HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-25 - Orange Coast Pilot.. Ylll llflllllll llllY PUii OHAN(;! C.OUN IY LALIJ OHNIA I':> C tN1 "> Spending clouds county's budget POOLING THE IR STRE NGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size Delly Piiot Pflolo bf CflMtM Sten pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing how exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-satisfa c tion, not fanfare By GLENN SCOTT Of" .. D.-,Not8WI from l l a .01. to 1 p.m. Orange County government baa an $878.7 million budget on the books today -a spending program 15 percent higher than last year and one still clouded by economic uncertainties. The budget is about $115 million greater than the spending program for the fiscal year endlng June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the figure projected last mo nth when county s upervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carryover of funds budgeted but not spent m the last fiscal year. Those c arryover amounts included millions of dollars for construction of new roads, park Sunny skies seen soon A few rare August raindrops fell along the Orange Coast early today , but National Weather Service forecasters said sunnier and warmer condition s are expected Thursday. The cloud cover is expected to begin dispersing tonight, with partly cloudy skies prevailing Thursday. Coastal cities will experience high temperatures in the 70s on Thursday, forecasters said. A brief shower occurred at about 5:30 a .m. today in San Juan Capistrano. Other cities, including Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Huntington .Beach, reported a few drops d o tting the wmdshields of local motorists. improvements, control of beach erosion and renovation of the old county courthouse in Santa Ana, said Maria Bastanchury, associate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains about $22. 7 million for contingencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year to pay for unbud~eted projects. It also includes about $25 million in "appropriations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unless revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be, Bastanchury said. Ba.stanchury said the county budget "didn't fair really as badly" as officials had feared earlier this year before the at.ate legislature had completed work on the state budget for fisc~l 1982-83. Still, she said, there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes either being implemented or planned in the delivery of aocial and health services. . County government Is something of a "pass through" agency which administers such programs using funds provided by the s tate and federal governments. Thu11, what happens at those government l.evels impac t the county's progress. Supervisors adopted the budget without comment. (See BUDGET, Page A%) Rub a dub dub Bathtub race set off Balboa . Just when the waters of Newport Harbor were starting to settle down, here comes the annual Balboa Bathtub race. On the heels of the colorful and arguably crazy Character Boat Parade, the seventh edition of the bathtub race -billed as an international contest, no les.s -will be unveiled Sunday. Shove off time, as the promoters put it, is l p.m . Contestants race from the dock of the Balboa Pavilion to Balboa Island and back. Racers are permitted to enter any craft eight feet or less in length. Boats must be equipped with bathtub fixtures and contestants are required to use paddles. There are two categories -one where skippers of bathtub ' craft are clocked for speed and a second where humor, not speed, is the criterion. An award for most unique bathtub also is handed out. Last year's recipient was the "Balboa Brothel," a bathtub expected to be on hand again this year. i Trophies and prizes are awarded to the first and second place ~ finishers in each class. The race is sponsored by the Tale of the Ji Whale Restaurant. I I Lap swimmers don't gel much glory and don't 1eem to care. For them the chance to dive ~to a long and narrow lane, slip on their eye goggles and push oH on a chlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side ia enough reward. They may be a breed apart, but it I.a a common one because they share a strong feeling that their daily routine is more than simple physical exerc.ise. It Is a therapeutic one. Today she logs from two to three miles a day . She'• competed and placed well in rough water competition in the ocean, including a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page Bl Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. shoulders show the at.rain. They tremble slightly. "Rat her than having a martini or a beer over lunch, you can get a al.milar effect from swimming," he says. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about. your weight." Ted Durbin, Craig WUey and Dorian JohlllOn all had the aarGe idea when they began swimming laps. They are training to compete in the latest phyaical fitness test. the triathalon, which combines a long-distance run, swim and bicycle race. secretary Miller flays Navy over military censure letter ~ At Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- si.r.ed pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small e u phoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swim.mets. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and h u sband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swirm She says she swims because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and offers a se n se of accomplishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, white and ~lue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. "After you swim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." Ed Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his dally workout, says he has noticed how much at ease and alike lap swimmers become. Swimming, he explains, is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls· himself out of the pool. His tired anns and broad A second-year student at UCI's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the Heritage Park pool because It is uncrowded and requlres fewer turns. Says the swimmer: "rve just started triathalons to augment my studies. I have a busy schedule as a medical student and I like to have some diversity. They work well together." Ralph Huestis, 61, is a retired Navy dentist who 40 years ago held the best time in the breast stroke in the Northwest. He swam for the University of Oregon. Now he ls re-immersing himself in the joys of swimming by entering masters' meets. F o rmer Orange County supervisor Edison Miller said the secretary of the Navy "showed total ignorance" in rejecting a federal panel's reoommendation to remove a lette r of censure from Miller's military records. The Board for Correction or Naval Records recommended the Navy secretary remove the letter, which is critical of Miller's anti- war statements made while he was a POW in Vietnam. But ~istant Navy Secretary John Herrington dismissed the panel's recommendation saying the panel did not show that Ed1SOn suffered any injustice as a result of the censure being placed in his records. Miller said the ·six-page docume nt released to him in April by the board "shows I didn't do a damned thing the other POWs didn't do." Smog-check bill gains The former Marine Corps pilot said he made the statements in 1970 while imprisoned in Vietnam. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A long-delayed bill to require inapections of automobile emission devices every two years has won a narrow victory in the California Assembly. Tuesday's 46-21 vote, with 21 required for passage, eent SB33 by Sen. Robert Presley, D · Riverside, back to the Senate for action on Assembly amendments. COUNTY The bill would, in the words of Assemblyman Bruce Young, 0- Cerritos. "Save us all from the hazards of living in an environment where the brown haze rising in the afternoon is so bad you can see it as you brealhe it." Opponents unsuccessfully tried to insert an automatic termination of the law If it Irvine in the swim too Irvine has a first-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Mission Viejo complex, w hich receives fBl' more publicity. Page Bl. Ju~icial voice for Angels When not pronouncing on matt.era of evidence and handing down ruling'I, Judge Phlllp Petty talkll about pinch hitters and team poeitlON u a part-time announcer for the Angela. Page A9. Gi/1 aids GWC museum A $10,000 Slit from A.mlndll USA hal revived • natural hlltory muaewn at Oolden W•t Colles e. Pace A8. doesn't improve the air quality at leut 10 percent in three years. Instead, it would require a review committee of state and local air quality agencies to report to the Legislature in three years on how much the air quality has improved. U it has not improved 10 percent, the committee must recommend that the program end. WORLD "I never denied making some statements," he said. "I made those-statements (against the war) out of conscience and I believed them." "Apparently, my admitting 1 made the statements got under some people's skin." AB a result, Miller says, the secretary of the Navy is unwilling to wipe the slate clean. But the former supervisor, Taiwan f i:iendly but cool Slnce the United States cut off relatioN with Taiwan in 1979, relations with the island nation have been som e what cool but correct, with trade burgeoning. Page E4. Tortilla crisis in Mex ico %e doubling of pricet for tortillas, a basic food staple, brtno Mexico's economic crisis home for most of ita 70 million people. Pace A7. BUSINE S S · 17 QJore stores lor plus There II apparenlly no economy pinch belns experienced by many Oi'anp COMt ahop,Pen. South Coat Plua, Co.ta M .. , ha announced plana to open 17' new ·~ p._. ce. OellJ Ptlot t lAlff f'tloto A NG RY -Former supervisor F.dison Miller says he'll go to court to fight military censure. who now operates a law office in Santa Ana, says his attorneys will be filing a lawsuit aometime next month in federal court in Washington to seek to overturn the decision. INDEX "As soon as we get them in (federal) court, it w ill be p r'o mp t l y overturned In summary judgment," Miller predicts. He said the Board for Correction of Naval Records is an independent panel. composed of lifetime appointees of the secretary of the Navy. "The secret ary has ho authority to overrule his ow n board," Miller contends. "You can't set up an independent agency to protect people's rights, and when they do that, tell them they have no authority." Miller said he has tried to remove the letter of censure ai.nce 1973, and he .believes the letter has had an adverae effect on his life. "The secretary says I was not treated unjustly," Miller said. "How in the hell can he say that with all the adverse crap I've s u ffered , my family has suffered?" Miller said his law practice ....J also been affected by thece~ 0 l've had spokesmen for lar~ companies and corporations say they'd love to have me as their attorney. but they don't want to be connected with the advene publicity (the censure brlnp.)" "h's Peen 9 ~ yean and it's still not over," he said. i "Who says justice move;£ swiftly?" ~ i At Your Service A4 Horoeoope A 11 Busine91 C6-7 Ann Landers A ll Herb Caen All Movies C8 Cavalcade A 11 Mu tual Funds C6 Clueified F6-10 National News A3 C.Omics F.6 Public Notices E7-8.Fl-6 Crossword F.6 S ports Cl-4 Death Notice$ E7 Stock Markets C7 F.ditorial All Television C9 Entertainment C8 Theaters C8 Food Dl-12, El-2 Weather A3 SPORTS , 1'he CallfomJa A.nceJI' leed OWi Kanmt a t). .. 1s back \0 one game after a 7-3 lo9 \0 Bait.em Divllion- leadlng Milwaukee. Pap Cl. Th,e Dodcen won b\ll IO did the Atlanta Brav. ln the National 1'"1u' Weet, enablinl the lk'avee to keep aheed of Loi Anplee on percentap polnta. Pep Cl. --·--- Al 8 Orange Cout D~ILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Augu1t 25, 1882. MARINES IN BEIRUT -A group of U.S. Marines are lined up in a street near the port today shortly a fte r they arrived as part of th e multinational force tha t is overseeing the AJ' WINpttoto departure of the PLO. Around 800 French Marines arrived and will take over the port from the Fre nc h , who will ta k e up new positions in the evacuation area. Marines evacuate PLO 800 leathernecks escort fighters to ship BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S . Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised th e evacuation of about 500 Palestin ian guerrillas from Israeli-ringe d Beirut today, escorting the fighters onto a Cypriot ship. The vessel Sol G iorgios left Beirut in the early afternoon bound for the Syrian port of Tarto u s, nine hours after 800 leathernecks came ashore in amphibious landing vessels to join French and Italian soldiers in a multinational force overseeing the g u errilla d e parture from Beirut. It was the Marines' 10th peacekeeping role since Wbrld War ll and the first time they landed on Lebanese shores since 1958. French and Lebanese officials said earlier that the Sol GiorR)os would go to North Yemen with guerrillas unable to leave on Tuesday. But the officials said later the vessel was going to Syria. No explanation was given for tpe change, but another vessel docked . shortly before the Sol Giorgios left and prepared to receive another load of guen:ffia.s. Israe l announced earlier that the overlan d evacuation of guerriUas to Syria had been delayed, reP8rtedJy because the Palestinians were afraid of attacks by Christian militiamen loyal to Bashir Gemayel, Lebanon's president-elect. Gemayel supported Israel forces which invaded his country J une 6 t o r ou t t he Palestine Liberation Organization. After negotiation$ led by U.S. special e nvoy Philip C. Habib, the PLO agreed to a pla n that would scatter the fighters among the Arab world. I srae li televi sion said a representative of Habib was trying to a rra nge f o r the guerrillas that w ere to travel overland to Syria to go by ship. Israel army radio reported later that two Greek vessels were heading toward Beirut to take 500-700 guerrillas to Syria and the same number to Sudan. The Syrian military, however, announced in Damascus it would provide truck s t o b e gin an evacuation to Syria on Thursday o f about 7,000 Palestinian guerrillas und er Sy r ian command and 1,500 Syrian troops. Gold prices slump after high LONDON (AP) -Gold prices slumped in what one London dealer called "completely hectic'' trad ing t h is morning, after bullion had reached an eight- month high Tuesday. The dollar was mixed, but mostly lower, against major currencies. Gold opened in London at $402.875 an ounce, down from $406.375 at the finish Tuesday. But profit-taking set in later in the morning and the price went down steadily, amid erratic fluctuations in buy and sell orders. London's bullion houses fixed a morning recommended price of $394.50. Earlier in Zurich, fold opened a t $401.25, down 8.25 from Tuesday's cloee. Silver was also lower, quoted at $7.80 an ounce ln London, T e mperatures Coastal Nott'-1 wind• 10 to 20 knot• -the outer _,_.. wtth 3 to 5 loot -a-ner •. llQht tnaelly ~ wind• during l\lght and morning hour•. Southwell to we11 w l l\da 8 to 18 knot1 afternoon . I to 3 l oot aou1~...-1y swell Low cloud•· dunng l\lgllt end momtog hourt becoming pertly cloudy during anemoon. NATION Lo 83 &4 53 69 55 TS ee 72 411 53 88 55 81 77 down from $8.10 at the close Tuesday. Earlier in Hong Kong, gold closed at $399.32 an ounce, down from $40 l.11 Tuesday. Gold finished at $404.00 in New York on Tuesday. In Tokyo, where banks close before trading begins in Europe, the dollar fell gainst the yen for the sixth s traight session. It closed at 251.45 yen, down from 254.40 on Tuesday. U.S. sunintary Alt>Vty Albuque AM.trot 8Qll Allenll Attentc C1y Aualln Balllmore Blfmlngllm 81tmarcl< Bolte eoaton Buffalo Burtlngton en.mm SC Chlllstn WV Cll8rttte NC Cheyenne Cllk:ego Clncinn•tl Cleveland Clmbl1 SC Columbus Del-Fl Wlh Dayton Denver .. 82 93 81 92 80 100 87 Ill 74 89 85 78 n 95 85 93 69 75 82 8-4 94 83 101 81 ea 'll()M U $ ()9ol OI 0-C• Warm, mol•t air covered th• Southwut again Tu11dey. c11.Ualng heavy rein In Arizona. Souther" C alllornle , eouth-18'" Utah and eouthe<n Neveda. whll'e two people have died beC8UM of_.. -II• In thelM1 two~ Flaah flood watch•• ware luued tor putt of western Arlzone. aoutMrn Nevada and, 1*19 of Southern Cellforn!L Eleewhere. lhul\detStOfrM ... over llllnola, the lntermountaln r e g ion. from Colorado to MIMOufl, the nortlMm Ml•lulpp4 Va!Mly, the -tem GtNI Lak• and the SoutllNS1. For today, w ldeapreed thundet1ho-11 were forec11t -the llOUlhem Plet..i Into lhe • aouthern halt of th• RocklH Scenered .,_. -. for-1 for Montana and from the at.et Lakea 10 the Northea1t. Thundllf'1howe11 were torec11t tor the Otllo Valley a"d trom the mld·Atlanllc 1111 .. Int o the ~I. California Falt todey. Ntgtrt and morning low cklude near c:oHI through TI!lncMy. wanner cSeyw 1n mOtt .,..., Orenge County can expect l'lloflt renotno from -TO II the ~ fo IOw 80e 11\lamt Lowt tonig ht In th• 801 High• Tilurlday In TO.. lnl9fld ~ cen eicpeot hlOlll In .. mid IOI tocM!Y. Wound 90 ~· LOM In IOa. NonMln ~t 1119111 112 to 102, lowt In the 70.. Southern ~ tt1et19 t5 to 108, io.. 74 to 14. Ctlenc• of ellernoon end ..,.,..... tflull6elllloWef• "'*"'t In eHtern d111ert1 i...11 tlu,nld ~-~ Oll'I ...-hlgN 78 '° •· '°"" ea '° 10. CMnOe ot e rt e r n o o n or •"•nlng tl'lundef11tctwen. L•H humid ~· ~ -c.ntrlll ~ OM.,..._. .. '°"~ ... fOe, .aattllf'M ~· In ~ ...., ........... , . ., ..... n.no.r. • Dea Moines Detroit Duluth El Pao Falrt>enk• Fargo Ftegatan Greet Fall1 Hwtford Hellne Honolulu Houlton ~ Jeclten J~ ~City t<no~ LMVegM Uttle Roell Loulsvllle M«nPhll Ml8ml MllWlluk .. Mpl...st.P NeahYllle ~on..ri. NewYorlt Norfollt Oki• City OmWla Ot1ando Phtledptlla Phoenix PtttaburQh ptlend, "-Ptlend, Ore Pr~ Reno 7'o 79 80 72 M 72 74 77 83 8-4 ee 89 114 78 95 116 79 .. 711 lie se 114 88 70 78 II() 95 84 u 102 74 93 85 lie 11 80 119 83 9e ~ Frottts: Cold .. se RICI\ mono Salt Lake San An1onlo S..tll• Shrevepon Slou• Fens SI Loute St P-Tampa Spok- SyrllCU .. Topelte TUC*Oll TulM Wethlngtn Wlchlla 87 89 100 88 98 78 82 llt 89 80 80 87 104 87 88 83 58 68 59 T8 83 80 87 54 47 75 53 53 5<I 43 82 l7 TS c~<>Nu 80 eu..-.11e1d N a.retow Te 8-lmont 75 Ilg 9- • 8llhop 72 Blythe 87 C.Udlna 78 Outver City 87 EU(eM 82 Fr.-no 83 l.ek• AfrO'#l\Nd 58 LancMter 81 Long 8Mdl 11 Loa Mgelee 711 Monnr<lle 89 Montebeld 74 Monter-v 73 Mt. W118on ee Neec:tlM 78 NewPort e.ch 85 . Oeklend 77 Ontario 8 1 Plllm 8prlngt 81 PlllO~ 58.........,. ea Aect INuft 83 "9dWaOd ~ ' "' 100 11 84 73 92 90 78 74 82 93 74 811 78 75 8T 82 84 80 77 73 87 84 114 N II 102 71 .... .... 2 2 J 2 72 Sacramento 88 56 82 Sallnu 64 S2 7S San Bernardino 88 66 80 Sal\ Gabriel 86 67 TS Sert~ T4 88 82 Sert Frenciaoo 80 55 70 Sert Jote 74 80 17 S111t• Ana 79 ee 55 Sarti• Bet bat a 73 57 83 Santa C~ 72 80 87 Sanll Mane T2 56 87 Santa Monlcll 72 82 82 Stoat ton 94 80 72 74 Tahoe Valley 86 47 Lo ·Exte nde d ~~ 811 53 85 78 es 85 52 71 80 T8 88 87 87 TO 57 81 72 oe 80 85 Tl 57 83 .., 82 .... °" IW aw IW w weather Frld1y-Sunday: Night through' mid morning tog and low Cloude· n111r the co11t, oth-IH lair. Highs cout•I ., ... ranging from .the mid 70111 the bMc"-to mid 90I war~ Inland atffl. Low. mo1tly In the 801. Mounteln•. eome afternoon cloud• but tn09tly lalr. Hlgha In the IOe. LOWll 55 to 85. .Smog Wll•r• to cell (toll lrH ) tot latMl tmog Information: OnlnQ9 CO\lflty: (800) 44W829 LOI AnotlH C!ounty: (80 0) 242-4022 ~ end ten 9emerdlno oouncltt: (800) M7 ... 110 AQMO l!pleode Center: (800) 242 ...... Tides TOOAY Seoond lllgh S:OO p.m. Second low 1():a' Olm. n4UMDAY Fht high 4:&4 Lm Rr9t IOW ll 12 a.m • hoOnd hlotl 4;07 p.m. "" ~ low 11:111 p,m t.t lun M U lodl )' It 7:H p .m ... ..... ~ .. 9122a.1"t. Moon 11• tOday et 12:61 p.m .. "''et 11:47 p.m. 4 County bonds earmarked Ta>e xompt, low-lnterHt bond• underwritten by Oran1e County aovem.nwnt will be uaed to pay for milhona of dollan ln alte {mprovemunt1 for a new prtv.t.e ncl&hborhood In ~una Ntauel. P'ollow lng ~ lt>ngthy and rancorvus d e bate Tuc11du.y. C'OW\ty ~pervilora decided, 3~1. t.hU the bonda C'lOUld be UMd to U n anc:e a por tton of the lmprovementl IOU&ht by South Peak AHoclatea, of Laguna Be.eoh. Board Chairman Bruce Nettande cast the sole diuenting vote. He aald tax-exempt, low- Interest bonds underwritten by the county should only be used for improveme nts that o(fer a "algnlflcant public be nefit.'' Nettande said the South Peak request did not fall Into that category. Tne board's action, urged by Supervisor Thomaf Riley, will permit formati o n of an ~nt district for financing of sewer, water, stonn drain and open space improvements. The district will issue bonds that will be repaid by purchasers of the 204 lots in the propo&ed Soulh Peak subdivision. Lots will average 13,000 square feet in size and be priced , on average, at Crash victim in Irvine identified The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath the San Diego Freeway m Irvine, John Duane Calhoon, died of massive skull fractures, the Orange County Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calhoon, 19, of Cypress was reported missing Tuesday, Aug. 17. Hi s smashed car was discovered on Monday, six days later. in a concrete channel where the San Diego C reek flows under the freeway. Author ities said they aren't certain how long the car was there, but that they believed the victim died on impact. California Highway Patrol investigators said Calhoon's northbo und car apparently veered into a grassy median and then catapulted into the channel. It came to rest directly under the freeway and out of sight of passing motorists. Local water district employees checking the culvert discovered the wreckage. The victim was Id e ntified Tuesday from fingerprints, said a s pokesm an in the Coroner's Office. From Page A l BUDGET. • • In a budget-r elated action . t h ey rejec t e d a r e quest b y Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates for $90,000 to establish a Personnel Investigation Unit that would investigate complaints against sheriff's department employees. Such co mplaint s a re investigated by I.he department's pe rsonnel bureau . Gates said increased workload necessitated a n ew two-member unit for investigation o f miscon duct complaints. There were 121 such complaints in 1981, he said in a letter to supervisors. But county Administrative Officer Robert Thomas said the request should not be approved, pointing out that the sheriff now e mploys 18 people in the personnel bureau. In other action Tuesday. supervisors: $298,000, olJ Suuth Pt-11k partnl'r Steve Brown. The pla nned community, bounded by Camino dtil A vlon, Clubhouac Drlve, East Mine Ortv and a future open apace corridor along Salt Crook, will be gated for aecurlty rcaaoll8 "Our market . . . appeals to people with the upper hand," Brown eald. The board'• acUon wlll permit a maximum J21 million In bonds to be Iss u e d f or site Improvements. Brown said the amount of actual issue will be leu. Bond attorneys and county Environmental Managem e nt Agen cy officials still must determine what will and will not Whale r escue atte mpt fails S AN DIEGO (AP) -An attempt to save a baby California gray whale, badly defonned and hal( it8 nonnal siµ, failed when the yearling died at Sea World shortly after being lassoed In San Diego Bay and removed by crane. be P"ld for throulD\ I.he county· undtirwrltten bonda, Brown t•xplnlnt'd Iterna that t,'Ounty oWdala uy won't be financed with the bondl Include atrnta •nd audlna. Brown aald thoee improvement. will be piald f o r throuah tracUtioruaJ loans "at int.ere11t rate alx percent higher'' than bond rat.ft. Approval of the South Pe.k request came only a week aft.er supervisors adopted policies controlltna use of tax·exempt low ·lntereat, co unty - underwritten b o nd• f o r assessme nt d is tr ic t lmprove men ta. Nestande angrily charged that the South Peak request did not comply with those policies. "What is the significant public benefit of this project?" Nestande asked during Che heated debate. Riley said the request did conform with the new guidelines a nd pointed out that county planners will have the final say on which improvem e nts are financed with the bonds. "We can control wha t's funded by the new assessment district," Riley said. Br o wn sa id work o n improvements w ill begin in November. Pacific Telephone faces strike threat By ROBERT BARKER 0( Ille Delly J'tlot I t.ff Pacific Telephone workers in Orange County and the rest of Sou the rn Ca l ifornia a r e scheduled to take a strike vote Thursday in pro test o f the company's reduction in force practices. Mic hael Drake, president of the local c h apte r of Communicat ion Worker s of America in Orange County, said the c.'Ompany is causing "fear and unt"ertainty by the unilateral and arbitrary methods" being used to reduce employees. Thursday's ballot calJs for the local's 4 ,000 m e mbers to authorize str ik e action i f reductions in force on the basis of seniority can't be negotiated , Drake said. Drake said the company is transferring "surplus" workers from Orange County and other areas to places where there are job vacancies. He said displaced workers are offered no choice and often have to take jobs at lowe r pay. If th ey d o n 't accept the transfer. they're terminated and -Refused to grant a n additio nal two percent increase in monthly benefits to people belonging to the Orange County Employees Retirement System . The two percent would have been in additio n to a three percent boost automatically awarded by I.he system, based on increases in the cost of living index. Monthly benefits to peopl~ in aren't eligible for layoff benefits and unemployment insurance. he said . Drake said about 150 workers in Orange County have been affected by the transfe r policy since this spring. A union source said seniority with the company is not considered in the transfers. P acific Telephone spokesman Steve Gould said the company pays 45 days of Living expenses for the transferred worker. He also said transferred workers a re paid moving costs and are given paid ume off to look for new residences. H e a lso said that workers assigne d to low e r JOb classifications initially suffer no loss in pay but the ir salary is decreased gradually until it reaches the new level. "If workers don't accept the transfer . it's the company's po s i ti o n t h a. l th ~.Y ha ~ e voluntarily termmated, he saJd. Drake said it's the union position that workers should have the option of being laid off or transferred. the system range from $ll!> to $4 ,000. depe nding on the employee's length of servi<.'e and salary level. -Approved an "employee assistance program" for workers whose job performance drops because o f alcohol and drug abuse and emotional proble ms, marital difficulties or financial problems. Sperm bank baby born LOS ANGELES (AP) -A 40 -year -o ld unmarr ied psychologist from Los Angeles has given birth to a boy -the second baby generated from the so-called Nobel Prize sperm bank. Afton Blake has named her 8-pound, lO 'h-ounce son Doron William Blake, said a friend of Miss Blake's. Ellen Pasternack. The baby, 10 days overdue, was d elivered at 12: 17 p.m . Tuesday by Caesarian section, Ms. Pasternack said. · · Maxim Crepe And Omelet Makers CM-5 OP-8 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermostatic Temperature Control With 71~" Non Stick Cooking Surface ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Control With 9" Sllerstone Cooking Surface Sale Priced Sale Priced $27.88 $27.88 ·more tnan you expect In a hardware store CROW• EJ HARDWARE WHft)llff Ptaaa 1024 lrMe Ave. ~ ...... 842-11$3 nu.. Tia • p.m . All l toree ooen 7 Dey9 Carone del Mar Herbor View Cent• 3107 E. CoMt Hwy. 1814 a.,. M1Quel Or. •n·HOO ~r Wk~l.aalO M_. Tia 1 P·"'· VISA' ' Orange CoHI OAILV PILOT/Wednnday, Auguat 26. 1982 8 41 mruuornrn u wrnm[OOLJ~umu~ --·-__ ... --·--.,.,.. w • .,..., - FEARSOME CREATURE -Called Heller's biologists working to preserve one of the fruit bat, this Curry freak posed for LIFE world's richest ecological systems. The bat is magazine in its natural habit.at, a cave in the thought to use its leaf-shaped nose as a radar Costa Rican rain forest preserve o( La Selva. dish for navigation that receives squeaks LIFE photographed a team of young American bounced off surrounding objects. Widow plans appeal in '37-rninute' check case OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -The widow o f a retired airplane mechanic said s he plans to appeal a ruling ordering her to return her husband's last Social Security check because he died 37 minutes too soon to qualify for the monthly payment. "I've asked the Norfolk office o f Social Security for the documents necessary to institute an appeal," Kay Gillespie, 71, of David City said in a telephone interview. "But I don't think an appeal would do any good unless they change the law." Shortly after Roy Gillespie died May 31 at age 73, his wife got a letter from the Social Se'curity Administration demanding that she return his May check for $358.60. She had spent the money on funeral expenses and says she won't pay it back to the government. To qualify for the May check. Social Security official Darrell Gray of Council Bluffs, Iowa, said Gillespie would have had to survive until 12:01 a.m. June 1. Gillespie died 37 minutes before midnight. The widow said she wrote to U.S . Sen. Edward Zorinsky, D-Ne b., two weeks ago seeking assistance. She has received no reply from the senator, but a caseworker in Zorinsky's Washington office, Cwy Cross, said the senator would contact the Social Security Administration on behalf of the widow. "I haven't heard from the president, either. But of course, he's on vacation," the widow said. The day before she got the demand from Social Security, she had received a letter signed by President Reagan lauding her husband's military service and ~ promising that the country would never forget him. "I'd like to hear from the president now," Gillespie's widow said. She deposited her husband's May check directly into their joint account at the First National Bank of David City on June 3, the day he was buried. The bank then got a letter from Social Security telling bank officials to re move the money from the account and return it to the government. But the account was short, and when bank officials called her, she told them not to return the money. Tom O'Connor, operations analyst in the Social Securl ty's Norfolk office, said the $255 death benefit could be withheld or the amount could be taken out of the widow's own $360 monthly Social Security check. Judge orders 'cushy' sentence Woman has happy time working off parking lines BERKELEY (AP) -A secretary had a "wonderful" time -hiking and boating in a Sierra lake camp and enjoying the casinos and dance halls of Lake Tahoe -as she worked off nearly $300 in parking fines. Berkeley Municipal Judge Carol Brosnahan ordered Kathy Sarconi, who works for UC Berkeley, to do community work instead of paying off the tickets. Berkeley judges have the discretion to let scofflaws or people guilty of misdemeanor criminal offenses do civic work s u ch as picking up litter or supervising children or the handicapped in community programs. "It's the first ti.me I've heard of a cushy assignment like that," said Judge Brosnahan. The judge had referred Sarconi to the Volunteer Bureau o., ,.. w~""Y ........... , of Alameda County, which sent her to babysit for a week at F.cho Lake Camp, a city-owned family campground in the Sierra Nevada. "It was wonderful," Sarconi said. "Even i1 I didn't have to pay off the parking tickets, I would have done it anyway." During the day, she supervised children, sometimes took them hiking or boating and acquired a tan. At night, she was free to visit Lake Tahoe area casinos and go dancing. The cam p meals were "excellent" -quiche, plu:a, tacos. Sarconi's only complaint: she was chilly sleeping on a lower bunk of a tent. Toni Pollard, an official of the volunteer bureau, said, "It's our function to deter crime or d.iacourage people from going out and getting another parking ticket. If they can have a good time while up there (at camp), I don't see any harm in that." Moldy alfalfa killed horses? WIC HITA FALLS, Texas (AP) -Moldy alfalfa is being blamed for the death o f a Budweiser Clydesdale horse at the annual Texas Ranch Roundup, officials said. The high-stepping, pedigree horse developed an intestinal infection and died Saturday. said Mike McAfee, general manager of the Falls Distributing Co., one of the sponsors of the event. The Clydesdale was one of 10 in the touring company for the eight-horse hitch, McAfee said. We1re Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot'> What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answerina service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . ' Cla Hlnecl actvenltlftt 71'1142·5'71 All otMt' "-rtrMnta '42-432'1 MAIN °"1<:9 •Wett -.VM., C•141~.CA. ~---: ... 15-1,(ale MtM, CA .... c..,,..... ... Or .... c.... ,_ ...... '-"• __ _..._ .............. _..,.......,., .. ....... _.. ......... <ftrl' .. ·~-...... ...... ..,......_ .. Ul'¥tltflt-. ' Campaigns heating up 1 House, Senate outcomes 'unpredictabl e' WASHINGTON (AP) - Another poll llcal camf,algn is upon us and it is like y to be remem bered more for what doesn't happen than for any startling shifts it marks in the mood ol American voters. For the next 10 weeks, logic wlll be tipped on its ear, even more than it has been during the last 10. There will be talk about a referendum on the Reagan economic program. abou t watershed elections and coattails and political IOUs. Politicians in both parties w ho've never been close to a balanced budget wiU vow to do all that's necessary to achieve one . . . some day. There will be a great deal of talk about the need to keep cutting taxes and hardly any about the recent need to raise them. II• AIAlYllS The Republicans have pots of money, several times what 1a a v a i I a b 1 e t o D c m o c r a t I t· candidates. That financial gap frightens the daylights ou t o f many Demo cr ats . Th ey hav e nightmares of slick, high-budget advertising campaigns selling Republican candidates and ideas like bars of soap, while the Democratic alternatives s1l unnoticed on back shelves. But some Republicans see it as an embarrassment of riches that c.'Ould backfire among voters who are hard hit by economic conditions and who are hstemng to Democratic claims that the Reagan administration favors the wealthiest people. In some or the mulllmllllon dollar campaigns for House eeata, lhe two parties are fairly evenly matched. Both sides will have plenty of money in the cont.eat.I betwet-n Reps . Margaret Hec:k ler. the Republican, and Barney Frank, a Democrat, in Massachusetts and between Democratic Rep Tom Lant.oe of Ca lifornia and his GOP challenger, William Royer. A year and a half ago, Republicans were talking abouJ compleung their takeover of the government by winning control of the House in 1982. One of the surest bets is that it won't happen. On the other hand, Democratic dreams of roaring back by winning an additional 30 to 40 House seats are Just as unlikely. The Democrats will talk about how much they've done for women, but if 1982 sees a third woman elected to the Senate, slle~almosl cerfain to-f>e a Republican. But when the votes are counted on Nov. 2, the likelihood is that the election will prove a wash. Nursing home audit rap-s -enfOrceineitt It won't be the watershed the Republicans once hoped it would be and neithe r will it bring Democrats roaring back from the ashes of 1980. If it becomes a referendum on anything "It would be on the effectiveness of money in politics. SACRAMENTO (AP) - Nursing home patients are being endangered because of the state's slow and inadequate enforcement of safety laws. says the state auditor general. The report released this week said that although state law and policy require th e H eal th Services Department to investigate complaints against AP~o DEPROGRAMMED -Sandra Ellers, 23, says that she is in good health and is not being held against her will. She and her husband Bill, 24, allegedly were abducted by deprogrammers Aug. 16 in an attempt to get them to renounce their affiliation with the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, a fundamentalist sect. She says she is leaving the sect a nd urged her husband, who escaped from the deprogrammers, to do the same. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cutifitd Gtmologi1t. AGS FOR BIG WINNERS ... a jc'tllleled 1/0 1 macltiac nursi ng hom es within 10 working days, 41 .5 percent of the cases studied tn the audit during 1980 and 1981 were not investigated within that time. The late eases took the d e partment an average of 43 days to investigate, and one took 194 days. the audit said. It also said it would not verify state officials' contention that staffing shortages were responsible for the delays. "As a result of inconsistent, inadequate, and untimely responses to complaints, patients have suffered for unnecessarily long periods or time from substandard conditions in some long-term care facilities," said the report by Auditor General Thomas Hayes. Some homes that often violate health standards "are endangermg the health. safety and security of their patients,") Hayes wrote. In one case. the auditor said, a district office deferred for 106 days a nurse's complaint that a nursing home had improperly fitted a patient with a catheter and then failed to monitor the condition of the patient, who developed complications and had to be hospitali?.ed. The audit also said the department has seldom imposed triple fines for repeat violations, as a 1981 law provides; is . inconsistent in assessing the 1 seriousness of a violation, and does not adequately verify that violations have been corrected. Another findin~ was that the department and its lawyers on the attorney general's staff rarely prosecute nursing homes for "Class B" violations, those bearing a direct or immediate relauonship to the health, safety ": or security of a patient. Because the maximum fine for such violations is only $250, the usual practice 1s to allow the nursing homes to correct the conditions without prosecution, • the audit said. As a result, it said, the effectiveness of those citations is reduced. ... • I t i The gambler who has everything would pro bably appreciate a new slot machine built by a San Franclaoo jeweler. h la made of 24 karat gold plate and has 818 gem.stones set in aolld gold. Its decorations include 317 sapphires, 302 rubies, 183 diamonda and 16 emeralds. The builder aay1 he fashioned the fancy slot from a reconditioned standard alot machine model of 1926, and he cla1ma lt actually works. But It will never pay off a jackpot as valuable as the machine Itself ... the jewel-bedecked alot ii valued at • cool $1 mU.Uon. l\a gemstones total 48e carats. Its cherrlee, bells VASE $135 PLATE $100 BOWL $80 i .. I · and lemona are jult ordinary alot aymbola. But, if the gold and Jewell a.re not enough to entice you to men out a mtllton tor thia ·one-armed t.nd.lt, the builder will sweeten the pot with 200 10Jd plated Amerlun liberty he.cl nlckela. There'• no utra cbarait for the nldtela. And you can feed 'em rtaht t.c:k into Lhe alot macbJ.ne . PHONl 548-340t , I ' I .. ,. 11 't "' ...L ' l ., 1' , j 11:sngu Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Wednhday, Aiugu1t 25. 1982 • DEAR PAT: Wblcb k lad1 of plant1 provide Uae be1t fire protection on a blll1ide? I'm replutiDI tlae lalll at tbe back of my lot ud would like to flad oat about tbl1. K.E., HuaUn1ton Beach The following plants are re<x>mmended for use on landscaped, irrigated hillsides for fire protection: ground covers -dwarf coyote buah, Algerian ivy, sun.rose, iceplant (various genera); shrubs -Carmel creeper, rock.rose, toyon: trees -carob, California laurel and fan palms. The effectiveness of these plants can be increased by using a high-pressure sprinkler system. '\. For more detaile d information on protection of your home Crom wildfire, ask for the illustrated leaflet, "Brush Management - Protecting Your Home Against Wildfire (No. 2 1104).'' Mall request to UC Cooperative Extension Publications, 1422 Harbour Way South, Richmond, Calif. 94804. Enclose a $1.27 check payable to UC Regents to cover postage, tax and handling. Heat detectors elf ective? DEAR PAT: Can you tell me anything about beat detectors? Can they be used ID1tead of 1moke detectors? If not, where and bow n oald tbey be used? N.C., Huntington Beach Heat detectors do add protection, but they must be cloee to a fire to set off the alarm and they do. not serve as a smoke detector substitute. They are especially useful in environments that could fool or disable a sm oke detector, such as a kitchen, where grease particles in the air might cause a smoke sensor to give false alarms. Properly selected heat detectors also can be used in areas that are too hot or too cold for smoke detect.ors to function properly, such as furnace rooms, attics and attached garages. Most heat detectors use a piece of specially-formulated metal which either melts or distorts because of heat in the air around it. Heat detractors built into smoke detectors usually set off the main detector's alarm when a certain temperature is exceeded, while separate devices sound their own alarm or send an electrical signal to a control alarm. Cleaning chimneys hard DEAR PAT: I know there are firms that clean fireplace chimneys, but I'd like tolknow if there is any way I can do tbis job myself. K.W., Newport Beach Some people clean their ch imneys by burning a very hot fire for a period of ti.me each day, but August is hardly the ti.me to do this. Never intentionally create a sm all chimney fire as this may crack the flue liner. For a thorough job, you will need a wire chimney brush sJ.z.ed and shaped to fit your fireplace flue. The brush can be pulled by two ropet (ont' penion pulla from the roof; the other person pulls from below) or by a weight and rope. Be sure the roof l• dry and there'• no wind on the day you do thla job. Wear old clothes and safety gogglea. Take st.epe to keep the dust and soot off furniture and carpeting. The easiest way to do the job la with a brush and extension handles. Thia method allows cleaning from bel8w by one pef'llOn. Brush until the flue looka shiny and smooth. Chemical cleaners also can be used to break down creosote, but they are eff~Uve only when used frequently. Be sure to l eave valid will DEAR PAT: What happen1 ID Callfornla if a person dies wltho11t a will? How 11 the estate bandied? H.W., Newport Beach First, it is not true tha t your property automatically will go to the state if you die without a will This nappens only if you have no "heirs" -. husband, wife, r elatives, adopted children -to inherit your property. But it is true that your property can't go to friends, a charity or other benefactors if you don't leave a will. The law will treat all of your property the same. There are no special provisions for h eirloom s, jewelry, or the family business. . lf you don't leave a valid will, the court distribute$ your property to your relatives in a certain order called "int.estate s uccession." For example, you may think if you make no will your husband or wife wilJ get all of your prope rty. This is true only for "community property," which the two of you acquire during marriage. But it is not true of "separate property," which either of you had before marriage or received afterward as gifts, inheritances or awards in certain lawsuits. What happens to this separate property if you have no will? In California, bne-half goes to your spouse, the othe r half to your child if you have just one. When there are two or more children, then one-third goes to your spouse and two-thirds is split equally among you r children. If yo~ don't have children, one-half goes to your spouse and one-half to your pare nts or, if they are dead, to your brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat· Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • l getting the answers and action you nee d to solve inequ ities in r1 government and busin ess. Mail . your questio1JB to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, ~ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business h ours' phone number . cannot be considered. HAZY COAST -Summer's haze softens aerial view of the coastline at El Morro curve upcoast from Laguna Beach. El Morro School is in foreground and El Morro Trailer Park can be seen on the beach (center of photo) and spilling Delly Not lthoto bf. i... tterne inland from Pacific Coast Highway (lower left). The highway winds on downcoast paSt Emerald Bay (upper right) and into Laguna Beach in the upper left corner of photo. Family hit hard by tragedies A uto d eaths claim two children six months apart SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Patricia McGraw was in the hospital recuperating from a hit-and-run accident when she heard that her son had been killed in a traffic accident. Six months lat.er, the news came again, this time about her daughter. Both times, the coroner's messa~e was almost the sam e, and it's burned into McGraw's memory: "drunke n driver, instant death." "The first ti.me, everybody was really sad, but the pain was all mine," she said in a telephone interview from her San Jose home. "This one is even worse." On Monday , p olice Said McGraw 's daughter, Dawn J effries, a 17-year-old West Valley College student, died instantly when she was struck by a motorist around 1:40 a .m. in north San Jose. A 23-year -old woman was arrested on s uspicio n o f felon y drunken driving, felo n y manslaughter and felony hit and run in connection with the incident. McGraw said that in February, she was struck by a hit-and-run driver as she walked across a store parking lot to her car. "Twenty min•Jtes later, I woke up on t he pavement. I managed to get to my car and drive home. not realizing that my leg was broken," she said. Before she could enter a hospital for surgery on her ankle, her parked car was rammed -by a hit-and-run driver. The worst was yet to come. "It was 1 a.m . on Feb. 22 when the doctors came in and said they had something to tell me. They said. 'There's been a terrible accident. It's your son '," said McGraw , 34, w ho has w ritten a story about the death of the son, 18-year-old Aaron Lind. Police cha rged the driver of the car with drunke n driving. Later, the charges w e re dismissed, apparently because of the inability to locate a witness. The f ederal General A ccoun ting Office estimates that more than 25,000 people die each year in drinking-driving accidents -one every 23 minutes. Another one million Americans suffer crippling injuries in drunken-driving incidents, the National Highway Traffic Safety Adviinistration says.California, with 16 million licensed drivers, accoWlts for 26 percent of the nation's arrests for driving under the influence, the state Department of Motor Vehicles says. "I hurt," McGraw said. ''I feel very vengeful at times. Especially with Dawn. She was the light of my life, and beautiful." Her daugt)t.er was out with a boyfriend when . her car lost a wheel and spun out on Highway 17. The police arrived and the couple summoned a tow truck. Jeffries was standing on the highway sh oulder next to the disabled car when she was struck from behind. California Highway Patrol spokesman Robert Thompson said the speeding car veered onto the shoulder and cli pped Je ffries, throwing her over the tow truck. The driver sidewswiped the towing rig and continued on. Katherine Cent.er of Dublin was booked into Elmwood Women's Detention Facility in Milpitas in connection with the incident and was released on $11,000 bail Monday evening. FIXED HATE MOHT6A6ES $100 duri.__ our FULLY AMORTIZED SECOND TRUST DEEDS ·cALL (714)754--1801 FOR CURRENT RA TES • ASK FOR: LINDA SH EA ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT 1700 ADAMS A VE. COSTA MESA, CA prevent forest !ires. e fall Invest in the Silverwoods quality difference of fine tailoring and service, while building a fresh new fall wardrobe. robe ofter. You'll save 100.00 when you select suits, sportcoats and slacks from ollr newest fall collect ions including Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Hickey Freeman, Pierre Cardin, Bill Blass, Austin Reed. Christian Dior and many more. 1YP1cel wardrobe v•lue: Any suit at . . . . . . . . . . ...... 225.00 or more Plus any sportcoat at . . . ....... 145.00 or more And any pair of sl~ks at . . . . . . . . 4 5.00 or more For a total of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 415.00 or more Silverwood• then deducta 100.00 off the tot•I. silverwoods. u..,.. ........ c..we. ........................ Cerd. VIie FASHION tSLANO, NEWPORT BEACH ' -... • j. . -... . ,, ... Spielberg's aunt foresaw success USING HE R HEAD -A young Z imbabwe woman carries a five-gallon drum from her home village to a water hole. Water has become a precio u s co mm odity following Southern Africa's worst drought in a decade. Senators hack preserve hill WASHINGTON (AP) Fifty-one senators have signed on as co-sponsors of legislation to ban oil and natural gas drilling an millions of acres of wilderness preserves, the ball's chief sponsor says. Sen. Henry M . J ackson, D-Wash., who introduced the bill, said this week that the decision by 51 of the I 00 S<.'na tors to join him demonstrates the lack of public support for Interior Secr etary James G . Watt's wilderness policies. "I am hope ful we t•an have quick action 1n the Sen ate." Jackson said. ''It is important that this bill be cn~<.'tcd before the end of the year " The bill 1s 1dent1cal to one passed 340-58 by the House. Steven Splelber1'1 wucc n with his movie "E.T., The Extra Terrestrial," doesn't aurpmc hll aunt, who aees 1<>me almllarltle. between hl8 films and hla time In Cincinnati, where he was born 3~ years ago. "We're all very proud of him -his Intensity in his films ls like his intensity as a child," said Natalie Spielberg Guttman, w ho still lives in the city. Spiel berg was born In Cincinnati while his father , Arnold, was pursuing a degree in e lectronic engineering a t the University of Cincinnati. His mother, Leab Posner Spielberg, also a native Cincinnatian and an accomplashed pianist, was attending the Ci n ci nnati Conservatory of Music. The Beach Boys, who h ave been in the foreground of the r ock 'n' roll scene for two decades, drew more than 12,000 fans to a weekend "beach party" in the resort town of Destin in the Florida Panhandle. The concerts last weekend were the group's first beach appearances in two years and the only ones scheduled during their 1982 five-month tour which ends in September, according lo concert promoter Janet Dalton Kessler. The Beach Boys -brothers Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson, cousin Mike Love and friends Al Jardine and Bruce Johnston -is on e of the longest-running original bands m rock 'n' roll ' history. Britis h Prime Minis ter Margaret Thatc her had minor surgery to veins in her legs at a London hospital , her o ffice announced. The 56-year-old British leader had a general anesthetic for the Monday operation at the Fitzroy Nuffield Hospital. a private facility in Bryanston Square . "It's a condition she's had for some time and which caused some disco mfo r t," sa id a s pokesman for the pri me minister. "It entailed minor surger y at an opportune moment, after the hectic schedule she's had for the last few months." Robinsons COME BE INSPIRED: OUR NEWEST DAVID HAYES COLLECTION HAS ARRIVED And 1t more than l•ves up to his reputation as master of refined. understated elegance Shown here. his paean to Black Tie dressing the black wool crepe coatdress for 6 to 14. $300. Just one lrom his new group of outfits designed to inspire all those who see you in them Robinson's Designer Dresses. 85 To order. call toll·free 1 ·800·345-8501 11111 If ACES Robert Fraacl1 Kennedy Jr., son of E thel Kennedy and the late U.S. senator, was one of 53 young lawyers sworn In as 8881stant district attorneys for the borough of Manhattan. Also sworn this week was Cyru s R . Vance Jr., 28 , a graduate . f Georgeto wn Univers ity Law School and son of the forme r see- r e t a r y o f state. K e nned y. also 28, is a graduate of the Univer-KENNEDY sity of Virginia Law School. The new assistants were sworn 1n by their boss, Manhattan District Attorney Rob e rt Morge nthau. The prosec utor's office refused to allow Kennedy to bl• i nt erviewed o r photographed "because we're going to try to treat Mr. Kennedy the way we treat" his new coll eagues. s aid Mary d e Bourbon, a spokesman for the DA. C harl e n e Tilton , th e diminutive Lucy Ewing Cooper of CBS' "Dallas," has given birth to a girl. L o r1mar Produ c tions announced the birth at Cedars- Sinai Hospital on Monday Miss Tilton 1s married to country- western smger Johnny Lee. The baby, born last Friday. was named Cherish, and weighed 6 pounds. 9 1/1 ounL'CS. Wiime r "Vin egar Bend" Mizell, who u sed t o wing fastballs and curves as a patcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. has been sworn an as an assistant secretary of agriculture. The $58.550-a-yl'ar job puts Mizell in eharge of public ad congressional affairs and intergovernmental relations. He was piC'ked by President Reigan and sworn m Monday Mizell. 52. is a former three-term congressman from North Carolina. He got ha s nickname from his hometown .. Vinegar Bend, Ala. Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Wedne1day, Auguat 26, 1982 fr-, I Siu' 52K26'u15'" 1n Up to 30°/o OFF! Imported Brass & Glass Tables from Italy. Constructed of Brass Bases and Thick Glass Top with "O.G." Edge. Now up to 30% OFF! Reg. $755 Sale $549 Reg. $855 Sale $629 Reg. $682 Sale $489 ---------~-~awrt"------- COSTA MFSA 1 595 Newoor1 BtvO 71 4164<1.,Q!>() l I •• ,,, ••of< tfofl tt 1 Ito'•' ALL STOP E<; OPEN V O NOAY THRll <:;A TU R DAY 9 A "I TO '>'.IC' Pl\.' LAGUNA BEACH 34 S Not1n Coast Hwv 71 4 •9 •·6SS1 EARN AND LEARN! Deli v er the Daily Pilat Boys a nd girls 10 or o lde r -I Call 642-4321 and apply today. Daily Pila~ ) ... - ~· Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Wedne1d1y, Augult 25, 188~ Legislator assists Nestande Robinson amendrnent to aid super vi or' appointment By FJ\EDERICK SCHOEMEHL M tlMI D ... r l'Uol lteft A Santa Ana lc glalator IH taking a ntiw wck ln hia drive to e naure thut Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, wins an appointment to the California Transportation CornmUi.slon. Assembl yman R ic hard Ro b in son has su <.·ccssfull y amended an otherwwise minor bill to permit supervisors from certain counties. including O range, to i.erve on the state commission Existing law doet1 not exclude supervisors from serving on the commission. But the legislative counsel's o ffice, f ollowing research of the Issue, said a county supervisor serving on the state commission could face conflicts of interest. tranapon.allon commtalon could bl' appointed w tht' higher sww l'OmmlMIOn Orange 1s among Beveral Southern California counties whlch has a locaJ transportation commlulon. Nest.ande doet1 not serve on the panel. U nder R obinson 's amendme nt any supervia6r who is a member of the local panel could not serve on the st.ate panel. Thus, Nestandt· would qualify for appointment. Robinson was responsible for persuading Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. to appoint Nestande, u former assemblyman, to the state transportation commission . Nestande w ould replace Dean M eyer . of rural H ayfork in Northern California. The a pp ointm e nt went unchallenged when announced at a July luncheon hosted by Robinson and a tte nde d b y Nestande and the governor. The Sena~ ltuJea Committee was 1cheduled l o conald er NHlande'1 appolntmtnl laal W e dnPtday, but p o1tponed conald er lion al lhe requeel of Ncatande and, Indirectly, the governor'• office. Ne s t a nde traveled t o Sacramento Monday lO dlacuss the appointment face-lo-face with potential oppone nts. The Rul es Committee h as not resched ul ed the Nes lande appointment for consideration. Executive Officer Jerry Zanelli indica t ed it will occur b y today. Meanwhile, the Robinson amendments designed to pave the way for the appointment face cons1dt•ration by both the full Senate and Assembly. The legudature will adjourn next Tuesday. Exemption made CLOSE CALL Freddie Rice of Tucson receives helping hands as Arizona Department of Transportation workers and by-standers pull him from a water-filled wash near I# WlnpM4o downtown Tucson. Freddie and a companion fe ll into the wate r after a heavy rainfall drenched the area. Both were rescued. The s tate com m1 ss1o n 1s responsible for doling out billions of dollars U\ state transportation funds. U n d e r· R o b 1 n s o n ' s amendments, supervisors from any county which has a local In recent days, however. both the legislative counsel's op1mon and regional disputes ha ve threatened to block th e appointment. SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego has exempted holistic heafth practitioners from the city's r estrictions on adult entertainment. AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder Receiver bell driven rec ord player lronl load c os· sette plover/recorder 2 speakers sgg Stereo Music Console Ploys AM ond FM stereo Full-size BSR record changer with diamond stylus s497 Stereo Component Music System AM/FM stereo receiver with dig1· tol frequency readout/clock Cossette record1ng/ploybock deck with LED bar graph meters Two-woy speakers with electron 1c crossover network ! 1.44 Submarfne Sandwiches 4·Pound • Dry Chlorine H1gn concenr101ec:1 70"11. ChlOt one OVO•IOOle IQ< super Chlett roting 'Net weigh! 9.96 3·1b. 9-0z. • Conditioner Cona111one1 end stob1h1er Snould oe used every lwo montl\1 ~ uie wrll r~ the Cl'llO<•ne de<noncl of 11\e W019' • Nel wetghl 3.96 DeluxeT ... K" Color /Remote Control Tri-locus picture tube. tnple·plus chassis Quortz·controlled electronic tuning Com puter Space Command!! 1800 turns set on/off. change channels from your chair s717 49c leddlng .-tant1 Heollhv ond lovely llowenng onnuols occenl your iono scoping 1.67 1-Galon • Plcua Repen1 ficus ~s stoked '°' uP'IQtl' O'OW1no ·con telnet Sile .. 19·1nch Dlag. Meas. Portable Color TV Auto Co10• conirot $ ~\'Siem '10010 on P•C 2 7 9 lure or>e sour>e 1n1e 0'0190 C"CVtl1y IOI g<eole• re1tot:>;l1ly 1·.44 1-Gal. Euonymu1 Aureo Martnata f\le•oieen 01 dectauous 5hruO Masi O•e best on lu~ sun Need 0<1lv mooetote wo1e11no t 001 con•o•ne< s11e 4.97 5.00Hon • Junipers YOU! chOice ol 5 oc>llOn • Jun1~ Toms °' Seo Greens llrne mo tn i.nonoe plOnll • Con- IOtnef Sile .) Free to the Publle BACK.. TO SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION' CLINIC PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Tl l~"ll•" \I t,I ''1 11 ~ 00 I' \I '' 00 I' \I \C.I 1,1<0\ I' h \IO ' 111'> TO 1r," \I{'> OU'llll itl4, It I'"\ t•ul(11 ti Ill It \\I\ tit •*11" lrlU\O"\ "'''*'i' 1 f 11 It., '·"""'"' .._,.,_, CAl<MEN Yl'PPA CON FEHE'.'iCl·. lE;\TEI< lHHI~ lklo1<.1tn· "tn'l·I t1 1 Ulm·k South of ~101111 lluntinl(t•>n lll-lldt, l.uliforniu NOW tlwu SUNDAY • CONNll MAtN•I • Sl'ECIAl EllTtllTAlllMlllT ... ._. .,.._._ • .._.Dell, Ill THI fAMllY ClllClE THUTlll • Monty laving"-l!IKlel• • lf!teflot "°°"' Olepl•y• • ,._,,ufectured Hou.mg ADMllllON IMOW MOUftl AdUlll . 9'.IO Monday-Tl\urld1y tttM te 1°"'9 Cl\lldl'tn 1 .. 18 rrt 1 It.so Friday ._.to UN Ol\lldr11111unoet8Yfll . ,,.. Sa1ur<11y 11Neeftte1'"'9 s.n.C1llitnaltOftMon ·Fr1 Sunday ti.._ .. Wll Come EtHty. Stir Ulte ~IR CONOITIONEO EIM •Olll tN•O OA&.L c.-.. v•NTIQN c•NTS" ''"' ........ llOO W K ..... AclOM !IOll'I OI-no j. .. ... .. . . . .. \ Orange Coaet OAIL Y PI LOT /Wednesday, August 2!5, 1982 .Mexico battles economic • • cr1s1s Tortillas price increase spurs s trug gle for s urvival • MEXICO CITY (AP) -When the bottom fell oul of the Mexican economy earlie r thl1 month, the Inte rnational banking 1y1tem 1hudd_,r ccJ , tht•n adju.ted. But for many Mexicans It poses a struggle for surviva l. because t he tortilla -the staff of life since the Aztecs -doubled In price. The e<.'Onomy, dependent on revenue fro m Mexico's huge oil reserves , fell victim to the world oil glut and heavy government borrowanf for development projects, which I.he ol money had been expected to t'Over. The government has had to tighten its bell, doubling the price of tortillas and some other staples to r educe exp en sive s u bsidies, a n d international bankers worked out a new repayme nt schedule last week. Il's no help to muk•· your nwn, ulxJut lour n·n1.i. i1t tht• ht·~inn11161 uf thl' ~auac tht' prlt't' u( 1..•orn1111•11l 11IM.> hM y1..•1.r, tu two ct'11li1, and w ith th t• luoel doublt'C.1. devaluation, about u pt•nny Thl' 1•flt'l·L'I T ortillas are the ht!Urt of Mt•><kun have sp11lt'CI owr the U S border cu1.1ine, whe ther w ltn cheese, shrt.-dt.11.-<l Sales have slumped m somt· st.on·11 m beef, chicken or beana. U.S bor d e r tuwns tht that d ept·nd .. Where Is It all gomg lo end up 1f heavily on Mt•><ll·an trat.il• and takl' J>l~ t·v~rything is so expensive?" said Maria 1n payment. Mexk ans find shorwg1•1:1 0 11 Estrada, a mother o{ thr<'<' ch ildren. t h l'lr side o f tht' bordt-r bN'!J Uhl• Ma n y M exica ns a rC' a ski n g t h at Americans pour across the lane sc·t•kmg question as their country sinks dt'e per m· bargains. to its worst economic crisis since the For Amcr1c:ms with dollH~ to 1>pt•nd, 19 10-1920 r evo lutio n . l nflal1on 1s everything 1s sudde nly abo ut half as e xpected to exc.'t>ed 60 pert-ent this year, expens i ve a s it wus b d ort• But and thousands of peoplc arc losing their Ame ricans with dollurs in Mc•x 1t•a n jobs. ban k s h ave b een h 1 t h ard T h t· During the last three weeks a series of gov1..·rnmcnt has frozen s ul·h al·c.·ounts government decisions -includang sharp and will pay them off only Ill p•·sos price incre>ases £or b asic food s and Although the peso trade.~ on tht· opcm services and the set.'Ond peso dc.•valuauon market at around IOO to the dollur, th<.· this year -has left Mexicans stunned. rate for settling dollar ac."t.•ounu. has l.wc•n t•<.mfused and angry. set at 69.50. The measures eroded <.·onfidcncc in For many Mexicans It 1s a mallL'r of the government of Pre1s1dcnt Jose Lopez survival. A1 From the sun-baked moun tains of Chih uahua an the north to the steaming jungles of Chiapas 1,500 miles to the south, the flat cornmeal panca kes are eaten by all classes of the country's 70 million people, every meal of the day. The new price is 10 cents a pound, in a country w here 40 percent of working· age people can't find a job, or earn less than the minimum w age, equivalent to about $4 a day. Portillo, whose suc.oeessor. Miguel de la L1 c1na G a n·1a. a moth<.·r o f thr<'l'. Madrid, takes office Dec. l for a six-year mc:reas<'d th<.· prwe of the bean and c.-htl1 t erm . Both m e n b e lo ng t o lh C' tortillas she sells at her sidewalk s Utll Institutional Revolutionary Par ty, wh1c:h from 11 pesos to 12. Lul·k1ly for ht·r, thl· has been in powe r for 5:J y<>ars prtc•(' of beans hlis gune up only <ibout 10 The peso·s value has dro pp1..•d from pc'rcent PE 0 PROTE S T Dt•m ons trator o;; flit· pa st J u an•z C1 1y H all 1n p ro!l•:-.t OVl'r t h<.· M <' x 1 1· ,, n g 11 v 1· r n n1 c· n t '-. AP Wlret>ftoro dt·va lu ~1 l1•111 ul Lhc• pc·:-.o Th<.· M1 x11-.1n p1·upl1•. c :1ugh 1 in an 1nflat1un,H \ cr .i p , <Jfl" l <i<:1ng a -.1r uggl1 f111 '-'H v1val *** *** Pottery business sanie Peso crisis hasn't affecte d Laguna shops Operators of two potlery outlets in Laguna Beach say th e r ece n t devaluation of the peso in Mexico has not draslicaJJy aHected the price of items they stock from that country. And the high unemployme n t rate south of the border has not reduced the volume of merchandise shipped north to the two retail businesses. Appeal set in radiation deaths case S ALT LAKE C IT Y (A P ) - Attorneys for the federal government said they will appeal a judge's ruling that the governm e nt conceale d evidence in a 1956 laws uit which claimed atomic test fallo ut killed thousands of s heep. U.S . District Judge A. S herman Christensen said the government has the right to a ppeal his decision. He declined to set a date for retrial of the laws uit until a fter the a ppeal is resolved. On Aug. 4, Christensen ruled the government pressured witnesses not to testify as to their real opinions and made intentionally false or deceptive representations during the 1956 lawsuit. In that lawsuit, Christensen ruled tha t Ut ah ranch ers did not prove radiation from above-ground nuclear tests in Nevada in the 1950s caused or contributed to the deaths of 4,300 sheep. Bob Bankdull. manager of the Pot te ry S ha c k o n S o ut h Coast Highway. said he has "not not1et.'CI a real profound change ... m prices or volume coming across the bordC'r to his shop. "We·ve found our business 1s doing quite well despite the fac:t that goods h ave bee n reduce d in value tn Mexico." Barkdull said thlS week. T he Pottery Shack, wh1c:h stocks 15,000 different items -many from Me xico -purchases mos t o f its plan ters from dealers in BaJa a nd Mexico City. "Our planters are brough t to u-; and we pay for them in dollars." Barkd ull S'lid. He said the people his buyers deal with in Mexico have, in fact, raised the prices of plante rs to meet the dollar value. But b ecause his b u yer s h a v e ne gotiated "a ver y low price with agents in Mexico" the price paid by Potte r y Shack s hoppers ha s not changed. "In fact, the price has been brought down a little -but not much." Kay Coull, who owns the Pottery Barn on North Coast Highway, says her prices to local visitors have not changed, despite the devaluation of the peso. She said d ealers from Mexico deliver ite ms such as clay pots and they deal only in dollars. "We really don't have that large a volume from Mexico," she said . "But I haven't noticed any change an pnces. "I don't think we can look forward to low er prices a s a result of the economy in Mexico." IF YOU COOK -YOU NEED COOK LINE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF ''Cook-Along'' And Information Brochure -Coll (71•) 759-1•14 or 1-800-345-2000 _ §ou'tmd Presents a new Gourmet Cook ing Class ... ICE-CREAM SOCIAL Are vc111 nn 1rc·rreon1 louer"J Do you dream of super· flnuored 1ce·nl'n111 111th o sot1sfvrng butter Jot content? O r, do the hot dov~ ol A1 1c111s t brrn9 111s1ons of cool. fresh fruit sorbet? In this special 1ce·rreom u·nrkshop. Kot1e Slattery will shore the "ecrets of fmzen desserts mode with all natural Ingredients. Rec.;ies will be suitable for finishing rn either hand-crank or on e/ectnc mochrne For the u•nrkshop. Kolle will use the S1mac II Gelotolo -the machine which Craig Clatbome calls .. truly odmrroble ""•lurd1w. August 2Rth $5 00 2:00 10 4:00 p.m. Pre·reglstrotlon not required Watch for our new cooking Brochurea soon! Reserve early -open 7 days 8 tll 6 4974403 ------------ the more you compare, the more you'll agree Marshalls is today's s tore for smart shoppers men's nationally advertised velour jerseys sold elsewhere p ast season at $28 ma rs~;r~~ 14 • 99 Plush velour knits from a classic nam e i n sportswear . S tripes and solids. crew s and vees In easy-care cotton /polyester. Sizes S·M·L-XL. Fl rst quality. first quality natlonallyadvertised sheet sets rc~ular prl("(' elsewhere marahall.a price 3 -pc. twin ..... $36 ..... 15. 99 4 -pc. full ...... $46 ..... 23. 99 4-pc. queen ... $52 ..... 29.99 4 -pc. king ..... $64 ..... 34.99 Curre n t prin ts from everal top manufactu~rs In a wide assortment lncludlni( mtnlp rlnts . fl orals a nd geometrics. Perma nent press cotton/ polyeste r. First q uaJlty. AV11 ll IF5I~111111 s ======:Brand Names f<Y Less/::::::=:::::= COSTA Ml!IA: Harbor Shop Ctr . at the intersection of Harbor Blvd and Wiison SI LA M8"AOA: Groen Hills Shopping Ctr E1111mpe1111 Howv comer ot San1a Genruaes ,_ve HUNTINOTON l l ACH: cornt•r nt Boecti Blvd and T er1y Dr LAO UNA HIUI: OakbfOOk V1t11ge on Aven1de de IA Carlota take El Toro Rd '"'I oft San Diego r1wy 1Att 61 aa1 10 Laguna Mill~ Malt •....-.._.., tlwu a..,..,._. .. ...._ i. t:M' .r. ...-.....,,,_ ... , .... •MenMlle ........ lllOkJ· ti"""' Nf4'"' ·-pvrctlMe Wllfl ,._., ..._ .. wlWll IO •o A8 Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Wednelday, Augutt 25, 1882 rnonation rescues GWC museum · $10,000 gift from Aminoil brings exhibit back to life • By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... Dlllr,....._.. When Ma x L~chtman deecrlbea the Natural H latory MUMum a\ Golden Weet <:.oUe~e u a bare bones operation, he• not joktns. Lec htman, who teac h es biology at the Huntington Beach campus, explaina that 1>ecau.ee of fundlng and penonnel cutbacks, ' the muaeum's showcaaes during the past year have displayed little more than dust. But admirers of the museum found reason to rejoice this week when Amlnoll USA, whic h operates oil fields in Huntington Beach, donated $10,000 to help bring the exhibit hall back to life. Lech tman said the dona lion will allow one faculty member to work aa a mwieum coordinator and begin preparlna a n e w exhibit \hat 1hould open In early 1983. ''M oa t achools probably consider , thia a luxury," he l&id. "But we llke having lt here because It allows student.a to aee things they wouldn't ordl.na,rlly see. "It is considered a luxury. T hat's why there's no college district funding for It. But private donations should allow us to continue o perati ng the museum -indefinitely, I hope." The museum opened in 1976 in a new wing added to the college's math-science building. It was designed to house a (ew small animals and rotating exhibits on natural hlltory themC!I. Exhibit «>pica have Included the archaeoloay of Oranee County. lnaectai, coaat.al wildlife, endangered 19ecie1 and prevention of birth delecta. The mu1eum traditionally offered two or three exhibit.a yearly. Vlal tora have Included Golden West biology s tudents and youngsters from local elementary achools, church groups and scout troops. "The museum seemed to get progressively better until about two years ago, when we had to start c utting back." Dr. Lechtrnan said. He said the delayed impact ol Proposition 13 forced the rollege to initiate belt-tightening If vou don't smoke. I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Clalm yoor reward from: RAB81TT INStltANCE 441 Old Newpol't Blvd. Newpon BMch, Ca. '31·7740 Call 642-5678. FRINGE BENEFIT 2644 SAN MIGUEL DR.- II TIE "IEWPGRT HILLS" CTI. Comer of Forti Rtl. s •••• , Put • few words lo work fo r ou. NEWPORT BEACH 144-IOIO le low SIMPUCln McCALL'S VGIUE 1m11uc1 QUALITY FABRICS PATIERllS Dress, Sportswear, Loa&ewur ~ea'1 Playwea.r, Crafts, Home hnlA1ap LARGE SELECTION OF SOLIDS AND PRINTS IN YEAR 'ROUND AND FALL COLORS IN MACHINE WASHABLE AND PERMANENT PRESS FABRICS OF COTTON PLL VESTER, AND BLENDS. 2 for $100 SALE PRICES UP TO 50% OFF NOTIONS 1mo1s • ZIPPERS Sale 19rio1d from a low 39• Ill colon ••• 1ize1 from T1lo1 11tl .IHI THREAD•PllS•IEEDLES Sale priced from a low 39c. J& P Coats quality thread for all types of sewing. HLfEITfl ,.,.,, Oe41¥e colot1. J1yle1. b<g gtoupJ ol pr111rs. mony colots Ill. II.II rt. SALE 'RICE $2.38,,. ...... IROADCLOT# .SO<l6 Co11on, .SO% PolyelltN l.S" W-dtb Moc:/11"-Wosh C°'<>'s Go/ore ... u-$2.70 yon/ Sale I 1 .II'"" 11111uon11 ,,,_,,,,,,. mf'a&Urol. BocaUIM.' or cutbelcka In personnel, the museum Iott u non-teaching employee who had been overseeing the fadUty A• a re1ult, the muaeum offered no exhlblta durlna the 1981 -82 school year .. A stuffed bear 1Ull occupies a p!AM.-e In the museum's front window, and a few Uve anlmall are maintained, but the facility's display cases are otherwlae bare. Last spring Lechtman appealed to the California Co m munity Colleges administration for additional funds to restore the museum. Thus far, he has received no reply. He also learned that Aminoil makes corporate donations to communit y projects. and his application produced the $10,000 grant. Lec.;htman said faculty membe rs w Ii I soon begin con tacting other museums and organizations to try t.o arrange cooperative exhibits. Post filled SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Blue Cross official was appointed by Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. to the state Health Planning Law Revision Commission. The appointee, Manuel Sanchez, 39, of Los Angeles, is executive vice president of Blue Cross of Southern California. Delly l'llot ""4>to by P•trtcll O'DcNIMll MUSEUM PIECE -Golden West College biology instructor Max Lechtman examines an animal skeleton that is being kept in storage at Natural History Museum. THE PRICE OF THE TU RTL E IS DOWN. There's something different going on at the Velvet Tt'rtlc. Both on your plate. And in your pocket. We've got a new menu. New dishes. New decor. But best of all, new low prices . NIGHTLY SPECIALS ON BOARD. Every night our chef will be serving a changing variety of black- board specials. Six delicious dinners starting as low as $7.95 . Everything from fresh fish to delicate duck. All wailing on board at the Velvet Turtle. A NEW SET OF LOWER PRICED DISHES. l*'ve added some brand new specialties to your old favor- ites. A third cut of juicy Prime Rib. A Petite or large CLOSE-OUT PRICE 40% OFF PRINTS f~OM TOP OUAJITY M/llS ..,, CIOSE OUT DISCOUNTS 1.gulM $3.29·$4.1'f yonl l obster Tail. Plus tender succu lent chicken prepared in a variety of tantalizing ways. And they're priced as low as $7.95 . TRIM•LlCE •RllBOI Good HOftment of colOfs, sizes and styles for the most fancy sewing project. RICI-RICI •SUI 1110111 Sole priced from a low 24Wright' 1 tape, hem facings, etc. for a JMrfect finish. ........ .,,.~ ... .... ........ fnll I 19 21' FIXTURES FOR SALE IALI 11111 $ 1 .BB-3.,B,., COTTO IS .-.r.u.•ltr •Mm•fttJJ .. -. n .so "'· $2 38 WI "10 ............. _. ' 'f'll. no. IJ.H '9. $2 68 ...J JMI "110I --·-· ·--• r-· .. ..... r. l'D $3 48 ...J IAU "110I --·· •· -• r-• LAST DAYS OE SALE r So when it comes to dinner, we've got your number. THE BEST DRESSED TURTLE IN TOWN. M>u won't recognize us from our shell. We' re taking on a brand new look. We're lighter. Brighter. And more relaxed. The perfect setting for dinner. All at prices you 're sure to find very fas hionable. WE LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. Some things never change. like our splendid service. Warm atmosphere. Fresh cut flowers. And superb food. So why not relax, and enjqy your night. Because the price of Turtle was never better. West w1 Anaolca (213) 477-.4255 L<>t Angeles (213) 489-2555 Woodland Hilla (213) 703-6160 Pmdena (213) 192-3101 Thrrance (213) 634·1701 F\IJlerton (714) 871·9340 Newport lleach (714) &44•6313 ThoUsand Qakl (805) 497· 7818 RtdQndo Beach (213) 378-8377 LoQa ~acb (213) 426-0091 South Gate (213) 928-3331 Pu('nte 11111• (213) 912·5358 81 Toro (714) 859-7885 Covina (213) ~ I ,, j. TP _ QLilE Of • 0 . . ' . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedne1day, Augu1t 26, 1982 Al Announcing the Angels: It's a Petty job County judge di~ides time between courtroom and Anaheim Stadium BY BARRY EBERLING or .. .,..,,...,..,. On th• wall ot Judge Phillip Petty'• Oranae County Courthowie office hanga a picture of the Anaheim St•dlum 11COreboard flaahlng thl.a message: "Congratulations to Phil Petty . . . paased State Bar examination today." Petty rated a mention that June 3, 1970 day because he happened to be a part-time public address announcer for the California An${ela1,, as well aa the Los Angeles Dodgers and LoOe Angeles Rama. Currently the Newport Beach resident w orks about six Angel contests per month, avoiding any conflicts with his judicial duties, thanks to the help of lriend John Ramsey. Any Los Angeles-area sports fan should immediately recognize Ramsey's voice, if not his name. The veteran P .A. announcer cans the bulk of Angels, Dodgers, Rams and 41<ers games. •·Anytime 1 need to work (Mt thu oftloe) beyond five and I'm 1ehedulcd to announce, John lm.medlat.ely mi. tu for me," P~tty Mid. "If not for Ramley, I couldn't contlnue u an announcer." Nor would he probably have become one In the fin\ plac.. But that'• jumplng ahead a Utllo. Petty wu railed ln Illinois. He broke into the media field dolng radio work u a freshman ln college. He then did field reporting for a television station. Ane he did a stint ln Peoria -a media training ground for the major Chicago-St. Louil marketa - at the aame time u Chick Hearn, Bob Starr and Jerry Dunphy. After serving ln the U.S. Navy, Petty moved to California. He met Ramsey while working at Northern Aviation, now Rockwell International. "In 1964, John needed a backup man and he uked me to audhloo,'' Petty .aid. He pamed the audlllon and worked the Angel.I' lut year at Dodger Stadium. He alao entered Jaw achool, having permanently given up radio and television work. "Television la a great occupation If you are young , 1tn1le and don't mind moving," he aaid. "When I grew older, I wan tea to 1tttle down." So Petty chose law aa his new profeaaion. He paued the bar exam in 1970, prompting the Angela' message board notice recognlzing their announcer. Petty said hla baaebaJl work is uncomplicated. He has only two official functions : he must announce pinchhitters before they can enter the game; and he must announce a protest. His unofficial work includes announcing batters and replacements, l*Od puglng fans who f(et ~rnergenc·y ca.lb. Football IA another story. Sub-;1 itut.e Petty seldom worka Rams games but he enjoys it when he does. "You're like a play .by ·p l ay announcer," he said. "You tell who handles the baU and who makes the tacklee. "It's eaay because you have a staff," he said. "There's a spotter for the Rams, a spotter for the visitors and a statistician." Petty thinks the added responsibilities keep him more in the game. Baseball, he contends, can get boring at times. Yet it is in baseball that he has experienced his sporting highlights. "The only no-hitter I've seen -~nd I've done over 1,000 games -was thrown aJtalnst the Angels by Be rt Blyleven,' he said. "Four other limes I've seen no-hitters taken into the ninth inning. anly to be spoiled." D"'1Not ............ "BIG A" VOICE -Judge Phil Petty moonlights as the PA announcer for the Angels, Dodgers and Rams. Ruby Keeler, at 72, hoping to dance once more TURNS 72 -Onetime movie star Ruby Keeler. RANCHO MIRAGE (AP) -It's been ~~os~ half a century since she tap- ·~ her way into movie stardom, but Ruby Keeler says turning 72 and walking with a cane haven't stopped her love of performing. "The minute I hear music, I just have to get up and dance," said the tanned actress, who is celebrating her birthday today by visiting with five grandchildren and daughters Theresa. Kathleen and Christine, by her second husband, John Lowe Jr., who died in 1969. Keeler, who has a home in this desert community 100 miles east of Los Angeles, came to California in 1928 on her honeymoon with husband Al Jolson, from whom she was divorced in 1940. She rose to fame in a series of Warner Bros. musicals featuring lavish Busby Berkeley production numbers. Keeler, noted for her wide-eyed perky ingenues, made her film debut in the 1933 musical "42nd Street" as the unknown kid in the back row of the chorus who gets her big break when the star breaks a leg before opening night. She teamed with Dick PoweU for several films, including "Gold Diggers of 1933." When Jolson left Warner Bros., she left with him and in 1938 made "Mother Carey's Chickens" at RKO. After "Sweetheart of the Campus" in 1941 , Keeler married Lowe and retired' for 30 years before joining the Broadway revival of "No, No. Nanette" in 1971 as Nanette's overly sensible guardian, Sue Smith. ''That was a great experience, to be with that on Broadway for two years," she recalJed this week. Then, six years ago, she underwent brain surgery folJowing a ruptured aneurysm. Doctors said she would never walk again. but Keeler does, although with a cane. and even dances a little. She said she may write her. autobiography, and she stiJI cherishes the hope that science will find a way to restore her agility. "I'll be able lo dance again and run and jump," Keeler said. CAREER OPPORTUNITY . Excellent Marketing Plan Premium Product Health Oriented Call 494-4044 e now Look at all the shrewd ways you can use it: Take advantage of tax-sheltered investments By investing in a tax shelter, or another investment offering tax benefits, the tax dollars you save may offset the actual cost of your Homeowner Equity Loan-while your investment increases in value. Save now on home Improvement The next inflationary surge will drive . home improvement costs up. Now may be the ideal time to add the room you want, build a pool, make any major repair ... in effect, let your house pay for its own improvements. Pay for a college education Tcx.iay, the average cost ofjl college education can be as much as $7,000 yearly. And one of the few financial resources that has kept pace with that rising cost. ls the value of your home. Why not free some of your equity for this Important Investment in your children's future? Get a special deal on luxury items Right now it is a "buyer'r,.market" on items like cars, vacations, home furnish· ings, boats, and other luxuries. There are special opportunities on nearly ever ything. Now may be the opportune time to buy- with a little help from Security Pacific Bank. Start a business, or improve on one Do you have an idea for a profitable new venture? Or a way to improve an existing one? Your Security Pacific Homeowner Equity Loan may be the shrewd way to finance it. Plus you have all these extra advantages: •With continuing inflation, the dollars you borrow will be worth more than those you have to repay • The interest on your loan is tax-deductible • And best of all, you don't have to give up your home to enjoy all the prof it it has earned. Apply now and save $150 In processing fees.* •Thi• opportunity ~Ira AU41uat 31.1982 For more Information, call toll-free 1-800-648-5600 and uk for operator 82 Or mall the coupon , today ______ __..___, __ _ Shop and compare. We believe you'll find our Homeowner Equity Loan program to be one of the most attractive available: • Competitive rates • Flexible terms • Loans available from $5,000 to $100,000 r:------end to: Security Pacific Bank P.O. Box 51048. Terminal Annex I Los Angeles. California 90051 I Tell me more about your Homeowner Equity Loan. I D I want to save $150 ... send me an application now. I NAME I AOOAES3 em STATE ZIP I p,.,,..~"""°'--·_, ___________ _ I I I ,. ; t " • i • a II Al l Orange COHI D~ILV PILOTfWedne1d1y, Augu1t 25, 1982 New county fa cility a boon to builders All that's mlssing at Orangl' County government's new "om· stop" <.-enter for the p rocessing of d evelopme nt applications is a drive-up window We'll let the oversight pass, however. A nd we suspect that builders -from individual home ow n e r s Lo 1 a r g e -s ca 1 <' d eve l opers -won't be complaining, either. For years, builders have been forced to go from government building to government building to round up th e myriad a pprovals n eeded f or their projects. At one location, the plans would be checked for con formity with the county General Plan. At another, plans would bt• reviewed for compliance with building codes. And so on. Developer s said thE' experiences were frustrating - and costly . County government listened, and reacted. It formed a committee of both private and public representatives Lo f ind ways to expedite p r ocessing of d evelopment proposals. Many suggestions were made and implemented . Most v1s1ble iR the new Dt·vdopmt.·nt Processing Center, lo<.·ukd in tht• Suntu Ana C ivic (;{·ntt"r complt•x. It is a li.lrg<'. 1nvit1ng, tustt-fully decorated and functional room. Developers can gu from !>t<>p to stop, while restin g thf'ir f<..>ct on <1 shiny brass raH, and talk tan· to face with county pla11ners. Prehroinary est11nutes show that one-third of the user s of the thrC'P-wcek old cl'ntt'r are getting pun· "one slop" servi<'C'. Some rn1ght suggest that percentage is on the low side· Prob11bly not County ofii<:!als arf' still in the process o f relocating uppropriatC' planning personnel to tht• ct·ntcr. Until those shifts are complt.•ted, tht.•re arc· bound to be some delays and stumbling blocks. That's unavoidable Within a f ew weeks, however. the center wi ll be functioning at full steam . That w ill be to evcryone'5 bene fit - th<' planners', th<> developers' and the home-buying public'~- Gift for the children D r amatic advances in the control o f once-common childhood diseases are reflected once more in 1981 figur es r e leased by the nat'ional Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. They s how record Jow numbers o f reported cases of measles, mumps, polio, rubella and tetanus in the United States last year. and near-record lows in cases of diphtheria and w h oopin g coug h . This one-yea r improvement in disease control is impressive -but w hen compared with the figures for 50 years ago. the news is startling. From 1980 to 1981, f or example. COC figures show a 77 percent drop in the numbe r of reported measles cases, from 13,506 to 3,032. But in 1931, 474,879 measles cases werf' reported. The COC n ow expects measles to be e limina ted com plete ly in the United States by the end of this year. Mumps dropped 45 percent. from 8.756 cases in 1980 to 4,729 cases in 1981. Sut in 1931 there were 152,209 cases. ln 1981 there were only six reported cases of polio, compared with a shocking 15.872 in 1931. Whooping cough, a n o the r one-time pl ague of childhood, struck o nly 1.189 youngsters an 1981 . In 1931 ther<> were 172.559 reported cases. No cases of diphtheria, which struck more than 70.000 chlildren in 1931. have bt>en reported so far this year. Similar strides have been made in combating rube lla and tetanus, and in the control of diseases more common to adults, such as typhoid and malaria. Smal lpox , o f course. was eliminated worldwide 10 1977. Mere statistics can mean little u nless considered in the light of the enormous human suffering these diseases used to cause -to anxious parents and to t h e stricken youngsters. too many of whom were furth er handl<:apped from thl' s1de-e ff ects of their illness. These milestones in disease control reflect the skill, patience a nd d e di ca tio n of medical researchers who, in developing successful immunization programs. have changed a ll our lives for the better. What finer rewa rd could there be lh an the prospect o( generations of disease-free childre n? Belated act of apology No amou nt of money can compe nsate the Americans o{ Japanese ancestry who lost their jobs, their property. their peace of mind and -most importantly - their constitutional liberties when they were forcibly relocated to inte rnment camps during World War II. Rece ntly , however, the Legislat ure took a welcome step toward compensating a small group of t hose who were rounded up and detained. The 314 Japanese-American state government employees who were fired in 1942 at the direction of the Legislature are eligible for $5,000 pay m ents under a bill signed by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. The bill was introduced by Assemblyman Patrick J ohnston. D-Stockton, "to go further than the usual commemoration . to go further than to say we're sorry." World War II and the an t.1- Japanese hysteria it generated m the United States are receding into time, but the forced detention is a blot on o ur history that must • n ever be forgonen It was an abominable epi sode when American authorities did not live up to the ideals of the country they were leading. The outbreak of hostilities does n o t give our leaders a blank check to ignore essenual rights m the name of a war effort , no matter how compelling the cm:umstances m ay seem at the time. It is understandable that Americans, especially th ose on t h e West Coast. feared a Japanese invasion was imminent after Pearl Harbor But government officials let the public's panic get the best of them. and 120.000 residents. 77.000 of them citizens, were hauled into dusty detention camps with few questions asked. Many remained there for the duration of the war. Jong after the J a pa nese military machine h ad been pummeled into ruin. Th e token payments approved by the Legislature can be considered a means of r e me mbering the injust ice and underscoring a determination that it can never be repeated. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex-pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mqsa, CA 92626. Phone <71'1) M2·•321. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot l'il911t""' •"9f• .,., oi '"-., .. , •• no w • .i 11•• n. <.ett• •w Aderft' <O"U-nt• lo Go• IWO. '°'I•*"• CA tl•2t Thomet• P. HoS.y Pub11\ll., Thomae A. Mvrphln• [dlll)r Jone Amorl (•KVllve ((jitQ< lottK.ra krelbkh fd1te>1iol '• Ed1t0t Thomot McCann MonogWIQ t d1t0t Will PLO terror continue? WASHINGTON -As the sands run o u t on t h e Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon, intelligence analysts predict it will disintegrate into a dozen underground groups that will spread terror and revolution throughout the Western World. In fact, the PLO has never been anything more than a collection of revolutionary bands and aggressive egos held together by a web of agreements a nd alliances. Its charismatic chairman , Yassir Arafat, has limited control over its disparate parts. NOW THAT its 12 fighting factions have been defeated on the batUefields of Lebanon, the survivors are expected to go underground. They will work closely, the analysts believe, with revolutionary movements around the world. S urely, lh ey will take out their ve ng e ance on Americans. U .S . government and corporate officials may become the victims of shootings and kidnappings, the analysts fear. The PLO may even try to set up a ter rorist base in the United Stat.es. The PLO turned Lebanon, as I have reported in the past, into a haven for terrorists. During a recent tour of the Lebanese front, I spoke with PLO soldi e rs who had trained with "foreigners." The foreigners had not stayed to fight in Lebanon but had returned to take the "revoluuon" to their homelands, the soldiers said. ln the rubble of an abandoned PLO post, I also found documents that revealed the P LO's close connections with revolutionary movements. The evidence proved that the Soviet Union supports and subsidizes these movements as part of an underground camprugn to destabilize West.em democracies. Israeli troops captured stacks of documents, which corroborate these findings. In Washington, my associate Lucette Lagnado doublechecked the contents of these documents with State G. -JA-Cl-AN_D_fR-SD-N -~ Department sources, intelligence analysts and L ibra r y of Congress experts. One document gives an inside look at the relations between the PLO and East Germany. It is the transcript, in Arabic, o{ meetings that a PLO delegation held with East German military brass in East Berlin just last April The PLO delegation was greeted at the airport by East German officials, including t!te deputy defense minister. Ge n . Werner Fleissner. The captured document indicates pre parations for extensive military cooperation between the PLO and East Germany. For example, one East German official is quoted as telling the Palestinian visitors that his governme nt was studying "an agreement. . to accept trainees from the liberation organization and attach them to our military schools." He outlined the training that would be offered to the PLO and then asked: "The Marxist-Leninist doctrine constitutes the basis for training. Do you have any objections to that?" According to the transcript, the PLO man replied: "None at all." The PLO delegates asked that their guerrillas be instructed ''within the same training framework" as the East German army. Their hosts countered: "They will be training with German offi<:ers, but as an independent group, as their proficiency in l he German language is limited " A question was raised over the length of training that would be given to the PLO recruits. The East Germans' three- year hitch was too Jong for the PLO's taste, so the Germans agreed to "speed up training" for the guerrillas. T HE PALESTINIANS also gave their hosts a shopping list of the m1 ltlary equipment they wantt.-d LI' buy. The list 1m:luded. -A missile~carrying light patrol boat; -Armor-piercinl'( ammunition (22,500 shells); -37-mm. 57 -mm anrl 130-mm artillery pieces: -Ammunition for 100-mm a nd 122-mm guns. The PLO trip ended, according to the captured transcript, with a speech by an East German official extolling "th e ch aracter a nd the manners of t he delegation and its military proficiency, both professionally and politically." Intelligence sources note that East Germany is only one of a number of Soviet-bloc L"'Ountries that have played host to the PLO. The Soviet Union it.self has trained PLO guerrillas and sent the Palestinians huge amounts of armaments on a regular basis. My sources say PLO recruits have been trained in the use of War saw Pact military hardware. and intelligence analysts suspect the goal was for the P LO to attain the capabilities of a conventional army. instead of ju st a guerrilla force. Roosevelt GOP support hits Brown When a lifelong Democrat bolts the party to support a Republican candidate it is ne ws. When that Democrat has been a longtime member of Congress his support of a Republican has poJitical significance. And when~ Democrat is the one who, with his father, molded the modem Democratic Party, his support of a Republican can only mean there is something radically wrong with his own party's candidate. SUCH JS THE case of Jimmy Roosevelt, eldes t son o f the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It was FDR's defeat of President Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression yea r o'[ 1932 which launched the Democratic Party to its greatest heights. S tanding by his side during those years, with a brief time out while he fought as a Marine lieutenant colonel ln WW II. was his son James. On his return from the war and aft.er FDR's death, Jimmy took up residence in California and served as a member of Congress for five temlS. Now in the category of an eld er statesman of the Democratic Party, Roosevelt has returned to politics in behalf of the candidacy of San Diego Mayor P e te Wilson, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate While Roosevelt's support of Wilson may n ot be the kiss of death for Governor Jerry Brown, the Democrats' nominee for the Senate, it must indeed be humiliating at the very !Past. And it IARL WATfRS will be bound to influence at least the older voter s still dedicated to the Democratic Party as built by FDR. His entrance into the campaign couldn't have been more timely. Brown had just launched an attack on Wilson over some suggestions the mayor had made about modifying the Social Security program. He seized upon Wilson's remarks as proof that he was out to scuttle Social Security. But Roosevelt. w hose father is the acknowledged architect of the Social Security program, was quick to rebut the charges. He said there should be changes made, noting that many phases of the program today were not in the original planntng. "For example, my J 2-year-old granddaughter draws a Social Security check. That is ridiculous. Actually Roosevelt's support of Wilson is not su rprising . He has long agreed with columnist Mike Royko's view that Jerry Brown is a flake. lt was Royko who pinned the appellation of Governor Moonbeam on Brown. "I turned against him the day h e decided 'small is beautiful"," Jimmy said. "Such a philosophy for California is outrageous." ALTHOUGH ROOSEVELT'S n a me was released by the Wilson camp along with 100 other prominent California Democrats supporting him, Jimmy's name was the most significant. For his bolting of the party exactly 50 years aft.er his father's victory gave birth to the renewed vigor of the Democratic Party, which h as since dominated American government, signals that those who supported it then are not happy with the party's trend today. Whether Jerry Brown realizes it or not, Roosevelt Democrats still account for a substantial part of the Democratic voters. a fact w h ich will be made better known to Brown in November. Accentuate the positive • child-raising ID Though I am not partial to the behavioristic school of psychology, it must be admitted that they have learned something over the years. Their original idea o f "reinforcing" behavior has changed from negative to positive. Years ago they emphasized negative reinforcement -that is. ch anging SYDllY 111111 unwanted behavior by punishment 01' some 90rt of deprivation. ti you aave a rat an electrical shock enough times -at the pro~r limes -he would stop doing what you don't WQnt him to do. Thon It was d11COvered that, With hu.11\Qn beings it poutbly not wlth rats, a positive reinforcement Wll far m ore ofte n etftttive. Appllo<l to ch ild ren, npec\ally, pnaisln.g or rewardU,, them fot gOod bebevl0r worked much better than 11COldlna or punllhlna them for bad. Despite tills le.on in experimm\al peycholoo. ma.t paren~ continued and continue to give negative feedbacks to t h eir children. They find it easier somehow to vent their emotions of onger or irritation or frustration by lashing out when their ch ild ren do wrong, bu1 expect the'm to d o right without encouragement. (Obviously. I am not referring here to tOddlers, who must be slapped gently or reprimanded for t<>uching electric outlets o r h andling objects dangerous to themselves.) As a parent myself many times over, 1 have been H guilty u anyone of taklng the easy way out -or the way that seems e8$y at the time -and upbraiding the children for what they neglected or failed to do, while taking for granted whatever they did properly or wdl. CHILDREN HA VE a keen sense of juauce and Injustice. They are far more sensitive than mott pa.rent& to what i5 ''fair" a nd "unfair." If only their mistakes are brought to their au.cntion, while their good conduct It n ot oomment.ed on, thcly become not more o bedient, bu t more resentfu l a nd recaldu-ant. uni.. we are dealinR with a h.,hly abnormal case. positive reinforcement always works better in the long run. The trouble 1s, parenthood seems a short-run matter when you are going through it, day by day. coping with a host of little problems. anxieties and frustrations. A smack on the child's butt may make us feel betl~'r than a pat on his shoulder, but the end 1•1·suh (if you'll f>.'\rdon the pun) is more llkl'ly to breed a malcon tent than a model lllllY Ill iM!ry day another produe1 or occupedon iJI outlawed pr rest.rjc:t.ed for health or aafoty tt.uon.. Soon we'll be 100 percent •fe but with ano\her problem -mam 1i.arvadonl ALREADY SKINNY ..._, .. ~_ ...... .., ......... . _....,.,, ... , ..... "'" ..... _',. .... ~ ... ........ ..._, ........ , ...... , fF'. "'!" ... • • 0 Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT /Wedoeaday. Augu11 26. 1982 I I •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •BOB GREENE 1 Parents' savings no guarantee for happy home DEAR ANN LANDIIBS : Some lovely people We know gave their daughter aU their S&Vings (over $40,000) with the understanding that In later yean they would move in wtth her and always ht1ve a home. Her $40,000 dwelling 1s now worth about three times as much The pa1·c nts thd move in last October, but afte r four months were told they would have to leave. Tl.ey arc now living 1n a trailer court and are very unhappy The question: Can parents sue their c·h1ldren? -CONCERNED IN OXNARD DEAR OX: Today anybody can sue anybody. The sltaatloo you describe, however, sounds as If &be parents don't bave much of a case unless tbe daagbter signed an agreemenl slating &bat in retarn ror tbe $40,000 ber parents would receive hoaslDg for &lae rest of tbelr lives. Yoar casual statement tbat after four mootbs they moved Into a trailer suggests &bey didn't get along. This leads me lo suspect there's a lot lo the story you didn't tell me. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT KEEP SOME SOUVENIRS ..,., . ., .. 'I.·•-OF YOUR ' PAST, OR t-40W WILL YOU EVER. Pf\OVE IT WASN'T .l\LL A DREAM 1 ,., .. .,,..."" "'' .,.. ,. """'" ..... •• t °'~' ft·Ov .... ~_,,., ''"" .. , .. , ... • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Thursday, August !6 ARIES (Marc h 2 1-April 19): Flas h of enlightenment enables you to perceive potentiaJ and an accurate outline o{ immediate future. You'll get to heart of matters, travel plans will be clarified and lines of communication will be opened. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You rise above petty annoyances, office politics and people who berate you because they are envious. Intuitive intellect is on target. You learn more about money, relatives, persons who would be partners and counselors. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Natural talents surge to forefront. You'll have opportunity to be versatile, to display sense of humor and to make unusual, productive contacts. Sagittarius. Virgo and another Gemini figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What appears a setback will actually boomerang ir. your favor. J ob gets done. you make new friends and gain allies among co-wo rkers. Keep resolutions concerning diet, nutrition and health. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Favorable moon aspect highlights romance. creativity, excitement of change and dealings with young, vigorous, creative persons. Re lationship intensifies. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Not wise to neglect details, dig deep for information, check puzzle pieces, strive to see picture in its entirety. Accent also on property, security and removal of safety haz.ards. LIBRA (Sept. 23 -0ct. 22): You'll receive numerous offers, suggestions and contributions of ideas from those who are restless. slightly envious and who want desperately to attract your attention. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): ThtS can be a power-play period. Lunar a nd numerical cycles point to intensity, production, amplification of views and location of necessary material. Focus al.so on personal possessions, payments, collections and opportunity for increased income. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You·u sense pulse of public: project will be completed, you'll break from restrictions and gain wider recognition Take initiative, imprint your own style and realize that sky is the limit. Anes native plays key role. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Area that ha d been source of irritation will receive benefit of greater light. Numerous fears, suspicions will no longer exist. You'll gain access to privileged information. Leo, Aquarius persons play key roles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Wish comes true in unorthodox manner. Someone may be planning a surprise -please act surprised! Hunch is on target, family member makes major concession and there could be a sentimental reunion. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marc h 20 ): Wide r opportunities exist in career. business areas. Contact made at aocia1 affair will prove valuable. Genuni, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. •. ,, 8y PHIL INTEALANOI of Laguna Beech -. WlST'tAN Al(r SHOW > C> ........ _._ __ ,.._ DEAR ANN LANDERS l um writing to you after 20 years of raising children . I hove nevt'!r wrlllon to you for advicc. but you have been a source ot strength and 1 have learned a lot from your colurruw. Now lam asking a favor. Today, when~ mahy people are contused about values, with families breaking up and couples living together without ma~ri.a~e. will y~u please print o nce again your defm1uon of love -J .A .. MPLS., MINN. DEAR J.A.: Here It Is -wltb pleasure. Love ls friendship that bas caught fire. It I~ quiet uoderstudlng, mutaal confidence, sharing and forgiving. It ls loyalty tluougb good times and bad. It settles for le11 thu perfection and makes allowuces for bumu weaknesses. Love ls content wltb tbe present, h bopes for &be future and It doesn't brood over the past. It's the day-ln·and·day-out cbronlcles of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big vlc&orles and common goals. If you bave love In your life, It can make up for a great many thlng11 you lack. If you don't have It, no matter wbal else the re Is, It's nol enough. DEAR ANN: /\Jiu (.'Ollcgl' 1wrnor who h;1s spc·nt many summcn: w:utlnu t.ubll'S, l cnnf(t'tl whc·11 you cnc.'ouragE'd tht• prttc·tkt· of leaving 3 une·n ·nt Ltp for puor serviC.'l'. Leaving pc•nn1\·t1 1s caku l~1tt·d lO 1m;ull. It hardly1const1lu~ t~instru<.·t1vc c:r111c:1sm W;,11t1 L"SM·s aren't tra1t1L'<i <irumuls doing tricks for u 1L•wurd. w ... are human bL•1ngs. and most o( us do lhl· hL·'t we: <.·an. If J t•ustomt•r ft't·b the servwt-is poor, ht· should voice his t·omplaint instead of h•uving u penny under the· platf' and sneaking out hke a wimp. l"m MAD AT YOU IN NEW JERSEY DEAR N.J.: The waitress who is told the service ts poor is not llkely to say. "Thank you for the constructive criticism." Her response would, lo a ll probability, make reference to a phenomenon of nature -like having only two bands. Waitin~ tables Is very hard work, especially if thuc are no buaboy11 to clear and carry the beavy trays. Demanding, unrusonable customers who arc rude lo the bargain make It even harder. I have said repeatedly that a cheerful, efficient waitress is entitled to a 15 perce nt tip. but I still believe a penny unde r the plate is an effective way to convey the message that the ser vice was miserable. A no-mmM>n."tl' apprt>.Jch lo huw to deal wllh Iii<'·., mu!>t d1ff1cu/1 cJtHI mo~.t rl'warding 1111.ingt•nwnt Ann Land<'1'0 l'l<K1k/c'1, .. Marriage - Whtil w Expe<:t. ·· w1Jf pn·µm·<' .vou /or lx•tcer or for worst'. St•11rl vnur tc'(/Ut·.~1 to l\11n Landt•rs, P 0 &x I IYY5, Ch1rngu. /If li0.61 J. t•ndo!>ing 50 cc•nl!. anrl a Jonl,J. !.t.11n~·cf. ~df .uldn·sM·<I l'nvc•fop<• Exec's try at humor not funny JOKING IN THE FACE of adversity. It is an American tradition. The head of the local office of a multinational corporation summone d his 100 employees into the board room recently, distributed $100 worth of Mrs. Field's choc chip cookies, and then announced that the company is cutting bad<. ·'By next Tuesday at 5," he said, "haH of you people wiU be out of a job." Then he took a bite out of a choc chip and smiled sadly. "That," he said, "ts how the cookie crumbles." At least hat! o! his audience was not amused. STEVE SIL VER 'S "Beach Blanket Babylon." the long-running s how that h as made local entertainment histor y, is being summoned to Washington by the Royal Family lo give a t•ommand performance at thl' White House early m October. The reason. goes the rumor. is that Jerry ··Thl" Social Moth" Zipkin, Queen ~cy's chum, saw "BBB" here recently and just EW that Nancy and Ronnie would love 1l. Th will. Everybody loves "BBB." even grumps who say they can't st.and I l. WHEN YOU THINK OF Th e Great Depression, you think of "Brother, Can You $pare a Dime," "Grapes of Wrath." and guys selling apples for a nickel on street corners. The other day ~ J.IERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO a middle-aged m<in named F..dward D Gallagher was selling appll's on tht.> Bank of Amcnt'a Plaza. Not for a nick(·!. of courst• F1ftv c·ents W1th the apple. he handc.xf out <.1 printed sh~t that said he ~as .. l·al hng attention Lo the depress1on-hkt• llmt•s wt• art• in I undt•rst.and that all oC us arP bt.•ing afft'C:tcd. Ix• 1t our utility bllb or the prlt'e ol t•avwr " Gtillagher, who is looking for a ;ob. listed his qu<.11lf1cat1ons, some of them wh1ms1l:al. '"0;.inc:ed with the mothl.'r o f lht' president of Exxon," "Cl1mbPd M1 Blam·, Swltzt•rland. agl.' 16." "}<'ought and partied with H ell's Angels" Paul Cl1s ura. the computer SP<'CJalist, was so 1mpn'SSc'<i. he bought the cippll"s cind offered him a JOb. THERE WILL ALWAYS l.>c .m item: One ol the area's top TV anl:honnen hai. hnd his Cht•v Corvette repossesst..'Ci by t ht• S.F ag<·nty, hl· hasn't made a payment C$300 a month) ~ulc:<· April Win somt', h1sl· Mime Striving for a new image, or whatcVL·1. the: Ja1 k T;_ir liu t t.>l s hed it s '"Chel·kL·rboard S4lwrc'" l'olur s and c.·hangt•t.I its name lo C<1tht·<fral Hrll. JU~l ;.is 3 t·heckerboard pattern began upP<·anng un th<· oxtenor of the new Ne1man-M;.irc·u' showplati: .it Union Square .. Havt <i gi>1xl dc1y."0 '-did R Alan Wilhams. a d1sabk•d vl'l Jnd bachelor whu ilvpi, on Green St . Jftcr telling ml' on the phont• that h1~ garbag(• bill h.ui JUSI ht ... m rJ1~-d from $18 30 for three months to $44 ;,5 Hl· sounded .,o d<·prcssed that hrs unCXf.Jl't"ll•d • !lave· a gCJu d day .. l"Llme <ts a heartbreak<•r LIFE GOES ON: Halµh tPol11) Lauren, holiest clothes dcs1gnc•1 in th<• l<tnd. wh1stk>s 1111.0 SF Sept. J.I in his new Sti 5 m11l11m IX'rsonal .iet Lt> attend the opening of Wlikcs Ba:.hford"s Polo superstore al Post and Kt•arny Tht• pl<rnt• bears the polo logo, w h1t:h seems to h:.ivt• replti<:l'<i old Rene Lat'oste's crocodile :1s the prl·ppic .. 'S' dl'l1ght "Eat a preppy. save <1 croc..·oc.ilk·.. I still hkl' that one. . Jo<· (Yam;1tol lsh1zak1 pulll•d up to a traffi<: light behind <i wh1tt· Ch ... vy with a slicker reading '"Hunk If Y11u Lovl· Wilhl· Nelson ·· Since he/loves W1ll1e, Ju<' honked, whc.·n ·upon the othl"r driver swung around and glarl-<l. .· ~~ GOREN ON BRIDGE ~ ~~~~8-Y~C-H_A_R_L_E_S~H~G-0-R~EN~A~N-D-O~M-A-R~S-H_A_R-IF~~~~----..... .-...--. Eaat-Weat vulnerable. North deals. Opening lead: King of +. w1lh a diamond to rt>pe3t the trump rinesse. NORTH +es c;7 85 0 AKQ1094 •AU WEST EAST The time to start t hinking about overlricks is after you have assured your contract. A favorable lead distracted South from this main goal. with disastrous results. the ace or clubs and led a spade Lo his king. Wcsrs failure to follow suit was something or a blow, but created no great concern al the moment. Declarer cross ed to dummy with the queen or diamonds. took a trump finesse and cashed the ace. Had declarer realized that he could arrord to lose two heart tricks and a trump, htt might have found the sue cessful line. After winning the opening lead. declarer s hould immediately lead a trump to his ten. If West wins, the defenders can take t wo hearL t r icks but dummy's last lrump controls the third round or Lhe suit. Any other play by the di.' fenders nllows declarer lo draw t hl' last trumps with the ace king and then get at least one hurt discard on tht- diamonds. As the cards lir. West shows out on the first trump and it is a s1mpltt mal ler lo gel back to dummy Declarer's virtuoso Lech n1que is thus rewarded with an overtrack seven spades. three diamonds and the ace of clubs +v.w +QtH "7 1lJOZ "7 AQ9 O J8'12 ¢5 •KQJ09 •aeo SOUTH +AKJI0832 ~ 1087 0 63 +7 The bidding: North Ea1t Soutb Weit I 0 Pa .. 4 • P111 PaH Pa .. The bidding is a textbook example or simplicity and directness. South bid what he expected to make, and North had nothing to add lo his opening call. West led the king of clubs, and declarer was delighted that the derenders had not picked up their two heart tricks al the opening gun. With visions or collecting all thirteen tricks. declarer took Leavi ng t he queen or trumps in East's hand, de clarer now tried to get to the table with a diamond. East. ruffed and shifted to a heart., and the defenders took three heart tricks for down one. "Terribly unlucky," mut tered South. ..Not only did trumps break 4·0. b11t d1a monds were 4 I ." Have you been nuuling in- to double trouble? Let Charles Goren help you find your; way tbrougb Ute mue or DOUBLES for penaltiea and ror takeout. For a copy of hie DOUBLES boolLlet, eend 11 .85 to .. Goru·DooblH," care or lhl1 aew1paper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make cbeck1 payablt" to New1paperboob. Uncle Toby keeps letters coming When we were children. one of the highlights of our lives would come whe n we got mail. 1l wouldn't happen often; m ost of the time the postman would come and his only dellveries would be for our parents. But once in a while an aunt or uncle wouJd drop us a note -and when they did. it would be an occasion. That doesn't go on too much anymore. Aunts and uncles these daya a.re too busy to spend time writing to children. A phone call once in a while, maybe. But long letters to kids seem to be a disappearing part of the American scene. ENTER A LAKE BLUFf, Ill., businessman who has founded a succeuful venture on the prerniae that children love to receive letters. His name is Albert Carriere, and under the name of "Uncle Toby" he carries on correspondence with more than 2,000 children around the world. "It s tarted when my own children were yOWlg," said Carriere, who gives his own age only as over 60. ''Every day when the man would come, thEt w ould jump around and ask If there was anything for them. T felt bad, always having to tell them no. "So 1 would take the junk mail, and say it was for them, and open It up and make up a letter from an uncle. I would read It ~loud. They would love it. Bul whm they (lOt older, they learned how to read and fiaW'td out It had only been junk mail all.along. It macle them feel terrible." So Carriere 1tarted his Uncle Toby bwitness. He taket out small advertltementa In a variety of magazines -the New Yorker, the New York Times Sunday Maga1lne, Family Circle, Yankee, .Farm Journ•l -and offera parenu and grandparent.I hla .ervice. For $10 a ~8!:. a child can be gfven a "sut.crlplion~ to the Uncle Toby letters. Once each mont.h a letter anivet. r..ch child aeta the same lett.en -but the children don't know thil. The letten befin, "Doar Little Friend:", they are chatty and warm, and lh~ make the child believe thlt he or ahe really dos have an Uncle Toby out there who It tnt.erested -who can!I. 808 GREENE "The children /·ust love getting the letters," Carriere said "And love writJng them. On my list are children from all over the United Sbates, and from Jordan, Saudi Arabta, Great Britam, France, Canada, Italy and Sweden.·• HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES from the letters ot "Uncle Toby:" -"This is your fu"St letter from Uncle Toby You will be getting one each month. Yessir -it will be written especially for you and will be addretae9. to you, and wlll be your own personal letter fJ6m me, your Uncle Toby." ·•rm writing this letter on a train that is taking me to a great city. 1 just love to ride trains. don't you? Of course many people nowadays think trains move too slow. But by Jingo. there's nothing slow about this tram. It is whizzing along as fa.st ns a cannonblll, and your Uncle Toby enjoys every minuce of the ride. ''One day someone knocked on my door, end when I opened it, there stood Mrs. Boodle, holding what looked like a chocolate crenm pie. At first l thoueht that Mn . Boodle, who ts my nMre11t neighbor, waa bringing me one of her pie., as she !IO often dOC!I. But from the look on her face 1 knew eomethtng was wrong. 'l put this pie out to cool,' she Mid, 'and one of your animal friends hu been eating It'." Carriere said that many of the children get 90 excited by the letters that they write him ~ck personally. Whe n they do, he answers the correspond nee -wtth a pel"'IOnal note, addreaing thelt tpedfk qu tlona, rat)u r th&n wlth one of the standard Uncl Toby let~n • ''How can you not rttpond?" ht' Mid. One Utt.le girl sent me four pennies that she had shined She ~id, "These are mv treasurei. Cur vou ' How could you 1gnort-sonwthing hkt> that'?" · If anything about his e nterprise makes him melancholy, it is the realization that such a business could not exis t 1{ rcal-lr(C' uncles. aunts and grandparen ts would take the time to write to the c:h1ldren in th<'tr Cam1hcs Somehow they find it more t'onvenient to pay Carriere to do it. "l THINK GROWN.UPS are just lazy," Carriere said. "They think they're too busy to write to the children in their families. or that it's too much trouble. But if they knew how happy it made those kids . A child sees a letter like that, and the child feels that someone out there is thinking about him. A lmlc thing hkt> that can enrich a child's life." There are 48 prepared letters in the Uncle Toby file. At the e nd of the fourth year of sending letters, Carriere has made a practice 0£ signing off by saying that the child i9 growing up now, and that Uncle Toby won't be writing anymore. "But I'm gomg to have to change that," he said. "l got. a call from a man who said. 'Mr. Carriere, ml daughter Barbie 1s in tears. She said she doesn t.O wont to be grown up. She wants to keep getting•~ letters from Uncle Toby'... t So Carriere ia wnUng more leU~n And when ' he is travcUn~. ho ha st.al'°t('(f t.O brin.g Uncle Toby _ Into the chlldl'('n'a lives too. ·•t was on a trip to Montreal, where 1 have three aubacrlbers," he said. "I took them out to lunch. And when I wu In London. l took 200 names at random from the su beertpllon llst. ond sent the childre n persomal postcarda from Bucklnaham Pol.ace." He said that children betwt.-en the ages of 3 and 8 are most likely to beUcve in Uncle Toby and appreciate the letters. "When they a t •ny old r than I.hat, they·~ already star~ to ~ adults. When you're U\ 1dult.. you IC*' your teMe of wondttr -and the nte of wondeir It what makes Uncle Toby work." . ) All CLOSE SHAVES - Britain 's Prin ce Andrew, who flew a helicopter i n the Falkland Islands war, says he "thought his number wa s up " several limes during the fighting Cameras periled • 1n s pace COCOA, Fla. (AP) - Rocket exhaust, water vapor and a blizzard of tiny white dust particles might play havoc with cameras, telescopes and space sensors in future shuttle flights. NASA officials say Preliminary findings from the Columbia's third mission in March showed that the shuttle's open cargo bay might be a poor place for opltcal equipment. The new s pap e r TODAY re porte d this week that the view could be obscured by pollution from the s pacecraft itself. A solution to th e problem could be crucial because the Air Force in 1983 and 1984 plans to have infrared telescopes on the shuttle to test the newest m1sstle detection technqlogy. Journal prof to quit post C HICAGO (AP) - 1.W . Cole. dean of Northw estern Uni - versity's Medill School of Journalism for 25 years, has decided to leave that post in August 1983. to devote a ll his time to directing the Gannett Urban J o urnali s m Center, the university says. No successor has been picked, a university spokesman said th is week. Cole, 58, has been director of the Gannett Center s ince it was establis hed at the university m 1966 to help journalists cover urban problems. Cole. a University of Illinois honor graduate, was appointed Medill dean at the age of 33 after heading th E journalism sch ool a1 Pennsylvania StalE University School Fun Fa sion consultants Wonda & Ricki make it fun selecting school wardrobes. See fashion shows at Huntington Center at 7:30 Fri. and 1 & 3 on Sot. SPf'Cl•I q . 25·Auc· 31, 1982 Hlmleranmn rflodtstOlllll: ............ 99 ~ aqu111u111 c111un 11 colortlll. ed1wt. eny to pltHt with food 1nd wa ter COlldltlOftS. I 1111 .a of Ille above, npeclllly If tlllft 11 a small sdlOOI of vs ~I witll "' 11'1 ftn tall "' ..... s.. .... ~ ,,_. ...,, I 1111 on 1 '* •IMltf "" H111• "lt•••r ......... 99. ~ ...... ...... ee.. ..... ' .... I I f 41'¥f I"™' Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/Wedn11day, Augu1t 25. 1882 ~ SMUCKER'S PRESERVES MEN 'S OR LADIES ' CREW NECK SWEATSHIRTS OR SWEATPANTS \ YOUI CHOICE ~~7!2 I 8.99 -' / HOODED J ·~ SWUTSHllT .:ti4 Aflll IAU 1199 ,. "" IDAHOAN CHICKEN POTATOES READY CHAMPION RITZ SENECA RAISINS CRACKERS GRAPE JUICE FAVO•ITE flAVO•S USY-TO-PHPAH CHUNIC STYU CHICICEN CAUFO•NIA SHDUSS FROM NABISCO GIUT TASTING DRINK SUPHl 19 SUPH2s1 PllCE PllCE FOR 18-oz While \loch lo\t While \l oc h lo\I llMIT 6 'ER CUSTOMU llMll I 'ER CUSTOMER SCHLITZ BEER 12-PACK SALE SALE 349 PllCE 1 !-OL CANS YOUt CHOI(( • COl A • OllT COlA • OU NG( • IOOT Hit • UMOl'HIM( • l lACI CHUO \12.01::-sl~ ~ ' . ') Cola PllCE SUPH 149 PllCE SUPH,,C PllCE SUPH119 PllCE SUPH,,( 12 1'1 oz While \locks lo\t 9 Ol While \IOCk\ lo\I llMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER llMIT 6 'Ell CUSTOMER WINDSOR HIGH INTENSITY DESK LAMPS ADJUST AllE LIGHTING (~~~~·699 Modern 11yle lamp1 with ' h1 lo & on off 1w1tch 16 0 1 While \lock\ lo\I J"} 0 1 While 1tock lu,r llMIT 6 PU CUSTOMER llMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER I . -~)?l ~~(' \)\ ~' ·~f 1~•· ~ , ~-),··i1 )' ~rt L rr ~ NOODLE RONI NOODLE RONI FROM GOLDEN G•AIN PRICE su• .. 59c 6 oz Whtie \lock\ la\I llMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER SHECTION INCLUDES: • SNICkERS • M & M's • HEltSHEYS •MOUND S • MANY MORI son DRINKS GREAT TASTING FlAYOIS STUDENT DESK WITH RUSTIC MALIBU FINISH HAND DECORATED STONEWARE MUGS OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF :~:. § 99c VIDAL CAILO SASSOON IOSSl'S MAI• CAH NllDS TAKIW•IS HG.199 llG. 319 l.•• YOU. 5.19 CllOKl 12-or. Shampoo or Finiih- ing Rinse. Regulor or Sen· sum 101TL1 1itive formuloJ Sovel •11n•t• UACll • ... , .......... It ... .. , ....... .,....._ ............ .•mat._....._., ...... I \ ~::,:~·::~r 199' 1s1/t" OU' REG . 89C 1.29 u . 30' CANDY BARS S1oroge enclowre with 1w1ng door Eo\y ouembly w ith only.a screwdnver Volue• Good looking mug1 tor1erv1ng coffee hot chocoloie or \Oup Wide choice of des1gn1 ~. s1 MISS CLAIROL HEAD & SCOPE Q-TIPS DOWNY HAIRCOLOR SHOULDERS MOUTHWASH SWABS LIQUID DANHUfJ SMAMPOO TWIN PACI SHCIAl DOUIU TIPPID FAlllC SOFTlllll llG.,,c llG.299 llG.259 :.it.398 llG.109 l .19 J.H 1.19 1.U TOUI (llOKt For natural looking r• 15·01 lotton In Regulor Two 24 or bo11le1 Pr•ce 8011 of I 70 1ofety 1wob1. 33•01 bottle leavu fob· suits in full selectlon of or Cond1t1ontt1fi formulo 1nclude1 I 00 off lobe! Mony u1u for thh fine riu 'tOft Sole pric• In· shades Now ot tov1ngs! teove1 hotr 10 I & clean leave1 mouth 1tn9l1nv product Spec1all>' prlc•dl clude1 15c off lob•I f_.,Alll YALLIY C911AMISA ...,., .............. •IULIM-C.. .,,,.. ......... .,, ... _ .......... c.. ......... . ......... _ .._,_ ., "'._ nems ........... c... ' • -_. ........ ___________ _ j ' • • 4¥ ... #" • ........ Dilly Piiat Need a new wardrobe, dictionary or lunchbox for going back to school? Shopping hints on B3-8. , 0 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28, 1982 SOCIETY 82 0 ~ TIECDllTMITHECDUm Nude poses a baronJeter? FEARLESS FORECASTS DEPT. -There is nothing more illuminating than being able to sit in one of the fine eating locations of our Orange Coast and listen to a real savant of business, industry and high finance as he attempts to explain to you what is happening. It was only yesterday, and the view from the linen- covered dining tables was of a gray, diffused coastaJ region · that perhaps was not -~ u nlike current economic ' conditions. · • ~ "You remember the Tl. ~ ~ recession of 1974-75," my MURPHINf ,~ lunc heon host suggested. -"The whole country was reeling around in the economic blahs. "And what happened to us here in Orange County? Mainly, nothing. We just kept right on going. · "Orange County was an island." , Happy Island in the Sun: Where All the Work Gets Done . . . COULD BE. But, I asked my distinguished host, what about now? What about the recession of 1982? "We've felt it this time but I didn't have to tell you that. We got it too because Orange County is no longer an island. Oh, we still have our spots. "Newport Beach is an island. Laguna is an island. Newport and Laguna are living in a dream world. They are very provincial but there are changes coming. "Did you know that Newport Beach has one of the largest Iranian populations now in the United States? No, I don't mean in tenns of totaJ numbers. "I mean in wealth. In total wealth. "Along our coastal area, we're going to see an international influx. We are going to become a more international populatio!1·" --- ENTERTAINMENT FOR MEN ~ glrts.~come I long W8V blb¥f .,. September covergirl for Playboy: our economy is obviously suffering That's pretty heady stuff. Particularly when you taJk about provincial Laguna or provincial Newport Beach of today. Now back to the economy, I pleaded with my host. what do you see as the most pressing problems of Orange County today? "YOU PROBABLY KNOW the answer to that one as well as I do," he answered. "Housing and transportation. But transportation is the most pressing problem. To fix all of our traffic jams, a lot of lead time is needed. "We could get by on the housing front and we could get that fixed If we had the transportation system. Working people can even move out into the Riverside area for housing, if need be, but we don't have the transportation system for them now. "People are willing to devote an hour a day of their lives for commuting to work. But not more than that.'' Then how does the future look for Orange County'! "ORANGE COUNTY WILL prevail because it has the best life style available." So how can we tell if the economy is turning up or turning down? "I have this friend in San Francisco who predicts the economy. He's a bookie by trade. He says you tell the economy by looking at girlie magazines. "If the girls modeling in the girlie magazines are very pretty. that means the economy is on a bad tum. If they aren't very attractive, it means the economy is great. "YOU SEE, WHEN the economy is really good, the very attractive women have better things to do than pose for girlie magazines." So there you have it. folks. Don't try to predict the economy yourself. Let Hugh Hefner do it for you. Coastline to. off er • eo1Dinun1ty courses Coastline College plans to offer 164 community 1ervice programs ~ fall in place of the tuition- ftte credit counes ellminated by the atate in avocational. recreational and personal development topl.ca. The fee Prosrama will include dancerclae, ca11J1raphy, atalned sJua. tap dance, ballroom dance, aquare dancing, ham radio, crochetina and knitting, peniona.J appeerance, furniture finiahins, auto tune, yo1a, photo1raphy, honemanahlp, needlepoint and quilting. • Fee1 ran1e from f 15.50 for dancercUe to •so.~ for atained ..... ClMeea 1ut from atx to nine weeka and begin at various ti.mes during the fAll eemester, which starts Sept. 7. Activi\iea are offered at a variety ,of locationa ln Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Seal Beech. Westminster, Huntln8ton Beach and Corona del Mar. Regiatration can be completed at the following locat1ona: 2~31 Orchard Drlve, Santa Ana Hetghta; 2990 Meu Verde Drive Eaat, Coata Meaa; 20661 Fanuworth Lane, Huntington Beach; and 5172 McFadden Ave.,1 Huntington Beach. Additional infonnaUon can be obtained by calllng the college at 963-0811 . BETWEEN STROKES -Dorian Johnson and Craig Wiley take a breather amid 50-yard laps across the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex pool. Community facility is open to lap swimmers three times a day. .. Swim complex makes a splash Irvine's aquatic facilities steal some attention away from ·Mission Viejo By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Piiot lt•ff When the image-conscious people of Irvine decided to build their own municipal swimming hole, they made a big splash. They built the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, a triad of spacious pools that hold 1.6 million gallons of chlorinateQ water and almost as many people. It is large enough to accommodate a therapy class for the wheelchair-bound in a 25-meter pool adapted with a ramp;· a water polo match in its 17-Coot-deep. 33-meter diving tank and a lap swimming session in its Olympic-sizPd 50-meter pooP. An impOsing 10-meter diving platform casts an evening shadow over the complex, even the one-room office tower in the center where supervisors can su~ey all the events through tinted windows. Built in 1976, the complex was intended to draw regional, if not national, attention to Irvine while offering residents a first- class recreational facility. City officials contend the busy schedule of major swimming and diving events -including the 1980 AAU Long-Course Championships -already has established that prestige. That AAU meet for boycotting American swimmers became the substitute for the Olympic Games staged at the same time in Moscow. As competitors at the two locations compared times for theoretical dominance, Irvine assumed a small but significant role in the Cold War of world record setting. It was Irvine versus Moscow. And when the television cameras turned to the complex's sophisticated $50,000 electronic clock, little did most view ers know that funds for the timing equipment had been raised by community donations to improve the system and the city's reputation. Fame does not come cheap. though . The complex is considered the city's single-most expensive recreational facility, as pools often are. The city spent $363,000 in the 1981-82 fiscal year to operate the complex, which included paying pool worker wages and electricity billa for all parts of the park. The cost was nearly $1,000 per day. Deity !'lot 1tt1otoe bJ C._... IWT UPWARD BOUND -Bubbles chase diver back to pool's surface in this view taken through underwater window. At the same time, 155,000 people visited the complex. adding revenue. Thus, the city subsidized visitors at a rate of $2.04. Revenue wiJI substantially increase this year because the Irvine City Council agreed in June to double U8er fees -lap swimmers now pay $1 per day instead of 50 cents -and to lmpoee a new $5 monthly charge to teams for each of their members. But operation will remain in the red, however. According to city leaders, no one ever expected the complex to pay for itself. As with athletic fields and tennis courts, the pools are looked upon at City Hall as a service that residents want and are willing to support. "We knew going into it that the complex would be costly. The DOWN THE STRETCH -Divine cl~11 at Heritage Park pool goee through Umbering up exerciaes before the day's activlt1es off high and low boarda. \ \ council knew that," said Paul Brady Jr., assistant city manager. The cost didn't seem to faze many voters, either. Residents passed a measure in 1974 to sell $18 million in bonds to build a network of city parks, including the aquatics complex . An unusually strong 77 percent of the voters supported the bond measure. The idea for the parks, Brady explained, was to offer different kinds of facilities at each park thus forcing residents to journey outside their separate villages and to feel a sense of ownership of the entire city. As part of the bond program, Heritage Park's 45 acres were developed for $6.8 million, which doesn't include costs for the football stadium or the Fine Arts Center there today. The aquatics complex, including its bathhouse. decking, landscaping and mechanical water treatment system, cost $1.6 million. Today, Brady speculated, the same "amenity package" would cost more than $3 million. He said the comparison proves the wisdom of the initial bond measure. City residents will be paying off the parks bond for the next 22 years through assessments on their property tax bills. The current assessment is 2.4 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. The owner o: a $100,000 house will pay $23 .75 toward redemption of the parks bond this year, and an owner of a $150,000 house will pay $35.62, aC'COrding to city figures. The complex opens weekdays at 6 a.m., when the new $26,700 pool covers are peeled of! and the first wave of lap swimmers take to the warm water of the 33-meter pool. Lessons run from 8 a .m . to noon. when lap swimmers get their second tum, thts time in the 50-meter pool. Recreational swimming from 1 to 3:45 p .m . precedes more lesaon.s, more lap swimmers. Meanwhile competitive swimming, diving and water polo teams (primarily from the Irvine Novaquatics) practice mornings and usually again at 3 p.m. A synchronized swimming team, the Irvine Meraquas, practice at 8 p .m .. as do some water polo squads. · The complex cloees at 10 p.m . An affluent and mostly upper-middle-class community, Irvine has been described· by local o fficials as "water oriented." Many commu~ty auociations operate pools, 4fld lots of families have their owi\. It la cloee to the beach, physi~y and figuratively. · . Thia aquatic k:inahlp leads W> a ne~for a comprehenrri\'e sw i ng program, s•id , Co munity Services Dlr~or Dee Manning. "We want to ~ 1 u man~ people to awlrn .. as poesible,' she said. .:. • '!be complex bouts a staff of :l3, with a doaen u1~·10 inatructor-lifeguaras an~ a caahier. ·: Carole Long, who 1upe~ the 1wlmming frograma, t:*id : competition w th the m•hy 1maller pooh in offer~hl beidnnlNI ~ tqu.a exeq:be ano even recre.Uonal swi~ · hH produced a hlah leve~ of . au~ber of our Ul~ la above moat other plKIM.":lhe (See SUPER, Pase Bl) .. .. .. _. ____ ___ Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/WednM day, Augu1t 25, 1982 From Page 81 UPER WIMMING COMPLEX GETS SECOND BILLING ... clalmed, ''Th• workJna 1tandardt aro better; we gtve more brNlu. Wt h ave m o re alde1 for lnatrucaon and ratloa are amall In thtl le9'0na." ~nned and opllmiatlc, Long Hid Irvine haa achieved its aoucht·after statua through Its ch1mplon1hip comple x and ~rvices. "l make a lot of cau. around the U.S .. " she aald. "When I say I'm from Irvine, they recognize who I am and kind of sit up and take notice." Ca l l It ge o grap h ical misfortune, call it jumping into the game too late or call it an unfair comparison, but Irvine may n ever achieve a ll the exposu re it might because it exists so close to a more famous facility. That ls Mission Viejo's aquatic complex 10 miles to the south. It is the home of one of the most highly-regarded swim teams in the country, the Mission Viejo Nadadores, and its distinguished coach, Mark Schubert. Built before Irvine's, Mission Viejo's complex also includes t h ree pools and a fourth recreational pool. It also hosts swimming and diving meets, and b.caUIO of the huae ll.IC.'!Ceel of ha athletet. It ~•Pl more publicity. A k e y difference oxllla between th& two, however . Brady reduced It to •imple terma: "Public veraua private.' Irvine's complex la owned and ope rated by the city and Its taxpayen. The other t. run by the Miu lon Viejo Co .. a subsidiary of the Philip Morris Co. Unlike lrvlne, MUialon Viejo is unincorporaLed. Mission Viejo's complex, In its Marguerite Recreation Center, was built In 1972 as one of four centers meant to be part of a marketing system designed to attract young families to the south county development, said Al Wheele r, the compa ny's c.'Ommunications manager. The company still operates the centers and helps pay Its bills by selling memberships to people who live or work 1n the conununity. The fees vary from $31 to $36 per month. The company also pays the salaries of the Nadadores' coaches. In Irvine, aqua tics coaches get no money from the city. Belldee the premuree of tlbUna rivalry with Ml11lon Viejo. lrvlnt'!'1 complex hu experlenct.'d other problems. There are the 1mall but potc.>ntlally •~rlous aggravations caus~ by youths who 1ncak Into the facility at night, roll back the cover on the dlvina tank and then jump off the platform. By the time police officers arrive through two set.I of gates to the pool, the wary dlvera have fled . But Dave T ungate , 1upervisor of the operation, said workeni know when the pool has been used. "We're finding beer bottles and cans," he said. And then there are the more pervasive -one might even say perverse -problems, like the w ell-publicized fact that the !iO-meter's aluminum frame ls an inch too short. Ac tua lly, the frame was exac tly the proper le ngth, officials say, but when touch- sen sl ti ve electronic timing equipme nt was Installed for meets, the course became less than regulation. In swimming, a split second can mean a record . Workers have stre tched the frame and added bolts to prevent thft mei.I from recedlns. The boltl L(lnd to corrode and break from lilr<'tll, however. Then jet. of water from drainage 1y1tem behind the walla ahoot throuah, t·reatlng a n unwanted current In the pool. Dur i ng the AAU c h amplon ah lpa In 1980, aald Tungate. "We had to have staff on duty to jump Into the pool and plua the hole i n caae a bolt popped during a race." The swimmers said the water jet.I would slow their times. It was aorf of embarrassing. lrvlne Isn't the only place wtth that problem, though. A county -own ed p ool i n Laguna Niguel and another at Saddleback College in MiSBion Viejo had similar troublet. Irvine has entered litigation to try to regain repair costs from the pool contractor , the Rua ne Corp .. Brady noLed. In the meantime, Tungate, for one, is pleased with the complex and the "democratic" system adopLed by its user groups, who meet on their own to schedule practit-es and events. Said the supervisor: "l think it's meant a lot to the quality of life for the community.'' DEGR EES OF DIFFICULTY -Two divers con centrat£ before flipping off boards at Heritage Park Aquatics Complex. BE AMONG THE FIRST TO GET YOUR CHILDREN'S 844.t Weejuns. H·awthorne Christian School "For Tl]_~_ ~!ght Sta_r~ In life" RACE SPECI' A TORS -Mrs. Robert H. Grant of Newport Beach, right, recen tly entertained the Mmes. George Ponty, Robert Hamilton and John Richardson at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club. Below, the Mmes, Marshall Gurney, Del Grilhsee of Anaheim Hills, Alice Bourgeau of Cot-Ona del Mar and Jane Kroc w e re club guests of actor John Forsythe and his wife. ·: .. :· !: , . ·: ·: .. ~ .. .. . : .. • :]August Sale :~: 15 to 25 o/o Off ·.· AMCO ~~\t.DERS Sl!ppt . ~ · 'zln1 la IM ooordlnatlon of tM Ire hardware for your pro)«t .. ·~ s;.,_,_ .. ~ :.,. r-ncv b•rdw•n for: ~ .. l>QoRS, BATH, KITCHEN, ·BARS, CABINET AND 'JJATH ACCESSORIES ~ (714) 642-4184 ii a-I~ •• NI• ... ~. C-. M-, Calf. 92627 NOW AT --Enroll Now FALL SEMESTER STARTS SEPT. 13th Enrollment Now Being Taken Reasonable Tuition ~~ #30 FASHION ISLAND WESTCLIFF PLAZA 644-2464 1 7th & IRVINE Door-to-Door &Is ~ric1 """' Poss» -HIP sdlollstic stllldNd -T11"*'t lhl 4 R's "'dint (flllth phottks) wrlfi?t, lrllrnltic, f11dlnn1. In Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 • 548-6684 A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 Give your appliances the afternoon off . A town is like a model electric train . When the electrical load is evenly distributed throughout the day, there's enough power to go around. But on hot afternoons, factory, office and home air conditioners come on. Add washers. And dryers. And ovens. And other appliances. And the total electrical load can get too heavy. So use your air conditioning sparingly. When you're home, please set it no lower than 78? When you go out, tum it to 85° or higher. That way you can help lighten the peak load, delay building new power plants, and help provide enough electrical po\ver to go around all day long . ' Southern California Edison ... ---· - -----... ' 0 p .. -· •• p' • ATTHE y * Aerobic Fitness * Racquetball *Olympic Weight Room *Heated Olympic Pool SERVING: Costa Mesa South Irvine ,.. Newport Beach l Corona del Mar ~ ,J ~----------------------------------- I YMCA SUNSHINE COMPANY "for the working parent & children K-6" BEFORE SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM • SMALL GROUPS • STUDY TIME • IUTRITIOI • SUPERVISED PLAY GOOD FOR '10 TOW ARD 1 IOllTH'S FEE I Coupon Offer Ends August 31st L-------------------------------~ Pre-Fall Back To School Special purchase -Cordouroy sport coats. Originally s 14500 Sale sa9.95 Special group of fall tweed dress slacks. Original values to '60°0 Now 5 19.95 to s29.95. Select group of long sleeve sport shirts '12. 99 Cotton blend Turtlenecks 56.99. Large selection of fall suits and sport coats up up to 1/3 off. "MEN'S & WOMEN'S" clothing finery South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa 549-857 5 Westmihster 898-1666 Brea Mall 990-0333 -1 ~ --.- 5 Orange Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Wednetday, Augutt 25, 1982 Mereno Sport. The Active Look for School So comrortoble 'l(>liH 1111e 1n rr.em Snut~ ona pants ore 1001. cotton in great coloo 8~~@~ 56 FASHION ISlAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 7030 (. COILO~ moir 111orrm !!!!~ Active wear at Joel's is bright and vivid in color. The fit is more feminine, and the prices won't wear you out. CREW NECK SWEAT SHIRT Sizes: S-M-L Price: $16.00 HOODED JACKET Sizes: S-M-L Price: $24.00 ELASTIC WAIST SWEAT PANT Sizes: S-M-L Price: 15.00 All pieces shown come in bright shades of turquoise, fuachia, red, purple and yellow. JOELS -South Coast· Plaza 549-3791 , ~ Bl ... ·: .· .·. • . I '~ : : t .. Save over $3.00 ·on_Beef Stick~ Summer Sausage. Uu\ u t Jh l~<f>r ~Luk· lnr JU .. t $H '"t .m1t .,..,,. mon th.nn$.tt i'l1tffth• 1•·..,"1ttr ~,'.irtPn;t;~ poWl<l pn•.,. t )r .,.,,,. ~,o• r~ r U1 on .1 1·u1 Pll"•' ~c•r •''t'I"\ i•~md ''"' hm v. ... 1J ,1(1\ .. '.!.[i' l•' tlw \lu~uLir . lh•lroph\ A....,.,,.tl<ln ff lckor1farms o,01110~ Wt11 l(IW you a tao~ of old l1Jnfo roun11y good.-"" FASHION ISLAND WESTCLIFF PLAZA Nl'wport Beerh 640-6030 171h 11nd ln111{'. :'\I'" purl llt•111 h 642-0972 Newport's Center of Style Women'• Apparel ~Jewe:.___lry_.__ ___ _ Aptopoe Brett Walker la.c.k Strftt Donnan l'lmlJnlne Attire a Suium l"J'• Le•ue bff Jewelry Luu of CalJfomu Slntck'1 The Look Wyodlum Leigh M•tthew'1 Dumo_oda The Puce Family a Children'• Je•n lyao Shoe1 The Sbow·Off _.::..::.:..:;_;_ __ _ lolpee Hempbtll'1 Shoes Huato'1 Shon ..:..:..:=.:~....:..L----''-Newport ~lldren'1 lootery Wetherby·layHr Family a Children's App•rel AthH Brooka Brother• Porty Loft Home Furollhlnp lath Shop Nettle Creek Shop Services Anthony'• Shoe Service Clown Clunu1 Golden IU•de Barben Goin& Pl.cu Trawl lOCM·PM (103.1) That's Some Body The Hair Hunten Pood Speci.lty Hickory Parma See'• C.odlea The Sweet Life aakery Truly Natural Health Pood1 Womeo'1 Sboa ~tby }HD Ptau Footwear Leech W.odel'I The led Balloon aeat•urantl PHl Allen Meo'1Appuel a Sboe1 A1'1 Gu11e AthH liooka Brothen Guy'1 a Company The Look· Guys Ge•r Phelps r.o.s.e. lllwrwoocla G1ft1. Cardi. a-1ea Place C.ndleaa ...,. Satlooery Bob Bumi Coco'• Bl Po<o C.ndlea Bl 1.oberto umbs 'N Ivy Fr•ncl1un loom brl1 'Iby1. (Buffum•) SUtlonen The llund HOUK a Hobbles Udo Buffet S.t1nder'1 Hallmark (l.obloaon'1) SportJoa Gooch. Ne;:tjn Stuff'd 'lbya. Hobbta. Lug•e a Peta The ltger Department Stora lencbley Lugaae. Ltd. Velwt Turtle Tamato'1 Tbe lroacbny larla Toya. laffuma St.•tlODUI la1locb Wllablre a Hobbta Netman-Mar'CUI luuo'1 Wonderful lobtmoa'a World of Peta Ski a Sports Zodi.c loom (Neiman-Marcus) look Stora B. Dalton lookaellen Doubleday look Sbop Some --~-Kids -------- Have All the Luck Weejun Brown N•vy Blue Bl•c/1 A wond•rlul co//•ctlon of B•H •ho•• for ~lrl• •nd boy•. ~ ~30 FASHION ISLAND 644-2464 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE 548-8684 Generro Jeans for School at the Garage I hO OllQ•nol slOne wash denim ,eons IVlode of 100'l. conon •ndlQo d'l'!ld oen.m Son and comlOfloble. no need le) t:lluok em in ,..,, put em on Also l9otvied frl'.>tn Geneno Ole 1~ conon PJllo.<ef knil sholts. o greo1 cOf'l'Cltlatlon( ~~[; 56 FASHION ISl.ANO · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 Our '\t-v. 1-dll Armals Are ;\ow Available I or Your Viewin!! A Mo~t I.xc1t1nJ.: Collect1on'' c;e11rft>111t'n ~ ('/oc/11n): m'ptred b1 crJdmon =I(> I J'\h1un l~lanJ. r ... 10-8~10 Penny Loafers -In classic. brown or black - always right saddle shoes -1n blue & pearl or tan & pearl for campus wear. See our complete selection of Cole Haan shoes. Introduces a sea-going tradition. With Sperry Top-Sider by Stnde Rite.' fashionable styling is only the beginning. Top-Siders are made of top-quality leather carefully constructed for maximum dura- bility. otrideRite· .S4 llAIHtOM lsu.ND. ~ llACM 17141 644-4121 1127 MAIMS,_,,~ 12111 Jll·N11 Back to School Time! See's Candy Time! "Back to School" usually means an end to summer vacations for adults as well as the school -age generation. For all generations, it's a time of returning to a familiar and happy way of life around our homes, . schools, churches and communities. The See's Candy Shop serving your community is part of this way of life. For 61 years. See's has been a place where smiles of anticipation and happiness begin as soon as you step into our sparkling white shop. .- Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, Auguat 2&, 1982 from our cqy.s· dczpt. our bl.&. wh~wmdbnz.aKQ.1, U '1. morhn cy O MCl"C TMIL hord 1W.Onng docron end <...ot..t.on pophn~a\l with \<.nit.tmi col klr crnd cufTh and rmnia\,unz. plaid hn~ pirRu:t lbr crol morrnn~ and <Z.w n11~ ~a1 \ob\(z. in '..an , navy, rt.d, royal.. af'd. ka.l Ly gnuz.n 44 Fashion Island· N"wpor1 Beach• 7141644 -5070 llJOI Westwood Blvd.· W<•stwood Village · 2131208-3273 cathy·jean features "The Roxane" by 9~ In luxurious Brazilian hand finished woven leather, available in Chestnut, Cordovan, Navy, Black, Grey and Natural. Our price just $40.00 cathy jean #6 Fashion Island 759-9700 SEBAGO Genuine hand sewn loafers with leather soles • ~ 4 -) A/>A6 AAA x ----AA • . A x -a x x )t x c x x • " x x x l( x x Tassel Moc cordo brown calf a great campus favorite 8 x x x x x x x x x x K x l( x )t )t )t x x x x x J( x Penny Loafer cordo brown calf -9 -10 x x x x x x x x l( x J( x x )t x x x x x x K x > .. 0 • ,. • ' :w , ... ::: .. Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT/Wednead1y, Augu1t 28, 1982 ~w©~ If,~.~[}{]©&$ BACK TO SCHOOL AYSO 10% OFF ALL SOCCER SHOES ~ • Nike • New Balance • Puma • Tiger • K-Swlss • Etonic • Patrick • Adidas • Stylo • Converse • Dolphin • Thor-Lo • Trace . EJaim&.s: ,.9·r.y•'*•ts" •zatt . flkt "Mnbltdon" 129H . lWtr "Spillers" 123,. Ticer "Rotations" 127" Hiie "~eme c~ts" 140H Acld11 "~r Stars" 138" ·sPORT SHOES 673-4966 HIO E. 0111t IWJ., Oer111 tltl •ar Catch the Spirit! Orance Coast Colege Commul)ity Service Office presents COLLEGE FOR KIDS • Racquetball • Film Making • Sign Language • Aerobics • Calligarphy • Developmental Reading • Dance Classes • Drawing & Painting • Super Sitters • Karate •Swimming • Seascape & Landscape Pamtmg • Gourmet Cookmg • Quilts & Handicrafts • Water Polo • M1cro·Computers • Good Grooming • Tennis • Drama • Guitar • Piano • Typing • Small Animal Care • Publish What You Write • Bicycle Reparr • Conversational French • Convesat1onal Spanish • Photography Register now at OCC COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICE 270 1 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 For Information. call 556-5880. Register early for best class selectlonl Classes start Sept. 25 madine's Orange County's Finest Private Health Club For Women Only COME HELP US CELEBRATE OUR Sii YUR llllllYERSIRY JOIN NOW NO MEMBERSHIP FEE EXPIRES~ We've had 6 successful years of helplng ladles all over Or4nge County be the thin, flt person they have always wanted to bel • FULLY EQUIPPED WEIGHT ROOM • MASSEUSE-NUTRITIONIST • PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION • LIFE-CYCLES • AER081C CLASSES All DAY LONG • SAUNA • WHIRLPOOL • PRIVATE DRESSING ROOMS • TOWELS & All TOILETRIES • TANNING BOOTHS • MANICURIST ~rating20 ~~~ ~~ ~ pfwe join us at our ~/ Anniversary Substantial Savi119s Thr0U9fwut Tlie Store vn Men's ruu{ Lruiie.s' CCothi119 ruu{ Accessories p[us ... A[[ Summer Mercfuuu!ise R.elfuce.d! 'We fiave gifts for you ... 1?._egister for our 'Drrlwing! Join us for cake ruuf cfuunpapte at a cefebration Party A[[ cfuy -f~, August 27 'A-[ as te rcanf c,,. 'l 1 isa J7J.capted J7J. [f Safes will 6e final Advertise in the · Mirror's special football section Wednesday Se ptember. 8 Call 642-7667 MADINE'S -THE #1 WOMEN'S HEALTH CLUB 751-3200 2038 Quall at .• Newport BMch Motufi:y tlimU9f1 f rufuy 10 to 9 • Saturcfay 10 lo 6 • Sunday J2 to 5 #11 South Coast P[aza • 540-4600 COPRE' CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GRADES K-6 • Small Classes (20 students) • Academic Kindergarten • Oceanography -Music -French • Accelerated Reading and Math Programs In All Grades • New and Inventive Ways of Scheduling and Seating Design • Emphasis on the Understanding of the Necessity for Order and Discipline In All Areas Of Life. • Designed To Prepare Stud~nts For College Prep Secondary Schools 145-4353 190. 23rd ST. COSTA MESA (Selected Opening• Available) OWNED AND OPERA TED BY "EWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Who's Who? Who 's New! 0 R t\ Ev~ry Sunday in ~. Look what we have for ,_HOHi OlltDIN ACC9"9D -ONN7DAY8AWU9C- 2918 R•DHILL BLDG. "D" COSTA M•aAINmwPORT LOCATED IN SOUTHCOAST DESIGN ckNTER AT STONIMIU. 8U8tNl8S ~AAK • • . . . . . • • . . . ' . 11 • ~ • ~ . . . . . ) JUDY HEATON · is now offering 200/o OFF ALL HAIR SERVICES •PERMS •HAIRCUTS • STYLES • HIGHLIGHTS • CELLOPHANES @rlton Hair fnt(trnational HERITAGE PLAZA -IRVINE 14250 Culver Dr. 857-1341 Offer good throu9h Sept. 30 Malta appoiDtments now (with Judy only. for the 20~o offer) COLLEGE PREP JR. HIGH SCHOOL • Counseling-Academic. Moral Soclal, Spiritual • Emphasis On The Understanding Of The Necessity For Order And Dlscipline In All Areas Of Life. • Oceanography-Athletics-Music • Advanced Techniques In Classroom Design And ScheQuling Result In Top Achievement • French -German -Latin 645-9282 Newport Christian Jr. High 1 School GRADES 7 AND 8 SELECTED OPENINGS AVAILABLE 883 W. 15th, N.B. (Near Hoag Hosp) OWNED AND OPERATED BY NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Watch for Current The Daily Pilot's monthly magazine This Month: GAMES PEOPLE PLAY Takes a look at what Orange County residents are doing with their spare time Coming Wednesday, Sept. 15 s .. t•• aoocl• • '· N eW b at nee"· f eatures O n1\\C kn\t. d th\n ac•7 th\ck an w\th tash\on '· or wh\te B\ac" stt\pes . s .M.L Q699 Reg. $38. 6 MOW····. do•OV paat co• tton \Ala\e . ft ftne co So \ass\c. 5 pocket c n ot grey. came\. BtOW 3.\3 t999 Reg. $24. MOW··· .•. Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMday. Augu1t 2&. 1082 BT Summer is ending and we've had a ball But now is the time to shop for fall Come see our beautiful ,,. "~ ~ new designs for fall from ~... ~ T(~ V /;IJ Tattoo, Lady Manhattan, Esp· , Sero. - Condor, Crazy Horse, Patty Woodard./( Ocean Pacific, LA Seat Covers, For Play, Sportif, Happy Lel(S, Campus Casuals, Jag ... with more arriving every day Some say we 're hard to find ... Everyone says we 're worth it. 673-45 10 t 3467 Via Lido, Ne wport Beach (In the Security Pacific Bank bldg., across from the theatre) ' -/ '<. , Check These Back to School Values! SPECIAL SAVINGS. THROUGHOUT THE STORE IZOD Lacoste® PANTS Students & Boys 20°/oOFF KNIT SHIRTS LONG & SHORT SLEEVE 15°/oOFF .. AND MUCH MUCH MORE! ~ LeTIGRE. MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS $12.00 GOLDEN WAVE SHORTS SWIM 8t WALKING 9.88boy's $10.88 men's K & I SPORTS WEAi OPEN7DAYS FREE ALTERATION ... 2300 Harbor Blvd • Harbor Center •• Costa Mesa 545-8203 shcit1and CflLWf)QCk ... THE ~ ,..,.,~~ M!.\w~~ ~ .. ~ ~WEATER ·~,.oi>'f'o· o~ or t:hcz. rroet urnqua. ehztlond ~ta.rs yo.i.l l <LW.r 5'Z4 aach s~t<xr is all harrl ftamczd Wlth \11U:iTS\8 chzatend~l0Z\CZ stnp:i <i'Sht colol'S ln <l.Oci} S'MZOUz:r. b:x:1y color.e anz. buf9undy, grey, lt.bluz., carncz.l, navy Ona. k:x:kn. I Save over $3.00 on Beef Stick~ Summer Sausage. Buy a 3 lb. Beef Stick* for just $9.99 and eave more than $3.00 off the regular pound price. Or eave 504 per lb. on a cut piece. For every pound you buy, we11 give 25' to the Mwicular Dystrophy A.ociation. Offer toocl A\AllU8t 18 throuch 8epten'lber 6. ~ ~ra~~©rr tf~rr~~ 0 1 mno IM South Coast 'Plaza "' ··~ . ,. r; I ! ' "--c.,........ I· . . ,.. ...... ... S•D .... fTMW9J ... 44 Fashion Island· Newport Beach• 714/644-5070 IO#Jl W~ Blud.-.-Westwood Vlltagr-113/208-3273 Hidcory FarmS o" ONto• c .... MeM ~..,,.,,.. .............. i ....,,,. ..... •. ,_.,.... ___ .... ____ . __ 540-6991 ~~ ~ :9~J , I Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday, A Ult 25, 1982 ' Custom tallorec:t suit by House of Tailoring. Michael Scott Woven Anllne Leather Attache, Excluslvely At Rootens. Carousel Court ~ j ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Monday through Friday 10-9, Saturday.10-6, Sunday 12-5 D1llyPl1t WEDNESDAY, AUO 25, 1882 Oranse Coast football STOCKS C7 coach Dick Tucker greet ed 107 candidates Tuesday. C3. ENTERTAINMENT C8 TELEVISION C9 Road test ahead Angels leave town • By JOHN SEV ANO o.--. Deity ,... • ...,. The Angels' golde n road to a divisional championship currently has a copper-tinted look. about It. That's becaUJe the Angela, If they're to win their second divisional title In four yeani. are going to have to accomplish their feat on the road, where victories haven't come as easy for them. After dropping a 7-3 decision to the Milwaukee Brewen at Anaheim Stadium Tuesday. the Angels slowly packed their bags and waited to board a chartered jet today for Boston, where they will play five games In four days beginning ThW'Bday. In all, the Angels will be away from home for 11 days, playing the likes of the Red Sox. Detroit and the Brewers. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, the Angels will play a total of 25 of their last 37 games away from the friendly confines of the Big A, where they enjoy a bountiful 42-27 home-field advantage.· ON THE ROAU, the Angels are a respectable 30-26. But with the final days of the season approaching that figure would seem to have to improve If the Angels have any notion of finishing on top in the AL Nest. • "1 don't even concern myself with that," said Manager Gene Mauch of the Angels' remaining road games. "If we can play like we did on our first trip following the All-star break and our first trip this month, then we'll be all right." The Angels' first road trip in August found them away from home for 10 games In which time they fashioned a 7 .3 mark, their best record of the season. In Mauch's other example, however, the one following the All-star break (another 10-game excursion), the Angels were a mere 5-5. on losing note "Naturally, we'd like to play most of tht!m at home, but that's just the way the acheduJe IB. You can't worry about," catcht!r Bob Boone pointed out. "It really doesn 't matter," added Brian Downing. "I don't read the stats and l don't read the papers. We started our season m April on the road and It didn't matter then. "I don't think 1t makes a bit of difference whether we play our games here or on the road. They're all new games once you take the field." REGGIE JACK SON, a veteran of many drives, points not to being on the road itself, but to the length of the tripi!I as being important. "The onJy real differenc..-e I've found is when you P,lay on the road more than ~ven or eight days,' Jackson stated. "When you play on the road let's say, 10 games or more, you have a tendency w wear down. "I would really think it would make more of a djfference with a team like Kansas City because they're such a good turf club. "[ think we play better at home but a pennant race is a pennant race, and if you can't ~et up for that ... " The Royals, incidentally, who traH the Angels by only a game after Tuesday night's resuJu, play 20 of their last 37 at home, including their last seven games of the year against the Angels (4) and Oakland (3). Kansas City, speaking of home-field advantages. has also won better than 70 percent of its games at Royals Stadium this season. THE OLD ADAGE, or the one frequently used in baseball circles, is that if you can play .500 on the road and do well at home, the combination will usually produce rewarding results. 1 GRIMACING Angel first baseman Rod Carew slides unsuccessfully into home plate as Milwaukee catcher Ted Simmons tags him out D811y ll'tlot l'ttoto bJ Rlctlerd K~ Tuesday night at Anaheim Stad.ium. Carew tried to score from first on double by Fred Lynn. With the number of games that remain dwindling, it's hard to imagine Mauch would be satisfied with the latter outcome. The players, at least for print, seem to think it doesn't make any difference whether they're at home or away. As far as most of them are concerned, a game is a game. "At this stage of the season, though, that's just an alibi," exclaimed Tim Foli, who was involved in a couple of pennant chases with Pittsburgh. "Nobody ever said that (about playing .500 ball on the road) in September. "When I was with Pittsburgh, it worked exactly the opposite for us. When we won it in '79 we clinched things on the road. In 1980 we were at (See ANGELS, Page C3> jTom French: Gambling has ruined his life 1Distraught and penniless, former Costa Mesa High coach hopes his story will help someone else . Tom French, the fonner Costa Mesa High football coach, surfaced Tuesday, although "surfaced" is a very misleading description. , "I'm a lost person." French admitted !in a choked voice. "I lost my position, my friends and my own respect. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON 10 winning seasons (55-34-1 overall) and continued at Costa Mesa where he left off. For years he had been a guiding fixture for young men, the example to follow, the man with the answers. Drawn and appearing at least 20 pounds lighter than when he was the Mustangs' coach , French, during an emotional moment. said: "I'm going to kill myself." ' "I was at the top of my world and I've C one all the way to the bottom. I was just little coach at a high school, but it was the neatest thing in the world ... " Such was the gist of Tuesday's nversation with the one-time Costa money he owes. but estimates range from $30-50,000. The Sea View League Coach of the Year In 1978, his days were numbered even then. French says he always enjoyed gambling on the horses, but that it didn't become the overwhelming problem that it has developed into until he felt obligated to try to financially assist his parents and sister because of bouts of brain tumors for two brothers-In-law. Asked if he had sought help, French said be had .een three lawyers (rejecting bankrupt<:y as an out) and went to Gamblers Anonymous. But other than that, French's world has collapsed, and he is apparently doing little to seek help. just continued treks to the tracks. ''When it came to a head I was In so deep." says French. "People had relied on me and I had their confidence. It's hard for people to realize. I didn't do it intentionally, to hurt people. ~esa coach, a 40-year-old who turned e Mustangs' football 1program from 14 ars of losing seasons into two league ampionships and countless big men ts. I "I got into a sickness," continued renc h . "Gambling very heavily. rrowlng an awful lot of money from ple who were very close to me . . . it "But you borrow, and borrow, and borrow with good Intentions until it all becomes impossible. "But, anyone who has a gripe against me has a legitimate gripe. I never intentionally defrauded anybody, but as it ended up, I never paid anyone back, and I lost everything." "I started looking for more ways to get more money," says French. "The first time, I won. Then I started losing, more, and more. and more. Chasing good money after bad. "A lot of people love the guy," says John Carney, one of French's former assistants who has joined with Jim Hagey to co-coach the current Costa Mesa High team. "There aren't as many negatives as he think .. may . The effect on Costa Mesa's football team a year ago. just a month prior to the season, was devastating. t got deeper, and deeper, and deeper." The pyramid effect reached the top prior to the 1981 football season and nch resigned, leaving many creditors. How. you ask, could such a th mg happen to what was otherwise a very successful person? "My paycheck was gone the next day and then I went to people who had confidence in me. "What really bothers me the most are the people I betrayed. I haven't slept in a year and a half." "Steve Cook, our tight end, came to me," says Camey, "and he said, 'He was like a father to me.' "I had no answer at.the moment, but I told him to look at him for what <See FRENCH, Page C4) PENNILESS -Ex-Costa Mesa High football coach Tom French says gambling has left him broken and hopeless. He would not say just how much French came to Costa Mesa arter coaching Fairview Park High in Ohio to 1Wel<ih aid ·for relief Milner endures, despite the pressure I ST. LOUIS (AP) -Manager Tom I Lasorda says the rigors of a hectic schedule in August are beginning to impo6e a burden on his Dodgers. "We've played 18 games In 17 days." I said Lasorda after the Dodgers slugged their way out of a brief skid with a 5-2 victory Tuesday night over the St. Louis Cardinals. "It's tough . . we started sliding back, but we just weren't scoring any runs. These guys are human, too, you know. Against St. Louis, the weary Dodgers might have suffered setback No. 4 in a row except for Bob Welch's four-hit pitching and Ken Landreaux' two triples and a single. WINNER -Bob Welch pitched the Dodgers to a 5 -2 victory over St. Louis Tuesday nlght. "It was very indicative of what we've been going through," said Lasorda In respect to the 14 runners Los Angeles left stranded. "We've had our opportunities and jwlt haven't taken advantage of them. We needed this one very much." While striking out seven and wallting three, Welch. l~-8. wavered only in the fourth inning in permitting the Carda to 9Vercome a 2-0 deficit on Lonnie Smith's single, Keith Hernandez' bue on balls and George Hendrick's double. Steve Garvey unlocked the 2-2 tie by singling home Dusty Baker, who had doubled to open the fifth. In the eighth, Landreau.x 1:ripled with one out and Baker followed with a sacrifice fly and Pedro Guerrero with his 26th homer . Welch, who had been battered by the Chicago Cube ln his previous time out, said he was intent foremost on redeeming him8elf lot the bad start. "l worked out and ran hard and stayed •~ve." the 6-3 hurler Mid. "I wu throwing the ball pretty good. I was fluJd, and l WM moving the fastball around." AJdde from Smith's s1n&le and HHldrick'a double, St. Louis' on1Y hlta were lincJes by Willie McGff In tho eec:ond and Ken Oberkfell In the 1eVenth. "lt'a not maturity: he'• aot rl)Ott confldence ln hla abWty," eald ~ ln a deecrlpdon o! the 2S·year-old Wekh'a r::dtchlna. "Ron ~ (Dodaen coech) hu done a super job wtth hlm.1 think Mt• rwched that atege rt&ht now where we always thoua})t he would be.'' Fountain Valley's major reason for success: Continuity of coaching staff By ROGER CARI.SON Ofttle Delly l"llot St.ff There must be an old saying somewhere around that st.ates: "The best coach around is the one with the best staff." IC there isn't, there should be. That's how Fountain Valley High football c."Oach Mike Milner looks at it and based on results. and individuals, Milner c:ertainly ranks among the top coaches In Orange County. This is Milner's fourth year at the helm and his past three teams have compiled a 25-11-1 record in the toughest of competition, includinR CIF playoff berths in each year and a CIF Big Five Conlerence finals spot In 1980. THE. BARONS BOAST a home run offense with Stanford-like patterns, and prior to Milner'• reign at Fountain Valley. he was a part of the staff which led the Barons to the CIF Big Five crown in 1978. "Staff la cru cial in a high school situation," sax-Milner as he prepares his Barons for One of the toughest non-league 8Chedulea In CIF ru.tory prtor to the usual black and blue regimen of the Sunset League. "If )'OU're afforded the luxury of ha~ enough people ao you can just coach one way, on just one aide of the ball you're ahead," he says. Amo!!B Mllner's 1\aff are Dave fl"enhall, Mike Henigan, Tony Elias-Calles, Guy Curoao, George Berg, Jim Coen, George Puooe and Harik c.octirane. THE CONTINUITY of the staff la similar to the El Modena High ayatem under Bob Leet.er. Milner la beginning hia 10th year of coaching ln the ume 1yat.em with Penhall, Coen and Berg. ,..hlch amounts to 40 yeara of experience. "It's very much like a collep altuadon.," aay1 Milner. "We're all In it topther. A happy staff that get.a along ia an important lngredient. "You have to live with each other from August to December and there's the time element. "None of our coachea la concerned about watchina the clock. They're going to go home when \be Job aeta done." Milner aaya an ex.ample of h.1.1 staff la ltU.aa-Calleti a walk-on. ' "He's a 25-year-old Lone Belich State 'student with an optical bullne. on the side. But he'• here every atncle day, from January co January, heavily lnvolved ln ~ off ·tea80ft strencth prosram. "He's here • much • 1 am..t. at ?:15 •.m. and at B p.m. co rniclniaht on :sunaay. "We've aot youth aN! experlmce and It's the best ol two W(Jl"lda." Penhall is in charge of the Barons· offense with his passing knowledge o{ Stanford and California systems Inserted, along with the UCLA running game Milner is the defensive specialist, and seldom questions anythin~ Penhall does. "I trust this judgment," says Milner. "I don't have to concern myself. He has had such great success turning out quarterbacks. which is the main Ingredient to our pass success.'' The Barons staff is also a staff on the move. constantly seeking out more knowledge. "A lot of people are high on clinics," says Milner, "but we trnve! to other schools for spring p ractice. such as Houston, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Arizona State, USC, UCLA, Cal, Stanford and Washington in the past 10 years. "Five of us went to Washington this past spring and we've picked up BOmething from every place. "If you want to learn something, you hsve to go after it. Carrozza, for instance, is with Frank Ganz, the Kansas City ChJefs klck coordinator . He meets with him every vear in San Antonio." . THE OTHER SIDE of Milner'• system ls the no~nonsenae approach to prectlce. which h responalble for many millconceptlON. Great athletes (potentially) can come down the ~e, but at J'ountaln V~y. lf you haven t done it conalatently on the practice field, you IJ.rnply don't start (or play) on game irlaht. ~ ''\'-." adrnUa Milner, "w. have a fair arnou.nt of ~applied durlna pncUc:e. "I like~~ premu.ni altuadona on the pnc:Uce fleld they'll reec,t eccordlJ\lly during the . "We very aare-tvely and expect (See BAllONS, Pge C4) \ ' .I C::I Orang• Oout DAIL y PILOT IWtdnefd•v, Augu1t H, 1882 ----------------------~ .. Be ll loses 3 games, full season at Kansas From AP dt1patcbe1 LAWRENCE, Kan. -University m of Kansas junior Kerwin Bell, an C. • All-Big Eight ru.nning back in 1980, will not be eligible to play in the team's first three gc.mes of the 1982 season. university officials announced Tuesday. Athletic Director James Lessig said Bell also would lose one of hi.s three remaining years of eligibility. Lessig made th e announcement following a National Collegiate Athletic Association ruling stemming from an investigation of Bell's high -school grade point average. The NCAA ruled that after applying the strictest interpretation of a 2.0 high scfiool grade point average NLL rule, B e ll had not bee n eligible to play on the team his freshman year, Lessig said. · The rule required Bell to have £ 2.0 cumulative grade point average after eight semesters of high school work. Lessig said that Edison High School of Huntington Beach allowed Bell and all its other students to apply summer work completed after their eighth semester toward the previous semester. "At no time during the recruitme nt or the enrollment process did KU or Kerwin realize he did not meet the NCAA rule," Lessig said. "All of the official infonnation from the high school to the university indicated that he had over a 2.0 grade point ave.rage." "The NCAA after looking at the case declared Kerwin ineligible," Lessig said. "We then appealed that decision to the NCAA eligibility committee, and they made the . ruling.'' Kirkland capture LL series ope ner WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) -The West's Cody Webster struck out 14 and gave up four hits as Kirkland, Wash .. defeated Sarasota, Fla .. 5-3 Tuesday to join Taiwan as opening-day winners at the 36th Little League World Series. Chang Jong-hsun led off with the first of three fifth-inning homers in the opening game as Taiwan e xploded for an 8-2 victory over Maracaibo, Venezuela. Pu-Tzu Town is seeking an unprecedented sixth straight title for Taiwan, which has won 10 times in the last 13 years. In the second game, Webster started slowly, walking four in the first inning and allowing Sarasota to score twice. "Cody didn't pitch his best game," said Kirkland Manager Don Cochran, adding that his players were pretty excited about being in the seri£S. The West came right back in the bottom of the first, scoring on Webster's RBI single and Mark Peterson's bunt to score Shawn Cochran from third. Left-fielder Mike Adams put Kirkland ahead to stay in the second, slugging a two-run homer after Erik Jonson led off with a wicked double up the middle. Baseball today On th1I date ln t..balJ In 1967: Dun Chane9 of the Mtnn0110ta Twtna plt.ohed hla let'Ond no-hitter or th eeu:>n, blankil\l the Cleveland lncUania 2-1. On Aug. 6, Chance had no-hit the &.ton. Red Sox over the tint five tnninp and wound up a 2·0 winner when the game waa· ahonened due to rain. On thia dat.o ln 19&2: Detroit Ttaera ti.rebeller Vtrail Trucka poeted hlJ tee0nd no-hitter of the year, beaUn1 the New York Yankeoa 1-0 at Henderson closes In on Brock record Yankee Stadlwn. ' Rickey HudenoD stole two bases Tueeday, leaving him one shy ot Lo11 Brock'• major leasue N!Q)rd of 118 aa Oakland defeat.ed Detroit, 3-0, • I Today'• blrthdaya: Texu manager Darrell Johnaon 11 54. Milwaukee relief ace Rollie Fingers la 36. .,______ __ _____, In American League baseball action. Former Corona del Mar Hlgh star Matt Keousll pitched the complete game ahutout for the A'a. · Henderson wu thrown out for the 39th time to break Ty Cobb'• major league record of 38 eet in 1915 ... Hal McRae drove in three runs and John Watban set a major league brole-steallng record for catchers with hi.s 31st theft as Kansas C ity downed Texas, 5-3. Dan Qulaeaberry, former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College standout picked up hia 28th save of the year. . .Andre Thornton drove in four runs, Mike Hargrove knocked in three and Ron Hauey clubbed a two-run homer as Cleveland routed the Chicago White Sox, 14-7 ... Joe Nolan smashed a two-out grand slam In the bottom of the 10th inning to power Baltimore to a 7-3 victory over Toronto . . . Minnesota rookie Frank Viola, a native New Yorker and former local college star, hurled a six-hitter for his first major league shutout as the Twins defeated Tommy Joltn and the New York Yankees, 5-0 ... Reid Nlcboh' one-out, 12th-inning home run, his second of the game, gave Bostop a 5-4 w in over Seattle. Tom Burgmeler, 7-0, stranded five Seattle base runners over the final 4 ~ innings for the win. Perry calls McPhail a 'weak human' NEW YORK -Pitcher Gaylord • Perry of the Seattle Mariners called Lee MacPhail a "weak human" Tuesday after the American League president suspended him for allegedly throwing an illeRal pitch , a suspension which was immediately appealed. The 43-year-old Perry, considered for years an expert at doctoring the baseball, was thrown out of Monday night's game against the Boston Red Sox in Seattle by home plate umpire Dave Phillips, the crew chief. Murphy belts 31st homer as Braves win Dale Marplay, Bob Horner and • Jerry Royster er~ home runa u Atlanta unleashed a barraae against Philadelphia ace Steve Carlton, then held oft the Phillies Tuesday night for a 9-7 victory, the Braves' elxth straight. Murphy's blaat was hia 31st of the 1eaaon and leads the National League ... Tony Pena'• two-out single in the bottom of the 11th inning scored Lee Lacy wlth the winning run as Plttaburgh defeated San Diego, 6-5 . . : Scott Suderaon scattered nine hits and Gary Carter cracked a two-run homer as Montreal defeated Cincinnati, 5-1. Sanderson, 7-11, posted his sixth career victory over the Reds, who have never beaten him. He had lost seven in a MlMl'"Y row· before the game . . . Pb.ii Garner'• two-out eighth-inning double drove home Dickie Tboa with the winning run as Houston defeated New York's Mets, 5-4. The loss was the Me ts ninth straight ... Biil Backner'a three-run homer capped a five-run second inning and Bu111p Willa drove in tttree runs with a pair of singles to lead the Chicago Cubs to an 8-4 win over San Francisco. Quote of the day "Sometimes you've got to get lost to find yowwelf." -Atlanta Braves first baaeman Bob Watson, alluding to the club's recent losing streak, and to newly acquired pit.cher Pascual Perez, who got lost trying to find Atlanta S~dJum. Jump Onto The Deal Of The Year. Tovota chal~ged rts dealer<. ro sell 690CXJ new cars and trucks-1nclud1ng 19 models sticker pnced under S66W-1n Call 642-5178. Put a few words to work for ou. a hmued ume This means Y<JUr partic1par- 1ng Toyota dealer reaUy wants to deal on every model in stock How Much Can '«Ml Save? Come make your best deal on a 1982 Toyota car or truck now Otoa;e from 'it'dans wagons linbacks and spon coupe, Act now for the best selectlOfl We're Cleaning Out The Attic! Need a truck" You could sa..e hun- dreds of dollars when you make your tx-sr Jeal Your Toyota dealer has speoal !ruck 1ncenuves and the best selecooo to help you make the ~mp into the 'MXidS best ·.,dhng hneof trucks .. Toyota Oioo<;c from tough Standard Beds with the most power- ful standard engine in their class or ~gthy Long Beds sporty SR5s rugged 4x4s °>tdn. larJ Hnl t Barney'• an old gaffer •• 90n hook• up When you fiah tor 80 )'Mrl and • c~tch • number of marUn, It would only 1tand '° ree.on t.h4at you would aleo catch 1 broadbtll 1wordfl1b 110mewhere Alona the Une. FApedally lf GN II taken aboerd your own boat with your ..U. • ak.lppcr. Such wwm't the cwie, however, for BonW'd (Barney) Ne ftel of South La1una Beach recently. The Neftc'11 were out ft.hlJ\I at the 267 ·mile bank aboard the MJkkJ, named after &rncy'a wife. . But lt waa eon Brueti who made the bli cat.ch. He took a 197-pound broadbW wlth a plastic lure on ~-pound tett line made of ~ with a rod and reel. "We were fishing for marlin when the broadbUJ hit Bruce's line," Mikki aaya. "Now my huaband's big concern is that he will be known u the 'old gaffer'." Catalina Island authorities say they haven't had a broadbUJ this size in over two years. Rams waive veterans Chllds, Murphy The R ams waived a /air of m veterans Tuesday. tight en Henry 4. • Child• and de fensive tackle Pltll Murphy along with rookie offensive tackle Jerry Stablein. Linebacker Har2 Cal'IOD, a two-year pro, was placed on the club a injured reserve list with a knee injury. The moves leave the Rams with 69 players ... Ken Stabler, waived by Houston before training camp, signed with the New Orleans Saints. . .Doctors were unable to remove a lemon-sized brain tumor from former New York Giants running back Doug Kotar, who is fighting for his life after eight hours of surgery. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 5:30 p.m., Channel 11 V V V V BASEBALL: Dodgers at St. Louis Cardinals. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. The Doclgers send Fernando Valenzuela ( 16-9) to the mound tonight against the Cardinals' Steve Mura (11 -7) in the rubber match of the three-game series. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at St. Louis, 5:30 p.m., KABC (790). THURSDA V'S RADIO Baseball -Angels at Boston, 10 a.m., KMPC (710), first game of split double-header . Every JQ82 truck 1n your Toyota dealcrc.. '>tuck t> ready to ~ out Prkes May Never Be Lower. The end ol the model year is coming ICbl 'X' rill;ht now is the best nme to buy that new Toyota while you..e go1 a great 5ek..-ctl0n But you better act la-.r tx."Cause the<.e spcctal truck deals ~t i.:l'>t Remember truck 1111. t 'fltl~ ll 1 dealc>rs are OH ~T c><l now FEELING ,,,, , ••• #111 *"' ,,,~,·· ._, Sale Starts 10 a.m. Thurs., Aug. 28th 19 CARS AND TRUCKS STICKER PRICED UNDER $6699. ""'"'•'1111 ~ .... ,, 1D •\l•i,r••'I',,..,. •h.-.•t"'' ''•I ... ,.. ............ .......... D~L 11, .... ,,,,,.,," i(•tw.,,.,.n..- "'""· ,,1 I t'Jfil' tlt1• ( f,..t\ l~1•ft• r•r TOYOTA ALL Inventory 25%Tl80% Off Sianl Se/eolion lo 011001• From/ I ..._.__. + ••• 0 0 - Seacl/ff VIiiage 2205 Main St. #20 (at Yorktown) · Huntington Beach 538-7582 aTOlm HOUR8: 1M llon..Prt. 1M 8Unclef • t ' • . ..._....~,,_..,...._-•A•~·...,.~~·~**"Slltf~~~U::~l~~~-...IPJl91t9i.~:M:l!£.:il-::::. . "' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednetd1y, Augu1t 2&, 1982 Cl f Compari.iig National Pick. Up Football League with PaC-Man Havln1 emeried irtumphanl from lhe cou~ could not exlll wl\hout prof 11lonal dedicated and re,WU hone player C01nDlafn.t onlY. I s:a\aelysmlc C.Ue of tho handahake al midfield, the foot . Th• puUme la often pl.lad amonc •uoh lf an item of equJpment break.a down and be doeen t pl.ayeni of the National Foott»U i..e.,ue continue 1'9!!T8 COLUMNIST c1te1orte1 of addlctton 11 coffH1.country and pl a full card. relentlf!81 ln the torment of thelr adveru.rtea, \hi BUD w•lern ml.Ilic, jeUy beaN and Pt1e0 Man. The playtn fU11na a footb&ll card at the office 'owners. A check with a local bookmaldna enterprae wW srwnblt If the 1amea are not played in the The playen aro lettina word ..-.peat 1tratestc TUCKER reveale \hilt the alternative would be welcome. NFL. Thele ladlea and 1enllemen are lnt'luenced by dJnner and cocktaU part.tea that they fully Intend to "Naturally," Mid the vice pre.ldent in ch&r1e the namea of the playen and tho colors of the • punue the plan o( playin1 pickup tamet ln lhe of mak.Jng book, "wt would p,..fer to have the cotlwnes. event a labor-management deadlock cloeet down NatJonal Foot.bell Lea,ue aamee on televtaion. but The deaenerate foot.bell bettor will not pay all the NFL. on the preliminary arranaement1. h 11 llkely we would not throw 1tonea at the thins you \hilt much attention to euch detalla, Ku. 1tudy will Aa you know, thil plllll lnvolvea Ted Turner of Garvey loolc.t on the thlJl8 u a weapon q&iNt the mentJon. (NPl11'L). It I.I ctrt&lnly a lot better than be more aJona 8C'ientlfic Unet. i Atlanta and the whole thing la just crazy enouih ownen, but Turner I.I wild-eyed enough to plod the alt.ernaUvt." You tee, he will be wqertna on the unden and I that Teddy Ballgame would give it hla undivided ahead the day after the NFL players walk out. The theory behind thla, of ooune, la that the ovens, parlay1, round roblna and teuera and the l attenUon. "Of coune," •r,• Turner, "I certainly do not true p~t.er will wager you u to which rain drop name on the uniform jeney doesn't have a great I It was T .B. who said he would put his Atlanta wlah to 1ee a •trike.' will be flrat to the bottom of the window. deal to do with anything. i TV atatlon on the satellite and compete with the The hell he doesn't. A novice at the race track will check the Therefore, the NPUFL ano Teddy Ballgame : four national networlu in the matter of the news. The National Pick Up Football League program and complain that he can't handicap thla would be contributing to the pre.ervation of an art, ; Thoee who can pick It up report he la doing a damn (NPUFL) would 1urvive on the premise this field be<:auae It contains a bunch of na~s. The depending on your point of view. i creditable job. At any rate, Turner's name is sufficient to lend 'tome respect to an altematJve presented by the I players association. If the promoting body was headed up by, say, Harold Smith, AKA Ross Fields, \you might tend to place It ln the waste receptacle. · The games would be 1hown on Turner's network whkh would explain where the money to pay the players would come from. The games would be conducted in cities where the NFL does . not have franchises and the coaches would also come from fringe areas. For instance, you ml.ght have the Birmingham Balloon, coached by Hank Stram lining up against the Phoenix Sandstorm, under lhe direction of John Madden. Teddy Ballgame and F.ct Garvey, the NFLPA executive director, talked the deal and shook hands : From Page C1 1-----~- I :ANGELS LOSE. • • ' home mosl of the month and losl. ! "The road and home, once you start playing , there's really no difference." The Brewers certainly proved that Tuesday as they played a game of Home Run Derby with the •Angels. The Brewers, the major league leaders in home runs with 169 and the front-runners in the AL East • by five games over Boston, peppered three shots • over the fence against three Angel pitchers. Catcher Ted Simmons started the assault by belting his 19th of the 9e890n with a man on in the third; designated-hitter Roy Howell followed with a tolo blast (his 4th) in the sixth: and Robin Yount . finished matters with his 23rd HR with a man aboard in the ninth. The Angels were represented in the Derby by Don Baylor (No. 20) and Reggie Jackson (No. 31). Both were solo shots. The two teams split the brief two-game series, but the Angels impressed the Brewers' Paul Molitor enough to hope the two teams meet again for all the marbles come October. "It's fun to think what a great series it would be if it was us and the Angels," said the third baseman. "That would maybe be the greatest series since they adopted the divisional format. "If I had to choose between playing the Angels or Kansas City I'd rather be at California. Not so much because of the team, but the fact we'd be playing on the West Coast, and we'd be playing a team with Reggie (Jackson)." For that to happen, though, the Angels will have to prove themselves on the road first. * ANGE\. MOTEi -RMl9f -0.. A.-ttnw 1or the Int tim. TIMedey 9lnce his ln09t ,_,t pl~ on the dlNbled !Isl llnd flleudt .. Id AaM looked, "lmp<-1Y9." M1 wtlet IN1 ~-to IS hvd to aay. MMICl'I added that It -up to "-u to wtMn ha would r•tum. A ... Mid he'a going to play II by -••• Y.-., ~ 1119 ~ run, al90 had two doublee, a llngi. 111<1 ttw.. RBI T~. When • reportet aaked M9uctl 1f the<"• -• ariy lhorUtopa betlW In the IN)« ~. the Ang411a altlppet tool\ tha rwnat1l OM ltep farther, MYtng. "There aren't meny pleyera on tne league better then him " lilMldl on thee.--.: ''TMy've got• ntoa t.wn. ni.f1'9 golng 0to Win • ,_ mo<• g-ti.for• tl..-y'r• through.'' . . ...... ....,.., who 1tat1ed T~ly'• gatM and •beofbed the~ (he'• now 10.5), hM not won llnce Aug. 8 . . Tha Angela pi.y a dey-nlght dou~ In Bolton Thuteday. lhvl milking up • ralnout from lMt Mey. Tucker greets 107 prospects There'll be a new look for the Orange Coast College football team this coming season according to Coach Dick Tucker after greeting 107 prospects Tuesday during physical examinations at the college field house. "This is a very encouraging turnout and rm convinced we'll have the best club we've had since our 1976 team," Tucker says. Tucker is starting his 2 lst year as head football coach at OCC and will have 23 lettermen, five transfers and 79 freshmen on the squad. His son, Clay Tucker, returns at quarterback but may not be ready until the second or third game of the seaaon. He broke his ankle during a workout this sununer and will miss early drilla. AB a freshman, he completed 129 pasees in 254 attempts for 1,550 yards and 11 touchdowns. Joining Tucker as offensive returnees are tight end Mike Roney, wide receivers Kirk Dunham and Mike Giddings and linemen John Swoboda, Greg Dixon and Dave Kravitz. Among the defensive standouts returning are Brian Dykstra, Dave McNamara and Jon Dlmalante. Among the top freshmen are All-Orange County st.an Dale Crane (5-11, 215 center) and Trey Martens (5-11, 210 middle guard), both from Fountain Valley; Bill Gray (5-11, 175 defenaive back) from Ediaon; and Dave Hargrove (6-0, 17~ defenaive back) from Marina. noyd Scanlon, a 6-4, 245 middle guard from American Samoa, la al90 on hand. He attended the Univeralty of Mluourl several years ago but dropped out of 9Chool until thla eeuon. · The Pi.rat.ea wiU ICrimmage Citrut College on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 10 o'clock at Oranp c.o..t and will open the 1982 campaign by h09tina Palomar at 7:30 on Friday, Sept. 11. 7 Mariners stopped, 19-18 : EDWARDS AFB -Despite three touchdown puees trom IUck Thedford to Dale RJdc.ard, the Hunttnaton Valley Martnera dtvpped an exhibidon ~ to Edwardt Air Force l:'~~I 18-18 S~ 'lbedford iomm ICOl'lnl mur.e. to RJckatd of 50, 45 and 40 yardl, but • mr-d extra point .,..,. • llOOft with 30 MCOOdt left w the difference. Thedford com._. 18 of ~ p1111e1 f« 240 yan1t tOI' the Marfnen. 1)e '!Dl-ero teun oper1111 w,h o..rt 1.-,ue pa.y next B\&Dda)' at Ontario. • • . ~ . ' . I I. MAJOfl LaAOUI 8TANOINOI Amertoen Le-au. WHTlftN DtVltR>tl Meelt l't.,,...t;"v e~ S..llle Oakland T•• .. Ml~ta W L 72 &3 71 64 O& ~9 st ee 51 70 49 73 44 eo IAtTIAN OIVlllON Milw-• 73 61 Boa1on &e 60 BaltlmOfe 65 57 0.11011 &3 8 1 New Von 82 81 c...,.and 81 80 TOfon1o 59 87 T.....sa,•e ac... Mllwauk• 7. Anoele 3 Oelcland 3, o.11oh 0 Clev9iand '4, CNc:ago 1 Beltlmora 1. T oron10 3 Mlnneee>1a 5, N.,_ Y()(k 0 Kansa. Clly 8. Te.a• 3 Boe Ion s. s .. 111. 4, '2 lnrilngs Toclar'• a.m .. ~l oe 1179 668 t 52• 8'\ 472 1) 448 18 402 2 I'\ 36& 27'' 580 648 5 633 7 508 8 604 11'1 604 tO'.\ 41!1 15 Cnlcago (Oo11on 7·111 •• Cleveland (Bllfker 12·8), n Toronto (Clancy 11•10) 11 Belllmore t Flan901n 9• 10). n Mlnn .. 01a (Caallllo 6-9) el New York IA.-Y 1-8). n l<•n•u Clly (l aon•rd 1 3) •1 Teoa (Bulcllar 1-21. n Netlon•I Le-au• WHTlllN DtVlflON Allanta . ~ San Frenclaco Hout ton ClnciMall w l 69 58 70 57 &e 61 114 &3 58 66 48 78 Pel. Oe 552 551 520 4 504 6 472 10 381 21'~ WltTEllM DtvtSlON SI. Louie PlllladelpN• MontrMl Pllllburgh Chlc;agO Maw Yor-k 72 53 5711 89 58 552 3 ee 5o .528 e l!I 80 524 g~ 58 72 .437 17'-t 50 74 .403 21\o'I Tuaede,'1 ao- Doc19«1 S, SI. l oula 2 Chtoago II, Sen F1tnel1CO " P1111burgh 8, San Ot.oo 5 (11 1nninoe) MontrMI 5. Clnclnnall 1 Allanla 9. Phlladalphla 7 Houllon 5. Maw York 4 TocleJ't a.m .. Oodger9 (Vlllen.11Mie 1M) a1 SI l ouJt (Mura t l-71 San Frenc11co (Barr 3-21 al Cn1cego (Mam 7·8) New Y()(k (l ynch 2-4, rloullon tSulton 12·81 San Olego (MonlelulClO 9-8) el Pll1aburgh (Sa1mlento 6-3), n Monlreal (Roger• 14-15) el Clnc1nne11 (Shlt1eV 5-11). n Phlladelplll• (Aulhven 0· 10) al Allenll (Petai: 0-2). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Brew.,. 7, Angele 3 MIC.WAUKH C.lllt'ORNIA abrhbl abrhl>I MoillOf 3b 4 2 2 0 Oownlrtg If 3 0 1 t Yount n 5 2 4 3 Carew lb • 0 1 0 Cooper 10 5 1 1 O· ReJckan 3 1 2 I Simmon• c S 1 3 3 Lynn cl 4 O 1 0 Oglfvie II 4 0 0 0 OeCnc:a 3b 4 0 1 0 Thomaa cl 5 0 0 0 Baylor dh 3 1 I 1 Howell dh 3 1 1 1 Grlc:ll 20 2 1 o o Money pl'I 1 0 1 0 Fol• ss 3 0 0 0 Moore rl 3 0 O O Boone c 3 0 O O Gentnet 2b• 0 0.. 0 Totale 39 1 12v Totals 29 3 1 3 a-. br """no• Ml.__.. 100 021 102-7 Callloml• 000 021 000-3 OP-MllwaukM 3 LOB-Miiwaukee 8. Ca lltornta 4. 2B-Young 2. Cooper, Downing HR-Simmon• (IOJ, Howell t4). Re JllCllllOI\ (31). 8aylor 1201. Vounl (231 SB-Molllor 3o Mllweull.. N" H II EA U IO Vullovlctl (W, 15-4111 1 3 3 5 S Callfomte Atflko IL. 10.5) 5'11 II °' 4 3 5 Goltt °"'21 1 00 HIUI« 3 4 2 2 0 3 GOltt pllcheO 10 2 beuen In lhe 7111 T-2'40 A-41.821 .l't 3, Tlgen 0 Oelrolt ooo ooo 000-0 e o Oakland 300 000 OOx-3 3 0 Ujdur end Finey Keough and M Heath W-Kaough, 11 · 18 l-Ufd ur 7 .7 .l-17.098. OrtolH 7. --,,.,.. ) Toron10 000 2 10 000 0-3 4 o Bammore 300 ooo ooo 4-7 10 2 Slieb, J Mclaughlin ( 10) end e Mer11nu, D. Merllnez and Dempaey, Nolan (8). W-0 Mertlnai. 12· 10. L-J Mcleughlln, 8·8 HRa-BalUmora. E Murray (21), Nolan (151 A-12.139. llo,ah5,~) Kentu co., ooo 030 m -5 12 o T••.. 001 100 100-3 10 1 Gura. Out1ano1rrv 171 and Walhen, Tanana. Darwin (71. Honaycu11 (I I end Sundberg W-Gura, 16-8 L-Tenana 8-14. s -ou1ean1>erry (281 A-9.645 lndlafl• 14, Whit• •• ,. 7 Clllcego 103 010 0 11-1 9 2 Cleva4anCI 43• 201 00•-14 18 1 Hoy!, Kern 12>. Lemp 131. Trout (~). Eacarrega (5). l yle (II) end Fisk, Danny, Welte (3). B11nnan (II) end Hauey W- WalU, 2·12 l -Hoyl, 14-12 S-BreN\an (1~ HAs-Clevaland. Ht1M9'Y I•). Ctilcego. llamez.arCI (8) A-11,575 Twtne S, Yenll-0 Mlnneso1a 000 000 212-5 10 o N-YOfk 000 000 000--0 8 0 Viola end l.auClnar· Jonn, FrazJer (81 and Cerone W-Vlola. 4-• L-John O· 10 HAs-Mlnneao11, Ward 122). Cn llno (Ill •-17.•38 lledSo•S.~4 Boston 200 200 000 001-5 8 1 S..llle 011 200 000 000-4 11 I Hural, Aponlt (4\, Burgmelar" (8) and Alleneon: B SIOCld•rd, Ceudlll ( 10) and EMien. S-1 (81 W-Bur~. 7--0 L-Caudlft, 10.e HAe-Boe1on, Nlcl!olt 2 151 A-27.087 NATIONAL LUQUE OodcMr9 s. c ... dlnal• 2 LOt MIOl:L.I• ST. LOUii •IHllW MltllW Sax 2b t..andreat• cf Bek•" Quanwo rt ~311 GaMly 111 YMQtf c: Auatell u Walctl P 8000 ..... 211 4 000 6330 loSm11hll 4 110 413 2HemanOe:t1112100 3122 Hanck'ldl rl 4 012 2000 MoGee cT 40 10 6 0 3 1 Obwtclell 3b 3 o 1 0 ~00 0 Por1• c 2000 4 0 2 0 O.Smllh et 3 0 0 O 4000 SluperP 1000 l.allllp 1000 lorg pl'I '000 Balrp 00 00 Totale 3811 13 5 TOI... 29 2 4 2 ._....,.....,. Loe Angelee 101 010 020-5 81 ~ 000 200 000-2 E-loSrnllll OP-Loe .......... 1. lOB- l.Oe Ange1ee 14, 111 LOU19 4 2B-Guart•o. GaMly, Hel>drlc:ll, Bek., 2 88-Lanelr-... 2. HA-ou.rtto 12e1. SB-l.aMr .... (211). Biker (14). Lo Smith (64). $-Walch, OPonar. 8'-B•• 1.M ~ • H ll•llMtO W*ll(W,1114) 8 4 2 2 3 7 at.~ Stuper(~&-4) 4~ 8 3 3 3 4 l.lfltl ~ 2 0 0 2 2 ..... 2 32212 WP-Lahti t--0227 A-241,5&4 ............ 1 ~ * 001 oot-9 10 I ~ 000 001 000-1 • 0 S8n0eleoo and Ctner\ 9erwl)I!, HiYM 181 11111 VllllGotdet, Ttwlt!O (7~ W-~. 7•11. L-e.renylt.~•·1a. HR-Mont1ea1, C.W (25). A-t,7". ~ ....... 4 Hew Yori! 021 tOO 000 11 2 HouelOll ~ 000 01•-6 • 0 e..n. M. Boon (I) and ~ HodtM {t); l...co. <•t::"'" 11 o."""" (ti • W-D. • M -M. toot1. 1, '°" CulN •, GW!t• 4 8111\ I'~ 110 I 6()1 000-4 8 I cnieaoo 060 aoo 10• • 10 o Oala. HOknd (2), BralnillG (I) and lllanly, .Htl'ine. Camol>ell (9) enG J 0•~•• W- J41ftklne. 9 13 l Qa ... &· t3 Hl'lt Ban frencieco. $;;1t'1 111 ¢hleeg0, lklcknet ( 11) A 13,712 "1r• ............ t en Ol9go 010 031 000 00 o 10 'I Pl111buro11 001 ooo 211 01-1 13 1 Oravecky, luot (7). Ohlflar (9 ).• llchalberger ( 111 and T l<ann•CI)', McWllllamt. 0 Aoblnt0n 10). Scurry ( 10), T ... ullla ( 11) end T Pan• W-Ttllullle, 9-6 l -Elcllelbergar. 8 t 1 HRt -San Diego, i.eaceno ( 11) P1111ourgh Medlock t 15) A-13.102 Ao Jackton Ceraw O.Clnces lynll Downing , Re JiKkton BenlqUll B•y!Or 8oone foll Grlell F•ouaon Clatll Wlllong Bur .. eon Keli.net Tollll HIPler so .... Wiii fl ant Aue sancn.z z.nn Klton For.ch Renko Goltz Angef aver99ff tATT*O A8 11 H HllMll'cl 113 12 31 2 1a 3n 363 65 tt9 ' 31 311 433 811 1211 24 80 298 408 19 111! 19 73 291 473 79 116 19 74 291 408 12 112 31 78 .278 107 ,, 29 1 9 271 479 60 1211 20 76 289 382 3-4 95 7 50 265 390 41 101 2 47 2511 J99 S4 103 13 S4 260 10 8 11 2 1 243 73 • 18 2 s 2 19 145 19 29 ' 11 200 46 4 7 0 2 168 40 $ 4 0 ' 103 4.251 829 1 UM 1o(3 590 274 PIT CHINO IP H •• 10 W-l Ell.l 64 47 34 27 2·1 2 " 7 7 4 5 ()..() 2 57 142'~ 131 43 70 11--4 3 10 22"'1 23 5 23 2·1 3 22 52 •5 23 •O 3.3 3 411 66'r'I 84 28 0 5-2 3.65 175V. 171 55 83 14-5 3.811 98 .... 98 35 58 1.JI 3.83 181 177 48 84 10-9 4 03 147'~ 153 47 76 10-5 4 14 66 69 26 36 8-4 4 64 Tolels 1, 13~ 1,092 •03 518 72.53 3 78 TOtJ 10 (taaMd Oft aao et .... , AMQllCAN U!AOU9 Wiison, KC Youn!, MM Harrah, Cle MCAH, K.C. Ptclorel<, Chi Getcla, TOf Cooper, Mii C-w,Anoele Murrey. BaI Aice Bsn Hrbek Min OA811Hl'ct. 11N 433 e 1 146 331 111 485 " 158 3211 120 485 •• 150 323 125 475 71 1152 .320 92 335 41 108 318 121 522 76 165 318 117 494 78 158 .316 10 m 1.. 120 .313 '" 39" 58 123 312 110 433 83 135 312 109 417 82 '130 312 -llun• G Thomu . Mllw•UkM. 32, .... Jeckaoft, Angele, 31; Thornton. C .. valanCI. 27: Oglivia. MllWauk•. 25, Harren, Cleveland, 24; L M PllTllll. o.troll, 24, Cooper. Miiwaukee. 2•: O.Clnce a, AnoM, ZA. "'"" .. tied In McRae, Kanne Olly. 112. Tnornlon, Cievelend. 97: Coo9ar, Milwaukee. llO. O Thomu. M11wauk ... 118. Younl MltweukM. 86 PUcN!lg (15 Oec:Wona) Vvkov1ch. Mllweukal, 16-4, Bvrnl ChlcaOo. 1~. ZM>n. A,....._ 14-6. Su1clllte. Cleveland, 11·4. Guidry, ,._ York, 11-S, Gura. l<anMS Clly. 18-6. Pelry, Oelroll. 14-7, llenko, A"119h, 10-S. Netlon•ILeeoue 0 A8 II H l'ct. 011....,, Mii t2!1 488 73 168 338 Mlflloci<. Pgh 12~ o(63 78 1411 .315 Ourllarn. Chi I Ill 438 119 137 312 LO Smith, Sl.L 121 489 101 146 311 l<nlQlll, Htn 125 478 80 1•8 310 ..... , Oodger9 I 1" 441 .. 131 .30I Buckner. Chi 127 515 73 158 307 Conc.pclon, Ctn 114 442 39 134 303 Car1tf. Mtl 118 428 72 129 303 o-Two, Oodge<1 119,411 74 111 .aD2 -....... Murphy, Atlante, 31; Kingman, N-VOtk. 30, Schmid!, PhWadalpllla, 27; Ouett .. o, Ood9ert, 28: Carltr. Mon1reel, 25, J Tnompeon, Pllltbu<gh. 25, H()(ner Ali.nta. 25 11_ .. ttad In Murphy, Allenla. llt Ollller MonlrNl 87, Clarll. San Frenc:lteo, 88 Buckne<. Chic.go as, Caner, Mon1tNI. 83 PttcMne 11t O.CW-I Rogers, Monlreal. 14-8. Candalarla, P11110urgh, 11·5: 0 AoblntO<\, PtUsoorgh, 14-7. Welc:ll, Dodgert, 15-t; ForKh, St. Louis, 13· 7. lee, Montreal, 1 HI: Cotllon. Phlladalphia , 16-11. Valefuwela, Doc19«a, 11-1. ACoamos Monlreel Toronto Ct>lcago NA8L 1i.ndlng1 1£A1n=1~ Wl~OAW..U. 23 9 73 52 87 203 ,,. 13 eo 43 4o 1511 17 15 84 47 "" 151 12 11 S8 65 55 129 lountl!llH DtVlllON FOfl l aueletdale 18 14 84 74 57 t83 Tulsa 18 18 611 57 59 162 Temp• Bay 12 21 49 86 43 115 Jl>Ckeonvll.. 11 21 41 71 39 105 WllTEllM Dtvtl!Otf San OteQo 111 13 71 5-4 5-4 182 v lllt«IUWlt 20 '2 58 48 46 180 S..ttle 18 14 72 48 80 186 Porlland 14 18 40 44 42 122 San JoM 13 18 47 82 3a 114 Edmonton 1 1 21 37 &e 32 93 Ple'ofl Glance fllllU llO\MO (beet ..... , .. ) TOfllglll't 0-. Tuln atC~ Fort Lauderdale al MonlrMI Vancou.... at S.,, Ol9go T oron1o at Seatlle ,,..,. •• 0...- Seallle at T Of onto Sen Ol9go •' Vancou...., ........ a- Cosmos •1 Tulle ~·a.-.. MonlreeJ •1 For1 l..auclefelale WedMedef,hjM.1 TulM a1 Coemoc (II ,,_..,,,I, Mon1r .. 1 al FOf1 1.euotrC1e•. (if ,,_ryl Toron10 at S..llle (II,_,-,) nw-s.,,..,..., VartCOWM at San Ol9go NA8CAR point ....._. 1 Bobby Al1leon 2.~ 2 Tarry Lal>of'l1e 2.1112 3 OerTal Waftr1p 2,9'2 4 AlcherCI P91ty 2,1137 5 Buddy Arrlnt1on 2,824 e Deva Merc:la 2.493 1 Hany Gant 2.480 9 Aon BoUellerd 2.aee 9. Dale EMnhMdl 2,386 10. Morgen 8Mphard 2,312 . Ofwftl!I Cwt l:i'' 1tte Aar11 ~ ~._ r/.,;.., LI . Jon l)lmlll ntt, oii: Orto ()laon , OT 71"' OOUlll.,,l', ''· Miki Down•, Wll, lllrk 0 11nham. WI\, l rlan Ol1ht11, DI , Je1ry ,, .. , •. 01. Mike 0 1001111'· w111. c11r11 HeQll.,. W"; Idelle Keelly, L , O.ve l\rt\1111, 00, C•llg Llndllet9, 'o. Dave MGH-•. DI. Mike llon.y, Tf. Kendall "ut'11. ~·· 11 ..... •ou1hw1110, l l ; Qeiy llanlul\d, WA, Jo/\n &wobOCla. OT, Clay T'll(;4ier, 01: Jo/\n VlllelOOOa, l l . l4tck W.-OH, OC. TrMINte tll !Cl l!Mkm.,,, w". C1111'19bell Unlva1ally (North Carolina). C11ulla Herbert, l 8 , l aCldleOIO Col1-<'ootlllM HI0'1), •tan Mc;Cann. l8 Aed11nd1 Uftlve•tlly (Ofme HIQl'I, Ail« I. tom Meradllll, ~_a, 1110 Hot!OO ~ (l• Barna), Paul VlflCl, OT', RIO HonclO COiiege II.a le<nal fnalllMll(l't) f'r•nk "Iller•. LB. Oc;Hn View. Oo11g Aron.. 00. Morro Bay, Cl'fu()k At/win, WA. Rio Ametleano 1sacr-10~ l!d Alhen. OB. RIO AIMtlcano (Sacramen10). Oreg e.nes.t. 0 8. Coro na dal Mu, Aod 81~, FB, W•••n avi.11an (GieN!ot•I. 8111 I. TB. Cofone dal M.,, JoM But-ka, 08 _,, leonc:tra Buller. T8. We11 Covina. Merk Catnellan, 08. Ea11111Cta, oa ..... COiemen, OT. blancl•, Sleva Cook. TE. C:O.I• M .... De .. C<ana, C, Founltln Vllley Ouk• 0..1, WR, Covina. Greg O....hem, OB. Palot VerdH; Sieve OathlefHn, C. Ellencla; Kip [)jBatnerdn, 09. Hunllnglon 8Hch, Clllp Olok.,.ton, MG, Founlaln Valley: Tim E•ley. 08, Unlvaulty; Tom Fennar, 08, l o• Amigo•: Oevld Fetherolf, l8, WHlmlnster; Ooug foreman, OQ, WHI Long Branch (New J eraey). Pater 0-911aoa, 00. Merlna, Bob Glbt>ont. OB. BurrougM. DMICI Glenn. lB. San11 Fa Prep; Biii Gray, OB, ECll1on; Biii Gray, C. w .. 1m1n11er: Shane Gr•y, WR, St1111900; Mika Greene, Pl(. l o• .lmlgoe: Mika Griffin, OG. Eata~a. 0111a Herorova. OB. Marina. Hector Harnanou. OB. S eddleback, Donald Hou11on. OB. Well-I .. , Greg lnlyra, WA, La Setna. Brian Kazatlan, MG, Klngtoorg; Gii Up, WR, HawWI Jaf! Long LB. Weal BloomllelO (0.1riol, MICll.~ Mlk• LOO•. TE, SllHplhHCI Bay, (Brooklyn, H.Y.); Andy Mttelrlgal, OT. 0cew> View; Aon M.,.,_1eln, OT Matin•, Duke Mapjee, OT. Malina Tray M1r1tn1. MG. Foun1eln Valley: Dwayne Maeon. LB, WallohHttf; Jame• McAlpln, OB. Burroughs; Pal McBurney, OT . Crook County (Plnavllle, Ora ); Brian Mc;Connall. LB. Gatden Grove, Oanlat MYier. OT Hunllngton Batch; l oult Miit.<, WR, Birmingham (Van H1119). PllM M-1tf. LB. Saeldieb-; Oen Morano, OT, Edleon. Ron Owlllt, OB, WMltngboro (New .i.rMy); Matll Part<lnt . OB. 8ilhOp Union (Blanop). Pettt Per1ac:tlen, 08. (Pekletenl Orelendo Ramo•. FB, Mllllk•n, Mika Rlulcll. LB, Coron• del Mat. Paul Atcc:l .. Cll, LB. la Sarna; Oo)'le Ridenour, lB. Edlton; ROHr Roelle, LB. Corona det Mar; John 8um1ry. P, Downey; Gaty San.,lletd, WR, Tualln, Floyd Scanlan. MG. Laona (Amarlcan Samoa), Mike Shavca, WR, Unl....,ally; Dave Siemonema. MG. Est~. Scon Skomatt. LB Garden Grove; Kirk SlaCl•n PK, l • Ml•ada. Oe o11 Snow, OB. Evergreen (Colorac:to) SCOll SonnevelCll, OG. Snohomlah (Wu1'11ng1on); Duane Slan. TE. Edlaon, Corey Slephen1. TB, SI. Piul X tAll1n1a. Ge >. Jonn Sloct<hem, FB. Rac:t1ancs1. Kur111 Swant>ert. FB. Co•lna: Mike Swoboda, WR, Bolet. Grande; Dan Time, TE , Leone (Amerlcen Semoe); Jim Tiner. OT. Co111 Mesa, Bob Urmaon, TS, Ellanc:ie, Durie• W•nt11"1. WR. Pompeno (POfnpano 8Mch Fla I John w1111am1. OE. George 1a11 (Zepnyr COiie, Nt111.), Roy Yl>arre, 06, 8olel Or&nc:te Deep Ma ftaNng AllT'S LANDING (Mewpcwt 6-) -•8 qier.. I blU, 33 bonHO. 338 rna«*eral. 39 roek 11111, 2 IQllpln. DAVEY'I 1.0CKlll (Newport 8-fl) -167 anglart 13 t>arracude, 187 b0nl1o. 42 calico beae. 6A 1 maclceref, 38 roe• lltlh, 23 llnCI base, 3 yettowtalt. DANA WHAM" -192 ......... 240 b-. 70 bonito, 234 mackerel. 1 I rock flail. II ~ llAL llAC H - 132 11•g ler1. 211 oan ec:uc:ta, 3 7 t>ontto. 12 c:etico bua, 1.099 mackerel 700 rock 11th, 10 Hnd oeu. 1..-.. 1 -78 anQlet• 10 bonllo, 5 hat10u1. too mae«eret, 7 sand b .... m Queen 119", 300 wt111a croelcer. S AN DIEOO (HAM Lendln9) -342 engt.r• 800 albaCOre women•• toum8f1Mnt (et lillatlwllfl. M..I.) lecOftd 11.-d ........ Leigh Anna Thompeon (U $.) Clef AnCl<'M J Hger (U S.J. II·•. 2·0 retlreCI, Hana Mendllkove (Czecho101vakl1) Clef Ket• l.alllam (U.S.), 6'l, ~. Pam ~ (U.S.) def Jo Durie (Engl1nC1>. 6· 1, 8·4; Belh No rton (U S -> del Mlma J1u1ovec (Yugoalavlel, 4-0, 8-3, 8· 1, S yMa Henlka (Wall Oarmany) dal Renal• Tomanov• (Czecno1lov1kla). 8·2. 7-6; Bellin• Bunge IVS I Clef PNnul Louie (U S I. 11-1. 11-3; Barbare Potier (U.S.) del AnCl•N r__..,, (Hungary). 11--4. 7 -6. Tueedar11 traneectlonl aA ... AU. NMMMtu.eva NEW YORK METS -AcQUlrtCI tha Gon11act 01 Tom Gorman. pllcnar from MonlrN I, c:ornplatlng Ille June 4 trtde wftlc;I\ earn outflalCI.,. Joel YoungblOOCI lo Iha EltP09 fOOTllALL Nellonal ,oott>all L...- BAL TIMOAE COL TS -Cut l>e..tc! Shula, pun l returner. l<•n Ro blnaon, J on Rlcllatdton, O.Wayne .i.tt and Wiiiia Boyd, Wida recal\IWa; TOfn OMry, Kan Sitton. Miiia Ruan. Marco Tongue and Erik JOhntO<\, aafetlel; Sandro Vlllello. kll*•: Torn Allen, defenalw end; 8eri Apuna, 8111 Benjamin and Qlenn -d. llnabac:lt••: Dane N(Mf and Hugi\ Jernigan, oomar~a. Torn 8erT)olllll, _,,.,, HowwCI Jaclteon. ruMlng bee*: Ron Meaflen, quertarback, Ray Sydnor, tlghl end. BUFFALO BILLS -Cul Terry Lov• .•• ,..,, and Richard Crump, running bacll. C LEVELAND 8AOWN8 -Cul Ron McCall. wide r-lv•r and Pllll BtatG,,.,, r..,,,,w.g beCk. GREl:H BAY PACKERS -A~ the ,....,_, 04 Chatfle ...,,., -.t •. MINNESOTA VIKIHOll -C:.St Aleflerd ~. llnablldl•, ..,, Or~. klc;k•. MIChHf 8ut1h and John Bargdala, wide f90llWta and Earl GtbblClon llghl end. HEW ENGL.AHO PATRIOTS -Ovt Kltk Wlleon, wlCI• rac;elver and Pat Conran, cle*ltMI IM!c*. NEW 0ALE,.N8 11,.INTll -C11t Ike Ha,,11. wide recelvlfl: Craig lraC11hlw, q11artert1ack: Oonnla Ec~Ote1 1toht end; ~II JICll90ft, <llfll*'O -· Clay Ault, guerd end Alt T ollwr, lltleOecllar l'ITT•BUllGH ITElllAS -C11t 8111y lllWle. MM ,........, tn4 Mllle Him. llght "'° IAH Fl'IAlfeteCO 4tf!"8 -C:.St V11101 Abbott, IUOket: Joflll 1.4"1 IO'd OelflO!I aro-.... ~ A.J • .ion.. 11Qf11 _, and Jolln w-. ~ NneoNn. ltOCQY ....... .......,Laeew WIHNIPEO JIT• -l lOl'lld Jim Kyle. ~ 10. ~ _,.,.,., 80CCllll ........... ._L...-la. ~· LAZtAI -Nall*' ,...., Wei. 1.-d OMCfl. cou.a• IOWA ITATf -H•"'9d Jlln HellllMln. .-tent llellk .. bal OOldl. F r From Page C1 FRENCH DISTRAUGHT, PENNILESS ho had done tor h.lm "I told Steve tha\ fr•nch w11n't tho only one that eomelhina like t.hla hu happened \o." A.akcd \o explain why he came forth now, a year later, French IMlld: "Maybe aomeone la goln1 under with thia aicknom. maybe he'll get aome holp befOl'O he'• In too deep. "When ll first 1t.arted, If I had been totally hone9t with people, but then you're in to 10 people, thc.m 20, then 40 . . . now , I'm ·afraid to go anywhere, ln\o a restaurant, into a coffee shop. l ex.let In my car." For a football coach \o be on Smyt h, Glaser sa iling a lo n g Randy Smyth and crewman Jay Glaser of Huntington Beach continued their wlnning ways in catamaran sailing by winning back -to -back world champions hips in the Tornado class a t K i ngston, Ontario Canada. 1uch emollontal r o po1 11 a 1tarlllna revelulun. No ono l1 aak d tor more In touah 1ltuatJon1 than football players are uked from their coaches. a.nd French admitted beln1 on the other lide of the table. "I 've talked to countleu playen having pr oblem1, in one-on-onea1" aaya French. "h uptet me when they wouldn't take my advice. "But It'• too late for me. "The moet patheUc thing of all wu when I received my state teacher'• retirement of $11 ,800. "It wasn't enough to pay everyone back , I owed everyone. "I had three opuons. 1 could move away. or pay some back. But I took it and blew lt on the horses. "I feel so guilty, 1 took advantage of so many. "My dad was so proud of me as a coach ln Ohio, then in Costa Mesa. But my parents are very dtaappolnted in me, too. l didn't even have enough money to buy my dad a birthday pre9ent." In the 12 months since French From Page C1 re1l1ned at Co1ta Meu, bla •x.lewnee hu been wrapped Up ln a couple of irut.Utuw teechaia Job• and lately with a fopd aervke bualnda, which apJlftl'll to be In jeopardy, but French doetn't 11Cem \o care about that. "You're In coachlna becau.- you love It," he aaye. "For 18 ytan I 10t.red It. But I've burned my brldge1, I'll never coach aaaln, lt'1 loet for me." Recently, h e say1, he found h.lmaelf gettina up at 2:30 un. and going to the 16th floor of the South Cout Plaza Hotel, whert a aecurlty officer spotted htm starin1 at a window. "He aaw me dreteed ln lhofta and a T ·ahirt," aaya French. ••1 looked like a real bum and I told him I was just thinking. He explained I couldn't 1tay and he escorted me out. "I've heard about alcohol and drugs, but gambling (hor&e1) has gotten the best of roe." e • e There must be a moral \o all this. I only wish there wu a rainbow, too. The regatta wound up Tuesday but Smyth and Glaser had already won the championship without having \o race the final hE'at. BARONS' MI LNER • • • Smr.th's f i n ish es w e r e 4-1-1-1--4. His fourth place finish in Monday's race was because of a broken rudder on one of the hulls. Smyth and Glaser also won this year's Pre-Olympic regatta at Long Beach in the Tornado class without having to race the final race. The pair also hold national championships in the Prindle-16 class as well as other catamaran classes. The Huntington Harbour sailors have already won the North American, European U.S. championships this year. ·K eleher hack SAN DIEGO (AP) - Defensive tackle Louie Keleher ended his 18-day "retirement" from professional football Thursday and worked out again with the San Diego Chargers. The three-lime Pro bowl player · told a news conference later that "l wasn't ready for it " Overweight? Just a llttle out of shape? Or both? Don't give up. them to plSy that way. "Our practices are tough. very demanding. In order to play aggressively and do the things we want to do in a game we have to practice that way. ''We try \o put them in critical situations at all times." With the likes of Mater Dei, Foothill, Servile, St. Paul and Long Beach Poly on.the non- league schedule, chances are there are going t o be an ab und ant number of opportunit ies for suc h game pressure. And, it's not just a one-way street. Milner knows what pressure's all about, whether it's applied by a Sunset League opponent on the other side of the line, or from other directions, such a s sometimes ovenealous boosters and/or parents. But that's part of It, when you're involved with a program which has produced, continued production is expected. And Milne r appears to bt: enduring, despite the pressure, the reduction in force notices and TOP COACH Mike Milner is on e of the m ost successful prep coach es in Orange County. the competition. A good staff helps turn the tide. IET mental attitude that can last for the rest of your llfe. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today 'rbu can do It. Join now. -"Live-It" up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locatlons, and many more to come. lt:S all here. The fun. The fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a I -year membership and get 2 years of fun and fitness free. That5 (!I . wURRYI FINAL 3 years for the price of 1. Get started now. Richard 51mmon5 "11\/e--lr' concept w/11 work for you. lt:S an exciting combina- tion of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive DAY TO O~T A rR~~ RICHARD 51MMON5 ANATOMY A5YLUM T-SHIRT Charter ml!mber.shlps now llVllllable. Join todily and get a free Nchatd Simmons Anatomy Asylum J.shlrt WOOOLNfO Hl&.1..5•Z!IZ10 V.ntura tJfVd. • 884-2 ZOZ ~•ZOO N. tJrand Blvd.• '00-<>423 ~ llUS• 9306 LI~ .5ahta Monlea Blvd.• '50-8879 l'OUfNf WUY• 180-30 t:Jrookhu~ 964-8880 ~ CITV•84'Z V.n N&JY' tJlvd. •89J-87Pl WVOf f'Ot'f OUft newr5T LOCN10l'f COMING~ TO GMDe"f CWIC>Url BICYCLE SPECIAL LIGHTWEIGHT BIKES • o.1u •• Shi"'°"° c;- • C..,te< °' s;o. Pvt &.al. .. with Solely lever e R0<•nv Styi. H~ ond $addle • ClvO<M Cho1nguord e Rear Hub Spoh & a.or Protector YOUI CHOICE 79~ Pick up your moil-in cash refund certificate at Pep Boys. Buy both products and get $3 factory refund. Pep Boys SALE PRla •• $1.59e .... Prestone REFUND ••••• 1.50EA. YOUR COST ••••••••••• 9 ¢ EA. ::::====:d 0.ht••• ,.,..,.,. ... ., .... , ... , ... I ~~~ 78 SERIES POLYESTER CORD TIRES SUPIR TIU • SUPIR VALUE ·COINLL ''300'' 2+2 2 .... ASS •n + 2 POl.YISl'a COIDS TU Bl LISS WHnlWALU 99 ~ Orange Coa1t DAILV PILOT/Wedneld1y, Augull 25, 1082 WINTIR & SUMMIR PROTICTION ·Dowgarcl COOLANT AID ANTI-FREEZE ?~!::::..:;:~·..::3··~ ·5, LIMIT 4 GALLONS GAL SSK STEREO CASSITTE CLEANER Complete unit Non-obrotiw , p<o· 3 33 feulonol cleone<. • EA. WITH EXTRA MOUNTING... ti I RACICET FOlt i.c>ME "7 Olt EXTRA VEHICLE IA. ,.c:;. KEY HOLDERS WINDSHIELD TINTS ASSOltTto CH NAMES & TYPfS • MAlllS A GUAT GfT FOR ntl •wu• ow••• KEEP YOUR CAR l00Klt.4G GREAT WITH THESE EASY TO USE PRODUCTS FROM ~;:.~~ turtle lNBX POLYSHELL AUTO & VAN ~you con Poly S.01 your CARPET - car In 15 minutn ond get $2 CLIANER foctory r.fund by moil. Contains Special .. ..,. SAU NICI $4.99u. Sillc~ Shield for 1lrilt Wn ltllAn .. .2.00u.. Protection. 49 YOllCOST •••••••• .2.99u. 16 0Z 1 u. Topoftlteh ... total perfor1fd1t:t fire ~,-~STEEL BELTED RADIAL-2 2POlYl$TU aAOIAI -K>OY ,UU TI.WESS WllTIWiW + 2 P\US i STEEL I ELTS 99 na•an••ITIK '°'O OOWN •·WAY LU' WlllCI SPECIAL VALUES FOR TODAY TMRV SUNDAY sebibii i'ialor · COSTA MESA FULLERTON GARDEN GROVE LA MIRADA . SMU ANA WESTMINSTER 2946 BRISTOL sr. SO. OF SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 549-1533 .1~30 S. HARBOR Bl.VO. , PHONE1 870·0700 10912 ~~T(LLA AVE. KATEl.LA & [UCl.10 PHONE: 63J·0863 IC207 ROSECRANS NIE. 120 E. F'l .. ST ST. AT CYPRESS PHONE1 9~·~37 PHONE: 547·7477 15221 BEACH Bl.VO • PHON[: 893•8544 OPIN MON. THRU PRI. I A.M.·9. RM./IA't I ~Me-6 RM./IUN. 9 A.M.·I RM. ... ------------· 3 1 f I • I \ • I • Or1t1ge Cout DAil. V PILOT IWedn .. day, Aug1.11t 25. 1982 Arco sales • increase Center to open 17 stores LOS ANOJllLJCS (AP) ts!Jv.w tt dropped II• c:rc."dlt Cl f'dl tor 1 caah - on l y po ltoy In Apr il , Atlan tic: Richfield Co. hAa lncreued guollne .ale. and boollted It.I market aharc, an oil induatry analyat aayai. o .. n Lundberg, publl1hN of the Lundbers Len er, uld ltua l l.01 Af\aelet·bued Att:O told 13.6 peroont more gallons of g&10Une In the Clnit tlve rnonthJI of 1003 thhn In the aam(! J'IC'rlud "' l Q8 I 8 eeau11e of thu caah -ohly poHcy Arco waa abJe to lower prl<.u and ha.a moved from etahth pl.ace to -.vonth place in the gaaoUne marke t, edging out Chevron, Lundbers aald. "Thls la the ftnt time Art.'O hu ever 1urpassed Ch evron." Celling Pans so" OFF ITllllHLITU 1111 ••• ,.,. ... , 0.1. HI· 1101 1,.1 7 ltJt South Coa t Plaza to be in full swing by Christmas Shoppen ul South Coe.at Plaza in COllta Mcu w ll l hMve l 7 new 1torc1 to c h oo1tr from b y Ch rlltmaa, many IOCAt.cd ln the 1puc vacu~'<i laat Decembor by F .W Woolworth Co. Mall offlciuls uld lhl• w eek t h a t the 66,000-aqu-re·foot a r e a boarded u p si n ce Woolworth'• departure will be filloo with eight etoree, Including: F ootlocker , Hoffman Beauty S upply, Howard and Phil's, J11rman Shoea, Lettuce Pacch restaurant. Litt!~ Folka Shop, Radio S hack ond Video Concept. Also moving into thu mall's Sears wing wlll be Candies Shoes, General Nutrition and La Baguette Mrs. Fields Cookies recently opened. One of the "ctxcltinfl addhiona" will be Yvea SMlnt Lau.rem rive aauche , (one of three on the weat coa•O that will be opening near 8uUock'1, u.ld South Coast Plaza General Manager Jtm Henwood. "We don't wunt to be the blgge.t," IM&ld a matJ spokesman. "We want to be the beat." O ther 11ew tcntJnta will Include Ne uhau1 Chocolate, Beaujon Of Paris, Brooka, Eddie Baue r and Cache. Woolworths left the mall last December when the st.ore and mall ofticiala "agreed to mutually terminate the lease," said a spokesman for South C-oast Plaza. PROMOTED -Art E w a rt, Huntingto n B e a c h , i s' v I c e iiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiii=='------i preside nt ot materia l Five other shops, including some exclusive women's boutiques and a st.ore selling expensive chocolates will move into the other area'l of the mall, bringing the tot.al number of tenan ts to 193. The mW.I opened in 1967 with 76 stores. Retail sales at the Costa Meu shopping center were $350 million last year, making it one of the uip 10 In the country, said a spokesman. A Parson111zad Fin1nci1I PllD IBilOJ'ld SPICiliCBllY tor YOll' IBmilY Are you reallv salisf1ed that your lam11y·~ llnanc1el program 1s totally adequate lor today end ror lhe future? Have you reallallcally considered those bothersome. confusing <.1eta1la that can seriously allect vour plans-tnflatton taxes Soc111 Security? Does your present method of savtr1gs Investments and hie insurance ownership allow vou to make maiomum use ol your after-tax dollars? Now there's en easy way to create a realost1c f1nanc1al plan lor you end your family through our personatozed F1nanc1al Plann111g Service Here's How It Works We collect data from you concern•ng your a~sets, your neeos. your ob1ec11ves 2 Tt11s 1nlorma11on is processed through our computers- pr09ramme<J by spec•allsls rn lhe loetos ot investments. Insurance and l1nenc1at ptennong-correlatong onflatoonary lactors and Social Securoty benefits 3 You receive a conltden11a1 15· to 25·page report o!lering !1rm. realrsttc recommendetoons lor your lamtly's l1nan· (:1al program. based on your holdings. your needs. your budgetary lrm1tat1ons enc! your ob1ect1ves THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE ... AND YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHATEVER TO BUY ANYTHING. I would li~e to have more 1nlorm8t10n 1bout your ttee r1nanc1al Ptan,,1ng Service Name A<ldreu City Stale. Zip ---------- Phone -------------. DALE M. RUIBEL 1114),.... ma lfl'l1NI a.V'C>~urn • TUaTIN, CA for Ducommon Metals Co., Los Angeles. CDUNR BUllllSS Jerry Coker, La guna Hills, an operations manager for American Te lephone & Telegraph Co., has been given a S pirit of Service award by the firm. He was honored for his work w ith the long lines department, which is responsible for long d istance and internationa l communications for the Bell System. Seven courses in hotel management are being offe red at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Registration for the classes, which range from "Introduction to the Hospitality Industry" to "Sales and Banquet Promotion," is scheduled through Sept. I 0. Informa tion is. available by telephoning 556-5772. Gary N. H ickok, Mission Viejo, has been promoted to assistant vice president in the business development departme nt at Union Bank's Orange County Regional office. Hoffman Video Systems, Irvin e. will host a Sept. 16 meet ing of the International Television Association . John Miles, former e xecutive with K T LA-TV, Channel 5, now v ice pr~ident of broadcast sales for Hoffman, will be the speaker. The session ls open to the public. Information is available by telephoning 660-1066. Robert I. Lin is directof of nutritional science for Plus Products. an Irvine firm that manufactures natural vitamin and food supplements." Randall R. Segerstrom has been na med vice president of commercial lending for the Newport Beach regiona l office of Great American Bank, headquartered in Century City. ICE Communications, a telephone interconnect firm, has chosen Crowell McKay, lnc. Advertising/ P ublic Relations, Irvine, as its age ncy of record. T he board of directors of F luorocarbon, Laguna Niguel, has declared a fou r cents dividend per common share payable Oct. 31 to stockholders of record Oct. 15. Playboy loss • ID millions Playboy Enterprises Inc ., Chic ago has reported a $51. 7 million net loss for the fiscal year ended June 30 of which $35.5 million were losses, i n c luding writeoffs , r e late d to discontinued operations. N e t s al es fr o m continuing operations for the year were $210 .1 millio n , d o wn from $221.5 million in 1981. Included in the losaes fro m discontinued ope ration s were $15 million of pre-opening expenses and othe r costs relating to the company's Atlantic City h o tel/ c asino . P•ttl Poltlocal Adv. ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS ~.id ICM ~ Al~n ~Ii. 111Jot, Sf\tf1.natc)n NtwJ"l.>ft nr.u. MUTUAL FUND ~; ,~ ::~:Mt :', =~ t8 t8•i, Pen!nt \J 131,,.. tt111 111. Ptn \ 1Sll .. t• a·~. 8\llt Peoo vp ••11. u •n ?~ H~ P~lrlle l'0•11 l'0""-11 1J• ... Pt tUbe>f't 1311 .. 13~ 10~ 20'-'• Ph1laNat 1'\.e 30~ 1 31 • •·37 Pttrc~ss 11~ ''"' 301 • lO' t P1n,rtn ~ S~ 141 , 1&• ; P1onH1 '\ 1311> '' 1 P o,S1\ 10 1()-4>,. Pru C.M 18' , '8\oo 111, 11~·. Pr\Slryn JS•) 7~\'.-. 11 11• 1 Proorp 1 1 .... lJ•, 18 PbSvN( 131 • tJ• 1 P 1 Pt·. Purts.n U1rt 1~· 1 11"' 11'• PulOCac> 13 1)-14 ll-'• 141, Ou•kreh 1s•,, 1• 1~ t 9 R•~nC.p e1,. 8'"' 11', 2u . R•vmnd 111 , ta 2)1 1 13~ Rf'f've!t 18"-• 1' l-+• • Roads~ •s ·~''• .16•• JI', Rot>OMy 10 10 ... 1~~ 1•'• Aou~ ••"'-••'• n •' ,, ... Sadll~r J\oo • " 14•) SdfPCO ).41• ).t.L" o ... oJ« S ! 11 x E L c; o "'" " 1 • ... ' • ~ ''• •'• StPaul 4l 431 • t• 1•'• S<t10H ' tl"'4 t81J.t l ]1• SeltQdlC!' 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Adv•nce<t O.cllr>ed Unch•~ f Ol •I '~SlW~ Now h10h• N•w 10*\ Tol•I Wlt'S .. ~ 3SO 1. llJ 3.3.se 91 34 0 ,020,600 Na'"" lnsfft flC..-"~' s.Mo UM!o<-< Se-•· BO<vf" 0.11•lc ~!wAg Wtrmn OCG Tt< lnY~ISL SunrSv wt tntrTf'I (or com Rf'Yt•r \ ln1rm un AirFltl Ome90o Tchncn Ore•lr Ce<llE •P EAL wlJ Pur<f'll Sl.,,W>I Vor~Jh.h N•me 1 UnAm En 2 Vod"OCO J Er>C.n'v wt • Enf()fv I Mier Z pl & C-WIEn I MoVli!5'Y 8 Myl..., > q Ci.uto 10 C.reohx " 810<1 Vt\ 11 Mecnl < :~ Mo~: 11 JtlA""'r i. Ma<nlc 11 P1'1tl VlQ ti Jt tA.m un 19 8 10 Tch 10 CmoHri 21 Com!> • n Trn\CIC• 13 Trn>mt > 14 W\tlr un 11 , .... "" 26 EmoCrwn u~1~. .c"t, u:c1a.s 1'-, ~ Up 2' • J•., -. '1 Up 21 6 1\-t .. .,, uo 2• , '1'• • 2 UP 20 3 & 1 UP 1Q 0 ~ • 1 Up 20 0 111 • 11,... Up 11.1 •~• • :a.,, Up tt.I S.. h Up 119 1'·• • ~ VP 11.• 21 , '-Up t1 ti 11 , + 1'""" Uo 11.1 U c )111 Up l 1 ~ .. Up !S.9 1~• • .. Up ls.I 1.. •~·It Up IS 2 21• • .,, u o 1s.o I J• I ''· Up U.• cu. l' • Up 14,7 1 '• Up U .3 2 "· Up 14.l l ''• Up 14.l 1 • "• VP 14.J 1 • •• Up U.l OOWN\ L .. l 1 ... ]I , 11-. s•' ,,. l"· ••• '" ' ' ..... , ... .. ' 4•., 1 .. .... s~. ,. ' 21 I J•· s ,,,, 00 , .. 71,, C"9 P<t. ..... Ott JI ~ l~ 0 11 l U ... 0 11 , •• J~ 011 It I I Ott IS,• .. 011 u .o "' 01t 1•.J "" 011 ,. 1 .,, Ott 13 o 11. Ott n ' I • Off ll,t 0 11 10.l '·· Off 100 ' ' Off 10.0 • ' Oii 10 0 1 .... Oft 10.0 "' Off \0,0 \,, 0 11 •.• 11..t Off '1 '" Ott 9 I .. Ott " v, Ott • ' •.,. Off • t 4 0 11 '1 ... 0 11 1 1 1,. ()fl 1 7 NEW YO~I( (APJ C.•p lNT 10 U NL Tim i! q S6 NL Ivy Fd 10.&3 NL Mutual of OmeN> Conv 12 42 ll SI Cap Op t•Sl NL -The loll-lllQ q\IO-C•nl~ltl c;p Trend H .26 NL JP Grth 12.14 ,, x Amer 10.JO NL Int EQ 12.•I 11:as ~:~ 1~-~~ =t •l~111on1'::!!.,:;r~u..,r-11"'1•'•' ck~;?~11~ l:H,J~ Fl~;c,.::' Pt~l";, NL ~~~~olln<J·~ 8N4~ ~~. i:~ ,i:~ ~! H ~ l!·* St~!~~~ !·: ~ o ut••r, 1~ • .,. 'H'ivio -q.n•" 1~o'u•l • 0:: ~t Bond 13 JO 1• '< Mtt0ua1 11 ., NL '"'' Yid ,. 91 1•os s1ra1 c.1t1 11.61 NL l"" Prl<H •l wlll<" '11Mull 12.ol !3 11 ln<om I 03 NL Grwlh 9.13 9 91 Mui Sf\r Jl,03 NL oncom o 11 ... 2 SunC.rth 9 51 lO,O 1,...M .e<urltle\ NOe< 12 M IJ SS Fl l 1n.,..l0<> US Gvt l .&3 9 It N•euT 3J 10 NL Inv.st 1 l1 t OI t aa Mad 1S.2l t•,M could N>vo bffn T .. M 11 00 11 lJ Bnd AO 1).21 1'.2t T .. Ea •IS 9 SI N•l Avll 809 NL OPln 11 •1 11·., TmPGtb 23 .. J NL \Old INel a.._el Cnl Sh> 10.0S NL. Ol>eo 8.11 9 S1 K1ulmn .81 NL Nil !rid l 1.IO NL lo E• 18 13 It .. Tmpl GI •. ll •.70 VllUO) "' -· CN>rl Fd t• .. !1 13 C.rwtn .... I 06 Kemper Fune!• Na! Securllle. V•sl• 14 ll is"« Tmpl w , ... ll.01 l•8h,. Pl14 ... 1 ... (np Otr ,,·,93 NL. ln<om • 18 • .. ln<om I H l .ll e1111n 10.IS 10.94 Voy~ 11"31 12"44 Trns c~ '·" •.H cnu9<1) T ... ••HY Che\lnut n.... NL NelRH s 10 S.M Gr-..... 10.s. Bond 3.10 3.d Que.ar 31" 'O NL Trr........ 1·" NL sell a11y Colonial Furlds OP1n &.Ol 6... HI Yid q_03 9,6f C.rwtto 1.1' I.JS Relnl>w 2.1' NL Trev Eq •.2' I0.12 Able 13 31 NL Furld 10 . .0 11 JI Tu E• 1.1• I.JI lntlFd 10.4' 11.:X Prefd ··"· .... R...... 1:03 NL ~~n'c"t1 1:.~ =t ~bo~n F t!.!; =t ~[~ r.~ rn !! =~~q 1~·~ 6N~ ~~~ B 1n~ ,a: ~~~ =:: n; ~°f'!!\ecu~·91 lO 'Cl TwnC S.1 1l 7t NL Afuture 13.44 NL tncom o.S1 I.It F°'k>r ; S4o ; 91 Summ 1'.09 11 51 Tax Ex 1 SI I.OS Equtt 1.51 NL TwnC UI t H 4·11 AIM Funcw Oplfl 1.10 I.IS Fr>d Gtn ; S4o <.. T~<h 10.10 ll.04 TotRe 4.94 S.33 Grw1h U . .O NL. U~~~"";g 11 NL ~~~ Im Im C~~·c.~ ~.~ ?JN~ F~;-:~· C.',~ NL 0t' ~ 11i~l l:·~ Nrn~'~-··23 U l s1l::':i1 tnw·=i~ NL Into 10.09 NL Market-Rate C hecking co mbines the high earning power o f money market funds with unparalle led checking convenience. HIYld I ... 9 .. (With AB l ,. 1.2s lncom U .l3 NL K•v•t-Mau . Equtt 19.lS 10.17 Capil 9 ... 10.4'1 Sbll • 11 NL AIPhl F lt,t 1 NL Cwlth CO 1.63 I lo Mut.. 717 I 20 CUI Bl l"S' lS.24 Grwtll 1•.aJ 17.19 Gr..,h 10 IS 11 ,S. ~":, ~ :·: NL A BlrtnT 10,. 11.19 Comp Bel l.4S '09 Specl 11.cn NL Nu• B2 t•.IO 1e.:i. ln<om 10.CM 10.•t Spec! 16.41 NL u "11ec1 F-.. NL A~.,8~1o1n Fa":'·,•• ~=~~o 1~-~ 'N'~ F•ta~1n Grrn 3.63 ~us 84 ~..lt e.o; ~·1 lo 11.1> 10.Je S<-Furlds 'lccm ,•,. i .o. Amc:o S ... •.SI Con....:Ocut ~I DNTC ll .. 13 ... Cu• 1(~ s'r' 7 ·~~ ea • ~II • .. Com SI I I 3' NL 8-s'o. S.Sl Open Market-Rate Checking with $2.000 or mo re. Immediately. every dollar o ver $2.000 begins to earn a h igh "'o ney-market rate of interest. A ll fu nds up to $2,000 earn the hig hest rate allowed by law o n a check ing accou nt-SI/~~. The $2,000 is insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Co rporation Funds above $2.000 are not a savings account or deposit and are not insured by the' F S L I C. They are backed by U nited States Government securities. With Market-Rate C hecking you may write checks j ust like with any other checking account, or arrange for the exclusive TELE-PAY• system to pay bills by phone. You can also withdraw cash at any of our seventy-two 24-HOU R TELLER location s. -Get all the details o n exciting M arket-Rate C hecking by calling The Financial Line -d irect or collect- (714) 231-4023, or visit the nearest Association office. ANNUAL Y .. U> • ANNUAL llATI • 12.27% "Sub!t't to chln1• dally Annu1I efftc11ve y11ld assumes r11nvestment ol prtnctpJI •nd interest at matunty 1t same rate 11thouah this ca11'1 bt1ua1-.ntttd B G~~Federal l!s'~I • 2 divhion• wrvtna Ora~ Counl~' lhroutth 18 otllc(.~ Lagma ~ Peoples Federal J1tto41otW ._, • 91ll Mtlll\ fM "-1tac• • ~Om• Att•1111 U-llllt • 10 01 ''"° •• Vtlt"f•• l..tioM ...... • Jill~ Cr ... • Yell'! r lliffr .._ .._. · mu c.11o1 -.... 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Lexington Grp; N..-11 Gt ll .29 NL Se<urttv Furld>: S<.iEno 1.23 '·" W~ Ml I 2• I '1 Oelawart C.rouo Tn Fr •. IJ 6.J9 Cp l.dr 10.M 11.n N1wl Inc 7.2'1 NL Bond 1.s2 111 Var141 12.20 1'.IJ Amer ~-I De<ll 13.21 14.IO FuM• Inc Goldfd ).IS NL Nlcl\ola -. ... NL Equty s.St t .11 UV 5 Goldu F4.d" NL Cl p Bc1 6.17 •I• Oel&w 17.2' 1e'(I (mru 1.72 9.41 GNl'o'A 1 51 NL NE lftl r 10.11 NL lnYttt 1, .. t.St alUI i.. : Efllrp 11 71 12 Jl O•lth I 0. 1.n lnv(ll.llll t.Sl t... Grow I.IS NL tNE lnGt t .11 NL Ullre •.12 7.U BoftdF 1111• .. NL HI Yid I ... t.41 Tx Fri &.01 t.3t Piiot t,13 t M RHh 14.11 NL NovaFO ll,9S NL SellCled F-. ul'ICI •• Ill Mur> 8 IS 12 16.SO 0 •11'1 q :13 10 09 GT Pet 12.44 NL Llndn< 13 ., lo!L NY Veflt • JS .... Am Shs 7.lO NL r>eom •·» NL Venlr 11.91 14.0l Dir Cep l M NL Gtle Op ll.SO NL Loom!& Slyll\: INuVHn U 9 NL Sol 5"' 13.• NL i!,v51GI 110•·~ !:!L Cmslk 10.22 11.11 OodC. 81 22.0S NL O..n El« Inv: C1pH II.• NL Omeo-1.71 NL Sellllft'*I G,_: _. I ,.,. nL E•ch 3111 NL OodCa 51 11.lS NL Elfnl r 11.7• Mui IS It NL o ... WlTI lS,Jl NL CapFd 1.26 1.13 Ven<I Sel'Gart: Fo Am 9.13 10,74 Ofla Bur 13.91 NL E!fnh 1.7S Lord -.-11· 10 PP1nfleimer Fd . CmSt-10.~ t1.J1 tncom 10.M 11.lt Gr-19,:17 NL Ore~hs C.rp S&S U.71 !'<L Affl!td 7.$1 1.10 Direct 1S.:t.S 14.St GrOWlll $.4.S s.• ~':"I t_: 1rf:. H•rb< 10 11 11 II A 8nd 12 91 NL S•S Lo • 11 NL 8nd dll •.o:a •. ., ~ •. ., 1.12 IMome CM roi: 41.1t .. Pee• l7.43 2'1.91 Or<t\11 12.IS 14.CM (;en Sec 10,J9 NL 0.• 01 1'.ll 11.•t H Yid II.SS 18.Sl 11,11 11 9' l"'~~ S.1S ~~ PrOYld 4,17 •.so L"V. 17.41 lt.09 GBT unevelt lncom '·'° J.ll Oplfl 1!.J1 U .36 Slflll ... I Gl"l)U9: v T 10" 11 A G!hFd 1 . .f/J 1.09 N NI,,. 1.SS !<L C.rlh !net IS.IS NL Lutl•ron Bro. 5'M<1 IUS 17,32 B•llln 7.13 t.16 oe I~ ltSl NL A H•rllo 1.•1 NL 591 Int •. n NL GrdPllA 12,7J ll.tl Fund It.JI 12.3' Ta Fr• •. SI •.• Bond '·" •. u 0 • • .s·.. NI. Amlnt 4.91 ).JI T•• E• 1000 NL Harn HOA 4,,. 4... ncom 7.t4 I ... AIM U.41 14... Com S IJ.54 14.IO r~e'tt 51:,4 "'' A 111ve1t1 l.(1f NL fhNl C J 51 NL Hat1 Giil I, 1' NL Munt • J9 •.. Tl-I 41 t tt G rwlto 10. .. II.. "' ,..,. A Inv'" 1.4.1 NL U9> Gth 9.11 ,., H•r'I l.<tv 1U4 NL llS Gov .:. t .lt TC SIC 11::12 n:o $aeluola 21.20 NL b Fclf ... IS NI. AmMecl 10.09 NL Ealon•How•rd· Ht rolo 1'7,&3 NL M•o FlnM>tl. ar,.,, M '·" 10,11 S.11try it.st I0,17 Flcl,_IEkltl ~,·~ !:lL A N!Olll 1.7• 4,~ BalAft 7.U 7.IO Hor Man It.It NL MIT t ... t0,14 H'.Wlcl I.Sol NL SM•rt.on F ..... : $Cfk • ·-"L A Niii'< U,36 !..,, Fours t.77 NL INA HIV ...... ,, MIG 10 ... 11,$3 p.,,,, $c1 1.0. NL APflr9 1115 ,,,~ v Sf!<!_,. :;~-ll,ot Amwey S Jl S.. Grwl!\ 11.60 ti .ti Hutl8ncl 10.71 NL MIO 14.SJ U,'7 ,...... """' S.11 NL HIYlcl 11.2' ti.t, •·..,-· ·~· ArchG'lt ... «> NL tncom U 7 •.71 HullOlll 1Ul NL MCO UJ 1.6' "1111• t.77 UI l11<om 1•-'4 IUt ~~f n·: =t Axe Houqt!ton· tncllOI l,.S U 1 151 Group: MPO t.11 10.St Pllotftl• 0-~J M-11 ... 12.tl ' • f rld a • ,. • .. 510<-10 09 10 Orwt1'1 •.OJ •·" M~B 11 ... lUO 8al... ..,, '°.41 .... wotr It ... tt.t.I ?!.~ ,a~ i!--11\C.Om 421 •'•j Eberlladl G;_.. ln<om U7 S • .e MMB tll t .St tvFcl 14, .. 16.0S _,,,.., 0 i.11 NL 'to '" St k 1'67 a'a C'-m t.60 .. 40 TrFd U11 uneven MFH 14 U2 Orwlll 10.I~ 11.07 Sierra Gt I0,6i NL ::Pv i L ILC~I 11:11 u '.23 EnoR1 7.7S 1.d Tn l 511. '·" 10.n !nTrl. 10.1s 11.S• HIYld '·°" t.IJ 5llfnl FUlldt: = 1111 , .~ t 8LC Ill( u o 1t.)f S\lf'WY tJ.U lt.n lllOUll(y s.aa NI. Matllt(\ II.~ NL Stf<k t.U .... c..,i1 ,..,. '·'° M~lnl 1 '°' L B•M Inc I "1 NL ,,_ .. _ ,.undt: lllten epllat: 1 •111 L~h: PC e.i 11.M.... lrt(O uo 1.$<1 M l. .:.. J. 8eO• 111v 9'91 NL jl."1 Ld.r .. ., ·~1 lllt# t .M t ,4(. HK •.G 10,JI Pl~fll'I GfP! 111-11.• 12M II 11 1J .. Bff< Giii lO:tO N" hth u.a NL HIYld 1u • IU~ . pll U.21 ... 21 l.O'[dlq,04 10.'1 Tr\111 ..,. ··; S!8l. : II ):J: t ""' Hiit i .1i NI. HI 1("1 10.ta 11.•• • tnVel •.M 10,11 QU act ··~ .... .. •• ~ 4,7t Vt!lt ··*' •. f ltC.11 eercrr ~ p.,,r urivah ~'"" >,10 •.«» HI ~ 7J0 UO Ill\ .. In 1,1• 1,10 a 1411.Y ,,,~ 't .fellU t :01 =: 1i·c ~t i~ ~~ 1l~ =~ Int T~~ t.: ~~ r~rrrm .... IO" ·p= F"':j. t.os • '"°i11 •fi .. la, ft."1\!!l ) t 8osl0fl Co• ' "ldellft'Co~ tr111 tl'llllt I.It NL 10,04 10,24 Flll'd ISM 11,ll II ftt 4, NI, M'f~ "t IPI tn< '10.44 1t.tt Q'"" 1:~ii NL 111" lea t.01 u 1 L\Mel u1 u 11 11 Inc 11.u ti.10 '1' fh IJ. .• u.toi "''* ti ~~ :~: .:t1t e:otld .\,\1 ~t "~lstcg G~: •.• : =::.~~ ·.~, tu ~Ir&:" lt~ 111.L ~ -r tf ..•.• ~~11C"'a 'Lil a uu a ..., Oo· 111 t,p NI. i6 C>t1 s.01 S.4l Peer:. .... 10.W 111'•1<• f'Vnlll/. 01....... '·" s.g w.,, ~ 11,• tll! s~, 1l:ft" ~"t .~~ tt.:·"Ni. I I i}";~,'tY M~Jt ti ::2· r~ 1t.'!i R~ r~ }Jl..'14t ~'t~: "". c.?!~.!!·:.' N ~:i ~fi ,:1. I ' ~ .. 't\2 t' 'oc :r:': It:. ~L ! ..:'1 1 ra ,,-! "" "' IM u; .. fill. ~---~~ "" awlkll , ..... ,.,,, ~1111-NL l!IW MU ,l .. I ,1,; MU{ ~. ..,, 10.~ " "°',. I• 11,. t1L • A .... ' "' l: \. ~ j," §jg i lO 7.J! IClll 1 I NL 10$1'.r 1.0t .t1 .. lo.I\ l• rt ,.1, • t f N I. ~.-~I. ~ '!I yt 11K ,4 !'fl. 111v M• 19.4' to.I< ' 10,JO NI. f'ro iefvk .. 1 JI?!'!! U4 HL HL -... ~ :~ :~:H ~11'"1 ,,~ a~ l~i ~ U! 1:!1 M~~ .... t.a u: ~ '1! at ~~ ~ HL ,.,._ • .=::. .., .• ~ u: 't:t: ~~:ltf ~07 Nt l~1 etfl :~·.~ 1N~ ~~Uld .:.. t:11 ~ ~: I0.1' ;;;' 'tJi =t ---·--- .... ~ ....... ··~· I QT • -0 p ±@±&SC4 Wif444 f S@¥¥'fiJ!4!j &f¥$± W 5 " 'I . .. .. . . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, Auguet 25, 1982 s .Cf NYSE OMPOSITE TRAN A CTION QUOUTIOtit l*C~UOI t ll•OU 011 , ... liilW YOU MIOWUT,P•C.,.1l', "IW, IOUOlll, OITIOlf Aliil ClllfClllllUTI trOCI I •CMAHU !MO Uf'OaTIO IY TMI U•O AltO OIUllllT • '61• ... , ki.t .... ..lfl "" ... 1.. ...I ..... "'' " l ,.., (-c:,,. ,. I""' Cltw Cllt 11'1 ._.. c.... Cllt ,. I "4t\ C-c... fl I llOh c-c .. ~. , ~t rn i~ m: • ffi~ ' • : ~ "t: · "" t:a=: ., ' .:: \' . , ~1 2:::~ , 1! ! "'! :~ :: · ici ... 1o ·····• •o • .... ~l) :;~ ti; ~ u._' '°' rffl<h 1M • n: t:: ! 'lt I ii' 'f"' '°' ~ t11 fm',l J • 1 t 1 O fl '-°"' '-H lot , •• " ,... 'J '' 1: , u•6' • , ~~.~ , ... " ·u ri"'. .... Lat~~_. 1,a I I!~: :. , ,. u . " ~.. :: ~."T-I.~ ·o it r ., : ~ ro t. llfh <.10.. <1111 1C Pf I 1t O"-Ill • ... ~.. -• -~-1Jt • Ill c ~ I) ~• .. ~ j .. ~·"'' ' 0. " U'-• .. 11m .P'790 ..... ~ _,,,,,.. ij lltu ~ cc ,. 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F..SICo I.JO 10 601 11 1 lnQerR l.S6 S M> 0 "• • .._ MklSU1 I ... • lllll ....... PlonEI s.tl• IS 11 11~ • "> Sl•llkP n 6 «I 7 Ve Amllar l.tO s l!M ""•, ~ C0<tcllm 20 331 nt: FoEap ll .OS. •• • ~ lnq'\f' 1 » 1 1~ 1•11'1 + "' Ml"R°' 1 I~ : 11~ ;,~ • 1::: PllnLll 1 60 t 1>46 lll1VI, '"' ~tr18~ •. 110 t·1)6 .,. Amtl pf 64 · U S\o · ~~s:,:I 1: '6 1~ 12', ~:= I.~ I 1}~7 ~ • ~ :~l'Js1~ ~ • I~ J,,., :z :1:ra~ i 70 I J'IO It"°~ ... :::~ti:'~~ a 1m u~~~' H• s::~'.v ::: II = m: + \> Amtled 1.IO 11 176 11'1• • t,., CoceCI 1 ta 10 2U1 ""' ~ F X E O p 0 1 J o ln.,lco lb I lk UV. .. MlllR ~ SJ 7 ~1 I• '• Plan Rt< IS ts.J .,,, "" ShwWr \ 1 .. ll JI U 1/t An<mc> II 1212 Z•I 11\'tt • .. ColtN > .. 1> 91 2'' 1 " S J J 1 O .. 11 Intl!< pf I ts t JO'~• 1v> MMM J '°II )611 St IV. P16nlrn 16 11 175 16•1 • .. Sloi.ve, 1 .. • U lt\01 Ve AnloO • t1 Sol ~ Coleco t 6.JI 14.... '• FdSQnh ID 10 70 .,,, • '> lnsllnv lO ..,,.,_ 1·16 MlnPL 711 6 179 11 ... , .... Playllf>¥ 11 10 "" St-W I aGa 7 10 JI~• .... :~';:; :~ ~·:.:ir ~:.· .... Coltmro 11010 •• U"•• .. F~OSI 110 91114 m. '"' :~l~'!.'19S1t~ r: :: ::~:. = ~ .:::-:: PletMYllSA ll •••••• i:::c~.: ~ ,::,J:~ •• AnclrG n .10 7 0 1~ • ';; COlllP·~~ 10 1 •Jll ~ ' "' F•"o 1 JO ID JO Jl'•t • ;.. llCPSe 1 ICla •) II •. \<'. MP.CC 1.IO tt7 >f ;,: p ... ~ I • S&J ~~~ • 1"' 5'o•Tt< 7 ••S I• !: 1·:::gJI= U~,1~ ~~:r:.,. ~ 1 1;~ I• • '• ~~~s':' 11~1: r. m:: :,: fl\tet<o 2• 6 Ja. Ol<l • 4 MoPSY 111 .. 11\.o • :..er., .. ~J1ill 14'-• .. !ilotWr nit )'10 w .. -\. 4'nbl• 1011 Sit m .. "'l::i~~ 140. m :::!· .. ~~~9~ ..... : • .:u:~:: •• ::: :~:~l', :~ .,,. ~~k =~~:. t11l~~ ... ::~ :.: ~ ~..::: ~~::1 '.~: :~ ~"": ~ Al\1a n .S6 •• It• .... Colll"• llO ISJ , ..... FlnCp pl.., • s ... '• lnlrlk 160 . J7 ,, -.... MOPSplC IJ • ,. Por1ac: '° 7 ,, IOV.+"" S...PrGl -. '1 tt • ~~~ ·~'~ ''~ ;~: ~ ~::g:•,,.:: ~ !'~:.:~ ~~nW:i 1!: ,;:: ~ :0•:•u J ~1t1~~~:1 :!::lt d::~ ~~~ ~ ~~e,:~ s ,~ ~· .... t:!::~,.·"h :: 1!-~ AtKllP"" :le Sol 191'" .. CSO pf J.4S 11 1>' > '" Flre~n 60 17 1Jl6 ""' ln!FI... 1 14 70 Zl'>t MoDllH JOI J ;_ POIG pl 'ao 20 11\oo+ It. S..l\Cll . .it > 2S I•~• \It !:C.~\I: j 1 ill 11n .... • ~: ~~ ~ n~s·~S , 1IS~O :~Jl'e ~:~:::: S ~ ) ~ll :: ' Ve :~mr; ~ :t: . "' ::o~i:. 20 :~ :~ ul:~:: ~ =~l~cl:' t: • 'tr, ~:.:: ~ ~~~! 1.1~ 4 m ,; t Ito Arcl\On 141> 1 Ull 1•~1 .. " Combln l,IO ' I~ 11•• ~; F"Cl\I<. I 10 s "' "'" ~! ln!Mln , Ml ~ ,,.... • Mol'tat< • •s '°"' ". PolmEI I ... •1030 ln.t .. S11nC pf 1.2S 1 StV. ArllPS 1.U 7 17'M 1''1• "' CmbEn t 1M S 1.,1 JS.~., "• FIBTo I JO • 151 ti.. ln1MUll 160 6 1'2' 17 • VJ Mol't~OI 11 .... 13>.+ "' PolEI pf 4.CW t1SO 1'V. '"° s.inc11t 1 IG • •7' J:ll<o • ArlPpl J.se , .. , ...... ''• ComG>s , •• ,,. ...... "' FIC•lt"' IS •• ,. .... lnlP-l .40 s 2.SO ••••• ,.,. Mol'tR\IC) 90 • 11 17 . P••m•I •• , It St 10v ..... S..l\Mll • 121• ,_ ArlPP! 10.70 t110 • .,, 1,, CmSw n 10 & 171 6 • "' Flntsl~ 2..11 S ~I n•. '• IMllKI 32 SO .... . Mon.en IO 4 H 16\ft • t. P'Hley JO 6 HO IO'i. • 111. Suniht St 6S S.. . Ar-811 60 . 1'I , ..... ComMU .... ,. ·~ F1M·•~ Z•IO ... 7\.o .... fnlTT 1 .. 6f01) ~-'• "'°"°"' .t:I. JI :IM1+ .... P1mn.n1.«1 s 11• JS ... Ve SuotVll '611-20"'-Arkl• I '2 I lSIO 14\o ,,.. ComCll' 11 JI.. JO .... , F N805 11 • ., • OD 14'> •I'~ ITT pfH • l .. ti MonMf' • 7 ~ n t 1 PrlmeC U 1'61 1'">-'• Supt'()ll .lO 10 4'S7 144 • ArlnRI I 116 , .. ' 11 Cmwe 1 IO I SU? u1•1>.. '• f HS1B 140 • •• "" ... lfl plJ • I ... \<, MnlOU 11• • 104 23 "• PtlmM •• 16 IJ .,. uu ... '• 5-ntiG .. 7 -,, .. Ar-. -ID 9 .. CwE WIB au I • 1 F.iPe 204 J.. 1, ITT plK 4 31 •1" • "' Mof\Pw 2 41 • 476 n" • \• Proc:I(; •JO 10 ttSJ .,,,._ 1"' '-P 'l 1~ Armco l.2010261016'-'•""'C•Ellll•l 111n1 .. 1.F1unRlll•IJ40IS•1·"'"Tpf(), u u ''"'Mon$11 10e '°''~ PrClll"' 121' 11 I ... V.Swenk 111 "" .... Arm< pl 1.IO •• .. U CwE pf t 'iO 1 .. 11141" '• F1Va8'1 .. 4 11• l't • lnlT't Pl Z.li 1' l3 -'• MONV 10t I Ila ·~ • "4 PIO!e< IAO 12 •1 :I011't • .... ly"'on I OI 9 ... 1S -., Amtr pl •.1s ll20 • ewe"' , IJ ••'-F!W•>< , 10 • •• 131'>. ~ lnlTl Pl ' so 0 64\<t MoOre<: 1 I 111 31"1 PSYQDI 1.7' I ns ,..... ,,.. ·~ pfl,«I . • ,, "" ArmRs .IO S 119 11 ... CwEPl117l 11S«lut1 •1'1 F hcl'tb 1 S '3 :lololo• '"' ln1Nr1h !12 S S3J 1J'h "'MoreM 104 JIU 14\1) •. l>Kotflf1.10 . ~vi ... +"-ynl .. 11.1011 .,1 41~-A,.,.,Wln l.10ll tm 11 "' CwE plll 10 1SOOO v1t • J FlsnFd ID 1 116 10 • ,,_ ln1NI pt I... 110 I Moren .l?b / Sii 10"1• 1,,_ PSlnct 11• s 611 13\1>-._ hS<O I 17 S6211)7 • ''°' AroCp lb t IJ IS •1 CwE pl 8 JI 1100 ust» • 1 Fl!FlnG I • 110 1S'I• • 1-. lntrpca 1SO 13 .. ""'-"• Moroan l 40 6 1:i.2 SJ'h ,,.. PSln pl 1,0< , lltOO I , "--T-T -AIOwE 16 46 15' 101n • '• CwE pl 1 ll I II FlttlEn SJ U )064 v2011'o • "• lntP< pt S 1 S7 • VJ Morknd 1 J2 s Sll ti"-'• '-' PSln pl 1.0I 1SOO Ill>-.. TOii. n 20e 1' 111 llV. t ._ ArlrA .20 ..C 73 11~ 'Jo CwE pl 717 S 11',. ... F 1emng 1 2• I .. u1'''tt 1' ln1pGp I ao I IS u.M\9 •I MorMS ,20 17 SJ 11111 . ''• PPSS~'!_,PI !-.• I• , 7 1 1 •5. >e1S~+ ~ TECO I• I 2021 19'-• ~ Arvin 111 11 S.. 12'1't • ._ CwE pl I 40 1ll0 SI'•• •, Fluov ID 1S l&S 71"9-..._ lnlBAI<• Jt t IV. MorNor 1.n J 11\S JI -... • .. H , , , ., ~ TRE 1 , ... ISVJ , , Atarco .40 n1 l•te .... CwE pf 7 l• rll:IO SO'• '• Fino pf 1 61 •9 tO~. '1 lnlllPw 1 M • •6' ll-\'o-... Motrolt 1 . .0 it J711 .,.. 0;, PSNH D11.7' rlOO It -\It TRW 1 tO t 11•1 Sl ""° Asl'tlOll J .a 7U U va . ' Comes I. • ,,. IS .... ' F11111!>1 ~ .. ,. 11• "'·.I lnPw pl 2 2' llOO ... ,. MtFvel 1 ....• 100 -...... PSNH pll 11 .. u1'\ft ..... TllW IW' I.SO • 100 .... -... ASlllOpl4.SO 1' ~.it, ComMt ]')OU '1116 .c>:-. I Fl~IPn 11 SSO 11'1 • '" lowal11 1 n 6 9J l•YJ .• MunlrG SO. S 67 12~.-.... PSNHpf4 U It 1t •Yo T.clloel j 1 .. ti ... , .... A~IO pl)... 0:19 lJ•,. 1 CoPwc • 11 21 ,_.S u1l'1 • "" Fl•EC 10 IJ I 1Sw ,.._ lowll(; 1 • > ., 10 ... • "" .Ml\IO pl 40 1 ,._. "" PSNH Pl'J 7S 11 u -.. .... Tallllnt I I n Jl"' 11 AMIOG 1 9 IOI~• <, Com1>9r !OJ 1111'1 V. Fla PL l 3' • ••2• JS~• '" lowlll rit131 rUSO 11'"' • MunJftQ 2 "" PSvNr.\ 1,IO 1 ft) 2~ lo T611•Y llo 4 AMID pl •.H , •1 ... 1 • 11 o CompSc 11 441 I)', I FlaP'11 1 If) I 4J9 11~ lowaPS 1.4' I U ~ • MllrllflC 1 Jt 16 1l 14-. .... PS•EG 2 S.. I 1143 z:1 Talley pl 1' I , \lo Allt-1.60 • I} ...... '·I Cphll\ .. -U • I )I. F••Sll S2 II u .... \) low•ll• , .. I 1t 1•.... Mwrp() ' , .. ,. ... + .. PSEG pll «I ' ·~ ..... rancty I) 1m 2N. .... AICyEI 2 21 I J4' tot..-~1 COftA9f' e. I 16' It'"• .. FlwGen I Jll 111-'~ fpcoCp JO II ... ..,, Mvrr.,0 1 211 , f'1 I•"'-.... PSEG plc_oa tlto..JJ +J Tncll'Cfl 13 11 10"'-.... AllMl ... O.. ... I .... C-MI 110 1 IJ JO ....... Flowr• .Sii' in .. lrvoe• J la 4 ISi ,,,... Mu10m1 ... 71 11 ... "· PSEG pl•ll tSOO JO\ftt "',.,.,., Jib. Jt , .... .... AURkll 1 «I s OOI 36•,. ·-ConnE n J 60 • 1J unllo. '. F IUOt '° I SMI ... • ... llekCP lOt> tlO ...... " My .. sL 1tl ... • ... PSEG plS,. t20 ~-) ... Ttlo<I• n 12 2t5 ..... .... AUii< pf J . 1 14' o 1l"-CnnNG J 20 & lt7 lft•,a • •a FoOleC 110 I •> 11 • '--J-J -N-_ PSE'.G Pll.11 40 u16"' • •t hklrn• 1 9 21>4 40 , ,._ AllR< pt ).7L. rl40 )Ova . ConrK '°.. t:I ,. .. Vt FordM ~Jn ,..... " JWl I ' ... «I ID ••"'-..... N80 , DI • •S• 2J • v. PSEG pf •. eo "° 41h.. T••com ll ..... Allll<pfZ.IO 7 910,.,1h ConEC1•1 66 Stl&I 19 ... '• FotMlf. 1.40 I 1:11 lJ\.o, .. Jmatl-1 . .011 142 11 ... o,, N81n 11 .. 2 uv,. v. PSEG !lf14J l 1114 hlCI.,,. Slt7• ...... AU .. c.> I 19 12"' ''• ConE pl & 1 I~• FIOear I l1 111 It''• '"' JRI,.., 40 9 .. It ... -~. NCH 12 10 9 1Jlt.. • PSE Pl 12.U 150 tt Vt T•le• I 14U Ito-\lo AllOAI J2 17 1tl1 1S " Cone pt 4 6S 1400 o>JVt • ... FIHow<! I DI n 214 :It\.._+ ,,. Jll~r 1)1 S.40 S 601/o ''" NCNB .• • J1S 11----.... PSEG p(1 70 1140 SS , l 9"nco 1 60 S 1004 lS\11- AuloOI SO IS Jltl 141/•: l'·t CC~EF pl ) 1~ I e:o' uJ40S!'.'. • '• ~~ot!~~ .. t ~ 11' • J amsw 11 I 170 1110 + h NCR 7 40 11440 S7h '"" PSEG pl7,IO t'10 SI"' 1:i.. TtllC pr 11 • '" II~+ .... AYCoCp I JO I~ JI .. • ... ,~·Fck sO S 8.J ~ \• F SIP .. 7 10 1~' ,' "• JJatpnlPFllll 1ls. .. a ~ •'s~: ~ ~LLTlnct 1 ._! IOJ ~mllO !71~. ~ PSE(; pll 40 l20 S4 '> ~~ 40 4{ mi{: t I~ A¥<O pf l .10 ,. ., ....... <~F,r: 60 s 1111> w . .. F::"'. 'CM .... , ,, ... " Je~~ pl • dO ;.v;. ~ "VF .• 'm ·,~ ... ~~~.:'"., ~ ~~. " '--WCI ,,. IS ... ~::f "l 1: ~ ~; ;~ CnsNG >1 • t 211 11'•-'• FrplMc: 60 t I» IS J.,.C. p1 '» 1100 S7 • 11'> Nebt<9 2 OS I 2-36 t 1 Pveblo 11 t 11 4h TeMr p1 1 16 I ,..,. • AYon 2 7 77tS 13 ..... , .. Con•-1 ... ' '™ 111 •• ·~ F•ill"" .. • l'l u... J••C DI I) so l60 ... • .. N•ko. ' 1111 tOO 12". " PR (em s ,.. ~:~-;: nl ~ ; -~ ~: ... ::~in I IS,; ~ m~ " ~~:: :;·~ 1~ ~l, •I~ ~~!' : ~ ::~:· " J:~rc ~·: • .ll u~ .. i,, =~.: .f: = ~ u~ ..... :~~ ~ ; ~ ·~:, ~ feJCm 110 6 1101 JtYt-... --· -CnPw pl 7 n 1'300 11H •I -~ -J ewlC pt I 1'\11 • I'> Nerto .. I• 11 11"1-.. PllrOll \ 1 01 1 1?6 H 'h 4 21'> fuE.-U O S '61 C2 + It. 8alrnco «I 6 S.. ltv,, ._ CnPwOl 176 500 uUlt• 1l1 GAS' to • ~ 10~. J ewl<o I •I •\It-I<\ Na.-10 ... 10 , ... Pyro 4 1., ..... • Ve T•ET Ill 2AD I ........ •••Intl ."Z s 1911'1 ,,.. •• CnPw p(I.. 116 ))\11 I"' GAF pl 110 "' .. 4-JOllnJn I •• •ff.t ~ .. Netcan ' • S&J 17 Ito 0..•kO l.IO • '"' ,..... .. hET Pl ,.., I n~ ..... 8•1-)211 1' 11\\>+ 41 CnPw pl • II 11''" v. GATll. 100 I t1 ,... '1• JOllnEF 1' a U\io • .. NCan pl 1.50 J 2'1'> \11 OUOSO 10 7 '11 11\<o, V. Te•Gf 1.11 4 .u1 U • .. BalCIU' ... s nn ,. .... CnPw pl3.. 110 711,, GCA 101 u •t1 u"". h JollnCn 1.«I 7 n1 ,, ..... "' NCll .. SI ·-" 110 11 .... , Ol>en~' ao 7 JM f l/) " Tu I no .. 10 IOI ~ ... llanC.p 2 0I • lt.Su3711J o \11 CnPw prllS 1S16''> GEICO ~ ~,: ,..._, "-J ollnC pt l 6 JO .. •"-' NalOlll! t .20 I U1 n -Ve ou .. 10t H n UV.-... fealtlll 2 16 2"6 --!IA. 8•!1~/# :20 1 Jml ll'IO ..... CnP• pr1 so • "'· ·~ g~iqo • s :'"' "· onLon 60 11' IS'"+ \I) NOlllpf 2" ' Ito\., ... RBll'CI -11-11 -~=~·:. ,·~ 1;'~ 1:!: ... ::::c: H~.~ '~ ::':: ~; ~~~: :1~ J :~~ .... c;re a1 ',~ J• :¥:' .; 1! ,~ ~ ~ =~.1:~,'.~ 11;c1l~"':,"' Ac• ~rn,,!& ,:"'· · .... hoo-·• •01*)1 t>">•l\!I 8ancla0 to 11 tt2 11 + t ~::::Air S71 ':i :.. ga ~ ~: 3" ~'• OfMIO 1 «I 4 1116 1J • 1"-N•IFG J ta JI 1'"1 • .. R(Apl J ~ ti~ JO ~=:~. 1 : ; u!{ ;: .... -~ ::::.p pl 'f S~ w•: ;:: CnlC':' tU rJOO /\ .. :~ v •IHou S1 S Jo0 11'1 KOi" -...... ,..-J,__ .... ::£: ~: 14 ,J :--~ =~~ = 1 It ltt ;t. • !; ffl(ll In •. 10 , ... 9•NV ) to • 11M «l''l .., CnllCp l 60 • JCl'll 11" '"' G-11 I n 11 ,... JtV. • , .. Kl M 11 U ll .. + ... NI Hom DI 2'-• \to RCA pf l.6S •t 16"' \lo Teat'°" 1 IO 7 2071 JD°" • -0 I v • 1 I • CnllG<P, 60 • WM ~. "' O.pSir !O • 1111111 ....... K man II) toll ulO ......... NMOCn .. • ... .... . RLC n ... 1 ,., ,..._ "' TIWKi. ,. 2 ..... 1 .. llltt+ U.llnlLAm ..,, CntGp pt 1 19 ,._ .... v ••SYC '36 s ,, It -.... K•lsrAI 60 t0'1 u.._ .... NMCIE:ft .40 "..,. ·~~ .... RTE 40 • JO 7 • ""' TllrE fl n JtO •• -..-""' 6 J 7 'S I • ~ -•a Cnl(;p D14 SO JS )J • '" Geat'11 J6 I u:J 1~"-• U. elM;a I 40 71 11\'o • V. NMlneS J2 • JS 1"--~ Ral\Pw 71 t t.-za ...... flllo4ll I to 12 .... ...,_ I'> 9kAllty1JO • • 2•-.. •· c.,.1111 2 •-1 ,..._ •• G<tlco 112 • 1IO ,.,.,,. " .... 1cp1 137 ,, ••!•,,..,. HPrs1s ''° • 101 ~-"' Remaci -.~ ..... TlllOl<IWd :iu 40\ll,. 9ankTr 2.~ • ... J1"' '· ConlTel I s.. I ,., ,..... .... C..mC• IV I• JS\<o Keis~ J Jtl '"' .... NS.ml )IJ:J ·~ "" R•mo< ''° ,, .. ""'. Ve T.,,.,. ... 2.,, II 711 4"' + 1\lo ,_,, pl 1.30.. 27 '° CI0.1. SS 11>1116 11-.. ~. G•mln, -• is• .... -... K•MMI >t • 10 ,, .. _ " ltflSvln I .. 1 111 U n. " ll•n<• .. • 11 1111> lnomln .... 10 SI ,,~ + .... T-hill yields continue decline WASHINGTON (AP) -Yield• on 1hort-tema Treatury 1eeurh.iet have f&llen for the IC.'COnd week Ui a row, tumbling to their towC!'at levels In two yean. offldala 18.id. About $6.6 billion In six-month T ·b11l11 were auctiont.'d Monday ot an average dl.acount rate 8.98Q percent, down from 9.821 peroent lut week. The government alao sold about $6.5 billion ln three-month billa at an average rate of 7.748 pen.-ent. off the prevlou. 8.616 percent. Monday's yield•, a measure of the coat of government borrowing from the public, were the lowest sl"'-e the 8.891 percent of Aug. 11, 1980, for six-month bills and the 7.077 percent of June 23, 1980. Cor three-month bills. Sales carbon cop y The Fluorocarbon Co. Laguna Niguel, has announced that sales and earnings for the second quarter ended July 31 were a carbon copy of the first quarter this year. Sales for the second quarter this year, compared to the second quarter last year, were up and earnings were down. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT .. "' .... ' .... ., .. .. '"" l'. .. , • I .. .. ... AMERICAN LEADERS . ,,. ' -·~ .,. ... • 1"-.. .... . '• ... UPS ANO DOWNS NEiii \'ORK (API Tr.. lollowlnQ .... MIOW> ll'te N•w V0t• SIO<k Ex<n.not \tock' .no .... ,,.,.." th•t h.•v• ~ UP 1ne "'°'' ANI (!Own 1ne mo11 bAMO Oft f:'C•nC of <"'-not req,ardt•t.J. of 't'04Ume 0~o =r., 1 .. te11nq be-U ••• inti· ----<M•toe cna1199s ••• tne d•ffer.nc:e btt_...n • .,.. Drevlch.I• <tot.tnt price AnCl T.-ey'a pnm -t NevP I 14'11 J CtllonCp J ULlnc pt • PUblki. I"° S CmwECI wl8 a Ol(;lot PIA 1 ln•llco ptA t P,..;eyCO> t Trleo 10 8&1\9Punl 11 _ _,EnQ It Pvrltn FH l't 12 X TRAlnc t. l>oYtfCo • IS o -cp 16 FlnepAm' 11 AllRCll Jpl •• N•1 Homes "ou ... P PIM 10 BanoPnt pt( I 1 A m • .. U EAL W10 n PSEG 4 OIQI H SIPa<Go 1S Tr-n Inc UPS La~l•'1 .'';\ JI... • .. ....... ,-,. , ..... . . ' " . , '°~' . 2111 10 ..... 1 ... '"' . '"' 13.._ • ,..., 10..,., • ''" '"" ~ ........... ,, • l 'ltt ,,,, ~ Il l. + '"' 14'9 • 1J~ ,... . .... M '6 11 • 2~. H X E $ S • v p J-.. • .,,. D ' J 7 " ''• ..... p~ Up 1'1 .Up )1 I Up 19 I Up 161 Up 14 l ~: :; l VP 13.9 Up U • Up 11.1 Uo 11 O VP 11 t Up 11 l Up 111 Up 11 t Up 110 Up 10.S Up IOS Up 10.J uo 10.1 P F 1 0 j Up 100 Up 100 VP ti Up 'I DOWNS N-I ~AG pfA 1 '""""ON\ J P •Pl. I 70!>< 4 -~tpn S CN'1..CO wl 6 Wlllm•EI n 1 8-1 8 t NelECIU<Co • SutWtMn 10 He<l&MnQ 11 PSEG S 1tol g&To':~ .. ~·"" • 31pt IS c;1-1•on 1• E,,...Rao I " c omput "' 11 T19t< lnl "0..-•' 70 NSPw • IO!>f ,, ln1rtl1 • JJ Am Holtl u 8••k•y """ u OowCl'tem H FtlMIH Cp GOLD COINS ~" c no Pc1 ,.... 7 Ott IS o 11' > Jt.. Off 11 t s.I -7 011 11S 1 1. Off "·' 41... ._., Ott tO.S "~ 1 OH '1 S \1 Oft 9 I 10 I ON t t ,.. lo OH ti 10~. I OH I S )6... 3>. Oii ... 1"-•• Ott 1. )9 S OH I I 1•t '-Ott 11 n ,.., 01• 1 • II'• I Oft I 1 I)'. I Oii I 0 ... "'°" 70 11 • " 011 •.• JO.. , ..... Ott •• .... '"' Off •• • ..,.. "" 0 0 4.l ,,.._...,OH ' n .i. ,,,. oo a 1 ,.. .,, Oii • ' NEW YORK (AP) -PrlcH le le ~ of fOld eolne, compered with W~t llf\Oe. .,.. . ..... ..... 1 I O)' oz .. S3to.50, up 1 11.2!5. ............. 1.2 lfoy OL, ~.75, up l 1UO ....,.... ,. ...,._ .H02 1roy oz .. Sl70.00. up 115.00. 8owoe: o.M..flwerw DOW JONES AVERAGES H ~ \'ORll.IAP) Fonal Oow-JOl\e\ ••fl>o. tor 1 u.scs.v;" AliQ 1• no l(S 0..tl Hleft IAw (;leM UIS .. )2 "'lf> ... 01 17• 90 16.1' 339 .it J0.2> »> 11 1lfl 9S • 1 .. llS St 11•.aS 11• 67 llS JI• 0 U. JA2 2• J.IS 44 lJS ti :i1' OJ J.01 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VO .. I\ IAPI .. U9 1• Adv•n<.eG 0.c.l•nf'd vncn.nQed To1•1 t\\Uin Nt• '"9"' Nf'\llr IOW\ WM•• ... (A DO t .... -... :i..o '"' 209 • Nt:W YORK fAP) AVO I • Ao .. nteo Oecltneel Uncl'tanQed TofAI IUUft NO• lllQhs N•w tow--s METALS r.,.. )97 719 nJ IJ'I ]) " 11,0IO,JOr J.Sll,tot l.~13,«ll II, 111,JIX Pr"' cM '"' )ff ,., .... '1J} • Prtv doy •.SO llO , .. .,. u u NEW YORK (API ,.,..., pr..,.. TUASC!ay Spot "onlerrou• Coppa r 72.73 c•nU a pound, US o .. unatlona LM4' 26-29 c:M1& e pounCI Zinc 'O ~ta t POUnd. oetl•etecl 1'1fl se•c296 Mela!& Wetlt compo.ita A._..._ 7&.77 oen1a • POunCI N v MMcwy $365 00 lie< llalli '"'•lln11111 S291 OO·U lla 00 troy ounce N Y SILVER Hendy & Harman, II S 10 P<Jr t•oy au._ COLO QUOTATIONS t r The AMOCl9ted "'- Se!Ktacl work1 QOld pnc. T._.,ay Londo" mo•nlng 11~1no sa 11 60 up 117 00 London altttnoon l•.ing S•07 75. 11p S13 25 "wiA ellernoot1 111ono sco 1 es "" s 11 52 l't'Mltfwl halng $4 1 I 50. up $?9 49 Zw1cfl l11e afternoon na1n9 5409 00 vp Sll 00 bid. $410 50 ul<.O Man•r a Her,..an (only O•lly quote) "407 75, up s 13 25 I~ (only O..lly quolel S•07 75. llP 113.25 lnoefflard (onl• dally q110111 ltb•le&1e<I 5428 1•. up $13 91 SYMBOLS Cl· New )'Mffy IOw U•New )'Mffy l'ttgl1 U-ot-....M noleel rain 01 GMClenelt .,, annuel Oiat>ur-.1t t>ueO on ,,,. IMI q11a11er1y or seml·annuel Oeclu•tlon Sl>t'll•al .,, exva 01\'kHnOt Of ~Yf'*ll• no1 dellgne1.0 U •41QUla1 are ldanlllleel In 11'tt IOllOw•"ll loo1no1•. •·Al.a ealre O< ulrU !>-Annual ta1t pl\d 11ock OlvlClenO c·Llq11IC1a1tng CllvlCltnd o.c;lal.O OI paiCI If\ p<-otnQ 12 montnt •·Dederacs 0< pa1c1 •"et atocto OMOenG or N>f•1 up t-PMI 1Nt 'fMf, OMOenO oml111'd. _,.., or no eclton tellan el '-1 OMcMnO "'"'Ing k·Oeclate<I Ot pAlcl ,,,.. .,.., • ... flOcumulAllve ••-w111't Cllv!Olnd• In .,.,...,.., n·New 1-. •··OedAlecl °' palCI '"pt9Ceellng 12 mon11'tt ptva t10C~ OIY!o.n<I l·Pllld In a1oct. 1n P'eceOinO 12 monllu , ••HM•leO call't v•tue on .. ..olOllOend or •~·dlttrlllullOn Cll1• l•(JHlhlld .. '°a OI eJHIQlli. Y·EA.OMIMtncl AnCI ..,.. In lul1 l·S-"' lull Cid-called we!-~ Oltltillvlacl wt·W'*I tt•u•d ww·Wllll warran1t ••·Wllnou• .. .,,.,.,. xoi.e.x-c1i.1r1bll'1ton P E ••1IO Tiie pr-of • II~ • a """'~ ol per~ -~ by d•OllOlng ll'tt .. ,.., 12·tnorl111 ..,,..ngs !lour• lnlO Ital tale f)t\C! ••n-" I " Sn ,,. c-woo 130 • 40 ,. .... \'r (;Alnv ',.. ,,. ·~""' K•MD lb s ,,, 14 ... N$l-.IOI 7 I llaycnin ... " 17S .., ·.:iii, TllmMO .ICllt ' ttt ..... ... earcJC" • :)6 ,. 21• )9.... ~ c-un Olr .. J'> .... (;Amott ·-11 SH 11"'. I~ KKCC1YL"S!·?! s..sn ,. ........ llleus.u ' • '°' ""'·.. Re ym' .., • ., 11.--.... TlorlllY IO 7 IZJ ,, .. _ .... UNC~ . 102 ......... u. UIPL pf uo 1' n + .. WP ... P Ol•.SO .. 1110 .... '"' 8ar~ . .0 . . '3 11""° • Ii. COOPf t SJ • 1938 U•~ + >\ Gn8csn .a • 1 fl'" • · p ,.... -(100 2t .. , , ltfalVI n t I J 17~ .... ROmCll 1 s 17 101'>-I'll TICaro 1 to S IJ IJ\11 + '°' Ull'G ,AO I t?a )11"11 • "' VIPL pl I » ua ll Vt • 141 Wat,..P 110 I D I 21'-\'> ll•met I.DI 1 666 111'> t '"' CooPI pf l 'IO 3JS 30\ 1 • '• GClnm '16 10 IU 0 ' r • "1 l(CPL p!4.!0 1700 ~V. Nalom 1 40 • tJ02 16ft. , RtYllVI 1 40 10 XJI Jt ... Tlctw1' to S )()4 19\lt + llilt Unllw J.Dt • 1 •I UIPL pt > 04 U , ..... + 1"11 Wil<IT 01 CW Ill 11,,.. • "" ·.·""'"' 1.! ,,· ,!! ', ...... • !! ',-_LT.b ~ '! '",..! l.)lt:-'.!. I GGnnOo•lan -"",'1,•1 .1, ••• Ve KCPL pt1 tO • ""'-.... N•Un pf 4 " IN ,, • " R•lld8' '° 4 .. ,. llV.-..... TIM•lfl • JtS • "" UnlNlol •• , .. s 101 ,. • ,.... -.,_., -WnAlrL 110 .... .. ••ryWr __ -~ -, -n ·1 ., ... • ""' i<cPL p12.JJ • 1111 .... v. N••Pw , .. s ,,4 11·2• ... R•B•• D12 ,3 m ,.,., • "' r1,...1 . • u ~ J'". ,... uc.,.. J • ,.. ..-. • " vF '" '·'° 1 ds 11s1 • ' w•••r 1 111 ... ..... ... R.. ,. 1 .. • ..... ""' op.a • I " • ,, ,..,. • ' Gen El J «> • 7SIJ 70"" .... KCSo. • • 111U -.... NevP Pl 1..0 •100 12 -VI .-11Ref 'Olt t .. u • .., • ~ Tll!ll jlf91.S1 " 4.S • ,.... UnCM'll 140 1 '°" ~I ValelO J2 • Sii IS\.&. "' WCN 1• ' !Wt .-• ~ llallKll 1,'6 :i. 1602 17-1-. Corllllt• 60 I Ut 10-0 GnFcff 2.to I l'M JI.. ,.,. K•llGE 111 • 7'6 """ . NeYP f1f 7 JO UDO 1/\1)+ \'I .-acnE:q It• 4'-Timi PICA lO 161 .UI!)+ I UftGernr t0 H S 20\lo "" Valeyll\ 40 4 117 S t "' WP.Cl > 1J ~ • ... l .. Tr i 4 16 210I ~ "' Con In .. t Ml IOI>.• ... GGlll • tt U ,,.._ • .... l(el\Nll 1.• I 26 U • .. N .. P Pl I.fl , 11~ t " """'" to 19 74.J 1Slilt:.; \,; Tlf>laM 1 10 ffl 41\lo • I'> UnlOl\C .1'1 S2 ,_,._ V.,.Om 1 11 7 10 171<, • Ito WUnton I 410 e _.. )1 .... • \11 l ayrtn ,. 1t t t ort1G J.31 IJ IS» SI~ , ... GHo\t' liO I UIS ,. K•l\PLI 2.40 7 .:it Ullo. "' ...... edS n ,. I ......... 11 .. ce 20 '" Tlm1t11 )40 7 • .,...,_ Unltlec 1 ... 10> ""'·... V~(O 11 • us .... "' WllUn lll•AO •n • Jlol ::r~ I.~ i 1; ~~ : ~:.8i!! I 7~ j~ ri ~~ • 8~.:!~ ~ 1: .~ Jo1.: ~ IC.PL Dfi.:D 't :'~ .... ~l::J".:n 1l ·~ ~\'>:-;-":Pc':' n > ~~ ,~"':,:: ~=~ IJ! ! 2n ~~ ~~-: = >-s: ':r:OO ~lilt+' 1io: ~~.,. .~:: ':.: ~ .... : 1 ... =~~lelllfr u: 1: ",: .... : ~ ... IFd' 'so I OH 1111 .... "" C••llG' 2' It 1041 JO • ~ GnMlll• U I 10 1171 ..... "' ~:r,\n111713 " ·~~ ... NJltK nl,1' • ,. ··~ "" ::pc._~ .. t JOI ~ ""' f .. £ ....... -' \.; Ul\EI pl "''° 5:-' Yee<O .20 ,. 1141 14\1). ~ WeRt , ..... __ ,.,.. ... , pl >.•.. IS -• , .. Cr•IQ u 20 ... GMol 2 . .0. so 14011 •7h '"' Kely Pl I .. t " .... N'l'SEG 1.10 • 564 1t\!I. "' lltllCti. 60 s H S 1514 + \lo T .... ,..,,. • ~ --\lo Uni I -••• . . • -,,_ ,,. ~. ""' Wtlo Pl '.. '"" 40 • ' 8ecll10 I.IQ 11 411 f'I~ • 111 Crene I t0e 7 ltsl 11\.& GMot pf J 1' I 1' -""' Kawflt ,JA US e"4-.. NV' Pf J.IS • 1S«I 27 • Vt Rt pF"nS 1 '20 14 I07 U4JV.+ It TalE,f "21M • . 10 I ~ Uni I plM • M t t;, + '-VH1S. 1.t.. . . fO ~. • WHlw< I.JO I 141 ~ • .. 9911., • · 11t ·~ "" Cr•YR• 11 1111 Hh t,., GMol p1 S 10 u'l • \lo Ka~ pl 1 to • 11 ""'-.... N V ' II I I I O R~NV 1.«1 s 1•1 '7i.. + 1\lo 'f .. l!ir..11 • 11• I -\lo Un l pf 1.U .. 4 11 • ... • v1~om ,JOU 611 ~•I W•~,.,, I JOU 40'0 N I'>-.. ... <•"'·'°" s 420 11l'e-"'C•llon lll&J11•.lo•6"" GNC Diii S7 14,,_ h Keller .JO •7 1,!? !~+ ~ :.:v•'J\O,t•" •• "'i' 11o,,.~ .. °"' .. 11 Vpl tl2 ' s 16 __ 'TMll .«lt 11 ll U •"' Uf\EIP! 1,"4 . Ml11Slloi+ll'> V(mpll.10 . t ,. .. , \lo WeyrpjJ.10 «I •Ill• IA. :::~! :: ~ .f; ,~. ~ ~~~~~N~.~ I?~~~~ :: 8!'nuRes10l:Hm 4~~. ~~:I::!''·=. m tl ... :: i;vi;ol,; .. ~-II VPfO.ll :: ~ E~·. ~~;~t: ~ ,u ~::: ~3:.t: ~·,= r.:::·~ ~=1~1·, '.~ ;:~:-:.'." =~r~::. m ft-.:-· .... 9e!llnd .lA 10 U ""' • \\ CrmpKn 1 CW I 11 •• i.. Gllllelt ).I J.... Ktoal 10 t U5 S\lo+ " New.)I I 6 " I~• Ill =~~r."-'l:" .. ''"'• "' _..., .. 9Q i.. Un"• 1M ta.4 )6\lo • ~ lolaEI" 11'1 n 1JOO s.I -1 Wll<tlr OI• U JJ ll -1 hlC• 11 '" M ''"'-11. '"""°' 1 11 u • -GnSIQnt 1 '° • 11• ,,..,,, • 11o Keflmt ... 10 '7 1.-..... •• Nwe1 n u IJJ • .. • R•ii.•• 1.-4 m 1t"'-\tit -• te 1 s1e "' unlNYI • no 7t;,-" lf•I" !Dfl.tc . 110 .,._ • tv. Wltell' ,,, t , n -,. -..nl• 1.tO 1 0 Jt d Crwl.ellnl10"31 ""' 14 GTFl.4'(1.JS 1JOO 10 KYUlll JJO 1 J07 11~\lo Newmt 1101 .. 41\tlt •l'°' 11!~911"1.U . 11 21¥1•"' ..... 6' 1 f1J 1 + .. UllO'.l tllf 4t .lftt0 '41'1+ .. Va E"-..0 0 "111-""wlwlPll It 1a11> •. hfMll• u:l10 J0t U""'•'"-CrUIP!Ul ICM ~l'I' GT"IPf l.lO 121 10 i,; l(ert'(;I ... • .. 11'-+ YI NwHttl .1' SI~ Ml! •.... ltll!CAM .JI 5 119 11'-• ._ To.Mflf .M .. 1• ......... UrtltDn ) 1•1 • lol&llof t_flO tHO 61 · Wll!"ltpf 6 1141> Jotlll-1 ....... 114. !qt ... " CrZelpf&),Oi 11' -GTI .. I 50ll I so t• K••O pl 110 > , ..... I'> NlaMP '·'° .,.. ,. -"'"n<• ., •• ,,,,» , teyltlh ••t• YI ••••• u111 ..... cost 2 I • lolaepDft,7S 1llllw'1 •I Wll"Y .' ,..,. 1tYI+"' ~ L . lil lO -"'Crvml' 116 }1141 t•~•I c..fl~ 11 l 7' • Ke11M•llO 713U , ... , V. Nl••lto r.o ».__Re.,.,.. . ti "'-\41 •A<..,, .• 11 IQ • '°' U9r4 .. 1-lll I) t \lt+ \It YaEPf/ft.to U U llo-Wiii IMll ..,.,.>S\'t-\1> taMfpft.lD,. !lllO\lt• ... Cul-, •• n 16 • I'\ Gtllt.N 1on1 , .. n ..... "" l(enCft I ,, ..... ltfl""" 1060 110 '°"'····· "•v!oft 114 IJOl;lt 17-1 ,.,.. IJI ..... + ~ uceTV11 .1•u '" ~ .. Ve E .. J71t UltolOM\'l+Yt Wllll UOll .. -·"' =~. llO JO _, C11lllnn ,. ,.. ,, ... ·~ G ... ••o '° )IJ IOV.• ""'K•r••M•4'U .. 11\11+" Nl•N!llf 1.1'1 .. ~IO M .... " .. '*"to 1 ~ ""'• "'TWC. • 1011 • .. U11l,_.,,,., ... a. ... lol•EPpl7.JO .d9' .a _,..., WllllClllC) t SJ -.... 101110 1 -..., ~"mEn 2 51>46 11" "'vt!PI ,.,, 1 u • v. K-• 1.10 • l1' " -"'Hr--"'1.IJt 111 I>'!.+"' lt.ull(CI 1,ae io 14 ~\It t w w't • ,,. ,_. .... ul'"'"' J.91 s 1e1 Ultlt• "'Vwl\M • u lt-"' Wllltlll• u,... 14\ot+"" =.,! -t' J! ,_I~ ~ c"'''"'1 1~ ,.,, •'-K• ~ o ... uPI I.JO 12 m >S Ill ~let • • 1 46 . 1, Nk Ollft .1•• tlS ,_.+ .. .-erntft ii 61"8 4'11o .... TWWIA ., IJ u~ ~ U ""'"' U7 •• • ,,.. ••••• V1'1<1nc .«1 1' l! 1'"• ""'Wlllll• 1,.0 1 IOOI '°"' \lo ..,. -,_ ' -• -u ' .. ~ Ge Pac 1.10 1 .. ,. llYI-.... 1111.M .., """ + J NI®" , 1 UI ""' + , .... Rt ylft ..... 0 • • 1$1 ~. "' T~~.. t " ij ..-.. "'"'""' t.10 ..... .,,."'. \!I \/llf<llM 1.~--Jt\lo. "' Wi.tllfR u ~· • . . ltiT~ J·; 'ff; :::; .. ,, ,.;:._ f'.~ 1a""11 ~\. ~ G•PwpfJ.16 . m 2714+ I'> mll(I • 1 .,, Wt• ... NoelAf 12 ,,~ ""-•"' ReyMtl' II UI tt .... "' 'r .. ""l.'6.. Ill-"' uu::1"'1~: .:11 1t ll~::: WICOR 2~., 2111--.. ~l'l"'rn-'"'•n' ... '!1J,, u, ·," ll:m I.JO 11 71 11 I -D 0 -GePw JJl1.St 12 11 "' Knolltll '2 II 4'0 » -" ltforle 11 t tlO 6 1 '°'-" '-lttrMw·UCl '. 4 .. \'I+ \It lW ,,, t ..... It + '°' I I W eR pl ... IO &10 J6\1t .. ;4111 • 9!•1' .. IS -· ..... OMO ,, '"· G•Pw pl1.U · tp ''"" 1 Keoet 1 IOJJ 107 I' ... Eor11n 1 r 1t11>.,.,, "Et:"'' ,,,.. 10 •• ,,.___ ·'°' rAftllftl IM • 111 'F="' Un tlfWI .tt I '7 I ••••• w• -t..tc ,., ~ ..... ._ W11114WO • .-t '"'· . • ~• ~7 ,,1-... ~ ... oa-"" -:i i•~+.: GePWf/talS •' ~ "> !<ofm« nt• i.1 ~·,. or11rnuo s :n J4\<o-.. " '·'°. 1 11 ,,,.." r-.IMt.i. .... 1 141 UJt '"' I JA • If u ~ K '• • wlnOlt tA • -~""' • -.. ,,. .,_, "' " •• -OePw tlf7.IO ,,. 11J7°"h t V. K-n 1.4014 l!O 1• -._ ...... ,GI J 117 7 -~ i ,_, IAO J 1t1 J I t '-A•ttv p J -111 UlllMM 12 S~ + '°' WK!I,,, t.10 _, .• Ito +4\ol WlflMt JI SI.. 7\11 II' ' ' "' .. ,.,, .» 0 "'• • ............... ._.,. •-ol • "' •• .. , ..... AO o ff ...._. '" M ,, •II II • • •-e1 • Jf1 ,.._" U Mn to 14 t -"'== ·~"',: 1 11o • ~ w1 .. t.rJ ,It . 1 ,.._: •• , , " I.~ t $ ... 1: ..... : 1~ g::z<;" ':. ~ m ~t: + ~ a.,.,. •I a.1 :it ,,~. I'> j('"',. 10 . ,, 14 _, f!&A""' 1.10 : n• ~. .. it.A. .. , • .., )f\111. " TntK .. • a.111 + Ill ~ ..... , s.-..1 • ·:'·,· u=" ~ ": Wllllft' ,. ;; 'J 11~ " =··:l" 'lt •• ";11 ~ ~ I... 1• \Ill Oemtr ).MIOI .... n ~ ~~ .01 '"• .... l(rMfllr •• ' l lAo•"' Nlw'9t~ JI 1• ........... 14011 Jl 1' ..... ~··~" . ~ ~ ... " .It • T W!Mlt9' ..JS 1 .._ u"-- .41 7., ti"'• \II D•laOfl *;;;; 1J-.+t GTM.t t..O J ., ... "'Kr•• 1.nJS ,., ~ .... =•· ,_, ~·. 11· .,.-•"' ...... " '~J", .. t "..... .,,.t.ao 11 ' Yt-1 • ....,., tit "41111:" w 'I ' n lli+" !,,. 11 t• • 1 f>ethf' I07 ._ "-() ft ' +I S • • !(llMCa Ult 1' ~ + \II I, 10 IM I .. • •• S4 • m I ~ ..Oft ,,, , ..... 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Pf no . •MIO 11WYt• 1\"I 1ctWF' o:i u • ~ Lf 1 ~ , • .. 114 ~\Iii..... 111 • • ll~• ' I VI 41~ '"' 1 1 ,.. t i ..... ''*1'11t141-i ~flf 1.JL.mos1 ··G•r1c111Zl ·t M11"~ t:tt~ .. · t • ._+·~ 11 .. ~1·i:R 11~"'1 •• l:1~·1t: ': 1,1 ~ ...,,.111 ()~11,.'tl,.~1lll 11 :, w 1 • .e1 ' ~w'!!!!.'.-. 1 ,.~::: ,/-1' 1 ~ ~ •nl<n ,,. ' sl u -" Gc1rcll'p1>:ii •• ,.. t cv.: "1.~ .io um 1~+ " ~, ,,... ·i *;I •-• ~~· M ·1 w • ! • • J i •'"" u ~-"i i i79 11t fJ , 1 \II :;I:ra .•OJu '!l I -"" · utt .• 9 7 \lo Im,. 1.S: 1; ~ ~.:-; ~ Gooltfr, 1 • .40 • ii w~ .. L. f1f J.. I 44 +I ' Q6 + '°' a!MC:fl It~ ,..._11111 r + ~ Ulltltl I, ... + .. tA • 116 ~yly 1 '); t:: • "-~·":I" I i. llAA• l$l•SOJ2'lll ~~fi tll;-"IO I 111-llo lQulMt • 1'Ul17111+ .. !f 11tA4!lJ'I! '°' -1 ~;} lo\ "t •1 : ~, w, .. :':--.Altl ._. .. .-.40 1 11111 ... ' • a ,, Ill ~ ·n . ... ,~.. . '. :'! l.a<Gaa ,.. • 10 ~ " Nw ii:'" .. ti ·~· "" ~ ... , ' I • • i :I . t I .. -..111 ... 't + "' t • '1 a i.-tOt ...,_ • .. ~ • lot-.. YnlM . . fl \') • • • Ill= ._... t 1651 I) + lltt .. II -Ii. t • "'° I ... ' IJ1 ... r_ ..,_ i It '-'-Y-1- • .. ~ + lit fJICllll ::: I~ :. m: + ~ ~~~ I 14 10 lf+ . I'> laflief ·~ H ., 1 ... " Nw l 13 j ~ 10 -~ =ew8" flrif/i ) .i -~ 'r' It t io. lifll :J: • 1 ;: ;;;o.,1 " i ' • • ~ T.t "41 )I -\'I ,,... ..... 1. ~., '\. ·'" 1m:c .rt ...,. \.; t=~1~,.. .a,~ ~ 1m: ... E.:J 1 •n.: ~ ii ii: .. i f ·-. .,......, -~ -· "' Pt!"" • • ~ lf--.u ff :: ""· ~ ,..,. •I' i' tr!.'~ IM~···ii: Ml) Jt\111+'°' 1\.-llilll • .:!!' ·~~l-I. 6 U\tJ+I..,; 1 . ~ ... 01~il "'l!l;t S'IMee .. 11t \It ~ .. .. .. ':1Jr: .... ,. Ntl'll:--'1 • R t2 14' ' ,. ·~ ·1· d -" I.it! ... II\ flf 4•1i :: ... ·i·· 1't:" 'n I • ... 7"' ';" • ,,.. ·~"' ,,.... 11· J11•-~La. '·a~ i ll.-.+1" Htl<• ~' ~·""·'" a ' ' ..... u ! a lliii"' • .... "' • • "... \Ill • • "' ~ "" , ..,.,.. "' •w""' • i , .... _ ~ '-'"'" '· ' ~ ... ,. • "' ,..,,,. fl • • lllM'. ,~ "' -.-• -.. •• ~ " •,.. '-" ~ • " -... t I ~ ... .. r C -JU " • "' II! t.J:t , , ... ti\,,. WM•n 1 11~ ~ uwa11t '· .. .. " --"' ,... • -.~ u" I .. "'"'"" "'i&•-~ ... I -· J ' • • ._ _______ ............. __ ,_ .. ___ ._.,.. ___ .. ______ .. O_M_P_n....,.1,..• ............. ....-........... _______ ..., __________________ .......... iiioi .......... iiliii., '"""'"'' ..... n + .. C.."'r -3' I "'i,.; -"' I • -·"' 4 I Otano• Co11t DAILY PILOT/WednHday, Augu1t 2&, 1982 TV as history s 6'~ 2551 /r"::;·;· .. ;:', taught at occ *Cil''1'~"'.mEnT1 YiiitOur ... )* Fall cla to b egin •pt. 7 A h l11torlc1.1l look al wlcviaaon from IU49 through tht' preSt>nt will bt.• provldt-d th•• fill In Orange Coast Collt.•gt"s lmmdc:astlng a1 l!i c-ourse. ulled ''Televts1on. The First 2:> Y NU s " The fall aemcster l'lasses begin ~pt. 7. The counie, listed as Broadcasung Arts 106 m the class schedule, met.•ts Wt•dnl'sday evt'n1ngs from 7-10 p.m. Course instrul·tor Je rry Ll•ningllln suys the class gives sludents many of whom weren'l around for Uncle M1lllt• and Edwurd R Murrow a new apprec1auon of wlcv1sion's past "It helps stud(·nts to become• a bat more' discerrung today," Lt•nmgton says. "TV is going to J>t!rm~atc our liv(..'S l'Ven more as time goes on. It's important to know when• we come from. and fo r that reason wt.• :itudy history. Since we arc big l'tmsurnt.•rs of what wlev1s1on has lQ offer, it's important to know just hnw th1• medium has be<·om(• what It 1s today." Students will vww km~'Op<>S, films and v1dt'O tape recordings of thl~ c>arly program.-,, their i.tan; and formats. Re gistration for fall classl's as undN wny through Sept. 10 in tht• OCC Adm1ss11ms Offlt'(» For registration information. phone 556-5772 Dolly cancels out NASHVILLE tAP) -Under doctor's orders, singer-actress Dolly Parton has canceled upt-oming performances and will undergo tests fo r recurring gynecological problems. a spokeswoman said. Beverly Magid of the public.: rrlat1ons firm of Solters-Roskin-Fm'Clman said thc rigors of louring and performing c.:ausl•d Parton to hemorrhagl.' severe ly prior to a we<'kend pl'rformance an Indianapolis. After consulting with her dot·tor. Parton traveled from Indianapolis to Nl'w York where she will undergo tests. Magid said. "''AN OFFIC&R AND A GENll.EMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" -AeaA..cl ----NOW PLAYING ---- AIWKIM Pacdoc's Analletm Duve In 879 9850 MIUICMIYIEJO ltfW'OllT lfACH OftANGl WUTMINSTlll Edwards ,..,.,00<1 C•nedome Edwards Cinema West c~ 644 0160 634 2553 a91 3935 EOwardS Voeio T won 830 6990 lllOPAIW9ACCl"ll 0 •O• '""' l.JtGA4.lllllil .. , ...... llfoallhurs1 112 6446 lllU ~lkU P1aJa 529 5339 --;;;=:~~~1=~: .1.1·t¢1•r:t1 ~ -.s.....~ IUlllA PAllll COila MIU Edwi!OS IQl1lot t.,.n 631 3501 UM(JIMOft En.OS WeslO<OOo 530 H O 1 PilC•hc's ltnc;Oltl 011•~ in 871 4010 OHllGf. Plc•f< 'Ot;inot !lhvt In sse 1021 llO 'ASUI ACCUTlD FOii TMIS lNGAOOllJfT ~a.,. .Q70MM &l\ow• ll ~"''II 1 t rlD t~lD )1)0 l1H~)O ~f ftti~l I01H l :JO &carl. .. 1111111 ... ()Ny \ljel2)6J~ 9282/~~~~"t-) MOHtv "'~ LM "" I f I r E . -Al !Ht HOllYWOOO IOWl ~ tll >.;TIM· Dl1 s110 •• , ,oo 4 .30 , , o • • n Rm .... / m A1. "u• NI Ill Shift (9') 121SO )100 ' lO 1 :00 S11ow1 1:10 1 ·00 1140 I 0120 70mm·Dollt No fl'lfMt STADIUm Dr1vo1n [;l CHEEC~~ CHONG I THINlt.~ .W 'n.1tiH All Ml A H .. h flv'A9 Co••d\I R "u1 l'lltlll S111fl ( R 1 619 enot~r-;.~.u: 'I'll<' Wurltl l\t'c'11Nlln11 1'11 arfJ :~l~ur ~C)tPOI fA!r r1,,,r1 AT IUOC:CMOIU HIC:H @ Plut l 1941 (PO) EI IJ It l'..'\ fl<t\ ' MONTY PYTHON LIVE • • Tl f<f<I ..... 1 HI/\/ AT THf HOLLYWOOD BOWL we';',u~~~·M~f'l..I?~~\., rn Ptui Stir Crazy CRI * Drive-ins Open 7 .30 Night ly * Lh1lclo~n lJncl~• I/ r RE l Uni,." Nutucl THE ORIGINAL IS DACK. MARK HAMILL HAARJsON FQru) CAARIE FISHEJ\ POE:R CUSHING .. ALEC GUINNESS \\ t • ~· •).••J' t .. ,,_ ;wl lil'#'t•..,J•" JOHN WILLIAMS GARY KURTZ GEOl\GE LUCAS ~·'"·'"· ~.· Pc;• .. •-.~'illll'"' ::. --··---· -· ---~ "The most exciting down-to-the-wire action since SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT and the funnl"t bunch of rascals since THE BAD NEWS BEARS." (11'0) "DIV A" <"l II HOTOllS · II LIYE" PLUS "ZIPPll'' <•> I Turn your unusabl.-lnto ........ c•llLClll DallyPllot ctallffled '42·9671. TWENTIETH CENrur(-~ l'ttMllls A UON SHARE PtocM!ron A DANIEL PE. TRIE f~m KfJf4Y R<X;ERS "SIX PA()(" DIANE l.AHE • ERIN GRAY Mulle br CHARLES FOX c~ ~ EDWARD S. FELDW.N 1...t TED WITZER PtOllllM-, MICHA£L TRIKIUS lllMll•---Wl'ltltlt by MIKE MARVIN Ind Al£X MATTER Owtettd :.~~.~~~ •••• ---·- t ¥ • • • 0 • • • Good 101 lbe l1agb1! Caleb lbt faa wilb Bari & Dolly! A l'NIVllSAL-IKO rl(TI II C ,_, U••WtJlt.M. Ort' t NCIOl. lllC •BARGAIN MATIN••I • Monday thru l1turd1y All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM jbctpt Specl•I En9111ment1 •IHI Holld•y•I t.A M18'Al.JA MAI I lo M11000 01 lot•C•Olll LA MIRADA WAlk IN 99•·2'00 NIGHT IHlfT ttl ............ lA"'IDI 111 Jc011tlt 11t41t AH Ol'PICll AHO A OINTU*" 111 U 1HJ1Ht1Hl1•l .. n · lu . THI UlTU nUllTllALCNI IO\Vt THI ILICUIC HOlllMAN tNI •llOAT THI laTH "fJtl) I, ... ,,. ................. . CHflCH & CHONl'i THtNOI f All TOUGH ~U OYll 111 '211tt1lltM P\Vt ROCKT 111 tN I ,._.., ...... THI "Un MCMI CN I . .. ' LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlk IN ',.,. ,,,. ...... ,. .... I .... ""Jocu11y or Co"Olewooo 213/531·9510 THI lllT unu TOUNO DOCTOll IN LOYI Ill WMOHHOUll IN TIJAI 111 121M 21u 414e .,., 1111 1 .. u IJ1Jta ......... 1 .... ITAIWAH1N 1 1 • ..., ..... .,, ............ u 11••• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• IN 11x 'ACK '"I '100 ,,,. .... .... "" lOCKT 111 tN I !cit J14t41H l1M lo.tt THI ,.Un ~II CN) lt&M4oMt•Jt 111\llt NIOHT IMln Ill , ....... , .... PllOATTHI UTH 'AIT2tll 11011 1totJ1otl ... , ........ , ... .. 1 JO 1 1S ..... , IM,ORTANT N0TICf 1 CMI LDAlN UNOlA 12 flHl' -w • .,,.. .... lln '" 100 •Sal. S..., • HO 1'111 tllfl A SOIJfoO ••do> .,. CUI llAOO "-I '°"" S-IA • "° ... '"' 11AOO ..,,. -acau011• mmoot _...,..,l'OllT..U •AUCN-<1-UIOIO MllWllO A~AMf •ltioi ANAHEIM DlllVf IN h•e•ey ft Of lel'ft_,. II 179•9110 Cltll <t SDUNO BUI •4 A PA.,• BUENA PARK 0111Vl IN ltftee'" A .. Wett .. l "O" 121·4070 9 ut ,... J'Alr'I LINCOLN OIUV I IN \ •~( Olf'I A•e •eU OI I "Ott 121-..010 tnuNl ~IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVf IN lo" 0.090 '""' ot "o"""""' (to I 962·2 .. 1 lrlt',IM 1 .... ··~ HI-WAY 39 (JlllVI IH AN Ol'PICll AHO A OINTUMAN (I ) THI PINAL ?8tNTOOWN IN I C111tf •• IOuttO l.T. THI IJlTU nHHHIALtNI IO\llt THI UICTllC MOlllMAN1N 1 fllOAT THI UTH 'AIU11l f\UI YINOMttl •AST mu1 AT llOOIMOHT HIOM111 "tit THI HOU TW000 KNIONTS Ill e.ot• lt<ro $o OI Got01" GtO.t '"'-0• 191·3693 Sil ,AC•INI THI llAIT MAlnlcN I l'Ult 111\VI NINI TO •rv1 IWAMI THtNOt .. I ,_...:;c_1t0t;;.,_fl..;;.-~;_--_.-__ C1f0l " - U..IDlt11 '"" THI lltTLmll ~IHOUll '"TIJAI l•I l A H A!'6'A LA HABRA OlllVI IN ............ ~ ................. " ... 111·1162 Iii 11.'°'t •I HINOI Alll TOUOM AU OVll 11 "VI MONTT 'TIMON LIVI ATHOUTWOOO IOWl111 l.T. THI ll111A ntHSHIAl CNI "'"' THI mmic MOlllMAN1N1 O RANGE OlllVf IN ... ,, .. ' ..... MISSION 0111\ t ,,,. - ---Mc•-m-m• a, •4 •o • • WARNER p1111;1 ,.,. .. , ... ,A•• ••1t ...... ~ -7• nlDDKlOI ,_, .. -apmay -- .. .... ........... ". \fl IJI C:OtlA •U '*-•f't(~ ........ "' ..... ,.,_ t•*••~· ~ .. "'° ......... u ....... _ 111 •1Utot1 I ....... iJA 1 '• U•t111 .. -,. .... Oo•vt.) ,. ' . ,.,, ... , ....... •.. , .. llrft It •• .. 01 .. VJ w,MN:tM.t ••1t• ......... ....._ .... , ·~ ' J Orange Coatt OAIL Y PILOT /WednHday, Auguat 25, U~82 C't ~ \\ll>\.1,11\' 1'.IO (11) IAM8All Dodo-ti vt St Louie. -·=...~ D WIU>, WILO WDT • HAWAII~ • llPEAl<INO 0#' LOVE Dr. Leo 8utc.tglla ~­ the conc.c>t of mankind'• llmlt.... pot .. t... '°' glv- 1~ and r«:elvlng kMI GD MAOIC Of' OtL PAINTIHO "Spring~" !~NEWI • • • • "M" (1930) P919f Lorre. Ellen Widmann. Polle• p•ratyze lh• u~Ot1d u they -ch DuaMldotf '°' a P9Vc:h0tlc Child murdef9f. CID 8HEAK PAEVEW Hoat Leon11rd H11rrl9 lo6tt1 at the movi., apec:lat• and ap<>rll -·· coming up on Home Box Otlloe (l)MOVIE * *'h "Victory" (1MI) SytvMter Stallone, Mlc:hael Ce.tne During World War It, -'llled POW1 -tllelr ticket to IT-'Om In a match b etween their aoc:cer team and the Ger- man Netlonal TMm In Par- is. 'PQ' 0MOVIE • • 'h "The Myaterloua Stranger" ( 19112) Chris Mall~. Fred Gwynne. A d1ydreamlng Mlelourf t>oy tenciee en encounter with an angel of dubloua Of'lglrl In medieval Auetna. e:*I ID FAST FORWAN> "Secuflly" Aeport9 on tM mlcroelecironlc r9't<lllltlon Ind the multitude of MW ay11em1 for MCUrlng peo- ple, posMS81ona and pr09- -'Y .,. lea.lured. ([)8NEWI (11 BAANEY~ CB) RACE FOR THIE P£NHANT Berry Tompllln1 and Tim McCaA.et COY« all the .,_.'-ding to the IN2 World Setles. 9:16. Pt.EDGE 9AEAK Regularly 9Clheduled pro- gr1mmlng m1y l>e delayed due to pledge l>reelle.. 7:00 I cu NEWS NBCNe#S l ~..=s THE8AINT JOQR'8Wll.D ........ AEPORT ([) ...... MAGAZJNe Meet the Chicken; under· w1ter birthing. 9 ENTaTANotefT TONIGHT An lrlt41Mew with Jerry Lewis. 8 THE MlJPltETB GuMI: Peul Wtni.m.. CID p .T. BAlllNUM ANO Hl8 HUMAN ODOfT8 Rlctlerd Kiley hosts M documenwy tr9dng the car-ol tM "G ... i.1 Showman Oo Ear1h." (Q)MOVIE * • ·~ "Stuci.nt Bocllea" ( 19111 ) Krl1ten Rite r, Metthew Gold1by. A '-yY·br .. thlng ~ klller 1tdcs the lurMovlng 1tudent• 01 a typical"""-· tc.n lllgh ecflool. 'R' (%)MOVIE • • •'A "Tell Me A RIO- die" (1980) Mel..yn ~ tu, Liia Kedrova. " whh- drewn, elderly wom1n. un-• 1111t lhe II dying. eml>ettce on e IOnO journey 10 rNCquelm hefMtf wtttl II« ~tc.lty end emollon1lty H p1r1ted lemlty. 'PG' SPECIAL PERFORMANCE -Singer Tony Benn ett tenms up with Count Basie and his ban d in n special concert performance tonig ht a t 8 on KCET (28). 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured an Oflnge Clly llCINty Wile<• pertormanG41 l>efore crowd• II ul&d u thet1py. 1 profile ot "H .. vet'l'I M1maa," a san- k)( citizen'• motorcycle club; 1n llO-year-old PIU- dena IOUlptor G 8 FAMILY FEUO 8 EYE00N L.A. FNlured. 1 report on "'hit coukl hlPJ*' In the event ol WO<ld W61 Ill, I IOok •I tome exotic big ceta, 1 report on IOtne 1an11et• who tak e their sun bathing HrlOUs/y ., ([) TIC TAC OOUC»t • MACHa /LEH~ REPORT ID THE MAGIC WORLD OF MARCEL MAACEAV The w0<ld't gre11es1 llvtng pr1e1110on. ot the lncient an ol lllence perform• _, ol hla molt flll\OUI pantomimes 9 YOU ASl(EO FOR IT Featured· "Clleelllh Races l>Aotorcycle" and "Capsule Inn.'' Ct REACHINO OOT Two Canldlln leMteg«a. one phy1lc1lly handl· c1pped, the olhe< emo- tionally troubled, find the courege to re1eh oul to -=ti other t:OO I CBS MEWS SPECIAL 8 REAL PEOPLE Fe11ured: 1 mysterious California mountain; grade achOOI kkls wltll their own TV,_. 11\ow, a 92-yeer- Old nldlO talk -hosl· .. , (R) 9 MOVIE • * "Night Terror" ( 10761 vlleile H1rpe<, Richard Romlnus.. The lone wit- ,_ to a highw1y pelrol· men'• dell111 11 relentleUI)' pursued by the paycho- pathlc klllef. 8 (11 THE PHOENIX Benf\U pursues • group of url(llum htj1Cker1 who heve Ilk., 1 woman llos- ;a8~ • • • "Prince Of Fo••" ( 11149) Tyrone Power, Ofton WellM A young man Is almo.t deltroyoec:t by Ills defiance of <Allara eorota. • MOVIE "Pre1cherm1n" ( 1979) lllene Kristen. Esty F Dev· Is • 8EHHETT 6 BASIE TOGETHE.IV Two leg8'1dary st1rs or the American roolllc --Tony Benr.ett and WlHlam "Count" BUle -team up for I apeclaJ c:onc:ert I*'· formance featuring the Count Bute Bind. ~=TIME • * • "The Gr NI Toes Dynamite Cl\ue" ( t976) Claudll .Jenning•. Jocelyn Jor'4IS Two tamale bank robbers outwlt police u they r1vege the mate POPul•c• with l>lazlng lllootouts. dynamite l>lu1a l'1d outregeoue di9QUl- ·R· CH)MOVIE • "T1n.1n, Tile Ape Miil" (1981) Rlch1rd H1rrta. 8o Derek. A young wom1n Mir Chee tor her ml911ng lllMr In Ille Alrlcen jungle -· lhtt enc:ountlf'I In uncMlized wnlte man and an or11\9utan 'R' (SJ 81ZAR.RE "Al>acam C1mer1" OMOVIE * • "Nol>ocfy't Perf.,.t" ( 19111) Gal>e K1pl1n, Alea Karr11. Three unllkely heroes set out to b1111e Ille red tape and bureaucracy ol clty h•ll 'PG' 8:30 at P.M. MAGAZINE A 101a1 1tnneal8C who must rebuild her Ille; a 11.year. old aky diver. 8!) M-'RK RU88Ell w u111no1on'a top polltlcal utlrlal pokM fun at mejor 1-end,_. ator-of tt>e d•Y ©)MOVIE • • • ''CIHll Of The ntan1" ( 1981) Herry Ham- lin. Laurence Olivier My!h· lc hero Pe<-.. 11 helped l>y his l•ther Zeus In 1 Mfies ot dM09fOU9 tllka H he 1r1es to -..n the hand ol a Phoe<1lcian prl~ egllnal Iha wishes of e vengeful aee OoddMa. 'PG' CS) JANE FONDA'S CEl.EBRITY FASHIOH SHOW An 811 ... tll apeclal fl81Ur• Ing high f1Slllon, S!yltsll auper111rs l'1d m~ lldvet'lture ll:OO II Cl) MOVIE • • "Ohms" 11980) RaJPfl Welte, Devtd Birney A termer organizes hi• neighbor• 10 C0'1tl>at a local pow« company plan- ning 10 run • potentlllly dang1rous million-volt power 11118 lhrough their ., ... (R) D 8 THE FACTS OF UF'E Bl8lf end Jo rMlize lhe1 tney are ck>Mr thin they thought wt'8R they NCh 00 home on vecetlon. (R) 8 0 THEFAllGUY The reel< .... Ktlonl ol 1 counlry--tem at11 corn- ptlcata Coll'I -ell for 1 l>all-jumplng murd« llU9- pecl (R) • MERV GRIFF1H Guest holt; Didi Cl8ttl GuHta Chrlatopller "t k Ina. Moon Z8ipc>a, Man: Prioe, J M J. Bullock, VW · leOuen-. G) SOUNOeTAGE The tegend8ty Roget MUlet !*'forms "King Of The Rold," "Chug-A-Lug," "Me And Bobble McGee." (%)MOVIE • I> • "The Asphalt Jun- gle" I 111501 Sterling H1y- den, J.,._ Whitmore. The poltCe ... battled by • crlminel m •stermlnd't hell-mllllon-dollar robbery. 0:30 o a LOVE. SC>NEY L1Urie's p1rent1 i.ek• Sid· ney up on Ills Invitation IO move 11110 the apartment (Rl ------~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 TWILIGHT ZONE Ofhring crou-country, • girt keept 9"11\Q the Mme hllellhiker on the roed ahead. CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT ICBSI J>l D KNBC (NBCl 11) 8 KTLA (Ind.I 00 •)<ABC CABCI e D KFM 8 tCBSl 0 KHJ·TV !Ind.I '11J G KCST tABCl rl J • ICTTV (Ind l rsi •• ICCOP0TV llnd l • e KCET (PBS) • e ICOCE ( PBSI On-TV Z·TV HBO <C1nemaa1 I WORl NY , N Y IWTBS) (ESPN I (Showtl~J Spotttghl IC.bl• N~ N &'IWOl'll) • 8Aa< TO THE STAGE DOOA CANTEEN Hollywood fllm hlatortan and ector Tony Thomat tallee I noetelglc look I t IM Siege Door Cent_, In N-Yonc ~MOVIE • * '" "Th• oc11gon" (11180) Chuck Norrl1, LM Vi n Cl .. f. A wealthy young wom1n lllrff 1 retired mertlel .,.,. c:ham-• pion to protect her from lerrOl'lltt trli'1ed by Ille ~-w· lollnj• autt '"' 10';00 ·-~ Aft 900'~'1 ... II lftd.,.,..cl "'*' ehlt .rt• " ...... 1lerlfl1 w ~ lh<I Ilk'• ,,... iiL.-we 111119. P.lnoua -Colbf• dH ll119a With Cll Uclla, deGll• Colby, lftd Nlclt ancl Kry•ll• rulll to lloc> ClfoU. die from kllllng Cotti~ ID PMHHTING AQM C1b111t ••no•• K11en Ak4'fl t1ng1 MitetloM by a1eonen 8ond11etm, 1111y Joel and JICClllM l•el tn e ~fOtMal'IC. ITOM Hem- ovrg, Otrrnany (R)MOVIR • • "Frld1y The 13th. P1t1 II" tlHI) Amy Steel, JOlln Fu•ty The grltly kllllng• continue 11 1 t111mmer camp thet had "-' ~IOMd down 1rt., 1 _,.. or l>tz•n• murdeB OOOUf* Iller• 'R' Cl.)MOVll! • * • "Betbatella" ( lllea) Jane Fonda, Miio O'Shea " daring 8'>8C• heroine of the future ancountert Ill lrlge gll1.alea and vii· 111n1, ac<:omp9111ed l>y 1 l>llnd guardlen e~I 'PG' C,.,MOVIE • * 'h .. Victory" ( 198 I) SylYftter Stlll<>ne. MIChMI Caine. During World W11 fl, Allled POWa -their t1cka1 to freedom In • rnltch between their aoccer team 1nd Ille Ge<· man Nauon1t loam In Per- ia PG' t0:20. JAZZJN' AROUND WITtl THE TUAI< MURPHY BAND The troml>One grM t and Ill• New Orleal'lt·alyle band pe<form lrldltlOnal IUZ. Ol.alelll\d Ind ragtime tunH 10:a0e NEWS ~ INSIDE 8U8lNE8S TOOAY "Being A C11 C>Mler" A c11 Oflele< rl\INll hOw he got Into the l>UtiMn Ind how he became IWOCMll- lul. (O)MOVIE *••'It .. The Etep111n t Min" ( 1980) John Hurt, Anthony Hopkin•. A dedl· cated phyelolan t1kea under his wing • horribly M lormed man wh<*I Ufe until then had .,._, 199fll In Cheap freak nhlblllon•. 'PG' 11:00&DUCIJOQ! NEWS 8 SATUROAYMGHT Host M1rg o1 Kidder GUM1a: The ~llnl. 8 YOU ASKED~ IT Featured. "Georgia Gold· llelda" and "Belly Bucil· I .. al M'A'S'H An enlllled men who wanll 10 morry I K0<een glrl comes 10 Hewtteye tor help • BEHNYHlll Benny por1r1ys Tn Cym- bll, the GOiden Boy of Poe> 8il OOCTOA IN THE HOOSE Michael tanglee with the local "Ille of the PlrtY·" (%)MOVIE * * 'h "On Any Sundey'' ( 1117 ll Oocumenlary. Steve Meo.->, Merl Ll-M The world of motorcycle raclrio Is -lrom vwytng pc>tnls of view 11:3C> 8 ([) MOVIE • * ''The Ued\Ma Touch" ( 19711) Rlohard Burton, L• Remlcl<. A p1ychletrla1 likes on the c.M of 1 man wt>o l>elteYee he has the men111 ~ to ceuM 8ClQldenta, dlauter and dNth.(R) D8TOHIOHT Quest ho1t: Dick C11181t Qu11tt: Helen Gurley Brown, meglclll't o.i 'lier· "°"· Rlcti Little 8 (11 A8C NEWS NtOH'TUNE D MOVIE • • '" "The Bual., K•ton Story" (1115 7) Donald O'Connor, Rlloflda Flem- ing. The ·~ comedlen 1>eeomes the hero of tilent lllmt. 4D THE JEff'EMOHS A reunion of hi• old ttrM1 oano ha George 8Cllng Ilk• a kid again • 8ANFOAO AHO SON Gfldy ltiet 10 keep the Sanf0<d hOme fr• of Bible mMtlnga end orgtet. ID CAPTIOHED A8C NEWS ~MOVI£ * * ·~ "Paplllon" ( 1973) Steve M<:O-. Du111n ~offm1n. A p•lr of Del/II'• ISiand oonvlctt lpend lhelf time pllnnlng their ..cepe. Clll 9U8 STOP The "-or _., tre- velerl cf\enge When they lie ltranded In I ""811 K1nu 1 town. M1root Kidder Ind Tim Mii~ tlll . 11:40 (J) MOVIE ••• "Eye Of The._. TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) 7::i0 ''The MuMlt-Wurltl of Mal'Ce'I Mnrt.-enu " Ifonownl'<i pontomin11-ct . performa thl' url u ( 8tlt.•ru:c . KCE'r (28) 8:00 "!Wnn<'tt and &stl' TogC'lht•r." 'fwo lcf(tmdary stors of tlw Amerit•un mulill' sct.>nc swinl( throuKh 11pec..·1ul pt•rf urmunl'l' St~ phutu, left KNXT (2) 9:00 -"O hms." Ra lph Wan t•, David Birney star tn a story ab<1ut o farml'r who orgun1zt.>s his ncif(hbori. tu fight plans of n lcxul powl•r t'Ompany. K N SC ( 4 ) 1 0: 0 0 '· Q u t n ,. y " A n agor aphobic is cn<lunf(e re d when sht• witneSS<'s a slaying die" (Ill& I) Donald Suther· land. Kate N411110an White on • 11mote Sco1111n llland 10 meet • German 11u1>m111ne, 1n Aaia spy ltndt sheller lrom th• tlorm tn Ille collage of a young rnerrlod couple 'R' 12:00 8 ENT£R'T AIHME.HT TONIOHT An int.,vl-w1th ,kwry L-ls 0 @) LOVE BOA.T June 101n1 the ship's MCret all-male clul>. end a young min helps I gymn11t come 10 11tm1 with her ovorprotecliv• f1ther (RI Q) MOVIE • • • "The Cantervllle Gho1t' f 1944) CherlH Laughton. Roberl Young A meek m1n must perform an ICt ol courage to tree hlmaeHl rom Ille ghoet ot a cowardly ancestor II) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE OMOVIE • • * ~ "Woodatocle" ( 1970) Documentary Mlll"IY or the top musical groups ot the late '60s perform 11 the lemout rock conoer1 h8td In S.tllel, New York, 1n 1969 12:ao o a uTE NIGHT wrrH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guesll Orville Reden- l>eclle<. Pee w .. Herman, concerl promoter Biii Or eh am 8 COUPLES Cl) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (%}MOV1E * * "HNrtl>eept" ( 111111) Andy Kaufman, 8efn1· dell• Peter• In 1 world of the near future, two com· merclal robots exportenoe the Ylc•Hltudes ot llrat love ·PG l~(Q')MOVIE * • "Oeadly Bleutng" ( 1961) E,,_1 Borgnlne. L041 Nellteton. A young woman who marries Into 1 llrlcl llllgloul Hci dllCOV• era lhtt la tr IPPfld tn 1 hv- ing ntghltT\81'8 'R' 1:008 MOVIE * • 'h "Jet Over The AUll'ttic" (19501 Guy M1dl- 1on. v1rglnl1 Meyo A Sp11n·IO·New 'f'Ofk 8 rtlner run• mto e 9«lee o4 cellm· Illes tffllng lhe -and wlts of the pilot • MOVIE * •'h "R1mrod" p a.7) Joel Mc;CrH, VaronlCI Lllte. So that sll8 can have hW own w1y. Ille female owner ot 1 ltlMP rand> hirM men 10 help her outwit her OWr1 lather t:10 8 MOVI£ * * • * "Mwry Mel M11ry Mel" ( 1968) Claude B«rt. Ellul>eth Wien«. -' Jewlall book peddler 11111 h~ lessly In love with a young Belgian girt who need• I 11thet '°'her unborn chlld (11 NEWS t:30 8 NEWS D 8NBCNEW8 OW.....OHT CID MOVIE * * • "The Other Side Of The Mounllln -Pert 11" (19711) Marllyn HaSMll, Tlmotny Bollom• For..- ch1mplon llklef Jill Kin· mont. rende<ed • quldrl- pleglc; l>y I trlglc ICClidenl, wr•ll• wilh aeH-4oul>t When a ,_ love en1.,. her Ille. 1:40 CSJ MOVIE • • ·~ "Victory" 1111111 I Svtveater Stallone Mlcllaal Caine Duttng World War II, Alllod POW1 ... th8tr ticket 10 freedom 1n a malch between their M>CC8f' teem and the Ger- man N1tlon1t TMm in P11- lt PG 2:00 II MOVIE • • !,\ "Funeral In Berlln" (19671 Michul Caine, Otcar Homolke A Brllllll 1ge11 t arrengea f Of I moek tuR41<el In orde< to .. fely smuggle 1 Ru19!1n detec- tor ovt of Be<tln Q) MOVIE • • "Fon 001>1>1" ( 19511) Cllnl Walker Virginia M1yo Cl)MOVIE • • • "The Aap11a11 Jun- gle" ( 1950) s1e1t1ng Hay- den. James Whltmo•• The pollC8 1re baffled l>y • crlminal m1tt1rmlnd'• ha1t-mm1on-dai1r rol>~ . 2: 10 (C) MOVIE • • "Honky Tonk Free- woy" (Comed y) Beau Bridget, Bevflfly 0' Angelo A am1ll town In Florlda takes matt9f a 1n10 111 own hands when l>y-pused l>y 1newhlghway 2:30IBNEW8 2:408 NEWS 3!00 8 MOVIE What Trie Butter Saw' ( 1950) Henry Mllll1on Edward RIOl>V DMOVIE •'It "In God We Trust" ( 19110) Marly Feldman, Andy ~1Ulm111 A naive monk IS _,, out lnlo the world to r81M money '°' his Impoverished monasl- 'PG' 3:1&CIDMOV1E • • "Friday Tiie 13th, Plrt II" ( 1118 t) Amy Stoat, John Fur-r The grisly kllllngs continue at 1 summer camp thll hid been CloMd down after a serlea of l>lxarre murd.,t occurred t'*• 'R' 3:40.(S) MOVIE * • • "Tim' (1981) Plpet Laune, Mel Qll>aon A young retarded man and • 11ns111ve middle-aged women develOP a cloM rel1Honsn1p ol mutu•I need and under11endlng 11111 lead• to an unortho- do• m1rrlege. 3:ecl at MOVIE • • "Fort WOfth" ( 1951) Randolp/l Seott, 011nd Brl· en A gun111noer-1urR90- newapapeNnen linda that hit prowess with 11 slx- 11\oole< is slill more elfec- flve 111an word• In deallng with l•wleS• element• 4.-00 ct) MOVIE • • Goodbye, Emmenuelle" (1977) Sylvia Kristel. Umberto Orllnl A beavlll\li women's aearch for lhe ul1tma1a e<otlc experience l>rlngt he< to a 11ar111ng reellullOrl 'R' (%)MOVIE ••'It "On Any Sunday" ( 11171) Oocumer1t11ry Steve Mc<luMn. Merl La-II The world of motorcyde rec1ng 11 ._, lfom vlrylng po<nts ol view 4:258 MOVIE •• ·~ "To Hive And To HOid" ( 1961) Rey Barrett, Kalllet'ill8 Blalll A police detective YVlnetlble IO the cn1rma of fem•••• JOHN DARLING '(OL) GAN IEL..L- IF YOL.IR CO~N 15 READY TO 0E. PIC.KW 0Y 'TH~ TASSEL..S,.JOHN! Warmth Rx for his doctor role I B JERRY BUCk so much and am so much a part of it that the lines latch, on to. They've ei ther been in a hospital. or :J'T....._ wnw get blurry. they ve never been and never want to. LOS ANGELES -When an actor plays a "There has been a deliberate effort on my part "The light blend of serious subjects has caught character who is stuffy and pompous you can bet to make him a more acceptable human being on. And Dr. Riverside is the lightest one on the show he'a going to wage a campaign to change the image without losing the com.le edge. I also think the We've gotten Into serious melodrama, but we've to warm and lovable. · publlc accepts more. They like to predict the always kept pulling back -wi th a soupcon of Loretta Swit made such a transfonnation on outcome." giggles. It seems to be right for the times." "M·A-S-H." She'• no longei:,~Hot Lips Houlihan, Siebert was inte.rviewed while sitting on the Siebert was a regular on the series, "Husbands, but la Maj. Marcaret Houlihan. You can bet If deck of "The Love Boat." aJtbo~h the nearest deep Wives and Lovers," and had recurring roles on Larry Linville had atayed we'd be finding Frank D I d "The Blue Knight" and "One O.y at a Time." Burns adorable. "Trepper John M. ·" • •-n Sun •Y He said he moved to Los Ange les after Actors want to be loved. night• on Channel 2. exhausting all the work poestbllitles in New York. ll'a no leaa irue on CBS'• "Trapper John, M.O." .. "It was time '" ""me out, time lo look for f ... _,_ -.a _,,__fl ot •M A S-H " ln hJ h water wu i., mJlf't away. Actually, there was • ...., "" a sort o \K' .. y~ ..--' • • • w c piece of the deck here and 8 piece \here on the something diffe rent," aaid Siebert, a native of Ch.arlea Siebert i>l•1• an updated (and more aound s1age at Goldwyn StudJoe. He wu making Kenosha, Wla., and • graduate of Marquette dvtllmd) doctor. hia teeond appearance on the ABC comecly aenee. University. He atudi~ at the London Academy of In the flnt few yean of "Tr•pper John,'' "I have a bl& romance whh Connie Stevena," Musk and Art and rema.lned an additJonal two Siebert played Dr. Stanley BJwnlde ts a likable he aatd. "She plays a mind retider. We fall in love, years u • teacher and director. but offidou8 chief of ~ aervicea at San all ln n.lne minut.8. The tint job he land~ wu on "The Rockford Frand8co Memorial HOIP . Hla purpo11e In the "Obviously my c:ha.racter'• m.arTU\ge t. rather Files." a.how wu t.o be a thorn In the llde of Trapper John, shaky. He come1 on the ship to think thtnea over. "l wu brand new to movies," he laid. "Here played by Pemtll Roberta, Md Oonz.o Gates, played He tees her and fal.11 ln Jove." wu tho clua1caUy trained Shakeepe.arean a.ct.or. l by Grepy Han1IOft. In terms of •UCl'e91. "Trapper John" hat jut\ apent my IU..' day dotna nolhin8 but dr1vln, • car. Bui Dr. JUv•"'* allo hM been undeJ'IO!nc about, but not quite, equalled the 1uccna of "The next d*Y Jamee Gamer came up lo me. I chtnet· Same of die ~ hM been oominc out "M-A-S-H." thought, 'here comes the compliment ~ actina.' of bil INt\. "I was eotni =. w• blaw.e it'• a nwdlcal He' laid. 'You know, you're retlly • driver.' .. lie'• men tumn now. but k'• bard to MY show but not all abowa makAt It." 8'eba't ~t waa my flnt accolade ln Hollywood. Alter that how he'• cbanead.,. ~ aya. •Tve Uved with ft aid. ''ll'• a com~mnc envt.ronm.nt that people can 1 <tid an awful lot of drtvtn,.'' bec;omH person1lly lnvol\led *Ith I !lfeily, •OUtlO wtOOW ~IU le IMinO he1eUed with Ot alh """'' 4·40( H l MOVtl • ·~ "Under T h• Rlllobow" ( IN I) Chevy Ct\ue, C1trle filllllf T 111 160 mld(let1 """«> 1te In tt>wn IOI Ille fllmmg of "Tt .. W11111tf Ot 01," tum • C•11forn11 hotel ~•ld•down ·PQ gMOvt • • • 't 1191 ltOrll On 1111:111 Ronald C01m1n. J-Wyelt A kidnapped Cl1prom.. dltc:overa Ille H1ma11yan kingdom ol Sn1ngri l a, a pl-Of eternal pelCI and lmmor te~IY 1'hur•day•11 Dnyl lntf-Hot•f.-11 -MORNING- 8:00 CC)• • "Voung Joe Ttwl Forgot11n Kennedy" ( t977) Peter Strau11, Bai l>•r• Pari.1n1 llle etdeat Ken1'18<1'( volunteer• for 1 dangerous ••'1•me m1a .ion whlCh, II IUCcetaful would bring lllm bee)( a lloro •nd one step ctoeer to 11141 White Houae. 1:30 (!) • • '> • S11rdusl Mem orlff" (1980) Woody Allen, Cherl01te Rempling A 8"C· eesalul dlreclor laces a personal crlSta aa rie trtea 10 make some maJ0< decl· llons In his 111e 'PG' <ZJ * • · Oown Argenllne Wey" ( t940l Belly Greole. Oon AmechO A beaulilul he1ress follows a wealthy ' South American from NtfW Vork 10 Argen1tna t:OO 0 • • ·w 111y Wonka And Tiie Chocotale Fectory ( 1971) Gell8 Wiider, Jack -'lberlson A world famous conlec1ton11r oilers a Ille· time supply 01 candy 10 the llve winners ot a lr88SOre hunt .. /J 10;00 lCJ • ~·A Ltltle Romance" ( 1979) Lau· rence OllYler, Diane Lane An elderly con or1l11 joins two young runaw1ys 1n love on a mad dash across Ille European continent with the cll1ldren'1 paren1s one! the pollce in 1101 pur- sull 'PG' CS)• • "The Mallese Sip- py" ( 1969) Dan Rowan, Otcl< U a.rtln Two unem- ployed producers ol porno movies l>eeomea the SOia survivors ol a Mlf iell or multiple murder• 10:15(l) • • l arzen The Ape M an .. (1981) Richard Harris, 8o Oerel< A young women se&rchet !or he< missing fathflr In the Alrl· can jungle where she encounle<S an unclvtllted while man and an orangu- tan 'R' I 1!00 0 • * 'n "TM My&le<IOUI Stranger" I 19821 Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne A daydream1r19 Missour1 t>Oy l•nclM an encounle< With 80 Inge! Of dubtoul O<lOtn In medHIVll ll,u1trte 11:30 (B) • • • "Hel vet'I Cen Wall" (1978) Warren Beel· ty, Julie Christle. After e pro footl>ell llar'a Mfe I• prem1lurely claimed l>y en inept angel. Ille man 11 giv- en lhe body ol 1 mlllionalnt 1nduatrlali1t lo continue llv· ~in. 'PG' lS.J • ·~ "Under The Rain· bow" (19111) Chevy Chue Carrie Fisher The 150 midgets who are In lown ror the lilmlng of "The Wlz. 1rd 0 1 Oz." tum a Califor- nia hole! upside-down PG 12!00 0 • • • 'Unl0'1 Slatlor't" j 1950) w 11111m Holden, Berry Fltzgerald A blind girl is kidnapped, l>ul doesn't unde<stend her sit· u•llon due to her aoghllen- •t1llf ( IHO) Joelt '°"'" \ telne ~ C04'9n fwo ' people beHved lllled ... all au pt111141 1.1aan oOftlldlr a11111119 Ille -llOllifl ·~tll .. (CJ ...... ,.,. ,, .... " t .... , Ow• loQMde, Alen INt• hMd on a ncMll 11¥ 84Hn111d Malamud A tum- ol the century J1w1an pe1unt ta wronofully tmprl10l\4M'.l for the deaih of • clllld in Kiev 12. 16 (1) •''I Roel> 'N' Roll HIOll flcl>Ool" ( ltft) Ji J Solee. Vit-I ll1t1 Pellen A l>uddlrtg 90'1gWrlt.. et Vince Lombetdt H(Oh ,, ... 10 gel lhe "-to record ,,., mutlG wlllle her equally aml>Hloua lnend pur-• the ICllool ,_.. thfol> PO t :30 (SJ • • • ··c 1ut1 Of The 1 il•r>a ' ( 19111) Harry Hltn· ;1n, Laurenu Oflvter My!n- IC helO PerHUa ill nelped by 1111 • l•lhlll z-In 8 M!flea ol dangerou• tUllt aa he 1r1es to win Ille hand of a PhoenlClan prl11CeN GQilnat lht wiahet ot 1 vengeful •u goddeH PG 2!00 0 • • ''> Vtctory" (19111) Sylvea1e1 Slellone. MlchNI Caine During World Wll ii. Allied POWa Ml their tlCklll to lreedom tn • match between 1nelf 60CC8r ltlam Ind the Ger. m•n N1111onal Team In Par- is 'PO' (%) • • '" "Hollywood Boul8v1rd" ( 19761 Candice Rial.on Dick Miiiet Fresh from lndtena, 1 young uplr.ng atarlel t>ecomet lnvolvtid ln a real rol>l>ery thal slle thinks 11 port ot n..r movie debut 'R' 3:00 (}t) • • '> Seoul'• Honor" ( 1960) Gery Coleman, Ka1her1ne Heimonc! A lonely orphan cor>t ll't exlremaly reructent, heppl- ly single ueculive Into 1>eeomin9 den moltww to a ·pack. ot Cul> Scouts 3:30 (C • • '> "P1'1Cllclttt Gr end Prt•' ( 1980) Ani- mated After hll car d811gn Is Sloien by an ea-col- league o b'111tant mechan· IC d&ctdes lo build 1n ......, bell., racing machtnfl and compete wllh n1s ..-is ·G ($) • • • •;, "Oarl>y O'Glll And lhe Lillie People" ( 1959) Alben Sharpe, Seen Co<-tnery An old lrtlll car• llkltl who is about to loM hlS jOI> 10 a younger man captures Iha king ot the leprechauns and forces him 10 granl lhrM wl"-. ·G· ClJ • • 'Down Argentine Way' C 19.olO) Belly Grable Oon Ameche A beautttul heire111 follows a wealthy South Ame<ICan from New York IO Argenl•nl 4:00 0 • • • "Senta Fe P111- sa941 • I 19541 Jonn P1yll8, Fallh Oomergue. Oeepite the 1ac1 11181 he 11 en tndl· i n-hater a man rana In love with 1 hell-l>feed 0 • • Willy Wonk1 And The ChOCOJ&lfl F11<:1ory" (1971) Gell8 Wiider. Jack Aloor11on A world lamous contec11one< olle<a a Ill• lime tMJpply ol candy 10 the five w1"ners ol a tr-..r• hunt 5:00 CC; • • Young Joe. The Forgotten l(ennedy" ( 1977) Petar Strauee. Ber. l>ara P•rktns The eldest Kennedy volunt-. tor a danoe<OUI wll1ifne mll· sion wt11ch, 11 sucoeNful, would l>rtng him l>eclc • hero and one step ctoaor 10 lhe Whtie House ©J • * • • The Bank Oocll ( 19401 W C Flelda, U11• Merkel A men 1'11d· venenlly lolls a robbery •nd 1s awarded the job ol 1>111k guard torclng htm 10 tee• a reel holdup. 5:15 CZ • ,.., Rock N' Roll Htgh School 119711) P J Soles, V1ncen1 Ven Patten A budding songwrller at V1noe Lombardi High trlet to get Ille Ramones to record her muaoc wf\lle her ness equally aml>lllOUI tnend • • • The Last pursues Ille school helrl· Blltzk11eg" (1059) Vin throb PG' Johnson. Dick York. Our· 5:30 (Sl • • ·1111s l1 Elvlt" Ing World Wer ll's Batlle of ( 1981) Document Ir( Fiim the Buig41, I gung-ho Nut looteg. Ir~ drltnlltlC r• and Ills band ol .. l>oteurs etHllons are used lo fell lnflltrlle Alhed troops. the atory ol Elvtt Pr911ey·a e * • 'n · Septeml>e! Ille and c••- b y Armstrong & Batiuk ,.. ... .,.. ... CHANGING CHARACl'ER -Charles Siebert;: who plays the atu.fty Dr. Stanley Riverside on the CBS TV 1erles, ''Trapper John M.D." sayt: the character is becomina more human. • · " I Cll Oreno• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, Auguat 26. 1982 SPLIT -Actress Barbara Ede n and h e r husban d , Chlcago publis her Charles Fegert , h ave separated, according to a spokesman for the couple. PLO withdrawal semi-organized chaos BEIHUT, Ll'l>.in1111 lAI'> ~'OUI' cJay11 or I hl'i'l'?i lllltl tl•llfll wlld 11hoollnl(, 1111 .. 11111~ 11( vlt·tor y •lgn•, f>1111:.lo11ult• ll1"lt mtnult• 1•mbriu.'111 und 1>l1111y "1h·111 fut'''" It 111 thl· !l4m11 111 J(1111111 'll 1 huo~ of the PLO w11htl1uwul 1111111 Wt'!il Beirut The St.'l'nt' 1s vll'tuullv I h1· -..11111 each day. Uut•rr1UM (·h~·n for lrl.lnllfl!r rendPzvou:c ut th•• shattered football suid1u111, rllmb onto Lebant-st• urmy 11 Ut:ks to lht• d ea f e n i n g so u n d o f rt f I (' ll , mal·b 1ne guns .ind roc:kt'l propelled gn•niuJes bt'tn~ fm•d into the air Mu~lt· ulu1 t'N Patriotic slogam1 hoom thruugh loudspeakers. Group11 of me n march into tht• stadium in reason:.iblv m1l1tu1 y fashion Somt• brc-ak off 1.1ncl gathe r in the middle o.( t ht> s1.ad1um for pictures, mut·h Ilk<' high school graduating C'lasst>s. There arc w1VL'S, t{trlfrwnds, lllllllll'I'> old I 11t•1\tlN, llU1Jp1.11 lt1T"H, 1rnd \' 1hl yuuthH "hon• m ain puqx~· uppt•••l'h lo Ix· 11hoollng ol f 111111(11/lnt• oll h'I nl(IJ(ll710t' Of llllllllUlllllUll llllll till' 1111 'I' IH· \ II I •• v u II , ,. u v t' s I h l' 'tltlhu1n 111 1111 1·111 ojlUJth·rmg dm .11111 w1111l1> thrnuJ<h 1h1· litl{•rro st1 t•1'l-. ol w1•Nl H1•1rul In u ruut·ou1, flug wuvtng victory purndc victory be,•au11e tht· P11 lc-stinlnns fct'I thl'Y won th i11 w11r u~tunsl a vustly sup<-rior lsrat~h nrmy JUst by s taying in tlw fil'ld llli ll'n~ as tht•y did. T1><.lny thl' M.'t•nt• wlll tx• largc..•ly tlw saml', l'Xl'l'Pt that the plan l'alli. for rnn1.y of thl• guernllas to 111rn t•ust thr·uu~h Chrtstwn-and lsrat.'li Jw ld cust &•1rut und head out un thl' Damu~us highway for Syn;i, rathl'r than rollmg into Bt•1rut µ11r1 to t'mbark upon 'hip.' 'flw w1thdrnwal workt.•d out hv Pn•s1dt•nt Rl'agan's special cmvoy Phtltp (.' ll11b1h hwi no\ bt.>l'O without h1td1e•11 T~w h•raells, who 111otlllU1 tht• pullout upt'l'utw11 fru111 butlcling11 just out11de tht• port un•u. Wl•rt• angl'n·d Sunduy wht·n Pl.O gUl'rrlllus bound (en 'l\111111111 \Ook what ltHlH·I l'lul1l1t•d wt-rt- unuuthonn.>d )t~'pd Jl\d Wl'ilJX>f)lj aboard thl'1r ship The lsrul'lls sealL-d tht: porl for s I x ho u rs. u n l i I l ht• y wt> rt• assun-d the vchklt.'~ uml WNIJX>IUi would Ix· droppt'<l off in CyprU2i On Monday, lhr daily m nvoy or trucks was ht.>ld up for 'uboul an hour wht•n u l'Ur bomb t'Xpludcd near tht' gUl'rrllla11 ' route to the port. No one was injured The opnation gt.'nNally has bf.en fairly smooth. Thl• PLO and Lebant'S<' government say 2.192 guerrillas le-fl w<'St Beirut in the first thrN• duys, and PLO u ff1 c1als at the stadium !>a id TUl'tl<foy'a jroup '"' lucll'd ulx>ut 1,000 Tht' PLO h11.1111Utd ll to\.111 of 11hou t 7,~0() (lgh lt'l I> art• lo be• t'VllCUOlC'CJ f'rench dlplomal.b 1nvolv1-d 1n c1vcl"K'l'ing thl· Jou<lm)( opc.•ruuon Ill the port istild tht• Sul E>eprt•11.'I pussengt•r Hhtp ~:.11lt•d £or tht• Soulh Ycmenl l'1tp1wl of Adt.·n on Tuc•sday with 577 gta·rrilus, trowdt.>d off the forry Munduy They n11d 1,000 st.·hedult•d fur North Yenwn would ll'UVl' t..odny If 11 lar~l' t•nough ve:.sd could tx· l·hartered, or would gu 111 twu t o n s 1 g n m t• 11 l s l u d a y u 11 d Thursd~1y. Although tht· pullout has bt-tm marked by 1ew ma.JOr inC"ad<·nts, the conswnt <.'<'lebratory shootrng has uik1·n 1L<; toll thret· Wl'Sl Beirut t'ivil1ans k1llt•d and :! I w oundl'd by stra y bullf'ls an·ord1ng to Lebunt.'M' pol1t•t· SOUl'C'l'S A F'rt•t1c·h For~lgn L cai aon otrl<.-e1 . wh<*' unil br 1&.-Uuned In Beirut port, lll.lld 8 (lUt'rrila WWI ntt1donwlly 11hot and wounded In the hl'nd by 11 ('Omradc Monday Thi• 11u1 /11 INC• hi that th e toll haa bt•t•n '"' ow, t·on111derlng lhe 11u111ht•1 or round1> fired and the nulun· ,,f ~Jll)t• or the shooting. O n Tut.>11duy. ror example, a y1Jung gul'rrtllu could ~ seen In tht• stadium 11how1ng a young girl how tu f1rt• has rifle Before 11he J<<>l tht· hang~ it, she peppered a m·arl>y building Also Tut•sdav, bullets from a lwuvy mul'htn<•.gun fired in to the ai r ll<'VC'rt·d a 10-foot-long tree brunch and St.•n l 1t 1:rashing in to th(• Sll't'c.'1 Thf' cll•p1irtmg guerrillas' vie ws uf tht• t u lurc· a n • strikrngly s1m1lar No o ne talks about su.irtrnl( a m·w life or making a 1H•w h ornt• 1 n ano ther Arab l'ountrv E Dis "THE ~~BULOUS" ~ (OUR SELECTION ;-' ~ 18956 BROOKHURST ST. iJEWElSBY ISENDLISS) T FOUNTAIN VALLEY I DISCOUNT JEWELRY . = "u .~~~:~:c~~:'l~~) A Ill • ..I ..I c • • 0 ~ 0 a I U T GOlD• DIAMONDS• "ICIOUSS10NIS• 'IULS• 80% THIS IS IT! FINAL WEEK! ENDS SATURDAY! HURRY! BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPEN!! DON'T MISS OUTI SALE HOUIS DAILY TIL 6 pm SIT. 10-8 THIS IS IT!! "One of the Most Magnificent Inventories Anywhere !" JEWILIY INYENJOIY PllCIS 50% 75% 40% OFF INllll COLOSSAL SIDCI "ONCE IN A LIFETIME PRIC OUR STYlES ARE MAGNIFICENT I I 1411. CHAINS 16" 11" 20" ~o \\~~! 1 oss I,; \0~~-. l'E•HAl'S THE LOWEST l'•ICE IN AME•ICA DIAMONDS ~?. 50 %-75 %-80 % OFF a a cc •' ·Going Up But Our Prices Stay Low! STORE FOR SALEI MAKE OFFER I WE QUITI STORE FOR SALEI MAKE OFFERI w1 · QUITI Dilly Piiat WIBDNESOAV, AUGUST as, 1912 SUPERMARKET SHOPPER SLIM GOURMET MEAD ON WINE 06 08 09 ' -. 'I • . . . .. Recipe makes ribbons :~-J -.. •, .... r " ·, . . . . . ..... . . ' . . ' ~ ~ \. ' ~,; •1 ., I l _ • • I • ' 1 ' ;1 •• '• ~ \. ·-· \. • • • • t!f!l~ > • ·'·' • j •- By SANDIE JOY Of"'9DellJ ......... For a spectacular, colorful party dessert, Irvine resident Jane Hoffman recommends her Ribbon Gelatin Mold. "You've gotta have patience, though," she cautioned. "It took me 15 hours to do that last one. It had 21 layers, and I began at 7 a.m . and finished exhausted at 10 p.m." Mrs. Hoffman, who has been making the mold for special oocaaipna ever since an elderly relative gave her the recipe 17 years ago, said the dessert a1ao can be made with five or 10 layers "and still look gorgeous." She ~dded, "Eighteen layers works best, though, for holding its shape, for staying power." She begins with a layer of red gelatin, waits an hour until it's well hardened, then adds a layer of white .. "It's red, white, green, white, red and so on," she explained, "and I like e.nding up with red because people say it looks prettier." Everytime she's done one of her Ribbon Gelatin Molds, Mrs. Hoffman said, "People go bananas. They just flip out. They stand there and count all the tiny little layers." ) When pouring each layer, Mrs. Hoffman cautioned, be gentle and careful. "Then gently jiggle the dish to spreaa at out so it won't b leed into the previous layer." STRATA SEEKER -Jane Hoffman admits it takes plenty of patience to make her Ribbon Gelatin Mold. Mrs. Hoffman, who claims hers was the first family to buy a home in Irvine's College Park · village, said she only knows of two other people who make the mold. of them has been making the recipe for more than 25 years. Here are the ingredients and instructions: RIBBON GELATIN MOLD 1 large package lime gelatin or 2 amall packages l large package strawberry gelatin or 2 small packages ~ pint all-purpose cream (whipping cream or non-dairy whipping cream or half and hall) ~ pint aour cream ~ cup sugar 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 'h cup cold water Mayonnaise or salad dressing Dissolve lime gelatin in 3 ~ cups boiling water. Set aside. Don't refrigerate. Diaeolve strawberry gelatin in 3~ cups boiling water. Set aside. Don't refrigerate. Mix plain gelatin in ~ cup cold water and let stand 10 to 15 minutes to dissolve . Stir occasionally. Pour all-purpose cream into pot over very low flame. Add sugar slowly and stir. Add plain gelatin mixture to sugar and all- purpose cream. Remove from stove and place mixture where it'll keep lukewarm. Mrs. Hoffman puts the mixture over hot water in a double boiler. On low speed of mixer. cream the sour cream for 2 minutes, then fold. in sweet cream mixture. Don't refrigerate. Grease a glass pan , approximately 14 inches by 7 inches by 2 inches, with mayonnaise or salad dressing. E¥erything's still peachy as the eason grow long. Serl'e cream of the crop for dessert. Page DS. --... ~ SHOWING YOUR STRIPES -Stacking the layers of Ribbon Gelatin Mold is a good job for a hot summer day. You get to open the refrigerator door e very 45 minutes. The glass pan is essential so you can see which colors follow which. Take ~ cup (or slightly more) r ed ~elatin and put it in pan. NOW REFRIGERATE FOR ONE HOUR so bottom layer is extra firm. Take ~ cup (or slightly more) white gelatin mix and put it on top of red gelatin. Refrigerate for 45 miruntes. Take ~ cup (or slightly more) green gelatin and put it on top of white gelatin. Refrigerate for 45 minutes.. . C.Ontinue as above alternating red, white, green, white, red, white, green, etc. until all gelatin is used. .. HELPFUL HINTS Refrigerate glass pan before starting gelatin-making. This will facilitate hardening of gelatin. Make double mixture of white (at 2 separate times). It seems there isn't quite enough white in this recipe, Mrs. Hoffman said. Keep white gelatin mixture over warm water since this mixture hardens more quickly than the red or green. If a smaller size glass pan is used, 'h cup gelatin ia enough for each laye r. However, in the standard 14 inch by 7 inch size, a tiny bit more than 1h cup is necessary for each layer. After adding the last layer of gelatin, refrigerate the entire mold. When it's time to serve, cut mold into squares. Recipe makes approximately 30-40 squares (2 x 2 inches) and can keep for several days. Preserve taste of sunimer for cold winter's eve Old fashioned home canned plums, peaches, and cherries have taken on a new light twist. Gone are the rich , sugar-laden syrups of yesteryear. Replacing them are fruits packed in unsweetened juioe, a little honey, or an extra light syrup. Plums come in many varieties: large or small, sweet or sour, clingstone or freestone and many shades of red or blue. Use the abundant round, red varieties, like a Santa Rosa, for canning Plums in White Grape Juice. The peak of peach season is here. That good home canned peach flavor can only be obtained by using firm, golden ripe fruit. Cherries, bright crimson Bings or pale Royal Annes, lend themselves beautifully to home canning. An extra light syrup helps to preserve the color and texture. And as a show-stopper finale for a light party dessert, add a touch of brandy, flame, and ladle over a 9COOp of vanilla ice cream. Whether you prefer the old- faahioned goodness of fruit plain, fancy, or in-between, now is the time to can for next winte r's enjoyment. PLUMS IN WRITE GRAPE JUICE 8 to 10 pounds plums 3 cups white grape juice 1 cup water Prepare home canning jars and lida 11CCOrding to manulacturer's imtructiona. Prick plums with a 1tertlbed needle. ~not prevent Mina from but doel help prevent the' fruit bunltinl· Process 25 minutes in a boiling water bath canner. Yield: about 4 quart jars. PEACH SAUCE 6 pounds firm, ripe peaches Juice of one orange i,.., cup honey l small piece crystallized ginger or IA teaspoon ground ginger. Prepare home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instructions. Peel peaches; remove pits. Place in a soaking solution to prevent darkening. Puree half of the peaches in a blender or food processor. Slice or chop re maining pe ache1. Combine peach puree and slices, orange juice, honey, and ginger in a large saucepot. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Carefully pack into hot jars, leaving ~ inch head apace. Adjust caps. Procees 20 minutes in boiling water bath canner. Yield: about six 8 ounce clEaRIES 4 to 5 pounds sweet cherries 1 cup sugar 4 cups water Prepare home cannina jan and lids according to manulacturer'a instructions. Wash, drain, and stem cherrlea. Pita may be left in or taken out.I U pit ia left in, prick MCh cherry with a 1tertli1ed needle ta prevent buntin8 and abrinldna· ! A wire haj.rpin or paper cllp can~ be uaed to remove pita If no~ regular cherry pttter ii available.• Boil to sterilbe. Stick loop end t.hrouah Item end of cherry and lift out pit. Brine 1u1ar and water to a boll; aclcl a unall amount of 1yrup to each jar. Carefully fill jar wfth cherri•, abake aently to peck cherrlea cloeely without c:rwh1nc. leevina inch bud 1pace. Cover with boUinl ayrup, leavtnc ~ Inch he.d apace. Remove air bubblet with a non-metalllc •tula. AcUwt capa. PERFECI' ENDINGS -Rich fruit Oavor of plums, petdlee and ch me. with llDidgin of provided b bit f honey or light syrup will warm the heart on a cold winter'• eve h WMh and drain pluma. CCllnblne- wblte p-ape jWoe and water; heat syrup to botllnc· Add plums, not more than two layers at a time. Remove pan from heat two mtnu~ea after addtn1 plum1. Cover. Let 1tand 20 to 30 minutea. Carefully P9Ck pluma ,into bot Jan. leevina ~ inch hM4 1pece. Reheat tyl'Up to boillna· Pour llYfUP OYW plunw, leavlna \.i Inch hMd tpllCe. RemcMt air bubblet with a non-metallic Procem fO minuWI in boOirw walllr' beth cenner. Yield: about 4 ptn Jan. ··~· .... ' .. ' \ \ • I - •• Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Wednelday, Auguat 25, 1~82 --------------- 500 8TORI! COUP N 'Lli"~'" \.."t. ~-----) Save SOC Oft l•f, liver I lacon flavor or Regu lar GRAW TRAIN· OAVOOO l"OOO GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION NC04 2Sb300 I I I I I I - - - --·-- - - - - - - - -I 0 Save 30° on 6 cana of any flavor GRAW TRAIN· CANNEO 000 FOOO GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION NC042S7300 --------------- fl fW IUUt ¥tu ••..,._,,.. 'Ct «t • w .... ._ t"t 1 ....... liOt'I ot 11'19 ~ '#t N t....O,,,,N fOW l«t .;IA#I :::.: .. "'=':." =.~.:::.~t::-;::,.:;;_ ': ... ,...,. .............. ,"° .... '""<OwPO""'lllfl ........ ~ .,.,~ ... d\ibt .. wttc. .... "°' .. Of., ......... c... """'"" pie-.. ..,... .,, "--It ..... ,..,...,. ..... c..... .. ~W Wvt• PO le• GO ~ .... ir11JA ~ ......... Ol'"'-*..._ .. , .. .. Mott.,... .. w -.~ GOOI .,. 511ew., ~ ... ,. ,,.......,..., __ < __ 2 4500 100 763 I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------1 20¢ 36000 117329 1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I Now there are two ways to gravy up a homemade kind of meal for your dog. Introducing new Gravy Train~ canned dog food. Five delicious flavors with tender, juicy chunks cooked in real meat gravy ... Beef, Liver, Chicken, Beef-Liver and Chicken-Liver. And try Regular .Gravy Train® o'r Beef, Liver & Bacon flavor. Just add warm water to make a rich, thick, real meat gravy. on any size, any flavor inners: eAANo Cat Food Taste preferred 3 to 1 ! Hurry! Coupon expires In 2 weeks! T hey're Ore-Ida's round potato side-d ish sensation ! These lightly seasoned, cri spy potaco morsels are nic~ly bite-sized when you serve them, buc they-sure ain't small potatoes when you caste 'em. ------------- ANY SIZE GAOCEA Send ..,.. ._., 10 OAl.c>A 'OOOS INC CC>OPONAEOEW'TION"'O- Ol'IAM PO IOX teec> ELM CllY H C 27191 1(1lllC.4•-·-_,.. """,. ~ ..,.,._."'°"""' .....,_.. OI ~ llOdo OI Ort lo. CRISPY CflowNst'" IO _ .. oou. CMllll'""tltl9"-Ul>Oft~I FlllMllO ao "° Wiii -•• t~• Coupone ~ lt-'9ftblt 8•1 IH muot lie pto0 by lht c-C*tll v-..11100' AEOHMAIU! OM.YON OAt•IOACAISPVCAOWl'tllN,,.,,, _.,.__,..ltM OffCAlXPIMI '" ... tte3 l .. l °"' ~ 1'(11 ~ ()II., v.w..., .. Clll!Sma- ~--•NOOld ....... ~ t&o.O OI ,.....,._,""_ .. . • I •. ~SAVE'. .84.25 • redeem these ' coupons ~ at any store 1elling thesi , products' Or I t DAIL y PILOT /W dneadoy, Auguat 25, 1982 03 I 2 Bottles I r .------cur ON OAAY l INI:: SAVI IUC ON , fl()! 1 l l ANV St/I ------( (J11r•111; VIII !UlltllY II l•MI '.I t;lt tl'Nltlll I ----ti-. of Woolite· are I better than 1. I Herc's yo ur chance to save 10¢ o n 1 bottle or 2 5¢ on 2 bo ttles of Woolite I I Savel0¢ onl bottle of Woo lite. W0-MCA·B821 Kills bugs fast Get A Rich Reward Discover Louis Rich"· Turkey. The Naturally Lean Meat. Get a Rich reward on conve· niently cut Louis Rrch fresh turkey breasts. breast slice~. drumsticks. wings and thighs. O r on fully· cooked. ready·to·slice·and·:">erve boneless turkey bredsts. turkey ham. and turkey pdstrami. Louis Rich bring:"> you delicious. naturally lean turkey. any wdy you want it. c1ny day you want it. Rich tn taste dnd nutrition.yet low in fat and calories. Clip the coupon and collect a Rich reward on the Rich Life. ' LoulslQch Mr Oealet w. 11J•• ,.,,.,. ''"' tt11 l UlllttH1 I tt • •• 1 .... tlut• t 1• C f•1tf'\4J• MU pt 1vufl 1' ..,, '' H'cl y• 1ur ''' "'" tH\ h.p .. t• c ofltLJl0•1J w1U1 lhu h•rm-, of 1111• u ft. An" c1fho1 \l'•t•l !J•'til1luU1i, h 11111J ft11')t t11;pr1!'1 .JU11I 1l J1rnol uJ r1 1ff fl.t•tt' 1JI • 1U1t 1unt '\hH '° f\~tuv1•t 1111 1t h•tt1s•l1-•"'' .. 1,utJn 1t1•th11u11out•'I I IJUlJIJfl '"-.UfH•d h.u~t.·111•'11••&•'• •nit Jt.r ,,, nvltt ff'l11dd1<;lt1lu1lc11u t•,(11•1 1l1tHJp1Uth11 tl\I ~1t1f l1t,1•t1 1,, '''1'"'' ,,.,,,., tt•tl1H l>f1Jh1hll1•1ll1yluw l.t1n~11m1•1 11111-.t "''" .u1 y ~ .... i. '\ l,t • C HltH 1111;11t•tJ looru• 1 Ui1f111t1 ltt•I 11"'' ,-.., •• L..t\h ,,, U' ' °I t;. MJ1I ~ •Pf•,, If u. ,.,, ~ .1.-.. ,., "'" ,,,,,, PO U• • n ~ I • ., ,, '.t /'l'h. E•p1111Uon dlle Februerv 28, 1983 STORE COUPON C ,,.8<' B<1yt.,·M1dway New York ------_,_ ------- Save $1.00 on Black Flag1P Bug Killers. 111 "'•t..•iv,• f,>U1 ~·t< t1ft t1u1rho1 ... •t•••1j t •+r1 v11u '"'~' f••ll• f1u1111.i, ,, HI."~ 11.,.,. .,.._•nd \.•>Ut •• 1~h ,..,,,, .. t h '• ... ,., If.,,, '''" J~l.,1 ~I l.11 1n1h h.a • t • Bt.,. ~ ~l•"I ( 011111111 ()ff, r J'() fS11, 'ill ll '11t Hl •\\I 1'l1111•jl• .11 I\!, I t ,Jlt•.111• lh 11\ '.t1 Ill ' All••\\ ,1, w.•,•k, f111 d1'I'"'''\ ( Ht.-1•'\IH"''11, 1, 1oh.·t ~I t1•H.' c Hf,., •f•H•·I .,,.1\. 1u l '"'°''' U11 I ~ h1 h psnt11h1t. t t.1'-1'11 ''It ·If• 1. 1 '\.u111• --------------LAY'S'8-nd RUFFLES brand potato chips A WINNING COMBINATION Now. they're an even better deal for you. LA Y'S<!!> a n d RUFFLES® brand potatochipsare madeofthe finest ing r edients, in plantsclose to your home and are d elivered fresh to your stor e. SAVE20¢ ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF ANY F'L AVO R 8 OZ O R L A RGER LAY'S " OR R UFFLES " B r and Potato Chips .,. . . . .. -. • I • • • • •. f" .,. ... I I t •,,.' • '• f 4 I "~ I '• I l , ·I ,,_,., +\ ... ' ..... "\ff"' • • • o I •4 ' .. .. -. ) .· •.. ' .... ..... ,. I I ti > I 1/• 1 'I °'lot I "• ••W 4 tol o& ( ( I to " .... , .... ...:1.4.J.~·· ...... ·, ........ ., .......... 1 .... ,.... .... ,,..~ .. ··---• . , .. . . . .. , 1.--------------- 1he Claussen• Kosher Dill Pickle~ arc pick.Jed cold. They'rt.'. nt:ver rnoked like ordinary ~hclf pick.Jes. ~' they stay cool. crisp and deUcously crunt·hr Look for them in the refriger.ued section and get a real deal on the Claussen Chill Dill. real a L -·-------------I S'El tiE'C OO l ti ti I SAVE21r I • .., ..... .,a ...... ................... I Jn the re/rlp.eratl!d section u1h~ fr~sb llJ/ngs I -belong. ~'f 700 l.3'4735 ..... MOlllt~l'TI: --------------- SAVE35¢ On Louis Rich™ Fresh Turkey Parts And Ready-to-Slice Turkey Products 44700 8050 78 -------------- -------------- SAVE ~ -~ on 6-oz.Antcr=rr or Anter XX.• M And·perlll EXplres Oct.17, 1982. ., 0.-1•• ... -................ lo(9-tl""'<-Mll"""""' ~~ .. ,.,., .... -.. ..-... tho --ol 60 °' AMI() UIAA OllY • ANllO -~ -""'' "'"' -~ ............ -t<l ..... """"'ll40 ~ .. _( ___ ... ____ .,.. .. --. .. -c--... ...,-Q .., c..r. ... , >oot 1c ~...., .. eo !'ti 01 AMIOtltlM Ol'IY• AMIO D,....,..,.., ~ _ .......... ..__,.,,,_ ... .. ... -, .... ~ .. ~ -""'ol!.--_,,,_ ........... ••.nod ....... c. ... ...... I' l'O llOA l.l01 C.--~113• OO\IPOll ....... OCnMllll ll ..... .., -COU"Oll ,.. l'llflCllMI • 22b00 J,OJ.O,S ~-----------__....__ Or•no• CoHt OAll.V PILOT/WednHdly, Augu1t 25, 1982 hili is good · traveler Pot I u c k au pr. e r , mt'at. Add broth BrtnM t t4 n don• • n d moat KlOH 2 minutM to blond hurch fund ·ra aer, t.u a boll, reduc-e ht'at und uxtuneoua fat (auet) flavors. Stir l cup water amity reunion. And almmer until meat is from meat. Cut fat (auct) Into mcaa, blend untll 've been aultp\Od to very tender. about 1 to Into 11muJI plucc• Diet' 1mooth Sur Into meat. rtna the main ''Ourae. 111\ hours Add wAlcr 1n mti1at Into pl'-"'\'• about Add broth. Cook on What to make that can am IA 11 Mm o u n t . u 11 ~-Inch or smaller. Place HIGH 28 to 30 ~nut.et be done ahead and wlU nece11ary to maintuln suet In 3 'Ai to 4-quart to brlns to a boll, atirrlng travel well? liquid level. Correct m1croproof caaaerole. every 5 minutes. Cook at Texaa Chili with Rice aea80nlnp, If ne<.'e88lU'y. Co o k o n H I G H 90 perttnt power 40 to ·ta perfect. What makee Skim off unwanted fat. (maximum power) 4 to 6 46 minutes or until meat Tex11 Chill different? Serve In individual minutes to melt fat. la very tender, stirrlns Number one ... no chill bowls with mounds of Remove suet particles. ever Y 1 0 m In u t es. powder; then you u1e rice. Makes 12 11Crving:s. Add meal to hot fat and Correct aeaaoninga, if d iced beef Instead of TEXAS CHILI <:ook on HIGH 11 to 12 neceuary. S kim off round. And ... no WITH RICE minutes or until llr,hlly unwanted fat. Serve in . And to top it all (Microwave Method) '>rowned. Stir In garlic individual bowls with ff, It'• served over rice! R cm o v e r is t I e , and seasonlnp. Cook on mo1. .. 1ds or rice. ~-~~~--~~~~ U th.I.a kind of chlU is I :s::: new to you, you'll soon j undentand why it is so popular in the Southwest. It just plain \alt.es good! Start with h alf the amount of ffround red chilis if your J,u.._ests aren't uaed to ·,' h 0 t ' • f 0 0 d s . B u I remember when you are ting it that it is made be served over rice bland flavor of tht oe cools down the hot taste. Rice is used this way many parts of tht orld . . . in the hot ·es of India, and tht hly seasoned food oJ e ~zechuan region of hina. In these areas rice is the staple food, ru ·'1'· EST. IQ11 ·'1'- IRVINE RANCM •• ~ ' ; I ' ~ \ PRICES GOOD THRU AUG. 31 s1. 1982 IRVINE'S OWN ••• SWEET, HAND PICKED CORN ........... 6/1°0 LOCAL GROWN ••• VINE RIPE ..,._,__'!:~___,WATERMELONS IRVINE'S OWN ••• ·. Golden, locaff Hand picked, packed In Ice and dellvered within hours every day to each Irvine Ranch Farmers Market/ it is for over half of thE population of the world jt is economical, as it is in this country, and it goef: with just about any food on the menu. Serve it often. It will help yow· budget and add a special touch of elegance to th« VINE RIPE CRENSHAW C MELONS ••••• : •••• 25 lb. ral TEXAS CHILI ~ WITH RICE (.. 4 pounds boneless ~~ round or chuck Suet (hard fat) cut .from steak ~· 6 cloves garlic, ' )hinced ~ cup paprika IRVINE'S OWN ••• GARDEN FRESH GREEN BEANS 39clb. IiiVINE'S OWN ••• LONG GREEN 'MOVEABLE FEAST' TPXAS Chall with Hice Is the wuy to go when it's your turn to bring a c:<JV<•r<-d c.Jash Cor 12. A good traveler , tt frf>t•ZC'S Wl•Jl LOO. 2 table spoons oregano leaves • 2 tablespoons currun CUCUMBERS ••••• 2/35e ~ l to 2 tablespoons ti' Jround red chilies or j c:rus1:d or ground red J)ep r to taste ,. tablespoon salt ~ cup masa harina • (corn flour)..Dr epm roe.al · 2 quarts hot beef broth (or beef bouillon dissolved in water) :Ef srtE~1',S FIRST OF SEASON ... ~-rit~i,1'it~£_B£ __ . CO.NCORD. GRAPES 39e,b. 6 t o 8 cups hot cooked rice R e m ove gristle , tendons and most extraneous fat (suet) from meat. Cut fat (suet) into small pieces. Dice meat into pieces about 'A-inch or smaller. Place suet in Putch oven or heavy pot. Cook over low heat to melt fat. Remove suet particles. Add meat to hot fat and cook, stirring often, until lightly browned. Stir in garlic and seasonings. Cook about 5 minutes to blend flavors. Stir 1 cup water into· masa; blend until smooth. Stir into Spicy ice for drinks Here's a flavorsome. convenation-piece idea for summer: spiced ice cubes in cool drinks. They can be floated in pitchen or in individual glaaes ... either way they're sure to cause quite a stir. Thia ia how to make them: simmer whatever spice you fancy in a compatible liquid for about 10 minutes to bring out flavor. Strain If neceaaary, let cool, then pour the liquid lnto ice cube trays. When trot.en they may be stored in plastic bags in the freezer until you're ready to uae them. The test kitchens of the American Spice Trade Aaaoclation auggest the following spicel added to 2 cup1 of liquid, whJch will fill one ice cube tray. Add 4 tnapoons mlitt flAket to 2 cups tea to make mint cube9ior Iced tee: 4 t.e111poons ground cinnamOO to 2 cups coffe f« cubel foe iced coUee. The cinnamon cubea wouAd a1*> be marveloUI ln cold milk OI' chocolate IOda. J'or tomato juice or Bloody Marya uae 4 ~ tea1poon• Italian ~ OI' 2 teupoona ~or~ plUI l , II OCJn lnlf.ant minced onloft td 2 C'Upl tomato juk:e. >:NATURAL FOODS ...___DELl __ ,..___MEA TS-- COMPARE OUR PRICES AK MAK CRACKERS 4.75 OL 12 oz. bottle (llallan. ltallan. no salt, 1000 Island) NORGAN~ BACON BITS ARROWHEAD MILLS BUCKWHEAT PANCAKE tUlTH rooo REG. SPECIAL STORES 216 } 69 J 29 CHEESE OF THE WEEK ... Imported From England 3 9 5 SHARP CHEDDAR Rei. 49:. 1b. HORMEL FRESHLY SLICED 2 4 9 CHOPPED HAM Rei. 2911b. lb. HILLSHIRE • CHUNK OR SLICED BEEF SUMMER STICK IRVINE RANCH DRESSINGS Bleu • Lemon -Lime • c .... r • 1000 Island • Vlnegrette and French 12 oz. 11%• FROM THE SALAD BAR ... FRESH MADE ... GREEN BEANS IN SOUR CREAM REDEEM YOUR 39.~ MARIE'S DRESSINGS COUPONS HERElll! PROVISIONS PORK 298 .' TENDERLOINS 91 .:: (Filet of Pork') Rei. 3 lb. lb .. FRESH -U.S.D.A. CHOICE SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS TURKEY BREAST 98 }6 9 4 to 6 poond average Reg. l lb. lb. LEAN GROUND BEEF Rec. J4 9 . Not to exceed 30•~ fat content } 791b. lb. & WAFFLE MIX 32 oz NORGANIC MAPLE ' SYRUP 249 } 19 GOOD STUFF • HAMBlltGER & Rei. 39e I 4 9 ~2~ DOG BUNS 55c J 29 8 OL BULK GOODS---- SESAME STICKS Bulk Only 259 J 99 Rer. lb. a1t. 119 J 39 Rea. ••· THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS Bulk or Pact<age ~6U0~ p~~ NECTARINES Rer. 31t.,1 8~ UNSWEETENED COCONUT Rei. J 79 16 oz. pacttage, (coetM. l'Mdlum Of nne) 2°'1». -BAKED G"DS_.... Homemade lrvtne Ranch Market 1~/e Natural. No Sugar MARTINELLl'S SPARKLING CIDER Rer. 149 25.4 OL HANSEN'S NATURAL SODAS Rei. 229 6110 oz. bo111ea MINNESOTA MAIO 249 WILD RICE Rec. • oz. HANSEN'S GRAPE JUICE Rea. 229 ~gallon FRESH WHOLE-BEAN Rec. 5u Of COFFEES Rec. 5u FRESH ... PACIFIC I 89 ~~~PPEii 9 J 95 VITAMINS I 99 & COSMETICS SCHIFF SELENE-E Re 600 4 I 0 · 4 3,! WITH LECITHIN c. eo t•t>tet• (NOT TO INCL1JOE 4 9 9 REAL KONA HAWAIIAN Rte. 699 i1t. IRVINE RANCH FARMERii MARKET . ~!£~THIN GRANULES 4J; 5 3 · No PrftMf'Vatlvee 119 FRENCH STICKS 1' N . ... :t Homemade lrvlne Ranch Market COSTA MUAJNllWPORT 2111 lrvlne Avenue TUSTIN , 13152 Newport Avenue '· IRVINa 14002 Mytord Road •t ' Danish J 79 SWEET ROLLS "'" 4 ... l ·South of M ... Drive 111-4404 1 •. m. to t p.m. .."" D•r• l•nte Ana FrMway lal-2111 I 1.m ... 7 p.m. Mon.-S1t. I •.m. to I p.m. 8unda1 •t lrvln• aoul•v•rd . · ·. 131-9570 .:- • •. m. to I p.m. hv•n D•J• • NO DEALER SALES • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • ..... HOT' LINI!: (714l ·831·44o8 we Y91ue your suggestion• how we cen Mrve you better. Alk for Jon Hubbard, Preefdent ..• K1thy W1yne, .vtce-Pretldent or Tony PeNZ, Gen«a.I ManAQW ------------ I I ' I ' -- Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, Auguat 28, 1982 .. . P eachy pair stars cream of the crop The Chlnoat• conaldeored pe1u:hcu1 u aymbol of immort•llty, and Alexander th Great dlned on peachca while camped In Ru n la. ConaJderlng thne ~ach (acta, It's no wonder we enjoy this wonderful. folkloric fruit 80 much. The frafrant aroma and love y color o f peac h es have led to r.>pular expressions like 'What a peach!" and "Everything's peachy." Not only did pretty girls at the turn o f the century have "peaches and cream" complexions, they w e r e ca ll e d "Peacherines." Peaches have more than just a delicious aroma and fine appearance. The enticing flavor leads one to using fresh p eaches dur ing peak season in many different ways. There are' several tips to rem e m b e r wh e n purchasin~ peaches: buy those which are fairly firm or becoming a little soft to touch. Peaches don 't ripen after being picked; they may become softer or more juicy', but still retain an unripe flavor. The best peaches have a creamy to yellow und ercolor an d well- defined crease. Handle ~ th fruit " ntly, t>ec.U.M peechee bNilo euily and decay develope. Thouah treeh poechl'I are lood to eat out of han , on• of the moat delightful way. to pleue the palate 11 to uae peaches In summ e r detaerta. The recipe for Cold Peach Souffle that f o llo ws Is just o ne e xample. Sweetened conde nse d milk and gelatin give the souffle body; egg w h ites and whipped cream make it light and fluffy. Ice cream fans will lick their lips over Peach Melba Ice Cr eam. The smooth, velvety texture of this ice cream comes from using sweetened cond e nse d milk . A raspberry sau ce Is s wirled through th e peach ice cream base. Angel food cake slices Une a 13 x 9-lnch baking dish in Peac h Cream Cake. It's layered with a mixture of sweetened condensed milk, instant pudding mix and whipped cream. COLD PE ACH SOUFFLE 5 eggs, separated l (14-ounce) can s weet ened conde nsed milk (NOT evaporated milk) l (3-ounce) package peach flavor gelatin 1.-t cup water 1 cup pared chopJ>l'<i peachH (about 2 r(led!um pe.-chet) 1 c up(~ pint) w h l p p I n a c r t• u m . whipped Additional fresh peach allcet, optional I n l arge h e a vy saucepan, beat eq yolks: stir In sweetened condensed milk, gelaUn and water. Ove r low heat, cook and stir until gelatin dluolves, about 10 minutes. Chill 30 minutes or until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Meanwhi l e, c ut 24-inch pieces of wax paper: fold in half le Bg th wise. Wrap a r o u nd outside of 1-quart souffle dish so collar stands 2 inches above rim; secure with tape. In large bowl, beat egg whites until stilf but not dry. Fold egg whites, peach es and whipped c ream into gelatin mixture. Pour into prepared dish. Chill 3 hours or' until set. Garnish tpe 6 to 8 servings with additional peach slices if desired. Refrigerate leftovers. PEACH MELBA ICE CREAM 1 (1 -ou n ce) packaae troz•n red rHpberrlea In ayrup, thaw~ and purt'ed 2 tl'lltpoon11 <.'OMlHl.Llteh 3 egg yolk"• l (14 -our\l:t•) can sweetened cond e nsl•d milk (NOT cvapo1 ated mJlk) I 'h cups pureed or mash ed pared fresh peaches ~ teaspoon almond extract 2 c ups (1 pint) whipping crea m , whipped (not nondairy whipped topping) ln s mall sauce pan. combine raspberries and cornstarch ; ('()()k and stir until mixture thickens and IS clear. Cool to room temperature. In large bowl, beat egg yolks; stir in sweetened condensed milk. peaches and almond extract; mix well. Fold in whipped cream . P o ur one-third of mixture into aluminum foil-lined 9x5-inch. loaf pan or other 2-quart container. Spoon o ne- third raspberry mixture on top. Repeat layering, ending with raspberry mixture. Swirl wi th knife or spatu la. Cover; freeze 6 hours or until firm. Scoop ice cream from pan. or peel off foil and slice. Return leflovt•ra lo frc:l'ior. MaketJ obout 4! guartl. •U•t-only Grade Al clean, uncracked e.Jll. PEACll CREAM~CAKE l (7 Inch) prepared ungel food loot cake I ( 14 -ounce) can 11wcctt•ncd conde n sed milk (NOT evaporated mHk) l c·up t'Old water l (3~-o un ce) p~ckagc Instant vanilla pudding and pie filling mix l tt•aspoon alrr.ond extract 2 c ups (1 pant) whipping crea m , whipped 4 cups sliced pared, fresh peaches Cut angel food cake into 1h -inc h slices; arrange half the cake s lices on bottom o f 13x9-inch baking di.ah. In large bo wl, combine sw eet e ned condensed milk and water; mix well. Add pudding mix; beat until well blended. Chill 5 minutes. Stir in almond extract; fold in whipped cream. Pour one-half cream mixture over cake slices; arrange 2 cups peach-slices o n top. Hepe at laye ring. ending with peach slices. ChilJ 4 hours or until set. Cut into 10-12 squares to serve . R e frig e rate leftovers. P E ACHES AND' CREAM -Fresh peach rc'C1pes. such as Cold Peach· souffle and Peach Melba Ice Cream feature fra~rant folkloric: fruit ~ ggies get chutz pah from O 'H enrys .. .. Peaches and zucchini? Peaches and swee t potatoes? Yes, yes if they'r e fresh California peaches paired up with s ummer's rainbow of fr es h vegetables. Take the California pea c h , O 'H e nr y . O'He nry is one of t he state's most popu lar peaches. Th is h ighly- colored delicious yellow- fleshed freestone hails h eavies t fro m th e Central Valley's Fresno and Tulare districts. California produces more than 140 varieties of fresh peaches between mi d -M ay a nd into October. T he growing season has lengthened in the past 20 years largely due to the successes of A Labor plant bree d e r s who develop ne w peach es with ear lier or later harvest dates. When you buy fresh California peaches, see if there is a variety name on the box or if not, ask your grocer if he knows. Remember the names of your favorite peaches and tell your grocer - California growers need feedback when deciding which peaches to plant or when advising plant bre eders of s p ecific peach characteristics desirable to consumers. At your grocery store, choose peaches with a unifor m creamy background color . Blush indicates var iety, not ripeness. Ripe peaches will yield s lightly to gentle palm pressure . Make Summe rtim e Vegetable Saute w ith fresh zucchini and fresh California p eac h es. When sauteeing. make sure that the peaches are dry to the touch and that the ingredients don't c r owd the pan. This vegetable side dish is a good complement to fish, poultry and eggs. Curried Sweet Potatoes With Peaches gets its chutzpah from the fresh California peaches and curry. The East Indians. who have been eating curry for 5.- 000 years, or iginally chose the curry spices for medicinal properties as well as for flavor. Day ~ Weekend Family Event The Up With People Show Is an internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreographed, colorful festlval of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tickets for $7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance ere $8 at the gate. Event co-sponsored by Orange Coast College and Orange Coast Dally Pilot. -----------------------------------------, I I : SAVE $1.00 -MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYll l I Sa,,. s1 00 over reguler ptoce ot adm1u1on of you purchase your hc-•11111dv1nce 1 I You pey only S7 00" I l Mlil to OCO Tocket Olftc:e 2701 F11n11..i. Road Costa Meta Ca 92829 Ttcktl : I Into -S~SS27 I I N~E : SUMMERTIME VEGETABLE SA UTE 2 medium -sized fresh California peaches 3 tablespoons water 1 med ium carrot, thinly sliced l tablespoon lemon juice 2 medium zucchini, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons butter I teaspoon thyme, crumbled Cut peaches i nto chunks; set aside. Bring water to boil over high 'heat in a covered skillet. Add carrots and steam 1 minute. Add lemon juiee and zucchini and steam J minute loneer. Remove cover. Add peach c hunks, butte r a n d I ADDRESS : ·I CITY ZIP PHONE - : I Make ~-. pay1ble 10 -011no• Co.ti Oon-oe· I I I I TICICETS i-1.so AVAILABLE At TICKEtAON OUTLHS AFTE,. AUOUST 23 I ~ l Ttoere 11 , Tic:i.ttron Outlet er 5.,,., Soutll Co•tt Plue I • ·----------------------------------------.a .-..C• ,,.,.,..,,..1M2 • f. thyme and saute 2 to 3 minutes or until hot anc glossy. Makes 4 servings CURRIED SWEET POTATOES WITH P EACHES Place sweet potatoes in saucepan. Add enough water to cover potatoes. Cover sau cep a n a nd bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 20 to 2 m e dium sweet 30 minutes or until potatoes te nder when pierced •h cup dairy sour with fork. P eel, trim cream brown spots and cut mto 1 tablespoon frozen 1-inch cubes. Combine orange JUice concentrate sour cream, orange juice (undiluted) con cen tra te. cu rry powd er and salt in s l<i llel. Add s w eet potatoes. peaches and IA cup green onion. Wann ~ teaspoon curry powder 114 teaspoon salt I large fr es h California peach, sliced \il cu p c h opped green onion · 2 tablespoons sliced natural almonds, toasted (optional) over medium-high heat, st irring often. until h eated through. Top with sliced almonds and remaining green onion to serve. Makes 4 servings (3 cups). O'HENRY -A late season peach. the O'Henry combines delicious ly w ith summertim.' vegetables. Saute wnh thyme or steam witb curry. ,\ ----------------~~ STOit! 'OUPON (Ciood only on regular s1zt can1sttf1 ) Cheu ..... Com Chips ChMz Curls PNU•I Twists ' I 4 0 i c • •• Orange Co11t DAIL'( PILOT /Wedne1d1y, Augu1t 25, 1982 tPoets respond with rhymes and raves IF YOU COOK -YOU NEED By MARTIN LOANE PLAVOlt "''' f ouo Co R1ct1v1 1 1 1 ,.runo Sena th• 1equ1rte1 ,.,und fOfm 1ne1 two bO• 1001 lrom env 4 8 oun119 "•YO' rH Ill I C kl l •plr11 01c: J I ttl<' Thurt• wt•rl" many 1keptlC* la.at yt>ar wht•n l anno unced tht• Flrict Natio nal Supermarke t S h o p p t' r P n t• t r y HlllllHIY'I Ol1n1 0 1ve1w1y Co~·lltlon. RK•IY• • H•••hey'• Ol1nl ,,, Send 11111equl18d 11fund IOffll Ind " ho would wunt to th• 11111 pound 11111>11111 •rmbOt w r I t e po e t r y a b o u t t1om th• t1on1 w1ep1>«a. of '"'" & h 0 p p 1 n g i n a h•ll·pound ••.,•her'• Giant a..1. bpl1H Oot 3 1, 1082. s uperm&irket'!" they Low111v·1. H1celve a 11 chorused. coupon ror Low11y'1 a..1 Snac:k1 A8 it turned out, more Send thl 11qulr8d 111uno 101m •nd th• company name and •dd1H1 than 7 ,000 of my readers cut rrom throe Gan• or pOUGhH of kept m e busy for thre(' Low11y'1 8191 Snacka hplret months r e ading their Mercn 3 '· 1983 J1m11 I H rd, v•lued II U 110 Send the 1equlred itlund form, 38 cen11 101 poet• 111d l\enollng •no pu1ch•M-Conflrm11ion ... 11 f1Qn\ 11\t .. dlfftr8'\t VltlellN Of fhe IOllOWlllO N•bltco Ol\ICI< Cteektt• 8ocl1ble1 Crloktr1. lwt11 lh• Unlv.,ut Proouo• COO• 1ymbOl1 lrom ll'IY w .. pec:ll19'i ol "91111nela. 0001>«1. lno·CIP• (3 OUncM or 1.,getl l/'lcH>t Chunky Choc:o1111 8111 14 ouncn o• latOlfl lb.pl(• June 30. t913 IHlltLIY .IONll TfUICUIT IUPElllRIET IHDPPIR ChMll, Se .. m• Whffll, 8•118f Clledd111, Vl(llllb141 Thine. 8110on Thine, Chicken In • Bllktl. Olp In 1 Chip, Country C11ck.,1. l!•plrff S1p1 30, 11182. Reclpee Rtc:.ive 1 Trleoull 11elpe booklet Send the required 11fund ro1m. on• prool·OH>urchate M•I lrom any frtac;utt W1l1t1 •nd 25 c•nl• 101 1.1011.-ie and h1ndllng. E•ptrH o.c a 1.1982 St.,~191 ~lull Cn-1 llrlelUOln!I UMl 118/M lt11buf1t F1ull C"9wt end lhe Ml W411Qhll And Oflt P.001 ol pu1cll•M r1om any P~-0-01 Eut• t00 00torn1g f •PHii Nov 30, 188' IUN MAIO NATUM INACICI, ~,, •• s 1 GOUpu;I '°' 8vn Meld Nature &neck• &.nd lhe r11Qulrec1 r1fu110 fO<M •nO lhr .. p1oof1 ol po,irCll•M (11141 Our.C. d•11Qn111on1 lrom lhe p.ck•Q• lr0<it1) r.om •nr 5 . 1· or 8 ounc• peck•QH ol Nalur• 8n•cka The IO<m can IHI tound on •P•cl11fly m 1r~1d 15·coun1 Cn1net dinner pltlH E•plrea Dec 31, 198:1 Here'• a rtruncl form IQ write 101 Car111. Sn1110. Dove. lifebuoy, Lu• Picnic P11 .. or1. P 0 Oo• 1044, Maple P1 .. 1n. Minn 116348 Send e "" addren11d. 111mp•d envlllope won your 1equo11 Thia COOK LINE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF '•Cook-Along'' And Information Brochure -Coll (714) 759-1414 or 1-800-345-2000 tP d 11 ed · 1 NA911CO J ame• Beard poe .. y -an OV It. Cooll booll. R1c1lv• "Hora It was a time of rising d'Oeuvree and Appetizers" by food prices, so p oem s - lllAlllNITI, QOOHlt8, INO- C A,I, CHUNKY Cendy Olah R1lund Ott.,, R-lv• I SI refund. S•nd 1n1 required refund lorm 1nd ITA1t8UIT bet., Sl Relund Send th• 1equl1ed relund IO<m, tnt rronlt of two 8·ounc1 pack•ge• or s I c;oupcn 011111 e•PllH S.pf 30 ''-••··--------------------------· t982 1- about inflation and the struggle to feed a family were numerous. There were also many poems about frustrations o f sup e rm a rket sh opping, such as this one from Renate Ka hsk1 of Flushmg, N Y . Wh.)A d o I always W8Jt behind a c u s tom e r who changed her mind? Or must return for something more to the furthest aisle across the store? Or gives 20 coupons to the cashier m os t o f which expired last y l'ar? Or forgot tu ha vc· the apple•s weighed? Or needs to have h1•r check OK'd? Or brought along loo little cash? Or drops tht.• fruit juice with a crash ? Or rips the grrxY!ry bags apart as she drops them in her shopping cart? I also rece ived many poems that described the joys o f shopping, Ilk" this on e fro m J oan Gordon of Shrews bury. Mo.: I e nt e r ed "VegeUJble Valley." and il t.ook my breath away. Where the coo l green of tht:' celery and piles of lettuce 1uy, Where the rosy-rC'd tomatoes just sC'CmC<i to beckon me, f\.s the cabbage and ,briGht carrots s1ml( a "Salad Melody." Of course, the t'Oupon clippers and refunders o f America didn't overlook this opportunity to ra ve about their s avings Consider this "Shopper's Cheer" from Mrs. Robert Beava1s o f One kama . Mich.: Ccu-pon Q -pon Savings to count on Re-fund Free--fund Whal betLl.'r "me"' fund? Go team! Efe-deem! Yes, there are many poetry competitio n s around, but ours has to be one of the most fun. So, in res ponse t o requests that we do it all again, I am announcing the Second Natio nal Supermarket Sho pper Poetry Compeution . The rules are s imple : All poetry s ubmitte d must b e o riginal , previously unpublish ed and legible. Since I int e nd t o p ublish. the winning poems, they mus t fit cQmfortably within the le11gth of this column. All entrie s mus t b e postmarked no later than midnight Nov. 15, 1982. The winne r of the competition will receive $100; $50 will go to the second-prize winne r and $25 to the third-prize winner. There wiU also be 10 runners-up, who will receive subscriptions to my refunding magazine, The Nalional S upermarke t Shopper. Address your entries to: Martin Slo an e's Second National Supermarket Shopper Poetry Competition, in care of this newspaper CUP 'N' P1UE ltlFUNOI (WMll Of AUf.15) C«Nle, ....._, .... oduct._ ...., l"foducta (F .. 1) Clip out thla Ille •nd keep II With 1lmll•r ce1h-oll coupona b•ver-.ii• refund oll1r1 with t>eYerege coupon1, for •umple Siert oollectlng lhe needed PfOOll Of l)U'cll-while loolllng for the required refund ro1m1 " the ~el. lrt MWIPAl*I •nd INIQllllnM . .,,o wnen tredlng with 111end1. Olftrt m•r not b• •~•ll•bl• In 111 ,,. .. of the country. Allow 10 weell1 to rec.Ive NCh lefund. The following refund offer• ,,. WOflh S 11.29. Thi• WMll'• refund off-he .... 101•1 "'"" of S 18 &8. Thi• offer doHn't ,.quirt • refund IOfm· NATUfll IHACK8 0,.,.,., P.O. &ox Na..1a 1. El PMO, r .... 79977. A•O•IH llltH &0-4enl ooupon1 tend lhe ounce fftl0ft•tl0n1 from Ille tronlt of '"'• ~ (74 ounoe) t>eo• 01 Netl#e ~ &plr• O.C. 31, tot2 Th11• oll•n ,.quire ,.rund tom.: Comparison proves Lucky lower overall! • On Tuesday, August 17, 1982. name brand health and beauty aids were price compared with five other ma1or supermarkets in the Los Angeles area • Of the 25 products compared. the other markets were higher than Lucky by as much as 39.16%. • Al Lucky. you'll find over 1500 items 1n o ur health and beauty aids department • Selection plus lower o verall I prices that's Basic Value• HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS r DRY IDEA 139 ROLL-ON , ~~t sc..,1.0 1 soz or Un\CMl.0 rOILOFOLAY 399 LOTION 4 Oz rBUFFERN 229 ANALGESICIOO Cf r A~KA­ ~~!ZER r DIAPARENE 179 WASH CLOTHS For B~v 1SO Cf BONDED MEATS FRESH GROUND BEEF t lb\ or MO<t lb119 OOt\ noc t~cH'<I ~ 111 FRYING CHICKEN Wh()lf llOdV SOUi htrn (,r-A l0 .53 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK BO~ln~ aonoeo Bttf LCM !~~~~;1~0UND STEA~ 1. 97 LARGE END RIB STEAi< tt'ltCWOlff' WHOLE BEEF BRISKET 7·BONE CHUCK ROAST CROSS RIB ROAST HILLSHIRE SAUSAGE FRESH HEN TURKEYS l&t•~•~SUG• ''iflf\ .. 2.19 .. 1.39 .. 1.29 .1.99 .. 2.59 ... 89 ~~~.~~~~~~TT!~.~~ 4.28 POLISH SAUSAGE II 2.18 ~~r,~;.~~~ ~~us~~ ... 2.29 TURKEY DRUMSTICKS l •• 39 QUARTER PORK LOIN "1.97 •• Ill~ 1.79 TACOFIWNC //lltlllll'f OIAN I •• FRESH FI SH ITEMS ~T OF TURBOT 11 1.49 ~T OF SEA B~SS .~ 4.69 ~T OF DOVER~·" 2.49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS Reach Toothbrush Oral B 40 Adu/I Toolhbrush Each .99 1 39 1 5S 135 135 1 35 AQuo Ffesn Toothpaste Crest Toothpaste A•odenl Dent Adhesr.<e usrenne Mouthwash AJl<o.Selfzer Pept~Btsmci AJl<o-Seltzer Ex Lox Rubblng Alcohol 70'\ Prep H Ointment 2 7 O z 8 20z 25 O z 24 O z 36's 8 0 1 25's 100's JO's 16 Oz 1 Oz .99 1.79 2.37 2..49 1.69 1.79 1.2A 1.69 2.19 ..49 1.19 1 05 1 13 1 07 1 15 1 15 1 98 2 1 1 1 99 1 89 1 89 2 98 3 39 2 69 2 79 2 79 2 89 2 75 2 77 2 79 2 79 1 89 2 "19 1 87 1 99 1 99 1 98 2 39 1 95 1 95 1 95 1 49 1 79 1 5S 1 55 1 55 1 89 1 95 2 1 7 1 88 1 88 2ff 299 2"19 2~ 2~ 59 04 59 59 59 2.29 2 69 219 2 29 2.29 Mossengiu Douche Twin Pock 1.29 159 1 89 1 57 165 165 Johnson's BobV Powdef 90z 1.39 1.J9• 1 79 167 1.69 1 57 Dooporene BobV Wash CIOlt\1 150's 1.19 2 79 2 99 2 39 2 89 2 17 Ory Idea ~plront 2 5 Oz 2.39 2 59 2 96 2 59 2 77 2 59 16 Oz. 1_.. 1 78 219 1 99 2!R 1 78 16 Oz 1.69 229 259 229 229 229 Eoch 2.19 419 439 389 359 389 RCMJ Pelm Kn Eoch 4. 77 6 98 6 99 4 95 5 99 5 89 AdomHolrSproy 90z 1.99 1.99• 317 289 279 2.35 rJERCEN'S LOTION llf9Ulat or Ertr1 Orv 159 Slyte Hoit 5proy 8 Oz 1.17 149 1 52 139 1 29 1 37 Cly look Hair Spray 8 Oz 2..49 2 79 3 59 3 1 7 2 69 2 69 •001 t-------1--t----t--~---+----1 r.JOHNSON'S 179 BABY POW~~o~ rSTYLE 9·9 ~!~~t~~RA~ oz • Unsetnted or Ultra HOid r REVLON R.EX 159 SHAMPOO Or Condlt lOl\lf 16 oz CANNED & PACKAGED GOLD MEDAL 89 R.OUR 11n Pur~ s Lb 8'19 e rWESSON 99 OIL 2401 Btl . rTOMATO 69 ~~!f E 46 oz can • r~~l,;!'AM 1101c." 1.35 £LINDSAY SALAD OllV~~~ .... 79 r~~~!~.~s •OOl tor 1.45 r~~~.£~.~CKERS '°''°' 1.07 I~!~~~~E DRESSING'°''" • 79 r ~~E_.~~~.!_UICE •oi < .... 77 £MOTT'S APPLE JUIS~.n 1.49 I!.~t'!J-oVELVEETA llOllO• 2.99 Key Buys mean extra savings. Edge StlCMt Cl90m 7 Oz TOTALS •.u.7' ~ 15 103 72 '54 53 '5552 153A5 DOU.AR DlfffRENCE PfRCENT HIGHER THAN WC~ • • "'°"'-~ WOt OUI Cl llOC ... lUClrt Of!C• ""'' llMO CANNED & PACKAGED rHUNT'S 69 PORK & ~,~,~~ rLADYLEE 19 ~~~~G~~1 c~ • All FllYOt'S r MJB GROUND 699 COFFEE . Ortp or 11~11 .a 01 Clfl I~~rER'S PEANu:.~ .... 1.99 !L~PTON.TE~ BAGS •CK><• IO• 2.15 r ~EINZ K~T.c~~~ . ,, OI If\ 1. 2 9 DAIRY & FR OZEN r DOWNYR.AKE 99 WAFR.ES ' 19 oz 11'19 • r MINUTE MAID 79 ~~,~. J~~£~~. LOW FAT MILK c .. an 1.86 U Ol (<N 1.75 C)yt' flnft ,.,OffUC)n Jtrok:y ..,.,._.., ... ft'W1f Cllf'Kfl\ 10 Ot ll'«t .. t w-.., AuQIAI H """ '-........ ,, ... , f"""'Of'I(" "Of •ffflU 1'ffl "' \..-ttl l#OWI OI '"'l""-C°""I°" ,110 36 ,117 93 +18 74 •IQ 73 •17 60 •22~ •3916'\ •19.09"\ •2125'\ •1673' DAIRY & FROZEN HOMOGENIZED 191 MILK l ldy lff Cal Btl r BLUE BONNET 59 ~t'RGA~~~z~rn • rlCECREAM 179 !?l~NDS Hall ~ Ctn r !!Y! ... ~vE .. °' c·· 1. 5 7 r ~.!ONrS CREAM Pl.~~'°' • 6 7 !STOKELY'S CUT COR~101 ..,; .69 r~ .. ~~IP TOPPINC '°' ,.., • 79 rWEIGHTWATCHER'SENTREES1 79 CtCl"IH,.WOllfAH\OI CMCOJlf • \t f:~ -o 01 IOI • LIQUOR & WINE r ~~~=~ 5 ltr Bel 199 r~~~CHATKA V~~''" 7.99 r 9~EY'S CIN , "''" "' 9 • 99 r~~Sl~~GHT W~~~. 3.25 r ~~~~~~~~11~XERS "" '" • 79 DELICATESSEN ITEMS rDANOLA 299 SLl~D H~~ "-ri GENERIC BOLOGNA ar r~~DY.~EE SALAMI 1.35 1.59 r~1.N.~;.~ FRANKS 1.49 r ~?~'rS• SALAD DRESSl~9. 1. 3 9 A L.~·~·j,~~~ ~~P.S ., , " ' . • 4 9 !~A~1H MEAT FRANK S .. 1.49 r~~~.f..ARK FRANKS 1.79 !HORMEL KOlBASE , ,, 2.29 I LADY LEE CREAM CHE~~~ .. ,, • 6 9 HOUSEHOLD & PET rKALKAN 55 ~~n~~~l c1n • r~.~DY LEE FOAM CUP~, .. < .53 r~~SFORD BRIOUET;5 •• 2.59 r FAB DETERGENT "t'-0(0 r~.RONET TOWELS ... 1.78 "'~ .69 1-1 ••• 59 QUALITY PRODUCE GOLDEN BANANAS lllPf Reidy 10 flt CHERRY 39 J!?r~ATO~~ U\ktc • Salldi BELL PEPPERS ll•Of Git~! ror Stulflnq Patricia Hall Saved 511.50 Patrrc1a·s o wn week s shopping totaled $72 25 at Lucky The same or comparable items at the superma1ket or he1 choice totaled $83 75 Thet s a savings of S 11 50 al Lucky' Teu 13ken AIJ9ull 9 198:1 1(1y Buys are lt•m• p1ictd below their everyday dlteount p1ICll II I rHUll Of m1nul1c1urer1' ltml)Oflry p1dmo1lon11 •llowanc .. Or UC•PllOf'lll pu1Chl... Vou II find hunclred1 al 1(1y Buy 1t1ma every time you thoP The Discount Supermarl<et. •• I . 0 .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /W1dnead1y, Auguet 25, 1982 D Papaya: Polynesian pleaser When yuu think of Hawaii, what l.'Omct to m ind? Warn1 b •rho•, volcanoeai, troptral trulll and a 11lmplu llf1M tyle. lt'1 not too difficult to pret e nd we'r e there right n ow. Afte r all, continental U.S . now has lt1 o wn a p u t t e rl ng volcano; summer la the Ume for outdoor relaxing and e ntertaining; and P f I troplc•I frultl _.ru available at aiood prlcet here on tho M•lnland. Take Ha waiian p apaya. 'I'h ls exotic golden fruit l'Ontalna tht< very euence of Hawaii If you are not familiar with thl1 fragrant fruit, d o try IL L ook for papayas w ith sm ooth , unblemish ed akin. If you buy them green, papayas will ripen to aa aioldcn co l o{ at room tempttntur.: and then 1tay perfect tor t•otlng up to a week 111 the rc:frlaerator. To prepare? Simply alit-e the fruit in hall and scoop o u t the seeds. Leave the akin on und you have an edible bowl t o f i l l w ith s l iced s traw ber ries, cottage SATISFYING -Haw a iian papaya stuffed w ith chicke n salad proves a large meat servin g isn 't necessary for satisfying meal. che..'M, chlcken l&JIKI, you n am n It 0 r cut th t• papayu Into w<1dgc11 , rings or cube..-for 1N1lada, gurnh1hea and l"Ompote:s. The flesh won't turn dark after ll has been c ut, so papuyas art• la ll or -made for enter tain ing . You can prepare them ahead of tlme, and they'll still be as golden, sweet and juicy when you servt• them as when you fu-st cut them. H awaiian papayas' t ropical flavor makes them ideal Cor all kinds of cool, t ropica l beverages. Whirl a papaya in a blender with yogurt, honey, a banana a nd crushed ice for a tropical a nd nutritfous s h a k e . Or try this refreshing an d ligh t "soup." Papaya Bubbling Bowle is an ideal appetizer or first cou rse served as a beverage or soup, for any backyard party. It's easy to make, too. Just blend together t h e papaya, juices, honey and wine a h ead o f t ime. When ready to serve. add the sliced fruit, pour into pretty stemmed glasses and s pl as h wit h sparkling water. T he drink will bubble like a volca n o . PAPAYA BUBBLING BOWLE 3 Hawaiian papayas, peeled, seeded and cubed (about 6 cups) Y'.l cup orange juice 114 cu p each lime juice and honey 1 cup dry white wine 1h c ~p sliced strawberries 1h· cup c h illed sparkling mineral water Natives eat with· a passion Wh o k n ows m ore about Hawaiian papayas than kamaainas? These long-time residen ts from establis h ed Isla nd fa m i lies were t he stylesetters of food and e nte rtain in g in old H aw aii. A nd t h ei r in flu e n ce on Hawaii cuisine and hospitality is still seen today. Old Hawaiian society consumed papayas with a passion. "Papaya and K o n a co ff ee f o r breakfast w as an Island in stit u t ion in ever y household," recalls Maili Yardley in h er n ew book , "Hawaii Cooks, Th e l s l a nd W ay ," published by Topgallant Pu b l is h ing Co . of Honolulu. "T h e elega nt dowagers s peared t he e n d of t h eir p apayas with a fork and scooped out the flesh with a very s hin y silver spoon. F inger bowls were provided to rinse off any s t ick y t r aces ," she explains. columnist for Honolulu's morning newspaper and as a cookbook autho r. Her knowledge of how H awai i 's k amaaina fam ilies ent ert a ined comes through personal experience. "Our family lived next d oor to the P r in cess Abigail Ka wa na na koa, w ~o w as the ack~nowledged leading hostess of the Is lands," she recounts. "So I saw v i si t i n g roya l ty , congressmen and other famous people from all over the w or ld being entertained." Papayas were more than a breakfast fruit. Homemakers tenderized m ea t b y w ra ppi n g tougher cu ts in g reen p a p aya l eaves, and young children like Maih played at stringing leis Crom the fragrant white pa paya blossoms. Onl y flowers from the male tree were used since the female trees bore the fruit. (Today's papaya trees are hermaphrodites and do not require male even in H awaii, <most homemakers buy their p ap ayas a t the supermarket, produced by the same growers that export papayas to Mainland consumers. Try papayas Hawaiian style. w ith a recipe adapted from Maili. MAILI YA RDLEY'S PAPAYA CHICKEN VJ cu p flour 3 tablespoons curry powder Salt and pepper, to taste 1 (3 to 3 1h pound) broiler-fryer, cut up Vegetable oil. as needed 1 tablespoo n cornstarch 1 \lz cups papaya nectar 1h cup chopped, preserved ginger or IA cup chopped cr ystallized ginger l tablespoon packed brown sugar 3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 Hawaiian papayas. peeled, seeded and sliced Combine flour. curry powder, salt and pepper in plastic bag. Shake chicken pieces in flour mixture t o coa t . I n skillet, brown chicken m hot 011. Arrange pieces in single layer in 13x9-inch balong pan. Bake in 375 d egree overn 30 to 40 minutes, until tender. M eanw hile, drain excess oil from skillet. Dissolve cornstarch m 2 to 3 tablespoons of the nectar; set aside Pour remaining necta r into skilll'l with ginger; add sugar Simmer over medium heat, stirring to deglaze pa n . Stir in cornstarch mixture; cook and stir lo thicken. Stir in lemon juice Drain excess fat from cooked chicken. Ar range papaya slices over c hicken ; pour papaya nectar mixture over all lo coat Return to oven 5 minutes. just to warm through. Serve with s t e amed rice. Makes 4 lo 6 servings. In c.'Ont.alncr of ch.'Ctrlc bl.:ndt:r c.·omblnc ~ o r thf' pllf)MY4t ~Ubl'•, tht• orang"' ond llow juln•11 und h o ney Blend smooth. lil'rapmg aidl'I aa Ot't<d1•d Stir [n wine Chill. Star In rt'nu•lnlng pupayu cubes a nd lht• strawbt>r rles. P or tion equally into shallow stemmoo dessert glasses. Splash each serving with sparkling woter. Makes 6 servings. F I EST A PAPA Y A BOATS 2 cu ps s hredd e d t'OOked chicken I cup grated raw carrot 1 green oruon. sliced 1 tablespoon wine vinegar I teaspoon sail Ve teaspoon pepper 1A cup mayonnaise 2 Hawaiian papayas, seeded, pee led and halved Combine all 1ngre d1 e nts except papaya Spoon into cavities of each papciya half. C hill. If desired, serve with tortilla chips a"!~h g.uaca1mole ~okpe~ BllBBLING BOWLE -Light and rt•I reshing, Papaya Bubbling Bowle ;~~~ 0 ives. a es 1s a trnp1cal fruit soup 1dt•<il for summPr entC'rtaining. SAVE $1,25 ON THE DECAFFEINATED COF .... F ..... 'lt:E THAT TASTES LIKE COFFEE. This coupon is even better than it looks. You'll save 75' o n your first can, and you'll find another coupon wo rth 50• inside the can. I on any size of MJB Premium Decaffeinated Coffee CONC\u-..£ R: )11.,, • '• i 1 1 on•• c •uwn pet ~· 1 J,• (1 t ffl't.,. on e>••\,.l'lll)f•ftn tn • • 41" t r"ll (Vt i.;U1cn•it.fl' "' MJ8 ,.,., "' ',,, Of-ca' •~•n•roo (flflP•• Ar>y 1Jtnr" v\E" con Slllu1t•\ fr4fiv(J (,R()( l-n PIP.HP it.'dfllPm 1n•.s rr.vpnn '' fhl' I.Jct• ~,.,,,,, QM nnf' r. "n 11 M J9 Pr.-m•um Ot• .lHe1ndle<;J C ·''1-t ., ., w bt" 'f"1mbu11~d df the la.cf! 11•fv~ e>1us If Inf hdl"li ''l r .... Wd ynu "'"" coni • .mer ha"e com p ~·I •·I" thf" 1f.>t"'"I\ ! Ir '\ 11,-., (Oi..l"' of\ m t\l "O-Of' d\"•'Jt'l•.l ()1 OJl'\lf· .,. l .... , r W1 -... ;!" "l ! n•.001 r1.,.f"mi:.1.nn•. 1n1 •u?' OUl\o\Jt' ·•\j•·f'r 1 11• "'"''\ f•I( f'Ou• lu\fOl'f\N mu\I Oily .tn; ~dft~~ I 1• (.r+uv •n \ill·•f vr.r ''"' 1riH•d ~l'On10•lt•O"' ,.,,_111t'lt"d H1!J()I( I') '"l)"""'"fl jllt;! U1;•fhri"iP) ol '"'"•fl(H''ll °''"fl> 10, ovt• ('tli1ptin., ""'"1o .. nlP1J • ,, '•'·1'·m~1l·f'I., mv.)I ti,. v~nwn l'}t'l 1•11v,..s1 C4\I ,,.t!u.-. 1 10 Ir n1• 1· I f ct ptrJmt.il •fllrtf'mpl1un m.t· t'(Jy ow1 '' ,._..J0 (,;,, Pn Ur . <tf!i • c •r'flo" I ·A "l '>;»71? E"911 .. No .. mlMr JO 1111 40500 103771 '>TORE C.OUPON ------------------· OH£Fl ll .... IH I' !OONI ( 011Pf:'INP£RPUR(.ti~SE " MJO Cn «;Qri f, >r•c•., < <...A M ai l i , f r om a karnaaina family herself, has d ocumented a nd preserved the food customs and traditions of H awaii as a food and fem a I e count ----------------------------------.--------------------------------- erparts). Papayas used to be in plentiful supply in every back yard . But tod ay, Taste tropics Ice cream ranks high as a favorite dessert, no matte r the w eather or the season . This cool, silky-smooth "Pineapple Velvet lee Cream" is double delicious and sure to please even the most avid Ice cream lover. With this basic recipe, you'll want to t ry the enticin g variations - rum, raisin-rum, ginger a nd coconu t. Or , experiment on you_r own to create a special flavor. J>lai n o r fanc y , we think you 'll find this one of the best pineapple ice . creama. ever. PIN E APPL E CHAMPAGNE SHERBET 1 teasp oo n unflavored gelatin 2 tablespoons cold water 1 ( 1 lb 4 oz) can crushed pineapple ~cup suaar 1 (6.S fi oz) bottle champa&Jle ~ c u p w h ipping cream 2 tableapoona lime juke ~ teaspoon ar•tect lime~ t.eMpoon ult Sprtnkle p ladn over water , and let atand 6 m i nu t e • t o 1ohen . Combin e u n drai n ed p in e apple w ith su gar. Boil over mode rate heat about 10 minutes, until mixture is reduced to 2 cups. Stir in softened gelatin to disaolve. Cool. Stir i n c h amp a gne, cr eam , lim e juice a nd peel, and salt. T um into freezer can, and freeze accordi ng t o manuf ac tur e r 's directions, using 8 parts crushed ice to 1 of rock salt. Whe n fr ozen , rem ove dasher, a n d repack sherbet, or turn into large loaf pan, cover a n d place in freeze r co mpartm e nt o f refrigerator until serving time . Makes abo ut 1 quart sherbet. To prepare ln freet.er section of refrigerator : P r epa re p in e apple m i xture aa a b o v e, omitting cr eam. T u rn into loaf pan, and freeze unt il firm . W h e n mixture la frozen. beat cree.m to 90ft peeks, and ~in refrigerator . Cut mixture into anall chunks, and tum in to W-,. chilled bowl. Beet at low 1peed untll 1moot h, then tncreaae apeed, and beat until fluffy. Quickly fold In cream, and return to freezer until firm. WEIABORFOR YOUR This Labor Day, Instead of laboring Tray or other goodiet from our dell over a hot grill, enjoy fully-cook~. a nd wine counter. Honey Baked ready-to-serve Honey Bak~ Ham. Ham Company. We have everythi"3 And, if you'tt planning a picnic or you nffd to tum any day into a puty you might llke to order a Party holiday. WE SHIP COAST TO COAST U.S.A. +ALASKA fr HA WAii WE DO CATERING • GIFT CERTIFICATES Makins! a start is prooably the most important step toward sa,·ing. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right track toward a regular, scheduled savings. Just join the Payroll Sa,ings Plan at work. A linJe is taken out of each paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to worry about making a special effort to put something aside each p~yday. It's all done for yo". Automatically. The bucks start piling up, the interest grows, and )'OU realize )'OUVC A?>~ found one 1urefire Tuke f L "'ti way to save. stOCk~~ it\America. ... ' ,j I Orange Ooaat DAIL V PIL.OT /W1dn11d1y, Augu1t 25. 1082 . Family recipes focus on ultras lim dining By BARBARA GIBBONS la h Urne to get down to buaineM about l0111ng welaht? Today w~ lend a helfilng hand with tome ultraallm n.-clpee that are uxtremc ly low in calorie•. Keep in mind that the se<:ret or ultraallm dining la to eliminate Cat, sugar and refined starches, Cocuaing instead on very lean fish and poultry with no f a t added. vegetables a nd salads :l O UOl'O c a11 undrMlned muahroomw (or 8 ouncea) 2 table11poons d r y white wine or wott•r (or half-cup) M -cup tomato juice (or 3 cups) l s I Jtc e o n i o n , chopped (or half of an onion) optional: pinch of garli c powder (or quartt>r-teaspoon) p inch each : dried tarragon, thyme, oregano (or half teaspoon each), or uac rr..-11h herbe (114.' • OOU') Nott': 1t using frt'11h ch opped h erlJ1, Ult' I teaapoon of each hc.>rb for a si ngle •crvtng, or a tablt.. .. poon uf ~h fur 4 aervtngs. Spray a s mall (or large) non1Uck skllli!l with cooking s pra y. Quickly brown the chicken lightly on both sid es. Add drained m ushrooms (reserving liquid from can). Cook over moderate h e at Just unt i l muahroom1 bealn to brown, tht>n allr in wlrw o r wutl'r . Cvo k until liquid t'Vaporau•.:f, thc.>n add m1ahroom llt1u1d und r .. m11 i n l nl( Ingredient.a (add no aalt). Cover and simmer 2 m inutes; remove the cover and simmer until tomato juice evaporates and simmers down to a thi c k s auce (an additi o nal 5 t o 6 minutes ). S erve the chh.•ken fillets with the wm.a to-muahroom aaure: 17:1 calorlet per t1t.•rvlng ULTRASLIM GREEN BEANS I 0 -o u nn• pock agt• frown (or I pound fresh) green beam• I cup fat-11klmmt•d <.'hlcken broth Combine lngredit>nti In an uncovered nonstick skille t. Simmer until chicken broth has nearly evaporiJtt•d , a b o ut 0 minutes, but don't allow green Ix-ans to stk k S ur CJCCWllonully Mukt'ti four liquid I f rom u Jll r or 1u v1nge . 2~ t•1.ilorie1t ollvet) t·ut•h I h.>a1;poon pn ·pun·d SllM GOURMET ULTRASLIM SALAD DRESSING 6-ounce t•trn t:'l~h l · vcget.able ju1<'l' 'A -cup r e d w in e vlnf'gar 2 tablespoons olive muswrd o pllonul. J 111a11twc.l dove• gurltc (or garla· powdl•r to t.aslf') optaunnl: fresh or dried herbff to taste Combi ne and store in a co ve r t•d jar in th e rt'irig C:rator ; 1hake up hd on • ualnf Make1 .1pprox1mue y l cup, u 11dc•r :I cul o r u.•a pe r u.l>lt••J)(X)n for ('h 1cken reclp1•11 and un illustrated gutdf' lo l'Ulling up a whole, <.'htl'kt-n and de-boning brt'asts and thighs, send u swmpc.od self-addressed t•nvt•lope and 50 cents to S LIM GOURMET HOW-T O CHICKEN, P 0 . Box 624, Sparta, NJ 1l7fl71 served without butter or ------ oil and fresh frul ts for dessert. The following fish and chicken main courses can be made to serve a single dieter, or a dieting family. The amounts for four servings follow each lngredient. ULTRASLIM DILLED FISH FILLETS For l serving (or 4 servings): 2 teaspoons chopped fresh. dill, or pincb of dried dill (or 2 tablespoons fresh, or 2 teaspoons dried) ~-pound sol e or flounder fille t (o r J pound) 2 tablespoons dry sherry (or half-cup) 2 teaspoons lemon or "lime jui c e (or 2 , tablespoons) salt, or seasoned salt. and pepper paprika optional: minced fresh parsley For a ·single serving: Put the chopped dill under the fish fillet in a s mall ramekin (Fo r s everal se r v ings : Arrange the fillets in a single layer over the dill in a shallow non-metallic baking pan or casserole). Sprinkle the fish with she rry, lemon or lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the baking dish with foil and bake in a pr e h e at e d 350-degree oven (or toaster oven) 12 to 18 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle with paprika and parsley. if desired . Serve with the sauce in the dish; 105 calories per serving. ULTRASLIM CHICKEN & MUSHROOMS PROVENCALE For l serving (or 4 servings): half of a skinless boneless chicken breast (or 2 whole breasts, split) Pasta • piquant Whal does a fresh n ec tarin e h a v e in common with a fo ur- ounce serving of <'OOked pasta? Calories. A modest 90 in th e form e r compared to only 100 in the pasta . So why not combine the m 1 n an end-of-summer salad? " Nectarine Pasta Salad I is a pre tty, packable picnic contribution for a holiday celebration. Lean striM_ of cooked pork provide needed protein while pasta provides carbohydrates necessary for energy. ~h nectarines make a nutritious contribution. They add vitamins A. B and C in addition to fiber and water , tw o important, yet often neglected, considerations for a good diet. NECTARI NE PASTA SALAD IA C\IP. vegetable oil 1h cup white wine vinegar 3 tablespoons ' freeze-dried s n ipped chives l IA teaspoons salt 1 ~ teaspoons dry mustard l teaspoon savory IA teaspoon pepper 3 cups cooked pork. julienne strips 3 cups cooked pasta (rotelle, seashell or elbow macaroni) 1 pound (about 4 m edi um ) fresh nectarines, sliced J small cucumber. sUced Lettuce ln large bowl whisk together oil, vinegar, chives, salt, mustard, aavory and pepper. Add pork, pasta, nectarines and cucumber. Tou ,ently. Cover; chill about 1 hour to blend flavors, atlrring occasionally. Arrange lettuce on 8 serving plate1. Spoon pork mlx~ure, dividing • equally, onto l•ttucf. Makes about 8 aervt.np. PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 DAYS 8 AM THURS . AUG 26 THRU WED SEPT I, 1982 F1~\h Por~ lo•n STUFFED PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS PORK LOIN ROAST f re;h Por~ l oon BONELESS PORK CHOPS l8 2.59 l8 2.59 l8 2.49 l8 3.49 FARMI• ITYLI SPARI RIBI f 0 llESH I 49 PORK LOIN 1118 END L8. • 2·l1ter Reg ,or DR. PEPPER ............. . 6 Pit , 12-01 Cons Decal/RC 100 R.C. & DIET RITE ...... . 33-01. Final Touch. Incl. 20' Off label FABRIC SOFTENER .... 1.49 1.23 ORIGINAL NABISCO - OREOS sA~Ho~1cH I 69 19 0 Z PKG • WE'RE GROWIN' AGAIN! 7 FORMIR MARKIT BAIKIT ITORll ARI NOW HUGHll MA•KITI PA IA DINA ~~~-1tt atvo MALtaU :!~:~c COAST HWY. llL VIRLAKI ~t:~oAlf llVD NIWPORT BIACH 11•1J1~1 A\11 FOUNTAIN v ALLIY =~llO A\11. LA PUINTI ~~RTH HACllNOA BRA 130SW. LA HA WHITTIH llVD. p1'C\f\C f\llElS LIMIT 4 LBS . Fre\h P1cn1c Por11on PORK SHOULDER ROAST I B .99 f r.,h. Bull Porl•On PORK SHOULDER ROAST US 0 A Choice ~et Round l B 1.69 BONELESS RUMP ROAST L8 2.69 lB 2 .19 fA 1.19 EA 1.09 f rt\h Porl• SHOULDER BUTT STEAKS l11tle Juon I lb ts 1.89 BURRITOS Freil-t. For Sl-t11l-t Ko 8ob1 BONELESS PORK CUBES l8 2.99 YOUNG TINDI• BllF LIYIR FRESH SllCED SKINNED & DE VEINED La •• 79 Balh Sire, Incl 7• ott lobel CARESS BAR SOAP ..... . .. .54 /) IOOCOUNT NAPKINS !) BLACK& 59 ' WHITE GENERIC • L111le Ju on I 0 •·or CORN DOGS WILION CERTIFIED BACON SLICED 1 LB PKG 1.79 18°01. Creamy or Crunchy GENERIC PEANUT BUTTER 300·Ct GENERIC SANDWICH BAGS .99 1.29 1.19 -. •2.oz. '. ,lllllllllo 1 DETERGENT &LACK 99 & WHITE GENERIC • 4 Inell Libby, Fro•ted ••• 2·01. AFRICAN VIOLETS . . .. EA .• 99 DRINK MIX PKG .• 19 8oolh 12 Ol BEER BATTER FILLETS 8oo•k C runcl-ty 12 at BUTTERMILK FILLETS EA 1.99 EA 2.19 IJ S D A ChoteP BonPIP1\ Beel Round SWISS STEAK lB 1.89 U S D A Cko1c• 8onelp\\ Snf loon FILET MIGNON STEAKS lB 4.99 BONILllS CHA TEAUBRIAN l01N(UI w~Olf "ll£1 LB. 4.79 100·, GENERIC COFFEE Fil TERS 1.49 1.64 1.49 GALLON CLOROX llOUID 89 BLEACH • tC.11~,t~ o.--" . tf>OCS fJf W£' ''~£~~ ~· q • 12•01• 79 JAPANllllGGPLa.:;;, a~ .. L ~ 6 PACK ~Jof ~!~!~,a:.:~~1;;~;·;~::;;;~:~m• 1.69 ~~:RAii~~ RiC. s.o• rol~10S1;;.c~·· h·" ·~~ "t •m · .. ~ ..! tlf I. 13 5 ....... •••• 12.0Z C4HS ;.;J:iu;E';;;D lEMON JUICE .89 lf·M~;.;~ ~;~~~;s · .... -'i:at ~'ATE°R cHes0iNurs .•• ~~·cK~eo·R~ois'H '·· 1. 7S . _ __;-..,,. ·~,,()It c.-.. •-01 .......::.....- MACA•o• la CHllll ~ • : •I House veRMONT CURRY • 79 ~sA1H~D~AFT BEER I .23 ~~K~o'R1 J'ji:; 10~ 3.•9 scor~H 10 '"' •.S9 -.,-----'"'-----BACK TO ICHOOL •AllCI ---~ DILICATISllN TRIATI------... ::;;."::" ...... , .. w ... ~eon .... ,,.. a 7 U:= :~;:rt:~"~; .. GL•• ~.1. 2 e :::t:. PAPIR ....................... .,. • •-do"' w.,,., 1 110.A t lO)A ,. C .. $1 ' •-· " ••t I.It SCOTCH TAPE .19 PEN seT" 2. 99 HUGHES SWISS CHEESE ll 3.H PRECIOUS RICOTI A CHEESE &• flo I '-S " •• OXFORD SHOES 9.ff JOGGER SHOES . J .99 WILSON POLISH SAUSACE 1.19 BAR·S CANNED HAM 9. Wlril V0<uv111 lottle 4 99 17-oa $1ic.d 2 99 ALADDIN LUNCH •• , .................................... ~..... • DA NOLA COOKID HAM ............ . ... • LOWI• YOU• TOTAL FOOD •ILLI We ••c•I'• ......... frent ALL ether h11ert11t1rl&etel .................... , ............................................. --..c-.... . I Ce..,_.. c-... 1191-• .......... ctff tho ............. I-,..........., ,,., oo•i.d 2 ........ ttv t • ....,. ""' eit•~ > c ... ..., .. 11y ,., .. ow.•• ..... , .... ,., ,, .. c.,.i. ,..._.., ... occ.-...i • °"4, I<• l j,J:: .,_._...,..., • , • .,,. .. ol a 1 00 t• ,.,. ••• Ito ftvltlM ) '-'b•t•hll<O• of 1...,., .. _,...lo<M0t'• .!! ... ~.lr.!:i .. ~, rov"°" p,.i.111 ,.; II, lew 6 Yelw of ,_, .. , ...... t ,...,...., ~---_, tvr thoM ,. ... 1 ~ •• ...... f'M\ .... ·--·"" ell .... ,.,., ··~ ..................... ,._ o4 ._...... ....... . , ..... ""-•• & lle"Y "reivc:" •114"""41 t '-'~' ,. ....,;" •..,,..i•o.i.., "'" ,._.. 10 OH .. t"4 _ Atllc ,._~!-.!t I, lft) 1'IHMI .. ...-nD-u c ..... onus"' aca•na ' I • Orangt Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wednetd1y, Augu1t 26. 1982 DI Mother Lode produces 'whale of a value' By JERRY D. MEAD BEST BUY -From the S terr• Foothill• realon , El D o rado County apec lftcally. comet a ne w winery called Granite Springs. tu Ume 1oet by you ·u be hearing much of this new winery and the varietal wlnea, mostly eetate grown, that it wlll produce. Today 's column , thou gh, deals with a wine th a t Grani t e Springs has e lected to mark e t und e r a aeoondary label, and It Is one whale of a value. Should yo u ha ve t rouble lo c ating it through a local retailer, contact the winery direct for a list of merchants handling the wine. Write to: Granite Springs Winery, 6060 Granite Springs Rd ., Somerset, CA 95684. Dry DIJ.1ln11 1981 Prospector 1 Red ($3.50 or less). The name, of course, ls inspired by the fact that the winery is located in the heart of the "Mother Lode." The w i n e i s 1 0 0 percent Zinfandel from the area, and it reminds me of many Zinfandels of a decade ago. By that I mean It is quaffing wine. No "late harwest" style here, though It is fuller bodied than y our average Beaujolais. Lots of berries, little if any wood. It is a wine for hamburgers not for haute cuisine. But we all need wine t o a ccompan y hamburger, too, and this one comes at the right price. Buy a couple of cases to see you through the rest of those summer cookouts. WHAT IT REALLY MEANS Julio Gallo told The Modesto Bee recently that The Wine Cellars of Ernest & Julio Gallo would buy no Thompson Seedless grapes this year, and the wine press has been writing about this fact as if It we re some k ind o f major news. Fact is, Gallo hasn't used any Thompson in table wines for nearly a decade, and has been buying less and less of the grape every year. Last year's purchases were a virtual Cirop in the bucket by Gallo standards. The only thing the wi n ery was using Thompson for of late was brandy production, and perhaps a bit in some of the refre shment wines. There is really nothing wrong with using Thompson in wine production, except th~t it makes rather neutral tasting wine of little character. Many big wineries use the graj:>e in their "jug" wine blends, because moat folks aren't looking for a whole ldt o f character in such wines. All they want is something that goes down easy. The Gallo brothe rs were pioneers in encouraging growers to plant better qualil)' wine grapes, so it really isn't such big news that they've eliminate d T hompson from the ir purchales altogether. THINGS TO WRITE FOR Every now and again I tell readers abo ut IOOlething or other that can be had for free, or for postage & handling c oats, that I feel is Informative a nd worthwhile. WIH ud die People. a flrm in Berkeley that specializes in home wtnemaking supplies has come up with a new method of •hipping premium wine g rapes from California'• beat crowing regions, with apparently no loaa of quality in the p:rooe.. The firm aaya it haa developed a pl'OOel8 for freezing eith er freah grapes or grape juice and 1hlppln1 lt anywhere wt~r..w Wine that la ble from wine ma • from f reah lfaj>S. They further claim that • Wt oond~ by the UC Davia Enology Depertment abowed no alanificant tall• d.ltfennce between two different wine• made from the lame vineYard. with one made from frcm.tl ppee the other from fnllb.. If thla l• true, lt 11 1uppU" wrtw to: Wino truly a boon tor home and tpe People, 907 winemakers throuahout U n l v or 1 l t y Ave .. the na tion . The one Berkeley, CA 9'710. factor that haa alway• m a d e t h e m a j o r For those into food d lfterence In q ua)lt.y and wine ln a aerlou• between a ma te ur amd way c ome t a n e w proteulona lly m ade organization and with lt wine has been access to a new pubUc.tion. quality fruit. The Culinary and Fine For a fre4! catalog of Art.a Club pubUahet an a vailable g rapes a nd appropriately title d o_t_h_e_r _h_o_me __ w_ln_e_rna_ki_n_.s..___n_e_w_s.._p_a_.p e r c a 11 e d Culinary & Fine Art• Newa, a tree copy of whloh will be eent to Interested partloa In e xchanae tor a ult- addre ued. stampe d e n velo pe. Write t o : Culinary Nows, P.O. Box 1~3. Weetem Sprtnp, IL 60~~. The primary thrust of the r.ubllcatlon I• on cook ng 1chool1, wlne academies and wine-tood IEIDDllllf eemlnan throughout the prov lded on over 130 world. dltferent Italtan white wlne1, Including grape The Italian Wi n e varletiea, growing Center hu a new booklet region , plu.a a brief taste available titled Vino dncrtptlon. Blanco, which la devoted Thia one ls absolutely exclUlivelv to the myriad free. Simply request It white wlnea of Italy . fro m : Ita lian Wi n e Specific Information ia_Ce_nie_r_, _4_99 Park Ave .. New Yor~ NV 1002:.!. LICENDE P LATE GAME Rcadera u1M.-d to aend me two or three wine or food o r le n\ed peraonalized plates a week, and now It's down to fewer than th at a month. Surely Mil the good ones haven't been discovered. · A Son o ma County reade r recently spied ·'S WAN Z IN " o n IC>llM'One'a Honda ataUon wagon , but doean't know if th~ plow belongs t.o winery owner Joe Swan or to a fan of the highly r e garded but ver y limited production w ine. I penionallv oti.erved "EAT SOUP't on a van In San Francisco that bore no other markings to indi ca t e a n y ISee MEAD, Page E%> __ • C_Jt_' ~-~-l_tlt _J\A_ea_t_~_l,a_t _vU_ad_e_CUs __ ~_a~_1'o_us_l _____ ._9_t' g_(')_ult_J_\J_te_o_t _'i3_1_,n_t _v_U_ncl_r_q_!_s_g_·_n~_no_us_!_t'.. For Quality· At Low, Low Prices... Stater Bros. Your Neighborhood Blue Ribbon Store! l'llUH PACIFIC NOaTHWUT 81LVSa alUTE Salmon STEAK ·-~Aao& •ANCY, LITTLE aocK ,)Bartlett ----~ / Pears · .... - ::» ~ ::it COLA, aooT aaaa, L&MON·LIME • • ·"' aaou1Aa oa Dl&T PllCES mmm 1 Fill um m • a&U IMl"&.I" LEO$ THIN SLICED 8 Ol LIJICH MUTS IAR.M IULk SltCED IGlOW JIMM'f OEA14 TACO FIUMC BALl PAllK MEAT OR BEEF FWKS B.0.11.M BULK SLICED UCOll ; \ \HU Ill " lA 11.19 l.11.49 }1.89 lfrOZ 11.79 l.12.09 ·•\ r~; WISHBONE DRESSING ~ -·-1aiiiWiiiilo ...... ~ ..... ., .. ----. __ _..... ......,. __ ---·-· _...._ ,._a.o-•-........ _ . ..., ____ ....,_ ........-.. -.......... --~ --- , .. ,. PU•& a&U Ha111burger Patties HE' &LA[)( CUT atUC« STUI UfF-ILll>S n•sruK ICE' CHUC~ &OffllH!> F•YSTW lfEF ROUND SllOI TIP STW HU CUil STW 11 \ \1111 Ill .... C \~I '141\1 ... PILLSBURY PLUS ,,. t•• VIII u 11.39 LI 11.88 LI 12.28 LI 12.39 .. 12.59 •• ou••na POVWD ••n1u 8£(' IONf.IN COAN[A CUI llllP IOAST 8Uf IOHllHS IOTTlll IOIJIO ROAST BEEF 1.AAOE l ND 11 IOAST llEl~ C><UC~ &Offlll!>S SHOtl.DH IOAST BU• ROUND IOHILESS Sit.DI TIP IOAST ~H \I I VELVEETA CHEESE .. , ... + R.C.100 I ...... ••.39 callad8 'DrY" .... "" 'ft1'e ! lid G&:a:YY"iraln ! · .. •7 .99 llhl\i u 11.79 l.11.89 LI 12.19 LI 12.19 LI 12.39 I~" I 'ill 11111 hi 11 Hlol 'I DASH DETERGENT Welch'• ...... Royal Oak Dreulng Service Deli Specials •LE11 !t POTATO SAUD ANY SIZE P•ECl JACK CffEISE $LIC.l0 !O()llOfq TURKEY BREAST .L.43c HI 11.19 "Le 11.89 , ...... >ti 11111 1111111' IHI 1\11111 NORTHERN TISSUE e -••••• e -•2.4tJ wrc&~ z:,ey~\"' AU STORE!, • -···•9 '141:\C II M \Ill I 111111 ' \1111.I 11 \t\lll I kUll ' Post Toaatl• I ~ .. 990 <•illllt ,, ,., • Lay•-Raines -••••• (flJJ APPLE ORANGE JUICE JUICE IHI/ OU/ 'Luck.;; Charma!. •• .67 • ... . .. ,,. '. 99e Bubble Up ! .... ,,, '1'11 .... ""''"' ! .. .,••.39 Grape sOcia ! ••••• PrlnSles --1! cun TUI ••• ~ . --tam.c.us_ Garden-Fresh Produce! II ! CHUNKING ;I. - ~A -- SUNLIGHT • OH \tt It' \II 0 - MJB t i PREMli. COFFEE 1111/ I llll I " '1111\ WISK LIQUID ~, e WllCllS w lfUY $1.29 SOfTSOAP ! COE SOAP $1.35 IOl'S ! DICSSIC Sl.49 • --· - ... ,,. '"' I I Mt I \I '\l .. t\ '2.lt ... OXYDOL LIQUID DETERGENT __ .-._ :111 Jl•ls BllTitas "·1·111•-t .. .,3r • . . .,8' I ••v 85o .... .,35' I.Nol ICLC>--c1•11E 1 iiiTiiOUfEl .. 25C .. ._.....,_ PEICHEI i'illiDEI .. 49c 2ac S>t · s ©u1t vUeat ffial vUade CUs 'tromous! ' '• 11 I I '111 \ftt \I' II \I II\ 1111\.,. l\11111•1\•·••••"" Ill""' Beaton . ..... sr 13' 11.11 .. • '2.09 $3.39 '2.09 '9.&9 tg,69 '1.99 '3.91 Jt• '2.16 ,.I. ' I ••• Or1nge Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT /WednHdly, Augutt 25, t982 Tall, sk i nny silhouette for hogs this y ear By DOROTHY Wl!:NCK o...._. e-er "4Hfte A4'YM« ~, .. o.....,,. e..,.. .. .,,.,.-..... llog1 are gro wlnl( taUC'r and 1klnnler. Thi" means c.:onaumcn are finding leaner pork chops, ham, bacon , and 11parerlbs In the meat department. Leaner pork cuts give you more meal and less wute for your dollar and more protein and less Cat in your diet. All to the good you say? You bet! It's co me abou t because hog farmers are s upplying consume r s with w hat they say they want. Hog farmers are trying to retain the ir s hare o f th e marke t instead of losing out lo the poultry growers. "Consumers ha ve signaled that they don't want a fat pork chop,"' says Karen Parham. an economist with the U.5'. Departm e nt of Agriculture (USDA) Econo mic Researc h Service. "If producers want top dollar for their market hogs, they have to provide what packers and consumers want." A recently completed USDA study shows a dramatic change in the amount of fat on hog carcasses between 1968 and 1980. The change 1s so dramatic that USDA grade standards are b ei ng reviewe d for possible updating. Pork is not graded for retail sale as is beef, but hog carcasses are graded for wholesale purposes. primarily on the basis of the proportion of fat they have. Pork grades measure the yield of lean cuts, in other words. The leanest hogs are graded µ.s. No. l. and by 1980, 72 out of 100 hogs marketed ma de this grade. During the same time period, ave rage carcass length grew by a half-inch and average backfat thickness shrunk by a quarter-inch. An ave rag e h o g ca rcass w eigh s 165 pounds and will yield about 98 pounds of the four major lean c uts (ham, loin , picnic shoulder and Boston butt) if it's U.S . No. 1 grade. A No. 2 hog ytelds 90 pounds, a No. 3 hog 82 pounds, and a No. 4 hog 73 pounds of these four major cuts. Today. virtually all hogs that go to market are either U.S. No. 1 or No. 2, according to the USDA study. While 96 percent o f the 1980 sample earned one of these two top grades. only h alf earned this rating in 1968. Why and how did such a big change take place in such a short time? One factor has been inc reased use of the USDA grading syste m by meat packers when they buy hogs. USDA grades for both h og carcasses and live hogs provide a means f or rewarding, with higher prices. the farmer who produces leaner animals. The grade standards were changed in 1968 to re flec t the cons umer demand for leaner meat and also as a response to the drastically reduced demand for pork fat. or lard. Farmers, motivated by the expectation o f receiving more money for leaner . meatier hogs, changed their practices to produce thls type of animal. They chose breeds that were leaner, or used animals for breeding purposes that had a leaner body co n - formation. They ad- justed the djets of the hogs. And they brought them to market aooner rather than fattening them extensively before selling them. This ia a clasaic story of ho w the ultimate conawner can influence the kind of food that is produced. We vote with our doll.an. And thl' producers, whoee goals are to earn the maxlmum dollan on th,sir inveatment of money, time, land, and equipment, were rsponatv• to our vote. * * * QUDTIONS WE ARE A.IU D: . . . Q . Why ta It that ~sweetcorn I buy II .omeum.. flavorful and tweet .nd IOlnttimft 8C tatt•lHI l\'1 hardl) worth •ti"I'? • A S ... vura l vuriablt•• affect the flavor o f trt••h llWN'I 1..'t>rn. Tht-tndudl' variety and the storogt' time and l~mpcraturt• Voril'ty is u vory importunt foctor. Somf! 1.."'0n1 varteues are naturally more sweet than others At,'t'Ordi ng to veget able crop farm advisor, Harry Otto, the best and sweele?it variety for Southe rn California is "jubilee." When you buy s weet corn. you can identify the jubll~ varltoty by lht1 lit aweot l.ute. Thu., in prt'acncu o f a f e w ju1t 24 houra at room pinkl•h·colort•d kt•rncl• te mperaluru. half the hert" und thl'rt' union" sugar In swet-t corn the yellow o nea. t•hanges to atarch. JWpld Equally Important 111 chilling of thl• l'Orn after t h t• fr s hne11 o f the 1t'1 picked cun 11low lhiB ,. w ct' t corn a n d 1 h 1.• prucesa. storage temperature. Thus, for the sweetest Here you need to know corn, buy it d irectly from your source. a grower right after It's Fresh-picked corn is been pic k ed, rush It high ln sugar. If corn ls hom e and refrigerate h e I d a t a w a r m or cook It immediately. temperature, this sugar Second best is to buy r a p i d I y c h a n g es t o corn from a market that starch. and the corn loses . set I< local corn that's been field.chilled, and kept cold until you buy I\ If the <.'Om hualu art> dried ou\, limp, •nd wilted, lnatead ot ht-In~ fresh and ereen, the oorn W unlikely to tulc IW~t. For a Hat ot sroWcrt who sell fresh corn in Orange County. send a stamped, self-addressed legal-size envelope to: "Farm Trails ," Cooperative Extension. 1000 S. Harbor Blvd .. Anaheim, CA 92805. *** . Q. I want to malc.e peach plea and freete tht'm ShouJd I bake the pl~• before freezi ng them or frcetc tht'm unbaked? , A The preferred mt-thod for fruit pil'1J is to freete them unbaked. Make u uaual, except for very juicy f1Uing11 add an extra tablespoon of flour o r tapioca , or 1h tablespoon of cornstarch and do not cut vents in top crust. For peach pie, peel peaches without acalding, 1l1ce, max with 1 tablespoon lemon JUiee or ~ lcHpoon ascorbic ucld In 1 «'11.ipoon wok•r per pie. F'rt>el.l' the PM! before wrapping, tht·n wrap an moisture-vapor reaist.ant material or put In plastic bag. To pro tect crust, place pie in carton for storage. Frozen fruit pies can be bekt1d w ithout thawing. Cut vent holes Jn upper crust. place on cooky sheet, bake at 400 degrers F f or 15-20 mtnutt••. thon reduce heat to J7~ dcan·e• f' and bake 20 to 3 mlnut.c..'t more or until cruat 11 l>ruwn *** Q A large block of pr()(.'(.'S8ed cheete I had 11tor<.'<i in the refrigerator has golten moldy. Is it 8fJfo w l"Ul off the mold and eat tht.• cheese? . A . Yes. Mo ld growing on the surfa<.-e will not make the cheese unsafe. C ut ~ i n ch below the surface to trim. FEATURING USDA CHOICE BEEF, INTRODUCING SMITH'S DOUBLE COUPONS I OEE SMIT~ PRESIOENl ~lflC•• .,,,,.cnw• -ON••OAY, AUau•r •• THlfU TU••OAY, AUOU•T ~f, f Na•U•IT 1t10Hr• Alf• 1t•••1tw•o SAVE 2.36 WITH THESE CO.UPONS ~----------------------- mro ••tTH'• COUl'O# t o OROX BLEACH UOUID 1-IALLOll PLAIT IC JUG 49c ~-----------------------· ~-----------------------••ITH'e COUl'Oll .,, LIGHT TUNA 'CH~~:. 49e OI OIL• l '..MIZ. CAI a o "~.:'19.~~ .. J.~~-'==" , .. ue .. ...,.,....,, ~----------------------- ~----------------------~ ••trH•• coul'011 n 1 1 HARMIN TISSUE ! 1:~ .-:.w::.49e ! 01 nuow 1 ~~~~~-' 4-IOLL PACI I '1DUJD n::".,S.:.':,~-:~"'==-I ---'AUe~-.., .JI ~----------------------~ r.?----------------------~ ••tnr8 COUN# .. , YOUR MAllUf ACTURElrl COUPOll II WORTH DOUIU THE f ACE AMOUNT WITH OllE Of SMITH'S DOUILE COUPOMI. IEE DOUILE COUPON FOii COMPUTE INFORMATION. H•R• 18 AN •XAllPL• ~:!fifu::~+ r-f~rr:~l=&ae L _:_o~~~-J L _COUPO~...J OFF ., - Orange COHI OAIL v PILOT /Wedneeday, Augu1t 25, 1982 DI I Canned pears are price, nutrition bargain BJ Mlftl AVALA c .............. SACRAMENTO "Now l\'1 Ume to 1t.ock up on canned peara," aay1 Frank Sprague from the Pa.ctflc Coaat Canned Pean Servlce. "A number of canners .have ju.t redut.'ed their ~ by 10-16 percent.'' ~ar growcn, It followed rlaht 1&fter the 1g90 crop which wu the all-tJmo record. Th~ 1'180 crop wa1 already prtiaonting the lndu1try ~1th an overs upply proble m because It followed the 1979 crop which had brok e n all prevloua ~rds price, peara, accordtna to Spraaue, are 1ood for a lmoat every k ind o f diet. "Heart patient•," h • beiiN. "can benefit from them 1hKe canned pean have no c:holeaterol or fat and they're extremelr, low in IOdlwn. ln fact, ' he addJ, "canned pea.rt actually have leaa eodlwn than freeh pean." Uttle they have II moatly In their 1k.lna. When th akhu a.re ttmOVed In th cannlns p~"'M. moet of the 1odlu m 1oea, and much of what Wleft in the pear will .oak Into the canning liquid. If sodium ii a particular concern, you may want to di1card the canning Uquid." water pM.Ckl or the new juke pac k1," h e r C· v mmond1 . "ln - c:ld t1 nta1ly," he add1, 'the e41nnora adju1t tht' Jweetne11 of the julct> packJI eo the fruit Ju lC<'S •urroundlng thl' PN1rt1 will have e xactly tht• same degr ee of aweetnef!S you'd find af you were eating a fresh pear." hfltr <•up of peul'!I p&t('kt-d In Extru llt•nvy Syrup hrui t 20 t•ulom.'li, µ~u-kt'tl an blc ndl.'d jul<.'l'!I, at huK only 60 calorit"' 1 f y 11 u ' r 1• rt• LI 11 y Wlll<.•hlng l"Uloril•b UI sugur, try the• wull'f pa<'kB Thl'y hove only :i5 t·ulorics per hulf l'U p serving rEAK A LA TURKEY SALAD WITH DIF.T VARIATIONS I c·an (20 01. Barth'tt ix•ut h.1IVt"'I 2 l'U ps ti l!.'t'(f t•ook1 ·d turkl'y or c h&t'kl'll ' , cup datxod l't•lt•r y :J lablespc>ons dlc•t•rl grt-..•n Pl'PJ>l'ri. I t' u p ~ t' <' d I r• s s j,(rupes ~ t1•1111111"1n1t lemon Jllllt' 1.• tt-UllJJUUtl curry powd<'r Chill pc•ur11 Combine t u I k I' y () r (." h I c k l' n . l"t:lt,ory. ~rc1•11 pt•J>pcr, grupei. a nd almundli. For drei.1>1ng , m a x muyonmuse w1lh lemon JUll"l'. lloy sauce a nd c urry powder Blend dressing with lurkey mixture. Chill one hour The reaao n ts an ove111upply of pean. The 1981 ~p was the third largest In hiatory, and unfortunately for the 1t you do chooee to lay In a supply of canned pears now, you may ~ doing youraelf a favor aa w ell as the fa rme rs. Besides their bargain He goes on to explain that pears are naturally low In sodium, and wha t Aocotdlng to Sprag1'e, cann1'Cl pears also nave a place in the diets or w eight watchers and diabetics. "Look for the The juice pac k i. Sprague is talking aboul o ff er consade rabl l' savings an calor ics. A To c· m p h a s 1 u· t h .. c ann ed pt•a r s adaptab1hly to daffcr<•nl diet s, Spragut• rL'COmmc•rids: 1 • t· u p to as t t· d To a&le'mbltc> salads, dram sllven-d almondi. pt·ars und arrange two 1/1 cup rnayonnuiS(! pt•ar halves on each of -four salad platc.>s Spoon turKt:V salad in center. Mukes four st•rvmgs. For a low sodium dit>t, omit SIJY sau<.'t'. use salt- frN~ turkey or chicken and u sl' salt-free mayonnaas(• Each s l•rv1ng t•quals YO mg sodium Fo r a low fat/l ow cholest!'rol diet substitute low fol yo~urt fo:· mayonna ise For a low ca lor ie diet, use water-pack or juil.'t'·pack pears. Substitute low- calorie mayonnaise. Each serving equals 2 1h lean mC'at exchangL>s, 2 j r uit and I fat exchange. FINEST QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE, NATIONAL BRANDS AND SERVICEI -...... Writ<.' tor additional ('anned pear r<.'Cipes with special diet variations . Send a self -adaressed ::.tamp('d envelope to ··Pears", c/o MitZJ, P 0 . Box 10, Sacramento, 95801 . fl CHUCK STEAKS USDA CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUT PORK SPARERIBS 14! LARGE TOMATOES Rl!D• RIPE SLICING SIZE 15~. ITALIAN SQUASH FRESH ZUCCHINI ~25~. SPRINGFIELD MAYONNAISE 32-0Z. JAR RIB STEAKS 7-BONE ROASTS UI DA CHOICI! Hl!F •LAROE END CLUB STEAKS UIOA CllOICI H IP. ltle. t •A&.L IND FAMILY STEAKS UIOA CMOICI HIP. I MOULOU CHUC• CUBE STEAKS VIDA CHOICI HIJ'. eONILUI ...... .. SMOKED SAUSAGE oa ''''· ,." .. ,. '°""·"°"• """' 1'! •• 21• 241 .UI .•. UI. 211 •• 111 PORK LINKS FARMER JOHN SAUSAGE• l ·OZ. PKO. GOLDEN DELICIOUS WASHINGTON STATI! APPLl!I l:J 39~. FRESH CORN T._•IWUTUM ..... 5i11 RADISHES OR ONIONS llUI llAOtMfH , --· 8UllCN ..... 5i11 11• 141 HANGING PLANTS •llOllTD. WTnl IAUCD • ._INCH 11Z11 ~OT PERSIAN VIOLETS 1ucu•.•·-N 1CD "'°' ·-···· 1 3L~ STEWING BEEF LI 211 I ONI LlllCUe ll 169 LI QUARTERED PORK LOIN ILICIO RUDY'S FARM SAUSAGE 239 209 SAUSAGE PATTIES RUOnrAlllltll.ttOAC, ''"°'H O URKEY DRUMSTICK MEATY 41~. HONEYDEW MELONS ~;WEn•JUlis~B. GREEN BEANS .... .... UNMll ....... . JUICY PEACHES ""'"°"' .. .. !!~T~!~'?of!.~ll~IO~ MANGO, f.lllCH P'Ot 1211 POTHOS OR MARBLE QUEEN 311 ._INCM IUI POT ROWN ONIONS MARIE'S DRESSING ··•3MIL4D 9c ~OALADhAHORTED•11~oz •• LBS. ~J HRIS' & PITT'S HASH BROWNS •AA·•·O IAUCI!, 1~0Z. •TL. · ORl·IDA POT ATOii • '2·0Z. PKG.• FROZEN • 99c )J}999c FACIAL TISSUE c-wn.110•M••- 8LUE ROSE RICE -~•ui.1 ............. . SALAD OIL IPRINO,.ILO • l'*OZ. HL. NIBLETS COAN MPS CHUNKS COUllTll\' Clln, IUlllA NIAllTY. n .. .oz. CAii MOORE'S ONION RINGS !._OZ NO,~llOUlf ......... . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TlllUWHT1 11.0L CAii, ,..Olmlf ......... ---· ..... 39' 59• .. 11• 89' ORANGE JUICE TREHWllT • 11·0Z. CAN• ,ROZl!N CORNISH GAME HENS 11-0Z. MINIMUM WEIGHT 0-BONE ROASTS USDA CHOICE BEEF• ARM CHUCK FRESH LETTUCE CRISP SOLID HEADS 4i1 BARTLETT PEARS JUICY 31~. COKE.(. TAB OR SrRITE 12·0Z. CAN •139 PAK MEXICAN DINNERS YAN de KAMP'&• 12-0 Z. IOX • f'ROZEN ::a~~= I ' c CHll!ll! ENCHILADA ~NB!:!~!g_~ .. ~NE VELVEETA SLICES SOFT CREAM CHEESE' KftAn. CHIHI 8'RIAD. 1•-oz. ,KO. ICRAn. PHILADIU1HIA. 11-0Z. TU• ct~:::"° 321 CHININ ILANC ~· Z11 e • 131 Use le mon for flavor B y CEC I LY BROWNSTONE A11ocl•l.cl Ptffl Food Editor Nowadays many <.'OOks who plan lo w -sodium nwals are using freshly grated lemon rind and frt'shly squel..'zed lemon JUll'C plus such spices as dry mustard and curry powder to g1vt· flavor to poultry We· did JUSt that r('Centlv when we baked RoC'k Cornish heni. - .ind thl'Y Wl'r e good tasting mdL'<.'d If you are interested m low-sodium c:ookmg and vou try the following recipe. you may want to note there are only about 118 mg. of sodium per '>t'rv1ng LEMON-SPICE CORNISH HENS -I frc.-sh corn1sh hens l:'ach 1 • to I ' ' pounds 2 tablt'Spoons salad ml · 1 tablespoon honey Grated rind and ;uace of 1 medium-size l<·mon 1 large clove garlic. minced , ... teaspoon ary mustard •1~ teaspoon curry powder Wash and dry hens . with string. tae together the drumsticks of each; turn wmgs back akimbo fashion . In a small bowl s tir together the salad 011. honey. g r ated lemon rind. lemon juice. garlic. mustard and currv powder: brush some of mixture over hens. In a 13 by 9 by 2-mch baking dish arrange the hens. Pour the remammg ml -honey mixture over them. Bake an a preheated 350-degree oven, basting cx.-cas1onally. until tender about l hour. Remove string from drumsticks. Place hens on md1v1duaJ hot plates. Skim fat from drippings 1n pan and pour remainder over hens . Serve al once. Makes 4 servings a lt-free foods to make d e but S AN FRANCISCO (AP) -A major fruit and ve g etab l e manufacturer said it will begin selling green beans, corn and other c ann e d ve g etables prepared without salt. "We 're offerlna vegetables proceued without ult {n respon»e .. CARLO ROlll WINI 111 ._,....,~-·~···· .. --.-· .. ··"······ .••.••••• t.'-4.'9. =~-~~~! ____ .,~·· .. -···•·'M~ 9'' to the concerns of a g rowing number o f consumers about llOdlum Intake," said Robert A . Fox. Del Monte president a n d chief operaU.na olfice.r. ·~ 3100 BILBOA BLVD.AT 31SJ~T.eNEWPORT BEICH OPIN 7AM TO ~IDNIQHT .. .. ~ Be,tMlt\a in October. the com pany will offer 14 varletlea of ar een beens. corn, Pff1. toma\o .. uce and t.omat.o paace 1 procx•d without aall. , ' ( I, .., Dll Or&ange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wodne1d1y, Augu11 2&, 1982 Stay on course with two tenipting salads Enjoy thlj fl"i.'t'dom o( J1at l'Ombint• dlllry Mour 1ummet! Sptind theae crt•am wllh an l•nvelop•• fut fieetina c.h•y11 on the of chicken ifavy mix and 80lf course, not in tht• USC half for the dressing kitchen and worry about Arld mUllhC"(I avocado to making par, not s upper. ttw 1t"muinlng 88Ul'\.' Qnd You can enjoy an active spoon uvt•r the pie for u day and stHI sit down to dish that looks wi gOQd as • h ome-cooked meal it taste!! Serve with with these two recipes. assort~ relishes and ired Choose either Turkey tea or coffoe . Salad P ie or Potato C hef's Potato Salad Chef's Sa I ad f or a lets the chef take 1t easy· tempting light meal that because you make 1l with can easily be prepared packaged sca lloped ahead. potatoes that need no Serve turkey salad m peeling or slicing. Simply a pie crust, and you can cook the potato slices, skip the bread or rolls -then refrigerate beCore the pie-crust is all you you head out for fun m need . Toss ch opped the sun. p IH' k 41 ij t• 0 f p 0 t 0 l 0 11t•aMo o ing mix nnd mustard. GarnlNh with JUlll·nnl• !i lrips of ham und Sw11111 t0hl'l'8e, and :.up1wr'K on the tablC' with llttlt: effort on u hot day. Complete the ml'nu with buttered rolls, rr~ty melon bulls and 8 l'O ld beverage. Who knows? You may evf'n have time for a bit o ( gardening before dark. TURKEY SALAD PIE I l"nvelopc ( 11~ oum·c) Mravy mix for l'h1cken · 1·'' l'UP milk Yz cup dairy sour cream • I , turkey, walnuts and The creamy crunchy green o n ions homemade mustard wit_b-,a refreshing sour dressing which accents cream dressing that this main dish salad is doubles as a topping. easily made from the 2 cups diced cooked turkey 11 2 cups c hopped (See SALADS, Page EZ> LIGHT AND EASY -Turkey Salad Pie is up to par Cor a delightful supper after a day on the golf course. T empting and Ught. it helps you en.)Oy summt·r The c:-ust takes thl· place of bread or rolls for dinner -'-~~~~.=.--~~~~~~ "Food wouldn't be the same without us." More here than IDeets the eye By LOUISE COOK "-'et.ct p,... Wrtter You can't always tell a food by its label these days. The additives that are listed often outnumber the basic ingredients and consumers may find it hard to figure out what they are actually getting. The Food and Drug Administration. which regulates most food labeling, says that federal laws generally are not d esigned to restrict th e use of additives, but are aimed simply at ma king sure that the additives which ARE used are safe. The broade s t definition of an additive, the FDA says, is a substance which becomes part of a food product when added either directly or indirectly There are almost 3,000 substances which are intentionally added to foods today for one reason or another, the agency says An additional 10,0 00 compounds or combinations of compounds find their way into various foods indirectly, during proces&ng, packaging or storage. The use of additives is not new. During what many people think of as "the good old days," additives w ere just as common and often more dangerous than they are today. In the years around the tum of the century, for example, the FDA a.ays manufacturers commonly used pigments containing toxic metals JJke lead, copper and arsenic to color foods. And ground pepper was often "stretched" with bits of charcoal. Today's additives are much more strictly regulated . A manufacturer' who want.a to i ntroduce a new addlUve must lint prove Cbat lt la safe. Some consumer advocates argue, however, that many of tbe .additives are unneceuary, even If they are not dan&eroua. And there hu been a arowlna lncreaae ln conaumer demand for eo-ealJed 0 natural foods." whlch ha~ UJ\dergone little processing and have few additives. The F ederal Trade Comm1ss1on currently is reviewing regulations for advertising o f foods described in terms like "natural" or "organic." Meanwhile. however. tl'\ere 1s n o legal definition of the words. According to Karen Burs tein, executive director of the New York Sta t e Consumer Protection Boa.rd, "Many of the 90-called 'natural.' '100 percent natural' and 'all natural' breads, cheeses, snacks, cereals, Juices and other foods and beverages may contain a long lis t of chemical ingredients." Deciding which additives -if any - you want to avoid can be easier if you understand the function of different ingredients. The FDA says additives have four basic purposes: -To maintain or improve nutritional value . This group includes things like vitamins and minerals which are added to foods to fortify people's diets and replace nutrients which have been destroyed or lost in processing. Breads and cereals, for example, are fortified with B vttamjns which are lost when the grains are milled. To maintain fr es hn ess. Man y addttivcs are used to prevent foods from spoiling in the store or when you get them home. These products also preserve the natural color and flavor of foods and keep fats and oils from turning rancid. Some of these preservatives protect cured meats from contamination by the toxin that ca us es botulism. Others, known u anti-oxidanta, stop or minlmlie changes in foods expoeed to air. -To help i n pro cessi ng or pre paration. These compound• give body and texture to food, control lhinga Uke acidity and prevent caking or lumplns. Chemlcala called emulalflera, tor example, give productll (See MORE, Page EZ) zrO • •• PWS DOUBLE COUPONS n\l•I•llJ :J!l(1llJJ·n•SJ Beef Steak 51/:rh~·~.;~"1 Chuck Roast ec!l:':ri..~:'°' Beef Rib Steak 51'5:11 ~"rt lb lb ID s2211 s1119 s21111 ------1!!!!11 C0tn IC1n9 Pork Steak F.,lll":. ~~ Variety Pack Meats L~n:, Grade A Hen Turkeys MllF!'°'~" s ....... & J .. ocy lb s1s11 '2·oz s119 Pl.g lb 69' Fryer Legs ... 59c Premium Ground Beef £c:~i1 Fitet Mignon Steak a..~l':":l~ii" Fresh Pork Roast e:i.~ 10 to lb s11111 s411e s1a~ P'l=::::ii~----. SIUnleu Fillets Fresh Dover Sole Fillets Cooked Shrimp Meat "Pope~~~ .. Breaded Fishsticks Cl!>b~~~ "'••""'9• ... 39 ::::= c .. My ... s21111 lb 10 s2•11 u01 s1s11 P\g Butter Lettuce 0~:,,' he~ 29' Bean Sprouts Ii.":. ':: '1" Sunflower Seeds = Ill 39' ~ 99' Ill 49' lb 69' cu11·19'~I LOW PRICE PIO I T !'! f ITH DOUILl1 ,SH 1111 TE I O.t ., ht•••• • tOOO aeyelde Dr., NeWPM' ...... ..-'1" 6 =''2" fl WI ACCEPT USDA FOOD STAMP COUPOIS • •1 ........... ._ .. AM . ---······ «• a ~--_,I :;:¢& 1i~139 Can1 '...,.,,. 2 ,vttheM Ovet lwf\U ' I , •• GROCERY ~ Ranch Style Beans ~ Post Grape Nuts Cereal 1~ 44' 21 01 s111 Plog =::: HamburgerBuns ,., wngn•~2~n 5100 OI Hoc Dog Bun> ~King's Hawaiian Bread ·~:, 11211 tE £ Paper Towels ~ ~ Granny Goose "°''1!;"<r.os Bathroom Tissue ~~ 8~ SQ 59' f• Roll sS:O 95' 4 p'!~ 79' LIQUOR AND WINE f~tv• In lo<enstd Slttw1ys IE•ttpC C.1a1>11a1 "!::{ Lancer's Rose ~s:> '299 ~ Black Velvet ~:1 w•uPev (,{! '10119 :-1 Kamchatka Vodka "''!' U; s749 6 P11'•i ~ Scotch Buy Beer 2 ~~ '3°0 -..I. 86 1 IS s9g11 •o Scoresby Scotch "'ao' l•t• ~ Gallo Wines ·-: ::;.,-..... _., $ 3 •. 9 C-i u!. =.. I -...... " """ ._,... ·~ ...... _, ·-_...._,II"_, ....... .,. . I I ............... ··· .... .,.. ........ ...,. ...... ·-...... .._ ..... ~ ...... I :.'.. -~ .. ·:~::., .:.. ·:i;:-;\.~."::=" •. ::::--::..:: I """ .. _11,.., .. ,,.,.,. .._._ .. _...,_,... .,._....,,.............. I I _,.,.,._a.-.. .... ,.._~ I ... , .... ~ I I (\) "~·· ..... -. '-'(::...':." ..... -• .._ (\) ·-----------------' GROCERY ~ Frozen Dinners s.01chs..v ~Tomato Juice Sc.~::'' ~ Lucerne Buttermilk ~ Chocolate Milk t:·f~~ 1~r 69' ·~o; 69' ~t. 89' s2ss Gallon Parkay Margarine ~5 I C 1-lb. Corton 1 l1m11 1 P'w.-che.,. o,,., U..... . 6 .. 1 ~ Gerbers Juices ""'"'"" 3a ..... s1 00 J•s HEALTH 6 BEAUTY Stri-Dex Medicated Pads Gelatin-10 Grams s."'w•v Truly Fine Baby bll Dandruff Shampoo ~·: Vitamin E Skin Cream s.•ewi1 Jlf '1911 01 IS aome s3n ot 100 16-ol s161l 8onlt = s2se ~ s2•11 Arrid Deodorant I 1,..1...i., tO-Off) ' I Orangt CoHI DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, Auguat 26. 1~82 t:t .L emo ns a nd limes have tang that refres hes A aqu1rt of flavor. • wed11c of color , unct P wholo lot mort'1 Lemona and llmus go beyon d a squc·t'7«" of t 1 n a y t u • t t• T h -..1u : colorful fruit.a a~ laden with IU1Clous flavor that should be used to thl' fullest. It's true that a spritz. o( fresh lime or lemon JUIC.'t' adds extra zest to iced or hot tea. cocktails. seafood and butter s for 'Vegetables. They also star in refreshing, cool limeade and lemonade. But lemons and limes offer aid to other foods as well. Try using fresh lemon or lime juice as a topping b y itself -on fn•sh vegetables. fruits . chicken or steak. These ~PPY flavors add extra snap to barbecue or cocktail sauces, too. F r esh lemons and limes enhance the flavor of other foods, and they a l so excel as a main ingredien t. Lime chiffon pie and lemon meringue pie are dreamy desserts. Fresh lemon or lime s h erbet ls icy and delicious. Fresh limes or lemon s m ak e tasty puddings, frostings and creamy sauces. Liven up your meals with that fresh zesty taste. F resh limes and lemons are very low in sodium , makin g them ideal seasonings for those t o must or choose to it their intake of salt. h ip up a lemon-lime dressing for super salad enjoyment . Salt w atchers can squeeze Jresh lemon or lime juic.-e on vegetables and meats for extra taste, too. Select lemons w ith deep yellow color and finely textured sk in. Good quality limes should have smooth and shin y green skin. Both phou ld reel heavy for th eir size. Keep them re frigerated, and always cpver cut lemon or lime p ieces tightly w ith plastic wrap to preserve freshness. LEMON SABA YON SAUCE 2 whole eggs 4 egg yolks 2 teaspoons grated fresh lemon peel 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1h cup sugar M ix toget her all ingredients in top of double boiler. Place over simmering water. Beat with portable electric mixer or rotary beater until mixture is light and !lu ffy and stands in peaks. about 10 minutes. Remove from hot water a n d place on top of double boiler in large bo w l fille d with ic e cubes. Continue to beat un til cool. Chall until ready to serve. Serve over whole fr es h strawberries or other fresh fruit. , Makes : 4 cups, 8 *rvings. FRESH LEMON CURO 1 cup sugar 2 cups fresh lemon j\iice 4 teaspoons grated fresh lemon peel 'h cup sweet butter 10 egg yolks or 6 whole eggs In medium saucepan. b eat together sugar. lemon juice, peel and b utter until s ugar dissolves and butter melts. In large bowl beat yolk s u n til thick Gradually add hot lemon mixtur e a nd continue &ating until thickened. l.f lemon mixture is not hot enoug h to t hicken yolks, t urn entire m ixture u nto saucepan jmd cook over low heat, •tirring constantly, until l hickened. Chill. Serve ln s m a ll tart shells, 'topped w ith fruit, as a Fake fi lling, or as a •pread for bread or toast. thill. Serve in small tart fbella, topped with fruit, as a cake fUllng, or as a ~d for bread dt' toast. Makes: 1 ~ cups FRESH LEMON CHIFFON TARTS M c up s ug ar, divided 1 en ve l ope Unflavored •latine ' ~ cup fresh lemon Juice ~ cup cold wet.er ~ teaspoon aalt f · 4 egp, teparated 6 baked 5-lnch tart ~~hipped cream i 1 teaspoon a.rated ,...._ lemon peel Mix ~ cup o f the ~ and platine ln top f double boile r . Add h•mon Jult't', wuwr. :mil •nd beatt>n "ifll yulka, max w~ll Cook ovt•r &1mmt:ring wuwr 10 to 1 ~ manuh•ic or until H••lutin1· dl11:mlvt>!' und mlxturt• thll'kens Cook until l'Ulltard mounds slightly whl•n dropped from u icpuon Beat egg whitt:K until they stand m soft peuks. Gradually beat in remaining 1~ c.·up sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Fold into <·ustard. Turn into tart sht>lls Chill until set Top with whipped cream. garnish with iirult'd h•mon pt-.•J Maktw· ff bt'tvlnjl(ll. FRO TV MELON SALAD WITH LEMON·LIM E ORES ING <! tU}l\ t~. !i)ll'(\(j 1 medium onion . pt'(•llod and sllt't'd 1 t'ul·umoor. sliet.><I 2 c ups frc i1 h honeydew melon balls (about 1tlr honeydew) lettUt't' leaves Combine tomato sh('{>S, union rings, cuc.·umbe r i.lll't'S and melon balls in large dash. Pour Lemon- Lt m'• l>rl1u 1 ng • ovur JHI I 0 d . rt• r r I Alt• t. \t• 2 hounc To l'C"r.lt•, arrangl' lilllad un 11Nv1ng platter llm-d With ll'llUl~ le VC,'S, 1r tlt·sln'<l M11k1•11. 4 to 6 i4:C-Vlngs. •LEMON-LIM£ DR ESSING "J l'Up vegel.able oil 'Juiw of l lemon Julrc of I lime I teaspoon grated. fn.:sh lam(' peel I tablespoon chopped fresh chives 1 teas poo n dried l'herval ; Double Coupon l Mu poon ao It I,\ l('Upoon pt'pper In mt•dlum bowl , bl"nd all lng~lenta Makt'fl. 1 cup dreumg LIME 8 ARS 2 l'UPIJ flour 1,., l'UJ) t'tmfet'lllltll'rt' suga1 1 c up bultt·r or murgarim· 4 eglo(11 2 C'Up!i sugar dash salt 1•· cup rrpsh llmt• j1,11ct> conr('(:t1ont'rs' sugar In bowl. C'umbtnt! flour oncl lllnfrt·taunt•r.. bUgur C' u l 111 hut l t• r JJ r t·u m1xtun· into ii x l!'I tn<'h baking pun Bukt• 111 :1!'10° ovt·n 20 to 25 m1nuwi., 01 until goldt•n MN1nwh1lt'. bc•ut ••t(gs ut h1~h lipt't'<f with l'lt'l.'trll' n11x.-r unlit light und pale.• yl•llow m c.·olor Gruduolly. udd sut(ar a11d :o.t1lt, 1h1•n hmC' JUkt•, t'o11t1nuan~ to lw11t ut high !IJ,>to'ed Pour uvt•r hot t·ru11t and l'Pturn to OVN :,!() lo :!5 n11nult':o. lungt•r, or until ROldt·n Spr1nklc• at ont'<' with l'nrl rt•c·t Inners' sugar Cool, <'Ul llllo bnB Mak l's Abo ut <I '1 clm1•n bar• LIME MARINAOF. FOR FRESH FR UITS b UtUll• µouru. ti l'tih lmw JUIC.'l' Ii ll1hlc.11pcJOni. hnnc•v • l'U J' :0.~14'11"/ I quart l'UI up frl'!lh fru1t11 t11tr.iwln·rril'b, rwadlt'i;, plu""'. bun:mas. p1111 •appl1•, papa y;i , g1·u1x•:-., 1•t1·) :..1lad gr l'1•n:-. w·atl'd fn•sh ('CIC.:OT1Ul ln :iimall bowl, blt•nd limo JUll'C', honc.•y and .. h .. r t v J .1•t atand untJl hont·y d11uwlVt•1 Pour 11\J*fllUidl• <IVl'f frUlta lA•l .. tund :.! h ou r i\ 111 11Vl·rnq~ht . 1011:.1ng tH• .1,111n.1lly Artunge tn11L>1 111 bowl l111t'd with joClt'l'lli. Curniah with lU'•JOUt Ml1k1·~ fi Ill H M·rvlrl~"I FOR A CHEAMY DRJi:SSlNG Hlt'nd tup muyonnatSt'. 1 1 CUIJ hml' JUll't• und 11 cup hont!y Ma kc.•s About 1 1 ' lUp~ Prt"••'lll 1111• ••. ou11un ,;110119 with .my 0111.' MJ•nJfJC lu1e1s r""'" 011 < uuµo11 <1nd Ql'I t10,1hl!' the :-.<1v111Qs when you pw< h,1'.f' th£> 11 ?11\ Nol 10 oncluctc rPl<.11lc1 lrce 01 QH11.1•ry pu•1..h.1~.l' t riupuns 01 t»C(!l'U the value of the 11em E~«lue1es 11q11or lobacco and aairy products Present this coupon aiong with any one Mi1nul..ictu1ers "cents oft" coupon and gel double the savings wlil·11 you pu1chasc 1he 11em Nol 10 include 1etaile1 frf'l' 01 "grocery purchase" coupons or e.1tcel'cJ the v<1lue ot 1he Item Excludes liquor. tobacco and da11y P•Oducts Pre!>Pn t th1 . 1 oupt111 11h11111 "''th 111. ''" M.11'"''' I 111 1 ·, t Pnt!> off \<HJp11n rl"" U''' q,,11f1I•· It•• if•'"'" t.H• 11 '''" purcha~n 1t1~ tltHn Nrd lu 'u '"''' •• 1 '"'" 11f 1 'J' grocr'ri; IHH 11 1•,t •HlfHHl', •11 1•1 •• ,.q lh,. ,.i.tl 11 I 11 • uen, [.,' l••ftP•1 ltqout H;t'd' I ti ill 11f t .... ( ;,1 iChJt t ~, Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effec tive Aug. 26 thru Sept. 1, 1982 Limit One Item Per Manufac turers' Co upon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective Aug. 26 thru Sept. 1. 1982 Aalph1 Sweet Of Hot Hallan Sausage Fatmtt John c.,,,., Cur Pork Steaks 1;8$ii'0ii88riiia• Oold1n Pt1m1um Bef't Ct'lvd• 7-Bone Roast Ooldtn P1tm1um·Bttl Chuc~ olden Premium Blade Cut-Beel Chuck Steaks per lb .87 Fryer tDrumstlcks or Thighs per lb ·.89 Sha.nl< Portion Farmer John ,-mokedHam Pt• lb Ptl tb P•• lb o•• lb per lb .99 Reg or Hickory Kraft arbecue Sauce 18 oz. btl .77 1.99 Ko•IM• lttl Frenk1"' Sholar Knockwurst 1.99 Ralphs Kitchen frtsn Cole Slaw 1.29 Whol• o• tialt ~o.shet Claussen Pickles 1.29 Frii1t or1nks 1701 pk9 ,. 01 cup qi , .. t•I ti 1.79 Special Bakery Values Boneless Chuck Roast '7i.' £ii H=itll·aneviuns Fi"herman's Cove Values- P~9 oll F11t11 P•c•t1c rre,n 1.39 ;o.,~~.rciiCe If Ot Red Snapper per lb loll ''••" lou•t••ru 1.59 Ralph• A~••n C11•n•mon Of Catfish P•' Apple 'n Spice Snalls po~9• lb fra1h·flfl•t 3.29 Frozen t-ood Values Dover Sole '"' lb i=r19C. Chicken )101 PLAINWRAP Values P'19 iiui\iwi sh 1.19 Pink Or lltOYllt ._ 1io1 Uo1 Ralphs Lemonade Dtl cen ,._..., s.. •• ,. .16 RllPll• 1101 Ram en )Of French Fries ,., pll9 Appetite Shopp~ Value s LIQuor Values 1.99 .69 1.19 .69 .59 1.19 1.79 2.49 .39 .95 l'lon\ltl• ~:· 3a29 IO''"' Herb Cheese .. Ollber·s &In I '511' 7 88 bll. I Sweet oneydew Melons per lb .15 Ralphs Meat Wieners llb pkg .89 91nch PWNWRAP Paper Plates lOOci pkg J39 12oz cans Mtn Oewor Reg Diet 01 L1ghl Pepsi Cola p:ckJ S9 •••••Grocery Va lues A11,0fted rt•"Of',. Royal Gelatin Olol)<I A I At9ult• Spaghetti C11n10on •••ott•d Flawo1\ Instant Breakfast r11nch 1 Squeeze Mustard NHIH Instant Tea Fici81"Y1ssue clorox Bleach bot p•q ,, 0 1 l>'Q tO •n.,. o•o 160i" bll '"' 1•• •OOcr ho• q•I I~ l,.imit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupon s Per Customer Coupon Effective Aug. 26 thru Sept. 1, 1982 Peakol the Season Yellow Freestone Peaches per lb White 01 Wheo1 Ralphs Super Bread 1, lb loaJ .45 160%. pkg .55 Person;al C.:tr P Values . .. : .. - : .49 4'•1 •fYtrJnn "' rnn"1f11uuu 1.09-· Suave .. "' .55 r ttr••• SponQ• 1.97 Buf Puf .. h '1 2.69 C1•"'"'''\ S~tii CtftA111 1.57 Noxzema "t.-11 , .. .75 Produce/Florttl Value~ 2.29 ''"''" l .,19e c,,, .• , .19 : Bell Peppers f".t(f .75 OolCS.n A•llt .27 Bananas ~·· '" .78 N•• CrOIJ .49 Velvety Yams u•• lb t.opy11Qhl •98? "' lblph• Q•no•v l".nmp1ny All l'l19hl• 11 .. ,, .. 11 coiesii "w.. . ~~· .59 Joie0~uervo Teaullf 1 ::· 5.98 Wfl ,.,,.,.,,th• ttqht eo flrrut ot t•lu~• \1ftt 10 COMMttt1•t Otll••• Ot whOl•t•ltr" Prices effective August 26 thru September 1. 1982 .,,.'"q' rtl•le 10 p•~••Ou• •••~ ' R•lph\ '""~ o• lati ll•lt 1>ll01 111 •ll•lt•I p11et rttlutl!oft uelit•l•t ol Hvttll"•d p<otllOllOfl•I puctt' Adw•tfl~etd ''*'"' '" ""' _., u'~ o·u• '"m~ .,,.,,. O• low•r '"Aft \IOt•• PHt •• ott'Mt th•" H.-.tl•~ ~fk•• Mty •MY nc:flrtQ upoft Ir,. Al / omeHtfll+utt ~o~I IJtthw .. "' t~Ut.t•l'tpt\u kX.l'huo IUCH & GMfllD 3IO 17~.!h.~TA ICM PASO> DE V~. 1.M1tmA flW tun'ICTO.. IUCH auo oa .. AT WAUllT, .. •• AV1ll1bl• II R1lph1 Appetlte·ShoppH only. • • 1 RI • Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday. Auguat 2&, 1982 rit'• " ··merica's fat consumption at all-time high ~~~~EN DALL ~plte the 1advlce by fPA11Y authorltle$ to cut d«>:'lfn, American¥ ar~ ... ·MORE ... (F,;i,m Pa1e DU) llk('peanut butter and maY,onnalse an even te~ure and prevent theril from separating. Thickeners help create a sm<»th texture and stop lce:c rystals from forjl\ing; humectants keep in moisture . ....-; To make food more ap~&ling. This group is tbe"inost controversial. A d"d l ti v es in this cate.gory. including coloring agents and natural and synthetic flavors. generally are desianed to make food loolt. and taste better. S trawberry ice cream, for : example, usually ls tinted pink because consumers associate strawberries with a reddish color -even if none of the natural red comes through when the fruit is turned into ice cream. The government has a free pamphlet explaining food additives and listing 130 of the more common ones. It's called "Food Additives" and is available from Dept. 520K, the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo. Colo. 81009. SALADS ... {Frem Page D1%) celecy ·~ cup chopped walnuts :-~ cup c h o pped ~Ii onions .;l tablespoon French d .. ~ 9 -inch bake d pie shell: ·1 ripe avocado ;i tablespoon le mon juict=. ~bine gravy mix an d: milk in sma ll sauotpan; heat to boiling, s ti ~ring frequent 1 y (Mixture will be very thick.) Cool; stir in sour creaiti. Combine turkey. cel~fy. walnuts, and ontons; add French ~g and half of the cooWed sauce. Spoon into pie ~ell. Chill. Blend or maj)l avocado until s m:O.o th ; stir into ~g gravy mixture wilfi: lemon juice. Spoon on ·~p of pie just before ~· 6 to 8 servings. :;~ POTATO :c!HEF'S SALAD 4 'package (5.61 ounfe) scalloped potatoes :;s cups salted water '.l cup water ·!?A cup mayonnaise :1 tablespoon spicy mu$ird :~l to 2 cups julienne SlriJ>O of ham .J slices Swiss ch~. cup in strips ~ cup chopped cele!f, '!11 cup sliced sweet pie~ ··J.,ettuce Cqmbine potatoes fro~ package with 3 cupjl salted water in lar~e pan; cover and 'simrtjer 15 minutes, until ten.r. Drain and chill Meahwhile. combine seafiming mix from pot~oes with l cup wa~ in small saucepan. He~C: to boiling, stirring f r e~ u e n t 1 y , u n t i l thi~ned. Cool slightly; stir jn mayonnaise and muaj&rd. Toss toge ther a coo~d potatoes, ham, chdjse, celery, and pic.CJes. Add dressing and!":toss lightly. Chill. Se~ on lettuce. 5 to 6 se~. -:.- MEAD ... .;: <Fr~!n Pase Dt> coniiberclal lnterett. If a n;~ o n e h a a a n extainatlon foe that one ra JOve to hear 1 t. BAJWAINS COMING ~Jlo1e bargain• I pr~~lcted would be T up ever more tlytnthe~ mo , with a virtual flodcl becoml.nC .wllable af ttr the fl rat of tb• ye•, are arrivinC even 800der' than I expected. I·can't tell you how many under '' wlnea haw bMll broucht to my attention In recent .. .-.. rm &MtinC my wq ~ tbe lot"°" and wm bi ...,arUnc on ....a in aombll wMb. St&J 1UDld. • . HUng mo re fut• t~um That rlttt Wu fairly Accordina to a new round1. d own •ll&htly ever, act.'OrtJlna to tho Ai· 1teady for 10me yeara, fata and olli 1ltuatlon r om 1 9 ti 0 u n d rkulture Department with the 1941 rat..e 11hown r c p o r l b y t h c •ubawnually bt>low th~ L 11 1 l ye a r . 0 cw at 47.6 pound.I pur capilAl dt-partml'nl'11 Economic r~'Ord of 11 9 pou~nd.a In a\Altlalica ahow, per capita Durlna World Wu 11 , ~urch Service, butter 1976. fa t co ns u m pt I o n howt:ver. fa ta bec•mt• ronaumption dropped to Much of thi: dt.'Cllnl' In averug<.-d 57 pounds, up ~laUvely llCbr<.'t' and by an average of 4.4 pounda the use of butte r ha11 1.1 pounds from 1980. 1945 the corlllumpUon per pcn10n last year from occurred since Wo rld Based on figures going rate dropped to 39. l 4·6 pounds' in 1980. That War II when. even with ~O pounds. was only one-tenth of a .1 back nearly years, The latest urcturn in d h h s hortages, It averageu that Is the highest per poun more t an t e around 12 pounds per capita fat consumption fat con11 umpt on was record low of 4.3 pounds person annually The on record. attributed to greater use In 1976 and 1977. t r e n d h a 8 b e e n of both shortening and d d 1 In 1934, Americans salad oils, along with a The per capita use of ownwar s nee. ea c h co n s u med a n sllgh t increase for lard margarine, on the other The U.S. consumption average of 44.5 pounds. and other edible fats. hand . averaged l l .2 o f mar gar In e, I mt•anwhlle. avt•raged ft>1H pound• or lcu durtna tht' war yea.n By 19:)6 , butlt·r c·o naumpt lon h ad dropped to a per capita rate of 8 7 pounds and margarine had climbed to 8.2 pounds per capita. But that was the tummg point, and margarine after that held a growing edge over butter oonsumptlon. Per; ca pl t a use of short ening wa11 !IL~ pounds last vear, up from 18 2 pound.a In l 980 and th .. third m :ord high In the pHl four )'l'&rs Consumption of 1uhad u nd coo king 01 111 averaged 21 .8 po und!! per perton. up froro 21 2 pound• in UJ80 o record fo r the third straight year. re port 1ho wcd. Salod und rooking olla gained nc."urly 40 ~n.'cnt from I~ tj poundB In 1971 . Lard ronsumQtlon roee one lt'nlh of a pound lut year Lo 2.5 pounds. The. r <·t·ord lo w was 2 .2 pounds m 1977 and 1978 Fort y yca ra ago , The use of shortenJng Amen carui <.'Onsumed six for baking and frying times a11 much lard a11 increased by more thun th<'y do now. As recently IO percent from lhc per .is I ~55. the per ca pi ta capita average of 16 H rate was more than 10 pounds In 1971. the pounds annuaJly. ,~~"'--~~--'-~~~~~~__;,~...;;.;;;..;;;;.;_~~~....,-~__;:=--~~~ • OVERALL THERE'S A DIPFBRB CB AT YOPll PRODUCE ru.='~oa 1 O::o129 ~~~ &.\.15 ,;:·~-I.I,. ruh oll ... 39 l~Applet LI .39 ~~ ~· .89 ~n=n~::,y IA .29 QT.r Phlodendron IA 299 I I« >I.I N I < >< >I >S .79 .75 ~1:1~~~~· .59 ;(f ~-..~11'\idfelc• 11 9 3:1i,,-:~:;.; ~'9.\-M 2 09 ~<fo= .59 . ................. . I ICl(JOH ~mpegne2i500 tlZ;&m.~IUICIU"0'/3 99 u~,y~...., 249 ~ ~-Olll.CllfT 159 a..~~~Lnc 399 ~~-369 t='fq~ ... 219 I >I I I CA I I S S I N f'INAL TOUCH FABRIC SOFTENER ~-~ 299 199 GHOCI Hlt-S ~Tornetoea ~"'4• ~i~a..n. lnieked hana ~! DISHWASH!R DETEROENT r - . - ------ --r----- - ------r--------. -, I ., ' I ' I I I I I I I l>OUUl.I I l>OUH1.1: I l>OUHI I I : ('.OUPONS : <:OUl>ONS ; ~OUl'ONS : I .,. ... :..:?.'f. .... 11 ~ ... -"'"""~ ...... 11 ~ -:=-":"t.-1 .... ·:= =. ... "" ';~ ·:c. =. ~ ":"'~ -:.."C. =. ... ,,. ':t.: =· ._ , ....... •.....-: =· "" r~, ·~· , .. ,... hH ·~ ,..,...._ I ........... r.: .. -........................ ._ ................. ___ ........ . IN Wliwf rtA 1t.t ••~ f'lt ..,_ .. tflf lhM °" ttiwt ti IN ,..,.,. ~c.:...:.'T."..::..7,t='\'::.. 11 ..:.~..:."'\~1.t:n:.·.., 11 ..:.'f!~'T.'Fr:=:...5-I .,....,:r::,'1.C;l'Mll' 1-.:: ...•• t:1':111' 1_.=i:,-. ...... , ,. D .. VO•• ma VD•I YOU YD• o .. va.a ma VOii VD•• y YOH VO .. VD .. IHI•• yDll VDI u ---------------------------~--ATl'BN'nON MARKBT BMKET 8HOPPBU For the ntJCt few weeka, Vona will be 11ylng "welcome" to all Mericet Blaket lhoppera by honoring Mericet Baaket check-c11hlng card1. Stop bv Vona to do your WHkly 1hopplng-or juat to pick up 1 few · Ii.ma. We'll honor your ~raon1I check whether It'• 1ccomp1nled by a chec:k<Hhlng c1rd from Merket Bl1k1t or Vona. And for your c:Ontinued convenlence. Juat fill out 1 1hort 1ppllc1tlon i nd we'll g 1\19 you a Von• chec:k<11hlng Clrd of your own. .BEST MAYONNAISE JaOUl'1CI!. JAJI . LMT 2. lltl!.O<JLM PRICI!. I .'7 Ml .ATS ~IPenc~ka LI 368 ~.... I.I 248 ~&i~ltn:ka ~~bllteekt .. 209 I.I 258 u 189 l<141\4~1'oOlll'~·---lOl l 88 DOaOm .. OUncl .. Olltl LI SI IM PHI< 'I ~• l'nllt Mix .49 ~. f'efrted lean• .43 -=~ • 98 ~Honey 115 ~"'~"•Cl 125 139 'tt\";~1tkka ~llO< F ll'OllOOI°"" llWT 3 29 TUnc'Y DreUt LI ~fturtcey BNMt 1.1 l 69 ~,.U~1 IA 159 ~i:'A~=~· .. ~.:.Con IA 289 UI ] 89 SI IM Pf~I< ·1 ~ ~··=m> tv'l""CI .49 n~~'*"'* ]19 =;~~ ]19 8;1~~utl ]79 ~ ~oltt 11 .. .,. .76 DASH HEAVY 001'V UQULD DET!ROENT l»Ol. 1~~.:r+:.t -1--=~- . ' . • .. • For the Be~uty of Young Skin •FACE KIT The lat est fashion colors for tall Contains 5 eye shadows powder blush 7 5 0 hp gloss. & 2 eye & blush applicators in a mirrored compact • KIT CL•ANS,CLIEARS,PROTIECTS .... •TEN·O·SIX LOTION Ant1sept1c Cleanser Cond1t1oner • TEN .o .six LIGHT Cleanser Toner Both combos contain 2 oz Trial/Travel size with regular 8 oz bottle YOUR CHOICE! 3 • 9 5 u ~N¥.ICIT F« S..tttut ....... ,. !.uy·to-app~ .. tMt ltey on Ut1til you tatle Off. -. NECKLACES OGILVIE Eye-catching black and grey crystal necklace 1n two lengths. 16" & 24" 4.95TO • 11.95 ... Aleo A••llabM, Matching Pierced EarTlnga. r1wmc ~AILS ~VITAMIN8 '¥ CREAM Brush on long. beautiful nails in minutes -On long N.ails in Minut~ Material for 30 Nails. A natural mo1stu11zer 10 soften your skin 14,000 l.U. , 4.79 2~.3.95 •LASHES Easy to apply . For the long lashes you've always wanted. • PERMA-LASH Natural looking, tnd1v1dual 1ash11. & 1.59 .. .. ·HAIR REPAIR SHAMPOO ·HAIR REPAIR CONDITIONER YOUR CHOICE! .• 2 95 ,..,,.....o.,r 8 OZ. • EA FABERGE'S NEW f1rdiT1J FOR MEN COLO~~= 8 .50 AFTER SHAVE ~=;~i~~l 7 50 2.5 oz. • BIO- CLEAR CLEANSER Medicated. 01Hree face- waah for 01ty, blemlahed and problem akin 6.7u.3 .50 . For olly, blemlahed and problem akin Orange CoHt DAILY Pll.OT/Wedn11d1y, Auguat 26. 1')82 WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! PRICES PREVAIL: WED ., AUG . 25th THRU SAT., AUG . 28th -~ ~~~~J!~HISKY 1 0 9 9 . 1.7SLT. • GILBEY'S GIN 1.75LT. 9.99 80 PROOF KAMCHATKA 7 99 VODKA 10 PROOF 1.75 LT. • ~~g~~ i~¥.~~ 8 99 1.75 LT. • TAYLOR CALIFORNIA CELLARS WINE •BURGUNDY 1.5 LT. •CHABLIS :~~:eosE 2 99 YOUR CHOICE! • EA RIUNITE WINE 2 3 9 9 •LAMBRUSCO 6 •BIANCO YOUI CHOICE 750 Ml. R • MARTINSKELLER 2 49 LIEBFRAUMILCH · WINE 750 ML. • ANDRE CHAMPAGNE 1 99 : ~~:o DUCK __ 1so __ ML. • EA ----LITEa11•R BUDWEISER from MILL•R 12 oz. CANS &·PAK •••R I 12 oa. CANS &·PAK , ' .. •• ' . .. . j " ... . .. \ I ll j Orange CoHl OAIL V PILOT /WednHdly, Augu1l 25, 1982 Taiwan still friendly but cooler U.S. break in relation hip has 110 effect on trade b.etween countries '•XAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) Nearly four Taipei denounced tht• communlqul• ut1 "u polky S lm-e H>78, 1t hu i.ent 11lx buying Y.,.ra after the United Stote11 cut It.a serious mlstake" m1:1slon1 to tht> United Stutt•11 which dtplomatlc tJea to Taiwan, American• "In many small ways, Americam art• rl'tuml-d wtth contracui vulut'<i at $5 O tif.!reaay they 1tHJ feel welcome but that made to feel the hun that the Chint.'St.· billion The seventh, leaving In In aubtle ways they ar e b ei ng felt," says Parker, who was t·halrman of Sl'ptc>mber, expect• Lo K1sn up $500 dilcriminated againat In the marketplace. the U.S. Chamber or Commerce here mlllion worth of buslnes.'I ~eraonal relationships between the when the United Stutes r ecognized In 1981, Taiwan signet.I u new Uvc- ?.t~oo resident Americans -mostly Peking. year agreement to buy more than $5 Dmtlnessmen, teachers and missionaries The trend so far is not drama Uc. The billion wo.rth of U.S. farm products, .a 70 Ji and their Chinese hosts appear to United Stat.es remained Taiwan's biggest percent increase over the previous have survived the trauma of 1979 when trading partne r in 1981, buying 38 agreement. t~e Carter adminiBtralion re<.'Ogniz.ed the percent of its exports and supplying it Taiwan dominates its trade with thl' communist regime on mainland China with 26 percent of Its Imports. In the United Stales be<:ausl' it lcviN1 an lll}d broke relations with Taiwan. first seven months on 1982, two-way average 30 pcrl·cnt tariff vn imports lt trade reached $7.85 billion, or 32.!' sells Americans textakoS. ele<:tronki; and "There ha s been very l ittle percent of Taiwan's total trade. When electrical goods. footwear, machine tools allll-Americanlsm," sayds Robert the export-import books were balant'ed, and r.t ywood. l t buys grains, cotton , Plrker, an attorney wh<> serves as an h United S $2 2 b'lli i h mach nery and chem1·c.als. ffl I 1 k t e tales was . 1 on n t e .... ~n~ c lat 81P0Te~man .~01 r thhe U .SI · red. Taiwan is a growing market for mun Y n aiwan. n t e car Y The American Institute in Taiwan, the computers, but despite more experience stages it focused largely on former semiofficial organization wruch replaced and superior software. U.S. compamP.S President Jimmy Carter and the U.S . the embassy, expects two-way trade to arc in se<'Ond place behind the Japanese government. Even when there was grow 12.4 pert'ent this year to $14 5 who offe r more attractive crecht tenns. a.i)U-Arnerlcan rioting, Chinese came up billion, and the Taiwan surplus to be But the Taiwanese penchant for to 'us to reaffirm their personal loyalty." about $3.5 billton . co pying -its competitors call 1t Tensions were heightened earlier this Taiwan surpluses have been the rule "p1ratihg" -Is an irritant. The month when the U.S . and Chinese slnce 1967, a contrast to the continuing U.S.-based Apple Computer I.nc. recently governments agreed on a communique in deficits an trade with its second-biggest brought legal action against a Taiwan which Washington pledge d n ot to partner, Japan. company which markets the "Orange" increase -and gradually reduce -as;ms In an effort to right the bala nce, computer. a cheaper but virtually chip sales to Taiwan. The government in Taiwan has adopted a "Buy American" for-chip copy of the Applt---~~~~~~~~r--~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~--=~~~~~~~~-=-~ ABROAD -Orange Q .o a s l C o l l e g e ptofessor Dr. Don R. Low will present a p~per on women in sdence in Switzerland n~xt month. •) .. OCC prof s:~t for ~wiss talk t>Tange Coast College counselor and professor of! psyc hol o g y and bi~logy Dr. Don R. Low ··has been invited to pr'i!'sent a paper at the l ~\ h I n t e r n a t 1 o n a I R6und Table for the ~~ van c em en t o f counseling. ~he confere n ce is sctieduled for Sept. 5-9 a('the University of L¥i' sanne in Lausanne, S 'tzerland. · w, who for the past y~ has been director or the Women-in-Science Project, sponsored by the N•tional Science Foundation, wiU describe his(work on that project. Tbe Women-in-Science Ptoject is designed to erWourage women to ertte.r or re-enter science a od math e mat ics occupations. Low was coordinator of·a one-day "Women in Science" conference held last spring on the OCC campus. The conference atttacted more than 200 atrtend ee s from thkoughout Southe rn California. Ii Telephone charges )f BJJnounced SPECIAL I Metal covered heavy 15 g 5 corrugaled angle binding with one piece ~ners. lock and hasp • 1117 ., 1115 COUAGl COLOR PEN ··SET ~n·to11c. line hne pens 1n a rainbow of colors 0 'i§§B.t.> NYLON KNAPSACK., OUFFLE BAGS For sehool & spcrts .. 1wp1.1 .• D£Wll OYEltsal • SHAVE/TRAVEL BAG Fashionable lulher grained vinyl .,, 11'4" l • .,., •• ,.,.-6 95 S4lo.eDU • .. ,fipi.f.) DIGITAL AlARM CLOCK ., ....... ~Compacl cu e wuh walnulolook finish Snooz·alarm lels you sleep, lhen wakes you up again Llghled di 11 SPECIAL! AO PRICES PREVAll wrn . AUGUST 25th THRU SAT . AUGUST 28th &UDDIN or TNUllOS LAltGE ASSOITllOO Of THERMOS er ALADDIN LUNCH KITS RI/All ~DC PORTABLE RADIO LUNCH JARS Brighi lronl •IY.ling 2·way power w1tfl 111J1IHn AC line cord Also operates on 9v b11tery • KID STUFF? A Taiwa n tot plays with a locally made persona l ('ompu).er called tht• "Ornngc·" It's Af' Wlnptloto a n<.•a r du p li cat i o n of the US -mad<.' ''Apple," but at a frat·t1on of the cost. SPECIAL! SAVE•1.oo GIANT SIZE PEE CHEE HAFT PCHITFOUO For 11· x 8''1 aheets ·~,, 5 ~ s1 a 12W' SPEU..WllTE STENO BOOK For accurale d1c1a11on U.S. Ill, PUZZLE lty M. HADLEY Asseml>t&O 1 5 9 size 20· l 14· .... . THE SCRIBBLER • D«AWM ru • WltfTING ru ..,(•IC) FAMILY ,ACK PENS 2.Qc Glll.S' KNEE HI socu2 ; s3 Sil.IS t-11 II 2 .... ....... ,_ 0 1 1.00 Rl!BATI! .. --·~ 6 ....... ROLLER PENS U•Ott.-o ..-i-<t 1.09 •t••t l OMllC' 1 00 t•O•M • . •ou•cot• 09 ,., .... •t<. ...... ,, • SAY• eoc Pacific Telephone r~dence and business cP.stomers who diitonnect their single- li1* aervice and don't re.turn their phone within 30 clays will have to"pay for them. •141 12.88 1.39u '"~: 16.88 ....... •au uo•-~,.,. ..... _. .... _.,111 ""••s..s,.,_ __ ·------1--1t•n1 ·-----~-"-"' ...... -··-,·--·~ t!:ustom era who pr4vlously did not return t~ir phones weren't chai'ged while customers 'Ybo brought back their ecfl! t received a $5 t for each phone, a Pa Ifie Telephone Co. s eswoman said. Ehargea ran1e from $1~ for a standatd rotary (dial) phone to $49 for a T ·µch-Tone Trlmllne After cuat.Qmen pay, will receive 90-day ,..,...,ntles and proof-o(- murcnue atkken . • SAVE Soc SAY• 14.00 WUTCl.11 BABY BEN UTWOUe9 MMllCUCI fuy·llHHO Ml nullltfal 0111.1m•• SAY••a.oo WUTCUl •Dll.IUTI" ALARM CLOCK wtaLU. Env·to., .. o numeral•. II Hanel lltld 1'41Qll, 4-ltty 11emory with perctnt ano *" root Complete '#1111 1ee .. sory wallet & bat1efl ... GETTING WET -On a hot day when the surf is flat beachniks at Corona del Mar's state beach seem to be mostly in agreement that in the water.is the place to be. With waves so COVER GIRL LIPSTICK ~:tTsg(A COYER GIRL NAIL SLICKS Looks wet even when dry ggc u. CLEARASIL PORE DEEP CWJISER ::rn o1: 9L 1. 49 CLEAR AS IL SWllmUGTH ACllE CREAM ~~u~~[s~:~ 39 1 .,.-1.. fA. .; Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /WednHday, Augull 25, 1982 Bl Tampon shock suit settled r $25 milli':>n action negotiutt?d for un pe<·ified amount , \ DENVEH (AP) A young wcm11111 who dulmed she rontruc·t.'t.l toxw shOl·k 11yndrn11lt• ullc•r ualng Hely UlmpoN has settled out or {'()Urt Wllh PructN & Gamble <A.> for an unap":tflt'<I nmount of damuges. The setlll•mt•nt between Dcleth.1 D.1wn Lamps h i re , 18, and tht-company , wh1d1 manufocturnd Rely tampoM until taking tlwrn uff the market, came m negotiations this Wl'<'k aflc~ both sides appealed a judgmt>nt by a fed(•ral l'OUrt Jury in March In that trial, the first among hundrt.'ds of similar lawsuits against ProC'ler & Gambit', the Jury found the company negligent in selling thl• tumpon However, the verdict did not find a d<•fm1t<· hnk between Rely and toxic shock and awardt•d no damages. Miss Lampshire claimed an the thrt•t•-we<>k tnal that the company should <..-ompensate ht.·r for physical and emotional trauma. ln her $:l5 m11lton suit, she said her ilhwss changed her pt-rsonahty and left her feeling that "no man would w~mt to marry me." Kuufmun u1d the 1wttlement will make L'OI 1Je>rut11111s awan• that better tettJng la ~-· ht'fof'l• produc ts ore marketed, while Ml•• 1.amp.'ih1re .aid only that her famlly wu "happy~~! with the settlcml·nt 1 "At least wt• huve 110methlng now," she aaid •. Dr. Frank Woods ide, attorney for Procter & Gambll'. said he would not comment on the cue or spc.'t·ulatC' whot t•ffet·t if any -it might have o,l othN toxic shock lawsuits against the glan·t Ctnl·mnau-baS<-d manufacturer I More than 400 s1m1lar lawsuit.s are pendlnt' agatnKt Prcx·ter & Gamble, and the company has .et asid<' a $75 million fund to cover Rely-related ht1gut1on. The nauonal Centers for Diseaae Control hu reµorted more than 1,500 l"ases of toxic ahoclt-: syndrnme. including 88 deaths. The illness m<>d- l'ommonly stnkt.'s women of child-bearing age, but. also sometimes Ol'('Urs an men and children. D•llJ P11o1 Pt\olo br oerr Ambr- small even the tiniest beachgoer can feel safe, especially under watchful eyes of parents. older siblings or other companions. "We got what we 'feel was a fair settlt•ml'nt," said Steve Kaufman, a lawyer represcntm~ Mtss Lampshire and her family. The Lampshires. who live in tht• Dt•nvt•r suburb of Littleton, had earlier claimed thnt her expenses -including a five-day hospital swy and attorneys' fees had exceeded $72,000. The COC first linked TSS with tampon usage in June 1980 Thrt.>e months later, when the federal agt·n<·y sanglt-d out Rely as a possible commori dl·nomanator an many cases. P&G recalled the prodUt'l. A recent Journal of the American Medical As.'>Cx·1at1on ha!. chall<'nged the ~umption that TSS as rdatt'<.I to tampon use as a possible misimpression L'rt.'all'<.I m part by publac1ty surrounding the illness. 1611. .. 1.lln. ~ ~ --- SAVE 15 .00 SET N' CURL NAiii SCTTH Mist or drv lor 1us1 lhe r1ghl style .. ~19.99 SPECIAL! RIGHT GUARD DIODOltMT Tiit Fal!llly Deodorant. 3 oz. 1.11 ... _..... ..... ~ .......... ·---'"""'-.. - AD PRICES PREVAIL. WED . AUG 25th THRU SAT . AUG 28th 14.00 REBATE* Dll, COFFEEMAKER Brews 2-10 M vJ>H 21 88 cups ol NJ ""tea coftee • I DCll-f ·~HATI Ot•CT -4 00 ,_ Q.I. • A'1IA ~~u:.~~~~ 17 e 8 8 ~. • COUPON:I AT ALL IAV~ CHtUO ITO•I '°" •OUOl-Tt -C'f .. ....._"'Cl•O I lllo\-ACTUMA •IMITI ll"Wll TO 7-1 11' UHTtl "'" cunoo.Jt °" MOUllMOUI V05 U.SPRAY ...,.. ADtOSOl Nalural look lhat lasts TWIN ,All IAVIE 74• Al.IHTO VOS HOT OIL TIUTMDft Saton Formula 2-Ya ti. TUIU 1.79 SAVE70c USTERINE MOUTHWAIHa QAllQLI .,...,nc 1101 . 1.11 4-aOW -.it Size DENTAL FLOSS .. ,.,,,,,.. Z·BEC HIGH POTENCY FORMULA FOR ADULTS w.4.99 ROLON Cf-f'E·- FLf X NET HAlll SPRAY "AHOSOL" Ass 1 Foimulas .. 1'2lli·• THERAGRAN °' !tt~~,~9~.~! M Supplement with Minerals PCB phaseout ordered WASHINGTON (AP) -The government, under court orders to · ('Ome up with a more ' s tringent ban o n • chemica I PCBs, has issued regul~tions that- wilJ require replacing 1.5 m1lhon pieces of electric equipment in the next six years. The Environmental Protection Agency regulations on the cance r-linked · poly c hlorinated bip h eny l s wer• immediately attacked by . both the electric utility industry an d . environmentalists. Utilities said they did not have the capability for replacing so muc)l • equipme nt in s u ch '•· s hort length of time. Environmentalists sai.d.;. the replacement ord~ should have covere4. more equipment and tie-. accomplished sooner, tO remove public heahb threats. · The EPA set Oct. t; 1988. 4S the deadline f'1i utilities l-0 halt use o{ PCB-insulated capaci~ in areas where the pubij~ . could be exposed ~~ , them. :•, The agency s a i.4-·, uulities could continue · using capacitor s i.,.q . restricted-access area's · such as e l ectrical • substations. In its fir~\·­ draft of the new rul~ EPA had pro pose"ct banning those uses Of. PCB capacitors also. Officials at the .Edison Electric Institute, the· trade organization for e I e c t r i c u t i l i t i e s.., estimated that about half of the 2.9 million PCBi • capacitors in use w itl have to be replaced under the rule. SAVE 20' SP•CtALI SP•CIALI SPECIAL! The new rules, whiCh will go into effect in 30' days. also order the removal by Oct. 1, 198~ · o f tr ansformers and elect romagnets containing PC& in areal where food or animal- feed could blt contaminated . U11til replaced, the rultte- r e q u i r e w e e k J y~ inspections for leaks. , ...... SUGAR TWIN LOW CAl.OllE SUGAI 1£,UCOIOO .. FREEDOM llAll NOS IAUUllUCK N£UTRQGENA BRACES Provides support AC.: SOAP & comlort COSMETIC CASES lnquilttd 3 99 int of C';ld summer blOl&O~I. • IA. Super or RtQula2r 8 9 '"'°'JO • ~ .. ~2 .39 2 ,9 2 ]g ~~::~~ eec SPECIAL I ' .. DIUIY• TOTE BAGS Heavy duly with Disney cllaracter1. SAY• •e.oo mnu• BEACH CHAIR ., Win Folding ~hair 1r wiHwllh aluminum frame SAY• 1 1.00 SERGEANT'S SENTRY V~~ FLUITIC* COUM For dogs & cata SHOP 7 DA VS A WEEK! g 00 AM TO G:JO PM MONDAY TH RU §ATlJRDAY I g 00 AM TO 7 00 PM <,1 1HOA Y Dlllllwa•r·Sef• • I f'llll s.4wtdt net. .-J-_ _......._ • l'i LL heM'tlll lera . , ...... lettl4I ' --......__,.. • Pie Welle• c...t.1- SAVE ·:30e Dr. Ellen Silbergeld, if..·. scientist with the • Environmental Defena F u n d • s a i d t hf.t;. replacement will cov""'· • only a small number o/. the 20 milllo9 transformers in use. , ' "We are disappo{ntej , because they 81'e baclc.iJw , . away from the COl')(lep\ qf .. a reasonable phue-of .. : and allowing th .• equipment to be U8ed f ita useful life, howevetf .. Jong that might be," she · said. . • Envlronmentall1U pointed to si.ttatic:'-· showing that . tranaformen may le! I 25,000 pounds of PC , ! annually a1 proof th~ m ore 11 tr l n g e nj. regulations were needeCJ,. \ . . I I I • • 0 z • • • • 0 . . . .. ' Orimoe Collll OAIL Y PILOT /Wedn ad1y, Augu1t 25, 198' THE •'AMIL\' l'IRClS by 811 Keane "It smells like Christmas here.'' ".\R"ADL'Kt: by Brad Anderson ~·'J~i~,J "Please leave the driving to me!" Jl'DGE PARKt:R GARt'IEl~D Blfi GEORGI; by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) f "Aren't you going to watch the sunset?" Dt::\:\IS THI: .'lt:~i\('E Hank Ketchum ~ 9 .r, • ' by Harold Le Ooux by Jim Davis OH BOV AM I DEPRE55£D. l'M ~AT, l'M LA7.Y, NOBODY LfKE5 M E. .. GOOD MORNIN(1. OL' BUDDY. IT'S ANOTHER 8f.AUTIFUL DAY '--------. dfM ~Vf~ 015 MOO:\ "l'LLl~S IOOS'LOW, M.AM1£··I'M FAST1N<;~ ACROSS 46 - 1 Wad mutuel 5 Mlrior propt't· 48 liqueur et 2 words 9 Otatts 52 Gambling f4 Strong 56 French pro. f5 Corridor noun 16 Mutlc pu-57 Abate sage 2w<>tds 17 Thor's site 58 Miss Home 18 lnteell 59 Four·m•nvle 19 An1111es native 60 Speechlfy 20 Red IPl)le 6 1 T rU1 h 2 t Leeguet 62 Unnew 23 Aemlta first 63 T rlGkt 25 Smolder ~ Warlllte ~ 2e ptonOtin 65 Secures 27 ~ 00~~ Pleet I Chew01101slly 2t'ln...,,.. 2 e.tpet 32 A.ct~ 3 Blue shade 35 Altlcan1111• 4 Hombres ~.Botl). Prffl• 5 Paasaoes 31 Cupid & 5efvan11 3& $trll0d t Al -Now 39 SflOP .,... 8 Clairvoyant ~ eoe-w 8 Prloc!Pe 4, A# ..mne 10 w .. tno AtO... , Ai... 11 Satnton .. ~,....,. 2 ~dt • ~~ ctt; 12 Hlbernll I TUESDAY'S PUm.£ SOL YEO 13 81Ul>bef11 38 Oemaoa 21 Do Po9f1V 42 lowty one 22 unoer ... Plums. e.g 24 St11gt1 45 Ralls 27 Was brlghl 4 7 Not blunt 28 Ottr 48 vttieteas 30 Flt 49 likeness J 1 8uebell so Wat• body 32 Ttoplcaltree 51 Demands 33 Kind or eum 52 L~ 34 Flowerpatl 53 Elf • 2 WOfd1 54 Eapano 35 Voucher 55 O>ttupt 36 A11onllh 58 Stein ,.--------./ 1 2 3 4 14 QUIET.") l'MRi~LA ) ~ 0 c I &Ub~ ?U l ~AVHll '>HN HIM SINLE I MAPf A FOOi. OF MY~ELr by Charles M Schul z NOWAVl l'MA VSGi:i"TARIArJ ! by Ernie Bushm1ller NO------HE L E FT A DOLLA R ON THE A BURGLAR 'WAS IN MY HOUSE NOTHING DRESSER FOR ME ·YESTERDAY GORDO THE MAIN /!>lE..5.!>tN(:;J OF- e.E!f\JG A At./CITTER" 15 - WE GETTO ~ A/cou.VO AL) NATUREL, 8-Af F!UE .:;JF iHE Hl4:J}I f/A5S/..E- OF H~tLJ.E/. IEAJT/ t,l'~K ,. "INKt:RBEA ~ 50ME1iME5 1 FEEL L.t Kt I'D RJm.IER JU5T UE ~ERE I~ 6ED ALL~ LDN& ~ NO'f 8JEN &CT UP . Ll~1E.N I 01l~S6\..E., I~ ~OU QON'1 ~fof' ~OLIR OUCK fROM QOAcl<IMb .~\..l. 'f~E 1'1M£, l1lL l AU. .---..., 1"E. CCJ'5 !! OR.SltlOCK :X: j"HOUGHI"' exe:RC I SG WOLJt...P HEL...P M e , POC"'f'OR, eu-r A l.I.. :X:'VS MANAG EP 1'"0 DO SO FAR IS S NAP 115 H ULA- HOOP S .' .JASPER SMOCK, M P 8UT I KNOW fhAfl') "k'.JT THE. ~U1l0N , &J O'l fHE LOOITT Of 11-lREE, !'M WINf.J TD JuMP OUT OF 8ED I eJ?IJ~ (11() it: .£TH .. by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk MID &O Ft x 5CWIE. 5<..IPPER ! by Kevin Fagan oofl. ~ON~ l~N·"f C.O~NE.ll· E.0, ~e.r CAN I 60f{ROW '400~5? by George Lemo nt by Lynn Johnston Yoo'RcNoT FINISHED -Yoo STUFFED YOCJ\ -roys 1N YouR RIGHT!-I HA1 ~c-_, UNOE.RWEAR. DRAWER -ANO . YooRCUJl'RE~ UNDER lie f 11111i~ BED. ), How I 'LL KNCX.U . WHERE '-, ·' ~ -VER'{lHING L \'.": J~ I ~Y-- • I I I I I -' H . AP Wlrtlpftolo RISING RANGERS -Sgt. Tracy Bradford salutes the control tower from 60 feet up. hanging beneath a helicopter during a recent open house at the Rangers' training school near Dahlonega. Ga. British jobless at a ll-t ime high L ONDON (AP) -Unemp loyment in Britain has reached an all-time high this month of 3,292,702 or 13.8 percent of the workforce, the government has announced. The nation's largest-ever jobless toll s howed an increase of more lhan 102,000 from JuJy's figure of 3,190,621 or 13.4 percent. Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT !Wednffd1y, Augull 25, 1882 t!7 ITATt•lltT 0, WnttDUWAL. PWli *1TIC( PWlJC ..OTICC ,_. "°"'1!0UI tu ... H NOnct °' "1::.'°=A~N Ml.IC HOTIU '1CTrrtOUI ........ MUlllTATl•NT lfOTIC8 OP T'IWfl'M .. UL.I , ..... _ T "41 tollowltlg l*llOna er• dCl'ng W•IM18 .. RAINIOW CONNICT ION CHILOCAAl' C INTti., 11&1 ~ ambart Dr 1111nllngton luoll Cllt~"'' 0214 7 PUITllll"IHIP OPllllATI MO NAMI ,. ... .......,. -'""''11'1 ..... • ~ • .... _ .. • ';_i• Me. -Tiie l0Howl1141 "'..,, fl doing 'IOffflOUl'°:r.:.11 ..._ ~~ M . ._,. ate OOoll4I ' D HIWICI ~NY .. O\lly buaineM ... '"' lollowlng paraon h81 ICHOLAA DOLLAA&. toH •PPOlnt•• Trultaa Ulldat th• I A\/·MOA DEllllO .. ~IHT D ~Tl'lrn':tl~1,.. I 11.PH_..fll i4. tll1. UWLIH YOU TMCI AOTIC* TO NO"TICT YOUfll ,_Cl'lfllTY, IT MAY II IOU> AT A P'Ua.IC IALa. •YOU NllD AM ID'&.MATIOlf Of T'HI NATUlll 0, TN• ..-ocHOIMO AGAIN T YOU..1...~ou IHOUlD Arlana C Aut.. 11111 LI/no.fl Ot . Hunllngtoo 1 .. ch C1lllorn11 02847 w1111drawn .. e011Mfllpannatlrom Hamltton Avenue, lull• 13•. IOllOWlng daterlbad cl"4l or'''"' 3001 ~ Hiii, lldO 1• llltla lot, Ille parlnwtl\lp opar1t1no Ul'°8t ,,,. H\lnttngt<lll 9Mclll. CalllOtlll• 128'1 WILL SILL Al PU9LIC AUCTION Coele MaN. CA tJht • liGllllou1 buelneu n1ma Of fHr Oabra Ann Dou, 113611 TO THl HIQH!ST llOOrA J:OA llllyflay~. llT-t<12nd 0Al(tll\ GROUP 11 3 410 Vl1 Brooll:hurat Avenue. Hunllngton CA8H (pay1bla 81 111'1\e Of Mia In llfh~.:.:;Ala~ad oY an Oporto Sulta II, Newl)Ott ... Ch BuU!, Calllornta 12948 lawful mOMy of Ille Untt.O llel•) lnOMdual Joe Ann A Bruu o 24641 Call• fl 1 oro Ctn;la l'I I OfO, C1lll0rn11 02030 Cal1torn11 112Nl Wllll1m 0101ga Don 3631 all right tttla and Int""' convayec:t 8llly I\ MMlllMm fh• ltotllloua bualnau name Virginia S1teet, L1 C111can11 lo anCI now held O)' 11 under Mid flllt •tit-I w" hied .im tM fnla bUll,_. II CCltlOOt:llOC) by • 1111amen1 IOf Ille p111neu1111p w" Calllornla tt214 Dead or Trual In tne p1ope11y County Cl«k OI 0r-County on ''*'on Ft1>t11.,y i't. 1012'" Illa Ot lOl•I A llll Dou 383 1 118falnlhtf deectlb.o 8. -· .... Cwnty Of DtltllJt Vllglr111 S1tee1, l • C1u can11, TRUSTOR f J FRESOUl!.Z. Jr., Aug • 11182 ''MIN CO<POllllon Aelnl>Ow C()(ln~llC>rt Childcare c .. ll .. Arlana C Rular P1ellkJan1 Full NIM• Ind AddtaH ol tllf C1hloml1t1214 • a.ngia mttt Publl•had Otano• COHI Dally Pa1100 Wllllelr1wtno Thia bullM•I .. COl\<IUCleel Oy • BFNEFICIAAV DORO I HY M Pll01, Aug t t, 11, 25. 9ept I, IH2 MICllMI W Miiiet 001 I CollltK Q<lf••al plf1n.t11110. POTTER, .n unmetrla<I woman 352 t-82 l 1na. Wu1m1n1111. C111101n1a O.t>•a A Oou ~OfO.d 0-mt>er 31, 1te1 u r1>11 111ta""1ll w•• Iliad wllh Ille Coun1y Clerk 01 Orange Cwnty on AUQUll 23, 11182 """'° Plllllltll•O Or1r111a Co111 Dally Piiot, AUll. 211, 8•PI I. e. 15, 19112 3780-82 Pl.8l.IC NOTICE 11:1083 MIQll•OJI w Miiier lnle •t•llflltfll w•• Iii.cl with me 1n11r No 37830 In book 14343, l'·tNTI) County Clllk of 01ange County on page 1201 01 Ollk:l•I Racord1 In 1111 Put>ll•ll•d Or•noe Co•at Dilly Augu•t 18, 1982 olfloa 01 th• Ra<:ordar of Or•nga Piiot. AUij. 26. Sept. 1 8, 1~. 1982 ,..,llMQ Cou111y; Hid dffd Of lrUll a..erlbel 3?84·82 Publl•h•d Orange Co"' Dilly Illa 1011ow1no propany. ------------Piiot • .Aug 26, Sept l 6. 16. tll8' lot 25 of TrlCll No 1136, 1n tile 3074.6? City or Newport B .. 011, Cwnty 01 Orange. Stat• of Calllornla. 11 par MUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI llUaMH -------------1m•p recorded In book 37, p1991 18 NAMI ITATIMINT PUBUC NOTICE and It. ml1Call1neou1 n'IC>t. In,,,. The tollowlng paraon1 11e doing -------------•Ollloa of 1118 cwnty record., of nld I P• ISMS bullnHI .. K-01441 jc;wnly. NOTICE OF TAUITEl'I IAl.E F'IRE SAFETY PRODUCTS, I 77 &upeflot C~r1 of Iha VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER No. F•IM F Rlveralda, Newport Beach, 11111 of C ... fOfnla A DEED OF TRUST DATED YOUAflEINDEFAUlT UNOl"A C1lllom1192663 l'tHlha IOECEMBER 29 19111 UNLESS OHO OF TflUIT DATIO JUNE 17, Clyo1 Allle\l l•mlla1ton. 177 F CO<.llllt of 0."'91 VOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT 1MO.UNlEllYOUTAKEACTION Rlverlldl N1wpor1 Buell. 700ClvlcC9fll .. OtlvaWHI VOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE TO l"flOTECT YOUA P'AOPEATY. C1lllomla 112M3 l enla A.na, CA t7TOI SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF VOU IT MAY I E IOLD AT A P'UILfC Mary Ellen l 11m1>1t1on. 177 F PLAINTIFF FRANCtS L NEED AN ElCPLANATION OF THE I A LE . IF YOU NEED AN Rlvarllde, Newporl Beac t>. BREWER NATURE OF THE PROCEEOING EXPLANATION OF THI! NATU"I! Calllornla 92683 0 E FEN 0 ANT B 0 RI S J AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULO OF THE PAOCEEOINO AOAINI T Th11 bu1lnM1 11 conduc:teel by• BARANOWSICI, end OOFS I CONTACT A LAWVER YOO, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A general pann .. sn1p through 50. 1nc1u1we 43? wu1m1n11er Avenue l AWYEA. Clyele A Lamberton aUMMONI NewPOrt BolCh, CA On September 2 t, t982. 11 9 oo T1111 Slatement wu llled wtlll tile c ... Numbef aell41 Ill a slrMI •CIO•eH 0< common A M . ME s A 1 N v Es r MEN T Counly Clerk of Orange County on NOTICl!I You hive bHn •....t. da•1gna11on It sllown above no CORPORATION. a Calllorn1e August 23. 1982 Tha cour1 rnay decide 9C1alll•t 1ov watranty ts given •• 10 Its Corpo1atlon. as duly oppolnted FllN35 without your balflO h111td wnleM complel..,..• 0< c0<rectneu) .. Tiie Trustee und8t and purtu•nl 1o Published Orange Coast Dally you '"pond wlthlll JO d•1•· Aaad b1nellc;r1ry under Hid Deed of OeeO of Trull recordeel June 25, PllOI. AIJil 25, Sec>I 1, 8 16. 1162 Illa lnlotmellon below. Tru11 by •f'Hon of • btHCh or 1980. book 13645. page 3311. of 3720-82 11 yw wls/\ 10 M8k the .. dVICe of det1u11 In Ille obllgalloos MCure<I Olltclal Reco101, eKIC\Jled by TONI an e1101ney In 11111 mall er. you thereby. herelolore executed and A MOKEDE u truslor. In the oltlQe PUBLIC NOTICE sllould do ao e><omplly 10 thll ywr delivered 10 Ille un1Jers1gneo a of ine Coun1y Racord8' of Orenge FICTITIOUI •UllNEIS w1111en response, If any. may bl wrottan Oec;l11<11100 of Dfltaull anel Counly, Slate of Calllornll, WILL Iliad on llma Demand for Sale, and wrlllen nolloe SELL A I PUBLIC AUCTION TO NAM( ITATEMENT AV I I 0 I U •I ad II 1 1 Id o of bre.tGll and of elec11on 10 cause HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH The lollowlng persons ere doing d1m111d•do. El lrlbvnal puade the undersigned to sell setd (P•Y•ble et 11me of tale In lew1u1 busii;s~ ~·, C L 1 F F N U R 5 E S decldlt contra Ud. lln 1udlancle • property 10 selllfy Hid obliget1on1. money of 1h11 Un11ee1 StatHI at m-• que Ud. ,.•pond• dentro end tllerealler lhe undersigned t=ronl Enlrance Sulle 11 and 12. REGISTRV. 1617 Weatcllfl Drive No. de 30 di••· Lea le lnfotmaclon qve caute<I said notice ol breecll and of 9262 Garden Grove Boulevard. Clly 209. Newporl Beacll, Calllornla tlgve. elec;llon 10 be recorded May 11. 0 1 G a1dan Grove, S tille o f 92660 SI Usted deaaa 1ollcllar ol 1982a11n11r No.82·18g376 ot sa1d Cellloinle. all right. 111111 anel Proleulonala In Acllon, 8 consejo de un 1bogodo an eate Olllclal Records, 1nlerest, conveyeel to and now lltld C11iloml• corporation. 371 Walnut, asunto . deberle lla c erlo Said seie will be made. but by 11 und., said Oee<I ot Trull In Ille Co1111 Mesa, California 92627 lmmedlatamente. de esta meneta. w11hout covenenl or warranly properly situated In n ld County Tl>ls bualneu 11 coneluc:leel by a su respue111a eM:rl111, 11 nay alguna. exo1esa or Implied. regarding lllle, and Stale ciescrlbeel as corporation pueele ser reg111rad1 a llempo POIMHlon. or encumbr1,,ces. 10 lot 19 ot Traci No 6638, 1n 11111 Professionals In Acllon 1 TO THE' DEFENDANT A c;lvll pey the remaining prlnclpal &um of City o t Costa Mesa. County of Roxann Ward, comp:a1n1 llH been llleel by Ille the notll(•I MCurad by lll•O Deed ot Oranoe. Staie of Cal1lorn11, as per Presldenl plalntllt against you II you W1ah to Trutl. W11h lnterell as In said nole Map recordOCI 1n Book 256, Peoas 5 Tiiis slalamenl was llleel with lhe detend 11111 l1wsull, yOY must. wllhln p1ov1ded. •dv1nces, II •nv under anel 6 or Mlscellanaous Maps, 1n the Counly Clerk 01 O••noe County on 30 oays al1er lhls aummona 11 the 1erm1 of Hid Deed of Trust. 0111ce or tile County Recorder of AuguSl 23• 1982 '19582t served on you, me wtth this cwrt 1 '"'· c1111ges and expentes of the said cwnty wrllten resp0nae lo Illa complaint Truatee ano of Ille 1ru11s created by The street address anel Olher Publlaheel Orange Coast Dally Unteu )'OU do IO you• Clefeult wlll said Deed of Trusl S111d aale will be c;ommoo des;gna1100, 11 any, or lhe PolOI Aug 2S. Sept 1• 8. l5, l982 be en1eree1 on aap11c11t1on of tile held oo F11d1y, Sep1em1>e1 17. 1982 1eal property descrlbeel above 19 3718•82 p111n11ll enel lh1s court may en1e1 1 II 2 00 P m 111 Ille Chapman purported 10 b4l 1062 Sanle Ciuz Pl.8l.IC NOTICE ludgment against )'OU lor tile relief Avenue en11ance to the Civic Center Circle Costa Mesa Ca111orn1a demaneleel In the c;omplaJnt. whk:ll Bu11d1ng 300 E Chapman Avenue 92626 T-13315 could result 1n g1rn1shmen1 of In Ille City ot Orange. CA The unoers1 gnee1 Tru1ue NOTIClOl'TlllUITEE'ISALE wages,1aJc1ngofmoney OfprO(>erly At Ille llme of lhe 1n111 a1 d1scl111ms any llabll1ty 101 ony On Sep1ember 8, 1982 at 10,00 01 olher relief requested In the pubhcalloo of lhtt notlee. Ille total 11lcorrectness 01 Iha slteel add1ess am Sllearson/-AITltlflCall Express complatnl amounl of the unp8ICI balance of Ille and Olher common det1gne1100. 11 escrow Company 1o1merly known DATED Novembel 10 1g81 Obhgat1011 secured by lhe •bove any shqwn he11~in 11 Southern C111es Escrow Lee A BrarlCh desc11b1d deed OI lrull and S81d sale w111 be made bul Company u Trustee. 0< s~ Clerk es11m1ted costs. expenses. ano without covenant 01 warranty, Trustee or Substituted Trustee. of By Arlene C Po4lcne111 advanc es IS $44 377 14 To eKpress 0t tmpfled regardtng 111111. that certain Deed ot Trull eaecut.O Deputy determine Ille apen1ng bid yOY may possession. 01 encumbrances, 10 oy BERNI J ZAWACKI. a 1lngle Pllltllp Feldman, hq. call 17141 937-0966 pay lhe remaining e><lnclpel sum of man, anel rec:otded June 15, 1961 FELDMAN & OOftOOH Oated August 18, 1982 the no11 secured by aeld Deed of u Instrument No 21827, In b0011 15250 Ventura ..... d., lutla IOt T 0 SERVICE COMPANV Trust. with interest 1neraon, aa 14100. pege 1238. of Olflcl•I lhefman Oalta, CA 11403 es aa1d Tru11ee, By provided In seld note, advanc ... 11 Records ot Orange County, (211) ... ltlO Pa111cla A Randall. any. under tl'lll 1erms of Hid OeeCI Calllorn1a. and pur1uanl 10 that Publlshed Orange Coast Daily Ass111an1 Secre111y o f Trust. lees cllargea end cartaln Notice of Oel1u11 and Piiot, Aug 25, Sept t, 8. •~. 1982. One City Boulevard West. expenses 01 11'18 Trustee and of l'>e Ei.c11on 10 Sell thereunder recorded 3785·112 Orange, CA 92668 irusu created Oy said Oaeel 01 April 30. 1982 as 1natrumen1 No. -------------714/835-8288 Trust. for 111e amount reasollftbly 82·'48149. In Olllc;lal Records of Pl.8l.IC NOTICE Published Orange Coast Dally est 1ma1ed 10 be $19,572 19 said Coun1y, wlll under and ""'NOTICE OF T"UaTEE'I I AllE Pilot Aug 25, Sept I, B. 1982 The beneficiary undllf said Deed pursuant 10 Mid Deed ot Trust sell T 1 No M» 3762-82 of Trust heretofore executed and at publlc auction for cash, lawful YOU A"I! iftOEFAut.T UHOIR A -------------Oellverea 10 1111 underatgned a money of the Unlled Ste tea ot DEED°" TllOIT DATED AUOUIT Pl.8l..IC NOTICE written Declaration of Detault •nd America II 1118 Norlh front 12 (NOT IHOWN) UNLEll YOU -------------Demand 101 Sala, anel • wr111en an1ranca 10 lhe county cour111ouse. HOOlet Notice ot Default anO Eleclloll to 700 Civic Cente< Drive West Santi TAKE ACTION TO PflOTECT NOTICE 04' TRUITEE'S aALE Sell Ttoe un0ers1gnec1 ceuM<I ••Id Ana, C1lll0<nl1, aJI 111a1 right, 1111e !O!'!!.!f<>MIEIC 1.:.L'! ~YYOHU !.D!-00 ~NT r.a. No. T-,OCH:D7 Nouce ot Dfllaull enel Elect1on 10 and lnltfMI conveyed to and now .... ..,._ " "'·.,.. ,.,u, " .....OflTANT NOTICE TO l'tB..IC NOTIC£ "CTITIOUI •UllNIH NAMI! ITAT1!Ml!NT flla loltowlng pereon 11 dolr'lg bullnua H THE BINNACLE. t 18·B Agata, BalbOa l•lartd, C.11 92662 JOAN A M cN.lllR t 18 A Ag11e. Bllt>ot lllend, CA 12682 1'n11 1>vt1,,... 11 conducled by an 11\dMl!ull Joan A MCNlll Thie atelamant wH llleO wtlll 111~ Coun1y Clwk 01 Orano• County on Aug 16, 11182 '1'6413 Publl1hed Orange Co111 D111~ P1lol, Aug 25, Sept 1, I . 15. 1182 3776-8 .. Pl.8l.JC NOTIC£ OflAHGE COUNTY HAABOR JUOtCIAt. Of&TIUCT MUHtCNl'At. COUflT •1 .,..,.., .. atvd. Newpot1 had!, CA 129tO PLAINTIFF R•Y Fladeboa llr"ICOln Marcury,' Inc . a Celllornta corPOr•llon. dolll{l bullna11 aa f\ly FladebOe llncoln Mercury. OEFENOANT. Pat Hope Ind Ooea t lhrough 20. lrw:luslve IUMMONI CAaE NO. 53701 NOTICEI Yov llawa been tllad. Tiie G041t1 ntl)' decide eealnet you without 1our being .,..,d unteH 1ou '"pond within JO daya. Raad Ille lnfOflftlllon bll-. II yw wish 10 ltltllt tho advice 01 an a1101ney in 11111 mailer, you lhOYld do 10 promptly ao that your wrlllen response, •f any, may be llleel on lime AVllOI U1lad he ald o damandado. El lrlbunal puada decldlr contra Ud. aln audleftcle a -que Ud. raaponda Clentro de JO diet.. L ff I• lnlotmaclon qw NgUI. SI Usled deaea sollc;11ar 111 conaejo de un abogado en eale asunto deber1e nacerlo 1mmec11a1aman1e, Cle eate m1ner1 30 respuMt1 escr11a. II hey alguna. pued• l4lf reg1t11ada • liemPO 1 TO TH( DEFENDANT .A CIVIi compla1n1 h11 been tiled by 111e plelnlllf egaJnsl you II you wls/\ 10 delanel this lewsui1. you must willlln 30 days alter th11 summon• 11 served on you. !tie wttll 1111s Cour1 a wrlnen 1esponse 10 Ille c:omplalnl Unlest you do ao. ywr Clelaull will be entered on appllca11on of the ptalnlllt, and this court may .,,,., a 1U0gm9"11 ag•lnst you for the 1e11er demanded 1n tile complemt. whleh could result In garn1shmen1 ot wagM. Inking or money 0< ptoperty or other relief requested 1n lhe complein1 DA TEO June 29 1982 J . Peterson Clerk V L Dimeo Deputy David 0 Olm1lluk 17141759-1644 One c.;orporate Plaza Newpon Beacll, CA 92660 Publtahed Orange Coaat Delly Piiot, Aug 18. 25, Sepl I 8 1982 3682-82 Pl.8l.IC NOTICE CCHfTACT A f.AWTWA. ' NOTICC ti HCM81f OIVEN. fl\al on Wadnaed•y S.Vtamllef I . 1t1:i. •• II 00 0 CIOCk • m ot MIO dll)', In IM IC>Orll Ml Uidf IOI oonductJng 11u11 .. I t.atet. Within the off~ of Rf A l [8 f AT! IECUAITIE8 8&RVICI, l~•l•d at 20:10 Norlll 81oaow1y, Sutt• 20e. In 111e City 01 Sen1• An1, Cwn1y of 011noa. S•at• of C1lllorn1a. RE.Ill !8TATf SECUAlflES SERVICE, a C1IHornl1 corporttlon. •• duly eppoln11d T1u1tae under and e>urauanl \0 1h4 powe1 of •••• c:onltrrad In 11111. certain Oaeo ol l1u11 akaculad by' EILEE~ L I URIN, an unrn1111ad wom1n at to '" undivided on•· quorler interest. MIKE TURIN, 811 unm1 rlad man u 10 an undivided one quarlll< lnlll<•ll ln<I PAMELA l GORDON, llll unm1111aO woman 11 10 en undtvldeel on.hall 1n1.,N1 11 Tenant• In Common, 1acorded Septambll< 17 1981 1n Boole i.222 of Official RlcotO• of l8IO Ce>unty 01 P•O• 1305 Re corde• • 1nalruman1 No 21212. by •Ht1on of " braacll 0< Oalaull 1n paymen1 or performance ot Ille obllg•t1on1 aecu1ao thereby 1nc;lud1ng thal breac:ll 0< default. Noloce 01 whteto wu racorelael M•y 7 1982, 01 Recorder '• 1na11um en1 No 82·159477 Will SELL A l PUBLIC AU('1'•QN TO THE HIGHEST 91l FOR CASH lawful money 01 the United S111es. 0< 1 Catn191 s check d••wn on a 11e1e or national bank a 11a1e 01 leoeral 'reo11 u111on, OI • state or lederll sav1119a t1n(I loan 85$0Cl8tlon domiciled In th1a state. oil payable a1 me 11me or ••le. all rlQhl 1111e ano 1n1ere11 nelel uy 11 as T1 ullee tn the I 111a1 PfOf>tll'lY 111ua1a 1n ealO Counly ano $11110, dellGrtbed as lollowa Loi 15 or Tract No 2992 as 1hown on 8 map recorded 1n BOOk 96 , page& 45 and 46 of Miscellaneous Mapa, 1n the oluoe of the Counly Recoreler ot said Ce>unty T lie 111ae1 aeldreaa or o ther common Cle11g11at1on ol Ille roal OfOpat'ly her111nabove dltKrlbod 11 ouroortad to be 20•8 Paloma Drive. Cotta MeM, Calltornla The under•1gned hereby 011cta1m1 all 11a1t1llt1 for any 1ncor1ectness 1n 1810 str"t edOreu. 0t 01he1 comm<111 deslgneuon Sa•d sale will ~ m1de wtthout ••1111renty e.press or lmplled, reg11re11no 1111e possession or encumb•ances to s atisfy tne p11nc1p11 Oalance of the Note or 01ne1 obhoa11on sacureo ov said Deed of T1us1 with 1ntares1 and Olhlr Sumi as prov1Cled l'1ert11n. Plul 1C1v1nces rt any, under the terms lheteot ano 1n1eres1 on suet\ •Clvences anel p•u~ t1>es. Charges and axpanStll ol 11w1 Trustee anCI of 1111 tru&11 c;rea1ee1 by said Deed of Trusl The total amount of said Obllgat1on. 1nc;lud•ng •t1asonably 1s11mat11CI lees. charges and expenses 01 trie Trustee al Ille time ot 1not1a1 publlcat1on of thts Notice, Is Sl2.546 42 Doled August 13. 1982. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, a Colllornta corp0ra11on. es Trustee (SEALI 0 J Morge1 11 s Pres1den1 2020 North Broadway. Suite 206, Sant• Ana, CA 92706 Tel (7 14)953-6tl10 .~ PubllSl'led Orange Coa11 Dally~~ Piiot Aug. 18 25 Sepl I 19112 ~) 3553-82~· ~I to be recorded 1n lhe county held by 11 uneler Mid OMC1 of Trust !XP'\.ANATION Of' Ttta NATUAI! PtlDnRTY OWMEI! W-41807 wlle1e lhe real prOl)8<1y 11 IOcated In 1111 property sllueted In H•CI OF THI! f'ilOCl!lOINO AOAINIT NOTICE OF TillUl'rell'a IAll! Pl.8l.IC NOTICE Dale AuguSI 17. 1982 County and State dncrlbld u : YOO, YOU IHOU\.O CONTACT A YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A YOU AQ .. 04EFAUlT UMOER A i------------- -----------~~~ . . . Enc V arley, opposition Labor Party spokesman o n employment, blamed Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatc her's ''heartless stubbomess .. for the pb cns1s. M es a I nv t1 a Im e n I Tiie land rele<rld lo In tlllt Report LAWYER.. DEED OF TRUST. DATED 10-27·81 0 EE D 0 F T" U a T OAT I! O CPP·2A453 Corp0rallon 11 sllull.O In Illa Stall ol Calll0<nla, STAN-SHAW CORPORATION u UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO I E9'TDllE" U , 1M1. UNLl!ll NOTICE 04' T'RUITEE'I IAl.E !:! ' as sa1C1 Truslee County ol Oranga, and It detctlbed duly appotnteel Tiuat .. under Ille PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT YOU TAKE ACTION TO NOTWCT T.I . No. F-4101 ' Another Labor spokesman, Barry Jones. said "the whole Cabinet should be escorted to the Tower" o f London for the "c.ocon omic treason" of persising with anti-inClal1onary polic ies he said forced people out of wor k. (The latest figures were released Tuesday.) The rising unemployment rate has even p r ompted some s taunc hly conservauve Cabine t members to express doubt about Mrs. Thatcher's policies, including Employment Secretary Norman Tebbit. He said over the W(!(.-kend that the jobless toll "put a strain on the social fabnc." The number out of work as of Aug. 12 was the highest since compr ehensive r ecords began in 1948. and topped the 2,979,000 registered unemployed at th e height o f the G r eat Depression 1n January 1933, DIATH NDTICIS By C111 Grollman as IOllowt IOllowlng descrlbld dead of ltull MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. YOUR PflOP'E .. TY, IT MAY •E NOTICE 9252 G111den Grove Blvd PARCEL ,_. Loi 36 of T11c;t Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 1F YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION I Ot..O AT A l'Uel.IC I~. IF YOU YOO AflE IN OEFAU\.T UND£1I A ~· Ste 12 103'8, Ill Ille Cily of Irvine, ea per TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR 0 F THE NAT URE OF THE NEG AH EX~NATIOH OF THE fHIAO DEED OF TRUIT, OATEO , Garden Giove CA 926'4 map filed 1n bOOk 472, pages 48 lo CASH or H HI forth tn Sec1ton PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU NATUR( OF THE PROCEEDING IEPTDIHR I , 1te0, ~aa YOO (714) 537-1234 I 50 1nclu11ve, of M 1sc;1llaneou1 292411 Of the CMI Codi, •II r1g111, SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER AOAINaT YOU, YOU IHOULD TAKE ACTION TO PAOTECT ~ Pubhsllael Orange Coast Dally Maps, recorot ot Orange County, !Ille and tnlet .. I COll"8'/8CI to and On Septambaf t. 111112. al 10.00 CONTACT A LAWYER.. YOUll PflOPE .. TY, IT MAY BE Ptlol Aug 25 Sept 1. 8. 1982 C.llfomla now "8IO oY 11 unoer "'° ueao ot A M CENTURY ESCROL I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thal SOLD AT A PV•UC I AL•. If' YOO • 376'-112 EXCEPT THEREFROM all oU. Trua~~llll propeity hara1nattar Callt~rnla c;orporallon. as d~ly d d NEED AN EXPLANATION Of' THE • g •• m ine 11 a " Ill delc;r • .,.... 1 d T d un 91 •n by virtue o f Iha lf•TU"" OF THE ""oc••otNO -------------• r t n" o er TRUST 0 R N 0 RM AN l appo nle ruelaa un er 1nel J><O\llSlonS ot 11111 certain Deed ot ., ... "'"' ti ' Pl.8l.lC NOTICE hydrocart>ooa. below• daptll of 500 NELSON, in unmarried man pu1auan1 to Deed ol Truat 111<xwde<I Trull dated Sepl 23 11161 Ind ilOAINIT YOU. YOU SHOULD ·~• -------------t IMI, wllhOul Ille rlglll Of surtace BENEFICIARY HARBOR Novemt>er2. 11181.Hlnsl No. 792. recorded In Ille oliice of Ille CONTACT A LAWYEfl. 4 entry. es r--..eel In lnstrumenta ol PACIFIC MORTGAGE INVESTORS In book 1'277 page 1 tOt, of Recorder of Ille County 01 Ort"i)e On Saptembtl< 3 1982. at 9 IS NOTICE OF DE ATH OF record Olllclal Records In the olflca of Illa Sllta of Calll0<noe, on 0c;1 7. lll8l, ~ M Excllenge Tllleholders Inc. u "" EXCEPT THEREFROM all water No 80B. A Umlled Pennetlhlp Counly Recorder ol Orange in Volume 14247. P•ge 1357 01 duly appornleel Trull.., unde< and ALFRED DUPONT AND end aubwrt-Wlltlf rlgtils, be\Ow Rec0<Cled September 1• t98I" County S1a1e of Celllornl• Olllclel Recorels. uecuted by purwant 10 Deed ot Trus1 rec:ordeel , , 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T O • daptll of 500 IMt, wttlloulllle rlgllt Inst• No 2130 •n booll 14204• page e.ecu11d by MOUNIR OAOuo'. ROBERT LEIN ART ANO LINOA January 29, 1981. as Inst No ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. ot 1urlece entry, •• dedicated or 1840 01 Olflclal Records In 1118 office MARDINI WILL SELL AT PUBLIC LEINART, husband and wife 11 32586, In bOOk 13929, page 1327. A-llZ4tl. ra-ved In ln1trumenl1 of record. or the Recordt11 ol Orange Cwnty, AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Ttustor. 10 SUNKIST SERVICE of Ottoelal Records In the ollic;e ol PARCEL 2. euamen11 ., set said deed of Hust de1crlbas Iha FOR CASH (payable et 11me ot sale COMPANY 1 corporation ., lhe County Recordor of Orange To all heU"S, ben·efictaries, lortll In lhe Section• anlltled 101~~Epr~~1Y In lawful money ot the united Trustee. and.STATE SAVINGS ANO Coun1y. State of Calllorn1e c r e d i lo r s, cont 1 n gent "Certain E111emen11 for Owners'. . L S1111es) a1 1he Nortll trocit entrance LOAN ASSOCIATION 11 Cellfornla uecuted by ThomH Loiano creditors, and persons who .. s u PPOll, Se 11 lemen I and Unn 32 ·" shown and deflnecl IO Ille c;wnty courthOUM. 700 Civic; C0<""'ellon .. eene11ciary WILL SELL A 1 PUBLIC AUCTION h Encroachment' and "Common on 111" certiln condominium plan Center Drive Well Santa Ana ;;;t0 puriuani 10 ine r8<!ueal 01 TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH may be Ol erwise interested Orlv-11y Euement" or lhe Artk:le recorded July l5, 11178 In book Calllornla 111right.111ie and 1ntere1i the owner and holeler 01 lhe IP•Y•ble •· time of Hie In lawtul in the will or estate of: enthled "Easements" o l Ille 12759·Pege3S8otOlflcletRecorda conveyael to end now hald by II promissory note secured by the money ot the Unlleel S111es e111>e AL.FRED DUPONT Oeclarat tor'I ot Covenants, 01 Orange County CelllOrnln under Hid Oe1d ol Trull In Ille Ooad ol Truat aoove rel11<reel lo: lronl entrenoe 10 tile old Or8MQ• A petition has been filed Cone1111ons and Restrlctl on1 P"fCE~d~ 10_ .. 1133 1 property 1llueted In eeld County And by reason of Ille detiull in Count) Courthouse localed on described In "SUBJECT TO"' below n u v "" nteresl In 1nd Stall a-lbeO u S 1 n 1 a An 1 BI v d be I ween by Ellz.abeth C Dupont 1n ,1k_ '"---'aralloo") end to IOI 5 of trect no 8835. u lot .,3 Tr~t ••o 7638, In ine tile payment of uld prom111ory • • '"" """' .. -,.. nota and the b•eac;ll 01 1118 Sycamore St & Broadway. S1n11 EISENBERG S h u 1 ma 0 a n d 1 re n e l he SUP er Io r Court of PARCEL 3· Euemanta as~ Shown on • mep recorded In bOOI< City of Nawpon Baac:tl Count)' or condition• In said Deed of Truat Ana, Calif all right, 1111e and 1n1erest AUGUSTA EISENBERG Guterman. brother Charles Orange County requesting eaMmenla •re plf11cutllf1y aa1 lortll 3 5 2 P • g es 3 1 1 0 3 5 0 1 Orange Stale of C1lll~nla u par provided. 11 Notic;e 01 Default enel conveyeci 10 and now held by 11 d C that Elizabeth C Dupont be In Ille Article entltlecJ "EaNmenll" mlacellaneoue mapa. reoorda 01 map rKOtded In bOOI< 306' page 1 Elec11on to Sell Utl<ltlf Deed 01 Trut1 under Hid OeeCI ot Trust In tllo a resi en t o f Irvine, a and 2 nephews Art and Dave a p po 1 n led a 5 per s 0 n a I of Ille Oecl11a11on of Covenan11 Otange Coullty. Cilllornll, 1oV'1'* 10 9 Inclusive ml.cell_;• maps havlno been dutv recore1ee1 11 property sllueted In S11d County Passed away on August 24, Shulman Services will be ~p~n·~u·ve to adrrun·~ter Condttlona ind Raatrlctlon• =~~~1ng1 1~,:.~;r~·~:~~ In Illa olfloe oi the County AecO<d.; provi ded for by iaw In ••Id 1ne1 Slate dnc:r11>ec1 u ,...:. 1982 · Irvine Ca Sh h Id Wed _ _._ • ~ • ~ -.., de$c;rtbe0 In SUBJECT TO:" below .....,. of uld C:><mly ~daf't Olflo• on May 4• lll62. P8tcel I Tllat PO<tlon of Lot 1 mem~er 0 (. th'e Se~3t'o~ 25e. 19o8n2 at lnl..-....uOOAyM. Aaut~et the estate of the decedent. (Ille MISlll Oeciarallon") unde< unll1 I tllrougll 33 lnclullve, locileel U~llng lllarlfO<m all Oil. OU Intl. NO 112-152221 of Traci No 10491 ... shown 00 • r ui The pell ti On r 0 qu0 st• Illa Secllon headinga In l<ICh At1lcle thataon ln<I Olhat ....,.rOC811>0n 1Ubt11nciea SUN"l$T SERVICE CO"PA"'" a mop rec:O<ded In book '66 P...,_ 40 -Co .. ---:, of ·---e. a member Harbor Lawn M ount Ol1've ~ r 0 ._.. ' n....~ R Exceptlnn 111a111tom •n "'V " ... .... ---..... ~ uvu1 h d.nuru.s lh an111 ...... II Ol\OwS: """""-• lght• • b8IOw • Clac>lh of 500 '"' lfom the corporal Ion 118 Ill• prese~t l lld 41 ol Misc;elleneoua Maps, of A ARP, her h o b b 1 es Memorial Chapel Services aut onty lD a ter e and DutlH Utllltln end Cabla undlvtdad ..., lnt8'M1ln 111 oil. gu °' surlaca ot alid land. oot wtthouttlla •ulhorized and acllng Trustae rec0<dt of Mid County. 9hown ano inc I u 5i ed pa 1· n l t n g a d d h d . f e s t a t e u n d e r t h e Talav1a1on," "S!Oeyard e-nan11:· other llydrOC¥t>on klbstancaa lylng ngl'lt ot entry thataon. u prO\'kled und• said Dead of Trull a1-... ~ d e I In• d a• u n I I 5 on • • n un er t e 1rec t1on o Independent A-'-'-'-trau'on "S P 1 •• s 111 1 •• In oo orundar tllaat>oveda9u1._.. • ~ ..... ,._.. • ..... -Pt ., d us1w1U up or anv e em an • • • ,,,_, In en lnatrumant rec;ord10 on on Wednasdew S.OI 11 11111, 111,,. ...,...,om"""'" an ~csao June • sculpturing an she was H arbor Lawn-M ount Olive of F.tates Act. A he~ on "Encroac11man1," and "Common propally 11 sat fortll In Ille llnal Augu11 30. 11173 1n book 101111. hour of 10 00 o'ctock AM of aeld 3, 1960 In bOOll t3624 1>899 1201. f fighter for causes. She is Mortuary o f Costa Mesa the peu·u·on will be hel on FaclNO" EaMmanta " :>fdat ol condomlntum In levor ol the p-oe 121. Otllcfal Record• d• 11 1 ...... N~h 1 001 1 1 0111c1a1 ~d• of Mid County -I• • urvi ed b h E.L I The ll•HI addren or 011111 coy 01 Nawpor1 Baac;h, 'muntdpaj Parc el 2 NOn •elCClualve 1..!0r ... .:::.eou~'ntyrCour1enhour~. 700° Peroal 2 An und......_.. 111~th ;.) ' 8 v Y et sisters me 540-555-4 September 8. 1982 at 9·.30 corpor1tlon ot Iha 8111 clan • ,,. -·,,-~ •• ..,...,. " \ McCORMta MOITU.UIES Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hill!> 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 H.UIOl UWM-MT. OL.IYI Mortuary • Ceme1ery Crema1ory 1625 Gisler Ave Cosla Mesa 540-5554 f'tUCIHOTHUS llUHOADWAT MOITUilY I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-91SO I ALnlHGHOl'C ~loTVTHtU WISTCUff CHAf'tl 427 E 1711'1 St Costa Meaa 6'46-9371 .... CIMO'"•" NnfS' MOITWAaY 627 Main St. Huntington S.och 636-65~ • common datlgnatlon of ••Id · epj)Uflanant fftarnal'll 10< lngreaa Civic c.n1., Drive Wnt in 1118 Cl1y 1n1er .. 11n and to thl1 por11on ot Loi I McNERNEY a.m in Department 3 located property 0 MelO<tvt•ne. trvlna, CA cert Ill ad copy 01 wlllch wu end agr111 ovat prlvata 11ree11 u of Sanll Ane County 01 Orange I of Tr~ No 104111, 1n Illa County LILLIAN B M cNER-at 700 Civic Center Drive 02714 racordeOJenu~27· t9S3 lnt>oot1 Ht lortll In thoaa ceru1n St•te ol Calliorn11. WILL SELL' of Ot1n99. S1111 OI Celltomla. u NEY. r esident of N o rth West, City of SantA Ana, Name and •ddru1 of the 2•'3. P8Q8 llO 0 Olftc;tal Record• dac1111llon1 01 c;ovan•nta pursuant 10 Iha power 01 ula thOwn oo • m1p rec0<dacl In boolt U ben11tc;11ry II whol8 raqu1111he Mey be alao known 11 29 condlllone 1nd ruttlc;tlon.i oontertaellnMldOeedolTrustand 468 . pagaa 40•nd •1 of Hollywood for the past 25 IF YO OBJECT 10 the tel• la being conducted. City Slarlllh Coun. N-i>0<1 Beacll, CA recorded Aprll 6. 1971 In book without covenant 01 warreniw M1ace11anaou1 M•P•. record• of years, prior to moving to granll.ng of the petition, you Federal Sevl nga and loan 12.~ t5t6, p1ge 902, Olllc111 Record• reoardlno lltla. Pouauion 0~ ~td County. lhown end ~fined as : <Asta Mesa, Ca Pa.~ away shou.ld either appear at the AuocH1tlon CIO Sllaa11on/ d </1 • '11r"~ •d~rau °'common lndracordld November 15. 11172 In ancumbrenoaa . ., C>Ubllc auC11on Common Are a on • ;1 on August 22, 1982 in C-OSta hearing nnd state your American E•preu Mori gaga ••gnat on • • own lbove. no book 10427 pega 110 Olflc;lal 10 the llignut c:aa11 OtOoar in iewtu• Condominium Plan r900fde<I June 'I M Corpor11lon, 1201 E Hlglll1nd warrenty 19 given u 1 ~. lie A«O<d11na 9mandmanta tllefalo money ot Illa United $18181 01 3, 1160 In boolt 13624 page 1207, • 1 eja, Ca. She was a nurses objection s or fil e written Avenue, San Barn1rdlno. Calllomfa completan ... °' c0<rec1~ Tna ••••at addra11 and otllar Amerlc•, 111 11181 ceitaln real Otttc;tel Rac:ord1 of said county aide for t.he past 25 years at objections with the court 92404 The beneficiary under at Deed common de81gnetton II any ot tlla propar1y tliuete In 1119 Coonty 01 Th• atraet 1ddr111 and oth•• ,, Hollywood Presbyterian before lhe hearing. Your Dlreo1lon1 to Illa 1oove PfOparty 01 Trvst, by reuon °11 breech°' rHI prop11ty deacribed above 11 o range. s11118 01 C•lllornle, common dMIQnallon, II any, of Iha,...,. :I Hospital. She ls survived by appeat~ may be i.n pel'!IOn may be obtained by r1quHllng deltull In the obllgalloot MCVtld purPO<teel to be 18 lklrnlng Tr" deactlbeO as IOllowt· 1111 property dHcrlbed abov• 11 ,, 1, 0 h d b Mme In writing from the banefl<llary lllaraby, llaretofor• ••ecutad and Roasi Newport 811011 C1lllornla PARCEL 1. purported 10 ba· 2243 Pacific _ \. ~. I c II ren, son Jrremlah, or y your attorney. within 1o deya rrom 1110 11,.1 dallvarad 10 1111 undersigned • 112u0 • A 1 1 /IA ,05 c 1 M daught e r Mary Ann . publlcat10001t111snotkia. rlnen Oacl1tetlorl 01 Dflliul1 •nd Tiie undaralgnaa Trualaa and~~L~7d:vi:,':r.!:'t5~0 1n1•~:.t.:~ c;111~nl1 • • 0' • '"· -~I daughter Genevieve I F "i 0 U ARE A Seid HI• wlll be madowllhwt Oernlt1df0tSele.andwrlttan nollca dlecl1lm1 any tflblllt)' for 1ny tlleCllyot Coal• M-..Countyol Tlla underllgneel Truatea ~· • Lockwood, son Anthony CREDITOR or a contingent covenant or wuranly, •KP"" 01 1~:'=.~1/g~e~~~f1 C:~ 1ncorrac1n"• of Illa alreet •ddraea Orafloe, St•t• 01 Cllllornl•, u par e111c;lalm1 any llabltlty tor 1ny ._, J daughter Patricia Tali..-son' creditor of the deceased, you lmplla<I. H to tllla. ~Ion °' •nd olhaf common deaignatlon. 11 map recorded 111 Boolt 4711 Pagaa lncorrac1neea ot the street ed0r81t 1 · 11 ..,.,., t m l I Ith h ancumbl'•ncae to Mtt.IY Illa unpaid Ol*1Y to M lllfY Hid Obllgatlona1 any tnown """" 18 ind 17. In Ill• dlllce or '"• anCI ot'-common OaefoNtlon, " (I' John, daughter Adelaide mus e your ca~ w t e belanoe due oo tlla note or not" nd lhllHftar 111• undartlgnad $01ld ula w11I b• made but County Recor1ler of Mid COunty any. lflOwn h8reln ' Anderson, son Paul, son court or present tl lo lhe MGureel t>y Mid Taacl of Trutt, to 1 11 MIO';,°'~ 01 ~MChMand ol w1tllou1 covenant or warr4inty. bc;aptlng tllarafrom Unit• 1 S1ld nl• will be made, but '. •,': Fr 8 n k 8 n d d au g h le r personal representative Wit. 123,20o.OO, plutt Ille lollowinQ K on 10 • Kor Id ty 4• axar-or lmpllad. regarding 1111a. tllrougll 6 11 ellown upon Iha without covenant or w1rr1nty, o: 1• 1, K"thll!!en, 3 brothers, 5 appointed by the court 11t1mated 00111, npan111 1na 11182 "lnetr. No. 12·t!S2430 In ponanlon. or ano11mb11ncu . Condominium Plen recorded In •kl><"' 0t lmpltad. ~ding lltla • " ,._, ( .__ ( .... adv-II Illa Uma of Illa Initial I RacordL i ncludlng laaa, ChllgU and poeealllon or anoumbfancetl 10 !( sist.el"ll, 32 grandchildren and Wtuun our monln a rom •ne publlcllon of 11111 Notice ol Sala; Said HI• wlll ba made. bul ax~ ot Illa Trvetea and ol the =~::~ ~1)'653• Offlclal pay the rarTwunino Pflnotpal tufti of :l 17 great.grandc hildren dat e o f first Issuance of ••llmelad trual"'' ,_ alld c»et• ltllout covanent or warr1n1y. tr111ta cru tad by H id Dffd ot PAACEL 2. the no11(1) aaourad by Mid Dead Of i,1 RedtatJon of the Rosary wui letters as ptOVlded ln 1eet.lon of 11,033.llO .• plutt lnt8'•1 <111 Ille xpr ... °' lmpllad, ragll'd. Ing lltle. Trval. lo pay the rarna1o1ng pt1no1p11 Unit 2 11 thown upon Ill• Tru11. wltll lnt8'Ht thereon, u be held on Wednesday 700 or the California Probate unpaid prlnelpal balenca at'"' rate poMUalon, °' ancumbf•-· to eum1 of Ille noll(•I ~by Mid Condominium Plan r.r8'•td 10 In proYldad In Mild notl(11, ldvancee. :.1 Aum••l 2c. 1982 at 7:30PM at' Qxie. The time fo.r f111n(I of 17 75% per annum from 12·141 :1 ~l(=~C:: ~ Dead 01 Truat to wtt: '3711,000.00 Peroal 1 •boYa 111ny, und« the tarmaol Mid Dead o-" 1&lml will ri lo dlla of Nia. ptue ~of TNSt wttll In..,_"' In Nld wltll lnt-i It•-l'lom FabNaty And m~ commonly known 88 ol fru1 I , la11, chargu and ·' ,'I the Harbor Lawn M emoria.J <' f .r::'..\~tre P or 1 10.180 60. plu• any olh8' ,,.ovidao, aclvanow •11 any u::!! 1. 1082 at 22" P" annum 11 2182-B Piclllc Avenue. Coat• axpaMM o4 1111 Ttutl• ltld of Illa ., c ha p e I . M as. 0 { t h e to our monuia UlJDJ the date '°".,_ '"'' ,,... banallclary "'Ml r,;. 18tml or M id bMd of Trull provided tn Mid nolll(•) pllM ~I,.. .... Ca II Ill••• I• no ,,, .. , llultl CIHtad by •••d Dffd Of ... • • :l Returrection will be held on of the bearing notlced above. mek• l)riOI to ..... p1utt lataeflaroae ,_, dlarO-Ind 911panaae Of tiW and any lldvanoM .. 11mate0 to be addrau. dlr•ctlone may t>a Trvet ::l Thu_...-A 2"'-1982 YOU M y EX M '"' E Ol "215 llO Trvelea and o4 the truet• ctetnad .... H ,1111 65 ltld F~IOtu" Cotlt ' oblllllad by wrttt.n raQu.t to Stat• The lotll amown1 Ol the ufl9eld ' ...... y. uguat "· A A u .. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Mid Dead of Truat. 9ald ..,. .. ~ M lll'lletad to t>a ~.oeo.ze .. of '""I Se-Mot w L08'1 AllOCllrtk>f't 2u balance 04 in. Ol>llgatlon MOUred •I l2.00 noon at the H oly the file kept by the court. If DEED OF TRU8T DATED JUNE •• held on Saptamb8' 10, 1112 ti det• Nonll !I Ooraoo Sllaat, Slodtlon. by tilt Orooarty to be •Old and .1 Cro. Chapel ln Le. Angeles. you are • penon lnt.crettted 11181. UNLESS YOU TAKI; ACTION 11·00 AM ., Illa l'lont antranoe of Tiie banaflcla~ Ullder Mid Dead CA 15202: Attention: Lotn SarWla •tU Onabla ntlmat•d OO•l•. ·' Ca. Services under thl' In the ftl&te you may fUe a TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Stan•lh•w C0tpora11on 2'16 E of Ttvtl -.io ~ p8Cl)tad and Ot oertmant. not "''' '""' ~Ind lldVlnCl8I •t the time direction of Harbor Lawn r.nuetl with ....... court lo MAY 8! SOLD AT A PUBLIC SAl.L 17t11 St.. Sent• Ana, OA ta7l1 dt llvarael to Iha uneltf'tlgnad • ~llm-1• twello tot ""llUt'DOtt of '"' lnltlal put>lloatlon of tlla -., Ul"' " YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION TIMI total emount Of tn. ~ wril\1111 Ototlratton Of dlfalllt and of paying obllgallofll MC!Ulad b~ NOtlot of Stlla 11121,229.M . ~n~Ollv~~ortuary o r l"fttive •Ptdal DOUoe of the OF THE NATURE OF THI balenca of Illa ObllOMlon ---~1Hn:.·~· andl• w111t1n Mlelo..ctofTruat. of~u!'t"~~ac':!i°=l ea. ·5564. tuln1 o( the lnventory of PROOEE:OlNO AGAINST YOU.1, YOU tty aalel property to be aOICI, ..!.!~...... ,,.__,_.,.!_IJ -~-~ T'lla lotll ~• of th8 unolld daUvarad to 1118 undatelgn ....... 8 ~ estate a11et1 and o f th• SHOULD CONTACT A l.AWYt::A. twtfW wttlt lnl.,ttl 1811 oNr' -· ... llnWt...,._ - -~Of Ihle~ .. 1121.-.... W()()DCOCJl Olltd· AUOUll )) tte2 Md"t.11mat«100811 a..,._'::; l'fOl!M 04 o.tautt end !laatlofl to t73.42. lnl«MI l18,545.6t tncl Ille 11f'Htan Oacl.,atklfl o4 o.tllUlt and ''\ H.AARY A WOOIXX)CK petlllon1. accounll an d '"-'-' AIMl'tcM ~ • .,Of th8'dat• '-' ta ~o1!,'! ~'?!!_.In ~~ty Htlmetad amount 01 Coate, Demand for aai., and• wrtll8fl d ;...~-• repotU df9Cl'lbed ln aection bPl't" !llOl'ow Cornpeny 125, lt1.4t • .... _ .... ·-pr,.....,y .. ..,..,_,, ..,,.,,... tnct ~ wNctt .,,.. Notice of o.t•ul1 encl Etactlon to a rf9J ent of """'wi Meu., Ca. l 2"00.6 o f the California fomMlr"' known aa ...... • ... te I"~ .... th8 elate of .... 11 w . TIMI=~ lllld Pu.ed away on August 22, ...._....: •• ,..,__._ &out~ Clttae ..... te: .. uguet "' 1 2 C«NTUAY UQl'OWL 00 ., Notice ot o.t11.11 o\(ltotlon 10 lna2 In HuntJnaton n ___ ... .-rvu....., -...-.v. &tan-anew Corporation, a Celif'OfM OOfl)Ofttton 11.1..~1• · u1 to be tn ,,.. counry " • uv'""'' borow Comptl\'f, aa Nld TtUM•, ae lllld !""'88 IMled' AuQult I , 1N2 .~ Ca. H e WU an Aero SP1C9 • INIMt lty: ITAH-8HAW ~" 30f OamlnCt Dal Alo SVNKllT lrA\/IClt co.. -·the ..... pr~ .. IOO*t.a. Enalnnr f or 38 ye.a.rs for IOAN L HONEYCU11' ~ t:n~ ~~bat .._,._,h louth 1811 DlllO.CA 121°' ~~~. u.te: :':,!. ~ 1ne. Northrop Aircraft. Re 11 Altoree)' ,.r Pe,ISIOD« 1Q011, Htoll*ld A.-. Santa AM. Calltamla S:',.I -.a100 Melltlm "'°' ~' • ,....'lt'*-1urvlvtd by h.ia llater !Curuce UHDffeStree1.&.S.U•IH a.n..,,_01no.Ct1t. 12111 •nu M. i1u•1 ct• ~Nottt "£..Dor~""" ,1!.'~;5"' .... ~~~ Mlchl1an. Servicea under Newport Budl, "AH... n~ , tH41 '42·M1t .. ,_on,..,_., ... ..,. ~_,141--.... -·- tha direction oC Harbor PubUahed Oran1e Co.11 1114) -.Tffl 0t 1y; lrM lt\IMer, ~ ITrwt 0..... !20I) t46-1Ht • .. a n...nf on~ Au•. 1 I"' 2• .... l it! Eat. -s ... 287 ... _.__1 ......__._ ~ .._..._. .. -.... ,,.... t~ y .. oaa•Mtrl• In••· Law n ·M o \Int 011 v e ~ ..-.... ., _.. • "• "• ~ • --· ....,.,_, .._.._, ,......,. I' MonlaM\' Mortuarv of Costa Meta. 198 . Pu1>1t1llad Ora"9t ~ .. , D111y Publl•flad Oranoa Coa•I Dally ,,..,_ !ICP"~ Wllh ltll ~ ublllllff OraflQt Coell Deity Publtehact Ott~ OoNt o.t~ ...... , ....... ~ 3679-82 PllOI A119. "· 26, ..,,., '· ltl2 Plloe. Aug. ti. 26, llaipt. 1, 1112 COM! DMr ~Aug. 11, , .. a, Noc. AUO , ......... '· IM2 "°''MIO-11, , .. "'"" ~OliN't l80l-ti M4IO-U I~. 1411.U Mii.ff 3~ \ . --... '"' # !W'. .. Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT /Wedn1td1v. Augu8' 25, 1i82 1 DELINQUENT TAX LIST !1111 -1982 MOC 9ITICI ------.. ----...,,,.1 • .,.,.. u9 ,4 *'"0"'1" J1.710n L.ovel1 c 1 . Wllll a rn , A P l'loWroa.~ /4P l+f.1~ -w11111m1. Palflek, AP U ·llU 07 C•a•r l»r opettlu lno "" .... <OU ... • '... .. • M I 0 lop anl Corp A~ 0:12 17 IH 1260 34 • I ®1.10 N46.11 24 20224,11,0l'tH lp1rllm•l'I Wllll•m w AP 0 • 1119 1t Mwch•I 0Qlofla, Af' 9U·l1·tU. (1chlv1er, •r11n 1<en1. llP H 0 I c 0 '"II 7 F ca I• n n . A,. ~WO, JMllne, AP 24•20 ... oe. U · 161 ·21 .,.,. 01 I& 1'21 l•Ge, ~~ O(I 1l 02 ' 146-124-08, I 111 00 ...... , ... 0 ....... •" 1•111 • Ch.,nolr Lindi AP 26 16 1·•~. AP Hll·Ht. , l 3,t111 ,.,, 144111 z h L •p .. ~r. Hw~ .. '· •p 1•..._14 1.07 • ..... • • "" '" •1 1 .. 4 50 ' ' AP''' Hl•IO, 14,9 o,,,, Ltnd bor\, 1c; 1 ry ... 1 ,., .... 1 :-, .. 1 ...., " ..., 011118tpHana Plk• Wetmore, P1ul Wood, Watt., L AP 74.,oa.11 .• .I.. • AP 1Gt HI 14 1&9OIO112 932 H 108 112 711 ... . •a7n SI 6'•"0 l"'•O""" 11helllll S~M.,AP 26-l&t-O, • ' ' . • • . 0 R •p ••1 1~"1 , J •m 11 Jt . AP ~1 Jr, A a ....... -1 ' I, .... • • ..... '"' SI 400 oci AP 161·211 ti, 123,007 44 8 W•• n . 0 II . I r y .• ,. ... w w Heh, Ch11IM w , AP 2'·211-08, Thantr ono Phvono, AP Pointon Denny• A 8 AP AP l61211·tll,1&44 '"2·17·11!1, '309,14 1•6-t•3·00. 111002 I 111 00 24•2:! t 16, 13,311 l4 u ,.,. 4 .. 1•742 04 Tt& TA Co Ti &/or Liebe•, Ml<lhffl L o v e I 1 c a , W I I 11 am AP PMar1, <1111)1 M . AP 14f.144.0&, W•111~11Cl t n. Dl•ltJ t-AP My91J, D111111 R AP 24·t21·'0, • .,.,.,,. "• R AP 161 293 011 11 100 H 932 11 108 1194 I& ~3 41 .... "7 I •»o •11 MlkrdlClhilll, D•V•llY J . AP • • • • • . p "3" 17 .. ,. •nlll. •1an1-.•• 1••1•7 --·. 23·2•2·1 . _, "' 1,.,, " u 1•2 •• 1422 00 fl& TR Co Tr &101 8uge1ou, Qa1cl1, Jetry, A • •• • , .. " ~, ,.,. .,. ....,. Rullo. JOHl)h A . AP 23·~111-03 WIOktltOm, Thou'I .. L •AP rn " "~• C 11 1 11 AP 161211401 $3e748 111'00 111100 24·2n..04,$111 00 ... srr,;1~·133::,ir 1c•• K AP .f~:~~211 • • • •• lo1110. MIChlll H Jr AP MonlgCHMry, Jamft 8 Sr , A,. Wiii. HOwltCI 1!111 fr , AP Htolo.m 111 D1 n1 1 I L • !<P "'a l d~nblll S tephen l AP ti.TA Co Tt &or TtellM Ellllet 933·13·042, $661 14 1•6-141•09, 1697 41 23·2112·H .S1.695.n 24·24 1·17.'74132 2& :6302 114371 M .AP161·301Ge,S38048 Mon1gomtry. Jllll .. T ' AP Young , Rooerl K ' A P l e cono. ltverly J . AP 1Je11.,,Aleh•roJ ,AJ>'4~42·06, Knight ·Merk AP 25,163•04 lll1'RCoTR&10t0.111.e.1na101133.113.0511,s 1t1.oo 1'8163oll,l 1,22i.72 23·292·38.171162 l'13 92 •1141 34 . . G.,AP 161·301--011.1459 61 NtbOIOf\,JOMQll,AP933·83·100, Madruo, Ern .. t o A ' AP H emllt on, Oitl>•r•. AP ral~tnl)u•i · fOW ll lO , AP S i pp Mark H AP 26·1113·11 TIAlA C0Tr &1or Mc00118'l,f'11(J Sl.0&2 40 140.153·27.$91114 23·302·33, 1900 16 24·242·31, Sl,, 0 50 St lllll 44 ' ' AP 161·30t·1:1. $289 15 lJndl>OrO. lllClnl!y L1wrence, AP Oevll. GIOtOI V, AP 143-IH•'t , s1ackhou11. Kennllh W . AP Sk•wln tk• . .J•m•t J AP Kl1.1tnlok JamnJ AP 26.163•13, TtlTR Co Tr &tor Stretton, 933.93.12•.S881 8t $34821 •. PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 3381 T HROUGH 3385 , REVENUE ANO TAXATION CODE , THE PUBLISHED 'DELINQUENT LIST IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE , STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HAS BEEN DIVIDED AND DISTRIBUTED TO VARIOU S 'N E W S P A P E R S 0 F G E N E R A L CIRCULATION PUBLISHED IN SAID CO UNTY FOR PUBLICATION OF A PORTION THEREOF IN EACH OF SAID NEWSPAPERS. 23-311-30,17113.44 24·261·09.$1,808811 16.00 • Chllttln• A AP l()t 304 14. Andonian . A1 1 H . AP Qerl>er !111011, Al' 141>·"1>i·14 Vltiol1y, Allonz J , AP 23•321 04. Lewie Fo,. .. 1, AP 24·'1S I· l8 Tucker Te<l G AP 26.153_ 14 S829 80 933-83·149. 1500.10 9 11183.39 S2,217 70 11114.58 •t 898 U ' Tl&TR Co Tr 11.lor MadtlCI. Jerry. L .. Eric, AP 93383·14 , Bton110n, Hllrty, AP 146-201-33, Cava II• t . J a m• 1 A . AP Lewlt, Forre•I 0 · AP 7•·28 1-7o, • Klutnlok. J1i1mlf .J • AP 25• 153.15, AP 161·304· 19. S 150 411 '2.987 oo s1,oeo 83 23-321·06, '170.38 SllOO S6 00 ll&TA Co lr /Ho• Pov111rC1. Co111. Ma•le, AP 936·82·085. l<uJ1.1. Se<lellln AP 148·201•40. Or•nt, Chatlel E .. AP 23·321-07 Le C.unla 1 roct 7696. AP Mol• Developmont Cori AP Tlmol!ly t; AP IS I 31 I 12. SI 111134 U .300 70 U ,428.82 24·302-02.$23350 2s .154•01,124o.oe S48578 M11oney , P11tlc;1a A AP Gumm , Denntl R , AP Halntt. Judy J AP 23·32 t·24, Bl1den. Oav•d. AP 24-302·32 AP 25•154.02, S2<16.oe. 11& IR Co lr &/or Cunningham 936·82·080. 5467 112 146·201·6$. S2. 120 8' Us42~~~oaon. Steven p ' AP ''L.7:~~~011 l ract 7691J. AP ~: ~t:~:g:: r~~ !~ Ro:i:~AD c:~r'!:o~t~~l .. IK~~D ' 9'l~.~~~1~t\'1&~:;cad01, A p S1~3::· Carl L AP 140.233·15. 23·321·26, $1, 137.15 24·302-3S. $998 96 AP 26•1s 4•09, ·S909 44 AP 151-321·03. S914 04 •. OouC1m1n, /\lndolph A , AP Tom. Rlc;hafd L Jonnson , Pn1111p H , AP Aoulzetat. Roger M AP AP 26•154.14.s~44 Dureeu All>e rt N A• 938·29·004 S-4,208 44 Remiru. Salvedor f AP '3·321·26. $2,396.08 24-302-40. 5852 74 Clark T nom U G• 1 <4 IO A p 151·321-08. S 1 I I 00 WIJ1on. KM AP 938•29 0 12 · 146.233-2 t. 1539 36 Abdi, Fatemen M , AP 23-321·31, W&l>I>. Ronald L • AP 24 302·50. 26_ 154.1S $S97 SO ll& TA Co Tt \lor Chrl11ip, David $4,885 96 rattom. JoM W , AP 148-233-60, $2.688.30 I 1,537 12 Bear<!, J&mea e, AP 26· 164· t2. A et el. AP 151 -323-02, 1561 n 1'hompaon, Peul K II al, AP $ t.694 72 Canl&no. Pete• A, AP 23~21·37, LO•lrHon, Lowrenoo A • AP $56605 lA&TR Co Tr &/or Bruoo, L.Drry 936-29·031, $1 ,096.90 Oeot of Veta Allalrt ol 81•te OI $260 40 24·302•61,Sl,70986 Mace l•e John Paul Al' B .AP 16t·33t-06,S36546 GomDerg. Harvey F , AP el . Roberti, Aony I( (Jfl. AP A Iba n es 1 , Ph 111 p 0 , AP W II IO n, R Cl Y mo n d 0 • AP 25_ 164•16, S t:1166 74 Tl&TR Co Tt &lot Dotla Alcnard 936·29-041, $2,551 42 148·233-60, $392 28 24·011·19.l 11LOO 25-021--07.•2,34290 YOU"O· Juely L , AP 25.168.05. A .AP 161·342-47.S788.88 Carson. RoDerl M Jr AP S weroop, 81tlnd11 . Af' llghln11•, Rod S . AP 24·012·18, Gipe. Hugh P AP 25·021·09. Slll OO li&lR Co Tr &/or Lucas, Gary J 938-29-046, Sl.795.84 146-24t-50. $3,062.36 $962.612 $1,63 l 5 4 p Poole• J~I B .l\P 25· 17 l-04 et el. AP 151-361· 16, $1,004 08 Smith. Larry A .. AP' 938-29-051, AP Hll-24t·S1. 13.052.:MI Cordell. lrven l , AP24.013-16, Wllaon , Rayrrond 0 A ,3528 45 ' ' Tl&TRC0Tr&101Zl8Qler.Aobert $11100 Gregl·Wlllion. AP 148-241·62. DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE $984.10 • 25-021-21 $1.879.44 Fox Rawmond J AP 25•173•06 M .AP 151·3Gt-!14 ,S64 II Ha1r11on. La Vorone AP 5t126 Corona -Bu1lok-Neugerl· Johnson, Konnllh D AP 151s54 ' ' ' rt&TAC0Tr &1orWea1 RolloD . 936·29·067.$5.22722 Aol>lnaon . Aen<lall . AP lursnman Partnership. AP 25·031·10,$236.16 Wetlohealer Vllllge, AP AP 16t-361·82,S22200 Anderson . Nancy Jo. AP 1'6-251·0S.l 33138 24-0 t4-20. $4,058.46 Clark, Herold I AP 25·032-08. 25_ 180_22. S 1l. 113.110 Tl&TR Co Tr &/01 Beth. Mlchn&I 936·29·060. $2.30 I 00 Hockey. Jon E . AP 148-252·25, llghlner. Rod S. AP 24-014·2 t. $4,526.52 Derrl>rows~I. Robert ti AP s AP 151·382·09, S566 26 G1rdor1an . Kalhleen. AP $583 66 S t.007 42 Aea<l Rob en E · Ruddetow, 25•1, 1. IO. 12.119 t 96 T 11 com I> Mark A AP 938-29·063. S2.289 60 Towers. lhomu. AP 146-253-01. f•scy. Joy Anl!HI Weoo, Eugene. David 11 al. A.P 25·034 -26 llel>, Vernoua, AP 25.181.33, 151-491·04, Sl ,12280 Hunllnglon Skyll"e 1nvatlmat1la. S6•7 74 AP24·Q16-03,$680.77 $2.92548 $267696 Kennison RoDert B Jr AP A.P936-29-091,Sl,t3201 Almeai , Gra c e A . AP CERTIFICATE OF REAL PROPERTIES SOLD TO THE ST ATE N1 o holu, Gereld W .. AP Chao. Wiiiiam. AP 26-034-32. Colley Odta w 81 81 AP t51-493·22,$478 48 Hunt1no1on Adm1ra 11 ~ 146.254.t2.S254.ll& 24·016.06, $47153 S5,643 24 2~.t91 •04 '1387 27 Dlat, Marlo A. AP 151·502-:?6. nve11men1s, AP 936·29·092. Henion Philip J e mu. AP AP 24·017-02, $175.!16 Bow<len. Virgil, AP 25•035·0ll, " ' ' S335 07 '113201 6 83 t8 SI '38 5• 6 AP 2s-191.05, S575" La lion\; tl1apnen AP • t4 ·2 • . ... ~ Stern. Lu, AP 2•·017·0. Sl.421 76 E B d Buike, Noel P AP 25•191•47. 151_.13_10• t'3 .• 6 Larson, Raymond U •I 01, Af' Wh istler, Jame• s . AP $1.84" 46 Thompson. Arthur · ow en, " ~ 93'" 29 "97 $1 030 26 46 292 "' "'"•6 78 • P V 25 ~3• 15 •133• 77 S9t' 10 "'le~er . Aode11cL E AP ,,. ..., ' ' · 1 • .... ~ • .,,.. · Nlchola •• Gerald W , A ir"il,AP .,, ., •. ~ • ~ " ,. " A & J Smith Enterprises AP S N tnl •p 't .. -C I or Oranna " Sutherlan~. Lerow C AP 1,1_51 .~5 c229•70 ' w anlgan , a o . " Rol>ert L. Citron. Tax Collector•Treuurer o '"' oun Y .... 2•.017-07. $176.65 Shane. Allan. AP 25·036·19. u v ' ., , .. ., 936 "9 112 St 055 15 S3 2"• ' I .. _. I> 11·~ .. , 110-~ 25-19 t·48. $955 67 c 0 n ~ e ,· M. I c fl a e I p A p .. • • • 146·32 t-16 7 ""' State ot Call orn a ...... e Y oen ""' o -·· AP 2• "17-10, $531 22 $3.160 64 v v ghn Ralph AP 936-29 t 18 ·M i<ethlee A" I ~1 ol lhe lotal ~..., •p Stern. Merlin Jr. AP ?5-200·64, 151•513_.3 1810 17 au • · • · Hulse, ary n . ,... Th1lnollcetahe<e1>yolventhat1>e<:t1uMoC:onpiy.:,~1 the a Btown. Gary W , AP 24·018·02 Goldlng. Jerome A •" Sl.78998 ~. $2,341 27 146 .3 24 --0 4 .si.359.08 amountduef0tluaa.uae11ment111ndolher arges n Y•1 r $1,585.66 25-042-11,$1,14934 Gomberg. Herve• Eugene, AP 19 s 1 a 1 1a 9 s 1 .RuDenG .AP 151·513·!>0 Lovelace , William A P Jacotu . James E , A P 19811ortheFlacalY11r 1961 -1982.lhownlndolleraandcentaoppoate Dunker , Thom•• W AP Golding Coslll Gue"a & Ripley, , 93629 122 St089 35 3 •• 02 86 t 'I _ .. I the ll1t .. -low the real 6 ltt-1'"·03. $2.796,54 OtDorna. Jocep .. G AP • • • ' · 146-3 3-22,..., · the descrlpllon of the pro~ Y con• n.v n ""' • 24~0t8-08, S862.G4 AP 25·0•2·14. $1.082 9 ..,., ~ .. H ntl g1on Tower Investments J B s AP ' I,_ -l>y """'retlon of law p A p Fox. AeymO'lll J . AP 114-501-04, 151•513•52. 12,097 o• u n Montgomery, 11mea 1 • properties on Wlllch such emoun • _,e I """ ""'-·· ..,....., • HlgglnDotham. Dorothy 11 , A Go Id 1 no, Jerome A ~ AP 936-29-t32, $1, 132.01 146 _3 3 3.29, Sl,718.10 In mv ollloe at Room 110 Fln1nG1 Bl.llldlng, 630 Nor1h Broadway, City of 24·018-11, $846.44 25-042·20, S 1,985 70 S 1. Hl 72 A 1dc1111 e · D a II a a L . AP Seabrook Proper I 1es, AF Blackey. K.eoth A e t el. AP Santa Ana. County ol Or1nge. told to the Sllle ol Calllornla at 5 o'clock Bosle r . Gary D e I al, AP Thompson . Rona I<! B . AP W Ill i am 5 •. M lch 8411 E ' AP 151·5I•·14, $1,368.38 936-29-141. $2,350 40 146 • 341 .01. Sl.354.64 P.M., on lhe 30th dey ol June, 1962. 24.,023·14. $1,710 74 2•.042.211, S 1,231 58 t l4·502·26· 5669 20 • 1 1 McGrath Sandra M et al. AP Davis Gerel<l N AP 936·29· 148 J Ct ~-B AP 146 342 16 Rael Properl)I sold to the tale mey r .... _ .. ,.., ,..... Hunt 1n Q1 o" Adm I 1 11 I tJ. Ollenl>eoher, j:ugene R . " ,, ., ..., .~ ~ S be -.o~-.. l>ypa~-·nt olall ., AP Moore, Jo .. ". AP 114.,,1. 1. 1•1.•15.01' s•~3.66 $2,1965,8 • • ••9°'1''1~· yvv .. • •. 1.1np1ld taxes end ••-menlS together with 111.1ch addltlonal penoltles lnvestn•enls, AP 24·024 -U ' :.!5·043·16, $2,346.96 S1,29l 82 AP AoDert'son Royal T , AP Lanting, Jeuy J .. AP 938·29·149, Kim, Jae S , AP 146-3•3·11 and lees as prescribed l>y law, °' may be redeemed under an lnstellme11t S 1.052 61 Go m I> erg , He 1 v e Y E' AP I I> b 0 t 5 0 n · J 8 m 9 s <-153·012·09 $1 556 58 $2,744 65 11,210 74 plan ol red&mpllon 1 J&Sllen. Charles. AP 24·026-02. 25.044·27, $2.002,72 11j"5• 1·2~:42~ o~P 114•5 11 . .,4 H11eld. Er~si A ·AP 153-022-03. wish. Robert L. AP 936-29· 151 Renner Chr1stoph1t A , AP All Information concerning raelemptlon, or the Initiation ° an ~797.94 En n em an . L a 1 r y D AP anae 6 n ry · $442 32 $2.1'13 47 14 6- 3 , 3 . 1 2. Sl. l18.88 Installment plan of redemption or tax told property wlll, upon requesi. be AP 24·026-03. $787 32 25·044·29. $756.85 $266.ll Ob, and Ch a r I es S AP shack . H M 1 ch a e I. A Thallord. L•lakl. AP 146-3-45-07. rurnl!lhedDyRobertLCl11on,TaicCollect0t·TraasurarandAedempt1on 1o11cr.01as. Gereld W AP Alabama Properties, AP Wher1Prooerlles 1"c AP t53023--03B1 s 11100 936-29-157.S3.67034 s.. 2134 Olllcer. Room 110 Finance Bvlldlng. 830 North Broadway, Santa Ana, 24-026-23. $880.42 25·045-14. $828.46 148·02l-04 1644 t6 • H~ll Merlly~ S . AP 153-032·43, Wish. Wanda J . AP 936-29· 159. Sll~a. Thoma.s J , AP 146-361-15. Ca.lllornle. Dunk er . Ao I> er l M , AP Thompson. Edw111.e1 H el al. /IP S91soon/Mayer Developmenl Co. $470 is $1,648 29 529 2 27 I cerury under oenatty ol perjury lhat the foregoing Is trve and 24-027-02.$38272 25·046-14,$3,42340 AP 148·021•20·'1·69243 Fullenw1e1er . Ctaylon, AP Frandsen , R ic hard. AP Vollmer , M ichae l L , AP correc;t. Rol>erl L. Citron L~khar1. John C .. AP 24·027 -03. Enneman. Larry, AP 25·05 1· 19 Tan. Ruely R · Jarrar<!. A Mette. 153-033-01. $688 44 936-29· 160, S2.013 82 146 . 383 . 2 1, 1710 16 $448.87 $629.22 AP l48·03 l·09.I1·746 7o Yorktown Cen I er Ltd AP Da•ls, Gerold N . AP 936-29-165. Lawis, Hanry I , AP 146-402-18. TuCollectOt·Treesurer Lopez, Manuel, AP 2-4-027-17. Bower. Te rry A. et al AP McDougall. Donal<! J . Tle<ltke, 153-051-14 $2.73906 S2,16612 $124656 olOranaecounty Sl,409.34 25-051-21,s12258 Gloria M ·AP 148 031 15· G1un1, Elena. AP 153·062·02. Splro,ArnoldE .. AP936-29-166. Miiie• Vera E AP 146-403·03, Execvteel at San1a Ana. County of Orange on Auvust S, 1 82 perk 1 n Oreg or y Lee. AP McGinnis, Alen D . AP 25-05 1·23 S 1 556 52 AP 48 03 1 3 4 S836 54 S3,291 58 S325 59 23-114-27,$1,97466 24.032·22,$3,35734 $54949 Miiis Jerry, 1 · • ' Mackley Franl<lln H . AP Larson A George . A Glaeser,JohnP AP146·403·30. Parkln,OregoryL .AP23-122-0t. Stecy. Marty AP 24-034-19, Brantley, Edw ar<l L . AP S1.20306 153·062·05,$16468 936-29-174,$1,13527 $654 The lollowtng al>l>revlallons are used tor the wor<la set opposite them. Adm -Admlntslrator $2,80t 18 $1,440 36 25-052-09.20. S1.527 96 Fusco SaTliatore. AP 149-033•33. So ave Sam AP 153-083-08. GreenDerg, Jack, AP 936-29-179, L 0 Ver <l 8 , Fr 8 n k V AP Admx -Admlnlslratrlx AP -Assessor's Map Numl>ef Apt -Apartment Assn -Association Assoc -Associates H unting t on Sealarers CrosDy,Nancy,AP24·038.07 40. Summerlelt, Blanche M •AP S206.79 AP S38216 S11100 146 • 422 .23.$42508 1nves1menu, AP 23-122·20 $5238 25·054-12,S78 7S MacDonald, Nel<la J ' Comad L M , AP t53-063-S2. Lovelace W11i1am A Taylor . James A $2,l25.00 Hansen, Ralph l AP i4·038.01, Wlckalrom, Thomas L , AP t46-033·49, $l,l9914 A P $98920 936-29·202, $1,03910 14 6·4"1-41 $90910 Parcel Huntlngl o(l S 1\nd Dollar $1,16092 25·054·21,Sltl.OO M iiis , Leighton S !(er per Phyll i s AP l<atz. Freil E AP 936-29-207, worlhor1g'1o". Charles G AP Investments. AP 23·122-21 . Ull. Palrlcoa A .. AP 24·042·21, Young, Ju<ly L , AP 25-055-07 146-03'4·02,Sl,l63.76 AP 153-063-79.61° $111 00 $91066 14 6-444·12.$5800 $2,125.00 $64078 $11100 Shleller. Ronald M O'Halloran Raymond D AP Ba<roso. Her"ando Sanchez, A Rickells. Gregory S AP A F Bldg -Building Bros -Brothers • CAICellCelll -California Co -Compeny Const -Construction Coop -Cooperative Corp -Corporation Consvr -ConservetOf Dept -Department Dev -Oevelopmenl OtSI -Dlllflc;t Otv -Division E<l -Educellon Entrprs -Enterprl!185 Est -Estala et al -end other• Exec -Ei.ecutor, Executrix F & M -Ferme,. & M8fchants G<ln -Guardian Hwy -Highway • Hwys -Highways Inc -Incorporated Ins -ln&1.1ranoe Inv -Investment Jr -J1.1nl0t I.A -Los AnQl!les Lid -Limited Mfg -Manvlacturlng Ml -Mount NA -National Aeaoctatlon , Nall -Nallonal NOi tt -Number ' NT & SA -N1tlonal Trull and Savtnga AasocteUon S & L -Savings llf1<l Loan ' SECY -Secretary Sr -Senior SI -Saint/Street USA -United States ol Am9'1ca Vea -Veterans · & · And &/or -And/or 11 -.Numl>ef PARCO.. NUMllEft!NO IYITEll EX~ANATIOft • The Assauor·s map parcel tiuml>er when uted to deecrll>e property In thl• llst. refers 10 the ~neuor's map l>ook, 1ne map page °' !>lock number In tile l>OC* and the lndlvldual parcel number on 'lhe map page or wlthln lhe bloell. A parcel number as lor example. "0"4-383·05", would mean Book « pl the AS-SOf'S Maps, 8loc;I( 363 (Map Page 38, BIOck 3) and Paroel 5 )!lllhln that l>l~k. The mapa rel..-red lo are 1v111e1>1e r°' Inspection In the Ollloe ol lhe AISeSSOI All properly la In Ille Township South and Range Weal o r Sen Bemerdlno Ba9e and M8fldlan. Wllson,WllllamH.,AP23·123-06, Branlley, E<lwar<l L . AP Wlckslrom Tnomas L , AP 1411-o34·03.SJ529o 1S3·061·0561,$11100 936-29·211.$2.38712 14 6-452..03$51163 $1.33-4.90 24-051·27,$1.453 56 25-056-02.$11100 Faktl. M H AP u 5-034-i 5. Bell. Er•kaA , AP 153-062·07, Lumary. Kat hleen A A Spurlock. William E AP Corona , Ao Dert Lee. AP LakeParkEatalM.AP24-053-12. Chan. Samuel AP 25·056-03 531426 $209 8 1 937-15-001.$1.96674 !46-482-04 S54992 23· 126-02, $1.995.11 $732 43 156<1.25 AP 14B-043·23· S495.n W A p ONer, William J . AP 153.082· 16, Su 111 van . VIC k 1 e V A Mell°"" Hemy AP 146-5CH-03 c.orona·(luslck·Neugarl• Etc;hegoyen. Cra ig K . AP Cade. Merle E , AP 25·056·12 Ackerman. Harold S954 46 937·15-006.$2.06726 SlllOO Turshm•n Pa1tne rshlp (Pt). AP 2'4-061-07.$193.40 $1.39536 t48-044·02,S25163 •p W T Newland Estate. AP Esposito. Ca1m1ne F A PhollJPs. Harold D A P 23-126-08.$<1.864.72 Lee, Herbert M . AP 24-061-12, S au nders. John W AP FeH I, Moherr;med H " 153.553.01.593940 • • 937·15·013.$97971 14 &-503-12,$29727 AP 23-126-09. $4,664 72 $1,467 12 26-056-16. Sl,960 50 1411-044•22• $50l 3 AP 153.553. IS, $472 99 lnla"d Empire ln11estment Corp, Eh Im c. 5 e v N E Shea , Prim, AP 23-126·14. Perrier Mary E AP 24-061·22, Gom1>e 19, Har11ey E AP Sahli Jane Justtnf' AP AP 153.554.41,Sl,460.20 AP937·15-038,S l.22032 14 6·511-15.$5.626.40 SS53.26 $2,054 28 25-053-17,$1,95442 l48-055•47 Sl.15592 AP 153·55'4·61 St,09t26 W 11 B 8ull<lers Inc , A De R111s Joseph J AP Shea Grigsby, AP 23-126-20. Lake Park Estates, AP 24·062· 12, Holl, Wllllam H . A.P 25·062· 17 RoDerts. John C ·AP l4B.055·49. AP 153-554·73, $985 56 937· 15· 150, S251 53 14 6.535·02, S429 57 $1.40612 $1.363.74 Sil,391 20 S59719 AP AP 153-563-06 $50697 P1c1<lord Bruce J (EA) A Neser. Wesley M , AP S hea, Prim, AP 23·126 -21, Feyk, David E . AP 24-071-12. Hiii. w 1111am ~•odoe, Hullman. Colaon. Chrostopher D · AP 153-566-01°$44689 937-40·004,$30044 146 .5 41 -03 $11100 $937 04 S 1.065 74 Pavl L , AP 25-082· 18, 13.260 90 148-056-33. s395 20 AP 153-571-J 1' $910 54 Mola Development Bostock. Lucy E . AP 1<16-S52· 10, Martln,Rol>ert Jr AP23·127-14 Rice. Devtd E AP 24·072-01 Income Properly lnvulort Seal>uty Development Co . AP AP 153-57<1-11.$96934 937-40-068.$75734 5466 . 05 sna 70 $1.063 66 Partnership. A P 25-071 ·29 146-072-10. S22S 27 AP 153-574-15° $526 91 AP 937-40-086. $845.68 ADbey Denni& M . AP 146-562-03 Newman . Doneld C . AP Herma nsen. Ch11ln L . AP $1.771.65 Dvlrene.JohnK .APl4&-o91•13· APt53·574·23:S67201 AP937-40-100.S75734 s 89434 23-127·24. $1.467,04 24-072--05. $1,523.02 AP 2S-071-30. $177165 521693 AP 153-60t-12. St1100 Garcia-Montes. Ratael (EAi. A Torres. Cerolyn AP 146-566-15 Hermantan. Cha rles L . AP Hiii. Ronald A . 1-P 24·072·24. Ackermen. Harol<l W AP Marlin, l<aron L .. AP 148-092--02, AP 163-605-15. $11598 937-40·130. $1933~ $ 1496 14 23-132·24, I 1,332.24 $446,06 25-082·06. $859 60 et •I. AP S5~:G61l. Kent M • AP 148_ 113_37, APAl1'~Cl3r~z1'-0Pe51.eS 1A.OP2716659•15 l·02 15 M 11 G c 59 oy. John J . AP 937-40· t57 • 1 c 1 h 1 a 00 no. V1•Chung. AP 146-566-17. Tr1lner. Ben A .. AP 23·133·26 H11mansen. Charles Tr. AP Bayhl, John L u v •• , • $2.011.40 2<1·072·29. 591660 25·063·05. $9886 S48"84 $11904 McD1a1mld, Bruce A , AP Connera. P&l rlcta 'f , AP Brllhar1. Patricia. AP 24-072-30. Reid. Barry L . AP 25-083·11. Hanson . Dennis W ·AP Hii1 Patricia A AP 159·152·41 TAX RAT£AMAM-«17 . 4 6·572-l7 12097:! 23-134-04.l17S16 $923.18 S95031 14C9·0l,~.Q9R S3V3er8n58Fi•het Donald s1110o · McMullen. Mary J 81 al, Af> Wensevoc;. l<ennelh H el al. Af' Brllhart, Patncla , AP 23-134-23. Hermannn, Charlu Tr, AP Sheller Development 1"c. AP :;;:9013--01"$939 09 Rvdderow.John.AP t59-t61-11. 110 • 022 .12,$1,10819 1•6-572-:f1.S97790 1920.88 24-072·31, $916 60 25·086-11. $666 76 L 'z ·P le B• AP 149-021 03 $2,916.12 Poopin David, AP 110-036· t3, M as on , Ro Der t F , AP l(l;'go"lelson G., AP 23-137-06. Brllhart, Patricia AP 24·072·32. Slupe, Rl<:hard T , AP 25-094-02. appas, e ' • ' Plunkell. Michael D AP 1 46·573-08, S57154 Sl 11 $9 16,60 $627 64 S 614 87 p 159· t75-13, $574 40 Sn9 24 • A 1 • 1 Opter LaRo• F AP 159-011-08 5-09 7 Arau10 . Francisco C A Torres p~ A AP 1•9·18,·05, Grageo asoca.es nc . $108106 , . HarD , Majid, AP 23· 138-06, Hermansen, Cna11u Tr, AP Kiiiam, Arvld A. AP 2 4-1 149.022 09 Sl 022 04 , ~ ~ M B Apia Ltd Partnership AP $H1.19 24-072·33. S909 48 $1,062.66 . · AP 149-034 04 $675 03 110.037.28. $830.74 Mason, Date E AP 159-081·11, AP 23-138-o7.S23569 Btlthart. P111r1e1a AP 24-072·34, Hermanun, Charles Tr. AP Mlller.RoberlA , • ' Aoberls H James AP 110 -0 37 • 29 . 1 196167 s 48 53_e AP 23-1.,•·"8. •"61 79 $916 60 2S.()94.27, S2, 151 76 $595 U ' O •59.183-04, $1,270 00 AP O 7S S•t,;6 65 G 11 5 p1 e Pa u I 1 n e AP ...,..... .... C AP Brllaln. Jerry L ' AP 149·051·2 . , l(lm ~,1 S AP 159· 184-02 AP '10· 37· . f 1"'" '011e"". l 53.198 Hunt 1 n gt on Spy g I ass Hermaruen. Ch1rle1 Tr. AP Mole De•elopment orp 5385 71 . n Sc:ttmlolo.rath, Clllford c . AP ,._,.. -v"' 1nvestman1t. AP 23-t41-28, 24--072-35.190800 25--094·32.09. $487.84 · AP S61136 no.oa4.t5 5111.00 McGinnis. Pa111ck A AP 12.170 68 Davide. LHll1n E. AP 24-062-06. AP 25-094-32.13, $246 42 K 1 m e • Ade I e Na h 111 ' l<lm Kil Soon AP 159·224·02 ~r own Paul M Tr el el. AP l63..() 14--02. S 1,094 24 H1tm1nae". Char lee Tr. AP $356.6' AP 25-094-32 14, $519 88 149--053--02. $564 72 D AP S I 028 72 · 110•291•11 S9l7.02 Al>l>ondente, Thomas C AP 23c·~~~-,1,15ne.s11n~901mentsNo 18Ltd. 24?0o9ml·11>7e,sV.o~.~~vsy E , AP AAPP~~:g:!:~~;~:=~~::~ 1k~.~~r~~~rge 589'2'3n1ao:es'e&~~go110 I AP Lamson . Clllford T AP 163-024-01 16:>~~'\ •" G ,.P ~ ·v~ K neg1 Roger M AP 1 • . · 110-293·09.$11100 Pl1.1mme•, 1n, AP 23-142-18. S 1.2!>6 S3 AP 24-091· 18, S2,238.90 1-P 25-094-32 43, $'487 84 o Ya S8 M 8cH11 e , AO be r1 D AP C Ii" t 0 " R 0 Der t Lee AP l63-034-06. 1286 29 Bovy. C hris. AP 23·142-21. Vozenllek, Ji n, AP 24-093-04. AP 25-094·32 '46. 1519,68 149--066·27 22 76 C A p 159-235-02. $856.34 0 _ 301 , 07 , 5111 00 "' 18 0 0 u flan. Armen. AP $815.20 · S273 '" AP 25-094-33.02. 1562 96 K.9 ~!~~e1k79f:51>e r 1 Melk1, Daniel, AP 159-<'36·03. 1 ~oyscon. Paul T .. AP 110.301.22, l63-041-011. S821.86 Huntington Seaside lnvestmeots, Morr. Herold F AP 24.093-14. Ho I Im a n . Aon e Id A A F 14 -vvu· • A p S 1 866 22 1464 73 8 r 0 w n . J a m es W AP 23·1-42-22, 11.570.84 1 153 54 2S-095.03, S3.07• 58 C 8 mac h 0 • J 0 h n A Wooel Daryl K AP t59·<'• 1·03 Tuck 8 r , L 0 u 1 s e E AP 163·053-09, $752 00 M D. J anet Co Inc. AP Manzella, Salvador J Jr, AP Klrl>y, Wayne N AP 25-101-10 149-072-H , $1·14983 AP $214644 · 0 _ 303 • 10 . s 1 . 3134 o Egol att on, Allen L AP 23·142·23, S2,3«.28 24·09S.05, S699 48 $360 t7 Schoepflin, Rho<la A Mier. Davo<l S AP 159·246-04 11 L A p 163 .054-02 $382 74 Ya1es, Betty, AP 23·142-24, Truu. Jay A , AP 24-101-15, Taxe1ra, P1ul. AP 25-102·01 1•0·082·14· 1772·16 AP $9112. 1l~~ii.~;'$72~~~eo' Svllll, Edward E , AP 163-055-12. $1~1:'i J a nes Co Inc, AP $7~:~~etl l elel . 0 Dean . AP $1~1S:e~. Mary D , AP 26·106-03 1'i~:3~51 .. Sg~:,gru A S9~4og;· H1 C . AP 159-252·13 G~~:;;.Br•anJ .AP 110·334-14, S1iJ~~n~m. Wllllam W. Jr ' AP 23·142·28,$2,090.14 24·102-06.$131.07 $19560 M iian!. Heaian M AP O 'Wege• Michael A AP Sic A 0 d H Jr AP 163.071-22.$1,073.14 Huntington Sea Co11e Osm ond. He1De1t W AP Marsach Hector M AF 149.063-13.Sl.l23 !>0 159-25<1-09 $113786 ason, :r;;o'6o ' Rank in, James A llen AP tn•ast ments. AP 23· 14 :l-<11. 24-102-19. $1,622 52 25-107·75. Sl ,045 56 Palon. M•ry Ann. AP t49.053.J3. Palmer.' w i111am E 3rd, AP 11~~4:do~·11 , · J 8 'm 8 5 D A p 163 .073-11, s1,;,:tb.~ $1,437.20 Ball. ChafllS. AP 24·103· 17. Fallh, L.erry l , AP 25-108-10 Sl,112.46 A AP 159-255-14 169297 0·344-05, $42686 Lotoa. Raoul J AP 163-091·20 Bender. Gary L.. AP 23· 143-16, $239 72 s Ul79 10 Villa Peclllc; Communl1y Hn. M 0 r '0 n A 0 I> 11 r I G A p 11 A A p s 606 52 AP 2• 107 10 A R I> t G AP 149·085..08, $38' 18 17• •02-06 $. 1607 77 , Bu"llng Harvey 1. 03 •~"2 10 Evan1. John W . ~· • · ob1nson, o er p ~ to s Ol7 12 "'·-o1>ar T...,. Sr AP t~3-101· ..,., Bloc k. Thomas H A White .....;_"15· D ap 179 •02·l6 110·391· . 1 ~ · "" · ' AP23-143-17.l813.16 $851 22 25·111·32,$706.66 OB ti $.48283 •"'"" '" ~ Foa Raymond J AP110·392·24, S25202 Bend8f. Gary L . AP 23·143-18, Borden toor. AP 24-108·14 Scttmldl. Kathryn E AP 149· 5. ' $444898 05414 Inabinet. Jamea C et al. AP $748.60 St.13504 25-t1t-'46, 11.558.46 Llz:zl, John A., AP 149·055·,3· Ounnanoo. Owens A AP 11· L M AP 110 393-02 163 115-05 $33033 S C • • I • P 2 • 1 11 0 I d t t en 11 IV AP St 11.00 178 • 12.0•, s 1,03 1.88 Jemes. elyn • ' · · E .. p Huntington ea ove Harl> ..... ajd." ~-• · Hyelan nve1m . R 11 J AP ... ~ s 109378 Gomberg , ~arvey • .., lnveatments. AP 23·143·26 $71230 2S·112·01,i47878 Llndenlauo , 8 Sage Fred W , AP 178·412·09. Likens. Jemes R 3rd AP l83·121-,t.SA 1122 $2,17088 Greenberg. Stephe n AP HuntlnglonVlttalnvestmenla.AP 149.086-l2,S20S49 AP S15-4S36 0 • 393 -0 7 .s 21900 Anderson . Je a n M . AP •P 23·143-27,S2,011 1' 24·'11·03,S977 46 25-121-18.$1.57063 Miiano, Has san M w1ci.h1m . Eugene AP 11 A AP 6312131 $l6606 " AP 2•11113 s 1 t t• 1•9-086-23.$1,318.56. 176 •• 2 ,.01 .• 2.179.82 Sievers Allred • 1 • • • · AP 23·t43-28. S2.170 68 Karpmen. Linda. .,.. • · Hunt1no1on unsh•ne nves men~. ~ ~ > i1 3 88 H D Majid B AP 163 122-05 Ferry, Rol>er1 G .. AP 23· 144-10. SS. 129 54 AP 25· 12 I· '7. s 1.576. 72 sch' e ID er. sh a ti L A p Coneolldated L•nd Co Inc;. AP 110•393•211· 1e AP 110 395-02 $9898130' .. • . E P 2•112 12 20 s· 613 27 149·087·24. $600.78 178 •21 ,.7, .•7,834.•2 Grady. Aooert . • · p s UO.S6 Hemsi.y, Jim , A ..,._ • • AP 26-121· . " · M 1 h •I J A p ... .., ... ~ S 111 00 Mola Development Corp . A AP AP Neuger1,LayneR.,AP23-144-20. $689 42 Huntington Skyline 1nv95tme111s. Johraton. c a S 11mpl8, Thomas G . AP Mc Oermolt. Aol>erl D . ,.P l63·131·01, $1,195.40 $1,558.46 Gomberg, Hervey AP 241-113-20, AP 26-121-2t, $1 ,601.09 t 49·08T-33. Slll OO AP 178·421·16 $6,936 66 0_395.os. Sl.092 96 AP 163·131-02, S5,647 58 L 8 puma. Ph 111 p C AP $1,570.88 Huntington Sunshine lnvestmeot Schnelder• Connie M Baney, Daniel N, AP 178-421-23, 11Florro. Olella. AP 110-465-09. AP 163-131--06, S2,391.00 .... ORTANT NOTICE 23-145-19. S111.00 Rhatigan. Dennis 0 • AP AP 26·121·22, $1,831.S4 149.08T-35. 1296·27 o .o4 $4 74948 94938 AP 163·131·10, $8,385.02 , 1'he names pvbllthed ire lhOM 81.!rne. l<arhry" T .. AP 23-145--23, 24-114,15. $363 73 Lebaron, E. Eddie. AP 26-t21·26 Smith. Gery A .. AP 149'1 1 • Ro~I. AIDert A. AP 178-'431-33, S Ha.ltermin, Thornu F AP Be .. dsle" c111r~ S Jr , AP eppeartngonthelaxroU.Te)(l>1yera 12.'35.68 Shel , Prim, AP 24·114·21. St0,970.54 $522.52 AP 1193322 110 • 47 6- 18 ,s 925 . 04 lll3-131·18.l1,788.02 who have dlapoted ol property HOdge, De.nlet J. AP 23-146-11. $999.71 Hermansen, Charles Tr. AP Drevlc;k. Je"1&S M Broa<lmoor Hun11no1on AP Armendarll, Fr1nk v . ~P Mole Davalopm1nt Corp .. AP ~nee Merch 1, may find !heir n111111 11.504.34 Perk•. Wltllem S e l el. AP 2S· 121·51, Sl ,986.118 t49·10S.08. '471·•0 1 AP 176-443· 12, s 111 00 t 42 • 231 • 34 , 1982 .60 l63· 13l·23. S5,568.08 111ted for the reuon lhel pr111n1 Eiits. Ronild D . AP 23·146-20. 24-115--15.1939.94 Wilton, Riv. AP 25·121-65, Epstein. Leonard Wek ll• Houshan9 AP Madnn, Aodn•~ A. 11 11 . AP Haaan. Judith Elllne AP Own.fahavelalledtopayllk... 11,811.30 6 26 Ed11len. P ichard De1n. AP 12.49044 149-105-t4.s5e2.oo AP 178-4A4-14.'S6 .70310 142 . 252 • 13 54200 163·164·13,$111,00 •1 PROPERTY IN Ellena. Cerol, AP 23-1' • · 24-116-t4. l 111.00 H11man11n. Charles Tr. AP Heuls . Barbaro " Koons Madeline M .. AP · · p 4 ., .,5~ • 8 K-" J-" A Jr AP 163-164 18 8 02 1•9·106·06, "470,90 178 •• 8 •• 22· 11.21• 78 Horn, M Burton, A I •·• ,, • ., , .,..y . ., .. n . • ' $1,73".30 Kram, lrvlng. AP 24· I 1 • , 25·121·58. $1.979112 ~ ., ., ., ~ s 344 66 I HUNTINGTON BEACH UQlow, Donn• c .. AP 23-14~27. S522 8' AP 2S· 121·59. $1.986.98 Rosen, Alan R .. AP 149·, 11• 18· Byrum. Charles. AP 176-565-33. s5g ~~nan M a r I 8 w . A p \ .. s SCI y. A 0 be rt D ' A p CITY ,,,9t0.68 Johnaonl. Heyward C Jr. AP Crall. James L .. AP 25·131·36 $4.002.38 AP S• 557 42 142 • 252 • 67 s 2 9,28 163·t64-39. S6t8.SO H1rman11n. Chul"IS Tr, AP 24·116-09,111412.08 St,326.94 C•owhUrSI , Cll•• A · Benk1. Conr•d G TR. AP Bellance.'Phlllp, AP 142-374·19, P1tche1t.JotlnJ.,,tiP163·172-11, LAX ft•~ AMA 06-40l 23.147.,9. $785.48 Dl•lda. Dewey D. AP 24· 131-18, I Gold man, Alen David . AP 149·151·38, $903.6lp , 49 152 02 !78-652--09 $4 964 S4 12 082 54 134 u 9 I ., c 1 11ne , Patricia L • AP $841 11 25-131-55, $111.00 .. w2:~~o1>. P•ul A • • ' Meclnnl~. DouglH N . Bink , jassner. Henry Munol. M lcll11t F , AP f Ellla, Jamee E .. AP 23·052·49. 23·146-21. '862.41 Edmiston, Jamea. AP 24·t33.01. Zwel>er. G1ry M .. AP 25-131-81 ... M lhl Fe S AP 149•152•13 TOk1I or C1lllotnl1. AP 178·652-10. Ku Wil wan AP 10·441·03, 163-,81--08, $111.00 $2.059.04 Huntlng1onpD2r3111t.w8o2o3d St.223,311 T L AP S478.,8 RI h d M k AP S !4~t:4 Y • 'S6.55112,.. __ 1 B •p 17865225 s2.32014 . S1.1111e1.ArtenD .. AP 183·185-o8, , Moot, James M,, AP 23-053·08, •nve1tm1nh. A · '" • · Wlck etrom. homes • Perl , o er " · • · A Jr. AP 88t1l1. """' .. "' • • · Leplre. Jo/Inc. AP 142-44t.08, 1582 t8 •p •970.94 11.1u .8' 24-134·19.Sl11 00 2!»132-40,$1,298 48 Worden. Varnon $558862 11 392 5 4 Rangel , Vlnoant J .,,. !" Stvpln. Andr-. AP 23--064· 18, CrouM, Ralph C., AP 23· 151· 14, Mole, Frenll. J . AP 2<1· 141· 18. Hnldhen, Brien J ., AP 25--132·42 t49·'81-10, S 1.260.42 O e I ii n e y, F fl n c II M . AP B 8 , I e y pr 0 p 8 r t It 5 . A p 163 • 188 -08, 1378.60 •406.08 1723.98 1750.28 185074 Thom••i_~randa S .. A P 178-652-35. $111.00 1•2•4.,.16. s2.soll.66 eaardelee, Clerk &. Jr .. AP f Bu therd, Donna M .. AP Burn1, MllCOllT'I P Jr, AP Wun:l.Tho"1esA .. AP2<1·143·10. Pra"i o. Jo Jr. AP 25·133·34. 149·163-SO,N45·82 LM. Rol'lald G .. AP 178·852~7. MIHrve, John Robert. AP 163-t91-35,1297.04 )3-071-06, f 118.llO 23· '51-27. $947.30 II, 731.-46 $346 t8 Mansur, Pelllf H .. AP 149" 182•13· 1111 00 142 • 482 , 02 , $229.32 Sow right, CharlH W Jr., AP L k p k&I 1 .. AP23-07204 S1under1. Jolin. AP 23·153.03. Scott, J ack C., AP 24°10 ·14. Alb aneae. Phlllp 0 . AP 1923.74 Herman111n. Ch1tla1 l AP I S I AP 1 53 l9l 38 $327..48 t.24~.:7 11 a · • · 11,764.74 $1,231.11 25-142..05. 1111.00 B9 •811;~~·.;;1:~•• L · AP 176-853..()8, S5,90U8 14~!~~;;,';21h1 amue · ~cC;o;,, Frenclt 8 .• AP AP 23--072-06. $480.14 Quayle, Alley J .. AP 23· 163·08. Vitti '1'2, AP 24·t45"-08, $828.13 Mola Development Corp, AP 14 •1 • • • · AP BtecOy Loul1 T AP 118·063-22 l<ltby. Jerry, AP 145-083·20. 183·212·11, S5e2 '6 ,.p 23-072..()9, $248.87 1 t, 101.64 A p Turthman, Erlo E., AP 2.t..145-18 25·142--06. 11,024.08 Rol>eton, Wiiiiam L. el II, 14 12Hlo4' • • SS90.2e J 1 nt on. Joh n J Jr .. AP ~p 23-072·16, 1-480. 14 81111rar'1 Cove LI d . Jl,6~6.82 AP 26-143-t2, 1248.06 140· l92·35· •1•374·48 t•9•201.711, Bario, Hondrl~ J .. AP 178-853·2?, ..... ._ Barbera, AP 145·063·27, 183·2t2·1'. 19114.M l S hea, Prim, AP 23-073-01. 23·164--03.20, S U00.78 EJlla, Rontld D , AP 24-t46·21 Hix, Aon11ld R .. AP 25· 143-20 Atwell, OavlCI L. AP ~ $11476 118 oocxi'' • Splnllt. Terry L .. AP '83-213.()3, ~~ ~8:3..02, 11, t64.M 23~1~~:C:.'le.~7~~~ Ltd' A p •2v2~f. ':. v Inc e n 10 M A" 11~~·~" m •n' Cerl R AF 11V:!~: Pe11l e .. AP "9•2112.03• ~to~:~· Alllll1 J., AP '7H54-0l. t~~'1\~n1: :.~~.1r~ m A AP ~~~~ lkovlk y ' \lllOICI' AP 1'P23-073.()3,J1,tl2.88 Newton, Mlchaal H .. AP 24·145-22.S73S.12 25-143-22,IU00.68 ~:.9 •. 'wnUemF .• AP 149·2112·27, S2+30.y01o4r. Mery, AP 930.54.010, H1rp1r. Terence M AP t83-221·02.1810,78 1'P 23--073-04. lt,tll4.68 23-t5'--06, $8,646.60 M•'11n, R1.1 1>1 n Dario, AF Mol1 Dnelopmant Corp . AP ,,_ 0-0 2-3l l80e 14 Paleraon L Branot AP ""'"7""6 1116288 Ward, Pa u l. AP 23·15&·16, 24"'4&-25.S1,U3,36 25-143·23,l2•0.08 1590.62 .. Forsytl'I, RIChlfd B 'AP 1• di • ,,' llh 0 AP t63-223 12 l30e..0 . ~~n:Qr~'.1t:,114:ee 11,392.1111 Kllmen1. AoHmuy. Kh1t11>. AP 25-t-43-l?4,l246.08 Cho, Tim . AP 149·3'1'1'· 1130-5".021.St .048.72 14~1;:1•0~~26'5~~n • R•ll;y ,.Joh~ o. 3rd. AP· pn.Q73-07,l 1.162.88 S hH, Prim. AP 23·H>ll·'0. f tmlh 8.Z. •I II, AP 24·145·31, AP26·143-26.l246.06 l1~ll.74 A 11--343-02 Gor don JIM•t P AP Rowl a nCI , Jack W , AP 183·232.;o2,1149.3e p 23-07S-OS, St 1114.CMI 115"7 92 "37.114 AP 25·143•2t. U41.06 01apov, Jaotc .. AP 1• • 930·5"·021. SS2'.88 149-013,19, l30'4.40' Mino , Chrt1topher A . AP Whlpttock. AP 23·073·0 9. Hvnltna t on Shorelin e Buf'dlolc,Aoti.rtL .. APt4-161-08, Al1>1ne1•. BeelrlC I , AP $880.82 Colam1 n J am•• W AP 1 A 1 1 v AP 18323222 HOON '1.11",... 1nue11menll. AP 23·181·22. S .. 6.03 2" 1«--0t, 1111.00 Murr,y, Lloyd E .. AP l49>-362•20• 930-&.4'107, li.028,-42 Novlkoll . .....,n .. ! o 1 . o··~·n h 1rd t. Alan J AP ~ • • "" 1•1 "7 .... P "6 .. O" •••7.66 F ... .._, J-t F., •p ... ,._ ... """, 148-02&-01, .. ""·"" , .. ( ............... •o, S664.83 1766.... Haro.t. Denni• M., AP 24-" ..., . •m1th, Bir"' c .. A • • ...... •. _.. 2 7 ...... "' • .,., .,....,v. w t '' ••• , t 0 n l. A... 1-2 7 12 077 40 ,.."_..,,,,_, """ p "' ., J1t11l1, l ff M., AP 149-36 ·2 . 1 11100 11 co , .., .. ,.... • ':I. • R ,.,., 8hH., Prim, AP 23·073·11, D R o Da11elopmen1 Inc. A So45a.3t 11~.92 l48-0'41•13. '638.20 Kno tck , \<her••• • 1.182.N . 2:J.,02-08,l1.n2.12 Alkln1qn. C t rol M ., AP &tddo•, t.lndHY_!<.:.i. Caublt, 17R01,l2 ll lf• B iii" H AP 811.H , 81t1y, AP 930·6'4·~H. 8ohmll. Lauranc e J .. AP 1$:t-241·30,'2,4nto -p 23-013-12, St, 104.M Louo hfln. Th om .. J .. A p 24-163-01, '303 41 Otty, AP 26-1 ..... 11, ..... 13 0 we • ' • • .,55 56 148-041·17. 11,209.&e M 0, 0 II•)'·-JI m •• J . "'p p tt-07'-13. 11,162.M 2~163·17, U ,740.211 ...-• .1840ut1 M., AP 24-164-01, 8 111nd '"· Jon n w • A p 14N53-\0, •1·~3·l~ 141).371-18. ... ~rphy, P1trlok G .• , al. AP ,0,, .. 1.,, l.a1Vttrtce c .. AP t63·25.2-01 •. ~c ~ .. , •• "'"'" .. , fp n-on-1•. tl,104.&e Sldltt, Vlroll. AP 23·165•07, 1120.82 . 2&-144•1'1 Sl.300.M lrlnk. JllMI .. "°"M·214. t«a80 144-041·25, 1449.90 Pef!'y o....... . " _.... .... -o • p U.07J.11, ,,, 11U.. Mt. 18 lwry, Ttlom• W., .AP t ... 1e+ol, ~N911Y. 0..-ld 11, AP 26-144-23, I 111.00 I fl\ b i J AP Q1111a. Aonlfd D., A" 930o&4·H9. ()pier Le Aoy I"., AP 146-0-4346, 12,900164 O•b•ldon,..Otvld N .. AP Ill.Cl!, JoM W, AP H-221·2&, 1812.fl I I 17 S1,2N,8' ,.50 14~oi7~~21t_~111.o8 Ir W •. '501t5.:.~ .... "--nit, •p•"'"'··••-""I, ll039.1-4 Hel111, Ervin, AP 1'3·211·09, 14-02.t1,417.04 1870,00 Davide, J.A .. AP 24·1 • • Mo~.Mery l.ou.AP26·1• .... • • ..., 't lbl A P ......... .,...., " ....,...,........ Andrt.d•. t.ul1 A. 11 al, AP l lOM.40 O'lttln.~M .. AP23-o74-06, 8ohre ll>•r Aon1ld W.,APtt,1IMU6 t1,A3(),M Urbine, or o " S1H00 l4'-0~-03,1871.d ttocllallll,PllrlOkD.,AP 44 23-222.o3, U .h9.04 Vonnllek, John, AP 24•173..05, pa rt 1111 , C h er I 11 E .. A p 149471"8, 11S:·ot..,p 14947:i·Ot Werner, PI \II A · Jr • A p Oofer, Lt Aoy ,., AP 146-002..01, 183-271·17, S11~2"'8p •• ,. 1 , "I lVW JOlwl W AP 23-014 12 8oat«, Gery D .. AP 2'·24"13, .f2,3f3,02 25-144-M, 1 111.00 Cool!, J-., ' 932·11-007, SOTO 28 I .1~." ~ WltCMG A 1....,.. .. ,~ .. ' ., • • 1111.00 •-.... , -......-~ T., AP 2t-1113o07, .. Oii Otvelopment Corp . AP '3.300.H o·· .._. JOlln H AP 932·11-«l27, 4 .. 1 I •et a r at a l A• ~ ' ' 741. ,. __ """'-,.. 8lldwln , Elaartor Tr, Kelcll, 7 .'=" " r nner v. ,. • ,. • • l.,,,....,._iNUI 'fed C., AP 2.3-082·11, ..:~.~~r, M. L., AP 23•24 t. 19 ...... ..C:. GeotVf I.. Af' 24-113-41, !~ ~~1~~ ::--E•O:..oe W1~1t1 8 .. AP 1Sl·OIM4, '1.· SS l<hettb, 8amlh. AP 03M1..oat, 11~,1:·n~7: r k R.. A p 1.':a:'i~~C:::!:/ \., Tr, AJt owu1. EvlltO•llrta 8 .• Ar> O kholm, H unll l \I 8 .. AP IMt.Ot APH0 t.u-ee, 48.0t 393.U $427.52 1~23,lltl.OO 8 1111td.,1, Jolln W., AF ""'*'~~ion eorp,11P ~\~!t;n~M':rou•• L .• "" • .,~02MlcM9!w .. APat-tewa. ~==~l::::1:"64f'.= ~= ::~:tJ~:lm:;: 93~.~i.W.uie.:1 11 1•m . •P 1~fa~*3'.il.U'01d H ·"" '':-!1!·~\~-T,·~.nr~. "' ~1~.lt10.ot n.241-42,1771,64 'hMl!ntOfl,a.11\10.,AP24-lt+-tl. Simon. Jiffy A., A,. 1&-t.-.-07, APP 11!11•112.!~\ ~I: Yollf'ner1A~1!.11 .. 1 I. .. AP ~lf'I, Wllhm. AP 14e-OIM1 1 tfl..Hl-01,all.IO O"OOll.1 TllOtl\U I( • AP Jttfltd, ~I .. All "*24t -M. "322.fl t11M.4& A u • v...., ' ' ~l·l1·1H,-.,-... H ,Q AP 1 ... 1.0S. 1111..IJ 1~10, t 12t.M '41.,., MoA,_, ~ R., AP 2.,.I02•14, ven QI ZIMlr Pater A. L.. AP AP 11MOMl1, "" VanGttlO•.~.APel.2·11·116, Q t,llHPI•, Rloh1t4 o .. AP Gret•• Al y,"' 1N•H1'10 , MIH .. O•ll!~ Jolll\ 0 ., AP Dutton, Jim P,. AJt 2).il14t. tt,Ml.U 1&-1.--11, •11.h p ~~ m·:::;· ;~n tHO.lt D A p 1..-on-01, "611.M IU•Ue P11...-.ta.-r.t1 11~t•1.14 " ,. .,.., -W .... ,0eot9eM.APt4-20a-D , MOii Oe11•t9pmtnt Ootp, A l"'"';lft ElMnor Tr 91 al lloi ... l n art, Wayn • • K"""'-AMd R., AP 14103-03, S.. o..-1'1 Corona·iu1loll·H•11oar1. , Harotd c .. ,.p 2...-aw•·•r. t1.0lt,'6 2S.14f.11, -..J;TO ...ot.i. ..:ni. J. AP ISt-1o&40 '32•17•181, W I.II ... .,,.., .. .....,. nlM ell p erln•ralllp, AP tt,att. A,. tl-t .... 1), N<J:).U ... ~- f • Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT /Wednnday, Augu1t 26, 1882 ••• tlu1llllll)I041 lla1!100t .... ,. rll1ollte• I •llK Al' •:U•T• llo.J It.I 00 ?0, t 11 t 00 Cable lhwyn A ,.p 1111 f 03 1<4 t l,207 02 KrOtl llttN H AP t113 Jt:I Ot .. ., H ,.._,. t41Mtlell AP 1~ I II t.lubAildliAaiui. AP '7111111•. a111()C1 Att11111"11 l\t n11 e111 M AP tA•• 70 AP tH t3t t• t t.HC1•1 1 144'1 A,. lH·t2' ,. llUllO 9\J4J t tlllOO U lhtnl t c,h, le1na111 A P IHO!lt t6 .4Ulft Ang"9t M.miel I'll" t•l~>21 1111111 Ma1ll" 0 011910 AP Alnetier ltmuel M 31d ,.,. Olftle,Jacq..Mlnt APt06+Ht~ l"hlllllllt A l \hvt W A I Al' t"·30t OJ t)llU ~II Ul 1'4 <>66 Ull• 411 1'111<1 t ttc.111 , 11 011 •1 l A P 1319 ti t6t-t31 111 U .3'3 72 163·214·0) ldt•O t i 021 U .. ltl·llt60ll AP1/•)Qt·O•trtOl tl Cie1\lru r Al1.h t 11l.t. AP1'906126 t t1100 O e ntitaa Halu li H "" 1"1111il'lOlltpTrAPt6tlt3tt9 Mc;O t lll tl 0 1 nnyJ AP H.,ptrMelv•tilAlllOl>Jlll3 JI I Nanty Al 1• .. 1v,Acu1Alllll. Afll111JllOJ OJ11<1001 ltl tUO lll1wo o 1 Mlcheel J AP t610lt01 l 714 70 lt,14041 143·223 2t 111100 '30&0I air141 11Jll.l3 lt .. rHge. tle 1e la J AP 1111~·001 <II l t0•6JJ Ctltuion CharlH RI AP AP 158 131 Xl.S l70107 Oo ek , fh om aa W AP AP !~5·212 t7 U 17 ll• IHlllnQIOtl Ca ~ .. l10t1ald 0 Ar> 119 JI~ lb tJl t• 011, S•01 77 ltnc,lb111g l e one ra 0 A P 16 1-<Ml l 17 "31H C111n , Satnut l AP t611 13 t·21 163 232 t3. t1&10.. AP tG& 282 23, '411323 ,.,. ll3·Hr·lO '60ltM> IJtnOfttl '1 1row Pr ea I nn c. .t.P tH 20t '1 tt.•b0t4 Sine a R o t• Me11• AP t t.t29'7 [mmerton. Aabe tl J Al" A,. t&& 211•21 131800 A,t6).fft 7 l,'3H2:! Kamp~ lllonua I AV OJ2T4 140 Hl2 34 Uobco Wetdtn g rnc A P 16 1·04!120,110241& APIH-13124 l t,129117 16323304 l t,03110 APt6G 27:lt1 128382 U 163·H t•72, 13&0 U lfll 11;.I 0 I S<t02 30 • •• At•u1 Am•lla AP llJJ 1' 1&0 l'IJllWJB11Cnl0l~pl121-ll ~ ... 16,._., ,~ O 1 Sc II o 111 t J 0 I• P n N AP i e t 11 e II H 1cn11 d L A p lamb W 11.tnntth H9U. tdwln Har~i Melvtn I AIOI POiiara "' t63·H t T3. t3&0 22 11 t ' t m e n U O I>•' t l ~ y l lll 1 21 ~ ~,.. " • • 161·0111·~8 52811 20 l~g 13 r ~II I t.IT3 34 H AP lf>3·211 t tt. 1 1,<IU 8' o.Mia, AP IM-281•18 I UT tO All t63 291 7•. '3118 17 '"·313 10. SI 1/9 10 &1 Cl11u lutUll•• AP llJI 14 lb.I t.l )4~ Ill 8e"l•11 In• AP 151 0112 11 0 11rc11 Atul V AP t&e 131 ,., AP t&3·252·23, 1422 18 H•rper Melvln I I /Or Aevere AP t63-29l T6,S3t>6 22 Minn P11ul I uglll1'1 AP S tOll!.8.• lhnmptun Rl<.1111111 a AP 1117733 $1112& ti AP 15325,·30,S lltOO HOf't'lfl AP l&&·'O~o0$.t)'3 60 ""' 113·291 n 1306 22 , ,. ,:'I I 10 '130 0:1 01.... Claua111 Al• II 1:1 "1 on 1"111 lJ I 21 '1 GI\ I 02 ~ n "I ... u Ja Ille. p A p Lloyd Wllllam F AP tf>g.2~og AP 163·263-0t. '1,)113 0.. AP 166-2114· 14 $34f '° ;::gm~:::::~~ 11~·1:,a;:·.~~l~:ylor c AP •·;:1r:o11no Arttl11)nt ll1y Al' ll}~r;t~g:i; .. 1~·,:P •flll AP tO~o'!1 ~~ .. ~7~8~P t~I07t-lt 13~!,.~.Jonn R AP 15H03·'<1. R;:~~bO~tol(1~p·'~~;·:~.'~r •• ~~·;1'41 '>-i"" APll32·•l-O:IO. ~, t03 2111 91, 1•46 32 tgglulon Dont tll A AP IBJ 6t ll.)6 I I.Oft~ 0, C..e<<.tl I lavlO J1 AP t60·'7 I 48 $1,1110 24 1111 211 ~llO 43 -..103 29t 82 S3ll•60 1713.t l3tSll46111 Weat Jclllnl APll;l:.1111070 1119164 Ole C k , Me11 a11 t1• C AP Olet,Mefl11aaA AP1611·283·29 l •Mb, W t<t nner h t\P TAIC •ATI AAIA~ Grage Rfv, AP 183•2g 1 84 1~·3~r1e cin1o A,_ac..,1.0 w AP S608t0 w n111k., A Su• A1>11111n1-eo 16H)1<\0~.1 1,211 112 1112g94 tll3·2~21 llltOO Site.ea 1 ..... t,21.11. M 111111. Oo1111lc,I " "" '8~1211 Miiier RO•tel(l l AP161083 0.. Ue<glt11,BatblllAAl'll32-81·017, AP153·28401.S280 CIO Nlmlllon, F r•n~ I Jr AP •p Jo n n11an Do11111a F Al' fl:l4·t60:11 $1 1~11 42 ~llvM St1u 1 & 11111111 11 "" Sl32 40 s 11100 S {• 1 Joi ... on J AP Wtallltld HUllllnQIOn Co ' "' 1111·3!!3 0 I, $ t t I 00 0 11 Ill• n Q J er om 11 /I AP t!>O 30 I 02, 54 64 t 11:.0 Oemt1r~11. Oav•. AP 161 08,·d 163.7g2.o/ SOll3 10 • '4CI On U U04 U AP 113·2:91·85, $841S 711 H 'I'""'' Eu II on o f AF ~!14 1• O"~ $~4\1 n2 ru, Iran Ow111y. AP t"• 1• 1 10. •111 "" • WalOOlwOllll , M111k. AP 1132·1111 044 No t 1 t y W 1111 Im A JenMn, Matv1n AP 183?0~01, "'" , " ""0 • vv .11 1 Kr111111k11 Jamee A AP t4~0nJIJ.'1t641 U ,12111111 t18-363 0C.,13.362~8 Mlrttll . B!O•Vlun11e w AP \148613 Va•u••. Cltllonl A A P S •enlc;o. 1110 A el •I. AP 153-2'.13-04,$62<147 Nnh. Walter F AP 14!1·02241 Sontoaawi . JOIHI A . AP lu11ou o111v Solly Nnvo AP ll:t~ ttdl;llJ S2774G Bu r low, J•me1 It AP 1 ~1·112·011.S l.30192 032·68·058.$31670 Scherr. Arttiur, f.P lb330202, $•6860 ,.2112•04,1173 t4 178·364 01.Sl,85936 McCao ... f'111r1c;111 D AP 11Jb.H\1.11,St.23tl tl6 B rock Go r don L AP Wfltc;/1ei John. AP933·36-009. $112 6• S pencer Sandi e A AP Boaltr,Oary0 ,AI' lll:l·:.!ll2·0~. B•vce W tlllllOI C AP llJ4 IGOtll Sb7111~ ll1"t J11n10 8ruco. Bonder. 161·112011.St.07818 S4g149 Ho t.lord , Stephen C AP 11~03:.t·Otl,'1 53128 ' u,1o723 178·36307 S80t 2S l\elly,JoMA Jr APllJ4'17-017 El1u" ••el AP 106232·11 11 Bowman, Aeymonll K AP WT Newlend Ea111u (Pl) 153·30:J-04.$83073 .C ltrll lenaeft O•uC" AP £Illa, AonuldD , AP lS:J ~0,0& Yocum Aol>t1tl E Al' S'll404 784 J0 161·112 12,$61863 033·b2-002.Stl1 00 Or•er.LeRoyF AP 153·~'3·06, 145•0:13.32 Sl!IOO 92,11220 . '118·383·14 12.56038 Vie••~ Olllln<lu A AP S 11u11<1e" John W AP Patlfn aort Ao11111<1 I\ AP APg33-62·112 $33878 SS42 ~8 8 c 111 1 0 II s HH en A II I> 93• 57 02:. s t.037 18 t66 :J:.t2 20. s11i;g g9 151 122 07 $638118 AP g33·62· 168. 550 I 1• H ur I e y s tit n I. y E A p $l,83Jac:'o Sl\tpFl.APl6:1'1g2 00 176·3tl3·31,S5.31588 LI Puma Pn1t111 r. AP Dt~Hck1mo1er Chu toF AP Mc Murphy, t<ennelh AP Sm111 Tonye111lAPll33-87-033 t53·3t417S11100 8 urion. Skip R MCWhtnne y D11re ~ C 1'P 93457034 S38000 165-234-01 1301 <11> 151124·04 S66g97 $411308 S1tve1man Adolp11 O .. td AP ll3-2f>2•30. S t.OS8 80 et ol "p 118-363·46 $1.968 63 0 • M 111 co 0 o It y D AP AP 16S·234·08, S<lll4 26 K 1 mp e r K 1 re n K A P 81ggt, Denni a, AP 933-8 7 .o41 153.314 26 S7 IO 06 9llllllPS . Arlhut W Al' Woolsey Wtllla m I AP 934 !t7·0•0 S93828 r1mt1Squ111crlt<I AP 165 234·09 15113103 Sl,30088 $50t :lfl Word C G AP 153 J14 30 l'3·2i>2·•0.S7S90 t7836341.S976J6 U11ckdll Oonal(.I A AP $1.44885 WurlCll Jrmmtt R AP W 1 New1a n<1 Elleles (PTI S .. 698 Oonztlez, Esleb<lln c; AP Sc11m1<11, Georoe f AP !114 ~7-058 SIOJ118 AP 165-23<1-10 \1,48580 151-131·04 S52004 Couarek Adele O (JTI. AP Gon1 1 l11 En11qu 11 AP PROPERTY IN NEWPORT BEACH CITY TAIC l'IATI! Al'IEA 07-00t 1~22•04. s288 Ot> 178 37 I 07 S2.48 I 84 Co• Aanlloll G AP 9:15· 15 021. AP 165·234· 11 S75 I 79 Mc WhOrllt Cllude LH AP 934.47 068, l<11g 7S 153 323 10, 5347 7g W•lnberg, J tllrey AP H1rkn11s W oy no AP S780!>() AP 16S234 12 $75828 151·131 13 S7007S Otvta Linell l AP g34-5S..012 S111me1ek111 Vent1101 B Al" Ptotpncl Aperlment\ Al' lh-<>22•11.s1346• 178373·06 S l.57992 rt111<1rnen Gorel!I N "P Otumu1111 ShlVO, AP 165·241·07 Etnt11or1 Ma•. Al' ISt 152 18 $563•2 153323·18,Sl,08398 •S·OIO·tS S102194 Mc D111 To10 Joro11 Isaac AP !IJ!J.1503.) $t 54216 s44g91 J6g27<t Tl&lRCaTt&I0•8ohllfi,Roberl• Lomb Et111 A AP 1533320t M er1na Ap,1tmen11 AP l65-0~:~7~~·7~:_:9llrieFaye,AP 178·381-13 $2.90800 Vl«:.os Ortondo A AP W n•lltt JOhn F A P G er y l Mo nte y Inc A P N James AP93817-0478I $1 1100 <IS..01016SI01'114 Gonzahu Frank Edward AP Wyo11, JOlln l AP 178-38:.'-08 937 JO 008 $?.O tO 64 t6S 241 08.$694 62 151 · 182·28 $843 8S S 11 t 00 AP 1S3-332-09 $1148 58 COHI Aparlmenl& AP 45-010 20. l8&-02 s2 6006 S89t 10 5lla11e1 Development Inc AP La vy lu<ly p.,,etz Sylvia AP Olive< Aobtffl A AP 151 '13 1·14 AP t53·332·23. $1069 2• SI 019 14 4'14' ,I Ot.uley,BrianN AP178 39107 937-30-009 $152208 16S24127 $1.28<t43 5377 4'1 TAltAATIAlllEAO<l-011 AP.153-332-27.$18183 Seuno11 A par tmenu AP L 0 p e 1 • A n I a n I 0 J A p • ~.s9· 9 I B c H •• 0 10 2" • 0 9 195-033.12,\lttOO ~ ~ Hovi.or rot o unl1n111on Norlh A P Prow Har old J J• A P AP 1S3·342·16.S 11100 J '.1. I 14 Q,-_.,fletd,Freo AP 165•042.20 Ross, le.QI\ A AP 176-391 13 Aot:>e<t P Warmington Co AP 165·2!>1·27.$889 16 151·/J3 13 St.3073'1 W oo<I. l ewrtnc e G AP AP IS3·342·'14,$10711 t6 Ct y ol Newport Beecr>. AP Stt OO S279 S8 937 ·63 003 $552 611 AP 16S·251·28. $75'4 09 Johnson. FI n n• 11 a I AP 145-0113-03. S 111 00 AP 153.343. t;I, S 11 1 00 45 025-20 S32 96 t Joy Ch8118S 0 AP 178-392·22 ... p 937.-63·026 5799 57 AP 165-252-07. $732 17 151·234· 15 $353 21 Me, wt n. M •• y In 0 A p AP 153·3•3· 19. SH • 72 Jullner John w AP •5-034-t 1 Hen, Jung Un, AP l650SI 17 S66322 AP9J7·63·030 $148622 AP 165-252-08 S5300 Perlman. lloberi Al AF 145·112·30.$26104 Harpe. Melvin I &tor Johnaon S12796g seg-v~llrlu r l , Oicai l AP Gill. Micneet J . AP 178·601·'11 AP93763089,S83723 AP 165-252-00,$53042 t51·25t-:13 S698 0t K11korowlcz. Or11gory 8 /IP Richard B el el AP IS3·J5125 OConno1 Patncl..AP•S-034 12 1116-092-06, $1,930 so $3,418 02 Ou< Ju~ltnft M AP 937 71·00 I AP 165-252· IO. $530 42 MICall Pete J AP 151 252-0 I 145· 12 I· It, 11,024 g5 sg94 58 $32 98 H R r ii <I <111 0 F "e tl 8 F A p S823 34 AP t65-252· 11. SS30 42 ,594 16 Ky. Nguyen c ,t"AP l•IS-122-08 AP 153-362· 18, S•82 83 Crl y OI Ne ... port 811ech A p 'oleclaw . ICll&rO R AP 178611·06 $5412!1 AP937 7t004 S955Sb AP 165·252·12,$72932 Robe<1aoo Cl. AP 1512S2-03 Sl,040112 Lamb, Earl A AP 153371-ll' 4 '> 035 16. SJ2 ge le6-lO l·S:2, S l,052 24 GI e s g ow Ph I 111 p A AP AP 9J7 TI 011, $823 34 "p 165·253·0 I, S657 94 S<t79 <10 Pia II, Wiiiiam B , AP 14S..252· 18, SI t 1 00 AP 45 036·06. $32 98 Zu cco. An th ony J AP 178 611 12 St.689~ AP937 71013, S9S556 AP 185·253-02, $54567 Puls.Frank W J1 AP tSt-253-04 SS42 <t9 AP 153-37t-13. Sl.05436 AP45·03T 01 S32911 t~I02-<>3.S95252 Stewetl.KolthB.AP 118-6t2·15. AP93771014 $9S5S6 AP 165-253·03.S54567 ,3079g C11lo, An th ony f AP AP 153-371·24.llltOO Pu1t11Hn Aaymono W AP 1 IOck.Ga6J 'G $69145 AP 93711017 S9S556 AP t65-253-04,$54858 Phllllpsen r.ar111on r , A~ 145·252·29 S33192 AP t53·371·•4 Sll lOO o~0•107 S17055 Josepn. avid uy ot al AP B<o<lna• L 0 AP 118·62107 AP93771-024 $95556 AP IGS.253-06,$54567 151·253·16,$1,11026 Roehl EugeneR .AP145·271·42. AP t63·31t-46,S3497l' K1.ln1 ,J N AP 45·044 07 1'5· 122-17. 12.2 t3.56 $3.202 46 . •p 65 ~ 3 07 S 00 • ~39 r..n T llJohRAP653 AP 93771-044,S95558 "I .,5 . ,$54578 Elhur< Monamad SAld ,AP Ill AP153·371-49,$34770 ::,,, ""' Std2'.5: ' fl " t ·I t t•. JO r v 1 5 NO rm a n L A P AP 937 71 063. $955 ~6 AP 165-253-09, S8S3 50 IS 1·272·26, $1 ,007 42 Lo V OI de . F rank V . "P AP 153-37 1·62, S 111 00 Sh111, Ct11ao-tc.ang, AP 45-044-08 1\oblnson. R lcnard S, AP 178·622-05,$1,75092 AP937 7'1 ·064,S955S'6 AP 165-2S3-10,S6g973 S a11<1ors Ted E Jr. Af' 145·272-26,$56098 AP153·372-16. $3~770 $11:>201 116•131•2g,s52876 S1r1o kland, Ra nov E AP AP93771091.S82334 Bor1y, Wm F , AP 165-261·05 151·272-27,$61456 Pham. Ty H AP 145-272·30. AP 153-381-05.$35072 De Young . fioger&ror Prior Wltltlmt. JO}', AP 18s .133 .24 1711·622-14,51690 77 AP 93771·096.$8:1334 S1500 Far 1an1 M1ct1 ae1 D AP $24888 AP153-38142.$31414 WallerH AP45·0~2-03,$51690 116038 . Al.Zale Norma11,AP 178·622·32 la19e . Jo hn c E s l AF 151-3113·12,$35348 Ce,,, Jae~. AP 145-28 1-15. AP1S3-392·06.S278g2 LOWIS Dort111el AP45-053-05, ' S97 I 61 TAX RATE AREA ~10 t65·261·2 I. S 12 901 Cla1~. Sherry E . AP 15 I .393.17 S 11 1 00 AP 153·392·08, $130 45 t 533 12 Mllle<,DonaldS.,AP 165'134 05· P n1l 1ps Thomas 0 A P Tamura E11 ter prises. AP ~lv1111 BAr1ne1t Assoc. AF S111ll0 Khelll, Jer11ld L . AP 145-282-24, AP 153-393·02,Sl.00876 S1gnal Lan<1mark Inc &tor De 546g·20 . 178-631-0 I S58 00 10? 231 07. $9 039 30 165·28 t· 15 SJ 836 44 Ha~ es. Jon. A p 1) 1·383· 23 $297 82 AP 153·393·39. s 111 00 Veney Roy w . AP 4 S-053·20 Wiiiiams. Joy E AP 165· 165·02· Ensor Bla11 W AP 178 631 16 Batt<lqan. Jesus AP 101 402·09 w1111ams. Donna M . 165-282· 10 S7 15 t6 Thornion Donald Fl et 111 AP Wt1ghl, Eileen AP 153·402 11 $965 92 s .. 3.s2 s 111 00 $336 82 t485 20 Ra q h u "" an. h I. Na.,,. I A p 145·2112-35, S402 05 $111 00 AP 45-0S3·33. s 1,59• 36 Peaslan<I. Br uce A A P Kelly JoMA AP 17663126 01em1n Gerald1n11 E AP llA 01e110. Ep1ta\10 l AP r51..Jd4·05.St 22176 Mlller,Johnl ,AP 14S-291·09, Call RovJ AP IS3 '40:1·22, S1onalLon<1morktnc &t0<Galllna. 116-192• 14· 5683 14 s 1 25g 60 107 403 07 $810 56 165-282· 12. '111 00 C1bba<elt1 Pamela A el II AP s 187 77 $111 00 Mary H AP 45-053-36 $702 l<l Bec kt1r. Mtchael N AP Lester K11 nnett1 A /IP Pe11.11 Slflphen 14 A P 8 & G Prooer11e1 lid. AF 151·384·10 s2g3s3 Hevermenn, Alan M AP Oanne TerryD AP 153 402-53. S1gnalLt1n<lmar1tlnc &/o,Weyer 1• t9s-i9. s7s3 80 178-631·27 $It 1 00 107 403 08 S673 62 16S·291-08 $2 419 J6 Re I ch ch 8 r I .. s A A p 145-291-:14, s 11 I 00 s 111 00 James w AP 45-054-27 S760 49 ~·;j~1 S J0~gph M AP llAtt chetl, Matthew W AP E~m~rson Robert J AP Mase! Dov Co AP 167 31104 151-384·18 $150910 Ulm Chr1111neA AP 1'S·33 1·28. Pachol1k Tnoma! A AP Cla•k Ge()(ge W AP 45·055..01 lE~lo.'H~deo.A~l6S·4'03.42 17T60-6Jbin1·~881 11100 107-411-12$29911 $87982 BrownRot>ertl APIS1-391·22 SSl018 IS3-402·63S68486 S3566t Sl 0t5 l2 . n Ol<I E AP 118·632·14 Wagley Dennis M AP Cnapmen Je well Fl AF S7<t957 Parke•. Roy J AP 145-341·50 Tnoemmes C011men G AP Dts Vouno Rooe1 &/or Tully ' $36000 107-462·28 S97790 167313-11 S22177 Gombe•o Ha rvey AP S89852 •53-405·03 S2044'1 C.regorr A AP •5 OS5-4 2 Lockwood. Stephen l AP Vlases Orlando A e1 at AP Hough Rogerw AP 107 •8?·31 Ped111s en Oav1<1 H A P 1s1.393.02 S92S 16 Overhollz. Frenc;1s A Jr. AP Vouu Dav1<1 A AP 153·405-t3 $1811680 l'5-2l 3-12·51.S2 l l8 178·632·S2 $1 13984 S60496 167 32 1 tO $482 48 Btro. Lesho F AP 151.393.;14 145-3S1-07 $87156 S<t3574 AP45·0!>)·!1!1~4::.J14 lshlt, Oennl! t< .. AP 165'271•02 Smith. lours A AP 178-632-57 W olff S1epnen tc. AP Ercnugoyen Craig K AF $68108 Adolphson A•th11< A AP Rd<lor R o<1nt1y J A P Signal Landmark Inc &tor $'79 t 70 S 1 182 68 107 -482· 47 S468 98 t67 32 1·20 S 125 26 BodOIJ. Batould $eahbo<I AP 145--351·25 $346 74 153-405-22 f'l 11 00 Lo11<111hus JoM /' P 45-056·32 Footner OorlsL.APi75 o41·08 S111z1nge• Doro1ny O AP Roach Lnon Ta11che1 Af' Rogers. H Kenl J1 A P 151.3g3.51,s11100 Loc~e Barbara E AP Mayes Mark A AP 153 406-55 $17•390 S807.06 178-632-60 S I 116 96 io7.573 19 Sr 300 58 t67·321·22. $"'48 75 Clancy, James. AP 151-401·02 t45-352·03 St.0..3 42 S111 00 De Young Hoger /:i tor t:lann. 17~dra':ias~7:11118m R AF Tet<ell La Frence E Jr . AP Franke Dean N AP 101 573 26 Elg an Ca 111 e,, n e G A P S832 00 N o r to 11. W 1111 am J AP COOiey. Metve J AP 153A12· 12 Jo541Ph. AP •5·061·06. SS64 10 I· ' ' 64 178-632-63 $572 42 S 1 173 S4 167·325·0 t. S 111 00 Bt1<1enball S1ephon T A p 1•5·404-0 I, S I 011 07 S 111 00 Signal Lon<lmar~ Inc &tor Cook Cellcit, Rebeeca A Bounds Suzan ' et al AP Tete M1ca..,a J AP 107-601·3 t Opler. le Roy F AP t67-344..()9 151·<10<1·08, S761 66 \I en a er R I et Ma ry AP Egber1 G W AP 15J 4 13·02 D E AP 4S-061· 10 $468 30 Schlagel. Gtorge F AP 178-632·64 $1,13984 $11100 $39070 B11arast11y Chesier C AP r•S-412-23 S1 ,0S520 $1 1100 AP45-061·21 S90168 l78-042•02•S93o 56 Adams Harrioll I A P Purvis. Gregory W AP Kenyo11 Robe11 W AF ISt-411 20 $82278 AndetSon, Rchtud E AP Candy DallHH AP 153·413-54 AP 45-061·23.S3528 Sanglheweep . Jul a A F 178-64119 $1,23294 10765?·03 594620 15;.351 14,S28962 Minar Jonn M AP 151-413-33. 1•5·412·35,Sl,07001 $20299 l)e Youno Rooer &tor Hanson 178-0'42-0S, S 1,075 28 · Jar v 1 s · N 0 r man L A p t<tng,OorothyD AP 178·04207 178_6•2_04·St.4461 ~ s•09~1g01?.l1aroldL ... p 107 662·04 Julllol. Roger .... p t67·353 It $53773 Btecne Leo H AP 145·421·04, C10"" MIChael G AP 153 414-68, Clllf ora A AP •5·061·36 S 33 52 ~ c • • ~ S62562 Nor1on Howa1d AP ISl423·11 $29860 $75684 S 1268 48 I.· 4' Kanai Ja'mes T . AP lf8·642·2t Oa1gneau. Dorothy M AP Crocker Josepn1ne S TR, AP $111 00 Irvine. Douglas. AP 145-4'12·11. Gu,,en, Gary c AP 153-416 14 ::.1gna1 1.a11dmark Inc &1or Bllquez. Ri c hard p AF $1.168 32 107-691-03.$42850 t67-441-08,Sttl00 D1~sh1t , Rahul AP 1S1 43 1·10 $1,33016 SlllOO Plalloot TnamnA AP45-062·10 17~'!':;·~~·,!2,·~ 1t !6vl d L AF 17L8~61 .b2~2e2r. :": .. 2111>17u~4W tJ TJ AP Eguc:111. Harry T , AP 107 702-15 Co I b Y S I e Ph en A , AP S 111 00 Kukorow1cz. Ciregory B AP AOams. Henry L AP 153·416·54, S589 00 178..0•3-t2.S672g4 Go.slin'•..,Ma:tin u AP $54340 167-451·06,Sl,26372 Tye Huber! f . AP 151·433-05. 14S427-05.Sl,081108 S37232 AP45-06'123 511100 Muller, Wltold. AP 178·051·08 178_,,43_1fi •S1.249 34 n Shields Edwa1<1AP107102-19 Johnson Allan R1cnard, AP $38448 Dulcher . Clleryl A AP Gilkerson, Ernesl A AP AP•5·063·15 $11100 S2,370.40 Ftsner l AP 7 • SI 11156 167455-20,$11100 Smllh C11f!'en J AP 14S-431..06.582980 t53·416·S5 $434 76 AP 45·063·16,$1,340 •8 ;Pt1rker,Arthur E,AP t78·0S3-02 1,..602 , I u-644-03 Sl Green lrv1n9 AP 107-81106 Ching Ha1En1erpnbt1S Inc AP t51-•42·09,$52464 No r rted. R ubin R AP Alva, A111ug10J1, AP 153-416·82 AP 45·063·18 S93230 s 18_.776 c S687H 16-'l71 l3.Slt150 Harrison Ttlrty l AP r•S-432·17,S3g8110 $37750 AP4S·063-23 $41420 0 h C la Puma Pn111 p C AP Whistler James AP 107 e11 24 L•Ch ler , Leonard E AP ISi 4"6 11, $877 70 Naone , Ka1pole1tnanu AP C1e1 k. George w Hanson . I cSJsner. Harold J r AF 178·644:to,s1 09278 S61592 . 167-481-01,$63918 Thatcllpr 1homat R AF TAJIRATIAAEACM-011 153-41711 $11100 w1111am.AP45·06413.$t.S5136 178...() •03 '1·487·g6 SCOll Donald M AP 178-644·39 p 0 c c F AP t67 481 o~ S6S9 92 15 4S1 o· $703 63 s I l A L I •1 • Mlellce, Devld C . AP 178•053•2S S 1 106 9. 8 ac•f1c Ame1 11 o orp, A • • "· 1· · •, Lope l . An Ion 1 o J A P 1gna anumar~ nc o or ,,ytWs. 1 151644 ' 110 151·17 $9123 Munday.George AP 167481-05. Ab1anam. M1chee1 F AP Sunset Pratess1onal Centre AP 153.417.50 $111 00 Dennis AP45-06'4·24,$7H39 ' Smtih Cla•enco E A P Herzog AF AP 110 15205 Sl,01091 '151-451-06,$39358 118-58112,$1,23181 Enlow. Jae~ F AP IS3-417·59 AP 45-06<1-26.$1139 62 17~ °...5n3•2'l • ... s7 ... g58 r8o n v . AF t78-644-00, S4, t60 96 $10 96 . KI 0 e 0 0 111 0 La,, y K A p Tine• Larry H . AP 151·•5•·32, AP 178-S81-IS. S2.S25 88 $656 20 AP •S..06<l-3S. s 111 00 <>'V • • ...... 2 Wetl9 Rulon B AP 178·6•4·87 p A 0 c c F 187-482·28. s I 279 34 $672 96 AP 45 06L 1L S680 16 P•l•dlnes, GuSIBYO E AF $128 26 8ClllC mer 11 0 orp A H1gg1noolhem Jae;~ T 81 11. AP • ,,. ,, 178...()5328 S480tOll 110160-01 $173"3 Smote Anlon8 ,AP 167-483--07. Hornandei Edw.,d N AP TAlCllAnAAEA~1t 15~21-04,$f>3821 AP 45..06S-2.t,S1ll00 r.Aa~. Pal•lclll. AP 178·053·55. s •T71tt7a8n96y T8fry N AP 178-681-0 I Ketler Fran" R AP 110 162·03 S 111 00 151-461· 19. S 1,719 68 Hu. JOt'llJ 8 AP 1S3·422·0g AP 45..()66 11 St.769 94 • $1484 Fe1ry MichaetO AP 167-<C8J·30 Mllle1 Hermen K Jr AP Hewill. J<>hn T AP 145..01•·32. $676 30 S•gnat Lan<1mar11 Inc. &/01 M.72685 Melone Rooe11 J Tr A P Pac1t1c Ame1 011 Co Corp AP S102130 1s1.473.1s,S16g<t32 SllU5 50 St11rence A ssocoaies Thompson GerryL..AP4S-066-13 Knauf. Berty l 178-681-02 '5 255 56 110-180·0 I S 153 30 Wood G rego1 y B TR. AP S1nghaf SH AP IS t-•73-44, Etchegoyen-Sweeny-Bennlng. Condom1n1um (lAI 1nves1meni co $7118 42 M orion , Robert G A F COlral JesseH AP178681 IO 03Vtlls<>n Bra<11ey K AP 167-•83-32.\417 47 $83222 hOll AP1•5-0t4-SO.Sl25383• u<1 AP 153-4•H>3 5286092• S1gnallan<1mar~1nc&1or O•v••. 179-062-03, $t.s59 28 S• 3012 68 110 18•·0 I $20 S6 AP 167·483-33, S277 47 Hasan. Syee M AP 151·•83-06 Otllen bee k SI eve R AP Lamb. Dorothy E Tr t<osm111ne Paul S V AP 45:-066-14 S 1.354 O• M are 0 es11 Kenne 1 h A F Ctou<I Kevin D AP 178·681 35 AP ttO 184 23 S20 S6 v1e<1 Cart W AP 167·491 ·20 S 111 00 ••S.153-05 $<153 28 Eleanore AP 153-<C4 I· tO S533 34 S •on al La no ma, lo. Inc. & 101 7e.o82•25·$3•420161 S3.•2906 Knuotson Ronala l AP $156358 Zangon . Ebr1n 1m AP Cestna LovisF APl•S-165-"I Lamb. w111er o Tr fabale llAcFtrr.in Dougla s C AP 11~!11a.'t~~:~:8m w AFSIM7~tle3yOV Ray AP 178-682-05 110·186-03 Sl432 Fo• Rana111FlAP167-'492-03 l'il~-10 '213780 $6'1603 Oom1n1c A AP 153.441.12 •5·06616.$.47960 v H 0 N AF . ., fui•la Mas.mo AP tll 071 '49 $872 38 W r Ne wtsn<1 Estote AP Ao111acner Robert 0 AF $498 79 l'1ac1man Susan J AP an otne, ary Olllls on Gunder H AP $1397 v1er1. Cart w AP 167·•92·18 151·523·12 S.303116 1<15'-165-•8 '11100 Lamb w Kenneth AP •5-066-37 S8'170• lT,&..()71..0S, S70<1 9" 178-6D3-0S. '2.368 90 Fu11ta M1lsuko AP 111·071-SO SI <446 68 AP IS 1-524..02. S6•S 52 Anz11 Ju<lllll G AP 1<15-t72-09 153-44 t-21 S 143 77 0,, n 11wa1e1 O a vt <I H A p Prtc. Gary R Ross letgh A AP 178-691 ·06 SI S89 64 Da ws On Ao o "r t D AP AP 151-52•· 13 SSA2 98 S 11 I 00 Lamb W Kenne In el al &tor 45-066·•4 S 1 217 7S StS~~h5oMlcheel. AP 178·072·07 S4.884S4 Sulake FIObtirl A AP 167·S01·03.$2'4057 AP 151-531-01.5S9608 Reic:hetdet1e1 J emu 0 AF D111mer, Gary A AP 153 4423t Signal landmark Inc &tor ' . Hill C Dean AP 178-691·22 SI 111.J21 36 $3,287 26 De u ! sch Thom a' .. P AP 151·53t· IO. 55g5 36 14S-174-0I S23<1 5S S764 58 VpnnekOll Aot:>erl N et at AP ~ Wall8f C AP 178•072•22 27238 Whole Evelytt Gilbert AP 167 53t 22 $72523 AP 151-5'44·10 Sll4198 G1endstafl, Suaan K A~ W T Newland Estate AP •5·066·50, $8011'l 1 E y $I er G e 0 r g e E A p 111 ·322·08 s 1,064 n Tuelot Susan l AP 932· I0..03•. AP 15 t-544-22, $282 60 14S-17<t-OS, s 111 ()() IS3-453~. $458 SB AP •S-067-24. s 1 429 to Ellls, Merk E •AP 178•082'14 178-691·2S, Sl 19012 AP 111 3"2·0'l $2.20812 $87748 WT Newland ESleles AP Jac kson. E<lwerd M AF AP 153-45'4·11, $45488 AP 45·067-39, $1.075 18 SS~~ 1.°an , George W . A p 17H8.a69r 1~~61 Sp, ooerl 1es AP Boyles T11omas V 111 al AP lo P8l A rt t onto J AP 151·551-07 S318S6 145·181·05, $53281 AP 1S3·462-09 S281 :17 AP 45·067 51 $76 1 74 178 115 28 SI 36008 < 1,51230 111 311·02 $1.99260 93"·10·039. Sttt OO W T N-lana Es1111. King, Devt Barlh Jos11ph, AP 145·'111·16 AP 153-463.13 SSOl 86 S1gnal landme1~ Inc &IOI Grisel W lll·I, 'J S p Balltam . Kenneth APAP111 371-03 $19920f) Anz1a.Stanley AP93210096.L.AP151·551-t9.St.33888 $67432 Errckson.OnnaldW AP I A AP4S-011·28,S76230 9 1 e S · 8 m 8 5 "' 178-691 27 S2.547 66 Elser. Gordon L AP 111 371 18, $1 t t 00 AP 151-5S2-04. S t, 186 g9 M&tk woo<I . Richard C AP 153-471..05. S<t23 20 Frank H Ayres & Son &/or Fee' 11g·121-04. 82814 Jennings Charles C Tr AP SI 11176 Rou1nrree Lyman 0 AP AP 151-553-04 S68340 14'i.,,'1.n• t.'lfl77• Ta<1ros John E AP 1S3·•7t t8, Ko.ther1n11 C AP 45-071-58 '1 ng.SweehalS ,APl7B·l2 l·l2 178·692·13.S2.37996 Smllh,JamesP AP11137219 <l32-10·1tl,$tll00 AP151·S63·11,$1,55516 Goup il, Georye p •A F $11100 $8583'1 SlElil.OO B F Ka!z Na11ta11 A AP 178-701·10 SJ59 t8 Cenci, Aulh M AP 932·10·123 AP 151·563·24.$1.38866 145361-25,$11 100 Mascia.Hugo R ./IP t53-48t-02 Fnrnlt H Ava(.S. A sg9 f./(H 1 1"· eHy ·AP 179•12 1·Hi.$7988S Gregory Raymond J AP S23284 AP 1s1-S63-27,S30754 t<u1cbauma. V1ll6 Pauls, AP $846 12 l'<omme Jonn AP '5· 2-12 '~8·46 J 0 h n I 0 n A 11 en E A p 111·383·24 $278 38 Neuenteldt Wiiiiam p . AP AP 1Sl-!i66· 18. $648 08 1<15-361-26. $307 10 Folker. Les L AP 153 •8•·03 $I 097 62 '· octor. Ri c hard C A P 178 701-IS. S3.9969G Palomino Carias. AP 112·060 86, 932 16 142, $11100 AP 151-581·01. Sl.084 3A M 1c h Gel. H eteri G AP $73534 S">nal Landmark lnc &torBecker. i 7B·l7l·t5. 51·91118 M o1rtson John D AP S66211 110 Jennings Phtllp A el at. AP AP 151-582·23. $63696 IA5·363·14, S.t1S.66 Lin Doniel Chl&-.lan Tr , Ho ... ard M , AP <1 5-07'2·20 Schllck. Kaye T .. AP 178•181•02 t76-70 t-17 $2.216 62 car Ison, Ger a 1 d o A p 933-13·015, $446 57 AP 151·583-01. S2•3 74 A W Chapman Febrlca1or!, Inc. Cllantenasombute Pnchon. AP S 1.032 00 s:;.6J:~.6Wllllam, AP 178-t81·22 R1rha1tl Ro•1a1<1 J AP t12-28403 SlllOO MlllSl•eem Con<1om1n1ums. t\P AP 151·583-17,'1,6"058 AP 145-482-15,534971 153.454 1g,5g45g2 S1gn111 Landma tk Inc &/1)1 s1,567.59 1?8-701·23.S2.70A22 fuller Hugt1C ,Berkeme1 Rober! fl38·31·002.S9S412 AP 161·584·17,$11100 KecorReellylnc AP 145-541--08, Oltv1en,Dt1vidJ ,Bryan1,Peul M . Williams OK AP 45-072-26 •Hun I er, J e II re V C A p Booker, Rone11e G rUWl AP A AP 142-082·28. t4,907 28 AP 938-31-009. S954 n AP t5 t-58"·29, $4 .. 38 S 14S9 92 AP I 53·S02· 14, $2,047 08 $244 90 118·182·05, Sl,49l 4o 178-702 11. Sl,483 16 Atlun V A AP 142-09 1 0~ AP 938 31·010, S9S<l 12 AP 151·591..04, $1,375 111 AP 1<t5-S41·011, Sl,'435 16 OO<lge Tnomas, AP 153·512..0~. Signal landmefk Inc &/or 'lllnnlng, Henry, AP 178•191•21 Rosn1ck,JackA .AP 178 702-22 Sl1704 AP938-31-016.5'50 14 Guerin, Jonn AP 155·103·02. Krieg er Robert B AP $52143 Sa nger Dana R Bleu AP $53.62 5184828 Kluln1c k James J ... p AP93B-31-035.S903 « St,53892 195'-011·02,$43682 Moeck BrtanH ,AP 153-513·11! 4S072·29 $1,57946 l!lshop, l P , AP 178•1g1•23 Calock Arlnur Tr AP 142 IOt 15$500 AP938·31-040,S90314 Joiner Fle111woo<1 B AP Mc K11saon. Rtcher<I K AP $85366 AP•5·072·S<l.Sl.31320 $86.24 178·703·21 $1 714 92 AP 14'1 101· 16 SS 00 AP 938-31-049 S I 13S 82 155· 141-01, SI t I 00 1g5-012. 10. SSH 88 Guzman Wllll&m, t\P 153.531 10. AP 45·072·57 S 1 437 72 Ap,l78-l9l-~7.s4144 low Vtolet E AP t78-704·05 Lowm<ln Geneva Mary AP AP938·3t·055.S454 22 Getsstnger, J tmes B AP Mcra n gak l s Ir ene AP $44066 AP4S-072·58 S61989 Het11ng, Fl A, AP 179.19 1.31 $1.61284 142 10?·26 S956 78 1S5-142-13 $11100 igs-Ol3·2•. S5l02l M1ntck . Steph11n K AP Signal l e ndma1 k Inc &t or SJ63.90 Harbour-Pac111e Ll<I MllOe <;.hros t\P 14'1· 1Ul·JI> Tt\X AATI! AAE.4 O<l.OIJ Kelly, Cova K . AP 155. t82·08 0 Cl v' • 8 J 0 h n et at. AP 153-532· 19, $421 711 ThOn'lpson Glfry l AP 4S·072·59, Sunset·OrnngePerlnershlp Al' Robins George G AP $162195 Pecillc AmerOllCoCorp AP $33517 l9S..02t~.S87120 New1 0 1s Rober! 5 APS771118 1f8-20l·3l,$t1l00 178-705-01 $371704 Janec e~ George J AP llO·l90-06 SH'l8 Mad ison Me rk A AP 8r11adlove . Dev1d l. AP 1S3-S32·29.S l.03188 AP4S073-13 S39647 Sheller Development Inc; APAP 178-70S-07.Sl.74715 142-103·08 '77700 Sm"'h JatsMIF AP ll0.200..o6 15S.172·30.S601144 1g5..()63.-4J,SJ620ll Wotk 1n1. B<uC ft W AP Srgnl l La ndm11k Inc &tor tJ&-201-58,$t,S8846 ~P 178-705-17.$2.00606 S1111man Russell L AF Sl,9GS·22 Le1nktltor, J tmet C AP Emmerson Robert J AP 153·5'41-04.$74138 Hansen I( M AP 4S 073-t6 .t.tl 178-201-59. s 1.592 72 AP 178-705--24. $705 73 142 IOJ 2b S994 !ltl AP 110.200..07 $2 265 02 155-172·34 s 1.020 55 ig5. 185.-05. s 1.012 2A 01111 Leonard AP 153-543 0 I $721 68 4J> l78-20 t-80. S l.592 72 .t.P 178· 705--26. S969 7' S 1 e II rec h I Flo oe t t l AP Oahl O&vt<I O AP 1I0-200..08 Semrad. M11rle AP t5S-173-03, Ad Im S RI c II• r a l AP S878 32 AP 45..073-17, t758 54 AP l78-20 l-81. S l.592 72 AP t 78-705·37 $1 11 00 142-11 t -37 $4.970 96 s8g2 40 $304 46 1gs.. 192-06 S 11 t 00 T11ov NICllOIU AP t53-S44-06 AP 45-073·21 5760 U AP l711·20l-B2.st.820 72 AP 178-705-43 Sl,73998 AP 142·111·38,S777227 Lindl>ofg·Dahl Investors Inc AP OowneyS.vtngs&LoenA-sn AP Pot101h1na Mercet A AP S.6707 Stgnallandmar"lnC &torEnsion. AP 178-201·83, S 1,608 96 AP t 78-705-4• I 1 739 98 Gillin James F AP 142 15<'·3'1 110•200•09 S3 890 46 lSS-181·03. 13,010 04 19~0~~~-~ll~~~I ~p lllS·202_03 Halhawey, Maynara C Jr AP OorOlhy, AP 4S-07'·09 $5315 98 AP 178-20HM.S 1,5111 62 AP t78-70S-49 S2.0 II 62 $352 72 AP 110•200•12. S3 <44 I 84 0 u r I • n . Bogden 0 , AP 1S3·5'44· 16 $4 73 62 S19nel Ltn<1m1rk Inc & /or Oa Af. 178-20t-85,S1,58162 AP 178-70S-60. S2.26794 Ell Cn11s11ne Jo Ann, AP Sailer. Daniel F AP 110.0122•29 15S.tlll·13 t 1,08S •1 $e36 18 Mansur Charles A AP Moll. Thom11 l AP •S-074 10 AfS t78-20l-88, S t 58t 62 AP 178-705-61, $2,267 9• 142 156-19 S111 00 128 12 Morgen Harry Joseph, AP AP 1gs..202..oe Sll1S 511 153·Sll3·15 $5311 SS $1.680 28 Af, 178-20l-87,S l,S8052 AP 178-70S-63,S818 44 Holmes Mary ti AP 142-166..01 AP ll0·?22·JO.S28101 15S.181·18,Sl 12!127 Oplet Leroy F AP 195·20'1·24. Stegelvtk, Trmo\hy K AP Signa l L1 n<1merk Inc &/or AfS 178-201·6g Sl948 ?• AP 178-705-75,$1 33656 $24103 Buller, Robert Stuart, AP Peeroe.Frank C AP IS5 191 ·1•. S5g8 l6 tS3·501·14'.$71910 Caywood R E AP <15-074·11, ,~floe. Chrlli. A'P 178·2t1·65, AP 178-70578,t 289090 0 Brien Wiiiiam T Jr AP 112.081.2S.Sl<I0538 $37887 Opl11<.LeRoyF.AP 1g5·202·28. Ctnna mo, Gerald J AP $441114 Sl.2113 g3 AP 178-705--84 $1,244 54 142 191 · 17 $93 28 hpia Albert AP 148•102•2• Sims Joseph V. AP 155-194-01. $558 9:1 153·592..07. $897 58 Stgnal landmark Inc&/()( eo- ,_.;ma1ron_g . Geo•ge A AF AP 178-70801, $o4,2S6!'>6 OenklU, E AP 142 191 27 S1l lOO S69S84 8artll. Joseph, AP 1g5·213·15. Kling. Muk P . AP 163·596 111, E AP16-07S..12, $33-412 178·222-02,S3H'i86 AP 178-706·13 $20S588 $13830 Barth RoDenJ .AP 148.11 1.15 M agte George E AP $80263 $2.14526 AP45..075-11,51.35S32 .ob. r., au •. M erv A A F f.P 178-706·15, s 1.062 23 Acosta MIChBltl. AP 142·212·08, s3g4 60 155·"21· 13. $811.Sll Opie<. Le Roy F . AP 1g5.21•-03. pr 0 y I d II n I H 0 m.. A p AP 45-075-22. Sl.826 96 178-222-15.$1,29108 AP 17$-706-19.$271520 S26690 Stanton , Eager A AF Stenley, J11mt1 M AP S576•2 t55·<l12·08.S111.00 Collon Ape11ments . AP I Jttnft Huntington AP 178-706-32 $2.119 <16 R 0 d r I g u el Ed ... 8, <I A p 148-112 03, $403 49 155·222· IO. I t,5711.58 M I I u n e . Fu m I h If 0 . A p ChlColl. Hugo s .. AP 155-012·26 45-081· 14, s t,O t6 34 Apuimenti. AP 178 222 28 AP 178-706-35 $1.03044 142-451·2". S77960 Broth•n. Oerel<1 C AP C ampegnt. Jamee J AP 1g5.221..og,150501 S888.5• ' Mellna Apartments . AP Sl.136 08 Kelly. John A AP 178·712·03, Non•m•k•r Mtchael D AP 1<1g.121-J 1, $870.54 155-223·04. S.U8.18 Buth, J oseph, AP 1g5.221-14, Mey. r ' R 0 •• mar v . A p 45-0111· 16, $1,018 3• Coun .. lor Realty Inc M $1,47096 142-451·30,537518 Ed sen, Rtchll<I L AP Taub . Leonatd B , AP 15:3.02 15S-Ot4-07,1320.61 Coaa1Apa1lmtnls AP•S-061·17, 17i8-232-08.St6t22 Town!end. Ho waic1 A AP C1arneuk1,WemerF ,Neel,Je"y 14g.121.5Q,S3S548 155-231·08,$244.28 1aqu111 Jonn C •AP Sterr, El•lne, AP 156-015·34 $t,0183<1 HI nm• n R 0 n e Id c, Ar 178-7 t2·33. S267 20 L AP 142·47•·06, S t,023 86 Rott, Edwaid S. AP t•9•121_51 Hamal, Nll)en M., AP 155-233-36, 196·2~-38 '8311.80 $-433 87 . Seutiore Ap 111 I m1nt1 A p l1f.252-0S.i15 12 Wa n o W 1tlf om w AP Tobin, Key• AP 1•2·474-07 18136'1 • $60798 Obt<ly LN c , AP 195-223-44, P•llll, Pet. AP 155·018·03. 45..0111-18.11.0163• • Sheller Otvelopmont Inc Ar 178·72 t-t3, S4,938 88 $1.329 74 w 91911 . 1 h 0 m 81 w AP Mull'ltarn Bruce T Tr. AP S593 l8 S7$3.44 Pr osptc t A part men1a AP 1f .. 252·1g, '1,046.06 Bare, Chatles Fl .. AP 178-721-28. Skowron. Me1yl8 e t al AP 14g.123•15. $3g3 23 157-382-32, $1,374 24 0pl9<. l lfoy F . AP ig&.223·51, lHker, Yalt , AP 155·021-08, •6·081·111. $1,018.34 Hinman , Aontld C AF $1,g5208 142-474-09,$78672 Nunez. Jose L .. AP 14g_131•28• Heaae, Rudoll. AP 157·382·35, $llOl l2 S l,430211 Ktnnerd. 8 J all re~ AP t'1L2522112 3361X> ~1o•MatlonJ APt7873109 San101 Frenc1sco AP Saa S5g2,60 . Oottff,Wllllam.APtgS-231·18. Swegtrt •. Thomul AP•&-083·03.152284 lii·-t~·ton' ""'-~h Sll,328.54 .. . -142·•7'·23 S1.66092 1·•""34 Bli ck, Ge1y E et e l, AP Soo4 14 155-023·25, 51020 Ptttr1.Pt1erJay,AP45-083-10 . .,_, .,._ Orml•l on. Harty A , AP :iAtHOC tlH. AP 178-253·'111 Ro<1gt1rl R obell l AP V•lllngojer. Well tr AP 14g.141·lll.SG3tllG 157-383-16, Sg53.30 Palmtr. Robert 0 :lnd, AP St,50046 Q3.lle2 30 178-74 t.1g, S2 067 Mi 142-<174-34 $786 95 Litz ... Alctltrd H , AP t•9-271-05 0 a I g I a t d , M I ch t t 1. A P TAIC "'-'TIE AMA 06-030 lSS-024-04. $724 32 Hyltnd Jtre E., AP 45-001-03 ,a.Jrookt , Jimmy 8 111 AF Spre<lllnt, George F., AP EIMyed. Mike. AP 142-474-50, Sl2ll6 · t67·411-Ge,S.2,01172 W iiton. Robert M AP SS,07300 t,.._281..02, 13,tg184 178-741·24, 1 04g 14 1•37 92 Huber!. Peul O AP 149•271_ 1g Brue.. 0.llld L . AP 151·4t1-47 Chtr>g. Su-Wu, AP 1115-071·27. t56..02•-31, U0t 041 KMllll, Thomes, AP 4&-092-02-, f ooka,HentyE,AP !78-2111-03 Jo11naon. Jo Ann Lee AP 8urke,Noo1P J AP 157·32•·22. s23487 • $17<12 I03460 Votend1l'll. J1me1 T AP St,3749& oeeee 1711·741·25.Sl.88352 $87099 Hell. Daryle o . AP t<tg.273_12• Le Blenc. Tlmo111v J AP l ttt1. Jack Sr. AP tll!!-072-52, 155-031·t0.S38104I City of Ntwpori Buen, AP rook• Jimmy e . A~ Rty.OeorglaO.AP 178-741-29, Tllomea , Grover P , AP StttOO 157·•32-07.Sl.82708 Sl,23472 Prel>lt.Robw1l .AP155-031·13, 45-095-22,S32g8 2111..07,'3.704.54 $1.()<lg ,. 157-328-00,S5418t Dreuer, Rtymond E Jr, .AP Morten atn. Oavld C AP $453.54 AP45·106-22,S32H .~.OllyL.,AP 178-281·t8 8uacem1. C ri11rte• A AP Melley. Amina AP t67326-J7 t•~l3-38,S83J« 167-<t33-10.Sg6G.71 TAJl .. ATEAM.Ao..oD Guy. Bruce 0 .. AP tSS-034-00, De Pierro. Robb•• R . AP 11.04 930-82-0111.$1.66"73 591180 Signet Compenlu Ina. &/or Haflt1e.J-E .. AP157-4M~5 . St,09420 4S-111.1•.11,0<lt98 ~ u 11 t er, J t fl r 0 y C . AF Olvrn1. Edw1rd, AP 930-82-058, Klrkmt yt•, Virginia V AP W a II 0 n , Ht r 01 d B Jr, A p $1,282 00 ~~:: :r;,• 1324A~t hu r R AP MIU, Lewl1 J , AP t6S-0•2· 14, Stell Of Celllomla. AP 45-1"1-07. t1'-2ta-08,$.2,810.70 12.1g,74 157-331 t2,le99 30 llSt.021•02,188977 Eichler, Cha rl11 E , AP 14 • • • WlltO $3298 ~0-. M•ry. AP 1711•202 tO Rey, Petti A , AP g30·82·083. Ruatttl , RAndlll J , AP AP l&t..021•11.sz21.ll7 157-433-•8.164825 W~men , Ro.•mary A , AP S we ngo Oonald E , AP AP45-t21..o9,$3298 '2.107.32 1g50 88 157-333·211, 1 1,548 118 AP 15 L...()22"°4. S76ll.&e 011rHng, Otvld, AP 157-433·•7 1<12· 72-08. 11,011 Oii 165-064~. t 114 07 KOii, Oonakl M Tr. AP 46-132"°4, ,lolum, Cltyton l , AP Knapp, Joen, AP 1130·82·084, Mc Murrey, Peullnt C. AP SIOnll Comptnlu Inc, &/Or '635.'7 Colt9. Otvkl S . AP 142·270-05, Loml>erdy Homu Lid, AP S1ttOO 1,.._271"°3.'504.08 $21603 t57·3<11-G4.St,07320 Pt1r1t, J•"'" W , AP 151.022.()8, Oehlkt, Rol>trt A AP St.e7•.82 156-0e3-14,S11100 Scl'lumtnn. Aobtrt W , AP <A•w•on lnduitrtu Inc , AP Lal, Pttrlcla , AP 93t-40-0t•. APtlS7-J4t-07,l150.118 127550 11S7-434.02,t5'181 Shepherd . A Ptul , AP 8t1l1 Ba.rbtr• 01ant, Jtnklnt. 4&-1:)4.00.Sl,807.76 ttl•27s-<>e,1186.82 197048 Balltw, Chrltty l AP 810nll Companlt• Inc. t.tor Zuhuruddln , l(llt jt . A P ,.2·275-l2,Sl,870,88 !dwlllE.,AP 155-063-211.$402.02 AP•&-143-07,132H ~oom -l. AP 178-2112.0 Unk Ed'#lrd M AP 931·40..028 t57442-07 1802 20 i..0ov It 1117-452-17. 11U.U McCandltH. Merion l . AP ~p 115~. ~'" llrtnhouat, EllUl>tth, AP 1\.004.H ry ' 1' t1,ou's2 ' . Robleon, Charita D , AP S731 i2' MttY Rta, AP llll-OU·13• Wong, JlfnlJlx ~.Na, Young 8oo 1•2·216·16. 1111.00 8#111, Crodltr-Otttan. Neltonal •ll•1«.o8. S1et.oe Jre-••n•.Y · Olen c 'AP Pott•.a.ttldW .APll31-tM>211, t57-343·01,l74076 lttnr, M. C••udtnt . AP e1tl,A"Plll7~$2-1t,11.1173.19 TAJt9'AT9AMAOtMlll rr,AP115~11.S1t.oa Soulhtrn Pacific Lt lld co. t1i-2u.oe, 13,0ff.()2 S215 81 M 111 • r . J 0 h n A " •I. A p 111 l-o32.0 I, 1339 112 'fobln. H.E,,.Menn1 ~-l .. AP Oltltt, H•101d. AP 111&-o·n.02. Jtaot>•, John w AP O · t94• 111 • .Clall•. Cor111ll• H . A P Tre>y, 01<eld F , AP 032-24.087, 1117-343-05,St,115.45 Mlflef,EltanorL .AP 1111-032·10, t57-47MO.~.OH.w.. 1"14,00 1313U ,, .. 212·11 •1.•117.14 t11t.OO Larton,W•lllfJ ,AP 187-351-12. 1396.119 ChurCh 01 Atllglou1 8~ ot 8trldt, Rlohtrd W ., AP 8 owoe r Luelle H .. AP Aelchtr , Rob1t1 N ' AP ·••no•. thomH A., ti •I. AP .. M . rt I n . 0. 0 r g. A . • A p $347.64 Mot•"*'· 11tltn. AP 15t•032-12, Huntington 9etoh, AP 1119..o92..05, 163.-14 t• It, 11,ote.60 1118-072..07. ut&.&4 411-111-04, H 14 21 171-283-03,1171.43 llo2·24·1011. $111.00 M•urtu, MIChUI 0 . AP •111.00 SUM.et ~·Roy o .. AP 1~142..02, 8Hl,8erl>tftOl-.DIRugol4wo, Day, T~ M .. AP 411-211-0&. tftott,MwterMIA.,AP17f-211 .. 12 Stat>lt r. Aobtrl I! Jr . AP 157-352-18,155090 Atynoldl, Sht lton , AP Paolllet PtoteMlonal Piao,"" •1 JoHph ti •I. AP 11111·012·31 t1,82t11 lt,9511.U • 032-42'°30.l•tUll Kln~,O.ot!L.AP 167-392-14. 1111-032·27.Sll71.09 1119-092.oll,1 1,71111.04 Ytclt•, H.rbtrt Jr, ""•1.~7.14 • PrlCt, Donato Tr •1, AP ith.1':. Muall, A, 178-285--oe, ... lollrletmll"."" • Eric 0 . AP t32·42-03l. S1.17000 Oiiton, MllVln l .. AP t51-041-0t. Potte, MtlVtll o .. AP 11111-111-02, 1~'61·10, $1IA,00 Giiier, Hwolel, Shtrm1111, Wllllllf'll 45-214~.17.021140 .. • '"" Chu ... JO .. ph S, AP l1 ll00 IHt.82 ,..~ty,.,..,dJ .. APllls-1~.R,,AP165-074-f3.1517,t1 leM!llt. Pllll L .. AP 4&.221•12. enooHunttninonHll"bor Jtn•o•k. O e orge J . AP 167·302-311.sis11.1e u ..... ct Sheller ln11H1n•11111 Oo. AP -.M M•n•fl•td, 011:r1 .. w , AP t1oou2 'AP t11-ftt~1. 11.3ot.M 932 .. 2-o3.1, 1111.00 lln l>trgl_Chtrlll 0 .. A p s.9~~· .... Yid 'AP 181"°42·23• 1&e-1a1-o.c, 13.220.... ~ 11 ..... L . AP 163-16)-30, 1~-oa. ~.4 iroc1tmt11, Aoberl l •• AP 'l4 I ... AHOolalH lno .. AP ... ~~72 ..... John. AP 032·1•..oot. 161·384-17, .071130 Qolltt, Wllllem, •p 1111-"•"17 ~. L.oult '"AP 169-121-11, 11. 8-1, ,.,.,.,. 04eM1_Du ... u11. ~lt2·11, Mff.M '7'41t-4t,15.tu.lt -· Ttmklni_Clalrt A . AP J4tot4 " ...,...,. • 13.190.11 l lutk .. ~0 .. AP l&).1h•Rl.,rw,AP1Q.111-oJ..NM.U ltndov8!,ll.ipeA.,AP'64t.s.1S, Au cl• II•. 0,. Gt A .' A p a" 0 'l · 0 an It I G .• A p lff.044>0.t, a;.i88 21 T Iii.. 8 I 0 Chen! ••mu ... AP 16 .. f31..07, UOl.M A, lQ.1'2·14. St.Git.ti '212.IA 1--lt1"12, 14,461.114 n2·74..o1 • t 11100 WlllltU, .. r, Au11e11 C , AP 137~ l& r"' •AP 181"°4$.'°, St,131.D2 ltllo11, lelO, Al"' IQ·1tl·t7, AP 1Q.1tQ-4t ~.It <!>-Pt..-- Pwillll, Diiis> Tr, AP 1ff..1'1·1S, 1 1,1 .... IO 0111«. HarOid. AP 166•tU•t1, .;itll"IL'r • ~ r ' \ I' . . ... ,. . . . . ... Orange Oo11l DAIL. V PU.OT IW•dnelday, Augu1• 25, 1082 Jhln1 I Fl NIUC •nCl 111111ote1 Oen AP u .oo 01, ti 161 u lemb, KUii I AP 0·'1? Oii IO KelluM l •e AP 4t OH U , ho 11 11u 1& lerellell. MlllY Jo AP·~ 111 00, 8eu1n•t1, fuware A .Jr, A.P n ,ooa 12 u 044 26, i 1&11 12 AICl'lma~1 Mallll•w t.1 , AP Awtm,J•llt•yS ,A .. 411·0U·~t. 4&.?44-C\ll nOO 22 I I 11 00 th " Im e n . ti., 0 I Cl c ' A p T n. I \j h. r . p h 111 p w . A p •&-246·08, 11,224 00 41i·UbJ 07. $413 tn llloH nth•I, AIC.h•IO J llAI. AP lu11 .. r, IUl•Y A., AP 40·064 1:), 4~2411 12. "11111,.. s112e 04 Mu1 .. lll, Eel J AP 0 ·261 IO lr()l•nU. Oanle4 N , AP 40--003·06. 1 1,011 to , .. ,~3 31 1!dW1tCll. Ouy Robin Af' (11c.k1on RIC.hero r , AP 46 263-00, S43 I 68 41> 011 n $ t 733 6" Townley Wlllt .,JI l AP HCX19. '•.U•IC p Al" 40·0"1-01, 45·2113-ot, $11$ I 04 $ 1 I I 00 Che ee, HOwtUd E el 11 AP Smell loult W . AP •0·072· I 1, 45-201-01. seeo 04 181111111 Sout~n PKJflC Lend Co CH• Mueenger Wllll•m Jr AP Geoi~ W , AP •6·2111 Ill Sre:I tll' •11·07J·2 I. $2.301 1• AP 46·2111·21. 13.002 02 ' Colt Donald E . AP •O 0111 04, AP 4~272·16 $21110 40 1750 38 We•ver 'Ja'c querine AP Frnquer r.rnnl J Sr AP •5·272-21 &2 060 10 • 411-08 t 011. ,265 89 Reier. e'er1y L . AP 411-274·04, Piko, Aoboll G AP <19·0112·311, $8511 82 1470 60 P1operllos Well lrH. AP YOUr)Q, J•mH E AP 411·101·24, •>278-04 14 2118 56 S32 08 AP ·~21i-09' $I 1135 22 Sllle 01 Calllornla Div ot Hwya, . AP 40-130-20 S32 98 45~~::?2'k ~·.~~ B et Ill. AP Clark., Geoige W , AP 40· 140--00. Pe11u1llln Flon1 p AP St,32337 •~2113-0• 111se' l8 r o • • a 1 • r . G 11111 1 1 G A P Enolel>iecht Bruce AP 40·t40-t0 $169994 <l rt-293·14, S28l040 Newporl Mar1ner1 P11u Assoc. Senk Llovelt Callfornl8 &/or AP 49· 140·37. Sll,820 82 B e ntley, Al AP 4 7-010· 13, Vale. Leon E , AP 49-150·10 $26,1128 14 $750 68 Realporl c..:oiporaloon Al' Counly ot Orar>1>9. AP 49·161·01. 47..031-23, $2,32178 • ll~,113,2 Jo11n p AP •9·172-05 Se retll, Enrique, AP 47-032-03. $ l 299 78 ' ' Stll.00 . Labln. Paul. AP 47-041·31, Tl & TR Co Tr •IA· 1923·00·2 $7.09204 &tor Ped1a. Russell F . AP Bhby. A .. v AP 47-042-04. 491:11-~0A'Jo26T~8=1A·1923·00·2 $208 30 Alcharelaon Jeck A Sue G-&/or Eestmon, Harlllfl Dirk C AP'7-04l·13 $29.1388 . AP49·175·03,$1,492.62 · · · Tille ins 8 Tr Co Tr Avll•. Sergio. AP '7-052-09. •IA 1923 00 2 &/or Allison Helene $91109 . • Mallo Arthur AP O ·052·21 AP 49-I 78-24 S690 25 $1'626<1 . Tl 8 TR Co T1 • IA-1923·0<>-2 Ferouion. Joseph v AP &/or Lonman, Vlclorla C . AP 47-071.04 $165122 49-177-24 $2,2588!> Properlles Wesl Inc AP Tolle Ina & Tr Co Tr 47-07 l-07, $3,394 88 11 IA·1923·00·2 &lor Weis, Jerry E Orlset James A AP 47.072.06 AP 49· t77·30, $1,996 07 si, 199 80 • · Counly or Orange, AP 49. tn-39. Wiiie Russell B AP 47·082·18. $32 98 s2214 24 " · Abraham. Eowarcr A . AP . 49-177·40. $4.542.06 12L~~· Phillip A · AP 47·083•18· Tl & TA Co Tr •1A· t923-00·2 Smllh. Dean M , AP 47-083·30. &101 Youno. Barbar11. AP $3 282 78 49-183-05.81. s 111 00 A v s AP 47.Q9J..()2 Tl & TA Co Tr "IA·1923·00·2 •may. ernus · · &/or Bowie Stephen $513n ~8e r 1 0 n Fr e 0 w A p AP 49-183-06. S558 05 ' r111e Ins & Tr Co Tr 47·094·21.Sl tlOO •IA 1923-00 2 &/or Glass Sl~f~s. Hope AP 47• I IO· I&. Geottrey T AP 49-183-10, $593 94 SllOkrlen, saio AP 47 !10·3•. S3~,;~e of Calllorma, AP 49· 191·32. S3,233 48 T I I I e I n I & T r c 0 r ' SIN9~8';;' Teel O AP 47·l4l·-05 11I A·1923-00-2 &/or W1lllams Chavez. Ben A , AP 47. 142. 12, Ao1>er1 l 1JTI. AP 49· 192·03. $4 18 88 $688 94 Reeder Sally AP H -172-05 Cummings, John H J1. AP $733 38 ' ' 49· 192-26. $1,418 94 AP 47.112-08 $891 81 Tl & TA Co Tr #IA· 1923·00·2 Coasl Prope' rues AP 47-172·24 &tor Kneul>uhl, Douglas C . AP · · 411· 1~2-31 S2 700.08 1234.64 Bank. Lloyds Col &/or Weisberg Matranga, Larry J . Pevey. $ · ChatleS J, AP 47. !73-09. s1.475 80 Lewis A . AP 49·202-02. 789 26 Southern Pacific Land Co. Reynard. L G ·AP 49·202-19. Greenbell ,.partrnents. AP SIJ~::llne Bulla .. 9 Inc AP 47-180-32. $725 82 . . AP 47.180.42. S 1 825 96 49-212-09. $4.545 08 Oc.eenlronl LUI. AP 47-201-17 Foetstllf Gll~t AP •9·222-02. S4.433 68 s 1.229 26 Do e Grace M AP 47-211-09 Uhl, R1ctterC1 A AP 49-222-111 v • . S1 737 75 $1,838 56 ;. I I I e In. & T, c 0 TI Cook, Donald E AP 47·234·03. ~ tR 1923-00·2 &101 Calco 12Jd:c!~. Newpon ueacn 0191 AP Man11gemen1 Inc (CR) AP 47-24U·01 SI 16.30 49-222-20, $2 016.96 Schwartz Wiiiard K 2nd, AP $3~,~~~ !2 IO UCI. AP 49-222·32, 47-241-03, $548.22 s';;hool, Newporl Be&c.h Dost . AP $l~:~,5~aty L el el, AP 47-241·12, 49•230·0I, 132 98 Seller Jemes B AP 47.252.n Sle1ner. M1c:hae1 A AP $5.7 18.9o . . 49-230-31, s 111 00 Heossenstamm. Paul. Ole\2, Gary S3~;~d;on. Pele< J AP 49-251·02 L .. APH-263-0ll.$2.55438 Webste r Oonalel J AP Valencia. Eowaro H . AP 49.251-07 s412 98 47-273· 18. S6118 56 . Velencla. Edward H et at. AP Traci 1210 Ltd AP 49-280-32 47-273-22 s 1 429 20 $32 98 Lutt w 11i1a,.; E Jr AP <17·281-06 Franchise Reelty lnters1a1e Corp S 1 7 12 78 . AP 49-280-38 S32 98 Slaughter. JoM F .. AP 47-281-13. S3~'re'ln, Leonard, AP 49-280-51, $2,305.07 T t I I e I n 9 & T r C o T r State 01 Ce111ornla AP 47-300·03. /1 ift.1923•00•2 &/or Earl. Guy c . $32.98 3rd. AP 50-221·22. $6H 24 Ramser. Philip S · AP 48-022· l I, Brown. WlllU1m W .. AP 50-230-12. 1 111.00 ST 863 41 l(ellene Carden Trusl. A P Rodgers J ames E AP 48-024·07, '1.732.34 50.230.39 s 12 807 38 Cattlemen, Miiion L. 2nd. AP County ~1 Ofenge AP so..252..02. 48-024-08, $344 2<1 $32 98 Et tinger, Alch 111C1 P AP AP SO 2s2..03 111530 48-031-35 S304 32 • • Lauleinen Frank w AP Tl & TR Co Tr ir1A·lll23·00·2 •ll-052..02.S3.21946 &/or Kanan, Rober! J . AP Bhekla Prav1n M Lapeer S0·262-0<1 $1,626117 Rot>er1 E AP 48-091·20. $1,304 89 T 111 e Ins & fr c 0 Tr Hutton Lyda M el a t AP •IA 1923·00·2 &tor Thompson. 48-092·04 '$234 64 ' Don 0 . AP !>0-27 t-08, $703 « AP 48-092-05 $18331 Holloway. Se•• L AP 60-271-18, ' $1.104 58 Hutton. JllmeS p . AP •8-092--06 E119llsh. Jolin c . AP 50-272-05. 1225 54 I I 191 30 McC11n1oc;k. Mal>el G . AP Lechman Raymond L, AP 48-092-08, $1.214 22 50·27'·08 SI 253 30 Clly OI Newport Beach. AP Wicken.' Ray G . AP 50-272-13, 411-106-01, $32 98 $1 249 20 4 Vallely. Roland F T1 THO. AP Tl & TA Co Tr • lA-1923·00·2 8·112-08, $2,33184 &/or Schulz. Mlly w AP Grlllln, B01b11ra J AP •8· I 12· 10. 5-0-282.() 1 S7.-0 76 $343 52 • G I'll B b J •p Tl & TA Co Tr If tR-1923·00·2 r n. a1 are el al. " &/or McDonald &<yan 48-I 12· I 1. $I 503 36 AP S0-283-08 iJ.508 11-4 Vallely, Roland F Tr Thel AP Clly o l Newpon Be•ch API •S..112· 12, 116,1148 38 50.291-23 $32 98 . S enell. Allen. AP 48-1 12·20. Bellale. LIH. AP 50·321· I I 16. 151 11.4 s 1.559 85 Her11m•n. Harold c . AP T 11 I e In. & T' c 0 Tr 48-121·05, Sl,519 18 "lA· 1923·00·2 &tor Llnc.oln. AP 411-121·08, S1,519 18 W1n1low S Jr. AP 50-322-09 Reed F11mlly Pu1nersh1p. AP $1,414 88 411-122..07, S2,21894 Berkowitz. Frecrenck. AP Clly or Newporl Beac:ti. AP 50·345-07, $2.029 87 48-133-18, S32 98 Sowert. I Pege, AP 50.351. tO, Craig . Wllllam N or~al AP $232 82 48·141-31, $8,719.30 City ol Newporl Beacll AP Four Beyfront Houses, AP 50-360-02, 132911 48·142·25. Sll.535•8 Goolsbee, H1rolel Jr AP AP •8-142-211. 19,3117 32 5-0-431-14 S 1 577 51 Kegnott, Oallld B AP 48· 1•3·03 T I t I • I n s & T r c 0 T ' 1580 611 If I R-1923-00·2 &/or Firestone. WrlQllt. Glenn A . AP 48-152-08. Morton A fMSI AP 50-451·30 $1,078 10 SI 2113 88 Brook1. Robert L. AP 4S..163-06, Tl & TR Co Tr • lA· 1923·00·2 $8,478 58 & 1or Hallmark L•nel Corp. AP G•uld1n, A J8ckson. AP 50-451·311. $24,40670 48-183-19 $75328 Tl A TR Co Tr •IA-1923·00·2 Harlow, Janel l. AP 48-170-03. &1or Brown, Mlc;heel E 1111.00 AP 50-451-40, S7.263 88 Norton Kennelh A , A P 1rv1ne CoofWVA,AP50-4!>1·52, •8-170-07, '3.osg 18 $111 g9 Kemph. H•rry N., AP 48-170·20, T I t I e I n 1 & T r C o T r 182!1.02 •IR-tll23·00·2 &/or Ven Aonklll: Lewta. Jeffrey W , AP 411-201-48 Jo, AP 50-481·2 1, 13,21111.07 $2,881.58 Tl & TA Co Tr /1 IR-1923·00·2 Le Ao a e . J em e • A , AP &/or Llncoln, J 0 ., AP 50-471--04, 4S..202·12. $2,092 15 S13,480 58 01y. Doneld Jr, AP 48-211·10. Mc.Cellum, Merguerlle. AP 1642 47 50-471..07. $5,3e7 08 Mell. Louie M . AP 48-222·32 Aheelpour. Feryeloun. AP S I.OM 74 50·471· 10. 12.1119 62 Olton. Wllllem H . AP •8-240-411. 11 3 rn Co Tr • lR-11123-00-2 13,598.se &/01 Mcloud, B1uoe H • AP aeerdate•. G r•ce Y AP 50-411-St. S ll.081102 48-281-04. $810 28 Or~. Jolln Cl81ll, AP 51-011-0e, Hodgee. Ou1lln T. AP 411-272-05, $868.74 $328. f 1 JeGOb·S<!h11m, Jolln G. el Ill, AP Sorre lls , Bernlc;e B AP 51·021·11, $1,005.20 4&-272· IO, S2711.43 EI ch w a I Cl, Law re n c; e , A P H llllerd, Mlcllael G AP 51·021·t8, S l,05584 48-2111-06. 12,201.110 Sondh•ul, C h•rlU A., AP 8end e r1 F1enoea M , AP 51-031-06, 12.601.58 48-281·30, tM1.78 Beck ... S~ C, AP 51-(132·01. MeozlH , Dale, AP 48-2111·35. 13,8111H UI0.71 """ dB •p •2• euoe. o~ A .. AP 51•032-15, Monll. "" OI ., " 4..-o2· 10, U.2 88 S1 818.A2 Novell. Aobet1 F .. AP 111..()41..()8, Crawford, Brien K et •I. AP Sllt2 .ta 16-212•19. 1 1,040.32 G~. Louie I'. JI, AP 51"°41·13, TIOUt , Lelll S et e l AP l1181N ~m-34. 12.411.62 w ood, J am•• a . Tr, AP l<tnyon, C1e111. AP 4'·022·02, 8 1-0.U.02, 11,074,11 1 lt4M P •p 40 A 22 3 Sp1911er. Dllnllll N .. AP 51..()43-11. 8-r«t. ,,_ .. " ..., • 1 • 11, 143.24 1112.94 Renger, c11u1e1 M , AP Holden . Howe 1d C .. AP 51..043-1" aa 149 -u ""J~ll 113 ... • ...... 4t-029..-.rv. · •p •t 02 .. 07 Mllllr, MIOllMI T., AP 51..()4).28, Navel, 111, " .. • ..,-• 12,410.&0 .. re.oe ,. P •11 02.,,.2 er111P11m. Oanl•I M. J r.AP "'"Ill, Jolln .., , A .. • .. ..., • 111.0ll:t·21, $403 70 1 1.•.M 01rr•. "!1mond H ., AP H•rtleon..1 "o l>ett E., AP 51-001·1f, 11,N1.24 ~. f111... .. .... -.1., MOrr!..'.,, Wllll•m H. et et, AP ....._, Mlr'edo Jr.,~ -... 111-oo2-. tna.ao aeouo w ... 4-.CM2 20 ..,,., Ho!Nr '~AP 11-ooi~. ~--_,.... • ·~_!.42.0 '7~A. ....... AP 4~2.. ..,~;U ~ L. ~61~·:tl, ...,."' . ~. JftfftTt w, el 11.. AP ' I MUC.m 11.!IJ.JfJlltttiO ,_1 Q1en9regorle Anoeto J AP Cota OooekJ ll AP 416 "3 11. llOt'l IN60fl ..... Al" 0.l.(114 OJ, • tit " ....... •t-OIO~. U2t IO OrlHI 08'elopment Coro. AP 0.•111 fAC1rid,AP'109t02, 41l·OMCM t tl0762 TAlllltARAJIU01.-HU 42 Oe C1011e, L1wreno1 I . A' H•11l.0.1. Jolln A. AP 111 Ott 211 4t:).08&·02, t ll73 4 1 I tat e o t C I 111 or n t •, A I' l.1.3U 10 11or11 e . '1•0., I ck 0 , A. P <140-142· 1'3, 132 Ill I lnClberg, Vlnoer•I. AP 111· 1()3..01 423-0H·H t64r 114 AP 0 0· 10-31, f3a"' 1111 ,. Ono Ivy I( • AP •23·001·00. AP 440 10-!12 t.12 U8 lufl h1I J1 AP 111 103·28. 1600 '8 U .U I •2 Mehon•y Mercie! 0 lr, AP TAil "An A"aA 01-0U Sta1t1 ur \.1lllorn1n, AP Ii 1 10::1 31 4:13 003 03 ••30 11 lllftpaon Olllle11 A A,. 461·8tl 81 1 1.01011 YuP11 W1n01 re1 Cor11 A' •H~M 1 111 6 1,114 13 oe .. •• Oo11ald n AP 41111·!11.01 '' ltO 9• &m1111. Sn111on v AP 468·)11 23 M4 1llO knight, John Wll•on 3rd. AP 409·011·.la. I 1,0llf IJ Aocrrtouu. tverecro c AP 409 1171·46 13 lel'I TO 132 H City Of Newpor I 6eec;n AP 111 103 32 ~2 118 423 10:1·04 13~ 00 AP Vlt••• L•Mt>arl 1nv 424·181 011 $27 3113 811 "'' 1hnm1non Oe11y L AP Mel1>on Jeme• M AP $t •I• or C e llfornle 6 I I 12 111 14114 88 d)-111 0). $3190 A P 461·80101 Sl;.>•174 lrvtne Co Al' •!Ill ll 11 11 $118 Ill Allen J8'"" w AP 81-11~·21 O e•Cln•• Ol e ely• L AP $1.8114611 •23·1U-0• S10~331 s .. ,. OI Ce l11u1111e A.P llynon , Oouo1 .. B AP Catp. l ewl• J AP 42' t6301, u o-oe1-03.SJ206 HO¥., Thum .. I Af' 4111·01"·11 $31210 :. t 113 10, • t 122 111 u .oeo os Bellamy. Jolln AP !I 1· 113· 11 Legun1 Pec;lltc; nn1nc;lal lllG, AP 12,31111 28 423 l~--011. 13.3CIO 00 Kuttanl·Khan, Hooenano f4 AP Oleru1, Jeck w , AP 423 17 t -09. 111 12 I 03 '1,:l'l'> I 117 $ 1,779 10 Sttlwatz, Jamee K • AP Mlo,.eleen, Jonn F AP 11 t 122 11 s:iao 15 '423· 1111.03 sa.:i 111 o Sondll•u•, Cl1Arlt11 A AP Welleo e , G1eo ory E • AP SI 12' IS, S70868 423 . ·4·02, Sl,111808 Jacon .. n, Oarlerie E AP Juaun, Ef\lln Q , AP 423-186-02. 111.12313,S1,02o u St,211882 Rotcoe Oreg AP 411 I 0 14·0 I, $3.0711 60 Blyllle WlllleM B•11y AP •llt·l 11 16 $6,008 86 L••· S•ng K . AP 1io 314 011, C1mor100• lflVDlllrlelllt AP S3.202 67 481-111·20 13,3811 28 Wiike. G11elC1 l . "'' 120·321·08. Pler'9, John 0 . Al' 4b I 111 30, l b. 107 44 S4.1124 22 Bl1ke, George. Al' 120·332•06, 01r1tt11 , .John Joy 3rd. AP $715.311 481 11 t 38, • ' 88~ 73 fl& rl! Co Tr • 1R 1923·00·2 &/or lnlanl.l Counlla• F111•nc111 Corp Le1 a m1, Gerelcr A • AP Keno•dv, B11111 H 51-131-CHI $1.032 01 423·193-06, $4,792 I!• Horvath, Ru1n ~ AP 120 33•·0!>. AP g34·04·02 I. $394 74 AP Sl.3113 30 5 11 ... Nancy A AP 51-132·08 Brown. AIChlfd w Sl,537 42 423· 194-03, 146:1' Sii GuH• Rulh AP 51· 132-21!, v1ncenll, Reymoncr O AP S9t8811 423·105-01, $!>7904 Tl& IA Co Tl • IA· 1923 J0·2 &tor AP Oullz Aol>ert AP 120-344·08, S4 2•2 30 Bergin, Tr1ona. AP Ill 141 05. fli c ke r . Mi iion M TA.ll lllATI! AlllEA 07-oat Clly ()I N•WPOrl Be•cn 4511.022 06. s:n u11 Huston Rol>trt J 31 a •58.022·26 12,401 40 AP AP 440 tll oe Ill" $04713 tc;11001 Newport M•H Unlli.ct vou T•O Jt.P t IT·llt 04 0t11 AP 440 221 02 100 20 u nr oo Tll TR C.o Tl •,A 11113.(J() 7 AIOI 111 tl'I Co Ir •IA lt»-00-2 &IOI OrHH• P•ul ~ AP 4.40 303 10 1t111 Joe M el 111. AP 111 .... ).10, 12,433 011 $2.0114 tll Tl&TRColt •IA 11123002&/or $ll v11e, Oon 1 to M ' AJI Ho11111n, aeoro• M AP 111111 10,U ,431.13 440 303 14 Sl,770 2! Tl& If~ co T1 ,. 1R-11123~2 l-/or H ol11a 111 lndull•I•• AP Ofey Aalpn AP 117 111·••. 440 303·211, S7 13 711 $78111! t AP 440 303· 28 1410 40 Tl& rR CO Ir e 1R 11123-0().2 &IOI fl&TR Co Tr• IA 1023·00 ~ &10• l>•Y" MICl1NI C AP 117-721~. Aanwurlh 0•11 AP 440 30•·011. SOI& 11) $4'1112 Tl& TR~ Tr •IR· 1123..00.2 &/Or TRI& IR Co 1 r • 1R· 1U:t)·00·2 K1111er J•"* l AP 117·121°'4f , &tor Lu1.H Hower4 l'lunell AP S!l 741 48 U0-3-0!1.:lll MU 11 Ho •g I 1nd A 1 c;her d AP Tl& TR Co Tr • 1H 1023 00 2 &lor 117·7' I 11 $2.98 I 07 . Foet11 Ronald 0 AP 030 H 006. Pollock. C 0 AP 1 t7 721 12 1113 I !.9 1:1.980 48 11& 1 ll Co Tr •IA 11123 00 2 &/or Bert>en Theodor• A 2nd llenlc LIWll, OorOlhr 0 AP 1130 J7-008. Pecoll(; 'c11y. AP 111.121-23, $686 14 $3 48 I 67 fl&IR t.oTr•IA 11123002&/or Cumming• John H ., AP Ben1rnlt, M ••lhO 0 AP 11772126 S7 t4004 930310110111 511100 Tl&TR Co fr •1A·1923..00-2 &/0t 1111 IA Co fl /I IA 11123-00? &tor th 0 111 I 0 II N." e y A . A p Hart t tnomaa •I 11 , AP 111721-211 U ,34S00 11301111014 1 1,on1n Recr1noto11 oone1cr s Tr AP T11.rACoT1 •IA 192300·2&/at 117 711-15 $3848114 OKketton JOO A AP 930-58-040 s e 1> .. 0 A I ch .. Cl L A p S2116 65 117 773 06 $!> 12 04l Tl&TR Co T1 •IA 1923 00·2 &101 Beaver Jell••r Bruce .AP s m. I • • r I u I • n c" E A p I 11 713·01 $4 488 10 930-56·084 Sll81 10 Gaoo Eelwon S AP 111 711 1-05. $2..543 18 423-213--00. $1,638 74 Y11C1•11ara11 . Ba10 11.n AP Wheel•r. Jellry J Tl& TR Co Tr 11IA·1923..00-2 &1or MIChNI• PetrlCll, AP 120-371-04 AP $711 80 Tl&TR Co Tl 'IA-1923·00·2 &1or AP fobln, Cart E AP 120-371·11, Schoo!. Newport Qilacti °'" 458-351·02. s 1.78!! 80 Tl& TR Co fr IA 1923 00·2 &tor $381 t5 AP wash1ng1on John I.. AP Ford C11lllf G AP •26-043-13. 930-63-008. St.301 12 S538 87 ~ 1· 14 I 23. 11.1411 Gii 423·214..02. $656 94 Ah!~&nelur W•Cle AP 51 14 1·26. Sliver. Veu Ii . AP 423 '18..04 $98 I 06 $32 98 Kell•ay, Haroun AP Sl-15 1-23. Haye,. K111olyn K $3.107 78 423·223·07. Sl,000 82 Soukoraa, John, AP 51.152.02. Gardiner, Olne y M A P 11.792 24 423·231·09, S220 12 Colvtn. Liiy AP 5 I 162·06 Camull, Sybll, AP 423·236·02, $300 16 $4811 97 Freemen. Alon P AP 51 1111-07. Allman, Sheldon, AP 423-238-07. S 1,2 I I 36 13.643 tO Hollenbe ck, Jemea A AP S111n Kennelh A 5 ,_ 162-0 '· S974 22 423·24 1-05, $1,599 87 MllChflll Chari•• B Jr, AP Retch•r. Ro1>er1 N AP s 1· 162· 11 s 1 21 I 39 423-243-04. $1, 152 20 W1lllem & Manon Co1p, AP Aeymono. J Gregory. Jettrey W 51 162-16, S2.089 35 Jameson & w1111am M Churchlll Jr. Hye pock, Jimmie Rey AP AP 423·2•5-08. $4.235.32 51·163.{12 S47692 Abraham, Michael A AP Flowers. John Vict or, AF 423·247·15, IA,59086 051·191·07. S l,57230 Slur g 1~. Wllllam I 12.1111120 Tl&TR Co Tr I lA· 1923·00·2 &/or TAX AATI! AREA 01-G37 A p :::;·8;11on11 S AP 120·372-09 , Tl& TA Co Tl II IR-1923·00·2 &/or Tl& TA Co fr • IR-111?3·00·2 &lor Younke1 Aou.rt A . AP 458-50 1-04. 81eelley. J ome1 A . AP 120·381-02. s45:: I~~ a 11 A 0 U 11r 1 H A p $2.924 O• 458-513·06. S5S4 06 $1~7~' Marti, AP 120-381-03 S11ew1ncr Community Aun AP Tl& TA Co 11•IA·1923-00·2 &lot 458·!>15·01, $32 08 VarrllO, George L AP 120·382.0t, AP 458-522·10, 132911 •• •p A P S3 3411 88 K e r II o on . S t • v en ,.. ... furner, t<fllvtn H AP 120·383-06 481 111·14. $2,388 38 S 1 425 83 H a I I> 0 r A I Cl 0 e A e J n A P • •81· 131-04 $32 98 Tl&TRColr 111R-1923-00·2 &ror AP 461•13 t.24 $3298 Fru(hbom Paul F AP 120-389-08 AP 4111 131 32 132 98 $421 74 • Seeks Robert AP 120-392-06 AP 461 131-34. $32 98 • 1 'o Wa111 1ns M1ch11el M /IP .,l,4 I I 93A 6t-019 $1,2114 19 W elke• M&llnD M AP 934·61 039 SI, 163 00 AP Barnett Richard H . A F 423·261-02,S2,888 39 51.191.14, Sl,23008 Bani.., Securlly Paclllc; Nationa l Beeco Ltcl &/or Randoll Anne E Burns. La Vora AP 5 1 192· 16 fr AP 423 281 03, $6.081 41 AP 114·211·28 1257 19 N T E Inc AP 934 6 I 040, s 1111 10 $1.062 64 Giii, Ronald L AP 423-264· 10 Haver. wa11~n N. Al' !>1 ·:.IOl·t:S, S911.33 TA)( RATE Al'IEA 07·025 S3.159 50 Crane, Oon11ld B AP 423-275-05 Campagna. frlona B AF S t,70054 Counly 01 Orange AP 51·211 10 S602 96 Pessas. Beuy J . AP 423·281-07, 114-200-1 t, 532 98 Marshall John H 310, AF. S9.887 38 !-1-212-18 J23t290 Stomal, Pat11c;1a AP 423-291..03, l All lllA T£ ARF.A 01-o2t Kersh11er M11r1 lyn AP 934-61..043 $2,314 90 ~llch1e, George A AP 93•·61-045 1621 7 t Bekhit. Samo S AP 936 46·022, 12.530 14 G1v11ns Jemes E 936-46-035 $8,016 40 AP Sullivan Wllhl N AP 51·213-22 S l.064 88 S l,Ot834 Hughes. Merilyn J , AP Be101n lrlona AP 51-232·10 423-291-08. $723 50 Wayne P1111r $11100 AP 117-381·12. BraCIShlW James AP 9::16-46-039 SS 13 7 14 $1,657 76 C0411ns. Jolin T , AP 423-296-03. Glatch Louis r Jr AP 51·241·05 $1192 86 $59580 Properties West Inc, AP AP 51·241..06, $1.003 40 423-296--04. $2.013 68 Allen. Jomes w . AP ~1·2•3·21. AP 423·296-05, $2.013 86 $1.10042 Mulhearn. Bruoe T T1 . AP 3425 East Cout Hlollwav 424-411·12, S2.87880 Assoc1ate1. AP 51·28 1-04 Proporllet W ell Inc , AP Sl.295 88 424-412·01, $2.182 t6 ::.m11n Uouglas J at al, AP G1lem1>01. Ferenc K . AP 51-262-08. s 111 00 •2<1-412· 12, S12<1.80 C11y or Newpo•I Beac;h, AP Southern Pacific: Land Co 51.262-18. S32 98 C•••loon• Oabrre1 A , AP Graves. lemuet A AP 51·291· 17, 42<1·4 13· LI $2,668 4• $541 24 8oyelen A K AP 424·• 13· 16, Slemons. Jim AP 117 572-34. Sl.21771 Melli Arnie AO 117-803-08,, 52.002 42 Gray, Michael H . AP 117-604·05. $139 06 Feauc.111 Manuel J AP 117-73 t-23, Sl 758 79 Prenderoos 1 01ane 0 . AP '17-732·16 $125 46 Bloch. David A., AP t 17 732· lb $2. I 19 60 TU lllATE AREA 07..Q30 Batelh, Roy T ' AP 51·292-05, $118 !>2 $167641 Soutnern P1c111c Lend Co Kohl Ann A AP 439-301·31 Turne< Jo A.nn S. Af> 51-301-03 renery John A AP •2•·414-02 S786 98 Irvine Co AP 936 46·0 45 Sl,59721 TAX RATE AREA 07-1140 Ha1b or Ridge Assn 461· 131 11, $32 98 AP 461·131 17.$3298 AP 461-131 ·26, S32 98 AP 461·131~9 .• S32 98 Parsa. 01oms11eeel Jim 461 141·02 '2 978 55 Irvine Co AP 46 1-1 •1 lt.738 66 Han1f1n , P.atr1ck W 481-141-15 SJ 044 79 AP AF 13, AP $1.1191 98 S824 11 Bog Cenyon Community Assn Af Lene. L1ndNY p . AP 51-312-51, AP 424·•114-04 S2,834 54 TAll RATE A.REA 07.()33 442-032·25, $32 !18 $677 811 A p AP 424·41>·02, $381 59 Ga'"e' Russell C AP 49·271·02 AP 442..032·37 $32 98 0. Cl v a I. A n In 0 n y A AP 424·4 I >--04 $2 ,498,34 AP 442-032·40, $32 98 51-322-22 S332762 Sl•ICker Herl>e•I H AP $89516 I c I w v &I Ehs•hl, Oaryou•", AP 51·3"2-30 ''~·091·13 SI 757•8 Barnell, Lynn, AP 49·271-14 , rvone o o 8 0 • 0 " ''" c $760 99 Brinelerson Oevelopmenl Corp, AF S2,52138 Roten Oceo AP 425·092·02. AP 442-091-04, SI0,533 47 Lowe Frederick M AP Sl,800 76 Pur1ngl on. Wiiiiam E Ingold Rol>ert F Jr AP 51·322-31 s 13:.> 06 Cots. Oonald E . AP •25·092-07. •9-272·04. S944 84 442 I',. 10. s 1,85'1 9• Carlelon Br ell AP 5 t ·330-28. $829 06 Bog Canyon Commun1ly A5sn AP S51722 Kuykencr1111. A1c;haro A . !oP TAXRATEAREA01-034 442-111·40 $3298 Janes. Terry Ellen·AOele. AP 425-092-20,1502 96 Tl&TR Co lR alA·l923_00_2 Brock 'laymoncr E AP ") 1-330-35 S3 592 52 Olson, Curlis R AP •25-094-05, & Io' K • r n J ames ~ AP 442-121-07 S 1 424 06 C n a r 1a1 w 1111 11 m F AP S 111 00 •5•07,.29 • .,,505 60 r LoPeZ At>elaroo AP 44? 121·•• 51 342 13 s 1 95" •• Ben~ Lloyds C11I AP 425·2•3· 10 .... .., • •.,.. AC111mson, Reg1nalel E . AP Sl,38980 Zwebe• Aol)9f1F AP 51·342-16 SS0•30 458111_28 $287978 Jonnson William M AP $432511 GranOle Willem A . AP · S 5 020 Menclno James AP 51-351-04 •25-382·33, 1696 92 Tl& TR cO Tr • 1A-l923-00·2 &/or 44~-~~~~: on" ~a yne l A p S2.924 20 S le I e o I Ce I ol or n I I AP Snyeler Rocherel G AP 458-112-0 I p 5 353 1 u o. 131·211. $32 1111 $413 9' . . 442· 131· 12, s I 026 44 SS:~n~~n Joe N A 1· • 1 • AP U0· 131·30, $32 98 M ~Ibo n J II mes M A p BIQ Canyon Commun1ly Assn AP Poll •• AP 52 n 2 AP U 0·132·11, $32118 458-115-02 $434 52 442·131·36 $3298 Royce, y ..,., ""1 • ll AP 440-132· 12. $32 911 Tl& TR Co T1 "lA-1923-00-2 &/or Ding, Lock G AP 442" 141" 17 · 52·894 88 AP ••O·t32·20. $3298 Nleelrtnghaus Alcnaro F AP $2·86808 Counly of Ofange. AP 52.()13-30. 458_121-0&, S958 48 Mar11nuu1. Eelwarel V AP $3298 AP ... 0·132·22, 5321111 Torre'I Guilh1tmo M . AP 442.151.21. S2.257 13 Moore. Kent S. AP 52-031-04. AP «0· 132·23. $32.98 4511•12._27 $926 00 Bur ere n. Joseph L S962 62 AP 4<10· 132·2&. 132.98 TIA TFI Co Tr • IA-1923·00·2 &/or 442· 151·29. s 1,583 26 State or Calllo'"la Perk. AP AP 440-132-26, S32.98 Schlste r. A Oonelcr (JT 1 AP Big canyon Commun11y Assn. AP 52-050.01 $32 98 AP 440· 132-27 S32 98 4511-132·03 $1 090 36· 442-171-63. '32 98 Slate ol Calllomla, AP 52..050-10, s/.;;~"ees Co AP H O· 132· 28 Tl&TR Co Tr r IR· 1923..()0.2 &lor AP .. 2.171 64 $32 98 !°3P2 ::.oS0-22. $32 98 S 1 et e o 1 Ca Ii Io r n 1 a . AP Tr achy Tarry E AP 458-13•-06 Canyon View Community Aun AP 52.050-23, $32 98 440-132-29. $32 911 $1.270 0e . AP «2• 171..fi!t 132 98 AP52-05114.$32911 County ol Or1nge AF Bllc;kner P1tt1c 1a A AP AP 442·l7l-66 S3298 AP 52..051·21, $32911 .. 0· 132-31. $32 98 458·134·011 SI 20'211 :: ::t:~ ::U ti~~: United SlllH Of Amer1c.a. AP AP 440· 132·32. '1.7115 80 per c,.., e I A 0 be' I J A p AP 442 171 97 $32 98 52..051·23 $32 911 fl & TR Co Ir • IA-1923·00-~ 4s:·~~2~~~ SJo': ~n I. M A p AP 442: 171:98. $32 98 State ot Cal1lorn1e. AP 52..05 t·24. ~~~ ~;crlek OaVld. AP 458..031-07 458_162_29 SI 557 36 Bog Cenyon Commu1111y Assn AP $3Jo~. Albe!I E .. AP 52-062·14. Tl & TR Co 11 •IA-1923-00-~ Ao1>1nson Stepnen L AP 442"171•99· S3298 P 0 •58-194..()6 s 1,342 38 p e I e u $. s p e I e I G . A p $370 60 &/or 111m•n. avid Scnool, Newpor1-M111a Unllleel 442-1111-01, S2.294 60 Wankier. Weldon. AP !.2-062-20. AP 458..033-02 S3,519.28 0111 01 Orinqe Countv IXX). AP Maxwell Merion, AP U2-181-37 $68620 McGall1gan, Geor9e J . AF 458_194.10.$3298 16.534 34 Jobe. Alb!lfl E .. AP 52·062-21, 458-043·05, 12,3111.40 Z 1 n d I eh, H 0 u 9 , e in. AP Oulnarel. 01am1n11na Fuentes. AP 13.036 26 Tiiie Ins & Tr Co Tr llR-1923..()()..: •58·221·23 S2nc1 06 <1.42-181-43, $3.560 88 Mc••ull" ••aru I •p •2 "71· IO, & Io • Co ve , John W • AF · ·•" 0 I I S A p " , . .., " " " .., M I no g u e w 11 11 am A p 0 n g • n n 'on , $38296 458·061·22.1112282 458-232·13 11:39026 .. 2-181-46.St,72•48 S2T~~~ ~~1~u Holly AP 52-09f· 17 s ;R~:~2~~~2' &1"o. ~;._~o~. J';;,r School. Newport-Mesa U"ltleel Her old A a Y mono C AP AP Tl&TRCoTr •IA 1923·00·28/or Siemon• Jo m e t B AP Marllll, R1ch111CI L AP 1130·63·026. 425 052· 10, $53 t 65 $725 30 Paquin 011le E AP A211·0113..02, Tl& TR Co Ir • 1R 1\123-00-2 &/or i 1.597 18 Gould. Ber11ord R et al. AP Rooke. Helun A. AP 42rt-t21·03, 930·63·044, 12.048 ~4 $2 148 4 I Tl&TRCol1 •IA·l923·002&/or SI Suto Kennetn F AP Stewart Step1te11 C AP 93A-t8-021.S481172 930·63·062 '1.811 86 s tllll ii o I c n 11 f I e. T A p Tl&TA Co T1 • IR-11123 00·2 &tor 936-99 -018 1597 22 Ham G11orga A 1JT1 AP 930-63 065 $432 !>2 Tl& TA Co rr • IA 1923-00 2 &101 TAX AA TE A"l!A 07-6t7 HOl§le1n George 3rd AP Jaroos Hervey A 930-64·0?3 $747 30 425-10 1·33 I I I 1 00 AP ll&TR Co Tr• IA 1923·00·2 &/or L yn c n Ed w 8 r er T Aucllchuk Jean H AP 930·87 021 425 102.08 $335 20 AP S'r~:;:>Co Tr •IR 1923·00 2 &/or S3~1:~ Joseph AP 425·301 18, Moses.Mocllael M AP930·87-103. Garner Rus•ell C AP $597 72 l?!J-301-25 $I 165 58 Tl& TR Co Tr n IA 19n.oo.2 &/or Aesmkoll0 Atltour AP 425·302-07 Maridala. Saveroo Oav111 AP )652 75 · · · 930-93·004 8 t, S 11 t 00 B a , 1 h J o s a p h e t a I A P 118 TA Lo Ir •IA· 1923·00-2 &/or 12!>-302 16 $1 303 JO Wel~h Lh1151y AP 930-93·013 OOS!>llll 0Rob•fl G AP Sl,7'.l63C. •2!>30334 S54194 ' Tl& TA Co I 1 n IA 1923-00-2 &/or Hols1etn George M AP 931·44-003 SI 231 12 Tl& TR Co Ir •IA 1923..00 2 &lor Molhk&n Judoll1 A AP 931-44·038. S•38 78 Ti& TA Co T1 "IA 1923·00·2 &lat Finn F1ank L AP 931 44·044 SI 082 76 Tl& TA Co Tr • lA· 1923·00·2 &/or Gillett. Ho•BLe F Jr tCPI. AP 931-64-017 $492 63 Tlli TR Co Tr •IA 1923 00·2 &/01 Hea•sl Oen"1s J el al AP TAX RATE AREA 01~ M c. Kenne N.t ncv l I 17 391-09. $322 33 Anderson Claude 0 I 17·392· 18. $198 4 I Wrnc1gle B.trb•r• V 117-401·0•. S93-021 B•uc e Marilyn Mullaly '17 -402-02, $853 80 TAX RA TE A.REA 07-osl AP AP AP AP 931·64·049, $1.23258 Ewing Gregory S Norlh Blull Park Commun11y 4?6-111-0fi. Sl.704 34 A P Assn.AP931·64·083 $3298 Leavenwo rl ll A C AP AP 931·64·091. $32 98 426-111-36 S3718 14 Tl& TR Co Tr /1 IA 1923·00·2 &/or Mon1001n Oonolel V (CPI AP TAX ffATE AREA 01-GSI 931-69-012 S!.91 65 Tl& rR Co Ir IR·1923·00·2 t.lor Sledge Juel1tn K AP 931·69.()40 Macker Pete• A AP 119·3 H.() I S2.8S• 78 S64J 32 Co• Edward w AP 931 74..()()9 Sl.5'7 36 Tl& TR Co Tt ~ IA-1923-00·2 &tor BulhH. E Lynn AP 931 74-035 $707 65 11& fR Co IA IA 1923·00·2 &/or M1'lbou111e. M11r1an J IWS) 9 AP 931 74 039 $785 04 Norlh Blull Pork Cornniunoty Assn, AP 931·74-075. S3298 Jordan. R1cha1d V AP 93 I 79·0 t3. $I 334 70 Aull. 011v1cr M AP 931·81·016 $729 35 Bow1e1 M OouQla!> AP 93 t-8 t-031 S2.238 90 Nortn Blult Bay v-Commumry Assn. AP 931 8 t-0!>0 S32 98 Ti& TA Co Tr IA 1923 00·2 &lor HOISle1n Mary J AP 932.0S-O 17 S1 138 75 Tl& TA Co Tr •IA 1923..00-2 &tor Harl Oan IJT) AP 923 05 027 $969 50 Tt& TR Co Tr •IR· 1923·00·2 &lor Vann, John C Jr AP 932·05-037 $1,826 40 . No11h Blutl P<1rk Communlly Assn. AP 932-05·055. 132 98 AP 932-05-056 SJ? 98 AP 932-05·057 $32 98 De Beoumon1 Lyle E' AP 932-53·0 IS s 1 •73 J4 11& TR Co T 1 1 R · 1923·00·2 & tor Chanler LOia N AP 932 53-020 S2 362 10 Tl& TR Co Tr • IA 1923..00·;> &/or Methn<;I Ronald F AP 932·53.()36 $840 71 Norlh e1u11 Bay view Community Assn. A.P 932·53.()4 I. $32 98 11& TR Co Tl •IA· 1923·00·2 &/or Co1eswo11hy Charles F AP 932-69·018 81 St" 00 Tl& TR Co Tr IA·l923·00-2 &/Or Os11n Harold I< AP 932·69-062 s1.03797 Nortn Blull VIiia Commun11y Assn AP 932 69 065 S32 98 TAX RATE A"E:A 01-6t~ TA.ll RATE A"EA 07..ost Canson Ka1her1ne. A f. 119-251 06 s 1.396 84 Snareel Mahm ood A P 119-25;> 08 s 1,426 34 T 1n Hla N A p '19·2!>2-13 . $937 18 l et! Ronald G Collings. Jet11ey I'\ AP 119·252-tS SI 335 08 Catroll Rot>erl C A P I 19 253-04 SI 508 56 Bar•ell Mari. A AP 119-321-47 $16844• • TAX l'IATE A"EA 01•1 rv1ne lnduSlroal Comple• Scf>o#r Mildred J AP 4 27-151-03 s 10 406 9• S1o.111•c ll.1 Weller Josep11, AF 50·0 11 11 S!>,060 •2 Coml>s, Gary AP 50-011· 18 $9 IS 48 Fe1guson. Thomas A AP 50·021 21 $2.708 92 Mc. Nash Stepnen 50-032·21 s 1.202 12 AP Lockhar1 John C AP 50 032-23 $2 926 48 Horner Je.ome J AP 50-041-09 SI 494 SO Cumm•no$ John H AP S0-042-02 s 1 463 72 Clark Ooug18s G AP !>0·043·21, $2 258 58 Hall, Roberl Jr AP 50·051·22. S588 18 Solomon Edw erel A , .AP '>0-0$2-24 $2,661 96 Nichols. Willa AP 50-052·25. $3 290 62 Tate . Tt1eoelore H Tr, AP 50·062·02. s t.569 50 Tully Gerelel F at el AP 50·063·0•. $533 31 Forneu "trharel O •p L •p4u·06"·13 S908•• Olsl.ot Orange County (XX). AP 442•181•51·S6.ll.499• 52•10,_21 'S4M ea " T~ 1 1 ~0 1 n' 9 & T r ""c 0 1 , 4se-242.13 $227 60 Fuen1es-Ou1n8rd Victor Tr AP Stult.8 Theodore T AP •1A·t923·00-2 &10f Whtte.Oe<llO Heger.J0el A.AP 45S..2:1•·12,4•2•1111·S2·'2•86858 Assn. Thomossen GeorgoW AP 52·103·25 $609 12 T AP 4511-062· 15. S•78 7• $l1 I 00 A;:~8~:f ~;;-unily 117-421·0 I, $362 70 Adams La11y G AP 50-083-21 $191208 Mc Ktnll)' J Chlle llna AP 50.063.31 S2 7 I 96 ,.-·st Pr,......-. AP 52· 103·29. Newpoll Hiiis Community ""'" • • B n J •me~ M s1S6'08 .,....... ·-Oedver, Anthony, 8earel, Ronelv AP 458•2SS-07 $32 98 AP 442· 1111·56, S32 98 en n 8 AP 52·103-30, $152811 Phlll1p •• •I AP 030-81-•01 Jenkins o1Mie. AP 458-263-17, AP 442-181-57 $32911 11~-:~~~o~o.!e9::2E90AP 111433..02 $968 72 $!192 O& AP 442· 181·58, $32 911 , AP 52· 103·32 SIMS S-0 ye r , Ch r I 1 I In e F; A P N 0 b I e M 1 rgere1 E A p AP 4"2· 1111·59 $32 98 S 1 t99 40 Beiley. Nogef W , AP 52·111-04. 932·18-00S $819 14 458_271-0;, ,343 57 AP 4•2·181·61, $32 98 Lee. Ronald 0 Snanatlllt, Stevflll $1~~~;:y Edw1rCI M .ManHr. 93~.-;~~:.·s,~:~·m E AP Heney Gordon l APAP442182-28.S32118 lt~.~t~-:~4 .. 0~l~·v6~1f' AP Ul•ry J . AP 52· 120· 14. $1,476.36 Rains. Glenn A . AP gS2-36-010. 45&·27 l-02.' $2,245 50 ~: ::~: ::~:~~. ~~ :: 117-442· 10. $348.00 Sl8te ol Cellforn1a Perk, AP $2.49554 Oreno• Counly lnvestmeni Co AP .. 218232 $3298 Reynolds. C harles, A P 52 20 8< •~2 08 Inc, AP 468-271 I 1, $1,092 78 • • ' 17 •53 O 1 $792 77 ·1 • ....... · AP932·38-020.$2.349 86 Th\TRCoTr •lR·1923.oo.2 &1or Irvin e Co &/or Adams & t ·~ • Abreu, Aleuneler AP 52-132-24, o o u 11 11•,1 y . H 0 r • E A p l~ Ramon fJT) AP •58•273_24 Morehead lnvesimem Partnor1111p B • u c e Mar• I y n A S2,798 14 1132·36-028. 15711.82 .;7,.5--7•0 ' AP .. 2·271-03. $36.279 t6 117-454· 14. $802 32 Alkm1n.Le.slleN AP52-143-11, Meedows, Georo• T AP ..,Newpot1Hllla CommunilyAun. Tl&TACoTr •IA·1923-0<>-2 &tor Stansbury Jo11n F AP SI 332 61 932·55-008. $13808 AP 45a..2?5-0I 1321111 Yeelegaran, Sl'lemooeel er el. AP 117 461 24 $1.5111 48 Morey,8r1anJ011n,AP52-H3·24, Hatti•. Shlrlay M . AP T~TRCoTr•tR-1923.00-2 8/or •58-052-t4 120433& Gramme MIChHI A Jr. AP S8S~9a~e'o6t "-•11ornia. AP "'2· 150-0 '· 1132·5>028. 13,593 78 Pierce John 0 AP 4511-28.4·0• Tl& TA Co Tr • 1A· 1923..00·2 &10< 11:;:;~:'j~~h~P 117·•62-20. • .,2 9• __. ., Lul>y, Roger W AP 932·7Cl-004. $439 50 Brall.ov1ch G1egory P AP v,....... ~P •2".. 150·02. S32 9• S 1,629 32 Newpc>rl Hiii• Community Aun. 458-062.03 S3.2•8 9• "J2o6 ,'~I e n er J 'mes A P " " o Shefte r . Jo a e p h N . AP AP 458•284•11 132 II& H a n c. o c II. He I e n B AP AP 52·150-03. S32 98 932-84-006. $1122 66 Well•. Jonn AP 4511·?92·03. 458-171-02 S3.344 26 117-464-27. $1,77 t 32 AP 52-150-04. $32 98 Smltll George W 3rd Tr. AP $l 3lll045 Foa Bob. AP 458 182·01. Bye•s. R1c;i. AP 117·472·07. S1 Nelson. AllOll L . AP 52-161·11. 932·84.0011 $2.136 51 i: 183209 23• 76 1 732 84 Barton. Jotin AP 1132-94·00 1, S7~;i:;• WOiiam H' AP 458-292· 17 T •nor e. PI tr I ck M AP Wood, P'eler A AP 117·472-26, Ztglel Weltor M. AP 52·181·23, $668 00 Ve atermerk Glly O AP 458·1112·28. $1.537 00 12.39100 $2.003 70 Lyneh. Aobefl 0 .. AP 932-1~4-036. 458-294-08, 1123 .. 35 · Tl&TR Co Tr • IA-1923..()0 .• 2 &/Of Perino. Louis J , AP 117-419 1-06, Donnelly, Paul N., AP 52·18 1-25, 1511138 tr 111 n e C 0 0 I W V 11 . A Smllll. Llewellyn B .. AP 458·371·0·3, 1822 64 Sl.1811.78 T 111 e I n I & Tr c 0 T I 458-301-03 1317 82 11.4113.08 H11t1ay, Mark, AP 117·491·10. S 1ete of Calllornle Parlt . AF • IR·lll23-00·2 &/or Muech, Jolln TllTR Co Tr 6 iA-11123.()().2 &/ Tl&TR Corr• tA 1923·00·2 &tor $2.'72 22 525::~:·c~~!~1e, AP 52-180--02 A ~~~'·T~ ~~~2~k r~2~~~2 Ki.In. DouglH A . AP 45S..371·14 For'd, Mlehael A AP 458-372-08, $~.~Y· Edith I(. AP 117-493..01. $32."8 12 024 •2 S l .043.6-0 u 111 L"" B ap 117 •93 10 .. &/or F1led111cr1, Gudello, AP • Pooe Emes1 L AP 458-373-045. .., er. "'' " ·~ • · W-..._, A L·-•·•. AP 52·1"1-01 ,,.,. "2..0 I I 390 '"" Noya, Tilomu A . AP 458-391-33 •" $208 00 ..... 74"' ....... .. ......... I • 1, .... $1,787.:13 $1,51811< ,,...:•ii~ . .,~kerel e •p 52_1.,2_27 J eWl ll, Wiid E Tr. AP Kremeilch, Mertln J •A Buth. S em A AP 4!>8-532-30, Oral. Wllll•m A AP 117-504-05. ... ... ....... ... .. 934-54..002' 16,277. 54 451-.422-07. 1295 111 S3,302 54 $932 7 l!>I042 Pa11lno , Jotepn R . A.P S1te nel , Clltt oro L . A J eM11ne Cree1<ConvnunltyANn. Scllulme n Ro1emary AP ReuWI. Gary E , AP 52·200-o2. 037-22..002, Sl,588 22 458-.422 14 S88ll ll8 ,..j AP 458-532·58. $32.911 117-505-04, S42t 52 $11100 501 SI Andrews Pe rtne ra. AP Vlrt~e '& Scheck Inc ArJ Cornellt on. Ao1>e1t L Jr /IP Reele, Chrlato pher B · AP MeK-, Merlln, AP 52·202· 14. 037·22.003. II 13 02 4N-4'5-02, 12,0llO OO · 458-541· 18. $ 1'5 52 117·5114-02, S2,829 24 "81199 J p 52210 t7 03t;~!c:,;:.~.~~4~~Ply J AP Clly ol Newport BHC.11, AP1 s~r9eA<>bot1J .. AP458-541-25. 11~:58!.~i.~1~;,~:i 2nd, AP l<lllefer, olln A • • · 4~41-01,132118 1·99· Bronner,Jonnl ,AP117·5112-01, $3il~~~t.nomerk inc &/or Manin, 113~-~2°..0:9,' ,;.';,~;' • • J AP Newport Hiiie Community AH~ Dolen, Jolln P . AP <156-M1·211. 13.11114 26 J em e. A . A p 1 1 •• 8 8 1 • 0 1 ' Morgon. um. H .. AP 988-810-08. A: 4118·441-02. S32 118 $3, 148'84 Part0na. Lor-. AP I 17 -5112-03, $1,803 58 $1,8115.511 A 5 458-462·1•.132.llll 07-0U $3.1124 26 AP 1 t4-ee1-05, Sl,470.18 Schonl1w, Mn. CharlH , AP COii. Arolllbelel o . 3rd, A TAX ,.,.Tl .... a A Fetlln JlmmNI A. AP 1 17-594~. C f 0 A p a 2 I 37 .,, 458-471-08. 1812.64 $383.85 0 Un I Y o re n II•• 11118-vlO• I • II "'" ArlhUI. Allin A . AP 458-472-17 T,1& TA Co T1 • 1A· 1112J-00·2 •/Of " 117·801..Qll, $32.llt Blltbo1ough, Wllll•m C Jr, AP A C TI A p M urr e l. Ao b • r I ,, 8 1•1• o f C 1 llforn le , AP 088-810-28, ll.38368 $2.0.4:z.9i Moulton. Liiier J ' 117·511•·14. $-400 57 117·801-00.132.08 F l emlni, ee 1t>1 r e . AP She nk , Ch e iiee J ·to «0.072•15·*50823 Sc.llutl . Burton M 8 0 h 0 0 1 . N 1 1111 P0 r 1 e e 1 c.11 1188•810-43, 1,094 ff 458-472·28. lll0&.43 8011001, Newpor1 H1tt>or Union 117 o&ll&-oa. 137".83 e1emen1•ry Dltt., AP 120-210..oe. Ctor•. WllllMI D . AP 4U..488-01 H'f,' Dial. AP 440--092.oll. 18115.40 WIM. AoMld o .. AP 117-813·12. '22700 TAJtflATIAMA07.oo4 13,898.80 1vlne Co, AP 440 -002·74 '3,0&0.N Alnel1cen De~I r.-. A $2 40$ )I •··-.,_.... •" 111 81'"~ Tl & TA Co T1 llR-11123·00·2 451--481 .. 10, ll,50ft4 ""'". Ste i• ol c a lltoinl•. AP --· .,...,...,, ... ,.. • ..-vc. ~~~· Tim. AP 120-3452·1•. Elokerma nn, Oery H • AP T~ll, I.Ind• L .. M J 8r0dl UQ-141-14, 132.lll 11t::e~Rot>ert 8 . AP 117-621.01. Southe1n Peclflo La nd Co, 426..otl-47 •• 127 oe 80fll ~M-63l-o4.13.310.7 A' ..a-14a-0:1, 132.H S4'S.13 V..._1 ....... , .... th •, a p 4.,.,,. "21•12, ... Hen, 4., AP 451-!lat.2$ AP f~142-03, 13.2.N lrvlne Co, AP 117~1·11. 110.· AP AP AP Cummings John H Jr. AP !>0-07 1·24 S3 7114 28 Borl•nel Joe S , AP 50·0111-06. $11100 E1c11wa10 . L•w ren ce , AP 50-091·23. $630 11 Horv•I. AnlhOny Jamel, A.P 50-093-27 $4,067 22 Loc khart. 0e¥on L . AP 50.093.31, S2.392 94 Bank, Crock1r·Cl1tren• Natl Tr, AP 50· 10 1.()5. $686 72 Grimm 011e L AP 50-101-14, $1657 66 Flores Henry AP 50· 123·02. SI 298 SO Noyes Ronald AP 5-0·123·0 •. S3 669 ... Jarvtt Jon AP 50· 132· t2. $1211684 C hepm•n H1cnuo A A.,. S0-151-21 $1,818 48 Ja rvis. Jon AP !10-182 12. $2,8•1101 Gore, Mervin. AO 50· 101·25, S4,375 96 Han llln. P •trlcll W • AP 50-171 ·05. S2.843 1• Scanlon E1nu1 L. Jr Tr, AP 50· 171· 14, $807 58 Wende ll, Stephen E AP SO.l&t-22, Siii 00 Web1111, Kenneth H , AP !)(). 184-01, 12,11•8 80 LIOyd, Wllllam F , AP 50-101-13, S2,354.48 Allen. LO\HM V A , AP 50-193-30, s 1,711 116 YOUllQ. Rlchercr G . AP 50-~ $487 60 Stricker, Herber t Hen•. AP · 426·011·09, SU52.•0 Korhon en , Tevno , A~ 426-011· 13, S 1,452.24 HMton. Jolln L., AP 42t-012-06_ $3.4029 Medll . Joaeph W • A~ 421-4a1-04, 13311 47 ~. Oudlly Jr, AP 4~1'. $1.203" TAXUTI AM.AW .. i7ti's4,. ,.... .... " ,._.., TAX AATS AMA fl' 1 Ut2 70 Al' 440-1•2-o4.132.lll 67471 81t111\eM, lrUOt, AP 423-423-01, Jllmlnl ~Community AIM Aft 440-t•l..OS, NUI Ti.TR Co Tr 11f\.112MJ0.2 &/Of Tl&T" Co Tr •1M-t~~ 1111.00 • I e ,. 0 f 0 1 11 10 In I•. A, AP 4~1~2. '32.M AP 440-t42·14, 132.M ,.omen. r1tne11 L .. AP 117·852-07, 'CPI lle t no• I. Ir y •I e l . A,. Soutlle1n Ptclllc Le nd Oo. «Oo142---0e. IU .H Welkw, RIGNrd. AP 4sa.&32..st tl&TA Co Tr• ll'-lH3..()()..2 '1or It 1'3 16 l20-M1-ll, $4,Ht. lO AP ...... 14 .... 11 ... ,.H S2,41tl.14 W-'noer EUQeM A, (JTI 4, AP t•ar 'A Co T 11n l023-00-2 &Ill' CIHt•teeon. Jon E1tc, AP H .. itman. 11 • Ao oer Jr, A" -, •• -·· Barnell Alo herd H., A 440-1&2.0t, 11.070.M ... .... a AP 120-361·28. N .6&4.10 I •23-023-12. 1 1.t..•I0.36 , .... MTS AMA.,.., 488-M1.o&. $3,051.78 Tl&TA Co Tr '1A-1023.00·:U/or ?~;~u~~ew~~.,"'30°· (M ) I, TIUA Co Tr 111'-81~ "O! 81 om e I. Ro I>•" M " A p -8 au d , ... a 1 h hour 8 ., A Funk, A•rbn C .. AP 440·1H·16, Aoulne AOMtlO AP 111-41112.ot JOn•1. JlmH • (U,..), Ar 423.031.os.11,'23.&2 461-681.21, 11".IM .. ,o.u ru.13' • • 120491·37. IM&.n o ... ""anola l Corp, AP Mendel. J-4>, AP 421-271-tO. USA lndullrlfl Inc, Olf>eltl~ T1'TR CoTr .t11'1·11~&for "t' 4f·1'0 " M c Oonttd T1&TACoT1 '1A-1Hl-OO-l&lor 423-041-10, 12,llt.82 111.22 Nancy .Jo et 11, AP 451·5t1·47, loenl•n, Kalh11ln• Lyon•. AP 111 ne 0 or • TP1omp1on, Oon•ld I .. Atl E,,_, JoM ,.., AP.423-0ll.ot, "1'426-27MI U7LN 11 .. 100.. UO-IN·10.S2,474,C>e Aflltalf,AP tlJ•Ml.ot,N,03f1a 12044&2.ot..fl 111100 U1IUI :.•·.·.'1 ft •. -...-t" ,,. , Kepl1n1..M.,vtn •· A TI&T"'COT~•~~atOt lo:..::..:.::. • ..-. J~ AP4n.ol1..ol ... ~ l10MICI ... A 42---. 1.l lld•re, 0 1t1on c . A Cottt•Orlhy, Oha.1IH •. AP 117~7. a 1t4.i2 C .. 1, ................. o. M 1---..... -.;;.r' -·z ..mlO •N-Ml-tO U ,'7"44 ..,_1U44 •• 1.42J.11 Tl&TAOo Tr •1"'-1IU.00-2a1 -.....,.....,..,. ..,_......., ..., ... ,, Ale•eader ' A• Ll "ll•f!"'.Y•r O•n• L •• Af' ~.~J .. Aft..._..1 .. 1 TlaTitCoTrlt,..11»-004&Jor "°"""'9. HentyD~/# 117 .. 11-42 ta,03a,4f L " .. • ~" "" ,.. " 11,12"6.IO 1 1112..11 Monro,., enne, AP u o.1 .. ~01, aot211 flftTflCOlr'1~-.-...,.r 4"'~0""' ... "'.-ao .. ~0r1 c~p .. "t,~'•on • J o••Pll v .. AP 011 toP1, Lout•'· J1. "-u ,oa.64 co 0 1 ..... v a ... P · t 11TI11 CoTr 111\.1tu.oo.tw 0 _ o...-_ 42,;~t,"ii, .. ... ...... 42 .. "2'42, 13,0H.... I 4M41143, 13.031 '4 I, y I". ,.., " PrlllU, 0-0. J.. AP 111 .. T:M --......... ,. .. ... .. f l I l Orang• Cont DAILY PILOT/Wedn•ld•y. Auou•t 2&. 1982 t '3 "11 00 lerre11 .l e fl••l !It AP h!MU, Jecll H Al' .. IH>lt It t)I f .. ltl. b112 .. ., 04 We ll•"•'. M•l"r" N •• AP TllT!lt Co fr 1 '" lt23 00 2 &IOI t3t ft IM, 1 1,tll M JO tin A I b • t t & 0 o A fl Oo11c;t1I, IH IUI, AP 136·11· IH, 44().023-ot 11. • 11 I 00 t 1.t 13 H TlaT" Co Tr """IU 00 2&/0l H a~•. Wllllam T IM81. AP H11bba td , And"w 9 Jr, AP 136 71110, l>.43301 440-023·2:1, 11.UI:» Pom.,•nll &1an1ev AP Tl&TA Co tr• IA·11123 00 2 •104 136-7 .. 228, 1 111 ()0 Ou1nttu1m. PC "P 440 034 42 81 8nlllh, .NM C , AP 1136-7&-233, 1 1 11 oo "''° ae fl&TA Co Tr • tfl 11123 00.2 •10. Barrington, Wlllla m 8 , AP ll•ry, Mich.., o Fwry, Mleneel o . 1138-78-243, '111 00 AP 00-041 oe hat 114 Kuykt nd•ll, Abram M AP Doug I•.. J. m •• A A p 1134-78-247, 1111 00 440-043-0 I I 111 00 c n I n g • c 11 n I 0 n K 11 I • A p Tt&TA Co Tr• IR·tll23·00·~ &10t 1138-78·2U , l t,024 14 Crytl•I. Hlldege10 I. . AP 44()..().43-07, 12.234 U TAX llATI AMA 0747> TIJTR Co Tr 11 tR·11123-00·0l 610< leuMn, ~ SallO.,, AP 440·043 14, Sl•I • ol C •lllornla , AP 1a.a31 M 0 0.142-10. 132 11s Tl&TR Co Tr 111A·11123·00·2 6/C>f Re l11 nar<1L Wllll•m R . AP TAXRATll ARaA 07-o74 '40-053·0 I, 13.227 80 TIURCoTr #IA·lll:i'J-00·26/0I M•c k , St •phen A , AP Guinther, George, AP 440-053· lS. 4&8..08 1· 12. S2.811 88 11,580.34 Jll•ncnl, Alimad. AP 458-081-18, Tl& TA Co Tr II IR-1923·00·2 &for S 184 eG Culno. H•rry R . AP AA0-05A-10. Tl& TR Co fr I IR· 11123.00-2 &/or Slle7 311 Teyl<>r. Ronelel C, AP 45S..081·43, Tl& TR Co lr 11IR·11123-0<).2 &/or SI, 137 17 LH , Ron•ICI G • AP 440·055·0 I, Ptrll1•. llmolhy. AP 458-083· 13, S2.745.78 s 114 90 Tll TA Co Tr• IR-1923-00·2 &/or ll&TR Co Tr• IR·lll23.()()..2 &101 l ee, Joho M . AP 440·063·07 T are•olo. C•rl J et el , AP $1,352 118 458-093-07 12.831 34 Tl&TA Co Tr• IR-1923·00-2 &IOI Sherwood . CharlH l . AP T ek Ure, Bonn le A R AP 4~S· 101·11. 1542 S7 440-064-11, S2, I 19 82 GIDlln, Pel•r. AP 451· 102·01., Tl& TR Co Tr • tR-1923-00-2 &tor 11,459. 14 B •I ti gll 1 R lch er d S . AP JOfdllll, Chris G , AP 458-102-10. «0-072·0881,S I1 I 00 St,272 50 Tl&TR Co Tr• 1R·1923·00·2 &tor Loeftler, Tarry AP 468-203.03. Otuon. John. AP 440 -072·01 s1.19t 68 S 1,577 17 Sh•w, l•talne 0 , AP 45S·2 I 1-03, School, Newport Herbor Union $1,321 82 HIQh Diii. AP 440--092-04. 1 116 30 Tl& TR Co Tr 11IR·1923·00·2 l>iocese or Orange Eel & Wetla1e &IOI Mar•. Gary N . AP 458-211· 111, Co<p, AP «0·092·68. 135 06 S2 638 34 Irvine Co. AP UO·Oll2·7J. Ban. Sherry N .. AP 458-212.09, 14, 109 12 $'18 4 ' Irvine Co o t W Va &/or Butta. Harold T Jr (MVI, AP 440· 10 I ·0 4, St.035,70 Con Clo n . A 11 en M , AP Or•y. R1lph. AP 425·251·08, 442· 14I·10. $8 ... 22 84 $5114 4' Krell•n. JOM A • AP 442· 19 1-15, AP 425·251·07. $594.41 Sl.996.46 AP 425·251·08, $594 41 Campb•ll, James Scott, AP AP 425-251·13 $594 41 442· 1111· 17, $892.34 AP 425·25 I·14: $594.41 Canyon l ake Communlly Assn, AP 425·25 t-15, $594.41 AP 442-191· 18, 132 98 Gray, Ralph J ., AP 425-261-05. AP442-191·19,S3298 $181187 P •ngman, Wllllem W • A.P Gray. R•lph, AP 425-281-06. 442-191·36, S741110 S832 99 C•nyon lake Community Ann, AP 425-281-07, $832 99 AP 4'42· 191·•8. $32.98 Nune~. Rlehatd, AP 42s-372..o3. I( 11 n k er I , Ph 111 p W A P $524 46 '42·211-02. $3.76500 M•urlc•. Lawrence R . AP Myung . C ti• r I ea G AP 425-372-08, S 1411.48 «2·211·15. S2.S94.33 Lollanel. Jtlfl 1. AP 425--372-21, Clll'lyon Potnl Community Atsn. S4Q8 22 AP 442-221·27. S32 98 c, mp 8 g n •. A 1 an R • AP AP 442·221·28, S32 98 425-373-27 S I I 1 00 Miiier, Robert M . AP 442·221·43 ' S2,239.90 TAX "ATE AR£A 07.-2 Canyon Polnl Comm1.1n1t11 Aun. AP «2·221_.9, S32 98 Berens . Robert F 458-381-lS, $2,23'4 38 A p Elalebe n Charles 0 AP 458-381-28, $1,058 78 Gherm•n. E M . AP 932-51-003 $1.567 SS Lucne y . Lind• Jeen AF 932·5 1-005. $2,024 58 Kim, Oeeyoung, AP 932·5 t-007 .. 1-111-41, &.UU 46 A,. •11 111 oa. u ..... .o" lr11ln • Oo, -"" •• 1 I 1 I 08 "4041 Joll11•ton Pltberl L • 4P 481o111.21. 1 tM IO Wllllld. MlohH I l fr, Al' 411•1I1·24. "4.7M M He rbor !lt lelg1 A ••n , AP 411·12106.1 11830 AP 411 13 I 02. '32 118 AP 481· 13 I 03. '32 Ill AP 481°131 Oii, 132 81 AP 481 131 10, $32 88 AP 411· 131·23, 132 118 AP 401·131·25, 132 98 AP 411·131·27, '32 Ill AP 48I·131·21, 132 Ill AP 481-131-30, 132 ti AP 401·131·31, $32 118 AP 411-131-33. 132 118 AP •8 I· 131·36. 132 118 Sllrbl. J11met Tr, AP 481· 141 O•. S«l.714.38 5qlloeMm8n. Mlc:hH I Wm Tr. AP 935·•~7. 13.010 24 HUIChlno•. Wllllem G ' AP 11311·44 0111. SJ,33U8 Thomp•on , Jt"Y R ., AP 11311-44-0 Ill, 13,6461111 M•~•'· Jon11n1n c ., AP Q'l5·4~.023, 12,885.38 11vtne Co. AP 11311·44·031 . Sl.80 I 92 AP 1135-'44-037, S3,0S4 3S Foolt. Wiiiiam 0 . AP 1138-45-016, $2.3260$ Berman , Donald C AP 936-<15-017, 12,821 41 Sllrbl F•mlly TIUll . AP 938-'45.024. $3,880 28 Clemen t M llchttl. AP 1136-<15.029, $ 111 00 Mann. Jemes E AP 936-45-03 t. '4.296.40 Mc L•ughlln, ChetlH J . AP 1136-'45-0'4 I. s 1,923 07 AP 11311-45-05 I. 15,3118 88 Schntpple. Wllll•m C , AP 1136-48-003, 13,023 55 Cho, Edward Y. AP 836-48·049. S6,315 04 SPMt"s, Frank l . AP 938-48-054, C.A :>24 42 lrvlne Co. AP 1138-411-07.', S3.711S 30 Congleton , J•maa P AP 938·48·078, $8,328 52 Gege, l lltry G .. AP 936·46-084, 17, 184 20 Schandel, Jame• R , AP 936-47-011, $.4,472 40 Motacnenbecner. Loi her, AP 938-47·014, 13.592 78 TA.JI RATE ARf.A 0'7.Qll Aetna Liie 1n1urenc e Co, Townsend & Branlg•n, AP ... 5-14 1.08. $4,518 95 AP 445-t41-27, SS,1171 22 TAX AATE A"IA 07-0llO Tl& TR Co Tr •IA· 1923-00·2 &/or Sch•r. l•w r ence M AP 440-072-0 '· s 1,805 66 Tl& TA Co Tr • I A· 1923-00·2 & 101 Forres1, Gerald P . AP 440-074·08 se66 so . Tl& TR Co Tr 11 lR-1913-00·2 &tor Grenl . Oa 111<1 C (JT) AP 440-074-12. $58 t 80 TAX RAT£ A .. f A 07-ot2 C•mp•gne, Trion• Bergin, AP 458-381-55. $2.925 10 Sl,678.82 S1ovall. J ack AP 461·011·08 Mt11enberger Jerry l , AP S2,4t8 40 Bellamy. John A ' AP 458-381·57, $155.06 Tuttle. M Dale. AP 458·381· 70, $2.294.60 Kolar. Jan. AP 458-601· IO , $11 1.00 Tl&TR Co Tr •lA.·1923-00·2 &/or Ke1cnum. Sc:ou M. AP 930-S7-044, '887.02. Tl& TA Co Tr •IR· 1923-00·2 &/or Dall. Alber! B .. AP 930·93·037, $784.8• Tl& TR Co Tr •IR· 1923·00·2 &/or Blow, John T. (MS). AP 113 1·22-005, SM0.00 Tl& TR Co Tr 11 IR-11123·00·2 &/or S m i th , Bernabas B , AP 933·22-00 I, S2.482 70 Tl&TR Co Tr • IR· 1923-00-2 &tor Wiiton. John C, AP 1133·22-002, $307.91 Corley , Mlcheel F AP 113-4-31-004, 1933 70 Slurgeon, Met, AP 934·31.037 $2,827 28 Wiiton, Deen A., AP 113'4·31-058, s 1,556.46 A pp••. M lc;heel M . AP 93-4-83-036. $823 Sii TAX AATf. Alll£A 07412 Cnlg, Roge< T . AP 930.77.,.3 t. SI 11 00 Gr•ble . Melvin G , AP 930.77 ... 0. $3,255 58 Thompson. Bonnie J AP 1130-77-445. Sll811 77 Chepman, 08Ytel W AP 930-77 .. 47. S2.20S.18 Stoner, Phllippe, AP 930·77_.7,, Sl, 177.28 Shier , Rlcherd M • AP 1130-77 ·•88. s I ,855. 96 Veng•ne•s . B Frenk, AP 930-77·'4117, 1 1, 120.0ll 932-51·009, St,87704 Slurllv&nl Peter M AP Drlly8', Douglas W •AP 41111·022·20 St551140 1132·51-0t4:S t tt 00 Prisco. N v'. AP 481·022·24 Sperling, Ted D .. AP 932·51-028. S3, 193.12 $3115.26 B 11 n Cl e r • B er t on J A P Ttiom pson. Lawrence. AP 461.023-03 S109885 932·51-039.$78629 woocs .' w'111iam A AP Ca Iver I , Fr en Ce s L • A P 461-032·21. SS.034 62 932·51-043. $865,81 Ferguson Gilbert W , AP Gllberl. Oenlet D .. AP 932·51-060, 481.043-11, Si,739 10 $881172 ~ Blacl\ Donald B Tr , AP 17~~";;· Paula J .. AP 932·51-083. 461_0•4• 1·8. 11.217 40 Gllben. John H .. AP 932·51-136. st1~~ :sobllrt Jr, AP 461-044·22 '8611. 72 Harbor A Id g • As 1 n , AP Guyetle . Bruce A e t al. AP 461·131--01 S32.118 932·58-018. S1,329.5S AP 461-13 l-22. S32 118 Brvenl , Mlcheel l . AP Berman Bruee A 932·58-038, Stl27 10 936-47-001 aA 261 74 A p Vines, Sanford. AP 932-58..049, F11go, Fran1t' B . AP 938-'47-029, 11,470 88 S2 39t 6A Tomin. Dorl• E .. AP 932-58-058. jarvra, Jon. AP 1136·47·030. a 1.310 ae se 068 ae Ryallemp. James Jey , AP ' 9"2·58-0511. Sl.088 50 Gr•b le. M elvln G • AP 932·58-0e I, $2, 159.114 Chrl11t nttn, Dueyne D , AP 932·58-062, $40'4 76 Newmen, Aober1 C . AP 932-58-064. $804 00 Gudner, Sheldon F AP PAOPEATYIN SEAL BEACH CITY TAX RA n ARIA 12~ 932-58-069, 1'44 I 08 Orllunel Raymond C 932-58-089 s 13 t 22 Kallnowskl, H•rry F AP A p 199--0 ... ·28. $492 69 Saye. Barbera J . AP 932·58-091, 1111 00 L•ng, Gerhard 2nd . AP 1132·58-09'4. $827 10 Brown. Chris E . AP 932·58-098, $2,051.60 Mc Ferland. Roberl P .. AP 932-58-118. $1132.58 Gercl•. J-s .. AP 932-58-120. Sl.228.97 Rullela . Raymond 0 ., AP F•v. lole F , AP 937-32 004, 184• 67 TAX RATE AlllA 12-()05 Aoee, Ouene l AP 932.03-007 S697.41 Solomon, Bernard, 8roue1u, Eugene F .. AP 1132-03-008. 1922 11 Snow. Esate M • AP 932·03-035, $888.88 VK.Alf .. VIO ~It AP U-0~1. H 7.H)4 trenOel , Mloltel• ill • Al' •3-0S4 40. I I 111 40 Ullery. llllTMll " AP 41-46) 01, 1248 .. Co•. Donald l AP •3 082·01. 11.Gff 11 -Moretta. P•lrtci i. T AP 43.012· 16, • , 103 114 Knlj lll Miiiy l AP •3·0'3 OS 1312 t 8 a l P1opa111 .. AP 43--068-03 .... Oii() ee Sa ri.In J•n AP 0 l 10 n 1, Ulll3 ~O 011n11u 8ran1 AP 43· 11 1 · tO $11100 C11ntretl. Jen•C• A , AP 43· 13:1· 13, $2H~t lu1ne1. C11r111op11•r 8 . AP 43· 132·21. S 132 48 Wtlll•m•. Rao•• T . AP 43·136-02. Sl.3~ 44 WallOll. J•mH A . AP 43· 13&·00. 11,350 '° Bre ndel, MIGh•ll• A .AP 43> 1:ic; 32. 1887 40 N•polll•no . Joeaph J AP 43. 1112 18, SI, 140 30 Gonuilez, Frenk, AP •3· 18!>·08, $214 112 N81t, 08nlel S . .AP 43-203·2 I. $222 23 Slorll, Aog<W C AP 43-204-02. $743 77 Crunk, Tnomas C , AP 43•212 Oil. s 183 45 Holyb••. De nn11 C AP 43·221· 18 $602 58 ACh lllea, Edy1n1 F AP 43·222·11, $11100 Betl•tev. lv•n N , AP 43·224-10, $881194 Olmtled . Robert A AP 43.n 4-22, St.328 70 Wermersk11ch•n Fren AP n .724.2s. ssu 08 Turner Chr181opner B , AP 43·225·0•. $1,329 82 Kvt•. Wtltl•m G , AP 43·225-07. 1575 41 Gunde rm•n. Kennell\ H , AP 43 ?31·02. $854 38 Kau. Leemond. AP 43-231-15. s l,8S4 72 Murphy , Mlcheel J AP 13.233.14 S859 44 >ianaon, Wa yne G 43. '33· 18, S385 21 A p Hero, Manuel F . AP 43·233· 19. $11100 Moadale, Brian E , AP 43·244· 16, $817 22 Repecko. S hlrie Ann. AP 43-244· 17. $962.38 Chllc:oll. Daryl E .. AP 43·245.08, $282 95 Baseman. 1<enn e1n J .• AP 43-251·06. $900 86 Underelehl. Relph, AP 43-253--08, S!IH66 Rullner, Weller D . AP 43-25'4·01. S242 27 Terrell. T M . AP 43-254· 19. S1 II 00 GerflSh John 0 AP •3-273-06. SI 235 52 Hamelorl, l<ennelh M AP 43.273.15, $433 08 Mc Clure, Chanes S AP 43·2S1·12. $46098 Quinn. James M, AP 199--032-12, $3,873 92 h11. Reymon<I Frederick. AP 1911·032·22, $3,359 18 Quinn. Jatnes M , AP 199..041-07, $4.020 98 Mc lean . M lc heel. AP 1911-041-15. s 1.437.82 Knoke Jonn R . AP 199-051.20. $771 62 Ftlfrls. l~e i-4 . AP 199·053-05, Slll.00 Burrou ha, Chetlos H . AP 199·053·2 • SI, 78'4.44 AP 199-053·28, $973.62 Robinson John M. Jr , AP 199-053-29, Sl,778.00 Stark, Bruce M • AP 199-062.09, $1,93992 Ratmen , H•told B , AP 199·062·33. S807 58 Gaylord , Oavlel N Jr AP 119-063·07 • .S895 32 M••well, M1cnael l , AP 199·063· 14, s 1,438 04 Rolhl, John W , AP 199-0&4· tl, 1850 20 CI A 5••• Beech 2 AP 1119-064 .. ' S882 38 C I A S e a I B e a c h· 3 A P 1911-CMl4-42. S862 38 CIA S ••• Beech One. AP 199·084-43 SS82 3S Welso n. Jemes R , AP 199-065-04. $1.460.54 Bal<• T .. ry A AP 199-065-21, $903 05 TAX AATE: AAf.A 12-011 w ae1<1e11 . Jerry F • AP 178-502-42 .. 1531 37 TAX .. ATE AMA 12-014 Bllnerel, Helen A . AP 8&-604-04, $465 22 Severson Vlr91n1a E AP 88-605·01 $6111 34 Guzman, C•rloa AP 86-812·24, $663 36 ~-. flllny 0 AP 14 t .t) I.OS P~7 11 11'4 U ISi Tllom ... '-chwd N ., II AP H-nnn. Cllfloro Alen Al' 1174U4t NOtl3 141..W-33 81 1100 Htrl, Jim Al' IU H l·lt C a ldwell Aob.,I , Al' lt.:.31164 14 t..a4·11.•h1M a lab\f Jon•ln•n u AP P allebe l•kl, Wiiiia m l , AP 111341•41 1703 10 41t-1'f.ll 111111 Jon•• rol• 1 AP 111.20-12 ,,ench o:,_,., MO<M'I Alll1 , lt\O S llO Cl AP 'If. t•&-2t, MM 3e .. llery. Cr81Q W . AP 111·342· tG 01 8 00lng Mar e h e Afl lt.tH&o 132-07-<Ml 1111 00 '4•Clln. l•11•y AP 111·372·211, W•tk.,, ,.aul t , AP 1132-07-00f. 1'20 tO .. ,. SHll 47 ..... II. y ' J 0 h II " ' A Hitll• Marlt J AP 1132 07 101, "' 311 46.1628 34 1231179. l'lenet Joyee D , .AP I 11 ·313· 13 PMk. MtellHI T , AP 1132 07 1211 Ml4 79 $ 1 11 00 Wl lll.8, Joyc;e M . AP 42&•0 12-02. II S70 40 Lenn on , J W1rr 111, 11&·2!18·311. $40~ 62 H a n • Dorothy M • AP 4Ui-O 14· 12, I 1,038 811 AP W•1n•. Al ••• el a l. AP 426-1 1·11, 111100 Lennon. J W•rrel'I, Tr. 11&·2311-40, $4411.02 AP C1IC1 ... U, Peul H., AP 426· 143°38. 13.820 98 Dunc an , 01111on B AP 42!>· 143·•0. $748 42 AP 42&·143_.1, 11,314 60 NIHWI Ptop••ll•a Inc AP 115-236-42. SI.Gile 86 B••mtt11 . Oon•ld C Af' Len"on J W•"•"• T1 , AP 115-230.~. $2,4811 28. AP 425· 14:1·45, S 1,23:1 80 W11g111 , Oonelel W 425· t63--07. S8•8 84 Braokenrlelge. Ml &. '15·237 311, 1209 26 Cox, Olly K . AP 116 240·27. AP $1,181 84 Netttll(. Cul Tr. AP Sii•• OS Poll.,, RIQ~ D . AP 425·181·11, t 15·240·29, U89 02 l.1811, 1.UCll• A, AP 426· 1111 12, Aevle•, Odlt E . AP 13711.24 115·240·3 t. SW 82 Ourow. 01n. AP 426-t63·01, 5851117 Tiet . J•m ... AP 115·262·30 . 51ootnem. Ouyl, AP •25· 191-14 115-330· II, 1508 SI $518 10 MlllllllCI, Mlenel, AP 1303 33 Hiii. Jimmy O AP 425. 192·05, '-'30 14 Wt1kln1. Holroyd W t,4 , AP 115-344-56, 1447 !iO • Pn1111p1. Jemet Oro••r AP 425193..()4, ''' 043 38 w 1n•gle 1ur o1ra v AP A p 425 201·21 $1 433 1 t Ou•tnt•. Freok J P 115-391-05, $1,09888 Rog•••. G•ry Henley, 115-393--09. s 1.008 00 G 1e11ey . Robert 0 115-394.()9, ,, ... S4 Weg ner . Kennelh l 115-394·25. $32S 70 Vasquez. Jullua S 115-402·28, $196 85 8Hll, Donald 0 . AP •25·202-04 AP 't4t23S L• Perle Lan• P•rtne,. AP A p 425·3 I 1· 19, $7113 811 Dunne , Mlcluel P AP AP •25·311·31, 11,257 34 Royee. Frank c . AP I 15·422·08. Sl,00800 Wolle. Denni• F AP •25-3 t 1·4 1 S235 88 Johnaton. Aonel<I l AP t 25-311 -52. s 187 23 Clav, Jimmie 0. AP I 15-422· 11, $312. 18 J•cques. Gregory M el al, AP "'p 425·3' 1·58. $2,5 10 54 Oe vlla, l'Orrtrto U . 115 .... 22-18. $111 00 Alvered o. S•lv1<1or. 115-422·17, Slll 00 Ventre. Johtnna l. Ed•cl\, Harold A p ~ .. AP 425·321·2 t. $2.47 1 34 Ellmore. C A .. AP 425 331·08. ,t,303 10. Owens, Greoory, AP 115·•24·01, $1" 00 Alvarez. La w rence.,AP 115·424· 16, 1323 08 MHey. Lyle 0 AP 425-331--08. Sl,27908 Jullner, John W , AP 425-331-14. 51125 99 S1romgren, Biii, AP 115-424 18 $860 98 Ch8Clw lc k , R1 Ck8rd AP A P 125·332-05, S 1,397 83 Fulha rty. Pnllllp G 115-454-20. 1111.00 Robinson. Herold l 115-471-07, $331 70 Wallie. Joyce M • AP 425-332 23. AP 52.725.38 Jonnson. W1111am v AP Koppe, Greg, AP t 15·473·04 $111.00 425·333· 13. $419 64 Wa yle. Kennelh J AF 425-334-03. $ 11 1 00 Peterson. Wllll•m C 115-491· tO. SI 11 00 AP Lam, l<wor19 C . AP 115.502.20 $284 38 Wells, ThomH F • AP 115-521-04 $369 a. C1oc:1011, Oom1n1c; Don Leonerd AP 425-334-06. $565 92 Hahn. Michael, AP •25·34 1·31 11155 9• Busc111 no . Paul A 425-341·36, $357 70 AP AP 115·521·07, $369 8'4 Av ran1 . M1ch••I 115-521·30. 1111 00 Almond . L•l han 115-523-05. 1282. 16 o A p Devine. John J AP 426-032-18, Sttt 00 G AP V•n De Pulle. Ch11s11na. AP Ronquillo. Vere. AP 115.524.09 $305 40 Brien. Gary. AP 115·534·0S $11100 Rasl!'uuen Joh•nnea C, AP 115.53~. 18. S3n 64 Cl)nnollY IOY AP 419-011· 13. $314 02 Moore. Guy L . AP 419-012·25, $1,088.10. AP 419-012·28. 1 1,0•8.28. Scnwerz, Klaue. AP A 19-021·25 $3,8113.90 AP 4 l!i·021·28, $305.94 Z..rll, Steven A .. AP 419-081· 11, $582 89 •25-032·32, S375 61 Gorwln Arno AP 426·181-21, S2 472 52 we11cnea1er village AP 426-t82·11. S21.4t4 66 Luke•. Alen F AP 426-192.06 $593 60 Dunholler , Paul H 426-201-15. $334 90 AP Beine. S•mue:. AP 426·2I1·02, S1.03t 36 Whelen, John F . AP 426·211· 17 s 1,079 08 AP 426·211·18. Sl.078 10 Wood, Berry R .. AP 426·212·05, Sl,091.50. Aleltende r. ~a t1<1ra l. AP •28-213· I 1, SA56 94 OU. Chatles K , AP 419..081·13, S964 66 B•111t1a M Dw ight. AP A p •26·221· 18. 1322.54 Fisher , Cnarlls W 419-101-05, $234 85 Mallson, Burlln J South•rlend, Alan E AP A p 428·28I·14, $704 28 P a lan11an J1re1r 0 AP 4 19-10 t-06, '415 418 ,.,usoend. C.:lerlce t , Tr 419· 101-47' $743 12 Sharee!. Me nmood 419· "I· 17' s 1,39S.50 llnds1ee11, Tneoelor• B 419.111.24 M.028 48 AP 4211-282..()8, S 1 1 I 00 Krogh, Robl<t J . AP 426-26'4·08. A p s 1,570 50 AP 4211-28'4-09 S-457 13 A p AP 426-264· 12 S2 214 4<1 Ethe11ng1on, Hoge1 F AP 426-27 1·08 s' t 1 00 HMS. Dorothy J AP 422-021·25 S511 70 Heyl. Russell C . AP 426-271· 19 AP $1.031126 T•k•t•. K11uvuk 1 422--092· 12 s 1.200 76 M utpny J•mes E 422-092·30. $ 1,802 48 Mors.e. Robert B . AP 426-272· 19. AP $381 10 Fett•••. Ralph. AP 426·28 I '7 Millet Rele B . AP 422·101-Ge. St~~~~•n Hobert C AP $681 &O SlellenS, Allred. 124193 AP 422-10 l·OS. •26-283-16. S 120 OS ElllOll. JOhn W 1'P 422· 102· It. $1.28164 Whelan, .,uf\n t-• AP 422· IJ 1-0'4. $36128 AP 422· 131..05, SM I 5a Merltn, Glenn B . AP 422 131· 19 $345 04 Shier P•metl A , AP 422· 132· 15, 111100 Kelly. Jamea, AP 4n·132·18. $384 74 Wlllt•m•. Richard A AP 426·292..0• 1700 84 Keye Harry, LI P-. Robert E AP 428-292·17 S881 09 Rovc;e l'1•nk c AP •26-301-07 S764 u Santo, D•v•d. AP 426·3 t 1 13, 1653 53 NICllOI••· Gerald w AP 4211·322· 14, $398.37 Tiner. lackln H, AP 426-323-05. S3S6.28 4~211..0), ... , ,, totr.C•llum, J a m •• W AP lm a ll•l'· Ht l e ll A •tl·1'1·t1 114;»146 A I' 4lt tt1-4) "41 .. ,_.. Aon .. ,. '11-1 t• ~ O •n110 Au,a lo M 4l.2tl 07 t lll I Mo Wlll•m Rtc"•'G p AP ,, 437 41 "•ule rino itarln•ttn•p 4 ta 131-04. I IH 3t /IP 431 29 I 16 1997 83 Ram1a n. Well•'• M AP '4lll 29 I 18. 1991 62 AP '4 II 131 OG 1181 44 8 ro •n Ro b ert t 934-0& 16!1. U 30 8b Oom •1 . Den1e 1 M 834 O& 171, 1531 8~ AP Meye r Joh n H JI AP 43i -29 I 30 1241 00 " p HerrlClt JOM p AP UO·k-'02 &u«lno. Rtcl\e/G AP 1134 06 171 '829 27 Pentrldga Cove AP 1137 118 008 $1171 &2 AP 1137·68·014, S117t 52 AP 1137·~·017, 11171 52 •P 137·8&-011 1543 08 AP 937·88-023. $834 18 AP 1137·68-024. $834 18 AP 137·68-0211. 1834 18 AP 937·88..028. 1834 18 AP 1137·88-028, 1834 16 AP 937.ell-030, $&34 18 AP 037·88·031. $tl34 16 AP 937-{111..()32. H 34 18 AP 937·68·035. $834 18 AP 0:'7·88-03S. '634 18 AP ll:l7·88·03S. $034 18 AP 1137·88·043, $998.00 AP 937-88..0411. 14118 28 .AP 1137-68·052, $1171 52 AP 937·88·05'. $971 52 AP 1137·88-080. "4111 28 AP 1137-88-0Sl. $97 t S2 AP 1137..e8.0S5. $4811 26 AP 1137 ·68-095 $117 t 52 AP 937·88 104 $1171 52 AP 937·68-108, St.008 211 TAX·AATI ARIA 1&-022 Stl36 H ~eu HOWltd G AP 1130 Oll-401 11431 44 l yo11 R1cna1<1 £ J1. AP llJO 80 403 Sl.083 10 H1nn, fl•y l AP g30 811 408 12 OT~ 31 Dunn. Bred .AP 930 1111 .. tO . s 1 0116 39 lth a rton . l:dll ll I( 1130·1111·414, 12.087 80 AP Bey View l•rrt~e C1,1 AP 930·89 418, t 2. Ill~ 00 AP 030·811•421 $700 10 And••• c.,1, AP 933-88·011, 1722 85 S 1 1.1 1e1 M11 111yn J , AP 1133-811.031. $923 10 Mct<ondry Flonelel W . AP 93• 20 007 $448 34 Hula.. Joyce G AP 1134-89·012 " 1011 24 J orin 1 on Lloyd 0 935S5-00I.s 111 00 AP Tf1v11 W•ller l Jr el el. AP 1135 85..()()6. S I I I 00 Krtg•• Rooe r l A 935·85 OtO II 173 011 H11e wand• AP 1138°118 008 $1 501 64 Paine David A AP 0311 69 010 S I 473 52 Olten Eric: AP 141 592 09 Cou• toey Jame a A .AP 937 6!>·006. $I 402 98 S793 97 H•n KH S AP 14 I 593·09 $1115 58 SoH Ch•rio1 J AP 141-595· 19 ~64 16 RICh81dlOn, O•le. AP 141·604-77 S7S1 14 Perkull, llA•r v Constance AP 14 I ·604-57. s 111.00 Merlin, Evto<811 AP 141 651 28 S753 88 Clatk. James R , AP 141 652 12 S42130 Krall. Lelenel f AP 141 652·37 Sl.105 54 Chln11, Dorla J . AP 14 1 652·55 $525 96 Diiuiio. Joaeph AP 141·691-14 s111.00 Fahey, James F , AP 141-691 25. S563 76 Spallone. Oav1<1, AP 1c 1.&92.02. S658.40 Caaoarro. Rot>erl L AP t4 1.a92-0s. s239 48 Bush. Norman S Iii at AP 141-892-09 $11100 Polle•, Cn a rles l AP 14 t-692·2 I S 11 I 00 Bosley Marie AP 1• 1 693 03 $497 92 Petersen. Jonn E J1 AP ,. 1-693· 15, s 111 00 Brant. Bobble B AP 141·693-33 $4177 06 TAX·AATE AA£A 15-023 From<1an1, Rrcherel N 414'.042-12 s' 12081 AP W1mbleelon Associates. AP 412..042·2•. s 1,227 96 Wing, Jim 0AP 4 12·071-64. $857 64 Men<11 1a<1en. Nesser AP 412-073-04, $2,226 22 McAdam•. Lawrence L AP 4112.073.08. $1,095 6• S a w h n el . G 11 I • n d er A P 4 12-073· 15. 1,065 95 Rhyme , Nancy M 412-073·35. $921 90 Kuhn David N B 412--083.03. S882 11 AP AP TAJl·AATf. .AREA 11HT~ lereg•s tiearno• l. et e• AP 119-091· 10, $971 42 Poller. Donald S 119..()94'-52. $445 30 AP Whelan Jonn F • AP 119· tO 1·15 )4<'250 Hanson Cllll ord A AP 119·102·04, $217 37 Z•ccardy Revmonel J Jr AP I 19· 102· 16. $2 33 1 08 Sell Connie l AP l 19· 102-26 S268 70 Dey, Mleh ... P . AP 119· 102·56 l532 66 l'orrester. John G 119-131--03 $57350 Ra n dell , Keren S 119-132-02, $653.33 AP AP Kennedy, Pat"<:" R AP 119-132-141 s 111 00 Scn1renenm•ver. R1cnero D AP 119· 133·20 $580 416 Cowma n Jellery L .AP 119· 133-36 ... , 94 De Surra. Stephen P•ul AP 119· 133-40 s 1.036 70 Cordova, Carmen B AP 119-143-10. $2,700 52 S~aw1nsk 1 , James AP 119-1•3·20. $592 20 Ward. El11ne Kay. AP 119· 143·34. $154 23 c ,, n n e 11 y c a I II v 0 A p 931 65-007 $703 98 Mc;Cormoc k Rob8rl AP 93 7 65·008 SI 402 96 T AlC RA TE AlllA 15-071' S111monson, R•charel N 938· 17 ·003' 1303 89 AP 938-17-005 $303 69 AP 938· 17-007 S602 .38 AP 938-17-.Jl 1, $596 20 AP 91A •7 fl!? <<O" ?n TAX AATI AREA 1~ Pee• B11n110 AP 115-631-14 S278 96 Crllg Willlam F AP 115-631·29, $342 49 Oe¥1ne Paul B AP t 15-633·06, $378 89 Kahre, Marlin H , AP 1 15.533. I 1 SA35 28 K111 Juan11e AP 141· 702·4 I s 155 96 Drake Alice C AP 1• 1·702·4 7 s1ou88 J an1cm Lazar AP 141-702-61 SI 184 94 Young Arlene AP 141-703·11 Stll 00 O•~on. Ma11on AP 141 1-703·46 111100 Henderson Peler C .AF 141-703-63 $396 38 R86<1 Glenn 0 AP 1•1·704·77 S978 16 Fa11vH1w Associates AF 4111-14 1..02 116 IS AP 419-142·0'. $571 73 AP 419· 1•2-09 S5541 70 AP 419-1•2· 11 S566 76 AP • 19· 142· 13. $580 02 AP 419· 142-15, $537 31 l(yneie Paul D AP 419· 142· 19 SS41 64 Fa11v1ew AS$OC111tes . Af 419-142·28 $284 63 AP 419·144'·31 $54251 TA)[ AAT£ AlllA 1~ i<ermen . Gayle E •1<'·051-15 $11100 AP Buc ~ley . Patr ick J AP '12·051·30. $1.4 1? 14 Ronen Ur•. AP •12·061·27 $111 00 Tesch. WayM A . AP 412-061-38. S40t 49 Tennen1. Dorothy Irene AP 4112· 103·041 S382 57 Co mfor t Ger1e E AP 4112 t04·28 S927 07 V• verke Ella M AP 412 178-09 S680 82 M yers W1ll1am B • 12-18:1·09 $708 ~7 AP Tiernan Terry AP 412·182·42.. s 1 074 58 Ande rson. Wayne H AP 0 2-212· 13 s 1.30<' 92 Mee~5. Biiiy N . AP H 2·214..01 i9~41 20 Cordova. Carmen 8 . AP ·112-2141..()6 s 1.778 08 Nelson Cerl 0 1'P 933-55-007. Stt I 00 O snaunecy Latia AP •133-55·025 $855 00 Ph•lllps, Eliz abeth J AP 1135-06-022 s 1' ' 00 Bahar. Ardeahlr, AP 930-77-503, $805.57 Underwood. Cn11rtea 0 .• AP 930-77·510. $1,S09.86 1132·58·125, Sl.567.58 Gelberg, M•rvln, AP 932·58-137, 12,02180 ROM, Duane l . AP 932-03..()53. '1,428.116 Wilson, S Merlan, AP 933~6-031, $1,370 48 Caudle. James L AP 88-615..03, $742.70 Muon. Robert l . AP 88-823·21 S385 55 Sun1hlnt. Normllfl B ~ .... ,,.,, Merc1RI, AP 422· 134-09 . .S8.218 90 ACl<ly. Stenley E, AP 422· 142-08, $288,7• Fo11er, Doria l . AP 933-28-037, $223.84 !<Irby. Wayne. AP •39·07 t 02, AP Sl,76' SO Goodlow . John L 936-60.001. S2.294 62 l\P 935·08-044, $ 111 00 l\P 935-06·049. $813 98 •\P 935-06·050. $785 60 .,p 935-06 057. $923 46 AP 935·06-065, $392 00 AP 935-06·072. $373 '7 AP 935-06-080. $500,26 Wobrock. Jerome R . AP 930-77·518. 12.232 18 l ... Yeng Wen. AP 930·77·530. Sl.8'42 26 First Amerlean Tru" Co Tr. AP 930-77·531. 11.332.H Ruiz. Jevltr. AP 930·77·54 I 12.11 l.7S Whllmer, Julle Lee AP 930-77-552. 11.521.114 M ajtdlen , Am ir A . AP 933-38-003, $7911 58 Marlln . Ru1•ell 0 Jr, AP 933-38-005, $953 58 Harford, Roneld w AP 933-38-007 lt,0&9 16 GM. John H AP 933.39. 187 1111 00 Ttruclo. C81t J ., AP 933·38-199, $982 38 Oberb•clt Oevlel B AP 1133·3S·203, $517 48 W rlghl , Wllll•m C AP 1133-38-222, $.496.14 Allton, 01111d N .. AP 1133-38-238, Sii t 00 Doerr, Cindy l et •I. AP 1133-38-27 I, 1404.51 l<oba yasht, Nobuml11u. AP 1133-38-274, $11100 Q..e m e ra , Jtmea l , AP ~-2S2. $1,336 44 Nlllltou. Behrooz. AP 1153-38-2115, $715,32 8effe11. Mery l . AP 133·38·31S, Sl,042.00 S o lana . Menu•I l 933-3S-354, $529 30 King . Raym ond H llG3-38-363. Sll88.08 A p AP Nel1 on. N orm•n L AP 1133-38-365, S l,072 02 Zlaket, Alcnerd J 93&-78-002, S 1,452.M A P Wllkln•, s . Jonn Jrel . AP QG&-78-005, 5111.00 Vand•grlll , H•"'i G . AP ~ 78-009, '430 13 Garrett, JoM C .. AP 1136-78-015. s111.oo Oed1•r11ad1ll, Me jld, AP t•7&--01S, Stl77 M Dell•. Svntl K . AP 9GS.7a.-032, $1.tl-4.20 BOdnar. Jurlt. AP 1138·78•043, 11.103.18 De R oelle . O•vlel J , AP 13&-1~. Slle8.08 Oaluehe. Or; A., AP 938-76-0eS, 5111.00 LM9on. Kl(by O .. AP 1138-7t-Of7, 11.2t0. I' Deon Corp, AP U8·18 ·0ot. IGeUt. Heye, Wllllam T • AP 93 .. 7M76, 11,1•1.11 Dunn, J-O .. AP 9M-7M7t. t48l.118 AP 936-78-080, "421.1& Tt)'lof, L~ £ .. AP 113&-7&-W2. 1111.00 life r , 98'b8'8 M ., AP nf.7f.1t4, •111.00 ._tCWI, Albert, AP 138-78-133, teOe-4 01!\hOll, Ted, AP t H ·1t·137. 11.He.'4 k•r•, w111111m T (Ml). AP ... 1 .. 1..a. au21 12 t T I Umtt.d, AP t)f·7t-1 .. , P,.lto.14 Tlnl. Acwt•r. APtM-1 .. IM, Buclclln, Peter M. el al, AP 932·58· 148, $1,573.72 Jonn1, Nesrelle T Jr. AP 932 ·58· 158, s I ,05S.39 Mc Cowan, Roy James Louis. AP 1132-58-161, $800.50 Sllreve. Leo H., AP 932·58· 1S5, 1'43258 De v lrgll lo. Joseph. AP 932-58-187. S42S 58 Blonsteln. Harold G • AP 932-58-192. $131 OS Hollom. H Thomu Jr. AP 132-58-204, s 1.1148 20 Welch F"derlck W AP 932·58·215, S686 78 AP 935-81·010, S 111.00 lewla. Louise 8., AP 935-8t..015. Sll1 00 Hernend11. Wllllem A , AP 935-8 t..021, s I, 121 30 llvlen , A n<I•• A p 935-81 ·043, s 111 00 Hue. Tell Lung AP 1135-81-054 SI. 133.92 • Lewrenc t . P11•1 J AP 93&-59..075, $850 96 Freem•n. Phili p Jon, AP 11311-59-10 I. '523 28 TAJI flATE A"lA 12-0al C11rt1t , Thom•• M AP w oocsaon, Wllll•m M AP, 932-58-280, $8'78 18 ?17--081-27. S7S4 50 Bell, Thomu E , AP 932·58-264, V I e I r • 0 e o r o e V 12. t48 00 2 t7-08S-02. 12, t04 82 AP Lobosky . Jull•n A ., AP Freem•"· Gorelc.n A AP 932·58-2811, S 111 00 217..()12--03. S 1,411 I 68 Merks, Reymonel H . AP Ginmen R1Ch81CI T AP 1132·58·269, $787 48 217-094-02, $111 00 Lloyd. A1c111rel J •I el, AP SlnQ(ln, JOlln A , AP 217 102-03. 932·58-280. s 1,333 08 1785 6o Hal~n. Herbert. AP 932-58-293. F,....,,an, June, AP 217· 121· 17. $7112 00 St,428.32 Kharul. Zltld l .. AP 932-58-300, S 11n10 n. Gt or gt W AP 1111 00 217·121·23. $1,078.02 S•ller, K•lhletn l , AP Spiegel. Murray, AP 217·121-37, 132·58·313. 5143.24 $51791 van De Von . Al•n R . AP Whitiker, Norman L AP 1133·33-045, 1767 44 217·131-07, Sii 1.00 W tls1m1 n. Freel G AP TAX RATE ARaA O'l'oC* AP TAX RATE A.Rf.A 12~1' Wallace. Kerry B Jr, AP 178·461·21. $526 74 Funk. Phoebt M . AP I 78 .. 71· '"• S4~6 10 Sell•oo•lv Juana Beelrle , AP 11s.01.31 Sl,591176 K1S se1. Leon•r<I J AP 17S-472-10. I 1.396 34 l<lobuc:er Jemes J AP 17S .. 72-12. $410 83 Kend11c1t , Roberl J AP 178-472-19. Sl,S4140 S lg u1<1 1on. C •cll••. AP 178 .. S 1 .. 6, S842 26 Lund. Philip G .. Peienu. HMolCI. ~p 17S .. 91·11, $1,250 •8 Cooper, Oenlel A .. AP 43-293·23. $250.70 Smell. S Anne AP 43·2113-34. 1836.82 YHket. Irene c. AP 43·294·13. S500.08 Ber•ns. Aoborl, AP •3·311 ·39, S2 188 60. l(levent. l et B , AP 43-311-43, 13,833 OS Thom1on . John C 422-142-16. $2,337 18 O 'Bryen , OIV ICI l 422-142-24. $295 76 AP O & N lnvetlments. AP 93S..08·002 S64 1 6 1 A p FIUpaHICk. J•mu c . /\P FrMm•n. Aee E AP 422-143-01, Silt 00 ~Ja Juen. AP 422·202· 16. Sl,011S4 Lowell, Hlk18 $ AP 422-203.03, $32S 82 Grleet. Jemea R . Leon•r<I Rotow Generel Perine•. AP 422·211·22, S2,74S 88 Mcleugnlln. Chutes l AP 931-32-403. $858 40 Or111om. veronica A • AP 93'4-11-005. s"' 00 93S·08·003. S2.007 94 D & N lnves1mon1s AP 938-08-005 1615 32 TAX-'IAT£ AREA 15419 Jenn1n91. John O S• . Tr el at AP 139.651·07 $4.622 29 Elelllr. Gery 111 81, AP 139·652-03, $723 70 Kro0t1. Robert J . AP 139·652..08, SS,391188 AP 1311-052--09. 13.358 78 Ull .. AT£ ARlA 1M13 Z lmm11. Eelwerel T . AP 934-44-010. S744 22 Culler l E AP 1135·111·004 V•I B•n Servlc;es Corp AP 1 11100 141-071-2:9,$3.24700 Sayeg, Ronald AP 937·70·004, Fuilerlon. Jec:k Hartley AP $714 93. 14 1·522-11 s 1,248 64 Stovell, Cl'fde E AP 1137-88-002, Gobllrrn•n. Allen, AP 14 t-523·10 1551 63 SI 11 00 AP 1137·86-052, $530111 Coron•, Mk:hMI. AP 141·532·0•. C A S Deve1oomen1 Corp, A S 111 00 938-24-002, S 1, 105.02 L y n c h . J • • n n I n e F , A P Ward lnvutm•nla Inc , A 141·533..03. 1222.92 938·25-001. $721 80. Sctierl. John F .. AP 141-721-19, AP 938-25-002. S721 80 S224 48 AP 1138-25-003. $721 eo Mttlu•. J•y H AP 141-722-21. AP 93S·25-004, 1721 SO S441.88 AP 113S·25-005. $72180 NWt, All M el II, AP 141-724-11, AP 938-25-008, S721.80 $1,10ll.72 AP 1138-25-008, 1721.80 Mtrlhlll, T H . AP 41S-02 l-18, Cemp, Roben A .. AP 439--071·<'2. S270 55 Flowers John V t>I DI AP 439-0S 1-24, s 1,445 70 $Ml C orp, AP 439· 13 I 37. $1.906 38 Brumagln, len J el al AP 439· 132·2 I $599 98 Wekeh1m. w1111em H , /IF a35.05. 122 S392 00 l\P 935-08-128, S68ll 10 TAX RATf. AREA 1fi>:H lrvtne Co. Dempsey, Ject. al el. Butler. Me rrill 3rd AP •39· 132·23. $602 44 AP AP 427·291-01, 16.705.92 Reed. Suaenne M 439· 132-32, $886 09 L•ndlt . John W•lllem Tr AP 439-132-38. $781 71 Ce Crone. Lewrence E AP 439. 182· 12, S83S 34 Leibe Robl<t B AP 439· 17 t--09 St1100 Hy811, Greg D AP 439 I 7 I· 19 St43 23 Robrnton Kennelh Gr1n1. AP 439-171-27 $2 13297 Syrk ln Pamel • A •311· t 72-09, S560 10 AP Horen Philip M , AP 439-172· 1:;>, S8n88 AP •<'7 ·291 10. $6,73 1 112 TAJt RAT£ AMA 1IHDI Kennedy. P811 1C k. R .. AP 14 I ·284-05, $552 S7 B•nlt ol Amtrlc e NT&SA. AP 141-291-14 s:i,479 sa Cos• Prope rll•s lid. AP 141·291·19 $2, 182 27 Cot• Properlles Li d AP 1• 1.291.20 12.147 15 TAX !ltATE AMA 1~ Fotle•. JOhn H AP 439·172·17, Em11on, George E AP $1.174 58 115-012·13, 12,493 84 Leurel Point Town Home.. AP D• Woody, Dtl•no L AP •39-172-34. S912 08 115·012·14, $1,834 28 Hunl.Robertl .AP 439·172·S3. S1eohens, Chrl • A , AP Sii I 00 115·012-15. S2.372 83 Hudy, John, AP A39·172·84, S1eln1kl. E11Z11blun E •I el, AP S603.04 115.343.,.5, 1484.12 GrtellfV . Chesler 0 , AP AP 115-343-78. $742.50 4311·181·:22, $247 23 Me111. Steven. AP 115·344~2S. K E K Co Inc. AP 439·181·55, SI 11 00 217-13'·211. Sl,066 2• Snee d. Joeepn I< SHwlnd Communlly A .. n. AP 217·146-01. $1140.38 458-522·32. S32.t8 Merrll l Lyn en Relocation BIV City Plue PRrln•rs, AP •3-302· 14, 177251 AP 938-26..012. 1721.80 S6112 52 AP938·25..017,S721.80. E1>erle, Wa rren J $1,082.90 C llv of Coate Mase. AP AP Persona. Mlcnaet Thom ... AP 115-344-37.$84 38 B•ert>ower . Bu el<ly A., AP M•n1gemen1 Inc;, AP 217·14S·45. EHi Neplet Lend Co Al~bellCll AUOCl 81 ... AP 11111·011·02. SS.330 82 AP 938·2S-020, 1721.80 41S-0Jt.13. SIS702 AP 1138-2S-021, 1121.eo. Ca81ro . John P •. AP 4111..()33-08. 4311-182--08. 1528.26 AP I 15.34.-.59, S94.04 Flo-a. Jolln v . AP 439· 191· 10, AP 115-344-450, '124 18 481-032·23. $1.081.02 St,7lM.32 ROlll, A P1ul: Siemer. Oouglu Mlll\ZO, Henry M .. AP 217-157-03. AP 113S·2S-022, 172 t 80 S785 04 AP 938·25-023, 172180 Cudilpp, Ruuell J , AP 1553.83 AP 115-3'44-el, $115 80 Alber I . S•mu•I H AP Pomon• A11enue Seven, AP J . AP 481.032·24. $.4,885 32 t807 28 Kohe nlm, BenJ•mln. AP P11tk1t,LMl)'H ,AP217-Ul5-11, AP 1138-25-024. 1313.40 418-041·24, S 1,410 84 AP 938·25..025. 1313.40 Hodg9. OIVld l ., AP • 18-081 .. 7. •39·1112·14. s 1. 1116 18 115-345-13, 1113.12 JOl'lnaon, Aon •ICI l AP Kog•. lwao, AP 115-345-17, 481-0'44-02, l2.085 13 11,041.36 G.....,, Roben, AP 481-052-04, Allen. ThomU A .. AP 217-tS&-15, PROPERTY IN COSTA MESA CITY AP 938-25-027, 1721 80 II, 1111 18 AP 938-25-028. 1721 eo H. r r I • • w I I 11. m G • A p 4311-201-04, 1111 00 1992 lie 8 e c k e It. 0 e v I Cl P A P Kahre, Mlll'lln H , AP 115-345-21, $4,727 70 S3e0.38 Spence. Oerrel, AP 481-053-01. Splnou, v1nc1 n1 A , AP AP 83&-25-029. '721.80 418..()81-63, 1940 08 AP 931-25-030, S72 I 80 ClllT, Wll~ P . AP '18--091· 14, 438-201-31. 12.25585 te75 48 Agu•n•ldo. Brue• J AP Peel, eenllo, AP 115·345·28, se. 1ee.se 211-111-10. S7'4.se Herbor Ridge .Aun. A P Wemecllt. PllUI. AP 217-181·17, AP 938·:16-031. $721.00 S 1,533 2t AP 931-25-032, $721 80 Feldm1n. 1<1nneth E • AP 43t-213·03, S 11 I 00 120'4 34 Slt•VU.z. Ooneld R AP City or Coall ....... AP 411-074-07. S32.118 193'4.58 AP 411-074-08, 132.118 8 1anc:h8'd. Oen • C AP AP 411-081-03, $32.118 217·20+21, '2,347 80 8 Int en e en , z o • R , AP AP 481-011-05.132.t8 C a•Untd8, Lula A , AP 422-012·10,1 1,240.12 AP IU-2&-033. g 21.80 418-121-07. S 1 468 34 AP 938·26-03-4, 721.80. Or.Oge. Alen. AP 934-05-080. AP llGl-2&-0311. 21.10. I 111 00 AP 113a.2a-oM, 172 UO HOOf, Dor1I M • AP l~-0!-084, 439•213-07, a 1.353 18 115-3,5-58. S94 -48 Coll. ""°"" L AP 4311-213·12. Miner, Anortw L . AP 11$-3•8-03. muo 18112 34 l • Perl• La ne Pu1ntr•. AP Lt Pointe, Joseph A . AP ~ ::1::1:rr: m.:: 217-212.08, l801.50 Helt. Normen H., AP 422..012·31. "·"'°" Mar•hell, OouglU M • AP TAX llATI AMA 12__, Flena~•n. Ketllleen E , AP oltl..()91.()1, Stl,529.14 422·"13· I. •~57 51 • ....,. A ·~ •-1:rr ... 1~ A W""1e Co, AP 4f1..()91-07, 531.te. 8 I I "" .., -"" • -"'' ' • .,,.., Herbor Ridge A••"· AP "nd•. M oll•ll• A .• AP 111-011.oe.se.~ 2 481.otl.ot, '32.H '43.012"°2. l&.212.56 TAX.,.AT9 AMA ll-OGI HemMllOk, S •nd1• I. • A AP ... 1-091-09, 132.08 K 11 e • r •. Oona Id W .. A P 117·111·11. t111 oo. ..,. I U.01~5 SUt3 20 u.nolna, John R, AP 139-571·17, M . d. r . J 0 •• p n w . A tr11ln• co. A,. 01.ot1•1 • Sinha: Sac11'1d1r'lal'ld, Art •111.00. 111.113-15 tM5.7t. tt40M 43-023.o6, t1,H0.2t venttt, Raymond C•rl. AP Olb-. bev1e1. AP 117.tol-10 .. ~~o~..89 :~~,. A .. n . AP ... 1mu' W111dl Ttl\11, AP 13t·512-11. 11.189.14. WU3. !lt~bll'lllOn. iue~h•n L .. A,. 43-031-41, 1,eoot4 lu111,CetolynA.,AP188>572..itt . Oarner1_:!em•• A .• A •11•101•1 ...... ,""""'. 1 81IOll, "** ~ L.lttte, J1m419 w .. IM6.02. 111.111.oa, 911r9.78. "Two v"'o':'it';i\1te Inc , AP AP4'-031.ot,N ,002.72 Jone•. S ttpnen K., AP Ooldmen, Dlllll Lee , A 4eM01-111. M .731.08 ltowl'I. lwry I .. AP 43"°33.07. 1311 .. 1 M8, leet.18. 117·211·20, t'41 4t, p t22S.H Fullmer. &u1•n K .. AP ver11enoo . Kenneth J., A 8ullun11•1.....~~ard c .. A Olilnl'I, J-M., AP 43.o3A·13, 141-033·0&, 1111.49. 117·214-<11~ l l,it7.30, ,..,.,01-19 .... w..vv U 477tl w 11 11on Jam•• A ., AP Hltt 1 Wlllltm J .• -" n7-Hl4t Ciemoo tne, AP 41 1·101·20, tdoY. Ilene a .. AP 43·041·21. 141-133·23, b4t.01. &1 OM.ff. '3,H1.IO M7tt2 lord•l'IJ...~orm• J •• A P Amend•, Q.,•ld A .. A Harbor Aldg e Aa•"· A lemtn11•011 a1111e11 P A,. 141-133·61, N49.08. 117·2~. &4U,.N. '4t1-101•22. W .H ... 43-041-41 '3302.72 ' e. •. Jlltnle A., AP 141-134'02, Colombero, leoondo .I., A 811"der1 l a r 1on .I • .. LouollW, ,;tlltt, "" 4s.-o42.47 "'°""' 11129:144 &7471t .. 1-101·24, •181.20 '2.17Ut ' AP 141:1M-03, M&t.1f.. ~. Meiwi H:. AP '17 .. 11•11 H a rbor A l ~• Au n , A ~ o.Md C All..a.()4.10 Qllllem1 earb•r• I . Crowi.y, 11Mt.7a. .. 1-101·27< A 2. ....74 ' ' ' Wf'I "~ 11.P 1CMt4-<U. 1714.M. ~..l.---0., AP t17-Rt-10 AP .. 1-10 ·21. Pl,:_.tl ,, ""'*"· ~ AP ~12 z.ii.. Keny I .. ,.,,. 14MU·D. auea ... . KerdoiOft. ,.....,, ...... A ·~ .. o I •••• ""' ........ ...._. ' • " • ·--.... ,.. ...... S111 00 H\11'11, ~.AP 1134-05-0et. I 111.00 Stetr, Thomu Jf. AP t34-0W711 1$35 30 TAX"""TW AMA tW11 438-221..()3, l1,6tll 31 11$-348-14, 11.737.16 Weel, Alc:hard T., AP 4311-221-30, i<ennedy. Wllllam J Tr. AP 11,1611.51 116-348-17. $4,031161 Rynn,PMrldl6.,AP4311.231-02, City o l Co•t• Me••· AP S40t.74 116-341-31, '31.24 OrlMI, .l&mM A, AP -431-281..0t, AP 11S.34t-32, St:13 72 $tl12,11 Wlteltll'I, John F .. AP 11$-346-<14. Clark, Cral9 , AP 424.062·20. 0 Ir I Cl l'I. I a rl 8 2nd. AP '1,111&.50 $384 61 43t-H 1·24, 1:1,1112.44 AP 116-346-45, 1111.00 L.;Mn, llll A . AP 4:14..0&3•10, Mendel. Jecob. AP 43t-Kt-02, AarH1•d. Ellttltl A .. AP t111,oo '314.M 11W41-48, 1"8.74 Wln9ete, Altlerl •I.., AP Deyde n . Ohrlatopher, AP Muno&. f'tlll'IOlll. AP 11~. 424-05'-11, I 1,010.41 43t-fft• IS. MM.ea '4N.62 Plrnental,Luollll.AP•t4-171-01, Holfma"· Wllll•m A . AP M•n• .. .z..~01)11(1 I. AP at 48UO 43t-271-0t, &Hl.31 11'460-30, "41 u vo11n1u1. Nematoll•ll. A" NftOoft. lloutevwd P1t1rtrtef'lltlp, Ctlena. hnny N .. 4P 116--431~. 42'·112..02. ttte.H AP 43e-ar1.oe.. •1.ooe. '1 auae.so !ggebreclll, Anthony M .. AP Oolte MeN OM lnw11rnen1. A Akan a , Aaron w I , A fl ca4402.ot, tM4.00 43•212.02, lt,4n.341 111-4$1-07, l ltUI Kina .Wry 0 .. AP 424-2• t-32, AP 43t·272-G:t 11,000." Elll~L l e 11er1y, AP I 18•4"• 17. '' n2.·~ AP 43t-271.ot. •uua 1111.uu Ml~t, Olwleil I0)'9f J1, AP -., ..m.ot. ta1MO M Lo" In 9 , 8 h Ir I•)' I .. AP 42.4-19 to04, ......... Nllll'llO. t<elao, 11.P •H ·l12· I 1, 1 t&-434-06, ta73.» 1711.U ••Hard, "•ymond I . AP TAaoMTW //MA .,.... co.ta Melia Ofte ln ..... "'*11. A 11M61~7. l44t1M ,.._ 4»41t·t2, ~,lot.U Co11way, lrtl0111el I , AP Ootdeft ctrcte DwelotHMlll • ...., A,. _..m. a .114.U tfW' •• ,.,..~ .. ~-· ""'"''.. U,.. '' • .._._ ... -. '°' • • I • c:... .,..,.. .. ,, I I •••• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedn I dly, Augu1t 25, IBS2 '""'" p.,_ YJ MUC •TICl NllJC •ncr 1111 Joa A' 1u 111 11 , U 1•94 116-61) 4 I 1 11 I 00 8anl11111• Jullo t; AJI 1,8 .·o 1 "'· Oa11obtanco hhralu1• f AP '111 oo 116·111II,111100 8&.llU••n••n. l\Ul>•rt A "" 111...,110, o~". Al• 11& of:i 011 ,:111 .tt12 ''· uu a11 16ltr0 14 Kelly, Jl)M I\ .Ir, Al' lllll 2 T 1 otl, AlllllO.l Wllll1m Alli•• I Jr Af' 1337 811 116 11A~5. I 111 00 f I e IL ll • 1 , II I) g er l A. I' Wiit on. I "0!-.1..hhw•M•ll. M> llll u 1 10. SAU 04 I 15'-IJTA-11, 11.-112 Ay1htlpt\, Olen A., Al' 1311 U I Ill, H I m 111 0 n ' J "" • • 5 A ... '84 I 00 116-0112-04, $420 30 6 tone m • 11 Cr• 1 g H AP Plt c:e nll1 I limited Al' t'IO 284 10. $11100 1115-5112· Ill, S 1, lllS 90 C•'Alerd O••y O Al' 1311 21111 O!S Whel1111. John F AP 115 6113 oe u 13114 t 1,035 ff 0.YOy (lhai011 L Al> 139 2118 OU 8'00111. David l • AP 11~·00 I I I SitlO 18 "91 40 N•lt o n Hot>•1 I F AP 0 0. 8 • n I 0 .. Am. ti 0 A p IJll .J3 I 07 see• 311 I 15·ecl"2· Ill, '305 70 Alc:orn C11ol A AP 139 333 Ill Fe rdinand Ao bell r AP S422 o• 115·1121.oll, S 1.1127 110 O'Con1101, Ol•n. AP 1311-333-21 C•d)', Alwood H. AP 427-031-20 $A3661 '723.24 o Conno1 Toom .. 1 H , AP W•lk•r, Prlrok C. AP •22-031·30 1311·333 2b SCIOll 70 1702 82 J•Ckton, Forr .. 1 w ., Ml, AP V02en11 .... John, AP 422 052-0S 130 334 14, s t,448 02 St,&43 52 S •MPHll Kon fl I Ill Fl . AP Moni.<. J011 W , AP 422·05?-08 130-34 I .07 S!i09 83 178055 J i n••. Mtcnri.I 011v10. A( Pa uly. Raymond Wayne, AP 139-362 09, $13,684 02 "22-052·10,$11100 M••Olroelan Gera lo Ar S10ne. Wlllllm e .. AP 422..()52 I t 139-402 16 .• 1,828 !if> I l,48e 22 KO I I u I h Ch 111 I e" Cl A I Lovetn . M•11hew C AP t311·402·?8, S834 /4 422-052· 111. ~23 12 6ety91 JOhn C AP 139-402·4 I OatrO*. Dentel, AP 422· 153·03 $676118 $1,23653 Sander s . M a11a11 l A~ Pheltn Hotel Group Lid . AP 139-431·42 S376 11 422· 183·27. S75,890 36 Balley Cr111g W . AP 139-431-<15 AP 422· 163·28, $24.457 88 $659 74 Befg, Aobefl L ' AP 422· 17I·16 O•c~ey. rrn11k AP 139·431-61 $1175.22 S397 35 Aoaow, Leonard P AP O"Connor. Fort!5t R Ar 422· 176-06, S42!i 42 139.455 12. S645 07 Simpkins, Randell A AP Thomas. Robert Capron Tr AP 422-115.01. S853 94 139·'461 · 17. '1.767 n AP 422· I 75-06. S653 94 Balley Bruce l AP IJ:l • 7 3 OJ Murphy, Dennis Robert AP S701 2• 422-181·33. S55873 Chrtt1men AICh81d A AP Ly110!1, Ralph H AP •22· 182·0 I, 139·4711·0 I S 1.895 64 S l73 65 Bouk Gale A AP 139.471 21 Chemberl•ln, Craig et at AP s 1 123 86 422· 1112· 15. $433 80 $ h Iv 11 I y RI c I\ a 1 o H A P Kiiey. L W1yne AP 422· 191·02 139-479.{)4 S820 0 4 S30160 Proncaollo S~lvalo•e AP Ounc:an. Poll M , AP 422· 193·0 I 139·481·37 S362 73 $1,412 78 Russell. Mory E AP 139-492 I 1 Fine. Denis W , AP 935-23-00 t. S665 89 S572 11 R 1 g g s P , 1 'I c 1 11 a S Bordy. Ri chard 1 e1 at. AP 139·513·01, S525 74 935-23-038,St,49774 f'ark.,r , Judit h w He ndershot, Aot>erl M . AP 139-5t4·05,s11100 935-23-040, $576.86 M" rd In'. M 0 u n I, 0 A p Sllul1z, Waller J et al, AP 139-5i4-t0. Sl,33901 935-23·057,S962.08 Vana~ek . Beverly L AP Omohundro. Rober! E Jr AP 139.531 11 St 067 70 935·30·0 II, SI, 168 88 Miiier J allr"y B AP 139-531-28 Von. Ted p AP 935.30 014 St.53080 s 1,210 10 Lyoos. Pet11c:k J A.P 139·S33·22 M I k u II ch . 0 8 n I e I J A p SI 235 79 935-30-021. $1. 192 92 Chapman. o t AP 139-5"2 05 AP NIUC UC SJ. ftp IO A,. 141 04&17111'7IO 1.-.y Lot•n 0 AP 141 406-16. l;/,18'" UX•"ATI LllT 1MIN Show•ltar , Oa11 tc. AP 4;11/-141 Ii, t ti 1 00 AUil, J•lller, Af' '4311 141 t•411 Sl.4~_,. N•ecJh•m lota A 431> 142 •Cl. 11113 04 Strnpeon. John Mtt:ll••• AP 4.311 I~ I 4'9 SI 448 1>4 Spurt lllieb1tlll 11 Al> 4311 Ill I 34 1736 11 Sn•tr•n Allell J AP 0 7-02)·02 Sil, 123 16 Kemph H111ry N . AP •27 tCll 20. $1,860 0 I JMltrl, MtCllHt AP 427 !Cl4 '"· Sl.56804 Boo11ma, John, AP 427 1113·23. ·~081 PodtOlll, A1nO•ll c AP 427-104 13, 12,342 112 Veller 011oma1 J 427-104-18, '1,222 81S AP 427 1114·17 $876 48 AP LeAnc41 Allof'I T AP 427 104 18. $1,11111102 HuDb••• Robert c AP •27 1114.111. S3 o8s 48 While. Wllllllm A AP 418-052-72 S?.350 38 ' Norloro . Cll•r l{!S J A P • 18 053-07. s ',825 22 T AX·RA Tl! 1545 Pro1>er111u WOtl Oevetopm.int Corp, AP 412·071·05.S1,2•7 34 F1n111tone Barry. AP • 12-071 Ill, SI 578 94 Worman Scott S 412 074 16 $860 30 H•ney, Gordon L 4 tl 074 19 S2 760 60 AP AP H u a rq~ , S u n Q F o n o A P 412 074 n St 036 8Q Gon,burg Lynne K AP 412·074·23 S2 314 34 Phllhps Jonn l AP 412·074-35 $1 11123 Sm11h, 011111e P , AP 41 2·074-4:J. $11100 AlllU Wr11 c~1ng l11c AP 412 074-49. $2,046 46, Froroch H o ward L 412·371·06. $2.683 36 AP Cook . RtchtHd A Tr , AP 412·371-07. S2. 197 116 Royal. Russell w 412.311-09 sa8o 58 AP Foro.1111n. M Z AP 4 n -371 26 S2 126 20 Aowtey. w 11111 A AP 935 84 003 SI II 00 Sh•l)lro. Paul S AP 937·66·011, S2, 165 84 Sl,400 58 Sloat, John F AP 139•543_07 Gau101ng. George w Jr Ar> 936-33·022 SI I 1 00 Valley FOfell Flnanctal Corp , AP S509 59 !137·78-007.$9211.62 Keeler M ichae l P AP AP 937-78·011, $1,022 34 139-602-16 Sl,953 96 AP937·78·014,S929.62 Cusut>e, Cnarles w AP We lch James w 139 621-22 $783 60 119 391-14, $310 53 TAX AATE AREA15·0'1 Ni chols , Warten E AP 139.531 08 5782 40 Hulse. Frencts L . AP 119-391-20. Mancino James. AP 141 153·02. s i.770 54 Mc: Cluskey, Eleanor L AP 424-181-06, s t56 46 $106 84 Oui.z. Edmundo. AP 141·157.05 Courier, Lewrence L Jr AP 424-182-29, S4,908 46 Saling, Rober! A . Dorney, Keith A., AP 4241· lfl t-22. $2,219 62 $1.072 66 Nortnc:utt Mars llall J 141· 162-05 $4 18 64 A p M s I 01118 Corp AP 427-062 ·02, S14.62308 Shepnerd, Rober t M AP 424·311·32. $657 26 Grasmehr. James M AP 424·311-36, $I ,834 86 Bellerd, A•ymond E AP 424-313.02. S867 90 Brechtel, Lota AP 424·313.09 SA86.88 Olllll, Manuel E .. AP 424-313-16, S468.70 A II Van 011count Center, AP 424-321-02, Sl80 92 A"kell1, Algls, AP 424·32 I· 14, $4,793 26 TAX lllATE AREA 15-444 Newpon Mesa Chrtsllen Cent&# AP 426-051-05, S34 I 66 ll•n De Walke r Grant H AP 4211..()54-05, $527 36 Mremer Marl in J 426-064-03, Sl,793 56 AP Aouaey W1lllam I AP 428-072· 10, sn 1 48 Pleonl. Tine L . AP 426-073·06 S111.00 W alk er. Telford A . AP 42&-073· to. 11.568.02 AP 426-073-11, S 1,627 00 AP 426-073-20, St,657 06 AP 426-073-21, S 1,657 06 S•llat>ury David A AP 426-07A-16, S667 15 Campbell Oevto B AP 426-013· 111, $485 38 Forre ster , John G . AP 426-084-04, S217 61 Amt>aas•dor College. AP 426-121-04. $660 97 • CfO*. Mlc:llHI G AP 426-121-06 Sl.10790 WMtan. John F .. AP 421>-121·24 seee.14 Rotc:lllo. Leonard A . AP 426-122-03, $783.36 Ce ll. Sol L . AP 426-151·26 S9tl.56 Hollletn, George M. el al. AP •28-153·02. S627 22 Glu, Frantz J .. AP 426-251-07 Sl,28160 Dunning Lew AP 426·252-09 Btrc;tl, John AP 14 t· 164-21 $353 74 Neiner Cilrl AP 141-191·01 Sl,888 32 AP 141·191·02, SI 80158 Whelan John F AP 14 I 191· 18 S867 26 Barton Frank E . AP 141 201·01 $240 89 Whelen. John. AP 14 •·233-09. S543 04 Loreto. Jose . AP 141-234-09 $582 2:. Hester. Coy F AP 1"41 -372-20. S286 14 Kendall Roy J AP 141 -373-16 S1 II 00 Grenk ovtch Ph.tip A AP 141-373-23 S312 65 P•J•ro Asta roo A 141-374· 17 s I, 109 50 AP Wengelar Duane A AP 141-382-10, $404 46 Autt•ll . C ar l 1 Jr AP 141-385-12 S718114 Seeks, Herry B AP 141·393-06 $578 3 I V11tetoa. Ronald L , AP 14 1-42•·05. $734 7 1 Yenon. Eddie L AP 141-424-19 $567 28 Mc; Gltnn John S Jr AP 141·452·09 S•24 18 Ouran1 Robert E Tr et al AP 141·473·11, SS33 11 Hindley Roban AP 141·•83-0' s11100 Grerth Cnartes AP 141·562-06. Sl I 1 00 Benne11 Ftoyo AP 14 1·562-16 s111 00 Berg Aol>efl L AP 141 -613-47 $287 92 N oonon Gr e gory AP t• 1·623· 10, S•ta •.s Duranle Franlt J AP 141-643-19. $419 86 Etchw atd. Lawrence AP t411·664-09, S457 56 AP 141·664·10. $457 56 0 1 Oomenic:o. Marie B AP 141·665-14, $2,886 56 Petklns, Mlf\I C , AP 141-665·34 SI 240 70 I S217 80 Conser Joltn C $824 44 AP 426-324-10 0 Ar It n MI c n e I e c A p 419-132· 18, $998 67 Hiii, Brl9n A , S2,274 78 AP 936·03-002 AP 419· 132·19, S802 09 TAX RATE AREA 15-0A5 Grage A11 ymono E AP •20 021-03. $2,333 60 S CllZO , Carlton V 420..()21·21 $70 I 45 A P H•rmo n . Jame t H . A I' Kenl Edward A AP 420·021 23. S? 527 32 139-042-49, $468 141 Brady, Dennis R .. AP 139-043-02. S218 13 Hat1ln8s. Maureen A AP t3U·052· 1 , S700 76 Delley, David A AP 139-084. 12 $1,08e.32 Sangater, Marilyn R . AP 1311-084-16, s 111 00 Like. Oon•ld e1 al w 11111ms. Jultvl. C . AP 13U-065-12, S562 63 Untveraal Search Inc AP 131l-Q85-15, $369 93 Rncltl. Rot>en A. AP 117-10 I 09. J282114 AP 117 t01 10 $32438 A•cllr Oom1n 1c J 117 IOt t3 S224 32 AP R8Clll A()Ofl(I A AP 117-101-23 $180 32 TAX·RATE AREA I~ W innie . M;athl•en A AP 139-091·10. $761 99 Boise Enter pro us Inc Al' Krogh, Helen V . AP 139..()95-1 1 424·231·02, S756 10 $1,351118 C .. h . Theodore A Jr, AP TAl(•AATE AREA ~5-057 1311-ofl6·04. $2711.8 I s w e en el , Sf u 1 r 1 J . A p Jennings. John 0 Sr. Tr. et 111. Al' 1311-IOt·IA, 1.516.98 139·651-06. $206 13 Hatrll, Sereh F . AP 139-102-30, '5711 20 Hink le, Fllfretl G AP 139· 122-05. .. F s 1,5611 70 B o m a n B 1 II G t • n n ... Farria . Esmond D AP 418-062·14, Sl.11888 139-123-18, $354 64 Foley Con11ruc;llon Co Inc . AP • L I Im b e I r • M • ' y J • A p 418-0tl4!· ltl, >-ti' 8 """08 139-131· I 1. 173? 62 White, Wtlllam A AP 41 """"'" " o AP 12.332 Al! O'H•llor•n. n•ymond • G•rcla Plectoo G 1at-1&e-01.t1.15652 418.064-()5 Sl,11285? T AX·AATE AAEA 15-0&3 A P Oton Propertres Corp AP 427·083-04 s' .051 52 TU·AATE AREA lS-112 Carl'!• Roller! J AP 422.041-36 Sl,14548 Oute1 Bay Home 5 , AP 422·04 1 ·44, S3, 160 76 Gre c ian Charles l AP 422-051-10, $453 26. AP 422-051-11, Sl,402 02. Mc:Nl$11, Slephen J AP 422·052-01, S4 19 13 Vo1en11ei. John, AP 422·061 14 S58 54 AP 422·06 I· 15. $602 66 Greet Jerry G . AP 422.012· I? $551 12 Elt;oll. Carleton. AP 422-081..()' S945 73 AP 422-081-02 SI 06721 Lloyd Wtltl•m F AP 1135-92-001 S963 95 H11sch Brlln G AP 935-92-003, Sl,922 90 Pranzo, Jo Jr, AP 935-92·007. SI 696 80 Urbonlles Inc AP 936-74-001. $1 279,08 Wr ight Tllomas Ward. AP 936-14·002, $ I .339 26 Urbanites Inc AP 936-74-004 St.21836 AP 936-74-007 $1.218 36 Ho. Edwtn W AP 937.49.014 11 588 114 Yosh•d• Jae.kt• S AP 937-50·001 S l,763 76 Lozaoo lhOmts AP 937-50-005 S842 5' Mc:Cormftck Roger R AP 937.50.008, s 2,201 08 Maynard , Cn arl es E . AP 937-50-014, Sl,167 42 Kendall, Roy J . AP 937.50.015. $2,493 64 TAX·AllTE AREA 16-115 Zimmer Joteph S AP 1 t 7 ·0111 ·I~ $940 22 C OtfllO. MICh lle l A P 117-0111-16 $661108 E11 c;keon Alch•rd F AP 117-102-09 SI 12968 Dunn, M>ehlMll T AP I 17-103-04 S2.l10 26 Aic:kellS Dennis C AP tt 7 • 103-07 SS& I 25 AP 117 103·08, St,515 26 Ross John c AP 1t7-104-06. $202 46 Swott. Janet C . Boyd, Halen M et 111. AP 117 113·0I,S1 .372 00 Jones. Sheron G 117-114-23. Sl.615 74 AP Eberle . Warren A P 425·23 1..()4 $291 67 AD •25·232-02. $A79 so TAX·RATI AREi\ 16-1 16 Brown Cllfllllotm C AP 424·212· 17 S21S 62 Fotgelman Aaron Tr AP 424-222-03 S3 3 16 62 AP Thom•• Velma C 424-,222-05 $1. 105 96 Geuter Clyde H Tr , AP 424·222·08, $660 04 Costa Meaa Redevelopment Agency, AP 424·252·08. $94.0<1 Mc:Coy. Horold N . AP 424·2~22. s 1.69!> 58 Kohar11 KenlCh•. AP 424-263-27 Sii 1 00 PROPERTY IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY CITY Mor l On· GI O' g e L A p lllcitnet ROii B . AP·4111-082·33 1311-172-01. $987 31 • ..,..7 08 Aaynoldt. lllCIOt U Jr, AP Sulllv•n. W llll•m G , AP H 8 rrtaon . C•ryl w . AP 112·804·27.S75742 139-184·12, 1 1,471138 418-0113•15_ 11,•117 711 Mc:Ce rthl. Edward O . Af Slllwell, J•ne G .. AP 139· 1111· 13, Slr•ll. 01kar. AP 418-083·51 11?·732·3U. 1.08•. 10 St,3&4.20 $1'22 IO Hess•y. Aob ert D Af Hog•n. Ellen M., AP 1311-192-09, · 112·751·13, 18113.36 '642.00 r .ow •'"Tl ...... 1 .. .-.. S G II W • r tz , D • v Id H A f Wlnc:ll••lar, Le meo 8 . AP ,.,,.".. "" .. ,....,.. 112·172·34, SA23.21 139-1112·30.$292 48 Smltll1on, W•d• E Af Wallac e , Le onud M , AP MoK1y, At 1n Bertram AP 112·172·70, $361.27 139-1P.25,'378.64 IAl-.301..0l,'3-0581 C1rlngall 1 , Jo .. ph, Af O••tld 8 . C 1 mpbell Tea Bureon, Rov Ct•uar , AP 112-773-07,1482.3 1 ::on1ut1•nt Inc, AP 1311.202-01. 1A1...:ioa.21. $11100 0111e11a 1.Euo•n• M , Af 11.078.M Du H1dw•y, Donald J AP 112-7111-10, ~77 5e Webb, Oe vld, AP 1311·204·12. 141-313-01,$11100. JoMt. N T Jr, AP 112·782·12 1111.00 W.Ob, Jttnte P , AP 141·322·25 '358 73 Wa l1tre, W llll•m 0 . AP $511 118. Mullay, Cl1rte1opner J J r. M 139-211·10.$423.40 P lakeme . Brian C , AP 11~·7111·20,$1,712N Pelmef, ~I , AP 13$-212-07. 141·321-04. $1 11 00. Abftlltlllt, Ptul, AP I 12·701·32 ~.All Oernler. Lale. AP 141·331•20, Sl.018 t2 O.Yle, John ,,. AP 139·212·31. S75e 02. Oook e . Thom" 8 ., Af nuse M~. s""'' a . AP 141.542..oe. 112.eo1-02. '603.84 "°1•tng, O.vld, AP 139·213•08, 1453.10. W oo d 1 . 11 1 r o Id A ., A f 17t3.ff Ho ffm ann, J i m .. 0 , AP 112-802·28, S\113.17 J ollnton, Andrew 8 A P 141·50f..02, 1381.72. v1111tot>o 1, An thony L., Af 139-216--18, 1233.63 WNlele, W.,t., L, AP 141.fl&e-07, 1 12·80~-37, 1820.DO Va rdull, Arthur J A P S3N.80. Jo lln1011. Latty. M. Tr , Af tff-23'"10, aeot,7A llley, LOlan D., AP 141-M2·12, 1*231-37, 11,224 IO ¢_,lby. 8UPll•n A • AP IU~M ltllH 1y, fllu ua11 E. Jr, AF 151-01 13 *.ot wtlelan, Johll r, AP 141.e&2·18, 14S-2)1-44, '3a0.~ • 'AlllPn, A,. 1SNl2.08, l t,0248t lveneon.l.~llll am M .• AF II 14e Jendru11ne, Oreo ory $ • AP 143-2»-01, ~8 10 ~. lldneJ. ~ 139-282-10, 141.at:l-I 1, S 11 I 00. M«r1\1 Mike O .. AP 143·~ .IO Namur Stdna y R., AP SIOOTSO 1111 0 •''· t.terear••· A 141..-..U, i 1.172A7. Prvyn, AMHll J ' AP 1"3-201-41 ~1. e111.00 0<!111, Qr~ L, AP IAl-MS-10., 1Mt4 17 ' .. NU Inf j __ Nll_IC_•_ti_f __ _.,._..NU •-Ta....-__ ...... "°'*' c I A,. 14) lU M Gom~. 0.otg41 AP ,,,.1$1.ff Suln•rl•nd "Ol>Ut D AP XII tn=401 XI u•o., Ao.to v.-non t .. All' 44t-432o02. t'406 I) t t 007 00 tMi H 1"4·203 11 M U 11 AP IOI 401Jt,16 374 U loy•r LIHlll 11 AP t0 311•46 04Hln•r Oo11y A,. "' 1;12 02. Rut11ne y , Roll•• 1 R AP A1c:nucuon, Nuel " 411' tJ3' I• "30 llO 144·203 11, f413 H IOI 'I I 0 I, Ill, 111 t) H•y•. J•t141I A. AP 143·31&-&8 Oovgll•t, Oary, AP tell 133 02. M8tllla R•ul, AP 144-203·31, M•fl-, Elle W , AP 109 'I I 06. thrdlfl Oe nnlt" AP 440·<13'.0.. 1471" .,.,oL•nn•n Jo11n 0 ;.p 440 432.01. 12.oie oo l!h1a n 1•d •ll , H•••n . "'" 4411 43:1·13, 12,:180 94 so'° 44 11 046 42 1 " 1 oo aio eu 14 MQK•lldty. Herold C . AP G•rlow, 89fg A AP 101 tlll 17. 611Mlk, SaHy 0 , AP 144·203·64, llihen. lO'AteO T AP 100-411..()7, IO·:JO&-~l.t711J4 111100 16Ht0 12,6111111 Picken•. P•ul A AP 143·1Hl-oe, w 1110 n . w. n cJ. J A p AReo, l11weu T AP 144 2:11 'I Loe C•t>alleic>e AKqu.t' Sport• 8ytlelan, Olo4ll I' , AP «6-432-31. ~21184 $711'>00 1671&208,llnllfl 11111 40 Club llO, Al' 111111 ·4il 0 8 K••ne :.11ve OutrHI. AP Mut •ll Cllert .. II Jt AP Opt91 l • Aoy f AP IH :n1 12. '4U 41139' U3)1J0>$1013U4 167-16317 1 11100 $1,219"4 APtllll·421-0tt2.SJOOn Ar1.on• Arturo AP 143·5' I 58 (;. e 1 re 11 J • m • • H AP Al1itmer l II AP IU 22 t 13. AP 11111·42 I 09 13 '300 1'I lrwlfl, Aldwd W AP 44M3244 1711650 LIO , SCOll l AP 461-012·3 11~4 so i7HC1f 167-173-20 1618 111 $2,230M AP 11111·421·09 14. S437U M II l m • 11 It • r o Io l A I' 8 no• I IJ t 11 O. r r en k J AP Opl41t Le Roy Al' 144 222 03 143.321 11".I 110211 n 187-184 oe '48' n st a.u 12 B••••v W llll•ni w AP We• Ch•n AP tll7 201·0 • 8f-.... H111ryL AP 14'131-26, 1!18.013 13 M T& 20 52.&&7 ~· S1141 80 Lu IHI l> "p ·~e 013-lf Awe. Wllll•m J AP 1111.211 18, Sh•••ood. Ste ven J AP 144 Sl.004 Ill S249 04 231-117 5'103 OA Tullio Edwa1t1 II AP CtO wtr . lym aro 0 AP F•rdtnand, AoDall F AP 1118 021 12 s8l4 13 101-~11-30. sises& 144.23:.001,110&311 Coromol•t. Goo•u111 A Al' Meg1en11 . J••n•• J Jr AP Sllelt>y, JHM E , Afl 144·382 19. 1!18 021 22 S486 !10 HH·212·02. S604 :JO $819 38 HllllC!I LOUIHE AP 1&8·02J·OCI. Mc:Mutphy. M;eronelh. AP Mc Ma11111 Thom~• AP 12611 27 1111 n 1 40. S 1 .040 38 144·384·08. S43 t 48 Qayfa Wllll•frl H . AP 156-023·30. Hlggtnt>olham. Oorolhy H AP L••Mtl, H Brtnl, AP IH-385 14, 1245 •t 167·221-48. 14011.35 $701 18 Carl OoUQl .. A ,AP 156-<>37·~. AP 187·221 ~.$42768 Thomuon. Aot>e•I L AP S208 40 CoromolH Chulu A . AP IU·402·11. 1535 76 co. ROD••• 0 AP 15&-037-14 187 233 Ill, $1,U74 82 Hutc:lllnt. P•ul E. AP 144 402 29 SI 140 08 Z•hOrChO. Richard M AP $1.212 28 Purllllu, Robetto I el al, AP 187 2111-20, $113568 Stllc;kl•nd, Robert M AP t50·U42-02 St.361l01J C•mpoell J1me1 M AP 144-402-30 111115711 0 Bry•n S111pho n G AP 167-?62·11 $40148 P•ndloton Davi d L AP 15604~·05 136985 TllOrndlk• Jo11n E AP 144-402·36, $918 75 Wood Reg e 1n1 a l AP 187-263-02 1 1,3791111 Hill Donald Rly, AP 144404.10 156·052·39. $149 34 Fora, S tev.n AP 1117-362·011, SI 11 00 MJyna•d. Rlch•ld N AP S11100 Ouy NQuyoro l AP 144 414·21. 156·053-28. S54 I 58 Beard, Danell R , AP 167-363-20, SJ 12 23 Adkin•. Ronald l AP $76838 Kang,MyongK ,AP 144·414·22. 1~6-002· 17, S46!. 19 O"Hi;lloran. Aaymo"d 0 , AP $304 19 Hudz1etz Don f" t MM). AP 167-372·30. $1 464 00 Hipps, Roger H , AP 144·41 4·28. ll>6-062·<11 s 1,020 !)() Adler. M&rvll) p ' AP 167-381·20. s' 11 00 K a r s t , S I e p h a n E A P S8<16 64 Marr Im a n . R ob o r I l . A P 156-063-49 S868 00 E pa on , W 11 t I em T AP t0 -462 17. S923118 Scnm111 , l a Vella G AP 167-422·27. $1.047118 Kanno. M•lll. AP IU 471 14, 15800357,$71778 Todhunter. Joseph A AP S14356 Borkow•kt. Joy1ie A AP 167-431·01, S18t 25 Dept ol 11•11 AH•ir• ot S1ete or 156-063 74 S47t 94 John5on. Benjamin 0 AP Cal we11ner AF AP 144·•7t-<18 Sykff Low11 V AP 151>-071.09 167-432-14 S585 A8 S 11 I 00 S762 04 S903!'3~' J•me• W AP 167·433-05, Androde. Henry G . et •I. AP MlhetC: Ju•n AP 1511-07 1·23 <> ~ St 4,. W Jeler, Cl\Ht.y B AP 167·513-03. 144-471·82 Sl,311188 Hatn•way, Ja llr e y J AP St7309 Davt et W lll.,d E AP 1!'>6·14'1·10 So47194 Rivers NOrbarl F AP 144·483·34 S87038 G•rtte Tllome• J AP t67-5:n 17 S476lll Peterson Palmer L AP 156· IJJ· 11 5121 !>-4 He fl It Aon a Id C A 144•492-21, S 11 I 00 LISlttf, J11m111 l AP 1511·133·<'1. 187-521·24 °S11100 Streuter Marth• H Tl, AP S56 I 30 Pelcher. Ro1111e G et al. A 144·492-58, S404 36 Ot>ertu '"" c , AP 156-133·33. 167 542·17 S5399l Nouri, Monsour, AP 144-501·12 • · · u~.oo Sl,05966 S1F7o911160y. Jerry P. AP 167·561·26. Eic:herly S teven H AP Waelu .IAm ... I AP 151). 133-42. s S 120 28 Henry. Keith w . AP 167-561-48. 144-502· 14 690 96 8 11 c1 u k , A 0 be r t J A p S 1 330 44 Balthrop. Gery l , AP 144·502·23 · p 67 57, 04 S346 24 156 2M l:J, $561 79 •. ,~o7n8d,ll. Clatr K · A 1 • ~-· F05het. Cheryl L , AP 144-514-23 Wood Curne11us Wllllam. AP ......, ~ 156·202·47 $1. t 16 34 Crendall Sally L. AP 167-582· 10, S5:9 32 M K I AP 144_514_34 w II 1 or• Sh a r on L AP S219 43 S 11 ','t:{· 8'Y 1!16-20:.>·58. S385 54 D•ml•n. J11110 s AP 16/-591-13. F k L AP 144·514·•9 $ t Burnell Iii r rodellck C AP Sl,554 28 tn · "· • 1'>6·202-75. S449 18 L •wren c e Ce r 1 O AP 432 20 Ll"d••Y John11y M AP 167-592·12 $86760 Geweniger Gery 0 AP 156 202 82 'Hin 28 Fountelo ll•ltev Investor, AP 1u.514.53 S l.'49 114 Gi5l>On Rot>••• G AP 169-052..()317 $1,61808 Johnson . Ps1r1c1a T AP '!>6 212 22 S672 14 AP 1611-052 03 19 s 1 618 08 144·514·63, see2 39 Newbill, Belly J AP 156·222·27 AP 169-052-03.40: s1:395 28 Oarllng F,.nl<. AP t44-5 1•·69 SlllOO Nteves Raymond AP s748.2I Walker Marl< w AP 156·232·21. 1611-061-19, S679 86 • Stttermann, Thomas C. e1 al, AP S489 68 AP 160.06 t-48 $30 50 169-012·05. S564 08 Post. Ctlllord C , AP 157-021-30 Garcia F19n°k AP 169-07 1-17 Schoe1tter James A AP $873 12 $209 58 ' 169-012-07 '354 43 Hansen. w 1111am J AP Peret, YSldora C AP Sl~l1b~lll,Aonalo,AP l69-0l2·09 157-041·07,$35904 169-071·22 St8746 Hei t oro Ronald w AP Collins. J•cquellne F AP Ttnoco Ma110. AP 169·071-38. 169-012•23 S979 30 157-042-24, $344 26 S93 02 Aec:h Dolores J AP 169-012·48. Bolton l/1c101 AP 157-054-38 Johnstone & Assoctales Ill, AP $668 22 $9H 16 169·081·1820 Sl,24082 Vetentone Rob@rl I AP Tom11 1 ~0 lom M AP Luna C11101, AP 189-081·41 169-013·26,S976 34 157-064·56 '1374 36 S261100 Moreno Frank J AP 169·013·45. Fell John S AP 157·063·02 Oodson, Win Ired E .. AP $272911 S486 37 169--091· 1 I, S667 28 B•el>er. P•ul M AP 169-013·50. Royul Homes AP 157·065-42 Tacke. Robert. AP 169 102-08. S9550• S341 18 $340 4 1 Bitzer Roll A . AP 169·013-54. H • I I 0 I Cl H e b 8 r c A p Holland. John " . llP 169· 102.-13, s I I 1 00 157-073-12, Sl,028 08 Sl.478 52 James. Ned L. AP 169-341-14. Ryan, Charles A AP 157-074·11 Warner, Kennolh L. AP $1.26762 S390 88 t69-102-l7 S2A8 65 But> e I l' H e Im u I J A p Gorajewskl, Rick. AP 169· 102-35. 157·08 •·09. S783 92 S247.93 TAX-RATE l\REA 21-011 PROPERTY IN IRVINE CITY f1anld tn. J•m•• K•llh AP 45 I 013· 17. S 1.11$4 10 DeV11 Aobetl L AP 40 I.() IS-11/ Sl,28601 Ch•rry Jull AP 01 013·S5 $81181111 Bejorok . John K &r. AP 451-02:1 13 Sl,217112 Torru G . Af' 44\i 441 $431163 McNab HOl'lly, AP 461·031-14 •O. $111 00 Sclr r o•der G er11ld 4'9 441 211. 1111 00 J1cob1on, Jo1111 o ~49-441 311 St,611690 Hlchtrd•O•I Oallu II . AP A p 4~1 032·1!>, ll,1!7113, S1mmon1 M ark E . AP A p A&I 032 17, Sil I 00 Wiii AICh.,d W AP 451..002·37, SA5186 Hehn. Chari•• R AP 449 46 t-l!i, SAllt; 'II Bro•n , Roy w Jr . AP AP 451-0330911 411400 L••ll• turold O Jr 449 451.13 IQ115 1111 Bt~k . Killy M•y AP 449·451·34, Sl,550 48 Tong Norman SH I( AP 45 1..042·48, SI ,844 14 Perez Joea I S118 116 Town1end. J em•• 0 AP AP 44ll·45t·44. 451·042·&3 $80188 Gellamor e W 1ll1 •m API 451-042·82. $993 36 F11her. Donald J 01 S •tvo. Raymond P•ul. AP 4411-452 'J 1 S81l3 58 Fo•. Andrew J . Fleming, Ma•~ R , AP 4411-462·22 S 1,626 24 Carpenter Russell G ~P 449-452·27 $951 76 Oollllka, Oor..en AP 449-452-36, $547 9A C811•, Ronald F . AP 449-452-54, SI 526 16 Peck Edwin C Jr Nlchott. Atenerd c AP 453·202-33 S84 I 12 Ztntgrart . Robert E A P 453·202·43 SI 978 72 I AX ltA T£ l\REI\ 26-007 tc.rome r. Stephen M AP 451-051·42. S733 •2 Tyer . Gary L et ., AP 4!il·051·611. Sl.8$3 12 A110 Ko0an11 M , AP 451-063.04 S960 12 Warner, P1udence Suzanna, AP 451.071-19, S857 20 P 11e111, Andrew l 451.07 1-311, Sl ti 00 AP So'Aterd Ml rvln C A P 451-101..()11 SI 15A 84 Lemplgnano M1cnaet J . AP 451-101-10, $30245 Bond, OoNIO A AP 45 I· I I 1-11 S7 18 29 G roumen. M•rahall K • AP l u I> IC A Ill h On Y R A p 451· 111·31, SS 13 72 447 034·05. S790 16 King C•rotyn J AP 451-252-47, Popa, Richard A AP447·041·48, S63115 ~~1~211lba , Daniel A AP Gll&TR Co •IA-1923·00·? &for 447-0A2-16, Sll76 24 I' au d . M. r c e I e I 81 . A p 453·032·60. S914 99 Ouymon, Gary l AP 447-062-05, ll&TR Co TA •IR·1923·00·2 &/or S579 40 Garrtson Oe•ald K , AP 453-035-AO. Clayton, l Whrlnav 3rd AP 6 I s 149 24 447·062-07. $ 1,980 88 Mitchell. Horace. AP 4H-071·20. ll&TA Co Tt ll'IA· 1923-00·2 &lo. s1.54t 06 Eyenson Lo Ann et 11, AP 0 . H • , a . G 8 r m II I n e A p 453.{)35-43 81 '1' I 00 447-07 1 46. $1,6;!5 42 Tl8TA Co Tr •IA· 11123-00-2 &lo. Aoquet. Cerotyn AP 447-071-<18, Grage Vicky S AP 453-035-n S1.225 72 St,556 66 E1erad1 Etaoe. l\P u 7 07 l·S6, Tl& TA Co Tr •IR-1923..()().2 &lo. Sl,252 64 Freese J•yne E AP 453-03S-05 II a n c e c h ~ r I 8 I E A p $365 6 I 447-072-05, S t,440 26 Tl& TA Co Tr •IA· 1923-00·2 &lo. Schump Jack N AP AA9·042·08, Ctamen1, David I(., AP 453-031>-19. $474 36 S600 59 Spauldtng Elwin J , AP Tt&TR Co Tr •IR-1923-00·2 &for 449-042 69, s111.00 Orlanooa. Ntc holes Jr, AP J O I A p 453-0311·2 I. S376 15 Marquere. r ando, t l&TA Co lr irlA-1923·00·2 &/or 4A9-052·02 SI ,848 54 Harrold. James w . AP Boyer, Mulne P . AP A5J-036-AO 449·052·20, SS59 03 S933 12 Aot>laa, Art AP 449 065·0 I, Tl& TE Co Tr •IR· 1923-00·2 &IOI $ l 11 00 Fnsch. Jellray tJT) AP 453-<>A2· 13 Fergu,.on Milton 0 AP $59666 449--066-07. S710 14 Tl&TA Co Tr •IA-11123-00·2 &/or Car 1 e, Jame 11 E Jr A p Comings, Bruce W AP 453-<>4?·38 449-084·50 $1 ' ' 00 $882 20 Wahmuth . Denton S AP Tl&TA Co Tr •IA-11123..00.2 &10< 449..()84·54, $111 00 McCue, G•vte E AP 453-042-78 Oudell, Oamel S AP 449·084·64. S2~17&~~ Co Tr crtA-1923--00-2 &/cx $989 90 Sukut, Albefl e AP 449-092·39, Oe Cesare Marttyn, AP 453.043-14 S590 94 $466.12 Olivos, Lew11 A , AP 449 103·09, Tl& TR Co Tr •IR 1923·00·2 &for Sl.62622 Toomey M1Ch8ol A A P Kenn I 1'1 8 n J 0 h IJ A , A. p 453-043·62 81 S ti 1 00 449 111-33 $113 50 Tl&TR Co Tr •IR·l923..()().2 &lo< A C Tay 1 0 r C 0 Inc A p Crofoot. Oa¥1d E AP 453-044.07 Royal Homes AP 157·091·08 Bennell, Granville R , AP $239 71 169·24 1·112 s 1 405 88 Mongkotkasetarin, Slllay11 144-531-08. s 1 748 16 449·123·66 SI 404 66 S1.03111 AP" R1cc1, ThomH E Marlin Gerald. Tl&TA Co Tr =IA-1923-00·2 &IOI AP 449. 123·75. S 1,265 90 Greer. Maritn A e1 •I ITC). AP M1ll1. Emmell M AP 157-<>92· 12 Dunkel, Peler L AP 169·211·26. S 1,580 02 $I 11 00 A P Ca rt o 11 . Ron 81 d M A P 453.0U -14 "402 16 09·131·t0. $83509 Tl&TA Co Tr •IA-192~-2 &10. Hartman Lloyd B W I n Sb 8 I g l • r IV G AP Handtc:P\ef. Me1r AP 169-27 1-40. t57·102-12 s 176 24 s 1,512 56 Yoon. Hee Ouk AP 157-102""3 Heeld. G91Y l. AP 169-272· 13. Torn John J AP u9.1 u .23 Mcintyre. G11ce A AP 453 . ..()44.35 S56 I A6 $220 411 144-531-65. $1.06201 TAX·RATE AREA 21-012 Sl,336 38 $500 22 Morales Raul 0 AP 157-103·06 F1tza1mmon1. Charles Vietor. AP Le Due Robert D AP Tl&TRCo ~ clA-19?3--00-2&/or Lee. Dong So. AP 143.4,.2•04 449·151·28 $450 93 Senter Sidney AP 453-044-63.81 $11 100 Kn•g h l. John w Jrd AP S11100 S606 87 1611·301-07. S 1.317 56 Holmatrom Elvin T A P Oodeon. w 1ntred E . AP Oerllng, Fllnll R AP 143_442.12. 449· 162-47 S 1.501 92 Tl& TA Co Tr rtA· 1923-00·2 &/or S46922 D•nt•man. James L AP Mund Wiiiard AP 453-051·111 157-103· I 1 S548 32 1611-301.011 $I 011 80 Farnum Richard J AP Emami F11eydoon l\P Young. Brue. G , AP 143.451·06, 449·211·02 S874 98 S l .362 70 SlllOO Maoore, Aot>erl E AP Tl&TAC0T1z1A-1923-00·2 &/0f 151.111-08. S484 58 169-301-20, Sl.341 241 Sn1b&, Harume AP 157·111 11 Dieudonne R F AP 1119-301-31 Boyd. Terry L. AP 143.541.?4 449-2 13-27 Sill 00 Bales. Matcetta L . AP 453-051-34 $339 75 AP •tT4e61t71166Denn11 J AP 4419·213·33. S3~1~i~ Co Tr •IR·lll23•00•2 &lo. s 119 64 $626 96 Culp. Mark S AP 157·111-21 Tnomat , Rober I E S536 43 169·324· 1 I, S730.34 Wr11ten, Budrow E , " ' p t43-SA2·26, $4<165l Beet Alan A AP 449·213·43, Henson, Linde A (UW, A AF H11ooka. Juntan. AP 157-111·62 Johnson , Larry M T•, A~ S325 08 169·332·32. S888 06 wa~am•llu Ya sunon. AP Kt•by. O•n•el J AP 169-333·15 157· 12 t-27 S697 54 $357 11 $1,852 94 •63-051-55, $433 30 Suh, Chlll Sop, AP 449-222·09. Tl&TA Co Tr t lA· 11123..00·2 &10r $834 7S Leno a , CI Ire n c e W AP J .. J A p 453-052·28 S208 28 l• Loggia OSf!p., Tl&TA Co Tr .. ,Rl92"00·2 &for TAlr..flATE AREA 21-013 Mirier laon A AP 143-131·26 S319 02 Fry Edwin J AP 157-122·04 S788 82 TAJHl4TE AREA 21--004 Beisch . J amea A 143· 132·28 $I 528 24 44U·222·2<l $444 27 .r It P W 1 c: k n 1 c k F r e o M A p B1ll>O. Wlllllm M AP 453--062·2.2 449-224-05 $996 74 $236 95 Ge lfog110 George A AP 157 n 3-04 SlllOO King Thomes A AP 157· 131·20 S376 50 Jonkme n Jonn L t57 t32·0~ $399 58 AP Reye• S•mon 0 AP 143.7 13-0 I W 1 n n C • n d y A 111 Iii I A P 1340 53 169-191..()11, S599 66 Opie<. Le Roy F AP 143·113-14 Vin Tuyt. Tnomas C . AP $941160 169·197·29 S1S~~12 Meketarl8n Edward . AP OeroNI, GOfdon. AP 169· 197·35, 143-214-02 S730 94 Berman Sh•ldon l AP Tl&TR Co Tr :IA·l9"3..()0.2 &!Of 449-225-08 s 111 oo Baron Ron•ld AP 453·062·59 Ou on g . Ng hie Ven A p $1 858 26 4411-225-25 S 1,717 76 Tl6 TA Co Tr •IR· 1923.00-2 /!,f()( Cnut Frenk Tsang-Lok, AP Hall Alc:herd L IJTI. AP 449·?31·19 SI 19980 4'i~-Ofl4-4" ._._7,,V• 143·222·07 Knen. Naa1m H AP 449·232-i7. Tl& TR Co Tr •IA· 1923·00·2 S713 79 &/or Edwardt, Marlene et at (JTI. $1,398 94 01111. Angle G AP Heyes. Kathryn. AP 169-201·12, S482 09 Naverro . Aobe•t P AP 157 132· 12 $270 16 Weller John A , AP 157-132·30. $917 04 S226.44 JOhnSOl1, Larry, AP Sc.Ott George B . AP 169-201·21. S326 ~ 143·223-29 Mamrns Stuart. AP 449.24 l-34. AP •53·071·82. S37A 30 $1llOO Murrny. Allen A TA , AP AP Seeley Ben J AP 449-242-08 453-073-19 S 111 00 $79807 0 • Tl&TACo T •IR·lfl23-00-2 610! S568 63 W I I s o n W a I t e r W Faye, Mtchael K AP 169-202·16. 143·224·03, $389 48 Wa lker . Joseph II AP 157-141-35. $1.907 64 Edwards . James H AP Harmon.Jeme5C AP 453-103-09. 449·25 1 ·03 S 111 00 S988 011 Moline.' Augu~11ne c AP Tl&TA Co lr .. IA-t923-00·2 &~or Calderon Lots M • AP S38I 74 Kim, Sono B AP 143-224-07 157-142-12.St370t Jones Ch trles M AP $44376 Ross John F Jr AP 157 142-13 169.311-02 S258 26 Park. Hyun W AP 143·224-1 I S83 18 Hennings. T tl eooore L AP $538 69 4'11-251..()8 $111 00 s c n 0 0 I e ' . J 8 m. s M A p A p M 8 n f 1 Q u e~ J I v t • 1 A p 453· 103·21 S 1 209 07 4A9-253·8A St,25156 Ro s enberg J•ck A AP AP 157-142·14 '8720 169·312·28 S293 47 Swigert. Henry A Par~. llellna W AP 157-153·17 Bo•tmin, Wlllt•m R AP 143-341-04 S597117 S2 255 88 t611·364-0 I s I 2S6 20 Flores. Ruben A AP 143-343..03 B11gley VICky L AP 1:.7-153-26 $11 I 00 Falley. Outne 0 AP 449-262-03 453· 133-05. $422 60 s 1 236 24 Moyer Ernest l AP 453-133-4 I AP Kwo i. Mei-Woon et at AP S6tJ 26 449-27 1·02 Sll32 95 Tl& TR Co Tr •IA-19?3-00-2 &/Of S•69 31 TAX·RATE AREA 21-G05 Chung Y 8 on H s t n H1gg1'lbotham Dorolny H AP t43-346-IO. S3.268 46 Greenlreo Home• Assn, AP K9la111n. Thomu AP A53·141 ·02 449-273· 1 I S44 30 $943 64 Whtllle Wtll1am James AP TIATR r,,. T• •IA.t'l?;\-00 :;>&/or 449.273. ii S827 94 Habeck er Kenneth G (JT) •. AP Gordon Chsr tes H A P 453-141-111, '471183 449-282-06 $325 28 Tl& TR Co Tr •IR· 1923-00·2 &ror G 1e1z11 ~ J • r om 8 H A p Perker, Wiiiiam, Kavin SHn, AP 449-291--03 S370 23 453-141-23 Sl,0711211 Hamilton. Dennis AP 449-29A.()4 Tl& TA Co Tr ctA-11123..()().2 &JOI s757 04 · · • Mer shall Gordon L tJTI AP ll••rn• p A•vo AP 449-295-08 453· 142· 13 S904 1111 $585 50 · · Griffin Tarry AP 453· I•?· 15. Main. Robert H AP U9·29S.. 19, $' ' I 00 Sl<O "' Meuen•llo . L•wrenc:e W . AP MI Ill g In W iil 11 m v AP 453-151-19. S9n 30 4411-3 I 1..()9 $11711 21 Pyle Dile W Jr AP 453-152-30. J•COI>• Oon1ld J AP $11100 157-153·28, '57!155 Aleo Mining tnc AP 156-155·19. P•lly Robefl A AP 143·356·15 H1gg1nbotham Dorothy AP Sl,870 47 S518 /3 157-153·45, $1,04051 Germene111 Ge rald J . AP Wiiiiams , Wayne A . AP fA)t·AllT'E ARf A 21-GOe 143·424·15 S111790 157·153·84. SI. 147 54 Burke Wiiham AP 143·501-06. Lavine, Rublr•. AP 157-155·02·. uur. John f\. AP 108-672-01, S830 20 S 1.092 00 S 111 00 Jones Donald L AP 143-568-01 H1g~1nbotham Dorothy H , AP van Orden, John J , AP Sl,47764 !~7•1157~·16132· ~g.4s\"a~09 108-872-24. s1.16666 Hosokewe Hlroyosh l, AP ... Cettebe T Cennon, AP 143-571.02 $643 77 Gow. Oougltu J AP 157-16~·1A 106·874· IO, SI 11 00 011>orn M H AP 143·571-07. SI 19420 Dunker Tnom•a w AP 564702 H1gg1n1>01ham Dorothy H AP 144·421.02. S 1,805 50 Godfrey, Paul E AP 143-574· 15, 157-163..oe S58705 Zogralo.s Ge or ge AP S96860 AP 157 164·05 S502 oe 14'-421 53 S660 24 S.llett. John w . AP 143-57S..01 HeHe.WMley E APl57·164..08 Sllenkmen. Aaron 0 AP S505~ S897 72 144-443-15, $952 llO SOiiman S•mla AP 143·581· 17 Cr•ne Larry W AP 157-161·20 Bang, Ch•n M. AP 144-443-33. Sl,805 72 A49-311·2 1 S 1,0113 08 Orortl Oon•ld L AP 453-152·52 AP Slokots, M ic:hae l s AP $1.42817 449·314-03. $111 00 11111er. Neal. AP A53· 153-07. $317 38 S lllOO Shaul, Alchlrtl A Thomas Darryl A AP La Borde, Glenda Q , AP 143-582-lll,S36141 157-221-35. $111 00 144-443·60. $2511 87 Burwell, Peter, AP 143·59Hl5. Buchanon Ben, AP 157-2.22-07, 1320 85 P o n c e J o s e p h J r A p S672 72 4411·321·2f0 Sll53.63 Mlttllf. Jll'llfl c . AP 453-153-11, StolHkl, 0Aoberl, AP 449·321·30. $1.156.311 $977 83 TAX·flATI! A"U 21-oo7 0 . n n Is R 0 I>." p . A p Soc:oon, Gllt:>en, AP 157-2112·35. 143·691·12. $948 ?• SI 637 18 A•lpll, Edw1rd J , AP 453-153-16, F11cher. Ken, AP 4•9·321-150 Sl ,337 78 $243 60 Q111togllo Jo tin Carlo•. AP L1em11e. Aeymond R . llP Werd. Erneel. AP 108-081·14. 143.5111.20.$11100 St 77'J ~O U•m•Uu. Gre gory O , A P 0 r e v on A tc: h 8f d H A p 453-153-34, $584 36 157·293·01, 1894 98 $3~ 86 Nune.i. Jose, AP 143-592·10, Bruno . M1rsna J . AP Dept or Yett Att11re ol Stell ot s1,13381 IS7·2113· 16. $654 50 C•I. AP 108-o63·10, 51.S80.28 4411·331·2•. 0$538 78 T,.c ••• Gr•g, AP 453. 153·511. Roe. Ho J. AP 157-295-18, Lieu. Van J . AP 108-083-311, TAX-«ATa A"~A 21-0•S A o e m e r . A I c: h e r d I A P $564 70 449443-12 $114 06 M ... k Ro blrl An I hon y. Sl.024 811 $11100 S1nc;t111 John AP 157-2116-25, Stith, Ronald E AP 108--0eS-32. $456 60 Sll04.&e R11l1ton . Ed d ta A AP Belt.LawrenceJ .AP144.031-21, 157-301-09. S466 ?4 '382.10 Joos Anion S. AP llS7-302· 1 I, HOii•, EdWllld 0 .• AP 144-033-09, S208 57 S963 64 Divin, Donald F , AP 1!>7-371..()8, F•y. Crelg S , AP 144-042·25, S30 1.04 1560 118 Bur c: h e 11 , Ao I> er I A .. AP Ooml"QUOZ, JON. AP 144-042-33. 1S7-41l4· I 1, $2, 110 118 1538.54 Lobel. JOM T., AP 157-464· 12, Lance. MAr'C F . AP 144.{)42-41, Sil, 1112 .00 $603 23 Po r It II o , He c:t or M • A P Winger. Frank H , AP 144-042.·63, 1$7-4&4·20. s1.1u 32 11. '" 411 CrMd, Myltt A, "P 157-4&4·21. K•mln•r. Ronald. AP t44'-061·11. ,,,433 52 $541 ... JlmtMt. Pel.. AP 187.011·22, H .. 1. J•mea L, AP 144 . .()71..()8 $1,1142,60 S283 54 Powell. Oon w 11 al, AP flllle, Wllllem L. AP 1.u.on.-1 1111.{)tJ.09, 11,e&1 ee '313 oe Pe nnlng on , J e rry D . AP 0.1118. J8tnM M . llP 1"4-091-40 1111.00 Ama r a l, Edw ard W •• AP Ma Or ud11, Harbul G., A 1111.Q33.01. a1, 136.7o 1....oe:M>2. •uoo.u 0Unk«.Aobel'IM.,AP187-033-17. Mi llar , Rlo hard A ., A 11,351 16 144-093-12, 1268.11 Ll ev1 no1, Jo••Ph D ' AP Hou, Jl)Mptl 8 ., AP 144·12&-23 107-045-04, 11,0711 Ut 1111.00 8t11tndlt r . E ric J AP °'""· l d;ef 1. .. AP 14A-13M, 187-048-07. s u oe.90 11 1i4.eo C •mo t>•ll.:. 8 0 1> J . A P telllkl•n. AVO. AP 144·135-00 187-052-07, '20v.A 1 11 453, II 81oa , Abel. AP 187•0113·111, idflOOt 1'tOfMI. AP 144-1~ $3111.10 '231.04 l •dlll01 Heo l or IL, AP fnd •l•y , O t n • .... A 107.otlA-12, •2. 171.04 l .... 1&M7, 1420,11 w e oenlt •l•L l ruoe l • AP ~ l rta o , AP 144-1Y..11 107· 102· 17, $411 N a t,035.7A Welker, Wiiiiam lra no on. All' IOm, YounQ .Ml, All 144-171-e1 18f.104-0S, 1111 00 1 11100 Loudanbark, Oenn l• J ., AP Ad*.~ R., A,. 144-1'A-Ot, 167·131.()3, 1119.38 "4e.41 . Tana11 Na rayan Oest. 143·?5 l..()fl, s 111 00 AP Kubo Hlro AP "411-351-011 Ouchman A•l>bt MenOel. Aft $321 A8' . ' 453-181·01, Sl,588 20 L8ngdon. Leo R AP 143·?51-111, S23211'9 A<alln. Melvyn S .. AP 4411-352·58 AU g U I I • F t • n IC F , A ,. 5'14241 453·164.03, Sl,314 34 B,.zeau, Robert O•~ld TA, AP Peno., Jane C . AP 453-164-tl. TAX·"ATI lli"IA 21:011 •49-35?·00, $&511112 $815 28 AP 1811•032.... Sun, Mlno·J•u. AP 449-3112·?5, Broo ~•. Pll rtc:le 9 , AP l e•. Kyu S '408.92 Dodaon. Winfred E e1 11, AP 1811-383.01, 12118.00 C •m el o t , A rm •nd , A P 1119-383-21. $360.80 HtggtnbOlhlm, t.>orotny H .. AP 19g...~3 1~. ~$4 97 Mll•nl, Mla88n. AP 1011·293 40, $1,411 34 TAX un AMA 1141 tl'ounllln Vltle)r lnCluelrtal f>«Oa4 13 ln11 Co (Pl\). A,. 160-105·01. SU 42 M $1,762.94 463·112-!I, $2.0 10 08 B•ller, Nloholu Otorge, AP W ltaon. J al lr e y A ., AP «11-311.0 1, 1111.00 453.112-82. saeeo. Farlay, S huon Ju•ne , AP C erl1on.l.Oe or g• M • AP U Q.!\71.11\ 41 A~A An 453·113·18, to59,83 Hobt>I, Jacll B .. AP 449-375-34, MIU20M. A.M .. AP •63·1'rW 2, 1 1053 88 1127 12 • Co n ve y. Mtoh••I L . AP 0.Nlll, John O . AP 4&3-17448, 44g...333.11, 1401 311 '767 M Bonello. All,.,O. AP 44Ntl-<l2. Br•ylon, G eorg• F Jt , AP $8A3 72 AS3•174-A8, $111.00 Wt•o•nl. Rob.,t A AP Mao F a dde n , O w A• «9-3111·20 $444 71 A53-1744& 1343.113 S he r m0a n . J ohn O AP 8 u,.e e . lllnet n l J "'" 44Wtl..:14 '941 ?4 529-025-10, S1,2tA80 Stenttortti. Al.,;. AP «W 112.Qll, Welle nll11t . D1 n lt l .. ' AP 149111 6it-oi 5-H, 11,M &a Tldg•w•ll, l!u,•n• w ' AP M••••Y.l Ran dtl ". A P «wts.12 &Mu ~u-n. a 1" oo ' TAXRATI AM.\11-4111 Mard•hl, ··••onu1 T .• AP O lllllarn. Rona.Id A . #lffll 8 1ewu t Oev Oo flour Ill. AP •4At-3e3-33, 1810.1~ OH-025-41, aioo. It l&e.2114 3. H l .t10.04 o,. •,, • o 0 n a Id L , A p Pe a o o c k' Ke nneth "., •• .,. 0 ,, • w 1111 • rn L • A P «8-412.24. NQ9.eo 020-oi,., 1. U :tO eo 1814 51-<ll, '3.112.:11 Ntkolt nko Nlollolu p , AP 11111 e10'1.l.P •me ta o .. A P A ll tw l n • USA t no , AP AA~12-n.iia004 629-032-07 ..... 1.11 lff.311•14,St.117111. A l»O I ,11111\tll M . AP Weaver~on•ICI 0 ., A P lunftlll, Cd R.. AP 18'491-ot, u~l3·h U ,400 N 8""°3a-12. .70 14 m,n Nc10C ... 11te9, AP U Mt1·tO, Cunntnolle m, J amH M , AP '*"· W11111n1 I .. A" 1-...01.01, 1 11f oO 8:zt..C»S.1f, 1 1,:ta.IA 1413 UO H 8 me I II , Iii o 11e 11 8 A P Ootillncl, HetwY, A" ~ Cole y flllve r ltroj)erlle r. AP 44~22-11.1341., A p ut~~4co Tr llR-ttn-00-I..,.; 1-..0f.12,$7,t l._ll I Ta v a r 11,, C . J1ma 1 , , 11 , 11 T ...... 1 •1 0 Lo.~~&~ 44Ml1•10,1)41.11 • t •.,on .. ,.,.. "'"' ·~ • Clutl Ltd. AP 10 -•0 I·1t, Llnel u r. l'l lCll•r d P .. AP ,., .. v .nu•. ~1·22. ... u . &e hp n ----------------·-------- "*I MITICl ~"OU ~lbe!'lo. All 411-lll·IO, ----------· tll4'1 011nII1 e, C l u o ~ ; 1 , A ,. t!IUlrMn NII A·lJi..*.i Afl\Old a1-410H 111100 •p A.:~1\'.'1~~1lfi·Jm''J , Al' Wllkln1;n OerHllt l .. 13'·41.ffl 1114114 U! 111 .... U ,!Ot 14 TlfoTA tr'eo'11A-tlU-oo-l t.I01 Va lley V••• lnvntmenl•, AP lhtlly Qeiald N AP 401181·14,H ,01612 UHS.oa+.1. t i 11 00 . H~~·~:· CeiOlt A .. A, 451· mu. T!ATA Tr Co llR·tHJ·OCl>2 t.lrH c~ Oarry J AP 461 113-43 Mor~, T hOm et 0 A P 1718 00 ' ' ~.: .. ~TA T~·J~·::~~23 oo 2 t.10t M11191. 01911n A, AP 46 1-17'"48 ... • 1744 10 Lea ke, l!ll etn 8u1en AP Coett, Ouy A AP 4&1 ·113·41. ts1.u.oe1. t 18114 11 111 oo Tl&TR Tr CO •IA•l923.00·2 6 10! WOii Ronald M AP 4S1· 1'3·U l eokman Reymond , W AP • · 831•6&-111 81, J112.38 t l, 177 '14 Kinnard. Loul•• M AP Ouu re, Oawald Q1orge . AP 132-Gl-034. ,111.00 4&i.t9t-ee, 1aeo 38 EtlC llton Shella T AP Br-J1Ck0 ,AP46t·20J03, ' Sl.211 ... 132-ot-O..~. t111.oo H 0 m • n J • m • 1 D .~;1..,8M~hHI T, AP 032..08·068. 4&1·203-08, Jt,311148 Te"dle r , Ao tnur S AP 111~:'°· JOH J , AP 451-204-07, 932-19-001.137518 Beu Wlllerd B Jr , AP Hughn, J;llr;y L •I al. AP 4111·213·®. S2,380 tll 132·19-0t4,l78510 M oore Gragor w AP 11~'1~111d, Mittie, AP 932· 19 020, 461·241·29: $1,360 82 y Rodhe lm, Relpn M AP Laf\Cla,JellreyR..AP451-241·3e. 932·111-0e6, $1 381 22 $858.56 Jorgene;n ' Wllllam c AP Wanrm•n. Mervin I. AP 932-40--008 s 1' 098 34 451-241·38. S 1.038 98 • · Ka jlkawa. Norman M AP Moore , Berber• J AP 461-262·13.1530.64 932-40-014, $5014e Mtpp Robert T J AP ~,GeryV ,AP93240-011 46t-263-l8,$1,28330 r , Fllip .. rlcll, Lewr;nce p AP lf>~Q~:I· M•rlon, AP 451·263· 19, 932-40.Ql9,$1 tt00 Gr1ue111 L••••r L AP Kevanagh, Wt lier E ' Luker 451·263·23 $593 32 , Flnencla t Corp, AP 932 40-026. 0t10l'I, John, AP 451 292-04 '801.el S I 03280 Svobode. K1r1n V ·AP Caro, Jemet F , AP 451-295-16 932-40-058, $111 00 $1 271 02 Fe rooqu;e , Jtmehed, AP Sewell How1rd D;an AP 932-49-012, $111 00 . Harrie Herry AP 932•49.027 451-311· ltl, I 1,262 38 $11I oo · · Sch"epple, Wllllem C AP ' 451-311-24,$53173 Va n Ripe r, P1trlcl11, AP Huff,Antho"yl(.,AP451·311·33, 134-10-026. $553. 5 7 I 1 888 92 Weggo"or , Wllllem M AP Kelley, David A , AP 451-323·30. 934· 10.05fl, $1,554 04 SI 159 54 Thompaon, Bo"nle J AP Robles, Ronald, AP 451·323·=!7. 934-10-058. $454 40 $1 968 80 Hallwerth , GI•" A ·AP V•rsteeg. L Norman . AP ·~-64-009.166829 . 451-324-21.$1,767.96 K1"9. David B., AP 935-82-00 I, H1m1r1. Joh" W 'AP 461·342-06. s 1.731.40 s 1,1146.20 Dl1kln, Shella, AP 935-62-002, B;rcovltz, Timotny T AP s 1.29138 451-342·26 11139 88 sat'.'~· CatOI C., AP 935-62-023, Gods h ~ 11 ' 0 o" n a S ' A P Slmpaon Mllrllyn et 81, AP 451-343-36. $412.23 936-82-042, s 1,6811.40 Nash. Harold, AP 451-343·48, Helmich Bur"all C el at. AP 1527 92 1135-62--068. 1630.27 Sta"derd· Pacific Corp AP Oort;y Mic hael R Al' 451·351~4, $469.36 93S.83.Q2t.'s 11 1.oo ss~~~· Carole. AP f51·352-09, Drlggera. Robert A AF Ivey, RMO•ll M .. AP 451-352-15, 935-83-030, I I, 180 114 S 1 276 26 Bechlar , James C .. AP Peckovlch. Wllll•m N., AP 936-83--038, 173 I 14 451-352-33, ,,., 214 73 M;ndH, Chtrlene I Well, AF Whetan. J~ F .. AP 45l-361·31, 935-83-07 I, $1142 59 SI t I 00 AP CoFll•t ll, l<tnll•lll A . AP eH t 014, 11411 M It 1111 d .l.apo n t I G 0 A fl' 134 IMIH, -t.17 Moll••· J•rn•• w 83441-0H. 12.121 14 AP z.t\, Wllltr A. AP lll'·I0-003. 11,UO SO , O t •II In' " Io her Cl M A fl 834-16-001. 79 I 17 8 o hrnld. Heral d o t34·61-013. t t t 00 AP Dulrtane, Wllllem w AP 934·113-007. H47 &e G o e norn. J;rt~ A 1134-93-013 '2."34,. AP Forln g;r , Su••" M AP 934·03-058, 1762.95 TlnCl•ll , Oonatd L 934·08-005 12,48~ ,.. Otrver. Ruuell, AP 934·118·0011, $1,021 27 Wllh;lm, J R , AP 1134·98-033. s 1,447 34 Hay•!, Oall AP 934-118·040 St,3784'1 Marzano, Ronald L • AP 934·98-043, $3,033.82 R;lter. Berb.,1 J ean AP 934-99-007 s 1,400 llO Garo•"'· Robert W AF llJ4·111HJ1J, .,.~00 Dot Peterson. D11tld E AP 934·99·017, $044 41 Jon11. Douo111 E 936·04·05 I, $9114.84 A p Olem. Otvld. AP 038°07-007. .3,870114 Ma"••••r, She lCIOn c. AP 935-07-019, tt,99686 Cal-Flnanc111 S•rvlon Inc, AP 935-07-027, St, 158 59 Beoo•. Bruoe R . AP 935-26-041, $675 51 Brownbtck . Suiann, AP 935·34-028, S 111 00 Skelakey, Wtfllam R , AP 935-34.049, $1,279 22 t<loee, C•rot A , AP 1135-35·020. SlllOO W hite , Rlcherd M., AP 935.35 .• 022. $671 64 Rota, Ze'e v. AP 036·35·037, $945 40 M1rk1. Ma rlly" J . AP 935·35..054, '1.106 70 Van Wan Ro"alo K AP 935-35-067 s 1 100 30 L•venson Laurie Lou, AP 938-87-001, t 2,244.30 Sm11 n , Jon" D Jr AP 93&-87-008, S2,6tl!> bO TAX RATE •REA 2t-o3I Coving t on -Zellner , AP 427-252-06, I 10.086 28 King Industries lnlemetlo"aJ Inc, AP 427-252·12. SJ,504 96 Newport Plaia Assoc. AP 427-262-01, $7,5119 38 Carpenter. Oe""'' E . AP 427-271..08. S8.936 18 ¢ 4¢ p Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT /Wedrtnday, Augu11 21S, 1882 ,_IC llTICl Oll1ngana41u1. '"nolaco Afl IS • J 1 • P •t1et1 .... 1fftn Dunn•. John' ,. Y1._IU IH fl'1trlcl1 ¢1 1 1, A, ., ... 6l l rl, 13,t.)fl 0t "•· fllOl!I.. . Afl ~1-C)I tU·~oot 1 ttt38 Nlllol•o11, Chrle D . Afll 11,11100 M • 11 r •, v 1nc •11 , 11 . A, t36-13..0IO. 11.7114 11 L • Vo I 1 , "at on I , A fl' 936•90-007 . .-.e4a am11n. JOh11 o AP nt-13·0tt 11n-oet.1t,s,eo o1 l~hoenleld St•Phen. AP lt.690"1 •p Ch amberlin Kt" ' , f.r 11:>&·60-049, S 111 00 Z u OIL 111 JO In II I S ,. 1121.()62.02, H.Ol-a 42 t w•ll. J•"•'· AP 9:t6·80 0511 1136·•3·091, '3.381 H MIGll, <>Gia I! AP Ht·Otl2·21 $ 111 00 WeCIQeWOl1h, Wllllam.M AoN, L t712 23 LH OreQOI y A •• a l AP JOM. ,.,, tU-13~7. 13.3'0 ~ Cunnlnghlm, Oon;IO l AP 113()..6().()84 $734 31 ' 8 • r n •II , A Io h Ir d H AP 629· 163· 10, H ,04& t6 Bind•; St e v an A . APt3M3-tot.U .a106t CoelM,Helenl!,APHt.018-0&. 1136·70-004, S 111 00 0 I a.. 8., b •II L • • · AP 1102.113 Pouw.LIOMI B AP 9J&ll4 002, t36-63·llt,l 1,46170 An eh;lm lhvlno• 6 loa n $11'90tl lldwe1da . 8 1 lly 0 AP AH OOlatlon AP Ut-01t·31. HIM, MmlCOll!I J1 A" 12'-14'-4t. 1713 e:I l'lodrlQllUJ 0111lht A • A, .,,. tU-10, 11,tOO .. O o ul!t ll l l'ranll T , Afl' 121-1'4-02. ''" 00 Ot. Anll KAimer, Afl' 629-144-04. 11.ll't 40 111¢111!, 0 J!ttry, AP Ul·1U 11 .. 713' SwNrlngen, Pamellt er ti AP U0.1&1 IS, 11,470 J4 ttull, Dennla L, AP Ut· 1&2.04, I 1,047 311 C e nnon, Ruuell W AP 6211 163·tn, 14164 1• rd bTI AM.A .. ,. ; s os )3!£114 t'8 TU U TI Ml.A .. , .. l.UQYlfl.1 MOl!Uel A.fl &Ko llt2 .Oii 11 nu11 fhO rn e . Flobe tl I> , A P $20 13~ 16, s 1. 740 31 PROPERTY IN NBWPORT ·ME8A UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Cr111; John Wl"lhrop Af' 1'6·~·•22. Sl,46089 U ,381586 1135·114 0311111100 ' 8 •b•Onl ~ob•ll [ AP l'IC.Ult•t HOtlltl Inc, Al' 8uvor, To1ur>. AP 6211·154-0t. l\haloghr . Kho•ro , AP ''!~~!~ fklp, AP 6211 154-14 t!\ll-Gel-08 S306 !"I J 0 h n , a' n ow 8 1 n • A A" 035-~· 127. 1J,22e 64 551-072-04, nes se 1135-04 042, 1'111 00 ,._,, RIClllerd. AP 11311 63· 133, U..ry Wiiiiam H , Afl' H 1·072 !17, 1&70.53 John1on . Aobetl W • AP Chrt1tenu". J a m•• f', Afl' 13,0tl728 H •p IUto.30 936·94 089 1111 oo K•utm•"· Not man , ,. Splu le. jo/111 J ' AP 113!1·04·000. 9311·83· 146, $3, 182 llCI teOJ 711 Evan1. Devtcl H., AP 93& C13-t6~. il29·165.Q4,$14212 •p 8uce•. Robert AP 4~8·09 11 2 M e t I h; w a . M e r v I n JI ,. S 1 11>5 1 I u x.-ATI ARIA .. 110 S 1M11ttt00on, Btrnerd. AP 03!1·94·092. S IW.6a1141~. PhlllP M, AP 936_83• 154 Con k • y . J • m •a L • 935-18·005. 1898.88 C a mp bell. Brue • J . AP 13,373 18 Burn•. JHH J .. AP 1136-18.050. 936·'>4 105, S1Gll 33 TAX RATI A"I A •1o:a lt,873 ee W•bet. Jon" HIM'lf~ Wllli.m. AP s'. In. r • T II 0 m .. F A p 93&-95..002. $780 12 P;r;rll Mln;tll, Suun AP 035°18-096, SSG8 911 Twedd;ll, C11011 0 , AP &30·143-02,$811'4~ Roerk , R obert W 1135-96-035, IOll&.58 811H, 0111141•1 L AP 530 143-10, 935·1G· 102. '517 47 Gr1nt, Relph B AP 1135·115·0411 S 1,524 78 Smart, Oabft L, AP 935· 18-104. S t,112838 C a1tell1no. E"r 1qu; A P $1,"412 18 P;1era. Ooneld, AP 035-116-049, 530· 143· 14, $442 72 H • r r I.. s yd n. y A • A p S 1.774 80 Brnteu. Flobart David rt, AP 935· tl-133, 1&72.02 Ctrglll, Jack L., AP 935-96-026, 530-143 17, $1,235 16 Janee, Floben G ., AP 03~ 1&-1611, $11100 Bell, Allen AP 530·143-211, SllSS.25 Bui ... Robert AP 036-96"°38, $ 111 00 Treum, John C , AP 935-17.040, 1754 80 Coagrove Cama ron Let, AP 1111 00 5H-155· 10, $785 00 Wllll•m•. J erry L •• •I, AP 1129°181-06, I 111 oo vai.ntt. C111 A AP 920· 101·10 11,485 98 Schull<il. Tnom ee 0 A P ~-181·20. $120 70 Tr1.l1on, Jam•• Oougt ... AP 551.042-02. $ 1,399 02 V-*"tt. Carl A , AP 561-042·28 11,507 70 MCCuti.". Mee. AP 55 t 042·211. 1812 92 Allen. Peggl J•en , AP 551..051..os. '887 a Hlrklnt, Clyd;, AP 561-053-07 1838 35 Cna~roborty, SomHh (JTI AP AP TAX-RAU A"l!A M-010 Galttrdo M11 cl;I C AF 1111·351·23, $!>76 84 Skullln, Roy A AP 1111·311 I 25 $968 10 Malian S IHlPerd J AP 119 362 OJ SI 195 84 Siemon• J'"' AP 119 382 0 4 $1.50600 McCoy , Robert C 119 364 02 $729 35 AP Mat11r1 W tllt em $' AP I 19 364· t3 '628 411 TAX·AA1'E ARI A 55-011 r<refl. Pater H. AP 935-98-039, 530·143 47, S591120 Bl•h<>P. areoory, AP 935-17..048, S 111 00 JOfl48. Owen W, AP 530-143-52. $869 llO Morrl1on P11r1c1; Ann•, AP 1578.73 6 1011er, M icha•! L , AP 551..053-411, I 1 898 82 S; 1 ma n , A It on N 1111 I A p Ad¢ wty I , Ah m • d A II , A p 938-80-029, $632 71 935-96-055, $111 00 M;eg;r, JoM M' AP 530·143-78 035-17-086, $574,27 Treub, Julia A . AP 1135-97-008, $1,2112.30 Jonoe, Jerry L. AP 1135-17-088, 551-063-67, $1,689 04 Northwood AuoclatH 11 1. AP $11 100 Stet", Diane AP 530-143·79 169526 LlvlnQSIOn, Rob•rt G . AP tl 12820 551.oe1-02. S-482 14 Han , ~•ung H...,e n A P C 'lunty o f Or a nge AP 1135-07.019, S 111 00 i.111n Matier AHoclstlO"· AF 1mry, Hol'.>efl 0 .. AP 935-97·038, 530· 143-83, It I I 00 $1, 121.74 Hoooew1g, HE . AP 5:10-144-02 Yim, Yl"O Kwong. AP 935-97 -046. s 11 I 00 '' 11 00 Bonnllo, Robert G 2nd, AP LI, Kuel·Jung, AP 936·01·007. 530-144-21, $58.00 $111.00 Brate"•· Lella. AP 630· 1U·3 I, Mexwell, HertM!rt, AP 936·0 t-058. SA7 t 78 $111 00 Barr, Rlcherd, AA 530-144-4 t, Anderson Keren J . AP $798.69 936.Q 1-()82, S 111 00 Koski, Frank N , AP 530· 144-45, Bennelt. Jo.ik T AP 936-01·065, $111.00 S 111 00 Barne< Ann C • AP 530-144-52 Juslm Etmttel. AP 936-06-043, $519.113 '$2.017 90 F11ene1te. M111y, AP 530· 144-53, Ottoll•. Anov AP 936-28-001 $611 42 S 11 t.00 Cleave. Susan H , AP 630-145-04, Eric I.son, Judy Loutae AP $t ll oo 936-28-008,$71978 Mc;Laugn11" Mery v ' AP Vance, Mark D. AP 036-28·014, 530-11.5-20, Sl,397 20 s11100 Grant Deborah crare AP McGuire, Ann C , AP 936-28-022. 530-145·36, SI, 149 70 I 1,558 74 Gr•v. Ce"dlS J . AP 530-145·74, '""• M lcnae l Allen, AP S712.05 936-28·026. $1,698.54 Bleleleld, Bret A . AP 530· 145·78. Sellman . Sherri Lee, AP s111.00 936-28-033, I 11 I 00 Chlono, VIC1or A , AP 530-145-80, Sp8te, LOUii C , AP 1136·49-009, S 1I1 00 AP 551..()61-30, Sl.952 62 AP 114·200 12. $32.98 Robetts, c111101d W J r 551-"61·38, S2, 19 t 74 A E Realty Part"•"· 530· 17 I· 12, '4711 75 AP Nr..1hwood AHOCl&le s • 1 AP TU·AATE AMA 5&-011 AP 530-171· 17. 1438 98 AP 530·171-431 $94822 !':il-082..01 '420 98 .. p Oeuoo. Mo~emm•d S AP 11•rvey Lewre"ca I< " Sch11t1e1n, A"tnony. 630-181--06. 12,785.82 M•rlo". Fl on•ICI J 530-181-10. $11t 00 551.082·28, S2. t08 20 139"241•2 t. 1648 40 Kung , Kirk , 530-181-12. 1318 12 A F Ce<eoa. J LyM, AP 4~2071-16. S851 07 Cornwell . Do"alo F A P 452-071-19, $1,849 84 Ba temen Dod G . AP Ch an g , Ph 111 p C Y AP 452-07 t-40, $874 71 530-112-11. $11100 Lige•. Fr•""· AP 452 071-44 H 1 r m en, Rober I E A P $976 42 530.112-14, $983 69 B1rot J agd11n Sha"111a1. AP Hofacker. Wlnlrled A AP 452·072-05,$97305 530·112·30.$1,88522 Parker Will iam H AP Habermehl, Wllllam M AP 452-072-20, S782 98 530-112·44, 1111 00 Freie( A"lhOny AP 452-072-3 t Nave. Marco. A , AP 530-112·54, $962.36 $2,230 84 Barren, Merk A . AP 452-072<!9 McRae. Oer\lt V , AP 530·122·70. $1,856 20 $1188 48 M a r q u e I , T '! r e s I I A P Ber"tleln, Wtlll1m R . AP 452·112-06, Sl.074 99 TAX·AATE AAU 55-011 Johnso", Er"1ut R AP 126-041-73 St 239 29 Jennln93 Jomes S AP 126-091-32 $111 00 Beatrd Bernard G AP 426--091·55, $591 56 Ferrara Ralph A. AP 426-091-58, $502 42 Wickstrom. Thomas L , AP •26-161-05, $111 00 McWoeney. Anthony Joseph, AP 426-161-16 $842 79 TAX•RATE AREA 55-42e McFarlond, Kennelh R . AP '10·333-34, $676 92 McKay Clyde A AP 439-091-01 Sl,402 50 TAX RATE AREA 2&-011 Sciullo, Charles V Jr , AP KECO lndu81 rles Inc, AP 451-361-40, $471,94 R , •p 430-111·11 $2,914 30 $770 74 Ru 8 a o. M I ch 8 e I L Deeks, Leo"ard G , AP 935-45-011. $11100 936·53-011.Sl,82640 Wa llman, Aonlld T AP 530· 122-73, $965 40 RutwlCk, George, AP 452· 112-09 Rock, Charles A . AP 530-123-39 $2,062.30 S 111 00 Cr-Robert S . AP 452· I 12· 1 I Rod&.!13 Phtllp L 439-091-08, S2, 192 14 AP St....,.,eon-F0tsler Conll Co Inc AP 43'-011·12, S7.004 90 Se "gco, Monandro ,... 451-41 1-15. 11,547 17 ElllOtt, James F .. AP 435.081·06 $10,747.86 Morse. Roy V , AP 451-412·04 s 1,076.57 Fitzpatrick, Gery E AP 451-431-12 $1,363 44 Smith, Re"dolph L AP Tl&TR Co Tr .flR·1923.00·2 &/Of 45 1·431·21, $1,306 68 Thompson, Richard E. AP Camero", Ala n V , •P 4e3..021-27. 1826.94 451-433-13, $813.75 Purc e ll. Thomas H . AP Carl, Edward 0 , AP 451-433-17, 463-021-34, s 138 411 $570 20 Sudlt, Moshe, AP 463-021·35, Parent, Charles A 18.70 451 ·481-03. $1, 194.40 AP Tia.TR Co Tr #IR·1023-0Q.2&/or Lane. Woodrow W AP Waters, Wiiiiam P et al, AP 451-481·34. $1.53824 483..031-tt, $2,991.50 Ogeta, KeHh H .. AP 451·482·10. TAX RATE AREA 21-ou Filch Avanue Assoclelea, AP 427-:182..J&, $11.188 96 KIMHI, L W l(an, AP 427-283.02, S3,039 67 TAX RATE AREA 29-0ll Wetlll•ld Development Co '"c, AP 427-202-06. $7.044 31 Sky Park Commun11y Aesn, AP 427·202· 11, $1 I 64 TAX RATE AREA 2t-ott Rodnlck, RM AP 9311-53-043, 935·46-018.1442 84 $2.225 18 Clements. St11e1 Michael, AP Park. Che"g G, AP 936-54-026, 1135-45-021, $491 02 S 1. 763. 72 Jen 1 e" • M 1 ch a e I L A P De•"· Deni.I B., AP 530-123-58 I 1,078 82 $1.02524 Bect'ller . James C . AP TAX..flATE AMA a-115 452-1 12-23. $ ',097 40 Layne. Arthur F AP 452-131-09 $1,811411 Wlnkes. Betty M • AP 936-&4-039, 935-45-024, s 111 00 $11100 Vaugn l , Charles B r awe r . R o be r I E , A P 93S.46·025, '1111!> ~4 J , AP Ceuble, Andrew D Jr, AP 530-111·33, s 1,740 62 Nase, LOUIS C AP 452·131-19 $1,496 31 936·66·002, S 111 00 Gibbs, Edward, AP 93S.45--029. Geaper Jonn S . AP 936-56-011. 1428 26 SI, I 70 93 P1rlllo, Luann J , AP 935-!>3-013, Smith, w1111am Howero Jr. AP $994.82 938-85-009 S 1.646 74 Mltsuoke, S Richard et 11, AP Ca 0 re r a. Jud 11 h Lee A P 935-53·025. I 11 t 00 936-85-019, 111 100 Garriepy, Nell. AP 935-53-077. Dlecllma". Raymo"o w . AP SI 11.00 936-65-020. $1 11.00 l'l''l"nnva" Chrlallno. AP Glgllo, Gefard F. AP 529· 114-01, $2.038 92 King, Sanford, AP 452· 132·08 s 1,433 96 Parll, Ch•"O G AP 452· 132· 18 $2.676.40 Slella, Victor. AP 452-171-08 $3,075 28 Stlrll"9. Ray M .. AP 529·114·25. ti II 00 J M Peters Co tnc AP AP 452· 172-06 $2,970 76 LeBte"c;, L"'"e"ce B . 529·222·25, 12.245.06 WrlQht Fred AP 439·092-05 $ij41 02 Cou n1y or Or an·ge A P 439-092-09 $64 36 AP 439·092· IO, $64 Je Dobson . M v '1a F 439.092·35, S530 00 A P Weitze, Joyce M . AP 439· 10 1 ·07. SI 661 52 Sipos Raymond E AP 439-101·18, $738 70 Dupray Tot'I R., AP 439-111·01 $147 59 Luce Ronald Gregor)' AP 439-111-26. s 1.916 02 Re,,chers Investment & Equity 1C AP 439-I 11-42. S2 802 98 Merllndale. Wiiiiam A., AP $1,268.99 Alexand•r. Nlcholas . AP 483·031· Ill, $5,452 98 Tre", Tnanh Thi, AP 451-483-12. 430.122.07, I 1,827 24 Ml"ChOW, Donald A . AP 935-53·094, $1,058.12 936-65-033. $1 I 1 00 L~. Franciaco, AP !i35·53· 135. Jay, Hele n, AP 936-65-038. 1380 22 AP 452·1~·10, 13.776.56 LaFourcade. Tommie F AF 452-172·20, s 1.528 78 C rowley , James M 452-172-23. s 1,580.25 AP Kei;p111er JOSt1Pn "' ,. .. 439-111-48 s 1,801 94 Clerk¢, Mlct111el, AP 463-061-12, S525.60 19711.14 KarSOlc.as, 84rry, AP 451-483· 16 Miiier , Jeanelle R AP Sl1100 463-071-34, S733.11 Cu"nlnghem, John H AP G 1 11 1" d t , Ra Ip h J A P 451-492-08. '538 17 $2,046 76 G u I " t h e r , G e o r g e , A P Snulell, George W AP 935-53-163,$1.2511.04 93Cl-65-041 Sl1100 Hl"dmen Pelrick 0 . AP Oekker Tnoma 1 R AP 935-53-213,StttOO TAX RATE AMA 26-o&t J M Peters Co, AP 529-063-37 $2.417 56 Pel-. Roger L , AP 629-072..01, $744 33 JM Peters CJo tnc AP 452· 172-33. $2 970 76 AP Cou"IY o r Orange AP 439· 112-02, S64 36 AP 439-112-19 $64 36 AP 439· 112·20 $64 36 AP 439· 112·21, $64 36 463-081-22. $1,878 74 Mooney, Thomas J Sethi, lllOar K, AP 463-083-05 451-492·11, 12,273.76 1633.13 Fen11ermacher, Jay C , Irvine lnduatrlel Comp! .. , AP 591-023· IO, $330 66 A p AP 591-024-01, $300 78 AP AP 591-024·08. $350 80 936-9t.001,$97866 W o"g , Cnl Keung , AP Vlek. Charles M • AP 937-29-022, 935·53·246, $652 57 $1.826.04 Mciver, Robert T Jr, AP Metulls, Linde T . AP 937·29·055, 935-53-253. $111 00 NonhwooCl/~nkerhlll Penne<a, AP 529-072.07. $1.266 22 AP 529-072.00. Sl.261.14 Peet, Kyle F . AP 529-073-08, $120 64 AP 452· 173.03, S2 675 16 Hwang . Thomas T 452· 17'-05, $I 509 12 JM Peters Co Inc A P 452-174-08. s t,871 13 Happyland Preschool l11c AP 439-112·25. s 125 00 Britto". Thomas S A P 439-112·43. $145 90 Tl&TR Co Tr irlR-1923·00·2 &lor 451-492-17, 1111.00 "-terson, lv•n A, AP 463-084-14, Benbrook, Douglas M • AP 11w.Oa6rlm2l~ton ........... ~t Inc AP B lfhnlll, Jonn Ooyl• AP' . .,. .,,,,.,, .. ,,....~.. . 93S.5J·262. S881 18 Spalding, Alphonse G AP 452·271· 10, S 1,0 IS 95 Cherry Lake Group Al' 439·232·31 s 1 010 53 11,850 68 451-492-29, 12, 122 34 l<leck"er, Merv!" P AP Foreman , Hugh H 483-091-19, 1708.38 451-492-31, $.471.23 KolUv•r1· Andrew J AP Ingram, David F AP 451-501·12. "4e3· 12:2-02, I 17 42 $782 29 Gepharl. Thome• 0 J, ' 463-333-08, $2.436 59 A"f1nson. Thom•• E 463-333· IO, s 724 77 AP AP 936-21·019, S793 76 Bader. Ra"dy, AP 935-53-278, AP 938·21-031, $453 21 $11100 AP 1138-21-040, $453 21 AClam•. Kim M ' AP 1135-53-29 t, AP 938·21..()42, $740 88 $248 71 AP 938·21.-044, $740 88 AP 938·21..045, $740 68 Al> 938·21-050 $775 16 AP 93a.21.oe5. S740 88 Mac B;tn, Danle l 529-081-27, $1,841 40 De"l tls . S l;ven S29-081-40, $2,214 08 Lanphier , Thomas J AP 452-271-11, $1,088 72 G AP Jone1. Ben1am1n P AP 452·271-25. s 1,823 40 L AP Zimmerman , Kur! l AP °'"' 4~\l·:.!32·35. Sl.978 94 AP 439-232-36. 12.208 04 Molina, Osvaloo E 934-01-00J. $661 50 A P Eeaterby, Stewert D AP Mazon. Lao"ard J AP 483-134-03. $1,399.06 451·501-28. $115.45 Lenglola, Char ... Allred Tr, AP Powell , Cha rles C AP 483-135-07, Sl,001 78 451·502·16, $731 24 WM•. James 0 , AP 463-1'1-08. Ree•. Off p . AP 451-511·05, 1111 ()() $883.69 Smetko.Car1S.,AP463·141·24 Larso", Me xl"e L AP 1617.9• 451·512-43, St,408 22 Btvno, John P . AP 453-143-12, Sendov11,. Richard J Jr AP 1959.37 451·521·10,•l,239 70 Dunn, Michael, AP 463-153·07, Toscano , Rlcnerd . AP la, 170.llO 451·521·29, s 118 20 L e tham . Henry C AP St11tll.Roger0.AP4!>M•21·4 1, .eQ.188-07, $2,301 70 11,038.80 Pa rt y . Step h; n R AP t<ocour, 0 Sc;ott, AP 451-521·55. 483·272· 10, $504 64 $9 I I 78 Tl&TR Co Tr dlR·tll23--00·2 &/or Lambal<IS. Stephenie, AP LMdbeel;r, He14W1 M (WSI 4, AP 451·521-61, St,52028 463-272-14, '841.04 Abornoda·L, Shamtedlne, AP Johnson. Ger•ld T . AP 451·521-69, $86970 4e3-272-28, $998.68 M e c Bot h , J o h " W , A P Tl&TR Co Tr #IR-1923-00·2 &/or 451·531-04, 11,812.14 WIM!el, NOfa C., AP 483·272·34. Hollom, Herolo ThomH, AP St.548.52 451·534-18, 11,316 74 Merryman, K.R., AP 463-281-07, Welleo;, Lottie Marra AP '414.45 451·551-05, $916.09 Tl&TR Co Tr •IR·t1123--00-2 &/or Jones, Robert Gan•. AP Morgan, Ralph J .. AP 463-281·17 451-552·10, $677.65 '800.51 Fra"k, Ruaaell N. AP 45t-562·22, Tl& TR Co Tr •IR-1923-00-2 &/or $ 1,285 64 Hertman, Aanley P . AP 483-283-04, Eget. Sylvia tt al, AP 451-553·20. 1851.00 S680.S 1 Moore, Belly J;y"een, Beman. Wetam•"· Michael B . AP Rlohard H ' AP 483-283-13, S2. 451·5»-26. $663.22 110.44 Jacobt, Michael el at. AP 48&-032·28. $ 111 00 Powell. Harry R , AP 466--041·25. $936.01 C•rlwrlght Aaao c , 435-142~9. 18.745.39 Glbao". Franklln W . 435-142-42, 16,969 52 CharlH & Le!#la D;v 435-1<42-llO, 13,56' 24 AP Br;n"en , Thomas J AP 466-042-09, s 111 ()() AP W lltm 1 n , Gary R 466-042-53, s 111 00 AP I"'· AP Stell110, Al f red A AP 46&-042-71, t764 86 Pret!My of So CAI. AP 930-73-446, UM.32 AP 930-73-478. 1387.46 Borouonf. Earl E Jr, AP Church, Libe rty Baptist of 933-32-018, $111.00 Southern C ar AP 120-138·58, H;rnand. Dmrr;ll J . AP tl1,048.72 933-82-092. 11,155 54 Bernett. Rlc;hard H el al, AP 933-82-144, s 111.00 Crader , M lcheel R . AP Capla1r1no AICOt 0.valopmam 934-4'-0&4. $1,021 27 Inc., AP 875-081-15, t 14, 130.77 Smith, Suaan Q , AP 934-44.058. Belany. Suv;n 3rd, AP $72138 1133-93-057.145580 Fr lu;ll, Marlon H AP H If b or 8 e I bo a Inc. AP 934-44-060. '902.47 933-113-064, '2.1115.32 Sch; Id t , 8 er I h ; H A P B roome ll. Herry N . AP 1134-44-107,1466.54 113-4-IC>-003. S764.88 W h I ti , Pat r I c I a A AP IHOnlcll, Melt,_ A , Froel, Dorie 934-44-115 $848 26 AP M. et el, AP 1134-10-018, $2,4112.08 0 In •1 · RI ch a rd K All chi;, Q ;org; R ., AP ga4.44.1 4, $1.327112 Q4.2t-043, '629 09 BNna, Phvtll1 A .. AP 034-44· 180, Blue, Lindi 0 , AP 113"-30·013, 13115 98 9$30,58 c • , I y I e . R a n a I d L .. A p Popov, T RObart. AP 934-30..()9(), 934-4 4° 170. I t 11.00 M84.47 W; I I a I , W II ti em C , A P Q • n ttl , J u II a A n n , A P llJ.4.63.007. S 1 11 00 93449-()() • '2.058.80 Peck. Edwerd, AP 034•83-01 I, •111.00 .. Petr•on, Rob;rt E . AP 034·83-036. 1229.03 a a ldllloakl. Core R , AP Sou•dJl•nt J;cque • V . AP ~ 152·2'. s 1 352.00 03~ •• 13 84 Mtnl191. w.A.. AP 463-152·27. Morallllfl, Seid, AP ~1. "31.27 s 111 .00 Peereon. Robert E., AP ~.$30130 8 e llell, Ch•rlet R , AP Mtrtln , Rlohtrd W , AP 934-e7..010, $1,224.52 ... m-of. *322.72 MQY1tt, ''•nk, AP 1134·88-002, Tl&T" co Tr #IR-1923-00-2 6/0lf Sl,69~.se C ook. C .D , AP 03·234· t 1. Be nl•mln. Natalie C • AP Nf2.a M4-Ho-003, t 1.2&3.N Wermlngton O.velopm.111 l11c., AP 83+7o.o&o 14M 12 AP 934-10-051, "'88,Q Wel to , luunne M , A P APt3+7CMl92,...,..t2 ..._T7.o31, 1111.00 AP 934-10-053, 1418.t 2 CMki.&OoMld L, A" 03&-M-007, AP t34-7Q.OM, '973.74 m o.w AP t34-7o.oaa, i 1,0l6.02 AP '34-70..oa&, 1, 12:2.ot TU llATI AMA.... AP "4-10-067, t012.14 AP t3+7o.oel, 1,071.M ,__,, D.it M., AP 451'4tl·IO. Hughel, Mlltlt A., AP 934-7~7. SI01M 1243. 1& Adltlll, Joee pll W Jr, A P Wlo 1e n90, Robe r t ", AP 4'1-4th 22, l 1;07U4 ea+ICMH4, '14U2 •tedalk , Joatp ll A .. AP WlnOtf, llW'ln1 AP 114·81..011, 411-4tt-IO, l2,D71... lf,.~..54 C otb o r . Ollvo t I Jr, AP LW!ldl.Dll*IJ .. APl34 1100:2. 4H·14i.IO, 1 1,000,41 171'7,71 .,.._, OenllC M •• "" 481-11 1.07. I o n k u 11 , J • n • M • . A II •1.001.'2 ~ 11, 11.449. , .. TAX RATE AREA 26-071 Tnomp'o" Jerry R 463·321 -26. S2,478 73 Hodge•. Kenneth R -463-332-12, $2,619 64 M c Broom Thomas . 935--08-021. $1,756 02 TAX RATE AREA a-oTJ AP AP AP Irvine Co AP 483 ·49l·36. s 1,246 50 Fetso1. Floneld L ' AP 463-511.02 Sl.874 57 Rubollom. Ire Richard Jr, AP 463·5 I 1·23, $3.259112 Guye11e . Bruc e A 463-511-32, $3,832 04 AP MorrlSO". James J AP 463-511·33. 14,386.78 Henket. Lee W , AP 931-42·436, $1,944.86 °'""·Gerald N .. AP 931-57-418. SI 190 41 Doneld L Bren Company AP 931-65-404, t 532 84 AP 93 l-«15-411, S 1,235 22 AP 031-65-4 13, '593.69 TAX RATE AREA 2'-0711 Oahlore" Ooneld R , AP 463-361·01. 11.724 20) Reid . John AP 463·3Cl1·15. $1.922 J4 Siiiiman . Wllllem A., AP 463-413-03, 12 .535.00 HeMI, Megdy, AP 463·413·07, 11,221 82 Yen, James c .. AP 483-413-18. S1 283.44 E(lwerdl. IN E, AP 938--02-011, $1,1199 60 MOOfe. Jack B , StOllef. Howard, AP $38-02.Qt7, $2, 180 36 Relchma"", Fre"k JoHph, AP 936-02-050, s 1,072 92 M11on . David Roy , AP 463-451-18, $4,493 72 Aahe<, Pet., H, AP 463-501·13 '3, 178 78 Chepman. Berri• M AP 483-501-38, 14.112.28 N•ml<ung . George H AF 483-501·37. 13.230 34 Maz•a. Frenk c .. AP483-501·46 11.53& 66 Yen. Jtmee C , AP llJ0.16-401 St.242.&5 Oulggt•. Jeck, AP 1130· 19,..23 s 1,988. 14 TAX RA ff Al!EA 211·104 Horn, Rooert L , AP 529-081-57. $1,432 74 •52·271·46, s 1,941 10 Bord•"· E Elaine AP 452·272-32. $959 81 Tur,_, W Bruce. AP 529· 161-08. $582 70 Kaddo, Rudolpn A . AP MO!way Gene P , AP 452-272·41, TAX RATE AREA ie..090 Hughes . Devld A 52~161-29 $804 92 AP 520·082-02, l809.82 $1177.53 Ma"d•rson. Gregory Paul, AP 452-272-42, 1941 69 lrvtne Co, AP 590-023-07, Wallack Terrence J AP S413 50 530-011.15. S 1.158 73 M1"c11111. M1relal R , AP Oe L• Cruz. Osc•r G AP Herrera. Joa1pn H 551-013..()4, Sl,809.20 Feder loo. Joaeph 551-025..()5, $111 00 G ebn•rd . Howard , AP Jr, A p 462·272-49, $2,082 82 Morgan. Jae!<, AP 452·272·53. 590·023-08, $8.187 06 530-011·28. $2.134.68 lfvo"a Co. AP 590·044·0 I, Coate., Ralph T. AP 630-021-14, G • AP 11,90526 S353 04 $716 77 C;der Se"d, AP 5110·0!.J·llJ, Hiii, Paul F AP 530-021-2 4, $8,84 1 42 $955.86 Bal•I. Oeven<lra. AP 530·021·36 $2.258 66 TAX RAT'E AREA ~ Mey Gregory B , AP 551-027-23, $1.63194 Solomon. Karl L AP 937-47..010. $1,14482 Walker , Thomes L. AP 937-48-005. sa. 192 80 Egar. Sylvia, AP 937-48-006 13.222.6" Aandauo , Jo1eph B , AP Beywood Homet Soulhwelt. AP Benner. Larry AP 530-031-10, Irvine Co AP 120-138·65 $2.677 52 S 11 14641 Artt Sen Diego Properties 8, AP 529-222·20, St,791.86 037-55.-044, $448 94 530-031-46, SllS3 43 TAX AAT'E AREA M-OM S"yeler Gary M AP 530.031-53, $2.442 22 AP 1137·55-072. $469 24 MehCll , A"n•. AP 937-56·012, $075.27 B u g"•· Kenneth J AP F11sb t e , J ame• R AP Dlxo". Steven J et a1 , 463-351·05, $1.457 96 530..042-09, $1,498 28 529-112·13, $2,.220 48 AP WMllam Lyon Co AP 937-56-030, $558.82 Pollock, Beclly J. AP 483~71-09, H I b b 5 . R I c h.rd D A p Wein. Mere s . AP 529-112-19, Alm ttaOt, Crystal D AP 937-«11 -007, $958 31 $885 06 530-042-19 $974 66 $1,051 59 Henna, Aob¢r1 F . AP 483-372-04 Jon at , M I c h a; I W A P M 111 I r , A I Ch a r d 0 . AP Arl¢rburn, Jerry L AP 937-61·053. s 1.844.82 $1, 123 01 530-051.03, 1879.94 529-112-25. $2,839 06 Glbeon. Sluan L , AP 463-373-05, McWhlrt•r. Ronald H AP Lembeck , Edw•rd J . AP lrvl"; Co. AP 937·61 ·072 $2,403 55 530-052-12, 1172 20 529-1 IJ..()1, $1,977 00 Flaher,INtngN,APll34-75-005, Korb, J1met R 2"d , AP Cterk.DelrldM ,AP529-114-49, $2,682 00 530-053-03, 17117.05 11,060.36 H 0 mm.' Br u c. L • A p Y•no. Song K., AP 530·053-18, Kehler. Gery l , AP 551·031-06, 934·75-051, Sl,364.24 11,111122 2,452 06 NIClcell,GlennW ,AP1134·9fS.-004, Sampieri, Francia N , AP Rober11, Cllrtord W J r, AP ~· 11114 74 ~-27, 1448 59 551-031-11, $1, 185.77 John1on, Jeclt Oouglu, AP Slrllln. Robert L., AP 530·053~2, Lltlle, Brwe D .. AP 551-031·17. 1995.98 Warmlnglon Or.ltk>pment Inc. AP 937-97-007. $908.74 Teak;, Rlchero M . AP 937-97-016, $1, 185 28 rrvln• Co, AP 1138-32·009, 13tO.ll• Irvine Co, AP 938 -80·023 $197.17 934-116-008, S3,285.78 12.086.118 s 1,03&. 19 Meuone. Anthony M , AP MoGulre, Fre"k R at •I. AP Vel•"""•· Donald R , 034-96-015, $1,732.68 630-053-41, $1,867.42 551-031-29, $1,094.80 AP AP 938-8().-028, I 197 17 AP 938-81.()44, J164 89 WMllt, Jonn L 7r. AP 934-96-020, Ehon, JemH A., AP 5JO--Oel.Q2, H;rm1"0, Eleuterlo L . AP 1897.14 S748.58 551-031·33, $111.00 N••m•"· c11re nc• D , AP Sllv•r. Bernar d H AP Lue veno . Manu e l J AP 1134-96-024, $1,646 42 530-062-09, S977 42 551.o31.;)4, 11.971 18 Ralao<. Leole S ., AP 1134·9&-075, Slerrt, Tom81 B .. AP 530-oe2· 10. H., t men . 0 II v er R AP 11,647 83 11.81>2.82 551-031-41, $2, 163 88 McCowa", John P et al, AP W II It"; y . 0 e v Id A AP Bhanderl. Amtf1, AP 551-032-03, 1134-98-077. 12.505 64 530.o&4-03. $ t,924 52 $2,350 .. Bt-tr. lhomea E AP Che1e , Sheldon N , AP 530-oe4.07, 1042.&8 S51.o32..07, 11, 188,0J TAX RATE A,_l A 21-132 Rltlgle, Dennll E , AP 5311-lJl-Olt, tt,H&.80 Benavides, Stepnan G . AP 530-1"450. 12.018.08 Brr>on . 'Dougres B 530-133·58. $1,83'4 '12 Mer•dlth , Jack P AP AP Chtppalle, Do"ard C . AP Llvlng11on, J1me1 L , AP 530-13'-15, '2,042.80 Habib, Sh•ma·Ud-Dean AP 483-3S3-09, $3,058 43 530-071..02. 11.837.88 551-032-12, U ,455 1• R od em1, Dtv lCI C . AP Devey, Wlllltm Bunon, AP 530-073-06, $938 58 551..032·15, 11,584 48 Jenaen. Fl~ D , AP ll34-7S..019, $1 ,37444 McCauley , Wiiiiam. AP P•ll•tl•r. Gerard F ., AP Merickel Oevtloom•"I. AP 530..017--0e, S15S.92 551-032-33, $2,218 82 529-1113-33, 11.227.84 Mey, Ollver,,p 530-077-18, Shin, li'f\lfl C . AP 551-032_.1, "p 629-193-39. 181642 '1.5U 86 I 111.00 Wiii•. Do" w . AP 483-401·01, Andeuo". J•"Y Oun, AP Dunn, Wlllltm A .. AP 551-0Cl?-«11, $4,8011.5'4 630..071-17, '810 57 12,258.88 WelMf, Mlch"4, AP •63-402-0e. Kim, Dong M .. AP 530-078°14, And•••on . Don110 l .. AP Grttnwood. Robert w AP 1177.ell 1113 18 ~!11~2-31.12,36720 529-171-40,*535 Rummell. J am;e A , AP N1k•g1w1 , Mal.01 0 , AP Parll Jin 8ang AP 661-042-32 Rowtll. R ichard W , AP 493~2-14. s1.4111.eo 530.o78-f7. 1111.00 s2.11111.'04I · • 529-111-11. 11,314.eo Guntttl. Lewrenc• J Jr. AP Apo1101. An9a1110 B . AP Man. Godf rey Cw .. AP Mon.Oonal<l8.,AP629-172-08. 4113-421..01. 13,004.00 530..()78-24, $111 00 561-042-30, 12,927 N $1.•00 74 t<ln~11;y, Rlch1rd G , AP Cllapult. Leon, AP 530.()78-31, Tebb. HafWY P ., AP 5!1-042~, Van Ouun, St;phtn T AP .... •2 ..()"' $2 7 t3 .,. $1,595.74 11.540.18 62t-172""8, I 1,431. 12 R kl I P .. ....,_ ._, ' o'•V oc 1;10 A .. oc •tel, A New"1•n . w. J•11nne, AP C1nyon Creoll, AP 530-082-14, Lemba, P11emjlt Singh, AP 590-012.01, 143,024 28 483-422·11. S1,282.7t S1.001.54 55t-o42-48, 1 1.t26.09 Moor•. JICll B ' AP 4e3-'423-12, All 630..ot2-111, $952.11 AIClrlch , Robert A. JI, AP $1,14885 Ele lenle , D •nle l J, AP 5111..o42-63,l 1,071,ti1 Ka'Ylanl, Jatnte. AP 529·1111·11, Munson, Freel J AP 426-221 05 $268 10 Bro w " Will11m I( 426-221-06 $1,388 60 AP Castor•"•· Rober! E AP 426-221.07 S205 72 21st SI Limited Beyer & waroen Real E1tete lnves1m."1 Ltd : 7 4 AP 426-221·28. $2,943 71 TAX-RATE AREA 56...o.n County ol Orange AP 439--092· 14, 164 38 AP 439--092-15, S64 36 Hanso". Clllloro A AF 439-092-17. $735 48 Heymet. Paul G AP 439-092·23 $1185 34 County ol Oran g e AF 439·092-32 $84.36 B•rre11, Robert L 439-231-24 $2,602 118 A F Ma•well Ar>thony L AF •39·231-33, S2.422. 10 TAX·RATE AREA~ Fuaco. Sarvatora, AP 119-244 13 1!>41 44 LeFre"o. A Jemes A P 439-021-20. $636 J4 °'1M. Michael T AP 439-022 04 $11100 j Oad{..1. Our we ro P 439-03 ~3 $111 ()() AP Beaupre, Oon1 1d R AP 439-033· 15, s 175.84 Teter Armu R , AP 439-033-23 $:111:> t>• Bleck...,•11. Mery J AP 439..()4 I .OS, $382 09 Carter. Robfltt. AP 439-04t·16 S76J 26 Schoo!, Coate Mesa Union AP 442-281..01, M4.3e TAX41ATE AREA 66-0lT 01Jord Well Oevelooment Comp•"Y· AP 119·231·011 $3,798 15 AP 119-23t·12. 11,1118118 AP 119·23I·15. $809 72 AP 119-231· 19. 1724 40 Wllll•m•LT11om•• E . AP 119·2'31·22. lo42t llO Brown, John 0 , AP 11 .. 2~. S3J7 14 Towe raey, Bri a " J , AP 119-233-34, 11,042 9? Nol~ Paul J • AP 119·24 1 ·30. '1.;l2o1.60 Kitner , Ed•1rd J • A P 119-242-47, s 172 80 La1f·Slop Lid, AP t 111·242·51. 1ue1 18 s . n d gr. n ' M. r y K .. A p 530-082·21, 12.507 18 &Gott, Slellen A .. AP 681.o().4$.()1, $504.74 trvlnt Co. AP 468-021-5520. ~·423-21.12,51358 Bl1M,8111\181'1J ,AP53Q.082-2t, t2J..H7.51 lrvlne lnvt11011 Limited, AP Statt or C e lllotnla , AP 123,10788 Marqu e nd. Mi ke A , AP l ttt.00 llfOWnt. Su .. n D , A,. 529-1111·1&.Sl,94204 120-300-12.132.N TAX fllA Tl AMA ..... 463--424-01, 13, 154.88 Canyon Crttl\, AP 530.oa3-22. 581..()43..16, 13.23'.14 I ~~o;i:o• Otc# F .. AP 621-191-17, Ktular, Jeffrey N., AP '707.50 l 1 mb10 .. , 0 . Ooug1u, AP 11 · '483.-431•12, 11.872.01 AP 530..()83...23, U07.76 5111-044~5, S1.IM8.11 KllM. Nallm li .. AP 52$-191-19. L •.. &r L•eltr •p 463 4"1 1• AP M0-0~2•.t1,e21.oo Tortl?JOfln J ., AP 551-044-ot. s 16on.n AP Johnaon, Denni• J . AP Mo,(lo.' I.Orr.In •... ¢1 81, •p .,. ' ' " • " • '" t al P I .. t I "' .. 13 1HJ8 COc*, Join M . AP 530..ot3-31, 13,810 2 t n 0 • au ,., e • . 43'-041·15t, l601.12 451-662-04, J131.2t biile' a~~ C AP 4••-"•1 11 12 4N .74 I II 111 •, Ou 11111 n K , A fl 52:1-~. S120.IO p t r 1 a n e , J t mt 1 "., AP Blngh1 m , Wlllla m D., AP Sl 611'.42""""' " _...... · ' frudt l, Aa yrnond v .. f\P 161--044·10, 13,122.14 lllatlktnahlp, Sleph en , AP 4»041-63, 1111.00 4&l·51'1.07, •1.•t().48 Omldl, Flrooi. AP 4t3-444·09, ~-091·17, Sl,U0.40 Ivy, Jon-w .. "' H1-044-11, 61t-I09-0t . suao.82 B tuck, Rlohard H,, AP ... 441"'" Mtt«llll,We11ef,AP$30-0t1-4t, $1,l3t.1t Motll•m&~1 lha httm , A P 451-591-42,tttt.OO ..,, '""' •11100 ut-aoe-1t.-1..M ...... .,, 0 .,.. D . •p •sl-""l·"'2, Tlprl1:. Ellnbelh Elle n, AP • u C II t O I •• AP .._ -• , ,. '" ......, ' ~ 1 " 11 •-ee Atnnt . Soott, AP $30·102·03, TAJt-MTa MmA .. ,,. ,..c I e t r, enn I ..... nae ,. ... ........ 12 054,..4 ~u. 11ee.ee Allbln,AobertA.,AP•51-&41-03, t11:;'94Compeny. AP 4M-482-3Q, Cotte nio, Jtmtl A A Ple rpDn t. P11 tph llJ , A" et... Oery l., Afl 4"-214-02. $1 tta.•2 Ml Id c 030-102-18. S1,44U2 a.n.10147, 171t,IO 11 ...... Frtnnl.~A . .,Af/'451-t41.05, 93 ~ J:':· •;..01• L • Al' ftl oCloskey, John P A 0 11011, Matclo O. ol 11. AP ~..Ji. Tllo"'•• M. el a l, AJI PROPERTY IN HUNTINGTON MACH SCHOOt.. Dll B CT TAJ&.M.ft AMA ..... S2.211AO 1_. • • l,054. 5)0.1oa..oe-ttaa ts • 821-101-43. 1 1.111,00 JH·11-.1t11.oo Que t tln AIOllttO L., A P • ' "••lo, O r-e10 1y ••• A, Mon o ller J o r o my. ,., Pl*'t,Mletlalll.,AP17M11-04 • 451 .... 1..c>e, h135.07 TAX AATa ....... 529-101 .... t1,14J.IO ... 214-10, 11~1.00 f47t.ft lullel, Altn F , A' 411-641•21, TAXllATI.._. .. ,.. totwa, CrelOC.. AP $29-101-70, l rown ln g , Mull 9 ., AP AP 1TM11•.l0,'514.'1 1 1,016.34 Me rolltuno, Cha tlu , AP Sl,MO.H ln-214-14, 1716.t1 1. ove t o c e t WI IHI M , AP 48':.:1~~•2,~J, K a y . A p 113~Ci:!·~~~=ll" ... AP 111(:;.:.ono eum. AP IH-lts-ol, 11 *''~:· .. ·~1.i:.1 · " .. A p TU MTI MIA .. ,... 11t!~2d1~·.·~o':'~ t .. " AP Tlnt l t y , w . Mlolle el, A P 113~14,1 !14.N 011ndt r Oavl d W ., A f/' 129-tOf· ' 102.ol.' 111-011·11, ..... tt 451-t72·11. 1 11 1..00 Wllklns, I . Jolln Jrd. AP Nl-H'~. Mti.oo ..:;~-~ _,,.._ ......,, TO!ft A.. Al' ... lD-04, Harris on. \.oYonne, AP l.t lOflt e , De nl 1 I A P 83~1.12 ... "4 l tltlt, l *"Y Q., AP 1tt-1n.1t. i..i:alll.\;t• ou ,.,f e., AJI ttH.flO tTM!l-01, •1.n <411 ... f..oT, 11.tllM __ yo~lng, Doll.Alai I . et al, AP l 11!1f.70 ga.1 .-... .... 0!1tlf HOfW & Inv,...,. 4-A 1 t Do, O her l ta D , A P~ll,.t4t.ll MICllU I. Thom u I'., A P ...,,.,....,,__Q.Jtft1Ul.Alt TAJrMTIAMA»tte a M._tle n e 0 Plolotio9, Afl 461 ... 142. h .H0.71 lllohot11, NlollolH J ., Af/' 1ae-1n.1e. 1,tlf..2.4 11.t-Mt.oa. ..._. 1rwt~,.. ta.40.• Wltdenb toll, l.t• t. , Af/' ~l-&S-031, 11,413,QI NIClll-LIO W., AP 62t-l n4!1. ~ ....... A., Aft .... 14f-ll, l mtltHr , la111U I " , Aft MlllW Al._ AP 11'·611-ot 41t•l•D . Mn.eo l11ropHn '011nuiln1 Ina. All ... t.02 •n.l4 ..,,,.... ""'" II.ti ' • · VOik, F,.ntt J . A, ........ ,,.4 .. , ~s.t3o04t, ••• -..1 W ......... ltW!it. ,.II 62t-t22« l,lartlfl, OutH• l .. Aft ~.,...,. ~. AP '"'"'u.ot, a-·:.._ - 11,0IO.te J a m~!On, "''!"' w., A ll -.n 68-14 14'. 11,oet.U .,,...,,... I ~ •,..... l'U . . l'I Orange Ooaa• DAILY PILOT !Wedneaday, Auguel 38, 1982 ,., . YOV Ml • .,_,~Ull.t UNOU A ..._ ITAT&MIWT MUC NOTICf MLIC NOllCC fJlCITl'ftOUa .,._., fl10nnout .., ..... Ol90 CM' TtlUtt DATIO ~ fl\1 tollowtno peteon I• Ootno 11t ::O· ''"*·,, OHJI OJ, ~n=rot ~~U:~J..11n. ~ .. ':HAW •O• 11h •• NAlllll l'f ATIMINT ....... If Aft._.,. 11111 lollowlnel per.ona -OolnO '"' lollQwlng lle'llOfll ............ ~U ~.. w~ ... Clamming allowed in SF Bay ..__ ,._,.,. IT MA't .. aOt.D A1' A "'9l.IC tt\lnUnQlon IMol't, CA 126'1 J & L CNOIN£ AOOM, I I 111 ASH LUI Al .. fllAYI 14638 Co."IOOt A,,_ ,ounlMl Vllhy. CA 8rooiih11nl No E w .. 1m1n111f 1107'i't'' ... .,.. 11 Al' HI ,.3 I ·~. I AL I , " Y 0 U IU ID AM M11t111 Or.ntl I"-. 504 71h l'ariler, L.rty W , Al' 111 lU·U l•fl\.ANAflC* Of' f ... NA""'I II , twn~ e..ctl, CA t1MJ ltU U ' °' T .. "'OOllOINO AQAINtT tllle II OOl\OUOlld by ell loulhern Wooovtew 1100 & 't~!. 'tOU 9"0U\.D QOtlTACT A llld!Yldual I' LA'"H. Mllt'IN 0 thew r 0 J) I r 111 • In V C or p A P NOnc& Of' Tiiie l ll l-1 WM f11eC1 Wllh Ille 17"4S240, IA,0,. 14 ••JNyoe 7 • Wllll1n1 C . AP 171 6)2 3a, TitUaTll'I IAA.I Coullty 0*11 ol o,_,. County on .., I ti T,I. Mo. MITO Aug 4, 1912 ~ NOTICE IS HEll!BY OIV(N. lhll f'1MNI 1 11 1.db 1' Kenl. AP 178•63242• on WednHd•Y 9 epl•mber 14. Publl•n•d Orenge Co111 01lly Plfller, Leny w . AP 111-6U-81 1911~ •••• 00 o'<llOClll I m of Mid PllOI, Aug 11, II. a . Sipl 1, 1982 u •2 · d•y. 111 rh• 1oom Ht o ld• tor 3617 H Sou1h•n WOOd•I .. llullolng & COlldUCIU\O T1u11 .. ·1 S .... wtlllln Pro~11I•• 1nv .. 1m1111 Corp, AP lhl 0111 cu 01 REAL ESTATE Ml.IC NOTICE 17~2-10, 112 10 SECURITIES SERVICE, loGltld al II u n e e t l I O • A p 2020 N0tth Broadway, Suite 208 In ~~ C~o.~~~ .<i~E_AN L MASON , uoo Oon1ld c r11ekeon aoo l!d1ngw R 107 Hunllnglon BHch, H111rd. Mld1uy Cit" C Ill 1 CA 92 .. 7 HHS • • orr1 e LARRY MASON, JR , U OO 01ty B Mce.N IOA2 H 0 £dt1~, R-101, Hvntlnglon 84MMh. Mtctway City Callf<lf~I• 92e&6aur CA 641 Thl1 bull,..._ 11 ~UCtlCI by fhll bullnMI II COO<IUOted by a gene<ll P8111\efelllp I 11•11"•1 1>11•t11et.,110· Oon•ld C l!rlCll.llO< JHf\ L Maeon • 1111, 11111men1 ., .. tiled 'wt1,, lhe fhit •t•l-•1 w .. 1"4 wltll '"' County Clef~ or 011nge Cou ty County Clet~ or Otarioe Cour•tr on Augull 23 1ga;;> n on Aug1141 10. 19U ' f' lMetl """' Publl1hed Orange Cont Delly l'ubll1'111d 0,.nge Co .. t Dally Pllol, Aug 211. ti.pt I, O. 18 1912 11a.&33.o 16. ,, I 091 ,,, th• CHy OI Sant• An1, County 01 81vereon, Wllllam R Jr. AP Orange. Sra11 or C•lllornla flt<:TITIOU• eua .. aa NAMI ITATIMllfT The •ollOwlrlQ l)tttton I• • dol11Q oueinen 11 l'llol. Aug 18. 26. 6ept t. 0. 11181 3l28-112 307().0~ -----------1 SAN MA Tm (AP) - Ruldenu are beln1 encourqed to Lalut clama from the San Fraocia.io Bay ahorellne ln San Meleo Counly under e unique experlmental pro1ram belna monitored by a group of eounly, 1tate and regional 91enciee. 17&-•3• a I BENEFICIAL MANAGEM ENT .. ... .... I ll.00 CORPORA (ION OF AM ERIC•. M Hyem1 , Euo•n• F . AP " ~ 176-1138-19, ll,63288 D•l•ware corporallon. Ill <July Ouv e ll, M•J H •••. AP appointed Truatee und11 a110 1711-637.()9, '918 o pureuenl lo the power of nl• S 1 w y 1, , w 111 1 r M A p conferred In 111•1 cert1ln O..d 01 1711-637·18, 1780 eo • Trull executed by TIM JONES •nd Shutt, Roland P., AP 171-5:18•07 MARJORIE M JONES. H111b•nd "38.00 • and Wll•, rec;orded June 10. 1980. Myw9, Ben A Jt, AP 171-538•12, In Book 13630 OI Olllolal Rac;orda 01 $3,008."4 uld Count v. at p 1ge 8118. COM~UIER TRENDS, t7832 llvlne Blvd. Sull• I<, Tu1t1n, CA 92880. BRIAN M, MIZUNO. 10201 Pue Drive, Hunllnglon BHCh. CA 112848 Thia bu1lnoH I• con0ue11d by 1on ln<llvldual Bu h c Alco1~·1 lnttrument No 92112, by 11a.;;2~l. 1'1:o58 11;e 1•• H • AP ••uon or • b1Hch 01 delaull 1n FIMMI AP 178-642-0e. '503.28 payment or perlormance or 111e Publl1had Orano• CoHt Dally Hu 01 0 n. 0 r 10 1 l , AP obllgetlona secur1d 1here1>y. Piiot. Aug 25. s.p1 1. 8, 1~;.j~f2 178-5'43-21. 1890 72 lncludlng 11181 breech or del1u11, , ___________ _ c 010 n n •. M 10 h 1 e I J AP Nolkle ol whleh wu recorded Mey Ml.JC NOTICE 171-W-12. $7.35858 · 18, 1982, as Rec0tder's lnllrument i------------ Wlbf\w. OoNk:t, AP l7&.54S-OS No 82-171864, WILL SELL AT flCTmOUS auatNeaa '687.89 • PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE NAME HATE .. NT Sunee l Be1 eh M otel AP HIGHEST BIDOER FOR CASH. The lollo•lng p1reon 11 doing 178-651·10. l l,9&6.t& · lawful money 01 Ille United Stites. bualneM M : Hou•lng Dyn1mlc Inc. AP ot a cuhlll('I check drawn on a COMPUTECH RESOURCES. 174·115l·l7, aese.32 11111 or netlonal bani!. a •t•te or 173 Broidwiy, coell Meea, CA AP 171-551· 18, I l,823.54 llde<al crldll union, 0t e •t•te 0t 92827 AP 178-561-19, '914.M lede<el uv1ngt 1nd loan esaoc1atl0n T I "' 0 I h y s Im., d . t 7 3 --PUBl--IC_ftO_T_IC_E__ Pla.IC NOTICE ..... _...., 'ICTITlOUa IMJSINISI .,... -NAMll STATQllllNT FICTITIOUS eua1 ... aa The lollowlng p.,1on I• doing NAMI ITATIMINT bulliMM a1 The following penone 11• doing ENCON, 2005 W BelbOI Blvd. bu1lne11 81 Newpon 84MM!h, CA 92803 ' CANUSA BUSINESS FOAMS. Jim Conv11 .. Jr. 2006 W. 1800 E Garry Street, S1nt• Ana, Balboa Blvd Newpo<1 Bel<lh CA Calllornla 9270!> 192883. ' ' Joe Deley & Soni. Inc • Thi• bulln.at '' QOnduoted b'/ 111'1 Calllorn1a CO•Por111on, 781 CafH lndMdull. Avenue. l o• Angelu C1llfort1la Jim C0<1....,H Jr 90021 Thi• 1111ement wu ni.o With '"-fhle bullneu 11 conducted oy • Covnty Ci.rto 01 Orange county on corpOl"allon Aug 8. 1982 Joe Diley & Sone. Inc Joaeph A Deley Ill. Publl1hed 011nge Co111 0 111)' Prealdent Pllol. A•"' 11 18 26 c~1 1 1"'82 ThlS atatement w11 filed with the ¥• · ' ' ......., ' • Coun1y Clerk or Orange County on 3534-82 Augull 23. 1982. F1tla1 Pu1>ll1hld 01 enge Co all Dally Piiot, Aug 25. Sept I. 8, 15, 1982 3781-82 PtJBUC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 auatNeH NAME aTATftM!NT AP 178·651·20, I 1,823 54 domk:lled In 1h11 at ate. all payable at Broldwey, Co111 M-. CA 92827 AP 178-551-21, S914.26 the time of we. all right, title and Thll bualnMa 1.1 conducted by1111 1------------ Mlllfi, Fred B .• AP 176·511·2 I lnlereat held by II. u Trullee. In Individual fltB.IC NOTICE Th• following peraon 11 doln bualnes1 ... WATER TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY, 207 Kno• Stteet, Suitt E, Coa11 Mesa, Celllornla 92&27 Richard Oouglu Allen Jr , 207 Kno• Srreet, Apr E, Co111 Mne. Callfornle 92827 s 111.00 • lhe1 reel property slluate In aald Timothy p Simard Berlle, Cecil. AP 178-581·29 Coun1y end State, described os This i tattmtnt wu ni.o wtlh 1111 1895.:M ' follows. Coun1y Clefil ol Orange County on Blmel,Neme C.AP 178•581•31, Lot I ol Tract No 2202, es per Aug 8. 1992_ 1338-.98 map rec0tded In book 123, pages ,1 ..... AP 11a..se1.34, s971.52 22 through 26 of mlscelleneoua Put>llaried Orange Coall Delly Levey, Alex A .. AP 178•582•28, maps, In the office 01 the county PllOI. Aug 11. 18, 26, Sept. 1, 1982 $8.•2 recorder ol said counry 3549-&2 Ortalcefl, Paul c .. AP 171.585•47, The slreel eddresa or otller1------------ S2,050. 19 common dealgnallon ol rhe reel Ml.IC NOTICE Van B 1 0 m • M 1 r I 1 n •. A 11 property herelnabove described Is i------------ 178-565-56, $8.•2 purported to be. 1000 See Lene. H u I 1 II o f , J 1 m 11 l • , A p C0ton1 del Mar. Celllornla. FICTTTIOU8 aualNISS 934-28--002, $1,65-4.80 The undersigned hereby NA• aTAft•lfT PROPERTY IN OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT dlaclalma ell llablllt'f for any The lollo•lng peraon I• doing incorrectness In said street address bulMn811 11: or other common designation. C 0 A S T J A N I T 0 A I A L Said sale will be made without SERVICES, 19128 Magnolia SI watranly, eKpreu or Implied. l>ulll 203B, Huntlnglon DelCh, CA 1eg11rdlrig !Ille. possession. or 92646. encumbrances. to satlsly the Bryenr Saldivar, 22668 FICTITIOUS 8USINEl8 NAME STATEMENT The 1.->llowlng person I• oolng l>ull,,.11 H • PACIFIC COA ST POOL & PATIO FURNITURE. 1777 N-port Blvd., Colla Maaa. CA 92627. ST ANL EY (SO NN YI PAWCHUK. 17303 107 Avenue, Edmonton Alt>ert11 Canada TSJ2PI, Thia t>uslneas 1a ~onducted by an lndlvldual. Sonny PaW<:lluk Thia 9lalement wae flied with the County Cletk ul Orange Counly on Augull 16. 1982. f195431 Pu1>ll1hed Otange Coest Delly Piiot. Aug t8, 25, Sept I. 8 1982 3652-82 principal balance of Iha Note or Flamingo St. Grand Te111c•, CA 1-----------.._ othet obllgatlon secured l>y Hid 92324 Ml.IC NOTICE This bualneu I• conducted t>y an lndlvlduel Richard 0 Allen Jr Thi• atatemenl waa llled with the County Clerk ol Orange County on Augutt 23. tll82 F1tw.ll Published Orange CoHI Dill~ Piiot. Aug 25, Sept t, 8, 15, 1982 3725-112 l'tlll.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS MJStNHS NAMI ST A Tl•NT The following p«IOne •re doing t>ullneu es K. C WAREHOUSIN G & "'..,..... YUM, YUM -M ichael F.arls, 4, of ~orcester Mass., gleefully lines up the next lick of mi; large ice cream cone at a dairy in nearb y West .Boylston. Math trouble said 'social' EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) -A recent study th.at indicate d differences be twee n the sexes i n mathematical skills may be due to genetic factors is "totally absurd," a sociologist says. Under the prosram, a 3,600-foot section of e h o reline between Coyote Point and 3rd Avenue ln San Me leo h a1 been o pened to clamming while the bay·wat.chlng agenclea continue monitoring water quality and marine Ufe there. A drop ln the water quality would be a warning signal that the sheUiish from the area might not be aafe toe.et. So f ar, water and ahel.lf.iah samples taken from the area have been almost free of pollutant.a. $13,000 • ID purse returned Holllden. Mlcllael J (EA). 107-371-02. * 192.25 AP Deed or Trust. with Interest end This bu1IOM1 11 oon<lucted Dy en Olhet sums es provided therein. ln<llvlduat FICTITIOUS auaMaa llAAINTENANCE, 9082 Stonaridge, • Weatmlntte<, CA 92663 NAME 8TATEMl!NT Kelln Mleheel Baca. 9082 In his own study, Northwestern Universily sociologist David Maines said social pressures, not biology, are responsible for the traditionally higher success level of males in mathematical pursuits. LOS ANGELES (AP) -James Eder was "scared to death" when he found a man's clutch purse on a Canoga Park sidewalk and discovered it contained $13,000 in cash. Frink H . Ayres & Son Con1lruc1lon Co. AP 107-375· 13. $34 62 PROPERTY IN IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT lrvln• Co o f W VA, AP 120-136-51.20, S3,024 94 AP 120-138-53.20, S2• l .96 TAX-llATE AREA 11-4A AP 120-138·52.20, $152.24 AP 120-136-5-4.20, $227.74 , Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dall~ Allot, Auguat 25, Sec>I 1. 1982 3672-82 Ml.IC NOTICE flCnTIOUS llUSINEH NA• STATEMENT The following peraona ete doing bu~ .. - REYES ART WORKS, INC , 3151 Alrwey Avenue, Sulla D2. Coate Mlill, Calllornl• 92626 Salv•ll Mon1gomery S1kod1 & Co , Inc .. 1 Calll0tnl1 eotpOrlllon. 3151 Al""'Y AY9., Sulll D2. Coate ~. Celll0fnt1 92626 Salvati Montgomery Sakoda & Co , Inc PhlHp J. S11v111. Pr .. ldenl Tiiie llllemenl WU Ried wtth the County ClerX of Orenoe Count'/ on Auguat 23, 1982 FIMSM Publl•h•d Orange Co11t Dally Piiot, Aug 25, Sepe t, 8, 15. 1982 3721-82 NllJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS SU ... H NAMESTATE•NT The following peraona ere doing t>ull,_.M: NEWMAR, 1020 Weal 171h Slreet. Coate Me11, Ca11torn1a 92627 ROI Development Cotporallon. 1 Delaware C0tp0t8llon. 1020 Weal 17th Street. Coa11 MM&. Celllornla 92827 Thi• bulllneas It condue1ed by a c;orpor1llOn. ROI Oevelopmen1 Corp. J . R. Jonnson. President Thi• 1111emant wu flied with the County CW1I of Orange County on Augu11 23, 1982 Flt&n4 Publl1hed Orange Coell Delly Piiot, Aug. 25, s.p1 I, I . 15, 1942 3782-82 l'talC NOTICE plu1 advances. II any. under Ille Bryant Saldlvet te<ma 11\ereol and Interest on llOC"l1 Thlt 9lllement wM filed with lhe advances. and plus lees. charges County Cle<k or 01ange County on The lollowlng per1on 11 doing s i onerldge. Weal m1n11e1• CA bullnesa ea. g268J. and expenses ol the Trustee and of Aug. 6. 1982 lhe trusts created by said DeeO ol f19oll57 CLASS N' GLASS, 20711 Carey M "k Baca. 9082 Chaucer. Hunting Ion Beecll. Stonerldge, we11m1n1t1r. CA Trust The 10111 amount ol said Publ11hed Or1nge CoHI Delly C1J110tnl• 92&46 92683. Steven R. Harvey, 20711 Th bull obllgellon, Including reasonably Piiot. Aug 11. 18. 25. s.pt 1, t982 es11ma1ad lees, charges and 3552-82 e.penaes ol the Trustee. er the lime ----------- Ch1ucer. Hun11ng1on Beach, •s neu 11 CO<•due11d by• gene< al part,.., alllp or lnlllal 1>11bllcatlon of this Notice, Is Ml.IC NOTICE Callt0tnle 92646 Keltll Mlc:hHI Beca l<Ul J Hervey. 20711 CNUC411 ThlS llllernenl WU llled Wllh the Ss&,09712 ------------DA TEO August 20. 1982. SUPElltOft COURT Huntington Beech. Catllornle 92646 County Cieri! ol Oranoe County on Thi• bullneea 111 conducled by an A 8 198 BENEFICIAL MANAGEMENT OF CAllf'~A Individual. ug. • 2 Slaven R Harvey p bll 11 d o c Fl CORP OF AMERICA. COUNTY Of' Of'IA~ a Oelewate corpOtallon, 700 Cl'lk: Center OrlYe WMt This a111emen1 wu flied wllh 111e u 1 • reno• 0111 Dally Coun1y Clerk of Orenge Couflty on Piiot. Aug 11, 18. 25. Sept I, 1982 July 12, 1982 3573.92 es Trustee. 9o1 131 By. REAL EST A TE 8anll Ane, CA t2702 SECURITIES SERVICE. MARRIAGE OF PETrTIONEA a California ce<p . BONNIE LYONS f193117 Publlahed 01ange Cout Delly Piiot. Aug. 11, 18, 25, Sec>t. I. 1982 3580-82 111 Agent I RESPONDEN r r HEOOORE F By D J. M0tger. I.VONS Its President SUMMON• (FAMIL't LAW) iwm•1c NOTICE 2020 North Broadway. CASE NO. 02021211 ruut. S I 206 NOTICEI You hen been 1ued 1-----.....;. _____ _ s~~~11 Ana CA 92706 The court mey dee~ 'faln•I you FICrmoua 8USIN£SS (7 t4) 9S3·B810 I •llhoul your belno hNfd unleH NAME STAT£MENT Published Orange coaSI Delly JOU r"9Qftd within IO dep. Reed 1>u~~:.~1::i,w1no person• are do<ng Pilot. Aug. 25. Sepl. 1. 8. 1982 ll'le lnfom'llllon ~. PANACHE PAINTING & WALL 3763-82 II you wish lo seeil lhe eavic. ol COVERINGS t 14 Turquolee I In attorney In lhls metier. you Avenue. Balboa Island, CA 92662. should do so prompl~ '° that your OAVIO WILLIAM ADAMS, 114 ----l'ta--IC_NO_TIC_E ____ ~l~n~l:_pleedlng, 1 any. may l>e Turquolae Avenue, Balboa Island. A V I 8 0 I U e I a d 11 I I Id o CA 92662. NOTICE Of' TRUSTEE'S SAU demindedo. El trlbunel puede CORNELIUS CARTER,.18333 T.S. No.~ decldlr contra Ud. e1n llMMencll 11 Eu! WOO<lerolt, Azu.aa, CA 91702 SMI CORPORATION as dulyjl'ft•rWMI ~ Ud. reepondl denlro Tiiis bullnMS IS conduc;1ed by. appointed TruSlee under lhe de 30 dlll. LN 11 lnf-k>n que genetal paf1nert/lip lollowlng desetlbed deed ol trus algue. OeVld Adams WILi. SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTIO SI Ulle d desee iollcllar el This aletement was filed with the Ml.IC NOTU:E K-41342 FlCTm oua euatH£sa NAME aTATUftNT The following peraons ere do4ng t>uslness as· MIRACLE MAZDA, 1425 Baket Strait. Co111 Men . C1lllornl1 92626. MIRACLE MOTORS, INC . a Calllornle COtpOtlllon 136'..., Norlh Lerchmon1 Blvd . Suite "A", Loa Angeles, CA 90004 1'1111 bull,_ 11 eonouctld t>y 1 corpotatlOn Mlrac:M Motors. Inc Alex N Cemp.,.I, Pree. This atatemenl wu tiled with the County Cletk or Otange County on Augull 13, 1982 f1Mm Put>llshed Ot1ng1 COHI Delly P1IOI. Aug 18, 25. $eC>I 1. 8, 1982 3680-82 TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR eonsejo de un 1bogedo en Hie County Cieri! ol O<anoe County on CASH (p1y1l>le et time Of ule In a au n I o . deb I r I e h I c er Io Augull l3, !982 F115m lewtul money o1 the United Statea) lmmedl&temente. de NII m.,,..• 111 right, 111111 anc1 lnt9'est conveyed au re1punll 0 elegeclOn. ,1 hay Publlahecl Orange Coast D•ll> r------------ 10 Ind now held by II under said algun1. puede eer reg11tred1 • P1101. Aug 18, 25. Sept I, 8. 1982 P\8.JC NOTIC£ Deed of Trust In the property llempo 3684-82 1------------ hetelnellet Oetcnt>ea· I TO THE RESPONDENT The Ml.IC NOTICE F1CTTTIOUS eu...-.. TRUSTOR RC LEAVENWORTH, perllloner has llll d 11 pellllon !------------NAME STATEMENT en unmetrled man cone«nlng your marrleoe II you fall FICTITIOUS aUSINESS Hie 1011ow1ng pereon 11 doing BENEFICIARY. IRVING GEIER to Ille 8 responM within 30 dl ya of NAME STATEMENT b<Jllnaae as end CHARLOTTE L. GEIER. the date th81 lhlt summon• Is The following PtflOns ara doing CYBER-CON. 512'• FernlHI, hutbend a/Id wile as lolnl 1enants se<ved on you, your default mey t>e business u Corona de4 Mar, Calll0tn11 92625 Recotded July 8, 1976 as Instr anlered and the coun may enllr • IPANEMA DESIGNS. 11293 Wllllam Kenneth Clink, 512'~ No. 3675 In bOOk 12747 page 24 of Judgment containing lnfuncllve or Topar Street, Foun1111n Valley, Fe<nle1I. C<Hon• dll Mar. Celll0tma Olhciat R8CO<dl In 1he off~ 01 lhe olher orders conoernlng dlvleton 01 Celll0tnla 92708 92625 Recorder or Orange County: said property, 1pou111 •uppor1. enlld Tracy I.ea Susman. 11293 This bullnNs 11 condue1ed by an deed of trust describes the custody, child support. 1111orn11y Topaz Street, Fountain V1lle'f, lndMduat. rooowlng propeny· lees. costs. and 1uch other relief as C11ilornla 92708 Wllllem K Clink The Northelsterly 132.02 feet 01 mey t>e granteo Dy the cour1 The $Ian Susman, 11293 Topaz St.. This 11a1emen1 wu llled with the Lor 28 Newport Helghll In the City garnishment of wages. talllng of Founra1n Valley, CA 92708 County Clerk or Orange County on or Newport Beach. County 01 mOMy or property. or olller coun This busJneas Is conducteo by an Augusr 23, 1982 OraOQe. Stale of CaJ110tnla, 11 pe< authorlzeO proceedings may alao 1nc11vldual F1Mnl map rec0tded In Bool< 4, Page 83, result Tracy Susman Published Orange Cout Dally Mltoellaneous Maps. In the ottlce of OATEO March 9. 1982 Thlt llal8!Tlent was llled with the Pllol. Aug. 25, Sepe I, 8, 15, 1982 Iha County Recorder of 111ld Lee A. B11ncll, County Clefk ol Orange County on 3722-82 County. Excepting tflererrom tne Clerk August 23. 1982. ------------ Northwellerly 270 feet. Also By Nancy WIQOOfle<, f1..ae l'talC NOTICE excepll ng therefrom the Deputy Published Orange Co111t Di lly ------------S0utheaater1y 300 tee1. Publl1hed Orenge COHI Delly Pllor. Aug 25. Sept 1. 8. 15, 1982 ACTTTIOU8 SUatNESa 'tOU AM .. DEFAULT IJHOElll A PHot, Aug 25, Sepl I, 8, 15, 1982 372•·82 NAME ITATEMENT DEED Of' TINST DATED JUNE 5, 3766-82 The lollowlng persona are dOlng 1178. UHL.EH YOU TAKE ACTION--------Mt.IC NOTICE business u TO ..,.OTECT ·~ PftOflERTY. fltB.IC NOTICE B L u E H 0 R I z 0 N R E A L fl" MAY 8E IOlD AT A PUeUC NOTICE TO CMDfTOAS flCTTTIOUS 8USINl!S8 ESTATE. 3153 Yukon Avenue. a A LE. IF Y 0 U NEED AN Of' INTENOeO 8UUC TMNSl'f.R NAME aTATEWNT Colla ~. Catlfe<nla 92828 EXl't.ANATION OF THE NATIME The lollowlng person It doing Gery 0 B111a, 3153 Yullon Of' THE PftOCEEDIHO AQAINST NOTICE Of' 8UUC TIU.NIFEll b<.1111*1 as Avenue. Co111 M1H, C1l1fornl11 YOU, YOU 8HOUl.D CONTACT A (UCC "'01 .. la7) PRIM OROIA LANDSCAPE 92628 Of1AMOE COUNTY~ l.AWYf:R. To Credllor1 of VAGABOND COMPANY, 1800 Pacific Slreet. Barbara A Bates, 3153 Yul.on JUDtCW. DISTNCT 2300 Margaret Drive. N-porl SAILBOATS, INC · • California S1en1on, Celllomle 90680 Avenue. Colle Me11. Celllornla ~Al.COURT Beach, C1lllornl1 92680 COtl)OhlllOn Tllom11 M Snow. 707 !Ith 92628 4801 .Mm!Mfll IM¥d.. ("II e 11r1et addree1 or common No lice Is hereby given th et Slreet. Hunrlngton Beach. Calll0tnl1 Thia bull,_ 11 conducted l>y 1n New.,.n ea.ti. CA eJ1ao d11lgn1t1on la thown il>ove. no VAGABOND SAILBOATS, INC , a 92848 Individual Pl.Af~IFF: RI)' A~ 1.tncolr w111r1n1y la given ae to 111 Cat llornl1 cot porellon (I he Thia bull.._. le conducted by en Betblre A BetN Mercury, Inc., 1 C e ll lorn le eomp1et-. CH CO<Tect,_ ") "Translator") II about to make • lndlvldulll Thia 111Lemanl W81 flied wtlh lhe ~a11on dot"" bulttllll u Ra The beoeflctary undfH said Deed bull! Irene!« of 1>'°'"""1 lo COAST Thomu M Snow Coun1y Clerk of Of•"""' Counly on ~ u'ncot~ .. Mereury ) ol TNll by reuon ol 1 l>teach 0t CATAMARAN CORP .. I Catlfornl1 Thlt etalement wu nled Wltll Ille Augutt 23, 1982 . ...., D E F E N D A N T : S and r 1 delaull in lhe obllget1on1 secu1ed corporitlon (Ille "TrlneferM") County Ci.rk of O<anoe County on Fl....O Oieffaflblcll and Ooee 1111rough 20 lhlrlby, llllratolore executed and The bu•lnlll l ddrell of tha Augull 5. t982 Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dilly lnelu...,,. eUlmlC>Na delivered to the unllgneo a'"'"''" Tr1nateror and TraneletM •re •• F1M1WI PllOI. Aug. 26. Sec>• 1, 6, 15, 1982 Oeclatetlon of Oefautl Ind Demand follows. Pu1>ll1hed Orenge Cout Dally 3723.a2 N0...,.1C-No.._ tor Sale. and written notice of Tranale<or Vagabond Sallboell Pllor, Aug 25, 8ep1, 1. 8, 15, 1982 1------------- ,"" I Y .. heft ~ •ued. breech and of eleetlOn to cauH the Inc .. 3401 Wear fordh1m, Senti 3783.a2 l'talC NOTICE TIM _, _, ...... ~-'= und"11igned lo Mii Mid property to Anl, CA ...._. ,_ .,_. llMrd 111111y Hid obllg111on1 and T11n1lerae: Coetl C111m111n Ml.IC NOTICE ~nnoua au .... aa rou rMIMMMI Wlttllft JO cle)'9. "9ed thfHeeller the undersigned Ceuead Corp.. 4925 Oceanlld• Boulev1rd NA• ST A ftMl!lfT tM ~ ...... u ld notice ol breach end of Ooeentlde, CA. FICTTTIOU8 8USMSS Thi following peraon 11 doing If you with to Mell lhe edvtce Of elec!llOn lo bl The property to bl lrentllrred le NAME aTATEMENT bualnesl M : in 1tlorn1y In 1hll me111r. you ~ded Seotember 15 1981 u all 01 1111 peraonel property of Th• lollowlng pereon 11 doing VILLAGE MEADOWS, 801 S ehould do IO ptomptl)' IO 111111 )'OU! lnsll No. 18•7 f In book 1.~20 page Trantle<Ot uMd In Of related to the butlneea .. : Lyon Stree!, S1nll Ana, C1lll0tnl1 wrlllen 111pon11, If eny. mey be 317, of 1110 Official fleeordl bu a In e t t o I V A G AB 0 N 0 KAM I.AWN SERVICE. 621 92705 filed on 1im.. Seid Hie wlll be meoe bul SAILBOATS. INC. 1no loeeled It M1ple Streel, la H•l>ta. CA 90831. Philip H. MeN-. 1178 Main AV I a 0 I U 1 t • d h • •Id o without covenanl or wertenty 3•01 w .. 1 Fordh11m. S1nl1 An• KEITH ALAN MALLEY, 821 Street. No A. Ir vine, C1lllo1nle de11tai.deda. It trll1111ftel pvede exi><MI Ot lmp!led reg1tdlng lltle C1Uf0ml1, lnc:ludtng motd1, f<Hml Maple. l.e H11>t1, CA 90631. 92714 ._.... _.,. Ud. • eudh • • poeM1llon °' mmbrallC)ff to me<chendlH. Inventory, 1c:eoun11 Thi• bll11neta 1, c;onOuctld by en :-;-...:-~la~~ PIY Ille rM.alnlng prlnelpel eum Of reeelveble, lhllur11, equipment, Thll t>utl=hllAC==ed by an lndlvldual ~ ......., Ille no1e(1) Meured by Mid Dlld 01 ~ Ind aM 01Mr MMt1. Individual PhlHp H. McN- l Nit. wiin lnlweet u In II.Id note So far •• It kno•n to rne l(ef h A M~"-Thia 111tement wu Hiid wllh the I Ulled de1e1 1ollcll11 el ..,__. .. _, edVa~-II any und~ Trltlafer11, lhe Trenef-?1111 not t _, Coun"' Clertl of Or-Count" on eon"Jo d. n b d ,. • ., • ...,...,, ·~ -_ _. ·• Thie 1t1temenl wM llled with the ., -·...-' u I ~· o en ltlt the ICHm1 ol •aid i>Md oi Trutt 11-.. any tiu ... naM ntme Of add,_ County Cler1c ol Orange County on AUQUll 23, 1982. s~ ~:~ ~e,:-1!"'.=-o1 ~ t=:::!s1~ ~=~I~:..,~.~:~• AUQUl1 2· 1982· ,.,_..., Publlehld Orange Co1:1 1= pwdl ., -..--Niki OllCI of TNll. The b,lllk lr1n1ler le to be Publlehed Orenge Oo .. t Di lly Pilot. Aug 25, Seot. 1, 8, 15, 1982 1. T~ n.'t"~!~~: CM! Seid .... wltt .,. held on Fr1day con• um m • 11 d on or •fl., Piiot. Aug 18, 25, Seot. I. I, 1982 (' 377M2 com"'alnt "" Nen m~ .. ~1... September 10 1982 11 2:00 p'" ei Septetno.r 140.~~2. 111 lhe offlciel 388142 ''" ..., '"" the Chipmln •;......_ entraoee" 10 of Vegebond .... boat•. lno . 3401 plefnltff ::-=you. If )IOU lo the CMc Center BuMdlng. 300 Eaet ~.;:~rd hem, S1nl1 An1, ::'7!.ye 1~,;~=o:~ ~:';,'" Avenue. In Ille City of The bulk tran11er 11 aubjeol 10 -*on~.,..-"" ltlta ooun • At the llme 01 Ill• tnltl•I Seellon 8108 of Iha Uniform ~ "'POMt .. "" oomplalnt ....... tlon ol ... Commerellt Code ol the 81•1• of ~ """' dO 90 -.. d«tull wtlt !Ml..,._ th.., nollOe, the totll CetffomlL The IMt di" fOf f~ IH •-• ,~ atnovnl ot the unpel<I belenoe of the ' be al\tefld on ec>t>llcatlOn of the obllgellon MCured br Ille above etatm1 le S1p1ember 13, 1 8.2. ~.Ind• OOU11 l'MY ant•• dllcrlbed died 0 truu and Oltlm• •h•ll be tued wlllt Mr. ~ IOliNt Y'OV for the refflt II t·"' CMnM Confey, 0oett Cetll'l'llfetl .,._..,.. ii the oompMlnt. whletl ~ .. '1'1'~:~rrn ... , end Corp • 4t25 oo.etlal<M Bou,...,lfd. tO\lld r .. ult In g11nl1hm1nt ol 1 To det«ml~ th. oP-ning bid ~. catlfomt.. ...... tlllirla ot fl'IONY IW propeny you l'MY oell (714) 937-otee · OATEO; Auguet 24, 1tt2, or othe< r•rl11 r.quHt•d In lhe Oetr. Auoutl 11, 1982 · Coe.ti Oefemeren Corp .. oornotllnt. 8MI COAPOAATION Trenitw• DATED"""' at, 1tl2. " Mid Ttul1.. 8y Ch1tlta Conf9y, J. ~. ' Vice Prwklenl Cllf'1 By T.O. 8ERVICE The above nemed Tran1teror ly v. L. OfrMo. =ANY, certlflft thet Ille 1nrorm1t1on 11t Olipuly 1y Cindy 8c:hooncMr torth 19tiqye 11 trw and OOl'l'90t ' .... & .......... Allletlnt Secret..,, ' V.Mi.8.80NO 9AtL.aOATS. INC. o.. °""*"* ,.._ ....__ ,.,-., ....... -1 11 AONALO G. HOL.OIA ................ OA -~'CA9~Mt, ~ t.oot<*I Aug, U ltu (rMJ ...... . 111•) i3a:12ea OooulTltn1 No. IMt?.iiO '"'*"'" ONft9e CONt Oatly Publl•hect Orange Co111 0111y Or'MOI County ~ ,_,., Me. 1', -. -.. 1, ~liJ Piiot. AAIQ. 11. 26. ~. 1• l"2 Pu&ll1hed 0 11nge Coul Dally seea.a2 Plot, Auo. 28, 1eu. 3711-1' I ' '1C'TTT10UI ...... NAm Sf Ana.NT .,..,,. IOllcMlng l*'9Qnll -doing but!,_ .. : WI STCL IFF EAlll LY ClillOHOOO Ol!NTEA, 20U Oerden lane, Co11a MH•. OA 12127 • 8i.wn P. Smtih, ,,._ 81\won Ln., Cqeta Mell, CA 12tH. Joyce A, Smith. 314t Sheron Ln .. Cot!• ~ CA tffH. Thie tlullMM le oonduoted by M lndMcfuel. .loyoa A. &mlth 8'-,., 8"'"" TNe 1111'"*11 ... IMed wtttl ,.... Counl)I Cl8"I Of Orano-Count~ Ofl AllO t. 11U, ,_ Publlehed Ofln.111 OoHt Dall)' Piiot. Aug 11, 11. 21, 8ept.. ~ 111a $Dtt-et If It's got Wheels you'll move It faster In• Dally Piiot ctasslfted ad. C.11 642-5671 and a frl9"dty ed-vlsor wtll ftelp you tum r.ourwtteels ntoc:nh. Maines said his two-year study of college students for the National Institute of F.ducation re futes a 1980 s ludy done at J ohns Hopkins University, which suggested that biological factors might be responsible. The J ohns Hopkins study was based on the Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of college-bound high school s tudents, while Maines' centered on students already enrolled in college. "Our new study," Maines said, "sh ows the difference in mathematical skills is almost entirely social in nature." Maines said he found women just as capable as men in mathematical pursuits, but said they were more ofte n the targets of anti-mathematical pressure from parents, teachers and friends. While parents and teachers may encourage boys toward single-m inded concentration on mathematics, Maines said, th06e same authority figures place pressure on girla to have "diverse interests. includ.i.ng family obligations." Car SHJog viewed by shuttle crew CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -A large plume ~f carbon monoxide, produced mostly by a utomotive exhausts, was observed drifting from the east coast of North America into the North A~~c during the November shuttle flight, NASA 9Clenllsts say. "Whe ther it goes all the way to Europe we can't say," said Henry Reichle of NASA's Langley Research C.enter in Virginia. "But we can confirm that carbon monoxide is exported from industrial centers through great distances." He said that carbon monoxide generated in Weste rn Europe is polluting the Eastern Mediterranean up to Greece. And the purse 's owner, Canoga Park businessman Ezra Kat.zin was "overwhelmed and shocked" when Ede r re turned the money to the West Valley police station. Katzin had lost the purse Sunday when he accidentally left it on the bumper of his car and drove o ff. Ede r , 70, spotted the purse lying on t he sidewalk Aviation course scheduled Orange Coast C.ollege's air transportation department will offer five "Aviation Ground School" classes. Four sections of the fi ve-unit course meet during the w eek, and o ne is offe r e d o n Saturdays. The course, hsted as Ai"r Transportation 130 in the cl.as,, schedule, is a basic avia tion ground sc h ool. It prepar es students for the. private pilo t written exam- ination. Secretary jobs gaining Executive types average $16,800, s tudy says By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I am over 45 ud laave loat my 1ecretarlaJ Job dae to bad1et cwta in my or1u.liadoa -an entire dJvl1lon waa allat down. I tJto.pt It woa.ld be easy to flad uodter Job. It llD't. Maybe lt'a my a1e. Or la demand for secretaries off? -GB., New York, N.Y. 'CARii RS Salary studies abound but, in general, aecretariea in northern and w e1tern locales are best paid compared with their southern counterpart.a. Compared 'to the job market as a One study by the Adminiatrative whole, enthusiasm for hiring Management Society ahowa executive secretaries is on the sunny side. You aecretariee are averaging $18,800. probably are getting kicked by Another 8ludy b y the U .S . discriminatory a ttitudes but I expect if Department of Labor a hows you pump up a flagging job hunt, considerably higher ficun!a. The best you'll succeed 900n. paid .ecreta.rlee ln private industry Em I f earn an average $21,500. Secretariee . p1oyment o secretaries probably with leeeer akilla are oompeneated, the ia headed upward, despite predictions feds aay, In an average range of thah t the robotf·~tary la just around $14,000 to $18,000. t e com er o u1e steno pad. (More The reuon the federal 11-·-lhow about th1s in a future column.) The h l h b 6 .. -... U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistb •"'" 8 er pay may e that stiffer &..ho. t ~ -standarda are belQI uled in decldina JUU9 or the nation'• nearly 2.6 million wbo la and wbo Isn't a eec:retary at a teeretari.ee will grow futer during liven akill lewl. thla decade than the ave.rage of all For the beat credenti•h -and occupations, between 28 percent and b l 37 ~t.; the aw>--arnwth rate la preauma uy ammunition when r--~ · --.-.,.. -di8cuelina eaJ.ary -~ can iake a expected to ht! from 17 percent t.o 26 eertee of exam. siwn by the lmtltuce pel'C.'ellt. for Certlf r1n1 Secretarlu of the Secretaries become leaa willing t.o Prot•cna.. SeC:retarim lntemadoul. 1hut up and take tbe abuHa of Thme wbo S-are entitled to'* the ~-One tq gripe le ~ deqnaU'?!1 ''Certifl~ Prof-.tonal fe1Ch..&nd-c:arry tulal: A new IUl'W)' Sec:Muy. by the Amerk:an hid and Paper Co. In .RMD.ER 8.l:RVKZ In,___, ID conjunction wlth ProfeHlona' ~ work1 A tr.e but.di. &om Secretarlea In ternational, thlH ~ s.cr..c.n.1n..,_...._, memberahlp or1anlsatlon for llx:IUd9 • fJl!Oflot¥pe job ~ -=retart., ayw that one-third of the tor M1CNtar!-P-Jw an out.UM and ~ ~ cUaU.b m of blbllo1r•pb7 lor tit• c.rtJl7lq wd Job Nilpcblbilltiea. Two of the Pl'O/fMolMJ mcrwtary •Dmloedali, batecf non-ewntial Jobe: nmnlnc }bohcaln U..=t:t:J.-d~d outside_,.... and-you l\.wd It. NQll*t ID .Jo,a ~ ~ makiq coUeel Beat loved tulu: UIO, Co.ta 1t1.. HIH. tor typlna. conwpondmce. phone. ·~." CWSIFIED INDEX f1 Pia Y• M, Cll 642-5678 IUC>aS ., •• ,11 •• ,. ····•4 ................ ••4 ropert ort •" ._. ...... n.OAIU rtLOT _....., ....... ""' .... _. I ......... ..,. HOUSIS FOi SAU totJ -ltot OJHaUAL HJATI 1211 .Jtoo HMJALS Jiii· 400 IUSIMISS, IHYHTMB4T Atu.HCI Mtl•IOH AHHOUMCIMlt4TS 1100 LOST I FOUMD IJOO NHONAU U IO SlaYtcl DIHCTOttY '"° $CHOOlS I IHjftUCTIOM 7005 JOISWAMHD 707' HIUWAMTID 1100 MBCHAHDISl '°" ..... RllTOYOU 104' IOATSIMAllME IQUWM1t41' 9010 • tOtO TIAMSl'oaf ATIOM t lll-9400 AUTOMOllLIS ""·"74 1 .. 1 r.1111· ...••••••••........... (5). EQUAL HOUSING O PPORTUNITY PIMl1 .. r'1 letlott All reel "late advertised In thle newspaper Is 1ubJect to the Federal Fair Hou11ng Act or 1988 which makes II Illegal to adver11 .e "any preleren· ca. Hmllatlon or dlscrlml· nellon b11ed on race. color, rellglon, sex or nallonel origin, or any Intention to make any such preference. llmlle- tlon or discrimination " This newapaper wlll not knowingly eocepl any advertlelng for real 81· • tale wtilch 11 In vlolatlon ot the law. Hllllt Ad vert i- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I a te l y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. u pa 4 -$ g 0 4 4 ••• sea s a s & I OlP P &54 Orange Ooaet DAILY PILOT/WednMday, Auguet 2&. 1882 F7 The marketfllace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 Oran~ Coott re11den t1 bought 42% of all new cara aold '" the countJI la1t 111or even through th~ compri1t onl11 ~ of the county's population Real Estate ' H111fl lot S1/1 H1H11 /11 l 1J1 11,.,,, t11 lilt .•••.•.••.•.••.......•...••..••...............•••••••••..•..•••... '!.'.~!!!.~'.'.!.'.'! ....... '!.'.~!~!.{'.~!'.'! ....... ~'.~!!!.~~~'.' ....... t!r.!.~~.'1 ...... ~'.~!!!.¥~!~.'~'!A'!'. .. '!~~J~~~ .. ,,.,,,, IOOZ Gto111/ IOOZ c.,.., l•I #II 112' ...................•••..•.•..........•......•••.•••••••••••••••••• •i!!rl,.. iH !~.fm! .. J.~f ~.fm! ... /.~f !~m!!.r?rr.!!r.1!!f JiJMt f!!!~.!~ ......... !.¥.1 PElllllU 111111 Priw Wet1t ~ bayfront. SUpe for 2 boata. remoc:foled J bdrm, 3 bMth $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty vlt•ws. Morine room. 4 bdnn. 3 bath. 3700 lltt ft. $1.38~.ooo. Oceanfront. LllO ISLE MIMES Prime Udo Nord bayfronl. 5 bdrm. 5 'A bath. Lge L.R.. 2 boat lllips Sl.500,000 Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam cellingt1. furnished, patios. $420,000. LllDl ISLE llYFllDIT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, playroom, dark nn, den. Boat sUp. Now $1,000,000. llYlllE PUCE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Redueoed-$1,500,000. CDllOUIO OIYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront Jot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /tenns. ILIFFS COllO SU\gle story end unit. expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $260,000. . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1d.,011vP NB o7~ olol ........ IWW lmm1ou1111 3 8drr11 2b1th owne1'1 unit. and tpecl~• 1 bdrm r9fltel. both with !Oiied beam celllng•. trplce end • very privet• pool, l.ooeted on Otle of Corona <lei Mer'• prattlell 1treet1 • block• to l.lttle Corona •• •••• ................ TOlllPIO 11011 ~ DOWN wi11 buy 3 "'· ,,.i.,.1, '"' 2 ' ~ •-•-TRADE C M • •• •••••• • ••••••• •••• • br 1 t>a enc . gatege • Lie ti ti -Pror decorated warm 3 pluH In °111 111• ltaytront min"' 30'. 180 Small e'rd Mr Beclt 4% CA H Of? 38r 1.,. be, B LR O A 'FA big with t 2% euumeblt deg vu. gourmet khCll . Bey. U,6 mo 117M942 llltler home. Mo quell-i..ficll · 'ti1 h i)11m'' cal• lllf P• llllTD lo•~• & • 1500 po1lt1ve 1 or 2 Br & 2 Ba. turnf rylng nee. tuper term•. Unga. irplC~ plue 1 prhiete lor prQPl(ty In Callt, Ari-1111 83. :;N";:{ ~~~t u n turn . Yr I e e 1 e D•al 111•1 1114 .°'40·5078Dennl1 lrgmanklurtdyatdwta3 1on1orH1wall.1t'l4.toen ;vEL~ AT , 7 X $1350/mo W inter ~~;tty••0•;;;d";°eRi2~_; cat ar A 111 val\le t evall ptu1 ceefl flOw. Ex-~ gron. $1150/mo Opn A\lg 29. * 110,000 l .P * 131f 000 1~10 you o.:n eel O C. Location, Full Call 754-ooot (Prln. only) 873-0433 or 5611-1810. ~: ~.d:;,; ·~:~· ~~:'' 4 Br. 2Be, frplc. 1109, '"-tw. Petrick Tenore, price 13 3 Miiiion Agt Wll let Ill• 1J11 Crnr 10th/Bly H50 • ..,,1 •N-&eec> 200 111um1ble loen1. 831•12841 6'4'4-9513 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,.., ,., .,, J••• -----~-----111811 8\ltnerd St. Bkr/ WM'T W11 -• ••• 1J • JIJ" Ownr. 6'42-77'43 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••1• • VERSAILLES CONDO ..fft> quelltylngt No down, Split levef 2 Br-den. bee· • • •••• •• • • •• • • • •••••• • lbr/1be. 10. 111po1ure, $800/Plf mo. FallbrOOk med celllng. $7911/mo HOME FOR RENT ~of OGMn. Subt.,ra-8.11view1ere1 at 10% II· 707~ Acacia. 840-11188 • Br 1750. Fenced yard, Beech. s2ee.ooo -1nla--,----1-H-4 '"'-1211 •••••••••••••••••••••• Brand N ew Hom11 &•-==-=====--Condo•. no money down Brend New Home • & while they IHI p 1'4) Condoe. no money down 648-11522 Agt whlle they l ot. (714) 1-----=-·----1 5'415·11522 Agl. UllFlllT ..... C••ll #IN IOZ4 5 Br/3 Be. agl lam. det. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • dream home. Pool. Jae .. 1~% lake vlew1. Fr. doore In llllllllU VAi Mbr to view belcony & on Ihle • Bdr College many other 1m1nlt1e1. Park home end owner Aaklng 1410·000· Ownr/ Agt relocating. 8'42-01112 wlll help with •ddltlonal or 55 Hl820 tor detell1 llnanclng. Full price Is on aaeum. flnan. only I 132,500. Don'1 wall ---------1 -call 9711-5370 NOW! 601 LIOO nean prl!g, MC. entr•n· nen s 180 000 7511-29&& gareoe. l<ld• & pate .....,. cH, ou111andlng pool/ dayi · · L.atge 5 Bd Home come 5-45-2000. aoent. clubflM By owner. 1118. · Coron• del Mer no fee 1100 auum Sandra lllOTAllW 7&0-8708. 875-214• -.-0-,la-,-,.-.---- 8'42-81411 PIU•l Cute 2 Br. tpa, gar. lflli 1140 .,. TllTll oceanalde of PCH. R· 1 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• OllTDM lllLT IEWPDllT llEllllTI Febuloua vlewl Room tor Call aft 15PM, 873-31177 CC-RENTALS hot ... end tennle. Term1 2 br, 2 ba. trplc, petlos. 1-Sbr·a $200 to S2000 -tradH Owner/Bkr Yrly $11110 /mo. Avell 750-331• open 7-d1y1 731-44'44 or 731-5115 Sept. 1. 875-77111 3 Bedroom. 281. big lncd Auumable Ut T 0 . d d 1 s l'4ll,OOO 11 10 6°"' & ••••Illa,,,.,.,,, 2 Br college -2 edul11 ~575~erage. P • only owe. 3 Vfl nu. 3 Br. 3 IH11t 1411 only. No pell. s7oo. 539-8190 Bell Fee Ba, upgreded Oak coun-,••••••••••••••••••••• Dave. Agt 551--0875 try kitchen. formal din, 'I• lhe.te Memmoth condo. C..I #. JZf4 2~. 2Be. pool aide IMnl temlly rm , cloae 10 welk to 11111, Mountain-•••• ~ ••• ~ •••••••• T.. 1'4'40 et Beat Fee IChOOls. Rull)' Guinther, beck -BHt project In LEASE WIOPTION _6_3_9_·8_1_90 _____ _ \f >Ill 1lF1l 116 ,\, ' • .. 'o, I ~·! 't agl 83l-l288 Memmott) Prol decor. TO PURCHASE MR BCH, 2b, wl"' f'''°· 115$-2238 mag. Wall and '" What lnte-"' 2 bdrm, 2 be. Plan 3 In lu Cl••••ll 1011 "'-t 1/ C•••'1 rHt doHllll Option at coiy kltch. kid <*. '450. Orange Tree Petlo •••••••••••••••••••••• v. tod1y'1prlcetopurch1ae CC-RENTALS 750-331• PRIVATE SPA 8th FLOOR Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spectacular View 1789,500 Wm, Cote, Broker Homee. Prote11lon11ly llPll TU IMLTll ,, • ..,,., ZISO lor tuH year. G0<geou1 2 B ti ti ASSllULE decor111d Plutn carpet. FM lftlltllm •••••~••7•••••••••••• & 3 Br. 3 Ba. elr, A.IC, •!,,2..,• 3•-*4 YI L.. custom ahuttera. Exoel-San Clemente pride ot WATOll 1550 sq ft new condo1. If •• !!~.!':' ••••••••••• '!'!~ lent amenltlea. 138,500. 1 =========I s 1 I 1 d s at ewr. on this • bdrm 1_ ownerllhlp, modern pa.-Tllll at yeer • comp ete eldom tvallable Wea· home on 9111 aide ol Park Lido Adult Condo 3 nlah atyle • unit •Pl OE autometlc qulllllcaU011 la therly Bey iownhouae. Coate MHa with pool, Br. pool. near hoapltel. houae with ocean-hill• & SPA • Insured. (CHANCE OF A Boat allp, 5 bdrm, 3 be, 2 ape end meny other beech. S1'45,000. Owner golf co\lrM vi-. CIOM SLIOI LIFETIME) 631-5055. c ar. tennll, pool, 111 amenlllea. s 110,000 In wtll help Agent ~10'44 to everything, only 3 8'42-2000 apptlances11menlll11 I euumable loan1. On a year• old & 1how1 11111 •••/ 111111 OC-AENJALS $ 1 • 7 5 mo . Ag I •HVEI SMOIH* PALM SPllHI cul-de-aac tool owe. ::n~ ~~~~~::i·m~'. NEWI N-owner ooutd Ix i I l#O 1-5br'• s200 to $2000 _8_3_7_-o_eee_. ____ _ This cuatom Ivan Wells ~:~~~~lu~o~~:~~.c:~uebc CRe1d1U,.c7:_d53t7°0 Sl5ll.llOO. &8600 000. Owner. 5'48-811$5 ~r~r:.:/.:,~t~ 0•••••!·~'••••••••••• 750-331'4 open 7-daya /rriaf 3U4 designed home was built locallon on goll courM. • • .-applicable & rent the r 1" opt, 1.aguna Bch weatalde 2 Br. I Ba. rncd •••••••••••••••••••••• with executive entertal Views ot mountains. II MllY MWI other 3 1par1ment1 tor •Br 3b•. s•9 I(, 17oK petlo, enclad garage. LUSESll nlnglnmlnd Quallly Mastersultewl2room1. •5'Hl' ... •oaft....'--BYOWNER lncome.Ulerwlllhelp equity 855-0517 • newcarpet1.dr1pea. 3Bdrmdetachedhomes throughout trom the s 2 Ba Guest qira w/2 ,. ~~...,...,,,,l/Cll'•""1: WATERFRONT DPU< t1n1nc1 & SAVE buyer 54•-2110 paint. No pet1. $5 10/mo. In excellent area. Avalla- lld oak paneled den 10 rooma. 1 Ba suite Plue W ... i IHI PVT BOAT OOCI( thou11nd1 of doller1I IHI '11•1• plus NCUrlty. 5•8-5-4'42, b I e I mm• d 1 ate I Y the mahogany peneled den Pool & spa Auto iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •• 'I.".,~ •••• !............. Take over great loen. wot REDUCED 11111ng price WotH Ziii n0-5829. $800/mo on I yeat leaM ramlly room. Some ol the sprinklers Alarm aystem. carry over 1200,000 of 12115.000.00 11 way •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1 Ba. w/ crpll, drps. Five oth~rs to choo1e numerous tea1ures are: $385,000. Call Marilyn 3Br. 2B•. dbl cer gerage, l•IULI UY w/NO montflly payment! BELOW current repl_. Wiii buy houae. Turtle erd, El elde 1525/mo. lrom. We re the onea to Sensational view ol Fa-Twltcllell. 2 petlo•. fleg1tone lrplc. AWARD WINNER t;S5ii8ii5ii.oooiiiiiii. ii8ii75-08iiiiiii5ii2iiiiiiiiiiil ment coat Ill Prlnclp111 Rock or t>et-n there ~75-M>88. lil tor 1e ... 1. ehlon lslend & ocean. owner-custom bit home. Oceen vlewl. 3 bdrm, • 11 ONL VIII Call owner at and ocean. Mutt be rH-\\bodb pool & spa w/ou1Slde $127,000. Owner will be, kit. w/convenleneea, l&YflllT (71'4) aoneble. Privet• party. RENT TO OWN: N-2Br ~i ridge bar. 3 car garage, com-759_9100 caRrry 1.·~~~n.:.le R lart1. rm. !ill gerden. pe-DOLlllYI 142-0131 Good netghbora. wrtte 2'hba, condo Cell Rich. fteihu plate security system eJ ... r. , "'' 110, tormel din. rm. lge 1111. ad No 1~. Dally Piiot, Owner/Agt 98'4-8171 ' and or course lormel di· lll••••••••J 1••-llH rm. Quiet cul-de·HC. One of Newpon'1 moat ----------t p o B 1580 Costa 551 3000 nlng Tc view the IUXU· ~~~~--~~~~~ ell.clll I II I th ,,. J••• . . OK • 3 Br 2 b• on 'n llC(I w/3 . POOL "DIE $812.000. By owner. ng oca one • • M911. ca 921126--0580 ~~·C· .....,_ B·-t hou-1m _11arrun ""·~.•r~•iw _ nous reatures o t 1hls 87~11 aettlng tor thl• belutltul C.-'•kH• Jin ---------1 ~ """• -· magnlllcen1 residence, This lrg 3 Bdrm 2 Be Wll 2 II TWllll l~~~~~~~~~I contemporery waterfront •••• ~:.................. M . 2530 enle Ana. RllTILI cell 759· t501 ror private Ith 2'n b h 2 11: home. Three BR lnclu-1800 mo. payment tor l1at•l1 00 NOT DISTURB TE-1 to 5 bdrm1 sterling et showing. $t,500,000 lheodmeanhdas,nbeencluder•emaodlr•e w eta. careoc Tradeorlseopt.'4Br3ba. dlnggrendmaeler~lte 2Br,2Becondoll'n%VA •••••••••••••••••••••• NANTS. $1175 mo $65010$1200 gar & yerd. $5000 down S'489,000. $70K equity • .a...J 851 82215 FEE. Mstr Bdrm. den end g -and pymt uaJsted prog-855-0517 54._2170 w/llbrery Extenalve uN loan. uklng $11'4,500. •••"' hral .. -•----------- gentle pool. A11ume ram Call Rick. Owner/ ----· -----of atone & merble, ml· 661-3380 ;::,...::.:·:,j";;j"""",·1·M •lllL MUii IHI ~ $177,000 In 1oan1. As-Ag1. 98'4-8171 Call Emerald Bay Riiy • Ired wtndow1 & lllytlghla •--•-· llU ..,_ •· -,,.._, ~ d 1 enhance the magnitude _.,, _. •••••••••••••••• •••••• Oec0<ator .,.. .ect. IP•· D ~311n-7g370s. 25~"5",30120 O DOUI VIEW we·u,,senbl yhou a 111 o,t of lhll ex,_,..tlonel 11~. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cell u1 tor YEARI. Y or cioua 2 bdrm, 2'Aba, new 'Tl' /. " -.v-v ave • • om ea w -.. ~·.. 2 Br 1 B•. lrg lot, Contact WINTER rental1. Aeglr Cape Cod. Pool. jac. rec. •iif 'i; 2 Bdrm1 .~be. condo. Full ::4~1=1n Emersld Bay ~~.~~I~~~· $4, ~!•2a. egt. 751-31111. Prope<tlea 675-'4000 area. pvt petlo, balcony. I amen t ..... and sec. gate. ---------"" -2'411 •.ra....... wine cetler & lge garege. 833·8600 No qualllylng with S8000 £ •I I IOSJ fall/a JOH ~-Decorator well paper. down. 10. 75% loan .!l.".'!~ .... 'I.".~........ •••••••••••••••••••••• l1al•••I• 3101 drap1rle1 end more. ~r~~am o•;a~1!~1~A cg~ll VILLE IE CERISE I .. ..... ~~f;~i·;.~~:;·,;,;;; s 1 o 5 o I m.o c ~ 11 ·~'" 1' ........ 11...:'--.,.... •171 BEAUTIFUL 2 Bdrm 2~bl low ....i 5'48·2239, l0.30 to 5·30 " '~~Ml Jl\'f .. & .,........., • • 2 br, 1 ba, com,.... retur-pm ~ Walker& Lee TR,.\DI T 10.\, \l. RL\l T\ •IOWIPll9T BEST FISHING ANO SWIMMING BEACH plul ~ bdrm home -2 cer iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiil SHO PU M gerage, etcl $825,0001 OWi -' OLD WORLD down. 10¥•% llnen evall. bllhld. G111909. wllher/ 1..:..-·-------1 Wooc:lt>rldg..on the lake. TOWNHOMES DELIGHTFUL BUY IN Cell Rich Owner/Agt. dryer . U t 11 pa Id MESA VERDE·3Br, 2Ba. Executtve 3 bd, 2 ~be. by Howard Marte Co. CORONA HIGHLANDS 9&4-8171 997-31170, 8 to 5. $850 mo. 1st & l1t +MC Many Extraet $1'400/mo •IPTIWI $20.000 dwn lor • 25% BA y & OCEAN VIEWS! • IUT Lt&I Inter eat In property w/lax tr om S 1511,000 Hardwood lloora, a brick dep No cell/lg doge. 1 9 11 1 5 5 2 • II 5 • 9 . '495-3244 780--02117 fireplace end fruit tr ... Otin IHI lllllf ~-.!~.~ .... /}.~~ Avell 9-t5 751-36-42 551.2193 or 1187-8857 Jasmine Creel< 1lngle le-~•lier benelll1. Ow~ bdrm, 2'h bathe, fire-val 3 Bdrm condom!-occupied or lnvHtor'1 place, 3 c•r gateoe plul nlum. 1u1h petloa, ape poaltiofl avell. Cell Rich ~~.!!~! .. !.~! enhance Ihl e 2 Bdrm •••••••••••••••••••••• ea aid 3 2 b chermer w/beach ac-#dllt BMn Emereld Bay, pvt t>Mch, 11 • hOuM br, e, much morel $(;50,000I AHVme loana -leas than ownerlegt, ~-8171 1.11 ..... , Pre,. 12%. $3611.500. ·-----.,-.-.-.. .,-lllffl ....... oesa. Juat lt.ted 11 s285. •., •-•, llll poola, tennla courta, 2 car gar. 000. FEE. •~• .• 7020 •1 ~' OCMn view. 3 Bdrm. 3b• $800 mo. 5'&8-3581 bait era .._ -~ •••••••••••••••••••••• & gueet hou1e . , U111 REAL llTITI .... --•n s1800/mo winter renlll E aide. 3 Br 2ba. t1m rm, •11 1-Ull'llllOOI. t1()Mf. 3 bdrm, 2 be. eeperate You own IM land. 2,000 * · -o* Aeeliors, 675-6000 dining, covered petlo. aq rt. 3Br. fem rm, 2'~fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill PonderoH St. (Herbor Ba. wide Greenbelt,""' .. IAIYM d B-L ) S135 000 pool. Fer l>elow merket "Wide o.-. Sp~-" 11 Ji/._, l•IHI JOH an ""~--0393' $2'45,000. Wiii IMM op-,..._.. -ammo• ........................... ---------1'°'1. Bkr. &4'4-8368 lh• tMflng wMn welklng Ch~~~~ 1.~!:! 101 ISUllD CHARI No :u~i1~~~S/1:uEper 3 ~S~E~L~L~D~ll~-~a~l~E~I ~'::~mlhl~o~::~· :~~~ across llie street trom Redecorated 3Br 2Ba on bdrm with rock pool In 1 na community. A dream kit- __.s.a $ llvlng rm, NP dining rm. Mu11 Mii cflen double or 2200tmo yrly. Drive by 2587 Elden. wide Cemeron with at-11•175&--00•7 S900. 642-21111 tl<lhld 1Ynpc>f'ch & Clll· 2 br. 2 be, view, pvt 11rl8t, 2 9r 2b• condo. Cape port located In 5 Star geled comm. L~ ~ Slflee. EltcluaJve E'lld• Gr19ni.ll Perlt. Asking cor Non-emoker. No POOi prot lndtet>'g pvt only $3'4,500 aubmlt your p • t 1 • $ 1 3 0 0 m o p 1 t •1 0 • 2 c 11 r g 11 r tlf'm• • owner wlll carry. •117-3230. 1800/mo 8'42-2137 or 2Brldbl ger. Good ., .. S695 Avail Sep1 27th collec1 7 t'4/272--0097 2 Br. 2"" Ba. garage, lrplc, commty pool, $750/mo. Broker 851-8800 SUPREME 3br, 2ba w/lg g.ar, IP•. l>ll-ln1. $575 DC-RENTALS 750-.331'4 Turtlerock exec, 2 maatere. den, 2'1t be, Rite 8'4'4-9060, 673-8589 Newport Beach Room prime locetlon Gerege. country aetllng Mull UI• 11111 Chen opene to I lerge I o r ho r s e s be h Ind sondeck. patios. Nr No. eell Asking $117 ,1100. Prime resldenllal lot. At· aide yerd and lr81K1 CO- custom ranch home Bey. Owner wfll consider Bkr. 848-0709 klnn $500,000. 640-7665 vered PlllO, • view. end Good lmanclng Owner I 1 nan 6 7 5 -5 3 111 . "• lots or privacy. Thia Emlf'eld Bey 3 Br, view, _•_9_•_-4_7_11_, _____ -l quiet at .. !1200. Emerald 2 Br house. 1720 Orenge W • I ,lfl Bay Rtty 114-!8-'40 Ave Pref er. cl11ien •• 'I.".'!~ ..... '.'.••••••••• enxlou1 You wlll tove 673-5291 -•&YUH Elegant 3 Br & den. home hu muc:n to oner OCEAN VIEW 1'450/mo Incl gardener. EMERAl.0 BAY. 3 Br 2 this one! $299 ooo ---------• ._ country atyle home. the l11tldlou1 buyer1 . ...... ,., ,,,, . . c., ••• ,,, •u I ozz om•• French door•. bey win-$725,000. •••••••••••••••••••••• lldll ""i·;.;.;.·tf•Y;;;•;tt;;•• Beeulltul • Bdrm family dowt, llrdWOOd fl00r1, 3 142·1200 "The BoethouN". welk Price Realty. 548-3209 Be. trplc, brick patio wl1h to b11ch. bunl! beda, Very nice 3 Br. 2 Ba. 11_ • P • I 150 0 . 2 1 3 I porthole•. Legune mlly rm Mffa del Mar _8_7_&-_22_s_5 _____ _ IHI ,,,,,, home, leaturlng •pa & frplc'•. very IQI lot. owe •••••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • •• Home+Guest+lncome enclosed ge de room tot el, 5°/t dwn, xlnt 1oca-J PETE A Division or charm. $700/mo, Agt . gardener. $1150. Slerr~ 3 Br 2 Ba, ocean vu Harbor Investment Co. 84'4-04118 Mgmt. Co 6'41· 132• S8251mo. Arch Beech I#•••/ 1002 owe 1st · Flex. Term• off the ma:tern suite tlon. $179,llOO. Fee lend. •••••••••••••••••••••• 509 Acacta CdM nr bch Comple,ely remodeled By Owner 631·2134 ' BARRETI .. REALTY l~~~~~~~~~1 ·(Nl8Mf JHci '"' Hg 11 , Av a It II I 1 i: ....... -.~;;; ................... Elegent 3 Br. 2'h Ba. 2 833-9212 an 3PM. Ill'"""" Udo Realty Spotless Vecent Duplex thruout with many up-._..:. _____ _ Then Ihle neat & cleen 3 673-7JQO Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba gredM for the dl1Ctlml-20% ltltw lbrhtf RWNITllAGI UDO ISLE . 3 bdrm. tam 1tory. poolltennl1, 1ur---------- rm. '4 Be. $t700 mo. n$11• 000 hed. S 1300 Unturn Laefopt or sale or lra4e 4 Bdrm home 11 Just for ~-..;:;..;.....;;;,....;..,;;;.,.;;,,.;;;.,,_..,.1 4401( own/bkr 845-7<>-48 nallng buyer. Asking Urgent ule Condo. 21i~~~~~~~~ii you. Excell financing 1~~~~~~~~~ SELL Idle Item• with a $195,000. For en ep-bdrm1. 2'A ba. Xlnt loc. with a lull essumable Isl 1: ___ Deity Piiot Clualtled Ad. polntment to see, call $110,000. S 12,000 On. Bel Air Home. light Int• rlora. 2 bdrm. 1 beth, lront kitchen. expanded llv. dining erH. Young OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1 Be $700 MO. Bi ii Grundy, Rltr. e75-e161 Br 3ba. Ocean vu PROPERTY HOUSE 855--0517. 5-44-2170 &42-3850 842-1010 HUI VllW T.O. el II'/.'%. Full price Find what you want In 540-1151 Payment• 11147.50. Call $139,000. 751-3191 Dally Piiot Cluallleda fha.11) 1002 owner. 714-e81-4818 Bllf FS COfl>O edulll & pell welcome. L.ANOLOROSI REAL TORS $24,500. 6'40-5937 OCEANFRONT duplex, Fall tree tenenl provl· Redecl. 3 br 2 be. 2 trpl. $1150 mo. 1•22 TerrlC4! Way. 780-8378. ~C,tl\(I ...,.., I '4' ;Pl •~ 1 ,1 ', UA1. llTITI tfO WOI LIOIT1H Well 11t1bllehed New- port Beach locetlon tor Hie. All repllH conll· dentlal. P.O. Box 821, Balboa. Ce., 92981 LOOK For our new regullr weellly leeture IOAT SHOW- CASE Every Seturdey In the D:Jly Piiot Claulflec:la .. DIUHll ULIU llWI First time lleted. Char- ming nr. ~ 2 aty. ar- ch I U c tu rel gem. • bdrnis, l11n. rr11. Quality dealgn and decor throughOUt DfflgMd tor guest quartert. Prleed 10 Mil '50'5,000. Seller wlll flnlnce. No loen , .. '"4110 TAY I .OH CO .... ,_. H1a11 bMmecl ot11nno 1n llvfno room 8kyllghte<I kltchtn. Two 1*Sroome 11nd b•th plul bonua room uPttalre. Wtlll to bMCt\, l 179,900. 111-l• ..................••.. RfSIOfHllAl Rf Al fSfAIE SERYICfS OOlllA llL llAR 11,100,ool Sweeping ocean & ;etty views from this COM oceanfront home. Newly built. Oak floors. Blk granite counters & security. Beach access. Water purlCier. Seller will carry at better than market. IPU TllRllAY 2..f AT H21 MUI llYI. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 -.... • "r.s:we-:i ITTllU ~ r r r r r r 1 • T:f'-s~ llmn I I I I I I I laMMITI ................... .. ·~HERITAGE REALTORS ---- 5 Br. light, brtte. Mctuded 2 level Eatale alze lot. htb11e PntJMt shopping, 1chool1 all 3 Bdrm•. 2 bathe. 1 story neer by. Owner muet Mii charmer End unit on •---&. a.. !!f JJlf Winter S850 up, $750 dare. BEST Realty -• ,,... 5311·8HM •••••••••~•· ••••••• down, 2 Br 2 Ba. ftpl, l---------Ouplex on the und. 30th gar. 840-'4111 OCC SPECIAL-3Br, 2B• S5000 MOVES YOU IN & wlll flnence. What • wide greenbelt. Beaull- Wlll gamble with you on deall Agent 8'48-tou fully remodeled. Painted lntertll rate fluctuation P r I c • r • d u c I I o n , and pllQlred tool $175, & move YoU In w/15000 $2411.000/ make ofler. 000 IMMllold. cull. New luicurloua A/C, L.H .. elao may ...... .......,e I.I. II. NB Newly remodeled llUlflllT 1,._ w/pool, bltlna, 11\ady yd In and out. 3 t>r •• 2 be. • M'T5 pays the rent Hur· up1talra. 2 br .• 1 bl. 2 ltory, 4 Br. 2'~ bath•. ry. down1telr1. Min. 10% dining rm. giant Scfeen 530-8190 Belt Fee down OWC belence et TV, hot tut>. mod. l<llch 2 ---------1311% for 6 yrs. Greet for cer encl perl!lng. Avell S386 mo. 1lng111 pad. Beaut. 3br exec, home, lnc::redlble city & ocun view. $1500/mo 2807 Alta. Laguna. •114-7200 f!1.".'!~.~!1.-.~t.!Y.~ Niguel Sllorea pvt comm. • t>r & temlly, 2 be, atrium. 3 cer ger Pvt beach & rec cen1er $1250/mo. 759-1485 1650 aq It, (not counting l·F-ln_d_w_h_•_t_y....;o_u_w_e_n_t_ln •--•l•l•l-•1•1illl•l--• double garege w/electr. ,._..., Piiot Clualfteda. eummar ren1111, 1735, _Sep __ t_1_s_. 8_7_5_-7_11_50___ lrplc, +pool, Jae. big yd tor pet. Call 4 Into. a1 000. Arml1age Really. Bach. apt .• rater., utllltles, Beat 539-15t90 FIB opener). 2 & 3/3 Ba --• condo1. Next to ell 1hopplng & the•tera. 631-5055 or &42-2000 818 CllYDI 71'4-5'44-248'4. on Panln 100' from --------- bHch. S326+ depoalt ""Thia lu11 5 Rm. 2Ba. &42-7918. 1pllt-level hm, wlrock Older Ouple11 near •5th at. NB. 3 br, 2 be. ui>41talr1. 2 br. 1 'A be. downatllre. Wiii Mii aa I• tor 1700. 000 or wlll b\llld to ault tor 1875,000 & up. (plan• & approv111 obtained) Armlteg• Realty 714-544-2-48• frplc. modern kit. kld1. pell 01<. $4115 mo. Condo 3~. den, wet blr. fll>k:, pool, 1tt/ lullaec: $750 mo. 496-6148 VA REPOSSESSION 4br, 3b1. pool. S8000 dn S 136,000. Agt 548-7739. ET. PHONE HOMEI Your Telephone Number la 848-7711 or 9e3-4858. Out ot tflla wor1d 3 Br 2-lly Condo & Pooll Super Sharpl Ju1t $113. 500. Diel Nowt TRINITY PROPERTIES Monticello TownhouH. S79,1199 by owner. 2BR 1'hBA. W/O. d1hw1hr, garb. dlsp, alee gareoe. comm. poo4. &41-9488 TOWIHK COfl>O DIVQ9'CE SALE Mutt NII-owner out of atate. 2 bdrm, athedrel ceKlng. 2 bath, o'*1o0klng golf aourM, 3 balconl•. Jecu:al, tennle, w.t bar, tinted gl .... ftrepl~. Iota of ml"Ot'I, 2 car garege, exotic lendacaplng, much more. Immaculate condition. A~m•ble S130,000 mortgage. Reduced to $249,000. Will accept ~. bo91, diamond• In trede. Brotcer partlctpetlon Invited. .. ...," .......... OP£N DAlY 3.5 I 7-9 759-9051 Outetandlng 1 & den. aundldl. pvt beech, pool & 1p1. lor 1 or 2 very conaclentlou1 peraon1. S75011HH t yr . 1.011 Miiier. ~t 831-1298 53M190 Bett FM ---------...... '!J.•!!~ ... ~{lfa. •••• !.l.fl Flneat ., .. , aunllte d• HOME FOR RENT 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. lell6 cor, j1d fOf plants & kid. to $775. Fenced yatdt & Won't laat. FIB. C ..._ '-11 .,..., DalanldH BMt R1n1a11 539-8190 geragea. Kid• & g•11 ':::,'!-r ~-~;;;; .......... ,;;; $800 mo. 2fk E. Side hM. :~~::;.:45 •2 OO . • •• ~·.r.c;-:. ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• med az:, new cpt, drpa. _;;.......,..;,,. _____ _ pt.~t"~~R~1.EN~B.~~~ WINTER RENTALS aval-~·:~:y:~~r~ °'3'~~g:· ~'!r.!IU .. JT.ffl~m!~ .. ;!-! Worth Steoo. M.ite otr. teble now. PT1Cel ranot 131·9070 -. .....- 1.v mag. 97~5380 from teo0 to 1 1800/mo. 1•0-1-X-2-B-r-1-.,.,-B-a_T_w_n_h_tl-, BIG CANYON atwarp 4 lfO llw_=~ Call for delalts: OCMn-t'AB•, petlo. no peti. condo Onty 1850/rno ,_,,, •-•-IM fronts e~. 1535 mo. 545•11848. LAO 4 BR 4 BA SPA-.. ..,. NISH pool home w / •••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR RIDGE ES· 875-0500 gardener. In great oond. .... TU •LTB TATES: View. 3 Bdrm Bedlt>ey,'48r2Ba.dlnlno Only SllH/mo to qual. NI ••DTllll wttemtty rm. nreptecee. rm. fplc, lrg yard. Nu tenent. sen 019mente pride ol Eaaallent vlewe. 1pa, crpta. drapes. p•lnted LAG 4 BA TOWNHOME ••••••••••• ••• owner9Np, modem ape-aecurlty, comm pool a lntlde & out. '850 Inc w/rw crpt & paint. Aleo nlah atyl• 4 unit apt. tennll. '2800. g•d9ner. 07$-70S4 pool, apa, Otffnbltt a !!~!~.r~.!.~ ~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~ INVESTORS 15000 down and 1200 per mo. neoat1ve caah flow for a 38R 1 be IQI femlly de1•tched home. Cttl Atoll. Ownrl egt. 9$4.8171 •ut1a1• .,_t IHI ........••............ OLllE Tl IOUI No money down, no qu•llfylng • own your home on our unique ahare<I apprecl•tlon ft· na nclng . W e ll•v• 5 horn. In H\lnt. leech .. 3 BR 2'MM. 1900 to 2100 sq It. P•ymenta run 11200 to 11800 per mo. Call Qeo. l roolce at 114/ett .. OH H•ve you reecf toO•y'a Cllhlfled Ada? If not, you•,. mlellng tfle l*t btr91f1N In town! • REllGEI S2ll Ill • houM with OONn-111!11 & LIDO 181.E/UnfU<n. Fant• Lu11. r.nnm: 2 bdrm, 2'~ ~1~11J!:.~.' .~ f golf courM view. Cloee utle IOc9tton, 28R, frptc. ba, 1kyllte. ClllleOral • Ill UIYll'I lll'f HY • ~~:'o'i~t~".\O::'r.1c! remod lcltchen, formal celtlnga, aent. elr, ter-:~a~r1=:! A"':::, • 6,000 aq.h . of farnllv Jlvina, • NIWI New f1Wf'M COllld dining, bright a airy. r.a.. etrlurn, blt-lne, dble IH H options to pur• " a occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bett1 a1100/rno gar. w/°'**• Hatb«/ ohaM. Cell today f R!O • entertainmen t facllltlee t or • Cit'; a.~._.,.. tf ......... .... Wl~ree. UH/mo TENORE n1-12ee or entire family. ~ Bdrm. 7 bet.ha. •ppllotbl• & rent the 111·1• 84 831-2711. egt • • pl u I m . Id • ~u. r t . r .. • oth« 3 llP9'1!nenta IOf SHARP atw. 2tle w!Junot9 OC-A£NTAU • Indoor/outdoor 3 '-•-.. • tnoome. a... • M4P ...... • patio, pool, kid• ok. 1.5bf'a UOO to t2000 ,,__ flnanoe & SAVI buyer _,.,. '470. 160-33 4 7od4tye • 18' bu, IOCla fountain, compl.fte • thouHnd• of do111r11 v..ny..w...uy.w1n ... t. 00.MNTAl.8 1804314 1 °""' 1auna r oom, e normou1 play "I DUCID Mfllna prtoe 3•4 ..,_, LoAOiO ,.,._ ..,. ., I AITI L.Ul'I': 311r, aba • ~. pmnet kitchen, a au)) • :~~·~,:.:: Mll!!P" petlo bit-now llOO Avell Now. 1 1100/rno. e aero refrla. and many more • rn«1t ao1tJ11 l'rlnolpat.• "'91"' oe-MNTALI 1~1:. &40o4Gtt.u 1~ • ame n It l u . $ e 0 8 , 9 & 0, 8 y OHLYlll Cell own« 11 lllMlmlJ NICE 1br w/utll pct, la be.-Pllrtl Udo Condo. I 9', I appointment with MAIJd r-....;.. • (114) 11w11• k ... ICMor\ now A30 ... trplO. dltlwth. lndry • 844-?&k ~ • 142 .. 111 • oc.MNTALI 1.W,14 •T-t.~.:~=·· patio ..... , 1-1 . 11111t ~ Mff llllff S .... 1 8a, I LMle or..._ option '-· • H -f11f • ~lim!f.ft'EJ11"J.l!I v;;'ifii. .. cM: ;;:;.,~ v-o. ~S:OO· t• 4 Ir. oe11a1 tront. • a.. IULn 111-'f•. ~~.::.:-.,:: :::.foooNtt..•.'n).••ter. ,_. .. ct111wiltii•tw s~.'::": •••••• • ••••• '~~1: .......... tu.al'•:::,,.~.:-= .. lo'=~· t ' . n 01'9ngt Ooa1t DAILY PILOTIWtdnMday, Augu1t 26, 1982 ~~~'-1At·!u~~1 ,,. .. ,, .. !! •• l!!!!m ••••• OINl!"AL IUllNtll !!t!'~P.!fi!n ••••••• !P.-!r •••••.••••.•••. llR.'111. ••••••••••••• ~fl!'!~ ••.••••..•••.• t1n• PAllTlll Hut>er Roo"n""a11r tor• so day Id In Ille Sl!RVICH H•IP tor 1mall bu•lneu a phont oall away. Aac- ordkHplng. tu prep. 8u•lneu counHllng 4H·1265 Orlvee, patio•. waltc1. FrM Oeoorator 1tyla Int, barw. Ell. No job too 1mall. mantel•. llbrarl••· high 630.-2807 11yla ralMO p1ne1 wall• 6 ¥!!!. .. -.{~ ••••••••••.• 11111011 II UU. ftrtlllGf Moving Low lor lhe ftrofMtlonal that r11e1. l•f'l1Htlo Mrvlca. •Imply doaen't have the 8111• wioe \1111 & MIC. tlma, and for averyona ln1ured 043-8402 Cel oon09rned with vahie. T·t37, 124. 25 yre exp. LJC 403114 I. lie Nt:~;-'&~a..0~34 Bondad In• Rela COior · ••P•" 983-0111 1 Al. l•1tlt. Int.•• oherd ••••••~·••••••••••••• IAILY ,...., ... ,. ltlllT•Y DO IT NOWI £~--~~ !f e.~1. ..... . Cabinet• & Carpantry Small lobs & Rep1lrt r, .. E11lrnetM 84&·2003 Cuatom conoret• brlok· cemno. Lie. 538-236e b l OOk wall•·PlllOI · °'•""' tou nd•tlona . Llo'd •••••••••••••••••••••• 638-6013 ' •KATRINA'S• 1.IVE-IN h1kprs, dally maid MfY. '''' daelgn '"· 13 par aq -.--,--,.-m----11 We Wiii Hll II co•I •• ~~~,( •••••• ~~ ••••• plu• 20~. 160.. 1408 P.O. NurlH Au'1 tor home Bolt 5120 lltalbo• tlland. car• avail lmmad., fully 028e0 l n1 530-5883 lllckte, , Alarm Co (Uc'dl 8ecurlly 8111 • Painting, ln1/e10 ayllema 10 , hom• & RHldtcomml 8 yr1 exp bu•ln-Sec '4.llV4'Y & s Cat •r•• High qu11 & eat1m11e1r .. a..s.6eoe materlela. Lo prloa ffrM , .. , R•I• 498·5717 ~I!!~~!!!! •....•.•...• ... "' .... ,. VOi.ir Dally Piiot 8-tvlce Directory Aepretentatlve Ml·ll'H, eat. HZ ~'!1!!.r!!!!~t .. Applied, re-applled, guar .. ln1ured, llc'd. 414891. 730-1900 fr" t1tlm1taa. ~e~!~ ............. . Otlvewaya. Parking Lot RepaJrw. Sealeoallng. sas Ml>hll 631·4 t99Llc f.'!I!."~~ ........... . Door hanging, ramodal, cabinet•. p1neflno. etc Pall'ltlng. cement. Aef1. Jerry 6'46-44 13 PHI HTIIUTHI Aeaeoneblt price•. taal. proteulonal work custom wor~ 1001 No Job too emall or too blgl Ca- binet•. kitchen remodel & finished carpentry ... elect/ plumb/ ctblnell/ coun1erlopa I do every- thing from etarl to llnlshl Cell Bred 11 (11') 111-HIO Dan Hallbefg Grading & Paving Co. Aes/coml. Experlenoed Carpenter Lie 3t7804 842-1720 Oemollllon 10 Finish 548-8654 760-2685 Concrete-1ma11 or IO• office cle1n1no. crpt job•. Remove, replaoa or cl .. ntng. 836·2 t 18 rep1lr 045-t512 CAl1' C111 !'!!!./!~IJ~I. ....... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Door a r9011ced. doorweye HARBOR TRINITY PAE· added, French, ently, SCHOOL DAY CARE c u1tom & tnt•1 lor Cf;NTER. Cotto Mee•. 831 1528 I Opening Sept 13. Full • . any lme. and 'n day ure. 7 AM to Drnt•ll 6PM Aeglllar NOW ••1•••••••••'.,.•••••••• Corner Baker & Fairview. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC 658-4335 or 558-7787 Aep1lrt. tml Job 1pec. t 1 yrs Bud 552·9582 lwlll" lH41Htl•I Tree trim, g•n c1nup1, caroent worlt. Fr" est Call 549-1804 an)'11me. THI HHI SOllE Lewn·lfH•llhrub Install Tree 1rlrn/removal Lawn carefAolotllllng Free etllm•te 548-8085 ~~~!!!!~-!!''········ ROBIN'S CLEANING Sarvloa • • thoroughly clean houM 540·0857 Joan'• Clalnlno Service HOU&el·APll·Rental1 OHlcN . 1140·1287 TIRED OF HASSLES? EJ<por & dependable ---------Child care during grav-Well ll•luree-Acoustlc eyerd ahlf1 Lrg F v Hm. ~••no· Tape-Steel 1tud1 plenty ol sleeping space. Uc. 389944 1·532·5549 641-2277 Quality claanlng help 11 QUALITY WEEDING l l'\erol Reta 960·'1462 M,alnl. Remember ll'le 3 Exper. Houae Cleaning. DRYWALL TAPING Ra: Reaaonebll, Rella· Reliable Reta All Textures & Acoustic ble, Rick. 497.J070 S53-1S75 Gllarlettt'• Sitters Uc'd. bonded agency. 420 62nd St. N.8. Free 881 Kevin 675-9088 s1mrnons Gardeni ng • LET ME DO YOUR £1Htti~•/ Cln-upa, tawn care. lull CLEANING FOR YOUI •••••••••••••••••••••• comm & resld rnelnt. CM/CdM. Julie 642-9087 Ol!SION CONSUi.TANT AH/comm. 6 boat d•· ••on A810 deelgn.,: 88 dagrM. A .... 845--4782 ~~~~~._,!!I ......... . Yard Malnt 6 CIHnup, Sod, sprlnklara, roto, lree rmvl. drainage. hlll· •Ide weeding Brian 586-2253 f!1.'!.~'~············ ¥1111 Willi For a tree laQI thee1, Qall Harry we .... Attorney 111 Law, 553-02110. ~~!~!!l ............. . BRICKWORK: Small joba. Newport. Coste Meta. Irvine. Rel•. 676-3175 ~!!!!!~ ••.•.•..•••.. f~!r..1.!.•m!! ....•... C Coder's Babysitting Agency. Call 645-3748. CHt1•tl•11 9.H11I Btlckwork·•mall or lge DIAL-A·MAID-Quallly & Jobs. 100·1 local refa. Service As Near As Your Slnoe 1969. 645-8512 ELECl RICIAN-Prlced 846-6684 right. free ea•lmate on --------- large or smell lobs. H1olra1• Per.onallzed, low coSI le- gal MrVlcea: Ind., 11mlly, bual. lnltlal consullellon ''"· 553-0290 ~~~i.~m~~ ... Stiampoo & steam clean. ···········'·········· REMODEL/ ADD-ONS & Carpentry. Llc'd. 25 yrs eJ<p Irwin 548-2719 Athl'11·Det l11·Re•d. Lie. 396621 673-0359 ·····'~··••••••••••••• Carpentry • Ma1onry Phone S3 5/$45 540·4669 Electrlclan: hrly rate, qua-Rooting • Plumbing lily work Celling tan Drywall · Stucco· Tiie Houaecleanlng. exper. re· speclellsl 831 -6072 _R_e_m_o_d_e_I _J_._e_. _6_46_·_9_9_90 llable. Engllsh speaking. ~!!!~f ••••••.•••.•••• • ABC MOlllNG • Quick, Careful Service Free ea1lmatu 552·0410 JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Prof. Bartendlng Serv. Any occasion. Prtbl bar Color brlghleners, wht e1pt1 · 10 min. bleach Hall. llv/dln. rrns $15; avg room S7.50; coucb $10; chr $5. Guer ellm pel odor Crpt repair 15 yrs e11p Do work myself. Refs. 531·0101 Free est. Rees prices Qual. work. Lie. 337169. 645-4010 ELECTRICIAN Ben'1 Maintenance Serv _6_4_2_·_5_52_6 _____ _ Sml fobs/Repairs lie Plumb-elec-carpentry HOUSECLEANEA *l• 1 MOYlll* 233108-C-tO. 648-5203 Painting Call 964·5231 with eltper. t0am·5prn Top quellly. Special care 1-879-7552/521-8141 C ustom remodels - additions. free est. Qua· lily 2nd 10 none_ Bandel Const Lie 418570 548-4271 AESID/ COMM'L/IND H•AED HAND. WILL 541-07021838•0403 In hendllng. 25 yra eJ<p. 20 yrs. Do my own work. TRAllELI Many diverse HOHllillillf. Competitive AatN To place yOl.lr message before the reading publle, phone No Steam/No Shampoo Stain Speclallst Fas1 dry Free est. 839-1582 Lie 278041 Al 646-8126 chores Wlllle 842-3491 ••••••••••• •••••••••• No over1lma. 730-1353 ,,*NORTH STAR.* CALI HANDYMAN JIM PROTECT YOUR HOMEI STARVING COLLEGE EXCEL CARPET CARE Jeck Buffington Owner/opera1or Carpel, uphol, area rug -Prof. M 40. avall now, Eleclrlcal Contractor Main I , plumb. r~palr. xlnl rels. 641-9312 STUDENTS MOlllNG Lie. New service. 220 painting. Aes/comm'I. CO. Lie. T124-436 Dally Piiot CJeaaillad, 642-5678 R,J, ltttff1111 & SH lie. 306888. Remodel, Add'ns. Cabinets. 646-8586/645-4644 circuits. 24 hr 545.4174 536-99571536-3684 Insured. 841·8427 ----------I Make yuur shopping e•· WATCH I.JS GROW! cleaning. Work guer. SELL Idle ltema with a Cluallled Ads, your one-aler by ullng the Dally --------- Dally Piiot Claasllied Ad. stop shopping cente<. Piiot Clualfled Ad•. Clusllled Ads 642-5678 Free Est. 645-1771 B••111 U•l•t•i1AH Ct•'••i•i••• ANl't•••t1 Frualdt4 A1•rtmt11t1 A111t•••t1 A,al•1•t1 •••• 4000 •••••••••••••••••••••• U•l•t•i1AH 34ZS •'•7 •••••••••••••••••• V11la1nid1td Val•1ai1AH ll•luai1AH ••••••··~············· ~~ J..cj 3#1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ti .... 3111 •••• ••••••• •• • •• •••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Compf furn. congenial •••• ••••••••••••••••• br. 2 be. deluJ<e condo •••• ••••••••••••••••• CHll #tu 31Z4 C•ll• lln• · 31Z lf•flf'Mlt .. ej Jiff black rnen Hunt Bch. Newport ShOf"es 3 Br. 2•..; Lrg. patio, pool & spa. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Winter $750. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ···-•"••••••••••••••••• Reasonable. 536-8544 Ba. 2 blocks to beach, 2 Br. 2 Ba. oceen lront Ne er 2Br 28e Nop 18 18r, tBe on l:lack Bay, close 10 school & tennis. child o.k. near SC Plaza. Winter $760. w s e -pool. pvt, S400 rno 982_,,,,83. $665 mo. 213·964-2686. PROPERTY HOUSE Avail approx epl Isl. ""' $450. 760· 1418 or 646-8126 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS , . .,.i..... ~2-3850 642-1010 548-8675. 1----------1 WutcUtt 3 Br. den, office. ----------' __________ Clean 2 bd. encl gar. wfd COUNTRY CLUB LllllNG 2•;, 81, 2 car gar, garde-Fa1•i1At4 3SZ5 Dix 28r, bllns. gar. no 2 bdrm, 1•..,. ba. Fireplace hookup, patio, 2 peo~"-'IN NEWPORT BEACH ner. no pets $995. •••••••••••••••••••••• pe1s Sleps 10 send Dishwasher. prl11 patio $475 642-0461 ' A 10181 environment 1-637-1458 or 548-5026 Rancho San Joaquin, $525 mo. Winter. (213) Gar No pe111. $520 mo •----------Model Townhouse In Ir· 446-9220. 446.4750 543•5478 1 br ullls paid $330 rno apartment communlly on Harbor Ridge. mountain & vine. 2 bd plus den. one i--------------------I Call et 645· 7072. ask for the Upper Bay. Private ocean vi-. 3 Br. 3 Ba the nicest In the deve· Lg Bachelor, lrplc , no 2 br apl, N.E. side, fenced Joe or Debbie. clubhouse and health bee u t 11 u II Y done, 1opmen1 S 82 5 /mo pets. steps to send. $300 lronl. cul-de-sac. quiet REDECORATED 2br 1 spa, 8 tennis courts, 7 $2400/mo. Avall. now 728-2148 mo. WI n I er. ( 2 1 3) $525 mo. (714)594-1661 ba. duplex w/sngl ge· pools, close 10 business. By Owner 760-1977 446-9220, 446-4750 eves alrpor1, Fashion lslend. ••-"••Ill · rage. $530 559-5001 c 1 CHARM: Expanded 5 Br 1' ••• BEACHFAONT RENTAL WESTWE VIL• •tE onven enl shops on 3 ctr ga.rege. H\IH_ Ja· Oah1•J1AH 3550 :HOB w . Oceanfront or ..,. 3 Br 2 Ba. bit-Ina. tst & site. Unfurnished beche- cuzzl, loaded w/lrench B••L•U•F•F•s••2••8•R•:•2••B·:~·T·~ 873-l573 Winter or 1 & 2 Br epts avail.. deposlt.$650.631-3537 tors, t&2bdrmaptsand I d k It h I " n 1 b 2 pool, spa, lndry rm, no townhouses w n ow1. s y g s, • Greenbelt nr pool. Frpl 1_y_e_ar_1y_, __ r_o_r _b_r __ pets. lrnmed occupancy Duplex. 2 br, 1 ba, crpts, $540. $1000 s1eOO/mo. 640•2523• -patio -dbl gar. Adult•· Lovely 3 br. 2 be. gar 1 er $440-$450 drps, gar., patio. clean. Several bechelors and 1 833-2237· No Pets. lmmed • $950 • Stepe to water Furn. or 2 Br $515 Nr achll. No pelt. $525. Bdrm unlls feature line MW Y1EW 6 mo or longer lease. unlurn Yrly Days, Call lor appt 1_5_4_8_-7_2_3_4 ______ 1 designer furniture and Deluxe naw 2 Br 2ba. Ca I I Jo Carol (I 0 I ) 6 7 3 • 1 8 8 9 , ( 2 1 3 ) TSL Mgmt. 645-8122 Nr 18th/Pomona. 1 Br 1 accessories. Move in 10· I I d k S 644-9060 or 644-8300 585-0921 B u •1a1 • D/W day or reserve tor sum-rp c, ec • oar. ec. 1----------1--.::...:..:::.._ _____ 2 Br r ;, Be. no pets. $<150 8• p.. r... · car-g1le. Adults. One for for 2 persons. 755 w port, water pd, 1 child rner months. Srnarlly $ 8 2 5. one S 5 8 5 . ~I!.'.'!!!~!!.!~.'!~!!! A#flt•••tl 161h St. 646•9507 01<. no pelt $450. Agt.. furnished models open Next to greenbelt, pvl ent. & bath, newly redee, H.8 $250. ulll. pd. 536-0794 Nil Ill SPA Christian man, non· smoker prel'd Sundeck. golf course. 851-1910 Employed. non-smoking resp. Fem. Near OCC. $225. sso dep. 957-8390 Nice qule1 home lor wor- king person over 32 yrs, Cos1e Mesa. 548-5604 Clue t• luoll-11 1221 754 1561 673-4538 Laguna Beech Mo1or Inn 985 N. Pacific Cat Hwy. Laguna Sch Dally/ Wkly/ Kitchen avall. Low winter retes. 494-5294 1·021·1080 1i£--.~,7-,-,.----.. -I INt/•• SERVICE & REPAIR •••••••'•••••••••••••• ••'•-•••A••••••••••••• van Oppena S•tvlce Co PIH "'•n11 F~~~~'~0·:s'f~,g;r~0 (7 14) 838·48&6 _ by Rlchlfd Sinor. Lio. Vlae·MC Sco11 646-9325 f.'1/f 2801144 ·13 yr• ol heppy • local Quttomera ASA PAPERHANGING .. C•h•u•c•k·F~;·11i:w;;i:·• Thank you. 831-<14 10 7 yre local e11p Guer Free Eat Oya 640-5188. PAINTER NEEDS work Pncea start 11 Evs. wkndl 876·15100 WOAKI 30 yrs exp, inti $8/roll Alec 979·08153 Tiie Install & Repair Exler Acou1Uc celllnga. Expert wallcoverlng 1n-Guaranteed work. Aets Davi• Painting 847-5166 Slallallon Reu prlcH. Free 911. Bob 876-8595 Cuatom work, In• & e•I, Con1ultan1 Aaalgnroen1 llc'd 20 yrs In a1ea, refs. 581•8590 f rn l11vlt1 Harb (714) 521.9012 1111 ,, .. , ••••v•I ... i .. t.'owRATEs··;··· S;30PM. ••'•-•••••••••••••••••• Tfee trimming & remover L BATES PAINTING ••BRYANT'S** all cleenups & mowing SPECIALI Ext. IQI $400: Wallcoverlng Removal 554-7017 2 sly S550 645-9383 All Types 642" 1343 ,1 F . f'•t•li•'I. CANYON PAINTING • 14 . dllf fla l8f • ••• • • • •• •••• • ••• • • • • ••••••••••••••• •••••• Mott sub·J·ec1s. K·1.C yrs In O.C. Satlelectlon Co,nsulta1lon & Hand Dayteve $5 & $l0/hr guar. 494-4641 Made Frames. 40 years Mr Morgan 645-5176 QUALITY PAINllNG Exporlence 646-5141 l ie Exe3'~~;7· 6reas5r3a61~2a366 11.,tlt ll1uit !!!~~!~£{~'!-!!-!f ... •• •••••• 6~.r.-;.......... "Let the Sunshine In' E.>tlERIOR PAINTING ED'S PLASTERING Call Sunshine Window Custom work Free est. Neel patches. lnl/eJ(I Cleaning. lid ~46-8853 Reas. + IJne Int & 9181· Restuccoa. 645-8258 2ov. Mon1hly Discoun1 nlng SleYe 547·4281 PLASTER PATCHING LET US MAl<E YOUR RALPH'S PAINTING Aestuccos lnl/ext. 30 WINDOWS SPARKLE! lnl/eltl Aees. ra1es. yrs Neal Paul 545-2977 Salis. guar. 839-5337 Rel Free eat. 536-9898 Painting: our lamlly lradl· lion lor over 100 yrsl lnl/ext. Lie 346252 Free est 661-3998 People who need People That'• what the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIAEClOAY Is all aboull ROOM ADDlllONS ~!!~.!!~~!~!~t ..... . Computer word proces-sing Fast, accurale serv Reas. rates. Notary. Free pkup & delivery Len. 751·1314 Honas1.Relleble & Rele· Compere before you buy rences. JC&B Cons1 Lie Class•lled makes 11 easy "347677. 974-7665 642-5676 ~!.".W!.!!J~!!!.!.~'!'! !'!!!~~!.!~!~!.. .. ~.~~· !'!~!'!!!!~!.!!~!~!!.~~ Park Nwpl 2 br, 2 ba apt, Execullve o ll1ce suite. $750 up 2160 II. lndu- N B. $350/mo + .,., utlls. corner of 405 Fwy. Near strlal • Ollice 18101 Re· 760-1554 all. t2 Herbor Blvd. Take over' dondo Circle 8 M & l lease. 1600 sq II al 90¢ Huntingt on, Beach Penthouse nr beach, prl· 11. Call 751-6191 842-2834 11ate enl. & b81h, H B ---------$300/mo. 536-0794 Founlaln Valley Olllce 1200 sq II., front otc. lge space, 2500 sq 11 al 60e reer door. $425 rno 629 a fl Good e11posure. lermln al Way, C M good parking, Talberl & 5 4 0 • 9 3 5 2 d a y s . Brook h u rs 1 Ca 11 646·0681 eves 751-6191 MIF" 10 shr 2Br. 1Ba ap1, ---------1 Rt11t•l1 WHIH 4600 $365 mo Incl utll & 08,_ 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq It • • •• • • • • • • • •••• ••••••• port. 675.0282 Penthouse Beylronl Su•· CORPOUTl Went resp non-smkr to shr Nwp1 Condo. 2Br + pYl bath S375. 548-6236 ta. parking, pa11os PRESllEIT F(22-281 to shr BPI 1 blk 673·1003 Recenlly moved 1o from beac h $275 675-8550 ett 6PM Scaling Down? S1art1ng ou1? Lower overhead Calllornia desires quall1y F rmmle, $300/mo, uttls pd. Nwpt Shores. N.B. erea, nr beech ~5-2547 Shr 2 br. 2 be C.M apt, nicety decor, lully furn $250/mo + 'l't uttls 645-9390 Bii. 5 me1ntaln lmege. olllce at Regency Cen1er, E•ec suites In Newport nr Air· porl. fully equipped & s1afled tor every busi- ness need lnd1v otrlces mo/mo lrom $375 833-9976 F 10 shr 2 br CdM hse, __ S_u_b--l-e_t _Ex_e_c_.-0-,-lic_e __ , $300/mo Incl. ullls + Prime alrporl locale on dep Reis. 675-5838 MacArlhur Blvd Price Furnished home tor renl seasonel or long term in Laguna Beach Newpori Beach. Corona del Mer Con1act (714) 494-3757 644·8722 or 642-8808 1,1 .. __ D•lualiAt4 no tee. 545-2000 dally. -BAY TIMBERS 3 Br 2 Ba. comm pool l••i•t•ll 3101 -;;jt;;"j,j~~-;···3;;,; Specious t Br frplc. pool 3 bd. den. 2 lrpl. par11al On Jamboree Rd et Legune Beach. Ille coo-Roornmale wanted. furn .. S 1195/mo 631-1266. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• & rnore 646-9883 utlllties, laundry, $675. Sen Joaquin Hiiie Rd. king, perking area, Nr 2BR S300 mo Across reduced Must see• 497-6034 2 Responsib le . rellred Adults (M/Fl wish to ren1 Mobile Home 1or 6 mo Musi a llo w pel 964-6110. · 631·2711. Fred Tenore. Lro yrly. hall blk to bch. 1 Yrly $775 Deluxe 2 br, NI 2Bd 2 b •• t ~.:'6ts.096842E· 1552 days. &••· 1100 bu 11 . 4 9 4 • 6 1 7 6 ; lrom beach 493-9114 c ~-d-M-dl_Jt_s_u-it-e-. A-/C-.-a-m_p_l_el agt. br, gar, $625. 1 rm & ba gar .. prkg. Near water ce rm a ..... os .,... • 1 ves 540 7158 e"25 1 d 1 t 1 1 1 utll pd 622 Hamllton St. 1----------1'---------• · Female to shore 3BR 2BA pkg. Uhl pd. 2855 E. Cst For teue or lease option, .., · n ry. s · as• P 675-4000 (Breit) s6251mo. 548•0477 lg 18r, new cpts. drp5. 2br, near beach, nice B I If. I house $250 plus ..., u!ll. Hwy 675-6900 $1500/mo 5 Br .. large dep. no pets 673-9327. 2 BR 1 Ba. no pets. yrly, r elr1g. stove. 1 quiet $a600rea1,mrou.r6n73o_r63u3'!1.urn •• •.'. 1 •·!!.·:R!.l'! •• ! •.. m.!.~f!! 545•1370 C.M. 6flliH1t/lon1t/ y1rd, schools, shopping Cll••• '•l llll 31ZZ lndry lactl. deck. $600, Westside SPARKLING person only. Nr Ralph's -u Mll.R ----------1 2000 sq It o tt1ce space tor Fi•••tl nearby. Agent 646-1044. •• ••• •••••••••••. ••• •• 675-0349 CLEAN & SPACIOUS 1 & Mkl. 17th St. All utll pd. E 11 C d BR w~ SUPER 4 br. spa. lennis lse C 1 • avail now 625 •• ••••. • ••. • ••• ••••• •• Ocein <,1ew. beaulllully __________ , 2 Br Newly red&e, crpls, $425 mo_ 642-0538 xecu ve on o. 1 · ,.ly rentals now evall. courts, lrpl, $275 mo. W 191h St, Cos1e Mesa. 6•1i•lll Blulta 3 bdrm, 2 be, good furn. townhouse. lrplc, l•IHI drps. dsnwr. range & re-den, ocean & bay view. $t05 & up Color TV. 759-1428. 645·8830. see Mrs O . SOO locellon, greenbelt. pool & patio. $895,mo. trlge view & ocean 2 Br. garden apt, no pets Cath cell, lrplc. security Phones In room. 2274 Nor1hrup 1•NllH1tr 5 aome view. $ 11 50. 87 ., " 898 Pt•i•••I• 3101 b re e'z es. n 0 pet 5 Small child ok $440 mo_ gale $750fmo. call 9.5 N-port Blvd. CM. Fem. roomma1e wanted to ---""--------1 ···""";••••••'•• ...... 644-6368. l--~--------i 2•bd;,;,·,·;t,~·~;;;,·df•jx~ s385.s475. 642•0684 & 546-9950. 634-1547 646-7445 share furn Ocean Fronl SUNNY Newport Beach LIQUIDATION DISTRIBU· "--t• M I 37•~ 552 9723 winier rental. Lag Sch Patio Office. 833 Dover, TORS STOCK Newport C:est. 28r duplex ~ ••••• !! ••••• ..... ~'! yrly. Mature non-am rs. • D••• loi•I 31Zd WESTCllFF 1 br. c<>ndo Ye8fly on lhe beach. hotel Ava II. 9115. $325 s u 1 t e 2 s 3 o a / m 0 Llgh 1 Bulbs • Fluore· =o~~'.'°~~[~.d~~~ $440/ullla pd, 1 br, ups-~~:,4;~9.!~~.x2~7-9792 LUXURY CDllDOS v;~~;·2 ·0R:·2·0A~·~:r: ~~~~s;:opets. $540 mo. m~i~~~~~.& a:~~~ 1-240-7005 att 6 PM 631-1094 ~fge;.•},~,u~~:'."~~~:~ ... 17 Wiid Gooae. Tl-l~lrs, c~ose 1~ beach. lots or (714) 673-3988 Wik te Se. Cat Pfau port. enc yd $525 ---------posit 2306 w Ocean· Resp. F 10 shr beau1. 2 t>r, DESK SPICE CDI Duly Shelving • Deluxe condefoge to Intrepid to 0 wn we. eaul. sun· Frplo. eleganl French 5 4 2 • 3 5 9 7. A I 1 6 ~11J~r~ro~t~w~~l~r. 6a ~rs front, Newport Beech. 2 ba So. Tustin apt 1 Office Funrn1ture -Who· W 11 d O o oae. S 8 5 0 . sets, Sept. 10. 642-5027 e7 Oceesn!r~5nl : br. par11'· windows. AC. In home._7_3_0_-7_1_6_5______ 642-1121, eves 730-0104 ,_6_7_3_-4_1_5_4_. -----S275tmo. 731 -8630 :~:~~~.v~;u:~~P;:~~~~~ lesale Prices 213/891-7S37 BHll•flt• 6%~;401 64·4_;~3 ul · aecurlly, 2Br 2Ba, 1ar'BHll•il•• ,-Steps 10 beach. 3 br, 2 be space. copier You sup-DISCOUNlS AllAILA· -3-9-A-2-81--llt-1-94-N-8-IHeA 3140 • · 1Be & studios, .. 3140 $675. 2 Br 1¥· Ba, trg up. ~~!'!!!.~!~!!!!.!!!! M / F 19.2 6 , $ 2 7 5 ply phone, & $95 pr mo BLE condo. 3 o:eg:. "°°''· •.......•...•.....•... $400. 1 br. utlla pd. 417 E 18r & slUdlo Incl Wshr/ ••••• !!............... per. Eestbluff. dbl gar, WIEILY RllTlll 122·341h St. N 8. Cal• pr desk. Call 644-7211. 3 Days Only CloH to Hoag Ho•p. ESTATE UY1• Bay Belboa No pets. dryr, also lnoludes pv1 Deluxepoo11ldextre large no pals, pool. 809 Available, Agl 675-8170 Answer Ad 7 2 1 2000 sq fl w/500 sq It Aupust 241h, 251h. '261h $785/mo. Bkr. 646-7332 Beautllul perk-like wr-_54_7_-_1_15_5 ______ club w11en 1 nls 1 cour1 1 s. 2br. 2 ba, blln•. dawtlr. Amigos Way. 644"7118 1 B 6'42-4300. 24 hrs. storage. O C Airport ~: t~i~1 1~~~3~r;~~ .. -II HW roundlngs. Terraced C•ll•I '•/Mu JIZZ gym. poo s, acuzz a. t'h mites beach. No pets. UITILIFF r. sleeps 4, acron the 8 re a . $ 2 o o o In• 0 •s pool. Sunken 011 bbq, •••••••••••••••••••••• saunas. beaulllully deco-$500/mo. 531).8362 Specious 2 bdrrn. view. street from the beach C.1•1.11 lfl l•ol 4350 851·8926 Amerlcen Prof Mkl now Lu11ury Newport Terrace sparkling fountains STEPS TO OCEAN large 2 rated clbhaa & muchr----------$295/WI<. 675-5068 •••• ••••••••••••••••• 1----------expanding to So. Calll. Condo. 2 br. Elltraa Specious rooms. Sepe-Br. 2 Ba. lrplc, many more. From $450 mo . 2 Br. 1 Ba. Minutes from pool, nice are.a. No pets i---,-,-W-.-,-.. -.-IT---Llmlled access. for sto· Interior Design firm hes seeking 5 qualllled per- Quletl Only $895 mo. rate dining area. Walk-In amenlllea. S825/rno lncls moa1 u111 t oo OCt'en. newly painted. _s6_7_5_._~_4_..c_7_6_7___ rage only. Hunt Beti 400 sq tt. lurn'd upstairs soMln mk·l& mgmt. Call 837-2686. closers. home like kllch-Days 642·5757. Eves & 549-3421. 3641 Bear SI $465/mo. 720-0844 or $750/mo 3 er 2 Ba encts lalh• Pe•l•Hll down 10 w n $ 5 0 / m 6 olllce space tor rent In 1 o r 1 n 1 e r v l e w en & cabinets. Walk to Wknds 631-6630 ( b 1 w n Sun II owe r & 720-4691 appt. 2 s1ry 4br, 2'hbe. dining. ,_9_60_· 1_1_9_7______ Skyperk ares Looking ( 7 1 4 ) 2 4 o . 7 o 2 4 or ec.analde 3 rm w/poOI, 10 Huntlnglon Center McArthur). 1 br. frplc. pvt patio. pool. TSL Mgml 642· 1603 giant TV screen. hot tub, Slngle car garage. storage tor comratlble Co. tor (600)654-6730 patio. bit-Ins, $480.. 1 Bd f sso5 Near beach 1 Br od kl ti 2 1y N rth c t M into ce.I 556·2932 ask OC·AENTALS 750-3314 2 Bdrmr-~-~rl~~m $605 Available 6/28 Avallabla now! 1 Br. car· lqe~,~~ryS4~~lk~~ o~:~· El!lllblull 3 br, 2 ba, slngle ~va~~n n~~ • 10 e;r,~~: S~imoo 546_~;1~ esa, tor Jen /8Hll•,.I TIE lllfFI 2 Bdrm-Townhouse lurn 720-0541 port, pool & leundry. No • garage. pool. $750 67 7650 i---------1 0 • SOlS Spac,. 4 brh, 3 ba,L22010 No-'·~~~,:;:. ,reel "••I• ..... 31Z ~:~: :,•2551;;g49~3 1 w . 2w=~~ ~I::· :4:~~~om _6_4_0.--68.-,-,0-9.-.• -•• -.-,-,.-.--,,:,,,, ,. ,,.,. 4300 s~~~~a°t:s!~as~·,;;20. c,:,:oo&la ~c~tl.12A~¢sql pe~I a!io R~;~r-!!!!!~·9~,i~;;~ •Q. 1· lwn ome. ovey LA QUINTA HERMOSA ~~ •••• ~'::': ••••••••••• Lovely eastslde 28r 1ba. beach. Avail Sept 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-4907 wkdeys · up. 8 eaonomlc, Cl1y, Leughlln (Colo decor, poolalde ae111ng 18211 Parkalde Ln, t blk 1 Ill. 2 IR. 3 IR. 2912 Peppertree Lene 968·4216 Arctie• at Old Newpon l•J IH••afe 1M1,·,., lt•t-' 4400'_Co_rP_-_6_7_5·_6_7oo_. ___ I Alvan. Huntfng. fishing & Av111. 9/1. $1300 mo. W. of "--en. 3 blks S N I No t s•951 Blvd. Large Bachel0< •Pt Contact l•rgeat Gay ""·.. ., 1 ••• FlllE gam"'llng We ha e ran1 Agt. 840-5560. .,.,.. ew Y decor Gas pd, pe 8 .. mo. MIRllER'I Will $550. 775-1149 ev •••••••••••••••••••••• " · v • ol Edlnger ... 847-5441. encl gar, dwthr. pool. _5_5_9_-4_7_1_8 ______ 1 Mile Female service In W0111Y1 llmS ltw,.rt h•ter els. $50-70,000 Pvt par- llWPllT IElllTI 3 bbg Adults, no Pets, 3 Br. 2. Ba No peta 2nd ~~~c; ~1!~~~:~~ =~~~'. O.&IHIY YILUIE So. Calif. 540-6716 IRVINE. Phone enawe· Firs1 class • lull aervtoe ty, <213)698"2284 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Private. !.1.'!t!!!.~~!~ ..... ~!! 642·5073, floor S495+dep. gar. Nr Huntington Her· 1 bdrm apt. $400 mo. ring, conl rm, ulll pd, EXEC. olllces. Includes ll•IJ::I,••, 11811 845-9095 540-2.245 bour From $475. Chll· Avall. Sep1 1st. Walk to ROOMMATE sctry serv•. etc. Also all amen11tes Frorn 1 5035 EuU>luff 4 Br, $1300 mo. THE 3 br 2 be detu•e condo. __ dr_e_n_O_K_. _8_40_-.aao __ 1 ___ 1 __ ee_a_c_n_.~6-7_3_·6_5_2_2___ deak space. S 150/up $225/mo. 644-7189. •••••••••••••••••••••• S I -FllDERS 540•9745 , _________ , ""' " samrm lo mo. pl I level. Ruaty mle81i8JllJ Lrg. patio. pool & spa, NEAR BEACH 1 br. bal· •ia C.'',.l•lt Jl"I SO LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bay •• • .,,. Guinther, ao1 631-t266 lPUTIHm cillld o.k_ near SC Plaza. cony, bulll·lna, t car ~~ •••• '~•••••••••••••~'. Oldest & largest agency. 1617 Westclltl, N.8. 256 2 Suites avail. Gd. Hwy Mer111C• Oe. IH. 2 maater bdrm•. 2Ytba. ''liOOD $665 mo. 213-964-2686. gar .. $390 mo. 960-3296. 1 er, pvt deck, old world All ellenta screened with to 4000 sq. 11. 1st. floor lllslbtllty. 497·2351 Spectallzfng In lat & 2nd $700/mo. Refrlg, wahr/ ::r~~~·~~rs.1~~~~afpe:, Eamlde. bright & cheery ll tillt. chRrm. apectaculu photos & references. Agenl 54 l·5032 Low budget siudlo-ottlca TD'a slnoe 1949 dryr. chlldran ok pet C 1 Br 1 ea nalurel wood •• ta ooeen vu, walk 10 beach Credit•: Coamopolltan 450 sq. ft. S 1.00 per sq available, nr o .c Airport. Robt. Sattler NH/CM maybe. Avail now. Wes•· LIFE" p:i:ered perking. No celling• 0& cabJnets B•t 81 3142 $'405. Contact Mgr at apt Good Morning America, fl .. 4001 B irch .. N.B. 60¢ per II. Mike Crow A.E Broker Bd Realtors aide Twnhm. John Agt, · ••20 9519522 · ••••••••••••••••••••° C.332EnclnoLn. TheTomorrowShow. A---1541-5032 •genl 6 •2 •1243 .1 642-2171 545-0611 831 2242 Bach. $415 ... • Bechelor Condo. Step• to ---------1 I rt M1 1111 •-·· "" .. • YEAJMtOUND FUN: 1 Br. S470 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrplc. yard, aand. Fireplace. O/W. S.•11 Aa• JllO e • i---------645-3176 WIDOW HAS$$$ for TO's lat• .C.. 3110 Soclal Activities 2250 Vanguard garage. $700/mo. refrlg. $365. 1 yr I••. •••••••••••••••••••••• l••i•HI l••I•/ 4410 RE Loans, 10K Up. No •••••••••••••••••••••• D 1rec1 0 r • Free 540-9626 or 842-4905 1 Br. 1 Ba. P•llo. garage. 2131592-317 t ah 6. 3 br. 2 ba. deluxe condo. M/F shr beaut. Beck Bey •••••••. •••••••••••••• j Cradll Chee", No Pen· 3 bl'. 2 ba. TOWNHOME. s u n d 8 y Speclou• 2 er. 1 Bi. 1425. $425/mo £ If j "lfl Lrg. pat6 condo. Pool, j1c. 1ennl1. Beautiful txecullve otnca any. Denn111on & Assoc. nr SC Plaza. AC, frpl, Brunch•BBO'a• 3 Br, 1,-t Be. ,475 ·..,-,~-B_r_ok_er_8_5_1_·8_8_00 _ __:_1 •~1. .. ,~ ••• !.C. •••• t~... $300. 845-5165 c-....., sulle plus warehouse tn _67_3_·_7_3_1_1 _____ _ d1hw1hr, relrg, stove. Plf1JM•Plua L d f '. St di IL "'lie to b • h • • I a.~ F I W l lff :J'c-_... prntlgioua design center Secured. dl•~oun1-" 1st pool •P• plua much sun ry 1c .. pool $325 . Bachelor apt. 333 u o, ,. u • c • ,.,.,l•••tl ,,,. l•rrw em1 e .. tc aree. .;_,;;;;;:--~ ""' • N 't 1 t&I much more 548·9566 12-7PM. E. 21st. C.M. A"'I B·O. unfurn. $385 Incl. utll. 1,. n-••t• 3.._ pool. w/d, non-1mkr. ·~ on Aedhlll. 1176 sq. ft. TD's tor sale. Pvt party, more. o pa•· • ut. O "I AT " L 4 9 • 2 7 g 7 "' .,.,, ""' $""" 63 7"3 ", ... ..., 675-3882 lrom 10-5: (213)698·2284 Lau •. 1va11 9/1 $700. "!C R E A TION : Fireplace, pool. dl•h· _64_5-_65_8_9_._84_5_·8_1_0_3 __ 1 eese. ... ; •••••••••••••••••••••• c...,/mo. t·" 2 ./""'.,..-· 044·9539after6. 0 07" 7100 daris T 403-7t37or494·6410. IEIWllD Ma•~ 3"-~s •ht '"br, 2ba "---'--------IS 11 $1"000 m • •· · en n I•• Fr• a· wuher, pvt patio. x LG Miil YIRll .. .,.... " ./....,. ,....,. ,-e c , sec. Mort-540·3281 ev ... M ke Lnaon1 (pro & pro Gerden 2 Br. S580 .,,,,..,, ••1A 3111 YILUIE hae nr S.C.Ptua/Frwy. 'Coata Mesa• gage. 4 yearil •lrelght Oohert>'· · •hop I• 2 Hee It n 557 ·284 1. 2 BA 1 'n ba. Pvt patio. no •• ••,.-•••••• ••••••• • ••• Spa. S225+1h1r• utile. Move-In Allowance n o t e t 2 "Ao ·t o r L-4 bl', l'A ba. din. rm, Club••Sauna• :~38*2~25. 1552 Elm, NO FEEi Apt. & Condo New 1&2 bdrm. luxury 641-4913. retail or office. 600·1200 $8000/CHh on Co1ta ~ remod .. big yard, H)ldromuaage• ren1111. VIiia Rentlla. apt• In 14 pl1na. t Bdrm•----------•.I. 497-5132 Me a a Houee. Irene Oii<**· 1750. Swtmmlrm•Gotf WMeUlfleld s~aclou• 2 Story 2BA 1•;, 675-4912 Broke<. from 1515. 2 bdrm from M~fp~otrr~~5 0~ 'B:: i-.-111--11-1-.,,-.. -11-*-lal•itrll.J lnt•l4SOO _5_5_6-_4_21_1_a_«_er_4_P_M_. _ IM-1M7 d)'s/546-62411 ~~u rn u L F•LY am p~;.~~l~~-~ag~.~~ YH 11111¥1 m =~~i· i0:::,~~·~.~~~~ 63B•y •• c2.20M. S300 utll• Incl. From 1 room to 3 rooms. N~e .• 3976·er:ch.·;66Q·~~ Door Y30rdu HTADVE,•o 's'te. L2Ln~ ...... hraJdM •t A~A."TM!NTI : Betutlful gardan apta. PETS, *475/mo. 2310 NEW oated 20 Town-waterfall•, ponoet o.. ,..., From $1.18 • tq. ft. No ft. or leu. MIA zona. · · ' ._,__,_ .. ~ ''H SI n o I• a . 1 & 2 P111oa1<1ectee. t-te.1 paid. Santa Ara Ava 845-3017 home Vll.L.AOE COM· for cooking A hHtlno -F.-m-aie-·"",-o-o_m_m_a_t_e_w_•n-t· IMM r«1ulred. Adj. Air-Agent 541·5032. 780"9145 ... '!~~:':=:'~••••••• Bedroomt•Furnlthed No oat•. 2 chlldren wet-or 213~375-8107 MUNITY. 2 l 3 Br. 2,.... paid. From San Diego ed. non--tmoktr to lhare porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. "=1U11...:;_..,.,,.....,.....,...,-,,-..,,,.-.,-~-• ..:.._i Find what you w.anl In ~ llU A Unlurnl•h•d•No coma, • .,9• B ea. 1800•1800 eq. f1. of Frwy drlv• North on lrvlM condo. S240 plu• 1-C-•_ll_A_M_._83_3·_3_2_23___ lloP tnoppt"" Q;;t.;:'_.. O.lly Piiot Cl&Qlfleda. ......_ut. 2 bdrm. 2 bath Pett•Models Open 2 Br. 2 Ba. • '595...., .,/mo. t r. 1 Ba. an· pure lu.11ury. G1tagH. Beech 10 McFadden to ulll. 559·7418, 752-9099 .. ---------!::=====·=··===::.!.==:~f======-.. ;::;;;., Nie. decor. De· dally 9 to 8. .398 w. Wiiton cl1d g1r•1.•· lndry rm, 1p11 In every home • S •aw 1 n d v 1111 g • ,,__.or ........ "'-. &975 OILWH~ 831-5583 or 042 ... 905 P1veaJtto1.t yar1 •• emall pat Ok, muter tulle, dining (714)803-6198. N.8. lull condo, Harbor v b : ---· •1-,..,,,_ • • sap room•. wood b urning ---------Ridge, •11'y "''· • .,., OU can e a I mo. 1 yr '"' For mora ................ Laro• 2 Br. 1 Ba. with TSL Mgmt 042-1603 tlrepl1ca1. mlcro-wav1 .... , f..,. H S-0. 752·9442, d~•. l 1 n r or . o •II S 1 ev e . -Qlll'g• .• d/w, l•undry rm: lllSO/mo. 2 Br. 1~ ea. ~•. private patloe l •••••••••••••••••••":."t:' 840-2~ evea. WINNER ' 775-2922. _.1 6'M'flltlfl 14 15, yardi,9ardaner provl· EA8T810& CM . Prlvat1 _ I .; • ...,.. .._.1.. Aleo ,,0 2 e r. 1 Ba: So4to. TownhouM, b•klony. In-~. Eteo1nt llY!ng <>4'1Y f\.lm. room A bath. Ut.llL Aelp. nonemkr, ohffcl 01<, 1 t c., .• ,.,.., .... eeo Irvine Avan 0· 1. M8-H25 dry rm. c., port. all bit• 15 mlnut .. from PNhlOn Incl., rafrlo •• '315 mo. to •hr lg• furn. hom•..1 I < 1,.,,.-~ ~·· r---------Int . Avall a.pt. lttand, 1 mlnut• to s.c.1_e1_3-_7_M-4_._____ own balh, c.M. 54&-2491 J t b di d ••••':'::':=u"•••••••., (at 18th) Don't wilt onty 1 large 3 T8 L Mgmt 042-1803 Plau or O.C.Alrporl . ROOM/BALBOA. '2SO John US Y Sen ng U!i y OUf name an 1 : uix. aer. ~ s.c. ,.., e~110• Br. •va11 wttt1 2 Ba .. .,.. -1e""'A_.,. ........... o-1-11_1_d __ , J t 1 , N ... ~ address and by wa' ... hlng to y I y µ; p1Doi1 avall t-1 ..... /le llO, In quiet .,. ... large ._,., U pa , car• UI H• 0 H lpOtl mo. •-· l\.lrn, I Yfb g/1, Ftll'll 10 tflr w/nme air ~ f OUf M7fm0.NoPett.6h«: 1700 1,.th St • poot.M76.e.45-3381or port,laundry,nope11, BlvFrdw·~··'°a·2'oSoan/Dlegmoo. ~/732.~+,,.n.O'\·tmllr . 1ba~t.OM.,Aeo.lllOll. name in the rl&SSifled ads Of the ~or Donn• tn~.2u.o u • 8711-5948. 383 w . Bay. 548-9518 • v .., ., 124 2 .50 & 1" u t ll. ~Do'4r at 18th~ .. 831· 39, 2478 0r ........... r--------... , ,.... Dally Pilot PINE BLUFF APT'8 ... 211. uUllttea Incl. Sm. 1 Ave. Cotti M .... -·--WANT!O: Peraon 24 l)IUa '!!""'--·~·--~----: . . l ~~.New 2 I 71:4> M2·51 1 1 Br. wllh loft, A 2 Br, 2 bd. 1N 2 Newpon Blvd, • to rent room In Coal• fl'•m•~1"mate \Went• IM.._ petto, g11r, IHO a '-=======::::! e a. Chlld ok, ort the CM 831-7392 sC 3 Br 2 Ba. lpto. 0.,, MMe. Prl)fWlOnal ~ ed, ~ 11\ICMlnt. A• Wi n ltcket11 lO the circus, area 1muscmenl attr•c· I ; 1 .. s 100 dep. ~o P-•••· • Bll.ltt•. ~tto, vtn. frPIG. '-!>~..i 1 ba, Aelrlg lnl)I. h a blk•. sooo yrty, rd, a..u1. view, 2 yr Old rable 2 br tiouee on ..,. lions or aporllna cvent.1. Ju.'ll fill out this coupon ind · M6-ta'70, oo. end gat .. Otll •lcwe. die-"""1/mo, 111 a 111, 150 No Peta· 845·1Na o o n d o . C 1 11 Amy b o• l eland, 1281 mo. mall It today to the t' J ,,,_. IANFROHT Obt 2 • ..-8'. hweaher, ape. lndry rm. cleanlng, Mu 2 people. U t • 0 4 0 0 d a Ya O ! 813.-00 Mil for Cerolyn 1S .... .....,. .,. ,...._ B y WHk or montll HOO/mo. 04f.5e27 3 bdrm or den, 2 b1tfl. U 1·HOe •v••· H 71 Payne It W1tertront Clau tned Departll\t nl, Dally Pllot I f! ~ ... Mt...,. e1a..1113 • SPMC 831-e107 w1n1 Ad• c11i 042::ale ~~~va11 _, J:: lAutit H<M't ~ ~=~ · ...,.. SJMIH 330 w. B•r Str~t. Cocta Me11, CA m u ~ -.> ~ ' . . . I. 1 • ~ ----~--~-~--'~~~#:'?~· --.;;;..__.,:..o;.:--.:..;..--..·~----..~-----................ ---............. ..-..--........ --..... ..-......... -.e..~....t. I ~ • I Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Wednnday. Augu11 26, 1982 " ••J:::'itll ~.,M~ .... 1.1.ff ,.'11..,M'!l. .... TJ.ff '1Jl..,H.'!l. .... 1J.'!I/ "'1..fll!ll. .... 11.! '111..,M'll. .... TJ.ff tt.IMW',,,,Y,ff fm.!!J~1 ...... ~f {t!!!!'1. ......... l!!.t JMtl .a ~ ..n: ~ r;:.J lllftll ''::':: ::=?•vf:: "~:~r: :::~·, ~=•t't I -~Y/11~ Wtl •1111114 'o!:,:~:b~~:1uena, ~!'::"~ m~ ~A~· llldlng ttrerelro!N dOOr1. new 110 •• ,.......,n.~'117;"1 •••• .C. pm, Mutl c1tiw ... Ibo• No HP'""· ,.d~ tor Typln1 a ph1n1 1111n 10 'I lhltt• Qomptlltlve m .. _ ~Ing .... , the 1•11 a11r11r. wanlld lo • Ml 1817 I UK 101 11800 4Mm."!!1Jlf. I.In ltltner ., .. HN tmm1d hlrt Optn1n9 on t Y u 1 a' Y o Pl" HI tty ea.eel ""''"' job lralnl1111 Nol o. llt• oro1111t.• Md ldmln"•' 9'1·9276 • •• • • •• • • --•veil now "P-'""' Im 176 a)oO end gOoct WOflllnO oon typlno, F11M I p/Urne tim1 ~•I* morgue Per Aully ,1111 kllten1, C111 ----- 4N-4031 ~ ........ 1Artl91 • ""· lot 11111 K4WI 1 .. H t•Mll ' dlllOnl ConvllHotn; ,.., f2 t.e911 m1n1rH pulllon. Dly• 11191 4, 641·8214 NMd WANTED dl1monel, C>tll· Jt1011 <•rr=.1'11 t·l~lr~I hperlenoecl I AT CHBAT·llt rloh a INIUAANOI HOIC>lfll N8, M24044 8f0RITA~V. 'RNT OP:C Ume hCMI Seier; t260 ..!_ood hOITIM ilanl c:ul 3 ct clnl cOIOf lidlff Amt1<lc1111 Tourlel81' 1uggeoe 3 pc 111. blue S16 841-2211 (1 l 131 s IA •llm llrn nooo mo = IULTI Adv Agency. Oood ly· IO 11111. Light a1111ca1 f'em Oold1n L11>/8Hgle lnClut lOn OK P /P , ..... Ml l.IM IATTINDANT part time, Supervltor po1lllon1 I ~ """ &lmfUT ping 1nd phOlll 110101 duUH. PlllM HOd 111111 rnl•, 7 mo1, hou1e1>ro· ~111111"'-'"-'0...-__ ··~············ •• n 1)n wknd be AHlll 1v1ll 031·2~t Mlnlmvm a yelll .. .,.. Pleu1n1 telephone VOi• 1nen1111 Shorthand • Ind re1um• lo Ad No k•n &4&-7349 1,J,,,,... H15 ----· SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS WllU1m Uord 8ecll dlHbleCI prot worn1n Should be fimlller with oe, gd typing & math plu• Qouortunl~ 10 Id-106'4, Dally PllOI. PO Bo• ------• • •••• • •••••• •••••• • •• H-.>PY 40th Coate MeM 045-2367 Mlllll Al/$ COD ind Mldlcal tkllll. l'lllng, typing, 1nel v1nce 911ery commtn· 1660, C01t1 Meu. CA lovao11 furry 8 wk Old Wa•lt4 llM 8ir1hcs.y aabytltler n4Md.O lqt 2 yr PUT TIMI gro~p conlrtOll )Cini order procenlng lfl 1uret1 Wllh ••Pttrltnc• 929?7 k ltlen• Need good .... .,. la441et ,,.., • fNM AJiM old girl, Npl 8oh ., .. , full Be • Clrrler ooun11lor en1t111 Seluy com· gr1nclp11 dull•• lntrvw Celt C1ro1. 10 am 12 pm nome. 551-2t36 HITIWllTIRI •••••••••••••••••l':O~l' 11mt Mon Fn 930.3492, tor 1 10011 ntwapeper men1ur1te wllh up11 Y •PPt only 832·9700 9&7·0942 c.,,;, II/II Infect Ovlrk Ounce 0111e1y FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: 14!·1111 Loal: 2 yr Old t>rwn O.m. Shorthair pol11tt<. Cecil a Orenge, CM 042·3101 Found, Coctcer Spanltll In Eeat Bluff M1le. 769-0268 LOST 2 boogie boerda, orangt/blue, t p11r nne, rewerd 875-3070. FOUND 1 oar, Balboa Peninsula. 67~070. 873-0322 No t11per11noe n101t· S•ddlebeck l/1llty ArN. Ollie• potltlon· Mu•I be ••••'••••••••••••••••• Fr" 10 good home. 2 yr M 3 1792 Camino Cap I· •ary Work only 12 houri Cell. 837-9'30 111perteno1d In corr•· uoanuY /lllO Cnl• ,,,,, Hu1ky/G1trn Ship mla, 11111no. &en Juan Cepl 8'1by91tler a~ $76 10 ll•f1 plua d bid 10 CF 0. of Npt 8Ch fin •••••••••••••••••••••• good w/kldt . ellecllo-1lrano • .--..... ltt .. • lddltlonal •h1t• of part· LJllllAN ~ ence ...... ~~rig, Svo11. F11m Challng .• H11lul + 111r10, bike. n•te 93 t-8876 '493·1023 -· • 1--•• • •1 typ,ng. e10. -v-vvvv R11pon ""'"lllon Qood palnllng1, relrlge 1202 -----------------_.. netlhlp'1 prot111 -·--,.v. O O .,,, 11 IOIO .. A rMI tun jobl LOOklng '°' dlpend•ble PART TIME Ol!LIVl!RY typing, Incl 1t1t1111c11. 64~~o3~:' pn Oly PEEK·A·POO ':'.·!.'.'..~~!!.~!. •...•.. My home, 2 trnlll chll Manegement opportunl herdworklng pet.On w/ PERSON. 11 yra. gd. S/H ak1111 & eptltud1 ror 2 yr M, well 1r1lnec. AnllQu• mahog•ny cabl ~Sl~;i3o3 d • Y 1 1w 11 till For Interview call min 1 yr llil>ttf. ln1talllng driving r«:ord. 151-4705. number1, •11P•r reQ'd Antique G1rege Sale Too __ e73•349o net wllh O<IQ ACA redlo ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '"" 6:00 PM. 642·&878, tree•. 1hrub1, h11d11 PUT~ Ca~ 640-0l23 many ll•m• 10 1111 Sel ol Farall8ll IOSO & record playtr-$75 oe . • e•t 312. board & 1od 11wn1 Evff ind/or -kendi. llOIP&IY/WO 4 chalra St2 Lln1nt •••••••••••••••••••••• "JVC" table AM /FM llff PAIT· TI•I •llTIWI ee a t9'1phone promoll· on cletll 101 loc:el new· 1p1p1r. Private OHk, cqyel ettl .... Only requl· ~I la • gOOd phone volo8 end Iola or enthu· ....,,,, Hour• Mon-Fri, 5:30·9:30PM Set 9:30AM-1:30PM $84.00 to 1t1rt Arter 111 week, 1hare In pertnerahlp profits. For Interview. cell alter 6PM Ell""'rlenoe In video Ml., Ster t ing P•Y 1800 to R1t"""llbte •d11llt. o~ Ad~./Comm dec>I h" 50c·S8. Jewelry SOc-$5 **I BUY** tt.,eo r•dlo with 8 treek ,.... • 1300 -. mo Pd .. ..., ,..v.. Ol11swer1 26e·l4 Mir • r~ord pley~ *7" 00 & 1y1t1ma 1n11111111on • ,..... · ,...,.,. 2t. with ou111111<1lng, •I· opening for e11penalon ,., 0 -···• " • Excell wege & l>enefll• dlya & vacation.. HOIPI· lr•cllve pereonalltlet 10 N 8. F'l n Svea Flrrn. or·• 54 F ri only Good u .. d Furnllur1 & bllhroom "merblt type" Call Valerie fOf Interview 111 Ina,1v1ll. Interview by work with youth (lgll Oood typing. S/H, Exper 7am-6pm 1622 Monro Appllanc .. -OR 1 will NII 1lnk In 1 door & 2 drewer •PPI 642·1944 eppt only, 049-7 .. 1 • 10· 14). Call 2·4PM . r1q'd Non-1mkr Cell via. C.M or SELL ror 'l'ou C8blnel plu1 matching 2 ,Ill UnlTll LLOY08 NURSERY 042..,.321, Ext. 348. EOE 640-0123 ll11al1H'1ll IUITIH HCTlll door will Cllblnei & "m11rble 1upe' well 1hell, Legel Sec::retary In Hunt· ••• ••• • •• ••••• • • •• • •• • 141-1111 111-1121 ' '!'our orlgln1l. ltret·Qua111y lnglon Beech. PIT. bper pa-TIMI IEOln&aY A•llJ.IH 1005 ---------•II tor only $100 00, attwork mey be ueed In Necenary. At 11111 2 OM-~ILHI Full time for Newport •••• ••••••••••••••••• I llY FllllTIIRI norse bla11ke1-S20 00, our nation wide art· dlyt 1 week. Flex hour.. -Buch Jewl1h Temple. lfSlllEl'I lltME Lea 967_8133 0 1r 1' a r Id 1 n g h • t m11ketlng effort. Volurne Wiii tretn on IBM DllPI~ Enjoy wotklng wlth kid• all p . 8 6 1 • t 2 3 4 o,.. Full o f buullful, , 111 (1ma111-s2s 00. new cer 11111 of b11t1r llthO· writer 9-47-9041 w~ evening•. we 1reln 562-0639 enllque1 Cornp1 "lnlllO Cabinet, stained hrdwd. 2 lloor mat1 141-120 00 graphs 11 our bu1ine91 you to l>ICO'™I • youlh wood" bdrm HI S22 a d I . t he I v e I • new t4 Inch light 1t1oy For detail• c:eJI Mr Met-LIUl llOlnAIY coun1e1or. Cell 2·0PM, llCln&RY ooo; compl din. rm se1 36"W•26"H, 1lld lng rims IBMW'sJ ae1 of tin 867-86611 Newport Center Real 642·"321. >C.348 Expanding CPA Firm w/melchlng china cabl· glau doors Cu h $35 '4-$200 00. two new con- Eatat1 Lltlgellon firm FIT, phones, typing. die· net & armolre 115,000. 5'40-8520 tlnental 1teel belled ra· frHt It .. Oltrt Exp1r pret'd, l ull time. Apply In peraon Alk lor Margit. needt ex....,, .,.1, Sec'y, 1aphon1, 10 Kay. word 1ee1tier 10ra w/mllchlng ---------dlel ttres 195170 HA ....... .,....., p s hool h I I 1 E II h I & 1 I Beautiful Drexel dining rm 14·S tOO 00, BMW 3201 )llnt typing, dlctaphone & re· c proo • p u xce tnt c 8 rs 1100 s, genu ne st\orthand a must. SeJ•rv bttnellla. 833-9887 Judy I e op 1 rd couch w / iet. contemp but anti· hoodmaak·S20 00, mlr--, hi h I & t I & q u II I 0 0 le 6 c h r • r 0 r m 8 d I c I n e INJUAY 010 ~ou ••er atop 10 lhlnk lllal, tor 1 pick- pocket, 1• nanonell I• en lndullr el rel111d IN· JURY? #/1t1JIHH•I WHIH IOIJ .•..•.•••....•...•••.. WANTED Lanox Chine, Prl1GU1• pallern Dinner, O•l•d breao & butler platH Call An•wer ACI •59. 642--4300 24 hfl Power mow1t Ind ldgeo wanlttd, running or not 667-3039 Jf11it1/ l11t1••••t1 IOl3 ....••.•.............• I YAMAHA Bate Amp Head with a double t5" PV epeaker ceblnel Fender Bau Prec11lon Guitar with case and e,.. tras • all In excellent cond1llon IH-Olll, 1-IPll ••rf a , ... 1.1.1 497·4•77 EOE Found: Bird Perrot l'amlty Cerpet cleaning & llghl t---------- v I c e 0 I•. ch I c. & malntenanc:e. Some days lllru&. IFflCE Loat: M Springer Span, 11- ver &·wht, aummer heir· cul, cropped 1111. 811· lhlfd & Ellll. Reward. 988-5726 142-1118 tlT 312 open S40-BHO Teacher 11oanut (JI) ~~t~yn~~h~rr 1 ~11°~. $900/obo 760-3303 cat>lnet·$20 00 Call LIVE IN VEGETARIAN With good telephone 675-3738 wkdya, 551-4810 eves/ 642--0136 Expr'd and/or E c E ...... d ----------1 Lyle Electric Guitar. COOK & ma111u11 to vOlcl, who writ" legibly ---------.... n • llv• In bHul. Len Beh credentlala. Siert Sept 1, & 11 eccurate. E>collltnt M us T s ELL • ---------lllWOOI 2J11 DEOllll beautllul. musl see. home and do lite ~OUM· 8:30 10 noon dally. Salary 1uperv111on & comp1n-OESPEAATElll Women• 4 Poster King Waterbed 8 to 20' long, 36c per rt $300 Bob 63 t . t 178 Edinger. 846-1200 and aoma evenings, PI T Experienced peraon 10 F d M I 1111 Se 986-2531 run smell ofllCe·IYP• keeping. 404-8014 Kim. scale. C.M 540·8070 9 satlon CdM 640-8110 10 IPd bike. Sea11 Free and matching Colonlal 775-1491 enyt1me. 549-t269 10 12PM. s~•r1t, lllnt cond. sacr furn S tOOO /bat otr G ild • tic Ila / :,'21.\•1c. ;5 & 40~~ CASHIER/HOUSEWARES quotes. an,•,wser pdhon•. Call 546-3968. Seles. EJCper pref Apply process ma . pen part 11 Crown Hardware. llmt! learning Inspection 3107 E. Cit Hwy . CdM lor smell mechlne 11100. L /l SERVICE ST TON "" 842·7268 Family membership New· u ... cous gu r. w ••• PrtttH Hl'eW Pre· 1 oh I A 11I11 an I A 1 $65 OBO Antq matching ---------por1 Beach Tennis Club case S250 Must tell Min 2 yra exper. Heevy teacher I elde. PIT, Tue. ATIENDENT 1et ot 2 dressers & ladltta MHt Raitt Catlll 5600 Call collect Or Bob 631-1178, 549-1269 :r~~:~ :m~:~r~C:~.''::;f~ ~~~~~6:3M Nwpt Hg11. =~~!';;:: ~::i"1;::11:. ~:;ri.'Y$1t.~~6eio~~~~r~ ::;E,s1;;ACJ.,t~· Eg~: Low 2131326-'4840 PA Sysiem Allee, osc.· Fo11nd: or1nge "Tiger" kitten, brown coller, 11 OC College. 759-9Q.02 Found: Blk Lib. young dog, B•kar /Fairview, turned over to C .M Pound. Found: petr of lhlek lens glallN, Nwpl Bch near pier. 5-47 ·5128 Lou Found: Bleck Greet Dene vie. Huntington Beach. Cell 9114-1984. Found· Yng Golden Re- triever, M., Jumlne Crk. 8/22. N H Sheller 631-1030 FOUND: Love bird, vie 16th & Ollve, HB. 536-7430 Found. Female, Mlllld breed (alrdale?) 22nd & Tustin. 631·5'415 Lotl BrOWYl Wellet, Geor· gla Or. Lie. Mesa del Mar . C Coualna . 751-1210 Lost: F 2 yr old gray c:et. vie. Elden & Santa Isabel, r-ard. 646-2008 Found: ledlea welch vie 3rd and Jasmine CdM Identify. 644· 7605 Found: Male mix Aull. shepl1erd, blk /brwn. Mele mi. Shep Husky, wht. Male Springer Span Llver/wht, NB lie. Fem mixed ahepherd whl/ brown, male mix ahep blk /brown .. Newport Beach Sheller, 126 M ... Of". CM. e.«-3e5e ,,,,..,,, IJSI ....................... COEDS • Would love IO • p111y with you, CeU Sue or Kathy anytime. 213/804-3233 MICRO PreclSlon 27324 co S 1000 + comm. ranee & handwriting Ml Or will consider Ml· s 11 a 1 $ 1 6 7 . B • d S· J_o_h_n_W_a_y_n_e_T_e_n_n-1s-C-lu_b_1 Tapco. Includes mikes (S2oo+). 85 t--0«4. PROJECTIONIST, P/llme. Apply In person. 2590 ling sepatately Has been Mattress and Foundalfon Membe1sh1p for sale $1750 644-4605. Maintenance man II. 2 yrs exper pret'd, NB. Newport Blvd, C.M. In lamll)I lor years Re<:· Sets, Twins s77, lull 597. Beet olr. 7 t4/55 t-t94 I, CLERICAL Cimino Capistrano. La- lmmed. opening. On the gune Nlguel lob training. No/or 111e ___ 1_1•_·_•_99_·_•_60_8 __ typing. Flt & p/llme Sml 675-4560 alt 6PM lewlq ..... I•• 0,,,, esslon lorces salell Will Queen Sl-4], Kinn a167. ,_2_1_31_6_1_4-_3_1_73 ____ 1 exp. In construction. I I RR " consider bell otler 3 I bi """7 ,. Orums (Rogers) 4 Pc, Dyno snare 2 cymbal stands 1 nogn hel, Zlld· 11an & Palste cymbals + all hardware Good cond $360 857 -t662 , 673-0662 lee. 631-6886 0.111ler1• Needed for luxury La· guna Beach hotel Wee- kends a must. 3 days per week. Contact Mrs. Vaughan· Purdie. 494-8460 EOE OMI Min. 2 yra exper. Hiring lmmed Days only. (714)653-0735 DANCERS HOO te 11,000 •ttk Full & pert-lime dancers w1nted for B11e Min- imum Telegram• Audi· Ilona being held this week from 9 AM to 3 PM Apply al: Bare Minimum. 1807 W. Kalella, Ste 2 t6, Anaheim, or call (7 t4) 776-8421 Gene<al Htlp, earn up lo $'400 week t1klng snap shols 1n your area. Ama- teur photographers nee- ded. P/F lime, no exper or telllng rf'Q'd. Wrlle 10 Universe!, P 0. BoM 310, waler dill rlbullon P t •• 11111 Production exper ll9Cts· Please call 549_0576 pc lvlng rm ta es.,, . HEATER. forced alr, Gal- sy91ema. Backhoe exp. Supplement your Income sary. Piece ratN Cotto 4 Chair Dinette Set $97, tiers & Sattler S75 Make req'd. Slafl S t-465/mo, by doing lnlerNtlng wort\ Mesa 642-9651 _e_v_a_._______ bunk beds with matt olr 839-9547 ~:cna~,~~·11 ~~~; ~~mbp!~~~. $'.-n11~t1gouna~~ ... s1TIERS UdNLIMITED ~l/JJ!~~'J. ••...• !.~!~ ~IS~DllT FlllllTlllE 2 Tickets 10 "US"' concerl Weter Oletrlct, 306 3rd plusxlnt bonu1lnoent1ve na'>'eyouh!I expsrlence HARBOR AREA t959 Harbor, Cosl a 3 day tic k ets Paid St, L•guna Beach. program. Good speeklng working With Children In APPLIANCE SERVICE Mesa $37 so each, Wiii sell for •• 1 _, G d voice a must. For pereo-asn edTEucatlonel Miiiing? we sell recond , guar Ill ,.101 S35 each Save SS and General Office ... a ntenanc..,. er ener, nal Interview call Jell IT RS UNLIMITED. appliances 549-3077 _____ ..., ____ time walling In line lo Insurance agency In preler over 40 yrs, lor pa 11 er 1 0 n 11 the nation's first sllllng Swedish modern smoked 1_b_u_y_6_4_S_·_04_14 ____ 1 Montebello. Ca 90640 Costa Mesa hes o......,inn ept. complell, exper~ 7 t4/5'45-5776 franchise which provides Relrigeralor with freezer nl•ss dinette set xlnl Newp0rt Beach Athletlc & tor energetic per;;~· 'i~ neceHary. 5'48-9656.1---------··c are"' tor ct11ldren tor sale Worlls great • ~on d , sac S 3 7 5 Racquetball Club mem- handle a variety of ofllce1ii1iii2iii.7iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PIT Person dre11 shop In homes. pets & the elder-Asking $150 or best of-641-6633 bershlp In Nwpl Ctr , duties. Must be respon-11 N.B Wqmen·s clothing ly, desperately needs I er Ca 11 Dar I e n e ' $ t251obo 675-7597 01/itt ,.,.;,.,, , . .. ~,~!t!'!~~! .... ~~~ DESKS FOR SALE Desks and matching chairs at sacrlllce price at $550 Replacement cost $2300 CALL DAWN 9-Spm M-F 833-8600 siblt and willing 10 learn Manegement e•p nee S«-2470. Mar· q u a 11 I I e d 1 11 1 e 1 s '492-3327 or 83 t -46 75 Beaut R1v1era pillow back , __________ , Paid company benefits. Uttlt• ll1nth i...;;.oe________ 752-6228. I llY APPLl&ICEI sotabed. nr new. xlnt Tennis & social club, IBM E•ecullve model C Call after 9 am For ap-PURCHASING/ TlLlPIOIE Les 957-8133 cond $300 641-6633_ '1:6~~~,~~Pet~~50 Large carrrage S200 ~~91~~m909ent. call Pauline. M&•t, Tr1l1etS LIBRARY CLERK 11 llHEIY&TlllllT Oak 5 pc bdrm set. con-1 _________ 1 __ 64_5_-2_4_6_7_a_11e_r_1_p_m __ .,... ltsil Yeer Oarttr Retngerator. washer,. temporary style, 11lnl Vase1ely serigraph beau-Used Royal Bond Cooler "'IAPllC IEllll/ Siert your n-carttef on II PllUC UllUY IOISEWIYEI I dryer· ~:.~:•:ner 0 cond $400 631-6633 11rully lramad $1000 Xlnt cond. $600 • our 3rd sllllt. earning $4 STllEm lreezer 4 Ortho Supreme Queen ,_64_0-_9_60_5 ______ 1 641-1010 (Anita) UYHT Up to $4.SO es you be-Admlnla1raUon needs to Pleasant surroundings Sears Kenmore Washer/ mattress & Boll Spring, Carpel Sale Used & 2nds, --------'-- ,., ... ftr 14 a1t•OJ, come more exp'd, You 1111 40 hr/wk lemp. 6 mo. Easy hours, 3·9 pm, Dryer. Almond color, SI· lrame, headboard. gOOd l'!t quallty $4 99 sq yd r!!~•••••••••••••!.~? P/T T •• will be promoted to position l<nowledge of Mon-Fri No E11perlence most new will sell for cond $250 or make or-& padding & 1ns1a11111on S ' • ' mgmt & supervltory le-I n v o I c 1 n g , A I P , rlecessery. Office located $395 Sel. 966-1-436 tar 369 Relearn Pl. C.M Lrg selection 838-5543 lat camera eKper vels. Call: 71'4·537-4840 'I 1 kl In N_ B Call 641-0t19 ,.,,., ... ~. Tame $40 548-5440 helpluL 1 1 h Id sec IClerlca 1 lls a ne· 2 • Freezer CREDENZA Newport Bch Tennis club C 0 M M U N1C AT 1 0 N nterv ews e every cesslly Financial/budget belween -p rn 5200 1' ~ 0 IOfO ATS Wed 7-8 pm at 111 Del background dealrable or local college sports 546-47 54 Pecan, 56"'. 2 dr. per1ttC1 1amoly membership $250. .!~!'.'.'. •••• !f~!'!. ••••• A536 Mar, Costa MeH end Newport Center IOC-and performing arts pu-cond. $75 536-7482 P I us trans I I ea Like new Kimball Spinet l7l4) ·l 407 every Thurs 9am-noon at S7 69/hr Cell Nancy, l>llcat1on PIT, F/T Call REFRIGERATOR STORE FIXTURES lor 1_,6,..73_·_7_6_3_8 ______ 1 piano & bench less lhan UT& llTIY OUll 11111 snusts t390 N Cst Hwy . Lag. 640.2124 557-9910 Clean, trosllree, $1 50 sale Solid wood tabla/ 48"' round table, 4 mat· I yr old Call alter 6 pm, Motivated stylist needed ~~Bc~h~E~-~O~-~E~.~~~~1-1-Ul--E-..,-1-Tl-.-.. -1-1--T-e-iep-hon-9-5-a-le_s___ 6'42-4352 days/eves chairs. antique trunk, chong round benches. _s_s_5_·_14_8_6_. _____ _ Expendln~ Nwprt. Sch •• -J d 11 & b If 11 11 h I --'It to join progressive salon Earn Big Money b" the Musi Sell "enmore Etec woo wa cabinets eaut u Y nls ed n Elec1,.~ Poano, Wur11--. 1 er.... cer company hes s c / v MASOI Need 2 uper. p&09le In ' k 492 8922 1 th 1 1 1 -uv• FIT temp positions avail ell omm •cation. commerclal end lndu· beach, $300· $1000/ Dryer Runs perteclly rac s. • eves po yurde ene. mult Pe yr old, ideal lor apt f 0 E C •It rn an ager ~-k Call 536 751 t $100 s•6 9145 675-4'49t days. uses, lnelle, plcn c or S850 673-8701 or ala ntry clerks. · Musi have e11per. Hourly Slrlel real estate lor auc· ~-· • · .. • card t ab 1 e s 1 1 o 10,000 kay strokes per _7_t•_·_5_4<>-_8_8_8_9____ wage neg. 961-4591 cesalul and growing lltm Telephone sales & ltghl • • WANTED ** Queen bdrm se1. armOlre, 540· 1735 Ptano & Bench. Melville hr. exp er requi red Hardware Sales P/T, semi Best wooing conditions delivery. Apply 779 w UPRIGHT FREEZER It bridge, dresser, mtr· ----------· Clark Xlnl cond S500 Con I a c I J . Ta II or retired 1ype, Apply In Mature counter per1on. In N • w po rt Be a ch . 19th SI. Costa Mesa, Ste Good cond 546-0659 rors. all hardwood ash Flberglass Spa 40" · only 540-9293 M on.·Frl. 6a m . to person, Crown Hard-PIT Harbor Cleenera. 71-4/646-5051 H Beaulllul • llke new $50. no accessories. ---------· 4:30pm 71'4-759-7900 ware. 3107 E. Cat Hwy, 16-475 Harbor Bl, Fin Vly REAL ESTATE SALES. ---------ff!T!!!! ••••.•••• ~!'.~~ St300 set 966-1436 549-2585 Sr.,rli•f. c.H1 IOH IEIT&L lll'T CdM 639·2555 Personable. motlvlled Telt•h•H Sales Men's 26" 10 speed, new TABLE. round w/'4 chalra, 1C._H_U_A_C_H_P_EW--9-',_s_o_ll_d 1 3oo·M~~ w:;,~;b;·;;·7 NEWPORT BEACH IUlTI OLll MEO CHIROPRACTIC talea people needed to ~~oC~~~ ~oe:'~tcca;~; condition SSO Caned back, sotld. S1eall oak hand carved Spa· Redfield Scope s7oo Challenglng. rewarding IUl&IER ASSISTANT 1 girt office earn s 1000 P9f w11 wor· inro. Cell 63 t. 7200 Aak , ____ e_,._7_-_800_5___ $400 536-3438 eves. n 1 s h s t y I e $ 3 o O 83 l -2877 car-oppt'y lor 8 ma-M.I/. C M , Anh . H.B., Pr~TquPtMre'dlni.Bexepernelencetlls k4lnlgr•20lnlnhgrsp_rwokv~:.:11en0an'' lor Mr.,Carson. Din Bike. Good condlllon Moving. must sell gor.1_5_4 _0·_9_2_9_3 ______ 1 f" •. ,,·, lure, energetic, exper.. G.G. locations. Salary & y a """'· Mull sell S 125/olfer geous burlwood collff •AllC llUll r, -/ aa1·1. Top pay Fringe comm to $25,000 48 hr 541-4779 Flvey 714-720-Q234. •7T50oP~YE~S MP?tDDEDL~ILY 962-7657 I b I & c Io ck $ 6 o o MEMBERSHIP BJFi SttrH IOfl benefits 4 dys Non· wk Incl. eves & wlmds. • .... EST·n •ain • ,. ,. ,. 547 '4970 ······"'··············· amkr. 544.-0595 859_1983 Nice woman 10 care ror ~ • -no esp nee • 826-2583 Men's 5-spd beach crul • FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA una a Yllll'I PHOTO MODeLS ESCORTS/DANCERS relined lady Thura. & Fri. Why not try time lheres Mt, $225. Call 640-5100, 675-163 t, IOAM·5PM Col0< Tl/ sale 2 'fl wrnty Dental HOSPITAL trom 4:30PM 10 8.00AM. Ind meke some money EXTo;EsRTOO~LEY exl 19. 9-5:30. Doug ,,, .... , llest•ff4 BEAUTIFUL! Full length St48 Free delivery. Experletlcld R.D A. nee-•0,...11• 11 644_.6 .... 7 lor a change? 751-319t c TV John"s 846-1786 ded for Orthodontic 11 vww • ca • · Sales, Cashiering, stock IPHI 011110 dining furniture, eppral-anadlan Lynx coal. OUTCALL 24 HRS NM21l SUNNY'S Executive Str-Rldvctlon: Oflic.-hm-oulcall 631~77 *** lff11ti1 Parler Open 24 hr1 1 dey 7 dayt 1 w.k J1cuz:zl, Saune. Locel1 •• well ti To11rl1t1. BankAmerlctrd, Amtr· lean Expr-. Olnert. AH -leome 714/MS-3433. 2112 Hert>or Bl. CM prectlol In Mission VltJo IEOllYULE llRllRY UUI Reoel~lng Clerk ~or r~tall FAO Schwan 754-156 t NEW, $60. 673•934.-~fter v~~-~~;g<> or best ~!'~ r :~r1 : ~ • ~~00 ~II Altec Lansing 1100< IPU· ., ... 630-3703. G-al office poallion In Looking for penonable, cloth ng st0<e ull I me _,IT 10011 -1 857 6657 kers. S250 each. E.llcel· corp accll. receivable I p osition , Mon -Fri. nn """ llEI Velvet couch & lov-•t.1--·--------1 lent condition SherwOOd MITAL AllllTAIT otrlce. Medlcal bllllng ~~~t·,:~~~~e:;,::r:~ 8:30·5.30. E>1p. prefer-Part time. 3 afternoons NEW. S50 573.9344 grn/gold floral. good Hosp bed elec . w / receiver $50 Wiii deal Do you went• career In ex per prel'd Good bllalled Co Ml 1 red C all lor •PPl. I Per week · Cd M SCHWINN Boy's 24• l/ar· cond $300 551·21112 trapeze. wheelchair, 857•4l98 Orlho utlllzlng all your cornmunlcatlon math-est• n yr 6"4·5070 Alk lor Ketle. 955-3004 ~a Iker c r u I c h es ADA skllla? Ellcel wage & matlcal and typing skill;: retell nursery Hlllng ex· ---------slty lO·•Ptted. xlnl cond Solabttd. queen size. very ~ · lha111/ HIO benellla. 640-0 t21 per. req'd. F/tlme. Ster· Receptionist Und-rltlng S 100_ 545-2663 comlortabla, xlnt cond. l-;;9;;66-=1=2=25;;__....;==~ •••••••••• ••• • ••• • •••• Mu1t be dependable, ting salary S900 10 $1, IEWPllT CllTEI Our Growing Generel St95. 497•2933 1• 36' Richardson Sport HIT&L r e s P -. e n d s e I r • 200 per mo Pd. hOlldeyt TllOI If Al a-Agency has an excellent l•il'i•I For Cla&Stlied Ad Fosher Steeps 6 Asking motivated. & vacations. Moapllallza--opportunity tor an expe-•1 Id IOZS Beautiful Fr1nct1 Prov di ACTION s t6 ooo (2 3 9 8 8 3 llJILURIH1 I Ruiz 71'4~'40-8950 uon ln1. 1vall. Interview *'421* rlenottd auto underwriter •••••• !! ... ~•••••••••• nlng room sulla In Cher: Cell a · 1 1 1 • 4 7 ~~~~~,, c~~~·,e~u~n~~ Hotel ~fuu·~ri'.·S:~~~«c1at1 Tue ~::C'.'~11r=:i~~ ~ ~~:_~:V:x~.~~l~u~o~~ IOW Hol n . ~~;,~0r •• :~~~~~;s,oov9a~ f~~~,~~~ ~'j' ¥•~e ~4~ a~ t·~:: grow. Ple11san1. busy, IEll OLE'IUll LLOYDS NURSERY Ills prestige but beeull· standerd merketa We Aed"."ood 2x6 decking. Inches). leble ped1. bul· 642-5678 versrde Cty lor sall or .. 1abllshed office needs Brlg'11 Energetic lndlvl-----------1 lul surrounding• & nice otter competitive aalery, 4-20 king;'''° redwood let, 6 uphl ct1alrs. All In power boat. 833·0013 a front office peraon. duals Some experience l•rnry Yar••• people. '!'our amlle & excellenl fringe t>enellta, fencing. Call Jim or Ken eitcellent condition Approx. SS0.000 1lso a chelrslda essls· required. Siert work Im· To do 11ocklng, help wllh profa11lonal ability lo and a pleasant wonting anytime, 77S-t•9 t $1495 540-6627 t1nl. This la en opportu--mediately Good Bene· watering Full llma handltbusy~l1all environment Call Lori, Clll 1035 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nlty 10 wont• In a prog· t1t1. On the ocean. Call weekdeys. ln\ervlew by th et la needed to land 649-9923 • • •• • • • • •••• •••• •• •• •• rHll\19, Interesting envl-today.orapplyat:34882 appl only Tuel lhru Fri this Ideal poelllon. ---------&leek smoke Pertl1n. ronmenl . 640-1122 So. Coast Hwy. Capl-646-7441 6"4-7t60. VETERINARY HOSP M ale. ' yr, $150 ObO 2 PC IECT. SOFA Boat picture ads provide EllTIO lllCEll laolleler/latll•- lortH• ••rtles. strano Blach need• one PI T A.H T. Dental Malltant. lull time. (114) Of.NII __ L_L_O_Y_os __ N_u_R_S_E_R_Y_ Resteurent BookkMper. and two kennel 11111-_9_5_7_·_060_7 ______ 1 front & beck office ex----'--...;._--~--i NURSES AIDES for per· eccoununo lllPlf llelptul. 1a111s Call 631·1030 Have new sofa -mull sett lmmedl Coco• brown velour. good cond, $75 !'!!.~ ............ !.~! ~~~~53~6-~9~83~2~~~ Tiit Last l1n ... JIMNI Ill 1111 Flnenclelty MCUr• genl· llfnan, 40, would Ilk• to meet l1dy betwMn 20 and 40. Lovea ctllldren, lrevellng, boellng. Send phOIO, diectMt. Write Ad No. 729 CIO Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. PO 80~ 15&0. Coate M .... CA 92626 1lnlllll ,.,.,.., .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ...-.mn.m11 EIOOtt for Women 491-5725 (ti« ""1'r'1 r1a.1 1411 ...................... Round trip LA. to Attaru. 111 CIHI, 1080 Vllllt, NCrlflcl t600 Olllf\, V .. lld for 1 yt. 007·71H, 673-3481 Jeff ~! ......... . ...... ,.,,,_,,_ ,., •••••••••••••••••••••• Now Enrolllna: No eftf ollo ment fM. 131.IOwlt lnCll hot lundl. l4&-M23 P!!l.!!. .. '11. •• -TJ!J I Hiii ,. ..... NJA~ ,....,.... ........... . "~~,......-­PlfltnOI, .. ~ tr· ping 111• • '"~ a tot of rtlpOftllblllty, ~ MM y:ou. Call t1t·7000 (Ellalfl). perlenoe. RDA X-Aay lie Holel sonal cer1 unit of new Part-time. Apply In per- req., aatery open, ~ IUlll retirement reclllly. At· son 9· t 1 at Josh Slo· flta, Newport Blach area. needed lor retort pro-gent1 Point, Irv. FIT & cum1 Resteurenl, 2601 642·6680, evea & Wknds perty. Call today. or ap-PIT Oayt & PM'a. Xlnl W. Coest Hwy, N.8. 673-3403. wonting c:oods & '*'-" ply e t 34862 South 1118 Appt 801•1656 Selel llSTlllfTtll Coast Hwy, Caplatrano 8AM.,.PM Mon-Fri. Eat. Salas Rep. to dltlrl· St•rt lmmed., lull or pl/ Beach ----------l bute Tiie N-Europeen llm1 Exciting money (114) 4H-llH You don't need a gun to Ettortllaa E.xe«clsl m• making oppty. No exp. ---------"draw fut" wtlen "OU Clllne. Comm. Wiii treln. ~eople wl'lo need people , T 1 t I I d req. For detall1, wrlle to piece an Id In the Ollfy err or ea au one . C.E. Publlahlrs. 220 Nice ·~:~.-:~:~~ t':: Piiot Want Adel Cell now ,_2_13-_5_92_-"_23_9 ___ _ Ln 1t215. N.B. 92663 DAILY PILOT 1-'-64_2-_5&_7_8. _____ Siies; Herdwere, tun tlma ( l ) ) ~ r.:::\ t1~~-t 14NTBD ~ ~B~~~~. '<co:>)),--. ---t l . ., /"'...,,. Newspaper ........ ~ ............. "'--......J l \ Carriers tor ro:.es - in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EamllKJs Super Trips • • Great Prins l -• J.'. r CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT D1llyPlllt 642-4321 In retell hardwere atore. no Sund1ys or evea. s .. Steve, H W. Wright Co. 126 Aochesler. Co11a Meaa. Sllee, PIT, Attlll Fabric Store An1. (7 t4Y 772 .... 471 S•les RepreaentatlV'tt for • unique, ,_ mlnl-90*tf llUffer l9C)tt bolt. Ext.,_ elve blckground nee. Aeaumea only. B1ateJ1. Inc .. 3891 M1cArthur Blvd, Ste toe. NB •2eeo 8alel 1m111t Looking for edra In• come? Try Plrt•Tlme ...... Tuetd~ ttlru Fn-d~. 8 AM to 12 Noon. Apgly Pl!NNYSAl/EA. tt 0 Placent11 Ave. C0.11 MeM. Altc !of Mra. Whl11 laLll Water Work• Supply • 1n11c1e1ou111cte utetper• i on, Cell El1 l111 (114~25. Mori,.....,. ........ ,,. OM'll)lna .. _"Ii" .• ~·"~.,... ...... ~' u11t'1 not .. otr.o UMd ...... ~-· C ......... Ad. W1nted to sell speclelly las IM41tHt Olau - Item, w/pay $5.00 hr, s1...n up nowl For lnlo· Bo11d11' a..4110f5 only work 5 hrs an eve. ~Can ~7·7688 FV a~·;.~·u·;,,~~~;d·~i;;;;;d earn big SS. C all--------- 714-675-7618 btwn 7 & tei.H btrlt,.r couch_ ~~~-c7~2~ 12AM. Paul 1'4 mo old need• home wtL.u 631-7992, 752-0651 Moving Sale Gas Oryet, ----------1 Maple Bd Set, Ma1al OI· Min. $9.35 hr Job avall Mlnleture Sehnauzeo Pup-flee desk, Oval table, now. Cell lmmed. Sml Pies. AKC regrs Ch11mp Collee teble. bookcua. lee. 631-6688 sired. 3M/1F, 768-8623 V•cuum cleaners, old Shop et home. II'• .. ,) FREE to a good home 4 yr with cll&Sltlttd 642.5578 old pure bred, mele Shellle 645-8010 records. blrd·cai;es. me- tal loldlng cna1r1, old dresses. 673-6390 \ r .,-Tl un 11111Dlfll. 11•1• sw / (orYn .... ,1 .......... -., 1. Place your ad In the Dilly Piiot Cl .... fted MCtlon (It'• *' to run 3 daY8 for maximum exJ)OIUte). If you pey for your ad In mdVanoe we'h run It 3 days and onty charge you for 21 2. a.t your FAE£ Oerage Salt e6gr'8 (all you nave to do It come In to the Diiiy Piiot & P«Y for your ad tn advlnoe - wewtll ~you -11•17 Slgne -fRH of-.~ 3. Moe eedt pteoe' ~ ~. •. H1v' plenty ot cneno• on nano (nlOk•. dfmee, quarlena, halwe, one and nw dollar bfl~). s. Mu, M.¥t a.in. Ind oount your tftOM'/ •t the end Of .... Hy. ~~~~ .... ,,...,, ' ~Vun CL.Allna -. ~·u "°"'" r.... ~ I j 28' Erlcaon Fully equipped crulae. 8 aalls, UHF. comp ... , covere Perteot condlll<>fl S Hl.500 123-4587 Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Pilot boat picture ad. Each Saturday, the Dally Piiot wlll offer you ad apace that not only delcrlbea your boat, but plcturea tt as well. The price II guaranteed to buoy your IPfrlta -$45 If we take tM picture. and only $<40 If you proVlde tM pfciure for a 2 column 3" Id. For further det1ll1 about how Dally Piiot bOllt picture ad• C8t\ wor1( fot you and to 1ehedule yaur ad, call &42·5878 and Mk tor Sally Lee. .. . ·- Orang' OOHt DAIL V PILOT IW•dn•1d1y, Auguat 2&, 1082 ..... .... ._.,. hi/ MM #fltlf'lf#I/ bllftH/ V• 1 l.'•1f A•• Wow I.a. A•ltt l•Mll# • _,_1 Mlf "n!ill.rn ••••••• T.9lf ...,,.,. lllf (fJHUtf /.fH •• !.'!••••••••••••• r.. •A•••IZ'rT•l'l'•••• 00u •••••W•••'·•··••••••••• ••r.1J111"1";";" •••• Tr;t 11 1111111111 Ol11g11~.! .. ' I ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •• ':? rr '°'"Ven Ce>tw Premium poc;a "'••• 111f A•l11 u,,, .•................•..• ~l.~'!1. !fr.t.'11. .••••• ~.'.'!11. Pf!I. •••••••••• Y.'HI.'!•"· ••••. mt v~.-m111 •••••••• 1!.¥. I ... , P\eclM• 01t1Qn, Wldol~. ...... ·1• Kawu~1 1</llOO !I &tUO.heklH t.l\1n1p1on * •tlT AU * µtkl fOf aov w..O Cilf •••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 MOil 1111 tHO Of US 9101 Ct .. 11 tl11tttd 1u1"I to t p1u op1 Nl1.1 011 ibUMMlfHtM! fUNt (lo,.ign Of Clumettle) 'l'I 210 Wegon, tupe1 1' HOIC I UIO AIC ••lfMn ,,., n• ......•..•..••••.••..• 1973 Camaro Lt HO AMl ,M, 4 epd, •lnl c.ond 13500 524 t211 '41 °"" ml •ltH 11300 0u,11 • 'l760 21l1&t1 1103 Co1tiplit .. y cuetomlatO 1n gooo conclltlon 1herp .cue c:tu11 -'OK •l«eo. Ilk• new l&e&O 'if"Hii' ht~ motOf llTAllWI l&kl O.all 0<11 J2fll l•d l••H IH4e4 & 1111 con1a1n1ct w1111 lt1 U1 flirlll mllee II ape>. iool i.ct< Pl) ~2 7710 1111 llU Tiii WI. n nua lo ml .. ,,. , ... n CUtlUIJI P•llll tUntf AMHM , ... "•k•no 111 ~00 ANY OFHR 073·81168 ltlll1 ~:.low hfi I 1800 (V1t11u1e1 New main N\d ''"" 11tr10 c111ln1t1 4' mpg, AM fM lookl t42·1uoo jlO, mtda IOf Mac:OtllQOf y=~~ a":~Clfv;c;I• wlln IUll fOflJ We>Olly WI 001111 Cu11om p1lnt' llkl M•tOICIH 14600 '11 110 ll 1310 \714) ~o llOSO &ea 0070 gon lt:J 000 w•IHI• & much more to 547_.111_0___ 7.000 '"" .. wha wt•MI• 82 Ch•ll'f wor1lltlg, Oflgl nil own« 1800 Of *t 011.,, 1162·0209 'M 401\p !vtnrude t hOfl tll:.l9 ford Model A town ... (IW74041 Ju11 nHCI '19 HOZX,. QI p11g, 6·1pd, l:ll.000 213·032·811711 •heflld. oleen, Lekt 32 CllUIC C1u111nH 79 "'""n• lf26U oo S.Ua11 ,,0.000 lllltOll peny to make , .. , louver•. bll. Ann -----n vw 8ug Aini palnl 80 Cll1tlon_4_d_r-h1_1_Ch_b_k_. M • e d m Oto' I 7 0 0 81...,.,, "-r-• c-A"" l ul cond, S7&0 Ot tt•d• for 11oall monlhly pm ta No ••h•ull nu "'" & man1 t11n3 MB 220 'l Hood twdy & •"0 ,,_ raellalt 64M7&4 111 0 ~ .. ...,..,., "'"' H d 1 8 ~ ATC t -.. I runk, Radii IOI hit 12300 406·9&27 alt llPM Flnland 111&7 Cu11om on 1 · 1 lllUJ Stut111b1tk•11 Av1m11 od contttOl• 10 auume 211K ml 561 11206 1101111 and Mlac: sno ell 111tr11. unda1 war· r11n1y , ••011 cond 149001080, 550·84 t4, 644--170 '1t Johnton • I hp 0/8 lntr Luk• SIS 1tov1. ~2•4034 16!>00 117~ II lu I Nu bac;k pmll Out Atk 1146·0792 1161 2220 7'I vw W11t11ll• Pop ToP wltanll. Lo 1111 L00111 & Vl'fF. O' nteu dingy 'll llZ ... 11 •••10 10 ' 110•• 94:.> 44oo . 11111111 1 111 I c camper ai.tr• clean 16 rune 01111 149 .. 1011•, M•n"'Hlr:a O.."""'rll• • " • '~ llolot•d C.11111\i J•ruto llM ' '11 ~·1 " ·70 710. A/ · 88K ml, I 77 4 50 SEL Sunrt, 000 llJ1 8tl•6 66 .. ll010 " mutt' NII 128.ooO°'or bat W/EXTRAS, $400 OMC 1, T wit f 1111, t H•l,1 \t. 1 )llt1t1 •1 I 2 3 0 0 C tu h 111 m be IO• I ti r 0 wn 1 n tr 79 C11ev1111, 4 tpd, w ino $2800 Call John. 652-0328 Dave 646 6351 and hMd,.ullc 1111 bed ell 19 73 Dodg• Van, •Int A l -~ ~88 J734 •It 6PM S 15,000oh 873 1163 fl 1 RAJA"'"'"" $7'i0 or otr 1176 11311t d•v• • cunu $11100 t506 •l••'I ... ,,_ _ " W. llart1t ..... ·71 Hond• CB 400, Kint n•w fUt)tllng 0 11' Newport Blvd C M ••••• •••'•••••••••••• f1tt'1l 11ZJ "'1tl IT;J;i 11"11 011111 '200. 004-1217 Schook Flwgleu S•t>ot, condition s8oo Ml•ll $3600/bll Mu1t ull tl42 2060 A•" 110i •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~·••••••••••••••••~! 983 585CI ..,. .. -,.--,,-.... -,--Hf--0 ~u~~·~0vt11 itlck1 NII 646·6768 ;4Cl·303/7 / '74 l)o(jga Ven 1T . lo ml, "io"h.ii"iooo'T~,.·~· 'o":l~:.~~~:~~~ ·~11l~G:is"~g1 ~~~~~f' 7'J Suf;&cJ:,""' 64 Chevy Wegon, good 11a1ltport1tlon sg50 646-2206 att 8PM ci:;;~~·j9-:·i.~·p·::;;:; 1--,-.-,-,,-,0-.-.-.-,-.-." 77 Sdululkl PE2610. •,'"' ~!·~,' ,••• 91130 lllnt cond $2000 or bit 26,000 mll11, fully loaded FE•flARI 407·• 153 • " "" con • o m1 , oav ng rf• t II ~ olr 045·2661 aunrool. gd cond Llk• n 11••111 1141 ~~73=. ~~~e ~6 ?1· ~~11~~~~}s~53~y1 ~~~~t~~2;'u,s4t5~~~e~ • "vA°GA rio;,tsr,-eci.+:i°" • A•lll WHIH ISIO new· s t 3 • 4 o o o Bo IHLIHlllPI ••.A ••••••••••••••• •• ~lrr.~r~~~~rb:fo~ n~~:,' c •• ,,.,.,.i H30 ...................... 676• 1978, 675-6911 16 OMC Van Conv, low • •• ••••• •••• ••• ••••••• 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 e v e • . I LEASE A 1112 28' Cllrle C reft cabin J •11 857·11684 day• PEU111EOT IOI I 548·3194 , 645·3746 1 Htl1 ~ 11 mile•. xln1 cond Mu•• WE PAY I ~Mm~fl • ----cru 11'· •ng. & trana. "--L, 4 010 'll MOHA 01100 aou 6488123 JltW 111 ~ TUlllO DIESEL 70 vw Bug. 62.000 m1, rtbll, flCtntly refur· .._. ~ • • '82 CONTINENTAL *•Ill IEl.L * Buautllul n-body ttyle, elmllar to 81vllle but d .. signed w lllmou•ln1 oomtort luxury Int. & comptetely appointed incl etec lnll p1n11 & 11ntry •Y•lem Auto w/ ovllrdrlv1 to give you o•eal gae mll•ag• whlle drlVlng In atylel Juat need 1et111ble p11ty to mike small monlhly pmta. No old cont1acts to euume. No beck pmll due Atk for Rote 842-4400, Proto LIM bl•h9d, bait tank, radio •••••••••••••••••••••• 7000 Ml, lll<E NEW ATC 165S TOP DOLLAR •••••••••••••••••••••• ong uuto trans .. clutcn wpt 1llp Incl Xlnt del Mar 11rH. S9 pr It FOR USED OARS p11lnt & uphol 11900 N Slip• av1ll1ble, Corono $8f>O 645·4199 $lOOO $289 r..cu111ty ove•"8uled New ehape . Stt .500 Peggy 01 Carrie /111torH0•11,S1/1/ 5464754art:i 130'>188 815-9585 955·2473 wkdys 6-5 I !f.$ g160 AW Mlllll 3100 Well Coaat Hwy *Ill IPUll 41 F II I ••• ~'! •• !!!!f! .. •••••• ~.!!~!!!.'!!!!!!. }.~~~ POITIAO/lllAH Ne;~~'.~4~e5ach 48 P~o'::~'~•~'~:~·~,HJ vw"~~sn~'::' ::~•• Winner of Character f , ••r 11 Rent 26' motoi homo LARGEST JEEP DEALER 2480 Harbor Blvd 1eate on approved t ro 66l 2220 Boat Perade. 17' )(Int Excellent Newport Hat· sips 8, fully loallt1d In the Wost COSTA MESA F/11 112$ dlt (;up cosl·S 15, 136, 70 VW Bu• t•bt1 enn b I bor loc Nier Public 645-8616 deaperetety needs 141·4100 •••••••••••••••••••••• $1650 cash required • u " t!:t c~ul•~73 ,20~~0 °' Dock $15,000 554-2326 A---S-rvi._...,-your JEEP IALEl·IEllYIOI ·70 Flat 850 Spyder Con· Come 10 and ask tor de· neeos minor work ___ o_.,_. __ • ___ PIER up 10 28 $150/mo. al• I et, '111 Hlgnest Dollar Po1d 141·141l LWlll vert11>1e. new br11ku, 181111 (Ser.16685) 51600 Aon 631·9069 Mull llquld1te 26' Wall· t8' s IOO/mo Marcus I Attlllltill 9400 Call Gery Gray WE IUY 831-2040 495.4949 flaw clutcn new ttans BEACH IMPORTS craft Nova wt trtr Sipe 4. Chennel 1173.8145 _Aj1"(;ii•e•vy•·;;~;;·P·;r~;·~: HAHi COAST UllLEUOI IMW neaoa top aome light xlnt cond. tat $81100 --------OLEAM CARS body wo1k 1uns good llkee 11 Pvt pty Awallalll•ltwl ton 10 dtesel Abll AllC/JIEP/RHIULT 26402 Margull'•tePkwy s900IOBO Good sum 848 Dove S1reet NEWPORT BEACH 7 1 BUG fHCl'I c.ond Must see $1950 544 7969 &46-12301154-8882 BY OWNER transmission from 5 165 2524 Horbor Blvd . CM &MD TRUCKS Mission VleJo mer CO• cno1 548·5863 30 Dock power 0, lull & up 554· 1850 549·8023 645 7'770 (Avery E111t off 1·61 752-0900 76 VW S upttr Beetle Conv Mint cond Ong OOITllEITAL OLAlllO I.AH Ill $2500 ObO 642·7500 v!i~: 'J!!a~~~:10 down mesl. $150 mo Autobody Student needs frJ1tlt1 9560 Open Sundaya CONHfLL CHEVROLET 675,...0652 pro1ects. ·70 to 82 Imp • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• ~~A 18$pyd;;convert, 5 spd, red. gold plnatnpe, good cond, runa xlnt •SK $5000/obo 842·4352 lorttil 9150 o wner 01ange11>tk • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • •• • ••• • S7000 963 ... 1000 Bob a ff JS Sturdy, fist, c taulc. & Domestic sm cars Ille 80 Datsun 4x4 Pickup c:enter conaote 1teerlng. Dock for 26' boat w/30r, trucks. Neer tolats SS * llT•.Ml""M * $3750 :.>Ba dplx, Newport Can· S M $$ • 67S-i980 or 833·8701 al $900 mo. 673-3663 eve oney no 1unk, Ge1 fillrl high with tnlS 2nd office service sporty brn melelllo 4WD I' THHI leat ltwp•rt IHf Slip 2 l3·9"4•8452 complete w/shell, AM/ Fetter, funer, aarer, than UP TO 44 It PAINT & tne oody work, FMICB guoges Use lor A Jet ski, with ualler $350 month 673·4424 up to 50% o!I your body w o • k o • p I a y Nelda motor. $1200. 12' ...... ,, , . ........,,, ' shop es1 Biii 536-9832 BUT DON'T DELA YI mlml el<I bolt, 2 aeater. ... ( ,,.,.... ( 1W73366) Just nee<J 1e 45 HP Mere. St,000 Ski 1010 4 Mag Wheels US Indy liable party 10 make &46-2730 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 SX 8 5 $200/bst vlr small monthly pmts N1> ---------16' lrl hull, o/bow, OMC 639-9547 old con1racts 10 ossume $3900 buye II 28' fiber· 120. 100 hrs, tow cvr. 11•15 LT true·track tires No bock pmts duo Ask glaH navy whale boat, canvas, $5500/obo. SIO for Rose 642·4400. Proto dlea1I powered 552·7758 545.4754 alt 5. LIM _&<1_2._1_0_56_. _____ 4 x 8 tt Custom slate pool ------- '74 CaMN' ~5'. mini cond table $500. Please call Aalo• lot s.1. Lots of equip. wlll self or 760·623~ eves • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • trade. 675-5861 1---------IMPORTANT NOTICE '65 Ford 'tT Pick up. tool coxes, rnck & snell $650 63 1·2938 Bolton Whaler, 2 yrs old, '!!!!~!! .. '!~~ .... •••• 11', 35HP motor, xtnl lt•tllilH likll 1140 TO READERS AND 55 AeSIOred Classic ADVERTISERS GMC >.T wtlh I ton rear cond. $3,000 firm. (7 14') •••••••••••••••••••••• The price of Items ad end. hydrau11c lift bed, all _8_•_0_-_1_28_2 ______ Puch Mo-Ped, mint cond, verltsect by vehicle dea· new r u n n 1 n g g ea r lers 1n the vehicle ctass1 S35001t>st Musi sell 25' Baytlne<. 1972. cabin. low mlleage S350. Call 6<12·2483 lied adve111s1ng column& 1 646-3037 Mercrutser motor, good cond. $5900. 675-8032 .. ,., .,., VESPA MOPED. good cond Only $200 675-4792 does not 1nctue1e any 69 FC1rd F 100 V8 4 spd applicable taxes hcense AC new 1ires body transfer tees. finance straight. ndS paint charges, lees for air pol· $ !350 •94·6675 Clartf1 IOSO •••.••••........•...•. 40' Viking for Charter , Fl•hlng, diving & en· tertalnment Call 862·2788 1a1 a-ao ''"" • -Newport. 114/631-3600, 494-4808 ... ,. S.11 IOIO ·····'················ 18' Hobie Cat, yellow w/ teq. sunrlaa 11111 Like new. $2500. 675-6161. Ullll ULE Save big bucktl 25 new Laaers used lor 3 days In the O'Oay stngle handed championship• Fully equipped. The Luer Store 824 W. 16th St. C.M. 642-0646 lullon control oevtce 82 PUCH·MAXI, brand cert1l1callons or dealer new, never used $450 640·860l leave msg documentary prepare· lion charges unless '79 MOTOBECANE Un· otherwise specified by der 100 miles. has Oas· lhe advemser kets. $400 640·860 t ,._1• / leave message JUJ lfflel , Cl111ic1 9520 11 REI 121 YES PA • • • •• • •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • Moving.must sac. $, 100. MOIEl "l "sl 964 ·2205/64!1-2661 Shay replicas; pickups & ll1111c~l11/ StHlltl coupes 4 lo choose lroml (006768) (Stk 9 l SO A3093) Prices starting at v~;,;;h;·c,·;·;;5··5t~~~~ HLJ 11,IHI legal. mint condition, llke new with only 350 mlle11 Call Mark at 845-2038. If no answer. please keep lrylng .. evenings best THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOit 8LVD. COSTA MfSA 642·0010 1976 Husky 125 MX. In perfect condltionl Must sen for ONLY 1400. Call Mark at 645-2036. If no People who Mid people• answer, please keep should alwa)'I check the trying evenings besL Service Directory In Jhl DAILY PILOT Ctaulfled, 642-5678 • A111 hrrit1, lu11 ''' llmn, ,,,,. I ~,,.,,,;,, HOO I MfflHtin HOO ..........•••.......•..•.•......•.....•.•••• 7 t Toyota v 6 Buick Muncie 4 sp1111d Mags. shell S•OOO invested S 1500 or trade ? '6• Cor11111r Van Runs good 1350 645·2730 Mark · 7 4 Ford Cour let hes camper call alt 6PM, 549 3579 ·73 DATSUN w/shell, auto. megll, 78K m1 S ,900 775·6261$ TUNE-UPS: ft'HA.T, ft'HV, HOW Surveys tell us three 001 or every five can on the ro:id Q)(f.ay need a tune·up Th~ typical questions Crom motonslS about vehicle malnt.enance and the answers have been prepared by lhe Car Catt Council Q. WHAT IS A TUNE-UP? .!>01 tldrbi,r Ill••! ''°"' >\ .. H ~ \ 546-1200 Mlllf HJH Sales·Servlce-Leaslng 'U 120111 Ar• llerel Nice Selecllonl * '76 200:.>, 4 spd . sn/rl (917PVB) '10 l•f S•l4tr 1 H 1<100 cc OHC 98,000 orig ml Reg gas, •Int cond $1400 494·6948, 661·5037 alter 5 PM 1111 POlllOME 111 l9 Bi..g Convert whtlwhl, ~..(!•••••••••••••••• Jet •I ao k cu' t • 1 •trns great conc Lo m1 76 Dodge Aspen, Spec LH4•4, HIJ 1•,000 -~6300 1·494·4004 Edit 6•K m1, ell power, 8 c:yl Call all 4, 673-t2<16 •llH I a 5 JHF or 72 vw Super Beelle. 80,000 •Ht warr••fJ. clean. good cond $2300 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • Top dollars for Sports Cora, Buga, Campers, 9 t4's, Audi's * '79 3201, auto , A/C t-u-0-11-,-.----9121 (5467750) ~~ •••••••••••••••••••• I sunrl AM/F M cass, For4 IHO l111t !lt SHI fl ft1llJ 759·070 I 7 I FORD Maverick Good I I 0 II " I -cond 3 new tires, econ appreo •t• • • Volvo 9112 $650 494.321 t Ask tor U/C MGR Jiil llHllO YOLISWHH 18711 Beach Blvd. * ·19 3201, 4 spd . 100· MOllll .. UllTIH1 dedl (776YPC) " tr It• it , ••••••••••••••••••.••• ti 1 Volvo ... ,., '75 L ro 2 door, rtdlo, elr, * '60 3201; 5 spd., snlrl (659ZOK) * '80 5281; auto . s11lrl (466ZOJI IH·J1l1 HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 :.>08 W tst. Santa Ana Closed Sunday Late model Toyotas. ---------Volvos, Pickups & Vans. CHOICE INVENTORY WAITED! Cell us todayl VOLU&ALES Earle Ike TOYOTA.VOL YO 808 McLAREN IMW ,, .... ~lhol c ........ .. ""•o-ool .. uo.to1 1 Sales·Serv1ce·Leaslng 850 N Beach Blvd La Hab1a USED ~~:~JTAUCKS 122·U3I COME IN OR CALL FOR ___ O_pen __ s_u_n_d_a_., __ FRIE APPUllll Cormfef·OeLillo CHEVROLET t8:.>11 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 141·1017, 141-UJ 1 Top Dollar Paid GRAHE COlm'• OLIHT Sales·Sef'Ylce·leaslng IO' CARVER !(. 'J.S IUrt. T ·Iii\!\'\ 1·~· ,.~ .. 'ti •• , ,,.,,, ' , •• ,, '.IA'' '"I• •· \C •141 '\o.l.i. D1l1H f1ZO ..........•.......•... LlllTH OFFER 12.7% Fin. avail. 0.A.C, •• lll .... TRUCKS We can halpl Belore you buy. check our unbeo•a· ble selecllon, savings and service today! UlllYERSITY SALES I IHVIOf 2850 HarbOr Blvd COSTA MESA 640-9840 HC1nda. Toyota. Datsun, all makes S 199 does It No 1st or lest No depo- s11 No he fee Delivers any lease, buys any car over our cost All Save15 l easing 634-0189 '78 HONDA CIVIC $:.>000 834 ·2678 wk . or 857·51H hm 80 Honda Civic Station Wagon. new clutch. tires. a1r am/Im 8 1reck $4995 540·9439 81 Hond1 Accord LX E•tros, tow mileage 838·2870 1979 CVCC wagon. wt11le. to miles •Int shape AIC Mu s t sell $2900 675·7424 or 675·9565 75 CVCC Wgn , XlnL cood 4 spd. Great deal • moving overseas $2200, 955·1348 ~da_C_V_C_C_H_a_IC_h_· back, 43,000 ml fwy $4300 obo MUST SELL 545·566 I 833-1300 I he Or1n11 Cou1fJI ~~;.•::i:·0~2·~2 r;ig~ SALES, SERVICE HD LHSIH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EX PEATS MEISTER PORSCHE/ AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvtl Garden Grove S.111-Stnict lHsi11 714 636-2333 URLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA Ul-1303 HO-Ull 80 924 Turbo, loaeled 60 ---------9:1.>4 Take over leases 68 144S Sdn <lnt'cond plus ge1 $ ,,000 9000 int I paint / 11res, 71•1825-1808 $1600 675· 1976 Eves & TURBO CARRERA '77 Wk nos Full teath 1ntr New NCTs 66 122S new clul c.h, $29 500 A1cn 96.ol-6171 good shape. ret1abte. 76 Granada Ghia. xlnl condlllon. $2600 673·:1.>491 78 AANCHEAO GT. auto trans , pi s, p/w, p/seats, tilt whl. 11m/lm stereo/ tape , 5<1500 /obo 662·2357 7!> Ford Van. custom, 62.000 ml Runs good. S2300 962-0945 /lln11ick 9H1 •········•···•·•·••··· 74 Movenck, 36,000 orig miles. ctean $2150. 642-7056 runs great. good 11res /1111carff HSO 1966 912, 5 speed, am/ slereo 51600 675·9565 ••••••;;.'.•••••••••••••• Im, alloys, Weber's, Newr----------77 BOBCAT $1U 9 pamt. tires and seats 68 144S sdn .dnt cond Moonrool 631· 1 tSJ Wn1te w11n black Interior AM/FM stereo. Must (Ive mag on phone) Asking 55800 OBO see Leaving country, 720·0607da. 731·8023ev ~u~t0 sall 6b~ ;~u{ 9 6j:.>86, ~'!!!~'!I •••••••• .!.~~~ 73 Porsche 914 2 0 lo 675·5917 74 MUSTANG 11, Ghia m1, excel cond $55001----Auto, AC, nw radials, xlnt _n_eg_o_ll_ab_l_e_. _54_8_·_5_37_4 __ 1AatOI Uui c o n d s fl a r p I '61 Porsche Super 90 •••··"··•••••••••••••• $1975/0BO. 644-8170 Sunroof. rebll eng, very Geatt•I 9101 '80 Mustang Gt11a hatch· clean $6100 or otter •••••••••••••••••••••• back. 15K ml. 4 cyl, auto. 891·0523 Come ,,, 8 see Newport $5000. 644·2300 Beech s ttnest selection 72 914. 2 0, 56K orig ml, of previously owned 66, nu paint, tires. & ang, flawless cond. $4500 Po1Sche s. Audi's dnd Sttnger Ignition, Runs & ooo 551·4142 alt. 5pm Volkswagens looks great $1500 '78 PORSCHE 924 I • I w 960·0434 Blk/Blk, Blaupunl\I tape Ol41•dil1 HSS !~~~~~i. =~~ew i1res 445 E Coa11 Hwy ···1·1·a·o··tL···,·,·.·-,;;;u···· '77 CIVIC. rebuilt eng , 5 0 / )396 0 9 1 Newport Beach -excel cond 4 spd I 45· 439 (213 .4 1 673·0900 CITOWH I IH4dl S2800 846·t477 all 5PM llCE 'l• 111 C,E (2142). Attraotlu I•r•H• l;/ii1 f1J4 While/navy, air, AMIFM C f905 oar! • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • caas . new 5hocks. ures ••••••••••••••••••••• •• 1971 Karmann Ghia 11lnt tOK tune s 11 250 Dav•-------• OILY S4Hll cond in eno out New 540·7 t 11. nite <199·2532 SAYE OYER $3,000 MOWllll ClteYHltt p a I n I A I I s I 0 c ... 82 Eagle SX4. tow mt Oove/Ouall Sts 770·640 I !-!!!!.~~f.t.e. ••••• !.~~~ 646·4629 NEWPORT BEACH ~~!~~ ••.•...•.. .!Z~~J 111 DEALER IN U.S.A. 6aick 9910 HS·HH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 8 Cullan Supreme 1TL IO..LS[O' CAR\IERIDIC'E SEE US su~R~!:' D~~~Ht ,, _ for the largest and best how vou'll feet 1tter dn· seiection of new ano ' , ... ,. ~ . .'~'. ',.'," .. ""'?.' :~'.'.' used Bulcf..s 1n Orange vino this fully equipped ~~Ill 'fU~UI f.:i "UT M.UDA, • ntP" & ~""--"' f&aurTI 14H WO n. CKll lllSI S4! lll' ~"~ ~-~ ~ mid size with only 48,000 ClOSEO SUNDAYS County today' miles. tllt Vltleet. Landau B roof. w11e Wheels & morel S11b•r11 9162 ~ Wh"' settle for leu, enjoy .. 5;1~~~1;;1:l1~1;1~,i..e0·~1;1~~·· k / 1>oth economy & com· -tor" (I BEZ913) Just need rellable party to SUIARD at lft Or~ C-"f make small monthly 131-20•0 411-•141 2925 Harbor Blvd pml~ No old contracts 10 assume No back fo ol• 116$ COSTA MESA pmts. due. ASll for Rose .. '!J.................. 979-2500 642-4400. Proto LIM. 76 Corolla SAS. good condlllon $1500. -75 Skyhewk 2 dr. htchbk A. Technically, II la lhe &e~ of restoring lhe engine to the car manuf ecturer' 1 spe<:t r lea Ilona, or as c10t11e as l)O&'ll ble This usually lnvolves replacement andlor adjuslment, as ~ed. of parts that affect the engine's pcrfo~ Bady &Paint §hap.Inc. 1 Ask fCH Gary Lee (714) 554-0770 COSTA MESA DATSUN #11tH11 llaz 1140 ...................... 640-1447 6 cyl, pwr. AO. Burgundy '79 Corolla Deluxe. 25K w/blk & wht 1n1 New Must sell Xlnt cond llres & battery 36.000 '80 Toronado diesel, dk brn met.. 48K miles. •Int cond, wire whls, loaded, $6000 PIP 775-1595 Q. WHAT BENEFITS CAN I OBTAIN FROM A TUNE-UP? A. Improvflnenta In fuel economy and performanre and a ~uction in harmful ell'U.'8lons. The beneftl.5 of peak fuel economy are obVlous w11h the ever·mcrea~mg C'OSI or guohne. Q. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET A TUNE-UP? A. Al leut u oft.en as 11 sta~ tn your owner's manual lf your car has lhe conventlonaJ 1gruuon system wtth poinl.5 and oondeNer, which •ull c:onsututes lhe mapnty of cacs on the ro.d, ha~ the~ checked al tnt.ervals or 6,000 nules and pt• tune·UP ~ery 10,000-15,000 nules After that nuJeage t.hele encmes become prone to nusf1rmg under heavy load oc aooeleraUon Newer can wilh electr0ruc lgrution have longer serv1~ lnt.ervab, wh1ch vary Crom make to make These en~£"\ have no dlatrlbutor pornts or condenser, but there are still distributor cap, rotor, rpark plup. wlreli and !liters which need periodic replacement For besl performance and economy make tune·up an annual habit on elec1romc llnltlon cara, or at leut u often as specified an lhe owner's manual. 309 H Harbor Blvd • S11nu1 AM, CA 92703 THE SOLUTION FOR SAVINGS & SERVICE PONTIAC ON SUBARU • Rr•birch • G.ond P1lu • Bonnwil!.t • J 6000t • J 2000. • T1000. • Dl Wogont • 4x4 lll<oh • Gl Automatic W09ont a. magnon pontiac / subaru Harb« Blvd. at Fair Dr. Costa Meta &41-4300 *************************** I } 2845 Harbor Blvd 1141540-6410 $3950/oller 646·3638 mt S:.>200 545.7953 '81 Omega Brough1m. 6 • cyl 2 dr, wht wit an Intl ·72 Corolla • Gd depen-C•41/lu 9915 26K miles. wire whls. dable transportation. rl>ll •• • •• • •••• • •• ••••• •••• $6500 PIP 775-t5115 eng 35 mpg am/Im THE LARGEST radio, some body da· SELECTIOll li•I• HS1 mage S4 75/obo. call " •••••••••••••••••••••• an-ad 652 "'•2-4300 or late model. tow mile&· 74 Run1bou1, orig OW· •-v• ' ""' ge Cadillacs In Southern ne<. A/C, AM/FM 8·trk, 24 hrs S1800 .e .. '9t"'• ----------1 a11lorn1ar See us todey' .,...,. ~ 2600 Harbor Btvo '71 Toyo1a Station We· llA8ERS gon. Runs good. xlnl cond s 1050/ollet CADILLAC 6.ol t-2820 or 636-672• f J i f161 COSTA MESA '7 4 Pinto 2 or tldn, xlnt t ranapott at Ion, stick eh11t, radto/htr, very CIHn $1450 5411·3555 .!.~!'!l............... 540 1860 DATSUN 'll Spitfire 1 ____ -____ 11,.1/H IHS * TWll Z CARI 2!1k ml Excellent mech '79 ELDO dlesel $7•95 •••••••••••••••••••••• llTll UYE' lo. ,.,, cond $3.000 OBO Best buy 111 $1500 below USC SPECIAL 673-6438 whlsl bk 646·7253 .1, ••. •Id•••· air Cullom d••lgned 1982 .. t t .. '70 TR6, xlnt Interior. re-'78 Cad Seville Moon/ Ponllac 2000 H1lchb~. •••••1 Ofl1ll 11l'ft cent engine overhaul sunrf, Yellow/ yellow USC 111t.,lor oolort with plHlll llftrltre. Wiii looks stunning, pertect leath 52.000 ml . wire custom USC cardlnal atll ••• •r llletlll. IO P $ 3 5 0 0 Ca 11 whls. A/C, aterto, all and gold cru1h9d velour (OHZlll) (118121), 850·9105 pwr. $6200 760-9278 Interior Loaded with '7 t TA6, nu red paint, ,79 Eldoredo, 23K ml, nu equipment, one of • .l11t 1114 rellalllle OITOI II WITI O/D, remov hrd·lop & tires, lmmao. 1 owner. klndl Low mileage dt· PlrfJ fe .... aalfl 1111 PlllOEI llWll convert. top, runs great. s11.990 97 1.4749 mon1trator. (3<490e~ ••........ ,_._ ••• ,. must eell $4500/olr 1--------r IOI LOllPllE 011•1 .... Over 100 new & uHd 875-0166 C•••to 1111 ••lfr.... t• ....... Merceoet·Blnz. come in ---------•••••••••• •. ••• • • •••• • NmAG It llaok p•b. 411. & contlder our leaae .,. Vilklftlfll 1110 '67 CAMARO, rebuilt •no. l3600 Beech Blvd. A 1 k f 1 r II • 1 • rangementa or long tlHm •••••••• ••••••••••••• $900 832·977<1, 9·5pm. WESTMINSTER •,.2 ,. .. -, Prett l /•. flntncJng '74 Thing, good 11111, Need• paint (l14) IH-H• ,. ---l'fouM of lmport1, Inc brakes. muffler Xtnt 1----------1 DIAL :.>13 or 114 cond $3000 75t·7021 •llT IELL llWll (114) IH-M11 1110 IATSll 210 1137-2333 1 ..., Leaving USA '78 Ct· .711 T""'NS .... T-ROOF ----------1'70 VW camper v1n. u .. , mero, n-radlala. tlt\191, "" "''"' ~'::1~.':::~·~::: '81 380SEL Under 0,000 equipped w/orlg. equip. loaded XLNT CONDI * •m 1111 * dltlon, clean. AM/FM mllea, Orle n t Rid. Goocl cond Reblt eng.. $ 3 9 9 0 Io b o PI p SU MME~TI ME FUNI radio, 2 new llr•, •83 11• Chrome Alm•. Sunroof, run• great Good radl111, 857·2070 Mldnlghl olue met., ~ cen•• P•IO 6 MUST perfect cond $44,000 root flCk, mu•t 1111 1----------1 lour bucket ... ,.. con- SE ll I 13119 ~. C ell Wkdy• 714/1567-071 t , $2300. 548·8900 or Ci,.,,../11 Hll IOll, all pow. extru, tJtt 815-3011 or &42-0138. • v ••I wk n d • ~2· 11125 •••••••••••••••••••••• & morel (18C8292) Juet 714/07~24M 1-6-0-9-u-.-A-M-/-FM-e&a--. run-a IEE II flllSTI n11d flllablt party to ESTATE SALE 079 300D 4 door Hdan ~ nd• paint, $1400. Wt hlMt 1 good Hleo-make email monlhly 1080 Oltsun 200SX, xtnt Perfect cond Low m~ fg';'&e76 t1on of NEW a USED pm11. No old contracta oorid. Orio ownr. ace.p-Ilana Unlit blll• prtv pty ---------Chtvrol1tal 10 auume. No beck ting bids. Wkde)'I p..... -..-" · '70 Bug run a good pmtt. due. Atk lor ROM call, 16t-4229 Day 640-9355• Ev•• St450 ' 8'42~. Proto LIM. 073-~94 .,.,..2·8717 '78 8210. 4 ape>, ale. ttrti '09 MB280S, orig owntf, '18 TranaAm 32K 1 Owner ~79~~~3~· cond, eT~.::2:" $4100/otter. a~b~ ~~~~~600. F~~ ~ ~~~ •03·33851ee t .2025 1tll ..... a 111111 '71 300 SEL u. 111 xtru, •78 Rabbit tnllaxt Ilk• 'l4 ~ l!xoellent conClltlon ,,_ tlrt1, rere 4 •AA nr • ••t -FORMULA 400. Orio T dtltl ... 1rt e .. u •8uv....,...ioBo n-, run• Cl'"'· •t«.o. ' nna ..__1 'ttt: .... _.::I throughout. If» k, 4 :-5•0 :...,.1.,, • """ • S 2 5 o 5 I o b o . M I k • Auto, a/o, emlfm1 very ,..,., · ' ......... • :f~oJr•n•, xlnt mpg, ' ""•°" 831·'4tl15, 6l'&·Cl443 clMn. 11000. 400-111283 o.,u, AC UICI 12 4to-143t '71 MB 260• 0Sun Roof, MUST SILL. 1070 VW CV '75 Vega, 4·1pd, good t.,_&U-l&49 el\ 5 PM i----------A.IC, Auto, rig, JClnt Combl Bu• New •no cond .. 1 t400I OBO. 'tl1 Ftflblrd, red 0111110 '11 210ZX OL PkO wlT· oonCI. 1 owner. $6400. xlnt prlct. ct.II me tOday: lleS-!IOlS con~• t. new eng. & tQP, tlvr t:tlut, 111ra olMn, 780.c>ellO 752•1153 •---------1 trene, t cond. 93480. ta.kt OV9I' ~II. P.P. 1009 Nova Sup« eport, 981 1, 145-1442 c.11. Iv m19, 730-8321 Trade your old etutt for Karmann Ghia, '87, wltll 350 V8, 4 9')d, poeltrac. HIW tofMtNng to ttelf9 c::'.t#.dodlH Wltll I r .. blt tng, nflr bt'el< .. , tltrto tape CIHn & lit¥9 IOfMtNnl to Ill? OIUlllld llde dO It..... ad. &42·9e11 $1700 obo. 83&-34&4 lat. $2400. 1°7&-1~4° Otwlfllld Ida do ft Wll. \ •• 111111 l:UIT lllTlllTll llKl /flllTlll llWI OH AN GE COUN TY . C ALIFORNIA 2"> CENTS Marines supervise PLO evacri.ation BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S. Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised the evacuation of about ~00 Palestinian guerrillas from hraeli-r inged Beirut today, escorting the fighters onto a Cypriot ship. The vessel Sol Giorgios left Beirut in the early afternoon bound for the Syrian port of Tartous, nine hours after 800 leathernecks came ashore in amphibious landing vessels to join French and Italian soldiers in a multinational force overseeing the guerrilla departure from Beirut. It was the Marines' 10th peacekeeping role since World War II and the first time they landed on Lebanese shores since 1958. French and Lebanese officials said earlier that the Sol Giorgios would go to North Yemen with guerrillas unable to leave on Tuesday. But the officials said later the vessel was going to Syria. No explanation was given for the change, but another vessel docked shortly beforf! the Sol Giorgios left and prepared to receive another load of guerrillas. Israel announced earlier that the overland evacuation of See photo, Page A3 guerrillas to Syria had been delayed, reportedly. because the Palestinians were afraid of attacks by Christian militiamen loyal to Bashir Gemayel , Lebanon's president-elect. Gemayel supported Israel forces which invaded his country June 6 to rout the Palestine Liberation Organization. After negotiations led by U.S. special envoy Philip C. Habib, the PLO agreed to a plan that would scatter the fighters among the Arab world. . Israeli television said a representative of H abib was trying to arrange for the guerrillas that were to travel overland to Syria to go by ship. Israel army radio reported later that two Greek vessels were heading toward Beirut to take 500-700 guerrillas to Syria and the same number to Sudan. The Syrian military, however, announced In Dama9cus it would provide trucks to begin an evacuation to Syria on Thunday of about 7,000 Palestinian guerrillas under Syrian command and 1,500 Syrian troops. The Palestine Liberation Organization convoy rolled in at about 12:30 p.m ., seven hours after the 800 men in the 32nd Marine Amphibious Unit came ashore in five U.S . 6th Fleet ships. Armed with M -16 rifles, M-60 machine guns, mortars and Dragon anti-tank missiles, the Marines landed about 700 yards from the so-called Green Line dividing Moslem west Beirut and the Christian sector on the east. President Reagan, meanwhile, invoking his executive powers to send troops to trouble areas, has officially notified Congress that the U.S. Marines were landing in Beirut "on a limited and temporary basis." 0.-, No4 P9loto lly Clleltee Sterr pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing how exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. HB doctor to face charge~ POOLING THEIR STRENGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-satisfaction, not fanfare By GLENN SCOTT Of"ltleO.-, ......... . Lap swimmers don't get much glory and don't seem to care. For them the chance to dive into a long and narrow lane, slip on their eye goggles and puah off on a chlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side is enough reward. They may be a breed apart, but It is a common one because they share a strong feeling that their daily routine is more than simple physical exercise. It is a therapeutic one. At Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- slz.ed pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a .m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small euphoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swimmers. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and husband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swim from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Today she logs from two to three miles a day. She's competed and placed well in rough water competition in the ocean, including a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page Bl Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. She says she swims because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and offers a sense o f aooompl.ishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, white and blue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon -suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. "Afte r you swim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." Ed Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his daily workout, says he has noticed how much at ease and alike lap swimm ers become. Swimming. he explains, is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls himself out of the pool. His tired arms and broad shoulders show the strain. They tremble allahtly. ''Rather than having a martini or a beer over lunch, you can get a similar effect from swlmming," he says. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about your weight." Ted Durbin, Craig Wiley and Dorian Johnson all had the same idea when they began swimming laps. They are training to compete ln the latest physical fitness test, the triathalon, which combines a long-distance run, swim and bicycle race. A sectmd-year student at UCJ's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the Heritage Park pool because it is uncrowded and requires fewer turns. Says the swimmer: "I've just started triathalons to augment my studies. I have a busy schedule as a medical student and I like to have some diversity. They work well together." Ralph Huestis, 61, is a red.red Navy dentist who 4-0 years ago held the best time in the breast stroke in the Northwest. He swam for the University of Oregon. Now he is re-immersing himself in the joys of swimming by en~ring masters' meets. A Huntington Beach 05teopath who allegedly prescribed. drugs for patients without a proper examination will be arraigned Sept. 3 on charges he violated health and safety codes. The physician. Robert J . Peterson, 37, faces seven counts of improperly prescribing medications, including codeine and stimulant s, according to Jerome Smith, supervising s pee la 1 agent for the State Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. Peterson sur rendered to Crash victim in Irvine 4 identified The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath the San Diego Freeway in lrvine, John Duane Calhoon, died of massive skull fractures, the Orange County Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calhoon, 19. or Cypress was reported missing Tuesday, Aug. I 7, His smashed car was discovered on Monday, six days later, in a concrete channel where the San Diego Creek nows under the freeway. Authorities said they aren't certain h ow long the car was there, but that they believed the victim died on impact. authorities last w eek and is free on his own recogn.izance, Smith said. The agent said information from a cal!er triggered an investigation into the doctor's prescription procedures. Smith said during the past year four undercover agents had visited the doctor's office and had received prescriptions without undergoing a traditional examination or other acreening. The State Board of Osteopathic Examiners is expected to conduct a separate hearing on the allegations concerning Peterson, according to Gareth Peterson, the' board's e xecutive director He said the board has the; power to suspend an osteopath'S' license or place him on probation. Williams said about 50 osteopaths practice in California He said the osteopathic medi orientation combines tradition treatment and manipulation o the skeletal system. He sai osteopaths are licensed t prescribe m edic;ations an perform surgery. Rub a dub dub Bathtub race set off Balboa Just when the waters of Newport Harbor were starting to settle down, here comes the annual Balboa Bathtub race. On the heels of the colorful and arguably crazy Character Boat Parade, the seventh edition of the bathtub race -billed as an international contest, no less -will be unveiled Sunday. Shove off iime, as the promoters put it, is l p.m. Contestants race from the dock of the Balboa Pavilion to Balboa Island and back. Racers are permitted to enter any craft eight feet or less in length. Boats must be equipped with bathtub fixtures and contestants are required to use paddles. There are two categories -one where skippers of bathtub craft are clocked Cor speed and a serond where humor, not speed, is the criterion. An award for most unique bathtub also is ·handed put. Last year's recipient was the "Balboa Brothel," a bathtub expected to be on hand again this year. Trophies and prizes are awarded to the first and second place finishers in each class. The race is sponsored" by the Tale of the Whale Restaurant. County approves spending boosts • Ill budget Orange County government has an $878. 7 million budget on the books today -a spending program 15 percent higher than last year and one still clouded by economic uncertainties. projected last month when county supervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carrvover of funds budgeted but not spent in the mst fiscal year. The budget is about $115 million greater than the spending program for the fiscal year e nding June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the figure Those carryover amounts included millions of dollars for construction of new roads, park . " COUNTY Irvine in the swim too Irvine has a first-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Misaion Viejo complex, which receives far more publicity. Page Bl. Judicial voice tor Angels When not pronouncm. on matters of evidence and handing down ruliJ18S, Judge PhWp Petty Ulka about pinch hitters and team politions N a pan-time announcer for the Angela. Page A9. Gilt aids GWC museum A tl0,000 gift from AmlnoU USA haa revived a natural history muaeum at Golden Weet Colle.,e. P-ae AB . improvements, control of beach erosion and renovation of the old county courthouse in Santa Ana, said Maria Bastanchury, associate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains about $22.7 million for contingencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year to pay for unbudJ;ceted projects. It alao includes about $25 WORLD million in "appropriations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unl~ revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be, &stanchury said. Bast.anchury said the county budget "didn't fair really as badly" as officials had feared Taiwan friendly but cool Since the United States cut oU relations with Taiwan in 1979, relations with t)\e island n3tlon have been somewhat cool but correct, with trade burgeoning. Page E4. Tortilla crisis in Mexico The doubling of pricee for tortillas, a basic food staple, brings Mexico's economJc crisis home for most of lta 70 million people. Pap A7. BUSINESS 17 ~ore stores tor plaza There ls apparently no economy pinch beinS experienced by many Oranie Cout shoppers. South Cout Plata, eo.ta Neu. ha U\nounced plana to open 11 n.w 1torea. P-ae ce. . ,, '-~ earlier this year before the st.ate legislature had completed work on the state budget for fiscal 1982-83. Still, she said, there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes either being implemented or planned in the deUvery of social and health eervices. something of a "pass through"· agency which administera such : programs using funds provided by the state and federal governments. Thus, what happens at those government levels impact the county's progress. ... County government is Supervisors adopted thet budget without comment. :: INDEX Horoecope A 11 Ann Landers All At Yoar Service A4 Business C6-7 Herb Caen A 11 Movies C8 Cavalcade A 11 Mutual Funds C6 Cl.uaified F6-l 0 National News A3 Comics E6 Public Notices E7-8,Fl-6 Croaword E6 Sports Cl-4 Death Notices E7 Stock Markets C7 Editorial All Telev1&1on C9 Jntel1a.lnment C8 Thea ten C8 Food Dl-12, El-2 Weather A3 SPORTS The Califoml.a An&ela' teed over K.amM OtY II bllCk to one pme after a 7-3 km to FMtern Dlvillon-lMdlna Milwaukee. Pap Cl. 'nle Dodaers won but 10 did the Atlanta Brawa 1n the Nauona'l-Le.aaue wen. enabllng the Bravee to keep &heed of Loe Ancel• on percentage potnia. hp Cl. • ... ·. 0 0 0 • • • • us1ness wr1t1ng course at college A w riting courae designed 1 , to address communication pr .oblems faced by busmessmen and women will b e offered by Coastlin e C.Ommunity C.Olle~e this fall. ' ' ' t Business C.Ommunications. • Part I , will b e offered : f • Luc ia Fermella of W estminster has been nominated for the Orange C.Ounty Junior Woman of the Year award by the 6:30-9:30 p.m . Thursdays. beginning Sept. 9, at" the Robinwood Leaming Center , 5172 M cFadd en Ave ., Huntington Beach. Additional information as available by calling the college Admissions Office, 963-0824. •• . .... . . . 1 Westminster-Fountain Valley " branch o f the American ~· Association of University Women. The award, sponsored by the junior auxiliary or the A s s i s" t a n c e Le a g u e o f Ne wport Beach, is given annually to a volunteer who has s hown outstanding leadership and ac- complishment. CHURCH DESTROYED -The 63-year-old Baptist church in St. Mary, Ill., lies in ruins today after heavy winds roared thr h the community, causing two deaths and milJions of ~~· dollars in property damage in central Illinois. Pastor Lon Simpson, standing in front of the rubble, watched the storm from the nearby parsonage. Pacific Telephone workers threaten strike By ROBERT BARKER Of'"ltle Deify Piiot Steff Pacific Telephone workers in Orange C.Ounty and the rest oC Sou th e rn California are scheduled to take a strike vote T hursday in protest of the company's reduction in force practices. 'Michael Drake. preside nt oC the local chapt e r of Communication Workers of America in Orange County, said the company is causing "fear and uncertainty by the unilateral and arbitrary methods" being used to reduce employees. Thursday's ballot calls for the loc al 's 4 ,000 members to authorize st rike action if reductions in force on the basis of seniority can 't be negotiated, Drake said. Drake said the company is transferring "surplus'' workers from Orange C.Ounty and other areas to places where there are job vacancies. He said displaced workers are GOING APE -Brian Wishne!sky, who calls himself Hairy James, the trumpet-playing gorilla, toots his own horn at the Delacort Theater in New York's Central Park. The San Francisco musicia n , a regular a l ong ., WINptloto Fishennan's Wharf, is touring with his group called Klezmorim, which plays a style of music over 400 years old. His first concert was rained out, hence the umbrella. Coastal 'Cloudy today with parl l•I c:Mieting thla etlemoon. Hight 73 to 78. Partly cloudy tonight with ovemlQhl towa In the mld.e<lt. Moatty tunny end wermer on Thuradey with high renglng from 7:t 10 81 E l aewhere. from Polnl Conception to Ille Maalcen border and out 80 mil•• Nottri-t wind• tO lo 20 knoll owr out• wetllfl wt1h 3 to 5 toot -through Tiluraday. Locelly verlel>Mt wind• during night • morning hours. b.comrng "-t to -t 8 to 18 knota 2 loot wind wav .. , klcfMllng 10 to 18 knoll Thuradey emooro. M09tly cloudy todey onlJ partly 9Ullny atlemoon. doud• end local log tonlahl ally cleerlng Thurade y ., . Sunny Thursday Temperatures NATION Ht t.o ~ 82 sa .01 93 64 .18 88 59 .20 84 67 51 92 73 80 68 .St 100 73 ...._,. w-s.-.rc. "'°"" u s o.o• o1 c-.o~• ~ ............. ma Albany AlbuQUa AmarMlo AtneY\He Atlante Atlanlc Cty Auttln B.mn-• 81111ngs 8lrmlngMI 81amarci< BolM 87 71 82 eo · t 2 Fronu: Cold .-. wa~ .., Occl1Jded ~ eo.1on Brownavlle Bulfelo Burlington c""* Charlaln SC Cher11tn WV Charlotte NC Cheyenne ChlcegO Cincinnati ClaYelend Clmbla SC CO!umbul Dal·ft Wth Dayton Danyer Dal Molnee Detroit OUIU!h EJ Puo Fel'1>enk1 fwgo AegelllH GrNt falle He/'1f()(d Helene HonOIUIU Houeton lndnepll9 Jedlen MS Jectier!'fh KMM City Knoxvtle LMVegea 91 72 74 49 66 55 85 66 96 79 78 62 1 48 77 81 78 50 94 80 85 72 .07 93 75 .26 89 49 75 64 1.08 82 88 .17 84 85 .13 94 75 83 89 . t8 101 78 81 85 UM 74 55 79 55 03 80 81 .01 72 43 .09 96 71 .05 73 49 74 49 77 5e .311 78 5e 128 84 82 02 88 .. 89 75 1M 78 78 83 .25 115 74 115 75 .15 711 58 .21 88 n 10 80 88 .22 Little Rock LoutsYille Lubboek Mampl\la Mleml MllwaukM Mpls-St.P NMllVIHe New Orleena New Y0tk NOrlolk No. Platt• Ollla City Omaha Orlendo Phlladpl\la Pl!Oenlll Ptttlburgh Ptlend, Me PUend.Or• PrOYldanOI Relelgh Aepld City Reno Sell Lek• ~Antonio SNttle • == St Louie SI P-Ternpa St SteMerte SC>c*-Syr~ Topeka Tl-' Tulll 96 88 97 94 88 70 78 90 95 84 85 75 t02 74 93 85 96 111 80 " 83 It 73 117 89 100 88 " 7t 12 111 83 llO 80 80 81 104 75 88 04 es 80 83 iS 35 83 .66 71 .70 73 70 30 74 47 89 54 .18 78 70 75 88 eo 83 83 75 eo 64 85 78 82 74 83 .19 85 .521 .0 1 59 05 711 42 88 81 38 83 09 ee 35 .. WHhlngton Wlchltl 87 74 88 82 CALIFORNIA eekentleld 100 79 8tyth41 90 Eurei.., 82 52 fr .. no 93 89 Len<: .. lllf 89 71 Maryavme 96 Monterey 64 Needlff 77 Oeklenc:I 87 PHO Roblel 98 58 Red 81utt t02 117 RedWood City 7t 68 Reno 97 64 Sacramento 118 155 S.llnet 70 84 Santi Berber• 73 80 Senta Marie 72 Stockton 114 58 TMrmel 89 Baretow 81 74 Big Bellr 73 53 Bishop 92 115 Catalina 78 115 'Lek• Arrowi-<I 74 80 Long e.acll 78 88 Monrcrvla 87 87 Mt. Wllaon 80 8 t NeWpOf1 8Mcfl 13 88 Smog Where to cell (toll lrM) tor lelMI amog lnfonnetlOn: OrwlQa County. (llOO) 44M82t Lot Angtl .. Oount1: (100) 242-4022 Al't'Wtlde end San a.m.rolno oounttea: (llOO) Nt-4110 AQMO IEp6tOde C«lter: (900) 242 .... eee Tides TOOAY hcond hlOft ~;00 p,m, 8«>0l1d low 10:11 Pim. TMUMOAY Flfet hlgtl 4:14 e.m. ~ IOw ti11 e.m. 8eocwld hlgtl 4!07 p.m. 4,J' 8eocwld IOw 11:'11 P·"'· U lun Ml• tod•'l et 7:H p,m,. ,... ~ e1 t :n t.m. Moon,....'°"'., 12:'4 p.m.. Mtt et 11:47 p.m • 4 - _, ___ _ offered no choice and often have to take jobs at lower pay. If they don• t a ccept the transfer, they're terminated and aren't eligible for layoff benefits and unemployment insurance, he said. Drake said about 150 workers in Orange County have been affected by the transfer policy sin ce this spring. A union source said seniority with the compan y is not considered in the transfers. Pacific Telephone spokesman Steve Gould said the company pays 45 days of living expenses for the transferred worker. He also said transferred workers are paid moving costs and are given paid time off Lo look for new residences. He also said that workers assig n ed to lower job classifications initially suffer no loss in pay but their salary is decreased gradually until it reaches the new level. "If workers don't accept the tra n s fer, at 's the company's posi tio n that they have voluntanly tenninated," he said. Ballot arguinen>J deadline set Opponents of Va lley safepf tax have one week to act By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN Of'"IM DeH1 Piiot lteff Fountain Valley voters who wish to submit a ballot argumenv opposing a proposed public safety tax must do so by 5 p .m . Wednesday, Sept. l. city officials have announced. A ballot argument supporting the tax measure already has been prepared by city officials and will be included in the Nov. 2 ballot pamphlet mailed to local voters. The city also is required to include an argument from opponents of the measure, if one is submitted. At issue as a special tax designed to raise funds for city police. firefighter and paramedic operations. C.Ontracts with these ci ty {mployees expire an N9vember, but Fountain Valley's 1982-8 3 budget designates no funds for salary increases. The special tax, which must be approved by two-thirds of those voting, would impose th e following annual charges: -$17 fN a single fa mily r esidential parcel (including condominiums); -$10.20 for each residential unit in an apartment complex and for each mobile home site; -$30 for each acre or part thereof of vacant land; -$30 for each ' commerciaUy or industrially improved lot up to and including one-half acre in size; -$60 for each improved c:omm erc1al or industrial lot larger than one-half acre but s maller than one acre; $120 per acre fo r an improved com merci al o r industrial lot larger than one acre. City M anage r H oward Stephens sai~ the argument for the tax. prepared by Mayor Marvin Adler, Police Chief M arvin F ort in , Fire Chae( Richard Jorgensen and himself. contends that the city is losing nume r ous public safety employees to other cities paying ha~her wages. Asseinhly OKs hill Girl, 9, dies in Seal Beach bike accident • • on smog 1nspect1on SACRAMENTO (AP) -A long-de layed bill to require inspection s o f automobile emission devices every two years has won a narrow victory in the California Assembly. Tuesday's 46-21 vote, with 21 required for passage. sent SB33 by Sen. Ro bert Presley, D - Riverside, back to the Senate for action on Assembly amendments. The bill would, in the words of Assemblyman Bruce Young. D- C.erritos, "Save us all from the hazards o f living in an environment where the brown haz.e rising in the afternoon is so bad you can see it as you breathe it." __ Qpponents unsuccessfully tried to insert an automat i c termination of the law if it doesn't improve the air quality at least 10 percent in three years. Instead , it would require a review committee of state and local a ir quality agencies to report to the Legislature in three years on how muc h the air quality has improved. If it has not improved 10 percent, the committee must recommend that the program end. The bill is aimed at meeting a federal government requirement that California have a vehicle inspection program in the six arejlS of the state that don't meet clean air standards. A 9-year -old Seal Beach girl died Tuesday after a van collided with her bicycle at Bolsa Avenue and Balboa Drive in Seal Beach. Leanna N. Plett of 135 7th St., was pronounced dead a t1i:32 p.m. in the trauma center of Fountain. Valley Community Hospital. authonties said. Police said van dr iver Bernard N. Harvey. 44, of Los Alamitos, was driving east on Bolsa Avenue when the girl a pparently rode into hts path Patrick Walke r. an oCC-duty Orange County Fire Department battalion chief, was near the 5:27 p.m . scene and administered cardao-pulmonary resuscitation before paramedics arrived. Maxim Crepe And Omelet Makers CM-5 OP-8 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermostatic Temperature Control With 7W' Non Stick Cooking Surface ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Control With 9" Sllerstone Cooking Surface Sale Priced Sale-Priced S27 .ea $27 .88 ;an i ·ilOWiare store[· H HARDWARE VISA. AW 8'oree Ge*' 7 0.,. \ Corone dee Met Harbof V ... Cent., 3tOT I . c:o.t Hwy. 11t4 San MCt °'· tTWIOO ~TO MO. M :JO T1I 1 ._m. . . ! \ .J STATE LA consuiner prices dip in July LOS ANGEL~ -Consumer prtce11 dipped ln Los Angelet durtn.c July becauae or lower home morta&i~ cut.a and lower bua farea, while prlce lncrca1e1 slowed suabatanllally In San Diego, the U.S. Labor Department aaid. Faith Heinemann of the Labor Department Bureau of Labor StatiatiOl a.id Tuetlday the Los Anl(elea price Index dt..4Cllncd by 0.3 percent durln41 the month, brlnilng the lncreaae from July 1981 to 6.3 pen.'Cnt. The decreue wu a aubatantial turnaround Crom the 1 percent increase posted In June for the region. Bill demands auto safety for children SACRAMENTO -Motorlata who fail to secure young children in auto safety seats or seal belt.a could find themselves in traffic court, under a bill on the governor's desk. The measure, which won a 22-6 vote Tuesday, would make it ille~al for a parent to transport youngsters under age 4 or who weigh lea than 40 pounds without restraining them in chUd safety seats. Such children riding in autos other than thoee oC their parent.a would have to be secured under the safety belta in the back seata. Wheelchair demonstrators oppose bill LOS ANGELES -About a dozen demonstrators -all in wheelchairs -protested a bill that could shift some financial aid from the disabled to the elderly. The demonstration was staged in front of the local office of Assemblyman Art Torres, who authored a bill that would create a Department WORLD of Aging and Long-Tenn Care that would seek benefits for the elderly and the disabled. One of the protesters complained that the new department's commission would be stacked with advocates for the elderly but would have few spokesmen for youthful handicapped people. Japan automaker inks space weapon pact TOKYO -Nissan Motor Co .. Japan's second largest automaker, announced it has signed a long-term agreement to obtain assistance from Martin Marietta Corp. of the United States in space and weapon technologies. A preliminary agreement with ·the American aerospace firm, signed in June, does not ~ver any specific item or piece of equipment, a Nissan statement stated. A spokesman said talks are under way on contract tentlS. He said that in return for Martin Marietta's assistance in the technology, Nissan, makers of Datsun cars, is "considering" he lping the American company in the field of indust rial robots. Mexico to repay U.S. debt with crude oil MEXICO CITY -Most of the $1 billion the United States advanced Mexico last week will be repaid with 40 million barrels of crude oil for the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve, the Mexican government announced. Treasury Secretary Jesus Silva Herzog announced Tuesday night that his government had sign ed an agreement with the U .S . Department of Energy to sell the U.S . government an average of 110,000 barrels a day of its best crude for 12 months beginning Oct. l. The oil wiU be the light lsthmus type used for makirl'g gasoline and other light fuels. The price will fluctuate according to international levels, but will not be higher than $35 a barrel nor lower than $25, the announcement said. Bomb kills two civil guards in Spain BILBAO, Spain -Two civil guardsmen were killed and another seriously wounded early today when a bomb exploded, while they were removing it from the nearby Basque town of Munguia. police said. Police said a basket containing a suspicious package was found 1lt the entrance of a bank. NATION Members of the civil guard. the national police, decided the package contained a bomb and were taking it outaide the town to defuse it when it went off. The bomb contained about 3 pounds of explosives, police estimated. U.S. automakers' sales off .35 percent DETROIT -New car sales of the major domestic automakers continued to "bump along the bottom" in mid-August. with sales falling 35 percent compared with the period a year ago. the automakers say. But two analysts said Tuesday the figures show a slight improvement in annual rates compared with dismal June figures. Another analyst worried that falling interest rates could keep consumers out of the market, waiting for the lowest rate possible for car loans. The cannakers said they sold 131,956 new cars in the Aug. 11-20 period, down from 203,028 last year. The daily selling rate of 14,662 was the lowest for the period since 14,475 new cars were sold daily in 1961. Apathy stalls drive for King monument MEMPHIS, Tenn. -Apathy has stalled a drive to preserve as a monument the small motel where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, backers say. Charles A. Scruggs, an organizer of a foundation to honor the slain civil rights leader , I said Tuesday the group has raised only $25,000 of the $240,000 needed to save the motel from the auction block and poesible demolition. A U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge in April gave the foundation until Thursday to come up with the money. Pike County votes to keep prohibition PIKEVILLE, Ky. -Pike C.Ounty, an oasis of prohibition since 1947, has voted to tum back the first attempt at making the sale of booze legal again. Billy Joe JustJce, chairman of the Citizens Against Alcoholic Beverages, said after Tuesday's victory that folks living near wet territory ensured the defeat of the referendum to allow liquor sales. ''They're telling the truth about how destructive alcoholic beverages are because they live cloee to the West Virginia border,'' where liquor sales are legal, Justice said. Pike C.Ounty, with a population of 80,000, would been eligible for 26 liquor store licenses had the measure passed. state officials said. D.itr ..... hi•.,., ••• iw ... 014 We1Te Listening ••• -..,.,no•v 11 -do ""' ---1>yS30om cett ~7 om __ cooy.,11119-ed s.uro.y encl Sund.., II you do no1 =:-1~~~~.~-"c: - What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Dally Piiat Jane Amari fll9ClllNe f dllOI Mk:heel '· "-wy Director ol Motl .. lflO IC1tculotlOlll K•nneth N. Oe .. daul Jt. OlrtctO! of 0.,.CMioM CIHelfled ltdvet1l1lft9 714~2·M11 All other dep41rtment• M2-4321 MAIN Ol'Pa •Wttt...,S4.,("4Al-,l;A Mell .-..e: ... U•, C•t» -.e, CA tMat (Wfrltlll ,., OfMlit C-11 ,._....,..... c.,...,.,. ,.._........,," ... , ...... .....,._._., .. .-tlMINllb ...... -M r.-..C ........... ..-Clel lltfft'llttlelltftll'\lr...,._. Orange Coaat DAILY Pll.OT/Wednffday, Augu1t 25, 1982 H/F .. MARINES IN BEIRUT -A group of U.S. Marines are lined up in a street near the port today shortly after they arrived as part of the multinational force that is overs eeing the departure of the PLO. Around 800 French Marines arrived and wil1 take over from the French. who will take positions in the evacuation area. the por{' up ne'*t i Miller flays Navy secretary 9ver military censure letter t.' •: Former Orange Coutlty supervisor Edison Miller said the secretary of the Navy "showed total ignorance" in rejecting a federal panel's recommendation to remove a letter of censur e from Miller's military records. The Board for Correction of Naval Records recommended the Navy secretary remove the letter, which is critical of Miller's anti- war statements made while he was a POW in Vietnam. But Assistant Navy Secretary John Herrington dismissed the panel's recommendation saying the panel did not show that Edison suffered any injustice as a result of the censure being placed in his records. Miller said the six -page document released to.him in April by the board "shows I didn't do a damned thing the other POWs didn't do." The former Marine C.Orps pilot said he made the statementa in 1970 while imprisoned in Vietnam. "I never denied making some statements,'' he said. "I made those statements (against the war) out of conscience and I believed them." Oeilly Ptlol 91eff Photo ANGRY -F ormer supervisor Edison Miller says he'll go to court to fight military censure. "Apparently, my admitting I made the statements got under some people's skin." As a result, Miller says, the sec r e ta r y of the Navy iA.• unwilling to wipe the slate clean. But the former supervisor... who now operates a law office in Santa Ana, says his attorney.1..,, will be filing a lawsuit sometin:r next month in federal court in Washington to seek to overt~~ the decision. ·~ "As soon as we get them in (federal) court. it will b•} pro mptly overturned i~ summary judgment,'' Miller predicts. H e sai d the Board fo~ C.Orrection of Naval Records is an independent panel, composed of life ti me appointees of th secrecary of the Navy. "The secretary has no,· authority to overrule his own board,'' Miller contends. "You can't set up an independeni agency to protect people's righta;- and when they do that, tell them they have no authority." Mtller said he has tried to remove the letter of censure since 1973. ... Third judge hopeful to appeal?.·: An Irvine resident who wants to run for West Orange C.OWlty Munlcipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold's seat in November is planning a state appeals court fight to open up a fi eld of candidates. November balloting for Harrold's seat was o rdered earlier this month by Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen, who invalidated Harrold's landsllde victory in June because he determined she was not a legal resident of the county when she filed a declaration of candidacy lasl February. Owen ruled twice this month that only Harrold's two challengers in June could run for her seat on the Nov. 4 ballot. Harrold was disqualified Crom running again by Owen. She wiU be allowed to remain on the bench through December, until a newly elected judge is seated. She has already appealed Owen's residency ruling to the state's 4th District Court of Appeal In San Bernardino. Westminster attorney Larry Rothman. who re presents wou ld -be candidate Paul Robbins, said Tuesday his aide· also w ould appeal to the San ' Bernardino court, probably this week. ": Rothman said the appeaf would seek to overturn Owen's decision which allows only the two candidates to run. They are ........ Costa Mesa attorney Ronald N~ i and Santa Ana attorn ey Dan • Carles Dutcher. who sued > Harrold on the residency issue· ~ after the June election. • .. i Rothman said he and his client~ I believe that a n y qualified 'f candidate should be allowed to• : lake out nomination papers ... , , t • i riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiil 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilfi1 ; , ( Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES C~rtified G~mo/01J11t, AGS FOR BIG WINNERS ... • jeweled 1/01 m•chjne The gambler who has everything would probably appreciate a new slot machine built by a San Francisco jeweler. It la made of 24 karat gold plate and hu 818 gemstones set in ...olid gold. Its decorations include 317 sapphires, 302 rubles. 183 d.Jamondl and 16 emeralds. The builder says he fashioned the fancy llot from a reconditioned standard slot machine model of 192&, and he claims It actually wOC'ka. But it will never pay off a jackpot u valuable aa the machine Itself ... the jewel-bedecked llot is valued at a cool •t mlllion. Ita pmltOlle9 total 436 carata. Ita cherries, bella · and lemons are juat ordinary slot symbol•. But, If the a<>ld and Jewell ant not enouah to entice you to ahell out a miil.lm for thia one-armed bandit, the builder will sweeten the pot wtth 200 1old plated American llberty h..ct nlckell. There'• no eX'tn chuwe for \he nickell. And you cen leed 'em rtaht bedc Into the alol machf.M. I \1 VASE $135 PLATE $100 BOWL $80 PHONE 5'1-340' .,, I J \ \ t ) I I I I -=~---• T ----- Orange Co .. t OAILV PILOT tWtldnnday, .l•1Ugu1t 25, 1982 H/F tflh Hel "''• II el N lfl H•I S.let Ht l .... , Ht! ,. IJ "41\ CION Cllt ~I,_ Cf 1: '! 11'•1 !Wt C'"9 C"' , 11'•111111 Cl6w C"t II' I -Ci.M Cllt .1~ ::1" 4t } .: .. ~ =,.~~·rr ~6!1 :: , ~~: iffi·= :i~ · .-~· t' ::~ :ai~ ]· :1• d "11t : .. ~ "'" t 21& -loll IWIA,. 1.iO ' )61 c;;; '-~ -'J. · • 1 • ~t l!,._' It 1'(~1 I. t 114 ••' '-Mu 11 ' t ~ 1.,;,•"" a ...... 'l! -1 f t. I IJ"-•jlli m~;.t,$014 l; t:i'~-;" t ::~ \,IU,,: fu ~: ~ ~=~ :'Jut. "' uf\• t" po 4 I I al)\li~I~ '"' "t,T l!' : ... :~=:~tic 1 40 '°t .~~· ~!;1r, . .:, IZT11r,':\. i:~ace:J*J 1 .: l_ ... · ~u I WCI • ~,'4-"' Marr • tt 210 ao -.... li-tftw " .40 'Ji ''"". .. r:" ·" ' 11• , ... :.:I: •OOI ... ' 'fi .• I # ""+ ' Mrtll 1: O• M'". • ....It ... t to : ~ "'° "."'"' .. I •r t le I • IOlfr. v. ,_ mel · It 12 I''°'• 1-. M.'yK , I 6 4fl i1Y1 ""'°'°' .M 1t ,...,_ 14 "'! I.to. • · " • .._ II. CHtar H r i llt A• Vt lll!O GI.I> t ti a. , "9olll n I S 11• .... · . t.111 'l" • 1 ""'· · · \eln N••1 •lllln U••U iO 12~ V. '''li 17 ... ~ I i' n '"· ... Ma1<a 10 tH at\'t+ ""9MIC.ol •• lli11tJ "'°• 1<1 t~ 201' ~·I. "r ~0, c•ow CllQ ammi 40 , 11) >O\.\• "' • It"'• ~ • 1 iltllt+ "'s:-" 1. , •' 1,.-.1111+ P.tal'I to I• so 211-. ... l'' P i • ..._. RL~Q 2t . .of''"'•" t I • Oft 'I 'J' . .__.. i. aM 11 ' ~'Ii.•"" """l!an'*i til ~·"' ., '· nt fl""•"' ~" ~~ .. IJ + \la a m 110 t '91 U.. Vo ~S·-· '-• ' llKl\ll 1l t t,._+l'> .. yll • a ... • V. l'ett I f.«1 I 1 ~+ " 1::: t :: IJ J H ... -:: A~ff l It t 11 + " a l\'lp • I I> IU uU l'I • _,. 1!00 l .tt 1$ '"1 tol/I+ • '" Olld.ay l"1 ~ • .. MalCll t M . . tMt • Iii+ ,._.,In to 4 l\l't • " "llC 1 ) ttt+t A "' f•' * . "' dPacol.40 . ti• 24 • "'1•n• .ot 1 ~·"" ... ~1dY• '· . iO 4)'6, .. MHl:i 1'111 • lt4 IO+lt+ "• .......... ~, 17 "'····· :v:;vr.'·1 ,••00 ••• : ~ • ' ... C:enPE QI 12 •t• 14\1\ •:fi•"' -.. I 2S II'-+ .,._ nvllyS 1 • 11, at ..... ·•~1~• ,<,. 1·0· 61n • ,.._ ,_,,_ 1.tt ie t J.47 t Iii+• .. " n .. ltA I t Wt i; C<UMIR '.M JO 1; Jll'I-\;, h ..-di • tO >0 + 'II Hm•G pfl,10 .. 't ti.-• V. M:1;1 '°jo I"'' I) + iV. l"NlpO .a<ol ~ fl l~l.601 t 1'!: -'-II.IA ,. .• w c PGll! lO 12 >04 to "' liHI If 1044 ' • ..._ HOl'll\lk .ao .. '" ......... I .. wl .. , '"'• , .... f'tll1>ro ti ., ". h • .to • ,, •Vt ..... ~~t.. ·11 f: .:f ir. :ptlla 1.u 1 id n ' UL wt0 .. Zf\• "' HC!ftN .ne • "' ~. "' ~tu flf 2 '°. "' ~J ""I'll!' t.12 1 M J..,, v. lep 1.• i ''° '-• '4 •c....c 1:t : 4 -.., ar1ng11 ~ )tlu .... v. EiAlrpl1.. S tth 1;, ~-11 UO 32to 7J •4 Jliloot '" 1 111$ 4""+ ._ 11'1\t pl•.: ':ng"°il '"' f:~.:C ,121~1~~ ~!1"" Actnel! n.»D t d 1 YI •rlltl• .'2 • 01 2tw + "-E•Afr Pl).10 . JI 11 . .. ooYU 1.141~ \J 'f"-YI MeYIQ .,. t 4f )l • w ,_hlll fJf 4. .. I ..... lrll!tllll l,~ I •iO U \l't+ ._, A~Oa .04 1 4 .st. . .. ernal .2 I •1'1 h + h EoJOF 1.20 s . 12 17'1it • " Hor18ft 1;';! ~ I ... 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McGEG · t • i;t 21'-\.'t Ph IE pll 7.lJ • "° ,,....,_ \'1 $unEI 'itJ ,. to 1~"' AlrPrd ,., t 1401 tt , '"' ••IHI" 1.12 10 t09 u • "' Edwr• .. 121 IU 11\li • \.'t HO¥t "' '6S 9 •1u n • "-Al 70 J;"'' v. "llli5ub 1.10 1 u 10"--.... I""~ >.JO 4 40> ,. • .... ,." ti 1• • 1~ • llWI 4' ' ,,, Ul4\;.. E'IP•:r'·· 1 Id '~. '"" Holnl pl 2.1' ' I 1149\1>+ I\'> ~o, r,H ' IJ • I~+ Pll!IMt a • .o 'ltD $214. .... u , •• 1.. • .. .. ., .• I ... • NG ' 12 • " .... EPG 2.>~ II ""' Ya Holnl pl uo )I) uJ:1 • " .... II 9 , -.. p~l"llCI .tJ IJ '" •• "" u -" -~ AU-.JO . . .. 1 ~. . H C ;.: EPG • Tl ~ •• • " HOln4 ... t·" 114 uSl\lo. "' ""'""" ltl u ""' .. -I~ I . • , .......... SUnMn ,,. • • \(o AIMoa n . J4t 1°"'-• ..110. «Ir 44 H 71'+' .. • -• -,.. 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"' cso pf o1S.JS 110 100 -.. Flu IV .IO l'l 43 ""'. v. J""'tF '·'°" 2• n -"' N•IOlfl J.10 1 21S 22 R•pCp eo .• 21 I~ .. y, TWC pl t J , 14 ... :. .. ;,.; Ancmpn .1212 73 ""• 14 CSOl)lnU.2.S ttO tOJ\.\ .... F leatpl'l.61 u 10'\lo JRl .. r .40 9 Ill It + '-NOlllpl•.U . ao SJ + y, RepFnSl.201' 920""'1 + 11, TWCpf '·'°· u 12\'>+ It. ~nnclQQ > I.~ 381 l:MIS ~,._. ~. CCom~l>Elnn ',·.~ 6S Sinn 22)~:;iii, F llQtSfl ,16 '1S 120 20.\t, + ~ J Rvr pt S.40 IS Miit. ..... HalEClu l,J2t 4 S1 lOfol+ ... '-R•PNY 1·40 ~ 6 27 ... • VI TWC pl Ut lJ3 :i. . ,. ;hor -• ' v -~ FtoelPn 17 133 n +Ya J•mtw .12 1 Tl 10 .... + Ya NatFG 3.lt S I 2"i-lo RNY plCJ.1l 6Ju22~+ \'> Trantm 1.40 t lOI JOll.• Y, AnCl•y 1.32 S 14 ll"'-+IV. Comdtt 24 9 9' 1811>+ lft Fl•EC 10 1l 61 1SV.-"" JapnF l.»e S9 I V.. • NFG pl 2.lD .. 2 1' +" RNYplAne I S>"'-• v. Trenlncl.lt . •'3 11 .. + \It AndrG n .20 7 » 10"' + V. CmSw n JO " SI S-1111 FlePL J,lt 6 •lllS 34!to.... Jeff Piii 1 .. • 6e U\to. • HatGyp 1.4114 114 11\t+ • \'1 llepSfl ·I• 192 11 + Ya TA'lllY S3 S I .... A-lie .60 11 l6 22 + In ConiMU 44 t 12 ISi.ff-V. Fl•Pr9 t,«1 I >t.J 11~ +-V. JerC pl 4 llO 24~-111 HtHom . 103 2>+1 + V. Rt 8k 1 -!+lt 022 _ .. Tr•nsco 1.IO S tt7 -+ tW. Anl\e\n 1.41 10 ,.., S...14. J ComCll • 12 2347 l2"., F11511 SI •llS 13.,, .. JerC pl '·· .. d70 ........ .,., HMdCr• M 11UJ llf+. ... R•:e .. pi2 12 I ,,.., TrMc pl 3.tJ ,. -~. "" Anlxtr ,20 II 2"' 12-... I<. CmwE 2.111 11!01 2•V.-.,,_ FlwV... 10 13'2 9ll>+ l\<1 Jere pl 13.SO 140 .,.,.,_,.,, NMclEn 4011 27'1 11 ... " lhlleol J2 s 36 1lfol++ .,. Tran1en .OJI . 1' 4.,._ w Ania n .s. 4 s 11,,.. . CwE pf 1 to 99 '~"' Flowr • .'Al t 12 1.sto-w Jere. pf II .. "'° 64 •I NMl,.5 .n • so I V. Revco '• 14 J21 321'1>-"" TrGP pf 2.iO 1 20+n-.,,_ Anllln• ,441> 10 31 .-.. CwE pf 1 4' 141'>• "" FIUOf' '«I T .. , ·~· "' Je•C pl J.11 2• '""' • NPrtt' 1.20 • M .. ,. ..... "' Ro..-. . 13 • ._. ~ TrMOh . ' 6 -v. Apache .24 t WJ IOlW. + " Cw E pl 9, .. · · 460 uJ' + I'> Foot.C 2 10 8 34 1211+. + .. J1w•IC 2.41 • SS• » + lllt NS.ml 2451 11 .... + IY, Revlon 1.M I 1800 JI''", "' Tra"ll+nl 1 10 6 11 20 .... -.. APChP un 2t • 16 ,,._ ,,. Cw E pl J,11 I n~ " FordM •. 5359 111io + ,,,.. JtwlC pl 116 ,,... V. NISvln t.• 1 11 JI • ~ Rew,,.,,, tQ 7 l' IS\lt Trevlr • l.M t 1IM'I ll'lt. V. APPw p0.40 · t9SOO u.S2' ... • 1'-Cw E pf 1.40 · tlOOO SI -I.ff ForMK ; ',AO I 210 13-lo\ JtWl<r 6 11 411•-"'' N5f-.IOI 7.\ • Re•nrd 1 ot10 JI '""• .. TrlCon J.17e .. Jn 1tV.. Ap-ptt.tS • I 11'41o V. GomE5 l.M I 14 "'""'' .,_ FtOur 1.32 .. 41 11 + lft JOllnJn I'" IJ2J IHA~+ l Nt 1511 1 : . M it'"+ Vo Re nln ,:., • •1• .. ,,.. • \o T IC p1 1 ll) s JO\o+ ApPw pl4, 18 . . 12 79.,._ "°' Con>1al 2.JD 14 S13 UV.• 2 .... FtHO...S 1.(11 12 SM JI\'>+ ~ JohnEF :IO .4J 24~) + "1o Ha tom 1.40 S 301S 11.\to • 1111+ Re~ln pt4, IO 17 ~.J~ + _,. T~is!'ln I 15 4 ApplMQ .931" IU ,. .... ,,. CoPtyc ~ .J2 71 21• ,... + "' FOJl'MI ... 6 191 11\Co + \'1 JohnCn 1.40 T l4 u ... v. N•trn pf • .. 170 31111. Ya RoMll 'IO,, ., 13Ya. ~. Trl•lnd . .0 '° 11 11 • "' ArchOn 1.c> 1 111 UV.-~ ComlJC,lr • J8 1n,, .. Folomt " 31;, .. 1;, JonLgn .eo J4 ISl'i ... NevPw 2 ... s 121 1414• v. llchV<k 1•41 10 ., .,..,,. ,,. Tri•~ 114 .. 16 • '" ArltPS 2.S2 11921 ,, .. ~ 1.\ CompS< " 14 ·~· ,,. Fo•SIP .61 I ltS 10•t.-II. Jori':' ' ) ' JO\<t-.... NevP pl I.Ml . i:300 12v, .. "' Rl999n 1'111 I s 11+n-"" Trlco .I• ' SSJ 10 ...... 1 Ar IP pl J.SI .. lt'I 26"" + lo+ Cplv\fl 11 .0.1 1• .J+n Foat>r •, l.OI • 613 U'lt. + "" JO>..., 92 11 110 2~+ V. NavP pl 1.74 . 1100 U -2h RtoGran i Ml S 21S » • 2 Trlnty .IO S t1 10\'> .. .. .. rlPpf 10.10 .. 110 90 +IV. ConAor 86 • .J 1911. ...... Frr.111.'1<; .eo 9 ,,. 16 • I JoyMfo 140 • l49 22-.... HtvP pl 2.30 llO 11V>. R•oGr pf :111 .. J01 1"'-+ 1>+1 TuctEP .. ,, • '°' 22~ .... ArltBsl ,.., . " JV.. • Condi\! J.'20 I T J0'1• Fr Qin' .. • 104 u • .. -K-K -NeveCIS" . • 41 '"" . RlteA. IO It I., ulS'+o + 1\'1 Twllleh 1. IO • • ,. + "" Arkla • .'2 f 104S 14"'+ ~ ConnEn2.60 6 13u23 + .. Frueh I 40 tS 16"'-• v, KOi n 10 13 4 .... + '" NEnQEI J I ns 31 . Rot»l>w t.'40 11 4 II ..... TyeoL • .10 6 f19 UV.+" ArlnRt I 7l0 ... lt+l·I• CnnNG 1.10 6 9 1814 -"" FuqU1 1 60 . SJ "'"• .. ICLM '',! .•. ! 34 • ~ NJRIC nl.76 • • ,... Rot>flll ti.Ml • ,, u ..... Tyle• .60. JI ,~ ... Armco 1.20 10 lt,5 1th• v. Gonrac .ao 14 J3 2'Y· • v. Fuqe pf 1 u s 1~, "" IC mart • -2111. • ~ NYSEG 2.20 6 30t 1'v. ,.: Rot>ln• .!4 1 , .. ISYI • "' TymllW 1t 1" 11 • "' Arm<. Of 2. 10 .. • 22~ "" Con Ed. 1.61 s 313A ""·-"' -~ -K•l•rAI .tO 115 13\11 . "' NYS pl 3.1S . 1100 Jl\I) • ., RochG I 1t(> s 128 U\O • -~ - ArmR s .10 S 39 II .. + " ConE pt 6 .. I 171'n l'n GAF 20 • 21' I~• Iii+ Kal>C. ~·;cl ~ :~~ + :: NVS pl 2, 12 2 ""' Roch Tl 2.0. 7 31 24W.-'" UAl 11 J207 21 + ll<o ~~~1" '1~0 2: l~~ :~ • .. " ~::~ ~ • ~ . 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UCamp 3 I 11.S SOV.+ .,_ AllllO pf3.'6 .. 102 ;u.,, + '"' CnPw pfl,4S '''° i}"'. c ••IHou SJ s 41 16 • "" KCPL pf2.3J I 21~ ~\4-1~ Nicoll n .14 103 Jl 10'". v. Aon'°" 11 J + Ya UnCMll J.40 I 1051 ,.. • "' A*llOG , , Mul71/•+ ~ c,n~!!l'·?···ac: SJ\I) fiennet11n12 426 39"1. ~~~~ ,:~ 6 SOI 17~· .,,NICOR ,, 1 M 2'"1 ..... ~or-~.n -~'3; .... 12~+ -..v neomr ..201S s JO\.'t+"" AMIO flf 4.75 .. 1' •2 n ,..7• ' 11 G•PStr .!O I S. u"V. + >\ 11 + NOtl4At 12 S 2054 10 .. lh " -tSt • ..... UnlonC .1t1 .. St Jh + "" A"'I-1.60 • IS '""--····· CnPw pf?.68 .. t610 S2 -Ga tSV< I Jt S 4 11 . . ICenNt> 1 .... I U :n~-.... NO~ n 2.IO • -uJJ + '" Rowen JlftM . eo ~-.... UnElec I ... I,.,. 13 ..... AICyEI 2 2' I 12 20 .... CnPw pt 4 39 ti.. GtarTTI 3' I 111 u+n. v. KenPLI J.40 1 l3I 2311> + V. Norlln l 16 12-..+ .... RC Cos 1.04 t .. 11~ + .... UnEI pf 4 .. cllO 21\'>+ II. AtlMtro .0-4 101 I .. CnPw pf]... &3 11"'--Gelco 112 I M tt\t+-Vo Ke PL pf2.23 .. 10 17+,..-y. Nontr n J.JO S 2' ,..,_ • \'> RoylO 2.17t • 1\1 ll .... + v, UnEI pl •.AO UlO 43"'+ 111 AllRl<ll 2.40 • S1JI .Jlll>+J .... CnPw P<l as • 2''.I> G•mC. JO 21 J~. .. Kalyln S 17 IV.-Nortofl .• J 24 I .... Aul>rm 1.J412 19 40•4-14 UnE~M •.. ti 21 -V. AURcpt J .. IJSI +I. CnPw~2.!0 I Ill•• c;.,mln240a • 15\to+fol+K•l•of l.46 .. I 23YH NAColl ,IOI 1t tt-..+v. RutTOQ IS 29 U\'>+'lllUEI LI . r!O WY> •. .t,llRc pl 3.IS . 110 31 • .,, CnPw prJ 23 ' IS~ GAlrl• 4.2M . " 1S'i\+ v. Keuler 24 209 ·~. NoAPN 1.10 I " 41 • '" RyenH" 1SU1040 20V,. "' UnE pf 2.IJ • 4 11tSY, ~ .,, A ti Re pl J,IO ,. J .. v. + J CnPw pfJ.~ 6 11 .. • GAmOll .-11 lSJ :rt • t+,. K•ul pl 1,)0 · · J 11111+-NEurO 2.a. I 4 19 . . . . . R dllrS 1 -9 134 JS Un El pf 2 n J 22\0+ AtllltCp 1 2t 11 -"' ContAtr * 411)+ GClnm .9t 10 41 • v. + "' Ktlltr .30 1 • 10\0t . NOllstUt 1.:11 11032 ''"'····· v ·-S--S -unet: 1:u .. rU» s1 .:.:·io; Auoet 32 11 ,., U lt.+ '4 ConlCop l1t lO A • • GnOel• 239 1\'J + "' Kelloog 1 XI t llSI u26,,.. • NlndPS 1.iO 10 41t 12\ft-V. SCA .JO I l it ,_ "° UEI H I . . IJll ~-I AuloOI ·sou DI J•\o+"' CntCpl l.lS .rlOO 1.-. ...... GllOyn .n101016 ,,~ • .,, Ktllwd .40. 21 u-NoSIPwl.74 1 IJD 2'~-1>\ SCA+' 2. ,,. ~.II> llOll I 63041 2'14.+1'- •vcoCp 1:20 • 11• 22 + "" CntlCp 2 eo 6 997 2111>-GenEI 3.40 10 •1'2unw•1\'> tc:enal 10 2 240 • + HSPw pf4.ll . llSO lll't. .... SFN 1.1610 -"" • IVt UnPac 1.IO tlJU 11111+• "" Avcopl J.JO .. 1' 4'1\'>+1111+ CntlGrpl.MI 4 19' 3011.+ GnFds 1>0 I IS6 ...... ""Ktnml ... 10 lS l • -HSPwofl.IO .,dOO Mir>-llJ SPSTIC .n S 1J U .... Unlroy1 • 1'1 1\1>•"' Avery «> t :zw u2'1'1 • "'-CnlGll pl t . 30 16... . GHo:n • !O 1 l40 "'"' + v. KyUtll t.20 7 105 II.,._,.··· NorTI 9 l u G I 40\1> + "" Sabine ,«I It 1'S 1211. • 1 Unryt pl 4e .. tMO 4' -V. Avnet . I 11 1615 4414;. _,. Conti II 2 • 14271 16"'-\&+ GnHO<.$ 20 S 16 ..... + 'A+ KtrtGt 44 6 1• 11V. • Ntl>Qet Q 14 31,. . . SIOOBs t .a:2 14 1(2 16"' + " UnttO n 3 121 "'• lot --· -. ContTll 1.se 1 sos ..... Glnst ' !O 11 1709 34-" + I" K•rG pt 1 IO • 3 .. .,.._ Nortrp I .Ill . 41 I u.sl'Wo. I.... 519"5< s ~ ~ .... UnBrnCI ''° ,. • 1\'1 + .... Bairnco .40 6 23 1'\'J.. CIOel' .SS I Jll)tt 21\rt • 1 GnMllls I t4 10 47'1 44'11> t ~ KlfrM s I 10 I .,. H V. • 1' NwtlAlr Ill DI ~ + liJ SfQCl5 wt • J ...,_,... UBrd pl UO . I 1\1> .... Blltlnll f2 S 1066 Jiit. \., Conwod 1.30 • 11 utt"--• GMol 1-S2 6'M 4'1 , 1..._ Key\Cn . 40 12\'> Nwtllq> 1.M • 83 21' ... • II. Slfewy 2 Ml 10 ffiO "-"""~I UCDTV n .14 15, lit -· It. B•I_. :32 11 m 1~. . Coo, Un rnr . II J•.n . GMol p1 vs I 3H't-~ K•y>lnl •.41 IS o 111-.-~. NBcp pt . 2IO ul1"' + v. SaQaCo .St 9 n n-.,,_ UnEMQ 2,l2 J W. 21h+ 111o BalCIU s • s '°' l•V •• v. C00p< 1 S2 • 11.. to~ • 1 GMol pt s . 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UJ..-Bk 1.J• 4 .. lt'-.. .. e:nal' :111 . IS 13'1'o ... COt'nG 2321• f09 !,2 • GTlre I.SOI> I JIS H V•+ 14 KopP< pt 10 10 14\1>+ \I> HoYO .2-10 lft 4SV.+ Vt S.nden .M 11 •II st • ~ UldMAA 2• S ...... .. Bk;:,v l .20 • 24' <IOI'!-.... Cor81k 1.Jl 10 T ·~ + '" Gent<o 11 ,. J~ .... IC,._T 1.n I M 1 37W.-I Nuc• .il 12 41 <12\'J. 114 SAnllRt '·" • JI llllt-~ UPitMn SJ 42 JV.+ .... lkofVe 1. tt 1 1J 11'1•-~ C-1" t 22 '3 Jiit"' "• GnRICI 10 ZU H• U Vt + " l(uhlm 1C1e 6 24 IOV. • If,, Hulr5 n .32 10 142 la24 • _,. SFelnd t I .... I ltV,+ II) USFo5 S.07• . 1J 1'\I>-411 BnkAm U2 •1'7• I .... +"--Cox8Cls lttA 91 JOV.+ 14 Ge!!>IQ .60 . I• 1011.+ .... KyCJloC 2'r2l '1 JO +tit -0-0 -SaulRE .20e .. 14 t \'>+ \.\ U5Alr .12 tlllSullh• V. lltAlttY 2.40 IO 113 2SVI. t• Cr•lo 14 I '"' ..... Gar pl I.. . ' ., ....... Ky-.4' tJ "° 6.\1.-v:. 0 1-lnd ,24 • 2nt U \'> .... S.vEIP '·" s 2' "~. "" USGtPt 2.40 II 112 U lt• "' Banl!Tr 2.0S 4 S06 32"1+ \;, Cre,,. l.t+Oe 1 30 11"-+ \'> Genupt I.JO 12 S1't --_,. -L-t. -0.~lleP 1.S2 t • llY>+ '-Savin . 1JO 6 t I U$Gypl UO • 11..--1 .. 8kTr pl 4.ff . J J:J\'> • \'> Crl YR• It 409 11.,,., ,.,._ Ga Pac I.JO 1 2MI 11"1. . LN HO nJ SM 1 33 23 -~ OCCI"'°' 2.SO S 91S 014 • 14 S<t>rPto I. .. II _, )4"" • -!\ USHom .l5e, . .540 1'f\+ It Banner II • .. -.,,_ Crltan ... I ..,._. "" G•I"< pl 2.24 .. 1S 21-...... FE J 30 s~ .... OcclP pl .. 2 •lh-"" S<hlrnl> ... I 4916 """• IYa U5lllCI .7' .. 115 ........ . 81NICR '5t 16 0 JIVI + V. CrockN l .40 I tll ?at.+ 'A GaPw pll).76 . . 117 u'7'1t.+ VJ LCCo pt 2 4'11.• .,,_ ()(clP 012.SO I 11W.-"" SclAll .1212 IS12 12111+ + .... USl..aat AO U 11 t1\I,.. I S.rn09 .llO •• 11 Ill'> Cr<kNDf211 11 I_,,_ GaPwpf2.5' .. ,, JIM> ..... Tll )() Jl6JI 11V.+ fol+ OC<IPpft.lt .. 1 1~'-SCOll' ... 13 M1u21 .... •t lJSRlyl.lk 2 1 11 _.,.. a..... 1.0I • 1'3 22V.. "" CrmpKn 1.04 , I 0 ,,.,._ .... G•Pw "'2.52 . m ......... 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Cull>ro I• • u 2"4 + .... GlefttP • ' 4~ "" Hr5Q 1.'so •• l1S 24 ..... O,,EO Of J,tO . 110 ~ \to su e t pf, 10 . " Uf\. \la un1T•l '·'· • ttl " -"" 8eyStG 2.32 6 ,. """•,,. Culll!l l\ 2e 200 l2 • ""Glbrr<11 .. lllJ1 u '"'•"' .. sr.22s I 6J •4 OllEC10f4.41 . &SOD ~· -Se•CA>nt .G s 1 .. u... ..... Uni,... .UIS ... JO .... ... rlftQ ' ' 214 1t ....• Cum En 2 • 111 32\1). ~ GIHHlll .'2 i2 u ,. .. I MRn ' «I io 40 1"-OtlEd pf 4.it . r2AOO 31 • "' SIHfll 1.4',. '20 u.,,, t "' U11lv•r ... • , 0 •.•.. 8Mtl'<f l,!O I 12'° 11"' • Ill Curr Inc 1 10 · •14 9\1< + It. Gl11Mle 2.3010 tl5 ,.,.._ "--•YT• 1' ~ 10 :a. H .. • .• OllEd pf 1.20 . dOO UY,• 1\'1 SHQrm 1.IO S 144 S2111+-"" Unfvl'cl I.CM I J1 --"" 8MI Of J.JI .. M 40'.lo~ "' Cur'IW I S I •h + ... GIOOM t .2' 2 67J "'-• Ya "Ent 1: 1• 9 IJ 241'i +" ~ OllEO pf UO .. U 14~ ·•• S.aQUI 1' 251 S\4-"-UllL.Hf 1,64 7 91 3'141.,.. 1-. lec:tnO 1.10" l'3 41~. 2 Cycloo> ' 10. 1;J ,.. IS\<. ... GldNUQ • ,,. ~· " tePIM ... 1 II """ • ..._ OtlEd pf 9.12 .. l2GO ·-" +S Se•IAlr .eo 11 m 24 +IV. UllOfWI UI • O.J 44\l, + -lfter .. JI •\Ot • -0.-0 -GIOWF OJI .. -, .. + V. el\Vat 10 1 OflEd Df U4 .. Jlt -1111o + 1"-Seal PY! I M t IM u3l • .. V Llr<E .M S $U 11h• 411 BeicoPl.eGll s ,,. 11~ ,,. OMG 16 lit ... · Gdtlch i.st • 112 2011. + .... ,,,,,,, 1.11 •. : ISi ,,.. •• ii; 9'\E Ill 10 • .-•• "'° 71 .... SHrltG .S11416" ....._"' u L,. pn.u .. I tt .. lo let-·" 7 161 J1 -Iii+ Oamot1 :IO 246 7'1o• V. Gd•<h plJ.12 .. JS 14<1/o. . 1nn.tt 20 11 151 t.116 • 1111+ OflE of 10.16 .. 1100 1' .... Sean 1.>6 11 5111 221'1-+ UllftH I.CW. .. Ml Pio .... aetllnd .~ 10 10 I~• V. Oen Riv S6 I 20 llV. V. ~yr t.40 t ?M 25" + _,. ·-& ,;., I tJ ~ + \'-OflP flf t.04 .. HO SM>-.,._ Se< Pac 2,40 4 177 2t'll+ • I'! Ute PL t.• t 452 20 • \lo lelCdQ l.tl • 14V1-111+0anaeo1..o 10 231 2511.-~ GcwclJt s. • 111 14 + \.'t euceo 4 1 11~v. Ollll'OfGJ,77 .. • 1t _.,, Sacko u • Jll ,..... UtPL pllLIO, 1•1122111++ 1-, IMml• 1.MI • • u.JO • 2 O•n .. I ,.. I l2 12111+. .. GoulCI 1.n 10 •1014 ,..._. \lo .evlSI I 6S ... , 27WH 1\lo QrlP pf A 14 .. z20 100 -I SlltLI ,eo 4 1 10~. ~ UtPL Pl Ull. IS 21 ..... atnGIJI J.12 • HJ 4914-)1,1; O•nKr J.eo 10 413 57"9 Gr•<• uo 4 41 ~. "' VIUF ' 1• J2 ""'-+ ~ ()flp llfEt.-. 1100 S6 _,~ SvcCp S6 10 " 27"'. Ya lJtPL ... 2 04 10 ul~ + "" ltftd• pl4.04 .. 100 ., -.1 OetaGft ' 1117 21\AI. IM> Gralnor '·" 10 )0 «>"-.I OF t,20 SI 27 22 • 'A OkleGE 1,7' I '"' 111>\ .. "" Sllff... 1 s •flt ''"". .::.. v:...v -9«11Q> 2 2111. 21,..+ lt\ OllTtr i 225 .S~• 111 GrallllY . • 9'.lo + 1.r. Of pf 4.7S , , S ftl!to .. ,.. OllllO pl M .. I.SO '"' + .... Sl\apetl • t 24\l't .• · .. \IF~ 2.«I 7 llt S1111+ + V. ......... 11 6~ SI'!+ V. 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YI :J101 ~'-+ 14 , .... 1 '1l t I llllAI ',-. -~ ... ' I"" .. 'll ~..... I;'.~:: '!!,.!'l: i: '1' . 1.-.t:: t .• '2: UI ., ii .'" on•• ,.., ~~-·-II!?!'! ... ~ o ,.-u 1 jH;." !-. M "lt •1141 " J till ~~w1 •• 'fllal °)~, ~Jt ~:l\jj UIS·~·" H1 t .. 'It::",_ ,._. ,••-I '1 lll •t'' 11 I ... ~ ·• l W'-.. = •ti : 11 ::::: J 4 114 ".,.:.:·ii; flJ ~ 4 .. i" f ; I'll .• • I ·I \'t 't 1111 IM• 141 1!M .ti , m D§• : 1! I 1t Jt ,,~~ ~ 1 -I !t~ t.: • "'\ '•· • • ... t .. ..... """' .If. i .. • 1148111 • Iii •"'-.. -~ M J' •" •• • ' 11111 • tAi ,.., 1i11 • r1onl1e • • w J414-;. • gets WASJi UNGTON (AP) -A federal judge b.411 formally 11,pproved the ant.h.ruat aettlement between the Amer fican Telephone & Teleir•ph Co. and the govemme .. nt, aeulng the stage for the largest corpora~ reorganiz 1at.1on In hiatory. ln 01 c'her worda, Ma Bell UI giving up her children. U.S . District Judge Harold H. Greene on Tuesday signed tJ he .eulement requiring AT&!r to •p.ln off It.a Bell Sya t.em operatln* companies in what wLll be the breakup of the world a largest company . The ! judae'• final approval was almost antt· cllmactil :· because the J ustice Department and ~T&'I' had anr aounced their willingness to accept a aenes of condiUo IN laJd down by Greene last Thunday Un der the orde r, AT&T must set free its 22 wholly owned and operated l'Ompanjes by Feb. 24, 1984 -18 months from Tuesday. Ba111k acquires bonds A group headed by Bank of America, San Francl.uoo was the successful bidder on $100 million of veteri &:ns bonds issued by the state of California. "r;tie state said it issued the bonds to assist CaHfrJr n1a war veterans to acquire farms or homes, the cost • :>f which are to be repaid to the state on an amortized purchase plan. ' 1.'he bond will mature starting in 1983 and the last term 1 bond will be retired by the state in 2007. 'fhe Standard & Poor's AA-plus rated securities wer e offered for sale to the public at yields of 6 pen :ent on the bonds maturing in 1983 to 9.80 percent for the term bonds maturing in 2007. '~'far Wars' big draw Twentieth Century-Fox Telecommun ications re ports that early subscriber response to its Sept. 25 pE" y-per-view telecast of "Star Wars'' has been "of verwhelming," said STV and pay cable operators th ~ roughout the United States. Andrew Wald president of Fox Pay Television. s~ jd subecriber int.e'rest in "Star Wars," at this time, is r l inning well ahead of other recent pay-per-view e ' 1enta such as successful boxing matches which have t • een offered to pay TV systems. STO t ~KS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAKCAP) FIMI Oow·JOnet 1\IQS lor T utMllY. AUQ, 2• A MER ICAN LEADERS Ut 'S AND DOWNS N EW YORK CAPI The tollowlnQ 1111 "'Cl' '"' ti.. N-Yori. Stoel< E•< ..... $10( "' -warrani. thet hive -uP the ,,_, --" 111t molt t>a>4d on ~· 1 ~•H•I ot Che-rf'Qerdleu ol VOiume tor r-r.· .,.:;:• :. ~!: r!:,~~P.:~.:~:·.~~~ Giiii ire<>L• be-the prevlou' <lo\lnQ prtc> 1 Ind T u.day'e ptlce N•me I I 4••P 1 Hpf 1 c .rltonCp 3 I Jllnc pf • I >ubllU lr'ICI S • :mwEd wtB • I OIGlor PIA 1 1nsllco pfA I P rttleyCol 9 Trtco 10 8-Punl 11 MorenEnQ 12 IPurltn F•sh IS 'W.TRAlnc 1• OowrCp' 15 0-Co It F\nCpAm t 11 AllR<h )pf II I N -1 Horr.ft 1' I OuMP PfM 1 <I a_,. ..... ""' 2 1 A m • _._ EAL wtO PSEG 4,_,,, StPacCP Trant<n Inc u" La~~, ... c~ .... ·~ ,.,,, • l\rt 2~ ... I • I 16 • 1 20V1 .. 21'> 10•4 11Ai 9V, '"' IJ&. + IV. 101;, ,.,.. ..... ,,. 1411+. • 1V. ,,.,. + , .... IV. + 11+. tit+ .. 1 .. 2'9 +U~ 1'-.. ·~ M + 6 ,, • JV, H II E S S • up 1.\1. v. J3 , 1 .. '"' .... Prll. Up 1'1 UP 21.1 Up I' 1 Up It.I Up l•.l Up U.J Up 13., Up 1l9 Up 11.4 Up 12.1 Up 12.0 UD II t Up 11.J Up 11 J Up I 1.1 Up 11.0 Up 105 Up 10.S Up 10.l UP 10,J p F '0. I Up 100 Up 10.0 Up t i OOWNI Up 91 Natne I Mud plA 1, ~70Dr •~rpn S Cf\9n~ WI 6WlllmtEI 11 1 8-t• =~Cp IOH«leMltll 11 P5EG S.21ef 12 OortwM= 13 otlEO t .I 14 PSlnCI 4. U GtNotl.-14 1 ..... 1u10 , 11 Cafl'+llUI Sci II TIOtt lnl "~·' JO NSPw 4 IQllf ~ ~':i"::of tt U~Pho 14 2S r< M CO GOLD COINS Ult CftQ Pel. ,..\to 1 0 11 IS.0 21"' -l>• Off 12. I W 1 OH 11 S J ... Off 11.1 •II. V. Ofl 10.S t (f+ -I Ott t t S V. Oft 9. I ~-• ... g:: ::~ I~-I OH U --J"' OH I.• '"" -"' Off 1.t St -) Ott 1.1 1..., -"' Off 1.1 n -1"' Oft ,,, nto -I Ott 7.7 l)w -I Oft 7.0 t'--llt Off 1.0 t \'1 -" OH ... • .... -2"" Oft ••• , ... -114 Oft •4 t \41 -fol+ OH U "" -"' Oii •. J'lllll -l\'t Off .. , ,_ -\I) Off •• I NEW YOIU( {AP) -Prlo .. ,., • ~ d .-is oolne. _..,.. .. "'"" Wedl ......... prtaa. ·r--t UC, OL, tno.00, up ., .. .... 1Mt, 1 t~ oa., IMO.SO. up 111.A ........... 1.t"" ......... 11. upltUO • ----......... ~ ... •10.00. up ltl.00. STOCKS DNft Hltllt Lt• Cleat 0. lO Ind •.n l'lf.Jt 14' 01 IJ4.t0 1•.tJ 10 Trn l3'I 48 :MS.JS 133.11 lll.'5 • 1,., IS Utl 11S.S9116.6S 114.62 l1Sl1• O.~ 6~ Slk :M2.2• J.OS .. J3S 91 ll'l.03-1.01 lnOu• 12,Clm,JD( Tr•n J.S1t,.OC Ulll\ J,S13,«J( 6S Slk tl.>22,JDC WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YOl>K IAPI AUQ U "Cl••'l<.O DetllNd u nc l\aft91<1 Tot•I ll>IW\ New 1'1+11"• N1w I-~ Wk,. 1 A..,( a OIO NEW YORK IAPI r.-. 'tO ... MO 1996 XII' • AUQ ,. r.-PHY ACllle<Ked )91 CleJo DetllNd 219 ,., Un<IW"Qld n> I .. T 01• I IS\Uf'\ 139 ... Ne .. hi~ JS J5 N~w IOW\ 11 IS METALS NEW VOOK !AP) -$pol nonl«rous '"411111 prleeS I0<11y C•l'Pe,. 72-73 c en1s • pound, u .S dwllnellone. LMd 26-29 _, ••• pG\HlCI Zlftc 40 oenl• • pc>un<I, __...,_ Tiii M.4549 Mellett WMI< comp()alt• ,.............,. 78-78 oenta • pound. N Y Mwowy ~5.00 P« ftUlt. "'•tlftlllft 1201 OO-S21H1.00 troy OU"'"· NY SILVER H+tl\Oy & H11t1ne11. ST 780 I* lroY ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS •Y TM NMc4ttlM "'- Salacted ~ oo1c1 pr1oee •oo•r· Londan mo1n1ng ll•lng $304.50. oll 113.25. L ... ct .. a ll••"oo" 1wno s.01.00. ot1 $1.75. ,,.,. .nemoon flll•no P83.38. on 111.&1 ~, ....... ftldng ~16.48, oft '11.02. ZWldt late atfemoon llJdnQ 1:399.00. off 110.00 bid. $400.00 Mltecl. Hendy a Her111a11 tqnly oelly quo1at '401.00. off M.76. .......... (Ollly OaJfy (IUOltl '401.00, Off le.75. ·~ (Otoly dilly qu01el '9btlcal.0 S4nos. °" st oe SYMBOLS ' POOLING THEIR STRENGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size ~ Not 11t1oto bJ Cher1ee Sten pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing h ow exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-satisfaction, not fanfare By GLENN SCOTT or .. o.-, ,... •left Lap swimmers don't get much glory and don't seem to care. For them the chance to dive into a Jong and narrow lane, slip on their eye goggles and push off on a chlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side ia enough reward. They may be a breed apart, but it is a common one because they share a strong feeling that their daily routine is more than simple physical exercise. It is a therapeutic one. At Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- ai2ed pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a.m.. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m . Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small euphoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swimmers. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and husband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swim from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Today she logs from two to three m iles a day. She's competed and placed well in rough water competition in the ocean, including a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page B 1 Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. She says she swims because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and offers a sense of accomplishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, white and blue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. "After you swim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." &t Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his daily workout, says he has noticed how much at ease and alike lap swimmers become. Swimming, he explains, Is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls himself out of the pool. His tired arms and broad shoulders show the strain. They tremble slightly. "Rather than having a martini or a beer over lunch, you can get a similar effect from swimming," he aaya. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about your weight." Ted Durbin, Craig Wiley and Dorian Johnson all had the same idea when they began swimming laps. They are training to compete in the lat.est physical fitness test. the lrlathalon. which combines a long-distance run, swim and bicycle race. A second-year student at UCl's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the Heritage Park pool because it is uncrowded and requires fewer turns. Says the swimmer: "I've just started triathalons to augment my studies. I h ave a busy schedule as a medlcaJ student and I like to have some diversity. They work weU together." Ralph Huestis, 61. is a retired Navy dentist who 40 years ago held the best time in the breast stroke in the Northwest. He swam for tl\e University of Oregon. Now he is re-Immersing himself in the joys of swimming by entering masters' meets. OHANG E COUNT Y <.ALllC>JI NIA 2~ C l-NT S county weighs f iv~ options for airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Orthe Dllltr ,llot St•n Five options for the future of John Wayne Airport -including one under which 91l jets per day would depart over noise-lmpas:ted neighborhoods - are under study by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. None of the plans, prepared by the county airport staff, has been publicly released or discussed by supervisors or their staffs. But a document reviewed this week shows that supervisors are faced with options ranging from essentially doing nothiqg at the airport to increasing passenger capacity to a maximum of 11 million travelers annually. The airport now serves about 2.5 million people each year. Jet departures are limited to 41 per day. Each of the plans contains different proposals for noise reductions. number of permitted Jet departures and the size of the high-noise impact area located south of the airport's 5,700-foot long jet runway. Two plans, for example, would limit r.· t departures to the current Jeve . A third would boost departures to 55 per day·. a fourth. 73 per day, and a fifth, 98 per day. Four of the plans contain mechanisms for reducing jet noise. 'the fifth, the 98-flight alternate. would, maintain the high-noise impact area as it existed in 1979. That 246-acre a rea contains about 1,100 dwellings. Sources close to airport policy say it likely will be several weeks before supervisors initJate public debate of the five plans, or any Brown due to veto Irvine hospital hill By JOEL C. DON Of1t1• D•H1 Plk>t lten Passage of spectal land legislation for a group wishing to build a hospital in Irvine appeared dim today. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. was expected to veto the bill, which would have permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to supporters of the Irvine Medical Center (IMC) plan. The land, located near Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway, was to be leased at fair market value for a 99-year term. Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, SA.id she was told the governor would veto the bill unless it was amended so that there is no suggestion that Brown endorses any type of health care plan or hospital proposal for the city. BerJ{eson, a backer of IMC. introduced the special land bill. "The bill is facing a possible veto if she (Bergeson) doesn't take it back and change it," said Terri Thomas, one of Brown's legislative aides. The governor has until midnight today to make a decision on the legislation. .Bergeson, however, said the bill probably would not pass the state Legislature if she pulled it from the governor's desk today for amending. She said it appecars Brown would prefer that the bill be sent back to state lawmakers so he· would not have to make a decision on it. "We have offered to clarify the language of the intent of the bill," she said. "But the effort in (See HOSPITAL, Page A%) n ew proposals that might ~ advanced. It was last Jan. 6 that Orang' County Superior Court Judg¥ Bruce Sumner, in a major victory for Newport Beach, overturned a previously adopted airport master plan that called for increasing flights to 55 per day aa noise reductions were achieved. That plan also detailed t e rmin a l and parking improvements to boost the airport's a nnua l passenger capacity to more than six million. Sumner ruled that enviro nmen tal documents describing the impacts of th~ master plan were inadequate. In the wake of the ruling, the county has been prohibited by a subsequent court order Crom making all but minor improvements al the airport or <See. AIRPORT, Page A%) Sunny skies seen soon along Coast A few rare "August raindropt fell along the Orange Coast early today, but National Weathef Service forecasters said sunnier and warmer con di lions are expected Thursday. The cloud cover is expected t.O begin dispersing tonight, witb partly cloudy skies prevailing Thursday. Coastal cities wi experience high temperatures i the 70s on Thursday. forecaste said. A brief shower occurred about 5:30 a.m. today in Sa Juan Capistrano. Other citle including Costa Mesa, Santa and Huntington Beach, reported a few d·rops dotting the windshields of local motorists. Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said August rainfall is indeed a rarity. Marines patrol Beirut BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - U.S. Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised the evacuation of about 500 Palestinian guerrillas from Is raeli-ringed Be irut today, escorting the fighters o nto a Cypriot ship. The vessel Sol G1orgios left .Beirut in the early afternoon bound for the Syrian port of Tartous, nine hours after 800 leathe rnecks came ashore in amphibious landing vessels to join French and Italian soldiers in a multinational force overseeing the guerrilla departure from Beirut. It was the Marines' 10th peacekeeping role since World War Il and the first time they landed on Lebanese shores since 1958. French and Lebanese officials See photo, Page A3 said earlier that the Sol Giorgjos would go to North Yemen with guerrillas unable to leave on Tuesday. But the officials said later the vessel was going to Syria. No explanation was given for the change, but another vessel docked shortly before the Sol Giorgios left and prepared to receive another load of guerrillas .. Israel announced earlier that the overland evacuation of guerrillas to Syria had been delayed, reportedly because the Palestinians were afraid of attacks by Christian militiamen lo ya I t o Bashir Gemayel. Lebanon's president-elect. Gemayel ~upported Is rael forces which invaded his country June 6 to rout the Palestine Liberation Organization. County approves spending boosts • ID budget ~ r Orange County government has an $878. 7 million budget on the books today -a spending program 15 percent higher than last year and one still clouded by economic uncertainties. The budget is about $11 5 million greater than the spending program for the fiscal year ending June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the figure COUNTY projected last month when county supervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carryover of funds budgeted but not spent in the last fiscal year. Those carryover amounts included millions of dollars for construction of new roads, park Irvine in the swim too Irvine has a first-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Mission Viejo complex, which receives far more publicity. Page Bl. Judicial voice for Angels When not pronoundna on matters of evidence and handing down rulingl. Judge Philip Petty talks about pinch hitters and team polltlona u a part-time announcer for the Angell. Page A9. Gilt aids GWC museum A $10,000 gilt from Amlnoll USA hu nMved a natural hlttory muaeum at Golden We1t College. P949 AB. improvements, control of beach • erosion and renovation of the old county courthouse in ~ta Ana. said Maria Bastanchury, associate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains about $22.7 million for contingencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year to pay for unbudJ{eted projects. It also includes about $25 WORLD million in "appropriations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unless revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be, Bastanchury said. Bast.anchury said the county budget "didn't fair really as badly" as officials had feared Taiwan I riendly but cool Since the United States cut off relations with Taiwan in 1979, relations with the island nation have been somewhat cool but correct, wi th trade burgeoning. Page E4. Tortilla crisis in Mexico The doubling of priceJ for tortillas. a basic food alaple, brinp Mexia>'a economic crtsi1 home for m<>1t of ltl 70 mllllon people. Pap A. 7. BUSINESS 17 more stores lor plaza There la apparently no ~nomy pinch belna e~ by many Ora.net C.O..t ahoppen. South c.out Plala. COm Me., hM ~ planl to opm 11 new nns. p._. a. earlier this year before the state legislature had completed work on the state budget for fiscal 1982-83. something of a "pass through'~ agency which administers suet> programs using funds provided by the state and federal governments. Thus, what happens at those governme nt levels impact the county's progress. Still, she said. there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes either being implemented or planned in the delivery of social and health services. Supervisors adopted th budget without comment. County government is (See BUDGET, Page A%) INDEX Horoecope All Ann Landers Al 1 At Your Service ·· A4 Businea C6-7 Herb Caen. An Movies C8 Cavalcade A 11 Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notices E7-8:Fl-6 Oasslfied F6-10 Comics F.6 Crossword F.6 Sporta Cl-4 Death Notices E7 Stock Markets C7 F.dltortal All Televialon C9 Theat.ere C8 w .. ther A3 Entertainment ca Food Dl·l2, El -2 SPORTS ,... __________________________ """"' ____________ ......... ______ ..., __________ ..... ~....,~ ........................... iiiiii.....:Oiiiiiii-....;..,;iilloiiliiiii------....... ------------"!"'"' ... ____ ... __ .-.. .... """'!'""!"' ........... --... ... ~ The 25th annual Laguna Be ac h City Tenni s Tournament will be held ln September with matches in men's and women'• singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Matchea will be held at Laguna Beach IJJgh School, Moes Street and the Laguna NIRuel Racquet Club. Entry fee is $12 for singles • The Patience Wri~ht Chapter o( the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold its mo nthly meeting Sept. 7 at the Hotel Laguna. Leslie Warren, a special agent of the Federal Bureau From Page A 1 HOSPITAL. . ' . the governor's office primarily is to kill the bill." Bergeson blamed the expected defeat o( the bill on the lobbying efforts of Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean o( UC Irvine College of Medicine. He has long fought for a major research hospital to be built on the Irvine campus. UCI c urrently is considering several hospital proposals. ! Van den Noort has stressed that he is acting as an individual -and not for the university - in his lo bbying activity. IMC efficials, however, doubt that van den Noort could have mustered so much support as quickly as he did in the state Legislature and governor's office without his prominent positio n with the Wniversity of California. •' He has called lawmakers in an effort to kill the land bill. The ,. t;rom Page A 1 J\IRPORT. • • increasing the number of je t departures. 1 At the same time, the county has been under pressure from several major airlines for permissio11 to begin Orange yaunty service. The count:v has Whale r escue atte mpt fa ils 1 SAN DIEGO (AP) -An attempt to save a baby California gray whale, badly deformed and half its nonnal size, failed when the yearling died a t Sea World shortly after being lassoed in San Diego Bay and removed by crane. and $16 for doubles. The Tournament la open to all residents within the Laguna Beach Unified School District and members of the Laguna Beach Tennis Club. Deadline for entrleti ls Aug. 27 a t 4:30 p.m. at the city's recreation department, 515 Forest Ave. Tourney dates are Sept. 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12. of Investigation from 11141 until his retirement seven years ago. will be the guest speaker. The program begins a t 11:30 a.m. legislation was introduced in February, but van de n Noort claims he didn't hear about it until last week after reading a newspaper story. The anticipated defeat of the land bill appears to make action taken by Saddleback College trustees moot. Tuesday evening college officials took the first major step toward appr oval of the IMC project. In making a formal commitment to IMC, the trustees a pproved a land reconfiguration plan to accommodate the medical center and authorized a joint conditional use •permit to be filed with Irvine. They had previously endorsed the IMC concept. The land reconfigura tion allows for major overhead power lines to be rerouf.ed away from the proposed medical center site. adopted a plan to permit entry by new carriers by reallocating the existing 41 daily departures -a plan that itself has spawned e,xten sive litigation in U.S . District Court in Los Angeles. Officials privately say th e easiest way to put the airport access issue to rest would be to increase the number of permitted daily jet departures. But, they Add, suc h a m ove will undoubtedly bring down the wrath of residents oi both Santa Ana Heighta and Newport Beach. Thus, the stage ill likely set for yet another stormy chapter in the history of the county's only commercial air carrier facility. BUDGET. • • In a budaoi-retated action. they rejected a reque1t by Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gattw for •90,000 to establlah a Pl'nonnc:I lnveatlgauon Umt thttt w ould lnveatlgate complolnta agaln1t sheriff's department employeea. S u ch co mp l aints a r e lnvesllgated by the department'• personn el bureau. Gate• aald Increased workload necesaltated a new two-member unit for investigation of misconduc t complaints. There were 121 such complaints In 1981. he said in a letter to supervisors. But county Administrative Officer Robert Thomu said the request should not be approved, pointing out that the sheriff now e mploys 18 peop le In the personnel bureau. In othe r a c tion Tuesday, supervisors: -H e fu s ed to grant an additional two percent increase in monthly benefits to people belonging to the Orange County Employees Re tirement System. The two percent would have been in addition to a three percent boost automatically awarded by the system, based on increases in t he cost of living index. Monthly benefits to people in the system range from $125 to $4 ,000, d e p e nding on t h e e mployee's length of service and salary level. Supervisor Roger Stanton said s upervisor s should con s ider awarding "fl at" dollar amount increases instead of percentage increases -a suggestion that raised the ire of board Chairman Bruce Nestande. "I cannot accept this idea of equalizi ng ... retirement scales," Nestande said. Nesta n de voted against Stanton's successful motion to d eny the two pe rcent added Increase. -Approved an "employee assistance program" for workers whose job performance drops because o f alcoh o l and d rug abuse a nd emotional problems, marital difficulties or financial problems. Crash victim in Irvine ide ntified The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath the San Diego Freeway in Irvine, J ohn Duane Calhoon. died of m assive skull fractures, the Orange County Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calhoon . 19, of Cypress was reported missing Tuesday, Aug. 17 . His s m ash e d c ar w as discovered on Monday, six days later, in a concrete c hannel where the San Diego Creek flows under the freeway. Authorities said they aren't certain how long the car was there. but that they believed the victim died on impact. Sunny Thursday night and rnor nlng noura, ......... Em t>ecomlng 1out,,_terly et 10 to e.!:!lf:~!!!!~~~~-r-'T"_;=.::-;:~ ta knots In the etternoon with • r t-to-2-toot south-I ewell. Coa stal >Cloudy today with parllal dMtlng thlt eftarnoon. High• 73 t' 78. Pertly ctoudy tonight wlth d\lernlghl Iowa In the mld-eo1 Nloetly sunny and warm•• on Thurldey with high renglng trom 73 to 81. El••where . from Polnl <;oncaptlon 10 lh• Mexican border and out eo mll•• Nonttw.1 wind• 10 to 20 knot• C1V9I outer water• "'th 3 to 5 foot MU thr0U9h Thur.clay Loc;alty llQht vllfteble wlndt during nlOht tr1d morning houri , b~fng llOUtnwMt 10 -t 8 to 1e knob h 2 loot wind waves. lnerM91ng 10 to 1e knots Thur•d•y .,.noon. Mottly cloudy today h onty pwtty -.ny •ll•noon cloud• 8"d IOcal log tonight. 01tty c;leartng Thur1day emoon. .S. Sllnt m ary A cleanup begen today In tral 1tllnol1 •lier ll«ce wWldl d drhllng r1ln1 that 1•11 two opl• CIHd. Hveral othett ured 1nC1 ceuHCI mllllon1 ol re In damao-to crape end '* property. 8howart and thunder11orm1 n llnued me1nwhll• lrom . an1a1 to the c •nt r at ataclllena. 1nd In the ~ Atwr Valley Ind the lowtr Mt lJlkM region. TM 1tomM1 whlcn 1trudl lhof1IV ., noon TUMday In 1he -tern Of llllnol. cut • IWllltl from MIMIMIPPI RNer to Rantoul on 1tate'1 Hatern .Oge. Two ry c:tuci--• deett~. ora1n .....,.tor -........, and bYlldln9a -· dellataMd At laall 10 tornado.a were .ci In tlffnola end lndlene tfle eftetnoon Ind -*'g. und eretorm1 raked lh• .,.. with ..,. up to 78 81 Mldwty tlrpon Tueedey Nor1hwest wlnda ooulCI rMCh 20 11not1 wllh 3-to-5-loot HH In 0U1er wat•1. T e mpera tures NATION L.o" ~ HI Albany 82 58 01 Albuque 93 ... 18 AmatlllO 88 59 20 A&heVrile ... 67 SI Atlante 92 73 Atlante Cty eo a8 .SI too 73 .__ w-Se-v-e• 'llOM U $ O.Ot d C-•~ Austin Betti more 87 71 · 12 Froftts: COid.,. Warm .,. 81111nge 82 eo 8lrmlnghm 91 72 8/lmardt 74 49 uni. Rod< !le 75 8olM ee SS LoullYllte ae ea °' &oeton as ee Lubbock 97 85 Brownlvlle 96 79 Mempnl• 94 80 &llfelo 78 82 1.4& Miami 88 83 8urltngton 77 e1 MllWeukM 70 55 .35 Capet 78 so Mpla-St.P 78 53 .se Cl\erlltn SC 94 80 NaltMtl9 90 71 70 ~tnWV 85 72 .01 H-Orlffn• 95 73 Cherle>lte NC 113 75 .28 Hew YOtlt 84 70 .30 ~ 89 49 Horfolll 85 74 Chk:egO 75 54 1.08 Ho. Piette 75 47 Clnell\netl 82 ee , 17 Otlle City 102 89 C...,..•nd ... 85 .13 Omaha 74 54 .1e Cln)bla SC 94 75 Ol'llnelo 113 18 Columbus 83 69 .18 ~· 85 10 . t9 Del-Ft Wtl'I 101 78 !le 75 .es Deyton 81 es 1.54 Plttaburfr. GI a8 52, Denver 14 55 Pllend, ao eo 011 0..Mol,_ 79 56 .03 PUanel. OH " 83 Oetfolt 80 GI .01 ProYldenee 83 53 DulUth 72 43 .09 =:t'e11y 91 75 ElPMO " 7 1 .06 7~ 50 F elrt>enll• 73 ... Reno 97 S4 Fwgo 74 49 Seit Uk• 89 85 ,.. .. " n 58 .38 S.. Antonio 100 78 GrMtFallll 78 58 1.28 S.tt.le 88 82 HartfOtd ... 62 .02 ::u.-= " 74 Helena ae ... 71 53 HonOlulU 19 75 St Louie 82 59 05 Houlton IM 78 St P-Tampe It 78 lncirlapb 78 93 .25 St Si. Marie 83 42 Jed!MI MS 95 74 ~ llO 55 ~ 95 78 .16 Syr-..e IO 8t .SS KMw City 711 5e ..11 Toe*C• IO 53 .09 l(noiMle ae n .10 ,_ .. ae 35 L•VegM llO 81 .22 TUIM 104 89 Sllf RIPIRT ~ .... •-... ~ .::. T ..... ~=" 17 • ~:: 47 '** N\lw Jetty t-4 .. 40fllt.~ 1-4 .. =:'w':°" 1 .,_......, .. w gOod .. Aodlplle~ 1 poof 811 1 poof 88 =•oou 1 = 16 .... °""** "" I .. T~I ' t DOOd .. f W't Tlma: Hlfll: 4~7 p.111.: Low: 1:11 a.m.; lwell ~""'-• ~ • --~ .. ,ft -ft' -== ~ WUhlngton 87 74 Wlchltll ae 82 CALlfOflNIA S.k.,.•1191d 100 79 Blythe 90 Eurell• 82 52 Fr•1no 93 89 LancHter 89 71 Meryavtlle 96 Monterey &-4 NMdlet 77 Oeklend 87 PHO Robin 98 se Red Bluff 102 87 R9<1Wood City 71 58 R9no 97 S4 Sacrarn9f1to 88 55 Sallnea 70 84 Sant• Berber• 73 80 Sent• M.,I• 72 Stockton t4 58 Thefmel 89 Baretow 81 74 Big Beer 73 $3 Blenop 112 85 Catellna 78 es • Leh Alrowtleed 74 80 Long &Mch 78 ea MonrOlll• 87 81 Mt.W~ ao GI Newpon 8Mctl 73 ea Smog Where to 01111 (toll frff) for letMI ~tlOn: Orange ·J""'' ~ LOI Ang•IH ounly: (1001 242-4022 ..,...,... and .., 8twMrdlno oountlee: (toO) 117-4710 AOMO EpleOde Center. (IOO) 242-4Mt Tides TOOAY 8eoond hlOfl 1:00 p.m. a.cond IOw 10:31.f'". 'TMUMOA ""'high 4:&4 a.m. Flftt 10w t: t2 ..,._. llooliO.. 4:07 p,111, 4.1 8eoond low 11:11 p .m. 1.t lun NII IOdr\i 1t 7:21 p.m •• • , ... T'llurtdlly .. u I.In. MOOfl,.... tOdey at 12:8& p.m., ..... 11:47 l».Fll. ~ j . SOLAR FAMILY -Elizabeth and David Battersby stand with daughters Lisa. 4. and Delly Piiot Steff Photo Chris tina. 16 months, in front o f their 2,000-squart'-foot pass1vl' solar home Home's sunny side up Lagunans h ave sp e nt two year s in sola r house By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM Delly Piiot 8t1ft Anyone who builds a house today and doesn't include passive solar f eatures. 1s building a dinosaur That"s the contl'nllon of solar energy en thu s i ast David Batte rsby. who designed a nd built his own 2.000-squarc-foot solar demonstrat ion horn£' 1n Laguna Canyon He said his wife and two daughte rs havt.' li ved 1n the three-story s tructure qune comfortably. thank you -for more than two years. That"s two cold winters and two hot summers. And a tour of their unique hom e s h ows that e n ergy- efficient homes need not be ugly structures with black so lar panels, water-cooled tubes and an array of batteries, gauges and tubs. ln fact. to the casual observer, the Battersbys' Laguna Canyon home appears li ke many other modern structures, only perhaps more impressive. The key to the home's e nergy efficiency 1s 600-square feet of south-facing glass m a solarium that fronts the residence The quarter-inch th ick tempered g lass radiates heat from the spacious solarium to the living spaces of the home in the winter. [n the summer, the east bay and south greenhouse windows are shaded with a 55 percent greenhouse shade screen. The living space m Battersby's home was designed to encourage air movement, with a 10-foot high ceiling and an open floor plan to provide cross ventilation "A five mph breeze will make 82-degree air feel as refreshing as air that is 72 degrees." the• former Santa Ana College solar technology teacher says. H e said the solarium was designed to act as a therma I chimney for cooling it.self in the hot summer months. Vent windows along the bottom of the solarium are opened and hot air rises to lhC' 26-foot height of the glassed-in structure. where it is drawn out of a rooftop "chimney." In winter months, it's merely a matter of closing the vents to retain the heat. Battersby built the stucco and glass home tn 1979 afte r hts previous house burned to the ground. He built the structure into a south-facing hill, using 32 yards . of concrete for a retaining wall and foundation The thick concrete acis as a storage mass. absorbing heat in the s umm er m o nth s a n d retaining hc>at in the winter In add1t1on , thC' house 1s insulatc>d with six lo 10-tnch styrofoam m t he roof. and one- 1m:h thick styrofoam sheathing on thC' 11uL-,1dC' stud walls. F1b<:-rglass balls in the stud walls and foundation also retain hC'at. and the foundation. sills, window and door frames a re sealC'd with a foam ins ulating substanCC'. "'Today's well-bu1lt house will still IOS<.• 40 pcrt'cnt of its heat," Ba ttersby said No t so for his solar demonstration home. the interior of which. he says. never dips below 65 in the winter. Battersby said it cost about $62,000 to. l'Ons truc l his sola r home. wilh somC' or the funding coming from a U.S . Department of Energy grant He and his wife conduc t home tours at $2 per person -on Wt't.'kC'nds .• md this Saturdav he 1i. sponsoring a passive s"olar seminar at his home. Cost 1s $20 per person. and you can register by calling 494-1434. Maxim Crepe And Omelet Makers CM-5 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermostatic Temperature Control With 7'.lt" Non Stick Cooking Surface Sale Priced $27.88 OP-8 ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Control With 9" Sllerstone Cooking Surface Sale Priced $27.88 more than you expect In s hardware store I CROW• B HARDWARE· VISA. All 8tot9a Of*! 1 OeYI Corona cl4tt Mer "= View Center 3107 E. Coe8t Hwy. Sen ~ Ot. e7S-HOO '~n10 wtitcteye M :IO Tll 7 .m. ~-·- ANlhetm Hiiia MIO Santa An• CMYOn M . (It ':::"' ) wttclll9 TW 1 ,.m. I 11111111m11 () H A NG f C (Jl JN I V C A LI J 0 H N I A 2 5 Cl N I S Irvine hospital due Brown veto? By JOEL C. DON or .... Oe1tr "°' • ..,. Passage of special land legislation for a group wishing to build a hospital in Irvine appeared dim today. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. was expected to veto the bill. which would have permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to supporters of the Irvine Medical Center (IMC) plan. The land, located near Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway, was to be leased at fair market value for a 99-year term. Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, said she was told the governor would veto the bill unless it was amended so that there 1s no suggestion that Brown endorses any type of health care plan or hospital proposal for the city. BerReson, a backer of IMC. Introduced the special land bill. "The bill is facing a possible vetO if she (Bergeson) doesn't take it back and change it," said Terri Thomas, one of Brown's legislative aides. The governor has 4nUI midnight today to make a decision on the legislation. Bergeson, however, said the bill probably would not pass the state Legislature if she pulled 11 from the ~ovemor's desk today for amending. She said it appec.rs Brown would prefer that the bill be sent back to state lawmakers so he would not have to make a decision on 1t. "We have offered to clarify the language of the intent of the bill," s he said. "But the effort in the governor's office primarily is to kill the bill." Bergeson blamed the expected defeat of the bill on the lobbyi~ efforts of Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of UC Irvine College of Medicine. He has long Cougtit for a nl41JOr research hospital t;o be built on the Irvine campus. UCI currently is considering several hospital proposals. Van den Noort has stressed that he 1s acting as an individual -and not for the university - in his lobbying activity. IMC officials, however, doubt that van den Noort could have mustered so much suppon as quickly as he did in the state Legislature and governor's office without hi,$ prominent position with the University of California. He has called lawmakers man effort to kill the land bill. The legislation was introduced in <See HOSPITAL, Page AZ) 98 jets per day eyed Supervisors study five game plans POOLING THEIR STRENGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size 0.-, Not ~ tt, Clwtee atarr pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing how exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ofthe Delly 1'16ol tt.n Five options for the future of John Wayne Airport -including one under which 98 jets per day would depa r t over noise-impacted ne ighborhoods - are under study by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. reductions, number of pennitted jet departures and the size of the high-noise impact area located south of the airport's 5,700-foot long jet runway. County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, in a major victol'}' for Newport Beach, overturned a previously adopted airpof.t master plan that called fo'r increasing flights to 55 per day as noise reductions were achieved. Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-satisfaction, not fanfare BY GLENN SCOTI' or .... .,..,,.. .... Lap swimmers don't get much glory and don't seem to care. For them the chance to dive into a long and narrow lane, slip on their eye goggles and push off on a chlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side is enough reward. from 11 a.m. to l p.rn. Today she logs from two to three miles a day . She's competed and placed weJJ in rough water competition in the ocean. includins a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page Bl Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. shoulders show the st.rain. They tremble slightly. "Rather than having a martini or a beer over IWlCh, you can get a similar effect from swimming," he says. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about your weight." Ted Durbin, Craig Wiley and Dorian Johnaon all had the same idea when they began awimming laps. 'Jlhey are training to compete In the latest physical fitness test, the triathalon, which combines a Jong-distance run, swim and bicycle race. None of the plans, prepared by the county airport staff, has been pub!idy released or discussed by supervisors or their staffs. But a document reviewed this week shows that supervisors are faced with options ranging from essentially doing nothing at the airport to increasing passenger capacity to a maximum of 11 million travelers annually. The airport now serves about 2.5 million people each year. Jet departures are limited to 41 per day. Each of the plans contains different proposals for noise Two plans, for example, would limit jet departures to the curre nt le vel. A third would boost departures to 55 per day, a fourth, 73 per day, and a fifth. 98 per day. Four of the plans contain mechanisms for reducing jet noise. The fifth, the 98-flight alternate, would maintain the high-noise impact area as it existed in 1979. That 246-acre area contains about l , 100 dwellings. Sources close to airport policy say it likely will be several weeks before supe~ra initiate oublic debate of the five plans, or any new proposals th at might be advanced. It was last Jan. 6 that Oran~e That plan a lso d e tailed t e rminal and parking improvements to boost t airport's annual passeng capacity to more than six milli Sumne r ruled th e nvironmental documen describing the impacts of t master plan were inadequate. In the wake of the ruling, t county has been prohibited by a subsequent court order from making all but m inor improvements at the airpon or increasing the number of jet departures. At the same time, the county hAR h4>-Pn under pressure from (See. AIRPORT, Page Al) They may be a breed apart, but it Is a common one because they share a strong feeling that their daily' routine is more than simple physical exercise. It is a therapeutic one. At Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- sized pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a.m.. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. She says she swims because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and offers a sense of accomplishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, white and blue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. A second-year student at UCI's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the Heritage Park pool because it is uncrowded and requires fewer turns. Marines • escorting PLO out Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small euphoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swimmers. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and husband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swim "After you s wim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." Ed Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his daily workout, says he has noticed how much at ease and alike lap swimmers become. Swimming, he explains, is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls himself out of the pool. His tired arms and broad Says the swimmer: "I've just started triathalons to augment my studies. I have a busy schedule as a medical student and I like to have some diversity. They work well together." Ralph Huestis, 61, is a retired Navy dentist who 40 years ago held the best time in the breast stroke in the Northwest. He swam for the University of Oregon. Now he is re-immersing himself In the joys of swimming by entering masters' meets. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S . Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised the evacuation of about 500 Palestinian guerrillas from Israeli-ringed Beirut today, escorting the fighters onto a Cypriot ship. The vessel Sol Giorgios left Beirut in the early aiternoon bound for the Syrian port of Tartous, nine hours after 800 leathernecks came ashore In amphibious landing vessels to join French and Italian soldiers in a multinational force overseeing the guerrilla departure from Beirut. It was the Marines' 10th peacek~ping role since World See pboto, Pa1e A3 War II and the first lime they landed on Lebanese shores since 1958. French and Lebanese officials said earlier that the Sol Giorgios would go to North Yemen with guerrillas unable to leave on Tuesday. But the oCficials said later the ves~el was going to Syria. No explanation was given for the change, but another vessel Jocked shortly before the Sol Ciorgios left and prepared to receive another load of guerrillas. Israel announced earlier that the overland evacuatio n of guerrillas to Syria had been delayed, reportedly because the Palestinians were afraid of attacks by Christian militiamen loyal to Bashir G emayel , Lebanon's president-elect County approves spending bo~sts budget • ID ., ~ Orange County government has an $878. 7 million budget on the books today -a spending program 15 percent higher than last year and one still clouded by economic uncertainties. The budget is about $115 million greater than the spending program for the fiscal year ending June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the ngure COUNTY projected last month when county supervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carryover of funds budgeted but not spent in the Wt fiscal year. Those carryover amounts included millions of dollar& for construction of new roads, park Irvine in tbe swim too Irvine has a first-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Mission Viejo complex, which receives far more publicity. Page Bl. / Judicial voice for Angels When not pronouncing on mattert of evidence and handing down rulinp, Judie P~Up Petty taib about pinch hitters and team pollU.ona u a pert-time announcer for the Angela. Page A9. Gilt aifla GWC museum I A tl0,000 gift from .AminoO USA has revived a natural history mu.eum at Golden West College. Page A8. .. improvements, control of beach erosion and renovation of the old county courth<>Ulle in Santa Ana. said Maria Bastanchury, associate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains about $22.7 million for contingencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year to pay for unbu<!Reted projects. It also includes about $25 WORLD million in "appropriations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unless revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be. Bastanchury said. Baatanchury said the county budget "didn't fair really as badly" as officials had feared Tsiw.an I riendly but cool Since the United Si;etes~t off relations with Taiwan in 1979, relations with the island nation have been somewhat cool but correct, with trade burgeoning. Page E4. Tortilla crisis in Mexico Th' doubllna of prices for tortill&I, a basic food staple, brings Mexico's economic crisis home for moet. of It.a 1q million people. Paae A7. BUSINESS 17 more Bio~ for plaza There ta apperently no economy pinch t>etn1 experienced by many ar.n,. Cout &hoppers. South Cout Plua, c.o.ta Me., hM announcM plant to open 17 new *"'· Pait ce. earlier this year before the state legislature had completed work on the st.ate budget for fiscal 1982-83. something of a "pass throught$ agency which administers sucli programs using funds provided by the state and federal governments . Thus, what happens at those governmen~ levels impact the county's progress. Still, she said, there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes either being implemented or planned in the delivery of social and health aervices. Supervisors adopted th{ budget without conunent. > County government is (See BUDGET, Page At) • INDEX Horoacope All Ann Landers A 11 At Your Service A4 Business ·• C6-7 Herb Caen Al 1 Movies C8 Cavalcade A 11 Mutual Funds C6 Claalified F6-10 National News A3 Comics F.6 PubUc Notices E7-8.Fl-6 Crossword F.6 Sports Cl-4 Death Notices E7 Stock M.arkets C7 F.ditortal A 11 TeJevtston C9 F.r\tertalnmen\ C8 Theaters C8 P'ood D •l:l, El-2 Weather A3 SPORTS Lecture pla:rined on photography Photography historian John Upton Is to give a slide lecture, "Color As Form: A History of Color Photography," at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 9 in the Irvine Fine Arts Center. Upton, a profeuor at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, is to disc uss both technical and pictorial aspects I of color photography from the 19th century to present. His talk accompanlea the center's exhibit, °Furrowed Landscapes/.Migrant Livea: The Documentary Image," which includes prints made by Farm Se c urit y Administration 1ensmen. Admission to the lecture at 4601 Walnut Ave .. Irvine, Is $2. Seating ls limited. For reservations and infonnation, call 552-1078. t i ~~~- • A film presentation on For information, contact h sea cruises is planned at 2 Bebee Gomberg or Kathleen t p.m . Thursday in the Irvine Lem at 754-3889. Admission c Senior Center, 3 Sandburg is free. Way, Irvine. DEATH SCENE -California Highway Patrol officers investigate wreckage of car in which John Duane Calhoon, 19, of Cypr~ died. Car w as found Monday in culvert unde r San Deity "°' l'tloto br Ctwtee St.T Diego Freeway in Irvine. Victim was reported missing Aug. 17. 0 • •American Red Cross representatives are urging Irvine residents to donate blood when a Bloodmobile visit s the commun ity on Friday, Aug. 27. The vehicle will be parked at the Pacific Co., 17911 Mitchell Ave. Donon can call 851 -1600 to make appointments, available from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Irvine crash victim identified From Page A1 HOSPITAL. • • The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath the San Diego Freeway in Irvine, John Duane Calhoon, died of massive s kull fractures, the Orange Coun ty Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calh~n. 19, of Cypress was reported missing Tuesday, Aug. 17. His smashe d ca r wa s discovered on Monday, six days later. in a concre te channel where the San Diego Creek flows under the freeway. Authorities said they aren't certain how long the car was there, but that they believed the victim died on impact. California Highway Pa trol investigators said Calhoon 's northboun d car apparently veered into a grassy median and then catapulted into the channel. It came to res~ directly under the freeway and out of sight of passing motorists. Loca} water district employees checking the culvert discovered the wreckage. The victim was identified Tuesday from fingerprints, said a spokesman in the Coroner's Office. Flebruary . but van den Noort pro1ect. in making a formal claims he didn't hear about il commitment to IMC, the trustees until last week after reading a approved a land reconfiguration newspaper story. plan to accommodate the medical 2 center and authorized a joint ,The anticipated defeat of the ronditional use permit to be filed land bill appears to make action ·th Irvin The had vi 1 Irvine schools pick district off ice •t.;."en by Saddleback CoJJege wt .e. Y pre ous Y ~ endorsed the IMC concept. By SANDIE JOY o('ttM o.llJ "°' ..... t.Q.JStees moot. The land reconfiguration <tTuesday evening college allows for major overhead power officials took the first major step-lines to be rerouted away from tcrward approval of the IMC • the proposed medical cent.er site. If Irvine Unified Sch ool Distric t trustees · follow recommendations of administrators, a new district central office and warehouse wiU be built in Woodbridge. County planners J,J.ix male strippers. The trustees meet in regular session at 7 :30 tonight at Lakeside Middle School, with site selection for a new district headquarters and warehouse the top agenda item. At the board's direct.ion , ad ministrato r s have been scouring Irvine for the past two weeks, evaluating potential sites including both existing buildings and vacant land. Upholding a decision of two ~eeks ago, the Orange County Planning Commission has pulled d'own the curtain on Monday o4ght male exotic dancing shows at the Laff Stop in Santa Ana Heights. 'But Michael Parr, attorney for t})e club, which also features c9medy and magic acts, said Tuesday's decision will be appealed to the county Board of S~pervisors. unfavorable. decision for his client, club owner Michael Callie. The commission, he said, "chose to listen to hysterical ladies." At issue was whether the male exot ic dancing was ad u 1 t entertainment under a county ordinance. Businesses affected by the ordinance passed last year were given a one-year period to remain open to offset negative financial effects of the law. "Unless ne w data comes in during the next 24 hours," Superintendent A. Stanley Corey said Tuesday, "o ur recommendation will be for a site in Woodbridge." 'Parr blamed "a couple of ladles who gave them (commissionera) a song and dance" for the At an Aug. 11 hearing, planning commissioners overrode a staft recommendation to ext.end the amortization period. Administrators have come up with 15 potential sites they'll present to the board tonight. Two Woodbridge sites, both vacant lots owned by the Irvine Company. appear to be the most Co ast a l tCloudy today with parllal c:fMrlng thll afternoon. High• 73 Id 78. Partly cloudy tonlgh1 With ov.,nlghl lowt In the mld-801. Moally tunny and warmer on Tllund8)' wtlh high r anglng tr om 7~ 10 at. Elaawhare, from Point Conception to th• M••lcan bord•r and out 80 m llaa: Nort"-1 wlnda 10 IO 20 kOOta OWtf outer wetera wllh 3 to 5 toot was through T1'1u~ay. L~ly vw1ab111 wtndl during nlgflt d morning lloura. becoming hwwt to -1 8 to 18 koot1 2 toot wind wa-. lnc:rMilng to to 18 knot• Thureday ernoon. Mo1tly cloudy todey h ~ pattty 11.1nny afternoon. clotd• and local log tonight. oatly claarlng Thurad'a y Sunny Thursday T e mpera tures NATION HI Lo l"r'C 82 58 .01 93 84 .18 88 59 .20 84 87 51 92 73 80 ... 51 100 73 .... mi Albany Albllq\Je Alnarlllo ~ Atlanta Atlante Cty Auatln 8llltlm0t• BlMngs BlrmlngM'I Blame< Ck 8olM 87 71 82 80 ·12 Frottts:Cold ..,. Warm 99 Occluded ~ Stat•onarv •• Boat on &ownav!le Butfalo Burlington Catp« Chatll1n SC Char11tn WV Chartott• NC CMy9nne Chicago Cincinnati Ciwatand Clnlbla SC Cotumbut Dal-Ft Wiii DaY'on DanWf Dea MOlne. Detroit DtAultl EIPMO F alttMlnlla ,.,,go F\agltatt Or•tFalM Hartford Helena Hono4Ulu Houaton lndntPle Jec;Mn MS Jawwtla K-Clty Knoxvtlla Liii V9QM 91 72 74 •9 66 55 85 66 98 79 78 82 u8 77 81 78 50 .. 80 85 72 .07 113 75 .28 89 49 75 54 1.09 82 88 .17 84 85 .13 94 75 83 89 .18 101 78 81 85 1.64 7' 55 79 55 .03 80 8t .01 72 u ·°' M 71 .06 73 49 74 4t 77 58 .39 78 541 1.28 84 82 .02 M 48 89 75 .. 78 78 83 ..26 t6 74 118 75 .15 79 M .21 ae n .10 80 .. .22 Llttla Rock L°'*"'n. Lubbock M«nphle Mlaml MllwaulcM Mpta.St.P Nutwllla N9w on- New Yortt Nof1olk No. Platt• Okla City Omaha Ortando PhllaCSpf'lla Pho.nix PllttbUrgh F'ttand. ~ Ptland. Ora Pro~IOeno. ="City ~ Salt L.Ma San Anlonlo S.nla ~~ ~ LOUlt St P·Tamp9 St St• Mena Spoll-Syr~ Topak1 Tucaon TUlaa et 75 M 68 04 117 85 .. 80 88 83 70 56 35 78 &3 se llO 71 70 95 73 84 70 30 85 7' 75 47 102 89 7• 54 .18 93 78 85 70 111 et 75 85 81 ... 521 80 80 .Ot 119 83 13 83 tt 75 73 60 17 54 It 85 too 78 .. 82 M 74 78 83 12 59 05 It 78 t3 42 to 55 80 et .35 eo 83 .09 ..... 311 10'6 " Wunlngton Wlcttil• 8ak1nn.kl 81)'1"41 Eurak9 FrH no Lanca1ter M1ryav\lla Mont11<9)' NH<llM O•kland P110 Roblel R41d 81utt R41dwood City R9no Sacrarn911to Safloa• Saoll Berbe<• Santa Mana Stcx:kton Thermal Bara tow Big 8ffr 81.tlop Catalln1 L1k• ArfowMecl Long BMcto MOIWO'M Mt Wiiton N9Wpoft 8Ndl .S mog 87 7• 88 82 100 79 llO 82 52 93 89 811 71 9t 84 77 87 98 58 102 87 71 58 97 54 88 °'65 70 84 73 80 72 .. 51 " 81 74 73 53 112 85 78 86 74 80 78 88 87 87 80 81 73 ee Wlltra to 0111 (toll trM ) fOf latwt '"'°II lnfomllltlon: Orange County: (900) 4464aat Loa AngalH dounty: (100) 242-4022 ..._....... Incl 8en ..,.,,.,.IO oountlel! (IOO) 317"'4710 AOMD IClilOde C4nt•: (IOO) 242~ .......... ,.':fl;.. .... A= Huntington lluffl 1.a ,:i::d 11 Tides HumlnGlon PW .. ~.. :::: 87 TOOAY ten•• Ana AMI' .i.ttt -ft 8eoond 111g11 1:00 p.m. u =~'i.~ 2;4 .,.c~ .. l.eonctklw~.f"'· u lllb09 w~ 2.e good N "'-' 111g11 4:64 '·"'· u ·~ f poor .. FlrlC IOw t ill .. "'. a.1 ...w.. 1 poor .. leoollCI .. 4:07 p.111> 4.7 ~ .. -. I poor M leoollCI low 11:87 p.m. 1.2 "" ~ "llr , 2 good II IYn M tt toclev at 7:11 p,lft.,• Tt ...... IT...,_) I goOd A ,._~et t:ft a.111> ..._!._.OMONtOW'I TIOH: H1ot1: 4:07 p.m.; L.-. ti ti e.111.: .... W-rt111 ~ at 11:11 p.m., --·""'"' llW. .-.. • t 1:47 o.1n, desirable, Corey said because, "They're environm entally cleared, the proper size and centrally located in the district." Both sites are on the north side of Alton Avenue, with one to the west of F.a.st Yale Loop and the other between East Yale Loop and Creek Road. The two sites accumulated 42 and 43 points on the site analysis scale, topping all but one site. T hat one, which earned 54 points, is an existing building on i he northeast corner of Main Street and Jamboree Road. Minimum requirements for the district office are that it be located in the district, have space for at least 45,000 sqllare feet of office and warehouse space, and that it be on at least five acres to provide .for expansion. T he d.lstrict has been leasing office and ware house space. paying a bout $180,000 a year rent. Purchase of a site a nd construction of a district ·office and warehouse should be viewed 3 S an investment , Deputy Superintendent Ron Upton has said. When school enrollment dechnes in 10 or 15 years. as anticipated, he·suggested distnet headquarte rs could be moved in to a vaca nt school. The proposed new headquarters then could be leased or sold with proceeds used for education , h e said. Council to rework bed tax Members of the Irvine City Council we re to assemble at 5:30 p .m . today at City H all to consider modifying their hotel bed tax measure on the Nov. 2 ballot to give the proposal a much great.er chance of ~ing. The state Supreme Court ruled recently th.a t ge_neral tax From Page A1 AIRPORT. • • seve r a l major airlines for permission to begin Orange County service. The county has adopted a plan to permit entry by new carriers by reallocating the existing 41 daily departures Officials private ly say the easiest way to put the airport access issue to rest would be to increase the number of permitted daily jet departures. But. they Add , such a m ove will undoubtedly bring d own the wrath of residen~ of both Santa Ana Heights and Newport &>act-. Following is a list of the five o ptions unde r study by the board: OPTION 1: Would permit 41 jet departures. No new master measures such as the bed tax proposal n eed only majority suppor t to pass. Until that decision, c ity offici1ls had expected to n~ a two-thirds "yes" vote. Tonight's meeting was hastily called Tuesday so the modified measure can be added to the plan, e nvironmental impact or airport land use compatibility plan would be prepared. J e t noise would be reduced to shrink the size of the high-noise impact area from 246 to 81 acres and from 1,100 to 335 units. OPTION 2: Would permit 41 flights per day, and expansion of the airport t.enninal to handle 4.5 million passengers annually . W o uld require a n e w environmental impact report. Noise would be reduced as outlined in Option 1. OP T I ON 3: Most closel y resembles the now-defuct airport master plan. Flights would incr ease to 55 daily. Terminal would be expanded to handle ~.2 ballot before tht p r in t e r 's deadline. Vacntion-m inded council memt •r., had skipped their biweekly meeting Tuesday. Their measure seek s t o increase the tax charged to hot.el guests from 6 to 8 percent, a move projected to raise about $3 million over five years. million passenger s annually. Would require new planning documents. High noise area would be reduced to 125 acres containing 531 units . OPTION 4: Would permit 73 jet d e parturPs daily. Would maintain the high-noise impact boundary at a line established in 1981, but reduce the area to 155 acres containing 671 dwellings. Would permit annual passenger traffic of 8.2 million. OPTION S: Would permit 98 departures daily and an annual passenger load of 11 million. There would be no reduction in the 1979 high-noise impact area. New planning documents would be required. Maxim Crape Ind Omelet Makers CM-5 OP-8 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermoatatlc Temperature ContrOI With 7W' Non Stick Cooking Surface ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Control With 9" Slferstone COOklng Surface Sale Priced Sale Priced 127.88 S27.88 more than you expect In a hardware store -· CROW• B HARDWARE VISA' ·- CBllA 11111 IDITlll ( > H AN ( , f ( ( >l 1 N 1 V I I\ l 11 I > H N 11\ I'• I t ~ I ·~ County weighs five options for airport BY FREDERICK SCHOEMEllL or ttte o.it~ l'Mot 1teff Five options for the future of John Wayne Airport -Including one under which 98 jets per day would depart ove r noise-impacted neighborhoods - are under study by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. None of the plans, prepared by the county airport stare, has been publicly released or discussed by supervisors or their staffs. But a document reviewed this week shows that supervisors are faced with o p tions ranging from essentially doing noth ing at the airport to increasing passenger capacity to a maximum of 11 million travelers annuaJJy. The airport now serves about 2.5 million people each year. Jet departures are limited to 4 1 per day. Each of the plans contains different proposals for noise reductions, number of permitted jet departures and the sire or the high -noise impact area located south of the airport's 5,700-foot long jet runway. Two plans. for example, would limit jet departures to the current level. A th ird would boost departures to 55 pe r day , a fourth, 73 per day, and a fifth. 98 per day Four of the plans contain mechanisms for reducing jet noise. The fifth. the 98-flight alternate, would maintain the h1gh.no1se impact area as it existed 1n 1979. That 246·acre area contains about 1,100 dwellings. Sources close to airport policy say 1t likely wiU be severaJ weeks before supervisors mitiate public debate of the five plans, or any ne w proposals that might be advanced. It was last Jan 6 that Oramre County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, in a major victory for Nt>wport Beach, overturned a previous ly adopted airport m aster pla n that called fo r increasing flights to 55 per day as noise reductions were achieved. Tha t plan als o detailed t e rmin a l and parking (See.AIRPORT, Page A2 ) Brown could veto Irvine hospital bill Brown signs Bergeson hill onOC lawmen POOLING THEIR STRENGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size Deir "°' ,,_... 1tr Chertee llMY pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing how exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-sat isl action, not fanfare By GLENN SCOTT Of'theO..,"°'IWI Lap swimmers don't get much glory and don't seem to care. For them the chance to dive into a long and narrow lane, alip on their eye goggles and push off on a c hlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side is enough reward. They may be a breed apart, but it is a common one because they share a strong Ceeling that their daily routine is more than simple physical exercise. It is a therapeutic one. At Irvine's He r itage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- sized pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a.m .. 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small euphoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swimmers. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and husband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swim from 11 a .m. to 1 p.m . Today she logs from two to thre e miles a day. She's competed and placed well in rough water competition in the ocean, including a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page Bl Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. She says she swims because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and o ffer s a sense of accomplishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, wrute and blue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. "After you swim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." Ed Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his daily workout, says he has noticed how much. at ease and alike lap s wimme rs become. Swimming, he explains, is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls himself out of the pool. His tired arms and broad shoulders show the strain. They tremble slightly. "Rather than havinl a ma.rti"1 or a beer over lunch, you can g~ a. aimilar effect from swimming," he says. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about your weight." Ted ~ Craig Wiley and Dorian Johnson all had the same idea when they began swimming laps. They are training to compete in the latest physical fitness test, the trlathalon, which combines a long-distance run, swim and bicycle race. A seoond-year student at UCI's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the He ritage Park pool because it is uncrowded and requires fewer turns. Says the swimmer: "I've just started triathalons to augment m y stu dies. I ha ve a bu"sy schedule as a medical student and I like to have some diversity. They work well together." Ralph Huestis, 61, is a retired Navy dentist who 40 years ago held the best time in the breast stroke In the Northwest . He swam for t h e University of Oregon. Now he is re-Immersing himself in the joys of swimming by entering masters' meets. By JOEL C. DON O(' t1M Olllly Piiot Slaff P a ssage of s pecial land legislation for a group wishing to b uild a hospital in Irvine appeared dim today. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. was expected to veto the bill. which would have permitted Saddleback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to supporters of the lrvine Medical Center (IMC) plan. The land, located near Jeffrey Road and Barr;i.nca Parkway, was to be leased at fair market value for a 99-year tenn. Assembly woman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, said she was told the governor would Sunny skies seen s oon A few rare August raindrops fell along the Orange Coast early today. but National Weather Service forecasters said sunnier and warmer conditions a r e expected Thursday. The cloud cover is expected to begin dis persing tonjght, with partly cloudy skies prevailing Thursday. Coastal cities will experience high temperatures in the 70s on Thursday. forecasters said. A brief sh ower occ ur red at about 5:30 a .m. today 10 San J uan Capistrano. Other cities, lncludlng Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Huntington Beach, reported a few drops dotting the windsruelds of local motorists. Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said August rainfafl is indeed a rarity. veto the b ill unless 1 t was amended so t h at there 1s no suggestion that Brown endorses any type of health care plan or hospital proposal for the city. Ber.Reson, a backer of IMC, introduced the special land bill. "The bill is facing a possible veto if she (Bergeson) doesn't take it back and change it," said Terri Thomas, one of Brown's legislative aides. The governor has until mjdnight today to make a decision on the legislation. Bergeson , however, said the bill probably wouJd not pass the state Legislature if she pulled It from the governor's desk today for amending. Gov Edmund G Brown Jr. has signed a controversial bill by A s s e mblywoman Marian Beq~eson , R-Newport Beach , d e s ign e d to ultimatelr, co nsolidate court r e lateo functions of the Orange Count~ sheriff's de partment and marsh:il office. Under terms of the bill that has been in the legislature for two years, a committee compri.sep of two county supervisors, the presiding superior court judge, mumcipal court judge and an a large member would investiga co n solidation and mak recomrnenda lions. The consolidation plan woulc have to be ratified by a majorit (See MERGER, Page AZ) Rub a dub dub Bathtub race set off Balboa J ust when the waters of Newport Harbor were starting to settle down, here comes the annual Balboa Bathtub race. On the heels of the colorful and arguably crazy Characte r Boat Parade, the seventh edition of the bathtub race -billed as an international contest, no less -will be unveiled Sunday. Shove off time, as the promoters put it, 1s 1 p.m . Contestants race from the dock of the Balboa Pavilion to Balboa Island and back. Racers are permitted to enter any craft eight feet or less in length. Boats must be equipped with bathtub fixtures and con testants are required to use paddles. There are two categories -one where skippers of bathtub craft are clocked for speed and a second where humor, not speed, is the criterion. An award for most unique bathtub also is handed out. Last year's recipient was the "Balboa Brothel," a bathtub expected to be on hand again this year. Trophies and prizes are awarded to the.first and second place finishers in each class. The race is sponsored by the Tale of the Whale Restaurant. } •' County approves spending boosts • Ill budget Orange County government has an $878. 7 million budget on the books today - a spending program 15 percent rugher than last year and one still clouded by economic uncertainties. The budget is about $11 5 million greater than the spending program for the fisca l year ending June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the figure COUNTY projec ted last month when county supervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carr yover of funds budgeted but not spent in the last fiscal year. Those carr yover amounts included mjlJions of dollars for construction of new roads, park Irvine in .tbe s wim too Irvine has a first-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Mission Viejo complex, which receives far more publicity. Page Bl. Judicial voice for Angels When not pronouncing on matters of evidence and handing down rulinP,. Judge Philip Petty talks about pinch hitters and teim poeUJona as a pert·Ume announcer for the Angels. Page A9. Gilt aids GWC museum A $10,000 gift from Am1nol1 USA baa revived a natural history mw.eum at Golden West College. Page A8. -1 improvements, control of beach erosion and renovation of the old county courthouse in Santa Ana, said Maria Baswlchury, associate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains a bout $22.7 million for contingencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year t o pay for unbud~ted projects. It also includes about $25 WORLD million in "appropr iations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unless revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be, Bastanchury said. Bastanchury said the county budget "d idn't fa ir r eally as badly" as officials had feared Taiwan lriendly but col;J . Since the United States cut off relations with Taiwan in 1979, relations with the island nation have been somewhat cool but correct, wlth trade burgeoning. Page E4. ,.. Tortilla crisis in Mex ico jhe doubling of prtcea for tortillas, a ba'Jlc food staple, brings Mexico's economic crtaia home fOI' m<>ftl or lts 70 mllllon people. Pap A7. BUSINESS 17 more atom lo~ plaza I There 11 apparently no economy pinctl,.l>eina experimoed by many Ora,.. Cout ahoppen. South Cout·PIUa, Com Mela, Ma UU10UnCed planl to open 11 new ttoree. Pap at f, earlier th.is year before the state legislature had completed work on the state budget for fiscal 1982-83. Still, she said, there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes e it her being implemented or planned ln the delivery of social and health services. County g overnment is INDEX something of a "pass th.rough'l agency w hich admirusters s uch'! programs using funds provided b y the state and f e d e ral governmen ts. Thus, what happens at th ose government levels impact the county 's progress. S upervisors adopted budget without comment. At Your Service 'A4 Horoecope A 11 Business C6-7 Ann Landers A 11 Herb Caen Al 1 Movies C8 Cavalcade A 11 Mutual Funds C6 Classif led F6-l 0 National News A3 Comica E6 Public Notices E7-8,FI-6 Crossword E6 Sports Cl-4 Death Notices E7 Stock Markets C7 Editorial A 11 Television C9 Entertainment C8 Theaters C8 Food Dl· 12. El-2 Weather A3 SPORTS The Calif()fnla An.gela' lead o~r Kansas City ls back to one pme a.ft.er a 7-3 IOll to Eastern Dtvt.lon· leedJna Milwaukee. Pace Cl. The ~won but eo did the Atlanta Bta..a ln the National League WMt. enabli~ th Braw. to keep aheld ot Loe AnaeJee on percentqie Pf*'ta. hare Cl. ' • Station wagon needed by YMCA The Orange Coast YMCA is r asking for a donation of a six or nine-passenger station wagon that can be used for the Y's expanded after-school program. YMCA officials point out that such a donation is tax deductible and that Cost a • Maxine Asher, a n1 author, explorer and lecturer, I will conduct a discussion on Mesa car dealer 'fbeodore Robina has agreed to give a price break on the purchase of a new or uaed car to the donor. The \'MCA se rves Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. For further information. CaU 642-9990. Dr. Asher is expected to present slides to bolster her theory that Atlantis existed. The 1 p.m. lecture is open to the public. Reservations are n ot r equired . F o r information, call 320-1965. ~"Atlant is -Myth or . Reality?" at Allstate Savings and LOan, l Corporate Plaza, in N~wport Beach Sunday. ------- •Costa Mesa Girl Scout Troop 1915 is looking for used uniforms for a sale acheduled . Sept. 25. Those donating uniforms will be able to exchange them or seU them at a reduced rate. An yone interested in participating in the sale and exchange from 9 a.m. to noon at 596 Plumer St. can call 979-7900 or 546-5839. ACTION AT WEDGE -Surfers wait for the big one when waves of 6 to 8 feet w ere reported at the Wedge in Newport Beach Tuesday. Lifeguard Captain Buddy Belshe said the o.itr "'"°' Photo b~ Petr1ck 0·0on,,.i1 eonditions were short-lived, however. with waves down to 3 feet today, despite predictions of heavy surf by the weather bureau. · From Page A 1 AIR PORT. • • improveme nts to boost the air port's annual passenger capacity to more than six million. Sumner ruled that einvironmental documents ~scribing the impacts of the master plan were inadequate. • In the wake of the ruling, the cSunty has been prohibited by a subsequent court order from rp a k i n g a I I b u t .m i n o r ilnprovements at the airport .or increasing the number of 1et departures. 'At the same time, the county Hlli; hM>n unde r pressure from several majo r airlines for dermission to be gin Orange County service. The county has ~opted a plan to permit e!'ltrv bv new ca.rriers by reallocating the existing 41 daily departures. 10fficia ls privately say the easiest way to put the airpor t access i.ssue to rest would be to increase the number of permitted dally jet departures. But, they a 'd d • s u c h a m o v e w i 1 l updoubtedly bring down the Wl'ath of residents of both Santa Ana Heights and Newport Beach. Following is a list of the five options under s tudy by the board: OPTION 1: Would penrut 41 jet departures. No new master plan, e nvironmental impact or airport land use compatibility plan would be prepared. J et noise would be reduced to shrink the size of the high-noise impact area from 246 to 81 acres and from 1,100 to 335 units. OPTION Z: Would permit 41 flights per day, and expans.ion of the airport terminal to handle 4.5 million passengers annually. Would r equire a n e w e nvironmental impact repor t. Noise wo uld be reduced as outlined in Option 1. OPTION 3: Mos t closely resembles the now-defuct airport master plan . Flights w ould increase to 55 daily. Te rminal would be expanded to handle .6.2 million passengers annually. Would r equire n ew planning documents. High noise area would be reduced to 125 acres containing 531 unit.S. OPTION 4: WouJd permit 73 jet departures daily. W ould maintain the high-noise impact boundary at a line established in 1981, but reduce the area to 155 acres containing 671 dwellings. Would permit annual passenger traffic of 8.2 million. OPTION 5: Would permit 98 departures daily and an annual passenger load of 11 million. There would be no reduction in the 1979 high-noise impact area New planning documents would be required. Crash vic tim in Irvine identified 7 The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath tht> San Diego Freeway in Irvine, J ohn Du~ne Calhoon. died of massive s kull fractures, the Orange County Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calhoon. 19. of Cypress was reported m1ssmg Tuesday, Aug. 17 . His s mashed ca r was discovered on Monday. six days later, in a concrete channel whe re th e San Diego Creek flows under the freeway. Authorities s aid t hey aren't certain how long the car was there, but that they believed the victim died on impact. From Page A 1 MERGER. • • of the county's tria l court judges and the state Legisiature. Brown signed the bill Tuesday, ac.'COrding to aides. The s h e r iff 's d e partment provides court bailiffs in the superior courts, the marshal's office provides similar functions in the municipal courts. It has been estimated that more than $1 million annually could be saved if the court services func tions o f the two departments are combined and duplicative services eliminated, Bergeson said. Sunny Thursday Coas ta l Cloudy today wltn partial QMrlng this 11ternoon Highs 73 t9 78. Partly cl<>udy tonlgh1 with overnight Iowa In the mld·80s Moally sunny and wumtr on Tllu~ey with high ranging from 731081. Elsewher e . lrom Point Conception to the Mexican border and oul 80 mll•• Notth-t wlndl 10 10 20 knola fY't9lf out« -••• wllh 3 to 5 loot -through Thursday Locally light vetiable wind• during night d morning houre. becomfng tiw.t to -1 8 to 18 knot• h 2 loot wind waves, lncfeMlng o 10 to 18 knott Thursday ernoon. Mostly cloudy today only partly tunny afternoon. ctoudl 8lld local log I onlght oetly clearing Thuredey • n ight •nd mornrng nours, becoming southwetteny at 10 to 18 knots In the afternoon with a 1-to·2·foot southwesl swell. Norlhwest winds could reeoll 20 knots with 3-to-5-foot HH in· outer w•tMs. Temp e ra tures NATION HI Lo Pre Albany 82 58 .01 Alt>uque 93 a. 11 Amerfllo 88 59 20 AlheVille 84 87 51 Atlanta 92 73 Allanlc Cry 80 88 51 Au.tin 100 73 ..._w_s.-vc. 'IO.V. u s 0.0• O' c-c• Balttmo<a 87 71 12 Front•: Cold.-. Warm .., Bllllnga ~ 80 Blnnlnghm 91 72 Blamarck 74 49 little Rock ee 75 BotM 68 55 L°"tavtlle 86 88 ().4 Botton 85 88 Lubbock 97 85 Browntv!le 98 79 Memphll 94 80 Butl8kl 78 82 1.48 Ml•ml 88 83 Bortlngton 77 81 Miiwaukee 70 65 .35 Cupe!' 78 50 Mpte-St P 78 53 56 Cllarlatn SC 94 80 NUIWltle 90 71 70 Cllaf11tn WV 85 72 .07 New Ortaana 95 73 C11er\Otla NC 93 75 .28 New York 84 70 30 C~nne 89 49 NOr1olk 85 74 Chago 75 54 1.08 No Platte 75 47 Clnelnnell 82 88 ,17 Okie City 102 89 CleW!lnd M 85 .13 Omaha 74 54 .18 Clml>la SC 94 75 Orlando 93 78 ColumbUI 83 89 .16 Phlladphl• 115 70 .19 Dal-Fl Wth 101 78 Pnoenhc 08 75 .es Oayton 81 85 1.54 Plt11burgh 81 88 52, Denver 74 55 Piiand. Me 110 80 011 Dea Mol,_ 79 65 03 Ptland. Ore " 83 Oetroll llO 61 .01 ProvldenOe 83 83 Duluth 72 43 .ot =::t'city 91 75 EJ Paao M 71 .06 50 73 F~a 73 49 '*'° 17 54 ,.,go 74 41 9-lt !Aki " 85 ~ 77 &e ·" len AntonlO 100 78 GrMt F•Ha 78 54 1.26 S-ttle 88 82 Hat1tord M 82 .02 Shfewpot1 18 74 Helena 86 48 Sloull F• 78 53 llonolvlu 119 75 St Louie 12 59 OS HOutlon 94 78 St P-Tampe 9t 18 lndnapli8 78 83 .25 St Sit Mane Q 42 ~an MS 95 74 Spolc-90 116 JllC"itl..,. 95 75 .15 s~ IO 81 3& K-Ctty 79 5e .21 Topella 80 63 ot KnoJCYllle 86 11 10 Tucaon 88 88 35 LMVegu 80 88 2.2 TIAM 10I 89 -~ .... A-... ~ :::d ,...., HUl'lflnt'On .,.,. 14 17 """'::'ton l'W 3 :::: 87 a.nta ne "'-.i.tty M ee 40ttl 81. Newqor1 1-4 ~ 88 ttndlt.~ 1 poot•ftlr 88 ...._w~ 2..a good 88 ~~~ 1 "°°' 16 1 "°°' ea =:eroou t "°°' 16 -~"* I toOd .. ._..... Snow(m Occlt;-::led ~ waah1ng1on 117 74 Wichita 88 82 CAUFORNIA Bakersfield 100 79 Blythe 90 Eur ell a 82 52 Fresno 93 89 Lanc111er 119 71 Merytvllle 98 MonltfllY 64 NH<llM 77 "'.>ekland 117 Puo Robin r., 58 Re<! Bluff 102 87 Redwood Clly 71 58 Reno 97 54 Sacramento 86 55 SallnH 70 a. Sante Barbera 73 80 Sant• Merla 72 Stock Ion 94 58 Th«mal 89 . Befit-81 74 Big Baar 73 63 Bltt\OP 92 8S Cetalln• 711 85 Lake Arrowheed 74 80 Long 8MCfl 71 el Monrovl• 87 87 MIWlleon 80 81 Nawpoft 8Mctl 73 88 Smog Where lo cell (toll frM) for lat•l~tlon: Or11199 . (I00) 44M8H LOI AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 AMrllde and SM &emwdlfto oountlta: (800) H7-4710 AOMO (pttoff c.tlttt: (IOO) ~2 ...... ~ Tides TODAY a.oond hlgll 3:00 ~· Stcorid low 10:31 . TMMIOA Flrtt h!Oh 4:M e.m . Flrtt low 1:12 e.m. SeconCI 111g11 4:07 p.m. ~ low 11:17 p.m. u lun "'' tod1y at 7;21 p.m .. • f~~ 3 good .. ,.... TlllKeqy 11 t:n • m. T TIOCI: Hlgfl: 4:07 p,m.: low: t :11 a.m.; l'Mlll Moon ,.... tCIMy .. 12:6'1 p.m., Dtrecttoft; l/W. Mt• et 11:47 p.m County bonds for Niguel Tax-exempt, low-inte rest bonds underwritten by Orange County government will be used to pay for millions of dollars in site improvements for a new private neighborhood in Laguna Niguel. Following a lengthy and rancorous debate Tuesday, county supervisors decided, 3-1. that the bonds could be used to finance a portion o f the improvements sought by South Peak Associates. of Lagun a Beach. B o ard C h a irman Bruce Nestande cast the sole dissenting vote. He said tax-exempt, low- interest bonds unde rwritten by the county should only be used for improvements that offer a "significant public benefit." Nestande said the South Peak request did not fall into that category. • The board's action, urged by Supervisor Thoma! Riley, will p e rmit f o rmati o n o l a n assessment district for financing of sewer, water, storm drain and open space improvements. The district will issue bonds that will be repaid by purchasers of the 204 lots in the proposed South Peak subdivision. Lo\s will average 13,000 square feet in size and be priced, on average, at $298 ,000, said South P eak partner Steve Brown . The planned community, bounded by Camino del Avion, Clubhouse Drive, East Mine Drive and a future open space corridor along Salt Creek. will be ~at.PO fnr _.uritv reasons. "Our market ... appeals to people with the upper ha nd," Brown said. The board's action wiU permlt a maximum $21 million in bonds to b e issued f o r site improvements. Brown said the amount of actual issue will be less. ~ond attorneys and county Environmental Ma nage m e nt Age ncy o fficial s s till must determine what will and will not be paid for through the county- unde rw ri tte n bonds, Brown . explained. Items that county officials say won't be financed with the bonds include s treets and grading. Brown said those improvements w i 11 b e paid for through traditional Joans "at interest rates six percent higher" tha n bond rates. Approval of the South Peak request came only a week after supervisors adopted policies controlling use of tax-exempt l ow -int e r est, co unty - underwr1tten b o nds ror ass ess m e nt di s tr ic t improvements Nestandc angrily charged that the South Peak request did not t·omply with those polic·1es . "What 1s the s1gnir1cant public benefit of this project?" Nestande asked dunng the heated debate. -. . .. Hiley said t he request did confonn wnh the new guidelines and pointed out that county.- planners will have the rinal say on w h ich improve ments a r e rinanced With the bonds. "We c<1n control what's funded by the ne w assessment district," Riley said Br o wn sai d w o rk o n improvem e n ts will begin in November Marines • escorting PLO out BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S. Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised the evacuation of about 500 Palestinian guerrillas from Israeli -ringed Beirut today, escorting the fighter s onto a Cypriot ship. PacT el workers to log protest Pacific Telephone workers in Orange County and the rest of South e rn California are scheduled to take a strike vote Thursday in protest of the company's reduction in force practices. Michael Drake, president of the l oca l c hapter o f Communication W o rke rs of America in Orange County. said the company IS causing "fear a nd uncertainty by the unilateral a nd arbitrary methom" being used to reduce employees. OM-5 The vessel Sol Giorgios left Beirut in the early afternoon bound for the Syrian port of Tartous, nine hours after 800 leathernecks came a sh ore in amphibious landing vessels to JOIO French and Italian soldiers in a multinational force overseeing the guerrilla departure from Beirut. It was the Mannes· 10th peacekeeping role since World War 11 County planners nix Inale strippers Upholding a decision of two wet;ks ago, the Orange County Planning Commission has pulled down the curtain on Monday night male exotic dancing shows at the Laff Stop in Santa Ana Heights. But Michae l Parr, attorney for the club. which also fea tures comedy and magic acts , said Tuesday's decision will b e appealed to the county Board of Supervisors. Parr blamed "a couple of ladies who gave them (commissioners) a song a nd dan ce" for the u nfavorable d ecision for his client. club owne r Michael Callie The <.'Ommission. he said. "chose to hsten to h ystcrical lad 1es." At issue was whether the mate e xotic danc ing w as adult entertainment under a county ordinance. OP-8 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermo1tatlc Temperature Control With 7W' Non Stief< Cooking Surface ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Control With 9" Slleratone Cooking Surface Sale P riced Sol• Priced $27.88 .}' $27.88 more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• EJ HARDWARE VISA' WHtcllft Plau 1024 INtne -4~. Hewpot1 IMch Ml-1''3 T1M'L T1I • p.lft. Al .. .,... °"" 1 o.yt Corona del M8f Harbof View Center 3101 It OM1t Hwy. 1114 SM Mlguet Or. 173-llGO Newpcwt IJeect\ WI! ..... N:IO 144-1670 1'117 p.m. Anaheim Hiiie &e20 8ente Nie Cenyon Ad. (et lrnperlel Hwy.) M-5212 ~1'117 p.m. IOIPlll Bii I fllll llll:U llHA N<1f (.OlJN I V l Al II UHNll\ 7') C l NT S County weighs five options for airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(U..Oelfr...._.lleff Five options for the future of John Wayne Airport -including one under which 98 jets per day would depart over noise-impacted neighborhoods - are under study by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. None of the plans, prepared by the county airport staff, has ~n. , publicly released or discussed W supervisors or their staffs. But a document reviewed this week shows that supenn.sors are faced with options ranging from es.sentially doing nothing at the airport to increasing passenger capacity to a maximum of 11 million travelers annually. The airport now serves about 2.5 million people each year Jet departures are limited to 41 per day. Eacp of the plans contains different proposals for noise reductions, number of permitted jet departures and the size of the high-noise impact area located south of the airport's 5,700-foot long jet runway. Two plans, for example, would limit r· t departures to the current !eve . A third would b oost departures to 55 per day, a fourth, 73 per day, and a fifth. 98 per day. Four of the plans contain mechanis ms for re ducing Jet noise. The fifth. the 98-flaght alternate, would maintain the h1gh-no1se impact area as it existed in 1979. That 246·acre area contains about 1 ,100 dwellings. . Sources close to airport policy say 1t likely will be several weeks before supervisors initiate oublic debate of the five plans, or any new proposals that might be advanced It was last Jan. 6 that Oranee County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner. in a major victory for Newport Beach. overturned a previousl y adopted airport master plan tha t called for increasing flights to 55 per day as noise reductions were achieved. T hat plan also detaile d tl•rminal and parking (See.AIRPORT, Page A2) Brown could veto Irvine hospital bill Brown signs Bergeson bill onOC lawmen POOLING THEIR STRENGTH -Lithe swimmers cut through water at Olympic-size 0-"Y Not l'tMtCI bf ChettM ltan pool in Irvine's Heritage Park, knowing how exhilarated they'll feel after exercise. Swimmers find relief Daily laps stroked for self-satis faction, not I an! are By GLENN SCOTT or ... o.tr,... .... Lap swimmen don't get much glory and don't seem to care. For them the chance to dive into a long and narrow lane, slip on their eye goggles and push off on a chlorinated journey 50 meters to the other side is enough reward. They may be a breed apart, but it is a common one because they share a strong feeling that their daily routine is more than simple physJcal exercise. It is a therapeutic one. At Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex, lap swimmers have the run of the Olympic- siz.ed pool for two hours three times a day: At 6 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Up and back they stroke. Up and back until the rhythm of their breathing and the force of their movement lights a small euphoria. And it drowns their tiny bugbears. Laurie Krespi is a success story among lap swimmers. A year ago, she couldn't swim from one end of the pool to the other. But she and husband Irv drove from Newport Beach to Irvine virtually every week day to swim from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Today she logs from two to three miles a day. She's competed and placed well in rough water competition in the ocean, including a race from the WATER ORIENTATION Resources pooled, Page B 1 Newport to the Balboa Pier off Balboa Peninsula. She says she 5WUm because it relaxes her, keeps her in shape and o ffers a sense of accomplishment. She climbs from the pool, leaving its red, white and blue lane markers bobbing on the sky blue water. She tugs at her one- piece nylon suit in the habitual manner of one accustomed to its clinging. "After you swim you feel exhilarated," she says, smiling. "It's like you can conquer the world." Ed Marrone of Irvine, who is also finishing his daily workout, says he has noticed how much at ease and alike lap swimmers become. Swimming, he explains, is "a dramatic tension reliever." He pulls himself out of the pool. His tired arms and broad shoulders show the strain. They tremble slightly. "Rather tban having a martini or a beer over lunch, you can get a similar effect from swimming," he says. "And you can eat all you want without worrying about your weight." Ted Durbin, Craig Wiley and Dorian Johnson all had the same Idea when they began swimming laps. They are training to compete ln the latest physical fitness test, the triathalon, which combines a long-distance run, swim and bicycle race. A second-year student at UCI's College of Medicine, Durbin says he likes the Heritage Park pool because it is uncrowded and requires fewer turns. Says the swimmer: "I've just started triatbalona to augment my studies. I have a busy schedule as a medical atudent and I like to have aome diversity. They work well together." Ralph Huestis, 61, is a retired Navy dentist who 40 years ago held the best time in the breast s troke in the Northwest. He swam for the University of Oregon. Now he is re-immersing himsell in the joys of swimming by entering masters' meets. ' By JOEL C. DON oftlM Delly Pffot St•H Passage of specia l land legislation for a group wishing to build a hospital an Irvine appeared dim today. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. was expected to veto the bill. which would have permitted SaddJeback Community College District trustees to lease 10 acres of land at its north campus to supporters of the lrvine Medical Center (IMC) plan. The land, located near Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway, was to be leased at fair market value for a 99-year tenn. Assemblyw-0man Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, said she was told the governor would Sunny skies seen soon A few rare August raindrops fell along the Orange Coast early today, but National Weather Service forecasters said sunnier and wa rmer conditions are expected Thursday. The cloud cover is expected to ,begin dispersing tonight, with partly cloudy s kies prevailing Thursday. Coastal cities wlll experience high temperatures In the 705 on Thursday, forecasters said. A brief shower occurred at about 5:30 a.m . today in San Juan Capistrano. Other cities. including Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Huntington Beach, reported a few drops dotting the windshields of local motorists. Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said Auaust rainfall is indeed a rarity. veto the ball unl ess 1t was amended so that there as no sugg~tion that Brown endorses any type of health care plan, or hospital proposal for the city. Ber~eaon, a backer of IMC, introduced the special land bill. "The bill is facing a possible veto if she (Bergeson) doesn"t take it back and change it," said Terri Thomas, one of Brown's legislative aides. The governor has until midnight today to make a decision on the legislation. Bergeson, however, said the bill probably would not pass the state Legislature if she pulled it from the governor's desk today ~or amending. Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr1 has signed a controversial bill by A ssembl y woman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, designed t o ultimatel)I t·onsol adate court related functions of the Orange Count)! sheriffs department and marshal office. Under terms of the bill tha~ has been in the legislature for two years, a committee comprised of two county supervisors, the presiding superior court judge, ~ municipal court judge and an at1 large member would investiga~ consolidation and mak~ recommenda uons. P' The consolidation plan woul~ have to be ratifi~ by a majorit~ 1See MERGER, Page A%) 1 Rub a dub dub Bathtub race set off Balboa J ust when the waters of Newport Harbor were starting to settle down, here comes the annual Balboa Bathtub race. On the heels of the colorful and arguably crazy Character Boat Parade, the seventh edition of the bathtub race -billed as an international contest .. no less -will be unveiled Sunday. Shove off time. as the promoters put it. as 1 p.m. Contestants race from the dock of the Balboa Pavilion to Balboa l.sland and back. Racers are permitted to enter any craft eight feet or less in length. Boats must be equipped with bathtub fixtures and contestants are required to use paddles. There a.re two categories -one where skippers of bathtub craft are clocked for speed and a second where humor, not speed, is the criterion. An award for most unique bathtub also 1s handed out. Last year's recipient was the "Balboa Brothel," a bathtub expected to be on hand again this year Trophies and prizes are awarded to the first and second place finishers in each class. The race is sponsored by the Tale of the Whale Restaurant. County approves spending boosts • Ill budget Orange County government has an $878. 7 million budget on the books today -a spending program 15 percent higher than last year and one still clouded by eoeonom.ic uncertainties. The budget is about $115 million greater than the spending program for the fiscal year ending June 30. And, it is $61 million greater than the figure COUNTY projected laat month when county supervisors completed budget hearings. The figure swelled from about $217 million to the present figure because of carryover of funds budgeted but not spent in the last fiscal year. Those carryover amounts included millions of dollars for construction of new roads, park Irvine in the swim too Irvine bas a fis:st-class swimming facility at Heritage Park, but it plays second-fiddle to the Mission Viejo complex. which receives far more publicity. Page Bl. Judicial voice for Angels When not pronouncing on matter'1 of evidence and Nnding down rulins-, Judie Philip Petty talk.a about pinch hitters and team politJom u a part-tlme announcer for the Angela. Paae A9. Gilt aids GWC museum A tl0.000 elf\ from Amlnoll USA hu revived a naturaJ ~ mUleWn et Golden West Coilece· Page Al. ill A improvements, control of beach erosion and renovation of the old county courthouse in Santa Ana, said Maria Bastanchury, Bl*>Ciate county Administrative Officer. The budget contains about $22.7 million for contiJliencies - a fund supervisors could use during the year to pay for unbudaeted projects. It also Includes about $25 WORLD million in "appropriations for economic uncertainties." These funds could not be spent unless revenues actually are received by the county treasury. The $25 million figure is strictly an estimate on what those revenues will be, Bastanchury said. Bastanchury said the county budget "didn 't fair really as badly'' as officials had reared Taiwan friendly but cool Since the United Statet cut off relations with Taiwan in 1979, re)atJonl wtth the lalarid nation have been somewhat cool but correct, with trade burgeoning. Page E4. Tortilla crisis in Mexico The doubllna of pica for t.ortillu, a basic food staple, b:rino Mexico'• econamic cri1i1 home for most of iw 70 mJilJon peopie. P..-A7. BUS/Nt::ss 17 more storm lo~ plaa There 11 apparently no ~nomy pinch beJn1 experienced by many or..,. CoMt ·~· South CoMt Pl.au, eo.ta M .. , hl9 announced ~ to open 11new.....,~ce. earlier this year before the state legislature had completed work on the state budget for fiscal 1982-83. something of a "pass through .. agency which administers such· programs using funds provided by the state and federal governments. Thus, what happens at those government levels impact the county's progress. Still, she said, there are many unknowns in this year's budget equation because of changes either being Implemented or planned in the delivery of social and health 11ervices. Supervisors adopted the' budget without comment. Co'µnty government is INDEX At. Your Service A .. Horo9COpe A 11 Business C6-7 Ann Landers Al 1 Herb Caen A 11 Movies C8 Cavalcade All Mutual Funds C6 Clasaified F6-10 National News A3 Comics F.6 Public Notices E7-8,Fl-6 Crolsword F.6 Spons Cl-4 DeathNodces E7 Stock Markets C7 .Editorial All Television C9 Ent.ertaiNnent C8 The.ten C8 J'ood 01-12, El-2 We.th~r A3 SPORTS The Callfomta Anpll' lead over~ City ii beck to 01W pme afttt a 7-3 to. to Bat.em Dtvfaon· leadtna Milwaukee. Pap Cl. · The Dodpn won but '° did \he Atlanta Bra\le9 ln the NaUoaal l.Aque WMt., enebllna the Braw. to bep UM9d of Loe Anplea on percentap PQinta. Pqe Cl, ' ' ~I C/N The Orange Coast YMCA is asking for a donation of a six or nine-passenger station wagon that can be used for the Y's expanded after-school program. YMCA officials point out that such a donation is tax deductible and that Costa • Maxine Asher , an1 author. explorer and lecturer. , will conduct a discussion on "Atlantis -Myth or , Reality?" at Allstate Savtngs " and Loan, l Corporate Plaza, in Ni::wport Beach Sun!iay. I . , ., Mesa car dealer T heodore Robins ha.s agreed to give a price break on the purchase of a new or used car to the donor. The YMCA serves Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. For further information, Call 642-9990. Dr. Asher is expected to pl:esent slides to bolster her theory that Atlantis existed. The 1 p.m. lecture is open to the public. Reservations are not required . For information, call 320-1965 I o...., Hot l"hoto by 11'.trtcti o~ •Costa Mesa Girl Scout Troop 1915 is Jook.jng for used unifonns for a sale scheduled Sept. 25. Those donating uniforms will be able to exchange them or sell them at a reduced rate. Anyone interested in participating in the sale and exchange Crom 9 a.m. to noon at 596 Plumer St. can call 979-7900 or 546-5839. ACTION AT WEDGE -Surfers wait for the big one when waves of 6 to 8 feet were reported at the Wedge in Newport Beach Tuesday. Lifeguard Captain Buddy Belshe said the conditions were short-lived, however, with waves down to 3 feet today, despite predictions of heavy surf by the weather bureau. From Page A1 AIRPORT. • • improvements to boost the airport's annual P';\sse.n~er capacity to more than six rrull1on. Sumner ruled that , environ m e n ta I docume nts • ~escribing the impacts of the •'mast.er plan were inadequate. In the wake of the ruling. the 'eounty has been prohibited by a s ubsequent court order from '1)1aktng all but minor µnprovements)at the airport . or 'i.ncreasing <he number of Jet ~($epartures. At the same time. the county 'has hfof>n under pressure Crom several major airlines for ··p ermission to begin Orange ·County service. The county has ·adopted a plan to permit e!'ltrv bv new carriers by reallocating the existing 41 daily departures. 1' Officials privately say the easiest way to put the airport ~ issue to rest would be to increase the number of permitted daily jet departures. But, they h'd d, such a move will Undoubtedly bring down the 1WTath of residents of both Santa Ana Heights and Newport Beach. I Following is a list of the five options under study by the t>Oard: OPTION I: Would pennit 41 jet departures. No new master !an, environmental impact or r port land use compatibility an would be prepared. Jet noise would be reduced to shrink the size of the high-noise impact area from 246 to 81 acres and from 1,100 to 335 units. OPTION %: Would pennit 41 flights per day, and expansion or the airport terminal to handle 4.5 million passengers annually. Would require a new environmental impact report. Noise would be reduced as outlined in Option 1. OPT ION 3: Most c losely resembles the now-defuct airport master plan. Flights would increase to 55 daily. Terminal would be expanded to handle. ~.2 million passengers annually. Would require new planning documents. High noise area would be reduced to 125 acres containing·531 units. OPTION t : WouJd pennit 73 jet departur es daily. Would maintain the higb·noise impact boundary at a line established in 1981 . but reduce the area to 155 acres containing 671 dwellings. Would permit annual passenger traffic of 8.2 million. OPTION $: Would permit 98 departures daily and an annual passenger load of 11 million. There would be no reduction in the 1979 high-noise impact area. New planning documents would be required. Crash victim in Irvine identified The driver of a wrecked sports car found in a culvert beneath thP San Diego Freeway in Irvine, John Duane Calhoon, died of massive skull fractures. the Orange County Coroner's Office said Tuesday. Calhoon. 19, of Cypress was reported missing Tuesday, Aug. 17 . His s mashed car was discovered on Monday. six days later. in · a concrete c hannel where the San Diego Creek nows under the freeway. Authorities said they aren't certain how long the car was there. but that they believed the victim died on impact. From Page A1 MERGER. • • or the county's trial court judges and the state Legisiature. Brown signed the bill Tuesday, according to aides. The sheriff 's department provides court bailiffs in the superior courts. the marshal's oHice provides similar ·functions in the municipal courts. It has been estimated that more than $1 million annually cou ld be saved if the court services functions of the two departments are combined and duplicative services eliminated, Bergeson said. " ~\' ,c Sunny Thursday night and morni ng noura, t>ecomtno eoutn-terty at 10 to 18 knota In the afternoon with a .... m l·I0·2·fOOt south-I swell. 'Co astal North-I wtnda could reach 20 knoll with 3·to-5-loot aaaa In , Cloudy loday with J:."1111 outer waters. c;!Mrl'.'lf, this afternoon ioh• 73 o 78. artty clOudy tonight wtth T e nip e rature s overnlOht Iowa In the mld·60a. Moatly aunny end warmar on NATION Thur9day with high renglng trom 73to81. Ht Lo Pre Elsewhere. from Point Albafly 82 S8 .01 'Conception to tha Mexican Al~ 93 84 .UI ~der end out 80 mtlaa Amarlno 88 59 .20 hwMt winds 10 to 20 knots ~lie 84 67 51 bwt outer wate<a with 3 to 5 loot Atlanta 92 73 -through Thursd1y Locelly Atlante Ctv 80 88 .51 -...-w-s.-- light vtw11ble wind• dU4'lng night Austin 100 73 -.ou us ~ Of c_...ce nd morning hours. becoming Beltlmor• 87 71 .12 Fronts: C06d ..,. Warm WW Occ•1.ded ~ nw.1 to -t 8 to 18 knots 811111191 82 60 2 loot wind waves, lnerM9fno 8lnnlngllm 91 72 o 10 to 18 knote Thursday 811mlfell 74 49 Lltlle Aoc:tt 98 75 Wul'llngton 87 74 ftemoon Mottty c;toudy todey 8olM 66 55 Loulsll\111 Ml 88 04 Wichita 88 82 OC\ly pertly eunny 111 .. noon Boat on 85 66 Lut>bOCk 97 85 OW Clouds Ind local log l~hl 8rownavlle 9& 79 MempNI IM 80 CAUf'OftHIA oalty c111rlno Thurs 1y 8utflk> 78 62 1.48 Mt1ml ea 83 Blkeralleld 100 79 wnoon. 8urHngton 77 81 MllwlMlk .. 70 55 35 81)1111 90 CMP« 78 50 Mpla-St.P 78 53 5e Euraill 82 52 Charlatn SC 94 80 Nuhvllle go 71 70 Fraeno 93 89 V.S. summary Chartatn WV 85 72 .07 New Ortellna 95 73 Li neuter 89 71 Cl\lrt01te NC 93 75 ,28 New Yofle 84 70 30 M11"Y9vllle 9e A c111nup begin tod1y In CMylnne 89 49 ~ 88 74 Monterey 84 trll llllnol1 11111' llerc. Winds Chtcago 75 M 1.oe No. Platt• 75 47 NHdlft 77 nd drlvlno rein• thlt lall two Cincinnati 82 88 . t7 Ok .. Ct1y 102 89 ':>lkl•nd 87 1ople de1d, H111r11 oth1r1 CleYeland 84 85 .13 Omltle 74 54 18 Puo Roblee .. ., 58 n)ured 1nd cauM<S mllllona Of Clmbla SC IM 75 OftlnOo 93 78 Aid Bluff 102 87 In demlOll to e<opa Ind C04Umb\J9 83 89 .18 ~~ 85 70 .19 Redwood City 71 58 proi-iy. 011..ft Wth 101 78 " 75 es Reno 97 54 Showers 1nd thund1ratorm1 Ol"(ton 81 ~5 \.154 Plttllburgh 51 88 !12, S.c:ramento 88 55 onttnued me1nwhlle lrom • Denver 74 S5 Ptlllnd. Me 80 eo 011 Satlnu 70 84 1n111 to th1 cen1r 1 1 Dea Moines 79 55 .03 Ptland.Or• IHI 83 Sanll S.rber1 73 eo hlans. and In the upper Oetrot1 80 81 .01 PfcMdenOI 13 83 S1nta Marte 72 Rtv.r Valley Ind the la-Duluth 72 43 .09 =:t'0tty 11 75 Stockton IM 5e EJPMO 98 71 . 08 50 Thermal 89 . Lall•r:,. 73 TIMI ltonna •tructl lhoftl)' Falrtlenkl 73 48 Reno 87 54 81ratow 81 74 noon T~1y In the -'9m F1tgo' 74 49 Sift Lall• • 85 81g Bear 73 &3 ol Nllnoe. cut 1 twalh from flillolta" n se .38 left Alllon4o 100 78 8111\0p 92 114 Mln ln lppl RIYer to Rantoul on Or .. t Fill• 78 se ue Seettle .. 82 Catiline 78 86 lie 1tate'1 eH tern edg1 Two H1rtlord 84 82 .02 ::,.-,: .. 74 Lake Anowheed 74 60 dlurchee -• Oettroyed, Hatena 88 48 78 53 Lono 8eecfl 71 .. .-.in ee.v.tor -• i.v.-. ano ttonokllu 89 75 St Louie t2 89 05 MorM'oYll 87 87 ~-I deYHleted. Houlton 94 78 StP·T~ 81 71 Mt Wlllon 80 81 Al IH I torn1doe1 were lndMPl'I 711 83 .25 St Ste Marte 83 42 Nftpor'I 8Mctl 78 .. .,orted In "llnol• and lndlene Jacttan MS 95 74 89C*-IO 55 ttw afternoon and ~ Jecb!Mle 95 75 .15 SynicuM IO 81 .35 llund er1torm1 relied the ~City 79 58 .21 Top9kl eo 83 09 Smog -wlttl wlnd9 up to 75 KnoJMlll 98 n .10 T-.. 18 .35 It Mldwey elrpol't Tu.o«y LU Vegee to .. .n Tut. 104 89 Where to 0111 (toll lrH ) for le1Ml ~IOn: ~.. ·Jt«11 44Wlll LOI Ang1IH ountr: (100) 242-4022 • ,.._... and ~ ..,_..IO oounclll: (IOO) M -4710 AOMO ~ c.tlt•: (IOO) 242 ....... ,. ... A-. Tides ~ .:oEd , ..... Hllnttnglon ...,.,. •7 Hunt=t: Pllf a •1 TOOAY Settta ,.._ Jetty .... OOod .. 8eclolld hlefl S:OO r · ••• 40th 8t.~ 1.-4 ~-.. a-wt low 10:11 . u t2ftd ••• Neiwpott , "°:od .. THUMDA ~Wedfl ... .. F1'wt lllgtl 4:54 ··"'· ::J =~ 1 PoOf ea F1rtt low t :11 &.m. , PoOf " ~ lllgll 4..-07 p,M, 4.f •oou , poor .. '"°""' IOw , 1:t7 p.m. 1.t IMOllmlnte'* I = = 1vn Mta t04~ at f;H p.m., • f~) • ,....~ .. :na.m. T 'I TIOU~ HIGtk 4:07 p. : I.OW: t:11 1.m.; 8Wlll Moofl ,... tocMy • 12:tt o.M., Dtrectloft: l/W. MC9at 11:47 p.m. I . .. County bonds for Niguel Tax-exempt, low-interest bonds underwritten by Orange County government will be used to pay for millions of dollars in site improvements for a new private neighborhood in Laguna Niguel. Following a lengthy and rancorous debate Tuesday, county supervisors decided, 3-1, that the bonds could be used to finance a portion or the improvements sought by South Peak Associates, or Laguna Beach. Board Chairman Bruce Nestande cast the sole dissenting vote. He said tax-exempt, Jow- interest bonds underwritten by the county should only be used for improvements that oHer a "significant public benefit." Nestande said the South Peak request did not fall in to that category. The board's action, urged by Supervisor Thomaf Riley. will permit formation of an asses.sment district for financing of sewer, water, storm drain and open space improvements. The district will issue bonds that will be repaid by purchasers of the 204 lots in the proposed South Peak subdivision. Lots will average 13,000 square feet in size and be priced, on average, at $298,000, said South P ea k partner St.eVe Brown. The planned community, bounded by Camino del Avion. Clubhouse Drive. East Mine Drive and a future open space corridor along Salt Creek, will be Rat.Pd fnr _.uritv reasons. "Our market . . . appeals to people with the u!Xler hand," Brown said. · · "'- The board's action will permit a maximum $21 million in bonds to b e issued for site improvements. Brown said the amount of actual issue will be less. Bond attor neys and county Environmental Management Agency oCf icials still must determine what will and will not be paid for through the county- u nderw ri tten bonds, Brown explained. Brown said those improvements . will be paid for through traditional loans "at interest rat.es six percent higher" than bond rat.es. Approval of the South Peak request came only a week after supervisors adopted policies controlling use of tax-exempt · low -interest, county-. underwritten bonds (or assessment district improvements Nestande angrily charged that the South Peak request did not comply with those policies. "What 1s the s1gnihcant public benefit or this project?" Nestande as~~ during. the heated de bet~._ Kiley said the request dad conform with the new guidelines and pointed out that county planners will have the final say on which improve ments are financed with the bonds. "We can control what's funded by the new assessment district." Riley said. It.ems that county officials say ' B r o w n s a i d w o r k o n won't be financed with the bonds improvements will begin in include streets and grading. November. Marines • escorting PLO out BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - U.S. Marine peacekeepers with automatic weapons supervised the evacuation of about 500 Palestinian guerrillas fro m Israeli-ringed Beirut today, escorting the fighters onto a Cypriot ship. PacTe l worke r s to log protest Pacific Telephone workers in Orange County and the rest of Southern Ca lifornia are scheduled to take a strike vote Thursday in protest of the com~any'8 reduction in force f practices. Michael Drake, president of the local chapter of Communication Workers of Amerip in Orange County, said the company is causing "fear and uncertainty by the unilateral and arbitrary methods" being used to reduce employees. The vessel Sol Giorgios left Beirut in the early afternoon bound for the Syrian port or Tartous. nine hours after 800 leathernecks came ashore in amphibious landing vessels to pin French and Itahan soldiers m a multinational force overseeing the guerrilla departure from Beirut. It was the Mannes· 10th peacekeeping role since World War II . County planners male strippers • nix Upholding a decision of two weeks ago, the Orange County Planning Commission has pulled down the curtain on Monday night male exotic dancing shows at the Laff Stop in Santa Ana Heights. But Michael Parr, attorney for the club. which also features comedy and magic acts, said Tuesday's decision will be appealed. to lhe county Board of Supervisors. Parr blamed "a couple of ladies who gave them (commissioners) a song and dance'' for the unfavorable decision for his chent, club owner Michael Callie The commission. he said. "chose to listen to hysterical ladies." At issue was whether the mate exotic dancing was adult entertainment under a county ordinance. Maxim Crape And Omelet Makers CM·5 ELECTRIC CREPE MAKER Thermoatatlc Temperature Control With 7'A" Non Stick Cooking Surface Sale Priced 127.88 OP-8 ELECTRIC OMELET PAN Thermostatic Temperature Controf With 9" Slleratone Cooking Sur1ace Sale Priced $27.88 more than you expect In s hardware store •¥* ••••• El HARDWARE VISA. c " .... • • Ae Ii Orange Co11t DAILY Pll.OT/WednMd1y, Augu1t 2&, 1882 ·----------------------------------------------""""'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CLOSE CALL -F redd ie Rice of Tucson receives helping hands as Ariw na Department of Trans portation workers and by-standers pull him from a wa te r -Cilled wash n ear "' Wlrepftoto downtown Tucson. Freddie and a companion fe ll into the water after a h eavy rainfall drenched the area. Both were rescued. Legislator assists N es tan de Robin on amendment to aid supervisor's appoiAlment By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL tn m11portation commitalon L'OUld The Senate Rules Commmee Ofttie Delly '91ot ea.If be oppolnk.-d to the higher at.ate w as 1chedule d to conalde r A S anta Ana leg lalator 111 <.'<>mmiaslon. Nestande'a appointme nt laat wk.Ina u now tack in hla drive t.<1 Or a nge la amo ng i.everul Wednesda y, but postpo n ed 1·n11ur~ that 1;4rucc Nestande, Southern California counties con•ldera tlon ot the request of chairman uf the Oraoae County which has a local traruiport.atlon Ne1 tande and, Indirectly, the Board of Supervisors, wins an commission. Nestande does not governor's office. appointment to the California ser ve on the pa n el. Under N es t a nd e t ravel e d t o Transport.auon Commw1on. Rob in son 's ame ndme nt a n y Sacramento Monday to dl.cua A uem bly man R 1(•h ard supervtSOr who lS a member of the a ppointment face-to-face Robinson h ~s successfull y the local panel could not serve on with potenual opponent.a. The amended an other wwise minor the state panel. Thus, Nestande R u I es Com mi ttee ha• no t bill to permit su pervisors from would qualify for appointment. resch e dule d the Netta nde certain count1c11, Including Robinson was responsible for appointment !or consideration. Orange, to serve on the state pe rsi,.aading Gov . Edmund G . Executive Officer J erry Zanelll corn.rn!M1on Brown Jr. to appointNest.ande,a in d icated it w i ll occur by Existing law does not exclude former assemblyman, to the state today. supervisors from serving on the trans p ortatio n comm1 ss1on. Mean w hale, the Robinson comm1SS1on. But the legislative Nesta nde would replace Dean amendments d esigned to pave counsel's o ffi ~e, Col lowan g Meyer , <J{ r ural Hay Cork in the way for the appointment face research of the issu e, said a Northern California. cons1dcrat1 on by both the full county supervisor serving on the T h e a ppo intme nt we nt Senate a nd Assembly. The sta te commiss ion C"ould face unchallenged when a nnounced legislature will adjourn n ext conCUcts of interest. a t a July luncheon hosted by Tuesday. T h e state comm issio n is Robinson a nd a t te nded by E • d responsible for doling out billions Nestande and the governor. xempllOD ma e of dollars in state transportation ln recent days. however, both SAN DIEGO (AP) -San funds. the leg1slat1ve <.'Ounsel's opinion Diego has exempted holistic U n d e r R o b 1 n so n 's and regional d isputes h ave health practitioners from the amend ments, s upervisors from threaten e d t o b l ock the city's res trictions on adult any county w hich has a local appointment. entertainment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~l~~-::::::::;:::::::=::=::=::=::=:===========1- AM/FM Stereo Cassette Recorder Receiver. belt driven rec- ord player. front load cas- sette player/recorder, 2· speol(ers DELICATESSEN SPECIAL No• Avo lnblo S•n Frnn3"Jc. Th• Windmill o' O••umo"' Stereo Music Console Ploys AM and FM stereo Full·s1ze BSR record changer with diamond stylus Stereo Component Music System AM/FM stereo receiver with d1g1 tol frequenc y readout/clock Cossette recording/playback decl( with LED bar graph meters Two way speakers with electron- ic c rossover network ! 1.44 Submarine Sandwiches 4·Pound • Dry Chlorine ~'O" toocen1rCJ1eo 70'\ Cl"llOI ne ovo+IOble IOf ~uoer Cl"llOl1 no"no ·Net we.ghl 9.96 3·1b. 9·0z. • Conditioner Cono11ooner ono ltOl:>•hrer ShoutCI t>e UleCI every two monlM ~ VW! woM reduce 11\e ch1<>11ne oemono of tl\e wolei ·Net weight 3.96 DetuxeTettKtt Color /Remote Control Tn·focus picture lube. triple-plus chassis Quortz·controlled electronic tuning Com puter Space Command!! 1800 lurns set on/oH. change channels from your choir. s717 19·1nch Olag. Meas. Portable Color TV I 48$ leddlng Plants 1.67 1-GaHon. Flcu1 Repen1 Foeu1 r?eoens stoked tor uprlghl growing ·con IO•ner 11111 1.44 1-001. Euonymu1 •ureo Martnata Everg•een or oec1CluOv$ lhlub Mos1 ore best 1n lull sun Neeo only mooerole woter·ng I 00' container we 4.97 5-Galton . Junipers V0vt chOlce of ~-oollon • .Nn1P41r Toms OI S.O Greens llllle mo ln· tenonce o1<>nt1 ·Con tolner we Free to the Publle BACK TO SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION CLINIC PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TIESOAY AIGI" 1 31 S 00 I' ~1 •> 00 P \I AC.I C.ROL11' h"'IONlll'iTOlhYIAR~ uu•t111tt1-. ,, f "''' ,..,,,., ()1 ... h ,,,, k\ Ml I l' '41 \Al°' 1\llo". CH"I C "I~ "•' '"'''""'' ~''""' I H JI, J "tilrJ \4 •~"' 1-'•' 1.1111,~·•N ••l ·f \1 .l t•••1t•'•'.,""' .. , •lllr It ... t_.J,.;ii\e ' \ ~,... \ t 111._I~ \ J fu,.4tH ' .... , ....... ., ... ,..,,,,~.., f' "''II" ,f',,H"'"'--''.,..,. tlr '""'llf'-tW --- Ct\l<J\1E1\ Yl 'Pf'i\ lONFEl<E:'\CE CE:\'I El< 1HH19 l>l'ln\\ An · Sln't'I ,.,, m o.·k ... u u lh of \1uin l llun1in1i1nn Bt•at•h , lalifornia NOW thru SUNDAY • COMMl8 MAIMH • Sf'(~U.T!llTNllMHT ... .__.._.. ... •te9e hltr NI Tltl ~lY Clftell THUTffl • lllDNy .. wtftt ._ .._ .... • """* "°°"' Oltlpley9 • ~ Houelnt A...... aMOW NOiJiii AdYll• 84.90 MoflCNly·Thvrlday ... •e , ... Clllldftnl•t4~1 H .IO Fnday tfltllteUN Clllla.-i (uncM 6 Y't I • .,.. $.tturd1y ti..._ ti' HN S.n.Clllttnt110ftMon·Fri Sunday tlNeeftte WM Com. Ea1tv. Stav ute AIR CONOtTIONEO ,............,.--EIM '°""'"CALL CONYaNTleN CeNT9.. 1"4t ........ IOO W ~ ActoM f!'Ofll Dillll I , i J -~ j -- -~~--·~--r·---,~..,,.,.---..1--...-.-.. --.--~ ... --.----~----~-----.--·------·----- Otano• Cout DAIL v PIL.OT /WednMday. Auguat 25, tHa N COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION ' \.ii.. Htl .. ,.. flltl ~ Nel t..lfl Ntl Witt • 111•1 lo:::! l~:,,-1' Cte~w :C~;~"J~!~·-ic-1~ C~ te'~-~l>-~'!it!Ciblew :',~ 11==;;rw:,.;-~~~~ ,"'1r.i"" 1':.,'':"·jc .. l,;t~ C~ ···~ I l • ... . ill • I ... ... ... ~ 'T iii e " -~J ii 1.t& ... ... • .... :. ,.. t;; : ;: \el.. Hfl m:r I; ' . H :ti . , i., l • ,,.. '":. • :: :: ~". ..... ·•· 1' , , ... "'""' ti.w t "t ~r.'-Y ~M 1i ~ 11vu:~ ' , "'., ~Sr ,,.,: ~..., 1.,. pf 11: '!ft it.,. ,, :l:.,.190 1 • ,i;:· :~::.~ , ~ ; m. -• h ,,,. , l 111 "•",. " 110 , ....... L..ecoi. B .1 .. "'. "' , .,..1., ''°'° n.. ,,... 1 .. " .,, ~ • "' ilYllt• ,. tt 10'-... P9"1 M ii I l'Ot '-Uli.t\ Ml• )I ... , l.Mw~ 1 ~ t\1 "" P-(7.0 "111 U r~...-~,;m; 11~:':: C ~ ~ .... I 10 I '-t I --H -~41fl'\ II I I • .._ .... QllP lifOl JI • It ~, ff t .. 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'"- \ \ Dow Jones Final UP 9.99 CLOSINO IM.89 ~· I IJ " ' ' Ma Bell breakup : ' gets formal OK WASHINGTON (AP) A federal Judge has formally approved Lhe antitrust settlement beLWeen the Ameri~n Telephone & Telegraph Co and the government. sett1ng the stage for Lhe largest rorporaLe reorganization in history In other words, Ma Bell I.I g1vmg up her children . U.S. Di.strict Judge Harold H. Greene on Tuesday signed the settlement requinng AT&T to spin off 11.S Bell System operating companies m what w1U be the breakup of the world's largest company. The judge's final approval was almost an ti· climactic because the Justice Department and AT&T had announced thelr willingness to ac.-cept a series of conditions laid down by Greene last Thursday. Under the order. AT&T must set frl!l! its 22 wholly owned and operated companies by Feb 24, 1984 -18 months from Tuesday Bank acquires bonds A group headed by Bank of America. San Francisco, was the successful bidder on $100 million of veterans bonds issued by the state of California. The state said it .Jissued the bonds to assist California war veterans to acquire farms or homes, the cost of which are to be repaid to the state on an amortized purchase plan. The bond will mature starting in 1983 and Lhe la.11t tenn bond will be retired by the state in 2007. The Standard & Poor's AA-plus rated securities were offered for sale to the public at yields of 6 percent on the bonds maturing in 1983 to 9.80 percent for the term bonds maturing in 2007 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Nt:W YOAtc. tAP•-S•I~\., J p m ur•t• •no rwt cha~ Of t,_. t•fteitn mo\t .ct1vt Nf'I VQif"" Stoct E. u NnQt 1\\4.lt\, ~:~t'1~c;•"°"""' •: 4')~~~t~n,,'.', •. G1wnF'•" 1.m ,.100 " • '• Mt>rrttl I vn '141,l>OO )) • "· •BM '14•.000 10 • '"' E••"" 110.IOO ,~... • ' Sonv (.orp 17J,l00 ,.._ "mer T & I 103.100 i.• • G•n MO\O' \ ~91.IOO 49 1 • • I K.m•rt U.,iOO 21\la • ., R(_A 611,200 10 • '" SoursRoeb itt.000 21' ... AflA:1c MIO )/•,IOO .JI•._ • )1 , S< nluml>rQ •QI .•00 JI • I \tllnt•f.•INf 4·4r0 100 t•"'-• "'- UPS AND DOWNS HEW VORK lAPI -TIW IOl-1"1 1 .. 1 lllOws t1't Ne.. Vorll Stoo E•, ....... \lotU Mld werrenU llMll lulw -\Ill ,,.. "'°'' .,,., -'"' "'"' .,._ on r:;ten...:,.: <Nnee ,_oieu of -..... ...:: ~j= ~~-=·~~~~ cllltt<en<• Del-nw prevtout <'°"'10 Of'l(f' .no tOCMy S i:;n pr•ct I ~~ U\~\o .''it, UpPc11tO 1 Petnckptr ~'• '• UP ti ) J tt~•Co ••• '• Up ••1 4 Matlef .wt •'• • H,. Up U• ) tnlr-\18•._,-'' > 11.-Up U > .• l~lntl •"'-• 11. Ue> u• I WehtCXO • ... Uo If ) t Ge<"i.rx• t •e I VO 1J 1 • Delepnt .,.. I.. Uo 11 I tO V'•••rot.fn '''• ''• Uo U J t1 (,CACMP t•'• .. •~• UO '1 1 11 tnfor~ n n .. 11• UP 11 • U Miew~rl u~. • ,.,, VP 11 J 14 G•brltF•n 61~ " Uo 'I I 1s Par.,,.,,.. l>'e J'" uo 10 t "Vl•orn 1l'• • >'• UO 101 II Con'IOIY~ 1t J<1 SO IOt 18 lnt>XtoOU 4f'I• 1 • Up 10 • 19 Ul\llOrll n ..... ... Up 10 • 20 AIO(;r"" OI 19-. • I•• UP 10 J 11 H""llnel 40._ )... VD 10 I 1t tmpCpit.m q..._ • '• Vo •' ,, OrlonP•cl ... • •• Uo • I l• P..,....{.f'ftt ' 1• 11r• UP 'f 1 1S M•U~I lox IJ I' e VO • I 00WH5 u\I GOLD COINS ,,, ' .. 2 .... , .. s s. I) .... ... IS ... 111. lt' 4 .... 11 • , ... ' , .. .. '• .. ... l'• '• 2', .. .. .. , .. 2\.o ,., ~· Oii )l.t 011 110 011 It I 011 IOI 011 • s Oii I 0 Oii •I Oii • J 011 I I Oii lo J 011 13 011 SJ Oft , J Oft 1 1 011 1 1 .,, 0 11 so .. Of• 10 .. Ofl •I ·-· Oft •• •• Oft •S ,._ Off • s ... Oft ., 1 • ou • s \. Ott • • Due t o late transmission today's listing w ill not appe.ar In the Daily Piiot . AMERICAN LEADERS MOALS NEW YORK lit.Pl -Sc>ot "°"'""°"' m••tl prl<:ft IOO•y Copptt 72·7J Ctlf\ta a pound. U i clalll\lllOna L-211·29 c:.n1a t pound ZlrM: '0 -"· • pound, ~ed. Tift se •~o ~ ... w-00tlll>09l .. Ak11"111""' 7&-11 oenla • PoUnd N v MerC41f'/ $36S 00 Pol nu.. Pl•lln ..... S29 I 00-$2116 00 lrO'I' ounct . N V . SILVER H•ll<IY & Harman S7 7 IO pea lroy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 TM 6etC>Cleled ~-Se+ecltld W()(ld ooid ptlcM IOOly Le11dof\ morf\11\g llatng $39• SO, oll $13.26 Londo" allerf\11on Ualf\O S•O• 00 ofl S6 75 Parle allt<l\OO<'I ll•l"Q $383 34, Oii $18.59 l're1111M1 ll)(lllQ $305 •e. on $ 111.02 Zurlotl 1e1e ..... noon ll•lng S3911 oo. on S 10 00 bid. "400 00 IUked He114ll1 I Mer"'•" IOl\ly de1ly quolel s..o 1 oo, 011 se 76 .,....._.,!only d eny quott1I $401 oo on le 7S •l\fO!Mlt (only delly Quale> labrlCalecl 542 1 os, on s109 SYMBOLS d• ...... yearly low. U• ....... )e.,ty Ngll Unleu °'.......,._ noltld rat• 01 d1"'6enda ate annu .. di.....,,...,.,,11 06Md Oii I ... IUI Qu•rllrly or aemt-anf\u•I dec1arel1on Se>eciel Of Hiit dMOonds or JN~IS nol a..iona1oa •t reou1., .,. ldfln111..., .., '"" lollowtnO 1001no1ff A·Alto .. Ire Of' t•l•At t>-Annual ••le p1Ua llOCll d•vldOl\d C• Lrquld•llrtO dlv1d•nO o.derecl or Peld tn pr~ 12 mont,,. •·Ooc!Mod or peld •ner float< c1Mclerld or apl1I UC> l·P.id lltte ,...,. dlvldend omlllod. ci.101r0d or no 1e1lon ltkWt •I IUI ~ "'"'"'O k·~ or pekl 111 .. pw. 1111 KC\.lmullllve -.. with aMdenda Ill .,,_. n·N-ta-r·Oederod Ot p.ic! In pr~lnQ 12 rnon1111 plua alocto dl"""'1d I-Paid "' 11oe11 1n II'~ 12 monll\t. mlmalod catn value on ea-dlv!Oend or ••~lalrllM/llOn d•lt ... e.~lvldarlda or ••-rlghta :r·Ell-<llVllMl\G .,,d ..... In full. l·Salol In "'"· Cld·C•lled wd·Wllen dlf .. lbulod. Wl-Wtlt!I 1t1ued ww-Wllh w11tan11 ••·WllhOul warr .,,,. •dlt· E x-dtslrlb\lllon. P E r•tlo The Pl'ic>I ol • ••oc:lo .. • mull1pte OI pet .... ¥1 Mm1n9~ by dl1'1dlng I ... l•1til 12-rnolllh ewnlf19t l\gur'9 1n10 IHI ..,. ptlee I•• .. ~ '. ~. . ~ . . ;. ;; ,. .. .. .. 1 • ,l F = r a I: t I ~~eplloto ~ISING RANGERS -Sgt. Tracy Bradford ~utes the control tower from 60 feet up. ij.anging beneath a helicopter during a recent Qpen house at the Rangers' training school near Dahlonega, Ga. I ~ritish jobless at all-time high LONroN (AP) -Unemployment in Britain h,as reached an all-time high this month of 3,292,702 ~ 13.8 percent of the workforce, the government has announced. The nation's largest-ever jobless toll showed an increase of more than 102,000 from July's figure of 3,190,621 or 13.4 percent. Orange Oout OAll.Y PILOT/Wedneed1y, Augu1t 25. 1882 H/F Bf - NU .,TIC( NU M>'flCI NUC ROTa = 9u111••• 1i'•Yiatff °' WWWAwM. PWUC ..,,... PWUC *>Ta I ATIMllWT ,,._ = __... tlOno. ct.• HOfmG!! ... '¥1••:• The ..,.,. .,.. **11 l'Al"lell .. M., O,laATllel I A~ ,...,..,... -Ull91Ti. ~Aow OONNIOTION PIClttiOUlu:T: ... MAMm ...:-..... ...... .,. 90ltlQ TO.~~ .. *"',,,.:;-,..:::-'"" .. Nfl .. clOlftt CHILOOA"I CINTI ... 1ta 1 Tl\t IOllowlnt Perun 11.. IOHOLAM OOLLAl'i. IHI eppolnle41 Truete e uneltt 11\e AV•MO" OIVILOl'MINf, LMIMll Of , Huntlntton l•ellh, Wltl\OfMlf!M tO-WlllWVW!fOll't Hemllton Avenue fulte_!!~J lotlolwlf'll dMotll>ed C1eM of tt\I~ aoe>t "9d Hiii, Ilda. I,.,.._ tot, Otillotnlt I*? the "'1••"* ~ lllld9r the Hw!ttnO!on 9Mdl cilbnie ._ wtll, f!ll AT PUii.JO AUCTION Coeta ...... OA .... AritMO, IMef. 1111 l.amben llOUll~e IN1)ne11 n•-ol THI Oellu Ann' Oou . IUU TO THI HIOHHT 1100111' '011' :,:r.MteoNrfl. ltl'\\4~ D!:i. Huntington llMotl, CellfOfnla IAXTI .. 0"0UI' et 1 411 Vie lrootillum Avenue HunllnglOn CAIH (~lbtt 11 lllllt Of M1t In 8'n: ~ .. ~·tO'eel..., 9'I ll'M? 0Poft0, lulle I, Hewpon hecll, 1e9ct1 Calfotnle tM 1ew1111 money ot 1he Unlltid oo!=:i lnclMOulll.. rr Joe Mn A. 111\mo, 2464 I Celle Celll.Jmie I~ wi1tlem Oeort• OOH , 313 I Ill ttof'lt, lltlt eno In..,_ Illy It ~ II TOtO Olrdl. II TOfO, Cellfotnla Th• llOllllOu• bueln•H ne"'e Virginie ltrH I, • CrHoen••. IO ellCI now held by II under Mid Thie ~I ... fled~ the t2t30 ••••-• tor the 1*1Ml'9NCI -Ctlfornle 11214 Deed ol T1uet In 111• property Cown~ a.ti of Of-,._...., on Tilll ~ 11 oonctue1ed by 1 llled on lletlNtly 29, ttu In the Oe lor .. Ann Dou , 313 t lwtlnel\er OMcribecl· -....... -"• OOf'POt•Hofl. ~ty of Otenoe. Virginie 8tree1, L• CrH oenla, T"VITO"· I .J "'180UEZ. Jr .. A119, • 1112• •-l\llnboW Connection ~uu Harne and Adcsr ... ot lh• CalltOtnla 11214 • lllnOlt m111 Publltl\9d Orenee Cou l Delly CNlcloafe Centet Pet.on Wlthduwtno. Thie ~ le conduGt.cs by e l~l"CIA .. ~" 00 .. 0THY M. PllOt, Aug, 11, ti, ft, "'1t. I, 1112 Allene C. f\UW Mlat\MI W Miller toe I CO*" lll'"etel Ptf1ntt1fltc>, POTTI". en Uf\INl'rled wom111 3621 .. 2 PNeldtnt Lene , WHlmlneter. Celltornle 0e0t1 A. bo.. "9cofcltd Oeoembet 31, 1M1 .. Thie •t•ternent WM flied with the 92663 MlcitiMI w Miier fllle 11etement -llled \lrllh the tnetr. No. 379JI tn boott 14343, "8JC NOTICE COUnty Clett> of Otenge County on ' p l11'7t1 County Cltrtl of Orenge COunty on pege 1211 of Offlelal A.cotes. In the ncnnoua .,..._11 Auguet 2.3. 1te2. Publl•h•d Ot1n11• co .. ; Delly AUOUllt ti. tte1 offkie of lhe ~cs.r ot Orenoe ..._ ITATlmwT ,~ Pllol Aug 25 .._I I I 11 lff2 .,,_, County; Nici dMCI of tndl cleecrlbee Tll I 11 I I d I PubllaheO Ottnge COHI Dilly • . •....., . • . 37 ..... 12 Publlthed Ore nge COHI Dally the tollowjng properly: bu..,:...o .!:w ng .,_,.on I 0 no Piiot, Aug, 20, lept t, I, t&7 1ff2 Pilot, Aug. 26. Ste>t t, I. 16, t1182 Lot 28 of Tract No. 1138, In Ille THE BINNACLI, l ll ·O AQete, 3 80·'2 PtllllC NOTIC( 34174.12 City ot H9WPQft 8Mcltl, County ot Be!boe llland, CA ll~il. Orenge, Stat• ot Clllloml•, u per JOAN A. Mo NAIR, , tl·A 'ICTnlOUe llUIMH ___________ ,map r-cled In t>oOll 37, Pao-18 Aoet Biii"-· 111-... C 9 ....... ., N.-ITATl•NT at-II' T t>t end 111, mlecelllne,C>Ut m9')9, tn IPle Tl •, ....,. -.... A '""' The lollOwlng ~ -doing ___ ,.._~ __ NO_l_~ ____ 1 otlloe of the oounty recorder of Mid lnel~~u'::~ntee 11 oonMted by 911 oa ..., bUllneee u: IC..._... oounl)I. Joan A. McNlllf NOTICI Of' TMllTl•'l IAU FIRE 8AF!TY PRODUCTS. 117 ~ Cowt .. "'9 You ARE IH DEFAULT UNDER Thltl ... ,_, -llled with the Na. ,<SM F Rlvtrtlde. Newport Beech. • .... °' ~ A DEED OF TRUST OATEO Coun c~ f,..,. ,. __ YOU AM .. oaf'AUl..T lNMIJI A Clllllornle 92ee3 ,., .. DECEMBER 211. 11181 UNLESS 7t _ .. 0 ..... .,. ..,.,.. .. ty on De'ID 0# TMl•T DATID"'"' 1?, Clyoe A"•ed lembenon, 177 F c-tr .. Of-.. YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Aug .•• 11112 ,1 ... ~ UNLIU YOU TMI AC"flON Rlvereld•. Newporl Bu eh, 100 Clwto c ..... on.. ... , YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE Publl•h•d Or•no• COHI D•ll~ TO "'OTICT YOUR "'°"'lllTY, C9'1tornle 92M3 1Mta AM. CA '2701 SOLO AT A PUBLIC 8Al.E. IF YOU Pltot, Aug. 25, 8tot I, I, 15, 1982 IT llAY .. IOlD AT A l'Uel.JC Mery Ellen L.ambenon, t77 F PLAINTIFF: FRANCES L NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE 3778-12 IAla . IP YOU NllD AN Rlve,.lde. Newport Beech, BREWER. NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINO IXl'L\NATION Of1 T .. NATUM Clllllomle'2ee3 DEFENDANT BORIS .J AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD "8JC N0T1C( 0# TMI "'0CIUMNO AGAINIT Thie~ It conduoted bye BARANOWSKI, •nd DOES I CONTACT A LAWYER. OAANOll COUNTY HAMOfl YOU, YOU ~ CONTACT A generlll pettnerthlp. through 50, lnCllu~. 432 WHlmlnlle r Avenue, • __ .... , __ LAWY'lll. Clyde A. Lamberton ktt .. ONa N-s>0rt 8-:tl. CA. rniP~cOUif On S.01en"I~ 21, 11182, et 11:00 Thia •IAl_,t WU llled with the C.........., -.1 "(II e l lrwl ed«-Of common A M.. MES A t N v Es TM ENT County Cieri! ol Orenge County on NOTICll You !Irle Nefl ewd. dHlgnetlon It ahown 1bove, no 41t1 ......_ .. ....._ CORPORATION. e Ce lllornle Auguet 23. 11112. T1'e ~ _, ...._ ........ 1CMf werrenty It given et to Ill P~:~ ... Uncioln Corpor1t1on. H duly eppolnted ,.._ wtt1Mut ,_ ....... IMefd ltllfeM GOmPle1-Of ClorHGt,_)." The •• C Tru1t•• under end pureuent to Publl•h•d Orenge CoHt Delly JOU,........ ...... ao ~,...... benellcluy under teld Deed ot ... e rcury. Inc .. a •II lorn I• D..cs ol Tru•I rec;orcled June 25, Piiot, Aug. 25, Seot. 1, I , 15, 11112 h "''°'........, ....... Trull, by reuon of • br .. cll Of =:.Ion~ l>Uet,_ • Rm'I' 1980, book 134145. pege 3311, of 3720-82 II you wttll to Mele lhe eelvloe of clefeult In the obllgatlone MCUred OEFE Meteury, Ottlclal Aeclofd1, executed by. TONI en ettorney rn thl• 1u111r, you thereby, heretotor,• executed end NDANT: Pet Hope end Doet A. MOKEDE u 1ru1tor, In the offloe NlJC NOTIC( ehould do to Pf0fn4>lly to"''' your dellvered 10 the underelgned a 1 lhrOUQll 2\==-· ot the County Recorcs.r ol 0ranoe l'lCTITIOUI ., ... ,, written reaponN, II eny, m1y ~ wtl119'1 Oecl11etlon of Defeult and CA• NO. 117'11 County. Stet• ol Calllornla, Will flied on lime. o.tntnd tor &Ile, and wrltt9'1 notic. ...... T.,.& y .. _ SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO ..,.. ., • .,....NT A v I . 0 I u. t. d " •• 1d0 ol bt .. ch end of electk>n to C*.IM ....... I ... -...... twd. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Tho lotl<>wlno pereone .,. dolllQ d•mendedo. II ltlbunel pu•d• lh• underelgned to u ll U ICI ~ ....,..:=-........ ,.., (peyeble II time of ule In lewtul bull~ :'i C L I F F N U R S E S deddlr -tr• Ud. Mt ~ • l>'~Y lo utltfy Mid obllgatlonl. JOU ,..,:::; ...... :-::.. w::: money ot th• United s111H) 11 REGISTRY, t4I 17 w .. tcttft Drive No. -.-Ud. ,......... dentro •n lll•rHll•r lh• undertlgned the ~•n below. Front Enlr1nce Suite 11 end 12. cte M dl9e. ~ le lnf'wmaclon.,. cauMd NICI nollee of IHeech end of 11 11252 Gerden Grove Bouteverd, Ctty 2011. Newport BHch, Celllornl1 .....,.. electlon 10 be recorded Mey 17• you wlllll to IMil tPle edvlce of ot Gerden Grove, Sute of 112880 ~' UU•d dHe1 eollcltu el 1982Nlnllr No.82-16in741ofNkl •n •ttorney In lhl• meuer, you Calllornle, ell right, tltl• end Protu1lonel1 In Action, a coneejCl de un abogedo en HI• Oftlclel Record•. lllOuld do'° promptly IO lhat your Inter•. conY9Y9CI to and now ....... Calllornl• cMporatlon, 371 ·Wfllnul, •'unit o. d • b • rl • h • o e 'Io ,sheld H I• wlll b• m•d•. but wll[.!!.l•onn 1'~.onN, II •ny, mey 1>41 lald 0. ,._. Coele M .... Celllornle 924127 t I t t -.. ""• by It under Deed of Truat In Ille Thi• bulllnMi It conducted by • lmmeel e'8M4111t•. CS• NI• manere, w ou o~v•~i:: or ~~rr~~./ A YI I 0 I U • t • d h • •Id o property 1itut1.CS In said County cor.vveUot1. tu r~t• eecrue, .i hey lllguna, expr-0< MP • reger no • d•lll•ndedo. 11 trll>unel "u•d• and Stet• cleecrlbed M: """ puede -regt1lrad• • tlempo. P<>IM•ltlon, 04' encl(jmbrencet, to ,,, Lot 19 of TrllCI No, 6831. In Ille Proleeelonalt In Action 1. TO THE DEF£NDANT: A cMI P•Y the remalnlllQ prlnclplll aim Of deoldlr -lte Ud. ell! ~ 1 City of Cott• M•H. County of Roxann Werd. c;omplelnl hH l>Mn fll•d by 1he the no11(1) aecwed by Mid O..CS ot :-;:-: Ud. ~tr. Or*"""', Stele ol Cellfomla, U' ,_ PrMldent plelntltt aQlllnll you. II you with to TrU11t, with lnterwt N In Mid note ....__ LM le ... -...-....... Thi•····-· WU nled with the .. _. Cl thltl I It p ovld_,, ... It Cl -\tep recorded In Boot! 25e. PllQM 5 "~· C .... k of Or Cou .... en eweu •you mutt, within r ......... venc:ee, any, un ., S t 'u11ed Cl•••• •ollcttar •I lll1d 8 ol Ml-'laneout Mepe, In the """nty ..... 9"08 nty on IO C11y1 •lier thl• 1ummon1 11 the 1erm1 of Mid o..d ot Trull, Ottic. ol the County RecMder ol Auguel 23· 1982· Mrwcl on you, Ille Wllh thla coun 1 f .... cherget end ••penete of the conN jo de un •bogedo •n •II• Mid County. '1-wnnen fMC>OnM to tilt complalnt. TruelM lll1d ol the lrueta t:rMled by 1 •unto· Cl• b • r I• h • c • r Io Th• atrHt eddrHI e nd 01hu Publl•h•d Orenge CoHt Delly UnleM you do to. your defeult wtll lalct O..CS ol Truet. Seid M6e wtll be lmmedlllamente. de Ml• meneta. common o..tgnetlon, If eny, of Ille Piiot, Aug. 25, Seot. 1, II, 15, 11182 be en1er.cs on apptlcetlon of lh• held on Friday. Seplemt>er 17. 1982 111 rMPUMt• 419C'lta, II hey tlQun•. reel property dHCrlt>ed •bove 11 3 7lM2 plalntlff, end thll Clourt mey en••• 11 2:00 p.m •t ti!• Chepman ~~T~?'9~~~!~· cMt l>Uf'P()rted 10 be: 1062 Sarne Cruz •-.,. ...,,.~ Judgmenl egalna1 you lor the r..., A..._ enl•W\Cle to the CMc Center Clrcle, Colla Mau. C1lllornle '"~ "'"iw; den.anded In tho comptetnt. wNQh Bulldlng. 300 E. Cllepmen Avenue. complelnt hH bffn Ill.CS by the 92626. T·1-could rHult In 91rnl1hmen1 of In the City of Orenge. CA plelnltff ~ you. If you """' to The u n Cler• I g n e d Tr u et e e NOTICI 0# TM.llT'En IAL.a wegee, telllng Of mon.y Of propeny A I I he time o I I h • In I tie I defend lewtult, ~ muet. within dlacre1m1 eny 1f1ollhy for eny Ort S.Otember e. 11182 et 10:00 or other rellel requHled In lh• pubOcatlon of thla notlce, the total ~•Y• •ll••~\!t~u~ ... mone '' lnconec1,_. of the Weet eckSr ... e.m. S'--On/-Amer1can Exp<-compialnt. wnount of the unpeld blllllnCle ol the on you, "-cc>ur1 • anes other common deelgn•tlon. 11 Etcrow Company tor~ known DATED November 10, 11181 obllg1t1on HCur.cs b1 the ebove WTttten r-c><>nM 10 the ~t. • ......_ ..__....,_ s c LM A. Brendl, dHorlb•d deed o trutt end Unleu you do to,~ clefeutt wMI an~ .• i'cs"';~1~-;;ij' be m•d•. bul ~·=--~:'u.t~.1:: &~ Cleft( Hllm•t•d co111, ••P•n .. a, end ~entered on eppt1c1t1on of tPle wllhout covtnanl or w1rrenty, Trv11 .. Of Subelltuted Trvet ... Of By Arlene C PoltcnelH, •dv1nce1 11 $44,377. t 4 To plelnllft, lll1d 11* COUf1 mey entet • expr ... or Implied. regatdlno title. tlMll ~eln Deed of Truet executed Deputy determine Ille opening bid. you may judgment eoelnet you '°' the relief ~~·..__ bt b BERNI ZA CK ""-~ ...._. call (714) 937-C>Oee. -demlf>decl fn Ille complelnt, wtllcll ~~enc:~"°::n ~ J.n, end r~CS:A~ ~5."fA~ nLDlllLUI a QON>ON 0.1.cs. AUQU91 18, 11182. could rHult In gernl1hment ol the not• aecured by Mid Deed ot u 1M1rumen1 No. 21827, In t>oOll 1UIO V...tw9 lt¥d., kite IOI T.D. SERVICE COMPANY wegee, tu~ of money or property Trull. with lnterell thereon, H 14 100, p1ge 1231, ol Otllclel ....,_ Dlllle. CA 1140I u aald TruttM. By or other re lel requeeted In Ille prOYlcled In aald note, edvancee, It Record• ol Orenge County, (211) ..._ P1tr1Cia A. Randlll. comptelnl. Cl. any, under the term• of aald Deed Celllornle, end purauent to thet Publlelled Orenge CoHt Diiiy Aaallltnl Secretery DATED June 29, 11182. ot Truar, I•••. chargH end cer1eln Notice of Deleull end PllOI, Aug. 25, S.Ot t, 8. 15, 1982. One City Bouleverd WMt, ~9terton, expenMS of lhe TrutlM and ol lhe Electlon 10 Sell thereunder racotded 3785-82 Orange. CA 92e641 y L DI truata crHled by Hid DHd or Aprll 30, 11182 u lnt1rum«\I No. 714/83~2841 · · meo, Trust, tor the •mount 1euonebty 82-148149, In Otflclel Record• ol Ml.JC NOTIC£ Publl•h•d Orenge Cout Dilly 8='b Dlmltruk •t lmaled IO be: 119,572.19. uld County, wlll under end NOTICE OP TM.llftl'I aa• • Pllol Aug. 25, Sept. I. 8, 19a2 (714) 759-1644 The beneficiary under aald Deed purauenl to 111<1 DMd ol Trull NII ,..... 37412-82 One Cori>or•t• Pleza Cll Tru11 hofltofore executed end et publlc: auction 104' cull. lawful T.a. ..._ M» Newport 9Hcll, CA 1126e0 dellvered to th• underelgned • money ol th• United StatH ol YOU AM• De''Mll.T UNDll,. A •-.,. MnTIC( Publlah•d Oren~CoHt Delly -1nen Oecier1t1on of Defeult and Amerlc• e t th• No th t o t -.0 0# TitU9T DATID AUOUIT ,..._"" Piiot a t8'2& 1 8 118"' · r r n 12 (NOT IHOWN) 1JMLme1 you I------------• .. ug. • '" t. • • 1 "· Demand lor Sele, end I written entrenoe to Ille county courthOuM, TAKI ACTION ;ff OTICT !-. 3682·82 Notice ol Deleull '"" Election to 700 CMc Centet Oftve W•t. Sent• YOUR HDm."' y -AT NOllCI 0# ""'8'n:l'S aAU Seti. The uneler119Md cauled Mid Ana, Celllomta. 1111 ttwlt rlgtrt, title A P\*JC 1 You AN T.a. Na. T·1....., rtlllJC NOTIC( Notice ol Default and Etectlon to end lnt••I conv.yed to end now aXPUUeA NATURE IMll'OA'TANT NOl1Ca TO w--- Sell to be recorded In the county htld by It under Mid o..cs of Truet Of' TN AGAINST ~ owma: ... _, Monoe,o:.m-IAU oW1'11'fl':rfa':f,~ .;;m.;.r .. "' *'-...... YOU TAU MmOlt TO NOYIOT = l'HPQn, rT •AY H AT A "*'O la&&• YOU i, -MUl'OMAJ!!a.t TMI ii 11• 111\ft,~o~,'l_Vlf.~ .. , CONTMIT AU M01lCI II Hl.M8't' OIVIH, IMI ~ t1 on Wedneedtly, September I , 1M2, I ~ •I 9:00 o'olocik a.m. of 8l6d dliy, In 1• 1 the room ... ....,. 10t ~ TMlee'1 ...... wtlhWltfltof"-Cli )I •I, "IAL llTAtl ll!OU"ITlll 11 ·1J H"VICI, looeted et 1020 Nonfl 8ro.dwliy • .,... aoe1 1n the c.y °' ' Sant• Ana. County°' Otenoe, at.. • , •• of C •llfornle , REAL E8TATI j ,, Sl!Cl.JAITIU 81!.RVIOI!, a Ce11tOm11 corporetlon, H duly eppolnted 11 •1• T Net .. under end DUI-' to tfte .n power of HI• oonlerfed In th•I cen.ln DMCI of Trull 9MCIUted by l!ILEEN L. TURIN, en unmerrled I It women H to •n undivided one-qullftet 1n1 ... 1. MIKI! TURIN, an >I • 1. unmerrled man M to • undMded I• i 1 -..quwlet lnlet-1 end PAM£1.A It 1 L. OORDOH, en Ul\ITl.mtd - u to an undivided ~ "'*"' • ••" u Tenentl In Common .. reootcltd ·' , 1 8toten"lber 17, 11111, In 800ll 14:U2 of Ofllclel Aecorde Of Mid ~· J ••• e1 p ege 1305, Recorde r• •r Instrument No. 21272, by r..on of ,, • bteactl or clefeutt 1n peymeni or performance ot lhe obltgttlone H Cured lh•r•by, lncludlng tllel btNICtt Ot CltfllUlt. Notloe of wNcn ,. '• ·~ wee recorded Mey 7. 19112 ... • • •• R•cordtr't tn1 trument No . i 82-159477. Will SELL AT PUBLIC t 't • AUfl T•ON TO THE HtOHEST I 11 : Bl!,, FOR CASH, lewflll ~ :-: t • ol the United StetM, Of • ~a ~ drewn on • ll•t• Of netlonal b•nk, a elate or l•d•t•I credit union. Of a 11•1• 04' lecl«lll N1llnQa lll1d loert 'ueool•llon domtclled ln lhl• ...... all peylble •• ,,,. tlnle of ule, Iii r1gt11, tlfle encl Int-• he6<I by It, H Trull••· In lhet real propeny eltuate In ukl COunty end Stell, delcrtbeel aa loltowt: Lot 15 of Trect No 211112 u allown on • mep recMOed In &«* 98 . P•CI•• •5 end 441 o l MllClellaneout MllPI. In lhe offtcle of lh• County Recorder ol u ld County. The etrHI eddre11 or othe r common dHlgnetlon of lh• rHJ property heretnabove deaalbed .. ourDorted to be: 2048 Pelom• Dmle, Coet1 M .... Cet1torn1a. The under1lgnecs hereby dl1clalm1 e ll lla blllty tor eny Incorrect,_ In Mid etr991 addr-• Of other common deelgnetlon. :... Said .... wlll be m.CS. without warrenty, expren or Implied, } • r•gerdlng tltle, poHHllon, or encumbrenc••· to ••tlaty the •• prlnclpel bet1nce of Ille Note or other oblloetlon HCured by .. Id DMd of Truet, wtth tnterMt and { ·. 01her 1um1 •• provld.CS therein: plu1 edvencea. II eny, un<Mr the k •f 1 I.mt !hereof end Int..-on wdl ldvanc.e, and pll.!1 1-. c:Mrgee end ·~ o( the Truet .. end of 1'1 ,1. • lhe lrutl• «Mled by u6cl Deed Of Trull. The tote.I •mount ol H id ' • • obllgetlon. lncludlng re11onably , 11 •• ,. Htlm1ted leu, ch1rgH and expen-of the Trull ... 11 lhe time l •. • ol lnltlel public.11on Of thll Notice, II I 12,54&.A2. 0.1.CS: Augutl 13, 11112. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • Calllomle corporation. MTruatM. (SEAL) D.J. Motgw, Ill Pretldent 2020 North Broedwey, Suite 206, ,. Sente Ana. CA 112706 Tel: (714) lls:Mll10 ... I Publlahed Or1ng• Cout Dilly ~ f ' Piiot. Aug. 18, 25, 5'C>1. 1, 11162 ~ .,, ...... '. Eric Vatley, opposition Labor Party spokesman on employment, blamed Conservative Prime M in ister Margaret Thatcher's "heartl ess stubbomess" for the job crisis. whetw the rMI property It localed In th• p10.,.r1y •ttuet.CS In said y ....... .. ...,.aCT a NOTICC Of TMllTU'I M.La ptBJC NOTIC[ 0.te: Auguet 17. 11182 County and Stete clMonbed •: --"""'.. .. YOU A~ IN DEFAULT Uf\IOER A YOU AM .. DIEl'AUI. T ~ A • Mete lnveelme n t Thelend......-.CStolnthleAepon D£EDOf'TRU8'T.OATED10-.27~1. Dalo OP TRUIT DATa D CPP-Mm q ·: Corporellon It titueted In Ille Sl•I• ~ Calltornta. STAN-SHAW COA TION u UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO H,Tl ... R n, 1M1. UM.•la NOTICI! M TllUSTIFI aAU •' !-.·.~ as Mid Trull.. County ol Orenge. end It deecntlecl .=..~ted :!cs. ~ "':PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT YOU TAKI AC1'10N TO NO'TaCT T..8. .... M1l1 . 1 • Another Labor spokesman. Barry Jones, said "the whole Cabinet should be escorted to the Tower" of London for the "economic treason" of s>trsising with anti-inflationary policies he said fdrced people out of work. (The latest figures were releaaed Tuesday.) By Cerl Grollman M fOllowt: Will SEU. T PUBLIC A&T~ MAY &£SOLD AT A PUBL.IC SALE. YOU" ""01'1RTY, IT MAY 11 MOnc:a , 1 ! 11252 Garden Otove B/Yd. PARCEL 1: Lot 341 of Tract TO THE IGHES't BIDDER FO"' IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION IOl.O AT A "*.IC aALL •YOU YOU AM .. DIPAUl.T UMIEll A •I •. l' Sle. 12 1034&, In the City of IMne, M per "0 F THE NATURE 0 F THE -.0 Mt llCJll.ANATION 0#.,... nWIO De'S.D 0. TWUST. DATED Gerden Grove, CA 112&« map Ned In boot! 472. pegee 41 to CASH or: aa Mt forth In Section PROCEEDING AGAINST YOV. YOU MATURI 0' TitS '°"OCllDINO IU'llWM I.,.._ Ulll..SM YOU l , (714) 537-123-4 50 lnclualve, of Ml1celleneou1 2924h the CMI Code, .. right, SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER. AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD TAKI ACTION TO l'llOTICT Publl1hed Orenge Coul Delly Mac>e. recordl Of ~enge Ccunty. tine lnl-1 c:ionY9)'ed to end On ~ 1, 11182, es 10:00 COMTACT A LAWYDl. YOU" 'ROl'l"TY, fT MAY 81 ., 1 ; Piiot. Aug. 25, 5991 1, e. 11182 Celltomta. oy "unoer MIO ~ OI A.M .. CENTUAY f8CAOL, • NOTICE 18 HEAEBY GIVEN· Tllat '°"°AT A PUIUC IALL. YOU •••• 37414-32 EXCEPT THEREFRO~ 1111 oll, Tru In ~he p<operly heretnel1er Ce lllornle corporetlon, H duly cs cs b I j NIB> AN ECP\.ANATIOll 0. THR 1 T he rising unemployment rate has even p~ompted some staunchly conservative Cabinet members to express doubt about Mrs. Thatcher's pqlides, including Employment Secretary Norman Tebbit. He said over the weekend that the jobless toll "put a strain on the social fabric." ------------i gea, mlner•t• end other ~~·TOR · NORMAN L eppolnted Trull .. under end ::,~"of ttJt ~~ 8..J~ MATURI Of' THa NOCUo.e , '.',, ·! PllllJC M)TlC( hydrocwbonl, below a dec>th Of 500 NELSON UMWTled pureuen1 to O..CS of Truet -ded Trutt deted Sep!. 23, lll8t, end AGAtNIT YOU*f~U INOUlD ------------11 .. 1. wllhout lh• right of torf1C41 BENEF-;'CIARY H":ABOR N-ber 2. t981,utt1et.No.792, re corded In tlle office ot the COWTACTALA , •• ~ 9f'ltry, .. ~In lnltrumen\I of PACIFIC MORTGAGE tNVESTOM In book 14217. peg• , tOll. of ~Cler of the County of Orwlge On September 3, 11112, II lt.111 •••••• The number out of work as of Aug. 12 was the hlshest since comprehensive records began in 1948, ~d topped the 2,979,000 registered unemployed at ttf height of the Great Depression in January 1933. NOTICE OF DEATH OF ALFRED DUPONT AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·llHH. To all heirs, benefidarles, creditors, continge nt creditors. and penons who may be otherwille Interested I DEATH llTICIS In the will or estate of: ALFRED DUPONT. A petJdon has been fUed by Eliz.abeth C. Dupont In the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Eliz.abeth c. Dupont be appointed a1 peuonal repl'ellefl ta ti ve to adml.nlat.er the estate of the decedent. EISENBERG S h u I m a n a n d I r e n e AUGUSTA EISENBERG, Guterman, brother Charles a reaident of Irvine, Ca, and 2 nephews Art and Dave P~ away on August 24, Shulman. Services will be 19'2 in Irvine, Ca. She was a held on Wednesday, August mf!mber of the Senior 25, 1982 at ll:OOAM at the Ccaindl of Irvine, a member Harbor Lawn Mount Olive of. AARP, her hobbles Memorial Ctuipel. Services included painting and under the direction of ac\llpturing and she was Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive fighter for causes. She is Mortuary of Co1ta Mesa. aurviwd by her sisters Ethel 540-5554. I totcc:Oti410l MOITU A•llS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano •9s-1ns HAncM L.AWM-MT. OUYI I Mortuary• Cemetery Crema1ory 1 1625 Gisler Ave . Cosla Mesa 54()..5554 ,_Cl•OTHMS l&L •OADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broldway Cosla Mota 642·9150 IA&.Tl .... OH IMT'M&nm&&. WWSTC&MIJ CHArt&. 427 E 17th St CostaMeaa &4e-9371 The petition requeate authority to admlnlster the estate under th e Independent Administration of Ertata Act. A hearlnl on the petition will be held on September 8, 1982 at ":30 McNERNEY a.m. in Depu1ment 3 located LILLIAN B. McNER-at 700 Civic Center Drive NEY, re1ident o f North Wetrt, Oty ot Santa Ana. Hollywood for the past 25 IF YOU OBJEX:r to the years, prior to moving to granting of the petition, you Costa Mesa, Ca. PIL!Rd away should either appear at the on August 22, 1982 In Costa hearing and atate your MNA, Ca. She waa a nW'lM!t ob~tlona or file written alde for the put 25 yean at obJection1 with the court Hollywood Presbyterian before the hearln(I. Your Hospital. She is survived by appearance may be ln per.on 10 children, son Jeremiah, or by your attorney. daughter Mary Ann , dauahter Genevieve IF YOU AR E A Lockwood. son Anthony, CREDITOR "" • oon~t daughter Patricia Talbot, IOn credit« of the deoe•ed, you John , daughter Adelaide must flleyourclalm with°" Anderton, aon Paul, ion court or preeent It to the Frank and daughter peraonal repreaentallve Kathleen, 3 brothera, 6 •ppolnted by the court Usters, 32 grandchildren and within fou.c montha fnlm the 17 great-grandchildren . date of flrat laauance of Recitation of the Roary will letten • provided ln leCUalJ be held on Wedneaday 700 of the Callfom1a Probate Aucust 26, 1"82 at 7:30PM ai Code. The time for f1Un1 the Harbor Lawn Memortal cl.a1ml wUI not exp.r. prior C b a p e I. Mau 0 f t he to four monthl from the date ~ will be held on of the bearinc notioed above. ThundAy, A~t 26. 1"82 YOU MAY EXAMINE at 12;00 noon ai the Holy the file kept by the CXJUrt. If Crom Ou.pet In Lm ~ you are a pn'IOf\ lntensted Ca. Servlcee under the in the ..iat.e, you may tile a dJrectlon of Harbor Lawn requett with the court to Mount Olive Mortu.ry of recetve epedaJ notice of the ~ M ... G40·MM. tulna of the Inventory of WOODCOCK eetate a11eta and of the HARRY A. WOODCOCK, petltlon1, aeeounta and a Nlident of C.O.ta M-C. ,.pone cs.:rtbld In -=don p~ away on Aupt 22· lf00.6 of the California 1"82 In Hunt:lqtob Buch; Probate Codt. c.. a .... an Altro s.,.. l:nlineer for 38 yean tor JOAN L HON'l\'cun Northrop Alrcraft. Re la Au.ne, fw PttttMeer IW'Ytwd by hJI llat.et' !unb llM 0... lcnet. ....... Mlchl~an. S.rvtoes under N...,_. ......_CA nMt &he direction of Harbor Publlahed Oraue C.oaat Lawn· Mou n t O 11 v e ~ P0ot. Aus. 11, 11, U, Mortuary of Cotta M.... JJ82. 640-&Mt. 187M2 -cs. Offlcjal Aecorde In Ille oflloe of the Slete of Ca11fom1a. on Oct 7. 1911' A.M .. Eltdlenge Tltleholdera lnO., • EXCEPT THEREFROM llll-1et No. llOB. A Umlted Per1ner91\1p Countv Recotder of Onnge In Vol\lme t4247, pege 't357. of dufy IC>C>Olnt.CS Truet .. undet end \'• '-•1 11\C! IOblurl-_t., rlglrta, below Recorded Seotember 1• 11181 M County. Sle te or Cellfornla, Otllclat Record•. executed bl puf'IUallt to Deed of Trua1 reccwOed , t ] I dec>lh of 500 feel. without the rlgtrt in.tr. No. 2130 In boo!! 14204, page ueculed bl MOUNIR DAOUD· Jenuuy 211 1H1 H lnll No OI turfece enl"'. u dedicated 04' lfS.40 ot Offldel Recordl In the ottloe MARDINI WI L SELL AT PUBLIC ROBERT LEIN ART AHO LIND 325" In boOii 139211 't321' ; , .. r~ In lntt~ •• of record. of the Recorder Of Orengtt County: AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER ~~~~~~.T·t:u;~~'k~s~n~;~!:1J: ol Offid., Record9 In ·.~ of I PARCEL 2: EHement1 ae HI ~::.:,:"'Pl'~tl dHcrlti.e the FOR CASH (payeble et time of .... COMPANY, e corporetlon, 11 lhe Countr Recorder ot Orenge •:O. •', forth In th• Section• entltl•d PARCEL 1. · In lewlul money of th• United Trutt .. end STATE SAVINGS AND County. Stet• ol Celllornle "c.rt1tn ea-n.r.11 tor Owner•', . 8t•IM) •t the North front entrence LOAN AssOCIATION Callt ,,.. Eltecu1ed by Thomae L.aano " • "Support. Settleme nt end Unlt 32 .. lhowf'lendcleflned tothecountycourthouM,700CMc Ion ••. or WILLSELLATPUBLlCAuCTION II .;. Encroachment" end "Common on thed~!*'J lilfl1 1~111781ntum1 bplank Center Drive WHt, 81nt• An•. e«J:."'no.1pu..:.~-8enellclto 1-~-of TO HIGHEST BIOOEA FOR CASH ertwwev EMernent" Of the Attk:M recor wv u Y "'• n °° Cdf~a d rtght ttt,. Md tntwMt th• own~7~~d h~id~7"0fthe (P•y•t>-. a: t'rne of .... ~ lewtut ., entltled "E•Hment1 " of the 127511• PllG9 358 of Oftlctal Record• convey.CS to •nd now held by It promlHory note eecured by the mon.y of Ille Unit.CS Stat• at the '"' Decleretlon ot Covenent1, of ~l ~ty. Calllotnla. under Mid Deed ol Trull In lhe Deed ot Tru1f abov9 ~to· front enlr•~ lo the old Orenge 'l• Condition• end Reetrlctlone An undivided 1133 1 t 1 1 proPlf'}' tltueted In Mid County And by reuon of the defeuh In Counly Counhouee, tooated on delc:l'lbedtn"SUBJEC'TTO:"below "~" n end8111edeecr1bed .. : Sent• An• Blvd between • •' (I .... ""'--'-·etlon"). end to '°' 5 of tract no. 8835, • Lot ..,. T-No. 1-•• In 1.._ lh• paymen1 ol Hid promtnory · • ,,. .,.._ "'" ·-· ....., ... note ind lh• breech ot the 8ycemof'e St. a Bfa.ctwey, Sent• I •1··· PARCEL 3: e-n.nta .. eudl lllown on a mllC) reoorded "'.. booll ,.. .... of -8-:h. Coun"' of di I ... d Ana CaHt ......... tltte end im.r.t I ~ .,. !*1touler1'/.., forth 3 5.2 . p 1 g • • 3 1 to ~ 5 o 1 o;.·~. 'St;t. ~ Caltfomla. ~· P« con tone '" Ml Deed ot Truet • · • ..,. .. , In t .... &A._._ _....__. .. .,_~, .. mlte•lleneou• mepe, reoord1 or ~ -. ......., In ......., .. ,... ,_ 1 provided. 1 Notloe of Ollteutt and con~ to end now held by It ... ..,, __ .,.,,... ~" ""-Coun Call ,_....., .....,,. ~ ,........ Election to Sell Under Deed Of Truat una.r aald Deed of Trull In the 1 • of the Decteretlon of Covenentt , ~-._ ty. tomla, together to lncllualw, mleoell~ mac>e. hevtno bHn dulv reoorded H propeny lltueted In NICI County Condi II one end Re1trlctlon1 with •II Improvement• thereon, In the OfllCle of the County Aecofelet provided for by 1ew In ••Id end S1ete dMcwlbed ee: CIMcrtbed In "SUBJECT TO:" !*ow excepting therefrom ClOl'ldOfnlnlum of Mid County. Rtccrder'• omoe on Mey 4 1982 Peroel 1: Thet portion Of Lot , ••• (IPle "Mallet Dectwetlon") under unite 1 through 33 1nc1ua111e, 1ocetec1 Clloeptlng lherlform .. oll. gu tnat. No. 82-152221; ' • ol Trec1 No. 10491, •"-!on • ,..;. the Section headlnge In IUdl At1Jde thel'9on. end other hydrocar1>on IUbetenoee SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY e tn11P '-dtd In book * P9Ql8 40 9f'ltltled .. tolloM: "Owners Alghta Exce,ptlng therefrom en !*ow• depth Of 500 .... from Ille corpore tlon, u th• preu~t end 41 of Mtacellen.ou1 Mepe, ,. •, end DullH: UtllltlH end C•bl• undMded i..1nt-.t 111 .. olt, QM°' tu"-of Mid land, but wlfhOut the euthorlud end ectln" Trull" recoroa of Mid County, ltlowll Md '• .,., TeleYl8IOfl," "Sldeyerd £.-ta." other llydl~ ..,.,..enelM tying .....,, of ent"" "*-'· M ~ "' Cl 11 d U I t 5 ,. .11 l' "Support end Settlement," "':!:'.:!:~tnr~~nbed 1 j;,"'~n ln11~~men1 recor'd;d"';,; ~.:::;"S:CT~~ ~·~ "r-,,.,01n: "Encroecnment," end "Common p._.,... ., u """ t... ne. A119Utt 30, 11173 In boC)I( 101n. llOlir of 10:00 o•c:todi •AM O, ._, 3. IMO In book 13824 ~ 1207, · : I ' Fectlltlee ~ta.h Ofdet of QOOdOmlotum In ftvot of the ,. 127. Offldel Aecordl. ..... .North .......... • . Offlolel Aeoorde of Mid county II I.' The etrHI eddreH or other ctty °' Newpor1 BMctt. • munldpel Perce l 2: Non-n ctuetve th:~eoun~'~,Jg Peroel 2: Alt undMded 1115ttt 1111 common dulgne tlon of u ld corporetton ot the Ith cleu. • 9')pUttenenl _,l lor ingr-. CMc: Centet onw Waal In the Cfty lnt.-t In encl to tNt ponlon Of Lot p<oper1y. 9 ~. lrvtne., CA certltled copy of which wu end eer-o.... prtv9te ltrwt. • of Sent• Ana, County of Otenge, 1 Of Tract No. 1041, In the County 92714 -ded January 27• 1953 tn boo6I ••t lorth In tho•• c erteln State ol Celltornle. WILL SELL, Of Ofenge, Sta of Cellomla. • n ' Ne me •nd •ddr••• of Ill• 2443, P9Cl9 80 of Otftclal ~"'· declaretlon• of covenent• ltlOWn on • mep ~In llodl h . \ benefk:l•ry el wllOM requ .. t tPle Mey be •1•0 known u : 211 condition• end r••trlctlon~ ~~1:,1~:.:;~~~~::S• 4411 . pega1 40 e nd 41 of ~ • HI• 11 being conducted: City ~Coult, Newport BMctt, CA recorded Aprll I . 197' In. book without coven•nt or wuranty Mltcetleneoua Mep1, record• of Feder el Sevlng1 end Loe n , HM,,_..,.,. 902, Offlollll Aec«d1 di tltl 1 Mid Coun"' et10Wn end defined• Auocl1tlon C/O Sheer eon/ '(tt • 11' ... edd.-°'common end r.X,..'decs N-*>er t5, 11172 In reQer ng •· DOHHt on or • · C '" A • • \ Amerlc1n E11preu Mortgege dnlgnetlon II •hown ebove, no book 10427, peg• 10, Oftlolal ::'.=-C.: = ~~ ~ n,._, r ~o ~ 1 t I '' Corporetlon, 1201 E. ~:::;.cs wurenty 11 given •• 14?. lu Record• end~ thereto. mon•r, ot the United a'ttltt of 3. IMO In boot! 13'24 Peoe 1207, Avenue, San BernardlnO, • ~~~":{OMO The t1rHt •ddrM1 end other Amer ce, all thet oerleln rul Offtclel Atoof'd9 of Mid oounty. 92~,___ 10 1.._ _....._ _ _,of Truet. by reMOn Of•~ or common, .. , "r~y d~rl·J!..""Y•.i.~the11 property 111uet• In the CWnty of The all"MI addrH1 1nd other l' ~-.,.._,....... • .. ~ .............. ., defeutt In he .........,_ ... -..... • r..... ..... 00•• Orenge, St•t• ot Cellfornl•. oommon delllgnatton, "miy, Of h .. mey b• oblelned by requntlng t---... ... !..... ,......lone ~ Plll'POf1ed to be: 18 Bumtno T,.. ct.::rtbecl .. folow9· rMI property dMulbed 111ovt 1e Mnle In writing from the~ ·~rvr. ,..,.,o ore 1xeoutwv end .. oed, Newport 8"ch, Clllllornlt PARCEL 1: ' purported to be: 224~ Peoltle c '{ ,.lthln 10 dey1 from the llret •!Iver.CS to the under1lgned • t2MO All ufldMOed 1151h lnl«Wt In Avenue IA· 108, Co•I• MH•. .t-1,,, publlcatlon of Ihle notloe. ""Declaretlon of OlltllUlt and The un<ltrelgned Truett• w te>lot 1 of Trtct Ho. 11144 In CelltOmla. Seid Nie""" be m9de without bl9clhtor~:.'!tw,:'f"°'loe dl1clalm• eny lf•blllty lor eny the City Of eo.ta ...... County' of Th• undertlP.ntd Tt11tlee ., u ;:.''.:',:f;:~~c•~=: h• uncse r11gnecs to .. f1 c:= ~~ =-=~ ~:: ~ ;.:: ::C:1~':'~n~ ~b~ 1~ 1 10 •·-: encumbranol8 to eetllfY the unptld 10 utllf)I Mid obltpttone. fllrJ ltlowll herWI 1 e and 1 l'. In the oNloe' ot fllt lftd °'** oomrnon d • dO lo9lb1, " 1 CJ ~ Clue on the no'9 or notl8 n thereetter 1119 under1lgn9d a'eld n l• wlli be m•d• but Cownty Aeocwder Of Mid County tif11, ttlOOllrl lltttln. ll I • MCUfecl :&, Mid o..d Of TNtt. to tlon"':: ':';of ~MWld ~ without covenant or wura~ be41C)tlf\f thetelrom Unlit 1 ••Id .... Wiii b• med•. but ltlll :!'ii!:9d ,c:!',:,":.:!:,!:°'::,1 111 u lnetr N!°~2•1524;i '~ ==•~n~n~noH, through s H ihown upon tllt w1111out covent nl or ••rrenty. ll~, lldYWIOee 11 tht time of the lnltlal Aeoofda. lnoludln" ftH, olltrgH encl Condominium Ple11 recorded In tJl(f1l'fJa10t ~~ U... publlatlon of 11111 Notic. of Sale: Said HI• wlll be mede. but •·-O, the TNMel end ol the l<M* 140ll, et Peoe ~. Ot11o1t1 ~ Ullll on. or 10 •J ..tlrnalecl tru11 .. ·, ._end 008'9 lll'tout covenent or werrenty, tr~tereeteel bt Mid Offd of ~~ :"" ~. ::' !:c=~C::::: •t r at 11,033.IO, plue tntwaal on the °' lmiPlled. ~ 11*1• TN11,10119Yther'":,.~.c•r1 Unit 2 ae allown upon tll• ~~with lnt-t thereon, u ,•11. unpeld prlnolpel balarlOe Ill .. ,.... • 0( -... -. 0 IUlne ol the~., by .... Condomlftiuft'I ,. ,...,,., In In .... "'*(I).---. of t7.7~~ per ennurn trotn 12...,_.1 the:::.=~ C::: o..o ot '""' to wtt: '371.000.00 Pwcel 1 ~ 111 to q , under._ "'-flll .-. Deed lo dllt Of ..... plut eel~ ol Net. wfth .,.,..,_."" 111 ....s ,,_ with..,.... .... frotn 11*'-Y And~ oommonty known • o f Tru11, teH, o llargH a nd 1 10,110.00. plut 1~'1 otf)t r IM'OYlded· ......__•If under 1, IHI et 12" per annulll H 2112-8 Peclllc Avtnu•. 0 0111 ..--of._ T,,,... .nd of._ IOvtnOtl tNt the btlltlldelt nwiy Iha ,.me -;•-ii..c,971 TNll prOYlded In mid ~) plue oo.tt M .... c a. If tMrt la no etr"t trv•t• arM fed by Uld Deed of n'IM•1prlot to ..... plue i.. ori.ro-..._ cNro-and uptNet ol tf1i Md ..,., ..,__ ...,,..... 10 lie td dr•••· d lre ot lone m ay ti• TNM. ott2 I to. T,,,._ Ind ot the tN9el OttlM«t by M,11 U6 Md POfeololuN Ooei. ol>Cawd by wrtt1an r9q11111t to ltwte Tiit total tf'llOUnt ol ttle i..-s YOU AM IN DUAU\.T UNO€AA Mid Deed OfTruet. Seid ....... be eetlmetedlo beM,090.H•oflNI ~end l.a.t AMollllllkw• 122 ~ :.::,;.,,-.:~ ouo OI T1'UIT DATID ~.!1 held on 8et>tttnl>« to. 1112 ., -:;. belltflcllary under Mid Deed .,,. II OOf9dO ~. '-::::.: ttHOntl>I• H tlmtttd oO•lt, 1111. UNLE81 YOU TAKE NiTKm 11:00 A.M, _. ttlt lront .w-at ol T ;;;,;;.;,. __,., WI CA M20I: An.ntton: L09ft ..,,.,...111111~at .. 11f1e TO PAOTtOT YOUR PAOP!ln'YI !! •'*' .. "" Cofopor•llon Htl I. d ti""! .. ' ....... Cl "' .... • Depart ment. not later ll'tan Of IM , .. ,., .......... 1 .. ·1·~ of , ...... MAY H IOl.D AT A PUBLIC IAIL 1Tifl It. ttnta ,,.,,._ 0A t1711 t v1r... O I.,.. un ttt •• n...., I .,.Pt"'1W 1, 1-tor.,_ IUPOl9 ....._ ..;· .... ·., 11 ...... v ,":..."".::. .-. If YOU HHO AH IXPlANATION The .0... lmOUnt of tflt ""'*11 wrtnln Oa~&"10!t Of ...._. and o1 Cl4l'1nl obllo9tl0ne _,,_ by w"' ...,..,._ 0' THI NATURE O' TH IE IMIMrlOe of !tie O'ik>tloi ...... o.tn.nd for ..... -4 I Wfltttft .... o.Joll'.,_, .. }T"-.. !-t::ltt&<;:~~°!!! PAOCUDlffO AGAINl'T YOU YOU Id ._. ' NotlOe °' °"*"' IM llllctlOn IO Tlle ~ .,.._ o1 1M ~ "' ·-fl neoto._ - -IHOUU> COH'fACT A lAWYUt Oy .. pro11•rty to bt Hid, .... The 111 ...................... Of .... al:lfll'*'. 1111... Hllv.ttd ,. , ... u~ • Olttd: ~' 1tll ::':: :.S .,_..., • :::= ~ of o.tlul1 Md lll01tOn • t'rl..41. lfttlntt 11 .. -....-Md.._ .,..... 01a1a..,1 of Dllllllt eM ~........, ~.::: ::-:0.. II !!!!' ~ ~ .. -~ Hlfllltted •inount Of COit~ o....aM '°' .... I Md • ""'* e.,...---~ *21141141 --· .. -·-.... --·. -· ........ and..,.... wNol'I ---of DllMllt and llllotlOn .. f°"'*'V Known M oiitc ~ .. 1111 ~ ,_....... be lnoumld by tM dllM of ... II .... Tiit ................ __, ... 8oullarn °"* ,._.... Ool'poration. • QllJoffllaoo;;o-., ··=r· :c: c:. '=::.:. '!:.; ~Oomcwry, • _, T"'"-• ... "---. ...,_I. 1m ...... ~=-'!°""Y ........ • INltm IY: 8TAH-4HAW COi¥. UU O•"'lno Oel "lo IUMl<laT elfMCI CO.. . Ulliat i·-. 1tll ::.:. ~ r~ .... ...._,.,,... '°""' ten 0...0. CA tttot ~-:=..-::.,.... ~ Tllllll .... a-.. ttlOI L Hlgl'llen4I A• a.nta Ma, 0111f10tM ('I t4) llO-t100 ......... 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