HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-15 - Orange Coast PilotI ' DRANGI COAST YOUR HDMUDWN DAILY PAPIR ORANGE COUN T V. C ALIFOHNIA ~O CE N T<, Israeli demands rejected • ID Lebanon talks BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Lebanon and the PLO Saturday rejected Israel's latest t'Ond1t1on.s for end1.ng the siege of Betrut JUSI hours before a reported lsral•lt deadline for a f111al plan lo evacuate the P11lest1n1an guernllas A cease-fin.• held fur the second day The JewtSh st.aw left the door open for <:omprom1s1• on huw many Palestine L1b1•rallcJ11 Organization fighters !:ihould leave and whe:.-n a rnuh11lc1t1onal pe1H't>keeping force could bi> dt>ployt:'d tn the Lebanese cap1taJ. U S pres1denuaJ envoy Ph11t p C Jlab1b held a m idday n1nference with Lebanese Prf>S1dent Elias Sarlull and Prime M1n1su-r Shafik Wazzan to assess l'ach side's posiuon before Habib ldt for Jl•rusalem Afterward. Wan.an said "The ~ap •~ slt'adily narrowing on the lt•rms of evacuati ng the Pc.1lcstmian fighters We hope it will ~m van1sh so thl· new stage of implementation and the Lifting of the 1nege begillll." Habib arrlvt:'d Saturday night in Jerusalem, where he will hand Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin the latest Lebanese, and PLO poeluons on the evacuation and deployment of an American, J.rench and Italian peacekeeping force in west Beirut Beirut's in ternat1o nal telephone, telex and least' IJnes were cut off for seven hours Saturday for unexplained reasons A1a ocla t e d Pres11 correspondent Nicolas B. T atro repo rted the city was "completely quiet" Saturday under a cease-fire established Thursday to halt the h eaviest Israeli air raid since Israel invaded J une 6 The Beirut Newspaper As Sahr, which 1s close to the P LO, said the evacuation could begin as early as Tuesday if Habib was successful m h lS talks with lsraell leaders. # As Sahr said l.srael had given Habib unul 5 p.m . today (8 a m PDT) -72 hours aft.er the lalE'st cease-fll'e went into effect to hnallz.e the evacuation plan Thl· re p ort could not be tndt•µt•nderitly venfied. Ml'anwhlle, lsrat>h opposition leadN Shunon Pe res, returrung from m1:1:t1ngs in Washington w1 th Prt·s1de nt R eagan and St.•crl.'lar y of S tale Gl'orge P . Shull7 , told an Amswrdam news c.·onfrn·m:e ht< wai. "t<ncouraged that a soluuon 1s nl:'arby " H e said ht· hopt"<.l l.'Vat·ua uon l'ould :.I.art Thursday '3-rnartini lunch ' deduction left intac t b y tax hike panel Flutte r y g e ts 'em ever y fair WAS HINGTON 1Al') A Senatc-Houst• tax nt·got1attng commattec b<1<:k c·d away frorn t a c k I 1 n g l h t• f a b 1 " d "three-mart1m lunt'h" Saturd<iy and neared ttw t•nd of 1b work, still unsure how to lil';d with unemploymt•nt bt.·rwf1L'>. l•·..is1ng and c1garettt> taxt ...... from 1L'i salt• qualify fur spenal t'apil<il-ga1ns wx rates VoLl'd to rl'tain <s µrov1sion al low111g a J:>t:rson to avoid t.ax on up t1> $750 111 publie-ut1l1ty stock d1v1dt·nds that arP remveslA'Cl in 1tw utility Tought•m'(I tht• "minimum l.1ll. · on l'nrporal10ns by rt'<lucini< I '1 Jll'fl'l'llt thl' valut• of n •rt.a1n dt•du1 lions sut·h as tht.• o il dt·pll·llon allowanct> During a n e arl y IH hour -;(·~'>•on that 1·rnh'<.i JUSt bdore 9 .1 rn S a tu r<la) thl• nm f 1·rl'nt'I' comm1 llt.'<' vot<.od to preserve the full drout:t1on for business meals tht' "thrN.· martini lunch" - and approvl•J higher taxes on t t• 1 <' p h o n l' si_• r v 1 c E' , a 1 r I i n e p<isSt'ngcrs and lht.· insurance industry CongrE>SS1011al leadl'!"s hoped t.o build support for thl• tax incn•ase by adding t.•xtra unemployment bt•nC>f1ts t.o the mt•asure Another propost.•d "swet.•tener" was to moderate tht.• Senalt'-approved doubling of tht.• P1ght-c.'l'nt-a-pack c·1garettc· l<IX K1·11 Lknton of Laguna &:a1:h known as D<1m1en when he tried lo makr a Irving writtng and singing folksongs has changl'<i has tune Tht•se days he l'alls himself tlw Butt.<•rfly Man l)(•nton'., not s1ng1ng anymore, nor 1s tw t•mulatrng th€' comic book h<•r o S p1dl•rman, ins tead ht•'s nc·tting profits by Sl'lltng framl'd C'XOlll buttt'rflws at the Sawdust Fes tival 1n Laguna Beach MC't'tmg wt'll into ttw 111ght an a room paekt•d with .11dt•-. television cam1•ras and lohbv1sL-. r e pres en t 1 n g h u n d r 1· d s 11 f 1 n t e r es l s , t h t· l 11 m rn 1 ll " • s l rug g I c• d I o < om p I 1· l t· .1 compromiS<· pac.:k<•KI' of Lilli. .ir1d revenuc tnert>ast·s totaltng $~9 btlhon over thrt·t· y1•a1., tl11· largest rl'vl:'nll(' r,11:.111g n110,1-.111t in peacetime· h1s torv Tht• comm1tt<-<· Agr('('(l to l'Xt•rnpl from lh• new 10 pcrc.'t•nl w1thhold1ng cill in te rest and d1v1dc•nds any account that t•arn.-; l<'SS th;.n $150 a year inter('St It had 1·m·lwr i-.t'I a $100 thrl'Shold HB man h e ld in fatal shooting of t een-ager fX.nwn '><IVS he's bt't'n tn the butlt•rfly bu~1nc~ for nine years and h<ts an 111vc•ntory of more than 50,000 of tht.· well - pn·sc·rvt·d. t·olo rfully winged bugs from South Anwnca. Afm:a and Asia Op1•rat1ng in has garage wo rkshop, DPnton SJX'nds most of thl• yc><ar mounting the critters 1n woodc•n fr<.1mt•s with glass fronts I ii' only st•lls the arttsllc work.'i of nature· al thl' Sawdust Ft>s tival und tht· 22-day Los R e J e <' t .-d " S 1· n a t 1 • amendment that would havt• reducc>d from 1:.! months to six months thC' min1murn t1mt• ;111 asset must tx· ht•ld t)(•fon· prof1L" An 18-yt·dr 11ld Hunungton Hc'dl.'h m.in w<i s bookt•d f o r >nvl·-.uga t10n o f manslaughtt•1 ,ifter what pulic1· th1·orau• was an .wl·1tfpntal ... hooting latt.• Friday th;H killt'Cl <HW ll-1.>n-agl'<l girl and w11u nd1•d .cnolht•r Thi• shnol 1ng Look plan• rn a Firs t executive e ditor for Dail y Pilot name d Jan£• Amara lt.1-. lw1·11 11.1mt"I C'Xel"UllVt' c·tl1t11r "' it .. l>,1al\ Pilot In this rwwlv < rt·a11 .. 1 po-.1l11111 Mrs Aman will ht n •-.ptm-.1hh· f n r a 11 rH· w .., J n d r c · .i 1 u r '· ' operat1ono; of the· 1>.111\ l'il1d at'C'ordmR to fhnm.a., •• I l.ol1 •\' publishl'r H er appo1ntmt>nt b1111n11•., effective Mondav Thoma.< A Mi""."'""' ol the newspapt:'t:1 1 d1r1•< I 1111· editorial vpl"'ra s, wr1t1• ha .., regular column. ·• u st ( 'o,1st111..: " and play ra strong roll 111 ttw cont1nu1ng g<>:cl of prod11e t enhan<'t'm<'nL-.. l l<clt·v .tnnc•UIH 1·d "Thi~ man<1~!'rn1·nt 'ilrtH ll11 1· common 111 th1· nl'v. "l'"PPI industry. will -.1•par,11c th1· d1 r ect1on of tht• n1•v.-. .incl 1-d1tonal functions "It wall also rn .. 11 r 1·d1t1111.ol pos1t1ons th.11 ,1r1· 1nd1·pc·nd1·nl from th•· n1 "'' r1 ~1 11 rt1ng operallon.s and pc1-.1t11m tht· D.111\ Pilot Vf•ry Wl'll with rt"ifX'\'l to 1mprov 1n~ both lo< .ii n1·v." coverage a nd lotal 1·cl1t11r1.d coverage." Hale•) st..•t<-<1 "Pilo t rc·adC'rs wal I h1• th•· be n e f 1 u a r 11·.., 11 f 1 h ..., 11 • ,,.. manag<'m<-nl or~;11111a11011 · 111 added B o t h M r s A ni ,1 r t .1 11 cl Murphm<' will r€'port to ll.1lt•v M rs Aman, :15, has ht•t•n t'<ittor nf Los Angl'lf'S T1m1 -s Svndll'all' the past two y<'ars, whPrc· -.ht was re s pons1blP f nr newsroom operations A newspaper Vf"teran o f 15 yf"ars, Mrs Aman has S<'rvt-d 111 news managemt•n t post t1nn" .1 t the Philadelphia Daily N!'ws, tht> , WORLD APPOI NTED Janl' t\m,trt h.is h<'t.'Il appmntc-<.i to fill thl· 111 wh c rP,ll!'cl poc:;1t1on o f 1•\t'< ul1\ 1 1•d1tor uf tlw l1et1l y Pilo1 M>am1 H1·rc1ld c.1nd the DNro11 Fri~· Prc"S.s Prior to these posts. -.h1· wa:-assoc1at1-<I v.1th the· St l'Nl'r.,hurg T1mC's 111 Flnnd,i and tht• Camden Cou rie r -Post in Nrw .lc•rsl'V Shi· ,., a cum laudc· JOUrnal1sn1 gr;1duatr of th1• lln1vcrs11y of llhnm., Mr.. Aman and hl'r hu.sband Rolx·rto. a nat1v1• of Hom<', lt..'lly, will rt"'i1de rn Costa Mesa · More Poland dem on strations WARS AW, P o land (AP) -Demonstrators chaUenged communist Poland's martiaJ law authont1E'S for the second day Saturday. NATION R eagan poll rating drops NEW YORK (AP) -Amid dissatisfaction with his fore ign policies and handling o f the economy. PresJdent Reagan's public opinion ratings dipped to 37 percen t saying he is d oing a good-excellent job. Bush push es tax increase CHICAGO (AP) -Vice President George Bush brought t he Reagan administration's campaign for a $99 billion tax hike to the Midwest Saturday, saying, "T he people are golng to back the president." .. N a I u C 1 r l" I t• h o m e 1 n t h t' 1 lunlington Harbor an•a al about 11 :IO p m . polt<.·1· said. The suspc.·<.·t , H1 L·hard Berge. rt•p()rtl'dly livt•d at the home lll't''lSIOnall y Ang1·lc·<., County Fair · "I also have a perso nal rol IP<:'tUJl1 of <'XOtlt' bc-etles," t he Buttl·rfly M;.in 1.'xpla1ns. pulling out a boxful of 4 inch long insect carc<.IS.'>C'S with furry legs Dt.•ad 1s I ~, yC'ar -old Ri.se Lou Tuek<>r of Rt'Clondo Beach Dena f'arro w , 18, o f Huntington Beach was rPported m cnt1cal n1 nd1t1on Saturday after undc•rgomg surgery at Fountain Vallcv Community H05p1tal Police said the two were shot from bc•h1nd when o 30-30 laltbt·r raflt· that Bcrgc had p1ckc'(f up m "m upstairs bedroom ac:'t 1dpntallv discharged Both vu urns Wf'n• wounded bv the .... inw bullt·t. anording I<; Sgt Carl Scht>llt nlo(t•r Mass Tucker .1ppan•ntly wa.-. shot through th{' hl'art, h<• s.ud NETTING PROFITS K e n Denton marvels at the iridescent beauty that comes from homely cocoons. Ht• sells butterflies framed or affixed to natural habitats "Bu l I don· t ~wll lht'St' at the Sawdust Ff'Sllval because they're JUSI too grisly for thl• ladies, thl•y'd JUst turn around and walk !See BUTTERFLIES, Page At) Tht· own•·r uf 1h1· homt• at lti!'lll I N;1lu C1n ll· wa..., listt:'d as Dr Jorge· dt•I Toro f.X>I Toro and .1 dau~htc•r rt•portet.Jly were at honw but unJw ~irc• that the visitors h;1d t•nt{·rt·d whC'n tht• -.htM >ll llj.( Ill '\'U ff{'(! Thl' trio had t·omc· to v1s1t a fnl•ml who was not m th1• hou~ .1t tht• llmt" pol11•· .... ud Bigger bulls await T eca t e thrill eek e rs TE<...ATE Mf'x1co 1AP) Bt•t•ft·d up poltn• st.'l unt v and b1ggt•r bulls will bt· waiting when fill.000 t.ounsl<> <rnwd into Tf'Catt.• for today's Pamplonada. a runntnR o f lhl' bull'i fesllval llundn'Cls of thnll S<'f'ker> will lw r h<i •wd through TN·<He's narrow downtown s trr•t•L<; by 14 Mexican bulls and six cows ThP run. which start.s with a I pm wh1stl1• blast from a nearby bn•wf'ry. 1s patlPrnc-d after the famou s an nual fe stival o f Pamplona. Spain popuwrized by wnters Ernest Hemingway and James Michener Organt7(•rs say the bulls will be h1ggl·r than f'Vf'r, Wt'1ghmg 100 pounds mc1rC' 1 han a year ago STATE Actor Joe E . Ross dies LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Actor Joe E. Ross. best known for his role as the chunky policeman in the television series, "Car 54, Where Are You?" has died of an appare nt heart attack. a family spokesman said S hark doing well SAN DIEGO (AP) -A great white shark, taken t.o Sea World after being entangled ln a fishing net, passed its first 24-hour test Saturday, swimming without difficulty officials said. Mistrial d eclare d in Norco case VISTA (AP) -A mistrial was declared Saturday in the penalty phase of a murder trial aa jurors were unable to decide on punishment for three men convicted of killing a sheriff's deputy in a Norco bank robbery and shootout. INDEX Bridge E3 04 E5-6. Fl-8 E3 E5 C7 Robert Bruss Classified Crossword Death Notices Delaplane Editorial Page Entertainment Featuring Finance Robert Gardn er Horoecope A6 El-2 E3 Dl-5 A6 E3 SPORTS Ann Landers Movies Public Notices Real Estate Sports S tock Marke t s S tyle Television Theaters Travel Weather Angels take it on the chin E3 El-2 E5 04-5 Bl-5 D6-7 Cl -8 E4 El-2 C7 A2 The Angeb alarnmed the A's Friday, but Oakland ca.me right back Saturday to win 10-1. -. ~ ~ •• 'W J ' .. .--• .._ .¥ ... ~ - • Orange Coa1t OAIL Y PI LOT /Sunday, Augu1t 15, 1982 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fJUTTERFLIES I •way without looking at pnYthin8 elae." ~ a ealcfea, h e explains. the ~~tie Man" isn't much of a wawtnc card, aa stage names so. k . Denton says he bu ys his utte rfles fro m greenhouse armers in places l ike the ~m a ion ju ngle a nd the ;Himalayan mountains. : He'• reluctant to talk about hia ~urces because he says It took ~ear1 t o develop reliab l e .Uppllers and because he also ~orks as a middle -man, jiupplying exotic butterflies to E_ther collectors in the United JS tales. ·, The butt.erlies are mailed dry S..nd f o ld ed 1ns1 d e paper :Wrappings to Denton's h1lls1de h ome. He u~ humid1her to Unfold the brr~ht and variously Shaped wings. · The butt.erfLies range an sire, ~ingtip to wingtip, from 2 w 8 inches. They selJ for $1 5 to $60 . • • • A. a youngster growing up in Corona Del Mar Denton Wied to g e t his net and travel to Mammoth or the High Sierras and hunt local specimens. He said he captured samples of 400 of the 4~0 butterfly species found In the st.ate. "But that was just for fun. Never in my wildest dreams d id I ever think I'd make a living like thlB," Denton says. "l always thou1iht I'd be a folksinger, but aft.er that didn't pan out I realiz.ed how much my friends liked framed butterflies and I started selling my works in front of department stores and at fairs across the country." Denton, who holds a bachelor's degree in sociology. sets occasional verbal abuse from extreme nature lovers for eruct fying the colorful bugs mside glass coffins, but he scoffs at the concept. "These are bugs after all, and it's hard to put personality traits on bugs,'' Denton says. "Besides, most of their lives are spent as ca.terpillars and they are raised in greenhouses where they IJve 90 percent of their full lifespan. o...y,......,._.._,c._......,,. . "Peorle buy them for all teaaona,' Denton says. "Some use them to deccrate home-m ade lamp• or clocks. but mostly I think they just like the colorful ~orks of nature to hane on their )Valla." The Cobra Butterfly may be the most startling of Denton's l'll8SSive collection. At the tip of the top two wmgs, nature has painted m arking s c l osely resembling the side eye and head of a poiaonous robra snake "In the wilds, butterflies are lucky to live 20 percent of their lifespan before a spider or a bird eats them. SKIMMING -With "rooster tails" trailing their skimboards, Joe Santley (above) and Nick Hernandez (below) compete in the sixth annual Victoria skimboard contest at Aliso Beach Park Saturday. Both from South Lagu na, they w e r e competing in the category for 16-18-year-old.s. More action is scheduled for today from n oon to 5 p.m . "T h is type laves an the ij1malayas where there are a lot bi cobraa, and when the butterfl y $ways back and forth on a rock ~ith its wing folded hke the head of a snake, bards leave at flone," Denton explairui "I just tell the occasional extremist that if I w e re a butterfly, I'd gladly take the tradeoff and live a full, happy life in a greenhouse protected from danger.'' Of course. the final tradeoff IS at the Sawd ust Festival where Denton sells examples of colorful, bright, exot ic nature to suburbanites. PCH crash probed Newport Beach police were investigating a serious traffic accident o n Pacific Coast Highway late Saturday night poeaibly involving two fatalities. The accident occurred at 2741 W. Coas t Highway, ne ar Tustin Avenue. ~apan's jittery neighbors r extbook s, film bring f ears of resurgent militarism TOKYO (AP) A popular ne w film that kindly portrays Japan's wartime leader is the latest sign of what other Asian n ations are calli ng an ugly r esurgence of Japan ese militarism. ' The film 's o p e ning has coincided with an uproar an Asia over new Japanese high-school t extbooks. wh ic h fe ature watered-down accounts of the lapanese empire's cruelty in the years leading up to and including World War lI The textbooks have threatened to damage Tok yo's relations with its neighbors "The Imperial Japanese Empire," released last week. as a tle<:'hnically well done film that shows cruelty and suffering on both sides But at treats wartime prime minister Gen Hidek1 Tojo as a benevolent man, whale depicting Allied soldiers as treacherous and brutal NIWB INllYBll Direct-0r Toshio Masuda said the three-hour epic show s the truth . Toe i Co. Ltd . the producer, said the film is playmg to standing-room audiences. and 90 p erce nt of patro n s interviewed say they w er e "~ply Moved_" Several critics have denoun~ the film The English-language Japan Times said it turns Tojo "from an adaman t1ne and ruthless rrulltanst into a benign, sensitJVe super-patriot shedding tears over his decision to raid Pearl Harbor." China's official news agency Xinhua said the film leaves the impr ession that Japan was compelJed to launch the war for its own survival and to "liberate Asia .. The picture has added .to s peculat i on that Japan is lurching toward repetition of its military past , an iss ue that eme rg ed c learly over th e textbook changes. China and South Korea, which some historians say suffered the most under Japanese conquerers, have led the denunciations of the revised textbooks. saying they are a <:rude attempt to distort history. Newspapers in Taiwan. Singapore, Hong Kong and the Philippines have also denounced the textbooks. A South Korean protest about g lossed-over references t o Japan's colonial behavior in Korea have incited several demons trations. Officials ugh tened security around the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, and some restaurants and taxi drivers have refused to serve Japanese tourists and business travelers. Slightly warmer Tentperatures The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Sunday Auqust 1 5 •H1Qh Temperatures NATION Alt>eny 78 51 All>uque 90 63 0¥9' out ... coastal welflft wes1 Amermo tOO 70 to not11'1wat winds tO to t8 knots Anchorage 64 so Allan ta 83 72 with H•• 2 to 4 teat through Atlante Cty 76 60 10 tonight over lnl\er waters light vattable Winds l\tght and morning Balurnore 82 58 houre becoming aoutt1we•t to Blfrnlnghm 85 7'l 8191'1\arcie 86 70 -1 10 to 111 knot• during the Bolae 88 53 eftemoon Afternoon Wind wa.,.. 2 to 3 IMC Southwe9t awe4l1 1 to 8<>91on 79 60 3 IHI. Low clouds night and ButtalO 77 56 Burlington 74 56 ~ h<>ura t>ecomlng moetly Chertatn SC 86 75 sunny afternoon Cl\81'1stn WV 8J 54 C11er1Ua NC ~ 67 U.S. Ct-..yenne 85 5<4 sunuuary ClllcaOO 81 57 Cincinnati 80 SS Thundera1orrn1 moved Into ci.ve11n<1 81 54 ant-central and northwetl Clmt>la SC 89 70 Ph08l\IX 10:1 II!> Newpar1 Beach 71 63 MIMiUlp91 on S1turd1y. dumping Columt>ut 81 52 P•ttst>ur~h 79 89 Ontario 87 58 more than 5 ·~ lncllea of rain on Oel-Ft Wth 102 77 Piiand. e 74 54 Pslm Spring• 101 71 1om1 er•••. w hite aavera 01y1on 82 55 Piiand. Ore 73 H Sacr•ITMlfltO 78 55 thund«atorme ttruck Nebrulc• Reno 87 u S1lln11 1111 ~ end pot'llont ol MIM01Jrl. caualng Denver 87 60 Richmond 82 .. San 841mardlno 91 58 Dea Moine. 75 89 Seit Lake 87 85 San Diego 76 ee llOfTll "oodlnQ end brief pQwer Detroit 81 59 laJlu,... Duluth 74 60 San Antonio ~ 75 San Francleco 85 511 EIMWfllre on Saturday. early El Paao 98 72 Se•llle 68 52 Sen Joae 78 55 mornlnQ log In the SoutheHt Fairbank• 60 58 Shreveport 95 78 S1nt• An• 79 111 t>urned off M lhe day _,, on. F1tgo 79 .. SIOIJx !'ells 78 86 Stockton 1111 55 St LOUii 83 60 Tanoe Valley 78 41 t>ut patclllS ol IOQ remelned In Fleo•••tt 78 55 St P.ftmpe 85 77 Thermal 102 73 mld·aftemoon lrom MIMOIJrl Into OrHI Fells 80 47 eee11tn Kant•• and southlHI Han lord 80 56 Spokane 74 54 Torr enc. 74 80 Nebt ..... Helenll 84 55 SyrecuMt 77 51 Yuma 105 79 Topeka 78 70 Today·• lor eceet celled lor Honolulu 87 77 Tucton 92 71 1catt1r1d lhunderatorms from HOUiton ~ 80 TulM 104 78 Extende d Florida. acroee ti.. .u1em Gull tndnaplll 85 55 W11shtgtn 82 85 C o e e t a n d I n t o w • I I I r n ~ JllClllll'I 90 77 Ten-. and lrom Michigan Jldlenlllll 93 73 Wlehlll 107 71 weathe r aero•• •••l•rn w 11con11n and Kane City 74 87 CAL"'°"NIA Into nor1hlm llltnolt Knoxville 88 85 BakMl~d 92 87 AMI d 1>1 9C81tlfld ~ ti.. Lat lleQH 100 72 Ban1ow 98 70 Mo111y fair except tome Ill• norttlu n Pacific Coast. the L1tt11 Rock 84 71 BMumont 93 52 nlghl and 1arly mornln~ iow weathe r earvlc• ••Id and loulevtlle 83 57 BIQ BMr 77 38 cloud• near the coHt lgh1 ~ d98f .... _.In 110<1 lubbocit 100 74 Blythe 105 79 ranging trom IOw 10 middle 70. at ,.... ol ti.. nation Mernphla 87 78 Cataline 71 84 blacllM to 90e wanner valleyw In Mlernl S8 82 Cuiv.r City 78 83 the COMtal velllya Loww In 809. Mheulcee 79 80 Eureka 1111 65 Mount1ln hlgl'le 78 to 85. loww 50 Califo rnia Mpl .. St P 84 .. Fr-91 112 10 85 Nutlv111e 85 58 Lanc.ul ... 92 1111 Flllr today and Monday l>ul low Hew 00.ena 90 711 l ong 8Mol'I 80 113 New York 81 113 Loe Ar 77 83 _.., cloud• late night through mid Norloll< 82 .. Monr 89 511 L.,m og morning hour• nH r th• COHt Ollla City 103 75 Mont•llello 82 80 s~--Ornall• 70 87 Monterey 88 57 The Air Ouallty Mana~ement reng• County can ••P•Ct Orlando 9t 74 M1 Wllaon 81 67 hlgN In low 70. ., llW belCINI. PNl9<1phlt 811 113 Need ... 103 60 Olatrlct predlctt unhealt M air low 1Ge Wllnd. La.wt 55 to 116. for Mntltlw ~le In Alve1'91de, I~ Yllll)'9 wlN lleW hlgll8 In Ii San e.merd no, San Fernando-~111w toe. Lowe 1n eoa. Santa Cllfftl Valle'J, and Big BNr Gerl •xpecl lllghe 11 SU Rf RI PORT l •k•. a nd good air qualit y . to 11 1owt 88 1 118. 190l.ted elMWhlr• •odar thunc:lerellow•r In eouthern Unh••llhlu air quellt~ !or '-:-11ern d ... ,, 111911• 8' to MnlltlY9 people 1a lorlCMI the Rlv1reld•81n l«nardlno are• 102, IOW9 811 to 711 Southern ¥:.--) with a Pollu11nt Standerd lnde• of OeMrt lllgN 104 10 110. loW9 711 n 1811, lh• 8 1n Fernando·S•nll to ll. ht hrt ... .... .... . ... Clarl1• 1111111)'1 with 138. Ind Big Nor1flem Ind Central CelllofrM .... . .. .... ll'N A"I .... .,., a-t..11• wilt\ 13' . wt11 NW .. tll'lelvl COH ii i !:i Zuma 2 3 10 1 2 8W Good air qu111ty P8J 100 11 end 10W ~ IP!Mdlll9 Sant• Monica 2 3 10 ' 2 8W ~•d for th• dHert end ..,.. -...... ~ nlght8 NlwOOf1 9Mc:tl 2 4 12 1 2 8W Ind Hen!lll.e.ir-, 12 lfld ~ """ ttlfOlql 8an ~Counfy 2 4 14 1 2 w In l'Mlr~1n .,... 81 In low .,.qfMl!ey. llttle warmer moat Ovt tor Mondey Uttle Cflenge "-t. 4 In the OON!al ..... Ind . , •... Inland Orange County . ' Comic world heroes, collectors gather at FV charity affair By STEVE TRIPOLI Of Ille Delly Piiot Staft Some make-be11eve s uper heroes are teaming up with their creators and admirers an Fountain Valley this weekend in part to h elp a down-to-earth cause. The special event at the Land of Ooh's and Ah's t.·omac book store was promo ted as a charitable affair to aid the fight against muscular dystrophy, and a portion of the money taken in at the store and by v1s1tmg arusts 1s earmarked for that caUS(' But the convocation has been good for business, too, bringing out both wide-eyed fans and the cool aficionados of a 8rowang investment craze-comae book collecting Store ow n er John Fulce brought in replicas of the robots from the Star Wars films. people dreSSt>d as the characters from that movie and other science fiction productions, plus some of the artists who draw comae book characters. He combined them with the estimated 25.000 comic books of all ages in has store to attract the curious a nd the collectors to his event Visitors to the store Saturday saw artists such as Mike Grell - who has drawn such comic stalwarts as Aquaman, Superboy. The Legion of Super Heroes and Green Lantern for DC Comics - display their works and create one-of-a-kind masterpieces that sold for as much as $100. Grell was aa!Ung ufwards of $500 for some pieces o hi.a comic art he had brought with him. FuJce. a comic book lover for 26 of his 33 years. said comic collecting is fun because investors can spend anywhere from under a dollar to thousands to follow the s tories which captivated them in their youths, and sometimes beyond. Comic books were rated as the ninth most lucrative form of investment. as measured by return. in a 1981 survey of the top 20 investmen ta publiahed in a large business magazine, Fulce aaid. Age is not the aole determinant of a comic'• worth. The book'• central character and the artiat who drew it often ar e more impor tant to the book'• value. Fu.lee Mid. J And you don't have to find a rar e g e m t o make money collecting comics. he said. Soml' books released for the first t1m<.> last year al a retail pri<.-e of 60 ce nts are n ow val u ed at anywhere from $1.50 to $5. and an rare cases year--0ld books can skyrocket in value to as much as $40, Fulce said, a hefty return on an vestment. Fulce said he attempts to point his customers to what he feels are promising in vestments an new comics with his "Book of the Week" program at the store He claims an excellent record o f p i c k ing whic h books wall appreciate in value. Grell. 34, IS on his own for the first time since his corruc-drawing career began in 1974 He 1s now a free-lance artist, working mostly for newcomers Pacific Comics of San Diego and First Comics. a Chicago-based group of which he as a co-founder. H e decided to break away from DC, which along with Marvel is one of the two giants of the comic book industry, for a simple reason: as a free-lancer he t•an re tain ow"lers hip of the characters he creates and draws. The comic giants owned all the characters he d rew for them. H e said comic book artists average about $20,000 to $25.000 a year an salary, not counting outside business Grell said he d ecided he wanted to draw Green Lant.em and G reen Arrow corrucs while in the Air Foree m Vietnam. He pursued the career in earnest after a friend in the military told ham that "cartoonists only work two or three days a week and make a million dollars a year,'' he said with a smile. --····· DOOMSDAY MAN? -Not really, lt'1 Air Fon:e Captain J.D . Fray. A eafely officer at Vandenbera Air Force Bue north of Santa Barbara, he takes a 1erioua approech to hia dutiel upon the appl'Oldl of a three-day weekend by d.rellina M the Grim Reaper and ridlna around the hue w~ penonnel to bt.ldtle up and drive safely. 1 ' --------.. Or1nge 0011t DAILY PfLOT/lundey, Augult 15, 1"2 Three-nlng thrills For keeptn1 1pectaton at the edae of their aeata, theN11 nothina like ferocloul anlma1I and a a.redevU'1 bravado. Frenchman Daniel Suakow, .. a aecond-1eneratton trainer- p e rf or mer, ma~e1 hh American debut with the 112th edition of the Rinalinc Broe. and Barnum & Bailey clrcua. He coaxe1 tlgeu through tlames and then puts camels through their paces. Skyroc keting superstar Elvin Bale introduces the audience to his Mechanical Monster before it whirls him wickedly toward the ceiling and his challenge is to defeat the "devlliah and dl8orienting doomaday device." The circus concludes its stay at the Anaheim Convention Center with perfonnances at 1:30 and 6 p.m. today and 1:30 .and 7:30 p.m . Monday. Will record spender limit campaign funding? By JEFF ADLER Of the Dllltr l'teot ltan The Democratic nominee for the 43rd Congressional District seat has challenged both his Republ ican and write-in opponenta to agree to a $62,000 campaign spending ceiling and a cod e of ethics for the fall campaign. Roy "Pat" Archer is asking both GOP nominee J o hnnie Crean and write-in candidate Ron Packard to sign a statement setting the spending limit and agreeing not to introduce deceptive campaign practices into the general election contest "Th e vital issues facing the citizens o f this distrac t can honestly be addressed without gimmic k s r equiring large amounts of money.'' Archer said. "And the voters should be given the opportunity to make an honest informed choice based on propoeed solutions to the nation's problems, not on 'illusionary' and 'deceptive' political games.'' Crean said he was amenable to silJling a statement concerning campaign tac tics. but was reluctant to set a spending limit. Packard has not commented. During the primary campaign, Crean spent a record $809,740 in winning his race against 17 other candidates; Packard spent $173,- 578 and Archer spent under the $5,000 federal threshold that would have required him to file an expenditure report with the Federal Election Commission. * * * M EANWHILE, Archer has announced he will open his campaign headquarters at 10 a.m . Wednesday when the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Robert Strauss, drops by for an appearance at 1605 W Mission. San Marcos. * * * NOT SURPRISINGLY, Crean has come out in support of President Reagan's package of tax increues that currently is being debated in Congress. "I believe President Reagan Is fundamentally opposed to increasing taxes but that the Democratic-controlled House is forcing us to raise taxes as their price for agreeing to reductions in excess government spending," Crean said. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cleulfled edvertlelng 7141142·5e71 All other dep•rtmenl• 8-42-4321 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Thomu P Helev ,..,.,..,_ ond C...., &'•ecutlw Officer Key Schultz Vtce-• -OlreclOt OI -lolr'G Tom Murptilne EdllOr Mike Hervey Olreclot OI Mwhone (Clrculellofll Ken Goddard OhclOt OI ()pe< .. - ~ Mecl.Mn ~ Tom Mccann ........ ldllot MAIN OFFICE -Wul 8.oy SI • CoolAI M<tM, CA ""4111 eddreH Bo• IMO. C .. IAI Mew, CA .,._ Copy•~ ,., Or ..... Coe11 PIA>flohlft9 c _.,. Ho new• •-.111..-rellon>, e<IK.,.lel ,.._., ... vertlH"""'O lier.in m•r lie r•pnduced ·--lel pennis.-of copoyrlfM-•. VOL. 75, NO. 227 "This tax increase should help convince the people how essential it is in November to elect more Republicans to the House of Representatives." * * * "TOTALLY OUTRAGED," is how Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle, R-Huntington Beach, described his reaction to the state Supreme Court's recent decision concerning taxation under Proposit.Jon 13. ''The court's liberal majority has managed to completely wipe out Proposition 13's protection for taxpayers and for all practical purposes, this far-reaching decasion renders Proposition 13 meaningless," said Frizzelle, who is seeking re-election. The court decision will permit clues to raise taxes without a required two-thirds vote if the taxes are for general rather than specific purpoees. * * * VICE PRESIDENT George Bush wtU be the featured attraction Oct. 1 at an Orange County fund-raiser for Attorney General George Deukmejian, the Republican candidate for governor told members of the Orange County Lincoln Club last week. Deukmejian went on to ask Lincoln Clubbers for their continued support in his behalf. * * * THE ORANGE County Women's Network Alert ls h osting iu' 1econd annual Suffrage Day luncheon Aug. 26 • at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport~h. Honored at the event , celebratlns 62 years of women'• rifht to vote, will be Karen L tfln, Orange County coordinator of the bilateral nuclear freeze lnltlative. She will be presented with the first We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you llke? Call the number below and your meaaa1e will be recorded transcribed and delivered to Ute approprt,te editor. ' The same 24·hoar an1wet1n1 service may be uaed to record let· tcrs to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contiibutor1 muat lncludt their name and telephone number ror vertllcaUon. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what' a on your mind. Women's Netwo rk Alert "activist" award. Reservations are being accepted along with a $10 fee at 58 Acacia Tree Lane, Irvine 92715. * * * REPUBLICAN candidate Bill Dohr has criticized hia Democratic opponent, incumbent Rep. Jerry Patterson, of Santa Ana, for his recent vote in favor of a nuclear freer.e. The two are seeking central Orange County's 38th Congressional District aeat. "His vote was ill-conaidered and it genuinely endangered the security of this country," said Dohr. "Really, this is one of Jerry's most outrageous vot es in Congress yet, and I'm confident this is one that he won't be talking about much back here in Orange County:" * * * THE HOUSE of Representatives has unanimously established National Disabled Veterans Week, to start Nov. 7. The bill authored by Newport Beach Republican Rep. Robert Badham is intended to recognize the contributions veterans with service-connected disabilities have made to the nation. Badham said about 2.3 million Save over . $3.00 on Beef Stick· Summer Sausage. Buy a 3 lb. Beef Stic:Jte for iuat $9.99 and ave more than sa.oo off the recu1ar pound price. Or •ve roe per lb. 00 I cut piece. For ewiey pound you buy. we'll give U-to the Mumilar DyltropbJ A.ociation. Otr•tood Aup.t lt ..... &eptenber e. American veterans sufferec;t disabilities such as paralysis, loas of limbs, blindness, deafness or delayed-stress syndrome. * * * A RECENT study by Nation's Business magazine revealed that Badham scored 100 percent oh~ the National Chamber Alliance: for Politics survey on business-: related issues. ' • But while the Republican rated well on business issues, he rated a zero on the rating scale used by the liberal Americans foe Democ ratic Action. On the~ conservative Americans lor: Constitutional Action scale,:, Badham rated a 79 out of 100. ' (Jf 0 1110 IH 3oath Coast 'Plaza ·~ .. t ' l -. l . i . I . ! ,: j : i ... Both sides • ID Bolsa maneuvers IY PATIUC& J. UNNEDY envtronmenLal llluee involved tn or .. .,..,,... .... the county'• plan. Two major ahowdowM over AlthouVl the bW 18 now cte.d, Lh• future of the Bolaa Chica StsneJ ofiidall contend that the manb have been averted ln the thr9at of future Jetlllauw llC'don put three weeka, puttln1 the hM t~ the oomm1Mlonen to con~ on a new treck. Mrioualy 1tudy U\e county plan Opp o1tn1 aldet of th• and COl'Wder a oompromlae. prtMrVaUon·VWIUl-development Sl1nal endor1ea the county •truale both beUeve -but fOf' plan, four yean in the malr.J.ns, different reaton• -that the which lncluclea S,700 homes. en c~ of dJ..reciion favon their · 1,800-allp boat marina, • pc.ttfuna, 700-foot-wlde ocean ch1nnel On July 30, atate Coattal from the mareh through the Comml11lonera voted 7-6 to beach, and a 600-acre we\Janda postpone for at leut flve montha ayatem (including 300 acres a ached uled declalon on the already owned by the atate). Oran1e County hou1ln1 and The county and Signal oontend mar1na development plan fpr the th1t a merlna end hou1tng 1 , 6 0 0 -acre marsh near development are neceaaary to Huntington Beach. • - " I\ 0 The commltalon's narrow decision came after county officials inalsted on continued talk• between the two government agencies and threatened to withdraw the plan unleaa the commiasion's decision -an expected rejection of the plan -was postponed for further negotiations. A m ig o s and Signal both I eel w ithdra w al o f · Ca rp e n ter bill IN THE MIDDLE -Great blue herons and egrets dot the Bolsa Chica marshlands, object of a dispute between environmentalists who wish to preserve the wetlands, and the Deity Not ..... lltloto county and Signal Landmark Co., which want to develop homes and a marina on the 1,600-acre site. The decision has been postponed for five months. In a related move, county a d Va n Ce S superviaon and officials of Signal Landmark Co., the major landowner of the Bolsa Chica, causes. then withdrew support of a state th eir County r anks low in United Way giving Senate bill that sought to approve the county's plan, over the ob jections of the Coastal Commission. Senate Bill 493 was scheduled for a hearing last Tuesday before the Assembly Energy and Natural Resources Committee, but Sen. Paul Carpenter withdrew his bill to allow continued commission and county talks. expand the existing state wetlands reserve by allowing tidal fla. to the area while also generating tax revenue to fund marsh restoration. By JEFF ADLER or ttte o .. 1y Piiot •••" Affluent Orange County trails nearly every other area of the country in its per capita contributions to the United Way campaign, United Way officials -preparing for the 1982 campaign -recently pointed out. Orange County ranks 35th in per capita contributions to the United Way of Orange County North and South out of the 37 areas the nation is divided into, explained Sam Parker, a United Way cabinet member. While Cleveland leads the nation in per capita giving to the United Way with an average $22.86 per person contribution, Orange County residents gave only an average of $6.96 per person la s t year, Parker. president of Sav-On Drugs, said. In fact, local United Way officials are targeting per capita contributions as one of their 1982 campaign goals. Parker said the fund hopes to increase the average donation during the fund's Sept. 25 through Dec. 14 charity drive. Other goals cited during a recent breakfast, aimed at drumming up publicity for the impending United Way drive, are: -Increasing contributions from business by 30 percent. -Increasing the number of volunteers for the drive. -Increasing the percentage of employee contributions at local participating businesses. -Increasing participation by decision makers in the Orange County community. Parker said last year's drive raised $10.5 million that was divided between the 83 United Way agencies j.n the county. That amount, however, fell short of what the agencies said they needed. Even though the campaign's 1982 dollar goal has not yet been announced, the projected need of United Way agencies is estimated at $13.5 million, he said. Parker explained that even though Orange County is perceived to be affluent, the county has needs that can only be filled by United Way agencies. "I'm surprised so many people in the county are unaware of what the United Way is and what it does," he continued. The 83 county agencies who receive some portion of their funding from the United Way provide youth development and other family services, health research and medical services, education and training, emergency relief and other volu nteer and community development services. A sampling of local agencies that received funding from the United Way include: the American Red Cross, the Free Clinic of Orange County, Girl Scouts of Orange County, Child Guidance Center of Orange County, the Visiting Nurse Aaaociatlon of Orange County, Boys' Club of Laguna Beach, the Orange Coast YMCA and the Childrens Hospital of Orange ''We Stopped Throwing Awav Rent Monev'' r llM f DINING ROOM KITCHEN ...... ... • ,"' ~ .. < BEDROOM #2 .--.... BATH MASTER BEDROOM I •,IN FOYFR LIVING ROOM "We Bought at Affordable Aliso Meadows" Csaba "Chub" and Diane Domotor moved into their new affordable Aliso Meadows home in May from a Lake Forest apartment. Both work in Irvine, only 15 minutes away. "We decided to stop throwing away our money on rent:• says Chub, a designer ol industrial control valves for Control Components. Inc. "We wanted to put our money into something, to build equity for a larger home when we have children In three to five years. We also wanted our own place, where we can do any kind of decorating we want and plant a tree In our own little fenced front yard'.' "We looked a lot for over a year," adds Diane. "Plan A at Aliso Meadows had the best layout, the most room It fits our furniture perfectly-even our big dining room set. Another big reason Is that no- one lives above or below us. We feel like we have our own little house:· TM majority of buy.re at effordllbte Aliso Meadow• are llke the Domotora. Young, married, attractive whlt~llar workera with dreams of the good llfe. Ore1m1 they already are enjoying. Affordable Allao Meadow• wu choMn by all theM people becauM It hu: • Affordable prtcea-from $79,950 • Low Interest rates-from 10.8% for 30 years • Highly dealreble 10~ down payment.a • Bright, ·~· two-•nd three-bedroom pt.na • Quiet, private alng .... tory condomlnluma • Fenc.d front yarde • A belUttful Mtttng • Conwnlent loc9tlon It doesn't make aense to be stuck In a drab, noisy apartment, c:oflecling worthlets rent re<:elpts When you can enjoy life In your own home at affordable Aliso Meadows. Check It out lodayl Furnished model• open dally, from 10 a.m. to dusk. (714) 643-0547 26761 Via Lomas Laguna Hiiia • From '$79,950 • Low as 10.8% for 30 years (Assumable) t. County. United Way officials are alao quick to list several problems, addressed by United Way services, that currently trouble Orange County. Parker said there are 190,000 alcoholics and 152,000 substance abuaen in the county; more than 5,000 reported cases of child abuae; aome 15,500 school-age youth who are not attending school and 27 ,000 senior citizens now living below the $5,000 per year poverty line in Orange County. "There really is a need for services such as thoee provided by the United Way.~· he Bald. The 1982 campaign will kick off with an attempt to break the record for forming the world's largest human chain. 1982 US The ~nt decisions have been applauded by an environmentalist group that wants to preserve the 1,200-acre lowland portion of the marsh in a natural state, and officials of Signal who want to develop the lowland. Officials of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica environmentalist group contend that with the postponement-and .without the threat of the Senate bill, the coastal commissioners can now take time and better study the However, Coastal Commission advisers contend such development of homes and marina in the lowland.a violates Coastal Act protection of wetland.a. The Bol.sa lowland has been identified by state Fish and Game officials as the largest remaining salt manh wetlands wildlife habitat in Southern California. The Amigos group agrees with this position. "Overall, the postponement was a good decision because it did relieve pressure on SB 493," said Peter Green, former Amigos president. "Things have changed rapidly in recent weeks, but the C-oastal (See BOLSA, Page A7) Thru Aug. 28, 1982 Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special 82.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp. a fish fillet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank ' served with fresh cole s law. fryes and hushpuppies. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mes.a 11u~• 'w)u1h ot \An ~n •~• .-. ""'' hnm 1 r<I• .. 14715 l<'ffrcy Rd •• W•lnu1 I"" ofl "''"• """ 1 .. , 1 Irvine liRAllD OPElllllli PHOTO SPECIAL Per Print THAT'S AIQHTI Bring In your 110, 126, 135 color print for processing and recetVe each print for only 5• plus our regular developing charge. OFFER EXPIRES 8/21 /82 COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER r•••••••••••--••••··~ -...-r---~----···------···· ··------·-··---------1 V•lu•ble coupon I V•luable Coupon V•lu•bl• Coupon I 50 ~°'= !1 50 :~= 5 0 ~~de~"J Chirp char it charse I DAY PHOTO i DAY PHOTO DAY PHOTO• one roll per cOU'pOn I one roll per coupon one roll per coupon I ExplN9 1/21 ~ 8121 J ~ 8121 • .................... ..................... ·········-----------~ 5 110 RIAIONS TO SHOP DAY PHOTO Por •II yovr flfm IH'•C•Hlfte n••til• 1. ONE DAY PLEDGE-All Cotof deY9lop end print fllm back in one day« 11.00 om G~. 2. PENNY PINCHER -We "9W ~ our 9WfYd-V ~rl<* by almott 20% on moet Hema. 3. CUSTOM 81%! PAINTS -!Jt\ra ,.,... """" ., no elC1r• cmwge. DAY PHOTO 2600 I. Coa1t H~. Corona del Mar 92625 640-9551 4. QUICK STOP -OrM UP-dflll9\out oonwnleooe, no wtlltlng, no aettlna out ot oer, no M9leel 5. 8AT18,ACTTON Plus -All wen 100% guerent.ed M.-M. '··"'· ... ,..m., .... 10 ...... -2 , ..... or .. wtM cMtrfully ~ youf money! CO.me in now and save/ ... . . . . ii . . ~ t ' Orange OOMt DAILY ftllOT/lunday, Augull 11, 1M2 FBI putting the hammer on organized crime' NEW YORK (AP):__ The mob la under the CW\· Matta dona ant beln1 HM to jall In record riumbeu, while 1yndlcat• underllnp .... kil11nl eech other In unrelentlnl warfare over the crimll}Al apoUa of Atlantic City caa1no9. Mllwauke~t. New O•l ean1, Florida, N ew ln1hnd, rioi'thMNm P9Mlyl~ and two of the ave famfly 1-den ln New York Qty. "We're continwna 10 dJnct our effon. on the people who are in Who. Mt clalmlnc tM ..,cy haa cr~ed the mob, Clark• added wryly that the hoodlwm 11are aware of our lnvettiptive lntarea1.'• QarU laid bomea tndJct.t or conYtc:ted lince tut year lnclude: LkavoU, of the Clewland family hl1 capo, Anthony LlberetoN and four othera convkced o • aer1el of c:r1mel lnclud!nc bomblna death of • rt\fll. Now, a tru1ted compadte of the Bonanno crime family haa unmuked bimlelf ln court u an undercover FBI aaent, recoununa conversations about mob n.aboUta, family rivalries and other aolno-<>n. A1e~nt Joseph D. Pistone'• testimony came just day1 after two gunmen tried to kill the eon of a slain crime boas i n Philadelphia, where nearly 20 mob figures have been aasuai.nated since 1980. "We'r e ver y satisfied wi t.h the progress, but we still have an a wlul lot of work ahead of us." 'lbe latest pnmcudon 1.nvol flve JNtmben of tM BOnan family, who are cbaqed In r1cketeer ln1 con1plracy th• Included the aeaualnatlon o thNe mob rivala. Courtroom replay• of aecret wiretape and Plltone'• chillln1 teatlmony have provided behind-the-1eenes details of how the mob operates, includlng a Mafia family tree, plant to bug fellow hood'• phone u well dilculaions about the llaytngs. Proeecutors say Piatone's put- o n was the FBl'a deepest infiltration of La Casa Nostra to date, and before a gag order waa issued, FBI officials said it reflected the bureau's dedication to puttini unrelenting preaure on the kingpins of organized crime. Internal FBI documents show 1982 will be a banner year in the agency's war against the nation's 25 traditional syndicate farnilh!s and their estimated 2,000 "made members." One hundred and sixty-five mob members or their close associates were convicted in the MARCELLO flnt lix months of fi9cal 1982 of c rim es including labor racketeering, corruption, infiltration of legitimate businesses, loansharking, anon, narcotics and murder, according to the FBI documents. That compared with 82 convictions ln all fiscal 1981. An internal FBI report etates that, aa a result of recent efforts, "the majority of the 'bossel' and hierarchy of the major organized crime families across the United States were indicted and-or-convicted." Among those convicted were the reputed crime bosses for Cleveland, Kansas City, control," FBI Deputy Aillatant Director Floyd Clarke said in an lnt.erview. "We're very satiafled with the proareu that we're making, but we etlll have an awful lot of work ahead of us." As part of lta expanded attack, Clarke said the bureau plans to make wider use of civil forfel~ure provisions of the racketeering statutes, which permit the government to eeize property gained as a result of lllegal activity. "We would not only be Impacting the organized crime problem by prosecution but also by directing our efforts to identify the assets that are derived from that enterprise, and seizing them," said Clarke, who heads the FBI's organized crime progr~. -Cerloe Marcello, of the New Orleanl family, convicted ln the Bril.ab 'lcandaf and of conspiracy to bribe a federal judge. -Santo Trafficante Jr., Florida'• "boss of boues," indicted in a labor union kickback acheme. -Raymond L .S. Patriarca, of the. New England mob, stlll fighting on health reasons a labor racketeering charge in the Trafflcant.e cases and allegations in Rhode Island and Massachusetta that he ordered rivals killed. -Russell Bufalino, of the northeastern Pennsylvania mob, convicted of civil rights violatioru , and of influencing a federal witness. -Nick Civella, of Kansas City, indicted separately on TRAFFICANTE bribery charges, then with the entire local hierarchy following a five-year caaino skimming probe in Laa Vegas, Chicago and Kansas Clty. -Alphonse Persico, of the New York Colombo family, convicted of extortion. -Frank "Funzi" Tierl, of the New York Genovese crime family, oonvtcted of racketeering before dying of natural causes. -Frank P . Balietrieri, of Milwaukee and hia two sons and lndicted on racketeering, fraud and gambling in a plot to extort from a vending machine business. -James "Jack Whitte" A eecret, internal FBI document says Pistone'• ability to get u c1oee u he did to "high ranking member• of La Coaa Noetra" has "resulted in aeve embarrassment to some, if not 'bolles' and mob 'members'." Meanwhile, a Senate subcomntitt.ee has been holdlng• heartng, in Washington on mob-- influenced labor unions. It has turned up an allegation from Charles Allen, an admitted/'., underworld enforcer, that ~. organized crime, notably new • • Philadelphia chieftain Nicodemo ·• "Little Nicky" Scarfo, controls the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union in Atlantic City. . ,, Robinson's BETTER WHITE SALE 60°/o OFF AND MORE FIELDCREST<ll FIRST·QUALITY SOLID COLOR COMFORTERS, DUST RUFFLES AND SHAMS, OURS ALONE These are the accessories that can transform your bedroom overnight Beautifully matched in luscious shades of Arctic blue. raspberry. £andstone. champagne ' smoke blue. mink. or blush polyester/cotton percale. And because we·ve purchased F1eldcresrs entire stock. you won·1 find these de'coralor's delights anywhere etse. much less al these prices Hurry in while selections are at their peak REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS. light to dark. filled With polyester fiber Twin Full/queen King FRENCH·PLEATED OUST RUFFLES Twin Full Queen King FRENCH·PLEATED SHAMS Standard King Robinsons Bedding. 54 To order call toll-free 1·800·345·8501 Orig Sale $90 $29.99 $135 $49.99 $180 $64.99 $50 $17.99 $60 $17.99 $80 $17.99 $90 $17.99 $45 $17.99 $55 $17.99 SAVE 41°/o MARTEX'LUXOR COTION BATH TOWEL IRREGU~RS AT OUR ONCE·A·YEAR EVENT They're the tush . plush cotton terry loop towels you love for their incredible softness and drying power In the kinds of colors you build a bathroom around espresso. evergreen. lemon. t1gerlily. birch. fawn. English rose and white And the irregularities are so slight they'll never affect appearance or wear But don't delay Prices won't be this low again for another twelve months, and colors will vary by. store. Bath, 27" x so· Also available· Hand. 16" x 30" Wash.13"x13• Bathmat. 22" x 36" Bathsheet. 37" x 70" . Robinson's Bath Shop, 31 If perfect $15.50 $9 50 $3 75 $2050 . . . . . . $26 50 To order. call toll·rree 1·800·345-8501. Now $8.99 $6.49 $2.49 $11 .99 $14.99 ROIMON1 coWUJlllDP mpplN9 91FT 11911TB! MAKI AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUI CONSULTANT AT YOUI NIAllST IOllNION'S. •· WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERINCll IN IVIRY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTERIZID lllVICI IN IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA. : ~ ~ ( ' ;.-:.:. ... ' . .... 1 , :··: .. , ' ., . • I r· i~~-rn~urnrn~ill[ lPillIB~ . f 11.eject, don't deposit +·surplus· contributions + . : l'or five yMn, elected~ on t.h• 1houlcter1 of co'Unty Co"-nty offlciala, auch aa &t,...VW ~ oarll:'the man ~. have been reg~ to who lntrocluo9d the 11N CUP ·: CillliiilY With a campaip_ DJ\&l1ldftC ordinance WMn it W• lldopted by liw'dealaned to reduce the au.,.rvteon tn 19'1'7. POlitkal clOu\ of land development Clark abnatned from voUna In.-..... on an luue that would affect t The Jaw 11 known u TIN Stpal Landmark Co., the firm J. Cl.JP, an acronym for Time la attelnptlnl to~ a:a. Chica, ' Now, ae.r. Up PoUtlcl. lt became a wat.edront.,... In HunUnaton !: law ln Jarp meuu.re due to the Bet.ch. f one-woman campaip of former Clark dtacloHd that In + county plannina commi11ioner October of 1981, contrlbutlona 1. Shirley Grindle of Oran,e. from Siana! brouah t the f Slnce the ordinance waa company'• aur.te total of hia ! Plllied by supervilora, Mt. Grindle campaicn to •t.440 -$119 more ' baa been monitorin1 campaign than permitted by TIN CUP. + fl nan c e 11 • S h e h a 1 be e n Clark taid the tll9 wu refunded ! unrelenting in her attempts to two weeka later. To play it .ate in y ir)aure the TIN CUP ~vislona are light of the county coumel'• legal 1 ~t by elected officlala rec.-eiving opinion, Clark Mid, be would not campaign contribu~. vote on the item. In the coune of her watchdog Ms. Grindle ia not aatiafied .ectiVities, 1he diacovered the re-with what Clarll hU done. She !election committee for several bas filed a complaint with the !supervisors have routinely been di1trict attorney'• office. She r e t u n d i n g p o r ti o n s o f wants Clark to face a penalty for lcontrlbutiona when it waa votin1 on previous actions dilcoYered TIN CUP contribution involving Silnal and BoJa Chica. !limits were exceeded. We dilagree. While we TIN CUP allows a candidate suspect that Clark may have Ito receive up to $1,331 (a figure committed a technical violation, ~djusted annually for inflation) we do not believe it was 1from a contributor before intentional, willful or otherwise !femoving himtelf frnm vottna on designed to reap a hidden benefit. that could have a material When Clark's campaign people eUect on the contributor. discovered the overa1e. It WH cases where cam ign prom tly refunded. jCOmmittee treasurera ~ave ~ a matter of fact, Clark Wscovered a contributor has given himself raised the Laue at this ~than the limit, refund clieclu week's board meetin1. He'• ~tomarily have been tent. thus certainly not trying to duck the ii' e d u c i n g t h e a g g r e g a t e iaue. »J:mtributions to the $1,331 level. Prosecution in this instance ia ' But as a result of inquiries by not warranted. both Ms. Grindle and other county We stronaly recommend, ~fficials, it's been learned 1uch however, that campai1n ~fund1 probably violate the atate committees and candidates pay ;Political Reform Act. That more attention to the exact measure says refunda can only be amounts flowing into their .-nade before the contribution in campaign accounts. question is deposited in a' bank or 1f inatances occur where the otherwise negotiated. $1,331 limit i1 on the verge of Both the county Coun1el's being exceeded. campaign worken end Dlatrict Attorney's office 1bould reject the contribution agree that supervisors are placing before it i1 made, lnatead of thetn9elves in a vast gray area by making a partial refund at a later voting on isauea involving a date. j;iontributor to whom a refund has That way, legal requirements been provided. would be tet. That ahould be the All of this has fallen 1quarely objective. Appi-ove tax increase For the pall few weeks, members of Congress have been attempting a feat ibost, if not all, find distasteful in an election year: l;laasina a huge tax incre&le bill. ~ Diatastef ul as it may seem, Congress must swallow the tax lncreue medicine. Reducing the bloated federal deficit is of paramount importance Jf there is to be any hope of a trong economic recovery. And educing the deficit through l!IPll~mx cuta alone would require ... eavy reductions in defense ~xpenditures and 90Cial programs that neither President Reagan nor the Democratic-controlled House would be willing to tolerate. The $98.9 billion, three-year under di8cuation in a Senate- u1e conference committee aties in itl eUect depending on lhe interest IJ'OUP and situations f tnd.ividual taxpayen. There is general income tax increase poled. Cigarette and telephone '>Cd.le taxee would be increued, twhlle ded"'ctlon1 for medical eiuea and caaualty 1011e1 auld be curbed. One-third ol laat 1 corporate tax cuts, including the notorious aafe-harbor leuing provialon. would. be reduced or ~ted. A provision that bu railed a wt among banker. i1 the poeal to withhold 10 pert'ent of tel'elt and dividend payments. uch of 'tbla income aoea reported to the Internal ~Ym\Ue Service, 10 It It chiefly a ethod of collect1n1 what i1 eady owed the 1overnment. lon1 that veln, reporting requirements for capital gains and state tax refund1 would be tightened. It is a grab bag, to be sure, but a grab bag that equeezes various groups rather than the citizenry aa a whole is all that could have been expected to get throuC)l eon,re.. Why a tax increaae, when only last year Congrell approved income tax cuts that will coat Washington $444 billion over die next four years? The problem is the federal defici\ and ita relation to high interest ratea. The more capital the federal government must 808.k up in the private money mark.et to finance the shortfall, the leae is available for the private aector, especially when the Federal Reterve i1 determined to keep the money supply tight to control lnfiatlon. That keeps inten!llt rats up. Althouah several key ratee - the Fed's aiacount rate and the prime -have ~wnward recently,· there ii ble fear that when Uncle elbows hit way into the cndlt marketa later this year and eeekt an estimated $50 billion. money will aet ti&hter and rates will hMd upward aaatn. The adminhtration i1 forecasting a tll5 blWon deficit for next fiscal rear I buL many congre11iona and private economi1t.1 expect it to be $30 billion hl1her. Even the !'~')' version of the fcnc.t II too hiCh for the economy. No one Uka tax incNuM, but wbittlina the deficit dOwli muat be a htah priority. 'n'8 tax bill ahould be palled and Prelldent Reqan lhould llp it into law. Tt9om11 P. Haley Put>lllMr IT1S ~M Sr. ANDREWS f N NBWPORT Bf.A~ .... iMSY WANTit> KNOW MOWW& GOT 'TMROU<&U 711& CITY ZONIN<9 J.AWS WM&N W! BUfl.T OlJfar. .. l n r Ca~pers grim, but bear it r 1 By WILLIAM L. SCHREIBER WJ.lUam L. Schniber & director of public in for ma tlon, Saddleback Community CoUep DUtrict, who llvm in 7nbuco c..n,ron. 1lM! armor·plated truh.cana llnina the roach were • de.d give.way. Tnese bazooka-proof receptacles exuded the melNp that Sequoia N•tional Parle WU a war zone-ua against ''them" -man Venu8 bear. U • state of alert wun't triuered by the reinforced refuse blna, tfte little brochUft handed out by the 'ranatt at the pte .et all remaining dormant nerve endinp on edge. The cover carries the Ukenea of a menacing beast and the limple atatement (in big red letters) "Beware, Bean!" I BAD THE FEELING we had just ert112d a checkpoint into no-man's-land with a warning that "the enemy ia everywhere." The U .S. Interior Department appeared to be a master of rampant paranoia -until two nighta later. Our small daughter knowingly read the pemphlet to us u we approeched our campmte amid the tall trees and near the roarina river rapids. "Black bean eat anything you eat," lhe recited. "St.ore all food and ice chesta in car trunk or bear proof food container.'' Noting tha! we bad no trunk in our little foreign hatchback, &he continued reedl.ng. ''No trunk? Place food low - cover with blanket. Keep window• closed." Thia seemed a reasonable alternative, since the only bear proof containers at hand were the garbage cans. Despite a measure of relief, the air of tension lingered, particularly when our dau1hter displayed the brochure drawtnp demonstrating the U8e of "bear cables" located here and there around the campground -particularly ln areas frequented by our cuddly forest friends. . If you have no other place to atore your consumables. you can uae the cable to hoist your food into the air during the n11ht. suspended between two trees. One of theae devices was conveniently located ie.. than 10 yards from our tent. Very reusurfnl. Great for a 40-quart ice chest. Following all prudent advice, we ataahed the food in the car the first night, camouflaged with beach towela and old newspapers. The next morning, we decided the brochure bad been right. There was no Gardner's column . ~ OOJltact with the ursine foe and the f;Jys of outdoor life were made only alightly Lem joyoua by mosquitoes, deer flies and a five·mlle uphill hike. With confidence brimming over, we atayed another night, following the same procedUft. "rl'" struck i.n the wee morning hours. The fOllrina river rapids kept us from hearin8 the plunder and pillage of the car, parked only about 30 yards away. An OlA car bomb would have done less damage. 1lM! car looked like those seen in television coverage ot Beirut. RECONSTRUCTING the onslaught of thla furry whirlwind, I guessed the aequence of events to be as follows: -Smash driver's side window in quest of presumed goodies inside car. -Unable to reach goodies, climb over car vi.a hood and roof (causing said roof to cave ln) to get to the other aide. -Lick and drool on car extensively and deposit numerous cinnamon-colored hairs everywhere. -Smash passenger side window to reach lee chest and food bagls. -P8811enger seat blocking access, so bend .e•t back in half while clawing upholatery to shreds in the process. -Rip off lee chest lid to obtain food. A.Lio, remove all bags and eat contents. -Consume all edibles -wrappers and all. The last little item threw us -that, and the 6·inch paw print on the hood. Since we found none of the plastic and paper wrappers or bags, the only logical aaumption was total oonsumption. It was small revenge that he missed the beer. God knows what a drunken bear would have done. When the ranger finally arrived nearly two hours after the bear report, he cuually told us that three other "little foreign hatchbacks" had ht!<!n looted. that night and six the night before. They were averaging 10 or 12 a '\. week. A bit after the fact, we L,eiu:'Tl411• that the bean now favor the cars because, even lf food ii conceal · the canny beasts have traine. themselves that the odds of finding f inside are very good. .; The ranger dubbed these the "pop-t.opl cars.•• ~ If our car received an "•veraae•!J ' amount of damage and will cost abOuil $1,000 to repair. that'• $10,000 to $12,000 a week or nearly $150,000 t>ver the course of the touriat aeason. Not very good PR at all. As I stood at a pay phone trying to explain the miahap to my disbelieving insurance company, It was small consolation to see neat rows at "government brown" bear proof food b oxes ptanne a t o r campgr~u installation -sometime after the · · season. They looked formidable. Wi tread! and a gun turret, they could t\q sold as tanks to Third World countries.> BY CHOOSING to drive hom'l' through the 110-degree San Joaquift Valley that same day, I'm told we mi8led the bear's return. My brother, wt*> stayed another night, said the creature climbed the bear cable tree in a vain attempt to reach another camper'• foodt He was spotted the next morning b\r my sister -who, lronically, ii a SeqiKMia. park ranger -lounging casually in~ topmost branches of the same tree. AA six.foot, 1,000 pounds of him. He was the hit of the camJ>QTOUnd that morning but he finally w-ecf of all the attention and scrambled down the t:rft. He ambled off into the woods. perbar:- dreaming of the superb, plastic.coated breakfast sausage he ate the night bet<ft out of a yellow pop-top car. Taste of war not worth savoring By JlOURT GARDNER Boben Gardner Ia a aemi-retired jwVt, bwquent emcee and ..mor body aurlln.I entbual .. t along the Or•nge CoMt After a Japane.e submarine lobbed a couple of lheU. at an oil rjg ln Ooleta in the early days of World War ll, the Pllcific Coat waa never reelly a part of the action. The real war WM aotnl on .wra1 thou8and milel away at pl.-~ IUch exotic names • Tarawa. Wpen and Okinawa. ~ the OOllll bed to be suarcW. the th1nldnc betna that any peorle capable of the IDMi 1u.dt m Par Harbor ma.ht well try a landtna on that well.:Jtnown •tratelic location, the mein beech, •t CclrulA dll Mat. It w.. In def..-of our 1he>Nllne thal the sreat Chm-Craft Comromatiol\ took pa.ea. /J.:h~ ,~ivy WH In the procH• of comrnandeel'lnl numerow D1ellUre craft a'nd oonY911inC them eo m0J'91')' -.-f« pa,rol lurpo1ea. Thi• convenlon ........ at P-'nUna the boe1I be~ ,,.y. OM lunlbtfty day, a new lf11Y1 en111n and two enll1i.d men 1Hre ~ a H·foot etut.Cl'aft from &.n D1e1i> to Newp)l't BNdl to be OClftwrtld to • Naval Patrol craft at the South e.a.& ._,Yard. Tbe COiii& a.... W a ...... dM harbor •tnMe Widell :::.91 • .u.J:°:::L= ="· ••c• ... Ola...,~di; • ...,. ........ CoOlllt OWid ....... ·~ ......... • t 'nae Navy cratt came in. The Cout Guard told it to ltop or ordered lt to heave-to or whatever aalty expnmion ,,.. applicable. No way. The Lexin81on and a.ntop Cll1a1nly weren't l'Oina to 1Ubmlt to any auch lndlpity, -neitfter would tau. craft, The Navy erudlri Miled arancilY by the .._In 1oorina the command to halt. I woUW U& to npon tb•t th• Cout OU.CS ftred a wamma lhot off hJI bow • Laid Nelllon mlaht l\ave doll* but that waWdn't be tnM and bi.tory must be accurate. Anyway. the Cout Guard didn't have a 1un to flu acro11 llD.JbodY'I bow. 1'111 '!spot &nprd ol wity - ~-=.:-.... ~ly~ ~ II ll1t a.rt.Craft and, .,,..__. by two lallnld men, pve cbMe to the ....,..,.,. At about the Pavilion, the Coaat Guard boat came alonptde the Navy boat and again the Cout Guard emitn demanded that the Navy boat stop. Tbe Nay.y ensign ignored the request and aailed up the bay. The Cout Guud ensign maneuvered his craft alona*le. took the wheel and lhout.ed to the 'Mo enlisted men, in tones which would ha+e made Jorm Paul Jonee proud, "Prepare to board.'' The N•vy eft.lian mapped, in tone. that would have nMlde Stephen Deca• proud. "Prepare to repel t>o.rden." I The four en1llted men lined up, aplnlt two, divided by about a JM'd water. "Board." roared the Ca.t enalgn. ..Repel boarden" yelled Navy enlip. • The four enlisted men~ 9tood eye1 roWna to the beavent, llAS&llll8 unrH\talnedly at the antlas of MAperior officers. No board1na and no repell1na took place. WREN THE TWO caArr amwd at the South c.o.t ht Yard. ~ ~ charaed the o\her with numero\ll vtoladonl of Ardclee of War and eedi charpd hJI enlilt.ed men wtth mw.rclk» ln the face ol the enemy. Not.hlnl came of W.. but accordinc to bdMmU.. the two enlllpw ~ ..,t to do ....w-. duty ln Dut.aque and rshm a Howevw, for that mommt.a ..._ U.. lnt..bitantt of Newport a.eta hM a t.Mte of war and wwe IMde...,. of the truth of Wlw.m T8C'Uliltlh ._,,;p•a' lidYlol that ..... bell. • • . . - -Or•noe Cout DAILY PILOT/lunday, Auguet 18, 19U AT More women joining Invisible Empire QUIN DID. ~ (AP) -In a mwldy cow ~ture tn Green Brier, Tenn •• • 1mall woman In • lon1 ~Mb lobe ind white hciOd II t.rylnj bard to U., frGr'O crytna u the watcMI • OemJns Cl'Oll u,ht the nllht a1cy. ID the 2 ~ YMr1 atnce h« first cram b\l.l'lllq oemnony, the 1pectecle baa MYW talled to rDOYe her. To othen, lt'I a aymbol ol lntlmldatlnc intolerance; to J'!Y09 ftlchardlon -a woman of the Ku KlWc Klan -lt'1 a welccme conatent ln a wwld of lneq\lltiel. Klanaladlet like Joyce Richardson now make up 30 to 40 _percent of the lnvialble l'.mplre, accord1nC to Wiz.ard Bill Wlllr.imon. They account for 30 ~t ot the KnUrhta ot the Ku Klux Klan, eccord1na to Wizard Don Black. I Edward Richard.a, West Vlrglnia of the National hta: 8 ~~women, we woul~ve That would 1ult many other Amerlcam juat fine_ To ,them, the Klan meam terror and violence. They point to lta long blatory of intimidation and coercion, [ta trapping• of guns and maab. In conversations with a visitor, Kla.nlladles witll various backgrounds I '1rUCk a almilar theme; they wouldn't have much of a life without the Klan. They ai.o aay many blacks aren't really -human and Judaism la not a religion. They want to exclude immlg:rants and favor lteriliJ:lng welfare mothers-They believe in eegresatlon. no matter what the law of the land may aay. When their hUzh schools were forced to admit blaclca. diey dropped out. When their neishborhooda became racially ~ tbeJ mov.d an. AM them wh1 ttwy dOn rot. end bum Cl"' I 11: why ~ 10 ....Sy lttp into ao anlJ'Y an Smpln, rUled by a Kalmdar' In which May ta called J\irioul and June bl IJarintna, and l'DOlt my it'• for tMir cbildrin'i ialre. Phoebe Wair, U. ot Antlodl, Ttnn., baa two children. 8be'1 a tanmr<PTA mother, who f"ll horror at IOClety'1 decaytna monll and fw at the p1'0ip9Ct of flldnl an Aftll'Y God come JUctcment Da)'_. ''The mon1a, you know, It'• rldk:uloua how morale have decayed ln tht1 country. And that'• In the s-t 10 years. It'•• pity. It bl a Iheme. I can aee, I mean. maybe aome people can't, but it'• ao obvious to me how thino are chanatna," aay1 Mu. Wair, flu wife of a policeman-turned-trucker. For Mn. R.lchard9on, 87, the Klan la a rellJdon: "The only church I ao to now ta thelOan." • In the Klan, she adds. .. you feel like you're doing ri&ht. you feel clme to God. You believe aome day we can take th.la place and make lt like it u8ed to be -a good place to live." The women give reuona for f.inlng: "A aenae of accompl11hment, ' 1ay1 Nancy Roberta, 31, a dark-haired divorcee who works u a lepl eecretary ~ ln ~. La.; ...... Uve teedbiick," aa11 Donna Smalley, 24, a divorced motMt' of two tn.n New OrlMna. In NU.&rn for &bat paadve feedbrdc, women aomeUnm pay men than their 113 •ppUcatton and ISO membenhip t... -Beooml---nc-• KJemLldy coat Mn. RIChardloD her·~ IWped and her ._,., friendlhfp. lhe •YI· ~ IUCNIDb to Ni&lldee: to be an c>peratina room techniden, one mutt be reedy to help the tick, blllck or white, and so Joyce Richardson wlll never ~one. "I couldn't touch a coloted penon. 1 never have In my life," the 1&)'1. It wu David Duke who opened the Klan to women. Duke, a clean-cut collep araduate, became Grand Wizard of the l{u Klux Klan tn 1974. It wu Duke who pt.eked up the phone the day Donna Smalley called to eee about jo1nlna the Klan. Once Klan auxiliaries made up of wivet and eirlfrienda remained safely behind the IClllM!S. Duke looked at the awdllarte9 and saw ftlOW'Cft going to waste. So he beetowed the ~al title of Grand Genii on hia wife, Chloe, and 1tarted uahertna women nearer the front ltnea at l{Jan rallies a n d roadblocka. ......................................................... _..~ NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 511-2541 H MILA Hl'MOL CHIROPRACTOR Assoc/ate to Dr. Cary Rothenberg + Dr. Marcy Mc Dowell~ : ~~~~~ ... ~~~ ..... • ...... ~ So WE'RE PASSING 40% SAVINGS ON TO YOU! ., ....... r:'FOR THE CRD..DREN° -Donna Smalley, ~. is a divorced mother of two living outside iNew Orleans. She is also a member of the Ku iKlux Klan . . lJOLSA CHICA • • • fProm Page A4 ) Commiasion now has 'JJlOre time to carefully ICUllider the Bolaa Chica !without the threat of SB "'93 hanging over their heeda." n Green contends that ~penter's bill, which ·tailed last year to get the ~11embly committee fpproval, still didn't have the necessary eight volel to get out of the 116-member committee. ')• ''We're encouraged .1hat this blatant piece of •pecial-interest legi1lation has been •teated, but at the same time we're disappointed ~hat Carpent er has threatened to bring it back in the future," he aald. W ayne Clark, 1pokeaman for Signal, aald the landowners also are encouraged by the postponement and he contends that the threat of Carpenter's bill motivated the Coastal Commissioners to "finally take a serious look at the county plan." "In my view, the commission never really looked at the county plan but just gave it a blanket rejection ," Clark said. "It's only been in recent weeks, a lmost at the f o rce of a gun (Carpenter's bill), that the commission staff went over the plan point by point. "Signal is hopeful that the continued negotiations will narrow dow n the points of dispute to how many acres of the lowlands are protected wetlands." ., n 0 b b 6th Annual FALL BROOK ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE At The High School Mission Ad. at Stagecoach • C) ~ I 'l 1 1 ~ ; ' I ~ • I f ~ 1 /'~ ( ; I f . . ' it ' : • ,\ j • 1 ' • : • • , 1 r ~ I , ;\ Jr , j 1 , , Donation $1 .50-Free Parking-Door Prizes FALLBROOK Chamber of Commerce 2221 HARBOR BLVD. IN COSTA MESA ~----.J'.-· HURRY! SALE ENDS AUG. 22! ~ SAVE 40% ON DURABLE DESIGNER CERAMIC TILE Our lovely, high-fashion designs in ceramic tile wiil add a brilliant new look to walls, floors and counters. Ol.D" glazed ceramic tile is shiny bright and permanently tough: Almost care- free, it resists stains and scratches. Built-in spacers make it easy to do·lt yourself and save. REG. PRICE 1.79 -1.89 SALE }07-P..~ 4W X 414" Q.Oll>S AlfD l"RINCETail PATfF.RNS DECORATOR CERAMIC 53c ~A~ PArn:RN REG. UC SALE IA. SA VE 400A, ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WALLCOVERINGS! Redecorate any room in just hours with our washable wallcoverings in beautifully smooth and richly textured patterns. Ol.D" fashionable wallcoverings are in It.ode and available in an exciting 8lTaY of colors and designs to enhance and coordinate with your decorating scheme. Prepasted and vinyl so they're simple to hang and easy to keep clean. It's so easy to do It yourself and save at Color Tiie! REG. PRICE 6.95-12.15 417-777 SALE SI• 100% VINYL EASY-CARE NO-WAX FLOOR TILE SAVE 40% ON ITALIAN NAFCO SOLID VINYL SAVE 40% ON DURABLE GLAZED MOSAIC TILE DECORATOR QUARRY TILE SELF-STICK FLOOR TILE Solid vinyl in gorgeous, detailed designs. No-wax IUJ'face stays shiny bright with little maintenance. Its flexibility makes It simple to scissor trim to fit Create an air of elegance with Decorate your kitchen, bath or A large selection of versatile mosak: durable, glazed quany in a variety foyer with our slate-look vinyl tiles. in exquisite colon and designs. of coJqrs and patterns. Looks It needs no waxing to keep Its rnd-on glaze for easy cleaning. exqulsfte on floors, walls and brilliant shine. Self-stick baclcing for ~ted on mesh sheets for COWlters 1n any room. 7W >c 1W x 31r simple do-tt-younelf installation. simple installation. REG. PRICE 1.31-1.59 RE~ PllCE Z.11-ut 4 .,.~ 83~-95( REG.PRICEl.4189~ }31-'>39 I son. IA. SAVE 40% SQ.rr. SALE ~ MIT SAVE 40% ITXIT MONTE CAAl.0, S£VILL£ AHO COURTYAAD PA11Ul't9 2221 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CAtlF. 714/645-1126 NftO(. 9Q, "· !tU1"S 9Q.41, ~. GY·21, CW..lzt N«> ~ti PRICF.S GOOD AT THIS STORE ONL'f1 WlllON AVI . OrMQe Colet DAILY PILOT/~, ~t 1, 1111 GUARANTEED INSTALLATION AND HEAVY RI-BOND PADDING AVAILABLE AT A NOMINAL CHARGE If you are in the market for carpet we strongly urge you to visit BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant -You'll be surprised at the large selection and low prices -closeouts, mill trials and slightly Irregulars are priced below mill cost -If you REALLY want to save money come to where the carpet values speak for themselves. Balboa Carpet Mills manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. In addition to our standard numbers we specialize in custom carpets and colors. XTRA-HEAVY PRIMIUM QUAUnlS ALL AT ONI LOW PllCI llSO IV or lllTROI PLUS SOME SMALL DENIER YARNS YILUEI TO '24 1,. Y4. PLUSH NYLON PILE $ 95 Sq. Yd. FABULOUS COLOR SELECTION A w i de array of the most wanted colors Including all of the popular earth tones. Custom colors on some qualltles at no extra charge on minimum dye-lots. OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 4, DAILY 9 to 5 We manufacture Carpet at this locatlon and sell for I•••· BAKER 8\JNOAY, AUO. 15, 1982 • U.S. waler polol•t11 return from Ecuador alter lini11hing sixth .. I 0 0 FOR THE RECORD See 1tory. Page 84 PASSING, RUNNING, WATCHING -Bert Jones (17) cuts loose with an aerial in the Rams' game against Denver Saturday night. Wide receiver Preston Dennard acores the first Rams touchdown .,.., ...... ,...... .., Lee l'8JM (center), while Vince Ferragamo (right) sits on the bench, waiting. Denver rallied to win. 1 Rams exhibit their losing hahi~, 33-20 f Denver's 17-point third-quarter explosion boosts Broncos to ~asy decision By JORN SEV ANO or ... DlllJ,... ,..., Some things never change-. . . like the Rams . . . at least for the time being. Picking up right where they left off in , 1981, the Rams stumbled, fumbled and bumbled their way to a 33-20 defeat at the hands of the Denver, Broncos Saturday night in the first pre-season game of 1982 for bo~ sides. "I think what you have to analyze is • what our people did in there against I there first,'' submitted Coach Ray Malavasi. "We didn't run weU, but we threw well. We also had good protection at first." Indeed, when the Rams' "first unit" was in there, they built a 14-0 lead. But Dodgers' show they're human after all, 4-2 Bv CURT SEEDEN Oi'llte DelJ ..... ...., LOS ANGELES -Just when the Dodgen were feeling good about the way Jim Barr shut out the Atlanta Braves last Saturday with a nifty three-hitter, the enigmatic right-hander s howed his IJ'lltitude by belng equally tough against the World Champions. You remember Jim Barr -the former highly paid Angel who spent 1981 playing with ldmonton o f the Pacific Coast ~e? The Dodgen won't forget him. Starting only his 9flCOJld game of the aeaaon, the ~ormel' USC star ecattered nine hits before departin1 In the seventh inning as the Glanbl pWled out a teNe 4-2 victory over the Doa1en before 52,7~ at at Dodger Stadium Saturday niaht. Coupled with Atlanta'• long-awaited 6-5 -ylct.ory CNer San Dfeao, the io. left the llodcen 1 ~ gamee aheed of the Braves in •h• National Lea1ue Weat, while San J'rancltco kept It a four-team race by 4DOYinC to within five 1ama .. Some of the IUY• were kidding me Won the pme. They aid, 'hey, we don't .-ant to put any_ ~ on you, but we have to win tonllht.''' Barr ea.id after the ~· . .1 _:'~~~· pleMure to come back to the Loe ~area and pit.ch a lood 1ame," Barr oonUnued. "I hope tl\ere were eome Anael MOPle Wat.china.'' ~ llatt, who ~t •laht yean with the ·Oiantl tn the '70., earned a .,ot on the.San J'rancbco. roewr alter he wu invited to 1prtn1 ttain1n1 and re1ponded by not 8DowiJ\I en ..m.d r\Ul br five exh.lbltlon 'llFJ.:'i:r.b). a_ iorn rotator cuff and :lmMllJiattla, Betr uod«went • aeuon of ebablllutaoa In Sdmonton, and then C .. DODG ... ,...M> • • the team's game quickly fell apart when the second stringers made their presence. Fourteen penalties, totaling 131 yards, one fumble and one interception made life disastrous for the Rams and the 57, 482 who attended the game at Anaheim Stadium from the second quarter on. Of course, Saturday night was supposed to be the grand unveiling of Bert Jones. But not even the highly publicized Baltimore Colt acquisition could leave the fans with much to talk about. "I felt good and did some good things," said Jones. "But you're always disappointed when you lose. "Still, you have to be objective. We played a hundred different people and you have to draw the reallz.ation that it was pre-aeaaon." Thoee were the highlights, though. Outaide of a couple of Ram field goals - one by Frank Corral of 36 yards and another by University of Washington rookie Mike Lansford of 42 -the rest of the game belonged to the Denver Broncos and quarterback Messrs. DeBerg, who was 14-of-18 for 161 yards and two touchdowns, and second-year veteran Mark Hemnann, 8-of-11for146 yards and one TD. Jones was a less-than-flashy 7-of-12 . for 52 yards during his 28 minutes of work. His first completion, ironically enough, fell into the hands of tight end Mike Barber (acquired from the Rouston Oilers during the of!-season), while his first touchdown as a Ram was a 10-yard slant pattern to Prest.on Dennard six seconds into the second quarter that gave the Rams an early 7-0 advantage. The Rams quickly expanded that to 14-0 , too, when Rod Perry stepped between a Steve DeBerg pass int.ended for the Broncos' Tony Reed and 9campered 40 yards untouched into the end 1.0ne. The Rams, who held a precarious 17-14 lead at halftime, saw the Broncos ecore 19 straight points to assume a 33-17 advantage. "We have a goal we shoot for in the pre-seuon," Malavasi explained. "We (See RAMS, Pa1e 84) A's, Keough breeze with 10-1 laugher OAKLAND (AP) -Reggie Jackson put the Angels' 10-1 Joa Saturday to the oak.land A's in perspective. "It was turnabout in fair play," said Jackao11. "They just flat-out beat us today. I guess it's only fair; we beat them 9-0 the other night (Friday)." The A'1, hitting .231 as a team, used nine hita to their advani.ee. Mitchell Page hit hia fint horrier of the season and Dwayne Murphy followed a walk to Rickey Henderson, and the speedster'• 108th steal, with his 18th homer -a two-run bl.Mt. The abot came off Steve Renko, 10-4. Henderson, who later in the aame broke an O-for-27 =~ with a ll.nale, ii now ;.t 10 from Lou Brock'• major-1-lue record of us. Matt Keouch and Tom Underwood comblned to nine-hit the AnceJa. "You have to be careful pJtchl~g to their order," uid K.eou&h, a Corona de1 Mar HWi product who earned hla 10th victory aaainlt 10 io.. over e 2-3 inning•. Underwood waa credtted with hla fifth ave. The American League West- leading Angels are now one-half game in front of the second-place Kansas City Royals, who beat Detroit 1-0 earlier Saturday. Murphy drove in three runs and 8COl'ed four times and Tony On TV today channel 5 at 1 Annu allo knocked in three runs for the A's. The A's took a 1-0 lead in the flul lnnins when Murphy doubled, went to third on Dan Meyer'• 1lnale and 1COred on ArmM' -=rifice fly. The Anaell tied lt in tpe eecond on Bobby Grich'• doUble and Bob Boone'• RBI Rnl)e. But Paae put the A's up for IOOd in tKe fOw1b witb his fint liome nm of the year, and the A'• batted around in the eeventh off rellevere Andy Hauler and Bruce KilOn. 8COring four tlmel to break the pme open. Murphy and Dan Meyer hit RBI lln&les and Davey Lopes had an aSl double durtna the ..wnth-lnnlna rally. Armae 1ln1led home tbe A'• fJna1 two nma in the elehth. An1el1 center fielder Fred LJNl w• ltnack on the rlCht elbow by a pitch from Undtrwood ln the qhth lnnlnc· ..... .,_._.., EASY PICltlNGS -Robhiwood'1 Mickey Hitcheock e1a11 leOOftd t.88 • Pinicltl9 v~ Tim ~ Jumps fOI' the ball. Far the~ on Roblnwood'a ~ and reward. .. hi-83. "I WU able to moY9 the ball around on him. throw a Jot ot cut faatballl and .keep them off-balance," Keou1h added. 'They have IO~ bitten ln thelr lineup, you have to ,.t dOwn to their IWlftth apot befOn ~ Clft pitch around .......... Jldllon felt otherwUle: .. He WM ~ a JM oi lplU... llPlwen,,:aa :tbe wtl lftnlnp 1'cM .., ad ..... -~ ~. IMtial .. -~ .. Lynn appeared to have ~ merely a bad brWM, althou1ti be wH ttken to a =laJ f• pr.cauUonary X- • • I Raiders' big plays foil SF SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The Raiders, a team aiming for a comeback along with a move to Loe Angeles, showed their big- pla y style of past 1uccessful eeuona against the Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49trs Saturday. "We're still a team that li.kee to attack." said Coach TOQ'l Flores, whose quarterbacks came up with several big -yardage completions in a 17-14 victory;· . "It'• still early to tell, but we've come a long way so far this year," said starting quarterbaCk Jim Plunkett, who led die Oak.land Raiders to the Natlo~ Football League championsnli> two years ago and lost li'i's 1tarting job during the team's 7-9 eeuon in 1981. · •. PLUNKET!' THREW an earJy touchdown bomb, and MHc Wilson set up a fourth-per£¢. touchdown with a 76-yard completion. The Raiders' Chris BJhr broke a 7-7 tie with a 24-yard field goal in the third period. "The L os Angeles Raidtfn could be a championship team," 49ers C-oach Bill Walsh said after Saturday's pre-season opener. "They handled everything we did t.oda ." Walsh's defense rushed through the Raiders' blocking for abc sacks, however, and the 49ers showed 271 offensive yards to the Raiders' 237. "At least we weren't beat physically," said defensive end Duane Board, who had two sacks . Bahr's field goal broke a 7-7 · tie, with the Raiders capitalizing on a bad center snap by the 49ers on a punt attempt. Greg Pruitt plunged for a touchdown after running back Cleo Montgomery got inside the 1-yard-line on the long pass play. SAN FRANCISCO scored with 1:04 left in the game when rookie quarterback Bryan Clark, son of former 49ers coach Monte Clark, threw a 4-yard touchdown P'SS to Eason Ramson. Jim Plunkett and Cliff Branch of tt\e Raiders combined on a 57-yard touchdown pass in the first quarter. The 49ers tied the score by driving 81 yards in the second quarter, with Guy Benjamin throwing a 6-yard touchdown pass to fullback Johnny Davis. Despite threats of a $100 minimum fine issued by the NFL Management Council, players met at midfie ld for pregame handshakes as a sign of union solidarity. The Raiders, after 22 years ·i'.n Oakland, intend to play this season in Los AngeJes and have received court approval to move again.It the NFL's wishes. They were introduced as "the Los Angeles Raiders" by the Candlestick Park public address announcer before Saturday's nationally televised game. But the NFL is not officially calling the team the "Los Angeles Raiders." Longshot wins Special Effort Before a season's high crowd of 16,018, the 19-l lon'8hot Make Mine Cash gave trainer Qlane Schvaneveldt his biggest win by upeettlng the colt Sail On Bunny in the flk'St running of the $1.2 million Special Effort Futurity on Saturday night at Los Alamitos. With the brilliant big money rider Jerry Nicodemus in the saddl~. Make Mine Cash t~ed in a sharp 21.86 eecond cloalting wblle beatina Sail On Bunny by a head in the 440-yard oontat. A Winner of the Kindergar1en • and the Duh For Caah FUtUrity earlier this 1ummer, Sall On Bunny turned in a pliant •ort as he tried to sweep the Lo• A.lamlt.oe Triple CroWn. But he fell ju1t 1hort In California's richest race. M.U Mine Cash held off.'&U On Bwmy in the final y.,. tb collect the $411,540 winier'• paycheck 1n the Special Elfort Futurity, with the colt Flamboyan ll'bblnl the ah$t ln front of Break1n RWee. Mak8 Mine Caah ia owned by R.D. Hubbard. who allo OW1W the champion mare Deni• N Diamond•, and ahe came ;blto Saturday'• bll rac:e ur g_\A•Jl.fy.ln1 for both he ~andDMhJor 1\t\\lrity earu.r \hll 1W1!UM& ' ..----~----°"""-.-Ooelt DAJL.Y PiLOT /lund.y, Auguet 11, 1812 f R anger Report' ;won't have skipper Prom AP dlapatcbes 11 DALLAS -Texas Rangers' Ill majority owner Eddie Chiles haa banned Manager Darrell Johnson from appearing on a radio station Jl:>terview program hOlted bra aport8calter who ~ticized the recent flring 0 Don Zimmer .. the ~·11kipper. Chiles ordered Johnson not to partJclpate on D'S "Ranger Re port," a five-minute am that has aired every weekday during baseball season since Billy Martin managed e Rangers during the mid-1970.. Sportscaster Brad Sham reported the end of the show during ita regular slot Friday ,.Ltemoon. n Sham said Chiles apparently is mad for hia 9Qmmentarles regarding Zimmer's flring on July 2fl. ,. l·. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER f::.eorge didn 't call this tinie N.o third term for Lemon O LOS ANGELES -Once the sun was over the yall°darm in Long Beach, Bob Lemon could be ~nably assured he would not be called upon to manage the Yankees for the third time. "When George calls," Lem says, "it ls usually early in the morning." , It was late at night that George Steinbrenner fir~ Gene Michael and if he had a notion to call Letnon, he thought better of it and gave the job to Cl~de King, the old pitching coach. Of course, Bob Lemon may no longer regard managing the New York Yankees under Steinbrenner to be a job. More like a sentence. Ce~ta~y. it is complicated existence, which may · ex~lain the new manager's acceptance speech. "I ACCEPTED the job reluctantly but wilfingly," Clyde King had said. Lemon had said he would just as soon not get another early morning call from George. Lem cannot come right out and say "the s.o.b. is crazy" beqf use he is still on the Yankee payroll. I~ "AB a matter ol fact," Lem says, "I may have thEf.best job in all o! baseball." Lemon lives in Long Beach and scouts for the Yankees in the highly desirable territory known as the,We:it Coast. He is required to cover the activity at IU\8Ileim and Dodger stadiums, San Diego and San Francisco. Seattle is the least civilized outpost in the territory but the stadium is enclosed. So it is, then, Lem would just as soon ~ on another assignme nt in New York which he recogniz.es. as clearly as anyone else, as a zoo. ,. 'It certainly is different," Lemon says, kindly. "Baseball itself 1s different in New York. Everything is magnified many times. The media, the outside influences, the hype and hoopla . . . evezything." ·LEMON STARTED the season the Yankee manager with a contract and a promise from Steinbrenner that there would be no managerial c~ges through the season of 1982. That promise was to be honored for 14 games. "It never occurred to me to hold George to that promise," Lemon says. "I didn't ask for it in the first place. In fact. I don't know if George ever said it to me directly or just told it to the press. "At any rate, I never gave that any thought. I know George." What Lem means is he knows George about as well as it is J>OS&ble to know George. '"No question he is a unique individual," Lemon says. "But I don't think he is all that difficult to figure ouL The two major things about him are that he has a huge ego and he really and truly wants to win. When you take those two things into consideration, it is not all that impossible to un~erstand why he does some of the things he does." •When Michael was uncoupled, the Yankees had just lost both e nds of a double-header .to Chicago and the crowd at Yankee Stadium began to chant . . . "refund. . .refund." This would be very damagj.ng to the Steinbrenner ego and would jar him into action. •"THAT'S RIGHT," sa)(B Bob Lemon. "The ego is aboi,it as large as I have seen in a human belng." The plain truth about the Yankees is probably that the ego has created an atmoaphere of unrest and contusion and it will be far from an ordinary place to work from here on. Unless, of coune, you are Bob Lemon and your job ls in the provinces. "Some things work out for the best," Lem aaya. They sure do. Prior to the New York-Chicago double-header mentioned above, the owneni of the White Sox said they were seriously considering firing manager Tony LaRussa. So, while Gene Michael was losing his job, Tony LaRusaa was uving hi.a. It was e giveth and taketh away IOrt of thing, u ~ough baseball has a man upstalra. ' T:.oda y 's TV I TELEVISION 11 a.m. (4) -GOLF -Final round j>lay in the SamJnY Devil Jr. Greater Hartford Open from Wetllersfield, Conn. ~ p.m. (5) -BASEBALL -The Angell at Oaklanct (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -Denver at the ft4n». Taped Saturday nlaht. _ _._l1_:30 p .m . (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY -JamfJ/9 ''Quick" 1'l.Wt (22-1) va. Ttm Wtthenpoon t:.!) in a .cbeduled 10..round heevywelabt bout CleYeland. Alto: Coverage of the t'"almouth R~d Race. • ... .,. . AILl110 • ~ -AnaeJa at OaJcland, l p.m., KMPC H:Ot San _FranclKo at ~ra. l p.m., K.ABC Royal• move oloMr to Angele LarrJ Qua yield.ct JUIC l9V9ft Ill hJll. whlle walkJ.nl two and ~ out flv• u ht outduei.d O.trol\'1 DU P•trJ in Kanau City'• 1-0 vtctory over the Ttaen Saturday. Reliever Dave T°'UI walked One Pryor ln the 10p of the ninth lM1na wlt.h the balll io.ded to ton:e ln the aame'• only run u the Royall moved to wlthln a halt-pme of th• Ana•ll ln OM American 1..Maue w .. t . . . Ehewh•r•, .Joo No1u'1 ucrtfice fly with the b.-. 10llded ln the top of the l 0th lnn1na drove ln Eddi• M•rraJ wftb the 10-ahead run and ~ DaHr followed with a two-run 1tn1le H BalUmore toppe<i :SO.ton, 5-2 LaMan Ho)'1 hurled a three-hitter for hi• 14th GUU victory and Carlton Patil a.eked a three-run homer to lead Chicago put New York, 6-0 . . . Larry Parrl .. 1'1 nlnth-lnnlng homer to straightaway center field, dlrectly Into a 20-mile-an-hour wlnd, broke a tie and lifted Texas to a 3-2 wln over Cleveland . . . Pinch hitter b5Dave Revering'• two-run, hues-loaded atnaJe enapped a 1-1 tie and gave Seattle a 3-1 victory over Minneeota .... Aatlloay Jolm10D drove ln the tyi,na and winning tw\I with a triple ln the top of the -ninth lnnTng, helping Toronto top Milwaukee, 4-2 . . . The Brewers sold left- handed pitcher Rudy Lerch to Montreal for an undiacloeed amount of cash. Lerch, 27, was 8-7 this season with a 4.97 ERA ln 21 games. Robln1on11 1lam cape Phllll• rally BUI ........ aluaed • lf&l"d· Ill llam homer to cap a nirie-run eiC)\th lnnln1 Saturday, at Philadelphia raJlMd for• wild 18·11 ~over Montl'Ml 1n • pme delayed two houn and 20 minutea by rain. Leadlna off the pme, Peto Rote •ta major·lffc\ae reoord when he puted home run k1n8 Beary Aaroa with hJ.e 12,88Gth at-t , • • CAule Sa:il&b tlammed a two-run homer and Jo•a S&aper acauered etaht hlta in 7 ~ lnnlnp to lead St. Lou1a to a 4·1 dedalon over PiUlbW'ah. The victory kept tlie c.ardlna1a ln first place ln the National League East, a halt- aame ahead of the Phllllet . . . Jody Davia drove In fo ur run1 with a pair of linalea and.A aacrifice fly to 1eaa Ch1cago to a 7-4 triumph over New York ... Bob Knepper and Rudy Moffitt blanked Cincinnati on eight hltl while Tony Scott atnsled home one run and tc0red the other aa Houston knocked off the Reda, 2-0 . . . Pinch hitter Raflao Llnarea' broken-bat two-run single lnto shallow center field ln the eighth inning enabled Atlanta to break an 11-game losing streak by defeating San Diego, 6-5 . . . New York infielder Wally Backman i.uffered a broken left clavt. 'cle during· a poet- game bicycle ride Friday night and will ml88 the rest of the seuon, the Meta said Saturday. The Meta said Backman and hi.a wife were riding their bicycles when Backman ran Into a rock and fell off. Quot• Of the day "We won't be f'"'· We had a nrvolution in 1775." -U •. , coech Mark lelaHert after belna uk*9 by a Soviet ~ If American twlmmen would be atteridln& the 8ritiah Commonwealth Gamet next month in Awitral.la. Thomas scores KO over Tlllla • 'PiDkloa T11oma1 of Philadelphia eu1hed hf1 unbeaten 1trlng to 20 saturda~, •toiL»nft heaSu .favored Jamea ' QUcll TU 1 c.it o with a brief combination of punc et 1n the etahth round of a ac:heduled 10-rou.nd heavy welaht bout in Cleveland. Thomas, 24, entered the fight as the World Boxing Council's No. 14 contender, while TU1ia 25, waa the WBC'1 No. 6 challenaer . . . Gordon Jolmcock, preparing to take a 1hot at. the Indy-car Triple Crown, got h1a rebuilt Wildcat racer back over the track and over un mph Saturday. Hi.a fl.rat lap, 193.619 mph, wu good enough to atve him a st.artlng spot ln the middle of the 30-ca.r field for today's Pocono 600 in Long Pond, Pa. . . . Timely Writer. regarded by many experts aa the top 3-year-old colt before illness sidelined him lesa than two week.a before the Kentucky Derby, made a sucteuful return to racing Saturday, ICOring a hall-length victory In the Yankee Hancitcap at Suffolk Downs in Boston . . . Jaaon Plpoly, an 11 -year-old schoolboy from Denver failed Saturday In his bid to become the youngest person to swim the English Channel, beaten by the exhaustion of fighting choppy seas for nearly 8~ hours. I Hand Towel ....................... 2.471 Washcloth ........................... 97' 3.6 7:~g~·cans 3.47 4.97 Aladdin Lunch Kits Jacquard Bath Towel Colorful, sturdy lunch kits feature popular characters and unbreakable thermo bottles 12 pk. Pabst Blue Ribbon• Beer The Rear Tasto or Ameflca's Ou111tty Boer Since t 844 Stock up now and save Luxurious. thtrstv towers and accessories 1n a blend of cotton and polyester Men's Cotton Crew Socks Cush1on·ltned root. stav up top Co11on1 Stretch nylon Men's sizes 10.13 Johnny Rozettl Served with seasoned v~eta· ble roll & butter Plus dish ol gelabn 99c ~~, Dellcloua Keebler"' Cookies Oeloous Cook>eS 'Fl 0. 4.88 SO'x~ ... Plaatlc Hose Sturdy con11ruct10n for IOng use The 00.t ts on So stocit up " ln.tiOe <Mfft ••••• ••••• •••••• ••••••• Blc• 3·p<:. Pen Set For School Ono l1ne.po1n1 and 1wo me<11um.po1nl pens Blue ink 6.97 . 39 ~88 HancM\efd I-digit Calculator LC.O. chpley. Buics, plus memory ----AM/FM Ca ... tte Record4tr • Slid4t-Nle ~,!!·Milo atop AC/DC ' ·-- Our Lowe1t Prleed RacMal Th• 'KM Special' 8eHOn AMtlal P166/90A13 ·36.97 PlusF.E.T, 1.51 l!:actl • Mounting lnclucs.d e No Trad4Mn ReQIJifed e All Tiree Plus F.e.T Ea. ,,,, l , I , II , , 1 I I " " • " ' • ~ I • $99 Evaporative Cooler Coor comfort. at a low cost• lnstalla tron ol 1h1s 3·Speod cooler is a • breeze! Kman• 2·pl\g. SalePnce Lass Factory Rebate YOUf Not Cost Al1ef'F1ctory Reblte 1.27 -1.00 Ray-0-Vtc Alkaline Batteries Pkg. of 2, "C" or "O" blttenes. Save' ----·--- HIM'l-T WI 00 !0..0.....,.~ ta..-......,._ 3 a-.-,_,__ 4--"-' AutolnglM~ FOf man~ or tlgtll truck ~ now. 17"::::. Color Televlalon Features Automa1oc Colo< ContrOI too• .. sohd state chassis and 1n·hne picture lube f ,. " . r -• • Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/lundey, Auouat 18, 1812 Gibson top in surf meet Kelly Olblon of Manhattan a.ch 1to1e the lhOw Satwday at the California 8cho1-dc Sw'flna A9odaUon tina1I tn Huntinp>n a.ch. Ullna aood wave •lection CJI\ a d~ wnfch provided 3·6 foot wavea, Qlb1on captured the mtn'• dlvWon. A11o tu.mini 1n winnlnC effortl in the two-day meet were Hunttniton Beach'• Brad ~rlach In the Junior dlvlalon, Flortda'a Cryatal Rover In the women'• dtvleion, Newport Beach's BW Sharp ln the knee boarda, Huntington Beach'• Mark Reeder ln the men's open diviaion and Georae Bernard of HuntJ.ncton BNch ln the muten finala. .Rohinwood romps HB team qualllle. lor World Serles • LA PUENT& -Huntlnfton Beach'• Robinwood entry ln the lS.year-old ~ tJW. lAll\Mt dlvlalon dld h wlth •aa• Saturd1y, cruahln1 Paradl1e Valley of Arllona, U·2, to ~ unbeettn and quality for th• Senior Minor World Seriet, be8lnnlna Tue.day. R.lck \l'anderrtet led the way with five atrona lnntn11 of pitching and a two-run double tn the firlt inn1na as the equad of Richard Ulmer took ita opponent apart tn every l.nnina· Chris Ulmer wu 2-for-3 with 6 RBI and backup catcher Matt Wavewski was 3-for-5 in the 11-hit Robinwood attack. Paradiae Valley narrowed the Robinwood lead to 4-2 In the bottom of the first innlnJI, but that waa the last to be 'heard from the Arizona nine, which entered with a 14-1 tournament record. The other entrtee are team.a' from the North, South and East, In addition to the Wut {Roblnwood) and Puerto RSoo. V anderrtet had the only extra bue hit for Robin~e>Qd. which uaod 10 llnal• and 1even free =· if> ICON In every every Bl.a hit. for tlle wl.nnen came tn the thlrd and fourth innings when Ulmer punched out two- run llnaJee. Amona thoee making the trip to Mlchl1an for a 1hot at the national charnpionahlp are left- fielder Keith Matlock, infielder-· pitcher Matt Hattabaugh, catcher Scott ff.a.rper, outfielders Mark Jenkina ana Jeff Darling, firat bueman Mickey Hitchcoc"k and eecond baseman Todd Sanden. (>ther Oranfe Coast area autfera excel In& included Laguna Beach'• Chris Billy (second In the juniors) and Lfguna Bea ch's Alisa Schwarutein (third In the women's division). Also, Georee Stokes of Huntington Beach was third in the maaters field. The Robinwood team left thia morning for Michigan and opens the World Series against Puerto Rico on Tµeeday in the five-team tournament. Also, Brian Rochow, Brian Bosae, Todd Eversgerd and Jamtt Buchert, in addition to Richard Ulmer, the head coach, and asaiatanta Paul Matlock and J ohn Bartuzick. Dair Not l'MIO 'r CllMM atarr WINNER-Robtnwood pitcher Ricky V anderriet had Paradise Valley of Arizona on the ropes from start to finish Saturday. U.n'a T-ehlrt With Kodel• Easy-wearing Kodel" polyettef/ootton knot Styled with chest pocket Great oolo<s ·-~, .. . 4.77 Aubbemtald • 4()-qt. Waatebaaket Rectangular waste basket with swing.top cover. Ourable plashc "' decorator colofs 40 qt. 2.as ~~Aeg 4.44 100 cl Oavlacon• Antacid For f11t relief of heertburn and actd 1ndiges- 11on 100 ct dlewablG tablets F~r $5 :t:c:.~=·~~. o..--........... _ .._-·-·---.... .. .. -~--..... _ .. .... .......... .,,... .. _ ..... .. ., ____ ._.. '-....... ... .... _. ___ #_ _....,. ___ ......,. .... -·4:·---· .. -.................. -....... 1..,...,._ .. ~ Box of 2 0-Con • Roach Trap• 16 oz• R11ict• Ant/Roach Killer 13Y! oz • Raid' Bug Killer 7Yr oz ' F<>ut Gone• F0t Bugs . ...... 2.86 1.88 2.48 1.88 MlaHa' Claaalc T-ahlrt Glrla' Novelty T-shirts Eye-catchtng screen pool designs Cotton/polyester 1.14 Fantaatlk • Spray Cleaner All-purpose household cleaner with adlustable trigger sprayer Unbrea· kable bottle Save 1 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer 2 Cu. Ft. Decorative Bark Your choice of medium or large bat1c pj9ces Helps retain mo11t1Ke Helpl curt> wffd growth Attractrve decor tor garden In luh1on'1 newest colors and styles. Cotton/polyester blend A classic for yout wardfobe A fine lawn, flower and vegetable garden plant lood With 0tganic fish sac 2.47 Now Protec:tOf ---l'rotectof St endard 2147" vinyl p11. low cover. Fit- ted, zip-clo9ute. •F1 01 M lffttdenP Otnturt Tabltta Extra·•trenglh denture cleanMr. 36-exp Shdea 1.97 PRINTS From Your PRINTS* Or From Your SLIDES F~r 77¢ :·--------------------: Sunday -Monday : Manufacturer's : Here's An Example Of How You Save Manufacturer's j Coupon j 25¢ OFF ~uf~cturer's Coupon t ----------------------• po --~-------------------··: , : 25¢ OFF K marr Matches : i Manufacturer's i Coupon Value ! I Cou I t .-t _________ ~ _____ _j 50¢ OFF ~~ngs i i, Ma--:..lllliUtJ. a•A.-'8 i . ~ 0 y OU , I IU I a'""' .::.I , Redeem you manuf1Ct\nf'1 ooupone 1t K mll19 1t double • their value! Ooubte redemption appiM only to lteme In : • stock. Ooeln't ~ tobacoo, free« meQ·ln coupona, 1 ' Total ~ o.nnot exORd the prtce of the Item. I t ~---• ---------------·-----J ... Manufacturer's CouP<>n . ManuflCtilrer's Steelers rally before 93,251 Bills edge Dallae; Buc1 roll From AP dl1pa&cltet KNOXVILLE. TeM. -Frank c.own. ...-.I on a 1-yard run with 2:58 ~Saturday as the Piu.bur.&h f!ltee~rw rallied few a 24-20 YtctolY over the New Enl).and Patriots tn the 1982 Nadonll Football Leaaue exhtbltlon operwr for both ......_ Al a cap1eity crowd of 93,2~1 at the Univ•t!Z of Tenneeaee'a Neyland Stadium watched, equada ran to the middle of the field before ~ game and shook handa tn a show of eoUdartty bi contract negotiationa with team ownen. Ellewhere: I J Biiis 14, Cowboys 10 l IRVING, Texas -Quarterback Matt I Robinson'• 2,-yard touchdown pa .. to halfbaci t Arthur Whittington with 39 eeconda to play carried I Buffalo to a 14-10 victory over o.naa. · l Whittington, obtained from the Raiden~ I summer, outraced linebacker David Mone to end zone after catching a short awing pus on f down and 1. Buccaneers 35, Eagles 7 u TAMP A , F1a. -Rookie running *k MJchaM Morton scored a pair of fourth-quarter touchdowns on runs of 9 and 80 yards, leading Tampa Bay to! , 35-7 victory over Philadelphia. •-. ! Rookie Melvin Carver, a college clumnate of-• Morton's at Nevada-Laa Vegas, rounded out ~ scoring In the Bucs' explosive three-touchdowJl fourth quarter by racing 30 yards tor a touchdown with 1:20 to play. Brow11s 17, Lions 16 PONTIAC, Mich. -Cleo Miller acampered 8-yards for a touchdown in the fourth-quarter and Matt Bahr added the conversion as Clevelal'ftllo'& Browns edged Detroit 17-16. Detroit's F.cldie Murray mia8ed on a 26-y~ field goal attempt that would have won it for ~ Lions with six seconds remaining. Falcons 20, Vikings 17 ATLANTA -Mike Moro1ki's 19-yarn touchdown pass to Reggie Brown with 4:38 J remaining gave Atlanta a 20-17 victory ov~r·1 Minnesota. • r The Falcops, who earlier had blown a 13.0 lead, claimed the victory when bh Ordonez ~ .. v a 34-yard field goal that would have tied the prqit , for the Vikings with just over two minut~:< remaining. Packers 21 , Jets 19 GREEN BAY, Wis. -Rich Campbell tomed:i .•' 4-yard touchdown pass and E'4:Jdie Lee Ivery : ; rookie Willard Reaves each scored on 3-yar ,~-. plunges, leading Green Bay to a 21-19 victory over the New York J ets. : ,,,.. r:: Colts 19, Giants 14 ,. , . BALTIMORE -Howard Jack.eon scored on.J , 1-yard touchdown run with 13 aeconda rernaininC, following a 45-yard intercept.Ion return by linebacker Ricky Jones, aa Baltimore posted a 19-lt victory over the New York Gianta. . .. Dolphins 24, Redskins 7 ·· 1. MIAMI -Jim Jensen WMed a 14-yard 9COrine .. pass and Andra Franklin scored the 10-aheaCI touchdown on a 2-yard run aa Mjami rolled put •'· Washington 24-7. .· t j Details pay of(,~· 'I By ALMON LOCK.ABEY DeJly Not lloettne Wrtw r l'I MARINA DEL REY -Detalla, a 30-foot', racing sloop designed by Alan Andrewa, Jr., Balboa Yacht Club, was the overall and Division D winnet"J in the Midget Ocean Racing Class international ''- championship which ended Friday. r · Andrews, 27, aaid it wu the first tadna boat hi ,., had designed. It was the fint major competition fOl' the yacht which waa built by Dennia Choate in b"i, Long Beach plant. ~r Division winnen: ~ ~ DMSION I -1. New Wave (Wavelength-30r.:· Bob Melville, Newport Beach; 2. Valley Girl; (Capri-30) Bill Herrschaft. Marina del Rey; 3. Dry , Ice (J-29) Ken Kieding, Los Ancel•· -r:i DIVISION D -1. Detai.la, Alan Andrews Jr.t-1 , Newport Beach; 2. Wreckleas (C.po-30) A.G . Kading, Oana Point; 3. F.ddie Hukell (Santana . 30-30) Ree9e and Haskell, Newpol't BNch. '·· ~ DIVISION m -Pro~t (Evelyn-30) Bob1 , Evelyn, MysUc, C.Onn.; 2. Dream (Merit.-26) Mike Geor,e, Marina del Rey; 3. Machine Shop, , (S2-7.9) Perry Lewi.a, Station 18. •.J~ 1----------1 ----------·•, l, , ___ PtaJC __ M)llC( _____ , ____ MUC __ lllJTIC( ______ fl • '· "1CTTTIOU9 llUllNl18 f'tCm10U9 .._.. 11 I MAim 8TATUmNT NAiii aTA~ J!'ll Tiie following pereon la doing Th• following '*''°" te •otnt t ~ .. : ~-= ., EYE LEVEL STUDIO, 1H 1 PHNOM PENH NIWI, 1114 Fullerton Avenue, No. 4, Co1t1 = l't., ~ I. Colta Meaa. C., r ~ CA 92627. ;,. A~ALD ANDREW LUP. 1te1 lopNn~8'8 ~ 1 Fullerton Avenue, No. 4, Co1t1 A ..... #M, • C.. '"21 1,14 ~.CA 92627. Thie II ooncM:teil by ... .,, •1 Thll bu"-la conduc1ed by M lndl'flduel. lfldMdulll. SopNn TIIOlla .n·r Aoneld A. Luc:> Thlt ••~ -lllall wltfl Ille Thll 1t1temen1 -llled with the Count~ Qaftl al °'*"' County Oft County Cter'k or Or-. COunty on Auout' 1a. 1111. ,'XJ, .M'/ 2?, 1082. ~ '1M111 Pubt11tled Oranae Coaac:JS Publt1hed Orange Co11t Dally Piiot Aug. 11, 22, at, 8-l. I 1 >:irl Piiot, Aug. 1, S, 115. U , 1M2 ru ~ .r.l< ··-··--·--··························· V Straw Hat,.ZZA. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesdays 11r L1111 Orl1l1al Pim with your choice of topping• '8'9! .... ..................... ~._. ................ ~. , 1 .... Orlnfl Oo.t DAILY '9tLOTI~. AUIUlt 11, 1111 . 1 u.s. polois t s barely ireach Olympic goal ; Sixth-place I inish in Ecuador a letdown. ~ , By ROGER CARLSON Then the confrontation . J Of'".._ De1tJ,... "*" wlth the RuHtana and the , With their mlaaton tn American• failed by an 8-0 ~ Guayaquil, Ecuador at the World margin, key@<! by the failure to 1 Oamea barely accompU1hed, a connect on 9 of 11 man-up f dl1heartened band of United situations. I State• water polo playen are West Germany handed the putting the wrape to thelr 1982 U . S . a 6 -5 setback i n a • 1 training eetaion thla weekend al controversy-marred tuue and the ·I the national club championthlpe Americana bounced back to play , at Stanford. well In defeating Spain, 9-6. ' International competition haa i' come to a halt following a sixth BUT THE LOSS to West place finlah at the World Games, Germany knocked the U.S . out ~ a big dlaappointment for C.0.Ch of the top four and an 8-6 lea to : Monte Nitzkowski and his c uba and 8-7 win over : athletes. YugO&IAvia resulted in the No. 6 : A Ith o ugh th e U . S . was spot in the final standings. : already guaranteed a berth in the "John Gansel and Craig ! 198-4 Olympi~ Games, the sixth Wilson really played well in the : place finis~ did, however, squeak goal," says Nitzkowski. "And : the U.S. into the flnaJ seeded Kevin Robertson waa our leading •berth. acorer and played brilliantly.'' Others singled out for their contributions included Terry Schroeder, Peter Campbell and Jamie Bergeson, but for the most pa.rt , it was a dejected Nitzkowski. DISAPPOINTE D -Coach Monte Nitzkowski and his U .$. water polo team came home with • sixth·place finish at the World Aquatic Games. Norris set s record again a t Hartford From Pap 11 DODGERS H UMAN AFTER ALL. • • performld admlnbly ... t.he Iona man tn &he bullpen for the Olanta meet of \hit ....,., Saturday nlaht, tn typkal Barr f&1hlon, the blf rt1ht·hand1r ••vt up loll o fly ball outa atdn't ttrlk• out a batter and walked jUlt one. Mil perf orrnance Improved hJI record to 3-2 and aave Manaaer Frank RoblNOn and the Ofanta renewed hope that there la at.ill room tor the Giant.I ln the N8'1onaJ League pennant race. Olanta' lad. The Oodcen iot the run back In tht aecond when Ron Cey 1lnaled with one out, Steve Oarvty followed with a bue hit, and one out later, RUIMll dunked a double Into rfa)\t-center which rt1ht-flelder Jack Clark mia.ed by inchee. Joe Morgan'• 10th home run of the eeuon gavo the Gianta a 2-1 advantage tn the third, and San FranciM> put two more on the board ln the fourth, although Jeff Leonard could have put the From Page 81 aame oul ot reach had It not been for a well·tJmod 1-s:itn. catch by Dutty Baker ln left. Re11le Smith and DarreU" Evana opened the lnnln1 with but hlta. and Leonard then hit • towertnj ny to lef\ which Balcer lfta8Pd. above th wall. StW, tt WU good enouah to bring SmJth home. Barr later delivered an RBI 1lngle to acore EvaN. Garvey'• singles in the aecond and fourth inning, gave hlme 1, 911 to paA C..rl Furillo on the all-time Dodger lilt. . RAMS LOSE TO BRONCOS .. "Hoy, the guy really know1 how to pitch," noted Giants catcher Milt May. 11ffe'1 been around a whlle. He might not have the stuff he had eight or ten years ago, but he makes up for it now. He alway• seems to make the right pitch. "Jim keeps himielf In real have to find out about our young was part of It. We had to aee a lot good shape,' May added. "He's people. It's very important that of people tonight. But I know the 6een in a position to relieve or be we eliminate thoae people you people here and nobody was a spot starter this aeuon, 80 he's can't play and the only way you satisfied with that per'fonnance. I always ready physically." can do that ls to play them. know Coach Malavaal wasn't for Saturday night, he needed "We're not going to sacrifice in sure." plenty of help from four other order to get away from that Malavaal uaed hia entire unJt relievers, with Greg Minton goal." Saturday, except for thoee who finally gettina the last out 1.n the lf hi 1 sat out the contest with an 0 not ng e 11e Malavasi 1·nJ'ury. Con~i·cuous by h;s ~rson of pinch-hitter Mike learned that as lo g lh f" t • h 11 h n as e U"S absence was Ince Fe .. ragamo, ars a , w o ~ounded out string ta h alth h Ra • f th Dod s ys e y, t e ms who didn't participate In pre-a ter e gera d opened the are gol.ng to stay in most games. ninth with back-to-back singles But if a rash of injuries were to game warmups, but did watch by Ron Roenlcke and llill develop, which la 811 likely in pro from the sidelines in uniform ! THE TOP SEVEN have now : been seeded by way of the World : Games outcome. The Soviet ! Union will enter as· No. 1 in the : 12 -nation, 3 -pool format. ~Hungary , West Germany, ~Holland, Cuba and the United ~States follow in that order, in addition to No. 7 Spain. Robertson and Bergeson are products of Newport Harbor High School and Campbell's prep and college days were at University High and UC Irvine. Russell. football as your utility bill being minus his helmet and shoulder WETHERSFIELD, Conn. (AP) The Giants wasted little time raised, then the Rams are in pa~. wanted to be out there Tun. N ·8 h t 5 d par in showing that they're not about trouble The balance of the field is still · to be determined in various ·ways. Now, the U .S . forces ·simply sit back and wall for their · 1983 training to begin Jan. 7, : followed by the FINA Cup IV ~action at Pepperdine University ·(Malibu), the site of the '84 , Games, May 7-14. ; "The concerns I had came to . pass," says Nitzkowski , a ~ Huntington Beach resident. "We ; were literally going for 35 days ; (previous tournaments and training) and when we got down : to the last three days, we just went down." · After a 24-2 rout of F.gypt, it · was evident the U . !:f.-was struggling with only a 7-5 win ·over Australia. -orr1 s o a -un er-to fold guite yet. Chm Davfs led . ~laying with the guys bu\ that's 66 and sel his second consecutive ff "We made a lot of mistakes ow t't goes," sat'd Ferragamo, d Sat d to ·-•-o the game by hitting Dave ood f ball counie recor ur ay 1.11.Ae a S g oot teams don't make," who has been told he will start f t k 1 d M k tewart's first pitch over the d d J "WE WERE NOT sharp, our our-s ro e ea over ar a mitte eff Rutledge, who ..... d~lay at least a half ag .. ;nst Cal h. d Ra Fl d fte right field fence for a speedy 1-0 la ed th -· cu best was behind us," says c.avea: ia an Y oy a r p Y e entire second half and the leveland Browns. Nitzkowski, who got some three rounds of the Greater found himself on his backside After watching the Broncos consolation from the fact a sixth Hartford Open. Goalby, Wall top more than his feet. sack Jones and Rutledge eight place finish meant his team would Norris' three-round total of · Both Jones and Rutledge were times Saturday, it was hard to be granted an additional $30,000 193, 20 under par, was three senio rs tournament victimiz.ed bv a severe case of the take Ferragamo's comment in training expenses for the strokes better than the previous "dropsies'r from their wide seriously. Olympic year -1984. three-round mark set by Bill DENVER (AP) -Bob Goalby receivers. Jones had two or three The Broncos ended the game Other competition in 1983 and Art Wall, taking advantage passes mishandled, as did with 429 total yards to a mere slated for the U.S. Olympic team On TV today of Arnold Palmer's misfortunes Rutledge, inc luding a sure 147 for the Rams. They also includes the World Student channel 4 at 11 on the back nine, moved i.nto a tie touchdown to teammate Jeff totaled 27 first downs to the Games at Edmonton, Alberta for the third-round lead in the Moore early in the third quarter. Rams 12. All the numbers, {Jul_y 1 -11~. a week's.training Kratze rt on the 6,534-yard Champions of Golf seniors "I didn't see a whole lot I statistically and on the sessions with the Itahan team f'""Wethersfield Country Club tournament Saturday. liked," added center Doug Smith. scoreboard, favored lhe Broncos, beginning July 18, a tournament course in the 1977 GHO. He also On a day when only five "But I'm still optimistic. It's going which ls a rerun the Rams in Berlin and the Pan Amen.can set a 36-hole record Friday with golfers bettered par, Ooalby had to come. witnessed all too often last Games in Caracas, Venezuela his total of 127. a steady 1-under-par 69. "This being a practice game year. round, defending GHO champion (beginning Aug. 19,tentativcly). Heading into today's final!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I Hubert Green was five shots A S Uccess £. J t • back and one in front of six , JU r1p players including Gavin I Levenson of South Africa. ·U.S. swimme r s victoriou s in Russia ~ The U.S . Masters Swimmers have returned from a succes.sful invasion of Russia and Finland. The team of 21 swimmers including 13 from the Newport '.Beach area, defeated a similar . team from Russia in a 25-meter ·pool in the small resort town e_utside the city of Pyatigorsk in 13te July. ; The U.S . squad had similar )uccess against a finnish masters '.!>quad in Helsinki early this 1JlOnth. They swam at the site of the 1952 Olympic Games. ' Included on the U.S. team were Joan Barry. Frank Becker, :Evelyn Breaux, Peter Buckley, llelen Ciabattoni, Carola Fischer, &tty Garwood, Alex Ozeroff, !Frank Reynolds, Bruce Sumner, Lin Tallman, Valeska Wolf and Lenny Zilz from this area. 1.~ .............. 2. ...... "'Ml MITOUTl _.. .... ,,......,._ ..... to~ . .-......~ ........... _ ---s c--~ lyltem ou4pul 5 CNcll -_. PCV ·-1 ,,.._ "Y*OUIMn ~I • The Masters program currently has 10,000 adults who compete in five-year age groups, beginning with the 20-24 bracket and extending to 75-and-older. When the Russian coac h presented the American women with flowers and awards t.o all competitors, he summed up the competition with these remarks: "The real winners of this competition were peace and friendship between our two countries.'' The meet was the second between the U.S . and Finnish Masters groups. Plans are currently under way to organize a competition for the summer of 1983 to include all of the Scandinavian countries. Norris refused to call his lead safe. "You're never safe until all the putts are holed and everyone has signed their card, but it's going to help," the 24-year-old El Paso, Texas. resident said. If vou don't smoke, I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Claim your rewatd from: .,. V1 RABBITI ICUtANCE "' 441 Otd Newpon Blvd • Dan iel up by seven '!. .... ~1="' c .. JERICHO, N.Y. (AP) -Beth Daniel continued to dominate the LPGA's WUl Classic Saturday, shooting a 5-under-par 67 to take a conunanding 7 -stroke lead over Dianne Dailey after three rounds of the event. Daniel. who has already won four events on the LPGA tour this year, has a 54-hole total of 203 , 13-under par. The 25-year-old golfer had 6& during her first two rounds of the 72-hole tournament. IDAHO WHITE WATER FLOAT TRIPS On The Famous Salmon River For Information Cal ar Wrttt: Salmon River Mountain Soorts P.O. Boa ~35 . Salmon, ~ 13467 (201) 756-3285 --Dining For Romantics .. tht' ::-111111d .... 1111d '"/hb of tf1e :,11rf 011 tlic braclt at L1 1q1111t1 -··I c11t11n1111 . r n•sli ~' (.;,. I E11qlaml L vbta 1i11<l other /n'.'" · / 1.,'11 . . . Cmuficl1_qht b!t'11dcd 11 •11'1 tlt c :-pm~· c~f lite ·Pacific (kt'""· ... OpM ............ ••mowM (714)• HIS Breakfast Aeservot1ons 494-9707 Luncheon Dinner on th• surf at 61 9 Sleepy Hollow l one Laguna Beach ......... ......_ _ 1.c-.. -. ~ I C'-11 er-caw tir.•--I WITH THIS COUPON ANO 8AV• ~tllCMc ___ _ UP TO 13()00 FAOM If adtht '''' ., "I~• '\U't ~~ _ ... '."P . _. ...... i.11 .... ro4or.uplo 2 .... 11114 ....... _•Kvum"-t. ...--c....,_ (lld 1., 1 cw PLUI eooo ..... ,. -..tti .,_..,... DEAUAI SlJNICE STATION PRICU r-1111 ...a •• $24.98 With Coupon AM 2 .,.,,... ca~rtton $29.98 With CO\lpon All 4 tN,,.I celtlureton M0tt ca,. fn• 100\o• "'0t" •I pottlOt~ on •Pl'•O••lft-lely lO monulea ... 1110111 Iota Hy ••mov•ng 1"4' '•rOu•etof nousong ltom !tie c11 .__.~IJIJllll!lllliu.~'l\T\J"'nVl~ivn~:..,,,,.......,~,~zr.l~I • Comin1 Up This Fall: •Stttl111d flstq •Ctd&ar tutti Send '1()00 P.P.O. For Our Famoue White Water T ~hlrt Ol11nln1, L1nd101ping, or R1p1ir Work IOT YOU DOWll LET US HELP: BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL has everything you need to get the job done. .. W• ftNT1 Trucks. Trailers. Garden Equipment, Hand Tools, Shampooers, Plumbing Equipment, and much more ... CALL BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL t 151 Mlcer, Cosu Mna 541-5521 ~--ANDING· ... TUiie W L ....._ 09 ....... .. 41 .573 K-Cl1y 116 41 .570 i. ~ 112 52 544 3~ -·-67 68 .4N II Olki.nd 51 00 .430 ,. T-<le 17 407 111 ~· 40 71 345 "~ IAITSMt DtVlltON MlfwaulcM 18 47 .511 Soelon 12 52 .543 5'_. 8eltlmo<• llO 53 .531 7 o.1ro11 611 611 .eoe 11-.. N9w York 50 S7 .411 11 C ....... and 64 58 .492 12 ... Toronto 50 et .4711 13 Olklln<I t~ .. ~ ac... Kanau ~ ~olt 0 Beltlmcw S, Soeton 2 ( 10 lnninga) Toronto 4, M~ .. 2 Ctllc:loo e. New v 0<1t o SN111e 3. MIMMote 1 T-3, Clewlend 2 T_..,.10-A111el1 (K. Forecll 10-111 el Oekland (KfnGmln 3-1) KanM• City (Leonard S-3) et Detroit (UJcM 5-5) 9eltlmore (Stew.,.t 7-41 at Boelon (Torrez 7-7) New York (Ouklry 11-4) •I Clllcego (Burn• IM) S..ttle (0..1111 7·11) at Mlnn .. cne (Fetton 0-11) To1on10 (Clency II· 10) at MllweukH (Medich 7-111 C.......anel (Soreneon HI •t T••M CHough 11-1), n NatloMI ......... WHTPN OMfk>tc Dod9wt At*1ta Sen Diego Sen Franc!Aco Houeton Clndnn•ll w l l'ct. aa 66 52 5SI 63 S2 S4a l'A 112 SS S30 3'A 01 57 Sl7 5 52 63 452 12'A 42 74 .3112 23 I AaTERN DMIH* St Loula Phlledelphl• MOil i reai Pllllburgh New York Chicago 6S 50 .6115 6S 51 .560 111 54 S30 60 55 .522 49 6S .430 50 6& 424 let1Hde1'• le-.. San Franctec:o 4, ~ 2 Phltede4phle 15, MonltUI 11 Chlcagc> 7, New Vortt 4 St louts 4, Pftllburgh 1 Houtton 2. Clndnnetl 0 Allenl• 6, San Diego s Todey"1 0- San Franelaco (Laskey 11-11) 11 Oodtl«'I (VelenZ\lela 1 S-11) Chlc:ego (Marti 1-7 end Alpley 4-4) at~ Yorio (PuleO 11-9 end lynch 1-4). 2 St. loul• (Mura 10-7 and AnduJ81 11-10) at Plttat>urgl't (McWIHlema 7-5 end Sarmiento 5-2). 2 Phlledelphla (l:lystrom 4-41 et Mon1re11 (Rogera 14-6) Houalot'I (Sulton 11·8) at Clnclnnall (SNYlf' S-12) All•nte (P Nl•kro 10·3) a1 Sen oieoo (Loll.,. 11-7) AllERtCAN LUQUE A'e10,A,..a.1 CAUl'OflNIA OAIQ.AND ebrllbt ebrllllf 5000 HencleraonH 4 21 0 Downing If c...-1b O.Clncee 3b Ae.Jaclceonrt Lynn cf Clark ct Beytor dh Orlen 2b f'oll M Boone c Toteta 4 020 Murphyc1 5433 3 0 0 0 M~ lb 6 1 2 1 40 10 ""'-" 4 013 2 O 1 0 Groae Sb 4 o O o 0000Looee2b 3011 3 0 0 0 P911' oh 4 1 1 1 3120 Newman c 3000 :g~~Stat'lleyas 1200 32 t 11 1 TOllla 33 10 1111 ._. Irr IMlnOe Cellfornle 010 000 000-1 Oeklanel 100 120 42a-10 E-Gtlctl 2 DP-c.ttfomla 1, Oeklend 3 LOB-Celllorr1le 11 , O•klenel 7 2B-M\lfPhY, Otk:ll. HA-Page (1). Murphy (II ). SB-A Hen<MrllOO (109). SF-Armu CllMlomle • H fl lfl M IO Aenko(L. 10-4) 4'A 4 4 4 4 2 H_.., 1'1\ 3 4 3 2 0 Kl9on 1 10002 St..,., 1 12011 ~ Keougl't(W, 10· 151 Mo\ 8 1 I I 2 UndenooOd(S,5) 2'A 1 0 0 0 I Hauler pltcheel lo 4 ballers In the 7th. HBP -by Underwoo<I (Lynn). T-2:52 A-32,1311. "°' ... '· Tlpn 0 Kan .. a City 000 000 001-1 S o O.troo 000 000 000-0 7 o OIKI Incl Wathen, Petry, Toblk (9) lll'ld l M Parrlltl W-Oura, U-8 l -Petry, 12·7 A-34,348 ~ ........... ~ 000 200 000-2 4 0 T-000 000 IO t-3 1 1 81rller end H111t y, t111ohtt 1nd lundb«g. W-8erll•. 1'•t. L-Wofllf. 1·2. Hl\a-C ...... MdJ.HI~ (10); Tl~N. L.A. PM'WI (10~ A-~.41'. WMt. .. at,YlllUMO NM Vorit 000 000 000-0 a 1 ClllClclO 113 010 0011-• 1t 2 ~. Mc0lol11tn <31. ~ m "'° C«one, Hoyt and ,19k. W-Hbyt", 14-10 l -Aewtey, .... Hfll-ChlCIOO. Flek (1 I). A-41.411 ...--.t.TwtNt a.Ille 000 000 OI0-3 10 0 M~ 000 100 000-1 6 1 Ml MclOr'e, Stinton m. Vlnde ll«o (t). C...otll (81 _, 8"llirle.. SMet: H..,_, A. 0.111• (I) and lllidlW. W-8tanlon, 2-1. L-H•-· 11·9. 8-0eudtl (21). A-7,766. ..... .,., ... .._.., T0ton10 ooo ooo ota-4 e o Mllwaull• 001 000 100-2 e 2 Stieb end B. M1rt111ez· Celelwell 1nd lllmmon1. W-Stltb, 11-t\, l-01ldwell, 11·10 HA-MllwlUllM, 0 . Thomu (31~ NA TIOMAL LEAQUI Oltint9 4, Dodaef9 2 IAM PRAMCllCO -. ioe· ANoaL.H D•¥1• cl ~2b Smith lb ~3b L-Clll May c L.eM .. 1er M Kuiper 2b Barr p levetle p Brelnlno p HOiiand p Minion p ••llbt •rllllll 4 111 Sill 2b 5000 411 I Uinclfellc1 4010 4010 M.,.9hallph 1000 41208all•lf 4120 4110 Ouerreror1 40 10 2001 Cey3b 3110 3 0 0 0 G8IV9)' lb 3 0 2 1 3 0 , 0 YMQtr c 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Aoenldc• pll 1 0 I 0 3011AUIMllM 4021 0000 s1-.11p 2010 1oooon1pn 1010 0 0 0 0 Wright p 0 0 0 0 0000 Monday pfl 0000 M0<111ee pn 1 0 0 0 Tot... 31 4 a 4 TOlalt :ie 2 12 2 ._.,, .......... Sen Frencieco 101 200 000-4 lot Angelee 010 001 000-2 DP-San Frenct1co t LOB-S •n Frandaco II, LOI Angelee II. 2B-Auetell. G.,.,_o, Orta. Cllwil. HA-C. Devit ( 12). M0toan (10). SF-l-CI. ~. IM FrMClllco • H fl tfl Mao Berr(W.3-21 ~ II 2 2 1 O levelle 'A 1 0 0 0 0 Bre1n1no 1 2 o o o 1 HOiiand ~00001 Mlnlon(S.20) 'h 0 0 0 0 0 La. ....... Stewert(l.7-7) 7 7 4 4 2 6 Wtlght 2 I 0 0 1 0 Breining pltefled to 2 belle<• In the lllh T-2:S5 A-SO.llSS. ....... 15, •llPM ,, PN~ 020 000 292-15 Ill 2 MontrMI 400 000 403-11 13 1 C«ttOt\. J. A.-d (7). I\. AMCI (I) encl 8. Diez; Sender_,, B. Smith (7), Frymen (I ). AM<Clon (81. B;;rria (II). Scheu:edet (II) Md Cen• W-J . AMCI, 1-0. l -AMtelon. 4-2 HRa-Plllleelelphla, B Aoblneot'I (I), Montreel, C"1« (23). A-50.672 C•cllnaM .. PVetM 1 St l OYls 000 020 020-4 8 1 Pllllbu<gh 000 001 000-1 11 O Stuper, Kaai (8). Sutter (II and Ten-. D Porter: Cendelarla, TtltuJve Clll. Scurry (II) and T. Pet\a. W-Stup.,, 6-2. L- Cenoelarle. 11-S. S-Sutt• (24" HAI-St. Louis. lo Smith (7); Pltttburgh, J Thomp1100 (22). A-1 s.e211 Cllbe7, Meta• cnicaoo 202 002 100-1 13 o ~ Yont 001 120 000-4 II 0 Jellktna. PrOly (5). Le. Smith (II) encl J Oavl9. SWiii, Feicone (3). H_.,, (7) and Hocig. W-PrMf, 3-2. L-Flllcone, 1·8 S-l• Smltll (7). HA-CNcago. ~ (2) A-21,llOO Atlroe2.,_,,.0 Houlton 010 000 001-2 1 1 Clnconnett 000 ooo 000-0 I 3 Knepper, Moffitt C7) and Aahby, Berenyi, K.,,, Ill) and TrevlnO. W-Knepper, 5-12 l -Berenyi. a.12 S-Mottll! (3). A-111, IU!> tnlYMl.Pednel All1nl• 300 001 020-6 9 2 San Diego 301 000 100-s 13 1 P.,H, Moore (0). Garber (II) and Pocorobe: Montef\llco, Chlf1er (4). Curtl1 (II. Elcllelbatg.-(7). Lucas (II and T. Kennect, W-Moore. 1--0 L-EIChelbatger, 11-10 S -Garbat C20) A-36. 1117 LITTU LEAGUE AU-aTAR8 1•r-r~ llEOIONAI. T~ ( .. ._., """' Le "-"> ~ .... Flnale Aobtnwood 15, PerdM Vel .. r 2 ._. .,, IMlnOe AolMnWOOCI 422 311 2-15 II 1 Perec:llM Valley 200 000 0-2 II 4 Venderrlet. Sand•reJll and Harper. Wa¥ewakl (I); Boyer. elhew1 (5) end Bau., W-Vanelerrlet. l -8oy., 2B-Aoblnwood, Venderrlet: Paradlu Valley. 8ov«. Noll· Roblnwood quaJlllH for Senior minor World Serl••. Teylor, Mlchlgen. T ueeelay vs Puerto Aleo LoeAllalll .... eAT\MOAn MtuLTt ~ .......... ...,..,.. .. --· PNT MC& MO~- N!Oe And Nell! (f'tuflne) 7.00 4.00 1.00 Ofeoo Kitty (Betd) 4.20 1.00 81Nw 8erlll\lde (Hart) UO Al•o raoed : Safari Woman, Wenely FMlur'e, UI Llcly Low, 8MI A Turn Two, Tlnyt 01)' Oo. Time; 11.04. ti DAOTA (7.0) paid 141.80. MCOHD RACa. 440 y11Cla. EMy Tlgreee IM)IMI 7.90 4.00 3.00 Cornar1t (Tonkt) 3 40 2.80 EMy oin..o (Hert) uo Ai9o reced. a.lnte Clllrle, Ptenty A TNClk. Llcly Of Sinn, Heu lorn 1MW* Ti!N: 21.117. w:.l'~L 400 varda (~ 15.00 t.40 1.90 Bad Magic (Tr-•> 14.20 e.80 AAJn Mae Aun (Cefdozl) :S.80 Aleo rectel: Ouaty Pyremlel. Mlrk 01 Monty, Cellor. Rid Ro1n AH Cll, 8yllle Copy, Sall N s.tg\111, Hlldde a. A Lady Time: 20.111. '°"'"" MCL 350 yarela. Jug.a Brown Suger (Ware1)14.40 e.80 3.90 Mighty I Can (AnMtrOt19) I 00 3.20 4 Jet Aaliroed ,..._, • 3.00 Aleo r-.:t: SNfl N Time, s.ctJM, The Noreemen. Alurff MIHy, Flrey Comet, 8Mcto:19 eu.n.. Leo, Country Pletol ttme: 11.14. ta IXACTA (3·11paid 1115 20. '1PTH MCI. 400 vetela. At Eay JI Too (Har1) & 20 3.90 2.90 Good F•llK• (Creeger) 11.llO 4.llO HID Tru Rel* (Mllcllell) 3.20 AIM> rlCed: Jetawey wy. Prlmonett• Man, No Ch.,_ At All. Time: 111.116. llX'ni MCL 380 yard1. MMtar Summar (T,_,•19 20 4.00 3.40 Radar AhMd (c.rdoza) 4.00 3.00 PNCll Pickar (OomlllQWZ) 4.00 Aleo tllOICI! 8MI 0 Me. lowly Lou Anr>e. Chieno. Wellka Cull. Ooln Along Euy, High Henci.c!, SIHwberry Cupcake Time 17.73. ta UACTA (4-1) pe1e11211.20 NVUfTH MCI. 1170 y.,.da Mr Colfu lettl (Ptkntn) 10 00 4 00 2.80 on on °"(Hart> 2 ao 2.20 Ster lrwwtmenl (Pauline) 2.40 Alto reced: TI!tnlt Slk, La v11-. Dendy Duck, ct>eloltM Rodlelbat, Strao. Tim« 45. 70. 12 EXACTA (6-4) Paid 124.00 DGffTit MCL 350 yetela. M«ry Wegon (Tonk•I 11 40 e.20 3.80 TWlce Thi spic. (My!MI e 80 3.90 lnlt19 Oellgllt (BrOolt•I 3.IO Alo receel; FOrtlle L.o\oeolhoo:..,,, "-llK8 Tiiie, Sey Clllck, MIN 0eac> Snuzy. Kellya Collet. Time. 17.71. 12 UACTA (3-8) pelcl 171.20 12 ~ aoc (4-3-3 4 o 31 pe1c1 '3 t.052.40 with ""° ...,,,,.,. (abt llor9M~ 12 Pldl Sh CO<*llellon paid 18411 80 ..+th 32 ....,,_.. (f-'--). NINnt RACE. 440 varel1. Mlllla Mine Cull (Ncdm1)40 80 12 90 7 .80 Sell On Bunny (Sumpter) 4.40 3.80 Flambayan (Che-..z) 10.40 Aleo receel. BrMkln Alllet. Fun Dial. T"911 Cl\emplon, •8Y Yew!, l!len<lolanty, • T•• You on. Super tuneo. a-couplecl. nm.: 21.le- lllXACTA (M) pelcl 1134 90 TENnt MCL 350 yatela 8Y ~ IT'-•I 5 80 4 20 3.80 HOI Stoca (Domingue) II 40 7 .00 Autumn LM (Meir) 7 90 Aleo rec.Cl: Oay Native Too. Moona Trlengle, Pereme<llC. Runnln Sia. Annlu Oame. Sonny The Bull, V1aione Rob. Time; 17.117. II HACTA (1-3) paid "41.20 Atlendence: 111,0111. DelMer UTVN>AY'I MllA Tt (ZJftd .. 44ef ........ Id ......... , F1MT MCL a furtonOI. McCutc:heon (°'1ege) Ill 40 7 .80 5.00 Goodbye J.Y. (V.-gar•I 1 uo a.80 Pklll• to Dickie (Ouemll 10.eo Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/8undey, Auguet 18, 1882 AIM I~: ~ ~ ..,._ ~--=-~~== ~ ,..,. , . ., .. 11C4119MOl.•llltloMt =--~Ml lftQ ·~1 •u ~....... 1.., ""* t.OI • II OM.•--.. cn.,.1•1'11.10 .,.... ..... ' I/It'*'-wt1M1.... I 140 100 OlllftOtWIF""W'I • .., uo uo Vitti,.,. ..,.,..., • '° ni-1: tit. • ~· 12-tl ~ ... ,00 Poumt uca. • l\ltlOnOt. Dool!'• Ool ~p) tO to • to uo ~ ._ (CMtMleclal I 1.00 • 40 P• ,...,,_ (Upt\MI) I .to T1Me t: u Ila. PW'nt RACL 1 tilt..._ on turf. ftro 0t Coll (H~) "·"° 11.20 1.eo In True Form (Mc!Cwron} 7.00 &20 ~1~=M!tc1uellf*i ~o:/ ..... el. Alie,__,, ~ 'MIUICIW Seit, .i.., Mwte. ~.Peril Pleet. SWMI M.id. Alllv.,.., Lildiv L9dy Deft. Tlmr 1:.U tll. • UACTA ~II) CN11C11351 llO. ...,... ~ • turtono• lnMllon ._. (MoCrn) 4.00 1.00 2.40 o.·a ...,. l°""Otl 11 eo e 20 ~TO#f'/~ Ito Alto rKff' Moore Mountain. Dleblo ~ MMI« MINlf .. , CIPI. Wtllll.et, 8olcl Owen. Jolly .. Flr8t. °"'8wlfl Joe. 8'*1111 o-. Time. 1:10 41,&. MWNnt UCL e lurtong9. Mr.Am~ IV.,_...) 11.00 5.llO 4.40 t-ConvNtce (~) 3.40 UO Wldled Hltlar (~) 7.80 Alto rao.d: D ... ,, En¥oy, Meneweer. Kint'• Ander, J9Cll'1 PromlM. A Storm la Coming. ...... Roo/91. time: 1.08 315. • UACTA (t-5) paid 1 11150. ti f'ICI( tlX (4·2·1·1· 11·11) pelel IH, 112.eo w11t1 two w1nn1n11 tlc*«I ltbc i.or-1 12 Pk* Sia ooneoletlon paid Sf72.llO with 6 I WlnnlnO UC* ... (llw tion.). •IGHTH MCL Iii"'"" on tun. CU\lda (Slbllle) 11.00 3.llO 2 llO AVIQaltlOn (Captalne) 21.90 11.00 Skllllut Jay (McCerron) 2.llO AIM> r~: Nonllern Style, Blulh With Pride, Aytng Partnet, Her 0.C:lllOll. Tango o.noer. Time: 1:llO 115. ...nt UCL 1 1111 mMee 8leon 8ey (McCenon) 5.80 3.00 2 40 lndlen 0 . (Valenzuele) 4 llO 3 40 W'*P 15"oemalt•I 3 40 Alla reced. &.!tan of Swing, Oul Belor• 0.-. Mlgllty C-, Can't Be e.t. Time. 1:43. • DACTA (7-t) paid sas.oo. Allend-. 24,913 HR. ECHl8mON 9foncoe sa, "-"• 20 °"""' 0 14 17 2 -33 AMnt 0 17 0 3 -20 lA·Dennard 10 peu from 8. JOM8 (Correl lllclc) lA·Perry, 40 lnt•cepllon retutn (Corral klclc) Oen·Manlllng 10 PIU from 0.Berg (Kerlla kick) lA·FG Corral 31 Oer>-Egloff 2 pau lrom OeBerg (Vernon lt.lck) De n-Weteon 11 PH• from Herrm11nr1 (Duncan klCk) Oen-Lytle S run (K.,.Nt kldl) lA·FO Lanalorel 42 Oen-8alety, Rutledge teclllect In encl zone A-57,'82 °"' At"SI clOwrll 27 ~yardl 40-122 P8ellng yerele 307 "'91wn ywela 33 Seek• by ~ PM P-22-31·1 Pllnl• 5-38 Fumblee-loti! 4-1 ,,.,,.,,..._yard• 11-111 Time of Poti-'on 34:43 IMtwtdual L...,.. LA 12 22.07 90 44 0-4 14-29-1 , ... 2 4-1 14-131 2$.17 AUSHINQ -o.n ..... WIBtllte !>-37. P9"oe 11-111, Pr"1on 4-15. Lytle 11-14, POOll 4-12. o.Berg 1.11, c.,,eele 3·11. McOanlel 1-0, Winder 3--2, Hobbe 3-1. LOI Angelee, A J JOM• 4°22. Ctrr I· 13, J Thomae 5-12. Btyent 2.0. Ale.tMdar 3-1. Penaranela 3-3. Ouman 1-2. Ma)•H• 1-1. O.nnerel 1-0. AulleCIOI 1-0 PASSINO -o.n .... o.o.,g 14·111·1-1111. Herrmenn I · 11-0-1411. Seller• 0-1·0·0, KO-Oii 0·1·0·0 Loa AngelH, B JOnH 7-12·1·52. Autlt<lg• 7-15-0-101, Kemp G-2-0--0. AECEIVINO -Oen11«. Mennlno 4-51, Wei.on 3-11 tO, WIHhlt• 3343, Canada 2-26. Plat« 2·22, Odoma 1-10, Brown 1-10, J Wrlgl'ti 1-11, RMCI 1·7. Winder 1·7, Perros 1-2, £Gloff 1·2, Lytle 1-1. l09 Ange!M. Bettle 2-29. [odlllll 2-23. Ouman 2-22, J Tllomaa 2-S, F.,rn¥ 1-31, Moore 1·21. O.nner<I 1-10. Alexllnclet 1·11. Batbat 1·7. Pen81•nd• 1-1. FIELD OOALS MISSED -Denver. Kelta 40, Vernon 21 Loe Angelee. None. 9'llMf'9 ,., b!':.~ 1A ...... ,...,. , 0 • r-1r IM ''Mdlrio 0 1 0 7-14 "ti -tral\Ch a1 p•H ftOfft il'l1111lltlt ltllMlllOkl '' -01vlt t pen ltom ltnf•mln IWetlOhlllo ~lell) "" -,Q ""' 24 ,_., •. ~ 1 '"'" (IM!r kid<) ,, lll lllllOfl • pan from • c11111 IW•eoNno tucia> A-ION ,_ ........ ,_.... ........ 1• "'*'--yiWde )O.t4 I l' .... )Wel.I 141 "9111H1 yet"ch 1 I ..... 11.n.o hc*•ll'f M1 ""'"' .. ,. "'"1bitl-IOtl 0-0 l'trulll~ ..... TU... OI P°"""°'1 a7·te ~ ......... AU$HINO -"-lci.r.. Pruttl e-s2. """' 4-11, Wllllt 1-1•. aan ,rMClllOO, .___ t-30. V. Wlllleme :He, COOOtf 4·1•. OIYle 6-10. PA8SIHG -Rel:141n. Plunll .. 1 7· 11-0-M. Wilton 4-12-4-18. San ,,ancltco, 8enjlmln 10-19-0-'2. 8 Ct111< •· t1-0•ll, Monl•n• 6-e.o-71 A~IVINO -Raider•, Alerl 2°12, PN111 2-12, Monlgom.-y 1°71, Brlndl 1.57 Siii Franclec;o, Wiiton 4·42. D Clerk 4·4 1. 'l'Ollftg 3-34. i..awr-2·21. NINmleh 2·211 MISa!O FIELD OOALS -Aaklert, 8llM 60, 8lllf 60 Sen Francleco, - ~-.lllGtM7 *°-"'~ Phlladelphta 0 1 0 0 -7 Tempe lley 7 1 :> 21 -35 TB-Ollea 2 P•N from Wllllam1 (Capece kick) Phl-Sempleton 2 PH• l1om Jaworlkl (F"ranltlln kldl) ltlcl< T'B·O•vll 21 pasa lntetcepllon IC•~ klCk) T8-Mor1on II r1H1 (Capece klclo) TB-Morton llO run (Cepece Klllid1) T~ JO run (Capece KklCkl A·e5.6511 lftdlvtcluet llalletlca AIJSHING -Plllladelphla, Hipp 4·30 Montoomery 3· 111, Aoel•nbt•ger 3· 11, Jenkin• 2· 11. Kronn 1-11, Her11ng1on 2-11. Jawor.111 1-5, cllemmon• 1-e. PINtollc 3.e, Otiv.r l·S. Murray 2-3. Hartl• 1·3, Cam¢181<1 1·mlnu• 1, S1ee11 1-mlnu• 1 Tampa B1y, Morton 5-104. Carver 9·81, Wiider 3-111. Fualt'la 2·10, Owens S·7. Wiiiiam• 1·5, 8•<r•ll 2-5 PASSING -Phlledelphla, Jeworakl 9· 15-0-78, Plaarclk 12-21·3·92. Krohn 3·8·0· 111 Tempe Bey, WHllama 7·11·0·111. Fullln• 4·1-1-31, Oold11eyn 3-7-0-411. RECEIVING -PhllaclelpNa Henry 2·30. Olammon• 2·28, Oulck 2-24, Hoo¥W 1· 111, Kab 2· 1S. Sllptoe 1· 11, Sempltton 2·11. Aoclenbetget 2·5. Murri)' 2-minu• 7, Hipp 1-2. A Smith 1-t •• R<.t-1-4. Cemplleld 1·11, Harris 1-S. 011¥er 1·11 Tampe Bey, Wlleler 3-37, c.rter 2·3S, HOUM 2·22. J- 2· te. C1tv« 2·12, ObradoYlctl 1·20. 0-.1 1·7, Ollee 1-2 FIELD GOALS MISSED -Phlledelpl\la. Frenlllln 47, 42 Tempe Bay, None Browne 17, Lion• ti .._. by Q""1en Clevelenel 0 7 3 7-17 Oelroll 0 9 1 o-,. Del -King 1 run (pu• felled) Clev -Newsome 12 pus from Sipe (Behr klek) Oe1 -F"O Murray 42 Del -Ktng 4 p ... lrom Dentel--. (Auten ~ICk) C.._, -FG 8ahf 37 C.._, -Miiiar II NII (Behr ltlCkl " -54.275 lndtwlduel llalletlce RUSHING -Clevel1nel, Pru Ill IS· 17. Miiler S·39, W114te S-7, Welk .. 2·7. Green 3-4, Hall 2-1. McOonalCI 1-mlnue 5 F O.to F De1ro11, A Porter 10·49, Buuey 6-41, Celltcun 8· 13, Klno S-13, Hipple 2-13, BalN 4·10, Simmons 1-11, Mtldlurtlt 1·11 PASSINO -Clevelencl, Sipe 11-15·1·89, McDonald 4-12·0· 1011. Detroll. HIPPie 3 ·1·1-311, Denlelson 7-11·0·13. l(omlo 3-7-0.30. Mach<lrelo: t-4-0-7 RECEIVING -Cle¥elanel. White 3-111. Prull1 2·11. N-•om• 2-21, Aelem• 2-U , l ogen t-30. f'MOller 1-7. Hall 1-16, Beker t-SO Detroit, T POf1• 3-29, R Porter 3-21, King 2-37, Aub4ck 2-4. Seolt 1-21. SimrnoM 1-18. Callicutt 1·26, Martin 1-4 FIELD GOALS MISSED -Clevetenel. None Detroit Mur•9)' 211 A!Mf1ean lpeedeoccw Aun. (et La. C ........ oe "*'9 I flecqwt CkAI) MACH DtY*ON W L rct. Ge Coate M... II 1 875 !MN 6 3 1117 '" ~ llMctl 3 8 333 4•., Huntington BNcll o II 000 1 lMl'tftE DIVlllON MIMlon Viejo Foun1a1n Velley Orange w l Pet. oa 6 3 1117 5 4 .5511 1 5 4 sse 1 Sanle An• 3 8 333 3 Thurecll)''t ca.me Newport Beech vs. Cosl• M .... 7 30 p.m Frldey'eO- MIMlon Viejo vs Santa Ane, 1 30 p m lelllfdeJ'• 0.-Hullllngton Buell va. Irvine. 7 p m Orenoe vs Fountain Velley, I 30 pm Allen .. Ca..kl ..,......_,..,.. Chtlt E¥.,-t Liovd (U 8.) def MllfY Lou P111• 1V t .). 11-2. Wj, 8-MlltClttn (U •• ) Cl"1 DINI GWb.-1(U1:1.). M ...... M OoulllM .__... l.loyel• 8lltle ./Mn KJng (U I I d9' Nency V11101n.Yvonn. Vlf'mllli (Solllll Afrlff), 0·2, •·4. Ketlly Jorde11• .. 1ty HIOllMft (US I dfll A/11'1 ~•Peo.41 Srnllll (U 8), $-3,M . CalHomle Ca..kl ( .. ~. Jonen Kr~ Afr •) def B"-• Taroc:zy IHu"O#YJ. 1-5. e-o: 111oecoe r- (V 8) Clef. Joljn Sedrl (~!;t..4;4-7·11, M . hMHIMI 1; Bob Lutz (U 8.}-Aeul Aamlrei tM••lcO) J• def. Oullle<!l'IO VII•• (Arget'llln•l-lon TlrllO • (C1ec;llo•lovekle)ke.4, 1-2, Syel Ball·Phll Otrlt (U.8.) Clef. rlek (8oulll Afrlel)-frltJ 1 BuehnHIO (W•t Germany), M . 1-2 ' ·. CHA awft!!f!~emplonllhlpe (II HUllt..i.1'lfa llNcll) "' JUMlOfl DIVlllON 1. Bred Gerlach (Huntington Beach); 2. Chrlt Biiiy (Laguna BNch): 3 Jamie Brllllcll • • (Menlletten BNcll). • ...... DIVlllON I. Kelly Gibson (Menheltan llMctl), 2 Ted Roblnton (Manhattan BHcll). 3 Btlen MCNutly (Sin Clemente) WOMIN'a DIVlllON .. 1 Crvatll ~ (Florida). 2 Jolene Smllh ·-: (S•n Clemente), 3 Alita Schwaruteln , , ( lllQUlll BNcll) • KNll 80Afl0t 1 Biii Sh .. p (N-port BHCn). 2 Jell Tulln1u1 (Huntington B••cll), 3 Chrla Conceco (HunUnaton BHcnJ. • • : OPt!N M£H '1 1 .. Marl< Reeder (Hunllnglon Bitch); 2 Jell Novak (Pleya del Rey). 3. 3 LOMll ., Brogne<1 CS•n Dlegol MAafffll l'INA1.I 1 George Betn.,d (Hunlinoton Beec:hl, 2 Morey Menzo (Hermoaa BMch~ 3 George Siok• (Hunlinoton Beedll ·. '• Sea Country CIHtlc (el El Niau.I CC) Overall Groes -1 l'llek Ot.,..·R-Ori-... ( San Clemente CCJ. 210. 2 Biii O'Connor-Paul Reker• (Allllere CO), 283, 3 Grant Hornbeck-Bill Selmon CSent• An• CC). 2114 , Overell N•I -1 Welt Donallut·Ed Oonehue (El Dorado CC). 259, 2 Cart Cummlng.,.Oon PIWIOekl (North RlnCfl CC). 201, 3 Bob Kln11er-8111 ~Hberl fAlta vtete ' CCI. 214. o.. ... ftllhlng Mr• LANOtNo (Newpett tMdl) -1 •now• 11 t>ontto. 77 rnecllerel, 41 , llSh. 211""" t>us. 86 kelP boa 211 1~ DAWY'I LOCKER (1Wwpof1 9Mdl) 307 engleB 3111 bonito, 51 calico .,_, S73 madc•ll. S9 rod! 11911. 111 eand beM DAMA WHARF -261 ana\efw 4 14 -· t berrecuele, 1120 bonllo, S tlallb\11, 1.2111 mac:k•ll. 3 yellowlall. .. 81AL 9lACH -147 angler• 79 • berrecuela. 345 bonito, 113 celloo t>ua, 900 mack.,11, 45 rock ll•h, 20 Hnel bell, 2 ;.; •tlHPlhHd (8er1•> -137 englera. 5 '• bonito, 3 halibut, 211 meclterel. e .. ne1 t>ua. 1 300 -Wt• croak•, 120 q-Ital\ •, 8AN DllOO (H&M lendlnt) -1110 • ~ 1S711bacore • ~~ Golf results car.et., Hertford °'*' LPOA toumem9nt (It Wttherefleld, C«ln.) nm Norri• ~-1113 (et Jencflo. H. Y.) 81111 01nlel ~7-203 Mom says, "San Marino Savings is big enough to be safe ... small enough to be neighborly. " FORECLOSURE TRUSTEE SALE Yes -we can handle your foreclosure . regardless of named trustee on Deed of Trust! STAN-SHAW .CORPORATION ~ Reymond Floyd ~7-197 Dianne Oatley 811-7~-210 Metll c.lcavecchl1 ~-197 Hubet1 OrMn --~-196 Lynn Adema 111-72-72-213 GtvlnL~ ~g-199 Sandra Spvz:tcll 73-7~-21• Mlrit McNulty ~-199 Barber• e.rr-71-80-69-214 O.A. W .. brlng 8&-65-68--1119 Siivia Ber10ltcctnl 73-11-71-21S Oevld Edw1tda 118-64-67-199 MlrtN H.,,..,., 111-73·73-216 P.ter Jecot>Mn 15-67-e7-199 8ob ENiwood ~1119 P.-n OeltJ«I 75-71-70-211 Ra Caldwell ~200 A)'lllo OUmoto 73-71-72-216 a...-AOM 7~7-200 Carole Jo Clllllon 117-70-73-218 Barry Jetdlet 117-5-&4-200 Patti Rtu.o 71-75-71-217 0-0uigley 1()-09-81-200 Sharon Blrr•U 71-75-11-217 fhomu Grey 86..e7-88-201 Doi Germain 71-72-74-217 Mtc:k SOii 86..e7-88-201 Donna Caponi 78-72-80-211 81eYe Melnyll 11-e1-e1-201 J-Blllocll 74-76-ff-218 Mllfil O'Meera 70-68-e3-201 Otbb141 M..-y 70-72-70-218 8llt Br1tton 114-e&-70-202 Otll Hirai• 72-75-71-2111 =Mellble 91-e1-ea-202 Ctlhy Mani 78-72-71-211 d ZokOI 11-e1-ee-202 Amy Alcott 72·74-72-218 ArKty8Mrl ea-e1-e1-202 Julie St1ng9r Pynt 73-72·73-211 Howwd Twitty ea-e1-e1-202 JuOy CleR 74-74-71-2111 luo A<*I 71-66-ee-202 Shetley H.-nNn 73-74-72-2111 Jim Dtn1 07~202 M.J. Smllh 73-73-73-2111 l.W. Clement• 71~-202 ~· Coopet76-fi-75-2111 Joelle Mudd 06*-71-203 Many -71·72'-7&-2111 cunll Strange ...... _203 1(-Per"*1tl 71-7~-220 Jim 8ooroe eo-ee-ee-203 Nancy Rubin 73-75-72-220 tl..8::; IMM7-67-203 7<>-e7-ee-203 ~MorM 75-73-72-220 =-~ ll4MMle 203 ra Palmer 70-76-74-220 8onnlt Lliuer 73-74-73-220 lltelte--203 Mn PfeM 15-72·M-203 Peny:;r: 73-76-72-221 Jeck AeMet 19-7o.e4-203 Allee 76-74-72-221 JohnA~ M-ee-72-204 JllMt Ccl9I 76-73-72-221 IAnY Mc. 7 t-«MMJ7 -204 Jo Ann w..nern 7$-74-12-221 Pettry Altflur 70 81M 2CM OtMlll Auetln 72·7•73-221 Terry Dlltll 111 ee ee 204 .... ,. DeAm1en 7 .. 74-73-221 IMtyNelaolt 7o-et-t6-204 ~Welton 73-74-74-221 Jedi Newton Jr. 71-'8-M-204 e....tvKIMe 71-73-71-221 Pet~ ...... 71-206 ~Ktrr 73-79-73-222 Aod Q.-1 87 ... 70-206 Mira Vtn HooM 75-74-73-222 ~.-. ~-70-206 Vlc*I Slnglllon 711-70-73-222 ~;:-17......_206 7<M7-e8-205 ..._. Mureoke 78-72-73-223 nrn~ 7CM4M7-205 e.uky P..--i 7•72-75-223 J.C. INN 70-6Ml1-206 lair• Hunbut 78-75-71-22• •C..... 71----206 Clwtt Jotwllon 7t71-~3-m Victor~ 111-417·72-208 8.CumingMm 7 75-3-224 LOii~ .... 20t '-"'Y P\111 1a..1e-1s-22• loon Wafflllle .... 20t ::.-c ro::J .. 20t == 7$-74-71-22A 72-74-78-224 71 ----='-'=-et-70-te-20t ~lrltl 1e-11-12-m •7M7-IOI 8tepflenle P'ltWlg 7S40-72-228 ....., "*"'*" 7CM7·70-to'7 c. Ct\lltlOI.., 17·7f.T2-226 Geer,,. Cede ... ,,..._to'7 LN1 Ht.udlotd n-Te-74-228 Jdln Oodl ·~to'7 a=-:::--7e-7+-7&-228 o.w1ctcar..... ..,.,.__ 1 .. 1 .. 1s-m .......... 11.-.7a-IOI ""'-Oomllodi 76-71-75-226 Dofl-..... 10-aoe ~·:=...a 70.Tt-78-226 • T1l'll QnNl'fl ..... ,,,_209 Qllplldl 10-*10-20I 10-1a.n-n& IM...., ....... 10-. EIM'9Hend 71°TM1-Ut OM f'oflt f0.tt..10-tol Jene Loe* 77-7&-7 228 -... .... ... ,,....__ Mindy .... 11·1'-18-228 AIM ... ...,, ...... K.-""*-71-74-7--ttt .--- At San Marino Savings you get: I . No minimum or characs on your lntercsc belrina c:hccltlna account 2. Free c:hcc:lts, 3. No charges for overdraft~ 4. The simplest, fairest IRA plan tor your retirement S. Pays you ~'le above the Interest rate that the U.S. Treasury bills pay Get iour money to San Marino Savings 200 Wn1 Co111 Hi1hoy Nt,.porl lk'eell, Ca 9266l (714) M'"'tlJ I llS E•tt Otcnarm Pa.adtfl1, C1 91 l(lj 121)) 441 ·ll•I NEWS l2JJ HunhnftM Ot!~ Sen M11jfl(), Ca 91108 lllll 19HSOO 6U Wttt llc•crly loultvarcl ~onctbtllo, Ca 90640 (21J > 721.fl)O from all over California Is rounded up each day tn the l "'·II l'lonh Gttndalt A•c C1tnd1t., C. qtlOJ 121JI b6-7()j2 JI S6 ~OCMhlll Boulf\.ard I.a <;1~1111, Ct 91214 (21)) 24~·t40' (714) 542·5811 Protnalon•I Excellence Since 1151 PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND OEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains. Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis. Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry lnciudlnt fine watches. solltalre diamond rings, earrings, gold chains. clust diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE flGHT INSPECTION Fri., 13th, Sat.. 14th Stn., 15th. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 P.M. • 5:00 P .M. Ir 7 • I P .M. Sate ftihts Property of several prominent Letsure World realdenta, together wtt :...; Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In flnanclal trouble. Also, out-of-pa merchandise. TERMS: VIM • MaeterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arran~. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tuatln Ave. (Corner Pac. Coaat Hwy. a Tuatln) Newport Beach CONllGNMINTI ACCKPTID 'TL I P.M. I l ,, .'1' I ! .. I • 1. 11 I I I t ~ . BRAND NIW 1982 IOVDTA TIRCIL 2 Door Sedan. 4 tpeed tranamlqion, bucket aeata and fully factory equipped. (448217). Front wheel drive for you mountain drlvera. Economy, rellablllty & quality -you get It all ANO at · · super aavlngal OUR LOWIST PRICID NIW CA•I BR·AND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (260892). AH the performance, economy & rellablllty Toyota la famous forl Don't mlaa this onel I WORLD'S BEST llLLING SIRllSI BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA SUPRA 5 speed trans. Fully factory equipped plus AM/FM stereo, custom painted plnatrlp,s, carpeted floor mats & wheef well moldings. (038883). Won't last long at this super saJe price! 512 982 , . BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 1-"' ton model with 4 speed transmlsalon & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). You'll J-U-M-P for joy at this fantastic buying opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! IMPORT CAR OF THI YIARI ONI TOUGH TRUCK! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP-__..,,....~ Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transmission. AM/FM stereo, window package and fully factory equipped. (047663). Go 4 wheelln' for only • 57782 4x4 FUN FOR YOUJ .. AH unltl IOld plu1 llX, llcenle, S20 doc. r ... plus dell« ldded llCCeslOf .... AH car. aub)act to prior ..... Sale end9 Sunday, 8-15-82 at olOM ot bu81,,.... TOYOTA , · 1966 Hat'bOr BIVd. Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TAIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise. qual- tty all prospects, take trade-Ins. have available financing & do all P9J>9r wor1cl When your cat ls sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to Ust your car today! 714-646-9303 714-540-9467 BEST u·sED CAR BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTYlll 1111 CULLEllEll SPlllT CGUPE Auto. trans .. air cond., stereo tape, power steering. brakes & windows. tilt wtieel, alloy wheels, new Tu-Tone paint & low mites. (18JK724). Don't miss this great buy for only 1111 PlllEIT "104" •1ESEL 4 speed trans., AM-FM cassette. power' steering. power brakes. power windows, sunroof & morel Very cleant (049TZU). A re1t steal at below who!Male bluebook at 1111 TOYITA OELIOI unuc1 Pe>pular 5 speed, air cond., AM·FM ll81'eo, rear window shade, custom 2 tone p1int & morel (867WPL). A grMt Clf and 1 great buy al Just s5799 1111 OPEL llLllE OOIPE" Great transportation with an eutom1llc tr1nsmlssion, stereo tape 1nd morel Original and clean Inside & out. (772ADH). $,2299 1111 TIYITI OlllLLA t 11011 Economic.I 4 speed with 1lr cond., stereo 0111etta, exterior trim package & moral Vary clean & oomp!et91y orlQlnall (3"7YBK). ·t3999 1111 TOYOTA CELICA umac1 Auto. trans., 1tr cond .. stereo, Po-st•nng & brakes, sunroof, cruise control, tlll wheal & moral (1COP876). Exceptional In every respec1 for only 1111 TOYOTA SUPRA "IUlllOIF" The ultimate Toyota with 1\.111 power, air cond .. stereo. cruiH control, tilt wheel, custom wheels & morel Don't miss this tow mileage beauty! (571XJX). $6999 1110 FOlll 414 1110100 "ILT" Auto. trans .. air cond .. pwr. steering & br1kes. cruise. stereo cass., custom wheels & tires, trailer pkg., propane power & like newr (1ARY786). 1177lllillllll ..... LIP1Ull Economlcal 5 epeed wtth .,, eoncl .. stereo CHHhe, exterior trim packlge & more. (721ZLF). An out11andlng buy at only 1110 IEIOllY OAPlll LIFTUK Economical 4 cyt. engine, 4 speed trans., 1lr cond .. stereo caM., pwr. steering & br1kes, rear window lh1da & axoeptlonally clean Inside & outl (43493F). s5999 TR~. .. BACK TO SCHOOL TIME: Jennifer and Mark Utman will soon say goodbye to carefree summer days As back-to-school season approaches it is time to replenish the wardrobe. 1 The cardinal rule to follow before' any shopping trip is to review your child's wardrobe. Carefully go through closets and drawers. You may find forgotten items that were too large last year, bllt are a perfect fit now . Check these items against. a list of clothing your child will need for school. Take the child shopping with you whenever possible. Even young children have definite preferences and favorite colors. Bu~g something you think your child will like or jll8t became it is on sale is no bargain if the child refuses to wear it. Choose clothes that do "double duty." A wardrobe of coordinated tops and bottoms is the 'perfect answer to an active school-time schedule - twp bottoms and three or fotlr tops can take a child from 1ehool, to the playground and on to a special event with ease. For younger children, time spent in the dressing iproceae can be diminished by seeking easy-on, easy-off ckithing without complicated £a•teni.nga. Panb with eluticiled waittbandt and slip-on tops with neck ~nings that have JUfficient 0 give" to glide easily over a child's head are great time-savers on busy school mornings. Other clothing designs that call8e little fingers fewer frustrations include: jackets or tops with snaps, belts witlr magnetic fastenings, and coats or jackets with big, easy-to-work zippers. As the school year is a particularly long season, make sure clothes fit comfortably. Kids grow by leaps and bounds, so it's a good idea to leave some room for this growth. Armholes and waistbands should be non-restrictive. If possible, try the garment on your child before making yol1r purchase. Sizes in children's wear vary from manufactlJl'er to manufacturer, so you can't guess on fit. Be a quality-conscious shopper. A "bargain" that falls apart after a few washings or wearings is no · money-saver. Tl1rh the garment inside out: Check to see that seams are straight, overstitiched, a~d matched where pieces are joined. Seams should be finished with no looee threads to unravel. Stress points such as pockets and belt loops 1houJd be reinforced with 14bar tacks" (over-atitching). Buckles and futenen ahoWd be of high quality and aecutely attached. If.workmanship is poor, the garment may not last the season, much less be suitable to pass on to a younger brother or sister next year . Active kids, and this includes high school students, need clothing that is able to survive frequent washings. Look for easy care garments that are fashioned from durable, permanent press, shrinkage-controlled fabrics that pop right into the washer and dryer. Care instructions are listed on a permanent label stitched inside the garment. Following these instr1,1ctions to the letter will help maintain the garments' initial good looks. Since most homes are busy in the morning, some of the tensions that build before breakfast and departure time can be avoided by planning ahead. Along with easy-on clothes for the younger children, it is also helpful to lower the closet rod to a child's height, or put clothes in lower drawers that are not difficult to reach. Helping young children and encouraging the older ones to lay out their clothes the night before is another good way to avoid hearing that early morning cry ... 0 Mom, what should I wear?" or 0 1 don't have any eocksl" ' .. I I 11 OrMje Co.t DAILY Pt LOT llunday. Auguet 18. 1912 Plastic surgery won't stop aging I Iv VIDA DEAN Mr ........... Laat week l wa1 wrltln' about plaatlc ~pry and about the lecture liven b)' Dr. ·Edward Doman1kl1 of Newport Beach at 8ullock'1 South Cout Plua ln connection wtth the ltOre'• akin care lel1\.lnar. In talkina about t.ce-Uftl, Domanakit aid • patient "haa to be reallatlc about the expectations." A face lift will help the expl'ftllon llnes around the cheeb and brow, he explained, but will not completely remove theae ltnet. He remarked that people wtth a lot of exprellion will wrinkle more than thoee wtth f.cee •- mobile. In explainina that the part of the body most often worked on by plutk: aurgeona la the eyea, Domanskls noted that exce11 akin and fatty U... can be removed above and below the eyes. He uid that aometlmes the ak1n and tillue above the eyes are IO excessive that it hampers vlllon, and corrective surgery ln 1uch cues la often covered by health iNurance polidell. Interestingly, Domanskis aaid that 80 percent of plastic aurgery can be performed in the doctor's office under a local anetthetic. Of courae the patient mu.t be in good health. Tboae with medical problem• or with hlah blood ......._. Dan Montgomery, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologlat Lie. #PE6944 ··A SenS1ttvtJ Approach To Your Problems" MARRIAGE. FAMILY ANO CHILDREN CO-OPERATION & COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST CALL FOR ~I.JI FREE INITIAL 770 0692 CONSULTATION . • Piiot advertising Is good business for Lent of California. CHAMPUS APPLIES VDA . .,'f:J ~~J ·- i j, around the Jobe and up behind the ear, endlna 1n the hair at the back of the had. The type of 1ncl•lon varlet accordln1 to the 1ur1eon'• preference, Domanakit pointed out. Sometim9' then are •pedal l)l'Obleml wtth lndlvtdual cuet which require dil.ferent lnclalon teohnlquee, he explained. preuure, for example wlll u1ually opt for holpltalt, and thJa obvtoualy lncreue9 the <mta. Other freqUl!nt tarptl for plutlc surgery are the nc.e and eva. Ne.ea can be molded and l'fthaped to flt a perec>n'• face. Mo.t people · underaoinl thll 1urpry have rhlnopluty to correct a nOH that la too larae, too long or perha__p to remove a bump .• After the lnltial lnct.ion, the akin of the face and neck ii undercut, forward Into the cheeb, downward and backward lnto the neck. Thia freet the akin 10 that It may be drawn up, ~tened and 1mOOthed. The exceea ii cut away and akin edaa are carefully tailored to flt smoothly lnto the tcalp and around the ear. Some 1urceorw now dahten the facial tilluee ln two layers, flrat elevatlna and tightening the platyama mu.clel and a layer of U.ue called the SMAS. They then tfahten the ak1n separately. F.ara that are too Jarae or that protrude can be reahaped even on chilClren u youna u aae 4. But the catch-all phrue that ii most often ~ ln plutic aurpry dlaculllon " "face-lift." 'Ibe averap aae of penona elecUnc to have thll •uraerY " ~ to ~2 years, and here'• how the doctor8 perform thil blt of repair work. Indalona are made ln the hairline at the templet and extend down ln front of the ear, Other 9W"P0m remove the fat from beneath the jaw and ln the neck to improve their contoun. Stitches are placed ao they will not be euily notkled. While the detal.11 of thil kind of surgery may make you feel aort of .queamllh, it's probably a aood idea fOI' you to know what ls done if you 6.ave been wonderina about investigating this for you.nelf. . And tf time la an U,,portant consideration - the autul"el ahould be out in aeven days and On the cover • • • Nine-year-old Jennlfer Utman and her brother, Mark, 5, wear school tog• by Terrific from Petite Marche, 369 E. 17th St., Coats, Mesa. Both royal blue outfits are fleece lined cotton blends and are washable. Jennifer'a skirt has an elaaticized waJst band and ruffles from the low waistline. Bright hearts decorate the sleeves and front of her pull-over top. Mark's two-piece ault of pull on pants with cuffed legs and pullover striped shirt will make dressing tor school a snap. In September Mark will enter kindergarten and Jennifer will be a fifth grader at Harbor Day School. Their canine friend, Golden Retriever Louie Bowie, like millions of other dogs, will sit st home waiting tor the return o{ their young mast.en and mistresses. Susan a.nd Tom Utmsn of Newport Beach are the parents of the young models photographed by Lee Payne of the Daily Pilot staff. DllllJ ..... ,..... "' Lee .. .,.. A SPECIAL DAY -Yves Saint {Aurent designed the French school dress (lei t) modeled by JeruUfer Utman. The pink on pink candy stripe cotton blend is washable. Ruffles corning to a V and front tied sash make the dress just the right attire for a speciaJ day at school. From Petite Marehe in Ca.9ta Mesa priced at $74. CLASSY SEPARATES -Mark Utman wears machine washable navy wool blend slacks and a cotton poly light blue oxford shirt, (right) both Imp Orlst1nals. with his wool herringbone Imp jacket made with suede patches on the elbow. The smart bow tie adds just the right touch. The complete outfit is $94 st Petite Marche, Costa Mesa. you'll be able to shampoo your hair. After two weeka you can wear makeup and resume ~ actlvttlee. Domanak1a aald that collqen can help the cheek and brow llnee. He aaJd the patient ii flrJt injected wtth the collagen and alter a month, If there hu been no bad reaction, It can be injected into the laugh linea. I CoUaaen helpa to oo.rrect the problem. Wt again, it cfoesn't atop the aging. I Aa he di.cu.ed the parts of the body, he showed color alidea of before and after exampleS, commenting on the procedures. He explained how extremely heavy breaata can be made smaller and extremely small breasu enlarged or taalni breutl can be Wted. ''Ma.t women wishing to have their breasts enlarged are usually reaaonable ln their request;' he said. He explained that lillcone lmplanta are available in all sizel and are placed behind the breast tissue. Tbeee lmplanta are envelopes filleti either with silicone gel or aallne 10lution or '- combination of the two. They are not to be conluaed with liquid silicone injections once uaad directly lnto the breasts. · These injectlona are now illegal and are considered dangerous. See Plastic surgery, Page C5 . I 'The Mikado' star ~:Surprises opera buffs 18Y VIDA DEAN · JDt"' .. .., ......... v Membttra and sue-ta of the Opera Leque of Lacuna Beach, sup~t 1r9up of th• "Lyric 10pera Amodadon of CoUnty, auend!J\g a luncheon at Thrw Arch y Clubhoute to kick ff Sale. to the Sept. 11 performance of "The . Mikado," had. nice IUl'pri8e. Richard Sheldon, star and director of "The ~lkado" made a surprise appearance and shared c:a little of the history of the opera. The Gilbert and Sullivan specialist from England was Jntroduced ~ne Orton, president of the Lyric Opera · tion. -:, She)don la also founder of Opera A La Carte ~hlch will be performing "The Mikado" at the tlrvine Bowl, home of the Festival of Arts and J>ageant of the Mastera. ,, Entertainment at the Hawaiian themed !luncheon was provided by Diane Pilcher, who just returned from an operatic tour in Europe . .Mrs. Wilma O'Keefe of Niguel Shores chaired the event. Invitations for "The Mikado" should be in the mail very shortly, according to league president Phyllis Littlejohn. "The theme for the evening is 'An Emperor's Feast,' and we ~ncourage those attending to bring their own 'See Party Wrap, Page C5 DINNER PARTY -Col. Charles and Grace ~Kunz of Newport Beach were among the t 100 guests of Mrs. Arthur 0 . Straub of r Irvine and Del Mar at a dinner party she ' h osted at Milles Fleurs Restaurant in Rancho Sante Fe. Many of the guests were noted thoroughbred owners, trainers and keys along with just "plain" race fans. T THE RACES -Mrs. Barry Goldwater, eft, and Dorothy Yardley along with a up of members from the Balboa Bay Club ttended the races at Del Mar Thoroughbred ub. · ary McFadden fashions et at Neiman-Marcus NEIMAN-MARCUS: Mary McFadden's hlons will be informally modeled from noon to p .m. Wednesday ~d Thursday in Couture. On turday at 11 a.m., a one-hour Evan Picone c will be held in the Sportshop. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: Three make up from Halston Cosmetics will be availab~ the South Coast Plaza store through Aug. 2l. Rina Di Monte lla's collectio n will be ormally modeled from noon to 3 p.m. in the gner Salon. A children's fashion show is scheduled at 1 . on Aug. 21 in the Jewel Court of the SCP BROADWAY-NEWPORT: A Ralph Lauren uty Clinic will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ua. 17-21. Personal consultations may be ged by calling 644-1212, extension 243. Liz Claiborne's fall collection will be onnally modeled noon to 2 p.m. Thunday. NORDSTROM: Designer Karen Callan will _....,t her collection of natural jewelry at the th Cout Plua •tore from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on first floor. AlllO .cheduled at Nordstrom Aug. 19-22 la a; promotion in the Boy's Prep and Children's partment.e on the third floor. 1 BULLOCK'S WILSHIRE: The f.all collection om Evan Picone Jr.'1 wlll be preeented W'lday, Aug. 19, frwl 11~30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. auina lnfCll1'D&l modellnc on the Upper Level ROBINSON'S : .\ b.ck-tc..echool fQbfon for lddl ~11beti!ldat2 p.m. on Saturday, . 21, in the Newport Bmch store. HA wAiIAN S'l'OPOVBB -Wilma O'Keel~, aeated, wa clWmw> ol a Hawaiian luhlon luncheon held at Three Areh Bay ClubhCH.llle Jn anticipation of the Sept. 11 performance of the Mikado prwented by Lyric Opera Asaociatlon. With her are Irvine Orton, president of the Association, and Pbyllls Littlejohn, president of the Opera League. I CAMP BEVERLY HILLS IS A FASHION ELECTIVE, TAKING A UTILE VI.CATION FUN BACK TO THE , SCHOOLROOM. GIRLS' SIZES AVAILABLE IN LODEN GREEN, KHAKI, PINK OR PURPLE; PRETEEN SIZES IN KHAKI, PINK OR PURPLE. LONG SLEEVE, PULLOVER SWEAT SHIRT HAS 'CAMP BEVERLY HILLS' LOGO, GIRLS S·M·L, 17.00; PRETEEN S·M·L, 18.00. SWEAT PANTS HAVE STRETCH WAIST ANO ANKLES, GIRLS S·M·L, 17.00; PRETEEN S·M-L; 18.00. SOUTH COAST PLAZA. OUTSIDE OUR LOCAl DIALING AREAS IN LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES, CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-432·7175. OP~llA BUFFS -Helen Ban••, Franklin Metsler aitd Billi•·: Devaney, from left, were among thOtle attending thff()per• ~'• • luncheon at ThJw Arch Bay ClubhOUle . . I . . . .. . ~ .. . .. . • • . 1 High grades go to range of back-to-school styles AA en\lclnC array of fuhlon optJOna and cuffed pant.a in the chlldten'a .._~""·~ awal• the bedt-to-achool 1hopper. ..... TradlUonall1ta and 1\yle-1etter1 Probably the moet dariftl of tha allke wtll 1tve hilh markJ to the new fall fuhlon trendl Ja the 1Dt.rt*9, ranp o1 ttylel av&llabl• tn both the tonaue-ln -cheek tribute to the children'• and~ areu th1a year, "Ji'abuloua Flfll"." Muecle 1leeve IOCOrd1na to Lee Hocan Cul, fuhlon ~ and the strailht lea jean ln director for Sout!iern California black denim have the "MW wave" aro.ctway atores. looks that wlll attract emer11n1 TtM.e of the "preppy" perauaaion !:~~n-conlC'loua pel'IOnallU. .of botH wW be reallured to find their favorite ktivewear lilhouettee for children oxford ahlrU and crewn«k sweaters fMture mini aklrta -tiered, flounced ln ample 1upply, while the more and itraight _ u well u the aptly- avant-1arde can IAl1lple the 50's New named "skort" which combl.nes the Wave clothes. The flounced denim skirts and !~~~f a sklrt with the practicality of ruffled blouaet of recent seuons have Sweat suit• are highlighted by been given new impetus by the ruffles and acreen prints. Knicken updated "pioneer" looll for children wtth built-in legglns will be welcome with its yoked blouses and paper bag when cooler weather comes. pants with suspenders. The fall color palette: teal, dnnabar, Effortless elegance is epit.omiz.ed by mustard, periwinkle and fuchsia. the "Saville Row" flannel plnstriped Favorites like kahki, gray and navy vested suits and men's wear pattern are not overlooked. They are an ahlrts for juniors and the tuxedo shirts integral part of the "preppy" look. Evan Picone. All of fall, Saturday. Join us from 12 to 3 for in- formal modeling of the complete collection. And see how beauti- fully these richly , detailed flannels, tweeds and silks \· \. work into your week-~ ·· day! Sport Shop. , Newport Beach. \ \ --~ \ N-M Fast11on Island. open 1010 6 Tues. Wed. Sat, 10 to 9 Mon, Thurs. Fri: Sun 12 to 5. A festival in music for the whole family. It's singing. It's danc- ing. Ifs entertainment like you've never seen. The Up With Peopfe Show Is an internation- ally acclaimed cast of <MK 100 young people who sing and dance their way right Into your heart. With music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreo- graphed. colorful festival of music. Coming a.pt. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast Cotlege auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance ticket• for 17 avallable at the OCC ticket office, 558-5527. Ticket• on n~ht of performance are $8 at th• gate. Event co-sponsored by Orange Cout College and the Orange Coaat Dally Pilot. BACK-TO-SCHOOL -Dressier autumn days ca1l for pretty blouses and flouncy skirts. Calico print skirt has lace trim ($12). Soft, feminine ruffles accent her blouse ($12). Both come in sizes 7 to 14. Belted Chino pants ($13) sizes 4-7 and sizes 8-16 ($18), teamed with a wool crewneck sweater, $17, sizes 4-7, or velour V-neck top ($16) make a classic statement. (Available at Mervyn's) Black emerges as an important new color for juniors and children. It is the pivotal color in tuxedo and "Saville Row" dressing and an essential elemeni of the "new wave" look. Accessories play a strong supportin~ role in back-to-school fashions. Bow ties, in both structured and soft Interpretations, cummerbunds and wrap sashes complete many of the new modes. Favorites such as knee socks and suspenders are available in lively and unexpected color combinations. The renewed interest in black patent accessories for the adult market is reflected in the shoes and belts designed for the junior markets. THE LOWEST PRICES EVER! CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS OF MANUF. FABRICS ... BUY DIRECT. IN HOUSE DESIGNER AVAILABLE SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Custom Drapes and Bedspreads To Match SELECTED DESIGNER PRINTS SELECTED ANTIQUE SOLIDS DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M-F 10-5:30 WED. 10-7 SAT. 10-5 18085 EUCUD @ 405 FWY. FOUNTAIN VAUEY 963-5659 BASS SEASON TRA/)/T/ONAL FAU. FooTWE:AR FROM G. H. BA\\ • capez10 .. PorL 1 AR Sr1:< 11:.~ of che BASS FAMILY ---@>--- TIU; TASSLED WllJUN A ./n,·.t ,l.•.to.cfl.l.uu .. / rll. o.ilr•••.,/ l.1.1/. • rll. W(-(iun «m /\ ol.'ll "'"'' '" II• I"'''"'"""' ... .,,iw, u1•I.' ,,,..,""'•I"•''"""'" "'"'" ·\tt#t.~ "'"lkn\lll\\' m "'-llwreottw1'.~r.•t1n" ntE IJ'CEO 1¥-)ATlR B ..,,..,,., .... fiwnJ '"ml.JnJ fl'l?l'•nJ ILi .. ~u ILi tn and ""'"'"''"'~.J WtWrrUAn, r1w .,,..,,.,, ""'""""°""" '"'" "lJt '"""' "' ""'" •.n\11• .... S-tlt c ... t ''°•• /Cv1w Mr.._ Qill~rrt111.1 9ZtU6 7J4/HO 157' SHORT CUT -Walle back to school in style • this fall in a corduroy walking short by ' Hartwell ($28) and jacket by The Broadway ~ ($60). The look is completed by adding a • bow tie, knee socks and newsboy cap. · VARSITY, RAH!-Variations of the varsity theme updated for fall -electric blue :. oversized sweaters by Trousers Up worn ' over mini skirts or alone as mini dresses. A V-neck stripe sweater ($30), left, is worn ~ with simple blouse and a bow tie. On the •, right, a cowl-neck sweater ($30) worn ' under a sl.eeveless cardigan ($32) and striped ..: mini skirt ($30). (Available at The "). Broadway) Retirees slate meeting Huntington Beach Chapter 857 of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED" PERSONS, INC. will mee~ at 12:30 p.m ,1 1\teeday, Aug. 17 In Murdy Recreation Center, 7000 Norma Drlve, Huntington Beacht1 Memberahip lJ open to all pertont 55 yean of .,_, and over. · 1• Nordstrom penonal ahop;>er Bev Springe1h will preee!\t a pl'OIJ'UD on wardrobe p1annina at ... the 11:45 a.m. Wednelday, Aug. 18, mothel""" dauahter luncheon planned ~>' NEWPORT 1 BEACH CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CLUB in \hi Airport.er Inn. Guest speaker will be Melodi.I Sc.anford and mulllc wW be preeented by vocallat O.vld Ralelp. Further information avallab r from Mrs. Jim Dority. . gunior Council hosts Galifornia ar~ show )}om Page C3 -JOwmet picnlc dlnner 'flt tor an emperor'." The pta at \he Irvine Bowl wW open for picnicking •t 6 p.m. and the performance wW begin at 8. Ticket.a are $12.50, $10, $8. Invitations or ~ information may be obtained by calling the illloctatton at 499-l!l33 or writing to P.O. Box &14. Laguna.Beach. I · ENJOYING ART: The Junior Council of the guna Beach Museum hosted a reception to ebrate the opening of Southern California awlnga before 1950 and Contemporary itornla Artists VII which featured the 1pture and paintings oC Chapman College art p-ofeaors Bret Price and Jane Sinclair. • Members and guests previewed the artwork mhanced by the terra-<:otta colored walls while bjoying cocktails and a delicious array of fummertlme nibbles prepared by council !PfD..bers Kathy DouaJass and Linda Bratcher. · Later, on the museum patio guests were treated to barbecue and a buffet of fresh fruits ~ vegetables. Jacque Bassett was coordinating ~ for the event. An added highlight of the evening was the it'esentatlon of blue ribbons by the council to ~ue ribbon sponsors including Marla Bird, Quarles Culp, Allee King Davis, Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly, Zada Megonlgal', Mr. and Mrs. .lOger Ohanesian, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, $uzanne and Ted Paulson, Virginia Mayo· 'J'9maso, Mrs. G.C. Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. lfick Williams. Guests included Museum Director Dr. Bill ~n and his wife Diana, Ward Ritchie, the .ferry Mulers, Mrs. Harlan Frazer and artists lfh06e work was exhibited in the "Drawings" !lllow, Edward Biberman, Hans Burkhardt, Irving Block and Alexander Golit.zen. · Curated by Nancy Moure, assistant curator of American Art at the LA County Art Museum, the Southern California Drawing exhibition will be open through Sept. 16. It includes architectural drawings, cartoons, movie sketches. book illustrations, landscapes and portraits by such artists as Conrad Buff, Hans Burkhardt, Q&kar Fischinger, Stan Johnson, Ben Kutcher, Paul Landacre, Stanton MacDonald-Wright, Kay N:eilsen and Frank Lloyd Wright. COORDINATOR -Jacque Bassett, president of the Junior Council LB Museum, reception coordinator, and Hugh Bassett, left, and Ted Peterson check out the barbecue served to guests. While sampling the food and viewing art, guests heard music by classical guitarist, Kevin Fitzpatrick. . . . Plastic surgery From Page C2 _ And it illustrates the advancement of plastic 1urgery, now a vital part of medicine far removed from the fad stage. • Theme techniques are u.aed a great deal in reconat('uction work for women who have uPder:f.one mastectomies, Domanskia aald adding that • tethnlquea are being perfected aU the tllne." , Potential candldatea for thl1 cosmetic 1uraery should become u well Informed u JJC*lble on the aubject. And It you are thlnkin,a ~havtna tlOIDe work done, considtt \h.la final ..W of advk:e from Domanalda. , "Get your weight down to within five or 10 ooundl of your proper weiaht before you go ln 1 lOr IW'gery." - Cl MUSEUM PARTY - Alex•ndf'r and Barbara Bowl~. left, chat wJ th Nancy Moure, guest curator, •st a receptlon h0trt«I by the Junior CowlCJl of tho Laguna Beach Museum of Art. OUR GOLDEN RULE OUR DESIGNER BRIDAL COLLECTION. You'll find the diamond bridal set of her dreams in our breathtaking designer collection. You'll also find the superb quality and values our reputation 1s built on. 18 karat yellow gold: A. $2.300. B. $1.950. C. $2.500. D. $1 ,750. E. $2.000. F. $1.850. Come let us advise you. You know what's smart You know what's cool ... Clothes from t he Livery For back to school! If you buy them on sale Your no body's fool. Storewide sale starts August 23rd. #11 South Coast Plaza 540-4600 Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA Firs1 Je w•/, Bullock 's winl(. 17141 75 1 S64tl THE FIRST PLACE 5 FABULOUS YEARS When I Magnm South Coast Plaza opened 5 years ago. we told you it would be the ultimate. Now we've chosen son1e ult11nate events to celebrate these 5 years with you. TEDDY BEAR SHOP OPENS Sunday, August 15. Bring the kids to Jelly Bean National Park, Children's Shop, Lower Level TRA VILLA COLLECTION Monday and Tuesday, August 16 and 17. Informal model· ing of evening wear, Noon to 3 :00. Fine Dress Salon, Upper Level FASHION FORECAST SCREENING Mon· day and Tuesday, August 16 and 17. Our impressions of the fall collections, continuous showmgs. Upper Level MAKE·ME·GEORGEOUS SPECIAL Monday, August 16, through Saturday, August 28. A 100.00 pampering for 65.00: manicurs, pedi- cure, massage, hairstyling. Call 957· 1511, extension 320. Beauty Salon, Lower Level ALEXANDRA DE MARKOFF ARTIST Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17 and 18. Call 957·1511, extension 262, for an appoint· ment. Cosmetics, Middle Level PHEROMONE PERrUME DOOR PRIZE Sign up any day through September 4. You may win a 200.00 value flacon. No purchase necessary. Cosmetics, Middle Level FALL FUR COLLECTION Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 18, 19 and 20. Our buyer Joseph, Barlow will show the news from Paris, Rome, the world/ And any new fall fur is 20% less when you select during August. Telephone for an appointment, if you wish : 951·1511, extension 245. Fur Salon, Upper Level .. CHANEL BEAUTY: TUXEDO STYLE on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 19, 20 and 21. Chanel artist Paul P.remo w/11 be here for consu/tatlons. For an appointment, please telephone 957-1611, •xtenslon 264. Cosmetics, Mlddll L•vtJI 1. rn ~ q n ,, . ' FIVE-DOLLAR HAIRCUTS Friday and Sat· urday, August 20 and 21. For men and women, to celebrate our fabulous fifth. Long hair and children's hair additional. Coll 957-1511, extension 320, for an appoint- ment. Beauty Salon, Lower Level LOUIS VUITTON AND FRIENDS Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, our prestige leathers buyer, Adrienne Hoyer, will present the latest from L. V., Salvatore Ferragamo, Judith Leiber, Gucci Accessories, Fendi and Chanel Accessories, Middle Level DIAMOND JEWELRY SPECIAL EVENT! 2 days only, Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21. Anniversary values on an exceptional selection of diamonds and other precious stone jewelry by a jeweler whose collections are the source of many fine pieces in our regular collection. Presented by a special representative, and we 'll take 25% off the ticket price. Fine Jewelry Gallery SUNDRESS SALE 213 OFF original prices. Gathered from other I. Magnin stores and brought here where summer lasts longer. Intermediate markdowns have been taken. Miss Magnin, Upper Level CHILDREN'S PARTY AND FASHION SHOW Saturday, August 21. Meet Smokey The Bear. Face painting, coloring contest, refreshments. At 1 :00 P.M., Children's Shop, Lower Level DAVID HAYES FALL COLLECTION Satur- day, August 21. Informal modeling of suits, coatdresses, dresses with jackets from Noon to 3 :00. Fine Suit Salon, Upper Level CHUTNEY TASTING Saturday, August 21. A California-made specialty by Polly Jean's Pantry. Gift Galleries, Upper Level GUCCI ACCESSORIES HANDBAG SALE 25% OFF regular prices. Saturday, August 21, through Saturday, August 28. All styles in black, for one week only. Middle Level ANNE KLEIN FALL COLLECTION Mon· day, August 23, presented by Gayle Miller , at 10:30 A.M. Ple8'e let us hold a place for you. R.S. V.P. 961·1611, extension 337. Designer Sport1wear, Upper Lewi CLOVIS RUFFIN SHOP OPENS Monday, AtJ(JUst 23. A t·home, patio and poolside clothes. Int/mat• Apparel, l owt1r Levt1I I 11 .1 ' -1 STANLEY SHERMAN COLLECTION Tues· day and Wednesday, August 24 and 25. Informal fashion show both mornings at 10:30, presented by Jack Naviaux. Informal modeling both days Noon to 3 :00. Fine Dress Salon, Upper Level COMPLEMENTS SHOP OPENS Wednesday, August 25. The state of the art in denims, stone-washed jeans, sweatshirts and such. Contemporary Collections, Lower Level MEN'S SWEATER SHOP OPENS Thurs- day, August 26. Man 's Store, Middle Level MEET ROBERT BELL Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 26, 27 and 28. Geologist and jewelry designer workmg in precious and semi-precious stones. Fme Jewelry Gallery, Middle Level CONTEMPORARY FASHION SHOW Satur- day August 28, at 1:00 o 'clock. "Style '82" brings the I. Magnin selections of the best of what's young today. Jewel Court AEROBIC WORKSHOP DOOR PRIZES Saturday, August 28. Demonstrations by Roni Wind's Aerobic Workshop starting at 1:30 P.M. Sign up for three 1·month mem· bership prizes before the $how. No purchase necessary. Dance Shop, Middle Level ITAL/AN ICE TASTING Saturday, August 28. See II Gelataio Italian ice machines demonstrated. Gift Galleries, Upper Level FALL FASHION SEMINAR Sunday, August 29, at 11:00 o'clock. Effective wardrobe plan· ning, using the Evan-Picone, Ellen Tracy and Victoire Collections. R.S. V.P 957-1511, ex· tension 337. Sports Shop, Middle Level ADOLPH SCHUMAN PREVIEW Friday and Saturday, September 3 and 4. Informal modeling of this I. Magnin-inspired collection Noon to 3 :00. Fine Dress Salon, Upper Level SALSA SA TU RDA Y Saturday, September 4. Our exc/uslve bean dips and salsa. Gift Gal· leries, Upp9r Level APPLY FOR AN I. MAGNIN CHARGE Account. In many cases we can process the papfJrwork whilt1 you shop. An Account brings you a YHr's 7-lssue subscription to /. Magnln fashion catalogues. Customer SlrVtce, Upper LtJWJI i 1T 1 : !I 1 • •. Mr. Blackwell likes to ·have fun with fashions Mr. Blackwell 1lkel imported 1Ulu, wool• and brocad"; he l1UI ~ \WO ~ below 1 •.&he acne. and he Ube the top "'jW1 of hi.a face. !. . ..Take me from the front, .. he ,, told the phototuapher, 11rve had the too of mv lace done, con me "'3.000. Don't &et a proflle lhotl '!be bottom ot my face JOC,a Ukt ·~hound. "Let'• talk about pla1Uc •zY· It'• more fun than f ••1 be told the Drimartly mature audience 1athend . at Blallock'• Wlllh1re to ... hi.a new collecUon. >.. -.&al he aeta the womm Involved ancf keep1 them lauahlnl u the modell ltl'Oll by. "Do you like It, not like It or don't live a damn? If you' 1ee aomettUn, you Dke applaud,'' he tella t.Mm. •'They are aolna to do the mlnl aaaln, but I l>eliive tn coverin1 Uie ~but wear what you think belt Oil you. Don't tab anyane elee'• &dee. Look at THE STAR AT NIGHT His Fim Ever Orange County Performance to benefit the Sout~ Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2) AT 8:00 P.M. ,at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre The South Coast Foundation 1s a pon-profit organization providing diagnostic and treatment services to individuals with neurological disabilities who are noc eligible for services offered by od~r agencies. The Foundation's goal is to help these in~ividuals become fully indepepdent citizens through thtir innovative research, ~C.gnosis and treatment programs. Through the work of the Foundation and your generous support of the Frank Sinatra fundraising benefit, more of these young adults will be able to lead a productive and rewarding life. .------------------------------------------ Please mail thls coupon with your ch«k, made p1yable to the South Coast Foundation to: Timothy L. Stradtr, Benefit Chairman South Coast Foundation 0 Please make my cuervations fOf 1he Sinatra concen. 0 Star of Herculet, S2'° per person (100. tax deductible) 0 Sw of Centaurus, $100 per penon UOl Wesccliff Drive, Su.ite ~ Newpon Beach, CA 92663 Please respond by Sepcember 20, 1982. Seating u.igrunents gi~n in order o( response. 0 Sur of Aquarius, ''° per person 0 Total Due 0 I'm sorry 1 can't attend, but here't my donation to help the South Coast Foundation's scar shine bri3htly. • . . " . NAME ~-------...------ ADORESS -----------~ CITY ~-----------~-=-~ ZlP~-----.;..;...,-...-. ....... --~---- PHONB .--~----~----- , tome 911Apihota of ~lf and determ1nt what II rl&ht for you. 0 And try eome new colora. How about red on Ndheadaf I like' It.'' To a woman wtth ll'AY hair Mldn8 what <dol' would be aood for 6er he aid try sr-ffffn and try aome brilliant prin11. .. Have fun with fa1blon. This little cockt.ail suit (lei t) is in imported brocade with the jacket back flaring below fitted waist. It's dinner at 8 in this gold met.allic design on blac k chiffon (center). Finally, h ere is a gray 'English wool wrap coat lined ·to mat.ch sil.k blouse. For•t your ap. I don't dretl .... I clrell ftcww, attitudes and llfeltylel." For day he 1howed crepe dre11e1, wool 1ult1 with mat.china pantl ("If you wear pAntl, make IUJ"e they are trim and neat") and for eventnf dreue1, 1ult1 and 1own1 o Italian brocadea, 1llk1 and chlff on1 1hot mlth metallic threada and designa. "American factori• are not 11 creative with fabric• u 'European1. Wh en they (Americana) make them, we wW buy them.'' Styles ran1ed from $135 to $390 in price. Triangle gown that really plunges with ruffled matching .J ·~ ~ Marona SPort ... The Active Look fa School ... So comfoftoble .,.ou'll live in them. Shirts ond porns Ol9 100,, cotton In Ql90f colon. Ji .11 !· .. ) :c :) ·o lTI - ~ eo.t DAILY l'fLOT/~, A~ 11. 1112 People of modern Athens r_eflect a sense of durability The Monastery of Great Meteoron at Meteors. Jh e ,• .• ,• waiter kept a keen eye Jy STAN DELAPLANE MYKONOS -The Greek faland of Mykonoe la five boat hours from Piraeua, the very old ind wicked port of Athens. A brown barren ialand with a few twJty sheep foragina the rocky hll11ide. White -fisning boats ~Ing on blue water. : The waterfront town has a North African look. HOWleS with i w o -( o o t -t ti t c k. w a l 1 s ._,hitewuhed a blindin1 1now white. Donkeys pace throuah tlJeyways ao narrow you must 4lep into a doorway to avoid f'tting tcraped by the load. ~ Sponge divers unload their {Sight yellow dripping catch on the rock jetty. And fflhermen ~ brown nets on a point of land where you can look into the {f'ater and aee the drowned walls ~d broken pota of a Greek· JJornan town, it.I name la.t In the eenturies. : In the morning at Kalafati lieach, we take our coffee beside the blue silk Aegean Sea. The bikini promenade begins at 8 under a 1un of Grecian gold. They come in all colon. Pasted onto varioua liu. and 1hapes. Two startling white 1trips are worn by a girl the color of saddle leather. (°You could airmail it home with one stamp.) The waiter haa one eye on the bikini, the other on the order pad. "Eg11, Melon, Bacon, Coffee." (It 1tlll comes out peaches and tcimato omelette.) It'• not the Hilton, Milton. But it'• a home away ftom home. Since the tourflta diacovered the Greek ialanda, Mykonoe has changed ita face. There are hotels, taxis and tour bu.sea. Cruise ships must use local boats to ferry passengers ashore. The jewelry shops open early and stay late on ship day1. A number of private homes have turned pension with bed and breakfast. Beach cottages are available for a week or for the season. It's the peak of the tourist season now. Mykonos is mainly full of Germans and French. (Americana come mostly on cruile ships.) It's still one of the bargain destinations in Europe. The water is splendid. A blue 1ky without a cloud. Midday is 75 degrees. A cooling wind sweeps the island. The water ls extra salty -you float like a cork. The bottom is smooth sand without coral or seaweed. Evenings are cool enough for a light sweater. Friend of mine had been at the Leto. (It has no beach.) So I went to the Hotel Aphroditi and these are my notes. The most successful man on Mykonos is George Kalamaras. He was a Mykonos boy. "He owns a hundred buildings in Athena," said the waiter. "VERY rich." He made his money in construction. Now, (with six sons to help him) he i1 back on Mykono1. Owner of the Hotel Aphroditi. Hla portrait in olla la the only decoration in the spare, cold lobby. In the afternoon, you can see Kalamaras aurveying all he owna -which la everything in sight. Among the bikini• and sport shirts, he wears coat, vest and tie. A equare, erect man. A thick moustache comes down over each comer of his mouth. His hair haa only a trace of gray. On hil head he wean a flat, black duck-billed cap worn by Mykonoe fishennen. "To remind him of hll beginning on Mykonoe?" I uked. The waiter bu no romance. "To keef, the wind from blowing his hair, ' he said. I uked the water: ''Do you come from Mykonoe?" "Athena," he laid. "But next year I will try to go to Canada. "There is no money here." (I got the idea Kalamaraa d1d not make his money by •polling the help.) I llgned the bill -peaches and eggs are extras on the continental breakfast. The waiter took it back to "Control" I went back to aee how Kalamaras controla hia money. Control turned out to be a man with a ledger in whkh he lilted EVERY 1ingle thing that wu ordered. One peach got one line. Plus the COit. A1 every sailor knowa, Gorgone, the mermaid, Is the sister of Alexander the Gn!et. When 1he riaea from the waves, she hails the captain. "II King Alexander allver• The aldP.per must aay "yes." U he doean t , Goraona sinks his lhip In a fit of despair. l have the feeling Captain Kalamaraa would tell Gorgona to buf off. He runs a tiaht ahJp. = frA&oLYN W'WIO ............ TrewliJil in a.-.". Unique ..,..._ w•1na on u. w 9trMta and lie6nl \be w .ell&. .. th• andent philoloph9n stves onea_..gt~and durabWty reflected by the people ot modem Athenl thelmal\w. In h!ltoiic Plaka. the ~ dlatrict In the 1badow of-the AcropolJ1, the narrow ~ alleya and un.named ltreetl J'8'M1n the Mme .. they have for centurlea. I~ la an adventure to find the way In and then out qaln, without caJJJna toe Ullltance. The climate ln G"eece la aomewhat different from what one would expect. The laif tude of Athem ii about the llAIQlt •Salt Lake City, and whlle near the ocean. there ii not • ereai deal of cooUna experienced. Al a matt.er of t.ct, drlvtna acro. the; Interior · of Greece reminded me of nothing IO much u drlV:lna to ~ersfield. However, with all the hiatortcal plaoel abou.ndlng, there ii not the boredom auffered in the drive to that renoWned Callfornla city. A drive by the pretldentJal palace 1hows the Evzonea on iruard. attired In their pleated lld.rta, ttahta. tallled ahoea, and ~ gum. A teeming A trip to the Acropolil ii a must for the tourist. The climb up the hill over the well-worn path and stone- f!l:~ walkway la a trip into ,,_...,Waiki ng th rough the Parthenon with the ruined roof and broken oolumna aJl around you, Just dwarfs the lndlvidual. Looking down from the height of the. Acropolla, one can see the Temple of HephaesUI and the Agora, currently being excavated and rebuilt. On another side one can look down into the Theater of Herod Attlcu1, where now are performed Greek tragedies and comedie1, and operaa are a fixture In the summer. A word here about the quality of aunlight In Greece. It truly ia different from anythlna we have here. It has acme of the the bikini Greeks stress hospitality to tourists · ATHENS, Greece (AP) -After a Mykonoe' auoceaa aa Greece'• towiat mecca diaappolntin8 tourlat aeuon throughout ia ita stubborn refuaal to provide aervtces Greece laat year, the nation'• tourism and facilities that eeek fut profits. authorities have put the word out that In many other Greek reeorta, however, aldmptq on bo9pttality 00. not .-y. crowded beache9, Inflated pricee and IUllen "We've rw:hed the point where aun and aervice at giant modem hotela have IMllnt.ed aee are 11.mply not ~ to attract foreJan a different tmaae of vacation.lnC In 01'9eCle. tourlata," aaya Stello1 Panaaopouloa, La.at year '·~ rnilllon tourilta came to aecretary·aeneral of the Greek Touriat Greece, more than in 1980 but well below Orpnlsation. "We have to make IW'8 the the 1979 r«x>rd of more than e mill.Ion. Thia bUch• ::f clean. ltandardl of service year Panagopoulm expt'dl "• .-oaJl drop in b:nproYe d'8 people not IO for quick numben." profit." . Faced with thla bleak picture, towilt On·the rocky la1and of Mykonot, which officiala are uratna other rmorta to follow hu aet the pace and trend for Greek the example of Mykonoa. towilm for more than 20 years, Mayor "A 3,000-year·old aenae of ha.pitallty Matthew Apostolou opened the new teUOn aave u1 the 1ame word for 1ue1t and: by orderi~I unal(htly overhead cablea 1tranfer, but l\'1 often for1ott.en in the moved Wldeqp'OUnd. ruah.' aald a Mykora hot.eller who abd plant la clc.e to compleUon, maklna certain the llland'• blue Aepan Sea waten remain clear. A delallnatlon unit auppliea extra water f~ tncrened demand in the ralnleaa IUJDIDlll' montha. -Al an experiment, authodtse. declded to cut a blind eye on nude IWlmmina and eunbathinc on remote beacba. ~ ln Greece, nude bathen are routinely fined or jailed for offendina public morality. Panaaopoulot hu uked pollce to ueat nud.ilta men -.u.ntly thll IUl'l'lllDtl'. -'lbe aut.borttlel have ordend DrbMt d.l.11*11 tecilltiel to be tmprowd SWtttly Tn major tourilt cent.en. Hotel IMpectkJm are more frequent thla year, with f1nft for alack .rvfce. q..Uty °' ~ lJlht that ....,,. to taD tbe color out of UW. In the ln6ddJiii at w day, wt u tw.. ICllD9 othill' quality that liwt It a co1or of. ltl own. Molt unuaual, and ....Uy nNble. Flytna Into Athenl airport ia • real-thrll.I. Beiq tltuated by the Saronic Gu~1 and wlth mountalnl on two IMMI, there are COlllldehble convec:tJon cu.rrenta and u~ and down ·draft1 eepecf 11 y ln the IW'Dl'Def. The Olymp6c·Alrways plane flew U1 uneventfully from Rome, "'-t when it came tUne to land at Athena, 1t aeemed we never would be able to. The/lane awooped up and down an from aide to aide. Making it all worthwhile WU the late afternoon aky. When we f!nally cleared cwtoma, the sun wu juat beatnnln1 to go down behind the Peloponeasus Mountaina. The aky waa 1old and rc,.e with fiuhea of brtaht pink, while the mountalna turned deep purple and violet. The 1ea reflected the blue of the lky with a pale aquamarine luater and there wu a warm and balmy wind. An unforgettable moment and one no postcard would ever be able to duplicate. The ride Into the city from the airport ia a real eye.opener. The MCOnd Wocld War did ~le damaae to the city and port of Piraeua. In the rush to rebuild, with materiaJ.I and finances beina IO llm.lted in the po11~war era, it looka like nothing so much as row on row of concrete boxes piled one on top of another, for mile aft.er mile. 1i\e apartment residents try to bri&hten thlnp up with potl of Oowera when they can, but it takea a lot of flow~ to mitigate that much concrete. A villt to the Archaeological Museum ii a muat. Coming face to face with the statue• and artifacta of the put ii a humbling and edifyin& experience. It makes our time and place in the overall acheme of things aeem limited Indeed. Time muat be found to have a meal and/or a drink at a tavern. The food i1 1ood, though different, and the fellowship is wonderful. Greek people u a whole like Americana and do all they can to make you feel welcome. The only notable exception to that I noticed occurred in the cue of 1ome younaer American llfll, who in all innom'ICe apparently violated ~me unwritwn dktum a~t ·apparel. The OrHk people them1elve1 dre11 tn a comenadve manner, the wamm tn ~ llfMI tht men lft adta, or jlclr.et and ...... . Out yount women haw· a tendency to drett u ~~ pomible In the heat, arid were tome acandalbed 1ookl ,t runntna ahctt and tank top9. qn the whoi., however, there la a feellna of tri~ between the peopa.. · Cr°"'"I the COW\try theie are the famOua plaoet to ... well u Delphi and Mt. Olympua, bot an OUt·Of·the·W•Y artd fabu.loualy lnteresUnc trip tea. you to Meteor• in the nortr.· central .:t1on of the country, tn the ancient province of Macedonia. • On the way you pue fa.nl)I and vllla1es, with atorka and their neat1 vtafble in many chlmneya. At ·Meteora are 1everal monutertee that were built atop srarute ap1.res. 1n part to remalD isolated frorh the world, at.a for protection from marauden. The monasteries and Chapell built by the monk• were conatructed · a bit at a time by hauling all mat.eriala up the ..._ of the a))lres by bucket and rope lllng. While they are primldw, they are nonethelesa worka of art becauee of the effort and inspiration to brin1 them to completion. There are 1teps up and down the various monolltha ao that they can be visited by touri8tl and reverent faithful alike. The facilities are marked W.C. and ooe dare not look down or even think of f.alllna; there la a sheer dn>p of several hundnd feet vlalble through the fixture9. It alto ii very drafty . A real experience, lrideed. 'nM!l'e are botela and •Uni placet in the area, and that ii fortunate for thi1 is a llttle- traveled part of the country. Leavin& Kalambaka, the town neareat Meteora, and traveUna eut toward the a.t, you Cl'09 the plaina of Themaly, and farther on up the cout you drive riaht by an old Cruuder fort, atilI standing after all thme hundreds of years. 'nleee are only a very ff!W of the placel and th.1np to aee and do in Greece. It would take several lifetimes to ablorb it all. WOW> YOU BE.EV£? FROM ONLY S695 • 747 • Me• • Vliet WU DK. 13 A.a tht 111.ariden touch up their ban and not to be named. di.cot co welcome an nUmated aoo,ooo Touriam Mm1nat totaled Jult under $2 1UJ111Der touriltl, a French company la bUlion In 1981, only up 8 percent from 1980. completina a luxwiow vacauca complex Per-aipua ~ l"Ole m1n1mally from "We've atven no permJta for bla .new hotela ln tlie put el&ht moetm; ·.fn the future, Diana aabmitted wW haw to flt with the local environment and archlt.ec:tural tndltian," h9 ..ad. E11outlv1 P1rk Tr111I wttb IUper·modem cube-W.. dellp. $311 to $3e9. DHplte the boom, the l1land haa. Amiona the ate.,. bef.na taken to heJp , -.r.,.t to Pl'-• w. lta old-world chann attnct. foreto touriltl: and tl'adlUonal •aye, and officlall aay -on Mylcono1, a aewa .. ·treatment nw P•nmMt a11o lntenda to revtve the "traditional Mttlemenia prop-am" whkh would allow tiour11ta co stay wtth local fmnlJJel In hlltorlc vm.a-. ~----~~-----.... ----~Im!""--~--,;;,;...-..... • .. I \ ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Monday through Friday 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-5 • ' SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 1882 REAL ESTATE STOCKS 04-6 08-7 Check your local on Page D2, while Ji tings for national exchange can be round on Pages D6-7~ Hotel boom: Too much room for • inn crowd? By STEVE MARBLE ortt.e o.., ""°' ,..., If the optimists in the building trade have thelr way, there will be nearly 6,000 new hotel rooms built in the central Orange Coast area in the next i!O years. That translates to at least 10 new hotels, two major expansion projects and a near tripling of the present number of hot.el rooms m Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. The Marriott Hotel Corp., which has enjoyed sue<:ess in Orange County and considers it one of the finest markets m the nation, is behind two of the projects. In Irvine, work is partially finished on the new 17-story Marriott. Located at KoU Center Irvine, near John Wayne Airport, it will have 504 rooms. In Newport Beach, the people from Marriott want to add a 12-story tower with 234 rooms to their existing Newport Center facility. If realized, it would become the largest hotel along the Orange Coast with 611 rooms. The Irvine Company has its drawing boards fiUed with plans for new hotels. The firm is planning to construct a 550-room Hilton in Irvine, just up the road from the under-<:onstruction Mamott. The company also has approved plans for building 2,000 new hotel rooms along the Irvine Coast south of Corona del Mar. And then there's the long- planned Golden Triangle, the mammoth shopping and business center expected to spring up near the intersection of the San Diego HOTEL EXPANSION -The existing Marriott Hotel stands at center in this artist's rendering of a proposed expansion of the facility. Upper right, a 12-story tower containing 234 and Santa Ana freeways. There are 1.200 hotel rooms planned there. Also in Irvine is the company's tentative 250-room hotel at University Town Center. FinaUy, the Irvine Company IS still counting on eventually being permitted to construct a hotel in Newport Center, just around the curving main road from the Marriott. This is expected to be a luxury hotel and a Canadian chain -Four Seasons -is interested in the project. The Newport Sheraton, a 349-room hotel near the county airport, wants to add 126 rooms to its facilities in Newport Beach. In Costa Mesa. the state has plans for encouraging a builder to construct a 150-room hotel on the Orange County Fairgrounds. County government. rooms would expand the Marriott's capacity to 611 rooms, which would make it the largest hotel along the Orange Coast. Other hot.el expansions are in the works. meanwhile, is pushing for a 250-room hotel on the Upper Newport Bay near the Newport Dunes aquatic park. A Hyatt Regency with 440 rooms was approved nearly two years ago at Koll Center Newport, also near the airport. Work on the project still has not begun. While builders admit that this is a Jot of hotels, their opinion is that the area can handle it and that there are enough guests 'to go around. Jon Loeb, manager of the Newport Center Marriott and soon to be a vice-president in the hotel c hain, speculates that Newport Beach as a market should not be Jumped in with surrounding cities. "Sure I believe that a market can become glutted with hotels but Newport la different," Loeb sa)'t. "The Marriott la a businessman's hotel. The people that stay here like being near the ocean, they like being near the businesses and they like the tennis courts and the atmosphere." Loeb says that the deepening recession has hurt the hotel business but that the market in Newport has remained strong. Others say it IS Important to recojlJlize that the various hotels serve different clientele. The county's plans for a hotel near Newport Dunes, for instance, is to be aimed for the average- income tourist while the bulk of the establishments near the airport are for traveling businessmen. From a non-business point of view, though, there are those who reason that too many hotels will mean too many cars and increased pressure to expand service at the airport. A frequent point of argument is whether the new hotels will accommodate clients already coming through airport tuJTlStiles or will draw in a new wave of travelers. The Irvine Company long has argued that the demand for hotel rooms in the Newport-Irvine area 1s far greater than the numbe r of rooms available, forcing businessmen to go up to Anaheim to find rooms. What the saturation point is remains an open question that depends largely on what the business climate on the Orange Coast is like. Builders say hotel (See HOTELS, Page 02) . Home security : It's big business Ill Q1 "' ... Q Security firms push the latest electronic, inf rared hells and whistles HICKSVILLE, N.Y. (AP) - When a storm rolls in from the Atlantic Ocean and rattles the windows of sedate Long Island homes, strange things start happening. Spotlights light up lawns in quiet suburban neighborhoods. Bells ring. Sirena wail, jarring homeowners from their beds. Within minutes, special lines to Nassau County police precincts light up, as many as 300 calls in (ive minutes. All these tocsins and klaxons, installed to deter burglars, are set off instead by wind or rain rattling against window alarms. Most are wired in directly to a police precinct or a private security service. Chaos. "You can trace the path of a storm across the county," says a police official. In all, Nassau police say they get about 1,200 burglar alarms a month, 99 percent of them false, triggered by the weather. or a pet, or a child or returning vacationers who walk into their own electronic trap. Even a heavy truck coming down a street can do it. U there is a growth industry in the United States it is secwi ty. especially electronic security, for home, office, automobile. rampant. puts it this way: "There's no sure way an alarm or a lock can keep someone from stealing your car. But ii the thief knows it's there, it may make him go steal somebody else's." For people like Leibowitz, the demand for alarms is a bonanza. He estimates that his firm, Hiway-Zimco, has increased its business about 20 percent annually for the past decade, a jump of more 1.han 500 percent in 10 years. The security industry is booming. Rollins Protective Services of Atlanta estimates its burglar alarm business is growing 25 percent a year. A Texas-based c:ompany. Network Security Inc., reports revenues up 163 percent in the first quart.er of 1982. Ii says it is expanding so fast that its extz:a expenses resulted in a temporary loss to stockholders. The Fortress System, like most oth ers, is based on a simple principle -sensitive foil on the windows, the doors, and any other opening through which an intruder may enter a house. Break the tape and alarms go off. The Fortress. which is supposed to be false-alarm proof because it's based on tape rather than wires, is a variation of what is still the basic protection system -what's known as "hard-wire." It's simply a wire attached to aU openings, like windows. When the window is opened, the circuit is broken and the alarm goes off. Devices like that sell for less than $500, and industry sources say it still comprises 80 to 90 percent of the market. But many alarm companies are pushing far more elaborate protection spawn ed by compu terized technology. The new systems, which can cost thousands of dollars, are based on a small box in the house and hooked to either a police phone or a computer screen at a private monitoring station. It resembles a fuse box monitoring a totally wired and bugged house. For e xample, infrared heat sensors can detect movement of any l1v1ng creature while residents are away. They are supposed to be able to differentiate between a person and a pet Smoke alarms can be wired into the box to send instant notification to a fire department. At key points there are buttons that can be pushed to activate the box should intruders enter at night. Many policemen think spen di ng sever a l thousand doUars to protect your home may be overkiU. "The cheapest protection can still be the best," says Ken Synar of the Nassau Police. That means (See HOME, Page D2) P assing grades n eeded for cred it No more the barking dog. To be safe these days -or ao say the people eager to sell you their latest devices -you need a Fortress System, an Electronic Curtain, heat sensors. Moreover, alarm salespeople stress that just having a system is a major deterrent. A sign outside saying "Protected by . . . " and potential intruders. they say. go elsewhere. Says Btll Cathers, a member of the Nassau County Police's 8rime Resistance Unit, "U you live in a wealthier area and everyone on your block l\as an alarm 1y1tem, you'd better have one too." By LOUISE COOK AllDCIM9d PY-Wrttet Applying for credit 1s like taking a test: It's the score that counts. Many lenders use a computer-based ecoring system to decide who will -and will not -get credit in today's market. Knowing how the system works can improve your ch a nce o( success. Credi t-scorlng system• are based on points; the lender aaign.s a fixed number of points to each of a variety of c:onsumer characteriatica and deddet on a cut-off .core. Applicants with a JNUl:Slng grade -a point total hlaJler than the cut-off acore -,et credJL Thoee with a fa.tllng grade -below the cut-off -are tu.med down. The point asalgnments and the cut-off IOOte are not choeen at random. They are baaed on computer profilea of good and bad borrowers. Here'• how It WOl'U A lender telects. at random. a 11mp)e of s-t llalOUntl -1ood · ancf bad. All the avaltable lntonn.Uoo oo llM!M accountl II fed into the com~. Ueina a proceu called ditcrlmlnant CONSUMER analysis," the co mputer determines which characteriatial are shared by the good borrowers and which are shared by the bad ones. F.ach characteristic i.s given a point value. The lender then can analyze the infonnation to find out what combination of characterl1tics and what total score are likely to produce a borrower who will repay the debt on time, with little chance of default. It ia important to remember that ~e total 900re is the key. Under moat credit-scorina ayatem1; there are many ways to achieve a passing 9COre. A low score on a single characteristic Is unlikely to result in a credit rejection. The use of credlt-1corlns sy1tems baa increued a~adlly since the paaaa.ge of tho F.Qual Credit Opportunity Act ln 107G. The law prohibill Jenden from denying credit on the buJa of race, color, reUaton, national ortcln. eex. marital mwa, .,e or becaWIO any plrt of an applJQnt'a (8" GEm.NG, Pas• Dt) Elliot Leibowitz, general manager of a aecurity company ln Brooklyn, where car theft is Out -with the old, support the n e lV LOS ANGELES (AP) -The UnJt.ed States an beat help lta world economic poaltlon by apendln1 leH time worrying about its older lnduatrlea and more time helptns newer onet 1uch aa computer• and telecommunlcaUona, aaya a University of Southern California profeMOr. "Too many of our A!90W'CleS are betn1 uaed Co prop up a11n1 manu(acturln1 lndu.strlet like 1teel and automobHea," 1ay1 Frederick Wllllama, author of "The CommunlcaUon1 Revolution." • book on Wt ln &he eleetronic •· Williama b•ll•v•a the . • government 1hould recognlxe America'• economic future llea with modem induatrlee and 1top hamperlna them with resuJ.atlone and Uttption which he aye 1tunt their VoWth. '1We're JQ1in1 ma.nufecturl"I markets to foreign com- petltora Jett and rllh'. We 1tW have the lead ln ln!onnation technoJQliee, but oth r cou.ntrlel, wdcularly Jar,n. are raptdly clOllna the pp,• he Mid. "We've taken our oompuUnc and telacommunicationa lndW1ri9 '°° much for gJ'llll~. =·v• been able to arow, • pemment lntefference, only DICau.. the market It to aood and ...... their reiJeerch b and development is IO good." It alto makes 1ense environmentally to aid lnlormation companies rather than manufacturina industrfet, WIUlama eaya. "The country need• to grow on all front• poHlble, but growth in 1ome Industries beoomee more expenatve than &rowth ln othert becauee of the problem• of pollution, materlaJa prlcea, 1carclty and chan11n1 labor forc:a.'' he .id. 0 1n U\Ja rtlped., UMt computer and ttlecommuntcatlona lnduatrt.. have a lot pn, for them . They don't need tram~dae of hffvy aooclt. like the tralnloads of coal that go to a\C.'el planw. Their major raw maierlal, silicon, Is the aecond moat abundant aubatance on Hrth. Thelr energy use and pollutant output a.re low." America's newer lnduatriee can' p.rovtde the meana of revita.1.lzi.nl lta rriaturfn, economy, Wllllaml believes. ''lt'• a1 thou1h the oommunicatlona revolution had *n invented u a pu11al answer to tht doomlday prophetl/' he· laid. ••we doft't have to nJn olf lnto tho hlU. bee.UM we have nothln1 el we can do. Aa a nation. we can atay ln buslneill· tbrou1h computers and ~--.·· llllllClllTITICll . Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County ftrma for the week ended Friday, Aug. 14. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. ,, c., ... , •• o "' • 1• C.rl leroh., CU L a ~==~:::.e:··· m: 1t Cl\1 .. u lenll • =~ m:~. ·1:~. : U C:O.roo, ho. CICMI :l ~o:f~:~o~r• =;• H C..a .... o lloot CUall =~ ::~:r.::· m: U Oat• D&nt• zt -OJ Sn. DSL )0 llCO, loo. IE '1 llP IOaro. '"" ll lldorado k nll I I.DI H .... h• Corp Dll.J• '' l•olu\loR ?•oh • • " ....... 1••· 111 )6 r .. llaat Pin. "'' )T '1rat Am••· r. f&MR )I rt"o,. Cor.. ru • '' r1uoroo•rboft re••· •o For k tlor L. ran• •' O.f\•r•l Aw to. Ob& '2 Oener•l fer•. OTCl ,, Oold ... v. "· 01/ff • •• Q,.eetw•ettfoep OMI 45 Mallone\ IO• HIU '6 k rll•I• lonk HRTI :1 ~==L=::·~=O ~~ •9 laperhl Pet. OtPI 50 11 lo Tooh. lYLI 51 Laa. Hllh Ut I.OMA 52 Laaor r•oo. LASR 5) Lian Co•ntr1 ORRR 54 Lao &loaltoo LUC 55 Luthar llad LUTHU 56 "°C•""• Corp. • ;~ ~=~~ri,::;1 "~L S9 Mlorott•IOOl"I, MSCCA 60 "°r•ho~H• l"d MUS 61 NSI 111 tt Corp HSI 6Z latlon•l Ed. 9'1C • 61 ••1111•• rood •auc 64 ••l•O" "•h MU.JI :i :::~~~· c:::: ,..,,. 6l lewport tleot MDII 61 ••vpor"l Ph1ra NVPH 6t rev World Co• 111/V lO luol••r "'d· WMSJ T t Odel lce ODD 72 0.nla•dlcal OHJU H Poolrlo Sala• rSJ t• Pertrtoro Pett '''' 7'S P•nn Pae.Corp PP&C 76 Plp•r Hpdro PSI# Jt Pr••l•r co. roe • 16 Prlntronh PT11• 19 la•part Otnl. IPTO lo •• lnduttrl•• ••t I l l•P· A•aouroe IUll U San/h r Corp. SI•~ I) Sooh .. • 011 SUI I' Sl llOOtl 3pa .St.CM' IS SI l••ror•tt 5Lt • 16 Seith lol' I. Sii IT South V. hnll 3011 98 St1ndard L.01. STOL• 89 Standard Pao srr • 90 St.an1 Hpdro. STQH 91 Sv1dlow, Jn~. SWID 92 S1aton1t 1oa • 91 T1ohnolo1r Mil t n41T' 9' T .. p-St lk TIM, 95 Tran• t erra t• TSIX: 96 TR) lnduot. nu 9T Ullr• "odlo•I •8 U\ t,.a1rateaa UL U 99 falaneta kn\i - 100 faroo Int •a. '"C mm ~a· :~~ 10) VTC, Inc. var 10• "'"t•• Intl. vtn ;:z :::~:~:0~f •. :'ou • '"'" hO•I• .... ~ .... -lrtl81 .. .,,.,. .. ..,.., .... .. ....... , .... .. laft J••• co &allllal• ""'11•1• .. w .. ,t l1aoh C.ota llou llUll Afto .,. ...... . o.-.... . ::~r:~~.!"'*" ::r.r!n!-•a,_ ,,. .... ........ ,. Cott.I Mi ii la.ate •n• lovporl ...... T'Ultlft S.IP\ll ...... lr•l111 An•h•t• l1wp0rt a.1oh Senta in.a lr•1nt An•"•'• l..el\IM •t1tl "'•"••ti "'•tln S.nu in• S.nu Ana lf'•lnt .,. .... ,. S.nh Alt• hwport &taoh W1une Ht 11 • Mhtlon YltJO t..aauna Ht l la lr''llftt t..aauna Htlla Lo_o AIHllOt Co1\1 "••• ?r•lnt MUnt1. l teCtl lrvtn• Senta Ana rul ltrton Coth "•H ••wport hUH\ rul hrton lr•lnt .... port &each Coate Mt•• a.ntt tna -.wport l•t ch Coatt Meu .. •port leach in1nala ln•h•l• Anaf'ltle •ewport 8each Su1u An• Analltle ••woort. l tecl\ lr•Sn• Senta Ana lr•Sn• hwport l•aotl lr•ln• h v-por' l•te:tl 1\t1Ut1 lutnt Partc ltwport leach , ..... lilnh An• Cotta "••• Jen Cltaanta Carden Oro•• ···~ '''l \,IJ IC 0.6• I 0 .., .. :, "·J!' u.lao a:il' .:l; :U:: i::;lj : 1=~&:z: 'J:u: UID'4 ,I , '! IC ?1.to • •JO• I • OTO t.t 1.4 llO O,Ot 11,1 I .)i.11 t,•tt PCU '·' •.1 • I.I I.OJ I.I 11·)1• 1 6f,&fl OTC T. T.00 lie ,)0 ,,,, 11•)1·•0 t,UI O'J'C ,,, ,U IC (0,il) · 11·11·11 0 n•1 1•. a ... oo • ·• '.· , ,.1 1. o. , 2,uo,ooa OTC t.oo 1·00 11C o •·, ' • 1. 1 n.n OTC 1.,0 .50 llC 0,,, 1• t 11·1'·1' '·": •AlllAO ,IJ •It IC : 6-O· 1 t, .. u 11110 i.oo 1.11 • •.o o.n 5,, 10. o. 1 'l·?S~ NUDAO ,II .It -T.t 1.01 .I 9• O· 1 I ,,,, leftUftl P•ei tOOdl Mlttn•Uo tap• prd.a. Nr4. Vo04 dooro le•lll•• ... Olllfllt t.ool1 prd1. a.t'lftll l \OUI OTC U.00 l),SO OSDAO 1),00 •a.oo IUDAO 1.00 .t• IUDAO .H .H OTC 10.00 10,00 OTO .H •H OTC 1.09 a.oo Nlllury •Y•· •oaf. MUDAO 1,15 1." 11 .. 1n eore -· UIDAO 11. 5 11.lS -wtUo•o IUDAO • t .6t a.11 0 a Toh. a Tran. UIDAO a.n ).,o , .... , ... ,,1, .,,, USDAO '. n '· n NU•o•r .. aaoOI' 010. IUDAO .11 .II Spao. oloe, &I'•• USDAO 1. H 1.6' ••tn11 6 lMO n au .. 111.a ••tt4M• Mltf'OVAt't 00\lftltf'I .. ttlllf'IC naotrontoa Co•pt.1tt r ar1. Mot.Of" Mo .. 1 '51 •• ,, .... UI 6.H 6.~ u~~ 1: ~; 'I: n IUSDAO 14.00 1). f\ OTC .1) .I) UI ).50 ).JO So•l•I• 6 loan ll'fSI 6.00 6. )I Title '"•-t.1rt noe WUDAO 11.l, \I.SO M•UJ •n1r. A oonat. llUI ll.6) 1).11 Pluoroc1rbon pl1at.to1 Ml.!l>AO ~.lS 5.1] ~~:~:~:~~-:~:. ::::~ u: Ul Coeputt l"' dl•olay ter. I AJDAO .15 .1, "°"' 1 boat• 09t,.1t.1 noap1 t.•1• Power Con• 6 La1era a.n-.1n1 Healt.h Cart taeunodl11no•U Prod Ot l produatton P1CtNlrtr Ttrelri1h S.wtr aerwtot1 lrr. Sctent.lfl<' tn1tru. Wild 11ro par• fllacH Traok lnt.rewt nou1 C..thet.er "••1 ••t.•t• & oart. AS! f.T5 f.]I W'IU 7.H f,2i ::::g ; : ~; Uo NA30AO 19. 1) 11.1) ::::g ':;i '::? WUDAO S.6] 5.6) NASDAQ 9.00 9.00 MUl>AO 6.00 6.00 U Sl>AQ 1.88 llO NASDAO I]. 00 I). 00 U.!DAO .01 .0) OTC .. ~O o.U &•1•1• a loon ASl ].25 ).l, Mlarooo.put.•r Seelta Oft l. q L1S ~•loonduct.or Pf"d•. OTC z.u 2.1s lnduet. P"OOtle .. oli. JUSDAO 2. TS 2.6) Data f.ftl,.y t.•r•ln•h AJr 15, 'l t•.6J Voeauonal ftioaie a tudf' Jf1SI 1l.1~ 11.~o ratt food r-tat.auranl MUID&O ,41.)8 e).SO lnro Procaulnc Prod Mft. CT .5ett'lft•r• flee. ll'ttt.r & •Y•~ Ol l 6 Oat Ot l a&d Ca• Sohr h•llftl Sr•· "°" Con•t.ruot Ion Co•p'41ltr prtntara Conerttt "r11tl•c•• ht•l I rurnt tur• Jojob1 •••ft. Per• lu1. TtlePhOft• .5Jtt. 011 and Ott Mrc lntt1rat1d Clrc "°bll• bOM• Drllltn1 toole 4 .-q. lenlirtnc Dt1t t.al •r• coep. Ho•• C04'Htr\lctton Vat.tr ,. .. ou t d .. Mf& '•brloat.ed Prod. IUDAO f.~0 1.00 WA.!DAO S.5D S.,O Jr'fSI 9. JI l.18 .. SDAO • I] .06 USDAO • l' . )I .. !!DAO • l'J • JI ..,,r e.oo 1.50 U!!IDAO 21.15 21.00 ••SDAO 1.l'J 1.15 rnr 1.1S 1.15 waSD&O t.00 1.15 N&ll>AO I. 1S ? • 15 OTC 2.l'J l.18 IASD60 7.61 T. )I ASI ), I) • .,,, 10.1) WASDCO J. 15 ~~ u; USl>10 f.00 U ll>AO 9.15 z.15 19,15 J.15 J.00 O, TS 6.50 9,15 .,.,, o. T) . I· T 1.11 • .o 0.11 llC (0. ,,I llO o. tl llC (0.0)1 llC o. ,, lie .Tl c o.t• .u.• (O.Ul ·"·' 0.10 llC 0.01 • 1,6 10.011 • 6.t o. "' . .. , ,,,,, ... T.t '·10·U 1.1 10· 1·:' • 6· O• 1 11.1 ,,.,,_,, • 6-)0·ll "·' •1·)1·10 .u 1f:t:::; f.O t· 0.11 • 11·11·11 • J· 1·U • •· o.h • 11·) 1·11 • u.• 2.ol a.• 1t.)1.10 : u 0::1 :u 1t~::: IC 1.!0 6.1 1l·J1·11 • Lt o.'6 1'.J l-1'1-U IC CO.Oii 10·)1·11 llC '·" 1.6 •·J0-11 • 6.) (1.t•> • 11•)1.fl : u ';:w •.• :::i:::: • 2.) ... 1.0 h)1-lt • T. I l.•5 Zol 11-11·11 llC 0.05 "·' 1·01··· llC (0.161 • 6·10·11 .11.• . . 5·)1·12 :1U o:~: 2U ,tJt:: •l).O 0.09 U.l 11·)1·11 -10.s .o• 6-10.11 WC (0.061 5·)1·11 ••5.I o.o• 11.0 9.30.11 llC 0.!6 1S.6 1.31.81 llC 2. tZ '·' 1Z·11·11 llC o. )6 16.1 •2·)•·1• NO 10.1') • 12·)1·11 11e '. 10 11.e 9.10.11 llC l0.02) 6·)0·1' • 1.J 1.)1 ).Z 12·)1·11 llC (l.Oll • 11·)1·11 ·•0.6 (0.11) 11.)1.11 : U UJ :u tit:: • ). ) 1.95 T.5 l·7T·U -2. I l.29 S.0 12°)1·11 -6.1 . ,, 6·)0·1• • l. I 0.09 12·J1·fl llC 1.S4 9.1 l·l•·U .9 1.)9 11.T T·)l-81 • ••• 0.01 • •1·)1·11 • T. I •-)0·12 IC 10. 1'1 1.31.11 • 6.9 0.02 11.5 S·Ji.11 -6.T 0.58 U.I l·ll·ll llC D.U 1.9 ll·)l·fl -10.1 1.•2 s.9 11.u.11 .51.6 0.01 6.0 9·)0·1• •II.I C0.20) -9·)0-lt ~2.o co.on • 11·1•·11 • 6.) 2.)0 ).] •·J•·h -l·' '·l' 12.0 l·J•·U 11C I I. 1l • z· l l·U .2s~ :~i ~U •o:Jtt: • 6. I 0,,9 15.I 6-10·11 • 1.• 0.01 79. J 12.11 I• -J.J O.IT •1.• 9·!0·11 ·12.' (. T6l -'·' s.10 11C CO.l)l .... 2 (0.61) • 2.6 .IS • 1.t •.IT • 5. t t. )I 6·Jo.e1 ).• 12-l•·•· • 12· )1-1' 10-J •-11 s.& u-1•-•1 u ;:~t=~ 111,000 J , 11• 10,6)1 ,,,5., 16,0 .. ), ,,. 12,161 115, T5l IH,'64 '·ou:m ''· 106 "'·"' ,,,.,, 59, 100 U,5)) •. 2•5 1l:m 169 2,26) MU J.08) .u~, 91 1,0)) "·"' ]6) T ,911 10, tSO 55 .J)I 11),160 )l,90T '.211 .;:m to, 167 9.567 229 '·"' 2•, 112 n.6n H.)I) •.5n ),0'1 ns I t5,D]O 6',155 "· 100 90,'12 '· 18) 20,111 51' t ),OZ1 •t,65) i, 19•, 1S9 s•.J•T •.))6 18,0•l ~Un An•h•l• ProJtot .,.. eottwart OTC ).,0 •O Jr•ln• Mar"•tln& S.r•loe 1 IAS)•O l.SO 2.so llO • 71 .. , l·lt·ll 2·1'·12 a.o 12.31.ao -10·) •·11 9·]0·10 6.JO·I• I).) 1·)1·12 5.556 t.a1una Mt l h Medlo•l lnetru.ent• lfA.S>AO • ta . 16 Newport l aeoh Ol 1 ' c•• .. p. ' dr. •A!D&Q 1.50 1.l,, °'".,,.. Cl•1ttln1 ' Pot tel'l Pf". •ASDAO • •• .11 roul\llln Valltf Hedto1l lnat.r. OTC 1.00 1.00 lr•l"• D1~\neertt11 A CorHt WA!l'iO 6.l~ 6.oo ru\ ltrton Ortn&• lr•ln• Mah•1• ......... .. •• h 0. l"'d•n Of'o•• T\lt tl" hvpaf\ h101\ llC (0.69> .,z,9 a.oz ·10.0 10. JOI -29.S IC (0. •91 -•• 0 o. ·~ llC 1.12 . l.• 2.01 llC (0.25) WC O. ') • 2.J (0.66) .)). ) (O.OZ) • S.9 1.D1 • 5.t (0.00) '·' 11·)1··· 2.6 12·)•·•1 .:1 tJ:::: • '2·)1·11 -ID·) 1··1 T.I 6·)0..fl 6.)0.11 5. 715 65) 1.112 ),12• ... 2),•51 26,JIO 19), 122 21,6)) 2,ho 121.m lt,129 n.010 1,UI ·':m .1.•u 165 t,U6 i,11• .,,, tat.000 l,OU ,,. . .. TOI a.Ito "' 6,z;: •T40 6'0 .,, 6tt •H T ,l1T •l,H• lU J; ·UI '·'" 1,10 l50 l,6tl z.to• 1,'l' '·' . •),llt •), 1)1 n:;m I ,)•5 12) -tot ·519 1. f 15 m " • t•2 ,., 162 TOI .:l' , .2.X ·T59 )11 .1.e&• ·202 •l• 1•2 •,TIO 5. 199 929 111 2TT 1.20z -1,•10 •TT5 9T 1.00t 1,667 '·'" ·2, :~• ·250 9, tl O 5, t•T --.~~ 606 6n TU ·1,0IS 1)),116 ·6'9 .1.en ). )60 '·"'' 1,·no 651 •1,169 ·'6• ·• ,669 ·25 ,:m 1,199 ll, )06 ·501 '11 ·1,5'9 ,:m -•11 GETTING CREDIT A NUMBERS GAME. • • (From Page Dl) income comes from a public aslistance program. A credi l ·scoring syst em rltducea the chances of di11crimination by applying atbitrary standards to all aP,pllcanta; personal bi.as on the part of a lender is eliminated. A credit·acoring system abo means, however, that you are less likely to be able to explain special circwnatances that may apply in your caae. probably will get fewer points if you rent your home rather than own it. but a long-tenn tenancy can help your score. -Occupation. Lenders often assign points to specific jobs. According to researchers in the Department of Consumer Economics at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., teachers, doctors and government employees covered by civil service get high marks, while barbers and beauticians get low 9COres. The key factor is the nature of the job; if it's in a field where people move about a lot, you're likely to llCOre poorly. Someone with a salary of $2,000 a month who usually spends $1,. 800 a month and has $200 of disposable income would get a higher acore than someone who earns $4.000 a months and spends it all. Different le nders rely on different characteristics and acore th.em differently. In general, however, the following things are i.mportan t: -Stability. Creditors look for thlnga like home ownership and length of time on the job as a gtaide to whether you are a stable, responsible penon. You TRS-80 MODEL m H-1°'2 • Manage Your Budget • Track Investments • Games for The Famlly • Learn to Program HOTELS. • • (From Pa1e Dl) chains are not going to stick their necks out by building beyond the demand. -Disposable income. Earnings alone are relatively unimportant; lenders are more concerned about the money you have left after paying existing bll11. One builder, though, suggests competition al.lo ls a factor He says a glut of hotels near the airport, for instance, could leave hotel managera fighting over customers and could, eventually, mean too many hotel rooms. GET STARTED IN COMPUTING Our Most Affordable TRS-80 For Professional or Home Use . .. . ... . ·-"' ... ' • '1 .•. ' . • ~ .•.•• ..&. .,,, ....... .. . ._. ... ~ "a - ----~ . . . . . Get down to Mrtoua bu1lne• with your own computer and u .. It for fun-filled games In your leisure time! Keyboard, monitor, 1nd 18,000-Character memory-all In one beautiful desktop unit. Learn to program with our easy-to-read man- ual, or add an optional c•••tt• recorder to UM a wide vari· •ty of ready-to-run programs. Easily expandable to our deluxe 2-dfek buslne• 1ystem. ~ A DIVISION OF TANDY COAPOAATION SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER P.AtCU MAY VAAY AT INOIVIOUAL ST~ES ANO DEALERS ' Douglas tests DC-9 fuselage long jet to ensure • service A McDonnell DoualH DC·9 Jotllner that O.w ~ for l~ yeara la now 1lmulatJn1 30 more yean of ruaht In a multi· mllllon-dollar re.ean:h proararn to help aJrUnes Improve their ln1poctlon and maintenance procedures. The pro_aram, at the DouglQ Aircraft Company dlvl1lon of McDonnell Douglaa In Lona Beach, I• an lndu1try flr1t. n involves extenaive atructural ~ of one of the flnn'a fl.rat DC-9a, Fuaelage No. 3, to determine how the aircraft'• yHra of service have affected key atructural element.. The two-year, $5 million teat pt'Olfam began In June 1981 . Dale S . Warren, Douglas di.rector of structural mechanlca, aaid Fulelage 3 completed more than 42,000 houri and 66,000 flighta In airline .ervice before being re-acquired by Douglas ln 1981. Fuselage 3 waa picked for the test program because the high number of actual service hours combined with the simulated service significantly improves the accuracy of the test results, CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A TU FllEE W•y To Max• Their Money Grow ...... . Current Interest R•t• 12.1% iccordlna 10 Warren. DouclM now 18 stmulatlng an addltJonal 133,000 tu1hta with 74,000 completed. Flndlnp eo far are conalltent with previous teeta and eervtco experience 1howtna that OC.91 can be operated safely and economically for many more yean, Warren IAid. 11Wo have a large number of DC-9' that haw Gown over ao .• 000 hows and many have made more than 60,000 fll1hta," he explained. ·~,.. i. no structural ~ why modern Jet tran1port1 cannot continue safe operation for decades provldlna they receive proper care." HOME SECURITY. • • (From Pase Dl) loclcina the windows, and using dead 6olt locks on the door. ft alao means making sure newspapen and mail don't pUe up outaide when you go away, and using time switches to tum llghta on and off. Pol.Iceman Cathers says some 1ystem1 can end up being an annoyance. "People get fed up when the9e things go off at 3 or 4 in the morning and th e r e's nobody out there," he saya. "After it happens three or four times, they unhook the thing and they're left with less than when they started." Sometime9 burglara outfox the sy.~m. Last May, the D&M Truck Repair Co. in St. Loula 1pent $690 for a burglar alarm to supplement a Siberian Hu.aky guard dog named Nikia. It wu a wonderful little device, aensitfve to almoet any 80und. "It went off even when you t.pped the desk." sa y s David Kinsey, the company's owner. Two weeks after the alarm was installed, burglan broke ln. They conked Nikia on the head. Then they made off with $3,000 worth of merchandiae. And the alarm system. ~~Hutton PRESENTS: THE OUTLOOK FOR REAL EST ATE IN THE 80's WE WILL DISCUSS --. Population Trends Possible Solutions to housing shortages How you may participate in profit opportunities -100\ Cu11antHd Safety of Pnnt1p1I -No Markel R1$k -tio Current Income Taa Whtn PaSS4d To BentftC111y -Not An Annuity Pl•••• plan to be et the Grand Hotel, Wed., Auguat 18, 7 P.M. Cell Pam at 714-547-0101 or 213"'825-7888 for reaervatlon1 • -tiot A Bond FOR MORE INFO. CALL OR WRITE E. F. Hutton 1666 N. Main Street Santa Ana, CA. 92701 PAID ADVl!ll'nSDUH1' Color ' Graphs Found to Increase Management Productivity The typical executive today is in a sta~ of conllict. Most executives operate on the premise they learned In graduate buaineas school: "more information leads to better decisions." The computer age has caused a proliferation of analysis but left the executlve without enough time to properly assimilate auch . Recen t research has shown that information in color graph fonn can substantially reduce the executive's assimilation time and Increase their' comp~ensionofinformation for decision-making. The Wharton Applied Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania was commi.-ioned by the 3M Company to conduct reeearch to determine if there were any differences ln buainea meetings between ualng overhead transparencies and a white board with felt tip pena. The findings showed distinct advantaga of uatng color graphs. • 28~ average savings In meeting time • higher likelihood of reaching a conaenaua • .. ' r I\ r chooae the colors and provide the data; InfoGraphics"' does all the rest! There a.re two locations for the InfoGraphics Service in Orange County: the Graphics One store ln Costa Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by )~ ..... .. u .OOI .,,,01• ., •. oo ,...oJO ~.oio -·""' '°'·°" , •• oll ff\ ,OU au.ot• .... 111 John and Chris Overrend and the Graphics One store in Irvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John aera. Drop by the next time you need to make up a slide or overhelld transparency preaentation in a hurry. ~pical t>xecutive today doesn'l have llmt' to &531mllate the m/onnauon f OI' decl.ion·maJcin&. " ... , .. ,, '" TEST COMPANY ~l=:LAT l\"C it-tJr,.._tWllW,,-< •...-...c MCtllFttl ~r' •u • the presenter u1in1 the overhead tranaparenclea f. -·• ...... ~..-:------,~~ ..... -:-'.:-:-:---'-~-...... ~:-:::--'~':-::"!'T"'-...,.==---~.,.,..__. wu thouiht of u more credlble and profeaionally prepared " InfoGraphlca Inc. of ~ Newport Beach now often 1 both an euy to Ule •rvic:e t .:: t-"'------- and a computer ayatem to r facilitate the translation of numerical Information lnto ~ color pph fonn foe buainem presentations. Th• color lfapha are available tn hard copy la"r prlntlna, S~mm 1 ll d • •, a n-d o v • r h ea d tran1parenclo1 . The u.nlquenem of the InfoOraph .. Service II ltl llmplidty u a re1ult of the De•ign lntel1Jpncfr' eottware. Thia advanc•ment automate• the •election of which format (bar1, pl••· linll. IW'face traJ>h, etc.) and which layo"t (hori1ontal and/Oil wr1k:al lr1da. multiple paphl per P'l91 •·> b.i repreaents the data In an MSthedc IMl'IMI'. YOU IUnply ,..., 0 ·-........... '""' ............. " , .. Date ......,ted In ~ form of • color 1-r printed lnfoGraph • pcua.. " ..a, ~. end ...n1·undemood. VISIT ONE OF OUR LOCATIONS, LEA VE YOUR BUSINESS CARD AND WE'LL GlVE YOU A FR!:E OOPY OF 3M11 GUIDE "A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVlTY." lnfoOraphica• ,Service Cent.era ln Oranae County Build it yourself, says architect. • . PLEASANTVILLE. N.Y. (AP) -Donald· Mow, an arch.ltect. hu a ayatem he clalma can cut 26 percent or more from the prtce of the houae hil cllent bullda. Even ln th.ta affluent community and othera In Wettcheater C.Ounty, roughly l~ to 46 miles north of midtown Manhattan, Mow says tremendous aavtno are poeaible. For $76,000, that I.a, clients can own a home that mieht have <mt their neighbor $100,000. To aay lt another way, for $76,000 cllenta can build a houae that mlaht have a market value ot Sl00,000 or IO. The houae might also be better suited to thelr tutea and needs than any they might purchase. Better fitted to the lot also. And, since they will have built it, they need never wonder what went Into it. The implications would seem to be huge. As now offered, the system generally requires Mow's periodic assistance, but he has written and is perfecting a manual that should permit use in any other area. You say you cannot build a house? Mow doesn't believe it. Not when you use hil plans, follow the tersely written manual of exacting d e tails, allow him to qualify subcontractors and have him inspect and offer management assistance along the way. His records show he built his own house for $76,200 a year ago in nearby Briarcliff Manor, one of at least 80 he has put up and more than 100 he has designed. He paid retail prices for materials. The house and lot appear to have a market value of about $180,000. Nothing unusual about that, says Mow, a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His technique would seem to be an important development in the battle against rising housing costs, which already have priced millions of people out of the market. But it requires effort on the client's part. Mow makes h is clie nts the general contractor. "Imagine yourself as the conductor of a symphony orchestra. Seated before you are expert musicians (subcontractors) in various sections. No one makes a sound until you give the cue," he writes. "Following the master score and with timely cues a symphony is played. Follow our management control svstem and you will be able to build houses as efficiently as professional builders." Mow maintains you needn't know how wood is jointed or pipes fitted. "But it Is necessary to know the function of various components of a house, and how each Aubcontractor is fitted into the whole system." And so, in words and schematic drawings, he takes clients thro uf h the financing, blueprints, land search, easibility analysis, insurance, excavation , framing, finished carpentry. plumbing, he•ting, electricity, drywall, insulatio n, exterior walls and lancbcaping. Hiring subcontractors, for his 5 percent fee, Mow finds them for local clienta - and provides architectural-construction plans, 'inspections and management aid. Clients can also chooee a 2 percent plan if they provide their own architectural plans. Sooo, however, Mow hopes to give two-day, 14-hour .eminars in other areas for around $1, 000, leaving his students equipped to handle the management themselves, aided by local architects or engineers. Mow's manual, the centerpiece of his system, contains work orders that specify in precise detail the agreements made with subcontractors. The excavation and masonry work order, for example, specifies how trees and stumps are to be diapoeed of, and the type of fill to be backed against basement walla (always porous material; never clay). The work orden tell and ask much more, but details aren't sufficient If you can't put them in sequence. That's when Mow 's critical diagrams prove their value, showing the client the construction path -what jobs and plans must follow each other -and the time schedule for fitting the jobs together. ... Use cement blocks, says builder CHINO (AP) -Eugene McClintock thinks be haa an answer to the affordable housing queltion: the cement home. McClintock says his company can build a two-bedroom, one-bath house with 936 aquare feet of apace for $35,:mo. Extras such as a carport and driveway will bring the price up to $38,950, with a two-car garage with breezeway and an additional half-bath boosting the overall tab to $45,750. The homes are constructed of cement panela P5>~ed at the Coachella headquarters of ~tock's firm, World Wide Builders, and then trucked to the building site. McCUntock cla1ma be can build one of the cement bouaes ln a day and finish the detail work -Interior paint, plumblnc. electrical wiring, doors, cabinets and clmeta -in a week. t.kCUntock. recently dbplayed hi.a top-of- tbe-llne model -a boxy, three--bedroom, two- bath hou.e, with 1;248 1quare feet of living tp11ee, a breezeway and double prage. The price, without a lot, waa "2,500. lnlide, the wal.la -which are all cement -ar. pmnted white . The wood veneer cablneta are attached to the walls, u are the cloeeta. Runnina alma the peak ln the ceillna ii a wood-veneer duct for heetina and air conditioning. Althouah McCliniock aays price la the main •tt:111Cdon of the cement hOUM, he al8o bUla it • *'<Jna,_meray-41ffident and fireproof. OtJlen ln the oomtnactlon and real estate ~ •Y plicel for cement houaee -once the COllta are all added up -approach thoee of conventionally built homes. The~ <mt of a~ eonMI to around .. a .... faoL Tbe C*Mftt ..... depmclliil CID What extr. are ~ ClOll 9bcJut f2& a 111'111'.9 foot fer tbit ltrtpped down modelll to .. a ~uare foot for lb• more elaborai. on••· ~-:-to 'John ......._ exeeudw dlrtccor Of • Jlulldlnf Iridumy ~don'• JUWl'llde ~. ~ OOMI DAILY PILOT/lunday, AuQuat 18, 1182 ipping: Once-la:irge indust:r:y listing I i I WA8HllfOTON (AP) -A flabby _....... ..... ~men than '10 bWon ln ~t "' ln the name of national defeiwe, ii belnc put on a dJet and told to pt Into shape. But .tforta to revive the U.S. oommlfda1 lhipp&na fleet by t....ms lt tram uautrwt and "f,... ~" ret\taln'8 are •tw'n~ In a mue of oppoeitlon in and outtlde the Reqan ~den. And while the 1overnment remain• IN RUINS -A lone sunbather lies across from a run-down pier in New York which I oommlt.S to ~ the American naa on cornmerdal ~ll .. lt la wtWM to forfeit t.houaandl of Job9, Ooncec11n1 U.S. lhipyardl cannot c:ompete wtth Kore-. and Japan In the world market. De~pite 0 yean of 1ub1tdtH now ~pproechLft8 halt. billion doUan a )'e#, the v.s. merchant C..t ii fou.ndertna with only 102 llhipe ...-ln lnternadonal tnde. ~ carry leu thin 4 percent of the nation s ocean-borne lmporU and exporta. u ll'tloto seems to symbolize the delapidated state of the American cargo shipping industry. Tht U.S. marltlme fleet tota.le 622 •hipe, j com.,...-.d With the 1,188 ahJpe at tM end of • World War II. when halt the world'• tonnage : capacity ial.led under the American !lq. : 'n.. dem1le of the U.S. 1hlppina Industry I la blamed on many tact.on, but •upporten and 1 critlet aarff that chief amona them 1re : rm.man.,.ment and the inefficiency of the : Ametkan fleet. • But the root of the problem may 11e In i aovernment 1ub1ldie1, 1ay• Charle. ! Hiltzhelmer, chairman of Sea-Land , tndu1trle1, the only non-sub•ldized U.S . S carrier. : Citlna the averase aae of American shlpe : -17 yeart -and thelr 1ize, Hiltzhelmer aays 1 the lnduatry should undertake a 16.3 billion • program to replace 100 outdated, fuel-I inefficient shipe with 1~ new, larger, diesel-I powered vessels. i He acknowledaee that only three or four • companies, Including hla own, could raise the ; money. To attract that capltai, he says, the : industry-must be freed from antitrust : re1tralnt1 and the gove rnment must l substitute its free trade poUcy with one S allocating a portion of its trade to U.S. carrien. ' The administration, at Transportation ii Secretary Drew Lewi.a' urging, hat endorsed legislation easing regulations and extending broad antitrust immunity to ocean carrien. j That would give U.S. companies more l flexibility to form cartels that fix rates, divide 'i up routes and apportion revenues and profits. , Still bottled up In the House Judiciary : Committee, the legislation is opposed by the • Justice Department, consumer groups and j shippers fearing higher prices. i While Lewi s has urged the f adminiatration to reserve 10 percent of the 2 nation's bulk trade for U.S. ships, the proposal ! has run into much opposition. ~ Meanwhile , the administration has : declined to make any new money available in • 1982 or 1983 to subsidize construction of ships : in American yards. i • ' \ t i i I .. ' I . , " .. •, 7'BB WBB7'BBN ADI POllCr-' BIUNOB BACIC rl'8 UNBBJl'lJIBl.,B BONVB l'OB l'ULl. l'AllB l'llBBS. '• ,-• Pack your hula skirts. Western Airlines has brought back Hawaii for $100 roundtrip. It's the best bargain of the year for full fare travelers. Here's how to qualiiy Between now and October 1, simply bf.!y and use any roundtrip full fare Coach or First Class ticket (Yor F dass only) to anywhere Western Airlines flies in the United States, except Alaska. l'Our trip must be at least 300 air miles each way. ~ Then, when you check in for both your departing and return /lights, ask the agent for a "ftdaha.Jo" sticker. When you have two stickers on y our receipt, you have a coupon good for a $100 roundtrip Coach flight to Honolulu. JJ your qualilying trip was First Class, you can go First Class to Hawaii for . $200 roundtrip. l'Ou C411 take your Hawaii trip any day between S eptember 14, 1982, 411d March 23, 1983, except the Christmas holiday period (December 15, 1982, to Janu4J'Y \ 10, 1983). And you must make your Hawaii reservations and purchase your tickets no later than November 1, 1982. Seats are limited and ticketing restric- tions apply. ('!ravel Passes may not be used to pay for the Hawaii trip.) · So fly.full fare Coach or First Class with Western. l'Ou may have to pay more than the discounted fare, but ~stem mdlces it worthwhile. Mth our unbeatable $100 Hawaii bonus. Call Western or your '!ravel Agent for all details. Earn your bonus to Hawaii by flying to Chicdgo or Kansas City. ew service stdlts September 8, 1982. 11 I • Agents need trai~ing Ghanging financial methods require study Bf ROBl!lRT BRUSS DEAR BOB: Yoa're "roal to NY &Mt Mp mortca1e latereat rata are tlMi ...... !Mm" .,. laud to aell today. A.1 a ffal utate brobr, I t'1U tbe cause of poor bome ules volame l• lacompetent realty •1eat1 wlao uvea't kept ap wltll clwas:lDI flu.Dee metllod1. I've bee• la real ettate sale11IDce 1973 and I've aever lffll IO muy realty office "coD10Udattoa1° (wlllcll really mean• cloala&•> ud ule1people dropping out. My office bad U 1aJetpeople la Juury of ltH bat aow we llave 17 top prodacen. Wily? Becaue I ID1lat they understand alternative flaance metbod1. Except for an occa1l0Dal aecoad mort1a1e from a flnance company, rarely doe1 one of oar buyers get a new mortp1e from a but or ML. I pay tuition for my sale1people to attend realty aemlnan on new fl.Dance teclualque1. It pay1 off. It'• about time you explala that an a1eat who doe1n't understand flnaocln1 II the blgJHt obstacle to bome 1&le1. -John H. . DEAR JOHN: You're right. But I'm glad you said it. lf I wrote those words, the editor of this newspaper would receive nasty hate mail from realty agents demanding my dismissal. Although I'm extremely pro-realty agent, I fully agree that at least 80 percent of realty agents don't unders1and how to finance home sales in today's unique buyer's market. Just last weekend I went to an open house conducted by the past president of the Board of Realtors in my area. I was looking forward to a well-preP;lll'ed sales presentation as I wanted to buy the house for investment. When I asked the two key questions "How much is the down payment?" and "What are the monthly payments?" she replied "Well, how much can you afford?" As I probed further, it became painfully obvious she had no realistic idea how to finance the sale. Maybe that's why that home has been listed for sale since last year. Home buyers and sellers should ask their realty agents "Which realty finance courses have you taken in the last few months?'' U the agent can't list several, he or she probably doesn't know how to finance home sales today. Thank you for sharing your very accurate observations as to how realty agents prevent home sales. DEAR 808: My brother lost bl1 bouae by foreclosure of the moFtgage. The lender lo1t about $4,500 on the sale and they are now suing for their 1011. Is this legal? -Sean C. DEAR SEAN: In many states, yes. When a mortgage lender forecloses, the property la usually sold to pay off the loan. But when the loan amount is close to the property's value, the lender might suffer a loss. Unless the property is the sole recourse for loan repayment, with no personal liability, the lender can attach the borrower's personal assets to pay for any loss. To avoid this bad result for the borrower, it's often possible to get the lender to agree the property is the only security for the mortgage. Some states, such as California, make d eficiency judgments against borrowers almost impossible to obtain. In other states, the borrower must insist on an exculpatory clause to accomplish thil result. REA~ESTATE lllllll I Check with your attorney for detaila. DEAR BOB: At a real etta&e attorney, I ~ yoa 1llo1ld aot """' •o,e bayen ue • loaa term leaae wu• opttoa :to parcllaH to avoid a mort1a1e leader'• d.e •• aale clHae. la moat mort1a1ea • lea1e of at •r: tlll'ff yean wttll ao option to pare•11e ta di ume •• a ••le, tll•• allowln1 Uie leader to cal tile lou uder tile dae oo taJe claaae. -Letter G., E ... DEAR LESTER: You1are COrTeCt. But lenden don't d.l.:over long term }~pt.ton sales because the title and fire Insurance policy remain In the seller'• name. Monthly morteage payments go to the lender from the aeller (who collecta them from the buyer). I uaed my firtt long term lease-option In 1971 and the lender still hasn't tried to call the loan. Why? Because the lender doesn't know the property waa aold 11 years ago. A long term leaae-optlon aa.le, where the buyer gets all the tax and other ownership benefits, should be used only with the aid of a realty attorney. Further details are in chapter 7 of the 1982 edition of my book "The Smart Investor's Guide to.Real Estate," available at local bookstores and libraries. DEAR BOB: Our bome 11 l11ted for tale. A buyer made a purcllaae offer at $89,000 with $10,- 000 down payment, a11umptton of our $42,000 FHA mort1a1e, and a $37,000 eecoad mortga1e to as, dae la five yean. Do you tblat th.11 11 safe for U1 as we are a1ea 17 and 1%? -Kevin R. DEAR KEVIN: Yes. Second mortgages are safe for most home sellers if the buyer has good income, good credit. and makes at least a 10 percent down payment. Banka, S&La, finance companies and other lenders are eager to make second mortgage loans because they realize the benefits. For further details on second mortgage safety, see a real estate attorney. The popular Bruss Report "How to A void Mortgage Lender Enforcement of a Due on Sale Clause" is again available. To obtain your copy, send a $2.50 check payable to "Newspa~rbooks" for Report 82112 to this newspa~r. P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Condo permit eyed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The state Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether an apartment owner seeking to convert to condominiums is exempt from a Santa Monica law requiring a permit for conversion. A trial court ruled that Santa Monica Pines Ltd. had no such right and refused to reverse the Santa Monica Control Board's denial of a permit. But the state court of appeal d.iaagreed, saying the conversion could be completed because the project was begun before the conversion law was pasaed. NEW PLACE FOR HOME -Construction has been completed by the Koll Company of Newport Beach for a new regional office building and training facility for Home Savings of America in Irwindale . '• Housing coalition announced " Anaheim's Senator Seymour launches statewide group SACRAMENTO -Noting that the housing market is in its worst condition since the end of World War Il, state Sen. John Seymour, R -Anaheim, has announced the formation 6f Californians For Housing, a statewide pro-housing coalition of the housing industry, labor, and the business community. Speaking at a news conference here, Seymour, former president of the California Association of Realtors, said the c urrent depression in the housing industry means that only about 60,000 homes will be built in California this year, which represents less than 20 percent of the state's demand of 315,000 units annually. "If market conditions don't change drastically," said Seymour, "We're going to make homebuyers an extinct species." Joining Seymour ln the announcement was Don Crocker, president of Lincoln Savings in Monterey Park and an official of the California Savings and Loan League. Crocker is vice-chairman of the coalition's Board of Directors. He described Californians For Housing as a "unique and diverse statewide body to bring together, for the first time, the housing Industry, labor, and business to take deliberate action to resolve one of the most threatening problems attacking the economic and social stability of California -housing supply and affordability." The coalition was forme d, Crocker said, in recognition of the nee d to "educate the public, then advocate the construction of affordable housing and coordin~te the support of the manr interested groups - consumers, employers, lenders, realtors , developers, and academia." Seymour and Crocker both noted that never before has such a diverse group representative of business, labor, an Industry come together at a statewide level to add~ major housing issues. The coalition is meeting here following a gathering of its members in Los Angeles earlier last week to finalize collective action for a statewide advocacy program. Crocker stated that the group will concentrate on bringint( its collective forces to bear on three princ ipal compone nts of the housing program: the sho~e and hieh cost of mortgage fl.iiancing; the lack of developable land and costly overregulation of the homebuilding industry; as well as the high cost of developing infrastructure systems such as sewer, water, and transportation. By virtue of its unique and broad-based membership, Crocker said, "Californians For Housing will serve as a coordinating body to maximize each participating group's involvement in this collective approach to the current housing depression." The effectiveness of " major statewide associations acting on their own has been . substantial, Crocker noted, and "by bringing these successful individual efforts together on selected issues on a statewide basis, combining strength and resources, the coalition has tremendous potential for success." .• The group consists of the presidents and senior officials from major housing associations representing California's realtors, home builders, contractors, apartment owners, manufactured ·· housing. and related groups, along with lenders, major labor associations, and corporate employers. Indus trial real estate market recovery due? A~ community that S. now antidpattna economic recovery 1 and 8 rental rate market that S. 1& percent lower than it wu alx montha •10, lhould tum the lnduattW real estate market around by the end of the year, a top official of the Southland'• lnduatrlal real eatate induatry predJcta. · Jmeph R. Kraus, m. president of the Society of Industrial Relatora, Southern California Chapter. reports that large companlea are "coming back Into the market 1n preparation for their buslnest needs over the Dt!Xt three to four years.'' He aaid this ia particularly true for companies seeking locations for plants ln the 100,000 to 300,000 square foot range. Kreua, who la lnduatrlal aalea manqer lot the Seeley Cornpl.l\y of Loi Anplee, added: 0 1!'.ttabllahed ex>mpaniee are smart enouah to know that lt'a currently a buyer'a and le11ee'1 market and that If they. watt much lon@er It could quickly become a 1eller a and leaor'a market.'' He emphastz.ed that today renta are 16 percent below the original asking rates of alx months ago. Another catalyst for an impending lnduatrial real estate turnaround, aa1a Kraus, is the bualneas community's sensing that perhaps government "is getting ita act together on the bUdget and that the receaion is bottoming out." or..,. OoMt DAJLV ftlLOT/lundmy, Auguet 15, 1H2 )0 "Larger companies are cognizant of the fact that we have to go through economic cycles and that they can't sit and wait for recovery to arrive in order to build plants because it takes them six months to a year to get a warehouse on line," declared Kraus. "Industrial real estate needs generally anticipate such things. But, normally we lag behind reobvery by six months. This time business is getting smart and rather than waiting till prices go back up they are returning to the market while prices are soft." GOING UP -Orange County's planning comm.is8ion has square feet of space. Coldwell Banker Commercial Real ~1 approved the construction of Mission Viejo High Tech Estate Services will lease the $30 million project at the Center, a five-building complex containing some 176,500 northeast corner of Jeronimo Road and Los Alisos. .,J ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ I •0 Seven sales logged for new-Villas at Salt Creek project ·~' ·rl r Opening day traffic of 1,500 prospective buyers followed by average daily traffic of 75 to 100 people has resulted in seven sales totaling $3.5 million at the Villas at Salt Creek, a new collection of 30 luxury resort homes in Laguna Niguel, now being offered by Avco Community Developers, Inc. According to Sales Director Joseph William Smith, the Villas have had excellent response from homeshoppers, with particularly good reaction to the community's 11 ~ percent (12112 percent APR) 30-year fixed-rate financing. With Villas prices ranging from $425,000 to $690,000, this fully assumable 30-year financial plan is particularly. important to buyers, says Smith. Several of the homes' first buyers had been waiting as long as three years to purchase a Villa, the first residential product to be offered in the new Laguna Niguel community of Salt Creek. Residents of the Villas at Salt Creek, like all residents of the Salt Creek community, will be members of the Salt Creek Homeowners Aasociation, which will maintain common-area landscaping for the entire community. Villas residents will also belong to the Villas at Salt Creek Homeowners Association, created to maintain common areas within the Villas community. Association fees will be $111.54 per month. Four models designed by Yeiser-Garland & Associates are open daily for viewing from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To reach the community from the San I Diego Fr.eeway exit south on Crown Valley Parkway and continue seven miles to Pacific Coast ffigh way. Turn left on PCH to Niguel Road. Turn left &$lain on Niguel Road, then ri$tht onto Stonehill Drive. Turn left at Salt Creek Drive and into the sales office and model complex. For further information, contact 832-2860. EIGHTY-EIGHT PERCENT of the people purehasing homes at affordable Aliso Meadows are first-time buyers and their primary reason for buying is simply that they want their own home, reports Terry Brennan, project manager for the Laguna Hills condominium development. Brennan noted that the exceptionally high percentage of first-time buyers at Aliso Meadows fits right in with their youth, 86 percent being under 32, including 55 percent under 26. She added that previous research had shown that six out of ten buyers are married while the remaining four jlte single or divorced. Sales are restricted to th06e with gross annual household incomes between $25,664 and $38,496 because the loans are govemment-asmsted. Interest rates on the 30-year loans are 10.6 percent to those with incomes under $32,080 and 11 .5 percent for those with ~igher incomes. All homes must be owner-occupied. The sales office and models are open daily, from 10 a.m. to dusk. Aliso meadows may be reached by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway south to the Alida Parkway off-ramp (first exit past El Toro Road), turning right on Alicia and going southwest l ~ miles to Via Lomas and the models. IN ADDITION TO B ELOW market financing 12~ percent interest, a $5,000 decoratin g allowance is being offered to .buyers at Land.mark Yorktown, a Me<literranean-styled community of luxury townhomes in Huntington Beach. Goldie Mackin, sales manager at the Signal Landmark Properties development, said the decorating allowance is being offered to buyers whose escrows cloee within 60 days. Priced from $139,950, the townhomes at Landmark Yorktown range in size from a two- bed.room, two-bath plan with 1,529 square feet of living space to a three-bedroom, two-and-one-half bath model with 2,142 square feet. All homes have attached two-car garagelf and large private patios, while many offer large entry courtyards and outside view decks. The sales office and models, open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, can be reached by taking Beach Boulevard south from the Sail Diego Freeway to Yorktown Avenue, turning left on Yorktown to Coldwater Lane, turning right on Coldwater and proceeding straight ahead to the development. More information is available by calling 763-0042 or 963-7072. THREE BEDROOMS and three full baths are included in the Balboa, a sophisticated two-story floor plan currently featured at Valle Pacifica in San Juan Capistrano. The Balboa offers comfort, convenience and a central living area that accom.mod.ates both formal entertaining and casu.l indoor-out.door gatperings. Even single adult.a opting for co-ownership will appreciate the apaclou.n ess and privacy that ia incorporated into this special floor plan, priced from ,>I $149,990. ··~ The sales office is open from 10 a.m. until 5:30 . •l p.m . daily, except Thursday. F or information, " phone 493-0708. , . ,, To reach Valle Pacifica, located at 32552 Allpaz, • •· take the San Diego Freeway to the Ortega Highway west. Turn left on Camino Capistrano, right on Del .. -: Obispo and then left on Alipaz to the townhome • ~ community. ·" ;1 ' SALE!S AT BELCOURT HILL, the J.M. Peters ::~ Company's award-winning condominium collection ' high on a hilltop overlooking Newpdrt Beach and the Pacific Ocean, are progressil\R well. . ,:,i Priced from $395,000 to $720,000, the New "~ England-styled condominiums, with large dormef"· "' windows, and shingled siding, offer residents sunset views of the Pacific Ocean and/or panoramas of the' •l night lights of the city below. ·.: Situated behind a 8uaf'ded entry gate, Belcourt ;; Hill features four floor plans of one and two stories •.. ,j ranging from 2,036 to 3,294 square feet. , •. 1 Belcourt Hill's sales facility, which includes' ... '.! four models furnished by Saddleback Interiors, of Corona del Mar, is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. To •'-' reach the community, take the Jamboree Road exit·:! off the San Diego Freeway and proceed south lQ • 1-; Ford Road. The guarded-gate entrance is one bloc~':;'' east on Ford Road. Further information may be'·" obtained by calling 760-3803. i:t> ~~~~~~~~~~--~~ OrlftOI 0011t OAlLV PllOT/SUndty, Augult 15 1982 , . • o;1n19 COMt DAILY MOTl8'1nitaY. A&4Uet 11, 1N2 I ap in salaries, job o:pportunities remains wide QLJ:NDALJ: (BW) -The blt\Je of the llfX• LI .UU raatna. and the pp 1n i&lart• and employment opportUnJtlee tWM1na wide, eccordJni to results of a t•rat-ever 1urvey of 500 Southern Callfomta workina women. Flndlng1 from the Johnaton'• South ern California Profeulonal Womm'• Survey announced by Conky John1ton, prealdent of John1ton'a Yogurt, 1urvey 1ponsor, Indicate 66 percent of the Southland'• working women feel they receive lower aalaries ,,,\han men for the same job. develop to her fulleet potentJeJ, no mau.r what It taka. S.lf ·motlvatlon, challen11n1 work, 1tlckJ.na topt.her M women. and money were aeen u facton matt encoutaalna women to fldvance 1n thelr careen lata Mt. Johnlton. Alth<>uah 76.2 percent like thelr jot., most women (~. 7 percent) would quit to do 1011111thtn1 elae. If they quit, 41 percent aaid they would become entrepreneura, with 24.& percent Indicating they would go Into completely new careers. 11Workln1 women are the ter1e1t aroup of ~OIUrt conaumert," •id Ma. JohNton. 'Nearly 90 percent aurv yed conaume YOlurt. We learned that heavy yoaurt-uaera are more aelf-motlvated and aattlfled with their Jobi, more health-conscloua, more willfn1 to take rllka and more aenattlve to prlcel and money." The median respondent qe ran1e wu 30 to 34, and more than 60 percent had IOme collep education, with nearly 20 percent having completed tome graduate work. and 2.7 percmt widowed. Med.tan pel'IOnal l.ncome of tho women wu $20,()()() to t 25,000, with the medJan hou.aehold lncome at $30,000 to $40,000. The women were divided among thoeo living with a 1pou.ae but no chUdren (25.4 peiwnt), Uvin1 alone (22.7 percent) and 1Jvin1 with 1pouae a.nd children (20.2 percent). "We were particularly Interested ln leamina more about Southem California worklng women -how they feel about their joba and family altuatlona -and lhowtns them the vast support network available to them," said Johnston. ~(.~ • Only 46 percent felt the aexes enjoyed . equal work opportunit ies. Nearly 52 percent felt men had more opportunities •• ,than women, yet when aaked how much 111ahe wanted to develop In her job now, Only l...7 percent of women 1urveyed indicated they would quit to have children. Nearly one in five women felt marriage hurt their careers, while 88.8 percent felt marriage was a career asaet. About one-third of surveyed women were married for the first time, 24.3 percent divorced, 22.6 percent single/ never married, 13.4 percent married more than once, 3.8 percent aeparated For a copy of the Johnaton'a Southern California Professional Women's Survey results, contact Johnston Foods Co .. P.O. Box 3096, Glendale 91201 or phone (213) 245-3778 . "How come there was no sexual harassment when was going to work?" • 1 one woman In five said she wanted to . , '• '· 1•1 ..... ti!.•" ···'-... •.•. Scented or Unscented t:::==::::'2.s oz.1. 41 ... •i'?'+,. ™LAUNDRY DETERGENT Low suds SPECIAL! ZEST MTHIOAP Deodorant beauty bar. SAVE2&e SAVEaoe FllllllAll'S SEA KELP IHAllPOOwn11,.. CONDITION • 11 OZ. IHAMPOO •I OZ. CONDITIONER BOTH 'OR 1.71 .,.,,,,,_ LYSOL SPRAY DISINFECTANT Regular scent .f.- . _ ........ ,. ___ .,._ .... _ ·-·· ----~ WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! ... ·-. ., ~ • t ii 9 LB. 13 OZ. 3.3 9 ENC ARE For the prevention of pregnancy 12PAK 3.29 200 TAIUTS °' 5 9 9 165 CAf'SUW • EA. •ltiii·+ CALDECORT HYDIOCOITISONE CRUM · For reltel of minor skin 1m1a1tons AD PRICES PREVAIL· SUN . AUGUST 15th THRU TUES .. AUGUST 17th ~DELUXE MR. COFFEE •• ,. COUPm AT llU uv ..... ITWI,..,... IOAJt •t:r rmm • cerm. ...,AC'NllJ 19118"11 TO T1IG 121IOllU19 f Aa f COFFEEMAKER 2·12 cup capacity with digital clock Shatterproof construe· t1on: heat-resistant glass decanter. llCMll·tOOO IAV-OH 44 95 AD PlllCI • ,~:.·~ g:~~ • 7 .00 YOUll~=~ 37 95 11111.~m~ • FOLDING REDWOOD PATIO TABLE 15'n"1 l5-'h"1 2Yl' 100% California Redwood top _4.99 KANE MACRAME PLACEMATS Assorted colors. Ma!>ter Card . PRES70NE II ANTI-FREEZE ANTI-BOIL Fights corrosion all year long. •tti !:I.* 1CAL. 4.19 PRESTON£ SUPER FLUSH 22 oz. Use before anti-freeze Removes rust and oil. 1 99 IAV-OH AO PlllCI • • llHATI DllllCT -1 50 'llOllll'llUTOHI • YOUllA=49C PllHTa..I llllATI SWEDA MEN'S OR LADIES' LCD QUARTZ SPORT WATCH 5-function with back light. ....eM 69C ~ 12]'5 ~ --------------------------------------------- BUY 2aSAVE 78° BAVE70' ATTENTION ELIGIBLE MEMBERS OF UNION HEAL TH AND WELFARE FUNDS PEPTO·BISMOL Protective coating action for upset stomach ·~ 1.59 .............. AMoc:ltl9d with '-•P'IOn Health ~c.t IPHS) llGINNINQ AUGUST 1, 1982 SAV·ON CAN NOW FILL YOUR PAEICAIPTIONS AT NO CHARGE TO YOU. IT'l IAIY TO HAVW Y~ ...... IC~ fltLLID ATIAV-GM. PHARMAClll ONN t.tO ,,,, .... ,.......,.,. 10tt0,.. .... ,. IUM»AY 6 AU MO&.ltAYI IJIC4I" QINITllAI ..... -....... 57 •-lll15$0 ,._.,_ ............. __ .., __ .,.... IE ..... ..., . .,~-·, ........ ----··· ...... • .. 60Z.1.19 •ttii=e- POLIDENT DENTURE CLEANSER Leaves dentures close-up fresh 84's 1.99 PEPS ODE NT TOOTHPASTE 6.40Z. gge Cfijjj·- RAVE HAIRSPRAY Pump bollle. • 4 oz. PUMP • 7 oz. AEROSOL . YOUR 1 Ag CHOICE! • ~ IA. SPECIAL! .. I ., ' ' ~ ~ .. • . • .1. .... ' -· ' ' ' Assorted Flavors. '• CllBSIFllD 'The Gold Monk~y' is no ripoff of 'Raiders' 8y JEMY BUCK .,, ......... ....., LOS ANGELES -lt'1 1938 and u you alt in the Mon.key Bar nunaina a drink and wat.chlng the IW1 link into the South Pacific you half ex~ to ... Sadie Thompeon atrollln1 along the island t-ch. Jake Cutter hu just landed hia Grumman Gome in the lagoon after flying a contraband load to another laland. Louie is behind the bar decorated ..,tth dozena of carved monkeys, and Sarah, the leJCY chanteu.e, ia ltrUggllng through another song of unrequited love. Thia la the aetti.ng of "The Gold Monkey," a new ABC aeries of adventure and intrigue set on the kind of overluah South Pacific ialand where •uthor Somenet Maugham placed Sadie Thompson in "Rain." Thia particular mythical island ls Boragora, where there'• a spy behind every coconut palm and adventure I.a lurking inside Louie's Monkey Bar. A motley collection of expatriates has washed upon its ahores, each with hi.a own baggage of dreams and a lleCl'et in hia past. "It's about a guy who flies a beat-up old ,J.rplane in a remote part of the world and during our last age of innocence," says Stephen Collins, who stars as American pilot Jake Cutter. "It's a very removed place. I think people yearn for that. Two minutes after an event you've aot it on the news and rehashed and replayed. It waa a slow world in the 1930s. I think people miss that." Cutter's world is also a make-believe world. The plane, the lagoon, the bar, the jungle have all been con1tructea on the backlot of Universal Studios under the guidance of Don Bellisario, the creator and executive producer. Not only that, but Univenal has made Boragora a stop on ita studio tour. Less than a coconut's throw from the dock in front of the Monkey Bar, the Red Sea parts every few minutes as another tramload of tourists go by. Collins says, "U we do it rijtht it'll look like a Cin cin nati officials miff ed o ver loss of television sh ow CINCINNATI (AP) -Some city officials are bemoaning the loss of weekly national television exposure when "WKRP in Cincinnati" goes off the air this fall. "That show helped to put Cincinnati on the map," sald Louis Smith, promotions manager for the Cincinnati Convention and Visitors Bureau. "Now when peo ple find out I'm from Cincinnati, they aay, 'Oh , WKRP. How's Lonnie'?" lhe said, referring to actress Lonnie Anderson. •'AN omCER AND A GENTl.EMAN' IS A MIRACLE TH.AT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" ~••"-4 I $ d NEW SEASON STAR -Stephen Collins •will star as American pilot Jake Cutter in one of this season's new television series, ABC's "The Gold Monkey." show of the '30s. u we shot this on location it would look too contemporary." A movie he is using aa a model is "Only Angels Have Wings.'' a 19S9 release in which Cary Grant J?layed an air mall pilot in South America. lie aaya, 'If someone described that pilot you'd never think of Cary Grant. U you de9Crlbed Jake you'd never think of me. Grant played a two-fl1ted, old- fashloned hero, but it w.aa one of hls best parts. There was nothing urbane about him. When I was sent the script for 'The Gold Monkey,' that movie was the first thing I thought of. "(}'11"8 is an action-adventure show," he &aYI, "but it's also about how people relate to each other and react in a foreign environment far ·from home." "The Gold Monkey,'' along with CBS' "Bring ''A lllLUDllLY n.1111 aMllDY·IHIAllA. 'BIND' II AN lJNDPltTD lllMCJ.1.'' -Mlcbad Sraaow, IOU.ING STONI Ilm•r NOWPLAYINQ COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540-7444 I "° ••iii's ACCl~lD DUfllHO T>tOt (NCIMJDl(Nl I THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. •£dw 8.C. Ptua In Dolby Bt.-c> 'em Bick Alive," la eacwed of betn,g a ripoff of "Raiden of the t.o.t Ark." The oonoep111 are almUar and they're let in the ume period. But the lean, Mncbome Colllna abaket h1a heed no, "Don Belllaarlo tried to 1ell this to the network.a before 'Raiden,' " he uya. ..The debt we owe 'Raiden' ta that lta tremendous 1ucce. made the network receptive to a 19308 period piece. "Thil la a much more personal story than 'Raiders.' The truth la we never eet out in any way, 1hape or form to do 'Raiden.• But I think the network is probably delighted that people want to make that compariaon." Collins was born in Des Moines, Iowa, during a visit by hia parenta to the United State.. 'they promptly returned to Peru, where his father was an executive of Panagra Airlines. He apent some of his infancy ln Peru, but was raised in a small town on the Hudaon River north of New York City. Collini, who la separated, lives In an old buµdlna that was built in Spain, d.laasaembl~ and moved nere tn 1927. Clark Gable once lived there, and his next-door neighbor ia Bette Davia. DAILY 1:11, 1::11 .... l:IO, 10i:ll =· "THI WORLD ACCOMMNG TO QAlllP" DM.YMl,MO "'THINGS ARI TOUGH AU 11:11,4M.l:IO ~ onr .... ..... ... - POLTERGEIST.!! DAILY ...... T~O~~ .. .,.,,._. lfUlf,_,, DAA.Y4:e0. l:OO "PORCID Yl!NOIAHCI" DAILY 1:11, .._ 1lrU (R) POLT.ERGEIST..!! DALY l:ll. .. "IUIKRS OF THE LOST A"IC,. ,,., DM.\' .. .,. (II) Tt11°"*8tori.1 .. ~= .. lAJ!u!l"!l!. DAILY 1 ... ~ ..... , ....... 10M "TM9IQS AAI TOUGH ALL OVER" DAILY1:11,7 .. 10lotl Mtunllltn& ·' He uya, "It ha. a bl1 courtyard. It'• hke 1omethln1 out of a Tenne11,e Williama piay, 1omethln1 you would expect to see in Baton Rou,e." He has practlced tranacendental medltaUol\lor the put six rean. "We have 80 little 1tabillty in our our Uvea,' he aaya. "That's why I atart.ed meditating. We need peace In our llvea. I can take It with me. lt'a made an enormous change in my Ufe for the better. Being an actor is such an lrrei[U}ar kind of life that I need it and don't know how 1 got along without it." In high school and Amhent College i n Massachusetts he was a rock musician and played in aeveral bands. He waa also busy with acting and appeared in more than 20 plays at college. When he graduated he had a small role waiting in "Twelfth Night,'' part of Joseph Papp's Shakespeare in the Park program in New York. Although h e spent .considerable time on the stage, he is probably best known for his roles in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and the ABC miniseries "Inside the Third Reich." ltl--•llUTTO-M•---.-• •AUMftAf-- ltMTYMcHtCHOl ~,,... ~-~ CMAISTOl"Hl.A A~ ._ "THE BEST ~~ · · LITTLE ~...:. 4 TRACK WHOREHOUSE "t!"'C;~ DO;l8Y l'1WMO • IN TEXAS" .,..o •• ~ a IN IWll.l FRI. t:oo, 1:11, 1o:ao PN. t, I, 10 PN. MO, a:-.10M IAT/auN. 1:aG, l:48 IAT/IUM.1,4. IATllUM. 1-. 1::11 li:OO, 1:11, 10llO (") .. ... 1111, ..... ..,OllCID VDGUNCr. 1111.1111.*W C't) ~·t~·. •, Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. "ZIPPED" (R) "DIVA" (R) "The Youn1 Doctors In Love" ~SCIENCE-FANTASY ROMP.IF -Pet•t Rolrwr. LA. HEMLD·EXAMIHE1' '~"°"" -\ -·--·---,.,--f~: ·--···------. COSTA MESA FOUNTAIN VALLEY Edwards Mesa Theatre 646 5025 Family Twin 962 -1248 NO PASSES ACCEPTED FOii THll ENOAOIMINT SET SAIL FOR THE MUSICAL COMEDY ADVENTURE OF THE SUMMER! 1fllf f Hl CU• COtUtl O" Allt(i. I • U4 t1t1 The comedy sleeper of the vear. ~ ~ • MtGHTSRtn ~ COSTA MIU EOwirOS C•ntm~ Cenw 979 "" COITI llllH fo,.11os I o .. n Ctni.1 ,~, 41 ~· U TOllO (O,.A•O> ~leO.IC~ ~81 ~880 JCIUllTAlll HUEY Fanury lw1n q6? I 148 c::ona.ua u fOM Edlw-,...,. Cell... lf#1t• ~~ tlUl 1$1 41'4 tl14J !at !Ito CYPMUCWrw tlt•t 121 tlN ----NOW PLAYING----'"v111 w111t11•rn• Edw11da Woodllfldtt Ci11t1M Wttt SSI Olr>f> 181 3135 • O"A"H Ci11tdom1 834· 2553 • !SE!E70MM*S·W+adiJ JOUllT&lll Hl.lfY • .._. (,.., .. ,_ v.,,,., CIMdCJl9t 1714101 t)OO t7UJIJ4 U!l IAlllOl lllOYI v .... Y•w tll 4) 194 )3)t •P1-1te11n >SmmCD--1 l Order Today -Not Available In Stores : : Please Rush Me ..... "Valley T-Shlrts" At '4.70 (Add 30' 1 IJil<O ,..,1'7:1Cti'ii'A : Sales Tax In California). Plus •1.00 Postage And Handling ,: ~ ~ 1 For Each T-Shlrt Ordered. Style: 0 Bftchln' 0 Gan Ma ..... ,Mt.M•U"l•••" .. -·eo : Sex. Size: Colors: 0 White 0 veiiOw : NOW PLAYING : Name· . •.. ....................... .. . ...... . . : ~!:'.'!...."'°'""" f!.'~!:.~: f:.~•wO:.'!.'!~ ~~™!!'~~~~°'"•"' : Address •• .. ... . . ... ... ................. ..... ................. : e1ue10 )•o ,... sJo uo1 n• 1u1 : City . .. State ........................ Zip .. . ........... : :'!:e.uPW• :!.'='~· ~6•3.c..311c;.1 -. ::~::.:=::::. 1 D Also Send Me 0 Gag Me O Bltchln' Bumper Sticker At I sus1>1 \81 ~no g 1 '3.00 each Mall To: Turbl Promotions, 4000 MacArthur 1 F========================== I Blvd , Suite 3000, Newport Beach. Ca. 92660 Pa1en1 Pending : Hir================:::1~ -~"IQUt1-_RH~11.--1 a -~--~--------------------------------------! ..., __ ...,_... ._.. With Burt&Dolly thl• much Am }tut couldn't IH l~1all NOW PLAYING uattt•• ll!OOlollurSI 772 1441 INIU li!Mln81ea ~n !29 S3J9 ~~~·~-.. , .... COIT& Mii& OM• 011A911 Edwa<Cll ll«bo< 1 .. ., ANtC OrallQI M•• UA Co1y C-631 l~t 637 0340 83• 3911 Pie tic '1 l tneojn Dnve In 8'1 1070 ou.u """" s OrlftQI Driv• In SSI 70'1 UJlll(•GllCln ~~~~~~~~~~~ Edlolaiell WU !l)IOQll $30 U Ot I• OIM.Sl!llSlHltOflCHIMSCO"l Hllf 113() I "° ,_, ACct:nwo •oa ,..,. ,_tKllfT t2:4S 2.tO S1JS 1 110 10:21 fAJLll'1.!! a .. • .,,,, •• .,. ..._ .. o. tP. o, .................... ~m: At Ridgemont Higb Only,,,. Rules get 8ustedJ ' *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncea before 5:00 PM theept Sptclal Eng1gtmtnts and Hohdaysl IJ'MttlJ'[lJ'MJ'll LA MIRADA WALK·IH M11000 at to••c•ont 9U·2,00 "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3" 1111 u:ao..,... .. --- "AN OFFICER A,.ND I "THE PIRATE MOVIE"'"' A GENTLEMAN 1111 1:00 "':20 a·~ t:OO 10:20 •tar.............. . ... .-... f LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "niE BEST LITT1.E I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" .-..--. ..... -llll "ITAR WARS"cNI IH OOUIY IUlllEO 1 ___ ., ... 1_ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN foculfV 01 Conolewooo 213/531·9110 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOYE"lil! t:l'!ar;a..••------ THE PIRATE MOVIE IN l •-».>:-........... Mdl •.-._. ..... ,, ",... 1 30 l411 · .... 1: 1S ,.._, ,,,... ., ._,. IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllDRlN UNOIR 12 FRU! 111tMr .i • .,,.. lllM. 11'r1l Fri 1:00 • hi-Si.ti • ..._ lOO l'li Cllil-rt -•TOU• &M CNI MDIO IS YGUll Sl'IN~ 1f "° '" CAii -WITll IGl«T1llO aauso-t IO$mOl!I -IMll ,.-l'OllTAIU l•AU CM-fl~ &10 Oii AM MOIO .......... , ..... ANAHEIM ORIVl·IN h •e•OY 91 Ot \etftOft st 179-9150 •FOfletO VENOEAHCt" 1•1 -"ICAA«D TO OIAllf" 1111 CINE II SOUNO IUI "" PAR~ BUENA PARK ORIVE-IH UftCoff'I A.•e Wetl of CftQH 121-4070 IUI "" r Alli LINCOLN ORIVE·IH l""COW\ .a.•• W•'tl of •nott 121·4070 ftl UNTAI,_, "fAIT TIMRI AT IUOOIMOMT HIOtf" 1111 -FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN so~ O.•oo frwy 01 l•ooi~wot (la) "TlW MOU. YWOOO llNIOHTr' 11'1 f62•2•11 CINf II SOU!IO "f'CNICID v;t_NOIHCa" 1•1 "ICANID TO o.ATM" I'll cuttPt- ,. ,.,.111 .. 'Ai LA HABRA IJlllVI IH . ..,., .. _. __ ............. 171-1162 - ~A•• • I OQANGE OlllVf IN '" .. ., .. MI SS IO N fllllVl IN &ecKh livo So GI G.11-°'°'' ,,_., 89f·369l "ITAll WAAI" '"• -"tllaOAfOlllCr t"OI =i11t n IOUllO..;;..... __ CHHCH a CHONG nMCle AMT~~OVSl1111 .,..... Clll CMl'llOUMI ... ~'° .... ,,...., •Ste•• C .. •O• 634-9361 ..,... •• , UT1\.I WHOMMOU• • TUAa" .c .. . . ""' ~ COWOY" 4"1 .. l i I °'lft09 Ooelt DAILY PILOT/~, AuQu1t 11t1111 Very Special Child' GOlfl 01 lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR HAAIF mAll ANlf L.AHDDS: aw.al~. J'O" pirtated I ,_.. Mout '1he epedal ctilld" that 1'ID IW'e Wll ~ to I ..... t many ~'8. l didn't clip 'lt out \eeauH It had no pereonal ~'°-· A f.w monUW -CO our flnt ~ Wll bOm, We lMriWd only yteterday that the baby WM braln-ciarnlpd at birth. Our dauahter and her tu.11band Mid all the ICren,th they c.n .. t. WW b°'1~ ftprint that poem? -SEDA.LIA, MO., DEAR GRANDMA: Ren It la. rm 11n ta wUI .... ,. REA VBN'I VERY SPECIAL CHILD By Edu Ma11lmUla A mHtlq w11 IMld qwa. far from ear1b! It'• ttm• apm for uotller blrtb. Said &H .U.111 co "' Lord above, '1'1111 ~ c.lld will aeecl mucll love. 1111 p~• may be very 1low, Aeeom AID•tl lie may aot 1bow. A.Dd lte .....in extra care From tH folb lie meetl dowa tllere. Be may aot na or lnp or play; Bit &M41Pta may 1eem qDlte far away. la muy way1 ... WOD't adapt, And lle1l bt bowa 11 llaadfcapped. So leat1 be carefel where Ile'• teD&. We wut Illa We co be content. Plealel Lord, ftlld tlle parent• who WW do a 1pedal Job for Yoa. Tbey will not realize rlpt away Tbe lead1D1 role tbey're 11ked to play. Bat wltb ~. clllld aent from above Comet 1tron1er faith and richer love. Shope' ~ some 01 the. kssons j've l ear1U.d ~n this \.'VOrld. -will be u.~ful in the n<txt. AM ... llle11l •w die "1•0.S• stn• .. ~ ...... ..,. ,,. ....... . n.tr ,... .... ~, .. •• ud mUd, •• a ...... , ,..., sp.etaJ ~•. D&AR ANN LANDERS! l am a 22-yeer-old redhead who bluahee ...Uy. Add to th.la problem a •trona avenlon to off-color Jok• and dirty wonlt. r work In an offlc• where a lot of rou1h lan1ua1e 11 uaed. Several peo_ple deU1ht in embarrauJng me. I'd atve anythtn1 If I could prevent my face from turn1q red. It It pcmlble to equelcb a blUlb?-TOMATO FACE DEAR PACE: I how of DO preveatlve meann for ltlull.lq. lpore *'• 1arba1e talk and accept you "CUM" a1 a rarity. BlH~1 l1 a Jost art. Aad mHy J••ple, lacl•dln1 me, find It tlaoroapJy cbrmla1. OONFIDENTIAL To Check the Quote apd Let Me Know: Yes. it was indeed Pope John XXIII who aaJd it -and It's worth repeating: "See everythlna. Overlook a great deal. Correct a little. 11 · Wedding party wears white, but for different reason SEA TI'LE (AP) -Most of the guests wore white to Joeef M. Smith'• wedding, which was fitting 1lnce the ceremony took place in the Swedlah Hospital Medical Center chapel, a week after Smith underwent triple hype.a heart surgery. Smith, 53, of Juneau, Alaska, married Sylvia M. Northcut. Hb bride said he flrat propoeed eome weeks ago when he wu critically ill with the cardiac problem.. She says she told him they would rna&TY u aoon as the surgery wu over. "He thought he was going to die," she aald. "But I said I wouldn't be a widow. 'You will live and I'll marry you then'. 11 she said she told him. Smith, a commercial fWlerman who alao runs a ama1l store In Juneau, said he was "feeling gi:eat" as he climbed out of his wheelchair and walked down the aisle for the ceremony. Q.-1 .. u...:-r:, ....... ff. AD tt.e '-ll7 a..ve rw1 Wll •• ~ ... r.SM .. ".,. ca11,,M ..... •...Ptt.n.r ....... , .............. u pu1Hr It •••---etlMr- WI... tlttre le H pol•t t.e la· creulq tlM l•vel. Ye& le 1"" coh••• I coH••t.e•tl.y lff ,..,1. raJuq overcaJle wltta oaly • ••tt.er&q of vaJatt. Hu ltrldp pa...cl •• by, er It tMr• area ... for till• •••••n. -L. Rosen, Toroato, Oat. IThlt que1tJoa laa1 be.a awarded tit• weekly priM.I A.-I don't know about bridge. but alas, time p111es us all by. And over the years, bidding styles have changed somewhat. Not all that much reelly. We were always entitled to preempt the opponents and, in effect, that's one of the IC· compllshments or a light raise of partner's overcall. As a matt.er of feet, there is an example in thi1 week's quiz or such a raise. so perhaps your question might ro~estall a host or others. Once upon a time, over· calls were made on almost any collection of 13 cards, regardleH of vulnerability. But when ·the oppon"nts learned how to double at low levels. player• slowly tightened the requirement• for an overcall, chieOy out of respect for their pocket btoks. The next development was a precise 1tructure for rHpondlna to partner'• takeout double and. u a ' rttult. a takeout double wu no lonrer m1de on any ~nd that counted up to th •qulvalent of an openln1 bid. For example, con1lder thle hand after your rl1ht·hand opponent open• tho blddlna with one diamond: •• c::> AltJaa 0 A••• . "•• In the early day• of con tract brldre. you had to dou· ble and hope that you could control the tubtequent auc- tion. Now even a novic:e recognizu the inherent danger that partner might jump to some large number of spades in response to a takeout double. and on what might ev~n be a four-card suit In a good hand. Yet this hand could produce game op- poelte a partner who had lit· tie more than a singleton dla· mond and a heart fit! The solution was to overcall one ' heart and to ease the re· quirements for a response to an overcall. And It was done in a logical way. Since, by and large, an overcall shows pretty close to the values for an opening bid, the overcaller's partner treats it as if his partner had actually opened the bidding. With 7 points and a fit, he raises his partner's suit. However, since his partner did not make a takeout dou· ble, there I• no~ to U.p the blddlnJ open wftll a •Nk hand and a partJ&I ell&. Thue, with 7 ,.&•" allCI no I&, rHpond•r 1l111pl1 ,.... •• Co11tlder thtH two haD4t afwr your l•ft·haad oppontnt opt1t1 one diamond and part· ner overall• one htart1 a>+ltllllU ltl•u c;l•a OQHa OQn OH •Qu •IJaa.a With hand a). PIH partner'• overcell-th•r•'• no point In fntroducln1 your 1pade 1ult. becauM partHr would have doubled had lie been lntere.ted In •PMM• u well 11 heartt. Haacf bl i. ac- tually 1 hifh ear4 point weaker. but It hu tremen- dous playinJ etrength: four trumps, ruffin1 value1 and a good 1ide 1ult. Clearly. you ere worth a rat.. to two heart1. Ir partner ft•on• of those old·fathloned type1 who would not dream of over· calling uni.., he could count enough tridtt in hi• owa hand. even that mlrht. be an underbid! 8e114 UJ ......... llr dile NI-• w. C.._a.. Q ..... _. O•ar 8 .. rlf, caH ef ltite .. •• ..,.,.~"""a,,... .. • q,, ., "--· "0-·· .,.... c-.......... It.ts ...... wW k aw ...... r. t.M ........ J ... 94 ...... .......... Cllarl11 Ger.. 1114 O•ar 811arU ,., ..... :r _. ....... &all• a.-....... I' ......... •ltt-4. Libra; TiHJe to focus on your career TDDAT'S CllSllDID l'UllLI Monday, Aa1u1t 18 ARIES (March 21 -Aprll 19):· Trail no longer zigJ.aga -your path can now be more secure, sure and positive. Finish what you start, conclude transaction, get professional survey, appraisal. Your p osition is strong; you'll gain major . bargaining point. TAURUS (Af,rll 20-May 20): Doors which previous y were closed will now open. Means you'll have freedom of choice. Accent also on short journey associated with "special mission." Leo, Aries, Aquarius peraona figure prominently. New approach is favored. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You'll obtain needed material. Income fotential increases. Take advantage o surprise element. Long-diatance oommunication aids in regaining sense of direction. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius natives play key roles. CANCER (June :U-July 22): You are a "surprise winner." Lunar and numerical cycles highlight timely appearances, correct assessments. Popularity is on upswing. l{orlzons expand -doors open -wide. Elements of luck, timing ride with you. Watch Sagittarius! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You gain security -and right to privacy. You'll perceive hidden motives and resolve a dilemma. You are on brink of additional steps towards enlightenment. Aquarius, Scorpio and a nother Leo figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Some of your fantasies could be tranaformed into realities. Key is communication; member of opposite sex aids you in regaining aelf- conlidence. Get thoughts, ideas on paper. You might be pleasantly surprised by results. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focus on career, fringe benefits, home appliances and possible gift or purchue of art object or luxury item. Some of your best qualities surge to forefront\ you receive recognition, applause from peers. Watch Taurus! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Abstract concepts become more solid -d efine terms, get rid of superfluous material, establish lines of communication. Special publishing or educational project will be highlighted. Cancer, Pbces, and another Scorpio play significant roles. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You're provided "special information" oonceming investment possibility. Focus on diamonds, durable goods. Be positive of references connected with one who would be a partner. Cancer, Taurus, Caprioom persons figure in "interesting" scenario . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on legal commitments, time span, ability to reach more persons and to enlarge horizons. Check legal rights., permissions. Be aware of public relations, opportunities to establish self on more solid base. Watch Aries! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): New employment opportunity highlighted. Focus also on special services, fresh material connected with diet, nutrition, health. Individual who previously opposed you can no)" become valuable ally. Leo plays key role. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Good lunar aspect coincides with affairs of heart, basic desires., significant changes and discovery of outlet for creative capabilities. First impressions likely to prove correct. You'll learn by teaching. Watch Aquarius! rt beach• phone 675-0150 FREE 8100 DIAMOND SOMETBINO TO SMILE ABOUT -Diane Campanaro of Newport Beach, wu one of the 10 finall1ta ln KABC Newa Radio'• Southern California Smile Cont.eat.,. Winner of tbs event wu to be announced lacer. .. lUF.FILL'S UPHOLITllT .. ,,. ···-~ ltlJ *'IOR aYD. COITA MllA _,..._I IM Keep an eye on local government in the llllJ l'lllt ·th th• 111roh111 f •• , •••ti•1 Hundred. of mountinp to choose from startinj as low as '99" 3DAY IALI Aug. 19) 20,21 Hours for Sale 10-7 ACROSS 72 Lo-color 127 Jacob'• ton 73 Pear-128 Blood 1 Dleter'1 dish thaped feet or 8 Amu11ment 10Und1 129 Metric t t African port 74 Bran wind• meuure t8 Carbonizes 75 Family 130 "Et -, 21 Barter member Brutel" 22Zeal 78Smooth 131 Pronoun 23 Slde-1tep 77 Pay homage 132 Either'• 24 AuthOf to companion Ouldt'I real 78 Biota out 133 Type ntme 79 Compan-meesure 25 Sun deity Ion• t34 French 28 Beyond: 80Adde< 1111dt Pref. 8 t Forlc prongs t35 Player, In 27 Son of 82 Uniting tag 25Acrou Junctions t38 -de Leon 28 Hawaiian 85 Uquld t38 Compound bird mea1Ure ether 29 A Ottr9" 88 Magic stlcits t40 Legel 30 Rough lava 87 Whal« document• 3 t Mad. Of 5th Indian t42 Lyric muM 32 Bye 90 Overjoyed 1« Spirited 33 Rulllan.., 91 Hatdlhlp horM 35 Hardy white 92 811thdey 145 Cuti off clover Item• t46 Slipknot 37 Cake layllfl 93Go by bus loop 39Wlpee,ll 94 Peart)' 147 P1tyful dishes portals mammal 4 t Prltoner'I 95 Continued: dreem 2 WOfdl DOWN 43 OrtlpauM 96 WIMt" 44 Gotd1 97 Donated t Leather 48 1t1ll1n port 98 Extraordl-fastenefl 48 RRltop n&l)I person 2 Biblical 49 Name 99Smaahlngl mountain meaning too Red or 3 Creole "bird" Green State: Abbr. St Ru111an 10t Frolicsome 4 Concealed: d"pota leaps Comb. form 52 Undlluted t02Acme 5 BA.for one 53 Knowledoe t04Watklng 6 Fencer'• cry 54 Rlper11 1t1ckl 7 Prigg.Ith 55 Sptr1 105 Residence per10n1 5e Love pat t06 Grad. class 8 GlgrMn 5a Sorter members 9 Treuureol 61 Arrange-109 Moslem title yore ment t t 0 River lldes tOLeavee: 82 POOi stunll t t t Solltaty 2wordl 83 Th1tllem t t2 Pub potable t t 8111 collac· 67 Etectronlo tt5 Pagan tOf'I prey detec1or t t7 Targets 12 Shunt 88 Melalboll 118 M0'1 13 Egyptian 89 Mineral neighbor 80UI vein• 119 Deleted t4 Jewllh 70 t9thc.n 121 Love madly month French hit-t22 LesMn t5 Encourages tonan t24 Ballet again 7t Salted Ingredients t6 Baby bed• 7 e 9 I In rHdlng enjoyment comet to your. home 1 «Mys• Melt In tM 17 La -. 81 Accept• ff ranee 12 utahflower 18 "1-. 83 lluepnnt Camera" 14 Terdy 19 Clear hydro-85 Sir Gareth carbon aided Iler 20 Add tplce Be Carrie. on 34 Conltella-87 S..flet tlon 88 Frankfurt'• 35 Pryl~ bar river 38 Mlled I IOn 89CNcken• 38 Plurtl 91 lpeedy ending 92 IMly homel 40 Annoy 93 ArMd)'to 42 Light bMr pkldc 45 Turnpike 95 Pondert H it "Sut>merged: 47 e.lllCOM 2wordl god 97 More COUfe- SO E1d1ts geou• 5 t Carries 99 Pintail duck 52 Covert with tOOCI .... uphill standing 54 Maley law tO t Fountain 55 Sloping part 1rea11 sa Apple drlnll t03 Eacorted 57 Theater t04 Professions platform• t05 Exctametlon 58 Me1rlc 106 Mutlcal weight llgDI 59 Serbian 107 Extremely measure werm: 2 60 Blbllcal word• name t08 PaOIO Of 61 Border• Tome 82 Giver ttO Took a 84 Sword-lhower l\tndle 111 8oot'1tf1ng1 65 Arrow 1121bMn poillOO charec:ter 88 Meeting. for 113 Biblical tribe short member 88 Dec:lalm1 114 Cltydak wildly peraonagie 891ndeptnd· t t8 Va.tlge entone: SI. t17 Rl'1 70 Cattails nelghb()( 72 HonOfed 1 t8 At flOlne 73 Drinker t20 Watctltul 74 Twlstl 123 Shrub 78 Shoeatrlngs 125 lrlah 77 OllCOY9r by •1tctama1lon cMnce·2 12t Noun 1Ufft11 word• 134Zod*8'gn 78 Rettaurant 131 Helm patron poel11on 79 Bllh0p'1 139 "-O.Um" h1t1 t4 t Butterfly 60Vlm t43 Attending "" Kd .. , :.hr -1 I . ., i • -. "; ' : • ' -. . ' -~ --, ,-I I I I I I I • I I I I j I Jl. -- I -~MO'M * * * "Lady TekM A Chene•" I 1843) John Weyne, JM/I Aflhuf. A WOMM flftde en unwllllng ,l cenclld•I• for m.,rlege wtllle huebend-nuntlng In UMFerW•t. .1:" CID YUTPVIAll. •. 1947 ( Dick Cewn tr•..,. t>.ai to ~ Ille Pfoeper-poe!·WOf'kl ;; Wer II ere 11191 -the grOWlh of the eubufbe, ~ I~ end 1"9 puMn- lc20 S}~THON A comedian ho9t end lour ~ comic cont•lenl• wtlo '. com~t• egeln•I on• anothet ere IMt~ In 1111• ~ed COIMdY game ~ ttiow. Ml. CHMTOf'MEA CLOaUf' 5:40 (I) CAMI "Rlcherd 0.-'• M.,· rlege" 8:00 • MUSIC AHO THI: IPOKENWON> II YOUTH AND THI! l8llD l~=NO ***•it "F...ud'" p"3) Montgomery Clllt. Sutan· neh York. Th• young vi.n-doctor found• the PfKlloe cf ptycholln• 1)191• white •ludylng hypno- ... with en .. ,,.,1rnenter. I: 15 Cl) MOYll! * * "Seturda)' The 14th" (195 t) Rlc:tierd Benjamin, Peule PrenU• A couple dlec:oll9r that the ~ lhe)'"ve Inherited le being occupied by vemplrM, ghc>el• end aatorted mon- ..... 'PG' e:ao 8 fOA OU.. TIMU S-el '9llglout INder• dlecuu their vl9wt on nudMr dlMnnernenl D 8ERINOIMY I AOMRT ICHUU.E.A DA Y8REAK L.A. II llMCUIUIE I CAUfOANIA PEOPLE AOAICUL 'JURE U.S.A. (t:JMOVIE **'A "Plnehcillf Gr.,,d Prix" ( 1980) Anlm•led. After hi• ett dMIQn la 1toten by •n ••-<:ollMgue. • brllllenl mechentc decldM to bulld an ....,, better reclng machine end c:c>tnpel• wllh hi• Mf'llMI• ·o· CIDMOV1E **'it ""Never N-Land'" ( 1951) PetlM Clark, C.111- ._, Neebltt A ll•)IMl-old 0"1 MCapM her tooel!MU by fantaalrlng about advenlur• wtth Pater Pen ·o· D HAMMEi' HOUN °" HOMOfl "'Wltc:Nng Time" A 300- yeat-old wl1ch brlngil ter- ror to the pr-1-48)' oocupenU of l"9 hOUM In • which .,,. -born _,.I TODAY'S AIEUOION • TMATSCAT • unu '"8CAL.8 ·~ OOPElANO • DAY <W Dl8COV£AY • OARTOON8 • , YOGA FOA HIE.Al TH · I SUNDAY MA89 l:acl FNnfWAYS D WHITNEY ANO THE AOllO'T 8 CAMPUS PAOFILE.: VllWPOINT ON NUTMlON • JIMMY IWAOOART I FU1X THE CAT Ml9T8' AOGEM (A) ~· TV~LOOt<SAT LEAAHIHO . • d) OIAl!CTIONS Glor• Faldm.n pr-I• • perform~ of popular JewWi folk muelc IRI "'"'*~ TOlilOM:JW Cl) HOU. YWOOO Hollywood raponer Biii Harrlt ~11 up.doea rac>Ort• on the people end .,,.,,.. whleh era making -In the production and glamM ceplt.i of,,,. ITIO¥la lnduatry • JOIL Gf'EY ... OOHCERT The -•lie l•lenh cf ,,,. Tony Awud-wlnnlng entartel,,., .,.. featured In Ihle ~man ehOW which lnclud•• • Hlula lo George M. Cohen. UIO I IUNDAY MOANtNO TMI • THll Uf'I PONYINl/O ....,.,. • NMOHAl DelmtllONI I U.OVD OCMlW! ::=COMPANY IF._ ••• ••[)rtyt.ln" 11175) Ol9nn MorthcMer, UM L.mota. SeYerel Teua ..., .. -,,,_. durinO • nlOflt of rom-.net excllMW!t at • ~ theelr• laaturlng en ~obebta....., llln\. CH> Y..:> JU.-coc CHANNll LISTINGS 9 KN.l(T (CBS' 8 ICNBC (NBC) e Kl LA lll'ld) .KA8C(A8CJ eKFMB ICBSI e KHJ TV llllO" e KC'.ST <A6C:' • KTTV (Ind.) e ~COP. TV find I e ICC'.IT <PHI I e KOC• (P8Sl DISCUSSION -His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Manning of the Catholic Church will discuss materialism in contemporary society, television and religion, and being "born again" on KNBC's (Ch. 4) "Odyssey," Sunday at 8:30 a.m. (J) WACKY WOM.D °" JONATHAN WIHTIM ~t: Soupy Selae. a:ao D OOYSMY ou..11: Cardlnel TlmOthy Menning; Rhone!• Aolend Shearer deacrlbel lier 000U1 Of body" 8l(pal'lenu during CPR: Rebbl Yattude Lebovlca. O..n of Alah Ha Tor ah ln1lllute, North Hol- lywood: Ron Gereci 11\owa r•Oolou• mualcal ln•lru- rnanta. 8 TODAY'8 8u.cl< WOMAN D MEETIHG TIME AT CAl.VARY I f'"NDEAICK K. PRICE l!LECTAIC COMPANY ~ THELAHAYE.9 Ql KH0W Y~ llBlE CIDMOVME * * "The Night TM Light• Went Out In Oeorg1a·· 11951) Krilly M~lchol. M"1< Hatnlll A brother· and-"'1.,. tongWrttlng duo have many adv'4"11Urel wNla trying lo ale• out a living on the country---.,.n drcult 'PO' (l)MOVIE * * · "T atk• The Ott et'• 11g1g1 Documantery. Nat· rated by Pater U11inov The nfe of • playful otter II Ir eoacl from hie birth In a hOllow ,, .. to Illa apic bat- tle with the leader of a hOUnd peck. 'O' 0MOVll * * ··Felling In Lova Again.. ( 11180) Elliott Gould. SuMnnah York A men goea to his high llChOOI reunion In the belief that ,... can """" the good llmM ot the put. 'PG' (%)MOVIE **'A "Pepllton'" (1973) SI""~. Ou9tln Hottman. A pelt of Oellll'• leland convlet• epand their time ptennlng their ..cape . a:oo D NEWS OONRAENCE • PEOPL.E1 a Cl) OMl. A08ERT8 • aBAME 8TAEET (A) ~ IT IS WAfTTEN t:30 8 Cl) F~ THE NATION Dal MEET THE P1'ES8 • OIMCTION9 The pllg.ht of Helll.n rafu- 0-In the United Stat" la aQtnlned (R) I DAY OF DISCOVERY THEWORU> T~ 9 K£NHrn4 COf'ElANO 10:00. HEWSMN(EA8 Gueet: Gubern•torlal Can- did•!• Georg• 000uke"' Daul<meflan. D ONCAMPUS FMtured. • loo4c •I how Scrlppa Pr-provld" $<:1"1pps College etudenll with • bridge 1>ei- 11umen1ti.. and modern lactlt loloOY. 8 MOVIE * * * ··n.. Ra..! To Sin· gapora·· (111-40) Bing Ct~ by. Bob H(J9e. • U8EMUBUNCH GUMI: Ken Singleton. G HEJW.D OF TAUTH I NXHUWBARO THE lAWMM<EAS MAGIC 0/1 OIL PAINT!NO Cl) aot MIWON DOU.AA MAH a~ WEEJ<1.Y Cl:)MO'M • * * "The Hunter'" ( 197g) St"" M~. Ell Wal- lach. Ralph "PllP9" Thor· aon !Md•• dange<OU9 Ill• " • modem-day bountv huntat. 'PO' Cl)MOVIE * • • ··c1u11 01 Th• TltaN" (1981) Herry Ham- lln. Laur.,_ Olivier. Myth· le hero P-11 helped by hie tether Z.UI In a --of <lengarOUI tllall• " he tri.. lo win the hand of • PhoenlGlan .,,._. '9'1M1 lhe wt.tlhM of a vengeful ... goddeH 'PO' 10:90 I INTPFACa MTIOI~ 9KJDINW ~TOO ~ wale Tyler #\Cl Lwter. ~ Jtm Ptunkatt, aomedlan Pat ~.WI &Nlns.(A) I ROMRf ICHYU.M ~,ALWR.L Ofla..0 MMMCOIO.. ~MfTINQ 8 OUTDOOR LR OJ On·TV m z. rv '"'HBO IC1 ICiM~•I lfl IWOA) NV , N Y 111> IWTBS) <ti (E$PNI ••1 (SflowlltM) • SClotllotlt • ICetlle N-~ NrlWOt'kJ Bob StNml atternpta to land a 100-tb PacHlc aall- ftlh olf Colt• Rice; Jim Cwrn!Qlal conduct• ..... aon In the ert ot lrap lhOOUng. CID MOVIE * * "Wiiiy Wonk• And The Chocol11a Fectory" pg71) Gene Wiider, Jack Albertaon. A world ramou1 conlactloner ott.,. • llla- llme eupply or etndy to the five winner• of • lreuura hunt. DMOVll! * * "The lncredlbla Shrinking Women" 11g80) Liiy Tomlin, Cherlea Gro- din A houMWlfe l\ndt II ,,.,d to cope wher1 the euddenly begin• 10 lhrtnk In tin. 'PO' 11:00 9 MOVIE * * * ""The Cupet- bagoer9" ( 111$4) George Pep(>erd, Carroll Balcer Dal PO.A GOLF "Sammy 0.YI• Jr Oreatat HertfO<d <>pen·• Live OOll· erage of the final round from Ill• Wethar1llald Country Club. Hertford, Conn .. MOVIE •*'A "Chrl•ll•n Tha Lion'" (11175) SIU Trever•. lllfglnla McK9Ma A tame Hon I• lorc:.d to eurvtve In the v.Hd• of Africa. • MASTERPIECE THEATA! "'DlwMll: Oluy'" Encour- aged by hll auccaa In ...,. b•I debatM with aorne of England"• moat prominent polltlcl1n•. Oler••ll decfdel to 1lend tor ParU•· ment. (Pert 1)(R)Q ID WASHtHOTON WEEK IH AEVIEW (A) Cl) MOVIE * * * "Rad Sky At M0<n- lng" (1g111 Rlctl.,d Thom- "· Clair• 81oo<n (%)MOVIE * * * "Soldier In The Rain"' (1963) Jadlle G ... aon. St-McO.--. A young IOldlaf ldolllea hit -o-n•. who ........ getl him out cf trouble 11:30 8 9 THIS W&J< WTtH DAYIO 8AINKLEY G TEMY CCU. WHITTAKER • CHUACH IH THE HOME ID WALL fTI'E.ET WEEK "High On Drugi" GUMI J""" Tullll of Morgen Stania)' & Co. (RI Al'TEANOON 12':00 8 LOIT IN SPACE "'Wllh Upon A Star" G 81!.AACH • RJU. THAOT'TU Hlghllghll of PMll N-· man'• recent racing et the Road Allanla are pteaenl· ad. • PAPER CHAii! "VolcM Of Silanoa"' A YOl- unt-In lhe 1Choo1'1 Prla- on AHl1tanc. Progtam b•comH emo11onally tnvotved with • poltllcal acllvltl wfM> II being held 1n diary con"'-'1 G POfmWT81H PASTEL8 "'Tha.Afl .. t"' (C}MO\llE *** '"A Utt.le Aomanoa"' (1979) Laur....ce OIMer. a-~. An elder1y con artlel )oln• 1wO young rvn· eways In low on a mad deeh acrou Ille European continent with the cM- dren'• parent• end the polloe In hot purtUll. ·pa· ~=ON • ·~ ··Reggedy Men" (11181) Sltey 8pecak, Eric Robert•. In 1IM4, • tei. phone oparetor In • amall Ta•aa 1own MCl"t1lcM h4tf lltandlng In ,,,. oomrnunlty whell .,.. 1111 • lhort •Nair with • combat-bound 1111. or. 'PO' DMOVll *'A '"Smokey Bit• The Duet" 111111) Jimmy McNl- ChOI. J_,,. Mien. A hiOfl ac:tlool dellnquent get.I Iha WflOle 1own on hit lrlll whell ha IMll• off with Iha l'IOlt_.,,..IO QIW end N9da --UM Itel• In I --of •14*n .,._ blee.'PO' 12:.IO. GMATl9T ~ ,....,. "ltOOk• Aoblnaon" Hoel: Geotoa~ • MOYll ••14 000 MllM!'e, The ttwlnOlbll" ( 1tM) Bttan ~. Albtn De61k•. -~ MC*O "~In The .. .,. .. .... CUllM .. "'°'' 1=-. ... ooNOa1' The ,_ QrOlll> from rodt'• galdlrl .,. pertomt ""* ..,...... hlta, IJrlcllud;o Int "Cellfomla Olfle," .. ....,, u..l.A" mid "8er• ...,.. Alttl ... cm~ • ·~ "ltOk l'otclt" lt .. O '-,_, T......,. Lae ..... A ...... _,a ..... .,. ......... ..... ~-...... ,,,. "' • I""! -.... --.. ··~ ......,.. .. ,, .. ,. ¥11.n ~. ._.,_,.A~ ..,,.., llWMflt IMO I 1trlOI r11111ou1 .. 01 .... to rMCMrn ... ~. " lllll'lll'd oY den-glrOUI, Wik-torcm. .,., UIO. TALK Nll04lf ~ ••·-au Celltotllle AflOlll ., OU. IWldA'I • MOYll **** ''llr\ Hvl"' (1Ht) Cfl&1lt0fl MMIOll, Jeck MIWltlnll ' • Ml'l.l'OOTMLL "P"'"a...on aam." Derr ...., lltonoot ve, Lo. Ange-lla"""' • ADAN-11 ··~U>Ca "With L0\19 P:tom Adolf" llflen'• lnjutltl 111,,. left him ehelltred end he wonder• If he cen r.turn lo normel 1111 or " ha hM *-llCldlc1*S to Ult dengeroua llf• of bomb dllpoael. (Pwt 13)(A)Q -~UNIVUIU (I) TMI WOK IN MIUAU 1= Schaduled. llWI -· of th• 10-round mlddlawalghl boul be!-Bobby Czyz end Ernie Singletary from L.-1 \lag ... Nev. 1:ao 8 (I) "°"18 SUNDAY Sc:hedulecl: llve coverage of tha tO-round WBA hee~ht bout~ JamM "Quick" Tlllll end Tim Wlt,,.,apoon; -· age of the Falmouth 10.. kllOfMttr roed r-lfrom Falmouth, M .... ). DWDTMN OUTDOOMMAN • ADAM-12 Malloy end Reed have • bu9)' night whldl end• up In tht• tregactlea. ID ~UMV£RU l:::.Ox **'A '"Dual Of Tha Tll•n•·· ( 1953) Stave RMYM. Gordon Scoll. Rornulul and Remut. Iha legendary founder• of Acme. battle MCfl other for control of the enclant ell)' end Ille loY9 Of a beeu- lllUI gl+1. 2:00 D SUNDAY Loc:etlon. Otua St9dlum. UCLA for Super CPR WMkand. II MOVIE * * * "Klng'1 Row'' ( 1941) Ronald Reegan, Ann Sher· Iden • MOVll **'it ··o.n-And The Rio Gr end•" ( 1952) Edmond O'Brien, Starting Hayden. ID eNalDE 8U81NE88 TODAY "Stertlng And Running A Small Butlneu" A reatau· r.nt-•• bou1lqua °"""" end • unlYarllty prm.aaor dlacu9 the IMla end trlb- ulallonl of •lwtlng end n.nnlng your own t>ue>- neea G PAOJECT UNf\/EA8E 0 MOVIE ••• "Oulll)' Or lnnOcant· The Sam Sheppard MU<· der CaN"' (1975) Oe«ge Paooard. Wiiiiam Windom. Cl:}MOVIE * * * 0°FIUh GOf'don" (1990) Sern J. JonM. Mu Von Sydow A lrlO of Mrthllngt travel to the plenet Monge and help It• opptHled lnhebllante In the overthrow or the evll Emperor Ming. 'PO' CIDMOVIE * * "The Night The Ughtl Went Out In Georgia" (1951) Krl•ty McNlctiol. M.,k HamlM. A brotl'ler· and-titter .onowrlllnO 00o have meny adventur .. white lrytng to aka out • IMng on the country·-'· am clteull. ·PO' (l)MOYIE * * * 00Shadow On The Well" pg50) Ann Sothem, Zacflary Scolt A peyc:hlao- lrllt !Inda that a woman'• hllabend la not realty • morderer after working wl1h their <leughttr and CUflng her amnMIL 2:15 (%) MOYll ***"Eye Of The...._ dla" 111111) Ooneld 8utflaf. len1, Kai• Neillgan. Wt"'8 on • remola Scottllfl ltlend to mee1 a German tut>mwlrle. an Axlt 'PY find• •helter from the 11orm In the cottage of • merrlad couple. 'A" ~ PMalHTE PROJECT UNIVEMI! euGAnMY L.EONAAD'S GOLOIN ouwu "'Hlghllghtl" (Pert 9) ca>MOYll * * "Flgurw In A l.end-acepe" I 11'1'0) Aober1 Shew. Melcolm McDowell. In en unnamed country. 1w0 men n.. their mllltery putauerw In the hope lllet Ille)' cen rMCh tha bOf'der balON~.'PG" •:001~ OONGll• llOMI. ~ -~DMAM. AMINOAH NAUTY! 'fMa ~•••a A Hmc1nO flfllly '-"t the mounlalne Of nottMrn ~ -folow9d tlWOUlh their ftrllt ~In "" unlMd ....... (I) .,...,...__WOMAN .8TIWAU.IM MUIY9 THI QI a ~ Oller, Norm Ct-• by, .la.,n• MHdOW,. .,,..,.,_.... Jllft ...., and ~ llr\tOft IOlft ..... ~ lbOltcl ltl9 ~~II. .-eMCMI ••• ,,. ''TM ... 111 GrMMr" (1H1) Cl') Onnt, JMft """"9M. NI ~"'-.... .. toroed ""°.dull .... ... lnO In 111119 """ • .,... ........... e CM'DOCMLA ._.....,. __ .. .... , ............ ,.... ... 0-.,,.. ... ~ ........... TUBE TOPPERS KTTV (11) 12:00 -"Full Throttle." Hl,hU1htt of Paul Npwman't recent ~ at Ro.cl Atlanta • KNBC (4) 7 :00 -,.!:J ectrlc Grandmother." Maureen Stapleton and Edward HennaM 1tar ln the story of a harried father who hires an electric ,rand.ma to take care of h1I three chlldttn after the death of his wlft. KOCE (&O) 7:1& -"Beverly Silla ln Concert." Beverly Silla and the lndtanapol11 Symphony ferform selections from "The Barbel' o Sevllle," "Mignon" and 11 Daughter of the Regiment" during SwnmerFeat. KNXT (2) 9:30 -11The Jeffersons." George ia convinced that he no longer ia attractive. eon In the "' of veo tfloOllng. • OAUf'IOfNA W&K IN MYllW QIMOVll •••••• (Oollat•)" (1971) werren Beatty. Goldie Hawn. Cl) NTa AU.IN ANO THC N>QQif IU The Aocket!M jolfl alnOI' Peter Allan on ltage " Radio City Mualc H.. In tl'lll mualcel ..,.a.I. 4:00 D WORTIWON.D Scheduled: -aoa of 1he 11)..round rnlddtew.lght bout ~ Bobby Czyz and Etnla Slnglatery from Lu \/90M, '""· I =-N'818LANO * ...-''Who Slew Auntie Roo?" ( 1972) 8h•llay Wlntar1, Mark L811ar. • MOVIE ***'A "Nort"-1 Paa- eaga" I 19-40) Spencer Tr• cy, Aober1 Young. • MOYll • * ··warpeth" ( 1951) Edmond o·Bnen, Potty Bergan. A cowboy """OM Ult dNth of "" nanc... • WAU. ITNET Wl!EK "High On 0ruga·· G-t· J-Tulllt of Morgen Stanl9y & Co. (R) 8D .10UANEY TO THE 8ICY The lagand•. lolk t .... end .00.)'Mt l'llltorlaa of two TallM Indian trtbM -the Alebama1 end th• Couahatta1 '" upiored. Cl) STMTMK Klrtt tn.. to """ an llllan IC)ICMhlp from dMINC• tlOn. Cl:)MOVll * * * * "M"" ( 1930) Petet Lorre, Ellen Wldmenn. Polle• P•r9IYH th• un0erwor1d u tl'ley -Ch OuMaldorf for • paychotlc c:hlld morderer. CIDM<WIE * * '"8reaklhrough'" ( 1g191 Richard Burton, RoO Staiger A Nazi --egaant bacomea ernbrollad In a plot 10 unnlnat. Hitler. ·pa· .MOiia **'A "'Vlc1ory" (1N1' S~ Staltona. Mlcf\MI c:.ine Our1ng World Wtw II, Allied P<YW1 -their tldtet to freedom In • match batwaan their --..... end tl'leO.· man National T-In Ptw· IL •pa· 4: 11 CD MCMI ***'A "Chrl1tm81 In Jut(. I 19-40) Ole* POW911. Ellen Ot-. Mlllekanly balle\ltng he"" won •for· lune In prtiia money, • men placaa hlmaelf healllty In debt. .:ao e CMI UQ•N'a 181.ANO 19 UORTUIAT WAllHINQTON WIEJ< INMVIEW(") ca> IUPEMO'KL. M8KlT8AU Member• of the Oellaa Cowboya rlvel "*"bers of lhe Sen Franclaeo 499'• In • loumament for tt>e t>ene-- flt of Ille U.S. Olypmlc T r8lnlng Carl tar. ~-KUNQl'U 8AUT~A IALUTI TO YUGOel.AV\A e...oUNE • ""90LOHOUM Bob VIie b9glna -tlona on a '8nCfl..lt)'le tract hollM In a Boeton euburb (~Q Cl) u•A•1•H The bll inclf1ne pllt Char1al tall• to gtw him tome -gy Ilea 11trenge 1'91Uft• ~=SUP AMl!NCA Fa.luted: • humoroue IOok el the ,_, lncMJtry. e l'llOdlnHSey bOUnty hunt· er; thl'M of A~'a tevorlte tklnrt)' dipping llOIM. ._.CMHIW8 li5:. "'Energlllng Your 1-1• ment•" Cl) Wll.00.-llACK. KOTT9t 8-1 IOM8 hie fMndah'9 with tha SWMthogl ,,,._. they ~ thel "' "" oompatel)' dlerTT*I Mr. Woodmen ~=JIA<DO)( *"** "loklter In The Aalln•· (1MS) .laolUI o .... a.I, I'-~· A yGC.w'O .,.., Jdolll99 ,,.. -..nt. 9tlo ....,.. --1111'11 °"' f/l ttoutMe. --Iha o.ocen Plain and up lnlO the Nllglrl Mountlllna. G NOVA "Finding A VolOa'" Se\Wel lllctlma of -· apaect'I dlMbllltlea r ..... hOw tl'ley -their handlcepe. i Q C91NIW8 THC~ ,..... The cllllent of • amalt town hlr• Rodllord to dltpoM of • ot+1 WhO r8'¥Mlad their tu-dodge !: to the IRS. HeCHEWS MOVIE *** 000flve.ln'0 (19711) Glenn Morahowe<. LIM Lemole. Savar•I Ta.H teen-eger• meat dU<lng • night . of romenca end ••cit-I et a drive.In thaetre laalurlng an lmprobeble dlNlttr film. CIDMOW * * '"WUly Wonke And The Choc:olala Factory" (1971) 0-Wilder. Jade Albert.on. A wortd femou• cont.c11onar offers • Iii. llme auppty of cendy to Ille ""' wlnnerW of • treuur• hunt. ca>MCME • *"' "Seatne Uk• Old Time•" 11980) Goldie Hawn, Chevy ChMa. A aoft-haerted lawyet la torn '*-,,., llopelMa' ... huabend -turnad·b•nk robber and het uptight ~I hutband Wl\O It running for California attorney ganerel. 'PG' Cl)MCME * * * 00Claah 01 The Tltena" 11g81) Herry Ham- lin, LMK.,_ OIMlr. M)'lh- ic heto '""'-'• 11 helped by 1'111 fethe< Z.U1 In e -'" Of dengetOUI latkt u he lrlea to win Ille hand of a Phoenician prlnceaa egelntt the wlahM of a vengeful H• godd11s. "PO" .MOVIE **~'"The Blue Lagoon·· (1949) J"n Simmon•. Ooneld Howton. A young glt1 and boy llhlpwredled on • PldftG lelend come to tow eacfl othet " they meture. e:ao D AOHT Ma< • TMAr8 HOU.YWOOO .. ~., Oaredellll100 1• I Cl)':'" MIHU'TU D Qt n. ELECTRIC ~ M _ _.. Stapleton end Edwtwd Hermenn ..., In the •tory of • hlln'led l•thet who hlr" en alactrlc grandmochet 10 car• for hie three chHdren aner the deeth of "" wife. (R) 89 COOEMD Denny MO*!• to warn a friend •bout en unap-· prowd aleetronlc game end Ted feoaa •car-crl- 91e. (R) I PAUL HOGAN "°'*AND AOU: THC .... TftYUM '"The Theatrlca Of Rocle And Aolt"' Allee Cooper l'IM1I thla look at roctr lhowmlnlhlp from EMI Prella)' and Jerry LM L-- la lo DeYtd Bowte. Elton John and The Potloa. • ARTHUR AU8IN8TEJN "The Young'" I "Carlos Alfldl" Al Ille age of 91, M-tro Mhllf Rublntletn , ... •bout Ille, mu9k: and ~pl• whlle trevellng UWoughollt lhl Medfter· -end~ -~.wN< ~~pro- gramming may be~ due to pledge break•. (Z)MOYll! *>A "Honky Tonk Fr ... w.y" (1951) a.au 8rldget . HlllM Cfonyn. A town ..,.,_.. 10 be doomed to el(llnc11on what\ 1"9 Hlgt)- wey Patrol Department fella to build en off ramp on tha ,_ tr.way thet outa thrOllO'\ IM ttti.. 'PO' 1!11 • ..wN.Y alu.l IN OONClfln llllwf1y a.a and l"9 lndl- enllpolle 8)'1"nPhonY per-'°"" Mlectlona trom "The I er bu Of 8evllle," ''Mignon" and "o.igtll• Of TM A9g11Mnl" on opening nlghl of th• orc:Nalra'• llOth -w.r- Ml'Y ...,.,,. ltlPad October 14, 1t7t. NO I fllCIQ'9 ON .,,,, AIM MO (J) ND9 ....... ""'°' MurT1ty deCldM "' "" .. °"'°''*, ......... ,.In .... bar. i.wlng Alchle 10 ltttt • ~ '°'. -1*1-· ~ eQICMN Jon Md Ponall -lNl"'9d ~ • arook wtlO tralna ..-. _.. 10 OOllWftlt crlr'n9, lfld ~·...,.,. ttlet • mll9 ~.,..,.. • llflk· lnO ,...,..... to llllft. ffll) ·M'IM~ ,,..._ '""',.... """ Lou ....... 0.... ........ u.nn ~.-...~ _.,...WI. ··-----A---~--Oftlll'9•-....... .. .. ....... ~ ......... "' ..... •• . ,, ..... • ANnDfW...,.,..., iflM~ ................. Mtaft ""', .. ~ JOlf'I ~~ ..... Alilntla n.... In a. WOtld, OMl!do. '** eWCMI •• ''Wlldemlll JouJMI(' 11t70) Adwnlwa. .NOVA ''Thi WIUtcl W"O "* On Tha fllOOt" l.,illrd """"' lllff9MI • ,.,,., '*'''" Of 'T'*'* ldilon flMt\ll1no unlqUa '°°'-• Of lctlaon ••Plaining Ill• lnventionl Ind In~ -4th Ill• lemll)'. emplOyeM end Ctlltc9. '"' Q (J:)MOYll ••• "The Huni.r" (1t78) l e-MoOllMn. Ill Wei> lllQh. ~ .. ,..,. •• Thor· aon ~ • dtn(le<Ollt ur. " • modem-city bounty ltuntat. 'PO' C8) JOHHNV OAIH'I AMINCA 'The country mue6o ltw perlOfflla • ""-'•• lo ,..,,,.,. lean hlatory and lredltlona wtth o-t.t June Cartw Clllh. 81-Goodman, John Prine end Aoclney Crowell from Kenlljtdy . Center In Weahlng1on, o.c. ~:: • "Terun, The Ape Men" 11951) Rlch.,.d Hanlt. 8o Derek. A young WOt!\'11 -d\M for het mlulng tether In the African jungle Whet• 8M ancount•• .,, uncMllzed white man and en oranguten. 'A" .MOVIE • • ''The Blue 1..egoon·· ( t880) Brooke Shleld1, Christopher Atkln1. Two caat-ey Children grow to adoleaoanee on • remote, South Pacllle lllend end axpertenoe the P•no• of llrat IOve. 'R' &:aa8(1) ONEDAYATA TIMI! Ann end company"' per- 11>aded to do enother lhow at the Part< Utople MniOr cltluna' hOlel (R) G nteWORLO TOMOMOW • MAITERP1ECE THfATN! "Ollr""'· Mary Anne"' ~ rMll, now • member of Par11amenl, PfopoeM to 1"9 wealthy widow ot hi• ltland and ~tlcal ally Wyndhllfn Lewll. (Part 2) ;~ **'A '"Vk:tory" (1981) Sylveatat Stallone. MlehMI Celna. During World W., II, Alllad POW• -their lk:kat to · frNdom In • match between their .-team end the Ger· men N•tlonal Team In Par- le. 'PO' 1:46 (Z) CHARLE8 CHAMPUN TkK&WITH ... "Donald Suthar1and" l:OO. Cl) ALJCe a a THE 25TH MAN The new commander of the LOI Angalaa Pollee Academy ,,.. hi• hendl lull Whan he geta hie llrlt ci ... ot ,_ rac:rutta. 8 WILD KIHOOOM "Baboonl Of Tanunla" MwMn end Or. Ramon Rlllna report aclenllftcalty on the -'""" unbe- llevtbla benavlor of theee moat lntelllgent of prl- ,...,_ (R) 8 9 MOVIE ••tit "Force 10 From Navar_ .. (1978) Aober1 Shaw. Barbar, Bac:h. I Oft.CHO MEWOfV'flH "Medical And Scianllflc Braekthrough1'0 0 ..... 11: Or. Rlehard Ellenbogen, Ot. Michael Edward1, Ot Herold Kerpman, Or. Albert Hlbba, Dick Ter•I. • MASnAPll!a THl!ATIIE ""DllrMll: Mery Anne·· Ota- rMll, now 1 member of Pertlamanl, pr0c>0-lo the WNlthy widow of 1111 Irland end polltlcel atty Wyndham Lawlt. (Part 2) ~~ * * "'O..dly Bleallng" (1981) Maren JanHn, 5uMn Buckner A young woman. mwrytno lnlo • tlrlct rallglou• ••ct oppoead lo modem hfe- atytaa. II purtueel by d-oer-. unllnown foroee 'A' 9:olO 8 Cl) THE .llff"ERION8 Oeoroe .. oonvtncaCI that he'• no tonger anrecti.. ; WON.DOI IUMYAI. I ::t:,:"" ... ,. ••• "Auntie Mama" 1\958) AouHnd IMMll. ForTelt TUc*er. QDMOVtS •• "Tha Night The Ug'hll Went Out In o.GfOle" (1Mt) Kriaty Mc;Nlctlol, Marti HMll•. A btothet· lf>d·lltt• eongwrtilflQ ell.lo ntw m111y ~tu,... wtllle lrylno 10 ell• OIA • Mng on Iha COllfllty ..... I· em dralllt. •PO' -·(I) """"""JOHN. M.D. A holpltellnd old glrt- tnand ot Gonzo'• -"° le afreld !Ml .,.. wlll ...... her tMlby .,, Of'phen hit• """ with • paMntlt)' IUlt. ;QIHMDCAM A~ oop la mltad ~\0 ... ,,,,,....811 ....,.0 ~who .. .......... "'° WOfl*' hoe-~~~ • awo..o '°" TOOAY ...... MYllW • ntlWUCIS ~LR .. lk..-IOoU .. how .......... In ltle llald ~~ ............... mey aMflle flAlf( ..... Md • ................. lllllO .. ~ .... ..-. ... s1 ............. , .. ~­,.... ... cm..,.- ••• ........ o..toft" ,, ....... ,.~ .... YOft .... A trtll of • ........... ID IN --~ ...... .. ............ "' ............... .......... ,.. (l)lllW'8 ··" .. ....., ; ..... " ,,..,, ......... .,. ,_..,.. "' ...... ..... .....,......., ... _. T-.._ ..,._ ,_ .......In-~ """" ........ ..., ... .... 4*'111111-NN .... ot 'N ' .WO'M * * "'elffnt In Love Atlln" (t .. 01 1111011 OolM, 91 I •• YOftt A MM ,_. IO 1111 lllgfl leflOOI ,_.... In 1N MW tllM M OM ,..,. IN tood -..o1._,_.. 'PO' .... LONI~ "Tha....., o.no'' ·Wm<INO~ ~ 1=:1WAOGAM * * • "Pltld... Al/wf' ( 197*) l)'l'felt• tlellone. Armand Aellnle. Tflf .. lel'*"lnO w01n.1 lrom the Hall'• l(Jtcflen MCllon of New Yotk C"Y comlW!e ,,,.., lrelt.t of llf elna end llf IWn In their effort.I to crMt• bettw ltVW for ,.,..,,...__'PO' 10'M. IUNOAY POfnW ,MM 11~11..T.:= "'Aular9 Of Tha KalaNtt" • AU.GOO'• ~ I JBltllN ,Al.wa.t.. 8NPK PMVllWI "I Wu A Teat1-Aga Moolla. Hollywood 1tl1" Roger Ebert and Gene 811kel aumlna the r-. why ,,,. t-.age eudlanoa .. now determining Holly· WOOCl"t blggeal hltl. (A) (%)MOVIE . * * "The Blue Legoon°0 I 1980) Brooke Shield•. Chrlllopher Atkin•, Two cutewey Chlldfen 'gtow to ~onaramota. South Peclflc llland tnd exper~ lhe pange of llnl love. 'R' 11:151 ceeNEWS 11:ao1= • HEWS WDKEHO SPORTt WtW'.uP 9 MOYIE * * * ··n,a Autoblogreplly Of M"' J-PiUm.n" ( t974' Clcely Tyton, Odee· "· alMOVIE **'A ''The LM1 Remake or a-i °""" 11an1 Marty Feldman. Mletlaal York Twin brother• become Involved In the Foreign Legion while attempting 10 pr- ,,,.., adopted family'• hOn· Of (R) (IDM<ME • • ··Breakthrough" ( 1111g1 Richard Burton, Rod Staiger A Nu.I --•gaant becom•• e<nbrollad In e plOt IO _.inell Hitter. 'PO' 11'45 8 THI AOCKFOAO Fll.U D MOVIE * * ~ "The LMI Ramake 01 Beau O•t•"' 11977) Merty Feldman, MlctiMI York. (IJ WHATS UP AMEAICA FMturad: • "-out IOoll ., ,,,. _, lndutCry: • mooem-day bOunty hunt· er. thrM ot America"• favorite aalnny dipping hOlel 1~• 100CUJ8 A raciort on the lal•t -about hypogl)cemle. I=:' .. '°811M.E • TALUOf'THE UNECH!CTED ""The Gilt Of a..uty" A beallful women ta con- tMHMCI by ,,., dealr• tor -grealer beeuty Cl) STAATAEK (C) AICHAAD PAYOA IN OONCl!RT DM<ME ••tit "Victory" (1981) Sytveater s1a11one. MlchMI Caine. Outing World War 11. AHlad POW1 -thel< licl<at to freedom In • metch batwaen their aoccer ...,,, end the Ger· men NatlOnel T-.i In Par- is. 'PO' 12:15 8 MOVIE * * "Summer Hollday'" ( 1 "3) Clttt Richard. Lllurl Pettw• 12:a0• MOW! *"' "P"8 Of The Saddle" (1838) John Wayn.. Ray Corrloen. ca>MOV!i *•'A "Back Aoad1" ( 1951) Sally Fleld, T on'll!IY Laa Jonm. A hoollw and a down-on-ftl•·lucl! bo•• '-' and head ... In -ctl o1 • .-..... ,.. 12:419 .W. Of' THC GA.Ml! Glenn Howard end•~ GtMk -.. fotc.d to "8e for ''*' ._ ..._, they dlallenOe .,, andanl Or.-ew1om. (l)MCWtl * • * \t "8oldl., 01 Orange'" ( 1978) Edwerd Fox, 8uMn PeloMl!gcn. 8111 Clll8atnatee •l • DutGtl unlWl'llty 00 .,..,, MCMI-,.,. ~ ""'*'-~· OUI In Europe. '..0' (J)MOYIE ..... "CtMria CtlM Altd 'nit Curaa Of The Or'llQOfl ~" (1 .. 1) ,.., ""'" "°"· ~ Halon. ()w. .. et.. • eldecl ~ ,,.. bumbllng grendaon In ..... • *lnO of ,,... dere. 'PO' , •• 1\IMA80UT tl10 CB>.,. .... ,.._The 1Jltl,...,, If' (1M1) Alr'lf ..... JoM ~. 1:11 CJ:l MCW9 .......... (1930)......, L0tre, lhn ~. lllollce p•r•l)IH the .......... ~ ... dh • C> ll'fOrf '°' e ~ c:Md...,,......,, t•1AllO--,,.. ':"ON& Guaat: °"'*"' Cerroll. ... wcwm •• ·~ Tha 11th, ,..,, 11" ,, .. ,, Nn"/ ...... JoM "'"r· ti•1--.. =..,.. .. .,.. ••• ,. •• ,.,...,,... (lMS) ........... ,.. '""'· .,,. .... ..... .... ..... ...,_.,,, ... ... . ....... ...... ....... $ ..... . · I ' ....., •ncr MUC MnlCl .-JC .a I ~.!!'!.. .. .. w., .•. ,. _ _. .. NO~"~O=Nt TM ............... ""' '•;-·nt "'""' .,Off!, Oii Aull* "· 1 ... " • 00 p "' • .,,,,,,,,,_ ~ ~ANOtO HlllVICll, 1111 ft\llllle A\IOtlOfl ot Ill I-* Md OOML MIP ~f\, ~,:---No. 41•0, !MM, :·r~T.~~ .... ~ = ,. .... ~ '"°"· a. OANitL 1.IWll IHll. TON, c.Motnle COrpot..,, -:,...11e Mid LOUii ..,...,. OotfmM, 2400 ,,.......,....,...._dOlllG ----(1) T~ HUNTl11'8.1.TO. If I ID· lt40-t\ llQla llr0fl'1. tlnta MA. CA llt *1 '..~A~-11GA. W. OoailnlfOnt, ~ leedl, Ct. "™ Newpcw1 _,, ...,_._ tatU Thia•~ It oondUGtld by Ill\ Publltlled 0,.nge Oou t O•lty . loott 111, IHOOl'l\be, 7104 ~ l'llot. Aue. 14, 11, fl, 17, 11, 1111 MtlftoM Dr .. °""'*'• C.. tlOOI o."91 ... "*'°" M44-U Tllll "'*""' .. OOI'-~-by • Thie Ni.nent -llled wftll IM •-.,. _,.,..,.r OIM'll ~ .. = Cletlc ol Otenot Collnty on ,.._ ""',_ Thia .,....,.,, .,.. fllld Wlttl fie fl) Y "IUUlll II, \.TO. Ill 1'MAIUM ~VOM. \.'TO,· U -l (41 IAH ..IOM. \.TO. (I) VIN CAI', Lto., """ MeDMtiUr ...,,.,, fftl = ~ '-"· Cellfornl• J , CL ,A TTl "ION & AllOCIA Tll, IHCOfi'POAA TIO, • Calllor11lt oorpq~· tto~ MIOAtttlUI' 9!¥0., 4"' • CLASSIFIED INDEX ••• I •• • ••••• • o •••• .... ,, /ft .. ,. • .... llf ,.,, . , .............•.•.••.................•.•... ~!.!~~ ••••••••• !.':!, ~~~~~~ ......... J.~I .. -:.=~ BLUF.FS ...... ,,, 14JI ..•....•...•.........• IJl111•I 1111 .....................• ASTBLUFf IMd\.~· 12· 1Na. mnnou1 ..,..... County 01trk o1 Ofll'IOI County on P bll hed O C '!~ NAMI ITA~ Augwt 11, ttt2. "' • r•n1o• Oii 1 i Th• followlng ~flon II dotng '~ Thll~lt~by• limited """""'*· TePlatY•M.Cll •11Ynll1'• ,_,..!, Piiot, Aug. l6. u . ' a.pt. 6• 191 ~ -Piubllal\911 Ortnge Ooatt D•llY a&ff.l2 WEST COAST MOTIVATIONAi. 'llot Aug. 11, 22. 2t, ltclL 11&~MI . J.C. PAn"IMOH &MIOC .. IHO. J. c. ,....,..,,, ---.---.,.-161\-,..,.-r---SUPPL~_ 16311 MonrOlll•. tffw90l1 $-12 ~ ""'""' &Mdl, ..... 82803 0""""*' of the lowd Thia ltaMrMm ... flled wttll tM County Cllril of Orenge County on July 22, 1M2. rtCTnlOUl llU ... 11 MlallHI J•mH H•ll, 18'4 ·-1e ..,._ NAm ITA,.....,, lrvlM, Newport IMQh, CL 92MO .. -. nv1rw. I I d I Thie ~ II oonduet9d by Ill IC~ .. Th• follow ng P•rton • o ng lndMdull. ..... --.. '""" Publl1llMI o,.ng• Coaet O•llY ~ M : Mlk• Hiii '1C11TIOUI --(•) SUN COAST SEAL (b) the NAiii ITA~ Piiot, July 26, Aug. 1, I, 15, 1Ma aa11.e2 S.C.8 .• 1835 Whittler AYenue, A·10, Thlt •t•t-t~ .. ftled~!!_ Th• followlng l*'•On II doing Cott• MIN. c.llfornla 92t27 County Citric ol 8rlQI " on ~ u: FNdlrick E. Tullptr, 1 KaimeHI Miguel t2, 11112· ,,._ MINITOA AUDIO SYSTEMS, Court. Newport BMch, Cellfomla Publlahed Orang• COHl Dally &021 "ldgl•y. luena Park, CA ·~ bU*-la condUc:led by an Pllo1 Aug. 15, 22, 29, Sec>t. 6, 1912 90e2}_A, ADAMO, 8021 RIOglH. Ml.IC NOTICE PIOnllOUI ..,._ .. lndMdulil. 3695-12 Buena Pllltl, CA eoe21. Frederletl E. Tulip« I------------Thia ~ la conducMd by an NAMI ITATIMINT Thi lollowlng ,.,_ 1r1 doing ~-"* llat-1 ... flied with the PtBJC NOTIC( lndlYldual. Countv Clwtl of Orangt County on July ta. 1912. IA) AS818T·U·8ELL; (8 ) A88iST-U-BUY, 1113 Bak• StrMt, Sutt• E. Cotta MIN, CA 92829. ,1..,1 Publlthed Oran;. CoHI Dally PllOt, .Ait 25, Aug. 1, I , t6, 1912 3344-12 ACTITIOUS llU .... SS NAmSTAT!•NT Th• following P•rton 11 doing bu.W-aa: AM ERICAN MU L Tl LEVEL ASSOCIATION, tOll Brlolo Oflvl, No. 107. Colll Mela, CA 112827. LEO DA80UB. 220 Nlc:e L-, No. 209, Newport ee.ch. CA 1126&3 This bull,_ i. cooOuetld by an Individual. K-o1121 NOTICE TO CMDl'TORS Of' 9UUC ntANVU Nil.IC NOTICE flCTnlOUIM.I ..... N._ITAn.tfT Th• lollowlng P•rton 11 doing bullMN a: K .B. LITES OF AMERICA, 443·8 Hamilton St., Coeta M .... CA92927. KENJI 8UNASAWA, 4311 Hamilton St .. Coate M•n. CA IAFEOUARD PROPERTIES, INC., a Calllomla oorporetlon, 1113 SM« 8trett, Sult• E, co.ta ..._, CA 112t2t. T,_ ~ la conducted by a OCl'POF•llon. Inc. lMry E. Wlietlman Sal1guard Properttea Thia atatement w .. nled with tM County CWk of Orange County on Auguat 12, 11182, ·~ Publl1llMI O,.noe Cout Dally Pllol. Aug. 15, 22. 29, s.pt, 5, 1982 ~7M2 112827. --,-tc-TITIOU ___ l_M.1-... --1-1-- Thll bullMU 11 aonduc:t9d by an ..... ITATIMINT lndlvldual. The following !*WOM .,. doing Kenll eun ... wa bull,_ aa: This at1lement wu llled with 1119 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR County Clerk Of Orange County on 1.IFECENTER FOR WOMEH, 18857 July 20, 1982. Algonquln, Huntington 8Mch, Ca. F1Ml11 Nautllua ol Cotta..._, Inc.<• Publl1hed Orange CoH I D•llY California corporaUonl, 2915 Redhill Pllol, Aug. 1, 8, t5, 22, 11112 Ro•d, Bulldln,a D, Colla M•n. 3401-82 Cal!torn\a 11282 f'tlll.IC NOT1CE Thia bulinMa II condUClld by • corporation. (S-. '101 .. 10'7 U.C.C.) · flCTITIOUe ....... Nolle• II htr•by II'"''" to th• ~ ITATUmNT NAUTILUS OF OOSTA MESA. INC. °"" e.nn.tt. Prealdent Creditor• ol Industrial S'-1 Melal The lollowlng person 11 doing Corp., a Calllornla c;orpo,.tlon, ~ u: Tranafwor, whOM bull-tlddr-OEN. CON. SERVICES. 2804 11 1375-C Logan Avenu•. Cotta Brold StrMt. Newport Beed!, CA Meea. County of Orange, Sllte of 92683. Calllornla, thll a bulk lramter la GENE PIERRE GASPARD. Thia llat-1 -Ned With the County Cllr1! ol Orange County on Augutt 5, 11182. Leo Daboub •boul 10 ba m.cll lo Robert Wray 2804 BrOld StrMI. Newport Beed!. F1NJ'a Publlahed O,.nge Cout Dally PllotAug.8, 15,22, 29, 11182 35.SS-82 This ll•tement WM llled wllh Ille and Jon Sllarp. Traneter-. wtloM CA 926&3. County Cltr1t of Orange County on bu"'-eddr-la 1375-C Logan Thia bull,_ Is c:onduc;1ed by an Gene Pllrre Oupwd Thia 1111-1 WU ftlld with the County Cllrk ol Oranoe County on Augu9t 12, 11182. August 12, 11182. Av•nue, Coit• MtH, County of lndlv\dual. f11534 OranQt, State ol C1lllornla. Nil.IC NOTICE Publlahed Orang• CoHt Dally The property to ba tranattred la Piiot, Aug. 15, 22. 29, Sept., 5, t952 located •I 1375·C Logan Street, FICTITIOUS llU ... SI NAME STArn.NT P\B.IC NOTICE F'ICTITIOUS llU ... H NAME STATE•NT Th• following p1r1an 11 doing bUll,_ u : JEFFREY INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES, 1131,I, Topaz, P.O. Bo• 2~B. Balboa l1land, CA 92682. JEFFREY L. MYERS, 1 t31A Topu, Balboa l1land, CA 92682. Thi• bualnMa 11 conducted by an lndlvtdual. Jeffrey L. Myers Thia Jlltamenl WU llted wl1h ihe County Clerk ol Orangt County on Cotta M•H, Co1.1nty of Orang•, Sllta or Celttornla. Said proP"'Y 11 deac:rlbad In general u : Al 1tock In lrada, ll1ttur•. equipment and good will of that lhMt metal bull-known u lndultrlal Shell Metal Co<p. and located 11 1375-C Logan Avenue, Coit• M11•. County of Orange. State ol California. ,1tal1 DOMALO UGIMTTI • Pr1fn1l1Mt a.-c.,,. 1aooeo.est.1 ... • Newpoft IMcfl, CA._ Publlah•d 0,.nge COHI Dally PllOI, Aug. 15, 22, 29, s.pt. 6, 11182 3833-82 Tha bulk 1ran1f., wlll be P\B.IC NOTICE c:ontumm1te<1 on or after the 111 -----K-..,-21~1----day of s.p111m1>er, 1912, at Valencla --·s ___ 11 Bank ~ow. 1820 E. Arlt StrMI, .. _,,,.....,. - Santa Ana, County of Orange, State NAm ITATDmJn' ol Cllltornla. The following ,.,_ .,.. doing So l •r ••known to the ~aa: Th• tollowlng per1on 11 doing bull-.. : GENUINE JEAN COMPANY, 2428 Newport Blvd., Shop I, Coate MIN. CA 112827. RAV PIERCE, 2431 O,.nga Ave., Cotta ~. CA 112827. Thia bullnMI la conduc:ted t>Y an Individual. R. Plafot Thll ttatamenl WU llled with the County Cl«k ol Orangt County Of'I July 211, 11182. ,,.1t Publl1h1d Ortnge CoHt Dally ~. Aug 1, 8, 15, 22. 1912 3404-82 Juty 2 t. 1982. Tran1ferff1, •II bu11n11s names PE N N F I E L 0 H 0 M ES • "11117111 and llddf-uaed by Tran.-or UPLAND, 1648 Adtma, Sult• 0 , ----Pta.JC---NO--TIC(---- Publlah•O Orange Co11t Dally tor 1119 thrM ~· lat ~. are: Cotta MIN. CL 112t2t Pilot, Aug. 1, 8. t5, 22. 1982 s-P9nnltel0 °"'••opment, Inc:. (• FICTl'TtOUa .,.._.S 3437-82 DATED Auguat 11. 1982. Calllornla c;orpo,.llon), 1548 MAim STA,.....,. _.....__________ Robert Wrr; Adema. Suite D. Cotta MIN. Ca T,,. following peraon 1• doing rta.IC NOTICE Jon Sh•P tl2e28 bullnMa M: STA~ OF Aa~NT Of' UR Of' FICTITIOUS llUSINIH NA• The lollowlng P•t1on1 ha"• ablndoned the UM of the llcltttou. ~name: HUNTS GLASS &. MIRROR, 839 Pu.rino, Cotta Miu, Celiloroll 92e29 The Flc;tlllou1 Bu1lnH1 Name relerrad to above wa1 lll•d In OrllnQI County on Auguet 24, 1981 Wllll•m H. Dl•mond. t5181 Starbolrd, Garden Grow. Calllonl• 92643 Ruth E. Dl•mond, 11581 Surboard, Garden Grove, California 112643 Thia bull,_ WU oondUCled by I genetal part~lp. Ruttl E. Diamond Thll etatemenl wU llled with Iha County Clerlc of Orange County on July 23. 1982 Ftet1f7 Publl•h•d Orenge CoHt Dilly Piiot. July 25. Aug. t. 8. 15. 1982 320M2 Trantflr-Callfomla Of~~. Inc:. (a K E NT MA NAG EM ENT Publlahed Orang• Coaal Dally Calllornl• c:orporatlon), 1548 COMPANY, 17 Rodly Knoll. llWMI, Pltot, Aug 15, 1982. Adami. Suite D. Cotta MIN. Ca. CA J27t5, 3842-82 92$2$ FRANK J. FISHER, 17 Rocky Thia bu"'-Is c:onduclld by an Knoll, IMnt, CA 112715. P\B.IC NOTICE unincorporated uaoclallon other Thia bu"'-la c:onducted by en ------~~~~~=I thin • ptrlnenfllp. lndlv!Oual S UP E" I 0 R C 0 U RT 0 F P•nnll•ld 0.v•lopm•nt, Frank J. FtaMr CALM'OMl&A lnO Thie 11a1-1 wu filed with the COUNTY OF ORANGE J-L COltoe, County Cieri< of Orange County on 100 Clvle Ceftter Oftft W"1 Prealdent July ~. 11182 ~ OMoe ... .. Thia "*'"'*'' -nted with 1he F1Mlt1 a.nta AM, CA 111'0:t County Clerk of Orange County °" Publl•h•d orange Coall Dally Mau ... ol TUI TAHOUITZ MclNTIRE August 4, 1982. Piiot, "'"'· 1, 8, 15, 22. ttl9233"" •2 CITATION (PtK>aAft) '1.-J .,.. ...., CAN ~" AD-21S7'1 Publlahed 0,.nge COUI Dally THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Piiot Aug. 8. 15, 22, 211, 1912 CALIFORNIA 3680-92 To: GLENDA Mc:INTIRE •k• -------~---GLENDA MARIE HAWKINS •k• P\B.,IC NOTICE GLENDA MARIE HANKINS. You are hereby died and required to appur al a hearing In thl1 court on Septembat s. 11182 at 8:46 a.m. In Oepar1rnent 8, localed at 700 Civic: FICTITIOUS llU ... H NAME sun•NT Th• followlng p1r1on 11 doing bull-u: COMPUTER TEACHER, 3105 H•rbor Blvd .. Co1ta M•n, CA 92828. Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUl.U ..... NAmSTAn.NT Th• lollowlng peraon 11 doing bullneuu: DESERT CENTER RESEARCH LTD., 3801 W. Mec;Arthur Blvd., .t907, Sanll Ana. Ca. 112708 Shlrlen• R. Pi.re•. 11184 L• Barca Clrdl, Fountain Valley, CL 112708 Center Orlv• Waat, Santa Ana, California g2702. and to give any legal reuon wtiy, llCCOfdlnQ to the verified ptCltlon IHed with Ihle COUtt -:::;:::::::::::;;;;;;::::; TUI T AHOUITZ MclNTIRE 1hould • no1 ba dlclared Ir• lrorn c:uttody THI 1tne1 contrOI of hie mother, OL£NDA GARY DAVID FLANZER, 19 Cherry Hllll I.MM, Newport BMctl, CA92MO. Thia bu"-Is condUc:led by an lndlvldual. Shlr1enl R. Pi.rot Mc:INTIRE. u provided In Clvll Codi !!!!:.! ~'g!ild June 2t, 11182 Ml OCIMlllOCJIMIO LEE A. BRANCH IOlA8 WAT9 MIA~ Cltr1', IA~~-By: Joyce A. Nohtvec, S......1-81-al ,._ Door ...,._..~ ...... IC. Store -v,_ Ar•I NOSSAMAN. KRUEGP & KNOX Thia ~ Is c:ondul:1ed by an Individual Thll 1tatemant -lllld wf1h tN County C*1I of Ortngt County on \lwy Dftld Awu.r Auguet 5, 11182. Thie •1•1-t -ltlld with the F1M191 County Cltr1t of Orangt County on Publl1hld Orang• Cout Dally July 29, 11182. F1Mm Pllol Aug. 8, 15. 22. 29. 1912 3516-82 Publl1h9d Orange Coaat D•llY -----------Piiot, A119-1, 8, 15, 22, t982 334M2 PtB.JC NOTICE C:OSfA MIS.A 641-1 289 ~)· NOllAllAN. IUIUOP A -----~~-­l'lBIJC NOTICE tS26 ~ ...... ... 1eutf1 ~ ltreet ACTITIOUI ....... NAmlTATDmWT MUON VllJO 495-0401 ..._ .,...._ CA ID07t HtU c-.i-C p I Ii•• (211) lil-«Z21 ~ .... "-r· •.A_, """'·I Publl1hed O,.nge Cout Dally ._ ___________ Piiot. July 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 11182 ' ... CllaOTHBS " SMITltS' MOITUAll T 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 'ACIAC YllW MIMOllA&. 'All C.nwlery M01'tuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive NewPort Beach 644·2700 McCODICll MOITUAl•S Laguna Beech 4!M-IM15 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 S.,, Juan Capistrano 495-ins 3348-82 HEARD HAROLD H EARD, resident of Wet11minlter, Ca. for the past 4 years after moving here from the South Bay area, paaaed away on August 11, 1982. He wu a hemlcal Operator for the put 20 years for 'the Allied Chemical Company. He la survived by hia dauchten Marlene Rina of Fountain Valley, Ca .. and Darlene ood of Torrance, Ca., elater Low.e Llndley of Redondo Beech. Ca. Servicel will be held on Tue.day, Aucuat 17, 1982 at ll:OOAM at t h e Harbor Lawn Memorial ST A TUIENT OI' WITMMlAWAL l'tlOll P~--OPIRATINO UM>«ft FICTITIOUS ........... The lollowln9 p.,1on haa wlt~r_, u • lknlled pwtner ITom tN ~Ip operating und« •he llc:tlt1ou1 bu1ln111 name ol CANYON CREST RIDGE VENTURE. 25301 C111bot Road, Suite 112. LaQuna HHll, CA 112863. fh• llot1tlou1 bu11nau name Jtat-t for the PW1nlnihlP WU nled on Apl'M 23, 1982 In the County of Orano-. FILE NO. F·1H007. C.O. DALY TRUST, C.O. DALY TRUSTEE. 17 r::.::J.ortt• Pina Oflve, Newport , CA 112980 Publl1Md o ,.nge Cout 0•11)' Piiot. Aug. 15, 22. 29, Bept. 6, 11182 3832-82 Th• followlng person 11 dOlng bu"'--DIAMOND STAINED GLASS STUDIO, 41" W. Rowland Av•., Santa Ana, CA 92707. KRYSTYNA DURIAN, 20151 Viva Clrdl, Hutltlngton 8eec:h, CA 92848. Thi• oo.i,_ Is conducted by an lndMdval. Kryttyna Ourlal'I Thll ltatemant wu lllld with the County Cltr1t of Ortngt County on July 29, 11182. ,,... Publl•h•d Or•nga Cout Dally Piiot, Aug. 1, 8, 16, 22, 11182 338142 Ml.IC NOTICE n:nnoutwa NAmlTA,._,. 'The lollowlng ~ •• dOlrlO ~­THE PEN AHO POLPff PRESS, """°"COURT ~T'Hm 8187·A Alrwey, Coat• Mff•, Ca. ~~~~ m~ ~"°°""inc. fl MO. Att9ie Calltornl• co:~t1011), 8117·A '="~ == "".;::·t!:!:.. "~ -In the....., of tM ~ °' lndMOull. JOHN FREDERICK HEWR'T, The ~IO Room, Inc. WhereM, tN peWon of JOtolN Art Orfflln, FREDERICK HEAIERT II• bMr1 Pr'8lldlnt ..._. _ .. t ..... ttlect lllftll the °""' of thle ooutt '°' Tillil ~ -·-...... • .. an ordtr chenoino P•t1t1011•('1 County Olertc of Orenge County on 11•m• from .IOliN FREOIRICK ~ •• 1112. ,..,. 642-5671 IUSIMESS, lllYEST· MOil, OMAMCE == :::::::~)' 11_,.101-0 .. ..,. ......... llwt& .. •.T0'1 MIMOUMCntENTS, rEISONALS & LOST & FOUMI ~-""' Cv Pool !Acal~ IM46 , ...... ,__,.. Soriotaw .. • 1"t•¥tl• SEIYICES Swvwe ou-.n.,., £Mrt.OYMENT & rtEPAIATION ~lllltno<U. JottW•11w4• 11t•W-..i M •, BOATS & MAllllE EQIHPMCNT A~TOMOlll( a. .... , A&Mtun1Cl••••f'I AHreauoo Ve .. 1tlu ~.~r:~~°'' Trwu v- ....... 1.AUIA( ..._w ... .._ pet. Servicea under the lrectlon of Harbor Olive Mortuary o f Costa Mesa. 540·~™· HERll!"T to JOHN FRl!DERICK Om ,.. __ 1 ,._.... CANADAY PubUlhld .,. ....... __ , MT-' Ill IT ii HEMBY °"°'"'° thl1 .. PllOt Aug ••• 18, 22, at. 1M2 ... ,_CIUOTHBI .._ .. OADWAY ~MY 110 Broactway CoataM-.. ~150 , P«90n1 lrMrelted In ~ metttt M1-e2 <>-•• DOBLE 11P1>W bMor9 tt111 ooun llO......otr HIRAM ALLEN OOBLE, 1, 1H2, In tll• oou1r0o111 ol PWUC •11Cl 'd t f Hu t ln1ton ~t a, 10:ao Lt'll., '° tlflOW -nT1IOUI II •••• re1, en o n ciuu •llY thl1 •pplloet1011 tor r;; -J ·- BHch, Ca. Pawd awa.y on oh•llge of n•m• ahould not be The ==~ csoino Aucu1t 12, 1982. He la ~MTHMON>IMDlfMIU ~- ved by hil wife Doreen, · OOfY of M °'*" ....... _,.." e .D.IC. AND AUOO., llH on Rober\ Powell of "'*'"*' onoe •,...tot.._ --. trw. ca. 11114 !~-.., e1trn ln1~r. Ca. and •a: •• ,._....., ..... ~ · WKll•M "· MUdow1, Ht2 I tl1da y,.., ... of VW. Park. .., "-"-111 TM I~ e fllowlla. "*'9. C..11714 ~.. ._.,._. ~ ' TNI.,.-.. ~~-. NicM MrVicllt will be .. -----held on M~y, A\llUlt 18, IN~ Onnge. k•A•,.. 1982 at 2:00PM at llatbor OA ~M~ owtNI. ~=it~: 1 awn ~od!;~ !'*9':1... _....,_. ,_!w::::,..c....:·· f llarbor Lawn-Mount Pu....=:1:'61~o..t O&lfJ ,,,_......, °'Ml9 Co.Io.Mt Ml..., .... live Mortuary of Cotta Plot. Mt 21. ""-' 1, a. "· ... '!!' ... NM -e. 11. n . •· ~ .&40-6$M. ---~.;..:..;;;==;;.--- BOAT ILIP. private Spec:tacWar 4 bdnb, fam rm, 2 flrep~' bteoh. Ute and atiMry a Lwsk 1 level home. Ovenlu lot wh.h ; bdrm, 2 bath home. ~ pool. Only $339,000. -..-Tll • l'lreplec.. Prfo(I r~ to UH,0001 CASH • liY appt. l : 1 !! TALK811 Or U00,000 IUT Ill, Lovely 2000 eq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2th r ;; hMhlter'• lttlles down & Miier Wiii wry bat.ha, tam. rm., wld~reenbelt, near, 1011 All reel •t•te ectvertlMd 111 T.D. at 1211\ for 10 19 Lm !5 In thl• new1peper le year1. Submit ell Oftefst pool. Only $249,000. I • , ':,§ sut>fect 10 th• l'•d•r•I Owner/Agent 911.9191 Will lease optlon. By appt. • Fair Hou.Ing Ac1 Of 1Ht Ot 87S.7oeo _ .. 1 I t wt11o11 malt• " 111ege1 to ~~~~~~~I --· ' , .. td-11• "•nv Pfef.,en-LOWEil 2111 lnJa. I lw, ._ ltl._ 1 ... c:e, llmltetlon or dllcrlml-nn Yltfa ..... a.,,.... .,..,... :~ n•llon bHed on r•c•. PIHOlll .-l ~k, 1 lftel 11•.,.. •• color, rellglon, Hx or •-,._ J:l: n•llonal origin, or eny Condominium In M•H Ml '" 1 letel, ""' I k ... •• lnttntlon to m•k• eny Verd•I 2 Bdrm with ' ' :: ~:::~~: •• ::.•.~a-~~:=-v:~~~1~::.: HELEN B DOWD community pool end IO-· • i 11 " Thia -.paper wlH not ceted nHr p1rk• end IULTlll, 110. 144-1111 t knowlngly 1cc•pt eny lhopt. Seller wlll carry1 _ ; •• •dvertltlng lor rHI ... Only $89,900, llCt nowl r ' •• tat• which la In violation 84&-7171 -.... i :: _o_f_1_11e_11_w_._____ ~~....-.V..-• ;:: ! •• BH•n 111 i.11 ' ~== ...................... ' -ll•1t•I llfl BY OWNER 1 BR 1 Ba, j 11• •••••••••••••••••••••• tncd. corner, ren1ed. • : t81'ma. Specill. $69,900. -541-8077 or 841~744 : H HH 1 Ad ve r ti· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil : aers should c heck ...-11 : their ads dally and IUOll 11111111 report errors Im-IPll l&T/111 1·1 med I ate I y . The executive 4 Bdrm eetatel DAILY PILOT as-1 block to blue Paclllcl 3 := aumes llablllty for tr.'1c"oen~11 ~~P~!~~:~i : the first Incorrect 11a1rway to muter wit• -' . l . = Insertion only. wtwhlr1poo1 b•thl Com- -plete with Intercom ---------•I 1yateml Lota of brick! : Auume S 141,000 toen et -LAST 12¥.%, $329,000. Call : Irene. "3-6787 i CHANCE t!-~ HO n ... NIT 11"1111' BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN Spaclou1, open & sunny all view home w/ • panoramic decks. on huge prtme Island Point, ::: to buy thl1 bHutllul 3 uoo yeu old, 4 unit epart· wt ment houM In San Ci.- :: rnente with ooe•n·hlll• & -,.,. MIJ -ms -- tlot ... UDO ... mo -- 1 -197) 11• -IDIO •u -------- golf courM vl•w• at • trem•ndoua Nvlnga di· rect from tile owner t>e- tor• b•lng ll•t•d with brolcer•. Ac;t NOWlll Call owner •t '714) 842-0138. FIVE IEllMMI TllH llTll In thl1 two ttory houH near SA •nd N1wpor,t Fwy1. end SC Plaza. Two ol th• b•drooma with one of th• beth• •nd aeparete entrance melce up prtctlc•I, upar•t• mo t her -l n -lew (teen•g.,?) quutera. Another two bedroom• end • b•th ,,. upetalra. Flrepl•ca In LR, eliding door• lrom LR and FR exit to cove<ed r.., pe- tlo. Slldlng door In MBR open• onto the VERY plMant front patio Aaklng $147,900 185,000 ASSUMABLE ( 11 .4%) and wlll co- C>PW•t• In llntne;Jng. For ule by owner g79.2748 (PIMM call 9-51 ~ ~~~~~~~~~ --.. , --...., ------ - THAY'l lllUll Tomorrow'• trta1ur1I Vacant, Immac ulate, move In before echool to Meea Verd•. See thla 4 Bdrm, lamtly room home In quiet nelg,hborhood. Now priced at S 169,000. IUIT .... e IPll llll&f 1·1 142-1200 = . §om -1~~~~~~1 TWl IEW .... ti» fUI ••• . .. ... tt'flt .,. - m1 "" rm f'IUt 971J rm t'!ll 9717 mlt f1D mlt 111'7 mlt --t'lll .ra rr• 97Q " .. ., .. .,., '1• ·-= rm !! -"" '"' tm - TOWll•ES Theel IOV9ly tiom. .,. • located In •n exc:ellent arM of Colle MeN. Art Ideal for co-own•rahlp with 2 greet malt., bdrma with PJlvete b•th. Wood burning flreplec.e. i.,ge attached 2 car ga- rege. I.ow, low prloed •t t110,000 •nd $105,000. 548-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS OOIHMlllA .111t usm 1)EASTSIOE Cape Cod, 2 Matr 1u1t .. , dbl ger, $13,000 dwn. VllC8flt end unit. :Z)C. MESA twnhm 4 Bdr, ttm rm, upgrtded, end unit. Only 1110 000 3)1RVIN( 1 Br l IOft. Alt- 1um1 111 T.D ot $77, 800. Only ate,600 ovwtoolls It~. A/C. Cell Diane ~.831-12tt IUT Tll IUT Md lteep oool In Ofll Of meny b••utllul pool home., all In e11~tent oondltlon, and In all pncie rangee. Call eny of our profetaloMI AMI la1ate g::~:s for detall•. THE REAL E!:;T/\TERS I To,_,.,,;::~ j ,.....~I ptlol'9 I ~::...,. 1 Cele ) on1a.,..... PHkns.., iJ) 875·S51t~ .. - + docking & prkg galore, + you own the land. + owner financing. all tor 1965,000. ()per\ SaVSun 11-5. 4028 Channel Plaoe, Newport Island. Newport Beach. 673-0202. -----~vr<nwr lllllF.WA•n.ur•n.W>--- Ill OllYH TAITI IPll llHH 1-1 O.M. PllOI 1,aolu1 liter ELEGANCE A.BOUNDS FROM THE ! llaeret SECOND YOU PASS THROUGH THE 4 Mr, ftrttal 411111 INNER GATE SURROUNDING ' r•, fa•llJ I'll, •11 FLORAL BOUQUETS AND STEP , Ill• lr11t HHlllYI ONTO THE TILE E NTRY WHICH ~ llt•I 11 ,r11t11l111 S W E E P S Y 0 U I N T 0 1tl1ltMrlaH• ..... , INIXX>R-OUTDOOR LIVING AT ITS wHI Itel' wlffl flHI· FINEST. FEATURING BOX-BEAMED 11•1· lffar•• 1t CEILINGS, COUNTRY FRESH LACE an ,ooo. 410 • .,. CURTAINS, ANTIQUE AMERICAN •l•1 ltar La OAK FIREPLACE. F RENCH DOORS, MASTER SUITE WITH USED BRICK lvlaldl1~ OftJ FIREPLACE $225,000 FABULOUS Itri• 0..ff FINANCING . ll•e hrHI ftt .... . tbr•, 1n I ... 4 TO SEE IT IS TO WANT IT! CALL , 11 t1w1laHH ,111 DIAN A FOR YOUR PRIVATE I fa•llJ r•. Walls ef SHOWING. ; ..... .,,.. .. .•. ., : 1arlln1 l•t• tkJllt CALL DIANA PIETENPOL-VOLPE. , ••••• 11' , •• ,... 559-9400 : • ""''''' 11• fleers, ~ aHrlJ tff11IHt Hiii' r "' .... , lflfl., .. I ....... tl1t1• ~... t :~~~sa1o:OO. .• ~~ IPEI lllllY 1·4 llEMllEUI Ill ; • I u Looking for locatlon? Lrg llUIYI l er lliw pool? Quiet c;ul·de-nc • well groomed home? CUl1om 3 Bdrm 2'A be1h • COLE CW HIWf'ORT Al.AL.TOM HU I . C-1 Mwr. c_ ...... , ... 171·5511 Looi! no further! Come Newport Be~h beauty. ! w A total remodel plua 1 by 2283 Weterman ay. iparkllng pool on fee , located oH 23rd & Irv In landl 8 ,11., educ:ettO ! C.M. 4 Er, 3 B•. huge d ff t t I pool. Thi• home hH It ell. '" o era gree ""''· , Ottered at 1235,000. Ex· Well pric.d at $650,000. J call. flnenclng avelleble. C e 11 t o d • y t o • • • I 1 831-7370. 640--0312 &48-7171 • J.ar~~r.. ti ls if !1 ! Thia Is 1119 home lor tM 11 .. .._ LIUll -! growing !amity. Six, yea 8 .-..-.'"' .. "'Y T"'"•'S** f big bdrm1, 3 bathe, big ~ o;;rww llvlng room w ith fire-Woadlglaa Views. 3br.1 piece. Ftmlly room with 2bL Smell bt.lt dUIYf ; 2nd firtpleQe. Formal di-497-2322/497-5487 1 nlng. ltmlly kitchen with -.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:.-.;-.:-.!..:;:=;:::::;::;;:::==::::~ :!i~::'ve~·~~i.g:~ '::~::' S~\\.~~-a£~s· :: I carpeting. Shlmm«lng -----Mth4 '°'cu• a. l'Olu.ll pool end ~· Gorgeoua 0 ' "'-• ..t.i..i • Inside end out. A delight ...::i."''C,_ • "~• 6 l to p<9\llew. Celt tor pi-. ~ -d• ''"" ~. o1 vi.w. ~2313 -...... ~ ... "' -tJ-ls\'SI f LEWOOP 01••• lt1r1• l /I0/11 Carrlbbelln crulM tor 2. tor buyer. Brand !:1'W 4 BR 3 Be l.agun• BMcl\. View of oeetn. mtn1, & c1nyone. On Ml'tne OdS Portaflno. ApprtlHd al 1495,000, now 1450. Clll 11awl Preview 8/ HI . 9:*12:30 OMC 1~AITO 4 BR 2 Be, 1 8111 w/Mf> entra11~. Remodeled t>Muty. Mot!V9*f Miier. 'l<o6e m ellin, Realtor 714-641-&629 If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642·5678 and~ f rlendly ad-vlser wm helPVG" turnvour wheels Into cesh. I· TAERLY I I' I I I S A W l A Y I I I I I' I C O f'R A T Dlatraught mather to d• t, r I I I I partm•nt atort Hlltper· .. ........ _ ........... _..___........, ~;: ·;~~nl:~~P•~r,°JJ~~~~ :\ I l E S C 0 T bougllt w.,• 90 tight Ille :::r=:i ==I =1::1:•: ~~-d ~~ buy •h• pock•11 I YATSEY 1 I'' I I I I .... ------~-• arnw0 I' r r I' r r I' I' I' r 1 • &m:~· I I I I I I I I I I 'l --.u11 ................ •iii • J • Mt ......... PllllnllT llY ... 1 .. I THE :REAL ESTATS:RS --d111• .... IO T~lrv ,. .. 11111 ... 11r111. 8*wt 1 ~atn lpecial 1141 o..l":.M: ,.., f.amlJ m w/welbir, -. 2 patlo9. ......... .....,, .... , uwad•. u,.r family 1111 AloMo..1_ C.M. 1-t hOml ID_.. CDllWldanC U'M. tH'7 ,&00. ""'·i·--., •• ttenu11 O.M. 1-t 1.11111 • ••n ..., •• , ... 000 '~l:::= , .. And Dllllllll nowl u,bt •airy 3 Bdrm HIS W•terfften, O.M. hame . ..., d'9 OCMn bNe•. Btke to 1·4 '"". .. .. '000. beech flam dlll Marina HACh1andl home. U1-1170 Prlclcl M tll0.000. Call Delpha 0.Wald. 1 1~ \I >I I Ii l \ \I 1\1 \I ; I T .. llAL BTATBI 546-2313 mlPORT IDlfTS ELEGANCE ltop ltJ OM of OW.,... .............. with rHI Hl•I• profHtlenel eltout what'• "-""'"' In thl9 ........ "81 ...... mnet. OPIN SUNDAY 1-1 P.11. -........ "'°"°' ... -. LIDO ISLAfl> 114'MWI QHutlful open & airy Lido home. C-omprtaed of approx. 2600 IQ ft. runl\lnt 1treet to strata, thia 4 Br a S. completely remodeled home (1978). boHU 4 aundeclu. lrr indoor jacuuJ ln Mitt Bdrm surrounded by 1reenhouee wlndowa, ctrculatanr fiahpond, 1plral ata.lraale, 3' akyllte runnlna the en~ lenaht of the 2nd atory, hardwood floon, & eXt.enaive tilJ.n8 thNout. Try amall down and seller wtll carry *k A1TD at 9%. Very fiexlble tenna. Owner will trade. NOT lease land. Contact Mary or Ken. $67~.ooo. ~ .... ..,. llMllt .... t' ti .• Custom Bayfroni. FEE LAND. Parquet Flrs, New Cpta, 4 BRa + F.R. 3~ Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F.R. W /Wet Bar . Kitchen W /Pantry. Brkfst Room. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. GOOD ASSUMABLE. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. REDUCED TO $1,200,000. Call Marilyn Twitchell. 114 Merlaclkl, CDll fi .. , .. .....,.._,,.. 1• a...tnede Ten--. lrY.Ter ,, ............... c,..,_ 0...... C.oulluy Kitchen with Aatlque Lace Curtain• In •r•altfHt Nooll, 4 8'droom 8uit41S, each wltat Bath & rtrepltca or Deck. 4 '1lektrh11 J'lrepJacea. Formal Dlnin1, Triple a.n.. noo SquaN Feet. aY..,.,...... Don't a.t.y Call Diana todllyl l I I 1 I I l • ' I ! t. I. ,, I I I I I I ... I I • I ......,. ....... ftlW -Ull l --IPYIUll Low Low Priced 3 BR W/Living & Twd story Nantucket 5 Br. with Dining Areas Opening To Secluded beautiful Sunset pool auri'ollnded by Patio. Nr Beach, Schools·, 14,000 red mt~. Tastefully decorated Shoppins. Custom Cabinetry. Good throughout with wallpapers and Assum. Loan. Priced At $175,000. abutters. Showa like a model home! Call Binnie Dixon. Many upgrades. Seller will finance. u-.9 • Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. ~ 1R 1 L!J uc.,. ....... I ...... Tl •WPllJ W =-= ... .,.. c..ew Channing 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet l4Cll Clttf Dr.Mn HTI ~-= a1 Udo Perk.cl -··--1CDt L ....... on w.-·-11&; 1171iWtMAve.MJe. -·-· 21171.~-•• I02 "I" It.,... •• ---10l Twauolee. ...... __ 2127 lndlM ..,,..,.. ---.... o........,, Jwnlfte CM 2211 RMIMde, oor l2nd -- 10t Vie PelerMo, Udo tele -=== 411 Cemet!Oft, CDll: W• have ....... HIHlton of ......... oondo• •nd lnvMlmenl pr8"'flM ,... aeto. Menr ownHa ere offerh11 141belanllel prtoe reduotlefta end ......... IOfM wtll exohanp •••• .end ,.CAeH IPl!AKI." WATERFRONT HOMES.IN< H•: \I TUii' 2434> ...,, r_. u.;,. 111 •• ,.n .... h 131-1400 Nllldential area in young development Have eomethlno you want he fHteat draw In th• by Buocola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. to Mii? Clullfted Ilda do WHt ... a Dally Piiot It well I Call NOW. ClaulfledAd.CallToday ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!!!~ 111111 Y11W -.U -RU JUI 642-sue. 642-5678. - DIANA Pl1£WOL·YOLPE 559.9400 REIM~ of Irvine __ _,_ 117. T~ deoOt-'· Im· MRI fNCUl9la ~ home. c btrt ,,. pool llPL "v 01ta M•H • Bdrm 2 accett. a _; oarago. bath fwnlly pool homal Walk to oountry club. Tu• O\IW roan and Miter EJICall. -..IMbtt flnan-1 wlll carry! LowM1 priced .......... NI Pf1co •t 9135,000. call todayl • 111'.;,111 64&-7171 T HE :REAL E STATE RS IAOlllFIOE l&U lew 111111 &ail l11oh Oulf•• Want to move up? 4100 sq. ft., big house, big rooms. Luxurious home. Horse property, hill top view, 4 car garage. See to believe! Consider trade your home or ??? Open House Every Aft.noon 26331 Sorrel Place (Off Buckskil) JENSEN & CO • 714/759-0706, Afternoon 131-630& The faeteat draw In the ave aomethlng ~ want Weit ••. a Dally Piiot to sell? CIUl!fled ad• do CIUllfled Ad. 642-5678. It well. 642·5678. = :=l':!f ~~io~r!~d~ !l.'.~!!!.{'.t.!!.'!. ...... !'.~!!!.{'.'.~'! ....... ·!t.~!!!.{t.t.!.•.'! ....... !t.~!!!.{'.r.!!.1! ....... !~.~~!. ....... !~.'!!.~ ..... .. de uc at. 3 ~.faro.rm. $379,500. ~!!'..'.~'.L ........ !.'!~ f!!'.~'.! ......... !.~~ f!!'.~'.L ........ J.'!f f!!~'!•'.. ........ J!.ff f!!!!.'.t ........ !.'-'I ~!!11. ......... !.~f !~~!!!.{'.~!!I! ••••• -~'!.'.~!!! .1!!. l!l! ...... . •••• , 100 •• ,,,, llJOJ 1111 UY war, -1P11 -1-4 . -Ptt• -""' nu Earthtonea thruout. 4 br, 2~ ba, family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion. nite lites & Catalina. 1111 ....... -UT I 111 1·1 WDLIY I. TlnN M., IULTlll 2111 .. ,,...... lllh ... • , .. ,.,,MTJ !II!!, I.I. M44111 .~ ..... .. a~ EXCLUSIVE ILllUT Fii• lllllOY ORM Ullll llNI ...... ,.,1 .... Tell guard at entrance #4 Narbonne Superb construction - inaplrational views. Ready to deal -sell, trade, option, finance PRICE REDUCED TO f 1,825,000 Tom Allinson!Terry Hanes Macnab-Irvine Realty Co. .644-6200 1 · •• :::'I:: .. Absolutely BEST BUY on golf coune. Gorpoua 4 BR, lrg tam nn featuring t}\e finest in amenities. l'rench doora, crown moldings & akylJ&hta. Reduced to $1,095,000. Owner financing. See thiS at 18 CHERRY lilLLS. • Lm.. ., ..... Outatandb\140 ft bayfront location with vtew of main turning basin. Remodel or have builder-owner C)Ol1IJtrUct your dream home! Price lncludee plana, permita & coutal approval for 5319 aq ft borne! See thia at 748 VIA LIDO NORD. ---....... Jua reduced $400,0QO. A million dollar view from floweritlg terr.ced prdena filbt down onto Newport Harbor. Wood & glua euatcm home with apa, sauna, 3 ... den & f baths. Outatandtna value. See this at 307 CARNA110N. *IA * 11.21% Finandng available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that bas been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . *AITISTS•PRIMI llSIDINTIAL 1 PIOPllTY * z.one<J. fol' art studios, gift shops, antiques, etc .... Owner will carry finahcing for 25 years. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$915 per mo ••• •* is all you pay when you takeover existing loan on this bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 stories, 2 Br, master suite w/ balcony & 2 car ·garage. Priced to sell at $129,500. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *103 DOWN* * 113 FINANCING* When you takeover existing T.D., owner will assist at 12% on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARIOI VllW HOMES *SIA WIND* Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Brs, private location and asawnable financing. Only -$249,000!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. S 1 ~279 Pll MONTH * TUITLIROCK* is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br exec\,ltive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly nn & frplc. Only $212,000 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ... ,000. •REIATI* On brand new townhome! reaturing privacy, 2 mstr suite & 'de/loft overlooking lly rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. • *Piii RINT* Choice 4br executive ranch style home' ln prime Tl.iRTLEROCK location! .1,200/mo rent all applies toward.a purchase in 6 montha. Large, low interest a.umable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 oc 7141752-7373 * 1214 3 FIN~NC,* . HARIOll~ r.>MI . Gorgeous MONTEGO mod'$. "'°• parquet entry, & FEE · land. Priced at f279,000 wt. ?:'iiillWl'Mlble loan & aeller umted financfnlll 2670 San Miguel I.: ... ewport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * 11.253 PINANCING* . tfARIOI VllW HOMi - Senational MONCAOO model on .fJ!Z land with large .-unable loanll Featurtna 3 br, hoow warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,91SO. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport B@ach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWPORT llACH OFFICE 2170 Ian Mlgutl Drive NIWport IMob, Cl l2tlO ('n4) 71•1101 •.•.......•................................. *DI PIRATI* Otyner aaya 1ell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br, 2~ ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the works! $20,QOO down and it's yours. Priced $20,0bO below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave .. HunUncton Beach. llALTOR MURDERED Thia could be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Hunim,ton Harbor. lfew decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Aak1n.g $125,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISE* You must 1ee this backyard to believe it: pool, waterfall. K.oi pond & malibu J.ichta. The house comes in threes: bedrooms, fireplace and ovens plua a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185,000. 556-7035. *AIANDONED* Artiat'a chalet w/panoramic ocean view alf the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Hunttngtoo Beach. 566-7035. $765/MO B&.1)'9 th1a channina 3 br townhome w /only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location .. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. 1 *TURN A PROO* Jato a handlOme prince. Specious 3 '.Br 2 Ba home w/dble attached pnp. Needa help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams, Hunttnston Beach. 656-7035. *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedro'om models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9% and pay bu1ft9 poiMecurri,na closing costa. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *OWNll DISPIRATE* Must aell .thia C02Y cu.atom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntmcton Beech. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not nonnally found at dlla. priet ce. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard CIOlb}>leta the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 556-7035. 9032 Adams, HunUncton Beach. •'45,000 TOTAL Fii* Real Zatate Licenain1 School. Walker & Lee Real F.state. (714) 963-0671. • *llLOW MARKET* . Thia M-. Verde beauty lt at least $10,000'low at $124,900. Qny cnmtry kitchen. a btk:k tirep1Ke1 and truit trees at back add up to ~charm. ~7035. •OCIAN VllW* *lllPI TO llACH* ._mdaMI Beech cotttce with 121' wumable lat T.D., payable $400 Plllf IDO. Ollly tl85,000. 2670 San Mf8uel Ur., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or 7&2-7m. HUNTINITON BEACH O"'CE IOl2 Adama lve. Huntl•n IHob, Cl 12141 (714) .. 70SI - ••s210 · PLUS'' l!XCLU81VEL Y FOR REAL ESTATE PROFESSION,ALS REALTORS BROKERS ASSOCIATES Mlllll I 0111111 l "ll.,ll I f'IHflll\\1\'-1..I Before you do, STOP-explore our ILlfFI ... Current Saleable Solution• .1.7 career benefits and BRANO NEW LOW Single siory end unit, expanded, uP&J'llded 3 ~ COST 100•;. COMMISSION CONCEPT. br, 3 be on largest p-eenbelt. •2&0,000. Tranaactiona Laat 30 Daya .ll. THE Volume Laat 30 Daya 3.0 mil. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR "$250 PLUS PLAN " Finest quallty ocean view suites-private and semi-private at NEW, LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES! Exclusively at our Fashion Island location. Call Bob Licata today. 3.1 1 Boy\ d~ Dr '" '• 8 e,'~ f, 1)1 REWARD! REALTORS,675-6000 244S EMt eo..t H19hway, C«o .. del Mar 759-1221 $50,000 reward if you purchue 1901 Yacht Maria, Newport Beach. That's -------------- 15 Corporate Plaza, No. 100, NB R&I M ~ of Newport Beach Wll "'1111 2 Br 2 e. townhome. Pvt Lo• Alamltoe condo: Nice right; just purchase this beautiful 3 Bdrm 2 bat h h o me and you automatically put $50,000 equity right in your pocket! It is located in the pvt. IAIE ILUFFS OPPOITlltn Just listed-fro~t row view. Lowest priced "E" Plan 3 Br, family room . $197,000 Assume loans. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Omada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 RVM~ of Costa Mesa FEE IY TIE SU snn 11 u11 AUllOIEI 1111 OOIHI end Meklded. Futl MCUr. 4br. 2be. 2 llory condo. Iii monthly payment c;,. Pool 6 •P•· Relrlg, dlted to purchue prtce. wutler 6 dry91' Included. 1103,000. Agt. Jey $15,000 down or will 75~9100 trllde for clulc automo- . conun. of Sea View on a large lot with a vart. ocean & city lights view. Thls presti.gious comm. has a huge pool & spa & 2 championship tenrus crts. For a reduced price of $339,000; xlnt financing, low down, and motivated sellers makes ILIFFS LUSE Reduc.d beech houH. owe !Of 10 yre. Unti.- 11ev1ble terme. Vecant. Call to .... Olene Cap- pel, e31-129e. Agt. Oceanfront unit on ground floor. 200 It. to lhe beachl Unit facH oc.en end le on 1 .. land! Only 1115.000, cell for detlllltl 846-7171 this the best buy in Newport. For 2 Bdrm, water view, $950/mo. -------1 blle, motor home or 7 Find wh•t you w•nt In Owrte</ egent. o.ity Pilot Cluelllede. 788-4589 further info call David Cooper. Also 3 Br, front row view $1200/mo. 111-1111 141-1111 MMOH 111-Hll 111 UAL ma1111 R&"Mt\X THE REAL ESTATER5 ~'.~!!! .{'.'. !!.J!. • •• • • • !'.~~!!!•~'.~!. .. I.'.•.•.•• !/.'.~!!! • {'.'. !.'.~•. • ..•.. 1 !{~~!!! .('.~ !~l!. • • • • • • !~~!!! .~'.~ !.~~~ • • • • • • ~!.~!!! .'!!. ~}!. ••• • • • !'.¥.!'. .'!f. ~!. • • • • • • '9~!!! .{'.'. ~!. • • •• • • ~!·.~~~{ ......... !.".'!~ ~--.~~~{ ......... !.".'!! ~t!~~~{ ••••• ~ ••• !."!!!l ~.-.~~~{ .••....•• !.'!!1 ~~~~~{ •••.••••• !.'!!1 '!!~~~'1. ••.•••••. !~f ~.,_'.{ ......... 1.1.!f '!!~.,_._{ •.•..•••• !.'!ti ( NEWPORT BEACH SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa ls.land residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $ 1 ,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCINGI Seller packing. looklng for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace. wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to klll. $495.000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows wlll llght up your life when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 31~ bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 41h bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living space. Sllp and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 21..i baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller wlll carry with 1511/o down or wlll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will carry at 12.511/o with 2011/o down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465.000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25°10 down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try AITD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor View estate with over 1~ acre! Beach house with 2 frplc, skylltes, French doors, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-'5. HARBOR VIEW FOR FAMILIES Submit all offers on this 4B/3B contemporary home with financing and fireplace. $310,000. . (_~ ___ N_E_W_L_Y_L_IS_T_E_D ____ ___,) LUXURY HOME WITH 35' BOAT DOCK Spacfous 3 Bdrm, family rm executive residence on Trinidad leland, Huntington Harbor. Aasumable 111 with addltlonat Miier nnanctng available. $399,950. NEWPORT GLEN-PRICED TO &ELLI Just 2 ml. to the Orange Cty airport, thla 2 Bdrm light &. airy upgraded townhome featuree addltlonaf den + UM of pool, apa & BBQ. 1120,000. IAN JUAN EQUESTRIAN RANCH "Hunt Club" e bedroom, 8'A bath home with pool, epa, 4 ,.,..,. .... owe. a1,eoo.ooo. .__ _____ H_A_R_B_O_R __ R_ID_G_E ________ ) "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Asaume $564,500 at 11.75•/o on this 3 bedroom, 21h bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wlll carry an AITO of $519,000 at 12.75°1• for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Views from this home are lncredlblel $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller wlll consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 31h bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 flreplacea, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 addltlonal .bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1 ,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this like-new 4 bedroom, 2'~ bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 aq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQOARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that Is unusually large for this area, this panoramic view home can be traded tor residential or commercial property In Orange County or Miier wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. Thia home hu It am $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. townhome with spectacular views. Terms with low down. $575,000. ( EMERALD BAY ) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large comer lot, thla 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio wtth apa, cuatom landec.plng, family room and full UM of recrMtlonal facflltlee. Try leue/oPtlon or low down. $826,000. Sl17,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectaoular 2 bedroom ocean vtew hOme wtth ewtmmlng pool and additional Miier flnandng. seao.ooo. WALKING DISTANCI! TO Rl!CREA TION Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath hCMM In exclulMt gat-.guarded communrty. 17<?<>,000. SWEEPING OCIAN VtlWI Superb quality 5 bedroom home with den, country Charm, hardwood floor•. formal dining, oentr .. courtyard with 1pa, eeparate maid'• quart.,. Md 3 flrepteoea. 11, 100,000. • l NtlAIU MUii A wonderful warm contemporary bayfront - the view breathtaking thru the mitered windows. The Santa Maria stone & marble enhance the feel & charm throughout. Included are 3 BR, 4 baths, family rm, library, & a slip for a 50' yacht. Offered furnished at $4.~o.ooo Barbara Aune (P56) EIUTE II OILLlll ISLE Magnificent location, panoramic view· of 4 islands & peninsula. 127' on the bay includes slips for 3 lg. boats. 18th century French, 5 BR suites, 2 staircases & elevator to roof garden. Full security system. Offered at $4,300,000 including land - Owner will finance. Cathy Schweickert (P57) 1111 ,,,,.,,.,,, - llMSTllOTEI Panoramic View -Ocean, jetty. Big Corona. Steps to beach. 3 BR, 3 BA, library. 2 car garage with guest house. Beautiful oak plank floors. $1,500,000 Fee Maureen White (P58) ELHHHI llllll IHillYI IPHUH llHE 5 BR home w /pool, spa & 3-car garage. Huge cul-de-sac lot overlooking ocean and canyon. Seller assisted financing . $870,000 Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 (P59) 1411 llWY HIH -IEWNIT HHI. One of Dover Shores largest lots with 20 x 40 ft. pool & spa. Mediterranean with tile ' floors, oak french doors & windows, 4 BR, Cam rm. lg din rm . $465 ,000 LH Cathy Schweickert (P60) OPEN HOUSE SUN 1:30 to 5 llHH lllH HllTH IHllll Reduced to $100,000 below appraisal! Owner's loss is your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city Ute views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite. Now only $450,000 Anita Bradshaw 762-1414 (P62) Ullll VIEW llW Lowest price home in Harbor View Hills lncl. land. Fantastic family home featuring 4 BR, fam nn, 2 fplcs, wet bar, lg kitchen w/eating area. A must to see! $319,000 Call Sharon SmJth (P66) 111111 llllll llW ti TIE IHUTI $1.600,000 Fee - Liveable older be.ch home -lg lot to bulld new h ome. 50 ft. frontage. Pier & 1Up. Loweat price on Newport's moat prestigious island. Beverly Morphy & John Macnab (P67) lll IUT W lnlUll The finest ocean & bay view from thl• beautiful Southport model. Custom pool, 1pa & much more. 6 BR , 4 IA BA . Ow ner transferred & -cer to lel.l. WW Ullat w/flnanctna. Submit all offera. $996,000 Myrna Boom 651-8700 llYlll Tllllll PU LAii Charmtna immaculate home, eX1ra wtde lot, ahuttere \hru-oui, HMted pool, •J*'at.e bedrnlntoft ct. prof. ~. automatic: IPrinklen • M.llbu U.htl front 41 bide. Walk to Balboe IalAnd. NM,000 Ray DIYMI &51-8'700 ' Pl ----------~-..---~ ........ -._., ___ _..,~~~-----------,....---------~--------,......_--...---------m n 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 , HOUSES FOR SALE 1 M plue PAM Ml or DIN 924 w. Wllaon, Cotta M ... 75Q..1!01 $129,500 Sun 1-5 2 UDROOM 31 Sllkleaf, lrvtne S t/S 857-2045 a un 117 Marine Ave •• Balboa Island 831-1400 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 313 Onyx, Balboa laland 973-4C>e2 $325,000 Sun 12-4 430 Catalina (Npt Hgta), NB 780-8333 $209,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 2308 Cllff Dr., (Cllffttaven) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 ••827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1 ,850,000 Sun 1-5 2 llR plu. FAM RM or DIN 209/215 19th St., Penlnaula, NB 631-1400 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2571 Waverly Drive, Newport Beach 631-6475 $235,000 Sun 1-4 123 Via Zurich, Udo lale, N.B. 875-4630 $247,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1829 Port Sheffield, Newport Bch 760-9060 $320,000 Sun 1-5 8 Whitewater, Jaamlne Creek, CdM 644-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 *19 Curl Dr., Jumlne Crk, w , CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 104 Via Palermo, Lido late, NB 631-1400 $439,500 Sun 1:30-5 502 "I" St. Penlnaula P1, NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sun 1-5 #4 Rue Fontainebleau, (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 2018 Anaheim St., Coate Mesa 548-1168 $118,000 Sun 1-5 2298 Redlanda Dr .• Back Bay, NB 631-1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 '307 Sapphire, Balboa Island, NB 673-5291 $365,oeo Sat/Sun 1-5 1536 Serenade Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631-1400 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 Barveteto, Npt Crest Condo, NB 631-1400 $195,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 587 w. Bay (W.alde) Costa Mesa 759-9100 $109,900 Sat 1-4 *204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 2653 Vlata Ornada. Bluffa, NB 644-9060 $279,000-Fee Sun 2-5 1718 Port Weatboume Pl (HVHms) NB 759-1501 $223,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 *27 Ima Loa Court, Newport B<:h 642-1603 $225,000 Sun 1-4 1911 Court St, Bal. Penln. H.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 2753 Drake (Meaa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1614 Santanella, Corona def Mar 646-7171 $250,000 Sun 1-5 1838 Port Charles Pl., Newport B<:h 646-7171 $189,500 Sun 1-5 2345 16th St .. Npt Hta, N.B. 642-2171 Sun 12--4 39 Beachcomber, Jasmine Crk 631-1400 $435,000 Sun 1-5 108 Turquolee, Balboa Island 631-1400 $595,000 Sun 1-5 2137 E. Ocean, Peninsula P1, NB 631-1400 $344,500 Sun 1-5 7 Surfside Crt, Npt Terr, NB 751-3191 $131,000 Sun 1-5 ' 1101 Debra, Coeta Mesa 546-2313 $195,500 Sun 1-5 *2030 Holiday Rd. (Baycrest) Npt B<:h 850-0436 $339,000 Sun 1-4 S U plua GUE8T 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000 or $1,8!0/mo. leue Sa/Sun 1-5 •3465 Fuch~a (GreenbrOOk) Coate Mesa 546-2313 1185.900 Sun 1-4:30 S lft .... PAM RM or DIN 1700 Oahu pf, (Mela V•de) CM 754-8835 1184,900 Sun Noon-5 3711 SeMhor• Dr •• N9wpoft BMch 973-8578 Sat/Sun M 2834 Cet ... N9wport Bwtl 497 ........ '205,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 2945 Vltta Ornede, Newport ~ 940-0020 '315.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 910 W. Bay (W.llde) Cotta M..a 750-9100 · t115,000 sat 1-4 1907 Chubeeoo Terr, Ir. Terr, CdM 944-7211 1185,000 Sun 1·5 **38 Belboe CCMe, H9wpor1 Boh 176-7090 8125,000 Sun 1-5 1"3 ., ... ~~ ewt. 181-8100 oao 1un 1-e ' DIRECTORY I IR plue PAM Ml or DIN 2718 San Carlo• Lane, Costa Mesa 557-1289 $137,500 Sun 12-5 *512 Rockford Pl, Cameo Hinda, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sun 1-5 6892 Sowell, Weatmlna1er 963-9797 $109,000 Sun 1-5 1199 Auguata, Coate MM8 546-2313 $129,000 Sun 1-4 20101 McKinley, Huntington Bch 546-2313 $189,000 Sun 11-4 1903 Yacht Collna, Newport Beach 644-1017 $486,000 Sat/Sun 12-~ 24'05 Cllff Or., Npt Hts, Nwpt Bch . 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2288 Golden Cir. (Back Bay) Npt Bch 642-6446 $299,600 Sun 10-6 1218 Keel Dr., Hrbr Vu His, NB 631-1288 $375,000 Fee Sat/Sun 12-1 16 Rocky Pi (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $1,900,000 Sun 1-5 5 Jasmine Creek (Jasmn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $415,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1-3 55 Jasmine Creek (Jaamn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $350,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 1-3 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 224 Via Genoa, lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $675,000 Sun 2-5 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde) CM 751-3191 $134,500 Sun 1-4 113 Via Ravenna. Udo late, H.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 1-5 *1901 Galatea (Irv. Terrace) CdM 673-7761 $795,000 Sun 1-5 1000 Grove Lane, Westcllff, NB 646-5092 Sat/Sun 11-5 1607 Cornwall (Westclltt) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr., Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1907 Tradewlnds, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4 1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM 6«-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Dr.(HrbrVuHls) CdM 760-8333 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 307 Carnation, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $850,000 Sun 1-5 3018 Ceylon (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $139,500 Sa 1-4/Su 1-5 616 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, Cordna del Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 11 Ruatllng Wind, Trtlrk, lrvlne 644-9060 $235,000 218 Via Koron. Udo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, N.B. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland (Westcllff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12--4 *426 Flower, Cotta Mesa 646-7171 $209,000 Sun 1-5 *1514 Ruth Lane, Newport Beach 646-7171 $234,900-fee Sun 1-5 1824 Port Stlrtlng Pl. HVH, H.B. 646-7171 $214,900-fee "Sun 1-5 120 Shorecllff Rd., Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495)000-Fee Sat/Sun 2-5 2611 Clrcle Dr. (Bayahores) NB 645-6218 $299,500-Uti Sun 1-4 * 1472 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 505 Avocado, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $350,000 575 Center St., Laguna Beach Sun 1-5 497-5411 $349,000 Sun 1-5 2709 Gannet Dr. (M898 Verde) CM 979-5099 $182,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shoreclltfa, CdM 831-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 943 Cedar, Cotta Mesa 645-3000 $125,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 760 Via Udo Soud, Udo 181, NB 873-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3-4 Sequoia TrM (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-8333 1120,900 Sun 1-5 1222 Suuex Ln (W•tcllff) NB 942-6200 t237 ,000 Sun 1-6 1589 Skyline, LAguna BMch 494-1177 Sun 2-9 222 Coral, Balboa ltland 87&-8821 1539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 116 Via Wazlert, Udo , .... N.8. 873-7300 t-495,000 Sun 1-5 2815 CMN. Eatbluff, Npt Bch 720-0280 1213,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 240 Via Ebotl, Lido Ille, H.B. 873-7300 t-450.000 Sun 2-5 222 Via Plllefmo, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 '319,000 Sun 1-6 Sun 1-6 ""' , .... 10!)t Mariners, Newport Beach &44-9200 $239,000-Fee Sat/Sun 2-5 4 ... plut FAM RM or DEN 9 Banyan Tree Ln (Univ Pk) Irv. 552-2000 $179,900 Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl., HVH, NB 875-2373 $289,000-fee Sun 1-5 20191 McKinley Lane, Hunt. B<:h 962-1085 $209,900 Sat/Sun 12-5 114 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt) San Clemente 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 873-8494 $450,000 Sat/Sun 6-8:30 **542 Harbor Isl Dr. (Prom. Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1204 E. Balboa Blvd., Peninsula 631-1400 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiis 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 2021 Port Bristol Circle. N.B. 760-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 *1412 Santiago, (Dvr Shrs) NB 631-1216 $318,000 Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 18150 Redbud Cir, Ftn Valley 720-0244 $165,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1 Warmaprlnga, Woodbridge. Irv. 644-2999 $345,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 6«-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1244 Polaris Drive. Dover Shra, NB 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon. NB 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somereet Ln .• Westclltf, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *1715 Galatea Terr, Irv Terr. CdM 644-9060 $465,000-L.H. Sun 1-5 #8 Rue Vlllars, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $775,000 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis. Big Cyn. N.B. Sun 1_5 644-9060 s 1 ,095,000 1749 Port Hemley Cir. HVHma, NB 644-9060 $395.000 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2862 Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642-5200 $169,000 Sun 1-5 1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-9060 $349,000 Sun 1-5 **319 Morning Star, Dover Shra. NB 644-9060-Fee Sun 2-5 1823 Port Carlow, HVHomes. N.B. 675-6870 S295,000-Fee Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Rdae. N.B. 760-1900 $1,600,000 Sun 2-5 * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, NB 675-30481673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 9451 Gateshead. Huntington Bch 963-6767 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 121 Via Eboll, Lido tale, N.B. 673-7300 $650,000 Sun 1-5 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 1101 Grove Ln .. Weatclltf, Npt Bch 646-5092 Sat/Sun 11-5 1124 Dana (Plaza del Sol) CM 645-0303 $260,000 Sun 11-2 **2616 Bayshore Dr, Bayshores. NB 644-9060-Fee Sun 1-5 228 Poppy, Corona def Mar 644-9060 $585,000 *#8 Winged Foot (Bg Cyn) NB Sun 2-5 760-8333 $795,000 Sun 1-5 434 Beaonta, Corona del Mar 644-1211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2127 lndlan Springe, Back Bay. NB 631-1400 $539,500 3001 Country Club, (Mesa Verde) CM 979-8373 Sun 1-5 *2708 Cliff Dr, Npt Bch 631-1266 $550,000 Sun 1:30-5 506 Catalina, Npt B<:h 831-1266 $349,000 Sat 1:30-5 *1878 Maul, (MM8 Verde) CM 751-3191 $395,000 410 Morning Star Ln, CdM 675-5511 $675,000 -4 Narbonn.. Harbor Ridge M+e200 _ $1,826,000 Sun 12-4 Sun 1-6 Sun 1-5 *14158 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shorea 844-9200 '465,000 Sun 1:30·6 *1801 Antigua Circle, Newport Beach 644-9200 $424,500 Sun 1-5 2807 Ebbtade, Harbor View HIHt 844-6200 $515,000 Sun 1:30-5 *™ ~. (Meaa Verde) CM 978-2390 $2~9.900 Sun 1·5 I •Df'OOM ••701 Via Lido Nor!J1_Lldo Ill, NB e1a-e1e1 $1,500,uw Sun 1·5 #3 8an Sebettlan, Hrbr Ridge, NB • 7I0-1900 $2, 100,000 Sun 2-5 **40ll OMnM1 Pt., NWpt Ill, Na ·~ 1816.000 a.t/tkm 11-6 I U ptue PAM RM or DIN **818 Harbor Ill Or. (Prom.Bay) NB 750-9100 11,380,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **2752 Baylhore Or. (Baythor•) NB 759-9100 $895,000 Sun 1·5 *32 Rldgeflne, Harbor Rdge, NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun 2-9 *17 Muir Beach, Spyglua, CdM 12 • 940-9-405 $2,800,000 Sun --v #3 Muir Beach (SpyglaN) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 545 Wlndtor, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sun 11-3 * #2 Winged Foot, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-6 **2500 Bayshore Dr, Bayshores, NB 631-7300 $1,650,000 Sun 1-6 *7 MuJer Beach Cr. (Spyglaas) CdM 640-6259 Sun 2-6 * 2406 Franclaco, Npt Bch 873-7771 $379,000 1818 Tanager, (Mesa Verde) CM Sun 1-4 546-2313 $260,000 Sun 1--4 *8 Drakes Bay. Spyglass 644-6200 $515.000 Sun 1-4 *1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sa 3-8/Su 10-5 * 1608 Galaxy Or .• Dover Shores, NB 646-7171 $849,900-fee Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-5 **525 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $2.700.000 Sun 1-5 I BR plua FAM RM or DEN 70 Hiiicrest, Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 $1 ,595,000 Sun 1-5 7 BR plua FAM RM « DEN *1406 Lincoln Ln., Dover Shores, NB 213/289-7726 $560.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE *300 Cagney Ln # 107, Versallles, NB 631-2918 $120,000 Sun 11-6 2 BEDROOM 100 Schol~ Plaza PH 10,Versallles,NB 631-7300 $259.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 #6 Summerwalk, Npt Terr. N.B. 644-7211 $1 21,500 Sun 1--4 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1634 Iowa St , Unit C, Costa Mau 979-4788 $96.500 Sat/Sun 12-5 #40 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 $219,000 Sun 1-5 621 Lido Park Dr (C3), Newport Beach 631-1400 $560,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM ** 1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Penln) Balboa 759-9100 $1 ,295,000 Sun 1-5 *19791 Claremont. Huntington B<:h 759-9100 $89,000 Sun 1-5 *23 Aries Court, Nwpt Crest, NB 673-7300 $239,900 Sun 12-3 *2428 Vista Hogar, Bluffs, NB 673-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5 *25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265.000 Dally 1-4 3 BR plua FAM RM « DEN :/17 Rue Vlllars, Big Cyn, N.B. 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Ornada, Bluffs, N.B. 759-9100 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113, N.B. 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 BEDllOOM 1645 Monrovia, Sp 77, Costa Mesa 548-1166 $27,500 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 BR plut QUEST 317 Larkspur, Corona def Mar 675--4822 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 a BR plu• 2 BR 4 11-411 '~ Dahlia. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 I BR plut a IR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of hwy), CdM 6'45·7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-S HOUSES FOR RENT 2 MDllOOll 5'03 River Ave., Newport Buch 980-5844 $805/mo Sat 10.12 a M plua 'All• or o.N 411 El Moct.na, Npt Hta, N.8. 64&-8789184&-9710 Sat/Sun 1-5 FOR SALE l·IMDROOM 419 cernatl0n1.~ det Mar 831-1400 ~.ooo * Pool ** WMe111°"' *** W81Wft°"t & Pod ~ ~ ' f ~ ~ ! ~ !!~!~!.!!P.~.!.~~1 INVESTORS $5000 dwn 4 $200 pr mo negative ceah now tor a 3 Br 1 Ba egl lamlly deta· ched home. Call Rich, ownr/agt 96-4-6171 ~523 CAMmDl:!MfE. TlllllllOI Beeut llul Pretldent Home, 4 br, 3 be, 3 car. excellent term1. 1379, 000. 5 br Turtl«oek Qlen, 3 car garage. below •P· pralNl 11 aa.9.000. Gor,geou1 3 bdrm on ,,.. ecre lot. Over $35,000 tn uPQrad ... 1299,000. Superb 2 bdrm town· houH with city llght1 view. Take over low lntern1 Ian. 1275,000. Ltll--HTI II you went to bulld your own ca1t1e, thl1 opportunity of a llfetlme wut never come 11.9a1n. 3 ~~' on Harbor Ridge, aide-by-aide, with plans lor a 10,000 aq_uare foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool lor only S2,500,000. The Owner wllt Joint venture, trade or you can take over the Whole project. S1 ,400,000 Of aaaumable fl• nanclng. WOWI w E H A V E M A N Y ·---iiiiiiiiii-•I OTHERS CALL NOW I~ um.&. IU&.n HW Lll11H WI muff Super flnancl ngl 4 Bdrm1, large kitchen. double flreplac.. Sepe· rate entrance for mother4n-taw or leenaQ9 quartera. Priced to Hfl 1Ut·l237,000. 1211 S.1111 La. IPll llRAY 1·1 ••2-1200 A PETE BARRE TI . REALTY DOYEi SNORES /.Jn "il(,fl lJAILL1 b. A~~Ull ATl5.i llYlll .. •W'ITIR ..... .......... Let UI ahoW you lhla ex· eel. opportunity near Newport Bey • INtUflng 2100 aq It. 4 Bdrm. ~ Nth, formal dining, • corated In aarthtonN. Situated on a comer lot that la proleaalonally maintained. 121,800 down. owe balanc.. r:u11 price 1288,000. Agent 1·598-1861 OPEN SAT/SUN 12·5 Large Eaatbluff home, ac:>•. vtew. '40K dn or? 2915 Cuala, 720..0290 .., ..... (ftNIUllMCll -11-1 23 Arlee Cowt. Ne~ Ci'ilt tlllAQO ,.. , .. 526 Via Lido Soud, Udo lalit t2, 700,000 827 Via UdO &ud, Udo IM tt ,000 #2 Wlnpd·Foot. 8'.I Can)'Oll ,800 121 Via !:boll, Udo Wit AIO 101 Via Flontnce, Udo lai. ,M 233 Via Genoa, Lido Ille 'l&,OCIO 115 Via Wuien, l:Jdo lale .. 222 Via PalennO. Lido 1aJe ,000 113 Via Ravenna. Udo llJe p.te,000 2$ Canyon Ialand, Baa Canyon f*,000 2424 VS.ta H01~JiSluffa $124.600 .... , ..• 240 Via D>oll, Lido 1ale .. ~.000 204 Via D>oli, Udo Iale tsff.000 224 Via Genoa. Udo lale te7&,000 Lido Realty 673-7300 HHI /# ,.,. , _________ .................... . .... ... , 1·1 ~!l.A¥. •••••• .Jl!lf ULllYI IT 1J11 ... HYmlT • ..., ... 2 bt. 2 be cofldo fW ao. II'• euy to own 1 home Coaat Pina. Teftnl1, In Newport BMc:ht ONLY pool, IPM· MlutM .... $25,000 down and at· 100, tat TO w/monthly 1uma 175,000 • 30 yr pynrt1ot1159. hll« will loan. Seller 11 fle>elble, CArry bal. at 12%. A1klng motivated and Wiii eetry Sl~m30e/551-7HI balance. A apaclou1 2 Br ---------condo with community pool and ac:>•. 1121,500. • • ••• ., •• 1., ••• Terr '4'-1211 Ill\ 1 l ! ' ~. rail• lllO •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... 2 Bdrm, 2\4ba, low down. 10"'<% linen 9Yllll. Call Rich Owner/Ag! ff.'-et71 /Jn .. 1[,f . A55Ul 1AI L ~ OPEN SUN, 1·4 2571 Wavwty Ortve, NB Charming 2 bd home wlffl ~ room & bath. ,,.._ IMI ,,,.,. 1---------1 ••••••••••••••·•Z··••• Lg b petlo & frpt Fr. VIEW .. _ur... ..... Dr9. S..t prlc. In Bay· -1h0<H. 1235,000. Fle>e ·Chol<le BIUlla toeaUon fn ..,. llM T e r m 1 . 0 w n I A g I ·Popular E plen •• • •••••••••••••••••~ 151-8300or131-6475 ·You own the lend .... , IOll -Owner fin at tow rate Bel Aire Horne . llgllt h Y....at A fenr Call today 5349.000 Int.nor.. 2 bdmi. 1 bith. Sellers ARE NOT dMpe-Denni. Rlc:kett1 Rttr front kl1ctlen. ~ ratel They almply wantto 851..0424 llv. dining 91' ... Young AAUlfllllT move to L..aQUna and are --,0%-:..;F;,.,IN-'A'-N,,;;.C""'ING-.,..--I adulta & ~· ..-come. vv offerln~ their "Model 3 BR. POOL, JAC 124.500. 64G-183r By owner. 3 bdrm/2 be Perteet' 4 bdrm r ... In BY OWNER '70 flfftwood, 1l>e40, Weet Newport. 1595,000 Harbor View Homes for 145-7474 .. aale. A large, tow lnternt _8_50-0 __ 438 _____ _. furn., NEW range & ,... r•t• loan la anumablel l IUl ITIAU frig, Sterttgllt VIII. 71 4/ IAffUlt Fee Landi I 1 3 • ' 3 2 e . 2 1 3 I Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 be Open SUN 1 TO 5 B•ycrHt lamlly enter· 799-1022 moblle home, furn. 1823 Port Carlow talnment home. 38r, -.. --... --.-,-,-,llO---s 25 000 2 • '"""'' ••55 pooll1p•. Ju1t reduoed · t • • •~ ...... ........, Joann Ackerm•n Agt. to 1219,000 leel 2007 Hiii lfffll 175-6870 Holiday Rd. Vacant, lock g= ~~~.,~ Loweet prtced Palermo 4 H + PML bo>e, do direct. or call Sp 77. Thi• 2 er 1 be 144 t Galaxy Drive model In Harbor View + I t I t Bkr. 955·284 I, 780·7292 double wide In adult park Homaa. Spaoloul 4 e,afl e Ill ... C/t•fll,. lffi II low COii houtlng ~ 4 Br. Den, Formal Dining Bdrm on large corner. a,t. •••••••••••••••••••••• thll price. Centurr 21 Room. 2 Flreplacea. 3 Fee lot, reduced to Cullom bit on lge lot:llll!l!!lfl!!!!llii OolO Coelt R trt car garage plul large $28•.000. Seller HYI Circle drtw; lge pool tree 541-118' Hobby Room. Pool llzied "SELL"I off lam rm: good 1to· 1n llWI -Oou-ble--~--toic--50-.-. -2-.-~~n~a~:1i ~:.~:::~~ 81~:~';;':"1~!.o ~~~~~~~ 1" 1 "m""" 111 !~~.·A:i,~·:.:k~t~•;:. nanclng. Only 1420,000. 3 bdrm beeutv In New· _A_Gi;;....· -~--380-----1 Unbel'---op...tu 1~ 000, A .. 14M2'4 Open Sat/Sun. 1·5 , ...... ..., .,. ..,. Robin.on: Realtor port'• UPC* Back Bay. IEWPllT IEllllTS lnvHtor or owner. 4 BEACH LO BEST IN BLUFFS LIQUl>ATION Ml·ll4l Gd value et 1299,500 Thia unique ,_ 3 Bdrm 1pecloo1 bdrm• + 3S.. Dena "'*" l~~~~~~~~~~J 142-&Ue 2ba I• for thoH who +f fmallm !.mnl & wet+bar3 • & wide, 2 'bes, E:1 • t 3 B & den demwid a MCluded quiet or u• ng rm CAr aanda un e:g nr II [e home home with the MCUrlty of garage, trede for down Flex 0.1(. Fr..': .... '~_! b--'n° a tall cement block wall pymt. Mutt NII ASAP Call Now. (AAl!l 1082) Owner HYI "Sell my HomN". H• Wiii reduoe the pr1ce by the amount of your down payment". 1111 Yltt• ..... 2 Bdrm. 2 yn ..-. fee tend, back bay view, prof. decorated. Alklng S305.000. $185,000 IOan at 15V· VIR. Owner Wiii help finance. 1111 Yht• .. ,.,. , ......... IMl Olffllme Tiiis high level lot hu privacy from the 1treet. 2 Bdrm I~ bath, new roof and copper plumbing. Owner very cooperative and receptive to olfert IPll lllUY 1·1 ••2-1200 _ .... , .,.,.,.., -1 ... • 2800 aq It w/aplral tlalr· dowl. htdwood floora, 3 and electronle alldlng ·--·t-' t 01 Agent, 522-4080 1rp1c·1. very 1ge tot. owe wrought Iron gate. Loe· cue. ,...... ... on op a _...;;;...... ______ _ total. 5% ctwn, xlnt 1oe. dad w/extru. hlll overlookln~ Pacific ~ I# » llfl tlon. 1179,900 F• lend. 2MI ,. .. It,. ~. ~1 c:~~o;. -.;:;..,.-. ............. . By0wner831·213-4 l•H 111 All 11, &31.;253 -or~~=I~ TllllflO Ul'fm 11-4 Barbara. 380 degrH Outetandlng lrg family w.l IY 111111 Ju 1••• view, 10% Int. Owner home, Poot/Spa, Redu· ---------C•-'•t 1111 997-4434 cad 98K to 1378,000. ltl.ll " ITUU •••• ~!.'!! ......... --------- Owner may teue/optlon. 3 Bd plui atudy, 3 be, $600 mo. payment for IHd "ff'fr JJ!f 240eFra.nclaco.NB.Opn Name 6our pri ce & 2Br,2Bacondo.9'11%VA •••0 •••• • ···~~ Sun 1-4. John Carey, loan. 11ktng 194.500. Duplex on tfle aancJ. ""'" term•. wner very an-at Nit ......., ~ Bkr. KIOUI. J . Marahall Agl. 881-3380 . . ._...~ \ f : ·I l I 111~ • // Exe.! 38drm "E" plan on wide green bell. aelng redecorated. new f:arpet. ~;;~~;;~~;1m: $215,000, 1119,000 loan ~ at 11.5 VIR. Wiii NII for u 11111• u 10% down. 831·2242 • In and out. 3 "'·· 2 be IEW El Ull upetelra. 2 br .• t be. downatalra. Min. 10~ DESlll down owe b•l-"oe at 13.~ for I yra. OrMt flor Thia elegant cuetom' eumm•r rentall. t735, country home la locel9dl • t ~ • '\ ••ti ~l •~T-., 3Br. 2Ba. dbl car garage, 2 patloe. ftagatone lrple. owner-custom bit home. $127,000. Owner wlll carry I at loen. ae, ........ ·"', 141-lllt PAYlll llEITT11 HAVE GOOO INCOME??? SHOAT ON OOWN PAYMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? Tdrbell, HE\l.IOH~ PUOI Tl ITAIT TllWll .... llllllllU nllltlll Beaulllul 1 Bdrm end unit on the water. Deco- rated In earthton. with 1hutttH"I thruout. Many e>etras. Aasu~ current financing and owner wlH con1lder carrying 2nd. TD. Atklng $118,900, call 540-115 I ~HERITAGE REALTORS Int S.11 tr Tr .. t for tmaller. Wood1 Cove. Wood and glaaa 4 Br fa- mily hm. Huge entertain· ment deck. Ocean vi.wa tool Aeklng 1349,500, uaumable financing. • Call Agent for detalla. 8ee agent at open hOU· M . 1973 Vitt• del Oro DAILY 1·5 OPEN SUN or by ~t. PlttHI t·5. 575 Center St. Ne-lll-Ull HI-toll well, Bkr. 497-5411 , .... anum ~ Fantutlc ocn vt.w. 28r, 2Ba. 1p111.1evel. 2 blkl from bch. 1 195,000. Make oller. 494·4748, 171-2122 cr.:r.. ·'~'-. Lowell priced 3 Bdrm -fl0.IC)l(j11l with lllew In Laguna. 10% <Real down or leaH option. (Y.~ 841..()7111 J 1n11e1tor1 dream, thl1 ~~~~~~~~~I 111111 I Plftltl model-perfect 3 BR con-= A perfect deecrlptlon of lfflltAIU WEITOLIFF 3 Bdr. 1'4 B•. lrg llV.1'-----~----~ room, country kitchen --------with fireplace. Owner wtll finance below market Interest. Drive by 1218 Devon ln. Priced at $239,500 Of ...... option. H . Frederick , agt 831·1288 TElllFID lllE Prof. decorated. warm remodeled 3 Br, l R .. D.R .• F.R., big kltch. high bMtn celling•. lrple, ptua a lrg menlcufed yard w/a 3 car gar. A real va- lue •• 1375,000 and you own the land. Patrick Tenor.. 831-1288 N-4 BR. Bacabay area. 3.200 eq. n. pm. comm .. 1387,500. Wiii trade for property. TO' a. Wiii leaae-optlon or lo,._ down. Ready to deall Owner /Broke r . 714-~14. Beyfront lllew ocndo, 2 BR 2 Ba, MC. bldg. l!lotl lllp avail. 1500,000. By ownr/blcr. 87~7 ~2. 11 In deelw r,•kbte w~· S•ll IEl .. '111 thll lowly 4 bdrm home. ADULT MOBILE HOME With our lnveator. llve 4 ""'9 .,.... 1 '° -·· Unbelievable price re-Enjoy gorgeout eunMtl PARK ON THE BAV. 1, gain appreciation In c4llf. GfNt lerma. 1119• cfuetlon on thll AJC ~ & mountain ~ from 2,3 bdrm1 With t end 2 !1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji fantutlc 3 Br. 3 Ba. new 500· 4'4-llll 1tlglou1 Turtleroek y::' hlmoti ,...,_,,Per-ba .. ALSO RENTALS.II :;:0;..~~ ::y:. Rllllt Mohn! ... II ~~tiu3g:CS~t~I~ ~,:: ~:_ to t~i! =~ & ~= ~~~~H: ~t5t°N!: PRESTIGIOUS LINDA ISLE minimum CHh needed •UE IFfll mantle M1tr eulte, nice to NII t 1255,000. port BMch. Bkr. 11,aol- for clo1lng colt. Phone 11Zed yard. Setler teevtng :r..,.... 875-3347 L••"" ftrtt ...... t 831·5055, 142·2000. •llT llU. country-hi• 1011 your ~....;:.r~ 41 UHi .... ' tllO Pll II Goll courM home. Ow· taln. 1259,000. Toni ' _,..,,.. HARBOR RIDGE l20.000 dwn for 1' 25,,_ ner wtll help finance. or r It· La Y 11 e Id · "l••~ 180 deg. Bay view from thJ.a majestic lnterMt In property w/llK 300 I Country Club Or. 551-9400 .,.. IHAJ 11-4 ~700 llQ ft estate. Encloeed pool and •helter benefltt. Owner OPEN SUN t ·5. C·21 '*11 a-~ View 01 oc.an end city spa, wine cellar, pier and .Up for 95 ft. 1 d 1 t • agt. "-.....,et-· llghle. 3 Bdrm, 2~ Ba t 1 TD t BllfFS COfl>O E1change Possi- ble nw .. bedroom. 2 be. 1 l\OIY ctMlrrnW. End unit on wide greenbelt. Beautifully remodeled: painted end pepered too. S 175,000 leaM hold. ......,. .... 111-1111 OPEN HOUSE UDO 18lf: 111 Via llrittl llt/ .. 1tel. nn,111 BURR WHITE REALTO R INC . t>H 4610 In 1111 exctuelw San Juan 000. ArrY11ta9• Aeatty. Cepl1trano neighbor· _7_1_4-_144-__ 2_484_. ___ _ hood. mlnutaa from Otder ~ neer 451t1 et. downtown, beaetl & trwy. Ne. 3 bf, 2 ba. upet*a. Thia magnificent home 2 tit, 1~ b&. clOwnetan. lncludee t ac:re wooded Wiil Mii u 11 few $700, equHtrlen zone with 000 Ot will !MM to IUll hlllelde and canyon lltewt for 1875,000 & up. (pl- lrom every room Fea· a approva .. obtained) lur e• Include 1and A rmitage Realty bleated brick, ext~ 714-644-24&4. oak penellng, 4 lkkm. 4 It---'-' Ntha, 3 llreplacee, and _....., many more emenltl••· ,,_,. JltM Owner wttt ttede and Of ·····~"'"'~ •••••••• --;:r conalder buying down preMl\I loel' • fantaetlc IA!flll'f terma. Catt for more in. .... ILll formation and appt to with _.. tlia for to' bOet. .... ort.,ed at S750,000. • ~ * ~· °"' IAU. 411..:.JJll or • 111ncs. a.ooo ._. tt. OnMlt terma. , ,, ,., "c...,, ..J..... .., "~ ... ~& .••.•• :!ff •. ~~ •..... ~ ..• ~'l!l ...... l!ff ~tlonp • avoarll ncv81•1• Rolchr • 979-3373: 557.9320 ,71 .. , .. , .. , p1ue 0moa. 2 1rp1ca. yacht. Aaaume exist ng •t o .,..... · --------1 .... .,.. 177 Jodelll Model. Reduced *1,650,000 at l~. Lender will n->t. ~ OWMf'fagt, ff.'-e17t 2 HOUSES on 1 LOT. • -•-E'elde C.M. cute SP•· rand New Hom•• & •••.I M TUii to 1595..1.000. favorable terms on balance of 1111 1110 VISTA Ull lewtJ PtlefH nllh 2 Bdrm. 1ba. plua Condoa. no money down ...., 3 :sT. TROPEZ lh•Mu..i..... Brok CO-O 4 bdrm, 2 ba, fenced gueet unit. Sapat8te en-whlle they laat. (7 14) Oraet ~ vtew. Three ...,..,.._<&· er P· corner Io t . La r g • Ir~. I 149,500 Own/ 5-4&-9522 Agl Arch lay Comf.letely CUSTOM LOT llWllY IAW a LIM laraoetwti·lhop. under Agt. l45-NS2 IT IWlll ....-nod. a Br 3ba, am rm. t14/Ml-ll11, nt. Mt er IM 100.000. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 8n-293t, "42-1113 HAn(I tl.l _ ,1,_ 84613M, 142,..172 PoOl/apa. 4 bdrm, 2\\ _ 1 • -a.. _..,.WSMWW MESA VEAOE ba. 12~% financing .... ...,. •-111,IM tt..... Ooen Sat/Sun 1·5. eumat>le. 1175.000 • ..., Lower Thr" Arel! Bey GtMt View of ooeen eocl " LtAI 2t09 OANNET DA. gotlab .. Call fOf appt. Pvt Ar•. ~ Vl4fw. otty ltghta. Wll IUbcril-••••••••••••• 4 bd, 2 bl, zoned R·2 Owner wlll carry 11t TO, 551-1075, ~92 LA..J 0 t . 0 w" I Ag I Ml•. Will build to""'· mint cond. Rm to bid ~.;:,t•:l ~~. •:, 4:; Lowest priced In Univ. -4"iim1Pi44ii"'ii"iiii;&iiM"-I 808 c"tLl~4 ~~TOR • IElllD •271 ~--• dupl e11. agt. Sherry rm. perk like rear yd, Prk. Beautllul condo, 1111111 W..-1----------• • ,... • Co1how 8'8·8327 or very c1aen 1ovw1y ~ Ideal for coupte or llngle. 6 bdrm aeoo eq. ft. home Ul1ILln ••• ...,.. ...... lft .,.._1010 borhoocl. i 112,000. Agt. 111t,500wtl20.000cfwn with wtlll.-.tet'~. 1 Tryl10t(do'#nonS200K • ...., ... • ... , • M•M Verd• 4 IR. new 91e..5099 Y04M INlftthly P&I .... be blk to beedl. 12'4..... pr~. Mex ....... 6,000 aq.ft. of family Uvlq, Pool a epa. MW egt•. around StlO. L••HI ~ Ow!W/Mr '40-t01t, • eotert.alnment facllitlee for • • .. 0 option avallal>Je.. lrtng al ... 1,. .,_ 1.-H.. a u.a-7 •"-red e o . 184,.-• offer•. C•ll Inf•· eot. -• I llUT llY • en ..... ~· v .__,.... bit--. • 1~ FIXER &&2-15o2 or g :z.7tte. 'bdrm lfl'lllY hofM tn ANOJU8TUITfO. ~ meld '~uarter1 .• For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AO.VISOR 642-5671 Opn 8at/8un 1-e. 41tl uaguna'a moat romentlc • / • .a-• '--•...,• aecttno 1e11er f1nanofnO Lovety !utl>lu"• a Ir ou-, v ,__, !9~000 Brltbane. A(lent •• 414-4730. · 3ba tlCMM With matuN • 18' ber, 90da fountatn. comps.-.. • By OWrlet Unlwnlty Partc fNlt lrtlll. Prtoad to ... IHtal e Otta MHI, 3 Br. 2 'aa. With l•rge v·~ fut at llOl.000. Open • sauna l"OOm, enotmou_e pJay • 121.000 under appr....,. yard. 0pen Houee &Ult. SY ...... thlt .-.ncs. 2134 c.. room, iourmet kitchen. 3 tub Owner cteaoerate. Hurry! 12·4. t148,900. C•ll '** "..,.. 1t ...._ 8endV OeW AO' • ! l d • 645.0303 551•28..... w2~t.:..Y""'=lbf, .. ,._.... · · 1ero C'e r •· en many more '"' .... -· e amenltlH. •eet,950. By e COLD Well B AN"'eR LI _,~-- TURTLEROCK HILLS .. tf.2U2/4t7 1 llftl -· appolntment wU.h Mard C.oos- 11 "12~,oomm. t -~ ... '. ,.fttHtlO buyf N. end •• ,ANllH VILLA: 1 , • Mi-7844. • enn a. "' r_.., • tmmaoueete. ~ $ ldnn,......., """twNty 1 .... OJ>t., or etralfht br, 2 b•, trpt, faff!/ ~& IH . oom.!I ...... , 1.. • ~~~ ::r.=.;:.ce ~~:·~.:I· .... -.n mi• e· ,_..... a,..... oatry 1nd. , .. Allett. Mw "-"" -fWttl • • • • :u..... M7404I ...,, .... 717•. 21.,_;.7nt •_1,;,.,.:..~ .... ..=.~~..z...-..z;...z...-.~ (off Wlnterh•ven lu•t M•t of Oreenoenron) Ju1t t111,IOO . Newly completed luxury 3Bc., 2 ba., heme. witll mu\7 featw't9, 8 car ,-.race, 20 IVO tnel, 1 ac:ft, .-i, ~ view. 11 I \ /.rtf •• "1JW)lf.-,f .. ~ .. .. .llliiilfttf .. C'llllrnlf._, ..... Wf•Hlt II AJM,.,,,lt ;&Gt~ n:·: •• ~t.:oftl ..,,._,, .u11 fW!f.!M ...... M1 lfttlt ............. llJtllUll# ... IMf ••• ftl!fflftll. .. IM! ••• ~ ......... .!~/~!~!~.~ .......... ,~... .ff!f!P!f~!!e ..... .. l ••P•r•v , .. .,,., • .. 1.r.mm ... ,.nrn 4.,,,, ... entt. ,,.. OOMft· 'II.. '9--.. 1 '"·lo. eat fllaa. '*" ..,..,, &.ia. ......... ..., a.a. ..,,., ..-._ d•m•, co111 MeH , l •}'ffOflt ft'llnu• IO . 110 uonal "11t"'•rc1a1. w -~ ...,... 1en1111. no pett M1t. .._, Mlt WI' m 1r.;-;r.o: .. , ... rn·:i rm;.~n:........ • • ... .."'1r." ... r:;";t ,_wy 1 ........ f40.t1M. '90 W1. ~ klteh.1 t t t II . t 4 I. I It I S Mtftl ........ IWM'llM Ulll•I .. l•aotl ulo7':':,:r.r ...... ~":: NIGll lldrm I be M\llta pee.lout Oee*' Vi.w I filO r111 Apt 6 Conto I ot I •r 6 I la, tuflV tl1·13'2 ' It! ....... .,.... Avtll9-t bclrll\, I~ a., .... fOll t Ddtm 2 be ntwtt 09'• pttf Mott utll pd. bdfm) 2Y. bat~ ,..,..., Ya.I,_,, ... , ;;=~~..,/ ""'ur11, Vr l e ••• -Ille lmlfte dl1 11 1y. •ovne 111ew, H lllfltr l~k'l:."'.J.2;'1to.'~ 'Iffy MetlA'• rion-emilrt 1929/mo tc&...,10 111 1191Nopelt11Hmo 116-'tttltOllw ,,. 8tUO/mo Wlnltr ,ANTAITIO""l<ll "°°'"'°°"'~'-· , •.• twnni., PoOI Md -...... .. nv~• nsoxa . tpnl1'fkf\6-''"-t14-4211 ••• 11 ........ ,.~,•,•Mf ...... n ttDOll'llO Opn Aug at. 3 br, 1 b•, hUCll )•td fllv• 01'*9 10 onooN JIO '''°° "'° 117·1172 t~b:P:.J~· ,:~;, 11sn"-41H H7-tTtl 1 " ""' utll ~ U&O "' .,...0. Tm L.AVllH TOWNHOUll : 813.0433 or Hll·,810 M&O AQI. ... a.nn lfOf'll W9're ltie onae to l)PPl!f\ IACIC IAV Sit "4 2eN M&O ' Pf.1. 11~ ' • .... .,,. NEW v••d 2 own• • a 1111, 2 ••· 01 o•r. crnr 101111-.v • l!A1Ta10E 2 er. ,.,. ea. c.-for......_ 2t.taa a..o ~. ~ OOI; • Ha;cl~n,"· ~lb:! ~! tf2.j940 ..,_}. . #fl ~0u~Ttv 1~L~<13l : 0 :-..; ~ ~:::~:~u~•,,L:•: 3 BA·~~•"· 1 ~--=· ',':'11~' to, 1~1r··••1Wtt OOUrM \'lew. It~' clMn, l~:; ::.· !:"~':.: pets 14 ;,,H Duplu, 2 br, t b .. elf-••••~·~••••• It 1eo6..1to0 eq it of waterftlt ,,,. 1 N block to • Ubrary, 65~'.d" · mo new optt, mo No L•I• World 544•5261 1 t.ll 11.ctll!Of ....., pate, cltepte, Qtt, patlO, ,,._.r_,_ pu,. 111xury. OeregH , OWMt. tt3l,tt0 Pine-merket, bu• In Q11l1t 53 Rc1lr1 ,..._ Aol M24'80 644-2111 ' • ;, 201 1 hi~ Bi':J' °'""·no 1>11t•. 1520/mo. t & 2 Ir. Dlecount on •PH In evtry llom1 • brook at Wahhem. OM. trea Can bt furn. Call t & 2 8t. tpaoAOUt aJ>t.. $Sl 30llO t.!IO! Sbr w/11.tflny poet ITS-O&e2 '8.41-ts1I ' '41·7234 tome l'llOCMll1. POOi, Spa, mHttr twlte, dining 7to-I045 1173-5388 pool, 01rp1t1, dr•PH. • baker• klloh. ll'IOre 1376 Lllftf ...... • 0 ~ f!!1 8 •" n •. 1 t c room1, wood 1t11rntn11 ---------THE POlNT 4 BDRM MClucled. blill ptOf PIO-il!t IHH(I tih)olr•hl" 00.A!NTALI 750·S314 8111111 4br/3b•. 81300 Ttfl. Pt. 2 bclnn. "'° 011. Private PlllO adult •Pl t4o-uo10 tlrtplactt, mlOfO-WtV• o..Jlxfl/ 2," be den din & lam pie. 83•0·8450/mo. Bluff• 3bt/2ba. 1850 lun dk, pit, l1un, no New Clpt, dipi. paint ' 1350 B•oh. luin Pool, oven1, private petlol 6 JlaJ1t'Jt1"1• 1100 rma.Si3150 .1175-9324 1142-7312,731...a2t 1m&U 21>t.2baclup .. x,wutier, 8.C.VUIU1br,J4&0 Ptll. ytll.' 1112&. :;~~h:'· e-tlde spa. 18092 fltorldl yard1J.gtrclen•r provl· •••••••••••••••••••••• --... ,. I 1•11 1 to 8 bdrmt, 11at11nO at tdlry«o. ;,_!!ptoot<' .X18r;7toa.,'!t' AOt, Nan. 844·2"0 87&.0013 87 79" 842·21134, 842-3172 decl. i:.i.oent IMng only H "g . c. M. 0" p I. II SUN/MON SPECIAL .. Ml50 to •1200 •• '5 , .. , NEW BREED APT8 15 mtnul• lrom F'Nlllon 11151</0ller. Only 130K Huge Penln Pt home OCC ., .. lncldl 2ba. 111 . 831·2990 l.Mrl•tafl f•n/dH htH frttf BACH. 8385. Frplel, rec ARLINGTON APTS. ltllnd. 1 mlnutel lo l .C. dwn. Auumt I 146K 112'50/mo. 875·11324 bltln1, 1h1dy yd tor llUT lllTAU .,....-•••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 2 bl, winter only room. pool, Jteuul, 0.. Qwlet. 1p1ctou1 1own· ttl1ze or O.C.Alrport Agent842-98&8 _,, •• I,.,, detal11 11 8e8T C,1' 4 Ir 2 8a, bonu1 rm,•••••••••••••••••••••• 3113 Htmllton, C.M btach 1525/mo Blvd.&IO.ofSanDlego loene 11 10.6%. ,._ I I .. JW bbq'•· much mQre. Ott fJ ·~ J.lM lil••I 11H 1725 mo 551l·181l2 & water peld. No pats. houee 2 Br. ,.,., 81 NNt Jull Hll of Newpor' •••••••••••••••••••••• 639-6190 NOW em lte IJ._. 2800 t .1 .. comm. pool, W1n11r. South Bay1ron1. 4 C11t•• l•l #'1 1111 1145.4411 960·8858 Fr 'W 'I · Ill O 0 I mo ,, ... , hf•1t. UOO Marhr Yltw 1 •llLOllll/IULTHI 1 '1C:~l......_ 811115/mo bdrm lurnl1hld. 81200 •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·5439, 1473 Orenge ••••~•••••"•·•'•••••• lrtM•ttr ... ., '7 38r2111,comm.Po01. 875...a2t NEW CONDO 11100 Deluxe t BR upper. Oeluxepoollldextrelarge Ave .. Cotia M .... 2 :••• llou-. 1 lol Beeu1 ••ecllimUy hme Fest. Irle ttnlnt prOllt· ja:it.-AUU\ 1750/mo, nr S.C. PIN• OcHn view. I Bdrm, palnltd. P•llo, 1375 & 2br. 2 ba, bllns. dawhr, E·• de C.M 1145,000 with 4 BR, 2 Bi, plue de rs Ctll the BEST ~ Or try i.ue oplton. Have Lrg 2 Br 1 ea. •veil ll/15. trplo, modern kitchen. laet, credit rel. 845-18113 1'A mil•• l>Mch Adults, owe 11t at 13%, 145, powder rm, per1ec1 for 539·6190 othltl. Fred Tenore. egt $750 6 ulll, yrly. Agl deck, ger. 873-3271 or E' Id 28 I no p111 $500/mo ooo d n 754-1048. entert1lnlng wlwetbar. Eaatllde 3 bdrm 11150. 2 1131·12&8 or 831·2711 673-3474 831-0502 cs!ck~ leu;ci,:.'$48~.'~o ,,,_s3e_-8_3_e_2 ____ _ 556-69". pvl yard, cu11om troe bath, gar. petlo, nice •S23CAMMlla•IRVM W•tcllff 3 Br, den, office. ,.,.., l1t,tler ~t dogs. 54&-71133 OLD HU~TINGTONI 2 o~~~-&1 1e.':'::c:::: ~= :1 ~~~~ran yard. 5 7-3233 Agl chg. B • 2n·.~re.n, 02JCll•tgel r. g1ar0~0 ..... '.••l•••.'•. '101 CORONIAh peL . AR. 1 Redleorlled 28r. p\11 P•· ~~r~.~ i~~· ~:~~~3 •7" •210 3 B 2'L 2 4 r 2 Ba. 1v97 t Antloan. • • " . •••••• •••••••••• room wt ... ba. Wiik to tlo, encl n. "· W/D hoot<· • I .. .... v ..-v ellHn Artukovlch Rlty te~nls~ ~~~11=~-g~~:i~ $975/mo. 1-837-14 hNlttY• lfYll•I bttch, 111 utll pd . no up, 1475• mo. No pets "'g -... ------ln..e.rt ....... Charming 3 br home In now $750/mo 631•2242 Agenl541·5032. Blwlfe largi condo on 11~ blk• 10 beech. 2 kltch . 6 mo I•• 831-5847,642-0461 Clean, 1 Bdrm. CllllCI 011. 80% lnt., .. t In 1 )'Mr old beeut. Shorecllll Avtll J Marshall greenbell, 3 br & den. 2'A bdrm a, 2 be. splrel 1325/mo, rel 549.g322 All uUI• pd. Only $375 condo near So CoHI year· a leesa Sept. 1 L~~E,e,!'k~~··= ba, 2 pat101 ptu1 deck. ltllrl. Skyllghtl ind Mon-Fti SPARKLIN0·1Br. utll pd, 537.3233 Agt Chg Pina. Ttke over p1y-$ l500. Boyd Rttltora. l ••t·'i OC.RENTALS 750-3314 Avall. Sept. 1. 11400 mo. flrepl-. Pttlo, •P•. enc 28 1B vt ~let, no pets. pool, gar, Clean and quiet. 2 BR t'h menta 968-6283 875-5930 .i Shown by eppt. only. garage. $1200 per mo r, I. P entrance, 15 mo (714) 54&-7689 BA, chlld OK Sm. Pet ---------J C •••••••••••••••••••••• 4Br, UnlYafslty Park. lllOO 844--0350 67S-ll304 aher 6 Piiio, glregl, mature 2Br. pool. Weetskle 1415 OK COSTA MESA umlne reek. lovely 3 br BHIH F1t•itAH m 0 . 0 3 5 • 3 2 0 8 0 r · alngle. r1t1 req $850 mo. & ONLY 1400, chg By owner. Thrtt tw o •Ingle level on greenbelt •••••••••••••••••••••• 752•1194 MYlll llllU Nwpt, blk b1y, beach, t 875-3448 mo. lst 83~~33 537-3233 AGT tlOfY hou-on one lot. 24 hr eecurlty. Pools, ,.IHI /llul JIOf BR. new fwrn. wtll pd. DELUXE 3 Br 2 B1 In Three.,..,. old. Fe-~ tennl• $1600 mo Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• Turtle Rock a1eecutlve, 2 SPANISH VILLA; 7 $450 mo. 213-941-3085 1 bd gartg• apl, Piiio, E/Slde 2 bf _ .. ult duplex, • p •--,..._. C 1ro1 e M c M h c bdrm, 5 bath, huge la-avall ll-4.1530 w/garege "" .,. la•. bit-Ina, crpll, yards and gareges L1r-1 • n • lean 3 br. 2 bl, trptc, m11ter1, 2'h be, garden-mlly rm, pool & spa • C.n•• l t l ll•r JTZZ $580 Incl utlllllea $450. Encl. Pttlo & ger hk-ups, drps, Clbl gar, g• auumabte (213) 644-9080or644-8087 patio. gar. Winter er Incl $1350.851·11350 completely remodeled.•••••••••••••••••••••• ll75-0570or87~4024 NopetS 548-1425 lrplc, 1850 No pell 956-5757. Spill levll 2 Br-den, bee-$800/mo 675-3683 llAIOH $2600/mo. Call Century BIChelor apt. P\11 entren-Wettalde SPARKLING 540-4484 2 Covington 4-Plexee top med celling. 1795/mo NORTH BAYFRONT OPLX Hll IAl•lll 21/Grambow Rlty. Aek ce off alley. A111ll 1350. Bachelor, So of Hwy CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & 12--B-r.-2-8-e-.-l-rp-l-c.-enc:-lo_sed_ toe. Nr So. Cet Pl01ze. 707'"' Ac1cl1 840-6188 Each Unll 3Br, 2Ba -• ...,. lot Ruth 2131289'-7728 plu1 utll. 875-6811 Quiet per10n 1325 Incl. 2 Br Newtv rodec. crpte, $ T w NH s o N o o L F utll. 873-3415. , garage, patio $485 mo Ownr financing. Amdoua C••I• •• ,, 3zz4 Front-t200 mo. winter COURSE. Spilt level, 2 WTILlff Liii "I " D••• lolal 31ZI drps, d!lhwr, range & re-964-41133 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVINO IN NEWPORT 8EACW A 10111 en11lronmen1 1parynent community on the Opper Bey. Prl111te clubhowH and health •P•. 8 tennis cour11. 7 poote, cloae to bu•lt·-. airport, F"hlon l1land Convenient 1hop1 on 1111. Unlumllhed blch&- lors. 1 & 2 bdrm epta end townriou .... $540 • $ 1000 S1111ral bac:hllO<I and 1 Bdrm unlit feature fine designer furniture and accessories Move In to- day or reserve for aum- m ar mon1h1 Smartly lutnlahed model• open dally & ready tor ollerl Agt. •••••••••••••••••••••• Reat unit $1200 mo. yrly d 2~ b , •••••••••••••••••••••• 1t 1 ., jlZ~ lrlge. view & ocean 1---------645-0100; 549-1366 QC-RENTALS 760-1977 875-1541 erew~S9;5t~'o~/~v~~'. 4 Br 2~b1, $1300. Early Super neat 1br, 1m oldw ~!!.~.!°!!!~••••••••••'? b re ez u, no p e 11 . Duplex, 2 bdrm, bll·ln. 4 Unit• Long Bch 8 4X 1·5br's $200 to $2000 Sept 1. 754-7900; evs Se9t. O)'I 833-4785. ev/I vllla. court yd. prv, 1 Ill 2 Ill I Ill $385-$475. 842-0684 & waaher d~yer ho~k up On Jamboree Rd 11 135,000 dn, S 152K 0 luti 75o-33 t4 open 7-days Winter Rental avell. 9· 15. 559-4274 wknd 644-2224 $400/mo. 497•7086· Newly ·d•cor ~ Gu ~d. 552"9723 g~~ /:~-0i2915 ave 1 now San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. price, $4000 cesh flow Westside 2 Br. 1 Ba. tncd 2 Br. nice yard & garage. NEW 6 BEAUTIFUL Super neat 1br, am older encl gar. dwahr, pool, 3Br. 2Ba Condo no nr . S. 1---------844 1800 Long. term lease. Owner patio. enclad garage, $700/mo. 673-4342. Woodbridge condo 3Br Prol. decor. 2 br, 2Y, ba 11uta, courtyrd, private, bbg. Adu Ill. no pets. I Cat Plaze, park-like set· Deluxe 3 BR. 2'1t BA. Neer 1 _____ • ____ _ (213)880-0039 new carpets. drapes. 2'hba, tam rm, tip, 2 car twnhM, lrptc. Baell Bay. $400/mo. 493.7354 842-5073 ting, AC. lg patio, spa, new, lrplc. WO hk-up, LIDO DELUXE 2 Br frptc Int N 81 55101 B I glr, ale, wait( 101ehl1, 111 $850 IN. 1173-4431 I pool, etc. Child OK. $885 pantry, bllns. encl ger, lg lrg brick peUo OR. Adil•. (8) 2 br units, 6.9X, $30, pa · 0 P 11 mo I )ff rto. tacll. Sll50/mo. Avali 1,L ••is ••ol ••y BHll•sl•• Specious 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. mo (213) 964-2686 P • 11 o . etc S 5 9 5 s 1050 875-8359 ooo dn, $180,000 full plus security 548·5442. lt•i•Hl l 3101 8/22.1133-811114 n - - -•-a• J•4o 3 Br. t'A Be $475 545-3604. price. l-4000 cash tlow. 770-5629 •••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. 911. Lux. twnhM. ··==••••••••••••'~ •• Laundry lie .. pool 12 Br 1 Ba, Covington 1---------t Br 1 Ba. yrly Agt (213)660--0039 2 Br 1 ea w/ crpta, drps, 2'"' Br, 3 Ba. furn, ocean P!~oremlc view, Rancho 11150/mo. 11t, lut 6 sec. Owlet Juniors & t Br 548-11558 12-7PM 4-pl ex, gar, nr S.C. WOOILAIE 1800/mo. d El Id s5951 front e11t, Peninsula .... n Joaquin 2Br, +den, 3 b 2 b 3 et PI a z a $ 4 SO Im t & 2 BR 873 3355 25 Units, 8. tX. 12K cash yar • 1 8 mo. Winter $1050. 875-1245 pool, IP•· 1875 mo. Agt. r, 8' car ec. From s375. Pool, rec Fireplace, pool dlari-962 81 8 ° · lakes & slre1~!!1•• bceomaup 1 11-----------llow. S85,000 dn. $360, 675-5088 · Pat 831-0711, 831·8304 gar .. multi-level, frplc, rm .. aeun1, enclld 9•· washer p\11 patio x LG 1--·-1------_.. Wlnte< Ren1111 Bell hM 000 full price Nr Harb<>< 38t, 2'1tB• Condo. min 10 a •• ,;.,,.. North Irvin R catlledral celling. skyllte. rage. 17301 Keelton ott Oard~n 2 Br 's560 LUXURY CDlllOS ='~~·:.&;9o1 pet• Fr 3 Br 119 391h. St. $650 F w '1 • L A Ag t bch & al\Opplng Poot. a.1et 3140 Club Ir 3 :r 3a~ull p1t10, Incl. wller. New Slater. 842-7848 557-2841 2t3/208-1234 Oiok (2 13)860--00311 fac, & sauna, annual Isa •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ~. I . .donl crpt No pets. Comm. EIT&-UYlll ---------Wik II 11. Cd P11u Beach Peacll, better 1 Br $765 mo 1st & lest + 3 BR, 2 ba, nr Magnon1 & corner . ..,c, am rm. n pool. Agt 549-7962 '" Frplc, elegant French Stepa to tl1e waler. low 2Br, l 'hBI TwnhH, din Loll /01 S.lt ZZOO sec oep .(7H) 750-5274 Yorktown Remod. gar rm, trplc. $895/mo 2 BR, remodeled h11 w/ BHutllul park-Ilk• sur-••~tfi:-L..t windows. AC. In home $265. Call the BEST rm. 2 patios. balcony. •••••••••••••••••••••• No pe19 $875. 963.1777 544--91135 gar, 1'"' bike off send. rounding• Terr1c1d W1R:::9 ll::R.I security, 2Br 2Ba. 1Br 539-8190 lee gerage. no pell. $050 UllH lllHE $500. College 2 BR 1 BA. Ideal I<>< couple°' young 1750 yrly. Aek I<>< Biii. pool Sunken gas bbq. FAlllLY &PTI 1ea & studios. 1----------1 mo. Ut, 1111 + dep Appro11 'h ICfl. Wiii tell dining area. lnc:d yd, gar, £11.u• a.~et 3141 lll'lllly. 2 bdrm lV. bath 831•1288 sparkling fountains. Beautiful gerden epts 1Br & atudlo Incl Wshr/ Priced Rlghll $265 1 842-2949 IYH/wknds or joint venture. Value very clean Children OK, •• ••••••••••••••••••• girage, tlreplace. 1575: Spacious rooms Sepe· PallOl/decks. Heat paid dryr, at!IO Includes pvt Bdrm. perking. 537-3233 _r_or_•P_P_t _____ _ S500.000. Call 840·7885 no pell 213-471-1671 ........ , LlcH• Chg S37-3233 agt om Ulm rile dining er ... Walk-In No pell. 2 cllfldren -1-club w/tennla courts. • Agl lee Clean. upgraoed 2 Br. 3 FANT A ST 1 C 0 CE AN t>twn 7 & 8PM wltdys Condo 2 bdrm. 1 be, IOf&ll YIEW oloseta, home Ilk• kltch-come pools, Jacunft, saunH, Ba lrpk:, pool 5730,mo. VIEW LOT. San Cle· S325 Cottane/duplex. rent. lease or option to Lo•u• ,.,,t 3141 2 Muter Br Suites dbl en & cabinets Walk 10 2 Br 2 Be $565 beeutlfully decoraled lmat 3144 957-3177 mente. mulllple zoning, • buy St.000 mo. $350 ••'••••••••••••••••••• • Huntington Center. 398 W. Wilson 631-5583 clbhae & much more •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------newly reconditioned week EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 garage, •P•. 111 extres. I Bdrm-furn, 1505 From $450 mo. lncls 3 B 111, B h BEACH/YEARLY ~n~~~lc~f :;:;:;.,,bet:::'. new carpet. 1 BR w/ Aher 3·30 494-9378 Be. frptc, brlci! patio wtlh $820. 984•3488· 2 Bdrm-furn from $805 most utll too. 549-3421. Pa~io. A/C~ 1~~7:, ~';~, 0 Ix 3 Br 2 b • • g • r aeuna & lncd yard. No or 494-8130 ape. $1500 213/ -H• FlllT 2 Bdrm-TownhouM lurn. 3841 Bear St. (btwn Woodbridge So Lakes. '800/mo 421 E. Balboa ne< 7141493•8758 pets 213-471-1671 btwn 8711-2255. -from $675 ........r.aalianu I s nnowflf &. McAr1hU , pools. tennis S775 mo Bl. 673-2769. 675-9797 SPACIOUS HOME SITE. 7 & 8PM wkdys Spac. view home, Sept. 4 Br. 2"' ea. deluxe du-No pets. Utlllll .. freel ~ . "! u t ' xlnt locatlon & lllew. So triru Oct., $900 mo. Non 3 Br 2 B1. ocean vu, plex. trplc. gerege, 2 pa-LA QUINTA HERMOSA APAITllEm I bdrm, upper, $450 lnc;I Cell Denny 845·20 t8 Open & Airy, 1 Bdrm. em San Clemente. Owner 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 2 cer gar. smkrs. no pet1 Pref resp $825/mo, Arch Beach 1101. Avell Sept 15 ·June 18211 Parklllde Ln. 1 blk BHutllully landscaped ulll. lrpl very coiy. :v':k&d!t~~s~48-5833 pel & child ok. $360. Call 7141493_6758 large ya~~3~J~i6 cpl Reis 494-9848 Hg 1 a, A 1111 1 11 1 1 . ~!Y!i':'tf.';:;6~o pets. w. of Be8c:I\, 3 blk• s g1rden apt1. Pool & Spa. 631--0921 atter 4:30 !-:---------_5_3_7-_3_2_33_._A...;;g_i _cn_g_. __ 833-9212 alt 3PM. of Edlnge< ... 847-5441. Covered parking. No 1 BR, utll pd, $330 mo, Studio condo. evall 915 Beemed celllngs. sky llte- 0.l o/ C•ut1 $1 200 mo, part furn. & ll•ff•rt l11et Jiii HARBOR OCEAN FRONT BLUFFS LEASE ., •-· a. 3111 pet1. bech or yng married cpl Tennie, tac .• pool, 1elnt kitchen, 2 lrplc's, 3 111.s11tr ZSSO poolhouse, 5 Bdr, 3 Ba ..... ~;................ Nu 3200' lux hm. on 2 Br. water vu, $950/mo. !'!.'!r.!!.":::!~ ........ 811Ch $415 prel. Call al 645-7072. loo. Randy 494·8698 Bdrm, 2'A Bath. Wltll all ••••·~••I"•••••••••••• pool. 836 Presidio Winier. 2 bd, 1 ba, W/0, bluff 180 deg vu ol Also 3 Br, front row vu 1 Br. $465-$470 ask for Oebble or Joe Woodbridge condo, 2 br, Ille expected amenities. Mountain Market. San 986-5306 631 -7370 Avail After Lbr Day harbor. iur1, mtna. 3br, S1200/rno Aglll40--0020. THE 2 Br. 1•/,Be. $535 2 be, upstairs. saoo mo C111 for eppt 537-3233 Bernerdlno Mountain 861-7622 · ' 673-3-039 3ba. security, uuna, 760-9678 ' 2 Br. 2 Ba. $580 1 bdrm S380, ulll pd. 673-8920 ev1/wknd Agt chg. Merkel. Poat Office. 3 00 S 1 P 1 $ 1 g 9 5 / m 0 . 2250 Vanguard C1rpor1. good loc. No --''---=-------Apia, Arcade, Plue Lot, Lovely 3Br, 2Ba, lg tam LI I LE . 3 bdrm, lam 4911-7009. UY I MIO YIEW ''liOO D I 540-9628 or 642-4905 p e I• 3 8 3 W Bay. h•H• If.et 3141 Spic 3 Br 2 Be. fplc, ger. on Lake and ski Utt. Sale. rm. lrplc. 2 cer gar, nr rm. 4 Ba. St700 mo 38r, 2Ba lrvlne Terrace 548-9616 ••'••••••••••••••••••• beach 2 blk•. 1900 yrly. lease<>< trade for home College Pk, no pets 2 n-custom hornet. 3 Home. 1819 Bonnie $490 2 BR 2 peraona, IOWFlllT No pell 845-1882 <><condo In N.B or East $700 mo yr 548-4834 Of OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, br, 2 be. (1) Wood• Cove Ooone. S1400 mo. Incl LIFE'' patio. pool. 325 J 171h ~lllde, Lrg. brlghl 2 br Most elegll"lt apt. bldg Lga pvt 1pertment Mo-C.M. Asking $3"'0,000 642-9178 1 Ba s 7oo mo Biii $1500/mo (1)penoremlc "lrdnr. 87~1"'41 Pl 846-5137 att 11AM th ba Piiio, 811211· 9/t f " ---------• Grundy, Rllr. 675-8181 • " $550 640-0997. In Laguna Beach. lneet darn w/bltlns 2 BR 2be. (714) 887 -2831, P 0 3 Br. 2 bl on 'It ecre w/3 v I • w S 2 0 0 0 I m o . Bluff• condo. Sharp 3 Br Utll pd 1 e r. 1300 mo.. location In town, br .. 111· wellc 'A blk to beech. 2 BOK 355 Green Valley cer gar plus guest hou-Clean tBr. den. gar. ulll 497-2327 up. 1 down 3 be. 11250. YEAR_..OUNO FUH: quiet Piiio nr beh Avell One of e Kind! $200 na1, teklr!il views. 111 built-In•. car parking Large clo· Lake, C1lllornl1 92341 58 See 2530 Sanle Ane pd Winter $500 mo. On Modem 3 Br. 3 ea. pano-64._2607 S ocl e I Ac tlvl 11 u Sept ' 1 644-ti958 ' takes It. I clllld fine. no/ h • 1 t e d p o o I • sets. Greet for slngle or 2 •-a. • oo NOT DISTURB TE· Seas/lote 631-77&4 rtmlc ocean/ coast view. 0 Ir• ct or • Free low deposll. Oont will. aub -garage, 111v11or couples Patio L1und -•e•ff, i'1•1, NAN Ts s 1 2 o o m 0 E $090/mo. 2131378-3 l lll. 38r. loft. 3ba, 3 )'l"I Oki • 1 S u n d I y 2 BR 2'/\ ba duplell, 1600 I CAU now 539-6190 sm Lease only $850 & up f1cll $700/mo lnc:I utll lffnl Z100 85 l-6226 :,]81 1 9 hom4e b complitel~ b I k tr om C II fl Dr. Brvncll•BBO's• sq It ol luxury Every lee 11 the BEST 330 Cliff Dr 494-80113 Duve by 5403 RIV8f Ave .··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.······.·.·.·.··,, rn siled '· !Kuzzl. w•u• lli•tll 3ZSZ 11-46-6789 °' 8411-6710 Partlel•Ploa xlra, dbl gar. lncd yd Then cell 845-1771 1 .. 3 Br 2 Ba garage, lrplc, car garage In gated ••'•••••••'••••••••••• much more SO 8 5 6 4 2. 9 6 6 6 , YIW CllllYA Untum 3br, 2b1. IPI on mag°' 960-5&44 111 AOIH yard No pets 648 w community Mo to mo Niguel Shot• p"1 comm. .IAlllla Ollm o" EAT 67:?-633e Spacious E.Slde Ap11. Nlguel Goll Cour11 Ce-,_....;. ______ _ IElrT 181h lat plus sec rental S•500 760·8099 4 br 6 l1mlly, 2 bl. 3bdnn,2Y,ba.Plenl°' RECRE A T I ON ; Enclgar,patlo,dlhwsttr lhedrlloell.,W/0.deck, Ver11lltee luxury 1 Br . Prime grapefruit and $785/mo 499-1617 tOCEANFRONT duple1e, 1trlum, 3 car gar Pvt leualoptlon 1 yr. No T 8 n n 11 •Fr 1 e Large 2 Br 1 Bi with & 11ove. Moat utll free pool. 11 gerage $750 courtyerd $595/mo orange grove well 1oca-•BACK BAY 3 Br 3 88 $650 up, $750 down, 2 beech & rec center money dn. $2300 per Lessons (pro & l>fO ¥arage, d/w, laundry rm. No pets mo. Peg Allen, Allr. aecunty 840-6188 todlnSoutheaStHemel built-Ins. lrplc, garage Br 2 Ba . lrpl, gar $1250/mo.7511-1485 mo.S700permoappNet shop)•2 Health 495.1 2B *• 2BR. 1pe<son $510 494-7578 OITIEW'TEI 640 41 1 lo Purc ha.e P Ice I Cl S Also rg r 1 B• ...,90 2 BR, 2 --~s $"'•"' • E1ece1tent production yard . I u 11 rec t e c • 1 Lrg 5 Br home w/ooean, r 0 ubs• aune• A II 9 1 845-8825 ,.... -· ~.., Ill I VI ' 3111 Popular eenlor citizen $725/mo 642-6477 BEACH con•GE gollcourH & mtn vu. S381l,OOO. 851-0130 Hydromu.ege• ve • 2323 Elden Ave. CM •• .'!.!~ ••• !}!.•••••••• Newport lal duplex., 3 Br area. Subdivision pcten-,.. Owner/Agent -.... 1 0-•1 Oor'l'I wait only I large 3 642-7605 Beeut 2BR 2B• veult--' 2 Ba, lrpl, _, ber, patio, 2Br 1ba. Olk to beach, riuge pool & 1p1. For · ., ... mm ng• "' Br all with 2 B "' ..., ger . boat tllp, no peta Of llal. $2,500.000. BllRH 0 T T 1 I I HI avail Sept 1. $650 winter. executive or protelllonal Ore1t loc1tlonl 1770, 2 80rtE\ll~URTiange1 F U L iv • .. P•· S255 great studio fire-celllng, lovely balcony, kids $1200 675-4421 17 141673-4400 1 upe• Eastsldel $750 yrly. Utll pd w/tamlly. No pell bdrm,1'hblth,Hreplace. "P:'RT M E HTS·. poo110·11n$~~~·1s:~;~~rge pla~e. private p1;klng carpettdrapu. Grell S EPST 121]1 621-2121 $475. 645-8943 $2300. 495-4223 537-3233 egt, Chg. .. .. , • ()( 537-3233 pool, g<><geoul complex, T 0 SANO 2 BR 1 BA Westside s Ing 11.. 1 & 2 ,,75.5949 Bldg 8 Unit 202 Adult 2BR. lrplc, ONLY $600 HAR BOA $475 DH• l•i•I · 3ZZI Nlguel Sh°'" teue. 5 Br Super lor alngltel 1700. 3 Bedrooms•Furnlshed •Lg 3Br 2Ba nr SC Plan. DHI l•l•I 31Z6 llvlng, no pe.1. $600 mo Can 537-3233 AGT CHO. 4 BR Wes1s1de fenced •••••••••••••••••••••• aec: .• tennl•. pool, ti.lch, bdrm • 2 b 8 • g 8 '· & Unlurnlshed•No Fresh, sunny. elry, edit 4 0~;;:;.;:1~;;,~i;,·2 768-3465 BEST BETI $325 ALL Agent 0662-1700 2Br, 2'1tBe Condo. $690 Sl800. 83l·3838 537·3233 agt. chg. Pets•Mod6ets Open plex. no pell cpl pref Br 2 Ba. deck. 33811 lltWHrl a.id 3161 utll pd. plt1 prkng. 2 BR. nr sc Pita. Adull mo. Garage, spa, lrplc, 1 L•k• ,.,..,, JZSS 4 Br. 3'h Be. Portoflno. daily 9 10 · $525 g71l·2416, 8-116-8 Coleglo. Opn & avail ••••"••••••••••••••••• 537-3.233 Chg. AOT condos Pool. Jae. lull _m_I _•o_be_a_c_h_. 4_9_7_-64_5_5_1 ···~··•••••••••••••••• lncfds Ir~ mulll-purpose 01kwood PINE BLUFF APTS 8 I 1 8 $ 5 5 o I m o I B 130 on water 3 br +den t di / 2 1 3 / ·6" 9 • 8 9 2 8 . ' garage. wuhert 3 bdrm or den 2 bath ,\ lhl 1'11111 ttl sec, cerporl, Lux unit. fOl•lli a f•Jl•., 3ZJf • • ennexl I U 0 W ba. lar..t.ll 1 Br with loll, & 2 Br, 2 ., dryer 2 persona xlnl ' 11.,rhoi 111,,.,lnit•nl 1·11 Grell Loe No Pets $550 ••••••••••••••"'••••••• lrplc, •le, pvt dock. $13115/mo. 840-8290. • B c t-866-2236, ( 14-15), rel'a 0 onlyl S450i yrly Upper dwplex. Avill Se9t pt u e s 3 5 u 11111 y Very nice 4 Br 2ba new Av 1 11 · S 8 Pt 1 0 · ••artlt11h 1 hlld ok, on the 1-489-5375 (18) 646-7662 (9·5) 1 530·3600 556_ 1626 775•2580 cpts/drps, lrplc, bit Ina, S 1050/mo. 754-7900 or Big C1nyon Townhouse, la..":':.. hit .. / I t. Blull•. ptllo. view, lrplc, ---------. lanced yrd 2 Cir ger evet/wkndl 5511-4274, full golf course view, 2 & '"I""" • dnCI ger., g11 llOVI, dll• Ha•li•flOa H•af/•ffU 3 b~ra~hB~, ~r~·.~elr~;· Avail lmmed 4 br, 2 ba, 1st/last 'plua dep' -3 Br. $1300 /mo . 880 Irvine hwllher. spa. lndry rm ••et 3140 l••et 3140 873-2571.87~907 ••• 'ft.~~~l.~ ••••• !!.OA lrplc. Mesa del Mar Lge $900/mo. AvaJI Sept 1s: '!.{•!}!~ •• ~{•fa. •••• /!'.! 844-7424 Bkr. (at 16th) $695/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- •. , ,,,,,, WAIT llWPT IOI ... E To 1200.000. Fixer OK Have City View Home on Hollywood HIUIOP Trade 195,000 of equity Price yard wllrull trees $900 964-4778 HOME FOR RENT Harbor Ridge. mountain 6 (714) 645-1104 SPMC 03l.fll07 Aetoas from beach, bright mo 1st. ll!lt plul sec 3 Bdrm. 6 4 Bdrm. $8115 ocean view. 3 Br. 3 Bl. • • .,.rt ..... is.. vrHI locanonl 1 Bdrm. Ke nnebun· kport?. ~ & airy 2 Br. pallo, lndry 552-3252 Iv mso B••W.1t•• to $600. Fenced yard• & be•" t 11u1 ly done. 1700 16th St gtr•g• $300 + chg rm S 7 1 51 mo V, I y NICE 1 br •iet 3UO g1r1gH Kid• a pet• $2400tmo. A11e11. now. (Dover at 16th) 537-3233 Agt c11g Isn't that the boat 988-e283 wtall utll-pd •••••c,c:RENT~~s·•••• welcome. 545-2000 By Owner 760-1977 (714) 642_5113 Very lrg 1 Bdrm, child ok h Th A . 3 St 2 ea. yrly. $800/mo Sherp Kitch MO<e $325 1·5br's $200 10 $2000 Agent. no tee 3 Br. plus den, Harbor Ooly $320, 537-3233 Ag! t at won e menca's Cup In 757 I blll to beacll QC-RENTALS 750-3314 750-33t4 ()9en 7-d•ys $750 get• 4 Bdrm. 2 Bl. View Homea. cllg ~fDr~ Bkr. 675-41112 2 br. home centrally loca· STUNNING 2br ger. bulll·ln1. more Brok., 759•1501 OCEANFRONT • aharp E/Slde 2 br, 1 be, encl If )'Olire not sure who (or Whal) Keflnut..•okpon 1287,000 BUiie Agt 213-484-2210 WT NOi ted In Chule Viste Just w/lrg patio ~~;a~I~:· :.i"r J~ S37-3233 itgt chg. Ver1111ln 2 bdrm. 2 be 2BR. wlnt.,, no !)Illa. ger. ger. pool, yard No pelt was. c1on·1 feet bid-you re not.~ mu .. llOUlh of dwntwn handy kltch. kids $400 OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Fr-"' Painted! 3 Bdrm. 2 ;>enthouM, ocean view. 1650 mo. 875-3033 $485 673-0731 ,,_ 8-nt'*"" Lrg IOI one CC-RENTALS 750-3314 -7 llo ........ 752 5317 rv:11nybunkpon IS one of 14 dlstJnctJvely ...,.... · · · i ---------3 d 2,.., b1. MW carpet thrv-out. pa • .....,.,. • 2Br, 1ea, $550 mo. 4Br, 2 Br l'A B1 No pall Offferent ai»rtment floorplllls •I SNwind V1M~ R3. l2V• VA lo.ii Hive Loaded 2br. lg ~r. aff Abr erma, S 8bl0 OHarmbouo r $700. 537-3233 Agt. Chg. HARBOR VIEW 4 '"-. 3'L 2BI. $750 mo Across Laund"' Hu about $20.000 equity U1ll pd k't 1 •• 25 "' ,. ., in ntmgton 8eacll.5Nwind WI~ is a result uchingi tor almllir • • "'· ns ~ 2 1 3. 4 3 1 1 1 t 4 or •....n IHet 3141 ba. fem. rm. bonus rm. from bch Sept-Jun1 $450/mo 031-3671 of totally personalliecl profes.sionat planning eqvlty In Cringe COUI CC-RENTALS 750-3314 714-983-6767 •• -........................ •P•. gardener. s 1800 (213) 848-2232 2 bdrm twnhH, 1'A bl The kind of attentlOn you deserve 11 Condo or . 1 Joe 2Br fenced yrd cpt/drps 2 NEWPORT HOTS. 2 Br· mo. AQt. 75llo-l076· WINTER RENTAL 4 i:r*"e, patio No pell · A --4.-.. ,__.of ~·ture a"" IM""-773 73 8 lend hk . • br, nr beach, gar. No den $1000 mo to mo & -• ~ .. .,.,, ~"' ... '"' • .,, ·4719 or 2· 14 I E' ~de r ~Id ~Pl• gar pels. Prefer mature cple. gard_, Rae· Rodge;.. Ocean view Condo In bdrm. 2 b• Av111 Sept 75. Nr 19th/Pomona nestled in• forest witll babblloO broolU and quiet offloe. s5'15tmo :1tcif6~ pets. $595 536-2272 agt 831-1288 • Newport Crett. 3 Br. 3 15. $800 mo. 675-0303 5411-&357 ponds. cQOlf.d by natural ocean breezes Add 10 . Ba. pool, 1pa, tennis, 1 bd' ti ,_ • 2 bd 1,L b Fl 1 that t rts. ••• IL .. u •••• I 'lbr, 2'1tba. 3 c.r gar. Nr QC.RENTALS w • 1 k 1 0 b 8 8 c h .m. P• o. 1 ..... pa ~. rm, "' 1. rep-enms cou swimming pool\. aJ~ZZI and PlllE DUPLEX TO EXCHANGE $109 000 equity for Income property. Call Mll<1 Crow of Taylor. Crow & Co. &42-1423 or 845-3178 beach & school1. Furn. 1•5br'I S200 1012000 s 12oo/yearty lel.M. Cati step• to beach, 1350/ Dishwasher. prlv Piiio a convenient 1ocauon near sl'lopptog and Decorator perfect, •P•· evell. $ t 150. 964-5096 750•3314 open 7-<l•YI Deloree wee!<. 875-4488 Oar. No pets. $520 mo. emptoyment and you've got; place anyone wOukl clou• 2 bdrm, 2'Aba, new TSL p 60 543-6470 Cal)ll Cod. Pool, 1ec. rec. Roomy 3 bdrm + den, 2 EASTBLUFF: 3Br. 2bl. foP. 1142·1 3 YEARLY RENTAL :\ .prOUdty all home.(Even Kennybunkporo) area. p\11 patio. balcony be~hs. dbl gar L1nd'E:" A11111 Now. $1000/mo. PllYATI PAii ~~~~~~.~i. 25t,0~ 1n!:·ca~~tt.'11~0;:.,.~:,;1ii One and two bedroom. one ano two bath ~tne cellar & Iii• garage ~llen~1T~atT~~tsioo+. 940.9019 2 muter bdrm•. 2'Aba. co•• t Proper 111 • consider Pete. S375. apartments from $5l 5 00 ecoretor wall paper, Ch 537-3233 · 1 ·Newport CrHt. Pl1n 4, kid•. 1ml P•ll Ok. 673·5410 537-3233 AGT ~ d draper I .. end more g ltQ · 1mmacu111e cond. tint-$725/mo. 831·2242 John ---------!·---------~WITI Bo•Hf U•/•1•J1tH $ 1 0 5 0 Imo . CI 11 H.B'a Fines!. $525 3br, utlc Ylew. Avatl. ll/1 for Merallall Agt. If fll IUOll N_., 2 Br. 2 Ba. No pets. Ian H~nu ion Viii~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-2239, 10:30 10 5:30 2ba, desired erea, lots 11200 per mo. wlll CO'I• 3 Bdrm, 1 ba. $875/mo Av1ll 1pprox Sept Ill '-•nil 3I02 pm. I<>< less, alnglel °' lernl-11 d 8 r 3 ., r . I• 11 •. ... C/••t•,. 3111 wlntw wtlfl summer op. I 4 5 0 . 16 0 • I 4 t 8 or •••••••••••••••••••••• lies welcome 100·1 mot• ..... 8 , •••••••••••••••••••••• lion J..... M ... II A I 548-11875. 15.555 Hun~ l/illaQI Llltif Hlml•ngton 8tKll. CA IEITILS Oerllng Spanish 2Br lb1 renllls et BEST Cell to-"""" 208, agent. 8e1ut11111 3 Bdr 2-n 81. 631 ·22~2·n ar ... 1 • g · 1---------en•> 89&-9510l w ith 1 car g1r1ge. .. ........ , 111_ oceen & Q011courM11\1 • ~ Large 1 Br. 1 Bt dlhwt, Yearty-Weekly-Wlnltr. 2. 1825/mo. 946-8832 & day, move tonight. Sm ••-,. $800 ERA HomeMlllll't •--ltt •-i lndr" rm oerport W/ From !ht Sin Oi9 Frwwa1 OrM noftll on e..cn to 3,4 Bdrmt. 873 , 82 lee BEST 4 Bdrm 3'A bllll 2 Y9I' . . ... " •••• ,. ..111 , • • McFdltn lhtn -on McFadOen ID *"'1no VII~ •10111 11mn -1 1·t-·11to ...... p • .._ 0 0 c. 5 8 1 • 12 10 0, •••••••••••••••••••••• t ide. $3..llO AYlll 8· 11 Fum...:-_ ........... ....._ ..... 10 AM Ill ·-" N~ Cenal duplex, 3 br, 2 be, 3 blk• beeci'I. $900 873 ·3883 , 675-9305. t Bdrm, refrlg. stove. ger. no pets $425/mo. utlll· ties pd. Cllrla 548-1168 LIH l&YflltlT 3 Br 2 Ba. tandy beaCll 873-4316 2131282-7733 2 er. Ouple1e ecrot1 '11"911 from bHCh. $750/mo. 529-87114 Of 836-116113 81y1ld1 Dr. THE COVE. dlx 1 Br. condo, den, lrplc, 1"' 81, pool. prv b1aoh. 11060/leHe. 759'-1092. NrNPMl cre11 condo, 2 Br 214 Ba, 2 ur gar, wenc to beach & comm. rec lacll. 1875mo 982-8118 • ... •• 2•L•• • ..... llOeNttlr UICYt...... 731-1873 2 br. 1'A be. ' blk to betl, 845-1162!. ---··-_..., ... ., ........ PllP -' n -2 B I 1495/ home with llbtlf'f, famlty Clllldr.,-./pet OK. 1'480 2-br--N-E_ll_de_llnOICl--ll!!==:=;:==:==5=:==:$:;;;;;;;;;ii;;==:==:::=i5:=:!i!JJ Frplc. fem rm, plush r w gar. mo. room, formal dining 492~7/174-7226 apt, · · • 1,_, -~"" ,_,_ JI~~ 2 BR upper condo. W•t· 11111alll•fl cpl• 1 ml from bch 2 crpts. tncd yd, w1ter pd, room and 3 flreplac.e. "-""~-'-' front, cul·de-llO, quiet. m•• ,,_,. ~,.• W'W cllll Dr •. nr alloppln .....,.lll-111'"• car g11, quletst. No s>911. 27 to "B" Delaware. 12100 mo. CK ..... op-_,.,11.'-L.-'~~ ~ti $525 mo. (71'4)!594·1&81 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• bw•. pool, 11110. A~i • Only $800 mo for the 8311-4120 t-5PM. lion. C t ll ag ent II .,_ 1411 JTlllualdH 11191. Sept. 1 e•t·4t44: evt t 1..a-1~. /I right larnlly. 845-1537 Walk to beacttl 3br 1V. Ba. 84W092 ~;.·2;;~-·a~c:p;.: ........................ 1 BA. 1370, ge• pd. o.r-~ t\PJ\BTME~ ~-3117 ...._ ....... .,.. Eutalde 1 BR duplex U111 lovely ylrd. dbl Olf'GI Undemated Eteganoa vu. AC, PoOI. •viii e-t. ... ,, "'' clan view. w/w crptt, ~o LID •sW'1G •·1_1r_1_e.. __ 1 _pet1t ........ lng--.,-lll.- Lg• 28r. din. beau I Incl ye rd pit 'ok only 1850 + chg ... t ... •••• $575 mo. t.lo peta. Sher· ...................... clrpe. bit.Jn 110\!9, retrlg. ·' r.a1l~•Vi··' ~ blk to ocn. 1 brick patio. tmma c J400imo M ·Crow Agt 537-3233 agl F-..... ...-... ~"· 2 ry t 7f..2380 dye 2 Rttpontlble, retired "' blk bu .. • l thopt. ....t. 173-4210 11396 ~ .. 78• ·... · -c...N Adultl (M/fl) with to rent Off-I ....,n, lndry. Quiet "" ......... /hflna. 114.......,1 °' .... 2-1423 3240 BrMZY 2 Bdrm. 1V. bdrm and den, 2 ba. Ne-. 2 I A 1~ be, patio, MOblle Horne IOI 8 rno. Ho ~~'wae3 . WUTCU,, irnrnac 381' 3.,._ lrml di• ey owner 3 BR 2 a... ta-beth, olllldren OK. 1525 Oolf GOurM vi-. Near gar, •s80 & 1100 dep. M u 1 t a 11 ow p 1 t . AnArt~ • Lg• t br. patio, pool. nlnQ fern rm •viii Im-mlly. xtr11, 1830 mo. + c:tig. 537-3233 Oc•an. 'ull Howrlty. No pat•. Cr a I g, "4-1110. WllTUll Yl.L&ll ~r"~')J Avail. now. '46-1152 rnma: 11100/mo Sa I I I 1 4 7. 0 0 0 $625, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, ~~b7~~;r-'""' 1145-1370, 00. Qardlf'I OroYI TownlloU11 1 6 2 Br. epte avell • luxuriOU~ .lduft & family liv1n11 in tlO 4111 ,.. C/_,.lt 117f .. / ..... lh4. 541-8077, 1141-4744 newly carpeted, all IP• Ooeenfront ...... 2 llf 2 2 ar. 114 Ba. patio. no pool. epa, lndfy rm, no ·o0 ••••••••••••••••••••• lncndll* ooean views. 4 BR, 2Y, ba, form11 di-pllances, oreel view, !Mill Of laaM option ler· Be, trnaahlno looatlon, PltL 760-7272 l)llll, lmmecl oocupency. !WW COUMlrY setting, I, 2. & 3 Bdrm~. N .. r new 1 Bdrm ept. oldtlme:t=.39'.IO ntng. Meu Verde, 537-3233Chgagt g• 4 Br. oena11ron1. on Cove.Adult~ J.JJMlll-4 #II t8'.a?4tt'\450 Amtnities lndude: wltll tlllllt-ln•. ~ '"" =Ao~~OMES ll~~o. f.rdnr Incl. Great for young ltmllyl a e· :":!i'!i~· =m~ ::J·~ 4~1 mo. ...................... ~ti'°' ~t • n.,1 /G3s Ranoe *Tot lot1w-nbeh~ ~oOt~. Md WA 1400 • eo · bdrrn. 1v. be, 1575, low 113001ino famlly ' Vrly 1776. DetuMt 2 br, TSL Mgmt ~wu2 "" " " r pubho 1ennl• cowrte 1 831· . 3 8R, 2 IA 1550 mo move In, chg &37·3233 &41~3310 aft I ~dys. • ,. LUii .. r~e· .... ., w•llf. 2 B nt Ba. 14&0 * 01(,h\Vac;t\eridl~pos.I * P.itio/sundtck golf ooU"9 rittlt beNnd ... , ... •i-M "" ~ ~h•rg10,~/· gt'i:i' 111'· Perk Lido Condo, 3 Br 2 .... , ,,. .. ... 7 • 979-llM1 I fo~ I Plfto~:.-:aa w I * Dr.s-..icaPN>ting * l.lUndry racilit1es propetty. Clote to ~ :r.r.T.:;:;:T......... tencec1 ~· 973-0111rr · Im•• tuf ea. trp1o dthWll1 indry te.1 Vlllt• ~.Ne. a vr1y to akr .,er, 1t9Pe 10 111n et. 946-N07 .,..... ..,... ry= uu1rn.on11\. V"Y 17H. QM 2 llf. ,.,.. JV• ••••••••••••••••• m~ rm 3 carportl 'p•tlo b r ·~ b• oondo In bOh, alt ementtlte. MOO I(' *Recreation room *Air condllloninR Av Autu9t 16. one ;;~N or w a ttr . Famlly•llnd 4 bdrm, 2°" 1700, 4 bdrm, prim• 17". Nt..ff22 ' • J>uwtlful l uttalufl. "'° 1714412 l c~/p!~1~.,.;:u=· I Come 5ff ut now for b8t MIKtkln. lib W. I ~~.ci=. °1 ~~ • ...,....7, ~!.1J>onu1 rm, dbl gar. loce11on. Low move In. W t 1111 1 I d l 1000 mo. 111' 1a11 Clean t br t oa frplo 'no s-t• Jmo Totet l _.... u1ft..~a.i.t ilt.Call ... 1~131. ' Ate YoU pllMfl'tg a mc>W't ~.Chg $37-3233 -Ot. 587-3233 agt, OllO· 0:,:. "1 w.11 ~ :i~n~~'lnMOd!" .~8:8· ltOvl . re trlQ: V'rly i ft1CW9tti1750; W.7'90,, ~-loop to"',._.. FY : I~:--~....-.-.,-..-.. ...... _ o Wed adl _.. point MHA VEADE·38r, 28•. univ. Park 1 Br. den or 21 yrd w/1arc11n11, 110. Mult9 ~. 00 ~ oei MOO/mo, S7&-Ml3 1 '4-lM7 I 'o':af':. ':;"90~0':: ,_,in tttertgrltdlNctlon SNOmo.11u1at+..o 81',motomo.1750/mo. •v•t•m.811001"'0.Nr Ja otl G•l vln cl•y1 8mllll lM t ... ~,ll'l·1 llAYTIM81M ...... ••.·tlnd '" "o•• yo11 dep. No ca11110 clOG•· Ina• Ag1. 6112·7802 01 j p er IC & a c"o o11 . Tll·HSO , '•v ••· dry tacit, c1eok, •eoo. 8peotow11f."'6C.PoOll • .. ;:.'C::,.~~ wcs. .,...,. Avt1 t-111. 1111-3642 ~.,.._ ua..iato ......_ t?~• , "*'· ..... ..a I c m ~ L:: _. ,. r .. ... . I \ ..:R DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAVl!RI Sell your no-longer-riMded Item• for oaah. It It doeen't Mii, we'll run It another 3 day1 FREE. On• Item ~ ad. muat be priced . Sorry. no real •tat• or commerclal ada. Call today for full detalle. f~bh--'1.00) I • 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 A':,~;:;:t •• , '.~'e'M.~ff!(/.'Af ~!'/l.!!.fH!!.~ ~~!.!f.P.l.'1.e1f 9/~.~f# ... J.fM ~'II/ .! .......... !tJl..f.¥.'!/. .... !l '.f .. IJl..'f~f#. .... 1.~':f ~!!l..'f.'!.f!l. .... 1.1.'!f ...................... E.ANFRONT 2 l 4 Br. lar ........ Mii" enr ~t. 9eolc 8ay WllT COSTA MU A 1'UJ~ iMI I llllUOll ...UTilt Dfllll !NJOY THI! CAIATlVITV latl b• JllO ~!:~13~::3~ lhru Contact l erQHI Oay ;ogcJ~;J.ec. tennla. moTW.,E _?f.!1Cf!~!*1021 •• Jt!J!. .. ••••••••••••• llullNflM 1#1 tWlttmflt2·p·~.yrp9AnP«ttdlfltdru bfl~ t~!n'm' -~nl.fOfH·u~t,._· 08UF8YINOl!I,!~. OWWITNH ATHA! ....................... ·---------Mai. ,...,,. .. MrVIOe in ..... vvu• -...... ,.,.,, ., .... ,17'No.iN&Ti~ucrioN° • , --·-....... ·-.. "" '"' 1~nAps'3~5~~0 17th l UIAl/UWlll 80 c .. 11. 04f 71f F:7·~~~·. ~':d' o~ l(INnol Hot1lbOt81k'•IVd8IOOI • c•Mt ••••••••••••••••• u.n Prl\180)' your h Om•. :~e7'1:f,~~;i::u':~':'. lngton e..ch lt1-f7CM ~~T~cf N°w~rla i~:. 83t-0700 Ntw 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, Mature working , •hr my $300/mo Tern ~-.43'9 . r .. . THI I.IF! £XT!N810N Cl•HICl l, POP•·l•:n. htlpful XLNT wrk'g cond. trooun 11 l lLH fllANV CandldatH Wiii Prlnc•vlll• 1rea. Fur-home. 124'0/mo. IMludN Yeo.-t7t6 • H O l 1HO eq.rt. ~. 80CllTY W ot k e h op•. a A . Nonemkr prtt. Start PIT, '1T, xtnt oomm, have a llalr lor deoor•-ft~!!~A~!! •... !.~f 1BR tpl w/ 11ove/rtfrlg. 3 blocks to bch. Oultt $<150. 4'89·5259 S. L1g. ..... 4000 .••••••.•.•........... EASTSIOE CM Prlvat1 furn room & bllh Utlla Incl .. ralrlg . S316 mo nlahed, tully equlpptd, utlle. By Hoag. Own rm l iri.1tlbMt IMMa. C.11 Pfop oNtf'• cremation• & ... 858-575" 11200·11600. 848•7408 work In oc. Muet havt uno end Ml ... w1n1 n. teonl1, golf, pool. Sl*!IJI ba. 54S..0021. R~m1te w1nttd M/F, MI.'• 0 •IS · 8 100 ; vtoet It ... With llm~I· J 6I Wi " 1011 11111 tor color. will train xlbla houra. Ind rectlve !~~~~~ ::u~a!':,~Y Ptrk Newport 3 "r. :r::. ~:n~~c15~~~.~:; a. 13ee city and dignity. "W• .! ••••• I~'............ IOllHlPll 8<10.524'9 1~ comMIHlon•. WILL 2131873•5211 TownhouM, pool, tennlt, ac. tultM, full MrV. Incl. b•ll•v• 1f11t death le Young married mi n wtll Con1ultlng englnttt firm OeOvtf)' T IN. lnttfVI-• 10 AM vltw Bick Biy. Jin eve oon t . rm. 1 te2 S E ll"IP!Y a~otthe llfa dootn.,alhandy work. nurOrange CountyAlr· WIPAll Dltl Y to2PMonththour.Sat. PA[M SPRINGS 759-Q0.48 Ftm/Bllboa P•nln, 2 8rlttol, btl. Aedhlll l prooau". 1 10 Oharttr C ell evu & wkend1, POtl '""' •KP«'-~. Auq 1", 1600 Dove 81 PRIVACY? 1---------atoty 3 Bl 2Y.t>a, 1111.llted Nwpt BIVd, 957-8-451 m emb erahl p IH (In 812·t525. Mtf motlv1ted lndlvldu11 10 people needed 10 d•· au11t 330. Ntwport N-3 BR 2 BA hOmM. Ftm, 30 ahr lg• 11vl1h celllngt, !*cony l gar organtu tlon). FOf' Mem· 10 Ptfform ell Job coet1 llvar •hopping ·~ frM BMich poor. 1pa. bbq, 1tereo, twnhae w/reap. working s2881,,.0 Aak tor Jim TtP LIOATlll b«ehlp lnlo wtlla. P. o. Lie. European nurH/ eccountlng p1yrOll, AIR, 0111 Qertlll Ille~!' klet• -----1-.-1-1-1-1--- dally maid aerv From lem. unbeltevabi. roome. wllndet~. 875-U5l8 & 1200 1q ft. 14304 8eacl'I Box 3182 , N.8., Calif companion, home cart, A/P, benlclng lnvut· No M no .... uet be.!' .. 1 n 1125 nlQhl overlook Ing brook l 8H-51811 wkd)'tl Blvd. WMtmlntter, btwn 92003 cook, tic Liv• out. manle, contract•, etc. In .app .. rance ... uat PAIT ,TillE Palm ~prlng• Retotl wlt«flll Pool Jae 1111• 2 lrwy1, 73• • 1q II. 548-8572 E11ctlltnt opportunity have economy car or Be a carrier counMlor L_a_g_u_n_a_f_u_m-rm-. _p_V1_b_a-,1 Ren1111. 213/879-8208 ttc. NBiCM arN, lro,.,; M/F non-emkr. ltlr 3 bdrm Won't laall 97M888 or GOVERNESS end working condlllon1 motorcyclt Apply In for a local new1p1per non-amkr. over 410, TV. LK ARROWHEA0·2•1Y $350. 780-804'5 ;~u~~ ,;, ;o•~ ~~r~: ,_eeo_-0_1«_._____ SCRAM-LETS Top notch. Franch-~~~.~::~:!• wl~~·:~~ ~=i.'~a!2J~~n ~:,u. No •wxptkrltnc1y••2n•c••· 873-754'4 p ool B ua/Pro f n-4Br +loft. 2Be. 2 F move In lovely homt Engll1h Pref NB Hry or on • he>ura 494-0451 lrplci. 2 balconlH. ce-CM. Pvt rm. Ba & compl. 8"6-7917 ti.I 10am 8111 ANSWERS 4'92·1517 parlance FREDERICK DELIVERY PERSON n-• w.-175 to 1ttrt plua h h F •-1 _.. 2 bd B R 0 W N A S S 0 C d..,. tor ..... ,Y Irv•~ tr1v-• eddltlonll Wrt of ...... Roo••tB•LBO• s230 thedrll cet11nn, color TV oute old prlv. Lealle ema-o .,,,,. rm Hou--"-. •tor,..._.. """' "'"" "" ·-"' ,..._. ,., " " · ·• -~2 327 1 In "--1 M o-... -...... ~.., -~ ....... • '-"""' 5"6-..... 5. Mn1lce Motor bike P<•· net'lhlp"a profit• mo. view, lurn evlb 911. Sips 1" North Shore. ~ • 7. 5"~60. •P .....,. • ... .._t 1q ft offkle IP-tor ,...,.._ • •1 Fir at clan Franch-A 11 Jo t 112 3 + non -s m k r $285/wknd 1395/wk. Shire beaulltul 3 br furn. tit. '250 8"S..l289 IM. C1 -1vall now. 625 Alwayl ·factor Engllah Pre I. N B Bookk le<rea Hrly wag~+ ml-Manag;:n1uno~unl· 673-9015 $595/mo 522-8831 house, j1c, gar Irvine Fem rmmllt wanted to W. 18th SI, Colla Meea. C~R:~~I)' 4'92-t517 eeoer I leege 957"2700 9118 llH For Interview Clll La 1 1 p 1 731-8830 lhr63r .. 1 3 BR 2 Bl •Pf 845-8830. He Mra. Olstreught mother to Iii l W. H 1100 Lite bookkeeiftng 1nd I IELIYHY /STOCl efter 8 00 PM 8"2-5878. h~r~.;.g~::. er':a MAUl-Klhel !Br lux, 130 2 F 1 h 3b 3b In M. $245 mo l 11111. Nor1hrup. dapari~nt •tore iate-.!.'I. •• !!'•••••••••••• office work. Pan time Must be 18, lull lime, ext 312 ,,. per dy Oen v iew . em. 0 s are r, 0 673·5"92 ..... 631-7770 I Wedne1tThur1. 11-8. ---------170. 846-7311 673_6210 675_9836 condo In Nwpt. Welk to UNNV Ntwport Be1ch aperaon: "Th• la11 pair W.trtftl81 F s 2 s 0 XLNT Opportunity tor ex· W/F 11111 spacious Bdrm • beach. 6<15-94'53. RHP non-1mkr M/F rm-Patio Office. 833 Dover. ol JHnl my IHnlgt l ttHlt Oltrt llHHl-AIEIT1 41~~ :t 1 i1~1s1 C°M 1 -7 perlenced Dental Alll• mate w•nted tor 2Br, Suite 2 . 1 308/mo . daughtllf' boUght-•ao l}'pt 85 wpm, $/H P<•f. 100"~ commlMlon Min---lflrlt with ROA Bu1y, 2Ba epl nr S. Cit Plaza. 831-1094 tight 1t1e had to buy the PleaHnl telephone vol-lmum fees. Beautiful fa-Dental Cha1ra1da Aasl•· pleasant, Lagun• Beach tulle w/prlvate Beth tor OCEANFRONT KAUAI M/F nonsmkr shr Irvine 2 renl. $350/mo Ref's req Sunny romantic Polpu br, 2 ba Woodbridge _6"_6-_6_2_1_1 ______ 1 Be a ch 1 5 · FR o M Chateaux w/M, 32 & 4 yr 966-0554 evea i--nd-F-100-r -ott-1-ce-.-A-C-.-g-rea-t poc:kela SEPARATELY." c;e, lite bkkpg, eblllty to cllltlea In lrvlne. tanl, Part-lime EXPE· Office Full or Part-time N B. Shr 2 br, 2 b1, pool, view, 325 aq 11. 804 aq ft. Wit I fo.U 1300 follow lnllNC1lon1. Grt-HlllU IULn RIENCED. RDA prefer-_•_9_4·_9_76_6 ____ _ Share nice 3 Bdrm duplex Balboa Peninsula Ga- rage. lteps 10 beach & bay. 204 Adams-A. WATER. Spectacular old son (resides wknda). views 1 Br $45. 2 Br Welklng dist. to lake, S60. 499· 1526 shopplf\O,. Alt. g1r. 1310 ---------1 mo. & ·~ utlls. 552-9018 pvt ent .. own relrlg. 1296 1 Ole 2nd llr, 375 eq tt ••••••••••••••••••••••. phlc knowledge helpful, 111·01.0 ~::ivl~~/1v;11~~~oc!~1~ F G S. hu opening In 10111. 8S1-352G 50¢ sq It. (71") 674-1921 non-amotcar pref. Sal1ry ---------830 1130 Huntington Beach office S235 1st and lest Pvt bath, kltch prlv. C M 631-41369 hoatlH Trlll1l Prol lem. Weatcllff area. Furnished 3 bdrm, 3 ba. pool, non amkr, no pels. Atrium spa condo near I 2 9 o 8 5 7 • 6 9 4 1 · pool and pultlng green. 673-4'060 ' (SANDPIPER PALM OE-1---------SERT) Want Ooeanfronl lnt'I slewardess wlll shr Month of Augull lor furn. CdM apt, gar. w/ Muter Bdrm w/prlvate VT. OFC. 1176/mo. Nr. FOUND ADS ~opmp~•;;~r~a 1~~~xsp~. De .I ~or Autolmdobllel SalNu b•. Av1ll lmmed. Wk-O.C. Airport. Conv par-' · · CLERICAL nta .,ep. Ina • 18 ''· 0 d • .,. before 3 & wknda kl I Modt l Builder Magazine. E)(perlenced R.O A nee-Prospecting. Allrectlve ,_ n~. pvt entrance. n-8 t • • k f •• o I 8•"-9160 ARE FREE 0 .. pm."' or ... re. <led for r1tiodon1 c compena111on package, "" clu es ulll. Rcptlon avail N r1h by arrangement Taylor. o rup. Electronlc Manufacturer j practice In Mission Viejo XLNT fringe benellll, tn- Oown1own HB, non-smkr Fem. 1 blk from Ocean 1200 'h ulll 556-7980 Femal• roommate Lagune Crow 4 Co. 6,2_1,23• lLTIUTIOIS In Laguna Beach has area. 830-3703 eluding company paid Niguel, walk lo bHCh. 6<15-3176 CaU: Woman In Corona dal Immediate openings lor IOeek clerk, pan -rime. Denial, and rapid ad· Furn rm, fem. pref, pvl home. !\Itch prMleges. month ol your choice nonsmkr. 911, $400. 675-3782 675-51"8 ~~:. ~~: g~:~~~:i~: 1---.-E-S_l _l _P_IO_E_O_t_.__ l·'2·llll Mtr. Newport Beech 2 part time cierleal SKY LARK MOTEL 2274 s~':r.c,e~at~I :~':~~~~ $325 mo. Call Ruth, Area to do e1taratlon1 In WE NEED A ~.e6w-7~!>5" Blvd C M ind ca..:'a1tv u~-~ d• Mesa Verde 5<19-9847, A11all Aug 20-Lebor 01y. M/F 10 shr home In lrvlne. 6"2-41546 Corona dol Mar 2 br $290/m o + 'I• utllt Attractive rulllc upetalrs-~~~~~~~~~! h 1 11 .,.. .... ' _ .. 240-6074 •ti. 8pm. Hltlng. We supply dMk • .,;. Yfir om~ or am• re-PART TIME Slrebl• For IPPI. Cl ll N.B. 1 blk bHCh, CIHn tplCe, copier. You sup-LOST: Cocketlel between ti lhop&..o~l,~b CUil nPIST OE~~'G~~~EERNT I Hank 5"9-8909 reap non·amkr, prkg pl)' Ph<>ne, & i 95 pr mo "111 and Balboa Bl with good typing skllls Oea.gn & butld formula I FllEHUSI MDI.IOI avail 1225 mo. s 10 pr desk. Call 644-7211. Whl•llel a lot 675-4'498 Apt. Manager, couple w/ 55 to 60 WPM tor our E 1 d 11 eicptrlenca tor 100 unit Purchasing Dept Op-type race cars lor com· xper ence berg1111 beaut turn 3 blkl 551-2255 Michael Avail 9/1, Nwpl Bch quiet ocean $325 week. haven for busy exec 6,2.0377 or 875-1518 Single Lady, musl llke Non-smkr Pvt bath. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Koda to share home In parking, pool $300 mo Costa Mesa. Sept. 111 de P A I• o wk I Y l•ll•n• •••l•I ff SO •II• IAlllYll garden apt .. Coat• M"' portunlty 10 learn 8 va-pe11t1on on World Grand molders to build Cale· 675-7025. •••••••••••••••••••••• L 1 7127 1 C t 1750 +bonus+ apt Pr1xclrc~11 Mu91beable maran SallbOlll Reply Answe< Ad •701 MAUl-Klhll 1Br lull. S30 move In 1325 plus ·~ 01 : n 01 a • riety ol skllls Prefe< so-10 design racing compo. I $41 25·$5 25 per hour Newport Beach loll tor fllca and Laboratory Mesa-Huntington e.ach 6"2-4'907 wkdya. meone able ro work ftom rent Femlty atmoaphe<e. apace -up to 7500 aq tt. Area. 1~ yeart . Choke I PM 1 6 PM nents from 1crllch & plus benehts depending 6"2·<1300 2, hrs per d Y 0 c n v I e w u t II s. 5 4 o." 9 7 9 or 673-62 10, 875-9836 5416-1074. Btwn 6·9PM. Ft male to shr 2Br lurn apt • prlvele bath. kit· Chen prlv pool & car port. nr J W Alrporl 557-7678 FulluHolhouM.Nr"""" 6"5-2111 Ask lorJoe ch•ln. Reward. 83l-1748 Bebyeltter netdad 2-3 1 0 Integrate them into on e11pertence Apply In """" tlmH ptr week, Co111 compellt•ve un11 Otrecl & per• on EA IC SON ULUA ISUll Rmmte wanted. non-& park. Rent Incl utll 1utlful txecutlve otflce ev. da 754-6295 MeM area 8<18-8782. We also need supervise cr-or mechs YACHTS, 1931 Otert SOUTH BAVFRONT. 4 smkr. mature prof .• nr $350 mo 759--0760 tulle plus werehOUM In Losl Lg wtll blU4H!Yed cat, BABYSITTER NEEDED I l1•tr1I Cltt"t & labrlcetors Able to Ave. Irvine, Calll 927141 Pleasant room avell Bay St., C.M Working person only 1150 5418-3663 bdrm 8 121 .8 128 ocean. HB S350 SAVE MONEVI Room In pre1tlglou1deslgncentllf' w/IOTige<Llly.Vlc <lth& CdM . Pltlme No n-, In our engineering P<lnt l use t>uicmBSdegreein ,. h 675•6829 1_960_-_15_90______ Npt Bch pvt home, evall on Redhill. t776 IQ. It. Avocado . Cd M •moker. Eng speaking room. Lots 01 llllng. Englneeflng, 5 yrs rrel-•lrllf tr Apt 10 stir M or F non-now $325 6<15-9515 675-3882 from 10-5, 675-5695 J60-8398 operating blueprint me· nlng or el!per Musi have hnt1lltr/S1" ••• 10111•1• to S••r~ 1300 smkr $260 mo No ulll 6"<1-9539 atler 6. -------------------< chine and Xero.1t equip-USAC Ch1al Mechenlca Full time lob. must ha~ •••••••••••••••••••••• New p 0 , 1 B 8 a ch A 2 000 ti Lost: SI~ S.alpolnt•. BABYSITTER NEEDED. menl. Mull be able to lie or equlv11 FIT $20 good driving record. Re-Prol woman to shr 3 Br. 5,8_3008 C.ll'l.01 for •••I 43SO PP<OA · Sq store. vie. Dover ShorH, NB. My home EHi Coste type SO WPM mlalmu1n 800 per yr Ad pd by 1 terences r'""ulred Plea· d.n Np' Shore. home •• ---------•••• ••••••••••••••••• choice locatlon, AC, R-erd. 6"2-0062 M 1 17 old bo s "" ·-St I N t Bl d 1 H bor eu or mos Y tertlng time will oo oe-Emp Reporl 10 closest !Ml s•nd phone numbilf aotoli .. Oii/i 4100 comm pool. rennls. Own rm, quiet h·-co••, orage gariga or rent ewpor v a ar · F Mon t" F I O r II Id...,. ti f .. a 1 ,., · -"" B lb p I I (71") 874-1921 ound· Young fem dog .,ru r · aye · u c cv at me o nlre. but EOO Ole in OC regere11ng and particulars to Bo• ••••••'••••••••••••••• steps to beach. S350 wall\ bch. sn"' prof wo-on • oa en nau a · · · ti 5•9 "200 t 3290 11 U 65967 W/o •·$3 nelll loFunZone.,. , GoldenRetrlever &Stiep me ... ..., ,e11 employeewlwork5 12425211007061.010 t0510ally Pllot,P.O S Ull MOTEL Incl ulll 4 • 5 alt 8. man, . fplc. 25 shr 10~x2ow. 673_29,3 "•••111111 mix. 5"8-3397, 6"2-29 19 or 84'5·6023 alt 5pm. hours dally. Prefer so-Box 1580, Costa Meu Wkly rentals now avall Prof female 10 shr CdM bills. 644""°26 alt 2:30 •1•t1l1 441S Found: Cock1too. Back BABVSITIER. mature lo-meone able 10 worl\ DIRECT CA 92626 I 1"0 & up Color TV hse. $300 mo incl utll + M/F 40 plus 10 shr, NB. East side C.M. Slngle ge-•••••••••••••••••••••• Bay area, CM/NB. vlng person for Infant. mornings. ------- Phones In room 2274 dep A11ell Sept 1 2Br 2ba A1 loc. Magnlll-~~ge51'203r ttorage. 175/mo ON OITIONAL COML. 831-1810 my homt pref Wkdys RETAILING GJOOBVEORPNEMNEINNGTS Newport Blvd. CM 675-5838 cent view. 6<10-2886 ..,.. • 4 PROP. Plue 4br/2b a 7:30·5:30, CdM Reis. We offer gooQ pey and 4 31 POSITIONS 646-74415 ----------Garege for Rant, S50 per houee. W. 19th II. Coate FOUND: Gold ftm dog. 760-0686 tvet. day work week Many position• available ____ _,_ ____ ,Female non-smkr, 2Br. Npt Bch Weatcllll $250 month. 2684 LaSalle. M. 5"8-5598, 631-2372. slrlpe down back, Mesa $1 4,000 in US & Overseas. For BE AC H AR E A 2Ba, pool, $255 + ulil. Mature female lo share Verde area 5<15-9712 UIYSlmlll Pleue call for appt Directory 312-888-4'347 982·1470 962-0930 w/same lovely 2br 2ba C.M. 957-274'0 Iller 6 l•l•1trl•l l1•l•l4SOO · for two 1 yr -'da. Non-Ext E-91 t t p 1 631 5489 pm •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: M4 Shepherd/ "' $84 /wk Shr my CM home. good rg .r. 00 · · · NB. 3975 Birch. 3660 sq. Beagle mix, blkl brn •mo k • r Pr • I . M • F l 14-414-1401 per year llUlTll OLll 1oc. pr et ma lure prof 2500 sq ft Condo. wlll ac-Ofl/t1 •••Ill 4400 II . Qr le11. MIA zo ne. s ante An 8 12 o I h 7em-<lpm Nwp t Bch 110 EXPERIEllCE MlHIEI Retrlgera1or-Mald-Pool w oman C e 11 Sue cept 2 adlts. or 1 adll •••••••••••••••••••••• Agent 54'1-5032. 5"8-0072 Own Irani. Start Sept. T1l11lo hrttll J 110 llEOESSARY Nwpt Blvd & Wiison 751-0508 w/1 child or Just t adll WOITIYE llml $750 up. 2160 It. lndu-,_L_oa_l_Fem--red-Coc--k-.,-.-vlc-~~~~: 8441-1179 or EOE I YOUll~ PERSOllS ~~ .. ~~=· 41~~B;,,22. Costa Mesa 548•9755 NON-SMKR 3 br condo Poot, lg kit, 2 patios, lg IRVINE. Phone anaw•-1tnal . Office. 18101 Re-E C.M. An• to "P-nv". • Salary Plus commission S • balcony w/bay view ring cont rm utll pd -· ' ---------(714) 9641 535" Call S ' Yearly on the beach. hotel 200 mo. ., ulls I 150 557•7883 or 8"0-B339 • · • • dondo Circle t M & T Fam Haartbrlln 6"2-52"1 UIYllTTll Clerlc•I. P/llme, tor la· I ••on. Tue.s, Wed un I I o S 2 5 0 0 0 ( 7 1 41 I room kitchen & showe<, de p n r 0 CC .•---------actry aarvi, tic Alto Huntington. Beach. Met r 1..,.., t b b~•t 2 "" 659 1983 $320/mo. Plus Sec de• 9"•.35c.•1HB • B 1 w 1 1111 desk space I 150/up ••2-2""• Lost. Doberman with u • -1 0 • •-sh Ion Im Po r I• r ' I · ""' ~ nare eau . ea C , c..n 97•5 .,.. ...,... yr old In my llome, Nwpt dlstrl"''IOr. •lnl working ORV CLEANING Posit 2306 w Ocean-2bd 2ba apt . W/O, """'· .,...,. .. •---------Idaho 1ag1, red collar. B •• "" ~ HELP 2 roommates to ahr Bill-""""' 1300 aq ti. S-450 V 1 F 1 & M ch. muat have own cond .• ryplng e plus lmmed11a1e sterl for fully Iron I, Newporl Beach boe Pen house. 3 br, 1¥, w/resp employed adult 1817 Weatcllfl. N.B 258 Front office, larna rear c a r • '• 1rantp011etlon. Reis Aeq 7 1 •• 9 7 9 _ • 9 • • exper e~ 673-41 154' $325 'h utll. 8"2-6"92 4000 " 1 .-5"8-9 t5" 7 3 3 .. • .... · ! bl, lrplc fenced patio ·---------to sq. n st noor door 1789 wtllnlaf Ave.·---------c~:.~~-3daya/week 213-753-3776 Orv cleaner YOURSELF $267/mo + utlls. John M/F professional 22~ l.o Agent 5"l·5032 Daya 540-9352. Eves LOST IACIW .....,....,.. ~a1I l u••r 1 .. 1111 4ZOO 975-6267 bet 5 ahr 2 bd. 1 be 1pt In •.--50-tq-. -ti-. _1_1_00_per--aq-846-0681. ~'"°'ago. 644-5289 B•b)'llUer, my home. CWICAl.S • Exce lenl Hlary and To A l 1tttr Oarttr •••.;:,;;l•L•Y••l••l•IT••l•L•S•••• S 2 Cd M . N on. s m k r . fl .. 4001 Birch • N 8 . •--------,-,,-• M T W 7 3 Perl/lime. AM & early s1rong Company benet11s Join • compeny that's '"'" PIC br house. steps to $300/mo + utll 111/last Agent 5"1-5032 l1•t1J1 W .. IH f Loat male Tabby Cat. Vic 8-40:5-,52 eit 5 PM hours. Professional awGall you going •FTER THE BUSl-Avallable Agt 875·8170 beach tull)' tvrn Avall. + dep. 760~236 eves/ 1---------•••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbrld~e. ITvtne. • ----------1 appeerance. Typing 55 • rtal opponuMy wuh NESS~ Serious. ambl-Sept No lease 1325 "'-Nu-85 -8227 Beb.,.ttt t lnl I recnnn1z· .. Dr1pe .l.l ,OllT "Ills pd 673-6339 ,___w_kn_o_______ "=H•t11t'" ,_ e<. me ura woman wpm, lillng, phones Call I -· ..., ry t1ous indlvldual• cen v ~ ,.....,., 10 care lor 1mall lnfan1 In Ms Ab boll. 541 6-0930 Cleanlf\g torm $ 1200 mo. evall 81" 10 F lo shr 2 br 2 be co•• Educated lady 111\e to R--ntty moved to LOST, vie. Rlver/48th, NB. mv homt. Liit house-8 E • Ex1raordlnary repute· earn subatenllal dollars "" h h I I -TORTOISE 7" to 8" wd ' I em-2pm) quel Opp 1100 .. 1th many benellls. For 10/2/82 Executive 3 apt wt gar 1337/mo s are ome w same or ketplng 185 week Empt bdrm and den. ocean Walk 10 bch Nonsmkr 1 mo beginning Oct 1 rewatd &42-3669 &42-918" 5_.0_ 1368 •n e1<Clllf\O Hlea po1lllon view, tennis. pool, spa 673·17751673-634'0 •-641_2_-_1ao_2 ____ ~-~='" C1lllornle desires quality Found: Blk Lab puppy, COMPAllOI • call Lea Ketaln 493-6269 CORIO TO H ARE F b~on:;.~r J~s'r~e2 8rw.2 ~:':.... Furnished home for rent Eastald'J:.':,~... B~~!i;.~~~~!~: ~~~ ~~:. ~.~~ ~!~1:r::~ COIT a 549 m·"300ag5" 9n·141057n l1li.01 PHl11ul1 N & d 1 I 4 1 .1 , ... ._.......... cllentate. 60"le comm + llghl house work. Musi DllAPEIY CUAMHI I • ,300 wk. 11,., t>lks 10 b-eu~e m to $262.50 + 'h u tlls .;.,. ..... ....,. seasvnalorlongterm Foundcute lrlendlyamo-968 -8080 , eves h N 1 beach 673•93841 each Hu pool. Jae. 645-2154 al l. 7pm .1 ,....,..,..,. .. 8"7-4'904' eve cir ewpor 121l LtSHl¥10.M. 1 Br. sleeps 41, across the street from the beach $295/wk 875-5068 parll. lrplc, piano, wesher (Barbare) In Laguna e.ach. ,.ey gray cit. per1 Per----------i Beach. 5<18--0805 & dryer w an• p1eesan1. •-------Newport Beach, a11n. dk i1ca. 831-5056 IUUTY Education -pontl.3C /"•.t.afU stable nonsmkr. M/F So Lag .. gated area, prlv Corone del Mar Found: Cocller mlic, blk & COMPAllOI ~U $300. Carol a1 5<18-6803. ~82 ~ f\P~1·1 ~r ~!c~. •---------brn, M; Lib, blk. M; Sa-PIHTilllll IALOI ~~:n.h&~~k~e~dca~ CAREER CdM 2 br, 2 be, so of Ouiel responsible Female 4194-41993. 4199-4722 *IELIXE IFFIOEI* Contact (J1") 49•-3757 moyed. M: lrl•h Woll-Looking 10 add to our king. Nwpl Bell area EDUCATION Hwy. Sun deck Av at I 10 share my 2 Br 2 Ba. From 1 room to 3 rooms. hound mix, F. Newport ltllfl • 1 Shampoo per-673-8000. 8/20 10 914 S4IOO wll Twnhome nr ucr. $375 No Lag Ocean front 2 From s1 16 a aq ti No l1ll•n1/l••••t/ Btach Anlm11 Shelter, son • 2 asal1ten11 673_3415 plus •,, ullll .. w/d & ge-bdrm. 2 ba. beau furn. lease required. AdJ. Air· ll•••t• S.W-3658 Exctllent training prog-Cook, experienced lor RESOURCE -rage 553-1562 Eves S4'25 mo. Fem prof pre-porte< Inn 2172 Dupont •••••••••••••••••••••• ram Richard Ouellette gourmet rntauran1 Call I'd. Sharon. 640-2912 wk Call AM 833•3223 I _,_ 1orna•l1 9350 S alon, 200 Newport 8 AM -9 AM or SPECIALIST V•t•tio• lool•/14250 Costa Mesa Executive LI-de • .,.,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Center Or . Newport 10PM-1 1PM 4194'-86241 •••••••••••••••••••••• vlng In a 3 Br Twnhse. •--------IEWNRT IUOI ~r.,1tuj!l SOOS '* * * 8eac:h $142S·1lll/IH PALM SPRINGS LABOR lower bdrm & ba, owner oman wllh Career de-Executive otta In Can· ••• ••••••• •••••••• ltl11tl1 Parlor iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.Cosmetology llcense req. DAY New Condo 1 Br In (Jpper bdrm & den. sires seme. CdM. 2 bd, 1 nary Vlllige .• $4'50/mo Leundry Mii, Herbor & ,.,...__ 2, h ... Operetor (In your ula-aleepa "· pool. spa, 1an-lrplc. pool, clubhse S300 ba, $360 Incl hsaltpr BrOket 675-4'912 Adams Orou Income .,..._, ra • .,ey NIT PUT·TI•E ting snop) tor Innovative n11, even anyilme S50 plus '• utlls & phone Avail 9-10 975-0578. •---------1<1000/mo. Full price 7 deys a WMk .... I• TIO non-1urglcal face 1111 dty Owner 5"8-5869 Non-smok-673·3313. _8_7_5_·41_0_2_41 _____ Airport lrN • Exec Sul-SGOOO. Aull & Fold In-Jacuzzi, Sauna. Local1 m1chlne needed Gen--eluded. 6"<>-875". as well as tourl1t1. Be • lai.s>none promo-eroua comm., training =.====-====:.!::..:=============:.!...-...;.. tea. From 225--450 aq ti BankArnetleard. Mallar lion cleril for local new-ovlded 85 2068 _...... $1 per sq ti. Many xlru BEAUTY SALON, 4' 111-Charge, Amerlcin Ex· 1paptr Prlvatt dHk. _pr ___ . __ 1_-___ _ .,.. -' --.... -.J.__ You can be a Cati 557-7010 tlon. tor .. ,. or l•a••· prHI, Olntrl. All wel-caaual attire Only requl-OHISRtl . Jt':if--LJ E R EA<*lant Ottlcel • Up to ,_B_•l_boa __ P_en_e_7_3-_57_7_o __ , come 71"1845-34'33 rement 11 a good phone FULL TIME. MS Soclal '. 'f....;5:4~:.:;.' W J NN <I0001q tl. 1801 Newport l•ll•"' II 2112 Harbor Bl. CM voice and Iota ol enthu· Sciences or SPMCh Pe-,\.._ . t, Q. Blvd. C.M 8"5-2 t 11 Alie lulanl SOI 0 COE OS • Would love 10 alum Hours th<>logy. Exper with treu· \. ~ ·-,_tor_J_oe _______ •••••••••••••••••••••• party with you. c_,1 Sue Mon·Frl. 5 .. 3,. n.30PM metlcally breln lnJured ' S E.1tecutlve olllca 1ul1e. OPA WUTI Tl llY or Kllhy •nyt lm e. Sit 9:30AM:-,730PM adults/ handicapped d• Just bv sending U!', vour na me a nd a ddress a nd b) "atching for ~·our name in tht• classified ads or the Daily Pilot. ! I Win llt'kl'I' \11 1tw •·111·0' .• 1n•...i JnlU'-4'ml'nt allrar l '1 lllln' nr ;,portml( t'\<'111' .Ju;,I f1fl 11ul lhll> l'OUpon and : § m.11l 1t tO<lu' lo th1· l a; ... _ : e " ;.... ~ •«i ~-'ii <:lassifiPd Ot-partmcnt, Dail)• Pilot 330 W. Ba)· Strf.'e l, Costa Mes a, CA 92626 !Zrn ~E- corner of 4'05 Fwy, Near Local Pf'aclkle, conllden.-853-938j S8A 00 10 •tart. 1lr1ble. Salary commen- Harbor Bl\ld. Take over ca. Reply to PO Box iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Al'lar Ill WMk. an1re In eurlle Or Hendri x le1H. 1800 eq.tl. et ~ t332 Newport Beach UB& I YIOIJ'I par1nerlhlp proma &46-7458 EOE ti. Clll 751~191 921183-0332 PHOTO MODELS For lntervl-. DANCERS Founllln Velley Ollloe # ~ ESCORTS /DANCERS call ettet 8PM spice, 2600 IQ.ti .• , 60& •iJ!:l,,n, ,.,, .,,., OUTCALL 24 HRS 142-llll noo .. 11,000 .... • II. Oood expo1ure, ~' .. llMH1 n a 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 2 i~ :':1~~~·, i~''!! ~ I.I. IATIUI Full & part-tlmt da~• wanted tor Bare Min· MAT ounma lmum Talegrame. Audi-751-6191 .............. . ."'".' .u•• Speci1li'ilng In 1tt & 2nd -TO'• 1111<:9 1t49 SUNNY'S Executive St,.....Reductlon: Offloe-hm-outcall '31-6377 111to11 uni Roo1. s'"* NH1cM No dtpo11111 Luxurlou1 R.E. Brolcet 8d Realtort new OfllCH. lncludll'g ,_6"_2_._2_11_1 ___ 5"_5-08 __ 1_1 LADIES: t.et Tom lhOw reo.ptlonlat, 1n1werlng WIDOW HAS m fOf TO'a Hrvlc•. conttrenc• RE Loans. l OK Up. No you • grMt 11me1 For • tion• being held lhl• EJCparlenoed • wanted 1 weell lrom 9AM to 3 PM. lmmed. Appl)' 1t: Bare Minimum, Mull know cabinetry & 1601W. Ketella, Ste 218, woodworking. Apply So. Anaheim, or c:111 (71") Co11t Bott Yard 2270 778-8"2 l N ewport Blvd . N .B ---------67~2837 Otckhend, 1por1fl1her room, ttc. 752-&408. Crtdll Check, No Pan-dlecfMt Intro & the beet 400-llOO P US 4'00 ft II"' Dennlaon & AllOC 9ICOf1 write 11118' 2005 BOILER ••FG CO. CEO L 1 tq. n. .,. • w. Balbca Blvd .. N.B. ... P9ntl10UM Bl)'frOfll Sul· 873-7311 ca. 92863 Proven record u exec In te, p trklng, patios. • nMd 2nd Trutt o.ed -.___--.....,--.-~----bolllor bualneet requ"9d. 873-1003 on Lido laland norne. ...,_ Wiii head co. w/unllmtted Scellng Down? Starting Property wo rth 080, $16 67 po1entlal. Fantastic op- yacht In B•Jt. Oct-Jan. Oil malnl. exp. req'd. Fl1hlng tJCp. dUlrtd Ref• abaoMel)' 69891'\tlll Send ~IO Bole 80 , Deity PHot Cost.a Meaa. ca 92626 ---out? Lower ovarhHd 000. With new 2nd, Prol. man w/emall Child pottunll~r th• eight maintain Image, offloe at loan•IC>-'lalue rtllo wlll be need• hou.-eeper..glrl ~ reaume to: St lllng enythlng with t Regenoy Center, E•eo 30%. 213n81-111a trtday. Or~f\IIed, hou-Juan ~~1:f:a~~· t1 O.Jly Piiot Clesallled A~ eultM In N9WPOf1 nr Air· Mholct. omo.. pee-t2tta la 1 11mp1e matter port, fully equlpptd & wo..,..atl/ alblllty to computer i--------Jull ceH 6"2·5678 Hunllf\glon Betch Union High School D1stnc1 Is looking tor e petaon qu1lllled lo develop and update career and scho larshlp lnlormallon. AP· plk:allona will be ·~· led through August 20 1982. Plant apply 1n person at Room 131 or call (5" below) 1110111 EDUCATION SPECIALIST l 1I Ol-1Hll ••· HBUHSO Is looking tor a per1on With the •blllty to perform raapona1ble, para-prole11lonel work with high IChOOI lndlln 1tuden11. Appfloat1one will be llQCepttd thrOIJgh Augu91 27. 1982 PINN apply In person at Room 131orCell •11fltd for •very bu•I· I'~--• .. / word PfOOMeOr 8o La.-...;._ ______ _ ,,... need, lndlv omo.. U--.U/ gun&. room11>e1'1 .. .ima11 .1 a1·1y P1·1at .................. 10211 ,, ... a..-••• mo/mo. from 1378. £.tt I It•-' Hlery, or 11lary only. Ill•••• 833·8918 •••••••••••••••••••••• Flexlble flours. aarry htltlactte ...... 80. l.AGUNA. 3 Arch Bay. ~~l! .• !~lj 8aNlee. '4~t ' llllCf &atlf&lf IA. 12141 :?bll':fy~ ,.;ti~~ hWV PIT ZIP 8r:i~~lr~~~~!;.,,P=: Hlllllnu&. (11•) IN·I HI I. ' •• ,••n fun loYtnO ltd)' Soorplo, A 4 week temporar y aulg nment 11 : l 11 0 tunlt IUll1Pa .. 40'1, ... 1c, prot. male • lmmedlatllY avtlltbtt In a V9r'/ ~y or.dlt : qu Em~ Y .. "" lllTll R£NT a VI~ GAM! 8oorplo Of •ao .. mate. • depwtmtnf ol a dilly ~. Dutlee Wiii : __..;; ______ _ With UM of reoep1lon. Pacman, Oefefl<lef, Oa· Ate 15·00. Mt11)' Yll(lfd I : lnchi d• prtparetlon of bank depoalla, , ~I oom kltClh PhOM. lega, etc. Wa delfver & Int•-.. H.H . .-. ,. : updating of rec1111abl1 1glng, 1n1werlng : • ee«~er111' a .O,d PIO-==·Call 5"-t370 '°' ply 10 Dally Piiot, •o• : cuatorntr lnqulrM and h.andlrng eollecUon =j • Da lly Pilot ClllNlng.Mall l rnetaage • 10&1. PO l ox 114 0, : C81ffa.Prtor!IOCOUf'lttNCefYM1*1nd/Of'Cf9dlt : I ifled MN. avall. MP1'9ttl1 It lll'f A ltm Coau ,..._,CA 12121 I : •11p1rle nC1• required. Th ia t•mporary : • ~:::for S Herbor Blvd at Felr Or In Costa M ... llOSTEll /ClSllEI e11perlenced only, varied 1hllt1 er Ban Brown• Restaurant. 31106 COUI Hwy. South Laguna PletM llPPIY In person. HOSTESS to help snow apectacut1r Newporl Beach Execu· rrve rnld90Ce to WNlthy prospective buyer• 'h deya wk Bright and excitlf\g personallty, e.1t- cettent conV91Utlonlllst 1nd IUI*' grooming anCI 1ppear1nce .,., 1baolu- 1ely tuant111. RHI es- tate Uc la halpM, t>ul not 1 required Send replys to Dally Piiot Ad No 1041. P 0 Bo• t560. Co1t1 Meta, CA 92828 cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks· baby carriages•tea carts•trlkes r ol lerskates • w alker s•toys ·wagons•••• scooters•hot rods•coupes• t railer s•hard tops•convert· i bles •motor homes•iawn mower s• 11 mos •corporate headquarters ·garden carts Model A's•••• •typingtabtes whe elbarrow s• recreational vehicles•gotf carts•moc:te1 tralns•blkes •p1anos•cars rofrige rators •skates•••••• ~· Judy .. ttle tlllll of the tollm, ,. HIP j l :!1~R7:'n~"}:!11~~1\•.,•g,:g, ~.P:~m:~!~~ ii • 714neo-o1oo tr.. flrat tn your neJeh· ...,_ ..w . ~~ 9"d 111 . I YOU. C.11 @ I bOthOOd lo 111"9 • ltOttt .. , .... ,.,, •••• ,.ffil! I · .. '° · °"'*' rrrlOtltiel :t 642-5671 8utMet ~xeo. omoe fly to~~~ • • •• • -1 · . ·1 f i k Pnm. We>«t 1ooa1t on °' hOaCllt• room ~ •u• ......._ : IM.Y Pl.IT : or qu c MecAflflut 11vc1, Prloe ''"' ~. o.ndY 111oort flllr w..en : UO . ., 1 ...... CA. IM = • Cllh Wies. _J~~~~~~::!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R[!ll~redl::._,~4t~M1.-t~1~~~ .... ~'===-~!gP~~~•)l62~"~0~.:~t~o~t:•~·~c~·:.~~'~.~f7~.,,,,,,~~~---~~1!m~~1~~~~.=·-~AN~·~~~~·~--~~~ .. ~~~-~.~~~~-·~·~ .. ~-rrY~ •• ~.~~~ •• ~!"-~ .. ~~:y~~~~~·~·~~:l:!~!::;::~~~:::::.!•:=x~~~~~~::~ \ .,!1.'!11. ••••••••••••• PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 yrt exp. Intl Exler. Acoustic oelllng1. Davi• Painting 847·51MI r!r.1.!!!~!! ••••••. **BRYANT'S** Wallc:overlng Removal All Typee. 842· 1343 ¥!!1..'f.'!'!/. •••• !.{ff ¥!!1.!f.lf.'!/. ... ,!.{lff !.'ll..'fM'!/. .... !.{'!f ¥!!1.!f!!'.f!i. .... !.{'!f ¥!!1..'f.'!~f!. .... !J.'lf !f.'.11..J!!.".!'!. .... J.~q~ !1!1..'f!!'.~t!. .... !.1.'!f AIJJ.',.,,, IOIO Generel Help, eam up to LYI • u M1nlc:urlst needed for PAIT n11 1n111. lllll Secretary, 1 glrl olllce. TOPLESS MODELS • .HARBOR.AREA···· S400 wk I eking 1nep For c:onv Hoapltal. Ex· progreeelve beeuty 18lon Eves 8tld/Of weekends. Dependeble Nlee pen1on Mull be Hit 1terter & S7S DAY • PAID DAILY APPLIANCE SERVICE lhotl In your erea. Am•· cellent 1>enent1 and wor· In lrvlne. 857-<lee& Rasponllble edult1, over nHded 10·5 Mon thru reliable. &4'-3494. no exp MC • 828-2583 we Mii recond guar 1eur photographer• nee-king condition•. com· M t t d llt 21, with outstanding, at· Fri. Wiii train. Apply In ll•nllY/UUl TRAINEES appUanoee. 549-3077 <*:!, P/F time, no eJCpel petltlve ealaty. 642..ao.M ~~=-~ ,0 .. 2p 1• trectlv• pereonelltl" to person Pier I. 2710 Her· Of letllng req'd. Write to NB "'j ,~2-v ';j' hi~ work with youth (agH bor Blvd. CM Mld-11U lrvlne lew firm I llY ~I Untv.rNI, PO Box 1223 cer ng or •me c • 10· 14). C•ll 2·5PM. leek• dlllgent legal IC1ry Les 957-8133 Montebello, CA. 90640 M1lntenence/ Gerdenef', dren. Non·amkr. refs 642~321 . ext. 349. EOE •n&A. Ult •I w/mlnlmum 2 ~ ~• $1150 prefer over 40 yr1. fOf pleaM. 675-2878 Full/time. Experlenc.d. cMI lltlgatlon In CallfOf· Refrigerator. W81her. HOUSECLEANERS apt. complex. uperience Mature c;oyple"' person ... WHI LHportH C. Oppty for nla. Selary negotiable, dryer. dl1hw81her & Flex. hrs,, PT/FT Own nec:e1ury 548-9558, 10 ~ 8 unit apt In For lnauranc:. office 2 grOW1h within the chain. excel. benefit•. Send r• per month, to 1tert Ir-. 648-5848 GAaAGI SAU ADS NOW CLASSlfllD H CllYI Sii allOW trane.. Expd. 54o-0857 12·7. H.B. close to ocn. $200 -!Week. 567·1M2 Ma Phllllpe, 557-12&4. eume to Laurie StltH . Th~ depenm«'lt1 need Antq. retrtg, Melntenance atrow.nee on $450 unit. Plutlc:a 2091 Buslne11 Center entry level people. Im· WeetlnghOuee. S85 ... ' .... INSPECTOR (714) 533-8197 aft 8PM. .,.,._1 ....,,._1 lnAIL IUIAIU Dr. Ste 200. lrvtne. Ca medlet• openlng1 . 1•83g.3791. Orenge. -" _..,_,_ Dre11 •hop: NB or Irv. 92715 Young people •ought. l•IHI 11/ul B••lh•t•• lt1ct lastllllt SEllll Medlc:al tuft time front of. lmmedlllt• opening on ell R • t • 11 • x p r n • c . You may call Sun thru Kenmore deluxe wuher, ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••~•••••••••••••• Fur..ume for 2 week• In Coate Meu to perlOfm CHtlng layouts. Mull have own pereonal tool• end strong background In c1ttlng layout end geometric dimensioning and toleranclng. Quall· tied only. TOP RATES PAID!. Call Ken Bum• at (7t4) 545-2888 end ru1h resume to: Vendor Sur· veUlance Corp., 668 Ba· ker St .. Ste 381, Coate M818, Ca 92828-4471 lettrler hsl11/lalM Re1./comm. Wiii lraln. Colo r knowledge. 1-637~868 ll'flllNY OHITDI 111111 E11tn extra money In your apare time. Daye. Evea. & Wknds Xlnt ~unity tor houHwlve1. senior citizen•. atudenta & other1. S4 .00 per hr Chlld cere or car pool mileage aupplemented Call Jamie from 9·4, 213 /430-8281 or 714/527.0235. J anitor. pll . eves. Mon-Fri • 7 30 pm to 11:30. Mission Viejo er ... $4/hour. 541·3311 efter 6 pm. Part/time work. nlghll. M ·F. Wiii train herd· working, relleble per· sons. 557-7480 lie• po1ltlon. Ml1tlon lhltt• for tral~ Of 8X• 544-2470 Merge 11nn&1Y w. d N 0 0 n ( 7 1 4 l work• xlnt, S95 Of beat MOVING SALE YUi Ill.El llllTUllCE Viejo. 495-1080 pe<lenced lndlviduala to t o commerclal/ con-9&4·2890 offer. 831-9197 Furn. Relrlp,•· TV, Wa· Sat-Sun, 3 temlly 510 IEOllllC operete lnJectlon mOI· ULll llructlon firm. Type WAITll/WllTlllS NI'•· smell relrlgeretor. shlng Mach ne, etc:. Ev• 10th St HB (all d1y) MERCHAfl>ISING ding machlnH. XLNT .... • .... 80-100 wpm, S/H 100 D om • Reet Wo rk• good. $40 rv:~~&afi:!'1.::;d,Auby Did looted bathtub, SOiid 111N-1Nl/... M••••-benefit• Include peld Unlqvewornen'1c:lothtng wpm, neat appearance, aye.801 ~~; ... __ .. ~u-8-48-3850 wood cot & end tblt. 2 -• meJor medloal, dental, store Hek1 energetic well Ofganlzed lndlv. Cell ranl, . """ ..... i---------l•IHI l1ala1el• winged bk c:hrs, lge mlr- Huntington a.ch Union High~ District hu a need IOf • Sr. Malnl• nenc:e Mechanic. Wiii pertorm Mml·lkllled and akllled trade work et the JourMyman revet. lllllTllTI plus 1hlft bonu1 pre· people with llelr for le-dally btwn 9· 1 Um. Wiil IPIUTN REFRIGERATOR •••••••••••••••••••••• ror, qn woven bdaprd. mlum. Good wo rking lhlon &/or modetlnw •x· 714/831·5800 Clean, Ilk• new, frost STEPS TO SAND 2 tlr. lwn mlll set lawnmo- $1200 c:ondltlona. work 7•;. perlence helpful. Apply In SECRETARY • Gener11 ~~:m~~::, 5~~g"~~ free. S165· &93-9060 w/d, ocean vi-. yearly, wer, clolhes, ~uch more. ~;!; ~~:,1~,:..~~· pereon at Alexi• Netural office wor k w /tome 1:30. Good typing••· Washer. Kenmore 4 cyl. call 714•673•93"7· SAT/SUN. 9·4. 20552 A .., t 265 B .,..,.. A · Fashion~ 260 FOfMt Av.. bookkeeping, mu9t have _,llal. Salary open. CeH he1vy duty, brown, good Cll••• Iii #•r Queen's Park Lane, Nr per month pp., a r-vvl ve Laguna IMaCh. car tor 1ome bu1lne11 M I le 844 24"2 cond. S50. 631--0288 •••••••••••••• ••••• ••• Bushardllndlenapoll1. • ---llHI Coita Mesa uM. Full time. 846-<l877 er or 0 GARAGE SALE·Aelrlg, ---------.._..," OI• llLES u a. "''' WASHER & DRYER $80 dinette lbllchrs blkH Aotlqun. 10 speed bike, RIUlllY OOlll I IHll Secretary, lull time, em ,.fff•I •If As la, wlll sell eep. ga• BBQ & much' more'. odd lumber. patio chrs .. Appllc:atlon1 ere now PIE ••-I b 1 ... __ •••••••••••••••••••••• "•e-709• 1 820 s DIS1rlbutlon staff has 22 ._....._ T .. I I 'o C I engrg •. typng, .. "" • .C.tlnn IOOS .,.. .. riced to ••II . 520'/\ msc 1 1 haron being eccepted dally Immediate openings. Cell Teacher for H.B. School. .. r v ng · i • a ~m th and , gen ofc:. Sel ••••'••••••••••••••••• •·T-a_p_p_e_n_m-lc_r_o_w_a_v_e_w_/ Avocado, CdM Sat/Sun At~~•th25• 1,,82. P'----~.n;,~7e3d noon. (714) E.llperrenc. pref. over 18. compeny wan• •• •· comm w/up. lmmed. I•--------be sed 1811 9 5 '-' ..,.... • --.....,...._ Cell 980-8788. •people to hendle rapldly opening. 549-1083. WESTMINSTER pro • neve< u • re • · n ... ,., appfy In penon at room1------------------expending bu1lneu. ABBEY S500. s275. 842-9006 C.11• .... M·oviNo·a·:;;~··;~;; 131 or call: Newport Ski Co. now hi· PROfESSIQNIL Alarm experlenc:. pre· SECRETARY/ EXPEDI· ANTIQUE MALL 30 INCH GAS RANGE •••••••••••••••••••••• r1ng•l9WIPedalpeople. " lerred.833-9381(ukf0f TOR for 1mell N. B. 11751W•tmlntterAve. S35. 4famltygaregeNJeFurn. ileeper, waaher/~ryer, Sele• e11per req'd. Ski Kent). Drapery/ Bllnd contrec-GARDEN GROVE 548-1021 clothing, lays, etc In al· •teamer trunk. 10 exl weer dept. Call Vicki TALENT ting firm. Mutt be Ofge. 5,. •• 03 1-.. llehlf'l<I 970 Valencia teddet 559-4857 831 ·3277: Thereu. Ill.II OllllLTllT nlzed end &,ood typist. .....-vl GE refrlg. xlot cond. $140. g~ Sit ind s n • le i 831-3280 NEEDED! Big money-mektng op· Cell 873-07 ~ 8 CdM. G <>AGES Eu • .'.''!f!!! ... ~! ........ . portunlty for direct oon-& 12 AM. 40'1 STEAMER TRUNK 640-7872 Arv. AL , couehes. Sliver Gold Furniture \ """ NURSE • AIDE. HouH· Join a company that'a eumer NIM of lnt'I per-Secretary s100"' beet offer. IO'-cnatrs. teblet. pelntlngs. A cceuoriea Chine . So -. keeper, clerk cook lor """""AFTER THE BUSI· lumea and cosmetics. PIT Temporary s~re· 945.n30 (7·9:30pm) 11~/n -books. complete houM-C""'tal Antiq·:-Must' ·~ elder1y J~ couple ....... .., ..-. •••'•••••••••••••••••• hold Items Set/Sun .,_ · ~· In H.B. 8 d.y •• 8am • NESSI Serlon . embl· Mike net $250/$1,000 1 • ...,. Out "-t• Com-._ Antique walnut & merble .,_ ... _ _. __ 10 _._... -·1 14111 all S1t1Suo 9·5 118 wk F Inf I -1 ..,. .. _ """eon' .. ,''1"' taJ...,.......blk "":.'... 8-tPM,.2948 Jeve Rd , VtaOvlto Lldol-·e · Mau"eo 1pm. M hr. Call btwn tloua lndlvldua11 can ly. "' more 0 cal nlcatlon Depenment hu wa11h1taod, S200/0BO nert e. u...... Coste Mesa . .. . 10211 ,......,.. ... 7-9pm 842-7348 earn eub1tan1ta1 dotlen 213-274-0382 need'°' an ecx:urate 55 8-45-n30 (7·9:30pm) lent oond. $60. 640-2033 GIGANTIC YARD SALE All l•tt.cM ..... i--.--.---.-----with many ben«ltL FOf llLlll•tu a., wpm typtat, good com-ANTIQUE STOVE Schwinn Scrambler Moto Stereos. furn · aporta kinds ol grul stuff. Seti O_....__._ n••• --an exciting Mlel poeitlon C.M need1 expr'd me-munlc:etlon 1klll1, wllh $300 X. w/lull wheela. S75. equip • toys, teckfe & Sun 2812 Broad St .. Npt ~ -Exper'd ell 1hlft1. Excel· call L" Kataln 1 MlMwom llght 1ecretarlal exp•· 979•5027 844•594 1 more Sii/Sun 10·' Bell II lo•1 eall 642_.028 (lH) "4-Hlt lent benefits. Conv Ha. 549-4300 5-49•1457 ur1• 1 an. perm. rience. Thi• pOlltlon wtll 1------------------1052 Tulare (oil So Equal Oppanunlty Emptover 842-804" • 845-5711 November 24th. Wor111ng $300 20.~!~"! ~l~ N-1G·-,-,ege--Sa_le_t_ool_s_.-p-lu_m __ 1 lamps, game tbl, TV, Sales hour e . M on.Fr I, 979-5027 SSS OBOw5,.8•1021 bing hdwe, clothes, much ml1<: Suoday only pltel. Newport Beach. a magnon p t m e . I m m 8 d . be from Auguet 23rd thN Antique Bathtub Coell Dr.) 3 Family Sale, twn bed, lrW .... Wet fltatu lrlelte4 9am-1pm. PleaH con· O F It hsehld. misc. off-road 8·5 908 W Balbo• (In n.....~.~~~f-Otstr a.1m1 Oratbn pOnti~C/"•~"'U To dl1trlbute The New tect Lynn St•n•fl•ld. Frult~rr2~~motre Boy's Cru1-bike equip. 220 Ogle St, C.M _a_u_BY_I ______ _ """''"" ... _. __ ..,. ~ ,..._... IV ;)UUOI Europeen Elfort1ea1 844·5800, E.llt 7549 or ,...... Sl85. Like MW Fri/Set/Sun 8-5 Doore. Ber 110011, eaw Coniultlng Buslnell. •-a• E 1 •• .. , 7853 S3500; dining room aet, 546-7527 bet. 4-7PM .. 1 1 Brg • ynamlo phone HerbOf blvd •I Fair Dr xerc •• ... eo ... ne. . French Ho,._ Oek, lab-G G c .. a n. pant sprayer. Start epare time wlthOut penonallty, attention to Comm. Wiii train. Ten'I· IYM flUllll1 ..• , Schwinn Verslty, men'a 10 ARA E SALE: 3386 hedge trimmer. MUCH lnvea1ment and develop detall a mU9t. PIT: Tues, i---l_n_Co_•t_•_M_ ... ___ torlet uelgned. Contact IDYlll le, 6 chairs, bullet $5, •PHd. Xlnt c:ond. $70. Wlllerfl Clrcle, Coata MORE Mite. Sat/Sun al· i:,:e..::i,~:llmlt•d Thurs. Sat. $400 per mo. P.Tllll llUI Jennifer 213-592-<l239 820 Newport Cent9' or. ~· c~~~1~~~ ~~~: 644-6989 ~u~~t.1o~.45• 17 18 Sall tar 9am. 1 blk So of 16th l.I.' lt.'tt." ~1·-5008 Apply In pereon 9 AM to EnJoY working with kld1, ••• •1 Newport Beech, CA 551-1471 "elelg" 3 e~eed rebuilt Sr. off lrvlne. Oppoell• i iiiiii.,.,iiiiiiiiiiii 11 AM 215 Rlvwslde Ave end wlah lncreaaed ..,. -E. O. E. ., " Furniture, desk, wicker, Harbor High. 2224 Laurel Newport Center Reel NB 1 1 Growing corporetlon 1---------Franclt Bacon pray.r pie· antique. St etc:. 2035 Fullerton Ave PI , Newport B ch Estate Litigation Firm 1---------n ngl, utll 19 your out· need• strong clol9f IOf rlty G ard PIT N B h I k 5 8 9685 __... ._al Menegement PART-TIME. Meture wo-going pereonellty, lelrn t •"---•~ •• ... .__ L ti u I;/.. c · 1'1 no, ma ogS .. V<XY eye, 559 8529 Apt 5 845-9177 4 • n-..1 exper ·-.. ~ ltete• lartlels how 10 become 8 trained pe ... .,... -· ... u ... "'""' oce on, .... r. • xlnt c:ond. 1450. • ---------tary. Xlnt typing. diet•· man (pref. wti has hed ialea c:ounielor. Cell anlma11. experience e 876·2575 between 6pm 645-0792; evs 845-0721 I lUl ,. 1Hat•I• V1//1r $,. JH• C1•l1t1,.• .... one end shorthand • I t T -·-children) for after IChool plu1. A1k for Gery or & eam. Mon-Thurt.. I . •• ··············"'······. • ••••••••••• .,. •••••••• '"' t S 1 0 I• • r ... eel chlld aupervlllon. Muit 2·5PM. 842-4321. Ext Pemel• 840-009f •--------•'""-• .. tw/ltle .,,,-.J.11 ll'•a 17952 Elm St. 9-3. Furn .. 4 Family Sele. 25692 Vie T.~ ·.~ • ., y p. n. ._._ '"' ·~-, 3••. EOE 1101am ••••• -·....-.,,,~, • ., di .. I • .. Del R y H b La • .....,.....""" -... --have car. Start Aug 20. '"" 1111 Tod th A 15 F •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. e1, emp1, .. muc:.. • • •r or " Light oetlYely. cull paid ~~lhtft~~ M ~J~~~:rh~~ 260• -UIL--1-l _Tl_n __ llLll ___ sJ:on•'• Dr•H Shop GRAVEYARD SHIFT; 2 ed:i~11or::. ~ntlng{: IDW Ho/n, ~~m~lec~. CT~e1~1>er1~1~M~•~g~n~ot~1a~1 ~H~ome~~s~. ~SJ~c~·~F~n~-S~un~·~ dally, ........... 779 w. 191h. Up 10 ••.IU\ .. -·you"''V ..._1 _________ Need 2 uper. people In openl"" MW itore N.B. poettlone open. 12:30 am Cent8f Mell. 405 Fwy & Redwood 2xS decking. Suite tT,"'&,.te M.... come ,;,;; exp'd y';; PART TIME, Hies lady. commerc:lel and lndu· lnte,..;i;..1ng for lull or to 8:30 am. Pref« m.. Beach Blvd .. H.B. 4·20' long; also redWood · ---'allty ...._ Fanion atrial reer eetete '"' IUC> p/tl-Inc wk:nda. Exp. ture or retlrHt. NEW· 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fencing. ¢alt Jim or Ken •••• -•-• wlll be promoted to ~ 71.•.7""' .. ,,•""'51 "-PORT DUNES 1131 11 77'" 9 ..,_ -r--mgmt. & IUpervleo(y ... ,_.-_ ... _. _ .. _~_ .... _ .... ___ ceulul end grownlng 875-3281. 1M • Ant"1' e enytime, ..-14 1. Aggreulv• Newport vela. Cell 714-537-4840 firm. BM1 wor1clng con-i----------t B.ck Bay Dr. N.B. Apply Frenklln Stove & ml1c ........ nrm seek• moll· : Part time, typlog, flllng, dltlon1 In Newport ..... PtnN 9AM to ~PM. .......,, Interview• held ever) homemaker. student. vie. Ad rtis' llxturu. S250/0BO. Vlled lndlvldual. Terri· Wed 7-e pm at 111 De Felr & Fairview. CM BMc:h. 714/&48-5051 Mutt be aaoreeelW and SELL KOO.AK FlLM ve Sllf 645-7730 (7·9:30pm) tory open . Harbor · Mar, Colle Meu enc 55tr2791 IUL man &1111'1 WOftl long noure for tap No upr. nee. full & pl UL1 Pacific. 955-0073 ...-.ry Thurt 9em-noon a' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml SELLING BUSINESSES ;>ay. Cell between 2 PM time. Mr. Fuller 964-3457 *""' I * ~~I= ;~~ r~ More femtlles •r• getting 1390 N Cit. Hwy .. Lag. THRIVES during econo-end 5 ~s().9111 1Sewt·--n-g_M_a_c_h_lne--O-per_a_· amllAI IM '911 wholHele or dlacount the camping "bug" 1hla Bch. E. O. e. People who need people mlo lk.lmpe tiec:.uM 80% ---------1 tOf. experiellOed, quality W I Ttl TIYI prlol). 494·2895 yeer. II you have• cam-~~~~~~~~~ Should aJweya ~the of alt •lee -owner fl.. Sties PtnN mloded, plec:e ratH, lfttl, IN Hll .,., 1--------- per that's not getting Sell with EASEi Servtoe Directory In the nanOld. We need moll· Metenaf h8tldllng bade· Coat• Mau. 8-42-9851. •••"' ILITI, Ill Concrete pads for walk· uled. 1911 11 now With 1 If• a BREEZE DAILY PILOT vated profeulonelt wtio ground Can· 55g.6813 " waya, patios or broken CIUllfled Ad. CIH1tfled Adi 842-5678 want to put fun & profit m for 'nm. · ' ...-.1111. Ull ... concrete. Rip-rap. S 16 Into a career. Telk to ua ... •• p••y;-• Exp. nee. Costa MeH IPIUTD 111•11 ell. 640-7382. c..,,., I C1t1 1135 r.,1 .... 1 IOU ~t,·y·;,i~i;~;··9~~·u"1ii:t: •••~'.a"•••••••••••• G C Omega D-2V enlarger healtlly. rend hem· )(Int condition $400 pion Sire 714/532-3632 491-2621 n..1 IHO c. 1031 '::A'•• •••••••••••••••• .. !!.................. ha 1w1 .. " II•• Abynlnlan Ktttena, ruddy Slgo up nowt FOf Info: color, CFA reg Call· 847·7688 FV 493-04 t5 GOLDEN RET PUP AKC Seti with EASEi champ lln•. xlnt hlpa. It'• I BREEZE eyu. pp, 839-1248, Claasllled Ad1 6'42·5678 $200 ror s m1nut" end -·11 -. • -•-mfg co. 631..()700 *"' 11, H, 11* r.1,. lum your Ille around In 1 Poslllon1 •vellable de-Sporting Oood1 SelH F~ 1;~ S~l-S ""0 e~lt~v~;:-:esi~ngB~~: =~:;'1~0r.:::1:o~':" Clert(, maturec:.eon for _,._ -•s O KERS 714/77~121 erea. *'4/hout. Wlll tratn. all NUOnl. Xpet nee. DEALER INFO (213) BU, .... , .... 983-3107. 873-0286 431-1177 Receptlonllt/ Secretary. S_T_OC_K_P_E_RS_ON--poel--t1on-I~~~~~~~~~ Mature. Pr•tlglou• N. B. lll.llPllm/11111 f 1: CPA firm. 780-8208 1.ADIES' SPORTSWEAR ~. ~mrr:-=. Cotr.c:tOf S.tea. rare c:hll· !J. ( { ) ) BNTBD ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EarnlllCJs . • Super Trips • Great Prlus CAl.L CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lllJPllat 642-4321 t RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST For golf 1hop, private retell 1tore. Pl .. M In· drene entlQvee. mint OM Permanent f\.111 time. Air· club. 30-35 houri weelc· quire Tu .. ·Frl, 10·5:30 poi. Qullia. Sat. 8-3. pan er ... l'lra. 8-5. Call ly. Incl. eome weelcende. .-.. f« Jim 1iio-ea50 Sun. 1·6. 848·8809: ::~:1~~~~ M on-Fri ~::~~8~•g• +comm. swnt•IUI 1_84_2_-3_9_3_2 ____ _ . 11--Salee, PIT, Retell Fabrtc ...... , ~~h':!:•: _,..,._ .. , Store. C.M. Mature pel'.on tot 11odt chr. Need• stripping & Dynamic, growth orient· (714)849 4CMO brokenige lltm, NewPQt1 uptioll18f'f. M50/bet ofr. ed real eetate ~. Cent«, good typing req. 990-4147 located In N.8. Metllng a SALES PERSOHS: 8 elery open, 'M•rJorle 1---------l*90ftl~ f9Q8Ptlont.1 Fu1 & p1' dr9M lfloP, ~2442 • *_.,.'* w/lront ofc~anoe. NB 544-2470 M8lrg9 M,_. t "M p Teec:Mr9 Needed. Todd· """' •• _, YP9 ,. • r. S.., ~ Poaltton P.T.. 1er1. (~ 13 mo-2 yr) I ft.IA lllUT v Io u t e xp er pref. ..... aper required, flex ~IOld and E.C.E. 141-3065 hfl, ~In penon ont)'. • muet. FUii time. ll'vtne ....., .... , ..,, • ...,./..., .... ~=.,v..:E~~IEL~8 ArM. 13M650 I. If you n good with fl.. Teec:n.. Aide. f..C.!. and Lii ....,... fu. gurM. organr:r~. nMt SALIS AEPRESl!NTA-uperlenced. ,ull or .. (111) t• .... 1nd depandllle, we TIVI! pett·tlme. 9U4MO '81·1111 need you In our "om of· Loe.I new publloatlon 1....;..--------flce «det ~for bu9y Mekl Fff dleplay adYlr· Telephone totleltOf't for 1-t-IQue--l>IM--IM-cf\-341-ln-X "*'' tolletry Co In It· tl.ing ..,.. ,.,,...,ta-R.E. of'llo9. Wm In your et In. )(Int oonct. '315. w.. hDer req'd. 10 k.-y tlvei In Irvin•· Cotta home. 14~ w.1234 t~h. type 50-IO. If, Me•, & Mlaelon Vlefo. ~..... r------.--- 000 comp p ackage. 8tta!O"t oommlHlon. Elim Ilg~ by h ~ MJ""~ d'r""' 71~540-0731 21t/ ... IMe bHOh •HO-•10001 :11a.•U1·toel m rror, ECEPTIONl8T•lt•rt1 S.-..-. C.i IM-191'. ltnmM, ~ & weind hrl .... -, MU.T 81LL 1va11. tome •XI* req. 1111•-, ••• ,11 ... ...,...,. AND OAK TAILl 1100 ~at Neiwpot1 HMt>or I Looltln\ ror ••tra In-20 paap1a ,...Jad to hllp Nt·IOll Anlrul Hoeplt I, 115 come? ry Part· Tim• tllk• CW-.'°'~ ovlnt to y1oht, mu1t MeM Dr •• O.M. :::"e T~ 1r"~ ::~::.:'~ o=:,•: Mii, roll tap cNlllk, r~nd ..,,./~ .. I "'f P4>' l'&NNYIAYI,., '* 111 rrr. lliMrY a...-• tMte, ledlee dN819f. Put/time per;.,•nent 1 IO Pleoa"'I• A'lfe, bot1ua dally. Apply In lge oval mirror. Mlto. poanton, Computtt eit· 1 C.. MaM. Alie kit Mta. P1r90ft M 11141 Allpel. MM Clf9W. 111.JOM. c.•,'~:noe flelpful. ~ lul9a D. 8JC. ~ al'd .... "'9 at•' 11 l "'* "*"•....,......,,an Tf'9de ~ * atwtt '°' ,...,._.. pnoe.that'•I llLL Idle ""'twl1f1 e eftMtMi d...m.t lld, 11aw OOOCllH with a Wflat OlaNIHed 11 tll Delly Plot C' I lfled Ad. ..... Qillalfl.td ed, Ml-1171 llbaul ... 1-Mfl Tt llYI I 1•U1Fll llll• SILE (or Yenl .... , lttate ...._ etc.) 1. Place your ad In th• Dally Piiot ClaNlfted aectlon (It'• belt to run 3 daya for maximum ex~re). tt you ~ tor your ad In advance we'M run It 3 daya •nd only charge you for 21 2. a.t your FREE Garege Sele algnl {d you h•ve to do la come kl to tM [)ejty PMot 6. pey for your ad In advance -we wtll give you two 11 x 17 Slgtw -FME of Chetge). 3. Prtce MCtt pi.ct of rnerchandlM. 4. Have plenty ot chanQ• on nana (nickel•, dlmet, quertere, hal~ one and five dollar blllt). &. ~. haw tun, 1nd 00\Wlt yt:Nt m°"9Y at me end of the csay. • ... ' ""°' CLAS.-MS CALLMM671 .......... ~ MA HtlM °'!I T,..... = ...... l ,r•IMeM .~--·--· ~~.we..,., Dot Hou••· •t Hdl, cut10l'tl '"9de, ... ... "°' IMWllll. • .... wln- doW MO '1ff'll, c:.t\ •· NMtlO Cook• ...,, !Wit IMltf •• wk1. t tai. Pure bred tamtly d09. HI 4314 ()pen 19-6 1111 .. .,.,. aw., 1ttt1 ... 111-1310 m1 Pm 21-11% •ff AKO Reol•. M•lt•H, 3 "W•nted" Lt•t: ,,.. Pliant• & &4>PltM re m. 1 male, a wk•. pec1 fe>r h04'MI 11 .... .,_,_...____ 40' Npt l ch moorfnf 12115/u. 141·14t1, t« I ' °"* Pupe, Klttene. llrda fleher •tereo Am"m • ., --W/18' lnbo•rd Oink 1186-2412 °' P9t9 Wrought Iron OllQllll reoelver with reoord ..,... MM t' • ---------. pl•y•r J l rtl d & a ••••o•••••••••••l'...-:1' oere Incl. 10,uOO . American Eaklmo pur.. • •• •. • • • ••• • 2a111nx10ln sway..,.._ AUQUIT AnCIAL ,_&4_M_'T_34 ___ _ bred dog, •IP•~·"· kerl. perfect. 1400. 8°" "!..:.~ & w.x Callfomlan 17\.t FO. OMO Mu•t ... j, • mo. saoo. htal181t '"' IU1nlla#u "" ~1&4 ... _,,out & 10 C'*Y ang. wlttllltr. 142-t208 • •••••••••••••• • • ••••• •• ••••••••• ••••••. •••• bottom oetnt. a t 1 o o . Pvt P a rt y . Game Table , Medlterra• ,, BASIN MAl't!NE INC • •9 •001 k Sprlnoer Spanlel pupe, nean etyle. Aoullette C.illnO fan. All bt ... w/4 tt ColM Port•ble TV, Slnoe 1939 • e7~ ;;7 Hee 0 r w 0 r AKC. llvef & wtllte. ahOtL Bedloemmon GMee 910 tullp tight•. Coet '230, IMI• ,,.., 11as. • • 1100. 770-2432 (I dllf) SSOO.obo. Mii lorbl. "2-0190 151-3771 .. ,., ,,.,,,,. ii· lnbrd, pedeetll ..... SAMOYED PUPPIES. Pu-'17o-a371 ROBT. WOODS PAIN· GAUNOIO (ehort wave) .._,_, II# ring, lhlp to lh<>N. FUii retired. no P«IP9'9· Born 7 p ht F ch p TINO. (TexH Bluebon-radio, aatelllt• 2100 10 •• ra~u•••••••••,• equipment & covere. 8127162. 1 1715/ea. bd~w .. , ~•natt./:2v net•) 15000/obo. Muet bend.OrlQlnalP&dllnO& loll tri ller up lo 215 . '7000,146-1410 31' ~IFLIGHT Sport Sedan Fresh 310 h.p. en,lnes. new canvu, aleepe 6. LOADED. $29.~. -""""'"---~~""""'-- rr \a.. . ~cHTl ~G\A SOCI.-\ T£s eo ~PO JllAT 1 0f\I 21011 W CO.UT !(WY • NIWllOlllT NloCH CA. a.II ·su UY lllTS 559-«>69 000 ....... •~it>at o..__' Ml. 873-1783 warranty fnduded. Bt"ST Brakff. 10,000 lb cap. 23' Pierce Am¥w :r: . ..., _... ·-· OFFER 902-o.439 . lttOO 55'T.fS21 • • 644 5983 Cocker Spanlel puppy &4&-M41 Pool table. 4Xll, ... te, ao-. ge. '79, Vol110 2 hp, • female. 5 mo. old. Stlole: New 11111 In wr11Pj)t 1 1 ceee. S• $600 or trade l<lmbell piano upr'lghl Fr. I ' Dlnohy, Sabot type , xtre fuel. belt tenk. '"================~ houMbfoken. Need• lo-of llna patio 1~~ ~ for alum. flahlng boll/ trultwood w/benoh 4 oare, 11ery good. H O. cuetom Int. & cvr. trlr. jj v Ing home . t 5 0 . price. PP. 846-0387 ' motor. 640-5317 moe old. Sac. U600. 903--25159 114,900. 142..fQO 484-5037 Twn bed S50 Blke c:erriel' ll44-t211 .. ,, .._., ,.,, 11 ft ....,., h ff,,. 1141 w~Tt~=.E~..:~~=~ 115. EZ ~r l30. Mo-REFERENCE Quadrellex •••••'•"e:':"~'";'•••••••••• ~hull, 15 HPJohn.on rr AL Y'S FIN!ST. °"'II' and hrfonww1 respecWd, edmlred and envied thtoucbout the world. OM811TI'•· full elect and extru, ' beada, ' lhowen. ...,. •• wry fMt. low houri, ,U\lly lib new. Loen 10.7" low down. N.wport alip. Appointment only, ~l. HATTERAS •••••••••••••••••••••• Madboeld lnc:I ""'--'40. 5<45-21528 Stereo Syetem; turnla-C~~lc ~I ~··;•~• Mtr. Auto ball tank. 24 FREE KITTENS 1275, 145-2123. . TRASH COMPACTOR ble, am/fm reoetver Dot· Or-u~ 117~111 • g• bit-In fuel tank. '12 White, lhota, 14 wk•, to F 1 di d by Caaeette. 2 lpMlt.,.. -,. • Uc., lr1r & cover. S1500. good~ &38-9525 .. W/llATIIUI :;:, •.:; 7~7ig' ' With 2.,. yr "'v warr. 42' H Mattl'lewl, twn dll. 1115-1315 FrM 10 good home dat· 135. 11411-7094 ' · S550 or bHt ofter. Brlatol. live aboard .. -80-2-5.-W-ellc:_re_ft_eq_u-lp-to llng pleyful Tabby Kii· T lft--·..._-both I Bedroom eulte , quHn 4e...2714 $49,1500 PP. (213) lteh + treller 1111900 I '4-15 '5"41-()()27 WO .....,..,_, n eleeper, curio cablnete, .. , ., _ _, 8 9 8 • 2 5 8 1 ( 7 1 4 ) ' ' ""· mo. good condition. D•v• luggage c::oud1 oval rug II -••I 7eo-1171 ' obo. ll40-87M. 2 F Shep mix doO•. 2 yre 683-1483 BEST OFFER. drawer' chaat'. Lempe: ~J!l•t · W IUYI old, good femlly doge, Dining rm teble. e cllalre, coffee table, end table, ~:· • 1••••••••··,,··1•1• l HO 150· HitterH con-Need• your Bolton . love kid•. 831-9215 $145 M•nle 548-7527 etc. All xlnl cond . .waftl v10erthlbra".·a'u4llY0loed«l.ooo. t.!v"'•• Whai.t for conel~nment • · ~ · • 540-2412 •••••••••••••••••••••• 5t e Free 10 good home: M bet. 4-7PM · GIANT 1115-9877 HIH, -h•v• uyere whit• Germ. SlllP/Lab, °""" alt• bed Orlll• 5/8 H.D. Mllw1UICM. IUft "" waiting. ,Sell now before 1 'h yre, eholl. very 1 1 cond seo' Good condition 14 5 19' Glutron, c:tr COflllOle eummer • end. Call lor frle ndlyl Contact xneeo--0101 . HCh, or take Ill 8 for .,,..,.... lhtl'lln,o __ ~· ~215_:'~npl· del•ll• 117 .. 20!50 1912 Close-Out Sale on SRV-172 751-1783 $300. 11411-<tll2Q 12X11 $23 28X40 SIG eon. ..,.._.,, t .. r. ......... .,.. -FR_E_E_: _2_Klt_lene--b-lack_w_/_1L:rr~~·:1:!~.~~dof~~r~ Duncan Phyfe din table. ~~ m ~~= :ug ~:&. ~~:ot c:ond. GCIUlllron 2,1,·B1a5 dMerOc/ Ret1I !~l1'210ooh.p. uo ans.d letr-~r995.00 wtllte IMt. ehota. M&-8038 br ... paw feet, bMUt. 2 18X2413150Xl00 '300 ru Hr, oer ......,. 4~' Convertible, GM8711Te, lOkw f1M1111.0r, 1145-1249 leavee $1715. 1145-2573 18X32UOllOXl201547 JI' IYll 1.11111 Boetd. Low eng hr•, full loaded with electronb encl extna. J'Mt. .Up w mnli:-'iiiiii.Wl lMcCerthy Oak Victorian HEELCHAIA In GOOD 20X30S5050X150Slle2 Volvo Pent• 130/270. cenn• trlr. 115150· llllllll IU UY 11111 available.Realbeauty!Lawdown.ln~ODl:y 11'11111 •••• DMk. Coat S1900. S.C. Sturdy, fHI, claHlc, 780-l325 ,. __ ,,,,__ ,._ :JK:'Oood aondlt.lon, wW CONllder trade. Pet Zoo •n• Ptwtt1 Too $1200.1145-1410 ~ .. ~N7~~T2ION. 175• 0 •11 a.nler coneote et ......... -M-u-,t-1-lq_u_ld_•_te_211-.-W-... -. a.uwi •uYI 554-l500 K wider IW'YeY Vllue. 2330 ..._..... Blvd CM ,....... "" ltftrt •l•1'dt -""V .,, Nt--' ...... ........ ...., • • COUCH !if. 1 ,..., 13750. craft Nova wllrtr. Sipe 4, ...,... , _., 573-0940 •1-T _._ I• •1 831~ roR~~seo SlatePoolT~. •I 1115-1~«~01 •lntcond. 111a•9oo~~iiiiiii~ii~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~i~iii~~~~~ Black Lab, belutllul. In-~1831 ltlctta .. ball•, 1 125. Ar•lone atl> Mtg. wlll ~, ,._ ta k •• It . p v I pt y lelllgent ..it hOUMbro-CdM 1140-7872 "nd eny of the above • _.. 11415-7230n~2 ken, M, '7 mo. 494-ttl1 2 ~"rat:.':;, !;'~~7!: GROW LIGHT ~·r~ ·:~~~1~.: ,..~-om~.~:_ 1• " ...... 11r1 ~-i11t-...... !J!f •"'"1dft.,,....... r/ ,,,, '1.U..1 """,. ,,,,. 1 ..... r// Owner l'llO\ltng, nd 11me I« bed w/11 drwr frame. 1ooop1w•;i-~:~allde, c•tlon who rHd• and C Lota"""dt t.;"'~ ~WI ~~. U .. , ... -;.'!!!!} .............. ALL•sTier&~·TAL;.•• ffMl#I H• famlly pet, xlnt wlklda, 5 Madboerd & ecc:.a. All com · 1 · 9325 reepond1 to thla t•t • tlful c:ruleer. Orlltl-Full carwu. loaded. N-color aall• & new Yamaha DT 1715. StrMt H"Y duty Ur• + epere. ••••••••••••••••••••"el. yn, Ntl'I (~) o4d Lab Kint cond. 975-0459 ftM tbl, drafting mech., fore midnight Sept. 12. cany reduced. Prlv Party. $3000. 11715-2441 eve race Niii, full t9C9 rtg. legal, mint condlUon, Ilk• good c:ond, '395 «belt IM4 ........... =::..::~~to~ Hide -a-way bed $150, ~·~~.~s:eek , ~~=::;o:,f~j~~ 6415-2581, 873--9301 OWNERS SACRIFICE 2 1 •. f~~·1 :":~~· i'a":h9 ;~ C: = o:v~ offer. 494-21195 ;:.~l~3.:0:.oody w .. • antique drMNf $50. denll1y fabric:(~ w gln ·se Mahogany Claulc: •leeps 4, only 17995. Incl 7141831-1809 EvH, no .,,...,, ...--... 1e-xe Croee country-single ,.,,,,,.,, ,,,, ll411-1He Dive llAIT9I TULi grade Ingredient•, aup-20 ft Century. 4111 cu In. Trlr. •llp e11all . Hurry 60511144-2351 Daye. trylng ... ~belt:-" ule. New paint, good 1921 F«d Model A Town •••••••••••••••••••••• llll S300Mh. 848-1183 "ll•d by Gi.ilf Oii Co .. Ford Inboard. Holman 962·77M«851--0140 1------.:......--tlrea . 12215/beet. 8edel'I S10000 ** ** ,. M......., ldo 14, good cond. With 19711 Hulky 1215 MX. In 548-0438 lft 6. ' ' I BUY •••••••••••••••••••••• .,..._ .. 1111 Dow Chemk:al Co. and ..,,,.,., converelon with •llp. Bel boa I eland. ...,.eet cond .. .__1 Mutt Weetem Show Saddle 5.A5WVlvt.S Union Otl Co.) with nylon lreal'lwater c:oOllng, good 9.75(1 Loan! $1005. """2 ..,..,., !':.'..'ror ONLY·~;.,. .• C-" ._ ..... ·~-..... 11MSS Studebaker AYMtl, GOOd uHd Furniture a w/lllv«. xJnt cond. Cuti. 11411-1183 reinforced rope heme, cond. '5,500 1148-0184 IO .,. .._ -· ....,., •• -.. ~ ... , ,.,,,. • • .....,. 97• '"181 40 11 C a L At c Merk at 1145-""'••. If no I"~-~~ H• ... """'. ......, · Appllancee-OR I wtll NII $800/0BO. 11715-755<4 double lock etltched 27 ft Chrle Craft Cabin t-•b ... I 12 ,...... _,.., or SELL tor You • 1 ,.1 heme e1e~tron1~a11 Trawler. TIO 1976. an1wer. Pl•H• keep •••••••••••••••••••••• '69 Ctaeetc Ponti.: Cat .. ••-• •--HHWI 1#41 "'' •!''96 ,,. .• welded .. ;me. ;00,t CrulMr. 12500. Trade f« 7.5KW gen. etc. XI n 1 con d . I 5 5 O. trylng ... evenlnge belt. All ChlVY truck parta: 'h 11 n a . I 4 o o . ca I I -·--·-•••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,,,...,,.,, ,. waterproof#4 (W'dla) IPOrt•cer CllllFrankl7&-5200 902-ION 1977 Su ICI P"'"l50-'t tontodleul.Rbll. 714 1980-1913 or 141·1111 W-NJI SHAG AREA AUG ...................... _ _.., ..,r----a ..... ~ 3 1111-2521 ·-· y•-Ho t rt __ .. loruml ~ • "'" tranemlulon from $1815 714/~ 12X15. w/trlnged end•. ALTEC·LANSING 1205 """' • '"'"'""' -· "" trra -•• W 0 a ''""" & 1554-1650 lllYWI• $25/obo. 536-91132evt powered P.A. epkre. ftcent.,..wlth relnlorced ................ aeoo: . 1176-1971 up. . 'l50PLYMOVTH Lee 951 ... 133 81.olll·ln 100 watt ampll-triangular corner patctlM Carriages•t e a Udo Manna vu•--SaL~Now .711 BMW ""'"--10 500 1973 Pinto engine, good 2 dr ope Deluxe, xlnt ,,_ lnl flere with croHovera. and •re reoomrftendld rt •t lk ".._.. •t 1.._ ..... ~ ... :.-. condition. S125. cond. 11150. 544-2111 Couch/ lo11e1eat, AYO· •••••~I••••••••••••••• Xlnt cond .. loud cleen for all heavy duty UM. all Ca S r eS y Oc Home Own 1 of I ftne buyt m-. ""' ..,_ .-,vv. lle1•5tll0 cedo, c:ut VIMt-c:erved ... .......... eound, ldeel for~lto-yachle a nd H llboate, roflerSkettes• Otf ean 25' Folk~ '57 ta.SK e73-7no. '86-'M Muetw e, part•-·~1:,v:•q'u':1i. ·::e-::. beck 1200. 482-1141 In If llltt rlume and/or large and all bulk or pallet rl-Walke r !. .OyS 41 ft Chrle Craft Con-24' Cal '70 SO.SK 1981 Yamaha S50 s.c&. 9 -.., "• NEAR NEW SOFA. e.rth-Ladi.I 6oNm 2'h gram :youpa. Outatendlng ding material•. and wtll •wagons•••• et•atlon. Lu11ury mot« 2e· RlnQ9r ·11113.SK Mint cond. 2,000 ml. ~ul. 4:;:ee2 aek for 1141-411119 tonea. Mu.t NII. Wiii aoc gol~ln ot watch with · '700 tor the pair or be accompanied with yacht with a Newport 27' Cetallne '71 111.&K 11795. 53&-e122 om or e. 't4 Cid El Dorado con- $200 F ...., dla .._.all ...,.200 ltadefMOthermuel-LIFETIMEguatantM that SCoote rs•hot Beach llve1board ellp 30'Newport '73128.5K 1\.tTon vert. orln & xlnt. · "' ...... ...~ lor t2200'~ .., • cal equipment. 547-18415 11muttperform100% M od • · 30' Newport '73129.Sf< •--.All Floor Jadl, 1415 '7.000/ofr.• PP. (213) 55M721 ~. II wlll be ~ tree. r s coupes• ~r.=r~:,:. ~:: 30' ltlender '7412QK YAMAHA. 200 oc. "'°" 751-3771 898-7825 Malc:tllng brown v1nyt tofa 1144-8325 YAMAHA BH• Amp. Add t7 handling end t railers *hard Call 30· Cetlllna '7' 135K tric ltart, onty 3000 mta. lumlnum Dune auggl, --------- (hide-a-bed, quMn) & ... '"' Heed with • double 15" crating IM eech twp M · t o p s •conv e rt-Frank e7M200 c A L L R I c HA R D 1595. 1545-9223. 1--_... •• ..,.. 333 1tH ,.,. ct1a1r look• Ilk• "''""'· ••••••••••••••••••••• PV dered". Flreetone Terp --y•-1173-6200 .,..,., -.,,.ne -""'· · -.-l39S . ...._7701. nttque m1h<>gany cabl· F d•P•B•ker Pc•~net. Mfg P•Y• •II •hipping. ibles*rnotor -r--·• __ ,._ ·ao Suzuki, tow mllee. aso 16th 81. C.M. -·-ne1 with orig. RCA rldlo en er '" r-..elon Should ""'' wt.n lo re-h *I It .... ,..,...... __..r .. -•• ll'left S2000 Orll . pink ellp. SHOW Matc:Nng brown v1nyt tofl & rec:ord pleyer-f75.00: Gultat wtth1-6PM tum you~-~ you OmeS awn If ...,.,. ..... . 5-48-.1333 1=-= =~Or~~ QU UTY. SM by_,.,.. (hide-a -bed, quMn) & "JVC" table AM /FM mey do IO lore lutl re-mowers* If MOS l.Wt ..... Yllacl Lido Mlir1na Village '78 Yamahe Yl.250. Xlnt con d It Ion . $ 2"ci0'. ll4f.86Ct chair lookl llke ... ther. et«eo rldlo with 6 1'9Qt pc Lud'lwlo Drum Mt, no fund. Any letter po1t• •Corpor ate flf'tMr Wllttet1 1 -1• * .... c on d . I I 5 0 . Ca 11 145-12M eve'• SACRIFICE 1"8 ~ 1306. 1144-7701. & rec:ord ""~ •75,00·. cymbela. CaM efter 4 PM mettled la1er then ..-.... h e adquarters 25 ft S"lp ,..,... H·-ti-.. .,_ • 714 ..... GT C rtlb'-C ,....,_... 545-0318 ~· ... -.... ..... NICE '73-5915 /1144-1 ...... aft 5pm. OHN'S AUTO OETAI· onv• ... on • Hldeabld, dbl, good con-bathroom "marble type" · 12 wlll be returned. LI· , • de rt ton Hllf1)0ur Slip lmmac. 1---------betlHt.... LING perf9c:t. Cellf. car. Huny =~12'~"•ly print 110. :,:.1:: !.~~ OIJJH l'anltsn I ~1:~.'."~~ <:e~:P~~o~~: J~1 ~'~~ • • ~ ~5 :~~ 3 d2n7 •; ! ~ in'e'!!!'! .. ~~ 44, ·eo Honda XI. 500. Comp! auto conditioning ::1~1:01 2 . 7 7 I• or door will cabinet a Lr.I I •-• Send approprl1te eum •t • t e&t-()500 de .. ._...., ....,,,_ Beet on.r mu11 Mii Ptc:ti-up I. det!Yer. Credenza. Antique Wtllte "marble type" wall ahelf, •• ~~•••••~! togelhet with your name yp1ng ables high performance 113-3o25 ArH !5 Yfl. 831-2544 '29 FOfd Model A, MW & yellow. Drexel. $75. •II for only $100.00; Delk•. file cabinet•. oftlce & addrw to Tarp T•t wheelbarrows• 20' FISHING BOAT, 350 motor•IH«. fully equip. mot~ complete S4500. 759-0523 horH bl1nket-t 20.oo.· _,ul...._.t, • .._.. -u..._ Dept '741R FlrH tone Bl.Itek. OMC outdrlYe. 4 twln-ecrew. RequlrH 1971 KZ850 w/Kerker Autobody Student neldt 173-n12 ..., ,....._., _..,... .... ·..-recre ational 1>u 1c. Mad b 1 uo ooo for 50% P• t H d • protec1•. ·10 to ·12. Imp --------BMutlful dining room Ml. g Ir I·• r Id Ing hat ment. Aefrlg .. dbl bed. Tarp Mfg . Inc, 8314 h i I • If n •· · • t lank. ·hi M egad r • cs':: ~c~ •;:~ & Oomeetlc am can. llte Olde H Convert. 1941, good condltTon, $300. (emall}-S25.00; n-c:er bookc:eMtl. 1780 Monro-Santi Monica Blvd., LA. Ve C es go rebuilt trailer, $5500. ~:rt!i~ 'S.mc. b!: 11,1 ... eprlnn We~Cam trucke. NHr 1otal1. U orig .• 115,000 mt. '6300. 1144-1033 floor mate (4)·S20.00; 1111, Unit C-13, C.M. Delly CA. 90038 or for faet•t carts•rnoctel 1148-8205. ,.. ..... • .,... Save M-ts no Junk Atl GA 404 362 2222 new 14 Inch light alloy 1-epm. 845-1021 Mrvlce from any part of vldlng of Httlng rental 114 Prtd hH d• Super -·-• • ' s · · -· 1&.m'I.. rim• (BMW'•) eel or lllTIL 11111100 tM country call collect, t r a ins•b lkes C!,~r~-~ 28' eport-Income & •Int tax ad· clHn. Faet. t 1ioo1ofr. 2nd o ffice urvlc•. _am _______ _ .. ~•200 00 bet Id ..,ht 7 • i • , ....... ....,..,,fut. ready. van1aoea. lhar• 60% In• 548-0Me 213-944-9452 '114 Buick.. 2 dr. Ilk•,_, BEAUTIFUL. cue tom ..-. · ; two new con-ore m n.., daye a p anos Cars $19,500. BKR. 11411-4005 1912 tu deduction of CO R G 3• 000 ~-· •~ .... m1de bedroom ut. tlnental ..... belted ra-Cuti. 11411-8183 wHk (213) 462·1914 e f fno t Pll ·-·-NVE TIBLE M TOP. u, or · ""· .......,.-DHk, Oreuer, corner dlal tlrH 195170 HR BUY. RENT. TRADE (Aek OperatOf for) TARP r r _ra OrS .. ,,, Jal U0,000 plue additional -3 yr wrnly. Choice of Md at S2 · Beat °"" group, 2 t>ede, qullted 14-S100.00; BMW 3201 xerox 3100 LOCI IBM TEST•741R,havec:rldlt *skat es•••••• ~1 Hll tu deduction of 011er Wllldellverupto50%0ff c:olor.~631. oV9rS21150. covere & plllowa. Like hoodm .. k-S20.00: mlr-Memory. Maybe you ~ard ready. •••••••••••••••••••••• re;~!;'7 fr':o~. :':~ ~.~~~tcd~ Chrome front bumper a ___ 4_99-4 __ 1_1_9 __ _ n_, ... to apprecllle. r 0 r m • d I c I n • h I t hi h 40' Viking IM Charter . I d , TCI '82 T Bird lntlm ,.... lk N1w $2250/ull tor c ablnet-120.00. Call y:ep:J~ ~~"pr,: ,g,, Flehlny. dM ng & en· 831-71132 work. Odyeaey. FM appt. cell •one t"' Of oyota • ; 11"""5 ...... ..,.23 ... 2"t"• "V" terta nmant. Cati 1148-9580 4X4.S .5<411-1973. nu ang-tran....ieo-brka. ""' · .,...rwc · '" -v -· then the mfr. rlduc:ld the 1182_27M . P-21' ltllll · · 910. 14500. 831-121t Roblneon'• OuHn •IH -·-bl nu• price eo you.,. paying WHAT'S NEW FOR )(Int cond. s .. at 20th WANTED: Honda Trell 70 1941 CedlHIC, modef et IOfa Meper. White c:ot· 8 to 20' long, 38t per ft. Off • contrac1 for •large Ill 141 ...... I <6 t . t 1 3 . o O O I o b o . REASONABLE Aalfl ltt t.11 Sedanette. mint. orig, ton. JClnt condition. 142s. ns..1491 anytime. 1mount. That'• whet Newport. 7141831-3900, 845-5261 538-3"5 ••1-:.~:.:.:,:T•A•:;:•N•O•T••1c•E••• au10. redlo. 13,000 ml, Brua QOOM ~lamp happened to ue . Let't BOATS 4e .... ..,.. '73 .......,,.. I I ..,,.."" ,,., 115000 ._.,...1 tso. 497-2821 ...... Trade. We need a word __,.,., C.11aller 39, 1982. BrlttOI, Hond~ ..,.,_ 7oo ofr. TO READERS A.NO ' . .....-..----------1 RACOUET end SPORTS proceuor. pareonel 80' Schooner. par1lel. day WOt1d c:nitw. Alk. 1129, AccMeof1al & xtraa. Nde ADVERTISERS 1112 Cl'lryeler Newport Liv rm. Din rm. Bdrm furn, 1 b F t 1 v 11 computer. piano or ? can ulle, Catalina tripe, 000. Bkt. '4t-4006 Wk. 5<46-4453 mag. TM price of Item• •d· Mdan. mint, orig. AIH. Refrlg, TV, Stereo, Pain-c11u250• :> .. ~ .. ~'!, 1 ey. 752--0322 or 961-7343 &411 4006 .. l'L..-'-w• AMAHA 100 t...o.-. lo vertlMd by vetllcle ~ AC. S1250. ll46-8001 tinge. 1202 Don•f:•I. · ~,.,.. ----,_. ........, ... ,..~ ··--... ...., 1 ti •t Th D ii P'I t 'II bl. h .. ,, •-" -. •••••••••••••••••••••• mt aaoo or tredelor ""'· ..,.. tn the Vlh1cte ~ -.-.a -.,.1 • ..., 2. ARPET, 10x12 lhag. All • e a y I 0 WI pu IS •••••'•~••••••~ W1ndlutfer & ,_ gaet. 548-9832 fled ~ng cOlumne 2 bleak l••ther chalre «pert 1100 ••••••·;~~·;·••••••••• boat picture ~ds starting 11· Hoblie eat. )'tlOw w/ HI Ry 1125. 'M HM9Y 900 Spomtef, doH not Include any ..._dtell 1100 tor both. 144-no1 ...,s; ... teq. eunrt• aaite. Like 17'"8250 no ttana. nda wort. IOtl appllcable ti.It-..__, ,...,_ M.JI ll40--0895 LARGE LA ...... VACUUM SctlnlUZerl set. Pit Bulla Friday, August 6th -we' II --... ..,.... 117"' '"111 .... ....___ ...<! ... _ tr•n•l•r fffl, ltna nc• ................. :"."';'JJ """ 1235, Klttene 110/$115, ,,...., ... ....,.,. ....., · .. ,, n1-"' "'""'-· ""'eng. ,_. ch•gee. feea fM alf polo-.. ...a .... Black IHther couch & $250. Mllllery Macaw 1975, even take 8 picture Of yOUr UDO 14 #ml dean & L.'..i.... _... -., k Ing I 9 0 0 · MI IC e lullon control device ......-.... uphol•tered IOVHH t 5"41-2489 FREE VET EXAMS lnclu-b f d y ' eound, St1H0 • Harold ••• ~ ......... ~~'. 642·2911 aft. 'Tpm c.rtlftcatlon• or ~let 20 foot, Toyota atleeela. 1 100. Oood cond. ARPET. 10.12 enag. All did wlpurd\aM of pup-OSt or your a . OU cant (114)&~51147 Sllpe a111ll1ble, COl'Oftl L 250 Honda '73. Good docum.,,tary prepera-te,000 mlll. ~ ...._ 840--0895. «part ttoo. py or kitten. Parker'• beat the price, if '{'9 take 1,, -aay Ml Mar .,.., It pr It. oond . run• g rea t. tlon charge• unle u oontelned. (796ZAt..J Phlll~ wldler ct1a1r1. 1144-noi Peta. 840-0090 the picture, your ad will -P • 0 P 0 r c e " 1 • 14451080· '4M177 f.!!'~~.!!.~. "1" by S11 Ill worth S1IO N. MC. teo. wner Memberahlp In Parrot young l lam9. '40. $ l 1w2/tl50ralter. '~ .. ~:... 955-2 13 Wkdyl 8-l5. '71 HONDA CX 500 , .. ..,....,,_ BILL ..... • •J• TOYOTA 1145-9177 ...,.._. d " ,.._H .,,..... only cost you 45 -if you · --A)lE'( ,.. ••••• campgroun • a ..,..., ......... Wnt Newport Dock, Xlnt cond . SllOO actual .... ti Hlf 19202 8elidt lfvd. Oecor---.. -1¥9-81.ack--&-wh-tt-e ' 9onvenlence1. nr ___ 548-5440 ______ 11 provide the picture, your ad It' ....... Ill mon~ ta I* ft. Wew ml. 010. 815·2190, ••••••••••••••••••••• HnUngtn ldl M2.ot21 writing <leek with gold s:ooo~n:,'~~:d~-;~rd? IAlll'f I 1111'11 Will COSt $40. wlprlme mooring, fully only. I ""°111 154M59t. 11 11 True you can buy '16 ICCMlt 2X2, nu nna, ecrolled wrought Iron 903--82'11 ,101080 MW201 ,re3ce2• Kw.•11 equipped. 41 ft, ....... teeoa !Of t44 through tM bfllk•. •xtleult tylleltl. trim, •Ingle oenter dr•· 1---------...... Exoellent ..,_ Har IJ.8. Oovernment'7 Gel Aune good, nde miner -· barrel etlepld mat-Pageant of the MHlere 1faH I 0-UJ llH SAMPLE AO 631.._/546-Met bor loe. N;'lrPubll~ the facte todayt Call work t 1 IO O /of r Ching chelr. $100. Ticket• for Hie. 12&. ••••••••••::.r......... 11' ,._., Ooclt .• 1s.000.664-232t 312·142·1143 Elct 472'. 141·4533 Removable 630-4194 &ee-504ln70-9584. Frencla Bacon p4eyer pl.. ... (OPEN SUNDAY) ... I IC .... ,~•11-' .. ~~d """"'---",, •-roof. -••• "' E'-r=d I .... ~ .. no, m ... og .• vory eya, ...... --I·---w-....,... ...,._ ...... -·--,... .-•re w-.... xlnt cond. 11460. All AooWol1le lnCludlng to SO', Not lldl. PO 9oX I -t• • .._, .,_ MM Fum, tPPllMOM (amall dfYI' 111._ ....... 145--0792; eve 1145--0721 motor. t 2 a oo ob 0 1423, E 'roro, t2a0 -·-l.nnn.r.:u: .. Z'T.l'f and large). Miao ~ ........-981-4610 •"-a pm .. .,,NT, It .,,__mini Orl11e one . other for '71 ....wl hold lneld• •nd out. 1-.._..--_-.. ....._--h=-::t-19-.._..-t·IAndrew Kohler Plano & WANTEO: Ne .,.., eo.t """ ,..._ part• Meo .. perfect •••••' ._.... .,.,,_ ,.,,., .. ........,, Ilk ,.._ ...... 1 1e.a1 ""'' u ....n 1p t .;., --~ mot« home. 81..., M , ' "• • Ull •••• 842-0153, I AM-.noon larQe, eoec1 , bf.... ~1,..2· _,• i':"•w' w-.., ..., &'I "'-'"'~ W/ II or.., ---·· 10~ al -NMda pelftt & ~t9iy -•-wkda. Set-SYn .. day. '200 (~ of whOIMale « ,_ ....... __________ trtr. 7~ HP. ,..,_ ' ti, ft bHm. Ideal tenant. L~;,, ~=~· t4IOO or beet °""· Low mllH . c1 .. n •n' ...... --...1 d 1 ec o u n t pr Ice). 5' grand piano, IClnl tone, OOO 080. 714-MI-2'43 1-113 8951 an lc>m. U 1·2011/764· 1101 l tla!P· Non-oatalyat. PFUCQ 8'TART:'T: 4M.2195 r1t~ood, 131500 P.P. CAL 20, aplnneker, Oen-...... ,,.. I 'll ..... Y,... WM Mlfic (1tl7) Sofa bade f tl7, eofa I GOVERNMENT , __ $4.._50_7_____ oa. e hp 0 /8 , extru, Al "" 11', 6UJ,..., .tlll. ,... .. II love N at t 111, bedl· IUIWLU8 JEEPS utce new l<lmblll Spinet Xln1. taeoo. 142-41MO ••••••••H•••••••••H• frlO, etove, POt1a potty. ..,, 1• .. Mui¥ TOW!lltl Maiv-end foundMlon u et.o fOf '31H. so1d p1eno a bench .... than 12· • ....,. Dinghy, 1&1 ·z:,. 11' 4IO '='be! '7460. 1n.2.tt1 Low m..._.." 4 ,.... 1tll0t ._,, ...._ Mtt. tw1r11 171, fUfl .. .,, f0< S44. For Directory 1 yr. old. Cell alter e pm. l'J.t~!= ~ ~ dellatl. wlck;/fli/, teeo. v PriMlcf1. Pftt. Votue 21', rwr bdl, 4t;S-2174 « ,..,..._8421 ~ 9"' Mt-otlt ~ t 147, 111ng t 111. a12~1 Elct .1-19 9155-1418. ---"'~ '&",. II.Pl e1i.1NO 0t 8334701 .. int ool'ct. 1 ,000 . n.ooo ml, lnwMG. 9'2, ~ I '11 .. a.a_1 comer gr~ 1111 a ..._IOll ooo. ""......., ..-,,_ ~ .......... ',,;..:..! 4 rolle Kodall ftlm, 111Y Bil-lllJ I ft. IABOT. GNat ..... Q4, -wlll _.._ .... ., "" -"t'' ... &~SO.troll. ::'::':'f•••••••••••••••• '480/Gelo ~ ·-....,. -oti r nett• Mt• t 7, ...,,_7 Atomic Ate TNlln Bionic ,...,. • ............ 1 '7 a1•u•m T!lll!&. ~ !~lf IMf tr.,.., ..,._ et...-.; bunk bed• r:J" """' · .....-......... ,.,,.7 --..... __.,. 11'••• --~·••••••• '* ~--.1-;n ti r-. ·-~"' -• &v "'"• , ...... , 14' ,,__ "'•T "-1•11, •.a... •• •• H••• • •• •••• • •••••••• • -Q •• "· • '"--->" 1MMbellttlp1 N.I. t175. 840-1304 ew ....,_ .-~.,., ...,.. ---.,.._ 1114 IO' -_._. _. •• , ,... 11111-• II IW Tennfl Club t tSo. Dr. .__..__ --Oood concf. MOO inn. .._, l,IM o-terld ·.,. oon--~,._ T.,.. .,_Md fMN. 1 ••• .___ .... I.OW 213/.........0 ~--.-w ......_1 •• :non ........... :.n ~ ~ -.., ..., ,........ ....,... & Very low "'"••· very _, I • :m:-:=w •• •••••••••••• 'I I ••t.r.., Lon~:!i • eou•H· 4 to olloeH ~'!~.ory ehu•. -Ftbargl ... oflOl>per gun, FISHING Rod IOFA aotb lucllcb0et4 (Glen L) Lan-..... A '.._,., •lo, •nilfm I ttMk, 4 tro"'I ==k· ,_,,IMI .. 1.... ..... ~ llOC), Pvt Pw •Clllenoa 1110. *" rtt. ta• ..... t200 MW. • Mt-1310 ·~•Oer•. UIOO. ~~· .. 511 pty.1~1507 551-oatt or tt•il• for ""' 011 M'-•L ..... I.,.... •Y ...- a..utlful I ' fllor9I Ptelow ...,. beet 21• e1urn1num NS) CUtt 'reellt•"' eutt motor. 5*-N17 """' L: .-P .... o f t Travel l'raller, M.I. TOYOTA lot•, Ilk• n.w. HOO. m..-on......, 1100. eprlno cut, amllt, MW', II .. -•aa• Ped oab·OY9f oaml*. ~ • ..-.. .-,_ """•...,••• &a2"410I. l40-aoal t16090. l3t oo4Z?• ' -l400. ...._. lent oond, Muat Hit ... .._ .. _ '•ntutl• l1tt9''11 on 1 ••i ..., ..._ ••• 11100 ~ lledia w/M9tt,......, HOT TUI Wooden & PING PONOTABl.I For more Information =-:-:-.:.:"': :£¥.f.WIAmm.rl•JJ 113-10111111f.IN : :r:o" .0r .... 1o..c ·~..L.!X· Cond. A Fotdlng, ~o. w. c.-...... IO *tzm'N' Illa... ----Low ....... ....,. eM' ~ .... _. l rw. 142.et72 ..,., US. 720-0138 and tO 1Ch8dUl8 YOUr Two Udo 14.,. 4 a.n-, IO IN.~ -~~'t rr~· ....... •HfY•'· 1M IO\lb• OIHI, ... ,11 1 d I ....... , ,.,.. to·•, '•"""• _, , !MM 1iiliMiiiii-OiiiiftM;;'I Din ""' .. ~ ~ ttlo V.ntlletor Turblne nu... Aul. ,., N~.u I. a I p ease UGI n.c .. to • O'clay H . I ., 191 ----l'1 ........... a..... llL .,_eowtl. ....:..~ Cooler w/b1 ... f 10,I Open...,,Wtlor!MO, 8 .. 2 Sl7S d •t.. f a......... M...o.nA........ ,._,.__ e ,_.. ..... N'" Mt. ::=..·-·-.....,.., oelJoftn........ .., -an 891\ or ~~Tl 1 ........ , •. ,...., .... ;=a·~~~ llflD.1111 ... ,,. l&L·l!I .... w....,.. of ..._.., ...... ,. t•t:z:ona l effffto Mrt~Jwtt" •· Claulfled Advertlalng. --I ,..... Oii _. .. Ml ,.,_ llDClll. ---:::-·•...., * :=.=; .. ..:.~ ~.::.~.~I '?.''i'r°"'.....,· ... a ................ , ... -.... ,. .... I lfu•. •••ITT•• •• , ... .,..... w.r.71M711 1u11oe1 1a-t11a. ""J."i'..11 t ·~. "-;.=..,.='""'· t::"n:''· "· ,,,,, .. 1111 " ~ ........ ,.~ •rt '4T OMv ft,U. lo f!\11 •Int cond. t4t10/bo, 84 .. 1aH, 1tQ..14't 'll Lft Pl•IP Extre otMll with Wlf'l IOW mil••· ( 1001•07) ,..ctu- oed to •• .A ~11 Biii Ma.wy Toyota 19202 84MICll 11Vd. Hntlngtn Bch te2.ot2t '78 1 ton CMv P.U. 18. 000 ml. 1 OWMf MOO<> wllft camper '45-1718 '71 OIR ~ Tll LIMlllPllllP With aux. Wiit· (IMl5~) ""'' em MP9Y Toyota 19202 8"c:tl Blvd. Hntlngtn Bell "2-0829 '73 El Camino, new tlree, bralc11, run• good, need• paint. 12000. 8~7..e189 'fl.4 Chevy 'nT step aide. Runs strong. N-tires. $950, ph 6-45-2922 '76 Datsun longbed, car- pe1ed shell w/boot, nu brakes, tires, bait. $2650. «&-6390 COHHRL CHEVROLET ~llJrt••rfl,, l , •t-,J .\ \H '-\ SU-I ioo Earle Ike TOYOTA0YOLYO WI llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FIUIPPUIUL Connler·OelNlo mYULIT 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH .. l .... 1, ... ·lll1 I! ----·-----~ ~.,--_..,,...~__...----- NABERS CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1912 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD BROUGHAM (1EALM5) $16,995 1980 CADILLAC 11.DOUDO COUPI (6022n) s12,995 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (468259) s3995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU (318YBM) s3995 1911 CADILLAC FLllTWOOD UC>UCllQM COUPI "ASTROIOOP" (1CRR592) $14,995 1911 CADILLAC HYILLI ''fACfOllY S.fOfW' (889119) s16,995 1971 CADl .• LAC llVILU (t78'1tfl) •9895 ALL PACKED, MUM? NANCY DON'T UPSET ME TONIGHT, NANCY -- I HAVE A BAD CASE OF NERVES f WELL, \(OU'LL ~AVE A 600D TIME ... SHES IN ONE OF HER JUMPY MOODS I WONT DO ANYTHING-TO · DISTURB HER IF 't'OU 6ET A CMANCE, SEND ME A POST CARP I MATE LOM6 6001'8YE5 By Ernie Bushmiller I'LL JUST SIT OUIET-·-• ---THEN S~E CAN'T BLAME ME FOR ANYTHING- t ANNOYED BY LUKES ARR06ANCE, 0. B. DECIOE5 TO TAHE CHARGE ! ~°"p 1i,78~f\ '· ...,.. ..... _ .. ...... By Hank Ketcham I TOLD YOU! ITWA5 <l<<1 U5TEN, STUPID! I'M NOT THE JUD6E···AND Rl6HT NOW, I DON'T THlN~ I WANT 10 f>E YOUR LAWYER ElTHEAf 10:30, ~UPPY .' llME1S UP! J SOUNC>S ~,AT!CAN IBLIYIN ON IT? MePICAt..- --rRAfNINCS Ftl.,M/ -rAKS ONe!! by Ferd arid Tom .Johnson WHAT'S -flM&·S~N<i-iHE WE SACH HAVE . · 71-1/S LATEST CONCEPT IN OUR OWN LUXURY ALL !REE HOUSES... HIDEAWAY ·· FOR AN l . ,ABOIJT? HOUR ANYWAY. WE CAN USE A FEW CAPITAL IMPRoVEMENTS UP HERC!i • • I .. CA YOU TllUST Y°'6a EYESt fteN ere et lNat ala differ. ........................................... ,. ...... ""' ....., .. ,.. ..... .....,., Qldl ... ..,. ................ . 'llO&Jefllll" ·~ ., ..... ..,. ., •4 ·r ·tutftlW " ... ·• .,.., .. •1 ...-. cant:>" ·peMW".., ·c ·pea111 tt,.... ·1 :~10 CAIDMA .. C ''Pick e c.rd." uya the mt11lt*'. A CMd I• .. lecM. noted, retwftld to .... deck. The pet for 11.-cutt the deck, riffles threuoh end produces thecerd. How It's done: In preperefton, ell Cldd catdl -ece. 3, 5, etc. -ere~ In one hall of the deck; ell ...e• urcts -queen, 10. L etc. -.,.. pieced '" ......... helf of the-... Tht cut Is "*'iilcilattd '° that thf e.tectta card Is ., ... from ·one helf the -.0 end restored to tl'le ott)er half, where It la Immediate-NOSED OUTI SomttNnt In the elr 11 .. ttlnt ""'°"'"to our ly discernible. •'"Pint Pll above. Add mlsslnt lines 1, 2. 3, etc. ' ' EVEf\YTH ING ya; HAVE.ON \S Dlfrrv' . AND 1 WR\NKl eo! . . " ,. . , SHOE \I?'~ ~ar,~ . 88 .. - . By Gus Arriola MAJOr! Cl"T'I Nt:W~PAP!:s:c!S 'TAKUJS ~~IC t?J'Tf:P~ 10 6u~V•Ve r TH1= CLJP!IC!EJJr t:'.E:CL.INE OF iHE _ DAU~.'/ 6SEMfl l~fi!E:\IER:,t~/ ~ ·--ANO CANARIES/ by, .MacNellv ____________ _._......_. -----.. - August 15, 1982 1 I . I Warnmg: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. skies and i:>elm trees at your patio for~ ... umbrella tabres by the poolside for lunCh ... violins and candlelight at dinner. All expenses paid, 800 we11 give you $5,000 in cash for shopping and side bipping. · Daya 6 to 14-Makeover the whole you. Relax . Enjoyf There's an endless variety of things to see and do in Jamaica-from bamboo rafting to mansion tour- ing to calypso dancing. Bv the 14th day, you'U look aild feel like a new you. What a makeovert Kings. 8 mg. "tar". 0 .7 mg. nicotN: 100' s. 8 fN ... llf. 0 .8 mg. nic:oline W. pet' ciglmlt. FTC Report Dec. '81. • I • • 10 Seci>nit Prizes~ Trip for two to New York City and $1,000 Shopping Spree. • 100 Third Prizes- $100 beauty consultation ., I I I I Filt in this line that describes Belair. (Correct answer found on the pack.) Low . Light __ _ Name: ______________________________ _ I Address.~------------------------- 1 City ______________ State _______ Zi..,_ ______ _ I Te~phoneNumber..__ _ _._ ______________________ _ I Mail to: BELAIR "Great Makeover'' Sweepstakes P.O. Box 8100, Libertyville, IL 60048 ~--~~~----------- THEm YOURSELF Send,,,. QUHllon, Oii. poa • .-. to "All<," Family w.ekly, 641 Laxlnglon ""'· N-~ N.V. 10022. W'a'll pay 16 !Of pul>U•n.d qu.atlona. Sony,•• can't.,,.,,.., otharw. FOR JOHN A. SVAHN, comm1SSioner. Social Security Administration Retirees living ln the U.S. can only earn ".,{' amount of dollar. a year. But can out· oJ.the-country redpllents make all they want? -8.L., Unwood, N.J. • Th1s year, retirees age 65 and over living in the U.S. can earn up to $6,000 without a reduction in benefits, and those under age 65 can earn up to $4,400. Benefits are reduced $1 for Ourside recipients too secure? each $2 earned above these limits. Even though the work may be performed in another country, U.S . citizens are subject to this annual earnings test as long as they work for an American employer or are self·employed. Other beneficiaries working outside the U.S. and under age 72 are not entitled to a Social Security check for any month in which they work seven or more days. FOR SANDRA CARTER. co-author of Reafftrmatton: Renewing Your Marriage Vows and Values (Harmony Books) Why are more and more couples choostng to renew their marriage vows? -M.G., Burlington, Vt. • Reaffirmation is a wonderful way to honor the suc- cess of a marriage. While a wedding celebrates falling in love and beginning a marriage. reaffirmation Is a celebration of staying married and In love. FOR DOUG DAVIDSON, Paul Williams on TVs The Young and the Restless When you tell people you work as an actor In a 11<>ap opera, what reaction do you get? -R.N .• Council Blufla, Iowa • 1 don't tell anyone what I do. unless they ask me. It's not because I'm ashamed. it's just that I consider acting a job. I'm much more Interested in what others do. I don't spend much time talking about soaps. FROM ntE "ASK" EDITOR CELEBRA110N: Claiming he should have gotten credit for the recent big bash honoring Lena Home's 65th birthday and successful one·woman Broadway show, was comic Alan King . next in the movie /, the Jury, due out in September. "Lena retired in 1971. In 19721 told her it was time for a comeback. 'Are you crazy?' she asked. 'Who wants to see an old broad like me anymore?'" Alan con- vinced her to go on stage -that's why Wouldn't let Home blow her career. he wants to put hlstory straight. And while most of the celebrities at the Roseland bash were busy picking out other celebrities, designer Jacques Bellini was not concerned with faces. He was peering at the duds to see how many. apart from Lena, were customers. He spotted a familiar suit hanging on the body of singer Eartha Kitt. He shud- dered. noting that it was not his latest creation, and In the middle of the festivities, told the wearer, "Time to get another one." ... AGE: Last summer. actress Lynda c.rter explained why her marriage to Ron Samuels would endure: "When we argue, it's due to pressure, not problems. We explode, then cool off. And we're mellow, perhaps because we did not many young. Ron ls 40; I'm 30. I guess we have some of the wisdom reputed to be part of old age." A few months after that statement, their mar· rlage went on the rocks .... "I don't deny I'm getting older," sald Paul Newman, who, at 57, is smitten with auto racing. "But l do deny that rm getting slower." His affair wtth his second love, racing. is not losing steam. He'll serve again as race chah'man for the second annual Caesars Palace Grand Prix in Las Vegas. Newman also competes, Padno participating in such major endurance races as ~ LeMans and Daytona .... NOTES: Al Padno, now ------------------------------1 on screen in Author! Author! has an ambitious ambi- tion. Before the next 10 years are up, he wants to do Othello on Broadway -but with a twt.st. He wants to play both Othello and Iago in the same rWl .... Author Judy MueJ's best-selling The Beverly Hiiis Dtet (Macmillan~ is to be published In French. Italian. Spanish. Japanese .... Connie Francis, chastised for changing her styk? of singing, is bringing out a new LP of her oldies because she knows that's what people would rather hear. FOR DENISE Mill.ER, Billie on lVs Archie Bunker's Place ls it true that you and Brooke Shields were friends, but her penonaUty changed and the friendship broke when she became a big star? -E.G., JolJet, Ill. •We got to know each other in our child-modeling days, but now our paths have gone different ways. I saw her a few months ago. and she really hasn't changed at all. She's easy-going. quiet. low key. PRO Dr. Frank Traylor, executive director, Colorado Department of Health Definitely yes. Studies have shown cost-effectiveness. and more importantly. increased patient satisfaction from home care. One example of home care for the elderly: Patients save an average of 10 days of hospital care when home care ls avallable. ln Col- orado 56,964-are In need of home care. If patients .spend 10 days less per year In the hospital at $250 a day, and each receives an average of 22 home visits costing $40 each. there would be a savings of $92,281,680. PRO Ano con Would Expanded Home-Care Servlca Reduce Soaring Hoapltal And Nursing-Home Cotlta? CON Wiiiiam G. WelMen. senior research dlodate, the Urban Institute To cut hospital and nursing-home costs, home care must be a substi- tute, not an add·on service. lt Isn't. Research shows that eight out of 10 persons who use home care aren't at risk of hospital or nwsing- home entry. l"he result: Costs go up. not down. Serving only the at- Nk group is techrucally dtffk:uJt and. politically, nearly 1mpoS'Slble. There is another problem: Transportation costs drlve up home·c~ charges. But what about patient benefttJ? Research shows few to none. 0 1912 FAMILY WEil<LY. All tW!ta NMMd. -----· -- Ambas.<1.odo,-·,. Sporty $ Deluxe JACKET ~-----FLATTERING PRINCESS LINES llllm )'OU ~...Q/Ne your ..... • .._ "oustom" flt. -----DOUBLE NEEDLE TOf>STITCHING. An ~ ........ touch that let'ldl a cnep, ~ look to your lad!et . .r----..;..-..._..;, REINFORCED BUTTONS. CcMor· matched buttone ,.,. • ....... button aewn on the beef( to k.eep ~~L~~~~up the look. In the ume rich cob' #Id 9t.lllOle kkt9tdn look -the j8dlet. • t=ULL Y LINED with amoolh nylorl tan.ta. ~ the 8lee¥e8 .. tined, eo your j9CMt a1i.-on eall)' OWi bully ctothlng.-won't Wl'Wde IOft dr9sae8. Plus, you o-t • PERSONALIZED handbag for .... "*' 110 .,,.., )'OU buy the jldr.et. It'• the ..,. rtch oolor -your jedcM... COOl191•*-beeutlfullyl s99s ONLY ~ CDllr ~c....> .......... .:'t:J. :·~ ~·~:l a 1n•·M•1 --T•CIMt ..... ...... Cllt D v-. I -.......,. e 1Uc111Mn- Total for~ ' I ~iu;::·· Add~Owge • ~ No. l"'IM AU TOfAL INCi OllD OR CIU._,.TO MMt CMD • .... ...... -f'Oo~-0..1¥11 --....llOCO":' .. ~t ---------------------Allt.No. _ ____________________ ...... 1111'--~ ~,--· \ \ ourteen years after he retired, as the. last of the. legendary Yankees, Mickey Mantle h~ gotten basebaD out of his daily life but not out of his nocturnal dreams . .. I still have them " he ' says ... The same dreams. Nearly every night. There's the one where rm making a comebeck .... 1 get a bate hi and 1 nm to first, hard as I can, but I can\ make it. They always just nick me.. "But this ls the worst one: I get to tha- baD park late, and as I jump out of a cab I hear 'em calling my name on the public- address system. I try to get in and aD the gates are locked. Then I see a hole under a fence and I can see Casey looking for me, all of 'em, Billy and Whttey and Yogi . ( try to aawf duough the hole and r get stuck at the hips, and that's when I wake up, sweating ... Casey Stengel, Mantle's madcap mana- ger for 15 years, is gone, dead too soon at 85. Yogi Berra is a coach wtth the Yan- kees. Mantle is still in touch with Billy Mar- tin and Whitey Ford, still close; out of all the Yankees, these are the three who refused to grow older. Except for a tum as a batting lnscructor with his old tam each spring tralnJng, Mantle'• drams are as cJo.e as he gas to a. bal. plllk these days. If he does go, he. stts In one of tlM>l8 V.l.P. box.a wt.. they terve little R•mge on to<Atipldcit. Th. -. would never i.t him enjoy the game otherwl!e. He wouldn't an~ Ha never got Uled to not play- ing. He doesn't enjoy the dreams, dhc -"1-kll. no, I Mlp getting thrown out" -but they _.. WI endlaa eouroe of entertainment, honw mcMe9 of the mind. "I met a guy In a bar one~." says I • MMILY WlllQ.Y, a...,. 1' - • • Where have you gone, Mick, golden boy of 18 glorious Yankee summers? Is memory playing tricks, or is it true that. . . Mantle. "and he said he was -what do you call them? -an analyst. He told me he could explain what my dreams meant. I described the o ne about me trying to aawl under the fence, and he spun around on his seat and said, 'My God! That's terri· ble! You must have been late to a lot of games.' Well. I thought about that. The truth is, I missed a lot of buses, maybe a plane or two . Had to catch cabs. But I was never late for a game." Mickey Mantle is coming to the end of his 50th year. He will be 51 in October. It is a pleasant and curious time In his llfe . He has made his home In Dallas for 25 years, yet he lives so quietly that when people see him In the airport or on the street. they think he \S In town for a banquet. His home In an expensive suburb is paid for, a home complete with pool, cabana, hummingbird feeder and trophy room. His wife, Merlyn, stiU a stunning blonde, designed the trophy room, which features enough photos of Mantle wtth celebrities to make a New York restaurant owner weep. An astute Dallas lawyer named Roy True shaped up Mickey's business affairs after Mick lent his name to a series o( dea!s in the 1960's that eventually went sow. He earns more money today than he ever did In his New York prime, and he made $100,000 a year during his last seven years In baseball. (With a nod toward today's megabuck salaries, he laughs and says, "Yeah, If you hit .270 now, I guess you get to name your price.") These days, a big chunktof the Mantle Income Is paid by Reserve l.Jfe lnswance Company, a Dallas ftrm. What he does for them falls Into the some· what elastic category called public relations - mostly appearing at sales meetings and delivering motivational speeches to the staff. Mantle once put out a record on batting tips for Utt1e l.eagucm, and the company ordered a quarter million for thetr agents to pass out to clients. He also owns~ In· terat In Smatoga Wam, an American rival of Per· lier, and does special appearances for Anheuser· Bu9ch Natural Light beer. He Is especially excited about his newest venture: Martin, Ford and Mantle are partners In e Da11as-based oll-drllling company called Diamond 7 -Mickey's old number, Mantle has no complaints and no regrets, he says over and over, but tf you ask him tf he Is doing By ffitckey He<akowltz . at 50 what he thought he would be doing, he says, while relaxing In his trophy room: "l don't know. I never thought about not playing baseball. H I could still be playing baU, I would. rm not bragging, but ( think l was born to play baU. That's the truth. My dad had it planned o ut; he named me before I was born. Mickey Mantle. He thought that was a ballplayer's name " (The "Mkkey" was for legen- dary A's catcher Mickey Cochrane.) Outside of Babe Ruth, tt was the best baseball name ever Invented . And just as summer follows spring, Mantle foUowed Ruth, Gehrig and DiMag- gio as a pin-striped Yankee folk hero. The pride of Commerce, Okla., was the classic home run hitter, the strongest and fastest fellow ever to hit from both sides of the plate. He once hlt a ball 565 feet. Ten times he hit homers left-handed and right-handed In the same game. And In his youth, when he ran Uke a truck cascading brakeJess down a hill, he could make It to first In an astonishing 3.2 seconds. No one hits home runs every day In this world, but few hit them farther or with more flair than dk:I Mantle. He failed often enough to be human (his lifetime average eventually dipped under .300), but I,, ~ bar one night, IMantle described the dteam to an analyst. The analyst spun around in his seat and said, "My God! That's terrible!" ' • he brought people to the park and he gave them thrills. He was the last Yankee to win the Triple Crown. That was In 1956 when he led the league In batting average ( .353), home runs (52) and runs batted in (130). He hit a total of 18 home runs ln the World Series to break a record held by Babe Ruth, and he says, "I think that will last awhile, because nobody else ts goln' to be In 12 World Series his fint 15 years." Beginning his big-league career at age 19, he played In more games as a Yankee than anybody else, 2.401 -237 more than Lou Gehrig. But the quality that made him Mickey Mantle was this: No one ever played harder or better or longer on one leg. His strength enabled him to compete when lesser men had to stay In the pits for repairs. In a twist of fate no satpt writer would dare In· vent, Joe DiMaggio and Willie Mays were involved In a single play that nearly ended Mantle's career before It even began. For sure, the play cost him a few seasons off the end of his career and may have kept him from NWrittng the record book. "h was the Set1es In '51," he recalls, .. and Mays hit a pop fly. I was In right 6eld. ~ In center. As soon as the ball came off the bat, 1 knew there was no way Joe could get to It, so I really moved. Just before l got there, l heard Joe say, 'I got It.' He was camped under It. l put on the brakes and the back spikes of my right foot caught on the rubber cover of a sprinkler had. Thts bone here" -Man- tle put a hand on hls right kneecap -~sticking out to here." If there ts a sadness to Mantle's career, It can be summed up In the phrase, ''what might have bMn" -what mGhl have been had he not spent most of his carur cooted wtth ltnlmant and swathed In ban- dages. "You tbJnk I haven't thought about It a few times?"' he says. "You ... Roee playing.at 41 and Gaylord Peny tdl pitching at 43 •••• MUILIJ ond Mays end Aon>n got to play Into their 40'•. I was over~ hlll at 34. I wondlr If f d be up at tM top of 10me Of tho.c "-' If J had played that Jono. But I can\ dwell on that .... I try to think about how lucky I am , all the good things that ~· •• ~-, Ma..t~ ....... -., l lllC:l(ll~ ~lfl'l.ll (connnuedJ • ll I j Montie and hb wife ofl!JO yeas, Merlyn, In the irophy room she designed. Then one day it was all over. "They moved me tcTflrst base In '68," he ys. "I thought I could just go on, laying on one leg like I had been. t I couldn't go from first to third ymore. I couldn't get a hit when I nted to. h was no fun at all." He was 36 years old and had spent his life in a Yankee uniform . lbere ls an underlying seriousness en he answers friends who ask If e would have done anything differ· rntly, "Yes. if I had known l was going olive this long, I'd have ta.ken better ~of myself." His father, grandfather and two mcles died of Hodgkin's disease. "I hink rm the first Mantle male that nade It past 40," he says. For most of 1ls career. he was haunted by the fear hm he was doomed to die young. nen he woke up one morning and . ound that he was 40 years old and : till alive. and he stopped worrying. A race of the Ulness was found in Billy. he third of his four sons, all of whom .re grown now. but medication keeps , under control. Mantle retired with 536 home runs, vee Most Valuable P1ayer awards . nd the scars from four knee opera- : ons. He is still bim, even though his 1 ~lcQy HeBkowltt I• a Houllon·based sportl f'umnlflt and, with former major t.aguer Bob ,.:Irv, co·outhor o/ 1he new book'Catcher In • Wy (Putnam) exercise is limited mainly to riding a golf cart. (Playing every day that he's not traveling. Mick has a six·stroke handicap.) "There's no cartilage or Ii· gaments in that knee," he says. "h's kinda like bone sitting on bone. If I overdo things. It's like a bad toothache." ln a way, Mantle seems as popular today as when he played, a belated recognition perhaps that the factory doesn't tum out his kind of model anymore. "I'm not a milUonaire," he says. "but I live like one. l do pretty good just messin' around. And people still fuss over me. I get scrapbooks in the mall that they kept when I was playing. The ones who were kids then are running the country now. They have their own companies. You'd be surprised the letters I get. telling me they named their sons after me." A few years back, when Mickey was heavily involved in the personal- appearance scene, showing up at malls and such for $3.500 a crack, a New Jersey housewife pa.Id him just to shqw up at her husband's 4-0th birthday perty. When he saw his .spe- cial gift. It's said the man began to ay. He misses base~, the Yankees. being 19 with two good legs. But Mickey Mantle likes what he Is and he loves being 50 -especially when he considers the altemlltlve. And maybe, one of these cUiys, In his dreams, 1'9111 he'll beat that throw to ftrst base. .., University-Based Diet Releas~ for only $ 2 until Sept30th· •.•. (this is not a misprint) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Melts Away More Fat Each Day Than 2 Hours Jogging, Plus Going Home And Doing 600 Push-Ups! As part of an advertising test authorized by Instant Improvement, Joe., we will send a full 14 Day Sup- ply of "The University-Based Diet-Pill Program" to every reader who responds to this notice before Midnight. Sept. 30th for the sum of $2 pJus SI shipping and postage. There is no further monetary obliga- tion. With this Diet-Pill-Program you can sWt to shrink' evety fat cell in your body in as linle as hours -in the first two days alone lose as much as one pound of excess fat, flab and fluid every 8 hours, wale up u much as 3 pounds slimmer the very next morning ... watc h your waistline deflate down as much as one full siz.c in just one day ... and then as you continue to lose:, day by day, as much as 10 lbs. in 7 days and four full sii.es in just fourteen days. This advertising test is being done simultaneously in other publi· cations. If you sec it in more than ooc publication. please let us know when you order. In medically-controlled exper- iments with similar programs, obese patients lost 6 pounds in 48 hours, and a loss of 10 pounds in 7 days was not unusual. Depending on bow overweight you are to st.art, total losses of 30. 40 or SO pounds are not unlikely. This means that a siz.e 20 dress comes down to siz.e 12. 10 or even 8. Why? Because this documented Diet-Pill-Program actually turns your body's fat-build-up 11ystcm UPSIDE DOWN -creates such a catabolic calorie def'ach that your body rums intO a ''Fat-Blowtorch" and melts down more fat than if you swam ovu 2 hours the first day, ran over an bout and a half the next ca.y . . . bicycled from one tOwn to the nexttbo third city~ •• or did hundreds of push-up; no1Htop the veiy next ... and 10 on, every aiinJle day. 10 do this, of coune. u you know, &his propam bas a bi&h-a;peed diet that lowers caloric inlakc essen- tial to the reduction of body weight. Such results cannot be obtained through the use of the pills alone. of course, since they are designed solely to tum off your hunger lust, that overwhelming desire to gorge yourself fat -and tum it off like you'd tum off the switch on a run- away car. These arc not starch- bloclcers, and have been found by an advisory panel of medical doctors to tbe Food and Drug Administration to be "safe and efficacious". See your own doctor first. of course. And if you have high blood pressure. heart disease, diabetes or thyroid malfunc- cion, use only as he directs. Is it worth this bother, even at this advertising-test price? The an- swer is simple. Imagine yourself with up to 6 inches off your hips ... 3 inches off your thighs ... 4 inches off your buttocks ... 6 inches off your stomach ... 6 inches off your waistline. Starting in just hours. lbe.re i5 • limit of one order per address; but if your order is received on time. you may receive a full ZS-day supply for only $4 plus S 1. SO for handling and shipping. A signed endorsement by one of America's mo5t famoU5 physicians -the au· thor of31 books-will be sent wJth your order. But orders ~ived that are postm~ aftu Sept. 30th will be returned unopened. There ls alM> a fuU mbney-back guarantee a1 any time. Send your name .nd ~" (please pritJt) wtcb che appropriaae sum to U Inc: .. 301 Hen)y S1 .• Oepl. \J.0 .-12, Llndet)huf1t, N. Y. 117.57. Propor1ion Tailored '" PETITE, AVERAGE and TALL ... Even WOMEN'S SIZES! HABAND GFOR~ 215 North 9th Sh'Ht PllteNOn, NJ 07530 ¢ NEW COLORS JUSTIN/ See Yourse(f In all the FaslaiOn Colors you don't ,.,.,e yetll PAIRS of Ladies Knit SLACKS Don't look now, but your last year's slacks will be strictly "Out of Style" this season I This year's new colors, new textures. and better fit are softer, more charming, and definitely different. All New/ All Exciting/ You'll like them better from a mile away I But Don't Worry! You don't have to pay the going SIS, S27, or S35 per pair to get in on the fun! Right here, right now, you can have the shopping party of your Ufe with Haband's unique direct mail order service and scoop even the savviest high rice designers! ~~~ ~&----..;:;;,,~/ L:uxury "Remi" Texture I • * And You Get 3 or 4 Pairs for the Price of One I • Gentle clasoc N~RolJ S+r-c+c-h WBJSt that~ on easily. moves when you do. never binds! • Built-in INbEUBLE CREASE is stitched m for the life of the slacks! • 100f4 Pmnanmt Prat NO IRON Wub a w~. • 1~ Long WMnng polyester doubleknttal SEEING IS BELIEVING! Haband sells more than a million pairs of Ladies' Fashion Knit Slacks just this way every season, and we would be proud to show you what we can do, AT ONCE, AT HOME, IN YOUR SIZE & AT NO RISK I Choose ANY 3 COLORS/ 111t ~ Even at Haband. you know. the faYOrite Fashion Colon HABAND For Her 265 North 9th Street. Patenon, N.I. 075l0 Y11 ! Pleue teod me __ pun of t..sin Knit SIKlcs for which J encloee my reminanct of S ptus S l. 7.5 IOwvd P'*aac and handllna. --------....---..,......, HOT TOffiATOES! peppercorns. cloves and pickling spice In· to a cheesecloth bag. and add to tomato puree Snr 1n brown sugar. vinegar. salt. papnka and cayenne Heat to boiling. reduce hear and simmer wry slowly. un covered, about 11/2 tu 2 hours. stirring now and then 10 prevent sticking. 4. Remove the spice bag Ladle hot ket chup mto dean. hot, 51eri112ed pint ,an. to within 'I• inch from the top Adjust lid!. Process 1n a bolling water bath fo1 10 minutes Mokes about 7'11 pints By ffiQrilyn HQNen Destined for distinction are these two spicy and succulent tomato recipes. TOffiATO CHUTNEY 7 CUJ>ll (31/J lbs.) peeled. seeded and dJced llnn·npe lomaton 4 cups (1 lb.) peeled. diced. cored ran appln I 1mall lemon, thinly sliced 2 cup• dark, seedles1 raisin• ~ cup peeled. allvered glngn-rool I cup finely chopped onion I tabl"P<>On minced garlic 2 cup9 cider vinegar 3 cups pa.eked Ught brown tugat I cvp light com ayrup J 'h teupoons sah 'I• teupoon ground cayenne pepper I 4-lnch stick cinnamon 11't cup diced plmi~to J. In a large Stock pot Durch oven or deep skillet. combrne tomaroes. apples, lemon, raisins gmgerroot onion garlic, vinegar, brown sugar, com syrup, salr cayenne and cinnamon suck 2. He4't muuure to b.11ltng s11mng unlll sugar d1SSO!ves Tum off heat and allo"" to cool I hour or so to plump up the fruu 3. Return mixture to bo1hn9 , reducll ho?at and simmer. uncovered. about l hour o r until fruit is tender and l1qu1d is syrupy and thickened !Syrup will thicken further as 11 cools J Remove cinnamon snck Add p1· m1ento heat 1us1 to borhng 4. FUI hot stenltZed pint iars to within about t • mch from the rop w11h hot chut ney. ad1ust lids Process ~lied 1ars 10 minutes 1n boiling water bath Moke.s obout 5 prnlti TOffiATO KETCHUP 8 lbr.. npe lomatoee. pt>elt'd, ~ and diced l lb. lwHt Spanlth onion•. llnt'ly chopped 2 largl! gTem bl!ll peppen, 1e..ded and chopped 2 latge clovee garllc. minced I 3-lnch Mick cinnamon I teaspoon whole black peppncoms J lt'upooTI who~ dollft 1 leM900n mlud pickling 1plce 1 cup pKked dark brown 1119111 J 1;. cupt cider vinegar J tablespoon aah 2 teaspoons papdk11 1;. teaspoon ground cayenne pepper 1. Combme the tomatoes, onions, green peppeys and garlic in a stock pot or Dutch oven and cook slowly until tender. abo\11 45 minutes Stir every once In a while to prevent sticking 2. Process mixture a httle at a time In the food processor, using the metal chopping bli!!de. until pweed Press pureed mixture through a fine sieve or food mUI to remove 31J seeds and any remaining skin.~ 3. Tum pureed and skwed mixture Into a Slock pot ~ Dutch oven Tie ctnMmon. FAMILY W1£Kl.Y. AUOU-11&. 1982 • 11 advercteement . 1 Million PAC-MANNPendants Made of Solid 14 Karat Gold To Be Sold for only 55 apiece In Mammoth Publicity Drive AU who wish to apply for a pendant should write to the company bejore Midnight, Sept. 16, 1982 NEW YORK-One million official PAC-MAN '"' Pendant Charms. composed entfrcly of solid 14 karat gold, will be sold as part of a publicity campa ign for only $5 apiece to the first one million persons who apply in writing to the company before Midnight. September 16. 1982. Designated as official PAC-MAN Pendants. they are licensed by the creators of the phenome- na ll y successful PAC-MAN elec- troni c video game that has been sweeping the country. The pendants arc designed to be wo rn by both males a nd females. They arc fashioned in the hke- nc~s of the famous PAC-MAN .. gobbler.. and composed en- tirely of solid 14 ka rat go ld . The c official PAC-Ml\' pen- dant) wall not be )Old 10 anv ~tore. The onl y way to obtaa~ one 1s to a pply rn wrr11ng to the company address (below) not la ter than Midnight. Sept. 16. 1982. Requests will be honored in the order they arc received. Each pendam carries a mone)' baclc guarantee. And a Certifi- cate of Authenticity attesting to the gold contents. purity and official status of each PAC-MA1' Pendant will be included. Rcqucsb which arc mailed early enough (before Sept. 7) will also receive a matching 14K gold elec troplate chain-free of ~ charge-on which to wear each = PAC-MAN Pendant Charm. ~ ~ To apply for a 14 karat gold g PAC·M AN Pendant. Mail your i name and address. (tognhn ~ k'lfh this original prmtednotice) ~ and SS plus SI shipping and f handling for each pendant to: ~ PA<"-MA~ Pendant Offer. Dept. ~ 603-95, Box 25'. Jericho, New - York 11753. ~ e tlMl2 AAC. LIO (A 70610) : A. Ala•b Blad& Dla•olHI Stunning Alaska Black Diamond with a genuine Alaska Gold Nugget to accent the natural beauty of this stone S 18. 95 8 . Ala•ba Conl Who could believe such a warmth of color could be produced in the icy waters off the Alaska Coast! S l 8. 95 C • .lade The translucent beauty of Alaskan jade, blended with the powt-r of the eagle, makes this a truly wondrous piece. SI 4 95 O. lvoyY The variety of colors in Alaskan ivory make a perfect medium for our scrimshaw artists, as you can see by the whimsical fox shown hert' S2 t . 95 ---------YESI Ru.sh Me eddace(a). I understand I can return my purchue wtthln 30 days for a full refund If not 100"'-aattsfted. Pk-Print Clearly Name Address ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Sta1e Zip 11 .. m . Qty. OncrtpOon Toca! Shlpplnl It lwodl!ine 11. 50 Tou.IAmwn1 .... .._of P~t I P.ymttit Encloeed (Sonv. no C00'1) r V1SA ,.... M1t11«rCard Cr-~ltC..rd 00000000000000000 EaptraUonD.tte ----- ~'No. (AU °'l'U) .... to:MAGE.m ...... • • MSW•S_. • AM: .... 1All9'MI ....,.. .................. eea-.~ ..... ....._. .......... ...... ............................................... School Shots; ffiote Ha1m than Good? 8y ffilcho.el D'Antonlo D PT. The letters stand for diph- theria, pertussis and tetanus, three diseases that were often lethal for chUdren of past generations. Today. the DPT vaccine - a series of five shots administered between 3 months of age and school entry -has all but eliminated the risk of these chtldhoocl nightmares. But some doctors are starting to wonder if the vaccine for pertussis, commonly ~own as whooping cough. Is more risky than the actual disease. ln Britain , West Germany and some Scandinavian countries, parents are no longer required to have children vaccinated against pertussis before they enter school. Medical authorities in Europe have Isolated the pertussis component in the DPT inoculation, blaming It for serious brain damage and lesser brain-related conditions -such as shock and con- vulsions -found in thousands of vaccinated children. Millions of Euro- pean children have not been vac- cinated. (n the U.S .. school systems in most states still require the DPT series. ln fact, every year hundreds of unvac- cinated 6-year-olds are sent home on the first day of class and barred from school until they bring proof of vac- cination. Court cases have upheld laws requiring the shots, aq,d for more than a generation parents have rou- tinely sought the inoculations. ln most cases. the shots are harmless. But re- cent media focus on the exceptions - cases of crippled and brain-damaged children -now has many parents alarmed about the DPT vaccine. Scott Grant ls one of the excep· tlons. Vaccinated in 1961, Scott suf- fered a severe reaction to the shot. ..He literally wilted before our eyes," his mother, Marge Grant, sadly remembeTS. The brain damage, which Scott's doctors say was caused by the vllCClne, has left him Immobile and mentally retarded. What makes the DPT controversy a quandary for parents ls the danger of pertussis. The disease starts with symptoms similar to the common cold. But as weeks go ~ the cough and congestion get so bad that chll· dren struggle to breathe (tht lnhala· MkYIOf/ O'Antonlo II o freelance umi.r · ~oll.rtrvl '" cim.nJ offon . U • l'AMllY WEE<.t.Y, ~t 19, 1112 tlon of air sounds like a whoop). And the bronchial system becomes so Irritated from coughing that pneu- monia Is easily contracted. Before the DPT vaccine was developed In the 1930's, whooping cough was a killer. And some survivors suffered brain damage and convulsions. '1t is tragic that events such as brain damage may occur as a result of per· tussis vaccination," says Dr. Walliam H. Foege, director of the Federal Government's Centers for Disease Control in Atlan1a. "However, we must all remember that pertussis itself causes complications more severe than these and may cause death." The scientists studying the pertussis vaccine have little conclusive evl· dence of its side effects. For years. aytng spells that develop on the day the shot is glven were considered lnslgnlf\cant. Today some doctors believe ·they are evidence of a neurological reaction to the shot. And the manufacturers of the vaccine now recommend that children with such reactions do not receive further shots. A st~dy on DPT offeps by re- searchers at the University of Califor- nia, the ftrst such study to be done In the U.S. in 25 years, found that one In 13 vaccinated ehlldren suffers per· ststent, piercing crying spells the day after receiving a DPT Injection. Because the ftrst three shots are given to children when they are sUll wtder 1 year old. they can't explain the ex.act nature of their dlstrese. However. the aylng ts usually occompenled by a fever ond drowsiness. Some u;pats theome the aylng la du. to slight ""'"""'*'' NATIONWIDE SHOPPER CATALOGUE SER VICE CENTER SA VE MONEY! SA VE TIME, ENERGY AND POST AGE! F R E E aaQVUT YOU& CATALOGUES TODAY! You can enjoy nours or shopp1no •n your own1'1ome, at your leisure They are all FREE! 1f you requested these catalogues individually from each company, 1hey would cost vou from 20C to $3 00 each Use Iha NATIONWIDE SHOPPER'S Catalogue ServlC8. ano SAVE' All you pay o& a small amount for postage ano handhng Catalog~ can otle< you a worlds worth of vanety. Cho•ce and convenience. Fond a special gift. something tor the house. Qarden. a new outfit. and en1ov the ell.tnl sav1n~ yo1,.11 nave when you shOp by mail. To request the catalogues ot yo1J1 choice, use 1he Catalogue Service Request Form on ltus p.191t. ~llA'$ A.l..A&KA.M OAIGIMAL sweatw pan.ms & kola. More than 32 Qf"1g1nal Alaskan animals ano acenes, children & youth oes1gns available Shopped anywl'lere 789 MllERICAN HANOICAAfTS kits ot all kinds. neeolework rugs. atohans. ano craft kll ai>O supplies. oecoui>- age. macrame, m~. 173 EMTIE.APAIU ART. buy-crafr supplies hulk ano save• Spec1ah11ng 1n tieaos ano p1as11c grids 3St HEAfiiCHNEAS.. INC. Color cata· logue featuring comp1e1e kits for kn11t1ng crocheting erno101dery st•tcnery rug making ano Qu•1t1n9 181 LEE WARDS Cratt-t-kl-ts-00c--o-r-at1ve 9111cnery suPPl•es yarn 1nread roo· bons beads more 1'5 PUNS PATTERNS 'N THINGS tor the woodworker ch1ldrens toys big al"O small. birdhouses swings cabinets 1n ano outooor furn•ture decora11ve Items. also bric!\ bar- beque Olfdbath and more 555 PLATYPUS COUECTION Oul standing new panerns ond k•ts ror cloth dol s toys s11tchero&$ sew Stull QU•ll C8181()9vt! includes pat- tern for soil V1CIOl1an poncush1on bO> 782 PftlSM GLASS. Malle a Tiffany IBmPShade lrom a 1\11 Ei13y on slr1JCt1ons Cast resin piece$ from an or19m8l gl.ass pattern lightweoght 50"<o cheaper Money b&Ck guar- antee 799 AOUSSELS. Wholesale cratt sur:>- phe& at closeout prices Super !or all cralt lovers excellenl lor tund raising. cnurch naza.ars etc 7116 TANDY LEATMEA CO Everyth•ng for the perr.on who en1oys wor1<1no w•lh leather -its maleroal toots aiso 1ea1her ror upholstery 091 HARRIS STAMPS. FREE book wlln foreign stamp approval service Buy any•none return ll'le balance and cancel me service anytime 79' NUMISMA TtC COLLECTORS GUILD, INC. For 1nves101s ano col- lectors. they nave d1scon1.nveo U S mint coins Many worth 100Qtl, their lace vallifl Many over 100 years old 155 ------snAllNG HOUSE Norman Roc~­ well collectoble plates figuun&s and other spec•&I co11ect1ble •tams at very reasonable procn 215 EDDIE 8AUEA CUua1 and cias· src clothing. spor1swear Exc•usilfil lifle or down clothing and sloop1ng bags also outdoor gear and equip- ment 044 FUNWEA" 8AANDS Leather j8cketa etc . 1eans roo1wear hats western and outdoor wear tor men and wo· men large setechon 114 GO TO SHEl!'.P Hand-made shHt:>- skln proovcts -shoes. bGo!S. slip- pers. cer & bike aeai.. 11ckata, vHts. hats. rugs Mon'1, wo"1en·s a ch11- dren·111291 111 .. MIU.ER STOCKlllEN. Complete select!()() of Westemweer tor the wt>ole fam1ty C1ott11ng. boolt. n.tts. llC()MS()fl" 788 SHEPl.ER'S INC. Wes1ern wear aoo accessones tor men ano women. 1M .._.s Fasa.a.a ... aon BELOF'FSI Hall ano larger sozes ClllSSlc --11 taslorecl. CTo"-m.i will pleaw you• • 7ea BIG FOOT£ SHOES Comfort. style & auallty in larger sizes sh081I al"d boots for womel". Soies 9-13 AAAA· EEE n5 HIU BROS. Footwear in ClllSSIC de- signs. e•c•t1"9 shapes lu~unous leathers 'oil suedes Direct from tne ractory Over 180 •~•••able sizes. over 300 selections 1M OLO PUEBLO TRADERS Fashions ral"g1ng !torn mossy ano peflle 10 re-gular ano nalf Shoes accessoroes and novelty 11ems 1M AOAMANS Smart. lash•onable c1othon9 maoe espec1allv for the 1arge s•~e woman Fla11011ng and VIII· ie priced dress coa1s l1ngefle loundallons Sores 12'·r26', 36-00 also w1oe snocs ano boots 4t8 THE TAU. COLLECTION Fabutl)uS setect1on 01 lashoons • proponoonad ror womon 5 7" and over• Sporrs wear dresse' 1eans coats 1tnger1e ano more 1n tall sizes 10 to 26. root· wear to l3AAA 192 TME-VUIY TlilNGI Clolh•ng ior the oeach al"O othor recreation as well as sttect lash1ons Also nccessom1s ano goft items 794 UNIQUE Pf.TITE. peMe 1ash1ons for the woman 5 4" and under :;1Les 2- 16 Very bog setectlon of clotnong and acce&sones 322 Ungerte B. & 8. LINGERIE co Masltc· tomces. Maren your natural f1guro w1rn new or east form Coo• comlorl-aote 1nc .. pent1ve 758 frH E NIGHT CLUB Womens Euro· ooan 1ongeroe and n19n twear eJcOllC Frencn oras end otner super sensual creauons 4111 ST. MICHEL·s has tresh and laou· to•~s bOul•Que lasn.ona -soft wlly r11gh1gowns sensuous 19001ea hn· gerie lor tooay·s women' Ptut all rne roghl accessortes 420 Food • CUllury BENECH FARMS ~ ALMADEN Calllorn1a·s linost dried frul!s. grower 01rec1. cooking snack•ng. comp1no Procna loavos vttamins 1n aprico!S. pears neeta11nes Ding cnerroes. 111111 mix. and more 753 MISSION OR'CiiiADS Color ca1a- 1o0ue of lal"Cy fru1t1 Special Crown Com1ce pears, also mMts OM NUTAIDOE FA.RMI FHlurong dell· c1ovs Calllornl1 Almonds and Wal· nut g1fl Pack11 ' 764 PAllSTIR'I Pfc.AHi 2' page color cataloguo ot 11ncy pe~n• for all OCC41alons 417 SWlis CHl&M IHO~. color bro- chure 01 glf\1, 20 var1et1et Of bulk ch ..... new en .... spread•. T)'t0- 1 .. n l'lllfa. 111 .J j• '• I I ! ,, I' i f I' ' '• ' ! • I .. ,, l \If' ·:, , I \l(. ·~.' .jt ..... ' .. I li; I Iv I . ,1, JI: r 1ti1)•t· '· 1r 1 '1 • r ,,1•>'• 1 ' •• ,, ,,, ,. 1, ,, j( t I !\ I'\ lo i I' ' ' I , I 1 I j ' WIWAMS SONOMA The catalogue tor cflef1. All types of cooking. bak- ing uten511s. 58flng d1snes. spices and foods 108 WIN SCHUL.ER'S Featuring selected cheeses. snacks. goft packs. Famous tor bar ch-uMd 1n many fine res- taur11nts and on many a1rtine flights 093 ----------~ wtSCONSIN CHEESBIAN 96 page cotor catalogue Of gilts: cneeses - canaMtS -meats -nuts and paatnes. O&t EMPEROR CLOCK COMPANY Build your own h81tloom with beauti- ful Oo-11-YourseJI \~" hardwood Granolather clock k•ts 488 EHEAGY·SAYEA PAOOUCTS. 44 page cet.llogue of 1nvent1V'e ene<gy· saving products. Contains deU111ed 1nlonna11on on earning a 1 S'llo fedefal tu credrL lrems such as dimmer switches. Wllller ~. solara>olleta.. A D. ASSOCIATES. 7912 OAROENWAY CARTS roll el!Slly 8lfta over any terrain. carry up to a400 lb 1oao 1n one easy trip, saving 11me1nd ALI...AN"S Pl.ACE spec1allt1ng in over steps, av111Bble 1n 3 sizes 320 500 of nature$ pro<>ucts sea shells, ICIR8-Y "''" .. ""'•TR• lte-• to ... k coral. tropical 111t plants. drtf1wood ".__,....., .. _ ~~~ sea hie. shark's teeth. ats and unique S1an11ally reduce your wetlt< Dills, iewelry rtom1. 75' Shower heaos. sink and totlet o~ Vlcel 900 MTlST1C CWEl W <:Mme TS types of penonaliz.ed atllUon8fY, and OUT C'IF TME W0008 Round and tabelS Wf1f1 name, lldl11'95s city, etc flat lop cne.ta, l'letrtooms and Persona11ied key cna1ns luggage cc.llect•bles ot tomotrow. 7U tags and greeting cards 75' PEST ..f"AEEI New. ultra-sonic. clcc· BAYVIEW MYRTLEWOOD MFG. tron1c devise IS sc1enl1flcatty proven The wor1d·s oldest al"dlargest myrt· 10 eUm1n1te rats. m•ce. roaches ants 1ewooo operation, estat.hsheo 1911 aoo other insocts permal"ently Not Many items for nome ano ofloee plus nanmlul to humans. dogs. ca1s unique carvinga No eoua1 to the d•s· horses. or other animals. 918 llncttve beavty of lhoa world-class SHOP.AT-HOME·SERVICES manu· hardword 457 11cturer of un1Que lace. fabric ano CHEGWIDDON GIFTS ..... S tate lake fur Items Tablecloths. bedsp· Map .. notepaper A.Oaoro flower ar· reads. placemal'5. Chnstma,s tace a ranger magrc 1arrip ftariter" are soecoalty Aeady-maoe ano do-it· loatured in oata1og1.1e o dehghtlully yourself kits 228 Ootlorent 9olts " 843 SOBOL HOUSE Quality furniture up HARRIET CARTE.A Large se1ec11on to 45"111 oll retail Famous names 01 •tems at 1l"e1<~ns1ve pr•ces Color Tllomasv111e. Century Broyhill fn- AMERICAN HEAL TH ... vas. direct by mall, hearing 1ld balterlft at ooscount prices. Duracell the sound battery. sav1l"gs ~-3~. all popular sizes Arso olscounl nearing aids and service 3eO CONTEST HOTLINE NEWSLETITA Yl>IJ can De a winner learn abOIJI the sweepstak&S ano contest otrers open to you, tis-on h<WI to'*'°· lntorma.-tiol" on becoming 1 subscrroer 2911 OtMCT MAGAZINE, 11 you~ Oy mail ous ~ •••or you! Whal·s available. beaunful coror sp1'1141ds. stones. articles. money saving coupans. more. 341 DA. 908'5 l TD. utter Sweet litter boJt 84dmve A concentralltd powdet tl'lat eliminates ammonia odors. ones httsf'. Satel Reuse otd lotter up 10 10 times SS& BERYOlllE. Wle GAME. tnousanos of dollars Of valuable prrzw to evMyone wno plays tl'le game Get proof WALSHMAN PUBLISHING 797 otiiNl-VEST_l_NC-.-M-o-re_c_o_v_e_r_a_g_e tor less Example. 40 year old mile 1n good nealth c1n get S250.000 ann11a1 renewable Ille insurance for only S320 a y•ar 911 A OU-SSE LS Close out 1ewetry for as hllle u 55C a dozen lufld r&1S1ng pnzes gifts party favors 912 THOMPSOH C.OAR factory fresh Cl· gars d1rectty from Tampa n111on·a fine cigar capital, more than 100 dlf· rer9fll cusiom-macte cigars Quality cigars factory direct. 30CI -------cntalogue 27' sureo. deltvereo to your door 18th Century reprooucuons mooern sec-.. ft MAii HENNIKER'S Unique g1fta. ad· 1ionals, pt1tlorm bed' Satosfact1on -. vanced electronics, home accesao· guaranteed 71! Sports roes. travel aids, automouve 1tams TWIN OAKS HAMMoCl<S -Hand· QAHOEA MOUNTAIN INC. Oi'\- mtty gadgets Afiordable. Free gilt ft count--' c1mp1ng. hunttn~, llShlnn, with order m era ad nammocks. hano1ng cha•rs ""' ,, oak and ropo furniture 759 oackpack1no supplies. ootwe11. JOAN COOK UnuJl)8t and speco811y clotnong. guns. loa.cl1ng equip. ll03 1tern~ for g111s and nome A lot of Office and luslneu leedl GOLF DAY 50 page color catalogue ima91na11on goos onto product sel~ l!LIN UNI FOR Ml llctory d1tect cat· of golfing spartawear clubs QOlf l•on alogue ol worll clothing and 1ndust· Dalis grrps. etc Aepa11 ind manual UNCOLH HOUSE Gilts. candles 8/10 r•al uniforms available wuh custom catalogue gives 01rections for at>oul s11111onery at 25"4.~ oll reoular 1ener1ng ror Dus1neM and personal 55 club repairs and hst& 1100 parts ret&JI prices Free sh1pp1no ~ 1dentot1eatoon 130 and matcr1a1s 03$ POOLES FIFTH AYE. Genuine F1DMY PRODUCTS Horne1of11ce TOOLS Eme111d Ruby Diamond 14K Gold oustness suppllos and CQu1pmen1. 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Use fl'l1a form to requett tl''tt catalOOuet ot your choice lrom ••QU.,,•T 1 Oil ft. thOM reviewed here. Jl3t circle lhe number on this form tn111 -•" COOPER LEWTER HYPNO••s m1tcnn tne number found at ttie right ot ttt• 11st1ng. and we ALL AND USB -will request the catelogves tor you To d•fray tl'le cost or L., J CENTER mu1t1-d1sc1p11nary ap-poetaoe and "•ndltng, plelse encloM the amount v1ven for ON a p1oacn 10 preventative ind correc· the number ot catalogues you arv NQu8Stl11g, PC)l1'AGB f•ve nealln. ca.sseue programs for -• ... ,, weoont loss. stop smoking. ous 1ne Po51iige •M Hanrthng 1·10 CallllogUft S1.CICI • • ...,...- oar ellllm. rel1X.at•on s1nns spons. Chart t t4S ca~ $2.00 MAIL TODAY! ano OlhOrs 303 it-60 ca...... H.00 DELAINE PRODUCTS. FAEEsam-----------------------..... pllt mo•stunztng or1111me1 New u1n 035 093 186 230 303 360 •87 75• 764 791 900 cream woth collagen e1as11n end 10-0•1 108 192 238 305 370 488 /55 767 792 903 jObt hOIPS light &gmg lines. rrt01&turt ~ lSS l96 2•9 320 3g:} 555 756 nS" 7lM 908 loss. proteci. ega1na1 dryness Keeps skill soft and supp1e1 645 ()&) 181 199 276 322 41& &34 758 781 796 911 JOHNSON cH1AOP111Acnc oRP 082 165 ~15 m 3-81 •19 643 759 78$ 191 s12 nelp for back. sponal problems and 084 173 216 299 358 420 645 760 786 798. 1113 stress The b&ckaw1ng prov1das in· 09t 194 226 300 35g •57 753 782 789 799 916 t1rm11tent 1ny!hm11tc cracuon 1n your hOm4I ?oflable fOlda for ator9ge )06 Plea"' teQ~t trw.i. cal'll09~ !or me E;ncloaed rs S to help cover INOIANA BOTANIC GAfltDlNI p &H COits 0 CASH 0 CHECK 0 MONEYOROER Amenca·s oldest tupplier of botanr-CAT.t.1.0GV& Name ctl•.moretha111500~.i.aa.011a. =El apice&. vft1mln1. bffuty and helllrn Addreta product.a. All in at0Ck-lowl1Ct0tyd;. City__ Stal.a ___ z1,p. __ _ rtlOt pn<lft. OIO NA'T'Uiiiii 11000 CUflWRS .. tab-A tfiel 11Jb1C'1Ptlon lo tne NATIONWIDE SHOPPER. t"8 grea1 matl-order u.n~ 111 1m.~1.ioou.1 .. tut .. th• publl~tlon. conta1n1ng hundreds of 1pec:1al oltors and bU)'t. ra Included 111gn .. t qvalfty ancs bell valuo tor,,... w11h yovr oat1togue requeat order. to receive your 1ssut1 .... here. 0 tural v1tam1n1. m111ar1111. 1'14tt tth lld• aries l)ef'BOnal ~ra proavota 370 L!'.!!J..!'!! l. L! !!!!! ~~C:.., ~~ ~~·~:!.:,. ~1!_ _.. More tits VOs More Its slender.Its more you. INOCULATIONS (continued) damage to the nervous system. but the connection has not been proven. The statistics developed by studies here and abroad are critical in the DPT debate. The study crted above also found thai one in 700 children who received the vaccine suffered convulsions or went into shock. Foreign studies found that serious brain damage. causing severe retarda- tion and motor disabUity. occurs in one of every 50,000 rec1p1ents. Bri tain and Japan now have nauonal programs to compensate thousands of children who suffered serious side effects due to DPT. The State of CaU- fomia has now begun its own com pensation program. but so far only one chUd has been compensated. The statistics related to whoop- ing cough are also fnghtening In 1934 more than a quarter million cases of the disease were reported. and more than 7,500 chUdren were killed by it. Anal figures have not been oompiled, but the Govem.ment estimates there were fewer than 2. 000 cases of pertus'5is last year, and six deaths. Proponents of the vaccine say that without it th.e nation risks a return to whooping- cough epid.emic.s Md deaths. There is still no specific treatment for pertussis -except Intravenous fluids to pre- wnt dehydration and resptnstory cm-e {mltbJdcs ~not~. Srtain's recent~ should be a warning to Amertca, lnsi5ts Or. Vincent F~ of the American Academy of Pedlatrics. FoUowing ai dedlne In use of the pertUs5is vaccimt· Hon, that country ha.$ suffered an epi- demic of men than a hundred thou- sand cases of whooping cougtl and 28 deaths. "The United States is In potential danger of a similar assault," he says. If DPT is abandotied. But public concern about DPT ls ris- ing. In the metropolitan Washington area. a parents group has otganlzed to study the problem and lobby for a change In the lllws making the shots mandatory. Inoculations wtthout the pertussis component have fewer side effects, and the parents want to be free to choose whether their chUdren get the full DPT vaccine or nor. warntng far Parents Possible sld.£ effects from DPT vac- cine Include· ~ fever. conwlslons. shock. excet.slve aylng and loll of awareness. Consult yoUJ ped.Um1cian If they occur. The American Academy of Pe.diatrtc.s and DPT manufacturvs say a chlld who suffers sertous side ef- fects should not receive additional ln- ocula!IOns l""MIL.V WUKL.V, AUQllll Ill, ~ a 15 The Government and the drug in- dustry are working on safer vaccines, and new ones are expected In the next few years. In the meantime. Congress has scheduled hearings to investigate the controversy. and ind.i- vidual members of Congress, led by Senator Paula Hawkins (R. -Aa.). are caUing on the Government and doc- tors to warn parents of the risks of both the vaccine and the shot, to screen chUdren susceptible to side ef- fects and to develop better vaccines. Until new, exhaustive studies are completed, parents will have to con- sult with their family doctors before making their own decision r.f11 about OPT. IAiJ Olll.Y lhefan10as . M'' -------.10:-----PAC-W Goblsler" I PAC-IMI ,. ... °""· Olpt. 603-96. I -wear It proudly! I aox 256. Jerao, ... '°" 11753 1 I D Send me_ (how many?) PAC-MAN I The most exciting name in electronic video games-the famous PAC- MA N "'Gobbler"-is now an exclu- sive fashion pendant. Not available in any store, this is the official PAC- MAN pendant charm designed to be worn by both men and women. Com- posed entirely of solid 14 karat gold. Specially priced at only 4.99. Respona oerore Sep! : ~ ; 982 anll ~ece1ve .t 1ref FREE CHAIN 14K gold elect roplatr chain on wh1c ll to wear ~our PAC MAN (harm C l982 Abern•thy & C lotlPHtr Ltd I Pendant Charms for only 4. 99 each pf us I l.00 shipping and handling. (A70610) I D U'!:f!lf:I Yes. I'm orderin& before I I l . Include I 14 Karat told elec-I troplate chain free with_.. PAC.fMN. • I SltisflctioA a..t.d or Yow..., llCk J I Totat of S eados.L I I On NY add slfes tax.) I I: I '' . I I c~ I L St.att lJp .J ---------- -~ _,. ... ----------LX1 The m aster engravers of The Franklin Mint present ... The Official Flags of All Nations -finely minted miniatures of pure gold on solid sterling silver. The official flCtg of every counrry In tht' world- t'Ct<:h minrcd with brilliant m1cro-0<-1a1l Edition limited 10 25.000 sets world wade. The fascination of intricate detail in the tiniest area The prec1s1on of a perlectlv formed yet rninule work ol craftsmanship. The complexity of line and form on an obJect smaller than the eye that beholds 11 . . This 1s the unique appeal of the miniature. And now. the engravers and craftsmen of The Franklin Mini invite you to discover the intriguing world of the minted mimarure A world that combines the beauty of 24 k.iral gold electroplated on soltd sterling silver with the tascinat1on ot meticulou" detail in the tiniest area. 'The Off1c1al Flags of All Nat1om Gold on Sterling M1nia1ures' is the most defin111ve collection of flag mini· atures ever issued. For it will include a carefully crafted miniature portraying the off1c1al flag of every sovereign nation in the world. To capture each flag with flawless accuracy in minia- ture form is a demanding challenge to the master en- graver and minter. But the craftsmen of The Fr.mlchn Mint are masters of their art.~ expert in m1niatunza11on that they can capture even the most minute details on an image area ~asuring les~ than one quarter of a square inch-from the 50 1ndivtdual stars on the United States flag . . to the tiny spokes 1n the Buddhist wheel on India's flag ... to the wreath of wheat portrayed on the flag of Romania Even the intrKate globe-and-star design of the flag of Brazil. and the hawk of Qura1sh on Egypt's flag, cartbe clearly seen. And the proportions of these miniatures will vary as well. with each one carefully scaled so that it Just $6 each. conforms exactly to the shape and dimensions of the flag 1t represents. So that you can 1mmed1ately study each flag in all its fascinating detail, a special magnifying glass and a pair of collector's tongs will be included with your first group of miniatures. And, to house and display your complete collection of miniature flags. a custom-designed collec· tor's case will also be provided as part of the collection In add1t1on. each miniature will be accompanied by an infonnative commentary, written especially for this collection by Dr Whitney Smith, the world's fomnost authority on flags and their history. Each ot these com· mentarie~ will describe the particular flag being hon- ored and will explain both its history and its symbolism, As a subscriber to 'The Official Flags of All Nations Gold on Sterling Miniatures.' you will be able to build your collection conveniently, $ystematically, and at a very reasonable price. Each month, three new miniatures will be sent to you. You will be billed rust S& (or each gold on silver mm1a1ure -a mm.I attractive price for works of this quality and craftsmanship. Furthermore. this p!'ice 1s full~ guaranteed to you for every issue m the collection. regardless of any changes m the costs of engraving and minting. or of precious metals. during the subscription period. As an owner of 'The OffK1al FlaKS of All Nation~ Gold on Sterling Miniatures,' you will pos~s ~most complete and definit ive collect1on of its kind ever minted-combining the beauty of gold and sterling silver with the fascination of finely crafted miniatures. However, the total ed1t1on of this remarkable collec- uon will never exceed 25,000 sets world-wide. And subscnpcion applications will be accepted on an as- received basis. Therefore, you are urged to mail vour application promptly to The Franklin Mmt, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19091. e '"'"' r-----------------------------------, 1 ~ 1.llSC Ill ll'TI().. "P1'\ IC".\I Ill' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE ()FFICIAL FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS Gold on Srerl1ng Mtn1aturcs PPrma~ntl)' /1mrted to 25.000 st"IS world·wide. Should b<: postmarked by Augu<t JI. J 982 lhe Franklin Mint Franklin Ccnler Penn)ylvan•a 19091 Please ent~ mv \u~riplton fOf 'T.,. Off1rn1I Flags of All Nilllons Gold on ~l~ing Minia1ure~. · <.ons1st· ms of 167 24 kara1 gold electroplate on sttirlmg ~illl('r miniatures. to ~ 1s.suerl to me al the! rate of three perjJJeflth b.gmntnJ h• September. A spedal ~tflfi and a pair ol tongs will ~ sent to m. with my fil'\l sroup ol m1n1a1ures, and I wlll also receive a custom-designed colleC'lor's case as part ol my wbscripCion. I net!<f q-nd no ~ymcn1 now. I will be b1lk'd fOf eoll(h 90ld on silver m1nu11ure ill ft,(' guaranteed issw price of S6. •. 1n advance of II\ 'lhl~t . • ,.,.,. "" u.u. ,.,., "' •I'd SO• !»' M"ll.lt&I"' #or ,,., ....... ANI ~•ndlHtl S1wiature __ -----------., ,.,.._ tt•• """'• ••• •11• •t C" .. •C.tC"..,.._.._ Mr Mrs. M1li ~-------------~ _,,..._ •• ••.,.OI ••• • Add~'-------------~ C1fV--------------- Slate, Zip __ _ I Tk r111•t.hn Ml"' II llit -"' IMltil ...... llllfll II " nol : 1fl1h~ ,....., I~ U.~. Mlfll « f''V Ollw< ft-~ I ~~ ~---------------------------·------- l FACTORY SPECIA'9 $449.95 Buyers Guide MAMUFACT\JRD TO YOU STIU IN CUTD , . .,~ lr-4 -1912 ....... ,... Hfvl I M.I'. '""9 & Stre"- M.lt•1 o-i.y aw•• ww. ~. W1'tt NII ,..._, __._ ty. ... ... ..... !--4iately . Coal Idea -Auto Sun Shields! .... ,., $599.tS, ... 1y ...... ff. s... We4e -· .... utcller _......_,._,_....__ -_.. ._ ,,_ ............ .... °' C.11 ...,.._ 40UJ1.J669 M & M MFG. SALIS 929 SW 2M St., D.,t. R ots.11-City, Ok..7J1ff WHEN YOU O"DER IY MAIL "°'" comPMlea tllat aa-11 .. 1n Fwn11y w-"'· o ..... •llow lour 10 I•• _, lor o.lt~ Soln4Klme1 unlntenllonal o.1ay1 occur. II t"9y oo.1u11 write Hate getting Into a J)aflled cit tnars het lfom the Siii beaUflg down tlV'o\9I the •ind:shield? Open, llwls $1..id the front Jntenor lfom SCOfc/llng sun Takes the sizzle off seats, wheel and dashboard. AllmlOOITI YeOetlan blind m~ ~ Iron-On Ciotti Labels You1 name 111 bold, blue letters printed on sturdy po'ecut cloth. 2· x 3fa· labels Jll'lef-e IO 'MyY tlbric. v.tlrf t fllde. rub or w~ on. Ho W#ing: Irons on easlly for permanent 1.0. Ideal fOf school. c.np. unllOrms. Pont name. 50 one-I.WWI laibels. $3. 50, or I 00 lor $4.50. Unlversal Label Cen1«. Dept. FW82. Box 5, Boston, MA 02101 . stalls easJly with sucllon QJl)S 111side blse of wn1:Sl'ield. Doses 111 seconds. out of OrlV«'s vision. In sizes to fit bOlh cars and vans. S32 per set Tradepower. Dept. FW, 3808 Rosecrans St., Suite 480, Safi Diego. CA 92110. L.,.._ "-1. F...., w....,, 141 ~A---Y~NY 10022 Shopping by mail is loo. convenient and easy! PINse send yOUf cllock or money ordef to the companies listed. • 'Dae Joba F. &.e-edy A.••Mlnadoa NOW IT CAN BE TOLD Lee Harvev Oswald was aot the assassin of President .John F. Kennedy or Officer J.D. Tippit He was part of a conspiracy in the assassination. ln the role of Informant to the FBI, CL\ and State Department 'Die book die Go.-erameat did aot --· 70ll to rcadl "The most thorough and usable in-depth report ever prepared. It Includes secret Information from the National Archives." -American Mercury Magazine A practical guide to the Kennedy assosstnallon "1th alphabetical lititlngs of persons and places relevant to the event. Fairchild Publishing Company JlaJI T~ -Set 9oN la~ ,----~~~~~~~~7x~=----, I Sent Prepaid • Allow 4 • Weeks D•llvery I I Pie-Mnd me tit• IOllowlng num!Mf Of Coneptracy In Dell.-I r 01($4.0CJI =ncsreot 031$11 OOI 04llt4.00) I I !Add 3' ........ ,, r .... <Nklentt I 31 2 ~ Money Beek OultrentH . oeoert>eci. 1 I 1 am oeytng by O C11eci. 0 C'9dlt C•rd 0 Money Ord•• I 11 pmylng by CNdltai,,,. C."1 EXD. Date I t neve • O VIM C."1 C MUI« Cllerge C.,,, I I Pi-Print ~~~~~ r I SIQl'I~ I I ~-I I ciiv1s1a..,z10 _J ~~----~---~~~~~---~-- or petites only (5'4" and under- sizes 2·16) • COORDINATES • SPORTSWEAR • DRESSES • COATS • SHOES •LINGERIE ... all completely proporttoned to your petite dimensions. send $1 today f Z.;'~,;.;iQ,'d;Q;"~--·••••••••• t toro : cnw..m FALL CATALOG : mo1ost~111s1 ao°:f:6~:.·ructon,AZH726 and REctlVE" I NAMl ___________ , $2 BON us : . t' I I DISCOUNT : AOOllUS I I CITY SI --ZJP t to use on your nm Ofd•r ~""coupon toooy -MOHfY IACK GUAJIANIE(J r--------·----. 1 luccbtnt Oookbook 11 I There•• no such thln1 as too much ncchinU I I Everything from zucchini marmalade to zucchini raisin I I ple; with over 250 recipes. Lots on cannins. freezing. storing, RECIPES for all kinds or winter and summer I squash. too. Now. you'll actually~ all that zucchini! Only $4.95 (2 for $8.95) plus $1.CJO postage end handling. I (For RUSH delivery pleue add an extra f.2,00/book.) I Send to: Ganien Wey Publishing, Dept. A1328, Charlotte, Vennont 05445 .I ------------ Outdoor Sporting Sp«ialties FREE Fall Catalog Fully illustrated. Features qua~ itY 1pparel and footwear for men. women and children: cam pine. huntlnc. hikf nc and winter sports equipment For 70 years l. L. Bun his of· fered Pfaetle.ai and function at merchandise at reasonable prices. Our clothina 1nd footwear is ruued enouati to withstand ICtive outdoor use. yet attractivety styted and comfortable for casual wear. M1~y Items are of our own manuflCture. All are auaranteed to be 100% satfsflctory or your money b1Ck. ----------------------C SEND FREE CATALOG Ham~-----------------~ AdMess~--------------- City _______________ _ StJte ZIP·-------------- L LS.... laic., M41 ca..SL, F,........ CMCW THE LONG SEASON It looks like the three ma ior networks may be in for another rough year. More than half of their new shows are duom~d to fail · 1 . Struthers returns as Gloria ure. according to an early analysis by advertising's Ketchum Communications Only two new shows have top-20 potential. ~pons Ketthum -CBS~ Bob Newhart and Glona. starring Sally Struthers Both series have established stars and solid lead-ins Newhart will air after M 'A 'S'H on Monday. while on Sunday, Glona fallows her TV daddy on Archie Bunker's Place . Ten more new entries are borderline to succeed. including The Golden Monkey. It Takes Two. Ripley 's Belieue It or Not and Mort Houston (ABC). Seuen Brides for Seuen Brothers (CBS); and St. Else where. Family Ties. Cheers. Remington Steele and Siluer Spoons (NBC) Ket- .. chum claims the re· maining 13 shows are destined for ex1inction And continuing a trend. the major networks' share of the total TV au- dience will continue to erode Ketchum estimates that by 1he end of 1982. nearly one-fourth (23 per· cent) wlll be lost to indepen· dent st ations and cable HOW PLANTS KILL EACH OTHER The lowly bul beautiful sunflower ma y soon become one of our most potent weed killers Scientists have long known that certain plants and trees have the ability 10 poison neighboring plants with toxic secretions from their leaves or roots -a process called allelopathy Such common flora as the black walnut tree. creosote bush and wild cherry tree possess the trait Now sclennsts at the U.S . Departmen1 of Agri culture are testing the highly allelopathic sunflower to see just how 1t can knock out such insidious weeds as Johnson grass and ragweed and how. rhrough crossbreeding , this ability can be enhanced. U S.D.A. plant physiolog1sc Gerald Leather told us that it may be possible one day to extract the key weed-killing chemical directly from the sunflower or, more likely , to develop a synthetic compound that's similar. Or sunOowers could be planted along with certain im mune crops to help control late-season weeds. 18 • l'AMll.Y W!EKl.Y, Augu•t 18, 11182 RICH MAN, POORMAN A few of the more re· warding findings from David Harrop's new book. World Paychecks: -Nowhere else are law- yers as plentiful or well re· warded as in the U.S. In Japan. for instance. there is one lawyer for every 10.000 people. and the top salary an attorney can ever expect is $46,000. or roughly what top law-school grads now stan at in the U.S .. which has one at· torney for every 430 citizens. (The Japanese, ahem. save 1he11 high · est regard ~ r,;:;:;;=i;;;:;;;;:;:mjjjjj;:;;iiiiim;:;;iiiiP;;~;:;;;;;:;:;1 not for doc· a rors or law· ~ ~ yers but for 1ournalists .) -Of all occu pa lions. Har· rop found that the greatest salary dis· parity between the U.S. and the rest of the world is seen for TV anchormen. A West German anchorman will rarely earn more than $45,000, a British anchorperson for the BBC no more than $39.000 Contras! this to Jessica Savitch at $600.000. Dan Rather at $800.000 and Tom Brokaw at close 10 $1 million -The four members of the rock group Pink Floyd make over $5 8 million a year. Kenny Rogers has earned over $10 million annually for the past three years: and thanks to royalties . in 1980 Paul McCartney took in some $48 2 mil· lion Baby. you're a nch man THE AFTERMATH OF RAPE Three out of four rape victims blame themselves for being attacked. reports a new national study. However. only 4 percent of reported rape cases could actually be classified as "victim precipitated" -that Is. when the rape victim f1rst In- vited and then rejected sexual relations. concludes Universi- ty of Massachusetts psychologist Ronnie Janoff-Bulman. who surveyed rape crisis centers around the U.S. She says that self-blame may help some victims f!gh1 the feeling rhat they were part of a random. senseless attack. It might be more re· assuring for a woman to convince herself that she was attacked because of something she did. and that if she changes her actions. it can't happen again. Tl!• Nt vtlP•,,_, M•g11ln• &41 LulnQtoll Aw. .. N..-'lbl* N.Y. 10022 F'r••ldtnt tn<I Pllbllll\el Patrick M l.lntkey Vice Preeldent and Genl. Mor. Jonatn.n ThOmPIOI\ becutlv1 Edllor, Annur CQcotr Chairman &me!ltut. Mol'lon Fran~ Mao~lna 6dllo~ Tlm 'iulll!ii}: Senl Edlton, t<a1t Wnlte Wtlc . Aon N>revaya, PatrlCe Adcro , BIRTHDAYS (All Leo) Sunday -Mike Connors 57. Monday - Eydie Gorme 50: Frank Gifford 52: Fess Parker 57. Tuesday -Robert De Niro 39: Maureen O'Hara 61. WedneSday -Robert Red- ford 45; Shelley Winters 60 Thursday -JUI St. John 42: Willie Shoemaker ~j s.1· .! THE SWELLING IS TELUNQ It seems that success can lead not only to a swollen head, but to a swollen sig· nature as well . Students' signatures are found 10 be smaller after failure on a task. while after success they balloon. As reported recently m Psychology Today . 28 Rhode Island college stu · dents signed their names and then had one minute to unscramble eirher five easy anagrams like "ohseu" (all succeeded} or five difficult ones llke "crluloneesec .. (none got it right). The stu· dents then signed agam. The successful students' sig· natures were now bigger by 45.21 square millimeters (muhlplylng length by height) while the John Han· cocks of those who failed shrunk by 37.57 square millimeters. And by the way. ''ohseu" unscrambled is "house," and "crlufoneesec'' Is really "fluorescence." 0 .K.. now sign in please. 51. Saturday -Kenny Rogers 44: Wilt Chamber- lain 46; Count Basie 78. Robcn R«dfonl. .NI St.. John I Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Specl•l-By-Malt Offer! Colorado Blue Spruce --.. COU>ftAOO 91.W ...,.UCE (Pie ......... -• glaYCa) addo "'°'• _, __ ... ...,.."'""'_., ...... --......... --,,.,,_ e.)9,WI~......, _, ....,........._ 10 .. 11 ... -.. Juell .......... "- ..........._~ .... --...... t ..---~ 3 for $1.Q5 'J j, M•saes of Color Early In Spring CREEPING PHLOX COOo<ful CAUPHfO PHLOX (P lub- _l _only......,., In -IUly9 ...... _ . .,__,,,_.,. _.,, .-'"9 -OUA -Ill red.-· -lie Of plftll. MallH a WO-UI ..,..__,., ____ _ 6 for $1 .00 ~ h0f•••>wowo1 ftMd ......,,_ I' ro., $ t '~ _, ... ___ ,,,...,...,.. II' \7 ~ rone of Natures most richly colored trees · -• Royal RED MAPLE Ofow9 moet ..,,.._.. Wottdet1\ll MWlde tree 1 for $1 .50 ---............. (_...._, _ _ .....,...,__ ... _... .............. _ ........ -.~--·-·-..... 0.-.... ,. ... --....... ~-2 eo•ft.- BONUSES Chlneae Wleterla only 50e -10"--... -· ......,._._.,..._ ... _ ..,. __ CIU-1.-ln ..... ~ .......... ~ St.ya Green All Year Blue Flowe,.. In Spring Needs No Special C.re -.12 _ _.,...,,,......,. __ ----u ""-~ -__ """ ___ ___ ..,_...,._......,......_.,...._ -... ,.,.., ,,.,.. -.. -..,. _, ____ a.-.............. ... ...... -· ---10.. ........ -•2aqfl 25 fo r $1.98 '>0 f $J 0 1 on 1 • i & • • One of the Fastest Growing Trees LOMBARDY POPLARS -..-... -· ~l'IOY l'OPLAf'I (P.Nlp•l --.......... -11111 AOOa _, __ ..,,.........., ........ -. ....... --. ..... --.. ......__. .._ .... -· .,_, -,--.---•.-. -.-.-.Y.leo41'1._._,..,. tt• ZZ$1su ...... ----·1· ... ----••. tt welue. Hr•r•ftl•• I••• ..,...,,__ .. .,.... ........ ....... ,....,.,.... 3 for $2 .00 ,,,,, ll~ 1 7 t n, ' J !t O 14f(JI \l.J,~ AMAZING PfNK ... ST SMOKE TREE Easy to Plant -Easy RO.SE OF SHARON HEDGE 10 lo• \J /!> <10 •o• ,. 9!> ROSE OF SHARON HEDQIE (Hlblw:1.11 1yr- 1acut ) hemea your land.C•'1»•· H1rdy lhrub1 erow • to 1 O II. 1•11. Hedge la filled with l>e.tullful bloom1 ••cfl "'mmer -OUA ctiolce of red, whll• or purple bloomo. Nice u e n lnrormal privacy ocr-n. Adda boeauty and uiue to your y.,d, You .. , hHlthy, 1· to 2 fl. lhrubo. 2• cowor 100 fl: 110 cower 2110" Bushel Basket Size CUSHION MUMS .......... 1 A rwd fl.IN of CU9HION MUlll lor - -10 --· ......_ -------...-.. -__,.,. cul..,_ .. ---~tllltidp0WU4f'OOI..,......_ ~ ...,,, -,,,..... -... poor "°" - --. OUfl -c"°'°8 °' ........ -. .... ,_.,, t/itl .. 1 •f"f'fl ti• An: ( .J,{ ,,, '*-A 1 5 for $1 .00 10 tor •• 15 20 for \J 50 Extraordinary Ground co;;;---i Creeping RED SEOUM I _.,,. ......--· ~ --or .,....., .. ~ --h'J lfl llU wllll __ , ... th6ctl -..--... ell 4 for $1.00 -encl nod. -.flu -· ,,.,,,. 6 tor $I 75 ....__,.I ;• -_... "'° ............ 12 for S2.SO C>towe J to 4 In. .... 'llDol ... '-'dy, 24 lo• S4 75 ---r .,_,,.....,... U for SV 25 BEAUTIFUL WAY 10 TRIM YOUR PROPERTY I PRIVET HEDGE 10 40 lo• 11 00 -10 lo• S 1 I 00 100 tor 117.50 11'8 -...... eellff'I ............. In,._.., A,_. .-.... -pwlor ....... """ ---plant. PAIVIT(4-_......,,..........__,,,. -.11 .... c.>'1 ... -.., ........ ~ f8U' pllllo. "'""'· -,....,. ..... -· c.. ................. .. ....,.....,..""-"11~'-'-"""-1 .. , .......... ~-_, ___ ___,_ ......... _ --......... -~ .. .._. EAT STRAWBERRIES FROM VINE 10 Fff08T EVERBEARIHO TRAWBERRIES ORD•A HERR -PLRASIE PRINT HOUSIE 01" w•surv. NUllllSl:llllV DIVISION DEPT. "30·'1CM _,........ __ ......,._......__ -... ......... ,.., .. ----. ,.... -Qwl'*'4I e--.. ... --.., .... -... -_,..,, T1Wf -....... ... ~-·----.... -.... ... ...... ...--......... -...... ..._. FULL GUARANTEE All ..................... FS " ........................ ... -.-i::.r.::-.......... .. ......... LA8R OM.\'-,.., .... ..... .. ....... fOM,..1111111). 8LOOMINOTON, ILLINOIS •1101 Pt••M Mno me llama llaleO: ADDllll•ss._ _______________ _ CITV TAT&. ZIP