HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-31 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 ClllT By DAVID KUTZMANN Of'ttlel)altJ ..... llall Oran1e County cou rt admint.trator1 aaid Friday they are litdinl for an "avalanche" of criminal caaee .:heduled to come to trial Monday under provWON o! recently approved Propoe.ation 8, the llO-C&lled Victims Bill of Rights. Irvine Co. seeking speedup By STEVE MARBLE Of' tM Daltr "'°' ltaff The Irvine Company, claimmg a lawsuit filed by an environmental group is holding up development of the Irvine Coast, has filed legal documents asking that the case be heard promptly or thrown out of court. Th e Newport Beach development firm, which filed the documents in Orange County Superior Court late Friday, wants the case set for trial thts fall or dismissed no later than Nov. 8. At issue is a lawsuit filed by the Fnends of the Irvine Coast against the Irvine Company, the California Coastal Commission and Orange County government. The suit ia aimed at turning back an approved land use plan for the 10,000-acre Irvine Coast property, a now-largely vacant chunk of coastal land midway between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. "Things are at a standstill," comme nted Thomas Nielson, Irvine Company senior vice president. "It's time to lift the cloud one way or another. "The case is without merit, but as long as it remains unre90lved by the court, no one can move forward witb any program, public or private, to open up further access to the Irvine Coast." Fem Pirkle, president of the environmental group. denied that h e r group i1 1lowing proc:::eedinp. She aid attorneys f.or the group have been waiting more than &ix months to collect needed records and tral\ICripta from the coaatal oommi.alion. "The Irvine Company ia just trying to harasa us," she 8ald. "They're hoping that if they force the issue, we'll run out of money." She said she sees no reason why the Friends won't be ready to go to court this fall. (l(l•lliJl\l I\ I> 11 I•• The CUii were all echeduled for trial ln June, ju.I\ atw voten approved the controveulal lnlU.Uve. Juat what Monday'• doubled cHel-ad ac\ually foretell1, however, turned out to be a matter of dlveraent opinion Friday. For Superior C.ourt Judp Lula . ._... ·-· ---------.. Cardenal, the count1'• crelld1Nr criminal~ Judft. iMre wai \he problem of fiftdJ.na enoulh courtrooma '° try the QleS. "U we took every .tudp ln the cou.rthou8e and had cnem handle thne caaet, we 1till wouldn't have en<>U1h judae9," Cardet\&I aald. It is estimated that SS felony cuH are acheduled for trial Monday. about double the nonnaJ number. The rea1on for thh ta Propo1ltlon 8'a virtual prohJbldona on plea barpinlna, which once allowed prwecuton and defen1e attomeyw to 1ettle cum without a trial. Under Propoeltlon 8, Chief The development plan for the Irvine Cout , put t ogether by Orange County planners and the Irvine Company, calls for nearly two-thirds of the ooastal property to be preserved as open space. SOME SPREAD -Quilt maker Joan Littlefield of Irvine is surrounded by her craft at the Irvine Historical Society museum. Mrs. .,.., ......... .,,...,~ Littlefield is a quiltmaking instructor at Orange Coast College. The plan, approved by the coastal commission, would permit the development firm to build 2, 000 estate -type h omes, 1,500 hotel rooms as well as some office structures. Quiltmaker wrapped up • in fun ~ American tradition preserved, passed on by instructor The Friends, who object to what they see as intense hlgh- rise development on the coast, argue the Irvine Company, the co unt y and the coastal oommislion made environmental mlatakea in preparing a nd approving the plan. Nielson said the claims are without merit and accused the Friends of "dragging this on long enough.'' · Attorneys for the Irvine Company, in their l egal document said the Frlendl want to pt their hands on the entire coutllne, open it to the public and not compensate the Irvine Company. N ATION By GLENN 8COTI' Of ... DllY ......... To Joan Littlefield of Irvine, a quilt ia more than a blanket. more than an assortment of fabric 8Crapa and tru.da. men than a mowf1ake of unlqumMm. A quilt. to her, ia one of the few remnantl In modern life that carries with It the universal promhle of friendlhlp, •hartnl and tradition. Mom, ~pie pie and the American .n., have noth1nc on qUilta. Mom. in t.:t. ~ OWD1 a ff!W. ~ pe apolla; quilll lmprove with ap. And the flag? Patriotic Betsy Steel union nixes givebacks Pfl"l'SBURGH (AP) -The United Steelworken union on Friday rejected st.eel Industry demandl for • renegotiated contract that would have aaved beleaguered producers bUllon1 ln pay-benefit conoeasiom. Governor 're-appears' OLYMPIA, Wuh. (AP)..-W~'1 Oov. John Spellman, who mystlfled ca~tal wa~ by "dllappeartnc'' th1a week, dlctn•t p a!lr.JfheN 1pedal. He pun.Nd ..-ound ~ boU took lri tome ball pmel and Jud. Rosa probably couldn't have patched t.otrether' the first ltarl and ltripea bad ahe not been a quiltmaker too. Littlefield, a qulltmak:J inlltrUCtOI' at Oranp Coelt Coutllne Community collepa, ~.:=~= muaeum with curator Ann• Johmon. It i• open Tunday1 frcm 10 a.m. to & p.m. at 1eMt throuahA~ Wiih dau1hter Sharon and other mother-ctauahter teama frcm the locill chapter of the National Charity -.,U., lhe hM decorated the f:t1eY im..um ao I' STATE offer relldenia of the count)"• newest city a pece of. their pMt. Varioua kindl of quilia are on ~:~lay. Brief note1 explain ~ between pak:bwodt and appllque varieties and klen~ tndltlooal pah!ml auch ae Grandmother'• Flower Garden, Whi1 Roae, Double WeddJna Rina. Fan and Crazy Patchwork. LUtlefleld, a former elementary lclMd te9chel' who took up qulltma'"na a decide .,.,. aid a detinlte ~ bM ta.km pl8ce in quiltmaklDC. She 1peculated lt ia a quiet (See QUILT, Pqe A!) Two Saturn rinp ice cliunh SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -At least two of Saturn'• three •t:Unninl rinp mt made of Ice chunks which apparently are the remnania of 10lar 1ynem fonnation, a Stanford ldeftuat ltld Friday. Feinstein turns in~ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Mayor Dianne Fetrwwtn turned ln her h.mldaun to pollCe Friday, two da)'I after lt became w.ja1 'fof lnolt SU Francl8cana to own tueh a w~. ..,,. .... 0 Ylll lllEllll IAllY Ml .. Deputy Di.strict Attorney James Enrlaht uld Friday . the percentaae of c.uea overall which 80 to trlAl will do\.tble from about 11 percent to "20 percent. The oth~ 80 eercent will •till be settled throUgh pleu en\ered by defendants, he said, although no tentence bargaining would be allowed. • Worryln1 Cardenat, and F.ivlght aa well. ii the pcmibWtj that a t.c:klOI of CMee will oocut and that an undetermined number of triala won't be hel,d within the at.atutory 60-day t1mt limit from arraignment. : While Enright aaid he didn'' fear any maaa dWnilaa1 of CUMS (See PROP. 8, Pase A!) : ' . • Decision put of I i . on Bolsa plan By PATRICK J. KENNEDY o< ttle DellJ ...,. ..... California Coa1ta l Commiuioners have postponed consideration of Orange County's development plan for the Bolsa Chica marsh near Huntington Beach to allow furth e r negotiations on plan provislons. The commission's 7-5 decwon Friday came af\er Robert Fisher. county planning director, threatened to withdraw the cou nt y 's plan unle1s commissioners postponed action until November or December. He said h e believed the commission would reject the plan and that he wanted more time to negotiate with commission staff. Fisher then offered -on condition of a favorable vote to postpone action -to urge Orange County supervisors to drop their support of a pending bW that would strip the coastal board of authority over the 1,600-acre marsh area. Michael Fischer, executive direc tor of the coastal commi¥ion, also recommended postporilng action becauae he aaid that earlier thla month he'd reached agreement with county officials to continue negotiationf to overcome differences. • Although bo th county an~ commission officials aaid the two government agencies are comlAI closer to agreement on many parts of the plan, commiulon direct.or Fischer said he expected no agreement on marshland development, which the commission staff oppoees. He said penodic public briefin& sessions would be held to report progress of the private telSiona. He said the commission ltaff recommends rejection of the county 's pla n because of proposed houses and a boat marina in a lowland portion of the Bolsa Chica. The 1,200-acre lowland lection has been identified by the state Fish and Game Department as a wetlands wildlife habitat. Lorraine Faber. president of the Amigos de Bolaa Chica environmental group, .aid Friday she was di1appointed by the county's political maneuvers, which s h e said forced the postponement of a dedlion. She said the Amigos group, which supports preservation of <See DECISION, Pase A!) Fed cuts discount rate to 11 WASHINGTON (AP) -For the teCOnd time in two weeks, the Federal Re9erve Board voted Fl1day to lower its di9count rate, the interest rate it chargea on Joana to member banks and other institutions. The new decline In the rate f:roro 11 ll\ percent to 11 percent followed a reduction last week from 12 percent. The new rate, effective Monday, ls the lowest since November 1980. Reaction from the Reagan administration was quick and favorable. In a statement distributed by aides, Treasury Secretary Donald T. ,8eg.an said, "l am pleased to 1ee this reduction in the di9count rate." "Reducing interest rates la always welcome news and Is in ·line with our expectations." he said. ''This should be even more weloome news to merchants and consumers." Shortly after the Fed'• move, Mellon Bank of Pittlburgh, the nation'• 15th largest bank. cut ill prime lending rate to l~ percent, the low est level for the key borrowi ng charge sinc e November 1980. T he industry had moved to a 15.5 percent prime earlier this week. A Federal Reserve statement on the c~ aaid the reduction was voted 'ln light of market intere1t rate. and relatively restrained money growth." Along with the prime, other 1hort-term lntere1t rates have been falling. INDEX Claaa1fied Cl-6 Comlcl C2 Comment B6 ere.word C2 Death Notices C3 Entertainment 810-11 Movi• 810-11 Public Nodcee B8,C3 WORL D percent The Fed'a discount r•te reduction, by Itself, will not immediately tranala\e into lower private rates. But it could eventually have aome eff«t since it will lower borrowing costs for short-term loan• from the Federal Reserve by banks. savings and loan UIOdatioos and other financial inltitutiona. Woman dies of accident • • • 1n1ur1es A 29-year -old Canadian woman who was struck by an auto while crossing a Huntington Beach street lalt Saturday died Friday of injuries 1he suffered ln the mishap, police aid. Kim Elizabeth McEachern. an O n tario resident who waa vis1 . Huntington Beach with he~-year -old aon, waa pronounced dead at 12:54 p.m. at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. She was struck while ~ Beach Boulevard at Yorktown Avenue after making a purma. at a fast food res taurant. Witnesses told police the driver of the auto, Michael Kevl,n Boyce, 28, of Redondo BMch, hid a green U1ht at the time of the oolllsion. Rellgton B9 Sparta 81-4 Televtaion 812 Thea ten 81()..11 Trivia 811 Weather A2 Youth B7 Orange Oout DAILY PIL.OTllaturday, ~ 11, 1111 PROP. 8 CRUSH .•. he -.Id the law would not allow him to refile char1e1 on defendanta a.Uowwd to ao tree. ''We're Wat.china thoM thtnp carefully," tht' proeecutor aaid of the Ume Umit altuatlon. Accordln1 to the law, a defendant can lns1tt that hla or her cue come to trial within 60 day. of arnianmenl When the 6oth day arrives, the judge can contact the Callforrua )udldal c.oundl in San Francbco to see if a jurist from another county can be re-assigned to hear the case. This could lead to an extension on the Ume Umlt of from five to 10 day., offlclals said. But Cardenas said he is worried that the number of cues awaiting trial, and nearing the 60-day time Umlt, will begin to snowball. He estimated Friday that between U and 20 cases could pcmilSly be tried next week out ... of 55. That would leave 35 cases still pending a week from Monday when roughly another 50 cues come up for trial. That situation, he said, would put the superior courts 85 cases behind. That means more courtrooms would have to be tet uide for criminal work and that civil cuet, where there ii alrudy a 10,000-cue backlo1. would b4t stven lower priority. Orance County currently hu 47 superior court Judaea in Santa Ana. Fonnally, 10 ju<lgea handle the c:rlmina1 cueload. Since Propoaltlon 8 waa approved in June, extra judje9 have been added to the crim1na1 panel, although only el1ht courtrooms were beinl Wied th.la past week for trials becauae many juriata were on vacaUon. Proposition 8 could atlll turn out to be only a temporary inconvenience if the atate Supreme Court rules that ft is unconstitutional. The state high court has already heard oral ar~nta on the matter. 'We're looking at it from the position that we have to make It work," Enright said of his office's response to the situation. 0 r a n g e Co u n t y P u b tic Defender Ronald Butler said his attorneys would have to decide on a case-by-case basis how they would handle situation• involving the 60-day time limJt. DECISION DELAYED ... the 1,200-acre lowland, had hoped the commissioners would officially designate that eection as protected wetlands. The county's proposal, five years ln the making, includes 5, 700 homes, an 1,800-alip boat marina, a 700-foot-wide ocean channel from the marsh through the state beach, and a 600-acre wet.lands systems (including 300 acres already owned by the state). The county proposal has the approval of Signal Landmark C.o., the major landowner of the Bolsa Chica. The Bolsa Chica is bordered by Huntington Beach on three aides and the Pacific Ocean on the fourth. It's located south of Warner Avenue along the inland of Pacific Coast Highway. Currently, it's undeveloped and includes a 200-acre state wetlands reserve and an inland oil field with about 200 wella. Following the -90-minute session. the county's Fisher said he'd been adviaed ~earlier this year by county coumel that he had authority to withdraw the county codtal plan. He aaid the county superviaors had been privately polled and agreed with his decision. U the plan had been withdrawn, Fisher said the county would have started the lengthy public hearing process on a new plan. The Bolaa Chica has bffn a center of dispute between pro- development for ce• and environmentalist groups foc the past decade. Commissioners were poised to finally vote on the issue Friday, when Fisher stepped forward and said he would withdraw the plan. Commissioner John Flynn, who had spoken earlier in favor of a decision, told Fisher he would favor postponement if the "county would drop ita legialative effort in Sacramento." The county, and Signal, support a bill by state Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypress, that would strip the commission of control over the Bolsa Chica. The bill is scheduled for the Auembly Energy and Natural Reeouroee Cxnmittee on Aug. 10. However, it's fallen short of the neceeaary votes on three previous occaaions. Commlnion chairwoman Naomi Schwartz, who voted against the postponement, aald ahe had '"9ttious problems" with It becaUBC! ahe said the addf ti'onal private negotiations would "be an erosion of the public hearing process.'' due state IY DAVID ~UTZMANN OftfleDallr ........ A YOUJ'\I woman whole U'lm were chopped off at the elbow four yeara ago by a raptlt will receive •13,000 in c::rlrM vSc1iml' benefit. from the aiate. Orange County Superior Court Judie Phlll!p A. Petty ruled Friday that Mary Bell Vincent, now 19, is entitled to $10,000 for loat wagea and $8,000 for rehabWtaUon purpoeee. GETTING READY Crews from 20 countries and 205 skippers are unloading their gear at the Alamitoe Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach for a pre-Olympic training regatta this ~,...,......., MIMfl......., weekend. Twenty Southern California Yachting Association clubs are 1taglng both the regatta and the 1984 Olympic yachting eventa. Petty ordered the state'• Board of Control to pay the money even though its lawyer• objected becau.e Miss Vincent, who wu 15 when she waa raped and mutilated, had no earning• history to jusUfy a damage award for lost wagea, they aaid. The young woman was assaulted ~ 1978 when the waa hitchhiking in the San Joaquin Valley. A merchant seaman was convicted of rapina her and then cutting off her forearms below the elbow, leaving her for dead. UCI prof opposes proposal to hike teens' working hours Miss Vincent live• in Laa Vegas and attends community college. Judge Petty, explainins his ruling Friday, said wa,ge hiatory Is an important criteria to be considered in awarding crime victima benefita, but it ii not the - only one. By GLENN SOOTf or .. ~,... .... UC Irvine profeaaor Ellen Greenberger• predicted Friday that a Labor Department proposal to increase working houn for 14-and 15-year-old youths will be taken to task during the next few weeka. Dr. Greenberger, a apecl.albt in adolMCent development. testified against the propoul th.la week at Two surrender in computer theft case Two Loe Angeles men have surrendered to authoritiea in Orange County in connection with 31 counta of computer theft from two credit information companiea. Police in On.nae said the men. Lee J . Beck, 51, and Jamee Walsh, 37, who own a Loa Angeles private lnveatlgating firm, turned themaelvea ln Thuraday at Central Orange County Munk:IP91 Court. Police aata the men are auapt!!ded of illegally tapping into the computen oI TRW in Orange and Trana Union Credit Information in Fullerton to obtain information for clients. a Houae subcommittee on labor standards hearing in Washington concerning the relaxed rules. In a pre91 conference Friday at the campus, ahe explained her oppolition to the propoaal ia the result of academic studies ahe and colleasue Laurence Steinberg have completed. The atudlea indicated that 14-and 15-year-olda do wone ln achool, loee more contact with famlly and rely more on alcohol and dnlo in proportlon to houra of wefflyworlc.. She was one of a half-doz.en people to apeak before the subcommittee Wednetday. And she came away from the Wuhington hearinc with the opinion t.ha& many memben of Congre11 ahare her beliefs. "I think we are going to aee thia become a very fiery Issue," ahe said. Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan'• propaul ia to extend working noura of 14-and 15-y-.r-olda from the cutrmt 18 to 24 houn per week during the achoo1 yeer, 36 houn from lune through Labor Day. " It alto would aqow theae youths to work until\9 p.m. on 1ebool nt1ht11 two houn later than now. That bre&U down to nine-hour daya. eeven day. a week. Donovan's propoaal does not require confirmation by Congrem. However. It cannot go into effect until after a 30·daY comment period which enda about two weeb into Augwit. Opponenta of the measure are expected to seek reeolutlona in both houaes to reject the chan&es, de.crlbed aa the most drutlc ever to the provi•lons of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. The reaolutlona would need President Reagan's aignatUtt to reject Donovan's plana. The revision• have been oppo9fld by labor groups which cla1m the govenunent should be focuaing in•tead on adults or older teena whose ranks are chronically unemployed. The reviaion would eaae restrictions for buslnemea to,P8Y below-minimum-wags to the 14-and 15-year-olda. From Page A1 Applying that standard alone, he sai d , would deprive housewives, studenta and minon from receiving aid to which they are en titled. The money comes from the California Victims Indemnity Fund. It provides up to $10,000 for medical costs; $10,000 for lost earnings and $3,000 for rehabilitation. It ai.o authorizes $500 for attorneys fees. The Board of Control originally denied Mias Vincent's application for benefits becauae she had never supported herself with earnings. prompting her court action. Petty awarded her $1,000 in fees for her two Orange County lawyers, Terry Giles and Mark Edwards. The Board of Control can still appeal the cue to lhe state Court of Appeal. QUIL TMAKER. • • becldub against a mecbanir.ed embroidered onto the well- Ufe.tyJe. ~ •tin and tilk blanket. The same valuea that once Littlefield said the dates astonish tJroucbt wamen ~ to UlaN her -not becauae it took the their labor in a quiltl.nc bee .uJ1 grea~gnmdmother IO Jone, but exiat today when people that she fl.nisbed ao qWcldy. converaoe. if only in a cf.ala, to • FAdl of the .quarea of .o-alled learn the old-f.Mhiion9d art, the... ' • c r a 1 y pat c h work• ' a re IUd. miniature• of impromptu Little change. Dr. Greenberger said their reaearch haa ahown that the "critical juncture" for thia age group la about 15 houra per week, depending on the youth and the job. But generally, after that amount of work, the lea desirable traita become more apparent. And deapfte the American canon that working la good for chlldttn. ahe aid moat ldnda of employment given th.la age group are not challenging over the long haul. It'• mostly working a f_.food .-embly line preparing hamburgen and french fries, ahe noted. The b1anke1ll cmt a warmth atttcber'y, all done by band, of that tramcmada their function. OOW'R. The equares, aocardinc to the IUd. A quilt helpe famULea l.Jttlefield, are aymbola of the identify with their herttaee-way the eewer wanted to be 'lerriPt!rature• --• Le 11 • • • ... ... ... .... .. -'"' lAllM I • 10 ............. 2 • 10 ~ I 4 11 '-' Oll9t Oowltr ,I 4 11 ~-~u..-.. CAUPORNIA 82 ao 84 12 81 76 15 .. 109 108 108 Ile 84 104 112 ao .. 11 104 .. 108 ao .. 100 81 515 83 112 71 72 87 ,, . 93 IOI IM 103 78 " 15 102 12 11 .. 11 ee 63 I& 7• 70 70 72 LA .. 11 84 .. •8 eo 13 83 .. 62 72 ae 73 17 ee .. • 52 7• .. $7 ae .. ... . ., 61 e& .. ae N .. .. • .. 50 .. ........ -.,., 2 1W ! E Santa Ana s.nt. e.bet• 81odlton r-.v.., n.m.I Tomince Yuma 12 71 1cn 90 '°' .. 110 Extended weather Monday-WednHday: late night end eerly morning low cloud• alont t~ eouth cout. °"*'4lllle fM wlttl hlQN re19119 ftom ,_ 70 at IN beedlei 10 IN 90e Inland ~ I.owe 80' to 70. Ftlf In the mountain .,... wfth ,_, ....... hlaM from T7 10 S7. Lowe ftom llO fo the mid ao.. Smog ''There can be too much of a good thlna." she ot.rved. The profeuor offered these atatlatlca: School require• 30 houn a week. Another 24 hours of work makes 54. That doesn't count homework, which might add up to another 10, or a total 64 houn. ' • I t • • r e • I 1 y a n remembered. inter1eneratibnal type of They Include deaigna of aituation," she aid. "I think ft antmala, an American '!:ft: draws • f:am1ly cloeer t.ocether flowen and eYe11 a stuffed and it •vea b1story. '' of com. Another aquare lncluds A 1 i n o t h e r k f n d • o t her initials with her huabend'a. craftamanahip, however, hand painted figures beneath. ~ are not produced • ''When you look at her quilt, often aa they once were. you pt a feellna of the woman." LlttJetield ahowed an eumple of explained LlttlebeJd. 0 8he WM a one, a quilt produced bun 1884 mettculoua, neat and careful to 1887 by Elma Lumbu.,-of ~ Peoria, Ill., the great-"When you make a quilt, Qrandmother of Irvlne 191dent you're pa••ln1 10metblnf of Sharon nuch. younelf onto future generauona, The datee of production are eYel1 io atranaen." DE rrr• I M· 111,,,,,M\\li ' .. ' I ~ I " n,, ,I .11mi~jml Ultrasonlc Pest ReDeller::_ Eff~tlvely Ellmlnates lnsech ancl"Rodent1 • SAFE • For chlldren and pets. No pofaons, messy traps or costly ex1ermlnator1 EFFECT9VE • Covers up to 2,000 aq. ft . l!CONOMICAL -u ... '"' than half the energy of a nit• Ute POWERFUL • Up to 10 t1mee more than any comparable produot on the market today ... I ,. --........... .-..-.-.. ___,..........._,_ __ ....., _____ __.~ ______ _..._ ... -..... ---------- ---- NATION Money, rates decrease NSW YORK (AP) -lnt•rHt rate1 plunpd on Che nation'• credit mark•CI J'rtday minute. after the J'9daral Relenv• Board NpOl"tlld an aaoo mJ.Won drop 1n th• nation'• money 1upply and 1atd lt wlll low•r tu ditlcoUnt rate for the teeond time ln two W9eka. Shortly alter the Fed Mid lt would reduce the d*ount rate by a half percentqe point to 11 perwnt effective Monday, Mellon Bank of .Ptttaburah, the nation'• l&th larplt bank, tald WASHINGTON -Farm·1tate lawmaken called a one-year extension of the U .S .·Sovlet grain aalea agreement an encouraainl first 1tep, but said more ll needed to help farmers recover from low prices broucht on by huge 1urplu.es. "We are not accepting thia u a final aolutlon," Rep. Cooper !tvans. R-Iowa, said alter Prsldent Reqan authorlz.ed extending lt wu cutttnc tea priJna lendina raw to lD paro•nt, th• lowe1t level for th• k•y borrowtna charp llnce November 1980. The lnduatry n.c:t mOv9d to a lD.& percent prime earlier thJI week. Financial economl1\I s>r•dlcted more lnterat ra\e reductionl, aayhia the Feel mu.at Mia lta reetrictlve monet.ary policy further or rUk •bortlna a recovery from tevere economic rece91ion. the U.S.-Sovtet IP'8in J>9Cl due to expire Sept. 30. "We're aolna to keep working on the admln1atration. •• Evan• WH among Republican House Agriculture Committee members who were briefed by Treasury Secretary Donald Regan efter the White Houae on Friday ruled out any new lona-tenn grain agreement with the Soviets "as long as repression continues In Poland." Progress told in sex bias fight WASHINGTON -A report prepared for Premdent ftee&an says "considerable prognm hu been made" toward eliminating Wrien a1atn1t women in federal statutes and regulation&, although "the fight against sex diacrlmlnation la not yet over." After a aeven-month study, the Reagan- appolnted "Taak Force on Legal F.quity for Women" found at least 79 examples of aex bias in federal statutes that have not been corrected. and at lealt 111 examples that were changed to eliminate 1uch bw. The study found that "It La probably fair to say" there are "a sizable number of federal statutes" Cramed in masculine terms, ''but sex-bla1ed terminology in most instances under federal law hu little substantive importance .•• Dellanee niay brlng export ban WASHINGTON -The Reagan administration said Friday it may deny expor1a to any foreiS!l companies that defy U.S . unctions by aelling equipment to the Soviet Union for ill natural gas pipeline to Western Europe. Officials of the State and Commerce departments, testifying before a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee, defended the STATE l8.Clltions against criticism by senators who said the retaliatory measures are hurting American bUllinesses and workers. The unctions were announced by President Reagan in December in responae to the Soviet role in the military crackdown in Poland. Lut month, Reagan ext.ended the sanction• to foreign products based on U.S. -con trolled technology. Fines levied in Morrow death LOS ANGELES -Warner Bl'OI. and three lndividuall were fined $5,000 each Friday for eXJXJSini children to danger and violating child labor laws becau.e of a movie helicopter craah that killed actor Vic Monow and two chlldren. The~ came u a«omeym reported they al8o are studying a pamble lawsuit in connection with the 2:30 a.m . cruh that occurred July 29 u crews filmed a Vietnam War battle scene for a movie remake ol "The Twilight Zone ... '"Thia horror is a dittct result of neglect on the part of those respon1ible for the protection of children," state Labor Commiuioner Patrick Henning aald GV a statement. "The ot.oene traaedy ... would never have occurred if the clil1d labor laws of the state had been followed.'' SEC says S&L may ha11e misled W A.6HINGTON -The Securitie9 and Exchanae Commblion Mid Friday Oakland· bMecl Fldellty Savinp & Loan seized by the aovemment lalt sprtna may have mialed the public about its financial shape ln a preu relea1e and the offering of certain investments. In a report on its investigation of the caae. the cornm1asion warned other publicly held companies u well aa banks and S&Ls that It ua neceaaary to alert the public to serious finandal woea. It waa believed the first time the commiaion has iaaued such a warning about prft9 releases and retail repurchase agreements. The repou said it "appears" Fidelity Savings and Loan and its parent, Fidelity F\nandal Corp., violated anti-fraud provtsiona of federal aecurities laws in their actiona. Reagan home ease plea innocent LOS ANGELES -An elderly couple ~innocent Friday to trying to IWindle t and Mn. Reagan in a phony deal to buy the Reagan'• home with the help of a $1 million ea:row loan from the president. Anne and Jame Yarbrough made a brief court appearance. and their lawyer said later WORLD be wa1 certain they would prove the transaction lnvolvtng the Reagan home (n• Pacific Pali.lades wu legitimate and not a fraud. "I'm satisfied this was an ordinarr, busine. transaction that wasn't completed, • said attorney Harry Welts. "There was no fraud intended." Panamanian· presldent quits PANAMA CITY, Panluna -Prelident Arl1ttde1 Royo resigned Friday, giving a throat ailment aa the reason, and Vice President Ricardo de la F.apriella WU quJddy 1worn in to 1ucceed him. The powerful National Guard ordered a ma11ive reorpnlz.ation of the government. "Oen. Ruben Dario Paredes, commander of the National Guard, directed all newspapen to suspend publication for eeven days and demanded the removal of virtually all high offidala in the Royo administration. At a new1 conference following the iDltallation of de la Eapriella, Paredes said all Cabinet mlnilters. directors of government agenci•, provincial governors And mayors lhould IUbmit their resignationa tmmed!ately. He said aorne would be kept in office "and othen replaced." Clus#led ..,.,....,.. 1141MM171 AH OU. depe&1menes MMS21 Food strike over donkey given up . ROME -A Brazilian man who went on a hunpr 1trike to protett Pope John Paul 1111 ref\al to .Ove hil donkey a home in Italy .amitted defeat Friday and tald he would return to Brull Damiao Galdlno da SUva ate hlt firat solid food Thuraday nilbt. five ~ys alter he bepn ht. fut at St. Peter'• Square, offlclala at Re,ma Maraherita Hospital Mid. "The p0pe'1 ttlence wu &he answer to me to ao home," da Silva Mid. Hew• IC:hedul«t to OJ *" to au! tomaht. We'te Listening ••• What do you lllle about the Dally Pilot! What don't you Uk•' Call the number below and your muH1• •ill be rffOl'dH, transcribed and dtUvtrH to the appropriate tdttor. TM tame 24·hour ant..rutt Mr'Vld may be uted to record let· ter1 to tht editor on any t,opc. MaUt..,x contributor• must Include their name and ~lephone number for vertnutlon. No drcu&atk>n ca&11. p1,,.,, T .. J ua wtt.t'a on your mind. _...,... ____ ....... ,-..... __ ,. ... ..., __ ... ,_ ... _,. .......... _ ...... & ....... .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/8aturday, July 31 , 1082 AP WlNphoto GARLIC MAN -Al Hansen dresses up like a favorite, despite the fumes his headpiece senda garlic every year during Gilroy's annual Garlic out. About 200,000 are expected at the three- Festival. That's a string of real garlic roots day festival, sampling foods heavily flavored around his head. Hansen says he is a crowd with garlic ---- Snags endanger transportation tax measure for Orange County An Orange County transportation tax bill that sped through the state Assembly is finding slower going in the state Senate amid predictions it may come to a full stop. The bill. AB 328 3 by Assemblyman Richard Robmaon, D-Santa Ana, would p ermit Orange County voters to decide whether to increase the 6 percent sales tax by one penny to fund maj or transportation improvement projects. The mea1ure 11 fa ci ng problems on two fronts. The Orange County Tranaportat&on Commission. a state-<::reated panel that overaees local tranaportation programa, iln't happy with an amendment that would requln two-thlrda voter approval for any sales tax increase. The comm1aaion wants the issue to be deaded by a rnajonty vote. The o ther p r ob l em 11 potl!ntially the greater one. Supervisor Bruce Nestande and Robinson don't want the transportation commission , an appointed body, to have taxing authority . The c u rrent oornmiamon ii compnsed of two county supervisors. tw o city co uncilmen and a publ ic representative. Nestande and Robinson are s uppo rting a proposed amendment that would increase the siz.e of the commission to 11 ,,. members. All five members of the county Board of Supervisors would serve, as would five city c..'Ouncil members and one public member. Nestande said Friday that such a commission would be more accountable to the electorate. And h e said h e would be willing to support deletion of the two-thirds vote provision in the bill if the 11-member amendment were Inserted. Many city officlals in the county are believed to oppose the change. fearing a Cil1WltY "power erab.'' AB 3283 was aubm1lted by RoblNon at the request of the Orange Co~anaportation Coalition. a and industry gr o up 1nt.erested 1n transportatJon improvements. The measure cleared the state Assembly with few problems. rt faces consideration Tuesday aft e rnoon by the Senate Transportation Committee. that is, if Robln10n decides to push the bill in the face of opposition A decision ls expected Monday. A l percent mcrease in the sales tax wou ld gene r a te between $140 million and $1~0 million per year for county transportation pro)e<:ts. such aa widening o f the Santa Ana Freeway and construction of a light rail line between Anaheim and I rvi n e . Any money generated locally w o uld suppleme nt state money. Badharn seeks refund for Crystal Cathedral R e p . Ro bert Badham. R- Newport Beach , ls introducing legislation that is. let us say. divmely inspired. B a dham 1s see king congrea1ion a l approval of a meaaure that wo uld force the U.S. Customs Service to refund $1 8,980 in fees to Rev. Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral m Garden Grove. The duty waslevied on components of the church's $7 million pipe organ. one of the five largest church organs in the world. What Badham says is a qwrk m customs law provides that organ parts are subject to duty, while complete organs are not. The Crystal Cathedral's organ was shipped in six pieces over a on e-year period e nding last April . . • I • t . . . . ' .. . . . . ( •I • r 1 .. .. I I ' I ' 'l'•I 1 \:' I Clf f. ' Oran • Oout DAILY flllLOT/81turd1y, July 31. 1811 . Hoopla launclies diet soda Coi:a-CoJa 1pend11 $100,000 on sala in New York ) NJCW YORK (AP) - potllchta Ut up the aky, •.ooo l\Mltl entired on red carpet and the Rqckettes kicked up thltr *11 .. the Coca-Cola Bottmta Co. of New York unveiled lta new diet 10ft drink, Dtet Coke. The company, the laraelt Coke franch!M in the Untied States, later bUled lta iueata from Radio City MUlic Hall to a We.t Side pier for a New York 1treet festival that rounded out the $100,000 perty Thunday night. Diet Coke, bWed u having a "real cola t.aate," will be in direct combination with Dtet Pepsi and Pepal-Ll1ht for the diet soft drink market but will not compete wlth Tab, Coca Cola's leadln1 diet product, company officials said. "Diet Coke la for real people," I t.dward r. O'Rtilly, prwident ot the New York franchlle told the audience, moat of them ..i.. and dlatrlbut.tna Npr'IMlltad\'el, and wW be almed.. at "Mr. and Mn. A.rnerb0 whllt Tab bl prtmvily aeered towards ''women, and the lieeutiful people." Charlea E.F. Mlllard, chairman of the board of the New York tranchile, aaid that altho\.llh the metropolitan ~ wu known u beln1 amon1 the tou1heat markets 1n the world, launching Dlet Coke here waa like "a homeeomin9." T he company atarted aellln1 bo\tle1 of Coke from a horse-drawn wagon in Lower Manhattan 1n 1904. Aa the curtain rme on a 14-foot high, white-and-red replica of the new Diet Coke can, the Rockettea kicked to Frank IEIUE UTllll 1111111 WIEI .::. IPllll Sinatra'• vel"llon of "New York, New York.'' Planiat Bobby Short, flown in from Europe for the occuion, aana a medley from Coca .. Cola adverUalnt campal(n• before lntroducll'\I the Dlet Coke "Juat For the Taate of It,0 Jlnale. After the l~·hour preaentatlon. the aueata were loeded up 1n more than 60 rented bu.ea and driven to a Hudaon River pier where they were treated to a 1morga1bord of Italian, Chlneee, SDaniah. Greek and Southern fooc:fa. The new soft drink will be Introduced In Denver, Rochester, N.Y ., Jacksonvill,, Fla., San Diego, and Seattle on Sept. 13 and will be available nationally by spring of 1983. BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPENI I DON'T MISS OUTI SAU HOUIS DAILY 10-t SAY. 10·6 SUll. 10·6 OUR LOii __ .,. YOUR GAIN THIS IS IT!! r TRIBUTE -Kate Smith, whoee 1lna1ng career spanned ~O yean, will be honor-..d by the city of Raleigh, N .C ., Tueaday, as an entertainer who inspired and motivated the nation, especially durlng World War II. She recently received the Preside ntial Medal of Freedom. Military sets drug survey NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Pentaton will conduct a IW'Ve to determine Jhe exten t o alcohol and drua abule ln the million-member military, bu 1eneral1 and admlral9'. wm be excluded from the aampfe. Air Force Capt. Sherr) Stetaon-Mannlx said ahe = uncertain why the brua w not be queatloned, but added ''The majority of dru1 abuat snthe military la amon~ah JUnt or ranks. I think that' probably one of the factort." More than 26,000 unlfo members of the Army, Navy, Force and Marines will be u how often they u.e alcohol or illegal dru . C•ll 642-5171. Put • few word• to work for ou. WE QUITI WE QUITI WE QUITI qu1n11& SILE STARTS ' SITIRDIY, JULY 31st STORE FOR SAJ.EI ., -JI Q1QQa.m. 111 I SHARP! . BE HEIE l WE QUITI WHEN THE -DOORS OP.I MAU Ff Ell WE QUiTI : HAPPY MOMS -Ac~Harriett Nelson, . Marion Ross and Jane Wyatt, from left, share a ! laugh on the set of Paramount-TV's 0 Happy .. Days" in Loe Angeles. Nelaon and Wyatt join • ,Ms Ross in an episode. The three actresses ?spent many years aa mothers in television. ~ustoms off ice closing ~. SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -The San Franciaoo :regional office of the U.S. Customs Service will !cloee Sept. 30 and It.a adminlltrative activities will :shift to Lo. Angeles. ~ The district office, handling the ports of {Oakland and San Frand8co and the airports, . will ;remain here, however, official.a said. ..... _ l••••I P.I. Mtnt'• 1111 m11terpltce, t4Qe1lery of the Louvr.," Ml bMr\ iold to,,...._. ...... ,. ambs•dor .. t.lar .. for cwQftl affalfe for a rteiord '3.26 m11.Uon. The palnUna w11 eatd b)' SyrlCUIO Un1wnity and purchaHd l>y D.aaltl J . Terra, a wealthy ~ and foUnder of the Terra MUllW'D ot American Art lil lvanaton, nt. The 6-by·O·fOOt palntina wU1 be on diaplay at the mU11um ~ Ayt. 1[ . City Councllmen Jolt• ll'trHro spent hl• honeymoon at home wlth h1t new bride, fe>r'ft)et muaical •tale actrell and exotic dancer Marpret Hart. The 68-year-old Ferraro, who ill oonaiderinC ; run for mayor, ••id the two were married IP> Superior Court Judie Mario Cllnco'1 chamben ln Santa Monica. It wu Ferraro'• aecond marrlaae and bla bride'• third. '-' BW Moaroe, ''the father of bluearut muatc," has uncteraone kidney auraery 1n Canada. Tony Chapman, a 1pokeaman for the 70-year-old ~r and rrwldo~=r;.er, -1d that Monroe'• kidneys were drained y ln IW'ieJ'Y ln Halifax. Nova Soot.la. He had entered the h08piW earlier that day while on a concert tour, Chaplnan said. A retired Army general whose career wu shattered by the coverup of the My Lai massacre ln Vietnam has been rebuffed by the U.S. Court of Claims ln his long effort to clear his name. The court said that lt aueed with the Anny's Position that aa commander of the American Division Brtg. Gen. Samuel W. Kotter, while not deliberately allowing an Inadequate probe of the maaacre, had ample resources to prevent It from OCCWTing. The tint baby born to two astronaut.a I.a "doing really well" and wu taken off a reapirator that helped the tot breathe after he developed reapiratory problema, NASA ln Houston aays. The Infant, P11l Seddon GlbtoD, born to · astronauts Dr. Marsaret Rffa Seddon Glbso• and Robert "Boot" Gibson formerly of Westmlnlter, on Monday, was Oown by helicopter from Clear Lake I:>().,-AL T. CUiill'llll: Roy•/ Dh•mp•1n• lrunoh '7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 Newport leud1 TALE ai the WHALE Ch1mp11n1 Buffet Brunch '8.1& Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1082 41 ~\11 about 20 rnilll to Hermann Hoasctal ln HoUaton, about 12 hou.n aft« blnh. 0~ 1tar 8"'eflJ 81111 lifted her famoUI voice ln fa¥ol' of fidlnl a.lltance for r.bWldtna of Wdl rann Pft'1 theater. MkinC C.On.tl'ftl to 119" U,.t It n.. from tho uhea.'' Wolf Tr•p'1 3,&00·ae•t Filene C.nier, •n open·lided ~vooden ttnletute, Wll dettroyed by fire April 4 . The federally main\alned perfonnJ.nc art.a park 11 11tuated, in the VI r1lnla country1lde about . 20 miles outlide Washington. He al10 report•d orltlcl1m1 of bl• OOP ~t -.4UonMJ O...ral a.Grae O.Wrif.4'8• -for not llplna 1Brldley'1 propoaed campiAp code of ethJca. Limits removed MERCED (AP) -The federal 1ovemment and Merced, were covered by a noile map that dictated <Mvelopment lmpoeed ~UM ot nolle from Cutle A1r Force Bate planet, .aid Rep. Tony c.oelho. D-Merced. About l.~oo acres, lncludina part ot downtown Merced, wu covered by a noile map that dlctated limitationa on construction. The agreement between the cl(y and the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department allows development to proceed without an environmental study If aircraft nolte is not an overriding factor. Nolle reductJon meuures wtH be required. · Melvbl Bern, known as the M S t • aa.u "Kina of Torta," celebruted hit esa COU unit . 7~th birtM.y ~l !irlna a cannon ln front of hit law I . office and lnvi~ the entire dty to a part)/ lnaide. p ans reunion Aa Turk Murphy 1 Jazz Band canied tne oime and well-wilhen due Into huge bowb of ..Ull'1\i and Boy Scout.a of America cheeee. the lawyer made~ hia offer of free legal l:fcfo~~~~nr~'to~~ advice to anyone ca1llna office. mernben lor a 10-year NIW'l2 V.W.RAlltT Former Rep. Robert Baumaa, defeated ln 1980 after acknowledging he had "homosexual tendencies," hu dropped out of the race to win back his liouse seat, aaylng he had been vlcioualy attacked by an opponent and was t.ired of campaigning. ~ The former c:onaervauve Houte leadei· 18.id an aide of his Republican primary rival had implied that Bauman'• acknowledgment of alcoho'.liam and homoaexual tendencies could become a campaign i.aue, If he did not abandon the race. Mayor Tom Bradley says he earned SU3,645 in 1981 -74 percent of It from hit aalar)" u Los Angelee' chief executive. Bradley, the Democratic candldate for aovemor, released a summary of his 1979, 1980 and 1981 income tax returns, saying he wanted to "clear the air" on campaio disdosures. reunion Sept. 12 at Orange Coast College m Cotta Mesa. Anyone interested m attending the 1 p.m . celebration can call 545-6035 or 549-9459 Curbs back ed SAN RAFAEL (AP) -Marin Cou nt y supervisors have calh.'<i for stronger state and federal pistol registration laws in r esponse to a handgun control measure bac k ed'by county voters. CONVllTIU Funv equipped: $10.SOO Cop Coif SUOORealdual NO CAI IEDUCTIOH. '8 montti lea• 'ovment plua tax '208•7mo Ordef Your1 f~ '\::J'A " ma Bob.,,, --. ... ~ ) OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch '4.16 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY 994 allAKFAST I A.M. to 11 A.M. 3300 C11st Hwy. 548-2224 Newport ltHh Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DlNNER & JAZZ NtGH1l Y 6'75-7760 675-5777 ftt•papt l,.IC. l1tHr Crtl1t1 Deports 10 a.m . & 12:30 Refff'Valion1 Requifed 675-752'2 1111 UIJrlm AR. lfW_Hlr IEA• Buffet By The B•y CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 'C1 .95 (f',tJ Un4-lt) Sunday Brunch •4.75 F•oturlng lgg1 l•n•dl~t ts.so With ,.,.,,_ ~'"' AIH ~.d ChomfNlllM , SUNDAY llUNCH 11 A.M. te 2 P.M. COMPUMINTAIY COCKTAIL 7S..11M ~ l.Celll.,. Satut'Chly 11 to 2: JO Sunday 10 to 2:JO li\MHNtQD On The w...mont 1n Lido Mllrtne v-.. • ..,.,. ..... 171-41• ~··························· • ORIENTAL (:HAMP GNE : : ~ 8Hl1N<:ll : : I I ::W Tu 2:00 : • I : '7.50 : ~--························· -------=------- ( 0..1nge Oout DAILY lllLOT/l91twd1y, JutV 1 1, 1111 Danish EXecuttve Desk The 4 drawers provide plentv of storage and the desk contains a large file drawer too 59 X 29'11 X28 In lustrous teak S319 val In warm walnut. $349 val 60" X 18 X 30 H Handlesanv stereo. runer Teak Walnut plavt>ack. $ video cassette 14$209 gval 1S2525 val t3pecl~ tt17t~ $ 9 recorder vou are planning to buv Danish Teak student Desk The most funct1ona1 desk tor Its size 41'1 ... x 23 X28Y." H TWO drawers and built-In DOOk compartment $155 value $119 Adjult:ab4e Detll ~r WOOd back various colors S79val Upholstere<J seat ~g & back vanous ~ colors S95 val Imported Teak Bookcases 2 for$178 watnut. .. 2 tor $111 s79 These QOOd looklno. flame gram teak DOOkcases are a special airect 1mPOrt purcnase and are an unbeatable value crafte<J of the finest teak veneer with acljustable snetves 76 x 12'1>. x 35 =~ FO, 99 EACH 76 X12'11 lf21'11 Reg $149 t89 Teak Dining Table andl ..... Olr Teak Chairs These-sturdy solta teak Chairs. are beauttfultv designed In a contemoorarv mooe. caretunv handcrafted and flnlsn ed anci feature (!Uratltle rope seats. $69value. Sideboard deston fearures 4 targe center drawers with 2 s11a1no door compartments for large Items on either sloe Hutch features glass sliders for t>eautv and dust free storaoe ~ O Yt IOOQs215 ~V31«7Y> k>nQ ~, • .,.k>nQ .275 ~~.,-k>nQ s169 1195 n1e one and ontvt or111na1 St• essless Leather Chair frOm Noaway Elegant Chrome i leather. with ottoman. Available In various colors. $795 value. Danls'll Teak ----==-ra:O Formlca!RnKh 23%" .x 1UY•" x 28"Wlth 10Yr "ext1msk>n Also avatrable In White or "taanut. I A t>eautlful teak t>edSide Piece for lamp, ctock. b<>Ol<SI etc. sgeva ue. Teak Desk w / Retum otne tn stvte tor less wttn Pfymmer'S smart 8anOkOlc Chairs Which $ matthtM deYertv 11 exoandable teak table t>eauttf\JllV. This t3ble measures 51'h" x 33Y>" and extendS to 90" White Patio FUmlture Outdoor stacklnQ $ 24 chat~ESval •for~ Hlgnback chairs S29 542val Outdoor d1n1ng table 35 d1a S&S sasval occasional tables 17Y• ·Ola S 19 S35val Teak wan units Options to COft ......... t best< untt: set Of 2 doors s 59 wooa or glass $75 val set Of 3 drawers s SS 5109 val set of record dMOers s •& $35value ' Oropl1d s7s S99value Lustrous grain m<><!Ular design Decor'lte smamv and provtae cerrlflc space for llbrarv and art pieces sask untt wtat. ...,,,_ 75" •JO"• 15' $145 Beechwood Dining Table from Denmark Plummer s bnnos ~ou dining oenmanc·stvle• tn1s beautlf\JI steek beecn dining table measures 62 x 31" x 28" n1oh. S209 value Classlc Scancllnavlan Living Room Group 2-seat Love seat 50· S54Sval (not shown I . $·Seat Love seat n " $649Val. . . LOW·baCk Chair. $329val .. . HIOh·back Chair. $349Val......... . . . s399 s499 . .. s249 . ...... ~269 COffee table 29y, x s 159 · 48" x 19 H.$219 val . . End table I •125 · 24V. "SQ. x 19' H $175 val ' I ' l , 'It JJ ,, u n .. i . d . " Neyer starts quickly From AP dJ1patcllet GUAY AQUIL, Ecuador Megan Neyer of Mission Viejo led the way In the women's 3-meter springboard diving qualifying and the United State. water polo team annihilated E1ypt, 24-2, Friday on the eecond day of the World Aquatic Games here. Neyer, the U.S. champion, had 481.62 pomta in her two rounds of dives to 478.80 for Christina Seufert of Ambler. Pa., her teammate, who ia in 8eCOnd place among the eight qualifiers for today'• finals. The U.S. water polo team under Huntington Beach's Monte Nitzkowski opened play in the pool competition with a reeounding victory. The top two WORLD GAMES teams from the four pools will advance to the championsh ip round that gets under way Tuesday. The first gold medal of the Games was won by Tracie Ruiz of Bothell, Wash. as she captured the solo event In synchronized swimming. Ruiz, 19, had 192.30 points to 188.98 for silver medalist Kelly Kryczka of Canada. Miwako Motoyoshi of Japan won the bronze medal with 181.60 points. Swimming, the major portion o f the Games aloQg with d iving.water polo and synchroniz.ed swimming, will get under way Sunday. Mark Schubert, coach of the, U.S. swimmina contin8ent and head man of the Mission Viejo Nadadores swim team. believes this country can win all four races Sunday whe n the awtmmers start. He alao conceded that the East Germans should be favored in the two women 's events (100 freestyle and 400 individual medley). The men swim the 100 bttaatatroke and 200 freestyle on opening day. John Moffet of Costa Mesa and a graduate of Newport Harbor High, will make hia first appearance of the week in the breaststroke event along with world record holder Steve Lundquist. This duo baa the two best times in the world this year for the event. but Schubert said they can't be considered to finish 1-2 "because Europeans have a great tradition in the breas1stroke." Gerald Moerken of West Gennany had the world record until Lundquist swam the distance in 1:02.62 last week at Mission Viejo in the trials. Moerken's beat time this year is 1:04.9i> while Moffet awam 1:03.44 in the preliminaries last week. "Sometimes you don't hear of him (Moerken) for a year and then he showa up at a meet and is great. He's certainly dangerous," Schubert said. Returning to the women 'a teem, Schubert added: "We'll be challe nged , particularly in the women's eventa, but our goal is to win every race," aaid Schubert. 1be featured wcxnen'a race ia the 400-meter individual medley, with world record-holder Petra Schneider of Eut Germany and American record-holder Tracy Caulkins of Nashville, Tenn. Brooks only vet no-show Fnm AP '61petdles The Rama waived tight end Grady Richardlon and 1everal rooldea Friday, while the teem awaited the arrival of veteran defensive tackle Larry Brooks, who1e future 11 uncertain becau. of lnjuriea. Broob, who wtD be in bia 11th Nuon, waa the only veteran Rmn wbo Md not reported to tnlnina Qft\p by J'liday n.llht. llkt • team spoM-Mn, He laid Brook:I wanted to talk to o.:b a.y MtiaYllll and the Ra.ml' front office . .. He Mil • chronic knee ~ and 19 umure about bl• own ...... the Rami'" Otno l'la.r IMd. • Rlchard1on, a Cal ltat• Nlftton ,nctuate, .,.. IOiAC .. hll tbk'd ...... Tb• &am alao cut Darrel Orlfftft, a Wide r-*ver lriJm 'l"alaae; ~on~ernandea, a Nfet7 ,,_. pam Youa1 UaJveriit7; •in Jonn, a • Bbecller lroa Cal State ~ Wal• LtttJ., a ... ~ ........ ,...... ~ -Piiat Aaron, ~obinson await induction into ·Hall of Fame. See star,, Page ~3. IATV .. OAY, JULY 31, 1981 ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION 810 812 LIMBERING UP -Miami Dolphins fullback Woody Bennett grimaces with pain as he stretches through calisthenics at the team's training camp. Bennett tore the ligaments in his left knee early in ., __ ....,... the 1981 season and has not olaved since. but Coach Don Shula says he should be ready to play. Downing bruises fence, seattle1 Forsch doesn't need usual support in six-hit 2-0 Angel win By CURT SEEDEN or ... .,..,,..,..,, During the course of a season, a baseball player is going to collect his share of gratuities, and no one knows that better than Ken Forach. The Angel pitcher came into Friday night's game with the Seattle Mariners with enough support from his heavy- hittlni teammates to make the rest of his pitching cohorts more than envioua. Angoel hitten had handed Fonch 42 runs over his last four game9, but Friday night they had to struggle for every run they could get -all two of them. So Fonch showed his appreciation by rnakifl8 that pair of runs hold up with a masterful six-hitter and a 2-0 victory before 31,581 fans at Anaheim Stadium. The Angels could muster just five hits off right-hander Jlm Beattie, two by leadoff man Brian Downing. But it was a aeoond-inning eolo home run blast by Doug DeCinces and an RBI aingle by Reggie Jacbon in the sixth that gave the Angels their fourth consecutive victory. Downing had another hit, of eorta, in the fifth inning when he robbed Seattle's Dave Henderson of a home run by running down Henderson's shot in the left-field corner and leaving a permanent dent in the fence. The spectacular. if not dangerous, play created one of those rare instances when the defense overshadows the offenae m an Angel contest. "Downi.ng's biggest improvement this year is that he's comfortable out there," noted Angel Manager Gene Mauch of the left-field territory Downing has Downing's biggest improvement this year is that he's comfortable out there. -........ , ca... lleuch covered 80 well thJa 9ea90n. "He loves It, too. He doesn't want to play anywhere ebe again." "I waa pretty sure I was going to catch It," add~ Downing. "l had a similar play against the White Sox and I made the mistake of looking for the wall. This time. I just decided to go for it aggressively and not look." It was really a cue of the wall not knowing what hit It. Downing simply bounced backwards, rolled over and proudly displayed his cat.ch. "Fortunately, I didn't get hurt. Henderson ran down a ball I hit yesterday to left-center IO it was nice to get back at him," Downing added. Downing, who wu converted from catcher to the outfield laat ae.uon. agreed with his manager'• u.eament of his new role in lefL "It's nl1ht and day between thi1 season and last year. I feel very comfortable out there. Now I just try to concentrate on the ball. rm definitely more relaxed.'' Meanwhile. Forsch looked pretty comfortable in picking up his 10th VJctory of the year and aixth in his last 1even decisions. It wu aomewhat of an improvement from Monday night when Oak.land jumped on him for six hita, and seven runs in 1 'h inninp. "I just have to go out there and patch, have fun and not try to throw the ball by everyone," Forsch admitted after the game. "I juat hope it continues, especial1y since we're headed down the stretch." "He didn't know when he went out there that he was going to get a shutout. but he was determined to pitch a strong game," admitted Mauch of Forsch. "l know he and Tom (pitching coach Tom Morgan) have been working hard. He always has action on his ball, but it wa.s Oat. Tonight, he had a fastball and had a little tilt to his slider." Aside from a first-inning uprising, in which Bruce Bochte singled and Richie Zisk doubled after two out, ForBCh was ln command all ~L Beattie W81 the hard-luck kmer' despite going the distance. The tall right-handec has now dropped four straight. He probably deeerved better, considering he didn't walk a batter and struck out six. DeCinces, obviously feeling a ~o better after missing two games with flu, slugged his second homer in t games and 14th of the season to gi Fonch the only run he needed. Jackaon's single in the sixth gives hi.rQ. 60 RBI on the season. t The Angels now hold a 6-2 edge ov the Mariners in the tea0n series, wt each game being decided by two runs Jess. And it could have been one run, ha it not been for Downing's defensiv (See ANGE~. Page 8 %) Cey, Sax pace Dodger sweep Rally produces 10-9 win in opener; LA breezes in nightcap~ • ATI..ANTA (AP) -Ron Cey and Steve Sax the Dodgers 18-10 -a two-run shot in the aeoo smacked two-run homers a1 the Los Angeles inning and a eolo blast, in the fourth, doubling Dodgers completed a sweep of Friday'• twi-night output for the season. double-header over Atlanta 8-2 and cooled off the Landreaux hit a two-run homer in the fif front-running Braves. after pinch hitter Jorge Orta walked and Ce Ron Roenicke's two-run lingle with two out in homered following a single by Pedro Guerrero i the 11eventh inning capped a five-run rally that the sixth. Guerrero doubled home a run in the included Ken Landreaux'a second two-run homer Rafael Ramirez drove in two runs with a ai of the game aa the Dodgers won the opene.r 10-9, and triple and Jerry Royster had a run-scorin snapping the Braves' four-game winning streak. single and double for Atlanta. The Braves &00 The sweep moved the Dodgers within 8 ~ RBI singles from Bruce Benedict and startln games of the Braves and into a virtual le<Uld-place pitcher Rick Mahler. On TV today channel 11 at 11: 15 The victory went to reliever Terry Forate{, 4 and Steve Howe worked the final three innings f hia 11th save, allowing a ninth-inning run singles by Rufino Lin.ares, Chambllal and Roystet LaRussa on thin ice Winkles to take .. Ot'ange Oout DAILY PILOT/llturday, July 31. 1111 ........ ~~----------~-- Lucas was inf ormell ': of trade on a irplane ll'rom AP dl1patcllea PHOENI X -Maurice Lucas, m acquired earlier thi,J month by ~Phom.ix Suns from the New York Knicb, said Friday that he hopes National Batketball Auociatlon teama wlll develop a better system of lnfonnina playera of tradea. Lucu learned of the July 7 deal from a fellow airline pueencer. "I was on a plane to San Ftand.lco from • Portland on the way to an NBA aoodwill tour ln : China when tJrll IUY 1lttlna acroaa the altle : tol9ted a drink to me and my wtfe, aaY'ina 'Here'• : to Phoenix; " Lucas recalled. I l&id, 'Whit do you : meanr The guy said he had Ju-t h~ on the · news that I'd been traded to Phoenix for Truck : Rob!Non. ''My wife aW1ed crying. I took it hard, too," Lucas aaid1 "It'• always a thock when you get traded, but tt'• part of the profemion. I WQ juat disappointed that the Knicb didn't inform me before the infonnation was releued. Hopefully ln the future, NBA teams will notlfy you by any meana eo a player can prepare." Quote of the day "Sooner or later. 10mebody's going to be right when they say Regle'a through, because I'm going to be through IOr'ne day. They just aren't right yet ." -Angels' outfielder Regfe Jackson. Nelson, VlklnQS agree to terms Running back Dania Nel1oa, the Ell only first-round National Football •• t League draft pick who waa unsigned, agreed to a three-year conk'aet with the Mlnm!m~day.-Whtle-the terms ot the - COC\trac\ were not revealed, it was i:eported that the total package with incentive clauses was worth about te()0,000 . . . Quarterback Joe Moatana of the Super Bowl champion San Francim> 49era and teammate place-kicker Ray Wencaita1 have resigned from the NFL Playel"I Aaaodation. Hoyt beoom• rarat In AL: With 13 wtn1 ~-11 lieMarr B•rt ~ .tcht-hlt Ill uua or:>IM IMAn~ to become UM Amltktib Luiue'.i flrat 18·1•m• wti&Mr llM Carn.a ..a drove ln ftve run• •1•tn1t ht1 tonner te•mmatea to lead ChieqO to • 9.9 dec:llion over Boaton Friday ~ht . . . rormer M•ter Del Htah product Du Meyer ~ with two outa in the 10th lnnlna to 1COr• ~BH••raH with th• nan M Oakland C9me 111• from behind to nip MJ.nn.ou. 4.1 . . . La"' Gua and Daa QaJ1t•H'1'1 combined on a lfx·bitter to help Ka.nlu Ctty keep pace with the AnaW tn the Weet with a •·a victory over Baltimore . . . Oral1 Netti .. knOcked in a pair ol HOYT NN wtth a home (UD and ..mfke fly and Roa Omdrf and R1dy May teamed on a fJv.-bitter .. New ' York blanked Tew, 4..0 . . • Rick M•atq a1&mmed a two-run homer and TMJ BanQ .na Aadre TlloratOI cracked solo 1hot1 leadlna Cleveland put MUw~4kee, 7 -2. Sutton quiets San Francisco bats DOD S1UOD fired a (our-hitter Iii and Pain Ganer drove ln all the Ho\laton rum with a fourth-lnajna homer u the A.ltros blanked San Franctaco Friday ntaht, 3· 1 for their fourth conaecutlve victory. Su tton, 10-7, pitced 5~ lnnJnp of no-hit ball before Joe Morsu liJ1iled . . . Steve Carla. became the major ~· first 14-aame wtnner With a six-bitter and Mike Sca.m"t cracked a two-run homer to p11ee Ph.lladelphia to a 3-1 win over ChimaO . . . Rookie JoUay Ray l\ad four hita and Bill Madleek drove in three runa, two with his 10th h o mer, to lead Plttabunlh to a 5-1 triumph over the ~ew YOl"k Me11. Ray delivered t wo d ouble1 and two lilWel and .:o&'eCI three aunow t1mee wlille Jeb CUHlarla and Mu ay Sarmleato ecat tered nine hita in leJ'ldi.ng the Meta to their fifth straight defeat . . . A•dre Da w1en looped a one-out opposite-field double down the right-field line ln the 11th inning to drive in Tim Ralaea from lleCOnd bue and give Mont.real a 5-4 win over St. Louis-. . . -Brwtt-Bertt)'t']Jitched-.-five..hitttt and drove in Cincinnati's fi1'lt two runa u the Reds beat alumplng San Die.go, 4-2, the Padres' fifth straight defeat. The Reda ai.o announced that relief pitcher Tom Bame ls expected to be lost from six to eilht w~ka after knee surgery Friday. From Page 8 1 ANGELS • • • herob. "We told him it regiatered a 6 Y\ In the dugout," Mauch joked of Downing'• splat into the fence. Garrison adds two more gold medals "When you're solng for the ball, you, or at leul l, don't worry about what'• going to happen," Downing expta.ined. "I try not to worry about fences." INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Ouplte painful 1hln apllnta, Kelly Garriaon won two more women'• gymna1t lc1 medal• Friday night, running her National Sporta Fe.Uva! tow to tour. Friday afternoon. Ted S~ of Ann Arbor' Mich., .:ored two aoaJa and had one --1 to lead the South to a 7 -3 victory aver the East for the ice hockey bronze medal. . .. Lietzke, Sutton 1har1 Canadian IMd Bnct Lleaallt aurvlvtd 101M II ldvenuu-on ·~·UP ~ and. with a a-under-ea. uecJ BaJ 11«ea for th• lead Jl:Tday In th• HCOnd round of the Canadian Open Golf Tournament tn Oakville, Ont. Lietz.kt hAd a chance to take the lead by himMlf, but m1llld • three-foot blrdJ• putt on the 1ptked-up 18th lfMJ\· Sutton, who tied for third lut week, ~yed ln the momln8 halt of ti. field and Lletzk• In the afternoon, when the~ wer. at their wont . . . Sall)' Uttle, oori'tldently tumlnl back bldl from five · Qh•ll•n1er11 retalnea th• lead with a 3-under·par 80 in the eecc>nd round of an LPOA tournament in Denver. Little, who 1tarttd the day with a two-ttrou lead over Patty 8MeUD, extended her m1r1ln to three 1hot1 )Vlth a 36-hole total of 7-under-par 137. Baseball today On thlt date ln bNeball ln 1981: Th• aeven-week playen' •trike ended when repr...entativei for the playen and ownen &p'eed on the lllue o{ free agent compenaadon. . On thJ.t date In 1961: The year'• teCOnd All·ttar pme ended In a 1-1, nine-t.nntna, rain-1hortened Ue at Boeton'1 Fenway Park . . . the only tie aame ln All-star hiatory. On lhil date in 19M: Milwaukee alugaer Joe Adcock collected a record 18 total buet on four home runs and a double aa the Braves routed the Brooklyn Dodgen l~-7. Today'• birthday: Chicago Cube outfielder Leon Durham La 2~. Suns· Interested In 'obtaining Cowens Phoenix Suns General Manager Ill Jerry Cotu1elo said Friday that he will fiy to Boston next month "to try and work out an acceptable agreement" for the rlghtt to retired Celtics center Dave Coweu. The two tea.ma have had trouble conaummatina a deal with Colangelo offering two middle-round 1983 draft pica or a backup Phoenix player plus a aecond-round draft choice for the rights to Cowe n• ... Wimbledon winner Martina Navratilova may be forced to drop out of a women's Indoor tennis competition ln Sydney. Australia because of a hip injury. Navratilova pulled a muacle Friday night in the final set of her 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 victory over West Gennan Be ttllla Buge . . . Jallaa Boros and bt'llT Wtdtweftlt heve been..eelected to the World Golf Hall of Fame, officiala said thia week. Tbe Inductees were elected by the Golf Writers Aslociation of America . . . American Jteuy Roberti recorded the fast time Friday during practice teaSiona for Sunday's Britiah Motorcycle Grand Prix. 11818' .... .... -. ,. - Callison still ..... enjoying life PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Johnny CallllOn, the All-Star Oame hero 18 aummen qo, la now pit.china Wied can inswd of twlnaina a nefly e.t. And he uya there ls Ute after bueball. 11Su.re thet'e ls. There better be," Caw.on talid from hla northeut Philadelphia offl~ at Avt'., where be hM been a Wied-car aalesman for the put three yean. 'Tm cloeer to my family than I've ever been becauae rm not traveling. I wouldn't chanie my Ufe. rm happy. I'm doing fine. I'm not dead. I'm sure not aot.na under," he added. ''It's been great. I have no compwnta." Call.lson, 43, looka trim at 190 pound.a -which ls 10 pounc.U over what he weighed when he wu releued by the New York Yankees ln 1973. Hts career highlight cam& ln the 1Yts4 All-star game, when hia three-run homer off Boston'• Did< (The Monster) Rada\% ln the bottom of the ninth innina won the game for the National League. "I think It was probably the biggest thrill I had ln ball,'' said c.ailiaon, who wu voted the game's moat valuable player. Thal wu the same year the Calllaon -led Philadelphia Phillies held a 6'A game lead with 12 to play but lost the penant to St. Louil, a swoon that atigm.athed everybody on the team. Had the Phillies won, Carn.on was a sure bet to win the MVP award tha t w ent to Ken Boyer of the Cardl.nala. "It was a ~at year. The aeason just lasted 10 days too long,' said Callilon, who hit .274 with 31 homers and 104 RBI ln 1964. A ballcy left knee and a pinched nerve rn his throwing shoulder told him It was time to leave the game. In h1a 16 years, he p,layed for four major- league teams, Including nine seasons with the Philadelphia Phillies. Calliaon hit 226 home runs, drove ln 840 runs and batted .264, playing ln 1,886 games during his career. Borg, Conno rs to rematch RI C HMOND. Va . (AP ) -F ive-time Wimbledon champion Bjorn Borg continues his comeback tonight from an extended layoff with rus second mate~ in less than a week against J immy Conno~. . C onnoH, w-~o wo n hi&-&eo0nd ...U t i. .a.t Wimbledon this year with Borg among those abeent, and the 26-year-old Swedish star will play a best-of-five exhibition at the Richmond Coliseum. The winner earns $40,000, the loeer $20.000 in the benefit encounter. A sellout crowd of 10,820 is already assured for the match, which will benefit the non-profit Tennis Association of Richmond . . SALE The win helped the Angela maintain their two-game lead over Kansas City In the American League West. The Royala held on for a 4-3 victor) over Baltimore Friday night. The 15-year-old high achool sophomore from Altu., Okla. earned a silver medal In the uneven bars and picked up • bronze in the balance beam before an Indiana Convention Center 8ellout crowd of 6.400. Garrison, who retired from gymna1tica when she wu 13 years old, had captured gold medalt In the all-around and tiiiiiiiiiii;iii~iiiiiiiiii•lli teain competition Wednesday CEDAR F.EllClllG reg. 1.89 * AMQIL MOTla: With their victory TNKeday night, the Angele .ported • 1t-4 record agalnll WHl.,n DMalon club• et Anehllm Sl.8dlum. Theo(w mMeged to out· ICOl'e w .. tern opponen11 (131·73). out.nit them (22&-18') end out-nomer.d them (28-15) In the lrtendl)' ~of Anlheln'l 8~ • Ml . . . fM LJM.. ().lot-3 perform.-~ nlaht INIPP«I Ille 1t-glrne hlhlng ttreek . . . With hie tl*d lnl*'O hOIT'9 nin. o..,. o.ae .... hM now hit nine of hll 14 home M18 11 AtW1e9n Stedlum. " -.. ~ nllltlt In • row the third ~ Md connected ... l..ell lleldlr .,.. ~ .. the Oifttf Anael r9gUler wtlo 11u not conwnltted ., etrOt ttllia MMOn. He II 20 gMMe flyt of the CllUb reoord tor b.-llldlnG percenUigl i,, ., oultlek9lr -118 Oii'*> ..cablllllled .,, .... ..,, In 1872 ... s.ttle ~ hitter ...._ ZWI extended hie hlttlnO av.- to 17 8MI• wttl'I I'll• llrtt lnnlno double . . . G.-tltTH of Ille Mrlee wtr the ....,... ~ (7:06) pita ~ 3 • 1 (M) ...,.. ~ Q.tta (11-2). It .. 8porte 8oc*a Hlgtlt wlltl ..... 25.000 ~. 14-~. reoeMng • pelr °' 8')0rta tube toe*f with the Angele logo on them Walton to play LAS vmAS (AP) -Injury- pia,u.:d center Bill Walton of the San Otego Clippers, wh o la1t played for the National Basketball Aaociation team in 1980, said Friday that he will appear in a charity game tonight in Lu Vep1. HOMI IUllNISS OPPORTUNln DD1lmUlt n l.4:.:=:c.=1111111ant11 Women'• gymnastics wu one of nine Olympic aporu ln this 33-aport cam.lval that aet testtval attendance records, aocordlnc to announcement made during the women's 1ymna1tlc1 event. Details were not available. Meanwhile, a dlupponting turnout of ~.ooo fans in 17 ,000....eat Market Square Arena watched the North blla the Wat early en route to a 7-3 dedaion for the ice hockey gold medal. Gregg Moore, a Minnet0ta- Ouluth student from Edina, Minn., and Yale'• Bob Brooke, from Acton, Mau., 1COred two pla apiece • the North blew into a 1--0 lead early In the third quarter. Moore'• five Festival pla tied a record 1hared previously by Mike Eruzione, the captain of America'• cold medal-wi=· 1980 Olympic lee hockey Neal Broten and Phil Vt ta. They all had five goala In the 1979 event. night. Only Sandy Dulaney. 17, from Buena Park , and Lydia Stephans, a 21-year-old 1peed skater from Northbrook., Ill, won more medala in thi1 Olymplc- atyle competition for 2,600 of America'• athletes. Dulaney tied 1 Festival reconl with six gold medals in wcxnen'• roller speed skating. Stephani won four golda and one silver in l e e 1peed skatina . S t eve Merrifeld, a men'• speed skater from Canoga Park w on four golda. Earlier i~ the day, The A..>ciated Prelli IMmecl that Pat Head Summltt of the Univen.ity of Tt!'lll\We will be nmxlnated u the U.S. women'• balketbell coach for the 1984 OlymJ*s. The aelection of Summitt, a veteran player and coach of lntemational competition, will be announced Saturday at a newt conference on the last of 11 da)'I of the National Spor18 Festival. a 33-aport spectacle for 2,800 American amateur athletes. Dog-Eared Top ••• REDWOOD un1cE Gr.at for Trellisft and DMdera 11411 REIWOOD POSTS S.a.cted fof Quality ••••• UllSCIPE TillERS Fvngldd• Treated LOolc Uk• "Uncoln Logs" UILIOID TIES Great fof Lancltcaplng 41111/11" ''WIFEIWMI" ~ lxten. Groct. TOuch San4M • • reg. 26.80 reg. 4.59 reg. 5.99 reg. 13.95 reg. 10.75 ·- SALE s191s SALE s2•• SALE s3•• SALE sg·•• SAtE $899 \ . ,. -. -.-. ... (' ·-. -. - Orange Oout DAILY l'ILOTll1turd1y, July 31, 1112 Fame -a~aits sluggers ·Hammerin' Hank, Robinson inducted Sunday COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. (AP) -TM year wu 1974, the date April 8. Htnry Aaron, 40 yean old and a member o( the Atlanta Bra~ wu about to become t.he molft prolltlc home run hJtter of all- Urne. The historic home run -No. 71& ln hla career -came off Al Downins of the Loi Ansele1 Dodaera. before ,&3,77& at Atlanta-Fulton CoWlty Stadium. It broke what may have been 1port'1 matt levered record, the 714 career homera of Babe Ruth. and usu.red Aaron of a 1pot In the Hall of Fame, which will Induct him and three othen Sunday. BUT HAMMERIN' Hank, a native of Mobile, Ala., counta 19&7 u his most memorable year In bueball. While '74 would go down u a year of turmoll and preaure, "things aeemed to come totether for me In '57," Aaron says. "It wu the )'Ml' I enjoyed mo.t. We won the pennant (when the franchi1e wu 1till ln Milwaukee), and 1 was named MVP after the year I had," Aaron recalla. In 1957, Aaron led the league In runs with 118, homers with 44 (matching hla uniform number), and runs batted In with 132. And It came in the formativ~ years of a 23-year major leasue career that would end with Aaron having set all-time records that included hia 755 homers and 2,297 RBI. "Just to awing the bat. That'• the greatest thing in basebal1, to make contact with the baseball," uys Anron, now 48 and the Braves director of player development. Twice ln 1974, Aaron ran afoul of Commissioner Bowie Kuhn -once, when Kuhn ordered Braves Manager F.ddie Mathews not to hold Aaron out of a game in Cincinnati 10 he could return home for No. 715, and again when Kuhn failed to extend peraonal congratulations to Aaron for the homer. Aaron felt snubbed, and said so. HANK SA VS he will enter the Hall of Fame with that all behind him. "That was a few years ago," Aaron said. "Only a sick man carries a grudge, and l'm not a sick man." Aaron and Frank Robinson, the only man to be voted MVP in both leagues, will enter the Hall of Fame in ceremonies here Su{lday, beromin_& the ,2th ana lJ(h ptayet's electeo"m-the li.rst year of their eligibility. Aaron was named on 406 of 415 ballots cast by 10-year members of the Baseball Writers Association of America. Robinson was Tradition on line at Talladega 500 TALLADWA. Ala. (AP) -Six of the top 10 starters in Sunday's 14th annual Talladega 500 are prime candldatn to win if the 1tock car race maintains its tradition of never having the same victor twice. During its first 13 run.ninga, the 500-mile race at the Alabama International Motor Speedway had a different driver take the checkered flag eech time. And only two winners in the hJstory of the race have started outakie the top 10. nained on 310 ballot.a. A1IO inducted wUl be A.B. "Happy" Chandler, former butbe1l commillioner, and Travil J.cklon. ahorU10p tor the New York Olanta from 1922·38. Cbandltr and Jackaon were choeen by the Old Ttmen CorM\ltlee. Wl\en the Hall of J'ame vote wu announced lut January, Aaron exprdeed a certain dJuppolntment that he had 1;M>l become th flnt player to be choeen wwUmoualy. He ..Sd: "I'd be lyt.na 11 I l&ld I didn't want to be unanimoua. But I i9al&e nobody ever hu been. and I'm happy with the number of vota rve received." ~ time drew near for hiJ lnduction. Aaron became a little more phUoeophical about the nine ballota on which he wu not named. "Anybody would be d.luppolnted not to be unanlmoua." he u.ld recently,. "But WlWe Maya could •Y the u.me thing. I'm IUJ'e Maya felt he should have been elec~ unanlmoUI. No one evt!l' gave me a reuon why I wun't on their ballot." MAYS WAS the only player ever to receive more vot.ea than Aaron with 409 of a poMible 432 ballot.a cut in 1979. At the time of his election, Roblnaon 18.id he wu honored to be Inducted along with Aaron. "It'• very strange," uid Roblnaon, now manager of the San Francilco Olanta. "It seem1 like I've been chuing him my entire career. Now, I've finally cau.ght up with him." In 1961, after driving in 124 run1 for the Cincinnati Reda and leading the National League in alua&Lng average with .611, Roblnlon waa named NL-MVl>. He was traded to the Baltimore Oriole9 in 1966. •t the age of 30, and won the Triple Crown with 49 homers. 122 RBI and a .316 batting average for his second MVP award. He became the first black manager in baaeball when he took over the Cleveland Indians in 1975. Chandler. 83, a former governor and U.S. senator from Kentucky, served as commiaaloner of bueball for six yea.re, 1ucceeding Judge Kenesaw "Mountain" Landi.I In 1945, ln 1947, hi.I support helped Jackie Roblnaon break baaeball's color barrier, but he was voted out of offlt"e In 1950 by ownen who felt he was too cloee to the players. Jacktlon~ 70. of WJldo. Ark.. WU knoWt) u_a 11.ick fielder with a powerful arm. He had a lifetime batting average of .291 and hit over .300 in six seasons. HiJs best 1ea10n waa 1927, when he hit .318 with 98 Rm. SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S .LOWEST PRICED HIGHEST QUALITY VIEW HOMES Myers runs at dCIB Teua 8illY Myett wtll eompete In Ille third Incl nn11 Drag hieing tor Oy11rophy competition et OrlllQ8 County tntern1t1onal A1CeW1y 1n 1 Summer StlowGown on Stlurdlt)I, Aug 14 Myert rec:enlly Ml an .iapt~ time mark ol & 13 with • epeed of 25'4 mllee P8f llouf In winning the top tu.I oompe11110n I t tile N-.letMy Ohlmf>IOnlhlpt L'll JOM Lomb1100 wllt lllao b9 on hind ... hM 11..n runnll\Q con1ltten1 five aecond m11k1 Ihle _, Aleo on llenO w1ll b9 Scott Hemmldc end Hl!Yden Prolltt with their jet dragatan end I 1peclal motorc:y<;le u twbltlOn 1M1ur1ng T9rfY \lw,ge Ind his Suiulll top luel bllle thll r8C41ntly ran I 99 mptl Git• ~ II noon wtth eHmlnetlOnt et 7 p m. S 1 from~ geN<lll edmlMlon ticket wlll .,. gl"411' lo 11'8 Muacul1r Oytlroplly ANocllllOn So, the six non-winners who qualified In the top 10 have a good chance of becoming champions. lf the ll'adition holda. The six a.re poie...itter GeoU Bodine. who turned the 2.66-mlle tri-val at 199.400 mph in his Pontiac; Cale Yarborough, who starta fourth; Terry Labonte, fifth; Ricky Rudd, lixth; Bill Elliott., seven~ and Morgan Shepherd, eighth. BEST LOCATION • JUST 10 MINUTES FROM NEWPORT AND LAGUNA BEACH ... Last year'• winner, Ron Bouchard. Is startinl 19th. Other former winners and their positions in the 40-car field are: Darrell WAitrip, .econd: Buddy Baker, third; Bobby AllllOn. ninth; Dave Marcia, 10th; Richard Petty, 13th; Neil Bonnett, 15th; Lennie Pond, 29th; and James Hylton, 38th. The odda of someone starting farther back than 10th and winning the race are against most of the fonner winners. The only two drivers who didn't start in the top 10 and won the race were Hylton in 1972 and Dick Brooks in 1973. Sports on TV Saturday TELEVISION 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Cleveland at Milwaukee. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Atlanta. 2 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN - Wlnd IW'fing on San Franci9oo Bay and angling for rainbow trout. 2:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third round play in the Canadian Open. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - WBC lightweight champion Alexia Arguello (75-4) takes on Kevin Rooney (19-1) In a ICheduled 10-round bout taped •t Atlantic City. Al10: . Coverage of the World Swimming Championships, taped at Guayaquil, F.cuador. 4 p .m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES , -Pennsylvania vs. St. Lou.ta in a aerte1 of bouta taped In 1981 in Va MOO.. Iowa. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Segments: The U.S. invitational sidecar motorcycle champlonahlp, taped at Carl1bad; the boxing competition at the National Sporta F•tival in Indianapolll: and the U .S . 1k ydiving championships. RADIO ~ -Dodgen at Atlanta. 11:15 a.m., KABC (790); Seattle at An,plt, 7 p.m., K.MPC (710). I from VlliW TOWNHOMES in a perfect South Orange County location ... that's Laguna Village , contempo- rary California living just minutes from Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and UC Irvine. You couldn't be more centrally located, and you can't buy a more quallty- built affordable townhome than those currently being offered at magnificent Laguna Village. Designed with a view in mind, each luxurious townhome is positioned to take maximum advantage of dramatic vistas spread out In the valley below. The development is built around a 51/2 acre. half million dollar rec. center that Includes a 5500 square foot clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis facilities, volleyball and picnicking. You may select from 1 and 2 story·units with 2 or 3 bed- rooms that range In size from approximately 1010 to 1665 square feet and each townhome garage facility can accommodate 2 cars. It's like living In a park because more than 420A> of the development is de- voted to open space, rolling gardens and greenbelt areas. And, to allow you to completely enjoy your new country-club lifestyle, the condominium concept of leisure living Is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and rec- reational facllltles performed for you by a professional firm retaJned by your Homeowner's Association for a modest monthly fee. . I 11 (; t ... , t 112 I I I '3 BEDRMS, 2BATHS, • 2 CAR GARAGE ONLY 5600~~~NT *EXAMPLE: SANTA BA.RBARA PLAN Under our graduated pmt. financing plan, you bu~ thla beautiful home for $112,600. Your down pmt. Is $5,600, and your loan amount Is $107,000 at 12% graduated Interest your first year's mo. pmt. la $1101 plus $94 (eat. taxes), plus $90 (assoc. tee) for a total pmt. of just $1285. Your second year's total mo. pmt. Is $1369. The third year, it's $1452, and years 4-30, lt'a $1518. The maximum 30 year fixed Interest rate for years 4-30 Is just 14:V.%. JUST SJ.101 MONTHLY PAYMENT (PRIN. AND INT.) 2 800 TO $124 400 28 OUTS ANDING HOMES AVAILABLE IOf'Ml 9D'IM2 'SANTA BARBARA . . . • . . • • M~ LSAQW ITA.NDINGI • =~ W L "9t. Cl9 118 43 574 115 44 1156 2 50 49 506 7 Ill llO ll05 1 43 eo 417 11 SI 59 392 1e 34 ee m ,,.,. tea1on• SI 42 5to ...,._ 57 42 571 ... 8111tlmote 114 43 115 7 2"' ~ Y0tll 50 41 521 I ron !iO •• 1110 7 ,,.._ 49 41 &05 7"" Ttronto 47 $2 475 10.,. : ''*1'• ..... ;A ...... 2.S..ltleO •Toronlo e, O.troll 5 (12 lnnltlQS) =7.M"°"llUk .. 2 II, Boalon I lty 4, .... lmc>r9 3 ~-Yorll •. hxu O ;'Oakland 4 MW-Ola 3 I 10 lnnlnQt) , Todar'• Oemae &all.la (Ballnltlat 11•1) •I ~ (GolU t.~).n J)etroll (Ujdur 4·5) •I Toronto 1Go11 t-1) &aton !Ecllaraley 1 1 ·II al Chic-oo ClklrM ICM) J:;lavaland (Brennan 0·2) al MllwaukH ,~..,_ .. 1·10) MlnnHolt !O Connor 4 3) at Oakland (Mceatty 5-I) ~ Yorh CAle•anelat ().3) al Texu CHough M ).n Balllmata (Fl411\aOan 7-8) al KanMI City IEl)ue 8-71. n ~nan~ .6.1 43111 110 -San..._.. .,., 625 l'o\ ~ 114 411 1124 I '" 9an 'f:raneleco 41 53 475 13'\ lio<dton 45 M 455 15'\ ~u 31 13 371 23.,.. ~l--,Pfilliaeliifilf:AtTI_ ... °W~ S19 • ·i .~· . "' '• .. ~. '• .t, ;: ) • .i. .... 1-J ~ '· t ·~ I, •.: • ~1 r ,f! ,. ... t• 57 44 ~ 1 63 45 ~' 31<> 63 .. 635 4 44 se 440 13'• '"' 14 .345 1110,., ,ftM1'e ..... ~ 10-8, Allenla 11-2 MontrMI 5, SI U>u1e 4 (1 1 lnnlnge) Cincinnati 4, San Diego 2 Pllltburgll 11, New York I Philed.ipN• 3. CNceigo 1 Houslon 3, San Franc:iaco 1 Tocter'90-.. Dodger• CValanzuela 13·9) at Atlanl• (P.-er 0-0) S.n Diego (Loll.,. 10-7 encl ShOW 7-3) at Clndnnall, (Shirley 3.7 and Seever 4-10) 2 l·n. San FrllnCleco (Hanwnakat 1-5 and Lulley 8-8) at HOU*lon (llUhle 5-tl and LaCoM 9-3), 2 l·n Chicago (Rlpley 3-3) al Phlladelphla CBytlrom 2·3). n St LOU!a (Muta 7-) at MontrMI !Aov•n 13-5)," Plt~rgh (Mc:Wtl!tama 7~) al N9# Yorio CPuleo 7-7) n AME"1CAH l.!AOUE Angefa2.flllerinen0 MATTU CAU'OMllA ., It~ JCruz.2b C-•.3b Bochta.tf ZIU..dtl ~rl Sliwwl.c Gr~,1b Mnden,cf rcna.u .. , ltlll 4 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 I 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 I 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 OownlnQ.lf 4 1 2 0 ~JI 0 0 0 0 Wdlong,2b 3 0 0 0 Re.Jllan .rl 3 0 1 I C1¥11rl 0000 BeylOfClll 3000 Lynncf 3 0 0 0 O.Cnca.3b 3 1 1 1 R.Jcl<an lb 3 0 1 0 F014,U 2 0 0 0 Boone.c 3 o o o Talala 32 0 6 0 Totall 27 2 S 2 Score bf lnnff>v• Seattle 000 000 000 -0 Ct111<or,,.. 010 001 oo. -2 • LOB·S .. 111• S. Calllornla 2 28·Zllk, tWMI, Downing HR·O.C-( 14) 8-Foll •a..ttte •Ht1D•t0 fleenle(L.&-81 • & 2 2 o b Calllomla l'oracti(W.10.11 T • I SS A·31,r.81 II I 0 0 0 ~ ..... o..w.., Ba1t1mot• ooo ooo 021 3 e 1 K.-Clly 002 100 Ob-4 10 0 . Sl-•rl. T Marttnei Ill and Oeme>NY" Gu••· Oultenbeoy 19) and Slauglll W- Gura. 12·7 L-Slewan 7 -8 S - 0\Jleerlbetfy ( 24) A-33 844 " .. _ .. .._.. PWw Yorll 020 000 020-1 1 T-000 000 000-0 5 \. Guldty. R Mey Cl ) Md Cetone. Medk:ft, t 80i\anO (II) MW.belle (9). Sclltnld1 (91 and 8undbe•O W-Gutdry 10-4 l -MeCllCh. '7-11 S-A Mey(2) HRa-,._ Yorll Henlea 111). Colllnl (21 ~-23.3~ ............ UTTWO MflMMR• 334 t2 100 13 llO 31e 51 N I ta 313 71 112 It 42 * 4t 111 ti 14 • 1 ti I 12 NIN" 14 U S2t U IO U IO 217 2S 7t • J7 >If M 14 I M '° • lt a • 32142Mtt • 14132S 1 t .. • 12 t 4 111 ti ti 0 • .... ., 0 t t1 • I 0 0 .............. 10l 4'1 ,... 218 219 m m 179 217 .n• .Ml M7 M1 .H> IN .,,. ,, .. .... .OU .tn NATIONAL L.UCIW 011111::..,_.,..... \09 ....... I AT\Nn'A .. , .... • , ltllll laa.tll 4 l 1 0 llflmln, M I 0 I I llWltM, ot I I I 4 Hl.tllbtild.2114 0 I 0 Wtt," a I 0 0 Mwphy~el 4 0 0 0 Guemto.11 0 I I I Hortlet.~11 I Q O 0 o.y,oo I 1 1 t LlMIM.tf t I I O o~.111 4 1 a 1 we110n,111 •a• a Rue9111... 4 1 0 0 1.1tor11t. Ill 0 Q Q Q a,o 2000 CM111tta.0MO~O Oii 0 0 0 0 hMdlcll.o I 2 °' I . 0 0 0 0 Aovlt1t,H 6 1 3 2 "9\laa,p 0 0 0 0 MMtet .p t 0 1 t Shlr'eV,p O O O O hclroelen,pO O 0 O Orla,pn 0 1 0 0 C.Ol.u,p 0 0 0 0 Ncll'llt, p 0 0 0 0 ".JllMll, pf\1 0 0 0 Monday,pfl 1 O O 0 Garllet,p O o O O Fou1ar.o O O O O wa11no1n, pl\ 1 o o o ~.ru u TOlale 34 10 10 10 To11la 42 e 11 t ..... "' """""' Loa Anve!M 100 0:22 aoo-to Allanla 030 320 001-9 ~-Loa Anv-2, .\llanla 1 LOB-Lo. Ano•••• I , All1n11 II 28-Guerrero. Aoya1w 38-A lllenWu HR-Wataon I (4). LW>dl-.>. 2 14). ~I 1:1~ 88-Blkw 8 -,......_ Mahler U. ,.,,..... • H II IA M 90 fie.JU 3 1111901 8811in9y 1 1 0 0 1 0 NlecMll"* 1 ' 2 2 0 , f'oratat (W,4-5) I 0 0 O 1 O 8 ~IS ll) 3 4 I I 0 0 Atwtta Mahlat S S 5 S 5 2 Bedroalen (l 5·2) 1\\ 3 5 5 2 2 C.Olaz ~ • O 0 t O Garber 2 1 0 0 0 I ~ ptlcheCI lo 3 baller• In the 4th Ma/\lat pitched 10 3 beltata In Ille 11th Balll-ReuM PS-Crow. T -3 10 Dodgen '· ,, ••• 2 e.c.ftd Qame L08 AHG«Lat ATI.ANTA abrllM abtllb4 Saa.2b 5 t 2 2 R.Rmrz.aa 6 O o o lanor11,cl 5 1 2 o Hubt>rd,211 4 1 2 0 8akat,lf 5 2 3 o Hrabelcy,p 0 0 0 O 0""1'1tO,rl 2 1 0 0 WUhln.rl 4 1 2 I Roenloe. rl I 0 0 0 Murphy.cf 4 0 O O ~.311 4 2 2 3 Hor-.3b 3 0 0 0 Garvey lb 4 O 2 3 Cllambls, 1b 2 0 1 1 Rlillafj,u 4 1 1 o Pocorb.c 4 o o o Belange..u o o o o B P0t1r.n 4 o o O Sdoec.o 4 0 0 0 Cowley,p 1 O O O Wetch,p 4 O 0 O WIMM!n,ph 0 0 0 0 Ottvtay,p 0 0 0 0 Royatr.2b 2 o 1 O Totala 31 ti 12 8 Totala 33 2 I 2 ._.bf.._.. lo. Anv-000 222 200-• Allenla 000 001 010-2 E-ScloKta. Guw•wo WUIWngtn OP- AllMLa I L08-Loa AngelM II, AllMI• • 2B-R4JMetl, lanC1r.au11. itu. ~ HR-C.., (14). Su (1), WuhltlOton (7) S8- °'*1'at'o, Bak• SF-Chaml>Ma ~ Loe,....... •H 11 au ao W*11(W.11-71 9 I 2 2 3 e Allaftta ~.,:?/ -,.-15" 4 ~ ' 6 Dayley 2 5 4 312 Hral>Olll<y 2 2 o o o 2 WP-Welch T-2 41 A-47 7&7 .... .._.....a Sen Diego 000 020 000-2 5 I Clndnnell 010 120 0011-4 10 O Monlefueoo, Ora"'9dly (51. Luca (I) ana T Kenneely, 0.enyl and \tan Gorder W- Berenyt, 11· 10. l -Monteluaco, 11 11 A-111,021 l'1"9al a. Cllba 1 ChlcaQo 000 000 010-1 II I Phll.oalphie 002 100 00•-3 10 ' Janklna, Campll1ll (8) and J. Davia, Canton and 6. Oic.. W-Carnon. 14-8 L- Jenltlna, 8-12 HR-~ ~ ( 18~ A-33, 115 ................ 1 Pma11utgh 101 120 000-5 ta o New Yoric 010 000 000-1 9 1 Candetana. Satmlen10 ti! anCI T P-. Swan, O•oeco (II. Allen (9) and S1.wna W-Cano.larla, 11·4 l -Swan, 8-4 8-S.,.mtento (I) HR-Plltallutgh MedloGll (10~ A-11,Ut ........... <MIMI 1 Sen l'rlnClaco 000 000 001-1 4 O Houtton 000 300 00.-3 I 0 Gale , llart Ill and May Sutton anCI ~ W-Sutton. 10-7 L-Gale, ~10 HRe-Sen Ftanc:IKo, R 5'NtJI (I~ Hous1on OWnat ( 10) A-17 .407 hpeaS.~• St 1.0Ull 002 101 000 00-4 9 o Mont,_, 200 100 010 01-S 12 O IAPOlnl. LM\11 (7), K.-(8l Sutllar (I). Bait ( 11) and 0 Por1er; s.ndar9on. RMrdOf\ (I). ~ (10) Mel Car11t W-f'<yman t-2 l -Bair, S-3. HRe-51 Louie. 0 Porter (7) Mot\llMI. ~ (11) A-47,07CI Top 10 ...... Oii 210 .. Ml8) ~LEAQUll QAaflH~l WW~aon,K.C Yount.Ult. Hanah,Qe Hrbell,Mln Gan1,_,Mll p acior'ek,Otl Whlla.K i:: Cooow,MW l M Parrien.Oel Gwc:ie. Tat. 75 32$ 43 ' 10 .331 IM 383 72 129 .337 " 379 71 124 .327 17 338 61 lot 322 75 241 25 79 321 90 293 37 IM .321 87 317 48 101 .3111 112 317 83 122 ~IS n 214" ., .314 " 412 11 129 .313 .......... G Thomae, M._..M, 25. "9. ---,........ 211 Tllc>rmon. ~. 24, OVl\lll. MllwaullH, 23, Hatrah, Ctev•l•ticf. 2J eocic-. MhM*M. 20. ............... McAae Kanaaa City 111. Thornton. Clenlllfld, 71. Cooper, MllwaullH, 75. L.-1. CNcago. 10. Yount. ........... ee. G TilomM .......... ae. ......... (U~) Vukovich, Milwaukee. 11-4; 8utnt c:Ncego, 1°"'· Caldll. s.toa.. 1°"'· Z.ttft. ,........ 1~ ci-. Boelon. 8-4. Sutcltl9. a...iend. 8-4: J Mcllugt*\, Tatonto, 8-4 MATIOMA&. L&AGUIJ Q .U II M !'wt. l<nlQM. Htn 119 371 52 119 3,. McOee, SI I. 17 225 2t 71 311 ~LA n 258 45 11 ,:114 ~.Mil N 373 59 117 314 Ourllem, CN 91 351 ISo4 108 .:IOI c-. Mil 93 338 5t 104 308 J Ray, P9'1 N 3$4 5t 121 307 T P9na, Pgh H S It 31 17 .ao7 lo.Smith, Stl.. 97 372 83 114 .30e RI.I-· 8.0. • 323 5t .. 303 .._ ..... Murpny, Atlerltl, 29: Klngrnen, N9# Yorll, 2$, CWl•. M~. 21: "°''*'· Atl.,.,ta, 20: ca.n-.~• ............... Murtiny, Atlanta, 74: 00-, Mon1tMI. M , Kingman, N4lw Yorll. et: Hanclncll. 81 LOUla. II; Carter, Monl,.al. IS; Q11arrer•, ~-.......... ftt o..i.leM) P Hlallro, Atlanla. 10-3; l\ogw't, MonlrNI, 134. D ~. Ptttabwgfl, 11 ... ; Forectt. St louta, t().5; I.Oii•, San Diego 10-6: c.ndelwia, ~· 8-4, c.mci. Allltlta. 8-4, Ctr11on. PNledllphla, 14-1 , ..... ,. Oll9llfr Pal McGowen VIC1?t Aegllado :=:,,t Folr .. t FeDer Jecli HICl<i.ue Aotwe 6laCll Lllfl')' Mize lMI')' Rink• 8od Hudlola Ed Oougtwty MM~ Tom Pu<u9' ~= 8oo11 Wltlllna Owy T rMaOtVIO Jodie Mudd Miiia 3'11Wvan Jtm COIDen Jay Hua Danny TalbOt RIClc PNt.an Rlet>Ald Zol<OI John Fougnt .Jey c..ad a-Alcll hop Howwd TWllty Tom Kita Nici\ Pnc. 8ob °*"' MMwt&m41h Tom 51\aW 11111 Kralnt't Boll 8tttton Ben Ctenahaw Paul Ailng9r John Sdwoedet Mlllo~ 0.,., Mc:CotCI Bob Eaet.ood PIMI Hancocto W"°"'f 111.aiwn MartO'~e Tim Nott1a """Dent M•• 8n1nnan Tommy Aaron e-Ooug Ro•bu•gh Ed Sel-Fr-Connet Rays .... .,, Tarry OWlf Galrlnl__, Bob Probatt NoormJ11f"11 0.,., Hall berg EtlC Bellen Jim Simon• Tony Cetda a-Gteg Olton Sl...,a LlaC>le< &ot>l>y Pancra12 Ron Comman• M.._llMl>W Tom Eull- John AClama Kelly Murr~ Ooug lllacto Bob Pat\Mlull 8411 euc1,_ a-Gary Cowllf'I J•"f HM<d a-Flidlard Todd ·--•t- 7t.-71-t48 76-70-148 71-75-148 12·74-148 72-74-148 73-73-148 73-73-148 74-73-147 7).74-147 1J..'l4-141 74-73-147 7S-74-147 72-7$-147 72-75-147 7&-72-147 7t-71-147 73-74-147 73-74-147 73.74_ 147 71-71-147 74-73-147 75-7:1-148 78-70-148 78-70-148 •711-148 72-79-148 77-71-148 12·71-148 73-75-148 72-78-148 71·77-141 74-74-14t 7&-74-1411 71-78-149 74-75-1411 72-71-1411 74-711-14t 77-72-149 7~71-149 75-7$-150 78-74-150 77-73-150 74-71-150 74-71-150 7&-75-150 76-74-150 71-79-150 76-74-150 71-73-150 74-79-150 n.71-151 n -H -1s1 76-75-1$1 74-77-151 74-n-151 75-7&-151 76-75-151 73-79-152 78-78-1112 78-75-1153 1e.n-1~ 7&-71-113 7:M0-11S3 76-711-154 n -n-uM 74-80-15"4 76-71-15"4 76-79-156 Tt-t0-1M 7s-a2-157 78-79-157 711-71-157 71-«>-15' IMT-172 ....--137 11.--140 70-70-140 12-ee-140 n•-140 72-70-142 71-71-142 72-70-142 7....._143 72-71-143 73-70-143 71·73-144 71-73-144 76-et-144 71-73-144 , ..... _145 73-72-145 73-12-1411 711-a-145 76-70-14' 74-72-14« 7S-73-14t 74-72-14e 76-70-1 .. 72·15-147 73-74-147 74-TS-147 74-73-147 7S-74-147 72·711-147 71-79-147 75-72-147 76-11-147 75-7'-148 75-73-141 7t-72-141 7&-73-141 75-73-141 ~"' 76-73-1411 75-74-149 76-7)-148 fS.11-141 n.71-1llO n.n-1110 7t-72-tll0 76-74-UIO T5-T6-1llO ft-74-1$0 75-76-190 72·7t-1llO n-ra-111 7t-711-111 n .14-151 .,..12-111 I0-71-191 1•11-111 71.74_,., 74-7t-1'1 1•11-1u 7&-tT-1U 7t-1f-1~ .,..7t-112 ~ .. ~?t-­.,...,.,_, .. ~.,.._, .. 7Mt-1A ~1'-­,...,.._1N ,.,.,._,.. .,....., P'NOAY'9M=T8 , ........... ~ .. --) ... , MCI. • 11.wioftOt Ona Oii "" ..... 171 00 .. tO 11 00 IN'• Neat • ...._, 11 IO • 40 toulltern 1..11111-r (Per111nd11) U 00 AleO raoad~ PcirnNM M•. '-OW of Uta. Tuttt'I a• , 'llP I Hlo1tla..1.~.HllrH1t Peyofl. , P\jnda, Wtn -· I.Hiited °'*"· . TI!Mi 1: lt,O NCOMO UCL I NrlonOI v~ll.-1~1 11.ao 7.'40 4 eo COUnt Kennedy (MoOINon) 1.00 UO lotd 'N C~ U.ipharn) 6 20 AleO reoad. '11oMY Otnlfal. tnalde Movie • It'• IM llefry'a. ~ ~. lalend '--· lllnO WMloei<. Pooellit c.-t, OenclinO LOI.I. Joiw'y'. Ottlohl. Timi 1;11 $15 a DM.V DOUllUI 110 t) paid et. 197 eo ntlN) MC•. I 1111 Mllee Qualle (Plncay) e IO 4 40 3 IO ltrlWOen'Y •tlcik CMoeatronl 3 40 3 00 Ma Bold fMIM (Meu) II 00 Aleo rNed· Merit Crowd. War Ahead WNttlinO Low, Candy Ot .... lucity Kay fl T1ma 1.44,0 • IXACTA 14·1) Paid $e4 00 '°"'"'" MC•. e 1Ur1onot Ninth Inning (Mc:Carron) & 20 3 40 3 00 Foroe (Vat99f•I 7 llO 5 40 ~~Oln~•"""Y) 480 AJao r-.:t WlnQaD«, C-'a 11 .... RICI Votcan!i-EHtarn lite!, Too Teri, Maril • Polioy, \;OUlal ArtMlwy. T V Fi,. Come on LMry. Time.. 1. 10 216 ,.-TM flACt. 7'" lw10ng9 on lurl Giiied Oanoar (Plncay) I 20 5 40 3.llO Btutl Blue (Cutaneda) 22 IO 1 IO T~ (Oelllhou~) 3 40 Aleo r~ Son ol • Dodo. Sell'• ~., OrHm. OrHI Orandton. Zor, Dl•clalm. Alohl ol Ughl fkna. I.SO 11•. .. UACTA (1·9) paid le88 50 •tXTH llAC•. I lumnga. TltM ol Sela ICIPlfalne) 411 llO 11 oo 9 20 Blanqulla (Plnc:ay) 5 90 4 40 Navonod'• Star (°'1agaJ 4.90 Aleo raced' Pr'-Gummo. Cullallnd, Odd or Eagle, eoocoie laely, My Count .... Mlelc~l. Clrc:teeway, Ann. 0~. $1\are '"" Tlme ' '1 41& NVDfTH MCI. t 1118 mhe Sword of Honor (Oeilhouauye) 14 40 • 20 4 40 Motet• (l'lncey) 5 oo 4 eo ar .. , C1ouO ce .. .....a.1 13 eo Alao rec~ Su1tow. Cap1a1n 00\lble. ci..-1-99• aio Oouo. Sir 8p•uce. Sky MIMlon. E.ctremely, Omlihe Mike Time. I 44 1/S • IXACTA (2·11) peld St12 SO &1 "9CC IOI (9-'-12· 1-3-2) peld S 11~7 40 with 49 w4nn6ng tlc:ll.U (llw ~) N Pie* 81• conaolatlon paid IH 20 with 605 ~ llCUI• (lour ~l 12 Pie* Silt .er at Ch coneOlatlOn p9fd sae 90 w1111 n 1 \olfMll'tO llde.U !l'ff'M "«Mt ON ICll1l1Cfl) l!IOHTH ltACe. 1 1118 ....._ on lurl Tttgonoml (Vergara) 3 I 80 8 llO 3 80 Walat 6anlt (Caalaneda) 3 80 2 llO 8eldall Bid tSIOlllel 3 eo Mao r-.. ~ ~ 09l\a Jo. P9&'• OUCle Tlme I 43 415 N9fTM ltACL t 1111 ....... T•inot (Ceclltalna) 8' 40 34 90 13 00 Tlmbenp0<1 CC..t...oa) 10 20 I eo On the Prowt (lllaek) 1190 Allo raced Wha1'1 Your B•o. l 8 ·, Prince, Qualtllcetlo PrecllecllOft. ArndMn, a... John, T.V AgltatOt, ,lllpov Timi t 45.0 • DACTA (11-12) peld 12.590 00 AltencMnce -11.111 Loe Alemltoe ~AY'• M8'A.Tt (7"1114 ......._._, .......... _..., NU llACI. 400 yet da. Ptoud Patndl (Pltln) 24 80 I 1 00 12 00 Blllt Pool (HW1) 1 90 8 20 Plenty °' H<>INnQ cci--1 15 eo A.leD r-.:t Ory Pllcn. llob V1t1 Moon. Utt1e Top Qllcli, ..._,Young Pop Benlle. *'"" ..... ~ Rgut9 TlrN 2037 &1 DACTA (4-7) palCI $ 139 00 MCOC> llACa. 350 Y.- c-tal Aociu• er-•• 11 oo 9 eo 1 40 ~ Indian (P .... l 11 40 1 90 Sure Future CT•-•l 1 IO Alto r-Prlule Z..n 8u<nln Coat <Mncy9 ~. ,,__.., String, Unojel ~. MIN CMirgw llug. Oynomno T-. 1124 n..I tu.CL 400 yardt Goin For H (Clerleatl 2 t 00 II to 3 eo ~ Cloe IHW1l 2 to 2 llO BMt Of Ma CBlllW'91 3 eo Ai80 raced· Fllrtach. Palnled AeCMll, lJngO ci...111 T1ma' 2003. ~ lilACI. 360 YAIClt Won WI)' Joae (lonlta) 7 40 S.llO 5 20 The NaDoO ~dcaa) 28 00 11.40 Too Awe ( l I llO Aleo ra<lH Soul 01 A Champ, Jodi• ~ Meo Lani. Wytecltll RoN My ,._ Rambler, ScfnulltOt. l°""'9 "'-Tim« 18.19 • PACT A f&-31 paid 12 It llO ...,,. ltACC. 350 yvda ,,.. 8411 8a!IJ (T onlta) 13.00 4.20 3 40 Aelt1-A*I (ClrdouJ 2 IO 2 40 Semonlt1 1Che¥vJ 4 20 A*> raced K•Y Cel 0.0. Alt>a HOCll Booll• Chldt. Vlll'Ull Jon Time: l7 911 IO(TM uc:a. 400 yarele 8y IMdlAtlCI (Tr-.e) 18 00 1 40 4 20 ~ 01'11• ..,.,0 (M)'*) 4 40 3 20 AliCla wonoer CTri•l 3 20 Aleo rac.d' AMla Ectlo. Hey And Oeta. Vedo, Hlol And Alc:ft, 0.-C AIOI! nn.. 20 12 ll DACTA (4-t) peld $78 llO NftWTl4 llAC9. 360 yllfda Lade Sport• Glr1 C0rdz) LOO 3 20 3 20 H9va A o-dy (Hart) 3 20 2 llO 8c-dY At9ll (Uc*ey) 8 40 AJao raced L.otM Styte, P ... wr.,...,, Satar> Woman. A Zura Nl1ce. Soito Mahoglny. Klptp Me. u....,., ~ Tim« 17.-.. a UACTA (t-71olld12140 IJQHTM ltAca. 360 yllfdt .i.i FMC ILPIYI 1 40 a eo 2 40 SI Rain 8llf (f'~) 4 40 3.00 FM! """""CHtn) 2.IO Alao raced Bo Moon, 8111y Cor11a1, Wo~tz. Mighty t Can. Timi. 11.03 11 IXACTA (3·11) peld S3UO. a PtCK 80l (6-~41-3) paid 14.0M 20 wHh 1 1 ~ llC:loet•Jtt... hQraM), 12 PIClt Six conaotatlon pal H2.80 •Ith 111 wtnntno llCIC9la llollr i.or-1 la PICll SIJI aorttcfo oonaotellon ~.,, 40 With 34 '#Inning llCl1ett (\NM • ON la'lld'I) ~ llAcs. 170 )lllfdt Mt ~ (Haril 4 eo 2.eo 2 40 Tra...iin SIM)w (CfMQat) 2 IO 2.40 aa-wwt o.mllW (Cetdor•> 2 eo Alto rlOld: The lonill. Ren.a Action, ThrM Wld C'*-, ,...., 8oCI T1IM' 48 '° • UACTA 12~1 paid N IO TDfTM flACC. 350 yardl. PuetllO ~ lc.rdoul 1• '° I IO 3 40 Miio 11-11111111 3.00 2.IO L.o, I.IN two ( .. G) • t t0 Aleo flOICI: liloGllat Sona. r...,.,,. I ftttlTIOa, Double Tull Turllt, C°llHk My Tim•. l1UnnlnO '-'Y. amoco °'*"" '/'Ima: 11. ''· • lltAC'TA 1 .... 10t*I tu.20. ~-10 ...... Qteftd~~ • ....... c.-~) l•1n 1.e11~1=:'.io,11 la) oat Han• Olldtmtltter 101111•1. •·•· •·1, P1ter McNlmal'I (Aillltallal Gel Hann ~I• ElllOll. t•(, 1·11 t ·l..1. l1tua T11oc:r Ullfary) def AnOf .. QDf!IN (lel'lldOf , . .w. t-4: JOll we Ollrc (AI01f111nal JoM AitMttdlr tAuelrlMll. e.2. •2. Vlcllor P<MIGI (PataouaYl Gal ,redGle ,.._, ''°"'" Alrtcl). T·t: ).t retired, Mii Purcell (U I ) dal lllot T 11\acllat (U S ). 0·3. M 119n'• townwnent (" loutll 0"1:• N..I.) Yennlck =-=-) ~llMly AtlM IV I), M , t-3: Milla Cllhlll (V.I I dal 04C>li tlOdl~on (U.8 ), 7 ... e-2; Shl0"'4> OllCtoallln (IWMI} def Matlo Matllne! (8ollvta) 4 I •·S, f.I, Aaul Aa11tlra1 (MulOOI Gel Jay l..lplcM (U.8). t-3. 7·0 ·-·· o-1artlMI ........ V119tnla Awlcl (Aomantal def Or-Kim (V 1.i a.a. 8-1 Pam ONala CU S l Oal Eiieen , .. (U 8 ), 6-2 6-4, lvtlMI Madruga-0 -(AIOMllne) Oal Joanne Auaaell IV S I. a. t w WCT tOUfMl'IM"I (at c.., o·.-..oe1 ,,_, Lloyd 11~1 ::T"':aval Sloill (CzecftOllOvakle), t-4, 1-3. Canoe Kl.-Mar< (8'Uil) Gal Woll.it Ftbalt (POlanCI) 1-6 11-3. 8-4, Tomat &mid (C1ecnoatova1t1a) def COtraclo 8atauutu (Italy). 8-3 8-4. o.- Gltln (U s ) del Petet Enat (W911 Garmany) 1-4.1-3 Women't Indoor tCMl~I , .. ,,..,, AwlreMe) ~ flewwl tlftolee Martina Navralllova (U S 1 d•I Battin• lluoga cw..i Garmany), 1-4, 3...a. 8-3, Chm hart Lloyd IV.S ) dat P.:vonn• Cawley (Aultrllla), e.3. 6-1, AndrN J"119' lU S ) Oa1 Sue 8ertow (England). 8-0, 8-0 Wom.n't toumanMnt , .. .._.........,., Quar1erflNI ....... Corinne Vanier (France) d•I Bonnie OaduMI< (U.8.l. M . 6-2; ltathy Jo<dan (U.S I Oii LOU! .. Allen (U.S). 6-2. 3-15. M . Tracy Auatln (U.8.) dal. Kate Latham (U.S ), 8-0, 8-0, Kathy AlnalCll (U.S) daf Alycia MOUiton IVS ~ ~. 7-8, 8-3 Canadian footNll ~ue IAtftM OMttOM w L T ,. ... TatonlO 2 I ' Ill 90 HMNl1on 2 ' 0 90 90 Ott-1 2 0 711 90 McloltMI 0 :t p 18 107 WHTEMf DIVION lltlllah Qn>b 3 0 0 115 &6 E-ton 2 • 0 '14 !>1 ~:J:wn 2 t 0 92 57 ' 3 0 112 120 CMQlly 0 1 ' 'ticlaf'• .._. 43 49 Toronto 44, Seal' •1Chawan n ,.,......,..~ Calgary a1 HamH1on. 7 p m Misc. Worid Aquetk 0....... ( .. caw.,..,a. Ecuador) WDllSN'I DMNO ,._._ ........ ......., Qualltytne .... 5 ' 2 0 II 4 4 2 I t Megan Hey!w 1u-V1411ol 48 f e2 2 Clv'•t,,,_ Seul"1 (Am'*< Pa ). 418 90 3 Lanna 1""'6nUova (USSR>. 411192. 4 YIWlfl C""11 P9n11 (People 1 Repullloe of CNnal 415 OI 5 8111• BaldUI (EHi Germanrl . .. 2 7S II ~ a. .... ICM.aa~ 455 711 7 Mattlf\9 Probow (E.ul Germany• u4 15 8 r.,.. Tollar (Horwey) 431129 tYNCMRONIZE'O S.....O .... Anale 1 Tr-Rua (8otMll. WMll I. 112 30 7 Kally Kryalla (Cal\ede). 188 M 3 M""allo Moloyotn1 (Japant ta I SO 4 C•rolyn W-6on (GrMI Br!1-I 171 52. S 5 M11tljke Englen (Holland! 171 18 6 Gudrun H--(Wast 0..many), ta7 155 1 C.,OI Sturianaog .. 1Sw111erland). 1611 51 II Mui' .... Hermina (France) 1&e 05 WI.TEii fl'Ol.O Pll'I( ......, ......,... United 81Ar1• 24, Egypt 2 8peln 21. -ZaelanCI 2 Cut>ell,Gr-5 HOllltld 9, Canada 5 W•I a.many 9, Italy II 8o¥IM Union 1 t, AuSlrllla 8 Y119C*a¥1a 13, Fr.-9 Hungary 14, "-"'' Reciubllc ot Chtn.t e {:hristian captures cycle win Alan Cbrt.aUan won the ICntch main ~ent before 6,736 fana at the weekly 1pc.ledway motorcycle race. at tho Oranae County fairground• In Coat• MeH Friday night. Christian of Huntington Beach, haa become a conaiatcnt winner In the eet.'Ond half of the eeaJOn and defea~ Gene Woodl ot C.O.ta Mea, John Sandona and Mike Bast in the ec:ra~h feature.' Dennis Siga1oa, a world championship qualifier a week ago In Sweden, had trouble getting his cycle moving cons1Stently and wu packed to leave the track before antennwuon In the h1ndlcap main event, OenntS Abbott was the winner followed acroes the firush I.me by Dennis Bransford, Sterling Cogar, Keith Chrisco, Mike Mauaca.ne and Chnstian Mark Dwyer won the third division main event and Ron Blanton was the second division winner. In the featured match race, Woods defeated Mike Faria when Sigalos ran into problems and couldn't make the race. The second and third division riders had a lot of trouble Friday night, spill.mg and flip-flopping all over the track according to one ob&erver "There were enough pieces on the infield to butld a spare bike almost," Margo Kmg, the infield track announcer said. "The top riders did well but the second and third d1v1S1on had a terrible ume gettmg their races run." The Costa Mesa track will continue weekly races leading up 10 ..1be.. ~o.dd...champum~tuPs _at_ _ the Los Angeles Coliseum on Saturday, Aug. 28 when Bruce Penhall of Balboa wi.ll defend his title. He will be joined by Sigal06 and Kelly Moran in the 16-rider competition featuring the world's top speedway stars • Mesa wins showdown over FV John Boyle scored a goal with 1:36 remammg to gtve the Costa Mft8 Cowboys a 6-5 Vlctory over Fountain Valley's Flames Fnday night tn a battle of first place leaders 1n the American Speed.soccer Assoc1auon at Los CabaJJeros Racquet Club. Boyle's goal was the second of the game for the Costa Mesa star with four other players contributing one each. The victory leaves Costa Mesa as the onJy undefeated team in the cirruit. The Cowboys are 7 -0 for the season and lead second place Irvine by 2 1~ games going into tonight's action. Fountain Valley is 5-2 a.nd is 11\ -game in front of Mission Viejo. Mission V1ejo's Vikings tangle with lrvi.ne in a battle of second place teams tonight at 8:30. ln Friday night's action. the two teams kept pace with each other for three penods before the Flames failed to score in the finaJ period. lt was 2-2 at the end of the tint period, 3-3 at halftime and 5-5 alter three quarters. Fountain Valley tied the count m the third quarter with 2:53 left on a goal by Toni Antounlan.. h1a third of the night to lead bol.b teams In ICOring. Scoring single goals for the winning Cowboys were Tavio Zambrano. Juan Ca rloa Gardenas, John Benbow and Manny Cuenca. Fountain Valley single goal efforts were made by Bob Contreras and Hammed Frijuckic. Los Al holds Anne B urnett Danville Si.Uon, fresh from a wtn ln the Vemela Maturity, will meet \he CWTent 3-year-o)d fWy aentaUon Leading Stat in the Anne Burnett lnvl tatio nal a.ndlc.p tonJaht at Loa AlamJtc. ~Coww. --..... Or1ng1 CoUl DAILY PtLOTIS1turd1y, July 31, 1182 Dennis too menacing? Kid's language causes red syndicate faces Scouts ~ , . . ~" -,,,,aeio ' positions ~ ?284ta11ea11t &'~~N~~Tr Denn.ii the M hu bMn a Uttle boy more than SO yea.rs, and rarely hu chanaed. Hia cowlick nu never been tamed, he w.... the aarne 1triped ahir11 and bib overall.a aeven days a w eek and hl1 :youthful conspiring hu always been the haUmarll of hla n ewsprint penonallty. But Dennis let one slip in a recent cartoon penned by creator Hank Ketchum. He was ahowinl the eventual strains of changing timel. It's hard for a kid who never grows up. Dennis didn't exactly say a nauahty word -It'• not nauahty by current standardl -but it wu enough to make the Mn. Wllaoos of the world turn pi.nk. He laid he was "t.akin' a leak." Now, it is true that a lot of young boys say worse things than thla, but they don't star in comic strips read in about l~OOO newspapers every day around the world. Dennis got In a little t,,rouble. filled I~ Th• new l'ronUorl (I~~ sNuO..WDIOPEll FOR project ot the Orana• n y BRUllCH County council of die Boy SCouta of America 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. haa named committee FEATURING FRESH SUMMER FRUIT ~~C::inted are Dr. Along With Other Great ltema Dan le 1 A 1 d rich J r . . Complimentary Champagne chancellor of UC Irvine, vice c hairman of In-FIVE POINTS LOCATION ONLY school 1routing, and Dr. 18603 MAIN STREET 842-5811 Warren Marsh, usatant HUNTINGTON BEACH superintendent of the~~·~~~~~~"~"~·-~~~·~~~"~"~"~"~-~"~···~··~·~~~~~~~~~~~8~4~8~-2~3=7=2~ Orange County Department of F.ducation. vice chairman of handicapped scouting. Named to the combined positions of community relations and {1 nan ct-chairman 1s Theresa Gallego-Nault, director of corporate communications fo r Ponderosa Homes. The program o ffers scouting experiences to youth In low-income/ h1gh -m1norit ly neighborhoods Housing • Anaheim Convention 9 Winner• In Center: today'• Claealfled•I Thursday. August 5 through IT'S EASY! Find your Monday. August 16 name and address tn Field Newspaper Syndicate, based in Irvine, d1str1butes Ketchum's cartoon. Editor Leighton McLaughlin said his firm received about two dozen calls and 20 letten from editors and readers who didn't think Dennis ought to be using such language. McLaughlin, however , r ecognized the problem in ad vance and said he called Ketchum at his Pebble Beach home -to suggest modifying the language. Ketchum ch0&e not to switch, the editor said. But to be safe, the syndicate suU sent out the same cartoon with an optional caption where Dennis saJd, more politely, that he was "in the bathroom." Thia was the one used in the Daily Pilot. ''THAT WAS A DIRTY TRICK. ... KILLIN ' OFFiHE MO GUY WH ILE 1 WAS IN THE MTHROOM." meeting slated Long Beach Arena: 1oday·s c1ass1fled section. then call Wednesday. August 18 642•5878 Ext. 772 to through Sunday, August 22 claim your tickets But the editor added: "l felt Dennis might be an exception to that trend because he's a little boy and it's a family -oriented cartoon.'' didn't object shows how far comics have progressed the past decade at dealing with issues that were once taboo, he noted Jim Gregory, pre s ident of The Gregory Company. wiU address the Orange County chapter of the Building Industr y A.sscx·1at1on of Southern Cahfom1a on Monday Winners each day. so TICKETS available at check the class1f1eds Ringling Bros. and Barnum . -1n lhe & Bailey Circus locations ) and at all T1cketron outlets =~1~ ;~~~ :';;.!ormat•on ~ .. ~1-. Daily Pilaf or (714) 999-8952. J . Some papers published one version; others ran the other. Objections didn't seem to come from any particular part of the country.~~-But certain papers appear to have readers less offended by such language. For example. current Mary Wort h cartoons involve a defiantly unwed mother. For Dennis the Menace, however, things may need tO move more slowly The t o pi c 1s the co n cepl his {arm dt•ve l o ped f or manufactured homes. ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ McLaughlin said he recognized Ketchum's position: "Times are changing and you've got a lot more latitude today on what you can say and write about than you did 15 years ago." "The Chronicle wed 1l and we d1dn't hear a thmg from the people in San FranclSCO," said McLaughlm. Said McLaughlin: "l think m {aim~ to Hank Ketchum, 1f that wording had s h ow n up 1n another stnp. say 1n Doonesbury. there would not have been a ripple of protest " The meeung will be held at 6 p.m. at the A1rporter Inn. 18700 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine For information. call The fact that more people 547-3042. l•.t1 pt :J ?I :V. .... \'Jtl ;111 •l HOME VIDEO WHY PAY MORE v RECORDERS v BIG SCREEN v CAMERAS v FILM RENT AL v TELEVISION v ACCESSORIES Limited to Stock on Hand BIG SCRE ......-miiii~ T.V.'S General Electric YESI '1r0~:~0 2A DELUXE PIECES 8 HR . REMOTE VIDEO RECORDER WlrelHI RCA Infrared Remote Controf Single Ira me advance Stop action Double a peed Slow D D 19" SCAll REMOTE SPECIAL reg. 163995 Model 4166 11" Di11onal Color Portable T. Y • $31900 STAR REMOTE #5230 This 25" Star features an all new 19 button Infrared remote control that not only allows random access to 105 channels. but push , button controls for alternate channels. HI-Fl sound. and recall functions. Enjoy this llghtwe l ght euy-t°""'ry 12" dlegonal Black & White TV. 100•1, Solid Staw chuala, preset VHF fin• tuning. '•99!' Bl~ Set performance In a compact 13 ' diagonal alze. Thi• portable Color TV featurn Automatic Fine Tuning and 100% Solld State ch ... 11. ANNOUNCING •••• NEW SUMMER HOURS AT THE VIL.LAGE! FRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tll 9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'tll 9 P.M. SUNDAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'tll 6 P.M. Come ertjoy a summer afternoon or evening waterfront experience at Lido Marina Village In Newport Beachl Here you'll find relaxing pleasure with the fine shops, the outstanding restaurants, the quaint brick streets, the weathered wooden shop exteriors nestled 'neath scores and scores of sheltering trees ••. all on the waters edgel Also, enjoy a vast pan- orama of sky and sal I ..• of clouds and soaring birds •.. of water and boats heading for the open sea. All yours ... at Lido Marina VIiiage on a-summer afternoon OT eventngl Come ... browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront In Newport Beach at your lelsurel I ~ I ·'. • f I . ' . : .. . i I . I ' I I I f ' , r l t I , I • I ~ ' ~Ca.et DAM..V PtLOT/ltlur~. July 11, 1911 qualor, dreams, oil dollars gave birth to PLO CllAIU.ES J. HANLEY .......... h e 1q ualor of the camp1, the perate drffma of aoln1 home, the y now of Arab oil dollara -all Ute to the PaleeUne LlberaUon ~-..rusatlon. But It ls the Middle F.ut'a em wan that have given It shape. The 1967 Arab-Israeli War put the LO ln the handa of Yuaer Arafat's ~The 1973 war forced it into a more moderate mold. And the lat.est oon.flict, climaxing in Israel's siege of the auemua core tn Beirut, hu pushed the P LO to th.e brink -either of ~vast.ation or. ironically, of a pohtical victory froin the debris of military dl:(..eat. . 'There is a saying m Arabic," Arafat IS fond of recalling, .. 'The blow that does not break my back strengthens me.' " The PLO has never taken such blows as now. Whether its cause will emerge IU'Onger is ,the unanswered riddle of Beirut. On Dec. 31. 1964, four commandos of Arafat's tmy Fatah band -led by Arafat hunself, accorchng to guerrilla lore -slipped into Israel and bombed a water pumping station, bpening a new era of unconventional warfare m the Mideast. • The Israelis dismissed the guerrilla 'threat. But the PLO grew into a powerful organization with a budget reputed at mo~ than $1 billion a year, with an estimated $500 m11l1on 1n aubsidies from Arab governments, and w ith a f i ghting force of 6 0,000 "fedayeen," or "martyrs " It left a bloody trail along the way and came to be rl·v1lcd by l1mtl'll1 u a 1ana of terrorist mur<lt:rl'ns h bt'<.·amc. In many wuy&, lsrut'l'i; most dan.i~roua un.imy Many of the estimated 4 million PaleeUnians for whom the PLO t'lalms to speak -lncludina 1.3 mlllicm ln Mideast refugee camps art' members of Arab famJlles that fled Palestine In 1948-49, when the first Arab-Israeli war erupted as the tertitory ~ carved up to form the JewtSh state In the 1950s, the Egypt of Gama! Abdel Nasser sponsored Palestinian But tho Arab Icade,.. had a further pl u weU: to put a rein on the -aaf'89ive Palestlnlan natJonaUat.a. ISRAEL'S SWIFT triumph ln th• 1967 S1x-Uay War evaporated any fllith thf' Palestinian refugees had In the Arab governments as their redeemera . 1n lt;4:ores of camps from the Ga7.a aandy plum to the Syrian h i lls , n ew generation11 turned instead to their own gu(lrrtlla t.•hlefs. The guerrilla groupe had remained a loof from the PLO, but in the aftermath of the war they gained control "P eace I or us m ean s Isr ael's d estru ction , and no thing else." -va ... r Arafat militancy, training refugee soldiers who went on to fight in the 1956 war against Israel. One of them was Arafat, a 26-year·old engtnet.'ring gr aduate of Cairo Unjvers1ty. Three years later, in Syria, Arafat and a few nationalist comrades founded F atah , an Arabic acro n ym f o r Pales t1n1an Nationa l L ibera tion Movement. one of a C'Olle(·t1on of small groups dechcated to drivmf( the lsraelis from old Palestine On Jan. 17, 1964. Arab heads of state, led by Nasser, approved the fonnauon and financing of a "Palestine L1berat1on Organization," with Ahmad Shukaary, a Palestane-bom diplomat, as •ts chairman The Arab governments said tht• PLO would enable the Palestinians "to fulfill their role m hberatm~ their homeland " o f 1ts "parliament-1n -ex1 le." tt\'e Palestinian National Council S huka1ry wru. out as chairman and by l969 Arafat was an The new Palestinian leader sought aid ('vcrywht>rl' -including the Sovu:t Union. But he strove to keep the left· right d1v1s1vcness of ideology out of the PLO. The PLO creed was simple. "Peaee for us," Arafat said m 1970, "means Israel's destruction, and nothing else." Breaking with Arab governments, the PLO rejected U.N Security Council Resolutio n 242, whic h called for a Mideast peace based on recognauon of lsrael's nght to exist and on setthng "the refugee problem." The Palestinians 1ns1Sted thetrs was not merely a refugee problem, but a problem of a people robbed of lta homeland. Althou1h the PLO'• headquarter• wtore ln Ci1to and later in Damucut, the auerrillu made Jordan their main bue of operatlons. But PLO influence over Jordan'• moetly Palestinlan population thrt!at.ened Kina Hu.eln'1 power. The friction oxploded lnto clVll war In 1970, encllna with Che guerrillas' flight Into Lebanon. Paleat.lnlan militant.a embarked on a war of terror, a wave of skyjacking and hostage-taking that engulfed much of the world and included such notorious attacks wa the 1972 massacre of 24 people at Tel Aviv's airport, and the bloody assault on the 1972 Mumch Olympics, m which 11 lsrael15 were killed. But after 1973, when the Yom Kippur War set the st.age for partlaJ Arab·Israeli reconclltauon, PLO policies underwent fundamental change. · FOR ONE THING, Arafat's guerrillas disavowed lntemationaJ terrorism. "The Palestine Uberauon movement h as t.·o me o f a ge,'' was how Salah Khalaf, Fatah's second in command and reputed leader oC the Black September terrorist group, explained it. The PLO never renounced attacks on Israel, however, and the worst were yet to come the 1974 Maalot schoolhouse massacre, in which 21 children were killed, and the 1978 seizure of two buses near Tel AVJ v. when 35 Israelis died. Arafat's men waged their gram campaign from the outside. having faded to 1gmte an upnsmg among the more than one nulhon Palestiruans of the West Bank of the Jordan Raver and the Gaza Strip, small regions seized by Israel In the 1967 war and unsuited to prolonged guerrilla war The PLO's attitudes on the central question Palesllne -a lso were transformed. In the m1d · l 970s, the Palestinian National Counci l a nd PLO Central Committee formulated a new position: the PLO would 1n1tially accept an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza It no longer demanded a ll of old Palestine This 1mphl"<i recognition of lsrat-l's right to exLSt, although tht> PLO has not a<.'C\.-ded to Israel's 1nststen<.-e that 1t strike from the PLO charter the eall for abolishing the Jewish state HARD·LINE PLO factions. such as B •11 h s c Georg<:' Habash's Popular Front for the 1 s t . reaten upreme _ourt pawer_ __ ~:;~~~~':i£1~~~~:~~~:~ By ARCHIBALD COX Archibald Cox 1s c·ha1rman uf Commun Cause, • citizens' lobbying org1m1UJl10n The administration rl'<'C'ntly brokt' IL'> long sJlence on bills proJ>OS(.-d by S•...n Jesse Helms (R..N.C) and othc:rs to overturn unpo pular Suprc•me Court decisions on const1tut1onal issues Few bills before the Congress today arouse a more visc..>eral reaction than thOSE' deaJing wath abortion, busing or pra~t·r in public schools Mentaun any to a constituent or represen1.at1Vl· and you an· assured of an Impassioned response But the emo ti onal 1nt('ns1tv surrounding these lSSUes should not bt- allowed to overshadow the fatt that the , 30-odd bills fashioned by cntlt'll of thl' t Supreme Court's decwons m tht>Se areas endanger a consutuuonal prmcaple at the very foundauon of o~r society That principle is the independence of the jud 1cia I system in en fore• ng l h t• Constttutaon On March 2 the Senate took its first step t.oward d1ssolvmfi? thal principle BY A VOTE OF 57 :n. the Senatt• adopted an ant1-bus1ng amendment sponsored by Sens Helms, R-N C .. and Bennett Johnston. D·La , that will-if passed by the House severely rt'Strtl'l the federal courts' power to order busing a s a remedy for integrating racially segregated public schools. Now the U.S. attorney general h as gjven th1s effort a boost by defending th e constitutionality of the H·•lms-Johnston amendment. One does not have to agree with the Supreme Court's decision on busing or a~rtion or prayer in public schools, or with any other constitutional deci.slon for that matter, to vehemently oppose this and other efforts to overturn oontroverslaJ court decisions For while these bills may stnke a popular chord among certain const1tuenc1e!>. the oyerridtng truth 1s They strike at thl' }f?art of our consututtonal system of gpvernment. In proposing the Bill of Rights. James Madoon explained that the courts were tq be the guardians of individual n ghts .\I such, he said, the courts should be an "tmpenetrable bulwark" against everv froposition ~ JOHN BARBOUR ................. , SACRAMENTO -The me<lfly dmes ~ ~er fruit, the moequlto sups on bfOOd· and the lJYPSY moth eat.a the ~nery. Thia 11 their land of plenty. ~· in hia naJvete, thlnka it is his. .So rnuch.11> \bat when the varied puta. sither for one of their random and • I IWickll :~~ . ~ ! " ! , I I I I assumpuon of pow1·r 111 till' ll'fUsl.itt\'l' OJ l·,wc:utavt.· hr<mt·hl~ What wt• w1tnt>-..-.t'tl on Mart.•h :! Ill lht.· Senate wa:. not JUSl an t·xprt''-'>ll>n of opposll11•n to .;n unpupular u>urt d1•c1sac•n. 11 was a hold an<l ra w assumption of pow1·r It was on a...sumpUon or pl>Wl'r that, as :o.ynd1t·att.-cJ c·olumni:;t David BrodN n·<:t•ntlv wrolt'. rc•prC'sC'nt!> a "rad11·al and da·n~erous abridgment of the· mdl•p1mdt.•m1· IJf tht.· JUd ll·1ary and tht.• Jusllt.1· O..•p<1rtnwnt .. ll was also. he· nut<.o<l. an dl't thJl \\iJS undern•porwd bv th<· pn>S..., lh..ot tht· rt.·al <:onst1tut1on.;J 1s"ut "'"'" "submt.•rgt.'Cl ·· The real c:onst1tut1onal 1~uc· 1s ,1bo subm ergt.'d 1n mut·h of th1 tfrbatt.· s urrounding Helms' a nu <1bort1on aml"ndmc·nt, an ht<, hill tu 1•nd run tht Suprrme Court's dt•c1s1on banning prayer an puhhc school... and an tht· oth<'r two dozen or so 1-c1mp.in1on bill<, that also ha\il' bt"t•n tntroduu'<I lo on•rturn tht> Court'' ciec L.'-•Ons on busmg, abortion and pravPr in publit school!> The ronsutuuonal "bottom lint.'," if you will, as that Court dec1s1on s on c'Onst1 tut1onal issues -whether they are right or wrong -should not be sUbJl.~·t to changt' by simple congressional ma.1or1taes The very function of the ConsutulJon and the c'Ourts is to put md1v1dual hberties beyond the reach of both congress10nal maJOri t1es and popular op1ruon. If b<ire ma.JUrllu>5 tn Congress can t.akC'., ,1way a c·auw n's riRht to appE·al to tht• Supreme Court ciS Sen. Helms' school pravt.·r ball would so prov1dt'. tht•n ban• ITIOl.JOrlllC~ l'OUld JUSt a .. easily Withdraw d ntw·n·., right to appeal t.·asc-s r('lating to frt'l'<lom of s pt't·th . or pol1t1t·•tl ct.-.s<1uat1on. or the• st>C·untv of our homt"" 01 our person. o r any oth l·r ba~1c· ton-.t1tut1onal ltbertaes <Evc·n th<' <• t wrnt'y gt'nera I has q ues llont>d t ht.• c-onst1tut1onahty ot this H<'lms bill I If Congress can defin<• "hfe" for the· purpos<> of reversing the impact of thf' Supreme· Court's dtt1s1on on abortion. Conwes.<> can equally well supply nt'w pnl1t1<-allv popular def1nat11ms for "equal protl'<.ttnn of the law ," or "est.abhshml'nt of r(.'ltjit1on." or any other fundamental Stop complalnlng •.. If the EPA ••Y• It'• aafe to move back here to the love Canal ... It'• eat• to move back .•. phr ..c,(• 1n the Constllut1on Throughout history . prl'stden ts, 'il'll illor., a nd n·prt>sentatavt•s havt.' a l l l' m pt 1• d to n t· gate u n pop u I a r <:o nst1tut1onal dt'<·1s1ons through thl' action of m<·n · ll'g1slauve maJOnlles: by 1mpcat·h1ng JUSl•<·c•s. by paC'kang th<• Supreme Cour t or by .curtailing 1 l~ .1ur1scl1<:tton Always tn the past. despite thc•ar dtH'o ntenl w ith particular dc"<.·1s1<>ns. these and s1m1lar efforL" hav1: bt'i.•n rt'JC'<.'t<-d by th<• Ametacan people as dangl·rously unpranC'aplt-d OPPOSITION TO today's court o,tnpptng t•fforts has t.'Omt• from many quarwrs Tht• chlC'f JUSlll'l'S or all 50 st.ale ., u p r e m <• l' o u r t s h a v c• t.• x p re s st' d unanimous oppos1t 1on to the court- str1pp1ng bills Thc• United States Catholt< Conference -which favors a t•on,.lltut1onal amendment banning abor tion opposes tht• Helms aboruon b I 11 b (' (' a u s (' 0 f I t s q u (' s ti 0 n a b I (' l'Ofl.'-lltuttonahtv Sen Barry Goldwater 1H-An2) Common CauM". the American Bar Assoc:aauon and many other groups and 1nd1 v1duals havt> also risen t o publa<:ly protc:.t thesl' unprrnc1pled <'f forl.!> The hrst of these t.'fforts to make at pa:.t the St:nate -the> Helms-Johnston a n ti .bus ing am(•ndml'nt -as now :.iwa1t1ng House' a<·tton . Hundreds of thousands of dtiz.t>ns who believe m l1v1ng undl'r th e p rl'cepts o f a t'Onslltution deplore the way an which tho Senate ran roughs hod over tht> Const1tut1on Surely our representauves an the House· w ill rise above th e poht1cally expt.'Ciaent and abide by tht.'ir sworn duty to prol<'Ct and preserve the Consutut1on When Presadt.'nt Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed leg1slauon to pack the Supreme Court with so' new JUSll<:es who agreed with his constttutaonal philosophy, a trulv conservau ve senator from North Carohna eloquently oppost'd the scheme "Congress 1s m1ghty ... Sen. Joslah W Bailey explained. "but the Constitution 1s mightier The Court and the Conslltut.aon. they stand or fall together To weaken e ither as to weaken the foundations of our RepublaC', to destroy e1tht>r I!. to destroy the Repubhc'." organization At the Sdm<' ttme. the Pall·!>ttman movem<>nt gained new inLernataonal st.anding In a rt-buff to Hussein, who claimed to speak for the people of the occupied West Bank, a l974 Arab summit recogn1zt•d the PLO as th<: sole spokesman for all Palestinians Lat.c.>r that y(.'ar, the U N G enera l Assembly granted the PLO observer status. And an 1976 the Arab League admmed the organization as a full member. Arafat's diplomats tried to est4ibhsh relauons with Israel's chie f ally, the United States. During the 1975·76 Lebanese c·1v1l war. the PLO oversaw the evacuauon of Americans from Beirut. When Iraruan revoluuonar1es seized the U.S. Embassy hostages m Tehran in 1979. the PLO tned unsuccessfully to mediate an end to the cns1s But the United States and Is rael chose instead to w ork to ward Mideast peat-e through another channel -Egypt ThE' lsraeh-Egypuan peace accords of 1978-79 called for negouauon of :v:>me form of autonomy for the West Bank- Gaza Palesumans. In January 1979, the Palestaruan Nauonal Council forbade the people of the occupied terntories to take part in such a plan, and they obeyed - some for fear of reprisal, others because they wanted Palestinian independence, not the ls raeh-superv1sed halfway house of autonomy. , THE LEBANESE civil war. in which the guerriUas helped •Lebanese le ftists fight rightists to a standstill, distracted and weakened the PLO. But in its aftermath the fedayeen built up their forces in Lebanon. f1ghtmg repeated duels of strike and counterstnke with the Israel1S In 1978, the Israeli army occupied southem Lebanon bnefly to drive the guemllas away from I.he border. And six weeks ago 1t struck again with its nughtiest blow yet, boxing the PLO leaden mto a battered enclave in Beirut. But from th.is box the PLO now dares the Israelis to stnke the final blow. bargaining In this eleventh hour for international sympathy, U.S. recognition and, 1f all else fails, martyrdom. 13 bites into state Illosquito abatement funds impromptu conventions, they pit one human priority against another. Citizens discovered that Proposition 13 which spared them taxes also cut funds for water manageme nt and so laid the birth-bed for an epidemic of mosquitoes. An ecology.minded town like Santa ..Bubara.-leamed ~ endu.ra pest.w:idae in order to save the trees from the gypsy moth, and the governor found himself calling out the National Guard to fight the medfly. So close to the surface are the personal passions in this aplendlferous state that they ignite in the presence of anything that threatens, be 1t gnat or worm. When the land Is threatened, the nation's meet populous at.ate beoorna a CedlB.OeMUleepk,aclash ofoppoling armies, each with It.I special cauae. California It the h<>mf' of the territorial lmperat1ve. TAKE TH E LO WLY medfly, for example. Call out the planes, 1pray It, kD1 n:; 9ild th~ !Armer JC)()kina at hla tnftcted fruit. Don't spray lt on me or tho chUdl'tn. cried the homrowner. What a b ou t my paint job? moaned the motorilL Sp111y or lllOrifice your farm J.noom,e, warned \he eoohom1at. Spare lht bUd9. Nkl the envtranmentallli. l• &ho •JIC1DI be 1111eftt. ._ the ide!I\~ who eweybOdy INd thoWd mow,~. Now t hat th• bu1~ttahttr1 h ave virtually defnted _,..\h. medfly -and s&opplld a rare vtllUauon ol an ICu1em peat, the typey moth, in 1CenJc Santa Barbara, they face a new threat -a atat.eWicle Invasion by moaqulton. IOIM of which lal eggs that wait yeani for \ho life-kin o water. Some predict the wont rnoequlto outbreak ln 15 years, aided llfMi abeUed by Jt.andina JX)01I of water lefl by an exception ally wet winter, normally a boon in a at.ate wh.lch 1a almolt one--lhltd Jrl'lpUKt daffc: ? "MoequJtoa ecplott thll klnd ot a altu.llon very dramatically,'' expJ&lna Dr . R ichard Garc:la. a 11octatt entomologlat a t &be Unlve,..ity of c.t.lfomia. IT COMltl AT A TIME w tMn ·the~" II i..t ~ to oope. With a moequlto infHtatlon. PropoelUon lS hu cut MY•Nly lnto fund1 for CaUfomla'• .itectlw ~'° atitwoml ~ Jn fac'tt thiile diltriCtl .,. Mked to do their job with half the $18 million they got before Proposition 13 . Now, with high temper atures the moequlto outbreak has already begun in aome area.a. However, a spokestlWl from the Orange County Vector Control District ~_ys there I.a no problem in Orange CO\.t.nty at O\llmni:--- Frank Pelsue, general rnanager of the eoutheast abatement dlatrlc\, pr.edict.a thia will be the wont moaquito invasion in 15 yan.. WITH IT CAN come mo9quito-bome dlaease, apeclflcally Western equ in e enceph alltla, pick ed up b y t he motqu ltoet from their favorli. prey. birds, and carried to dead end holta Uke man and honiea. The trouble with th.ls yur la that the moequJt.oa wtll breed in traNient water -water that iln't uaually there. lta natutal p r&datora, llke flab w blch =· control their numbtn. aren't • IN TllE CENTRAL~ the ... mo1qu.1io can ao '';'= 1o edwt ln tow-or fiw dil.YI. The ~ land la IOiided '.With nuailftta, ~ tbtt feed U.. larval moaquJto. l\artMrmon, u. .... Of c.b1t --can live for yeara In the m\.idflllta, wu~ fOf' wa• to aWMlrl tbml. It Ill lnl'Umt ~'°' Jwt edd waw. ~h• Culex moequtto 11 one thu pi'Clduom mwdD&e .,...~ lii a JMf, llld It ii often tM cUrier ol ~ The beat, but the moet costly, defenae is, of coune, to dry up sta.nding water. A good dry )north wind can do tfutt. but it isn't likely. T he mosqu ito abatemen t districu don't have the money to do it in more costly way.. Llaht olla can be spread on water to prevent the larvae from gettinc oxyjen. but It la toxic to other water creeturea u well . Which bringl the at.ate back, 11 all ebe falls. to Mrial aprayinf aoin. Thia time· the vkdma are human ana many, and by tta prodiatoua ability to reproduce, and ita ubiqultoua appetite, the rno.'.luito may have made a fat.al milt.alte. With 25 mlllion Callfornlana itching .net IC1"8tching, there may be very little f argument over what weapon to U8l! to alleviate their ml.Mry. And that wtll be the final irony' J I YOUTH Uhcle Len was watching one of hia favorite TV programs. "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood," when the doorbell rang. It was Mr. Poetman, and guess what? He brought all these fantastic drawings from you. my special friends. Naturally. Uncle Len was so excited that he couldn't wait to get them open. After all. he knew you'd be sending in pictures of your relatives this week . He enjoyed th e m immenaely -until he remembered he had to choose a winner. Finally, Uncle Len decided to award the $5 first pnze to Elaine Sunu. 14, of Huntington Beach. for a picture of her grandmother She must really be a beautiful person. Elaine. Uncle Len was rel1eveo to have judging out or the way. until he remembered he had to give away a second pnze too. Well. alter much thought, he decided they were all great. But the picture by Michelle Strand, 11, of Costa Mesa, really touched him, so she wms t~e $2 second prize. Maybf> ol' l::en is JUSt a awcker for Moms and cats. But Uncle Len would feel bad if he failed to mention the rest of you who turned in some really good anwork. So hert> we go: From Corona del Mar -Misty Balley. 8; and Curt Last, who forgot to include his age But Uncle Len forgives you From Costa Mesa -Cynthia Sisley, 13. She asked 1f 13 IS too old to wm. No. but 1f you're 20, Uncle Len might thmk twice. From Laguna Beach Jennifer Arntsen , 9 1., Undoubtedly the sister of last week's winner. Jeff. Talent must run in the family. From Newport Beach -Jame Czaja. 14. He asked if 14 is too old to win. Just check out this week's winner. Jame. Now Uncl~ Len has to think of a subject for next week. And. when he was standing m line for an hour S.O see his favorite moVle. "E.T .. " he began to wonder what E.T .'s relatives look like. How's about helping him out? Draw your picture in black mk on four-by-four-inch white paper. Be sure to include your age. Address 1t to Uncle Len. The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. Cahf 92626. Then drop 11 Portraits all relative FIRST PLACE: Elaine Sunu, Huntington Beach SECOND PLACE: Michelle Strand. Costa Mesa m the mail so 1t arnves herr before Wednesday And . until next week , remember Uncle Len's favorite saying uh. I forgot But whatever 11 was, 1t was great Anyway. Uncle Len has to go now All that talk about E.T . has made him hungry for some Rttse's Pieces Thanks agam for all the entnes this week Goodby! Young eggheads go to camp BARTOW, W.Va. (AP) - When Gordon Videen of Tucson i.sn't working on his study of the detraction patterns of quartz and muscle fibers. he likes to shoot basketball with the other kids in the neighborhood. Christine Christman of Alamagordo, N.M.. investigated mycorrhizal relationships between plants and fungi last year. but also found tirrie to help lead her high school cheerleadmg squad to the state championship. And when Tom Beutner of Mi~h1gan City. lnd . wasn't fine turung plans for the new aviation air foil he invented, he was working out with his school's cross country team The JOO students from around the United Stat.es attending the National Youth Science Camp are among the brightest m the nation And. says camp director Rod W1bon, their research. oft.en into uncharted scientific territory. helped win them Dog of tlte Weei------ invitations to the highly selective program Wilson acknowledge. that he and other camp officials didn't quite know what to expect when the first group of young scholars arnved for the opening ses&on in 1963. One quest ion nearly everyone had was, what would the y do with a bunch of eggheads? "That's exactly the question w e were asking ourselves in 1963." Wilaon said. "But if you look back in high school theee kids haven't merely been spe<·1ahsts to any degree. They've acromphshed a lot. "Ir you take the average -camper. he was valedictorian of his class, he hu won several science type awards. he's been active -often m at least one athletic area. he was active in student government a nd he'a active In hi.I church. "Basically, what we have is a --w~"l'OUTJded bunch of kids.'~ he said. "They're achievers." The three-week camp ia 1pon10red each year by the State of West Virginia and ls heavily t!erwritten by private try, Wllaon says. Each 1ta~ ends two representatlve1, frequently the wlnnera of statewide ICience competltlona. The youngs~n' time ls divided between claaaes, work1hopa, lectu're1 by nationally known aclentiata and a regular camp program of auch actlvltlea 11 hlkina and swtmm1na. Camper Ron Bennett'• l1rt. of aceornP11ahmenta la typical. Tho Farminaton, Ma.... teen--aaer won a number of .::lence awarda ln hiJlh ICbool and allo edited his tchoOl news~per. He hu 1pent the put five yean dtv~ a radio tele1cope to ~hart aoltr n.,... ln an a~pt co determlne thett reladonthtp co weather on r..vth. A• he puHd a round 1 photo111ph of bu honwmad• ~ BtnMtt .. he~ ~"I It the helMN 1lli • diOd and 'haan't been able &o atop lhW!e. ·--··-··- Orange Cout OAIL.V Pl~OT/Saturday, July 31, 1882 • SHOW AND TELL -Washington State Trooper Sandra Salfell demonstrates handcuffing techniques to a group of Girl Scouts at a national conference in Briarcliff APWI•~··· Manor. N . Y . Discussions focused on I u 1 ure careers and lifestyles. issues not traditinnall~.! assoc:1al.ed with Girl Scouts 1' . ,, Girl Scout camp challenges .. Non-traditional issues focal point of rap sessions t I BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N.Y. (AP) -At l~. Janet Jeue thmks of her future. She eees a career -perhaps even becoming the first woman president of the United States -not marriage and children. A somewhat older Carolyn Joyce (18) plans to defer marriage until she's 40 or 50. Her career will come first. They do not consider themselves radical or ferrurust. Both prefer to be labeled simply as Girl Scouts. The two were among 74 scouts from the Uruted Stai.es,...aru;l Canada m~ti'Yl here during a recent two-week conference. ··YoiJ Can Shape the Future." And if Girl Scouts once concentrated on arts and <:rafts or songs around the campfire, the group dearly has a different theme in the 198.0s Rap sessions with working women looked at issues not trad1t1onally associated with scouting. how careers can be combined with lifestyles that may include marriage. children. divorce or permanent smglehood. If past generauons dreamf'd of marriage and perhaps incidental JObs, these Girl Scouts dream ol • full -lime car~rs as astronauts. lawyers. enginef'rs. 1• police offict>rs or busmess women. ·1 "I want a career and marr1agl'." S8.ld Angela s Cleveland. 17. or Washington. D c. "I want both. By I the tune we get up there. it'll be a lot easler " · But 1t may not be easier. the young wonwn. were told at workshops m wh1<:h t·areer women served as role models and tuunst:lors on everything from how to get into pollllcs tH how to JU&glt• a baby. a husband and a~ Janet Beaty, 15. of Sonora. acknowledges th•t her plans to run for political ofh~ might bt hampered II she had children "If thl' vol(>rs Sff you have a 6-year-old boy. they will say, wait a mmute. sht> c.:an't leave her home," she said. Many of tht· Girl &'Outs env1s10ned their futurt' husbands as helpmates, sharing equally an managmg the household But the vtSlon was clouded during a "JUggling Jobs" exercise in which thl' girls 1mag1ned themselves in their m1d-20s, marned, with a 2-year-old duld and workmg. Hn ..... would they d1v1de the t·hores. thev were askl'd "Women don't think of themselves as shaping the future," said Bobbie Dav1S, the conference dtr(.>('tor "Because we're a female orgaruzatton, we feel an obhgatton to tell them they can." It's a theme that reflects the tenor of the urna; as census studies show more women than ever are • working and deferring maniage and children until their' 30s for the sake of careers. The egahtanan ~ vamsht-'d in a spmt.ed debate when the work.shop leadn asked. "Who takes out the garbage?" "The husband!" came the shouts. "You're stereotyping.'' one girl said angnly "l thought the purpoee of coming here was not to stereotype ". "[ want to have a career before I get marned and then If I fall in love and get married, I won't have children until later," said Mkhele Mussa. 17, of Broken Arrow. Okla. "[ think the mother should t..ake care of thP- child and the father should take out the garba~ \ and mow the grass." another insisted "I don't know If t want to." said Miss Jesse, of Holiday. Fla. "What about president? To be the fl.rs• woman would be awfully hard. I think I would lake to do it. but It would be hard." "lf he comes home and says. ·rm really ured. you do the stuff he has to do becaUSt' vou love him.'' one girl reasoned. world scope ( 10 poln11 to• .. ch qu11tlon 1n1w1,.d correctly) 1 The U.S. hailed delivery of cluster bombs to Israel alter Israeli officials ~Id the weapon11 had bttn used against PLO milluiry ~ in Leb.1non. TRUE OR FALSE: U.S. l.1w forbids tht' u~ of exported Americ.1n weapons for offensive purposes 2 The Reagan Adm1n1stration uked Saudi Arabia 10 encourage (CHOOSE ONE: Syria, Egypt) to accept PLO guerrillas trapped In West Beirut J Animal protection groups recently worked to rescue deer from the flood-tilled Everglades of southern .. ? .. a-Georgia. b-Texas. c-florida. 4 About one of every six Americans now depends on an Income below the poverty line, according to a new federal report. Families of four earning S .. ? .. or less per year Iii this classific1tion. a-S4,800 b-S9,l00 c-S12,100 S Congress is conslderlns a bill to double the federal tax on a package of clsarettes. Tues now make up 1 (CHOOSE ONE: higher, lower) percentage of the cost of cigarettes than 1hey did 25 years ago. newsname (10 point• II you can Identity ltlla P41rton Int"-n.wa) Answera appur (apslde down) beaeatb qal~ • news picture (10 point• II you 1n1w11 thl• quHllon conectty) New car ~les for the five m.ijor domestic automakers, an important meuure of the nation's economc health, continued , 1 to reflect 1he recession. The dally will Ing rite of 1J~cars tor the first 10 days In July wu the lowest since 1958. Name the five domestic automakers In order of 1981 ~les. peoplewatch/sportlight. Tom Wauon recently won the British Open tor the founh time. Only .. l .. hes won that tournament more times. a-JKk Nlcklau1 b-Bobby Locke c·Peter Thomson Prime Minister Besln recenlly warned th.it I would be eliminated. As leader ot the PLO, I have led that organlullon's fight to destroy lsreel, although during the recent crisis I have lndlated more wllllngneu to recotnlze the Jewish natlon'1 rltht to ~former Houston A.ft•~ piec:bl~1 4Ul-.l--ls attemptlna..~M--4 com~back alter suffering a serious 1troke. He recently took 1 • ~ eiil11. Who am n matchwords 1• polntt for Heh correct milch) 1-advocate •·aood·natured and llkeable b-aher or china• >-amltble "''uppon,or recommend 4-acrlmony I-amend big step on his journey back to the major leagues when he • pitched hl1 lint complete 1•me -1 five-hit victory. • a J With 1 •-1 victory, 1he N1tlon1I Lea9ue won IU 11th con1ecutive All·Stu Game. Dave Concepcion of the G (CHOOSf ONE: Cincinnati Rech, Philadelphia Phillies) wu • named the game's Mott Valuable Player. • Supreme Court Ju1tlce Byron "Whiner" White suffered minor lnlurles when a INln 1n1ry about Coun rullnp attahed hlm at 1 Utah Bir Auodatlon meetlna. Pmldent .. l .. appointed Ju1tlce White to th~ Court. a-Carter b-l<ennedy C·Johnton S Sherry llnslna. the only woman to head 1 major film studio, had her contract ,.newed recetttly lfthouth (CHOOSl ONE: lOth Century.fox, TrantAm.tk.t) reported Iara• ICKsa dunns the past f1n1ncltt quarttf. roundtable ,....., ... ~ {ftO ...,., Shoutd the federal to~r11nent be s.qulred to bllanee ltt budattf Wh)' or why notf Wh" 4h1n1•• In aovtrM' n1 tptndfnt Of ca ... would you make to bei.nc. the budptf votJ .. IC°"I: ., .. 100 ,....,. -Toti "°"' 11 .... ,...... -•• ~.. 11 ........ -o-. ,, .. ",.... -,. •VIC, IM., 721·12 \ al • OC projections ·agree Surveys show 2.6 million in county by 2000 A fortHI& by • realonal =-~~h~Or= 2.e ~ ~ IOOO • .. n rall~ U\ Une wUh Oran1• County ptmm1nt•1 ~ ~·.,. ~ doee," county ....... phft arid planner Bill 0.yk lafd of the forec.aat by tho South.-n Callfomla Aleod•tJon of Oowrnmenta. . Orana• County'• population, eocordlna to the 1980 <.'eNWI, Is about J ~ rnilllon. Both SCAG and the county's team of population plannen toreeee the addition of about 700,000 people to the area by the cloee of the century. Much of that growth la expected to occur m nonhem and southern sectors of the county, Gayk 11&1d Thro ugh out Southern CaUfornta, th• population la ~ to reecb 14.6 million pillople by the year 2000. Mot& of thlt &row1h la expected to be 1n the Loa An1elee and Orange County reatone. Accorcl'tn1 to the SCAG ~ Loe Anaelet County Ia expected to apurt from 7.~ million people aa of 1980 to 8.3 m11.Uon by 2000. · San Bernardino County's arowth is anUcipa\ed to take lt from 882,000 people to US mUllon. Rlvenlde, accordlns to the predlcUon, should grow from 656,000 to 1.2 million people. Gayk said Orange County's offlc1ally adopted growth projection is for 2,676,900 people by 2000. The population estimate, adopted by the Boa rd of Supervisors, is used by officials Magazine aims for Christians • LOS ANGELES (AP) -For many years, the only way the public could obtain copies of most Christian magatlnea wu to subscribe, but the Christian Reader has broken with that tradition by offering editions on newsstands. Beginning with tbe July-August issue, the magazine can be found in supermarkets alongside other publications, usually next to Reader's Digest and "hopefully" far away from the National Enquirer, aaid Dwight liooten, the periodical's executive editor. The magazme, pubh.shed by Tyndale House in Wheaton, Ill .. is being distributed by Davis PublWUng. Accorchng to the company, the Reader is the only non-denommauonal national magazine available on newsstands. to plan for the tr~tlon and waier Meda of the new ....sdenta. "We don't fotnM an,Ythin1 that'• 1otn1~0 na• (the f0Aa1t) by m , Gayk -.kl. lncluded In projlcUon are birth rate , death ratH, £>C>puLaUon ahJlta and ec-onomtc factors. SCAG apoke1man Kevin O'Brien aald hla agency tJ1el to update population projection• every two yean. The fl,u.res are used for regional plannlna purposes. The executive committee of SCAG la acheduled to study the latest population flgurea and adopt them in September. UntiJ then, O'Brien Mid, the projections are considered prelfmlnary. Carole Dolph Gross, vtce president of Davia Pub1I&hina, prompted the Reader's move to tlie neweatands. AP~o EXPERIMENT -The July-August issue -of The Chnstian Reader magazine is the first Christian magazine available on newsstands. Prevtously, such periodicals were available only through subscription. ''°TmOUt euu.Jll NAMI l'TATIMIN1' Th• touowtl\Q porton le doing bullllfft" THI QIMllO NI COLLlCTOlll HttA louth lf19tOI lanlt Ant CA 92704 Nl ~L P lUfKING 301 Pttnuiton OtlYa C0.1a Mitt CA 92828 Thia bu~I It condUotlCI ~ en lnclMclual NI .. P l ueklnO Tllll lllltmanl WH llltci wlOI Iha County Cte•-Of Orenot Counly on July I 1982 '1t211t Put>ll•h•d Or•no• co .. , OIHy Piiot. July 10 17 ~~ 31 tDU 3108·82 Ml.IC NOTICC .... W¥:aL."'a't .. ~ .. Ni .... , u -"""* UNl,110 IOHOOL Ollf"IOf el 0,.110• 001111•1. OallfOfnta , wlll t90llW ..... lldl \If> to ':00 ,. .... of Iha tlltl dtr of~. 1tll, jlt wflldl time .... IMde .. .,. ~ CIPMed and rMd fOr Loet<a AHO l(lYI -UNIVllll.ITY HIOH IOHOOL. lld 0011dlt10111 a11d lnlirUClllOM and lid fOrlM ,,_ be :bl•ln~ at 1110 ottlc• of Plto•I 11ppott lttvlott. 2'41 Alton Avo1111t . ''"''"'· O•llfor111•. Tiit 04ttrl0t r~ tllf tW!I to rtjeot lf'Y « .. lldl or 10 ..,._. "'Y lrrtglllerllltt °' lnf~IM In "'Y lldt or In Ille =:J· IMM Solloo4 Olttrlct A. lltnley Cotty A11lh0rlltd Aofnt '90nnou9 ..,...-11 rtOnnoue eue.al Publltlled Orengt COHI D•llY ...._ ITA,_.,,. NAM1 ITATIMINT Piiot, July 24, 31. 1982 PICTJTIOUI llUe*lll Tiit following porton It doing Th• following per1on 11 doing 332t-t2 ...,_ ITATIMINT bu.in.. .. ; bullMM aa. Tiit fOllowlng P•rton I• doing • IQ... AN 0 0 ! 8 I 0 H ROYAL CRE.ATIOH8, 88 , ... Nil.IC NOTICE bW!naet M: l!HT!l'PRISH, 1101 ... .,,.. Ave., Clflve, Cotlt Meta. CA 92707 AILI l ACCURATE TYPING Cotta MMe. CA 92128 MICHA.El DALE TYNER, 20457 'ICTITIOUI eUllHall • n d w 0 .. 0 p R 0 c E 111 N 0 ' ROBERT WISNIEWSKI, I 101 lent• Ant A-'U.. •C. 9.,,,. An•. HAMS ITATl•NT IERVIC£. 8588 Rhoad• Clrclt . l•llnH AY• .• Cott• Mtll, C A CA 92707. lhe l0Uow1ng '*'°"' .,. doing ,oun,.in v.a.v. CA 92708 92'2' 1-l.~~ ... ~" conducted by.,, l>UllnaPR110~10UCER PRODUCTS. • Joyce lrent Clucllty Klnnu. Tl\At tKltlnaM 11 oonduct.d by an ,..,.....,.. 8589 Ahoadt OlrCI•. ,ounleln lndMcNel MldWlll 04lla Tyntr 2J2 I I Sl•U• COUii El TOIO CA Vallty, CA '2708 Aot>er1 Wlanlftllll Thia etat-1 WN ftltd wllh Illa 92630 Thfa ~ .. conducted by an Thia tt•t-t WN flied with the County CWll of Orange County Oii MICHAEL ROBERT GABRIEL. lftdMduel County Clef'll of Orange COunty on July 21 1982 JO& , Conine S11ea1 B.,l>O• 111ano ~ 1.-Kinny July ll, tM2 . '111'111 CA •n6n Thie IUtlWMnl waa llltd with Iha ,,_, Publll,.eCI Orenga CoHI Otll)' HARRY E GABRIEL 90 t Norlh Coun~ Clat11 of °'"""""' Coun"' on Publlehad Orang• co .. 1 Otll" Piiot ~ .... 24 31 •·-7 14 1982 B•~l•on1 Balt>ot IJ'and CA 82622 7 -..,-,, ' .~-, ' . ......., ' 333' 1•2 l AURA .... ROZE~ "3211 June , 1N2. Pllol. July 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, 1912 ---------=...;.""...;..;; "' ... " • ,1t19t 3336-82 <.1ell1 Cou•I El Toro CA 92630 Publlth•CI Orange Co11I Dally rtaJC NOTICE Tr111 oua1nfl1 •• c;onouc1eo Dy • Pl!,OI. JWt 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 1H2 ...,.......,..,1 ... , ... 11 •molf'Cl Pl•lner1h1p 3222-1~ P\JBlJC NOTICE rn.'"""' ..., MIGhM4 R Gat>r ... -----------~ ITAn.NT T111s sttlement WH foled w101 lht "CTITIOt.11 eUalHlll The followlng ~· are doing C0v••ly Cler~ 01 Or•nge County on HAMI ITATIMIH'T ~-aa: Jul~~ t'lll? PlCTTT10UI ..... II Tile follow1no pa<IOOI .,. clO•ng SOFTWARE UNLIMITED 8882 MAm ITA~ t>u1inH1 11 Httbot Point Circle, Huntington The followlnQ pet90nt -doing S 0 U T Ii C 0 AS T B 0 BC A T Beactl, CA 82&48 111.191Mtt ... 13791 Wttl SlrNt Otroen Oro.,., CHARLEQ R WASHBURN , '112973 Pullli\ncto 011nge Coss1 0111y Pilot July tll 17 24 31 19&2 2938-&2 CHARIOT AUTO LEASING, CA 92843 9882 Httbd.r Point Ctr Cit. 11220 Nawtlope Str .. 1. ,ounttln SO u TH CO As l B 0 BC A T Hunllngton BMch, CA 92848 PlB.IC NOTIC£ Veller, CA 82708. RENTALS INC I Ct lllorn1a RICHARD l HURWITZ. 28r-----------MICHAEL CAPIK, 10798 co1po1 111on 137&1 WHI Streel. Eecapa.Cla Court Newpof1 BMch. ~TmOUI ........ laFonda, Founleln Valley, CA G1rd1n G1ov1 CA 92643 CA 92ee3. HAMI ITATa•NT 92708. Hua t>uaonesa •5 conducted by • Tn11 bull,_ 11 conducted by 1 The lollowlng perton 11 doing OIC K VA UGH N , 17 2 2 2 co•porahon bull,_. trutt bullnMt N : Ntwhope, Fountain Vtllty, C.A Soulh CoHt Bol>Clt CharlM R Wuhbutn, GOF WEST '83, 2750 S. Herbor 92708 R&nt111 l11c; Co-Ow,,.,1hlp Blvd., Unll O. Santa t.Aon1ca. CA Thi• bue1fMU It condueltd by 1 Jor.ri R A1on1on Thia Ital-I wN hied With lht 92704 llmlttd partntrllhlp. Tr111 ... ,.,....,, WH filed'*"" the Counly Cler'k of Or•noe Counly on DALE p MAS TELL. 27802 Mlchaal Capi11 County Cieri.. ol Oranoe Counry on July 22. 1982 Tr...naci. Lane. El TOIO, CA 92630 Tl118 lllt_,t wN IMtd with 11'11 Junt1 23 198? '1._ Thie buel,_. la OOf>Ouc:ttd by an COunty Clatlc of OranQ9 County n '1t20IO Publl•h•d Orano• Coal! Dally lndtvldutl July 22. 1982 Pubhahtd Orange COHI Delly Plk>t, July 24, 31, A\111 7 14, 1982 0 P Muttll '1al04 Piiot July 10 11 ?• 31 19&2 3340-82 Tiit. 1111-t WN mtd with Iha Publllhtd Orange CoH t Otll) 3120-82 -----------County Cltfll of Orange County on Piiot, July 24, 31, Aug 7, 14 1982 l't&.IC NOTICE flt8..IC NOTICE July 22, 1992 ---------33_1_6-8_2 -----,..-....-.---.---a.2'11'114 ITATIMllfT...,... .... ....,"AWAl .. OTICl OF OIPAUl T RIOM PAA.,..1119"11' '" ... •CTl()N "~ Pu1>t11r.ad Drano• Coatt Dally AND Piiot. July 24. 31, A\111 7. 14, 1982 3336-82 ~AA T1MQ UNOIA _. NAm ITAT'lmWT flCTITIOUI IMJllHIH NAME T 0 11 l l PU Ill I U A It T T 0 ----------- The lollowlng pareone.,.. Clolnl) T11e 1011ow1no person '"' COYIN~NC~~~ONI a ___ l't&. __ IC_NO_T_l_CE __ _ ~ea: ... u.a11wn as• oenet•I pat1ne< from Me-- WE STERN U 8 ENVIRON· the partnatlh•P ooa<ttong uncle• Ille •;;;.•,..,... ':::~~TSA~~:~::s MftUAk.f.R9DUCT$ 1720 E ••cl1tioua busonell ntme of S&R ~ANT NOncr T11e to110.,•n9 c;erion is ooong Gerry A .... M• 228, &ante Ana. ;:stntnnc'"',1l-M~A 112827 11'-VO-Ulf VRO~Y tS IN 17U'P"l!n'tt • -CA 92705 ve~ oa a •• FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU w 0 l ~ & C 0 l L E N DE R ~-_. T W ASSOCIATES INC I Tii t JictillOul bualneu ntme ARE 8EHINO IN YOUR PAYMENTS. ASSOCtA IES •7731 11v1ne BtvcJ C a lllornl• co1co1au'on 7°24 tat@menl for lha partritrYl•P WIS IT MAY 8E SOLO WITHOUT ANY 5u1IP 108 fuslln CA 9"680 ' ''ed on O« 11 19& t •n the County , ~~~trial Rd . tn Catlot, CA 1 Orange FtLE NO fl78121 COURT ACTION.andyoutn1yhave GERALD A wotr ,1131 Thi •.... _ ................ ........,.,_....,.. .... a run Name end Addr"• or tl'>e lht 1eg.i rlgh1 to bring your llCOOUnt 11vont1 Blvd Su11e 108 Tu111n CA --... ....,. ........ -VJ I> wt d In good 11andln0 by paying "' of ()Jbl!O She 1a1d Southern California is vtewed as a prime market, baaed on the success of "The Living BibJe.'' which was released by Tyndale House. The region followed the Chic.ago-Midwest area. leading the South and the Northeast, she said. OOfPQratlon 1'50'\ 1 11 •lw•n<J uou1 pa11 due paumantt plu1 Tho\ bu••,,l'n 11 conducted by an ·-;:=================;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;1 Rl>b a---S1etlou1 Keg0<ertk1a , , I' ·-·-• 259 t.AIQnol•• Street permlllad COlll t nd e1pen1a1 ·nd•v•dual So far, however. Southern California has been a tough area to crack, said Davia newsatand Ules director Michael Dillon. Local markets "want to see results" before inviting the magazine to join its regulars, he said. Lucky supermarkets in Buena Park and the Navy Exchange in San Diego are about the only pl.aces the magazine can b& found at present. But Davia Pubh.shmg hopes to double the bi-monthly publicauon's circulation of 210,000 in its fint year on the newsstands. An initial run of 200,000 additional coptes has been ordered for 25,000 outlets acrc:l9 the country. A few minor changes were viewed as necessary before letting the 20-year-old publication out of the fold. "We did rea.Uze 1t needed to be more of an attractive, spontaneous thing to apark impulse buying," said Hooten. "We couldn't stick with our traditional covers of babbling brooks and green pasturea.'' Singer-actresa Debby Boone as pictured on the cover of the Inaugural issue, which sells for $1.50. An excerpt from her autobiography is the lead promotion: "Debby Boone -He Still Ligh._ Up Her Life." Inside the 114-page mue are articles including "Life Without God Is HelHsh" by the newly converted son of noted atheist Madalyn Murray 0 ' Hair. and another by the Rev. Donald Wildman, who heads the Coalition for Better Television, on "The Great TV Battle.". Roy Rogers and Dale Evans will be pictured on the cover of the next issue. Hooten calla the celebrity Christians "personalities with true Cbrlst1an calllnga .•• Read all todays news everyday N' 'l'Ji• .oS vrv'J .. .,If/. ~v . .:::. ""~,z;;, "-'> ~y 'r ~ THT ( ... .., DYNAMITE ggc BREAKFAST Saturdaya 8 a .m. to 11 a.m. "°' Ir. c.u1 .,,,. 541-ZZZ4 ,,.,_, ...,. Old-Fa sh ioried, Fam ily-Sfyle SWAP MEET EVERY SUNDAY ~ ~' N"" (t'1t1mfrr111/ Ct'llff/1/ilr, ~ Gn rntr 5.1/r ltrrn• ORANGE COAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM PARKING LOT Fa11v1ew & Arlinqton C.os11 Mu11 \ lff ( lr I '• C .... ,. ,, ,. '(:(FOOD '(:( fRESH ft~;. f:tANTIOUES '(:(TEXAS STYLE 880 'I "' .. .. tf PRODUCF tf 8RfA()& PASrRY tf rRMT ITEMS \ I \', ' ''"·" o\f .,, ' fl\[L PAl<K/NC ~· J\[lM/ ...... ION ro BUYERS! SWAP MEET IN,O SPACE REHRVATIONI • 558-5880 T W A-. Inc. Coate Me .. CA 9262, within th¥M (3) month• from ll'lt Ge•.ild A w on Rary W Hatdy, Pr• Stalloua X1Q01•••~" dtt• thl1 Notice of Oefeult w11 This '1atemf'nt wu hl4;d with the Thl9 lltl-t WU ftltd wtTh Iha PuDhalled Orenoe CoHI Dally taootO.O N lhown In Iha upper C.oun1v Cler~ 01 Or1n9t' County on Counl)' Clat'll of Orange ~ty on P1101 Julv 10 I 1 24 31 198:1 rlgtll hand corn« above tulv 7 1'18:> .Jufy 22. 1982 3 1 :H .92 Tl119 amount I• I 1 .686.00 N of f1'2I07 ~ -----------June 10, 1982, and wlH In«-Puo11,hed O•ange C.o&sl Daily Put>llehad Orenge Co11t Dally l't&.IC NOTICE dally until yout llCGOUf'lt *-1>1101 July 10 t 7 :>~ .11 1982 Piiot, July 24, 31, Aug. 7, 14, 1982 euttenl You mey no1 "'"' to pey • 138 82 3339-82 ,ICmlOUS IUl,._11 Iha enll,. unpaid portion of )'OUT-------'----------------1 HAMl STATIMIHT aooount. -though luH P*Y"'f"I P\&.IC NOTICE l't8.JC NOTICE T1111 loHow•ng pe<fO'\& ere dotng II oamandad. but you mue1 pay Iha-----------------------1 nus1n("o as -.nt llattd aboV9 HOTICI Of' APPL.ICATION '1CT1110Ul llUIMll IAI RELIGION OF DIVINE Unlau the obllg11lon being TO Nii NAMI ITAT'OmNT <REEDOt.A CALLED THE CHURCH fOf~ UC>Ofl perml11 I longer AlCOHOUC KVPAOEI The tOllOWfl\Q ptrWN .,. Clolnl) 'OR All FAITt<S IBI CHURCH period, you haW '"' ltgtl right to 7-2l-82 ~ aa. r 0 R A l l F A I T H S ( C) T t< E ltQCl the foredoturt onty by peylng To WhOm II M1y COOC*'n PLAZA RESUME SERVICE, RELIGION OF DIVINE Fl'IEEOOM tht .,,tire amount Clematlded by MILLER Char1M K & Valda J ate 2021 ~ Cenl• Orllle, 6 212. , 369? Cy ores• S1reet Ger den your crtdltor within mi• (31 monlhl applying 10 th• Oapattment ol ~L ~AZ ~7~5E CA ET A A 1 A l Gro,_. CA 926'3 atter the d.ala of thlt dooufnenl't AICOhOllC Bavtttga Con1tOl IOf "47" SERVIC"' 1 ~ """"""'"°" Rehg1on 01 01v1ne FrMOom r ecordatlon, which dale o l On Sala General (Pvb Eal Pl.) to .... -...-· c.,..o ".,. c""'c" for A" F"th• ~ ~ ,.,.,_ Mii alcotlollc ~eon at 7979 •1 ...._ c.n... Or • •2•2. 136&2 Cypren StrHI Garden To nfld out the_,,,. you mutt Center Ave Huntington 8aecll. ""'"9, CA 92715 Gro_,. CA 928A3 pey, Of 10 antngt fOf peymant to Calll0tt111 Thie ~ It c:onclue1td by • Th•S bu-IS conouc:1e0 by en 1top lh• forecloeure, 01 If your Put>hahed 011nge CoHt Ottl)' ccwporetlOll Pl•1.• S•cr•Ur l•I ""'"CO•DO•lf•O HICX:•a11on Other property .. In lorecloeuf• for any PllOI July 31 19&2 3.419-82 s.vlct tllan a P•r•nersn.p other ,..._.,, oontect S.gne<I F0t the Churcil LAI H Ourtt, Allomty 11 Lew. Plll.IC NOTICE Eft c Moore. Pree Thie .,.,_.,, -ftltCI wt111 '"' County Oer1t of Orange County on Conwey B11hop P1111C1< Gunning 896 Town Center Or ...... Sullt 900, B1sr.op Bullon E Cotta MM&. Celllomlll 9282$ Tel S TATEMENT Of' UAHOONMINT Jvl't 22. 1982 ,,.... TM s11tem4t'll wu filed wrtn the (714) 84 1-1397 Of USE OF If you h-any ~llont, you FICTITIOUS eUllNESS NAME Put>llthtd Orange CoHt Ot lly County Cler~ Of OrtnQt County on July 1 19&2 1hould contac1 a lawyer or th• 'llP follow•ng Pf'r>on\ hive Piiot. July 24, 31,""" 7, 14. 1982 '111211 .. pwnment egeric:y whictt mey h-'"'"Cl°"~ 1"«' use 01 1~ hc11hou1 333a·82 Pubhshed Orange Co111 0••1) 1-----------P11Qt Jul) 10 17 24 31 1992 Pta..1C NOTICE 3138-82 lntufad yo.JI loen. REMEMBER, YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIOHTS If YOU 00 NOT TAKE PAOVPT ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhtl RCTTTIOUI IMJMMIH PUlJC NOTICE THE TOWN SQUARE OWNERS NAME ITATIMfNT ASSOCIATIOH, INC. hM a lien upon The following per.an• ara dorng C•1rMI ......... W.-the t'MI PfOC)erty known u 800 t><Jsiness aa ~ C..-.. 9MN Weet Third St~. C-1CM, S1111t1 POLARIS ADVERTISING & a.ne. AM-....... Ana, Celllornla, which I• i.gally t.A ... RKETING 3303 Harb<>< Blvd -----A ........... -delcrlbed N Sulle H-1. Co1l1 ....... CA 92826 ............ CA-Unit 42 of lot 1 of Trect 10080 Polatll t.Aen1gemen1 Group, lfO'nCC °' ~ HSAMtQ N I*' mep recoro.CI In 800ll 487. Inc 1 ClllfOfnll COfporttlO<\ 1~3 _. Pea-33 & S<I. lnelutlYt. of wt1ldt Soutr. COHI Drive. Suite 3 I 1. Co.It AmJCAnoN POlt WA.11'1 DalOfW 0-00 • the _.,., ol ....... CA 9262$ DelCttMOI MCM.WWl!ft'I tacotd and Mid lien hel 8'1-n by This bu_.. 1a conducted by • (........,,....... Oledwwa Ylrtu• of a Oec111atlon ol hus1n4!1s narn@' ALETA 360f Jarnt>o11e. N"WP0fl Buch CA 92660 TllP ~1c111tous Bu••neu N1mt •f'''"" ed 10 •t>O•e w•• 11110 on Orange Counly on July 7 1992 BENEDICT J GILANO 390 Su""'e Cu cit Costa MeH CA 'l2627 ME'TA PARRIS!< 3101 JrO Avenue Co•on• def t.Aer CA 92t2S Th•• t>vs•nese wu conducled I>~ ,.n un1nc0<P01ete<I •asoc111t10n olhef lllAn 9 Ptrl,,.,lltl1p Alell Pamsh lhtl &talM>enl WU hltO wrth Iha County Clerk of Oranoe County on July 9 19&' corporetion II I•• 1 .,.._... .......,., Coonan II, Condition• and POlltll Mgt Grouc> Inc .. Rellrtc:tlone ltlertlnalter "ccaR't"I ,,.., J-W Truh9t Jr C-9J ....... 1 ; DaMrtG9 ,_dad on May 9, 1te0 In 8oolt: Pubh'Jh.0 Orange Coast Daily PllOI Thll llat-1 WN hied wtth 1"9 .. 0.....,. c...ey 13803, Pagee 876. lnclualve Olllcial Julr 10 t 1 2• 31 198<' County Cltfll of Orana-County on Tiit County Sanltdon Oltt"°'9 of ~Ot of Mid Coun1y. CtilllorNa. 3 107-8« July 11 1982 Or""Of Coun1y (C800Cl ,_ fled • • ~ to the tubtac:1 pniperty Fttate rtporl of watle dltcllarga and NOTICE IS FURTHE" OIV91 lha1 I . 1•1r ,,.,. Pu1>1t111ed Oreno• CoHI Delly ~ 1or reqvl,_nta lor the • bf98dt of the obl!Qatlon for wnlC'h P1101 July 10 17 24 3 I 1882 Olecflarga of watee ln1o the Padllc Mid Utn WM ~ M MCUr11y hat P'ICTl'TIOUI ..,.._.. 1, l 2990·92 OcMn The propoNCI OtOlf .... tie oocwred In 111111 4M peymente of MA .. ITATIMINT ...,, ,, .. ~·• ,,., ..... '"' ' "1 "' .,.. .. r w,,, , .... , ''"""' • ,.. • • ~ 1 Joint Perrntt ~ by bott't tM 11aea1m•nte and charge• duly -----------~--~--------_l•••••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!••••••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~u----NlJC---NO-TICE----1 R • g Ion a I 8 o •rd and th• i...tact by aald Aetodallon ~ Tile fOllowlno pertor11 ••• 0011.g in the 18.00 Pla.IC NOTICE SPECIAL Aly 21. lfl2·A4.tf. J, 1912 L*'1 lnlnltus: 5.H I have a sletk streamhntd llbino body, pectorals. ventrals. doraal. anal and c1ud1I fins blood rid. I will lqhten Ille wleWlnc pleasure ol most any eqllltklm. Ste mt' at Aquatic T ropiclls wllefe I am on salt for only S.99 = ..... !l ~181.C.. """' ' ... PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, ·Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOM~ Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains. Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Atao many ~ 1)teee9 -of antique end eootemporery jewetry lncfud~ fine watches, solitaire diamond rings. earrings. gold chains, cluster diamond. ruby, sapphire. and emerald rings. SALE flGHT frt., 30th. Sat., 31st Sm., 1st, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTlON' 2:00 p .M. • 5:00 p .M. & 7 -8 P .M. Sale fllhts Property of ..Veral prominent Leltur• Wortd re1tdent11 together with lnYentory of w.11-known L.A. Jewelry In financial trouble. Aleo, out-of-pawn merchandl.M. TERMS: Vita • MuterCard Peraonal ehectr -Cash. Some extended term• can be arranged. Property moved tor convenience of sale to: • 108 Tu.tin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coaat Hwy. a Tuatln) N•wPOrt Beach , ..... . . . ---- ---===~~===--l [n,,ffonment., Proteat1on Agency the 8'lt>tac:1 P'°'*1Y _. not peld buau"4tu u . (EPAI Th• EPA llaa tan11tl11ely ""*' due. and •1111 r.mlln Clue. MAXWELL t.AARINE us A . dtCidfd 10 grant a ...nence from ~ and unpaid u follows 629 Term1nel Wty Suitt 16 Coste The folloWlng pertona -111 • •a con d 11 y Ir• at"' t n t AHeument1 which ire more t.Aese CA 9?8"'7 ~ w ~ta of the C1Ntl Water than thlr1y d•r• PHI due, plu1 Bryner tnte1n1t1onat, Inc . • THI! HOUS£HOLO STAFF A.at su-t to 8«tMln 901(11) to tubtqutnl _men,., t00t1i. CtltlOfntl COfPOftllon 829 T ........ 2813 Newpor1 Blvd .. Sulla 124, IM CSOOC fadlttlte. with lnl-t thereon frOll' Mid dale. Wey. Suitt 1a. Co111 Men, CA Ntwpor1 e-:t1 CA 92ee3 Ori lflt l>Mlt of pn111m1r1ery ltMI a1 the,..,. of 10 percent per annum. 92&27 C,\AAL MUSll!LMAN. 81 '"''-end 1pptlcatlon ol lawful in 8ddl11on to attorney'• fllea, ooet1 Thia 1>u1'"9U 11 conduc1e<1 by • Ofdlld, Corona del M•. CA 82925. etahdttdt and regul1t1on1, Ille and tel• Ctlargea •Ml f0f1h In Mid t.0<1>Qratoon JOYCE INOALLS. 401 £, Cellfomle Reo1ona1 Wat• Oua11ty CC.R'1 togtlthtr With "'I and.. Bryner lnterntllonal MatlpOM, Altadtne. CA '1001. Control towd'. 8an1• Ana Aaglon, .,,,,. acNenoad by the Aeeoclatlon Inc OAVNA PETTIT 1741 Plue lentatMlly prQClOMI to._ wute Of Ill~ under Ille terma and W J Bryan Pr" Stw, Balboe, CA 92981. dltGllarge requirement• Including P'Ollll!lona of Mid ocaR'a. This llelement wu llled wtlh the Thie buMieM la conducted by alllut11I llmllatlon1 and 1peclel NOTICE IS FURTH£fll GIVEN t1M1t County Cler'k ol Or•nge County on general pertnartNp. conc11110111. Pereone withing to Mid Ateoc:4atlon, ttwough ltt duly July II 1982 ,,,_,, Carel MlltMlman COl'lllMl\t UPOf'I "' objeCt to ttle IPPOln1ecJ egMt, llM eoceauted and Thlt 11atemenl WM llltd wn11 prOl)OMCt dltdlargt rtqUl,,_,1• delll-.cl a wrtttan dtd••tlon of Put>llthad Orange Cotti Diiiy County Cletll of ~enga Courtly -lnvttecltOtubmllMl'{lelnwl'ttlng •autt and~ fOr ..... and Piiot. July 10 17, 24 31. 1982 July 22, 1982. lo the llbo¥e ~ no teter IMrl hu tutrtlldtrH all documenl'a 3130·82 ,,_. Au;uM :it. 1N2. All oommenta or e>tldenclng obligation• MC11ra4 -----------P11bll1lled Orange Co111 0•11 objection• rtee111ed prlOf to the tnertoy, and ,_ dtdlnd and do. PtJBllC NOTIC( P11ot.Jlll)'i4,31,Aug. 7, 14, 1912 abolotdetaWllbe001116defedlntM t.eby decUre .. -wed----------- 3H7 .. 2 ~Ion of ttnel °""""'IMIOllt thereby lmmedlalely du• and K .... ,-----------1 reaerdlfto lllf ..... clllefllroa, ~ and ..... -.cJed and doet PtCTITIOUe 9UIMU W ~ lh• IJo•d w11111a to ot>teln •••ct to oawH th• proptrtr NA• ITA~ r-""';iCiimciUiiiiiiiiiii'--l'"n'm•ttvn-1"0 ~•n:tt-t d Obft nni• 11111 ttl ""'-to1 ... 1,.,. ,., .. .., '• c1o1ne HC lillOUe detemltt*'I proper ..... dltdlarge ::;.:a obllgatlont dut Hid bull-u NAiii eTA~ ~and, for tMI purpoee. (1) Oii Jll MANUFACTURINO: Tiit fallOWlnO .,.,_ -doltlg .. hdcl a putlllo '*'1nCI • fOIOM: T . E T I A M I N I I f (21 OEllONI IV Oil Jll, i33 12 Dunt bu11nMa er. OAT'I: ~ 10, 1tla f'EINITATEMENT II POllllLE ~ "°911, El T0to. CA 92630 !Al KIM'AL ltTAJH OLAM.;J! TIMf; t;IOam. ANO THI AMOUNT, "ANY.I DONNA JEAN MAOOERRA, KIM'AL ~·.I. au Jet:fll PVf;!.i:f Counal a.no.-. NECEISAlllY TO CURE TH• ?3312 Dune Mw "°8d, El TOfO, Qrlnae, CA t-. nG0 ~«, ....,._, OIPAUlT CONTACT: CA n6'0 KIMHN.Y DIANE OARIM. 9'edl, CellarM • LAI H. OW.. Attom.y II Lew, Thie bullnttl It conouc1tc1by111 a10r...,._Lw.1ema 11ne, tnt.••• per90fla .. ..,.._, ro .. TOMI°"*' Drt4. "* aoo. 1nc1"'10uet t270t. M1tnd to tolPf'9t "'*' ~ on ~ ....._ CelNOrM tmt. Tai: Oonna ~ Madderfa ALl.1"4 LEQOWIKI, 2H dllM ..... ,..._ to '919 a&lo"9 (1t4) 14M3tf. Tlll9 llti-1 WM llltd wltfl tM JaoetMd&. °"**·CA neee ..... ~ ,.,.._ ,,_Ina 04TIO: Ml8 to, tNa County Cl9rtl of Or""O' County on T'llll bullf*9 lil ~ by piweltllloftl ltloli9d OClflflne Viii 'THI 'TOWN IQUAM July 1, 1H2 ...,.,., pertrwntllp. "etementt to the UOV. ltated OWNPI AMOCIATION, ,_ IOmMrtey D. °""' '"""· ~ .. "''"*''' .-tn be INC. P11t>tlthH Of•"r COHI Oelty Thia~ -fled lllletl r.td. ""-fOr the eooureoy OI... ly: LUK. OUMT, Ptlot, July 10. 17.1 , 31. 1Mt county Clel1c of Oranot eountr recordl •!,~' '"ti~ 1t1 attam.r/...,. ~,...., My U . tlt2. ltloli9d 111 In_,.,., Ortil ITATI Of' CALI'OflNrA) re ,,... .....,_,.. "'°'*' 11e Mlt to.... PWUC NOTIC( Publllhed Or•11oe Co-.t O~ly .. 111••••d .......... IO ... ~ °' OAANOI Piiot, J4llf t4. It, Aug. 1, t4, 1ta ..... On .lwM 10. 1tll • ....,,._me,.... P1CTmOUI .._ .. H3CM1 TM rttott of ..... ...,.., _,,. ...... a NoWy NlllO In lillCI MMll eTAW 1-------------t,....... d611#Mn..,,........., l'9 tor tlle I Ht• of C•tllor11a, Tiit follo#lflt peraon 11 dofflo loetd'• proPOMd ,..irllMnt•. per1itnall1 •PP•tr•f LI• H. llVallltla •· ind oll OOfllmefltO efli P9tltloM DUMT."8loltllnto""•M-~ I AIAA DIHTAL 01' CALI,,, ~ m•~'f:::..ed IN aulhorlHd ud ••••on•tef lt2' tOIMI ~. tanta AM. CA OOOlld 11 "'° ....._ ~ Of llf ••11t11111t 11104 ' -''IMllM ... -. wfllall uoeulof Ult •1U11n THOMU Al'THUlll Ma~LJllO'f, ~ .-111ar1lfe.1.. OA H 01 =• 11••••1t ~ •me• M llf '94 t\111rlH, Cotta Muo, CA 1 "'.............. .. ..... ~ ....... .,,.. 1:00 ua. .,.. •:te ,.-.. ~ '"'"'."' Oft bollolf of Hid Tlllt ~lo oorldUot4ild by en ""Jilllll "-· 11 ILi' DI\ Md ...,,. 11 fl Id to ll'lclMdllll ............. ,.,....,. .... •11111llid'Ill'0 11........ ThO!NiA f,tO(Jror. E Ol ll'lf,..... .... '° -. 1"1!11........,.,. -.... Wiit! .. .......... ..... WITNUt MY """o ANO Col!My~OfOr ... a...lyon ~ llM. 'My •• 11U. lltlbl1•• °'~· 0.-.,. w.MM ~ ~ "'1. Mt M. It, 10. It,-. 'f, ,........ Of .... 0.-Oeltw "'......_ 0r8'llO C.... Doer 1tt1. ""'•"'"·-'·.., ..-,..,.,i»f 10, 1,,· ... n 1111 .... .... 3 .... Lutherans to convene League conference due in San Diego Nicaragua to 1erve u conaultanta. .... "' ........... -... . Orange Coaat DAil. V PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 Preachin' cowboy tends youths LOS ANGELES (AP) -He cam. from Wyomlna to 1tar u a tl.lm cowboy, but the 'Rev. Leonard Eilen ended up a ranch•r, IMndlna young people rather than caw.. EUen, 84, and hi• wife, Ftuncet, 78, have houaed mott than aoo youtha at their San J'ernando Valloy ranch ln almoat 40 yeat1. They've taken In children, taen-agera and forelan 1tudent.1 for_pertod.t of one weak to 10 ye~. to the ranch In 1 G&O. She w• 17 . a.nc( had been named a ward of the juvenU• court. She 1tayed at the ranch until the married lwo yeara later. • For the put year. the couple haa been • ' boarding foreign 1tudenta who attend ' collegH near the ranch, which ii locaWld 1 \ In Granada Hilla. Devout ChriltlaN who '• resularly attend a Pretbyterian church.· ' the Ellen don't require that 1tudenta h1we almllar reugaou. bellef1, Ml'I. Ell#I '') ,181d. : t ' ABOUT llt,000 MEMBERS of the Lutheran Laymen'• LMcu• will mtet tn 8-n Dteao Sunday for a four-day conference. Dr. 01wald Hoffman. 1peak~ of the Lutheran Hout, will be the keynoter at a 3 p.m. rally which opeN the 6~th aMual event. The league la an auxiliary to the Lutheran I Church -M.J.aourl Synod DIRECTORS of the Anallcan 1 Institute, Manaaua. will deecribe life DR. ROY GRAVES, mlnlater ot the Chun::h of Rellgtoua Science in Winter Park, Fla .• and pre1ldent of the Florida/Central West Dl1trlct of International New Thought Alliance, will be at the Church of ReUgtoua Science, Capistrano Valley, Sunday. He wall spe•k at the 11 a.m. aervice and conduct a aemlnar at 7 p.m. Ellen, a Chrlltian evanaell1C who wu chrl1toned In the R o man Catholic Church, came to California from Wyomlnj In 1922. He had a few parts, then beCame an aaalatant cameraman for Paramount Studloe. ln 1928, he chose t.o devote hi.I life to preaching and roping. He received a degree from a Chriattan colle1e. then began traveUng through the United States and Europe. twirling hi• ropes, preachina and performing on tut gultar'and harmqruca. "We don't aay, 'that 11 it or elte,''' '· EUeni said. "We jutt say, 'this is what we •" believe and if you want t.o believe It that'• fine· You can't force anybody to · do anything." Mrs. Eilers uad the students an> asked •'"' to attend church with the rouple 11everal ;-'• limes a year • J in Nicaraaua durin& th e po•trevolutlonar perlod o r reconatruction at a l a m se rvice Sunday. The Rev. Dr Robert W Renouf and I Dr. Jeannette L. Renough waU speak at St. Mary's Episcopal C hurch . Lagunp Beach. U S . c1u:r.ens, the Renoufs are appo intees o f the 1 Episcopal Church and have been invited by the Episcopal Church of CHURCH IDTll A WEEK of church school will be open for chtldnm. aged 4 through sixth grade, at the Community Methodist Church, Huntington Beach. The school will be conducted from 9 a .m . until noon Monday t hrough Friday. Durina that tune, he and hl8 wife opened their home, beginrung U) 1944 when a church friend asked them to give a home to two children that summer By summertime, they had agreed to take 12 children. ''It was war time and there was a feeling of wan ling to belp," said the couple's daugt)te r, -48-year-old J oy Eilers. who grew up on the ranch and still lives there The Preac·h 1n ' Cowboy a nd the ,., More than 40 foreign student.A haw ., lived wath the rouple. whom thc>y call Mama and Papa Eilers, m t he last yeer. • About eight rt!S1de an cabins on the ranch •. at present. Mrs Eilers said • " "It's their Amem:an home." i1he said. "Onl't' they •live on thf' rarx·h. they become a part of tht• family " ~· Keeper of the Home Corral, as the Eilers Ch h d have been called, have housed all sor ts of urc canons revampe young peo ple-, in('luding "troubled" Students pay $40 a month "to help . with u t1 llues," said Mn;. E1lt>rs They o.. buy their own food and f'a t in their bunkhouses, wh1t:h are 1-q u1ppt>d with stoves and refrigerators ~ The rest ('Oml'h from donations The '•. couple r['(·e1ves no governme nt a~1stance. but d1stnbuu• a monthl v m·w1-ll'ltN to 650 people T hey rt'(•('1~t' abou1 S 1.200 monthly. Mrs Eilt>rs said By the Associated Preas After 20 years work on it, a new governtng d ocume n t o f Rom a n Catholicism now is m the offing -a revised, chun:hw1de Code of Canon Law. Even before it's tsSUed, 1t has aro used both commendations and criticisms It 1s being sub,ected to probing analysis, s tarting this w eek . in a month-long, count rywide series of l closed workshops led by church legal experts for d 11JC'e58n admanastrators. While various reservations have l been voiced about the planned new ~ legal code , reactio n s a lso have • ~erl_on the posillve side It's " "fa irly gooci e ffort" lo • implement reforms of the Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965, says the Rev. J a mes Provost , e xecuti ve coordinator of the Canon Law Society of America. But he adds that thl' effort fa lls yo uth s who w e r e r e fer red b y short in some ways. Including failure psychologists and social workers and t 0 r ec 0 g n i z e 5 0 m e n e w c r others who did not ge t a long with their d k f d parents. developme nts an lac o proc.'t' ures "To become a roper you must have a to hold local bishops accountable to rope. To become a Christian you must their people. HOME ON RANCH -The Rev . have Christ," Eilers said "The maJOr After numerous delays. the draft is Leonard Eilers and has wife have t hing 1s to offer a ChrLSllan example " expected to be promulgated later thts ma d e their ranch a h aven for B I A di d d year by Pope John Pa ul 11 He sttll ever Y a an · p rotege a n may make changes children for 40 years. companion of fal.m star Errol Flynn, came Some of the oft-cited controver.11al r-=========~==;;;;;;;=====;;;;:;i points includ~. -Canon 767, saying teachers of Catholic theo lo g y mus t have a canonical "mandate" -authortzatJon of local bishops. This is viewed in some quarters as cloudmg academic freedom. BUSING "qod ha'I supplwd our n<'l-ds," she said "I didn't t•v.,n hav{• a Socia l Security numbt.'r until a (t>w vt•ar-s ago wh c.>n r hc.id to q u a lify for' mt•d1cal ' trea tmt>n t .. -A provision that marriage annulment decrees must be reviewed by a second church court, which has not been ne~·essary under special procedures in this country. But other special U.S. features are preserved TEMPLE BETH EMET RELIGIOUS SCHOO!. tS PLA-N"NtNG BUSING STARTI NG SEPTEMBER FOR AREAS SOUTH OF ANAHEIM. CALL (714) 772-4720. Services 8 :30 A.M. & 10: 15 AM Co•ono <kl Mo• H>Qh Sch~I 2101 fa•lblufl Or CorOtlO d.I MO< "."'pontaneou!i E.ttpansion Of The t:hur<'h -/>urt II" and made intemat1on~ Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY ' -f"°""" ~ ,_..... NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday ~ & Jun!« Church 15th & Irvine, Newpof1 8Mctl 10:30 A.M. "Renewal, lec:r.ation, ltebcwn" Church Office: 1929 Tuatln. Ca.ta Me•• Phone ~1032 Df.al.-A·Ma11age ... Ult 1st CtUtCH of REUGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Mtmber Cllurcll UIMttd l:Uth ol Rtlcloul Science CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Sunday Scheel-0.IW C-. ''Committment lev. Judy Oole Is living Now" 1011 Com-'bodl, Newport leach (.ff JomberM a-ct) . Mink Dir.new • Marie fn9lt.h 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Epltc:Opel) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday • 9:00 AM (Book of Common Pr•v-r -1 ~28) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. J•mff Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EptSCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA Bay 8tr-t at Orange Awenu. Holy Eucharist 9:00 Infant and Chllcl Cote the Rev. Conrad Nordqulet, Ylcer SCl-2237 ST . JAMtS EPISCOPAL WO.COie YOU 3209 Vla Udo, Newport Buda ..-mT HM8Clt LUnllM CUCH lW 0.... Dr. NmWPOtn' WCM ....a1 . ....... ,. ... ,...., ca-.,. A. .... ~ • WOR8HtP SERVICE ........................ e!OO A.M. CHRISTIAN £0UCATIOH ............... t:11 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ................... ,.10:30 A.M. _, ... ,,,,.... I I I \ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES "LOVE" Sunclcry, Au9v1t 1, 1912 Costa Men -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat -..... v.-Or., Coeta ..... Churdt a hMey 8oMof -10:GO A..M. .....,. "°°"" -..... v.-Or. t A..M.~ P.M. Moft. """ .. t. Wed. 7.7:90 P.M. -t-f'.JO P.M. lrvlne -Flr•t Church of Chrlat, 8clent11t Renc:M .. n Joequln tnw!MChte khool 4111 MlchMteon (Neer Y•) Chvrott a Sundey khool -10:00 A..M. CHILO CAM PAOVUO AT IUHOAY llf.RVIC£ Huntington Beach -Flret Church of Chrlat, Sclent11t Ith • °""· Hunttngton llMc:h Cttwctt a hndey ldtool -10!00 A..M. .....,_ Roem -221 Metn It. Newport Be.ch -Flret Church of Chrlat, Sclenttat 3303 Via Lido, Newport .. ec:h Church 6 8vndaJ Schoof -~ 6 10:30 A.M. Reading Room. 3315 VI• lido Mon. thrv Sat. -t A.M.-5 P.M. Tuee. -7-1 P.M. C....., c ... Otpyt04d fue.d•Y• I '\O t t ~t'J A " tor ~tuOi; ' ,.... Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrlat, Sctenttat aa PecHlo V... Or., COf'OM del Mer C'"'"" a ._., khMt -10:00 AM. .......... 9'oolft -.00 .. " L Coeet Hwf., CdM WED. !YaNtNG TISTIMONV MIEIETINGI - I P.M. ALL CHURC .. I All 11e cordlelly 1n11neo to 1119'\4 Ille •""•ell -..-end entoy Ille .,........ af Ille "-""' "°°""' CMN C.• ,.._vtd1tl AT ALL URVICll WESTMINSTER LUTIDAN CtuCH 11M1...._A.,., (Ne111 .. 1M 1Me99 PIWJ. 6 W'••1111m...i11r1a... ..... ..,., MYd.) -WOR9HIP URVICIS - l:IO I 10:00 A.M. PAUPR ~ ~ IWIGQJUlll PttOMm • 1 • _ AU W,.,~ •~11'.&M EPISCOPAL~~ ... .., .... ,,n ...... c--.~ 18M2 Bushoit, Fountain Volley 963-3801 11¥. 11•1•4 W ........ llCTOI NOt.Y COtlAIMION .... , ••.•... • .•. ,., •••• , •• IM A.M.. MOl ... NATll-CtMICM ICMOOl ..•••••• till A . .M. MOI .... PUYOl 6 MINOtt •••.•......•.. I I .. A,¥. ... c. h ,.;.,anw....,.11.u.. ........ ,_.....,till..,.; NEIGtllORHOOO CONGREGATIOftAl CUCH 348 St. Ml't P\Kt It ca..,,., Upu ... 494-9061 Oii Ill ll[YMl.DS MMGM£T -llmQ.oS ~ llUl -...., .. Clwdl Set.I ' ......., HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DtlC ••• of Ctwtat) M01 ntM ............. M5-m1 ' MomMg Wonnlp 10 A..M. Gene •••neon. Mlrtlet• Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PREIBYTIRIAN CHURCH ... ...,.. Or. a ....,boree. •....-n 9Wtl W.... ~ McOuc*t W.... TOftJ Wott-,.__ Auoclet.~ ~ .... man. ...ec Dhc:W Church Sch9ol & Adult C'---9:00 a.m. Woretllp s.vtc. -10:00 Lm. -...,, C.. et 9Mft lerYtoea Por lftfac C ....... 1M1 A Cordlel Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cott• Mtaa FIRST UNrTID MeTHODtlT CHURCH 18th St. a Hart>or BM:I. Chwcltt 8oMof 1:11 WonNp 10'AI CharlM o, Ofatk, Mln191w Huntington Beaeh FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3637 Wonhtp lenloe 10:11 e.m. .....,C..All ........ Churofl khool-t:OO a.m. •WORT CINTU UNITll> ...,.HODWr ,., ............. c-...... . ltM-0741 Wc>ratilp a Church Schoot -9:30 A.M . ltW. Ken McMllMn I I ! I ' I r: r"\ This Sunday Worship In \. ~ST. ANDREW'S PRe8aYnRtAN CHURCH &00 St Andrewt ROMI ~ Beaeh • 631-2880 Ot.,,...... ._.._. Worship Services -8 45 and 10: 15 A M I' "God's Treasure in You" Tha ltev. William L. Flanagan PROGRAMS 8 •5 • m Infants Thru College 10 15 a.m -lnl.tnts Thru 61h Grade AK Helpttne_.....2222 Community Preabyterlan Church 415 Forfft Awe., Ujuna !leech 4'4-7HI F\9V Arthur J. Tankereley Rev. Craig Wiiiiam• W0<1hlp -9 30 A.M NUAS£ "' I ""f l>AOVIOfl) (' •AINt; 5£AVll.I PRESBYTERIAN CHtMCH OF THE COVENANT 2l50 Falrvtew M ., Coeta Meu -557-3340 Bruce A. Kurrte, P11t0f Terry Mceanne, Olrec1or of Youth Mlnletlee Howard Klttlon, Director of Advtt Mlni.trla Don Maddox. Olrecior of Slnglee Mtn11tr1W ....., ...... -l:IO • 10:00 A..M. ettwc:tl ldleol -CMldNft ttwu Mutt9 ,._ A..M. ""'"" ., ............ -1:11 • 10:00 A..M. Yeepen -7:00 P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. Wlteoft, c .. ta ..... 1464111 We're A Going -Qlowlng -Growing CtlUrch fUNDAY aa"VICH 11taU ITUDY t A.M. WOR .... to A.M. I t P.M. 10 A.M. -Dou& Cole -Guest Speaker 6 P.M. -Due Vo -Guest Speaker Peut 1ltotMa. ....... -DcMtg Cele, ., .. MIMlter SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOR RefORM ftWU ................ ,., . .....,...., ...... • • n ° n ... Phi ,,...., et tM wttt Rabbi Berl\&rd P. King .. -. , Orang• Oo••t DAU.Y PIL;OT/laturd•y. July 31, 1ua . Settlement :on ·studio ,~ 1 ·suit OK'd •· CULVER CITY (AP) - . MOM-UA Eptertainment Co. .• and TranaAmtrica Corp. have :;; eettled a lawsuit over tax aavinp ·=·reallied from United Artl1t1 :~: la.ea before MGM bought UA :•from TranaAmerlca last year, 1;: MOM-UA aa.id. ;: Under the sett 1 em en t :: TranaAmerica wtll pass through .: to MGM-UA the tax saving, and :: will accelerate the payment to -; MGM-UA of "Inter-company tax -; accounts and related interest ·: o w e d t o U A , l o t a l i n a ·:approximately $40 million," a :-MGM-UA statement said. . . :: In return, Tr8nsAmerlca will ·:receive certain investment tax :; credits claimed by UA during the =~period prior to the July 1981 sale. :;·TransAmerica said it will gain $6 :: million in after-tax income in the :; third quarter, plus possible additional sums m the future. MOM purchased UA last year for about $325 million and then filed th e s uit against Trans.America in November. AT LAGUNA -Actor-director John Cassavetes (right). who designed the program for "Thornhill" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, gets together with Meade Roberts, author of the drama, at a recent performance. The play is being given its world premiere in Laguna. Liz, Burton, Todd Jr. linked for movie NEW YORK (AP) -Elizabeth ·Taylor and former husband Richard Burton will co-star In a film produced by Mike Todd Jr., son of the actress' late husband. Michael Todd. publicist's office aald. Todd was Miss Taylor's third husband. Miq Taylor married and divorced Burton twice. The movie, "Herself Surprii;ed," will be fllmed in Europe some time in the fall, her •• 'firrfox' i1 onr of Clinl fAt11wood'1 besl movies. 11'11 fun-with lraping. vaulting. 8hoo1ing, rl ying 'lpr<'ial eUec:l8. '' -JOEL SIEC£l. (,000 tlOR''fl.""C AMERICA AlK;TV ~ f..-TIHI WAUJY _... • ..,.,,.,,,. 'MWr "''"' ~~ 0renoe .. ,. 777 6U6 9611741 637 03•0 COSTA •IA fUUUITOI OIWMll l.,.._ °"""' !Mite< I u• UA Ccy C....... 17''1•1 ~7~HH U •l911 COIT• ..... Eo.aro. r...,, c.oi .. 7SI .... .... OIUOlf ............... ---o· ... " 'Fire fox .' A s l ick mu1colar thriller 1ha1 combines r spionage wilh 11eience fit1ion.,. -ROCER £B£RT CHICAGO SLI/., Tl'M£S .... .._,.., .. ~ ---·~ •:• ... •I I• ' .,, ., ,, , ... ,I .. ~ -'. __. . ' ·~ .. 'Thin Man' Powell 90 HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Actor WWlam Powtll, who 1t.arred in t.he ·~ln ft!an" lll'lee and about 100 other movi• • ..-cepted 90th birthday CJ'tletln&I. althouah. he dJd u pudfClnaly. u1 f .. l all of 90.'' he aaid in a telephone interview Thursday from hi• Palm Sprtna• desert home. "I practically Uve lndoon but I do alt out on the porch and yoo.hoo to people u they go by.'' Then he chanatd hi.a tune a bit, •Yh\a: "I may be 90 years old, but I feel like 190. "People are congratulating me, and ..t~ what? For beJne alive? That'• a peculiar kind of achievement. But I admit I was born on July 29, 1892, in Plttabu.rgh, Pa." OLD TIMES -William Powell, now 90, is caught in a publicity still from a "Thin Man" movie with co-star Myrna Loy and canine comrade Asta Hope gets his own 'road' Rb wife of 43 years, actress Dlana "Mousie" Lewia, said, "Bill la just amutnc. marvelous. He hu a hearina dJfficulty and he doeu'l't get out of the house. But he la In good 1plrlta." MIAMI (AP) Bob Hope. star For 25 years, Hop<.> has served as honorary chairman of the M1am1-based founda\Jon seeking a cure for the neurological disease. "He watches televh1lon. He reada a lot. He takes his own lhower. And he enjoys our two darling dogs . . . .'' ahe added. of many "road" Calms with the late Bina Croeby. has a stret.>t he can call his own an northwl'St<.'m Miami. Some of Powell's better known movies were "Life With Father," "My Man Godfrey" and "The Great Ziegfeld." Hll last movie was "Mister Robert.a" In 1955 with Henry Fonda and Jack Lemmon. Thl' Mlnm1 Ca ty Comm1ss1on voted lo n•numl' thl' strt'l~:h of No rthwt.•11 t Ninth Av e nu e betWl'l'n Northwt>st 15th and 18th atrl'l!l.ll "Bob Hope Road." followlnf( a rc.•qul'sl from the National Parklnton Foundation a nd tht' Unlvt·nlty of M1am1 School of Mooklnu I lope was m Miami earher this year to attend the foundauon 's annual dinner "We pay tribute to the M1anu comml8S1on for re<.'Ognizing the efforts by Bob Hope in helpmg Parkinso n pe o ple ," said foundation President Nathan S lewett COSTA MESA Edwards Cinema Center 979·4141 mi ......... "'"'. SH S33t COSll •IA lfooo-C-C..... t1t'1'1 It le nows what scan1 you. '!"~J.~~ ............... _.~ NOW PLAYING •COIU9'U , ....... $0..tfl Col••"'°'' \ .. 1711 UYIM i:.-~­Sll~ ...... ~°'-..... 617 0340 ...... UACICy~ ll• 3••. llUfMIUTUI E•••r "' l9l' ----NOW PLAYING--- ul• lllYIU • OAAIH UA Mo¥ltl 990-4022 E-... WMAMt• Ciittdo1111 II~ 2553 COSTA MUA 551-0855 WHTMIHUR Helllof Twin 1131-3501 MISllH VIEJO Mn110~ C.11tm1 WHt FOUITAll VAllEY Y1t10 Miil 415-1220 191·3935 Uwird• Fovlltllll v""' ns-1 soo • !IEii: 70MMUS .. -a--"""""--1 SONn' HO PASSES ACCEPTED F'OA THIS EHGAGOo!EHT • ' . . . . '~ ~ *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perform•nces before 5.00 PM (bctpl Special Engagtmtnls and Holidays) "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 ,. ·=-··-..... , ..... "NIGHT SHIFT" 1•1 11c1t ,,. , .. ••.-a "ANNIE"''°' t'l..M , .......... I tS ..._. "THE WORLD A CCOROING TO GARP"1•1 "POL TEAGEIST'' ll'OI ~ ...... , ... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK·IN "THE BEST LITTLE j WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS'' 1•1 t• •• IQO MHlll "ROCKY Ill" '"°'--oo..•• ua. 1• •• •-» •• ..... Focy1ry ot Cono1e wooo 213/531·9510 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1•1 ,. , .. ,,. ,., .... "ST AR TREK II: "ROCKY Ill" ll'O> IN 70Mlll DOLBY ITt .. EO lU., tM, -r-. ·~I• •t THE WRATH OF KHAN'' 1l"01 LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAtll IN foe~ Al Del A.mo 211/tl4-f211 "NIGHT 8HIFT" 1•1 ·----·· t ,, , ...... ... -Bl.ADE .. U.._lr' 1•1 ,J-_. ..... "COHAN THE eAMAAIAN" 1•1 ,.I,. .... tllru rn 7 lO S•l . s.n 7 15 Sltow Sl•th •I °"'* IMPORUIH NOTICl' CHllORlN UNO(A ll fAll! ......, ... "-lilll In fn I M• S.1 Son ...._.,,HO Ctllfll SOOICl • tOua •~ CN1 M..c; 'S •OI • SIUllL• 11 110 ""° CAii ~ W'!Tlt CNT'OO -CCUSOllt IOSll'OI -IMOG d ,_IA&.f 1•AU ONf.11 ~.111$ QI Qlo A111 MOO ANAM(I,,. ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h ee•OY ti al le r'f\Of'I $1 179·9150 --r "CONAN THI .:!MAlllAN" C'll I "THE NIT LITTLI WH~EMOUll IN TE.US-1111 -"ALL NIOKT LONG" 1111 "T .. THING" 1•1 l .l!lf Fl S0U..0 ----- ""OCKY ltf" IHI -"llfl•r 1•1 ( ,. •• \4)0 ... I UI NA PAii~ BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN l•i.cOln A .. we1t of •~on 121·4070 I UINA ,All• LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l1nco1n ••• we~ ot llttott 121·4070 11.111:11"• so~ O.eoo ,,.., ot ••oo-"""' (So J 962·2U1 Wf ~1 "41N ~llll Hl ·WAY 39 DlllYl IN "IT. -"0140 MIN DON'T ftA" "'-AID" Ct'Ol "THE WOALO ACCOADIHO TO OAlt~"ttll -· "AltTHUlt" Cl"Ol "THE HIT UTTU WHOAEHOUH IN nXAI" 1•1 ..... "AU NIGHT LONG" 1•1 CtHf fl 'IOUOIO e.o<" ... 0 So o< G.i<a.n G•O¥t l•ff- 191•3693 "flOCK't Ill" 1 ... 1 "THE THING" 1111 --"CLAIN 0, Tfff TnANl" rN t -~·DE "UNNElt" ltll W"---.-C:;:;ll;;,;ll~F~I iouMO;;::;;::.----+.---.,.,.::="':;,:_I 11 '°""°.:....-- "tttQHT J:!"" 1111 "ANY WMICf4 WAY YO\I CAN" .,., C*f " IOtllll , -. 1t.&fO,Jli LA HABRA (IWIVI IN ..... ,.,, .. "YOUNG OOCTO"S IN LOVI" 1111 -"41 .. l'lA .. " IHI c;tNt II SOUllO ORANGE 0111v1 1111 .. -. .. . . . t Over the Hillers muscle • JD : l\'1 1 three-way dolflaht \od1y after ~ C>vtr \he HlU Oana put the Pedal to the rne\al and crowded into a Uo tor fll"lt place with• week'• hlah of nine polnta. If you mimed number lhrff (and )'ou did), don't worry. That quettlon waa baaed on an erroneoua tource and wu thrown out. Th1I ta on the word of the tctol' involved, u polled by two of our conteltanta. Onward and upwud u we forae lnto Auauat TRIVIA BOWL XXVJI STANDINGS t. av., lhe Httl 01ng (8) Ttec:y oocttrey 181 Id 8cMlerltf (Ill 2. Stretefl Mutc1ect111.:i •Cobf1 II (5) 3. The 8el1' FKl1 (1 1 ~. 'Heney Pnof (4'~1 38 38 39 (I) 35 28 24'A 5. 'The Oroup (5) 23 a 'TM Dk>n)"ll1n1 nv.1 12 1 Ak:ll WlflMH ( 1) I I John AuaMll (21 4 t Willer Wiiiey (0) I • no entry '-'....cl -11111 of , .. , lc:(>tl •-ded with, hope(ully, 90me more J>9)atable questions. Here goes. 1. Marie Van Schaak preferred a more angelic professional name, 90 ahe came up with what? 2. In the comic strip Judge Parker. what ls the first name of the judge's wife? 3. The MTM kitten on the TV &1gnoff logo has a name. What as 1t? 4. Name the firm for which ElVlS Presley _ made his only TV commercial. Liberace returns MILWAUKEE (AP) -Flamboyant pianist Liberace, who was known as Wladzui Valentino Liberace when he lived an this Wisconsin city as a boy, returned to appear i.n his first home-town concert in four years. At an impromptu airport news conference, Liberace, 63, spoke of his youth and the time he had gotten lost and wandered onto the grounds of the Wisconsin State Fair. Police found him and took him home in a motorcyle sidecar. "l thought that was terrific," he said. "l wanted to get lost every day." , ~ ...... ... "' .... --1~ G rtOW PLAYlrtO FOUNTAIN VALLEY Famrty Twin FULLERTON f o• ORANGE AMC Orange Mall 637 0340 DUNG£ UA City Cinema 634 391' , 962 1248 52'> 4141 I , I NO , .. SHI ACCl,UO fOll.!!!!!. [NOAOElillNT I TIDS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! "One of the year's surprises!" ..-la led, l'lft YO.I •.UU' lllln "'." ... .,., ... JI .. ,._ ......... ,._ .-i 't*'"'". M~WTI" t0A"90M Ot f,.._ A IA'f'Hl9t H~ 1l'~•urtt V JI• UA•UJt.t.,t' l•MAtl'f!Oll .. M ,..,,,,. t"' '"''' ''""n t '4A"' ,...,,.,.,..,1"-ClKlltlOJTU-tMIU _..,,.,.,._._, 11 *' _.., ... ...,. f 11t ........ I '-'"-1.,. ~~ ~ "t/Mllt 'M.1,..-...uc·"~MY•rr~•H ,.,..,. .... ,.11\ 114•Utll .. tltAlllH ....... ,....., u,.,,. H.-atUth """"'"'II:"'',.."•' ft R -::=M:"·:. NOW PLAYING---- •1111011 flUO OllAIM&( OllAIHll WflTMIHTlll (c!wll!OS Vieio Twtn Ctntdoflle l'o1C1ltc '0ti111Qf °'"''In (dWlfd• Conem• Wesl 830 6990 D344'SS3 '·~8 10?? 891 3935 11nn•01T KACIHOw•rOS ~wpcitl Clnem.16U OIDO With Burt & Dolly llltnnUdl 1ltn }rut couldn't ~lqaU II . ' . ,.., ' ·= ' ~ TllVlllYll . ~.The "Who Shot J .R.?" epllode of "Oallu" la the mott~watched ...unen\ of a resutar TV 1eriea, breakin8 • record held by what pl'OIJ'Unf &. 'l\rad Runyon wu • r•dlo ~h.reoter better known u whom? 7. NIUlle the tint major leaguer to hit two lraide--the·park home tUN ln one ,ame. 8. In what play would you ind a character named Norval Hedges? 9. In the movie "For Your Eyes Only,'' identify (a) the brand name on James 'Bond'• 1kl1 and (b) the unbllled adversary he dlapoeed of in the prologue. 10. "I'm not dllorganlzed, for one thing ... I'm looking for marbles lll the time'' were two quj~ from what actor on h11 way to an Oacar for what Movie? Last Week'• An1wen l. Tab Hunter (name change) 2. Ted (Sally's husband) 3. James T. Kirk on "Star Trek" (1'V parents) 4 . CBS' Diane Sawyer (Junior Miss newscaster) 5. Concord School (Andy's teaching job) 6 "Citizen Kane" (Buddy Swan) 7. Kansas City's Dan Qwsenberry (Angel all-stars) 8. "Follies" (Dirrutr1 Weissman) " 9 . (a) Henry King, (b) "The So'1g of Bernadette" (first Golden Globe) 10. Humphrey Bogart in "The Afr!can Queen" (movie quote) (Send your answers u.: TJUVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, &x 1~60. Costn Mes.i 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise half the playor's las: ."ICOI'f> will be awarded) Save moT'ey and shopping time. Read the Daily Pilat OP£N YOlll PHOfE.K to a !Ol1"6 .. AllD> REl.ATM BUY TDD RENT LOW UTO•WY TO USE ·--~- -;ll4'1U(t-~ ~ 2907 W. WMtO, U . 12:30-5:30 662-1712/TDO C•ll 642-5671. Put • few worda to work for ou. ht\. "OVIE \'OU,.VE JUST GOT TO SEE!"" • -JOf'I Si.-~.-1 Gnod \1orninjl \m.-rirM \J«:-n "The funniest motion picture I've 11en Ina long time:' --..._ln\.A.ft,~- 11 AIRPLAN• In• hoeplt:ml, .... "'• awln.r,allcker811d ..... ~~~~~-~ ....... ~-- pl'9d9c 111rw ... " --....... ~ Orange Coelt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 Bl I ..... '•I. I. ., ...... ..... -·---~~'-~"-··· ·------ COSTA MEIA ORANOl ORANGE WllTMIHTlR E11wards Soulh C11y Center l't1"f11. s 01.in11t! Drive In UA Mau :-.. ast P1.iia 63 4 9282 ;~9 10?2 893 0546 5~'12711 HO 'AUii ACCl~lO '011 THll INOAOUlllHT FOllNTAIN VAllEY ~<1m1ty 1 win 962 1 248 edwards cinemas·· • .,. Prfw.nd-. NEWPO RT "lJ 'lf Wl'tH4't fNlf RNl-'A PA<-(_(JA!>IHWY L411 ~Q7LQ L. 8 1 1 WflN JAMllO Hfl iMe<JIRIHU R U "i U OAA. Y 1:00, ~. 5:00 7:00, t:OO, 10-AI DAil Y 12:*), 2:30, 4:30, 1:30, 1:30, 10'.30 (PO) HINllY WINKL.a9' "NIGHT SHIFT" -WIUJAlll "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP" DAil. y 2!00, 4::a. 7:11. Ml (9') DU.Y 1:00, 4.:00 7lll0, .. DAILY llOO, ...00 l:OO. e:oo.10:00 (9') ~~~ALY 1:JO 1;45. 1:00 .. 1:15, 10;10 (9') "They're here." POLTERGEIST ..... a'J! DAil Y 12:30, 2:45 l:OO, 7:15, •.so DM. Y 2:ot. 4:30, 7:11, 10:00 POLTERGEIST _,II!!! ' ..... 1:11, "RAIOClll °'THE LOIT Airi" '"'' DAA.Y"tlll. .. 10dll ' DAil Y 12::IO, l:JO, 4:30, 9:30. ..... 10:15 (f'G) AJVl;A~ ~ DAil Y 11:JD, 2'41 .... , . .,.., .. , DALYllllt, .. "THI IWOR.D AND THI IORCIRI~) DMY 1:tl, ... lllOMTY~I 11THl8ICRET POLICEMEN'S OTHE9' BALL" DALV w.+1+_. (JI) s WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY l·dw.trd'> HARBOR TWIN ~AR9UH BVUl l V.\AO A I .'#ll ~H 1.0\IA Mf \JI HARAISON FORD 81."\M lfUll,,.,. PN. e:11 IAT/IUN. 4.:00, 1:11 ROCKYm •Lt••n ,.....,... t...-0.. IV'!Hf:fl •tlkU(HfTt"""' .Anni~ ·.~~~··m DAil. Y 1:30, S:30 S-AI, 7:30, t:JO DAM. V t:«I, 4:00 (PG) 7lll0, 10:00 631 -3501 E.T. T,JCE EXTAA • Tall9'UT1UAL ----MUTfOC-MT -----'~"af-- POLT£RGElST -... m , .... .... aAT/llUM. 4111 1:41 "AUTHOR! AUTHOR!" ""'"*" 1CMO IAT/IUN.l:Cll. l:JO ,... llllV>ll lfUlf,,.tf 0 Ill FRI. l:.SO IATllUN. 4:00, l:SO "ITAR TRIK II "''· 1:11, 10:-40 IATllUN. 1:t0 1:1 10-.AO ~ lll'l"MOUll "THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" Fltt. 1:00, 1:11, 10:IO IATllUH. 1=*>, S:.49 1:00, .. , .. 10-.ao (9') ..... MOVi. * ·~ "~ 81nhd8y To Me" (1N0) MelhlM Svt An09rton, Otenn F0<d At mw<MI' beQlne ~ eMy el her olrGle OI ellllel fflendl, • Pfec> eGhool - lot WOfriM th•t IN m•v be the next W?ttm -0< poeei. ~ Ille klller 'A' &:IO. YOYAGI TO THI IOTTOM Of THI MA ! =-YKMY R.fl.O, "Union City" ( '"°' Debt• ~,Hat~ ao.tESTEA ....,...TV TEEN TAU< 'MIM.V A.RAM WATCff YOUA "'°"'" !I HIALTHeEAT ~~ MOUNTAIN: JUl Y 4, tM 1 ~ Mnd~ !*>' pie, ~IMMd by lndomtt. eble courege and devo- tion, date to cl'lellenge 14,410·IOOl·hlQl't Ml Rain· ler t:20Q!HEWS (l)l'AU.UHE Surfer Ntt Young end lr- atyl9 tlcll!lg ~ Ran- dy Wlemen lhOw 1t1e·llmt· IWltiee In 9C)O<ta Niie tutf., Ing, akllng end r.eng- uo Ir"° CJWTY'8 ~ I 1"AT"8CAT "ACOETTIM 'AST l'Of/IWA'10 WATCHY°'-'" MOUTH • .WVOICE -~A8C NEWI ~ VOICEOf MllNOtJl~ I rra v°"" • lllNESS Dfl 8HIJOOI E8 7:00 IODeWOM.D 8 THE FUNT8TONU 91Q llUJE MAMlE •a~ D DAVEY AHO GOUATH • TEEN acEHE: • CHEaaHQ IT OUT I YOGA FOA ~TH WMlHOFOAA AEA80H (I) INTEftNA TIONAl HOUR {CJMQVIE * * ·~ "Two-Wey Str.tctt" ( 1981) Peter Seller•. WHlred Hyd9-Whlte A trio ol prleon lnmet• plen IO b<Nk ou1, ,,,.,, t>rMll In llQ&ln with a truelltoed ol diamond• (H)MOYIE * * • • "Kremer Va Kremer" ( 1979) Duttln Hoftman. Met)'f Su..p A men blltt191 wtttl hla ex- wh tor aatody ol tllelr young eon •"-.,_ .... out on them 'PG' .MOVIE * * 'Homer" ( 1970) Don Scatdlno, Alu Nlcol A ern-.iown len'llly ·~ ~ the veriou. eoc:lel problem• of tete-'801 Amwlcan youth. (%)MOVIE • • "From Hoo11 Tiit ThrM " ( 1977) Charle• &oneon. Jiii lr .. and A drift• Is recruited Into • rlQ-lllQ robbery gang. 7:30. MR. MOON'I MAGIC aAa.11 188MUfR OR.IM~ O~Net41 eoooevooo G DAVEY AND GOUATH • CAUFOAINtA PEOPLE • VOICEOf AGNCUl.TVAE • m8WEMANLE G WNT1NO FOR A AEA80N (I) INTEAMA TIONAl "°"" ... ~~ • • "Yodalln' Kid From Pina Ridge'' ( 1937) o.ie Autry, a.uv Bronaon Getie di~ • alnglng hlllbllly D MAVINCtt •..aw ··~"I.Oat Angel" (194-4) Mergw.t O'Btlen, J- Crllg.. A kind reporter , ... In • loet ..,, wtlO hM • winning amtte. I ::: anew. • WNT1NG FOR A MA80N ())MOYie * * • "Oull•'llll Btu"" (1tn) Peter POftde, a--i Selnt Je!Me. When • coontry--•t•rn elnger llMlt Ille ~ • .,, etl<Oft trlH dHP•r•t•IY to ratrtave hit recording rlgMI .... bafftlftg the l)Oloe.'PO' ... (I) TAIVAMIU>NI ~ •• Kl)..,.. ..--~. •• P'OtR '*""' MYeUNa • a."1NO TO MOW .. • WNT1NQ '°"A MMON Ct>MOYll ••• "McUntodlr' c1ea1 Joftll Weyne, M--.n O'Htr .. A_..,_.. - PERFORMS Frank Sinatra's performance a~ the ~pening. of the Universal Amphitheater 18 highlighted on "Hollywood: Close Up" tonight dt""h on KABC (7). J , .... 10 handle • G'O<iP ol dlegtunlled lndlanl and cope wl1tl I l\ary, deter· mined wife al Iha Mme time .MOVIE * * * '" "The Elepnent Man" ( 1980) John Hurt. A11thOnV Hopt!lnl. A dedl· ceted PhVllGl811 l8kH uflder hla wlflO a l'lorrlbly <1el0t'™l<I men .tlc>M tit• u111U then hed bMrl spent Ill ahMp """ exhlbltlona. 'PG' t:OO I LEAVE IT TO If.AWA LAVEAHE l IHIALEY -.0, WIU> WOALD Of'AMIMALS • ENDT ANGl6t' -~AOGIM TALKS WITH PAAENTS A80UT DIYOACE Fred Rogers hoall a tONm '°' ~Iona from parantl on U>aW ctlildten'1 IMlif'Cll anc:t '-• about dtvwca (R) ID AMENCAN . GOVEN6lfJfT (H)VQllEJ1lh'EAR. .. •11 ~ 1'IOaU". jlaN>-,_ ,.,..IC ovwvtew ot the -·· end people lhat lh8Ped one o1 me moet lmpOl'Wnl )'NI' In ~ Clll'I hietory (%)MOW * * • * "The Sorr-And The Pity" ( 1972) Ooclurner>- laty. Directed by Max Opnvb An e.-itnatlon of public acq~ lo NU! barbatlty during IM Oafman ocx:upetlon ol France In Wond W• ii, Included ara lnleMewa with Albert ~ end "-r• Mefldea..Fr-. t:a0. (I) MICll IUNNV I "°"°......,. I~ 9 HfATMCl.J"' ~ICE D WILD. WLD WOM.D OfA-.....t.9 • UEICAN ~ ~18lf'AalTAM 8HANANA 9 TltUNQAM / OOlDIEOOl.D GMOYE * * "Terror e.ir-th T1'e S-" c 1970) P9Wt ....... MO<-~ Scientist• c;rMt• • --celled • "cyt)Ofg" end plOt to t•• owirthawortd. • 1l4l9 W&I< .. ... UBAU. ·-JONES ·~HOUSE GOYEAMilEJ(T ®ON LOCATION "Nch Uttla And The OrMt Pralendara" The MGM Or.no Hotel In L.M Vega .. the awttlng '°' tflle .,_. c.-i..tunng tM ~ lmpr..-oniatl In Arrwlc:-. ())MOVIE * ~ "In God We Tndl" C 1980) Merty Feldman, AtWty Kaufman. A -mot* la _., out Into me world to r.... mon9Y lor Illa ~.,_, _.. fir/. 'PO' tO:IO I MENCA .. TOP la OOOOP GUGOUT MAil toCCER IOCIC8 IOUMIFOOT GMDEHIHO • AMINCAH GOYEN6IEHT (C)MOY!e • * "Ott HMvenly Ooo" t lOIO) Ci.vy CNN, llenll. WNla tnvwttgetlng a ~ eel MX ~ In London, a private detacthle le mur· dared and relnearnetad M I ICrurty dot· 'PO' 11:001 TARZAN 0 W&!KEND IP9CIAL "K I'm L01ti How Come I Found Y04J'' An orpMn. en elderly llloOllner. two tor- ·~ end• Pl4IPV oomo41ce1• .... tor two •m•t•ur b•nk r~ (Part 2'(R)O I OC>OGlft PM CW. -~· OOC*Na tileCICM '. 40.W.. fllWa Nl/O lllOMIY Wlllll'MCrr .... ""' ~~ofl.oa M0IM9~MA~ ta•8¥9;~ ..... -tit ........ .,_.. . ..,.,. . • •• "TM Tl#MIO ,_. .. (ltf.2) Wlll'M Holden, l*"-11 O'lrtM. A,.._,.. ., dtacover1 H bot•oe a11emp11 med4I on • Cfima 1.w.oga11on commln .. 11:11 D 1A80AU Cteva1a11<1 Indiana et Mllwauk .. Br-1 • BASH.AU Loa AngelM Oodgart 11 AllMta Br- '1:30 Ii =:" IAND8TAHO I WILD, WILD WOT THI N>OICIU . MAGICO#Oll ,AINTINCI • l'EMONAl~ ANOMOHIY ~ (H)MOVIE •• "The Night The llgttl• Went Out 111 GaO<gla" (19811 Krlaty McHlchol, Martt HMllll A broehar· _,_......,~Ing duo have manv ad..entur" wtllla trying lo •• out • Wing on Ille COUtllry-1· am c:iteut PO· 1t:OO. Cl) TROUJ(M e LoeTIN•~ I ~ANIMAU l'EMONAl l'INAHCE ANO MONEY M.ANAGEMefT "Stodl Martt.t Baalca" (a:JMOW * * "BamabV And Mt" (1977) Sid c-. Ju"91 Milla A CUI•. cuddly lloela beer "11arrat•" Ille atory of en Auetrallan tlmlly 'G' (l}MOW * * * "The HldMweye" 119731 ltlQrkl Bergman, Johnny Doren Two c:M- dran NII -rt lfom hofna and hide lfl New Yclf1I Ctty'1 M91ropoltten M- um of NI, .._. !hey - ....... ...,by.~ ,....,'()' 11:*> I (I) TOM ,.,., JO#fV ~MA LIGIND "The Rlgtlt«>ue B<oti-." -~ * • "Tht.. Bulleta For A Long Gun" ( lt73) 8-i !Nmmal, Keith Ven Oar Wet. A peir of ltrengara light -hlddarl gold .,,., bal !ling .. by IJida • ADAM-12 • VIC: eAADEN'I TENHll FOR THE FUT\JAE ''The O\oartlMd" Vic B<• der'I helC>e ~ c:nanoa ,....., ~allot"°"'. 11un1111e11ng ~ to • polnt·ec:oMo -..c>Of\ (RI i '9llONAL. fl1NANCE AHO..,..-, MAMAOOIENT "Slocli Marlcat FMCM Anet Strataglaa" o~ (C)MOVIE * * ·~ "lwo-Wrt St~" C 1911) Peter letter a . Wilffad Hye». White. A trlO of pri.on llWMIM p6en lo btMk °"'· ''*' bfMk '" agllln Wllft • ttvdttoed ol "'-'dt. . ..,.,. * • • "The Conowr1 Fg, K~" (1MO) P81A Mc:CenfW/, The Wtlo. A lloet of rock perlonMrt. ~ of wtlOtll -'°OMll-., In 1111 -..u1t rodt Mm.trl, -~In Ihle recoril of e --of ~held few Ille~ tit ol ......, to --l'llVIQ9d CambOdie 1:00. (I) KW1CKY KOAU • THI MUNl'TIM • uoYie * •~ "The .._ .. (IHI) o-08 Hematon, &.aenne Ptwnel• • MOYie * *'.4 "E11elgn Pulv«" (1~) Aober1 Wlilller, lurl ._. -~ "lnfltltlorl• "*" Hood Of The 'IOe" -~ IQ.Otl't' 9 """'1AMmrr TMIWmK ............ OIMe ..... ~fWll~. °*• ~ l'tlPOIU °" --~ ... 10,.. _, ~ INflllQ9f9 1•1end ~MNIT9 ~~ • Hl<N/4 "Momo ••• 11le WOl1d of hldt-and tow • did ,.._,.._..,11_....an CHAtlll. LISTINGS ... PfOl'lfll ........... ~ ..,..,......,... ..,. ... lft ... _..,.. • 9 t<NXT CCIS> e KNBC CNKI • KTl.A tlnct I • ICAISC IABC) 0 OnlV Ill l ·lV Or HBO IC IClntm.tx I (J1 IWORI NY , H Y VI IWTBSI ta cUPH> ,., ,.,_.,,,.,., • '"''ltflt e CC:.t .._.,, Nel..,..I poeelble ... llonl. '"> i~ ~ ®'*"'- • • "learcll A"d Dwtroy•· (1111) "WfY l(lllg. Doll itroud A fOf· mer ....... v~ ofklal .-, ,..,.,... ................. ........... ""' '" "' ............... ..... 'll~.....,.~ ._._ -- 111" ( 1M01 ,,.,,.. Ootwa. =-=:. Ai:1'S TUBE TOPPERS IWlllH .......... ...... ,,_._ .. .,. ... ~-wM MIMller .,..,-:~·.a· W11rW OUT'DOORI WH • M.UMN'9 MANO .MCMI • • "HU(1ieene lmlth" CIH2) YYOMt 0. Catto, JoM iftlend. A '°"th hu l\iolllw rllkl8 • tfl4c> on • m11e1e11 tor GOid· • MOVll ••• "tul\Mf ~d" t 11101 wuuem Hotdtn, <llOfl• ··~· /4 faded mo'Vle ater prov. lo a. Ille down!• of • prOlllfSlnO )'OUnO writer. • INT'ROOUCM ltOLOGY al ="'I IN TIMI *' • • "~~ Jrom The Pl•11el Of Tiie Apee" C ltf t) AoddV Mc:Oowall, Kim Hunter,~« .. lurH with a tt•ttllno "'-~·i.lloll~ er'9¥e In Loa~. ""*9 lhey CtMle Oerenole ~ humaM ""° bella'4 the IC>99 ~ ~ rule the world 8TBNa 'Wella Fergo Qslen" Cov- arege ol thla _,t lor -from Iha 881' Diego ~..;,c;.-.. ~led **'A "Blow.Up" (1960) 0.vld Hamming•. 11..._ Redgrave W'*' • YOU"O London phot()Qtepher hU tome ol hla ~urea blown up, he dlac:overa Wllat ~ra lo be• murder. (O}MOVIE * * "E~ From Ango- la" (J)MOVll * •• "8oy9' Nlgttl OUt" (19112) t<lm No¥911, J- ,. Gerner wtlarl • INpely young co-ed undar111k• • ... ·-di projact, Ille find• lour~ more than willlng to ..... an apartmanl 10 aid her In heraludV 9M<>W • ... &nc*ey Bit• The Dutt" (1981) Jimmy McHl- ctlOI, J-Ju4an " hlgrl edlool dallnquer\I geta t"9 whole town on hla trait "'*' ha ..... °"with the ~~_, fiMdi" eclfON thi tin lne --of ltOlarl automo-bllM 'PG' 2:11(1) PADM~ 2-.IO 8 t19GA GOLF "Canadian Oc>en" C-· age of Iha }hlrd round lfom the Glen Abbay Gott CIUb 1n Oullllle. Onterlo. D TAU<ABOVT P1ClVfE8 • GIWGAN'818LANt' .NCHMAH.~ MAH:BOOKI Rudy Jordech• (Peter Str-.i) hU an ernotton#- ty Charged reunion with Juli• Pra1co11 CSuHll BIPalyl and Tom Jot. dacha (NIGk Motta) ~•\llftar • Nl>*>:A TELIWM)N HllTORY "Two Hat1ona 1100-1845" The~ ol thedM- liOn ol lhe Ir"" l*l9te Into two ll'OUPll --~ end Nailofwllat. Ille °"* Prot•tent end lJnlollMt - laauminad • INT1'00UCIHO IMOl..OGY (I) ... IEUU San Diego Pedr9t al Cln- dnNll Rade UIO I :::"-TUAIE U.IA • * ,.., "The Errand Boy" t1911 11 Je#ry IAw4e, 8rl.en Donl9vy An errand boy wraMI havoc lhroughelu1 • majcw mcM9 •tUCllO. • MOVIE ***"AS-~" ('Ost) Troy~. Sen- dra 0.. • INT'AOOUCING BIOlOQY (B)MOW * • ·~ "Hatdly Wonting" (11191) Jarry Lewla. ~ OllVar A".. the drcue ci-down. • Wlleran dowl\ ,,... hie hand at -- IWa jotla. r.-.g 1111aer~ at them .. 'PO' 3;11 (%) MO'IW * • ·~ "Once In Pttla" ( 11101 Weyna Aog«e, Gayte Hunn1c:Utt. Celed to Petla to doc:tor e M0¥ta acr .. npley, • mat'rtltd Arnericen .. ~,.. Ing In io... "'"*' • ,.,..,.., Engllah women. 'PO' l:I08~1A~Y ScNdulecl: ~ cow- ... Of the WOttd ...,_.. ming and DMno ai-. pionttllpt crrom Gua)'9qull, Ec.uedorl: COV'ltlfe of the I 0-round Junior wel- lerwelgttl bou1 ~ Alexle Atgwllo _. l(e.lh Rooney (from A"9nt.lel C11y, NJ ). GMfWWHEM Locetlon: llW trom Tot· rencoe Mounted P0tM Rodeo. ew..vou~ "The ,eett Of l.Jfe" --mulllclell WI... OlllOft, ~ of °""' * .,,. ... ptol!IM Md ... torme wldl ttw C1llaeeo ~ ...,._ililtO • M#MltA&.. u......_ leNlf' MM ltld JoM ~·· tllaM O¥ftl Afttot'e ..... Plllll In .... ~-~ ~ Oevld ~ ,., • , ..... ("> .MOYll • *"' "AodllMW" CtMOl Pe11I M0Cet111ey a11d W.,._ Tiiie ,._d oC IN btncf'• U I . IN ~ perfOfW of "'•'' ~Onllle~"·- 1.0\'e '°""" _, _., .......... 'G' 4:00. IUMltMY l.IONAM>'800Ulel kOWI P•lll'JM!lle w. k ....... .HmHAW o""'" eo1t1ty let•, ~ ,.,,..,., ClllMf ·~IUppl•IMOfl, • MOYll • • • ""*'"O" ,..,. ltlleft Gould. ,....,, .... • CM MM. u.&A.' "'T"9 .. ~ ........ .... ,.. ........... KABC (7) 7:00 -"Hollywood: Cloee Up." Frank S~natra o.,.na the Untveraal Amphltheater. See photo, left. KOCE (&0) 7:00 -11U.S. and Canada: Violent Crime." Th dramatic dlfferencee In crime rates are atudled. KA.BC (7) 8:00 -"Today' a FBI." Aaenta go undercover fO pur1ue a member of organized crime. KHJ-TV (9) 10:00 -"Harlow." Carol Lynley, Efrem Zimballat Jr. 1tar ln movie about the rise and fall of Hollywood's beautiful and bewitching atar. conl..-00, ...,.. • .,. 111e1 Peipa It In Iha oonfeeelOflal and nol Ille prlaat OTHI~ l'1lU 8 MAl'Y TYLP MOOM (C)MOVll • • "t.••v• Ynt.,dey Behind" ( 1971) Joh11 Ritter, Catfle Fllhaf Fol- lowtng • lteglc 90Cldant, • collaga athlete IMtnt to live end love again wllft ,,.,. help Of 811 u~andlng vaung women (a:J 1lNTYPU Thie Broec!Way revue paye ITlbute 10 Amerlca't Qt-· Ing pa111a Ill Iha •r• bet-the Gay Nln.tlaa and Iha and or World Wer I (J)MO~ *'~ "111 God We Truat" ( 19801 Mer1v Feldman. Andv Kaufman. A MIWI monk ta ..,.,, out 11110 the world, 10 rel• money tor hi• trnpoyetlalled monaet· <MY 'PO' •:ao • 800CEA MAot: .. OEAMANY • HE.NRVUOOM All lfltlmale llm pcwtrall ol modern IQllptor Henly Moorelapr-1• (RI a 9()9 NlWHAAT (H)Toa....A MOUNT AIM= JUl. Y 4, 1111 Eleven ~ peo- ple, poau•ad by Indomit- able courage and devo- -UOa. ,.d91• LO ......... 14,410-loot·high Ml flaln.. .. 1:00•~ ADYEHTUM I .... JIU KUNOflU • WU WOflLD Of ""°"" Sc:haduled· Ille US. lnvlta- tlonal Sldacer Motocroea Mot0<cyde ~ (from CarlM>ad, Caltt.t. Ille contlnuellon or· NatloNll Sp0tll Faatlv•I Bo•lllQ (from 1n0~. Ind). U S. SkVdMncl Chllmf)lon· aNp1 (from Muallogw. Otila I • GNZZL. y ADAMS • IOUC>GOlO Cl) w•A•t•H l~MUt "Muaict -.....Cl ""'-c1' .l'TEWAU.IN IAUITa THI Cle I Phylla Oller. Norm Cfoa- by, J arn• Maadow1, .,,,.,..aonetor Jjm a.,. and a.tM een.on IC*! Si-Men eboerc1 the ~ atzabeltl II. CZ)UOYta *' • "Outregeoual" C 11771 Craig Auuall, Molll• Mel.Nan A good-rl8tut'ed hlllfcir-, Mio -- llgflte • en im,,.,.on.tor ot tamale celabrltlea, "'8198en~llnd• pl.atonlc , ... ,tonahlp with • tohlzophrenle YOUtlO -an 'R' 1:30 • DANCE ""'91 Caletwlty Jud9M Anthony a..,.. Jeyne KeMedy. Mllrty COflen. Ouwt. TIMll- mti HOualon. I =Uf"ONA ClA8llC "The L••thar11ockt11g r.-··~~ the Huron *' Of w_,. bu1 tvnw~. ~ to become • member ol the tribe (Pert 2) (A) Q ·~l'OOT G.UIJB•llJ ~~aAO(. 9 WU!WOflLDM WORT8 Bc:hedlAad: the u s lnvlta- lioll4tl 8ldecw Motocr- ""*1C)Cle Qwf\c)IOI teNp (fnlrn ~. Callf.); the c:omir-tton ot NatloMI ll>Ol't• FftUval Bo•tno '"°"' llldlenepolll, Ind.); U.S. Sk)'dt'llng ~ lhlp• (from Mulllogee. Okie.). ®ON LOCATION "Rlc:tl uttle And The GrMt Pretendera" The MGM Gl'WICI Hotel In lM VtOftl .. the ltltttng '°' thla aflOwo. CMe IMMine the~ ~•In Amertoa. Ing from an amottonal 011- lle, • woman purcn-• hOuM that ~ 10 be h9unted 'R' (l)MOVll * * * "Oulllw Blue•" (1•171 Peter Fones..~ 8elnl J-Whan • country--ll•rn 11ngar .. ..,. hie aong, en ••-<lOn trlaa oaeperataly to relrleva h ll recording •lghte WllMa baffling the pola 'PO' .MOVIE * • "Slla11ca 01 Tha HOflh" (1981) Ellen Bur• 1y11, Tom Skarrltt In 1011. •young woman'• marriage to 1 lrllj)Cler lwda her to • Ill• ol hwdtNp In the wll- der-ol nof'lhatll Ctna- d• 'PG' e:ao I• w a ..wa MAAY TYL.M UOOM • CHeCklNO rT OUT r..,.,-• Jockey Antonio lleltz. lnduat1'9llal Jot>n Soto and NASA IC!entlll Hilla Cintron -prolllad Mti:r::m' 7:00 i IN~ 0# ... ··~Ptke" I ,A.Mtl. y RUD HOU. YWOOO: a..oee "" FMtuted lllghliohll of Iha oe>anlno ol the UnlYarMI ~-With Fr ... 9-11• er>d • loolt .. the llM ·&WOd911 gaAa. k*lw- lnO the legendaty tk'O*''. f)arf«menoa • G THE HAllDY 90YI I NN«:YDMW MY8TENU The Herdyl try to deter· mine if Iha American boy- friend ol • $oYlel tcien- 1111'• deNcllng daugtll• .. pl1vlng romanllc o-on the 9ov.rnmenl'1 batlalf tPart 2) • lAWMNCE WlU< "Mualcl M;;tlct Mutlcl" -~ ~ ....a..T • u.a. CHAOHICl.E · U S AnO Cenada Violent Crime The dr.,...tle dif· ,.,_ In the ll!otant Cf-r•... '°' Canede and the u 8 •• studied (I) IN MAACH 0#'-. "MwoeNma Surtlvon' 1 ~8COURT Tff(~ 0-1 ArtOy w-..na ®MOYIE * • • • "Kramer V1 Kr-" t 1971) Dullln Hoflmlll'I. Maryl Su..p. A !Mn blltU. wtth hie -...... '°' CUl1ody ol their YoutlO 80tl en. ....... out on "*" 'PO' (I)MOYll • • "From Noon Tiii Thf"" ( 1177) Chari.. Bt-. Jiii lraland. A drttt.r .. r9Crulted Into • ~-teo rot>llary oano 7:IO • DANCE~ Celebrlty ludgat Lou Fer· "OflO, a.udlal Lonow, Bri- an Mltdlell. OuMt: SyM&. I ~~ rrl!UNTE tNIWC •f'RE1-.. WllEWI-'* Roger Ebert -1 0.... s..i he* .,, lnfonnattv. ~ 91 """'91'a ,_ al the mo.- 1 =..-::oao Mm 8DMAGAZINE t:OO (I) WAL. T °'8NEY "Pluto IVwl Hiii Frtanda" Mica~ ~ end Illa lriand Pluto apen0 • cornl· cal dey 91 Iha belch and lha~-.Cll ..... ~ Boomer helpe *" mplf1ng comedMltl get to Hoity- • od~ • • • "o.ntlerMn Jim" ( 1$42) Errol ~. Mexia Smith. 8oMf J-J Corbett be«lom.. lh• di~ of Ille 1UO. •@ TOOAV'8FW 8en end hie egenla 00 111.0.covar 10 pur.-• member ot orgenhted onm. .t1o 1a 1nvo1wc1 1n muirder. dNge, proetllutlon end polca oonuptlon. (A) .MOW *. ''Houea Of The~ CorPH•" (1972) Feith Domergua. John lf-.nd ...... cw A 10C* et the "'90flal trt.- lllftpllia _, ~ ~~byMn­ c-.0.... . ..,.,. ••• .,. ......... Klllf' '""' Clllt w .... (dd ~ • '.YlltOHAIE ''The ~ WtlO w.... .. Kint" , .... ., Ford II'• llltt., *'llnO IM ....... ly 10 -"" etudente "' .,.. ... "'"'· Piiia ~ onhllMftlOllitttielC•Of tMdla • MOYll **' * "~• Trwwlll" (1Ht) MNttd . ._,on the lllOl'Y .,., JoMttml ...... a:>~ •• ''Oil~ Doe" (tMO> °'*" 0-. .... ......... , ........ --...-.-~ . ,,.... ......... ,,,,,,_ .................. ·~-~· -~ •• ~1Nl-llM ..... , .. ...... ~ .............. ,., ........... Nlflt .... #[ .......... .................... ..... ~ ...... l!l='N' CIJ~•e&M»M MIU Oall .. Mr P'O'lee °"°' ...... INte~oo­lott~ .. ~ .. Ne pt. .. U\19 lime the "llectge-0-MetlG" la fM. lurtd .MCWll • * * i. "The l19')11.,.I Men" ( tHOt John Hwrt, AllthOny Hook.kM A dedl· o•t•d phytlole11 1•11•• undet hit wlrlO • horrltlly <Nformed mtn ""'-llfe unlM then 11114 bMr1 ape111 In ~ ffMll exhtblllon• 'PO' l:aD 8 8 ~YAU.IV Flora Ma I i.lie jelled tor contrlbllllng to Ille delln· ~of e mlno< (Al Cl) ,Al.ND A11lmeted A voung mortal •• Ch9llanged 10 find and dMtroy an ~ apirll wNoh la lhrMleninO Ille •ti. tence of • teiry klngdOm ~ t:OO • (I) MOYie * * * "The Prom!M Of love" (1980) llalarla Sar- tlnalll. J-Perluw ea n.NAStMUE .. A.LA.Ce Hoat Joa N.,...th GUMta George L111dMy, Cathv Rigby, Ed &<.-. Chatty M4;Cl8iln IR) •@ lOVllOAT JIH fllla l0t Gopher, a put>- lllher .,... 10 llgn ~ • 1>urty authe>f ace:~ l>V 1>11 attrac11va nlaca, end an unusual couple looli for tr.-e (RIO • MERV O*"'" "Sliver Ser..,., CO'llrl>OY9" Gu.tta. Rav Rooar•. Gerla Autry, Ra• Allen, 0...ty Rogara, Ra• Allen Jr . Yek· ,,.,. Cer\ult, St1Ulf Gerretl • OOY881Y ' Fran.z Bou ( 1858· t~2)" The Illa ol F1aru Boea, Ille German f)hyttOC•ll tlflOU&er • ty reapon1111>1e IOt ahaplng Iha ClOUIM ol Amet1C811 anthropology, 11 docu- mented (R)Q (B)MOYIE * * The Nlgttt The Ugflta Want Out 111 Gaotgi." 119111) Knaty ~Nlehol, M-HarNM A blot"*'· anc:t-lllter IOnQW"•tlng duo llave m1ny ad.,.,,lurM ...,... trying lo all• out • Nv1ng on the coun1ry-1- •nC11c:u11.. 'PG' (l)MOVIE * * '"' "Raggedy Men'' llNl) Souy Spaca Eric Roberti In 19«, 8 I .... pno..a operet0t In • ema11 Texu town MC:Flflcaa her atllndlng In Ille community wt... the hu a ahor1 •!fair With e combat-bound lall• 0t 'PG' (%)MOVIE * *'It ··On<:a 111 Peria" ( 1979) Way11e Rogare . Gayte Hunnicutt Called to Perl• to doct0t • movie ICfffllPl•y. • m•rrl.0 American lln<lt hlmMlf I ... 1n9 In IOve wl1h • 1'\Wrled E.ngllltlwomen PO' e:ao ID MATINEE AT nE llUOU l'Mluted "Country 0-.. nemen · 111311 atamng Ola OI-end Choe JoMlon, • 1hort. · Olympic• ~ Of 19~". -"' ttla llnlll dleplar of • 'The Phentom EmoW•" (1135) (R) ~11:..MMWINE l'AKTAaV a.ANO Mr Roente'1 ~ ol the lelend .. cNl!anged, and • young -...... Ing • par"8c:t hu9bend oet• hale> lrom • garlie Ille freed from• l>Ollla (RIQ • MOYie I * ·~ "Herl-" ( 1N6) Cerol l ynlay, EITem Zlm- bal111t Jr The bMutllul and bawllcht11g Hollywood ater'a rlM and ,.. It lrac:eel. I IOUDOOU> 8Y\.VIA .... KA\TI Ml~OOMBrf TOMOHTI A t1er-tt11dded ceat lncludl11g DAllny t<aye, Bonnie Fra11kll11, J ack Lammon a11d Lyn11 Aadgr•V9 ra-c:rwtea -ol the m9Qlc:al _ .. In AmetlcMI lhalltet with --from "louttt PllClt• IC," "Ftn6an'a ~ ... "SwMI Cherlty" a11d "Lady In The Oatlo '' tRI (C)MOW * * * "McUnlodll" ( 1"3) John Wayne. Maur_., O'Hat•. A cettla beron lrlaa 10 handte • ll'OllC> ol dlagNntlad tndlant and C09* with a llary. deter· mined ~ It the - ""'*· (a:JMOYI! • **'It "Allee, SwHI Alioe" (1978) llnda Miiiar, Pelila Shep9etd Memberl ol an fl•ll•n-Amerleen tlmlly -vletlmtnd by • peyaflotto '""''*-"' lhflr fllldlt. 'R' tO-.aOI:" • "G•" (19111) Dor'9kl Sutherland, SuHn Mlpectt. A redlo OJ and • ,..._. try to ..,,_ an oil maonet•'• p6o4 lo drtw up OM prtoea b)' ~ 1111o1~·11r 11••••waa .... • llmRT-.....T TMIW-.C lt .......... OllM .... 10IWofln.,.,. ~ . °'*" Wlllelr: NIPOl1e on lflOW ~ llllrdoOWr• and ~ IMMf*'9 ...... • MOYll ••• "lueclng" ,,."* Elllott Ooutd. "oi..rt ... .. • MOYll *' • *' "Jiit lltPford WMw" , ... .,., ~ ~ ,, .. ,,,.... .... • <MZIATn41 *81111 .... .. .. ............. tr' ..,.., ........... .. .,,.. ONitl ~,.,..,.. "°"' .. .. ........ ............... ~. ;-::. • .... , ... "C1tl0t ... a..;~--.---.... ...... .... WI* ....... "' .. ..... ··-... .. ..... ........ ... .... -of Nit.,,..... en; l"••••IGNI ~ '!IQ' =~· • • '"Dnlnt" (1t1 .. w .. ""' o... ,... v .... ;. rioll .,._....... °""* .. ~ ~ Ille "°""" dtl4f!W'• lftWtlt lft Ille Inell ..._, lndudilll ON INt la f19'111"0 tor hie ~ dom .,.. 11:IO·TMI~ ~ ..'IWIUCIHT THIATN It.,.. M11111n _, llCJeGlal gutel• PNMnf en ofttleet err ay ot OOIMdy v19neu ... ~A8C-­ • 1tllLAAAZA CONVINTION OOVIJllAQI This )'Ml''• 1'-Is "Eco- •lOmlce.'' IOClUlllng on )obt IOt Mlapento Americ:-, Hlapenio Amarleen buying power and the effect ol Ille ,_ Faclerllhm on Ille MiaCMnlc c.ommunKy (I) MOVlf I*•-. "The Ftgllllng l<an- tuc1&11n ( 1949) John Wayne II•• Raleton ~=-M>CQ10 . * • "The ~ .. (1Mll Ber bar a e.ctt. Sidney La- lllCk /4 TV ,__,,en and '* two -"find k>OOH'G• •• • tioatdlng llOUM inhal>ll• b)' 8 dla- turl>ad brolha< anc:I llllar and thau monatroue o" eprlng R' 11:'4& 8 MOVIE * • Tf\a ~ Spattana t 19821 Rlc:hard Egan R .. l)tl Rteherdson 11:00. IW«.IU.H NETWON< Ett0t1 John" (Q)MOVIE * * Stvar111110 SllOW\'" .MOVIE *•*'> 'Wolfen" (19811 Albert Fmney, ~Veno­ ra Pot1ea are laced lWitll an UllU9Ual pr<>Olam .. New Y Ol'k C•IV 11 llWadacl b)' a pec11 01 d•IC>lacad wolwa R tt:GI (CJ MOVIE • *'" Two-wev s1ratct1" I t181) Pala• Sa llar1, WHl1ed Hyda-WlllW A trio of ptleon """81• pier> to brMk OUI tharl l>rMk In IQaln With • lruc:ktoed ol 0.amond• t2;30·~ F Ot l:M<ldan ltnowladga .. 119781 Anthony Ou1n11, AOQM D•Clnnson 0 MOVIE 1 * •'It The "-*IM· hon Buraau' ( tMOJ OINar Reed , Diena Rigg tl:IO CZ) MOVIE • • "The Baltlmor• Bui· lat (1980) JemM Coburn, Omer Sherif A emalH""* pool hUlller mu1I r.,M 120 ,000 and ....,. • big IOUltlatnenl befote he can have a ramalctt with an Old opponent -~ hel -toat •I anv gar.. ·PO 11)0 D M>C* OONCPT • MOVIE * * ·~ Pl-' OI 8IOod 1191161 JOhn Suon a.... Ralhl>Ona .NfWS Ql~ATTHE ~ Moat Sally K.911arman. FM- tut.O comlct Jw'll c.n.,.. &uca Snwnofl Mualc:al ~' ,,_ Falic:ier>o 1: 10 Cl) MOYE • .... Wolfan (1981) Albar1 F'""*'f, ~Veno­ 'a POltcla era I ICad Wltll an unu.ual pr()()llwn -...... Yori! City la lnveded b)' • pdol~woi­ 'R 1: 11 CH) MOYIE I I·~ "Htelory Of T~ W0tld •• Part f" (1981) Mal 8' ook 1 Madellr>a Kahn Men a MlullrlOua 114tory •• from NMnderlhal ceva- man to t!M 5'*>1111'1 inQU>- lllllOrl •• la aJ<Jllnlnad 'R' 1!IO • MOW! * • * "A Fine Mad""8" ( 19&el Saa11 Cot1t1try. .>o...... ytoodwerd • MOVll • * "The Wllc:ll" 111165) RlcNrd .ionneon. Roaatwl• Sc:Netttno. (G)MOVIE * "WllO ......,,_. CIMO) 0.,,. ~. 8agri9d Sellar • Awoman~by"*' huebancl. ~ Wllll hie MCfetf/ly lltlda - penlOnehtp outalda the hofna 1;41 CC) MOYIE * * ,_. "Foaa1 ' ( IHO) Jod• Foatar. Sally K....,. men The vletlmt ol t>r«*an ~ 1111<1 uncer1no per- anta, fOUf tean-aoa (lll1a Irv IO aoothe their emotlonal wound• ltwough druga and MX 'R' 1;11G·= • • "Fatting In Love Ag1t11" (I HO) Ell Iott Gould, SuNnnef\ Y Of11. A men ooea to hit high acl1ool '*'"'°" In the bellef thel ha can ,....... the good tlmM of Iha peal. 'PO' uole NlW8 1:11 A8C NIWt MOVIE * • "From Noon Tiit ThrM" ( 11'17) Chartea Bf0ft80tl, Jll lfWtld. A dttft.er .. recruited IMo • ~-rotioery gang . 1:••..,.,. • • ~ ··z-w: The Thing Frllfft V-" (1111) John A(Jlltl, ...,. ....,,.. a:t0ciD~ '* ·~ ~ Of Tenot'' f1N1) baWd Alber\, ~ ~.A rpm._cnw •IOOlll••• • ootef'le of . ........... ~ ............... .................... ............ Jr ...... • ... .. ''Oultlly .. ,... .. {1117) ~ ""*""" ,..llllCIM( TOM. CD>MOYll • •• ., .. n.11 -~ "*"' ... (ttl1) ........ ~ ........... A ~ ..... ....... """ .... , lb .. _ .... ................ .................. ... (l,'::11'"' . .. ..,. __ ......... r c-."91 T ..... .......... " ClllllFIED e1turd1y, July s1. 1eaa Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads. classification 7100. ~.~Jf! •.•• t'.I ~1.'.'!lfl.!lr!rlll1f ffl!.f.f1Ml •••• P.if l'l!.ile.~ .... !l!.f !t.'1.!!.•1.tt!. ••.•. ~~'J !'11..f.¥.'!l. •••• !J.ff !'11..,11!!1. .... 1.t ,!ll..'!M'!l. •••• 1.~!f "11.!!e.'!1. •••• TJ.ffl ~ ........... . WlllWTll "'* ....... ,ound. Mal• mix •""9 lllY M llllllilid ..._Nip w.nt.ct. •xi>er b~ IJl!ff 1200 or 9400 llQ." 0.. Approx aooo •Cl. II. Nr dog, grey/whit• I tan. "HP employed bu•I· lllOl11YI llllOllT IEIT •·RT TIME IH•l 'd. oa ll or 1pply ..... • ••••••••••• luu olllce or 1tor1 Orown Valley Pkwy, I Mila ml• oo41 ... N ble I neaewoman avall to ba· ,_ • Crown Hardware, 1ft4 Wl!ITMINITll' apace. 14302 & 14304 Forbea Ad .. MttllOn Vie-While. Miii Shepherd, by1lt ,rl & lat tve. or W e It 9 k I h 11h 1 y q U all fled 8 I II M I Cl U e I • H I A8HY e .. oh llvd ltwn 2 Jo. (114) ~5-02111 blk/tan. O.M. tagt. ,.. llOUHl lt wknd• whll• contidential aecretary to • C!lO who JOI II TIWI 144·11170 Mitt AHTIOUI MALL Frwye. CMG C«'tter VII-male YOftli. Tetffet, lllt you're away. Vlo Newport 11 t ti t 117111 Wtlitmlnat• Av.. l•o• Shopping center. A.Pf>tdO• 2500h IQ It otttoe 'Pll»tf bNHI. Male blk or Lido ,,.. Atta. pclllnen •¥ce en txecu ve iuppori. B• a t•lephon• promotion ol•rk for lai.tperaon on •traight OAAO!N OAOVI Prime locatlon. 979·8888 1n were .. •P•0 •· ' grey Him long hair.ct 8 1 3. 8 1 4 e b 'w n clerical and office mana1emen t tkilla. looal new.p•P9f Private deak ouual tomrnlMlon fOf Compu-114-e1M or eoo--01..,. ~::c'~:' Y~0~:.1~~:!· c.t. 844•3&11• 1PM-8PM. The ability to take ch arae and work attire . Only requlr•ment It a good ~~~~"·b~~~= ~i:i~~~;i;i:ii Airport ., ... Exec &no aeoo '*mo 142.oeao Found Mal• 80M1u1tr .. ,. W• IN 1111 flexible houn u needed are a muat. The phone voice and Iota of enthuelasm. celling on t>ulln•-1n i t• FrOl'll 226-450 aq. h. no COiier Vic NewlWld a :".':I' •••• !............ poaltlon al10 require• exceptional Houri·. Orena• Co Info Ora· French ,ollth w arnut It per aq. ti. Meny 1Ctr11 1~~.'111~:~11 Adema HI 84M221 Apt. Aaa't MIMO'f• ipelll"'a and 1 aood vocabulary. We offer M F 1 • 411" 111 30 pnlGa Inc 876-4385 11~11e:!,':!'..!,O:,.: Call 557•70lO Front office, large rear FOUND; Smell or1nge & Exp«leno.ct[actllle .. -:'t ~pe .. tltlve ~-aood benefltl and I on.-r · ":~ p.m.-..,: p,m, 91111 grind. 17llOO. door 1779 Whittler AV9. wht cat M ... Verde m200anegemenunlt• t·-1f:4'J..iS:x • '. Sat. 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. .,. ....... _ ... ,,,,, "' ll411·3aet PIP *SUITE DEALS* D•y• 540•93112• Ev.. 546-8772 In e.condidc;' H0-'869, challen1ln1 an exctuna workl~ $84.00 to atart. ... -.:.. • -------• o c Alrpon erM. Prof 8Ae-oet1 Loat. er1ok Cock1poo. environment. lntereated and qualifi After 1tt week, 1hare In A• •ddlUon11 lln• tor a-i111u1 antlqUI Cl-' envlfonment, lull MM<:e, Jt1tll1 W1•w 4..a "Muffin". LllQYna Shor• "!~·:~n~•~ candidates maAo lend thelr n!9ume ln partner1hlp profits. ..... to echool•. teem•. Bait oethtub with ~ or no tr1t11. lndtvldual of. •••••••••••••Ol'•••~':l area. 881·4114 conf'de-,,.. x 990 Daill: PUot p 0 hoapll•I• 1 doc•o 1 bing 1360 979-5027 noea Of d•k apeoe. 150 FAMILY---. 4 ..... home frHll Wiier tllh, have • ·-..., ' • . . For Interview. call after 6 p.m. • r .. 3,,.,,,.. .. 1 ••o ,__, .,., LOST Golden Lab ind own tranaportetlon. ... Box la.al\ ,..~ta M-.. CA 2626 -cvi.E Mull have aporta back· Adorable old enameled lq n • ~ aq n ... to rent or llHI. FIEA· • '1VV, """" -· • rJV 642-5678 ext. 312 gtOUl\d. 840· 7007 Biii gu 110¥9, w()(I(• grMI. FAEE 759-8918. SONABLE 842-216<1 Germ Shep Aewardl lery ope11 842-6405 ' ' Slt/Sllf'I OK 1350 979-..,..27 ~~~~~~~~~ •---------· _ Both loet In Woodbr~. .,., Cdt.4 dlx IUlll, A/C, ample ' I '/l '/ 659-4438 Attractive Gi1 COCKTAIL w111r .. went-rvue.1 SALES Old Pt1yer Plano end..,_ ~~ ~:l:g/055 E Cst .~}.~;!~.~:: ...... F~dB~ !:~11:!~:1':,; !:~l~t:~~:Se~11~~~1~ ~o/~~~:.r~:i;:~~ B• , ~~!r"c~~n .. ror :::!~~~~/h~ 1 ~th~~~~!,!r real Telephone 1011011or1 ri~~::."50~7o4d rona W -1 Simi l•1l•nl on head, coltw. MV .,.. m'odel prlvately lor In-The Huddle for • roc11 new1papar week only Eldlfly gent-""'' otflc:9. Non amo-wanted, no exper nee y,......_ ..... -"" ~ I I s-•._ae_1_._92_1_1______ dlvldu•• 3-4 hra per No experience nee••· lemln nd• ••pr'd~ ker 900-8591 TUN thru Fri 9 AM lo 12 wllh f"C>onnee .• · American 881 Dover, NB. &31·3851 1•1 •• I. _,,.-11-.. Pr ttom A•"' 211 to t 4 noon Ap""Y Ptnn-..ver ••• 'le•••••;'•.••••••• Loll Sl1m1H Cat. Vic. weeil Strletly prlvlte and __,,llfer tlH•lttf .. ry WOfk only 12 l'loura -.. · RECEPTIONIST PhonH .,... ,_ Oak 1200 Old Moller Prot office apace In Npt. Join the 1 .. oer In th1 Warner/Greham, H B In good taata. Ulmo1t Ml I •week. 176 to •tart plu• Muat have own ear to do and llllng. Pre111ou1 l880 Placentr• Ave. Sire 1950 Singer S•· Center for attorney or twimmlng POOi chemleal The bean fleld. 840-1893 dl1cre1lon auured. 1• ffl 'If"•"'• l<ldltionll ahere of pert· marketing. Salary open. ....,..,....... a plu1. 831·8290 ·~c_09_1_•_M_•_11_____ wing machlnue 1150 wanted part time with Bob 498 2229 "'-~ ·-~~h~~:~~:~~~~~~·~.r~~ ~~:le i:.~;-l~~!!n~ Lost Ofenge & white male ~t ~~ ::1:~J:i exper In BASIC PASCAL '*aN.:~~fi!~•Jobl I I _:u_ It RECEPTIONIST FIT. NB IOTllJ/OIO. ~y~:O"'::& d~u~·1 ~~~ 11w nbrery Avell lmmed . ayatems dHler " Llc'd cat. 1 yr old d .. crlptlon to Box Ad lor DEC PDP 11123 Menag«nent opportunl· .,. _ ... 1" ... l1w firm Phone• and lrvln• Electronlc1 firm ci'~ chalra 1125 M Di- calt tor details. Mikki or territory avallable, 54&-0254 No 1011, D111y Piiot. Graphic• background llH. F'or Interview call It•• •rtttlt J'' llghl typing. 752-2522. need• aharp exec actry nlng room table 8 ti x 5 C pref'd. lnnov1tlve pro· w/SH aklllt 1yp1ng 70 Art 7141956·2411 Orange CoHt 1rH, no LOST· 11 Sh1w'1 Cove, Box 1580, Olll Meaa, jeotl Into Graphlca lne. etter 8:00 PM 842-5878, wlllllt frtlllllo IF• llOlm•llT · It, 12 high back cn1lra .,_...._,.__1 Olflcea • Up 10 uper. nee. Will train Laguna on 7124 2 bind CA 92828 lido Penlnautl •xt 312. •trt IHllHHo H Count'fuClub In Npt Bch wpm, aom• ..... adml· Ml111on Otk $8600. All ""'.......... $60 000 lull amounr wedding ring Mt 5 di• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •76-4386 F 0 R C 0 MM UN IT Y •--•-nlatratlve c1pablllty. Call mini cond Much, mud\ ~~ ~~. ~!2~~ req d . som1 financing monde total P1-ca11· QTI •EOUllOI ____ v _____ WORKER. uat In court &.alt, 111·11•1 =•MU:t 1~,.~':f~;: ~-~~~~· with reaume more 833-3389 for Joe avellabte ,f\'lllJn•t S40, 7 1 4 • 8 8 8 . 7 0 0 2 • ••Tune up wlamog tic. Conaete a M1aonry re111ed vlcllm wllne11 •EWILllY IALEI cheerlul & prole11lonal t:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ooo plus. C1T1 collect 714-882·9817 ••Brake & tronl eno 5 yr POOi deck expm1r. program. BA In Soc11r " Ablllty to h1ndle awltch· 1111 Wanted to sublet ·~ ot Mon-Fri 9-8PM Ask for•---------Bryan 548·5348 S High llne 1tore. mu11 be 1 Tim 4081887-0111 Found Med az Calleo cat. **Hvy line clence or crlmmtnal •K-leno.ct 35 Fuhlon bo1rd & excell typ ng approx 720 aq 11 office rono nalr . vie Clay & 111ma OLUI lu•llce pref Min 1 yr laj;,;d 844-2404 tor tklll• ire uaentlaJ Some 1pace. proleHlonat d•--1-llTll--l-l _IT_H_I __ Aliso . Nwpt HgU lk4y & fut growing In-Mature P•rton Dry experience In human weekend houra Call algned, excepllonal, ... ., •577 ..._.._, _ .. ,...,. hu Im 11rv1~1 progr1m. Bllln· ·~IPP.--'-·-------••4 ... •"'4/ ..... ·~ F I I To Hll and dlatrlbuta ._~_o-1________ ......--~· .... ..,... · cr11ner1. 3 d1y1 per v ·-.... ......, ..,. __ ocean view. lex ble or N ti II d tt d ·-med nnan1ng1. Tot> pay ... ~ ... N-~t ,. __ .... gual aklll1 d11lrabl1 L__. ltertt~ ---------P 1 I v1 c y Phone • one Y a ver H Found: GrMn Parak .. t 4 xlnt-;;k._ condltlOna """"' •• 7 .. 2-1 " 11050 per mo xJnl be--.-Restaurant ••• •140 Ju1tlce Bros au1omottve Vic of •dima __ .... __ ""' .,.. v Newport Center ••I Meyerholl'1 primary --0 "' .,.., ..._ '°' qutllfled lndlv (714) neflt1 IPP"' via reaume ---------pr.oduc t1 p1r11e u Verde 557-4e29 !dent 402-1816 CUSTODIAN ter private no later '{han 5 pm, Elt•t• litigation Firm aupptler ot good lood to Executive office aull1, your own. Mlllng to euto 1---------~~~~~~~~~ community club houN 8110182• 10 YSP Inc need• •XI* '-;al MC<• the Ir vine Corporate ICTllY/REOPT PlllT TIME 12 hrt wkly to expand 10 20hra. Ha111y phonea & typing. Send reaome 10 lrvtne Chemt>et or Com· merce 280 1 Mc Gaw • Ir vine, CA 927 14 Call COfner ol 405 Fwv, Near n•"t slOfet ~-.. _ • .__ Founo· Wht •l blk 1ara. tary Xlnl ,....,....., dlo1a-~~munlty ---"a •n ---, ,.._, • -...... -.. Rel'a required call 2803 Royal Palm Or . ,,. •• ..,,, '"'"" ,_, -· ... Harbot Blvd like over service 1t1tlon1, & o•· Setter/Retriever mix AUTOMOTIVE 873_8170. 9_.:30, Mon-Cotti Mela. phOne Ind lhorthand • thual11t1c. re1pon1lble ~~~~~~~~~ 841-18&7 Pr ol old hand crelter 1tralgh1 beck Chra. Derk wood, CllfVed llnlala. up- holatered Mat & beck - A11r1c1l ve Spanl1h/ MedlterrHneen .cetnl $45 ee or $85 both. 84~·5977 Anlq P in e Hutch , 38"x88 . e0t.ontry atyte, g ood c o n d 1315 648-5234 leaN 11100aq11 11 90¢ rages. ChOlce .,18 av1I· S.A H 1142·8863 •EOUlllOl I Fri ---------mu at S1lary open. employee tor counter Secretary. 1111 bkkpg & _tt_C_aJ_1_7_51_·_81_9_1 ___ lable ln1cl~~~ .. 8-.'!1.. .. Cl!"11 Found approx 6 mos Do-TIOlllOlllll ••ya llTIY,.. ••a lllEUL WF10E F/T 6-40·8"° Nlll1 • loodM pFrlP,, &3Pd~I-typing for 1m1 bualneaa ~/J.lJ~.8.1!! .•..••• I.~{~ Foun111n V11!1y Office mente 0 ~ .......,, "' betman F1m1re Red/ Brake a front-end Ind/ --. M11ur1 ·~ l«:fetary, LIQUOR CLERK, full or v1r •• • • .,. "' $900 957-8388 HARBOR AREA apace. 2500 aq tt at 60c with u latlng accounts Tan °' hellvy·llne mechanles lmmed opening for ao-xlnt typing, phone per· pert llme. 278 8'oadway, Good driving record ,,.. i----------APPLIANCE SERVICE 1 rt oood upoaure. Vehlcle and training 963-5076 neededl GM eKP prefer-meone upar In Dita aonallty, thinking abmty Laguna Ben cuury Call M ·F 111 Secretery Needed. Houra w 1111 econd good parking, Talt>er1 & program lurnl1h1d. 1-F--------4--.. red Exe piy. 1011 01 entry Complete rnp for Non-amkr, CdM Send 1---------1PM 557·8232 9.3 dally. Mon-Fri. E11.p ll>P~~. Mt':77 fl r o ok h u r II C 111 Moderate d1po111 re· ound Male grey c.t ..., WO<k nice working con-Input ol mercl'landlH R11ume1 10. Cla11llled Live-In g • n o If Ice t k i 11 t 751-8191 quired o n working In· mos okl 2 collera. lnlo & "'•P of report• •d •••9, D-'"' PllOt. PO IHllt WHte4 F\elt1ur1nt 649-0176. 9.5 Mon-Fri I llY •-••-F • 11 842-8205 dlllona In John W1yn1 ,.. "' 00 .,,T Experienced lull·llme .,_________ _ ... .._. ventory or ... 1>91 . ca Wiii lflln. Full t>eneflta. Box t"..,., "--11 M.... to care for 2 ye1r Old L• ""'7 •133 fWPllf llAll-M ._.......__ Orange County Airport .._ .,... Waltren Apply In per-i.---------"" ..., ~ fP'O"lTn~ ~ 1 tu\'nrt•f compl•K SH Servi .inuoodung condLSend CL.~6.24.. bO.}', llllH with l11her aon The Beach 11ouae. llOIOUY/DIO REHOR UTll (IU) H•·Otlt Shepherd mix. Vic. Mgr. brief letter to: Admln Mgr -0---1 -0-1-1-1 --A--Small 11T1ry.-room •mi 6'9 Sleepy Hollow~ M&IiatJ_ng de~t h'aa Relrfg/ wnheratdryera No depoaltal Luxurious Laundry ••it. Harbor • Beach/Adami . 11 B ••••• ---elet Bo• 819, 18835 Algon· tnerl Cl. na board N-port Belch 1 ~·na n~-h, 494-9707 opening In N"' sc· R M eny lo ciloa.a• from. "' '" ..... ,.. ••• -•-·· Quin H B 92••" phonea, llllng. typing •""7772 '""" ,...... ..._.. ...,.... .. •1001 •5" ,.....2 new olflcaa, Including Adams. Gron Income 1_.....,_._9_"00______ Dov./Quall Sta ' · · ...... 50-65 wpm, Aak tor Bot> .,,..,. ' ...,..,....,..., Aellll Salee for quality Fin eve. firm Oood ty· • up " •-vvu receptionist. answering $4000/mo Full price Found lrlan Setter male NEWPORT BEACH llU OMITD 842·7222 MM ..... 1tftet men 1 & wom.n'a alloe ping, S/H ak1111. ExP91' Coldapol Ref Ftott tr•, •trvrce. conferenc e $8000. Fluff & Fold In· VIC Cro n vari.y & La ---------a1ore. n---•ng ror IX ...... req'd Non amkr perf Elle cond 1225 room, etc. 752-11408 clud ..... 840-8754. p .. :. 831~197 Bawbe~.~t1der•'I'• H•~-~p••. Full time, mull be OVlf 0-a1 Help. earn up to Buay Pld• Exp reql.ll<td. ..,.,...." ,.._. Cell 840-0123 647-2916 ""' -,. .,,..., ., ,.. 18. See Herold, 495 E 1400 wk liking anep 8.44-0970 aa••• person. Top ear-'-========~ --------- Harbot & Be.ker 240 IQ" Want. bualneu of your Found· F MllamUI•. blk/ N-portllome Mr Hood 111nst,CM ahOtalnyourarea.Am•· MEDICAL RECORDS. nlnga 759-9551 I-HOtpojnl Upright FrMl.lt, 111 floor. private entran-own tor minimum coet7 wht. F mixed Chow, l>lk 780-8883 Dental office miniger teur photographers,_. Pn/llme clerk. 19 houf'a lakt/lnkt 111..,, llll•,.. l11ht1llt 28" wide. 57" high.•' ce $200/mo. 84t·l324 Compl. setup plus bu*-F Cockapoo blk/brn ---------• (miture) w/exp In ,,_.._ ded, P/F time, no ex.per per wee" Apply 340 -. needed for buay .. ion $100, Call 552·1070 ;:! G & .~ • ... " Mature woman to ua11t Newpor1 Airport Area 400 ne11 con1ull1n1 uar Nume<oul cats klttena. Babyaltte< needed, CdM. eral pr8Cttce, lnauranoe, or ... llng req'd. Wntl to VlctOfll St .. CM Lie required Newport CALORIC DBL OVEN to 2400 sq It olllcel profit. 850-0219 NB Animal Sheller 125 part time. Engllah •PM· bkkpg. Ouallty C.M. of· UnlverMI. PO Box 1223, owner 1" maneglng d•· Beech. 831·1390 Gu range, 2~ yra old, apace from 90• 1/t In-ULlll lln.... Meta Dr, CM 644-385e king Call 759·9098 lloe &31-1420 Montebello, CA. 90840 MedlCll Aulatant needed algner llngerle •hop. ---------_... tor y_;owlng prectlce In S •I • t e •pr n e c s-i•Ea/•· .... '• Harve1t gold, bll·ln cludlng Janitor N<Vlc•. 1•---. 'I .,50 8ed & board 1n ex-·-DENT"L Oentrll offloe varied du-So · E 873 7710 a.all tor Judy '" ....,. timer a. CIOCll. electronle /VC, etc lmmtd occu-Profitable, prime roca· .:!~•••••••••~•••• for e•p chlld c-1-re.,,... • "' • a. xper Pf• . needed lor Pflvlte tennla B L I tlon. Good l••N. $20. ft .. llOIPT/... tlu with buay mec:tlcal !erred but wlll train • SALES/ADVERTISING club 1n Npl Bch Reta ptlot ought micro, ~c/9eo H or mo mo. 0 0 0 . 8 7 5 . 2 5 0 2 or * * * hou.-eeptng 788-3788 Nwpl Beec:h °'1ho ottlct, dlstrlbutOf Good typing bright. e1ger peraon I LOVE ITll req 84...0052 $450/bl1 ofT 493--96e0 • 873-5776. ltl11H1 Parter BOILER MFO co. CEO RDA rH. abllltl .. all ai<llla with dlctephorle • S111ry commenaunte Thal'• what our client•,.-------:---Dt>t dOor rlfrlg wlftetar, 4()().900 PLUS l400 sq tt. BALBOA ISLAND Open 24 hra. d•y PrOYln record .. ••ec In aapec1L Send r.ume 10 must. AI R. pnone exper. w/exp 499-1394 tell u• New unique ad· w IMMING Whirlpool WUhlf & dryr. PenthouM Bayfronl Sul· 7 CSaye 1 week boiler~ required. Cluelflld Ad UM. Dally n..o.d Beneflta, Salery •---------vertl1lng & marketing INSTRUCTOR-Equally lop ot the llne. Call te perking patio• Sandwich •hop w/Ht J1cu~1. S1una. Loc1la II .... PI P 0 8 1 .. •o negotlabtl Cell ~ ...... ~ ._ __ ,I qualllled ewlmmlng 569 •"31 • · cilentlle. $46,000 ALSO ~ Wiii heed co. w/un mlt,.... I ol. ox "" . 9 8 m • 1 2 n 0 0 n cone.pt Internet""-y f ._.. 673-1003 ... _-~ •• ,.,Mt locat' •• well •• tourlatt potential Fantutlc op-Coe11 Meta. Ca 92828 ... 1•2....... 8tc* ofltoe I~ Hunting!· acc111med Call Now lnatructor/lllaguard or A1lrlg~1tor, weaner , dryer. dlahwa1her & IEWNllT IUCI ~""'on·;;,Y Marme A~ BenkAmlf'lcard, Muter portunlly tor the right Dentel A1tlatant. Fir.•-"'"--"""------~ ~'::, 831 ·6640. • ~;;~1~~: ~~tlfiec:t •22.500 Charge, American Ex-'*''°" Send r.ume to· lront & ........ ew....--, lllL flt••y ___ Exec. otfloea (1000 tt 10 LORA VANCE RLTA PrlH. Olnera. All wel· Boller CEO Box 10. Sen -----,_.... 1&1.11 lllll 4llltc>tlOne Selle treezer. 646-5848 • ~ , 1850 tt). Attrec1rv. ...., ~ c ome 7141845·3433 Juen Caplatreno, Ca. RO~ ·~ lie ,.quno Entry a.¥91 poeltlon wtVI _.7-4DCM Coste Mese 8lat1one..a e.am Big Money by the maintained bldg. Nr 2112 Hert>or 91. CM 92&93 Sitary open. Beneflta vatltd ®I ... IWtd OOod mlllAL IPlte&Urf 270 E 17th at St CMll belch, 1300-S 1000/ Hoag Hoapltal. carpets, l•alam WulM SIU ------------------8.42~ °' wtindll-typing atllh . fOf pk.ilh Learn mec:tlcal 1klll1 & Meaa. Full end pert time week Call 638-7511 A1lrtger11ot, 1111• new. Dryer, Electric Organ Must ... II 8.48-5123 . mlnl·bllnda Dedlclled ••••••••••••••••••o• • COEDS • Would loYe to Miii-87S.3403. Np1 8cltl -~ hlct't ofc For ·~• In t .. _ •rmt, R-· help. APPL v 10-12 only 1----------pr11•g Prot. environment WANTED· 50% p1rtnerl party with you. Call Sue -l"UI SS ST•NT appt. call 844-2507 -· ,,. "' ~ ft........__ ltltt -quiet aree 645-3323 lnveator tor prHently or Kathy anytime IOIED1 DENTAL A 1 "' ··---------er.ti OMr home. alt to-Salel Beat ·~own' Apply dya rented, well-loc1t1d 963-113&3 Xlnt PIY w/benetlls I Hlir DretMr needed. VN· dsy· W1nted aell-mot1v1ted 779 W~'191h St, Ste H. Ofangetree condo T••liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil II you -•full charge ~ Nwpt 9ch ofc 3-4 lage Faire Mall. Laguna Tustin 731-o481 pereon• lnteretted In eo.t•,,.... Pert time or Fr011 Fr .. S-.. Coldapot • Relrlgeretor. 1 100 98()..6302 Full MNlce oltlon. Hunt-111 tax and ci.preclltlon UllA I YIOll'I bltkpr WhO 11w"'1h118, day wk. ~eee 8-dl. 4M-1llOO. Santa An• 542,..763 deYlloplng own bull,_ lull time. lngton Bch. 1375 mo benetltt tor mont hy PHOTO MODELS 000 end un Pf0¥9 It, -leebtl illhtHf HAIRSTYLIST. Prefet rM-USAR Ctr. 652-3173 w/newly marketed pro- _1_1_14_)_8_•_8-_6_68_1 ____ 1 negative Ind amlll equl-ESCORTS/DANCERS wou.ld Ilk• to tall! to you Blllngull end RDA pret'd ture with cllentM CM Pett·tlme nur••• lld•. dUci. Mlnlmal ln1111tment T~1t. lull time, Mon-Fri, Shareotttceoroeak Furn tydown.Balldonactull OUTCAU 24HAS W1 are• young. repldly T.-thN Fri, 9.12 Sat :!:2'1·._!48 -4291 or eaay care. aorne driving nHdld Ph PBR lnt'I 30·5 15 per hr 60 Phonel. Caplet PrMtlge mld-1981 purcl\ue Pflct HM2tl growing Hrvlce com-846-2411 _.,...., __ ._ .... _. -----req 842•2237 !714) 831-3296 dya or wpm minimum Cell Patti 13.9 cu ti no ~ tltMg. $226 Pracllcally nfllt. Work• grMt. 8'0-9079 Retr1gtrat0< (Seara) Fr.i tr•. bottom trzr 18 ell. wht 1.295. 55 1 ·5511 loc In Herlllge Bank paid. 7141956-2033 or !~~~~~~~~~~ peny who will prcMde a n...._..d .... le ~oman wtth u_....., ---------714) 117~6411ltwa at $48-6525 Mon-Fri Id • 4 •• 759 1071 Karen challenge and 1 future. .......,...., .., -.,....,..... Part time medical front b g ...... dama ... eae • Localed In Garden atrong --aonlllty u llve ANMlltl .......... ottloe Ult. needed. Ty-SALES , Yar4 •allltH ... t Lady Kenmore wl8her 1 Verde Or Eaay access 1_ t I WANTED MALE MOO-,,.... r d N t I C g11 dryer Harw9t gOld lor clltnl Ideal for con· ,.,.., •n ELS IOf phOto work ~ Gr o v • C a 11 In companion/ cook tor Oenerll ottlce poaltlon ping. bookkeepi ng. Mulll· •cat• • o We need • ttrono and t>od co~d 1276 Ht' aultant, real eatale, inau-~tH./lw JOU gltimate 499-5e35 71 4/891-0263 Newport Bch woman. avallable In Corporlle 494-1511 except Tho< ... Niii• Rep1 '°'Art Hies de~ndabl• young man ~20 S........t-· CD ;,, ••••~ ,_.,..,,_....._ D-0.. ~~·nta r-'""vab'-Of· d8"" & Ltaalngl lund-raJalng. lor yard maintenance 1 "T...-M ranee Of acctg 1200 Utll ••• ••••••• •••••••• l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijCHEF. exn.rlenced, II•· -' ··-.--._,,., .........,.. ·-,. ,_ T I t ' W t ~ 11 .. -with reaume & reterenoee no.. M.ctlc:al bill...., HP-Corporate g llta XLN 875-5$89 New Ou Stove, never pd 668-9250 IYel er S I• e. SUNNY'S Executrv. tlan food, ask tor Mercar. ....,. Fie Hra Call/ 9 8 to T.J.O, P.O. Box 814, er ~d Good commu-PART TIME comm x u..C:S, pilOl-llN Dix olllc1/1hop apace Poulbl l l ty ot part-Sir-Reduction· 497-4565 or 4 7•318 Balboa. C1. 92881 nlcetlona, mllhemlllCll lntervl-499-1481 Selllng 1nythlng with a $500. &41-8378 avail, Balboa lalen<I, llP· lllfshlp. Off1e1--hm-outcall Chiropractic A1Hl1tant. and typing aklll1. Muat INJNG I Dally Piiot CIUllfled Ad ---------prox 400 IQ tt $376 mo Eatab. ch1ln bualnen 631-63n lront & beck ofc, Mon-Ott GREEN oah be dependable, reepon-TRA Have sometning to Mii? la • almple matter ... Tappan Microwave w/ Avall lmmed Call Mr opening In centrll eo11t I~~~~~~~~~ Fri. PIMM Mnd r.ume t0< WH""" ..._._ta alble and Mff mollvlled C1usilled ids do II well Juat call 842-5878 probe,,_ UMd. retell Pembert o n ( 2 1 3) ar •a-Pleate call 1~rol man dellrea ltmale 1801 Haven Pl . N.B with a C.:..,-n;,-Ad Ir-Rutz 71~60 ~~r':"':b~n~wt~ -----.----. $600; 1276 142•9008 817-1294 806/628·3016 f()( lnlor-houHkHper. mutt b• 92883. Attn Pam Cati 642-9878 Seti Idle Item• 842-5878 unique producta New Share ,_ offioe IP with matlon. exper In c6ewllng, lh<IP-1::-::-::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-~~========:S:=::==:====::; chewing gum 1top1 ua ntar Dyer SIA up to Young t1lm-m1kan need pm9 & tt coolltng. Oro--smoking habit . N1w 700 aq It. Prefer Ina. $12.000 In venture capl-nlied wl good ret1 In Fruc:1oee Diet Drink and brkr or llmller office uM tel ror Independent mo-•xcnanoe '°' IPI 1" So more WE TEACH YOU 7141549-2120 1101\ picture. For more Lagune on the beach Get ··n on the fast track. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. lnlo write· Wedg-ood Pleue MflO resume to: Ginnie Newport Centtr Olllce FHm1. Ltd • PO BO.IC Mr. Danie!. PO Box C.. 714-496-e024 Space 1187aqtl -4pV1 7801. Nwpt Bch . Ca C-19525, trvlne. Ca oltlcea. Lg• recept rm 92860 _9_2_7_1_3 _____ _ aopply rm. Telex & word proce11or facll. S1.60 #=n fnll Judy Anderaen where ere per all M r Green ' SOJI you? Urgent· cell Biii _SA.4-__ 9_800 ______ ·····J:um.o····· ~ ~=4~;:~~8-3882 Scallng Down? Starting out? Lowet overhead lltrtall• Gt. hlo, Pretty woman Miki OOll· mall)laln Image, office at Spectallzlng In 11t & 2nd nectlon with matUf• male Regtncy Center, Exec TD'• alnoa 1949 of high c redlblllty. ault .. In Newport nr Air· Robt Sattler NH/CM _64_8-464 __ 3 ______ 1 port, fully equipped & R E. Braker 8d Rtal1ors 1mHd 1t1ffed for every bull· 1142-2171 645-0e 11 •·-'-••~• PAIT Tm Ev" and/or -iienda. Rtlponalble l<lutta, o_. 21, with outattndlng, II· tractive 1>1'10nalltlel to work with youth (lg .. 10-14) Call 2 -6PM. 642-4321, Ext. 348. EOE People needed Immedia- tely to help reptd npan· ding COfn9WIY, no·~ rlenct neceaHry. We ,_need. lndlv ottleel ft'l'TI••• ~-mo/mo. from 1376 WIDOW11AS1$11orTD'a •••••••••••••••••••••• 833--9976 RE Loana. 10K Up. No Engllal'I Gentleman trlln, Mm top SU. Ra-1~---------------------.....;..--'----....e pld advancement. Credit Check, No Ptn· Eacort for Women alty_ Denn1ton & Aaaoc 497·572! (bet 8em-5pm) lhtt Int. Ltt. 11 MllCA11hur a Jamb<>- '" 1n1eraect1on. Lovely 873-7311 '""' 1411 garden atyle bulldlng. A..••Uff91••11/ 820·1200 IQ tt Month to 1«NU1J/ month avail. Cell Sandy I • --~ .................••••• LAX to DALLAS. 119. leaving Thun-Aug. 5th 548-7898 Of 842-7370. 7 1 4 . 8 3 3 . 0 8 2 0 0 r '-' , .... .....••..••.••....•••. ~ ........ , _2_1_3-_8_20-_aa_s_1 ____ ,,.,, 'l•w 1311 !':9..r.--':: ••••••••••••• l•ll•m lnlll HSI •••••••••••••••••••••• J,,_ W••'-' 1111 ...................... . ...........•..•...... Retell ttOfe at 2!50 Avon Young married men wlll 1 St.. 1840 aq. t1 ptua 8 fN U\ IDS do general hlndy wor1I car garage 841·8't77. UUl1U r\ Cart evH & wkenda, Office end Laborator~ ARE fRE£ 972•9525· ~ • up to 7500 aq It. NurM wenta pttvate cMy &45-21 11 Aak t0< Joe nuratng In home, -2() Cal: ytll'I •JIP. Wiii ~ C...11'fhl Ora. office locally. For lnt1l1 4411 142• .. tl Info. 642· 1353 ···--·~·-··· ~~~~~~~~~1---~~---;;;;;·1 In neww bldg on Coeat .... UT @ ~Hwyro.:. ~ ... ~. . r-~ LOST: Sat, July 24th, .. ...,.. ~· lt. e;...., Eaalblult Area. Al· ent prlv•t • ~arft1no WARDI blfllnd ~g 1525 mo. de 833-18113, IOI Turner AMoc. 414-1177 8•4 4H8 Storeoe ~. a.a llQ,n.. Loet 1-121. 8tldl blnoclU- .,_,,,, trtMm, cell 1811 In brOWfl lhoUldef 641-3182 oaH . Golhlfd & H.il, HI. Aew.ard. 117·7470 &tf?.M If it'soot wheels, you'll move It faster lo a • Dally Pllo1 classlfled ad.Call 642·567hn(j a f rlendty act-: vtserwut help you turn your Wheels Into cnh. T1 -lf ,_ tMlfT tw-tf • 1111•1•• •llN-. .. ,. ................. Tlllli ta.an ....,. -.sa1 n1-M11 Ulltl.•ALLDICAMa ' ' I 631-0392. Permenent, part time. ewtmm1ng pool Mf'VICI In Ne1'1!port Baach, work Thura.. Fri.. earn S80 a '#Mtl IOf eppfOX 10 hrt wonc. Muat hav. 11'11Cha- n101I 1blllty & rellabl• trantport 1 t1on . 840-9501. Peat Control lleld rep• n..o.d ltl'lmedlately l!IC- perlenced, ltc'd only. 546-11339 ( ( ) ) \V4NTBD ewspaper Carriers tor routes In Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach Good EamlftCJI Super Trips Great Prizes ' CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT l~Plllt 842-4321 .. t 'I °'tnOt Oou1 OAtl.V PILOT/llturdav. July S1, 1812 THI t'"MILt' CIRC'l:N by Bil Keane "Yov hove guilt written all over your face." ' . '9.\R,.ADl'IU~: by Brad Anderson •IG fit:ORfil by Vtrgll Partch (VIP) "Now htrt'a my plan of attack·· gtt thtlr 901l" 1~~.~~J'Jf 1' M . 731 1,.,..U,...,.J.\ I~ PUNIJTll M ~.fMAAl.le BROWN ... I wT MERE TO lHE FIELD BEFORE VOU lO PREPARE YOO FOR THE SMOCK ... .,.11 SHOE ~/~~,~~ ~ ~ ~ fJ:R1\ IM'U ~~-~ fl NANCY, I'LL PAY )'QLJ '>-OUR USUAL 50<f TO DO THE DISHES IT'S AFTER FIVE O'CLOCK "He tries every year ... you have to admire his persistence." GORDO MOM! WAAT AM 1 s·rosEO TO WI~ MY~ ~ ~ THERE'S N01HIN6 IN HERE 6UT CLEAN TOWELS~" .ll'DGE PARkt:R I'VE OEEN TP.Y1N6 TO ~ 1 TOLD HEP. TO CALL MC NO. YOUPI D4NNEP. 'S D ~ 1 HEP. OFFICE OOE5N'T AFTEP. SHE ~NT TO 5EE ~ READY, C>Oe61 ~EP. AND !;HE'S NOT AT LUl'.E AT THE JAIL' 00 H€P. HOTEL I YOU ~NOV-4 IF OHE 6Al/t4 HIM1 Gi\Rt'lt:LD CLICK! by Harold Le Ooux GO ()()Wt-I TO THE HOTEL NoKJ ~T THEPIE UNTIL EiHE c;ET5 1N 1 TELL HER TO CALL ME NO MATTEP. H()J4 LATE rT If>' ·~-.,: by Jim Davis l iltlNK I'LL JUST SIT AROUNP ANP BLINK A LOT i!'M. ~ 7-1\ MOON ltll:LLIN8 ACROSS S8 lrrileble I Table fOWI 60 Frott• FRIDA rt PUZZLE IOl YED 6 SuptWv•IOf 83 Scram 10 Rum cake 3 word• 14 Market place 65 Cuscom ff"Rof '" UM 118 Poet Millay - 18 Fltll sauce 67 Auto pan 17 F 011c part 118 Dwindle 18 Sll'l'lpte garb 69 low lO Poet Teas-70 Supenahve dale endings '1 1 Eachange 1 t Freoch river 22 Feasled DOWN 23 Fur 900rce t Helldgelt 25 Burned 2 Allan carpet 27 F1nwm 3 Natty Pll't« 30 tntpwe IUt 2 word• 3 1 Leon gold • Ornsy 3' Electnc unit 5 Old hOfM J.4 Sill 6 T wo-Mded 2 4 Doll Jt Cr .lie wt11gnt T Redotenoe 26 Srnirlt -40 lawt!tl l)C)lnl 8 OPflllnOt 21 lill 42Depend1on1 9 Alnllftnd 28 Wu· lit 43 Pertume 10 fr..:h prom 29 Scwr't llln 4$ Putl """"9 f I Cetry --33 ~ 47lftter leMMll Hlewlll 48 G~ Nn 12 A Otvfl 3e Gaiety 50 Fi.td 13 Hl#l 37 ~ ~ fWll It Ofowl 3t Title M .. fllPOll 21 -19'1ndt, 41 Requite 17 MKR off L~ 44 lneeet 4tMof1•ml•• 48 Ml.ion !>1 f'lowera 52 &tOfmtd ~W•IWIY S4 Mul'"'f 8'llp $$ Atftec:t• 51 De¥ICe ~ 6 t Elbe leed8f 82 Dried 64 Dolt 85Htwt0fg by Ferd & Tom Johnson A C.:.4T':O !Jt-E. M.)1R~ 15 "'~ iJ.llAl(.:..:>f AAJ A10 r0 MLM.t.'E1 7-31 ~AYI t.IG S F'ROIWI ThE. A FIN~tONo F~"'l£.l!<l;:;H ,~ .. C'.J.-:.HIN'2::- ~INE:;3, A FL4C. 10 ~oAJ4.L ._"'llJR -i.kU~f !!iU1" ,,. •::7 HI,HON~ ~ 11' ..Stf 1 E,A!, ~ 6UAlJSE. I~ OLO ~ff.~ Aft£. SO ltltU CoN~1'~\1CfE.O, 1'~"f ~~ l ~PECl~l. 100C." 10 WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TODO WITH IT? 7 ti by Jeff MacNetty by Ernie Bushm11ter I WANT TIME AND A ~ALF FOR OVERTIME ~Y Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk 1¥tJ6T BE OF STRON& /VUAl ABER! by Kevin Fagan i ~ 0 ~ mi by George Lemont WHeN YA Sf:L,l,.. OLJ'f" l'O Keep A CRUMMY Joe L,IKe 1°.-4 IS, YA KNOW 1"HINGS ARe: -rouGH ·' " " .. .. .-. :· ... .. ..... .! ~ ... , ·1 Pale MDftCI iWi M)ncl MUG mm A "fi!m.mr 1=,t=r ... ~ ~.,.. Mlt "" ........ ..,...,. ~ fM ........ _....,. ..... •-"""...-""II IV ., ~n ... A~~'· Htfl ~~ IHTl~TIC)N. """lft 'aHu .. OH eOllTWAMI •-·='-=· ,...,'!'~ • ......, .. ·A"Hc·· ~~~··A. ,~.moll Covl1, "'""°'' Oll"Tl~l.U'f0"'· HSll Petlleldt ,_. ~. ., 1.10lllt4 .. .,,.".,.." ~1.0A , Prlv• latl, \.11un1 Nl1ue1, CA ~ ~ .. , , ~ H111t. VftA .. 1.11 , MAO,A'"-ANO, tnn. ~ 9lo, "': = == ""lHtf'LIY LAWION MILH, ~,~ .. :M\s~ourt, Hiwport .. ~~': :..~~~=· J:!.~ HtTt ~ U1gUne Hiit, OA CINDY It MAC,Af'LAND, tO CA lttn. ........ ~ tttA. WlndtOnl Qoun, Newpoft leeotl, MA .. JOlllll M. LHNITT, .tOt t°"l "'_,. tf paotflo Tllla ~It ~ by t OA UMS. 14312 ~ OrMI l•I. Uoun• ................ MMAfUlur ..... ......... Tllla ~ .. oonM*' by"' NllMf. OA tttn. Mt. ........,, lle9aft, Oalfomle. ~ L. ...,_ lndMdual. 'thlt bual-la oonduoted by n. llllMt le lll""9d to IUOlnlt Tllla ttat-t .. 111ec1 wt1t1 .._ ONttll" .,._,tt\IM lndMduale, ~ tnd Wife. rltt•n OOMMenu on 1111• ~ o.11 of Orange County Oii Tllla ~t .. flled wltfl '"' NcfwO A. IMNtt ~ to IN ,..,_, -.W .My It, tH2. County 0.. of Orange County on Tllla "-""*'t .... llttd "'4tt1 tllt ,.._ .. tM ,_., .. ""9rw lellll F1MMJ .My at, IN2. CCM\il Qeftc ot Or.not CCM\ty on 1111 ,,.noleco, 400 loutll Pul>llttle4 Orange Coaet Dally ,_ .My • 1Ma llfttofM StrMt1 l en 'ranoleco. "*>4, .My St, Aug 7, t4, .11, ttea Pvbll•ll.O Orange co111 Dally ,,.... tllforn•• 14111• Tll• comment SHt-12 ttllol, .My s1, Avo. 7, 14, 2t, tl U Publl•ll•d Orange Co11t Dally ftoct on INt ..,.._,Ion .. not ~2 PllOI, July St, Aug. 7, t4, .It, 1112 ICI '*°'9 "'*"''* 2, tM2. Oalt1---Ml--IC-NO_TIC( ____ ----------n11.12 r. Gote1on 1m1t11. !4tl> 144-2221 __ .,......_...,... ___ ,___ Mt.IC MJTICE Ml.JC NOTIC£ 1M fl9dwll -.W lank Of Ian FICtmoul ., ..... 9llOleoo lo find out If >'°" l\IWI MAim ITAftmNT PICTmOUI .,..... "'9lJC llAYICI tdltlonal time tor eubmltt1n9 The tollowtno pe1eon 11 doing tcAm ITATI...,, AMNOUMC.....,., _.... on INt ~doll Ot ~ .. L The followlng ~r•on 11 doing Tiit chlld .. Peoa FOlll\dlllcwl Ina. iu ,_.. "'°" lnfonnalloft ~ CLAHIC TUii. tOO 1 W11t ~ 11: eMOllnoet tM eponeotMl!p Of IN ~ OOfM*'ll. TM ,._..,II '7tll It • Unit I<. Cotta ....._ CA AM SANOILAITIMQ, 321'A CNkl Cttt Food ft•ogtfltll U..11 .-n. Wiii contldef oom1Mn11. 92927 SaQpl\lra, 88'bol laland, CA 92M2 wlll be avall•bl• at no MP••att cludlng reque•t• tor • publlG NEIL DOUOLAS EVERETT. RAYMOND NYLE G .. UET· charge lo .wolled Qllldre11 T"9r• ..... or formal '-lno on Ille 20M6 S-t, Huntington 8Mcll. ZMACHER, 3215'Ao Sapphire, wlll be no OY9'"1 Identification ol ~. II tMy -reoat..ad by CA 92648. Balt>OI lalend, CA t2M2 Clllldren reoeMng rr .. and 1eduQed • Fedafll ~ Bank dutlng Thie ~ II oonduc:ted by .,, Thlt bu.u-II oondueted by an p1lc1 trtule 1nd mt1l1 wlll b• • °"""*"t period. ll1dMOual lndivldual. provided without 190atd to r1te•. ftubllttl~ Oftng• Coaat Dilly N D. ~-"" Rlymorid Nyte oolor. or netloMI Ol1gln kM J.itt St, tN2 Thie tt•t-t wH llled with the • ONeUmachet CAllONIA ILJQtelUTY 34112-42 County Clertl of O..anoe Coooty on Thie •••t-• WU filed with,,,. ICAU '°",..,AND ---.. ---W"-1111'\-Tll't----1,JtJiV 2&. tH2. ,, .... ..._ CounJY Ctertt ol O..•noe Count)'°" MDUCl°""'9CI •ALI ~ nu1.w; -July 20. 1N2 Chlldtan from lamlllu• wllh '90nnout ....... Publlehed Orange Co1et Dally F1MIM lneornee at or btlow llll IQllOwlrlg MAim ITAT'U9MT PllOI. July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 1982 Publl•h•d 011n11• Co111 Dally levelt ••• 1llglbl• lot ,, •• Of 3377-82 Piiot, .My 31, Avg 7. 14. :a IH2 reduoed-9flce mM.11 TM fOllowlng per.one tr• dOlng I-----------tMeOMI llJWJTY QUtDIUNll -= ~ It ti South Cout 1--~MUC=~~"°~TlC(=~:----P'l8.IC M)TIC( ,,,~ t, 1ta •• ,,_ .. 1• ._,, U0.-Bw:tl, CA 9Hll1 fK:TtTlOUI ~II FlCTmout 9UtlNlll Im -IHll'l.rt' WflSS, 3302 Calle ... ..._ IT.A-...... ITA_...._ ""'"'Otl ...,..,._ ........ SM Clemente, CA 92972. T...-,..._IOll 1 ,._..,I d I -,._,., _.. .....,.,_ ELAINE DAL TON. 383 Calle t>u.i;;:... ,:w no pereon a o ng ~o:::_wlng penon le doing P'M~H4. y MOUCIO ~~mH. Sen Cl1menle. CA PARK PLACE SALON. 19171 ADVANCED MOVING ANU 1· $0·507 I 508-722 TNI. ~ II conclueted ..., 1 M1gnoll1, Suite 19, Huntington SlOAAOE CO., 421 FIM Or!Ye, No 2 MH 875-959 .... l*tnenhlc> VJ BMdl. CA 92~. 201, eo.ta ~CA 92828 3 0-841 842·1,197 Slllriey WllM JOAN MARY MARCELLA, 2033 PETER ERNEST STONE JR, 4 0-1,ooe 1,ooe.t,434 Thll•-t-"'--'wlthl.._ !!!~r.lc Drive, Coll• MeH, CA 421 Falt Drive, No. 201, Co••• 5 0-1,17-4 1,175-1,871 ··-· .... · ,_, .... ""v"' Mela. CA 92828. 8 0..1.341 1,342.1,eoe Mlty a.11 of Orange County Of\ Tlllt. blitl,_ 11 conducted t>y .,, Thie bull,_ II C0'1ducted by en 7 0-1,508 1,50$-2, 14e '1 2'. tN2. 1oolvldua1 lndMdual. a 0-1.875 1.878-2,383 '1M80 Joan Maty M11ctlla Peter ErnMI Stone Jr '°" IACH Publl1lled Otang• Cout Delly Thia llat-• wu llled wtth 1111 Thie lt•t-1 wee flied wttll the AOOIT10NAL. lot, JWt 31, Aug. 7. 14, 21, t982 Courlty Cllnl of 0r.,. Coutity on County Clef1<.0I Oranoe Coooty °" FAMll..Y 3439-82 July 28, 1982 .My 28, 1982 lllllmltt -----------F1Ma1 '1M2M ADO 1187 1238 "8.JC MJTICE Publl1h1d Otange Co11t Dally Publl•hed Orange Co111 Dally • A !amity of one m .. n1 a pupH MOTICa INVt'TINO..,. Ptlol, July 31, Aug 7, 14, 21, 1912 PllOt, .My 31, Aug 7, 14. 21. 1982 who I• llltllll• •olt 1uppor1 .., mM MO. -337M2 3424-3 l~tllutlOf\llti.ed children 111 .,..,,. one m1mt11t tam11tet Fo1t1r NOTU 18 HEAEBY GIVEN ttlat P\8.IC NOTlC( 11\11.IC NOTia: children 111 one rnemblt tamlllae .-CS pt~ will bl teoelv9d by 1-----------1-----------I t I e City of eo.ta "'-· 10 wit. The K-4t11• K-o1ltt on y I Ill• w11 ar11p11cement llY Could, P.O. eo. 1200. eo.11 NOTICI TO CMDITC>tt9 N 0 T I c E 0 F I N T E N 0 E D • II • n c y m • I n I • I n • I • II • I eH, Calltornla 92828. on or °' IUUC TRAMll'IR T R A NS F E R 0 F R E T A I L rl8(>0nalbilltlee tor the Child efore tlMI hour of 11:00 Lm. Of\ .I'--1101~107 U.C.C .. ) ALCOHOLIC BEVEAAQE LICENSE Family meant 1 9roup of rellled. or not\f•ated 1001\'lduale wtlo ,,. 1d9y, .wgu.1 13, 1982. It tl\8ll bl No1Jc1 le hereby given to UNDER SECTIONS 24073 ANO llvlrlg aa one ec:OflOmlc unit e reeponelblllty of the bidder to c11dltora of 1111 within named 24074, CALIFORNIA BUSINESS C lllwir 1119 bid to the City Clertl'1 t11n1lero1 thal 1 bulk t11neler 11 ANO PROFESSIONS CODE Publlthed Orenge Olll Diiiy ftlce by th• proper announced about 10 b• mad• on P"•onal UoemM'• namee. Social Security PllOI, July 31· 1982 M . 9ldl wtll bl publicly opened Pfoper1y hetel'1alter ~Ibid. number. malll11g addratt (oth., ~ reed llOud al 11.00 e.m .. or 11 The name and ~ 9ddr-t"-n lloanMd Pf~I. Zlp code. Miii "-Miter u PflCttcabll on of the lntenOld t1a11aferor 1r1. O • n I •I G C on t r • • 1 1 . ·1c1ey, Auguat 13, 1982, In th• 0 .J.H INC .. t C•lllornla ~38-4492, 18040 Htrbor Blvd . DUndl~.Clt)'Htill, nFW co~on, 741 Mffon S.r..t; No . ./or 6--8. F-Utn Vel .. y, ,,,,., Co11a Meu, Calltornl1 VICaYllle, Callfofnlt 95eea Clltfomie 927ot • 2121, tor the turnlelllng of The IOC:allotl In Clllfomla of 1111 Andraa R. Contreru, 18040 OM~ EQUIPMENT cnllf euoutlve office or principal Hat1>of BMS •• NO A & B. "°""lain Add 111 on a I •a t 1 o I t II• bu•lneaa omce ot 1111 Intended Vfl/IWf, c.llfomll 92708 leClflc8tlotll may bl obtJllnld 11 tranaferor ta; aame Intended Tran1l.,111 l'am11. e Oflloe of IN Pwchallng AQMI All other butln111 namff ind Social Secur1ty number•. lddf-. t 77 Fair Otlve, Co•I• Meu, add, ..... uMCI by the lnlendld Zip codl: llllfomll. Bide lllould bl returned trll\af8(or withlrl thr .. )'Ill• '"' Frank F F11>lo, 201-14-9698, tlle 11ttentlon of tlMI City Clertl. pHI to far •• known to lh• 11014 S Ramona A venue llNn Mid time limit, lrl • Miiied lntl'1ded l•antfer .. .,, -· H.wthome, Calllornla 90250 lllllope, Identified on the OU1tlde The""'* end~ add,_ 811111 Feblo, 588-98-7082. tth IN Bid Item Number end 11141 of the 1'11enOld trantfer-1r1: 1 1 9 1 4 S . R 1 m on a A v • n u • . perllng Oete. . A & F ENTERPRISES, INC., a Hewth«M, Callloml1 90250 &di bid ahall ~ MCfl end Clllfomia c:«poratlon, 1200 Ta... Kind of lleenM Intended 10 t11 rery ltetrt 11 111 forth In lh• StrMt. Falrlleid, Clllfofnll IMll33 tranalart1d, neme ind number >tclflcatlone. Any and all M.C.M., a Co-pert"'""'°, 11138 20-110274. OFFSALE BEER l uieptlor11 to the 1peclllc:atlon• LffWlfd Lene, Newport Baach, WINE. Ult be dMt1y ltlled In 1111 bid. Calltomle Q2MO Premia. .iSdr-to wNch tlll Ml llllurt to ... forth lfY'/ Item lrl Thal th• property perlln1111 **-hew ~ IMued· 18040 • epecMcatloN "'811 be grOU'1dl '*9to ta dMc:r1bed Jn general -. a1 Harbor BIYd., No A a e. Fountain r illtKUOn of !hi bid. atodl 1n trMte, 11x1-. ~t. v~. Calltotnll 91708 ~ bid lflll • IOf1h IN II.ti trade name and good wlll of a HllM and 1ddre11 of !acrow am•• end taeldenc11 ol all C1f"l1ln Aulomoblle o•rtt 11ora holder 01 guarenlor GROVER ,,_ Md pet1Jee 1'1tlrllted In bull-and II located at: 749 E.8CAOW CORPORATION, 23800 • propON J. If the bid I• by • .._ Streec, V_.., CllNum6a Aock.....S lllh'd .• SUit• 2H. El Toro. fPC)t81lon, state IM namee of IN 95e88. Callfornla. Elct"ow No 8-3-493-35. ac.. wtio 1:1r1 illg'1 en acir-t The ~ name uMCI by Ille Total oonllderetlon to bl paid tor 1 ""8lt of the CXN'poratlofl and Mid trlnefetor 11 Mid locltlorl le: Ille~ and lloenM (lo l'1clllde leCtlef tnOl'I lhtin one otflQer mutt DON'S AUTO PARTS Inventory whether actuel coal, J\· It the bid II by a pwt1Wt9hit> or That uld bulk tren1far 11 eetlmlted COit, or a not-ta-.xc.ed joint _,ture, IW• 1111 nwnee end Intended to be COfl..,,...l'Mled at amou11t). tnventOfY Included 115. ~of au Cll"lfll partnen IN ofnce ot; BUAAOW ESCROW 000.00. Id joint _,turwl. If the bidder ta• COMPANY, 2070 N. Tuetlrl A--. C11h on d1potll ln10 11crow tit propftetonNp or lnOther entity Santa Ma. Cellfomll 92705, °" or I 750.00 • doea ~ under a ftctlt:loue atter Auguet 20, 1982 Demand not• to be •IOllced by -· the bid "'811 bl In Ille rMI Tl'lll "'* trMller la aub)lc:1 10 CMfl pnor to dOM 19.250.00 am• of ttla bidde r •Ith • Calllornla Unllorm Commercl1I Plomltlol1 Not• to .... H l9n1tlon following ehowlng Code 8ectlof1 8lot lndudl'1g "-ttory 40.000 00 OBA (ltl• flctltlout name)": Th• name and eddrN• of 1111 TOTAL AMOUHT M0.000 00 'OYlded, 11-. no tlctltlout ~ wtth whom d.aiml may bl T111 P••ll•• •Qta• that th• _ __.bl~~ ttwa ... ti l a d II BUAAOW ESCROW OOlialdlletlon for 11141 tr_,., of llMI tmne ~ w1tt1 the Orlng9 COMPAHY. 2070 N TUlll'1 A--. ~end IM llceneeCI) Is to bl ounty llleco1d.,. In c 11• of Santa Arta. calltorNI 92705 ~ peld onty lift• IN Oec>lrt"*'t of lf1)0nltl0nl, Include tne nam. of Eac:f-No. 3737 tF. and the tut Alcollollc B•v•reg• Control hll e'"'-'d9nt, 8ecfetlty. T-. day for flll'1g c:lllma by f/l'f'/ creditor 9')Pfoved th• Pf090Md tran1ter Id ~· lhall be Augult 10, tH2, wNc:t1 .. The pertlee al9o ao< .. and herein Tile City Council of the City ot the t>u elnen d1y befota th• direct 1111 at1ov1·11•m•d 11crow oat• Meu rlMtVll the right to con•umm1tlon dtt• tpecllled holder to m•k• peyment or tject wry or .. bide lbolll. dlllrlt>utlon wtlhln a r111onebl• DATED: Jvtit 28, 1982. Olted .My 27, 1ee2 lime '"" th• completl0'1 ol th• Publllfled Orenge Co11t Dally A & F ENTERPRISES. INC trlnlflr of IN llcenN M Pfovlded lot July 3t, tN2 A4ithortzld Slg'11tor Jn s.ctlo'1 24074 of 1111 Calllornla 344 1-82 Ct\lrlet J Roum ~ end P1ofealio'11 Code ------------1 C<>rporele Seel Oltlill G COfltreraa M C M Andr .. A ContrlfM • • • • Dally Pilot classifieds work for you.Call 642·5671 A ~nentllp Tt-feron Auttlortzld Slgrletor, Fr..W Fabio CMr111 J Roum 811111 Fabio lrrtl'1ded Ttwwfer-Tr-'«- Put>llthld Oreng• Coa11 Delly Publl1hld Oreng• Cout Dally Pllo(. July 3 1, 1082 Piiot. July 3 1, t 982 lllTH llTICll SCRIPTER July 29, 1982. He Lt survived DAVID 8. SCRIPl'ER, a by his wi.fe Arlyne. daughter ·ealdent of Huntinaton Elaine Zemke and 3 3-ch, C... P..ect away on 1randchlldren, Chuck, Roxanne and Cynthia Bellington. Servka will be ,.c:t•or._s -.a.•OADWAY MOtlTVMY 1'0 Broadway Costa Meta 642-9150 held on Monday, August 2, 1982 at 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel with entombment 1er vlce1 Immediately following. Servlcea under the direction of Harbor Lawn-M ount Olive with Multiple Sclero1i1. 3be la awvived by her hu. band and 2 aona. Friends wi9hing to make contrlbu· dona may make them in her name io Multiple Sc!ermia Society of On.nae County. 7571 Wntmln.ater, Ave., Weatminater, Ca. 92683: Attn: Kathy. WIMPRESS 3461-42 NOTICI TO CMDfTOftl °'Mll.tl~ (leca. e101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Notice la '1.."aby given to credllort ol Ille within n1med l•lll•leror lhll • bulk t"n•ler It 1bou1 to t>• m•d• on p1raon1I Pfoplf1y h«Mllftlf delctll>ed The name end bull.-e acldt- ot the lntlflded tranaleror .,. SUSAN A WILDER. 17891 Biii Clrcl1, Apartment A, Huntington BMch. Calllomla 92647 The locltlorl 111 Clltfoml• of 11141 chill Hecutlv• otflu or prtnclp1I bu•lnN• otllc• of the Intended tr-leror It SAME All olher bullnen nem•• and lddr""' u•ed by 1111 1n11ndld t•en•leror W11hln thfll year• tut p111 •o lar •• known to 1111 lfll9"dld trlf1lf-we HONE. The ,_ WIO bl*-lddt- of 1111 Intended t,_,.,.. lrl. Joy Barnoe. 8171 Paltnl ~. Yort>I Unda. Cailfomla t2tel Thtl the properly p11tlnent hltltO It O.C:rtbed lfl general M all atodt In lfldl. llatUf•, .ciulpment, l••d• name ind gOO<lwllt of thlt c11teln BODY WRAP BUSINESS and I• loc•l•d 11. 8028 W11nat Avenue. Huntington Beech, Calttornla Thie ~ -UNd by Ille uld lla'1afer or 11 Mid locltlon II BEAUTIFUL SOOY WRAP That a11d bull! tten•I•• 11 lfltended 10 bl corlllUfM\aled .. Ille ofllcl ot BETTS ESCROW ENTERPRISES. 505 North Tu111n Avenue, Suite 1110, S1ntt An1, Calltomll 92705 on or 11ter Augull 18, 1982 This blilk lfentltr I• tubjlct to Cellfor11ta Uniform Comm11clat Codi S1ct1oo 81oe. Th• name and addraH ol Ille Plfl0'1 With wtlOm Olllm• may be llled 11 B ETTS ESCROW ENTERPRISES, 505 N Tu1t1n Av1nu1. Sulll 1110, Senta Ana. Celtfoml1 92705, and !hi '"' day for llllng dalm1 by any creditor lhall bl August 17. 1982. which Is Ille bualn••• d•y before lh• contummallon d•I• tpecllf•d ll>OYI Oltld Juty 28, 1982 Joy Benloe lnltrlded Trant'-• Publl1hed Otang• Co11t 01111 PllOI, July 31, t982 3460-82 P\ll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNlll NAmlTATIWNT Thi lollowlng p1raon I• doing blill-... STRICTLY MAZDA. 18081 Redondo Clfcle, Unit E. Hvrlllnoton ~.CAl2&48 RONALD l<EHNETH HOLBEN 21141 Shepherd lAnl, Hutlllllgton BNctl. CA 9?84& Thie ~ .. conouc1ed by .,, 1'1dMduai. Aonatd I( Holberl Thia llat-1 WM llled w!th 1111 County Clertl of 0r-. County on July 2a. 1N2 '1MM Put>ll1h1d O••n11• Coa11 Dally Piiot. July 31. Aug 7, 14, 21, 1982 338M2 IAl.TZ-.. ON SMITH & nmtlU. Mortuary of Coata Meaa. MO-SS!M . SUSANNJt WIMPRESS. former realdent of San Marino, Ca. Beloved wlft OGC f.aJJ of R. Norman Wtmprem of WISlCW. C:H.4P'll •21 E 17tt1 St Colla Mesa 948-9371 ... c • ..,,,.., IMmtl'MOnvMY WMalnSt. ~nt~ach BURST Huntinaton Harbour, mo· h d J p A u L RA y M 0 N D tber ol Pamela MJ~ll of SC e u e HURST, raident of Costa Irvi.natDn. New York, Ce- Maa. Ca. Palled away on dly Farquhar of San Ce-iJ bl July 29, 1982 at the ace of mente, Ca., Richard N. BV8 8 e f8. He la aurvlve<I by hla "Wlinprem. Jr. ol Houston, wife Ardy Hunt of Costa TOM. ai.o IW'Vived by 1 Orange Coast C.ollege'1 M ... , Ca., 2 1e>n1 Denni.a brother B. Arnold OU. of fall claH schedule la Hum of Germany and Cbr1a Pebble Beach, Ca. and 4 available free ln the Hunt of Tu1lln. Ca., 4 ~-Funen1 _.. college'• admlaalon's bro1.hera Wood row of Ykles will be he.Id on Meo-bull d l n 8 at 2 7 0 1 Arlaona , Chatt .. of day. Au1uu 2. 1882 at Fairview Rd Costa Oc!Hnalde, Ca., Frank of 2:00PM at St. Jam. l:JU-M ' Alpine, Ca. and Warren of copal (l)urcb, South Piiia-esa. 8aJ.tnM. Ca., 3 aist.a'I. H.uel dena, Ca. Privet. lnt.r· The M·pqe achedule 8c.hllke ol Lot\c Beech. C..., ment. Jn lleu of flowera alto WU mailed to 190,· Ml.Nm Thom of TOM and don.adool to Scrippa Col-000 homel in the c.out Carol Vollmer ol s.n Dleto. • Oartmont, ca. 'l\arner Commun It y Co 11 e I e and 2 1randchlldren. & Stewna, Alhambra dJ. l)la1l1ct. Memorlal ..rvtae. wlll be rectcn. Re 1 lat rat lo n w l 11 = ': =~ ~ coadnue Aua. 12 to Sept. Brother• Bell Broadway DEATHS ... 10. 0-bttlin Sept. 7. ~ wtlh the 1'ev. Robert For lnfonnatlort. call o. CoDktr 0( .... LuUwan &S(S..&772. ~~~~ RSEWHERE Camp nixed of Oran1• Count1 fnf.!::!:~l~P~ LONDON&~ -Oen. ~~~~~~Q: Bell Broe.d••J Mortuary Sir ....,. II, wbo Ma.rah Jr. hN rejected a dlrectan. ~tl::.J~'~1 ~ requett to UH Camp II.ADDY foothold •n Pranu four Roberu ln 1outhern HAllBm RALL MAD-bolL&fl befar9 tbe male o. Monterey County to DY, rwt' lit ol ..... Ca. Dar laadta•• on the hciuie mmac. from \he-p._.. away °" JUiy 27, Normand7 b9ecbn, dltd crowded Lot M1elea Illa -• ......,. -,,......, ; County ~b. 1 Orange eo .. t DAILY PILOTl8atu day, July 31, 1812 !Pr..'!111 ........ l.'M 11!!!.'lf~ ..• llM D I I Laouna PegMl'll '*"' ,..,, o oil• r, •tnl 90nd for Thura At.IQ 12 •11 . Whitt w1111u. p4ld 135 Pim aft.......,, ~-1113 11f.10t1 .,,... .. -1o-11-._-QVMn--llH--• Mn Huel1tr II autom1tlo poet c1 ... n•r. wncMlale good cond ltH prlc.d et 1200 Only t 4"·2.., .. ,, e1ue 1eo.oe1e PUYNIUHP (I.Iv rm)~ uMd. Worttl 11100, Ille '696 845-7711 WM/wilndl Oak pereone dining 1m tblt w/uphol otlrom• Gtlre (Nllht~) 1260 771-5279 l!l•nkrupt Nurwy llota Avoeedo Tr .. ,, 16 H 645-4t00 Cookware • MW Wallf· .... atllnw t1• a.a tor 1340. "Vular '612, calf 7-lltrt or 6· 7pm, IHl2.a:M& 0 A I( Tl b I e w I 8 pr u t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llTlTI UU lllht ,,.,.,.,, C.111 .... bKk chfl Leet & c11m padded COY., B••ul cond s 1000. 77 • ·5279 Sliver, c1yetel, quallly antique & contemporary tum. lompe, kllcl'lerlw1tt . 10011, t1ad1, 11nan1, w••har oryer. ttlrlg, ml1e 1633 F1lrw1y Of, 011ngt Frt 4-8 . S at 10-tl. Sun 8·4 ...............•...... ...................•.. MOVING I Furnllur• Sale, Stove, Ironer, Mite hou • • 1 OAK. Sel OI 8 pr .. • llMlk 4 8drm tlome WHher, "hold Item•. 363 •Ulll IOMlllllR aim chr• $450 , Dryer. Ct111re, Chui. B101dw1y. C.M Sii 9-6 1741 Pomone "47 771 •5279 __ ~~t~r::·M~~ ~~ 3 FAM. GARAGE Sale • Cotti M... WATEABED Kt"Q, new II· Sa1/Sun IO•m-3pm 81k ... baby acce1, loll You '" lh• w1n11er ol I ner bladder Heat1r 1707 Pl ......... Sur more Ht C11na11cw1 Sit two ltN tlckt11 (118001 $375. 842-7288 --'""' 9 2 value 10 lhe ---2 Carll D11monc:1 aolltelre • RINGLING BROS Lge cu•I burn dulgn Utt· App,.INd 19000 Tak• ~~ ... ~!t'!!! ....... Oerage Sale 9-S Sal/Sun BARNUM & BAILEV lque COllH 1111• 2425 $4500/0 BO 831-9279 Antlquee, tvmltu,.. lampe, 2074 Merion W1y .'? M OIROll ~6t~9~8° 1 n P 1 c M PIP plclu1ee pl1n11. 1001e. ··Lttll• 01 everyttll"Q Anaheim Convenllon -Georoian AoH 1terllng, mlac 8 to 4 Saturday Old cedar ch1111 d1um Center Aug 5-18 9 II'"''° •e<: player. rape Reed & Barton 8 place only. 7131 222'-' Mer-lablH, cerd t1t1ie. Ilk• Long Beach Arena dk. radio 11"111"11 1101111 setunga, 6 pea .. & to guetlte. CdM new movie camere p10J Aug. 18-22 $600 2425 Bowdoin Pl 1erv1no p11c11 S 1000 I II CM 550-0998 Freezer. TV, Retrtger1tor, terHn, 2 port lypewr • To 0111m pas111. ca 645-9937 01ipt1v Ll~t a Fhctur11, ter1, adding mech. 1adlo, 842-6678. ••I 272 Paa· 10 pc din Mt eolld r,irch ---------, h 1 .. A h ed L•dlea·Need your lovely BlkH. 10 o 1.,g, & tv. pott. P•"•· muc Ml mu1 .,... eicc ang $650 2425 Bowdon Pt amell mlao 52 t Avo-houHhold mt1c 303 fo1 , ... "'ed eeall at t>ox CM 556-0998 clothes on con11gnmen1, cado Princeton dr 611-Sun olllc• prior 10 perlot· --------1 d11signers our apec11111y 9.4 mane• Cullom cit> bar w/1mell We 1110 Gerty n-clo· SAT AM ONLY MOVING ---------relrlg Stortg• •P•C• inea. t1u11ne11 IUtlt ca- SALE Mower edger, T1111, camping Item•. furn * • • $300 2425 Bowdotn PL $uals lu11 etc Elle· 1pr1y.,, dtlk. trig• 1 mllC . 3&8 E 1llttl CM HouHhOld Item•. TV & CM 5S6-0998 bhi.tled 17 yra Rao• to more 822 S111111go, _s_a_1_&_S_u_n ______ 1 ,1.,10 Ilk• new, 5042 Riches 285 E111 Mt111 . Gorgaout C1mal Sola & T 1 T s r C M v•RDS•LE:Lotaolr.:i Ou111 Cir (Bo l aa us'" ul· 1 " " Chi M F lo1111e1t Brand new I 1 1 A M . 5 3 0 p M C'',' 11t11,.... 11ut1 A to Z Set 1m cat c addenl F•I· $700. 552·2887 ,,.... S C S I S S44·9:) 11 ••••••••••••G•••••••s••• 873 Governor t ' .M -•-· _un _______ Ne; wood drop leaf dl·I Ou1•1and1ng OE Wl"'NE L'1ge 3 Party 11•11• ... YARD SALE. 180 Merrlll '"' • ... Set-Sun, 7-31. 8·1 Hand Pl , C ••. 011 Oran~•· •• nell• 2 capletn 1 cha1ts 011 painting 30 x36 M ••••••• ••••••••••••••• $125 5S7 311" tools, null. t1olt1, 7 t>etwn 21122nd Seti un 2 Femt1y garage ule __ " S45-00 ($2000 t>elow get. motorcyctea, 111.1tomo1tve 9•4 Furn Beby llemi, cto-Oak Finish Game ttt>le 4 teryl BERAN 011 24"•30" part•, wheel•. lllN. fut· thH, good mite. Sal upholllrd chra. ocllgon. fa n1as11c buy $4 25 n1tu1e. work benohu, BIG VAAD SALE Set/Sun only 37 Mlity Meedow 1eaf. xlnl cond S425 (a 675-7978 __ ehop ch11,., elc 1760 ~9 Oak St. Costa Men Follow llgna from Cam· 11eal) 492 6641 , Obi mattreu. Srerna & Monrovll Ave Bldg LO I.I O I g 0 0 d I e I pu1 ond Turtle Rock AAMOIAE (entlque) wl1hl Foster Hvde Park ictre A3·A4-A5 In rear 642-1307 CX1ve t>evele<I mirrored doors t1rm Almoil new $95 Neighborhood Garega Plano. Sailboat. Hope Game llt>l•lchei11, Ttac w a 1 nu t v 1 nee, _5_4_9_-0_8_6_4 _____ _ Stte Antique Table Cl'lell. Zetlta Finch"• 11111111. beck pack, dren 11000/ot>o 498·2800 8 men tent naw •1111 In ~:_~~~~:~~~•k• Ms'.~~ ~~5~!~~1!:' ~~ ~".'3m 1~~1'?,V:~.~~~ 6 ch1l1S '$"d w11nu1 •Int :~ 2o~~ $134 Now S75 Sun 10·5 258 Vtrg1n1a 8 O (ranch tract) 551_..091 cond 120 101 111 --·-------Pt c M Clothe• ladtee 11%1 ·I • 644-4157 N 8 TENNIS MEMBERSHIP basket•. Olher mllC Sat NEIGHBORHOOD GA1Danish 1e111hl rosewood S2 000 J WTZ Femlly 3 whl bike, HWl"Q mach, 9-3 159 Albert, C M RAGE s.ALE-Furn, bikes chi & otl omen Newl memt>ershtp $900 chlldren'• cloth ... furn. QUALITY YARD SALE • chlld1en • loya & clothes.I $ 7 0 0 1 e 11 S 2 5 0 859-9077 eve• silver. mtac SAT only 9.3 Wlmbelton VHlage, 3499 mla<: 28 Woodg•ove. trv ------- '' 2022 Paloma Wlndaor Court, C ,.. Sii I 642 0615 •II 6pm I P1nt1a11 Macn (Pal Hend LARGE GARAGE SALE Sol/Sun. Couch/ loveaeat Avo· Jut>lleel 4 ptayet 1300 Set 9-3 1064 El Camino #ftlNrl IHli caoo. cut velvet-carved OBO 5 I 1 ·5063 do, Sun only 9-4 Antique ca-··-·•'"••••••••••••••••• s:>oo "492-664 1 l 55 1·2240 EvM Or. CM blnet, puan ~.Kirby Furniture.. Rollewey bed, ~ _ __ Lott of clothes Liiie n-. vac Lota ol goodl.. comer •ola uni!, wool Dining room Mlt all wood. Antique mehogeny c1bl· tidies u 10-12. mena & 2829 Eu1opa Or (Me.. ceipel clolhea. games. 4 cMlrs Ccoveredl 1111>le nel with ortg RCA radio 1>9n. Kin.II ll<lbrd Olhe< V9{9el 1ecorda more See1 naa smoked 911111 top & recoro pllye< $7500, goodlel SAT only 9 lo --=c -Onntt••·~.iffl~ ~51-"5799 'JVC'" tabll! A~ 4 2024 Allso Av nr 201h Gataoe full of furniture, 11·4 t90g Diana Lene ;:;:::-9 steroo ridto wilh 8 track ciot'-, book• 25c • $85 NB .,.,au new orewer tnpte & racoro pll)'ef·S75 00 GARAGE SALE-Oak bllh Sal/Sun 8 30am 2035 MOVING SALE-Furn etc ~~d!!:'~~ Heavy "°"I t>alhroom m11tlle type aocesaorles, rowel bare. Fullerton Av• oll 20th 435 VIiia Trucha. N B 548.4967 smk 1n 1 door a 2 drawer ... 11. mlrtors. ate Fum SI S•I & Sun (East BluHI cat>inet plue m11ch1ng 2 & toys. 1979 Tu1tln Ave ' IAnilque Oek hall '"' I NEAR NEW SOFA Earth· ooor well c1b1n11 & CM Sal 6AM tldet>oard 1rmolt1 1,1>19 Glrlt Schwinn, food pro-tones Musi sell Wiii sac marble type· wall ahell. Huge Gerao-Slit . 0...., & c 11 r 1 · d, •t••, cauo1, bed wetting $200 Free d11I all for only S 100 00, lSO 11out1pla111e plua 195.s250 IOK 14 ne~ I e11rm, dltllee. 2 11uden1 559-8721 nor se t>lank•l·S20 00, furn plcturea. mlrtor1. 1en1 $90. 282 Del Mar 1 ~••ks. ~ouaeh~d llems SOiidMt1ple Cepttli-;;-; g 1' I s '1 d 1 fl g h • 1 ;~6-kd~!o~ ~:0X°81~~·.~ Av• &42-73'7 22~u~olly~9u~ se':'~,~ c11a1~:8~~~;e11n•sh. $20 :~;o~"~:t'11 °?41-S~~ ~~~ Sal/Sun 10-tl In 1111 alley F1ul1i• Vdln 10 •emlly gerage sate ~ _ new 14 inch light alloy nr Hllfbor/Nul""'""' ••••••••••••••-"'••••••• BABV CRIB 1 'oms (BMW"•I ltl ot ...... $ml apQllanoes, dlll>M trg Furn g1a .. w11re, Clothes LIKE NEW 4·$200 00 two new con- YAAO SALE-Oak d.ak 4 & amt Clo1htng etc 18581 =ry~~:~s~7 ~2~1 Sf>O Or.5-2949 ltnenlal ""' belled ,.. curio cab Hun11r1 C&M Co r I< 01al 11re1 1g5170 HA pocket watch M ickey (8ulhltd/Megnolla) Sall King• Pl TEAK STUDENT DESK 3 14-S 100 00 BMW 3201 Mouse commtratlve Sun 9-4 Nelgnl>O•hood G•••g• drvrr exten•lon 1••1 tioodmHk·$20 00, mlt· weteh, other Antlqu... OOWT MISS Sale Uyt>oy 111 "" 1100 $160 842-0815 •It 6Pm I r 0 , m • d , c t ., • Btn Fra11klln 11ov1, ca.£8AITY Pla110 3 hp wt• pump HUTCH c1b1ne1-s20 00 Call wheelbarrow, AM/FM PATIO SALE I 1126 Fvrnltu,., odda & Hard maple '450 642-0138 Record & llP• ,,.,.o Actor'• beautllul collectl· end1 ~ & up Sat 8-4 530-94117 536-0167 ---- 1adlo, c;o11trolled race bles Ft"' oil painting• Poll At>t>ey Pl 1600 ---• ...-hi ... car 22 rifle 110 al1 ' bloc;k Redwood p11110 Ml. love n~..-- cond Home baM C.B., furniture. i uge, '1111"· ae11. 2 arm ch••. eml 11>1 8 to 20 IOng, 36c per It N-mner boa ,,_ 319 CryllaJ, minors, bt&utttul lntereatlng v1rlety man~ 135 768-7633 775· 1 .. 91 any11me • & elegant mlec 111832 antique collecllble & _..:...._ ----~rlll. ~~:'s 815~5°~~~ Mount Whitney, Foun1aln hOuHhOld llemi Futn Dining rm ttble. fOfmel 6, Wellon prol etec m~ ems. ' 1 Valley, 2 t>lka No ol 10 epoit111g Items, etc I cnr1 Med oak Xlnl roller hke n-Coat.,. 0 Westmtntt .. Pt CM Wern., on Euclid, Fri· 2307 Francieco Of . NB Gon<I $300. 839·5409 I &ell S 180 548-4413 •a•a1E W.E Sal-Sun 9-9 839-3007 -------d 111 --Mu111-l1m11y Sewtng ma-Oak V1ctortan McCartny Indoor 10gge• tre1 m Chine Cabinet lbl & 8 Baatia•I• .. .,. chine, tum tied•. bikes deak Coll I 1900 uc wood rollers carwu co Chra. wtllte BUM1t 3 pc ••••••..,.•••••••••••••• cloth•• auto parts. ty· s 1200. 645 1410 vets S75 !>48-4413 bdrm "'· F•enell PrO'V I II a h -----, ·---' dbl bed Chandellet • pewr tr muc more WANTED Single bed, Pe<ego lwn stroller ......, 0 BLOCK GARAGE SALE 522 Vitia Gtande (BlvNs) ma.< 48 widlh 3 11mes. n-S2SO NC hanging lampe, mile SPECTACULAA1 Toole Sal only 9-2 549 9692 S 180 642-1107 h1hld llema F11h aqua-motorc:ytes. dout>te oven. -----------r1um & mueh much more dlallwutier. stereos. gOll 3 Family Ga11199 Sele Cusrom C1t11net 9 Jong GOLD PENN A EELS 3138 Sharon Ln C M club•. touter 011en, clo-Extrav11oa11ze 9.4 Sell 20 de"!p 26 high 2 201 80 al Whot11a1e 557-7765 thing & many misc Sii Sun 600 Gery Pt N.B 1 Bltn sp•~'" Space for proees Also FIG e ICOOP 8 -5pm · Sun 8 -2pm comp onan1 & recoro be11 1ank S27 5 COllllCtOfl Items, plates. 17202 St And1ewa Ln G1tanAatoro,.,..~b1nets s1or•"" $250 673·1•33 I 71416-44-7007 dona. dl1hes. clothtng. -.-•-•-------1efrlg dolly, enllqve quilt, H B. men• •~1 cloth•s. houulll MQViNG King az m1rrore0 I Compute• TAS80 Mdl Ill. misc haetold & gar Items Sii onz 9-4 Jop waler bed w 1reg Tape, 110, Ealtu S795, 125<4 LOfldonderry, CM . 3 Family Sele 194<41 Pit· m1111reu . h1dt·8·bed cell 551·5S11 Sat only catrn Ln. Brookhuftl/ NEIGHBORHOOD SALE couch 11>1 & c h is -• •vt lulllll Ward/Yorktown Fri· Al Tu1t1n Ave tllwn S48-0108 a.vu; .., GARAGE SALE Set a Sun 20/21 st Couches. des!<, ---------Send someone .,OU love Sun Noon-6pm Anti· ---------qn az bed. weighl be11ch Comlortet>le n-couch a 1>eau11M bouquel of 30 qUM, mlac 2469 NOfM SELL Idle ll•m• with a Oodchandlse, clothes 711 Ht·qu1I ~try helium t>alloorls Perl.ct Ave .. c M Sant• IHtlel Daily Pllol Clas1llied Ad lornt lurn 616 ClullhOU· ~r1c $665 645-5666 lo• ell occu1on1 Beets I rw Orenge 8<42-5678 ae Sal/Sun I '4t••I S•lt IOSS th• hech out of r<>MI ~iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...... '·................ 6 7 3.44 19 J,.•li•acn 10/0 ,,_, IHO F11a/t111 IOS01M anu1ac1utara u11 o •,-c-o _c_K_A_T-,E-L_w_tt_h_c_a_g_• -.Tr. •••• •••••••••••••• ':~ • ••• • ••• • •••• • • • •• • •••••••• • • • • • • ••• •• •• hand pa1,,teo ww;ker gift SSS Kuchen t1bM9 w11n 8 KENMORE WASHER POODLE 7 wka AKC, **I BUY** i ccesa SamplM & cto-ch111rs $65 557-8393 Working S75 bus 845-2420 ,.. aeoull Whole1111e --------- Call 631·9107 1150 962-0175 ' Good d F 11 & pr1cea 17931 Sky Park I 18'" Shirley Temple, com· DISHWASHER Wo1klng condtllOfl Bulltln • pale yellow 156. 631·11197 KENMORE DRYER Working $85 call 631·0107 GE Hll·cle1n. 2 oven/ re11ge Elec I yr old 1150. 55e-g590 AKC AMER. COCKER SPANIEL. 6 Wkl , wllll 1hot1. t>uH, malll. S 150 1.35g.7317_ S1c11flce 9 wk AKC It· male, Red mini Dach- lllond, I 175 or belt ofr 645-4888 or 979-2755 alt 5PM ---------Blk. fem. dog, 1 yr ml•ICI. ~!!r.!!! ......... I.~~¥ medium •In . trelned 24" boy1 10 epd blkt. 630-8472, 030·7214 Yellow Votkecycle, top PIT BULL Pupplte, Ul(C con d . I 8 5 K • v I,, PIA. Good price lo good 875-3732 homN. 847-2099 UH urn ure Cr Sle 8 Airport Busi-po marlled. $260 Appll1nce1-0A I wlll tell nest Cir 54 5-8677 I 549-7021 or SELL IOI' Vou T S ~ l&lllll HOTIH ~...!!._ CEILING FAN. t>reu, ne- H Bonfl 10601 ve1 used 4 tullp Illes 141-IUI Ill· 21 • • ••••••• •• • • . • • • . • •• • eoe1 S23o. '°'' '°' soe. I ·-ft•1rt1•E 5 Y' old mare Appy & 552-0796 -• " " Arab Well trained gen-1---------- Ln 957-6133 II• Nice w1111r11 pl••· N-tuH-tla m•ttr-Ml, S85 Ne.,,. qu•en alie aure horM!I tnc 18ddte a lack 11000 751-8518 s 100 750 5832 J l I010 ---------• !!":!. ."1 ••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Purl11 • LOOM • 1 • 95 Caril round brilllanr OuHI • Nozzle .MAI llWR di• In ladles cull gold SQUEEZE 1232 W OOean Front ring APPIBIHd 11 S3. Grendmorherly 1d11lce N-port Beech 80 • SIC S2200 P/P .. Chlldten ere Ilk• You are the wl1111a1 of 496-51•1 sponges They obeorb Ill 10 SpM<I, red ft• II rn IOfl two trM tlcl!811 (118.00) 2 Catlt Ol•mond tollltlre your airength, lt111lng Good cond. $55. •••••••••••••••••••••• value to IM Appral1td 19000 Take you limp. But you get II 873-0488 Yur old l<ffehond m ix RINGLING 8AOS. s4500/0BO 831•9278 all back when they gl11t ~ Btke, male. All lhott, trained, BARNUM & BAILEY PIP you a SQUEEZE .. SctlwtM s~ Ray 24". 1oveet>1t. M2•8543 OHIOU Corn 141< gold Omega watcl'I 1 Aquarium• plete wtth $40. 955-294 FrH to good home, F Anehelm Convention pc min'• S:l600 new tl1h 100, 55 l 28 gel Ledl• Schwinn Bicycle Min German Shepherd, Center Aug 5-lll Sell S2599 obo, Ed St50-S500 8'4l-Ot40 28 ... ~le epeed, $5() 4 yre Alt 8, 549-9300 L,~:;ena 842•2000 942.4g1 Frw ~ lllttena. 10 To claltrt PHH•. c111 1·.11-s_c_t _rou_lld __ bf_J_n.,,-1-o-11-. ll•titll LadlM lG-'f'd tMi.. b-weetce. ,.2!g.. 15 142-M71, •I 272. Pea-ta diet cu11 . gold ring /all1U1all _, olllent cond 1&6, ... muat be exchanged App v11ue $3,800 Sec •• ••• • •••• ••• ••••••••• CALL 54&-2855 Slfly Cellco kitten, ap. for rtNllltd ..... et boll $2,800. 406-51<47 K11tno 8 ch PA-HHd, 1-'u' prox 11 mo. Old nwclt office prior to perfor-.. __ 1 2 C t "' __ ., 125 -It RMS. 2 ~ ....,.,,, ...,.,... ...,._ ... "t71" menoe .... u · "1 ""'""''"'• cabln1t1 w/111" ..,.,.. ;. v~•...,,,,..,.,...,. u · AndldNlau1,Vl1,Hll'q 11or11t 1450 firm .• !!~J!!!'~~•••••l.'Af Frw to gOOd home Do•.. * • * 19500 (_,.,rl'd 112.000) 842-8155 · .ow •lo/FT, Terrier T~ __ 1.. Flowered llO" Sofa. 3 at· Prv Pty 492-0889 • -~ " tach•d cu1t11one, very TEAMS 0 Ren<tlll PA wltti 16 lnett ~wOOd 2d decking, d d I 1 2 • ...... ' •P••ll•ra. home & oo-4•20' !Ong; Aleo l'Wwood Gray kitten, Pf«tv m .• 111· B:2?215~on • "· .... ., ... , ....,.. •500 Pf 751~11. ~ C-.. Jim Of Ktl'l let trtlned, Checlc~ by lnl/Mtment gftdt Nblel, Concert Aute-F~ ..... anytime, 115-t4t 1. e:l.t,~ good hN lltl T Cuat11on Cllelr, nylon and N$>Ptllr ... 7~ oft m., Cliulc/Sterttng !Wroad t• good .-0-uphollat~~!&1 :.:~": 873.~3&8 Sllv9r. Mint Cond. V•· tton, H 75-t 13.110 cvt ,, .. to good tlOtM SMg • lued at '2000 mutt ... .,_..,.... 2585 L..lgul'la rtt clog, wtltl~ OreeMr, mlrrOf and nit• "' $1280 M1-MT8, ._ ~~¥~ .. " iilct. Laoun1, ~·~1°11~210111n11 home •tend. Ctlerry wood •• _.,,.,., 1111 Kewal Cl·7N Conaote ,. ~ ,, $t00, ~ 842·72te •••••• ••••••••••••••• Pl ,.._, I Id QRIY Comptete Cabln•t Shop ano. ...,...y rno o C.ll Ml KITTlN. FAU OoffM tbl, t041ct walnut lor aale Nur new ""' Trana. tO yr wmty. ••••••••••• ... ••••••••• ~ M• oontemp. t7a.24" •K· Aodl'tftl toola. benClhee. Mull '41Crll~. 12SOO. Hlmalayanlt.lta.t~qlty, 1 111 111 tenet• to U ". s1u. 11giua.Mo.t1t-1't0. 1~u_r_..M:J-..,..-6-___, __ _ ••• Blue1 wet, Cf'A ,.g. To Od flOIM. Rutty°""" •• ,~ Signet 8elfner too °'""' HUlltl guar 1 111. f•m. kilt.it, ttae et\ota t ft cuat IOf ...wt.-... "'""""'u ~ n9' l200 l3048t1 e • 1-•,•a: a,, • ASO a•as~Pi' •••••••••·•·••······• · t65-M.ct A....-...-~ bM11 tSO·U)() CM ' ' MOlltnQ 1l a ... dinette .. , -------.... h¥'7°Vr9"CI Oh .,.. ~ ' ..... 1~wl8:Clhlltt, 111'11-bed, Eleo VIOi.iN, lhtOUI · W"*2 · ,_,,,,,_. 1,· Couot\ & c.helt, 10' OOUGh, !Serr~. •"" herd 1flefl •----------r;;rr.;r.;-.......... vwy io ..otloflel, to • 'i"'*· 11t-0t1a ~. ueo. Obo. TNCY P«l6tln . Kllt.ltl, ~•• ,.. Clear 1la•1 ~· top, ooratOf "*'°'•Pt IO eleo. PtONIC w I lld«t taoie ..... •n-eo __ 1_1_ ·-----male,"'°"· reg. 11 10Ca3'1C'4''. ......., cand•l•bra. LIOM the· .,,. matotill'IQ ~ ,-, L..o..;.• I 12.7.. 141.... utt.lnl USO 010. ..... c::-..r---· tbl IHu.llNll~ flfllel!M 111 ... ,_fljf ._ 'MM 11'"°7 l ".i =· -tt1rl fr':0':;_ ~1~1 •n• 1110! •• Alftl .. !!. ... !!f :-;w. ............ ~TI' MA"8t.R COl'Jb TAa.o 'a p. n... .. '011 • • 0.0 woo.a Dall. 1 or. ec--...-. U . IO"'llO" W/lrort ---~ ft•Wtte & IT"OL.91 TWIN elrOllef ••t Hl. le>t> +••Int IMU. ltO l u,. .,. ... I.• /new, SU, otlw e\or lttma. MO ,...._,. oendt1lOn. ot. e It • 10 0 I 0 a 0 2 ' ..o-ut7. • Cll 11 ......... 11 Mt-03tl -...,.,,, -" • • II \ ... ... == . . . . .• ·= .. .. ·. :: I; I • • I °""" OOMt °"tLV ,ILOT/..._, ~ 11,. 1NI _ 1 , I I l I' ,~:,11~~9~ •:~4 .~f'~~.,~:~~1 1~~~~~~~~--~~~·~,~~-.~~~r~~~1~1~:~.&.~~,~~;~~l~)~~J·~-!~~~-~~~,~~.~·~ ~ ......... 9i\WllUIL!!l!nJ.. ;,,.. •m .... ;=!!" :: .. ,,,_.,.,: .... : .. !lw!'M .............. !!';fttf!tlff!r~ ....... !ft!ftr. ....... .,.:;. flr.!!tw.,;.,.,, .. , •• ~ ........ . No l...VNo ..... .. ...... ' Mii ,.. ......... _,, • Comptete """ GIN, It~ ll•MCI It ~ houee l,lntOld, but Cu.tom .... .,,ont AIA ll!AP!ll'HANGINO auDGrr l'ATU ltlln .....-. ile.t ' ~ 1'91id/Ooft'wnl ~Ill,.,_ ett. l dNn~ ttee MMol, HIUllna • ~d ce.n U9 M9d to MOYe't I'll hOu-ltockoCoflof9tt-ttuooo T "lt'f 1oOe1 •KP 01*. L.ow f'llln, e. Joe. Get dry.,,.. .... IU-11&1 llTIMATU LIO 110J2t ,.. Ull· Tem .... ,~ ~..,.. Mike Quick'°*"'·,,... •I "'"· dO ,.,..... Vfl'Y ..... ftr .. •t ........ 2 wortl •. Pttoee .. .,, at Uo. ,,... -... ,., ... , IXOlt. OA .. NT QA .. I ......_.,_,, Ahfl•hn Q1•1170 l?S.OMI relleble t>uHOer. Prefwt ltlotcwork·emtll OI IOe h /roll Alee 7111·7021 J ................. , OOnltN4111o1'1 .... L mr.."J7111............ ---... ... ~ IMOtl Attia. = !00'• •-•f felrf. .. ...... -_ .... .,.on .... ..,.,,, ...... .._... ., ..... ·• TIDI ,_ -" .... 1'4-0M-1~:t ......... 1..,,.1 .. ~.12 · Wallpepetlng•Pllnllno r.;n.-. .............. . 0wner/GP9ftl0t .,..,... ' -""' .,.,. • ~t •••••••••• • •••••••• ....... .,. v .. .,. .. u R"/oom'I SoendlnttYfan MOllLa SlllWtCI c~. uphol, WM NO l!r.,,,_ • '-M.. TotltMdl~. OJNn .;w'b''~ AOllN'I CLU.NING llllll'"1M . q~ty. Hllmat 641-11711 Reeoreene/Nft .... c~ Woril J',Ufll. :'r."e"::J.nftff.£"riw. 119, lewn renov.1114471 r,_ trtm.,emcwel ~~ 1~7 TAAVILINQ? !!R!f ............... b1*I witleo¥«tng In· H8/CJ.4 t42•Hl2 t!..:.~~1 ~~~-:~::; ~=: .~~: ,~ ... C:.~o::l11 Joen'• O*Nnlno hMoa HLLINQ .Y.~A HOU· ~i!~:~I~ 'c'!!~l~.~anl R .. A .. ~~I fr.!!Mn! •••••••••••• mr.':u,r.;-;n;-.(.... _,,,,,._ -•-..-' ,,_ eef. ,_,..t42·tt07 ··-~Aentele Wll'-k~ M... ~ FrM Mtlme'" 11112.0• IO aa1:i;eo .._,.,._, SERVICE l M .. ~ CA .... fT l UPML OLIA• ~ Jeeele't O~no •••-• ... _••.•".•••••••••••• otfloel 64o-t2t1 evallable mid· *"' l ...... Van ~ lrtilol Co. S rma, l3~.·~ !If ell o~"c,•;;,U;;•;:i:~;;;~f Cleerl~ 1,_ trtm I ~I IMlt,.OV!MINT NMd e maid or a h... &eptembff 10 hOIM 111 Top qulllty. lpec:lal Giie r!~!~~'!_•••••• ( 14) l3Meee work gl.llf. 131·8543 deotdno. ,.,.i,.. ' rec-mllnl. MrV.' S40-tG3I c ... AIA·P\.UMt'1 kM99'1 Hrty or wllly? In Newport, LllQllnl, In hlndllno. 2& yr• tXP ••BRYANT'S•• '"' ~ ...... t. OouQI.. erpentry, eleo, II . r,_. l'or GOmpl WVIOM, o.11 Huntington or M .... Wiii Compe1111ve RalH Wellcoverlng Removal •••••••••••••••••••••• l!alll ••...... ,;... rt-iA Co 1 ·1-• • • ..t. No Job too tmall. VlelO hfvloe Agy. maneoe property, P•Y No ovwtlme 730·1363 All Typee. 4142·1343 TILE IN8TALLl!O tt"r.':"""'•••••••~i..... ,......,, · 0 ~ .. •• ... ....... 8'6-<281' 97S.8000, bonded by 81. blllt, forward mall, keep All Kinde. Quwantlecl ~~~~~~~I Paint tllOM dirty oelllnQI • ....,,11-111•1,,,. W. ...... IXP!AT HANDYMAN ol c.llt. clean, hlndle ~ STARVING COLLECJE 1J11t11ll1u/1 Aef1. John M0-9217 ..... ,,, Avg. 3·8r ht• •2211 .••••••• ~........... • "' Carpen Rooflna •nd arrange tor vtewlng STUDENTS MOVINCJ •••••• A:..,. •••••••••• ••r.':••••••••••••••••• 851-MTS ART Deo«etlno MNloee. fr..t tty. IM2..tl0 •• TIRlO 01' HAllllS? It houM for Mia b.pe:. CO. Lie T12•_.38 1!0'8 PLASTERING Chudt For Tiie Wortc ~ P.ntlna LOI Oeoof•t• your otnc. or Plumbing, titc. IM2 1• Reliable ~ hflp 11 rleneed. relatenoff lntur~ 4141·8'427 NMt palcheellexturH Fr .. Eat Dyl IMO-II 1M. Repelrt. a..iooeltna. C.ntlC..U.tt home w/ert. Prine• ...,.,. ..... .,.,,., oomp6et• malnt nettl Reta. MO-462 M5_.240 WATCH us GROWi ALL TYPES Ev•. WllnOt 876-6100 S&S AIJ)H1 831-41ttllo •••••••'•••••••••••••• po11.,. I.Id Edit Ind IO-You ere the Wlnnet of & home ltnptovetnenl HOUSECLEANING •u/,..•ld ,,.1 t'-$•5-8258 flff lnftH H • ...._ O ....-.. c.m.nt-Meaonry·&loctl Q•I 1rt11t1 work avall. IWO free tleketl (ll8.00) WV. "4-6231 By Scandlnaylaft Lady "' ,,..,, I•,.,. , PLASTER PATCHING •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.w;c;,~R~~I. .~~Ul~o~7-~ ~onau l tat lon. va1':1::0L'::.a BROS. C1tpenlry, C1blnet1. bp'd. MS.2t~1 Low···R.Ares:··o;;;:.~ ····;iii;ii.n•·i.... A .. IUCCOI. lnlle.11 30 SLOW RATE.SS Lie 397804 M2·1720 ---------1 586-3082 8AANUM & BAILEY Plumb .. Drain CIMnlng, Home CIMn""': hOnett, bldga. VICen<:IH, 1trlp I by Rlehercl Sinor Lie. yrt NHI P1ul 6'45-2977 TrN trimming & r9'!\0'iel, Conorete-1m111 or lge ..__ __ ., 011-!lect.. Tiie, ~'•· rellable, llat~lng & wax. .ic. CHRIS 280644 t3 I h •II c1MnuP1 & ~ j11t•11ll" Jobi. Remove. repl1ee or -"' ... ..... .. "149 r•t--~ .... H•• 714.ffO.MH · yr• o •PPY II••"••• 5&4·7017' •••••••••••••••••••••• repair. IMS.811t2 ;;KATRit.,";,:>9~•Ltv::;;, Anaheim Convention ........, ............ .,.,..._.,.. local cu11omera ••••••••'••••••••••••• ---------Automobile Air Cond. "' c.ntw Aug. S..18 M0-1:l38 Thor= ...,.•tMhlOMCI CIMnlng. patn11ng. Thank you, 831·•410 ATLAS PLUMBINQ & Wl•I•• CllUl•f. Aepalr. 180 w .... Piece Dr!Yet. patlOI, welkl. FrM llskpn, dally maid ~. Long Befdl Ar.na Call for .. _1...,... ... ructlon ""' l\tndyman. Rea/Comm'I I HEATING • Speciall1lng ••••••••••••••n ••••• CM. Bontekoe 644-5209 E1t. No~ loo lmd. ofllce Cltlnlng, crpt Aug te.22 '"'" ....,. •• , ' Com I hMcleMlng. FrM ltfVlcea avlll PAINTER f!jEEDS in Aec>alre & Rep!_. "Lei the Sunelllne In" 539-2807 clMnlno 83$-21'8 ro Claim --. call repa1t1, -.ctr.. plum· ,..._, J111 539-81H 850--0219 WORKI 30 yra exp, Intl men1 (71•) S.S.1888 Call Sunltllne Window W-1"'-..-blno. 35 "/fl up. MAIDS Of' ORANGE co EJ!ler Acou•llc cemng1 Clelntng. lid Mt IH3 ••• 4'-7:.":':'I••••••••••• Cu1tom concre1e brick-0.-tl/ M ... 2·m&8u7.!· !!'-~°!::l:· Paa-C•,.._try. Muonry 0u:r1 T--C'-·-~ w•lll~f. D1vl1 Palnllng 8'47-5188 ······"••'•'·'•.'•/.J.1.·N •• J.1... 20"!. Monthly Dlacount B .. BYSITTING-mw "'-a, block w1ll1-patlo1--::1.-.••••••••••••••••• ••...., _..,, _,...... _,, -· "" ,,. ,.., " ' '"'"' ORY Roofing • Plumblno 8on , Int. 831-82 2 ••••••• •• •••••••••• IN:d yd, hot meelt Any· lound1tlon1 Llc'd WALL/ACOUSTIC lor r~ ... ti at Jl Drywall· Stucco. Tiie VANDENBERG HOUSEPAINTING i A•4'•t·letl&l•lle!H4. •FINEST IN O.C.• time. &48-2974 538-5013 Repelra, ,,_ .. old. 11 olflol priOf to f)tt'for· A.model J.B. 84&-t980 Qeneral HouMCIMnlno LANDSCAPINCJ In & out. FrN "' FrM HI. Fl• .. prlcea Ron'• Window Weah~ INFANTS a UP QJJI CIN yrt exp. Bud 682·t682 mance. • • • Aellable, refl. 10 yrs exp. Malnt.. IOd. planting. Call Bruce 972-0118 Quel work Lie 337189. Reaid. Rua. 830-77 1 D.y Or N"'hl, ..... ,..... ••••••••••W•n••••••• Wall texlurt1-Aeouttlc !l_e_~~ n .. n . 982--0510 att. 4 IMcl l1wn1. cl1an-up1 & 831-2345 Wii·..11-••'-f. "' •"" '"' T 8 WH 1 -n I •-·..1-• •••••••••••••••••••••• trim Uc'd. "'7"-1114'" E 1 q .... ..,q Coat• M... M9-57119 Melur• Molher Who H1f19· IC»-t ... ltudl • ---lnatall Reflnllh CIMn Ex H Cteanl .. • u Intl XI. 0-11 ·•1••. ROOM ADDITIONS ••••••••••••••••••••• C1r11 Saby11t1 In my Uc. 3HM4 t·~-5~8 • _ __._ 1•1 .. 1•1 s.:_..._.. ·_..____ per ou" ng. prompt, nea1 M<\ltce. 10 Computer word proc.-WILL BABYSIT $1/Hr h 0 m.. An w I 0. . _...... • . • WSUI . .....1'"'7 ... Com.er ....... ,-.. Reff1bie;.!-f1'.;.1... Flll llTlllATll yra In ., .. a.8-5884 Honell.Aell•l>le & A•I•· sing Fut. ICCUr•I• WV 8 w11 .. 2~ ..,,._Mon-Fri 4142-eo72 , DRYWALL TAPING RON'S GARDENING nee -. m r•. .,..,... v ., Sod. fPrlnk* & ahrub • rencet JC&B Const Lie Aeat rll" Not1ry FrM 6am-8pm C.M M2·2995 All TuturN & Aoouttlc I "!fl NB/CdM. Quallty 881·11891727"37.0 HouNCIMnlng exper, 1 lnalallatlon Our worll *811t\Op & Son Palnlln~ •3471177 974·7885 pkup & delivery Len. ---------1 C..trnttn C.11111 FrM "1 Kevlf\ 81'5-9088 al rMI. rat•. Malntt •--"-day Week & ore ............. ..,. only IOok1 e,11penllve 30 Y'• exp In Beac I •-· 751-1318 .... ~ •---1-···········'·········· llHlrkd -flUil• ~'"'V Check ............ bel ., •• FrM "' 882-1718 ..... -mt• _...., • .,. Lancl1CfP9. 815-9388 • • • • • •"' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 83 1 • 7 10 7 1111 lor letlcJI our pr_. or• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ••••• •••h••••••••••• REMODEL/ ADD-ONS DUMP JOBS you buyl Lie. 20•518 -w::;.J p 1~ PROFESSIONAL FIE-" Woman does no1 radiate & Carpentry. Lkl'd. 25 e~CT•AtciAN•_:•;.;,-;;d Ywd malnl & c!Mn-up & Smelt MO\'lng Jobi Complel1 Vecanl 1p1 Call Judy, 848-1551 •••••• e •nit SUMES & CAREER by body wrap alone. eel· yrs I.Ill). lrwln M&-2719 rlglll frH Htlmat• on jobl. local ref. Day & Call MIKE &4$-139 t cleaning, painting & cet· u., •.•• ., ....... , 25 yrs •KP Lie •03 41 COUNSELING 85 1--0700 lullt• & weight 1011. · ....._ &42-8795 NMI pet cat•. M2--0357 John Bonded Ins. Rel• Color Debby Yeager 548·2M9 WAY CONSTRUCTION large or amall )Oba. .....:ti...... HAULING•GRAOING Bi ttbl Brick-Block· Tli.-conc-e11~ 983--0911 Al-fHlr'•I/. -----· ---1 Remodel . Add111on1 Lie. a9&821. 873-0s5e ... __ _.,11on _.___ , / •· C.. 11m ..,...,tvr . ~.-up. ..., i Deck• ~.,... '~" chard • •• • • • • •••••••••••••• ,_, ,. UC. 420802 M2-1200 LtC'D ELECTRICIAN Mowing, ng, raking. Coner••• & 1r .. ~emovw. :.:.:.:.:~.-.. ·:.:..·..:.:···Id··;;.· .ic uC n...-.84&--078i Cu1tom work. Int & e,111. Huber Roofing-Ill IYPN •••'·-••••••••••••••••• -.-.nlftft, FrM -stl-Quk:k ~ .... 2.1•"8 nw:wt"V'I• U"PW """· m ~ 1 · --v· N--r-ov-.. deckt ShaftWVV> & 11eam cleln. a..1.-__ .._......._l---..1. Quel wont• Aeea. rat• -~--..-._ -• -• .,.. _, IOOkl t "'~·--·•t thl llC'd 20 "'I I I --_ .. ,...... -• ..._...... --F t ••1 IU\72 T mat• 645-5737. ng 0 ,...,.,_ ' Sprlnkler'I ln1talled tr" ,. n •rH re 1 Uc lf• 11802 su..973,. Color brlghtener1. wht Free .. 1. AMI. pr1oea. r .. • _, -"" om HAULING & MOVING tummer. We'll care ror trimming & planting Herb (71•1 521-8012 att ~ crp11 • 10 min. blNch. au.I. wort! Uc. "7189 ELECTRICIAN K&D l.andacape Malnt. Locel Student w/truck P1anl1. hOuM, etc Call LAtry 645-7234 5 30PM Hell, UV/din. rma 115; IV'Q 831-23't5 Sml Jobl!Repelre. lie. AealdJComm. CIMn-up. Lewtl 975-4180 Ken Haven. 780-8078, -------- FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142-llll ~:msf ~~r~. '~i Keep an eye on prklel tl'lf 233t08-C-10. 548-5203 Ute hauling 644-2489 HauHng 1 qulcll clean-up, ref• ava11. !~~!!l .............. f!l!.r/~1. •••••••••.•.. More lamllles .,, gelling tl\e camptng t>ug' 1n11 y111 II you nave a cam-~~~~~~~~~ odor. Crpl repllir 15 "/fl HIY way-be a regulli Oual. WMdlng, r1member yd1, g1r1ga, )ob-all• & HOUSE WATCH INC BRICKWORK Small Jobi Farthing Interior o..lgn up. Do work myHll. Cl811lfl•d read1r SELL Idle Item• with • the 3 R'1. r .... rellatJAe. prop. mgmt. Alck Info. a Rat ... Att 8pm N-port. Colla MMI. HANGING/STRIPPING Reta. 531--0 101 a.2•5878 Delly Piiot CIUllfled Ad. Alcll. 497-3070 831--08'5. Krt1831--0953 64&-6315 or S.5--6521 i!'lltne Rafi 675-3176 Vl ... MC Scott 845-9325 per that's not getting uffd. S41fl 11 now w11n 1 Clessllled Ad Put your ad....,.lllng -. llge wt!«• the reederl ate. M2·5878 I' Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line • Bring them or mail them with correct ca1h to Dally Piiot. 3l0 W Bay St .. Co111 ~ ... CA 92626 I• ~,oor-famous- DIMES·A·Ll NE ---~--o -DIMES-A-L\NE ADS MUST BE PLACE'? BV 3 p .m~ ON FRIDAY. • Each Item mu11 be priced with no Item ower SSO 20c per line -S1 00 !Nntmum FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, e xt. 319. • No ll¥e1tock. produce or plants • No commercial •d• 1llow1d ti. ti. ..., WHITE crib, mettr ... and LA mower pulh type 14ln. DOLLS S 1·12. GamH SWIVEL Wfooghl Iron bit BRASS h.nging lamp $10. LEARN Spanlah with r• WROUGHT Iron 111nd \AAPLE rocking cnatr $17 TWO dra-legal llu Ille FILING cabjnel S25 Area bumper ped1 $50. Super $15 cuh 181n S20 cath. SOc-$1. Eur•• CMletat 11oof1 (3). exoellent con-Patio tumlture and cflelrl oord1 $3 Aladdin kero-2Sln wide 751n high 4 1 Dr easer S22 Dreuer cabinet $28 Old 4 dra-rug SIO Leitner j9cket Coupe welker $J5 Cove-848-1195 vacuum with eoceaaory'a ditto $50 .. t. Llwnmo-$10. Exetctee bike $ 15. aene heal ea $5 Ft11h ltlelllM reflnllhed to 14.111 s 15 Double bed S38 -oak 111e cabinet $40 by Cooper (ltl.e Ml sso. red turtle eandbox or $25. Seara walnut metal -· Br19o1 and Stratton Antique mirror $10. Ad-camer1 12. Button hole your .. 11 $25 c 11h I Twin bed $15 Coucn Several desks SIO-S50 Cinopy 1wln bed S50. pool (with Mild). 2 mon-INSULATION ?5 Iba $10 book 1hel¥H $8 unit. 3 H.P. $50. Chlld'1 am•I d Ing mac Pl In• SI O maker $2 Wlgt 1\ eecti t-4&-1195 end IO\le ... , $45 Metil Wood 1wtvel office cnatra Mut 1llcer S 10. G1r11 th1' old S25. New 1luff :•c~ · ~•n 110,~lk Ing ProJecllon acreen $5. Mo1ocro11 type bike Drape• 15. Decorator Bowllng ball and ahoet WALNUT Creden;ia $60 ol11ce dH1 S30 Dt1nea $25-$45 E,11c1llen1 old track 1hoe1, 1l1e 8 S6 animal• $5-120 Toya S~~ :.~ ~· Habltralla $2. Wooden 110. Girl'• blkeS10. Rutt plnOWI 12. Hard cover 1111 9 $3. 289 Albert While leether awl¥el 25c-S30 Limps S5. oek drslt1 men• stool DraPH $10. Coo Coo 25c-$5. Raggedy Ann · 1tool1 $I. WWII 1rmy lhaa rtmnanl (new) car-bookl 25c HCh. Boat Pl-. Coet1 M .... Be-chair and olloman with S 10·$20 Corn•r desk S 15 Remington Rand ciock ss Chlld'1 lkll and and Andy plaque• an,d coll $6 Md\ New~ petTng Siii Padding. oert $2 Boat equipment twHn Santa Ana and walnut trim 150 Wo· book 1na11 $30 King sturdy steel 2 •half boot• $15 Folding bike dlllper no4der'I $6. Boy• 51G~Li0N 1f'"Y gu can Hr bike aHt $5. Ba-large roll 115. BBQ tat>'e 125. Women• fencing Of1nge Ave men'• golf clubs and mall• ... $3S Twin bo• whHled Library earl• S3S Toya 1nd cJoth•• elothel 6-12 mo·a S 1-$5 1 · O• on gu can, thloom wall~ $I roll. with benChea $25. TlvM uniform 120 Outboard 150 springs I 10 NCn King S 12-S 16 7''> l\OtM out· 5 c. S 2 5 S 11 u rd a y Olfl'a dothel 18 mo·110 boll type 17 60 CHh. TeleCtllme e-eong pflOIW nice llvtngroom ptctwea motor propea $6 "ch MEN'S Levf1 tl:t9 3& $2. deluxecart.llkenew 1prlng and frame SSO board fllhermen. remote 8em-4pm 1853 Port 2 $3.-$5. Sews air dM-~1195 ringer $3. S.turdey only. '5-$8. Wood petto bench ·Wuher and dry91' S25. Hat1 50c. Bike fremH ~:.;!•.!:o~ta~n~ Couch SS P1t10 table gas tank, runs good S50 Abbey Place. Newport ner SI MW, guarantM. DREXEL 11 dr-dr--914 Jana Circle, Hunt-18. ~ llnlahed (white) Deak S 10. Mattren U . $2 Blrdl pley y1td SI rad off tee chalra 1·, 5 S 16 Wood bed Ira me Coleman gas !Intern S9 Beach Pipe rldl and container Hr S50 3-plece Ice lngton Beach. (1 blcx:ll lhUtl.,.._ Md\ panel ap-Bedroom furniture 111 Sctlool book• 25c. Boyt each 98._7100 or S10 Color con1ol• Tl/ 6 ball wood e1oqmet MIS,---------...,.,._.,...-,._ I 1 0 . S II o • rack 1 Cre1m 11t $'40. (extra welt, t blcx:k north of prox. 1611\xl!Oln. St5 for $4S. S~ aet S15. eoo pant• llze 10 SI. Baby ~·93 I S50 BllCk end while TV S8. Schwinn 10 speed IX 50 gallon barrell"""" $ 1-1 2.Mahoginy long cnalr $5). Biren, blrdteye B •a ch BI v d . and all. EMrctM lounge $10. Gary Place. Newpor1 clolhee SIOe-$1. Chlld'1 u 11 s10 eac:n Btecic and man·a S•5 WlncnHter eacn On1 30 gallon atem candle holdera $10. coffM table 120. Bunn YM1~). Saturdey Only. Anleloc>e Beech. bike ... t 13. Oller liqul· QORCJEOUS 21 lncn whlt• cQl1aole 125 Car wood '''lie S38 Indian waler healer, netda ,._ Small lamp $4. Flower collee maker S20 Por-APARTMENT retngerator Ai...., at Ward. which It ANTIQUE Iron double bed dltler 115. 585 Knowell bronu and m1rbl• 5 bed S8 Baby pack $8 Archery tt wood crOll pair 50c. 544-"81 errmngementl $2-$3. All llbll 11erec>'1 $15 MCh. l40 T ......, bMl 115 north ol Elll1-Euclld. ,25 Oki ..,..,... wotlllng Piece, Coat• M.... llghl candlebrl from lhe Baby cerry 111 $3 Trunk bow S30 Collecllon of THREE wfl99I blcydt $30. llema 1bove, new or Bro'.._ .....,. • ....._ .......i..... • wo --• Fountain v.-(MSt end · _.,.... 1&oo·1 S50 N4tw Italian 110 "" .. --085', 5,.3-2987 eerlv wood movie c1-Joggtn~ machine •"-" .mc.l'.nt Condition uh-I ~1·-5 B-i""' d S25. Two double mat-of TI ... -on1-1 wood tub and paddle• SOLID oak cottH table lnleraln mountilneeri .....,~7_11,.... ' •""'· · mec n• • eve• ~ wtth "'-S25 """ · toe Ct..,,_ 118. 11MO'I $311. Ping Pong table ,. or "" vs mer a tripod• SS·S3S Gener• elec1rlc record 5-46--0318 plate glaa• mirror $l5. Mdl. Sof1 S2&. Student 16 INCH 8 lug apllt rim 2/2ft 1quere French l25.81ed!,wtlltel'VS25 hamtn41fa s 7 eacn. Old BIKE camef S750 N-Four 80 inch mov1able piayerSt5 AM/f'M1.oio TRANSMISSION cooler Lawn iweepar $l0. detlit S25. Table and • wheel• $12 50 e1ch. w4dt• lruntl 14(). 1eoo·1 Single bed hHdboaro lO lnc:tl lolld copper cv-HR 78-15 r1dl11 WW louvre mahogany shut-15 Two Fl'9ndl PT~ $25. 2 2-5 5 lug Chevy 7·1C>Md blender $7 As chalra MO. 813-3529 875--0e25 • Engllah B1trac:ll1 trvrni. $111. car recil S15 End epldor SS Forty old tire on GM wheel S35 tar• S 10 each New Cial canopy beda 135 pick-up 1o111 51n rim• new dog bed S7. Fl1h muCltl bruaMO. Semp-tablel20 RecordhOlder bran blow torch•• New B.78•14 tire lor 9x161n 1ou ¥re wood Heh Box aprlno. mal· S25. 3.25lnxl91n cycle bowl• S 1 1nd 12. VINYL lwtvef roc:ker $30. HANGING flxlurt Cbru1 aonlllmllneettecnecue cabinet 130. Gerbage 18-St2 HHYY old 14 apare SlO Two new 1nutters $1 Heh Ten treu $30. Four piece tire new S20. ·71 Chevy &«-sen ChHI ol dr1wert $30. and white lhade). SAO. l8. New half combl 8 for dliponl ,25. Sllurday Ind\ coppe< chatting pan 7., •. 5 tires. helvy duty tables S20-$SO Orgp leef corner group pin uo. pick-up right door SSO. ELECTRIC razor S un-Encylopedla bookcaH Stenoty~ l•O. 711RPM 25c. Patio natural 011 •nd Sunday. 241 H1no-S7 j/12 Inch brat1 lire ror triller u .. s20 UMd m1pl1 dining $50 Un-Wicker headboard 110. 191n King 0 Lewn eel-SIO. Piaper back boc*1 rec:ofdt S2 each. Record hHter fire piece S10 ..,., Drive Coeta Mau nozzle $4. Twenty solid 800-14 lire $10 UHd lque art deco oek coffee Oven hood $5. TllrH char 110. Refrlgereto bHm, alao Rem Ing Ion 20c. Blue item 10 oz pteyer 136 Squlrrel cage U""'ue Old all wood t>et>Y • . 8ra11 and coc>pe< ke1-7 0 0 . 1 • II ,. $ 1 0 II b I e $ 2 O Un I q u • draw er 1tuden1 dHk dolley s35. ·se Chevy cordleU late model s 15 gluat1 e for Sii. 4 oz fan '25 Color TV 135. ~ S50 Uirge .. WEBER BBQ $ 15 Wet llH. m1ny llghl• and &4~614 2•1nx20 mirrored tnpllg-$15 Six dr•-c::n.t of pick up hood, fender. Md\. c:Mh. 848-11" cher at-8 for 11.50. Electrlc 1ander I 10 lectlon of lnteree1lna end •ull. mena. amall $15 lamp1 from avery er1. -me With Intricate worked drawera 120 French door S35 eec:h. ·73 c... 20 INCH Box fan. Roll Tt1e11no-MNe S3 War· P0t1ableaewlngmedllne unlquewoodencheWaf« Surt board $50. Fiber· floor . fable celling FOOD Procenor. La metal lrem• $25 Fun Provln<*Nb\IM btcllSSO maro rear end 1 50. 1round type, 2 1peed ming Irey $2.50 Ct!Md'1 125. Folding chalre S2 home or office $4-S50 4 gi.. mat 36ln Wide $1 $4-$50 Greotfvl 421n 5 Machine. model 3S.-$25 ti gn11d Adv clocks eacn Ooh 20c-SI Stu1· Chevy pick up brake $26 cut\. &4$-1195 p~aph $8 Ptc:ture H eh. Badminton rec-oak rockera s 20-$SO. y1td. card tibia cha.lf'I H11 Chrome me>Oern table calh GE Aotl-le and S 10-138 33 Inch SH· fed 1n1m11a 10ln to Sft. druma Si5. Overload S3. Girt ad~ 7·10 quell S8 pair Tennla P•I< good tlnllhed old (4) 110 MCh. Cit rampa lamp S21. SOiid Copptf broiler, clean $20 cath food clock $25 l61n 25c-S2 Trim rid e I $35 '78 cn...y COUCH '15· Stereo $20. $142. Women a dr ..... racquela 120 and S25 golden oak dint chair• llktMWl12. Bowtlngt>•H hang hurricane lamp $7. &46-1195 round Telecron $9 blcycl•·IPHdOmeter ~k~~ rea; lllder 135. Recllner chair S25. er... 10-t• S1·S2. Hair blow pair. Folding table pad $50. Antique ~lokjlng Ind C&M $t0. Golf ci\lb Antique dnk lamp po-ROLLS Royce of weterb· Autnentlc 1n1p1 n11ch S25 Ro11sw1y bed $20. 564-7185 lamp1 S5. C loth•• dC'yer $3.50. Hair curllng S15. Antlquee lrontlone double cnurch pew SSS. carry rack $2. 85 HP lllMd brut ltllde 128 Id mittr .... "Wivec:rea1 cover llble S35 New Sky booll, dlfferenl a1J:ea 10c-S2. Metil kitchen Iron 12.50. T~.,. dllhll $2·S25. Shelf $40. Two Sw.c!llh mlde aov· Mercury outt>ottd motor 40ln table lamp and king aln" sso Include• Erlcaon y1Chls IOlld IHk $2 21851 Manallal ~. RECLINER S35. Patio cabln111 110 Rocking pudding dleh'• e lor 13. Wood toott 12-$20. 2307 Bradtord hard wood p1rta, electrlc II art. 1hede S 15. 750 wall hMter, tloM Ind nome or mehogany cablnwey Hunttnglon Beach. umbrell• SS. Blthroom chair I 15. Toya 5c-'3. Power 11..tng MMmbly Francl1co Ori¥•. N-· flreMde chelfa MO MCh prop $5-S35 Small Phot094tnlc ¥artely beem for llUtng 32 Piece Sto-ladders. one to • 119P9 968-6070 counter top Imitation Baby b•f5 S ~5 C~rn $20. '52·80 generator port BMdl Child'• hardwood rodes """"j boat tr1ller Ian· ltege lighl S24 Grecefvl newer• pottery Ht, In-ma k • n • n d 1 om a T v 120 Biii 15 S50 ~::::.::n·s~~o!!~-~~r~•;10 co~,~~11/. S2S. 1974 ~Piece. $9 Old 511 1olld oak cs.11 SS etch. 5 gallon 11• Ilda bf ... Ind~ eludes Hrvlng pieces ~~~~!h:•1v~•0!?·:::r Copper piper~~ 110 mutar touter oven. ~148 g NEW 811 •lldlng g1aa1 MOWER $40 Bike $10 porch awtno 115. L0¥11y E¥1nrud• gat tank $15 ::4 gl~t:'°1no ~•me> and coffee pol. oa11y lights line and fittings for c1n. Whll• Bind I door tint glele. bronze G• motor $6. Sdlwlnn old wtngbec:k muctl tlrie ett wood 91ep ladder llO brand ~ r~ •m· trim pettatn 135 Wicker 10c-S10 New ~ nylon snoes. Ille 9W S5. Tz-cl~.nlllOl~u4o8~~ cCl0•:1~1~dg EVAPORATIVE portable no iurdwere $50 : cn.tlMr SSO. 2oeo Stet•. wood ahowl~g. nHd• 2 Englllh golf ceru S10 *18 ~ t~ II lam~ atandlng lamp 15 line 15c fool Danlorth pewrlter atand I . a.tr eoolef, 2 IPMd $35. 642-8724 Cotta Mau. Follow Oak upholt1~ $50 s.t of 4 Heh. Hand edger $3. • · n qua • woo 642-6339 alter llam all Child' h " ~~·Cameo Hlghland1, Aleo •Ingle •Pffd 120 home 11ter lpm. old her wood· loldlng Schwinn glrl1 10 apeed ~~or limp S~~ovely Corsair boa1 comp111 • P onograp . .,.,,one del M SONY h d ..,.... caat Iron .._.. 11mp W'lell. S28. Two double wooden need• work 11 Roller ------"-·---1 c:ath. 646-1195 alereo •• Ht BOY'S ••x.,..... ""k .... ,. ohalrl 125 A_.._ __ .... bike StO. Left front fen· S block• end iacl<le •2•. akete1 11. Croq·-1 ... 18 50 J c P.nnev bten· ... '""n .... • ........ d . "~-• 7 der MG Mlget S50 Right 28. 33 Inch mulll·COI· D 0 ME I h. p. d 1111 n • .. .... GOLF beg $3. New golf NICE truck dolly $760. ~'5 CNtchel S4 2-2 Blttec.rrlerfortheb9b)' tron1 4 r1Mrm8"ogM)' and left doora ind win ored llghled lake Cap-gla11 llght fl1t t ure 8•3 w 15th St , Co••• $1.50. kle c1'1Mt111·12. held covera S3. Ice Sm111 Sky kennel $4. ..;...,. t10 9.ch $4. Cit top carrier .8. dr...., $39. Many anti-MOM....; pucclno m1chlne nell 181nx 181n. red, grHn, Me .. Orlval• reald~ Stutt.d anlmala 10c>-25c. cream chll,. $12 Met\ Pair end teblH $3.50. way ometlc · 8.451114 tire on 5 hole qua wooden trunk•. dow ....,,,, .,,... deco piece S15 E1tc••· blme, 1mber S35 cuh between Placenll1 and Baby food Jar• 2 lor 10c. Bali ROH china $25 Pair leather bool• 8~ ::=:Mil _..:~ wheel SI Schwinn 5 box •• ind ch••U ~25 H eh. 779 1J•rn, 1en11848Admlfalcombo 646-1195 Monro'lla Slr .. 11) Sat· Book• 25c. Cloth•• ROH oil p1lntlng $50 S350 Plc:tvr•fr.,,_$1 St4 T'*':,ig nxtt:" apeed wh••I 11.50. S2·t50. Low wooden vo!.!)• .. ~7•!7•08 ••• rldlo phorlo ,,8 Good urdaye.8. Sundiy I0-5. 10c.S3. Goll ball• t3 New dfY bed fttl~ covw M · · · brend lhlrt · wo • 545-31311 truM, nMt con. table .,.,. ·""" "' w h · h TWO boy• 10 •P••d do11n Clean nrewOOd with boltt l40 Oull-en• name • S4 H oh. Queen bed $25 Thlny'1 needle point ebcor P onograp blk• 271n. wheetl. Sch-2S0.$2 Kit lhltntte tad lull bed~ wltn $1. Man·a drHa pant1 frarn9 on ca.tOft $10. ANTIQUE chelfl $15425 . ...C.rtc heat~ foot 11oof TIAES: 1 10-10.5 120. 1 $10 Saye carry 88Q 01 wlnn v1r111y $50 Japan-GOOD uMd tlr ... no llcM S 1. M'an '~ulll U . lharn $15 Antique toof 32 ind 34 $1 . Box of New1Mthtrbootl,atl!l8 Antique dOOf'I SSO. '*-$20 M3 W t5th Street 750-1$ on 8 IUG wheel camc;iflre 11ert gel,$ pak He bike 135 Men'• w11r Slngl11, M;cnelin 8 4 SI d Sun- 50c-$3 Boat bum er! Chrl1tmH decorat1on1 1 12. ClotllH 26c-15. hat $1-S10. Olat1wat• eo.ta MM4i Privater. $30. 2 11·15 latm lmpte. SOc. Huge Mlectlon of c.nturlon LA Mana 120. ~ :s1.81~ ~ ~ 4 S ~ ~: d~y~Mon~:'; ~~·1y 31, S10 Anchor and ~Ina $3. Nlt:e table lamp ShOel. putM 50c. Baby S1·St0. Mlrrota 120-$35. ldence betWMn Plecent· menl on Chev II lu~ fireplace Htl $7-125 S m111 Ian 121n U . 175-70•13 $15. D70x14 $10 . Belt tri $20 Elec-S2.50. 536-3282 dotMa 5<>41. 780-4914 Coll• c II b I e •I 0 n • le and Monro¥1e Streett). wheel• $25 Hell, wit Handwoven belch hell 644-&919 S 15. I •5-25x 1 $ 10. :::;~ ~-':!..~ trlc ·-S3 Wat_; 1111'1 MAPLE Chell $35 Stu· Corona cMf Mer. S211·$60. Clothing 1148-01311 Seturd-e-e VW edec>lera. 870-15 St. &Oc. Ell~llenlt round I S I 0 H78w14 SI"' Melching REFRIGER•TQR Cold· S 0 · ... d s c 60c st Antique harcf· 8 • .....i~ o-5 230-15 t10. 1 JR78-15 chrome ... ra b rd cege DESK 35. of• 1 A " .. 1 . Electric organ -· enl dHk 35. halra STEEL plpewt•IC:Me 181n • · • _..,., 1 · · S 1 0 . 1 7 5. I 4 I 5 . 18. Sky kennel $15. Se-Delk chair $10 Chair G60x14 on 4 hold turbo lpOI 2 door. lroatl ... Mlnolt.• camera with fllm $20 uc:h. Twin mattteee. S 17 H Ch. 241n . S23 ~:~· C:t~7:C:: CHARACTER •prone. Cf'7901• 18. 1SS-13 $8. lectlon °' Ylnteoe-.ctnc 110. love ... t $25. M.-IPHdway m1g1 $50 S50 ~MM S26. Helf dryw h . lndlen frame sso. Vanity <Ire.-HCll. Hin. 135 HCll. a handmade $20. ~ 175-7o-t318. 64o-13 $6. lan1 much br-M-'45. 111 c1blnet S 10. Toy• P • Ir co m p I• 1 • dHlgn hlO rug '12· Mf, bench S50 Rclewey 12-3eictenalonoont91 t7 dey and aun.y. eta1ted decorative )en. 2 018·13 and and 2 Antlquelndvintegedoor 50c. Book• 26c HCh 2·185·80x13 '25 pilr. WEBER Barbecue 110. Electrlc celcul1tor S15. bed SU. R1ttan twin $11. S1. 200 Amp 25o LACE 15o-20c. Large end for hOme °' Qlfta. uaor-ve.14 on vw IMOl S20 MU end plumbing llx-Picture 18 TV Irey• 9x 18.5 Cnev plcllup rim 8 White myt Ind aewome 81!~u:d1 •Y1t•nd1 SuLnday. hH~boE1rdd·1 cbh,•lr11105· volt OOutMI pole tllMblll tm•ll llPP«• 15o-50c. t~ Ill• "-'10. Book• Heh 2 205-70-14 H turee of porcelain br... $2.50 Mt. Rope S2 Hc:tl. hole S16. 831-3701 •nv· chalra $ 10 Md\. Laroe ...... P ca rn •n•. ••c · n • • · dl1conneot l a5 ••oh. Meny button• 1c·5c. merka, humerou1 and alldl.'3 e&0-18 okj dod· and g11 .. St-116 Vin-Small hou .. w•r•'• time. mirror 34 11151 SH). Huntington B ••ch· Wool carpet $25. Lampl 1 J. I 21 n . 111 1 21 n . • n d ><a-'81 25o-50c. tl: lndlvlduellted 15. Cell oa r1mt and tlf'el S30 a.ti. teoe wen meolclne cab!-50o-12. Sleeping bag $3. SEAR Coidapot $50. Two 84•· 1033. "3-2073 '6420. Stw radio 125. 1 ~ln.111,0ln. plumbing aoc. Dolls 6C)c..125. after eem. 54t-eot6 i..n f'llall beak vw bug r'9t with out Glau d4tli0n Nllll '3 eech box. Nlghl =-::---:---:"'.=-~- MP bHullful decorator Recordl 50c42. Gemee nlpplH St MCh. '4.ln. Mnnll~U. ..., W . Nght low baclc mirror 115. le Ind! ge.1-atand $3. Telephone Royal vacuum S35 eectl. TV oonlOle •t 120. Man aoldtetf5'1Hetitlall$50. 250•12· Luggege 15. alum6nUm llell M 20c ft. clothH 1 lu !8-20 BOARD, gemH 1ac-s2. type 3 1eat 130. val'llnd 1tMI U.S. mall table $3. Beby clothu Two lady 3 ~ blkH andladlelHuftyblcydee 770-4141 Back IHuH. Popullr 11n. etee1 fla at 30c fl. 2&o41. Olttlee 10c·l1. Compu ter game1 645--0l34S box• ... Heh. 8 Inch 50c·S2. t&fl Orch1rd. 516 end S30. Four Brl· 145 Heh. Couch and Sclance IOc eedl. 1 MM Hand OC*Med winch 17. 3'..., old OWNl'9 126. llOc-$2 Portable plnbell Coor1 cerarnlc m0tter Santi An1 Height• O .. tone ''51111• s5o 5 IOve IMt 146. "8dlol10. SINGLE wllet bed S30. n'IO¥le eamer1 $25. ¥1 HP Aoe>e Wn. et 10c ft. Or· Laro• table redlo H game 110. TrMI 191110. DESK UO. Wirt bllc• and pe1tle •12 Vintage 9,._7900 man 1an1 $30 Small 1747 s.nta Ana. Coate Faclt typewriter 125. electric molora 125 eedl. cult ~11.25 ..:f\. Men'• ehlrtt 25o-11Po'. 3 11!ate boerda '5·H b11ket 14. Qued cine auto llghtt Ind ·~ apartment 110¥• S25. Meaa. CofMr dee6t fH. Tell tllOa Diane Lene.. Hew>-• • ,• ~OI ta'-. ~ .... , aao ca. Ductc ,..., .,..... fine 1111, 111. Wec.ter'1 unabfid• rlee 12-145 61n. br ... 1MO'S RATTAN atllldtng 278 Avocado ~lrH1 , --------- table IM'IPI (21white18 porl BHoll. 81turday. ~pipe 'Mn. 30o mella Lw. c;,.. Mee&. Churotlhllf niedfum fine oad cflctlonafi. 2n4 .0.1-Oat* wfnctil'lleld •pol• lamp 135. latO-rattt1' co.ta Mela. 641-610 Whet I 'NOi~ W.,.. MCtt. "2-71N Sundey Mpm. "· ,,.,. 40o ft. Ptoe ban-SetunSay ~. 111. 3 •lot car tracttt ilon H5. 0th., P,>ook• Ught 1 12. Old g•aollM el\elr '36. Oak office IP•lll'llm ot Shopping, right et SCHWINN 8Ung Raye $30 BUNK bed lr•rn• with ... $3 end t4. f~ • 1·H. lleetrlc toot ball llOc-$3. 8lo Shot Poleitoo biml hand ow puinp, delk '45. Or...., '15. ..,. your tlnotrtlpe --~ ..at\. Baby ttema· 8..-... drlWtl'I underneath 126 twitch•• IOo Hoh. l'llH tOdl. ,..... t&-15o U . A9motll contl'Of car Id '3. Elaclrlc hMt• 18. llOM end braH nonle M~ living room Chelf knoctc• ~~en ttl n0~ Dally ffllot Cl111lfl9-d I 0 w k s . i"'V l:tt-2837 . PldtO"""' bulb PtOteo-T kl Uc 12 loOki 110. AM radlO 13. !Jao-funlemp 11. Weier Plk •as ...,oe MtectlO Of &a&. Or...ing t•ble Ind UM r"u -ge nq • y Adi. To pteoe ~ ed, ~ ~O:,, 20· aby tora 40o •ectt. tcrew 1:!~. ittcf1" ,,..,_ trontc lll1 S7. Tumt.,.. 16. N•w vtlour robe ant~ and Wit :1.rm mirror $3&. Mahogany Piiot ~laHllled A~~ cell '42.atfl Md • a '20 91 t c1'rn~ COFFEE table 1 12 Otlk drrv.t IOo MC!fl. N.. 60o-H . Seturdey 9-3. ........ 4" t8.ll Ford INClt •1t. Other ledlea ~ end' kUch•n 1:r. a nd box wllh wrlllng alete '-::.!' the Orenoe ~ M->vt.or ._ ea.ta ...... 141-71117 • end t•bl•• 110 HOh. hald hat 13.60. CWCUl1 2tt IE. 1lttl lcr.t. Cotta whael917 Mdl. 4-11 L16 11-m. Qo4f ~ .. OOfttalnen 2&o410. M3 S20. Wood COit rick m ~ M2 ~71 __ )'OU_.-------- Stereo turne r 111. break« boll .. 13, H . ......_ Imp tlrH 120 each. e~ ••· LMlher boott, w tltll a tr .. t Cotti •11 e.autlful clock In • - 31 INCH wtdedfnlnt table Phono s 10. ~SS 17. •·Wood~ dftl Blanket• 11·12. Olth'• 1lu 1 U . Perr H• MM.(~ ,-..IOf g:; c.ue 135 Wick« ,..,;:., 0.11'~ ~,., 1)-C Ka.• ... with 2 ohalr1 •48 . H eh. 2 JBL lt)ul!era ~ M . 11. 111. Com-WN mower needl ~ too-t i. 8tull rooking through e1.1rtaln1 112. ~twten Pleoenui i nci ceee 1211 l'*O ,.,. ""'° O"-l'GU ~ .. -. ~(f"v ...-142"6675 S20 MCl'I. Hend ~ pr....O air fine water tao. New w .. o .. ter Of'* MO. CloWno, "°" .... J.,... cuttery... MofHovl• • ., .... ) tan ohelfa•7 llO fOf bOth. .-... GAY .. - PORTABLE dl•hwutter. beige dra1>9a 40rtdtt ....., ... Whn19elln0t t 11 . toe crHm mailer ~ 80o. Bore~. •a. Ptctu,. frame• S3. Mf.0135 a.turd.; t-t Two rauan bar ,1001, 0 ...._ """"' ., .,. .--'°'·---•la*""'. ~1.....,. 120. Mr. Coffee MM« ti. 11. St. ~In. ro,. 112. llowMllf19. P9llo Ilk• P•rt• ll·H. 141 Curling Iron 11. Hair lundey t0.5pm ' 110 Mefl. T-.o end lat>-•-.~ -• .._ -...., ta. Warln9 Julc•r H . ~..,... ... Dou-UfftilNft 112. eoncw.1• Tuten• Ao1d, Cotta blow•r I,. Co111er1, _ · 111 t tO ooh. 0 011 .. i.-.. """' ._ ..... _. .'t{" BROWN twHd b1rra1 SOde Kint M . ltroctet btH-II, frlpl .. I 11. ht nnot IOc I*,.,., ~·••· (College Park). poaleu IOo-H. NHr tTUDENT dllk W . l'loor table l!O DoQ t1ouM &5 ~ '°""09 °"*MO. Ledlea ..,...., °'*' 11. 8dlldc atiaoltlH lt•H. 4ft 'rend'! doot'I 116. GY!tl laturctay and lundey AdafTll a11d luatlerct. terlill>bef t10. Veouum looflcaM t lO Meple I S T t f( U P I 1" "' ._.ill w_,_ T~ oordlHt a"a"' 112 • .,._..., bet'r9' ... IO.~ 8'11 ~ ctlo I.IP II. It.int ~. Hunt1n.1to11 IHotl . ..,.'20. M .. boxl2. ~hablet.20. MlhoOanY I' I I I I _, } -. .. 12 -Ladlea ·~ ~ cMfft bfftcter t14. 100 aoo .... txt? llnot9ifm MCTAL foot tock• 111 "4-1,U ... 10em. Motor H . Pipe fltt~ lftd ..... 121. MWTot M. . . . - . ''*'··· ~:':.~~en-; :=;•:.:;. ·= :f = ==-= ftO· =-=:rr.:; = ~ .. ~:: TY'iWAITEA manuel, ::-.:-:'\'51':° ~= = l S 0 LO E I ' l , J """*" ....... ~ .., ..... A'" ... --°' t11. aoo..,. UOY,.,.. i'ii. ••!!,OyOI• 110. TrMk Ur•~. 11: =·"~·.:~~~ e~ac Kenii. .-..c.. Ho. ClothH 18C·S3 I I r J' • . " (l• '-J MldlwmllO.Man•~ N ...... OOftll .... N-, .. t•r •otlll•t anf main ~,...Ne~ "'°"'""'**""*"* CMft 141-ttM corMf of Y~tlOft Ind l•\urday, Sunday . ___ •. 1 -I: 'llM ....... tw ....,, 7to.O.,t C•rona HI brMk• wtt1' be9 12'. Mredl Md,.., to,.. 600·13 lar etoor 11 • KtnlM). t :IO-ll. IOH Fuflefton • ., u .. oe 11n1n1 au. Mir. _ • _ 1•..,. ......... ---t8P" '15c·t1.IO. H15 11.,_.· .._.11 ~ KAYAK rouat1 ..... new ClL~tatc Hin Aoed A¥a. Cott• M .... on ~ S' 0 g UTIT 1 or111dl'llotfl•1tr M•loe: 111.-.., .. v°"'r':' ••HIND tll• '"' ... ~-"" ........ Weeket =Lene, N~t 11.a.-c.i °"""" ... .., ......... ,.... ,,...~bit • ...; 1M1-Nawpon.W.,1•--;~~a.:..-== :-.... an ..... DI .... "°· YtlOw, .... ·~·~"'-=: , hlurdly . Toa1ter 13. AM clock I .. MO. Min'• Md .. Jlft,..,~ I,, I. ,, I r I ~ lel'ltnt,..i••-=,..., ..... -" --,_ ..._ MCMI ....._ llll .::'.ft t'll tildl. IO INCt4 boll• I ...... rMto '1. alecttlo oet· OV19' TOO Ulld MMlllfl,. ._ __ l4peed ..... N!W'c1oot9:1New louftt -ell '8Cll wtllft '"" .,..,. ... O.MllM y...._..,.. ft-1ur' tJO. ~.,, VF ...J ...... _ Cl9M ltl. 141-1111_ : 1•~,. 94. Tre*'" Moll bOotl•: IP1rft11at; 1'""49• ettttle wottt 110 •dOOrl t-toiite. 1.211eo, I .. z O ll E tl Z .,,[.,-." L . IOI M ·~--.... '"·a..... nt-W ...... ' LU• f tct ' d rode ... ~ --lndllft> '*""-~. ertcl I" ~. Ueect ti+" , • .._. bl-fcMd lftllftl I I ' r I ~ r • ~ ............... .=., llllilll -..,.., ...,-ti .... ,.. L • r CMOl1tl \a, 8~"1 ... ~1 ••·Ho. HouHw•r.. 'ar•P•ref'tof~ ~.,. oyc" ,.,.._, tlfoutm1 a1'"..-.144-'* : d :":;,..:. .. ":1.:C -.... e.Jt• '~ . ,. .... ._ ,.. l""9t 110 ..... Mlted ltl Dlfi ....... T• end 9IMll8 ........ _ Diiie. '°°""' "-......... ~· I \ ,l ,.. c---· •. ... E ... '" D=\L~~ loon a"'•":'!! uo: ........ cirw lirend, tlo-1~. l:"'b = w.::::.•"°'":: v••·•~a::.:.•blna\ Oo,:f or'.~~,::::·~~~ ;~=:Ol''f f'r'f ··r f·· ~''f f ~\ m ..... tr•r•d-.4Mlld ~Mr; f!!1 ... ~ ... ....., ... 1,tr=a = :lf.n"•W.1M\, !'"''°"'°'~ f.:i1tt.Cof'nertabte ==~i--: : -• •: .._. .... ,... ........... I ..,._ OllllJ ~I Pl:== f,'i' ~ ..... (tOO'll ~.. -Ooeta ...... (AOfOH Ii Hie MtH, Hit eJ 111, ~ dclf 1flllCl9 , s: .,_ , ' .... .... ..... ·....,.. ..... ,_. ~_;' Oo~•Hf't, IOO eary LAMl CIMoe dallli tao. from llator lro••· ,._.°" ~...., ....... Aluro, .._ :; ~ I '• -~ ...... 71to111fr _ --~-_~ ~ ...... ,.....,, lwf\._ 1IMIJI -MMITI et l1MDf7 Mft. , Ana...._... .. , .. ?I •• Lftl luiJWi II'! 1•1•U. - I .. ' -. . - --~_.._--..:...0.--------~__;..··--~~~~~~---......... ------._.,,_._~-----~·--~----~---..,_....--........ ..__.-.. __ -== ' 1 I o;eng1 OOllt DAILY PILOT/81aturd1y, July S1 , 1981 Cl llJ:f.::~ i..,f ""~· aw '1!.'h.ftr.!. .... 11.ff llA'IC.!!P.fi ..... l!ff ltl!tttl# ....... IJ!ff -:!'d=.., W.L1 1n'!e. .......... llM h.'1.'1.i~ ...... ~.'.~1.!~ ...... ~.'.'!!l.!'N!!.1#. ..... . •• m~ ••••• ~ •• ~.fl!!r ••• ~eT Cl•HIO 11' Lapetr•ll• ... ll'YAN ou11om ,0 IAILIOA .. D: lallrlclef a .:ttl'.:n·.P. ••• 1.~!f .,. TOYOTA PICKUP ·-11U ,,,,.. 11 ... ,, 1111 l300 XerolC CoS>iW nsw Cl"UNOIG fl ~ bey bolt. " oyl, Ct\llter. ONO heed ''" mot old New lttt M * •IT 111.L * mr. .... •••••••••••••• ••••.-.•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • 11180. ' • radio. 111~1~:! ;~~~ O~. '31C>O. 11H111 frig, 101cMc1. 0 Trlr. Very Now' aeit.111 MM44i ·~t Oll:t"~o,n,.. Motor tport ,,.odel, greet ml-·n uoz. 11ereo c .. 1 . ·11 wao11 ,.2K. 11r, AMI 871-:Ml2, Moft..'rl IO·band Oflolnat PIO· •a· H Matttlewt twn del otean. lt500 or trade for ~ ome. I' . ltloe, cult. wNtll, dlll. 12700. l'M, ''°"· 14900, wntt• HOO Xero• NW king Ind. werranty • ...1 lrl1101. Live '1t>oerd: 1maller bo•t + 011h. WllllllPll 2•1479 Infe rior end morel s .. 1.11131 w/1111 Int. 882·1551 11780 Copier, • °""· to.aoo PP. (I U) (ttS) S'l'Ml11 11 Ptoe Arrow, 28'. al ... jl807M4) .iu.t llMd,.. '7112IOZ. enarp, lllek. air '81 CIVIC. dr, 6 ec;a', lit 17i-1412 Mon-Fri tta-1172 e 1e .2 6 e 1, ( 1 1 •) ..,,. •~i 17111 A motor~. loMtcl w/ lebl• party to m•k• eunrool 11.,90. 14800· Mull Mii. · -----·---· _ , 780-1171 " -New and u .. d cuttom •t ..... HOO ml, ta1,t80. 111'11111 monthly pmt1. No 71•17t0·8031 111400 S&e-eott llM tLECTRONIO 80 Ty· 11' Paoktrd W conlOlt . Q.,,., lflf equlpmtnl. Matltolt PP. 617-353.t old oontrllCtl to MIUIM. ,,_,tter 1~ Yf9 old llkt OOIOf IV, antlqlle wfllte, IKIPJAOK 24 It. OPIN •••••••••••••••••••••• Wlndeui'flng POH tiouth No beclll pmte. due A111 111 I I 01fP1 1881 Hond1 CVCC, Whitt new, lnol • element• WOl'ltl, t100, 548-0317 ~ .. u1a.1At • 13011 H1P.1 dtlelelot Ill a.at ...... I ot Newpt. itvd. bettl1'CI 1!~ •• t;r.,.~tlJJf tor Ao•t Ul·••oo. IALlll-lllYlll Showroo,;, CO!\dlllon vtrY olffn, Auto TrM•., 1176. UO·IOllO or Ou..., Poft1.b1e 11" Col. ""'•• u: P o • o • Newport. 714/~t~llOO. Moped O It 'I . COlemtn llOhl Welgtlt tent SM-1001 .. roto UM. 4.l&lml Derk blue/Ian lnlr Fully AIC, Stelto with Cau 15'2-t211 Of TV, .... ttlln 1 'ff old, •tru. U ,600/otr. 4M-4toe 11.,...2·1400. treller, May pull wltll any '17 Chev truck, HO en· 131·2041) 48MMll equipped. Xlnt c•r & In· =.~~ ,!,~l!nd U76..M ... 711 M2~eYet. ...,, a.JI Ma emell ..,, Allclng aeoo. 01ne. New bfak", mul· IAllUllM.. vutment 1111.000 "" 1#1 Alrtlne ttweo, 2 epeek .. , 17' 8t9"M V-drl~, UI, •••••'•••••••••••;" ... ';';' ,,,,,, IU,, Alt e. 1112-0011 tier, tllddle ttnlll ... uni 20402 l\4argu«lte Pkwy 720· 1&e& ~11's::a& ~-:.o~ch= •••••••••••••••••••••• Good condltl 1300 440 Chryeler, many 18' Hobie Cat. )'tltow wt ,.,.. 1111 23 ff~ wonc1OfMI.11400 ' MNJl!on VleJO '74 D•teun 1200. pr~now.16013 13 llrm. PIGEONS: Rollet1 and 64._..15 on. · xtrat. Mullt ..-..500. teq. eunrlM 1alt1. Like •••u••••••••••••••••• trollt kit II b lg ~~lg, 11112·7803 (Avery Exit off 1·51 good cond 19115 C e 11 An 1 Ad 11 8112 ~ (fancy l(low 6"8-0802 MW. 12500. 87M1t1. BOAT SLIPS AVAILAllLI!: ...,....t ootJ ' ao '· '?O ~ I Ood~ Oi;•KI Sundt'f9 5311-3008 1142·4300, 24 hrt birdt). U each.~ S6 Solid walnut Packard Bell 1815 29' Owen Cabin N9woorl lleach· 2&' 21' ... -. • on up, ---· each. 6'2-4163 tttrto, radio, phono Cruite< _. head -·10 Columb6a at, *3,0001 3&' l 40'. Calt t4t.4t.4• 6'f.toll0, 63Wt05 loaded..t.~!--.:: · a2400 ~ .19LJ~ 1880 D1ttun 3 10 OX JUHi ,,,, Q1iecklHI be by duck, 1100. Xlnt 5't-0311 lev. MtY equip. NwPI 8c:tt w/Mlp, "'ownertNp. c.n from 8 lo&. '1"1111. l/llJlt. II• 080. ~1. ~9'. Ya.I' 81ue/Blut Int . llewltH •"••••••••••••••••••• ~ oo Obi. Stereo Cabinet • 1 f1 p , u 11 • st 0 0 0 . 7.epm. 64)-72t0 .o· Balboa "--... ..._....._ •••••••"°••••••~••••••• ·ee Ford Pldcup, 11200 or 5......_ •. _ ........ 1 _......_ cond • 13850 AtklN•d 78 XJllL, Sible, xlnt cond ' ;,,, ... ;.. • -.,.,_. ,..,._ Tilf'M llli. 5tll wtlMI flat t d I t 11 _,_,....,......_.. 641·7246 LOtdtd 18.000 PP ...... lhtlYtl, IUlt new. Datt! M2-t274 b6t na. '275 Agent. -• ra • or •m Y cir 'I• 120I' •~ ..... l 11• •"7 1037 I d 17 ••a ,.· OO· ,:.,. ,..,. bed tr .. ter wllool boxM, 146-1459 • I 99 -· ••r••t/ ff •J _ ..... ., . Cocttatlela. Baby Alblnoe. '11 n e o ak. 00. 11178 20' &!Ip.lack. •STAR •6221 --1 • ,_,...1....., comprHlor & ladder Nlot e.ttctlOnl '' • • -------$40 MCI\. 75f.120e VOivo "-'ta. ()wi., I 1895 k'lc:ludtng tflr Wanted· Sllp for 25 It. rack S8l500 """7450. 1973 Ford Truck, 360 1 * '1112CI0'2; 4 lj)d • tn/r1 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• 979-llMI WWli. on.. Set •t Npl 8ch 97f.i275 botl to n, ...... btd, pwr (817PV8) lllHI oetm'I •u•H• Oil• n,1 --------... ,. I.,,.. N 'w Port PI c 111 c '711 Erlc1on 25+ fully ~ ee2:21ea ll'1tl ' Utlllty TriUer, 1275. dump, VI. 4 ipd trant '* '711 :1201. euto., AIC lllf AnHIUZll ••••••·;,•l••O•-.;,;.••••••• "'-I 4-u1 '"' L..I I 6'6-3880 I I I I Gary 144•7711 rtblt, duel whit. k.lmbtf (6411T7~()) FEllllllll ""' ••••••••••':':t......... :':1:'..f!• •qu pped nc udln9 n-Frff dock tpace In t i!· Ai,. •---'-...... rlldl, '3800 557.()058 ..... '1" 3 20!. • ........ •--WIWll .... --------•1•••• • •••••••••••••• '57 Ch 1 'Crt11 Capri tll' boatd di..t4. •llP •vall en•""'"' tor uM of J>OWf( _...,.,.. r•n• • • .. ,..... ..,_ .. S.autllul .18th Century ...,al 1111 verl r ,'.,, ,.110·,.d • 124,600 559-0421 or -,-:ii boat under 20•. a .. ,,_:..,,, --Mu•1 NII ·77 F«d Step-~I (77, llYPC. I IULDUIP1 FOprioTn• Include tn AM I Bottndorttr concert ;;:~i;d~·N:~i:;i,~~:i~: Sii 0 0 0 r b It 0 fr : Stbot, "00d condlUon, 117~200 •• ~.':!' •• :=!' ••• ~ tide ·~ T. Snr1. wide llrM, • llO 3!201, 519<1 .. an/r1. I~ ~ IM I ,"~~-Bo~~,1· ext re grand, ROMWOOd 1875. ttruclOI' on my• own bollt 6'5-llCIOO " 13 Utll11y truck bed wlloctllng • u I o , x I n t c o n d . (115!Z0 1':) ~ c ean " "" l7600.546-38MPP. wettltnd• untU I llNltY n~·er~1140'° Of bit ... ,, l,.MI bone w/roo l rtck. 1300 0 /bll. p p • llO !·2111, IUIO., tn/r1. DllLY S3lll ~~~~~~~~! .. I It" C II A Ad CABIN CRUISER & trlr, o tf. ii/ "" $260/btt olr. 831·85511 6'5·7230, 7~2 (41111ZOJ) Jll IAllll a.by Grand Plano, 5•8.. #~ 6'2~. 2~•,,,., 24' oldlt but goodla. SABOT rec. rigged, good •••••••••••••••••••••• Spr• 1 1 b 111 f 11 lf'•I Ul-1111 YOLllW••ii XJnt cond. 14000/btl. '3500, contlder trade 75 condition seoo: 19' Mercury 1IOHP. 110-. iy pan oo or rUI 'I' 2011 W . 111, Santa Ane 3 oo C - 5 .. ". 12 7 7 , wt 1 0 . or 711 Lincoln or Ced. 97f.41111 fl hi kl ft 1 131150 rant. ll5.60 hrty. 140 tor •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl ·-' s .. -.. 1 Wett 0 "1 Hwy 18711 Betel\ Blvd .. • -Ir 1 62'975117 1 1 w r ' · 3 11ra. 775-02711 '71 Dodge VM Conv. 0--"'"''Y Newport e.ac11 827-30« ttffn . °'"1 L LIM 1194-4748, 811~78 * lllT llU * CHO.CE INVENTORY 642-11405 Huntington S.tch PIANO . Rebll upright. fffftt Sen.,. 24' SEA RAY WHkndr 30dl...i..:.,.Slatptll. '71121' Howard Day Crul· O~~C~me tttP·UP SUMMERTIME FUNI Full VOLUME SALES fl•I f1Z5 Hl·2000 >Clnl lontt, nloe ceblnet. Pwr/lall '°'buy, tell, tin., wlSUP. All opta. Lo nre. $38,1100. Suu n M-F ttr. wt Blue-printed e,..2.230• velour Capt. C halre. & •••••••••••••••••••••• 74 Karmann Ohle. mini 1686. call 1147·7017 Int or donellon pur· Imm a o . S 1 2 , 9 O O, 752-71711 ClleVy 46-4 V-dr. S5,000 Matching Sof•bed Panel. 1171 fl•T 121 cond new headliner, po .... CAPT. LARSON, 875-2t2t c •Im p n t Io b . Call)el, /VC, Auto., Low • rugs, aheeptkln covert. L=~ :::.be:.'.'·.:·:~ .~~Ir. s~. ~g.; 21' Ski Boal 11171 model 2:·0~~,!~~b~~:p~3·g~?: ~ t 4 . 800 I btt of r . ~ ... '!!.m.~l!........ MllHI (1Ell3058) Jutt I 0 I • e L l IE I ~,.°::'. ~~~M .. r=. brushed alum whll, •Itel appreciate. 12911. 71"-'854-NOll Waikiki, mini Cl'\ll-. 455 1175--0815 11()..()8 24 mom & .... l~~=~~~Ol:f~ i:::.':1~~:~ !~~~,,~~ llW only 48,000 mlltl & ••• s'5~ri~'':.2~:~:r !':i MO-t079_ ~Ja&c~ ~nawwl ••• Columbll 22' SI"""'. •,..,,..,,.,,,,. pmlt. No old contrtcll Saltt-H•trVIC9-Leul~ c:.ptlonilly cleent Excel· wknd• Sc I -~ .. , ·--......,._ vo .....,... •• ;ii;-.~ •' ADVERTISERS N b k • ,.___ lent troneportt11onl A•· --------HAFER & SON vP<lght ... ,. #.'-J--treller. $11500 OBO . mint cond Mu11 St•I ••••• ••••••••••••••• The price ot lltml ad· to tt1umt 0 •0 .,50 ~' -"Bl · 111ng low wholtHle blue 65 Oti1a. fire damtQ8, -111 piano. New, ext-' tone, , u... 5 3 1. 3 9 1 2 . ho m • Wlntw Honda 7'~HP C..,.n, hi• vertlMd by vttllc:lt dee-pmtt due. Mil fO' Rott 'La Htbrt boolc at $1450 Cell Liii &e ll lot p1r1t Call bench, $1195. 147-7017 L.l--1 H11 te2..oo3<4. Lott of lltrat 15,1150. Int 1111 ler• In tht ~ clual· 142-UOO. 6511 -10011 IH·Ull 11 60-1786 titer 11 30 557-71112. even1ng1 .. ::1':"~•··········· c • I I a I I 5 p M . •••••••••••••••••••••• tied advert ....... column• Proto LIM. OJltn Sund•y '• ,,,,• 2HP Johnton Outbotrd 1•· Alum. Flthlng Bott, 11•t"""•127• ·-·"' p.m on weekdays. all It••'• 11,I ...,_ llMAlan • .. .......... .. • * • dOH not Include a ny 'et v w POP TOP CAM· d k d II ::~':"'A............... motOI' ldtel tor Dingy« 11.5 Johnton. Oalv. tllt Nllm Miiii llPPllc:ablt taaaa, llcantl, PER. Xlnt cond Rtbll HUIH •m'I •y wt• •n ' no ..................... . ..:• SEWING MACHINE tallboat $275 17W732 trlr. many xtru 11295. Sailboat 24'/trlr 3 11111. 2317Comell0r. tranttar fHt, flnence eng. 12500 FIRM . ll.llST ~,;.~ler plHH kttp Kenmore 175. Cablnt 1 '110 15HP EVINRUDE 6'2·1025 -· ~~l~~U~~~5-~~~I Cottt Meta chtrQM. leet IOf air pol-~1773 model. Ph: '42·72114 MOTOR Power trim 13· Whaler. 40 hip, Mere. You ,,. 111, winner of lutlon control device --------~ lfM'*I• '-" llH LI k • n aw I 1 8 O O, wltrlr. & cover. $3000, RANGER 211' Exel cond two Ir ticket (11100) certlllcatlont or dtal411' A•,., flut.4 llH .., 1976 F1et 1:18 4 d1 xlnr cond, new t1ra1 Mu1t Ha S 1850/bll o lr 1142-1701 1531-42117 .r::::-:1.............. 6'2-70511 75~15, 1144-6480 price to M ii, N-port value: tht ' · documentary prept r•· •••••••••••••••••••••• NIL YAIU mooring 1vt11 548·7tt2 RINGLING BROS. tlon charg .. unltu WE PAY .. lllZI II 211' Flbwglt Ntvy Whale -· BARNUM & BAILEY otllarwlH tpecllltd by R;,u1•1~n t litt, tolld HP ,,,, ___ , "• • ..a&11a Boal. ()tj "'°'"'· 14500. -__.IMf TIP MWll o . m n cond. S175. 1500 ~~ &,o 842-7058 "' Stw Aa::tno 8looC> a ..... -~,,... · Treed Mnt 1 125. MUCH, 17' "C .. . C tr1r. complete Fair cond. Anaheim Converilloll A.l=r/ fll ISO A••s MUCH MORE. AVON Rtdttar lnft•tablt lualc 115 tirlt. t t t I 1110 0 t t k • 1 Cante< Aug 5-111 .-1-I It• _.... 1133-33111 boat. xlnt condlton. iup~r •gort •P«!._boat. 53&-4809 Long Beach Arena ...... ~............. &LAI Ill• 1350 ll4&-lllln wltr r. rlttol .••. 450. ,t, ...... 18•22 -. .. &"·' -••1•-••1 Scuba Tanka. U.S. Dlwr. . 552-4821 l'Yt meg. FLIPPER, 8' Sell Bott, ...., ~ _. ,._,_ - Twin 50 with J.Vtl'Yt (can ... ,, I.wt HfO complete, 1295 To cle lm PHIH . call Shay rapic:U; pld(upe & 2480 Harbor Blvd ti. -In Santt Ant ) ·····'················ ........ 1175-ettt 1142-51178, txl. 272. p.... COUP••· • to Choo•• COSTA MESA f)¥' ~~·I ~4" lflfll.~ ..,~., ....... 'iitfall._t)lilllll ·79 3201, sunroof. air.,_ pelnt. lllck. maot. CUI tier p e rt cond . 111500 /otr 831·4721. 11411-1000 ------ '79 Frat 2000 Spider Con· vert. Mtnt cono. tc ""· SllOOOlbtt olr 673-91711 WEEKEND SPECIALS 1200. 737-0618 tit llPM .. 111 0.y1lnar 23. Monterey 23' Seacratt, 1urbo di.. Racing S ebot,Jcfod ::'r~ .:~ lroml (001171111 (8111. Mt...atl Pool Table, Regulellon 1unbrldgt. Low hre. Nl,ADF.LO'an.2 radlot. d II I A3083) Prleetitanlng•I ut.1411 tower plank 3 t1•tlon con . new N . olllc• prior to pertor-Mf II -11 -lllt•¥•" elate top. Otk Showrm cond. Full crulM · • 1173-0422 manca ,.... --------·711 200••. mint cond .. nu flnilh. cues. btlla, COY« eccommod•llont. PP. ••••ring, too much to · WE llf Ur" a, brakes. AM/FM *FANTASTIC* * FIATS * HUG£ SUECTION PRE-OWNED 14'1 WU SI USll IW MUUI & pool lamp lnci. 11000 118,000. 17141 59a-1315 llal. lmmec. boet. 125, Udo 14, dark blue whit• • • • CHI., 10 ml, eerv re - • 080 752-3677 day 000 firm. 1175-78811; deck. 1979 Ullmen aallt, Dodge 811bbl• top cam-OLUI GAii C()(dl Sll700 or bit olr THE ODOR( ROBINS #•ttNn ••• 1140 951-353118 pm . Cluslc Itta!. mutt NII. 879-2840 cover. treller $2700 per. lea bo11, 1tove,, 1111 Tlllll 953·5701 FORD 11'11" South Co .. I Bty 586-8287 port·a -pottle 16,000, ------FIAT SPIDERS & Xl /9's MAlfY TO CHOOSE FROM .........•.••...•••••• • MERCEDES WAITED US Divert Cuttom WO· launch, II cyl gray, ln1. IN THE WATER 1972 Hol>MI Cat with trel· 536-4312 man'• dMng tult. llOod. )Ut1 rtnnlllltd 13500/btt lllT •-1tf & ---------• bootl, xtnt cond. 1150. otr. 1142-38311 _,,, cat box. New Lie .. Cempar thell th"'1 bed 2CJ60 HUllOR Ill VD COSIA MnA 042 0010 6'2-926' Auguet 1 & 8 good ... It. 11800 OBO, mutt NII, good cond'. ---------211' Chrfl Crell Cabin 17 MocMll 211' to 50' 4 9 3 • 1 3 1 8. t v t t $70 642-2304 Attention coltactortl 11169 Mu9t Sell: Swordftln gear Crulatr. eng & trent ,.... lllL t PIWll 581-4242, dt'f9 · EctMI Ranger In good COHMfll CHEVAOLfT '\.)'I! I'•' j• ' , . \ \' , . H t.-1 200 1100 Ptf Mt. bullt, recently relur· Alchtrd't. Newmar1I LIDO 14 111222 rtclng .,.,,.. llkn 1141 runn6nCI condition! NLY C4ll 6'6-7886 blthtd. bah tan61, rtdlo. Spindrift Yadlt• --•1e ~ r""'I~ "'·-•••••••••••••••••••••• 15501 Cell 6'42·2013 « 1·------11111--.....-~ ---------1 .,_ Ill I Id XI -• ·-..,. .. .,, ...,..., 'IO Veac>a Orandt moped ••• ..aa7 rr. ~ ..._port P nc · nt 2751 W. Coeet Hwy cover. trelltr wl ntw rtck Ioctl good eono'. .,....._.. 4. tf no ---· ~=. •L... ,,,, th • p • I 1 1. 5 0 0 = 8wf1 ...-.1 l l'""" 117 .. _,..,, •·~· ...£.. 1 ..... ,,..... u.p tfylno. Tot> doltttt fOf Sport• •• ~I.:'::":::'........ 1175-9565 ==.,: ,,.._., · """ -· -btt ...... 55 .._ -'-------;._.=----1 ~!~'. ::J~i Cempert, BEAUTIFUL 26" RCA 'M Luhr• wlttyt>f1dge. new '711 2&' Ai>Olk> A)'bttdge 2~ ~ "r,o ~· ...... , ... ; ·~ :::-i::e~ = Atk ft:J' UIC MOR Odor TV ..... 2 yr wmty tng, tr.ah -t• c:ooted. Sportllaher-225HP Vol· 873-aOH ' ' If••• flfl 13750. 21316"·1712 -llW 11~. Fret dtllllery. 350 Chevy $1 1,000. 1J¥1 vo, 9altey. httd, VHF, •••••••••••••••••••••• ·93 T-elrd .... 57'< -"IWIMI TV John't M6-17&e 1131--0111, -H0-813'4 RDF. CB. OF, FF. 120 s.bot 8' ftbtfglaM, reedy '81 Kawattkl 1150C8A. · -~. ,,_ ---------1·---------I . .-.. ,__._ .......... TV to u ll, row or motor und., &I< ml, llt1t new, ortQlnel. 12950. 18711............., 81 ...... Lrg What1~~5019Mke<t, 25' Wllflcraft. tit equipped '""'d,,,...•-,,y;~ •• ":'p .... H'un...,..,.tl"nton' la25. 11113-5272 $2000/btt ofr. 838-0917 6'&4389 _.., ...,, -I 0 f I 111 & 1 , 1 I I er . . . ., -HUNTINGTON BEACH ~I!! .•.......... !!.!! 1111 .... If 011111 •n Till• one It e.ltlrt c:IMn and h •1 an AM/FM . (9131) ... , 12111 ,, ... YOUIWllll 187 11 Beech Bllld Hurttlngton 8Mlcl'I Ml·HM Capri II 19711, excellent cond.. new clutch. tlr• '2500 (714)536-1280 '77 FIAT 124 SP10ER 5 8')d, at.,eo c:us. Dk Green, Beige ln1 Very SNlrl>. 1 owner (1ACP!577) • '11 FIAT 124 SPtoER llc••st hllart PaW. Call Pet• Kay Dial 213 (I( 7 1.4 '37-2333 ...... 1-..m,a.. Haven't you waited tong tnougll to own 1 Mer· ca dH Btnl1 Don't 1•1 this opportunity pew you by IC1 nowt Wt have 1 l1n1A1llc telecllon of model• & OOIOfl evell•· bit 1175-e.4f7 ·-$111,900/btet &40-87M H5~22· lle.t60. 141 PerfNt 111...... 111111 Yamaha 550 sec.. ·eo Auburn rlC)llea. bMl.lt 142.a. .,....... 1858 Htlf~g P·28. Set Mint cond. 2.000 ml., condition. ltt.OOOorotr 1--------- Malle your lntelllvlelon 211· Monterey 11th bolt. 23· n..-~--xtr ... 11795 53M122 M()...4"2 waln'R•f 13 Capri. 4 cyl. 4 epd, very g.me a home oompu1•. Or~marlne L.uogar. >Ont ~..-· r __ ,,_, ti 20th St Newport ---------i----------1 "'"" Matter keyboard end cond Atk 1 7 500 . lnb<d, v9• peel. tttwlng. 8-:h 1145-52511 Veepe Scoot• 1100 Ulc• good cond 30 mpg, 5 8')d, Maroon Ext with Ttn Int Mtgl , Cua. 43 K. Be•utll\.rl Cond (-4 LOR) JUlllDIU llNITI 1301 Ou.w Street NEWPOAT BEACH .. , ..... 1175-0923 fully equipped. radio. new. 1200 ml. All xtr• Bron Z• ext , ten Int. ~s'"' ..... J.450. _________ 1 Xlnt bay bott or dty Necra 5 2. '81. Cullom $950 644-808T $129!1 1145-825:1...,._ CATCH IS WITH DUil PlllCES DIWI! ________ 1111711 Wriedt Montera 23' ftther.15500. 6'5-1410 colof Mita. race NII, Ml --·------'-----~--1 Sll•l'l•rJ'l•• Citnn 1111 e.n:.t 8c1Mtr wtct1 tk· Dey Crultet'. Guardian 15. Ptckttt Claulc FIB ~."f1i:~l -~'::; 1~Suzuk11 PE250, ldnt •••••••••••••••••••••• s5295 crett end marine bandt. Menne, .eo Uncoln 325 llpttrtkt tnblAtomlc 4 d-(805"""'4·2351 • ..,.,...·IO m . •7 .. 1971 llmllailillUlimliliYi• ·73 Clrroe n S.M. Derk $296. C411 546-2155 HP Full gaugee. 235 hr-. ' ' -1 -,..,... ..,.,.. " " blut U lj)d Ont Owner "' mate ,. ad I 0 58 gel. captclty. BHI =~:;etHr. 14250· Cavalier 311' Stoop """ uwa•arr1 ,,,,..................... 115,0clO. 64·5·311M. . "' u r " off.,. (71•1147-5300 Of· A u nique blue wettr •• _. ._._.,... Equipment-Swan 350 842•1821 •fl lpm. Mutt llquldtte 2e• Wtll· craft. Mutt ti."'"· ~LTD. 10.000 ml. Xlnt ---------' c .... .._.. tran1celvtr with t H e 1---------1 etatt Nov• wltrlr. Sin.a 4• Finn ""-31• cond. 11100. '&7 Cid Conll9fllblt "Ut.OH .. uo.uu .,,_ tupp1y & -k.,. 19110 50' Hettare• con-...-• •7-....... ,1-.... _ • •••5tM·.. off., ..... --110o4 ;, .....-xlnt c:ond. 113.000/btl. HI quality rac:ertcrulttr. ..,.... ""'""''"" " • .,.. -• ::::,.0:ube~ff'~: ~~~· ~O~E= SerlOut ~ Ol'lly. P.P. Deale< demo. Oftert '8 t K•w•Hkl 1150 CSR. 6'H01• 17141 1144-4285 1175-11877 845-7230, '164~ N 0 RD Y A CHTS 4000 ml, xlnt cond. 19112 Ford T·Blrd. fully WHAT'S NEW FOR BOATS The Daily Pilot will publtsh boat picture ads starting Friday, August 6th -we'll even take a picture of your boat for your ad. You can't beat the price. if we take the picture, your ad will only cost you $45 -If you provide the picture, your ad will cost $40. SAMPLE AO - 1Ii.tk '""' ,,......,, .__._.. 1173-1178 Cover/helmet Incl. '"tored, $7,000 epenl. ••--........ .-•--'..al 11900. 04-58011. $4900/bat ofr 831·1278 FO' 25 ft flbtfglaM boat -.,..._ 830-8M3 with tllp·ln Long Beech. Udo comp.11700 --------1t5e T·Blrd orla .... to Grea1 '"' tithing and di-Santana 20 Xlnt 11200 Peugeot Mo-Ped; Xlnt apprecltte. I 15,000 vino_ Fly bfldge. l3400 Cal 20. Sharp. 55500 cond, low mll ... Mutt 080. 6'0-ttoO Wltdy., c • I I An d y . w" O'Oey 23 Loeded &I olr. Miii 1250. 11112-3ee0 ,_8_5_7-5_23_7 ______ • 7 14-5311·2547 home s.ntt11t 23 Bargalnll .. ,., • ..,, i.J.~ leM ........... 714-t60--0llll6 e13-20e0 •-11• , Ill -~ •• ,.,... 18411 Ford Woody Wa· 15' 0-B, 55 hp, ~ 33' Dunnigan Clattlc ••••• ••••• ••••••••• gon. t13,000. rebulll. F11lly equlp'd. Sloop. PO Ctdtr hull. Rent· 211' motor "ome, $1595 wltralltr, $1895. ttw-aboatd. c:rul8a. ta•. tlpl 8. tutty io.ded. ~78711 • 1100 or 1rtdt. PP M~1e 192' Ford Model A Town SecMn. 110,000 FOf Nie by Owner. 311' Grand 8lnb. xlnt cond .. tlMpl 6. 159,500. Fl· nanclng evllll. t7f.1e50 wtldya. 84()..lllOO wltncla. 40' Npt Bell mooring wt 18' lnbotrd. Oink & otr• Incl. 110,500 . 645-4734 71411131-21120 '71Titan~22' '81 30' Hum.t Sloop wl Sips 6 $.400/wtt + 20t 11163 Studebak• Awntt. dlaMI; all or·~ ptnt Low ~!55i.a22, ~722. S6500. e1w111. I . 7!51-t314 Ma...aaoa Oat11c '70 OOlf Gt. lleeu. lallMlrb "'' 1978 Travco Dia Mtr· IPO'tYI 30 mpg, r..a OM· •••••••••••••••••••••• home. 2tft. TWln bedl, nu pa nt, tune-up, etc. Cuatom Infinity Mllboard, , .. r bath, roof & dull fW>lt q , .,.,,. auoo 2 Miit, NII btg, 1975. air, tttfec>, CB. Ml* NI. 080 492·1222 1146-7200: 1175-5115 135,000. 41111-7212 '54 Ford 0r .. 111ne, 4 dr. Orig. Xlnt cond. 1150 080. 545-788-4 WI llf USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR flll APPUlllL Corrnlat-OtUllo .....n 11211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 141 ..... 1,.,....1111 Top Dolar Paid ~< >l It H r i .\~ T Dodge Datta 11ZO .....•................ Ult NTSll 21IZI °"" Lo10ed with all of the l<>v-' (3524) llLY Sllll ..... QLllWMll 11711 8Mctl BIYd. ~tlngton 8Mctl 142 ..... 1990 C>tttun 210. 5 tpaed trami .. low mllee, 9'IP8f ctMfl & In txoellant con- dltlor11 11113 llcenH f .. alre11dy ptldl Mull Hll ... Hieing "41H or beet ofle<. Call &42..0138 Of eu.3011. '78 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 apd, atereo, olloye. Lug. rack . Brighi Re d , Blac k Int ( .. 1296). s5795 '79 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 8')d, metllllc: blue Stereo, Rec:tt. Meo•. Only 3 7 K Very Sharpl (ROL TYOE) s5495 '80 FIAT 124 SPEER 5 epd, Fuel lntectlon. Dk Green, 1 owner, on I y 1 3 K . (18ZN2118). s7295 Come 1n and contlder our le1M arr1ngement1 Of long term nn1nclng HouH ol lmpottt. Inc DIAL 213 Of 714 637-2333 1110 lllOlllS uoan•HH Stdtn lmmtcultlt In· tide & oull Under 27 .000 ml!M! (1AEFll861 hw htJ 121,HI lllYUSITT W.11 I llRYlll 2850 Hllf'bor 81¥<1 COSTA MESA ... ... 75 240 DleMll $10,000. Reblt tng 17,000 mlltt. Xlnt oond 6'2·3572 083 Mtrcedu Benz 220S CIHn body, run1. bu1 need• engine WOttc. 14115 ee 1-2220 '17 Mtrct~t 450SLC, bfwn, chrome wtlla. loe- dtd 122.500. 1173-7339 1978 3000, mln1 cond. Ivory, eunroof, I 13,800. 1175-0578 or 1175·402' '81 3000 lmmac. xtru. No cath nHdtd. A11umt I••· or 122 ,000. 87•·5•811 . (2 13) PIMY• ui.sui Afll MANY MOREi _4_31_-tt_s_2 ___ _ 111 via L«ee w. ~" " ,_. 1111 1Hl llotl !Newport 8eacll ....,.., ~ :-~ flth •·1pd, 2 top1, AM/FM You era th• winner of c .. 1., good cond. 114,1 two,,... tlclcetl (111.001 • vll*tl\ • ..._ ooo 6'4-7717 ~· totN AINOUNO BAOS. '1 1 3f0$1!i.: Under t ,000 IA,.NW&BAl\..!Y mllu, OrJent "•d, Clwome '"''"'· Sunroof, -pertec;t cond U.4.000. A11aMim Conwntton Wkdyt 7141561·0711, c.rtt~ 6-1' e y t I I w It. t'I d t l.Otlf • Arena 7Wt11-2 .... Mt. 1a.22 • To 01e1m p .. , ... oall 1• 121 Sporl l ~. 2 1'2 ~ 260C. Ot1G M2·MTI, m 171, ,... dr. • ._,d, mini cond. owner. xlnt cond. 9nr1n7 .. i'!Mll be excNnoed S1S25. 144-2111 tan, MtH. 7M-M67 tot"..,_..-et Do• ,,_,. 11• 'IT 2501. A/C. Power offlo• prtor to pettor· ~··• .. •••••••••••••••• window•. Mint Cond. "*'l:it. 1t '11eta GNa. tit oond., 131.aG7t. IHOO ftrm 1u11root. •ltll. *3200. --------- MMNI !f lffJ ••• t • .......... -------...... -~---___ _.........,.. ---~ I I t I' i lnlr)a.lt\i ...... ~~'.':\!ttmttt ....... ,.~'!!.Jfffftttf •.•. , • !¥.'!..~ ........... M~."' ........... H.~.q~ .......... . •e ...... l!if ff'Mt.t .......... mf '111.WM ..... d ........ M(f Mi,\\'M\' ..... ,.. 11# ..... ,...... a1M1...... • IM'IH .......... IMf 17' Met. t 0W11tt. nK ,_.~.1.~ --1•" ~. • owi • .., " •• ~ • ·n UllMr '._.. _. '~OldldllDelta~~ '11 NINI A'·''" "•••d~k. a.a• ....,.. , -.... -. OO!lf,111111•.= 11on ~w-. * 1' . ......_......... ...,.. ... Wirt wll • 11000 ...... tut* Ml ..... WMlll l motdlnet_:J• & Gilt, ~ l\N ~. W ,., AU"""9UI t;ll\ll'llllMIOn t UM• ..... ~~r.,("' ~· :: °""· •1000 ,._, ... 111ni100IOOL.;_· ft~ ·~i= = ~~=-· = ~ .~.. ... .,... HM. "'"""' N,000 """'-I fll -1'1'11 t dow1, fill .i.t, orulll • , .. -· dOo(, ...... '41-0M1 ~ow A/0, ,,.~"' I I""' t I ...... t .. ,_ .. • ••-·-----... 4 ... ....... r:::toOd oond. HI ll'i· el Olltltll filun• wtll. oon '"'1. 11-one ,,_, • ~ • ....., ~· •or -~... ... _..., IO PflOI. '400. ()ell llllton Vlfy ulelnl '1ntncllno ,.., ...... --~"!'~ ~ =-.,=, • .,. . "'.. ... " .. ,313 <1'11 ..... ,.,. aAYlllll*.. mag'074RUWnOn 4 ..... ...... 11111 "'°" ~. :r. top. . t.1w1. Ila ... , ltltttt~· Hun~t-e.dl , off, M ·1701, ·~ .: =-4'K r:nm .......... 11.if .,.}f.Jiiiu•••lf•o• 1111 " • ' Cll MG.ao» '74 Matti IV: 76,000 mllel. '11 rf .... Cap COii us 1 30 '13 vw Pin. Xlnl O()ft(r llllcll 7t ,_..,Ilk• new. fUll pot#lt, MW '"'· ..... . pont' /"'*"' rtlld~ll ISU27Q, Tot.I M!Mlncl molOf. '''°'''II ~PoWI'· Ot\1111, tit, ·ra Cfle¥ ~ ad pt~...!'!'~ top •. 1111-Automllllo lranemlMlon. tac MOtU 01 p1ym1nu tor o off 131.tSM H M. IMlf Of of· oond. Hiedi Pllftl. MOO "* """"'· NSOO. .ir oondltlOnlna on1Y 4t month• $172100. t..a-·-,ft/ft781.1157 °'1~12 ,,..,...,. 100 -""ii. bl~• clMni H1tbOf81vd.i4J 'llrOr )~ -•• . ~ ~~~M~ 1 4 I ••-L flll!ltf 11.l '11 ~ 4 elf, auto. 1111 Linooln Oontlnlfltll, illg~llble. 649•4300 Me-1417 a magnon _, f 2UVI PS 1111 Wt11 AO "11111 81eM" IC*lll edit. (277TZS • dOOf mo<111. <>PllOlllt • • • ••••••••• •• nnul.a= lo0a1& '8800. M 2,,..1tt a non 1ITI ....... ltd .. • :=::l) t ,,.,_,~ ~!" Nnt lint 1110lbtt off . .,,,,,,. IMJ Al C, P/8, Pll, tlwto. pontiaC/"'*""U OILY Miii : ,~·= ~-=• .,._.. ... :,4·9M;;:;~;:;;t1it;;, •. /*tJ ~:?.am"· 10 mi smo. OICK MILLER MOTORS ~ • -tlW & Oftlllonll NO V .. IUto P/8 !tit olten, '21&0• '07 OTO oln rbtt mtr 32, H1tbor 81'1d. I! F1lr Or. Vtl.llW.. ~pt I ....... AM/FM eutittt eino: 842"1054 000 ml. New bfkt, clutch. ff 1\ ,. ,, ~\' ' I I .!. \' 11 "J .' l J.' In Co111 MtM tl'T11 8111C11 Btvd ,I Mlllloll horn. t 1200 ....__ HU HtfbOf BM!. Gt Falt Or. rtdlll1. 11\oekt, 1111/ Im/ &.el 1141 549-4300 S49-1457 Huntl .. ton BMeh. .. 11U 080 &42-1508 tt'O':.'O":K •••••• , •• f:O'U In Cotti ~ pie 4 apd, ta mlptf. 11. rr.:••u•~ 0 • ........ u -11•111 64~ 649· 1•57 100 obo 3020 KlltybfOOk ,14 tiQnta. •Int bl~ ext, Ft nl• 1115 _.. •a.,.. '73 COUOAI\ XA7. Lo C.M. 6AS.2835 q\al')I xtra Reblt eng, u l••••••••••••••••••• , C ... ... II ""'1 ft-'-,.,, mllllot. A/C AM/FM. 'lt Nlt ; 11100. •94-2239 '78 T. OYOTA ~:,. R'!ni~~c:~I\ ~~ f~·';':: ......... :::1.. )(Int ft1111PC>f11110n c.r. DELUXE MOOEL~ 4 ·~ TtmpMt Wgn, COin· ,.,.,.. 1150 CELICA GT 13800 c.it 0~51 1:>f 8'1datlc:= fie~ t 1llOO. 8-tMllO, tpltd. U200. 17,000 ml. rr99"l reblt. 64~7~· ••••••••••~·•••••••·•• * lllT IEU * 073-4431• ( Recllo ,_.. .., cona. 111..oaae M2·2730 ..... ..;70 • ttll ... IOll OH WHAT A FEELINGI -" " i ' • .,..., • .,,. ' r-Peritct c01T1bln1t1on ol 1111 nr l600 H.irbor llvd. 12250' &4&-llOOl M OOIMt ¥tfY clMrl MW '71 PllTt -,.-0-,-11-il.-rtt--l-l -10 tac CllPf economy and apot1 tty· IUllT LI ltllll IO.ti Mew 5-40-9100 1175 Cllrt* Oofdobl gd Ur•. redttlOf, bait, '•100 I tOOO. 831-9070 ..................... . 1'* one 1\H evtry c;on· 1111g 6 •""'. w/pow 111 • cond. Power E.._,,"""'· 080 .... ll015 -•78 11 .. __.. al I '61 T A•rd xlnt cond °'Iva b •• 0p110 n I AIC ~. d .i Option• lncludt air con-ltllOO oeo 03W~35"" . _... LI .,_ .. ,auto. r. p •. -~ ' . (t37VWV), (024.UBV)"': ~need more dlllonlng 6 • eunroc•t. 'll llYIUI '77 BOBCAT. Auto., p/b, xJnt. $2200 $21150 °' ~~ onw. ' r• (1BOZ505). 5iK ml. t11o eunroof C.tblaW HU moonroot 11500 673-3126 ~ 3 33 .OILJ 11111 llable PlflY to matte Illy 11211 MH5 540..e.472 •••••••••••••••••••••• 831· 1153 ' LMve ,,_: .78 F d Pint /W ·03 T-IMrd lmrNCUlate M Ultll ~~1~o~.:alyt:n'~:.O .ltl IUllR ,.·, 1 •••m unc:c:. C:!':"'" 1111' on Pnone· Runa ~ loollt ~~ muat ee11: Reduced to YILUWllEI No back pmlt. due Atk """ * •-- * ·71 Colony P"11 IUl*b cond. enolnt 11400 13,750 769•1914 1871 t 8Nch Blvd tor Rose 642-4400. YIUIWAID IEUOTill Lono •tiled u the ul11-cond., wttrtr hltOh & 090 813-9299 "' Trede your Old stµlf tor HIHl~tonBMch 556-IOOI ProtoL/M t871 1 9Metle!:. ot"'t•model towmllM· =~= tr1n1.coow.S950orbtt 148-4306 new goodlH ~llh e ~-HOO 1110 TIYOTI HuntCl~zMO ff~.clltteca in Southern lie IV~. PotliblY otr. 992·9614 IJnafld IHO Clutlfied ad. 8.t2·5678 MEISTER NllOHE/lUDI ~lornlal See ue tod1yl one tor youl Ml llMd #ulu HJI ••'"••••••••••••••••• Aitll V1td OlllW ·77 VW BUS. Ci.tin, mer;; llAllll reltlble party to mike •••••··'·••••••••••••• 1111 PlYlllfl •••••••• · ••• ........ · • 18031 Harbor Blvd. G1<dtn Grove laltl-ltnlH Lt••• l14 IH-2331 This Ont II I •rt coupe eatru. $5700/beet otr. Al•wc 11118" monthly pmtL No 78 Ford Muttll'lg V-6. UltW model (13793 sunroof. em/Im. (7141) .,.. old contrecll to 111Um1. Muet 1111. "-ve co. car. Alt Oflglnal Equipment OILY $4911 892-9992 2eoo Herbor 81vd. No beck pmta. due. Alll Stldl eNtt. Xlnt mecn Includes 1 4 IPHd Jll llJRllt ll•l ---COSTA MESA lor ROM 642-4400, cond & 11 ..... llO.<YJO ml. trenllTllMlon. (07eAXK), "IL1-··1• ' •• 148-1118 556-l008 Proto LIM. Celt 111" a Of OI' -OILY s2•11t ' •"-QIPfl '74 MARK IV. Very cteert. kenda lfolo.-0222. • V 18711 Beech Blvd This one II lmmlCUlll·•.-'71• fltwd Brm. low mt Ill teether lntetlOf. Sun-·ae Mueteng. PIS. A/C. • W. Hunt1noton Beach hll an AM/FM stereo ll pett cond. lelther, ea roof. 72G-1111 1111• !MW. YILllWAIEI 142·2000 low mlleal (3 t7SZG~ • t:*· $6250/blt 011. $3500 640-9459 18711 8e8Cll Blvd '8.°2~\~:0o!~:::'i~: Must se11 '76 Toyo11 co-OILY 11111 2·3555 ~!!! ......••• !!.~I 'lt hltllla Huntington Beach l)fUt get SI 000 roll•. GOOCI cono S2800 Jll Ill• ·as Coupe ~ VIiie. comp 1HI Ollill lli PS, Air cond. 1m/lm 141·2000 '7we2~1soe OBO 7141544--0309 YIUIWAIU IMll'tleui, Automatic tr-.. llr ttereo a trlCk tape. All ·10 Ouster, <><lg. owntf. 6 '70 911E TARGA $8995. 1111 TtTIT& 18711 Bnch Blvd. '900. 831-3218 cond, 6 "eye IPl>Ml"I IMlher Interior. Very cyl, auto. elr. pwr atee<. o~()llrade. Muat 1811 CHOW Huntington 8"oh 'f7 Ced Convet11ble (lBE.eoan. cteen. Lo mq20.0001 dltc b(lllC". New 11re1. 496-8313. 831-2750 This economy car 19 e•· 142·Hll 1585/Melt• offer llLf S 12,4111 720-1111 battery. 111ner. cwb. -------1 tra clean! (265UJE) -042....014 radiator. Clean. 11095 1~b7•~!w~:'B91~~ ~oC:. OILY •2991t '88 Beetle.14Jto stk:ll, "'~ ·1~ fldorldo conven11>11 1111 Ollfillli ._e.t_s._SM_7 ----• v paint, clean. runs goo.,.. B wlll ...... ~ •7 p Du Ru ~ cortd. Air, auto, 111 111t••iH 11900 ~().9537 rown. te -loeded with option•. 4 1 ly eter ns well, alloy whl• + mor1. • -·-ltt*lor. OOO<I condition. speed trena. I bMullfull 8 cyl, reg. gaa, S799 u $H95/b .. t Cell Jim YILISW&IEI 1111 YW $21115. 7&>.-0785. (1CBU.27). It. ~2-0361 ~72415 ~Jnlt~!:"e!: 1A1P11 ·111 Cultom Cluelc Se¥· llLY 111,llll '11 lllTUI •-,7-0-Spot1--Fu-ry-,-ru-ns_g_ood_. 72 9'1 E. new motor. •Int ··• Ttilt ooe Is reldy tor Ille. 12.000 ml, io.ded. 1111 COIP£ stereo. clear title cond. e.t otter. 142·2000 MJmmet fun, hu IOw dll, 36 gal fuel tri. .. .. Olltntltt $300/besl ofr 960-0679 Me-48&8 82 Toy CeOca. every op-~~1t 1' ~ olMi!'JI ~':da). 7~ Oove/Oueit Sit. ~U~EE ~~~ ~j '72 Vellant S3000 Need1 + 'tt-~-.POflChe. '<'1Y !Ion $10,000 OILJ lllll NEWPORT BEACH Fectory AIC, PIS, Svn work. Leslie Oays • dttn, muit NII $7500. (141780-t393 14111._ _ "®t._.1Jt4!(~j 833-5261, Eves w ~11evee. 1111 TIYIT& .111 IAI"' laT 11LU 1111 ...an new rad111 11'"· Low __ .1_1_57 ___ _ : '73 Pof1dll 914 Beeuty, Ill H••• YILllW&IU ·n ColJ9e de v111e, 39K. Mltee. 1u1U1 IHS nu plinl, MIChellna. at• -18711 Beech Blvd. lolded. leather. STEAL •ftllf (10683) ..................... . reo 14750 obo 84~38 Thia aporty Cir hH air Huntington 8eecll AT $5,650 Finn Thia tport• C8' ha~ 12111 '11 Ptltilo Olfllila -------i conditioning and an •~•.2000 640.1148 toyt (878Hln. · • .....__. 11 ........ _ WllH '66 9t2, 5 apd, all orig. -'M/FM. (8~228> -OILY 11•11 ...-t ..._ Mu at 111. S 8, O o O OILY 1311& · • Automatle lrantmta;on. 640-7912. 544.9455 v '64 BUG run• OOO<I S10C:t ·72 Ced Atvrd IOw mllel • -pow. ttee<lno. air con- NABERS CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1979 MHCIDIS llNZ 3000 "SUNROOF" (735WDDI s17,495 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE "ASTROROOF" (081XNZ) sg995 --. ""'I 1911 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE D'ELIGANCE (10FH731) s12,995 "' 11&1111 c111 111er 6pm wee1tdayll1. toeded. llwlY' geregect. _•aw-d1t1on1no. crutte control. '74 914, 2.0. S5200. IC· YIUIWAIEI 963-1727 Xlnl oond $1650 080. .._ -AMIFM ~ rack c:ae. grp. gold. 2nd OW· .• 557-6791 18711 9-ctl llMI Clean throughout! Finan-1910 CADILLAC ner. 644-2071. 18111 9MCtl Blvd ·74 Buo· x1n1 conct. Hunt.....,_ e.ct1' ~...,, ••• ~ ... I 0792• ILDORADO COUPI WEEKEND SPECIALS Huntington Beach 12000/muat .... e8 Ced .. ,_ bftla, 1>111, 8',;.';-;,;.,.. _,,,Av--. 1 •) 142·2000 e.t2-1ea11 t1r•. watllfl)Ump. Jter· -··-'ll ... T·T1t 12111 1602277) . ·74 VW Buo •Int con<f let Mutt Ml, $800. 79 ~•.alt pwr, xtru, good condition. $~800 a magnon s12 995 80 Tete.I, 14.000 ml. perf ~ ~ '2900 Cell 842·9006 350 11110. MW tlr•. 499-<4287 1 I cond. ""''"' •teteo, ell now, 496-3e95 · ·79 Cpe de VIie. 32,000 j~cuet~om~wtllt~, ~&.t~l-41~9l~3Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '12 NllCIE CAllllLET xtras.1$4ll500TI. 04YIT2-3655 ·03 Bug, Xlnt cond. ""~ :St~· lllnt.= ...,_ Hl ·es MUSTANG Futbedt •• 1• 1911 CADILLAC 1 l lira Muei 11111Sacrtl1a1 O\ler :;;-JI';•••••••••••••••• orlQ. owner.12.000 Off«. U FLEETWOOD OllllU ... $1700 080. 511·2932 ' tall ... 548-53&3 ESTATE SALE: 4 dr '77 557.5459 llOUGHAM COUPI Thi• 111119 wegon ls extrt -~ HJ1 OOClge Otploml1 w/fllll Harbo< Blvd o. Fw ~ "ASTIOIOOF" ' Super Sh11p. All new, Red with Black Trim & Top. 73K Otlalnlf. therpl (074WCR). '87 BUG. Xlnt cond In U ...................... pwr, e/c, am/Im radio. Ow...Mlf HJS In Cotti M-( 1CAR592) OILY ••411 out. Good tlrll. 12«>G1. 1111 ~ Call 8ri of A,,... IC>' •••••••••••••••••••••• ~9-4300 549-1457 (1ase4ME} .. Cell 04M938 UllMI Ziii =-~~T <>NJ &-3 1111 Ulllll '85 Pont. C.tallne conv $}4,995 • ..... '89 Squnbedl. loaded ~4 lllUll .... Aunt ...... gd tlr•. top YILllWAlll Auna I:" l 180Cl. Rd>. speed trw. 1974 s=. Pwr bftla.' --..., saoo. 644-79<>2 Ev 1a111Be1Ct1Blvd. 552·1 51. c:erl (1117). ~ ~6 M~7111195. Loedld!Economlcelcti. 'll_u_•-&1 1911 CADILLAC Huntington Bach ·71 Bug, l'lbll w/ree.lpta, mllell · ... powert Hlllldloml ,._,_ •-• SEVILLE 11110 DICK MILLER MOTORS 142·2000 ,_ redllll. CUI. Xln-t HU S12,tlll 1#1 IH c:art (8&5YJE). F...U "fACTOIY 2-TONI" 12350 M1-39112 -·-... lllt •••••••••••••••••••••• llLY •~•Ill Autometlc transmission. (689179) 'lt lllllU WAIN -IW 79 Ford F250, 414. lull IHI ~ l>OW9f st-Ing. elr con- 5 apd, AJC, at«eo. llinl * *'M VW BUG** Dove/Quall Sta. kit. l8500 Finn 831·7834 .... ....,., dlttontng. power win-$16 995 cond Low, low mtlea. SuS~~e::~M. N~~RI...~~CH .71 FORO Ma-1c:ll. Good Dow/Quall Sta. dowt, llh wMel, metahlc I i :'1 fl /IJr•er A,, SiritJ Ar1J ~~ 7 t UZ Great on f!: ._ .. .,.. cond. 3 new tlree econ. NEWPORT BEACH gold. Very Clean• Finan· ·~ 1~.ge.Kln~.~7:;g· 639-42~50 eves. l~f ooo ~. :~t-~5-·11 c:" LJa ~ "°"'· lf50. 4114-3211 • IU-tlll c!ng Avlff-~973YUT) 645-1410. .80 Clllca Helen bek 15 apd, newteea cond. ::' 63~938 ..,250, pp. '78 Ford LTD. 4 dr, air, 1979 Olda Cut!Me Super· non ' 17&50 ~ EC! loldld. like !MW. 15,000 me, $1800 bellow wnote-a mag 1975 914-1.8, tPP group, 000 ml• $6400/0BO No 5-43-7245 7 6 c-o ,_ .....,1 ml. l3500 497-22« ..,. •II tvin 11r lthr , AM/AA S5300-0BO Pvt elr 548-7984 · .-·. ' · -... · . P1y 552'..oS53 -------vw . 8Mut .58 con¥e<1 1.lnt cond. 12800/bllt 1992 Ford T-Bltd fully c:r\llM, etc. etc. 29MPG, · V11knrua 1110 · · ott.r. e.tS-3101 re1t0fld 11000 • t Fll"ll S3895 ••·11' pont' stJbar '11 121 Ptntltt ...................... Xlnt a11ape. S3000. • $4900/bSt ~ 831~0· door. loaded. s.s7oo. 1~C/ U •71 Bug reblt w/rtc*pta, 497-1592 1115 pm. 76 eam.o. goroeoua · 4114-7224 tG loaded! 12.000 ml. Sec ' ...... . cond .., PS PB lllrll ·ee ., .......... F d ,..~ ..... ____ __..... __ 1979 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (260XS0) s11,995 Ontf Good Thru Monday, 8-2·82 131 700 840-8786 llft rlldlals. caN. "'"' 73 VW 1111.bedl. Loollt M:111' '~tbet otr' ~"'" ... or ""'"'-·74 Cutllsa Salon Len· Herbor Blvd "' Felr Or ' ' S2350 881-3982 and runt Ql9ll. ' -· · llln1 NMing cond. Nft ' . In Costa M-. lnlsll 11Sf 1110 YW $1995. 536-6821 556-9506 uphol I paint. 1825. deu top. Jllnt cond ~": ~9-4300 ~9-1457 NA ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• . e11-e1et. 01~,,.. =,090 ~1 • ! 131.-1 RS llW •tw Ill 61 VW Ragtop eunroof. Qnnlff If# tor L.n 1 · ten. 55 Pont. $400. Aune , -" ' , '12 1--·..a. L •·· 1•"••21.-r...... ... Rblt eng, Sl550 °' bl.t •••••••••••••••••••••• Ms.-025 . ""NI and body's ( 1\l)ll I 1\( -t -,_,, ,,,.. campef"' 1 olr 073-0881 739-8270 ,_ - -'79 Grenade. 2 df, 8 cyl . •· • ' ,, ,, , ~ ltteett f steal et the low PflC:e of ' . •• -•-·51 euto Ak cNi11 cont. ll Cuti-Supreme at.rlllgllt. 2600 HARBOR Bl YO. ft o~ ~~ty' HU 12Jtl ·74 BUG. Kint cond. rrw/ ..... .... Xlnt.' $525o. 559--0180 8'oughlm d•. loeded. 648-6372 COSTA MESA ucket .,..,,, ,._ Or• AM/FM ca. muet Nlflt pueenger &1111 elec: moonroot. lltrY Mega, Rick & Pinion ,. 11&1• NII i2000. 042-05&4 Wegon with automatic: '74 MUSTANG. 2 plul 2. good lull ml. Tlke O\l9f Put your lld'lerllllng ,,,... 540-1860 Steering, Front WhHI YllllWAIU trtrlll'nitelon l>O'Mll' rrw/e.t.,pllnt. tlr•. paymeota. Cell 831-1325 seoe Where the reedlB~~~~~~! 0rt¥e & Morel 18711 BNch Blvd '78 VW Bus, Engine, at-1ng air oonclltlo-11795. M2-73lM. 111 5PM. lfl. 642-5e78 I: EPA Est: 30 c:tty, 40 11wy • trens. lronl erld. 21,000 ..._ · wlrldow llld --- .4.11 Huntington Belch Ml Mk ofr. M3-7298. •m..,. power 142·2000 door lock•. lllt wtlell, (Will 011380) ftJn ml c:r\llM contrOI, IPlll· WE'VE GOT FUEGOSt ·76 Sclrocco, J(lnl running. •• •••••••••••••••••••• power Mel AM/FM II• HUIE lllAIT tunes, llr•. comfort. # 1 YtM ltaW *· ll'09IOI rack, on1y &111/&/UUllT S3900 090. 498-H9S la ..... a..e,t ~ mt1ea. ~:.= ~~bor 81v~s-~7~o l~r~T i:!ll~;I: ~ s,: ~~ I a(121930magnl on pelnt. eng. 111n1. -ta. -.._ ltJJ1 •-f7ff Urea. 496-2661· OVERSEAS DELIVERY 1 ••••• :::1::••••••••••• 644-9539 EXPERT'S "l DEALER IN U.S.A. '72 vw SUPER BEETLE UIU.. •. /N*""• nw/llr•. needs eng. MIOI U mCARVER S990ttrlde. c~ YILll -IOtC"E Edit. 548-5212. H#t>Of Blvd.• Ffllr Of, -198e Hlft>or 81vd. 11'1 Colla .... '07 VW Bug LCIOka and COSTA MESA 64M800 549-1451 ·~~~=~ nina OOO<I· Meny extr• ........... 1 r-------1 cLono WNOAYS 12·000· e.t2-0219 -. ______ , m a Fllln -------1 vw 71 Super a.tie ea Volvo 1228, Kint oond. We lwve I oood lllecti- 1971 Rofl• Royce Sllvef 12250, ·77 Honda Stldl 11750· 8754295 on of NEW & U8£D Sh1dow. tflver blue w/ 12600. ·75 Dodge Colt CMwo111e1 g11y 1r111rlor lmmac. $900, 2750 Hlft>Or. C.M. 1973 Volvo 2 dr. 1 owner, SH. 000. Pv I PI y. Ptl: 957~t71, 540--3415 Xlnt """9, lltra. low S43--41 t5 ,70 BUG. New paint, new mllle. 751·7718 ,_. 1111 lnlr, rune grNI. 12100 •••••••••••••••••••••• obo. Mutt .... 968-4011. AIM'/ UHi co~~a ~ CHfVMlfT . :· .. ' .. .... ~ .. 966-285e .................... . .. ,• .. '79 Rabbit dll. IM, 4-df. ~£••••••••••••~ . 1111 ......n 1328 60 =~ss1:.-:S1.&1:'1 ~~S::·~ ._._ S4t>-I 100 $3,000. pp Mt-4t2t Landlu COUPll LOlded • ·~~· ~ cond..::. 1114 ,.11 e1ee11 tMIOUll cmwoz) Pl' month '*" tilt $2300/bell olfw ••••••••••••••••• :r... ., 141111 48 montll CIOHd end MS.2547 aft IPM ' Ill a ... • .. INN on IP9fo¥9d er• · --w di t. Cott -t 15, 3 7 5 ; ·71 vw CMll*, Ottg. ow-lor IM Wgeat Ind bell OoYe/Outl ac.. $1892 ceall requl11d ""· 11>11 "'°" '2600/or :::'':11ctc~ ~ Ind NEWPORT~ Come In I Ull tor... bol. •.P. 2131"2..... .,,~ W •• tellal (tll824). ...._. ,,_,, •RIA• ,..._.,. 'It........ 'IO ~ CAN.0 "'""" .,...... New tnglne. •Int cond. * --* 141 Dove Str_. Wll tnlde for mini truck • eu.tom Lllndeu. On1r NEWPORT BE.ACH « 12900. ~ &42 .. 1'2. 20.000ml.wltt!Maotfl 712-1111 e¥ ~ • • """"°' pM "*'Y ... ,..,,. 1111 ~~~. ~r:. oond. #I fl °'9trc..tr ~. Tit 11t1.. ••••••••••,.••• .. ••••• 4f9.1271 m~~~tc'· NO ~ ttc. ~ !' ....... ,,~ ...... .. clOof e 093l2) ~lntvw.:-~ ~ 111-r• = ~;.. "-:: ,...., tl#N 11800, mull .... '7t lk~. xlnl cond. ()Id~~ ...... i6M09S flf. new tlrtl, ...,_ NO ... PfllCI. -. ,,._ a ""°" vw fUQ 1111, llOOd moo. 167""365 ._ ,._ ~, ~. 12.000/belll ·ao "'* fllMlra. 11 eef.fOOI '"* "'"'· , oJ.r, 110n1. .__..,.~'BS <MY. COHYMT .. .m,.;•.tw.. ......., 71~1 ~ ':::.,~~ "'~ .,.u -.aomewno~111n1 1•.....,. ...,, .. ,.'!.m Htl1I« ""' • ,.,.. °'· to -CllMlllM ... do AJC, ,..,, .., if.id...... L..MI, .. • • "'· In Co111t Mm H we ll I Call NOW , Tll -...... °"" t~ ___, ..._ .... t'67 IU"'7e .....aelflt.** ~· MOD SELECTIOll OF 1982 CAMAROS NOW II STOCK I IMEDIAD-•tlYERY 011 AMERICA'S HODEST SEtU• CAR Bl FAR I ,.._.. ..... ,. wr•aT mu••-• ,.,.,,w.,, .. ,._,_.,., .. ,.~1 ., ...... ~"'' 1111••--•URr w.. ., .... 9'-11181 • IULlll--. M ....................................... 1· .......... _.. ....... _... ................... ,.,,... ...... .....,,,.,..., '12 ftlJSTAMi GT '12 ftlJSTAMi GT '12 FAIQT 12 fAIQT 12 fAllQIT 'SI llWDA 4 DR. 12 liUIWIA Q 4 II. .'.llWIDl '12 T 81tD IOITAll 12 T 8ltD IOfT All 12 T Biii> IOfT AGE 'I I l TD CIOMI VICT!llA 12 LTD WAGaf 12 LTD 4 OO(I SJ WllD PIC«ll &JWIDPIC«ll &JWIDPUll llWID Pall IJRMID PIC«ll '12 E250 CUI VM '12 FIOO PIC«ll '12 fl 00 P!all ·12 mo ra11 ,. llZI& u.1 ..... Exceptlonll vfllul In I Sporta C1rl Rotuy """"'· (813835~ 1074 11267' ISJO 1311 1082 ISl7 0189 A7S916 11641 Aims 11611 Al8037 11690 AIO'M 11613 812410 llS7• A11121 Tl~ mm tt~' ~4110 11!>87 -f&CTllY llTAl IMU '6l10 oo smrn $9G)I 00 S7911 18 16642 00 $601) 02 11024 00 $6111S! snot oo 16361 ~ 11J7500 1607 49 11144 'IO $016114 S/9 J6 00 I $689918 JI.Ill 00 Sllil 01 186JI 00 $1441 II $1134 00 $168210 "91800 SIMI I? WOlJ! 1763' IJ $8/03 96 mt4oo S'Jl0840 S609'.> 19 ~119 $111111 19219 ll 1111 omn ....,.z.tl SALE PRICE llll• ..... T-top. VI. auto. tr1111.. Aulo. 1r1n1 .. custom loedtd with 111 lhe p1lnl. air eond., low goodilt. (~). mllM. (281VO)(). $7595 •1995 $3995 1111 mt , ......... LoecMd, c:uetom Ptlnt. • eond. WI-' lllr•, euatom wh11la. (104827~ 1111-. .....,,.,. ... Auto. t1'1N . air COnd • crul11. powtr tHls Sherp. (801UBG~ 1111 omn """'""" 1 Ion, Silvtrldo pltg., crulu , air eond. (tM7~). 11995 s4995 S6995 1ltF• ...... ! •. With e cyl.. I UIO, """" "' ~. Rell Clelnl (1167ZHM~ 1Ht• LT.I.I .. • Auto. tren• .. power •II & locl!a. Im/Im ltlftO tepe, (385YPtt~ tlll NINO ,,..... Doublt Biie*! loedld. T-Top. only 37,000 mlltl. ( 1ASE746) • •3995 $639& s7995 """ .... nu G.t. "'* .. e ~ .. loedtd, wlollf lftlel1of, E •I rt • I a:ADUNES For T~ through S•turd•y P'Jbllcallont, 5:30 PM the prw¥loul day. For Sund•y •nd Mondi¥ publlcatlona, 12:00 noon Saturd8y. EAROR8 • ~ lhoUld cnKk' tt.tr .ta deity 8nd reipor1 emn 1"'"9dlet.ty. The DAtL Y PILOf ~I llllblllty fOI the tirlC lnc:omct lnMrtlon only. 0 ~~ ·o n 0 0 n n ll 0 P\&ISHEA'S NOTICE: All l"NI --~In Ihle rw ·~--le Ml;ed to the Fedet'al Fair Houtlng Id °' ,. ~ ,..... It Miiii' to edwiartlae "My preference, Nmltetion. ot dl9crimlndon ._.,on ,.._color, religion, .... or netlonll ongln, ot .n Intention to,,..._ Sfl •ctrpreferenc., Nmltatlon. Of~~:· •Adi In th6e ~ MUM be~ -~· -1--2 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturdu1 July 31, 1982 ... . WE ARI PLIASID TO AllllOUNCI THAT OUR lllWPORT BIACH SALES FACILITIES HAVE •*-REL"ATED TO: #2 CIVIC PLAZA -SUITE 100 NEWPORT CENTER TELEPHONE -644-6200 Please Visit Us Soon! Tom Queen, Vice President . 22 lmY APT. •PLO IOI MllU Hl Ill 1111 ICIML 2 BR, 1~ Bath, ma.t w/flreptacee, 2 car garages or carports, laundry facilities, community pool nearby. On the Bluffs ovenooklng nature park & preserve. Excellent nnanclng. $1,800,000 Leuehold. Jan Young. (M11) IEWNIT IDOi UYFlllT Exciuslve Linda llMt. Glamorou1 tradltk>nal residence located on the mmn bay. Spectacular architectural dellgn; h&gh oeUlnga, watts of glaa, m8tr IUlte, 5BR + llbraty. Sl&:Jor TO' boat & side ties. A Leasehold estate $1,650,000. Cathy ·we1ct<ert. (M12) •tu1 • UL.UY 11111 Enter tan atatety doora to a apecticuler pool w/marble & tall columns. Look through the home to the bay & ocean beyond. 5 BR, den study, lg lot. $1,575,000. 88rbara Aune. (M13) I •DTllllD rllllllll YIEW Oc:een, Jetty, Big COrona. 3 BR, 3 BA, den, 2 car garage, guest houM. St.Pa to beach. Beautlfut o9k plank noor.. s1,spo,ooo Fee. Maureen White. (M 14) llllllf UTAR Enctwrtlna delign & decor. IMO-cut1om home atop the hlll offering the flnMt In view. Sewf af yre MW, featurtnQ 48R, Incl. luxul1oul mstr IUtt• + dlo, fam. rm, fomMll din. rm. French doora, o9k noote, beam c11tlnga, dreem kitchen, 3 ftrepl8cee, IOl8t hMted pool & epa. Lovely a-den .,.._ Loc9ted on ptJvate cua--.-In prettlgloua COM. t1,295,000. JMe P-.quln. (M1~) : - OWFlllll Lmll -llYllE CIR 4 BR, 4 bath family home w/room for expansion. Pool, spa, lighted paddle tennis court & 1eparate play yard. Ocean view. Gated community w/prlvate beach. Land lnciuded. A best value In Cove. $975,000. Donna GodShall. (M18) Amil& WAY Glamorous Ivan Wells cuatom home featuring atalned glasa retractable roof atrtum. Elegant we1 bar for entertaining. Formal dining rm. 4 BR & den. Full eecurtty ayatem. Sectuded garden Includes pool, IP• & troplcal waterfall. $875,000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert (M19) •YllE RIUll um• Super ocean & bay view from thla spacious lingle atory ~. 2 matr suites, ptue 2 ~ lg BR, 4 8A, fam rm, & game rm. Poot In courttard. G,..t for entertaining. $595,000 LH. Donna Godlhall. (M20) 1111•1•1 Dramatic 2 BR apllt &evef with large formal dining room, den & library. SP9CtKUlar ocean and city Hght vt.w. Immediate poew~lon. Great terme. '580,000. Belle P.-. (M21) fM Wll M IALI Chermlng 3 BR, 3 BA tiMMll In old Corona del Mar -prfme loc;etton wtth p.-t>-.y view + 1 BR guest over garage. $495,000 or S 1850/mo. Mar1ha Macnab. (M23) • mt'llU .. In Shorecllffll Superb ioc.tton 6rt Corona·del Marr acroaa from cliff view point eeplaMde. Thte CUltOm home r.tur.. 3 BR, fem rm with Iota of ctwm. Needl eome TLC. Le frontage With pit IMped lot. Reduced from 1585,000 to $4t5,000 lncf. a.net. Sheron Smith. (M24)' Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 -3 IUYllW ....... Spacious 4 BR, formal dining rm, tam rm, 3 BA home situated In the prestigious guarded gate area of Seaview. Great ocean & city llght view. Community tennis courts and swtmmlng pool. FE.E land $459,000 Donna GodahaJI (M25) •IDIM ...... _ Construction -Solld walnut cabinetry -formal dining room-Uvtng rm w/vautted ceiling -family rm & country kitchen -4 BR -Lg comer lot. Spatkllng pool w/beautlful country garden. You own the land. $424,500 Batbara Aune (M26) llYllEST -urmtlUTlll Custom Ivan Wefls w/retractable roof-lush atrium surrounded by spacjoua rooms Incl. 4 BR, fam rm. Tremendous atmosphere. Seller wtll Consider trade for amaJI home. Reduced to $390,000 toct. land. Jane Paquin (M27) NIL-llYllllT 4 BR, 3 BA. Ivan Wells home w/formaJ din rm + tam rm. Courtyard entry & 2 patios. One block long street. Good financing. Owner out of area. $350,000 Mary Lou Marlon (M28) ...... '"llllm This Is a splendid opportunity -new remodel and lovely decor In a great famlly area. Warm cozy and apactous w/a beautiful view & 4 BR + library. $320,000 Coby Ward (M29) llWflll IDll -llPLD •11n n ....., Excellent rental atea. 2 & 3 BR. Both unite have ftrepl8CM", new drapes & paint. Owner wtll ti.Ip w/flnanclng. Bertt Mitchell $320 000 (M30) ' Tll1ll I• -IYllllU •m Home w/spaclous 4 BR/tlled entry overlooklng covered atrium & spa. Sunken living area and formal dining room. Fam rm w/Wflt. bar & stone fireplace. Two eddltlonal patios. Submit alt offers. Owner flexible. 1315,000 (M31) , ....... Charming 3 BR, 2 bath custom home w/fantutlc tandlCaplng on an extra-lg. bultdable tot. A mu•t l88f •295,000 Mary Lou Marion (M32) ... PllllllaA .... 3 BR, 2 bath duplex 1~ block• from the oceen. Fam.tic lnveetment winter or 1Ummer renUI. $280,000. Low down and owner wtll cany AITD. Sharon Smith (M33) ... llllJ 11111 Elegant llvlng near theatrea -P«formlng Arts & South Coat Ptaza. A jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landacaped by Rogera Gardena. Perfection In fNetY dtall -2 BR, Dtn $219,600. Barbara Aune (M34) om11111u11111111111 An exciting 2 BR, 2 BA w/dlnfng rm condominium w/aunken llvlng rm. Fireplace -wet bar -lg patio for entertaining. Separate gatage connected to 1talra IMfde condo. Owner wtll help ftnance. 5 minutes to beach. 1175,000 Mary Lou Marlon (M35) , lllUI lllTI 1111 Great Eastalde location - 2 BR each -Large cornor lot. Great Investment at s1eo,ooo Berlt Mltchefl (M38) --·••1111m $159,900 Home In tip top condition In The Cofony. 3 BR wtth b4Q country kitchen -and a lovely bonus room. Tllk• up the whole 2nd floorl Good financing. Coby Ward (M37) UST lllTI Ill& -2 BR, 2~ BA, atrium taroe 8'lCloMd patto. L.otl of privacy. 2 years old. Immaculate. Auumable loan $147,900 8ertt Mltchetl (M38) .. -..-••1.111m1 Move-ln.,,eady condition. 2 BR, 2 BA, Newport Beach pool condominium. Close to parka llbrary & lhopJMng. Greet financing avaJlable. $121,500 Tom Alllf180t'I or Terry Han. (M39) Wll N UY-..,llT YDll'lfl Beautiful lg 1 BR condo near the ocean. Mutt fMng wttb MCUrtty system, underground part<lng, fabulous pool & apa -Cloaett ga:loref Lease @ $550/mo. or buy @ $116,000. Debbie Fratt (M40) --•••m One of the lowest priced Deauvt1191 In Big Canyon. This 4 BR HOME IS LIGHT. AIRY & In A-1 oondttJon. The bMutJful pool, apa & lg. entertainment patio ate pertec:t lor thoM warm aummer days ahead. $649,600. Ea.y to .... ao call Tom Alllnaon or Terry Hanee MlllDI .al Gat8-QU81ded communtty. 2 BR+ den. Tutefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. 1395,000 8ertt Mitchen _ mMilfl nwmlllE lmmeculate "G Plan" Newer Blufft wtth 4 BR, 3 BA & many upgrades & exarM. Comer locatlOn. Private apa, near pool. $300,000 Incl. land. Good fl~ng ....... Dtck Halderman ._, m a.Mii • UltlUff Private courtyard entrance leads to grack>ua entertaJnlng. 2 Patios, view of Catalina, lg fam rm, breakfaat area. 3 br, 2 fplcl. Owner wtll cooperate In ftnMcing. '245.000 Leuehokl 88t'bara Aune ···-· •••• • 111111 ••• Highly upgreded 2 BR, 2 BA l'9lldetice tMt ttlOWI llke a model. 8ec:w1ty gated, commurillY pool, ape & tennle. Format dining rm w/mlrre>Nd oellng. Or8"Mlttc aeep down Iv If"· Excellent ftnanclng. $205,000 Furnished $215,000 Suanne Shuler ............ This 3 BR home hU It ... Wondetfut tlMndng .. llVIUable, doee to freewaya, ~ & culture too Md a wonderfua ftoor ~ l ywd for your gr-. 1138~900. Tom AltlnlOf'I Md Terry Hanea. ...r .... ,.. •• One of the flnett view Iota. cuatom d11l0w-.ct home with eec:fuded pool area. .. or 5 BR, gueet eutte. formal dining room, 5 rooma over100f<lng t.he bey. Super buyt '975,000 FEE. 0.CWge Grupe. ; IUYll • .... .... 1295,000 Just reduced, owner very anxlou.. Spotleu Corona dotlhOUM on ovet'llZe canyon tot. 3 BR, 3 BA lncludlng Mpante entrance gueet 1t.11te. CtoM to thopptng & Ltttle Corona 8-ch. Aaklng 1219,600. George Grupe. ·, ........ BMUtlfultydecOrated (SMvtiW) home '-' lulh otrden aettlng with panoramto vlft of OCMn, otty flghtf & couttlne. Thll fine 3 BR executive home featur.. garct.n atrium & country kitchen wtth breakfat area. Priced for fut ..... $475,000. Anita Schandet. I . • ' ~·~ano-County ,._ afate/An Ac.hertlsfng $upplement to tM DAILY PflOT /Saturday, July 31 , -1982 ~ . • • --·------' . • Celebrity Villa * * Featured in the July Issue of OC HOME AID GARDEI IAGAZllE Reach out and touch the stars! Perc•ed high on the crest of a forest-like hill, this spectacular setting could be a proper place for an 1'acle'1 ne•t! Inatead, it is the pert ect site for a villa that might well be out of a story book. Thia charming and delightful country home is a masterpiece of perf eetion in its authenticity of an era in hiatory known for gracious living. Panoramic views from rows of French windows are portrait• of teal life murals of distant snow-ca ed mountains, a billion city llghta, hilltops and treetops ... a dally spe acle for someone fortunate eaough to own this incomparable home and setting. Almoat 5,000 s.quare feet.Q.f living• ce, on a magnificent full acre, with full grown pinea, eucalyptua, and a orchard with dozen• of fruit treea, rose garden•, and enhanced by a arlding pool and apa with never ending viewa. EXCEPTIONAL TERMS AVAILABLE -TRADES INVITED 731-4444 ' .. . . . . . ,, .... .... • ... --;;", :;::w -l 1 t • ------------- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 -5 ~n..m&TE Ocean view from top of Spyglus Hill. 5 BR, family room with stepdown bar & wine room, master suite w /fireplace, marble & sauna, dining room with mirrored ceiling, gourmet kitchen. $1.975,000 I NUii 11111 TllE The best money can buy! 3 BR located on exclusive Big Canyon Countty ·aub. Amenities include an old 1800 English Pub, all beamed & paneled study, music center, Fr. doors & 2 frplas, beveled glasa & wine cellar. Everything for the di.lcriminating! $975,000 • I . -· ' 011m1n1• On estate size lot overlookins golf COW'9e in prestigioul 1q Canyon. 5 BR. 4 BA, tavern room, study, formal dinlna, gourmet kitchen, A/C, superb custom construction, covered patio, pool. $265,000. lllflllT ,.., ' ... .., .. '""' ' IWt T1tt Beautifully maintained 4 Br, atudy & formal dining, 3 Ba (ape in master). Complete blt·ln kit. Surrounded by loads of Wied brick. Owner will finance entire balance. Asking $1,395,000. •.:.nm Beautiful traditional 4 Br f.amlly home, accented w/J'ndlch doors, stained & leaded glaaa windows. gourmet kitchen, apecial children'• room, pool, ape.. wMilna pool & '° mwn much more. $895,000 . "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $584,500 at 11. 75•;. on thl8 3 bedroom, 21A bath gateguar<*t home conven*'t to the Harb«, Newport Center and airport. Reltdence featuree panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city light• from large deck•. $896,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Sen« wtll carry .,, AITO of $519,000 at 12.15•;. for an extended term for a quallfted buyer. Ideally aulted tor entertalnfng with approx. 3050 aq. ft., 3 bedrooma, 31A baths, large decks, 3 flreptacea and family room. Views from this home are lncredlblel saso.ooo."DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume exi.tlng 30 year $295,000 Arat at 13.25% fixed or seller will conllder trade on this 4 bedroom, 31A bath home with 2 large decka, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city tight views. Seller relocatfon. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft . home with French marble flreplaoe, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the mater bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel S 1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH DESIGNER UPGRADES Mirrors, cefllng fans and pavers accent thl8 llke-new 4 bedroom, 21A bath home In dole proximity to the tennis court• and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot wtth plane for a 10,000 aq. ft. formal French home wtth no houaee behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must llquldate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 1,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that 19 unusually large for this, area, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property In Orange County or aetler wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. Thi• home has It alll $2,700,000. ... COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAf.. HOME Located on a large comer lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio with spa, cuatom landecaplng, family room and tun OM of recreatlonal facllttlel. Try leue/optlon or low down. S8.25,000. "17,000 A81UMABLI AND lelJ.ER WILL Hl!LP Spectacular 2 bedroom ooeen view home wfth swtmmlng pool and additional Miter fln81lclng. $850,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO THE PARKS, TENNIS AND RECREATION Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath home In exclullve gate-guard9d communfty. $700,000. . &WEEPING OCEAN VIEWS superb quaNty 6 bedroom home wtt'1 den, country Charm, hardwood noora, formal dining, central courtyard with 1pa, aeparate maid'• quartera and 3 flreptacel. •1.300,000. ...... -.. ~ Lingo AWfAm'f . SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring avaffabte, thl1 6 bedroom Balboa latand resJdence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. ELEGANT EASTBLUFF HOME ON LARGE LOT Mature trees and custom fandacaplng greatly enhance this private and warm 3 bedroom home with attractive fJnanclng avallable. Seller wlll conalder trade for San Juan. $259,000. MAKE YOUR MOYE TO SPYGLASS HJLL E'8Q81lt and Immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath contemporary home wfth family room, dramatic wet bar plus exlttlng mountain and city tight views. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skytlght wtndows wlll tight up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 31A bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4'A bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living apace. Sllp and aide tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller wlll help flnance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE Thia rambllng ranch home II Ideal for ftrat time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooim, 21A baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced pnc. of $163,000. Setler wtll carry With 15% down or wtJI consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Btvd., thlt duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller wlll carry at 12.5•1. with 20% down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive otty and Catalina 1unset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $485,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS JUST A HALF A BLOCK TO BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-26% down. $225,000 . RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few '1ep9 to the aand. $235,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try AITO or tr.de°" ttlll e 8dr .... ...,.. hOUel vrtttl 2 fi1)tc, lky11tes, Frencm doora, gorgeoua poof, spa. Kot pond and ~ tot. $495,000. . ' IESIDINTIAL. IEAL' ESTA TE SllVICES BA YSHORES LIDO ISLE BIG CANYON llHllMI n•• -Wiii not tut at this price. Fabuk>u1 potential to be a beautiful famlly home In this dealrable gate guarded community. Two patloa, 3 BR. Lowest price In Baylhore. um.a UQM.I Spacious home for acilve famlly. 3 bedrooma, den & 3 baths + extra large patio for ping pong & entertaining. Could have aweeplng bay view. llYllllU 1411 .... fU Great potential for remodet In thla 3 BR & den home. Cloae to beactlM In thl• prtvate, gate guarded area. Owner wUI aaslS1 with creative ~nancing. Submit aJI offera. Fee land. "'.... 1110,IOI JuS1 listed. The perfect Fee home atepa from private beach. 2 BR. Separate office. Freeh paJnt & paper + remodeled kitchen makes this a move-In tomorrow. Ufllml Im.- Very spacious 4 BR, 4',A, bath residence full of charm & privacy. Watch the boating scene or become a part of It. Ownera will do an exchange. Submit today. un.aa n-.na One of a kind home, totally remodeled, outstanding quality thruout. Huge famlly l<ltchen, 4 BR, fem. room, formal dining. Prtvate brick patio. Ex large lot. This could be your dream home. 11n11•1 11,111,111 Front row center tor the beet water-front show In townl The large courtyard patio & bay-view deck Invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are pluaes. llYIH•I 11,l ..... Glorious Cape Cod homo on bayfront -FM land. 4 BR F0tmai dining. Separate family room. Muter suite. Large patio. Spectacular for famlly entertaJnlng. Sellers wllt contlder trada. llYllllU P•,111 Showa llke a model. Enjoy the aplldoul bflffard room & relax In your own ape and bricked patio. Perfect home tor buyer who Meda 3 BA and lov• private bMdtee and NOUttty. ....... ·~ Portamouth model With IOYety poot & patio located on • qUiet cuk»-tac .,..,. lhOpl & lchoota. 3 BR Witt\ famfty room l wet blr. catt to .... NEWPORT BEACH Of Pia 2161 IAN JOAOUIN .. UI llOAD ~ . ~ ·~-.,.,.---...... -----------.,.------:1 ltland tlvtng plua Investment opportunity. 2 BR A spectacular townhome located on the 8th large famlty rm on 35 ft. Street to street lot. FaJrway. The magnificent Englllh decor wlll be Cloee to private beach & tennla courta. Owner featured In Orange County Home & Garden. purchaaed another. Includes private garage. Good financing la &al llU MH.-avaJlable. Newly listed on beautiful corner location. 4 BR • UIYll 14..,.. home featuring cathedral LR celling & Beautiful Bordeaux plan In Big Canyon. 3 BR, wonderful tight exposure! 1 block to ail Udo lovely wet bar & ail of the amenities of a amenities. Excellent owner asalated financing. prestlgtoua aecurlty community. At the BEST &al llU 1412,... PoSslbte prlcel PLUS the owner wlll finance or Very attractive 5 BR plus den. Great famlly leaae option. home. Good use of lovely wallpapers throughout. Close to private beaches & ~ ::": one ltory townhome with-=~-= community tennis courts. privacy. Its own pool & spa. In model perfect &al Mll,111 condition & reallattcally priced In this Elegant country setting. 3 BR & large prestlgloua gate guarded community. remodeled kitchen. Beam celllngs, wood ftoor1 & Iota of charm. 2 fireplaces. Large assumable • lllYll .... .- loan & owner carry 2nd. A good houee with A sophisticated townhome overlooking the golf great financing. course. 5 BR with private master suite, study & Ull llU ~ 1111.-spa. Profesalonally decorated with marble Prime Inside corner location wtth total privacy. fl00t1, cultom cabinetry & crown moldlnga. Every amenity for graclou1· 11vlng In this 6 BR • UIYll 1111.- home with Lrg. yard & apa. Bay, bMch & tennla 4 BR overtooklng 6th fairway with lovely view. cloae byf Owner may conalder leaae option°' oeauvllle model completely customized. trade. Dramatic IMng & dining room. Large deck & &al llU 11..-spa. Low maintenance yard. Air conditioned. Completely remod8'ed 4 BR 31A BA home on New reduced pnce. extra wide tot. Ideal fOf 9'egant famMy llvtng. FR d00t1, oak floors, atained glue, ext uaed brick • IUYll llll,lll & sunny aouth patio. Nothing apared In Reduced In Big Canyon. G0tgeou1 Verlallles detalllngl Owner ...Sited fl anctng wtth goff COUrM view & lovety prtvate yard. 4 BR l1' · Include extra large muter aulte. Den with &al Ill.I .... .-flreplac:e. Extremely motivated Miier. Located on tip of Lido lsfe. Thie lovely grectoua home has au unenltleel 6 BR, 5 bath, maid'• • 111111 112a.- qtra, spacloua room• with high beam oeillnga. Moat eetect location. Magnlfk:ent view with gourmet kitchen, prtvate patto & epal Owner wlll lovely grounde. Poof & apa. Expanded Ptan 3 ualat with ftnanclng. ln°'udee tuteful upgrad•, ueed brick. trench dOOfl, etc. '4 BR. L8111U 11.-.---...... Outatandlng 40 ft bayfront location with vtew of • -·-11,....,... main turning basin. Remodel or have SPKk>ul '4 BR cuetorn home with ~ builder-owner construct your dream homel vtew of golf couree. Formal dlnlng room Price Includes plane, permit• & coaetal receeeecf celtlng. Famlty room with wet bar. approval f0t 5319 aq ft hornet Gated area. Pet'feot f0t active famlly. • • 111.1 ... 11.-.-•..,. 11.-.- Magntttcent Dutch Colont8I reektence on the Panoramic vl9W of gaff COUrM plu8 charming " b8Y. 5 BR, llbrary, fonMI dtnfng room, wtth BA, Fam Rm home. Totafly "r-.creeted" wtth extenlive UM of poUehed wooda & Ulee. WtH FR & OR lkyflghta, crown moldlnga & 3 Frpta. captivate the mott chcri~nattng. Pter & alp DHlgned by Canterbury lnterfora. Owner for 70' boat. flnanofng. SPYGLASS ...... ··-8pect.cutar unobatructed vt... MOdltred Cape Hom 3rd BR now a ui.. Gr•t for ln-taw, gueet or teeneger. Gorgeoue pool & epe. Manicured landl09pfng. 0WMt wNt carry 1• T.O. ....... I ..... Elegant Southport with total outtomlzed detalNnQ. 5 BR, 31A BA, full bonus room, pool. ape & Jowly Ollllbo for ~ Yllle.y view. Total MOUttty .., ...... & .. ·o1,t1Mt UV.. tMt make a home a Olllal. C...M.a.. ---........ --·----II.LBS _ _.. -- • JDCml.-cu.----· ·----...... CMUW UR --.. , ... _..__---------~~~~~~-..,,.,,, __..--... -.. r.,, };,-,-:-......... .. . '' 8 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Juty 31, 1982 ....... • • • • • SPECIALS Many owners are offering substantial price "cash speaks" -Lower than listed price, if your offer ... we will present anything ..... reductions and terms. Some will exchange and you have cash ... Call lor details and submit . .. I...._ _1_1L_10_1_1s_u_11n ___ ll ._ _11E_W_Po_11_1_E1_cH___,ll __ co_s1_i._ME_s1 _ ___, PRICE SLASHEOm OPEJt AU. WDX. 111...,.. Awe. MOW IZM,GOGI Oft IOdl ft tot. Ador8llle 291 1be wlbrtctl ,-0. A IUPEJt VALURI BALBOA IS. HOME + + REDUCE> TO S.,500. Quiet Utlle IL comer wttlt I bed. ..... .., decoflltof + ,... ....... .,...._ sn-.IOO. UTTLEIS.LAAGE • .,. ................ bed. .... 1 bed. units In quiet localloft. 8tepe to lleJfronta. Dttwe br 11' ~ • «*I. ~l1MIOO. BALBOA IS. WATERFRONT Ca..lc coa..,e deceraled In ....... IR" CIOl-ldfllilllllllWllfti ..... __.. 6 ....,._ A pert.ct _....,. 2 bed. 2 be. ..... = kltcMn, eun deck • ,-0. Doell tor 2 boete. BAYFRONT -.tOINT VENTURE ...... lelend'• ..... locaClon ...... ,..,, .. --- VIEW• and .... ,. ldHUcal, ... , ....... bed. """'· c.ldn'T be dul c 1ted todlJ. T,....... 6 ll11af ....... OW J >Mt Mfthn Oft eM for --.... lt1·MOO. BALBOA ISLAND CHARMER Reduced Ctaen ...... ~ ..... ...uo. .,..,,. .... '*-:t. ~ ... ., ,.. Aft bulld. ,._. llw:tud1d br•Topa..tc.1.'211,GOO. l11VESTIEIJ PROPERnl COAST HWY. COMMERCIAL -180' E•celtent comer bulMM pnpertJ wtttt .. t•bllelted ........_ OW help......_ .,,11',IM or,..... pwcMM tor-.000 MOlllLE HOME PARK-COSTA ME8A • ..... .....-+I ..... XUfT looatlorl ••• OM m"8 to ............ 11.--., ......... v-. .. .. I+ ...................... _ ..... . EXCWSIYE-71 UMITI 0n-.-................. ,, ....... ...... .... ..... -... ...,, .. , ..... be1l1 AC.... .... ......... _ ... ....,.._ .................... . .....,.Uf19~kMt I I ........ , •• llMI .. ----Call--== ........ ..., ....... L99e• ....... t........ .... NEWPORT BEACH-INLAND PRICEI OntJ 1171,D tor lNe I bed, 2 be. holM wttll RV .... » oondltloned new roof, cerpet. pelnt a ..... lnctudee ...... NEWPORT 18. REOUCEOI A,,.,•allftll I bed. + den oottaee on .,._. ........... JIOl-'rl IL R.cluoecf '20,000 Md the ow••r wQI help flnence. t:ml,OllO. VISUAL PLEASURE-BIG CANYON Ceurtyent ......, Into • ..._. c•lll•11-. =• c-.i ...... cwt OOWM VIEW frOM al t'OOIM. t I lllrJ ~ IWOdel 2 bed. + deft. NUS. A8 D '9NANCINO. -- BAY8HOAE8 FA£8H a FRENCH A '**' tredttloMI oounltJ 'rwtl J bed. I be. wtth .... '*'""' ktlcMn. Mdl ,.... .............. tor outdoor tMng. owe "''' T .o. ,.._. .. end eubmlt. tm,000. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two etcwy I bedrOOMe, 2'1\ bethe In e .,._. loc:9tion. Qr.eftbeft view• end lowHt priced In • waterfront OOIMHlllMy wttlt boat dock. Good ... ImalM ~ sm.ooo BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY-VU, VU tn • pm• wooded etcoM comer In ==-CMetoln 4 bed. I be., torlMI din.rm., fMt mt., I -· wet ber. Pm• poof .... ~. hdwtoue •/Nttl bellm9d ...... In Iv.rm. C91 et 10.11% APR for to ,..,... wttlt ,..a,.... ...,.. ,_,........ -- UDO ISLE -55' LOT + POOL CouftltJ kttcMn In tMe I bed. 2 be. on .... tot. '-tMt tot entertetMte wtt1t .... petlo 11M1 "1 pool. •11,000 WATERFRONT W/LQ BOAT SLIP REDUCED '100,000 .,,..~ UncM ..... eeourttr ......... olUbhouN. bMoh. ow. ... ft.. W/4 bed. ...... + ......... ...,..,.. ..._wet bef. 1AWMt PftGe on '""91 °"Linda. Telle "'* .......... In ............ "" mettw••••· .. oontlcler all tetM• on belenoe, lnoludlnt tre4M ., .....i ........ oa9h .............. •1.,.,... owwe•.-111 I .._....._. ...... Ofter_. ..... .......... ~ ...................... ..,.,..,, 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 HOME FOR INVESTOR $114,000 Peftec:t I bedroom, 2 ...,._ holM °" lerge tot. .... cerpet end pemt. OWMt wll help ftnenoe. Drtve br 22110 Fedet ... IMllACULATE ON GOOD STREET eo. ...... , .. Newpcwt • wppt•• '--lie petto""" ..., _.le deUcMd .-..-. Two beef + pedo. New epp•n a.. Dttwe br D2 M18flOle. Coete ..... 6 C:.-tor .... ..... t1l2,IOO. ~ 3 HOME81 ... ......,. ............. btlllex "' PftlM • oonMOlont Coeta .............. 1CIZlrfl2 ft. lot .... ......, RMllt wtth front, ................. 111·1400. COROllA DEL llR I IAVINE TER. NO QUALIFYING Rectuc.d ~ '20.ooo"' .... ONLY t:M0.-8ftd no need k ...-, tor loeft ....... ..., Adara"h oon;er I bed. 2 be. + poof 6 petto on comer. NMr ,....._IL I bHc9'H. Owner I• dHperetel o.-.n 8etl8un. 1QI ......... Ten.oe. JASMINE CREEK -THE ULTIMATE "°''' 1lana1J deoor.a.d wttlt quelftJ a 111 .. toe. PtW.a. comer I bed + den nod to .,...lllett. CuatcMn epe. AWMNlble 1et T .D. tal.000 8HORECUFF8 CORNER -REMODELED ........ w loc:ellcN\., wtth OOl!lt* .. ,...., ... Ndecoret.d .. bed"°'91e wttlt I be.+ I NF ...... e.IM mottv ........... ,.,.... ., .... flnenca .... - ....... ..,IWLWlll'.11.~ VU HOME + INCOME Acf'OM hm peltl In Corone del Mer wttlt View of MJ I ................. ..,decorator In tood ..... """ ......... ......,_, ,,.,.,.. doors • .. nda•• + i-.=:an nw.. bed,~ ....... uNt ..... 2 .............. _ .... _Iii-_ . , "" . - ' NEW CAPE COO -COM A brMd MW IWO-l'°'J ........_ Dftwe bf 114 ,,.._rtgold4IM!oli.t ••• Mt 8"oft btoc:lc• to ~ del ..., bMchM. Aft .... ., In ... a bednn, femltJ room end tormal *""' '°°"'· LARGE VllW 8UNDICK. Cell for flnenclng detalle. ..... llREA THT AKING CLOIE-\IP VUl G-..<;41f'Wdel1Wlt.+ ...................... ..... I ......... ,.e w.,... a ......_ I bM, deft. CMiM locatlOft ~...-, ........ Dila v.fr8 hn; 8WfJ ..... +' ......... 111-1400. IAVPROllT--1.li_,OPTION c...-..• ........... ~T·' .. ..,.., .... a ....... .,,_.., 1111 °""' c... .. ..., a oell ,., dtt•H .. t1,111. • ., ..... ,., ......... ......... M4A ~ ..aACULATR DUPLU ..... , ...................... ~ .......... , .. .... ...... w ............ ..., lldoed .. ..,... ---, --e.:...i;iitt J . -- DalebOUt Bay le Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCf! 1949 ~-.. COME WITH US TO ••• WllHLlff . . . Probably the best buy In Newport Beach. One bedroom condo. Restful patio overlooking sparkling pool. Two year old kitchen. Freshly refurbished Interior. Carport ............................................................. $95.000 Open 51" 1-5 .................... 1724 Westcllff # 12 TH WUlllLLH ... Luxurious living. One bedroom condo wtth view of Fountain Court. Gorgeous clubhouse. pool and spa. Security guarded gate. $74.000 loan at 1 n·w •. $116,000 ~ ••• Attractive two bedroom, two bath condo. Fireplace. Mirrored wardrobee. Ground ftoor. Walk to shops, library and pat1(. Price reduced $10,000 ................................. $129,500 ID& WOii . . . Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof, kitchen appUances, and carpeting -all new within the last two years. Convenient location. Owner wilt help finance. ............................................................ $134,900 Open Sat 1-5 ................. 1715 Labrador Drive •WNIT SIMD . . . High beamed celling In living room. Skyllghted kitchen. Atrium off master bedroom. Two bedrooms and bath plus bonus room upstairs. Walk to beech $179,900 ._ Ill •• . . . A two bedroom (plus den) condo wtth a fabulous view of gotf course and green beft. A total delight. Just reduced Now ..................................................... $179.900 .... r• 'W ... Never a better time to buyl This three bedroom dwefllng has extreme value. Large secluded cul-d&-sac tot. Pool. Unheard-of financing. Lease/option avatlabte ............................................................ $199,900 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rockford Place •tn• • .... . . . Spaclou1 three or ftve bedroom hOme. One large bedroom and bath downstairs, suitable for guests or maid'• quarters. Two bedrooms upstalr8 plus huge bonus room, aultable for two more bedrooms or rumpus room .... .... ............ ........ .... S253,500 WllTILlff ... NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Poot and spa .................. $255,000 Open Sun 1-6 ...................... 1018 Dover Drive lll Niii l U . . . A place of dignity and eteganoe. Two bedroom penthouM overk>oklng the bay and ooean. Security gate. Poot/Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent flnanctng. S269,500 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ... 100 Schotz Plaza, PH 10 .... NW _. ... The pcs>ular "Carmel" model. Three bedroom1. New carpeting. Specloua patio. Luxuriant garden Pre>perty In top ~hlon. You own the land ..... Uee..t500 Open Sun 1-5 ............ 1930 Port Brl1tot "lrde -- HHUIT ... Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entenamlng. Huge IMng room with soaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality. Just reduced $40,000 Now ..................................................... $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........... 1837 Commodore Road _.. Ill IU . . . l;.xcellent flnanlng. South of Highway. Two story, two bedroom house In front. One bedroom unit In rear. Convenient to shops and banks .............................. $299,500 wutalff . . . Postcard picture home. Three bedrooms. Two baths. Early American decor. Large corner lot. Property In top condition. Owner buying larger home. Needs action. ............................................................ $316,000 llYIUST . . . Abtractlve four bedroom home. Brick driveway. 'Shingle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style". Sparkling poof ............................................................ $339,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 1924 Leeward Lane UY.al . . . Excellent financing. Attracilve four bedroom home. Kitchen and family room completefy uporaded. Beamed celllnga. Wet bar with wine rack and refrigerator. Newly recarpeted and pelnted .................... $380,000 llY.aT . . . The Inspired work of a master craftsman. Completefy rebuilt wtth rare artlatry . Four bedrooms. Poot Spa. Seldom doee a property of this caliber come on the market. Don't miss ltl ........... ................ .......... $395,000 llrmlT . . . Elegant four bedroom home. AJI rooms are ellceptlonally spacious. Two huge ~~:'.~· .. ~~~ .. ~:.~~~ .. ~.~~.~~ ~= llWll S-. . . . Magnificent four Mc:iroom waterfront. Enjoy the dramatic vf.w of water =~h~,~~~ ~~ ..... ~I.~ .. ~ .... ~= -Ult llU . . . Spacious family home. Five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus In-law quarters. Separate family room. Dining room. Convenient to beaches and tennis ............................................................ S475,000 WU1'0Uff . . . lmpreaatve four bedroom homo. 889utlfully paneled den. Luxuriant pool me yard. Huge brick patio and gazebo. Ott street parking. You own the land .............. $475,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ......... 1118 Somereet Lane ••NIT llUll ... 116' of waterfront. Three bedrooms. l.Jge den or bonua room. Huge patJo. Your own pier and slip ......... $479,000 lnll a.a . . . A home of distinctive charm and taste. Four bedrooms. One of Its many teatur• I• a ten toot eotld oak bat, comptete, even to brass rall. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing ............................. 1650,000 lfHUll llLL . . . Undeniable value. Thie property tak• the laurels for amenltlee and comfon1, /lut a dramatfc front rCIW vtew of ocean an ~ I~•· Four bedrc>Oma. Pool. Spa. UbereJ ftnencfng .................... MQ&,000 Of*\ 8at/Sun 1-5 ......... 11 Catmet Bay Drtw • lllYll . . . A totally private and much sought after. four bedroom Versailles. Densely wooded, but with a superb view of golf course. Secluded splendor with distinctive charm and Impeccable taste .............................. $850,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............................. 12 Rue Vene • UIYll . . . Prestigious home. An Ideal environment for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. French doors and windows. Ten skylights. lrreplaoeable at Its price. Generous financing .................. $895,000 llftl ... n . . . Dramatic entry of carved wood and ltatlan fosaltlzed marble ... and your Impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. Barbecue. Vou own the land . .......................................................... $895,000 Opon Sun 1-5 .................... 1244 Polaris Drive llW9I TllUll . . . Everyone enjoys a window to the sea -this lovely three bedroom home has sixty feet of windows. The Catalina sunsets are spectacular. Huge patio with spa. Setler highly motivated. $65,000 price reduction. You own the land .............................. Now $985,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace 11n11m ... Extraordinary opportunity. Thi• residence alts on prime waterfront . . . with the prized advent.age of It• own giant private pier and 1llp. Hlghly privileged gated community. Very special owner financing II available. Oh, yes, there 11 a three bedroom home set on this treasure ............. $1,250,000 In._... -.&. ... Impressive Englllh Tudor. Five spacious bedroom•. Beamed two lt<>f'Y living room. Formal dining room. Famlty room with wet bar. Beveled glaaa throughout. Four flreplacea. Gotd plated fbctures In bathrooms. You own the land. Sel~r extremely motivated. Submit any offer ..... :: ........... M ........ $1,395.000 l&YWU . . . Prestigious Mediterranean vllla on the water. Built llke a fonresa, yet loaded with charm. Five bedrooms, Including a master suite with Its own private staircase to a water oriented patio and spa. Security gated erea assures prlv~. Owner motivated to sell. Wiii consider tease/option. You own the land ......................................................... $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 2500 BayshOre Drive IMl1m-llftLlfll Prime location In Ealtlide eo.ta M ... Nearty a full acnt at 18th Strwt Md Orange Avenue. Plana and permit• for 28 condoe are av.U.ble. Purcha.e prlc:. alto lnctudel a near new triplex. Excellent terms. Owner wtll oonllder trade. Call H•rtet P«ry ........................... S1, 150,000 illNtlDI ,.. CholM paroei 13.86 ecna. 8tUd'y conMMet• for 55 duplexel or four per ~ UMQ9 • • . duplex••· condo•. aparunenta or lnduetrlal ~t. Neer new~ and~ c.nter . • ........__ ----"" • --~-· ... -., • ._. .LL.t,..-~,-_.,."'~'....L.,,,._ \....U JO;t; -• 10 =--orange County Real Eltate/An Advertlalng Supplemiilf to 1M"tf~LV-Pll.Oi/Saturaay, ~uly3T.19!2-- -... .:;. . ;,_ 1'. . ~-I -. GEORGE ELKINS COMPANY OVER 58 YEARS OF TRUSTED SERVICE 8AL80Al8LAND PRIME SOUTH BA YFRONT WITH PIER a SLIP Family Estate CooslstJng Of Two De1eched Sl~lly Homea. Two Adjacent Lot• Oeslrable Comer Locatkln. Commanding vi.w Of Bey. Welk To Shops. Owner May Assist With Ananc:lng. $2,700,000. Call Don O.Thomu. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Ovwtook• 8th Green Vlewl From Most Rooms. Formal LR. & D.R. Rlchly P8114Med library With Coffered Celllng Paneled F.R. Spacious Master Suite W/Hls & H8''.I Baths. Pool. Spa Maid's Otrs. The Ultimate In Quality & Charm By Appointment $2,290,000. Call Miiiie How.. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Magnificent View Home In Newport Beactt'1 Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge. The Style Is Engllsfl Tudor. The BIW.p!'lnta Ara In Ot.tr Office. Wiii Be Spectacular $2,200,000. Call Susan Trlvtson. EXCLUSIVE BAYSHOAES BAYFRONT Pl« & Dock Quality 5 Bedroom In Oellrabte Gated Community. Prtv1ta Beecti Beautlfully Upgraded. Probably One Ot The Anast Waterfront Views Av911abla Right At Turning Basin. Reduced To Only $895,000 Leuehold. Call Marilyn TwltcNll. CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay. 5 Bdrm. Home. Large Liv. Room. Fonnel Dining. F.R. Powder Rm Gourmet Kitchen. Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tle. You Own The Land. Owner Will Aasllt With Financing. Sl.850,000. Call Cathryn Tannllle. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacul8f HllltOc> Estate. Maanlftoant V.W. On Ave ~ 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Bull! Home Ideal For Entertaining. Sol.r-Heeted Pool. Spa & Outdoof 880 Aree. Room For Tennis Court, Horl8S, Guett HouM. Submit Reuonabte Offer9. S1,n5,000. Call Binnie Dixon. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder Must 811 Hll "'"'Y eon.tructad Spectaculer Home On Approx. 1~ A.ex• Of HllltOc> Views. Soer1ng Cellngs & ~II Open Rooms Focua On A Lrg Atr1um W/Wat_,ells & Even A Rain Forest. An Ent.n...,_.1 ParadlM. Call Sul#I TrM9on Of Marllyn Hiii For A Private Showing. OM A LONG WHITE 8ANDY BEACH In Pr1va1a a.tad Community. Wa M\JSt Seit TIMa Lovely ~II Custom Wood & Gtw Home. Fae.1uring ~acular Views Of Beed\ & w ..... l.Mng Room With So.rtng Callnga. 4 Ar~. GrllCleful 8Pfalng StairceN lANldlng To Mater &lite,~ V'9w Deck & Skyllgtttad Bath With~ Tub. Arndoul OwMrllkllder Wll Flnenca. Alklng S1,450,000. c.i! M.ntyn Hin Of SuSM Tr1vtlon. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On The Bluffs ~ Bav & Ocaen. Cultom-8ult Home. Arcnltaetlnlly o.lgnad. Magnlftcant Views. ea.utltul Woodl. HmldlaOme Appcltttmanta. Abundant ~ & Storage Spece. 180 A. Frontage On Ocaen BMS. Fot More lnfom\atlon, Call Cettwyn Tannlla. PENINSULA Waterlront W/Dock. Panof'amlc View. Great Locetlon. FWctwood Float +50 Ft. DoeJ(. Custom-Bunt Homa W/3 BAa. K"c:hen WIV'tew Window Hu AH Moct.n Amanltlaa. UMd Brick BBQ.In Out1tandlng Patio Area. Tiied Garaoe-. Great Offering. St,295,000. Call o+on Schmettr Or Marla S.covftz. JUST COMPLETED Cu11om-Bullt 6300 Sq. Ft. Home Marlnarl Point. San Clemente. G<>fgeous Ocean Vlew, City Lights Entertalnan' Delight Numerous Amenltlaa. See To Appreciate. $875,000 Owner9 Wiii Accept Syndicate Or Trade Submit All Offw1 Call Mana Bercovltz. VERY SPECIAL Very Large And Very Elegant New Home. Marvelous View Across Orange Park Acru To The Mountains. All Wood Exterior, Dramatic Architecture. 4 BAI + Library/den. Sumptuous Master Suite, Huge Family Room W/Wet Bar. Ve<y Formal LR + Separate D.R. A190 Prolasslonal Kltc:han, Atrium, Sewing Room. One Acre, Level & Zoned Fcx Horses $875,000. Sellef Very Flexlbla. WIH Conltd81 Trlde EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting ~View Home. Superb Contemporary Slyftng. In Pr81tlglous Community. 3 BRI. 3 BA + Oen. High Beamed Celllnga In Oen. 0 .R & L.A. Sun Decks Spa Off Spacious MBA. BBQ Priced At $635,000. C.il Joyce Debolt. JASMINE'S FINEST Te>c> Quality Home. In Gata Guarded Area. 3 BA End Unit On Quiet Cul-De-Sac. Baautltulty Decorated Home, Sunounded By Wide Graent>«t1. Partclng Spaoas Gak><e. $427,500. Call Muriel Barr. BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE IN NEWPORT BEACH'S PRESTIGIOUS BIG CANYON. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL -BRIGHT. CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEDROOM & BATH. OWNER/AGEHT WILL FINANCE. $415,000. CALL JOHN MEAAILL COUNTRY LIVING Just Completed 3300 Sq. Ft. Cultom Estate. Floor Plan II ldMI F04' The Latga Famlty & Entertaining. Maoy ~. 3 ~.Central AJtt And Wet Bar. 4 Badtooml. 4~ Bathl, Dan, HuQa ~emlly Room, Plue Saperata Formal Dining "H.it." Neatly~~.~ & Zoned For Hor-... At Tha End Of A Prtvata P.wd Road. The Bulldar II AMlng 1397,000 And Wiii Aalst With Financing. HARBOR VIEW Montage, Expanded, Upgrlldad. Mutt a.. To Appf'ada1a. Four Bedrooms, HM EYarythtng lnaldt & Out. lrg Sunny Rooms. Alarm SY91am, Automatic Spnnklwl, llad Entry. ChcMci Wallpaiparl. Comm. Pool. caoaa To Paf1c. AMlng 13&,000. Call Joan Lanba. WOODSY RETREAT Split Laval Horne Overlooklno Charry Lake. Private. Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kltchan W/Mexk:aln Tiie. OwMr W1I Carry An8ndno. ~ 111. Truly A Baautlful Spaclou1 Homa. Huge Price RaOuctlon. Now $286,000. l..w/Optlon Conaldarad. Call Binnie Dixon. OPEN HOUSES CHARMER Detlghtful 2 BR Tradltlonel Spanlltl In Cotta Meaa. Recently Remodeled & ~rated. Sparilllng, With An Air Of P9rlectlon. ~ Lotina. S159,000. Call Blnn6a otxon. EA8TBLUFF Rate Aw BA l.utk. Two Flraptac:ea, LR. & F.A. H~hly Upgtadad. totcnen ~. 3-Cer Gwaga. Excwt 1t Financing. Only $274,000. Call Selfy ~- SUNNYllEAD EIGHT-Pl.EX Two Attractive Spanllh 2 BA Furni.Md 4-Pta... No vecanc1ee. South Of ~ "'-' on Hlghw9y eo ....., Ha9codt St. ExCllant Tanna. Allducad To -12..a.ooo. Call Sally SNpley. BLUFFS BEIT BUY EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. lAlrge Aaumable Loen (j 11~ & OW.. WWI Coneklar 2nd. BMUtlf\dly Upgr9dad CannaltA W/3 BAI+ Cozy Dan. LAtge Patio On Lowly Greanbelt ,._, Pool. Vacant. S22UOO. Cal Sally ~- THIS WEEKEND 542 HARBOR ISLAND DR. Prom. Bay, N.B. • $1,400,000. S.AT/SUN 1-5. . 11_. VIA ENSUENO, Mariners Pt., SAN CLEMENTE $875,000. SAT 1-5. 26411 CHAPPARAL, Nellie Gall Ranch, LAGUNA HILLS $1,600,000. SUN 1-5. 587 BAY ST., Westside, COST A MESA $111,900. SA_T 1-4. 819 W. BAY ST., Westalde. COSTA MESA 1115,900. SAT 1-4. 2752 BAVSHOAE DR., Bayshores, N.B. $895,000. SAT /SUN 1-6. 241 BROADWAY, COSTA MESA S 169,000. SUN 1-5. 1100 & 1102 SOUTH BAY FRONT, BALBOA ISLAND $2,700,000. SUN 1·5. 7 RUE VILLAR$, Big Canyon, N.8 . $725,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 2642 VISTA ORNAOA, 8lutta, N.8 . . $229,500. SAT/SUN 1·5. l I 759-9100 # 2 Corporate tHEXPENSIVE 0!'991 3 BR Hom# With Urge Added Famlly Room, Ptua Arapl8ca. Eacallant Flnllnclng Avallabla. Patio With ~ Only •115.900. C.il Donne Webl*er. COSTAllUA Aemooatad Homa W /t..ov«y Dacof. N9w Butc:n.r Bloc* Counter, Dlthwalhat. Slldlng Glaae Door Off &ttna Arw. Endoead Patio. Lerge Yard W/FNlt Tfeel. Onfy •n uoo. Cell Donna Wabatar. SUPERB LOCATION Wondair1UI SlflOle &tort "End Unit" Condo C>Yanooklng e .. utlfully Land~ Greenbelt. Thtl Newat' Home tncludel 2 BR. 2 Full BatN. Fk'tlplloe, Mirrored Wardrobe ~ Centret AM, FOtCad /IJlf Hallttna, Prtvet9 Patio NM. & An A~ o.raoe w~ ltookS\!COfM'lunlty Poof, SIMI t ~ Complex Are • Yet "aunt AMno'lad" From ""'' Airy. Hl..c.IKftOad . And, W/2°"' Down, OwMr Wll ,_... WJFWindnQ. c.11 Ootdan l.ftllForo.tetta. .... -....... __....,....._.........._.,_. ...... . ' ' . ' \. •10% DOWN• •IAYCllST AllA PIXll• Huge executive ranch-styJe home featuring 4 br'a, family room, formal dining on cul-de-uc w/ room for a V.'a. Only $2~,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •AITISTS•PllMI llSIDINTIAL PIOPll"• Zoned for art studJos, gift ahope, antiques, etc. . . . Owner will carry financing for 25 yean. Only $135,000. 2670 San M.teuel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$11,700 PRICI RIDUCTION• *9% FINANCING •• •* When you takeover existing lit Trust Deed on this abeolutely beautiful PLAN 4 in HERlTAGE PARK. Thia former model feature8 3 Br, 2'h Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$41,50Ck -TOTAL PllCI For this smashing home an one of nicest parks m area. Two large bedrooms, formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$915 per mo ••• •* is all you pay when you takeover existing loan on this bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 stories, 2 Br, master suite w/ baJcony & 2 car garage. Priced to sell at $129,500. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. $1,279 PIR MONTH •TUITLIROCK• is all you pey when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br executive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $212,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Or., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •103 DOWN• * 113 FINANCING• When you takeover existing T .D .. owner will assist at 12'1> on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACK.BAY AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. HAllOI VllW HOMIS •SIA WIND• Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Bra, private location and assumable f~ Only $249,000!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$19,500 PllCI RIDUCTION• NmLITI VllW Highly upgraded end unit featuring 2 Br + den, fplc, wet bar + panoramic view. Reduced to $175,500 with aasumable financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •101fl% PINANCING• •10" DOWN• Brand new end unit featw'tl\12 nwtr suit.es, 2 car garage & numerous upgrades. Owner want.a to ee]J TODA Y I! Bring checkbook & make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Miauel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1001 or 752-737!. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICf 2'70 Son MtgUll Drtv• Newpon ltclcft, CA 12HO (714) 11•1eo1 t f .... • 121.4 3 PINANCING. HARBOR VIEW HOME. Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 with large asumable loen & eeUer umted financing!! 2670 San Mipel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. .OWNll DISPllARlk Must tell this any cua10m home naer the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. '!be .-ring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay wtndow ..:Id grace and charm not nonnally found at thia price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard romplete the picture. Sacrifioe for $171,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •flll MONIY • Owner desperate, will firwlce home at zero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in min t condition. 9032 ~am1, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single 1tory end-unit decorated in sumptuous earthtonee. Two car garage with elec\ric opener. Great aawnable 1st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.254Ji payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Be.ch. "6-7035. •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbol'. Two and three bedroom models with two bathl. Builder will f:lnanoe at 12.K and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costa. Prices start at $105,990. C.all for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$7%7/MO.• Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DIMOLllHID HOME -CHIAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO.• la all you pay for this 3 br, 1 ~ ba cucie with eecluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •AIANDONllh Artist'• chalet w /panoramk: ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MISA VllDI• Affordable living with superb financing available. Spacious home metk:uloualy Ql&intained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$9,600 DOWN- Buys th.I. blg 4 br pool home. Over 2000 911> ft. Loera Schoo.la . .Aaking $159,900. 9032 Ada.tbs, Hun~ Beach. 656-70~. •$20,oOo DN.• Spacious family home with I08J'h14r cathedral ceWnp and bright and airy country kitchen. With 41.arge bn, 2 ba'• and a family room, it's a barP4n at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Hun~ Belich. 5M-7035. •TUIN A FROG. Into a hand8ome prince. Spadoua 3 br, 2 ba home on lafle comer lot needs help. Seller anxioua. SllC:rifk.'e $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, ---~ HunUngton Beach. 556-7035. HUNTIN&TON BEACH OFFICE I032Ac1Gfti1Ave. HuntlftlfOn llacll, CA 12141 (714) IH-7035 12 -Orange County Real Eatate/An AdVerttllng SUpplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 This Weekend! Keep this handy directory with you this WHkend u you 90 hMM.fMlntfng. All the louUons llst.d below are described In vreater detail etsewheff In today's DAILY PILOT CIHSlfled ads. Patrons advet1illng open houMS for sale or rent In The Dally Piiot may list such Information In these columns each Sllturday and Sunday .. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 leDROOll 238 P.,..._ (Y• & Pn Pt) Irv. 832-3521 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1-6 31842 Fe!Mew, So. Ulguna 49M488 $148,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ,.,....,All.orNN 225~0ow~. tMne Sun 1-5 2 9EDROOll 430 Cet•tna Or., Newport Bch 842-774-4 $185,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 20920 Cutterock Rd, Lag Bch 497-3331 $195,000 Sun 1-5 241 Btoedway, ea.ta Mesa 759-9100 $159,000 Sun 1-5 2308 cmr Or. (Nwpt Hgta) NB 842-5200 taea.500 Sun 1-5 40 Canyon l.aand (Big Cyn) NB 842-5200 $219,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 24721 La CNsta Or., Dana Poktt 497-3511 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2137 E. Oceen BIYd., Bal P«tfn, NB 831-1400 $305,900 Sat 1-5 101 Schotz ptaza #217, Nwpt 8ch 931-1400 $149,000 Sat 1-5 117 Marine Ave., Balboe l.aand 831-1400 $254,000 Sat 1 ... 5 552 Hamltton, Coeta M..a 79-1501 $123,950 Sat 1-15 2•,...cawn 2571 Wewrty Dr., 8aylhotw. NB 831-6475 $235,000 LH. Sun 1--4 2 • ,.... ,All • or Dl!N * 19 Curt Or.,....,.,,..,. Cfk, Vu, CdM 840-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 *1"827 Via Udo Soud, Udo ..... NB 873-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1:30-5:30 221 vaa Orvleto, ucso ..... N.e. 644-9080 Sun 1-6 #7 Lago Sud, RSJ, lrvtne 759-1501 $175,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **633 Udo Pettc Dr (Fw) Udo VIG. N8 780-1900 $496,000 -Sun 2-15 '1~ w. Bey, Batboe '4M220 '275,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 I...__ 1211 Olwen t:n (W.dff) .. -~ 1211 9*.IOO 8litl8un 1-t U79-..,_(W .... )Co.ta .... 7 ... 100 •111,too Set 1--4 l'ttW. e.ylt. (W.llde)COICa ,..._ ~100 1116.800 ... 1-' 2e6 Joann, ea.ta Mela 846-6808 Sat/Sun 12--4 11 Rue Ver1e, Big Canyon, N.B. 213/470-2880 1499,000 Sun M 15 Lendfall Crt. Newport BMd'I 644-7020 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2M7 Blmboo.1.~ BMd'I 644-7020 ~58,000 Sat 1-6 *1218 ParMll Pl (Halecr•t) CM 540-11151 $118,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 324 Colleen, ea.ta M- 875-eOOO $134,800 Sun 1-5 **21 BNcon Bay (8-con Bey) NB 875-eOOO $695,000 Sun 1-5 *1018 Dovet Drtve, W•tcllff, NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln Pt., NB 87M181 $1,200,000 Sat 1-6 1911 Court St.LABal. Penln, N.B. 873-7300 ~98.000 Sun 1-5 •204 Vla Eboll, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 1595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 1824 Pt. Stlrttng (HVHma) NB 846-7171 $214,900 Sun 1-5 1312 Santanella (Irv Terr) CdM 846-7171 S22!,000 Sun 1-5 134 Harbor la6and Rd .• Newport Bch 848-7171 $650,000 Sun 1-6 1838 Port Chat1ee Pt (HVHma) NB 846-7171 $188,500 Sat 1-5 1814 Sentaneffa Ten-, CdM 846-7171 Sff&,000 Sat 1-5 274 E. 22nd St. (E/8tde) CM 846-7171 t108,500 8a11-6 1718 Port Wettboume, HVH, NB 759-1501 $223,850 Sun 1-5 120 Shorecllff, Corona det Mar 844-8200 1495,000 FEE Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona det Mar, NB 631-1400 S688,000 Sat 1-& 1538 8er9Nde Terr, Irv. Terr, NB 831· 1400 1240,000 Sat 1-5 1801 Yaoht MW'la. Newport Beectl 720-4928 $35&,000 Sun 1-6 1824 Port 8tlttlna Pl, HVH. NB 720-0505 12f4,800 sun 1-a ...... , •.•. -1803 Yacftt Colfta. P .. wport IMd\ 144-1017 '415,000 Sat/Sun.12-5 2"1 .-. • ..-Oitw·V_.) CM 111~1'1 l1A,IOO hn M • **31 ..... CcMll, ftlWS!ort ldl 175"70IO *825,000 8un 1-e 25 MllnMI (.-mn Ck) CdM MO-tMI 1312,800 1218 K ... Dr .• Corona det Mar 631-1288 1375,000 FEE Sat/Sun 12-6 307 SeooNr•. Balboa lat 873-&281 $386,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2011 Ptlloma. E.alde, eo.ta M..a 846-9488 $198,500 Detty 1-6 43' Rt.tei8'de ( ...... Hgta) NB a1-o122 *37~.ooo Sat 12-5 2815 Caaaita, e.tbtuff. N.B. 720-0280 SaVSun 12-5 82 Drak• Bay, Corona del Mar 844-7020 '495,000 Sat 1-4/Sun 2-5 * 1874 Port Lock8"Mgh (Hrbr Vu) NB 844-2573 $248,000 Sun 1-5 4 Rue Fountalnbteau (Big Cyn) NB 876-eOOO $350,000 sun 1-5 31272 Monterey, So. Laguna 497-3331 "488.000 Sun 2-5 1301 Dolphln TetraQe, Irv. T•r, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 218 Via Koron, Udo I ... , N.B. 844-8060 $430,000 Sun 1-5 321 KJnga Rd, Clfff Hawn, N.B. 873-7300 $682,500 Sun 1-5 1807 Cornwall (Weetcllff) NB 842-5200 $288,500 Sun 1-5 *512 Rocitford Pt (Cameo Hghlnda) CdM . 831-7300 1198,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1807 Tredftltnda, Bayer.st, N.B. 644-8060 $325,000 Sun 2-5 * 17 Mootwey Cir, Spygtua, CdM 844-8060 $488,000 Sun 2-5 1118 SomerMt Lane, W.icfftt, NB 831-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1837 CommOdore Rd, Beycreat, NB 831-7300 $288,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Brlatol Cir, HVH, NB 631-7300 $288.500 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star (Dv Shra) NB 842-5200 $525,000-UH Sat 1-5 24 Salzburg (Hbr Ridge) NB 842-5200 $449,000 Sat 1-5 ' 1801 GalatN (Irv Terr) CdM 91a-n81 $795,000-tee Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma Or. (Eaatalde CM) 846-9488 $180,500 $et/Sun 1-5 22:1~~ ~Sun 12-4 2508 Fordham (Coll Pk) CM 84&-7171 $128,750 Sat 1-5 *452 Broectwey (Eamlde) CM 846-3388 Si8,,!IOO Sat/Sun 1-5 717 Kendml, Laguna Boh. 82851 487-1781 $689,000 Sun 1-5 25 ~ Wlnd, Trtlrk, Irv. 758-1501 1289,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2501 HltbOr V. Or. (HVHla) CdM 552·1714 $A5,000 Sat 2-e * 134 Harbor f*MI Rd., N.B. 846-7171 $650,000 Sun 1-5 •2001 Giiiet• Terrace. CdM 759-0840 '"6,000 Sun 1-5 1312 Sent ... Terr., CdM &40-en1 ws,ooo a.., 1-1 774 E. 22nd Sl, &eta6dl, CM 831-4&41 &198,500 Sat 1-6 1838 Port a-tea Pf., Nwpt 8c:tt eu 40eS t1ee,eoo Sat 1-e 1814 8entanela T.,,., CdM Mtr7171 *281,000 Set 1-6 2508 Fordh9m, Collae Pllltc. CM 751~ t11t,7IO Slit 1-e *1472 Ge1uV Or., Dower~ NB M•llto 1711,000 fie a.&l9un 1~ 2832 Vista del Oto (Bluffl) NB 640-6931 $195,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **45 Balboa Covee (Covee) NB 875-eOOO $895,000 Sat 1-5 133 vi. Undlne, Udo ••. N.B. 844-9080 $745,000 Sun 1-5 780 Ya. Udo Soud, Udo "'9, NB en.eoeo $576,000 Sat/SUn 1-5 20652 Subwt>la Ln., Hunt. Beedt 873-7300 $188,000 Set 1-4:30 1848 Pt Ct*aee (HVHrna) NB 648-7171 $330,000 Sun 1-6 **2804 w. Oceenfront, hnln Pt, NB 831-1400 1895,000 · s"at 1-5 222 Corlll, Blllboe lllMd 87W921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3113 M9delra, Meu Vwde, C.M. 213/927-8001 $120,000 Sun 1~ 4 IR ..... GUUT HOUU * * 1100 & 1102 s. Bayfront, Bal a.a 769-9100 $2,700,000 Son 1-f 4 IR plul FAii Ml or DeN HM2 Port camey Pl, HV, N.8. &44-828e $350,000 SaVSun 1-5 27881 cnap.aa (Tree Vistas) MV 483-8812 $1,900,000 Sat 1-5 242 Poppy, Corona del Mat 769-1221 $910,000 Sun 1-5 **1817 8aytkSe Dr, Npt 8dl S7'5-ee70 $1,475,000 Sat/Son 1-5 **25 Wwmapringl (Wdbrg) Irv 761-3191 $338,950 Sun 1-5 1412 Sentlego, (OW Shra) N.B. 831-1266 $318,000 FEE Sat/Sun 12-8 '410 Morning Star Ln., CdM 876-5511 $875,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 1255 8omerMt (8aycrest) NB 631-7370 $395.000 Sun 1-5 **833 e.yt6de Dr., W•terlront, NB 875-7852 $1,500,ooo-fee Sat/Sun 1-S **542 Harbor Isl Dr. (Prom. Bey) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch, TUf'Ueroc*, Irv. 541-5032 $200,000 Sat/Sun 12-3 1844 Port CNt1ee Pl, Hwt>or Vu, NB 546-6005 $309,500 Sun 12-4 2708 UghthouM (HVHl9) CdM 875-8000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Sutf'llne Wlf'/, HV Huts, CdM 844-4910 $299,000 s.t/Sun 1-5 14 8wmng Tree Roed, Big Cyn, NB 844-4910 $895,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-6 *101 Vl8 ~. Udo J91e, N.8 . 873-7300 $505,000 Sun 1-5 *1924 LMwtrd t..ne, Bayct.-, NB 831-7300 $339,000 Sun 1-6 *1244 P01at18 Dr., Dovw Shene, NB 631-7300 1895,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Bia Canyon. NB 631-7300 $850,000 . Sun 1-5 •11 Carmel S.y Dr. (Spyg.._ Hiii) NB 831-7300 $825,000 Sit/Sun 1-5 1112 Weetc:ttff lWeetatff) NB M2.a200 '255.ooo aun 1-6 #8 Aue Weta. Bia Cyn. N.B. e.40-e131 sns-.ooo s.vaun 1-5 1007 Tiier W9!1_, HV H ... CdM ~ '349,000 Sun 1-6 177 SMdc ... Or .• Cor°"-...... 644 toeO taM,000 . Sun 1..S 2'7211eY9h«e Dr., ~ NB M4-IOeO ITH,GOO-F911 Sun 2-6 1711 Labr8dor Or., .,_. Verda, CM •1-7300 t1S4,800 Set 1..S 2001 Yldrt V1a1Mt. ~. N.8. eu eoeo '411.eeo a.uaun , .. 11 et.Ty ..... Ila Cvn. N.8. 144 eoeo a1.ote,ooo Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the &AILV PtLOT/Saturday, Juty 31, 1982 -13 210 Via San Remo, (Udo) NB 876-3048/873-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 116 CAllOefrt B8Y Dr., Lag a.ch 497-2338 $5e0,000 Sun 1-5 2318 Port L.wtd< Pl, HVHomea, NB 758-1601 1249,000 Sat 1-6 1097 Corona Ln (Meu del Mat) CM 831-370 $149,900 Son 1-5 2021 Port Brtat°' Circle 780-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Hrbr View Hiila, NB 780-1900 $886,000 Sun 2-5 * 11 San Sebutlan, Harbor AJdge 780-1900 t 1,800,000 Sun 2-5 1948 Port CMltM, HVH, CdM &40-7877 $330,000 Son 1-6 1441 a.taxy Dr., Dover Shor•, N.B. 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2412 CUff Or., Newport Hghta, NB &46-7189 $589,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I M"AOOll **4028 CMnnel Pt., Nwpt aal, NB 873-0202 $985,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 **1416 Eut Bay, Bal. Pentn, NB &44-eOeO $1 ,800,000 Sun 2-5 * * 708 Vl8 Udo Nord, Udo Ill, NB 876-8181 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 1808 G.iaxy Dr .• N9wpo(t 8dl 848-7171 $849,90() Sun 1-5 45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 848-7171 $895;000 Sun 1-5 **219 Vla Udo Soud, Udo, NB 780-1900 $1,095,000 Sun 2-5 IM plll9 fAll Ml Oil DllN *2&41 1 Chapperal (Nellie Gd) L!Q Hla 769-9100 . $1,800,000 Sun 1-5 **2752 Beylhofe Dr. (Bayahor•) NB 759-9100 $895,000 Sun 1-5 *2408 Franc:t8co, Npt 8eect'I 673-7771 $379,000 Sun 1-4 *46 Roy81 St. George (Big Cyn) NB 64tr7171 $895,0l>O Son 1-5 * 12 Trafalg8r, Newport 8dl 875-e670 $2,500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *#3 Muir 8eect'I Cir, Not 8dl e75-ee70 12.295,000 8at/Sun 1-5 1-4941 Ranc:ho Cr, Greentree, Irv. 979-5370 $188,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 5 Point Loma (Spygtaa} CdM 875-8000 $92&,bOO Set/Sun 1-5 17 41 Port Shelfteld, HVHma, NB 844-9080 $370,000 Fee Sun 1-5 **2600 8aylhcn l>r., Bayshoree, NB 131-7300 $1,850,000 8un 1-5 *1448 G.aaxy Dr, Oowt Shra, N.8. 875-2373 '995,000-fee Sun 2-e 2724 Mendoza (MeM del Mar) CM 631-7370 t1M,000 Sun 1-5 35 RidaeltM Or., Hrbr Ridge, NB 780-1900 $2,860,000 Sun 2-e * 1808 Galaxy Dr., Nntpor1 ~ 831-3560 $149,900 Sun 1-5 *45 Roy.i St. George, 8ig ~ NB 844-7~ 1895,0{)0 Sun 1-6 IM plul PAii Mi or MN 1848 Newport H ... Dr. E., NB 844-7020 *485,000 Sa 1-6/Sn 1 ... ;30 *10 Hlknet, Bia °*'YOn, NB 780-1800 t1,515,000 8un 2~ 32 MllllOn Bey Dr., Spygl .... CdM 780-1900 '815,000 8un 2-6 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 mDllOOll 1724 w .. tc:ttff Dr #12 (Weetc:Hff) NB 831-7300 eee.ooo sat 1-5 I lllJDf'OOll 44 awdomey, Woodbridge, Irv. 5'8-1188 t13t,800 Sat/Sun 11-4 100 &:hotz Ptaa PK 10 (V ......... ) NB 831-7300 $258,500 . SatiSun 1-5 824 w. Wllaon, eo.ta ..... 759-1601 $129,500 Sun 1-5 I~ 411 Dehlia. Corona del Mar 873-8494 *300,000 Sun 1-5 *2428 Vista Hoger, Bauffa. N.B. 873-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5 53 $e9 Pine, ~ canyon, NB 831-1400 ~9.000 Sai 1-5 I M ...... PAii Ml or DDI 7 Rue Vllln (Bg Cyn) Npt 8dl 758-4100 *1"25,boO Sun 1-6 •2'642 Va.ta Omada. Bluffs, Nwpt 8dl 759-9100 $229,600 Sun 1-6 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IE)R()()M 9517 Bk*ley, H~ 8dl 983..s787 $105,ocJo S.t/Sun 1-5 I M ...... fAll Ml or DEM 818 M.ngold •. Cotona del Mar 875-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 IA plul PAii RM or DEN 300 E. Cout Hwy Untt 113, N.B. 875-3347 N0,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE ... ,....,. **608 E. Ooeenfront, Bal. Penln, NB 873-7300 $625,000 Sat 12-5 .... ,...., ... 609 AC8da (~ akle of Hwy) CdM &45-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 HOME plua INCOME FOR SALE 2 • • tTUDIO 41M16'.4....,..... CotoM del Ms 8!3-8494 1229.500 Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LEASE ·-~,--.... 18971 Antioch, Tuttlefoc:tc, lr.ltne ~1-5032 11100/mo. 8at/8un 12-3 HOUSE FOR RENT ........ , ...... 411 Et Modena <Not Htl) Npt. eon. l4e-e78' t1M01mo 8all8un , .. * ** *** .. & ... I I I' I' I: 11 ! I 'I .. ~· -· 14 -Orenge County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement 10 the DAILY PILC?>T/Saturday. July 31. 1982 LIUTlll, ~IUTlll Move up to Mesa Verde for Investment security. Call for appointment to Inspect an outstanding 4 Br. 3 Ba. home located on a quiet cul-de-sac. Close to parka, school, and shopping. Sellers offer fantastic financing. Asking price $207 ,000. Call Aw ........ 631-1266. •WYDIEMlll Very sharp 2 Br. 1 Ba. unit with attached garage. Large 1st T.O. can be assumed at 10-le, Motivated aefler wtU carry 2nd T.O. Asking $94,000. Call bat 11111111• 631-1266. ......... .lllT IDllD Beautiful 4 Br. fam rm., pool home In Mesa Verde. Hurry -beat the heat - $265,000. ,,..... ........ 631-1266. IEWNMUln Prime cul-de-sac location. Park Huntington 4 Bdr. + bonus room. Great Western new blended Interest rate avall. Call qulckly for Info. Only $216,0001,aellt ....... 631-1286. In ILIFFI IS PETE .1111111 IUl11C IEllCTllll Cathedral celllngs. Contemporary. Private spa. Tile entry. View 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bluff condo. Fee land. Only $259,900. Call Pet. ........ 631-1266. 4 Br. Fam. rm. remodel Fee land. Vacant Move In Now. Only $287,500. Call ,... ,, ...... 631-1266. IPT 1e1m IEITIL New.er 3 Bd. F.R., Vacant $1300 per month. Call Pet.,, ...... 631-1266. · Tlllll AIYllE Absolutely a super condo. THREE CAR GARAGE, 3 Bdr. 2'11 baths, custom bath hardware, select wall coverings. Overlooking greenbeft and cl<>M to pOOI & tennlr court. A bargain at S 199,600. Shown by App't llfTJ Fre•rrfel 631-1266. llLP flllll.lllU GolfcourM Prime Meea V«d• location 400 sq. ft. with poof and apa. Hurry Call ... , .... ., 831-1266. llLllA llUll 1411,000 FANTASTIC PRESTIGIOUS 1yr new 3 Br. -Special kitchen special mstr. Br. Bank appraisal $635,000. 201 Coral. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. Hurry, Hurryt ..... Sflltt 631-1266 or 673-6400. IEWPllT 1121,IM Deluxe Condo with ocean view. Adult security complex GREAT FINANCING. Call Todayl ... 19'pn 631-1266. WIY IEIT ·Ill THAY 3 Bd. 2 Ba Condo Eaatalde Costa Mesa. Small down. affordable monthly payments. Also pool + tennis. lthrt ...... 631-1286. TUii HAVE: 17 units -$1, 100,000 equity for Newport Beach property. Call ltlttrt ....... 631-1266. mKTIDEI Newport Heights, $400,000 appralaaJ 3 Bdrm, 3 Ba fam rm, R.V. storage. Sactiflce $325,000. 4 Bd. 3 Ba split level condo for lease In Newport Beach. $1300/mo. Call lnfJ 631-1266. Oltol TIDE IEIT lnl vcosta Mesa·3br. on R-2 lot $89,900 V'lrvlne 3 br. corner lot home $129,000 vNewport Bch. Nu 3 br. pV1. yd $189.000 vCOM 4 br. pool fee $3.49,500 vEaatslde. Nu 4 br. mini ranch $199,000 All have tremendous financing tool Call ... ....., 759-1221. TIE O&m.l Landmark prevue home of the year. 4 br. 4 ba masterpiece w/whltewater view. $910,000. Special open house Sunday 1-5. 242 Poppy, COM .... ...._759-1221. .. NLY 1.2 I 11111 IO llnl -UIM I~~ LUI Owner aaslated excellent financing! E.xceflent Investment bargain. Hurry, call IN UllTA. .,_.,....., 759-1221. u• wamFlllT LUii ·2 br, 3 ba, f.r., eec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Posa. boat dock/fantastic w . All nu palnta/crpt1. $1800 mo.•., lhll a. 769-1221. UllllllMIWll 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r.l.. study, beautlfulty dee. lge deekt, tab. vu. nl. grd. gate, poof & tennlt. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. • tr lml .... 759-1221. IUYllW LUii 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. clb' & ocean vu. Grd gate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. • ., ... •• 759-1221. BOB and DOVIE KOOP CWIEI 111111 Fab. Ocean & coastline vy, 3 br. 3 ba . form . d .r ., f.r ., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prt. bcha. $895,000. Fee. IN ., MYll I• 759-1221. 111111 llllE 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. fom). dr, highly upgraded, ltallan marble In l.r .• d.r., kit f.r .• study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Feb vu 2 lge. patlO decks. A must to see at $895,000. -" ... ,. 759-1221. OCUIFlllT -ICUIFlllT Convert ex. Jae duplex to your prt. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast . · $170,000 1st at 1 w •. 2nd of $250,000 at 12•1 •. Steal at $650,000. • " llW1I I• 759-1221. MYEI 1111111 Name your terms on this lrg. 48R, 4BA. Home W/ocean view+ Sep. In-law qtra. $297,000. Steall L.H. $200,000 1at T.O . 1 12v.·~ with excet terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo. .. ., ... , •• 759-1221. IEW OllTIM FIE .. NllUllY You must aee to believe all this fine wkmnahp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tile, choice or crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13•1 •• • er ...... 759-1221. lfWNllT IElllTS 4 Bdrm 2~ 8a w/game room. Beaut. decor In .very room. Over 'I• ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. • ., llWI 1•, 759-1221. llPUl-1111 Country antique, different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 8a & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen, brtck fplcl._!295:.o..<!9.: Seller wtll finance. Muat aee. IW " Wlll • ... 769-1221. Ull Pllllllll 2 bd. 2 ba. The flnelt w avaJI. In Newport. See. Bldg., pool, boat dock wlnotlce . $526,000 ........ u., 75~-1221. ('•.a•-....... -......... 1 Qlleng• CQUnty Reel Ettate/Ao Adverttalng SUpPlerNtnt10 the·~ILV RtLOT/.S"aturday. duly G1~ 1982 -15 coTr nrnLrr © 1nvrsrnrnr .conrnm TENNIS COURT SIZED LOT NM1tJ 1.111e1r" of Metuded swtvecr wtth • epettdtng pool end epe end a NSNlf•te gUMt houM .. NEWPORT llEACHD Owner wtU lrede end ther9 le rOOft'I tor a tennf9 court. Good Maumabie financing and owner wtl ..... ,. Reduced to MH,000. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recenllr reduced IM0,000, Ihle cuelom 5 bedroom ..._ a St. Chertee kJtc:Mn tor tM fu9alaet gowmet cook. ......., new end "'f MCNtem. ltle hofM Nflect8 CCMi ...... efl .... port 9wll .... .,... A.., end• to eocommodet• • huge boet .. tnduded. 11.-.000. REDUCED 1100,000 ·WATERFRONT Thie....., 2 ._...o._ +deft on ltle...., condo, dna atad bf &Ale .......... right °" 1M Udo ~. ........................ I ,, .... boM alp ._... .-h hw. ......,.. '*-s. lwftlaadl end MlmN'8 .......... of .... -· ?-Lowwt Pftced oondo In dulralls oa ltle-'«. e...- LOCATION • WATERFRONT • LOCATION ,,. Linda .... cuaa.... ,..... ........... ~ .. ,......, ..... Ndlload .. ., ...... ~ .. ...... .... ,..., ...... 1n, ......................... . ,._ _. • • •c1wudal1 I Met8I a.e;z-._ ....... ~..._.. ........ oowt, ....., ............ < UNDA ISLE'S llE8Tn . ......., ,....... ..._...,. .. ,.. ........ ..... .,,.....,... .. ,......, ..................... . o..-. ......... .-ur._ ...... .._ • ..., .... • .... ... alp .. -... ..,., ...... ........., Pfllllrtf ..... •loar ..... _.,... .. ...._ IPECTACut.ARaAYFRONT °" .............. lalMd --==· ........... .. ........... ....... ... ... lftOdam .......... I tll, lralub1 ... ... ........ ..,., 1W, a.._ 19 ..... _, Mii a HUOm "'°"' YAll/O ::£: -a.,::."""°' ...... ., ............ .................... ON THE 11th FNllWAY 0.. of .. C.,.'a......, Wll I t1dr1aM _...,. ..... a ,,, ... 2 ''* ....................... 4 ... .. ............. , ......... ,... ...... ,. ..... ..... .... 1-. .... ., . .,.. ............. .. ............ TMMtor.._......, .. ..... Or-.. c...e,.,..... ...... ., ..... BAYFRONT wmt POOL LAoaead -.............. Chm ...... ~ ..... ..... ...... ....... ... ..... , .... :~:.t"' ........ ,._...,..,teuau 1111... .,...,....,.,. ••• 111•1• .._ Ollmrt TNIJ •"'"''fl r"I ....... --= ........................... ""' .... .... ....... ...... - CONTEllPORARY GOLF COURU .. ,., ........ ~,. ..... .,......., .......... ..... ........ ...... .... ._._.., Ci;:;,. .... ,,.,· .1,_. .............. . 111 11 • ...., ,_ AllD . ....,v:r. ...... le • .... .................... ........ ..... _, .,_ _, I, .............. I_....,.,...__, .. ._ ......... ~ ....... ,...., HIGH ON A HILL You wlll ftnd lhl• .upen. cu.tom home wtth 5 bedroom., 4 \'a btllh•. • cuatom pool and ape AHO a flibulou1 OAZEaO lo Jour llkjng tf btMttttAlklng wt.we of tM Mf, oceen end tM night lthta _.. Important. OYW 7,500 equare fMt of IMer eleaanoa In thla. lnglah Tudor. The flneal on Hat'bot Ndga it ~ LOT8-LOT8-LOT8-LOT8-l.OTS " rou want to buld JOUt own c.t1a, INa oPPOftUnttr of a IHattme w• M¥011 ...... aealft. I Iota °" . ...,._ fidta, ~ .... , wtth .....,. tor • 10.000 .... toot ....... wtth TE ... I COUitT ... poof lot Ofttr 12,IGl,IOO The Owner .. joint Wfttw'e. trade Ot ,_ CM bike°"' ltle wMla P'otact. t1MO.-O of ......... ._ldff9. WOW! ESTA TE 8ALE • 18TA TE HOME l.nter ttwu a 2:r ....._ Wo a ll11uWul 4111......_ I~ home wtth ..._.. ... ,...... aM a WRY .... ,_., ....... Lsge ,,...... ...... ......., ....... ... ...... Ndga ............. ..., .. .,.,.. ........... . .-ded ..... NIGHT UGHTI • DAY UGNTI AMtMt of ... ....., ................. c........., -We~K--ll1a1Mdit.....,_411t1dr .. ,. Md ..... ,........,._-:::· ................ . woeldeuMcltJ:'c: ..... T JlllM'_...._. ... prtoedto.... - FORECLOSURE SALE • ING CANYON 111111 '°"'J(f) .__ (II MSdl ..,.. eftd .... ) ._ r•HWllJ , ..... ," '" • t•r••INUH proceeding. ...................... down ... ... ................... ,. ................. .. = ...... 4 .............. .... 111-Mlllltltll ...................................... .. ,.. .................. 1.,,,...,to ..... 1 ... HAMOR M>QE -OCIAN VIEW CONDO L.ooatad ...... -8 ........... Kl~i a '':II! .. .................... .....,_ ... .., .... ............................... ,,.. ,..., ,.._ ... Ill a ......... II ·~t .,.. .................. " ............... .. ....... ....,....,,,...., ....... .... GOLF COURU CONDO -llQ CANYON • ....... rtattt ........ -. .......... -....... .... *···=--.......... 1.e...,, ............ ..... ............ .. &:'•••· Over t400,0M et I•• l1tt•rHt •H•••le 1aanmtl• .,111tlt _.,...., • IMW IL n.. ~.ll!!rl ............... ,,... .. ______ -..n ,.. .......... l'LAGIHIP Oft THI UY ......., ... -............ =.__'" ........ '*:I ...... , ................................. .. ... .,...,.., ....... , ............. -==. ....... I II fl·~,.:'~ Mil....., .. ...... llnoww.. ..... ............. ... ............. .... .., ........... ..., ........ v ........................... .... ............... la ............................ . .,........._ ......... ...,... . .,.. .... .. .,,, ........... " .... ...... '}I ACRE • OCEAN VIEW Reduced lo -.000, tMa Corona def Mar cuatomlzad home la ptohabfr tM ftnell offeting In tM dty. Newtf remodeled lo Include french doota and wtndowa, a . cualom poof (YIHIY PRIVATE) and a front rn tMt 1oob Miia aomethlng out of Centrel Parle (rotflntt green), thl• 4 bedroom home oleo ... ,Uf'M a cuatom European kitchen w1th alt fitted cabtnata and apptlencM ... .000. GET OUT THE TELESCOPE, MOLLY Thia '°'"" _.... .... "°"" wtth • aeDftOOMa. ' betM. 2 ......,.. ............... oftaf9 ......... In ....... ...,.. and ottr ........... ..., ...... and .. ..... Y...t eftd rNCfr lo '"°" In, ltle owner _,. ..... It," wNdi ,....... ltle right .,.,,_, can buy It ....,... double digit ......... er-.. up Oft -..... Moad .. •15,000. JASMINE CREEK • REDUCED TO ... ,500 ,,. ......, ................. ..., ........ ...... =. ......... batlMd • ...-dad ......... of .. beat .. Ir c-...... And aM ........ Ila""' ............................................ .,,, ....................... v ... ...., .... .. ............. ..,. TUlm.EROCK • UNDIR t1IO,OOOI CMnfflng ... Ila ................................ .. ,.-i 1M1 U1dr11M .... la ..... lll1t1noe .. UCI ..S ........ = ......................... ..... ........, _of ... baatllffalof ... ...... c..e..... .. .... ., ..... LAGUNA •ACH-INCTACULAR ltlpiaa11811lllM1•• •111V11 4 ll1dr111" I._..!"" ...... ..., ........ ....,... .................. ...., .......... . .. ,.. ................................. .,, ........................... ,.. ......... ,..., .... a.._ ....................... ,..~ 9'f.,,. ........................... -... 111M "dMa of~· ......................... . M CANYON TOWIO• IND UNIT. &AWIJ ... 1 I n ....... I lltd I nu and .................................... ···--,... 91d "ALL ... CMll'IT MID ,Mir."°'....,. ... :-=.· .......... .,.., ................ ,...,. .. _. .. ,.. .. i-........ ,. ..... 0NN HOUU 9UNDAY M m UDO 'AM ... LIDO YLO ...... 11~~..... --118Alt ..... -----::a= . ... -11 •llON IAY DNVI IPYCK.AH .... 10 t&LCM8T.::. CANYON 11.-.-111 VIA UDO , LIDO.. 11-- ... - .. - HOW CAN UNIQUE HOMES SELL $3.5 MILLION IN 30 DAYS IN ''THESE DAYS''? A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mean and attractive'' salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. VERY BAY8HORE8 Remodeled cottage within bk>cka of the beach, country kitchen, hardwood ftoora, 3 bdrma, used brick flreplace, detlghtful patk>. Ample financing available. S335,000 leaaehold, $487,500 tee simple. See Seta MatVln et 2112 CreetNw. Open ... a Sun 1-1 pm. NEWPORT HAI EXCITING HOMES And thla one's a leader! 5 bdrma, 3 frpjcea and unllml1ed view, on top of Spyglua Hiit Sunny yet cozy, exciting while practical. Pr....,&ed at $925,000 with $200,000 down. See Baibara Hutchings at I Point Loma. Open Set a sun 1-5 pm. BAYFRONT, $115,000, 10% APR Sitting vacant In Beacon Bay and owner 11 retired In Palm Springs Ju1t wanting to Mil 3 bdrm, 3 bath charmfng bayfront home. wm finance at 10% A.P.R. Asking $695,000. A llstlng of Mantyn Hodges. Open ht 1-1 pm. 21 •••GOft ..,. CORONA DEL MAR "ILLllDE HOME Great ocean view, 3 bdrm, 2 b•th with hetdwOod noora. Free & ctear, 10 yr. owner ftnanctng. Probate lale at '329,000. A Hating of the Von Geld«M. 0.,... Set 6 eUft 1 ... pm. 420 De .... Terreoe. CDM DUPLEX MAK1Ji8 CENTS Neat M a MW dlmel 12% flnandng with ~ down. Rents are a1-.dy with room to ralM. TrM llned at,_. conwnlent to Nbrary, lhop9 llftd bMah. Acouratety prtoed at t.288,500. A H8tlftg °' Nancy Laux. f-. ~ . \ \ 1 I' I f-~ BIG CANYON, NEEDS CASH Lovely Dover MOCW lnalde Big Cenyon. Owner want• cuh eo ha Mt a low prlct, reelly lowl Light airy atmoephere, 2 bdrme, 2 bathe only only •360,000. See Pat Merry et 4 Rue Fountain ......_ Open ._, 1-1. OWNERS WIU FINANCE IN BROADMOOR Harbor View tiltfa. Th• owner wlll carry $250,000 at 12% Int.,.. with no pofnta tor 6 years. Great neighborhood, nr. comm . pool. '4 bdrm, 3 bath. '429,000 fee. A Hating of Dottle Valentine. Open ... a 8un 1-1 pm. 270I Ughthouee. llEIT SELLING AREA Low malnt., no nofee. Al condominium area Jasmine Creek ta topal Thie 3 bdrm one level has detalt-, looatlon end I• Immaculate. $355,000. Open tun 1-1 pm. uo Jaemlne Creek. BAYFRONT WITH 40 FT SLIP View from many wtndowe, e1ry, epaclow '4 bdrm home, large mMter bdrm ault• with fireplace. 3 aundec:k1, a c:Merlul & quiet place to live. Owner wtll help ftnanoe. 1695,000. A Uatmg of M~ RoulMeot. ()pelt a.t 1 .. pm, ........ .,.... . l'Rll AND CLUll ON THI 8AY TrechoMI famllY home 9!\,.._. ~ Mech. otder, need9 TLC but fl#Mi. •:finance Md IMMhokt .. attrecttve. 3 tidrme. 3 bath and room for a lfnlll boM, ~fat' ....... Now 8t S8GO,OOO. A ~Ing of M•llyn Hodgel. THE VIEW ABOVE IRVINE Get Turtlerock Glen'• woodele feeling with a top of the world vtew. Dramatic 3 bdrm Jasmine Model, many upgrades plu1 a wrap around redwood deck and near by pool and tennl1. Asking but $269,000. A llstfng of Joan Bracey. BIG HOME -LITTLE APT. Charming 3 bdrm plua den and large famlly area, '-IP to date decor and Juat a block from the beach. Apt. In rear rent• at $600/mo. Large 11~·~ loan available. $'495,000. A listing of Nancy Lau>e. GRAND CANAL/FREE AND CLEAR Cute and ctean, 3 bdrm on the water with dock for 2 boat1. Owner win finance, prlc.d at maJ apprillaal. $575,000. A Hating of the Bolanda. HANDSOME HOME PLUS ATTRACTIVE APT. 3 bdrm "townhouM type" with Minny kitchen and courtyetd ptrtlo. Over huge ouaoe la • apactout 1 bdrm apt. Tr• lfMd CdM atreet. 10% loan1 avatlabfe with $150,000 down. Realistic at $449,500. A 111tlng of Marttyn Hodgea • U~IGlJ~ tilMl:i. U:.IDfOOi. ti7lt-~C)OO PAQlllC COAIT HIGHWAY A" MecAa11IUa 90ULBVAa.D 1N coaoNA ml,; MAa ..., ,,,,,, •••........•......•... EQUAL HOU11NO OPPOIUUNITY hMlslttr'• htlo11 All ....i Mtate advertlted In thl• newapaper la aub~t to the rederal FIK Housing Act ot 1968 'wtlic:tl inekea It Ulegal to edVenlM "any pref8f'en-c.. Mmltatlon Of' dlecrlml- natlon baaed on race, color. religion, 1e1t or natlonal origin, or any Intention to make any tueh pret8f'ence, ltmlt• Oon Of' dlectlmlnatlon." Thia~ will not knowingly accept any ad11ert11lng tor real n -tate which Is In Ylolatlon of tile •w. lllilla Advertl- MN'S should check t'*r ads dally and report errors Im- me d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes Uablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ...... ,.,w, .••................... ,,_,11 lllZ ••••.......•.......... ...... NEW LISTING move In noWI Specloua O.Ck with IS*kllng \lie'# °'*'9 oft country kltcflen. 3 Bdrm al'ld family room. high ce1Ung1 light and airy. PurchlM for $4-49,000. Of ..... tor 11900 mo. ..... .,..., 1·1 ,. ...... , 142·12IO J PETE BARRETT REALTY TIREE llPEI FllDS 3 or 4 BdtrM, nicely lo. ca..,. Priced at '82,000. •1.000 Md Sf.t,000. If you're a n,ndyman or women you • make a .,.. return wtth a l.lnle paint and work. Celt 541-2311 THE REAL ESTATEJ<S Orange C6unty ~eat Estate/ An Adver1lsf~G Supplement 10 the OAfl v PILOl !Saturday, July 31, 1982 -17 ~-.~r.'I. ......... !!.!# f!~~r.'l. ......... !.'!!I !.._!!!!.{._'.~!. ...... !'.IJ'.'..'!!.l!h ....... ~.W.lt'!. ...... ~.'!!.!e! ....... ~.~!!'! .... iii . ~-.~~{ •...••.•. !.'!!. ¥!!.-!.'l. ••••••••• ! .... ~IJ. •..•..... !.l.!I f!!'.'!.!!. ••••••••• ! ........ .,.'.{ ......... ! ... . PEmllU ••I Endtord Place 3 BR 2 ea. lael hr AIM 1•11 W UY -eay Nr S. C. P. Ot\IV SH.GOO. 2 M..-. 4 bdrm 3 ba STEALIG .. • • .... !... ..,... -1·11 New 30 yr 12% loan. 1185K oOocl flnanclng PrUe wesi Bay bayfront. su.-t« 2 boata. 863--2•0. aoen1 owt.ieR 1M-1ess --------- [~ Merrill Lynch ~Realty llWULD remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200.000. . New In town? Cluelflecl -------1 Oce •-· lli--'--can help you meet IMl'IY Haw M>l'Mthtng to Mii? BUT ,_.., one you can 11ea1 and get away with It. lt'a a hali-mllllon dollw probate property that will go tor whatever tile oourt wttl allow. Utt*' at only 1295.000. Thia la an oi. der home with a gor· geoua WHITEWATER view and POOL. Nr downtown Laguna. MUST ee SOLD NOWI Make an ofter on this oner an ex JeUY views. P••nnc room. 4 bdrm, 3 'of your needl. 042-5e78 C1auttled ada.do 11 well. bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. ... Ill.I ... lllYl&LM.. 1PD•1-1 Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5\.\ bath. ~ L.R., 2 boat.alipe $1.500,000. hemodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceillnp, fumlabed. patloe. $420,000. u• laE llYFlllT ······················: 1111111.. . : .:0~1~~0.ruc=TION~m> : YI011IUI. •msnu it Newly listed and custom built 3 blocks to It-D&llm M ... * ocean, Oak wood work, stained glass. .. . 1tOwner out of hospital for 2nd time! aeoondary ~=· 144-1111 Jtand now says "Let's reduce sales price• Many financial possibilities, living room, ! on my home ~,000 and IEU m: master bdrm, Camlly room, all huge and Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom. ,.Might even 11 co 1 ,, nstder 1st trust deed at,. with fireplaces. Entertainers dream with darl< rm, den, Boat slip. Now $1.000,000. .... •-n ....,..,.,..nt ;...., r-·--... :·an anxious seller. $585,000. /Jn NIGEL GAILEY I. ASSOCIATES llYSllE COVE • Fl Jan . fl . d , .. lnlUll lltil YllW Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br. • 5 oobdrmsr P 4~ bao~~,_ an+ +s+pacio+ +us -Jt New Bedfor~ reduced to $595,000. °J!;'~ and comtorta- 2 be dn. 2 boat slips $1,800,000. • • T~ uut · it Perfect condition, fee land. 4 Bdnn 4 bte. Cuatom 11uu1 eJtecu- COIOUIO CAYS • IPU ... lllllY J-1 • bath, custom tailored financing. ttve hOfM wttn attOf'da· Coronado Island cust bayfront lot. 35· boat ! 1u• •a••---: lll·tl1' ~~·;: •• ~.= ! d k P•---ail n~ •370 000 • ... ....a.Al ...... it 1191 than prevalllng rate. oc · "°"' av · """'· • · w /t.erma. Jto(lt would be a mistake to miss this Jto Pric.d at 1250.000. Call ...,. ... Single story end unit, expanded, upgraded 3 br, 3 be on larpst P'ftl'lbelt. $250,000. it ') Jto To place yovr meee109 For Claaalfied Ad fOf' detaltt. 649--9213 it one. Jto befOfl the ACTION ZELLNER INVESTMENT : Rachelle Robers • read~lc, Da~11~1ol CORPORATION Jt Delly Piiot AD-VISOR tCIHalfled Ada are the : ...... : Clasalfled, 642-5e78 642-5678 .,._., to a aucceeefu4 PAii Liii • 111-2111 •1 C:-or yard Ille! 11'• 1 3 bdnns. 2 ~ baths rondo near pool. $145,000. . -Y to tell more ***********************Want Ada Cell &42·5878 ClaMltled Ada 642-5878 people! I ----~-~ BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4 ~''V' d• D· .. •• e 1:i1s 1:i11:i1 FORECLOSURE lllll.m ITEAL Pickup over f 500.000 EQUITY overnight. Once in a lifetime. I have never seen a better buy. Won't last. Prime Orange Cty 2 ~ acre hilltop OCEAN VIEW NEW ~TATE. Pool, spa, waterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 sq ft w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis court + HELICOPTER pad area. ASSUME LOANS & TERMS. Originally listed for $2.200,000. Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approx. with $350,000 approximate cash down. Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agt. ~kers welcome. RV M ~ of Costa Mesa ************ : aia ClllYOI : * El1111t l1J11tlo* * C.111111 * * Prime location overlooking the Jt- ..<"C:"C"Um:s:a:x:n~- Aduh WATERFRONT <::ondomlnlums at Belmont Shore ' FROMSll8.0• '°, ...... a 8th green ol aolf ooune. Custom Jt- buUt by owner~ f« his own penonal realdence. 6 Jt- bedrooms, 6 'A baths. Eleaant Jt- ue MIMlto9 ooncto· Nice • ~ muter '"'ite. Abundant with ~ -a.. 2 ttory ~ fine marble and wood ~· Poor & •I?•· A••r19'. Air cond1Uoned. Refnaerated ...,_a 6tyet lnduded. wine 'rOOm. Billiard rm. Family ::eo: = :t~ * rm. Truly a muterpiecle f« the * t>ti.. motOt flome or ? Jt d*ttm1naUnc buyer. Serioualy Jt °"'*' :i::e toe sale at $1,960,000. Excellent a =i~==·=:-•J * financing available. -. * For appt to .. call: * ..iutLTAIUI• Jt-~ 1.444111 • ;*.**ifnti***** -- ---· . ---~--------------n===========~:;-~-~~ ....-.-----.-------• e::::. -~-•• 18 -()(~County At8I ~An Adwcti.,ng,Sucap••"''' to tne.~J.¥ P.I 011s.ura-v • .Jul)' 31 .. 188,2 ...... ,., ... • .... "'..,, ...... , ,... ·---.,,, ...... "',.,. .... -... ''~'!!.('.'.!e! •...... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~............. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• • z ~~~~{ ......... / .... ¥!!'!.~{ ......... /.~~ off B=h=~ll~=-U.Drlw. ~~ ......... !~ "1t!'!. ......... J.ljf •• '!'!~ ......... / .... ¥!~'!.~ ......... !.~. INTRODUCING ••• ''$250 PLUS'' EXCLUSIVELY FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS REALTORS ·BROKERS ASSOCIATES MA .KING A CHANGE? Before you do, STOP-explore our career benefits and BRANO NEW LOW COST 100°/o COMMISSION CONCEPT. THE "$250 PLUS PLAN'' Finest quality ocean view suites-private and semi-private at NEW, LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES! Excluslvel¥ at our Fa•hlon Island location. Cati Bob Ucata today. 759-1221 15 Corporate Plaza, No. 100, NB R&IM~ of Newport Beach BEST IN Bllff S IUT llY. Lovely 2000 mq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2~ bath.a, fam.. rm., wide lftenbelt, near ;at.~ .ooo. •n111111111 t.m. . ~,r M1 Wiiia...., I llr, t ...... "'9a1Mlt 111-. ..... t....., .. 2 11r ai-. .. ...,., '" .... .., a.,.,.. tlLEN B. DOWD IDL!P,• MW1N ~IOOo-c.m WTlatelW the fad Roll 'em off IN mwtlet With a au.lfled M c.11 ... 642·5171 114' ... Attractive Blulfa "C" Plan well located near the pool. 3 bclnnl. upstain and a 4th bdrm. Ott oUlci downstairs. Owner will carry 30 year fixed rate loan at below market rates. Aaldna t279,'°° L.H. Super faml1y home, only 2 mltM to 111111 NW ..a beech, 4 bdrm, 2'A bathe, famlly ....,,, 1 room, dining area, utlllty room. IWll nu Latge yard wfth covered patio. Of Carmela, $265,000 fee. Added Ftrat time on the market. Asking breakfast room, expanded $169,000. dining room. Good financing. 4'llT unu C ON, S •1•-. 1•,, .... 2 bdrm, 1 bath home In BIG ANY Super financing, Carmel model, preatlglou• North Santa Ana. leuehold. large lot, room for RV. Owner wtll ._ carry 1st T.O. wtth $25,000 down. Very Best Buy Entertainment area, $320.000. Close to park & school & fee. •hopping. $131,500. LUii l&ff..,. _ • htlf•li., lr8M•1er.... 6 BR. guest house, $1600 mo. ... ,.. ., ........... ...., ... Furnished 2 bdrm, 2 bath bayfront • Lar11 Let l111tl..., laMMa,-4 condo. Located In security • I Oar larect -T" flffes building with outstanding view of • .. alffflll htt•• PHI I lfa turning basin. Boat slip available • ElttfrHlt lfflfltr IJttt• at best rate In townl • It• ~ .,.,.. I '"" .... lwWt btrJ ""' ~~ • Wtta.r-T .. Flr.,t1111 Arst day, first time on the market ONLY $695,000 4 '~ bdrma, 3 baths, famlly & Thia i. not the usual rundown hard l.tved dining rooms. Large 50 foot houae, bt an immaculate home which corner lot. South sunny prtvate will pleue the moat fastidious. We patio plus pool. A dramatic cannot find any other top condition custom home. $595,000. separate home ln Btg Canyon for less MINIT llllT flhan S200.000 MORE. Plan 4, 3 bdrm + retreat end unit. • UIU -111' SMIT New carpets. one of a kind. 14 l1rai11 Trtt Rta4 Customized throughout. Pool, OPEi SIT, I Ill, 1-1 tennis neat beach. 2 car gatage. No ouf1ld• maintenance. (lffwttJ late par"4 •HL w M4-4t10 S276,000. .. ,.,..... .. HM). . &fldl• -WW Charm on a huge tot acrose the street from Newport Beach.· Room tor horaea behind custom ranch home. Good financing. Owner anxloue. You wtll love this onell $299,000. MITlla.AINW Cllff Hawn cuatom home wtth 180 degree b-.y and oceen vtew. 3700 sq.ft., 2 master suites. 3rd bdrm wlbath. Oak noort, formal dmlng room, 2 flreplec., wtne ceaar. Creative tenn8 $e82,&00., l&nmf.... ' With vtew of ocean, 1 Bdrm, NW-Lm I ..._ -SPYIUll Two Story Nantucket 5 Br with beeutiful Sumet pool lined with 14,000 red brlclu. Tastefully decorated tbrou1hout with wallpapers and shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller wilJ finance. Submit down. $'760,000 incl land. , ... " ... .,_ CbamUna 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick fireplacea, country kitchen, quiet resldentlal area in modem tract by Buccola. 1°" dn. Owner catT)' 10 yn. ..... au __ , ... QuJet, Jmk·lib .etting. Rm for paddle cennia and pool. Gttat for ordw'd. Cul de MC st. 3 bdnm, fam. nn. $379,500 . llllY I_.,, TIE ITIUll _,llY 111-1111 ttl-llt1 NOTHING DOWN IUll IEW TIWlllllU '9lt .... ltflt .......... , 211Nr11 ....., ...... " Pllll Wlllll LWUT,_ •••Mm F« a IUf"'Y, brtQht 2 Bdr townhorne. Only 1103 000 tor the oomer unft overlooldng the pool In Plttt Udo. VauHed eel· llngt and lwlfdwood "°°' I 2 CM gll'IQe, 2 lllU- mable loan1. Call Lola MllletlSM2te. LIWllT ... ....... For a fatNonable, t lq ft 4 8dr pool end home. Model perfect with 8'19ci1CUlll flnan dng. s. tor YoUn9ff on s.,., 1·5 at ~185 .. , DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8000 sit on 1 acre , m11alve electric git ... cobbleslone mot« cour- 'YWd. 8')eCt9CIUlar entry . f bdrm, I bl!N, 5 frpl huge frplct. Room for te nnl1. No. Tullln · <>reno• Hlll1 with vtew. 12· 15 min. to II trwya. 91)0ft, So eo.. Pica 11.400.000. RICK A1.DERETTE .....,,."'?" 111 ..... /llt 111 llLDIWPf• Charmino 4 Ir & ~ f llftlty room. Mc* ,.,. ~ CCMttty ldtdlen. quiet '"ldenllal erea. OMw .. owry 10 yn. ~ ....... 3 •• 2 be. Pnoe r9duoed U .ooo to 1114,500. Oflve by 2H HlnC)vt(. LOMM prtoe In .,.._ MM111 mirrored wall, beautifully decorated, ready to move In. Sub-parking. Poot. Security bulldlng. 'Walk 10 Lido Village. Reduced to $296,000. mud• or call Loi _.,..,.._ .. ,. e81·12H.Onlyl160 F.arthtones thruout. 4 br, 2\.i ba. family 000. T \Yl ( •!: I., l Lmllll + .... Extra wtde lot plut pool. 3 bdrm, 3 bathe, fabulout decor. AMUmable flnanctng. $595,600. Lmllll Fabulou1 Mexican Hacienda. Hand painted tllea, roof top gatden, eunny patio wtth fountain, 4 large Br, formal dining room, tamlly room, 3 car o-• and many extra1. Price reduction $495,000. ..... Moat uOUIUll outtomlmd home In area. Indoor-outdoor poof wtth 1lldlng gl••• roof. 11' bar, ICreenlng rm. oourmet khcMn, peay room wlfvl kitchen & bath. Good flnanolng. '875,000. rm, dlnln.g rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of LIWllT ,_ Pavilion, nite Uta & Catalina. •Ulm.Im 1-1 .-..--UTI• '"' 110.000 towet ttw1n •• --. other ..,. famMy r ., .. WUUY I. Tin.ti •-.IOI.Tm ctance. 3 8cl 2 ea. 0wtw 1111 IM...... ~ •• -11 :11~~n~1~ra Lido 1•1• '4 er on lro comer lot. lep. 2 • unit owr ow...-. lArQe low lnterHt loan. OPEN SAT/SUH t.a. 7to VIA LIDO SOUD. 1576,000. l!lll•~·~·~·~f~~~~U.~~~~~..,..._~~~ 000. c.11 Lotl tDf ""1Mt ~ Into IS 1-12'1. Llmt ... .WAllRFROO ON TII BAY ....... ~ ............ ........ fOt a W""*'aton tlofM. I 9ecl I la. taem- IMd vUtad "'"'-I dQ«a IO ecMt pool, l tlll -... D4V!DSON ~t4LTT to ..._ PIC'hn ..-... •-====~~ :J1~~t::o. C•ll Lota • .,..111* T.r:' :_~v~!:~'!:; In .....,,...., flr..e ~ SELL.EM .. ~NCI · Mte !tom. part! l>y t'-a no•,.,.. ... T ............... , baW. 1"24 8dfml from w • ~ "" -· 11l,OOO to t 1H.OOO. htt., llUNY on thelel V1ewl. ... ..,.._.. bleah. Starting et .... .ooot ........ llodll. lony ....... ,,. ,... • O¥er 11 ~ to l11•1n llH here. Cell Lola ....... 131-12.tl 1;===-==:. 6tttnoe County Ant e.tate/Ah' A~nQ Sui>P*MtM to the 'OAfl Y PTLoftSaturday, July 31, 1982 -19 l«i.J1 ........ • ..... ,.,,_ • ..,,,.,. ... .,t.llh ......... ,,.,..,_IM ..._..,.,, •.•..•..••..•......•.. •..•...•••.•.••...••.. ..•.••••..••..•....... . •••...••.......•.......•••.••..••••....•... .•••.....•........... ...•...•.............. •...........•......... ..... ~ ......... !.~ ~.!!!!!' .•••.• !.~ ~.!!f! ...... J.'.!f ~.!f!!. .... .J .... ~!.l!re .... ._!.~1 ~.~ ...... !.~~~ ·-."1:: ""~ ........... !!ff ITAITll _. 1 lt-'71,000 ltv 3 8'-1103,000 FV/SA 2 Bt 2 8a 1108,500 Irv s err 2 aa 11ot.500 1rv 4 Br-l1l4,900 C.M. 3 Bt-l1M,too H.8 \ '4 8r412t.too C.M. c.11 I.II for ftnanclng 0.- t .... TR,\DI T 10\,\l. RL\l.T' Fdll.Y-E Lr9 5 Br 3 B• w/new crpta & pelnt. Walk to achoola & •hopping Greet Coat• MeN loce- tlon. Only 1158.000 131-7370 .. IAUIYI ... Beautiful Mesa Verde Executive home. Located on cul-de-ac street, nr Tanager Park. Front yard. custom pool and spa with fire ring. wood deckJng and cabana. Country kitchen with all upgraded applianoes including oolor oo-«d.lnated refrigerator. Many extras: aoUd oak boobhelves, cuaiom shutters thru-out.. plum, peach, lemon & grapefruit trees In lovely backyard. 4 Bdrm. 3ba. ~ muter ll.l.ite, approx 2800 IQ ft. $W,OOO. 1111......... ·~ ma,_ ,,., 111 WlTll'I PIYIM IUTTU ...................... 111 11a1a1 ••• AN .. OPEH~OAILV um.I-,.... :S='1':1.r'~= ~~ 1S412~Lw. ·-fOf the ecttw ~ IHI pool home your own n .. , PCH & Admltalty NonhwOOd ~tno 3 Bdrm 2 batl't home Juat • 111 .too. Bkr SHORT OH Dr. Le 4 l>drll'I. 4~ ba. the lakeltt 18', 18a. AC, ...._a~ 11x20' 846-0708 OOWM 120' ~I dodl. pool and Centrel ~ TUC41Uiy famlV roorn wtth bMuU-PAYMENT??? ape (213) Ot-0271 O.COrated, Step-down tut 1tone flrep&eoe. Near mll& ..ai Rutty World-So W. Uv Am W/frp#c. 12V.~ .. ac:floc:*. PRICED TO Spect•cula r ttl-level PAVING TAXES??? Propa. flMd in.. ~ 10% SE.Ll !-T 1129.600. Call beeuty nMI So. C. Plaza. JniM lfH Oownll Owner Wiii ....., 540·1151 for apc>olnt-EveryUC19J8da.dl9droof, With ow trwe.tor.1"'9 a ...................... Wtlfl Anendnam ~ mant .,..., ao much more. Aaklng gain 1ppreolallon In Brand New HomH & ed To Only Slt,IOO. AA 1229,toO. Btt. 846-0709 fantutlc s 8r. 3 ea. ,_ Condoa, no lftOMY down oner. Cooaldered. Open Of>N HOUSE SUN condo, next to .. lho9-Wiiii• thay IHt. (714) H• Set/Sun. 132-3521 428 E. 11th St p1119. No down peyment, 5'&&-t522 AQt. ;Owrl::*:':•::;:;:;; 2 B ' ...... minimum caah ~ -I~~~~~~~~~ r "-,,..... GUMt l0t ctoatng coet. Phone BY OWNER: W .. located 1.: l'louN, elley llOC8a9. 19' 631-S0$5 642-2000 lrvtne ~condo . .. ~ HERITAGE . -. HE.Al TORS ..... EllTlllE lflll. T D 171.oOo ueum. al • · 1 Br & loft. PreHntly C..... Ill 1fM llU C..,. id llM Ila 1~ dwn tehover \/A 11% Ex.cell. llddltlonal *'' IWIEI* rented for lnveatment •••••••••-••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• loan ol lt8,000 at llflenctno avd t&S-0782 purpo ... Of avail. for 3Bt. 2'Mla great '°' ,._ mlly. llalllt>le -.y flnen-dno 1132.too. 41' -LIT IP'flUll-11 50% Anume Doth dye, 11•5·tS57 •11•• I 11 .... 1~ IA lmmmed. occupan~. Wlth38r l~le.ftplc ......... loena.Noqv~Spie Owrw llUllE Piii ~~~1~'!!.! 9Y Owner. 846-tsae •St 2.,.Ba. -.....it1cen1 a lpen • Bt. Cell-Diane ll•lltw'l lrelal S ..--,... -• .. _... ..1-12.te 3 2 ..._ ...._, 1J~ .• ·J· Of $82,500. OwMr Wiii TUATLEROCK HIGH· ...... , .. lflw ocn-jetty vtew. •teNl¥e • l>drm, ..., '".....,ece. h • I p 11 n a n c • . LANDS. 1295,000 low ~.~-uMCI !>rick. '835.000. doul>le garege, wUlt In 7 1 4 19 5 5. 2 O 3 3 or down Seduded & prl· ""''~l'T,.....,..,. 1144-42" Owner • • ctoaeta. Townhoua•. 759-1071 Kwen. veta. owe lat · Rex T•ma r. wa111 10 waeiclltf Pima. JUST AEMOOElEO 50t Aceda CdM tw bdl lOnt locltlon 38'. 28' llv Pl1ced to Ml. 1110,600. lbr, 2ba. OOY'd petlo w/ 28r Condo, °""* ..en-OOl.DEN PROPERTIES Spot .... Vac#ltOupiex & din rm, lg fem rm, lg l•-------•I OedeMZ-3083 w e t bu. Own•r. lice , Sll,500. 10711 ~~g~14~l~762~-l~Mt~~~ Huge 5brl30e+3br/'3t>e treed lot, by owner. 38r, 29a, dbf mr ci-ega. T~ 11_..,. &t6-IMll Oofdan Glen. 4t7·1037. .:: 440K own/bkr 845-7048 '309,000. 840-7007 2 patlOa, fta81tone type. ..,._ WON"f LAST: AeduQed to ---... owner~om bit l'loma. EAS SIDE. •1200 mo W1l9I T'Dllfll T.-$187,000 Northwood. c. ;)) c.aa•s BE·st DPLX -·-S12t,t60. With at.NO Inc. hM, 2 unit• Owrwtrl 3 8dnn ~. grMI Exqulalle 38r • ..,... ga. Of•a,_.. Ulll __.rt down. o.n. wlll cerry Agt. 5-48-4380, 494-0395 Park·llh Httlng • 1 loc•tlon Low lntefNI iebo, atalned glw. Aa- e. ' -,' eomp.,.. value of thll 3 1 blk from t~ l>Hel'll 181 joM. &aUide R-2• 2 r.c.... _ l story, 2 Bdrm 2 b8tll aWJrNl>le lat T 0. OWC .ume 194,400 at t .1% " unit duplex for only Beat buy In CdM XLHT .., •etard'a .. , Cac>e -* towni-2nd at lllYOral>le rat9a. OWC Del. at 1~ 8kr e11-sstt_ 1 1240,000. Attractive fl. nnandnQ ... 1m lot. Top cond. 2 Br.' 1 Mow"' condttton -lreah Full price •134,900 552-7502 -nanclng. Drive by 1118 ZELLHEll INVESTMENT g'oo°:':s~d!~~· ••daley .• 135.000.c.I 1'&1-3181 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN NarclMua or caill '°' 0. CORPORATION •1~0.000 -1•~0.000 M•oaret Duffey for ap. 2 .. _ 2' ... ..w ,_, t• c.11 S40-7M6 548-9213 • • • do;.n. owe ••o.ooo polni4 '° 2io ~.:\f:a.c:r= •••• h.. • ., ., c.a.a•s BEST DPLX TOWNHOUSE 2-3 Bdnn. FIW tUlll 2nd •• 13%. 764-18"48 2-1 SuMay 1-3 .. 5 &.gwL ...," URI 2'~ Ba. In Cenyon Cleat, 25-C Monte Viet• momlnga,...,.., S.r 552-7502 ' .. ...... -~ Comc>w• v9lue ot Ihle 3 .,. to atot• & Fuhlon Co8ta MeN IS 1111 • Lift • 111 UQ UNIV PARK CONDO: on • unll duplex for only lalllnd 7 ~ ,_ with You •r• Ille winner of FantMtlc latealde ttome. QfMnl>elt M0,000 ..,. ,., ...., ,.., .. $240,000 Attrectlve 11-pool. tecuzzl, tennis Un-two rr .. Udteta ($18 00) Mlftl l lne:redlbly uporllded wtth mab6e at 1~ ow help .... lreM tlHdn nanclng. Drive by '18 def $200,000 ~ value to the PRE-FORECLOSURE ceramic tlle, J•M·Alr nnance. l t29,800. Bkr. --· le _.....a•lff• Nara.. or cal tor O. Wll ~ate. 19 RINOLINO BROS. 3 8'. 2 Ba. on latge toe1~~~~~~~~~1 broiler. bk-In mlcl_a... 552.7502 -r• •••• • tale c.11 640-7185 BARNUM & BAILEY with meny emenltlee & I· and mucf\ mote. OM of a --------............... hHr WANTED tatn ape. Tiil llWllHll kind vi-.°"''* very YMllJ I IUIY ...... wtlll ..... - - -"""*"' Convanllon 1 115,000. W '91 arodoua and • cerry ft.. 3 Bdrm b •au t y on el•f• lfferd If • __. ~C::::.~~ Cenl•~.5-111 PROPE:l~YRSHOUSE Lrgl8cl 3 8apoolhome nanclng et• tavorabte greenbelt corner lot. .. ~~~.:ro"i ~ EMERALD BAY ~ Lono Beed! Arena 1 &42-3850 loceled on QUlet ~ rate. Pfload ~to Newly p1lnted and l ,tit. 411 hr· at 11~. 8Ht dHI In VIEW 3 Bdrm. 3 t>ath Auo-tl-22 I MC. Malr Bdr f .. tUfN '338.tso. 7514191 aquMky ctffn. ldN.lty lllC Lii Stw I.II. CdM. corner lot Hlgll .._ 484-0028 Owner/ To claim PHH•. call If lwm fr.doot'alaedll'Otolllf09 loc:al9dlnthepreMlQloua r ental. Call John A t S42-s471. U1. 272 P... pool & S)9tlo, formal~ "•nch arH Alklng ............, lffr 752-4342 M·f. -~-·------muat bll •~1 IEU IEL IU nlng rm, den. trplc:, & lrg 1 151•500· ........ ..... ~~~~~~~~' C.11 .... 1n4 fot reeerwd .... •t box Lrg 4 Br' lamlV rm or'ly ~ ftNndng ate1---------1 [UIJUL.-"' ~ -•••••••••••••••••••••• olflc• prior to perlor· •l3" ooo w/Sn,ooO .._ but a few ot the many Walnut Square CQtldo.. 3 ~i nuuw•rWtt 8Ll... ....... ... ...... •~ Ideal Axer Upper In quiet manca I • ... .... --neigtll>Ottlood 2 Bdrm & AXER · aumat>6e. Miik• ottet. I'm amenltlaa. Call Jerry BA 2 Ba. aaJe, IM/opt $Slkl,J3'11kl ...... ... J ... 4 den. 1 ~ ba .. lncludH • • • I llalllble 111t-265e Slftlth •• 131-7370 or avail Cell Irene or 0.- •• t •••••• •t ,111 1 ......... I..... 1 • IWI/ a•--•~-t•• -540-0312 for mo,. o. n I••. t 7 I -I I 5 7 . • UM 0 pvt ._.... 6 -· $98,QQO ... .,..,_ -_,__ tall&. AQt. S52·t54t, 551·2113 tmlbru11u ""'°"'"*-....., r•. Walls tf 000 By owner 769-tt•t Cut• 28' llouM. Owner AT 12 71%. 3 bdrm, 2 OIE F sl1tl •rl11 t•tlttr Cameo Shor .. ocun EHtalde Coate MeH, lleXlble Bkr 538-1453 ba. huge rdwd, beau Perfect floorplM, (2 or 3 ·-• t12l,ltt I TIE llfltlt lift tlJllt view. • Bdr, 5 B•. 2 $27,000 under~-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ pool. Open hOUM 12_. Ek. 3 ~::'°Ji!: AdotatMa 2 8r home 1tt IEST. 1•' I "' -tl>ar•. poot, Jee .. lrg OMler deeperale. Huny REAL ESTATE TAX IN· Sat-Sun 2111 Joann, OI C0-911' l""9ly ~Ex· rff•I• fll ftw ~et>o. :ct. Owner VESTMENTI $5000 call MS.-5808 Own/AQt or ,_.!Ne. En)oy baM-caltent llnandng •velte-LOCATIONS In Turtle ~ ........ ,., .ooo. 7 17$4 645-0303 cunlll 1145,000 lhare OILY.... ~~· ~.~.~! ~T.:::. .. c:; RodcVllCe.2bdrm.21>• ...., ......... ...., liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii purcl'lae MINIMUM ... • locltlon wtUI 811 aMenl-97~70 ~· den, ap.111 leval lilt .... --le-... 1211-deduction lat. 'feM S tO. MOVES YOU IN 11M No doWn. mWmum .. !>&"'-Shon "* .,.._, 000 Owner imv-tot)wlll TOOAY 1 1 C 11 to pool and tennle \ f >I/. I ti F ti lllMt4 ~ = ~~r~r!p'i:e~.~ auppty total down P•Y· 3 Bdtm condo • _. to ~~~ ,;::a~=ioo:, 1258.500. ....... ..... • roof. 2 room & bath atu-ment up 10 $40,000 In So. Coaat Plue. No --------.. it -1•.,.. 111 di f Inc 0 I equity Share purctiaM -··• 11% tin. ~75t lieu '*' llMi---------f . ' /' ~ . . -...,..., 0 or ome n Y -----In new luxurloua 2·S ....-•••••••••••••••••••••• .... eW; S229.500. ;;;~;~~;~ Bdrm 3 Ba. Condo, EASTSIOE. 451 Coate 9y Owner. 4 8r 3 Be. ,.,ii-3•bdrm-•.•3.-ba.-0°'1,,.-ldo._ln•I cou °' ..WlllORT MAI.TOM Htl L ¢-11.,, c-.... -tH-1511 191&.ft. f CUSTOM HOUSE. ...... ftrienc*10 1539. 00. Coal• M... M•Jdmum M ... St. Low NllUf'll Int mlly rm. ec>a. 15% dwn ~~~of~:! •a••f n•--Int. depf9 .. tpca atruc--Lo dn 3 BO 2bl. trp, owe 12'•" lit. 33101 ~ ~~~ .--·-turecHOf l)Wer, poaall>le S Ut. 500 Owner . Bucoaneaf. '499-9475 .,._._. Coeat Higtlw9y. 2 bdrm. ..... .... Alllllll 4 •1 l>eneitt. Phone 831•1093 -·-Financing. Priced at 2 1>91h Onty S235,000 p--.. I"", .... .._."--7 1 4 I 8 3 1 -I 0 5 5, •-$t50,000. ~;,, ';'~:; 7WMMOOO. SllMEI IELlllT 1 ot ow new 8-6 bdrm ZELLNER INVESTMENT . Older l>ut eoodle duptell, pie. Sh•rp a Bdrm 1 .. I ~~~~~~~~~ Your awn pool and je-nonMa tor yours. 12% ~~!_ION u.<tt l' • .--L...t.-2 l>dfm collage. fire-bath, flrepfaCe. P'1ced at 1: cuat cornea wttl'I lllla 3 tnt, pttced 1fom 1211.000 -• :141"1 ~llE.IAYWlc. =·:~~' 1 only 1 110.000 C•ll USM 1K tJ. bdrl'I\ home In one of and~ 1 ml from...._ 54().1151 for more cs. EJ!ec: home.• br. fonn Coate Meu·a beat r1na Call (7'4) 489-~54 <(~tMJa t/d vi/ai Ullla din 1'1'11 New 1111 .• IPPQ, neighborhood•. Enter for morw Info. J . m~o. cp"• a drepa.. ltwouol'I a pr1Vtflt COUf· *' (~ Pool, )ac. dec:ll, B80 Pll tyard •nd enJOY th• 6~"-ouu. & ttple. lf4t,900. '30. m•ny •m•nttla a Ihle .,~"VYl7'Y ooo ctown. owe 2nd at holTla °"""' won't 1a1t .., 12%. 1051 Concord. a1 I Ul,tOO. Cell L = ...,, f9 i~iiiiiiiiiOwnei'iiiiii. iiiiiiil t7t4S70 lllll ......... .... mt lal ...... .... 4 ~ ~ w1tf1 MESA VEAOE "8A/28A ~ -m ,...,.,,. APPRAISED l 140K la ro-e f.n1lly r6o"' In NOW l llOK w/17K cln h .. rt Of M•u Verde, 11....., w'"'"" dn 0W0 w .. cared fOt. IOCllled -" ,_ ... en qui.t lnatde atrMt. !!!...,!!!!1!S!!7!-.00!!!1 !! Vecant and raed1· 118', 000 J Pf. TE ' BARRl l r Hf ALTY • I ' \ 20 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31. 1982 !~~.{~!* .......• ,.,,, /111'1t BHJH #111.11 .,., /11 Wt 1.,, .. , L.-•-•, •n·-L.-•-•, l•••n ,,, •-•, •111n 1., •-• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... .... ..,, .I ... ""' ~' JI ~ .. ~ •• , • ..,, ~ ,,,, ,,~ ,,,, ~ ~ •.••...•••••••...•...•....•.•..••.•.........•.•.•.•••.•...•..•.•.•••.•..•.••••••........ ...................... ....... .-.';'9· ............ ~ ......... !!!! P!.'P.!!.~ .. !.I!!! • .....,, ..... '"' ...,..,, ~ '"' • ..,..,, ..... ,,, •• ...,, ...,. '"' llllYI ~ •" 1'AlllflllT ·•·•~••·•·•···•••••••• ••• -..i•••••••••••• .. ••• ·•·~•·••••••••••••• ···~••••••••••••••••• '4 ••• , • ., 3Br, 2'AIBa. fem rm, 3 • LIQll)ATM)N • _.. •-11_ An11lou1 Owner moving. gareg.e, model home 1>y -• ...,,_ 1r11-• + ... Must .. 111 Whal a buy! .,.. W I S. 11-4 owner Doell. boat. SUPER F1NANaNG Hu own ewlmmlng Bttng ttie whole family 5 actoaa Woodbridge tllgh $298,000 w/20% d•n. Forced aa.lea, thil week only TWO BHt buy In n.ighbor· bMcl'I • gt991 tor grown 8'. h\'98 2 level •tat• ac;tlool on Alton, '" S.... wlll CMrf Ill p.per BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT I h hood. DramaUc decor, upe and Chlldr9n 10 entoy alzed IOt. comple\ely pn-Soulh Lake. 'rtita 28R at well b9low current Int. poo omes large 4 Bdrm. 3 bathe, the water. Come ... thle vata ptua Owner wen tl-deeorator condo. 1138. 581-3428, 586-2521. on fee land valued at $800,000+. Will high beamed cetunga. beaullful location 3 nance. No lendera. Aa- llOO. aell now for $325,000 and $318,000. Patti. actloole and ahOp-Bdnna 2 baltla. '4715,000 king $264.500. LH. Century 21/Gold CoMI HARBOR RIDGE lowest priced. Steal ping otoee l>y. 1255.000. with financing. lnclud.. Tierra del Sol RMttora. Aaaltora 548-1188 let& .... WM4M it at $399,900. Fee. With view. BIG lftl llll&f 1·1 boat ellp HedO• Maroet &48-1~ ~.~t .. !1.ff ~ epa,~ooo CANYON lowest priced. Steal it at 111 11 .. W2tSlllHf19AA Ir. 142-IZOO HARBOR Rl>Gf Cute dlwmer with grMt aq. II. or decking .~ $179,900. Fee. • • &'"' ~:,·~~2 ~. ~1~; :-::::::::.-~ Pool, 1pa + tennis. NEWPORT 2 lrg 4 v!r:. ~IJ ~~ty etory. °'*' bMn't oallng. draperlee. central air. ~ beauties. All new decor. Only llghte. 3 Bdrm, 2'hba Owner• moving. Muet Ranch •t;te 4 bedroom, -15,000 & $199,500. Must aee. plue olflce, 2 lrpQ Jo. Ml1 Owner. w111 t1e1p ~ 2 bath. &ce11ent uau-NEWPORT full on ~ ... "" VIEW 3 delle Model.1&49,000. 1210 000 mable loan 11115,000 V\..c.tU,. 3 ST TROPEZ nance. · · °'*' .8dr onl *'>69 cl\I\ F Th • 8 d N Sat/Sun. 484-4748. equity, wlll conelder • Y •" ,o.1VV. ee. ese wont ran aw Homa• & 878-2122. trade tor North Orange last! NEWPORT 2 Udr beauty NEAR Condoe, no ITIOfleY down 111111111-,llO . =ty property Minion BEACH. Take it at $149,900. Fee. No 8 L.11191 :_.~:5~•4:.ut. 17141 CUSTOM LOT HARBOR HILL OoHnlront. PrlnClp•I• """-,,,,. 1111 better time t.o buy. All with ~s. ~~.::,~ :.: =:.;: OCEAN FRONT only. 4 Bdrm ho ma. •••••••••••"•••••••••• Will lell, leaae option or trade. C!--'-··-BY OWNER. "'NT LOC Nr IMw •"'"I a Bt10h133n. ~&UUll W11tclllt locallon. 3 ,_ double ~163 2ea. ,;:·rm wtfrptc., ... .g only call Patrick or Fred Tenor-e, Bdrm. tamll)' room. vu. $400,000. S-40-7990 GrMI view ol ~ and city llah... Wiii eubofdl- natt. Wul blll1d to IUlt. --------wlndowl. 1560 eq n. ~. 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! •eel~ Owner w11 SALE OI TlllE view, nr lelca. 1158,000. uelal w th 111\al\clng. GrHt OCNll vu, ThrM 1-0wner __ e:s_7_-4_7_8_7___ 1219.600. Atdl Bey, 3 Bdr 23 Ba. • ..... Ill lfll ... , 1•1 family rm. comp!. remo-•• ~ ......... }._. 1•7 ..... . daled. 873 -2938, M2·12M 642-1183 FllEGLllllE HYEI SlllU ~o;"y, ~ :::,, ': t.U I Oaluy IJfN9 of Hwy. 0oean & nlte Ille 4 Bt Den. FOf'mal 01n1nQ ¥UI. Walk to park & Room. 2 Flraplac:ea, ~ Creecent Bay beach. car garage plu• large GrMI uaumable llnan-Hobby Aoorn. Pool alud clng. 487-2338. 901. 101. beaut. landacal*S. wmauFF 3 Br 2 Ba charmer al 12t8 Devon Ln. 12'% 11- nanc:lng •lnonnal down payment. H. FredaJlcil, IL• ... Owner will •••lat al II· -·· nanc:lng. Only $420,000. 1=iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ --~ Open Sat/Sun 1-6 ,. lmpo9tng 2 level archl-Aoblnaon; Aaalt0t lecture In llrOOd & Ql..a Ma-1147 dHlgn Located tllgh 1~::::=;;f;ii;; above Laguna·• famed Riviera coaaulne FM· tur• 3 bdrm noor J>'an with ocean view, btiamed ~elllnga & huge •tone flrepl-. It'• a real pnn winner at. 111115,000. FULL PRICE. MISSION REAL. TY 985 So. C.t Hwy. L.- -..111 lfll IRIAI 1-1 717 lllllU Cuatom 3000 aq ft nome • whit• water ¥tewa from most rooma -complete w/pool & ac>a. 3 8R 3t>e • formal dining -family rm 1589,000. Lip91"'-•U 41l-17f1 Are you planning • move? lftll...U En.IOY IMng on one ot IN moll pr•tlglou• etrMtl, on Hlate elHd IOI. 3 Bdrme. ci.n. and formal dining room. ptue cu.tom dHlgnad pallo area, perfect tor anter18'nlnQ with •O•. llraplt, 880 and warming 1amp1. 1339.800 • excellent fi- nancing 142-1200 •Ulfll Mct..8lfl Townhorne with greet ¥Ww of gott couraa and can,.on. One i.v .. OakcrNt model. good eecurlly Community pool •nd tennla. 1219, 000. . ...,.. ...... lflla&Tl•t-t 142-1200 W&111f1111' Single ltOf)' tiome on 50' of waler with pl., and ' PETE BARRETI .. REALTY allp Large ba)'lida P«tlO ~~~~~~~ tor glorloul bNCh IMng. .::; 3 Bdrm. dining room home with comfort and good looke. Wall prlc9d. ....... ,1-1 M1lwtlltwLL la·IJOI j PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY .,..,,... .... Cermet. l)OO(. A.IC. more Mongege IUlly NaUm 1241,000 &«-257~ WANT ACTION? Cl..al'9d Ada 842·5e78 ClNalfled ad• wtn point you lt'I tile right direction to find Iha home )'Ou l'INd. 642-5878 Mor• ,.,,.,..... .,. Q«11ng me camping "bug" Ulla 111'· K you MW a cam- P9' that'• not gaiting UMd. ..., It now wtth a C1ue111ec1 Ad. 1_.....;... __ .......;;.;==~~1.~~~-~.'1.~~!..!.~ff ~1.~~.!'1.~!1. •• !.~!I ~~-~ .... !~ ~l.~f./l.l.U.1.... IO '---~ fill1 I ...... ~-::: •••..•..•...... LdsuR World, ~Hills. 00! ' • lm.-g!M .m rltg.inl orw btodrot"m l t'l•urw • • • WorlJ l1Umt complf'tt w11h S2.5.000.000 worth of coun1ry d ub •mt•r11ht-S, pnv.llv· miry IK\Jrlly. 200 S()t'Cial 1nter<"!il du~ .lnd h1'h. lantl<;cai•tllj( With mt.Jical, fl11.indal .ind shoppml( facillht., R.<110~. telsu~ World Rt!S.lle ts lhe foremor.t n-oilty comp.my wtth home• avall.:iblr m .all pnC'C' r•n~. Talk to orw ol our f'lpt'f'im<td 5.,1~ Counxlon, view our color Ho~ Show or Wild m the coupon tndll)' fl'lf • bnutilul bfochurr. PleaM' rui.h mr your run-color bmchurf ----------------------------------- -Ttlrphone For Assistance Call Patty Moore ll.Wfl ...... $485,000 You own the land. 2,000 BOB HALLEY REAL TOR tel ft. 38', lam rm, 2~ _liiniiiCiWaliiiil ~8"-44;-iijftij;5jjjj5;-I Ba. wide Graenb«I, ,_ poo6. Far below ma'1let ....al lllllTS '245,000. Wiii ...... Op-Beaut. 2 BA 1 Ba hM. llon. Bier. &44-4134 Newly ltind~. $185 000 with uauma.ble 1at ph.11 owner financing avail. e.2-n44 IELL II TUii ......... Prime realdent181 lot. As- king l500.000. &40·7M15 EA8TBLUFF: 3Br 2Ba I 199,500 Siiia/ IM/opt. Great ttrme Agl. 840-8018 l nz -ti.. Rved'lltl• REALTY llYSllUI OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 • 2571 WAVERLY OR. Charming 2 Br. home with guest room & beth. large bric:tl patio & tfl)lc, lranctl doora. Beet price In Bayat\orea. U35.000. L.H. Fleiclbla lerme. Owner/Agent 851_,300 Of 031-M75. .. ....., Beautiful mobile flom. tlghe on Iha _,.,. Ap· pro11 1300 tel ft 2 cw. 2 b•. Auumebla loan. hyfront vi.. oondo, 2 aft 1443 mo. plua ltaH. 2 .... NC. bldO· Boat 1111> 112.000. Open Set .. avail. U00,000. 8)' Sun. 700 Udo P..-k Of., ownt/bkr. t7&.M37 Sp. 31. actON from 0.- BUllDEAS SACRlflO!. 3 lanev'• Rutaurant. e A 8 ea. tu 11 n e •n-1aee, ooncsoa .• QfMt IQc. 1150, ~ ...... 1 a 000 & 'I U0,000. -• 07~ .......... ~PO.,.RT....,.OF,-IH0--4-8'-.-2-.,..-.. -+' Pride of ownerahlp bonu1 r m, fee land. duf:l••la). U H ,OOO b41.IOO. 7eo.1HO :/ .. ~:J'n•nol"O Aot. LITl-Un If you went to bulld your own c••tl•. ttlla opportunity ol • IHetJme ... ,..... oome ~a iota on Hari>of Aldo•. •ld ... b y-8'd•. wttfl plene tot • 10.000 1qu11e foot hom. with TENNIS COURT and pool for only $2,500,000. The Owner wlll joint venture, trade or you can lake ~ IN wno'9 project. S 1 ,4 00 .000 of 1 1aum •ble 11- nandng. WOW1 .. C:..lrtU ' 714/7M-1900 11\WllTWTI Oldaf hOUM O'll« 1300 sq. n. p4u1 i.tge o.t•· c;hed double garage on alt.y. N9w paint, aome MW plumbing & elec;trlc;. 5011 117 R 1 IOI. Owner nffdl C:Hh. $ 189,000, 4$1 Santa Ana Ave . 031-3520, EY81 & Wkl'lde 548-5041. Pl8llaJ ...... -·---•••t••• wtth Stto,000 ~ financing at t2.5~ or new 80% financing at 14% Int. Excel cond. Upgrad ed w/partlal oceat'I vie.. By owner • 873-6454 BAYFRONT, t877 turn. mobile home. 2 bdnn. 2 ba, blt·lna. I 125.000. 873-0807. 213-"5-el55 Harbor Aldga, 11e.ooo down, uaumable 30 yr fixed loan, Owner w/ Clllf'V 2nd. e.t bUy on Ridge. Anita Schandel 759.9555 or 840-2888 agent lnmtl 1111 .... EXPAH81VE 3 Ir ptue den. 2'A ea. A88UMI: $ f20,000 111 with LOW DOWW. Celt now! . .... , ., ...... N!WPOAT ~CJTS cot· 1809 111/8AAOAIN ltAIC! 2 If. FAMILY RM. & I Ba. Opn Sat 1·t Call nowt AA& ..OOOEAI Laguna 'Niguel Realty Monarch Bay Office IAYCJllllT: 38~ p ool, llftl 1111111 =..:"1-.:.C· =-&ltANIS .. VILLA! 7 f:Of ~f::I Ad "'*' ~ . iow..e bdrltt. -._. .. rm. CaA . ptlc. ln MM •t HM. Poot MO _. • ~. ~ 000 V -feM~. llt•,OOO, r-. ecant • ..,.7 Ho1oo Cell Oaotury I tlAI ~~ lkt. NWl41, Gr~ My. AM for -::=::14::2::4t=71==: """'t1an-."nll _ 661-0886 R£SIOENCE Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlafng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 -21 ~ • .'.~!!!.(0.'.!.'.'.' ....... !'.O.~!!!.(•!.!!l!....... ~ ... ~!!!.{O.'.!.~.' ....... ~!!.~!!.'!!!.. ~.!!!J.!!1!.'1 ..... '19!!.~1!!!!! ..... !~.~~~ .... ~J~~~ .. !~.~! .. !.lj~ T'!.~tJ~ ........... !.'!f T!~tff ..... : ..... !.m !!ffll!t?!!r.!tr.:f!! ~!.f!!m!f.~ ~!?.~!*-.... !!! lllMI, ,_ -•~ 1111. f11H.!!H •••••• 1.':!1 ~ OCUI Mnrf.,. Eutaldti 2 Br. 1 Ba., patio. IPYIL1$1 tml If H•••a .. •M _.... ;;~;;;;;,~;;•••••••••• newly decorated Salt tr Lii e,t, HIHltlllf ...... r511111e .,......,. VIEW V.-y nice 2 bdrm. patio, (Duplex) S585/mo A......_. 4 Bdrm New-Hi h , ---H Fantutlc location & fantastic garage, laundry. _15_1_-e_5_22 ____ _ potter plan with moun-g atop LA:'luvo eights is this rare terms. 4 bdrms, 3 baths up; 3 Lm $550tmo + depo•ll weet.-,. 2 Br , Ba. lncd teln and night llO"I• view. combination of class and unmatched b d 2 b th d t73-5e15 patio. anclad garage, Onty "485.000 FEE con.at.ruction quality, encompassed in r m 9 • 8 9 P w n · ~JS:: In gat«f. pr';:· new carpet•, drapH. II ltlkts.., 4100 .... ft. of entertainers dream home. Fireplace, 4 car garage, ,.....,1 ~~1n · •utia,,.. SMllnt.Nopeta.14&5/mo. _, sun deck. Price reduced to """'ng an.a r a ..,A '14 p1u1 tecurtty. 5'48-6«2 . .... ......, 1·1 The hmne o! one of Orange Counties $'4 wlvl•w• to C1talln1 & ••••••,••••••••••••••• 770-5&29. 144-ltH most prominent executives, it baa a 50,oo&. Sen C•emanta lal. 3 BR. t t>4. nr M11gnolla & --------7141681-0005 Yorktown. Remod. gar 2 Br. 1 81 w/ crpts, drpa. courmet chefa kitchen, large formal Ill.MA Pllll. llPLD No pat• '875. 8t13-ln7 ~;~~•Ida. &595/mo. dining room. A 32' 10larium-garden room lnl UT 12·1 ..... laAll u-.. IHct '1 plus a beautiful fam.lly room with a large d Newport'• moat pr .. 11-":':7.~ ••••••••••••••• profellional ~ wetbar and unexoelled 4 b rm up, 3 bdrm down OIOua~40r.eton • eA, ':T. dee, tum, s.c flow fot the 1 .. ..-party aowds. w-11-duplex. Great area for summer the bey ~"' prl\ltt• p1er 9a1e. pr v Bc:tl., 1ann11. --&-· awl rentala. All Investors must see. and float. A11urna lo• Ownt. ·~ of glass open to a view like a Swi.u Only 5 --ara old. Best buy on IMeJaat r .o. suso.ooo. countryside. Across the spacious formal 1 -••Ill IMI B1un llaluald" ~tio. Priced below replacement at the ooeanfront. $525,000. Ocean and bak view. i;;;;;j•••••••••-;#1 75 000 w .......... know mo-ple"'•""' call Two conttouou• • 1 loll •••••••••••••••••• •••• • · ---•""• ....,... WEIT lirwaalT on quiet 1tr .. t next to REITH• WALTER PERSHALL, eves. 544-5129 "''"' muttt rnllllon doll• l'IOrne .._. SOU11iLAND REALTORS 4 bdrm & 2 bdrm duplex. 2 under conatruc11on. Y-1y-Waakly>-Wlntar, 2, IRVINE AT PROSPECT doors from wide beach & S595.000 udl. 75% n. 3.4 Bdrrne.. TUSTIN Mf.1440 excellent aurllng. The best In ~'iiM .llClll IULn rentals. Owner will lease back 4 OAPll1Ull PllP bdrm upper unit year-round. For the hcwM set. 5.5 IAllAIE•EIT 2Br 2bll, 2 car gat. D/W, bltlna. lrplc, c/d , no klda t pat• se oo. f4S-25ee ""· OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU Suneet BIUffa. New dlx 2 br, 2 ba oondo. Frplc, graanhae wndw, gar., yard, aec. gate. No peta. S890/mo. 2157 Pacific Av. See 111 • then call: 551.e822/~722 &42-8808 4 Br. 2 Ba lflarp & claen. llrnlly Ok. $850, grdnr Incl. Make offer. $310,000. acr .. wtth •~from llM1ll Saddleback 10 th•1---------1SEN8ATIOHALll 3br 2be. OCMl'I. Seiclud9d ~ onty .. / .... /Ir ..... pool, party .,.oo $(75 mlnulH from to•n. !'"Br. den CIHn and OC-REHTAl.8 750-3314 te .. 5,000 ownet Wiii fl-nnt. 2 bike to ocean. IHI 11111 an. ,, .. lpecrt..::ular ac>llt lellal cuttom horn.. 438 R .. ~ Plc:MIO AMttora TomMtO Gotuzzo e31.Ql22 Ill OUY• IPEI lmE 30 UNITS • 10% flnan· clng. Phoenix, Allzona. $815,000 NEW SHOPPING CEHT • ER. I 1% flnandng. Ex-cal~I Orting• County location. $3,300.000. ,., &44-9513 laJua .•• ~AW!.'!! •••• !!!! seoo mo. payment tor 11 •• ' -"""-28<, 28a oondO. t•~ VA ..-.W loan, 11klng tt4,500. l••••r I ,.1_ee_1_-3380 ___ _ te I .. ~'!.~! •.••••• !.'M 3 80fW . 2~MTH Z.o down payment, 2 BA ...... 000 OWNr/Wtr. 2 Ba condo, nr So. eo-t 111/ ... Jm P1aa.. Tennie, pool, IC*. ;;;;;;;;ij ...,,.,. sea.eoo. 1ac TO ·····-LUCERNE: 2 atorr 3 w/monthly pymta of sest, .... W/Q/r'/ bel -·~ Allllng 181.000. 840-8825; 661-1965 bdfm. mttr bdrm ,..,..., 8ulkl 10 bec:h unit• wtler9 .,tt;.pic, ... ~ now •II• CllHIC 3 BR tit. full price M416.000 hma tor onlr SH.too. Xlnt term•. 140·1900 "3·2404 egt. 811'· "5.000, So. cat f'taa. 1 ..... 1.,. Ill.I bdrm condo, d••lon•r -· .... upgrldle. llr. pool, ipla. .... new ouatom home aecurlly gate. Owner on tlt -.. Open _•_TIM> __ n_s_. ----- l!U. Id .. Ii.mt with a Oel1 Ptlot ~ti I hd M. AND 8 'ff old doUbte wide on th• l>aactl. 2 bdrm beat bay .. In Newport 9aach. Bank wlll land 70% 47 EJ PllllO ....... Lido Realty 673-7300 "*-· $800/mo. HOT Uttla 2br 2be. la ger. bbq. pdo. SSOi) OC-RENTALS 7504314 67M40I .., ... &We/fa HARBOR !.:~:._~: 2brpootint.~ comm pool, tannl• kllctl. hl.ige ger. 1475 $2900. OC-REHTALS 750-3314 .......... 1"8llable now Sept 15 to .iuna 15. seoo 10 s 1eoo Nr. S.C Pfau. 3Br 2ba, upper, dadc patio, pool, chlldrwit .,.., oti. seso . 173-eOM "' &45-38M . ' I I f 22 -Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertlsJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 31, 1982 ~.~ •• ~!.!~.'!M~ .. ~ .•..• ~... ~.~ .• J ~m.¥~!~!'!( .. ~ .......... ,. r.m.w "'!'--" A,.n.n11 ,,,,,,,. ••••••••••• :r;;-.-::r:-............. .;~ Ua/arallj" C.... ,,.,. llM UH '--..,. :f""Aij .... , .._. 1111 lulll ~ .tw ... "'"-"-....................... ••••••••••••••••••• £ii;;·c;,;;·;·; ... ,; ....... iiiij::; ....... ~~i;;ii·i·u.;~ i.·~~-,;v·i7t~ ~·~ ...-nH ..., c..r..., il'M peta. AVlll. 1 _. OCtAH IEW Terrace condo. Fptc, pre-W home. ottglnll WOOd •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.......,. 111J •••••••••••-•.•••••••••• 6'1-3937 to:,.~~ at trpc:•u~"'° ~ !:..: tlo. Pool. ecc. Qulatl Kida penell11g. frpl, aap. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8paBllno dewt, 2 8<. w • ......_ 1 •.... · 710-137I · OK. SH& mo. Jean ... braotut room, 3 1.1.'t Fl•n "80. 2 B<. utll. pd •'10 Ba. 1400. fenced, utMa -a.M-7211 bdrma. 2 ear garage. 5'*1'ah Eat.ate L.Mngl Harding, Balboa. No paid. Rafrlga. 2 •mall S3t& mo. unfurn. utll ~~ <>e.envlew n .. cuat. 3 large yard. H501mo BMutlfUI pm-Ilka eur-'*8.. 647·1155 children at, no P«t. peld. 1Ml2-2802 "° BR, lndlcpd. •1400 Newport Shofw 3 B<. 2'A 831-7918 rounding a. Terraced W'-'-. ~ ~.~. n.......-19e0 Waleca 142-4905 D. 4ff..1878 Ba 2 blodc• 10 beectl,..,.---------,.,.., ...,.,. ..,.._, . E/16da 3 BR. lga ywd, 2 ~1«'4/."--doM to ICihOol & tannla. i..tt ,___..,. "" pool. Sunken gu bbq, front 2B 2BA. atec:. pd. S5001mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. ac>t. cw get, cNldren & peca r, ~ "'--' m1 1Ml2-eel3. • ••••• :;":ill~........ 1parktlng t9unlaln1 tl301mo. 159-16•2 •" anelad v•r•g•. patio, OK. •1to mo. 764-4508; m.1-860() .:-:r~•••••••• *llAll llTT•* 8padou9 rooma. Sap• 5PM frl*;. l"°'Y fee:. Submit 851~1 w;T" ii• -Spectacular ocean & UPPER BACK BAY 3 BR., tBr doee '° bdl 1825 rate dining area. W•-111 on pet. .. mount .. n ,._ home In 2'A BA .• golf cour• vtew. • • ~. tlofna Ilka kltc:t.-Duplex, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, TSL Mgmt. 142_ 1803 lllf • llY l.1.. · Manercn Tarr, 3 br, 3 be. N.-c:lrpet, 11000 mo. ~·.~1'· No pat a. en a cablnata. Walk to llrapl~. Hcxi ... away =:-=~-----~· 1750 par mo °' '4000 • ..,. ,. • ...:..-;,::-.__ 11050 mo. Call owner 873-'413, 9M-toe7. Huntlnglon Cant•. from be h . I 8 O O. EASTSIOE 2 If. 1'~ Ba. doWn and t. proud ow-'r.1n~.a:1r.•1RC ewe 499-4252. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 CIM·fwfppr 1 &Mm-tum, l506 915-8795 TowMoula, encl.ct 99--~ ~ ~ ~1;' Woodl>rldge 38', 2'ABa ...... rw.. JlfJ br. 1 be., frpld, boet/I RV 1ff8ban1ldal J4'9 2 2 :::i""'OW:.::..":! '!!!..i'!'!-~ti.tor,~ =. ~· wnall pet oil. · beeutJIUI upondaa, $960 •••••••• :.-:-r.......... ttoraga, etr nr. nel. ••••• ;;-.................. ~ u 11 · ..----·· no ......... TSL Mgmt. 142.1803 EASTlllOE. 2 er. 1 Ba. mo. 851-036C>, 559-9042 HOME FOR RENT 11000. mo. 831-1418. Aa9ort-llk• ed\ltt t..-ct nr om . U1lll paid. 1oe E. Bay Apt redac., frpl., tnel. gat. 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. tet5 ---SC Plza. Pool. grdnr. No 9, 8alboe Penlnaule. STUNNINO large 1 Br. ,.., yd. Mature people Walnut Sq condo 2 br. 2 to seoo. Fenced )W'da 6 .,._,_r _... Dlwl 1Br.No'*9.1475 pata. 1t~-garden apt, poo1 & rec. Pf8f *6to e..a.-2423. tty, 2 ba. patio, anel. garagaa. Kida & pata 4 Bdrm 3~ beth, 2 )'Mr 6 135 utll. 11'·2580. UtlllU• Freel --It/ 161 11U rm. M25tmo. 710 W. . ' . garage. Corn. pool M16 welcome. 545-2000. old Paoaaatt« axaoutlYe Highly upgr.cled & dNn. I.AO ....... WMitU•u••u 18th. St 8pedoua tlofna. 2 yra old, ~ ~. Agent, no lea home with Abrery, tamlly "'-Por1 8d'I 8IO ~ UINTA HU•MOSA ".""L.-lt------4 BR 3 Ba, lormal dining Ofangana Pet room, lormal dining 3 Br 2.,. a., QOlfcoufM 18211 Pwlll6da l.n, 1 bit In CclM. modem 18< ac>I , ....., IMillelft room, MP•r••• famlly bdrm lo Hom.. 2 .,...., ._,. 1111 room and 3 flteplaoaa. ., I aw P 0 0 l . 110P 1 • W. Of Beedl. 8 bite• S. of wtcarport 0< garage for 2 Br 2 B• w/garaga room, lga cowred patio. • 2 be. den. tennis, •••-a••••••••••••••••• 12100 mo. "' ..... CIC>-• . • • Edinger. retiring lady moving to $585, 18r. pootalda wl 0100 mo. pool, 646-MM 111..... lion. Call agent 11 114001"'°· a.M-toeO 1414441 .,.. No at91B, no'*'-ga,..ga MH. Bach wt UNIQUE HOMES TURTL~OCK -Great 3 br, 214 be. prof. dee. 946-5092 Luxuz CdM. Bay front ~ to S500 mo. 1213) patio, carport 1405, !!~1 .... Joan Brec:.y YM!w. 28'. den. ~fem 5a .!: ~ • ••. t 1 2 ao Blllftt Condo 4 br, 3 .... ~n !;_! ,.!drmrm:.. ~1o··. "-~.~_..!m ~2540 -0frl*1 • pool, ape. laundry. -£Q rm wtwat ber, comm ,._ -...... ....-'Y1f • ..-1 Bd I ~ u at, no pate. Meta pool a ...,.. !Mii. now greenbelt. pool. 1'315 New paint, carpeta & THE -rm n .. bdrm apt Pinet. Mt-2447. 2.!'· ~ ~~ .. "!k'· 11300 mo. Ownar/99t. 1 .. ~A.L..S._ ~~~·,. Yrly 11 • Bkr. llPP-2 aw IJlllll08 wWI ! :~85p1':'°M~ Fan~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J.l'llJ-. ....... ,_ .. ,,,.,.pd. 7eG-3l4t --•-•o--_...,1$4 opener, 121100/mo. 1--" AQt. t&00 "'°' 175-1142.. 1'50-3314 open 7~ Spac1ec:uler vtew In 720-0713 ''1011 _ __.. _______ . hatalda a IA 2 a.. MW ~3~·::..-:.r. EASTBLUFf: 38r, 2ba. tllglou• Hat1>of :J!!: ...... lo. c... ptaza. 2 CHARMING. 1 BR. lg. decor. fP'c. bftna. 2 c. PrN 9atlCed yard. Pdo Avail Now. f 1200/mo. pool, 19•. tenn~:-.· bdrm 2 be loww end aundecll, Mngta mature ~ 911',1125.M2-1711 lnTUFtWock.AaMwttti &4G-901t y •t• IH•llmo. un1t.'P•Uo:pool,AIC UFE'' adull.rafra."40-7514. NEWPORTH'TS. 28R 1aA poet. ape, Courta. Only lg• 2 BR 2 Ba condo. eo-9307. N60. Avell AAao 7. Call _w __ 5 ______ ..... ger•99. Next to part!. 9'25 mo. "3-1$47 ocean! bey .,.... Sec. 38r, 28•, 2 paltoa, no 9elty MU200 I , .....i. 2 Br 1be, garage, patio . Beau111UUy landac:aped garden apta. Pool & Spa.. CoYarad parking. No ... 24e0gle. ....._.n• TutUaAoc*481'2~ba.3 ~.Poo1 • .-i.t175 rno. pate.~. 11• to bc:tl. Newport condo wai. to ~.~.,~ ~2.~1:65°· mttllln e91garlMlrmS191lo Av l mmad.Oanny. SIOOmo.1131-3417 11Md\·31R21Aba.~ Olrector•Fr•• 1 8<. 1475 131 E. 18th. M&-eete o.tat.1edln0w!•thlp grdnr inc. 11200 mo: :::i~1 e wlcctya or Waatellff atH. 3 bdrm edlt1 °prat'd. t825 mo: Sunday Lo2Br1"~t.tillnhaaapt. nowt Atfllil now. 833-1927 hofM, x1n1 cond. l.g .... teC).3052 8Nncti•880'.. A1t1n1, frplc. aundack. 1 Bt. new carpet, newty 1 Br. 1 BL C.M. E/Slde Turtlaroek 1350 all, 2 SC:::;.,,.,~~ :=.'~V:::. r,:; r...-.. ~flua ~~~O~I~ J'a:fr:: painted, 1415/mo. iM "'60. matr ~ country ktl--peddle t8'1fli. c:oun. on pat mo. m-1290 ,.,.... ,,,, m rr;::· 760-4520 1200. utll pd, no pelt, 2 Br. 1 BA. WIS* 1475 chan. 2 ~be, neat to quiet cul-da-110 C::" •••••••••••••••••••••• R •CR I AT t 0 N: lf-•1 .. _. •••.. ~. ldMI for quiet ,.._ 4 Br. Wt81da blQ yard pool. Avall~• 1 1, ........_. .. ...--..i EMlbluff 3 Ir 2 a.. 2 '* IAVINE.,......., 3 .... 1 .,. _,, ---tura working couple . • ...._ ..... .,.,,.. 7"'" ..-•-• -....-_._., -Ta n n I a • F f a a "'"'"7"-_,., ~· '· "' gar d • n •, 1135 o anot. gat. comm. poet, la. townhoma. Pool, ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ------·----- AQant 182-1700 4 Br. 2 aa. 111971 AntlOch. 14a-1528 · ovarlooka grHnball, .t•nnle, ate. 1850. mo. ahop)•f'~:.r.~ 1 .. J..... •Meaa Varda 2 B<. 1 ea. 3 8r 1.,. Ba, lrg lot,...... •11001mo dOM '° grwnrnat K:hool 213-33t-2192. Clu..-~ Newly decor. GH pd, Newly rafurblahad. OK. USOtmo Ind. pr-AQ9ntMl-503a. ·=· , ... ,._ lh4IClflool.,..~a. Hy&~ encl gar, dwahr, pool, 1495/mo. No pelt. danaf. 131-1211. ~ 3 Bdrm .... llf ~· tH . & ~16 h.aJdM ~O'm. ::'/.&o~~lta, no pata. 833-8974 Wllltze • 3 Ba. 2 atory, Xlnl 3 bdrm 2~ beUle ~ •71102 • .................... un:;;;g~ -Lo_•_2_B_r _2_b_a_c_o_n_d_o_. -,..-r 0.U ,., 1111 =::n::c~~g..gatad 1 1200 'par mo. E~ & EA8T8ll.Jff 1800 aq. ft. 3 .... ' a I AU T 'UL 2 br .. 1 ba., carpet a, So. Cal. Moat utll pd. •••••••••••••••••••••• 857-esM -. · cteya. wknda. t7t-8tee, da Br. 2~ la. fr'plc, 2 cw ,,__. 11n AP ART• I• Ta 1 drap11, bulll-lne. No AIC, pool, ape. 1575. 2-tey, 4 8dr 3 Ba, lamlty 632-1023 gar wlflllc opener, com-•••••••••••••••-••••• 81 n g I a a , 1 & 2 ~2t:'· 2272 Maple. 832-1181 ~. :c:..t:a'o' ~='~d:.:r· =~ 4 Bt. 3'Ao Ba. bonut GI*' ~~50n:-~·A~L ~~·p~ rt:;:=:= -N-.. -,-Sr-.-gar--age-.-0-/W-·-=-,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• C>C-AEHTALS 1-5br'• t200 to S2000 750-3314 °'*' 7~ 5 .. '° OC99"1. eag.,t 2 Br. ,amlly Rm & Den. IMO Mo. Ptulh up .. , a.,. a.. Cedtlr I ..... aun-deCa. dbt oat pn ... -,.,.,.. ywd.. Mo,.........,... .. m 1-. ... fl0.G21. 1ra CAAZYI Sfm LOA· OB> roylll ldtdl MOM t:l((I OC-MHTALS 7ao.n 14 .... ~aa.-.. do. """*' OOO'IPlllCl'f, UOO. IHt Roma , IM4-711:2. ,rplo, ~lcaly landacpd rm. gardener. AY•ll 7eo-.1311-. Mr .... t295/mo. 875-34H Peta•Modala Open 8peclout 2 Bt. 1Ba.1425. no peta. l400/mo. 31i IJ)OOI. !Ma, *"* prty.) ~~~P .. !w.,. S 13 80 Im o . ,. ............. F....__ .. _ + 8'odl Bey l!IMcfl. 'llR utl d9lly Ito e. 3 Br· 1 'A Ba. 1475. Avocado. 759-1914, lt50, Hom. 552-1'18, --· ~d ~d .. ":"""' -I paid 1450 mo S.. al &..L--..1 Leundry lac., pool. 831-57U M0-1321; Otc W.9241, 4 Bt a a.. epa s100 aca" •n. ac .. • 1fJ:' 0 • 1mw. BalboeBMt,apt •-.... M&-155e -e~EA~UTI-fVl--2-lf-.-2-Ba.- 720-Mt'T ~ vtew. SHOOlmo •1000 mo. ,.. 2. Newpcn ~ .... W1LU __,& Meaa v_., 1100 aq,.ft . ~.... '"' 4 Br 3 S.. comm. pod, BLUF'F8. 4J. \IPCll'.oed 4 (213) 9'41-3086 aw'1 ... f ntt Spac:6oua E. 8lcM Apte. fplc. lndty, petio. dlfl.. .................... ~~,;~17· ... =.!~~~8-Jleult0m211r299 .......... 119. :n::::·r:::·~ -:er...::::- • • • comm.~ tallOlmo S14tlS/ mo. 2440 vi.ta blk to bHeh, aplral aao """"-No pett. -MIT 3 If 2 I&. comm. pool rw NotiNa. 644 0380 ttalt9, .,.._ peto, IP8 (et 18th) 1 8A. 1 peraon 1431 Condo Ur. i be. Y raa.. 2011 a.t. I 8.C. f1taa S7f0hno & g a r . U ti I I n C I . · n 14) MS.1104 1 8A. 2 penana S4e5 fd. F..._ I let9r· eo.. .... Of try i.... otJtJon on EMlbMf aeo. OCl98ll ~ 11200/mo. 173-tlM4 aft 1 • 2 IA Slaf11ne et 1610 a t r om . I 5.$ O "' o . Y041 .,. the wlftn« of eny or~eu. Have =-~~=· J:°9im t. ~._.lie. 232' 8d9rt A"9.. CM 1_•_••-••_M _____ _ two fl"e9 **-4'11.00) ottw.. .-.-TerKn. aot rm bMutlM _.ma.. ~., ... 1111 18th 8t. 142-7IOll 1 .. , S310,..,,., 1Wtof .,-. to tt'9 UM2tl, 131•17'1. a1ioo, MCMm ' ;::~............... (Dov9r at 18th) 14101 2 •· .... pool. No...._ Adult..,._ NNOL...o MOe. a p OcMft vi.. bMuttf\llly (71•) &42'-511a mo. -· 1 ._ ept.. 423 W -~11 ~ & wiY U E" K~ 1 br, w/ llO CANYON TWNHaE "''"· .~ ... ""'°' • ...._, calltlQ. laundry • • -P8rtY oedo eel Wt on llO Cnyn Golf Cow-. poo1 a P-'IO. .-Stino. . ;:-· ~. Avtl{. .Mt· eel &,._. -~ co.wenuon ~U 19CM314 Hr, H• +den.\ Dr prof 87~. 4 If a ea llA'9' ~ TIILIW"· M2 ....,. 1 bdrm, cerport. CMIOI, C..tw Aup. 5-11 d.ooreMd, be.u Jfully 1 • Ind ._ Newt1 OCIMft=to..... · Momt • 1-lllWldry. No ....., -. to Long 8a.dl Arai1e 2 ... 1 8a. on 43td. at. lndaopd, pvt tennlt & _. ..-.. ~to NgNy fll#Ml't 1M91 3 8r 2 Ba T~ ....r MIS/mo. 131 W ~ , .. 22 gar lndd, OOMI\ l6da of ~ tlcl. ttlOO mo. ~·~7-l.ltlh. .,., ,..,.....,._ ~ 1n ..... --... 19th It. CM To clelm P• ... •. call 9atboa. Sffltmo. pfut ...._, ,... COtMoe OM* panl" 10 rant wtmer lairvt pool, ~ Mt· 141 lell 642...eetl. llllt. 272. PM-UC . 612-7&02 or 17 .. tMO or N7-etM C'MI ._. n~ '1200, ~ty MQOtlUt9, Ung. tl7t. l45•3Sl1. .. miM i. 8llClhanOed 551-1eeo !9tbMf 3 '"'2 e., ....... ;r.r. ......... -i: 11Umoni11l1n1.l7..._,. t7f.M41. Lo2bclrlft. 1~ba.t-.Y. LMfe 2 9'0fY -t'AIM. tor~ ...... i>oll ~a Ir 2 D/W d ~· ... • .. 1550/mo. 540-UH. fraehly pelntad ,... ofltc• prtot to parfot• I d • ... t c. -· /:;_,tf:W • .,. . AU. UTILITIES~·-Ytly rentel. •t•P• to UH/mo. 2 er. 2 I•. N7-2740...,.. • c:pt'g tam"" dlnino rm mane.. ano • gar, view of . ""' "*"ale:'' e., upper T'~ oar porte, watti'to bot!' & Edieon * * * grw.W, doM to CdM ~upgrlldlcllbelml 3 unit • Oout ftro-petloe, .. tlft-lnl, ~ 28f, lla, no pee-. patio, High. tl90. 7a..,131e ft.8 .1 commty pool. b• eondo flreplao'• Comp•r• b•foH you ~ 11'-1410 ""· lll'Nlll pet olt. wont oar•g•, 1410 mo. _,;;.. ______ EMERALD BAY. a Sr. 2 Ulv/mo plut HC. pool 17'° ~ tl7-31f7 ranl, Cuetom dHlgn v----._ t Br I Ba IMll ,_113-_2-f_41 ____ _ ,,.,_ 1IH a.. "P'O, IWlcll petiowtth 552-7ll02 or aa1.1eeo. ' · featurH: Pool, bbQ, ~· .._ Tt&. ~ 142.-190S"1 BA....., sue No •••••••••••••••••••••• ape . S I 9 0 0 . tlr lbe P"""'J• • I t bdrm, I bl d11p1 .. , COY'rd oeirt09, IUmMln-~~-::.,. ~ .. ....._.: Mt. 5.142-4221 r:: =. ..-dlllO, - Lii ... " 2f3/17 .. 22J6 • .. r. P · 11Mndoommur1"Y_.. d9d .etfl ~ ~ -·rm, .. .,_,_. . .._ --... -.rw1 ... , ...u · Modem. le* .eoraoe. "°"' die....,, ..._ ..,._ peng: No.,..._ of ocHn, \'Hr I•• .. 'lraplece, pool, dlah· • ~ ~ 141-M74; 3 lldnn dMedled homM HAMOFI OCEAN FRONT w•lk In cloaeia, 2 car c'*t wttt. dl91tWMMr 1 •.Mn. 1115 tlC)O, 8aftdy 142 ... 141 ...,_, pyt pe1io, X LO ~1 ~1:'c1•!'::c,'1';~~ ~~-":,";c:'.,e::; f:;°t,.:-C,.: :.-:~ ~· 'enoect .,n: 4N w. WMlon 142·197' t MIW""9f or YffY. ~ ~~:t Ir. teeo.1·2-br-.-1--1>.-.-c-p-11,_d_rpe-. l800/rnoon 1yeer....._ aurf, mtna. 3br, lb•. 1120, tl0·114• or =.:ound. ena mo. OeHn VI•• condo, 2 .,_. .,..._ llwr Whh9 M•t11r• pref. No""· Five oth«I to cMOM HCllrlty. Hune, epe, 14&-1n1 (IYfMO) IYM::~,,.._ eidrm, 2 be. IUXUIY tum, Ntr.t78-4t30 2 ... f k "ft:*:. W. l400. 917 W. 1ttfl. Jedi from. W.'rt tM onee to 119". , .... 100t. "8EAVIEW" Ht 2'1i... 9IO mo. 112....... ~ ~" .i.rr 0 P•••· ~ ~~ -• lcal for....._ ~harming bHohfront flm rm,....,;oo. • ..o 2~:'4ar"';:9',~ ··· --~ ~' -1a1waJ1W 84M;: a Mfmt, ~ 2 Br. 2 ... '*' ~~ home ~tecvlar ""')-o•••· 11410 rno. lnal rm. fl-'s•·-catn -""' ~~ •••••••••• ... •••••••••• .......... -~ .. _ c••P•t•.lddr•P1••0• 111ood •-r IWlcll oourtywd entry 4 ear4'nr •" a eHn ..... -..... ,,,_ 11f11 ._ ... __,.., ........ • 0 • on. lealtl llr3.,.8a.lrg~rm&din Tao-t0t2 • g..:.:1;. ~,'11:.,"" · rftlM\ ADS ••••••••••,• .. •••••••• '8r & lof1 'rplO, rec M"19!!'!., ....,,.~ ...... rm beech ffft foll Of ' -[\IUnU Yrtj t bdrm, 1 M. Oecllr, room, poOI, ape. 0-& • -147 ss1.,... .,Q.ege. ,,. ..:... Ot'lty Ire 1hle ...,. Cha'ln H~ Hindi. a ARE FREE kfty. No pec.a. seao ...., peld. No pet9; • E. ""·at....... .w. -... MU .... , •• ,.. c ... Peggy PIMtllon tor for ...... 2 belml, 2 ... 09 Ir ho"'• nHll•d In 171-0141 ~ H."' 11 t 0". c . M . • ••• , ~ "'-':"6-247' .... OflGoffOour'M.NlllC. r ~ Qerdlwlr pd ' -r-' -""''· .... ~11, ., l.....-. a br 2 ... f M ' Neer ocun, meJor Nr eH0 amen1tiu : C.L .... ..,,,r._li .,......, d -am ~ and .,,_...,._ •toOtmo, ..... 2389 a .......... _, " 2 8r. CNdtri wtlOn. rm, orpta. rr· bltlne, QoMn view, newirerchl-mefli. Club lnol pool, ta.elll ....................... "'8itfllll:I 1320/mo. ptue uttie. tn-StlO mo. yr IU, leOl ~ 3 , ..,.. tpe,. tennle. UtOO. What • Wonderful Woltd _ , I ar. I le. d\IPle•. t•• rant ~. No P9\I. No l'D-IUO..,.. • Mlnct.. i.w.I. 11450 • ..._1•11 71~71 of lt.opplnt , rlOM •• ~· ~· ~. ar. IPll1mn walerbeft. 14IO ..._. WOffT LAST 1br epa 11 AcJl. .Ooetln llttW. w... H e I )#O'K ""-• ~ -tn-491} -Port 8'¥d. w..-....._ .._ 1411 .... _ _....__ 3 .... e.. ....._ · · Delly "lot CIH•lfl•d ....._....... '"4.ltttvl· tanMn .,, •• 1= .. ~ .. ~----~---....... _ .. _,. .,,.._,...._,, -... mttr ....... -,2'iMMI,..-Adi. Toplecey0411ad, ,..~~~ ·~. ,.:.!_!!~ .. ~· P9tloeldeOlit .......... -·-patto.o,tt/clfpiL ~ALS 7504IH fantullo o°"n, ao .. t oond. WIO, ~ .• kldl Cllll 142.te1e Md 1111 • .. ......., .......,. .... , • ., -· ,_,..,...,., No.,_, IHO/mo no .,.,,, All A.-.,,_.. tio•._... v t • •. • t 111"' o. -. "°.,.... t7141Mo wr oi~lfted M-Yl9or1'"-a.rw. 01reo1ory ""._ •..-.;PIO x a a.,, a.._ -".,.... 14W"' Qattl"led adl do".... 21iJl1141ft Ila. Jom, Aft, GH24l YoU· _ DAll.Y PILOT Ut,,.....1M, 117.f7'1 MW. W"90I\ G1·*3 _Ada M1""11 Orang~ County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. July 31, 1982 -23 A':~::::.. ~ "==w ..,.,.:.. ":::.. "-'!!!,.~ ... ~.~'! "'-W!.!!.!H!.1 .... '1!.'!!!.!!.P.!!1.HM ~····;r,·········aii ···;;;;;;,··········· ;;;;;;···········iiff -a;;.···;·-w······· 1·:::;:t·~···;;;· BE AC H ARE A ':': .. 1(~~=1or":=:.~ 2nk,.~o:t::.tg,e:, •• !ff ... ~........... ';..,} #41 ••••••n•u•••••••••u ~=••••••••n•••• .,.Siii, ••••••••••••• $771...... rmmete In UC*8M1 N.8. W/D. '250. 840-1238 28', 18a. , .... yd,~ 11111 ...................... 3 Br. ,.,, Ba towf\home. "' ..... m ... '"" "" =~~~o:y~A~U:!!_•r!,wvl~ Fem. Amm ... 1 blc from '480 mo No pea. 443t Deewl• 3 Br ""'IS. .. -.... Patio. Al. c. frplc, W/D, NEW •t•d 20 Town· •• .,..,.., l( .. ~t"" u ..... Pool .... ... beect't ..... S225 tat & Hamllton St. 9314271. bit·._. dbl,;;,"' w/d{;;-WOOd~ So. Uk ..... o-egllLLAGE COM· -__.,.. ~=~a---legH. "400/"'o. Call '1-6Ma 645-7184 ·,-00 -· pooll. ~ 1775 "'°· " ... V _. -··-·..,.... ... _,.., Eiieen dy1/metHQH 1 •· 831 9¥91.. =-::::::'.::--;;-;::-:--=::~::-::-1-.:11P::;·~7.:;;·:..:C:::lll=-:536-092=::=.::..:...1 t Call Denny 945-2018 MUNITY. 2 I 3 81. 2.,. 28r, dptx, nr UdO Vlltlol. Coeta Mela 154-9766 8 3 15 • 8 4 4 t . av• 1 . Non ltMr, 3 BR condo, 2 bdrm. 2 b1, nrepl1ce, ARLINGTON APTS. wHlldaya; 549.15133 81· 1eoo-1eoo Geq. tt. of own garage, lg patlo. Vewty on the beech. hotel 840-1002 rum, *200 mo. & f utll. dl1hwHhar. g .. prllg, Quiet ep1clou1 town-a\191 a wkndl pure luJCury. aragH. &875mo.1750 w/o doc*. room kitchen a lhower Room & boerd Inna Npt S11SO dee>. ~ H8. y11d. ~st ~·2 Br 1.,. Ba....., 0rmnge1,.. ~: 1 BR ~::t!~ ::~::. ~~~~ng 97f.Ol52 t:s20imo. l>M eec. ~ lch home tot P'Of. lady, _'I_occ ______ _ ---------t b ea c 11 S 152151 m 0 1ba, adult community. room•. wood burning Haw Decor 3Br. 29&. lrplc, poalt. 230S W. Ocean-ov. 40, 1trllght, non-Prof '-" ovw 30 wwi*f 1820/rno. 3 Br. 2 BL F.R. NO-M5e • 5 2 5 . F or a pp t . flrapllCft, micro-wave g11age. 2 bike to boh, front. N-port S.ach. arnkt. Send to 8olC 7~. ro "" Promontory Point CIH n, lrHhly painted, AVAILABLE NOW 662-5213, avae 667..eaao cwen1, p(lvata pet101 & Yrl'I 873-2571 ~ ll54. c/o DlillY Pteot, PO 80Jc: 2 BR 2 Bl. OOMn, IWbor good neighborhood. 2 Bdrm 1 b9ttl eps. RMI' ,__., ___ _.. ._. yard•~•nar provl-Udo beylront yrty ..... 3 ..... ,_tall f-15e0, CM t2t2e 1 1un1 • t v I••• w I Agent, no 1" 971•2299· a..ct11Vor11town. 1 cNld ::I'.':'::'.~ ••• ~ dad. I llvlnQ Ott/ly Br 3 Ba. 413 \'la Udo •••••••••••••••--•••• M/F to IN my E..llde C.M.f arohhect-flyer. ~al & Eutalda 2 Br. 1 Ba. <*.No pee-. Wiler peld. • • .,.., 15 "*1ut• from Fuhlon Soud 1573. 1283 or t Br. lllePI 4, ICrOll the houH Lrg rm Opt 1 health oflentecf pw90fl down1t1lre . near 1425/mo. 1545-2000. "91end,7mtnut•toS.C. t75-35$ta12so1mo. atr••t from beach. tum ~tec ·'325· p+'el'd. '450 & '4 utll. 1chool1. n o peu. ~t. no fee. MOit etevant.._:· = Plaza or O.C.Alrport. 1295,.. 975-6098 a.e.:7913 ·• · 973-«>47 1450/mo. 631~1515. In LIGUM • Jutt Hit Of Newport ... a ... ,. Jlli DO IS'"' .... .._ .__ -R----,bl ____ Cd_M _ _________ 12 Br. t 'it BL $385 + 1315 looetlon 1n town, i>f•th-Blvd. 1 to. °' 8ln Diego •••••••••••••••••••••• LI """' -,._,..m, .... Mow In 1ov91y C.M. home, eec>on.. • rmmt • 2 Br. 1'4 BL. frplc, pool, dep. Crpta. drpe; Quiel taking-... el tiullt-ir.. F, w y St 0 0 / m 0 N .. r new 1 Bdtm. apt. rm. 281. S100/dy July. pvt room & bath compl S325 plu1 ut111, pool. spa. attached gerage. No older peraon preferred h a 1 t a d p o o 1 • 631.5439 2.n-3 0rang9 with bullt-W, ~ a3500 Augu1t. <>c:.an-houMhold prlvga c.u frpk:, c:.wport. Avail Aug pett . Ava II n o w. Nr BHch Blvd & Mc-1ub.-gar1ge. elevator. A\l't eoelaMeM. &drapee.lautldryfeolllty. front 2br. 1b1. '500 ._....142-3217 • 15th. 720-1485 18215/mo. 631_.9&4 Fadden. No pell. LeaM only. S850 a up. " under roof~ and w.k. BUI Grundy, Attt. lrvlne 2 Ir 2 Ba Apt, 2 bd twnh 1.,. b 646-92.43 & ~ 330 Cllff Of. 4t4--8093. publlc tannl• cour11 & 976-9181 ROOMMATE. condo nr pool iecuDt. S2'46 ~ rm pmio MS.ta Nia. 2 Ir 1Y. Ba condo frpk:. OCJlf courM right behind 1 b'odl from beect't 1 Bf bHch. Garage, tam.. utll .. Need own bdrm ~· & ;. o m o n a new ClrTJtl. pdo, Pool & * * * pr~. ~1 to .V:-11eepe 4, wltll ~age: =~oiler· 6314029 tum.·,... -. cata. AV811 548-'8367 .._ Laundfyhoollup. No fA ft.US cou~RV CLUB LNIN • ry nj_ mont . Prtv. patio. 631·12tl lrnmed. 0.. 55t-6212 p.ct 1 c:hitd OK. 1525 2090 Newport 81Yd. #33 "• "' Avalla.,,. AUQU91 15, one M16a1Fema6t llr1Qle .... S.. ..... Piiia -..3833 · Colta .._. IN NEWPORT BEACH or two aduftl only & no WlllLY mTU r•nt ok ahar• large Park Nawpi>rl 3 8r 2 8t 2tle.. oer patio .,._ y~ are the wlMer 01 A total anvlronmef\t pets. Call --at (714) AVlllltlble. AQt. e75-8170 home ulMe lndd 11\inY Townflclwe, pool. tennle, tint.-=. '62$/mo i3oo WALK TO BEACH 1 Ek. two fl'ea ~ (t18,00) aper1mantoomt'ftUnltyon 942..013&. extr•a a 2 llO/mo view Baell Bay. Jan 85 "°42" • 1 t o v e a r • t r 1 g • . value 10 tfle the Uppet Bly. Private N.8. 112 Ir, ~ • ....,. t64-M7'7 · 758..()048 dep. 1 '400/mo. 538-1879. RINGUHO BAOS. CIUbhOUM and hHlth °I:"-: old ~· ::.c1 to bdl. S275 up, Gl'Mt . Rmm1• wanted NB 38' I .. 1 I& 3 Min lo beh, 38r 2"'8a. BARNUM ' BAILEY .., ... taMlt court•. 7 ai15. !:e..11s 1~m. . loc*e. 7M..ot3a. Lux 0.. pt vMiw Condo c 0 n d 0 . p 0 0 II j IC • l4e01mo. S250 MCUttty 1rp1c dbl 111 petlo -~ cloea to bu9!nlal, 811~ llland 2 It. 8laape IOf 3 "'°·· muter IUlte 1225/mo Non·tmllr lncludlng utllltlH. No HsO mo t-fre'-al>O<'· AlllfM9n Con\l'tflllon alrpon, Fuhlon lelend. BMch Apt. 100 yard to I . a460/wffk. Winter with lrplc, W~pa, AV811now.014$4814 · peca. 194 4933 · · Center ..... 5-19 Convenient 1hoea: wMf 2 8r. 1 Ba. gar-oa &860tmo. 175-2910 1-4~2tet, 9. Cal 8altl 931•15230 ..._. ...._ Unfumllhed '395. 489-7151. Spedoul 28r 2be condo Newpon e.actl loft tor ---------DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In Long Bald\ Al-..na lora. 1 & 2 bdrm apt1 and 38r 1lp1 I . pool, CdM, nr bwtl I • '9'lt. Fll'lllly ~e. Lux. 2 BR 2Y. be l'MlhM. 4-PIH, bit-In•. crpt1, Aug, tl-22 townhoutal. la Jua 1400 wk/St2SO mo. Aug. non·em~~f r!i Ful uea ot houea. ..._. "*'~· 1700 mo. Cal hk-up1, drp1, dbl gar To clalm PIHH, call S640 • t1000 I!..-...,_ 525-6351 ul.I 631 1oN -pool & park. Rent Incl 545-IO Of 657-3W tr pie. S950 No pat1. 142-6871, ut. 272. P• SaYeral tMlc:f*°'9 and 1 ... ~':~ ............ CdM 2 br 2 be apt. So of ' • utll. '37& rno. 7fSt.47IO Latge bacMlor w/petlo 540 44114 aft 9 M-f :: ,:..:-.:::c Bdrm ~ leature ftna Lo 21r. 28a condo. pool. PCH ~Aval. ill Fem lo rtt1 new 28r 2t>a Lrg NB home. Prof M ........._ 168 W ttttt st' DELUXE 2 8 2 8 I office prior to ~rlor-dellgn« llH'nlture and cledc. gw, no peca. *'15 to t /4 HOO wl! or condo/au.I en.. Lio non-9mk 28-35 A.v.M: --.~ · r. •· n ,... acoMIOf'lel. Move In to-mo lie 497-1174 1 · · H.._ TenM/pool olMt'I '· · · Co1ta ...... -15. 4-Ptex, crpt1. ~· bit-rn.nce. Olly or r...,.,. tor eum-· · 1900 mo. 173-34115. 1 n d r • 1 P0 n 1•1 b I•. now . • 315 o. DI an a . EASTSIDE 2 BA 2 81. ~.;.5~ JWS.C, Z':'4 • • • mer montt11. Smartly ~ ........... ~ 811 Penln., bill to bwtl. S300/mo. Evael43-21to _83_1·_t_2te _____ _ Gae & we!• peld. ~ -' . ..-.I. turnl9Md modett OP«\ Pool tannl lak dub petk), ape. '350 pr Wk. tJlll# .. i.J ffll rky lac. dlhww a dllClll aft e M-f. •i!r!rt •--.-&. ._, daly ~, .. .!:r u·~ T • 155-1743 97M364 Roommate'°"" w12 .._ ••••••••••••••• .. ••••• • --· .. __ -r-. .., oro • rnalat ...... br/b&. Cloea to 'am 11 y c 0 mp 1 •JI . 0.Ux• poolllde Jltra wga ••• ................. houtil pr1V .... utltl. S2IO BAVFAOHT. PVT BEACH. b ch ... 3 0 o· + d. lllllTM 111111 1625/mo. plul l300 dep. 2bf. 2 ba. bltna, Cl9wtlr, NO · FEEi Apt. l Condo On Jarnt>of'ea Rd It tet. & &Mt. 688--4038 111 8llboe Penln "'* oom-e..2.,a785 P · IRVINE. Phone ana ... ~ 147. t.,. mllal beec:h. Adulta, rent.Ill. Vllla RtnWa. San JcMIQllln Hllll Rd. IMO· pteted • labUlocla vt.w. ring. cont. rm, utll pd, •2 BR.~1475. no pall. UOO/mo. 975-4812 lttoller. 14'-1111 127• 1 1 r N pttc'g. '9ec. 28r 2be Super view. pool. 1p1, actry Mrv1. etc. Alto New P9lnt i. erldld ~2 " mo. "ca 'I urn. '*" __, dlft. lllplf.. tac. gate. tann11, de•ll apace. 1150/up. patio. mi "A'9'Pofnona. Spec. 3 BR 2 Ba. lp'c, get, l600/rno. 1 Br. 1 jla. IC)t, WNhar, dryer. ll"dlen 1750/wtdy 752_.11 or S24S/mo. & hlkpng 540-t7'5 945-8484 ...., ...... , .. ,. b9ectt 2 blka, MOO yrty. enc111d garage, lndr prlvllegH. pool. No 17~81 · 75t-14H -----,----2 bdnn. 2 b4l, no '*'· No pete. 945-1812 tac c1oaa to beacltl Oat amotclna. Pnit. rnlM atu-520 ..._ ft .. a1.oo per aq. t Bedroom with yard. ll'Mll cNld oil. 1385 mo. _.._ ••y o11:no ctoga. · danta. '41 ·IOM CdM. Avell Auo 1. oom-Ammata to lhr balu1lfut ft .. 3876 Birch .• N.B. E8etlida Coeea Mela. "8-t174 - -T8L Mgmt 142-1903 ptetety tum 3Br home. C.M. homl, nr bdl, W/0, Aoent 1541-5032 541-45" ,._, ept. Bayfront home.. · cn.rM room. lllldl Pf'V, Short walk lo bch •P•. 1mllr OK. 1300, -------------------2 It. 2 Ba. tight & --.y, 1 bdrm. t 119. uUI lnd'd. Beaut. decor., OC*ln YU pvt yard, ~/&Ida CM. UOO/ kl I d . 842-15153 anytime; 1917 Weaedlft, N.8. 251 Large ~ 8r. 2 81. crpt/ enclld garage, pr1V1te Tannie ev1U. St75 per penthCM.IH, frpto, D.R. Pref ~~ men. en.a:. y p UI ep. 9 I t ·I 1 4 5 b t w n to 4000 ..._ft. 11l. ftoor. dtpe. crpr1. rw/OCC. no l)lltlo. 1525/mo. month VMrtY Pool. epa. NA rec. tad!, S200. IPM-IPM. Aelnt 141-«>31 p.ca. '540. 751..JeM. Dea tee eeoe -11"8et aao. rot• & pa11. Unfum. FemallL e.ut. rOOM wt ,..,.,,_ ._,.,,4 Prof F ..,.. '*"",.,.... 1 & 2 8dr tnllrl, '200 & Selling anyttllng wtth 1 Awl the d'lllltled adl for :;:8 f i 1 Fwrn S 1500 · beth. Kltefl pttv..;.1.· ~-;;,•;•Br. toW..hom., ..wa, g11t111. up & S1llO MC. No chi-0..., Noe Clllllft"ed M the a.t c1aa111n apen. SZIO pq YIL 7 AWll. now. ~ tt1n.1 bw::t1. petto, Mn. MOO dren or do1:•· 133 E. I la 1 == rnatlllf . . • ment Nnta1a. t42.at71 LIDO DEUJ)(I 2 Ir. Aoom tot rent, l'IOfMl'l'lllr, IUl\'llnlf. 17•7111.. -=ti. 4t3-4147. 19th St. ap. 2, CM l juat cell 2.at78. ........ n tlf1oll r:= Oft '300 mo Incl. utlt .. pvt LK ARROWHEAD 2,1 Raap ...,, wttf1 or w/04/A 2 Ir towntlouH apt. Ct...itliCf Adi: VolM' ~ ...... #fl I OSO. 8 5-e351. BL !MMA17. CM M. •er+ klft 2i., l fllm to rtt1 aer 2*le N9 E11t1lde. Frplc. gar, etop ~ oentar. •••••••••••••••••••••• * IAYfAOHT * EASTISIDE CM. Private ffploa, 2 ~ o.-~ i blta to Odl. b'-l1und faclt, no pet1. PVT euiTfJOAMOE unfurn. room & bath. ...,,... ~. oo6or TV. ttna. frplo. 4* g.-. tsfl, 1626/rno. ·K · bunk. t? RUPONSllLE ...at.H<A Uttta.. Ind .. Nfrto .. '311 llO• 1•. Nonll 8h0t• • .,. utL AMl141-1111, lft ALSO enne por . •7llO/Mo. 173-1521 e.f. mo. 173-7544, batwn tfH/wlCnd. UH/wk. 12. MM5N 8ach.. ~"'°· tpM 4-IPM. t6H/mo. N2"'811 Prof WOMlrt to ,,., ....,. '11!:!.~! •••••• e.ff Super neat, amell 1 8'. VIiia with courtyard, q11let, no P•tt. MOO. 811·2021, 411-0103, 17&4313 ·-=-1141 ...................... Wasn't he the Ambassador from 2Br, Ha, 1rp1o, poo1, AvtM """*'· 1 room. rum Bet ,.,., -.ttont. ...,, Newpof1 8horea '*'--Australia under Teddy RooseveJt? refl'IQ. teeo mo. 0 r u n I urn. " "t II . 2 ~ Cl&rnOllilllton ~. Utl Ind. '350. MMM7 e(t 512.5, ..._,122 t115/mo 1tt/1Ht. C.. St Aua. '900wti. No l-o <>cw front a ~f'l(""\~ 1 It t ... yrlV 83i-N10 llept. (211) 4.,..7131 tldnn. 2 ... ..., ...... ~ ~• k.J'.:./" -:.1 teoolmo. FerMlt snfd. non emo-...,.. ., ._ ._. .,.29 mo. 8Nren • ~ 111ng. U40 mo. ptue ~ •••••••• :J.Jmr •• ~ 417-4111 I ,ou're not Wt ""° (et llMtl ~ltillM., .._ A«oae from beeefl. ST utll. Woodbf1dla. '""-.., II ti LADIES ONLY, leaut. don't ..., bid -,...,.not alollt. ~la CLIF' 1 Br. u119ra SM-7271 Cal Cl9wte Contact 1ar1aet Oa'/ N.I . prlv tlom•. Av•lf ON ti&• dial~trffly dlfftllllt ~I lotf !lilfti totcMn. S880/mo. Avtll. NIWPOR'r RACH,_. M• Femete ..,,,._ In now. Ma..tetl. at SetwllW YllllCt • ~ ~ s.twllld now. Adult1, PIO pet1, ,_.,, far ~ pj.oc, 0t lo. a.II. fMCM11t '·non tmllr to._ w/I WES rrL1rr ALDG •• I ,.. ~-~ B ~ .... • ........ 1 a 2 Ir. Dtacovnt on aoma rnodlle. Pool,.._ YlaCI •• ,... ol totallr ~ ,,....._.. tw. ~ ~. ..... , ....., ..... --.. Ille .,... of •llentlOtl ,.. ...._ A Pt1'1«t Hr nu, 11y Udo.. 2 • 2 a., = bath. Avelf. tit, ~pool lbr, 2M o:'!> oo .. ntront, ••r lb•. ~\'.iiiiiiiii""--bltlld ol 11at111e al!d hMI -.W 11 • 1011st tflttl frPo, petto. cpl or 1 eae, mo. au OMI. 'fl/ • .., .,......_ wld. -. MIOofW .wt. blbblift& bfoots llld • llO'* coaltd bF 111hiral no .,9ta. llM. 97s-oo17 1 __ -....... rm Xooclnt .'!!: .. ". !-_~ Ptaa1 ..,,J. •r&lmo. Mttll ~ , .. :4~~ Sona. eto. 1t. SHO lac:h. ''""· Pool, •P•· 11H2 Flqrlda. "2·21M."2417ll ._ llfean. AM lo tlllC i...-CiM'tl. ...._ South ---.--~ -. 111-4741 poots. • 1111 lftl a~ IKatlOlt,., ...,... Lare• llulfa oondo, 2 i.. beth •ICh fir~. '4 & wllndlt 01 t1'-41IO. • ... •••J8tl\t _. ,_ ... "4 1 flllct ""'°"' Woiid bdrm, a ba. I -g Private antreno..0~. * IA__. * ~ "°""'*' to * .. P1°"1 al lloale. (b• ~} With opener. <nanMet. blk 10 b•eoh. •t•d PVT~ ,_, r....... CM; t119 Olle Pd two bedlOOlll. w n two bttll 'er View. 8-ludad pe.. .,.., tlM SIM uttllll. Al8POHl*.a ...,._R "'°' a t4MO lfl"rlllltftt1 ITM ISi,.. tlo. '8H. '30-CIMI :4, =--~71.2 Ot *180/mO. ITS-1111 .... to* 29r ... ,__ • Cocy 2 bdrm, 1 ... ...... '9nln. "" .... em.. ..... .......,. -"'°· .... med 09tl'1, '•tto, Oa '1'.;th ans ~~.:-· 11tm Pffffd '° 11t!r 19' ,_ ""1• ~ ......._, lfl Hu"' on VlllM., r ... , _Npt ....-ta. N 1a+iN1 I '1 , nr t . Olt ....... = 1--F .. Olll9 !ft c.; '" ~ ........ 16at:~tua ... .,.,, 119 YM'· Nftl"*Mlltltollrlel,_ '*Y. v....._ t.410lmo. 1 bdrm, >'fir, ettpe t twall_ -.....: fl 117-o9 I llW "'""· c.11 ~ ....., ~11 ........ • ll' ~··-·-..._... v _,,, 9 roga .pr f , ., • Illa. .__I ... to lftr _,. bee: ~ hlte, ,,_ t:~= ?7'0.t4H ........ MW 11!1111. » ,_ "' N.8. P9o1, l':":"'--11~.-~--.~.~ ... ~ .. -.~I N.&. Jo& ,...... ... .. ~ I up. Cotof TY. IW bot\ ...... Wll ~ ... ~ • ..,.. P!!t Hall ..... , ... . Pllonee )n '°°"'· 1274j lldlr 1 edit, w/1 cMd ot -..11 ... 17'7'1, MUnfun\;,.. ......, ..... CM. ,...,., ~,,,..,,over 11Lt1il'i'1iime""". !!l,.OOHt Hwy ....... ..... 1441 I •· .,.... fw""" D111r Nat Q11 •AM -141• -I 4-ftD. 1111.--No negative cash now: Super assumable loan• -$89,0001 Units need TLC! Ax & save! One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm unJte. Hurry, call 963-6787. IDT UM'' -Lovely Newport Heights home. Located on large R-2 Iott Seller wm carry ftnancing on this one. Well pr'* at $139,500 · -call now, 646-7171. · H•L--Forces quick l8le on thta choice , Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm with nloe yard and walk to 8Chc>otl. AskJng $125,000. 546-2313. •DIK -A cuatomlz8d pool home wtth Iota of edded equare footage, for only $189,900. Every decorator detail hu been carefully Mlected to enhMCe the style end tradition of this extra IMrl) be8ch area home. You can move fight tn without changing a thing -see today, 847-8010. .n I ll'llY .,-, t1MMI -Beluttful authentic Spanlah home wtth Nd ti.. roof, epanith archee and adob4t wall•. Or~nal hardwood floorl, coved ~. Huge room, formal dining, country kttohen Wit bt'Mkfut nook. Oen With crllC:kUng ftrtpl8ce and golden Oak doorL Allume a low lntereet VA io.n. YOVt d~ come true at a NOtfflce price. 546-2313. Ml.,.. .._ l9LB, 11Q,lll -Attention lnvestor91 One 3 Bdrm unit and one 2 Bdrm unit! Exoetlent areal Seller wanted to Mii yeeterday and reduced price $15,9501 Auumable loans and owner. wm help finance I Call 963-6767. IDllD IM,1111 -Dramatic Harbor View Homes 4 Bdrm, 21A bath with formal dining! Spacious two story, highly upgraded. Exoetlent assumable financing and seller wlll carry! Priced to sell at $330,000 -call today, 646-7171. nn R nw••• -One at $108,000 and the other at $110,000. These lovety homes are choice locations and were bullt with the pride of a builder who Is proud of hla work. Beautiful carpeting and top of the line appllanoes. The rooms are huge throughout. Must see to believe. Last two left. Won't last. 546-2313. U11n11 -UNI -For only $81,5001 No maintenance to worry about, Just spend all your time enjoying the many actMtles thl1 deluxe community offer•. Your own home will overlook beautiful courtyard and fountain and, Is decorated In lush earthtones. Hurry to take advantage Of the exoetlent existing financing. 847-ec>10. .._ MITUI llVI ll ... -4 Bdrm prestige home near the blue Pactftcl 3100 9e1uare feet! Ellte nelghborhoodJ Save thousand• ... owner reduced price $40,000t Hurry, caH 963""6767. M'"lm -Hllfbor View Homes 3 Bdrm, 3 bath on tee land! Aaaume 11t and 2nd loans at low rate, and teller wtll C8fTY. Motivation• run hight Low priced at $214,000, call today! 646-7171. IUl'IRL ..... Im.I --2 1tory and approximately 2,000 sq. ft. Situated on large .comer lot wtth detached double garage and Iota of fruft treee. Original hardwood floort thruout the hOme, formal dining room, format bf'Mkfut nook & den w/gorgeoua ftreplaoe l 1Hdtng Olk doort. Needl a little ·TlC but hu enormOUI Potentlal. A truly fun hooee to llve tn. Assume VA @ 10%. CaU 546-2313 • ... ,. •-,..--Owner moved out of area months 11QO and need• to seU ye1terday. Price reduced to-only $119,900. Need• a ltttle work but lt't worth ltl See today, 847-ec>10. 1&1111 ,.. -Elegant 5 Bdrm, 4 bath view home on fM land lo beautiful Dover Shor•. Spatktlng blue pool end ~ round out the many ofterinOe of thl• IPICk>u• bMufyt Setlet wtll exchange or carry ftnanctngl Priced well at 1840,900 -:-call nowt 846-7171. Ill -... -Plus low price make this 2 Bdrm, 1 'A bath condo a real opportunity! Only 10% down -sale priced at $65,000. Act nowt 646-7171. IDllD 111.--Country club estate, 4 Bdrm, 2 story, executive homel Step1 to Co. Club! Impressive sunken famlly room, garden kitchen, bullt-ln llbrary & 2 fireplaces. Custom patio surrounded by McCall's prize winning landscaping! Assume low lnterestl A steal @ $287,0001 Call 963-6767. ......uT YllWI -Exquisite executive 3 Bdrm, 3 bath pool home In lrvtne Terrace on fee landl Property offers sweeping ocean, bay and city llghts views. This spacious home 11 a must to see. Great assumable loan and Miier may carry! Priced at $995,000, caH for detatlal 8-46-7171. .. HIH•AI ft.U + ,.. 111..--Elegant penthouse! Steps to sandy beechell Crackling fireplace! Master suite with private balcony! Assume $82,300 loan, 9~W. or try $12,500 down! Dial 963--6767. ..................... -New llltlngl 4 Bdrm home! Only $14,500 downl Assume existing 10an1 and owner wtll help finance! Payments nexlblel Don't wait ... Call 963.:8767. W 11nm + -.a Lii -Cloee to beach! Build a eecond home on large k>tl Existing home II a muterpleeel A11Ume tong term financing; no quallfylng, low downl Call 963--6767. fl 111_1 _ -No fees and no qua11fylng to take ovw wry attrlCttve ftnanctna -or the lellet wlll help ftnance, Either way, tfW 3 Bdrm out de He home 11 .• truly out9tandtng oPportuntty to own your own ftrst hOme. Ctlll now, 847~10.