ~ gold Pf'°'8 1ocsav: l11ul1"1 morning fixing U0.50, ~. ~ .nemoon ll•lnQ: 1342.90, ~ to.40. hltei 1'11tnoon llxlng. 1340.07, Oft 11.11. PtMll_... llAlnG: &s41.IO."" U .07. ~: 1111 1ft1tnoon· "43 00, 11p IUS llld: U4US •Id .._., • ~ on1y d111y qvott IMUO. 1-t> I0.40. ... ,._.. Oflly 4llly ~ IMUO, tiPto.40. dM!y--~ I \ .. • HIP ~ . ' . . " NetloMI L-.ue ftSlON OMtk>N • l .... Ga ti 37 822 ~ 47 .530 9 52 49 .$15 10 ... ... S2 .480 14 ... 54 .449 17 S7 13 .370 25 US10N DM8IOM ~ H 42 .571 St ~ 57 43 .570 PttUDutgfl 52 45 .534 :I'-' MonlrWil 52 46 .53 t 4 ...... YCW11 44 55 444 12'" QlicloO 40 e3 .:iae ,..,. ~·---Mont .... 4, Sl LOUle 3 (10 lnnlnga) Pltt.-Qti •. Nllw YCW11 1 ~3.Chlc8oo2 A llenta 1, Sen Diego 2 H-on 4, Clnc:IMtlll 3 Only ~ ICheduted TeftltM'• 0.- .,....... (Welch 9-7 lrtd "'--IQ..8) at Atlente (.....,.., 8-t MCI II<--S-11. 2 St Louie (L•Polnt 5·2) ., Montt .. I (~e.•1 8#1 Diego (Mont-.co 6-51 •I Clndnnell lk~7-101 Pit~ (~ 7_.I et New Yoril (9nn S-3f Clllc-vo (Jenlllnll 6-I 1) at PtliledelpNe (Cet11on 13-11) SWI F~ (Hemt!18k« 6-5) at Houalon ts.inon t-7) A•RICAN LaAQU! Anaele .. ...,...,. 1 UAnta CAUPONU .,..... . ...... J Cruz 2f> 4 0 , 0 Oowl*IO " 4 11 0 Mc.tllolt> 3110 ....... 0000 &ocMeW 2011 o.anc-a 4 113 ~" 0000 ........_.rt 4 000 Z.dh 4 010 llCWttr1 0 0 00 c-. rt • 0 0 0 l,...,, c:f 3 0 0 0 a.... c 3000 Grtcrl 20 2000 O.Ofey 10 4 0 2 0 R..iack-1b 2 0 0 0 0Hndet9ncf SOOO Foll• 2110 T.Cruz • 3 0 10 8oonei: 2000 T°'ale 27171 TOUlll 2'35S .... .., ......... Seattle ooli 0 10 000-1 c.llfotnla 003 000 OOx-3 OP -S..11 .. I, CalllOf'llle 3. l 08 -s .. 111e 7. Celllornl• 8 . 2B -Cutillo. ~ G. Orey H .. -C>liClncm (IS). S -Boone. Ro. Jedc-. ...... . HllDt•eo 5 3 3 4 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Ml.Moore (L.MI 7 Vanoa8arg ~ Caudtll ... c ..... Aenl<o (W.t-21 1•;, 1 1 1 • 4 H...W 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sanchez (S. 1) WI I 0 0 0 0 H ...... pltdlecl to 1 be11er In Illa SUI Ml. Moore pllClleCI to 1 batter 1n Iha 9tfl HBP -by ......_{8odlta). T-1'31 ..._ H...._ flenllo Wiit "-Zahn Kleon Ford ~ OOIU CorMtl Totaill ......... aATTIMQ dllH.._ .. ~ 331 12 100 13 50 .302 311 51 " 1 29 2911 379 70 110 19 42 .291 391 4t 111 18 6' 214 ee 1 11 1 12 .211 3$5 52 .. 13 S4 271 323 S2 " 25 ~ 271 294 23 79 3 37 272 313 34 .. 2 31 2tl 90 9 11 2 5 .297 327 42 " 11 46 .213 14 13 23 1 II .25' 56 5 12 , 4 .211 I 12 12 111 0 5 111 46 4 7 0 2 . tile 31 4 1 0 0 :>32 3418 ..... 137 106 •50 274 metee0 • H • 90 W-4. DIA 7 7 4 5 1--0 D.00 5~ :ie ao 2t 2-1 1.11 ·~ 119 34 61 9-2 3341 103... .. 31 49 5-3 3.40 52 45 n 40 3-3 3.46 141 ... 132 41 47 ,~ 3.67 M 71 32 '9 &--4 3 N 150 144 35 llO 9-7 3.tl ~ 51 22 ao a.1 4.oe ...... 47 22 31 $-2 4.20 '™ eo 31 42 t-• 5.oe 917" tM 137 4a3 57~ S ... Ameftoln~ ~ .. , .......... 8olllOn 001 031 002-7 13 3 CNcego 000 , 10 1004 7 2 R1lney, Burgmetar (I ). CIH r (8) i nd • ...._..: ~ ~ (5). Hlc:M¥ {t) llld .... w-.....,... .... ,. l -1.emp • ., .... S-QMr (12). H"9-loetoft, Y...,_,.k 13'k CNceoo. V. Law (J~ A-21.131. ...,....,,OIWlll 911t1mOre OOt OOt 000-2 8 0 ~CRY 0.0 000 __ ., It 1 D . ....,._, O. 0....(2). ~~1 Nolln' 8otlh. ~ It). m .id ~. w-loWIO. 2-t. 1.-c. U<WtlNI. to-t. HAI-~ "°'***• 11); ~City. Allllfte (5). ~11. ..... , .... 1 ~ 000 !00 000 004-5 14 0 ......... 000 001 000 000-1 ,, 0 a erkar. Olynn (ti). 8111111111' ~~ ~ ~ tlaton \121 atlCI W-SJl!lln«, a.5. l-1 aton, 7·2 HR-~· Tllonltofl (D). A-29.711 ..... ~. ~ 000 000 000-0 4 I Otll*td 200 200 Otx-5 t 0 .._,,.. F4lllon (8) Md IAlldMr. ~ i nd Newman. W-L1n9tord, t-11. L-~ 7-1. HR-o.tlnd, """°"""' (I). A-11,tA. ......... "-'-,....,,... """:a" .. ~ • 0 ,_YOI\ 000 100 000-t 1 0 D. "*'-' llld T. ~ ,...,.,._ ~ - l '"J (I) 111• •tHrlll. W-0 t·•· \.-, .......... ,. ""-. Dlwll C4J. A -tlMI. , ......... ~ .. ~ too ~' 000-.1 ., a P ooo 101 t0tt-a ta o .... TMfow m WI .I. OtMI: ""*-· "8ed (I) lllid a DIR W-""*Ow, tM . L-Tldrow, 4·1 •-Rief (I). H9'-"ltftl$11L ......... (tr). A-•12.4. --~0....1 fl. WWII 901 ett •to f...4 1 t ............... ,_.,t ,_.,...., '-"='~~ ~ .. teoa . .-.~ • {t) w a.;,... W -..,,,.,_, M. L -11!'.t ~*I -k ............ (1ft.A -~ Alefel ........ ~11 1'° ooo ooo-a 1 1 ~Oii 000 111 Ot•-4 10 a ,.,,., •• H11111 (?!. K.,n (8) 1nd Ven Gorcllr. K1110C*. 0 8"""" (I). Mollllt Il l. ~(II encl Ko!OllY. ""tola 191 W-Moftll\, t-3 1.-"-rle. 14 •-i.acon. (i). Hlla-Hovalon. KnlOll)I It). 01r~r (9), A-tf,"t Top 10 , ...... ., ....... , AMINOMf LIAIW Younl, Ml. Wwtieon, KC Htlllll.Mln Harral\,Cla Gan1nar,MI Pac:l«tll,CN WNta.KC l M. Pwtlall,Oltl McRM.K C Cooc*,MM. lonMll.Tor 0 Aa R H "9t. 93 afl 11 121 ~ 74 Ht 42 tot .SM te m ft 101 .Ut .. 371 74 1211.12• .,.. 141 ae 11 m to* 37 .... 321 .. 314 41 100 .311 1t tit 45 et .Sit .. 371 M tit 315 ti 3U U 120 .313 87 214 47 ... :113 .._ """- G TllOm ... Mllwaull•. 25 lie. ,---. A,...._ Ill Tl'IOrnlon. C............,, 23: ~ Mllwtull ... 23, Cooper. Mllwauk-. IO. "-~"" McRH , Ke n•H City, 11, T1101111on. Cla•al•t1CI, 71; Cooper. Mllwaull ... 74. ltalnlill. ~70, Yount, M..,._aa, M (ta DMllleM) VukO•ICll, Ml waukaa. 11·4: aurne. Chk:ago. 10>4: Caucllll. Slallla, ,~,Guidry. N9W Yorll, t-•; Zefwl, "-411, -Cllw, Botton. 1·4: Sutclltfa, c ra••lanel, 1·4: J. MclaugllHn, Toronto ....... MA TIOMAL L.aAOU9 Q A8 • " "'"' Knlgllt Mii M Ha SI t 11 3 II c.nar. Mii ti 331 51 t03 311 ~ u2•••2 n 310 McOla.SI l 65 219 H 91 .310 T Pane.1'9'1 83 309 JO 96 309 Lo Smlll'I, St.L M 311 8S 112 306 Ru .ion..s.o. et 323 se 111 .303 Murpl\1,At1 97 313 14 110 303 J Rly,f>1111 Ill 317 56 t 17 302 .._. .. _ Mu<plly. Atlanta, 21: Klngtnan. New YOl'1<, 21. carter Montt .... 2 t, Horner. Allllnt•. 20. a--o.~ta. iu.911ttMlll M<lrplly, Atlanta. 12. l<lngtNtl, IMw YOl'1<, N , C.-. MonltMI, 141 Hlndttck, II LOUii, 55. Carter. Montr••I. 14. 0 11arra ro, ~Mc Clarti, San Franl-, 14. ,........ (12 DMWoN) p Nlakro, Atlante. 10..3. Roger& MonlrMI. 13-4; 0.Roblnaon, PHttt>urgll, 10..5: FOl'9dl, 81. loula, ICM. loffer, Sat1 Diego, 10..5; C111ton, PlllteOalpl\la, 13·1. v-...awe.. ~04 ...,_LMDue ....... AmJllc:Alf LIAOW llUMI: R. Handaraon. OOllnel. 16; Molllor, ...._. ... 7&, Hartel\, ~. 74, E-Bolton. 71, Yount • ......_. .. , 71 HITt: Yount, MllwaukM 121; Ga1cia, Toronto. 127, H•"•"· Cleveland. 122: Cooper, Mllwau11 ... 120. MoR ... Kan•u City. 111 DCM* ••. Wl'llta, KanM• City, 30: Yount • Mllwellk ... 29, l '""• ........ all Ev&n4, Bolton. H . Dae..._, A ....... a. TlllPlll: Herndon, De troit, 11, w. Wllaon. ~ City. ID. Yount, Mtlwauli-. 9. Ol'ifllft, Toronto. I . Upet>ew. Toronto. I; Bratt, KaNM City, 8, C-. 5-tla, I ITOLIN llA ... I : R. Halldal-. Oelt!Wld, Ill, Garcie, Toronto, :It, Watflan, KttllU City, 21: J Cruz, SHiii•, 211: l aFloto, ChlCaQO. 24. IT'MCIOUTI: F 8annitter, 8-ttla. 123; IWl!ar. ci...&and, 111. Guidry, New Yoril. 102. Edltnl&Y. eoeton. N . aoanie. a.ttta. " U T1CMM. LIAOUR .._, l..o. Smith, SL l..ouia. a , Murptty, Atla nta . 71 ; Oaw1on. Montreal. 71; Sandtlarg, CNceoo. 13, HOmar. Allenla. 12. HrT9: J. Rey, Pllltburgll. 117; Kn!Qht, Houaton, 117; 011•••, Montr1a1. t 16; ""'*'-'· Cfllc8go. 115, Lo Smltl\ St. Loula, 11•; .... ~111. DCMaa• T. Kannac!y, San Diego. 27: Knlgflt. HoWton. 25, 0.-, Monttael. 24; w.cllocli. Plt1abu<gtl. 24. Ollwlt. Montreal. 23, Codlno, Qnclnnali, 22 T'RIP\.la: Mc:OM, St Louil 7; Oltnat, HCH.ttlon. 7. Ta,,.ptaton S•n Diego. 7, Morano, PottN>utQll I. Thon. "-ton. I . PuN,.._on,I ITOUN MRI< Menno, Pltl9burgll. 45: Lo Snlltll, St Louta. '4, Aainaa, Montreal. Q ; Oamlar. l'tllladelphla. 40, .... ~ ... ITlllKROUTI: 8oto.J. Clnclnn1ll. 171: Cetllon, Ph4iacla4pllla. ,.,., AyWI, Houalon. 162, Rogart Monl•HI 111, v-.na...ca. ~ttt. LITTLE LE.AOU! AU-STARS ... ~, ... = .... , M TOl ...,. , ...... ..-. ...... ....,_, , ....... t'aGenota Aoe>lotWOOO ... e>own.y, I 30 pm. {Winner advance. to 10:30 • m gam1 Saturday, loaar Is allmlnatadl U CTIONAL TOUllNAlllNT , .. IW'nN hrtl. n'"8) TI1ur9det'a ._. Eaa1 Yorba Lind• 8, Sout-t Sant• Ana 5 ._...,.aa..- Eaa\ Yorba Uncle .. ~ Sente Ana, 10 a..m. o ~~.._~ ..... --~~~~ ...... ~--~ ..... ~ ...... ~ ......... t~ &4 ee ee 10 12 1• 16 n ~'-°' ____ __ iiiiiiiiiiiii '°"'9'"4 llACI. 400 yarda. W!lylon Away (Lackey) t• 40 7 ,40 UO P~ (fri•I 11.40 6.40 Oo High T~ (CardoU) 4.llO Aleo r1c:a e1· Th• Oualla r, Two Mora DoulMal, S-Kindl VollAiga, 2-. Dal f'lc*l9 l'r-Ola 9'lltftN Timi: 20 30. • UACTA (2·~1 paid t tot20 ,.,,. UCI. 350 yatela Thnlc• To Ct 8ar'1l.tdzal • 90 3 40 3.DO Mll<M Wlzat \1118'11 7 00 4.20 s-Cf)'Stal••dl 3 eo AIM> racld: Noble Dallt. l'Ut And Clauy, Pay On Demand. Timi' 17.88. llXTM llACI. 970 yardl "" COl!u Lari! (Pll<ntnl 37 20 13 40 7 eo MacllO Mlto (Paulina) 5 20 3 llO Gallant Bird (Hartl 3.90 Alt o raced: Repe at Rocket. Krypton l!ocllat. FINI Mickey. BIHy Carter 8Hr, TOl'11Ma Flat Time. 45 84 • HACTA (4-2) pelcl 1148 . .0 MVIMTM llACI. 360 y11da. a-8-ily (lltoob) 5 20 3 00 2.llO temtoo (Tonka) 3 40 2 50 Lldy S.... CC..Cloul 3 20 Alto 1ac:ed Toppa11 Bug. Olal• Sia. Wllehl Sll\Cf\, ~ Gay Go Time 1797 Ill DACTA (7-8) P81C1 112 00 llQHTM AACa. 640 y•Cla Strl'#bar'fy Cupcell9(8rel) 7 00 4 20 2.50 ~· S«nt ~ (lonttal 13 DO • llO Jullaa l.8dy Lnyar (Hitt) 2.llO Alto ramd: EIM On Down, Wine A Policy. EMy -·· "909 Polly Time 22. t•. 12 IUCTA (t~) pelcl 1103 40 ea "9CK llll ($-2....._7·11 paid M,5418 ~ with ""° wWllng llc:tlob (alll hOl'Ma) 12 Pie* Six conaolalion peld 197 ID wllll 112 wtnnmv llckatl lllw hor-) 12 Pleil SI• ecra1a11 oonaolatlon paid t 131 20 wttll •• wlNllng tlclt.U (four ~. one ecHtc:h or lhnla llOt-. two ec:r•ldlM). *'"4 uca. 400 Y1Wela. Miine E..,. 8bt (HM!) I 40 4.20 2.90 8oatt• 8uQ CCf"MQW) 13 to 5.llO CNcke ...... 1a.n-1 3 20 A1i10 racld . .JaM8 BuQ. Wacky Jaclc,.a, Camblo Oa Oro, Sllllar lho... Smooth s..-t. Holly Podtatt, a-time FOQ Ttma 20 13 • UACTA ~) p9ld 81t2 60 An.ncs-7.111. o.IMet ntUMDAY'I ~Tl (Mft .. ..., ..... ....,... ,,_.,.., -..T UCL 8 f\lt1onga .,...,._ COhliYI .e eo 23.20 1 t so My ~ (Howt.y) • ID 3 IO Lanen (~arl 5 to A.-rllCld Eaatar ~. Cof\tuty'• Lady, cac>eah. ~ Room, S-.ta Oaal, Donetta. I WWln& Doctor, P,,,_ lAlletl. T-1.10 415. UCOMOMca.a ~ County Kiidare ~I &e.00 12 20 5.00 ChatmWIQ Mwy (Mct4alp) 5 oo 2 90 o..11·· ~ (~) 3.40 A)ao r..S: Rult't Roll Mc:Coy, Founba. AmOilloua. 8l1gll( Poley. Handy Pa6agrin. Kvala. Couragooua C.-. Al>Oly a W.lng My ..,,,_. Marina. TwN I 10 '415. Ill DAA. T ~ 112· 11 paid '3 454.ID T.-o M C&. Ona mite tn Tiie ~ (Pinceyl 9 90 5 eo 3 40 Otpl\ana Coun (V~I tO 20 6.IO Aoltalo (Guerra) 4 60 Alac> racld. 8teclc ....... Ct-. Real Pnyl, Zorden. Conaalpllon. A.w>dotn Wind. Joa' a T rlbut•. Olat&111 Olin Tlma I 38 215 • DACTA (3-21pekl1191 00 'OURTH MCI. 8 tw1onot Loda O'LUCll (Slblllal 50 to 29 80 II .0 JI! .,._...., (Mc:Hargua) 5 90 3.00 By TM Saa (OallllouMeya) 4.60 Alac> r-.d: Tan Percent, Top ~. El Paklwa, luCtledor, Stlwa Hie, Alley Fox, Haac1 Dld<ar, teli.. E,,,_, Key Time. 1·12 115. ""™ MC&. 1 ti 18 mtlaa on lurt ~l~I 1200 5.40 2.40 Pro9poroua \""-YI 1.40 2. tO Ell.eta {~I UO Alac ••cad· tnavllabla LH d4W, Mr M\l>UllCIOt, 0-.otp T'tml. 1·Q 2/5. • UACTA (8-21 pekl S74.llO. ltJCTM llACI. I lunonga. aonbonalro (Valarlzulla) e 20 5 eo 6.40 Doon. Doi (Mc:Hergual 12 llO 10.00 1 m S1'IOOCllln (Upham) t•.eo Aleo racld Peat Plaaeur ... W81 Of S-. Won't 01"8 An Inch. LOW Ntd oo.y, Sandra l.. Exp<-...... Pia R,. EaglW ....-.. nm. 1tO315. MMTI4 MCL t 1111 mlfa. !°O•y QvtMo (Dl!My. I 9.20 I 40 3 llO OOOglnQ Alona (Ortagl) 27 IO 9 .0 Aloi> ca--(lliloCllffon) 3.00 Alac> rKOd ~b. AulWI Bwz. Eaglal Meta, .._., loOlllng Oood, lllg 0<t0 Alllton, FantfY Guy. H .. To Alban Timi 1,.. 115. a UACTA (t-4) pelcl 8617 00 Alt~ t&,439. Mn J::::<:!':!:Z-111 -95 ang1are 11 alt>acor•. 7 bonito, 32 ce11eo l>atl, 201 mect<eret, 111 rock 11111, 22 und l>eN. 18 tc>U191n. 1 "-91\Md. I c;at>won. DAYRY't LOCKI" (ltawpor1 e.ctl) - 197 Mglart. 13 alt>acor•, e 1>arrtcue1•. • ce11co l>ua. •II• mecllaral. 21 roc:ll. na11, 391 tend oua. DAMA~ -217 englart t 103 l>aM. 5 barracuCI&, 48 bonito. I halibut, "42 macllarat, 10 rocll 11111. 4 aeulpln, 5 .,,...,.,_, tlAl alACH -231 anglert 13 .,.,, acuda. 3 callCO ba•. 4 llaltbut 0 1 medleral. 4 roc:I< flall. t. t N aend l>ua. 1 -·· -~. 5 aculPln ..,.. -.. anglarL 3 lilllbut. 800 mecll.eral. t tand b .... 75 q.-. 11911. 150 whit• croaker ~ Tcwonto "'°"'""' CNclOO Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS ... 32-35 67 33·3•-67 33·3•-17 33-35-N 3'-34-88 34-3.4-16 33·:16-U 37-31-19 3?-38-68 61 -ea 611 33-38 119 3A.Jli-111 31-33-1111 35-3'-1111 32·37 611 3.4-35-111 3•-31 10 33-37 70 34-35 70 32-3'-70 33-37-70 3s-3S 70 32-34-70 34-31-70 36-35-70 3).37-7D 31-35-71 33-38-71 35-31--71 36-35-71 3S.38-7t 3'-37-71 3.4-37-71 3.4-37-71 35-31-71 34-37-71 3447-7t 34-37-71 33-31-71 34-37-71 3348-71 31-35-7t 37-34-71 33-3a-7t 36-35-71 SIS-W-71 31-3S-7t 31-35-71 )1-35-71 36-35-71 3$41-71' 31-35-71 32-311-71 33-St-7t ~71 36-36-72 37-35-72 •lf-72 31-34-72 3s-37-72 )4.38-72 3'-341-72 3W7-72 36-34-72 35-37 -72 37-35-72 :µ.31-12 36+37-72 3W7-72 34-31-72 33-39-72 34-St-72 31-36-72 36-35-73 36-37-73 311~-73 3a-3&-73 37-31-73 34-39-73 39-35-73 37-31-73 37-31-73 36-37-73 3s-39-73 3"-311-73 3s-39-73 36-35-73 36-38-7s;, 33-40-73 34·311-73 37-31-73 34·40-74 35-39-74 3~-7• 33-41-7• Je..31-74 3&-31-74 36-31-7• 36-31-74 36-31-H 36-38-7• 36-31-7• 37·37-7• 31-39-74 »-31-74 33-41-74 37-38-7S ~1-75 37-31-75 )6.37-75 39-3t-75 37-38-76 34 ... t-75 ~7-Hl 36-39-75 3~-75 3~7& 37-31-75 ~&-=Ji )(.,.•-•¥ '9-38-7• at.40-71 '9-37-71 aa..w-71 )t-40--711 34-42-71 3$-41-71 4048-71 40-38-71 17~-7· )$-41-78 17-31-71 31-3t-71 M-31-11 ~11 34~'17 .,.._,, ~n M4t-77 at-41-n M-M-n Or•nd Prix IOUrNment (at Nortll COflW.,,, N.H.) l'lrat llound _..,... v1c1or Pecci (Paraguay) Clef 0..11 .. rmo VMu (AroantJnal. S-7 5-4. 8-2. Ivan Landi IC~ah18l def Juat1 AQulllar• (Spain!. 6-2 3·11. 6-3 Jo ... lula Ctat1' (Argontln•I oaf Kan Fladl (US), 6-0. &--4 Meft'1 ICMffnMIMnt (•I lo4l1lt Oranea. IU.) lacond Ro.d ...... Yannlck Noah (F••nca) def Ban T11termen (US I. 1·1, 1·3, Jimmy Ari .. (US I dof Mateo 0.IOjl (Yugo•Ylel, 11-3, 6-0. Van Wlnltally IU SI Clal Skallle Van Oar Mwwa (South Aflole8). 6-7, 7-1. 8-2 Tlllr• 11.-ct ........ Hoen 1111 Jonn James (Aust••ll•). 1·2 5-2 Anal Cle! Oar• T81r (Sou1h Atrocel I· t 2·1 1·3 Otck Stockton (U S I dll WINlllll' 1-3. U , 7-S. Jay lAj)idue (US I Cltf Aemwfl Kfltllnen (India). 1 ... 5-3. 6-4 Raul Ram11ar (M .. oc:o) Clef Matt Ang•• (US 1. 7 ... 1·2. Slltomo GllCtlst81n (latMll del Anand Amrll••j (lndla). 7-1. 1-4. Meroo Marllnoz (8ol1v1a1 Cle! E•IC ltlUWlky IVs I. 6-3 e.2 Wom9n'I loumenHtnl (at"-"" ....... , Thltd "-.1 ...... Ketl!y Ronald• IV s I Cle! Camr•ll ean,.,...,, CU S 1. 8-3 I · t Alyoa Moulton CU 5 I dal Bwt>«a BrMlblall (U 8 I 1-3. 6-0 lOUiM Allen IVS I dof Ana M81ie Farnano.t (US I e.1. &-4, C:C.rlna VanlOf (Fran<:a) Clef ~ BIOunt CU S 0. 1·3. 7 .5 Women'• Indoor tourn.menl (~,Auaer•I Chr1a Evart UOyd "°W: ~And<H l -.c! USl.&-1.1-1 loCal ....... l..,_t , .. u.-..:r::..=-C.) 3$ -J«'t'y Van Unga (""""'°'1 8Mdll e1t1 oa... ~ !Huntington Blad\~ 5-4, 8-7, S-3, 40 -Hort! Ritter (PIUOlna) del Alchlld l...aad> (Legut\11 a-ti). 7 ... 6-3; 45 -Harman Ahler• (San .Juan Capie11anc» dof Ernie ScrlOOCI cPar:ni.: P....-). 8-2. &-2 SO -Aon LJvtne9ton (~ 8-:tll oat JwT' CaldarWOOCI CIAGunl 8-:111. 8-1, 7-1 SS -£c1 K-(a.-ty Hiit) dof l\otlWI w.rtar (Loa Angalel). 6-2. 6-2. 60 - Ch8ltea ~ (Cleramonll def Chat1la LM1 (Otandlletl. &--4. e. t. 15 -T onr Pfoelan (San Juan Capl1treno1 Clef. Dan Walker !South O.ta). e.2, 6-2; 70 -Jofln F....- dof cnuc• Stanton (Santa Monleel. M . ........ ..... DOUltlal 35 -Biii Bethatc>-J-Rathburn di! Olva Bohannon-Kan Stuart. M , 8-7. 8-3. 40 -Stan Kul•.Jorry Paten Clal 8oCl eu.iar-JI"' Halton, Injury Claleult. 45 -Boo Ouaatw·Otdl Mon-dof Lon UncfflOr9.Jlm Pug!\, 2-1. 6-2, 8-3, so -Eel l(w.lder.f(lng l.alnOarl Cleol ..,,. ~ fWlz.. 8-3 6-3. 55 -Strllallt Clark-Dor\ Llonard clll Rey RouQlll·Slv NlnwnO, 8-2, 7-1. 90 -Or Cllarlal Andaraon·Marwm Miiiar clll Robin Hlpc>anat ... ·Verna HuQ1111e. 7-1, e-1. 85 -Robin Hlpponllall-Verna Huor-dot, Paul Buakay-Ho,.,.ra Patatton. 6-1. 6-1. S-3 WOIKN'9 llNQUI 30 Oabbll McC0<m1Ck (Huntington BMcn) Cle! Robin M1rNI Cloe ~I. &-1, 6-t. 35 -Cllenlan Hlllatlrand (San ~OI C1a1 Manlyn Str-tl.80'.,.. Baachl 7-5, 5-7, 6-I 40 ~ Hlllallrand Clef Ula Hagl>atg (Ocaan91dal. e.2. 7-5; 45 -"""'~ FOIClan (Ctwamontl ~ Sonia Harrington (leguna Beach). 65 -Dorta Cl••• (Ct8/amonll dof Plachat1 Huaeey (a.-1y Hlftal. 8-3, 1·2 WCMlillN'I OOU9UI 30 -Doreen trlal\-O.Obla McCormld< dll4 CMrt>a ~Lotter. e.o. 6-t. S6 -E1an Bryant Jule Hayward clll Pet Meeal»-Barbere SMlton, &--4 • ._.., 40 - Pat McCabe-No•"'• Veal def B•tb••• Shalton·Penny Stewart. 1·4. 6-2. 45 - Manannt ~ FO)'& Clef Mary EJlan £1119-llotllnat. 8-t, 6-4. 50 -.Joan F~ ........,_ Miiia def Sonle H~~ AldlardMwl, dataull. IV M1IM OoulltM Ellen Bryanl·O•n Rogara def. Oorffn lrt~ga 8utt_,I\ 7-5 .... , ......... o.-... Mullyft Slraw·Olc:k Oor11e d•f J11ll1 Haywvel.Jlm Co6Clatwood, ...... w ITA~ Of' AIANDOla'mfT OP UM CW '9CltitoUI.,..... ..... Th• ro11ow1n1 perton• 111ve eblliOOMd IM UM of the lletlttoue tMlrlw .,.... "' ' w Dweklpmertl et , ...... 111h l trwl, Sult• 2·A. Cotu Mee&. CA He21. The flollllou• bu•lneu neme refe rred to abon wH llled In Cowlty on Auguel 12, ltf&. (1) J, MY CON8TAUCTION C()Ml'ANY, IN !Mt 17111 Street, Cotte ~ CA t2t2T. 12) Will.CO. INC.. 111 !.Mt 1'1111 t\reM, Coece Mela. CA 92827. lhlt ~ -condVc:1ed by. glll*'el pertMrlhlp. Mlcheel O. Rey lor J. Rey Contlrucllon Co Thie ttaltrlltrll -llled With the eovn~ cawtt of Of enge Col.Wit., on Jl"'1 t&.1M2. , ..... Publlehed Orenge COHI Delly Pttol, July 23. 30, Aug. 8, 13, 1982 3321-82 PtalC NOTia: FICTTTtOUa 9U ... HI NA•tTA"n•NT The touowlng pereon I• doing ~-. ORANGE COAST Mill ANO DOOR 2GO E Dye< Ad "l Sent• Alll, CA 92707 Oevld HetolCI Mv<rey, 170 E 18th St A, Coela MIN. CA 92827 Mark Dana Allbrook. &392 CIYen Cir . Huotlr>glon Beecll. CA 9™7 This ~ It conducted by • generel partneranlp Oevld H Murray Thll llet-t WU hied With lhl Counly Cle<k ot Ofaaige County on JIJOI t 1. 1982 F111J:J7 Publlsll•d Oreng• CoHt Delly Pllol July 9, ttl 23. 30. 19tl2 3113-82 Ml.IC NOTIC[ ACTITIOUa ..,.._.. FICTITIOUS llUllNIEU AC'TTT10Ue ........ NAME ITATIEMENT NAME STATIMl!NT NAm aTAru.NT The following ~ Ml doing The IOll()w;ng perton(a) lfe dolng The lollowlng persons wt OOing ~.. bustnMt es ~ ... P A I N T I NG A N 0 M A I N • LUIOl'S PtZZA. 1882 "'-Ila TENANCE COATINGS. 48tl2 TL STABLES, 1601 OoYe. Suite Street, Coelt Meea. CA 92927. Neely Cir. •3. Hunllngton Beach, 270· Newport Bee<:h. CA i2tl60 LUIOI CARPENTIERI, 20' CA 9211-49 Tax ltMlfeged Conoeptt. Inc., Wtke ForHI, Coale Men, CA Martin K l(oruba, 4882 NMly I CllHIOfsnl• CorpotetlOn. 1801 OoYI 92$28. Clr I' 3, Huollnglon Btech. CA StrMI. viii 270· Newport Beech. GUISEPPINA CARPENTIERI, 92e49 CA 92860 204 Welle ForM1, Coete M-. CA JoMc>ll FMCllla. 5772 Mllrlllell Tiiis buS<MSS II conouctld by • 92$29 CO<l>Of •lion Dr .. Huntington Beedl. CA 928-49 Te• L • 11 •r•g 1 d Thie~ le condUcled by en Thia butlr>Me It c:onduc:led by • Conceptl Inc. ~. generll partnerllhlp. Gul9epplnl C#penllerl Mtrtln I(. Korube Weyoe SchufU. CEO Thie stat-I -fled willl the Thie 11e1ernen1 -flled w1111 ,,,. Thi• •l•tement wu fllld with '"' County caerti of Orange County on County~ of Ofenge Counry on ~~~~ Cter1199 °1 Ofarige County on My 21, tte2. June 10, 1982 f1fl202 ,,... .. n 1 2 ,,IMG P19171t Publlalled 01eng1 COut 01lly Publl•h•d Orenge Cout Delly Publlahed Or•ng• Coul Delly Pilol. July 9, 18, 23, 30. 1982. Piiot My t 17 za 30 1te2 Pllo«, July 23. 30, ~· 8, 13, 1H2. 3114-82 • . • . • 3108-82 330242 rtalC NOTIC£ QVIPD NOTICI °' IM.I Ml.IC NOT1CI'. Ml.IC NOT1C£ c..N~f: .. Nnn::.1:-.. flCTinoul _,...,... fllCTmCMle M*NIH llU9&.IC 'ACIUTIH Ml.IC ll)llC( NAiii tTATlllibn NAiii ltATIWf lllCnTIOUi .,._.. MA• ITATIMINT COtllltOMTIOH 1m Tiit lollowtno '*'°" ,. dolno The ·~ l*ION.,.. dOlllO .._.. ITA~ The followtng !*ton le OOlno 1.IAll"°"-D lllOftTOACM bu1J1neM ... ~et: T , .... __.. I ol ~ u · MVINUI llONOI I lC, AH D t N Q t MA QI t A & A ~INT NHTAI. ~.,, ... "'. petton • d nt O,.HNIVl,.I. 173 I Sellport frie Cuy ol Ir-PubllC 'tcilll WORl<IHO', lOOI e.ia, ..___ CO 1. , .... --It. Cotta Mela. CHUCK'I VW ,A,.TI ANO ~8 twnt1n01on BMcn. Calltornl• Corpo1e11on, Orenge Counly aeecJ ._.._, CA •2829 ......... C•lllorn•• 1n1eno1 10 Mil end w11 ~~J.oi, 200& Baje Hl"it!l'IT I!. Al.MA"ODI, ~Ol.lttM', '12 ~ A't91M, CllerlH 0 Koeller, 8731 r-1ve Meleo b1d1 for 17.000, ..__...... IMOll, c.iiiom.. t2MO • !~9!_ llllnOle 81 .. Coet• M ... CA ~-~ "'..:iin~. t1t~ lfllloOn ·Dt·~~. Hunllngton e.c11. 1 9 8 2 L .... ,, 0' d M 0' I g ·s .......... ...., • .,, 4 u ...,__ _.. ~-~, Oellfoml ,....., Revenue B0t1dl enlltled Cll'Y in::.,..b\MlneM le oonduoted by t11 INEX A. ALMA,.OOe. 114' ~ C0tone dtt M#, Cellomlil TI111 but1MU II conducted by en IRVtNE PUBLIC FACllll IE llllnole SI Cot!• ..... CA ttm .,,_., 11 • . . lndMd\1111 CORPORATION 1982 LEASEHOLD Thie.~==-.:.~ wttll lhe Thie ~II~ lly e ~...,...It oonduated by"' CHARI.($ 0 1(0£1.LER MORTGAGE REVENUE 80NOS"I ,._. ...._.. Otl*ll pwtnennlp TN• tt•t..,.._,. WM hied with the •• I 1 00 o cloc;k • m . Celtlornl .......,nty ,_,.of Dt9n0t County on I • • ._.......... ~John COii "-··1,Clerll of Ofenna County on Time Tueaoey AUOUIT 10, 11U M 20. IN2. nu " "~•-vvw thle ~I -t11M wt1t1 tn1 """"' ··..-,,_ Tlll1111temtnl wu llled With Ille County Clettl Of Dt*'Ot COuniy on JIJty 2 1t82 at the Benll ol Amerlet Nellon; Publlth9d Orenge CoH I Diii" Coun1ty Ctleft8k2 of Orenge County on 1 .. a .. :it, 1N2. •-'1MOfl' Trull end S1ving1 Auocl1t1on, l ~ k.au ~ 30 9 te2' My & -7 .. •-'vbilllMd Dtenge COUI Deity Angeles. Celllornle '~, ' 'Aug '13• 1 ' ~ Publletttd Oref'IOll Co .. t O.Uy Pllol. M 30, Aug 8, 11, 20. 1982 flle Bondi wlll bt In 111• "'n-82 'vblltllff Ottn~ eo .. t D•llY Piiot. Jl"'123, 30, Auf. t , tS, 1tt2 3365-12 denom1n111on ol $5 000 de~• -----------"'°'·"""" 11. 2$. JO. Aug. •• 1Ma 3326-12 Augu11 1 1982 with 1nt11ttl •111t II' MnflC( 32tM2 ------------1 th«eon peyeble 11miennually ,._,,, """ PlllJC NQTIC( "8.lC NOT1C£ allalt m11ure on Novemblf 1 ol Me •::':J.i::":=.JIT NO;c~;::r \hi =-=~7d~nt The :=:•=.•doing :j~~:~;.;;~1:::~~~;~3· The lollowlng ptreon hev• Pll'WMt to lectlon tt04(d) of ~..: buWltte N : Proreuion•I Corpofellon will et>enclOnld the '* t1f 11\e llctlllOue Ille ln1emel "---Codi. "°'lcie le TOY SOUND EFFEC'Tt, ti 18 A" NETT 0 I! 8 I 0 N A N lurntshed to tne tuee41Nlul l>lddlt bu 1 I n t 11 n e m 1 A & W hereby l)IWl'l thet the ennual r9P0'1 om., #C. eo.t.e MeM. CA OAAFTING, 2200 Perk N-port, w1thou1 chetge Furttler 1n10,meoon DEVELOPMENT NO. 11 Ill 188 Eul for 1111 YNr ended June 30, tH2 92828. Apt. 220, N9wpot1 ~ellloml on the Bonda end me letm1 ol ule 17th 81rM« Cotle M-. Cetltofnlt = tN1 of =::n. I.. end J. WllllAM LEON STORMS, t2ee0 cen be obteineo lrom Bink 011 92827. ebove Th• llottttou• 1 tmond ~11uor ~A 11, .. 1.• tptlMltt"~ 1818 C•r•••Y Drive, IC, eo.t• ~~Ar~ 2~1~ Arnetoc• Nellon•• Trust end Seving1 ~name,....,,_, 10 -ftllCI oun •·on. .. eve " ,..., M-. CA 92t2t. t2teO ,,_..,..... • · Auoc1111on At11n11on Ma LIH In County on Augl'9t 12, 1t75 lounottton'• Pf111C1pal oft'°9 lor TNe '-*,_le oonduc;1" b)l en _.._ .... A...___ ............... _...., Trygg. Public F1n1nce No 3295.; J Rey eon.tNC1lon Company lnlpec;1ion during reguler ~ lndMd\111 Ind·~~--le'"'"'""""""" v1 111 Po11 Oll1c1 Boa 37003. Senl 1aa £..t 17UI Street. Colt• Mete: h0Uf9 lrom t:OO Lm. lo &:00 P·"'· by W.L.. 810fmt '""'"'· I Fr1nc1tco Ceklorn11 94 ~7 1• Cellfornlt t:M27 eny ell!Mn whO 'Ill-'• tt wtUMn 'fnte elettmenl -filed wllh the Jey H. Arnett Dated June 29. 1982' Wellco, Inc .. 181 EHi t71h teo ....... ~ •lier the ~ ... ot .,. County CWtl ot Orenge Covnty on TIW lt•t-t .... hied ... ,II 1111 JOHN CAllLVU S C •• C I pu..-tlon. JtJN 1~. tN2 Collnty C'9l1I of Ofenge County on &ecrelMJ of lhe C0<1>«1tlofl , .J!.~t7t, oeta ... eu. 11 fornl• .......... ..__ ............ .........._ ..-..... -1 ~ .... 21 t982 "'"" ,,_ ...... _...,,, "'"-.-..,._ ,,_,. _, • · ,. Puohslled Orange Coe\! Oany! Thie~ ..... COflducted by• le toc:eted •t 1920 HlllotrOCle Drtfe. Publltlltd Otano• Coaet Deity .. l ... P1101. Juty 30 1982 genertl l*!nerel\lp Sance AM. c..tornlL Piiot, J\Jit 18, 23, 30. A41Q, 8. 1982 Publlaneo Orenge Co11t Delly 3303-82 Mlohell 0 ·Rey for Tiit prlnclpel meneger ol lhl 320942 ~. M 23. 30, Aug 8, 13, 1982 J, Rey eontttUCllon Co. foundation ht Mw)ofle L.. Fluor. 3~-a ,...._ Jolwl T. MINlletl __ .,. Pubttalled orange Coeac Delly UI M. 9rend •• hw•d ---;;c;;NlJCmcii:Ni".ll)iiUTIC(iiiia-·----r-~ __ NO_TlCE ___ _ Ju ....... "" ti 3 ...... Q6endele, ColMSJ"6e .-PllOt, ., '"'• ..... Aug, . 1 • ,...... Pub11911ed OfenQI Coul Delly PK:nnoue. ..... ~COURT"" 33~2 Piiot. M 30. ttea ..... STA~ CAU'OfMA -----------342M2 The lolowWIO l**IM -dOil'O COUNTY °' 90L.ANO PUBUC NOTICE ~ • 1rt IM....._.,, ---.. ---.,.-Mn---r---I 80FT/SY8TEMS. 20011 W . .._,_.,..,.,of FICTITIOUS aus...eH .. -.n. ""'"" Belboe Blvd .. S""9 not. ~ l't'IMA LllE l'AM NAMe STATE•HT ACTITICMl8 _,..... awn, c.1fotn1e t2983 Oft ...... of The lonowing l*M>"I ere O~ MAim aTATlmMT Howtrd Decheleger. t01 DEWCIC .IAml , .... • ini- ~V ':'NE FIN AN c I Al The lollowtnO ~ •• dOil'O M•rou•rll•. Coron• dtl Mer. NO. 1111 bu'*-ea: c.fomie t2e2S crTATlOM TO UN.Alt INVESTMENTS 2091 BualnHa L B AIRPORT SHUTTLE & Frenkle ar.ter. 901 Merou-tte. TMI PIOfll.e OP TMI ITAT1! Of' Center Drive. Suite 200. Irvine, CA · s' CE 800 E Fl Cofone del M•, Cellfomle t2e26 CAU'OMA nm ;:~ ~~.: ~ .n:~ Alb•rl J . Murtz. 1106 w. TO llOXANN •VN> JAME S T CAPAETZ. 209 I I.Mo P. 8unoen 1311Emertl0o Btlbo• BIYd. Newporl •••ell, By Ofdet of !Illa COUr1 )'OU .,. 8u11,,_ Center OrlYI Sotte 200 C I W I I 1· C Ill :J ~ 92ta f1et9by died to llPC)llll' tie!<><• the Irvine CA 92715 Ire •, H m 11• er, • orn • Thie~ le conducted b)I • ludoe pr-'dtng 11'1 1111 0eoer1men1 KENNETH s. KASDAN. 2091 ~ c Bunoen 1318 Erner gener91.,.1,*1Hp. "re.( of I.Ille court on tti3/82 •• , 8u1MM11 Center DrtYI Suite 200, · • C 111 1 Frenltle Dreter •~."*'end lhlrl 10 thO'llW C.UM, Irvine. CA 92715. Clrcl•. WHlmlntltr, • orn • Thht tlllt-' WM ftled wllh "'-If liff'1 you 11...,., wtl)l lhe pellllon of VANCE c SIMONDS. 2091 ·~ bulll-. .. condUCted b)I en County Clettl of OrMge Coul>ty on LYDIA LEE PAIR IOt Ille adoption or Buaineu Centet Ori ..... Suite 200. lnOMdu& · My 21, tte2 OENllCK JAMES PAIR. you< minor Irvine CA 92715 Ro...-. c Bunoen nMZD c:Hld. lhOllld not bl grenled. FRANCES H 0000 2091 Thie Nl-t..,;.. ftllCI wtttl the Publlellld Oreno-CO.et Del The ~ of Ille above court 8u11,_. CAntef Orllle Suite 200. ,. __ ty ,..__.. ~ "--Coun ... on Piiot. My 30 end Aug. 8, 13, 20, tlOO Union Avenue. Felrfllld. CA Irvine. CA 92715 ......_, ..,._,."' ..,.._.,,.. '1 te2 94533 Thi• buSlneH II conducted by II Juiy 21• tte2. , 33 o.t9d June 17, 1982 general pert,,.1hlp '1mt7 Mel Cnwford Cllrtl Pl&IC NOTICE NOTICI °' flUkJC AUCTION °' I l'l,.SONAL "IOl'llHY1 MM....OOM I VACATED~-· M f~fl TENANT (CCt•) NotlCI 11 hereby gl-. 111•1 on August 14 1982, et 10 00 • m . el 30012 Cenlerbury "'-In~ Nlg\ill. Ofeoge Couoty. Celllornle, the unellfalgnld ..... Mii ., publlc euctlon tne per1on11 propetty 1111 by Aeymond l Reymood end Aoeemery Atymond S11d property cooallla of m1ecellaneou1 kllchen Ite m•. canned gooaa. hOUtlholcl anlclle. book•. amall e ppl1ence1. mllCelllll'leOUt men's 111<1 WO<Tlllf1'• clolhlllQ. toy•. work bench Seid aucllon wlll be med• pursuent to the prov111on1 ol • Sec1ion 1988 ol Ille CM! Code Dai.a July 29. 1982 Baolt ot NlwPOf'I Coul Highway et Avocedo Newporl Beec:h. CA 92660 James T c.precr Publlehed Orenge Cout Delly .t. Keek. 0eputy'c*11 Thia atel-1 WU filed Wllh Ille Piiot, My 23, 30, Aug. &. t~.~ "8JC ND1IC( Publltlled Orange CoHt Delly Publlellld Otange Coul Dell~ County Cle<k ol Otarige Couoty on K~ Pllol, M 1tl. 23, 30, AUQ 8, 1N2 Pilot July 30. Aug ti. 1982 July 7. 1982 1------------MO'f1C8 TO~ 3218-82 3-435-82 CAPftl!TZ. USOAN f'\alC NOTICE Oii' MIU n.AlllP• Attotfte)'e et Lew 2081 auei-Clflllf' Oflft lllCTITIOUa .,..... (._, ... ..., U.C..C.) 8ulte 200 N.U. aTAft...n Hotlc• It her•!(. given lo '"'-·CA 11271~11• The l()llowtng perlOfll .,.. doing e1101tor1 ot IM thin nemed -·---. __ 7 "8.JC NOTIC£ f1t1a11 ~ • inneNror "* • t.* V9llllter 1t -· ....... -"8JC flOTIC( U p T O N S C H U L t Z , ebo11t 10 be INldt on ~ AN ~lMCa Oii' THIE cnY Oii' ~ _,.Ctt MllNIMNO Nil.JC NOT1C£ ACTTT10US ~U Pubhlhld Orange CoHI Deity FE AG US 0 N. S • l • 0 IN 0 ., -...__...__ A="f16ed MC"nOte 11M.W AMO 11..-.... 011 TMe •WORT A.ACM 8TATDIENT Oii' A•ANDOI....,., ACm10U9. ...... .. ... STATEMIENT PtiOI July 9. 18, 13. 30 1982 ST,...,ES 1801 .-:. Street Sulc: ... n;-::.:::.~~ eddf-. ..... AL COM MOMl*G '1'AMINQ Of car.-. ftHICUI .. Of:::.:::'.:=" MAm STAW The lollowlng person 11 doing 3115-112 27c)"' ~I ~CA ~ of me"j'~~ lrantfll'Of ere: ~ DttTMCTa ANO M.aaotNO .. VIEHtCl.IEI" The following per1on flu The !~towing ptrtOn le doing bu11neat ... 1------------Tu L-eged Conoepta, tnc .• Willi AM F. KAHN, 1052 WH£AEAS. puflUent to Council dwectlon, the City Trentc AtlfllrS •t>endoned 111e uw of tne F1ct111oua ~~·s AUTbMOTtVE & ~·~!.~C?,.'!dT. s,.~.P .• !!.?! P\B.IC NOTICE • c.111orn11 eotPor•11on, 1eo1 oa... ~ BMI .. Suite •102. 1nr1ne. Colwwnll• and • c11y eounc.i A4 HOc Commltt• 11&1 ttuoled end J ~ N ·--,..... • _._ ..,..,.. -StrMI Suoe 270 New1>on..a-t\, CA 92116. oondllcted '-tnol regerdlng '*1ttno r•tnctlons I<>< Oltl.. mo4or REOW~ BUAL DESIGNS, MOellE MEDIA NOC. 245 ~ CA 92e27 NOTIC« Oii' TMllSTD'9 aAU CA 92e60 The i-Mof1 In celfornle of the \llflldee end doltadled ~ortr.i "9hlclte. end 8341 Untl "E" lnduelry Wey. SUMI, Cotla ....... CallfOfnle NASER HASAN BEHNAM. ~ .... U7•1t Tht1 bulinMe le eonduc:1ld by 1 c:lfWI alClllM offto9 Of ~ WHEREAS, reporte hew l>ll!l 1Ubmlt11d 10 tbl City Counc;ll 11 ~ Westmtneter CA 9211a3 92t2& • .-............ .. 3900 PW'k Gr-Ofive. CO<one Del T.9. ..._ ~ 00<poret1on ~ off1oe of the im.nded llNdY ....,._ oondueted by the City~ COf'ClmlnQ 11111 matter, end , Th Fl I °i B I N Adwllloed McMot ._..._, 2..., MM CA 92625 WEST-MONT ANANCIAl CORP. T 1 a Lever 1 g e d tr-'trOr le! $e1M. WfiEREAS. the City Council hU condUC1ed puOllc hMMge end • • ct 1 oua u• n .. , •m• Fl•cll•r SI reel Coale M••• Th'"' busin41et ts conducted by en ......... ........a..1ed Trutt•undlrtht c~-•• ..... .. .. -... _.__ ~ .._.. coneldered verloul view point• concer.....,. the pwk""' on City ecreeta lo releH•d 10 ll>OYI w•• lll•d In ,........_._ ........... . • "' -·· ............ ~......... ""' ..... vo•---·-·-_.., '""V "'V Of Covn 1 23-SI ,,_,,..,,.,_ .,,_u lnc:llvtdual lo4!cMlnO ~btd deed ol trutt · Weyn.e Scnultt. CEO iiddt 1 1.-ed b)I .,.. lni.nded rweldentiel .,_ Of oertaln lllrge ...n1c1M end dlt~ non-motoflnd ~Of Art~o:, &.nc.co, ltl79l Jerry Wlltlem lenlpet, 24t72 NASER H BEHNAM WIU. S~ll AT PUBLIC AUCTIOH Tiit• •l•t-I WIS Ned wttll tne 11.-.or _..,., lfv'M ~· !Ml ~end I Aoblrt Ln . Hunt.lngton 8eec:tl, CA Southport, ~ H• Celttornle Thll ,,.,.,,...,,. -llleO with IM TO THE HIGHEST BIOOE.A FOR CounlY Clel1l ol Ofenge Counry on pul •o ,., •• llno'tll'll 10 Ille WHEREAS. pureuenl lo.,_ prooeed~•. 1111 Clty Council llndt lhe! I 92647 t2e53 County Clerk ot Ofarige County on CASM (plyeble Ill llml of ... In June 29. 1982 lni.nded tr...._ -a.me. 1. The City of Newpot\ 8Mctl naa • euo.11111aa1 problem wltll regerd to , TIMs bullnMS '#U c:onduc1ed by Thie ~ le oondueted by • June 15. 1982 lewfVI l'\OM)' of the Ut>hed St .... ) fttram ni. '*'"' eno ~ .oor... 1119 ladl of orHlreet pw1tlng evelleble Mlhlfl Ille Clty. lndMd 11 ' generel i-1J•ltllp. F1t1IOI ell right. 11111 end lnlereet QOt'lwyold Publllhad Orenoe Coul Dally of the lntlnOed tnnettH• we: 2. Meny-ol ttll City of N9wpot1 8Mdl ere cllwect..-IHCI by nerrow an v"ic.Oi A Branulo Jerry lAm9er' Publl•h•d Or•nge Cont Delly 10 and now htlO by tt under uld Pilot, July 9. 18, 23. 30. 1982 STEVEN c . BURTNETT, llttt .. ~_,.. ..... of...__. .. _ _.. ~-b I , ••• , ....... of"'-.. Thia ,,11_,. wu (lleCI wilh Ille Thia •l•t-1 -fllld llWtlh thl Piiot. JAJly 9. 17, 23, 30. 1982 Deed of Tru•I In the properly 3108.92 Cofel c.y, ~tlngton 8-lh. CA 3 ........... , ,.......,....., _.,••per-..... • 11.1 •en -........ .,.,,°" County Clerk of Ofenge County on eounty21.Clertlt...., of OrMQe County on 3111-112 11ere1ntner deec:r1bld· 92Mt. who edd to tne '*1ttno problem. JvAy 7. 1982 111...a:l Mt ...,. -TAUSTOA WARREN J EBERLE "8.JC flOTIC( Thel Ille properly perll,,.nl 4 BecluM ol the ele><.....,.lloold leclofl end olh« r .. etld ..-·-rtaJC NOTICE end JUANITA C. EBERL.[, hultletld hereto le deec:r1bed 1n ....-• ooi.a.-atlont Chi pw1tlng or ~eln veh4CIM on City 11rM11 pr-i. • Publlthtd Orenge CoHt Delly Publlahtd Orenge Coul Delly end wife• joint cenent• 'ICTinoue .,.... ~ ot the 111~ In trede . .....,.. end M'9ty prOOllm 10 motori91•. pldMlrllnt end c:Nldfen In , PllOI, Jui; 9, t6, 23, 30 t982 Piiot Juty 23 30 .AoO 8 13 1Ma FICTITIOUS ~·s BENEFICIARY: CONSTITUTION ...... ITAnmwl ftlrtlK• ~ trede neme retiOenllel .,_ detrtmtnl to the '-''"· Miity end ..... .,. 2983-82 ' . • ' l28742 NAMI STATEMENT S A V I N G S A N 0 l 0 A N The 1o11ow1ng P1t10ft1 -doing end goOo wll of a oerta1n Video NOW...r._f!IEREFORE. tne City Council ol the City of Newport 8Mc:tl The IOllOwlog per.ons ere dOlllQ ASSOCIATION, e Oelllornle buW-u: G.,._ but1f19M end te localed et DOES unuAIN u follows· butl,_. H COfllOf•llOn ~did Jl"'122. 1981 EC ONO MAI NTENANC E , 1J31 Beck Bey °"'4, ~ SECTION t. Section 12 40 055 ot tlll Newport 8eecll MuO!Clpll Code II BLUE ANGEL 2&0 Newport .. lostr No. 293&9 In bOOk t4 t4t, 18783 B1ect1 Blvd., Huntington ir..:ti CA. ~to,_, u lolowl. Cen1er 0r ...... Suite 2.a Newpor1 pege 1159 ot Oflldel Aeoorde In lhl 8eec:tl. Celifomla 92647 The·~ nerne i..o b)I the "t2.40.055 Pw1'1ng 01 Ceneln Ollerllrld Vtlhlc:lle end non- Beldl, CA 92860 office of the Recofdlr of OfWIQI JIM ~. 10122 Creolet uld tt""'9f0r al Mid toc.tlOn 11: motonz.d Wlhldel In Reeldlntlel Olllrtctt Prohibited JEFl'REY H STEVENSON. 466 Couoly. Mid deed of INSI oe.mbee on..... Hunttnglon 9Mcfl, Celtfornle NO FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME A. ... ..... Ill IUbject 10 the excapllone NI forth In Section .DllTH llTICIS Monterey. laguoe BHCh, CA the IOltowlflV pr°'*1)': 92tlM OF RECORD. No per-eon ellall, el eny Ume, pet'll <>< 1teW ttendlng lll'IY Mltge , 92&51 Thi Soull!WMterly 611 1911 of Juanlle Eldtldge, 10122 Cr.... Thtt Hid bulk lrentlt r t• motor Whlde. or llMvy-duty comm«c:IW Ylhlele. or non-moloftzld KATH lee N TA l p As. • 8 6 the Nort"-lerly 126 feel ol the OrlYI. Hunltnglon &eech. Cellfofnte Intended 10 bl coneumme1-et IN ~ .. defined hel'WI on wry .,, ... wlltllll eny rltldenllel dlttrfct DEUTSCHMAN Harbor Lawn-Mount OUve P A U L 0 E 0 R G E Mortuery of Costa Mesa. Monterey L1gune B .. ch. C), Northeultrly 100 IHI of 011 92&4e ofb of BUAROW ~CO .. Pvrtuent 10 Velllcie Code S«:tlon 22507. Rgnt QMnO edeQUllll notice of DEUTSCHMAN. resident of 540-5554. El Toro, Ca. Famed away 92651. Soulhweelerly 200 .... of L~ 253 of Thie ~· .. cond\.cted by • 2070 N. Tustin Ave., Senta Ana. the~ conlelnld In Ihle Ofdinance lheN bl ptlCld ... ,"'" ltle City • Thil bull._. " conducted by • NewpOrt ~ T1ec1. • ellown on llmlted pertner~ Celfofnle mo& on°' efllt ~ llmtta of the City of N9wpot1 BMch. genet"el pMtnersfllp • M-c> -dtd In l!loolt 4, Pege 83 Jutnlt• 17, tM2. I . IMve Motor Vellldl 09llned For the purpc»e of Ihle 81c:tlon. July 29, 1982. He w u an MA YES accountant for the pest 56 EDITH MARIE MA YES, years. He ia survived by hia previous resident of Orange wife Fa1. hia aon Martin and County. Passed away on 2 grandchildren. Peter and J u l y 2 8 , 1 98 2 . 8 b e 11 Peri. Graveside lef'Vioes will survived by her husbend be held on Friday, July 30, Bob, daughter Marilyn 1982 a t lO:OOAM at the Amorde and Karma Mathia, Harbor Lawn Mount OUve eon Marvin Rowe, ailten Memorial Park. Services Carlena Wane and Shirley under the dir-ct lon of Cam p b e I 1 and 4 Jlltrey H St-IOO of MleoelltM0\11 MIC)I, ,_.de of This ltllef'!Mfll WU wltll the Thie blA tr.,,.,. .. IU~ 10 '1erge motor ~le' tflell meen every dlvlcl. wNctl II to lnchM OI - ,_CIUOfHIH mlUOADWAY MOllTU .. Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 1.u.n1&Goao., SMITH & TVTHtU WISTCUff CHAP'll 427 E 17th St Coste Mesa 646-9371 ,_Cllac>THBS SMmfS' MOtlTUAlY 62'7 Main St. ~nllngcon Bellcil 53&-&639 PAc.teY•W .-.OllA&.PAllll Cet!Jt*Y Monuaty Chapel-ctemat~ 31500 Ptc:tflc View Orlllft Newport Beach 644-2700 ~. 8ervicea will 6e held on S.turday, July 31, 1981 at l :OOPM at Harbor Lawn M emorial Chapel. Interme nt 1ervtce1 Immediately followtn1 • Services under the d1rect1oo of Harbor-Mount Olive M ortuary of COi ta Mesa. 540-5554. This 11e1emen1 wu nled w1111 the Mid Or•nge County. Counly Cler1I of OfWIQI County on c .ittOfnl• Uniform Cofl'lm«clel In width wltll the exception ot Mlvy-<luty commerciel vehlc:IM u defined County Cler'k of Of•nge County 00 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A July 2a. 1992. COdt Sec1ton t10I. herein. by wNcfl .,., per1on or proper1~ bl propelled, moved Of July 7 1982 DEED OF TRUST DATED JULY t3, ,..._ ni. -end 8ddfem of the ck_, upon e WWI, eiuiec>tlnQ cStYa by human~ ........... '1'2171 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTlON Pvbllehed Ofenge Coeet Delly S--wttti -"°"' dlMW nwy bl C. ~ COmmerclef Vehlcle Oeflnld. l'Of tht llU'l)()M., .,_ Pul>llslled Orenge Co.st Deily TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Piiot. ~ 30 lll'ld A41Q. ti, 13. 20. lled II 8UAAOW UCROW CO., 81c!tlon, •He.vy.Dvty Commlrdel Veflide' t11a11 mMn tiny comnwdel 1 Plot, My 9, 17, 23, 30, 1982. MAY 8l' SOLO AT A PU81.IC SALE. 1982 2010 H. Tuttln A-.~ Ana. CA ,,...,. tleYtnO mor• lll&n two ..... OI eny llngle cornmerclel vehlde Of • 2958-82 IF YOU HEED AH EXPLANATION 3357.f2 92705 ..... &cfow fmnP end comblnaUon of Mid wlllclM whldl exceed 20 leet In tenoth, lll'ly elngle l -----------0 F THE NAT u Re 0 F THE the ... cSty for flllno .... .,, ""I 0011w1tetolel wtllcle °' cornblnlllon of uld ~ ... lncliee or O\Of'9 In rta.IC NOT1C£ PROCHOING AG.AINST YOU, YOU P\B.fC NOTICE cr9dltor atM.i bl ~ ti, 1N2, Mdlll, « .rry -.. commerctel ~ Of cornbl~Uon of Mid YehlcMe • -----------SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. wflletllethellWIMM01¥blfotethl llMlf a manutecturer'e groea vehlcll welgllt retlng ol 10,000 lbl Of , ACTTTlOU8 WaMll 2 t tO Or•no• Avenue. Co•t• •..., conaummellon d•t• eptcllled more. ·~·-• N._ ITATEmHT MIN. CA t'282tl ITA,._..,. Of 00.... O ~Oftllld Ventcie o.nnld. For Ille purpc»e of W. -. ..... ., I Tiie lollo•lng pefton 11 doing "(II • lt'9M eddf'MI or oommon A9AlllDONllblf Of' Ot1ed J4lttt 2$, 1092.. 'non-Motor1nd Venlcle' lhell w wry dltectlebll treller Of eny other : oo.ir-es dealgnecton I• •flown ebov•. no u• Of' '1CTIT10UI 8TM o. auRTHm ~bll dllltce wl'llOtl llllllf II not Mlf-pr()f>tlled •nd 11 Otelgn.d to be • STAR MOTORS. 1985 So werrenty la given .. to "' .., ..... NAiii Intended Treneterw drwrt by eny type al molOf ~ Herbor BIYd .. Co eta Men. CA comlll9'-« corrtel-). Thi Th• followtno pereona ll•ve Pub4lefted 0renoe CoMt Delly e. Alleldlrldet otecrtct o.tlned FOf 1111 purpoee Of 1111e a.otlOn. 92&27 benellclery under H id Deed of ebendoned the~ of the lldltlout PllOt. Jl"'1 IO 11182. 'Aelldlntlel Otel/tctt' lflel "'-" tnoee dlelrtol• penlcul&tty dMorlbed 11'1 TEARY ROARK, t 1 A,._~. Trua1, by r..-Of e bf.ch Of ~ neme: ' 3'30-a Tltte 20, Pert 2 'Reeldlntlal Ot1trfct•' of Ille Newpof1 8eech MuniCl9el .......,_, Beadl, CA 92eeo dltlUll lo IN oblgatlonl MCUt9d THE RUNNING RACQUET. Cod9, This bull,_ It conducied by en thert«>y. heretofore P~ltO end 30t00 Town Center Orl¥e. Laguna PlllJC flOT1C( F. ~· -To o.termlne Ille width of the vehldM a.ftned • lndMdual dtUY•t•d 10 lh• und•ttlgned • Ntouti. CA t28n. .... Mt~ to IUbjlet vehlcll aaYNd by -view mlrror9 ef\1111 I Terry Roerk written Dect.,.Uon of Oeleutt end Tiit flclhlout bullnea• neme PU81.IC ..,.,.,RIN"'"' Will 8& not bl Ollloultt_. Thia •t•t-t wet lllld wttll Ille Oemend !Of Sele, end W'ttlen notlel referred to ebo¥e wu llltd on HELD av THIE COST A MIESA t2.40.065, 1 -·........., TM protilblllon Mt forth In t2.40.0I& tlMll I July 7. 1982 I ha undenlon•d 10 ••" Hid w I l l I AM N I c H 0 I. A . CITY HALL, 77 FAIR DRIVE, (I) mot«~ partied IOf Ille purpoee of loldlng Of unloedlno Couney Cler'k of Ofange County on of brNdl end of election to C*lM OCtobtr 20, 1971. P\.AHNIHO COMt.tlSSIOH AT THI "°' =o lht fcllloolwlng: Ptt217't prOf*lY 10 u tlefy Uld obllget1011a. PASCUAL, a,372 L .. Naranjne, COSTA MESA. CAUt'OflNIA. AT fore not to uoeed hlletve (12) l'Qlre wllhlfl eny twenly •-(24) MeQUJNN Publlthed Orenge CoHI Delly end 11\tfttller lht undtrelgned f.AGUn• Niguel. CA HeT1. 1:30 P.M., OR AS IOOH AS lloUf period. WA LT ER EDWARD Piiot, Mt t , 17, ~. 30, 1te2. CllUMd Mid notice of bfMGll end of CH AR I. E 8 WILL I AM P08818ll! THERl!AFTl!A OH lb) Non-motottud YehlCltt et lht OellQf>lled boel LeunGhlno ., .. al M QUINN td t f 2952-112 efectton lo bl Aeocwdld Apr1I &, WETTENOEL, U2U Sente MONDAY, AUGUST t, tH2. 11tt1end8.y 8tl'tltl. c • ree en o tH 2 .. IN!. No. 12·tt7to91n boo1C LeureU•, 'ounteln Vellty, CA REOAADINQ THE 'OLLOWINO (C) To tlf111\0\0f vtNc:1e pwtild to !Mii• ~~.._.,,.lo IUCll Lacuna Beach, Ca. P...ed PtllJC N011CE , PIO' , of Mid Off\olel moe. APPUCATIOHI: --, ,_... 10 ectJIOent propeny, or 10 mek• tMllvw1M to ectjeoef'll away on July 28, 1982. Dom ACTl'T10Vaeutiiit Aeoora TlllebutlneM ... CONM:t"by• 1. Encroec1u11ent l'er1111t ~. N o v e mber 3 , 1894 tn llAlmtTAlW Seid HI• wlll b• m•O•. bul Gentr..i~. EP·t2-0t end Aedtvelopmtf'lt (cl)V.t*'lea-.-tfl19~plWda«lloeflMP'e*~to : Mawhu.ett&. Su.rvtwd r.... -... _..........., _ ............. without covenant or warranty, Wiiiem N. 'MQltll AcllOf\ "'A·H ·'ll tor DMll•I O ... Cellomle VtHole Code lcltntlfylng lht ~ 1181~ « l .. ~ .... ~'V .....--· .. ~'V ~ or 1mp11ec1, ~ tm.. °'** w..rt'I DlrtoW. ~ •o•ntto, Oennte dlNllled ..,..,en. · h1I wife Mabel. a IOft Harry bClllllneM • pomnlon, « enoumtlrenoee. to w.t!enotf Hoolnt. fl'lt ~ ~ tectton a. tec1lon 11.oe.040 ot thl NewpOf1 8eflGh Munlofpel Code l Stephemon of ~. Ca.. G. l'R£E8E ANO ASaOOIATES, pey IN 1'91'1\elntno ~ 911191 of Tiiie ltattrNN WM llted with the for IW\ er:ct..,_1t ptrmlt 10 tlow IMll tit~ lo r.-ct • followl; ' dauaht.er Eleanon c. Cauo ~11.eMlr'ed•.~BMcll.Ce IMnOttt•)MCM'edllyNldOMdOf COUntyCleft!OfU.~Coun1). *IOCIY 10 ~!ht pulllO ltlO•~cllOltnodunl..tultor1111yperaonto~lorUlaP1WPoM I of La~:di Beach, Ca., a o.-s. .._ ,,...., ,,31 i.. TNM, • ~ • In Mid "°'9 on .My 12. tM2 ~.end fot ,_.,,...,_, Of .......,. « MnQ lf1Y ..,..,.... per1!ld ~ piece wtl1'lll V"9 '*'°' ... • ..._._ v _.th ~ .,._, .--. ,._ ...... pnMdld, edWnela, II eny, under ,_ ~:l rrt'leW ot lhe c~y, """*of IN Qty al N9wport IMlcl\. pnrvlded, hOWIVer, lNt ~ INI I --:1y n.a \A~ Mlreda. laguna _ .. ..,.. ... -1 ""..,...of Mid Deed of Truet, 'vbllttt9d Ot•no• CoHlDellt tt ,,.I.Mt 111\lhM.fn• "°' ~ '°.,.,..... :"' """** ~ .wllll "' -Beech. Ca., S p-andchlldren. ~ bue1N1e It ~ by .,, 1tM. OfWOM end ..,,.,_. Of 1lle PlloC. M tt, . 23, 90, Aug, Itta C 2 a o 11 e . En v Iron ft'l t 11 tat itee18 •ect for ~ lly retOMIOn of IN City COUftOll of 1fie 10 1reat·1randcblldreb. OWlNOA I.ff FREESE TIWltten6of1MtM1tONttedby taO:M2 -.,fllMetlon: .... Olly Of~ itaOtl or 111:"*'.::.~llty haYlna ~' e...--• _...._ _ _,,, '-.. _Id Mid OMd of Truet. t. "'9one Pttltloft ~ ..a .,., the~."~ tot Ot tMll lnOlul9 _, '""..., ~ unrnu ~v..-ww -_. Thie If•'-' WU llted with lhe ~ .... wll bl IMilct on MoncMy, ~ ~ ,._ D-tt-111 ..._.to_. to........,., Mftt In, OOOI P'i"'a Ma~ tr~~ on S.Wtda.y, July Sl, 1982 at C«'"1Y Qerk of 0r.,,.. County on AUOU9I t. 1t12 et 2:00 p.m .. et Iha '°' ....._ c. ....._, .,....... « -.y _...., the ,,_.,. no4 ~ ,...... to dtMne Miii lO:OOAM at Pacific View J41ttt2\\, tte Chapmlrl A--.,,.,_ to the .....,. IOf...., ,_. tt.o. ._ Mort u a r 7 Ch ape 1 . ""'4Wiecl °'*'09 co!.": CMo cencer ltul""'O· 300 bet atto. Newpott luoll. tor 111 ~for tl'lf ~to._, Oft" lltedl, ...,_ !l!'*'O °' lllntclmbmlftt at ~ V'-w l'llcM ...... IO ..... _ e. 13, 20, CNplften A---. Ill IN <*Y of ""'llilllDtt" .... .......,.,'""" ...... ..., or dOCll ... any tJme belwMn IM llotn .. Nnt P.fll. M rl 1 P Ir N t :J ::-, ....... Oranot, CA. et to ,oc ..... plann•d n6llt Mii. ol IM'*'.. ..._ ... -............ •mo • ar • •wpor Mt-2 At 1111 llm• ol tll• Initial ,.. ............ ,....., IDt two ~ 98>T10H a. Tiiie ~ _,.. -OUbllelltd once"' .... -S.ac:h, Ca. Pacific Vl•w pubtloMton of tNt nottoe. IN total Hotloe :.r::'l.or..: -. • "OfY o-. ...._ ..-,..... °' IM Qty, end 11\e -.. "'*' tit ~ ~ caoi .,.. ~ cMNC1on. "8JC M>TIC( =:.::.~:-;:-:!: =..~2c.. 0r.~1n o~~ 1:! =~ ~ :im TNt"'&::.:.-:..~ .... • .,..,.., ~· •<>11yOcut01 l MADDY Mnnoul WM dtecrlbed dHd of tr11tt •f\d ••rnerd ln• Oountr, tfl• lrftto1-·1w .. 1. •fW'l,..,...nlal • ~-~ 9Mdl Mid en .. ""'-. If.-, ttaa. • HA B .8 r. T H A L L llMa l'TA~ .. tlfMted ooete, ......... end llflderettned ri .... • pubfto d 1J ,.,_.,: 8' ....... 1li'9I ....... ,.,_. ""'9 It, Jtu, ....... ___,en Vie 1ftl doly ti >Mt• TIM tollowtnf ,..on I• d~no ..,,..,.,_. • t10t.tto•· • tllOllon "-,.,...,...~ Mft ••••~ -..!:.~ MADDY,ft!llldlfttofa.tboa. Wllnw• To....,,, .... ..-blcl. ~oa..oo~-• ~ a. lone 111~...., ttortnll •,A ...-..Qoj.IMMMl.tttw......,, Ca. P-.i ftN1 ah JW,y 2'1, IXTM PICIAL. 61S N:: )'OU Ny -f.£ ...... -~It. 9Mclfl. e. M D-11·~ ~9'11 ...,_ ~~ ~ ~ A~M~ °""~it '1~AI: P' ,0:.-:..'!.!'*~ =-n! ..... r:t:: ''=Iii'-Nolii • WUoll -----ttt COion ..... N9wpor1 ..... C()Nt, 2 ... ... .... ... .... , .. ....... L ....... at by blr ......... CA t2C. ._,T,.._ rlldlo. ..,._ .. '9 ..... trot11,.,.... 1•1a10• eM M ..... ..t 2 -. ,.,.... Wtlblni Till9 ........ II conctuc* by en '1 T,D. H..VIC• CO., &::.::"' to tllt &.°1t:.' of .... ,.......... ,_, twe A"91T~ '° ....... oadlrtbudon. may ..,. ...... Dorothy"""'*-' =r-~ ~. o-.ct ,~... =-== .. . =--Ollllll ~ ................ -to ,,. .... _,. ___ """... ~55\:: o.tlA. ~ ... ·-..... ·5 .. 5--~ -~OM.-..1 ~ ... =-~ .. .......... 8d11u• 8odlib' ol c.w:cr Qlrt tlf ~ ~ .O.Qlr Welt, ~· 14'••tl,,,c\IJ ''t-::CJ1 ...... "11 I "9 ... Fl ~ -.. OitliM•*!r*' raa1• Couaty;··1n1 .-..te.1ea ~caru•• ""' .. ..,,, .... ..,....,.. ...., ,. .... Mt ao.iu1•u ,_ ~--.. W••••ln1ter Ave flW'tttl i "'•'.___ CA-• ~{ .,....,.....,..,,,,, ........... ~..,_. ...... .._ W•&aluter, Ca. n.ai'. ,..:;"tr,'.,t,T.~3=' ~~~7.,~ ~ lllOl.~ao.=i= -~\V! 0... _, aJ"Y,j:-!~=c=:=•~ .. ,.... Atta: Kitch;. · ,..,. am.a .. , .-.. .... Ml ... • ~· w •ta "6iiiiCi MliE.. gtC.... ~ ..... M~-1llififa-. ":fiaetfi • ... . ~~~Ji_ ·~~ :f' "" 1111...,1n1 ,.,.," 11 1te1n1 Du!Mflall .. * TM~·~.:~ Tl\91°"""'41,_,..,. ... ~ ~~~..,_,..,. ..... C:i'l er..:.= ,_~,.,._ .... ~1114 J 4~ AV O"~t,:J ~ --mi~ 01.01 fVMI NOITAl.010 r:r:1r.::: .......... ""°' '='f=r~i.0&•S:.t. rwetH ~·~·:-,::-•• lt•lft ~TO~ 1to1 0:,. er~."~"'= A-ti~ A~::·..: =:~~l~~f:.~.~~!.e:M'l ~:::-;u•~..:·~ ~· ,;~ -~ OOAIT A,,1.IA ... CI lt"V.01, fJU I ~l(ICI II • 1•. HunllnQIOll llHofl, CA 11141. MIOll OIU I.en ... U U I Ntwltnd It •II, Huntington ~.~•i .... ro""' 01.INTOM ca..-oi•. g "~ 'M~ "~ ~..._,QA . OaMomlll .... 1 m1$ ' ' ..._ _. .... to IM ~· ....... , """ •••J· '-ai...i, COM•..._ 10" T 011~00\~ ,'1,~ OA H ....,._ 'ru ~ ~. ""'· ... 111 CA 1" "'"l'r.1 ION. ,'~·,..•11 vio101 A. 1reno110. ,..,. • !!tD".:.,11:3' ., 111 fN oftloe of ... , ..... ~· .. •iTF.•· • ';:.: ~NU H of Ill '-"' l OlllfefnlHD'f:ttioft. ttot Ooft .. tt., .;:,""'· COi I ...... "°'*'UM ~1ng1on .... OA --... ......... ~II......,..'-Ill ~or1:'t1111.:1111 ... iill c~ae:i. .. I • ~ a..ofl, ~ffl lu .. M .. rry, HI NMl711 I • • I t tl,•tt ~;;·=':~ .:~.: = ::;;:,~ "*"" OMton ._. , ll'd ...,_. ~ Tlllil ~ la _.dUIMd a MONU• eo.. ......_ C.itfofftll Ir •Y " tenoa o, • .. '-"-'· ~ NllUll.i CA TN• butlMU le ~lllO b1 Ill lfldMdual Nlcllolu 1.A1nM Tiiie 1111.iMRI waa lllad Wiii\ the Counly Clerk of Of'"'9 County on July 1, 1H2 TNI ~· ............. ~"" wd•• ~'='.-. OOIJ*..... " ~ ttU1 .. . an :::r '--· Hunt1n9ton l•dl.CIA A"'" I. "'''Y· ~tllllffftf 1~ ....... ~,::.!:~ ~.~.of°'.._ Cou!lty °" 111::J ~ .:._u L. •"',.I• d Ooe~t~lll•rnt~' .~ NIMM., . la oonduCWd "1 111 ~~ ....,. U!\19ft Miff\ :'111rl~ ~Ir~--'~*! T " u • ' 0 " I • "' "' " • W.,rte M """"'Olb Ttllt ......... oonduCWd by • lnvl ..... 11 " _..__ .... ,..t -~,-~ ,,_. Pub1t111ed Or1nge Ooett Dally PllOI, .My t , 17, ti, aG. tit! ,llblltl!M Orangt Ooett Dtl!Y 00 .. flO"ATIOH, a O•lltotnlt f .. tcattlMn, ..i flied wtlll tM al.,.,,,_.,., Tllll tt~:':~waa -,;:owlll't 1111 tOlt1 Yortl.._ .,_ AllQl#I II, tta, U I.& ,_ Piiot, My n . ~. ~-•. 1!.1.!IU.1··· --. ·..ion,, I 0 I ... y . D ........ v County OWi& °' 0r-. County on . Mldllllll .. lam Counly Cltttl of Ofanoe County Ofl ~~ ....,, QA ...... ~ l..lllllM N • QA 11171 NV ._ • I Ii~ 11 fl .. " ' "" " JuM It, tlU Tillt et11.,,_,1 .. *Id wlll'I 1111 """ 1 1112 • ..,_ 9let fl ....,.. 1:00 ·-W.... _,.llDtlC ., I IM7 .. J -----------, "o .. NO, en un'"''''" ,,.."· ,,..,_. COufltr '*"' of 0r.,,.. County °" -• · ,_, ·~ ~ ,., • ~ 11m9 ..,_ .. ..,,,_.,,., "8.IC ll)11C( ~,e,.~~1;: ~.~~ :nldl. ~::ia •.i.~ 'ublltlled Oren .. COHI O.llV Ml ti. 1"2 llubll•lled Orange Coa:1 Oally :!.'-::, wllf M Pu•lloly ~I.°'~· lt(AwtNlfU. • l'Mrried "*" • • ""°' .My •• ti, n. ~. 1"1 t t0.12 Publlll\M 0r1ng• co:.~~ Pllol. ~ 9· te. 23· 30· tM2 ,_ '*' ::t,.,,.. valld for • ~~ ~ =:J~ u . Ho. lt40W eo:.=J~1=~1tl0.. •-• lllft.._ Not, J4if 30 MCI AllO. I. ta, 20. 2"4-1 2 ::::.:.: ~.,IN dM• ;,;;;;~ ... HAR•OR MUMICMtAI. DtlTIMCT NIWP<>f'~ • lnlfr, MO. """" 1"31,... ,._ ""'IK ttn ~te-82 "8.IC NOTICE Tiie ..,, ": '=: = .,. ~.TNll .... ~t~Aftll .... ~MC'" ~fll)C)Ol!_..r1::* of,,: "Mot0Mellt"900rdl"'Mofllile ~~-=-~....... fllOTtTIOUl9U ... H 1lle .... kidDe of thl quellty .of "UO'*•. 1llt ..... ... .. nQ "-:"T .... UC • -of IN ~ of Or ... County: --.,. ~ NAMI ITATl•NT -~· offifM end raiMrWI ti• Tiiie 11 ........... lillld .. IN Pl.AlNflJ HERITAGE 8ANK, a WILL SIL.L.,. ,.....,., A._,,..... Mid OMC1 .. in* ~ U. ,._ ""'-_.~.. County Clel1I of-....,.~-. CaHtornia GO<PotatlOn (Suc:ceaaor 111 TO 1"f WIQHQT '°" folOwlrll p1tC*'t) TM fOIOwll'9 ~ .,. OOlt'I ,llCTlnOUe .,_88 Th• following ptr1on It doing rlftll t• ,_.MY or II blcll Md to .MV S ..,,_.,,. -·y on lnlerHI of IRVIHe NATI ONAL C.UH (pey91)1e I\ ol .... In TM fout11M1t9'y 1tt.00 .... OI ~ INTl"""8Q, 11IO KAMI ITA.,_,.,. l>u~t'R ES S G l f NH wetv. "la.~ u..in 2 . tMa. ,_ : .. A!i~i.!1.Nat lonel Bank ing ~11~:!,'l:~CO:= Loto 1TSJ'NtwPort ........ t fc Cltycif o.NIWO loutl'Nd. lk*'9 PW11. ~fOllolWlnau IP~KecMu~··T-~VI TOWHHOME ASSOCIATION. 3t30 ~ .. ~ ~"UH=TEl'&&>V~ .-::CS • 11ek1 It uncMr teld 0111 ,..~C,::nty of Ortno-. ClllfOrnle IOU() • Nl Ulil ,. ... ..AVI[ Ktllarney 1.ane, Coate MHt. CA OATID JVti/ 2t. lMI. " •• ..... 0 E FE H 0 AH T J A MES IE to now by 8ttM of • IMMI on I , .... m H 13 GeMva ll"VICI, 2tO ~ C«lter 0.. . 92828 llJuttlla• Ori,._ 0•11 Dall" IMOO alrclllld OrlYa. 8ENN!TT, OIANHI M 8ENNEl'T, 0 .. d Of Truat In the property map r9COr1lld In 1001t 4 ~ 93 of ru1Mf1 . '1"9S ' Suite 350. ~ IHoll. Oa. C y p R E 8 S G L EH H Piiot Juty 30 1t12...,. ' luli. 100 •nd DOES OHi! through TEN . llefe!Mfl« deeOfl~. 111.ltoell•neoua mepe, tKorde of Oft, t lltMIO o o s s c o ' ' ' Poat Offlc9 lo• tttn lf\CIUllV9 .... ~ TAUSTOR: BAUCI A. OUVETtl or.,. ()ourlty, c.llfomle. ~'~ ~ &:~ ... !:!!...!: MllNIO roe-t. MIO !. 111 81. ~ .. ,, ~ ~eH15 MN EI A g I AT I ~;. M lO-U lt'Vlne. CA 121 t3 ..,_.,... ::r' SUSA.N I LAZA. fluM)end end 11101pt1no lll•r•frOl'I Ill• ;;-.;;-· --. .......,,_ Ho 1, Long leach. c. 90803 ~ • ion. yprtH, Pullllltled Ortnte o-t a.. c-..... ,... ~"''N"'"""' RV .... HOW..... . Horlll .. •l-'IY tH.00 , .. , AMo ""' ~ .. ooncklCMd .... • Tiiie ~ .. oonduGted by "' n111 l>ue!MU II oondUG1ed by en PMot. My 30. Al.II I, 13. 20, tilf ..OTICll Y.u he" lteeft •YeCL _, ~ .... A · "" ....., ... ••o•pllng 111.,• troM tll• ___. .... ., ~ 34n.tl TM o016"1 l'ley deolM eeelftet you KNOHL, M O . Trull•• tor ~ M.OO.... ---.-rt..... MIZUHO ROOEAS un1nc;orporeted HIOGlatlon olh•r "9lJC .... wltllout JOUr belftt llNr'd uftteN HOWARD R. KHOHL, M.0., INC YOU AM le WAUL.l ~A .............. ..aHALD M QA..CIA. • Tiiie 9'a\91Mnl -Ned Vifllll thll 11'c 8 P•r1=I~ llorM A r*a• _..._,,,. • ..- Woll r.-pond within IO clep. ~ PENS~ TRUST DSID M TMl9T DAlW llARCtl ---= County C1er11 of Orllr\09 County on yc>t"• own uoc;. -· ~ -IM'"'°""'''°" Mtow. "9GOrcled September H . 1980 .. ti 111f UMLlll YOU TAIJI Tilll •*"'*'' ... flied""" IM July 2a. tH2 ........ Q 80011 a.mr 0.-.. ...,_ II yOO wish to ..... the •dvlee of lnatr.Ho.351181nbook 137~pege ACTIO• TO PaOTICT vou• ~ Oi.11 of Or ... County on ~ P1tm7 se:~r'T1,·~!.n.nt lll•d ~lll lhe ....... ~ '" •ttorn•Y In 11111 m•tt•r. you 1.oeofOtfldWflleG«dalnlhlloftlo9 MJCUhY,JTMAY•IOl.euaT J4if ,, .. 2 ,~ •. PublleMd Oranoe eo..1 o.ify Coun~y'c'1er1t of;:o.Countyon -=m· ,,_ - tllOuld <10 to promptly to 111at your of the Recorder of 0ranQ9 County. flUl&JC IALL • YOU -uw 0....... Piiot. JIJ/ly 30. ~. 6, IS, 20. J I 7 1912 -• CA ....... -ttten respo!IM. II any. may be Mid dMd o1 1"'91 deteriO. lhll llJlll\AMAnoet Of' 1MI MA ..-_.Ao CoM9l 337H2 ._ u Y fl-...,,_ --· f11e<1onllme l r~OC*'Y: Of' 1MI ~A~...................... Publlt hed Ora110• Collt D•ll'f ~Anc:'NllWMT'I o."m~~:.~~ UE~ t,~.:u;.~ :~.~: City p; ~ ":!:· ~ ": w...::u ~ COtff.JC' A .... c-. ... ""..... Ml.IC ll)11C( Piiot, J4if •. 17. n . 30. '* ..CIU-sat F • ....,.. deeldlr conue Ud. lln eudleoel• • Ormnge, Stale of Cellfiornla. of tllel 242 E. 18th 8treM. eo.ta ....... ~ C ..... -~.,.. 29 66-6 2 ~ ....._..U,--......... meno• que Ud reapond• dentro de G•rt•ln Condominium Pro1eo1 CA tH27 Or-.. CO... o.lfy MOncl Of',..,.,. .. ~ ·-"" --......... ,_...,, 30 dlH L•• •• lntormKIOn que d11crl b•d In tllat oerteln "(If a 11,... ~or common "'°'· uty 30. Aue· t . II, IO. , ....... _,,.ALIM '"-"' "'"- 1que Condominium Plan recorded In dHlgn•llon •• 111own above , no 3-4ll-12 ltOncl ...-11 c..iet .... .., '....,.... SI Uated desU 1ollc1t ar •• book 10790, page toe. Ofllclal w•rranty 11 glv•n u to 111 YOU AM IN OUA~T UHOeR A NOTICI Of' TtllUST'lrl 8A&.I el~ a.MY conNJO de un •l>OOadO en .. ,. AeoOICS.. In the ofb ol Ult county ~or oelt*~" ..aJC .-ncl D l ( 0 0, T "u. T. DATED .... ,.,,.. ~~ ~ ~ Oielnola of ••unt o , d •b•r•• ll •c •r l -det Of Orano-~(Mil TM Ml~"'*' Miid OW! YOU \!2 ii •Li'.i ~ i ,..~ 12. 1M1.UML.UaYOU •• ,oaTAMT NOTICI TO, ....... ,, cc-eyot ;e~e·Gc~.~~.~! 1mmeo1a1amente. de Mt• manera. plM being herMlter ,.,_ to• of True1, t11 r.-on of a brMdl or .,. TAKI AC'TlON TO PlllOTfCTYOUA .......... ,., ~ ....,.. " _,,. su rn~ta NGrlt•. 11 llay elguna. "Ille Condominium Plen end• def .. In the ob11t9110nt...,.... DllO 0, TaUeT 8ATl8 ~.ITMAYSESOLDAT A• YOU AM •D9AU'.T__.A ~et I °' IM puede "' reolatreda a tiempo dellMd In tl\91 certain aratlOn tllereby. Mtetob9 ...auWd 11N1 ~ I. -. ..... YOU PVIUC IALE. If YOU NEID AH MID Of' TMllT DAlW ... 11. df ...... •o the PMMc 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A clvll of Covenanll, Condlllon1 and d•llv•red to tlle underelgn.d a T-AIC• ACTte• TO NOTICT txfllANATIOH 0, T'Hf MATURE tM UMLH8 YOU TMI ACTtoet Ooeml. ~ ords w4I tie compl•lnt has t>Hn flied by the AHtrlotlon1 tor Newport CrH\ wrltt9" Oeclar•llon o1 Otf9llll end 'fOUtt NO::.:'J• tT 8AT M °' 'THf PFIOCE£DINO AGAINST TO fltlOTICf YOU91 HfOFCWff • Jolm ~ ....,,., by bott1 IN pl11n11n 90a1n11 you II you wllh to H~ Aaeoc:l«llOn. ~ OerMnd tor twe. end IWl'ltten nottce IOU> AT A IALL • YOU YOU YOU SHOUU> CONT ACT A IT MAY .. 90l.D AT J. "'9IJC R • 0 Io"• I I 0 tr cl and 111 • delen<I t11t11awsul1. yl>u nwll. within In bOOk 103o'&, ~ f*S. OfftGltl of bf-" end of *1t1on to ~ -AM ~"°" M TMI LAWvf.fl I AL I t P Y 0 U NI I 0 AN !nWOflfMlllAll Pr°'M110ft AoetW1I 30 deys •tte< 1111 1 eummons 11 RKord1 ol Orange county and tll• undenlgn•d 10 Hll u ld NATUal °' Tiii PROCtlllMNO On Augll9I 13 IM2 • 9:1& A.M ~TM* °" TMI NAn. If PA). TM IPA llH i.ntaltvely -~on you Ille ""1111 thll couf'1 • tl'l*ldments thereto. recorded In ~to eati.ty Miid ~.._ AQAIM8T "°"•::.." 8MOULD OUARD1AH l\tCONVfYAMCE OP TMI ~ AQAMT dtl:6Md to Ofenl a ¥9ttence "°"' w111ten response to 1111 eomptt1nt book 1038•. P•G9 01, Olf!CJ•I and tller-Ml\er tll• underatgn•d CCMffAOT ALA C01"0"ATION. a Calltornlo YOU, vou '"°""°CONTACT A 1 11 • tecondery treatmont Unless you do to. your default Will Aec:ordl, and In booll 10793, ~ c:...o Mid noc1c:i9 of bf..m end Oii MOftOI °" CorporatlOf\ aa duly appointed LAWYDl. ~" of the C'-' Wat• be entered on •PPllcallon or 1111 511. Offlclal Reoord• ("tll• eleGllOn to.,. ~l:".J:" T..-..~ and punuenttoOWS On Augul1 11. 1912. et tO:OO = ~.;:,~ 30 '1 11 1 10 1.>la1n1lff, and 11111 court may enter • Oeclaratlon"), and Iha Oec:l4lnltlon Recotdtd April o. 1912 .. lnett. HOTIC"' IS HERE8Y GIVEN thll of TN91 NOOtdtd Mlltdl tt. tM1, A.M .. aa duty •pac>lnted TruatM On ................. ~ ,,,...._.__ ttal'I 1udgment ag•ln•I you ror 11141 retlel of Annuetlon tor Lot 2 ol Tract Mo. Mo. 92. t 198t4 In Hid Ottlolal "' • M "*· Mo. 1..st. In book 1)977, under and pureuant to o.tcl ol ,,_ -V" ... -·--f demanded In the compl111<1t wlllcll 78t7. (Ille Oeclle<etlon), rec:ordtd Recorda. on~. AuQW1 I , ttl2. •I ~ 1130 ofOfftG111"9oordllntlle Trull recorded September 25 r9Vlew •nd •ocMIC•llOfl of .-iul c.ould reaun 1n o.rn11hment 01 OGtober 18, 1912 In book 10'81. Seid HI• wlll b• m•cl•. •ut t:OO o'Clodt a.m. of._,•· In.,. oMcie of itie County "9oorder of tHO .. ln11t No Hl25 b~ etanderde •nd retulatlone. Ill• wages taking of money or prooerty page 643, Ottlc:lel Recoroe, In IN wllllout covenant or werrenty, room ~' aald• lor conducllnJ or.,. County, S._ OI o.Morr*.. 13 7 St . p•g• · 31 a', of OttlGl•I celilOt'* AlaloNf W.W au.tty or o tner rellel ••quested 1n tne oftloe of the coint; ,._,,., ol Mid ~ or ~. "'9Wdlno Ilda. T~ 1 a-, wlttlll\ the Olllloel lucuMcl "1 PH!Uft M WALIH and ReGordl ••eGUted b~ C •A"R COnWOI 9oarl. lent.a ,.,_ "9g!On, comp1a1n1 count;. paa mtou, or ~. to REAL ESTA Tl lfCU,.ITIES PATNCtA A. WALIH: W1U llEU. HETCHER end 1.UCY ANN •*"""'1 ~ '°....,. ..... OA TED Jl;ly 31. 19&0 PA RC El 2. An undivided pey lhll ,......,. prinolpel -of SEIMCe.. 1--.d • 2WO North AT POIUC AUCTIOM TO HIOH!ST FLETCH~A huebend and wlte .. ....,.. r~• lnc:ludlng J Peterson. 1185111 lnterut In and to th• 1111 notl(I) --9 by Mid Deed of ~y. 9ullle IOf1 lrl IN City ol 8IOOER FOA CASH \pllYllble •Hime 1ru11or(1i' In th• office of tll• et!Mrlf llfflllatlon• encl •P9Claf Clerk Common NM .. defined In Ille TNll, with Int .... • Ill Mid not9 eantaAN,CountyOf()f .... Ste• ol .... lntewMmoNYoftheUnlted County AeGorder of Or•nt• oond1tlor11. P•rton• wtellfng IO By R Elllott Oeolaratlon and In thll o.Glefllllon ptovlded, ~ " ""· UflOar ot CallfOff'I•, 8AM MA"INO etatw) 8' --front enlfiltlOI to tlle County Sttl• of CallfomlL Wll.L. oomment =· obt-ot to IM Deputy of ~llon. being Lot 2 of Tr.ct the ..,_ of Mid o..c1 of• Tn.wt, 8 AV I MG 8 A N 0 L. 0 A H old Ot.n99 Counly OourlllOuH. SEll AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO ~ ,..W91Mntt Law Otftc:el of R001" A. S.UVIO No 7117. -per mep -dtd In ..... c:tllirvae and.,...... (JI tN A810CIATIOM •• C•llfornl• touted on Santa An• llvd •. HIGHEST 8100!" ,OR CASH _llWl9M.. ..,,.1n~ &:'\.THOMAS J. l"flEHOVDST.""' bOOIC 301. peg•• u end 3•. TNet• and ol 11\e Wuet9 or....i tio1 OOfpOrallon ... duly appointed ~~It. & ~. (peyable at time of .... In i.wM IO .. --~ flO...., 1hal'I =a-~ ~U&.I T ....... "99 VOU A"I IN ~Ul T ,UNOIJ' A OEEO OF """1', OAttb Ml\MH 11. 1110 UHi.Et• VO~ TAKt ACTION TO Mt0TICT YOU" Pl'OPEATV, IT MAY IE IC)U>AT It PUBLIC SALi. W YOU HUD #f E.XPl.ANATIOM °' Tt4e MATUM OF T'HE P"°°8DIMG ACWM8T YOU. YOU SHOOU> CONTACT A LAWYER. On , ~ 20. tMt • t: t5 Lll'I TIUI lnaur.,_ ComP•"Y· • "'• • .,potfllM Tru1tM un ' and l>Uf•YMt to Deed of T t b«IUl9d by ~ vanedor •• Truator raoor .. d Mardi tMO. •'""·Mo. 21t31. In • .,. t24. of Ol"'1lal AecorCS. In ofb of .. Courlly ReGorder ot Oran1• Cou"IY_A Ctlltomlt WIU. 9E1.l AT PVelJC AUCTION TO HIOHUf 8100EA FOR CASH (peyllble M lime of Mia In ltwlul l'loney ot Ill• United Stet•) at IN front ....,.,_ to the old Or•no-County Court11011H, looated on Sent• Ana Blvd , b•tween Syc•more St and Broedway, 8Mt• Ana. C•llf • 111 right, lltte and .......... ~to end -held by " ..,,,., Mid Dead of TrU91 In Ille ~ .,...., In ..CS CouftlY and State daeorlOed u : 1.ot 2 of Tract Mo. 30t5 • per mep recorded Ill Book 95, P9ge fO of ............ -... Mec>e In .,. oflloe of Ill• County ReGorder In N ld Count; 20e2 M~ Dt'lw, SWte tOO M~ Mepe. In the oflloe ol Mid [)Mel o1 Tf\let. T,,.._ under afld ,.,,_t to tM IWltl An&. Cellb'llll. .. f'IOM. tide ""°""" of the ~ Sta*) llt' IN =· flG. NI ~ or trvlM, CA 12115 the oounr; recorder or Mid COUM)'. Seid ...... be Mkt on MorlCMl!y, llOWW of Mi. ~9-recl In 111•1 end .,,.._ ~ to end 0 now Hortll front erw-. to ttw ~ Dt1 r.eelwell prior to llM Pubto1ned Orenge CoH I D•llY PARC El 3 : Ell GI U e Iv• MiouM 23, 1912 at 2:00 p.m., at IN Olft9n 0.0 of T,,.. ....,.... by Mid by It under Mid [)Mel of Truet Court~ 700 CMG c.n1., 0rM _,.. .. be OOlill Meet In IN Pilot, July 9, 16. 23. 30. 1912. ....,.._.,. ~-110 Mid Unit CMpman A,,.,_.,"_ IO the fOWARO .... "OLfTTI end In IM property alluated In uld WM1 ~Alie. CA .. rlQtlt tttle tom1.-.ion of llnal ~ 3t 12-82 No. te. •II .. more epec:lflG•llY Civic c.nter 8ulldtng. aoo Ee•t flATRICIA P. "01.m1. llutt>and County end~ daearlbed • and ~ • .,.., ~ to ettd. now ,._.... ....... dle0Mt9t. -----------del1Md 1n the Condominium Plat\ aieprnan A--. In IN City ol end ...._ _... Mer'dl '· 1te0. ECH181T "A" held by It under Mid ~ of TNM lll• •Olard wl1lla1 t• ottteln P\B.IC NOT1CE end 1111 o.daratJon. Orange, CA In 9oolr t3620 ol Oflldlll "9oorda of Paroel 1: l.wt Mo. llO • lhOwll In th• property altuated In Nld 1"10 rm• II 0 n 10 • aa I• 1 11 1 " 1 Tiie ltr"1 addr .. 1 and otller ~ dealgnttlon. If any, of Ille rMI property delet1bad aibOve II purporl•d to be 2242 WallaG• Avenue. Cotta Mesa, CaOtornle 92627 ------------PARCEL•: A non--exGluelve Al Ille tlm.e ol tfta t"ltla l aeld C~un ty , at page 12t . anddaeol1badlillNCOndolnlnluln County9"<1Statede9cfibed• o.temW*IQP'oC* ..... ~ K"'1Glt1 .-..nt to UM IN oommon -~ o1 t111a noUQe, u. t<MI Records 1 ~1 No. It. "1 1111n reoord-4 on Ho~b•r I . LOI to of TrKI No 1 tM In the ~ and, for "* llUf'llOM, NOTICI °" and ladll!IM ol Ille ......_.. wtlictl of• ...... __.... ..... _ ol _ r.-on of • bf-" OI dete.llt In ,.-... ..._., .-,. :'Co:!' ·~ Cl I c •• c . t .. ~. putlllC "-""" -toltowe: TWUettrl IA.La ,....,.... "'"°""1 ,, __ ,.._ --,,_ p•wment or ...,.ormanG• ot Ill• '"'•.., -'"' · "" ty 0 oata ... eea. ounty 0 OATl: ::--10 1M2 111 ... .,_, or w4ll be oe. •ac>ed on oblgatlOll _,,.cs tio1 the ~ • .....,. • "' lfdUltvia Oii Ofllalaf of Orange, Stet• of Celllornla. • pat • T ... eeo. tl4 Ille following ducrlt,.d r••I duorlbed deed ol truet •nd oblltattona HGur•d lll•r•by, Miid County. M~ recorded In 8oott S1 pagea 11 TIME: t: &Jft. .-o«rANT ltOTICe prOl*'t;': .. llmeted GOlll. upen .... .nd lndUOlftO "* tw..oi "" cMQull, PtrGal 2: An ur1dlvlded one W>d 12 Ml-".-M-lrt IN PLJfi!;:i CouN:I ~ TO~ OW'Nll': 111 LOI t of Tract Ho. 7152 ... advtneae Is 932.tot.51. Hotlc• ot wlllGll wu r•Gorcl•d (114tetl......,... •a l9nelll ortlca Ot the Count; Aecords of '30f llOlill'IWf. "-Port YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A per map ...corded In boo11 302. To dtlt.,....,. the~ bid, '*'*Y tt, 1tel. • "9oordllr'1 lncomtnor1ln1Mlteeln.--lnand MldCount)' IMcitl,c.lfor* DEED OF TRUST. DATED 4-29-et. I>• g • 1 7 Io t I n GI u 11 v •, you rney GOii (714) 937.oMt. lnetl'\HMftt No. a2-05H81, WILL to IN Common Al'M ol Loe I, Tract The 1lrMI addrHI and otller .,,_.,.....,.,_••Invited to UNl.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO M~ Mope. In the office o1 Date· J4if 23, IM2 HLI. AT PU8UC AUCTION TO THE 8M2 •par IMP 11M In 8oot1 422. ~ dMlgnllllOn N any ol IN attend to ........ their ~ on PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Iha county recorder ol Mid county GATEWAY MORTGAGE HIGHEST 81DDIA FOA CASH, P•g•• , 10 1 lnGIUllO, ol ,... prooert; deKri.bed abo... II .,_ --,..... to ... llOOW MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAi.£. EXCEPTING THEREFROM tl\al COf\P()AATIOH ...._,._,,.,..,°'the UnMcl s ..... Mlaoellenac>ua .. ..,.. recOfdl of purported 10 be -8r09dwe'(. -cliec:flatWa. Pwaont making IF YOU HEED AH EXPLANATION portion ol lend lnGIUded wllllln •Mid T,,.... or • caefW'a cf-* dr1IWfl on a Miid County.•~ laml II...,_ COe1t ......_ CA 92t27 pt .... t.Mlara lfQlld confine their O F.i.!HE NATURE O F THE PerG•I 1 •• 1llown on. mep By TD SEl!VlCE ..... OI rwtlOtW '*'*· ...... "" In IN~-""*' "OelWlklnl.. Th• underelgned Tru•I•• 1tat~•· to Ille lll>ov• elat~ PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU recorded In boolt 45, peoe 29 of CoMPANY, agent ltd«W orwdll uHDrl. or a .... or ol tN o.delatton ol ~ dl1Gltlma any ll•blllty tor any IHUM. Orel llalel'lenlt wlll .,_ SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Parcel Mepa In Iha office of the By W~ ~ ....,.._..andlolrl~ Condlllon1 •nd AHtrlGllone 1r~oo9GtW ol lhe 11f'tlll ~ '-'d. tM. lor lhl ~ Oii ti. On Augutt ta, 1982. et 10:00 County Riecof4-of Mid county. ,..._.,,1 Secntrt · oomtclM In tNa etale. II~ 9t ~In "WC'T TO:" btlOw and other common dealgMllon. w recOl'd, ell -.Ort.,,, l•ffmony Lm., .,6Ml6enllal Equity Aoendel u (2) L.ote 1, 3 and • of Tl'9G1 Ona City ~d w.t.. the eiflw of ..... al right, b end (IM "DeciWllllOn''l; 8l'f'/ W-llerain' INuld b9 ~Ill""""'-0r.r d~ted TN9t• ~ end No. 7117, • C* l'l'MIP ~ Ill OrWlll9 CA MW .,.,_ ,... ~ tt. • Tnm., Ill PMGal I : laaatftenH u Ml Seid HI• wlli •• m•••· llut ,._., ...... __, ._ OfW to ll10W pul'IOtnl lo DMd of Tf\191 rec:ordedln book 306. pagH 33 and 3•. Tel: f141'3&-t2• ~ ..... ,..-~I ~.:.ci Mid fortll In th• SeGtlona enU11•d wltllout covenant or warranty. ~--d pwlOt'8 1lfN '° tie May 22. 1MI. aa lnet No. 30909. Mhiealel~ .... '"INOlftotof Publtellad OfMQe COM! Deity ~ .. , -,., •• __ • .. ·~ ~ tor o-nert" eaiw-Of Implied. regatdlne IMlo. .._ ... book 1'4070, l)ege 24g, of Oltldel tlle County Recorder of Hid 011ot. .;.*'r 30 AMQ. 8. tS 1tl2 ~ and "lupport, 9etllemenl •nd poll don Of 9"CIUl'ftbrMOM. IO n.t ,_.,, ...... .._.,.., ReGord9 In 11111 otftce or IM C0unty county. ' ' • ~ A OCll ............. OCll ....... IO ol IM lncroaollm•nt" of Ille ArtlGle pay the ~ prinC:jpa1 -of ~ ~ fact ....._ the -" Aac:orden ~,()f,lnge County. Stale EXCEPTING THEREFROM ~ entttled "hHmen11" of Ill• the notl(•l MGU'9d by Mid [)Mel of Boetd. pt9'0M rlq\llttfMRll, of C•lllOrnll', ••IGuted by however, any and all .. Glu11ve rtaJC NOl1C( PAfllCE( I: o.cterattoo. Trust. with 1nter•ll thereon,•• end ell COtn-ll Md ~IUone RESOURCES DIVERSIFIEO uHmenta appurtenant to all Unit No. 4, IDG.-.d °" l.Ot I of "UEAVIMO UNTO GAANTOR. P'olMed In Mid notl(el. ~ rK•hM m1i.::,.1.:,1paCIM and tNCORPORATEO. e Oklalloma ~Unite. ~lng-.d M0nCe Of'.,.,.,...... IM.I Tract No. IOIM. •.,_on •IMP ... eucm a .. andWIQN. I..,_ If under tn. terme oluld Deed copied el IN ao.d ofloe. eorporetlon, Wlll. SELL AT PV8UC Unit Mo. 18, now or herHfler T.a. .... .,_.. ~ In 9odt 316, P-o-Sl """1M f'IOM IO GrM1 end U.-... o:'f~ull teee Gl\ergH end elOI lncllar'9 A,,._, Suite 200 • AUCTION TO HIGHEST Bl ODER rtlfWred to In the Oedef9tlon or the TOWNE E 8 CROW and 32 ol l'll-llaneou1 mepe, el or a por1k1n ~ MtM. • fo1oWa. ~ (,c Iha t'rvet.. and ol the Rlvoralde, CA 82508 (pllone FOR CASH (peyeble at Unie of.-C>ec:larafton ... ~. ~TlON • ~ ...,..,... rtGorda of Orange County. E•oept •• grented llereby. tru•t• crHl•d by H id Deed ot TU•• n:t0)~1M"°"'90I In tawlul money ol Ill• United AL So EXCEPT IN O Tru1t•• under tll• lollowlng ~ end • "-' on the ....,..,._ and rtghtt • _,,., Truet IOf tl'le lllTl(MIM ~ 8:00 Ll'I end •:OO P-"' • Monde't The under..igned dlldMna .,.,., ..,.., tor atty ~ of ltle lll'tlll ~ and Ofller commotl dealgnatlon. 11 any • .,_, hllr'IW\. Seid HI• wlll be "'•••. but wltllout ooven•nl 01 warranty. txpt ... Ot lml)Md. ,...,dint t!Ut. poe1111lan, 0t _.._. to pey t"9 remainlnl pMc:IC>el tulft Of thll note MOU<ed by Mid Deed al Trull, tw1111 lnlereal thereon, aa ptOYldad In Mid note • .ov-.• """· under the ,_ of 11111 Dead Of Tf\let. '-· cNrO-end ...,.._ of tM T NatM end of IN tl"UIQ orMMd t11 Mid o.cl of TNll, to- ,...._120.000.00 <•.,,..,.., _, COltal i Statee) •I llle nc>nh ll'onl enuencie THEREFROM one llundt.i peroerit dMOllbed dMd of tniat WIU SELL dedaratton end OOl..,,,_lk#ft pl.n lo Orantor u DKl•ranl In the eetirn'.ai.ct to be' 1142 300 00 through "rtda't· of the Orenge Count; Courthou•. (100%) or ... r\Qlltl to oil. 0-end AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE recorded Apr II u . 1173 .. At1lde er'ltttted "e-.nta" of the flit~ ur.6.r ~·[)Mel ,.... tlMt""' foreVolnO IO ltle 780 CMc Center Or1Ve W•t. Santa 0111« hydrocarbon IUbetanGee lying HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH lnalrument No. 1Ull In 80011 DKlor•t1on. Including, without ot Truet ,,.,..o#ore axec;vted Md .n.,tlon ol WP/ partone II.,_ to Ana. CA 112702 all right title and Ul'lder. or tlltt may be produeled ~ at time of .... In l9Wful 106&4. Ptl09 .el of ofTlclal ,_di lll'lltallon oll gu and mlnetaf delivered to the underelgned • you""° would .,. ln..,_ed In Ihle lnter•t GC)mleyed to and nt::1W Mid from Ille at>ove deec:rlbad l.nd, money of IM Unlled St•I") •II ~CIO~Or 0• ~.glM.IU'2_. o :L.nAtJ.~:, 11~,!, rlgMI. .... ~~ written Oecleratlon of OafUI and ....... Pu"';,_.._.. "·~ Coaet "'-I"' by It un6er Mid Deed of Trust In the 1o09'har w11t1 one hundred peroerit rtgnt title end int.-OOftWYad to " -"' " .,. • oommunlf't ~ c:>amencS tor Sele. end • -men --"' .... '' P'Ol*tY ~ed In said Count; (IOO'll.I ohl rtghlt, IO the ptoc-'t and~ held by It under Mid Deed AMEN OMEN Ts TH A IT 0 1y1Hm and for con1truGt1on Mota ol Default Md ~lofl lo Pllo4. J4if 28. 2t. . 31 • ""O.. 1 • TM~...---~ ol Tr\M ~ _,.., liNI d.ilvared 10 IM under~ • wrttl«'t oec!waoor1 of ~ llld °"'*'° tor t.. and • wrtnan NOlloe 0( o.tautt and 9tGtlOn to Sell The underlllglied <*INCi ..., Motlot o1 Oafeult end a.c:tlon to Sall to be ,,_.ded In the county ....,.. the , ... P'°'*1Y la loc.ated. Nam•. Slr••t Addr••• and TeMPtlON ~ of Trueetie 0t perwon conduellng ..... C*-00 Tiii• ln1urance Comp•n~. 3255 Wll1hlre 81vd • LOI Angel... CA llOO 10 (213) 380-3940 Oeted .Mt 21, 1912. ~'*···· ... C«4Lt,,MT,..._ and Stat• deeeribed.. tl'lenllfom and one~.,.,_, ol T"* In ttla prQCl9rty....,......, REC0511 ~In!!... aoot1.,, .... !'~P5• clteclWf. tn-"'~· ... e.nci Seit. T1'e .. ,.,..llgiiad c:a..o Mid tte2. .. ........ PARCEL 1: (100%1 o1 .. reMS, ~ and deacl-.d: • --..._ ,_. >2t. -"'bit purpOMa. At PfO"lded In IM Hot~ Of Oef-..tl and Sliclton 10 _._ lot e of Trect 95", In tM City of profit• eoc:Mng thetelrom. provtdecl 'MUSTOR: TOHI A MOt<EOE t>otll ol ol9ldlll ~ Hawpor1 BMch. u per mac> fled In~. that Qrantor _._end BENEFICIARY: GRACE P . PAACEl. 2: ::-:~=::rflo:c:.: ::,~o: ~ :-~ ....,a.. Publl9hed Ofena• Coaat DMfr Plot . .My 30, Aug I. IS. Hlt2 ~ Book '407. Paget 7 to t2 lneluelva of rellnqul11\H th• rlglll to UH or BA()()t(8, • wldOw. • 10 a 40.~ An undMdM 1118 in..-In Loi flollla l.tlall not r_,.,,• lo. tll• Oeta: Jut'/ 12. 1te2. Mlecellaneou1 Map•. raGord• ot occ:upy or to enter \IPOll 9")' por1IOn 1n1erut end lh• WOODHULL 1 ol Trect No. IOM. • IMMI on• ---OI 1fle OtWltOf.., f'IOM IO · 1MPERiA1. c0.-POAATION Mid County. ot the_._ and 500 .... t>e6ow FAMll.Y TRUST. F.E. WOOOHUU. ~~In IOOll ,, .. Pao-nl•f upon tll• eurlao• of th• Of' AMENCA EXCEPT THEREFROM alt oil, QM. tll• aurtece, meuured vert!Gdy M.0. TruetH, H to • st.••~ .,1 lilld 12 Of ....,.. Ill'• ~ ~ ~ llwelly In IM aa Mid Truetee CONIOUDATID mlnerol• and other ftydr-OGarbon ll'omttie.,,._ofaaldlend,lofthe Inter.al re Gotcta of Orang• Cou111y. °' ~ ~ 11gt1tt. By &treltle et. .,.,.., MPORT fW CoeeDl'ftON IUbatM'fOM ~ l>e60w • deptt> of purpoM of df11lng lot, GllCJCl#IRO, AaQotded "'-,., 1N1 • lrlett =---=......, ~ 8UIUECT TO: T~ u. om:. '· coneeld8ted AepOl1 of Condition of "80Ull1 COAST 500 feet wltl\oU1 ""'I r1gllt to eni. produGlng. 1torlng, trntlng or No. 29135 In bodl 14 tot 1111189 7't ol 1 .._.,, __ 1.__ .......... ____._ ...... _ 1 . Curr• n I I • • • • and 87S7 ~ DrM _... upon the 1Uf1-or thll .u'*"'-OlherwlM hendt"'O or utlldng IUCfl Offldal Aaooroa In the omo. Oii IM o --• ...... -"""""'"""""" 11 1 ;411ta. San OleaO. CA Qt123 BANK" Of Ooeta Mtaa. Onange COuntY. -oo.r.tle or u1c1 1end •t>ove • depth Of aoo o1. gu or 0111« llydroc:erbon 0t R9cor4* of OrWlll9 County. ..cs plmll~vl""' ..,., .. -..... _,_ t. TMt 09l1aln Dadlntton of Tel: 17 ti) m-MtO Sublld..-If ,.,. cloM Of bulllnell on June 30, 1982. f.-t, • provided In lnltrurnent• of mineral .ub91enc>e1. lor the purpoM d••d of tru1t 6•acrlb•• tll• •• ~-ent"•• over 1:..=-7.r .. ,._trl ... •..:::: Cov~unla. Condition• •nd ,ubllellad Orange Coaet Delly Stett Btlnk No. 1239 reGOfd. of ex.,Glelng Gr•ntor'• rlgllta tolowlng property: ....... ,,.. ,,.,..,.. ~-=-,...,.,.., lo • PllOI Juty 23 30 •·-I 1"2 • PARCEL 2: thereto. H reHrved In dead• Loi 19 Of t,_ No. aeaa. 111 o. OOftwnotl WW". (• Via MfM er. the " ")~on~ · ' ' ._, · S2fO.t2 Dc1llt ArAOUIM e-rt• .. IMJCt1 _...1 ere recorded M8)' 17, 1972 1n tlo<* city of eoeta ......_ • par "'IP ell own and ••fln•d lr1 U ld II 111a 111 IOOll t2'17. Pegea 18& In ~ partlcularfy ... forth In ~ Artlde 10129. page $57, Olk6lil R9cor0.. racorOecl In 8oofl 2M, PllQM 5 end --"'°" end ........ lk#ft pl.n, 'to ..... ~ vi oMd.t Aeoordt P\8.JC ..,11Cl ASSETS entttled "EaHmenll or tll• W>d recorcled o.oemtier 27. tM1 In e o1 ....... ioi• w.,.. 1n Ole •• all'l«!cs.cl), tor Ula u'" and ol ar._. COunl)' CellOtnla. end • OeGleretlon of Govenante, book 5867. page 815, OtllGlal omo. of IN County Aellofdar of purpo••• ••' tort II In ••Id any amendmer1ie lll•r•to, u NOT1Ca °" aAL& condition• and rutrlGllon• Record•. Mid county. Oedarlltlon --OOllCSolftlNUl'n pl.n trnpoud by 8uppl•l'l•ntary °"MAL HIOFUitt C8lh end~~ be ......................................... e,713 deKfl~ In "Subject To: .. l>e60w YOU ARE IN OEf'AUl.T UHOER A You -In dllta"'-under. Deed PAACf.L I: D•ollr•tlon ol Coone n ll. AT MVAft 8A&.I lrw...,,.1 •outtU• Ith• "Oeclarallon") under Ill• o EE o o F TRUST DATE O of Trwt cs.Md .iw.a. 1181. ~ ~ ••• :41•1a~ Condlllon• 1nd R .. trlottone A,,3901 .(••~ ............ •11 1 .. 7) 11 •29 SeGtlOn r-csrnoe In Midi Artlcle SEPTEMBER 11, tHO. UNLESS you tak• llC\lon to protect yOVf '°""unit~ Mov9. '°'UM ~ on No.......o-I, 1t71. In In the 84.lpertot Court of"" s... "'_ .. -' .. ..................................... ,u enllllad .. totfow•· "AIQlll• and YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT pr°'*1Y It !Ny.,. ac:ild at. putlllC and OGCUJ>erlCY ol IM r"trlolecl looll 12•11. , ....... to tOO of Calllornl•, tor Ill• County of,.,.,... MMtl eold end eecurtt ... Outlu UllllllH and Cebl• YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY 8E .... "You ...... ., uper1lllllon of oornrnon .... .._..end~ lndualv•. of Otflolll "-d• of Onlnge. In Iha rnMwr ol UUte.... pwot ll d under agtwnertt• TeleYltlon". "Suc>90rt. Settlement SOLD AT A PU8UC SALE IF YOU therwtlnof,..~lnet "'""' .oowe,....,.,.. to dldafdort Orant• Cou"IY . and. anw ...... deewd. to ---... .__. .... ----1 tl60 .WS Enaoadwn•nf". "c:-wnunft)t NEED AN EXPLANATION Of' THE you, you llllOUld OO'"lac:t • and cOf\dOfnl:.l:" aa ., ... a1111ndl'lant1 tllueto. and tlle HoUoe la '*eb't glv9rl !Mt .,. ,_., vun-vn..-................................ ' F•GlllllH EHement1", "Privet• NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING 1082 s.nt• CNz Ctrc*· ~ tor UM by .,. OO'f9Nftta. OOllCllUol ...... ~ ... ..,,,.,..~ "" ..... PrMte .... .. Loene. Totlll (exdudinQ StrMt lend1Gapa MalntenanG•" AGAINST YOU . YOU SHOULD ....... CA • --of IN~ 6Mci1Md ..... right• • ....,.,.nll, ,..,..,.,Iona. to lh•. lgMll •nd .,.., ~1 UfMO'ft8d lnceme) ......... : ............. 38, 114 and "Dralneg• over CommunltY CONTACT A 1.AWYlfl "(If•..,.... llddr-or comf'llOR =patMl C 4, ~ • 4; end b•n•flll and burd•n• tlleraln aubl9C to oonllrmallon of MIG b ~ ..... ,.,. fot FeclHtlea." 200 Columbl• Street Newport dellonatlon 11 ehown abov•. no P"" llPeot ' 4. oonl.llnad MCf1 end en o1 w111ot1 -SuC*tor Court. on or • tM 4ltl · --..1a..i... ....... ._,._ "-PARCEL 3: BMdl. CA 92ee3 warr•nly I• given •• to 111 PANR L •: 1 1 1 1 lloreby ~apreHIY Incorporated ~ot~. t"2,att:30Lm .. at ~.,.. ,_n ...,._ .......................... -e-netlt '111« the IOU OWf'9d by "(N • '1tee1 addr-or GOmmOR OCllt.,...__ or C01eec1!-)." on· .. c ut v• ••Nman I or ,.,..,., tio1 ,....,__ M ~ Ml Ille lus*tor Coutt ol Caltot'nMa. 0 , lAtirW?._nilt ~ .......................................... -........ a!,128 "&JtljeGt ()wneB" tor tlle l)Wl>OM d••lgnatlon II 111own above, no 'Ole Mil9flc:Wy under Mid Daecl eccw.. '""99011111 ..... UM and °"' ... """"'· ~ onof ~er:·o.~~7003, Bank~· F.F.& e .. etc .................................. 3,151 of exerclelno IM l'IOflll of Ofantaa warranty 11 given u 10 lte of Truet. by reeaon of a br...::ill or anjoymen1 of 1M co,....,Ofl er•• :t Cov•nan11, oondlllon1. (;;'C.nw'~w-.~~ Mtatt owned ottMf 11ere1n • .,.. "Enfo«:lna w · • ~ or correcu-)." dafauft 1n u. otJI09tb• ...,,.cs ...,.,, end dliflned In "-~ ,...rtctloM. ~•ttone. right•. c 0 8 --_.... ,.. -1... ••1 1uch term•. 1011 and .. Hm•nt The beneflderY under Mid [)Mel ltlereby. ~ .-cutect end r•l•rr•d to d•oleratton and rtgMa of ._ llNI ....,,._,., of ounty of ren9•. t ale o u-• -· p:;wm ............................................. '" vv OgMI -rnor9 OOITll)ielaf't deltned or Truet. by ,_, of a breeGll Of dellv•red lo Ill• unO«elQnM • OO!idOll'AliUft ~· l900fd and~· Celll~ .. 1M f'IOlll, tttle end Othlf ..-. ................... , ... _ ................................... 1,630 end dMcr1~ In the Cuatom Lot default tn tile obl!Oellone -..red wrttt.-i ~ of °"*"' Met ho•PllftO lll~•trol'I thoH TM atr"' adct,... •nd otller Int...-ol Mid cl4IOMaed el the TOT ... •ee-811-o.cwatlon dMCrlbed In "Subject thereby wetolot• naculed end o.-td tor ~end written ~ Portlona of .. ODfM'on .... ehowll oommor; ~ If 1111 of "'-time of dMlh Wlcl alt ti. rlOfll. 00. ~ -s::' 0 "'"" • "" ........... • •• ... "· •• .... ··" .......... • '"' ~~; "" "Co,.om '0 ' =~::;:. •:.•:,...: ::.:::::.~a:f~'!°'::O, ':::: ::°n 'r.°:' .. ~ =.,:.:"':. !?°'~.:=..,~ ::,::=: ~."'::::l:~ 'r, TOTAL DEl'OSITS IN ..-.mml Th• 11r .. t tddreH and other OernandtorSete.andwr1ttentlOttcllt Pf°'*1YIO Mld~Ull.._ -~-· rn:-"'~12115. 0oc>eir 1r1"klln •nddofltl.....,on °'100lllenMlttllat 0~ •"*'•I" OONel'TICOFF1CE8 ··:: ................... 68,241 common OMlgnatlon. If any, of the of bf'MCtl and ol ~lo~ and lhef•lfl•r M unlMf•IOMC:I Tfl• atrfft N41r•H or otlltr Tll• underelgn•d Truat•• ' .. T ....... ..._ ... -12 Aft.t reel P'OC*tf dMc;ril>ad •bove la th• undenlgned to ••II aald cameclMidnodoeofbr..illliNlol oemrftOR ~tloft ef tM rMI teotall'I• an1 ll•blllly tot •ny --..I. M Ille ttme of dtteltl, lrl T=::::;. a =.....;rm~········· ...... _.., ... ., purport-4 10 be: •12 Trafalgar, prOS*1Y to Mtlafy Mid OOIOattorw.. .-:&ton to.,. P'°'*1Y ltettlll.-0... -..0-.d ii of the_...~ Md to .. Ult oer1#1\,.... P"OC*1Y v.• ..,, .. • .._...,..• ..... -· ,. ~ e..cn. CA 92980. end thereafter tll• und•r1lgnacl ,._,,ded Apt I 1tea • trwtr . ...,,,..,.,., IO 11r. m UdO fl-1I _,., OOIM*I cllill'""lellon If attwetecl In 1M Cl1Y of eo.tA ....._ TOTAL oePOllT IN DOMESTIC Th• underalgn•d Tru1tH ceuNd Mid notice o1 ~end of No. t2·tl1ttt In Oflldli ~ ~. No. ,.2, Nftl>Ort ... 011.• County ot Orene• It••• ot ANO-..,.-N OFflCE8 5' 241 dl1clalm1 any ll•blllly tor any aleetlon to be Aecotded :r,: a. 8ald HI• wlll b• 1111d•. but Celfotftll. ' ~ ~. CtllfOrnle P9'tl0Uletf't d..ort~ M ~ ............................... ' lnc:on'9CI of the_,... lldd Tll d I .. II b •Id Hll wlll b• m•d•. but ~10-wtt· Fedtrll fOf'ldl Nwct\tnd 8"d 99CUfitlM ,_ ,... 1ee2 .. '""'A9cor~ 92.n 1e "' wltllout cov.n•nt or werrar11y, • uft •tt tn•.. •'• ' 1t11ou1 oovenanl or wart1nty, • ... .. ~ .;..__., 0 ~ T-..... ......, __ ......_ :;:;.._m,.,n .... to end other c:ommon del6gN!lon. N ..ict OltlOIOil _.... or lmpled, ~ ..., dl1ol1lfllt •II tltblllty tor •n, °' lnlpled. ~ -. ...,. ~ "' -.... ·-· "" ---..--.- ""I· lltlCMn llafwln. 8 •ld Hl• wlll b• med•. bul ~ dort or ~ IO "-e•b ... lfl..., _,_ eddrW or ~ llO SM. r9oordtcl In loOll 1 •• P.-B In dofMlttO °"'°91 523 Said HI• wlll b• made. but without Govenanl or warranty, Pll'I llW ,.m..q ~..,...fl/I °' °"* __.. f tlJlllM~o. • H 21 of Ml-llan.011• M•P• ............................ .. wllllout Govonent or warranty, _,,,_ or '""*9d. NQWdlng w.. .,_ nott(t) ...,,.cs by..,°"" (1f laid .-... M MMit ........,. !:.t:=:. \::: =: r.Cordl of tll• Ore"g• COunt1 . lnOl•U---(tndudlng ...,,_or '""*9d. tagardlnQ tllle, 1m11 tm, or ~ to Truel. w41f1 .,.,_ •"'..., .-••rrtnty, ••r..•ft •r 1m,11act, r\lll wtll't lnt.,.•f tll ... .ori u Aaoclrder, more COt~ ltftOWft 1 =.._. ...................... ,.._ .................. -. 141 poH•Hlon. or encul'lbt•nc•e. P4IY tlle ,.,,....111111 ~ tulft of ~ ld¥lnOle. If '"1t llrldfr ,...r4ltftl 11t •· ,onee.1on, or ' 1r1 ..., ftOtt(I). ....-.. ~4~ttll I~. Oolel 1-.,_, .............................................. -. t~ !ncludtng , .... cllergu incl 1Nnote(t)MOlndt>yMIClo.clof ... terma °' .... o.cl °' Trwt. •noumbteno ... to HUlfY tll• ..,,ll"defthawmtOhelcto..d ::=-___.. ...... --1~1·-TOTAt.: &JAaml8 m ................................ '" ........... _ ·~of the TruetM Ind of IN Trull. with .,.,... • In .... "'* ..... ~ MCI ..,.,... of .. ,,..... ....,.... °' .. ,... • t Tru1t .... 011119•• end ................ H ....... , ............ -.. ---·--~ ...... - tru•ll cr••IM by Hid DHcl Of provided. *1vanote. " ...,, undfl T~ trld of u. "'*-~by --~ ......, "' .... • • lind ,"" ,,,.., ~ ....... c.itfomta. ~· -· .. TNet, IO~ IN '*':,*.!tf;lllOlpel 1M 19"N of Mid Oeecl oA fl'\llf Mid Oeec1 Of TNlt. Oeecl .. fNllt, """ .,_.... end ....... of lN Tn.wtee of the Tiie '-"°' of the ..... -,,,.,. red ·-tl#M of Ille ftOtt(a) Lllllld ...._ cMrfM end.,...... Of iii 8e61f ...... M f119ttort __,, Oll'tat Miit • provl4M tWetn: ~=--~tM -y uld Dead of ::,:!"!: ;.::d..,o~1C.::·~ No...,_~_ None DMd of TniM to wtt. 11'0: .Oil Trueeet 11111 Of tM ~ _....,.. A19'11 t 1M2 .. l:OO p.Jft .. M tlle ... .,.--., W ,,,,, llrldlr tlle TM ta4lil .,_.,. ef .. ~ -•-•--__..... -·· ... ...-11"1 COfMIOn "8Clk """ rn.-"-90n "°"' Mtt n ; Mid DMcl of Tn.i • .., ...... • ~ A*-.....,. to 1M ..,. ......, _, ~ • WOii --. of .,. -..,,.... ....,..,_,.. .......... ,,.... _, -• • tM1 4J 20.~ '*' amum • held on Monc19r, ,,,.._ t, 1• • CIYIO cant., lvMlftt iOo IM1 ---, _, * ...., --..... ., 1M ,,..,.ny -;o;'_.. llNI U0.00. Tiie..,..... of .... Gt--" Ill .. No • ..,_ ..--1 d 1.000.000 prOYlded In Mid ncN(a) ptua COiia l :OO p.tn. ti IN CNpfMtt A..,.. ~ A,,._, lft it'9 C1t1 flf n ...-Clf'W.1'~ ind' of rHeOftllll• .. u1 ... t•cl coala, __,.on-mon!l_.of .J.-.... ~~ b. No ..... outlt8fdnQ . S86, 1• ,,., end q 9dllanote of '207..245.53 entrance to tll• Cllrlo O•nt•r Or-.. ~ °""'9d lllr .... a.cl of --w .,_,...et IN-.. -.llnMtlv.'"' --·-· ~ ~ 1 en ...,, rn..,..... 1u1tdlng, aoo ,.,, Oll•P"''" A'nll• um• ot 111• 1111ttet Tn.9t. TIM total lfl!OUflt of Hid ---...... and b•l•noa ~ bY not• -···-··-···· .. -···-·•"-·"""°""" •• ni. blMftcMry "'*' Mid DMc1 ~venu.. fft tN di)' of °'*'ti• ~ of t1111 ncittoe "" tottt ollllloatton. lftet"'4M ,._,,..blr : ::. ":"~J"' of.,.,._ MOutecl W Mon.....-or'"* 0eect TOTAL OA"1'Al. .......................... t.t40 of TMll ._..ob9 ..-Md llNI Al th 111'1• at tll• lnltl•I emountot._..,,....._., .... tr"'at•d ••••· oll•~H •"~ n.11e1u::••ri<...., lltllCI DMd on th• property ao aold. T•n ---..... --........................................... Ill cMllV9rM to tM 11ndefttQMd a~ of IHI noaoa. Nto..i atntr1lm _.,. ew .. .-.. .....----~ 1MllM ot Ti'*" It-....... •_......, ~.!,::.,.-t'!!unt lllld to Ill• TOTAL--------MM IQUfTV .................... -S.- wrtttan Otdatdon °' dllfUI end _.mof1M~~°'N cs.aorllll•cl O•d ot ttu•• •11d ,......,,..,, , ..... ...,... ...... ,,.,.-to tM llHet..., • ---~ ........ -_.TOTAL NIO Oer!Wld for .... end a wntWI ~ ........ ~ .. tlMIW .-tlinaMd OOI.. ........... 1"41 ...,.,W.IO. ,....._ CUil ... Of Olllllll MCI -,,,_., --"',..,_,. -*"'°9 of IWllM n ~ llO d .. orlb~d dHd ot truet encl ecl¥1noH I• ia1.4H.11. T• ~Tm.Mw 11.-. .,...... ,. ;;::: IN a ""'*' .,. bit"°"'*' '* N...,.... 1HAt Dll'TY ............... ". · ........ 11.fll :."':tr=r.:.::..-:=.c::•~ .,,d =-~~·:t.:r:tW*:'°"rrtl#I fANMA:&v:= =.-n:-.=:.::.=-n~ ~tt;:~· .. • ~~v:m=..*:ri."::~':...-•= :.-:.:~.:-"::.= To ~""'1.:;.::0.... -~ :.= .... ·---ol•-... -IO ::..-::::--.'.""' .. = dlll ... "'= ----·-.:e J:r ... ~Awdal "°"0:~ ~ m~ ATI ~~=::.:::= DllM ... 1~of.»/,*9. ........ ~ .. 111111::•:rt OOJ .... lift -..... ......, NIWPvft• MOM11. LOAN. ... rn--. -.vm. .....,,._,,...;. · Olludll.n100,.....,11....._tit ..,..,.,._.....__.,, .... .-,.o,_.,..,u1 =~~· IHC. I T .O. 11.-VIOI ~~· •lltVIOI a ..,,. ..... , &.'t!:.":'Tl:f:o. =.:::t• ot L ....... K ... , -.~ ..... f/A .. Wtdl __ .............. .... ~CA llr114 COW,:/. --" ' :·*iii J .....,, r 1171' Alv...,Mft OrlYe ta °"'9al of • ~ 0. .... °""' ....... ,......, Of ..,..., ... ~1:'--..,._.. t::".:'...... =-~ ... rttl Mt111WH4, OA ~ :-::0..'.,.. ,._,ta'::} ............ lerNll,; Aari~ ====· =· . =-......... 1tof ram.:.' ...... ~. (1H _ ........... on Jvty 11, ,. •••• ,Cot ...... '""'' ------r-=:£.. •'_OA_ l!,'\l.'".=o m-1111;•11••••r•r .. r•oO..... ~ ,._ 11 °' .-.. °'Wiii ~°" ..... '' et 'hll.:('FW)_ ..... ,.. ;r.e..,..... ~ ....-. lt/tW.I.~ r=.. .................... ::.-&~~ Dll¥ ,.:~t.¥-• ~·~n::r c-.r ,~~=-r;:.°"" ,:.:::;eJ.~:=..--.--~oa..~._ *7• ,..., • M. ~ • ,.. at?MI • attMI .--...,.. _.. I Hill/\ 1 llll Y 111 1 •".' CRIMSON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misunderstood minority, Stephen Douglas, 28, of Mi.s&on Viejo has organized • ,, • • • .. 111111 m1mn-' OHANCf CUUN l Y C /\l If <JHNll\ l~ CE N TS Deir ,... ..._......, c.__ ...,., an international club. Members frequently add color to parades. If you qualify. the "red line" is 951-1023. New Chancellor -'II appointed at Saddlehack By JEFF ADLER orhMfr,......,. The president of Washington State's Tacoma Community College was named chancellor of ~e Saddleback Community S"College District today. Dr. Larry P . Stevena, 47, aareed to take over the reins of the two-campus community college district, which serves 10me 30,000 students, beginning Sept. 13. His salary will be $65,· 000 a year. Stevens replaces Chancellor Robert A . Lombardi , who resigned May 15 to pursue a management career in private industry. Lombardi, 49, guided the Saddleback district as its chief officer for more than half the district's 15-year history . Lombardi joined the di.strict in September 1974. Stevens, who received his doctorate in education from Arizona State University in 1969, has been president of Tacoma since 1975 . Before hi s appointment to the Washington campus, he was dean of i nstruction at Scottsdale Commwtlty College, Scottsdale, Anz . "I am happy to be here, and be D.ity Not Stall Ptloto NEW CHANCELLOR -Dr. Larry P. Stevens. 47, ,former pr esident of Taco ma Co mmuni ty College in Washington, has bt:en named chancellor of the Saddleback Community College District. Gyp_sy moth find in FV discounted Schmitz fare well party on? part of this exciting educational enterprise," Stevens said, after being introduced this morning during a press conference by John Connolly, prcsident of the Saddleback board of trustees. Worker killed by battery from forklift Invitations out but senator's attendance doubted Orange County agriculture officials say the discove ry of adult gypsy moths in a backyard trap in Fountain Valley this week appears to be an bolated inddent and does not indJcate a widespread invasion by the damaging~ Gypsy moth caterplllan feed on tree leaves and are capable of defoliating an entire forest, according to Leonard Leikhus. chief deputy agriculture cornmilDoner for Orange County. But, referring to the Fountain Valley finding, he said, "We really don't think we have an infestation. Thia la more like a quarantine interception. We think we caught them in time." By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ot'ttw Dellr Not Steff The letters of invitation are out. But the question remains: Will state Sen. John Schmitz, alleged to be the father of two illelitimate children, attend an Aug. 10 farewell party at Sacramento's posh Sutter Club? Schmitz, a Newport Beach RepublicaQ. bas yet to be seen or heard from since the July 21 disclosure by a Tustin woman that he was the father of her 13-month old son and month-old daughter. lronieally, it was that same day that one state senator, a northern California Republican, received a n i n"v i t a t i o n t o t h e $1,000-per-person Aug. 10 party. Said Schmitz In the letter on official stationery: "You are undoubtedlL aware excellent spirits an"'· much He said his job at Saddleback u; will be to "reassert and reaffirm that l will soon comp ete my camaraderie. the mlssion" of the community eecond tour of duty in the state "Thus a generous area of the 11 Senate. My departure as you Sutter Club on 9th Street hu co .. egee. need to _ft1ft•ft•n our A heavy equipment operator ll kno ,_ trictl 1 " .......___ ___ __. f ""·-.... -y Aug 'W ~uu was killed six miles east of San we w , ... s yvountary. ~n~v~ or &ucaua ' • commitment to general o_ ... _, • -"'-.... ,_ 10 ...___·een .. and 7 p.m for .... ,_ Juan Capistrano this morning ~~nutz term "'-, "'u. yeer. • .,,. • .,.. ., · ~ education, transfer education and and becaUR of r.pporUonmeni lncWJble event." when a bathtub-sized forklift "'· • .-..11 •"--beth n--1 Sc ... mit that part of the curriclum that battery landed on him. pla.na, much of .... tepteMn._. .s:.uMI ace ar, a n s ....,.~1-tum to," Stevena said. •---'~ ·~ .... ,___._ "''""' -'d .... _ Auo lOJ:!Z. will --u:: Orange County Fire Capt. area .. -.. """' .., • new Wit~,. -. -.. \Oii' -· .. added he would like to aee that will t l_. •-...__ .__ld d...J•-the Iosures "" G"rv Stenberg said the accident no e ...... • new wna..... Ull: nc ..,._....., the diatrt"ct work more closely -J til 1984 _ _.'-.. her boa She declined occurred at the Ford Aerospace un · ,.,.__... with bualnesa and industry to •-uy ho--many ....,.ple were Capo Test Site, off Ortega $chm1tz, 51, 11et hia -'"t.ts this "" . ..,. r--provide relevant occupational ""6"J invi•.-..11 but ..... d confirm that a Hl~hway at about 7:45 a .m Year on ..rift .. , .... the Republican -· \.» and vocau·ona1 p~. ............. •1 000 r r n donation 1'1 e said a small electric forklift nomination for a California U.S. • • ·pe -pe ao ~ .... _ __...... The new Chancellor 1s tbe was bemg driven along a paved Sen.ate aeat. He lost. -. ·~----· That money, other sources brother of Lee Stevens, president road when it slipped to the side "I grabbed for the bnm rino ' N p Al) o f Golden West College· on a curve and overturned and fell off the e&rOUilel boi.e;' ..:.<See.:._....:8....::E;.__A_T_O_R...:.•_•.::l _e __________________________ _ the invitation aid. "l believe my pending exit from tJ\e shrine of rlghtenousneas we call the Capitol should be a festive oocasion marked by good humor, Liekhus said gypsy moth traps oommonly are set ~hout the county In an attempt to detect any early appearance of the iMect, which I.a prevalent in the Eastern states, including New England. inspectors inform county agriculture officials when a moving van carrying outdoor objects . from the East enters California. Top court to rule in tree-I all case Liekhus said such a notification led county inspectors to check the belongings of a family that recently moved to Fountain Valley. He said the female moth often lays her eggs on outdoor items such aa a lawn chair, barbecue or a picnic table. In this instanc e , a county inspector found an egg mass on a toy chest and pl.aced a trap at the home to catch any adult males. The agriculture official said the trap waa placed in early July and 1eVeral of the adult moths were dilcovered Monday In the trap. He added, however, that no insects have been found in llimllar traps installed throughout the Fountain Valley oelghborhood. (See GYPSY , Pa1e A!) By STEVE MITCHELL ot'ltle ~Not Sbllf The California Supreme Court will decide if the city of Laguna Beach can be sued for damage caused when nine city-owned eucalyptus trees fell onto a houae in the Wo odland Drive neighborhood four years ago. The state court agreed, at the city's request. to reconsider a May 20 Court of Appeal ruling that held cities are not immune from such liability. Benella Milligan, 81, and her daughter Evelyn Crockett, 63, sued Laguna Beach after a rain and windstorm toppled nine large trees Into their wood-frame house in the early morning houn of Feb. 10, 1978. Tbe trees, ranging from 50 to 80 years old, were part of a large grove on city property adjacent to the women's home. BUSINESS What's new in business Newa of promotions., earnings and activities of Orange County buaine.es appears on Page 84. NATION WABHINOroN (AP) -President Reagan aaid today the Unit.eel Statee will d1lcusa with the Soviet Union a pomible one-year extel'llion and expansion of the two nation.' ara1n u1a agreement. But he did not flatly approve a conUnuation of the pact and ruled out, at 1eut for now, any new, long-tenn deal. Tax credits for· women? Sen. Jeremiah Denton of Alabama wantl ·~ ta cndlta fOf' women eo they WOl\'t have to work outalde the home for financial rea1on1. The 0 1'9UOnably rated" woman ablo cowd terve her hu•benct a couple of mu1ln1a. Pace A4 .. • The two women claimed unspecified property damage and emotional distress, but 1ut year Orange County Superior Court Judge John Trotter Jr. held that state law freed the city from posaible liability. The law makes public entities immune from liability "for injury c.auaed by a natural condition of any unimproved public property." But the appeals court disagreed, saying that immunity only applies when people were injured while using public property. The city argued the legislative intent and wording of the law do not limit immunity to. cases involving public property uaen. It said the appeal ruling would be unfair because if a pereon on (See COURT, Pa1e A!) CANYON CATASTROPHE -Volunteer carries belongings from Milligan house in Woodland Drive neighborhood following a Feb. 10, 1978, windstorm that saw nine city- Dtlltr "°' Ptloto by Sleft 119tcMtl owned trees slam into the house. Owners of the house have sued the city for damage. The state Supreme Court will now hear the case. COUNTY Long walk down coast Paalng through Laguna Beach th.la week was a Canadian walkina from British Columbia to. Argentina. Pap Bl. A nishtclub for lcida Circus Circua ii a ntahtclub where you are carded and if you are over 21, you're turned away. Weekender. ·ocC's 'Prom'8etl' delivers The Oranae Coun!l' Colilt Cc6iie JX'Oduedon of "Promtaea, P'roml111' la a clHty little 1bow. Weekender. INDEX At Your Service A4 Buaine8I 84·6 Ctvak:ade A7 C1uaUted Dl-6 Comlcl B2 Croawotd B2 Deeth Notices C7 Editorial A8 Entertal.nment Weekender Hy Gardner A 7 GU'denlnc A8 Horo.oope A 7 Intem\llllOn Weekender SPORTS Ann Landen Movi~ Mutual Funda National News Public Notkee Sports Dr.Steincrohn Stock Marketa Televbion Thea ten w-.ther World News . DeCinces fully recovered A7 Weekender B4 A3 C7-8 Cl-6 A7 & TV Log Weekender Al A3 ) ~ Deanceil riUileCt two ~ With the flu, but returned 'naunday Qlpt and midi fth9 Seattle • MariMn lick. ~ Cl: .. .. i,N THEIR CUPS -On a day when the world's press carriee photographs of the Prince end Princess of Wales with their baby, Prince AllWlr••h• Wllliam, one enterprising Cambridge company hu made caricature eouvenin of Ute royal trio in egg cup form. The set retails for $21. ' .. "•' , ''' Continued stories Jobless rate at 7 perce nt • 1n county Orange County's SENATOR SCHMITZ • • • unemployment rate spurted to 7 percent ln June, nearly a alx-year high but atill below state and national jobless fiaurea. said, would be uaed to defray butatandina debts remaining in Schmitz' Ul78 campatan fund. '• Asked if Schmitz would attend the party. Mrs. Beelar said, "I don't know." ~OURT REVIEW ... State labor anaf yn Alta Yetter said the unemployment rate ls at itl highest level ainoe Noyember 1976. when it atood at 8-i percent. 'Jetter said the fig urea for June are attributable principally to the nation's overall economJc sluggiahneu. Additionally, ahe aaia~ the June job market ia traditionally crowded with college and high school graduates. private land and another nearby IHl public land were injured by .(ailing branches Crom a city tree, the one on public land couldn't sue, but the penon on private land could. GYPSY MOTHS ... Leikhus said gypsy moth 1;aterpillara devour tree leaves t>ut that eggs and adult moths are ~esa. Angeles an d other neai·uy counties have reported gypsy moth infeatation 1, no aucb invasion hlta occwntd this year in ,. Although San Dieao, Loa Orange County, the agriculture • offidal said. Orange County's work force now stands at 1.2 million, according to officials with the State Employment Development Department. 1 ail site proposal The a c tual number of unemployed is 85,100 people. June's unemployment rate advanced to 7 percent after it wu recorded at 6.4 percent in May. Last year at this time, the joblas rate was 4.3 percent. · l-apped in Irvine Normally, analysta said, the rate cornea down again in July and August, although Yetter did not want to predict that would happen this summer too. About 50 Irvine residents, 'mostly from the Northwood area. attended a publlc hearing Thursday night to tell county officiala their reaction to p<mible Sites for a propoeed new jail. They said they were against '' especially in Notthwood where, accord1ng to one of the 1peaken, 11it seems we're a dumping g u nd for all sorta of i!Sirable projecta -freeway ma, airports, dumpe, jails.'' That speaker, Gerald Stein, was echoed by Mike Falls, who t drew applauae at the hearing held at Irvine Web School for his comment that it lftfm to local remdenta that projects such as the jail "always come towa.,rd Northwood." .,, He~ why county offidala didn't just plan to build a higb- rlae jail in downtown Santa Ana. "Why don't you consider a joint faclllty with Riverside County out near Ch ino where there's less expensive land?" uked resident Lonrue Nadell. "June Is usually the peak month," she said. ln compart.on to regional, state and national figures, Orange County's rate is still at the bottom of the list. California's unemployment rate stands at 9.5 percent, as does the national average. Los Angeles County has an unemployment rate of 8 .8 percent. Fair and sunny ~\' Tempe ratures Coaata l Fiii end eunriy todey wtltl lllgfie In rNd-10e et ttle.,..... ,~ .through IOa In lnlenCI .,... • tonig ht •nd 8 •1urd•Y with ~of petClhy 9W'ly morning low cloud• along lmmedl•t• OOMI. ~ loW9 12 10 ea. Hlglw ~ rwiglng lrOlft mid 70. at the ~ to l'lll6-80e .,,._,, . El•••ll•r•. from Point Conception to th• M••lcan borOtr end out eo m11ee: ~ Yeriabl9 .... ~ end ~ houre, b•comlne welt to IOUtflweet 10 to 15 noc. In IN aft-. Sout'-1 ..... of 1 to 2 JNt. In °"* w11 ... to Sen ~ '*'° nor1hwelt..,.,. 12 ~Motl wtltl COllllJIMd -• ,_ ttwougll .....,, ::-C.:°' tome n6pt -~mtlflty t:"'*" _, °*' ........ • v.s. summary • Tllunde r11orm1 ltlC the ~h• .. t •nd the Soutllw9at • with '-¥Y r1lln In Mlol-. Mexico, lh• T•••• h•ndle and Hll•rn •nd ~Colof.oo. ~ .... _ .. , ......... •om the ......,,. ,_. Upper ~ ue. to .. *-1=t: ... ....,_ lie nottfl Atltlnllc , 10Utt1 entrtl Teue, th• northern .... ...,..Md~ The b...c for ~ Ollll or tllunderttorme from 011 Alienllo Ca.I thf'Oull\ lower M......_,. V.., to NATIC* ... Le .. NbtMt 71 11 Alblique 17 .. Anw1lo ... 83 4.07 ~ '° 16 .60 Altlnte '° 74 AttMIC Cty 12 .. All9ttn 100 71 llelUrnore N 83 ~ S2 et " 79 .03 819mwc:k 71 41 ... • ee loleon a ee ._ ...... 17 7S ""'* 71 58 ='°" 71 aa .01 78 ... Qwtltn SC 11 78 a.tam WV ... 97 awm.NC 80 71 .75 E 92 M .10 ... 94 ... ee ~ 12 '° CllNlle 8C ... 74 .11 Cobnbua 71 eo ~Wth 13 71 ~on 12 eo DenYer es 51 .13 0.. Moir-12 91 o.itoll 71 12 °'*"" • 6t ... EIPMO .. 70 Fwoc> 79 53 :..~~ ... 71 51 st .. Het1fotd 19 M Honolulu • 7t Houlton .. '° .OS =:-.... .... ., 12 74 JilckllMle t1 71 ,--.. 12 51 l<MI City t1 N ~ ... 73 .at IM VegM 107 ... Llltte Rom 19 74 .~4 ~ ... 17 ~ t1 t 7 ........ 12 71 1.10 ....,. .. ., .oa .... ·-'° .. ........... p ... ~ 81 n Fronts· Cold ...., Warm ._.. Occluded ~ S1a11onary •• 12 711 .31 ... 97 82 74 Te 14 oe ... 72 01, '3 IO 90 74 01 ... 71 1Gi 19 7t " 71 63 711 &e II 90 71 73 .01 T7 51 12 83 100 75 97 58 16 73 .01 1:2 14 .. 12 16 13 ..53 71 ... 01 .. .. 111 53 16 96 17 711 '° 70 .12 .. 71 .. 11 Freeno t03 73 LMlc:atler 105 79 ~~ S7 70 102 Monlerey 92 HeedMa 113 Otllllend 71 PMO Aot>lee 105 H Red 8llln 104 71 Redwood Qty n 59 Reno 14 53 89Cf-to 17 117 8911nea 95 41 Sen Oleo<> IO " 8en Franoltco " llO 8#11• Barber• 71 118 8111'11• Mane 73 81oc:k1on 101 '"*""" 111 UIOafl 102 e.ntow 105 eo 8lg 8ear ... 41 8WIOC> 10t 81 Cetllllna n 83 Lall• ·ArroWneeb " 57 I.Ong ltMdl la 87 Monro\'la 101 94 Mt. Wiiton 81 .. Newoort 8eectl 75 M Ont.no tll ea ::"~ 112 eo 102 .. ..... Smos Where to oall (loll frff) for lateet~tlon: Onnoe -J'''JO) 446-3t2t Lo• Angtl•• ounty: (100) 242-"0U AMtllde and ten lemerdlno countlel; (IOO) 1417~710 lllf RIPIRT A ..... T..._ I 11 ., t1 ., t 7 t 1 A.OMO lpla4lde a..tw: (tOO) 242 ..... Tides Israeli j~ts attack ... Cease-lire broken, PLO nixes response to U.S. · By ..... Ateocda&M Preti I braelt Jett and 1unboat1 bombarded perrllla·htld weet Beirut tod~y1 1hatterln1 the U.8.-mecUacea cean-fl~ after p_rHldentlal envoy Phlllp C. !Qbtb reponedly failed to_ pt. bomrnltment from the PLO to leeve t.et.non. The benqt!ll •tarted at about 4 p.m. (7 a.m. PIYr), and the Tel Aviv conunand l&id: "The larael Dtfen1e Forces de>e1 not 1ee itlelf committed to keepln1 a one-aided ceale-fire .•• It said the guerr1llu had bre.ched the oeaae-fi.re that went in\o effect Wednesday by launchins mortars at Israeli potltlona "Thunday and firing ~,.......and lm&ll &rml The bombardment followed 1 IQ .. mlnu.,. artillMy duel between ltrHU toret1 and th• PLO ~""' near !Wtut'• peraly.d lntematsonal airport. Pal•ttn.lan 1unn•rt opened fire at the dlwbornbUW llneU Jeta but none WU Men hlf. hraeU Prime Mlnhter Menachtm Beatn had told ht. Parllament Affiln and Security Committee U there wu no neaoUated I01Ution IOOn, larael would resume ita bombina of PLO-held west Beirut or order an a ... ult on the city, Armed Fol'C8 &dio reported, Lebaneae Prime Minister Shaflk Wauan uld in a natlonaUy televlMd 1tatemtnt t hat hrael'• blockade on elect.rtcity, water, food and fuel Co Wiit Beirut WU "on. fonn of mWtary option that neptel tM political option and mak" u• wonder why then.these ~Uadona and why carry on. We have laid down thete realltlet before Mr. Habib frankly and we •hall wait for the outcome of hil efforta to take cert.&ln poeitlona on the domntlc and international leveb." Wauan ti Lebanon'• official lntennediary between Habib and PLO chief Yuaer Arafat. Habib has not received a commitment from the PLO to leave Lebanon, Begin wu quoted 81 saying earlier today. Residency request rejected Motion d enied in W est County judicia l e lectio n i ssue By DAVID ltUTZMANN or111eo.a,...,.,..,. A superior court judge has rejected an at\erifpt by West Ora.nae County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold'• attorney to have California's residency requirements for juriBts declared unconati tutlonal. Judge Ronald Owen turned down the motion by attorney Eleanor Stef!'eer w l thou t comment ThW'llday durin~ the fourth day ot proceedings '<!determine if Harrold'• election victory on June 8 should be nullified. ' The legal action was brought by Den Charles Dutcher, a Santa ~na attorney, who finished a distant aecond to Harrold in the election but who claimed in his lawsuit the Westminster judge was not a legal resident of Orange County. Harrold has claimed that she always considered her-.elf a legal resident of the county even though she has owned homes in Riverside. Her attorney, seeking to have the case dlamisaed, argued that courts and constitutional amendments in recent years have stricken requirements that public employees must live in the same city or county where they work. TV deal off for HB school grid games By PHU SNEIDl!:RMAN ofltM O.-,Net 8Uft Two weeks ago Fountain Valley businessman Roy Englebrecht signed an agreement with the Huntington Beach Union High School District for the right to televise six local high schoof football games live this Call over cable television. Englebrecht said the project would be the first time in the nation that high school sports would be offered on a pay-per- view basis over cable. It was expected to generate th0'""8.nd's of dollars in revenue for the school district and cable companies. But Englebrecht's dream project abruptly collapsed Thunday when he was unable to conclude an agreement with Dick.lnaon Pacific Cablesystems. the West Orange County company through which Englebrecht had hoped to offer the games. But • Weem.tmt.er attorney, repreeentiJur Dutcher. oontendid it wu "laulhabJe" not to requite judges • elected oUJdala to meet residency r.fA,Uiremenu. "BecaUM U youl ollow that (no .-esidency nalem), what happena to government 'of the people and by the people'.'' he asked. Election -codes now require a judJdal candidate be a resident of the oou.nty ln which he or abe la runninC for at Je.lt ~ daya prior to the elecUon. Judge Harrold hu claimed lhe lived in a $2-mlllion home in Newport Beach deeded to her by her irand m other, Arylne Lan.dale of W.-tminater. She said she bepn living there in late February of this year. The question of when that -teed actually wu shtned haa become a major iaue in the cue. Though it is dated Nov. 30, 1981 the document actually wa _.igned in early 1982, acxordmg to Harrold's \estimony. Golden claimed the deed was i.otentionally backdated when IHarrold found out that Dutcher planned to make an ialue of her 1ivin${ in Riverside. The deed was not recorded until May 17, 1982. Harrold has testified she was only foUowing her grandmother's instructions in placing the Nov. 30 date on the quit claim deed. Shelter provides service to youth The South County Youth Shelter ls a cri.sia intervention Prosram providing short-tenn residential and non - residentiaJ oounaeling services to youths and their families. Services are provided ta youths who are having :>roblenu coping with the streu of famll y. school peers and community. The program al9o ls geared • A 24-hour referral line for people aeeking information on a variety of community .ervices has been established by the South County Youth Shelter. The Community Referral Service, re11ehed by dialing 955-1293, haa centralized resource Information on •Tlclcet1 for the 13th annual Laguna Beach Lions Club pancake breakfast are on safe at various shops In town. The Labor Day weekend feed cmtl $2.50 and proceed.a toward guiding parenta and youths into more effective methods of controlling potential conflicts and coping with stress. The youth shelter ts open seven days a week, 24-hours a day and accepts runaways and youths with other problems. Help Line number is 955-1293: business number 494-9604. agencies dealing in such areas as battered spouses, VJctimJ witness assistance, health, you th services, emergency assistance, child protection and crisis intervention. The referral line is staffed by trained professionals of the South County Yr>uth Shelter go to various charities. Tickets may be purchased at the fire station, SIU Thomas Cameras, Laguna Beach Hardware, Moore Hardware, Laguna Beach Lumber or the Little Shrimp. OBIE SPORTS LTD lf'1 time for a NEW SUIT! • All Ladies Swimwear 20%on .. FEATURING: Raisin , Sea Squirts, Connie Banko, Gotcha Toth & Yawah I . I -~ --"''DAY. JULY 30, 1tta L Charles White FOR THE RECORD C8 leaves drus problem ~hind him. Page C2. Mariners capsize in Anaheim Angels outlast i:mproving Seattle behind DeCinces' blast . ' BY CURT SEEDEN wu upeet by one of the many durable excellent pltchln1, npeclally i~ the or .. DllJ ,.. ...., veterans ln the Angel Uneup, namely bullpen and a 10lld defeme,'' DeCinces When the Seattle Marinen played third bueman Doug DeCinces. continued. "They a1lo have IUY'I who their lOOth game of the 1981 season, DeCinces tlnlahed the night with three can put it out of the park-IO th~ have they carried a lackluater 37-60 record hita ln four at-bats, but it waa h1a timely, al the inlJ"ed1enta It tam to win. lnto the conteat -which wu about third-inning, three-run homer that made But that wun't the cue Thunday what was expected of the young ball the difference in a 3-1 victory before night. club. 26,512 a fans. DeCinces' blut, a one-out lhot with 1t la now 1982, and the Mariners are It is, indeed, hard to believe that the Tlm Foll and Brian Downing aboard, juat aa young, and under the able Anjfelsandthereetofthebaseballworld apolled what waa otherwise an leede.l"llhip ot the youngest manager ln are keeping a close watch on the lrnpreeaive effort by young riaht-hander the majora, R ene Lachemann, are Marinera, who today find themselves lix Mike Moore. hOverl1\8 ln the realm of respectability. games behind the leaders. The Marlnen have made oonaiderable lb any other year, a late-July aeries "~eattle has an excellent team," progress this aeuon thanlu to a fine with Seattle would not have much of a admitted DeCincea, who was still weak young crop of pttchen Wee MOOl'e, F1oyd bearlna on the American Le.sue West from a two-day bout with the flu when Bannister and reliever Bm Caudill, and, stand1np but as far as the Mariners are he hammered h1a three-run shot over in fact, bout the best ERA in the league concerned, this is no ordinary year. the center-field fence. "When I saw (3.66). Thunday nigtit at Anaheim Stadium, them during apring training I really Their turnaround d9t:•n't surprise the Mariners' bid to move to within four didn't think much of them. Angel Manager Gene Mauch at all. gamea of the division-leading Angels "But they have proved they have ''l'm not aurprl.aed with teams like It lVasn't what she expected By PAMELA STEINRIEDE or ... .,..,,......,. Because my father is a long- time scout for the Cincinnati Reda, I have attended major- leque bueball games since I was ejght years old. rve sat in every .ection of various bailparka - from "peanut heaven'' to field level box aeata. However, Thursday night at Angel Stadium I observed the Angel-Mariner ·Bame from the unique vantager}Soint of the press box. And with a au~prisingly 8erious crew of sporta writers. They came from San B ernardino, Los Angelea, Fullerton, Long Beach, Co.ta Mesa and other cities not only to watch the game but to report it. There ia a difference. Although il WM not .. stoic U a Bank of America board meetlng, they were at work. and the em otion level was low. Concentration at times was studious. WITNESS THE reaction to Doug DeCinces third inning home run. While the f ana cheered and screamed wildly, each reporter dutifully recorded the three-run blast in his ever- preeent acorebook. Seattle or San IXeao. We played thote two teaml a lot during aprl.ng tra.lnlna," Mauch explained. ·•1 told (San Dieao Mana1er) Dick WUliam. then that I liked hia club. "And th1a club here (Seattle) playa v e r y i n t e lHg e n t l y a n d v e r y enthualaaUcally. 'nrey~re nice and looee. They obviously made same good moves," Mauch added. Meanwhile, DeClnces made a pretty good move, but he really didn't feel like dotna anything. Still weak from the flu (he miaaed Tuesday and Wednesday's gamea), DeCinces did just about everythlnQ ~ht. Alter popping to second in the first, he followed with hla home run, a sixth- inninj( single and an e lghth- (See ANGELS, Page C3) .1 "Everybody keeps score up here," said one reporter. "We need to refer back to it aometimes and besides, it lreeps us in the game." DIFFERENT WELCOMES -Angel base-runner Bobby Grich (left) slides under Seattle's high-flying second baseman Julio Cruz during fourth inning double play. Before the game, 0.-, Not ,,.._ .., "9tftdl O"DoNlell Mariners' pitcher Bill Caudill is greeted in familiar fash ion by hlJ mother. When they weren't "in the game," they were exchanging trivia, fumbling through an obnoxious amount of statistics, or u tillzing t heir binoculars to cloeely examine a female fan. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO Schubert confident of success GUAY AQUIL, F.cuador (AP) -United States Coach Mark Schubert said Thursday he ia counting on past succe11 by Americana t o intimidate swimmers from other countries at t h e World Swimming Championships next week. "Traditionally the U.S . has been the strongest swimming power in the world," Schubert said. ''When we get on the starting blocks, we have pride and the other swimmers know it. No matter what the previous best times are, we think we can swim with anyone." Thr ee active w o rld recordholders from the United States failed to make the team last week at the U.S. trials. Cynthia Woodhead, who holds WORLD GAMES the world mark In the 200-meter freestyle, and Jesse VasaUo, the record-h olde r 1n th e 400 individual medleys, swam in the trials, but were not ful I y recovered from illness and injuries. William Paulus, world record- holder in the 100 butterfly, finished third in the tnals by .02 seconds and thus did not make the U.S . team. Each country is allowed a maximum o f two swimmers an each individual event. "It's encouraging that we have enough good swimmers that we can leave world recordholders at home," Schubert, coach of the Mission Viejo Nadadors, said. "Jesse and Sappy (Woodhead) would have helped us 1f they were 100 percent healthy. We're especlilly inexperienced m the 400 individual medley " The United States has five other active world n!C<>rd-holders on the team -Mary T. Meagher of Louisville in the l 00 and 200 butterfly; Craig Beardsley of Harrington Park, N.J .. in the men's 200 butterfly; Steve Lundquist of Jonesboro, Ga., in the 100 breaststroke; Rowdy Gaines of Winter Haven, Fla .. in the 100 and 200 freestyle, and Kim Linehan of Austin, Texas, in the women's 1,500 freestyle In addition, the Uruted States has Tracy Caulkms of Nashville, Tenn., a former world record- holder in three events who has won 39 individual titles at national championship meets since 1977 , surpassing the iSee WORLD, P age C3) Alao, they are not tceated to (nor bothered by) the vendors' aervioe, but went aft.er their own refreahrnenta and popcorn. About the time a typical fan la on hia or her third cup of beer, the reporters were drinking coffee while composing the "Angel Notes" section for their papers. During the two hour and 31 minute contest, they enjoyed . themaelves, but were constantly aware of their duties. How can you forget you have a story to write while ln the midst of telephones, portable typewriters. video diaplay terminals, ICOl'ebooka, sports pages from a variety of papers and the endless atadlticl. Owens was Rams' forgotten man "Sometimes I miss being a fan,'' one reporter remarked. Sure, they may get lazy from time to time and overwork a few worda like "outatandlng" or "aw-.ne," but when the rest of the Ndium la ~ "Take Me Out to the B@Upme' durina the 19\'eftth lnnlna atre1ch, they are busy Pl.adni commu In all the rt&ht placa. IN THE EIGBTB inn1na when most fans are deddlna how to beat the ~game traffic. the tpCll'ta wrtten are .earchina their bn1rw for a new and tnnovative leed tot tomo110.,•11tory. And when the final out i• recorded, and your primary oonaem la bow to unlodp the popmm kemela between your ..... tbey ... ~tothe b:br room for a pollllbli earth-ibattertnc COIDIMnt. A pitcher ewe may talk to them. M the only woman amona · .-n IO NpOrten 1n the front IDI oC the nto-dered pnm box. I couldn't help notlctn1 their ~~ quetUonJna ( ~t they WIN IUppcmd (lilt ...., ~ Cl) ( • JUST BACK -Fred Lynn of the Ancell dlvet under the tag of Seattle flnt bMeman Gary Gray Thunday nfaht at A.nahelni Stadium. • • How many of you remember the Rama' No. 1 draft pJck of a year ago? Outaide of a few sharpies, rm sure not too many gue.ed it was Mel Owens. Indeed, Owens' performance in 1981 certainly wouldn't make him a hol.&8ehold name ln '82. In fact, unle. you looked real hard, chance• were pretty food of ml8l1ng Owens on the leld all to_pther last year. Owens came to the Rama u the ninth pick overall and the fOW1h linebacker du.en in the 1981 NFL draft. He followed auch college standou u as IA~ Taylor (.elected by lhe New York Olanta), H\.Wh Green (Tam1r Bay) and E.J. JW\lor (St. Lowl . All of whom, by the way, had IJM'Cellful '81 campe.lpa. Althoujb a IW'Pl'isina eelecUon, in that J'DOlt Nl"L clube dtctrn have Owerw ranked that hl&h, it wu the Rama' hope that the Micblaan araduate would pan out uMl help fill a vdd left by the deperUna Jack Reynolda. Owenl; however, didn't fulfill either expectation. A 10-day boldout due to a ttall tn contract necottatJoM (b...! 4'Y9fttualli ~ • thfM.~ pact worth an. Htlmated f000,000). Owent never could catch UJ to the r'llt Of \bt ~ and ,,_ t'YeQtually rec:tucad &o a ......... ~and.. third· ~ OI ..... ~ blb1nd ~ Aadlvw1 and Joe Rarrti. ................. .,, ... • pcM& W.t Ow-. ~-\ht Rams' poor 6-10 record, couldn't get into a game until the final four minutes of the team's final contest of the year against Washington at home. ''Circumstances dictated that I couldn't do what I wanted," explains Owena. "I tried to do the best I could in the' situation I was in. There was nothing I could do. I wasn't the one makina the decisions. I realized about halfway th.rough the teUOrl that I wasn't going to play." lt'a hard to figure why Owens waan't given more of an opportunity. Coach Ray Malavasl ha.I always contended that the polltion of linebacker la probably the touahest to learn ln the NFL. "' But even tak ing that into account. and the fact that Owens reported 10 da;ya later, it ahouldn't have taken the 6-2, 2H·PoUDdtt the better part of 19 wnlta In order to learn the ayst.em. Why. then, w11 Owen• ~ treated Wee the 45th 1Mn on the @.man roster? wen. there .... two theorlet. The flnt C:liiaa •Ith a pclllible power atru1al• betwfen Malavaal and th• recently demoted Don Klotterman. The former 1•n1ral manqer Wat nmlGl'td to haw been tn Owene' OOl"MI' and .... ~~ an men thin one OOOMlon t.hat &be ~ be atven a chance thiMMl,~a> -----·=· .----· ....... ~-~ :-··_-_ --'~--~'! ....... .,... - tHilll\1 1111~ 111 1" ~IM~ON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misunderstood nunonty, Stephen Douglas, 28, of Mission Viejo has organized De11J Not ""'* bf ClwtM atMr an international club. Members frequently add color to parades IC you qualify, the "red line" is 951-1023. Farewell hash for Schmitz still scheduled By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL Of'aie.,.., .......... The letters of invitation are out. But the question remains: Will state Sen. John Schmitz, alleged to be the father of two illegitimate children, attend an Aug. 10 farewell party at Sacramento's posh Sutter Club? Schmitz, a Newport Beach Republican, has yet to be aeen or heard from since the July 21 dltclo.ure by a Tuatln woman that he waa the father of her 13-month old aon and month-old daughter. Ironically, it WU that same day th.at one atate senator, a northern California Republican, received an invitation to the $1,000-per-per90n Aug. 10 party. Said Schmitz in the letter on official stationery: "You are undoubtedly aware that I will soon complete my second tour of duty in the state Senate. My departure as you well know, is strictly voluntary." Schmitz' term ends this year and because of reapportionment plans, much of his represented area ls assigned to a new district that will not elect a new senator .until 1984. Schmitt. 51, set his sights this year on winning the Republican nomination for a California U.S . Senate seat. He loat. "I grabbed for the brass ring and fell off the carousel horse," th.e invitation aaid. "I believe my pending exit from the shrine of rightenou1ness we call the Capitol should be a festive occasion marked by good humor, xcellent spirits and much camaraderie. Neighbors oppose jail site Northwood residents claim area 'dumping ground' About 50 Irvine residents, m06tly from the Northwood area, attended a public hearing Thursday night to tell county officials their reaction to possible sites for a proposed new jail. They said they were against It. "especially in Northwood where, according to one of the speakers, "it seems we're a dumping ground for all sorts of undesirable projecU -freeway systems, airporta, dumps, jails." That speaker, Gerald Stem, was echoed by Mike Falla, who drew applause at the hearing held at Irvine High School for his comment that it seems to local residents th.at projects such as the jail "always come toward Northwood." He asked why county officials didn't just plan to build a high- rise jail in downtown Santa Ana. "Why don't you consider a joint facility with Riverside County out near Chino where there'• less experpive land?" asked retldent Lonnie Nadell. 1 The hearing waa the aeoond of four public meetings being held an commurulies where potential sites for a new medium/ maximum security detention f acUll y are located. Four potential sites for a new detention facility are being considered, including two near Irvine. Sate D, apparently the 90W'Ce of most concern to thoae testifying at Thursday's hearing, Is the undeveloped area on the sou th side of Trabuco Road City Hall phone number streamlined Irvine City Hall wall get a new telephone prefix beginning Monday, Aug. 23. From that day forward. all municipal phone numbers wall switch from the dull and old- fashioned 754 to the sleek and modern 660. The final four numbers will remain the same This ls progress. Actually, this is the phone company. users," explained Rofer Davis, manager of the city s general support services. The mam mformation line at Caty Hall will change, for example. from 754-3600 to 660-3600 Meanwhile, the old city numbers using the discarded prefix will carry a taped message for a year offering the new numbers, Davis said. between Sand Canyon Avenue and the El Toro Marine Air Station. Currently, that land ia the al te of Orange County Intemalion.al Raceway. Site C I.a undeveloped areas In the Jamee A. Musick Honor Farm, a minimum securltv Jetention facility off Traburo Roed, aouth of the Marine base. The two other potenuaJ SJtes are at the C1Vl~ Center an Santa Ana and in the AnaheUll Hills. The propo9ed jail la envisiorwd aa a four to six-story facility that would houae 1.300 orisoners bv the year 2000. IRlll Elmll New chancellor appointed at Saddlehack By JEFF ADLER Of'tM Deir Piiot ..... The president of Washington State's Tacoma Community College waa named chancellor of lhe Saddleback Community College Distnct today. Dr. Larry P . Stevens, 47. agreed to take over the rems of the two-campus community college district, which serves sor'ne 30,000 students, beginrung Sept. 13. His salary will be $65,- 000 a year. Stevens replaces Chancellor Robert A . Lombardi, who resigned May 15 to pursue a management career m private industry. Lombardi. 49, guided the Saddleback district as its chief officer for more than half the district's 15 -year history . Lombardi joined the district in September 1974. Stevens, who received has doctorate in education from Anwna State Uruversaty m 1969, has been president of Tacoma since 1975 . Bef ore has appointment to the Washington cam pus , he was dean o f instruc tion at Scottsdale Community College. Scottsdale. Anz. "I am happy to be here, and be part of this exciting educauonal enterprise," Stevens said, after being introduced this morning during a press conference by John Connolly, president of the Saddleback board of trustees. He said his job at Saddleback will be to "reassert and reamrm the mission" o( the communny college "We need to maintain our co mmitment to gen e ral education, transfer education and that part of the curriclum that people tum to," Stevens said. He added he would like to see the distract work more closely with business and industry to provide relevant occupational and vocational programs. The new Chancellor Is the brother of Lee Stevens, president of Golden West College In Huntington Beach. Dally l'llol St.ff Photo ' NEW CHANCELLOR -Dr. Larry P Stev(•ns, 47. former pre s ident of Tacoma Commun it y Collt>ge in Washington. has been named chancellor or the Saddleback Community College Dis tra ct. Cease-fire shattered by Israelis By The Asaoclated Presi Israeli jet s and gunboats bombarded guerrilla-held west Beirut today, shatteri ng the U.S .-med1ated cease-fare after pres1dent1al envoy Philip C . Habib reportedly failed to get a commitment from the PLO to leave Lebanon The barrages started at about 4 p.m (7 am. PDT), and the Tel Avtv command saadl "The Israel Defense Forces does not see itself <.'OITll'TUtted to keeping a one-sided cea.w-f1re" ISee CEASE-FIRE, Page A!' "Thus a generous area of "the Sutter Club on 9th Street has been reserved for Tueaday, Aug. 10, between 6 and 7 p.m. for this indelible event." Elizabeth Beelar, a Schmitz (See SENATOR, Pace A%) City officials said Pacific Telephone requested the change because the 754 prefix was becoming ·SO crowded that few numbers remained for organiUllions as they expanded. "It's easier to change a couple of bijl users than a bunch of little Because city officials have known about the pending change for quite awhile, their inventory of business cards, stationery and forms has been allowed to dwindle so C08tll associated with the switch will be minimal, he added. IN THEIR CUPS -On a day when the world's press carries photographs of the Prine~ and Princess of Wales wit~ their baby, Prince A" Wlrepltoto William, one enterprising Cambridge company has made caricature souvenirs of the royal trio in egg cup form. The set retails for $21. BUSINESS What's new in busuiess News of promotions, earnings and activities of Orange C.OUOty buainemes appears on Page 84. NATION WASHING'OON (AP) -President Reagan said today the United Statee will di9cuss with the Soviet Union a pomble one-year extension and expansion of the two nations' ira1n l8les agreement. But he did not flatly approtie a ~tinuation of the pact and ruled out, at 1eut for now, any new, long-term deal. Tax credits for wome11? Sen. Jeremiah Denton of Alabama wanu sped.al tax credlta foe-women 10 they won•t have to work outtlde th' home for financial reHon1. The• .. reaecmably .rnted" woman alao could aerve her hUlband a couple of martinil. Pqe A4. COUNTY Long walk down coast Passing through Laguna Beach this week was a Canadian w.alking from British Columbia to Argentina. Page S'i. A nightclub for JciJs arcua Circus la a ntghtclub where you are carded and if you are over 21, you're turned away. Weekender. OCC's 'Promises' deliven The Or&nl(e Coun~ eo.t Collep production of "Proml1ea, Prom11 .. ' 11 • cla11y little 1how. We.ekender. , INDEX At YOW' Service A4 Bua1nea 84-6 Cavalcade A7 Clalllfled Dl~ Cornlea .B2 en.word 132 Death Noticea C7 Editorial Ae Entertatnment Weekender Hy Gardner A 7 Gatdenlna A8 H~ A7 Intet'nUllion Week.ender SPORTS Ann Landen Movies , Mutual "Funds National News Public NoUces Sporta Or. Stel.nctohn Swck Market8 Televtalon 'l'het\en WM\her W(f'ld NeWI DeCinces lully_ ttJeGFered A7 Weekender B4 A3 C7-8 Cl-6 A7 ~ TV Los Weekender A2 A3 ., Douc DeCtncee mllied two pn. With the flu, buc retUiMd Thui'lday rqhl ana mAde the Seettle Marinm lk:k. 'Pace Cl. County's jobleu 7% Oran1• County'• unem~t ,.. 1puri.d to 7 percent ln June, ...,.1y a llx-year hlah but ltill btlow 1tate and naUonal ~ flaww. State labor anafyet Aha Yttter said the unemployment rate ta at ita hlaheat leYttl alnoe November, une. when lt atood at 8-1 r rcent. '/ ettH Hid the flaurH for l1une are attributable prlndpally lb the natlon11 overall economic 11uutehnea. Additionally, 1he .. 1a~ tbe June job market 11 traditionally crowded wlt'h f;plleae and hl1h 1chool ~uatee. , Oranae County'• work force ~ow 1tand1 at 1.2 million, A.<:cord.J.na to officials with the S,\ate Employment Development p.:partment. 1'he actual number of \,&nemployed la M,100 people. ' June'• unemployment rate 'dvanced to 7 percent after it wu recorded at 6.4 percent in ~Y· Last year at this time, the pblesa r&te wu 4.3 percent. .. ,., .... .,..... ILLEGAL CROP -Seattle police commander Dean Olson shows off some of the poppy plants found in South Seattle. Some 4,000 dark red opium poppy plants were confiscated by police in what ls called the biggest opium patch ever grown in the Pacific No~vVest. Residency request r~jected Motiol)rdenied in West County judicial election issue • J.Y DAVID IUJTZMANN pttM.,_., ......... , A superior court judge haa [.ejected an attempt by West Orange County Mu.nidpal Court Judge Joanne Harrold'• attorney ·\o have California's reeidency {equirementa for jurl.lts declared unconstitutional. , · Judge Ronald Owen turned down the motion by attorney 'Eleanor Stemeer without ~mment Thunday during the fourth day of proceedings to detennine if Harrold'• election ~ictory Oft June 8 1hould be nullified. • The legal action was brought by Dan Charles Dutcher, a Santa Ana attorney, who finished a distant seoond to Harrold in the election but who claimed In his lawsuit the Westminster judge Was not a legal resident of Oranize County. · HaTrold has claimed that she l\'lan rescues dog., ' dies in reservoir 'LOS BANOS (AP) -A W-year-old man drowned ln San Luia Reservoir u he tried to rescue his dog from a swift Ow-rent near .Din08aur Point. Ronald Mark Pedenon and his friend C'h.ria Powell, both of San Jose, had been throwing a stick for the dog to rettk!Ye when the animal felf Into tM lake, officials Said. alwaye considered herself a legal resident of the county even though she has owned homes m Riverside. Her attorney, seeking to have the cue di.sm.iseed, argued that courts and constitutional a.meodmentl in recent years have stricken requirementl that public emolovea must live ln the same city or county where they work. But a Westminster attorney, represen~ Dutcher. contendrli it was "lau~ble" not to requir~ judg_es as elected officials to meet re11dency requirements . ... Because il you follow that (no residency rules), what happens to government 'of the people and by the people'," he asked. Elecuon codes now require a judicial candidate be a resident of the county In which he or she is running for at least 54 day1 prior to the ele<:tion. Judge Harrold has claimed she lived in a $2-million home in Newport Beach deeded to her by tier grandmother . Ary I ne Lansda!~ of Westminster. She arud she began living there in late February of this year. The question of when that -teed actually was slJllned has become a major issue in"' the case. Though it is dated Nov. 30, 1981 the document actually was signed in early 1982, accordlng to Harrold'& testimony. Golden claimed the deed was intentionally backdated -when !Harrold found out that Dutcher Deity Piiot lt.eff Pfloto TESTIFIES -West Orange C ounty Mun1ctpal Judge Joanne Harrold l<:Jt)k the stand Wednesday an lnal o f the swt ~ntestang her election. planned to make an 1SSue of her hvmJll m Riverside. The deed was n ot recorded until May 17. 1982. Harrold has tesUfted she was only following her grandmother's U\Structions in placing the Nov. 30 date on the quit cl.aim deed. F~ir and sunny , . T emperaturea 'Co anal if. Tl'lunderatorm• l'tlt lh• ~lhHll Ind 1111 Sovthwett ey. with hMllY rlll11 In Attzona, w Mextoo , th• T•••• nh1ndle and IHtarn end ral eotorldo. , Thunct1r1flow1" alto were ~n«ed from tile w.tem l*t p• tile ~ Or.et Ulk• te tM itoww Mlelourl v:\: r; Sklee were moet ct.. owr he nottfl Atlllrtle IOUCh '"""' T11111, 111rftortt1ern ·~~ ...... -~ The ~ tor a.tunj.y Cllllle or t~11nd1ntOr1f1• tro1t1 tN AtllnUc ~ ~ Ill IOW9f "tla1t1•11t Veley lo NATIOM .. L9 .... 78 51 S7 85 64 63 4.07 'IO 86 .50 IO 74 12 .. 100 71 ee e:s 82 91 et 79 03 78 ... 19 .. a3 .. t7 71 7t 58 ""4"0'\dl W toathet SC!' .oe;e 'OAA US °""' 04 ~IA 7t 52 .01 79 ... Fronts· COid ..-. Warm ...., Occluoco ~ Stationary •• ., 78 64 11 IO 71 .75 82 63 .10 ... &4 ... . 12 IO ... 74 .tt 11 eo t3 Tt 82 eo 96 58 .13 82 81 79 12 69 59 .IM 91 70 79 S3 79 51 It .... 16 54 " 71 1M IO .03 IM 83 12 74 81 n 72 51 11 16 ... 73 .. 107 .. I& 7• .24 .. 91 ., 17 12 78 1.10 II 13 .OI IO 91 .. 82 87 " 92 75 3t IM S7 12 74 11 5o4 oe 1M 72 01 13 eo to 7• 01 84 71 103 91 7t 59 78 53 75 58 91 eo 71 73 01 77 51 82 63 100 75 97 58 as 13 01 S2 ... M 72 85 73 53 7t ... 01 ta ee 75 53 85 911 87 75 80 70 12 SI 73 SI 72 c~ ....... 106 S2 llytfle '13 ~ 11 52 03 I ...... , ..... IT 18 87 87 87 17 IT f1 .. --c~- FrllnO 103 73 UlnCUIW 105 78 Lot~ 87 70 Me Ii. , 102 MonlW9)' ' 82 Neecll9I 113 Oel<lancl 71 Paeo ROblel 105 119 R«I Bluff 104 11 ~City n se Rerlo 94 53 Secrllm4trllO 97 57 S•llnu 85 48 Sen~ ao 69 San Fr11 eco 59 50 Sanll Berbar• 78 68 SW11• Marie 73 S1oc:kton 101 Thltm•I 111 l)klefl 102 Btr-10'# 105 80 BIO 8-... 49 818'>09 101 11 C•lalln• 77 93 Laite Arf~ It 57 Long ttMdl 83 97 MOftfovll 101 84 Ml Wiiton ., ff NewpOl1 8-:1'1 75 911 Orrt11110 t5 ea Pllm SPflngt 112 80 s ... Bemerdlno 102 • Smog Wiier• to cell (toll lrHI lor .. ,..,~Ion: Orenge ty: J'''°I 445482t Lo• AnoelH ounty-(800) 242...-022 . ~ encl 88'1 a.m.tdlno coun1lle: (IOO) 3417-4710 AOMO Ep!locle Center: (IOO) 242-4Mt Tides TOOAY a.cond loW 12: 13 p.m. u lecond 111111 l:A6 p.m. ... IAnMDAY '"'' 10W 2:07 1.1111. OJ ""'' htoh .'.. a.m. ... leoond" 10W 1:0I p.m. I.I lecond Nth 7:2.• P.111\. U 1Wi Mt• t~ .. 1:M p,in., ,... lalUrde)' It I~ l.ftll, MOOll ,.... toay It •:04 p.m., llltalth .... 1'11 ... ~. t .. - Moth case isolated ~ I" • ... Officials see little chance .of county epidemic Oran11 Coun\y aarlcuhure offlclaa Hy the dlecovtry of adult IY~Y moth.I ln a beckyard trap fr\ Fountain Valley thl1 wetk appeen to be an llolat.cl lnclden• and doa not indicate a ~·~••Ion by th• Oypey moth caterpillan feed on tree 1Mv11 and en capable of defollat1n1 an entire forHt, accordlni to Leonard Lelkhua, chlet .feputy a1rSculture commiatoner for Oranae County. But, refeninl to the Fountain Valley flndlna, he 1ald, "We really don't think we have an lnfeatatlon. Thll l1 more like a quarantine Interception. We think we callaht them m time." Llekhue ufd 8YP'Y moth trape commonly are 1et throughout the county in an attempt to detect any early appearance of the 'tnlect, which la prevalent ln the Eastern atatea, Including New England. in1pector11 inform county agriculture officials when a moving van carrying outdoor objects from the East enters California. Liekhus 1ald such a notification led county inspectors to check the belongings of a family that recently moved to Fountain Valley. He said the female moth often lays her eggs on outdoor Items such aa a lawn ch.air, barbecue or a picnic table. In this instance, a county inspector found an egg mass on a From Page A1 CEASE-FIRE It said the guerrillas had breached the ceue-f1re that went into effect Wednesday by launching mortars at Israeli pos1uons Thursday and firing Katyusha rockets and small arms today. The bombardment followed a 20-nunute artillery duel between Israeli forces and the PLO fighteni near Beirut's paralyud international atrport. Palestiman gunners opened fire at the divebombing Israeli jets but none was seen hit. !s raeli Prim e M1n1 s t e r Menachem Begin had told his Parliament ACfairs and Security Committee 1f the re was no negotiated solution soon. Israel would resume its bombing of PLO-held west Be1ru• or order an assault on the clly, Armed Fvroes Radio reported. Lebane se Prime M1n11ter Shafik Wazian sa id 1n a nationally televised statement that Israel's bloc kade on electnclty. water, food and fuel to west Beirut was "one fonn of nulitary option that negates the poht1cal option and makes u s wond e r why then these neRotiauons and why carry on. From Page A1 SENATOR. • • aide, said the Aug. 10 party will be held despite the dtSClosures regarding her boa. She declined to say how many people were invited, but did confirm that a $1,000-per-person donation is being requested. That money. other sources said.-would be used to defray outstanding debta remalnlng in Schmitz' 1978 campajgn fund. r Asked if Schmitz would attend the party. Mrs. Beelar sa.id, "I don't know." ; .. toy chMt md plliced a trap at the hOme to callah any .dult mas.a. Tht aCftCUltUQ official Mid Wt trap Wll pLaoed ln euly July and llYeNl OI the tidult mot.n. were ds.ioYeNd Monday ln the trap. Kt~ howtwr, that no lnHct• have been found In llmilu' ~ tJwtaD9d th.ro\Ulhout the J'oU>ntaln Vaflty nelahborhood. 1..tlkhua Hid tl>'P•Y mo&h caterptllan dtYOW' i.... leavee but that eaa and adu1& mothl are hannl• Althouah San Dle10. Loi An11JH and other ne.a-u,y countlea have reported IYP9Y moth lnfeetatlona, no 1uch lnvulon hu OCCWTtd th1I yeu ln Orangto County, \he .,nculture official uld. Plan to . televise prep football nixed Two week• ago Fountain Valley bu1ine11man Roy En&!,ebncht atgned an agreement ~I~ the Huntington Beach Union Hilh School District for the right to televise aix local hiah achoof football games llvto this fall over cable televiaion. ""burlebrecht aald the project woul'C! be the fint time In the nation that high school 1port1 would be offered on a pay-per- view bul1 over cable. 1\ 'Wu expected to senerate thousand'• o( dollars in revenut?> for the sc hoo l d11trict and cable companies But Englebrecht'• dream pro j ec t abruptly collapsed Thu:raday when he wu unable to conclude an agreement with Oickln.IOn Pacific Cablesystems, the West Orange County compan y through which Englebrecht had hoped to offer tt_ie games. Newport student UCI essay· winner Edward Lobel of Newport Beach hu won UC Irvine's first annual Howard Babb Essay Competition. The competition, which carries a $100 award , 1s sponsored by UCI's Department of English and Comparative Literature in memory of Babb, one of the department 's ·rounding members and its chairman • Edgar SebeU, · professor of English and comparatJv~ literature at UC Irvine. has been appointed chairman of the Department of English and Comparative Literature. He succeeds Dr. Jobn Rowe who returns to full-tlme teaching and researeh. Dr. Schel:. an Oceans1dJ • Terrence Par1on1 of Laguna Beach has been named chairman of the Department of Phil080phy at UC Irvine. He will take the place of Dr. Ne~n Pike who will return full- teaching and researc . Dr. f>araons. profeaor of philo1ophy at UCI. has focused his research on •A two-day excursion to Hearst Castle, San Simeon and Solvang is planned for Irvine residents on Aug. 14 and 15. Sponsored by the city Community Services Department, cost for each participant is $65 including a double room and from 1969 to 1972 and again from 1975 unul his death in 1978 'The competition 1s open to au undergraduate humanities maJOrs at UCI. Lobel, a Junior maJ0rmg l1l Enghsh, intends to study law. Hi s e s say was titled .,mag1nat1on , Reality and Illus1on m 'A Midsummer Night's Dream '" res1de ni., has spec1aj1zed in drama of the Middle Ages - through the Renaissance. He received his bachelor's degree 10 English from Temple University and his master's and doctorate from UC Berkeley He taught at Malls.. College and at Berkeley before coming to UCI m 1965. language. He earned his bachelor's degree in physics from the Umversity of Rochester and h1S doctorate in phil060phy from Stanford University. He has taught at the University of Ilhnois, Chicago Ciccle Campus and the University of Massachusetts. Amherst. He came to UCI m 1979 .., transport.auon. The tour is to leave the Irvine C1v1c Center, 17200 Jamboree Road, at 7 a .m . Aug. 14 and return there at 8 p.m. Ai.tg 15. ' Exc urs ion Coordinator Karen Bermingham can be reached at 754-3639 for additional infonnation. OBIE SPORTS LTD I~ tlmeJor a NEW SUIT! All Ladies Swimwear 20crG OFF FEATURING: Raisin, Sea Squirts, Connie Banko, Gotcha Toth & Yawah 2831 • It Ill.'\. I\ II I 111 '•·\ CRIMSON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misUnderstood minority, Stephen Douglas, 28. of Mission Viejo has organized •A '-111 111111 Oll AN<~t COUNTY C AI II OHNIA 2S Cl:N TS o.-r f'llot ""4Me br Ctwtee ltan an international club. Members frequently add color to parades. If you qualify, the "red l.ine" is 951-1023. Judge denied request • Ill residency case By DAVID KUTZM.ANN Ofltte1>91trllh41taft A superior court judge haa rejected an attempt by West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's attorney to have California's residency requlnmenta for jurlats declared unconatl tutlonal. Judge Ronald Owen turned down the motion by attorney Eleanor Stemeer without comment Thursday during the fourth day of proceedings to determine if Harrold'• election victory on June 8 should be nulllfled. The legal action was brougnt by Dan Charles Dutcher, a Santa Ana attorney, who finished a d.latant second to liiu"rold in the election but who claimed ln his lawsuit the Westminster judge wa• not a legal resident of Orange County. Harrold has claimed that she always considered herself a legal resident of the county, even though she has owned homes in Riverside. Though at 11 dated Nov. 30, 1981 the document actually W8' intentionally backdated when Harrold found out that Dutcher planned to make an lasue of her living in Riverside. (See JUDGE, Page At) Newport's sewer fee stays same For the second straight year. Newport Beach homeowners will have the distinction of being the only Orange County residents t.o pay an annual sewer use fee. The good news is that the annual fee of $26.40 will not ~ncrease as expected. The reason for the fee, Orange County Sanitation District officials explain, is simple - sewers in the Newport district are old, decrepit and badly in need of repair. North Star beach use ·vote due Schmitz fare well party on? _.Invitations out but senator's attendance doubted Her attorney, seeking to have the caae dismisaed, argued that courts and constitutional amendments in recent yea.rs have stncken requirements that public f>molovees must live m the same city or county where they work. But a Westminster attorney, representin~ Dutcher. contend~ at was "laughable" not to requtrt! judges as elected officials to meet residency requirements . "Because if you follow that (no reaidency rules), what happens t.o government 'of the people and by the people'," he asked. Wayne Sylvester, a samtatioo district spokesman, sa1d the reason the rate is not increasmg is because of unexpected low bada an construction costs Voters in Newport Beach will be asked in November to decide Yvhether muddy and aeldom-used North Star Beach should become nnore than t:!..h' muddy and HJdom-uted . ~ plan ia to establlah • public aquatic center at the Upper Mewport Bay strand for hwnan- powered craft such as k.ayaka aind canoes. North Star Beach now attnct8' an occasional fiaherman but little ebe. It is located on the west aide o f the bay. juat above Dov~r Shores. The water 11 contaminated and closed to a wlmming and shellfish coll~. Over "the years there have been several plans for putting the weedy beach to use. the most common idea being ~ use the strand as a dump si\.e for silt dredged out of Dover Shores. The slans all have been rejecte by various state or federal agencies. The aquatic center, which would be run by a non-profit 01rganiz.ation, must be put ~ a citywide vote because of a ctty charter rule that requires the city to get voter approval before l•easing any bayf.ront property. ,. North Star Beach is jointly o•wned by the cl ty and Orarule County. It is proposed that tfie beach be leased to the aquatic group for 25 years. Ron Whitley, Newport's parks, beeches and recreation director, auid dty and county officials will wait until after the election to put together details for the ocmter. He said it has not been d·edded how much the non-profit f:~. should pay for using the By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 'Of'" ... Delly Piiot 8taff The letters of invitation are out. But the question remains: Will state Sen. John Schmitz, alleged to be the father of two 'illegitimate children, attend an Aug. 10_ farewell pu:ty at Sacramento's poah Sutter Oub? Judge orders 1'4-dog owner to quiet them A Co&ta Mesa woman who says her "family" includes 14 dogs, three rabbits, two cats and a duck was ordered Thursday by a Harbor Municipal Court judge to solve the noise problem that has dlaturbed neighbors. Alberta "Birdie" Moore waa cited June 8 by city animal control officen at her home along the 200 block of Flower Street for failing to have dog licenses, having more than the allowable four dogs, keeping livestock and unsanitary conditions. Harbor Municipal Court Judge Frances Munoz ordered the 52-year-old woman to obtain permits for the livestock animals, licenses for the dogs and control the barking-dog problem by Aug. :W. At that time the judge is expected to rule also on the numt>er of animals and the cleanliness of the premises. Ms. Moore, who moved into the home May 20, said she obtained dog licenses after the citation. She said she applied for pennlts for the rabbits Thunday. "I don't want to stay here if I can help it," said Ms. Moore. "I'll have to move. Even if I get it down to one dog they'll complain." Ms. Moore said she has been (Sff BARKING, Pase A%) BUSINESS Money supply drops NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Reserve reporteti this afternoon the nation•s money supply (M-1) fell $800 mlWon the latest reporting period. NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -Preaident Reagan said today the United States will dilcull with tJie Soviet Union a pcw£ble one-year extemion and expans,lon of ~ two nationt' ara1n 18lee agreement. But ~e did not flatly approve a continuation of the pact and ruled out, at leMtfor now, any new. long-term deal. TAK credits tor women? Schmitz, a Newport Beach Republican, has yet to be aeen or heard from since the July 21 disclosure by a Tustin woman that he was the father of her 13-month old 90n and month-old daughter. I.ronical.ly. at wu that ume day that one state Ml\lltor, A northern California Republican, received an invitation to the $1,000-per-per90n Aug. 10 party. Said Schmitz in the letter on o!ficial stationery: "You are undoubtedly aware that I will soon complete my second tour of duty in the ttate Senate. My departure aa you well know, is strictly voluntary." Schmiu' term ends thia year and because of reapportionment plans, much of hLS repre9ented area is assigned to a new diatrict that will not elect a new senator until 1984. Schmitz, 51, set his sights this year on winning the Republican nomination for a California U.S. Senate seat. He lost. "I grabbed for the brass ring and fell off the carousel horae," the invitation said. "I believe my pending exit from the shrine of rightenousness we call the Capitol should be a festive occasion marked by good humor, City's 'wet streak' ends WAYN~BURG, Pa. (AP) - Sunny skies dampened "Rain Day" festivities m this southwest Pennsylvania town, where the lack of a single drop of rain snapped a six-year wet streak. It has rained here every July 29 for the last six years, and 93 times in the last 107 yean. But no rain fell Thuraday. John Daily, who carried a red and white umbrella in hopes of a drizzle, lost a golf hat in a wager that the tradition would hold. COUNTY excellent spirits and much camaraderie. The use fee was approved this week by Sanitation District directors. "Thus a generoiu area of the Sutter Club on 9th Street has been raerved for Tuesday, Aug. 10, between 5 and 7 p.m . for this indelible event." &li&abeth Beelar, a Schmit% aide, aaid the Aug. 10 party will be held deapite the dlacloaurea reprdina her tx.. She declined to aay how many people were invited, but did confirm that a $1,000·per -peraon donation Is being requested. Elect.ion eodes now require a judicial candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she la running for at least 54 daya prior to the election. The sanitation district takes in most of Newport Beach and a slice of Costa Mesa. The fee appears on property tax bills. The sewer use fee was adopted last year following a massive st:wer spill that dumped five million gallons of untreated sewage into Newport Harbor. That money, other sources ~• d be uaed to defray ou debta rema~·· in ' 1 78 campaigJ) f Judge Harrold has claimed st:ie lived ln a $2-million home in Newport Beach deeded to her by her grandmother, Arylne Lanada!~ of Westminster . She clai med t.he deed was ~Rnecj in early 1982, according t.o Harrold'• teattmony. She said she began living there in late February of this year. The sewer main rupture focused attention on the state sewers in the city which sanitation officials acknowledged ia bad and getting worse. A $~ million multi -year rehabilitation plan was developed. Sylvester says the district saved money, though , when construction bids on several legs of the rehabilitation project came in under district estunates. Aalytd lf Schmitz wc{ul the party, Mn. Beelar)sai .<1'1 don't know." ~ ~ The . question of when that -ieed actually was signed has become a major issue In the case. Spare the tree limbs CdM resident upset over city clipping By STEVE MARBLE Of'""'9 D9lr ,... .... When it comes to tree trimming, John Johnson figures his old Corona del Mar neighborhood gets the short end of the deal. A fonner lcience teacher, Johnson aays he's Sone out on a limb several times in an effort to get city trews to change their tree-trtmmina habits. A resident of eucalyptus.-llned Naret.us Avenue, Johnson claims the dty trims the flowering trees too cloeely, too frequently and at the W1"0Nt time of the year. He clAima the crews sweep throu.gh his neighborhood each year, lopping off branches rtcht and left, just about the time the t.reee are set to bloom. And if that's not bad enoush. Johnson say. the trimmers start whack.ins pff limbs juat aa birds are starting to neat in the branches. "The nests and the little birds usually come right down with the branchn," he explains. He claims the birds are gettmg wise to the city's trimming routine and are starting to turn up their beaks at old Corona de! Mar "We just don't have many birds in Corona del Mar anymore," he adds. "And this as the city where they went to a lo' of trouble to save a little osprey that nested on the mast of someone's boat." City officials say they 're not unsympathetic to Johnson's tree trimming concerns but point out they stepped up their trimming rouliQe following complaints that city arbors were starting to block views. They also point out that the crews have to be IOlneWhere in early summer and Corona del Mar just happens to be it. "Well, why did they even bother to put in these beautiful flowering trees then?" responds Johnaon, who cia.ims crews struck again this week on his atreet. "One day the street is like a huge bouquet of red blooms and the next day they're gone. I think it's idiotic." INDEX County jobleBB rate at 7% At Your Service A4 Buat.ne. B4-3 Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Public N?ticel Spcll'1a ' A7 Weekender B4 A3 C7-8 Cl-8 A7 Orange C.Ounty•a unemployment rate spurted to 7 percent in June, nearly a tbc-year high but ltill below state and national joble. ficures. Lons wallc down coast Pa.ing ~h Laguna Beech UU. week was a Canadian walkln1 from Britlah Columbia to Araentlna. Page 81. · A nightclub tor ldda Circus. Ctrcua II • nl&htl3lub wbne you an carded and if you are over 21 , you're turned away. Weekender. OCC's '~mues' 'deliYen .. The Oranae CoW\~ COMt ~ oroduetiari Of 11Proml1ei, P-roml1n • 11 a cla11y rtttle ahow. Weekender. Cavaio.de A7 a..tfled Dl-6 Comica 82 era.wont 82 De.th Notlcea C7 l'.ditorial A8 Entert.alnrMnt Weekender H1 Gardner A7 oarcs.nm, AB Hmaeopri A7 In~ Weekender SPORTS Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Mar~ TelevWon Tbeaten Weather World Newt B& TVLoc Weekender Al AJ ' . . ~'~·::::~o='="========~O~r~~ioe~~OOllt====OA~tL=Y=~~L=O=T/=~==~=·~~~~~::::=z:=:::~:=:::===;::=::::::==:=.::::~~==~~~~~~----~~-----------::-::-...... ~·- New chancellor ------MM.-0...WAY ., $AJUOKA PROPOSAL -Two l l·1tory ~ and one "!4·storv buildina. to be built in a teetion of Sakiok.a property facing the point where Sakioka Drive intersects J\nton, '&ulevard, would be the f l..rat phase of South Cout Metro stories BARKING PROBLEM • • • \(hable to find homes for her 8ets. U neceeury she will place ~of the remaining eight doo in kenneb ln order to compf y Mth city ordlnancet, ahe saJd. ~ Jane Dellagrotta, a paralegal lll!Cl'etary wttt. the city attorney'• office, said that the city has received numerous complalnta from nehrhbon regarding noile. "TheTr~ still complaining," she said. JUDGE HARROLD ... 0 •The deed was not recorded . Owen refu1ed to grant Wltil May 17, 1982. Harrold has ~unity to a notary public who Ulltified she wu only following u:'volved ~ Fifth. ~~nt her grandmother's instructions in nghts agatnst seli·lnC'J1JtWlation placing the Nov. 30 date on the when she wu called to testify on ~t claim deed. the notarization on the deed. " J. Council action The Newport Beach City Council voted this week to: • •Adopt a law 'banning businesses from having electronic video games within 1,500 feet of schools and 100 feet of homes and prohibit youths under 18 from using the 1 games during school hours. •Ban resort time·share condominiums within the city. •Order the destruction of the Palm Street Hotel, , gutted by fire recently, as a public nuisance. tt •Ask voters in November whether North Star Beach ;~ on the Upper Newport Bay should be leased out as an aquatic center for non-motor powered ho.ta. :' •Request the city Planning Commission to study a • long-simmering dispute over building heights and setback · requirements on Kings Road. .. - Center lf approved Monday night by Costa Mesa City Council. The project site, largest chunk of undeveloped land ln the city, lies east of South Coast Town c.enter along the San Otego Freeway. Council to consider high-rise proposal By JODI CADENHEAD 0( .... 0.-, ......... A project that would see six buJldlnga rising from 10 to 14 1torles above what is now bean.fields alona the San Diego Freeway -the largest chunk of undeveloped land left in Costa Mesa -will go before the City Council Monday. T he proposal by Curci· England Co. to build 1.3 million square feet of commercial development on 46 acres of Sakloka-owned land east of South Coast Plaza Town Center already has been approved by the Planning Commission. Officials for the Torrance- based company said they would plan to begin construction of the project, South Coast Metro 'Center, next March. "I think it will enhance the character and visibility of Costa Meu tremendously." said Councilman Donn Hall. "I think it's advan tageous to keep (high rise development) to a single area of the city.'' he said. South Coast Plaza Town Center, located west of tht- propose d project. already includes several high me offioe buildinp and the 17-story South Coast Plaza Hot.el. The first phase of South Coast Metro Center along the north 11de of San Diego Freeway. between Anton Avenue and Avenue of the Arts, calls for two ll·story bulldinp. one 14-story building and parking for 2.252 cars. The second phase would mclude two 10-story b.uildings and one l 4·story buildinR with several parking 1tructures providlng spaces for 1,868 cars. Planning commissioners suggested last month that the structures in the second phue either be scaled down or relocated. The City Coundl will meet at 6 :30 p .m . In the Council Chambers at 77 Fair Drive, Co.ta Mesa. Cease-fire shattered by Israelis By Tile A11oclated Pre11 Israeli jets and gunboats bombarded guerrilla-held west Beirut today, shattering the U.S .·mediated cease-fire after presidential envoy Philip C. Habib reportedly failed to get a commitment from the PLO to leave Lebanon. The barrages started at about 4 p.m. (7 a.m. PIYI'), and the Tel Aviv command said: "The Israel Defense Forces does not see it.self committed to keeping a one-Slded ~ase-fire." It said the guerrillas had breached the ceaae--flre that went into effect Wednesday by launching mortars at braeli posltioM Thursday and firing Katyusha rockets and small arms today. . -------------------------------------------------------~ The bombardment followed a 20-minute artillery duel between Israeli forces and the PLO fighters near Beirut's paralyzed international airport. Palestinian gunners opened fire at the dlvebomblng Israeli jets but none waa seen hit. Fair and sunny Temperaturea NATION .. Le ,.. 7S 51 S7 85 84 13 4.07 IO 85 .60 90 74 12 ee 100 78 " a 82 81 " 7f .oa 71 .. n ee 83 ee 97 78 78 58 71 5a .01 7S .. 91 71 .. ,.., ., 71 .7a 82 N .10 84 ... 84 ee f2 '° .. 1' ... , 11 IO 93 71 12 eo 85 51 .11 82 S1 78 82 St 58 .IM M 70 78 53 79 51 " ... ..... " 78 14 IO .03 Ma 12 74 11 n 72 51 ,.., ,. PW-We-s.r,,c;e 'l.OAA u S 0.01 ol Comm•<-• Fronts: Cold ...... Warm ..., Occluded ~ 12 76 31 84 17 a 74 7t 54 .oe ... 72 .01 13 IO to 74 .01 .. 71 103 .. .,. 59 71 53 15 58 11 eo 71 73 .01 77 51 82 83 100 75 17 58 u 73 .01 la 54 .. 72 .. 79 53 71 M 01 .. .. 75 53 If M F,_ Lencut• ~~ Mon1erey NeedlM OelclMCI PMO Roblee Red 81ufl R4ldwood Cl1y Reno Seer amen to Sllllnu s.,,~ Sen Freoc:leoo Sent• Barb.,. Senta Metle 8tocllton TMm'lel Ulllell e.r.tow BIO e-BWIOCI C.tllllM (.Me'~ l.Ofl9 tM9Gft 103 105 17 102 112 113 71 105 104 n 94 97 55 80 58 711 73 101 111 102 105 84 101 n .. 13 73 78 70 68 71 M 53 57 4S e9 50 58 80 49 81 13 17 17 ! a r a~ I i P r I me M I n I at.-r Menachem Begin had told his Parliament AlfairS and Security Committee if there wa1 no negotiated solution soon, hrael would resume ita bombing of PT .0-held w~t Beirut or order an assault on the city, Armed Fvrces Radio reported. . ''We have laid down the1e realities before Mr. Habib frankly and we shall wait for the outcome of his efforts to take certain positions on the domestic and international levels." Wau.an is Lebanon's official intermediary between Habib and PLO chief Yasser Arafat. ' ., &ppointed at Sl:\ddleback 11 .. w.-. n.. ~t of WMhlnaton Stat•'• 'l'acoma Community ColJel9 WU named chanoellof of the Baddleback Communlt1 eon.a-Dt1trtct today. Dr. Larry P . Steven•, 47, laeed to take over the relnl of die two·oampu1 community colle1e dl1trlct, which 1erve1 eome 30,000 .iudentl, be8innlnJZ Sept. 13. Hia Mlary will be '85~ 000 a year. I Stevena replace1 Chancellor Robert A . Lombardi, who re1t1ned May U to pursue a l"Qfnaaement career ln private lnduatry. Lombardi, 49, 1ulded the Sadd.Jet.ck diltrict u Ill chief officer for more than half the diatrlct'• U·year hlltory. Lombardi joined the diltrict in September 1974. Steven•, who received hl1 doctorate ln education from Arizona State University in 1969, hu been president of Ta~ma 1lnce 1975 , Before hil appointment to the Washington campus, he was dean of instruction at Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, Ariz. "I am happy to be here, and be part of th1a excttinc educational ent.erpriM," Stevens aald, after being introduced thia morning during a preu conference by John Connolly. president of the Saddleback board of trustees. He aaid hil job at Saddleback will be to "reaaaert and reaffirm the ml&sion" of the community college. "We need to maintain our t•ommltment to general DellJ .......... "'" ... NEW CHANCELLOR -Dr. Larry P . Stevens, 47, fonnt!r president of Tacoma Community College Ji n Washington, has been nam•E-d chancellor of the Saddleback Community College District education, transfer education and th.at part of the curriclum that people tum tp," Stevens said. He added he would like to 1we the district work more close I Y w1th business and industry to provide relevant occupational and vocational programs The new c-hancellor 1s the brother or Lee Stevens. preside11 t of Golden West Coll ege 1n Huntington Beach Clev~land Coffey, developer, dies Private family services were held this week for longtime Newport Beach resident and developer Bertrum Cleveland Coffey Jr., who died July 23 at the ajfe of 63. Mi. Coffey, a regi1tered member of the Securities Exchange Commission who headed up the Abacus Mutual Fund Corp . In Newport, developed one of the first condominiums in New port Beach. A native of Idaho and a graduate of the University of Washington and the University of Southern California, he moved to the Harbor Area in 1957. He was active In developing apartmentl, offices and homes in Orange and Los Angeles counties. Mr. Coffey was active in the Founding Families of the J .C. Penny c.orp., an Ot'lanization of relatives of Ole founders of the nationwide retail chain. He 8erved as a member of the Navy Ball Committee and was a former treuurer of the National Education Inatitute, a non-profit group that produces education SUCCUMBS -Former Newport Beach deve loper Bertrum Coffey Jr. is dead at the age of 63. hlma on law enforcement. He was a member of the Board of the Child Guidance Clinic. He is survived by his wife, Helen Maudlin Coffey. and a aon, Duncan 1'4 time for a NEW SUIT! 14 '71 .. 107 ... .. 74 l4 ... 11 17 71 10 70 .12 .. 71 .. 72 Monr<Ma Mt. W1leon ~8Mcfl Onuwto 101 ... t1 81 71 u ts .. All Ladies Swimwear 11 ., t2 1t 1.10 •a .OI '° • • 12 If n SURF llPIRT AtrlNll , ..... •7 n 11 ,.., 17 11 17 .. Pelll"l Sprtnge 112 IO San lemlt'clno 102 SI Sm of Wh~• 10 Olll (toll frH) IOr '-'"' llTI09 ~: ...... .... Orange COUMy: !IOO) ...._. l.OI Ant•IH County; (toO) 2'~ end Ian ll9rnnlno oountll9: (IOO) H7-4710 AOMD Epleode c.nMr: (IOO) 142-441N Tides t TOOAY hooncl IOw 11: 11 p.tll. u ~ llltfl t: .. p.m. 1.4 M'NMAY """ IOw l.07 a.m U = l:HLfl'\. ... IOW t:OI p.111. I .I ...... ftl4it.11'· ... tun -. todey • f:M p.111 .. ,.....,. .. aoaa.1t1. Mooll ,.. .., .. 4;04 '"'~ ...... ,,...&.lft ........ . ~ 20«r0 OFF FEATURING: Raisin , Sea Squirts, Connie Banko, Gotcha Toth & Yawah CRIMSON CLUB -Claiming redheads are a misunderstood minority, Stephen Douglas, 28, of Mission Viejo has organized 0.-, "°' ...... .., CMltM .... an international club. Members frequently add color to parades. If you qualify, the "red line" is 9~1-1023. t I • i Judge ~enied • request 1n residency case BY DA VJD &VTZMANN °' .. .,.., ......... A auperior court judge hat rejected •n \lt~mpt by West Oranae County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's attorney to have California'• residency requirements for jurlata declared unconstitutional. Judge Ronald Owen turned down the motion by attorney Eleanor Stemeer wt thou t comment Thursday during the fourth day of proceedi ng• to determine lf Harrold'• election victory on June 8 s hould be nullified. The legal pction was brought by Den Charles Dutcher, a Santa Ana attorney, who finished a diltant second to Harrold in the election but who claimed in his lawsuit the Westminster judge waa not a legal resid ent of Orange County. Harrold has claimed that she always considered herself a legal resident of the county even though she has owned homes in Riverside. Though it ia dated Nov. SO, 1981 the document ~y waa intentionally backdated when Harrold found out that Dutcher planned to make an ialut! of her living In Riverside. (See JUDGE, Pase AZ) -..) Newport's sewer fee stays sallJe Fo~ the second straight year, Newport Beach homeowners will have the distinction of belng the only Orange County resident. to pay an annual sewer use fee . The good news is that the annual fee of $26.40 wall not ,mcrease JIB expected. The reason for the fee, Orange County Sanitation District officials explain, i1 simple - sewers in the Newport district are old, decrepit and badly in need of repair. North Star beach use vote due Schmitz fare well party on? Her attorney, seeking to have the caae di.smiased, argued that courts and constitutional amendmenta in recent years have stricken requirements that public P.moloveee must live ii) the same aty or county where they work. But a Westminster attorney, repraent.l.nR Dutcher, contend~ it was "laughable .. not to requir~ judges as elected offictala to meet residency requi reme nts . "Because If you follow that (no residency rules). what happens to government 'of the people and by the people', .. he asked. Wayne S ylvester, a sanitatioft district s pokesman, saad the reason the rate is not increasing LS because of unexpected low bads in construcuon costs. Invitations out but senator's attendance doubted The use fee was approved th1.s w eek by Sanitation District directors. Voters ln Newport Beach will be asked ln November to decide whether muddy and aeldom-uaed North Star Beach should become more tban ~ a muddy and leldom-Ufed b. 'Ille plan la to ertabu.h a public aquatic center at tbe Upper Newport Bey strand for b~ powered craft such u kayaks and canoes. • North Star :ee.ch now att.racta an occaalonal fiahennan but little ei.e. It is located on the west side of the bay, juat above Dover Shore1 . The water i1 contaminated and closed to awimU\lng and shellfiah collectill$t. Over -the years there have been aeveral pl.am for putting the weedy beach to use. the most common idea being to use the 1trand aa a dump site for silt dredged out of Dover Shores. The slans all have been rejecte by vari?us state or federal agencies. The aquatic cen ter, which would be run by a non-profit ·organization, muat be put to a citywide vote because of a city charter rule that requires the city to get voter approval bef~ leasing any bayfront property. North Star Beach is jointly owned by the city and Orange County. It la proposed that the beach be leased to the aquatic C">UP for 25 years. Ron Whitley, Newport's parka, beacheti and recreation director, Mid dty and county official.a will wait until aft.er the election to put together details for the center. He said it has not been decided how much the non-profit C . ahould pay for using the By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of"tM 0.-, Not ..... The letters of invitation are out. But the question remai111: Will state Sen. John Schmitz, alleged to be the father of two illegitimate children, attend an Aue. 10 farewell party at Saciamcnto's posh Sutter Club! Judge orders 14-dog owner to quiet them A C.O.ta Mesa woman who says her "family" includes 14 doga, three rabbits, two cata and a duck waa ordered Thursday by a Harbor Municipal Court judge to 90lve the noise problem that has disturbed neighbors. Alberta "Birdie" Moore was cited June 8 by city animal control officers at her home along the 200 block of Flower Street for failing to have dog licenses, having more than the allowable four dogs. keeping livestock and unsanitary conditions. Harbor Municipal Court Judge Frances Munoz ordered the 52-year-old woman to obtain pennits for the livestock animals, llcenaes for the dogs and control the barking-dog problem by Aug. 30. At that time the judge Is expected to rule also on the number of animals and the cleanliness of the premises. Ms. Moore, who moved into the home May 20, said &he obtained dog licenses after the citation. She said she applied for permita for the rabbits Thunday. "I don't want to stay here If I can help it," said Ms. Moore. "I'll have to move. Even if I get it down to one dog they'll complain." Ms. Moore said she has been (Set BARKING, Pase A%) BUSINESS Money supply drops J NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Reserve reported thia afternoon the nation's money supply (M-1) fell $800 mll11on tbe latetrt reportlrt«i period. NATION W ASHIMOTON (AP) -Pre.ldent fteaaan said today the United Staie. will dilcull with the Soviet Union a pomble one-year extenaion and expanaton of the two nationl' grain aale9 agreement. But he did not Oatly •PPfOW a cooUftuat1on of the pact and ruled out. at leMt for now, any new, lona-tenn deal. ~ . \ Tax credits 1or women~ Schmitz, a Newport Beach Republican, has yet to be seen o'P heard from since the July 21 disclosure by a Tustin woman that he was the father of her 13-month old son and month-old daughter. ~y.lt'"'~t~day that one 8'ate .matot. a ncirtben'l California Republican, l:'t'lel!lved •n invitation to the $1,000-per-penon Au,. 10 party. Said Schmiu m the letter on official stationery: "You· are undoubtedly aware that I will soon complete my second tour of duty ln the state Senate. My departure u ye>u well know, is strlctly voluntary." Schmiu' term enda this year and becauae of reapportionment plans, much of his repre1ented area Is assigned to a new district that will not elect a n,w eenator until 1984. Schmitz, 51, set hia sights this year on winning the Republican nomination for a California U.S. Senate seat. He lost. "I grabbed for the brass ring and fell off the carousel hone," the invitation said. "I believe my pending exit from the shrine of r ightenousnesa we call the Capitol should be • festive occasion marked by good humor, City's 'wet streak' ends WAYNESBURG, Pa. (AP) - Sunny skies dampened "Rain Day" festivities in this 90uthwest Pennsylvania town, where the lack of a single drop of rain snapped a six-year wet streak. It has rained here every July 29 for the last six years, and 93 times in the last 107 years. But no rain fell Thunday. John Daily, who carried a red and white umbrella in hopes of a drizzle, lost a golf hat ln a wager that the tradition would hold. COUNTY excellent spirits and much camaraderie. "Thua a generous area of the Sutt.er Club on 9th Street bas been reserved for Tuesday, Auf. 10, between 5 and 7 p.m. for thl.9 indelible event." Elisabeth Beelar, a Schmitz aide, Mid \he Aug. 10 party will ~ held despite the di8closutt9 reptd1na her bom. She declined to say how many people were invited, but did confirm that a $1 ,000-per-person donation is being requested. Election codes now require a judicial candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she ia running for at least 54 days prior to the election. The sanitation district takes m most of Newport Beach and a slice of Costa Mesa. The fee appears on property tax bills. The sewer use fee was adopted last year following a massive sewer spill that dumped five million gallons of untre•ted sewage lnto Newport Harbot-. That money, other sourcea aaid, would be used to defray outatanding debts remaining in Schmitz' 1978 campaign fund. Judae Harrold has claimed she Uved In • $2-mllllon home in Newport ~h deeded to her by her grandmother. Arylne Lanada!~ of Westminster. She claimed the deed was IUmed in early 1982, according to Harrold's t.esumony. She said the began living there in late February of t.hls year. The s e wer main rupture focused attention on the ai.te sewers in tne ci ty wh ich sanitation officials acknowledged i. bad and getting wone. A $5 mJlfion multi-year rehabilitation plan was developed. Sylvester says the district saved money, though, when construction bids on 1everal legs of the rehabilitation project came in under district estJmates. Aaked if Schmitz wQU!d attend the party, Mrs. Beelar said. "I don't know." The question of when that -teed actually was signed has become a major issue in the case. Spare the tree limbs CdM resident upset over city clipping By STEVE MARBLE Of"IM 0.-, N9e 9Wf When it comes to tree trimming, John Johnson figures his old Corona del Mar neighborhood gets the short end of the deal A former !lcience teacher, Johneon says he's gone out on a limb several time. in an effort to get city crews to change their ttte- trimrning habits. A resident of eucalyptua-llned Naret.us Avenue, Johnson claims the city trims the flowering trees too cloeely, too frequently and at the wrong time of the year. He claims the crews sweep through his neighborhood each year, lopping off branches right and left, just about the time the trees are aet to bloom. And if that's not bad enough, Johnlon says the trimmers start whacking off limbs just H birds are starting to neat In the branches. "The nests and the little birdl uaually come right down with the branchea." he explains. He claims the birds are getti.ng wise to the city's trimming routine and are starting to tum up their beaks at old Corona del Mar. "We just don't have many birds in Corona del Mar anymore," he adds. ''And thia is the city where they went to a lot of trouble to save a little osprey that nested on the mast of someone's boat." City officials say th ey'r e not unsympathetic to Johnson's tree trimming concerns but point out they stepped up their trimming routine following complaints that city arbors were starling to block views. They also point out that the crews have to be 90mewhere ln early summer and Corona del Mar ).lat happens to be ft. "Well, why did they even bother to put In these be.utiful flowering trees then?" responds Johnaon, who cialma crews struck agaln th.la week on his street. "One day the street is like a huge bouquet. of red blooms and the next day they're gone. I think It's idiotic." INDEX ·County jobless rat.eat 7% Ann Landen A 7 Movies Weekender .Mutual Funda 84 At Your Servtc.-e A4 Buat.ne9 84·5 Orange County•s ~ployment rate spurted to 7 percent in June. nearly a ax-year high but •till below state and national jobleta fieures. Lons walk down coast PUiing throwrh Laguna Be.ch thJ. week was a Canadian walkln1 from Brltl1h Columbia to Argentina. Pap Bl. A ~ishtclub lor kids CJ.rcua Circua ii a ntahtclub where you are catded and it you are over 21, you're turned aw•y. Weekender. NatioMl Newa A3 Public Noticee C7-8 Spotta Cl-6 Dr. Stelnc:rohn A? Stock Ma.rkeia ~ Te1evfalon TV Los 'IbeaW'I Weekender W•tblr A.2 Wotld Newt AS Cavalcade A7 Cl.lllllfled Dl.6 c.omM:a m en.word B2 Deatb Noti<:ea C7 Ed.ltoril.l A6 l'.lnienatnment Weekender Hy Gvdnel' A7 ~ A8 Hor.cope A7 lnwmlllloa Weekender Sl-'ORTS l ' I r I. I :w ••• • n·. » , .•. 11.1 ,, ' •• ),af ]4 11 '• 1)1 ' • .. • I 10'• 110 14 • 41S I '• 1, j 74 '· 1l7 •8 • \"8 l''• 4 .,. 1 '''• l\'1 JO'.. •• ~. '• . '• • ,, ~ "" ..... .,. .... '· .. ,.. '• 2t .. lS' to•• I , .. ll ,, 110•. .... 11 1•"• .. I • 11·. ,, "'• l ..... '• 10 I• I\ I'"'-... ,. 1'"'-'• .... , I• •)4 10· • .... ~IJ J1'e • '• .U 1 II t I. II Sii ,, .. • ~. tJI 10•• • •_. I 1.01 21... I I so.. ..... ... n ....... • '• 10 6'• 9 in •• '" , 74+ J • I t 62\ ,,,,. • I~ ll'o• • '" ,., ... ~ l1. l'• U't f)I\ , ••• ,, . l't .... . .. 40 50 " • 'n '• )Ir ' 1 Ii' 1 1• • .. 1• 91. \\ )t)t,. • lO ·~ • .., t)• .... 1') ll •• .. .. • ., .. •un • '• ,,, .. \ 1"'1 1•'• -. ..,,. '°'' . ,,, , .... ,.,,, ., J •I ' ~d '• .... ,.,.. ,.,. •• 1 • 1'101• t • .. lO. n • .. • • a .. ""'M'-" I 1"\ • ~ 'I t ... I •. , I ,, ••'· -I• I• • ,. ,. . . •1• t1 • ... 4'• Ill 1) • \ II) I ~ , ... .. , '''• .. 1i •S • , .. ··~· . 'I ... 1 n •• tO 1•'•. • Ill .... .. I\ ~ • • u ••. ' Ill\ '' • 11 ... "' ,. ... t P tSj'l. i. \ 10'1 .. \ ,., ... 11• .... n 10-. " ,, ~ •& •• II) '"' 11 lOll \1 lO •n ' ... t1'l tlO 111'1 J to) "' '"~ I\ •-. •'• ... 11' I '1 s 1. • JO •• t • I tt • ... • '• •'• . •• 1 .. 111 1 ,,,, ).rl • 'J S4t ) • 'J tJ '.' 10' .. .. ,, .... . ' Commerce Bank eyes office An application by Newport Beach-baaed Commera!Bank to eat.abllah a regional offi~ In Long Beach has been approved by the State Banking Department. The r~ulred Certificate of Authority will be issued folloWlJl8 approval by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The date for opening Long Beach operationa I.a under oo.nsideratlon by the board of directors. CommerceBank is Ul its thlt'd year or business with assets over $70 million. Earnings proj ecte d <I Alpha Microsyswms of lrvine says it will earn approximately $1.3 million, or ~ cents per share, for the fiscal year ending Feb. 28, 1983. In filcal 1982, the company earned $1 .5 million, or 64 cents, shareholders were told Thursday. Alpha Micro designs. manufactures and markets microcomputers for business and professionaJ use. NB firm 's re venues down Newport Ph.annaceuUcals International lnc. or Newport Beach reported an operating loss for the fiscal year ended April 30. Revenues for fi9ca.J 1982, were $9,567.000, a decrease of 9 percent. The company reported a loss or $430.000 from continuing operations, or 5 cents per share. compared to~ profit of $807.000, or 10 cents. m rLSCal 1981 Standard-Pac dividend d eclared Standard-Pacific Corp. of Costa Mesa declared the regular quarterly cash dJvidend or 5 cents per share of common stock for the third quarter. The dividend will be payable Oct 15 to stockholders of record Oct. 4. Douglas gets Air Force pact The Air Force has awarded a $31.6 million contract to Douglu Aircraft Company, Long Beach. a division of McDonnell Douglaa G:orporation, for a ~arch and development program on the C -17 transport deSign. . Anaheim S&L earnings up Anaheim Savings and Loan Assoc1at1on's net earnings after proviaions for taxes for June were $316,586 as compared to earnings of $39.032 in May. This was the fifth comecutive month m which the association showed a profit. On July 1, Anaheun opened a Seal Beach office. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT METALS f\IEW YORI( (API -Spot nooterro..o1 !Mlel pric. !Oday • Co..-r 7~15 cenll a Pound. US O..tln&llone lb ~ 2•21 OW!tl • pounel a. 37-40 cerltl. pounel, ~. Tiii se 1911 Melat• w.-oomooait• ~ 78-71 cent.I a OOUnC1 N Y ..._., $350 00-$370.00 pat flMlc .....,._ 128' 00·1290 00 1roy ounce. H.Y. SILVER Ha,.dy a Harman, $0,580 par Hoy ounc:ie. GOLD QUOTATIONS .,n..A~ltreat Selec19d WOl'ld gold prleat I0<11y; La ntlan1 mor"'"O fixing. 13.42 6b. unchenged. LMldaft: llft•noon na1ng $342.90, QP 9040, ttwe.: aftttnoon 0•1"11: '340 07. off It. 11, FnMltwt: ftlllnQ. $348 IO, up 1$.07.· lllfkftl .. ,. afternoon 1343.00, QP t t.211 1*1: U0.75 u«ad. ~ a M-: only dalty q~e ISQ,IO, up I0.40 • "=' ...... om, d.ily quot• IS42.t0, 40 • up ·r °"" delly Ill'* tw.bl1Clltd PIO. • llP IO.U. ·..,