HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-11 - Orange Coast Pilott -1111111, llllY Ml MONDAY lH TOUI •• ,· 1'111.1 OHA N Cd L(HJN I Y <Al II OHNIA ~~ CE.NTS ·This time God spared hi~; flames stop short BY JODI CADENHEAD 0( .... .,.., .......... "l couldn't believe God would do this to me again,'' thought. Joe Kozlowski. 45. as he fled the exclusive Orange neighborhood where the Gypsum Canyon fire caWled $3 million damage. God d idn 't. K oz lo wski returned to h is hillside home Sun day. breathing a sigh of relief. When fire came Saturday, Kozlowski had just finished rebuilding his elegant home. It s\,.llltalncd S350.000 damaae In an electrical fire two years ago. The fir e Saturday that destroyed 11 Creal de Vllle homes valued between S250,000 and S000,000 and damaged three others. stopped jus t before K ozlowski'• h o use. Only a chimney remained at the location of the house next door. Several neighbors di,glng through the cha(rcd remains of 1 once lavish hpmes said they were thankful that the fast-moving flames had spared Kozlowakl's houee. "l thought It waa gone," aald Koalowaki. who had watched the raging fire through binoculars ... I saw the houae next door collapee_ and 1 knew we didn't have a prayer." • The 45-year-old busineaman credited firemen who stood on h is roof with hoeea with saving his juat-rebuUt home. The once-p osh h illside neighborhood overlooking miles of 1COrched vegetaUon remained a vlrtunl war ione S unduy a11 shocked resident.ii began s itting through the blackent.'Cl rubble. Little was left to retrieve. The fire took hillside homes on both sides of the street, leaving beh ind only chimney stacks and t:ust.om swimming pools. A sooty plastic truck, a box of canceled checks and a scorched copy o f Playboy magazine became amazing treasures. Tim Neuland poked t hrough the desolate rubble of w ha t neighbors had said had once been an Immaculate hot!'le worthy a s pot in House Beautiful' magazine. "When J got here It was all over," he said. "No clothes. no furniture, nothing's left." 0 d d 1 y c no ugh a J u n.io r Fireman's badge he had n_~oeiv1.'CI in third grade survived the flames. He wore It. \.. "T h is Is the most beautiful home I've e ver own ed. We'll bullet at back," he said, as he pulled a broken saw from the piJe of blackened ash. Next door. Pat McConnell, 37, and a f <'W frie nds searched through o heap that had once been the mas ter b<.'droom for some colm1 he had· kept 'in the closet. "I didn't think fl was going to get thi.<1 close," said McConnell, turning shovel after shovel of worthless asb. "It makes yo u r eassess everything," he addc.>d . "Material things aren 't that importa nt anym<!re " 14 families homeless • in county fires By DAVID KUTZMANN ()('ttle D.ity l"llol II•" A blaze that scorche d 16,800 acres of hillsides and canyons in eastern Orange County neared full containment I.Oday, ending a two-day rampage that le ft 14 families homeless and caused an estimated $16 million in property damage. Orange County Fare Department officials said the wind-driven fire was expected to be 100 percent contained by noon today with full conltol expected l~r I.Oday or Tuesday. · Meanw hile, Orange County was among three Southern California counties declared a disaster area by Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. That designation will assist prope rty owners in obtaining reconstruction assistance. Fire Capt. Chuck Murphy said the blaze was still smolde ring this morning near Fremont Canyon east of Irvine Lake. where firefighters had concentrated their efforts overmght aft.er dousing flareups and hot spots in other locations Sunday. The blaze erupted Saturday morning in the Gyps um Can yon area n ear the Riverside Freeway. Fueled by strong Sant.a Ana winds, It quickly raced toward hlJlside areas in Anaheim Hills, Villa Park, Orange and Santiago Canyon. ...., .......... .., CMrtle...., Forced to flee were hundreds of resident.a from expensive hillside neighborhoods . Costa Mesa fireman Russ Parker checks rubble Suqday in Crest de Ville in Orange. Officials said the fire destroyed 14 homes, many of them in the posh Crest de Ville tract in (See COUNTY FIR~, Pase Al) LB firemen stretched . '8y GLENN SC01T /If .. ...., ......... Firefighters battling Sunday's Laguna Beach fire that charr~ 80 acres and destroyed two .t-ouses prevented more severe •eatruction despite a s upport lyatem stretched to Its limit. Onl y two of the city's four engines and crews were in town when the fire was reported at 1:29 a.m. at the home of Thomas Duckworth, 1199 Lewellyn Drive. The city's other engines -and Virtually all extra engines and cre w s from O r a n ge Coast communities -were far away at staging areas at Anaheim Hills, where they had been summoned to help extinguish a fire that broke out Saturday. • Firefight.en say Duckwort h's old, wooden house had been a concerp for them for years iM!cAuae the cloeest fire hydrant, Jocat.ed on Canyon Acres Drive, wu almost a half-mile away and, a narrow p rivate road to the residence provided only limited access. The house a lready was in names when firefighters spqtt.ed it as they headed their vehicles up Laguna Canyon Road alter the call came in. By the time they laid 2,000 feet of hose up the narrow road -it took hose ffom both engines to reach the site - the house was engulfed. Worse yet, the water pressure in the lines wasn't sulficient to force the water up the 300-foot climb to the hillside house. Thus. crew members instead parked an engine next to the house and used the 500 gallons of wa te r stored in the vehicle until more help arrived. "What w e tried lo do waa knock it down enough until we could get some more equipment and m a npower up here,•• explained Capt. Rich Dewberry. The support· was coming, but it was a long way off. Meanwhile, the fire blown b y mode rate winds was moving along the brush-lined hillside toward the high-priced homes lining Skyline Drive and several cul-de-sacs to the west. Because h ea t rises, fires naturally move uphill. If the city's other two engines had been in town, they probably would have been dispatched to th e top of the hill s t o immediately establish a line, said department spokesman Herb Jewell. But he said no one could argue with the need to send them to Anaheim, where the fire there had destroyed 14 homes. Mutual aid agreements, he noted, work both ways. ln this case, the agreement proved workable again. Forty- nine fire engines from all part.a of Orange County and beyond eventually arrived in Laguna Beach. Many of them we re sent directly to the hilltops where crews hosed down flames that licked only a few -yards from the houses. (See LAGUNA, Page At) Cue ta hand crew cuts fire line early Sunday on east side o f Laguna Canyon Road aero from Festival of Arts. NB growth figh'f SPONtaneous combustion . . " .. BY ~EVE MARBLE Of'IMhllJ ..... aleft • Jean Watt lives on exclusive Harbor bland, drives a whJt.e Mercedes coupe and ls one of the tnaly powerful in Newport Beach. She doesn 't deaJ tn stocks and bonds, she doeln't have an executive suite overlooking the • -----llDEI--- Hoepice volunteers - people who lend•• e•r to pi1lient1 darin1 the l•t week.I Ol lile - eall she job rewarding and penonally eariehlns. Pqe Bl. At Your Service Erma Bambeck Cavalcade Cluaifled Comics C~ord Death Notkea Editorial F.ntertalnment Hon.cope Ann Landen Movtea NaticnaJ Newe PubUc NOltcet 8po111 Stock Marke\I TelevWon ,,. ..... Weather A5 A7 A7 C6-10 &. & C6 A8 B4 A7 A7 84 A3 C4,a Cl-~ 8.1 88 84 A2 ocean and ah, hasn't even considered seeking political office . She's the prellt'dent of a group called S.PON, a small but politically powerful collection of resldenta who have become "public enemy No. l" to developers and builders ln the beach city. S.PON haa a winning track record of derailing development projects, slowing others and drawing attention when Its leaden speak out on laaues, which i. oft.en. SPON la an acronym for Stop Polluting Our Newport. In the early days -1974, that Is -SPON's idea of pollution waa the silt, pe1tlclde1 and chemicala wuhln1 Into the Upper Newport Bey. The bay wu SPON'• reMOO for bein8. But SPON'• definition of pollution has chanpd. Pollution now meana COO much traffic, too many people, too many jet. flichta and, more than anythlnl ••· too much pvwth. SPON la viewed by tta c:ritk:s a1 betna the dty'a no-lfOW'lh movement. a label Watt •YI la "almpliltk no1•n." creeled by her enemAet and the media. . On the ~ .. of lhe m-bcmd la the Irvine Canpm\y, U. ~ landowner, landlord and deve)CJI*' ln N.wpon a.ch. Bob Shel• a W. ~t of lhe company, Iii a former .. ,_ Md aty mm11"' of Newport Beach. In -~ty or anadllr'. he Ml ~ ~ ........... far.~ Shelton idmltl that .the --.,di" ln New pun ii Thi• 11 the eecond of thrH Dally Piiot artlclee deacrlblng th• growth-no growth f1ct1on1 governing development In Newport Beach. Today'1 ln1tallment COV9t1 SPON (8toP Polluti ng Our Newport). a watchdog organlzetlon and It• critics. tha' lhe Irvine Company la aome all-powerful machlnl that rum over the Un.le py without • care in che world and la N1ponllble for .verythlnl lhal11 ...,,. ln the Qty. ·-=. tua•\I Shelton, "have alWl)'I be9rl ol w .'' n..n haw ~ meny a.. over the yean that have Ht the lrvtne Compeny and the mem~p of S.PON on a collision coune but the true heavyweight bout has always been Newport Center. Newport Cent.er is the showcase of the Irvine Company e mpir e. a cir cular s h opping a nd profe.ional center that has attracted the likee of Neiman-Marcus and Bullocks-Wilshire and has drawn flrma like Pacific Mutual ou t of Loa Al\plet . The center ia a world of glass and steel that, when viewed from the deck of a boat In Ne wport Harbor. atands ln spectacular contrast to the hlu.tde ot Irvine C-ompany homes that rt.es up behind it. It la a land of high-fashion, bl& bualnftt, top.flicht hotel rooms and a golf coune tucked ln fOf' aoOd tnHM.ltt. 1t la virtually a city by itall. "The Irvine Company hu apent the better par\ of four yMn &rytna to nail down a ~am fot expandinl the t"enttt (''flnlshlna It.' th4t Itvtne Company lnMa\I). The Irvine Company dream for Newport Center ltarted to ao aour In 1878. If the developmlnt flnn1wu haviN trouble j lhat ,_.., SPON Wlm't. The &00-rmmber l"OUP aeddenly Md ........ of the Oty Coundl ft!AJDri'Z ancf, at-point.._ brandtd • N.wpon 8lmdt a "lhedow pemrnent .. , 1 lft a two-yHr it.retch, the council twle. ~ U. ........ plan for Newport Olnts 1and NdUeid -permiu.d bulldinl llMn bJ ... l ~.~-­, ....... ,,.AI) t I I I • 8 Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, October .11, 1812 F-ir-e stops shOrt of Laguna home ... With no 1•xu1Cfll'J'Ullon, &•tt)' Bal'ru• vould uy Sunday m ernlng tho vl1to from thf' torract' of he r Lai(.inu Bt•och home at 696 Mysllt' Vww wo11 umazlng Lc•wl'llyn Orlw. plm• trl't' 4!~ ft..N , I OOI th hoWM• w1•r)I UJJ, •nJlnti u rlnt• nl't .nf flnnwM 11w•1 tlw fl1 c· n •lltrdun1 I()()( "It look1-tl JUllt llkt• u e.torm of fir<', t.•c11nlnl( down," t1ht• 1101d "Ju!it Il k(• It WU~ r11111ln1t .. Stretching on tht• sloJ>t!& uc:low • were 60 acrt.>s of chorred bru1d1 Afwr claiming Ouc.:k worth':; ret1ld1•1w<• ttw rln· 1duflt'<.I c.•ou11't'. heading uphill mw hcovy bru11h. It was approac:hlnic u IK'orc of t»<pt•Mlve, hlll1ddo honwiJ wlwn f1reCightlng strike teams from throughout the c . .'ounty rtl('l-d into the narrow streets b41r •ly In time to stop the flanws from clalmlnai mor(' homCli. But tlw 11\lmn 1><1'1.-.('tJ. It Willi uht1r down. Nuw tht> vluw Wtlli purtkulru·ly l(uod. ,_ that stopped only fct>t from her home. At the other f'nd of tht• smoldering acreage was the spot where Thomas Duckworth's stately old woode n housf' hud burned to the ground, leovlng only a chjmncy st.nnding at 1199 The Barrus home, Ilk<' many othl"nl on nearby Skyline Drive, Willi utmost engulfed. Barrus said h·ope s<.'f•med lost when u large &>low, ha nd cr<'WS drt.'IUl{ld in bright oransu uniform~ 11tlll busily dcurt.'U llCW rlrt• hl'<!Okll. . To the• w'-•st, Burrutc could !ICC tht.' morning sunlight playing ort the dct•p blue 0t.·cun. Sudsy wuve11 LAGUNA FIRE BATTLED • • By 6 a.m. Sunday, flam1•s s ull sh ot from the h11ls1de a t•ross Laguna Can yon from lrvtnt..' Bo wl and fire fig hters still worried about hot winds rising with the sun. Ctty Hall. liul the wind didn't rise and the fire wus deemed c.:ontaincd at 7:37 a.m. • 111•1• t.Jomugt• wus C'St1malcd at $250,000. No serious in ju rH•s Wl'rl' r<'portt>d ullhough two Luguna &•ach f1r('f1ghtl'nl Wt•rt• ll'l'Ulcd tor minor injurws to u km,-..• and hand. hl' uddt.>d Alle n Hazzard, fin Orange Co unty Fire Department battalion chlpf, plotted a strategy to send hand crews up the hill to cul fire breaks for hoses. ·I "'rime is what I'm fight ing now," he explained. "If tht• wind , comes up. it'll blow tht• fire right around the corner." Investigators sllll art> picking through the rubble at the Duckworth houB«' in Sl'an:h of a cause of the fire. The owner was not al home when firefighters arrived. Jewell said, but h<' has been in t·on ta cr with investigators. A guest home behind the main house also was destroyed, Jewc.>11 said. No other structures were ruined. he added. although aome minor roof damage was reporlL'd lo a few houses on Skyline. Total Laguna Canyon Hund was closed from thl' llnw tht• bluw broke out .until about U n m .. causing long detours rur thos1• c ntcnng or cx1llng tht• l'llY , As usual with mujor Orungt• County C1rcs, the warm Wt':!tt•rly winds were c r c dltt•J with m itlolly fanning th1• flrt• ond pushink it toward town. A round the corn l'r wa s downtown Laguna Beach und COUNTY FIRES • • Orange. and damaged six othl'r~. Two barns also were destroyed. · Originally, fire officials estimuted that 18.- 000 acres had been blackt.'m•d and ii homes gutted by the fast-moving flanws. But those numbers wen• rt'vtsed downward 1 Sunday as fire officials and evacuated residen ts returned to neighborhoods t>ng ulfed in smoke and fire Saturday. In some cases, there was little to come home to. The only thing 65-year-old Lock Dean could say was "Oh my God almighty" as he surveyed the charred remains of his home Sunday on the Bauer Ranch n ear Weir Canyon and the Riverside Freeway. As his son poked through the w reckage of the house. Dean turned away. "I don't want to Look at it," he said. In a lat.er interview. Dean, a carpenter by trade. said he and his family fled Saturday afternoon when flames swept over a nearby hillside and engulfed the home in minutes. ' "We ran in to get what we c..'Ould," he said, but there was little lime to salvage much. Dean had lived In the sprawling ranch home ' for 11 years as cnretaker of the property. ln the Anaheim Hills area, the fire burned to the edge of expensive n eigh borhoods overlooking canyons on Singingwood Drive. Nightingale Drive, Jay Cirde and Kite Circle. None of the homes. however. was damaged. Not iO lucky were some homeowners in the Crest de Ville tract, who returned Sunday to £ind only burned-out skeletons where their homes once stood. Eleven homes were destroyed and three damaged by flames. In a ll, 48 miles of lines were dug by firefighters Sunday as ground crews moanted air and land assaults against flames still burning in rugged back country east of Irvine Lake. Delly ..... ..,,...~~ ....... Chimney is a ll tha t re m ain la nding in the a ft erma th of the Ra u er Ra nch fire on a nta An a Canyon Road m Ana heim Hills . I Windy weather I R1ln ~ snow[lm ft• I ·' Coastal Ouety not11leMI wtn01 mainly ... ..,n Oll«t•. mountain• end In coHtal canyona and PHHI th«>lql Tueeday. CIMt llklel Tod8y: Fall' wltll local nof1Mnl 10 _. Wlndt Ill to 20 mpti b9low canyons. HlgtlS mkl IOa T onigtll and TuHday: Fair wllll local nortllenl wind• t5 to 25 mpll below C8n)'Ol'I LOWS tonight low 10a and NgtlS Tueeday mid IOt U.S. summary Shower1 and 1hunder11orm1 1wtp1 frOft'I Iha eHle1n GrHI Laku to the SoulhHst early t0d1y, with sca11ered 1how•r• and cl0ud1 over the Southwest and rain and drlule In the up1>41f MldWMt Shower• c:ontlnuecl from Lake Erle 10 northern Ge orgia Show•r1 and 1hunder1how••• 111yed over 1outhH1t O•org11 a nd 11ong th• •Htern and IOUlhefn Florld• COii\. Cloudy alllet •nd 1 law anowera w•re 1c1t11red over 1outhorn T•11H, and rain 1nd drlzzle c:ontlnued from upper Mlchlg1n to North Olkota, with cloudy 1klu from Ille 011110111 to Iha middle and \lf)per MlllllNlppl llaltev Fair 1kt.1 prev11ted ov9' the reat of the United Stat .. S c attered 1how1ra 1nd ~11onn1 -• loraea•t for 1et• toaar from the Alo Grenoe v111ay o TaxH through the central Oull Co111 and the Carotlnaa 10 th• lower OrHt LM•. Scattarad 11toware ••r• •x.pact9d from Iha UPCMlr Gr111 Uk• to Iha DallOI ... rain Wll ptedlc1ed -North o.11011 1111<1 ~ .. and _,,,., lk ....... toraelll IC'Oll the r•I of Ille Unltad It.at•. Tempe rature• around •ti• netton at 3 1 "' EDT r~from 11 ~ In t.Memt., , IO 10 ~ In Ke, Weat. F Temperature s liiA*'f. " ... , 5e .. 5 83 31 36 " 16 M 22 &4 llO 67 H IO II tt' IO 14 IO 40 t7 .. 71 70 n 11 .. , .. 17 . " It • 11 • '° • Dallas-Fl Worth Oaylon 09nv•r Dal Molnu O..toll El Paso Falr~nkl Fargo Flags11tt Honolulu Hout Ion lndlanapol!• Jllekaon.MlH JICklOl'IVI .. Juneau Kan ... City L11V90M Uttla Aodl t::r- Memphll MJaml M~'#lukea Mpls·SI PllUI Nutwille ,.. ... Orlun1 N ... Yon 0tt11nom. Cny Omah• 0fltnd0 Phltadetphlt PhOanla P1t11burgti Por11and.M• Portland, Ore Providence R9"Q Salt Llkl San Antonio Sen Diego San F,.nc:llCO Seattle Sioua Fall• St Loult SI Sta Marla Spoli-SyracuN ropa111 Tuceon Tulu Wllhlnglon 73 55 78 64 49 30 57 51 0 72 60 .O< 72 4' 30 26 1' 48 45 8f 51 32 89 76 78 64 .Oi 75 55 °' 81 69 .7 90 68 55 49 2: 55 49 71 51 70 54 83 63 78 65 79 82 Na'Cl>d ft~•"t< Se<-.°'t 11.().o u S O.o• fl' COi'""'""• • Flurries(!!) 65 78 63 45 57 49 79 71 89 70 o Fronts. Cold ..-. Wa.rm .,.. Occluded ~ Stallonary •• 15 --------------------------------------------I 58 48 70 48 53 47 04 90 70 Senta Berbers SIOCklon PAN AMUllCAN 82 49 82 52 C.Jgary Edmonron Mon1re11 CANADA 81 52 Acepule-0 93 11 Regina 57 2a. S8 23 52 47 51 '1 83 42 68 48 50 44 61 49 63 56 53 33 73 47 Berbedoa 88 Bermuda 81 Bogott 63 Cureceo Freaport Ouaoa1aj1t1 Ouao.ioupe HIYlrll Kingston Montago Bey Muat11n M.,ld1 M••lc4 City Mont.,rey NUUU 73 Toronto 70 Vancouv•f SO Wlnnl1>9Q 79 49 43 82 27 63 30 88 58 1 19 9g 68 83 82 87 •7 48 •8 85 54 52 49 .25 57 32 81 44 57 61 76 42 68 61 llO ST San Jllan T eguclgalpe Trinidad V.,1CtU1 PAN AMINCAN 88 76 77 81 66 73 88 75 88 77 88 71 88 73 91 72 77 69 81 18 70 to 76 ee 9t 75 90 76 Acec>ulco 91 &.rbadol 84 kmuda 12 M 5a CUfac.c> II 77 5 t F reapor'l II 715 72 75 11 . ee ,, 83 54 Guadalajara 75 72 37 GueNloupe to 83 83 Ktnoeton M 76 62 Montego Bay M 85 43 M.Utlan M 17 55 M•ld• 91 M 54 Me.11lco City 79 12 41 Monttt9'f to 12 47 Na._, II H 82 sen Juan. p R 93 83 63 Trinidad II lllf IEPIRT 72 76 72 77 72 57 73 .. 74 n 1:1 11 12 11 1 ' ' ' =-' t .... "' IW ' 2 I IW IW w Smog The Afr Qu111ty M1n11g1mon1 DlllrlCt predict• good •Ir qu1U1y lod1y In many portion• of Iha unhe•lthlul air qulllly prldlcllCI In 1he 00•11 1 1 •••a• •nd metropolitan Lot Angetet. Unh•allhlul 111 quality tor aenalllva P•OPI• I' lorac11t 1n metro90t1t1r1 Loa Ar~ and the t»Ulal faglonl, w.lh a PSI of 125. Good air quallly IJ forKlll In the 81n Oabrlal end Pomon1 valleyt wlth I PSI Of 100, and In 1n1a11d Or1nge COuflty, the Sen Ferna ndo and Senta Cl1rlla vallayt. Rlveralde·San Bernardino and H•m•t·Elalf1ore 1 raa1, l lM!flQ. the,. and low daaertl and Big 8aar Ull(a, •M w.th I PSI ol 42. Wh.,• to call (loll fr") for ,., ... wnog lntormetion: 0r""'9 C4tlnty. (IOO) ~ll-382' Loi An9a111 County; (100) 242-4021 ,.._...,. llld 1111 9emardlno countiae· (IOO) H7-47 t0 AOMO lpitode Center: (IOO) 24l-4ttt Extended forecaBI COAITAL ANO MOUNTAIN AftlAI MOiii~ c ... r ••Clpl v•rlable lot nea1 Ille toutllem OOM1 In ,..,. MCI mam1nt llOurS """' *"Pf'llNtea In 10. ...... 00.C 9flCf IOt 111 IN~.,... I.OWi "' -..... ...., ... ...., ........... ........... Wlltl 1111'1 .....,.,,.. ... IOI Ind ._.In N NI tO mlcM09; broktt In nt'IL urd1•r un Main B<•ucb t'otullnu l1lund wa11 10 dl·urly vl11tlJl1· 1h1• mukl mokt• !lut I~ dark t•11nyo1111 und whlt1• dlff• Thf' vlt•w (.'uuld no more J(O unnotlct•d \hart lht• r (.'l h l•r fum1l y'1t hoUKt' WW• HlllndlnM II trlbuk• to l 1rt•flghll•111 Crum 11uch unllkQly plact .. t (;411·d1m C,;rovo, L a Jl abru . FulJ <>r t o n Qhd S t.unton. 1 "I think it'1t o m(trvt•lous duy. 11 ~C.COt doy," atll'f'Ull l)l't>e:l11h11t'd. · Tht•y ..uiv1•d our huui1t1. I thlnk thcsl' guyli oru just 1".!Jxir." G L1': ]q N S<.;U'r r Royal photos Johu Visiting in (]ifto n, Texas, King O lav V of Norway &u r ns the ta bles on tht" crowd anti the media a ht• a ims a <·um era a t the m unday. Yacht burns in Costa Mesa A fin• of ~us p1t·1ous origin brok e out in a 24 fool cab111 cruiser stored 1n an 011 field in Costa Mesa al 3:46 pm f'r1dt1y. Fire Departml'nl off1c1als sa10 T h c• b I a z c , w h 1 l' h w u s l'X l1ngu1shed 1n abo ut 20 minulPS. occurred behind u row of l'Omm<.•rctal IJuildtngl> al llj;l5 Whiulcr Ave Sunt• Hc rgs trom Medicine prize split three ways STOCKHOLM; Swede n (AP) Thl' 1982 Nobel Prize for Mc..'<.11cme was awarded today to E11glishman John R. Van~ jointly w1 th Swt•dcs Sun e Bergs trom and Btmgt Samuclsson for their r<.'st•arc-h o n p rostagla ndins, powerful hormones that may be hl•lpt ul tor preventing u lcers and easing menstrual cramps. All thr<.'<.' men are al Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass . Bergstrom 1s ch1.1 irman of the Nobel Foundation Board and has long lx."t'n mentioned as a Nobel cana1dat.e despite hlS po.9i tion . The first of this year's Nobel awards was announced by the facu lty o f t h e K a roli n s ka In stit ute fo r M e dicin e i n Stock holm, a tradi tion . The record prize o f 1.15 million kron or w as w orth $157 ,000 necause o f a 16 p e rce nt d e valuation of the Swedish c urre n cy last Friday. T h e recipients share the prize equally. The awarding body cited the three resear c he rs for their discoveries conce rn ing "prostaglandins and r elate d bio1ogically al·tive subst.ances." P rostagland1ns a re power ful ho rmones o r h o rmo ne-like s ubs tances.· fo rmed in the swmach and found m semen and menstrual fl uid.' Vane, born 55 years ago in W orcest e r s hire, has b een research director of the Wellcome Foundation in Beckenham since 1973. He is currently lecturing at a Harvard seminar. liergstr om. rector of t h e Karo ltnska Insutute. is also t·hairman of th e N obel Foundation Board. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ O ur "344_" tro pical sui t is comforta bly ligh tweight Wh ile the holtc~l Jays h ave pas1. there's li ttle rca~on not to c n1 oy the l'.umfon and glH1J looks found in i1 tropical suiting. We've u~ed a polyc~­ tcr-amJ-wurMcd thnt '~ tailored tu kccp it~ s hape und hold <.rca c~ IO a minimum. T he cxc.:lu sivc "346'' 3-hutton model is offcrcJ in c.:la~~ic pin ~tripes on grey. Cont And u ouscrs, $280 ISTAIUSHIO llll I ' ., .. WORLD Two Polish cities ·cut off from world WARSAW, Poland (AP) -whclher the clrcu!l.a had been All tele phone and te le x deliberately cut or whether communicationa were out the outages were due to a today wlth the Baltic port city technical problem. of Gdanak, birthplace of the P o land• 1 Commun Is t newly outlawed Solidarity government hus traditionally union, and wllh Jhe west.em cut oft communlcallona after PoHah city of Szczecln . ttoublc erupts In a particular o perator·•· for the at.ate ci t y, but It w a• not ~ telephone network said. Immedia tely possi blc to They aaid they had been dct'ermlne w h e ther there ordered not to accept calla to were any dis turbances at .. Orange Coeet DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 11, 198? $ 41 thoee areas. but could not A )\-_ 9'dansk or Sl.CU.'Cin. Soviet sub slips out Mustard frames Ne wport Center where no-growth udvocute8 ke pi the Irvi ne Company from building a 400-room hotel. oe11, ,.1101 Ptioto br "'" '•~ , ' BERGA NAVAL BAS E, S wede n (AP ) -Afte r hunting more than a ':"Fek and dumping 5''0res of j2l!Pth charges mt.o frigid Hors Bay. Sweden:s navy admits a suspected Soviet-blo c submarine may have escaped, possibly the first day it was spotted. . a statement Sunday. "It could s t il l b e there but the l ik e l ihood Is gradually decreasing." SPON: ·ONLY A CRITtCAL WATCHDOG? • • • "There h as b ee n a s ubmarine In H ors Bay," Swedish n ava l Supreme Cmdr. Lennart Ljung said i~ Despite his admission, the m il ita r y int e n s ifie d a frustrating search for the submerged intruder. It sent two re<'Onnaissonc.-e planes to sweep the area for the first time sjnce the sub's perisc:.'Ope was spotted Oct. l. apparently monitoring maneuvers neer the secret M usko Naval Base. Lebanon c~ashes erupt BEIRUT, Leban on (AP) - Gun~ e rupted between Moslems 'and Christians in a mo untain vi llage east o f Beirut, and rightist Christian militiamen helped Lebanese troops seize leftists in the capita l's western Moslem sector. In Jerusa l e m , Prime Minister Me nachem Begin's Cabinet ou tlined its proposal for withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and P alestinjan forces from Lebano n . Israel's NATION -Def e n se M inister Ari el S haron denounced the United States, accusing the Reagan administration of blocking an Israeli-Lebanese peace treaty, Israel said one of its soldiers was wounded in the croea-fi.re S unday be tween Christian militiamen a nd Lebanese Druzc Moslem leftists in the mountain town of Aley, 10 miles east of the Le banese capital. There w e r e no accounts of casualties among the combatants. Tylenol suspect nixed C HICAGO (AP) - Investigators are dismissing as a murder suspect a man who allegedly tried to extort $8.- 000 from a h ospital with threats to "put cyanide in ever y b o ttle of Extra - Strength Tylenol to see what it will do." OCficials char ged that J e r ome H oward . 20, o f Chicago, left a letter with lhe receptionist's desk at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital claiming r es p onsib1llly for seven C h icago -area Tylenol poison ings and threatening more unless he received the money. If convicted on the federa c harge. H oward could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison and fined up t< $10,000. NOW chief vows action lNDlANAPOLIS (AP) - The ne w lead e r of th e National Organization for Women has high hopes for lhe next few years: attacking sex discrim inat ion in corporate America a nd building a political mach~ne to STATE rival those of the New Rlgt'j Judy Goldsmith, who ~ take over as NOW's preaid on Dec. 1. promiaes that N will be a strong for ce ff change, not a moderate vo~ of accommodalion. Church mourns victims A VEN AL (AP) -The Calvar y Baptist C hurch congregation looked to its past.or for guidance Sunday to deal with the deaths of eight c hildren a nd the R ev. Leonard Silva's wife. Virginia Silva, 33, was driving the children in a church van to a Christian school Friday when their vehicle was struck h don by a truck trying to a ie a stalled car near Lemoo . Nine. people were II~ instantly and three trs were injured. The S d y service wa s th e r t ·opportunity for this 1 Central California comm to ex press its sorro~ relatives of the dead. Crash kills two couples OCEANSIDE (AP) -Two matried couples died ln the crash of their single-engine plane which stalled at 400 f ee t while e n cir c ling Oceanside airport and spun into a cauliflower field. At the time, the pilot was flying too slowly, apparently / confused about what run to uae, investigat.or:i said. T he dead were Bruno Bouard. 64, the owner-p his wife Dor othy, 59, a George C . G le nn Jr .. 53-year-old dentis t, and wife Phyllis, all of San Die What do you like about Call the number at left tranacribed and delivettd From Page A1 The Irvine Company didn't sue but it wanted fo. Instead officials of the massive development firm sat back and waited for the 1980 council election, counting o n voters to do their work for them. That's just what happe ned. Three ·candidates, a ll h ighly critical of what had happened to the Irvine Company, were swept into power. SPON was out and the Irvine Company was in. The predictable happened. The Irvine Company came before the "new" City Council, asked for permission to add nearly 1 million square feet of building rights lo the center a nd. after months of public debate, got its wish. SeveraJ months later, deep in the summer o f 1981 , SPON started flexing its muscle again by spearheading a referendum drive aimed at getting the l."ouncil e ithe r to dro p the Newport Center expansion or put it to a citywide vote. The council, at the request of the Irvin e Company, ftn ally threw in th e towel. Th e development firm was bac k where it started -1.4 million square feet in the hole. And so it has come to be. in the fall of 1982 with another <.'Ouncil election at hand, tha t SPON and t he Irv ine Compa n y a re the bookends that hold the growth fight together . The Irvine Company IS big and powerful and an easy target to its critics simply because it has played s uc h a major r ole in shaping the city. SPON is a bit more elusive and its power in the communit y harder to understand. Members claim SPON is run on a nickel-a nd-d ime budget. Still, the group managed to come up with $80,000 to fight Orange County government over John Wayne Airport and has hired a San Franclaco attorney who has appeared locally on the group's behall several times. Wha t is SPON? Watt, a pleasant and articulate person. claims SPON is little more than a group of concerned citizens who care very much about what happens to Newport Beach. She says her group's e fforts are frequently rewarded with mountains of criticism. Wa tt says she gets irritated when SPON is brushed o ff as "a bunch of obstructionists," "terrorists" or "a group of nagging housewives." "We're the people that push from the other side," suggests Nancy Skinner , a former Rose Parade queen. "The ~ity needs som ebody push ing from the other side. It's similar to what the Sierra Club does." Bobby L ovell, a B alboa resident. claims SPON members take the time to read through reams o f traffic r e po rts , developme nt proposals and envlronment.aJ impact reports. "That's part of our job. We help translate a foreign language into some thing people can understand," she explains. Pat Hollanaer, a relatively new resident of Newport Beach , suggests that the Upper Newpor t Bay would be ringed with high- Dally Pilot'? What don't you like? your message will be recorded, appropriate editor. We're Listening ••• ' The same 24-hour answ ters to the editor on any to their name and telephone calls. please. t servrt:e may be used to record let· . Mailbox cORtributors must Include ber for veriricall~. No circulation 642•8086 Tell us what's on your A2*rbao ORAHOE COAST Daily Pilat L hy Schufh Vree ,, ....... Oltd Oo<IO o4 ""'"''"""' Mkheef P. ,._~ Olr.etor ol Mon ..... ICrc1~0hOfll CIHdled _..,.llftt 71W2-1171 •• MMf d1p1rtrM .... 142-4121 MAIN °"'9ca mw.tt-lt,,c-.MHe,CA. 1111e11...,_: ._ 11111,c ... -..., ...... c~ ._ ar-. c-.....,.....,...~. __ _..,, ........ ..._. ....... _... ..... _ .... _ .................. .._.._.. ........ _ ... ..., tl'M .. <_r __ rise buildings 1f not for tht• e fforts of SPON. "Until the last ek'<.:tJOn," says Lovell, "we were like a bunch of gnats, an annoyance to the other side . Then we grew up and suddenly were a threat. • .. Because or us. th(' business community suddenly was being made to JUStif y what it was d oing We confronted the m They were forced to <.'Om bat us." While the group has 500 or so m e mbers. th a,t numbe r is misleading. Most of lhe council members. including those who strongly disagree· with SPON. belong to the group simply to get its literature. Watt has been president of the group for severa l years running and likely w ill re m ain at the helm. SPON mem~I'$ say. The group's steering committ.ce of 30 meets monthly, usually a l a member's home. Critics seize on the fact that only a handful of SPON 's members a ppear in public to speak for the group. This leaves the impression, Watt agrees. that the group IS very. w ry small Shelton , from his vantage point with the Irvine Company. sees SPON as an organization that has "dealt with issues on such a narrow. nl'gat1ve a nd unreahst1c level that on balanc.'e it has not been cons tructive at all." He says the Irvine Company gets a "bad rap" at the hands of SPON and IS frequently blamed for problems. such as traffic, that are regional. ''SPON often ignores activity (developme nt) outside the city wruch has little to do with the Irvine Company," says Shelton. "But this activity does affect traffic in Newport. It does affect the airport "One has lo be realistic." he adds, suggesting that SPON 1s ha rdly that. "We ·know what SPON is against. but we don't gene ral plan. This c·ity has a gene ral plan but nobody wants to. stick to it. Every dt>wloper who comes along wants a l1ttlf· more." The city's gcm·ral plan detalls what will be built on all the uudevl'loped land in Ne wport Beach. It is tht• city's Bible when it comes t o planni ng and a builder must get approval from the council to change thf'·general plan. In the case of Newport C<•nt<>r, the Irvine Company lost the right to build high-n se off we buildings and a 400-room hotel. Developer W1l11am Banning. seek ing to develo p acr<'age he o wns o n the• west e nd o f N~wport. suc.'l.'t:ssfully woc>ed the coum·1I to increase his building rights for homc.-s and offlc."('8. Lovell says S PON goes to bat for th e propt'rty rights o f residents because firms like the know what 1t 1s for." Irvine• Company "don't seem William Ficker. a n architect ver y inte r ested 1n what the whose sister is a S PON mernbc·r. residents think." claims the group has fa1IC'd m its "And that's scary," she adds. watchdog role• bN:ausc 1t has "bccauSt-the Irvine Company is "never <.'Orne up wllh one positive so damn big" proposal. It's JUSt negative, The.• Irvine Company. sold by negative. negative " the lrvine family to a group of Ficker. who is not without his investors in the late rn70s. has own criticisms of how the Irvine never been a "popular n<•1gftbor." Company does business. suggests according to Shelton SPON 1s able to fire up the "Even before 1t was sold:· says community by asking "Wou ld Shl'lto n . "th ere w as a n you rather see your town stay appre hensio n tha t the Irvine wonderful or S(-<' tt ruined?" Company wasn't intC'rcsted in Councilman John Cox, who the community as we know it has cut his political teeth by and love it. rapping SPON, daims the cilium "But l wonde r what SPON gr o u p f a 11 s ( u r s h or t of thinks the character of this town representing tht> <.'Ommumty would be like if not for thl• Irvine "lt•s just a special interest Company. Would It be sup«>r1~r? I group that seal'C'hl>s for ways to don't think so " kee p Itself altve by finding Shelton claims Newport &>ach something to pick on. They (the is unique in its ever-present, membe r s ) keep harping on n o n -e nding squabble o v e r growth but there reaJly hasn't growth and that cities like Irvin~ beetl any m fi ve years." and Cost.a Mesa look forward to For its part, SPON has fired growth. back a t its critics through a "Newport is an older. mature weekly m•wspaper ad that often and more fully developc•d city reduces p<.>oplc> like Cox and his and as it gets dow n to that last 5 oounc·1l colleagues to <.'Om1c bc>0k perc·ent (of development) each charal'ters and gives readt•rs a proJe<:t becomc>s more focused vision of the "World According lo and you st.art to hear frorn the SPON.. people that favor tur111ng the "We Wl're d<·vastated after the dock back." last ck'C:tton." !><lYS Lovell. who He says continued growth in wrllcs many of the ads. "and the Newport Beach 1s mevitablt• ne wspap<>rs wer<'n't giving equal Sh e l ton c I aims I r v 1 n e time to our in terests. We figured Company po lls show that a the one way we could ge t our majori ty o f the residc>nts in views acr~ was to pay for it and Newport Be ach favor growth put them an an ad " and are not opposed to runtmued Watt bristles at the allegation development. that SPON advocates tak ing "Newport Beach," he proposes. property rights away from "is not an antigrowth town ." landowners who arc preparing to Twice, though, SPON and its develop and favors an eht1st s upporter s h ave gathe red "I 've-got-mine-but-you -can't-thousands of signatures m very have-yours" philosophy. s h o r t o r d e r to b I o c k Shl' insists nothing could be developments. further from the truth <jnd that Watt suggests this is not a sign her group. in fact. Lc; not'aga1nst of a city that is falling over 11SelI growt h. In a rush to endorse growth. ··What we are against is this TUESDAY: Growth fight constant deviation from the city.__'_s __ s ... p_li_ts_f_ami_·1_1es_._. ______ _ • a bieut.1ful colla.ct,10n of hand \\.ORO !ICOtl!!h t.'M212ds tn thcz. meet 1Z.Xc1t.1ng col~ end poU4rN )QU II ~ enyWhiuv. !lliown ~ ~ ~ '4ntlld hock1ft9 caet.Wll:hWlrd~ al!JO evoiloblti Wllh ~·in or pot.ch end flop p:x:kttta a.od'l CX:$t ~ t.o1louzd for 1...a, ~fOryo.J- • • ' A 4' Orange Oout DAll.Y PILOT/Monda)', Ootober 11 , 1982 Wray siaeline(I , Nashville Ir JBPF ADl.ER or .. ...,,... .... Auemblyman Chet Wray 11 tall1nl the 1982 campatan tor hll ?lat A.embly Dlltrlct aeat very 1erioualy. So eerioualy la Democrat Wray t.ak1na the race, In !act, that he almoat literally LI out ''atUQ\J>I~" hl1 dl1trlct the1e daya. That a becau.e he fractured hil let lMt week while walking preclncll and knocking on voters' doon. "Oh , the per i l s o f campaigning," lamented Wray following hla mishap. "You're subject to anr, eort of trauma that comes along. · . He said he somehow stepped in a hole in front of a Buena Park home and suffered a ha irline fracture of his leg. "I'm in some pain, but I can get around okay on crutches. I'll be out again next week," he promised. Needless to say, hjs Reiubllcan oppone·nt Dori.e•Al.len probably is hoping Wr»y's recovery doesn't come too quickly. *'* * Supporters of ProPoSition 11- whlcb would place a 5 ~cent deposit OJ\ beer and soft drink containe rs -h e ld a n e w s conference in Santa Ana last week intended lo counter the 1ucnON92 bottle induatry' uontentlon that thf' propoul would have dotrlmcnwl eeonomlc and health effect.a. Supportora produced tho o wnera of more than 100 convenience mln1-11ulrketa In the Pacific Northweat who told reporters that Otego.a '• 10-year-o ld bottle law · h as proved suct-.. ... tul. •·1t•1 worklnaJ, und th ·r. (anti-Proposition 11 rot'CCll) con t say it 1s not working," suld John Plut-cnlinl, of the Pluid Prantry chain. * * * Sc n a t c M o Jon t y Lt• u d l' r Howard &kcr tops the list of political luminoncs coming lo Orangl' Count v this wel'k on behalf o f various po litical candidates. Baker will be the guest speaker 'Monda y night at u fund -raising benef i t f or R e publican U .S Senate candidate P ete Wilson at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. The dinner. billed as "Nashville comes to Newport," will feature broadcast of the Brown-Wilson dt>bato 11c:huduled that evenlna. And Wiiton 11 1eheduh..'CJ to vlal\ tho dinner aht•r thu dob1.ie con.cl udt'll. The debate wUI ~ broadc&at Tuellday ruaihl on a tapt.od-dclay ba.11 by Oranae Coun_t)''• new televl1lon 1tadon, KDOC-TV. Channel 66. 1...ook for it between 9 and 10 p.m. * * * I Aleo Tueaday night, both candldacet rUnn1f\i tor . the ~8th Aue mb l y 0111.Ncct, wblch lncludet por1Jona of HuntJnaton. Betch, are 1upfSoled to share the podium at a candidatet night at Mark TwaJn Elementary School, 5021 Centralia, Long Beach. The evening's activities commence at 7 p.m. The race pita Incumbent R e publican Deflnla Brown against Democratic challenger Patricia Springer. * * * Congressman Jack Kemp. the conserva tive R e publican proponent or supply-aide economics whQ repre1ent1 a district in the Buffalo, N.Y .. area, will be In Santa Ana Tueeday to help Repul:Ulcan candidate Bill Oohr's campaign for th e 38th Congressional District seat, which encompasses centra,I Orange County. Introducing TODD ADAMS, D.C. Family Care Chiropractic HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC HEAL TH CARE PRACTICE ( ' '-. • -Specializing In - • Athletic Related Injuries • Progressive Chi ropractic Treatments • Family Chiropractic Care • Nutrit ional Counseling • Deep Muscle Therapy • Exercise & Body Toning Programs INSURANCE CASES WELCOME AUTO GROUP WORKERS COMPENSATION UNIONS MEDICARE ' Complimentary Chlrpractlc Evaluation And consultation CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT NOW (714) 553-8236 TODD ADAMS, D.C. 4121 We•terly Place, #116 Newport •each, CA. (Near John Woyn• ~irport} Member American Chiropractic Assoc. Member California Chiropractic Assoc. values. Ulllll IWO eflttl "' PllltllfH. Coutoll IHd Ofll)o 101 """lftfllOll wllll•l d"' °'""· C11stomer .,,,. 111 tNllC .. lt Ml" t11. Oller expires October 31, 1112 'rlCH m•r VII)' It ,., .. ,,,.,lllt i.c.U0111 OOuHll ..... °"" '" ltwlll9'11 c.111-11 W11111 ,W IH tllt ~tnlll' t•I tf lllt Lllllll ""'"'" ,., .......... c... .... 111ly ftf ..,..1Mtlt11 ""'"•l•rl ..-., C~1t1111t1 "11 111 8"11c•lt ..... ta. Off tr ••Pim Octolltr 31 , 1112 "'<" ""' .. ,, et ,.,llcl--'"'' .......... C...,.,. .... t111J I• IWllltrll Ctllftflllt w11ttt rw ... "' .....,..., ... , ""' lltlblCllJ ,, ... Cllletllll ~·· lltntlC, Mtf Clllcllflt Atlt(ltlltll e 1 .... -COUPON --•-•• • .Chet Wray behalf ot J)(>mocr11\lc c'n'11dau ... Thli tlm7 Brown wlll apend • the day he1plna stir u~ aupport for Democrat Roy "Vat • Archer. who'1 hof)lng ·to pull 1m Ul)IW'l In the he11vlly Republican 43rd Conar('Ulonal Dl•t11ct. A M!rleti ol fund0 rai1lng event• aimed at boo1tlng Arch er'• e lective chaN.'Ctl are planned * * * The proa and oona of the bottle and can inltiadve, Propoeitiol'\ 11, 'will be debated Thursday at noon during a forum sponsored by the Town Hall of CaUCornla. The Oranae Coast .luncheon will be held al The NcwOQrter In Newport &ach. Reserv.ationa are required for those wishing to attend. Interested parties should telephone the Town Hall office In Los Angeles at (213) 628-8141. * * * Howa rd Baker Kemp will be the guest at a Republican Johnnie R. Crean, $100-per-person funcf-raiser al hoping to win elqction in the the ,Santa Ana Country Club. topsy-turvy 43td District Colneldentally, Kemp represents Congressional race, will present New York's 38th Congressional U.S:Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, the Crean f o r Co ngr ess Committee. * * * Later Friday, supporters of District. at a fund-raiser Friday at ·La S<..x·r~tary of State March Fong Eu will hold a garden fund-raiser al the Big Canyon Country Club home of Or. and Mrs. Ruth Ding. Tickets for the $20-per-person fund -raiser may be obtained by telt>phoning 526-2776. ' · * * * ., I Strada restaurant in Corona del ForJ1\9r Gov. Edmund "Pat" Mar. S t evens is the curre nt Brown wlll return to Southern Senate R e publican wh ip . California again Thuraday for a Reserva l ions fo r the noon second round of campaigning on luncheon can be made through CT.15 SERVED 4AM TO 11 :30AM . Maybe It's time relight your lumace pilot. • ... If you turned ..)'Our fu ace pilot off for the summer. it was a smart move. You saved ncy. But now, cold weathe just around th e comer. o make sure you can safely relight your nacc pilot before you need your furnace. It's easy. Just open t ccess panel to the main gas contro l and look for the instructi . If )'Ou can't find the structions. or yo u're unsure how to relight your fumace pilot. gi the Gas Company a call. We11 come out and show you how. But remember: ma people call during the first cold spell. So call today while our se cc people aren't so busy. That way you wonl lell out in the cold. IJ.I •••llN CAUPORNIA COMMNV .. Gas valves recalled . Bv PAT HOROWITZ or .. .., .......... D EAR READERS: The Conaumer Product Safety CornmJ...lon la recallina more t han 100,000 aaa control valvea u aed In heatln1 appliances fueled by propane eaa beceu.e they may create an explo.ion hazard. The CPSC atatf ~ continuing to Investigate the Ule of 2.5 rnllllon of the same gaa control valves ln healing appllancee fueled by natural gu to 1eern If a aimllar explOlion hazard la pretent. The valves were laat manufactured in 1972. CPSC haa been Informed of 28 exploeion Incident Involving propane-fueled appliances which have occurred aince February 1972, in which Honeywell valvea were present. These incidenta resulted in five deaths and 21 inJwies. The recalled valves were manufactured from 1966 through 1972 and distributed to various manufacturers for use on their gas fueled h eating appliances. which were principally central furnaces, but also boilers, unit beaten;, convention burners and space heaters.. The combination valves regulate the gu supplied to the appliance and shut off the gas supply when the pi lot light is extingulahed. • In a number of these incidents, It is alleged that the valve may have fa iled allowing gas to leak. Because propane gas tS f heavier than air and can accumulate near the floor, an explosion can occur easily if any Ignition source ls present. The recall pertains to combination gas control valves which bear one of the following model numbers and were used in propane- f ueled h eating a ppliances: C5133, C5134, CSIH33, CS51S4, V413tl, V4146, V5118, V6189, V72a4. V8129. va1ao, V8139, V8146, VS8133, VS8138 and VS814l. CPSC advl.ea cauUon when attempting to locate the valve and It.I model number on the aide of the valve. No tarnlUon device ahould be Uled to locate the model number and If any odor of leak.Jng au la preeent, contact the gaa supplier for Uliatance. Honeywell voluntarily Initiated t\le gaa valve recall In March 1980, and haa contacted propene gas suppliers nationwide, who have contacted gas uscra. Consumers who own one of thete valves should cont.jlcl their gas supplier Immediately or the nearest Honeywell resldenllal office to arrange installation of a free replacement valve. Anyone who has difficulty locating the control valve or ils model number should contact their propane gas supplier or Honeywell Inc. (MN 38-4286), 10400 Yellow Circle Drive, Minnetonka, Minn. 55343. The commission ls seekJng complaint and incident data concerning gas control vllves a nd encourages con sumers to report this information to the CPSC's toll-free Hotline al (800) 638-8326. • Got a problem? 'I'hen write td • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pac wW cut red rape, • getting the answers and action you n eed to solve inequities Jn government and business. Mail your quest'9ns to Pat Horowitz, At Your ~ervice, Orange Ola.st Daily Pilot. P.0, &x J 560, ~ta Mesa. . Cl\ 92626. P .UC grants $396 rnillio~ gas_ hike SAN FRANC ISCO (AP) - The atate Public Ut ilities Comm ission has authorized Southern California Gas Co. to increase natural gas rates by $396.1 million to offset higher 009'8. Of the total, $39 million will be paued on to customers of San l>iego Gas and Electric Co., which aet.s its supply from SoCal G aa. The n.ew rates become effective Oct. 13. The gas comes from El Paso Natural Gas and Transweslern Pipelines, which were authorized by lh e Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to make several increases the past fe w months, the latest Oct. 1. The PUC action means the monthl y bi l l of a SoCal reside ntial customer using 100 therms will go from $40.54 lo I IARL'I 'II I llMU .... All CIDl9iiJ2 •• _ ... ,.. .... ,... IA"900M-S -5t le 117U7 . ..,_ ~ .... y-OoOI scartBelng The '*>man lbu want10Bel ~ ............ y_......, . mn• _. 641-1219 , ................... .... VU) 495-0401 MftC-.-.C ;' I ............ _,....,., Mah 1,IS SHIH JO'! 1111Nltl f01•11 C'll tr co• today IOf ' c..,l•11Jry 1ulys11 alld PlllC•M •1scassio1. $46.78, while those using 200 therms wiU see an increase from $96.52 to $107.90. San Diego Gas customers using 100 therms will show an increase from $46.87 to $50.82. Still to be decided, the PUC said, is a request for an additional $268 million SoCal claims Is due for purchased gas incre ases incurred July 1 and Sept. 1. Cal! 101 free 11lor~11on ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (71•) s.47-1221 BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular· and Menthol. Open a box today. Werning: The Surgeon General Hu Determined Thet Cipmt Smoking Is Dlngerous 10 Yow Health . •• 1 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday. October 11, 1982 " * * * Robnsons *1* * i SIXiTAR DINNERWARE SALE • OUR GREATEST NAMES. OVER 120 PATTERNS, NOW 15% • 60°/o OFF YOU'LL. SAVE 20%·38% ROYAL DOULTON/MINTON The most exquisite patterns are here. In the prized dirnerware sure to make this holiday's celebrations all the more l~pressive And the classics you see here are 1ust the beginning of all the exceptional names you'll find, now at 15%·60% savings. Hurry 1n now. sale ends November 1. Robinson's China. 67, To order, call loll-free 1·800·345·8601. Be sure to ask about 01 1r China Club Plan . ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appo1nlrnen1 w11h our consull~nt at your nearest Robinson's We'll record your gilt preferences in every store via lhe only computerized service In Southern California. Every bride who registers in any Robinson 's through October 30 will receive a complimenta ry copy of the Bride Guide (wt.11e Quantities last) 30% OFF ROYAL DOULTON FINE CHINA PLACE SETTINGS 20% OFF OPEN STOCK .. K1ngswooa 4·pc place setting Reg S50 S(!le 135. Whtie N11e 4 pc place se111ng Reg S55 Sale Ul.IO Real Old W1l10w 4 pc place set11ng Reg $50 Sale 135. 25% OFF ROYAL DOULTON BONE CHINA PLACE SETIINGS ...__ -.. -:,..; Harlow 5 pc place se11•"9 Reg $135 Sale 1101.25 20% OFF OPEN STOCK Canion 5·pc place selling Reg S 159 Sale 1129.75 Arcadia 5·pc place selling Reg S90 Sale M7.IO 25% OFF MINTON IONE CHINA PLACE SEnlNGS 20% OFF OPEN STOCK M1rqueH 5.pc place Hlllng Reg S 135 Sale 1101.JI Bellmeaoe S·pc. place selling Reg S99. Sale 114..JI. ' ' I 1 . ' I 1£ ·f· '.i I' . I . ' • • .. .\I Oranpe Copt DAILY PILOTIMondav, Oo•ober p , tH2 Alf ordable ho'!-sing opposition inflated Once agnin the battle Um.·11 arc forming in Newport Beach. Yt>a, it's over a proposed housing developme nt. No surpris<t there. Res id e nts of th e po-s h Eastb,luCf .ne ighbo rhood a r c rankled by a city proposal that would permit L'Onstruction of 750 dwelling units -314 of them targeted as a ffordable housing for buyers with mode rate in<.'Omes - in tbe so-called North Ford area. (North Ford is loc at e d between Jamboree Road and Mac/lrthur Boulevard north of Camelback Drive.) The reside nts are upse t for two reason s. First. they h ave expressed concern tha t density would be too high thus producing trafCic congestion. This m~ be -a vaJid ooncern: Second, some 01 the rt>Hidenltl argue that the affordable hou&lng u nits would be s.old to riffraff. This argumcn t ls Spt.'Clous. · 'l'he units would 1:mll at priccK ranging from $85.000 to $126,000. Potential buycm>' incomes would range from $21,000 to $43,000. Ri!frafC? You've got to be kidding .. The Eastblufl group. in its future discussions with the ci ty and d evelopers over the North Ford project, sh o uld limit Its comment¥to the density issue. It may be that fewer units should be • constructed . A lot o f Pmotio n -cha rge d rhetoril' w ith no basis in fact isn't needed. Election date shuffle Fountain Valley City Council voted last week lo dir<.'Ct the city attorney to prepare a n ordinance moving city council el~tions from • April to coincide with November gene ral elections. The move was made possible by a new state law taking effect Jan. 1 that governs the increasing or decreasing of coun cilmanic terms when a change in the e lection date is planned. Both concerns arc valid. And they are pt• 1 tine n t to o th c r communities as well. Irvine is considering changing its c•lections frorp June to coincide with the N o v em b er e l ectio n s. and Huntington Beach has a sim ilar pro posal o n the .ballot this November. The problem facing F ountain Valley is not new. T hree me mbers of the city council were e lected last April by 16.3 percent of the city's registered voters. In 1980, only 14 percent of the voters dete rmined who would govern the ci~. • lt does no t seem fair that such a small sector of the c.'Ommunity ultimately should have the ability to determine its future. On the other han d, the 14 percent and 16.3 percent who turned out for April e lection s were probably well-informed on local issues and dedicat e d to preserving the integrity of local government. There 1s con c ern tha t by lumping municipal voting with gene ral e lections, city counci l candidates are lost jn the shuCfle of much larger -and more highly publicized -races. When that happens. voters often vote a party ticke t, rathe r than researching stands on local issues. Because so many cities arc thinking ballot consolidation , we urge some careful analysis of the possible outcome. Nov. 2, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa will have their ~irst Novem'ber e lections, both of them having switc he d Crom spring/summer balloting. Before Fountain Valley and Irvine take action, it would l"(lake sense to take a good, h.ard look at the results for Newport and Costa M esa . W as th e turnout significantly higher? WaB there a different voter profile as evidenced by sharp changes in trends? Did the local elections appear to be the result of pulling party levers'! How many voters who we nt lo the' poll:; b<-<·ause of the highly touted race~ failed to vote for municipal ca ndida tes anyway? _ Since t he new s tate law requires at least one election with the new date before the city can revert back to the o ld o n e, wouldn't it make sense to find out if the change has worked for others before embracing 1t on instinct? We think so. •Club's prestige welcome High on the list of criteria that give a community class are an educated populace, a top ranked library and a fine restaurant. UC Irvine now has all three with the opening o f its $1.6 million University Club. Professors and r esearchers have a private, prestigious place for entertaining visitors. high-powered prospective employees and major donors. Mo s t of th e campus professionals agreed the former club -spartan quarters in two portable trailers -la c ked refinement. Membership in the , new club is growing by 16 per day, which shows how s tarved top level employees were tor this touch of ambiance. If the unive rsity were convenientl v close to nice restaurants or had othe r decent food service on campus, the club might seem unnecessary. But in view of the county's high housing costs and other economic £actors, a n y ex tra leverage to dra w talented professors, administrators a nd guests ls important. Settings more Intimate than banquet and cafeteria tables are in order, indeed. overdue. • The tiled and columned structure -with its e legant country club atmosphere. high- beam ceilings, tinted gl~. grand piano, Japanese artwork and continental cuisine -was funded through private grants. No tax dollars are involved, although the UC Rege nts did donate $250,000 in "opportunity funds" r aised from private sources. The largest single grant was $600,000 from the Ahmanson Foundation. The club's board of directors is still seeking to raise the last $400,000 to finance the construction. In UCI's drive to be an elite institution, this is o n e of the affectations it must include. Bon appetit! Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex. pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reeder comment Is lnvlt· ·:':;.~1'/.ress The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Phone <7141 I · , L. M. Boyd/ Reluctant bride The Queen o f the R omantic Paperbecka, Barbara Cartland, is now i n her 801. And her memory 11 excellent. She recall.a. for example, that ahe received m ore than-50 ~ propma1a before she finally ..sd yes. Q . What'• t.he dlffe~nce between that flatflah called a fJounder and the one called a fluke! A. ~ flounder'• eyes are on It.I rieht aide, t~ fiuke'a on It.I !eft. · l'4lropeam With cancer can buy a ..-um made from the venom of beet. How effecdve It ii remaint • nwtter of det.ta. It WM put on the market after ..-rchtn 1-med that few lf any bee"""" ever 1•t ca~. They theol1lilcl that people intermluently ' •tun1 by beet 1omehow become lalllHIM to c:aneer. All of thll la a 'r.peddon of an ...-u.r p.1ttem. A ~ma fnm a-wnom 1Gtl Ml been for sale In Europe to trul arthrit.i.t. Am aaked If there ever wu a real Snoopy, like the doS ln ihe "Peanut.I" comic 1trtp. Yes, artist Chari.et Schul ti says. "We Wied to have a dolr called Snoopy, but he fou1ht wttfi other dop IO we traded hlm for a lold of gravel." That dome.tic animal which provides the rno.i mNt for people to eat worldwide ii the hot· \ Gladen cover about u much of the Earth -lO percent -u farmt do. Overhevd: "My wife lm't ~ to,me. I think the'• tryinl to tall me aomethlnc." ... ~D I Al!'S WfLL . ST ART talks .fOrmal, polite GEN EV A. Swit~rland -On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, exactly at 11 o'clock, one Mercedes-Benz and two Ford Granadas pull up in front•f the big Zonca lamp store here. Twelve men, sometimes 13 or 14, climb out and walk toge the r into the door marked 1-3 Avenue de la Paix. They take the elevator -the one on the side opposite Union Carbide's offic:es 4-to the eighth floor. There they are lreeled, a bit awkwardly, by another dozen men and women. · THE VISITORS are ushered to a line of leather chairs facing a white wall decorated only with three Leroy Neiman prints, bright depictions of football, hockey and tennis. The hosts, sitting on the other side of the long table. have a better view -waves and sails bouncing across Lake Geneva. Then, comfortably settled, everybody begins talking. in two languages, about blowing up the world. Or, rather, they try to talk about limiting the possibilities of blowing up \.he world. The languages are R~ss ian a nd English; the visitors are Rusmans and the hosts are Ame ricans, government officials all. This is how the two sets of arms control negotiations going on simultaneously here i.gin two days each week, half the time. The talks are: START, an American acronym for Strategic Arms Reduction Talka; a nd INF, Intermediate -Range Nuclear Forces Negotiations. The first talks -the American team is headed by Ambassador Edward Rowny -are concerned with limits or reductions in existing and future Soviet and American a r se n als of IC BMs and ABM s , intercontinental ballistic missiles and anti-ballistic missiles. The 5e('Ond talks -the American team is headed by Ambassador Paul Niue -are l'Oncerned with shorter-range missiles, specifically those aimed at and from Weste rn Europe . The Russians in Fords come to the offices of the U.S . Arms Control and ----~1 llCHllD RllVIS 1'i ). Disarmament Agency above the lamp store as Americans m Plymouths go up the avenue to the Soviet Mission, a (enced-in compound that includes living quarters. playgrounds for officials' children, and a display of antennas that could have been d one by Alexande r Calder. The negotiating teams rotate: Whe n the START talks are in the Amerioan offices. the INF talks are inside the Russian compound and vice versa. (The talks are conducted on a 60-days-on, 60-days-off schedule. The INF talks resumed on Sept. 30. and th~ START talks on Oct. 6.) At the beginning of each session , the American and Russian chairmen read S(?parate agendas fpr the meeting carefully pre pare(! statements and proposals that form the basis of each day's discussion . 1:hen each "plenary" session breaks up into smaller groups or analysts and interprete rs. The U.S. negotiators are principally from the arms control agency and the Staie and Defense departments. DURING THE smaller sessions at the American oH iccs -and during the preparation of each day's agenda -the American chairmen oft.en work inside "that wrct.ched room," a place of sound cones and plastic domes. The devices may or may not foil the Soviet antenna sculpture from tuning into Americans playing the r oles of the Russian negotiators responding to var ious proposals and agreements. At the end of each day, both sides, back in their own offices, transmit their version of the day's talks via cable and "secure" telephones back to Washington and Moscow . Backup teams in the capitals cnuci:r.c. modify, recommend and order. Then the process st.arts all over again. · 1t sounds cumbersome. and it is. The same process. some of it In the same buildin~s. was used to negotiare the SALT I and SALT ll treaties -and that took almost I 0 years. SALT II, signed by President Cart.er, was never approved by the U.S . Senate, but both sides have agreed to abide by Its provis ions. unless either side discovers the other s ade has not. There is not a great deal of trust between the two countries these d ays -any days, for that matter -but in Geneva, at least, Americans and Russians talk civilly to each other With patience and a little luc k . th<'y a<:tually ma y agre e on something. State parks face facts of economy Today's n1/umn was wrtllt'n b.v Mr Waters' associate, Phil Jordan. California has a state park system tha t's hard to to p anywhere. but whether that ~ystem will maintain 1ts excellence now may depend on whether It can. in effect. pay its own way. When Pete Dangermo nd Jr .. the state's Parks and Recreation Department director. took over his post· two years ago, he saw the fiscal handwriting on the wall and began preparing for this year's expected "tight" budget. He was 59 well prepared. in fact, that he presented the Legislature with one cutting the department's support from the state's coffers by 5 pe~nt! IF THE legislators we re surprised by that, they In turn had a surprise ror Dangennond -they gave him a JO per c-ent cut! Smet' federal support this fiscal year also was slashed, the department's budget went trom m ore than $250 million In fiscal 1981:92 to just less than $200 million this fiscal year. Aa the legislators involved in the depart.ment's budget deliberations saw it, Dangermond, would have to let some of the parks' 2,000 full-time and I ,000 part-time employees go. He d idn't see it that way. lnstl•ad, hl' got their okay lo t umh111t· C'«>nom1es with what ht.• hOJX'l> will lx• mC'rN1S('(! rcvc•nuc-s to cum£' up with a C'o m.bined $30 million, allowing Lhl· dC'partmc nt to maint;,iin its present payroll. Despite a less than robust state and nationol C'<'Onomy. Dan~crmond told us. llll llTIRS his "eam It to spend It" plans seem to be working. "For the first two months of this fiscal year." ho told us. "we were only $1 9,000 off a $7.8 million (combined increased revenue and savings) goal." To increase department revenues, not only have fees been -really only allghtly -Increased, efforts have been made to encourage Californians to vtsit hitherto underused facilities. And Dangermond admits the economy may be a factor. "There arc a Joi "f families camping this year for a relatively inexpensive vacation.'' ht< told us. "There's less gasoline being burned, people are 11tlcklng closer to home. not moving around ~> mul·h ··A ~l<tlt• park I'> a nwC' plal'f' to sit an d rl'lai. Thcri·'s c.•..-rtamly pl<"n ty of room in wh1<.·h w s1l and relax California's park system c.•ovl•rs some· 16 million acres, with 277 units ( Dangermond says he's sull "about 35" units short of visiting <.•vNy onl'. l'vcn though he began mort• than a dt'<.'ade ago) offering something for jus t about ever y taste, from motorcyt•llnij to art and history. BUT IT WOULD be wrong to get the idea Dangcrmond sees h imselr in a holc:Ung operation. The d e partment recently issued a study, Mission 1990, outlining plans to "update" the park system. It lists no less than 90 major projec ts. Inc luding purch ase of thousands or more acres, to b,:! completed by-thC' end of fllCal 1985-86, and 92 more hy thC' end of the dec.-ade. At k•ast until the state and nauonal economies improve . a.,i:.cn 't s uch ambitious plans tempting fate? Not in Dangl•rmond's opinion. He sees the . added and improved park facilities attracting that many more visitors.. In 1980·81. there were some 64 million visitors to the system. up seven million from the previou s yea r ; P e t e Dangermond Is looking for no fewer than 75 milJion annually by 1990. Loss of 'community' spurs growth of criine -. In all my life, I cannot recall anythJng stolen from me; then, last winter, within a period of weeka, a big with mot\. of my summer clothes waa stolen at the Saruota airport, and then my new car wu 1tolen off the street in Chlcqo. Both were fully lmured, ., I .uffered more Inconvenience than actual to.. But• what aarprbed me w• the JMUlt I felt "' my pel'P\AI in~ty -almoet, 1 could lmqine, the way a woman would feel If she were the vict1nl of a rape. J recosn•• &hat theft and :X,llclty have exlated 11 far blCk aa J and l!Hu, and \hat n atlon1 as well aa lndMduala have alwaya taken what la not tht'ln by fe>ra! or by IUil•· ln that """· we have madt no procr-in dvtJ reJaUane, It doa not '""' to matter lf • c:oun&ry 11 rleh or poor. •nlted or divided, dmnoc:ntlic or deapollc -no IYltel'ft ln lllelf '""" able to eradJceta, or even reduce "-Ufantly, the ,.,.etty of our ..... OIMr-aNmall ....., blce ... l>f hunpr; .. ....., mmdy tor .... . Yet then.__ to M oew UmAl.lnl factor, aftd only one, to lhl• ........ ~" &nit of 111911 -..... that ...... The ... of • aammuait'7 • 0 bean a dlrect relation to \.he incidencc of theft and general dishonesty. Villages and rural communities have alwaya "been proud of the fact that, until quite recently, residents could leave their doors unlocked, their cars wtth th ~ --".-.1~, .-a.-_,-"""!!!la.w> keya da"llins In the lp\itlon, and even p•cka1ea unattended, without the .U.htat fear of theft. Thia w" mainly because everyon• k"*W everyone elle, and even thoee with ~ tendendet were (nhlblted by thia proximity. You almply do not ateal from a nellhbor or from 80meOM you know, Jult 11 children wm not lhopllh from • 1ocaJ merchant .. CllUAlly .. they milht pGlw fram a wt-chain store. CONDITIONS RAVE chan1ed, ~even in vlll•&•• antt rural _.. In die lalt dollln ~ ar ao, lhllr nee of crflllm .. ....,_ property" have not mcr@ly doubled -they have mulllplied many times. Not becauae people have become wone. but becaU8e of Increased mobility. People move more than ever: lhe 9ell8e of netahborhood la break1ng down; and the ori\niptttenee of the motor veh6cle makes It easy for 1trangen to come and IO at will. Cohesivene.. la all but &o.t. Locks •nd bolt.I and alarm aysteml, • and even harsh penalties, wUJ not reduce the Incidence of theft. Only a renewed aenae or "bclonsina.nesa'' c•n do this.. And we are movtna far and fut ln the oppotlW dl_rectlon. llllll• 11 betn1 • 1ucce11ful par•nt tb• "lmpollAb~ dnem''? STILLftYING Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Mond1y, October I 1, 1982 1 • ANN LANDERS •BOB GREENE •HOROSCOPE ' Workaholic' s wife can have positiv·e outlook . ,, '1 I , ' r Df.:AR ANN LANDENS: Thal was a good letter from Mn1. Forlunu 000, who was marrlt.-d too workaholic. In fact, he r Iott.er wM a lot ~uer thun your unllwer. Uau•Jly you're sharper thun that. You were rlsht when you replied , "Mo1t women are just about as unhappy as they -.yant w be. There arc 'tlowns of ihlngs you, t'<luld do with all that time and money." But you mi~'Ci her point. That lonely soul is crying out for attention from her tycoon. She wants some balance in his life - something besides work, work, work and money, mone y, mone y. She desperately nct.'<is something the y could do togetht'r, something unrela ted to h is financiuJ ambitions. . The key is '° find a middle l'OUrst' between business succesa and the mutual enJOyment of one another. Although our c.hildren are grown I keep in close touch with them. I do volunteer w ork and have a host of interesting women friends who have nothing to do with my husband's busin~. But l crave male companionship. and I don't want just ,ANY man. I want the one l married. Get it. Ann? - HER SORORITY SIS TER IN NASHVILLE •.. ,,,, 'Sy PHIL INTERLANDI o f Laguna.Beach -~ .~llli [fll~~~ (Jj) -rA-...'.......,~ "I'll have what he ordered." • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Libra focus on wishes Tuesday, October 12 ARIES (March 2 1-Apral 19): Over com e tendency to base actions purely on impulse. Logic deserves equal time. Circumstances are not whal the~ a ppear on surface. Be awar e of source • m a ter ial, insist on d efinition of terms. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on practical issues, conclusion of negotiations. property values and a professional accounting. You'll have chance to demonstrate. to illustrate and to win valuable allies. Burden will be removed. green light will Oash for pr.ogress. GEMINI (May 2 1-J une 20): What seemed a "lost cause" will be revived and you'll benefit as result. Lunar e mphasis on relatives, vtsits, short trips and special me~s~ges. You can touch on universal theme. Com.nut ideas to paper. CANCER (June 2 1-July 22): Highlight , independence. originality. daring. willingness to pioneer a p roject. F ocu s a lso on paym e nts. collections and a new understanding of worth of possessions. LEO (July 23-A~g. 22): Answers can be ~ound behind scenes. You II become aware of hidden , resources. Follow through on hunch, realize time is , on your side and that your own judgment will prove atturat.e. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Se pt. 22): Diversify. open lines of communication. e ncourage a network of source mate rial. Ask questions, display humor, versatility comblned with determination. Give full , rein to Intellectual curiosity. Gemini, Sagittarius natives figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Romantic liaison leads to much mo re than a mild flirta tio n . Important. uaeful contacts retult as frie ndship ls established. Focus on wishes, aspirations and ability to transfonn losing proposition into viable buslnCM. SCORPIO (Oct. Z3-Nov. 21): Reject superficial explanations. Dig deep. seek motives and strive to understand why some people act In ~rtain ways. A business journalist expresses desire to conduct , Interview . • SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Travel involves family mem ber, domestic adjustment. Focua on 'dlaiance. language, ability to communicate needs In graphic manner. Taurus, Libra. Scorpio penona figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Delay should not be equated with defeat. Your propouli are beina giyen terloua consideration. Meantime, attend 10 bilk chores, keep mioluUona concerning diet, nutrlUon and heelth. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): .Don't ru1h; dmanwtancel wlll permlt you to play waltlng game. Ablorb knowled1e, be attentive and be1 ln to mentally create a we>rklnc .model of lmpor~nt projlcl. Partnenhip propoul wlU be pretented. ._ PllCEI (Feb. U -March 20): Low-key <-~ brintll b8i reeulta. Sonwone ll movlnc own r9plnllbility to ¥OW ahoulders. Key Aa to • M cooperative without beln1 1ulllble . Some ~ c::;:~ou~lndlfferent, now want co . DEA~SlS: I set u. But I al10 now aometblna about woruhollc t)'COODI. No one can cbu1e them and It'• dan1erous to try. If the woman 11 boaett 1he will adml& that oae of tb4! rea10D1 1he married · tbe guy wu becaU1e be loukcd like • c9mer. Sbe figured he waa goln" to make It. She wanted the comfort• and prettfge that come with financial 1ucceu. A wQrkahollc'1 wl'e can combat the lonellnv• U 1be wlll bu1y benelf with actMtles &bat fi"e time· and energy-co11umln1. Another plug -It wllJ klve her a feello1 of u lt-esteem . The alternative 11 not prrUy. Sucb wlvea become chronic bores, termlHI oa11 aod often alcobollcs. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a high school sophomore, age 15. A very cu te guy who sits across from me in study hall passed m e this note. I thmk it's sort of neat. He has never ask<.-d me out and I barely know him. What ao you think? A ktss 1s a noun tx>causc 1t ts both <.'Ommon and proper. ~ ., · l.ANDllS A k1K-'I 111 u prunoun bc>cuui«.• lilw 11Ul11ds tor ll. A kiss lB a verb bc.'CaU5c 1t Is either a(·tive or passive. A kiss is on adverb becuusc it modlfi~ the art. A kiss Is an mterj('CtJon lx"<:uuse it shows strong and suddt>n feeling. A kw is a l'Onjunction Ix-cause it ronneclS. CINDY IN WlNDSOR. O N"J' DEAR CINDY: I think the guy la going to ask you out pretty soon and you a re going to know him a lot belt.er. DEAR AN N I {He's a new om· for you. I just lx~illlW tin.c11~1-d lo ti !4•1 rlfk m1111 and I'd love· lu ml·t.•t hl11 folloi. I fo 11J1y11, "No wuy You 'll 1-rnvt• t.., wall unlil 11184." • It 11ec•m fl h ill fumlly 111 spn·ud all ovn th<' 1..'0untry. They hllV{' to gala rour111m evciry fl v<· ye•ar!i. Nol>od y gt·ts to~wth1·r 1·><1·•·1>l a l tha t tlmt•. ll'11 • '<1gainst tlw ru le~ Tht•y W flll' and phunc.• 01w anothl'r but vh1iting •' 1s str1t·tly furlJiddt:n Tht·y dt11m in thus w11y everyon(· kl•t•ps on good t1.•rrns and tlw 11·ur11ons an.· always exc:1Ll ng llow d u 1 J c.wl with th ls (curly sam.· gu y w ho coowH from 11uc·h .i kooky fnan 1ly" MOLLY IN MARYLAND DEAR MOLLY: If tboae are the rule • abide by them: They know each other belle( than you do. AN' your pnrerrts too stncr? lford to r1•11t·h:' A n11 Landers' booJ<ll't, "Bugg<'</ by Parent.o. ., ll<Jw to Gd Mort• Frt'C·dum," could ht•lp you ur1dg<' th" genc·rnt1un g;,µ Si•ml 50 c·tml\ with your rt'<Jl"''' and a long, :.Wmpt•d, st•Jf o(/cfn·:•~Wd c.·nveloJX• to Ann U.nders. P 0 . &x I HJ!J.'>. l'l11rngu, Ill tiOol I No football Jeaves hollow feeling By BOB GREENE CLEVELAND -If you want to k now what th<' National Football League players' strike is doing to America. you might st.art here on the.• night of the first Monda~ night game that didn't ha ppc.•n. Without prof<'S.Sional football, lire goes on. But in the ci ties that serve as home to the NF'L's Learns, it does not go 09 in quit<.• the sam~ way. In New York and Chica&o and Los Angeles. it is difficult w d iscern any major diffcrenc:e in the pa<.'C of civic activity. But in the r est of th e league -in the Clevelands and San Diegos and Seatlles -there is almost a palpable felling of something being stolen from the townspeople. Some cities are de fined as big-league mainly by the presence of big -league athle tic teams; and on Cleveland on an empty Monday night, you begin to understand wha t that means. On the Monday nigh t I v1s1tcd Cleveland, tht· Cincinnati Bengals we re supposed to play the Browns before a crowd of 80,000 in Mun1d pfll S t ad ium , a nd an ABC te levisio n a ud ie nl'e numbering In the tens of millions around the country. But, with the strike in progre&'?. downtown Cleveland was dark and all but deserted; l'abs a nd police cars cruised the rainy streets, but SCC'ing a pedestrian was the exception. not the rule. Ma ny words have been written about how much pro football means to armchair fans In dens and living rooms across America . But he re in Cleveland. seeing the city empty during what was goi ng to be its one big Monday night of the year. it struck me that the presence of NFL teams has a great deal to do with the civic personality -the civic self-image and, in a way, the civic mental health -of the cities in which those teams perform. Certainly. with all the negative publicity tha t Cleveland has received in recent years, the memories of Otto Graham and Dante Lavelli •nd Lou Oroia and Jim Brown are a treasure that money can 't buy. Du.ring the daytime, I went out to the deser.ted stadium. No !W.'CWity guards pauolled the flace; jU5t groundskeepers workJng on the field. climbed over the railin~ and walked down by the goalpost at the far end. I looked high into the upper deck. The BOB GREENE prospect of a~thosc empty sea ts on a night when 80,000 citizens were• supposed to appear was not a tragt{-one" in the grand scheme of things. but at was undeniably melancholy. · I was not alone on the field. Sam Rutigliano. the hea d coach of the Brow ns. had come out to Municipal Stadium, loo, and was walking on whal would~avc lx>en thC' 40-yard hne had the field ~n chalked foi play. I inlrodu<.'t.>d myself: I told ham that I wasn't inte rested tn d iscussing the specific pros and cons of the labor ncgollations, and he said that was fine, he had had enough of tha t, too. Still. he said. being in thl' stadium knowing there wo uld be no game made h im ponder a number of lhingli. "What thts l.C'<tm means to Cl~veland ... " he said. He ll'l the thought trail off for a moment. "Look al those luxury box seats," he said . "That's w here the execu tives from Clevdand's biggest businesses sit. And look over there at the bleache rs. That's w here the fellow who had to borrow his ti(·ket money from Household F inancv sits. "And yet, on game day. they're all a part of ~he same thing. The way the Cleveland Browns bring this town together . I tell you , there's a chemistry here that's hard to explain Cleve land. And when you take that ch emistry away, Cleveland loses something." t asked him what ll was IJke on gam e day. it.anding on the field surrounded by all those people. "A coach is supposed to ignore all of the things around him," he sald . ''But on the day of a big game -especially when 1t'1 a Monday night game and lhe whole country ts watching -there ls some thing that ls quite majestic here. I stand on the sidelines, and the public addrc.>SS announcer introduces the oCfense, and the noise is so loud that you can actua lly feel the swd1um moving. ll's as if the town GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF is never going to go to sk·t•p." The Bro wns thc•msl'lvc•i:. Wl•1 t• not ut the· stadium; I found them at a h1gh -li<.·houl football field out in the suburbs, when• thc.•y wen· having a team meeting. A m iserable: d"wnpour h;id start<.'CI. but still there wC'rc dozens of rnc..n and women standing outsidt• i11 tht• rain, jui:.t tu c:at.c·h a glimpse of thf' playl'rs ai:. thc·y t>ntl'rt·d thl· h1gh-st•hool locker room. Doug D1 ('kc•n. the Vl•tc.•ran Browns linemon who 1:. tht· tc'C;1m'!:t player rcptt·i.~mUlllve. had called the men together to d 1S<:uss the progress of th<.· strike. T hey arravc.>d in l'asua l dothes, some of thl·m wearing shorts and running shoes m case thc•y decided to a have a light workout Brian Sipe-. the· glamorous young quarwrbac:k, hurried through th•· rain and the pt.'oph• wailing • .. a e<1mc'<i his name. "Ever s mc·c I can rem mbcr. I played a footbdll game <.>very Wt'<·k during the· fall ," S1pt• told nw "Obviously. I'd ruthc·I' tx· drnng that But I guc!.'> there arc· more 1mporu.in1 things." I asked what ham h~ would Ix· doing in th•· evening -on the l!Vcning w h<.>n mul'h of tht· country h1:1d cxpec.:tl'd to wau:h tum throw a foothall on telt•vision "I don't know," h•· .><tld . "Stay at home and bl• with the kids, I guess. 1 suppose I'll ba by-s1l tonight." , All OVC'r CIC'veland. thl' city dealt with thE.' a bscnl'e o f the Brow ns in variuu s ways. At Mitchell's Ta vern. the customers gathered around a t.clev1s1on set a nd wau:hed a videotape of a 1980 Browns-Oakland Raiders game. cheering every play as if it w e re live. At the May Company department store downtown, customers went into a special Browns shop and purchased pennants and caps. In the om~ of the Plain Dealer, sports editor Hard ing Christ supervised h lS staff as they d id their best to fill a sports sccuon that has traditionally been heavy with Browns ne ws. Cleveland is s tall a major American city without its football team, so are the o the r cities that a r e in the .N F L Bu t w ithout th e Brownl>. Cleveland somehow seems to be something less than it usually ts T hat may not be the way th.angs are supposed to be. but on a rainy Monday night an Northern Ohio. more than the downtown streeL., seemed a little cm~ty Q.1-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: rn tainly holds the balance• ol 1>ower, but wh:it r:in you do'.' Any rontract uhov•· I wo h<'nrts could b<' hll7ardnu' unless partner has a good f11 And to dnublt-purely on point c·ount r1sk"I presenltnK lht• oppon1•nts with a gam1• the•y ro11ht not mnkc· 01 hn "'i"' thr1w dny' oppon('nt' hav~· ll'arned not to o\c:rrall on a brokton long .,uil and ht tit• l'b'" l'ai;,, Partner <it1ll ha~ :i chnnr1• to 1·on1est 1h1· 11urlion spad<'s is sufficient. You can't be ,ure t hat the opponents have a game. partirularly i.inct' partne r might have quilt• a good hand wit h hearh South you hold: bt' worth about 21 points, and your 11 pul you on Lhe hordrrlint or a ~lam. The fact that you ho ve I wo act-:. and a weJlth of 1nterm1•diate makt•\ your hand <'On s1d n ahly bellt'r than an 11 poin lt'f madr up of qul'en~ and Jnrks. Ra1'e, to four no trump. If partner has plus valu<'s. suc h as 11 five card 'iUit. he should reel free to contract for '!lam. •K7 <:::iQ6432 ~ +983 You are the dealer. What ar lion do you take'! A.-While your hand rount~ lo 13 points. WI.' are nol surC' that it is worth an opening bid. The trouble is that most or your point are in your hort suit . wht're thc•y arr not pulling I hPir (ull weight. Suppose that you open one heart and partner respond .. two duh your options art' all unpll'asant. Thi'! hand is going now hcrl' unlt•!ls part ner ran open. P1u'I. Q .2 -Nort h Sout h vul nt•rable, ,1\8 South you hold: •J65 ~KJ1092 0 7~ +J94 The bidding has prorcccft-d: North EHt 8oath 1 NT 2 + 7 What action do you take'! A. -It Is true tha t your aide Q.3-J::a~l wr .. l vulnC'ral'>lr, 3!i South you hold: •KQJ9853 0 6 0 5 +Jl093 The .bidding has pr0f'1•1•ch•cl: W H t North Ea1t South I <::> Pan 1 NT ? What artion do you takl•'! A. -Some sort of preemptive bid Is in order -It's just a question of whether you should bid threl' Apades or tour. We think that lhree Q.4-1'\C'ithrr vulnt'rahlf'. al' South you hold: +AQ107 AKJ984 ~ KQJ Thi• h1d1li n~ has pr(){'<'t'ded South WHt North EHt . 2 Pa11 2 • PaH ? What do you bid now'! A. -Gettin g to ~la m i~ without c1uestion it is im· ply a matlt r ot whether you have a grand slam. You must pr<'parf' for a cue bidding st' quence to fi nd out whethe r partner has the arv of diamonds ratht•r tha n rlu h values. The fi rst stage i1 to <11 th<' trump suit. ft3i11r tn t hr<'e apad1•11. Q.5-Hoth vuln..rabll'. u +A982 ':" K765 +JI0752 North East Sout h WHt r-0 I • Pa11 2 • Obit PaH ? What action do you t:ikt•'! A. -Don't C'onvl.'rl t he douhll' to pena lties by passing you can't ('ven be complt't<'ly .. ur.: of defeating tht• rontr1tfl Partner has mad1• 11 vre•tly <1trong bid. a nd you surrly have game in one or the un bid suits. possibly t>ven lam! The way to tell your partner how much your hand has Im provl'd is to start orr wit t. a cue bid of three spadc11. Q.8-As South. vulnerable, you hold: •1085 <1:)Al098 OJ7 +AQJ05 The bidding has proceeded: North Ea1t South Weit I o Pase 1 <:::> Pa11 3 NT PH1 ? What action do you take? A.-Partner's hand should Han you bet n running fn· to double t rouble? Let Charlee Goren help you find your way throuch the mau of DOUBl.F.S for f"'n&ltfe1 and for takeout. For a copy of hit DOUBl.E booklet, tend 11.85 to "Coren·Doublea," care of thl1 newapa,.,r. P.O. Boa 259. Norwood, N . .J. 076'8. Mab ehed t1 payable to N•w1paperboolt1. Real world noth"ing more than myth Every parent a t one time or An other has threatened hll child with th "real world." h has been daleribeid aa a "jufllle," a ".flacc where you can count your friends on one hand ond •·a future cxJatenc~ where you won'\ htwo your parent.110 IUc:k uound anymo.-..'' h'• a threat for everything from washing your hands before dinner to f(nt.hlne collep, SOME PARENTS ARE EVEN roncernod tha\ thetr children are '° pampered and spoiled, they won't be able to handle the PfetN"" of the "~al world" when they en .. r it. Not 10 worry. When BDbby WM 3, he developed atthrtUa and wM to·~ the rwt of hla ure In deblHcauna pain. Whim SIMl2a ... e, her mother left ~ day ln the c:eir IO "&hink &hb\11 ouL" She newr came home ap1n md lhetla •• iWtct'by •ta~ who drank and a ~ who pra)'ed. llMA IOMIKI ATWIT'S END M•rk Wal 4 roar• old when another c:hUd celled hlm "niger' and N ld he couldn't .Ude down the •~ aUde u tht oth~r chl&dttn. It WM 10 be hia flr1t, but not h ia lut. enoount« with prejudlQe. Kt'Vin WM 7 wh~ hla b6cycle that he bought with hit own money WM 1101en and the polkeman •hruaed and aald, "There'• nolhilJI we can do aboutll" At • 10, ....,.. WM ioid ~ W• a boy'a ~and whet would a strl want to bf on UM .. te&m tor. She couldn't <-vrn 11pc>ll dl!ICrlmmauon. Rick was 9 yeur11 old when a group of boyi> shoved his head Into a paper towel cUspe~r In a restroom of a movie ho use o nd d emanded his money. lt was • Disney movie btcoUll' hla mother said 1he didn't want him to tee all that violence and get Ideas. MICHELLE WAS lt WHEN the car in which she wu drtvlna waa hit ~ by a drunken drlwr. Her beet friend died l ly. At 17, Kftu\y WM lnvt~ to war he did not want '° attend and had to Mike • decltAon to either flth\ It or ... w bU country. Th• "rwl world" It a myth. c hildren You enter.ct lt 1llppery and warm and compl.c.nt When you chCM to ioorw It, )'OU MN emadcfd on th• behind to fllf your lun11 w&th crl•• of annoy.nee. aback and ,.... HoW mum men ....i can lt pt than that? ' A• Orahpe Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, Ootober ,11 , 1012 .. I • . is through Home Fetderal C!_Untry. Quality brokerage services that can save you time & mone;. Through a special arrangement with Fidelity Brokerage Services, Inc. (member of the New York Stock Exchange) our customers can now make stock market investments -fast and conveniently. On stocks, bonds and options, to name a few. And save up to 70% on· brokerage com- missions•. The more you invest, the more you may save. And you won't be paying for investment advice that you may not need or want. Why are we making this service available? 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Now, with the addition of Wall Street investing, you can make virtually any type of financial investment part of your Money MasterPlan. With over 145 offices statewide, Home Federal-and even Wall Street-is ~ to find. And very convenient. • AccunJlng to a 1982 telephone survey l mponant· Home federal Is not a register«! broker/ dcakr and may nm handle 1«Urilln traMKtJon ) .. ·- I } 1. ' --------------------------------------------------. MONDAY, OCTOBE~ 11, 1982 • STOCKS 83 COMICS 85 TELEVISION 86 Newport' Lance Kerwin stars tonisht in TV' 'The Mysterious Stranger' . . . 86 .. 0 ~ D lflospice p8tients Just n~ed someone to listen By JOEL C. DON Df"'9Delr ........... Cynlhla' Ashling, 24, wanted lo ;;teer. her time for a worthy Robert Mason, 48, desired a break from his work as a hospital JUppUes salesman. Nade na Weber, 63, has donated her time to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and several fund- faialng efforts for charitable prganiutions. They say they've found the moat personally enriching and l'ewardlng experience of their llves. They spend several hours a t'eek comfoning and consoling people who need a liltle love, aom e conversation and reassurance that everything is 1olng to be all right. For these are hospice '\'Olunteers and their sole job Is to lend an ear to people during the last months -or weeks -of life. They are neither counselors nor therapists and they are forbidden from proselytizing any form of religious or philosophical belief. Their simple task is to offer the peace of mind that often is in short supply for patients of the type they serve. And when death finally arrives, hospice w o rke r s curiously shed tears and rejoice limultaneously. Mason recently spent three months with a 71-year-old man who eventually died from a protracted case of cancer. "The notion of somebody dying a natural death or death from this type of disease is not a devastating thing to me at all," aays Mason, a South Laguna resident. "When people are afflicted with terminal cancer it Isn't going to get better so I believe the re ality of dea th brings a lime for celebration. "One of the basic principles of hospice is the patient knows he is dying; that he has a terminal disease.'' Family members and relatives •lso must acknowledge the Inevitability of death. The agony of a victim of cancer or some other Illness can be prolonged by a wife who refuses to accept a terminal diagnosis or by a well- meaning relative whD offers a false sense of hope ""'a dying p e raon who has alread y embraced the truth. "I m a ke aure p eraonal communications are complete between the dying person and his family," Mason says, that ".there is is no junk hanging around that is going to haunt someone aft.er my tlcnt died. "It ls ti.me for hi to die and I regard it.)lnd the mlly regards 1t as a blesal . The hospice movement was spurred by what aome felt to be cold and o ften dehumanizing treatment of ierminally ill patlenls in hospitals. Hospice, which was pioneered in England in 1967 and introduced in the United States in 1975, rejects the notion o f life support by extraordinary means. Physicians provide narcotics and other a.rugs 'lo alleviate pain and patients µsually prefer to spend their last days In a special hospice facility or with the family at home. Ashllng. Mason and Weber w ork for Hosp ice Orange County, a non-profit group that has no facility for patien ts bu t trains volunteers for in-home care. The group was organized in 1976 and since h~s provided families an a lte rnative to convalescent homes and hospital intensive care units. Hospic e w ork c ould be expecte d t o be morbid o r depressing. But for volunteers, lhe situation is quite the opposite; perhaps because they have accepted their own mortality. ' "I don 't seem to h ave a problem with d eath ," s ays Ashling, a candy store proprietor who owns a beachfront home on the Balboa P e nin s ula . "Somebody who's very much afraid of dying might have a stronger belief system about how terrible death is. "I'm not cold as a brick. Sometimes they (patients) say things to you that make you cry. They want to know that they're alive. You have to care in any way, shape or form ... you have to care for another human being." Ashling Is one of the youngest of the 145 lrained volunteers working for the Laguna Hills- based hospice or~anizatlon. The s punky blo nde has been a professional tennis player and model and is he.lplng her third cancer victim cope with dying. She says she has n ever experienc:ed the death of a cloee friend or relative. She acoeptl death as a normal stage of growth. Indeed, As hlinJ( echoed the thoughts of other volunteers who believe they have much to learn from their experiences with the dying. "Even at the stage they're at Nadene Weber has donated time to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and several fund-raising efforts, but she finds rich rewards in hospice duty. Cynthia Ashling takes a contemplative stroll on the beach between sessions with her hospice patients. they've enhanced my life a great deal ," Ashling says of her patients. "I think anything we do in life , even though w e ·are altrutstic about it, is done for our own enjoyment. You have to be honest about it. More times than not you actualJy get more out of it than you put into It. "At times I cry. You're going to lose p eople you've made friends with. But, by the same "Mine is just to come in a couple of times a wee k and hopefulJy, add some sunshine to their lives," says As hling. "Sometimes a younger patient will be in rage. I've had patients who've said to me 'I've lived a good life . I've bee n a good person. Why Is this happening to me? "Those questions really can't "They say that in order to live ~ Y ... o~ have to be r.eady to die." · token, you atill have memories and you will have &Otten away with an el'\riched life." Weber. who llvea with her husband in a Huntington Beach trailer park, notes the 10-week hospice volunteer training course includes a sesslon aimulating the experience of one's own death. The lights are dimmed and special music Is turned up. Hospice volunteers are told they have a terminal case of cancer and only a few weeks to live. They are asked what they'd do and with whom they'd share their experience. They close their eyes and are told to pass through a dark tunnel to their deatha. · "They SF.y that in order to live you have to be ready lo die," Weber explains. "By the lime you go through that experience you've faced your own death. "The reason they do this is they want to be sure that they're not going to send someone out to a patient who haa any o ld han8UP8 on death. For me It was a beautiful experience at the end of the tunnel. It waa light and there were happy feelings. Though listening akilla are the mo11t prized qualities of hospice volunteers, work may alao include erranm fOf' the patient .. well as having diacussions with family members overwhelmed by guilt that Is either self- imposed or created by the stricken relative. Often the hospice volunteer, acting aa a third party, helps relieve pressure from the family. A few houra each week give. a husband, wife or other family m e mber r·etplte from the conatant care necesaary for a cancer victim. really had to learn was to listen." A s hllng says s h e haa encountered patients grappling w ith the five stages of dying aa outlined by psychiatriat Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Hospice Orange County only accepts patients who have been diagnosed to have six months or less to live. Most who opt for hospice care have embraced the last. •tafe .of acceptance by that time. "The dying want to talk about it but the living want to deny it," says Weber . "I don't know a patient yet who. when It came down to it. wasn't afraid to die. But by the time I get to them they're ready to go." "Society dictates our attitude about death," adds Ashllng. "You're supposed to be sad and you're bad if you don't cry. But we actually may be crying for ouselves. "It's funny that society can tell us death Is a mysterious, terrible thing. Sometimes it's the right thing at the right time." The volunteers say they receive little In the way of wisdom or profound thought• from their patients. But the hospice worker quickly learns that people often worry about a torrential flood of unimportant problema. ''I don't think anyone can fruly volunt.eer if you can't get something back," says Weber. "You almOltt get back more than you give. "'nie experience prepares you for death. We're all going to have to do this with our own immediate family aomeday." Robert Mason finds hospice duty a break from work a1 a sale1mal' of hosplhrl suppliee. O•llJ PllOI Pholoe bJ Chari.• llatt tpid HB really promise to trash the garbage fees? aw ROBERT BARKER I( .. ...,,... lilij. A daiaion made more than a ,..... ace> appears to be f'CWinl 1tron1ly in a buddln1 IDl'ltrow'11Y OWi' tnlh coUecUon ... ln Hunt!naion Beech. J'uelln1 the debate are 1kyrockettn1 collecUon feea, "'rrently beln1 paid entirely from dty ..,..a1 funda -not = froin the pocket booka of Wiiien. Ci&J oftldala ntlmate coell wW be ~ p million • ln a-rt btcaUM of an ln monthl1 collection ..... with •• mara-,.,.... feet at Oran1• county l govemment•owned landfill altes, Thete two developmenta mean that the city will be paylf\8 $5.20 per month per houaehold for truh collection. Increuee will come to about t700,000 alone thil fWcal year. Mayor Bob Mandlc and other offkliala are lndicatifll It'• time to aerlouely con1t4ler char1tn1 reeidenta directly for a port.ion of the COila. h'• at thla point that controvwly enten. a.ck on the Nfht of Sept. I, uno, the Ctty Cound1 ·~ • utility tax-a O pereen ...,. on all resklenta' water,· .a.ecrldty and ... btl.la. Revenue •enerated waa to 10 toward the leMe paymenta on the civic center and library bulldll'\11. Surplw DMJMY woulcf be put Into the ,.,_a1 fund. ln maldna the new we more palatable C.O relldenta, oftldala a11'ffd c.o drop • tl.&O month homeowner truh collect.Ion fee then ln effect. 'nwt dedmon hat led obltrven t.cJ believe that there have been ~l~ -tlther written or lmplleG -not to ewr charle for lnilh • lof'I • the utility ta ta .. effect. NCll'IM Otbbl Yoc.d In fllYW of the utWty lax alan8 with 04!orll ~. Dan l'hl,a.,. JerTy Matney, Jack Green and Ted Bartlett. She aald today eome council membel'9 made atatemtmta that there lhould never be a trash fee but that the council aa a whole didn't take that action. "l believe it wH foolish to remove the truh fee ln the f lnt ~. ," ahe laid. "We became the laulf\lnc-ttock of ottwr counu. not to have It. "We lhould IO beck '° h ." Oreen Hid detail• of tlte meednl.,.. haq but he~ l~i\ V•afl 'beh ·are off aft•r • aupo1atlon II. The city hH different probleml wtlhout the ..... of rewnue It once had." But Clancy Yoder, a member of the City eouncµ ln 1978-79, clalma now that the promlae not to charp fOf' trMh collection waa at lea.at Implied. He al80 •19 Wt a trath fee coupled with the utility tax would rault In double taxation. "I don't want Shem to take hHty action. Thtre'• enou11h • money to mver truh lnereuee lhil y.r." The a.. of Ntn1talint the traah fff hu been dilCUMed nady beblDd m.d claon and at bucllM tam.. lut lalt wM, It CUM out ln th• open when 0Ultlal1 considered the purchase o f a helicopter site. They were advised they ahould eeriously consJder a refutt collection fee for resldenta that would 1encrate $500.000 lO Sl.t million neict year b e fore embarklna o n major expendl tul"t'I. Mayor Mandie acknowledied truh fee dltculllo~ beau.aar of heavy expt>nM't not anticlpatecl. tn t.he budaet. He •id a n~r of propoeala are "-tn1 uamlned ln<'ludl~ OM In whWh the dty woukt fMa about t2 c.owardl the monthl trMh coll~ fft and rftklen• would ,., the...-..... 11.ao. ·· , I Irvine rnuseurn honors rnernbers Jl'oundln1 member• who have recently made cont.rtbuUona throuah membership to the Experience ~nter were honored at a mem. benhlp de.er\ at the SanlA Ana home of OUvla, and Andy JohnlOf\. Judy Gertner of O»lA Me.a, chairman of the ateerlna committee, welcomed the more than 60 attendlna. . Robert Howard, president of the board of ll'U.ltees of the Experience, a "handa-on" 1elence muteum located In Irvine. gave a history and told of future plana to move to the Oranae County fairground• within the next two to three years. Recently appointed board and ateerlng cotnmlttee members are Gertner, Catherine Thyen, Joanne Hanik, Paula Mlllmen, Olivia Johnaon, Dee F.dwarda, Barbara Annan, Dot Clock, Pat Courter, Cleva Howard, Ann Mound, Trudo Pauo, Barbara P eckenpaugh, Kathy Rodlbauah. Beverly Sheldon and Renee Wela&. Founding membera attentlng were Sue Kral.We, the Ray Jeakes, Dick Pauley, Tom An- drews, Dennis Keith, Phil Handleman, Cappy Dobbe and Bill Annan. 1 ON THE GO: A ~rty In Encino hoeted by Gloria and Bob Zusman will honor Marilyn Gould and her new novel "Golden Daffodils," a book about a 10-year-old with cerebral palsy. Soine of the guests who will be there to toast Marilyn are friends from the Newport Harbor Art Muaewn - Linda and Ed gar Scheck , Linda and Daniel Wei.berg, Sandy and J erry Seigel and Myrtle and Paw Oevedorf. From the Newport Harbor Tennis Club will be Charlotte and Jerry Mann and Ann and Fred Stem. All of the proceeds from Marilyn's book will be donated to United Cerebral Palsy. • And then IOllle other Orange Counlians will be heading for Palm Springs today to attend a party hosted by Mary Moore in appreciation of their interest and support of the Rehabilit.allon Institute In Orange. After a dinner, to be catered by Milton Williams of Beverly Hills , the ..euests will be dancing in the gazebo. Invited guests from th~ beach area include Elaine and Bob Baamajian and Lee and Jim Gonnley. Also the Rolland Trumans, Don and Dolly Karcher, Marianne and Jack Gamer and the Ernest Schap. 50th anniversary A buffet luncheon honoring the golden wed- ding anniversary of the R. Hal Knightens, formerly of O»t.a Mesa, waa given by their daughter and son-in-law, Sandra and Doyle Homer of Lindsay. The Knightena, who now are residents of Strathmore. were married In Yuma In 1932. The honored gueats have four other childi'en, Viratnia Roush of l.rvine, Nat.ania Bradley of Costa Mesa, R. Hal Knighten II of Gold Hill, Ore., and William of Riverside. They alao have 1 l grandchil· dren. 8 TENNIS LESSONS •20°0 C.lfl •-T111i1 Cl• 557.o211 1.11 lbNllblt• ..... Choice of SOI.Ip of c-• lel9d I 2 Frelfl Veg. OOod anytllN Sun. ttlr\I Frl., Sel. 4 to I P.M. I.II Fried Shf'lmP Of Fretfl F'llel 01 aote . ...,_«Trout. l8Q Rib• CH C111e11en n Rib• -IS 16 CHHrl S alad or Chowder. FrHll Veg Sun ttwv fn. 6-7 end SM. 4 to I. 4 {\•~-St~$ #Ail Fllllfll llllTS ,,, ,,,,.,,,.,,,, 11011-Lflli Ory Cleanlng Plck-Up/Oellvery ~ COrona del Mar & Parts of Newport Sust1lnil1 a tidy envi'omment when tme Is yow most vaalbll conmoclty BACHELOR-ETE SERVICES - ERRAND SERVICES • Glamour auction Gloriu Moon •y, le ft, und llester Hardage display "Moses Bosket," copied from one used to curr y '. Prince Williuat. Kay Meserve won the item ut u glamour uuctio n. Chairman Ann h enon holdt tote bag1 that ., will be for 1ale at the Wedne1day, Oct. 13, Arrowcraft sole in the Sherman Gardena. f rqm I 0 :30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The public may attend and e njoy tee end cookies as the view items. i FIDELITY FEDERAL . IS NAME-CALLING~ We11 call you by name. .,\ We'll smlle. .11 We'll say ''thanks!' Or YJe'll buy JOU IUnch. So much for that old saying. there's no such thing as a free lunch. Because at Fidelity Federal. if we don't keep every bit of our name-calling promise. we'll give you a coupon book good for $5 worth of food at any Bob's Big Boy Restaurant. We promise name-calling to every one of our customers. An d we have to admit. it's made us a lot of new friends. People who were fed up with unfriendly bank tellers and indifferent bank officers are now our customers. Th ey like our services and professional ism. Our courtesy and friendliness. And our high interest rates -the highest allowed by law. So if yo u're tired of cold. impersonal b~nki ng. come to Fidelity Federal for some warm , friendly name-ca lling. Not to mention a smile. a "hello" and a ''thank you:· At Fidelity Federal. we're on your side. FIDllllY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION A1M1t1wS1.7....,11rone end11owtr• lei '9dro 29000 S Western Av luta AM 2700 N M1Un St 1M19Ndl 11820 SNI ~ech 81 ... ,... Gell• 1'4.0' Venture 81 ...... 12000 e..ch 81 ,.,...~ 24010 HawthorM 81 V.. ,.. 14'4' Vl<tory 81 ........ , .... 86,, &.VftlV 81 • • I • Orange Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Mond • ' • Plenty! Take a look through this newspaper and see . Local business and consumer reports. Advertising . Sports scores and features. TV listings and reviews. And when your customers get fussy . an entertaining story Or two to keep them out of your hair. Every day . we've got more news and information about what's going on in this town than you'll find anywhere else . Anywhere . So if you'r.e thinking of opening a new shop, or planning a special weekend . or wondering how much it's going to cost to send your kids to college. or just trying to get the best out of life (without getting clipped), you're in the right place. Right here. What'• In It tor you? The answer appear• on every page ot • II 642-4321 ' " .• . .;·' .;_.; ~ . ay, October 11 , 1882 ' ... Bl . i ... .. .. " .. .. . ; .. •! ., Orange Coa•t DAILY PILOT/Monday, October 11, 1 . , Edilie Bracken still. bus)' · Veteran actor hows little change in new movie ! By 8 0 8 THOMAS .......... _ ..... ....., : • HOLLYWOOD -"1 1upposc r ou'll wrltu: ; 'Edd le Bracken Muke• Comeback.' But how ! can I come back when I've never boon away?" uy1 : the veteran 1how buainL'll pcraorwlily. · ll'a true tha t Brackt•n hos bc~n in the I entertainment busih~ss ever sinc.'t' he emerged as a ·1 ·bright young c.'Omedy actor In Brnudwuy hlt.N of th t• · ! late 1930s. But it's also trut• that ht> 111 making his and often at odda with •tudlo boillel, Bracken left In 1963 to roturn to t he theate r. H l1 credit• are prodlJlout: "The Selven Year .heh,~' "Teahowle of the Augutt Moon," three yean In "H6Uo, Dolly" with Carol Channlnai, dozeau of other cornedln and mu1lca.1J. Latelr, ho hu boon tourlna In the musical. "S ugar Bable.,' and for a time he repl~ Mickey Roont.'f'. on Broad wad,. c.1u •u ~°"'"'°' .,,..,,,.,.,,. 1 u. ....... , •111 J .. o ...... u .cct•ffo•oah11tt_...• ..... •I " 've d on e l ,000 pe rforma nces In the li===~=="=="""=='==··'"'•"•'",.·----=:ll~---=======­ f ! flnt feature movie sih<..'t' h l' and Mickey Rooney !appeared in "A Slight Cas<' of Murdcr",in 1953. . The new film la Warner Brothers "National I :Lampoon'• Vacation," starring Chevy Chase. :Beve rly O'Angelo. l mol(ene Coca a nd C hristie : Brinkley. What doos he play? j "Walt Disney," he replies. Well, not really. The I j character ls the creator or a huge them<.> park. but j h e is called Roy Walley. With h is p o inted mowitache, Bracken makes a passable Disney. ! Except for the moustache, Eddie Bracken • !seems little changed from years whe n he was J : romping through' a str ing o f h it com edies at tf Paramount. His Cll m career s tarted as Henry , Aldrich in "L ife with Henry" in 1940, then his ;inuc j atyle made him Preston Sturges' favoqte. They 1 collaborateo on "Hail the CQnquering Hero" and , "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek." .. O ther Bracken films: ''The Fleet's In," "Caught in the Draft," "Sweater Girl." "Hold That Blonde," "Two T ickets to Broadway.'' "About Face," "We're Not Married." , "I was under contr::.tt to Paramount for 10 .. ; years," the actor says. ''and I also workl'Cl a t every J studio in Hollywood. Except UnivcrS<.11. l almost • worked there. I helped prepare 'Francis.' and we were going t.o make it with Grouc.::ho Marx as the voice of the mule. . "The studio bos.s a l Universal said iJ was the worst script he. ever read. The producer. Leonard Goldstein, insisted on making it, but by that time I • had dropped out." . I Donald O'Connor played the lead in what turned out to be one or Universal's most profitable aeries. Never a part or the Holl ywood establishment : ·British ; . j:aid TV I' ! · NEW YORK (AP) -l :Britai n 's Gra nada I 'T e l e v isio n , w hi c h ! produced the acclaimed : "Brideshead Revisited" ! broadcast on public TV i this year, will supply the • non..commerciaJ network with 47 hours of n ew programmin g for t he 1983-84 sea.son. Mobil Corp .. a major pu b li c t elevi s io n underwriter responsible for continuirg series like "Masterpiece T hea te r" a nd "Mys tery." a nd Bost o n 's W GBH , a pri mar y produ ci ng s tation, announced the a c qu isition f r o m Gianada. Two of t h e Granada series, "The J ewel in the Crown" based o n the 1 "Raj Quart.et" of novels by Paul Scott, and "All 1 for Love.'' a short-story anthology. will ap pear ' o n "M ast e r p iece Theater.'' the par tners said. Come show us what you've got cooking Enter the Orange Coast Dally Piiot legitlmate theater," said the 62-ycar -old Bracken. "But I don't think ot myaelf i..s working In one area. T he stage is in one corner. motion plcturet In one <..'Orner, tt•lcvislon In another. 1 work the whole room. • "T he o n l y time I 've bee n away from performing was when the string of theaters ttiat I organized went ..broke because of miamanagement 'fhnt was a $2 million Jou, and I spent a year getting lt settled." · Bracken also organlzcd a iucceuful advertiaing agency In Houston, se111ng out because of hls acting ('Ommltment«s. "The mOl'W /lop$ lo SOIM strongt, balttrtd lllt/Ol')I on IM fo~ of this SIJ{NtdlalJW/, classically AmmCilll pn/""""11« by Jon Yolgltl .. -JM Kl'lll. Nf WSWU.X R -~·.. A~l'Cll.ff,, NOW PLAYING . COIU MUA otWIGI OIWlll WllTMIUTEa UAMlll Cowaios ~llOf "'"" Cny Cenle• Px•lte's OtillVf Dfl•t •n 631 3501 SJ• 9287 83• 9361 893 0546 MIUICMI rllJO EdwNOS VltlO hlln 830 11990 "° ....... ICCl'11• , ..... l.....W:.•1 . ,. Global adventure Nature: The Flight of the · Condor. Soar high above the Andes with the largest bird of prey. Discover the world's startli ng contrasts-from glacial ice-caps to steaming volcanoes. Series premiere! ""' CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY Favorite Recipe Contest. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING Look . Ii for . ! I rules i l on Wednesday, October 13 In the Food 8ectlon. FOR EARLY DETECTION Of CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Phyalcal · Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women . Self Examln•tlon ln1tructlon1 Medical Center Prot•alon•l lulldlng 18800 Miln ltreet lu"!.105 Hunt1"91on IHCh, C .. H. 84·1 1 71 LUXURY THEATRES S llifHj4•Iuii6j~ ~SJ/~~') * FOR FOOi HCfTEmEnTI V111tOur ... ... TUI O'TOOLS FAW>llll YIM Mlowa et I 1001141 ID! ••JI •• , ..... ,., .. THE lAST AMERICAN VIRGIN m u~: ~~::::.•,,_, Ort-In• Open 7: 15 WM61nlfhta/7:00 Weekends ClliWreau.der12FrttU.lasNet..t • BARGAIN MATINE•S • Monday tllru Saturday All Pert01manc:e1 belOIO 5:00 PM (EJC.,C ,,_... E11111•11t1 IM Malays) TMI LA8T Aml!ICM ....,_ ---.... _,Aft T9mO AT .. ..,, .......... --·-•Jlll\'U &lf'fM .•• TOCllTNIJI Ao.Yr t111 ---.... ::0:·1111 .... YU.llf'fM ••• Toarnmt /liOllM" • ------ l Al<fWOOO C fNTtll SOUTH••·• " ..... ANAHEIM : ~· .1 •N ... ~ ..... .... NII" .. °"' .. _ ,. ... . BUENA PARI< • .t " i-•----llMOJO . . LI N COLN , ..... t IN ·----.. -HMOJO .. HilJNlAI N VALIEY ldw'I /f IN "'='="' .r .._., 'AYCMSTI 'l'IM"' --- ... ............ .. "LOOK ... TO OST OUTr " ----- .... T .. - TNI 1KntA-TUM8TNAL .. -~.,.,... ... .... P\O'fO: TMI WALL• .. - "CLA~fW-1111 --..... ,.., • ..._.Itel .. OCAN ,_,.. ... 'IOM" ... Ml•1411 °"' II - ~ii WAY l'l • . ·· -....... ........ ,._ ltl•MtJ A M•Ale.lU1lff 1'£TllH ~.,. ............ , ................ c:.-.....-... ..__ ----11thSMASHWEEK ---- ...,.,.., HACll OM• I ow111os Ntwp!lll C11tmt Olltdome 644 0760 834 2~63 . I THI t'"MILl' ClaCl'M .. I u " I by Virgil Partch (VIP) by Brad Anderson DE:\~IS THE MENJ\CE ~ r~ ".._ "[) e £3 ~~Sb.J \. "Would you believe ... there's a tunnel In · there that leads all the way to Caves' · meat market!" f'AoMisiNc; TONY THAT SHE WILL ~EP HIM IN~MEO ON HIS FATHER'S ~ese.o.s Pf!IE~6 TO LEAVE ePENCEPI FARM51 " "l.sH'r IT FUN TO WATCH MRS. WILSON~ ~ SO MUCH Cf HER AAS A Ga:X> TIME ! • NOi I 'M CERTAIN TW.TTHE~ IZATl()N IS ~FOA HIM! by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~· A PEffFECT fNPIN<i "TOA ~YPAY ... - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mond1v, October 11, 1982 .. Tt MBL£1' EEDM WH~l\l'S -iliAf FR~ JLIMPll\JG co~sr IN CAL..A~S COUN'TY, CAL.IFORNIA? SHOE NANCY, STOP ACTING LIKE AN INFANT I'M NOT ACTING LIKE AN INFANT-- "THEJR~ 15 "fltAPPE,O IN 1H€ ENO ZONE!! .. ....-------, ~W/JW, IT'S ALMOST SOf'Pm!ME .. WMERE l?O ~~HT TO EAT TOHl6MT? by Chari•• M. Schul 1 Rl6MT MERE AT TME ' OFl=ICER'S CLU8 by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller I'M DIG~$TING VOUR UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE AIM) 11'5 c.oT ~ ~ OW IT, OlO\ (:,ff, ~ 010 1'~'f M~ 1'~ t.E.fTER~ ~TIN'f? "°"~A x ~r'flM£, ~ 'fo .. ~A Ft.»JJ..N 1..l'fn.E "4eu.t:>N ~ ~NC:J N T'MC ~'™~ 'TAA'f €1A'l'=1 Cf:1..1..ll'J lf T~AT dOMeeoo-11 -roor liliMill_, .. c...-.)L~ ~ by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan Ll 'fCMl ICMOCK IT Off! . . ; . l Orange Cou1 D~ll 'f PILOT /Monda)', o81ot>er 11, 1882 'Mysterious Stranger' fine·· television tUnusual interpre tation dilute anger? add humor By BARRY RENfl'REW ~-i...4 ,,_ Wrttet Nl-:W YORK -PluylllM lJ tl·k11 011 M11rk Twain I• u bl\ like 81lylng "Tom Suwyt.>r" lb uhout soclul ulumu\aon nmong \ht· wurktnJt elnsst.'11 on \he banks of tht• MIS1ils:11 pp1. Sul publk tclcv1B1on has ployed 11 trJtok of 2t0rts on tht• lt•gcndory prankster hlm!!elf Con1hines fine acting with ... authenticity > with its exc-ellent dramatization of Twal11's i;hort novel "The Mysterious Strangt•1 ." Many public TV stations will broadcru.t the program tonight. It's on KCET, Chanm•I 28 at 8. The book 011 which the TV adaptation was based was T wain's last novel, and the pro- ducers USt.'CI a re<.oently diac.'Oven'Ci version of the story as the basis for thl! TV show. from eight nallontt, turn.11 tho orlalnul work 1nt.o 1.1 tfcll.ihtful 11tory t,,y dlluuna TwaJ11'• 11ni(l'r and pllln.c u11 ttw humor und joku l..ltnHry purists tnay objt.<ct, bul thl' unu111..111l 1r1tt•rprck1t1on mokt'I fi>r fine t.elwlslon. Tht\ li.v1t'h pr~lue\lon 1\.al'ff Fr!'<I Gwynne, Chrl'!-MakeJ)t'llCt' ond Lance Kerwin, and ll.'f ba('kcr11 md ud<' N<'bruslQi Educulionul Tet.,. vision, th<' Nollonol Endowment for the Humanities und tht.• Exxon C-0rp. (Kt•rwln ~rew up in Nt'wport Beach.) The prudul·tlur1 was filmed in Austrt4). '''l'h<• Mystcrloulf Stranger" c.'Ombint.'8 fine acting with bcuuuful backdrops and pnins· taking hlstorn:al uuthcnticlty. The show will tell you a lot aoout llfo in the Mlddll' Ag<'S while making some shrewd and funny potnt.H about human weakness in every 11ge. The film cC'nter11 on the daydream 0 1· August Feldner, a printer's apprentice In Twain's native Missouri. Musing over his lunch, Feldner imagines hlmselr an appren- tice lo a rncdi{'val printer bedeviled by a crew of rebellious workmen and a shrewish wife. h•nt.11 chopping UJ' ton• of wood In mlnutet und learning Lotln without u 11lntilt' ll-uon. ''44" u1 he ls dubbl'd by 1tw bt1mu11t•cJ printer, bt.:frlt•nd1 Allf(u11\ •uid t.akes him on marvcloua jourrwy• lo dls\nnt lands In 11 twlnkllng of on cyto, The oppcaram.-e of "4~." the prt'<.lkaml'nl.ll c:rcak-d by the grf'Cd uf humons ufld t}l.u l'X· 1raordlm.1ry powvn•and \he frenzll'<i ti'vc•n· lurl'fil th11t ensue mukl' for Un~ fonta11y. You may fll\Jl<:kly gut'IJ.'l who or whut "44" h• but \ho poor printers don't. The roguish cut mcludcs a maglcla11 morl' udc'J>L ut producing uloohol than spirits, thu printer's wire who lusts for wealth and po- wer. and a crew or printers who make their master's life a misery by threatening l o ~trike for the slight.est reason. Their adventurt..'8 range from how "44 " overcomes a strike by tht• printcn1 Lu save his employer from ruin to the· magician dis- covering he hns supernatural powers, only to find himself heading for the st.ukc for prac- ticing black magic. It is a set.thing condemnation of organized religion, ignorance and greed, set m th1• Middle Ages. It tore apart just abciut every· thing that society held dear in Twain's day. The dramatization, whiCh features a t·as1 Into this world C'Omes a strange young man who mtrOducc.'8 h1msclf as "44, New Scm'8 864, 962.'' The stranger performs astonishing "The Mysterious Stranger" Is that all t.oo rure thing -true fqmily vil•wing that chtl· dren and adults can share. It's a pity the 90-minul.e show will run loo late for sor.ne younger viewers. (~hri ' Make peace, l..nnce Ke rwin (antosizf". e:001D HEWS CHAAUFS AHOEL8 I TO IM! AHOONCS> aGH'T II EHOUGH Q.lllld 1111c11 1 room_m1te wno romanoM both Joan- nie Ind Sutan • M'A'S'H HIWkeye and 8 J decide 10 do eomelhlng lbOUI I fllllclopter pilot whO u- nell-to gather battle- field brfc·l •brlC 10 Mii IS Wllf IOUVOt\lfl. • HAWAII FIVE..O • OVEAEASY !Slaton Premiere) GUMI. Ethel Mermen. O ID UNDERST AJoNo HUMAN IEHAVIOA l"~=-tlo•'" AllCNEWSQ NBC NEWS MOVll * • • "Thi Club" ( 1980) JllCll TllOmpton, Graham Kennedy Thi COllCll ol e "-blln AuetrlllM loot· • bell ,_, find• thl going rough bOth on 11'11 ptayfng tllld end In 11'1 t>oard room 8'.301 AUCE CMttf"NON '82: THE DOATU "381h A.-nl>IY Dllllrlel" A-btywom1n Metle.n L1Fo111t11, St...,. Alrlll, ITer~ POWER 8NEWI IMNEYWUER Batney end H.,rll lracll down I eorpot•ll Vandel who blllt hlmMlf M ''Tl'll Hewtl " (8)WIU>IAllE8 Thie dowmentatY eatm.. many wild Mim ... M they gtCM up and INrn to IUf· ~ In thllt nllural habl- 1Alt. 7:00 I CM HEW8 NecHEwt HAPf'V DAYS AGAIN Joanie buys • ear blhlnd her Ill her' I blell. D eoAP Jlllliel 111111 • firm 1tlllld llgalnll Chlllet'• ptlillln- derlng end ~ con- lronll Plllf •bout hi• bll't•Ylor. • THAU'I COMPANY Dllpet110 IOf rent money, JllCll loofil• f()f. joO I •JOKER'S W1l.D 9UllNIE81 ~ {[) ,,M. MAGAZINE A leglnd 9-on; I 1- bullt from 1c1v1ng1d mal«lllt. 9 ENTPTANIEIT TOMGKT Ar. lntlnllew wllll M.,lon Roll (Q)MOVll * * * "Swlnci Time " ( 193al Frid AlltWI. Ginger Aog111. A gambling dllllC« hM I lllfd time NYlnO money to marry hi. ... ._.. but oomp11ea. Ilona 8'111 wl'ten hi , ... lor anotfler eTHtum..E DST9CTM Whitt "" police r-... 10 bllltve hie ltory ebOut • band of ,,,,..,,.., • ~ llOy pleyt dlllCtiYI IO 1top ''*"· (Z)MCMI • * "Th• Conqueror" ( 1tell Johll WeyM. 8uMlt ~d. A miOflty Mof100I wetrlot kidn&pe tlll deuQlt. ttr of a f)OMtfUI T ar1ar ldtlf end ..-. contr~ Of Ille ..... 1.-. I°" THI TOWN '-""ell: an lllalNnallon Mac Davi will join Barba ra Mandrell to host the HCountry Music Association Awards" to night a t 9:30 on KNXT~ Cha nnt•l 2 . ol domeshC vlolencl In Southlfn California; 1 look 111 IOW bike I Q! FAMll Y FIUO LAVIAHE & 8"fftlEf &~Nt'f Lenny lnhlrllt a diner I MAOAME"S PlACE M•A•&•H H1W11eye falls Into ltllm)I h•nd• wfllll dftvlng 10 Seoul. I {[) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEJL I LEHRER AEPOAT I SNEAK ~VIEWS YOU ASKED FOR IT T AlXlHO SEX.-WfTH YOURI008 A Pllllll ol •Xlllrl• en- QUMllOnt eonCl9lnlng ...... Ing wi111 Cl\lldren about ....itlvl11Iualloplc$ ~. SQUARE P£G8 Johnny recr111t1 Fether Outdo Swduccl to flelp M1reh1ll get over his obeeeslon wllh 1 video i!."" U Qt UTT\.£ HOU8E: A HEW 8EOINHIHO An lldetly '"'"" tries 10 P<IYlfll Mrt OlltOn from liking control ol Walnut Gr0¥1 wN111 1111 finds an old dty bond 0 8 MOYIE • * •.; "8ack To Thi Plan· •• Of Thi Apel" ( 1974) Rodd~ MeOow•ll, Ron Harper Two Mlronlollll crull lend,,_ 11>1C1Ct1h 1.nd diec:ovel 1 clvtllutlon ol lntllllgenl 11m11n1. G MOVIE * * * * "The Go· 8ttwffn" (197 I) Julie CM1fle, Alllll S.IH Tiii 1xperllnc:ea OI an ldolet- cent boy aiding 1 pair of lovltl lrlUmltlH him IOI ~ ... • P.M. MAOAZINE A beby wt>o WM born undlfwltlt •• hOrnl l>Ulll from-~ rTWlltrlale • MOVIE * * * "Plffoc1 Gentle· men" ( 1978) L1ur1n 81c1ll, Ruth Gordon. Three crafty l•m•l111 WllOll hulband• are In PtllOtl loin f()(C)ll 10 plot lfl lltborlll m1111ot1 dollar hlfat • OAEAT F'l#OflMAHCU "Thi Myttetloul Strang- er" In .,, ad11Plltion of Mark Tweln'I INt novel, I P<lnllr"t llPC)rentlcll (Ctltlt M111epe-) d1ydre1m1 hltnMll Into I medlevtl eaet .. and m1111 • ,.,,,. ... rk>ul youth (Lenee K-'n) wno 11a1 11renge myttlcll ~·· • NATURI ,,.,..,,._> "Tne Flight Ot Thi Condor'' Or. Ooneld J01u1neon tlkel tMwer• on • rllfl IOUrnty tllrOugh the Andie "'°""'""' CJ) PUMJC AnAIM 0 On fV i z rv " HOO c IC11WMIO•I f l CWOAI NY N Y 9 THAT.I IHCAEOeBL.EJ FMlutecl tome "lncrldl· ble ~kb " Including the 5 t i;lllldten bot n to Chillen parent•. • 9-~-old t>oy without '-QI who hH IMrned to 1111, lllld lhl Mt. t>ec-Mtn cont .. 1 Chem· plonlNp Mall. (C)MOW! * ~ "Cendy' 11"8) e- "4111n, M.,.IOn 8'ando. A lueclou1 yout19 nymptle1 hied• for New Yori! 111., being rlC*f by I poet Ind I Spanltll getdlMr ffi)MOVIE * * "Or11t1 toe" (1981) RyM O'NMI, Anne Arett«. An~ end • IOCialill lllltl'\P1 to rOb 1 South Amettean lmltlld amuo- glw of 1 lonll"e In gems 'PO' (S) FIFTH CW JULY Richard Thoma repeats !Lie Bf'Ofldwey roll N 11 per~ Vlltn•m Yet«· an. h<lme IOf • family rlUl'llon on tndlpendenee O.y. .MOW * * -T'*-" ( 1977) Mar• to Thornea. ChlrW Gro- din A deify W1JP11 llY to r~etllllr~ amid thl corruption ot Mantlattlfl l :aC> 9 {[) lllflSYA TI: KHJAMIN Ceptlln L-18 w1n1 thl •!arrll>G roll In an Army rlmllllng ntm. • 80 YOU THtHM YOU OOTT"°'*-U t:009 {[) M'A.8'H Thi 4077th 11 turned Into • bowtlng 1111y to Ilk• on 11'11 MlflMI, Ind HIWkeye 11111 to contact hit hote>f· lalald lather. (R) D MOVll • • • '"Touciled 8y Love" f 1980) Dll>O<eh R•lfln, OI-l-A nurtlng trainee tries 10 bflng • hendieapped gift out OI I • dllP dlPflHlon by encouraging hit to corr .. ac>ond With l14lf Idol, EMt P•lllly. 8 9 MOVIE * * * "Sllrtlng Over" (1979) 8utt Reynold1, Jiii Cll )'bufOtl Ahet montl\t ot TV dlnr141r1 end blind dlt... • divofold mag• zlM M111f lhlnlll hi·• found lrlll '°""' wtlll'I • tetlooftllC:ller enter• hie 1111 I MllW GM'f1N NATIONM. GIOGM.....0 IPICW. "Thi SupettW-1: Twtllght Of An Era" A noetllgic voyege OI IAIClnlMlng luXU• ry end rememl>«td OiOt)' It tllllen lbolfd IN IMI of the gtMI llntfl etNI In ttent-Alllfttlc Ml'\llCe - Ille O\Mrl Ellllt*fl 2, "') I:°" .. * • • ~ "H1ert11nd" (iH11 ,_.,Torn, ConcNt1 ,.,.,.., A rendler end Ille hOllMllff"r flH the rteor• Of "°"''-' ... In 1910W~,·N' (Z)MCMI *. "ltlln 0-," ( ft1t) Oervrn Coo111r, Kan lllilltllum. • l(NX T ICO!.I e KNSK INRCl • I( TL.,11 tlllO I .KA•C IABCI e KllM8 IC8SI • IOU TV llnd I e 1<cn IAICI • K rrv llftld 1 .rf11 IWl IHI I lll~NI 1111• (I) OOUNnWllUIC ~noMAWltllll .... .,.. ........... .............. .,. ...... ......, ....... .............. .................. e IC(Ofl' TY llnct I .. ,., '"'' eKOU C~SI . I I Sfltwt 11"9 I • S.-119'11 • ''*',...,"'~•~111 ~TIM ·'"'~ --- Fi.tnlng FllnOI and Anr141 Met .. V .. MI .,a fNlurecl In Euoene toneeco'a mu<- det dram• chOfeographed a1. blllel 10:00 I" • ., NEWS UOHT IH THE WE8T The llory of the countrl• WHtward 1xp1nll0n 11 retold through photo· grllj)hl and the WOfdl of thole who wltlllNld It llrtlhand. ID ICNENWNT£Al / WON> INTO MAGE (Prtmlltl) Wllllam Gold· mM disc.,_ hit WOfll Ind lllOW8 ftlm clipt from "Butch C...idy And The Sund9nee l(ld" and "AN Thi Pteeldlnl'I Men " at WILIOH MOWN ~~ * *'A "Nljlnlky" (1979) Alen 8•111. George di II Pen• Triumph end trege- dy punciulll thl atOf'my rlletionlhip betwe.\ 11'11 grNI AuHlen ballet stat end 1111 8~• man- 'A' (Ai CAMELOT Rlchetd Hwrll, Meg au .. Mr1 Ind Rlctletd Muenz .. ., In L.,ner end l -'• Clatllc 8roedwly mutleal taped II lhl Wlncet Gar- den Ttie1tr1 tn-Nlw York. OMOVll! • • 'h "The Poelman Alway1 Rlng1 Twice " (IHI) Jeck NlctloflOO. JMtiea l.enoe A young woman end her ~ plOt to.murdlt her~ 'R' 10'.30 • IHOD'EHOENT NETWON< NtWI ID WORLD cw 900KS (0) TOUCH AHO 00 euN..EY-0 Ar11 Jofloaon end t.outt Nye hOl1 • '°°" .. bur. lllQUI, II Clowlll, comk. .. and t>eeutllul lho~lrt1 perl0tm. 11:008D8CllOat HEW8 I SATVN>AY NIGHT ... ~cw ... THAT QUIZ SHOW ITMETI CW SAN FMHalC".() Stone .,_,,_ I -bit of • lr•l•ntty of dfunll• to find out why IMll of ''*" -· l>Mlln 10 dletl\ I • •w MJl()ffT DOCTOR IH THE HOUR Ouncen hH dlllleulty tMehlllg Oreee (ll)MOVtE: "S .. Wllh" (t970) Ht.rry IWM. C J. Ulng. "X' (.%)MOW * • I "I Hell 81ondN" ( 19811 JeMI Roclllfort. El'lrleo MorlteMnO Tl*'- dlte0Y1t ltlat I W9lfUly noY1ll11'1 lelHI work dncrlbM In dlt Ill ltMI MCUflly eyetem l)f"ollCtlng thl v&lueblll In hts ,_ 11:30 9 {[) ~JOHN. M.D. A IUllor of Tr8C)per'I Ill· Wiii. In nMd ol dlbta eurgery, ln1l1t1 th11 T repper per l0t m thl oc>« · Ilion (R) D Q!TME .. TO# CAMON Oueete. Olnlh Sh0r1, Hoy1 Allton, Arnaud oe Bor· ~-(R) "'9 AllC HEW8 ~ I VOU AIKED FOft n THIMRMONI George end LOUIN rehe 10m1 of their moat unlor- g1tt1bl1 end hllerlo111 i1ienc:-.(Plfl 1) FOCUI °" eoaETY .... LATIMGHT HOit! Dennlt Whder. CJ) N>WHCI: 8TOl.EH lOYl ~ati 1) tt:OO. !HTUITAIHMINT TONIGHT ,.,,, .,,..,... "'"" Mellon AoN. • MOVll * * "0rd11I" ( 1973) Arthuf H•, Dltne Mu!Uur. A mM II left to dll In thl delltt by hi• Wlf9 81'<1 ,,., '°"'· • MOYll * ** "Tl't WIC*tr Min" ( 111') ldwtrd Wooctwlrd. lrft1 lllllM A ~ jHllic IWJM le _,. ID a remole loomlft ....., to ln..eleiM VII P IJJ._,· -of a '°""' .... ""° !MY ,...,. ........ *"" -~ ........ ·~ * * "TM ~ OllM" ( tt7•1 Dli'lld ~. Mir! ~. A Hllw Vorti Qty unClltrCOHf offlotr ....... to .... ,.... ...,... ._..a laen tMtt IO I Clruf-~ .... l:.LM, tuM• £DAW 'Ul9 ,,,.. Tiie c...._ , .... -. ..... ...... -............... . "IAlllle fltttl Tiie 0.." A TUBE TOPPERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--4 K CET (28) l:S:OO p.m . -"T he• Mysterious Strange r .'' A printer's a pprc ntict' daydreams h imself in to a medicvttl castle a nd mee ts a myste rious yout h . (Sec review above) K OCE (50) 9 :00 p .m . -"National Geographic-Special." "The Supcrline rs: Twilight Of An Era." A nostalgic voyage of fascinating luxury and remem bered glor y is lAkcn aboard Queen E lizabeth 2. KNBC (4) 9:00 p .m . -"Touched By Love." Deborah Raffin and Diane Lane star in movie of a nursing trainee who tries to bring a handicapped girl out of a de.:p depression by e ncouraging her lo correspond with her idol. Elvis Presley. baker PllP9'11 1 eutpt1M e•k• (S)MOVIE * * ·~ "American Glgolo" ( 1980) Rlehard 01<1. Lau· ren Hutlon A 81Yerly HHI• gtgolo 1>ec;omot lhl ptlme IUtPIC1 In 1 murder In..,.._ t.!ltltlon 'R' tltMOVIE • * * ··Fi.11 Felftlly" (19801 ONd• Ridner, 8ob Nlwhlrl Ttle ll•Ullly ~llMCI deught., of ttie country'• Wlirdll• Pf"._ denllal '"'""" eomp4icat• ,,., '"""'' 1111n1pt1 to conduct thl ellel<• 01 11111. 'A' 12: 10 (CJ MOVIE * * * * "Falhlt Of Tho &tide" ( 1g5()) ~ Tra- cy. EllUbeth Teylor. A flthlr expef'lenc;ea Ill Of lhe IO';'S end llMCllCIMlt lmlCltted wllh lhl prlC>lf • "°"' for hit daughl•'• . ~lftQ~ 11;ao. 8 LATE *6KT WITH °"YID tiTTlMtlAN Ounce comlCll•n Jay Leno. llttn dlrKtor Wern« Hlt'IOg ·~MEAICAH ST'VLe "Love And Thi Mlnltter" Thi Riv. Atklnt PIC>POtM 10 8utan AllCI "love And The Shower" L1nny'1 lrlende tnrow him • divorce .,_ (O)MOW * * • ''Modern Aomanol'' (1H I ) All>erl 8 roolll. Kethryn Harrold A lllm editor lrlll r~tldly to win bad! .,,. ,_. of the WOl'lllfl hi 1oYM 'R' (%)MOYIE * ** "Body HNI" (11181) Wllll1m Huft, l<allllMn T11rnt" A amlll11rne FIOfld• I~ II Pl'IUl<lld by hit 1o1111t 10 murder her 11u-. bind 'R 12;16 MOW! * ll'i'I "Prlvlll l-" ( 1900) Sylvia l<rletll. How- lfd He111tnen A~ man ~ flit MdUe1hle houlltceep« 11'11 joO Of ptovtdlng "'' 16-)'Mr..ofd 10n with hie Int IHUll ~lencl.'R' 11:40 •(I) COUJM90 A kM1 lrlangll leadt en ambltlou• Slnttorlel een- dld•ll to kilt Ille eam()llgn meNOllf. (Al 1:00 I :::e MmlY * * "113 .Squedron" (1H4) Cllfl RoberllOtl, 0-ge Chaklrll A Nail 11111 llC1ory In Nofwly .. d411tt~ In 1 ga111nt lffot1 b_. lfl AIMrlcan 1~=:.cNlwt OVlfNllHT • OINI Allfritr 1:41<!= ••'A ··s11va1 •••"" ( 1t11) Mlellltl C•lt11, Cyl>lll l h•Pllttd. An ..................... "' llltrlHtl Pl•n to --... WMlttl by m ... lng tome ol thl top 1xecull.,.. m 1111 world or high llnanoe 1111 Vle:llm1 ol en 11elreo<dln11ry 1wlnd .. 'PG' 2:00 8 CU NEWS HIOKTWA TC.. (S)MOVIE I t.,., "Nljjnllty" I 1979) Alen 81tn. o.Otge ell I• Pin• Trium9ft and Ir~ dy punctuate thl atormy relltlontlliP ~ tho gtNI Rutelan blli.I llM and nit SV90QllHllll man- -~ * * * 'h · 'Ey1wlln111" 11981) Sigourney w-. Wllllam HUft A t~ llC)Orllt beCon'IM lnYOIYed With 1 jlflltor wno may l!now more 11>ou1 • mur· der lh•I hi Wltlllllld than hi 11 ll)'lng 'R' HllC8)MOW * *'" "Thi Prtv111 E)oee" ( 1NO) Don Knottl. Tim Conway Two bumbling Am«lean c111ecu.,,.. .,, called In IO tn...ug.11 I -In of ITIUfderl In en Engtllh u.rte 'PG· 2:30Q!NEW8 (0) EHOEL8ERT HUMPSDNCK (Z)MOVll *. "Sllln Delp" (1979) Oervyn Cooper, Ken 8lldlburn 3:IO(Q)MOW! • • "Tiie lni:redlbl• SMnlllng Wom.tn" (1N0) Lily Tomlln, CNt1ll Gro- dtn A ~II llndt It hard to c;ope wNlfl lhl llUddanly f>IOln• 10 lhtlnk In llu. 'PO' l ;40 (C) MOVIE * *' * * "Fiddler On The Rool" ( 197 t) Topol, Norm• er-. A P9Mlftl rnilllman In turn-of-tn1-c1n1ur)I ei..,111Aueet.1111110 m.,. ry Off hll lllgltltl daughllrt wNll trying to notcS onro ,,.. "-"" llltltage In ,,,. ,_of opprlMIOn ·o· ®MOYIE ** ''Or11n toe" (1981j ~ O'Neal, Anne Arefllr An engfnMr encl I eoc:ialltl lll""fll 10 tob I South Amet'lean ltnltlld emug· Oler of e f onune In gam1. 'PG' 4:00.MOVIE • • ~ ''The Poet men Alway• Alng1 Twti;1" (1911) Jack Nti;holaon, ~ UlnOI A young WOfllM Ind her io-plOt to tNJ//dtr tw hueblnd 'A' 4: 10 (l) IUM.IY .Q Ari• --and Loult N)'* lloll • IOolt II buf • teeque ... oio.ne. comic• 111\d btel.lllhll lhowgltl• Plttorrn 4: 11 (J) MCMI ** "Ooltle Apt!" (1M1l TOll'f o.Na, JtMICa W• ltrThr•~llOICll !ht ~ ttnnoe 10 a 11- mltlion Wlertt9f!Oe, 'PO' JOHN DARLING . T1W#dat1'• Dafll l111f' .tfovl.-• 8:00CZJ **•*"The Trlalt 0 1 01<111r Wiide" ( 1980) Poter Flncn, J1mot Ma10n. A cetobflly pleywrlght'a 111>111 1ull endl In d11Htet lor him 8:30 ($) * * "Thi Litt .. Or I · gone" ( 11181) Sally Boyden. Chris PetlflOO A gang ol kid• trained In k111t1 r ... CUI one ot their friend• wtlltl 1111 II k ldnlppod 'PG' 1:00 (C) "l 'tncotrlglblO' ( 111801 J e1n-P1ul 8elmondo, Genoleve Bulold A paroled con ar1111 encounter• trouble when hi rlYetta lo 1111 old wty ol 1111 (HJ • • '-' "Clrc .. 0 1 Two" ( 11180) AK:hlfd Burton, Tlrum O'Neal D11p1t1 strong patentll oppc>Mllon. 1 Po10n1nt romanc.e dlYll· oP8 be~ I 60-year-old etlill 11/ld I Pfacoc;IOUI 111n-11g1 IClloolgtfl 'PG' CSJ • • * "Thi Hunlet" (197g) StlYI ~.Eh wa111ch Ralph ··p1p1" ThOfton leadl I dlnget· OUI 1111 at • modetn-dlly t>Ounty huntet 'PO' e: 15 CZJ •••'A .. ,,,. Pied PIPlll" I Ul72) Donovan. Donald Plea~ In lhe 13009, • wandlfer wt>o 11111 to get paid IOt ridding a town or rodents retali- llH egalntl tho town r11net1 t>y se>lflling eway their cfllldren 1;30 9 * '-' "8lul Fh lady ' I 19781 C•tllryrl H.,rlaoo. Mlll'll HOiden A young girl lrtee IO .. VI I Cllnl ... lf<>ut llo<ll fT om being IOid IO I worll l1rm. ... .)(). **'A "Flight From Aahly•" t 199') Yul 8ryn"41r. Rleh11rd Wld· merll ThrM 111111or1 recall lhllr Ylflld pull wf'tile lnVOflled In r~ e>per• llOne during Wof1d W l!T II In thl Pldfle 9:46 * * "OOing Apel" ( 198 1 I Tony Danz•. JIMlca Wiiiet Thf11 0tanou111t1t hOld thl purw llrlngt 10 11 S5-m111oon lnh1r111nc1 'PO' 10:00m **'J\'"F11mo0tTho 8arbery Cotti" I 19451 John Wtyne, Ann DvM•lt A c11t11 r1t1ehlr lr•YOI• 10 San Frenc:ISCo Wtltf• hi become• l""olvld With g1mbllf•. denger end romllllCI (C) * * * ·~ "Thi Man Who Would 81 King" ( 1975) S11n Connery. Mld\eal Caine 8-i on 11'11 II°')' l:>y Aud)llfd KIOl- lng r-Bfltllll IOldlltt Mt out to cllllrn thl rlcl'- •nd l>OW9f ol 1 remote. ~lf'f kingdom 'PO' 00 * * * "One On One" ( 1977) Robby 81n1on, An"41111 O'Too... A boy wt>o goes 10 eolllgl on • bul<etblll IChOlarlhlp It 1buMd by the coach, tcOtned by hit tutor and UMd l:>y the tdlOOI l0t ltt own l>U'POlll 'PO' **'A "Thi LOV9d Ool'' ( 190$) Ao'*1 Mor-. Anj1n1t11 Comer Tn1 ~of1~HOl­ tywooc:1 ,,., tnc:urt - d1bt1 1nd h11d1ch11 wtlll'I 11 com. time to IT\lkl lhl funlrll errenge- ments. • * * * 1i'I "Hobton'I Choa" (195-4) John MIKI, cn11111 L1ugt11on A bOot· "*'" llllmOll 10 ret.in Ille ~ IOUIC* of labot by prev.ntlng hie ,,,, .. dtugtltert "°"' marrying 11:00 ~ • • "Tne Juz Slngef" ( '*' ..... OIM>OnO. Yu--OtMer. A New Yen camOt l>fWll• wtth lamtty trldttlofl end 114• out to find -.. a pop muelo .. ., • ''°' 11: 11 (%) ..... , ... ,. llond"" (1111) JHn ~. fnrtoo Mon· i-io. ~ dllOO\W lflM I weafttlY llCMht'I ...... --._..In ........ ~.,.eem proteatlnt IN __,.. Ill ,,.,,_ 12:00 D * ••.t "Pllfdnlf1' I 1956) Dun Mw11n, .>etry Lewie A rlllcil fOfetnWI Ind I pl1yt>oy pO tlllir Wiii IQlllnlt crootcl who lfl 11t1mpllng to 1wlndl1 eome l•1m ptopetly 8 "Slllplno Dogs" 12:30 (C) * * * "Thi 8rOl'-1 K1111mazov' I 1958) M.,11 Sc'*I. Yut 8iynn11 A man i. unjUttly coo111ctec1 or mu10ltlng hi. lathef (j) * * * "Ar1hut' (198 II Oucll9)' Moore. Ula Mln- nelll Whl.. hll lemlly 11tempt1 to l0tce him Into I ptl•etrllnQ9CI mlltrlllge, I drunken. hedon1111e pily· bOy laUI In ~ with I poor WO<klng girl. 'PG' 1:00 0-0 • • • "Ar1hu1'' 119e 11 Dudley Moore, Uu Mln- hllll Whtie '1111 l1mOy •lltmPll IO foroe lllm •nlo I P'•.,rllnQ9CI rnlllrlllgl, I drutlken, hedonlllle play- l>Oy lallt In to.... with I poor -~·no gw• ·PO· '0 • • • 'l hi Ent0tc:.' I 1978) Ct1nt Eutwooo, lyne Daty •'Dirty H.,ry" Callahan Is jOll*3 t>y a tem11te rookie In hit pu<tutl or • oroup or Cllllorn1e rl!'fOIUllOn8flH terrortzing San Franc;lec;o 'R' (ZJ * •• "Body Hett" (1981) WIHt•m Hurt, Kath- ._, Tur.-A lmllltiml Florida 18W)11r .. pere.;ad- ecl by '"-to... to """der hit hwbend •R• 2.00 fl*·~ "Thi F0tm<M" ( 1980) Marlon 8rendo, G«ltge c ~ WNll lnYMllgallng lhl mutder ot I COllHgue, • .....,._,, cop uncove11 1 contplrecy Involving lhl tuppfMllOfl or • syn1hlttc IUll IOtmu&a by 1111 otl cartel. 'R• 2;30 CS) • * • "Thi Hunter" I 1979) Str;e Mc~. EN Wellec;h Ralph "Pep•" TllOIWn leada I dang«· ous hff .. • rnocl9tn-dly bOUnly nuntet 'PO' )~ • * '-' "Cltc:M OI Tll10 " 11980) R~wd Bi.w10ft, htum O'NNI Oesc>lll 11rong parental~­ • polgrulnl romance~­ Oll9 be'-• 80-yeer..ofd 111111 end • preeodou1 t11n-ege ~ 'PO' (Q) • * ·~ "Jonllhen Liv· 1ng11on SlegUll" 11973) voic.. of Jemee Fren- ()jteua, Julill Mille. A Mag. ult'• pu••t Of perlKtlOn !Md• Nm to a lligllet --·o· CZ' • • • • "Tt11 Tr1a11 oi Olc:ar Wiide" (1M0) Plt9r Finch, ~ M_, A c.ilbflty ~lghl'I Qbel tull lf'l<ll In dllall• for him 4:00. * * "~·· ( 19n) M.,IO TllOmet, CharlM Grodin A d111fy c;cJUp!I try IO tec;eplUfl their lnno- Cltic:. emkl thl corruption of MlnNlten . 4:30 CC)**'~ "Anlmlllt Are 8Mu111UI P9optl" (1975) Oocumentety c r .. tur• ol African wlldlfl WI -In tl'lllr n11ura1 habitat 'G' • * ''Tiii Liii .. Or. gons" (IN t I Belly 8oyden, CM1 P.cettofl A ~ Of kldl lralnlct In liar• ,.._ CUI one of lllllr trllndll when ...... k~. 'PG' 5:'00 ® * • "Ad11enlur11 Of Til9 WI'""-Flll'lll!y'' (1975) Robert Login, Suean Dlmanll. A c:on- llrue1lon wof'lllf, dllilk.r• 11on1d with city llfl, 1tMmpt1 to ~ hit family by llYtne ofl "" ._. ·o· (Q) fP * "Tiit Higttl Thi Llglltt Went Out In Georg· la" (1H1) Krllty ~. Mlltlc HllmllL A brother• ancs . .,..., tonpJl*lo ouo heve m111y ~""" """'-•~toett•out• llWIO on !hi c:ount~wwt· ern OltQlft 'PO' CZ) * * \.t "Any WNltl W11Y You Cen" ( 1MOI Clint EaelwOOCll, londra lodra. e.tor. Mttllno -"'"" Ille titl W pet OFA19"Afl, '""" .............. uP IOt ON lilllt, "-ilttll9 ~·pa· by Armstrong a B•tluk • :. 11111, Piiat r------------..,.-------------------------------------· MONOAV, OCT 11, 1982 ClASBlfllD ce 11 iAngels' hopes ·go flat :Milwaukee compl etes turnaround and has a date with S t. Louis • ID Brewt.own • World Series 1n ' By CURT SEBDEN OftM 0.., Ptloe lteft MILWAUKEE -Gerw Ma~·s watered eyes stared at the throng_ of reportci'I' who. for good reason, kept their distanL-e. (t W BS, indeed, time to talk. lt WllB time for aJI the Angels to admit their season was over. The rl~rvations In St. Louis had to be canceled. Their charter flight today headed Wt.'llt rather than sout~ ''I'm the most disappointed I've ever been in my life.'' admittcod Mauch, gamely surviving the interrogation into the turn of events at Milwaukee County Stadium Sunday before 54,968 delirious Brewer fans. ' The Angels' season is over, l'Ut short by a two-run single ore Cecil Cooper's bal Jn lhl' bottom of the seventh Inning which turnl'<i a 3-2 Angt•I lead mto a 4.3 Brewer advantage. 1 "You know the' great thing about this gaml•'! .,'In Balumore, we had our backa agaiNt the wall and we took them to the last day," explained Coopc!r. "That's the kind of character this team ha.a. Today wt• had to wan to do it again -and we did it. .. The Angel manager was still collet.•ting his t.houghts, or maybe trying to forget them. His season was over. h was quite painfuJ, just by the look on his face. There's not another sport like it ," Rod Carew facetiously noted afterward. "( wish we l'Ould have played out the clock In the hCth inning.'' , A seventh-inning uprising -kcyL'CI by a bloop Infield base hit -had put an end to the Angels' , Wqrld Series hopes. The Milwaukee Brewe rs had just done something no other baseball t.eam had ever done -• come back from a 2-0 deficit in a best-of-fi ve league championshrp series to win a pennant. "l don't think they hit like the Brewers did during the regular season, but they cer tainly got the timely hits,", a.dmitted Frt..'<f Lynn. Somehow , the Brewe rs pulled o ut the ir pe nna nt-clinch ing victory with just siivhits. Somehow, the Brewers survived four errors. Things did, indeed, look good for the Angl•l11 al that stage of the game. They had the advan tagl'. and even though starter Bruce Kioon was gone. reliever Luis Sanchez seemed to be• sailini< aloni<. But even Sanchez' s hip sank Sunday. This was certainly the cl06<.>sl the Angela had ever t.'Omc to an appearance in the Woftd Series. They did It with a bunch of profess1onalB who had been tht•re before. Guys like Jackson, Doug DeCincc11. Tim Foh, Bob Boone and even Juan Beniquez, had been in the Fall Classic before. "I 'was just privileged to play with these guya over a <.'Ourse of the year," said Boone . "It was a real treat for me." • While the jubilant Milwaukee Bre wer s <.-elebrated in their cl.µbh ousc following a 4.3 victory Sunday evening, Mauch tigurnd it was timl! to talk. No one--erewcr overpowered the Angels during the fi ve-game series. That was evident when Ly~ was named the series Most Valuable Player. Sure, Lynn appreciated the award, but It didn"t result in a reward for the Angels. "I guess all you can do now is use the old chche, 'We'll get 'em nex-t year'," offered ~~e J;.ickson It was clearly a time for a Joss of words. The Angels just didn't expect this to happen. Mauch had gone so far as to say Saturday that the Angels would win Sunday because they had to. "It's fun to play on a team where everybody ls a Up-top prof~ional ballplayer ,'' added DeCinces. "But that's not new to me. I've been fortunate enough to play on those kinds of teams all through my career." . "Damn, let's get. this over with," he said. I signalling a mass charge toward his cubicle in the Angels' clubhouse. "They took advantage of ever y mistake we made," Lynn lamented afterward. But this time. that reasoning didn't work. Instead, it was the Brewers' formula for victory that prevailed. The collection of Angel bats and gloves did seem to evoke plenty of optimism way back on the (See BREWERS, Page C%> ·~~- Brewers begin celebration after last out Sunday (left) and Don Sutton gets c hampagne bath. Brewer resurrection touches off party Milwaukee fans bring out the brooms to celebrate three-game s weep MILWAUKEE -The best route to and from Milwaukee County Stadium is via the main drag in this city. cleverly named Wisconsin Avenue. But late Sunday eve ning a nd continuing on until this morning, Wacorwn Avenue was the scene of one of the most outrageous celebrations this dty has ever known. Surtday. Oct. 10 will be remembered as the day the brooms vanished from the Milwaukee garages. Tl_ley were aJI being d isplayed on Wisconsin Avenue in a symbolic gesture following a three-game sweep of the Angels by the beloved Brewers. People didn't just drink cans of beer in the streets Sunday night. They downed six packs of beer. Total s tranger s embraced in the street. The Milwaukee Sentinel had gotten the jump on everyone. Banner headlines bantered the news the &ewers had just done the impoesible. The papers were telling almost as fast as beer. Traffic from Mil waukee County Stadium to any place you wanted to go in downtown Milwaukee was at a virtual _standstill. It was faster to walk. And if you walked, you could be sure a celebrating Bn-wer fan would be there ANGELS CURT SEEDEN to give you a congratulatory bee r. a handshake. a kiss and eve n a high five. In Milwaukee today. there are about 500,000 high fans, bubbling with happiness and bubbling from the bubbly. It was a night t o ce lebrate Milwaukee's fines t, and w e're nol talking about the Milwaukee police department. Police officers were helpless Sunday night. but they didn't want to spoll the fun anyway. How often do you see a police officer totally Ignore a 1959 sedan with three Marquette University students and two coeds riding on the hood, waving brooms and downing six packs? The city of Milwaukee had its first big cause for celebration since the days of Aaron and Matthews. Only Sunday, the names the Cooper and Gantner, Moore and Ladd, OgUvic and Kuenn. Beer companies. and there are many in Milwaukee. s hould see a drastic increase in sales over the next week or so. And the Milwaukee Brewers should see the same kind of increase in ticket sales as they pre pare for their first World Series, and the second in the city's hjstory. First baseman Rod Carew insisted after Sunday's defeat to the Brewers that the Angels don't dt-serve any label put on them following the Brew ers' three-game sweep. "W e didn't quit, contrary to what people might think -that we're chokers. We tried to come back today.'' he said. Just how important was this contest in Carew 's mind? "Well. my state of mind and heaJth are more important," the Ange l rirst baseman answered with a smile. • • • Gene Mauch wanted to blame himself for the stunning aeries turnaround. "Any time you l09e three games In a row like this. maybe you feel there must have been some way I could have made more of a contribution," he admitted. But he added: "l just conside r it a privilege to manage this club. The most wonderful thing about this club lS the way the players like each other. They have total respect for each other." • • • Milwaukee Manager Harvey Kuenn was asked after the game if ace reliever Rollie Fingers really could have pitched if needed in the series, or whether his availability was simply camouflage. "No. He could have pitched to two or lhree hitters." countered Kuenn. "But (Pete) Ladd was doing a great job and another day 011 gives us f'mgers ready for the 5eries." • • • Cecil Cooper. who was the hero in Sunday's victory, almost became the goat when he tagged "out" Bobby Grich on a bunt attempt with his glovr - when the ball was in his other hand. "I simply panicked in that situation," Coope r saisf of the fourth -inning incident. "It just proves that we're aJl human beings. Unfortunately for me, this ga me is one that C?veryone's watchil\R. I'm just'° thankful that I had (See MILWAUKEE, Page Cl) .. A season he ~on't forget ATLANTA (AP} -It's a season Willie McGee will never forget -one that started in the minor leagues and ends in the World Series . McGee, a rookie• center fielder, made the major offensive contribution Sunday night, belting a two-run triple and a solo home run as the St. Louis Cardinals nailed down their 13th National League pennant with a 6-2 victory that completed a three-game sweep of the Atlanta Braves in 'the NL Championship Series. "I tho ught I would be in Triple-A. and I was there a few weeks when, boom, I got a call.'' McG"CC said. "It blew my mind, and now I wind up in the World Series to top it off." McGee's tnple came dunng a four-run outburst In the 9eCOnd Inning that gave J oaquin Andujar and r~liever Bruce Sutter all they needed to send the Redbirds into the World Series open e r at h ome o n Tuesday night against American League champion Milwaukee. It was a pleasing comeback for McGee. who had fanned three tjm es agai n s t veteran knuckleballer Phil Niekro in the Cards' 4-3 victory in St. Louis Saturday night. "07.zie Smith told me to keep my head up and in the game today I'd probably come up with a chance to win the game." McGee said. "I'm still in a learning process. The pr~ure is tremendous with the stands packed and so many people watching on TV. but I don't worry about it. rm young and I'm going to make mistakes. I just feel tremendous being here. I'm just thankful I got an opportunity to play." Andujar. who remained in the game after laking a lmer off his left shin the second inning, allowed the two runs and six Atlanta hits before leaving with two down in the seventh. Sutter, who had 36 regular-season saves, then retired the last seven Braves in order. Catcher Darrell Porter. who hit only .231 in the regular season, capture d the M ost Valuable Player award in the series after getting two singles and three doubles in nine tripe and also drawing five walka. "It's one of the greatest thlnp that ever happened to me," aald Porter. "But I've seen 90 many other guys out there who couJd have won it, like McGee and the entire pitching staff. "We experien<.'ed what It was like being Jn the race last year.'' (See CARDS, Pa,. C4) NEWPORT CLUB ROW'S TO WIN Torre throws out the hook and it costs him Offahore Canoe Club of Newport Beach took first place 8unday in the 3 lu a nnual .~ to Oahu out.rigger canoe ~. The Offshore club completed a-. ~-mile....-.~ the ~lwt Ctaannel In 1lx hours, elAht minute• and 36 1econd1. ul Nalu of HawaU came ln aec:ond, ._ than four mlnutea behind Ofllhon followed by Outrtger c.noe Cub of KawaU, a Httle ....,.. than a minute later. " By DAVE GOLDBERG ,.,~.'"-Some managers awear by the book. otMn use It only when It suit. thelr purpaeea. Mott o( the time, it'• only u good u their players. Joe Torre Ignored the book twice S.turct.f n.lght u hi• Atlanta Brevet Iott a plvoc.. NaUonal Leacue Champlonahlp Seriea 1.-ne In St. Louia, and lt cmt him. He foUowed It onc:e and It al8o cost htm. SltuatJon one. The Bravn, down 0· I ln Pf"l:M!t, lead 3·2 in the t.op of ttM 8\h innlna of Oame Two. o.i. MUJ"Dhy " on aec,ond, Chris Chambll• on flrat and nobOcfy out with lon1-ball hlu.r Bob Horn., comln1 to bat. But Horner, coming off an lnjury hasn't come cloec to a hit in two games. The book says bunt. Torre hu Horner hJt away. He strika out. Then Murphy COMMENTARY II thrown out trylnc to •teaJ third and the lnni~ d6et. Now It 1 the bottom of the ninth tled 3-3. Torre 1oes by the book and baa Jtrry Roytter hu1 the Une1 at third, maklnc IW"t the ball won't be hit by him down the line to pu& the wtnnJft8 run on MCOnd. '"l'hlit'• jult •tandard ., ... in W. IMe """"-'" •1' Whitey Herq, Torres' St. Louis counterpart. So David Green srounds the ball through the hole that Royster leave. to hit left and the Winnina run la on lint, Had Royatet' been playln1 a normal third, he might have UW't'd It. Tommy Httr ..entices ana now Oreen la at lle<.'Ond. Ken Oberkfell, with 6 hit.I In his lut 10 at baW. ia at the plate with relief pitc:h« Br4ce Sutter on deck. The book ••Y• walk Oberkfell, Ht up a J>C*lble double play and r~ Herq to 41e a pinch hitter for Sutter. who hu been vtrtuaUy unhiuab.lf.'. Torre hat Gene Garber pitch to Oberkfell, who line the ball to deep rtpt-center to drive In Green with the wlnntna run. Torre's 1trate1y didn't work, but his explanation make. 1en11e. He would rather face Oberkfell, then Dane lor1. the probeble pinc:h-hJtter for Sutter, than lora and Keith Hemandea. a career .299 hluer. "That's like biting bttween a r<>qt and a hatd pUice," Torre uld after the pme. "With lor1 and then Hernande&, It'• tOUah uni.. you cen take It for lf*l\eed J~ wtll hlt Into a double pi.y. Olno (Oerber) II the bat pllCMr on my llaff at pJtchtnc whh a bMe open." Torre •ddl the bottom llne of an1 dlacullfon of IO'nc by the book: "He ).II& pve him too pd a pUieh '° hit." ' ' Orange Co11l DAILV PILOT/Monday, October 11, 11H2 A, WltetM\OIO A g roup of Angeli,, including Doug DeCince in the corner, ur•· alone \¥ith the ir thoughts ,ter unday's· gam e. Leach captures lronman event From AP dispatches Julie Leach or Newport Bc.·al·h set • a women's reco rd with a 10:54:08 cloddng an winning the lronman Triathlon W orld Championship Saturday m Kallua-Kona. Hawaii. Leach trimmed more than 15 minutes off the mark of 11 :09:40 set last February by Kathleen McCartney. also of Newport Beach. J oann Dahlkoctter of San Francisco was second m 10:58.21. followed by Sally Edwards of Sacramento in 11:03:00. McCartney in 11 :10:53 and Lyn Brooks of Balt1morl' in 11 :18:14. In the men's d1vis1on. 28-year-oln Dave Scott of Davis finished the 2.4-mile ocean . 112-tmle bicycle ride and 26.2-mile run in 9:08:22. shaving more than 11 minutes off the old men's record La'it February. Scott Tinley posted a time of 9:19:41 A total of 850 athletc.'S -about 10 pt.'rcenl of them women -began the race, whkh was run under mostly sunny skies with trade winds. Th<: athletes represented 45 states and a doz<.'n countries. Quote of the day Terry Donahue, football coach at UCLA, after his usually conser vative team had J>aSS(.'CI 37 times against Long Beach State: "Peopll' always thought I was mnservative. They had ml' JUSt to the right of Attila the Hun. Bul I'm sull doing now what I was doing all along. just taking advantage of our personnel. I have not been taking drugs all summer or seeing a psychwtnst or doing anything else that would cause me lo make a 180-degree tum." Flyers strike quickly to beat Caps Rou Flockhart and Darryl Slttler m· scored goals within a 61-second span , of lhe second per iod and Philadelphia went on lo a 6 -4 victory over Washington in the National Hockey League Sunday night. Flockhart lifted the Flyers from a 2-1 deficit in the second period and a little more than a minute later, Sillier converted his sec0nd goal of the game to put Philadelphia in front . . . Elsewhere in the NL, George LyJe scored lwo thlrd-period goals. including the game-tying tally with less than four minutes to play. to give Hartford a 4-4 tie with Buffalo . . . Bruce Crowder sc.'Ored two goals and Norm Leveille netted the game-winner during a power play to snap a third-period tie and lift Boston to a 4-3 decision over Pittsburgh ... Oefenseman Cral1 Levie broke a 3-3 Ue with a 15-foot wrist shot early in the Cina! period and winger Morrl1 Lakowlcb at'!8ed an insurance goal to help Winnipeg record a 5-3 victory in Chicago. Levi breezes to LaJet triumph Wayae Levi need only six holes l!I to plck up three ahote on the field en route to a final·ro und 68 a nd a convincing six·1ttoke victory S unday In the LaJel Cia.ic in Abilene, Texas. Lf'vl, who led or ahared the lead all the way, expanded his margin to seven strok<!ll after only six holca and wasn't threatened in winning for the Be<.'Ond tlmb thit ~uon • .He h011hed with a 271 total, 17 atrokft under par on the 7,077-yard Fa1rway O.ka Golf and Racquet Club courte. Rooklt> Tllem11 Gray blrdied hla laat ho le for a 67 and waa a.II alone in lltt'Ond place at 277 . . . NtU Col H of En1land won th• Sanyo Open In Barcelona by one 1t.roke with a 14-under-par 268 with Garry Cannot XL>nya finJahln1 aeoond at 287. C.ola lhot a ftnal· round 84. \ NFL agrees to hire mediator RYE, N .Y . -Tht> chH•f [!] negotiators in the National Football 4. • League Players strike met Sunday and agreed to se<ik a ml'diator who would be acceptable to both ~•Jes and try to resume fonnaJ bargaining as soon as possible Jack Donlan, t.•xecutivl' director of the Nft'L Management Council, S<J1d afll'r a three-hour session with Ed Garvey, h1l'i union C.'OUn t.erpart, that the two sides had agn-c-d to ronsult Kay McMurray, h ead of the Federal Mc.>d1at1on and Conciliation Service, about fmd10~ a mediator to help settle the 20-day old s trakt.• Negotiations broke off e1ght days ago in Washington after th<' two sides t.•ouldn't' agree even on peripheral lSSU<'S. let alont• th<' maJOr union demand for a wage SCDle "We didn't resolve any lSSues but wt• had a constructive d1scussfon." said Garv«y. "Both _sides are makin~.a conscious Pffort tq__gct ooc:k to the table , but we can't sN a datt. Tht•1e'i. a mutual desire to get on with n«gotiations ·· The decision to consult McMurray was something of a surprise, since lOl' union hru. called for private rather than fod<'ral mcd1at1on, which the ma.nagcmc nt negotiators prefor. Last week. Garvey sent Donlan a list of nine rnc>n hl· said would be a('('C'ptablc as pnvau• m<-d1<1tor~. which the managl'ment negotiator promptly r('jected. Gant races to Grand National win Gant roared away from 8111 Elholl CHARLOTTE, N .C Harry • over the las t four laps lo wm th<' National 500 Grand National i.LOl:k c:ar race Sunday. Gant took advan1<1ge or Bobby Allison's blown engine with 10 laps to go and the relative inexperienl'C of his youthful l·hall<·ngl·r and his crew Allison. who led 280 of th<' :i:H -lap l'vcnl, appear ed to h ave things WPll in hand on Charlotte Motor Speedway's 1.5-nule, h igh- banked track before a cloud of smoke sudden!} enveloped his Buick as h{' sa1lc-d through turn two The sixth a nd fmal caution flag of the dav came out at that point. Gant quickly du"kcd into the pits for four tires a nd ful•l, while the 27-year-old Elliott stayed on the tral·k for two more laps before C.'Oming in for two t1rcs and fut>I. When the green flag came out with four laps remaining, the 42-year-old Gant. buoy<•d by those four new tires, roar<>d away from Elliott. His green and white Skoal-sponsored Buick Regal finished 2.93 seconds ahc·a d of Elliott's Ford Thunderbird. One way to get a team's attention ANNAPOLIS. Md. Basketball m Coach Paul Evans of Navy wanted to get his squad's attenw)n befor<' a baske tball game ag<1inst Lafayette. So. in the locker room. JU.St lx·fore the gamC'. Evans ordered all the lights turnl'd out. Then he reached into his pockeY. took out u track st:arter's p1slol, and fired il three time's. The players got the message N:.vy went out ..-and won the game, 76-58. Berry Bush pulls big upset Coming Crom next-to-last in the II field of 13 fillies and mares, fktrry Bush captured the Las Palmas Handicap Sunday during the Oak Tree meeting al Santa Ansui Ix-for a crowd of 34,489. Sent off at odds of 23-1. Berry Bush fi nished a half-length ahead of Satin Ribera, Q 33-1 longshot ridden by Walter Guerra ... Undefeated Milton McCrory scored his 20th stral.ght vi<:tory and solldlfted his position as the top conte nde r for Sugar Ray L t onard's welterweight titlf' with a unanimoua 'JO-round decision over Victor Abraham, Lronard'a former sparring partner. . . Marv Treichle r held oH a late chaUenge by Alan Jolla1on to win the Schaefer International 200 Katon, 'tu Modifil'd Stoek Car Race for the IM!COnd COnJM.'Cutlvc year at the N('w York Staw fairgrounds Sunday Afte r a 1ix-month seorc h . Tempi(' Unlver.lty named Gavia Wlalte to dlrC'Ct the school's new a\hlettc. program . . . Malc•lm Ea1t1 a Gre•t. Urllatn nattV<' who now llv~ In Pittabur9h, won the third annual Columbu11 Bank Orit Marathon, twnng thl• rourl(' In 2 houn, 18 minutes am.I 49 94..oeonds. Tetevlllon. radio TV: No events 1ehedull'd. RADIO: No cventa teheduJcd. • BREWER HEADE R ERIE • • • From Page C1 llr•t duy of 11pnng tru1ni.n14 thCP Angul duaout and 6'iVl'n Ii rldl' uut ()( Owm•r c~l'n" Autry hud ruundt'<I up a ~roup of t1wdlum on n t'loctrk ('fjrt. prown wlnm•rK who til.lrvtvl-d tht• lc)ll.'4 11( guya Ilk 1 It wQJn't <»uwtJy llkr 11J1ng Chamv1on. : llhortHlOp ltk k HIJl'il•Hon and rl'll1•vn Don AMC lO * : 1njurit11 Ttwy buttllod thl'tr wuy righL up unUI the.-~VO'' NOTH _''" 1.rM .. ,.1>11~ • .. #Que cttltl\PiOnJi111 / f\C'Xl to lht lust gumt• Of ttw ht'LlllOn before dlnchlng tllOOtO by Dtlllng 811 ( 11 l0t ilj In U~ hv• g.,... -lft He t ftO 1"4 ' tht• Wl'lllC'Tfl l>ivlslon tltll'. Chtl• Ch-MIN '°' 111e tHou• Gt11ml)IClf•ltlll) .., ... 1.c0t<1 wuti ""''' Hut all o f thut nmw to u llOUr t•nd hcrl' Sun+ay n111 111 had five RBI, incitudfno 1wo Su11t11y, to Hiii th• Mott Vtiu•I>•• -". Pltyet Aw••<I IOr lh• Mtlet To111 llttn<lllfl(;9 '°' the ""' <I!>'.• wlwn bOffi<'hody m11n£'<.I C:harllt' Moorl' hll 11 littll· wa1 21•.001 1no111et IHgue c.n1m1>10t11i11p MtlM tec;otO l!• popup b4·hi11d the mountl. which Gm·h ~·ould vnly another LCS •e<.0<0 wa• "' wnen the two i.ame ec:c:ount.o '°' 1~ d , .,,o,. Ootm1111 ThomM, wno 1ntu1.o both k,_ on , .U..to trup with II e11p<>rot1un dive. nom• ll•turday. 11 ··~1.0 10 1,. Ot< tor the optnlng oam•~• T lll'n, Jim Gunlrwr strokt"d a baiw hit, and Wotld 8t1111 fu1t01y 111 81 Lou•• M•naoer Haner IC-ttOI '··-d II -·' t RBI I Lo I ft d th Thomaa in c.n111r t•tld In 1111.ighln1nn1no wllh lllMth.,1 ~d•••· ""'lpt•r' rt l'U lt WO• sing t' t• • an l' rt•sl 1111 youog1u11 m101 • ieopmg c.tch eo•ln11 ,,,. w•ll on OOft.. 1 wus up to o KUY nanwd Pl:tt• Ludd who 11hut thl• 1>1-.1 m• '"'* 1nn1no Since 1iw1 w0r1a s .. '" w111 a1111t on u door on thl' Angl•I bal.ls for the.! second tinw in lhl• tr•tt B1•wt11 are ••pec;ted to ""' ••••11111 Miit• Celdwe11, 111t 11i S(lrl{'ll gtrne Mt Of lht lll11ml)IOnllllp Mrie'a with 1111 AllQtll ' (.)ncl· again. thl· hotlom hair of thl• Brewl'r * I luwup had l'OffiC through, um.I unl'C again a reliever T 'nser captures ' ni('kruimed "Big Foot" had SliVt>d hi11 teammates. V . "You know. the mlddlc of thl' lineup hasn't I 5c<>n hilling at all." explained toopt!r "Not JUst in c A thl8 Sl'rlcs but the last IWO or thrC(.' we<.•ks of thl· an-m victory I season. We've bct.·n struggling in the number three. four and ftvCJ spots J think wt• wc•re trying too much." MONTEHEY (AP) Al UnSt.'r Jr .. averagif g Reggie Jackson, meanwhile, was phil080phical 114,151 mph aero~' u wn.'l'k·strewn 114 miles Jll about the scn C's with the Brewers. Laguna Sc.'CO Race way Sund<iy, finished more Lhfn "You really can't put your finger on it and say a lap ahead of Al Holbc .. rt anJ lx"Camc the young t one tl'am had beth.•r pitching or better defense. driver evt'r lo win thl' Can-Am champ1onsh1p. Th1:y (tht• Brewers) jus t outplayed us just The :W-ycar-old Unser, of Albuquerque, N.M., enou~h to come out of it with the winning run," he took home $25.500 for his v ictory In the noU-0. • Budweiser-7-Elevc n Can-Am feature•, which was "I'd rather lose 4-3 than 10 -0. Al least I knew , stoppc'C.l twice for ac:c1de nts. There were no serious W(· were still in lhl' ball game. mjurk'8. "I feel down, disappointed and dejected," Jackson continued "Genl.' Autry is one o f the Frank J oyce of Carmt>I Valley was passing greatest guys 1 ever met and Gene Mauch ts a C hut· k 8 I 11 i n gt o n o f M odes t o . when helluva guy. Even the media has bc..·c·n good to me B11lington's car dropped two wheels, struck an down then.-m Anaheim." embankment and ('aromc.>d back across the track. For the St.-'t.'Ond game ma row. Mauch had used causing a scven-car pile-up. a pitcher who was working on just three days rest. Thal leh 11 cars to take the green flag, and Saturday it was Tommy John. and the veteran Unser immediately we nt back up to speed, docking left-hander was unusually wild. what was to be the last lap in 56.8 S(.-'COnds for a Sunday. it was Bruce• K ison's turn a nd it race-rec.'Ord 120.401 mph. ~med like a good decision on Mauch's part. The· The race was ended with six laps to go when IAnky right-hander had neve r lost a leagul' John Graham of Willowdale crashed in turn four championship series game and posl<.'d a 4-0 record and was struck by Holbert of Pennsylvania. in that de parlment. J ohn Crawford of Bolton. England. drove ms Kison's stilJ 4 -0, but a nagging blister on the converted Formula One Ensign to third place, with midtile finger of his pitching hand began to hurt. John Kalagian of Howell. Mich .. four\.h and Horst And when Mauch re placed h im after lhe fifth, the Kwc.'<:h of Lake Bluff, UI., rounding out the top Angels began hurting as well. five. Kison leveled with his manager in between innings. "He said if you think I could get by with movcmenl alone, I'll he all right," Mauch explained. ''But he said he had no power." Lakers triumph The Brewers were having pll.ching problems, too. Starter Pete Vuckovich survived 6 1/a innings before being replaced by Bob McClure. It was McClure who earned the victory whill' Ladd pit.ched the final inning to gain his second save of the series. · ·-! INGLEWOOD (AP) -Earvin Joh nson scored a game-high 20 points to lead the d eft!ndmg World Champion Los Angl'k-'S Lakers Lo an easy 119-93 Na tional Basketball As.sol'iation prcseason victory over Golden State on Sunday. The Angels, meanwhile. did everything in their power to bring Gene Autry an American League pennant. The well-balanced Laker attack included five others in double figures. Norm Nixon. Michael Cooper. and Eddie Jordan had 14 points each. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar S(.'Orl'd 13 and JamaaJ Wilkes added 12. Lynn's RBI single in the first gave them their first ll'ad smce the series moved to Milwaukee. In the third. 1t was Lynn again with a n RBI single to giVl' the Angl.•ls a 2-1 lead. Rt'serve center Rickey Brown led the Warriors with 14 points, while Derek Smith tallied 12 and Sam Williams had 11 . And m the fourth, Bob Boont• executed thl· squeeze bunt to perfection for a 3-1 Angel lead. But ll wasn't enough. Ben Ogll~1e's solo home run m the fourth sliced the Angels' lead to 3-2, and the Brewers turned 1t around in the bottom of the seventh. The game was the first preseason outing for the Lakers while Golden State now has an 0-3 record. Los Angeles rac.'CCI out to a 68-47 halftime lead and were ahead by ao; many as 30 pomts early in the final quarter. Aft(!r the· damagl' was done and the game w:is OV(•r . Autry was cs<:orted from his box behind Reserves pla y~ exclusively in the final quart.er. MILWAUKEE CELEBRATES • • • From Page C1 an opportunity to n•dccm myself. County Stadium from 10 am to 2 p.m • • • "I didn't argue (the umpirl"s dC'C1s1on) I knew I made a bonehead play. Harvey came out and said something about him (Grich) running out of the baseline. but I knew I had made the mistake," Coopc•r addc.-d Spl'aking of pickpockets, the guy who snarc..--d Bob Boone's so-called homl' run m game three Friday apparently showed up for Saturday's game. too. The city of Milwaukcc forgivc.-s you, Cecil. A local n ewspapt'r captured the l'Ulpnl on film and ran the photo alongs1dl' the p1c-ture of the young man as he stole the ball out of Ben Oglivie's glove during the controversia l play. • • • Milwaukee authorities arrested more than 35 members of the pickpocket ring working County Stadium during Saturday's game. Sheriff's deputies said the pickpockets were In tea ms of three and worked the downtown area and Meanwhile. umpire Larry Barnell, who ruled the drive was a home run. admitted he was in error after watching ABC telC'v1s1oa replays of the incident. College football UTUM>AV'I OAMH ..... Weanlngton St. ve UCLA a1 Rose Bowl (130) use at StanfOfd N-MelllcO •• San OllQO 61., n l ong S..ch SI al San JON St n Wuhlngton II Otegon St Oregon at Calllornle Wet>et St 1t P0<llend St . n RecltlH ColoftCIO St et Air F0tc. Taua-EI Paso at Arl1.on1 St , n H1wall et BYU ldahO al Montana BoiM St II Montane SI Fresno St 11 Nellade-Reno ld1h0 St et N0t1h«n Ariton•. n NevtCll·LH VegH 11 Ullh Pecillc 11 Utah St Cal St FU!let1on II ~ ....... 8~ 11 Ttxu AIM Houlton 11 SMU, n T ellM T teh 11 RIC:e Te.ut Arlington al SW Loultlana NE Loulllene et ArUnsH St ...... Georgie Tteh at Auburn Duke •t Clemt0n W Tellu SL II Flotlde Eut CwOlin. II Flotldt St., n Venot(l>llt II G410t'Qll l,$U et KlfllVC:ky, n Wllltt Fot .. t II MlfYIMIO MIMI~ Ill 11 Miami (Fla I fCUet_.~ Nof1h C.,Ollna I 11 NOf\h t.tOlln• Fur"*I It South C.,Olln• Dt~ al SOutn CetOllna St. Alloemt e1 T~ w-.rn l<t11tuetiy et Ten-Tech 8. MIMltlipc)I 11 Tutene, n James Mld•ton .. VMI Wiii Vltglnta II Vltgonl• TICh M1tsh1ll at Wnt Catollne. n E. Ten-St. II Cidadtl. n ~mar at Loulalane T.ch. n Rlc:tlmond •I LoulaVIHe C11\Clnnet1 •I Memphis SI M Tenn-St et Murray SI Mid•"' 8111 St et Kent St N INlnol• at Bowttno Gr1111 TOleOO 11 Central Mtohlgtn Oflke II Net>tlakl·Omahl. n Ol\lo U It E MlchlQln Ohio St at llllnOla lndlll\1 el MlnMtOtl Mfd\loll'\ at Iowa Iowa !'It at Mluoutl OtllallOma II Kanltt K1n1t1 81. at Nebfatlll Miami (Ohio) ec W Michigan Mlchloan 51. II WltcONln Not1h-tem at Purdue Atlzon• at NOt1• 0-Cotorado at Oklahoma SI S. mlnolt at Tulaa. n New Mtllleo 81. 11 Wlc:Ma St .... Autgtrt II Botton College, n 8f'own II Cotnell Hatvllld II Dartmouth c w Pot• •• Oelewat• Connec:11Wt tt Holy Ct-Pann et Laf.,_.te Ntw Hempehlte II lalllgh MUMCtiueelte II Mtine Wiiiiam & Mary el Na'/V SrrlC\IM at ~ It rwnpi. 11 Pitt Army at Ptlh09ton Botton U. at "h<IM tlllend luetCMll a t ~ .... Cotumbll tt Y• JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI ..... .......... Notr• Dam• over Arl1ona * Stanford over USC * UClA O'Hf Wa1hin9ton Stat• * Wpmln1 wer Pvlerteft Slate * .... c ...... ... ....c ......... Oilers drop .. , .f:rom Top IO With the exception o( Hunlln1l0n Beach'• UJ)lel lo. at San Clemente, the Delly Pllol'• Oanfe County prep foolball rankings went vll'tual unchanaed followlna lall week,'1 resulu. Only two ranked teams met -No. 6 F.dl10n , and No. 7 Mater Del -and the 7 • 7 tJe leavtt the two tied for the No. 6 spot. Huntl.ngton Beach fell out of the rankings wllh their No. 10 berlh, aod Capistrano Valley, w,llh ltt , thlrd stralghl lriumph, replaced the Oilers. ,I. Thi. week'• top same for ranked teams will be Friday nJght at Cerrlt06 College. where a Sunset League showdown ls lined up between No. ~ Marina and No. 6 F.c:Haon. .. D..,f'tlol lop to 0r-.. c-e, Mtfl ect1oo1 1oettw1M ,__T_.~ 1. SeNlta (2· ll 2. Foothlll (6-0) 3. l!lf*tn&I (5-0) 4. El Mod41nt (6.0) &. Marina (4· 11 8. (lie) Eelieon (2-2· 1) Meter Otl (2·2· 1) I. Saddlab9ell (5-0) I. MIMIOn Vlajo (4•11 10 Caplllrtn0 Vt11ay 13·2> ThM •Mll Blltlop Amil Ot•nga Kennedy C1111yon Edlton Mlrlna Plu1 X Cotta Mau 0-c><> Vllllay M lallon Viejo Orange Co11t DAILY PILOf /Mondoy, October 11 , 1982 Cl Harbor Series yachts delafed b r light winds Mazatlan tuneup attract 97 for opening rec , but lack of wind do1np n it • Llaht wlnda grecled tht" ~7 cx't!un rudng yuchi. In alx cla.uea which turm.'<i o ul for th flrtt roct> of Loi AngclCil Harbor YeACht. Club'11 Harbor &ril'tl. 1 / Winds were llO Uaht at the 1K·hl'dulud 111.arllng Umu that the atart ))ad tq be po1tponed 21S mlnutt .. before a Uaht 8-knot breeze fllled In. The Harbor Serlea i. a popular fall event that many 1klppers use u a tune-up series for upcoming race to Mexico. A number of sklppers and crews are ualng the current aeries u a lune-up for LA. YC's • Newport hosts sailing contest Newport Ocean Sailing Association's second oldest sailing contesl -the 34th a nnual 14-Mile Bank race -is scheduled to get under way, Saturday, Oct. 23. l ,OOO·mlle Muiolhm roct! whk h gl't.a undt'r woy Nov. 7.· Salurday'a 9.6·mllc runi U1«Jk th1• tll'l'I out through the L.A. Harbor Entron'-'t-to tlw Point fo'ermln Buoy a11d buck In wln<J:c thut uvcru~l'<J 8· IO knota. Summary of rc.'lultM: IOR·A 1 AHi We.,., ~IL Penn1no1on l8\'C. :I 8.c1111 luvo ..._men Noflh, 0.. A4IY YIN!ht Club. 3 F1amt>uoyeo1. ft'1nty rt•m UIYC IOR·B t M1tal!Mh E..Pf .... Tom &hO<:lc, N-po<I Hart>o< YC. 2 Pop 'N Ut , Pele Kenl, l8Y0, 3 Ooeolt, Ho1guelMc01n1el/Hamb~ll LBYC PHAF·.-. I. Slklker, Chuok Cook, L.-.vc. 2 Typhou11, JOhn Oliwri, LBYC; 3. Timber Wolt, Llllry ... tkln1. Cebrllto BHch tc PHAF·8 -1. Contention. George Grahem, South 8hb1a 'l'C. 2 Wiley Coyot•. J Meuloget, Klno He1bor YC, 3 KIClkl, Jemie Oe Wolfe. Bllhla C0tlnthlan YC PHAF·C I. M•loto, 81•Y• Wuhburn/Chuck Ric:kellh•UMI. LAYC, 2 Ou!ClcjOb, Ouk:kl~b Syndlce1e, Alam1101 Bay YC 3 Fet Bollom Olrl. Kevin Brown. Callfllto a.ach YC MORC -I Detella, An01ewa/0.•1.,, Otlboa YC 2 Sho1gun Tea Roblnaon. Stnla 8•rt>a•• YC, 3 We Ba Norman 01v1111, Cal1torn1a YC Shenandoah win~ al. ~on1f B••ac h Prlodll· lf.l!C, Tur1111dc* a nd "4.'Vt•r al othf'r L 1n.huU hm.1h dur 11\i( tht• lmu two )'t:Uns. Tht•y\~m~ thv uc:fond ln)ot t'hump1om1 In Prmdll' Hi11 Thi• I lunt111~t.on At•uch 1111llorM urc• al8'1 prlmt.• nmd1dulc•J1 to r 1·p1·1·1w11t tlw US. In thtl 1984 Oly1ll}'il" tn thl' Tornodu ('Ull1muruns Smyth nnu ()IUM·r hold Pr•tndlc· UI natlunal, North A 11H•11 <:~1n , ~:u ru pt•1.111 und w o rld <:hampiom .. h1ps In th1· Prlndlt .. 16 Ciao Smyth usuully &11h1 wtth h" wtft• Suzi as ('fl'W Bob 1"1111 't lll••t t 'lt•tor at. llalbu• L1t<ht Wl•atht·r unll thr1•11 tl'n11lK Sant.a Ana winds put a dampn 1111 ~1lbcm Yut'ht Club's One Dc'&lgn H(•ij:1tU1 Soturday and Sunday. Smull bout l'lasf.t•fi. rot•1·d tnMdc tht• bay on Satu1d11y, but there wt·H· nut l'nough l'ntrtcs to forrn a dass o n a11 uut ... idL• cour se Sunday. Suturday'i.. winncn.: IHISILL I Bob Van I H1e1 l:lBllXI" VC 2 Bruce GotM. Mlaalon Bey YC LIOO 1• l<av1n <.:assel, 8ah10 Co11nth1an VC LASCA John Pl>tnlCk. Bo,111 Cormlh11n YC SABOT A Tim Ca»el BCV<.. SABOT B No ent•IM SABOi C Eric. Esto1. BY<.. ._____________________ The 14-Mile Bank race starts off the Balboa LONG BEACH -S henandoah, oo·skippercd by owner Bill Palmer Jr. and De nnis Durgan, Newport Harbor Yacht Club was the ovc•rall and Class B winner of the Southern Cahforn1a Oc:ean Racing Association championship for lnL .. •rnational Offaore Rule yachts. The regatta was sa1k'<l out of Long Beach Yacht Club Saturday. i .'Prep football schedule Titll WHK'I ICHIDUt.E NA~OUI Unlvarally v1 E1tancla 11 ~Harbor .,._lUSL.EAGUe 81ahop Amat v1. Servile 11 Sante ""' Bowl IWIMLIAOUI P•ctllca YI. El Oortdo II .. •ve1enc1a ORANOl l.EAOUI Anehalm va. Savanna el L• Palma Park Brea-Olinda vs. Megnoll• II W•tem CINT\MY LEAOUI • Qfenga VI. Foo\11111 II Tullln Santi Ana vs. VIiia Park 11 El , Modena 1 Mariners suffer loss MONTEBELLO 1 The Huntington Valley I Mariners' semi -pro football team dropped its first Hi-Desert League contest Sunday, coming , out on the short end of a 23-20 decision against ' the C ity of Indus try 1 Eagles at Schurr High. The Eagles won the game with a 37-yard 1 !ield goal with just seven seconds left. Frtdar IUNMTLIAOUI Fountlln Vellay II Huntlnglon Beach Edlaon VI Marina II Catrlloe Oc:a8rl View II WHtmlnller HA VllW llAGUe El T0<0 vt CC>fOnt dal Mar at Orange Coasr Newpon Htrbof at Irvine Seddlabeck va. Coat• M... al N-pol"t H1rbo< SOUTH COAIT LIAOUE L~a Hlllt II Siii Clemente C1p111r1no Valley at Mlu1on ViajO A~LUS LIAOUI Mtlll< 0.. at Plll1 X Sarr• al St. Paul llllfltftlLEAOUE Kennedy vi. E1p11anu at Vtlencla Cypreas v1. Lotra 11 La Palm• Park CINT\MY LEAQUE Canyon II El Modena Tuslln vs Santi Ana Velley II SA Bowl '"HWAY LEAQUI ,. Buena Park vs Sonota at Le Htbrt Fullerton v1. Sunny Hilla at Buena Park L• H•b•• YI. Troy ,, Fullerton ~LIAOUE Velancla et Wnt11<n GAN>EN UOVI LEAGUE Sanllago 11 Garden Gtova Rancho AlamltOI VS la Ouintt 11 8olaa Grenda NON-UAOUI 8on1t1 ., L.agun• a.acn SOUTH 'to~IAOUI Woodbridge et Oana Hiiis 11 p.m.) OAllOE.N 0-.0Yll LIAGUE Loa Amlgot II 8olN Grenda (all gamaa 11 7 30 unlaA noted) Pier and takes the race fleel around .a buoy planted on the Lasuen Seamount, 14 miles from Newport and off the east end of Catalina Island. A stake boat will be anchored on the mount which rises to within 50 falhoms of the surface. NOSA's oldest race is the Newport to Ensenada which was inaugurated a year ahead of lhe 14-MiJe Bank race. The only other race sponsored by NOSA Is the recently completed Argosy to CabriUo Beach and return. Always scheduled in mid-fall. the 14-Mile Bank Is traditionally hampered by too little wind, "tot1 much wind or heavy fog. From the starting line the fleet" rounds the sea buoy 1 ~ miles ofl th e Ne~port Pie r befo setting a course for the 14-Mile Bank. After.rounding the Bank buoy and stake boat the racers head back to Newport. finishing at the jetty entrance. Becau se of the unpredic table weat her conditions, NOSA has provided several alt.ernAtives -including terminating the race at the 14-Mile Bank. In the event no yacht has rounded the mark at the Bank before 5 p.m .. or if in the opinion of the race committee weather conditions warrant such action, the 14-Mile Bank committee boal will hoist the "course shortened" flag and finish times will be taken at that point. In the event that the leading yacht in any class has not rounded the Bank mark by 5 p.m. the committee will terminate the race for that class at lhe 14-Mile Bank. . NRIONAL PROFILE INV!NTORY 820 l()on11ty yOUt ••Jue lo Outlnffa °' • l ... llO<*'le>I AIOQ •••• '"Train YOUI Tr-" In P-t.. p.,_ T .. m O.••IO!>m•n1 '°' POVll• Of graup APO'I -Mr1 Roelle, Behalllat · c:o..urtan11 ,...,_ . ..._, a..c;, (714) 840-12U Stone Mill Business Park • • . The Class A winne r was Roller CoastL·r. sailed by the Golison Syndicate out of Long 'Bc>ach Yacht ~~ ~ Cabrlllo l'C sweep~ Cal-2 0 Cabrlllo Beach Yacht Club s k1pp<-rs took thl• first five places in the Los AngL•les Harbor Cul-:W fleet championship Saturcfuy and S unday Thcrl' were 24 e ntries in the regatta. The winner was Mik<.' Hawkms at thl· hl'lm of Tubby Lady; second was Chuc·k Ma nninga at the he lm o f Ra mbunc tio us V; third wa!. BOAT. skippered by Fred Brinkman ; fourth wa!. 8111 Johnson a t the helm of Gmgcr Ill, and rifth wa!. Cl~ne Craft. skippered by Brian Asher Prindle-I Bs to c ompetf.• For<y Pri ndle -18 catamaran sailors from throughout the U.S. are expect.<.>d to c-omp4.'l.c m the national championship for the class at Lani Km Island off Fort Myers Beach. Fla. Oct. 31-Nov. 5 Contestants a.re also expected from Canada and Europe. T he Prindlc-18 is a h1gh-performunce catamaran built by Surfglas, Inc. in Santa Ana. Heavy favorilt.'S to win the t1llL• an• Randy Smyth and crewman J ay Glaser from Hunungton Beach. currently the hottest <:atamaran sc.1lor.. in the world. Smyth and G laser have won utk·s m Blue Max ta ke regatta BluL• M<1x , sk1ppC'n·d j lly Brun• A11dc•rson wa~ th r 'l<.ii.l> A w1 n n<•r Sunday 1n Capis trano B;,iy Y<.it·ht Club'i, F'all Hcg<.1tw fur 1x·rformancc• Hand1t·:.i p H:w1ng FIL•ct yat·hL'> Ch1i.<, H w1nm·r was Starbur,t. Kc·lly Rogers. Capo BYC. <1nd the No $ptnnak(•r Clai.i. was won by C.:CJndCJr, W11l1t.• Luzir1. Capo BTC. Summ<1rv ol n ·sull!.. CL.-.SS A ·1 Blufl Ma. 8ruc;e Andert.On C11p1~trano Bay YC. 2 Hoc• N Roll AogerstR1tltif Oan• Poinl VC. J ASAP Ch11• Thornpso11 C•po eve CLASS El 1 S1arbvr&t. Kall) Rogers CJpu BVC, 2 Serena Jann Wh1111 DP'l'C. 3 Vivace. Bii CIOrtl, OPYC NON SPINNAKER 1 Condor W1ll10 lutto Capo BVC ? Chubasco II Eldon Fo1t1 Cape BYC 3 long& A And•3dP Ca1>< BYC • Your Professional · Florist 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa 641-0810 BASEBALL FEVER AT R euben "s SpeeCI Up Your Auto Sales In the Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Call 642-5678 NEWPORT B EACH • • Wide Screen TV • Wine Cellar -2 TV 's • Happy, Hour Throughout the Game • Special Pub Lunc h for Day Game • Special C hicken Dinner In Lounge and W ine Cellar 251 E . Coan Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH 673-1505 SUPER NAUTILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS l y, October 11, 1 82 Ct.•nlral Park nan Tht•\ "c·n· off a 11cl runninµ Saturcla) a l llw Ct'nlrul P a rk c·r o -.-.. c·ou11tq ln \'ilalio11al in llunlin ~lon Bc·a<"h . llu111u·1·~ cltu·I for lhc· c•arl) l•·acl i11 rlw mc·11 '-. l)j,•i-.ion II rac•p (ahmc•). '\lc·mn\hil•·. Founta in \ a llt•\ ·., h c•ll, o ·cor11u·r ( ri~I;!) 'twar~ . \\ <'"' Torr<uu·•· r1 1111lt'r C1·lia Alario to 1lw fini-..h lirw ancl .lohn Arc·h ib ald of ( )c·c-.111 \it•\\ ( lc·ft ) kt·t'fl" H pac·•· thal \\ould p ut h im fourth in the· o;, i-..ion r rac·c·. Oa11y Pllol Photo• b~ Cha•I•• Starr '1\t the rate I was going, in ten years Ill have . ' about $2000 saved:' " • • • From Page C1 'iwld Porter of tho team that had the 1ccond·be1t record durln1 · last seaaon '1 1trlko-lnterrupled aeuon. "We didn't handle It very well th~n. But It helped ua th(a yt>ar and we played well down the stretch . There wu not one moment when we d idn't feel W<''d win." Whitey Hen:og, who managed Kansas City to three AL West titles onJy to lose the playofCa to the New York Yankees each time, compa red his St. Louis team with his dlvl1lonal w inners atK~Clty. "This is a younger club and l don't think 1t Is aa lntelllgerit as those Kansas City teams. We played smarter baseball day-in, day-out with the Royal1. But we've got Sutter. We didn't have that big guy m the bullpen over there." He r zog said he w as ''bo th happy and uneasy" after the Cards took the early 4-0 lead. He said he was nervous becawie the Cardi nal s w aste d l ate r opportunities, twice leaving the bases loaded without S<.'<>ring. "Usually when you fall to put a team away early. bad things happen in the late innings," he said. Th e second-inning uprising came off starter Rick Camp, who yielded a walk and four hits before being chased . Besides McGee's ,triple , George Hendrick and Smith contributed RBI singles. The Cards got a solo run in the fifth on Tommy Herr's double and a two-out single by Keith Hernandez, and McGee closed the scoring with his eighth- inning homer. "It was a long year ," said Manager J oe Torre, who steered the Braves to the NL West title after preseason forecaslS called for a second division finish. "The last few weeks took a lot out of us, but I don't want it to sound like I am making an alibi," he added. "Let's give credit to the Cardinals. They outplayed us. It's ~ simple as that." Sutter. completing his second year with the Cards after being acquired from the Chicago Cubs. said, "After spending most of m y time in the cellar, I just can't describe what a great feeling of elation tonight is. "Whe n you s tart play ing baseball you have two dreams," he said. "One is to make it to the ma jor leagues. The other is to pit.ch in the World Series. Now I"m going to gel my chance." I I 1.1\ t • .1 prd t ~ !.!nod jol >. I\(' 1 W \ c:r I wen out of \VOr~. r\(' n Tt'i \t '<I n ·t!11lar prnmo tio11..,. The onl y thing I ve rn ., c ·r I H't ·11 .ihl< · to do j.., sm c tlH>tlt.'\: ( )1tt· da~ I oVt·rlwanl m~· M't.Tt.'l~try talking about lul\\ 1)111d1 ... lu .(J ..,av<'d b11 yi11g l '.S. Savings Bonds tlm>11 t!h tl1t · Pa~ roll Savings Plan . I was astounded . T lw11 I lookl'd at my bankbook. I fi gured out how 11111d1 111 ~ ,1, e rat!t.> y<'arl y savings had been since I'd been \\1 >1 ~itt l.!; .. \ttd I a lm o ... t cried. :\t the rate I was going, in l<·11 H ',ff" 1(1 h.t'<' ,\bou t 82000 san ""d . . Oli. -..onw '<'<lr"i I (I sm e three or four hundred (1111w l11111dn·d 011~· ~l'ar). hut it didn't last long. Something "011ld a lwa~.., cm11<.· up and I'd take it out and spend it. I .ti" .1~ s lh!ured OtH' of tlwse days I'd hear clown and build II p a II ('S l ej.!g. Sinn· nothinl! t'l"ie sePmed to work, I decided to t!i\ t ' ti w Payroll Sa,·ings Plan a tr~: I should he able to ..,;i, e a.., much a-; Ill\' set-retan: If it worked fo r he r it ... lwuld \\ork for rn ;·. . It t11r11ed out to he' en <.•as\: Tht.•\' take a little out of each pa~·dwck lO\"<lnl Bona~. ~<>that :\: a portion of ~·our pa~· yo11 r<.> not tempted to spend. l\ot onl y is it easy but it'.., safr•. The Bond~ are piling up and so is the interest. And, by the wn~'. thl' intere~t b guanmll•t•cl. I rn.'\'t:>r thought much about Bonds hdc>n· huf it's hard to find a be ttt>r return on such a ~mall . initial outlm: \\'hen I get t•nough ~a\'ecl I may_ look into other · thin~s. But as for right IH)\\: it :-; the hl•st. easit•st wa,· I 1'now of to Sll\'t'. At'tualh~ it ':-, th<.' 01il11 wa\' that \\'Or~s for me. · · · l :-,lart('d lat<·. hut l>ettt•r lak than nt•\'t•r. .. I I • l • ~ . . ~ " AL PLAYOFFS Brewere 4, Antelt 3 CALIFOflNIA MILWAutlH Mlrhbl ebrhbl Oowrnng II 4 I 1 0 MOIUOI 3b 3 I 2 0 Cat-ID 3 0 0 0 YO..nl h ' 2 0 0 0 Re Jcksn rt 3 0 0 0 Coc>pet lb 4 O I 2 lyM cl 4 o 3 2 S1mmon1 c 3 O O 1 8ayto< dll 4 0 I 0 OgltY .. 11 4 I I I OeClnCea 3D4 I 3 0 11\0mU Cl 3 0 0 0 OrlCh 2D J 0 0 0 •EO,.t<I Cl I 0 0 0 FOlt IS 3 0 0 0 Mon4ly dh 4 0 0 0 b-RoJksn pn I 0 I 0 c MOOI• ,, 3 I I 0 c-Wllng P• 0 0 0 0 G~nlnet 2D 2 I I 0 Boonec 3121 Tolala S? 3 11 J 101a11 29 4 11 4 •·P"Yll<I c11nte1 1oe1a on 1ne 8m D·P1nell·hll lor Foll 1n lhe 91h c-pmch·••n lor Ro Joc:kaon on the 91h ecoH by 1,.n11191 Ca11tom•a 101 100 000 3 Miiwaukee 100 100 20• 4 E·Mol11or Ogl1v1e 2 OeC1ncu Coope< OP CaJtlOln•a 8 MtMIUkee 2 LOB Ca11lo1n1a 8 M11waukM G 28 Oown1ng MOhlOI OeC•OC.• HR Ogkvie 111 SB MOl•IOI S Oownm9 Gr1cn Boone SF Simmons Calllornla IP H II Ell U 10 Kl$0n 5 3 2 I 3 4 Sancnu tL 0 I) ,,, 3 2 2 I I Hustet 10, 0 0 0 0 I • MttwaukH VukOVICh 6'' 9 3 3 3 4 MeC1ure 1w 1.01 1•, 2 O O O O Lada 1s.21 1 o o o o o McClure poteh&O 10 I baller on ""'9th T -3 0 I A 54.968 COMPOSITE BOX Moh tor vouno Cooper Simmons Thomas Oghvie Money MOOla Oan1ner Howell Edward• Brounard Totals Oownuog 8emque1 O.C•ncea Grteh Baylor Re J8CkllOl1 ~ Lynn Cer- FOI• Boone Ro Jackson Wilfong Totals Betting MILWAuectE ab 1 h 2b >It hr rbl ••v 19 4 6 1 0 2 5 316 16 I 4 0 0 0 0 250 20 I 3 2 0 0 4 150 18 3 3 0 0 0 I 187 15 I I 0 0 I 3 087 15 I 2 0 0 I I 133 11 2 2 0 0 0 I 112 13 J 6 0 0 0 0 481 16 I 3 0 0 0 2 187 3000000000 1200000000 4 4 3 I 0 I 3 750 151 23 23 4 0 5 20 218 CALIFOllNIA ab r h ft :Ml hr rbl awe 19 4 3 1 0 0 0 I~ 0000000 000 19 5 II 2 0 0 0 316 15 1 3 I 0 0 1 200 17 2 5 1 I I 10 294 18 2 2 0 0 I 2 111 0000000 000 18 4 11 2 0 I 5 811 17 2 3 I 0 0 0 176 16 0 2 0 0 0 I 125 16 3 4 0 0 I 4 250 10100001000 0000000000 158 23 40 8 I 4 23 2S6 MILWAUKEE t It> h rerbttaoera Cla"'tl (0·, 11 1 3 1 8 6 I 2 15 00 Slatn tS. 11 2 4\\ 3 2 2 t 2 3 85 Ladd (S 21 3 3'' 0 0 0 0 5 0 00 B8<nata 1 1 o O O o o O oo VGl<VCh (0· 11 2 1''> 15 1 7 1 II 4 40 Sulln t 1..01 1 7 '• II 3 3 2 9 3 S2 Hau(l..01 I 7'> 5 5 4 5 7 4111 MtCI• 11-01 1 ,. I 2 0 0 0 0 0 00 Totals 4 34 211 20 111 13 29 4 76 CALlf'OflNIA t 19 h 1 erbbaoera JoNI 11 1) 2 12', 11 II 1 & 8 5 10 K1son ( 1-01 2 14 II 4 3 3 12 1 93 la/In 10· 11 I 'l'1 4 3 3 2 1 J6 Woll I 3 2 2 2 2 3 & 00 Hassle• 2 2'• O O O o 2 O 00 Goltr I 3' > 4 3 3 3 8 3 7 J6 Sa!>CZ(O·ll 2 2'1 4 2 2 I I 674 Tolala 5 42 33 23 20 11 22 •SO &core by tnnl1191 Motwaukee 151 721 420-23 California 22& 411 070-23 E-CalOwatt Motolor 2. Lynn, Deel~ 3. Coope< 2, Vounl Ojjl111•a 2 OP Milwaukee 6 Calllo1n1a 3 LOB Miiwaukee 24. California 29 SB Carew (11 Edward• (11. Mol1101 (11 S Boone 2. Foti Downing, Grtch Moore 2 SF Baylor Boone Tnomu Money S1mmon1 H8P MOO<• by Jonn Grief> by vuc~ovocn ()oWle by Zllln WP-John 3 PB Boone A 229 723 NL PLAYOFFS Cardlnelt I, 9tH" 2 eT. LOUIS ATLANTA llt>rhbl ebrllbl Herr 2D 5 1 I O Ramlrar H 3 0 1 0 ooarkll 3b 5 o 1 o ROytler 11 • o o o LoSmtn If 4 O I O Wahgln rt 2 O I O Hrndz ID 4 1 2 I D·Hri>r rl I I 0 0 0 Prter c 3 I 1 0 Cnmb41 lb 4 0 0 0 Hnclrel< r1 5 1 1 1 Murphy cl 3 1 2 0 Mc0M c1 5 2 2 3 HUDl>fd 2b 3 0 1 1 0 Smith as 4 0 3 I S-IC1 c 3 0 0 0 Andujat p I 0 0 0 Camp p 0 0 0 0 Sull8f p I 0 0 0 P8fa P 1 0 0 0 MOM8P 0000 •·Waln Ph 1 0 0 0 Mahlerp 0000 Be<lroen p O O 0 O c Bultr pfl I 0 0 0 Gettle< p 0 0 0 0 Totel• 37 II 12 6 Total• 30 2 & I •pinch-hit tor MOOI• on lht 61h b-Plnotw•n for Withington on Iha 7th c-plnl)h-h11 lor B.arotlan on the 71h 8c0te by lnnlng1 St lOUlt 040 010 001 6 Atlanta 000 000 200-2 E A Remtte• OP -St LOUla 3 LOB St LOUii 11 Allanta 3 28 Han 3B -McO.. HR McOM s - Andul• 2, Lo Srrnth "' e t. Louie • H II UI N IO Andujar (W 1..01 8'' II 2 2 2 4 Sult• cs.11 2·' o o o o o Altenta Came>(l.0·11 1 4 4 4 I O P«az 31i 3 I I I 2 Moo<e 11> I 0 0 0 0 M-'°" 3 0 0 2 0 Bedroen 11 0 0 0 0 I Gari>« I 11101 Camp pltc11«1 10 5 balllfl 1n the 2nd WP -Andujlll 2 81( -Andul•• T -261 A -52,173 11etr Ob8<klell LoSmllll COMPOllU 80X ••tuna IT. LOUfS M r h2b:Mlhrr1Mftt 13 I 3 I 0 0 0 23 I 15 I 3 0 0 0 2 200 11 I 3 0 0 0 I 273 I I I 0 0 0 0 1000 12 3 4 0 0 0 I 333 13 2 4 0 0 0 2 308 II 3 6 3 0 0 1 556 13 4 4 0 2 I 5 308 11060003 5511 1000000000 3 1 2 0 0 0 I 867 100 0 000000 0000000000 I 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 000 100000 0 000 103 17 34 4 2 I Ill 330 ATLANTA M I hJtt>bhrrtll .... t 11030000333 11 1 2 0 0 0 I 182 11 I 3 0 0 0 0 273 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 11 0 I 0 0 0 0 091 11 0 2 0 0 0 0 182 9 1 2 0 0 0 I 222 8 I 2 I 0 0 0 250 1000000000 1000000000 300000 0000 0000000 000 0000000000 2000 000000 0 000000 000 0000001 000 11000 00 000 89 !; 15 I 0 0 ') 169 f'ltchlne ST.Loul'I 11 II> 3 h r etbbooer• I ti 0 0 0 6 0.00 16 4 321 44 50 I I 2 0 0 3 0 0.00 2 4'~ 0 0 0 0 I 0 00 I G'h II 2 2 2 4 2 70 3 27 I& 5 4 6 15 1 33 ATLANTA 11 Ip I et bll ao era 2 81't 10 5 5 2 3 5 Ill 2 I 3 2 2 I 2 18 00 2 l'• 0 0 0 I 0 0 00 I I 2 I I I I 9 00 I 6 6 2 2 4 5 300 2 3• 4 3 3 I 3 811 I 4 4 4 I 0 3600 I 11> 3 0 0 2 0 0 00 3 25 >3417 17 12 15 1104 ac-!tr •-1.,.. 1111111 002 o 10 200-s I LOUii 14 1 016 022-17 E-O-lt.11111. McGee, Ramirw OP-St OUli 3 LOB Alllnll 12.1 St LOUii 31 8 -Smllh. Murphy S-::;tupar. Nlek•o. ubbardh, H1rr. LO Smith. Andujar 2. F 0 Smtih Fo11ch lo Smtih. Nlekro BP Lo Smith by Moore WP Bearollan. tekro, Anauf•• 2 81< Anduf•• P8- IC1 Totets -158.5" Pteroff echedule · CHA~ltWHlllH T--.,.·1 k«a A,,..ie 8 MlfwWl<M 3 W__.,.1 kOH A,,..ie 4 MtMIUI! .. 2 Th.....S.J'I kofe SI Lou11 7 All.,,la 0 ,r..._, .• kore MIMIUkM 5 A ...... 3 a .. urdaJ'• ac.r .. Motwauk" II. ,.,,.... 6 SI LOUii 4 Allan11 3 SundaJ'I k0<11 Motwaukea 4, t.,,..i. 3 St LOUii 6. Allanta ' WOfllD HMS T ....... ,., a-. Milwaukee 11 SI lo..11. S 30 p m WedneedaJ'I Game Molwa\lkee at SI l-. 5 20 pm ,,...., .• o- SI lOutl al M .... aullM. S 30 Pm a.turdat''•O- S1 Louis al M1Maulo." 10 20 • m ._.,...Game SI LOU•• •• Milwaukee 1 4S pm ii _,.., T.....S.r. Oct. 11 MotwaukM •• SI lo..11 5 20 p m . ii necaMry Wedneldar Oct. 20 Molwauk" 11 SI lou11, 6 20 pm . 11 necfftl¥y Oek TrM , .. BMt•.,....) IUNDAY'S MIUl Tl (10ttl ., 21-dar _ .. ,,., FlllllT llACI. 8' 1 lurlonga 1'9')Ur'I 8'flle !MCt.1<111111 !140 380 260 Olteenl Marie (Valnzlal 5 80 3 4C 1utt1e Tulfle (Hawleyl 2 80 Alao rac.d F.1 ... ·1 si.1er. With Low my. f ancllata, Ah M.,1e. Tiny Tip, or1una1e Ml .. T.,,.,. 1 11 4/5 HCOMO llACI. 8 lurtongs ollnl tS1l>lltel 29 20 12 20 7 00 u \/tile (Hawlayl I 40 S 80 uleheon «>1191111 • 80 AllO r~ Tutt to B .. t. Jeraba, Ho • Snuttum On a... Unalaltleat. Time 110 12 DAil Y DOU9U t •·Ill Plld S 123 00 THIM> llACI . One mile aware Joa (amt) 21 80 10 80 7 40 ryatat Goblet !McH••91>9I 15 20 8 80 Norlh ol L•k• (HanMn) 4.80 Atao raced Fi.et Scremmer, Batter NOi PHI. S..tom, Something Beyond. Royal Art Color Me Snow, New TarlllOIY Time/ I 38 215 FOUflTH llACI . II lur~I Pble TraatliC>tl (McCnl II 80 3 40 2 80 Fabuloul Pati9nl (Olwll 3 00 2 40 ~(Hawley) 3.40 Al90 r.C.O T orl!Oft Pfinee, AmAllnO EaQle. Cclman, Se11t1td.-fwne toe 21& 'FTM llACI, I II 18 m11w K_.,, co...,,., 11 "° e eo .. oo 0...nlleff (Mc:iC11ronl 3 80 2 IO OO·LOnQ live Iha King (VlnN I 5.20 00 -f'lnlallad MCOnd, dl1qualllled and~thifd • SCOREBOARD Al•O racea Spring Dti!oer. Mldnlle CC)j)pel, C .. tk. W1trk>r, tainperonr, Mr Reactor. Summe< CrMli :ime 142 II laecla (3·91 PllO 1711 60 atXTH llACI . I 1110 milea TllanlO (Blackl 1111.60 111 40 7.80 Maggl9'1 Mu11c (McHarguel t4 80 11.20 Force (Vergara! 5 oo Alao •teed. Botd lmpllcallon. Caroson. A1teg11nce , 8ronow1k1, 11on Ally, Cannikln, Prince My Prince Time I 44 • llVINTH "ACI. i II 111 m1te1 Harb Wine IMlkatran 2200 1180 520 Ou4uicet tSh<>em•k•I 12 40 8 80\ \/OOdoo ~ (Hawley) 3 60 At10 ••Ced Shameen Peco• Pink Oec:lstve OrNm, Oe4aclable. Jennolar. Oe41C11a G•tc•. Forh'• Treat Tlma I 43 II IXACTA (11-21 palO $421 50 S2 1'1CK 1111 (11·3· 1-3-9-81 paod 563.· 445 40 wllll lhrM winning llcicell (llvt horsHI. 12 Pick SI-con101a11on peld $566 40 wOh 112 winning llckall (lour 11oraea1 EIGHTH llACI. I'• mllea on tutt S..ry 8ullll lCH l8necll 411 20 18 20 I I 40 S111n Rlt>eta (Guat••I 27 20 15 00 Nort_.n Fet>la (Hawr.yl 13 40 AllO 11eed Siar Paoture1 Almlr1 Sangue. Rosy CIOuel, Mlllngo. Cash«• Ptnk Sallr Miu HU111"1QIOl\,~Mnda. Manunera ii Tome I 47 215 NINTH llACI. I 1118 molel Noro.i (Llphaml 13 oo 4 40 3 40 Mar Noatrurn !Shoemakar) 3 40 2 40 Mlntllll Orey (Velenzuelal 2 80 AllO ra<:eo Ce Sharp, Joetiar. Beau VllHM. Parlt Encounter Time 1 42 115 M IUCT A 12·3) paid I 138 00 Allandanoa 34,41111 HoMJWood Petti IUNDAY'I MSUl.Te (Und °'a~_.., FlllT "ACI. One mite pace HOwdy Mon (.f.damel 7 40 5 20 2 80 El v .. Jay (Longo) 10.00 4 00 Oot Wave tDaeomet) 2 40 Alao raced K B King. Tre11ure Huntar. Holly I Away. Andy I Uraule, For-With Low. Full Jigger. Oeal<er Timi 2 01 215 ti lllACTA (11-5) pa'li! '83 40 UCOM> llACL One m;te trot Golden Pride (Miiiett 20.00 11.80 3.80 Flnlll Gem (OuMloenl 7 40 o&.40 a-ru1 Mooae C'iacol •.80 AllO rao.ct ,.,.., Chip, l\agal RelrNI, Flath Storm, Dante Jay, Graen Goodaea. KlmDllF, l<elamoun Time 2 00 315 TIMO ftACL One mite pace 8oomar H .. (0.undyl 10 80 II 00 3 20 Oout>M 0 0-111 .. ryl 720 600 NanacN (Longo) 4.20 Alto reca<f MHle< O G Fo•Hle< WlflllJe One T,...., Thayer .i.-Att.., T ~ HulagHI. Rodly Scolch T-202 2/6 ti UACTA (6-el pllid $112 80 '°""T" "ACI. One mile pace HatCleaty (Oeaomer) 5 80 3 80 3.40 Fo•y Markanley (Rllchlel 10 80 6 80 AnCly'I Mateor (V•M•ndlngham) 8.60 Aleo racad Fla/,~ Hanovar. Honor ~~· L• Mana r de. Acme FrliQlll, Time 1 511 3/6 Fwn4 llACI. One mtle P8C>1 Ideal 8abe (Plfk9f) 8 80 4 00 3 20 Glamour 8oy N (OunnlQlll) 4 20 3 00 Athley Lord (Per.,al 3 60' AllO raced Ou• UI. Aku Aku. GolcflKoYarad. Ja.u F .. lwal, Kendalle Boy, Semlnde Chill Time 200 415 _, IUCTA (7·21palO144 10 llXTH llACI. One mlla P8C>1 Muter sw11c:n (\/lllanellnohaml 21 00 11.80 7.20 Banchl (COjMtland) 211 40 12 80 \/lnceto CPMller) 10 80 Atao raced. Slick s .. 111. One Mo Hiiibiiiy, Thi Company• GOid. Ju11Qi. law. Magna c.rta, C R Farno, BafflOOro. Moor" Oand~ Man Timi I 511 31& • IUCTA (10-71 paid '2. 127 50 lln.wnt MCI. One mile p- TIMI Thitly Btddr (Kblr) 2 eo 2 40 2.40 Happy \liner (Meler 1«11 4.20 3 80 Sola Eill*!lllOtl (Marctlandl 4.80 AIM raceo Utlla Bret Ruller, Llohlnln Slim, SneOy Pete . Gian Mfdby, Eloquent Roy S , Oe 1ar1 Son. Pnntmaker, Jibe HO Time 1 S7 215 .. IXACTA 17·61paid1211.00 llGHTH flACI. One mite p-. Cour ag410Ue Rad (Kblr )3 20 2. 80 2. 40 Gel HIPPY CBlllllatgeon) 1.80 3.80 Majaltle 0..-l<lrundy) 3.80 AllO raceo BrandlnQ Iron, T O EICOrt. Pro,.._ Oeborne nme 157. WfTtc UCL One Mlle 1>- RoydcMI Lagacy (8pge) & 80 4 40 2 80 Geme Rotltlla (MarctlMd) 26 80 17 20 Gunnet Fr014 (H111d.,_,I 3 40 Aleo rac.<I Hedgerow Lyf\Jt, StouJt N, Ooclor Oon N. Oaliaa S9ut, Jennys UICI N, Sotldan. nno... 1•57 2/8 a IXACTA (1·11paid 1450 90 12 ~K etll (1·7·10·1·24 ) paid II,· 288 40 w11n 111 w1nn1ng 11e:u11 l•I• llor ... ). '2 Pick Sia COfllOlallon paid I 1e 40 w1111 446 winning tlekel• (five hOr-). 12 Pleil 8111 aorateh coneo111..-. paid '30 20 w1111 10 winning 11C11e11 (lour nor,.., one ICHICh~ nNTH llACL One,,....~. S!Mra Stlftel CSlth) l .IO 4.00 3.tO Andy'• uon Co,.....,, 4 oo 3 20 Lllj)utan (Leelley) 3 00 AllO rac•d SunH i BHCh. Black Aooue. Arnaer. TOddltll Dfflon, eye ~ ..,...,_, ~Guy t Time. t.et 11e. • IXACTA (ll·&J paid 1-41.70 Attend..-~ I . 1n L.-...1 Cleeelc (alAblleM,Te ... ) 271 Warn• l•vt. 163.000 2T7 ThomH Gr11. 137.800 211 JOMV Miiie<. $20.300 Bof>bJ' Cole S20.300 m Garr Koch S 14,000 -B<uc• Devlin. I 12.eoo 291 Hal Sulton, I 11.287 Steve UeOler. $I 1,28 7 * Gii Mo;gan. $9,800 Ed Flori. $11,800 DJ Brad 8ry1n1, S7.700 JC Snead. 17.700 ~ T...,..I, 57700 Jay ••• 11.100 .. RonS11ec1t U600 Mark Plarl SS 800 Jade Rannar, U .600 Milla Smtih U 800 o " w .. orong ss .eoo 2M L" Trevino. 13 850 Gary Halberg. $3.650 Tom PurlLar. '3,850 Robert Hoyt. $3,650 John Foughl, 13,850 Jim Thotpe, S3 650 Mark McCumbe•. 13,650 217 Craog S1ad1ar. '2.642 Frank Conner 12.642 -Tom Warlllc°f:t S2 225 BIN Brttton, 2 .225 Pat Lind~ $2,226 Fuay l . $2.225 AMJr Bean ~2 225 How81d T w• ty S2 .225 -Jell Sanc1e<1 I 1,81111 Lanny Wadktn• $1,689 Alie<> Miiier. S 1.Ull ROQ4H Melll>le S 1.089 Vance HNI-. $1,Mll Jell Mllehall S t,81111 2IO 8111 KrllHll, S 1 1112 Phil Hancoct.. I I, 1112 Keith Fergua, S 1. 1112 Mlrt. McNulty. Sl.1112 Bob Eutwooa, Sl.1112 G~ Arche<. St.192 Jtm t, s I, 1112 Bob Mu<pfl'f. I I. 192 21t Miiie Mor...,, $864 Tom Jent.Ina. lall4 Rod Nuc:a olla '814 292 Ed Sneed $821 Mark O'Meata. '82 I a.John ..::r,'tar Rall c . 1821 laonCe Ten Broeck, '821 -John Maha1t91. 1787 Bu1c:h Ba11a, 1111 Tom Kita. $787 Pat McGowan S167 214 wooay Black burn S 7511 M1U HOiiand, 11511 Jay Cudd, S15f JQrin Adll'lll S15f Peter Jacot>Mn I 7511 -TOii" Watton. 1728 Gety Trtvoaonno. S728 Eric; Bellen, 17211 -Jtm Baro.., S703 Ronnle Blacll. 1703 Oannr Weller•. '703 Jim Halford. '703 m Hale lrwtn, '879 -8r-Fiii"* '872 73-71-$6..&l 84-74-811·61 87-71-811-71 67-70·72·71 M-71-72·7C 71·73·117-71 68-73-611· 72 70-73·12·61! 69·71·72·71 70-71·12·10 67-7S-611·72 10·12· 70·72 611-71-72-72 70-72·72-70 72-70-71-71 611-72-611· 7 4 71-71-74-611 70-75-70-70 69-73-72-71 69-75-71-70 66-76-70-73 67-12·72-74 611-13.eg. 76 66-74-70-77 70-74·67·76 7().75-73· 70 117-17-74-70 72-73-72·71 117·76-73-73 67-74-611·78 11-89-611-79 71-71-76-71 71-74-73-71 73-70-73·73 86-17·72-74 71·73-72-73 611-75-14·72 75-71· 72. 72 73-70-74-13 74-71-72-73 72-73-71-14 68-78-70-7<1 65-711-76-71 ...,6-73-72 711-157·71·75 71-74-76-71 73-12-75-72 73 .. 11-76-75 611-711-73-7& 11·10-12-711 73-72-76· 72 70-73-73-77 74-72-70-77 72-89--72-80 73-73-711-70 71-75-77-71 89. 75-73-71 10-15-72·11 75-71-71-71 73.119-77. 78 7().73-73·79 71-71-73.90 14-71-75-76 7 t-75-74-78 71·71-76-79 68-711-72-79 72-73-17-76 Count of Godo tournement (at~) ............... ,""' Miii Wllan d er CSwadanl d•I GuMlerl'llO VHu (Argenlln9), 11-3. &-4. 11·3 (Wtta ndar win• '30,000. \/llH w1n1 115,0001 w-·• ........ ,INI Liiiana Glu111nl (Argenlln•I dal c;.,.,,_ Per" (Soainl, 11-2. 11-7. 11-4 tndocw toumemeftt , ........ M) Vltu Ger~ai:'::' r:: 1 dll Et101 Tettachar CU I ), 2·•· 8-2. 6-2 (Gerulallia win• $20.000, t .ctac:ner wrna • 10.0001 0.-...•INI Miii Mltcll•ll (U S .l·Francllco 00<\Hlez (Paraguay) Clef Syd Bait-Rod f'rawtey (Aulllllll), 1-11. 7-e Womeft'e tOUffteftMnt c .. ~...._, ... , .............. Chrl9 E-1 LIOyd CU S I def And<ea Jaeger (U 8 ~ II-t1 II-I (Lloyd """' 122. 000, Jaeger wine • 11.0001 ~·IMI llafbala Pott.i·SMIOtl Wall/I (US) cNI Wandy T11rnbull (Auttrat1a~Aoale c ... ,, cu.a 1. 1.11. 1.1 1Pott••-wa1111 •1'111 H .100, Turnbull·CUala aplll 14,800) Or1nge Co111 DAIL.Y PILOT/Monday, Oc;tober 11 , 1G82 ... .. NHL lmrtha OM.con Eamont on Wlnnl1>9(1 .. ,,.. Vancouver Calgary W LT Of' OAPI• 2 I 0 17 14 4 2 1017 114 Minneac>t• SI LOUI• Chocego Toronlo 0.11011 1 0 I 6 4 3 1 I I 9 10 3 0 3 0 10 25 0 Norri• DMelon 2 0 I 14 •O ~ 2 1 0 8 II 4 I I I 14 IS 3, 0 I 2 10 11 2 0 2 ' 4 13 Palrlek Dl•l•lon PllU&delPlll& 3 0 0 18 I I 6 New Jolfey 1 o 2 11 10 4 NV lltl'laOta 2 I 0 12 10 4 W11hong1011 I 2 0 11 13 2 NY Range11 1 2 0 11 11 2 Pllllburgh 0 2 I 11 12 I Adame Dlwl1lon Mon11u1 2 I o 14 10 4 Ouabae: 2 I 0 27 17 4 Bolton 2 I 0 10 12 4 8utt1Jo 0 2 1 12 16 I HatllOld 0 2 I 9 II I Sunder'• k0tH Bolton •. P11t11>vrgh 3 Hettlora 4. 8ullal0 4, t .. PhMadatp1111 G, Wun1no1on 4 Wonntpeg & ChlCIQO 3 T Oftlgllt '1 O.me• Mont•MI II Oueoec N•w York 111anaars 11 New Yorio Ranger a N8A HhlbHlone ...... ,. .• ac.r .. LMler• 119 Gotaen Stale 93 Allan1a 111. San Antont0 94 Cleveland 103, Indiana 96 Cntcago 109, PMw York 99 Portland 113, Seallle 109 (Oii Pltoertl• 117, Mllwaulo.M 114 RACOUETaALL Stet• Outdoor Doul>Me (al OeWef\ .... , ....... °'*' So..111etn-,rNu aat 8arker-S11rra 17.21, 21-9 11-8 ........ Par11·Urt11 del ADrtgo-Ouren. 21· 10 21-7 ....... c ' Hawk1n1-Pe1ez dat 8r1mD1lla-P.,ne 2118.21·8 w-··c t.ana.,.·AC-y det Cuellar·GHIOSO 21·17, 21·16 MlaedOpen Southern Zahn aet R1mmM-Fe1t•g 10-2 I 21·20. 1I·10 lllnclB A1m•nd•,.z·Armandlfll dal long Cat,,...man 21-12 21·11 Ml:aed c P11co11-Ma111n det R1ch1ra1on· R!Cttardaon, 11-21. 21.11 11-1 COUIOI How Top 20 ferecl Here a ~ IM lop T-ty l881'M on Thi AMoclelad Pr .. college tootball POii fared Saturdey I WllhlnQIOI\ (5-4-01 bell Ceklorn11 50-1 2 Piii (4-4-0) Old nol pl•y 3 Penn Stall (4-1..01 loet to Alabama 42·21 4 Allbaml (&·0-0) beel Penn Stale 42-21 6 Georgl• (6·0·01 bell MIHIHIPPI 33-10. II 8outharn Melhodlll (S..0-01 1> .. 1 8ey10I 22. 111 t N•brHO 14 t·OI be•I Co1oraao 40.14 a UClA (4..0· 11 llecl Arllon• 24-t4 9 Ma,,... (6-0-0) beat Texu Tech 21-3 10 Nolra Dame (4-0-0) -I Miami . Fla 111-14 I I A•llon• Stal• 1&·0·0) D••• Sl.,,IOfO 21· 17 12 Hor1n Cetolina (4• 1·0) bell Waka for•I 24-7 13 T•a11 (3· 1-0) 1011 to Olltahoma 2a.u 14 FIOrldf C3·2-01 loet 10 Vanderblll 31·211 15. So..1nern Cal (3• 1..01 did not play 1 1e w .. 1 v1rg1n+1 t•-1..01 beat Boaron COiiege 20· 13 ! 17 Ml.,,..,, fla (4·'2..01 IOll 10 Notre 0-18·14 ., 18 lSU (a-0-11 tied T-24-24 It loaton ColleQe CS· I· I) loat to WM! Virginia 20> 13 :ro tllinOlt ''" 1-01 bell PutdUe "'3.t IAT\MOAY'9 LATS ICOMI CQ4oata 21. Hoty C<oea 17 Central Michigan 18 MIClllOM 1' Hewell 10. Utah 1 Cenlldlen Footbalt L.ea0ue lo1or110 1~am11to11 Ollewo Mom•.al EHlefn OMelott W LT Pf l'A Pia 7 4 1 303 308 IS 6 r. o n4 2115 12 l ti 0 204 3&6 6 2 10 0 180 358 4 We11e1n Dlvlalon W1nn1pug 9 3 O 338 244 18 Calgary 1 !> I 304 331 16 Brotltll COlomb•I 7 S O 349 ?11~ 14 Edmon10<1 7 ~ 0 3911 234 14 s .. ~~lcllewan s t 0 3:.>0 ')()!; 10 laturda,.• kof• Calgary J4 MonlrHI 24 Sunder'•ko<e E<1mun10<1 30 80111111 Coh>mDoe I Today'• o-• SHkillchewan et Harrnnon T oronlo 11 Wonnopeg Netlonel 500 Cal Chatlotte, N.C.) l'<e.ultl or Sund•Y s N111on11 500 Grana NallOnal •lock car race .,.,,h type ol ca1 t~P• complatea and wtnnar • e•e<-.ge a.-i m mpn I Harry Gani Bu•c~ Regal 334 137 :.>08 2 8111 Elholl, Fora Tnunde•blfd 334 3 Oavod Poaraon. 8u1Clo Regal 333 4 JO<t Rullman. BulCk A81iJ&I. 331 • ~ 8en11y Pa1 . .on1. 8u1clo Regat 'l3 I 6 Buddy Baker Pon11ac laMans. 33 t . 7 Joor Ridley. Ford Tttund81bl•d 329 8 R1Ch8rd Petty Pon11.ac Grand Pm )~8 9 Bobby Alllaon Buock Aega1 326 10 Rick Wot\00 Olcl1m<>b1le Cullan J26 11 Jimmy Muns Buo ~al 323 12 Rocio Bald"''~ Ooag• Magnum 323 13 Gf'Ofl Bod•ne Pon11ac Grand Prt• 319 14 OeHell WaillOP 8uock Regal 318 15 Te<ry l•l>onle 8u1Ck Regal 309 1e o K u111c;11 Boo Aegat 309 17 Jonn Anaeraon Bu!Clo Regal 305 1e J 0 McDullia Pontiac Grand Pm 2811 19 l 1m Richmond 8u1e• Aeg&I 282 20 Lenn111 Pond Ctiev101e1 Monie Cerio. 265 21 L&'-8 SPHd 8uoCI< Regal, 261 :n 811aa1 Arrington Ch•y1le• lmpe11a1 260 23 S1erhn M111>n 0.0MnODOI Cutia» 2Sll 24 Ooc~ B«>O" Pon11.c Grand Pru 239 23~5 D• £arnhata\ Ford r....-o.ra 26 H 8 B•IO'f PQll(llK G<ana p,,, 227 27 Richa rd Brockhouse P ontiac Grana PnA 220 28 Nari Bonnell Ford T""'1<1811>tfa 219 29 Kyla Pelly BulCtl Regal 191 ,,'f Morgan Shepherd 8Ufc:i< Regal 31 Ricky Rudd Pontiac Gr•na Prt•, 122 32 Deva Marcil Bu!Clt Regal. 911 33 Cll!e Va1bor0U9h. Sulek Regel. 98 34 Oellft Combs Buoct< Rog11 91 35 Ron Bouch81d Otdsmoo11" Cutlau 711 315 lommy Gaoe Fora lhUnae<Dold 6e 37 Ronn,. Thomas Ponr•ac Grand Pro• 66 38 Mark M811on 8-1o, Regal S9 39 Connie Saylor Ola1mob1ta Culla'I 37 40 Tr•"'• Tillar ~ Regel 7 OMo ... flehlftCI Alln u"'6tNo CNewpot1'hech) - 6S anglera 2S bH•. 143 bon•IO 1311 m-ertl 35 •OCk fish 2 ~ 17 acutpon 2 CNna croet.er DAVIY'I LOCIClll (Newpott leech) -133 anglllr1 2S7 borl!IO. 34 cellco bUI I h aloDUI, 600 maci<tfel, 24!1 roclo, cod. 6~ bass DANA WHAll, -201 angler• Sii Diii. 211 ~lo, 253 mac:Urat 111 roca 111111, 12 attaepsnead. 78 sculpln, 1 Dlu• parch llAL Bl!ACH -110 angla11 10 ~10. 38 c111eo bna. 12s mackarel 50& rock ll1h II aand oau. 14 ~ 21 acUlpln, 45 wt>lle "'" CllM .. I -10• angiera 25 Donito 3 hall6u1 400 macke•el 2SO whit• croat<tr 178' ci-n ,..,, WMtlencl treneectlone COU.IQI TEMPLE -Namad Gavin White a1111111c alraclor Camel. Where a man belongs. y 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. n1co11no av. per c1garane, FTC Report DEC. '81. I Werning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thlt Cignne Smoking 11 Oengerous to Your Hnlth. ,_. )I '"' 11.1• IX! '" 0\ '" • ••• e• no T ,q 101 • 11· - 'J , .. _ t 'I :k~ "' fJf" ' hn " Ul ~j , ... '" ... ,, . ()" 111~ ••• I I 111 ,,, 1111. ''" '1 r ,, 11l1 iu;' •J " ~,J}t ) ) ~ r - • Otanee CoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday. Octobet 11, 1982 MUC N011Cl MUC NOTIC( Nl.tc NOTIC( Oft ,_.Tll't MU IC • -PtOTmOUt IMllNIH NOTICI Of' TMllTU'i HLI NC>TICI Of' T..UITU'I 14.LI Lo.-.... ..... PIOTIOUt .,._.. MAM1 tTATl•NT I.MA -. MAMOTI' t .t . Ne.-*' T.e........... ~ ITA~ The fOlloWlne petMIN 11e doing TD HHVIC COMl'ANV M Olil't URLI HOTOH "HANOIAL The~ pertone Ire doing ~ u T.t . Ne. 1.-.1 a ppointed trutlH unde r 1111 RVICll, INC •• 0 1lllornt1 ~ 11: VNot" THI RAINBOW TOTI Nl!WftORl HOME LOAN. INC .. IOllOwlnQ dMCrlb41d dMCI ot ltutl .01por111011 .. Cluly •ppolnted TRIAN, LTD 1"62 AICalcle Otlve, OVMNAITICI. 2tU Coll•o • Cklly llllC)Ollll.0 Tl'\ltl .. Uf'ldef the Will lfLL Al PVI LIC AUCTION r 111tet uncte r Ille tollo wl119 lultt ao, LaouM Hiie, 01 12tl3. A,,.nue , A• I 1. OOlll Meu, IOllOWlllQ Cletcrlo.ct 0..0 of true! TO THI! HIOHH T 01001" '0111 detcl of 11\111 WILL HU. IUTTCOA INT'L, 1 Callfornt1 ClllfOtnle tH2t WILL llLL AT "'9LIC AUCT~ CASH (pey1b .. 11 llll'lf Of t.ie In '1 'UILIC AUCTION TO TH I corporlllOll, 1'962 Atceldt Ottve, C arol yn A Oldy, Ul I TO THI HIOHHT llDDIR l'Olll ltlWl\ll money of the Ullll.O l lll .. ) 110Hl lT llOOUI 1'0 " OAIH Ute 140, LaouM ~1 C.. t~,. l11nfl owtr !.. A•t , hntt A111, OAIH (plylble 11 tllN ol .... In Ill rlgllt, llllf and lnlerMI COllV9ytd PIY•ble II lime of .... lfl lewflll AUTOMJ. TID INIURANO• C.lllC>fnl• t2r04 lewhil money Of Ille United ·= 10 Incl now held by It UflOer 1110 YIOney of the Unll.O lll lH I ell ACHNCY , 1 C1 llfo rnl1 lhYllled Robt r I W C a dy. 26 2 1 Ill rlehl. ltlle 1t1C1 lntet"I C()l1 D•td o l l ru1I In the propt rly loftt, 110• and lfllerwt con~ to Plllllft'•hlp, 22'62 AICllCle Drive, Sunllowtr, A·I , l 1n11 A111, lo and now held by II under Mid ri.ttlMfler IMltGrll>eel ind now held by It und9r Mid 0..0 lulte 140, IAOUN Hille, Ct 112t 63 O.Nf0tnl1 t2704 0 Hd ol Tru1t In lht properly T A U 8 T 0 A 8 A A &.A A~ " T'rwl In ,,,. Pf°'*1Y .,.,...,.,,., ·T,hlt bullnlll •• COfldUCltd by • Thlt bullnMI II aonCIUClt<I by • hefelnllller dMC:rlbed: HUMPHREV8, 111 ll~IHled woman teMr1b90: genetel pet1Mflhll), gen.,11 peilnetlhlp. l RUITOR: WILLIAM MARRIOT1 t n d 0 0 N A L 0 E D W I N TRUSTOR: JOHN LEMel!CK. 1 s u nCOA INT'l 1 Ctiotyn A. o.dy end PHYLLIS H MA RR IOTT. HUMPHREY~ 111 .. l•tln~lt mi n *'Ole m"' Clllloml• GOii> Thia 1111tn'fl\I wu llltd wlm Ille hu11>end and Wiie. l11HlllT "A ' • ENE, I c I AR y : M I 0 w ! IT JAMES RI SKAS, PrNldel\I County CNlflt Of Orange County Ol'I Bl!Nl!fllCIARV: NEWPORT HOME MAR l HA J fl L c ENE A. I 1ACIFIO FINANCIAL, INC., 111 Iowa Thlt t lelemenl lllM lllitd with the hptember 11, 11182. LOAN TRUil 112. m•rrltd wp m1n H hit H Pl lltt iotpotlllOll County Cleflt of Orange County on ,,.,... Rttiorded May 12, IHI,•• ln1tr p1ooer1y H 10 1n undMdtd 8!1"i't Reoorded July 3 1, 1tt1 .. 1n1tr. September' 14. 19H ,,.7.... PublllhtO Ort nQ• Co111 Dally No. 14211 In bOoll 14064, PIO' 140 ln111HI ' LON A. FLEENER ' -.O, 45043 In boolo 14 1&4 P-0-M ol Piiot, Sept 111. ae, Oot. 3, 10, 11182 of Offlelll Rlootdl In the office of MARTHA J . FLEENER, hu1b1nd & )fllclet Record• In the offlOe of the Publlt hed Oranoe Co1at Ott~ 4093·12 the R.corqer of 0 11noe Coun1y: wllt" Ten1nta In common 1110 an '9oot0er ol Or•nee County; H id PllOI. Set>• 27. Ocl 4· II, 1•. 1118 . ------------H id deed OI 1ru11 dHCrlbH lh• undivided 25% lnlltHI ' LON A • Jeed of truat d11orlbe1 1h1 1 __________ 4_-n_S.-_8_2 rtllllC fl>Ttcf 1o110..1no proper!Y FLEENER, TrullM under lh• wlll ot OlloWlno l>f°'*1Y: rta.IC NOTICE 1 LOI 94 ol Trlt1 '40. 0025, In lhe MILDRED J FLEENER, deceaHd L°' I. of t ract No. 11242, In the I--------~---,,~--MRR!Ofl COUR °' City ol Irvine, County of 011ng•, daled January II, 1968, H 10 an :lty Of 1'11ine. County ol Orange, NOTICI Of' aA&.I C~OflNIA 81111 ol C1llfornl1. 11 per map undMded 10"1. ln111 .. 1 )111e ot C1111ornl1 ... per map or UNC~D ooooa av 1111 ~: ~ .... reooto.d In bOOk 2&4, PllQ9t 47 10 A.corded July 11, 11191 H Intl• -'eOMdecl In Book 4 10. Page• 47 THI l.AOUMA ••CH •• MONIKA HltOf LU•"•• ,,., &o lfldldlve. M'-11.,,.out M*P•. In No 24588 In book 14146, P•O• Ind 4' of Mleeel..,_ Mape, In f'OUCI Dl,AllTMIJfT the offloe Of Ille county recorder ol I 127 01 Ofllc:lll Rec0td1 1n th• oll!Ct he Ofllc;.e of the CountyJ'eoordtr ol Pu11u1n1 10 tl'te orovltlona ot C.._.. ef :::":ntta 1 Hid co un1y, together with •n ol the Recorder ol Orange Counly. ..ict County. Sec11on 3.18C>e0 of the MUlllcipAI CMmattTOIHOWCAUM 1ppur1e n1n1 , non·••clullv• Hid dffd ol l•uet dHcrlbH '"' "YOU AM• DUAULT u.DIR Code ot the City of L~na BHcto, ,..Mnllefll tor lngre1t end egrH1 lollOwlog properly ' DllD OP TRUaT DATID 1114 loll Of' unetllmed prgperty being Tii:C.~':o~HEIOI over LOt 141 ol •.id Traci LOI 2 OI BIOck 30 ol Iha Flttl ,.,. •• ,, UNL.111 YOU TAKI held by the Legun• Beech Pol!U LUE for -of neme heVI"" EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill oll. git Addllton IO N-00<• Helghla, .. Pet 'CTIOll TO ,ROTIOT YOUR Deper1menl, wftlctl hu ~ htld --.,,.. . .,, mlnerett and other hydrOClf'bonl. m111> rec«ded In Booll 4, Pege 94 ol .......... fT MAY• IOU> AT A '°'four (4) monlhe Of' more. with lhe =:: =:~h~.~~ l)elow. depll't ol 500 , .... Wll hOul MlmGell-• M•P• In llMI Oii~ ol .....C aM.a. •YOU~ AN 1xceouon of bto)'c .. • wtlleh have HEIDI LUERAS hit flle d a n the right 01 1u1t1ce 1ntry," 1he Coun1yAecordetolHklcoun1v ~TIOll OP nm NATUM bMrl Mid tor lhr .. 1a1 monlnt, w.H llOOltcalfon proOQlklO that her nll!MI rllMfVed In 1n11rumen11 ol rllCOfd YOU Altl·IN De'AULT UNOllll A >I' THI flROCl•DNMO AOA9eaT be told 10 lhe hlghMI bklder lor b• c hanged lo MONIKA HEIDI vou ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OHD °' TMllT OATIO JULV II, fOU. YOU aHOUl.D CONTACT A cull scon. DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH 1•1. UNUH vou TAKI ACTIOH .AWV.· 8.id .... will be held •• II 1.m.. Now, 1t1ererore, II It hereby 3, 191 I. UNLESS vou TAKE TO NOTICT VOUfl ""'°""TY, 4t ~h. !Mne, CA 112714 Saturday, Oc1ober 18, 1982 In the orde red and directe d, lhll a ll AC TION TO PROTECT VOU R IT MAV all IOLO AT A 'U8LIC "(If•..,.. ecld,_ or common Police Oepertmenl periling IOI tllhe pettOnl lnl., .. lecl In Mid mall., do PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO Al A I AL If . IP YD U NIE ID AN lealgntllon II 1hown 1bov1. no rH r ol 1111 P_pllce Sllllon, 501 a ppear be fore lhll coutl In PUBLIC SALE IF VOU NEED AN 1Xfll.AHAT10N OF THIE NATUlll urr1n1y 11 glve 11 11 t o Ill ForHI Av1nu1, L1gun1 BHCh. Oep.,lrnenl 3 on lhe 3rd day ol EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE 0' THI 'flOCll!OINO AOAINI T ~-Of' COfrec1neee).'' C1lll0tnl1 All lltml not told will be November, 11112 II 10:30 o'clock OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINS T .,~YOU aHOULD CONTACT A The benellclll'f uridet Mid OMd d .. lr~ by lhll depll1ment. am. of Mid di" lo llhow CIUM whw YOU, VOU SHOULD CONTACT A LA lfR. If Truet. by rMIOn of a brMOh or v-L........... ' ' LAWVER 60• Wu1m1n1ter. Newpol\ lthult In 1he OClllo•llOnt MWled CltJ Clettl llJCh ec>PllC•tlon IOI change OI name The'""' lddrHI ol lht •bOve 11 Be•Ch. Calllornl• 112683 "9reby, heretofore Heculed and Publlahed Or•nge Coa at Dally "'::\~r~:i!' J::;:Sihat a cop~ 01 .r5 A1h Tree, Ir vine, C1lllor,,11 "(If • 11reet eddr"s or c;ommon letlvered lo the und1relgned 1 Piiot, Ool. 11. 11182 lh!t Ordtr 10 Show CtuH bl 927 HI. No werr•nly 11 given u to ltt d11lgnallon 11 shown •bove. no Witten O.Clll1tlon of Oefeul1 and •4M-82 0 comple1ene11 or correclneM. . w., r • n 1 y I • g Ive n a • I o II t )emend for Slile, and written notloe 1------------publlll'Hld In the Or1nge Coei t ally The 1>eneltcl1ry under Hid Deed completeneH or corr11C1ne11)." ,t breech and of elec11on to c:euM "8.IC fl>TIC( Piiot. ' newepaper 01 general ot fruit. by r1110n ol 1 breach or The benellel1ry und1< 11ld Deed Ill under11g ned to 1111 H id 1-------.....,,.....,,...,,..,.,.,,.=,.,,..,~-clrculallon. printed In Mid county. 0e11ull In llMI obllgellon• MCurfld ot Trull, by ranon ol • bteach or woperty to Mlllty Mid obllgtllonl, '1CTITIOUI IU ... ta 11 leul once ••ch -k tor lour thereby. h•••lolore executed and dtleull In lht obllg1Uon1 MCurAd 1nd there1fler lhe under1lgn1d The f:=',:'~=':r. dolno tuec:...ive w.eltt prior 10 Ille day of d1llvered 10 lhe undert lgntd a !hereby, h1re1olore txKuled and teuMd Mid not!U of brMCll llld Of bu"'-M : Ni8.::~1~·23rd O•y 01 S.Olember written Oect1rellon ol Oeleull mod d ellvered 10 lh• unde11lgned a ~lobe SOFT-CELL PRODUCTS . 2011 111112 Oem1111<1 forS•le.1ndwrl11ennotlc:e written Oeclatt llon or Oel1ul1 eno AecotO.O "'-23 1982 N lnatr of brMCl'I and ol eieellon 10 ceuM Oemend f()( S11e. end written notlOe • 10. 82-2 180211 01' u ld 0 1t1c11i Avenue Del Mer, Suite 2o5, Sen ,r.,,,, o-tchlfll the un d111lgne d 10 H ll u ld of brNCll end ol elecllon 10 ceuM '9corOI. · Ctemenle 112872. .,_..If Midi.~~--prgpert)' 10 Mlltly Hid Obllg111on1, lh• underelgned to Hll u 1d Said H ie wltl be mede . bul RICKY R RlllADENEVRA, 155 W fleMft L ...... ~.._. t nd llltrHll•r lh• unde111gned properly 10 111ialy ... d oblog•1lon1 1llllou1 covenenl or w1rr1n1y. PllllDda, San Clemente C•lll()(nle L.w °"'"' ef ltnwl ~ cauMd Hid notiee of btnch end of and 1h•rHll•• the unden1gne«1 ..,.,_. « tmplled. regetdlnQ lltle, 924112. 1• W. Mii at. IN "-t1ec1lon 10 be r-ded Oecember ceuMd 111d nolk;e of breech and ol -.ion, or enc:umbre-. to RICHARD C. WEMMER, ll2l7 Loe ......... CA to017 21, 1tl1, u lnatr. No 33051 In Mlecllon to be recorded Aplll ~. 'flt the rtmelnlng pr1nc;lpll eum o1 Moh RIY9r Clrctt, Founllin llllley Publllhed Orange CoH t Dally book 14337. peg• 1002, of 1110 1t12. 11 1ns11 No 82· 11711 19 of i'Mi n041(t) MCiUted ..., Mid OMd of CetlfOfnle 112708. PilOt, Sec>t. 27. Oc1 4, 11. II, 11182 Ottlelel Recorde Slid Mle wlll be 111<1 Ofliclll Recordl ·rue1, w1tt1 lflter-1 ~ tn Mid note Thlt bu1lneu 1• conoucled by • 4271-12 1111d1, bul wlthoul cove nant or S lld ull1 will bl meoe but tfOVlded, edv-. II any, undet general ':Ji";~ Wemmer ----flta--.-IC-fl>_TIC( ____ w1rr1nly, eaore11 or lmpll•d. wlthoul cov•nt nl or w1tr1n1y !-. letrM ol Mid Deed of Trual. Thlt ll•l•menl wu filed with Ille ------------rtge rdlng 11111, pon111lon. or upr•M °' Implied, regud1ng 1111e. ..., 0-0M and·~ of 1IMI NOTICa Of' COWL.lfTION e n c u mbrence1, to p 1 y the ooa .... ion. 01 tncumt><ence• to "'91oe and of the 1rw11 -ted by County Clerk 01 Otenge County on -. C11111 .. it1d remaining ptlnclpet tum of the noll pay Ille rem11rUn9 prlncipll 1um ol .8ICI Coed of Trutl. S.Otember 23· 1982 ,1.MI .... ~ MCured by llld Deed ol TrUll, with 1he nolt(I) MCUted by SllO Deed ot ii 9.ics .... Will be held on Fr1day. Publllhed Ofenge Caul Delly Pilol, ,.. ,......... Aft. tnlerHI •• In H id note provided. Trual. with lnlet .. 1 11 1n 11!0 note I~ 29, 1912 II 2:00 p.m. •I the .,_ ... Oc1 3 10 17 11182 Coete ...... C • ,. tll2'1 ldv111C411. II any. undet the lermt ol provided. 1<1v1...ce1. II any. under :heprnln A~ entranoe, to the .....,,, ''" · ' · · Meu Contolld•l•d Weter Miid OMd ol lll{at. •-· chergee Ille ,.,mt ol 1e1d Deed 01 l ru11 ;Mc Center Bulldlng, 300 EH i 1----------1"'2"'H"""':f .. 2 Dlt lflc:I; EnglnH rlng Dlvl1lon. llld ••1*'1-ol the TrutlM and ol 1-. cnergee Ind expenMt ol the ;hepman Avenue, In the City ol P'\lllJC fl>TICE Notth/South Foeder -PhlM Ill. Ille lfUllt CIMled l;!y Niki OMd OI TtullM 11\d 01 lhe lruatt crHlfld by "enge. ' S IS Blull1 per1llel 10 Newport Trull Seid H I• 'iilll b• held on Hid Deed ol Trull At t he llme ol t hl lnllfl l VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Beech Boundll'f, Eul etong 1111h Monday, November I, 11182 11 2.00 S e id u le will be h•ld on UOflcetlon of thll notice, lhe lolll OEEO OF TRUST DATED MAV l, Street 10 ~Ill Avenue, (JeflrflY p m 11 lhe Chepmen Avenu1 , Thurtday. Octot>et 28, 11182 11 2 00 "'°""'of lheunc>eld ~ ol the 1981. UNLESS YOU TAl(E ACTION Renna. con11c1 pereonl (7141 entrenc e 10 th• Civic C1n11r p m. e t the Chapman Avenue btlgtllon MCured by the above TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT $31-1200. Bulkllng, 300 E. Chapman Ave , In en111nce 10 t tte Civic Cen ter 1tcrlbed deed of lrUll and MAV BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. Projec t dHcrlptlon ol N11u11, the City of Otange, CA. Bulldln g. 300 E111 Ch•p1n1n ttlmlled cot ll , upentH, and IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Purpoee, llld e.neftcl11.... Al t he t lmt o l t he lnltlll Avenue, In lh• Clly or Orenge. dvlllOel II $46,291.49. 0 F T H E NA T U R E 0 F TH E Conltructlon Of 7800 1inMf leet Q4 publleellon of lhlt notice, Ille total Calll0tnl1 To ·determine Ille opening bid, P ROCEEDINGS AGAINST VOU. 30·11)cll d i a m eter wllt r 1mounl ollheunp11db•l•nc.ollhe At the 11me o l lhe 1n 111e 1 ou may cell 1714) 58-4-8333. V 0 U S H 0 UL 0 C 0 N TA C T A 1ren1mlulon plpellne 10 Im prov• obllg1Uo n "cured by lhe above publlclllon ol 11111 notla.. lhl 101•J O.te: S.Olember 27. 11182 LAWVER. tire now 1111<1 reduce waler pr"IUfe d11crlb1d deed of truat and emount ol Iha unpaid belanc41 ol the BURLINGTON NOTICI °' TlllUITll'a aA&.a drao-mainly In the aoulh-•t.,n H llm1t1d co111, up1n111, eno obllgellon .. cured by 1he abov1 FINANCIAL On~~~.°19~~. II 10:30 ~of the Olatrlcl. TIMI projecl will 1dv1nc e1 It 1 8 3 ,2011. 7 I To dHC•lb•d d ••d of lruSI •no SERI/ICES, INC. v•_,,.,.. lllac> allow • more efflcienl uM Of determine the opening bid, you mav H llmlled co111 ... ptnH 1. end By T.O. SERI/ICE l .m • San Marino Servlou, Inc · I wller tuWllel Olt1rlCl·wlde, lhul c:tH (71411137-DOee ldvlnC4lt 11 142.67900 COMPANY, egenl C111fornl1 corportllon. " duly beneflllnQ 11M1 entire Oitlrlet Cele: October 4, 1tl2 To det.,mtne lhe opening bid By etwlt Tllefut, appointed Tru1IH under end City or Coill ...... Counly of Newl'Of1.....,. i.-, Inc. you rn.v cell (71•11137·0ll66 Allietllnl Sec:retery pureu111t lo Deed ot lrutl r-0.0 Oren~. 1H 6 Plecenlle Avenue , At N6d T,,....., O.te S.Otember 20, 19112 3e33 Cernlno Del Alo S May 12, 1t81, u lntlr. No. 14205. Collt Mete. Cellfomle 112827 a, T.D. hMoe c....,.i,, ..... I T 0 SERI/ICE COMPANY Sul1e 204 book 140~. Peoe 325, of Ofllelet Review Perlo<S· Septembef 23, C~ .,._ .. , ... AMt. hQ, u .. Id TruttM , Sen Diego, CA 1121()8...4()<U Aecotdt, t uc:uled by: lAelef L.eber 1tl2 -Oc1ober 21. 11182. OM Cltr aeM. Weet By T D SERVICE CO , (7141584-1288 and Te rry L1ber, Huabend end Otlted. September 23. l082 Orlflte, CA -egen1 Publlthed Orange Co111 Dally Wiie, M lrutlOfl, In the ottic. ot the Kerl Kemp (7141 ...... By Lindi PereJ lot, Oe1. 4. 11, 18. 1982 County Rec:otdet of Ofange County, Generet Meneger Pu bllthed Or1n~e CoH I 011ly Aullltnl Secletery 432442 St•t• of Cellfornla. WILL SELL AT O C D 2c 1 82 n...... Ch Blvd W t PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Publlthed rtnge 0111 Illy PllOI, Oc1 11, "• ..,.,. y . .. • •~------------lllOOER FOR CASH (payable 11 Pltot, Sept 27 and Oct •. 11, 1912 •484-82 Orenge, Cet.I 112868 4Pf-t2 -----------(714) 83S-8288 lime 01 .... In lewful money of the -----------""'-""'-rta.JC fl>TICE Publl•l'l•d Oreno• Ccatt 01111 United St•t .. 1 11 outllde the lront "'8.IC fl)TIC[ PllOI. Sept. 27 Oct 4 11 11182 entrence 10 Lawyer• Tiii• t..-enc. ------------...crmoua ~u 4276-82 Coroor1tlon. 520 North Mein Street, NOTICI a. TIIUaTWI'• HL.a ..... aTA,.....,. Senta Ana. Celllomle ... right. title T.a. C4t The followlng peraon It doing 11111mc11 and lnletN I COll¥9Y90 lo end now YOU .... DIJ'AUL T ~ bullnMI .. GABLE heldbylt underuldDeed olTrutl A DllO 0, TllUaT, DATID TROVC0 ,750 W HthSt.Coatt CLAUDIA L. G ABLE, In the properly tllulled In H id J,._,AICY U, ttl1. UNL.atl YOU ,,..... C1 112827 NOTICE Of' ntuaTll'I aAU Pt&IC NOTICE County llld S111e dMCflbed u TAKI ACTION TO ,flOTICT TROY H CLEM J R . 3052 l-No. 4'0l744> e alden t o f Oran ge, Ca. PARCEL I. YOUR ,RO,IRTY, IT MAY ti NHllll RO , L•oun• BHCh. C• T.l.No.l....u4 (lll8ed away on Oc1ober 9, Lot 5 of Trtct No. 91188, In the IOU» AT A~ •All • ., YOU 82651 llUT\.IEfl 2 at the age of 88. She i.s City ol Irvine, County of Orange, ... D AN IDL.AMATIOll CW T"9 Thlt butlMM le condueted by 1n SP ESCROW SERI/ICE, INC H i ed b y h dau~hler Si.1e of Cllifomle. u lhOwrl on 1 MATURI 0, THI 'ROCllOl"Q 11\dl\llduel, duly appotnted TruttM unoet Ille rv V • er map recorcMd In bOok 422, 01QM AOAl .. aT YOU, YOU aHOULD Troy H Clttn Jr lollOwlng dHCtlbeO d..O of trull 'Jorothy Enes of Cotta esa, 22 lo 25 ~ ol Ml-*lllMIOU9 CONTACT A 1.A*"lll. Thi• 1111-• WN llleO will! the WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION :a., 2 IJ'*"dchildren George Maps. In I.he office of lhe County On Oc1ober 18, 11182 II I LOO County Clerk of Orange County on TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR nd Gerry and 2 1re at-Recordet ohlld County. EXCEPT l.lft._TJ'(LESERVICES, INC., 11 dul) Sep1ember 23, 19412 CASH (payable el lime of Ille In ~andchlldren Christine and THEREFROM .. oil, gu. mln«ll• •ppolnted Tru1IH unde r and '1•141 llwt\JI money 011he un11eo S111n •aul Matthe w Enea. She llld other hydroce<bont. below • pur"*1t 10 DMd of Trull 1-0.0 Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dally Ill rlQht, lllle and 1n1.,. .. 1 conveyed depth of 600 lwl. WlthOul lhe right Februery 25, 11111, •• Intl. No. PllOI, S.OI. 211. 001. 3. 10. 17, 11182 to Ind now ti.id by 11 un<lor llld /M a long Urne resident of of 1urfec;e en1ry, 11 r .. e rved In 21110. tn booll 13"8, plQt 1408, 4218·82 DH d o f Tru11 In lh• prop.,ly ~ Mesa and Oraf\le. Ca. lnltrumenu of ~. of Ofllclel Record• In the office ol hefetn1fler d•terlbed: Ince 1919. She waa a ALSO EXCEPT lhtre from 111 the County Recorder of Oreno• rta.IC fl)flC( TRUSTOR.MOLLV B BUTLER b f h G d water end 1Ublurlec:e weter rlah1t. County, Celltomla. WILL 8El L AT ------------widow. e em e r o t e ar e n below 1 depth of 500 !Ml, w11houl PUILIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST '1CTIT10Ut ..,_.. 8 ENEFICIARV. SECURITY r ,rove Cryat.al Cath e d ral 1111 rig ht ol aurlece entry, 11 8100£A FOR CASH, CASHIER'S MAm ITAT'lmWT PACIFIC FINANCE CORP r respects on T uesda y, tn11~• of rllCOfd (payeble et lime ol Nie In ltwlut The tollOWlng '*90fll ere doing "fO. 31230 In booll 14070, pege 81 E!hurch. Friend• m ay p ay d 1 d l o 1lld or r e .. rved In CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK, AecOtded May 22, 11111 U lnllr PARCEL 2. money of the United 8111 .. 1 11 ,,.,. ~ M ! di Offtciet R«:ofd• In the olfa 0 cto b e r 12 , 1982 f rom E•H mentt 11 Ml forth In th• front entrlnCI 10 the ON Orenot P A C I F 1 C C 0 A S T the Aecotdet ol Orange County, :OOPM t o 9 :00PM a l Sectlon1 e nlllled "Certain Counly CourthouH . 1oe11ed on HELICOPTERS/PAClr'IC COAST 111<1 d"d of trull deter1bea 1 'alrhaven Cha-I. Services E11e m1n11 for Ownert" a nd Se nta An • Blvd .. b etween Al/IATION, 111300 Ill• Jonet Rd following orot>«ty -• g I Semi Ane, C&. t 2707. • d h S h t lil.l be held on Wedne.da~ ' 11pporl, e t11 ement I n d ByCllnOte Slroel and Bro1dwty, CARV OAlllD MENDES. IU t Loi lv 1n I e out w11t•r ~.......... .....2 l 00 Encro1chm1nt" ot lh• Arllcle Senta Ane. Cellfom.. • right. llllt 10 00 feel ol Lot 15, In Block 1 ~-.uuo::r 13, }..., at 1: e ntitle d "E11emen11" of the and lnlerMt con..,.,..o lo llld now Tltlttl Dr. ColU MMa. C&. ll2t24I Traci No 712. In the City o t Fairhaven C h apel with Oeclar1t1 on ol Cov1n1n11, held by It und9r NICI o..o of Trvat Thlt buttr'911 IIconduc1adby1n IMwOOft Beech, County of Orangt, >r. Raymo nd Be c k e rl ng Condlllont a nd R111rtcllon• In Ille prooen' 11tu1ted In 11ld lndMdullc 0 MttldM Siii• ot C•llforn11. H per m1 fflclat1n1. Interme nt a t r-ded tn boolt 12ete, oeoe t74 County end Slat9 deecltbed 11 .,., · recoro.o •n 8ooll 23, PegN 5 1no 6 P k o l O t t1c1e 1 R ecord• (T ii e l..Ot 344 ofTtlC1No.ll07,lnlhe Thle tl•t-IWMIMldwlll!the M~Meps 11'1 1he offlctol ~alrhaven Memorial ar · "De c 111111on"). a n d a ny Olly of Newpot1 8oedl, County of County C'-11 ol Orange Counly on tll• County Recorde r ol 111e1 >lrec ted by Fairhave n tmencl.-tl 1'--tO.. Orlt\09, Stale Of Cellfornl .... per Sept 23. 1912. ,,.,.. CouMy. EXCEPTING THEREFROM 4ckuary. The t1ree1 1odren and 0111e r mep '9C«ded In Book 2t Peoet 25 Publlahed Orange CoHI OaJly t1he5 SoulhwN1er1)' 9 00 fee1 of L~ ------------4 GOrnmOf1 deelgnatlon, II ""I. of the to 3e of Mlecelleneoue MICll. In lhe p .._. 1t 19'2 · rH I properly delcrlbed t bove 11 oftlc4 of the County RecorO.r of llol, .....,. 27• Oc1. 4• 11• ' j VOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A ,ACaRC , •• ...., ..... , ... Cenwtery Mo rtuarv Ch1r>el·Crematory 3l500 Pa1e1llc Vrew Orrve Newport Beach 644-2700 MICODCIC MOITUU•I ~una Be~h 49'·9'15 laquna Hills 768-0933 San Ju.n C.p1strano 495·1776 4UIOe LAWM-MT. Ol.IYI Mot1UIWY •Cemetery Cr~tory 1125 01*t Ave Cotta Mesa 540-55S4 pur00f1ed to be: 11 !MinrOM, ~. Nici County. 42eJ...1 OEEO OF TRUST DATED MAV 14, c.lllornte t 2715. Tru1tor or r e oo r d o wner "8.IC fl)TIC( 11181. UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION Th• underelgn•d Trut tH HAROLD NEWMAN and G Ail TO PROTECT VOUA PROPERTY, n dl1cl1lm1 any ll1blllty for any NEWMAN, hutblnd end wile, 11 IC ttm MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. lncorrecu-of lhe t1reet lddr-jOlnl t.nentt. fltCTtTIOU8 ....... IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION and other COl'llmon detlgn1lton. 11 The t1reel 1ddrH1 and other llA* ITAQMINT 0 F THE NAT U R E 0 F THE Illy, lhowll herein. common deeignl11on If eny. of the The ·~ °"'°"' •• doing PROCEEDING AQ,\INST YOU. YOU Said H ie wlll be m1d1, bul rHI property de1<irlt>ed above 11 butlnMI .. : SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. wltllout covenant or •ltrlnly, purported lo be: 820 1111 LIOo Nord. PAYLESS l .. OE SOURCE No.. The 1lrMI lddr-of lhe ebOve ls ~or lmc*ed. regarding 1111e, ~ IMch, CA t2M3. 23&1, 2211 Htrl)Or blvd .. Cotta 330 W1lnul Slreel, "'9wporl Beech, ~on. or enc:umbrencee, 10 The und1reto n •d Tr u11e1 MeN, Catllornte 92827 CA. pay llMI 1emelnlng ptlnclpel tum of d lt clllmt any lf1blllty lor eny llolllme ShOe Corp., 1 MINO<irl ("If 1 etrM t .ciorH• or common ,,,. notl(•I MCUred by Mid DMd of lncofteclnaM ol lhe ttreet ecldt-corporation, 3231 E. 8th: P.O. 8o11 dHIOn•llon It 111own ebov1. no Tru11. with lnltretf the reon, H llld other common delfOn•llon, II 11", Topek1, Ken. IMMI01 w1 111nly 11 g ive n e t 10 111 provided In Mid note(t). tdvlnoel. eny, thowfl hefetn, Thia bulinNI la GOnducled by 1 COIT\C)letlon ()( GOtreclnetl "I II any. under t,,. lermt of Mid OMd S a id u le wlll be made, bu• corporlllOll, The ~•ry under Hld DMd ol Tru•I, I•••. ch aro•• a nd without covtn1n1 or w•rr•nty. llotume 81\0e Coto. 01 Trut1. by reetOn Of• bte1eh ()( expenew of 1he T""1M Ind of lhe ••-or lmf)lled, reg«dlno tltle, Mwy Edd)', AllP o.teut1 In lhe obllg•tlont MCured 11u111 crHted by 11ld..Jl.9ed ol ~. or enoumbr~. 10 Tlllt ''*''"*"t wu 111«1 With ltMt !hereby, hefelolor• executed and Trutt, for the arnou~Hi0n1bly P41'1 ltlt unptlkl blllerlW of the no1e County Cter11 ol Orlt\09 County on dellvtred 10 th• underelgned • Mllnlai.cl to be: I 1•3, 1ot.6a. _.., by Mid DMd of Truat, to-S..,t. ,.~ lff2. Wfftten 0.0111e11on of Oefautt llld The beneflderY undef Mid DMd wit: 1310, 134. 72, lncludlnt 11 Pu blltneCI Orenoe COHI Dally Der'llend for Slit, 111d wrlllen nolQ of l rutl heretof«• ••ecuted llld l)tovtded In Mid note, lldvWlc;el, II Piiot. Sept, 21. Oct; 4, 11. 1t . 1912 ol breech end of llea11on lo ceuM dellveftd 10 Ille undettlgned 1 llhf, ~ the term• of Mid 0..0 •272-t:! 1111 undereton•d 10 u ll u ld wntlen Oeder.clon OI ~ Ind o f Trull, fHt , c hargH and J)foPtfl'l IO t1tltfy Mid ob4i01tlon1, Dem1.nd tor I lle. l f'ICI • wrlt1tn UPIMlf of the Ttutllet Md of the "8.IC NOTIC( 1nd lllereetter the underetgn1d Notice ol o.feull encl f ltcllon 10 1ru111 cr1t11d by Hid OffCI of c....o Nici notlOt of brHCh lf'ld 01 ~;_!Not"'~!." .. ~lonNlld10 T~ ~ . .-..-£.,.. ........... '1CTITIDUe .-u e6ec1ton to tie r.cordeCI June 15, ""'-...,..,... ..... ~· .... ..._ --.._ ITAT'llmWT 1H2 •• In••· No ''·204 tte Of Bell to lie -ded In ,,_ ooun1y of Truat fleH1 ore ""'°"'" encl TN ~ l*eont .,. dolftO Ofllc:lel P'ecotctt wtltre the,... Pf°'*1Y 11 IOcMed. dellv•r•d to Ille undlrt lgf'llCI • ~ w Seid Ille will b• m1d1, but O.W. OoloMr 4, !Ml Wftt1en Oeaeretlon ot o.f9llll tnO P!NHY TV A"'LIANCU, 1245 wlthovl coven•nt O• • w•rrtnty, leld .-.. lie COftdlla1ed by: Deftland for Sale, 1nd t wtllten w. Uncoln. "'**"'·Ce. HI06 ~ « lmplled. rege.rctlnQ 1111•. l 1 w ye r • T It I e I u t u r e f'I o e ,.-. of o.flult encl !i.ctlon lo CHAU MINH HOA NO, t 10 !. OOU-Non. or encuml>rl nctt. lo Cotpofl110ft, UC> Not1h Mein ev ... , .... The unellr9CINd cauMC1 Mid 18'h lema An1. ca ta704 r-1 the rlfMlnlnQ pr1nClpllf Mn Of IMt& Me. CelMofnla '2701. (714) Nol* Of o.flUI{ Ind !leCtton lo HUNQ CHI LI, 1 ITU ~ the note -..reef by lllCI DMd of 141-&111, ... tO ... r-deO In tM oounty LH..1..~lrdln Grawe. ca. taMO. rrwe. wtth Inlet .... "'MIO IMM• ::" .;:ro,...e.Mcee. tnc.. = ~ .. IOcatld. -==.::t· toneMttd by . !:":. -:::'~ -:1 ~~ hello ..,.,.,,.. COto, T...... CHAU HOANG ..... CfWOM ll'ld ••l*I-ol lhe ~. -.................... -Thie ~ -fled wtefl t"8 T""9• end ol 111e IN11• crMled by tr, lut K.ity ............ CA _. OOUf11Y ca.rk Of er_,. CountY on Mid 0..0 ot TrUlll. Said .... '#Ill be llH IOutti ...,..._. mat...... A41gu11 a1. 1M2. Mid on Thur~. OctOl)er 21, '"' ll\HI. DlaM....., WM,,_ ,,_ al 1:00 p.m .. •1 the Ch1pm1n Lot~ Ctllf. to048 Dllr. lept1"1Mf 17, tMI ,ul'>ll•lllCI Ofl119e COHf 01lly A,,_.,. tn1ttnM 'o Ille CMc Clnltr Tat.: (2fa) tta.1ao1 P111'>111Md Or1n1e -Co"' Deify "'°'• •· 27, Oct 4, 11, 11, l u11Cll'1tl• ~00 I HI Ch t pmtn ,ublllflecl Ot'•,,.e COH1 01Uy f'tlot, ...... 27. Oct. 4, 11 tlet ..... A..U. II\ IN Cll)' Of Ou1n0t Piiot. Oct. 1'. 11, H , 1tll4407-12 •17..., UM-12 Al the t ime o l "" 111 11111 r--~~~~~~-~~-L--~~-~--~~-'-~~~~~~~~-~~puOl!Galtol)Of ltlll l'IOllM,ll'ltl~al el'llOUll1 of the unpitotd tNlllf'ICI Of Ille otlllf•llon aecureo b7 Ille 11>ow eaor11'>•d O••d o ""'' 1110 eel OOll•. ••l"W'Mt •nd d¥1ftct~• .... , .. 7, To No other newspaper br.lngs you more of your city council, planning commission, school and college dlitrlcts and county government then the ''"' .,~ 11111, ~""' Dlted =l!:!!....!!i .... INl----.M.. t& o-.:.; . ..- 0:::::-""'--'=-:JI ~ 6 4 ·2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • I .... .. I I I ~ . I A~Mf'ft'M'ftU (." f"ool ..... 1 ~°'·"'·· ~·· •111111Mj p~"""'·•t• ~11llhUa• Tu ,tl• SERVICES 'Wh1.-• h.r•nw, fMPlOYM£NT & rtmlATION '11 Wi>Jlf• l•"tl'WtKHI ,~..,•flhf·t• .... ,., .. ,., ..... '~ MCICHANDISE ' .••• .,.. '-ta. """~"""' ~.~ .... AlitftMil" ::r;: ......... ,. r.""'•• It t,qwpf'tNM , ...... '"'"""" ........ lt ....... ,.__,,....,. ........ ·~( .. ood• , .. ...,., IH rotU..• "..,"" .... '• \f1W"•1f•MOW) Jihw•ll•....,• • •N.-ci \e.,.,, ....... ,.,,,.... .. . '"'"'".,"'"· t..At\t4f ,.... C:'::~~e:. ~\•~I VOOll• !lilltitt M."hwt •N B•t ~~ir ....... , ,,.,..,". IOATS & MHIN( EOUlrMENT 642-5678 !•.'.1• If l~!f .•••••.•••• i:=======::. P•~lltller11 letiHI ~ All '"' •••11• 1dverllMd ....:._J In lhl1 n ew1p1per I• t ubJeCI lo the Fede11I Fair Houalng AC1 of 1988 which mtlt .. II Illegal to 1c;t11er1I" "an'I prel'er•n· ce. 11m11111on or dl1Ctlml· n111on b• .. d on rtce, olor. rellglon. tell or _n111on11 origin, or any ln1enllon to m11te any •uch preference . llmlll· 1111 uon °' dl1Ctlmtn1tton " ... •• Thia ntwtptpet will no1 lt 1tnow1no1y 1ccep1 t ny ,,,. edvertl1lng for rH I H · Ill; Ille wtllch It In VlollllOfl i of the law. r i. nli ---~ -ti.. .., Ml -lQO -- HllHl1 Advert! sen~ should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I a t e I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. If It's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. ca11 642·5671 =·------·' • Llllle Miu Muttet "' on , I cars*blkes• *skateboards" trucks*baby carrlages•tea c;,arts*trlkes r"ol lerskates • walkers*toys •waoons•••• scooters*hot rods*coupes• trailers*hard tops*coovert· ibles*motor homes* lawn mowers*ll'mos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlcles*golf carts*model trains"bikes "pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• Tuflel, •lono came 1 eplder end read In th• Ull Dally Pllol CIH t lfle d ~llO Mellon abou1 Miu MUI· ~ fel'a Tullet and bought II uo for 19.95. Vou cen M ii :l you r lulfe1 tnd 1011 ol Ol her thing• through ... · D•lly Piio t c11ull1ed I Adt. Call 642-5678 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1> :~.:::~ ~: ~ l;l '• •·••oo """"'" ...... ~•• ,..,._.,4h '-°''~ ...... ...,...., ....... z-....... .... .... ~ , .... I•• ..... . ......... _. ... , .. _ ··-•c. .... -, ·-·-......... ~==--1 :! ::::-• ·-··-.... ..,. . . ., ...... _ --· "' .. ....... ... ...... ........ ......... .. .... ....... """ ........ ........ .. ' \10 •• '" ... "' ... . ,. .. .... ,,._ ,. ...... \tP ... ~·· --..... . .. ..... . ..._ ....... ....... " ..... .... ... I\• ..... ..... ··--.. ,-,_.., ... _ .,._r .... tJf •• .,, .. .."'-* •• , "" .... ~ ... ''"' . ....... ......... ...... Classified works for you when you want to • : ' • c Orange CoHt OAILY PILOT/Monday, Oclobe< 11. 1982 Q~:--r~~R~111a~l~E~1~ta~t1== ....... ;Jiiiiiiiith~e=C~om7p~~Lt~~~an1i1e;:::=-;:Co=a~t~Ma=.-;:rk=et=P'-~ce ____ 7.:i::=:-="=::-' !~~ ':!'..~'!.!.•!! ....... !'.._!!!!.~'.'.!!.'!....... u11 1au 1•11 ~,.i, l~m.Vi11.~~{•!~ .. l~!.~!~!.~'!I!!~.'!~.'!..: !!!!~t~ ........ 1.~~f ~!.~!!!.f'!!'!!~.'!t'!. •• IHJ I llt•lf C1•u•I IOOZ Prlmf• Lido Nord be-y1ront:-!1ifrm, 01'11 l>llth .• ,._., L-t /Mf • n••••••••••••••••• C•t• .,,, 1114 BHtl•flH llllTALI ,,,, .. ,, ._,. 1111 •••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Lft\' L H . 2 huut 1111)9 Sl.~00,000. ••••1'••••':'1'17••••••....,. •Iha ··~·~~·~ lt•et 1140 2 to• bdrm1, •••rtlng 11 •••• ..-•• ;.ttf•••••••••• .... ,,,, 1001 , •• , ... ,, _t/ff tutald• lar09 lnod yard, •••••••••••••••••••••• ie&O IO 61 e&. 3 &r. 2 llOfY IQWl\l\QUH . 2 •••• ·;;;,··.·,·,··,.··1······ WILi Tl •••• • ................ r.... hrdwOOd ""· 24' 1111/dln 8 01111 10 ~·n Elegant tlllhl, pwder rm "•'Y .,. Rl'modc•h-d a bdrm. 2 l:>Mth • Iara(' l'\_C. rm. BHmed Ct lllt. llr•· 4 l<lrm. beyfront W/doell ., ... n-crpt Ill 2 er & Geclar I glH• 2 Or" den. p "I . c 0 mm p 0 0 I llll bt·nm '-c•1hn4J11, fuml.lhl'<i, PQllOI. $420.000. pl~. wood & 111 ga· 14000/mo yrty or 13000 den, large llllen w/Htlng 2'>'\ 81 1926/mo Ptulh S9001mo 1173·18&8 '«• aec.111 Ihle 11ur10u1 winter. Avall, 1011. lfM, 1 700/mo tet & IHI .crp11 & dr11>•• All the Wl•Tll 1-1-1-,at-.- hi\ I advanttg• ol Ihle PEl,1111 a ~··· charmer, In • qul•I & ti.I PllPlln 1400/MC 842-0857 bl1 1n i"'4tflllie• you d• -tight l and aJry home with .,. _ Holudecl park. fkautll~I· ,,.a't111.••MllT ;r--• ., ne;; 3 Br 2 ,~ Ba 1111. bHutllul 1111ned 3 & 4 Br Clote 10 wat.,, gr•1 II ocean btNzH. 3 Oct•nn & jl:tty viuw•. Mar ne room, 4 bdrm, 3 ly upgtad•d. N•wporl • -01111 window, mlcrn lurn 6 unfurn. reuont · ep .. :touabdrm•0.1~:1gu1 1t· Th• oopular h111h.:J700 11q.Ct.fl.385,000.CA't!IUlfron t. bHt va lufl IH.900. 111 ... 111 ~~lnnheaer1·7001•nc94v0r~;,?0188 wivt. 1r11n comp. ble,111amenfllel Brok« vlnr) room an ,, n no "Fr1111t11c1n" model Own•r motlval•d ... · ·uv hydro •P• In lviturtoua 875·4012 tOOI "· All on • CWl•t cul (.Oll<IO rtUH tl)41CIOu• 831·711 I. Winter Rertl•I. Lor 2 bd. f 2 Bt ' Ba. •ttached O•· maetr b•. dbl 011 1HIY11• Wfftctiif ., ... avail • 3 BR de 1 iac. Blttt Ot Jog 10 tile bodroorni Two llled po Liii& ISLE UYflllT ba. lrpl, paUO, W/O, ll•ry raoe. aml encl yrd, kid• garaoe. lully malnt yard be• ch. N•atl•d among "0• sr1<1 0"' berbiteue l.ul(ticin view from 6 bdrm, 6 1tb. pl~room, HIT l&.Wf.... otun I UO/mo llOO QI{ S630/mo t31·3872 No pell. lnQolre et 527 'tSZ3CAMIVSlla·lllV"'l 2g,B:~?b:~~· 1~·.~~2:: \llfl • expen11ve hom•• Showt Ilk• o model d k d ,...~-II N 1 000 3 br. 1'-' bl, 11111 newl Wnt OC.an Front, C•ll lllth St 980•8331 NH r propoe1d morln1. $2211.000 ,.r rm, l'll oue\ I p. ow . • . $73.000 NIUmeble loan 835·5088 or 997.3g70 a • TIWllll•E I 2 BR 2 Ba. CPll, drp1, encl 48· 1232. 8'15·5983 B•U •r hurry. mull Hll 111·1100 11 9'/•%, QWO 2nd 11 1 • 2br dpl•. ocean vlaw, gar, 1750 No Pita Newpo n CrHI, oo•an Ull• WMkend 548·2313 .•-•-----• UYlllE PUOI 12%. $139.500. By ow· IUlll llW I I $850 I 19 Hunlln/:ton St 875~11 view exec condo. 2 br, fj . ----•'ii"iii"iiiii--Spl'l:U.11·ull11· buyfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, ner. B••ll•fll• 2 Bdrma, 2'Ai ba th• In 638·3894· 861 •7 22 UNIVERiifv PK 3 BR 2'11 don. ofllCl8. 2 ba, lormal OCUllFllOIT !l bu <ln :l lxiat lipaet.'S. Reduced-$1,500,000. 873·3089 213·281·03e6 JHd 3140 Oerd•n Ilk• community COTTAOE In T11.:-p1ax. bt, liv/lam rm, 2 c11 Y"· din r.•t•blt. tennla, 3 bdrm. shake & an1no•• W1ll•l••l11 '"' oeLuxe·c·o;too··N:;; ~~~:!~~. n~711~:: ~~:· d2:~· ~~ ;:0~: =~~~· mc:"5~2~7 IC, g;3~3; iJ e" • 1200 hom8 on Balboa Ponln F&1•1•111s 111011 •••••••••••••••••••••• beach 28r 1•1i ba. Jae. I 1 1 5 o Imo C • 11 tile, p11n1. dbl gar. /0 I , .. llPUI Owner will netp 11nance " All BUSINESS LOSS FOR· pool, l•nnla, v•ry prlv•t•. 875-23 WOOOBRtOGEi'iiOO 8upet H1tbor/Oce1n vu. Priced 10 sell at SfiOO, NC'W •I •hr. 4 '"1 l>o. custom Frt•nch Nurll"\andy CES SALE. Nice '4 Bdrm n 0 k 1d1 • n 0 p 1 11 . 11 hOOk·up, cpt1/drp1, ol· Spac 4 bt, 2,~ bl, nlc:ety 3bt. 2ba. s 1100 239 ~:; .. P~'!,!n1 ~'v:'~r~: ~~~ 000 Evea 642-2253 1''.-;t.oh· 1.2 µrime· ocre hilltop $1,250,000. 2'"' b1th1. Only $110,000 $800/mo Cell Oeyt• 3 B~. 2\h ba, lplc, mlc;ro· do r co u P 1 e P 1 or landacoped, lam rm. Oceanvlew 675-2887. prlc •· Call Tim Rhone. with $22 ,000 down and 8 3 5. go 1 1 o, • v •a wave. D/W, central vac. 893·4894 lrplc. pauoa Lake. poOI 548·2•07 l ··t 01720·12&3 AYALOll ueuml• s ee,.000500/lono 492·1170 lntercom.p11lo,8eO.no,3 Bt 2 Ba. trplc. clean & tennta 840·1327. Newpot1_S_h_o-,et--2-bl'--1V.-. n...... S ( term oan. I mo. IM. $750 mo. 549-8388 1 quiet 1111 $&35/mo wt 1>59·8188. ofc 720·7373 ba ~aikgg ...... 1• _ .;AN\ Ft'(' simplC' rottage on qu1e1 v..-...:aJ'\80 l in Beuer than renting alter £••u• ll•elJ 3141 -· -""' .... _.,., FJot.s) $14!1.000 tu ben•lil•. A & H In-••'••••••••••••••••••• OPTION to buyt Laroe gardnr 980~~ _ NewJ Br po1llfron1 conoo mo 551· 37 evN Oo•O-'•-••ya· vealmenll 752·2197 180 deg. Ocean view, 2Br 3br 2bl home w/Jacuull 3 bd 3 bo Fmly rm, lvg with v1ew1 to Nawport Beat view of herbor, n ""'"' "" 2ba, apa, $1200/mo Pl\ coun1ry type llflchen wt 1 m. din rm. Jttcuu l, Cenlot End unll, no ocein 6 llghta Lrg houN * FOIECLOSlflE * Coron ado l11hmd cuat. bay front lot. 85' boat OtA11 1111 lil•I• .tg9•53o4. 499'4827 Cllshwuher. klda·pet ok bulll·lna. N1w, S 1000/mo Pe 1 a I 8 5 0 A 9 1 on 1 acre + iot on CUii lllT llYI r11ke advtt111oge ot e•· dock Pl ii N ~370 000 l w •••••••••••••••••••••• $850/chg 838•7005 •ot 11111ea1 rent Jenny 846-2850 Dr 3BR 3 tull bath• can ce11en1 pricing on thl1 3 .:_._ ans nva ow " • w mw. Jlle)/11 B1•11 #1w .. rl ll•eA Jiii 3 er 2 Ba. $735/mo. No l 675-49111 Fot Teue-woodbrldge • e pa, 'a 10 up f; om Prlc ad below current marl 1et an<I own•r very moll vated. Greet loca- llon and highly upgra· d•d • thl1 beaulllut 2 Bdrn ~ 2 bath condo la a r111 bargain! Well ptlced •I I t 2111 900·calf nowl 846-7t 71 Br nome w/12'•% euu· fer l•/1 /IH ••••"••••••••••••••••• pall 8011 Joann St.I RHdy 10.151 Lovety 3 Br l Condo. 2 bd. 2 ba, nr downalalra Both w/own mabla loan Bargain prl· ...................... LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam 844· 1838 I 2 balh HOUSE. aunken 8 du 11 p 0 0 1 6 take kllchana. 111 llng rm & ced at Sl46.500 won VA BY OWNER· 11111111 ·The rm. 4 Ba. S1700 mo. METRO REALTY cetera workahop, fenced yd for $700/mo Call eve a trplc Fncd pv1 nm In ,,,ms evalloble Coll OrovH, 2Br. 281. dbl 1 .. _ COASTAL 1reu In pnvecy Today se85 + 714·278-8322 mldat of park Unique, 759·1501 or 752·7373 gar, $69.000 On Green-OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. ,,. T tlO -------llelllbta hm 3000 111 belt , Stl,000 dn. 1 Ba $700 mo Biii the beltway hlllWhy .c.1 ,, POOLHOUSEl 4br2'1tbo s2600/mo R & H In· Ho•111 J11 •II •••II /1111/1 832·9199 Grundy, Rltr, 875·8181 we have an ottice cloae Me Ir o • d 11 Y • custom doalgn lnalde & Ylltmenta 752•2197 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• byl K ... Mart Shopping 636 7005 outl ~car ger. now S850 _ CHIO /11111 /OZ4 ll'VJ., llU4 Aell .. I let l•I• IZOO Cannery l/lllaga Mobil• Mall CLOSE TO BEACH Brand Metro Really 838·7005 Styllah 3 bedrm 2 bath •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••'•••••••••••••••• Home Parll. 2 br. 2 ba, 2200 S.Harbor 838·7005 n-2 Br boacn hOU""' chg 9ua.11nteee results! tl~e sun deck, now $850 .Ew 00.10 ·---------1 GOVERNMENT LAND pool. No peta. CIOM to ..,.. I ..... lllW ITIPPllll SOid for 11 tow u $7.50 ahopa & reatauranta, Npt Hg. 1825/mo Joyce all ullls paid, skylight. Bea-;;tc;;c0r Turllerocic 0110 ~llfan eea c."' 10 DOWI an • c r • For In I o 1700/mo yrly. 873-31185. Weitze, eot 631· 1266 sun deck Iota of WOOd. view home, 2 muter &+7oo5 CLOSE OUT FINAL UIUm PllOll 312/888-4347 Eitt. Jl·19 1·525·18-48. 1·772·1801 Brllk jog 10 the b4Nlchl lrptc, bll·l~sj 2 cat f~T 1u11ea. ale $1250 Agl Hrbr l/u Hm1 3Br. 2ba. no SALE 2 & 3 81 J Be lux, All&Zlll flUJIOtlll 3 BR 3 Ba Ot 2 BR 2 Ba. 1 chlld. 1 pet Oii, $415 rHage11' gdreda I ocb. 'a th 648·5096. 831·2262 pell $1050, 1g54 Port fi PP.!'111~.{j~fJ .. t ~ Walker 8 Lee -------a/c. All amenulet. Next Sce,,ic Mountain View• & oc11nlron1. wllly/mo Me1ro Really wlll make c:i; r;°!,6.'79~~· Y en WOODBRIDGE ARBOR Clerldge 844-2405 LOOK door 10 all anopplng & Steps /\•voy Brllll1rtt blue D•1l1xe1/ 752·9•88 or 873-088 1 apptaf 838·7005 chg --LA~E Private aeourlty ', COLDWC!LL BANl(eRC theotttra 714/631·5055 pool mingle to moe "•l'"i '•t ••I• 1•-NPT C"'EST Condo 3 Bt 2'1t Ba. $1100/mo EXECUTIVE Living at gatadcomP'unlly. former For our naw regular ••-•n•• .,.._ .. ,.,. ..,...c,. Country S tyle living If, ,, 11 •· ._ ,, a middle clesa ptlcelllt model, 1)roleHlonally WATERFlll•T 111111 2 BR. plua den. 3 BA. bayv11w. S2000/mo yeerl Oona Cfllcnettet --'111 <ltylrTea•uSreHOW-THTLUOCl s;~!·:Oh~,;eY~,~!°,;, ~! ~0~~:nJ~~~~1:n'n111W!' ·imi.Tuiiiini· :,~,~~!g~ :;~~5 :;~~2:S~~~~2·1·,,agt 1:~~= ~?~!b~~~~5 ~~.~:·,:~,~;!'°:.!~CZ: $215,000 lrplc S6t,OOO loan, IS• Spacious 3 Bdrm, Wind· fH llftlttlm WESTCUff SO COAST PLAZA AREAi Me1ro Really 838-7005 lg petlo & many xlraa CASE One of Iha Rtdge's finest sunie 81 9'1t'Yo. S 107.000 flow., Mell bOaats moll San Clemente pride ol 3 br. 3 ba. don. xlnt loc carpeted home w/utlla chg guaranteM roaultal Incl a pr1v lanll & jacuz· 4. 11 v a II a b I e a I I 3 •;.. out11geou1 muter aulla •"'I od s c ----Peters Homes1snow1or 642.1060 owner .... p. m ern P•· Fully Of pity rurn $1100 lneludedl hll<l/pet okl DELUXE CONDO Nell zl. No peta •1250 mo. Ev•• 'Y Saturday In the sale Spill-level. spacious w/own Prlv. drtHlng nlah alyle 4 unit apt. mo. 642·6802 TO DAY $ 4 2 5 + s m beoch 2Br 1,,., bl, Jae. 551-6<417 or 833-8201 Da1t11 Piiot CIUllfleda design plu6 qu•llly e~· •liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil area, open aunllght kit· nouae with ocean/hllla & emerge pool tennis. very private, ---3Zll -~a:~~r~~~~CA~~d~,:~·~ ·,..l!Ell .YEllE ~=.~~;n:~:;e_ d:k~~ f~".~~~~1~1r 0~11~'; ...... 11.Ju•i•IJH M 01 r ~3~!00~. y II .. 'S:o~/~! ;.~1 ~~~~e t*l~A~tt~·FRO.NT ~~~~~~~~~ *••JFI_..* plus yout own private ..>U3 MAOIERA roundlldbywallsolgl111 ye1r1 old & ahowa llke •••••••••••••••••••••• 83 • 90 1 .: .. -AT 1-LIP' v•-01 hHls & canyon 4 BDRM 2 BATH & contrasting Country NEWI New ownet c011ld l#•1t•l JZOZ •IOME flll llll* "· 1 or • vea Nu 3200' lu• hm on blull BHut •Br exec hm on •44 • 0• 0 Appraised 11 '140K wood decking. Incredible occupy 3 Bdrm .. 2 bath •••••••••••••••••••••• Just your baalc place 492· 1170 1110 deg. vu of harbor. toe landecope<I lot In 8ig ( tPH IAJLY 1-1 ::::::·=~~~:J Owner must aell $125K tow price of S 105,000 city & ocean view apt. It llln&LI nlQe/n/qulet no tease at KIDS welcomed In thl1 surl. mtns. 3br, 3ba. Canyon w/catm pool/ 38 l~ALBOA COVES. 3 A 1S1eve213·927·800t with 110.000 down, appllcable & rent 1he a11BEST539·8190COST latge.lbr,modernappls security, 11un1. spa spa Mr Ora•n bcln Tl • 2 bath. NOW $1097/mo pays all . donl other 3 apartmenta lor YHrly-Weekly·Wln11<, 2. fenced Just $495 + ch9 S 1800/mo. 498-7009 644·9804, 8 to 6 pm, RED UCEO TO $489.000• 118 C&IYO• miss Ihle one, CAL L income S•ller wlM help 3,4 Bdrm1. $595. Thal'e 11, Super Met ro . • 7 do y I • -EMERALD BAY 3 br, 2 Mon·frl. llEWPOllT l&IUll NOW s. ., ... •wn 2t>e<lrm loaded w/xtrasl --------' lllT lltYflfTTI IEL1811T finance 6 ,.l/E buy•r • n aunset patio. klda/pets 636-7005 ba 1600 sq It trpt, brick 4 BR. 3 Ba Nwp1 CrHI • ULTll/IWIEll Pr Y8Cy sacvrrly and a ATlllMS! SIRllllTll 2 STOllY nrrworr lhouunda of dollaral ,... All utlla lncit Metro ON THE SANO patio. with spa $1600. condo lmmac Agt Cllf· rolling lawn 5 Bdrms. HAMEi CEILIHll ~ ~ REDUCED Hlltng price mekes •PPll! 836-7005 Vtew o l the oceen 2 213/878-2255 lene. 875·1771 *lll-1111* pool. spa and qu1111y I •10001 l10I h ! LI W I I WI LI W of S295.000.00 la way •AIAllllEn B<I l'hb d d --------o 1. • • • BELOW current repl-.. Another borgalnl 5 rm rma. 1· guu 8 2 Br 1 Ba eottaga. Clllf llfAll IUOI - i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil cSllr~9'.':~anship nty Modem, detach•d hm, ""'' ment coatlll Prlnclpala lll-1171 .. hlld 1 11 I 11 gate. pool. nun•. gym. section. gH range, g••· " rm houae all utlla pd .. """ nOUM c pe ne u $800/mo 213/333·3846 dener. relrlg Avall 1 /8 " uniquely dUlgn•d by 111,100 ONLYlll Call owner at $4501 BEST 539·6190 0,902•1298 Wiii 11191 Sll7 " dbl g11ag1 fncd yard ::. : : ~~= :•.: ~~: I '~!:it~::. II~~~~\ ~~:d~::':':vi~~~~~~1 ~:r'::~~·~~1P::;0~~~ 17141 "° ~u~~~!'!,"!n~n11~':ro COST Breezy 2 BR 2 Be home 49....0154 On bu111ne" ~1"od:1s5kgg\dln:~r~ light and airy Interior thla 2 11ory elegant pride 642-0138 g 1 te d communltr .,., Cua1om 2 bedrm houae w/ wl plush carpeting & Walk to beach, glen & 539·6190 COST It I Let 120X120. w/skyllgh11. 3 garden of ownerahlp Garden m In Y • m • n I I • • wdathr•~.hoolcobl-u\;~'s· 500crpf drape Kids OK, Pll• redwood. 3 Br 2'.+ Be VllHlllH condo, 1 Bt •2IO 000 11/._1 Id••' IOOf otnums. beam•d eel· 11111 p f n1 11y d $82$/mo ----n•"' $525 & am cno 8 b ' •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 k 1 lld bd 1 ro 1 ona l>r •· I f t 0 • I Metro ~lty 8-7005 .. • .. lam rm atuoy. hot tu atudlo. min vi-Total * CHARMING RE MOO 3 ra't'ity i~oo',; w/bar~. corlled thru-oul. ••· ----------i 8J rt• t I t ,...,, guerant-rnull1t Metro 838··7005 I Ip I S 1 4 0 0 MC bldg . aub gerage, e +' 1 T " my mut., eulte w/extra l I. ...._ I_._• ---'-"'-'--------1 7 14/834 0968 Evu J MIU Yllllf r •O I rocle/lse opt lor wells ol glass to patloa. •t••• 11r.,1!f. -•n • 2Br Condo, 1'11Ba, cpta/ • pool. 11c ,, 6 clbhH On the golf course dupleK or unit 673·8585 Enjoy sun all dau on hld•·•·a way cloeet ••••••••••• •• •••••• On Lido Park Oflve, larpe •SSll 2111 ltllf* drpa, clubhae. Jae. pool 497·1070 $600/mo 644-0307 AP· ' apace. "' you Ilk• It loft Wiii trade dbl Wide mobile 2B< and den, MC. bl<IO Jual oll hwy 55 bMn well S550 o 768 7633 pl 11 guard gala Cull• >m beautiful 3 Bdrm Cero•I ''' J111r JOZZ "Private Rool Sundeck" l or add•d bdrm or hOme &/or 3Br hou... i 2oooimo. kepi, pvt fenced y1td m · • HW VIEW Y • hom• '• many, many ••· •••••••••••••••••••••• Only $ I0,000 down & qul1t1t momenta H11 Tustin for parUal dwn In· '411/lttflltl north •·bll reedy 10 anow SHOW CASE HOUSEi 10 mlnulH so o~ Laguna S.11 l••elJ 3114 traa $279,500 'Nlth 10% $1395/mo pymta lf0you commanding vl•w to come property (714) 3 .. A. lodayfl BEST •Open 1 Th11 2 bedrm la high In on Dana Polnl' mo11 •••••••••••••••••••••• dowr •owner wlll cttty tt TRADE ate lootuno tor• UNI UE ope n 1111rc••• and 557.9390 Wood and QIUI ..... m COS the eocletyl Landec:a~ uclude<I acenlc bluff. SURFSIDE COLONY. 4 12~,1' lnt.,est. .... HOME AT A S TEAL. enterteln•r'a llv. rm In qul•I locatlon. Bal· deye * T yatd. dblgu, now 1550 Ilk• new. 2 Br widen. bd. 4 ba. lam rm. n4'Wt)' • ., ........... IHr. your boring Income pro-we'V1! got Ill Hard 10 ltnd II aet.900 C.M. Huge quell1y duple• cony. 1900 mo yrty. •Nl·l1H* M•tro Reelly 636-7005 Ktra t1roe private polio. dlCOflled. OCMn front, 141-1121 perly or outgrown real· CENTURY 2 t with 15000 dn pymt. II· 3 lrplo, 3 gar. copper Wlttrfr ..... 4 Br 3 Family -nled for Ihle chg gu1t1111-r"ultal 1 garage. $726/mo Call 213·592·2365 --------1 denee Wolh t1rge equity W•lt·I• llHltr IOWt auumpllon 11.9% plmb'n9. $126K. HIV· Ba. Oen. Din. gar. no 1)911 roomy 2br HOUSEi Yard a•ao. IT'S YHll 601·6441 Ot M·F. 9.5 , .. , •• ,., •• , ~~~l•/::~.u;:: :.~~ '-141-IOIO ell Int rata. $979/mo mable roan at t2% Int. ~~J:;~~3oS1~27 Coral la fenced, pela oll JASO Lo~• herel Fully equlped 6•3-0210 T•ta/1IJH JfOO l.111 U I fr. tt• ltM. need 1 family 10 occupy 111 5 bdrm• and 3 bathe CIOl4 1 to comm pool •"d not I ar from shop• l/ary well kept. Price reduced to 1 ;159 .900 Call 979·! 1370 now home wlln 180 deg P•Y• "o~mlY 21 !}2~!.~f.olr Agent Metro Realty 838-7005 k11ctl•" all btlla paid nr L••••• Billi JZSO •••••••••••••••••••••• I ~. raSlllll ~ -,....... chg guarani-resollal the .._ach & av.....,.hlng ••'••••••••••••••••••• 1rrw--T arra-ocean v •w In walk lo "°" WALl·ll llALn Beaut. lg• nome 4 BR .,... • .,. 2 story 3 bedtm 2 bath .,,........ -bHCh Cotona del Mir Cll4JIMEI 4·Plex. Meu Vat de. 3ba. lam rm. blllna, aln-FICI ... If 1400 1111 BEST 539 ·619 equip kitchen w/bl'kfut Lu• rm atil. J><of dec'd, locauon REDUCED TO A fl I lll-2121 (Spice Str••ta). gr•at gle gar, yrty $1100 Aeglr Complate 5 tma nicely COST arae. fenoecl for chldrn linen• dishes. kng bed. SH5.000 with 11 75•;. H••• 18H •C loan. 15% down Bkr Prop, 876-4000 done tnalde put bill• 1400 "'•111/21• $875 no 1111 month req• I uc grd underground int Secluded 4 B<lrm plus L••••• ll•d llUI 979.43113, pal<I hu gar•o• klda -" 636•7005 METRO Rl TY gu. ldry tm, Wik to t>eh. 144.7211 famlly room. featuring ••'•••••••••••••••••••1----------1 1 flat IH<IY for lamlly not S700 894 8621 enclosed cour1y1rd. prl· PRESTIGE PAii/ATE LEYEIAIE .. Iha pell •r• a /ok BEST toof1r lromthabHCht0 L Iii I 3ZS2 -~·--· - VIie bacll yerd wlttl Kol COMMUNITY OF EX · 8 untll loc:ttecl In Cost• ,,., ••• ,. 3111 539-6!90 COST ya' can walel't tho •url II .!l!'!!~ ••• I.".~ •••••••• c •• , •• ,., ••• pond Very ~n and e1ry CLUSIVE EMERALD Mell, all 2 Br ,,,.. Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••iMONEY TIGHT! only $360 BEST 539-6190 COST BCH tennta, pool. grd'd Ual•t•illJH J4Zf \ · w1tn toads of glen. 8AY unit• with garaoee & po· 3 Bdr 2 Ba. yard, no Pit•. fully equip kl1cilen and -------gate, 3 bd. 2 bl. lmmac •••••••••••••••••••••• t;C CURRENT 1ST TO AP· II Br w/ocunvl-$725. lloa 16% down ... """9 IVI H 1011. $1000/mo IOITl4I utlla paid! Metro •llH Jiii• 831·1293 EXEC RETREAT In ..... II .·I l / 111·: 11 . . \ ••• t ·.'a.It ••• c; I !h"X. Y .A LOU anu mable on 1hla 4 bdm 1 home wit h tefur· bllM d kitchen and low main ienance yard Own· er wf 11 usltt In financing tool Sae ti aoon Only St27 500. call 979·6370 ·ll/ 1l/~·11 . ''\ '•·f 'f.I('•'' WAY, WAY IELIW MAllP M.,e •dlth Gerdena 3 Br 3 HPUX PRICE REDUCED TO $250,000 3 Bdrm1 2 baths plus studlO apert· ment above gat090 F1ra1 11me ottered Walk to shOps, bus. etc Owneta are receo1i.11 10 your II· n1nc1ng needs 142-1200 1111 Ba. ~I ctr¥" Full prte. ~~~~~~~~~ f iliooo 51.3191 f~!!~.!!!~ .•.... !!.~f llAllE OPPOllTlllnt 0 0" IOWI iiiiit 114,IOOE l•• Pr•tsl l 'llllJU lllff "New" & IPAlllOUS Oar· ltlT NY don l/lllu wl ttoot to eel· Ill ltl UllYM ling llreptaces. NEAR 4 Be drma. laMlly rm & BEACH 1,2 & 3 BdtfJIS dlnlr1t g rm, Immaculate lrom $84,500 Below thrunul. New carpets. matktt Int rate ellow1 drap.111. nurbl• entry a for pymll 1a low •• d E i195 1mo (Eaay •oo r. lact. ••curtly Ou1ll"'•ng) POOi 11nnll aye1• m. W•t bar. 2 fill· ., plac••ll. 3·Cll garage & security getlld pf'VllloC'y Arll•·llC pool end •P•· TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Prlcuod right $695.000 THIS ONCE IN A Liff· Gal• guerded area TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 144-4110 Wal•·ll RHltr 964-3311 If -= ._,.. J.OH CO ~ REDUCED TO: $799,5001 litAYFRONT ·LINDA-CLOSING COSTS ONLYI ('twMf ......... bwlMM ,..., .... Ind 111..e .. lld .. 11 To t CIUeNflM bllytt, tttlt luOMe ••r IN purcflt1•d for cloalnt • .... •IYI '•buloue lowHI price on • aoltttlH Lindt l•I•. lupofb la9oon k : ..... Wfftl pter/tflp for 1 ... r•ht end 0 I bMrMM hOntl With rer91 famlly ni,... "'"9t now befof9 "lcoe go Uff. t !l1·1m. s-1 .. ON MARKET-PARK LIDOI A .... ......_ en a ""'''' Newport etreel """ • ....,....,. Ind epeoloue ... ..., ............ """ ... 1 ...... """'' •'*-to thle I MdrOMI IMNM wtttt I"~ ~ Md OMloMd petlo, Lovotr 18 ..... , .... Ind alllolnlnt OOfttntURllJ ....... ,.,.... M ........... " .... T....w .................... ,., .... WI\ n Rf KO:'\ r HOMf ~."' llf \I ..... .. .,....., ._ ............... ,., ......... .. ...... _...., ~ ...... llt-1400 PROXIMATELY $133, 000 eKletlng fin ancing, ti.I, Pltrlm makel 1pptal Unit lor largo lamlly hU Vacant 3Br, 281, 1.,..., rm. port Bch I Br penlhou· ooo Aektng only S 165. 4 Br w/apa, family rm, 9Xgroea. FuN price 1345, •••a•-836-7005 w/w carpeta. diner are1 H Sec:unty. pOOI, ec>•. 000 O WNERS AN eornerlot,tryldHOP· 000.&3 1 7370 649-3546 --·· ..... I Ill big kitchen BEST atrium.lg yd $860mo g y m 6•2 8888 XIOUS For an appoint: lion $825.000 • lll ... 111 c . ..., guaran ees resu • 539·8190 COST 875-2500 848·4267 • · 1 1 0 1 • 1 11 2 Br view home w/poot 3 Br 1 Be, lrg tine yrd, 11 3.~1 men • • c $650,000. 644-7020 2 bike lo beael'I, 2 8r 1 Ba. quiet area. $650 1a1 & Anotnet 4 Br Incl famlly /11/,.il• rl1ie •• $77 000 540-1151 LIHI UAL ES1ATI refrto "11ov.. Qllf S.50 '"'· MC C•<1 759-1221 rm+ geraoe $880 kid• ···;;o;;e·F'JA•RENT··· FHA u.Umabte 191 )'<1}' lncl all u111 No pell or 548-3386 Pit• ok BEST 539·11190 3 Bdrm .. $725 Fenced 11•.-~ lnteretl 645-5188 L .. , I ,... 835-5445 COST ••••• ,.,... ·~· --yard & garage Kid• & LEASE/OPTION SP9C1•· ~~~~~~~~~··'•••••••'••••••••0• OCEANFRONT · 2Br. 1Ba, 3 & 4BR house. cloen Cell pell weteome 545·2000 culer view Sec:urlty ge. BHtlait•• VILLE H OEllllE frpt, M1r 3222 D .. • 1elat JZZI Elgin. agent Agent. no fM. 1•d Harbot Rld09. Ten· ll•ci JIU Jil~~T~~~ •·,'.",~ .... ••• S•p~i~~;·:-bd:•3·~:~~~· ••1,~;ti;;;ii;;;;•• 5-3-1 -- 9-4 - 8-1---..... ,, ll•d JZff ~:9s=:~ sr;,.~~~~5/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• • .,.. · 0 Point Walking di B••t1'•Jll8 ··-·•4'••••••••••••••••• IO ltWI 10 ' TOWNHOMES •••••••••••••••••••••• SpygllH All amenlll••. •n• . •· •• , ... -J•~z H11bor Ridge le•H 4 8' 3 -~ • ,. ... By Howa•d Marti Co Ulnd & plan• lor 137 ap. S17SO mo 759-1015 lance to BM<:h 3 and 4 ao _., • ., Be. beeu1decor.360011, A.ru •• '.'.• •• •.•.'.'·'····,.··'·'·"· .. •• Beaut cu91om home, vu from s t59.000 M H rentel park, Hemet bdtms $950 to S 1350 ••••••••••••••••••••• '•' of ocean. walk 10 aand. 495-3244 780·9355 $850,000 term• Ownet Sc>aoiou• 4 bd. 3 ba, In per mo. 881·3100 j Bt. 2 Ba home, Hunt· pool, tennis. ~ard gete .. , ... 2 I 3 / 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 8 or (714) 558-1433. SpygllH All amanlllea, 1ngton Harbour arH 12500/mo Bob°' Dovie 902·1298 $17SO. mo 759-10\5 HOUM. Condo. Apt All '750 848-6914 t1 Koop. Agt, RE/MAX , •• , ... ,, 1111 ----i#nt .. tl ll•elJ IHI ll•••l•I•, O..itl, av• 11 • b t • now . 8 mo 1 ., 759-1221 •••••••••••••••••••••• DESPERATE No Quall· ••••"••••••••••••••••• I ·~-4 Br. 2~ Ba. F.R .. D.R .. & $ 6 5 O. $ g 5 O pm Wln1er Rtnt•I 2Br, pool, 1 lying Ownete mull ..,1 "''' • ., vi.w. Comm. pool, ten· 7141493-0467 /rn•f Jz441 HARBOR VIEW HOMES hou .. to beh $550. Ptaya thl3 4 Bdrm,...., beach. ILlfFI UIUll COTO .. OE.CAZA:G;;;d nla, $1600 mo. Ownr ----------••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm, expanded Ctf· R E_8_73_·_1_900 ____ _ Asking St 19,900 Mak• Y°'-1 own the land. 2.~ comm. C.tm llomM. Cell 759-ec>oe. LWElll t ~ ":J: ~~= ~1 4 b<lrm, 2ba. lnelvd" II· olr Bl<r848-0709 aq It, 3Br, lam rm, 2~ M Lou a gt. (714) 3 bd 1'.+ b•. hardwood Buli•JI•• JZ~I 3 Bdrm detec:nedh<>m411 Agl.O-Hlll~2•8079 nen d1stin.drTI/ utlll- /niet IH4 8•. wide Oraenbelt. ,_, 49S-1064. 770·8814 floor•. ITpt. dbl gar, 1895 ll•elJ " In ••ce41enl ar•• Avall•· 1 tlel 873-•&ee •••••••••••••••••••••• P,;~~.~ ~~=r~ "-t •I C1u'1 ~w84r"k"'2514tO. =v4•~' 8N8ow, h m 5i,;~~TeR·~ci~~·,·;:;, b I e t mm• d I at• I Y LIDO ~LE00'428r22 3" Bap & 3 bdrm, 2 ba, frpl. •••to .101100 .... .,. ..,..., " " ·•t bit A..,.. •550 $~/mo on 1 .... It leue. den, .,14 . ia •· , llon. Bkr. 844-0t34 ,, ... ,,. llH ---------• .. na. """'' • mo. five othara to-choo" tarmo. 875·71118. bc:h. 2 bd , c 0 n d 0 . The -:::::::::~ •••••.,.••"•••••••••••• Elegtnt 3 bd. lam rm, prv1 Call 540· 1158, ••k for 1 (213) 501-8774 STREAM Private patio_ i Income: 2br/tba home COn'!munlty. Stepa to _o_a_,,. ____ ..,,..,,.....,...,,....-::--lrom We'r• the°"" IO Beech hOUH, 2 er. get. Pool. Spa Tennie Prln-y•-•-·~ b10c:tc to beach pool. Sp• & Ta nn ta HOME:S FOR RENT call IOI leuea. S700/mo, 3 Br 2 B1, ger 3 Br 2 Ba. complet•ly -·-• S895/ F d T furn Steps to beach. c:lpalscall714/498·1118 1_._ •• 1 $99,500'. Agt "8-aeee 1 1260 mo. lmmed 3 & 4 Bdrm. i 100 to \\\~ldhrldn~ momo r• e-lrplc s 75 o t mo . 4""" "20~ .,,_ .,.,,,.IVV'V 87 .. 27~" ,, nor•. agt 63I·1266, or ,..,..., .. GREEN VALLEY LAKE .......... -,. ""' "" 1750 Fenced yard• & •~ II l3t 2711 2131501-8774 KeepyourSS'boel ln lhe MOUNTAIN HOME Avatl 1111. 2 bd, den, 2 geragH. Kida & P•ll m:~" --·-------i--------- allp Y°" own In frond I of Ne•t to natlonal 1~"'· ba. lrpl, newttc:dec:ora· welcom• 545·2000 :lr.i.:10110 CdM. Harbor View Hiii• OCEANFRONT·2Br fur-thl1 •P~loua con o on A "" 1 h s 1 • B 11 nt1hed, winter. $825 mo. the lido IUfnlng bUfn. 2 akllng, bo1tlng, 111C. 38r, led. 1 bill 10 h. 1950 Agent. no .. ":ctll~r .. nr• t•~,., ,I,, Int• m. pac OUI" r '# ge 875·6102 kltGhen & 'A, Ind"' rm, lfV ,mo~~· !8~73~·~8:73~9~.~~~]~;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~...;;:.;,;,;;,;;.;.;;;;.;.;,.;~.:.;.;,.;,;;;, bonua rm Nice area CLASSIFIED INDEX bdrm• & d•n. 2 bathe 2' '1 t ..,,; 11500/mo. 780·8708 Of plua Nparal• ceptaln'• rm. tee rm, r p oa, Brand apanklng new..,.. • 87$-2144 4 Br 2 ea. acron from aand, balcony w/W.. ol Tt ,._ Y• M. Call 642·5671 HOUSH Pea SALi .. ., ..... OTHa llAL ISfATI lllt· lffl 19"ALS qu1tler• Walk to Lido 1v.e 1, compl•ttly fut· l'YWf*•. 3 bdrm. 2~ ba VIiiage Perfect !Of oor· nllhtd Good In com• Oar•i:o patio I 1 000 Pr,.._.,, or 2 lam nom.. · · · por111 lnvnlmtnl 1 m.¥&34 mo. 7 Irle. 84t·•H8. • 777·2233, 873-4399 "'' ",,,,, •• !'.~~~ .•...• /.~ f!!!~.t!~ ...... 1~1 84 Acr•• aon•d R·4, lg a Ir I la. lpanl1h Hom•. guHt • hou.. h ot .. correl Ftl)IC, range. yard, g•• -673-7300 .... . ..... • •• ,.rt;..,.,. .. USIMU~~=TMIMT, 3 Br, 2'h bathe It= t>ofdtti town, '*'°'""IC <•oe. no pete. Prlv•t• .,,._ Wlck.nMo Ari· 1150/mo. 1tl. plU• aec aona: IHO,ooo, i714I Oflly. 841 w. teth. St 337·2551. _4_tll_· 1_8_1_1. _____ , 2 Ill\ 1 Ba duplex, pvt •--~.1.-• patio, new paint. '546 __ , "'.,.,, M0.13S-1112 .... HH '"'· pool. I vy t7&. ... ~..,_.TS b•tow marke1 11 1225. ,,.,., n• -------· ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 1t11ri1 end deer'I '48t Zbt. llaallMll ...... OerdtflW Inc. NOO/mo. t N 000. PrtYate petty, Pfln• LOST a' KMIMO clpale only H 2·7S87. .,.. 83t-47'4 evea. ~ CllfOmle. Ower "" 5*"80 ... SOMALI TUIMWI ·--llDllJHICfOIY NtwJ>ort Htllhll, large 9000 t41f", 11.1 "°'"' 4 •• Z II MMe clel Mii, PtN PfoP, ..:II. to .llCI{ ..,, llonle, qUlet ltreet l<lvoman "tale. l*Y I I 0 0 m o • 0 w n r oaullng amenity. N(I 1""400I ......... lot, Zbr Priced to etll, sc..=.sa ., .. a.ooo ~ w ...... MTIUCnOM ?Ml JOHWAMT'm ,.,. ..,WAMTID ,. .. MllCMAMltll ......... ...fOYOU ..... ao•n•NAaM ..,..n .. ...... flANll'GITATION ....... AWl'GlllM• "'•·"'· ~ ._.. _,, IMO, _Oon_l _nlattt_YIR __ • ,.-,,-. ,-.,,..-• ~. 2 13'f,~,'.,.,,.· rm. 2•.l1e. 11\V art1. ""' 11000 fnO, A M 113 REIM~ I If, I a.. orptt, ..... -----... Ill• M711mo. IMIM'a bOtt IMIVt I IW. 1 ....... i-... ••••••••••••• Ml•1A4 Mon lllr\I ''' level, pool, flke new 1 t71.000 .. ,. "4-IZtl, .____ !'mlftll. IAIT8IOIS bd, I.._ frill, -...... ....,,.,,.. AIHll •111• ......... ..f.. rnodlled 111t .,.._, .,. .. • Wllllrl. ... 1 .. 1 lllO MO .... ~. VI .. to PelOI V•rdee 4 ,,, I ........ 10 ....... ~., ' wttt1 bt•IM91dnt ....... :::= =·-==: ICldl Oil, + · litlftt penor-.-...,.. • .... , M • U..... Af• tNll ... + ..... ., ..... , 1 t• i't£''' .... :: .. -:=:=:. IN M ........ ~ !-..:...-m :C:S.::::iJ:,'t ,, .: I ••.•.• ,.,,: ~·i:;.m; Classified works for you when you want to •. .,. Tiii ILlfFS ooHn 1840 &45--03-40 3 Bdrm 2ba, 1potteH C.t .. I Iii llM 1111 11250/rno •••••••••••••••••••••• 0'-••n view. beaullfully 2 Bdrm, aba. t>eeutllul turn. townhOuH. trpto, adult unit. I t2001mo. POOi & patio. 1 I005tmo. C•M H011teln ANlly _5_7_3_·0_11_91_. ___ _,. ___ 780..ell t6 Of 844·9 t52 , •• ,, .... '"' T .. _ Btutt 3 ...... _ ~A •••••••••••••••••••••• •• 1 '''""" ....,...,.,, STUNNING lfg 1 Bf. turn. 2 ba. Linde Pla n . apt $4311/mo. 710 W I 1 2 0 0 I m O . I I • • 18th St 8'4$-5530 78(). t900, 173·7881 ---·------1-------.,---t E,ald•. eunny ltg 1 If. vtll. H r. 28• Condo nr Ho.o, paid, lane . ytd. 100, pool, dllt'lwetw. no peta. 9411 ... 931 '850 mo. 788·7833 ---------•=-.,,...,.-=~~~ ... , '"•' ,,,, DELUXE 3 IA z•..t ba, 2 ••••••••••••• ... ••••••• aty. IO• front yard & Super n•et t I r '"'•II vpatal ra patio N•ar vma . covrtyanl, quiet. beedl. tat I ... t • ..CU· l,.50fmo. 81343 t) • rfly. a 1200 P•t mo. 1)1·5ee1 ··=-, ........ ,,.-,-.,,-• ..,.z~~t>a-, ,-lffl-""-t 1.fM 11280 tnO s br. t leWll ••••••••••••••••••• 11 ltOO mo 3 brI1200 mo. fll lllllft m '°°"'-Agt "4-41~. '""9IM A pettl •e ...... .... betcMYOnl ho!N. s terftotd poot Ill\ 4ba, 12000/mo. Call * ll'rtvete ~ lob ICoop at 78t-1H 1 *~ 'tt'lnt Helt "" modtt, 3 It. 3 :~~ 11 ltOOl"'o. Vacant *w;.'\. 0....... 111·t44Z Ht Pf, Old •HomellleMclNN ~ ~ t ''" 10 ""'"""'"" CeN9'.~· ~:::a ''*"' LA QUINTA ,." :a:· w .......... GI oliMt § I Ji • Or•ne• Ooa1t OAILY PILOT/Monday. October ,,, 1919' " I ...... m::::1::::::::=:::=:=:::1r::::=:=:::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~a==:::::::::=:=:=:===::========:=:=:=::====ii:iiiii:iiiii:iii=C;;;;....;. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"'!'"------------------~--------..---------------------------..;:---------------·----,!!!.' ... {"A••••••••_••·~ ~~!!'.•..t. • ......... ~. · I '-~~!!!!~!!!I •• •••... _~_!_."'_·!"!I_;_._••_•_••••••••••• !!l!!.~I. ••.•••..•••• .' l•"'dlere · --""'''"' ~!!t!'l.Is.f!m~ ... fMH .f~.1! ........... . \IAY8 "8P!Al<EA8Y" Childcare wkdyl, c1ed Anr oocatlon. Pon 011 1-.chtr Org1nla o tell· ·•·······•············ Cl l!!CfAICIAN Prtc•d ~ ---.r.;.!•1••······· ...... u ·A&C MOVING· Jolly C1lck•t•re Prof 81!RV.Cl' RfPl\,IR 1•1121·8141, 870·75&2 vlllee C M. 846-4tl57 right. lrH Hllmata on tu10• o~ •rn1111 IOI>• Ca11ai O•rdantr & ctt1in CLCAN·UP8, QA RAO • IHllOLUltlH Oulc:k, Careful S~vtce WtllP•l*'tno a ttfll)l>lnq V•l'I Oppan• 9«¥1< > 1 Co up• Trff trimming ,.. ANYTHINQI CALL Rtll•blt 30 yr CM rH . Low rllff 0&2·0410 Many ralaranCIH · 111.u1 838-•eee Looking tor xtnt Child• c11e? fn my Co111 MH• nomt, lull ume only 140 Lunch 11\ICkl, TLC Lin· I.IC 300821 fl73 03611 lltl Pt!ll 641·1008 RANDY 842·78<47 Ael1. Mtrllyn 831 -6070 . 807-0118 •.. ,, ,,,, .. , --ft~'!~ ....•....... LIC'O El.t:ClAICIAN Ov1I work/Aeae 111., ' , .... , 63 1 507:1 Flnllh & cougti carpentry, c1blntl1. rm addition•. 8411-72211 di 761-2342. EL[CTnlCtAN Remod. & R991l11. FrH .. t. LO rat.. 0.Ckl, pa• Uo. Stave 782·9656 C••ltHllll l••ll•I Sml 1ob11Aeo11ra Lie •••••••••••'•••••••••. 233t08·C·10 &48·11203 11,J, 'll1ff•a• I ltl RESIOICOMM'LllNO 00 IT NOWI ... .., .... ,. Lie. 3068811. Remodel, I 20 v11 Oo my own work E d Add'l'll, Ctblnalt , Lie 278041 A\648-11126 :g;[11~~':·~!'od:~~ ~°'85118184.5·4644 IE1ec Servte• a Con11ruc dack1. Skyllghll & re· Masonry. carpentry, COl'I· "°" Lo "'°' Pre. 111111 Your o.lly PNot ~Olf.a1QtY AepftMn1111"9 p11r1. Free HI. Oen, creta. 1dd'n1, ll'lt/a111 re-malH Lie 333217 e82--0t15 mod Llc'd 646-07111 567-1738 847-4714 M2·Mll, eat. Ht f~!r..'.l!!r!~ ....... . No s 1.-m/No St'iam~ Slall'I Spec:lellst FHI ~-.-1-._.,_ dry Fr" .. , 1139· 1682 :-::.":'::;;r.::z;: •••••• 50% OfF FIRST MONTH Shampoo & steam c1a1n oap.ndable, attOfdatMa, Color brlghlenera, wilt euantlat. 6n1warlngl crplt • 10 mll'I. bleach Hrvlca. H~allrlat & Hiii, llv/dll'I. rm• $15, avg bullnH1 M rvlca1, mall room $7 50: couch S tO: boll rental. word prOCll-cllr $5 Gu1r. ellm 1>411 ting. TtlH·F•c•lmlla, odor Crpl rtP•lr 15 yrs order entry, PfGI'*" ..... e11p Do work myutl. buy. dMtl IPIOI ren1.i. Rel•. 53 1-0101 ANSWER NETWORK '31·0131 (Uk fOI' A.V.) E)(CEL CARPET CARE Jeck Bulllnglol'I A .. llHll Ownef/operetor •'"19-•••••••••••••••••• Carpal, uphol, area rug Art·Anllq~·Jewalry AppralM & Liquidate cktanll'lg. Work guar. ------STANBUR INDUSTRIES Gen'I contr Property lmprov 997-1811 16·51 0 B CONSTRUCTION Additions -Remodel• Home/commerclel Ina repairs • 399032 Jim 548·5103, Don 56 t-2867 '!!!.'.' ... '!~!. ............ . RESIOENTIAL·INT OE· SIGNER Furn arrange- ment, color schame1 955-2066 or 752-0322 ,,,.,,,;, ••••..•......•..••.... HSKPAS & MAIDS LIVE-IN HAL Y /WKLY Viejo Services Agoocy MlctlMI Hain 853-0717 __ F_r_ .. _E•_1_. _BA_s_._11_1_1_ KURT'S KARPET KARE Llc'dlbonded 973-9000 ~~~~•~•••••••••••• Ouallty work. Refs. D II Ortv.waya, Parklrli! Lot Frae est. 494-1429 .!!!!~•••••••••••••••• RIJ>alr1, Saelco•tlno. ---------· DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC S&S AIPhll 831-41HLlc f!!!!!!I.............. Repairs, smt JOb apec' 1 t 0.1'1 H811b«g Gradll'lQ CHAMPENOISE yrs exp. Bud 552-9582 & Pallino Co. Rasl coml. Fina Catering In the old Lie 397804 842·1720 world lr•dlllOl'I. 645_9858 Wall teKlures-Acousllc ~'!!!I ..•...•••.. Loving Mother Wiii b•bylll lull t lmt. C.M. ArH. 548-8653 Hal'lg· Tape-Sleet 1tud1 C1 ... tlC1 f II Uc. 389944 1·532-5549 ·······'···'·! .. ~ ..... Clmanl·MHOl'lty·Block DRYWALL TAPING Wall1-Cu11 wo<k. UC All Te>11urestAcoust1c •3111057 Rob 547-2833 Ff'ee est Kevin 875-9088 !~~.O.'!~ •.••••••.••... A&K FENCE wood & chell'I lll'lk Reelll'ldl comm 5 4 8 -5 49 3, 540-7751 WOOD FENCES/GATES Install&<! & Aepatrtd Frae est Gary 499· 1724 . ~!!.'!'.!~ ............ • TNE 111EH IOHE LIWl'l•tr-thrub 11'111111 Tree trim/removal lllWl'I MatnllAOIOlllllng Free estimate 548-6065 Simmons GarClenlng Ctn-ups. lawl'I care. lull comm & rasld malnl Free tlll 846-6684 MAINT & DESIQN Oberlin Landscape Sarv · Wrlllen agreemel'lt on mo ma1nt 844-1246 GARDEN WORLD Full Service Gardenll'IO Z111. EiArnal 646-2922 Gard11111ng Landscapll'lg yard malnlel'lance. clean uo1, lrte trim & removal Free ea11m111es Insured 1142-4869 for your ttlll-good refrigerator • ' !'J.'!~(!'!~~ •••••••••••• HOUlll'IO & yd CIHn up CllP<fnlry . Matonry trH trlmmlrig, gar1ga nootlng Plvmblng Cletn·VP Bob 850·9844 Orywall • Stucco • 1'111 Aemodol J.U 6•~·99~ H"ll•• C •••••• ,.. ............. . arp11ntry • C1blnet1 Plumb Drain Cloal'ltng 24 ltr II . ICl· 1111 Electrical -Tlte Fvrt1tC8·POOl·wa1ar hHI Aet1 Don 960.0149 JACK Of ALL TRADES C1111 Jeck tl'lytlme, day or night 875-3014 NOME IMPllOYEMHT REPAIR · PLUMBING Carpentry. alee, Ille Ftee HI Reas 645-28 11 28 YRS E)(P DUNHAM HOME IMPROVEMENT Aemooe1-repalrs-l11ncll\Q elect nceH>lum bll'lQ carpefllry 631-8530 ~~~!~!~~!!!f ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Service • a thoroughly clean llOUIMI 640-085 7 Joan' a Cleaning s.rvloe Hou1u-Ap11-Ren1111 0111Ca9 640· 1287 HOUSECLEANING Hol'le1t & Dependable Brel'ldl 962-21190 E>1pf1f111M1 HOUIM!keepil'lg We tumlah vacuum & suppllaa Killy 84 • ·•970 EXPERT HANDYMAN Carpel'llry -Rool1n9 Plumbll'lg, etc 842-6013 Cullom Home Cleaning & Compl Matd Service H11'"'--' FIHll Prof -Bonded · lna'd • • •• • •••• • • • •••• • ••••• UN IC LEAN SYSTEMS HARDWOOD FLOORS ot Nwpt Bell. 850-1200 Beaulltully cleaned ------ and wued 832-488 1 Quality work with a per- !!~~!~•A ......... :: .. sonal touch Bachelor ok CM, Irv, HB Beth 850·0933 FOR A SUPER Cl.EAN HOUSE. CALL CHRIS! 113 1·0803 Good rate. HH111lttl•• ~··••••••••r•••••••••• Ortgon gen cont,.ctor will llOUIHll. p1lnl, & gal'I rep1111 848-1387 f~!.~~~~!~r ......... . 20 YRS E)(P Hlullng, trH trimming, tandecaplng B10111ar1 Coo•t 846-0555 f!!'.~~!l.!!!!!!!! ••••• WASH. ORY & FOLD Plcllupldt llvery •vall c 1ndv 963-7237 111 e Tired ol dOll'lg laundry? I llull & told, hand wath, hand lrOl'I Met1cutou1 E>tp Renea 642·9787 ~~!!~!( ....•..•...... BRICKWORK Sm111 lobl . Newport, Co11a Mn1, lrvlna Rel\. 870.3176 CUSTOM QUALITY any d11lgl'l·anv materlal ~ 399032 001'1 551-2867 DUMP JOBS & Small Moving Jobs Call MIKE 646· 1391 -,,,.,., HOUSEWOlll 1 · · · · ·· ·· ·· · ·· ····· ··· . HAULING-GRADING I d8mollllon, cleal'l·UO. Concrete & tree removal Outck serv 642-7638 ----PROF SERVICE Haulil'lg • yrd cleal'I up Quick & cleal'I Free 811 673-0548 *1·1 Mtvllt* WAITED Too quality. Special care 11'1 llandlll'lg. 25 yr1 eap High quality housework 1 Competitive Rein Exoertenced, depend•· No overtime 730-1353 ble. 1101'1811, tntalllgel'lt, ' matlcutooa. 11Hlt>141 I 1m the beat Phone 673·7012 altar 8 PM weeitdeya All day Satur- day and Sullday. S fA'AvlNO COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie T 124-436 Insured 64 t -11427 WATCH US GROWi• DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. •••••••••••••••••••••• !·Z LAY'N P111t/lr1 .. TtMlltr .... .., ,.,., IH1l11 8or1nk1.,,, l.91\d.,c.epe 110/hr l\lct'i 720. 1945 SvHn~ 070·•llf6 Gu1r1ntead 636 2'731 . ---"'' ....................... r~1~11~1. ••••••••••••• r~!!!.f!!!.'! •••••••••• "II PlllTIH CUSTOM wood patio co. by Richard Sinor Lie. var1, deck• & ltnca• by 280644. 13 yra of happy RANDY 841.0622 local cuatomara TILi! INST Al.LEI; I All Klnd1. Qu1rarr l aid Rtll JOhn 840 • 9217 Thank you, 831·44 10 QUALITY WORK • neat. rtH .. honall Reta Lie 287107. Cave 064·1045 CUSTOM PAINTING- '"""' Ratldlcomm Fr" N I Lie. 644-4798 INT/EXT PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Cullom work Free HI Re11. Sleva 647-428 t HARBOR PAINTING Ouallty work. F1ee .. t Celt •It. 6pm. 673-5166 OllTOM PAllTlll 25 yra up Lie. 40394 1 Bonded. ln1. Rel•. Color 41J(pef1. 963-0911 Dick HOLIDAY PAINT TIMEI 23 yrs. Also odd fob1 & repel re Bruce 972-0116 PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 yrl' exp, Intl OllKI Acoustic C8lltng1 Uc 366780. Free ell Davis Painting 847-5186 f!~tJ~~ .....•..•..•. Farthing ll'lterlor Oetlgl'I HANGING/STRIPPING V1N-MC Scol1 845-9325 ASR PAPERHANGINQ 7 yrs Ioctl exp. Guar work. Prlce1 111rt al $8/1011. Alec 751-7027 11'llM1'•1'l CUSTOM CERA~i~ ••••oA•~• ••••••••••1 TILE WORK F .... , BUDGET PROBLEMS' • r Prof work II b1rg1ln I Cnu~ 870.6100 ''"'" raltl Kally 875-8612 --ftH lfln~I ,,,,,,,,,,.,,, ...................... . ••••••h••,.•••••••••• I LOW RATES IJ ED'S PLASTERING ftff trlm/rtmov. CIHl'I Neat p1tche1. 1n11 .. 1 ups, mowlno 554-" 1 011 R .. tucco1 645·8258 • -- PLASTEF\ PATCHING RHIUCCOI lnllexl 30 yra. NHI Paul 640.2077 • !!~.'!~!~I..~·········· H Ell IU· 1121 Water Hellat SpaclaU 24 hr plumber etc ,!!!~!!~!~I •.......... J O Horn Aellnl1hlng Al'ltlqu ... kit Clbll'lell, fine 011nt1ng 645-0664 ~'!!!~!. ............. . Huber Roolll'lg-1111 1ype1. N-·recover-deck1 Lie #411802 548·0734 r.-.~·!!~1. ••••••••..•••• Motl IUbjaclt, K .. 14 Dey/eve J6 & $1() /hr. Mr MOfQll'I 845·B 178 Compular • Eleclrc1 nlcl Science Tutor, S 1 < I/hr Aleh 720.164t; !'11.{•..t.f!!!!!~ ••..•••• TYPING. 100 wpm, accu· rate. 20 yra Hp. Rt It :>0rl1, la11er1, 11a11111cei I, r•- avmH, ate 536-6~ I 45 !!~~!! .~{~~'!!H ~ •••• "lei the Svl'lahlnu In" C•ll Sun1hhta W~r 1dow Cleaning, l id. 541) -8853 20% llAol'ltllly OllM: ount HOF PRHUIT 1 Don't re-roof, repair .at ll'lll•Kt Auld/cc• mm'I Ir a c 11 o l'I o f co I I Free HI 20'Yo m Ol'llhly 857 -2890 d1acount 844-479·! CRAIG CLEANINt: I CO Retldlcomm't I iillelll Scfeans. mirrors. I .adder w ork Own er oper 648-3089 ----·--- Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, .. e'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item 31NES3~AYS per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·r•fu~. Extra Mnea 11.00) CLASSIFIEDS 642-5&~;79 A ,),.,,_,.,, ~'!!!~.'!.~.~!!!~ ":~·~!,' .. _,, ,,.,.,.,,." ~ •.. ,... ... . ...... , ..••••........ A111t•t•I• A1,,t•••I• Val111•i•••' U•l•1•i11'd ·-A"v'.'i.~::;." _.,,. !!.-.W!. !! .I~!!!.!.~ .. ,~!!'.~'.'!. !!J~!!!.1.~~ P[!!o.~!.!~!~ .... !.~!!i ~!.!~!f!,,,I\ ~ •• • ••••••••••••••••••• FEELING CAAMPEO? Hon Smkr M/F 25-35 yrs. IEll IPAOE OIM Full eerv ottloe · S:?.00/up Nol Hts 2 Br, spacious Xtra large 1 Br steps to 111. IHI sec. dep. Call Attractive ruallc upatalra ~~~~e.'!:!lfl~:.:::.'s:.~~00 ...................... ·········~·· '--t.Mi ,14 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 'BR 2 Ba etudlo. $575, -::r.'!'!~••••••••••••••• 0.Ht hJIMH&rttillf epta, dips, enc:I gar, no Lu11ury 11udlo, free HBO, The Shores In beaulllut pets. 67S-6606 phOl'lt, maid Mf"V, ape, CdM 1111 1 & 2 bdrm 1 BR I Ba, el'lcl gar, pvt L••H• l"cll 314 pauo. 11 10 Vlctor~a ••'••••••••••••••••••• $4 10 mo 1131-6812 Victoria Beach 1 Br. $500 1101. quiet m1tura aclll ocaal'lwld,petlo.recrm 764-04 51 ext 53 or IMltling We supply desk, N.iwoonBeach75 ,..6408 S700 ll'lcl uttl, 676-8202, $425 675·323 t 631·7748 ave. lyM space. copier You sup· S 130 wk. •90-3015 epta for rent. Clll Helen $465 2 Bdrm, ratrlg, P8· Glbaon W -261 l I llo. no pats, adults pref, • ......,, t.Mi '11 ' 724-A James. 673-7767 •• -.~••••••••••••••••• 01'1 Avocado eozy uflper OCEANFRONT Oht 2·4 Br. 1 BR •~-..' tlo 20• PINE BLUFF APTS By weak or mOl'lth · "''""l,.l• · 2 Br 2 Ba Child <»I. pa-87J.7873 075-880e; 2'3153 llo. view, lrple, encl gar --:-:-::-:--...,.,"""."----1 $550. 2 br. 1 be, bllna. gas a1011e. disllwaaller, Ul'llurn yrly $550 lurl'I Nice Quiet upstairs 2 bd. 2 8051259· 125 1 ba. apt S550. motl ullls ---- tl'ICI 522 Hamilton 11 N1w101I ''"• 3161 548"8477 NO.Feei·A;,··&·e:·;;d~ 1 Bedroom rel'llats Vina Rentals $425/mo Siu 875·4912 Broker 631-8000 lar~tr Rl41, C. /, I ll3SO ply onona. & S95 pr mo BEAUTIFUL · upg,.ded 1 Luxury eoodo, Ally, sire , •• !!/.~'..!! •• !."....... pr desk Call 644· 7211 bd. condo. with tremen· wlll share. $550. Sll'lgle car gar 20th St.12000 1q 11 w/500 sq 11 dou1 amenities $550mo d 8 7 5 2 . 8 4 4 2 , • v Coll• Mesa. Storage storage. o c Airport 6 6 9 · 7 8 6 6 d • y • . 640-2434 185/mo 631-0921 1 • r a • $ 2 o o o / m o _5_40_.1_5_16_•v.. .. ...... TE WURi! Ofli11 •1•t•I 4400 _8_5_1._811_2_8 ____ _. llWNIT IU I JI MHIOll Sii 1 rE PREMIER LOCA 1 ION Garden Bu11dl r .g 000 sq 11 A'1' ~ JOitlll IH·HH Wint• rertt811 pool, no pelt spa, lndry 1m S6251mo now avallabla. Call Agent 875-6180 SPMC 831-8107 Ja.ullALn I 540-3666 or 497-2338 • 1 BR OUPL.8<• $420 lncldl'lg ullls, lndr rm. no pall 645-9494 ------~ I Br I Ba S1ap1 10 -•••••• .. •••••••••••••• SO LAGUNA 3 ArCl'l Bay t>eaeh S350 ~:~~.!~k~~: ~!'~~:r~ •llLIU lfflOll* j 2 Sun .. aveu Gd Hwy 4_00_1 ___ B_B_1-rc_h_S_t_N_i3«-0 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 64;.~~~RTY H~~-~~ 10 Ilka new 2 Bdrrn. 2 b•. 1 room to 21100 1q ft. Vlllblltty 497 -2351 1q ft $1 oo par eq tt NIP 1t1a11911T Studio 90 of PCH 4 blh EISlde C M. cute bachel0t from bcti. S350/mo. Avail I 1pt, S400/mo + s300 f-lllE 11,UX COUNTRY CLUB llVtNG Sel'I Jual'I Ceplllrano From $1 16 •sq. 11 Adi si-• •••••Ill Agent 541·50'32 ' C'' 311 d Fl Alrporttr ll'ln & Frwya rs;" --~•• it•t•lt con o replace. pool, Call AM 1133--3223 Eu<: Su.t .. ll'ICI r-1 . lel••• ....... ,. 1 s llM1ll l'IOW. George 675-9115 security No peJs Joyce a.T Tllll aft 4. Waltze. 631· 1266 -01 Furn. rentala ~week Of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii STUNNING large I & 2 8r month. Ag1 117 170 a ...... i~rden apt 710 w 18th 1Br 11ove, refrlg 307 Mesa Or $3 75 ITIO 549-2042 IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 en1111onmel'll apartmel'll commul'llly on the Upper Bay Prlvlla clubhouse and health spa. 8 1enn11 courts, 7 p0011. close 10 t>uslnets, atrport. Fashion Island Convel'llel'lt •hops on 1118 Unlurntthe<I bacne. IOt&. 1 & 2 IJ<lrm apl9 and IOWl'lhOUHI. ••••••• •• ••• •••• • ••••• Jacuu t. onty minutes to -... ...., Beech Apt-100 yd• 10 t>eacn 6 Dana Point Hbr. 1617 WH\c:1111. NB 256 sac Y Hrv1. cont rm . Redhill, Colla lAeu Nnd, 2Br, 1Ba, garage, 12901mo plus • .., ullllll" lO 4000 sq. fl. 111 llOOt kit • mill llal'ldlg RH· Subia! 1776 sq It u t 79c $395 mo 496-7151 Gerhard (7l4) 1131•2040 A"""l 541•5032 oonslve to your bullnatl Recept . work 1· oom. Ocaanlronl 3Br 2be, L.,Ot Int floor apt wtth lbr or 2"• up1talr1. ref1 .. MESA VERDE .. A1,,l•••I• F•t•i••H Of 496-9758 ,..... naada Adi 405 Fwy In storage 675-311112 10.5 F v lndlv OICI Mo/mo -"'-t-r-t'"" ••KA Pia a anCIOHd garagt. fire-"' ..,., .. ... •· .......... Y 1 b required no pet•. 3 .. 2 RE 87"1'"""' place. o•t o . II Ins, ., • or '""' v•~torla, "•5 • , 61 ----------• carpet• al'ld drapes -.,.. -.. Ll'ldry rm, OI W el'ICI gar . pauo . trptc 11 U•l•t• 3100 Shr lg lu• hme w/prol ••• ••••••••••••••••••• person. 1285. 11t. 1u1. D•lu>1a autte 11'1 ·~veter front bldg 20 12 1q It S1 50/IQ It 642-4•!"44 OCEANFRONT BALBOA Oulal 1tr .. 1. $ 1100 per Near 18th/Pomona. 1 Br Lrg 3 bd, 2 ba. gllf, frpl, mo. 1 e d tel d/ ~.'winter' no pall. HARBOR REAL TY a, OWl'la "· •• 2 Br 2 Ba $560/mo 3 Br 2 Ba $700/mo 540-6'448 SUWlll dee> 966--11479 YILUIE Ammie lo 1hr Newport * HLIU llFIOll * trom S325 1163-6445 From 1 room to 3 rooms Colll M... 1 or 2 room From Sl.16 • sq, II No 1ulle1 From $75/mo lellMI required. Adj. Air· U1ll1 tl'lcld 779 W 19th FREE REIT /Cll•1H porter IM. 2172 Ouoont St 651-.81128 c;arpor1, Wll41f pd, 1 Child • 117~. 873_...00 ok, 1'10 peta. $425 Agent, no fee 962-0217. EASTSIOE - 1 Br, upPfr, 182 Cecil, apt B. 673-7544, egt $400 Clll• lln• 31Z4 2 br, 1 ba, e11CI patio & •••••••••••••••••••••• slngkt garage, S•46/mo D••• 111•1 3121 Call 84'6-7129. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cell AM. 833·3223 ' ----Tarr Condo NOl'l·smkr New 1&2 bdrm luxury 1310, ,_. ulll. Call Rob IPll 11'1 14 plan• 1 Bdrm d y. 9 7 9 . 5 3 7 0. •va• Airport ., ... E.Jtec. Sul-wmFIL from $540, 2 bdrm from 842-064 t '"· From 225·450 eq, It. S595. Towl'lhouH trom s 1par1q. 11• Many ••r•• IEWNRT OEmR $865 + pool1, tannla, WOODBRIDGE. ltlr rent. Call 557-7010 With uH or rtctptlon. watttl8111, OOl'ldlf GH 2 BA 2 Ba, patio, $300, 'A COl'lf, room, kllch, phooe, Prime comm'I 10.:.allon. neKI 1a11aa rec; •Ivel $4500 copier tor entire term, no gimml<:I< 11 Celt IOI dalalls 980-14 ''1 WHT .. llRll AUantlon Park Newport r11ldan11. Mature Chi· oago woman a11teutl11t n"d' compltttly fur· nl1had t or 2 Br apt, Dae. 15·Apr. 15. Xlnt rel•. 759-1700 .,,...~. OOEll VIEW ~-u All 3 bd, g1r. frpl, patio, From Oan1 Poll'lt'I most IPllMiTI-Newport Helghll area Hcludad 1canlc blull $560 . $1000 Several bachelors lll'ld 1 Bdrm unlla feature line designer furniture end acoanorlea Move 11'1 to· day or reserve for future uH Sm11t1y lurnltlled models open daily. for cooking & heating ulll , non 1mkr, Dave, 400·800 PLUS 1400 tq. It MCratarl1I a word pro • paid From San Diego 64•-0e20, 857-1330 Panthoute BayfrOl'll Sul-eettll'lg. Mell & maSlage Deluxe office or store Frwy drive North on le, perk ing, p1t101. aerv. evall eeparttely II •OIQe. 14280/000 sq ft. OCEANFRONT Winier rental to 0.11113. 3 bd, 2 car gar, pelt. Pref• I•· mlly. 535-0343. 1850. lo $800. 559-500!. Llk I 0 I 4 It 2 Baautllully landeeeped ---------e new n Y un •. Beach to McFadden to 2 Br Apt to tllara . 1173·1003 dnlrad. Cell Judy. 1430411200 tq 11 Baac:h S a aw In d V 111 • g • 1200/mo •.i. utllt. Call iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 714/760·0100 BlvCI Btwn 2 trwyu . Civic: gatdln epll. Pool & Spa. Large 3 Br 2 Ba Town· Br widen )(111 lrg private Patlol/dac:tta. No pet•. hOUIMI In quiet comptelt, 01110 No pets. From a.cnator '410-$415 large pool. garden Ml· $725/mo Call 661-8441 01'1 Jambor" Rd at San Joaquin Hill• Rd 144-1100 7 )8""S ... George 11 642·8381 aft ----------1 ,._ S 1 i-i 14 •-t... 7PM & OAM *111111111.1* flCacullva eulltl, lull Mr· -.-ilat hopp ng • .antat. prime tocaoon 97 (1-$U9 IH•I . 4 M/F nol'ltmkr wanted to O.C Alrpor1 area. Prof. vice. grHlly raduead. no ()( 880-0144 Varulllaa mini t Br. on court. near beach, rec 11c .. 11c. $645/mo. 213181'7·3202 day1. 213/3117 ·5900. 2250 Vanguard lll'lg '675 646·338 I , or M·F, 9·5, 64J.02 t2 5'40·9828 or 842-4005 _6_7_5-_594_9_._____ 2 Br 2 ea apt In Oal'la P1 • 1 Block to tlHch. 2Br, brtglll & e1ry S670 mo yfly 968-82113 •••••••••••••••••••••• lhr new 5 br S·JC home en\llroomant, lull ~. leaM. 754-0274 -------$90 & UP with kllchal'I, w/101. $275 496·7840 ()( no frllll. lndlvldu8I 01• _2_5_0_0-.,-,-b-.-.-lc-o-fc_w_I EXEC. sullu HB $275. weekly ac.el'ltront Mo-eve fleet o< dlslt ap-ct. 150 B 0 C .. 2 Br. $.490/mo Carpal•, dehwsr, II ova, oceal'I ~ ::;g drapes. pool No pits v I e w S 5 2 5 I m o tel 615-8740 ----------1 lq It • 3500 eq ft. t MO. tlorage Y ,..l'l>Of1 w/CPA & Ally Soc, X.-----------i 3 br. 2'A b• condo, $335 FREE. 759-11078 s 1 5 0 0 I m 0 T 0 m r 0 •. Rec. p ,, y •II 181 E. 18th 642-0856 _64_2_.,..._7_o ______ 66_1_·1_1_02 ... a....,. ,111 E'1lde 1Br l bl, pool. 2 Br den 2 b•. trptc, new •••••••••••••••••••••• Spacloua 2 Br. 1 Ba. '425. 1 au" dry . No pet 1 crpl, trg v-dacka. Im· 2 Ddrm, 1 ba, $550/mo. yearly S1ep1 to beech 1116 W Balboa 213-865-2542 UllU llAOI 111c1 utll + s100 dao.1~=======~~11~51~·=119~2~8~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~8~9~1~-a~99~1 --iii MTN 111 s5J.11386.113t·5814 I i ;-- Ocean\llew, rum w.nt to 3 Br 1'h Be $475. $3115/mo 833-7890 med occup1ncy Agel'll beach. 2 Bt. 1"' Ba. Laundry lac .• p ool. 646-11147 $750 /mo Ag•"' l &OOlmo. 225 La Po-6411·9556 12·7PM. 496-8904 .___ ••7 7"18 Newer 1 Br wlgarage No ....,,_..... • .. . BAY TIMBERS PA'S $410/mo. OCEAN VIEW. 2 IJ<I, 2 be .a-....--,. Spacioul 1 Br. lrplc, pool 64S-5577 duplall lrpl, new carpal• ..,.._. & more. 64&-98113 & drapes No Pait fa/lnhW $395 28t. lgt apt, quiet, $625/mo 4-875· 15 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. 1 BA, old llouM, l'IO no pelt, ll'ldry. 311 W or 31e."' 145 c2131 J1111N JfhM Jiii pell, Child OK. All utN pd. Wiiton 631·2177 w •••••••••••••••••••••• 415 Hamlllo n, $5 75. ----------12Br, garage, near oc:.an. 2 .. -No..-641.()783 Large 2 Br I Ba lndry rm, 1 .... ,... .. garage. ,....1. ----------1 d1hw1hr, We1t1tde. oeaal'I v aw. balcony 1780/mo. 227'h Corel. lllTUIT •t 1495/mo. Avall. 11 •3 1480/mo 213/'402-2857 21313ff.36t1. E•talda 162$-$&50/mo. 645•6825 SH et 246112 Apt A tCUIFHIT 3 bdr. 2 ba gar great toe Winter Bachelor. greet toe yurty Tll •c•t 142-1111 2br. 2b1. bay/oce.n view condo, pool Jecuul. MCUrlly bldg. S925/mo Call 0.My, 845-2018 or 648-5833 wk1y rtn1e11 HS up Shr 2brl21."tbt condo. CM. Color TV, ,,.. COllH , W/O, gar, FB $295 .. haale<I pool & 11•0• to viii Joan &48--0928 ocean Klteh'• avail 985 N. Cout Hwy, Congel'llel, neat MIF to Llgu11a a.acti 404·5204 thr lga 3br/2be 1pt, CdM, $300, Ill & IHI Kii orlv. Cllrlsllal'I Home, Bob 7&0-0135 M llrelglll, Mr Bch, Lag Bch $325. 409-22811 El Toro, •II hOUM orM· legea. W/O, marnl>ef Sun & Si ll club, pool, tannl1 1280. 111 & 1111. viii. IMI. 586-4038 E·B•yfront, Llttlt l•I•, 2 Br. l 'h Be TownhouM, LllllY •Ill Cordoba Dr IRVINE 5 bd, 3 ba. lrpl, pool. tannla, Jogging tr1ll1 Share utll1. NO mel•, kldl, pate, 1mk11. Prat lllglll a11and1n1 1325 mo 552·0048 & 857-0317. pier, 3 ~ 28r. S 1800 all bullHn1, In dry rm, B••ll•1I•• VAL Y ocaen view 2 BR 1 Room w/kltch. orMlagee., mo. 17 7 carport, ytrd/balcony, 2 Br. 2 Be. 11\Cludlng 2 1 .. ct 3140 Ba, 2 car 1pace1. $700 $260, lat & 1111. utll lnct. ---------• •• ,...... 1mallpatOK. Clf garage wloptntr, •••••••••••••••••••••• m o e 44 .e780 o r Na.642•8811 MIF 111·30 yra 10 1hr 3 -••• T81. Mgmt. 642·1803 wood burnlrli! lrptc, motl Delulle poolaldt •111 ltrgt 648-3189 bdrm, 2 bl llou1t w/2 ••• lnla••••••'•••l•'••••••~•••1• Flraol•oa, pool, dlth· utlh paid. view o f 2bt, 2 ba, bltna, d1whr, ---------~Pvt 2110 fir Br. ba, llv rm. m •lu HB. Buahud/ 1tream1 & w11erfall1 ,, .. mi•-• be·~h No -1• 11c, pool, lal'lnl•. quiet. Gtrllald. $225/mo. 'I\ 2 bdtm. 2 bl ~·· waeher. PV1 patio. X Lg F r om $ 8 O o, C • 11 ·• "' ..... · ... · 2 Br 2 Ba from $525. No ryietvra amploved $205 utll, $ 100 d .... 8-42-1412 yrty. Matur9 ,., Garden 2 Br. on E/1lde. 662-1309 S6001mo 538·6382 oal• Acrou from NI"' mo!'761-8133 , Jeff. • .. no peta. •100 x 3 S6e(), 557·2SA 1. WfflUH port Beach Goll Cour1e. 21il7"-41H, 257·97t2 1 BR, new paint, cplt, 2 Br 1.,., Ba No oall, Spec t & 2 br, lovely 5•5·4855 E'lld• C.M . Pvt tum. rm & Ot (714) 113-3918 Clrap11. dlw, no pet., $4'50/mo for 2 partol'll pin .. & t11Hm1. aec ----beth Own an111nc:a. Incl Fam rmmatt to lhr Bal Ill 2 BR dplK 101. Furn . JIM, 751..et31 Wk dye, M·F, 10.3hma173·8801 llr INO ... H utll pd. t• .._.,., .. t7 $.400/mo. 22e5 Minar St. 7 5 5 W 1 8 I II S I · natll, entry by phol'le, Step1 To The BHch. 2 Br. ulll. 182 Ctcll Pl (C). ..,.. 640.9507 " 2 B1 3 tannl1 court• $315. 87J.7644 l. eer Alie .. e.tbQe. No 851·2175 1g1 rec ., .. Incl. gym, acroH 111, •treat. Very jMlla. k7·1155 --,-.. -.---.-.-.. ----•SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Be, pool & &Pl U0-8591 clean Ntw Carpet. SJ50 •--Beam c:.i11noa. MrV. bar, y c • ._. to bc:tl, 2br. 1be, Newly decor. Gu pd, wood c•t> .. no ptll. 2 & 3 Bdrm •011 Avall mo rlY ~• ell Kale lrpec, geraga. QUtet, no tncl glf, dwal'tr, pool, $475. 2256 Maple lmmedlltaly '550 lo 875·0124 Mon·Frl. Jo petl, w/d 9¥all. t73-ttll8 bOq, l'IO pelt, &42·5073. 6411-7356 Of 673-8803 $575 Frplc, dlw, garage 873·3506 Sat-Sun. t I or 2 kids Ok No pall. YHr Y 1 8t • c1tp1t1, 2 St. 1 8a. 22•8 Canyon water ptld 5•&·2000 2 Br ~ Ba yMrty 1700. drape a • no pa II. ~tflleld Or. up11alre, no pelt. Aof'll no IN PHOPEATY HOUSE l4tllmo . .,....,_ •WWW 1450/mo. Sltna Mgmt. ' 642~$0 842•1010 ,a-y a--&41· 1324 3Br. 2'hS.. lfpfe, dbl 01r, .,,.,,, 111,.h 4111 OcHnlronl at 8•11>01 ••• ••• • • • • •• • • •• •• •• • P._., M non-emkr to lhr 1111 Ml MTIL btiu11iu1 4 Br l'touH Wkly rental• now all'alt. S300 yrty 87&-t30t I 105 ' VP Cotor TV • __ .....;.....;... ____ _ Phon11 In room 227• H~14. Wl!'llCI, S2tO ~ llvd CM mo. N°"·lmtlr. 1Br. E. 641-7•46 Ooell Mat&. Cell af't llPM 431·8350 •••• 2 ... 1\t ba, ,.,, lndry. -· " tlto<* 10 ...... 111---;l4...a22 -••• . WIO hOOlt-up. $650 mo --·--Baautllul 11td111 ap11. 1535 Oupla1t/S560 HOUM 064·4a33, 1•628--3004 _ .. _, B [ I CH IR [ I Pattoa/dac:b. No pMI. 2 s 3 2 s B • c" I 0 p • l'I 4 Br 2 8a. 2000 aq "· " " " ~·· to Mf 2 br. 2 ba chlldt9" welcOml. 1MPM 1 Br refrlgl. bit In 1tovt1 & Lit!• new l 111$01mo. 2 8dnn 1th letha 1640 333 E 21at 81, M78or30 oven, drapa1 & carr;1 PROPERTY HOUSE ffj/ft ::'.·-'= ~..=·, Uclo 8 1'::.' :::-r:~~t':"s 2 Bdfm 2 lethl SM6 84S-t103184M5119 No P91• c.11 Oto.le 5. 84241160 &4M010 fO"t Mt w WlllOfl "9trloeNIOf·Meld·Pool lpac1acular •t•w. pool -~ -an 131•11N3 Or ....... t05 Large 1 BA 1 81, qulal & Larga l PfN.,. 2 Bf, 2 81 YHrly 1'9r11al 38'. 21•. Nwpl IMI & WM9on IP•· tannl•. he. ,,,., ._. ti.I •• UJI MOVtl. ,.,,._ l •love unit, anctad ~1g1. 2 28r, 181, newly f'M10dl-eo.t• MIN 6"f.t1H 1145/,,,o + lit• HtllP'O mrr.-..-.nz:n.,m •• 1.arge 2 If. new palt'tt, $410 79043111 blOCkl from I water. l ad U4 42nd lt.1----------161•1421 2 w, 1 lie, .,,, trpl, no carpet. UHl mo. 8tu · 1921/mo, H04480 1148·5110 awa, 1711-3132 Pina Knot Motet on Coalt ---------• " ., •. •tOO /lft O, 4t7·2»1or5'40-3Me. OlerplllcC,l't!!'Af2, PBlrllOl •• •l1d•: Hr llffCfl 3 Od, 1V. 01, drt, Hwy , NI. lllPI to Amtnlll a\1911. No¥. 1 2t 't •• .-. .. ,. ...... d ' I NWPT HGT8·2Br, 281, 0,4c5•!."..·o V"kly r1t•• yr old ,Ifft w/hOuMcal • '• -' ll11u111u1 2 It. 2 II rage, no S*• M?e. 7 crpti, rpi, bltnt, rp • ""'" non-tmltr IOOkln~ tor -·-townMuea, trplo, patio, "'11111 91 87M7"• enc gar, 1650. Cell ep1clou1. lmmtd oce. ~IDOe,..nt ... M•·--~ ... ._... lndry rm, oood 1oc. ... ' ...., IM-0921. 1150/mo a..0.7400 ma I PL.1111 11, t114M4 '" 111r _.....,"' ....,ov• fNO/mo. T8l Mamt. CONDO 2 t>d, 1\t ba, wl --;;-8 3 8 dlftt WleWI from dee*, ... 2 ... 221 IM2·1803 frpf, pool! Miii mo. 1•U 1 t>d, tilt,., crptt, drp1, Laro• • r. •· Apt, ~" ... 'b':i:.:'·!'i:; Wlllwffont Home N. I . M "*· .... IMI '200 ctaantno dtP lrpl, enc t•r. "''' f'tkp. lf!Cl'ld tide yard, pltnty _,...,.. :i. , to-. w/1 or2 fem "'"' .;Llrt' 1 "·a ... ••· ~ M2~t'767, ~~lo.L.. am yet. 1418 Oall or patlllftQ, 1 l>loctt lrOtn 11rvtoe. ' oMnNI mo· _,. • "'&.lrte I Ir. I •e. 2 Ir 1 la PoOl lldt IPt o~u"21, baacll, ~Hrly tant al •lat 8ANOPl,19' MO· tiegotfllllll 1114417 • • • ,... lndiy rm, llllHn1. No LOI 2 bd, I l>I. ""· -r.i •• I den ·~. I HOO/mo "° ... ., JIL. 1M7 Newport~. Mlf 21+ ..... .,., ... .,. Cell AAll•onl fey• pete. Cell for appt , ~ = :;-,.,: · 1>a, flr9Placo, ttnnt• a 2 er 1 la ~ .,,. CM l4M1'1· dMf °' --C:: IO ..... 717,... ...,. MM 1490. 1,e Hr bH•"· HOI Clld belcony. 1 block ~ .. -rlW !Urn I~.?.., ~ II~. T8'......... ... •• ~ 1M1 ... W ~· W. OW.,....,,... from '*""· 1ltnt ,_.lftO ..,. • :::.::-·,,. lltll 11r. ,..,~ ...... _. ... ,.. :;i.~JJ&r-· Av .... G (Ir.!:..•• =1,C-Mc,°'1.---· w111r , ... ,.,, "' .,., I, •. r•rV ,e ..... ~·-... , ., .. "'"elrl ...... _"'· -;;;;iii;i;;M;;"i"iW:-;;:1 CotOf' TV. ,,.. ........ Ct••"9CI Acte .,. ... _. • .._ ... , .,. iiill~11111p ...._ ....... :"'°" ,,_.. ,...., ._,.. ... ,••a•lbr . ..-l'IMMd "°'I...,. to ...., • • •n•• ,...., . .. ... i IOlll?Qer...... ,., tCIMdotl.no ...... t1111llf OCHft. lltay .... ........... ......~ .......... ... • ...._, .... ,_, ND '....._ I t we lt I Call NOW. •1ter ~•Id HOOt mo 11lew l 1t001mo -~~ illW;Wllr •Ill INN .. ' Sat...,_, 141·M71, ..... IOOO. AfeM, no fill Al-tll7 -....... ........ • ... A Salute to. • Notable Businesswomen ational W ornc11 in Busines Week if, October 17 through 23. To honor local wome1ri in business, industry and co mmerce, the Dai ly Pilot will publish a special f ea tu re m it ti October 23 edition . This is an ,exceptiona l opportunity tu introduce a new or longtime a ocia te to th n people of the Orauge Coast, or to hono r· awards, achievement or contributions. This Is the Actual Size Ad For Mat rac>roducllon. • olMr bttek and wf'tlt• P'IOlo or any eru can bl u1ed. Your ,,,.... will IOC:ompetly fM P4Chn In thl• ~ If you cl'too11 not to publlttt a plc lurt, fill tl't• •PICI wllh yourrno111ge. notice, with 1 photo i.!1 • ... ... 1 . • Or1nge Oollt OAIL. V PIL.OT /Monday, October 11, t962 ('e M'!!..4ffHl .... tMf «~11..rt!1.~~ ..... ~{~ ~~11..rt!,'.~-!. ..•. !~!f «~'"·'-•1.'!!. .... 1.{ff ~~'1..rt.•.-.~~ .... !.{!f '-~'1..rt!.-.~t!. .... !.{ff '9'.11 .. rt11.'!l. .... TJ.ff !,1~.'!n! ........ 11.f lr.!/!!t.'-'.~~··' .. T!~Jl!!~ .. ~~'.~!.l.~?f Officle aollCli IVtll•ble 81 lOIT Cet 1m1 l!Otf tlfl tn~lnll Cou111t1 IV1rd Pfrton f0#1Lo•n Offlc:4ll PIT,..... ltlittlll TUI Tl-I · Trundle led, J mllllH O't · Mu guod 1181 '""' J2 , .. , t1e1n llOO w CO•ll ttwy ""'l peel, •h01llltlf ltm VI°' PA91Tl ltM TIWI 1001 •11<1 tQulpm•n1 r-~--· .. _.._, COi-Oteclll Avlllebl• Min • VI HP•f In •II .... •Int cood cona ·II'"" U $ •• .,y C,plllJll Mlf '41nl 0. lllit>oe l•y Club tOO' h•UnllOth &t CM AtJJllY II Humtn1•on ••nlll oomp•n).' Mull ...;.;; -=-.. ~IV.II Aak lor phHH Of,, •• •Ork .. •100 M4·•H& on 10 11 ~.~~~11:e 11 All '), HO 1q " olllCH Cell 60 4fH ll•vlng• a loin, Hf tflJoY WO!lllllQ with P90 lDOklna_Ttl ....... , M.,llln 641-1111 mOdttn 41QUll>M4ffll 111111 I OI• a Lov .... 1. blu•I n Ill'-, - Tt411St·10H Loat Blu/Oold M•O•w Wll'll41t, HI 0 I Ole. OOOd Ml•ry and.,.., °<;~ w .. Pt, f.l oompen).' olltrlng lop QIHlllOll whit• llorel, f/f/ llftH IHI flllllT'.t, Ullll'f. 1111 O.l"•t OlllOt 10 •ll11e, ,.,..>. I mo1 ano h11.v.d n t lff peOklOt Apply PllOI I • • IP4IC• •• ,. 111.aa"' PIY I t>eneltt• lrvlne goo d Ci o 11 d I 1 2 5 ••••••"••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••• ••••••• pr;t, bldg, lido v111--. ~ b• In Biibo• .,.. b1n11lng 1100 lo Colaii Hlghw•y., , .. ,. n new po°li'•m• ........ '1rn....... .. • , • • , I • I •• 0 •II HI· 127• 85AU TIFUL 2&" ACA Oo• wn..t lrllltf ;Int 101 Pvt olllc• WIMO'I •-;:r'••· Rtwtrd 6A2•H07 O•rv TILLll L I tQ30 Ntwporl llvd, 1 t OMP/AAM, M, 111 PllWI llO'f 161·411 t -Co101 fV 2 yr w1111y vw 1 100 ' PART TIMI C .M or 2HOO L•mb41ft, 11()0 TD'• Nttdad lor I ·men 111• Wrougllt lroo beker'1 ct· I 14ll Fr .. d•llvery &'48 4Ua l 210/mo c_.1 I I0·4pm, fOUNO Newtv.•P•~ tg• PoattkHt evill•ble In our 111 12os, II Toro Clll John CuHclC lnaurar•c• olllct &nor• TIHI• bln•l . wtdbl• ooore a O,,.n Sun A I , 1 17S·7Ato, !Mii d, wtwhl11 llPOI on -t84·0090 1111nd & !YPlno •klll1, ltWllY9t, 176. O&e.oott TV Jottn'• 646 \TS" •II .,,,,., '111 -en.ti 126 OH 7A0t l o CoHI Pin• olllct COtJnltf help wentlld. dry AE81DeNllAL r,r•vloua,exp•rlence In No ••~•rl•nc• n•o••· 7 ~ w OUQ .... -01 " I A--t11111l11 HIO llW .,,.. · reue1 ••""'rltnet pr1ltr· cteo111n~ Hl1bli1nmt111, ••o"ro•o• llf.R"IC"' .... r "' "°" ntll• • ...... m " "' "' • " neur•nc• f rtf. PIHH Hr)' er lntormttlon. t 1a · TWt ITHH SPl•I • ••••••••••••••••• • ••• OfflOe tvll• on Pao CoHt Lott· Choe Btn Lib, wl lid. CHh handling tlll)e-Fl T' 3 1411 00111 Hwy., Loen -II "'M ... ....... can .. , PAINf t llt• bO<IY WOfk, Hwy overlOOklng Ntw· whl C"-91, 1010, 80 La 11.nee r4'qulrtd ConlKI So. Leg A90·tt86 Cl ,.. ''"' "v' (010122'1·06381221·015(1 llt·I 1 l UO bath, 8AS.l?12 up tn ~. nlf your t>ooy port Mltbor Appro• gun• 4~· 1130 JO'( l Qefkt II 640·40ee 0.11111 Attltllnt, 4 d•v•1 , II • 0 11 I I I I R .. leurent 1ttl'·1ptn Mon·fl'rl Orono• P•tlo oh•lr•(4), e· ''"'° .. t•i>t ~--with •hop ••• Ulll 904-0332 1000 ~ tt. 9elow merket FOUND lg wnu;d°001016 week In Newport 0.eoh llO•IW M!AT ILICCR Ano Por• Ad1m1 l'111ttpr1... ~~lck r t mov•t>tt ou-record colltcllOn, bar in [u1ucieen Mtchan1c rt· r••• 7141645·7100 vJo F v High School. n fc X·t1y lie 1 mull n 11011 control ptraon 10 • ...1or11, MO &&a.OHi aide, 1t11h1ng llg htt Pllra Europ••n oer•I .--r-I I I 4fld ,,,., 4 30 9IJ4·0046 .f~~ •• ~-~:·1 Sil IOO,o 644·2'48& or 64&-2806 ~~~rw~ 6i~~lc~~.pllo~~0.~~ ~~:~~~· p~:,~:rtb~t11C.:1~1 nP11m111 I W1n1 qUMt't --;iii""" 4 ''°° 556-~08 ~r11ncn 811kg 90t.t220 .!~!'.~~ .. !!.! •••••• 'J FQ;;;,d:-Sml wht Poodl• O!!NTAL OFFICE MNOA r1not $mtll Ntwport treln. 9·30 AM to 6 PM, PAlll•IP Plllltl box eprng. Heve lwn 211" Con101t l 11111n TV. J(Jflf1 Prlmt WHI co .. 1 Hwy, type dog Y•llowstont 666 l own Ce11ter Of Ettlelenl, fnthY1lutlc I Mortgege Co. 851.0444 Mon-Thur II AM 10 t PM o ''"· wlll I rt Cl• or HU 1350 7 nuw ttr ... Q'SOx tG &. 10 Nit locltlorl. H.-1100 C M 648·0363 · Co110 M•H 92828 orglnlHd .. wlbkl(~n ••elnl.:;;--1,.,., · 8undey "'lf:Y 10 AM 10 Cit~~ Puledr~ltk .,.bUty $0 ~A..0020 6•8 28t0 ... 1or IH~ dutw piC11 tQ It 11111~ Can t>t OM· ----•"u•I ""'"'" '"'Ployer , • ..., • dy k ••• .., .... .... 12 or 2 to A PM '" 'ni '"op "'11Ptf J I 1010 .,.y 1 ' ded. 12oootmo. w81.,. f"ound Chlhuohu•. bnNn, " ...,..,.. ' _._,......" w -u· Bullock'• So CoHI hu • t..orl'I Kltc~n 3077 8 only C•ll for appt If/ff If. 8penlth M11hOQA11y Mag up, 1700 66 -0998 front Mom•• Inc whl on chetl. 1ov1ble, OenMing ORY Cl.EANINO·Full l ull time perm•"'"' HarbOr Blvd., (HarbOr 11 842·0 14" l.i:ov·a·~~·;,-;:r;•0j~·-navox •t.,eo con1011 631-1400 CM 7$t-1772 •TELLERS* um•. mlfklng & '"'°In~' po111ton lor e melnlt· Cerrlagt Dr.) 8.A, • --TYPIST --MONO Peno1nt. eo otl x~~o~:no 14001011 Aoto1/0111}1 Studio/ Offlce/Storege or ,-,-,,,.,,, SJSO Commorc.8enk, hH 111'1· ~:.?~''Sc~ 1Sf1~, ~~1 ~::: ~'~n'=. Siln Do wo1k 1n your home dlH 1800 631-9:70 -••IMPORTANlNOl;CC .. OHk •P•Ce •v•ll. on ...................... med opening• for e•l)4tl Coll Drtptry, 1297 Lo: P•ntry Ind e1ectrlc11 840•0101 for_io_for_m•llun 11/u•llHH•I IOIO ~~~1r2af 11~:10~.~·,~~~· TO Al:~ROETASSERASNO B•lboe la. t 100 to 1200 Liii .. I VIOll'I 19118 " Wt Oller very gin St" c M 6AO-1366 •klll• mtndttory Thll GUYS V.o\LET Perking Alllf\dant •••••••••••••••••••••• 83 ' 9276 p p AOllE I Pfl' mo. Mr. Ptl'f)pefton • competitive HllrlH 8 a --potlllon olf11• lull com· S111r1 SA hr Apply Wed Ill .... 2d .... lll• pr1e.e of lltm• •d· 2t31t17-t29A. PHOTO MODELS lull range or 1tln1 benellta P•nv btntlltt Pleau GALS 13lh, 3-flpm Rutty Pett-a to 20' long, 36¢ pet ti JBl Speakera Pair ol 12" VIH'lllO!l by vehlclt d .. • ESCORTS/DANCERS Super opplyl PIHM cell lllOITOll conlacl Per10nnll Tuel· can. Main 8 M•cArthur. 775.1 .. 91 anytime. K 12() amp 1puker 1, lore In tho vehlelo cleUI· "---i-Jil OUTCALL 24 HRS tor eppt (7 14) 851·0llOO. p t/P .. t/f t Fri 10 am· 5 pm HOT NEW PRODUCT ,,..,, No phone callt Sff -good 1h1pe S1 50 RAN fled 110ver1111ng eo1urM1 -•• IH·OZOl OOllHROEIAll H rt 1 If.,,. · cellld SObtt·UP Eern up Bonnell or CMt Anllque mehog1ny cabl· DALL P A C1btnets dOH no1 Include eny l1al1l1 ff1S ~~~~~~~--! Equal Opply Employ M/F • llTilll BULLOCK' to net with orig RCA redlo w/16" apeakert, p111 ol 1pp11ce1>ltt ll\,<H , ucenM , •••••••••••••••••••••• = UILlllTI' ---.. WAITIR/WAITIEll & reoord playtr-175; bl· RS· 115·2PM ctl>lnett w/ tranater IHI, t1nance Offlct or rllllll tooetlofl W. * * * BOOKKEEPER ASS'T · $1000 WK Wllh cer ror wlcklf bH· throom .. marbl• IYP"" IPHl<era a horna, 8000 chargoa. Ifft tor air pol· Newport BMch. Approx lfl 1. p I lmmedlll• full Time The nellona flrll llllng MANAGEMENT ket lunch aervtc. 9 30 10 alnk In 1 door 8 2 drawer ahepe S450 pllr BO lullon con1rol device ~.~ :t:S .. ~~ mo. to-•• II Ir or Pos11100 open In • gro-FranchlH, •tiffed by " s•n•111 GALL Ir ••• ,,. 1 30 pm Mon-Fri Earn cebln•t plul metchlog 2 p EA v E y Am p,,,,. r cert111c11to111 or dealer Ol>lf\ 24 hra • dey wing company In Coale educetor1 who "cere" SPECIAL 121·100G. $150 lo $170 wkly Mull door will ceblntl 8 "Bickatage 30·· pracllce docum1n1ery preper•· Office SultM •v•ll. down· 7 day1 a w&ek Mesa 1o 881111 with P•Y· for children, homH, pelt be nut. per10nlble, 10• "m1rbl1 type" w1U 1hetl. omp , llke new s 100 11on ct> er gt • un l•ll town MuntlnglOf'l BMch, Jacuul. Sauna. L(>ca1J roll & Invoicing. Type & th• elderly. deaperetely WITlt YOll LIFE. IALEl·F /T orgellc 979-0747 11 10 111 for only $100: tempe-(Tom) 7 5 1. 8 6 1 6 0 r 1 ol herwlH 1p1c111ed by 60• tq tt grou rtnt•I. 11 well 11 Tourl111 SS-60 wpm a good n"dtquellfied11tte11for Tired of thet "lld" on Fell growing computer AM for IPPI red glees 1hower doora. 548-0995 tM 11dvo1t1aer lO% lrH rent for 11,.1 B1nkAmerlc1rd, Amer-compu1et1onal sklll• a pit &tor lull time 11algn· yQ;Jr head? 11 yov quallly, 11ore need• lull time ----llko n•w. only $60 tor I -1 .,. J AalifOll/ 'f9tr. Cell 960-8-4&0 1c1n ExprHs. Din•'' All mull Cell Cermell• men11 Cell· we'd llkt lo telk wllll youl per1on d4J• 10 promo-WtRI OPERATH both Cell 6"2-0138 ••II ,..., ., Cluiit1 1520 _12_5_0_1_q_f_t_r_e_t•_l_ll_o_lf_lc-e-1 2w10,1c20Hmaerb7o1r4B/61.4C5~~433 7"1 -545-2666 Oer,.,ate Wma.n1geomfe'n'1 or rlenllhdt lion. Some knowledgt In B1_? ... ktr1ge,11rm hJI• lmt ·1Fi;;-m l rror1, (walii b•i••••I ., ................... . ,.. ----ltH•••rterl · • computer• & cori'1umtr mV\I open or exper w re 12X~8", 14.00 each _ •• ~,.~•••••••••••••• llODeL u,•"sl 1p1ce, E. 17th St. In ---' IOOllHPll P"IOn e real opportunity 1lectronlc1 required oper11or hre 8 2'30 I I .., / 1 ~ "' Colla MeH , grHI VIII· Oust•• ...... , PhHt Vacht broker In N-por• 714/112-1221 lo build Ill orgentz.etlon Good benellll Open 7 Ulery commenayr~t· wil 5"8""222 ··s ,, 1"'' ······~·02 Shay repllcaa. pickup• 8 b 111 t y & p • r I\ t n g Conversation wuh Barbi Beech Mull be expe· wnlle earning thtlr own d e y 1 . c • 11 L 0 r 1 exper F~ appl call, Me-Gulter-12 1trlng, flute, eir "' Ct ~ coupes 4 to cnoo .. 6"5·3"77 MC/Visa 24 hra rlenced In pawroll, AIP, ILEOTIOllOS wey 10 e l op poalllon (714""0·1530 I en M c G I n 1 e ... brush , w etnul chra, •••::a·r•:ne••E•l:;,:1r•;1•8•11•••• lrom• (006788) (Slk lal11ttl•I . ---AIR. bank reconclllallon. TEOllllOl•I C9&151.01 2M60r Rog en •I ---.. v •• vol gn na1a111 epa1r 838 0701 ' ,.,.. 714.5•4·2292 ' 1 645-'"317 ~n ~ 1' 11 "" -R A3093) Pr1ce1 11at1Jnge1 COEDS Would love lo general ledger For eppt· • ., Salta 1 5 d I Ilk 011 o k 549 2520 E OILY St,1111 l1al1J 4500 i C S 673-851 I H ILEVEL HCHNO-lnllElf 011••1 $1/11 1 y ' u11 e new car· y w r • v •••••••••••••••••••••• perty w you 111 ue or LOGY, the fast growing Menegement ••••'•••••••••••••••••• pet, eerthlOMll Be11 of· loltl lo•tr IH N.B. 3075 Biren. 1000 aq. Kethy anyllme (2 131 CARRIERS WanllJO Eern lndullry In compullf Cle-AMlmffl OHPLE looking for extra In-B•all••ll• ,.,,. fer 833-9799 •••••'•••••••••••••••• THEODORE ft. MIA zone Agent 6 3 " • 4 5 7 1 • ( 7 1 4 I $300 10 S800 per mo velopmenl aystemt hes with merrlege IOO•lhlr. come? Try Part· Time ••••••..,•••••••••••••• Beaulllul Nllurel Jaguar 1981 l1be1gl111 dlesel $ 574501·60up3.2.21•0 It. lndu-l o51217m.701n8d6 Wanted. Wiii Must have depend11>le lmmedlete openings for PIT lhla ye11 for my Seles " the PENNYSA· GIANT Ger11ge Sele 9401 full-langlh coat wtblack Nordic lug Full yec hl " car Good driving record e lop notch electronic• branch. FI T for your VER, 1660 Placentia Brukwater Cr MB. OCt mink trim. Appralaed al 1r1m. lhe boll equipped ROBINS FOID •trlal . Offloe. 18101 Re-Buy 1 car11 trom pr111111 & prool ot lnsur•nce 1echnlolan to trouble branch n••• year. High Ave. Co111 Me" Alk lor 0·10. Hamllton/Buthard s 10,000. Me kt o fter ever l>ulll "' pagea ol dondo Clrcle , p & T perly. cash 631-9276 App11t hr• "AM-6AM shoot end repelr 2901 I n e om•. Ir• v e I Mr1. White MA·1Ali1 ge1r asking 559.500 2060 MA .. OA llLVD COSTA MUA 642 · 0010 Huntington. Beach. For Compen10111111p. mas· ~~:P~:11J"c~, 'co8~1. ,,'; Biaod Syllem• •nd _7_7_5_·5_1_6_2·----~ Siles '!.~~~~!~!J!! ... o ···••• -L-11-v-ln-~-e-re-a-.-.. -11-m-em--?~~C:s9~7-4"50 Mme ·53 S1uds1>e1ter Ctt1mp10n 842·28~4. 1100 or I driver call Ken. boerd1. Oet1ll1d know· ll'llOIRllT Tltl Liii A 100 Ca 11 The Rog Is t er ledge of TTL !ogle requl· "' •ll•all be11h P In prHllglous 5 pass cpe Nice cer WANTED: ger age or _'49_1_·_57_1_8____ 96 1 7112 Mon-Fri. 7AM red Send reaume ano with cllentele. 3075 Birch Femous lor the flnell In ••••'•••••••••••·-~··· N.B. club ·~ price. Write Ctaulc l 8' Lapsl rake $3750 2131592 1792 lndullrlel 1pect, min. Llatenlng Devices ttome to 1 IAM salary requirement• 10 SI. NB 6A5·7 t t2 Europeen •lllre for guy• Oak Obit School Dttk Clasellted Ad 1078. Delly Century bay bo111. 4 cyl. ,.00 .. Nt•ts 1,, .. , .. 900 •q ft, for II body· olc, lectory, lie. rep di· ----llLl"IL & gela 11 looking for 2 Slde·bY·llCle. ntp lop. Piiot. P.O. Box 1560, Grey $3500 675-6 161 • • • • wortt. no pelnt. CMIHB. ecreet guar 598•75 11 Clerk ., MANICURIST with lollo-sharp lldlff to 881lll our S 195 552·2839 eo.11 Meu 92626 74 Olastron 25' Flbar· 1946 Foro Woody W1· 964-0332 TEOllltLHY, 110 wing, run your own bull· cuatomera. F .. hlo n ENGLISH OAK DINING glass Fly brodge 1w1n gon $13.000 90x127 M-1 corner wllh Sthoii I l1t1 Eltry 11102 lar4tt• Wal neu 11 l hll Dazzler'• beckground necea. Poil· SET. dr1w leel tabla, 6 IYUVI · ll-8'1, Volvo oul drive, bldg. 091 W 1911'1 St. l•1t11tl1"1• 1005 0,trlltr /Clerk lnllt 0-uf 1211 Salon: 675-3628 Ilona open lmmed. C1ll In cha Ira & sideboard All Computerlz:lld exerciser end Ir al I e' ( 7 1 4) ' _, MUIETRESWOI N-portBeachloteppt re llnllhed $600 . Like new S1crllloe 735-6737 $7000 1929 Ford Model A Town Sedan $10 .000 67~-6161 -:'-.-r-:h-'0-~-~-.-a-:-.-:-:3-."-:°-,-g· h~ •••••PR.E·SCHOOL00 ••• USA Today, the N1tlon'1 ELEOTllO&L IESlllER Teltpnone Communloe· The L<><*. 844~500 548-2651 11495· 759•9320 ooor ecoeaa:4000 IMt DAY CARE first generel lntereJI delly EXPERIENCED. Ptrm•· 1011 lnt erHltd In 20 SEORETARY/llPll A . IOI For 1ete full mem1>1r11h1p avell. 642•5535, Kereo Meple Ave Christian In newspaper has lmmo· neni-poaltlon. 25 yr old hounr or more per -k. 10 work ror p R. program .l/J.1!!~~~!........... In Me11 Verde Country Electric B1y Boat/ Dul· field. 20' lmmacullle Cond !>48-6658 30 M odel A Ford 5-winoow coe, rumble aeo t. nicely resto red $6000 83 1 ·8556 C.M. Regt1llrlng 2-Pre d1a1e openlogs 101 quell· e I e c I r I c e I c o Flexlblt hou11 Salery In non-profit organize· HARBOR AREA Club. Wrlle Ad R 1023. K Sm lnellv c lasse1 lied Dall Enlry Clerkt 714/850-7200 Commen1Yrt1e with ex-tton. Meevy 1yplng, ahor· ' APPLIANCE SERVICE Dally Pllol, Bo• 1560, '81 Boston Whaler w/lrlr. •Ohp loaded very cloen $5100/0 BO 6"!>-5916 ••1i•111/laH1I/ 11 ... ,, Open Oci 4th 6"'6-4334 Typ;ng keypunGh OI date •FASHION COUNSELOR perlence Cell Mery thand not HHnll•I Art We 11111 recond . gulf Cotta Meaa 92626 11\trt IKpe<tence helpful $l2/l'lr, PIT, Ledlea Ap-~-'-·-69_4_3 ______ 1 work/copy layout expr eppll1nee1 549-3077 Allaattrt flH $1/I• 1154 Classic IHtltJ M1n1 cond All be1go lea• tner int black ex• , whl· lewalls Present owner celebroty Mike offer 844-1451 (213)272-7722 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1.,•l1r,.1•t •.. ,.... . .. ~ .. '"•·············· but not n1ct11ary. Wo 1 8 7 IO 'I helpful Good 1>1neflt1 & will train on the CRT pere uslness 31-43'47 MEOllH (HP ) working oo11olt1ons Cell I llY APPLIAIOEI 0 n bo a ' d I he termonel Ablllly to typo a or 535.0A96 Oal/Toy/IJW Own I00111. 97g. 7900 f or en •P· Les 967·8133 "Tr1cycherl" l>llween 13·• Bos1on Whaler type w/40HP Mere eng Re- mote ctrl, bOll cover. 1 y r old $3 9 50 Oy1 835-6665, evet 673-9555 ••• "Ar.!!~!!1 ••• !.~~ !!!'..'!!!.~'!. .••• !.~~~ South Coun1y Arcede. Young married man will locetlon and machines do general handy work or looetlon only. Call Call avea & wkends. T o rn o r S I m o n 1 972-9525 m1mmum of 40 wpm 11 •• FAIT a··· •• F/tlm• Oet11-Toyote. l>Olnlment TM Cenntry & OelelW)'I required .. 1731 Superior, CM. Weeher-Oryer-Refrlg R111aurants. Lido Park • GOOD S~LARY 64 __ 2·_2_4_34 ______ 1 Stcreteryt Receptlonlal Oflhwashlr-Free2er Or Delly 9·6 614-2095 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '!!.'I. .Vf !!. ~'!. •... !.1• ~ FUICllll AUTOMOTIVE We offer competitive II· larles wllh excell•nt company peld t>enetlts To apply 1ubmlt • re-sume or lell11 to IPPllTllllTIES IOOllEEPER • .....__ t.e1-1lte-..a Must bl e•l)«lenced In IU TllAY PO lea lllO La&IH li&HI Ca. Hill ........... --automotive bookk••· ~ Beecn & Munl· ping Mull •lso be ver- lngton 8"c:h •rH fr111-aellte In either peyebtes ctil-foi Hie. or reoelveblH a accu· The n1tlon'1 flrll chlld, rete. Call Stan 81 Equ11 Opply Employtr home & 1)4tl Ifft Ing Ir ao- etllM 11erteo by lduc•-tora. Coordln•ted from the home, flexible hours & minimum overhead. Fee lllftl II $ 15.000. For more lnform111on cell o..,,., ... ..... .,arters l14/ll2-t221 !~~!1.!!.ffl~ .. !.~~! • lnvHtor-Bkr, Bankl, SIL, has money. 2nd T.O 15'n% or blller /1 ...... I • I~· I Selling enylhlng with • Dally Pltot Clatslfied Ad 11 a slmple melter . IUlll Call 642-5678 (7141499-1825 play B i ngo. This column will ••::::J."' ,,.,, appear each Wednesday in the I S03S M. T I B. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1rror. o p ace your 1ngo 1.1. unLH P a r I o r ad c a 11 6 4 2 -5 6 7 8 . •rtsac• o.. 1... Classified Ads. spec~~~~Yr!. ',~ .. ~2nd ..---,..,N~:r-. ... v~,.,.y.......,M=N--=o"""A""'Y..,......,,N.,.,.l.,...,..,H=-..., Robt. Settler NHICM Doors open 4PM Earlybird •ames it"t 6·JOPM RE. Braker Bd Reeltora · • · 642-2111 5A~1 1 $6,000 CASH PRIZES WIDOW HAS SSS I~ TD'a Fr• cOll• anc1 loU ol P<Alf'9 ~~Ji~e~~ec:1~K N~pf>.~~ Blessed Sacrament School :;~.1~1aon a Asaoc 14146 So. Olive St., Westminster Ut TO, S 114.000 fac1, 30"~ Clltcount, .. 1e $80. 000 Se.HOllld 9 'lfl on 1 300 .000 l11m 5<47-6A51, 644-0105 Wlf1 purchase existing 111 or 2no mortgtges at d l1count enywhere. (404)325-9100 Atlante Autntl•Hll/ ,,,, ... ,.; ,,,,, , ,, .. , .•..•.......•••••••... Aa ... •nm••I• SIH ...................... Ital•• ltluiratiH 1eo..O&o.. UITIST'I llMTll to ltlOW & Mii your lltt In th• WHtmln1ttr Mill Fin• Art Show, Tllur1. to Su n , Oc t . 14·11. 90!.-7600. SCRAM·LUS ANSWERS CIOudy • Knife Piety -S•tltl elECT llom• pollt1clen1 telk Vt('J •tref\09. Who t lM cen you hear refer to your Ilene•• •• the brtcM-ILECT? ftl!.f.!.~ ...• l.111 PLAY BINGO ot Our lady of Fatima Church l 05 la Esperanza San Clemente Ev•rJ Wedne1d1r lilht Early Bird Speclal at 6:50 PM Fr11 Popcorn I Coff11 1 FtH H4rd C•rd JHI 1'9190n With thl• Ad -Exp. 11· 1·82 At.l:RICAN LEGION Ml>WAY CITY 14512 BEACH Bl.VD. OOOIS <>PIH 6'M, OAMIS AT 7'M IA•LYIHIDS &130 fltlOAY MHINOS ('h ml No. Of 405 Fwy) COME JOtN USll St. Catherine 's -BINGO/ Ttusdly Cnnin1s -brlrt*ds at 7:15 Snick Blf -fret Cofftt 3090 SOUTH COAST HWY. llsun• Bt1cti • BIG Co•u•1SSIONS )(Int cono 646·5846 ___ ;...._ ____ _ mm MEDICAL ASSISTANT AggrelSIYI locet compu-OAR WAlll • NICE BONUSES PIT h / ter firm need• verutlle Retrlg1, wutiers. Dryers. World'• Oloest a Lrgtl • muat ave ••P· w Hlfitirter In 11181 de-M Only S2 001 Saturday Pl Tim•. No l tlllng EKG'• 493~40 1 t J b I I G any 10 chOOH from Ocio~ 16th, 91m to 1 Please don I cell before MMY lllEY •HEY per me7 ° nvo vt1 uar S 1ootup 859-0682 pm, 10350 Ellis, Foun111n 10 AM Mr L ee 11 •r •wer ~p phones, ty-i;inlll 1110 va111y 1 blk Ent of 7 14-966-232! Slop complaining • do P ng. ta ng me111g11, •••'"••••••••••••••••• Brookhu11t. Help tend aoll'llthlng 11>out 111 Nu-running •rrends. Good Mena 10 apeed tree aplrlt our youth choir to trlllonel weight 1011 oommuntc111011, l>hOne & blk $50 c s twplng ikllll 1 mual . e OIOrldo .... F1rtt OU· progrem Call Shirley, ' ••2 89"• , .. _ ... tltt Ch .... loa11 S•il IOI ·····'················ Biggest 30 looter allo1tr 57 Tllundetb11d 1 of 21 1 w/superctiarge1. 4 1.600 "11 $29 SOO 17 H J 337-2555 3 t SIO Model A colluctOI car Aun• great Rumble Sell. ••c $7000 c111 71 4 -752 ·1 19 4 o r 728-4240 Full llme polltlon Oppor- tunity for quick, lntelll· gent, o•n•r•t ofllce 645-3873 Non-smkr only Mu11 be .... • "'" ,....,n ...,_p ur...,, lloen11d end hive own treo1por1a11011 Call clerk·typlSI 1unlor poll--1-.. -L-1-0-1-1 -------• lion Expoeure to 11ock "" ....-• _ .. • ~nlrol, purchulng 811d Needed tor progreaelve 6A8-t410 SChwln11 ledlet bike, Col· Newport Beech Ttnnls legtet•. 3 fPd, llke new. Club Femlty Mtmblrlhlp Whlte.'85.548·6617. $750, 7 59-1296 or Immaculate ll1>ergla11 Colum1>1a 30 Interior bigger than most 35'• Bunks lor 6 adults Full galley & heao. Alomle A with Martec prop low hours Full electroni<;I & VHF Auto pilot, 4 sells 49 Wtll)'S JeepslClf, 75~. lncludlng splnn•ker · 1 resloreo. alnl cond mutt winches $29,500 Otta M ii 960-4075 8 9 7 • A 4 5 0 : h o m el --:=: ----computer operation. ulon Some cflentele --------- Perm11\1n1 po1ltlon for prel Salery, comm . SECRETARY/ rell1ble Plfton C1ll V• vec:•tlon Mgr 640-8680 RECEPTIONIST lor Elec 1ro111c1 C .M. For busy Chlrop,.ctlc 714-640·9264 Nuritog Olllce. mull bl aharp, ----------1 LVN for 1>u1y beck office. -11 oigenlzlld. & depon· Gtlf\er•I Ofllce. Proptfty FIT 557-3242, A.it lor dlble w /good phone Mgmt Co Newport Jo811 Smtih me11net Type 80WPM. Beach. r•ll•t recepllo· Ollie• organizing, aome to 119)'. good figure ei>U· nl1t, good lronl olllc1 phone light lype. F•· 1ud1, •xper, non-1mkr appearenoe & prof111lo-lhlon 1i&.nd. 640-010 t pref 63 1·5690 nel •ltllude, typing 55 -~-------WPM required for vi· PIYllCAL JIEAUllT S~retery. experienced rlou1 projeeta, hr1 t0-3 Reglitered PhVt lclan n1eded 10 Hllll bu1y M-Tn, po11tbl• expen· apteleUzlng In physic•! ••ecullve. xll\t 1111111 & slon to "'" llm• potltlon. medicine a r1h1bll1ta-~~··;~93~~7~Y NB 549-2988. tlon Part/1111'11, ldHI for · QEIERIL OFFICE hom1m1ker Exc1llent -----..---.-y-- workln,1 anv1rol\men1 SEC'Y en Ill ) Sel1ry nego111ble New-Lido Vllleoe erH Good port Cenler 640-6610 typing 3·4 nrs/d1y. • Pert-time, 20 to 30 houri Printing per week Typing 55 Book peste•UP PIT. Mon. d1ys/w1t. 673-7480, cell 1·30-4pm. w p m Front olflc• ap-2 pm lo eppro• e 30 pm STITCHERY LOVERS. pearance Call Tut1, 10·30 10 •Pprox leach-Mii needlecraft 5 30 pm No bl* Nee 531-6598 Apply PennyHver, 1860 145-147& I 'J'~/ '493-1258 •••• , 1---. -------548-5930 4 W•111 Dtir11 ISSO ---~ ..................... . ••t•ti•I• lllS Ledy 1 raccoon fu1 coat, •••••••••••••••••••••• '°• lengtf'\. rarefy worn. .ow •io/n ••cell cond Size me- 18' Hobie C11. yellow wl teq 1un111e aails L•ko n-$2500 675-6161 • • dlum. $350 842-7107. Redwood 2x6 decking, co1um1>1a 28 Mus1w1I 4 4.20· lof\g, llllO rlld*<>Od Bleupunkt oeu llereo C)ll eng St t.900 fencing Cell Jim or Ken CR2001, u1ed 1 we111:. 552_5133 enyllme. 77!.-1491 $450 060-~27 eYM REDWOOD DECKING M•gnltlcent Oflenlel Rug l1iJ#11l1 flf 2x ..... 33c. 2x6. 49¢ P4t' 1)( 10 K11han oegn. B1 8Fi:;;c,··,,;ew·c·ui:iris 11. Medallfon/Cranberry HAWKS>. 'Complete. for Sevell 99S-Ot22 Sec HOO. 551-1226 5825 6"5 _..310 c .. ,,., f #i1t1JIHH•I INll, SJi,1 ... ~!!f~~!! •... !.~~~ ... Vf! ... ~'!. ...... }.°-!! DHb 901tt ---------j WANTEO Living room BO~r·si:iP's·;.;:iLABLiii WANTED . Zoom ~ lele. tel, couon. ch1lr1. coffee Newl>Ort Beech 25'. 2e . len• for M•m•y• NIC 111>11. end t•blel, dlnet· 30', 35 •O & 45 C1U 1000 SLR camera II Mull be In good 6 ,.2•4644 lrom 9 .s. Bayonet mount. Pvt Pty ahepe 8 priced reaaone· Mon-Fri Cash Call An1wer Ad bly Cell evening•. 625. 6'42 ... 300, 2A hfl 499-'4968 f r; ltHS #Hlt•I .!!!.!! •• ~~........... l•1t1••••I• IOl3 MARCUS CHANNEL side 11e to 28 rt. $ 150. also llde up to 18 fl S 100 673-8t45 LARGEST JEEP DEAi.ER In lho West desper111e1y needs your JEEP Highest Dollar Paid Cell Gary Gray Hllll ctAIT AMC/JEIP/REIAILT 2524 Har1>or Btvd . CM 549-8023 6"'5· 7770 82 JEEP CJ7 Ltd 5 IPd ••eel cond Many ••· 1ra11 St t 000 obo 675-2735 75 S•lverado 57K ml 16 5 Chrome cust SUSI) mech ~rt 646-1367 T10ckl f5IO . .........••.•...•.••• Toyola 76 AM/FM Sl•· r eo c1s1ette Sma ll camper snell $2 17 5 673·6618 GOVERNMENT JOBS Pl1oent11 Ave, C M Telephone Selel Meny jobs •vell1ble In PI T Oemon11111or. Fri· US end over ... • For Set. $4 30 hr, grocery Directory 31218118"'43•7 stores In •ree. car nee ua1111 •n Mtxed female Golden •••••••••••••••••••••• Ret/Collls. loves to ride In truck1, gooo wetch· SLIPS AVAIL Hun11ngton ·eo Oodgo OS0-4X-4-.-a-ll YAMAHA Bue Amp Ha r b our 8e y Oa utras AMI F)\A CUI , Meld With • double 15" 840-55"'5, 646-7766. 6-9 $6900 841--018 t PV IC>Nlttr cabinet All p M 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 ' e11t E-9 1 Call 541-0718 Wlllllt PIT $400 • HOO wkly C1ll (714) 538°7596 Alk f<>< Clog, 811 lhOtl. &44--0895 6"'0-0020 In exct llent condition 213"-431-3764 8~ Chevy S1epSlde. eml FREE KITTENS S&OOobo. Im slereo new tires, rune H1l11tyll11 with following 10 wotk In new ulorl In Coron• del Mer erea ci tied lmeges 675-553 t. HllEIHPIH Live In/out. From $80 weetc low f ... Horne Aid Oom1111c Agency 535.()99(1 IOIUIHPfM lln et the Suri end Sano Mole! need.1 • Suptrvl-'°'· 11111 llmel tplll aNft. Blll11guel (Eng/Spen). SA.60/llr Contact Ml11 Merci, '497-4477. Ext 365 ........... ~ ... Morn logs 494-54~ ,/Tl •• •-111 : Hl-tlll IP Boel dock for rent 2A' 11rong good ioolllng, .. Box trelneO r 1· • m11t. low protlle desired S975 Cell 645-2922 Supplemlnlyourlf\COme flUPltll &.46-3107 6 10 3811'1 SI Newport by doing ln1tr11tlng ••• uu••• f I 1_ 1t111 1 _:,._ a 1t1end 673-3064 80 Toyo1e 4K4 long beO. telephone u!M wortt on -"""' • •t• l•H •-"'"" •nu••'' • S•99S or lrade f<>< old« behalf of n1t1on11 com-•••••••••••••••••••••• b•l-••I IOIS 26' boal With 4Z' Newport PU or 7 842-6013 pen1t1. S4/hr gu1r + lu-We nted good people 10 * *' BUY** ••"'•~"•••••••••••• mooring $9750 ---erellv. tionu• lnot11tlve HI up 1ppolntment1 IBM Mtt A, 2 IBM 6240'•· 540-0406 V••• fS11 from --..__...... .. __ _.. Cl_,.,. u•--' Furniture a Vyoec 1200. All on ----------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• progr1m1 &onv1nlent ""'' ·~-• ...,_.., """ ...., I IHI It .._,., ., .. Ch v II II S I oft~ In the_...,, tor Ai>Pflancte-OA 1 wlll Mii me ntenenc• 1gre•· 1 11••• --· "° •vy en !ll~~C::~. ~I '_.11 :,:~ Holldey Inn'• ·~"1:1,,.i °'SELL f()( You menta. like 1>111 ofr. •••••'•••••~••••••••• 283 Stlclt Vl• right P•t1on. For club. S•l•f¥ + oommle-IASTDI AtOTltl Cell JoYQt et 640-6e50 DRY STORAGE $595 5.t8-1.t87 lr'ltlMew. cell Ma Kru.k 1ton + bonu1 Cell Ml·llH Hl·HH Clotlng Office. dHkl, A1t11 W111tH fSH 11 11-45-5778 1133-37'40 after 1 PM. cl'lalr•. tablt9, ttc Mu11 Monthly boat 11or10•. •••••••••••••••••••••• •--------------I Ill flllfTHI 141111 1827 WHtcllfl Dr any tlze. 24 tit aecurity, WE PAY lff 151-tl 133 N 9 6 3 1 -0 0 0 0 or tr .. ltunehlllQ Circulation 759-1617. llWNIT lllH TOP DOLUll AGENT Formlce hble, 42x52" 11•1 I k I I II with 2 1ddltlon1I le•ve•. SCM Copier, Model 142 • •• ., , FOi n11 o··· Wood top lr'I P«1 cond roll·fld. $500 • Includes 144-H 10 '"' R. H. Dunlevy ~llDCDVfS()R $35, 960-U.4 011• of toner end 2 &W II& .... '1Ull""U\ CRIB CANOPY FRAME "'1~!'!.~r1';r.oh ~O,IBM f I I' PllTIAC/llWI l....,el Secre1..,., USA TODAY I i w"lt ood 125 " ~ ......... rype-.!!!.~!!.!!!....... 2•80 Merl>Ol"BIYd. ...,. •Nl:nt , a new genera nterest :5;_283•0 wrlttr, .1 . 6'42-3319. c •• ,.,,, Sile COSTA MESA national dally newspaper that will begin -------•l•I• IOl1 •••I fJZO Ut-4100 Tt S 11-publication In the Fall of '82 has position 6tt brown Pleld. ac>f• hld9-•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ... •••• ICI 1411 Mery HICltle Agency available for Agent Sunorvi.sor. ••bed S1d Maple dlnett. 2 Cotumblao Atd· Tiiied ·79 Dodge Mix Ven WIDE • 19762 MecAr1hur Bllld r--1 • t , 4 oh e 1r1 S 7 5 eo.a, AW tong. 1 100 N ONE FUt.L camper ,_. --.1 l_IY __ _ Suite 200 6-42-695• 406-7393, trli Beaut. 111111 cond N~,:: ~AA;~, Pre--dawn delivery supervision requires Brut t•blt wllel\'91 & e CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES. St ,ooo, 675"8"73 OLEAll"OAll l~~~~~~-~~~learly morning work 9Chedule. chelra, teoo. PAPERS, SHOTS $150. ~-E-Kamp UtlHty Shell, a111 Tl•I 1: 114·919_.181, tw m1g Ctll 631-8025 1111 0.taun, TO)'Oll, etc "" Light hou•twork. mel\e S350 e.42-378g mHI• 1nd help dreu Responsibilities Include overseeing Mepte Ong T•ble with A AKC Coclter PupplH, 9 1---------1 ledy. MYtt h•11e car 111\d di!ltrlbution aaenti, opening new Clptetn• ch1lr1, $150. wtc•. A.col color. #11111111 lik11 1140 llv• In N B. 641-0805 D Mepl• Bunk bed•. 150. 893-.A4M •••••••••••••••••••••• outlet$ and dlrecUng collection functions. LO FormlC• 1wn11e) tetM, '11 Wit 1 ... / ... LIVE IN with f1mlly 'tnd New spaper cir culation and sales S26 o eo 815-6837. 325 AKC ,cocker•, 1 Bull Good cond. 631-6349 cart for •m•ll chlldren. I Greno C.Oel Bel ,... melt, 1 Chern~ fem, 1---------1 Mull t>t wlHtng to trtl/94 cxpe r ence nece1111ar y, management i-----· ___ ._, e wtc•. 569...0T lltlfllJTlll/ & •bl• to dtlvt. t.lght experience a plus. To apply, submit B11utlful , .. d•d 01111 Pet A•bbll, blk & Whit•. lffft1r1 flSO hOuMllMPlng & eoolllog resume to: !!'~<:!!!'..'!.,~ ',~•t-Dutch. t 3. Co•te M... •••••••••••••••••••••• req'd. Mull lj)tllt En-..... " .. ,,,__ -Ina 540 4708 '73 KAWASAKI 175 Ohl gllel\, No tmOl!lng & No lJSA TOOAY chair. E•oellent condr· • bllle. need• minor 11>or1t orlnklng.e.45-7559 Ref•· t lon , r111onlb l t , T• llAllW l11N 1150 &46·5753 req'd, P.O. Bol 6970 770 ... 508 Oree" w1og1, toroeou1 tHI Mo11oa llL 185S. lo LUI enlllll All tvrnlture mutt t>t told. bOdy & ,.•"*-· lovte· ml, ntld• pelnt $750 COHHRL CHfVROLET x..,.. It' '• , , ' ...... I \ \' ~ ~4 .. 1200 llllltml Top doller1 lo• Sport• Cui. Bug•. C1mp1re, 014'1, Audf 1 f(UI) ADS ARE FREE Cal: Agg r .. t lv• Newport la .... a L.AI CA 92677 Cell•" fPM M.fl, ... dey bl•. tffectlon•••. very &52·9126 B G 0 e.ec" firm ...-1 rnon-•"'' '111Wlt Set/Sun t4t.otM t em•. I mo• old, I N v1ted lndlllldU1t1. Terri· 'M' °"T't"'R -Oll1T " IUWIU "'3-1416 .. ,., ... ,., 1111, :.~ .. Uc~.:,~~'.:.:· • , "° ...... ,. tlf!t!l.A.flrP.l.lm .!~'!V.fmm .... .'.ff tlS.0013 I• IUI -MOVING MU8T IAC. &'I A1n1: 2t' mo1or home • • "'''',t''''''' ~ OrMd l'feno. 1 llPt I , f\.I~ IOedtO Atk tor UIC MOR ....... YtLllWllR 101 tt hecll 9MI MUNflNOTON BEACH 142·HOI WllTDI . Let• model ToyotH VOl\I09, ~UP9 & YIM c .. Ill 10d9)1 IVIRY TWIOAY AT 7:11,,& • I -_____ ,.....__... $150 "4t·211t yr*· 81S.ts10 .... t4J-M16 (PllUI) CAPttTRANO YALLIY HIGH tCHOOl ! .. .,., .. _...,. _.., w,,.,., WOOdl cuetom pr --.. -p•--IA01 VIA llCOLAR • n oy WOfkln9 With P9opte & Litle Wino wllllt w/yetlow, l'ot UMd. O~K u ... ..._.r .-.ANO •--..-• •H" Ml8SION vtl.IO CALIP. • H~ Knowi.oot of Junlof 8wt!TWf M ''x44" • 70''x44" no w .......... ~. MUIT SELL by t0/ 15, ,.. • .,,.D .v Ttij "ao If lt'190t a lf'Ort••.., ., •. 1,36 ltooo ....... llft s ·n , .. Id & 8t1Hm 22· 11• ... .......... • Und.,at•nd M•rcheadltln9 & ln,,.ntoty CA81Nll IAA IMO Hemmond WIM Moft1 t~~~M'.~~ :, L08T CA'1;. Choo brown 1 Fr" Luck 7'1 per l>tfM>n ""OU'll ••It Controt o.11......: 1.-r• ....,._,.. .-. ,,.., .• I .GOO ml. Orio =:. s::.oAt!! -''"''*ed . HPlftlt 1118182 '8 .... • Went A , .. TltM Job ... ,;;;.·-·.. f1000 .. ,..... owner _JllllnO 110,400 .................. , -···-.. -..... .. .. ea.1111 Clll tACM '' tn• la ·-,,...... eot'" ,_.1,, oac Ma"' miw-...... m ~;.;~;-;;;;;-;;;;;;~iiii;iiiii;1;f;;:::::;: ' · .. • DallY PH.. lend ...,,.. a Ot111t1a1111 To """" WOOd .=iv.. 'tu t 111 N .. 11 ~ ue ,_,.. "'"' ,_.. '*'* "°' Ctwffled M ;&i6, M, Mf• pointer, Ill ~ cl•-".......,. • ..,. ,._, -• "IOOt" °"'J • ....... ...... ....,. ~ ttle ACTION HW9f, Mia I wll. Mlle ........ ""' IQll • 11*1 • .....,_ Aleo ._. a ttn '-• ~~~"ar'" mt Celt a YOflllll. elr I WI. NurM-1111 acll. Cell ml eprlntt I ftlfH. tto. "'ul• 110 IO ft ... ttlle ,._. o-t -D=t rou• Cett I Kllletlt ... ,.. M1-1671 Wll Celt Lin........ NI Wt Ca It C 7 I 4 t ~:"°Tl N IMfl AO. ~ leeofl ArWrlal rw. ..,.11116 _..,,,.. -~"....,.... ft C'.M.M4~--DrtN. ~==-:Ad~ ::.."·ti-'· OfffN --c:.=M _:~!!!!_~~~~~~~-t~===:::~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!I!!..~~~~~~:::=!::~ Ml·llll ~ ... UHD CAM & Tf'UCICI COMI IN °" CAI.I. fl<>f' ....... aa. ' ............ = 09flftlet·Del.lllO , ... -..... _ ....n N~hleotlOnl 11211 llACH ILVO * '71 2002. 4 IC)d .. tn/rf HUNTINGTON ll.ACH (tl?PVI) .... , ... , ·-1111 • '7t 320! ... IPd . loe· -1 _. dedl (I lt>COH) T 1\.11,... * 'IO 6211; auto , tn/rt op UUHI (4NZOJI • '80 3201; 6 IC)d,, 101-pakl <Mell (231ZYR) • ·eo IS31c1; 101d10 '"' Y041f .c.,1 , (66563411 '9••1• 111·1111 U11• ..,..,, 208 w. 111, Santa An• 2121 Hiib« Blvd. CIC>Md Sund Coet1 M ... • &.40·5830 CHOICE INVENTORY HIQ'-t cut1 lm!Ndlately tor your vehicle. Do·i mettle or forei gn. 6&1·8285 j9'J 111 ~~l-!1.~!t .... !J All•..... ,,,,. •.•.•...•••••......... , '81 Alfa Spyder VelooM. Only 13.000 ml. Xlnt c:ond. $11,800, 176-803~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ......... , ... VOl.UME SALES .& Ill ••Lllll llW Salff·Setvloe-Leulng 850 N. BMch Blvd. L• Habra IH-1111 Open Sundly 28,000 mltel, fully lo.<Md aunroof, gd cond. Like new. 113,400 OBO. 845-8211 Evet , 857·"84 deya. S1let·Serv10e-Leulng '80 Audi sooos. 22.000 1 IOY' CARVER ml, 101ded, Ilka new, ICti.SRJ'ICE·l\\oiW chocol•1• brown e111.. ...., _ .. , "'' ..-sr , ,,.... $4988 IHI •u•r T1ret1 1Htl hatll lh4. ...... " ........ 112-0111 $3988 1111 •u•r T•r•t• 11202 ltH• lh4, l•lttf91fff leHll 112-0121 '79 DATSUN 510 AM/FM lte<eo c:atMtte. 4 door. 1 owner. xlnl c:ond $4000 642-4336 or 687-0666 IMthef -It. $11,000. . ,.._...,.,.. ., .... ,..,_ 841-4058 148-7033 _____ 11_-_•_•_•_•_,._, __ .70 Datsun lCIOO. 311 '711Audi5000. Sllve</ blue '78 2002, 65K ml, perl. Roadster. xlnl cond. Va· Int. AM/FM, A/C, lo c:ond .. tnrf,Blau.AM/FM lue $4200 Make ofler m 11 ea, S 8 8 O O ob o stereo, nu radial•. only 646-3134 6'5-260e $5,2115 1142·8777 ·--------- ·75 Audi foll. Need• Hiiie '78 BMW 3201, tllver/blk, ·~~~~!~Os~°" AIC. work. $1000 or beet of. auto, Uk• new. Make OI· Call 536•8147 le<. 857-4187 ,., 1151-2071 UI UI rt jj ~Ol YOUl ·-' ~UT11o1AlD•. ' SIWIY I •ttn•.. ....... I fACIUnl 1411 MAU II Ulll Miil 111 1111 '88 MaroadH 230SL. Cre1m w/dark brown I Ofl l o p. Hird top. taddle lntr ~ood cond. ..1!_8,000, 673-~4a._ 'll nz 411 ILO. llaek/ltlaek All extra•. 62,000 ml. $28,500 very firm 731·5115 838·4342 MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE ATLAS CHRYS&.a-PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesai Tet 546-193'. 3 blocks aouth of San 01ego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales. Se"'ice. Perts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M to S 30 P.M and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. llACH 1...-c>nS 148 Dove Street. Newport ee.ch. let. 752·0900. Call ua, w~"e the spe"'1al 'Its I• r Alfa A<.'<n<>,O Peugeot. Saab & ~aseratl JOHMSON & SON UMCOUI MHCURY 2129 Harbor B lvd., Costa ~ Tet 540-5830. 57 Years · Of trlendly family Mrv1ce -Orange County's old"t Lin· · col""Mercury dealerah1p. 837-2400 MIWPOIT IMPOITI COHI H1gf'lway, N.Wport IHoh ... ._WMi.-1114 ff\e Fen•I~ • l MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Brlatol behind Victoria Station. Sales. Service. Leasing & Paris. We make greet dealt I • MAIHS CADtUAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100 Orange County's Largest Cadillac de1ler Sales Service. LeH· Ing • SADDLllACK IMW /SUIAAU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy,, Avery Pkwy. exit We oiler wha1 no bank or lease company can· 1 Expenly st8ffed, most modern service & parta dept : 2 One of the Southland's most tKperlenced sales & leasing atafl. 3 Ellmlnetion ot the middleman by IM!Mng dealer direct 831·2040 Mission Viejo 495-<t949 • CHICIC IVIERSON POltSC ... AUDl-VW 415 E Coast Hwy , Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealer1h1p 1n Orange County with these thrM great makH under one roofl • ALAN MAGNON POMTIAC.SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd , COata Miiia Ttl. 549-4300 SllM, &arvtc.. L .. a1no. 'Mr OoodWr9nch .. \ • CLAlllC AUleMOllUI 7M ,._.Oft W91, co.ta.._, T•. AM"3 "JAGUAM OUR 8"CW..TV" XIC 120'11140'111IO'lll.·Typea ..... -e.vlol -'lllltr"'°"' °" Ptect 1 .. ......,_ ,.,.. ', ... .,Colla Mw • • IOI LON49NI PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminsrer Tel 892~1 Orenge County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership S1fea. Service. Parts • DICK MILLll PIA T /LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Fiats fn Southern California" (Localed 1 mite north of South Coast Plaza near Main St. and Warner Ave In Sant• Ana.) 120 W Warn«, San1a Ana SS7·2132 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana Tel 558·7811. Your Or1glnal Dedlcaled Dateun ONltlf • MIRACLI JU.DA We've movedl Our new location 11 1425 Baker Slreet. Costa M .... Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & vl11t our brand new thowl'oom and SM why we re the It Ma:zda dHler In Southern Cellfornla. Sal ... Sef\<lce, Pertt end Le11lng • COttMllR DeLILLO CHIYltOLIT C'°"'*'Y Gfottl CMw"9t) 11211 IMotl ~ •• HunangCon IMotl New • UMd ....... 1...-ng ....... ~ Come by Md ... ow .-.. ""*"OfYI 147..oe7 14~1 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Sa"'1ng Orange County tor 16 years 1 Mtle So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of Wtll1e the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., W•tmlnster Tel 636--4010 • " ORANGI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Gero.rt Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530-91110. Excluslvely Volvo to cover 111 your Volvo req1.11r8mtifit1. New•lle<J•Sai.t•Leealng•Pert1•59rvlce•Body Shop Freeway cloM In the heart of Orange County at Gero.rt GrCJYe Btvd. & BrocM!hurst. 0 CONHILL C .. VIOUT 2828 Harbor BlvCI .. Colla M9sa. 0v8f 20 y .. rs NNlng Or1n99 County! 8 11 ... le..,ng. t«Vloe, Cell 546-1200; epeclel pent line; 546•9400, body shop liM . 7S4.o400. • IOY CAIVH IOU.S IOYCNMW 1540 Jembor" Aoecl. Nnpott BNch ~ I•'"· Servlc., Petta And l.Malng l'OR FUATHIA IN,OAMATION,642 56' 78 OR TO 8! PLACED ON THll AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY • I PLOT R!P. ... \ llllllCUll 11111111-IAllY Ml . . MlJNO/\Y UC.TOOi I' 11 l'ltt:l OHAN< ,f LOUN I Y t Al If O l<NlA '}5 CEN TS This time God ·spared him;· (lames stop short By J ODI CADENHEAD Of"IMDelly,._..._. "I couldn't believe God would do thla to me again," thought Joe Kozlowski, 45, as he fled the excluaive Orange neighborhood where the Gypsum Cal)~on fire caused $3 million damage. G od didn't . Kozlowski returned to his hillside home Sunday. breathing a sigh of relier. When fire came Saturday, Kozlowski h ad just finished rebuilding' his elegant home. It . Irvine Co. chief • 1res1gns Irvin e Company presid e nt I Peter C. Kremer announced his intention today to resign as head of the land planning and development firm effective Jan. l. "When I initially joined the company in July, 1Y77 , we ag r eed t o a fi ve-yea r commit m ent, which I have fulfilled," Kre m er said in •a prepared statement. "l have been involved in major corporate management for th e past 20 years and I want to take the time to pursue other, more personal, business interests." Company o ( f icia ls said Kre mer's surprise resignation was n o t r elated to the announcement last month that Donald L. Bren had been named co-chairman of the company's board of directors. J . Robert Fluor and John Galvin also were made board members. auatalned $350,000 damage in an electrical fire two years ago. The f i re Satur day that destroyed 11 Crest de Ville home9 valued between $260,000 and $900,000 and damaged three oth e rs, s to pped just be fore K ozlowski's house . Onl y a chimney remained at the location of the house next door. Several neighbors digging through the charred remains of once lavish homes said they were thankful that the fast-moving Clamea had spared Kozlowekl's houte. "I thought It was gone," said · Kozlowski, who had watched the raging fire through binoculars. "I saw the house next door collapse and I knew we didn't have a prayer." The 4~-year-old businessman credited Ciremen who stood on his roof with hoses with aavlng his just-rebuUt home. The o n ce-posh hi l l s ide neighborhood overlooking miles of scorched vegetation remalned a virtual war zone Sunday as shocked resldenta began 1lfllng through the blackened rubble. Little was left to retrieve. The fire took hillside homes on both sides of the street, leaving behind only chimney stacks and custom swimming pools. A soot.y plastic truck, a box of canceled checks and a SL'Orcht.'<i cop y o r Playboy magazine became amazing treasurc.1. Tim Neuland poked through the d esolate rubble of what neighbors had said had once been , an-'1mmaculate home worthy a s p ot In H ouse Beautiful magazine. ''When I got )lere It was all pver," he safd. "N o clothes, no Tumlture, nothlng's left." Od di.>' e n o ugh a Junior Fireman e badge he had rc.'<..'t'ivc..O in third grade surviv('d lhl• flames. He wore it. "This is the most beautiful home I've ever owned. W"°'ll builrl 1t l:sack," he said, as he pulled a broken saw Crom the pile or blackt:fled ash. .. Next door, Pat McConnell, :n. and a fl•W friends searched through a heup that had once been the master bedroom for some' coini. he hud kept in the closet. "I didn't think it was going t.o get this dosc.'' said Mc.Connell, turning shovel aft.er shovel of worthless ash .. '' l t ma k cs you reasse11 l'Verything,'' he added ... Mawrial things aren't that impo rtant anymore." 14 fBmilies homeless • 1n county fires By DAVID K UTZMANN ()("the DeMy fttlot lleft A b laze that scorche d 16,800 at·res of hillsides and canyons in eastern Orange County neared full containment today, ending a two-day rampage that left 14 families homeless and caused an esti mated $1 6 million in property damage. Orange ColAnty Fire Department officials said the wind-driven fire was expected to be 100 percent contained by noon today with full control expected latcl' today or Tuesday. Meanwhile, Orange County was among three Southern California counties declared a disaster area by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. That designation wall a ssasl prope rty owners in obtaining reconstruction assast.anr.:e. Fire Capt. Chuck Murphy said the blaze was still smoldering this morning near Fremont Canyon east of Irvine Lake, where firefighters had concentrated their efforts overnight after dousing flareups and hot spots in other locations Sunday. The blaze erupted Saturday morning in the Gypsum Canyon area near the Riverside Freeway. Fueled by strong Santa Ana winds, at quickly raced toward hillside areas In Anaheim Hills, Villa Park. Orange and Santiago Canyon. Company spokesman Martin Brower said that Kremer, 42, had wan ted to ann o un ce hi s r es ignation at an August s hareholders m eeting. but ~,........._.,...,_........, Forced to flee were hundreds of residents from expensive hillside neighborhoods. Off.idals said the fire destroyed 14 homes, many of them in the posh Crest de Ville tract in (See COUNTY Fiil~, Pa1e A!) decided to wait unt.il fall. <See RESIGNS, Pase At> Residents in An a heim H ill& watc h ed lir e approach o n Saturday. LB firemen stretched By GLENN SCO'M' or ... De11r Not ...., Firefighters battling Sunday's Laguna Beach fire that charred 60 acres a nd d estroyed two houses prevented more severe destruction despite a support f ay11tem stretched to its limit. Only two of the city's four engines a nd crews were in town when the fire was reported at 1:29 a.m. at the home of Thomas r Duckwor th, 1199 L e wellyn I Drive. The city's other engines -and virtually all extra engines and c r ews from Orange Coast communities -were far away at staging areas at Anaheim Hills, where they had been summoned to help extinguish a fire that broke out Saturday. Firefighters say Duckworth's old, wooden house had been a concern for them for years because the closest fire hydrant, loo.led on Canyon Acres Drive, was almost a half-mile away and, a narrow private. road to the residence provided only limited access. T he house already was in flames when firefighters spotted it as they headea their vehicles up Laguna Canyon Road after the call came in. By the time they laid 2,000 feet of hose up the narrow road ..!.... it took hoee from both engines to reach the site - the house was engulfed. WOf"lle yet, the water pressure in the lines wasn't sufficient to force the water up the 300-foot climb to the hillside howie. Thus, crew members instead parked an engine next to the house and used the 500 gallons of water stored In the vehicle until more help arrived. "What we tried to d o was knock it down enough until we could get tome more equipment and manpo wer up h ere," explained Capt. Rich Dewberry. The support wu'ooming, but It wu a lonll way off. Meanwhile, the fire blown by m oderate winds waa movinll along the brush-lined hillside toward the high-priced homes lining Skyline Drive and several cul-de-sacs to the west. Because h eat rises, fires naturally move uphill. H the city's other two e ngines had been in town, they probably would have been dispatched to the top o f th e h i lls to immediately establish a line, said de partme nt spokesman He rb Jewell. But he said no one could argue with the need to send them to Anaheim, where the fire there had destroyed 14 homes. Mutual aid agreements, he noted, work both ways. In this case, the agreement proved workable again. Forty- nine fire engines Crom all paMB of Orange County a nd be yond eventually arrived in Laguna Beach . Many ol them were sent directly to the hilltops where crews hosed down flames that licked only a few yards from the houte1. (Sff LAGUNA, Pase At) Cuesta h and crew cuts fire line early Sunday o n east side of Laguna Canyon Road across from Festival of Arts. ,NB's growth fight: SPONtaneous comb.'ustion BY STEVE MARBLE Of"IMDellrNeC...,_ Jean Watt lives on exclusive Harbor Iat.nd, drives a white Mercedes coupe and la one of the tr'Uly powerful ln Newport Beach. She doesn 't deal In stocks and bonds, 1he doe.n't have an executive suite overlookln1 the ....---lllDEX--- Hotpice •olunteen people who lend an ear IO petient1 d uring the IMt week. of life - eall ahe Job reward ing and penonally nrlehln1. P .. e Bl. ) ... - ~t Your Service Erma Bombeck Cavalcade ClaMlfied Comics Crom word Death Notices f.dltortal Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landen Movltt National Newt Public Nodcel Sparta Stock Markell TelevWon ThM\tn Woelher A5 A7 A7 C6·10 85. 85 ce A8 B4 A7 A7 84 .u C4,ce Cl·& 83 88 84 A2 ocean and she hu n't even considered seeking political office. ~ She's the president of a group called SPON. a small but politically powe rful collection of residenll who have become "public enemy No. 1" to developen and builden In the beach city. SPON hat a winning track ~ of derailing development projecu. slowing othen and drawtna attention when lta leaden speak out on i.uea, which la often . SPON la an acronym for Stop Polluting Our Newport. 1n the early daY' -1974, that la -SPON'1 Idea of pollutfon was \he silt, pesticides and chemJcala wa.bin8 into &he Upper Newport Bay. The bay w• SPO'N'a reMOn.f or bel'ha. But SPON'a definition of pollution hH ch&J\led. PoUuUon now rneent too much traffic, too many people, too many Jet ru1hi. and, more than anythlnc ei., too much lfOWlh. SPON 11 viewed by ill critkl • bftnc the dty'• no-p-owth movement, a label Watt •Y' ii "lllmpUltic no1_,. .. c.TMt.ed by her enemJee and the media. On \he other 8'de of \he cheleboard ia the Irvine Company, \he ~ landowner, landlord and d9vw..,.,.. In M.wpor\=· Bobhhon,•,,. tof tMCGn\pany, la a former meyw uad lY ....,..., of N~ 8"eh. In OM c.p.dty Of anolher, he hM bteri ......,.. an.,.• die dty for 21 ~ at.ltoD .... .._.tile"~" ln Newport ia Thi• 11 th• 1econd of thrH Oalty Pilot artlclH dHcrlblng the growth-no~" faction• governing development In rt Beach. Today'• ln1tallment cowr9 SPON ( top Pollutlng Our Newport ), a watchdog organization and lt1 crtUca. \hat tbe lrvtne Company la eome all-powerful m1ehbw that NM 0\'91' tM Uttle l\IY without• *'9 tn the world anit 61 1'9ponltble f« ewrythlnl that'• Wl'Onl"' tbe 41ty. "~ ..,.... .. Sh•lton. "have alwa)" ..... of ...... There haw been "*'Y ...... over tM yean th•t h••• Mt th• lrvtn• CompanJ and tu membership of S.PON on a collision course but the true heavyweight bout has always been Newport Center. Newport Center ls the showcase of the Irvine Company empire, a circular s hopping and profeaaional center that has attracted the likes of Neiman-Marcus and Bullocks·Wllshire and hM drawn firms like. Pacific Mutual out of Loa Anaeles. The center ls a world of glue and at.eel \hat, when viewed from the deck of a boat In Newport Harbor. stands in 1pectacular contrast to the h illlide of lrvtne c.ompany homes that Nel up behlnd It. It ta a la d of hillh-fuhlon. big buslne1a, top-flilht hotel roorna and a aolf COW'lle tucked ln for IOOd meuure. It ia vlnu.ally a city by llltlf. "'nMt Irvine Compeny hu spent the better part of four yon tryinc to naU down • ~ram foe txpandlnll the center ("fJnllhina It,' the lrvtne Company 1""8ta). · The Irvin• Comptny dream for Newport c.nter •tal'Wd to to eoyr (n 1978. Uthe develol)ment flnn WU having trOUbM !that,_,., 8PON wun'\. ~ 600-member FOUP IUddtnly Md the·eet of th• City Council majari~ 'and, at one po6nt, WM branded u Nt wpc:rt 8Nch 1 • "thadow .,vernrnenL" ' • In a two-year stretch, the council tWIC'9 'reworked the ...,...a1 plan fOf' Newport C.m 1 1 and redueid the .,.rmtttect bulldanc tlwtre by 1 .4 mlWon lllU&N feet. CIMIPON, .... AI) h • I \"\8 Or1nge Oo11t OAILV PILOT /Mond1y. October 11, 1912 ire stops. sh .ort of Laguna heme ~ With no cxaggcratltin, Belly • Barrus could uy Sunday ,morning the vl•l• from the • lerrace of her 1..aguna Beach !home at 696 Mystic View wa1 zin8. Stretching on t'ne alop;.'S below • re 60 acres ot charred brush stopped only feet from her me. At the other end of the ldering acreage was the spot • ere Thomas Duck worth'• · ~'4ttely old wooden house had ~tiumed to the ground, l~aving •':°only a chimney standing at 1199 Lt-wvllyn Drivt1, After claiml~ Duckworth'• rnlden<.-e the flee t1hlltl<tl <.\>Urtlt'. headlnjl uph.111 1ll\o ht!avv brwh. It waa approachln1 •t:Vural oxpenaiw. hl)lslde homt'11 whl•n flreflgh li "" atrl kl-tt-anus trom ,throughout the county r11cl:.d lntu the narr<>w sltt>t!li ~rely In tlme to stop the flam<.'11 Crom claiming mort' hornet. The Barrus' home, like many othera on nearby Skyline Drive, was almost engulfl'd. Barrus said hope seemed l98t when a large pine trl'<' :.!!) f('{'t trurn ttw ho"*-• woni uµ, ~ndlna 'U' Cmu net of tlemc1 uvt•r the tlrc•·rl.'tardunt rooC. "ll lookud ju8t Ukt.' M 11t-0rm ot tlrf' cornlnR down," 1h1> 1wld . "Just like-It w~ rolnlnll." But the 11wrrn passed. h Wll.ll af\.cr daawn. Now tho view was oortlculirly good 1'etow. hand crow11 dressed In bright ornns~ unltorm!I allll bu111ly deured n1:w fire brt'aks. To th Wt'St. Barrus could see the morning sunlight playing orr the deep blue oceun. Sudsy waves ~LAG UNA BEAC H BLAZE BATTLED ... From Page A 1 By 6 a.m. Sunday. flames sllll s hot Crom the hillside across Laguna Canyon from Irvine Bowl and firefighters s till worried about hot winds rising with the sun. . '" Allen Hazzard, an Orange .~ounty Fire D~partment , )ilattalion chief. plottro a strategy ·to send hand crews up the hi1l t.o iut fire breaks for hoses. , "Time is what I'm fighting now," he explained.·!.\lf the wind QOmes up. it'll blow tne fire right Jlfound the corner." . , Around the corner was I downtown Laguna Beach and City Hill. But the wand didn't rise and the fire was deemed contained at 7:37 a.m. - Investigators still are picking through the rubble at the Duckworth house in search of a cause of the fire. The owner was not 'at home when firefighters arrived. Jewell said, but he has been I n co ntact with investigators. A guest home bchi/ld the ma1.n house also was d\$troyed, Jewell said. No other structures were COUNTY F IRES . • :f rom Page A 1 Orange, and damaged six others. Two barns also . Were destroyed. '·, Originally. fire of!icials estimated that 18,· ' 'QGO acres had been blackened and 22 homes I jP.med by the fast-moving flames. But th06e numbers were revised downward ~unday as fire officials and evacuated residents 'returned to neighborhoods engulf.ed in smoke 'and flre Saturday. . ~ In some cases, there was little to come home to. ruinl'<.I. he addc .. d. although some minor roof dwnage was reported to a few hou&.'11 on Skyline. Total fare damage wus tistimatcd at $250,000. No setio u s injuries w e re reportc.'<i although two Laguna Beach firefighters were treated for minor in}urics to a knee and hand, he added. Laguna Canyon Road was closed from the lime the blaze broke out until about 9 a .m .. causing long detours for those enteririg or exiting the city. '• broke In neat order on Main &•ach. Ccuallna uland waa to clearly vlslblo 1th t'Ould make out Ila dark ~nyona and whlt.o cliff•. Tho vtew could no moN 10 unnoticed thon the fact htor family's howie wwi 11tundlng -o tribul(J to tlrefltihtcr& from liUC~ unlikely plact>a a. Oardcn Gruve. La Habra, Fullerton and Stanton. "I think lt'a a nwrvcloua day, a great day." Barrus proclaimed. "They saved our house. I think these guys are juat super." -GLENN SCO'M' HB, Valley residents fear flames Panicky Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley residents feared their cities -not Orange -were on fire Saturday and flooded the local communicaUon system with telephone calla, an official said today. "We received an estimated 1. 000 calls at the J oint Powers communication center from 9 a.m . until noon," Hunting~n Beach Fire Chief Ray Picard said. "They completely saturated our system." Picard said that the police department received an additional 1,000 calls on the 911 emergency line. ''One of the callers thought the pier was on fire," Picard aaid. "Others thought hGlnes in the next block were burning. "My administrative assist.ant, Virginia Mason, was at Brookhurst Street and 1be thought the fire was at Harbor Boulevard." Peter K remer · RESIGNS. • • From Page A1 "We have been very fortunate to ha·1e as president an exe<-ullve o C P c t \! r K i ~m'e r ' 9 s k i 11 • knowledge and expericnet:," suid A. Alfred Taubman. oo-chairman of the Irvine Company's board of directors in a prepared statement. No decision has been made regarding appointment of a suttes5Qr. Brower said directors are expected to name a new president before Kremer steps down Jan. 1. ln a memo written to Irvine Company emplo-yees, Kremer said, "The Irvine Company is well -known for the high quality of Its real estate development and management, its agricultural product and its people." "I feel both personally and professionally fortunate to have been a part or this outstanding team." pilots to OK. cuts? AlrCa! pllota, one ol the 1.ut emrloyeee groupa at the airllne 1tll undec:ldt:.>d on the company'• request for a 12 percent pay cut. h taken a Rtep toward tuch an agreement .• Negotiators for the alrijne'• 2~0-member pilo t 's union accepted the pay cul in principle over the weekend. bul they have yet lO iron out other details or the agreem\mt in order to present it to all the pllots for. a vote. ' If the pilots a<.'Cept the airline's proposal there tjlill would be two s tumb ling blocks lo the ac·ccptance by all employees w ught by A1rCal management. One is a 25-member clerka unit which has not yet considered the plan and the other is the nearly 600-member mc.>ehanil'S and ramp service union~. which narrowty rejec ted the plan hut may reconsider If all other unions at't-cpl tht' proposal. Pilot Tony Torr, a spokesman for the negotiating team, said the team agreed to the cut because "A1rCal is a strong carrier with out.standing potential for future growth. "This acuon is being taken to tnsure that AirCal maintains 1t.s competitive position in California und the West," Torr said. The airlire. which is facing s tiff competition from other earners, has threatened to lay off more than 300 o ( its 2 .100 employees if all workers do not accept the cut. A profit-sharing plan which c-ould help employees rc.'COup some of their lost wages would be part or the agreement. ••. The only thing 65-year-old Lock Dean could py was "Oh my God almighty" as he surveyed the charred remains of his home Sunday on the -::---------.................. ,__.p.f...,.,,..-41...u nc i Im an Kremer was Installed as president in July '1977, shortly after a group of investors collectively known u Taubman- Allen-lrvine Inc. pµrchased the company for •337 .4 million in a .bWdln1 war with MobU Corp. Yac ht burns in Cost a Mesa '~auer Ranch near Weir Canyon and the p.iverside Freeway. ' As his son poked through the wreckage of !the house. Dean turned away. "I don't want to "rook at it." he said. In a later interview, Dean, a carpenter by trade, said he and his family fled Saturday •'afternoon when flames swept over a nearby 'hillside and ·engulfed the home in minutes. ,' "We ran in to get what we could," he said .. 'but there was little time to salvage much. '1 Dean had lived in the sprawling ranch home · · Jpr 11 years as caretaker of the property. 1n the Anaheim Hills area, the fire burned .to the edge of expensive neighborhoods .h\.terlooking canyons on Singingwood Drive, 'Nightingale Drive, Jay Circle and Kite. Circle. ~one of the homes, however, was damaged. Dlllfr Not ....... i., NllNnl Keelllar Not eo lucky were aome homeowners in the t'rest de Ville tract, who returned Sunday to find 1 pnly burned-out skeletons where thelr homes . '9rlce 11ood. Eleven homes were destroyed and three damaged by flames. k_ ~n all, 48 mile~ of lines were dug by ,ureftghters Sunday as ground crews mount~ air ·!uld land usault.a against flames still burning in · ,ruaed back country east of Irvine Lake. . Chimney is a ll tha t remains standing in the af termath of the Bauer Ranch fire on anta Ana Canyon Road in Anaheim Hills. :~, :~•" Showtra and lhundtratorme awept from the a11t•rn Grett laktl 10 lht SouthtHt Hrly today, wllh acettartd ahowefa Md cl0ud1 o...., Ille Sou111-t and rein end drlnle In the upper Miow.t. srio-t contln~ from Lake Erle Jo north•rn Georgia Sho-ra end thundarahowtrt st•'f9CI o...., aouth••ll G•orgla and along th• autern end IOilthtm Florldt c:oatl. Qoudy --and.,_.._. -• tcattered O¥tr eoutllern Te11u, end rein end drluta con"""8d from upper MICNOtn to Nor1tl Dellota. with cloudy .... trom tlle Dellot .. to Jiit rnlOdle end upptr 1.._11a1pp1 V*'I. F• •• pte¥alled owr the '9ll of IN l.wt.o Sta._ loattered •howera ·and thunclenllorme -• for-I tor laW IOU)' from the Alo OrancN V•ll•Y of T111u lhrougll the centrel Gull Co11t and the Cetolll'IM to trtt lower OrHt LtMe. Windy weather 73 SS 78 ... :~ r, o 1 •,......H_._~_.-r--...,..-~--,---.,....,r:::il'!i"i 12 eo .o3 72 « 30 28 19 48 45 .81 51 32 89 78 78 ... 07 1s 55 .oe 81 89 71 eo ee 55 49 .23 55 49 71 51 70 54 83 83 78 15 79 12 15 78 "'''~ Wntte< ~<e 83 45 57 49 04 NOAA U S 0.01 01 COmmtoo 15 Fronts: Cold -.. Warm 99 Occluded ..,.. Stahonary .. 79 71 811 70 58 48 70 48 Santa •bera 82 49 82 52 CANADA 53 47 04 Stoe11ton Cllg•f'Y 57 23. 58 23 62 47 51 41 13 42 58 48 ao .,. 90 70 81 52 81 49 83 61 63 33 73 47 49 43 82 27 63 30 ee se 1111 et ee 83 82 87 47 48 48 85 64 52 49 25 57 32 111 44 57 51 75 42 .. 51 eo 51 PAN AMERICAN Acac>ulCO 93 Edmonton 81 MorttrHI 73 Regina 8atbad0a M 70 T0ton10 so v~ 79 Winnipeg "'Betmuc11 8 1 Bogota, 83 CUtecac> Freeport Ouedtlajara Guedtioupe Havfne Ktnulon Moniaoo Bey Meutlan Mtf'ldl Mtldco City ~terr.y ,,....., 81n Juan T tgUQlgalpe Trlnidld V«tCNZ 811 75 17 61 118 73 M 75 H 77 86 71 H 73 91 72 17 59 81 ff 70 90 76 ee 91 75 90 76 Smog The Air Quallly M1n1g1mant Olllrlct predlcl• good llr quality tOdl)' In m1ny porllont ol the unr.ttlttlllll llr qutllty prte11eteo m lh1 co11111 •r•1• end melroPOfltan LOI AftOlltt . Unh .. llhtul a ir quallly tor H nllllv• P•OPI• •• tortc:HI In metropolitan lot ~end the ~tel raglona, with• Pll of '"· Good lir QUtlltr It l«-t In 1111 Sin Otbriaf and Pomon• loeuered ellowere were t11pected trom IM upper OrMt Laltel to Ille OlikotM. rall'I -.. c== ow. North Delloi. and ,.., end -inr .... ..,. CAU'ORMA PAN .. "'° .... valltyl with • PSI ot 100. Md In , 711 1n1end orenoe cou"'r· 111e aan ..._... ecro.. '"' reet of tit. UNMdl..... • Te mper1turH erounci the rlMIOn • I • "'· lOT r.,.O flom 11 ...... 11'1 l.w.,..._, Wyo., to eo..,... 1n ~ w•. Fla. Bek••'*d . Eurellia ff-~­LOI .,,_.. 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Tl 70 ...-..... !,:' .... ..... flwer.ltfty 11 ............. M _, .... II COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN M•IAI -Mo1tly cltar tac.pt varlt1119 IOI l'IHI Ille tOUttlerft .,, v. • 71 17 .c. • ,, • 27 • •1 •1 I Cll..... 11 c111.-. IO II • '.4M ,... .. ,......,, ..... R:, .n ._ ...., .01 , ,,......,CT • OI TOlllONOW' :r. '* • OI ............ o099I In """' .. ll'IOf'liN llOwrs Htgll ~ In 70I .. ... coeat and IOll 11'1 tM .... ... i..... In 1t!e IOt Md ._, IOI. =..i~:..=.==. '"'"' .............. 14 v.y.... .. 1•2 .,_ .. 14 .,_ .. 14 ,. 17 1-a .. IT .... •"':Low tt"· 11:17 a.m ..... Clancy Yoder was at his home at Newland Street and he said he believed the South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa was on fire. Picard said the fire was at least 10 to 12 miles away from dty limit.a, but it appeared to be rouch cloeer because a nauow path of smoke moved Into the area. huafng the ground. 1t arnved In Fountain Valley shortly after 9 a.m . and then moved southerly into Huntington Beach. generally b etween Brool<hurst a nd Main streets, Picard said. "ll was so heavy and thick and red-<'Olored that people thought we ha.d an Anaheim w ood shingle fire in the next block oyer. Under Kremer'• direction the Company ~ abou\ 2,000 acres .·of residential. commercial and i ndustrial developfnent. including the expansion of Woodbridge and Turtle Rock in Irvine. University Town Cent.er and the 1 ,250 acre Irvine Industrial Complex East. But there were also setbacks in the company's plans to transform the 75.000-acre Irvine Ranch into the nation 's largest master- planned urban community . Last Fl'bruary the company withdrew plans to expand Newport Center after residents gatherro enough signatures for a rderendum drive A fire o r s uspidous origin broke out an a 24-foot c·abin cruiser storc-0 in an 011 field in Costa Mesa at 3:46 p.m. Friday, Fire Departme nt officials sa1~. Th e blaze. wh1('h was ex t1ngu1s hc d 1n about 20 minutes. O<.'t'urred behind a row of rommcrc·1al buildings at 1835 Whittier Ave The boat. which was being rebuilt, had its engine and much of its interior mlSSing The i n c ident as und e r 1nvestigat1on. O u r '' 346" trGpical s uit is comfortably ligh tweight While the hottest days have past, there's little reason not to cn'ioy the comfort anll good looks found in a tropical suiting. We've used a polyes- tcr-and·wor~ that'h tailored to keep its shape and ho ld.crca 'CS to a minimum. The exclusive "346" 3-button model is offered in c:lassic pin stripes on grey. Coat anJ trousers, $280 . HfAIUfHID 1111 _r~L ~M/ Q7J~4 0.7fifi/A~J:P c <[c~Jo=.:) Jurn ts hlnpe for Mrn . Womtn ~· l ov• •5JOWHSTTfH STR~P.T. I.OH N<iRl.HS, CALIR fASHIO. Ull.ANI>. NH"'POR'f BMACH,CALIP. • WORLD Two Polish ((ities cut off from world WARSAW, Poland (AP) - All telephone and telex communfoatlon1 were out today with the Baltic port city of Gdansk, birthplace of the newly outlawed Solidarity un10n. and with the western Pollah c ity o f Szczecln, operators f or the s tate t,eWphone network &aid. whether the cl~uita had been deliberately cut or whether the outaaes were due to • t«hnlcal problem. • Or•no• Coa1t OAIL v PILOT /Monday. October 11. 1992 H/F They aaid they had been ~red not to accept calla to thoee areas, but could not say Poland 's Communist government has traditionally cut off cornmunlcatlona after trouble erupts In a particular c ity, but it waa not Imme diately pouible to dete rmine whether the re were any disturbances at Gdansk or S1.C20Cin. Soviet sub slips out Mustard frames N~wpora Center where 8'.-growth advocates ke1>t the Irvine Compa ny from building a 400-room hotel. BERGA NAVAL BASE, Sweden (AP) -After hunting more than a week and dumping scores of depth charges into frigid Hors Bay, Sweden'.s navy admU.a a suspected Soviet-bloc submarine may have escaped. possibly the first day it was spotted. a statement Sunday. "It could still be there but the likelihood ia gradually decreasing." SPON: ONLY A CRITICAL WATCHDOG? • • • ... . • 1 "Th ere has be e n a submarine in Hors Bay," Swedish naval S upre m e Cmdr. Lennart Ljung said in Despite his admission, the mi Ii ia r y i-n-tre n s If i ed &- frustrating search for the submerged intruder. It sent two reconnaissance planes to sweep the area for the first time slnce the sub's periscope was spotted Oct. 1, apparently monitoring maneuvers near the secret Musko Naval Base. Lebanon· clashes erupt BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Gunfights erupted between Moslems and Christians in a mo untain village east of Beirut, and rightist Christian militiamen helped Lebanese troops seize leftists in the capital's western Moslem sector . In Jerus alem, Prime Minister Menachem Begin's Cabinet outlined its proposal for withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian forces from Lebanon. Israel 's NATION Defense M inister Ariel Sharon denounced th~ United States, accusing the Reagan administration of blocking an Israe li-Lebanese peace treaty, Israel said one of its soJdiers was wounded in the crog..fire Sunday between Christian militiamen and Lebanese Druze Moslem leftists in the mountain town of Aley, 10 miles east of the Lebanese capital. There were n o accounts of casualties among the combatants. Tylenol suspect nixed CHICAGO (AP) - Investigators are dismissing as a murder suspect a man who allegedly tried to extort $8.- 000 from a h ospital with threats to "put cyanide in every bottle o f Extra - Strength Tylenol to see what it wiU do." Officials charged that Jerome H oward, 20, of ChJcago. left a letter with the feceptionist's desk at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital claiming 11esponsibility for seven Chicago-area Tylenol poisonings and threatening more unless he received the money. If convicted on the federal charge, Howard could be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison and fined up to $10,000. . NOW chief vows action INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The new leader of the · Alational Organization for Women has high hopes for the next few years: attacking sex discriJnination in corporate America a nd building a political machine to STATE rival those of the New Right. Judy Goldsmith, who will take over as NOW's president on Dec. 1, promises that NOW will be a strong force for change, not a moderate voice of accommodation. Church mourns vic.tiins AVENAL (AP) -The Calvary Baptist C hurc h congregation looked to its pastor for guidance Sunday to deal with the deaths of eight c hildren and the Rev . Leonard Silva's wife. Virginia Silva, 33, was driving the children in a church van to a Christian school Friday when their vehicle was struck head-on by a truck .trying to avoid a stalled car near Lemoore. Nine people were killed instantly and three others were injured. The Sunday service was the f i rst opportunity for this rural Central California community to ex press its sorrow to relatives of the dead. Crash kills two couples • OCEANSIDE (AP) -Two married couples died in the crash of their single-engine plane which stalled at 400 feet while encircling Oceanside airport and spun into a cauliflower fieJd. At the time, the pilot was flying too slowly, apparently confused about what runway to uae, investigators aald. · The d~ad were Bruno C. Bossard, 64, the owner·pllot; his wife Dorothy, 59, and George C . Glenn Jt .. a 53-year-old dentist, and his wife Phyllis. all of San Diego. From Page A1 The Irvine Company qidn't su~ but it wanted to. Tnsteed-officials of the massive development firm sat back and waited for the 1980 council election. coun ling on voters to do their work for them. That's just what happened. Three candidates, 8Tf highly critical of what had happened to the Irvine Company, were swept into power. SPON was out and the lrvine Company was in. The predictable happened. The Irvine Company came before the "new" City Council, asked for permission t o add ne arly 1 million square feel or building rights to the center and, after months of public debate, got its wish. Sev~ral months lat.er. deep in the summer of 1981, SPON started flexing its muscle again by spearheading a referendum drive ajmed at getting the council either to droP. the Newport Center expansion or put it to a citywide vote. The council, at the request of ·the Irvin e Company, finally threw In the t owel. The development firm was back where it started -1.4 million square feel in theilole. And so it has come to be, in the fall of 1982 with another council election at hand, that SPON and the Irvine Company are the bookends that hold the growth fight together. · The Irvine Company is big and powerful and an easy target to its critics simply because it has played s uc h a major role in shaping the city. . • SPON ls a bit more elusive and lts power in the community harde.r to understand. Members claim SPON iS" run on a nickel-and-dime budget. Still, the group managed to come up with $80,000 to fight Orange County government over John Wayne Airport and has hired a San Franciaco auomcy who has appeared locally on the group's behalf several times. What is SPON? ' Watt, a pleasant and articulate person. claims SPON is little more than a group of concerned citizens who care very much about what happens to Newport Beach. She says her group's efforts are frequently rewarded with mountains of criticism. Watt says she gets lrritl)ted when SPON is brushed off as "a bunch of obetructionlsts," "terrorists" or "a group of nagg,ing housewives." "We're the people that push from the other side," suggests Nancy Skinner, a former Rose Parade queen. "The city needs somebody pushing from the other aide. It's similar to what the Sierra Club does." Bobby Love ll, a Balboa resident, claims SPON members take the time to read. through reams of trafflc reports. development proposals and environmental impact reports. "That's part of our job. We help translate a foreign language into som ething people can understand." she explains. Pat Hollanaer, a relatively new resident of Newport Beach. l\.l&leilla that the Upper Newport Bay would be ringed with high- We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your ~ will be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appn>priat.e editor. 642~6088 The same 24·hour aoswerinc service may be used lo record let· tera lo the editor on any topit. Mallbo• contributor• must include their name and telephone number for verincattqn. No circulatk>n calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. A 't "~ . ORAHCJE COAST l1HyPllDt , ........ , . ......, ,ubli9'*. Giid '""' fl.w ..... Ott1eet JeneA-' E~.._ ldttot l . .., .... \l'.c. ,,, ..... Giid Oirectelf of M • ..... ; C1HellM .......... 11_.I....,. ....... , .......... MMnt ...... ....a ............ C... ..... CA ............. , ... C-. ...... CA ..... ~,.. .... c.-NMi• ... c......, . ........................................... ,.,..,.. " ...... ...., .. ,..,.... ..... ...... ... " ....... ...,,..... """'· Jean Watt rise buildings if not Jor the efforts of SPON. "Until the last election.'' says Lovell, "we were like a bunch of gnats, an annoyance to the other side. Then we grew up and suddenJ y were a threat. "Because of us, the business community suddenly was being made to justify what it was doihg. We confronted them. They were forced to combat us.'' While the group has 500 or so members, that number is mialeadlng. Most of the council members, including those who strongly disagree with SPON, belona to the group simply to get ita literature. Watt has been president of the group for several years running and likely wlll remain a t the helm, SPON members say. The group's steering committee of 30 meets monthly, usually at a member's home, Critics seize on the fact that only a handful o f SPOt-J's me mbers appe ar in publiC. .to speak for the group. This leaves the Impression, Watt agrees, that the group is very, very small. Shelton, from his vantage point with the Irvine Company, sees SPON as an organization that has "dealt with Issues on such a n arrow. negative and unrealistic level that on balance it has not been constructive at all." He says the Irvine Company gets a "bad rap" at the hands of SPON and is frequently blamed for problems, such as traffic. that are regional. "SPON oft.en lgnores activity (development) outside the city which has little to do with the Irvine Company," says Shelton. "But this activity does affect traffic in Newport. It does affect the airport. "One has to be realistic," he adds, suggesting that SPON is hardly that. "We know what SPON is against, but we don't ,, general plan. This city ha&. a geoeral plan but nobody wan ta fu stick to it. Every developer wtlo ' comes along wants a llttl,. mor~'.'' The city's genera) plan dettftls what will be built on all the uu!;leveloped land in Newpdtt Beach. It is the city's Bible whem it comes t o planning and a builder must get aiae:>roval from the council to change the general • ~ plan. •-I ln the case of Newport Cent.et. the Irvine Company lost the rig~t to build high-rise office buildingis and a 400-room hotel. Developer William Bannil'\8. seeking to develop acreage he ' owns on the w est e nd o,f Newport, SU'-'Cessfully wooed t~ council to increase his buildir\.g rights for homes and offices. Lovell says SPON goes to t>:tt for the prope rty rights Qf residents because firms Uke the know what it is for." Irvine Company "don't seem William Ficker, an architect ve r y interested in what the whose sister is a SPON member. residents think." claims the group has failed in its "And that's-scary," she adds, watchdog role because it has "because the Irvine Company is "never come up with one positive so damn big." proposal. It's just negative, The Irvine Company. sold by negative, negative." the lrvine family to a group of Ficker, who is not without his investors m the late 1970s. has own criucasms of how the Irvine never been a "popular neighbor." Company does business, suggests according to Shelton. SPON is able to fire up the "Even before it was sold.'' sa~s community by asking "Would She I to n , '·there was a.n you rathe r see your town stay ap. prehension that the lrvine wonderful or~ it ruined?" Company wasn't interested ·n Councilman John Co.x. who the community as we know it has cut his political teeth by and love it. rapping SPON, claims the citizen ''But 1 wonder what SPON g r o u p fa 11 s f a r s h o r t o f thinks the character of this towp representing the community. would be like if not for the lrvir)e "It's just a special inte rest Company. Would it be superior?· I group that searches for ways to don't think so." • l<eep itself alive by finding Shelton claims Newport Beach I something to pick on. They (the ls unique· in its ever-preseiy, \I members) keep harp4ng on non-ending squabble o~1' growth but there really hasn't erowth and that cities like I · been any in" five years." and Costa fJlesa look forward E'or its part, SPON has fired growth. I back at Its critics through a "Newport is an older, mature weekly newspaper ad that often and more fully de veloped city I reduces people like Cox and his and as it gets down to that last 5 council colleagues to comic book percent (of development) each characters and gives readers a project becomes more focused l vision or the "World According to and you start to hear from die SPON." people that favor turning t• "We were devastated after the clock back." i; last election," says Lovell, who He says continued growth 1lt' writ.es many of the ads, "and the Newport Beach is inevitable. newspapers weren't giving equal She 1 ton c I a Im s 1 r v ine time to our interests. We figured Company polls show that a the one way we could get our majority of the residents i_n views across was to pay for it and Ne wport Beach favor grow~ put them in an ad." and are not oppoeed to cont1n"'9:1 Watt brisUes at the allegation development. t that SPON advocates taking "Newport Beach," he pro~ property r ight s away from "is not an antigrowth town." i landowners who are preparing to Twi<.'e. though. SPON and develop and favors an elitist suppor t ers have gather "I've-got-mine-but-you-can't-thousands of signatures in v heve-yours" philosophy. s ho r t o rd e r to b 1 o She insists nothing could be developments. ' further from the truth and that Watt suggests this is not a~ her group. in fact, is not against qJ a city that is falling over i growth. in a rush to endorse growth. ~ • ''What we are against is this TUESDAY: Growth fig t constant deviation from the cit"---"'s __ s...._li_'ts_f_am_W_·ea_. ______ · _. a bzllut.1 fu l c.d la.c:.t..ai of hand 'M7oRn 8C.Ot.\Sh L~ 11\ \ht meet. Cl.XC1t.1ng col~ and pet.l.4m& )(>U ll ~ ~ ~~our &id4 ~tAcL N:dting ~t Wlt.h 'W'd tab alee ovo\lobl4 w\th eetrin or r:ct.ch errl ~p ~ ~ cmt. \& t.o11ooid ax~ ~fbr-yo.J- • . . • I \ ' . 1111111:• MOl'.1111\) OCIOIHJI 11 l ~HI .' OH ANGf COlJ N f Y l.Al If OH NIA 25 CENTS This time God ··spared him; flames stop short BvJODICADENHEAD fj( .. Delly ,... .... "I couldn't beUeve God would do 'thil to me aaai.n," thought Joe Kozlowski, 46, as he fled the exclusive Orange neighborhood where the Oy1»um Canyon fire callled $3 million damage. God d i dn't . K oz l owski returned to his hillside home ,Sunday, breathing a sigh of 'relief. . When fire came Saturday, Kozlowski h ad just f inish ed rebuilding his e legant home. It ~Irvine . . :co. chief • resigns Irvin e Company president Peter C. Kremer announced his Intention today to resign as head of the land planni-ng and development firm effective Jan. l. "When I initially joined the company in July, 1977, w e agreed t o a five -year commitment, which I have fulfilled," Kre mer said in a prepareastatement. "I have been involved in major corporate management for the past 20 years and I want to take the time to pursue other , more personal, bualness interests." Compan y o fficials s aid Kremer 's surprise resignation w as n ot related to th e announcement last month that Donald L. Bren had been named co-chairman of the company's board of directors. J . Robert Fluor and John Galvin allo were made board members. Company spokesman Marlin Brower aa.id that Kremer, 42. had wante d t o announce h is resignatio n at an August shareholders meeting, but auatained $350,000 damage ln an electrical fire two years ago. The fire Saturd ay that deatroyed 11 Cr eat d e VUle h~ valued between $250,000 and $900,000 and damaged three oth ers, stopped just before Kozlowskl's house . O n ly a chimney remained at the location of the house next door. ~everal neigh bors d igging through the charred remains of once lavish homes said they were thankful that the fast -moving flames had spared Koilowskl's houae. "I thought It waa gone," said Kozlowski, who had watched the raging fire through binoculan. "I saw the houae next door oollapee and I knew we didn'• have a prayer." The 45-year-old businessman credited firemen who stood on his r~f with hoeee with saving his just-reouilt home. The once-p osh hillside neighborhood overlooking miles of scorched vegetation remained a virtual war zone Sunday as shocked resident.I began al!tlng through the blackened rubble. Little was left to retrieve. The fire took hlllalde homes on both sides of the street, leaving behind only chimney st.ackS and custom swimming poola. A sooty plaalic truck, a box of canceled checks and a !ICOrched cop y of Playboy magazine became amazing treasures. Tim Neuland poked through the desolate rubble or what neighbors had said had once been an lmmaculuw home worthy a s pot In H o u se Beautiful magazine. "When "'t-JOl here It was alt over," he aa1d. "No clothes, no furniture. nothing' a left." Odd l y e nough a Junio r Fireman's badge he had received in third grade survived the flames: He wore It. "This is the most beautiful home I've ever owned . We'll bullrl it back," he said. as he pulled a broken saw from the pile of blackened ash. Next door, Pat McConnell, 37 a nd a few friends searched through a heap that had once been~ the master bedroom for some coins he had kept In the cl08et. "I didn't think it was going to get this close," said McConnell, turnins shovel a fter shovel of worthless ash. "It makes you r e asseu everything," he added. "Material things aren 't that important anymore." 14 families homeless • 1n county fires By DAVID KUTZMANN of'the Delly Hot ltaft A blaze that scorched 16,800 acres of hillsides and canyons in eastern Orange County neared full containment today, ending a two-day rampage that left 14 fami lies homeless and caused an estimated $16 million in property damage. Orange County Fire Department officials said the wind-driven fire was expected to be 100 • pe rcent contained by noon today with full ·control expected later today or Tuesday. Meanwhile, Orange County was among three Southern California counties declared a disaster area by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. That d esig nation will assist prope rty owne rs in obtaining reconstruction assistance. Fire Capt. Chuck Murphy said the blare was still smoldering this morning near Fremont Canyon east.. of Irvine Lake, where firefighters had concentrated their efforts overnjght after dousing flareups and hot spots in other locations Sunday. , , The blaze erupted Saturday morning in the Gypsum Canyon area n ear the Riversid e Freeway. Fueled by strong Santa Ana winds, it quickly raced toward hillaide areas Rieim Hills, Villa Park, Orange and Santia o yon. Forced to flee were hundreda · o retti<lenta--- Crom expensive hillside neighborhoods. decided to wait until fall. (See RESIGNS, Pa1~ At> Residen ts in Anaheim H ills wa tched lire approac h on Saturday. Officials said the fire destroyed 1.4 homes, many of them in the J>08h Crest de Ville tract in (See COUNTY FIR~, Pase At) ·LB fire men stretched By GLENN SCOTr °' .... .,.., .......... Firefighters battling Sunday's Laguna Beach fire that charred 60 acres and destroyed two houses prevented more severe destruction despite a s upport system stretched to its limit. Only two of the city's four engines and crews were in town when the fire was reported at 1:29 a .m. at the borne of Thomas Duckwo rth, 1199 Lewe llyn Drive. The city's other engines -and virtually all extra engines and c rews from Orange Coast communities -were far away at staging areas at Anaheim Hills,. where they had been summoned to help extinguish a• fire that broke out Saturday. Firefighters say Duckworth's old, wooden house had been a concern for them for years becau.e the cloeest fire hydrant, located on Canyon ·Acres Drive, was almoat a half-mile away and, a narrow private road to the residence provided only limited ~. The house already was in flames when firefightera spotted it as they headed their vehicles up Laguna Canyon Road after the call came in. By the time they laid 2,000 feet of hose up the narrow road -it took ho&e from both engines to reach the site - the hou.e was engulfed. Wonie yet, the water pre91ure in the lines wasn't sufficient to force the water up the 300-foot climb to the hillside hOWle. Thus, crew memben instead parked an engine next to the house and used the 500 gallons of water atored ln the vehicle until more help arrived. "Wha t we tried to d o was knocl< it down enough until we could get aome more equipment and manpower up here," explained Capt. Rich Dewberry. The support WU coming, but It +as a Jona way off. Meanwhile, lhe fire blown by mode rate winds was movlnt along the brush-lined hillside toward the high-priced homes Un1ng Skyline Drive and several cul-de-sacs to the west. B ecause h eat rises, fires naturally move uphill. If the city's other two engines had been in town, they probably would have been dlspat.ched to the top of th e hill s to immediately establish a line, said d epartment spokesman Herb Jewell. But he said no one could argue wlth the need to send them to Anaheim. where the fire there had destroyed 14 homes. Mutual aid agreeme nts, he noted, work both ways. In this case, the agreement proved workable again . Forty· nine fire e ngines from all part.I of Orange County and beyond eventually arrived in Laguna Beach. Many of them were aent directly to the hilltops where crews hosed down flames that licked only a few yards from the houses. (See LAGUNA, Page A%) Cuesta hand crew cuts fire line o n east side of Laguna Canyon Road across from Festival of Arts. Stoc k s su i:ge over 1,000 in busy day NEW YORK (AP ) -Stock prices rose broadly in one of Wall Street's busiest days ever today, pro pe lling the Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks over the 1,000 mark to ita highest level in more than 17 months. The Dow Jones Industrials closed up 25.94 and tickers fell behind In the ftarious trading. Due to technical difficulties, the Daily Pilot does not offer final stocks quotes today. Interest rates tumbled last week as the conviction grew that the Fede ral Reser ve Board w ould adopt a m ore accommodating monetary stance In light of the economy'• continued weakness. The outlook for further interest rate relie f brightened after close of trading Friday, when the Fed cut its discount rate to 9.5 perce nt. NB's growth fight: SPONtaneous combustion 'BY STEVE MARBLE 1• .. .,.., ........ Jean Watt lives on exclusive HarboT Island. drives a white Mercedes coupe and la one of the tnaly powerful in Newport Be.ch. She doesn't deal in stocks and bonds, she doesn't have an executive a.Ute overlooking the --llDEI--- Hoepice •olanteen - ·people who lend an ear ,ao patientt iarln1 the IMt weeb el Ille - •II the job rewardlnt ud penonally .......... Pllp BI. At Your Service F.nna Dombeck Cavalcade Clullfied Comics Cn.word Death Notka Editorial J:nc.rtalnment ~ Movm Natkln&I Newt Public Nodoee ·=Marketa Je:" Weather M A7 A7 C6-10 85 . 85 C8 A& 84 A7 A7 B4 .u Ct C8 c1-a 83 ae .. A2 ocean and ahe hasn't even conaldered seeking political office. She's the president of a group called SPON, a amall but politically powerful collection of resident.I who have become "public enemy No. l '' to developer1 and buJlder1 In the beKh city. SPON hu a wlnnlna track ~ of derailing development projecti, slowing ot.hera and drawing attention when lt.1 leaden speak out on illuee, whkh ts often. SPON ii an acronym for Stop Pollat;lnl Our New~.· In the early days -1974, that la -SPON'a Idea of polludon wu the slit, pettlcldes and chemicala wllllhln8 Into the Upper Newp>rt Bay. The bey w11 Sf'ON'a reuon fot belq. But SPON'a definition of pollution has chanced. PolluUon now means too much traUlc, too many people, too many jet fiil}\ta and, more than anythlnc elle, too much 8f0Wth. SPON a. vieWed by lta cnUc:I 11 beina the dty'1 no-powth movement, a label Wait •YI ii ••e{mpUatlc nonleftle'' created b1 her enernlel and the media. On tM OCh« a6cle of the ch-bcwd 61 the lrvtne C'.ompuy. the ~t landowner, landlord md dr.r= In Newport a.ch. .Jb t.on. • vlo9 prllktent al the company, .. a fanmr mayor and etty IWWllt' of Newport Beech. In -ea,.aty or anolhli'. he Ml been ~ • .,.cm lbe cdty far 21 ~· IMI• edfttl tblll the '~" In Newport II ------------------------------------- Thi• II th• HCOncf of thrff Dally Piiot arUCIH de1crlblng the growth-no growth faction• governing development In Newport BMch. Today'1 ln1taltment cowra SPON (8top Polluting Our Newport), a watc hdog organlutlon and "' crttlct. · member1hip of SPON on a collision coune but the true heavyweight bout hu always been Newport Center. Newport Center is the showcue of the Irvine Company e mpire, a circular sh opping and profeealonal center that has attracted the likes of Nelman-Mm:us and Bullocks-Wilshire and hu drawn flrma like Pacific Mutual out of Los Anple9. The center la a world of glua and steel that. when viewed from the deck of a boat In Newport Harbor, 1tand1 In spectacular contrut 10 the hlllllde ol lrvlne Company hornet that rt.et up behind it. It 11 a land of hi1h-fuhlon, bl& buaine., top-0'8.ht hotel rooms and a Soll ooune tucked In for IOOd metllW"e. It 11 virtually a city by l\19U. ~ lrvtne Company baa apent the better part • of four yean \fyiftl '° nan down a ~am for expa.ndtnc the cenw (''flnlshln8 lt.' the lrvtne Campany ...... ). The Irvine Company dream for Newport Center l'8r19d to 10 ...,. ln 1978. , If the ~ tinn WU havtna trouble I that Y"f', SPON w.n't. 'nw &00-nmnber trOUP IUddenly Md &he .... of the Qty Ooundl ~ty I and, at one polnl, WU br8ndld. Newport BliMb'I '"lhedow ~, ... In a two-yur 1&reM!b, the COUMIJ \WM reworUd the ........ (G! ... ~a.Ill' and redUl'llCI the pamlttld bid.... "' 1.4 ~.-ri!!:. C ... IPQfll, .... AI) ~ \ ....... --- Or1ng1 Co1st DAILY PILOT/Monday, October 11, 1882 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS' OUOT4Tl~UNC~UOI , ... 0 .. ON, ....... VOii• ......... , .... C ... I(, ..... •OtTOll, •• HOIT .... Cl.CIMllATI noc• I •c ........... o l ll!OllTIO '" TMI 11.UO llllO '""'"" \ Movie cartoonists call off strike HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Canoonl1t.s have voted IO end their 9 'h-week walkout without gaining any ground In a key dl1puw with producers -protection Crom having work len t oversea&. Union ottornt'y Stu Llblckl said anlmatons who turn out such popular Saturday mornlni televt.ton fare as "The Smurh" a n d "Heat he ll ff and Marmaduke" voted "nearly un.unitnowsly" Saturday to return to work this week. The moet visible victim of the prolonged strike was Mickey Mouse, who was to hove returned to theater screerui In o Dlsney ChrlBtmas show. lt would have been his first theatrical release since 1953. Disney officials earlier this week postponoo plaru1 for the program, u spoof o f Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," because not enough time was left to produce It. Gas prices rise again? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Motorists probably have seen the last of dedinang gasoline prices and 1:an expect the cost to began rising again al any ume, oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg says. The overall' prit-e of gasoline -including taxes - has dropped an average of 1.3 cents a week since the Fourth of J uly, bringing the average price to $1.26 o gaUon, Lundberg said Sunday. He added, "l think Re aganomlcs is working in the gasoline industry." Decreased consumption has forced the retailers to cut prices and offer cash discounts to attract customers, he said, but that trend should end soon as prices t'Ome up to aid slumping profits. Off Ice completed The KoU Company, headquartered m Newport Beach, has completed construction of a new office building and interior improvements in Tustin for the Santa Ana Branch of Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, California's largest. insurance underwriter. Growth o f the San ta Ana Branc h , which generated over $55 m illion an premiums in 1980, led to the necessity to move a staff of 225 to the new facility. Howard Prke, Koll construction manager, described the prestressed concrete-frame bujldang as a compact T -shape with integral covered parking for 353 vehicles. Completed under budget, construction C06ts for the shell building, parkin.g structure and tenant improvements totaled approximately $6.8 million. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS MOAl.S NEW YORK (AP) -Spo1 "onlerto111 metal prtc. Monday: C41tt~r 17"·70 Genii t pound, U.S 0.tlnetl- ~ 23·29 ceni. • pound aw 40-_, .. • POUnO, ._ec1 tlll clOMd Mel9 w..., compoelte lb 0 w I -71 centl • PQWnd, H Y 0... Hendy I M#man ~ .._., IO 00 per lfOll --· NY eo.n.. -' monOI ac-d Fri ~137000per .... l"letfft-1297 OO-t303 00 troY Oii~. NY • SILVER 81twr 19.000 per lroy -· NY ~ IC)OI "'°"'" c:Hleeo Fri GOLD QUOTATIONS • • ,1 u. .tl • .. j .r 'L .) r ,f .. .-. ' ·~ • t ·! I . I .... I ) ·I' .. . ...