HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-16 - Orange Coast Pilot, LOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Edison 23 El Toro 21 Bonita 14 ~apo Valley 7 Marina 7 Corona del Mar 0 Laguna Beach 7 Mission Viejo 7 ' Fountain Valley 17 lrvlne 24 Mater Del 28 Laguna Hiiis 14 y . Beach 14 Newpprt Harbor 21 Plus X 7 San Clemente 10 Ocean View 21 Saddleback 35 Detalla of games I Westminster 7 Costa Mesa 13 In Sports section ORANGl COAST YOUR HOMfTOWN DAllY PAPfR SATURDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Missing couple may lose case by .default By ST EVE TRIPOLI Of the Oally Piiot Stall A Wl•ll-known lol';d l'U Uplt'. schl'<iulpd to sturl tht•ir d('ft·ns<' 1n a l'IVll lawsu it ovl'r thl' owhl•rship of a Nt•wpun &·al'h restaurant, may automaut·allv lose the case. beq<iuse tht.·v appart•ntly havt• d1sappt•:.an•d . taking abou t $1 million 1n contC'sted aSM>lS with thc·m. Irwin and Francine M1lm;rn. whOSt• last address ac<:ording to court records was in Irvmc" havt· lt•lt no dut• to tht•1r wht•r{•alx>UL'i ,mJ ilJJJX•ar u111ik1•ly to n·tur11 111 11n w for the trial, ;,.icc11rc.l111g lll papl•r:-. f1k-d In Ora11g1· C:ounly Suµ...·nor Court this Wl·c•k Thl' fal·ts Wt•n• rt•vt·~lll'tl 1n <,t•p.irall• del'lar<illun ... by tht•ir ... un. Santa Ana altonwv Jdl Milman. and allorrwy Hob~·rl Braun. who wa ... lo n·pn'Sl'nl tht•m m the ease. Tht• youngt>r M1lma11 said in his dl'l'larauon that his pan•nt.:.. who had bt•t•ll "undl'r Sl'Vcre prt•ssurl' for Sl'Vt.·nll Wl•eks be· caust• of pt>ndmg lawsuits and en•d1tors' l'l;ur11s." d1sapp<•an·d St•pt 29. ThP t>ldl'r Milman ldl his son a handwrittC'n note stating "at this ume. I'm walking away from everything and cvt>ryont' and am taking an extendl>d vacation with your mother You won't be able to reach us." thl• younger Mil- man said. . . ~ .. . . -- Deify l'ttot "'°'"by Petrtclll 0-0-Mfl T he e a re scall op tha t left the ir imprin t!' on >,('a fl oor mud omc 18 million years ago. Community boasts 'museum' Ne w h o n1 e s u rround I 8-millio n -year-o ld fo ssils By J OEL C. DON of the Dally Piiot Staff The families that will movC' i nto a county-sponsored "affordable'' housing tract m ·Laguna Hills can boast a very special recreational area. Though the homes are new and freshly p ainted. a central one-acre park was built. so-to- speak. 18 million years ago, g1v(' or take a few hundred thousand years In cerC'monies Fndav. countv 0 ( f I c I a I s d e d I c a t e d l h I 0 S paleontolog1cal preserve known a s f oss il Reef Park The limest~ne outcroppings in the Aliso Mt?adows community u•ll the story of a time when much of th<' area was cover<'d b y a tropical. pnmeval sea lmbedded m the stone are the fos.<iil rl'mams of scallop shC'lls the s12C' of dinner plates. dams, tube' worms and other sea creatures. The rC't'f"s value was r('('ogmzc>d about 10 years ago. and it t•xtends al least six miles across the Saddleback Vall('y. according to project paleontologist Carol Stadum of Huntington B<'al·h Since then. efforts to savl' the reef have ~n made by groups ~uch as the Natural His tor y Foundation of Orange County and th e Orange County H istorical Comm1ss1o n . They f eared the loss of this rare glimpse mto the county's dist.ant past by land development and other urban enroachmcnt. Compromise was reached when developers agreed to create a one-acre fossil park in the center of the housing community, though 20 acres originally had be-en requested for the preserve. What rC'mams u; an area where visitors are encouraged to roam (See FOSSIL, Page A2> Pa tti Pra ther, ·daughter Alicia , of Aliso Mea dows look o ver "imprint of wha t life was like in Orange <:ounty 18 million years ago. Below is a ca mel tooth fo und in fossil reef a r ea . Exotic a nima ls we re co mmo n in prime va l North Amer ica . ~ ·' .. I Thl' Mtlmans. Wh1J had llltl'r· ests m the La k<.-stde Restauninl on MacArthur Boulevard and the fatll•d Encore Restaurant near South Cousl .Plaza. had at"<:css lo about $~JOO.UOO eas h plus othc•r funds. at'<.·Ordmg lo their son Braun said in his declaration that thUM• assets have not lx."'t"n' l<x:au'Cl The M1lman.s reportedly wcrC' undt.'r l'OUrt order not to disp<>Sf• of lht• money because· of the pt..•ndm~ litigation. Thl· Enl'ore h<id b<·<•n thl· <.ub- Jl'<'t of a i-u1l by cn·d1tors who ht•IJX•d fmanee 1t. while former partncri. of the Mllmans 111 th1· Lakeside were da1m1ng in tht>1r sull that they Wl'f'l• tlll·gally m duct'CI into s1gmng uvt·r thP1r In wrests in lhl' proJX•rty Braun on Thur~h.1y <i~kc'Cl for and was grcmt~od rt•moval as tht• Milmans' counst•l b y Supt•nor Court Judgt' Phillip P<·ttv H<· said 111 his stalemt•nt that ht· m:.adl' tlw rNJUl'st both because tht·1r d1 :>appc•arance m ;,ide de- fc·n.M· 1,f the upt·oming <·1vll suit 1mpo~s1bl<' and bt"<·aust• tht• t'OU- pk uwt-d his Costa Mt-sa 1:.aw firm $'>U.UOO in lt·~al fl-..s. C:.al ling tht·ir attornl'y-i.:hent n·lC1t1unsh1p "shatlt:red." Braun s;11d in th<· dt-<:larat1un that the Milmans "havl' app1.1n•ntly left lht JUrisd1ct1on with i-ubstanttal asset:. and a re not pl<mn1ng lo <•ppcar al trwl " Few riders, fewer routes? OCTD con id e r s c ut b~ca u e o f low tur n o uts Thl' Orangt· County Transit Distnct may t•llminate a numbt•r of bus roull~ plus ~me Dial-A- Ride taxi st•rv1ce bt•cause o f lower-than-anlic1J)<!tC'd ridersh1 p. off1c1als ~ud Friday But OCTD Gl'neral Managl!r James Rc•1l·herl told district directors that the cuts should only a f ft·ct about 1.000 o f OCTD's 100.000 daily nders 1f implc-m('ntl'll Figures from the quarter that ended last month have spurrC'd 'he propo&al. which d1rt.'<:tors will vote on a fter a Nov. I public hearing. Thl· dis trict rE·pOrll.'d 7 5 m1llmn nders for thl' quarter. 5 2 JX'rn·nt frwt'r than th<' pro.)C'<'tl'<l 7 9 million and one-half JX'rt'('nt ft•wt•r than for tht· sam<• quar~t'r la~t yt•ar The $:.i.ti m1lhon in n•vt•nul·~ t·o llt.'<.'tC'd during th1• quarll'r v. as down $100.000 from thl· :.anw quarter last year . the d1stril'l rcporU>d. / Th<· cutback proposal calls for l•hmmatton of Saturd~1y D1al-A - R1dl' sc.•rv1Ct'. :) 1nove Lladt would atfect about 400 ~u.'>tom,•rs each Saturday, plus c hminat1on vf four local bu:. routl"> and seven t·xprt>SS routt><i The local lint·~ proposed for c·l1mmauon mdudC' Linc 21. a r o ute from Buc:na Park to llunt1ngton B(•al·h v ia Valley View Str<'C't and Llnl' 9:3, which runs through Laguna Hills and M 1ss11_m V 1e JO All Sf'VC'n of the· exprC'ss lines propoS<.'d for ehmmat ion serve the Orange Coast. including four from San Clemente tu the heart o f the county plui-Imes from Fulh:r ton to Newport Beach. Nt>wport Center to M1ss1on Viejo !See OCT(), Pa11te A2 I Ta1nper-resistant packaging for drugs to he required WASHINGTON <AP> -Drug makers will respond quickly to the deaths caused by cyanidc- laced Extra-Strength Tylenol and begin sell ing "high risk compounds" m tamper-resistant packag~ early next year. the government said Friday Dr. Arthur Hull H ayes Jr .. commissioner of the Food and Drug Admin1slrat1on, said he expected his agency to issue a regulation requir ing tamper- rcsistant packaging by the first week 1n November In an appearance before a H ouse Energy and Commerce subcomml!l<'<.' on h ealth and the environment. Hayes predicted that capsuk'S would be the first target. "We n ow believe we can have the regulation in place m the next couple of weeks· -that 1s. by the first week of Nov('mber or so," Hayes said. "I think for the so-called high n s k compounds such -as cap!>ulel>. that wt• arP talking about 90 davs from that llml' that they (manufacturers) would produce all of those produl'ts 111 tampt'r-resistant pal·kagmg with the appropriate warn1n~ an.cl cducation so pcopll· knl'W what the pal·kag1~g was all nhoul.'~he addC'd Seven pt>rsons di<'d 1n tht• Ch1t·ago area after taking Extra- Strength Tylenol t·apsules wh1l h contamC'd cyanide• FDA and law cnforcemen t o ff1 ua ls have• concluded that the cvan~dt• tampering occurrc>d aftc•r \hC' product left the manufacturt.'r "We are now fact>d with thC' reality in this t'Ountry that there are a lot of crazy people who an• willing to do something as msanc• as poison people thc•y don't l'Ven know." said RC'p H l'nry Waxman. D-Calif . wh o 1s chairman of the sul:x.'Ommatt<-t• Various t y p<•s o f 1<1mpt>r · n •s1slant packagl's uln•.idy art> available on som<' drug produ1·l!. 0.Jnit·I F O'Ki•t•ft· Jr . general lOUnst:>l o r the Proprietary Association. the trade group for the n o n -prc~cr1 pt1on drug indus try. d1splay('d som e s.1mplC's H <' alsu dC'sl'ribed rN·ommendatiuns for 1ndustry- w1dd packaging rl'qu1rements which th<· assoc1at1on sent to FDA on Thursdav The industry t·allt•d for the government to rl'qu1r<' tampc>r ·rl'S IS t ant packaging but leavl' 1t to the manufacturers to ch oose the lYPl'-It also proposed thal med1c:rnl'S for human use which would be tngl'SlNI. inhaled or inserted in the bodv bt• covered by the rcgulatton · O'K(•cf(' said manufacturers already arc ordering machinery and taking other st~ to switch products mto tamper-resistant packagf>S "This mdustrv will move as quickly as industrial capacity permits.'' he said Big career change for HB district 's Roop ., H untington Bt>ai'h s(·hool administrator Howard Roop will l>t.• changing .)Obs next month HC' no longPr wll I be Dr H oward Roop. a personnel dirN'lor uf the I luntmgton &•a«h Union ll1gh School District lle'll bt'<:ome Admiral Roop of ltw US. Nnvol Hl•serve. · Roop. :'18. 1s rl's1gning Nov 10 as director o f the district's e<>rllf1c:att-d (wachC'r) f>crsonnC'l and w ill bt'C'Ome a naval deputy director-the Number 'l man - of the reserves lfl''ll have an oUice in the Pentagon. JUSl down Jhe hnll fr om thl' ch1l'f of naval oper8\1ons · R oop will oversee the dcvl'lopnwnl nnd <>stablishment of addiuonal units in the reserves, w hich now number about 100,· 000 people Ht' says Oil\' or hl!l duties will be tmpll'm(lntlnf( a plan In which rei>ervl't' will mnkc up h3lf thl' crews on 24 frigat<'S. Roop l't11lated m tht' US Navy In 1942 nnd was dllie:hQrged u a 1e&man flntt cln at theo end of World War It. ,, u I I 1 • l" J nH' to U 111 \'l'rs1 t Y. u I St1utht•r11 Cahforma from Dt;nvl•r 1n IH Hi .i~ a 190 pound guard •>n t ht• foot hall tc:1m I It· lllJUr<'<I .i knt'l' and had to droµ out of fo11tb .. 1ll. but went nn to ~<·t 1h1C't' dt·~rt'<'s, 1ndud1ng a d1.1t·turt1l<' in I'd Ut'll t 1011 I h· n•ct•1vC'd :i l'Omm1ssm11 111 l !14H as an l•ns1g11 in I h1• Nnvy Ht•M•rvt•:-; whl•n ht• n •n•IVt•d his hadwlor's degre<' Roe•µ sNV<'d on act1vt• duty during the Korean confhct and wns an officer on an attack trani.port ship L;itrr he• was a frnRmon 111 on th1• Undcrwall'r Dt•m\1h11nn Tf'arn Howard Roop ----INDEX---- Classified Comics Comment Crossword Death Notices Enter tainment Movlea · PubUc NoUces ~ . C3-6 8 7 B8 87 810 Cl-2 Cl-2 86, 10 Religton Sports Tel vision Theateni Trivia Weath{'r You\h Bll Bl-6 812 C t-2 C2 A2 89 "' Otango Coeal DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, October 16, 1082 ~\ ~ \\t Continued stories FOSSIL PARK about the lm1t•storw iosstb And it is Orange• County'i. 2Kth h1stor1cal landmark. T he rt.~f was Cornwd so1111• lH rnilhon years ago. wtwn a warm sea channel blankt•lt.'d mUl'h of the Los Angell'S &sin. The rt-t•f:i ev<!ntually wen• coverl'd hy sediment and muJslides \.,. Millio ns of yt•ars late r , tlw ocean fl1.1or l'Xpcrienl'l·d con vulsion s. pushing tht· land upward lO form the San~ Ana • • • Mu1111tu111s u1> W\•ll o:. mut•h of 0 r 11 n R'' l' o u n t y ':. t' oust I 111 t' M o I ht' r Nut u n • I' v l' n tu u I I y expost'd lht• llmt'Stum· n•t•f arid 11.s Cussils, Studum l'Xµlauwd ''W£• hudn't ex}>t.-t'tt•d to find su(·h trup1t·al fauna hl're." S tadum s:ud "At tht• lime w1· think lhti, land was :.WO or 300 miles furlht•r south So 11 wouJd havl• bt•l•n 1n what ts n ow Mexico "And 1t moves up t•v1•ry there 1s an t'!*rlhquak1• " <:ulifor11i a ll ighwuy Patrol officer !-! inbpc<'t lJ.S. Mail trU<·k whit-h c•nJt•d up on its s ide on the· Nt•w1Jorl l'n·c·wu y awur 17 th Strct•l Fritluy. Offit'l'rb said truffi<-was;.i.,uurlt'J for lfl lc·u~t n milt• u nd the.• off-rump Sl'U lt-d off for more tha n 011t• hour. Nolm<.l y wus injurt•cl anti 110 mail WUb lost. Delly ll'ffol "'°'obY l'etrlcll O'Donnell Paleontologist Carol S t a dum p o ints to ·plaque d escribing th e u nus u a l park residents of Aliso. Meadows in Laguna Hill wilr be enjoying. Fo ils of ea creature abound in the o ne-acre park. OCTD • • • From Page A 1 and Cost.a M1•s:.i tu Anahl•trn All of lhl' ltm•s propus1·cl f11r 1•liminat ion tombint•d s1•r v1tt' 1111 about 1i0ll passt•ngl'f:-. d.11ly Jl"l·onhng lo I Ill' dtslru·t .Ke1l'ht·rl blamed int-rt·as ing um:mploynwnt in lht• t·ounty .ind dedinmg gasollm_• pnt·t•s wh1c-h e nt'ourage auto ust• fur thl' ridership problt•ms. "OCTD simply t·annot t·untinut· lo do all tht• things 11 hLis l>l'l'n doing," h<' sud m a news n •l<'ast· "All the propose•d rt'<.lut·t1 ons cirt• b<•ing takl·S 111.an·as thut will uffL'<'t a minimum of our 100.000 daily rid1·rs" 1\1 a r i n f• pi Io t t>jcc ts safely., jt>t era ·h e - A 26-yc·ar-old Manne from £1 Toro cs<:ap1.'<i ma.1or mJury Frnfay bt• 1·jt·c:t1ng h1ms t•lf fro m a 11ot1Pd1v1ng :.11rcraft m omt·nls bdore 1t slammt'Cl mto tht• dC'S(•rt llllls1dt· of Prt~·ott, Ariz First Lt David T. Jont>S. who was on roullnl' trammg when the 4M Skybawk hl' was pllutmg t>Xf)('nencccl engine failurt'. was picked up by an Air Forn· sN.trch and n ·scue hellt•opter Author111es r eporlc·d that J~~~,:',2d to restart thl· Jet's e~ vUt failNJ Foggy mornings l 'oastal Owr O\.lter wllen lrom Potnt Conception to San IWlcolu jsland north-t W1nd1 10 to 20 lmols llrwl 4 to 6 ·1001 combined sea.1. moun1a1n area1 h i gh 1emper11u1es 60 to 70 and lows 35 10 55 T e ntperatures NATION Alb1ny Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage ASh8Ytlle At111n111 1 ElMWhara mostly light vanable winds night and morning 110\.lrs baeomlng aouth-t to west 8 10 18 knots allern~ Soulh 10 -.01111Jwen -swell 1 tCJ 3 feet Pllchy log and low clouds eaptclally morning llours othatwiae f aJr. Allan1ic Cny Auslln Bat11more Billings B1rmlng11em BISmarck HI Lo 58 50 72 40 76 39 30 20 73 44 71 44 67 52 85 53 70 46 72 49 72 41 60 42 75 47 68 52 87 60 58 48 56 49 71 38 74 56 68 50 71 44 66 41 64 47 72 47 59 49 72 44 61 45 78 53 63 .. 68 40 67 47 59 41 48 39 81 43 20 ·05 54 42 65 24 73 4 1 68 50 89 37 89 76 84 81 69 44 78 43 77 53 44 31 70 45 NAf'tJf'\e!W••~ ~~fl '"°"''" vs 0.01 of c ............ U.S. summary Fron la: Cole! _. Warm - Showefs 1nd thunders"o-rs -• tcatlered along and ahead of a cold front near the M>Vltlefn 11\of .. of Ille tower Ore•1 Lakes on Friday. Small hallatonas -e reported al Toledo, Ohio. and near Ann ArbOt. Mich- Brlak northwaal wtnds blew 0¥9' Iha upper MbalstipQI Vlllley. bacomlng -t«!y over Ille lowe< OrNt L.akea and 1outhwesterty acr?H Iha northern Atlanllc co .. 11t1tes. Tl'la wind bfOUQlll cooler 11r 10 northe rn M lnna1011 and M lc h l g•n . wi th m i dday lamp&r•tUf .. only In Iha 40. For today. tcallerad .,.,_, -• for.call In Iha io-Great Lek .. ilrwl Iha Upp&f' OhlO Villay Into New Engl•nd A chance of llaht anow wH toreeaat tor parts ol Upper Michigan near ltkf' ~· California Loe•llY d•nH rou and low o4ouds 9IOflg tile COatl night Ind mornlno houri Ihle waakend ~'-· Or•n,. County c•n aapect ,...,_ 75 to 85 todey. In the 70. ~. L.owt 55 to 82 lnllftd ~ wttC lle'f9 hlgll• In "'-eo.. iow. ,.... eo. Mounl.int can aJ1pec;I hlg.hs In IM 809. low9 In the 408. ~ "-t high• 78 to 118. Iowa mid 401 l o mid 60• Soutlltm a-1 hlQtla .. 10 ... lowt mid SO. to mid eo. BotM Bosron B•owns ... 11e Buttalo Bu1l1ngton Casper Ct'larletlon. S C Charleston. w V C111rto11e. NC Ch-venne Chlclgo Clne1nn111 Cfaola4and Columbla, SC C01umt>u1 Callas-Ft Worth Cayton Deriver OM Mo;nes Oetro;t Duluth EIPHO Fairbank a Fargo Flag11111 C'\reat Falls Heriford Helen• ,Honolulu Houston lndlsnapo411 Jtckton, Miss Jsckaonvtlle Ju"41au' KanHs City Kno•Vllle Laa Vagas Uttta Roc.k LoulaV!lla Lubb<IGll Memphis Mleml 'MllwlUkM Mpt...,SI. Paul Nllh"'lle Ntwoo..n. Naw Yorll 811 40 81 51 70 52 72 48 78 45 79 50 83 78 80 49 67 47 78 43 77 52 87 !>4 Norfolk No•th Platte Oklahoma Ctty Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoanl• Pittsburgh Portland. Me Portland Ore Provt<lenee RaleoOh Raptd C11y Rano RICllmond Salt Lake San An1on10 Se1111e Shrevepon Sioux Falls SI L0\.118 SI Pete-Tampa SI Sii Mer le Spokane SyrllGUM Topeka Tue.on Tulsa WHl'llnQlon Wichita CALIFORNIA Apple Vellty Baklflfltld Bar Slow Beaumont Big Baar Blaflop Blythe Catalina Culver City Eureka Fraano Lancaater l.ong Beach 69 50 68 38 81 43 67 47 81 65 64 53 95 61 58 46 62 44 65 48 66 so 72 44 64 45 70 32 71 48 68 42 83 50 57 51 78 45 60 46 75 50 79 64 44 35 69 45 57 47 73 41 87 5t 82 51 71 50 80 44 HI Lo 83 42 iO 62 88 58 84 50 74 28 77 38 92 58 74 54 88 68 eo so 88 5'4 eo 4t 87 59 Pllcf!y co.tal low clouds and tog In Northern •nd Cantr•I ,..,... ____________________ _ Cl lllornl• tod•)'. F•lr lnl1nd • =°c:r~c::: .~~~-er•: "· ·. II Rf RI PORT Extended I Ka 0 , forecast ... ..,.M ........ _ ... --.... --.... --.... - .,.o\~~eonoc1•y. F•I• ~ • ':.• MN3 PH A"f •• '*aw ftOllll nW!I ~ morNr!o ~...... " 14 l 2 tot or tow c1ouil1 •IOt10 co••f. Ian!• Monte• j 3 14 1 2 aw .. ..,.._tit_ In tow 70t Ill ==~~ 3 ! ~~ l ~ •: ......_ to lllld"°9 lnlellO .,... .. •nd Iowa 50 to II l t1 tha Ou !Of Ul'ldtty llltla ct\-. ( lot A"091es Monrovte Monterey Ml Wilson NeeJles Newport Beech Oakland Ontario Palm SprtnQs Puadena PHO Robles Riverside Red Blull RedWOOO Clly Sacramento S•llnaa San Be1n11rd1no Sin G11>11e1 San Dieoo San Franc11eo San Jose Sanla Ana Santi Barbara Santa Cruz Santa M1r1a Santa Monica Slocklon hMe Valley Therm•! Torr1nce Vum1 89 96 61 70 89 72 76 89 96 91 90 86 84 76 82 66 85 92 81 62 88 87 IS 75 72 72 84 64 97 85 95 PAN AMERICA , AcapulCo Barb•dOI Ber mud• Bogot• Curacao F1ffpor1 Guadala)ara Guadeloupe Havana Klnoeton Monllfl>O Bey MIUallan M.,1<11 MeMICO City Monterrey NHHU San Juan, PR T eouet911p1 Trinld.O Vere Crur CANADA Calgary fdmonlon MonlrH I Ottawa AeQln• fOfOfllO VttlOOll- W\Mlpeo • HI 118 88 79 88 04 88 79 90 85 90 90 94 llO 89 70 811 94 79 90 118 HI 811 80 " 115 lit 112 ·~ •• 66 S4 52 53 58 59. 50 55 62 59 42 54 59 54 '19 48 54 ~ 81 52 54 58 52 58 52 59 52 3t 5e 59 87 Lo 77 75 73 '18 81 72 57 75 ~~ . 71 72 72 llO 81 12 79 88 72 72 L• 42 . 31 42 42 211 •i 44 3t Consumers wait for cut NEW YOHK 1/\P) c I) II :-. u 111 l• r :-. h .. \' (' g a I II t. d n·lut1 v1·lv ltttll• frlllll thl· dra111alll' drop 111 'inu·n·~l r;,itt•s Th" l11g winrn·rs have bt•1•n the· mon1·v movt'rs and lt-ndt·r~. thl' ·~I Slrl'l't inVL'Stnll·nt fll ms and till' l'Or:"mc·n·1al b_!:mks 111 Amc.·n c:.i':-. mt)lll'Y l'<.'flll•rs. Sumc· maJOr IPnc.krs annoum•t-d this past wec.·k that they wen· reducing tht•1r ratt•s on honw mortgagt•s. automobill• loans and pt•rsonal loans. But till' bn·aki. wc.·rc· small comp<1n·d with tht• rec.·C'nt dt>l'11m· in tlw lc.·ndtng communt ty':. ('O't of buying funds Ev1dc.•n c'l' o f 1ht· banking industry's g;11n from th~· ratt· drop was a rt>6l1n Crom Chemtt«•I Bank. tht• n~tion·-. "1xth larg1·st bank. that its nN lfll'OmC' SO<lrl•d NIWS ANALYSIS 44 pern•nt m the third quarll•r Pnded St·pt :30 l'Ompart•d wllh thl· yt•ar-c.·arltl'r quarwr Chl·m1t•al was n o <0 Xl'l'pl1on M<inufactun·rs Hanover Trust C o rl' p<'rlt·d a 25 pl'rc cn t 1ntTN1sc• and Sl'curt t y Pat·1 f tl· Nauunal B;.ink pos tt•d ;.i IY pt•rl't•n l fl St'. The stZl' of sul'h gwns was lt•s:-. 1t·vt·al1ng. huwt•ver. than the n·asons lx:htnd them D o n a I d C P I a t 1 l' n . t h e t·hairmun u f Cht•m1cal. :.aid thl' k;1dmg r<«1son for tht• b,ink'~ big 1n1·omt• gum was its h1 g ht•r margm of prof11 on loans. H1· suid thl' bank's profit margin was 2H pcrl'c·nt mon· 1n lht• July- S1•pt1.•mlwr quarlt·r than a yeur l'<I rl ll'r Tht· n ·uson for Cht.'m1t·al's and otht·r banks' ht .. tl!·r profit margin \\ ,,, ... 1mplt· 1ht·11 l·osl of buying mont•Y from t:al:h other and from ·tht· Fl·dl•ral Hest"rVl· &ard fl·!I. whilt• thl· interest thl'y c•i.11·1wd from borrowers ht:ld .... u·udy ur fc·ll lt·s.-. rapidly Thdt wc.s tru1· ffidtnly for the tountry':-. b1gg1~t !kinks ·m monC'y l'l·nlt·rs ~uch a-. New York a nd Los Angt·le s Thl• sma ller fin:.tnl'lal inst1tullun:-. that make up th<· bulk 11 f tht· banking 1 n d us t r v h ..i v c• n o t f e l t a n 11nmt·d1ait· lll'nt·f1t from lower r;ilt''> lx'l.·auM-thl'v obtam most of l h l' 1 1 I l.' n d a b I ~· ! u n d s · f r o m cfrpos1lors M a n y o f those d1·1.>1i'>tlS are m thl· form CJ( high· \II ld111g S<J\'lllg., l·1·rt1f1eatb AirCal's pay cut wavering ·F light ·a tte nda nt ay ye 'I s tock <'i~rk no By FREDERICK CllOEMEHL 01 Iha Oa41y Pllol 8tatf A s m ;ii I gr 0 up (J f A I re a I t•mployl'l'S l't'Prl'"ol'IHNI by th1· Tt•amst1•rs Urnon hus n:Jl'l'tt•c.I .1 manage·ment proposal that they take' a 12 perce nt salary reduction. an a1rlrnl' :-.pokl'Sman said Fnday Ht'Jl'l·tmg tht· puy t ut propo~l Wt ·ri· :!fi sLoc:k dNk' making up th1· carrtl•r's sm:illt•:-.l u11111n rt•prPS1•n1t•d C'mployl'l' gruup • s;.i1d M.1rk Pt•ll'rson. d1 rt-'(: tor or 1·111lin1un1t·at1ons for4 thl' Nt•\\'plJrl Bl·<tl'h hasl'd l·arril'r A1rC ttl . t•mploys about :!.1100 pi·r~ns Thi· ..,t•ll·k 1 h·rk~ group 1s the· ~1·c 11nd t o rt.•J<'l't t ht· s.i la 1 \ n ·d ut tum propt>-.al Earltl•t th~· proposal wa:-. lu111td d own b' r a m p a n d m a 1 n t e n a n (' i.• personnf'l On llw olht•r hand. thl· :-.<.1brv rt'<IUl lion Wd:-0 appmV!'(I by flight a tt1•n(l.111ts and non un1on 1zc•d m.111.1gt•ml·n l pcr:-onnt•I Thi· propo)\al ha:-. yt•l t•I lw vot1•d o n by A1rCal pilots. n•pn·st·ntc'<I by tlw Atrltm· Pilots As.'lll'1,111nn A1rt'.il oft ru.ils han· 'klld thl' ~Jl.ir~· r ~·dut tton will not bt· 1111pl1·m1·11t!'d unlc•s!> 11 is 1·nd1ir:-.c·d hv .111 1•mplt>Yl'l' group:-. In ltght ut th1 two rwgall\'t· \'Ute~. P1·1t·r-.11n :-..i1cl. lh1• l'arrtl'r writ t·orh1,t1·1 :.in ··.iltl•rn.itt t•ust n ·dul"111111 progri.lm" that would 111\·olvt· lht• lavoff of about :wo t•mployt·t•s ThtlSl' layoffs would oet·u r on or a b11u·t O(·\ :i I . Pc•te™m '><:ltd L.n:olh \.\11ulJ comt· from dll ~·1:t11i·, 11f tlw 1.irnl·r·:-upc•r.H1ons. Pt ·ll'r,1 111 :-.;11d A1rCal. wh1d1 1:-. lot•kt•ri m an .igJ.:11•-.-.I\ l ' tnlt•l 't..llt• ball It~ Wllh 1-'.1lllll Suulh\\1·~t A1rl1n1•:-.. 1s ... 11 uggli11g to 11•nwin prof1tabl1· 1n I \IH:! IL sho\\ t•d "l>l'r .. tmg IO!>.<;t•s dur 1ng lht ltr-.t 'IX months of this 't ~u l\l.111.ig1·nwnt off1uals propos1'Cl th• -..;lar~ nclu1 t1on m August 11~ ,1 1111·.1ns 111 111,11ntc11n1ng 111 lll1t<1brl1t~ At that tune" ltiO 1•111pl11y1·1·' \\'l·rt· l;11d off H .i m p a n d m .1 1 n t t• n a n l. l' \\ 111 kt r!> had 1nd 1t<il t·d t h 1·v "IHJ ld ll'Ulll:-l(lt•I the· rl'.)l'l llUn .;, ~.d.1r~ rc·duc·t11111 . but n.ot until th•· 111.tlll'I' W ctS l·1111s1drrl'd bv ... 11 K k t lt•rk:-. and pilot-. · Jewish {air slated Su~day J e wi s h t-ra ft s, rood . t•ntertatnmt•nt and t•dunH1onal ex h1b1ts will be o n dis play Sunday during the• 10th annual ls ra<•i Fair at the OrangC> County Fairgrounds m Costa Mes<1 More than 1 50 b oo ths. r e pr<'sC'nllng Jewis h groups throughout Southern California. wili be included in the fair spun sorcd b y the Jewis h Fl•derauon of Orange County. Israeli smgers and dancers will enteruun during the t~lebrat1on from 10 a .m to 6 pm Jud:o11c <lrt. books and Israeli 1m portt-d crafts will be sold Adm1ss1on is $2 for adults. $1 for chlldn•n. and frc'<' admission for l'hlldrt>n under 6 ~ FEATURING: ALL THIS FOR ~ • SPEC4AL CL~SSES -UP TO 8 ~ DAILY (body sculpting, legs. et super fitness stretch) 0 • 2 WEIGHT TRAINING CENTERS a.. (Nautilus. full -line of free ~ · weights and dumbell, CAM II ~ machine. Paramount and z Universal) I • 25 METEA OLYMPIC POOL & ~ SUN DECK "°' • -'SANO VOLLEYBALL COURTS 5 . GYMNASIUM (Basketball. % Volleyball) ~ - - • Ye MILE JOGGING TRACK • 14 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUETBALL COURTS • 2 CHtl.O CARE CEMlERS • LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN ANO WOMEN • SAUNA, STE AM, JACUZZI • INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE PROGRAMS • GIANT SCREEN T.V. • PROSHOP • RESTAURANT. BAR & SOCIAL LOUNGE • MASSEUR & MASSEUSE $ ·-· FIR 1 YEAR 111#1"/M. FU ONt Y % 0 c= "' ,., I z ,., ~ 5DAYSONLY ~ TlllS CllllCTU lllLY ~ MON.-FRI. 6 a.m.-10 p.m. CD SAT. 8 a.m.-7 p.m., SUN. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ~ FOi ADDITIOIAL INFOllATION CALL: Q. 752-0565 !9 3801 JAMBOREE ROAD, NEWPORT BEACH 0 ·-~~~--.N ......... ~H-O~d~S~H~~~-3~8~i-H_O_d~M~~- j , ( J .. , U r uno Louat DAILY PILOl /Soturdoy, O<;to bor 16, t98~ t\3 NATION Old McDonald def ends his 'farm', 'Chameleon' sought in Tylenol probe t'lllC.:A(:() (Al'> l'u lll't.' l ll Vt•s ltMilllllM lh t• s 1•v1•11 T y lt·nol IHlls111l111i.: dt•u l h h Sl'arl·hc.·d n1tlt\JllW1<k 1''11duy for u furnH·r ;1n ·v un111n1 descrlbt·d 11!'1 "a drnml'll•on " who s hould In· 1·un:.1d1·11 ·d a1·nwt.J .md du11.:1•1'1>u::. Until W1·(1ft1 •1o1luy. Ht1h1•rt HK'h<1rds1111 h"Ud b1'(•11 sou~hl for ullt•gt'<.l !y trying 111 t•>.t.rn I $ 1 m 1 I I 1 o 11 I r o 1n t h t• manu fr1 1·1ur1.·~ of E x t1 .1 Strcmgth Tvl1·11ul um.h-r \111· 11111•,11 ul 1111111· 1k ,11hi. lll\.l''ll ~.11•>1 ' al 111 '1 1qt.1nkd 1t11s as .1 p11,s 1hl1• .11l1'111pl tu 1•1111>.11 ,.,,:-,., ,, 111a11 "'1111 It.id 11w111·d i i li11 11k 11 I ·, Ii ll 11 I I 11 W It I l' h I h •' ··11.lltl l lllll 11111111'\' w ,1, 111 111• dt•ll\'t•11·d l:l u t ••II W1·d1lt'~day 111gh1 11\\'l''ll~.lllll S lt•:lllll'd lh,11 ltu h.ll d~1111 1:-. r1·ully J ,11111•, W 1.,•w 1s. wlw ;r t 11111• tmw was d i.II w·d Ill •• 1!1711 K a 11$.IS <'tty llllll tlo •t Farm vote k ey in grain OK, WASlllNGTON with gr u mblin g ,1rno ng forn11.•n. JWUl 'J.rg111~ t(l 0.1111 pr11:1•s. Pr1·,1d1·nl 1-h·ag..in dt'an·d tlw WJV Fnuav for th l' Sov11·1 Unio n 10 bu> ·up tu i :J m!J1t0n'.m1.•tfil.'.tv°"' Q.f U S Wlll'al <.ind l'Orll Wllh ,1 dl'livt•r y guarantt•t• ..i s ..i Spt'l.'.ta! bonU!\. R eagan acknowll·tlgl·d . hOWl'Vl'I'. tha t thl'l'l' I!'> llll l'E'rU.11nty that Lht· Sovtl·lS wtll bu v 1h;-J1 mud1 or lhal tlwv W (! I Sn a p a t 111' II ff t • r I; I g u.11,111l l•1• dt•ltvl•r) of g1 Hi il p urd 1.1st'tl during thl· mo nth n l N11v1•111b1•1 J IH I :-.h1ppPd "11h111 186 d ay:. T hi· .i111111u1111·n11•n1 w ...... 111.id 1· 111 ..i rad111 atld11•s.'> 10 tlw F.irn1 B.·lt ··Th m g:. l\,1v1·11'1 ht•1·11 \ 1·ry gu11t.l down 1111 lh1· l.11111," H1•;1ga n told l11s JUd11•1ll'1• · · Y 11 u a r 1• 1· a r r y 1 n g l I l ' Ill l' 11 d u U !> b U I'd t' n S , '11 111 l' t I Ill 1• S I Ill f' 0 S s I b It• 1>urd1·ni." Money supply expands Wiii '!'~. !'!ANll!'i MISSILE H1\NUI<:. NM tJ\l'I Tlw ll S Ar "'' "''"' 11 '"' 1•11·p.11 l'd tu ll'l' 111 I l • , 'It o I t 11 I I ll 11 k' ,1 II d 1111.tllll \, II• 4'Vh I <I ll Il l \1•111 old 11111111,:, wh)1 h.111 h.11111'o1d1·d h1111,t•ll 11\"ltdt· 1111 o ld l1111111•,ll••11J lw s11y1> WU'> t11k1•11 f 141111 h1n1 IO Y•'ll l'I'> Ill(" Mal1l111 y hr 11i.s wa1111 •d 1>11 v1• Ml'1)011ahi 111 Sunn 1 u '!'hut aduy 111111 II h1· d111•h11 '1 "IV\' llfl ht' Vtgtl , ht• j_ullld Ill' l1•d 11 1 r Ill h.11uk11l ls Md)or\a Id. 11r11wd W I th t wu 11t lo·.., .ind <111 11ld pts lu l. l'l•lunwd 111 h1:. 11ld l).ltJ lll't 1• null'h '1t1· at I his top St'IT1•t llllh'tll· ra11g1• .it • da\.\-11 W\'tlr\l1:.dt1y lit• und h is ntt'l'•• str·ung hJrlwd w1r1• 11ro u 111I thl· drlap1dntt·d r.1111·h ho UM' und 1·n ·n1•d :.1gus '\,1y 111g . "l>•·1·d1•d I.and. N u T n ·sµ.1s:.1ng" and "HoJd dui.i·d to ll S A1111 v" Arm} ot I tl'H.11:. '>•·rv<'d papt•1 s to f\111>01\ald T hurM!ay usk1ng him 111 lt-.1Vl' Jim Ec kl1•s, a Wh1ll' S and:. ,µ.1 k 1·"nHn , h.1d :..i1u lJas t• 111 ltl'la b would l'Vtl'l MdJon<Jld, .111d ht:. ntl'l'l', Ma ry McDonald. ;~i . 11( l'arr1 zuzo. fro m lh1· h:1r n l·.iclt•d t'a111ps1 tt• Thursd ay Bu t th•· o l I 1l'1;11s dt'l'tu1·u h• ch-by an:--· ;wt11111 unltl M HJ. G1·11 N1lt·:. F u lw y l1•1 . tht• h <1s 1• 1·11111111.111d1·1". n ·iunwtl from ou~ ul town l\laJ Davi• Ol111s1t•ud . an1Jtht·r lias1• .sp11k1·sma11, s<11d hl', aclmg r.111g t· t"J mma ndt•r C o l Di![! J)ugg,111, 1h1· ••ommantl 't•rg1•ant. 1h1· 1.111M•'"• .. 1.111 Jrnlij1 udv111 ,1U· urnl 1111' 11 p1,11•M•· 1.11 1lt1v 1·11w111·• r II··" llllll lh1 ""'•' hy lll'lllHph•f 1111d 11 .1vt•h•d lu Mt I l1111l1ld',. 11ld hllllll'l>lt•,td ,,, I •II • T h1·v tolk1·d w ttlt M t 1>011.ild {111 ,1hrn1t :.! 1 , how .,, O l1111tlt•11d l\11111 "It w .1., u v1·1 y 114'••11·1111 a11u u Vl'I y 1'4'il l'ollll.illlt• 4•Xd H11lj.(I'." c >1m .. 11 .. ul :..lid "Tlw p l•rpo"· .. r lh1• Vll'>ll WH h Ill 11p1•11 11p ,J l'h Ull l14'1 11(1'11 11\llllllllt'allU ll l11·tw1•1•11 1h1• 1·1111g1· u11d Mr Md.>mwld "lit• llJd .... nw J.trt1·v11111 t•!> that had not ''' 111111 h lo d o w1lh till' 1111:..,111· rnngl', ltul h.id 111 d 11 w11h th1· u ov1•111111l•l\I 111 g1·111·1 a l, · Ulm:.tl'dU s<1tt..I Hu t Md)1111.dtl .11111 l11s 111t•1·1• ri·t u"·d 111 l1·a v1• .111d 1.1 11).(t' vffruab "wtll go Vl'll tlw111 "11111• n111 11• 1u 111 u 11 11w ,111d g 1v1· .1 pt ogn,_.,, n :pc>rt on 'it1m1• of tlw ll 1·111wt•111:.." U lm..,tt•J d s:11d "I It• w ,111b ~Jm1· o f his t·1111t'l'I th .1111·d <.II 1 lw Wo.i~h111gt1111 l•·\lt•l ... Dugg.111 at ..... Wi•!\ 1 0 111 "' '"'d ubuu t lh1· g u11:. llw Md.XmahJs hc1d "I 111u~1 ,1..,k you plt·a:.c.-. plt'd'il' do rwl usl' y11ur f1n•arm..,, · h1· s;.itd "f d1Jn'1' w.1111 you hurt, and I don't \.\:1111 any ;,, 111y pt•o pll' hur l " Md>oriald !\.itd 1h1·y w ould 1·11111ply "'.Ith th<ll n·4ut·~t "W4 • !>lll'l')V d1111't WLllll to ~t'l' .1nvc 1111· gi·I hurl lw1~ .... nuggi1n t<1l~I tlw Md >1111.ilds "l'lut I niu.">I warn y 11 u lhat 1( Y"L~ cl o 11 '1 v11lw11<11 tlv .)i•.ivl· 1111\\.', WI' will t•nnw b ul·k. p111h.1hlv 111111111 row . .111d .11 1 l''>I l(uU lt11 ll l'"I'•''-""._ "N11\.\., 1'11111111 j(Olng \11 1111111· 111 lt1·11· Wi th 1,111k1t •tllCl t11fo111t y J lltl 1111' "'111111· li1t I hat wuu ld IM· "llUp11I But I will 1•11111t· 111 111•14 · Wi th •• I 11uplt• .. r MP ... .111d W•• will h;1111l11111 yo11 ti lll't'•'"'tiry" Md)u11ul<l ts 1111gry u v ,·r u d1.,p 1t l4 • With llu• l{OVt'l 111111'111 11v.·1 111, c l.11111 111 tlw Hill 111 1•· s p1°l':1tl 111 lh1· 11111 llu·rn 1·1·m l11·s of llw v.1sl 1.111g1• 'l'h(· At 111 y t1111k llH· l1111d 111 llf.I:.! l11r :1 111:111l1111 g r;.ng1· 1111d tlw o1 1111111 1· 111J11i11 d1·v •·l11p1111·111 p I "g I ,1 Ill k 11 11 W II lJ S I h I' Ma11h ;11'11111 I'' "J•·1·1 ~·11r y<-.1ri., Ml'l)rn1ald was p;ud 1111 tlw lt ·11,..,· "" 1111 d1 •M1l.1t4' g1 assla11ds 11 u 1 1 11 I !1 11 O . 1 h l' I 1· u:. 1· 1·>..l1·11 ... 11111i. 1·i..p111·d t.l llfl lilt' us "'I" ol E 11 u111t ,., .., 111·".111 • 11111 11 111 4111111.1111 lt1·.11 111u.., 111 \'1. llH It tlw 1.111d w,,,, 11111d1•n1m•tJ .111ol M1 f )111 1,ild w,..., 111 lw · p.11111111 S1111 1 1111·11 Mo l>rn111ld Ila.., 1101 1 •·• • 1v1•ol 11•,,..,,. puy n11·111i. und t.,"11'1 w 11hd1 .1w11 ·•llY 111u 111·y 1111111 lh1· s;1:1,UIJll t •'4'lllW i,tt't~JUrtl tltt llll f>\ pl.Jll'lf With lht• (Nh•ral d 1..,t11 1 I 4 lllll I <!1 I k . ,dllt•1Ug lt ""''"" 111 "" 11•la11vt•s .1flj•l1t 1·11lly ha\'<' w1l111lr;1w11 ;1bo11t $:!:!.00(), ..,,11d 1·0 11" s pok1•sw1111111t1 K.i y l 11 ·11·1s1111 C >th(·t 11ld 111m · .11'1·<• 1 :11wlll·1s lt.1v1· 111.1114· ... 111111.11 1·w11pla1111s ;is I It 1• y It ll v t• I o ll U It I I h 1• g11v 1·1111111 ·11 t 111 1>pt•t•d Ufl th•• p.1y1111·11 h rn n ·111rn 1h1·11 land "St 1•111s ltk4' tl11•y'14• JU!.I try111g 1 ... 1g1 u ... 11u1." Md.>1111.i ld .... 11d N E W Y 0 H K T h 1· nation's bas t<.' m1•nl·y !\Up ph expandt-d lo $ti Y b t I lton II\ t ht· first \\'t'1·k o f 0l'to lwr. t h1· g ovt•rnnw nt said Fnd:.ty . but the SIZ(.' of tht.• lll(T('U!>l' w .1:. expe<.·tl'CI by Wall S trt'l'l and was S<'en as h a\'tng lttllt> immediate ('ffl.'t:t on rnlt•rt•!.t rates. .111d 1111t·n ·st n tll'S on :.hort- .. 1(·1111 g o vernmPnt s t·t'Urttll'!> ft.II Tht• ratt· on thn'<·-munth Tr 1 ·.1..,1ir~ h1lb . for t·xa mplt·. 11•11 111 7 45 p<•r<."t'IH from 7 5!-1 p1n1·111 bl'fon · 1h1· f1gun ·!\ \\ 1 n· ..innount·c·tl. Great American seeks s avings hank status I n d t• e <I , b o n d p r 1 l l' s r c• c· o v t· r l' d s o n1 c• w h .i t fo llowing n ·ll•a:.t• o f t h1· m ont·y figures lat.,• tn tht• tlay STATE "T hl'Sl' Wl'n· monl'y su pp ly 11 u m b <' r !. t h c• ( 1 n ;,i n l ' 1 a I Ill a r k l' t s w 1 l l a 1· l' ,. p t •'II t hu,wslll'J llv ... S<Jld Ma urv 11.irn!.. ~ lTt-tl11 an<ih st w1ti1 P ,11 nl'. V.'t•blll'r, J al:k::.on t".i Cu rtis Int· 'Blue' game halt sought SUNNYVALE Atari lnc., a leadtnf manuta1.·tur(•r or video C'quipmc·nt fo r lhl' h o'rne, a n nounced 1''nday 11 was taking legal ac u o n against d1str1button anp sa)(• of sex-them<· games c rC'ate d for use on Atari consoles ''Atarr. ltke the• g1.·nN<J I public. 1s o utragt'd by this conduc t and we art' taking the ini1iat1\'c by f1hng 1h1s suit." s a I ,I 1\1 I l' h a l' I M 0 0 n l' . }'rl'S tdl'nt of Atari's consumer t•lt'<.'lrontt"S d1v1s10n "/\ ftl•r furthc·r review of the s 1tua tto n , Atari ha!. tl1.'<.·1ded to seek legal acu on agam<;t the manufacturer of the o ffensive· gam e t·arlndgcs, Arnt•num l\luluple lnd ustn 1.•s. and tht• d t!>l r 1but o r l\ty ... uq u e," Moone i.ard Arson patrols eyed ' LOS ANGELE S N e ighbo r s 111 fire-ravage d areas o f Los Angl'lCS Cou nty plan to initiate a rson patrols after 1nv cs 11gat o r !> determined t h a t a singlc:- arso nist pr obably set fivC' brush fires last w eek<.•nd Los Angele~ Dc•puty Fire· Chief Don Antho ny to ld the• city Fire Commissio n on Thurs day tha t cv1d c n 1.·t• points to a single fire bug who set off five separate blazes m WORLD thl· w e!.te r11 San Fe rna ndo V all ey e arl y S at u rday m o r n 1 n g . 1 n c I u d 1 n g t h 1· dl'vastattng Dayton Canyon ft rt· Anth ll n v t o ld the> 1.·omm1ss1on that a1 least thrl'<' of the fires app<.>ared to hav1.· b1·1~start ed b v a s ingl t· <irs 1s t b eeaus1: the samC' ml't od of 1grntton was used But hl· added tha t "proba bly a ll ft'-'<' w ere''' set by om• fire bug New fighting in Salvador SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador -Leftist guerrillas a nd government troops were Jocked m ne w fighting Friday in central El Salvado r and lhl" guern !las held the1 r ground o n two n o rthern fro nts d es pit e a ma ss i v e· co unte rauat:k .Crom the air a nd ground Th i! n ew f 1g hl1ng . t·o1nc1dmg w 1th·the third a nntvc·rsary o f the m1lttar y 1uup that marks lhe s tart o r th<· c·1vtl war. brokC' out nl•a r Santa Clara . 40 m 1ks east of tht· capita l No foreign troops wanted WASHINGTON Israel wan ts to work out its own security arrangement with Lebanon and does no t want American or other fore ign troops to guard the lsraeh- Le banese border. Israel's ror l'tgn m1111 stcr, Y itzha k S hamir. sard Frrday :Sham ir so1d 1url'1gn lroops µrob ably. w ould bt• a tlal·ked by terrorrsts and "forced 10 (1~ht .. G n ·a t A mt•rrt·an Ft•dt>ra I S..iv1 nK:> and Loan A.">Mx:1au on . a s a 11 0 I l' g 0 -b <1 !>t' d f I nan l'i a I 1n st1tut1o n w ith 19 offices m Or.i ngt· C o unt y. (ti e d an applica t ion Friday with thc Federa l 1 lomt• L oan Bank Boa rd tc> t·o nvt•rt to a fc'.•dl·ral savrngs bank The <ip pl1t'a t10n w as file d 1mmc d1atc l y af\C'r Preside nt Reagan s 1g1wtl the Dcpos i to ry - lns litulions At't of 1982 into law. T he at'I alk1ws thrift instrtut10n!> grl'ater and mon· flex1bll· lending ability Jimmy C~rter Carter says U.S. weighed Iran attack NEW 'l'O HK tAP) -Fo rrm·r President Carter says the Unitto'd States was pre pared to launch a m1lttarv attack on Iran 1£ anv of the A·m e rican h ost ages ~as harmed "I w as prepa red lo make a dtrl'<'t m1lrtar v attat·k on Iran .'' C arl<'r wntC'S rn h is m1•m01 rs. "K<'t'ptng Faith " "We p o red ove•r a e rial photographs of 0tl re hncnes and many other targets of s trategic importa nce t he re. a nd planned how best to carry out our threat to tht> Ira nian leaders of quick pumtivc action," h <' said. · In an inte r v iew Thursday night un ABC's "20-20," Carter said thal hc had perso nally written A yat o llah Ruhollah Khom e ini with the threat. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot ' wnat do n't you like· Call the ·number at le ft and your message · wiU be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the a ppropriate edit.or The same 24-hour ans wenng s er vict m•y be used to record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and tele phone number for verirlcation No c1rc ulatlon calls, please 642·6086 Tell us what's on your mind ORANGE COAST Daily.,ilat \ Thomo1 r. Hol.y . l'\ibl""4!• n...; ('h1et hecvt••• Oltice< Jone Am•I t.ec111i..e td"OI L. Kay Schvha l/i<e '""tde<lt llM Ottecior ol M-1t1.no loymond Moct..on Com role< MkhcMt r. Hervey 0..e<IOt ~ Mafl .. lng 1C11clliol.onl "Kenneth N. 0..W-4 Jr. °" 9'10< ol \Oi>etOllOM Cla11lfled 1d'ffrtl1lng 7141142·5171 All ottt.f ~rtment1 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE Uf Wtlt ... $1, COiia Moe, CA. Mell~ ... '.*•Cott•-· CA .,.,. . c.,., ..... ·-°' ..... , .... "'*'"'4"9 ,.....,.,,, N•-• tWIH, ll•11'4•ellOl't, Mft.,lal m_., _. ... ,,, .. ,,,...." ,., ........ , .. •tfl'td41Ctd ., ....... -let _.,,..,.,~OfUlltYf~( OO.•r. ----,..-------~,----------------------------~,----------.,~)-------- Great Aml'rtt·a n . tht• l;iq (t•st branc h network o r ;my ~vtngs association rn Orangl· Coun ty. w ill bt• eallf'd G n •<i t Anwnt·an Fcckra l Savings &nk a ftt·1 the· apphcallon t!'I appmvt·d l n O range C o u n t y. th t• rns utu twn o pl'ra tt•:. u ndt•r tht• names Grt•nto AmN1t·a n F'l•dl'ral. Lagunu F'c dt•r a l a nd P N>pl1·s Fed1·ral Savmgs L o rna Mills. prC's 1dent o l Laguna F e d e rcd. said G rc•u t Amc·rica n will co1111nu t• It.., 1.•m phas1s on ho using f111am·<.· Dave Mc Donald and niece Ml;lry de f y Army orders to evacuate the '64-0 -acre runch a t ~'hite Sands Missile Ra nge, N .M. AP Wlr91)hoto .Airlines still wrangling Atto r'neys (o r two a 1rl1nes this w eek con tmul'<.I th1·1r a:.!.ault on the· (oun1v's accl'ss plan at J o hn Wayne Airport. but a fl>d~ral judgi- sa1d both s ides mus t n •turn with nion· arg u mt•nts before hC' rendc•rs a dN.·1s1o n Conttn<'ntal and Ame n n 1 Y\'c·'il a1rl1m·'>. both seeking to serve Jo hn Way ne• J>a'"-'ngcrs. argued Thursday rn Los Ange les th<Jt the al'ccss pla n discnminatC'S against them by a llowmg a1rhnl•s alrea dy ser v ing the ;urport to us<.> n oisie r JClS than thev w ould be a llo w <.'CI Lawyers for the <.:ounty de!C'nded the pta n as one 1hat protl'C'L'i a1rport-~trN1 rcs1df'nts from no1S(> U.S Dis tric t Court Judge Terry Halll'r Jr. to ld ahorneys for both s ides 10 com e b a<•k Oct. :!8 with proposed f indings in tht• t.·ast>. He· probably will rule on the al'ct•ss plan's lt>g ahty aftl•r that da tt' · *** FOUNTAIN VALLEY (Jnd Hunungton Beach reside nts can VIC'W a progra m foc..-usmg on the county's sem or c111ze n s and tht• ser vices availa ble to thl•m Mo nday at 7 30 p m Tht-.. Ins ide Orangt• County" show. nn cable C hanne l JO. will fcaturl· .i num lx•r of off1uah. acu ve 111 senior c·111u•ns' affau-:. I t ts the· St'('Olld rn a scr1<'S hostl'Cl by Orangt• County ~upt>rv1sor Roger S tanto n Thl' ttllt'!> of COUNTY DIGIST W estmmsll'r and S tanton J i!>O w ill bE' able· to tune• m *** THE COU1'TY'S CONSUME R Affairs office 1s getting the Jump on Hallow e<!n by publis hing a hs t o r Hallowet•n pr<"l·a utton s and safe ty tips aiml'd at paren ts. Soml' or the tips . -Ma ke surc> costumt>s arC' m ade o f fire - res1st.1nt m a tt'nab l:x>fon· b uying the m &> surt• eostumt•s are shorl en ough so that ehtldrc•n w on 't trrp 011 thPm Use• makc•up m stNHJ of masks a nd he ad gear tha t t'an obstru1.·t a l'htld's v1swn Altat·h flu o rc•set>nt ta p e or o the r n •rl!'l't1v1.· m;:i knal to <:ustumc.•.s lo m s ure v1s1b1lity to mo torists Nc•vt•r allo w <.·h1ldre n to tm:k -or ·treat alone• Ek w ar v of <:an dv that 1s not fat·tor v- w ra ppcod a nd 1nspc't'l .ill in'ats lx•fore a llowing thC'm to bt• catl'n Urgl' ch ildrt•n to ob .... t•n 'l' tra ff1t· safc tv ---rult·s Drt\'l' 1·ars \\'II h l'l..t r!'m<• 1.·aut1 o n o n Hallowl'<•n more than you expect in a hardware store TRASHCANS Multiple Outlet Center ,~~~ ~~ . . ;(' ...... ,. SALE PRICED •a•• Reg. Price '10.99 Offer• Good Thru 101 Hl/82 Limited To Supply On Hand • -• On/Off Switch • Pilot Light • Push to reset Circuit Breaker • Heavy Duty 6 foot 14 /3 Cord • 6 rounded 15 Amp Receptacles SALE PRICED •12··· FLUORESCENT SHOP LIGHT Including Bulbs SALE PRICED •12•• Reg. 119.99 ~······· HARDWARE. EJ VIS4" w .. eellft 1711\ St. et lrvlne, Newport hectt. 142·11'3 tWMf View 89" MIQU9! Dt. at ten • JIOQuln, ~t BMctl, 944·8570 CCWOM det Mir 3107 I. Coe9t Hwy .. 17$•2800 AneMtm Heh S1n1a ~na Cenyon Rd., at lmS*lel Hwy . 998·15212 I ' . j ·. .. .... -~. I ~.~ • • t . f ~ ; j I • ' 1 . -~. .. .. I # . . . .. ' Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Saturday. October 18, 1982 Stolen chimp found CHICAGO (AP) Eve the chimp, darling of the Lincoln Park Zoo, has been rescut.>d from two abduetors who police say may have planned to lead h<>r Into a criminal h£l' in, the drug trade. The 3-year-old primate, who was trained to eat with a spoon and drink lrom a c up in the "Great A pe Tea Party" at the chil8 ren's zoo, was rescued Thursday by narcotics agents working on a tip. ... • --------- Ed Asn e r honored b y actors' union N~W YOHK (AP) Al'tt11 Ed A1ml•r l't'<.'l•lvtod till' J>uul Hol.11•su11 AwHrd Fmfoy l rnn1 cht· At·tws' F.qu11y As.-.odatrnn, lht· ht'lors' Urilcm A~rwr·~ l1n-nll'r lt'lt•v1ic11m bo:u, "Mr ~· Py11d11111," 11111tl1• th1· prl•1>t•ntat11m "I W()n't try to dt•ny I dt·M·rve l h I !> ti w ll r d . . . l h l' iJ l' I II r d1·udpunn1·d T he· award, rrn11wJ for tlw at·t1vl s t a1.·tur and ~1ngt·r who sacnf1n!d his 1.·1:1n·~ tu i.upp()rt unpopular cause~. 11. pn·St•ntl'd uy the actors' uniun at 1t:. annual mt:C't1ng "t o rt•cugn1ze the 1nd1v1dual or organization who has bc:st t·xt•mpl1f1l'd <snd p racticed the principles and idl•a ls to which Mr Robt•son devoted his lift!." Those ideals, thl' union said, includt>d "concern for und ~rv1ct· Ed A!'l1Wr to fellow humans. reSJ>l'<.'l (or the Asner. prt.""S1dent of the Screen dignttY of individuals, freedom of A1.·tt>r s' Guild. c:ame under c x press 1 on.-u n 1 v l' rs a I pohllcal attack from c:on~rvative brotherhood and the artists' . groups ear lier this year for rcsponsibili\y to the profossiun starting a fund d rive for medical and greater soC'iC'ly" sup plu.·s to be distributed by When they moved in. she was being tra n sferr ed from a· 89uthwest _Side'\.apartment in a footlocker by two men. They are accused of breaking a lock and spiriting her from her glass aage in a suitcase on Monday. Eve the c himp hugs zookeepe r P a t Sa s after the a pe wu~ recovered fro m a Chicago a partme rh . Two me n were a r re ted a suspects in the kidnapping. Ar> Wlre9holO Asner rl'.'<.:eived thl' award frorp l<.•ft1st n•bels in El Salvador Nam:y Marchand, who played Thl· tal'lor praised Robeson on "Mrs Pynchon," Asm•r's boss in . Friday. thanking the union "for the television sc•r1t·1. "Lou lt!lllng me get under the shade of Grant " , ·· the• Paul Robeson trE.-e" F.c:lward Glick, 37, was charged with burglary. AHred LaDoux, 45, was ch arged wuh fe lony theft. Both m en also were c harged with possession of controlled substances. Cmdr. Lawrence Forberg of t h e narcotics organized crime division said the men were "drug dealers" who may have plotted to steal Eve and sell her "to buy cocaine." The zoo. placed her value at $4,000. "It's feasible that they a lso may have thought they could train the chimp to be a courier in drug trafficking," said Forberg. When they were caught, the men told police they w e r e planning to try to sneak the ape back into the zoo. The room where s he •vas kept "was a mess from floor to ceiling," police said. Zookeeper Pat Sass said Eve. who weighs 35 pounds and stands 2 1/2 feet tall. was slightly dehydrated, had diarrhea and was hoarse from sucammg. "For four days she was on a diet of bananas, grapes, water and whole milk. The milk did it," she said. Asked whether Eve was 91nart el)ough to be trainl'd to carry things an.d climb into rooms. Sass said, "It would be possible. but you have to know what you are doing 4\~ '(\•~Stf16?-$ EXTENDS PICK:up & DELIVERY SERVICE Harbor Ridge Spyglass Hill Sea View Westcliff Eastside Newport Heights Harbor View Hills Big Canyon East Bluff West Newport Lido Isle lrvi.ne Terrace Ba ye rest Dover Shores Bayshores Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Point "411 All ol l1rm1nl Cari l494-404jj • DRY CLEANING • HAND FINISH • FINE LAUNDRY ' • • popp~s --~ .... Finland 's most popular desk White lacquer with birch top reg. $169 SALE s139 All birch desk with locklng drawer ...... odd$30 .00 / FINLANDl1\ FURNITURE, INC. FAMOUS FINNISH DESIGNER FURNITURE sANr A MONICA 2903 Santa Monica Blvd. (213) 453-3331 aWb «11 N. Anih8n Blvd. (714) 634-3646 COSTA MESA 1827 Newport Blvd. (714) 642-3967 •·£vC' has th<.' mentality of « child 4 to 6 years old now." sh<.· said. "She was trained for the tea party routine with hl'r 1.·agt:mat1." Sibu She is a litlll' spoill'd and hkes to do things her own way." S1bu was glad Eve had n •turned. They t oastl'd t•ach other V:ith apple juit'l'. Oops; rnOos·e nixed LAKE BUENA VISTA. Fla (AP) -"Moosf'h(•ad M 1ne" Sl'l'mt•d like a catchy name for a . makt•-btolieve mine shaft in the Canadian pavilion at Dis ney Wurld"s nl'w Ep<.:ot Center .. LaBatt Brewing Co. LaBatt exe<·utives pointed o.ut the m1:.take to the Disney brass a t W t· d n es d a v · s o f f i c i a I dedication of t ht· pavilion 1n W or ld Showcase. a n 1ntt•rna11onal ex pos1t1on fl•atunng nine countpes at the S800 million tourist attraction which opened Oct I And when Sass walked into thtir cage. Sibu and Evt• were so happy they playfully tore off her shoes _ But Disney off1c1als learned this wt•ek that Mooschead is the name of the chief compc11tor of onl.' or the pavilion ~ponsors. .. . Nothing's easier than savinP. . at Plummer s ! You can 't help but save big when you buy fine contemporary-desigA furniture thro_ugh Plummer's warehouse program! Shop and compare! ~Teal!Dellc:Mlr w oOd back upnolstered seat vanous colors ssg & back. various s79 $79 val . colors S9S val Basic concept Lamp collectlon Sollc:1 Teak Lamo'----..--- S114 val 579 Panter Leather Chair oeslgnec:1 by Amt Lande It t1t~ into a number of comfOrtable angles Wltn ottoman cno1ce of 1eatt1er cotors S1095valu_e $795 Director's Chair Directors cnairs are perfect fOr entemtntno. Indoors and out Narura1 woad frames. wlttl a variety of br19ht canvas colors $39 value. •••••COUPON SSS vat s3 Plummer·s basic concept Is to save vou monev on our spectacular llne Of Basic concept floor and desk tamps at warehouse-low prtcesl Avallabte tn a variety Of styles, ttiev ttirow a lot of Ught on Plummer·s vatue• PLO INT•llNATIONAL CONT•llPORAMY FURNITURE ..., LOI ANGm.B • •76 ventce aiw. • c21S1 857·0138 12bl0dllwtot~1 UllTAW• 1St01. Wimer• 1714) 557·0611 lletWMr!Cl'lnCl &NtwoortllWV.llltton~ltd.I IP VALLIY • 1DIO SMrm1n '#rt, No. HOtlYWOOd • C21SI 7S5·0401 llltWttft ~'WV a ~ ClnVOOI ..... 1809. ~ke Avenu9 •(21Sl ... ·1741 CT'WOblOCtll~otCOIOr'IOol IOUTM IAJ. • HIWtnOmt llYd., Torrance• 121s1 S71·147S '°"' OtOC:11 nonn of coast HWYi ···--. MlrgUer1te .... u • (714) •·5252 ''"""""crown VIMYI a A*V PICWVI •YAU.ft• 15111 E. VIMf!V llYd., Cttv of lnduttrv • 1215196.1 ·980912 btoCtc1 tMtof HlettnOl IMU ONN 10 to I -tSUNDAY NOON to I llJ All tumlture crtf'ttO ot the ftnnt wneen· menv l1*m.,. UNStemblt<l In artont t0r tasv DIC'IC uo. . ' fnets Ind rnercn.notM IUt>ltCt to stoctc on NnO. w > • ' --f ' Orungo Cooat DAI L V PILOT /Saturdov. Octob r 161 1982 ~3 India trying to save wildlife Hy JAMES W. HATTON A-lelM ,, ... Wfil .. N l-~W 1>1-:1 .. 111. 111111.J 111 ... 4and w twl"t' ~uul 1uuhu1 uJUhi; und fotr-s krnnl•d fort•1g1wn; onn· venturc-d forth atop t'lt•phunb 011 highly orgun1ia•J t.'X µ1.•J1t1u11i. k nown as "hu11L'I," t ht•n• M'\'nwd no t>nd to th1• lxmnly«>C rwturt• India was as rll'h 111 wildhft• as Its people Wt'rt• poor. 1',. good h unl wuulJ prlKIUl't.:_ u h undred or mun· J eud bards ur tu1 •i>rn t Tiil' hu11li. w1•111 tlw wuy 11f tlll' Bnuioh HoJ But mu1 h hurm to tlw w1ldltlt• pop11l11111111 hud ht'l'll dnnt'. Jiili 1•111·1out'l1111~ nv1l11.alio11 Willi tu du n1urt· Tl1t• iu t u.1111111 "1s :-.c1 :-.o·rioui. t n d II y t h l1 I • W e• Ill U '\ I 11 e· I 11unwdiate•ly ti Wt• .~t t• twt ll• l' u Ol l' t ll 1-( I I l' f , S h y:. II guvt>rnnwnl pubhnlltun 1ss ut'Cl 111 mnnt'l'tion with Wlldh(t• w,.._.k "It Wll'\ only 111w.11 di. lite· I.eh· I \lhO-. th11l tlit; :.t•1111ui.11t''-" ul lilt• .1d v1·1 '1 l v ,·111111• l\1 Ill' 1 t•al11t•d " N I> 1\111 hkhl'l1 , the· tuu11 (1 y's 111s pe·1·1111 M1•1w1al ol ft ll l'lllll, WI Uh • ll'l t•11tly A111I i.t•r111u1t l'ffo1 lb ul w1ldllh· 1'111\lil'I VllllUll d11l11't hq(lll lllllli tht• t•Url y llJ7011. 0 1w l'Xplu11ut111n lur tlh• lut·k uf nint•t•111 ubout um mub was "Lv1·11 . . v a rio u s spt•dcs, sum1· d1•1•r , perhaps a rhinuc.~'ros, and, If 1lw hunters wen' lul'k y, a µ11wd Bengal tiger or two The situation "i so c raou that we must act inune Jiatcly. ' T imt.>s have c:hangt'<l Earlie r th is mon t h , 111 a message marking the t·uu11try s Nation al W1ldhf!' Wt>ek. Priml' Minister Ind ira Gandh i plcadt'li with the c:Quntry's 700 million Inhabit.an ts to <.'OOpl'ratt' an Sdvmg India's dwindling wildlife Wild life: <.'O nservat1on "has acqu ir ed urgl'n <.·y. for al is relevan t fur human s urvival," G and hi said "Such are the link$ges ~tw~n various spe<.'ll'S in nature that thl' l'hminauon of any one specl('S c·reatt'S problems in-others sooner or latQr "H uma n kind ha~J alre<1dy d estroyed ma ny spel'il's," s ht· said. "Let us not do mprl' ham1." '· G o n e are the d ays of t hs.• e laborate hunts when wildlife was sklugh ten•d systc•mati<.·ally "f1Cty YN\rs ago 11 was nut :.<.> urgent, but w11h lht• advc•nt of motor vch1des -t'Spec1ally lht' Jeep elet·t n c torl'h lights (flashlights). 1mprovL'<.1 f1rl'arms and the. hkl'. wildlifl' has very alarmingly dec:reasec.J 111 numbt·r.; during the• last five dl'<.'adcs," It says "At the present ralt' uf d t•:.truct1on, therl' will bl> Vl'ry little left m another 50 years unless we take the necessary sll'ps now." During the last h.•w yc·ars, the two-h o rned rh1no<:e r os. the ('heetah and the pink-hl'aded duck have disappeared from India. . T h e idea of w1ldlifl' t·onservallon arrived her<.' fairly late. by Jawahal'lul Nl•hru, India's f I I'S l JJ r1 nll' m I ll I S l (' r , lO h IS autub1ography ''Indians do not, a~ a rult•, approve c>f anamub as household pt·~ It 1!> remarkable that in spite of lhl'lr general philu:.ophy of non-vwlenl'l' tu animals, thl'Y an.• ofll•n singularly cart'lciis and unkind to them," Nehru w rote. "Evl•n the cow, that favored animal, though lookt>d up to and a l.mos t w o rs h i ped by many Hindus 1s not treatt'<i kindly Worship and kindhnl'ss do not a l ways go togl'ther," Nehru wrote Bu I somt• progrl'sS is bc>m g madl•. Lows have been passed-to prott'<.'t l·ndangNed spec·ies, and game parks have been built• to ·Scorpio: Be confident >- Sunday, October 17th ARIES (Mart:h 2 1-April l!:J). Inflationary spiral rt'C}UtrC's l'hC'<'ktng -have serious talk <:on<.'C'rn1ng budget, expend1turl'S and "unusual" purchases. • . TA UR US (April 20-May 20) Maintain low profilt.•. d o plen ty of listening and obsc>rvmg somcont• wi l l provide you with k ey information G E M I N I (JM a y 2 I -J u n e 2 0 l Innovative method h elps get JOb dune in remarkably short lint\:!. Emphasis al.so on change. written material and search for lost object CANCER (J une 21 -July 22). What beg ins as a routine task l'ould be trans fo r med into an exdting assignmen,t. Focus on personalit y. special appearann•s :.tnd "winning ways" with members or opposite sex. HDRDSCDPI LIBRA (Sept 23-0<:t 22). You locate material that had bt.•en lost, missing or stolen -roadblock to progress 1s removed, more pt'Ople are inte rested m your ideas and ofCt•r to <.'<>operate. SCO RPIO (On 23 -Nov 21). Highlight independence. l'onf1dcm't,, willingness to make new start and to be nd of superfluous matc·nal. SAGITTARIUS CNov 22 -Dt'<.· 21)· Follow through on h unl'h, family member seeks your counsel and 1s <;incere . Vis it individual who 1s confined to home or hospital CAPRICOR N (Dec. 22-Jan n.1): suf1·gut1nl 1l11JM• thul rt·111111n Tht• llt(t'I , whUM· populu1 11km put 11 w1 ltw c•11du11gl•1 t'l.l lhn. 1a lllJ k llll( II C'llllll'lll:H'k OCf t('IU lt! rt'('4.'ntly t'l1Un~od ~6 ltl(l'111 ut thu &mJlµul' Nut1onu.l Wild hft• Park 1n wuthl·rn Klirnuu.ku sww. ln 1973. w h1•11 thl' proj('l'l to 1mvt" th e 1m lmuls wu11 launL·hcd, the park hud only 11 C>f th(• big c:a&.8. T he Bandlpur purk W tVl one of 11 p n•scrvcs 1wt u p b y t he govemnwnt in its mult1mlll10n- dollar ''Save tlw T iger" Project. It h ad ofCic:ially bunm•d tiger hunting in 1970 A census two yeun; lall'r found onJy 1,827 11gt•r"'l! m India, duwn from an t•sumawd 40,000 at the turn of tht· ('t-ntury T h l• last census, done 1n 1 !:17». rnuntl•d nearly 2.500 t1gl'r1t I ndia al so ha s mudt' tnternat1onal hC'adllnl':. for l'Onst·rvauun moVl'S 1n l wu other areas. In I !:17H, ll hulled tht• export of rhesus monkl'ys af t er ronscrvallon groups <:omplamc'CI that some of tht• 20,000 monkeys sold abrood eac:h year for ml'Clical research were being subjec~>d to t-ruelty in t•xpt•nmel1'\S Some 01 the monkeys had gonl• to the Unitud States. whl're a number rcportc.>dly were used m • Dcfcnst• Department radiation expc-riments. s40 , CASH REBATE LEO (J~ly 2S-Aug 22). Emphasis on lon g-range transal·tions. s teps taken to protect property rights. Get promises in writing. define terms and avoid self-deception Diversify. make inquiries. give full play to mteUec·tuaJ l'Urios1ty Surpris(· invitation to so<:ial func:lton bnghlNlS S<:enano NEW POTSCRUBBER • DISHWASHER WITH TEMPERATURE SENSOR SYSTEM VIRGO lAug 23-Scpt 22). You'll make numerous contacts; some will be frivolous -others c:ould lead to im portant pro.iects Lunar emphasis on re latives. v1s1ts. short trips and a (amily reunion. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): 1W spc>c1fl<:. <:heck source material. outline goals You'll locate "missing link " P ISCES (Feb 19-March 20) Long- d1sta nce call aids in dar1fy1 ng ob1ec11ves. Emphas1z.e t'dU('at1on. communication and plans for JOUmey .. Community Bazaar ''T his Fri .· Sot ·Sun o t Huntington Center 50 Community orgon1zotions sell unique hondmode items for fund ro1sing. SPflCl•I Special Oct. 13, • Oct. 19, 1982 labeo bic~ar: 3.69 Thtre 1s 1 m1ct1thcent hsh lrom Tl\llbnd wilh I 1et blac~ body lnO b11lh1nt rtd 1111 An ebulltent soecuntn lh1t wttt add 1 hlllt 1ett0n and 1 lot of elecanct lo rovr aqua11um Su him al Aqu1l1c l rop1tals whtrt ht is on sale under tile namt "Red Tailed Shar~" tor only J 69 ~· .. mow.a. •• ~. 54'·ll9l•c.m. ..... '.,.., FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER sa.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. -. Call For Reservations ~b -. 673-7726 ~f(fr.1 ~~~!,~) I 801 • ~ UAL BOA E. 11tt01 11 ••• LOW COST CAT Ii DOG VACCINATION CLINIC IJ h t "••111H-C11t• Rabies .................................. $3.95 .... Dht~ (0.H.l.) .............. $4.25 .... Pano .................................... $5.00 uc1 Dor "5-il-l" ........................ $1.00 .... Cat "3-ln-l " ....................... ~.00 ''°' DOGS llllST ON LUHS: cm 11 eons. mASl SAN CLEKNT£ Sunday. Ocl 17. 1982 R1lpn's Par~inc lot 93 Calle De lnduslr1u HOURS 90012 00 MISSIOft VIEJO Sunday, Oct 11. 1982 HOURS 3 00 6 00 M1n10n Vtt,o Mall Pk& lot 2700 Cro .. n VaHe1 P~wy SAVE THIS NE~T BEACH Sundar. Ott I 7, 1982 HOURS 2 JO ~ 00 Wnlchtt Plaza Pk& lot l llh ind 11v1nt Bird Pre Christmas Sale • Temperature Sensor Sy~tem provides add1t1onal waler heat -when you need 11 • PermaTul • tub and door liner backed by a no-charge full parts and tabor warranty lor 10 years \Ask for details) • Potscrubber cycle removes even baked-on soils • 140 GE Re bate • 139 " Free Normal Installation • ,'40 Davis-Brown Discovnt 19 I Diagonal COLOR TV • Color Monitor • Programmable Scan Remote • Cable Ready • 100 % Solid State :::E $119 95 PROGRAMMABLE SCAN REMOTE CONTROL CASH REBATE Model 19PC3742W Cnb1ne1 conslfvclod or h!Qh 1mpacl Dla&llC NEW JB600GD SELF- CLEANING RANGEWITH 1 ELECTRONIC TOUCH CONTROLS • Temperature con- irollcd roas11n9 01 oro1lmg w1lh lhe ~~emperature probe • Cook Code .. control • Aolarv anl1na1e control dials select PIOCISl' heat AP Wlrephoto An Indian woman lead~ a hc~rd of underfed cows thro ugh u New De lhi s'reet. Even these sa cred a nimals a re not treated kindly. s20 CASH DUAL MODE REMOTE CONTROL 1400 IJAI# REBATE 40" DIASO#AL COMPACT WIDESCREEN COLOR TV • VIR II Broadcast Con trolled Color •Oval Mode Remote Control •Channel Bloclcout • 112 Channel Cable Ready • 4 Speaker Sound System 5-CYCLE AUTOMATIC DAYER! REBATE ·---~ \j ----~· •Five cycles 1nclud1ng automatic 109ular oermanen1 press collons oolyesrer knits dewnnkle damp dry ~3206 LARGE CAP/CITY WASHER • 3 Wash/Spin Speed Selection• • 4 Wash/Rinse Temperature• • 6 Cycles Including Perma Preu • Four drying selections-nigh co11ons medium perm press tow l<nits no heat llulf -I• --~ 1· ·11 . ----_..__,,, . -- 1 :~J!;~r-• . 2s • Diagonal I COLOR CONSOLE • VIR II • Channel Bloclcovt • Oval Moqe Remote • Caht. ttody • 4 Speahr Sound '"-! 175 DAS# REIATE Model 2SEM3875K Conlf'fnl>O'I"' slVh"U c11b1ne1consirvctod01 n1tur.al·hf11Sh4'<l oo.k wlld•1 11nd m111chNI vcnl'C•t '1mula100 wood 11cccnts Substa ntial Savings on aJJ nautical antiques plus a fine selection of unusual antiques, clock s, furnit ure, etc. GE. We bring good things to life. ANTIQUES & NJ\UTICA.L 1610 W. Coa t Hwy., Newport Beach 642-7945 .. 8 01 u11ot1 l mal t OAIL V Pll 0 t 1Sult.J1 dtty, OctDlJu1 !ti, llf82 SATl !RUA Y MO A NINO &•OO $ JAMBOREf IN THE HILLSll °'uP<" Bowl Or t.oollfly Mu~'" I hi• uniqu• <.oun l 11y music IMflv111 ho .. 1u111• Ju••y l..., l"'"" llo11nMt M1l.ap Cull p.,,~"" Tn• ti\urltJi•O~ cmcJ t1ol•ttt Co1 t\.tftut 11 t&fitMOVIE • • Como M11v" ( CJll"" Will\ Us )tU7Jl Ugo ,...., t1fltlt Votont1n" A nutlOlu fiQ<•d ••~ con&ultanl 101 llMt lltilhAn QOYt'tnnumt tetO c •. uos h.l a $1TUtW c:our\hy town -....nore ht' has bttowt1 1nadu nouo ut the dopurt m•Hll 6300 ISPY (D SPEAKOUT Z MOVIE • • 'Solo t'9781 V•nt.,nl Gil Pmry A110lllOllll ,A tterntly 10dt4pOnOt•n1 Aul· trnhan woman wt\O wOl"S us a to1est 1t111ge1 bdcOfntn fn\l~Ve<J 'Wtth " l11e p1101 5 40 H SUMME~ SOLSTICE Hurn1t Fonela ona Mvr,,a Loy slur as a murrieel cou pl<! who rellttet 011 lnflu !>O y'.la•s to0ethe1 8·00 0 CAPTAIN KANGAROO 0 SERENDIPITY 0 TEEH TALK (D GOOO OAYL A (I) SATURDAY ~OANING GRAPEVINE 18 PUBLIC AFFAIRS 10 NEW SMAKERS C MOVIE * • Aoaa Games I 1981) SltlC) Keach. Jamie Lee Cu11&s An eccen1<1c Huck e• a bea-ut1lul nncnn1i..er ~nd a psy<.l>Opatll•• h1lle• 11ave1ong lhll 5'Bmt\, '°"1e play games ol 111e "nd dedlh PG 0 ENGELBERT HUMPEADINCK 8::xl 39 NEWS 8·25 S MARK TWAIN THEATRE Tl1e B1.1ried T!ea~u1 e lom Sa.")e• and H1x:i..1e l>e•ry Finn 90 in !W!arch ol bu,.ed 1reasu•f'· alo"g tnt> M1ss1ss1pp1 8 30 Q THAT'S CAT 0 PACESETTERS 0 GROWING YEARS 0 VOYAGE (D ELEMENTARY NEWS 8 VOICEOF AGAICUL TURE 10 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS l9 NEWS H VIDEO JUKEBOX 7.00 0 DUSTY'S TAEEHOUSE 0 lll THE FU NT STONE FUNNIES 0 BIO BLUE MARBLE 0 10 SUPERFAIENOS 0 DAVEYANDGOLIATH (D LATIN TEMPO (I) FIRST PERSON trl V#)GA FOR HEAL TH 8 ll'tTERNATIONAL HOUR H MOVIE • • , Bear tslona f 19801 DonalO Su1,,.,r1ann Vartes- sa Aedg1ave An A•CllC wea1her-resea1ch 1e11m s memoe<-; a'e forced rlo a hg"1 10<' lhe" very survival PG 0 MOVIE • • , 'Clouo Dancer I t980\ Oav•d Carrachne Jenn1ler O Nt>•ll A top slunl flier negl6Cts tne people wno carA at>Oul n1m 1n the selhsn pursuit ol his da'1gerous SPO<I PG @ THEUTTLE DETECTIVE W1>en the pohce retu11e 10 believe his s101v abO<JI it band ol thieves a \ ounp bOy ptayb detoct1ve 10 5top I hem Z MOVIE •" , Sirange Benav·Or 11981) MIChHI Mu1pny Louise Fte1the• A POiice olhc.er invesugates e series ol brutal murd~ 1n e small M1dwes1ern college 1own ·R 7i300 SYLVESTER& TWEETY I DAFFY & SPEEOY 0 39 THE SHIRT TALES 0 OR. SNUOOLES 0 10 P~AN / LITTLE RASCALS I RICHIE Alai 0 DAVEY "'40 GOLIATH (D TWICE A WOMAN trl CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES 8:00 0 J'>' SMURFS 0 MOVIE • '• C11101tna Moon ( 1940) Ge,,. AVlly MullC and mayh'lm rasull in Wastern-sty!e ac:llOI\ 0 HOTFVOGE (D I DREAM OF JEANNIE (I) SATURDAY MOf!NING GRAPEVINE a;) AMERICAN 8TOAY SP£E08UOOY C MOVIE "' e * • La St••d• .. ( 195•) Anthony Quinn QiUltetr• Mu""' A wand- "' 1"9 s1rongman ac:comoo "led 1>y the simpla-wntld girl h• bOUQhl 10 M h&e clown Is go•ded 1n10 k1H1no nn •c1ob11t wno IH!Hlt lllm $MOVIE • • 'Loo~"' < 19811 Albft•I Finney J•mH Jimn\y Sh•wurt ~tars in ••Mugi<· Town" tonight nt H on ( :hurinel I J . the story of a sm ull. pcat·t'f ul town thut \lll;it•rgoes u ch•ua gt' for the· wors e . ... Coburn lho mysl11<1ous <11101115 ol a senes 01 beau 1111,1 n1odo1~ involved 1n 11 11uw "dver11s1ng pro1ec1 111e 01am6d on the plast&c Su1gtWll WnO Operated 01\ lheni PG @MOVIE • • • Throe Wo.mors I 1977) Randy Quaid Ch8rltls White Eagle A 13 yoar Old Indian boy eshnmfld ol 001no reco0 nizitd as a worr1ot tear na to apprec111e his he111ago afttu v1s111no his sick g111ndl11the• G 8:30 0 8 BUOS BUNNY I ROADRUNNER 0 10 PAC-MAN 0 WILD, WILD WORLD Of'At>llMAL8 (D THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 8·45 Z M OVIE • • The Educat•on 0 1 Sonny Canon I t9741 Rony Clanton Don G0t- don The ma1ura.uon ol a 1et>el1&ous 1>1ac1< youth ""· 1ng 1n BrOOllltn dunl\Q lho sos Mnd 60 s. IS traded R 11:00 0 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 0 1Ql MORK & MINDY I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY 0 TEEN TALK (D MISSION· IMPOSSIBLE (I) ERNEST ANGLEY W FOCUS ON SOCIETY H THE COP "'40 THE ANTHEM 0 HO'TWHEELS Poor pressuie 1s ll'le c•u• ol tn1s s1ory abOul a teen a11e1 s p1oblems ..,1th 01ow1ng up too soon 0 ·30 0 8 GILLIGAN'S PLANET 0 'l•THEGAAY COLEMAN SHOW 0 OZZIE ANO HARRIET 0 WILD. WILD WEST £E) HIOH FEATHER Sw•fty Tom 1eluc1an11y 101n• In !hit c .. mp race and learns about sell·lmage 0111 111111c1tM1 ond leam WO<k W FOCUS ~ SOCIETY H MOVIE t • , Tne P11vate Eyes 1 1980) Don Knolls Tim Conway Two bumbling Ame11can dalecttves a1e called "' to 1nvet11ga1e a series ol murde•s m an Englllh castle PG 0 MOVIE • • • Tlt•o Weetcs In Ano1he• Town · ( 1962) Ktrk Douglas Edwe•d G Ao1>- 1nson A misguided aclor 11no1 nappineu 1n an asS<Slant procltJCet"s job 10.00 f) JJ PANDAMONIUM 0 0'11 WORLD SERIES Game • St LOUIS Cardinals al Milwaukee Brow.is 0 SHANA NA O 10 SC008Y& SCRAPPY 000 I PUPPY ~ Sl)C MILLION DOLL.AA MAN (I) 808JONES trl THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila takei VW)wers on ._, a tour ot a tlltn-century G•eelo. Re¥0•81 l&1mhouse Wh&Ch will 04' lr.tnslO<me<: 1n10 an •Oea nouse t0t the 80s a!) ELECTION '82 C MOVIE • • * Tl>f' G•ell,1 Bank Mo•• I 1979) Ned BP.ally Fochatd 8uehart Tn1ee <1119runtlf'd l>ank e•ecu- ttves dec1ae 10 gel lhe llChf'S llley fffl they ra e<>1111ed 10 by 11•o•ng • rol>b8"~ ol thf!!r own bank PG S MOVIE * • * TM Club' I 1980) Jock Thompson Gral>am Kennedy Tl>e coach ot a hU·bMn Aullrallan 1001 bait 1eam 111\da the go.ng r<>vgh bOth on lhe playing l1el;J and 1n ll>e bOard room where he laces an anta- oonllllC club p1eslden1 @MOVIE "'• '• The Wlldarnou FAmlly Part 2" ( t978) Robefl Logen. Susan Oamanle Shaw A modern l)IOnee• tam11y laces a bit· ttlf winl., 1n lhe Rocky Mounlalns G 10 JO tJ f MEATBALLS & 8PAOHETTI 0 8HANANA 0 MOVll! • • "The Bandllt" ( 1979) Robert Conrad. Jan MIChH I Vtncenl Au,, O<JI ot town t>v vtglla111as. a 1110 ol 1 o'"'d1 cowboy' h"ad 1111 M e•ICO where they learn ol o lo1tune 1n gold 1>1dde11 111 tin old monHtery (I) THE LEGEND Of KIN() ARTHUR To QuaM 1ealousy amono hi$ i..n1gllts Annur cor1 Ctt1ves 111<1 Round Table he rnau11e1 Gu.nevore. and M org11n steals Annu• s sword (Parl ~ ol 81 ED EVERDAY COOKING WITH JACQUES PEPIN (P1em1ere1 'SoulJle 01 I 81 tuce • ~aste1 Frencn cnel Jacques Pepin demon· s11n1es separating and beating eggs and dlKusses va110<J~ kitchen equ11)ment Z THE ISL.ANO OF NEVAWUZ Animated 1 he g•ot1cJy J B I •umphor'> crash land• on 1118 1SIAnd ot Nevawur onCI 111es to mooe..,,1ze 1t l o1 1111 own p(lfsonal gain 111>0 0 KIOSWORLO 0 AMERICA'S TOP TEN 0 10 WEEKEND SPECIAL Miss Sw1lch To Tno Rb C\ltl A mySI0110uS gilt sends lwo youngslors on 11 lanlHhc 10<Jrney 10 tl'le 17th century (Part ,, (Al ) (D SOUL TRAIN (I) MOVIE • • • P1llsbu•gh ( t9•2l John Wayne Marlene O.elrlch A man loses many 111ends in hll rnlonl lfJSS d1111e for powe1 1n thr s10011ndustry ED MICROWAVE COOf<ERY W GROWING YEARS 8 POPEYE & OLIVE H INSIDE THE NFL The latesl devetopmPnt\ '" the NFL str1ke are '!•3 mined 11:30 0 , I FAT ALBERT 0 OAANO PRl)C OF ALL· STARS Hogh scnool at111e1H and lop cei.br&lles compete 101 l11>utous pr11es 11 11>11 Grend P11• All-Siar Sporh. Center 1n Ca!Jlo•n•• 0 10 AMEAICl\N 8ANOSTANIJ ED MAGIC OF Otl PAINTING a!) GROWING YEARS C MOVIE • • • The Brotl\8• I K1 .. ma.1ov ( 19~8) Mo111 Schell Yul Brynner A man 11 uniuslly convicted ol murdi!ftng 'l1s ra1111r 0 MO .. IE • • ~ 'FOiiow The Fteel ( 1936) Fred Abl•11e, G1nge. Rogers A d ancer 1n lhe Navy lriM 10 help h11 IO<· mer par1ner and he< s1ste• Z MOVIE • * • F1t.i Monday In 4'ctot>e< ( 1981) Walt8' Me111>1u Jiii Clayburgh A l•be<al Supreme Court Jul· tice Clashes w1tn tn. new M l member ol the nallon 1 htghesl COU•I. tin ull11•· conserv111ve woman IUflSt A 12 00 ft 6 COL.LEGE FOOT- IALL use at StanlO<'d 0 THREE STOOGES 0 MOVIE • * '> ·seven Alone" ( 197S) Dewey Mar11n. Aldo R11y A 13-year·old boy leads n11 "'" younoe• ltbl 1ng1 on a perilO<Js croas country trek during ,,.., 18001 (D MOVIE Bloody Avenger I\ O•OU~ or -ung lu &•IM!rtt jOln up v1llh Iha Bo••• Rebellion d~ring 1h11 AlhMl overth1ow ol tht! Cnt"g Dynuty a;) RIQt'S ANIMALS W OF EARTH ANO MAN OeS8fl• S111a1en C<>int Of Gold H VIDEO JUKEBOX S STONED Scott Ba•o stars a\ 11" 1n1ro.,e1ted leen•ger wl•O resorts to drugs lo mnk" lllOndt l,J MOVIE • • ·~ My.tnry ltl•nd" ( 1968) Ste111 r 0<re1t Svto llOyd An advantv•er ecc• dentally uncovers ., scnema 10 1nterc;ep1 1n Amertcan space mlt11lle 11 s~Hhdown. 12:30 D POATAAIT Of A LE GENO tr;) GUfTAAWITH f'IWDEAtCK NOAD Gr-alMYee" CHANNEL LISTINGS W OF EAATH AHO MA "I Mounlalna The Cna1- 14tnoe Of The Slope' 8 KN)( T IC SS> D l(NBC INO( I e KfL A lll'O I 8 icAuc. l'Aoc1 11 Kf!M O ICR'>I e tou "'" n n0 > •Ken (ABCI e 1C TN lllMI I e K COP "tV llnd I e ICC f IP8SI •ICOCC IPfS\I 0 On IV J l TV " HOO C IC1N"m1•• I t IW0 1h N Y NV ,, tW16$1 I IESPN ) • ( Sl'lowt ltN> I • SPC)lllQl'tl e IC.bl' N<'llilr\ Nt twor-1 ITOl I008WON.O Ii MOVIE a • '" "her lalend" ( IHO) Ooneld l utl>el'lend, v-. u A.oor•"· An Arc:ilC -atll«-<-QI 1eam·a -beta 8'8 lorc:ed lnlO I ¥• '°' ,,,.., """I tuM\1111 'PO' t-OOO QI~ kMcMecl co-• Of the F11111ll "Th* AnlnMM'' "1etclW I .I.,_ "Hetd Aootl" Gr-IO•rO\ln<I ll'lldd t ~. (Time lt1111t.Uv•I U fHI MIJNlll lW Hennen • twm ht u1t1w fi.Ht1WU I Oft lU Uet ¥U~ila thw Mhn•'J'•• 0 MOVll a•·· v.-11w., ''' I"" (l\108 t thf\fl lt•tlhMt• 1• .. 1 .. ,.,. . ... ," ·~·il.. lfit-•l .. ._,,.,.,.u 110 ho••"'• .. 1r.1uu1\ •u ltt"" .. 11 01 1f111 yl,Olhlf l•llo1j I .. .,,, .. , uf t110 tfHIYlfl u1~J\j11ty •••1lly""11wl Q) MOVll • • • f f\tf 1•111.,_ l1oeHlhrt I t0tl4l (l•v1(1 N"'"'' I'"'"' ~....... ,. , .. .,., ....... Ath+u1pla to ••~• 1-to•fll•• 1100 ol ~· "' •• ltl•n• u•ml ~Ith lhv hntµ tit "'" I 1 •nl; h "ohl.tt IU•lHK lot it wifo fij) M0 NfYMAKflA6 ' Drngrcu 11 t H I 011t11< 1111 lh(JtJptJ11dtHH ti a!) OCEANUS M Al\1111£ ENVIRONMENT tO ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lntefYl4'~• with M 1h 1011 Jl0111' '1hO J'huthU "'•••161 "\ 1opOtt& nu u Julfura.OH St,..r•niJJ ,,..-,,,du1u ,. .... fli10f' ,,,,, hh.,.htlH ttl HtiVH'tot 011 'r 111111101 ''""" "" 11 tnll•y'ti go~eup c.otunut1t.1h1 16 Z MOVIE * •1 1' S"ttnoo O•UHH"n' \ 198 t) M1<.huel Mw flhf Louise fltth flut A pohc •' Of ht.tu mvu~h\)Uf"'' •' IJtHltt'J of bu11a1 mur dun. 1n n smell M1dw1tstu111 collll\)" town R 1.300 F-TROOP f . T, onu ts u1~tm UH.It''') fh sphl uµ IHtlf lonvo r 1)11 Cou1age trl NOVA tSedisOn PtttrmttHH f n•• Ceso 0 1 Th" UFO~ A • 1gornus tu 1m,tlfl~ lhvt~5fl· ga11on mto tttu I.act t1ct1ou un<J t\Oil• of w11thJf\t1hed ll~mg ObJttrts 1~ 1J•u6ur11ed [) .W OCEANUS MARINE ENVIRONMENT 0 ON VIEW S MOVIE * * * Tll<l I UIUllll QI Love ( 19Slll Oo11~ Day R1cnard W111ma1k A t li11tJ less COUtJIC e11vy lhe11 neighbors wtio huvu nu trouble huv111g c111101t111 @ THE LITTLE DETECTIVE When the ool1ce 111luse 10 l)t!t1eve h•S ~101 y 111>ou1 a band ol lh16v&s a young boy plays <lelOChve to stop ll'lem 2.00 D ,GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Tl>e P•ole550• OPlorm"'as mat 11 manned 5PllCI! cap· suie will pnss ovtl1 1110 1Slll11d 0 GRIZZLY ADAMS Gr1111v Adami lt1es 10 co11 v1nc8 8 m1splarecJ larnll; ol beavt:" 10 llu•ltt a <lam els&whl.,e •eor&n<J 11 wm flood n1s vallPy (D MOVIE • * • The c.101y Guvs ( 19651 Tom T1yon. Ha111" Presnull A P• 01css1ona1 sn101er ·~ IOrtt'd aga111s1 h·~ belle• l"d<l"'tlnt to ie .. d untrained mftn mto battte W AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY 10 MOVIE • • , T no Elou11ty M.in ( 19721 Chnt Walke• A1<.h ard Ba...,halt Because or ner omaz1ng lllrnness tu ll1s dead wit~ o l>ou"IY hunter t>eeome' drawn to lhe g111 fr .eno of • cutl"•n~I he has captured C ... OVIE • • * lne C1oc1nna11 Kid ( 196!>1 Sttlve McOueen. Edward G Rob- inson A ~oung ea1osha1p 1r1es to bodt ""' kmQ or stud pohe• m a batlle 1or pres11ge 0 MOVIE • • ~, Cloud 0"1ncer ( 19L'0) Oav•a C.a1rad1nf' Jennile• O Ne1H A 100 stunt lhe1 neglec:ts thf' people wno c•ro abOUI t11m 1n lhe ~l11h pu•"'-'ll ol tus dangetoua sport PG' 2:30 0 OILLIGAN'S ISLAND Gtll1g11n o~c1dCHllOll1 actl•ales thll liming device ol • W0tld wa1 II m•nf' trl WRITER'S WOf!KSHOP Guest Kt.1•1 VO<'lnogu1 lt:> AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY H CAMELOT R1cherd HRn1& Mug Bu" sort ~nd R1chR1d Mu&nl ~tar 1n Lerner ond l oewe-. ;lassie B103c:lway mu5&<.81 !Aped at lhe W1nte1 Ga1 den Thaatrl! 1n N11w Y0t1< @MOVIE II• 'HHrtbooP' (19811 Andy t<autmon Bt"n" delle P111ers In a world ol ll)e neAr future two c;om merc111I robots ll•OPllC1nc11 thr v1c:1111tudf'~ or "'~' love PG' 3-00 0 ON CAMPUS O•ac:luote Sc;hoot Ot Th"' Wo1l<1 Cla1omont 0 MOVIE • -,,,. WondOIS 01 Aladdin ( 1961) Oonalc:I 0 Conno1 Noolle Adorn A 0""'" emerge~ ltom o IOmp Rnd giant& 1IA 1101dCll m1'nyw1~htt4' 0 KOJAK (I) MOVIE • • '• Dallas I 19SOI .Gary Coop., Ruth Rom11n Upon hndlnQ ,,,, hom11 """ p1operty du1•ov~. An Amb111erlld 0 11 Contede• ale olfteer VOW!I revengC1 on 1noee 11t1ponalble ED 80 AHNWRl"t£AS I WOAD INTO IMAGE (Premiere) w 111111m GOid· man dl1Cu'811s h1• wo•k end ShOwl lllm cl1p1 tr<>l'n BulC:h CH9•dy And The Sundanc• K&<1" and Alt The Pr .. ldenl a Mt!tl " '1'i) ltEWIHG POWER \lil OMA T WORLD 8EAIE8 HEAOE8 The g1eala11 bHeball pt11y· eu ol •II Umet from Rulh to ROM . l t8 ptOIMed l MOVIE • • '• Tna B1rrnday Pai ty C 19811) RoDtlfl Sh•w PalflCk M•O•• Two atran~e '"'"'at• Brlllth boerdlng houtll to Il ka °"9 Of Ir.. rtlldt ntl 10 a epeclal kind Of l)fnnday petty UO Cl AGNCULTUM U.l.A. • ATTHIMOYD "°""' ._, and Gene llaltel ,...,... .. Jell)'tl ~nd HFde Too-trw Aoeln." "90llt lmate," "LOOlllnO TO Gel OUt," ''TeM" and '"' "8'lnll• of .......... I WON..D OP 800ICt llWING fl'OWIR TUBE TOPPERS Kt '0 1' f I.II I 1111 "'1'111• l'111k 1111111111·1 ' I >.1v11l N1\Tfl .11111 l 'l'lt 1 'it llt•1-. 'l •tl 111 111tJv 11· .1lioul .1 14·,.\1·l 1hwl w l111 .11t1·111pl' 111 1.1kt· P•"-'>1 '').'>1•111111 .I pl It t Ji•'\.'; ~t'lll Wii ii llW h t·fp t1f 1111 f fl•ltt h tM 1l11 •· 11i..111-.. l•11 ', wtl1· KNXT ('.'J I :w "N• w,111.1 k1·1 ~ l·~l1111111d (; B i llWll ·" .... 1111l1tl.1lt l l S S1·11.11t· 1 ... gt11• .. 1 h.C X 'I•: l 'lOJ ti .IO 'Tl11 St .. 11 ll'l 1111111><·1 tu I " l.1•,111· I l11w.11 d .11111 M1•1 It• U lwn111 ''·" 111 I u:i!1 i1\t1\'IC' 11( ,111 lllldt •I g111l111d IJt•I 11'' I t'~'lll' t1f ,f 1111l tl1·111.111 f I 0111 1111' j.(lllllul1111 • d lll lllg Liii' 111 .. 111 11 ltt·v11hlll1111 KNXT 1:.!l HOO .. llu1l11w " A ,11ugglt11g .111.-.1', 1·11lli u-.i;.-.111 1•11 ht·f J11h .111..,w1•1111g p h o111 '.ti :i 1·11''' 11·1111 ·1 11111i.. to 11 11111 t .vnd.1 t ,1111·1 .111cl Stt·v•· t"rn 11·..,1 ..,l,11 l 9 BOB NEWHART Ht1U runs 1n1r1 mtHlldl &JrotJlmns whun h•1 tJrmu~ '"' ltitoupy u1ouµ nnm•~ to• ·••oh~ p1ayu1iJ uncnvtu~t S MOVIE • • • I he Chll> 1 •1'1601 t••l " I hompson Cttt.th••ffi ~tH\fh+dy fhy C08\.h uf 1t ha~ tJuttn Au"itrahaH ''"°' t11tll ld~m 11110• 11111 ll!Jlll\) ftliUUh llolh 0'1 l11tt pli1ylU!J t1uld ur1d 1n thH htH&rtJ rourn wtl"<tJ hu htc.tt~ "" •nh• QO!llyie <.lub plOSJ<J131ll 4 00 0 INTERFACE Q NASHVILLE ON THE ROAD 0 NFL MAGAZINE 0 M OVIE 'Tl111 I 111ll1 s C.lllw I) 1j1uee 1 o Tno rn11rttd btJ1Wtit1n "yoaoo tr11tt• ono 8fl Olc1ttr marl CBUSl-4~ 0'·~· 101 bom ol them (D M OVIE • * . High Vl'IOC1ly ( 19771 Ben Ga.ua•a 6 1111 Fklund Wht1n lhe top ea11<.u11ve ol 11 global corporatto11 1:. kid llilPPttd two V1olndm vel t!•HllS U5& 11uemllll 18Cll~6 10 bubduo his abducu11 tD QUE PASA, u s A.? W WRITING FOR A REASON COl\o•ence 8 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10 THE ROCKFORD FILES Allgt•I sucker~ Hr!( klrHtl IOIO btj1ng b~St m..-" HI h•~ wt-tdd1ng wn1c.n lu""' rtut to be part nl Angels scneme lo sw1nOlt' '-''l A1mon1an family 1n a trql ll~tJte deal 39 MOVIE • • Hea""" W1tn A f1un I 19691 Glenn f n1cJ c trulyn JOf"'lttS A tJt-d(.11 IOv"•\:) pt+"'(l(hJ•r ..sllOm~t·, '" n11ng sr.>me •ol•cJHr1ty '" a Wtl~te1n 1owtt h~ ~ullmg up a chu1t.h onty" 10 tm(J h1mSPO tlMt)(IJtled '" ln<.t•I f~d· C MOVIE • • 1 tte M,,,, ... , C..1Jck d ( 19801 (lo/11C>C11h l a~IO• K.1m Novak Busl'd 011 a •to1y t>y Ag.itM C..l'l11Sl•A A strafloe mu•der trwOlvtnQ rival t10llV"AOOO '''"& t<lkes place 1n ln (llgl1~h village PG 0 MOVIE • • 1 "<>•low Thfl l'll'Ot 119361 Fred Asta"" G1n9e1 Roget s A dance• '" t htt N&vy 111cs to help "" lo• mer partner and hef s1111,ter 0 JENNY KOO KOO 4 30 0 NEWSMAKERS Gu .. st Senalonal Cano. date Jn1ty Brown Q FREE-4-ALL 0 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS trl HARO CHOICES Human Expe<1men1s Tne P11ce 01 1<now1e<1g11 Tn11 rights an<J wellA•I' or hum81' suDJecls used 1n M:'~nt1l•C e'll'.pe,1m1tnts Mf" 011am1oeo W WArTING FOR A REASON fht1 fssay II WELCOME BACK. KOITER fit MOVIE • • " fhe Gteot Bnn~ Hoit.. 19791 Ned BiJAlly ~1cha•d tlaseharl Th•"" d1~g1untled oank e•l'Cu flv'ls dec•de 10 ge1 tho llCheS Inf')' l.,Ol thfty Ill enflllfKI to by s1ag1ng • •Obbf'<y or theor own bank PG 5 00 0 NEW WILDERNESS 0 RAIDERS PLAYBOOK '82 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Th«> g8ng s c11mp1ng f!l111C:ur11on lurn& '"'"' a hll8fl(\UI mPI, ~8Us.f\ ot pouung uun hunger AnO A 911.uly t><tor 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Schedulfld co•e•age "' tl>I! Eusnt110 Pf'd•ora Be• nerd TaylOI WBA W<irld f ttatherwl!tght C:h•mP«'"· ship boul (from c 11111101t11 N C I I (I) SOLIDGOLO W WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOW Roy Be Nlmblfl Rot B" Quiet. How 10 turn o <leoc:I 1•841 1n10 11 c:•ndlt> stanrt. 1Urn1ng IOPf on II •prlnQ pot111111he. cerv1ng t1in11oll' legs IJ M 'A'S•H Ou111011 circumstanr111 cause Rao., 10 l11ev11 mil •077th (Parl 1) 14 NEWS H VIDEO JUKEBOX Z M OVIE • • Savage Hiii• 1101 (1080) Tom St.or1111 Michello Ph1ll•p• All Alrl· Cl!n dlOUQhl drlvlla wild animals Into pOl)ula,.c:I ar11Ra PG' uoO NEWB 0 1.A\1£ANE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY Fr""" get• ie•\Ous enar -"'Q Mre Bab<lh with her e• ·llv•balld QD Pll.O..iMAOE TO MIOCA Thi• 1111'11 oocum8"1t tn. pllgrlmt' jOvlMy encl Illa -emot\1" of Iha Hell. IM OJ1thefin9 Of the M()tltnl lellllNI In ~ In felt leotember. ~ rlt .. .no rlh1all wlllCI'& no l'O'I· Moalem la al!OW9d 'lo ... In Pf'torl • IQUAN '°°" CWIOINNG } Al.IOI 0 OLEN CAMPBELL l>uo>t 9 J Tl10nlllb 10 WIDE.WORLD OF SPORTS 4'r hottul••rt r uv~t uuu o• tht:.• t u!tutuo Pt.._.Hl/K L kor 1111111 l11tlt11 WH,1' Wwlll f uottit'lf\lifttlU''' t.hWtlSHUU '\fllSJ t;out tftc,m l .tlwluftu N C.1 H MOVIE • • l tit* fJflV1tlU I yttf.I ( t<J801 Uw1 K110ll• 11111 ~O'lWl.Jy I wo hurnhh!tU Amf\t1c1tn t11,tuct11i1tt!t uru r f»llttd ''' to in-..e~hq1.1to ., wt•e._ nf murdur, 111 •U' 't tfOhSh C8Sll<i P(.a 0 IT'S ONE FAMILY S MOVIE •• (111111) AllJO'i 1'11111,,y, J~nleb COIJl;rf1 l f\U rnyt.t'1tt0u~ t1*14lfl~ (Jf H rtftl !US UI btt~U "'ul mO<JPt\ tnvolwotJ IO ti uew ttdvt"Ht11.1nu "'OftKt ur~ bf&n\t40 <Jn ttu• plashc:. ~uryuou """"'"' ''~·~r ,tlbd on th"m PG EVENING 8 00 0 B CBS NEWS 0 J 9 NBC NEWS D MOVIE 1untt 1Lmnul trom Ovlur nd1'1ur~ 'iPIKO ll Jame~ Q,lr 'on l eo Me11A<6lhOt Tht1 US Army ~errell~ build~ d lune mdchine ;Jndtftgrounc:J and !.ends a man unck m timtt 0 BEST OF MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Ho•ls Tnu Boath Boys GueSIS Blond•!! Bad Compan~ MtGu111n Clark & Hillman Tavares (D THREE'S COMPANY ROP4"• '"es 10 gttt hac• a ca1 Ile sold 10 J11c• and lhe g1tlS tor S,00 Jller '"' " olle•ed S 1000 101 11 (I) MOVIE • * Hih•mi'.1~1 I 19761 Jamc-s Hampton Ch11bl< .. pne1 Connl'lly A g1oup ol us c.w.11&ym"n try 10 ddJuSI 10 tiO•flO ct.1me1s msteao at h('HSfl'S 10 lh~ untamect ldwte\\ feta~ of lh" 1800s trl WILD AMERICA 1Prem1ll•HI Walt h1ng W1ldhle Nat11ra1os1 Ma11y Stouffer tells wricre when •1nd how to l()()k 101 Amen ca s wtlo animals in theu nfiltvrAI "''''Klrtdutga a!) WORLD OF BOOKS C MOVIE • • Road Game.. 1191111 Stacy K,.ach Jctm~& ltte. Cu,h!. 14.,, ecc"nl"C truck- er d c..11iau11tul h1tGhh1~.e' an<l d psycr•opnth•C k111p1 1rave11ng thtl semt> roul(l play oame' of life and death PG 0 MOVIE * • * fwo W<!Pa.,~ In Anot1>e1 Town 1198:>1 K1t~ Ooo1g1as Edwerd G Rob 1n•on A m1sgu1deO aclo• l1nd$ h8PPl1'8SS In an ass1s1an1 prn<1uce~1ob @MOVIE • • • 1n,1oe M oves ( 19801 Jonn Savage D•v1d Mot<,;> A nf'wcomer 10 tho 010.,p or tegulars at 3n Oaklano o.i1 may hOld !he 1<ey 10 making 11111 ba••en- dl!f s <1ream 01 1>«om1ng II p10 1>asketball player a reahly PG 11·30 0 0 8 l 9 NEWS 0 MARY TYLER MOORE Mary becomA\ romani.cal- ly involved with a .st'lort """'ft' (D ALICE £E) WHY IN THE WORLO a!) SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gat>le• and Jeffrey Lyons 1ev1-I Thto Jury· and Look ing To Gel Oul 8 46 Z CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 1 00 0 IN SEARCH OF Deadly Anis 0 FIGHT BACK 0 7 ON LOCATION Fe.aturftd on Af'H'Ot>1C. wOfk out w11h lhe Rang111s hOC~· f') t~om a nusband And wile tftllOO ttlam a dog thaf ~a msr1Uhon runner 0 THE HARDY BOYS I NANCYOAEW MYSTERIES Nancy ••POses the s11an90 m~1ery 1Uffound1ng an abandoned llghlf\oo1541 (D MEMORIES WITH LAWRENCE WELi< ED CALIFORNIA CONQRES8lONAL REPORT '1'i) ALL CREATURES GREAT ANO SMALL Hors" Sense · Jemet Hemnl a young ve1e•1n1ry surgeon moves to ft •m•" Scornsn 1own end l>llQlnt h" '"st rob tn an a11aady eslabhahfld pr•ctlCe (P•fl t ) • 6 JACK ANDERSON CONFIDENTIAL tp· SO YOU THINK YOU QOTTAOU8LH \lfl THE MUPPETS GUMt H•r....., Korman H THE COMMOOOflEa IN COHCl!RT EAty Tll•M Times A l •dy· and .. Woncl111l1ncl" ••• •m<1ng ma '111• par '°'"lfld 111 ce>Mlllft by Tna OommO<JO<es 2 M0 \111 • * • 'Flrat Mon<lllly In October"' ( 198 11 W•n., Mellha\I JI" C11yb\ugh A MIMlfal lupf-Covtl Ju .. tlM clH1-Wflh lhe - "t nwtmtMll ol Ille n•flon'e ll~e.I COUfl, M Ull18• ¢()1\IMlt\l8tl'Y'8 _.,, juffll 'A' 1'.IO 8 DAHCC ''""' 0 IYl ON I A t ••hu•d 1 •01tm1u uu•t UHl'ttl•• •• '"' ti f'' •1ftfft t"lf Vv•• M'Jht•w • • ftitt.11111'' •flfJW fl J ff\ilftrf'fl (L) PR1!8'N TE I r IOH T BACK 1g EYE ON 8 AN OCfOO )ti Wtl!KENO MAOA.11Nf S THE C"OWN 01 IJOOG A k IU(I Hr\fJ •u" ""'' ,.,, flit• ''' t•t( i•pl1J'*l lt1H I H1Wtl t"tf tru• u1uJmo•1•u•10 ti11r•u1tr1r11 r1f l111\111 8 00 i) t WAL f OtSNEY f•ut1'-.y•rttUty fHo w•ttht "' tu,o9'll u11•tdu tJuw•t '''' •• n111thut ftiut Ou1 • t1•' 1111 mtcJ fuu h•vH •U4' 01iauur11w fJrnJ141 fu•h"t who tuuu• c.11lly •w•h ti tJudio•t w1u l1tlul11I tl1ty tl•a•I _., 0 Jti OCFF'RENl STROICES AUtOltJ ott .. 1 .. lf1 t"•IV tutt IHt'Jtlfut fl•HIO'f UudlttV wm thn ulht<tioo• nt a -;r>41Hfl luOy J 0 LAUGH TRAX 0 10 T J HOOKER Rumouc, t ltiiflOw pr;lu ,; u ft•t.ot\ 'fllh .. 1J,. tHm tnr mH tuk1nu U10 thuntft to .,.,,,,, If 1..UC) ktllin(I jU\lttn1li1 0 MOVIE • • 011,ua F1or" !flu M ummy-' 1 !»tHh ( t91 lf Andu.rw t<uu Vuf~tu• I 0•-1tt Wfletl "n Egyp11un quout• •\ un<.n'iltttt:HJ m an (Hf.hoof> lng1Gttl dig hu1 ~8Yut4•0 1&u11d b11n11s d"alh tu IOtjlrllJfH !I (Jf the bACJUCll 11on (D MOVIE • •', M &g1c_ low ,. f 1!H/i Ji>mu Stoworl Ja110 Wyman A ~moll 1><MLtilu1 lown unde•ga.is " t.hijllQU 101 lhe wor!>tf af1e1 bu111g put>t•cueo a• nr; u •ample to OUlt:H IOwrtti (I) MOVIE • • * 'Chllf'H11"lu Autum11 t 19tl41 Jilm<lS Stttwmt Richard W1amari. 011uc.1uo t>y Jnnn Fo111 The' dtamat11... e1.odu~ ut C .hetenne Indians e.-.•eno., hom ah O~lahoma ,.,~._., v•11on to the1r homeland\. m wvommu trl ODYSSEY lf•O PinC1f)t1l MaruJI"" U11oe•wJ1~1 <1•cnaeo1o01st' fCCt>n~lro('f the de.,,elOIJ mo11t 01 ,r11pbu1tc!inq """ tn~ ttwe!t '"' ancient seilldr e•~ l•Om trlfec-<>h•P~ 1nat s.un .. '" U1e M edtterran,.dh lhousanO• of yea•~ JQ<i IA1 ; W THE RIVERlr. THE OESEAT A him 01>ou1 thr Colo•udt> River e.itammes lhe wilW' c11s1s in lhe SoulhwPSI al'n tho a1111uoes ano 11 .. 1011t1•I force~ which ha~e pr~1p1 laled II C MOVIE • • • • Oromo•'f' P"t' pie I 19801 Mary Tylt>• Moore Dona10-Su1h1Hlano A g111ll·110den teen-ogP• trying 10 PUI his ttl& ODL• 109ethtJ• 11lle1 h15 l.HOlhPr .. d~&ln bnd hlS own .Su1t1tlf- 1t1tClmPI 1tJarhrs Oul 10 "'' c.Qmplacet.1 lalht!t uno '''~ rold •e!i<!•ved mother R H MOVIE • • l he Blu" lagoon ( 19801 Brooke Sn1ald' Ct111s1opher Atkins Two C:8$t/lway child•&" p1ow ICJ aooioscence 011 a 1emo1,. Soo.th Pac1hc. '"land an<J tl•Pe11ence tl>e ou119• ol 11111 love A 0 MOVIE • • • Bod~ Hea1 t 198 •1 W1lll1m Hur1 Ka1n1@t-1h lurnet A sma1111me Flor•dd lawyer " persuaOed l>f "'~ IQver to mutOer ht!t ''U'"• band A S FAERIE TALE THEATRE Rumoetsllltsk1n ti~tvt• V1llecha1111 sta1s as a s1rango Mlle man who n111ps • m1ll01 s daughlf'• Spin tt•aw Into gold @MOVIE • •• , Prh1ate Lesson\ ( 19801 Sylvia t<ns1111 'I-tow atel Hesseman A we11llny man asstgna his seduct1v-A hOUt>ekooper 1he 101> nt p1ov101ng his t5-yea1 otd son w11n 1>1s l1tst l!'e•uAI e•Pfl"On<:fl A 8:30 0 Jt SILVER SPOONS R1clov 15 conv1neoo 11>a1 1>1s 1a1ncr ooosn 1 love h•m 1>1teeus11 no never gets pun1sned W MOVIE • • • ·~ The Scarlet Pim pe1ne1 (193SI Leslie How- 111d Mt•le Ot>erO<'I In d•S· gu1&11 as e gentleman of Ille Engltsh Court an vnderground hefO reS<:uf!I noblemen from lhe gulllo· fine during lhe rren!"h F\evolu11on 9:00 0 & MOVIE ' He>tllne IP•em1e1e1 Lyn oa Ca•ler. Steve Forres I A tfluoghng orllsl s en11\usi osm lo• he• new jOb 1nswer1ng phones at 11 c;11. sis cttnlf'r turns 10 1er•o• when she 1s threatened by a psycnollc caller 0 fl~ GIMME A1'REAK Sam ecQulres an Imaginary lnend l he res1 of tne tam11y wanls 10 gel rid ol 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lnlerv1ew1 w+th Marion Rosa. lhe POintl!f Slaters •l'j)orls on e Jftller•on St•rsh1p rec0td1ng ses ••on. t11e lechnica1 11dvleor on Trapp.,, Jonn. M D ... lod•y'a gossip cotumnlslS 0 no LOVE BOAT Slublng meets an 0°ld tch004 chum al tne ship t costume party R CO<JPI• disagree •bout lhll&r lulura, ano Julia piny• n Irick on "er baou111111 lrlend I) a;) MYSTERY (S11a1on Premln1e) "S Wl'il ,,.Y T Odd Fteddle Jone• ,,., ••• lhe ll!Qendat)o VIO l0tlan dtomon D•r be! of '1ffl St•MI"' wtloee Clleftlt m)'tlClllO\ttly d1Uppfla1 IJ S MOVll • • ·~ ·rauoo p08 ti flruce Oefn, ~11vd Ad•m• An ObaHMd IRllOO f•llll kidnap• • 1~1hton rflOOIM and prOCMda lo cover h9f l>Ody wUh 1111 handlwOrll .,.. Z MOVll **'"' ·s11~ 8alla~ • (1ff11 Mlehffl M\Wl)hy. L~IM Flatch« A po~ OlllCar lft'VtilllQl lN I -In 01 Df\11•1 murden In a •mall M~ll"n C!oll9QCI town •fl' t.aG 0 ~LOW. M>HIY uthtn I • •tm •le •• tt hlUh fu,I hll t .. •ttlunL • 11 '''* Wh"n ,11 .. bu110111u m •o• \il•O ' w•lv ttduu • •r~ l•I U1111t<•"' tu tum 0 MOVIC •.J'"''''''" t''""' 10 00 0 j 9 THE OCVLIN CONNf CTION ht11•ll" 'Ult ttthH 'I Ulity tJflf HIM fUh I VH lirtl tJf U 01\n th·U(tt NhU "' .. t11l1tmy hO# t Uttdr,rn1111w'1 c.rm1f1lwit U (I) NEWS 0 10 FAN f A8Y 181AH0 HJ"lllt.QO PrttnHett J A uttw ,,.re "''"• tout" ''l• nmel ... ~ ''"' ."''"'"'! '" ftttOu1e U1h awm"' 11whgm t•o• ~he ont fll ",,.,,,.,,t .. m-t U lflUlt lfl•t" tr, fr•Jo" h1m_.,lf ut .. d•"t•m lh wtut.h t1 .. t11u• tJure ht& w1ltt ; 0 NHL HOCKEY I"" Ar&g41h•• 1<1nll\ >1• tfow .,.UI .. l•l•lldl• .. ll•f><ld "•JlllNI (I) BOLIOGOLO a!) MOVIE • • • • 1 Hr1u•uJt.H>1t' I llf'Jll) f•tt"" Kolly (,ycJ ( h1lfl .. l\•I f WO h 1tt1tcJ• ~· .. 1umt1lh 1jJJO" U11(1 .. tH>t>r1 a VIII"''" 1r1 '"~ St.Oll11h r11g11 h•ri<h ~fHCh , um,,. fO ltl• 101 a ~1ng1,. ney avt1•Y 100 ynl.lr-. H MOVIE •, ftltllt·~'>IOY'U rt9tl1) Brl>u~u ~n1ttl'1• Muttin Ht!Wtll A 11 yu~!·Old'• tttl~''"'"'' ICJv~ IOt hi~ t '> """' old g•rllnnnd l&e<lb to 11u11m1a1 cw1llict~ llflll ttag ttcJy R 0 CHANNEL ZEAO f.htJY"/ Chl•~u LnrA1t\e Nt!~man 10 16 C MOVIE • • • Thu c;,.,.,, 0dn., Hoa• ( 19791 Noel Bo.my R1cha1Cl 8a'>OhJ'1 Tnroo d1sg1unlled bon~ o•OCu 11v"s Cloc•dtt 10 ge1 1ne r1Ctlt1\ mt:tv ftttl tuey re enlollael tr. 1.&y ~'"11'"0 J f Obhur V of Hlt-flf Own Udnlo: PG 10 30 W JACK ANDERSON CONFIDENTIAL trl PAPER CHASE <;cn11.,ng<-• >tullt Prole~ ~,,, Ktr1Q~l1f•lct s annual P.#6,C.fS(:, ft•QUHIMQ $)U lJf'! 1\s ''' l1nc.J •• n,,wen~ to 100 11.'gat qu,,•l•On$ m Hllf:I! days ,s ""'".,Ad by a ,..,,_@nlfuf fliC.uUy 10 45 0 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE Z CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE t100000 8 10 39 NEWS 0 COLLEGE FOOTBALL U(.l A v~ W.1snongton Stat& 11 &i;ea ~ .. n.e11 (D MOVIE • • • , Cawmaf\d O@C.1 \ '" 1194<;1 C•a•• Gable JLf\n HOd·•" L hlfi are ~Jf"t1f,C.&O 1n tJ Sh8tfl01'- mt>vf" t{J bomt lh6 a11plane fd to"e'i c•t (,prmar1y ID MOVIE • • • > lhB M nrcus Nttl "'" Mu1Cl111s ( 19731 Telly S.toalas MA11ce Gort~• Wroen a t;lac• QnPltO teen _.ger •5 pmnf'<J '°' two t>•za,,e mu•de,,_ h~ 01dn t tC\mm'' a oohce d~techvt' lne! to hno tne rea1 mur oe'e' 0 ROCK ON TV S MOVIE • • Can Vou Keep 11 Up For A wee•? Je1emy Bui· lock A1c:nard O Svll1v1,, 4li yOYng .. omen •g•ee• 10 marry he, t>O.,.-tr 1end OI\ tPl• con<J1t1nn that n~ rernarn ga.ntult> em( IOyP<l IOI sev ,.,, oays Z MOVIE • • • , Journey Among Woma" i l'f 711 J'lune P11tcha,tJ Manin Phetao In lhe Cl8yS OI tl1'• Austra- han lrnnt•er 1he badly mis tteatPd 1nmdtf"s at a ¥wOm ens p11son stage a b•eak- out and sol up tneir -n ~ociet> 1n 11>8 Outback 1 t 30 tJ THE ROCKFORD FILES A prost1lule hlff'S AO<:• lord to 1nv&s11oate my1•enous dea11> th111a1s d11ec1e<1 at her 0 J9 GILDA LIVE G •Ida Radne• •ep11ses Sllme or he< S11u1day N1gn1 L••e choracte•s 1n this lllm •l'CO•d ol ~ 1979 one-woman B•oedw&y snow, Don Novello Sla•s as I' at her Guido Sa•ducci 0 ABC NEWS 8 MOVIE 10 MOVIE t11 -'> Never Give An Inch ( 19711 f<enry Fonda. Paul Newma" An Otagon logging temlty devtM a way 10 df'ltll1tf • luge 01d8' on scnedule w11en slrlkars ubotagt1 1na11 eqwpment 0 MOVIE Run RabD1I Run ' I 1976) An11>ony Steel l'r anc:olae Ptevost @MOVIE • 1 BOdy And Sovl t 1 'l8 t 1 l eon tsaac Kenne- dy Jayn<' l<ennedy A young black lurnt to p11zehghl1ng 10 111ae !he n1oney "" nneds 101 m&dl· cal school R 11 45 0 MOVIE • • A Rellecl1on 0 1 Feat ( t973t Aobe<I Shaw Sally Kf'llerm1n A man and his mlat•en ... deep- ly aHectecl by the acltons ol lhe man t MeUlllul but sch11ophrenle daughter 11.50 C MOVIE • • "Conl11111on1 Of A Window Cleener" (19H ) Robin Askwllh, Anlhony Booth A B11111h you1h. who ..,o,~1 H • prOlff- t•onel window claen8' spends hi s oll·lha job nou• s pulling • sparkle into the llve• ol lhll many women he bll<la down 'R' 12:00 H CAMELOT Rtehard Hartis. Meg But• 18'1 and Rlehard Muenr atar '" Lerner anc:I l -'• dusk: Broactw•y ntu11CaJ "'*' al the Wlf1tCll GM· den Thff1re In New Yotk 12 15 $ MOVIE • • • F1r81 F'amlly" f 1980) Giid• Rad,_, 8ob Nawl'latl Tl'la H •ul lly rep1es..O d11ughl8' ol tn. country'• wetrde1I O•ltl· <leftll•I family compllealtt n., fetlle.'• a11ernp1a to COndUCI the allalra of stale A' tUO 8 NAtff OI-T"fl OAMI Oen Farrall and Peo9'f Mallw.M I H \lme ntw !OM Ill 1111 at!Oft lo toceta 1M IOUfCt 01 1~81 dt• o.tflO pu!INld 10 llC.l!oOI ~ , Dally Pilat SATUROA Y. 0 "'1 10 Hl.84' 1~·1 Toro~ . ..; IJt•,·k COMICS TELEVISION 87 1312 . .. j "·"'' 111 i.i;st•.i.; ,.,.,.ortl 111 N llllA fi11 11 /.a;. /J2 . St. McGee deals big blow to Brewer~ St. Lo uis' Lonnie 'mith dives h ead -first into third as Milwaukee's Paul Molitor is una ble to ho ld throw. H e homer s • twice, MILWAUKJ.:E (Al') Wtlllt• Mt{;t•t• 111-<l a rookie r(.'(:ord with two homl' 1 un.-. :md in:.id1· n ·lwf ace Brul·t· Suth'r'-. night a llttll' Pa ... 1t·r wllh-" leaping. ninth 1nn1ng t'al<'h as thL· St Lo.i.J1s Cardinals ckfuS<'<.l llw Mtlwaukl'I.' Bn•wN s' bo1111J squad with a ti-:! v1t·tury Fm.Jay night <1nd look <i two-games-to un<' ll·ad 1n thl· 7!Jth World SPnt·s Ml-Gl'C' drovt· in four run., w11h trn. two honu·rs and robb<·d Bn•wc·rs slugg1•1 GcH"nian Th11111<1'>, whose J9 homt'n. l1l-<l fur lht• llta.Jor 11•Jgu1· ll'ad. of yet anolht•r lila:.l with a t·att·h at l~t· wall as Sull1·1 struggled 111 rt•l1C'f of 111jUrl'd St Louis ... tar lc-1 Joaquin Andujar "I don't tx·lll'vt• I'm ht·rt'." ~1d M1{it•t'. who began thl· st•a...on with tht· Luu1sv11lt· lkdb1rds 111 Class AAA b;1ll "But hast·ball 1-; busl'bi.111 and anythin~ <:an hapix•n " Suth·r. the last uf thrrL· St Louis rl·hevcrs. survived a two-run hutnL't by Ct'(.'il CouJll!r in tht· eighth, then fa1:1·d Thomas 111 th<: nmth with ~n Oglivic swnding at first aftl'r an l'r-ror by Cardinal first baseman Keith H(•rnandL·z Sutter pttC'ht•d 2 2-:~ innmgs for lht' Sl't'O nd straight gamt• but said th!' t.fft'<.'l of thoSt· two long stints would not bt• known unul S aturd<1y "This 1s tht• World Sc.:nes You gt·l a lead, and you nrn'l hold ln.it·k," !:iUllL·r .,;11d "MtlwaukC't' is <.i finl' duh, 11 1·an 1•xpl11d1· anyt1mt•" Andupr took a two-h1tt1.•r into lhl' :.t.'Vt>nlh inning and had n•l1rt-l'! tht• first bJttl•r wh(•n T1..'ll Simmons droVL' a orw-huppl.'r toward th{' mound The ball strut·k Andujar about two inches below his right kn<..·t·. and the· St Louis right· hander t·nllapSt-d lo thl' ground lh WJ!> l'arr1('(J off the field by his ll•ammaws Larry Tarnoff. Vt<.'l' prc·s1dt·nl o f public relations for Ml S1na1 . J1osp1 t;il, lk.!1d X -r<.1y-. and neurological tests on AnduJar wt·n· m·gativl' He said Andu.J3r susta1m·d a oom· bru1st· bdow his right kn~. but Cardinal ll'am phys1c1an Dr. Stan London said. "Tht· bottom lint• 1s. ht• t•an play 1( needed" again 1n the Series. St. Louis Manag<'r WhttL'Y lforzog was asked what would happen 1f Andujar WL•re> unablt.• to make anoth(·r World Sc>rtl's st.art cm S<:hedulc, and ht.:'rC' hc• rl•plll'd . "Wl• jUSt bNl<'I'' hopt• lor thrl'<' or four days of rc11n " It was the first llmt' Mt'GL'<' had ever hit two home runs in a gamC' and the> third time 111 World Series history that a rook11..' has hit two homers. the n sa v.es o n e , Today's game St. Louis at Milwaukee. 10:20 a.m. Today's p itchers Dave LaPoint (9-3) ol the Cardinals vs Moose Haas ( 11-8) of the Bf ewers. TV -Channel 4 at 10 a .m . Announcers - Dick Enberg, Joe Garag1ola. Tony Kubek, Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. Radio -KNX ( 1070) at 10.10 a .m . Announcers -Vinc'e Scully and Sparky Anderson. Re maining achedule -Sunday's game in Milwaukee. 1:45 p.m.: Tuesday's game. 11 necessary: 1n St. Louis. 5.20 p.m . Wednesday's game. 11 necessary: in St. LOUIS, 5:20 p.m Charlie' Kt·llt·r did 1l 1n l!l:IY and T1mv Kulx·k in 1957 "l probablv hit two in th<.· L1llk· Lt·:1gut·:. but that's a lung ~·ay b•ll·k," !><lld Mt-Ct'<', \\ hu hit a thrt-c-run honwr in tilt' fifth and J solo shot In the seventh F'ndi.ly mght As for Thoma-;' shot. Mt'GC'<' s.ml "All I know 1s that I had lo jump I don't know 1f It would~v~ gone out " lie• lroapt'<l hig h and grabbc-d th<· ball jtl.'ll as 1l appc·art-d ht'aJ1ng ov<.'r the· w<ill St. Louis Managt·r Wh1tc•y I lnzog -.aid he "d0t•:m'l kn<1w of <1 nytx><ly who'~ l vt·r plJyt•d a bl'ltt•r World Sc•rn·s gum1·" th1• WiJ~~ J\frl;t·• J1d F'rida,v night. "He· was. all ovc•r tht· pla<.'1· If hi' dcx·sn't mokv that catc·h 111 lhl' ninth. Brut•1· Sull c•r might hav~ 1See CARDI NALS, Page 8 2> Edison stuns Vikes; FV outlasts H .B Marina 's mis takes prove co s tly, 23.-7 By ROGER CARLSON Of tM Delly PllOI Steff NORWALK Six turnov('n.. a bad center snap on a punting situation and a fourth -down incomplet1on 1n th£> c losing moments took their toll Friday naght as F.clison High's ChargNs took advantage o f M:.ir1n a mistakes to capture a 23-7 Sunset League football victory al Cerritos Collf'ge "Wh en vou s tink up th(' " place." said ·Manna Coach Dave .. ' Thompson. "that's how 1t goes You can't win 1f you don't play offense. and ours has sputtered all year." But Edison Coac h Bill Workman had anothc>r VIC'W. saying. "The difference was we• had some offense going" &iison took the lead for good with just that a sustained drive covering 73 yards in four plays. cappe9 by a 37-yard payoff from quartc·rback Jon Nowotny to Jerod Jonos. whn ' caught the ball at the Manna 20, escaped a dragnet and dashed in ror the go-ahl'ad touchdown But the rC'St of Edison's s<:onng output -well. the V1k1ngs gc>t an assist 111 c·very d1n'<'llon rcM.>rvc• John Zertut·he w1lh onL· st'<.·Onl• remaining m the game "I'll probably take a little hc>al from the o ther s ide about that (th'-' last-second field goal)," said Workm<in "But we weren't trying to pour 1l on . We l.'Ould have thrown three· passes. It was a matter of lt:ll1ng a second string junior field goal kicker who never kicks. get a chance. ll wasn't our intent to run 1t up. I don't sec• any difference between 20-7 a nd 23-7 .. Thompson said, "It's no big deal. but if they want LO practice held goals. it's just as easy lo do 1t m practice But it's no big deal" Edison had most uf the breaks in the first half with three fumble recoveries and an intcl'CE'pt1on -but Manna was on top after two periods. 7-3. bc•causc of the only sustained drive The Vikings drove 80 yards in six plays with quarterback Bill Marlcr's 23-yard hookup down the nghl side lo Glenn V1c1ra 111 the C'nd zone the payoff. Barons pos t 17-1 4 w in ove r O i lers B~ J OllN SE\' ANO 01 lh• Delly Piiot 81•11 T/11:. 1s 1hc· first t1m<' In ·six wN.·ks \l'h1•n • the· l1gh1 ;11 the• c'nd of tht· tunm•J 1s11 '1 ;111 onrushing 11'/Jtn f'ou111a111 \'iilh·y llc•arl Coc1 1·h_ Mike• J\11/11c1· F'ur thl' Baroni. of ruunta1n V:.illt•y l1 1gh, 1l :-.•·l'rns thc·re's going 0tO bt• cl f1111lbHIJ ,t.•ason after all Afte r t•ndu 11ng ont· of the tough<'Sl pn'--.. .. 1,...1n !.< heJult•s in Orangt• County. tn \~IC'h the Bllrons mt't nnl onc. but five hKrnnott\'t'' n·~UlllllJ.! 111 ..cn (I.!) start. Fountam V<cllL·v got back on tht' right track. so to s)X'ak. by defeating a gritty llunungton Beach Oiler squad, 17-14. in the Sunset u 'aguC' opener for both schools Frid.iv night The• t'<llll<'.,l. p\,1y1·d lwfon• a t·ap.H·1ty t r11\\d 11t ~.:-.uo al Huntington &.•a1·h l11gh. "'1W the Barons snap thl'1r 1<111gt·~1 losing streak s1111.·t· l 9ti7 Tlw1r feoat. h11w1•vt r. d1dn'l comt• 1•;isv After the· Chargc•rs took a I 0-7 lead with 5:52 left 111 the third quarter, they went on to "marc·h" one yard for a 17-7 lead aflc>r Randy Hernandez ran five yards with his third fumble rC'COvcry and added two more held goals af t e r Shaun Takk1nen 's interception a nd a las t-gasp Marina incompletion handed the ball over at the Manna 17 Big plays m the d rive included Marler's 24-yard pass to Mike Crowley and Clark Patterson's 12-yard dash over the right sidl' Enl' Karman tood the PAT to makC' it 7-3 after the Chargers had wasted fumble recoven('$ al ISee EDISON, Page 8 3) llu nting ton Beach quarterback Eric Lawton tries to elude the grasp of a Founta in Valley defender . Jn fn,.·1 . 11 lfH•k .1 dramatic Sl<_lnd l ll 11 I I 11 H • •II C.I dramati~ d<~ ·1s11111 , " 11 h jUSI ov1.•r H minute rc>ma111111g 111 thl' fourlh qu:trtt;r to pn•sl•rh• lht• v1C'tory for the Barons Trailing Ii 14. tht• Oik•rs had the ball at the Barvn 20 faced· with a fourth-;md-3 s1tuat1on a nd only 1.06 shO\.\'lng on thC' clock. "It was a very good win for us," continued Workman. "1t came when we really needed 1l "Manna probably ovcrlookl'd us a little bit . I know I might have done the same 111 that s1tuat1on "W e're a very hurt, injured team, and we've got some who don't really have.any business on a football field with an Edison jersey, but they're out there and doing well." An example o f Edison's lnjury-plaged U..am was outside Unebacker Paul Ellison, a starlt'r In the Sunset League opener. who was a fourth string safety three weeks ago, according to Workman. I\ wu a game of lul~nd ICOMna with Marina cC>n Un'f for ha toUChdown with no lme left In thP flrat period, lton pttJn1 a flt'ld go.I with no Ul')'le Jeft,ln lt}e half and the Wl;\Ml'I adGlna a 27-yarcl field 1oal by Haggling· interrupts NFL Strike talks COCKEYSVILLE,Jv1d (AP) -Talks aimed at ending the ~5-day-old National Football League players strike resumeJ Friday night a fter being delayed nearly eight hours by haggling over a legal action taken \)y th e union In July. Sam Kagel, the mediator who ke pt the two sides together for 21 straight h ours Thursday and early Friday morning. a nnounced shortly after 7 p.m . EDT that negotiations had res umed and "will probably go moat of the nJght.'' They had actually been scheduled to resume at 11 a .m .. but br#ke o H five minutes later in squabbling ~\ler whether the union should' withdraw a complaint before the National Labor Relations Board. The two aides spent the next eight h ours caucusing-and, de spite a newt blackout lmpoeed by K.gel, isauing atatementa and counter-statementa on what waa said lo have happened, . • · The net effect waa to leuen the 1 an\~llon that a MUlement was near. There had been hopt!I that both tides could reach l~ment tblt weekf'nd and avoid \ the cancellatJon of a fifth weekend of NFL footbalJ. Smee Kagel, 73. a San Francisco-based private mediator, entered t he talks on Wednesday. they have concentrated on thC' so-called peripheral issues a nd appeared to be making considerable progress. But even before Friday's haggling. sources Indicated that some or the details on the secondary issues were getting bogged down on details. delaying Kagel's timetable for getting to the crucial economic ones - spN'tfically the union proposal to pay. players on a league-wide wag<' scale. One source close to th<' negotiations soid h<.' believed the talks, now in their fourth duy. could stretch into next week. On Friday, th(' two side!! were back together a(ter breaking off at 6 a .m. This time , however, they began squabbling immrdlat<'IY. A«ordlng to union spokl'Sm&n Al Zack, managenw>nt asked as "a pr«'Ondition" t.o furthf'r n~gotlatton' that tht• union drop '' "with prejudlre" a petition 1t filed In July tx>fore th<..• National Labor Relations Board charging management with failing to bargnin on wages. "With prejudil-e" mrans the petition l'Ould not be remstah>d But according to a statement d1s tnbuted by Jim M i1 1e r , s p okesman f o r thl' Managem~nt Council, there were no preconditions put on the union's dropping the NLRB's action. He said the union wanted to add issuC'S to its list of things to be bargained, including the right to ins titute ne w litigation oftt•r an a8rcement was reached. Miller aid managemen t then l<.•fl the room to awuit an answer. For the r~'st of the afternoon. they remained In separate rooms whit<' Kagl'l shuttled back and forth. First word of the breakup came from Znck. who said: "They ere asking us to ' waive our legal right.s as a union and we wouldn't be much of a union If we did that We're btl/li asked to waive." our right to bargsin on wag~. W P are being &Aktd lO g1vt' tht•m a cnrt<' blanchl' to absoh.1t«'ly ato~rw111l and not bargain an y more " Hunungton Beach C'oarh Gn:>g Henrv callt>d two lime outs ru; he wa1v~red bt•t w<'en going for a fi rst down, and wmnmg 1t all. or . atternptm~ a J(amt>-tymg h eld goal He nry opt<'d to go fot 1 t, calling for a Danny Thompson swC'C'p around the right side. But th<' senior runhing back , who had scampered for 100 yards on 20 carries up to that point, foll two yards shv of his obj<.>t·tiv<' as thl' Barons' cit'h•nsc was waiting for him And. as the Founwin Valley defenders climbed off Thompson. they joined the rest of thctr• teammatt•11 b)' throwing their fists triumphantly ~n th<' oir Remember. up to thret ~'l()lnt, the Barons ho(t lw'l'J\ II-for-llltl2. "Tonight's gnn'I<' wns 11 do-ol"- dlc situation for us." exda1mt-d Milner. "I don't know whot thl• Win la &01ng lO do, but IL Should rtl't' them (the pluycnt) up 0 "This W8S 3 blf( S\J'P for us. <Ste BARONS, P1~e ltJJ I I .. .. .. ·-Ora11oe Cou•t DAILY Pll Ol /Solur<Juy, OctolJt.11 10 IUttJ __,..------------------------------..------------------------------------------------------ ... •• Angel ' Zahn give n Thompson Award From AP dis patc hes M ILWAUKEE Angl'ls p1Ld11·1 Geoff Zahn was pn•sc-rllt'l.l with tht• Danny Thom~>n Award Fl'1duy for exemplary C hristian spirit 1n busl'lmll, and Watson Spoclstru. a rcllrt-<l sports w 1 lh•1, received thl' Comn11s:11om•r's Awan.J £111 his work with lht• &!«:'ball C hapd. The Chapel, made up of bullplayt•1i. \Vhu hold clubhouse religious St'rv1t·es bdon· Sunday gumt•i., h as pn•st•nti.'d th1• Thompson awar~ ~ad1 y1•ar :.met• 1977 m mcmur y of tlw I a le A nH· r1l'a n Lt•<tg u l' in rat'ldt•r Thom pson, who died or lcuk t•mia a t agl' :.rn Ill I 9 7 6, p I aye d for ·, ht• Mmn('SOt<t Twini. and Tt·x.i' Rangl'rs Zahn 1s lht• Angt•li.' d\apel leadl•r ZAHN Spot.'lstra. who wrote r111 T he Associated Press, Ot•\roll F rt•<: Prt·ss and Detroit News, CoundC'd tht· t·hapd in 1973 and has been 1ts president s mt·c Presentation or both awards was mad t> bv b aseball Comm1sswn<·r Buw1t· Kuh n at a lunc heon al World Seril's h<'udquartt·rs Quote of the d ay Paul Splittorff, K ansas C1 t y Hoy;ils pitche r. a fte r learning of tht• dosing of his a lma mater. Arhnglon l11gh &:hool. near C hicago: "l hopt.• they gc•l my pil·lure oul u ( the lobby before tht•y put lhc· wrC'l'ktng ball to lhe place " Martin says he'll stay with A's PllO,EN!X Billy Martin. rumored to bc<.-omL' thl' nc•xt mJn<1gcr of thl' C levdand Indians. s:ud Fndav that he plans \0 rt•main managt•r or the Oakland A '<:. "no mauc•r what the• offer 1s ·· ··1 have no deals w11h <Anybody at 1h1s 11nw As far as I'm con cl'rned. I'm staying w11h Oakland." Marlin told the Assoc·1aled Press in ;m interview while wau·hmg Oakland's ent-ry. 111 the Arizon a Instructiona l League "( have a five-year contract with three· more years to go and I inwnd lo h on or it. 1 got my h ands full nght hc•re ·· A C hica go newsp a p c•r report Thurscfoy predicted that Martin had agrt~'<i to leave-the A ·s a nd w ould soon t.akt' over as Indians manager ~·1 pick ed up thl' pap<'• and I was m un· supri~ed tha n you were," Ma rlin said. "I d on't know whe rt' that sto ry came from . to be hom·st with you 1 d on't know why anybody would even put that in the paper." W adkins advonces at tournament Lonny Wudkln• "'Of't'Cl II II 1111d ~ n \ H 1111 ' 11\1•1 A11i.1111llu'i. Grf'K Norman 111 1 IH· W 11 1 td l\tu11 h Pluv t:olf l 'h,1111p11111i.l11p 1"111lu\ 111\d 1•111111 ·d 11 .,,.1111I111ul "'"''' 111 St'Vl' Uullt•wtt'ro•, tlw d1•ll•111l111g d1.11nµ11111 Hullt·tdt·r 111i l u"l110111·tl u :! .ind I • \ u t11rv 11v1·1 Hobby t 'lumjktt, wluh· Tom Kitt• d1•l1•11h'tl Craig Stadler, ·I 111111 :1 .111J Sandy L yl\'. th•· h•1u Bi 111i.li hop1•, d ow1h'tl 1l11ymond ffloyd, :1 .111d I Mllkr Uurbcr olLl-<l tht· hflh !1011· I'll 111ut1· 111 ,, h u11d1 ·1 pn1 hli ·" h1• t1111k .1 toui :;l111~1· l1 .. 1J .1fh·r 1wo n11J111h. 11 1 1lw )Jl:A Su11tt1•1· t'l.1~'11· B.11 IM •1 'i. 1•1gh1 111111 :;lu•l l:111tlt·d .,hurt 111 till' pill '1111 1111' wi yurd fifth hole', th1·11 1111l1•d 111111 1l w, 11p 111· ,11td1·d f1v1 • h1rd11•i. and .1 1,.~1·y 11v1·r th1· p:1r 7:!, H,:1:\tl y.ud S1mt11·1• t.'ou1tlry l 'lllh \'lllJI 'II' USC, Bruins face Pac-10 foes today Tlw ll111v 1·1i.11y u l S1Ju llw1ll [i] l'al1 to1111a tuotball lt•.1Jl\, With two C •• \H'1.'k' lu µ1 q >Jn'. v1.,1t:. S tun font t h1i. .d1t·r111111n , whilt• UCLA .111J Wasl1111gto11 !litat1· 1'.1d1 hopo.· l•I r ... •buund <1ft1·r h1•111g tll'J b y u111,h-1do1ots I.1s t w1·1·k 1n Paufit·-10 J('llu n tl11-. .iflerno•m T lw T111.J.1ni. will Ix· 1ry 111g 111 d1•h •nll agwns t thl' p.1~11 1g of S tJ11frnd 4u.111.-rl>.1l'k John ~lway, who gu~·i. 11llu toduv'::. l:!.:IO 1·0111\•i.l (Channt•I 21 with a i.l·.1son 111tal of 1-l tmwhduwn pussl'S. Thl· I Ith l'Jllll' Ill 1111' r111al 111111Ull' of laM Saturday 111ght's g.lnll' at Anluna S t:1h· .111.d Sl'lll Stanford mtu .1 17-1-1 11·.id. hut tht· unlw .. u·n Sun IX·v1ls i;trui.:k hat·k "'1lh srnm· pa:.M's of tht·ir own and pulll'd out a 21 ·17 v11·tury use. r;.inkl·d l llh 11.1t m11ally, l'llllll'~ 111tu thl· ganw w ith a I -O t onf1·1·1·11n• 111ark Jlld :i-1 <>Vl'l«.111 rt><.·urd Sta11fonJ " I I II\ tht• Pilt'-llJ ;md :\-2 ovl'ra 11 "I l uv1ng lai.t w c·ck 11(( gav1• ui. a drnnct· lo ht•a l sunit· wounds and po lis h som1· of o ur sk ills. Now wt•'n· n ·slt•d and loukmg forward tu lht• l'l'St of lht• :was1111," ~1d U SC Coal'h John Hobinson. 'l'h1· l:!th rJnk1'<.l Bruins havt· a 1::i0 Host· &•wl Jail• wllh Washmgum Swtt• 111 a '-·ontl·s l that t·ould ;.di IJul math1•111a111·ally t·limmah· llm· o( th1·m fro111 Pal'· 10 t1tlt• n mlt•nt1un. Tht• L'oug.iri. wt•n · cl1·adloc·k1•J 1-l -1-l lJy On·~on Sw11• l<i!-1 Saturday. wh1lt• UCLA and Anzon,1 <fr,1dlo1:kt'CI at 2-1 "Obviously. this 1:-. a big Wt't·k for us,'' said UCLA l'oath Tt·rry L>onahm• "If wt•' rt· 1-0· I in Pat·-10 play. wt•ll bt· Ill <Prt•lly g ood sha,x·" Angel-Brewer telecast gets high marks Thl' fifth g<1nw o f tht• Amc•nl'an • Lcagut· Champ1oni:.h1p Scnt•s betwt'l'n the Angt•ls an d M1lwaukl'1.' Brl'Wl·rs d r"' w I h c· h 1 g h c• i:. t r u t 1 n g f u r a weekL·nd day time l'h:.mp1ons h1p scn cs game. Tht• g umL'. playt'<i Ol.·l I 0 and tt'll'(:ast on ABC, drL·w .1 23 8 ruting a nd -I 7 s hur(• It was th<' fi rst llmt• th<ll iJ l'h amp1onship i:.<•rws ganw tl'lc'Cast cm a Sund<iy d id no t havt• lo compc>lc· with the National Foot ball Lc•aguP. whose sc·ason has been s uspt.·ndt'Cl by a players' strikt' . . S tarting L os Angt•ll·s L a kt·r forward Kurt R a mbis, b u thL•red by a son · right a r ch , f k·w to L os Angelt•s Friday to bt• <.•xammcd by Or. R obert K erlan, t h1• tt•am's phys1t·1an The l earn announn"Cl hL•'d bt· sidelined indd1nitcly College football TOOArl QAME '#Ht Wull1nglon SI va UClA al Rose Bowl (130) use at Stanlo<d 1c11111nel 2 11 12 •51 N-MeXICO 11 San Otego St n Long Beach SI at San Jose St n W1sh1ng1on 81 Oregon S1 Otegon II Cal1lorn1a wet>e< SI 81 PorU8nd SI n Northern Colorado al Cel Poly rSLOI n Redl111ds at Azusa Pac111e Car Lutha<an a1 Sacramenlo St n Cal Poly (Pomona) al Cal S111e Hay...aro U Sin Diego al La Verne WhlUM!f et Pomon1·P•1ze1. n Occldenlal at Cl8remonl·Mudd Rocltlff Coloredo ~· 11 Air Force Texas-El paso a1 Amona St n Haw1ll 11 BYU IClaho 11 Montana Boise St al Montana St Fresno SI al Nevada-Reno ldahO SI al Northern Arizona " N8ilad•· Laa vega.s 81 Uteh Paclllc al Utah SI Cal St Fullerton at Wyom•n<;i 84HlthwH t BaylOf a1 Texas A&M Houlton II SMU. n Texas Teen al Aoce Davidson al Soulh Carolina SI Alabama at Tennessee Western ll(entuc" y al T ennenee 1 e<:ll S MIS5lss1pp1 at Tulane n James Maaoson al VMI West Vorgin1a al Vorg1noa Tech Mershall al Wesl Carohna n E Tennessee SI al C1dadel n Lamar al LOU1siana Tech 1, AiGN'nc.nd at Lou1sv1lle C1nc1nnali al Memplus St M fgnnessee SI al Murray SI Mlc:lwH t Ball St at Kenl SI N llhnoos al Bowling Or-. Toledo 81 Central M1ch1<,1an D•aka at Net>ra$ka:oma11a. n Ohio U al E M1C111gan Ohio SI •• llhnOIS Indiana et M1nneso1a MICh•!J&n al Iowa 1owa St al Missouri Qlt,lahoma at Kanaas Kansas SI al Net>•ul<a Mlal)'\1 (Oti•O) 111 W M1ch1gan MJC1\1gan St at W•scons•n North-stern al Purdue Aruona a1 Notre Dame Colorado a1 O~lanoma St S llllnois at Tulsa n New MealCO SI at W1ch11a SI 1101 ......... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE l •lO I Texas Arltng1on a1 SW Lou111ana NE Louotlane al Arkansa.l S1 ._,,. Georgia Teer. 11 Aut>o•n Duke a1 Clemson £HI Au1oers al Boston College n Brown al Cornell Harva•d al Oartmoulh C W Poll at Oelawa•e Connec1ocu1 11 Holy C•oss Pe<\Cl at Lalayelle Plob tf itit Wttk Notre Dame over Arizona I w Texas St al flolld• Eat Carolina e1 Florida SI n Vandetbtll at 080fg11 LSU II Kentucky, n Waka Fores• •• Maryland MlaaiaslQpt SI al Molml (Fla l TCU al Mi51i&SIPC>I NOr111 Carollna St al North Carolina Fu<mln 11 South Caroline N-Hampshire 11 Lellion MauaclluM!tls a1 Ma11H1 Wilham & Mal')' at Navy Syracuse at Penn St Temple al P111 Army al Princeton Boslon U at AhOse 1s11nd Bucknell al Aoehesle< Columl>la ai Yale * Stanford over use * UCLA litited Offtr over Wa1hington State . ORANGE COUNTY = «;en,u«:'ft'@ftflAMA 1111 SHOW Me• A MtiM THAM 11¥11 Oct~ 16 & 17 Sat. & Sun. . IUY -SELL -TRADE 250 T.1AOE TABLES Featuring ..;w:lJ -AntlQue I Modern Ammo -War Aeltcs I Surplus lndlln Artlfec:t1.-Ruga I Jewelry -Colna : Adml••lon 13.50 · Chtldren Under 14 11.so· * Wyoming over Fullerton State * No. Carolina over No . Carolina State 633CSl's LAST OF THE '821. •••• 7 TO CHOOSE FROMI LIASI OalUYI Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RD,. NE,.,PORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92~ 7 1~ OPEN SUNDAY L.M.Boyd informs -in the Brewers: Sutter Beck ju t • m1 c not invincible own mark M ll.W ALJK1<:1<: tAI') St Louu; n ·lll·I pit.dil•1 U1 uw Sutu·1 lwat Milwauk1•1• 111 CJIH' lo{ltllll' 111 tlll' Wo1 Id St•111·i. .111d pwkl'cl up .1 :1uVt• 111 lht· 11 lh1•1' <.'u1•d111 11 I Vll'lory. Y"t 1 lw Hrl•w111 "I soy th1·y t•o11 h1 t t 111' 1w 1• h url1·i anti 111~ 1'plll I lllj.(l'l'l'd fu11tliall "lit·'~ n•>l i11v111nlih• 11l all," :.u1J Milwaukt•l'll P uul Mo litor 11h1·1 St. Luu111 lx•ul th1· Brl'Wl'r' Ii 2 "'r Id j y n i I< h l '111 l u k 1• II I wo w11111~1> Ill 11111• l1•Jd S uttt•r' 1·1.11llt! in to a bus l•s lc~1tl1•<l, IWO·OUl l>llUllllllll Ill lll\' S4'Vl'nlh inn111~ und g111 l'harlll' Moon· lu fuul oul C<'i.il ('11111>e·r lh1•11 U1ggl'd Sulin who wo11 gnml' two lu1 ,, tw11 ru11 h om1·1 111 1h1• 1•11-:hth I N T H E. N I NTH. l ;urm.111 't'ho111.L"\ Ix ll1•d ,1 l1mg dnvt· 11! I Suth'r th.11 1 t·11lt·1 fll'ldt·1 W1llll' M1{:1·1· -..1v1·d f111rn bt•lll~" h1111w run with a lt•ap111g 1.,11d1 ;11 tlw w;.ill "Suttt•r'., stallsl1t·s ipcak fur tlwms<·lvcs. Suttl•r obvious ly 1s v t.•r y foOod, but 1 think ht· l'an Ix· had,' Thom:is ~•d "Maybt• wr just nt><.'ll to Sl'L' him <i t·ouph· of more llmt•s." M olitor agrl·c·d "Whal you huvc lo do 1i. Ill' patient and WUI\ £or your p1td1 But whl'n you 'n • lwh1nd . yuu d on 't alwa yi:. havt• lhl' trnw w look for lht• p1lt:h you want tu hit," ht· said "But I think it'' gmng 111 bt· hl'lpful to :-wVl' M'l'll him a touplt· of \lml's MJ far " Addt•d Bn•wl•r s c·at<:ht•r Tt•d Simmons "Thi• murl' Sull1•1 Wl' see in tht• sl•11ci.. th\· b1·ttvr you 'v<' g ut to hit " ' · I D 0 N ' T t h i n k h 1· • ' unh1llabl1." hut I'll' m akt·' guod p1ld1l'l> al JUl>\ lht· right 11111<'1' Th1.• thing we· havt> lo do 1i. bt.· µ<:1l1enl and h o p1.•£ully hav t· l'nough runs o n our s1dt' b<'furt• ht• t•oml'S 10\o p1tt•h " The B rewers dubho usc· wa., i.urpn:-.mgly n •laXl'll fur .1 !l.'.trll 1 hat had JUi.t lost 11s :-.1•1·ond s traight W orld Sent•i. gam1• "WP had lo t·om1.· bae k fro11\ advers ity all sL•uson and WI' p rovt·d .,.,;(, l'outd do that wht·n w e w o n t h t• d 1 v i s 1 o n championship in Bult1mon• and 1·:1 '1'111 11 ' <: .1 1 ~ H11 k 1 .11m• Wl lhlll 01 "1'1111111' 11f h1i. IJWll N.11 11111.d 11111 Hod A"'" 1.11 11111 W111,t1111 W111 ld f111.tl , 11·11>1d t'11da V lo l1·.1d I hi• \•JJI I Ul•I d r.q,.(:.11•1 d1 v 1 .i111J wllli J ~,!>ti ,. I II II 1' I J I I Ill 1• •• II ti II 2~•1 :l!I n11l•· 1w1 h11u1 'IH'•·d ;1t (Jr .111~~·· ( '1111111 v 11111 1 n.1110 11.tl l<.1t 1·w.1y 111 1111', y1 .. ., ·, (111,di. f1 .11lk ll.1wl~·y. t h" IJl>lnt tlll' plity .. 11s .Jg.i111St t'alit11r111a," M 11 lit11r said "A lnl ,,f 111·11pll' rlt'V\'I guvt• Uli J dHllH'I' Ill l hll:-.4 ' w11t·i., but Wt· prov11t WI' 1·11uld t•11nw I i<ll'k " • 11 ·:11!1 ·1 in h111nv u 11 l 111111x-t1111111, 1111"\lwd 111" ( '1111 ugo 1i .... 1•d C:hi 1'11w11 llu,th•1 l>ocl~1· C'li.11 g1·r 111 ;i i.tri.ng !1 !1(1 "'<'ll11d d 111:k111g al ;!:l!I .lft lllJ1lt 111 h•.111 lhJI d1v1i.11111 M 1·a11\o\lidc, Mri. L o nrHl' S 1111tli 1.111 thank tlw l1 ll'11dlv 111 1ghl1111 h111ttl l\d11 1111d.11 k IJ;;t 111.11\ 111 1 h 1·lp11\g 1ur1· h1·1 l11hh.111d'-. 11·,llt•'>' n1ghL' S11111h . t lw Curdin;.ils' li·tt fll'ld1·1 who had h1·1·11 m1n•d 111 u l>.1t11ng i.l ump n1ll1·1·tt•d two 1mp<1rl<.lnl 1 xtra-uui.t• h1li. Friday 111gh1 "I WAS i.wm·h111g h,1b 111f'ltv 1 q~ul.1rly ," Srn11h :.<11d "'l'h1· IMt-.. 111.11 I h ;1d lh<.il Wl'll' lllo!dt• tJf g111td Wlll>d Wl'l l' JUlil iJ l1ttll· 11 ,. ,, v v T 11:i11 k r u 11 v. t 11 ,. Ad110~1d <1t·k guy n 1mt:·,,1ung l111 l,1v w ith thret• lll'W haL<;" T 11 l ' :. w 1 fl S rn 1 l h s ;11 d h 1 s 0 fur 7 i:x·rlurm<:1nl'l' in lhl' St-rn•i. firs l two garrws h ad afh •1:U•d h1i. i.lt·1·p and th:.tl o f hi .. wlft'. Pt•a 1 I "I toi..,.·d and turrwd <Jnd ki1·kt•d niv w1fl-." tw s.11d "II st.1rt1·d lo g1•1 to llll' bl·l·a uM· I km•w I \\.'<JS a 1111 bdtl·r" Sm1 th 's f1r.-.1 hit. u doubll· 111 lhl· 11fth inning. s tarll·d a lltn.'l' run outburst against Bn·weri:. s tartt·r Pl·te Vuc·k ov11.·h Wit lw M cGl•t·'i. homl' run S('orto<l Smith and D<tne lorg. Smith had o nly lhrN· h11..l> 1n l!J pos t-sl-asqll :.it bat.s. mduding lht· r Nauonal League Champ1ons h1p Series ht-for<' h1!> double• lfr then tnplt'CI and sc·on '<l in the sl •venlh inning whc·n a n:lay t h ro"' t rorn Brl•W l'r i.t·l·und h,1:-.t1n~>11 Jim t;antnl•r t·orumt·d 111lo lht• C;,1rd1nals' duguul. Smllh, who b<illl·d 307 a nd ll•d lht• NL 'Nith 120 runs 111:url'd th1~ st·ason. smd hl· took t•xlra batting prae t1 <·t• during a w o rkou t Thursday and madt• adju stmcn b W .1111"11 .l11hn•111, lh1· l\Jtlllllul I <'I Ill d l111td1•1 lrl Jll ti "\tlJl k .... pu.,lwJ 111' UIJ., S tai f111 in tu th1• nur11l"·1 111w "1~11 111 tli.11 div"'"" v.11h " 7 7.1 "\\'U1•11I. 177 !Ii 111pli I 1111 l\1'11111d l~'I k Ill lllfl fut·! WU"\ 11.11 1011.tl 11•l''" d h11ld1·r Mark (h \\ ,J Id 1 ti l'111nr111 •• 11 a I fl fi:l ~(•I fl fl d "\ .t fl d .J ' fJ l ' l ti U ( 1r1.1 fill 111µh (),w.tld hold~ t hl· 1u111•111 11•1111d at 2~)h .il mph whtl1· J~ ~k I°' lht• i ·l<ipM:d lll'Tll' I l'\.'urd huldt·1 .1l ;'1 ~).I l>('\.'Onds Sh11 l1·v Muld•>wnt·v f1nis ht•d lh<· r ..... , day 111 4u ;olifying In fifth p I ,1 I' l' WI l h ii fl 7 J l> (' (' 0 ll d <! 1:1 !W 111ph 1 u11 All shl• hai:. tu do 111 w111 tit•· NI IHA tltlt· h. make thl' Iii 1.11 f111 ;tls f o llow ing trnl;i )'' 1111.ll qual1fyrng Sl·ss1on SIH · v.111 "'1.q1 up th1• Wini.ton Wurld Champ1<1/I t ruwn a nd '"'Url· ht·r tf·am J $40,000 ))()nus. I l.1wl1·\ " in ,, ... iron~ posillon 111 "1.1p li p th1· tunny t·ar \1tll· Bill\ J\lt•\t I ,,, T 1 ,..,., i'> !>('(.'(Jl)d ,.,1111 .Jiiii µ<1111t' Ix l11nd. and had t•1 '1 Ill• 1111 '"th in 4uulify 1ng F 1 1 d " v ,, I Ii II I "t· t· o n d s . :!:!-l n 111ph Ill htl> P 11n tliJ1.: ~·111 h11d P1 udh1111inw 1n third µl::.<.·1.· ~111111 >iOll p111111:. lx:hmd H<iwlt·y. \\'.J" .,t;.1111tl 1n fnd..i,v·., quallf:-mg \\1th J !'1Yl w<.·1md. :!.JI y:s-mµh 1 u11 111 h1i. t'ont1dt Fin•b1rd In prn '''IC k u1mix·11tion. f1vl·- t 1 m1· world th.impinn Bob (;1tdd1•n w.ii. M'\.'t1ml 111 Jnhnsun \\1th ;J 7 ill .,tf\•1nd. 17ti 11-mph 1 un 111 .1 F ord l::XP In tht· two lop ... µorti.nHtn t .111.:gurn·i.. Bob G o ttlil·halk w<is t lw lt·adt•1 111 top akohul funny l'<H ;i1·111111 al ti 57 !>l'\.'ondi. whilL· A11.1h t•1m':-. Davl' Hage· grablwd tlll' 111µ ""'"' 1n :1kohol dragsll r CARJ?INALS TAKE 2-1 SERIES. LEAD ... From Page 81 . bel•n in trouble,'' I l<·rzog s;ud "He can do 1t all H e's a gr<'at pla\\•r " M({.;C'(:' ""'"' OUl of lhl' hnt•up m tht' r II "\I ~<Hiil' o r the &·n~ bc..'l·ausc· l k rzog hkl''i lo U~t· Uav1d G reen agains t lc·h-handc>rs and l\k(;, 1 ,1g.1111't right-ha nders But Herw~ S(jld M t-Gt'(' hkdv \\mild i.t.11 l 1n tlw rt'mainml( g~mb 1f he t·ontinu1•s tn pl.iv">\\ t·lf Ml'Gl'c. who w:.ii. a<:quired b) th1· Cirdin .. 1, £rom lhC' New York Yankt'l'S lasl C.>c:tulx•r. J1>11wd thi· C.;rdmals t rom Lo u1sv11lt'. un AAA l1«tn1 1n J\1.1 \' to rC'plac·c Grt't'n. who was tnJUr<.'Cl "l thought h e'd have \tJ go b:wk lo th1 minor~ ... Herzog said. "but h t• playc'<i so wt•ll I hud to ke.-p him " B o th o f M c G <' l' . s h o m t· r u n s t ' <• m l ' 11 ff M ilwaukee starter Pete Vut•kov1ch "l .thmk he got the hrst one up. a t·hangcup." GOLF BALL CL f\kGl·t· ~1d, "a11d 'I JU">t hit 11 I tx·lit•v(• thL· se<:ond one wa-. a fc1i:.tball .. 'was Mc-G1't' thinking hom1 run., "Nu, ..,.r, I'm J hn1· d nvl• hl\tt•r I JUSl try lO makt· t·onw<·t.'' he· s.ud Du vou havl' .1nvthll\~ 111 ,.,." to Georgl· Sl1•inhrl'nnt-r. who tr adl•<l you'' , "I JUi.I tha nk Mr S t1•111bn·nnC'r for giving mt· thl· oppor\un1t) tu play Tht•y have• i.Oml' good \11,11 h1·' ov1·r 1111•1 t'. tht• 'i ;111 kl'l'" and I lc·arnL•d <t Int .. Md.;,.,.·~ :1 1h11•1• 1un h1inwr 1n thl· filth 1111\111g 1.·nd1·d ,, M•11 t•h•"' dut·I bet\\ 1·c·11 Andu1.1r ,ind l\11lw.1ukt·t· nghl-ha nJt·r Pt•l{' Vul'k11v1<:h M c{;l•c':. S<'l'Ond ht1ml'r. w11h nonl' on. l·amc in th<! ~<'Vl'nth and h1.•lpt•d tht· Cardinals win the ir -l lllh g;.inw in I;\ World !:>1.•1ws T tw Ca rdina ls now hav<' wo n more W orld S l•ri('S games than any other National Lt•aguL' wam rcprl'Sl'nlini( a single city WRl~T WATCH~·· , ....... ~ ·--rn'1n I ;$399~· ~ AM/FM CASSETTE OR 8-TRACK . --·. CAR STEREO 1111J:r:&~i' LIST PRICE 1131.15 ~:'W :;~:.r .$2995 JVC AM/FM RECEIVER HI WATTS ,,c;zzJ.J I I I I\ ... LIST l309 9~ ~Il l ~ LIS r $19 9~ tACtt F.t,MOUS M.t.llER 200 WATT 60 OUNCE 3WAYCARSPEAKERS • LISTS999S -- $17~7 . FM WALKMAN TYPE STEREO ~1~~1"'1M .._IOAV-l4T <OW lOW ""CU 1~:1>1 'ON TOP From Page 9 1 tlw M.11111.1 '.!7 <ll .. 1·11,11 11lw ) :11111 l•:ill-.1111 17 ('1'11kk1111•n) M.11111.1 °1\ dt•lt•llM' S lt•V\' H1.11111 , .11111 Md .. Ju~hl111 , Mu111·I WPt'\4 , IJ,1\t• i\bb11ll, Ute·..: N1 •l I, :~ob l.11· 11nd J o hn l.11v1•l.y .11111111 d I h1· ( 'h,11 ~1·1 -. I 1111;1 g\'l\llljo( ,111y d1•1•pl'I lliull lhl' V1 k1·-.· Ill • • • 1lw l1ull 11rn.l W•·1t• htfl'1•d t11 p u111,• liut •• i.,1tl 11·111 .. 1 ,,1 ,q• t1111 1·d pu1111•1 J11h11 \Vt.11•·111.111 '' 1111111uplt•t10 11 Mui 111.1 fuu.:h1 1111 tlu~ 11111 .. 1, ltlo11 k111g U 1 .1h.1111's IU yu1 ti I wld )\uill ,11l1•111pt, hut • 11t1 ld11'1 pu k up a Inst d 11\\111111 l 11111 1h .111d .111 111d1 ''" T .1kk1111•11 l11 11k1· 1h111u..:h Edlto11 ldltoll \11 throw M111111.1 1 ~llllllllj.( ti •• , k 1-:rw Kai 111.111 1111 .i 111-.., s h k S till •hl· Vik·· ... Wt·11· 111 ·-e a a s u111h·11tl•lll afh•r .111nth1·1 1':d1~111 W "°""'•'" Yeller top Lions Ot u11ytt (;oua1 DAil Y PILOT /S11turdoy, October 16, 198? 113 1-IAllON From Page 81 Mort• 1ha11 a11yth111~. t 1 Wh,., 11 lllH 1111•111111 lllt•p .. for 1h1· 0111·11., w h 11 w1•H · t<llJ"Vll•H 1111'11 lll'i.t 111111 I ('I I 1•1111·11111-t llw i.:.11m•) -.11wt· l!lflli, t ilt' 111 .. -. 1111ght 1·v1·n tw· t cm -.11lt·11-cl tJ -.11·p flrrwurcl. 11111 "/\ lot 111 1i.oe1plt• 4Ul'1>ll11m'<I our "t ... duh11i.: .mu w .11n .. d u, k1111w ti W•· w 1·n · fur 11·al," !'lllcl llt•1)1 y 'W1·ll. I th111k we• i1h 0Wl'Cl lun1gh1 th.ii \.1:'1'0Vt' a n1v1•d anu l'llrl pluy 111 tlll' Su11i.d L1·u~ut:. • • • th11uHh . th111 11mt· f 111 cl t ll l( t1•11111milll' .h 1tt1l1' l>u1111 d11wt1 th1• h ·ft 111<.ft. on a i -1 y u td u('r\ul KLlt7'i. kwk madl• It 14 10 01ll'f'1' cmd tht' Bm uns loukt-d Ill tmuhll• 13ut lwhtnd tlw 1 u1111111g lf Kur l Burn" (U 1·a11 ll'" (11r 2 y urd11> urn! Sl'Clll G1.11 rt•U (I~ U ), und tht· p&11.'itn(( 1Jr t'ryt· (II ol p for 131 yJrd11). tht• Ji;JIUll~ 11\lli l' um• final run, mov lllK UO yu1 d" n P l.1u· k11k1·1 1:1•rry <ir.1h11111, i.:•>l l·:dh1111 1111 lh1· ho.11 di., Jlli.l 1 11·.11111..: tw. I 1bl 111 l Wu 4<! y unl hoot-. .d lt•1 M .Jrtt1.1's • •nly ix•1111lly ot llll' l1r:.r11ull udvtilll't•d tlw hall I P t h 1· M ,1 r 1 11 a :.! 5 1111 t h 1• Ill l'\'t •d111g play (1..td ~0111 11ll1•111pl 1.111.·d . but 1111 l ilt' M\'lllld pl.tV 11( 1111• l 'llMlllll{ '\l'l'lt ''• .I ix)(ff fll Ii h l'l ''ll I lt•d Ill 1l1•rtlJll(f1•/ plC'klll~ 1111' lo<N' lii11l up .11 tlw M .11111.1 h v.11d lin1· ;11111 h i:. f1vt· vmd 1U11 h .11 1 lh1· V1kt•' <111 tht• lllll\'S O <•t•u n Vi••w (•0111c s but·k., w in s 2 1-7 "I d1111'1 think wt•'n • oul 11! thl• pl.1 y11 ll i. 111 1 hamp1 11 11 :.hip 1orll1 ·11t11111 a1 :.ill lt'l't u lt1ugh loss. .111d tl hu11-.. hut w1· know now w1· • .• 11 pl.iv 111 tl11· Su11111•l t •1ghl r>luys Thl· TO (.'llll)I' wh II m•ldom used AJ Shu w . ;1 m·111 r. bolt..t-<J hts way into tht• 1•1111 11J c• Cru111 seven yunh out Th.11 mu{" 11 17-14 w ith ti.54 lt> pl.1y .ind II thal was lt·fl w.i., 1h1· f 111)f ( ;1 :.11.1111 1111,,t'll 0 11 f1v1• c1th1•1 .1111 111ph .ind \\'11rk111.111 "aul II ''·'' ,1 111.1th•1 111 too 111u1·h :-..w.'('('I .111d nut 1·11uugh luolh.1 11 t u t h1:. h.11 l..l'I ''I'll h,1\'t• lll \,ilk to OUI "'" "'' 11 .. 11 h ,1houl lh1:.," tu· • cddnl 1\ I 1 hough I l t·1·11a11d1•1' ru111bl1· rPu1\'1•1 y "'a:. .1t tht· Matina :.l!J 11<·11all11:, t un·1•d &lison :.!O y a1d:. h<H'k lll'lt11'1' Nowolny hit J,·ff \\'.1:-h111i.:11111 tor l:i yarcb an<.J 1)0 11 t:1hh:. 1111 Iii yardi. to g1.·t U rJh.1111 w11h111 r.1ng1· J.Jf h1i. first flt'ld g11.1I 1\ I I \',11 d huokup fro m N11\\1•lll\ lll t:1bb:. \\,L, lhl' kt•\• pl.I\ Ill 1111' go-,lht•a\J d1 l\'l ' (;1bl~ 11111,hnl "1th live catt·h1·s fur 5H '.11 "' .ind .lt•ff Wa ~htnglon , J n lll'' ,111d Mall H ombs l'al'h l',1l1g h1 .1 p.ttr of passl'S within Nu" 11l11\"' I :1 fur-:!:! l'frort (no • 111lt'n·1•pi1urn;). W ith tin· lt·<H.l 111 tht• final pl' rind , 1':.d 1 son · s d t• ft• n s l' l·aµ11.il11t•d o n tlw luxury of a lt •<td .ind \'lr tu.;llv ovt·rwht'lnwd l\l,111n,,·, 11frl·ns~'. l1m1l1ng tht• V1k111g" 111 JU'l 47 yards tn tht• l,1.,l "' 11 p~.·ru1tls (29 rushing and Ill """"11g). l\l.111na mi..takl•s. forn'd ,ind Hlht I\\ ISl'. ;il:-;o lOOlrtbUtl'U l<> lht• \'1k1 ng,· do(.. nfall 1\ Ctc·r fall mg lx•hmd by a 10-7 ltlUIH, ~Ill' V1kt'S couldn't PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 Tu11 pl.iv. 1.,..1 l1v1 v.utl:.. thl'll N 11\\ 11t11\' f .1kt'd 111 111' h.a k i. 111:.1dl' .1111J i;w1·d ,1111u11cl l11s right i.id1• lur thl· d 111d11·1 \17 71 \\1th H.:IO rl!lliaming * Edleon 23, Merine 7 Score by Quarter• Ed1•0n 0 I I I I l.I Ma11ne 1 o o n I M V111111i.23 p.i•'> hOlll Muilt•r ll<.0101un luCl<I E Gr.iham 42 FG E Jones 37 puss h1.1r11 Nowo111y lu1t1"urn "''"' [. NOl#Otny 8 run tC.udh.un ~"'-. 1 E 01aham 42 FG E lt11lucnt1 27 fG Atlttnoance 4 ~ t~\llnl1-lt-4U Game Sl•lla llco E Fusi downs I:? Rusnes·y1111.1s • • '18 Pou.es 1.J·?~1 1 Pun11 4 3J FumbleS·IOSI I ·0 Po11all1es·yc;rd~ 7 72 lndMdual Ruahlng "' 11 11 82 7 21 2 3 32 6 ~ 5 J2 E C.11llilh~ 13 4 7 Bd1H1u1 I~ 6 JS Nowo111y 12·10r·m1nus () Snu1 ci11 1 I S1111n1gor 1-1 Wdll.,,.c:11 3 1 l<Oll'ID~ 1 8 Jone~ 1 11 M l\arman 17 57 Pan"r"o" ti J Marltl• 6·22 lndMdual Peulng E No.,.olny 13·22·0 154 M Marlt1r 7 ·20· 1 94 Wn11en1nr 0· I ·0 lndlvldual Receiving E Gioos 5·58 Wa1ning1on 2 22 Jones 2-SJ. Homos 2·9 Bundv1a11 I 7 011111111~. 1·5 M-V1e1ra 5-51 Crowley 1-24. Molles•. I· 19 Hy HANOY Tll-'1' Speclal 10 the Delly Piiot w l' .. l Ill I " ... I l' I 11 I g h • s llu1111·c .1111111g football ganH• ~·11d.1 y 111gh1 1ul'ludt•u 1w11 1 llU!>lllJ.( pt•l'f 0 1 ttlanl'l'!> by 1 l S 111.1rd1111g band .rnd a :.pt-<.'l.acula1 h :ilft1111t· f1r1•work s s h o w U 11fortu11;.111•ly for C oal'h Barry Wa11•1 :.' L 111m.. h 0Wl'V1·r. ttwre "1•n · nu f11·1·wur~:. !/I' rous ing p1 ·rfnrrn.111l'1·i; 011 tht· fwld Thi· On•an V1t•w Sl•ahawk:. c .11111· b.ll'k from an l•urly 7-0 dt'l ll'll 111 to µµl1• Wt•slmins lt·r. :!I 7, .11111 w111 lht·1r Sunst:t L1·agu1· o pt:nt•r Tht• Lum-. l'Llnlt' uut roanng in tlw f1ro;t qw1rll'I' ai. they ro mpt.'d :11! vanls for a touthdown o n th1·;,. 1111t1al possl·ss1o n . Bobby Charron Sl:ramblt'<I IO yards (or what pr11v1·d t•> bt· thl' Lions' on Iv :.1.·111·1· Th1·n . afl1·r lht• Lions got th1.· h,ill again 1n tlll'1r own lt•rrno r y. tlwv n111u1'11l1·u tlw lirM of lhrt·t· d1 V 0 ,L'>l.1tmg turnovt·rs wh1l'h c:usl llll'm thl• gamt· O<.·l•an V11•w's Sha\\ n Qut·;a rt -<.·ovt•rC'd a Jamt·s H1•dm1111d fumblt' a n d lh P St•ah awki. t aptlaliwd 5 plays la ll'f on a 4-y<ird Chad Paris..-au t•) Todd Parkt•r tou1·hdown pas::.. T h t· S t' :1 h •• w k s . w h u n1mm11tt'd n u turnove rs 1n thl' ~fl· ,,,., .,. !;JU' ve4'4! 10 Dutu'leH or a 1· at "'" r 4•w •~•J l•• n Y<Alf 1' l '""' • Pt1'l trv~ P.,-M)fi.net l Mm C>e.e1< tim•ot ror Of'1va1• or grwp to.' I ' "or• t.Ar1 Roche BeNlv-ot' "' 11"''' Net•or-. Ne'wOOr'1 Beec.n (714) 640-1268 SAVE UP TO 7 S % OF YOUR HEATING COSTS. NEW SYSTEM MAINTAINS TEMPERATURE 24 HOURS WITHOUT THE SUN OR BACK-UP "HEATER CALL 631-6360 Call 642 -5678. Put 1 few words to work for ou. ALDERWALL PANELING Y2"x3"xRandom Length Unfinished Real Wood Covers 32 sq . ft. I ADYANCID SOLA• APMICATloNS Reg. 3995 SALE $1995 SALE YES! AT ABC WE STOCK All DESIGN SERIES RCA 2000 -AM> W£ SELL Tt£M FOR LESS CALL 968-3329 FOR PRICES t ..... 2000 De1lg n Senn g.111w, 1wv1·1 look1·d ki. k I 1 .. 1 l<1 1 't41J1t•d 1111 a '.LO y,ud I llll l.111 111 ltl\' M't'lllltf pt'l llH I ,111.J l'.111'1 ,1\1 ;i<fd1•U ,1 :L:1 V111cf1·1 Ill 111:. •>WI\ Ill I h t· t h I I tf q 11 .1 I t I' I I( <' I cf Th1h11dr·<1 ll l'ClllVl'l lt'd .di 1111 1'1' l 'AT' Ot't'all Vww ('oaC'h St1·v1· ('ulflt•:.h k111·W lht· l'l 'll'>l>ll f 111 ti .... ll'~llll':. 'ilJ('l'I"•' "W 1· tl1d11 '1 111;1k1• .inv 1n1:-1ak1•-.," Ill' :.<11d . . * Ocean View 21, Weetmlneter 7 Seo•• by Ouatl•r• Ocean View 7 7 I u ~ 1 wes1m1nS1er 0 0 Cl I w Ch&flOll 10 II.Ill (80111.. ll•C'I OV Po'""' 4 pa~~ '1trorn I t.11 •'>• .-.. 1T1111>ooeo1u k1ci..1 OV Parkur 20 1u111ln1Dodl!ou "''"~ t OV Pa11r.eau 2!> run (ll11Dod1luu ~•ct..t Allenoance 2.200 1es11matedJ G•m• Slallallco -0~ w 1'1151 downs 8 11 RusheS·y•t<b 3fl· 14 I J.• % Panino y11rd~ 61 12£1 Passes 5.g.Q 9 n I Punts 8-42 5 ~6 f'umblh 1011 O·O 4 'I Penall1e~·yards 8·75 I 10 lndlvldu•I Ruohlng ov Pa1ke1 15-67 Sudvt..a 1 ?(J Pa11~•u 15·44 Moun1 2· 10 w Redmond. 14 55 Cha11on 1 45 Woo<l 7 22 tianson 4-lo•·m•nus ?1 Goo<li! 1 I OV w OV 1-20 lndlvldual Pau lng Pa11sea1.1 5.9.0 61 H.tnrton 8 9 23 1 126 tndlWldual Rec:.lvlng Pa•~er J 16 Gar1011 I 25 w Valenzuula, 7 118 washoon 1 & Goode 1·2 l .1-.1HU1· .. Fw .1 t111w l-'1 td<1y. 11 lookt-<I a:. 11 th•· ( Jllt•I':. 11ught lwlo11g <it tht• l•>fl ol tli1· Surn.•·I Ll·agut· /\ 111 1 ,, '>l'111 t•lt·i.., f1r:.1 half . \\ liwli p r11dutTd nothing mun• th.111 .i rn1:.st·u f1t•ld gual from 1•111 h ... ult·, t ill' Rarnni. and Otll'rs 1 ,, 1111 · o u 1 a n d I 1 t u p l ht· -.1·1J11·l10;11d 111 tlw M'<'ond half hk1· .1 p1111i.dl 111:1eh11w ft\'I' I 1il1:.l'('Ul1Vt• f)OS.'i<'S!>lllO._, by t t11· !\;i ron~ and U ilt·r:. t'Ombml'<.J 11 ... ultt cl i11 ;1 tot.a.I uf 'l.7 point:. l-11u11t.11n Vallt·y :.tartt'C.I thrngi. 111 td w.1' th rough t h1· th 1 rd q11.11 11 r \\ t'\1·11 quartt·rb~1t·k Dall' 1-'1 \1 t ul111111.1tl'd a four-play. 111 va1 d dr 1vt• wllh o o n1·-y<1rd plt111g1• 11vt•r l't·ntt·r . Chu ck Smoot k11 k1•d llll' prnnt a flt•r lo makt• 11 7 0 I l u11t111gt11n Bl'<il'h then lted t ht· ,t·on • moml'nls later wht•n qu.11 \l·rli.ick Enl' L<iwton found Ills 11ghl t·nd M1kt· Ra y (or 23 v.11 ds down lht· rig ht std<.'lrne Zor;111 K <itz l'onvt•Mt'<i lhl' pornl af1t·1 lo kno t 11 a l 7-all J-',iuntain Vall<'y t'amt· right li.il·k. howl'v"c•r, to take a 10 -7 ,1cl \'an tagc· a~ Smoot ktc k C'd a ~5 ya.-d f1<.'ld goal with '2.7 i.t't.·ond s ldt in the th1nJ quarter. dramiilll'S ! L<.wton. :.wrt111K at lw, 11w11tl7 y.ird hrk'. movt.-d llH> ( >1l1 ·r-. :i yards 1n 14 pl<1ys 11> "·t ~µ lfonry's lTut·1a l JU<l~t·111t·11l 1 • "ll w as my llL•t·i..111n ," i.ald Henry of his ffiOVl' to go rm ll all "We had conw lht:. far :rnd; I d1dn'\ want to go for a lit.·" * Fountain V~llel' 17, Huntington BHcb 14 ScoH by Ouartero l Hun11ng1on Bebeh 0 0 1 I .14 Foun1ain Valley 0 O 10 7 ~ 7 FV -Frye 1run1Smoo1 k>Ckl : HB M Ray 23 pa~\ ll<Jlll I ..... .,.. K•1t k1ck 1 l'V Smool 25 FG HB Ovnn 24 P8$$ llOm lllWl(Jll 1Kal/ ... , •• FV -Shaw 7 run tSmool k1Gkl • /'.-5 500 1es11ma1eo1 Game Slallollco HB First Clow11s 11 Aushe\·YB•ClS :) I 11>3 Paucno yards 189 Passes ll' I b·O Punls 3 3!1 Fumbles.-los1 O·O Penalhes-yardll' 4 40 lndhrlduel Ruthlng HB -Triompson 21 10 I Sa1i;il1e•d 6-.l5 law1on. 10·27 FV -I' rye I-tor minus 5 Garr1111 12 95 Sw1ge11 8·36 Bums 9·42 Snaw 2 14 lndMduel Pe11l1>9 HB Ldwton, 12-16·0 189 FV Frye, 8-13-0 103 lndhrldu•I Receiving HB Tnompson, 5·32 M A8y 4·89 lOP4z 2-44 Ovnn i-24 FY-Crall. 5·76. Ga11e11 2 14 Belch• 1-13 ; L aw t o n co untt·r <'d again , --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Shoppilg at ABC is IMe a raise it pay! FRONT LOAD •RECOflD BfTA II & HI- PLAYBACK 1·11-lll·REMOTE VISUAL SEARCH & STILL FRAMC-lOW£ST PRICES ANYWt£RE GUARANTEED!! ilventor of both systems cave the other one away- MAKE S£NS£? SUPER SALE LOWEST PRICE EVER FOR THIS UNIT . .ORY! LMTfD!~ RCA PORT A8lE VHS Vl>EO RECORDER WITH WllELESS REMOTE CONTROL SAVE 1100 4181V1" ASH PLYWOOD Reg. 1795 Now gel e 25" <llag picture 1n a 19" d1ag width Across·the-top controls 100• picture lube infrared remote, more' It ABC We Have Been Discount For 29 Years -But Discount With Senice Before, During, Ind After The Sale. •• -!"-o Bea u tiful Grain 11818' SALE CEDAR FENCING Reg. 99~ Dog Eorred Top -Rustic Grode 139 21418 SALE ECONOMY STUDS Reg. 79~ 99c For Utility Uses 4181~ SALE BIRCH PLYWOOD Reg. $28~9 3795 Shop Grode -Great For Cabine ts 4181~ SALE ASH PLYWOOD Reg. $4995 64~ Lu mber Core -.... Outstanding Buy! 41811" SALE Reg. PARTICLE 10110 1769 $1099 Industrial Grode -Great For·Coun tertops PRIC 5 GOQD SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLYI 19" ixa1CN1 1983 MODEL RCA COLORTRAK REMOTE!! This Weekend We Pull Out Ill The Stops -Lowest Prices Anywhere But llot Sacrificing Senice -Ind For Cash Buyers, I Full 5% Off Our Discount Prices -We Meet Anybody's Prices!!! 25" ou,111111 SYSTEM Ill REMOTES •SPACE PHOftE •MOOtl.AR CHASSIS •QUARTZ TUMNG . \ l· ~ SAVE 1 I, ·-s300001 ·~, Al abc ,~ .. W£ STOCK All RCA Vl>EO RECORDERS, CAtOAS Afl> ACCESSOH S-W£ Will NOT BE lNlCRSOl.D. SAVE WITH CASH 19 II Olactnll with Elect. T mnc '82 Model OUR PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY & EXTENDED SERVICE . SHOWN IS ONLY ONE OF MANY MODELS IN STOCK ZENITH 19" Iliac Color Add Elect. T llin s349 Add Qmrtz T ll'linc Add hmdom Quartz s489 It emote RCA ColotTr•k 19" - 25" Dlaional ZENITH WITH REMOTE I STEREO uLOWEtT PRICE II OUllE cou1n =--WITH DEUYEllY 19" ~ ColorTrak • 2000 REMOTE RCA's VERY BEST ..,..., . ._ SUPER CASH SPECIALS VHS STER£0 RECORDER-TOP OF: M L• $899 Miit They Listi 13" ZENITH COLOR ZENITH BIG SCREEN 24 AID EITEIDED SEllYICE -19'' ZENITH REMOTE CALL 111-3321 FOii PlllGEI llW,..19_"_Hl_TA-Ct1-R-EMO-. TE __ ...,. HOURS: 1110 .... ,111. 10·1 SA 1. l t-t.30 SdlU-4 WIY IUY IT 1101 • fll&l•I IYAIUIU I.A.I, .......... •• 111111111• Ill.II ...... e ..... •ama•nm11a • •~•1111n,. .. IOl-ZUITl-IYLVlllA-Umn1-11Ta• CALL 111-3321 FOR PRICES 1ICMI BROOKHUMT (AT GAA~IELD) HUNTINGTON MACH - ' Oronott Coo11 DAILY PILO f/Suturday Oc:tobor 10, 1082 --lrvi~e turns lights · out on Newport, 24-21 8)' C'l lttT St;t;Dl~N Qf UM Delly Hot ll•ft Ttw h.l(ltb. 111 It v1111· ll1.1eh Sd11111I 111y.,11•11011'1\. :o.\o,1trh1-tl oH ;1houl :10 111111uh•11 hdrn 1• g.111w 111111· i--t~l:ly lll~hl, hulJJCIWl'I Woll\ I l'hlOl l'tl JU'<l Ill 111111· tor tlw unch-nlo~ t1qu1·111.s 111 dtspl,1\' 11 111111· 1111w1·1 l1f th1•1r 11wn llil'> "·'"'II llfltllM' d1 1l ll'1 \1111 llolllll II '1111' k llf, Jl"I f'l o1\1•d ~11 '111 l1H l,1\" l11d1·1·d . 1111· V11q11• 111·, h.11dl, lo111k1·d l1k1· .1 h .1111 \\ 1111 h h111I dr ll flJK 'tl lh l,1-.I I\\ 11 0\11 111.1(' 'l'lit•y JU111 111·d 11111 111 .1 I I 0 Ii .111 1111 d w.1y th11 •ugh 1h1 • st'\ Ill rd qu.11 tt•r 1111 tlll' .. 1r1·11g1h 111 l 'hr'IN M.1111h·vlll1 ·', i,;1 \,11d t11lld1d11w11 11111 1111 1111 1·11ct .1111111111 .111d '1.111 11\ '>I)\ y,11d I llll Wht• h • ,q1111 ·d 1111 1•1Hht pl.1y, ti·I vanl dnv1· IJ,11'1 ( 'hl1'1 111\\,k1 k11 kt·d S1•111or (ullh;wk .loh11 Sal111;1s arul q11.11 l1·1 ti.wk M1k1• J'.or11 1•or11l11 111'tl lh1•11 t11l1•11l11 11• p11t out tlw lljrt)l~ or1 N1•w µ11rl ll111'1x11's t lll t't' ~un11· w111111ng i.U:~k with 11 i:.tu1111ing :!4 2 1 S1·.1 V11·w I .1 .. 1..:111· ll'itlmph lwfvn · 2,000 funs liot h 11 /\Ts ' , "W1•'vp ht'l'll w 1111111g (111 1h1s for l1v1• w1't•k:-.," N t•\\ 11111'1 11.11 hoi . l•M 1k111~ 1111 llh tl111d ,, ..... ~ht S1•;; V1t•\\ I .1•;1g111• v11·t111 v. got 111111·;11 ki·d 11·"' lh,111 I\\ 11 111111ut1•s 1:111'1' ah h.11 d I llllllllljo( S 1t·v1• Hr HI.I'> w1111•d 1111 .1 11111• y.u d d1v1 • bt-a1111o<l It Vtllt• Co11d1 Tt•rr•y I lt•111ga11, whost• 11 •11111 t•tc'CI St•u Vtt•w L1·uguv v11·1ory for tht· ftl''>l trn11· 'l'lw S.11l11r,' qu11·k dr1v1• J11,1t·d lll'l I I\'•' j1l.1y' .1s ETd~minates Sea Kings, 21 -0 P iel 'I vite nko and (:o. d e fe n se Corona d t•I Mar 1>e rfe t·tl y By E D ZINTE L e.ec1• 10 the o.i1r Piiot Even a healthy Lant>\.' Martin may not have.' helped C.Orona dl'I Mar High Friday night Mar tin, a potenually t:'xplustw t.iUlback and the key to thl• Sl•a K ings' offenS<'. had to play wtth a heavily -ban dagl•d left hand (due lo a fracturc suCfert:.'d last week) and that did nothing lo help the CdM cause. as El Thro breezed t o a 2 1-0 Sea Vie w L ea g u e w in at O rang<' Cuasl College. M artin gained JUSl 42 yan..ls un 19 carnes but the El Toro dc fcn& wa.s so dominating. that su.itisuc made ·11ttlc d1 f fcren('l' in thl' outcome. El Toro, whieh 1mprovc·d its league record to 2-1, held Corona del Mar ( 1-2) to just 11 yards passing as Sea King quarterbm·k Cor ky Carpenter was a ble to com pl e te jus t 1 o f 11 pass attempts M ea nwhile , El Toro q u a r terbac k Mike Do ug lass passed for two to uchdowns to pace the C ha rgers. Douglass' scoring strikes went lo Br ian Ii.organ -33 yards m the se<'Ond quarter -and to Curt Woods 46 yards in the fourth quarte r T ailback Jerry Eldridge scored the other El Toro touchdown on a 4 -yard run in the t hird quarter. "This was a super win for us. a big on e." said El Toro Coach Bob J ohnson afte rward . "I t h i n k Corona del Mar 1s a fine team. "W e couldn't affor d to lose tonight a nd stay in conten tion (for a league title)." ~t was th e El T o ro defl•nse, unq~uonably. which mad«:' the• C hargl'ri. look l1kt· a 11· .. tl <.'Olll<.•nder on lhr~ nrght Mrddl<• hrwbdt kers Mike P11·I anti Paul Svlll·nko pluggl·<l up tm y hol1·s (or thl· Corona d1•I Mar runn111g bac·ks and gave Carpenll'r fill> Whl•nl'Vl'f he altl'mpted LIJ J.ht~ The lo ngl•s l pla y fr o m scr<amm<igl' for Corona dl'I Mtir W(•nt for 10 vardi.. that 1111 " S(:rambk' by Carpenter "Sv1ll'nku 1s a major l'ollq~t· pros pf't'l," sai<l J ohnson t>f his H-3. 2 15-pciund Sl0n1ur "lfr's a b r illtanl kid and 1i. lot;al l v aggn·ss1vc· " • The saml' might bt.· !:>atd foi thl' l'll ll rl' El Toro dl'f <.•nse Corona dl'l Mar was lim1ti:d w jus t till yards total o ffensl' on thl' night "El Toro was b1ggl'r a nd mut·h mure phys1l·al than u s." said Corona dl'I Ma r Coat:h Ott k Morns "Wt: were forn-d ullo luo many m1sUJkL's, w1·'v11 Sl'(.'mt'<.I t•J play all y1·ar long ltkl' that " '' As for Martin. w ho c<in run and t•att·h with his good 'fX'(.•d and t hrl"l' vea r s vars1lv experll'n t·e. ·M orrrs w s n o't surpnst'<.I with hi!> pc·rCormanc-(· "He w as Vl'ry ured. ht· du.ln'l prat'llt't' a wholP lo t thtS Wt't.'k," said Morn s. Thert-wen.· duubts whethe r Marun would play at all Friday 111ght Corona d t>I Ma r Jost lhr·l·e fumbles and was tnlt-rc1•ptl•d twice. which obviously slow1•d things down for the Sl•a Kmgs. Still. the game s tarted uul differently from the way 11 ended. The Sea Kings. mostly on Martin's running. movt•d lh<· ball to the• El Toro 22-vard hm· on their op<>nmg series' Ho v.·1•vc·r ... 1 dipping call l'omb1m•d with c1 • s.11·k by lil1111ng s<.1 Ct·ty M1kt· f\fr{'(.1111 thw,1rlt'd lht· d rive El Toro r111;1llv &·111·1·t1 tlll' first p1~111h u l lll1·-garn1· 1111clway lhr ou~h th1• s t·1·o nd (jUJI tc•r . f o I l 11 w 1 11 g ,1 ( u m b I t· d p u n l ll'('1Jv1·1 y h'1' :rom llal<.·v at tl11· Cur 1111.1. d1•i1 Mar :n-y.;rd 11111· ll or ga11 111ad 1• J 111ira1·uluus d1v1 11g l'J Wh t1f a :~:I-yard pa::.s from Dougl11 ss for th e l(lUl'hdown 011 lh1· play, llurgan dovt· for Liii' li:ill 111 th1· l'l1nwr of l hl· 1 •11CI 111n1 · .. 1 nJ nw nag1·d tO cum1· duwn wllh 11 , thuugh h1· wus pus twd out of bo u nds 111 n11d flight by a l 'orn11:1 dl'I Mar d1 •fl·11d1•r I !organ madt· a similar t'a ll'h latt• 111 th1· g.mw .. 11 lhl' C9run;1 tll'I Mar 'l'Vl'll yard l11w tu sl'I up tht· C harg1·ri.' I in:il 111udidow11 Et Toro 21, Coron• det Jtbr O Score by Ou•rl•r• (I I orO 0 7 1 1 'l 1 C.0tona dt>I Mor 0 0 0 O 0 ET Hotg..ir1 33 p .. ,,, lrQm Oou9lass IW1ll1olm5 klCkl ET E10,,oge • 1un 4W1t1tan1s •1ck) El Woods 46 '"'"' Ir om Oou9t.1ss 1w111tams lo.it~ 1 A11enoa11c11 1 900 1st1m11letl) Geme Slellallc~ ET Forsl Oow115 8 Rushes yards 36· 105 PasS•"9 f8•dS 127 Passe~ •-9 1 Pun1s s.33 Fumbte,·lost I 1 Penall1es yards 6·40 lndMdu•I Ruahlng CdM 6 ')8 57 11 I I t-2 5 44 3.3 3 43 Fl Clonooe 14 !.ii froc ke!I 7 -•6. Oougiess 1·1or ·minus 9 f1>nne11 5.15 Ho•gon. l ·IO•·mlnus 6, Lewis. 2-8 COM Mn111r1 19·4 2 Brown 5·9 Carpen1e1 9·2 t Ptechel I lo•-m1nus 13 Mohnaro. 2·3 Ferrn.ro. 2·1or·m1nus 5 tndlvlduel PHalng ET Oougtau 4.9.1 t27. CdM Ca•pcnH11 l•I 1-f' 11 lndlvlduel R,Cel•lng ET Horgan 7 69 Fonnt1tl 1. 12 Woods I 46 CdM Pryor t 11 q11,11 11·1 h 111 k M1k1 W1•1l' 1111 w11h· 11·1 1·1v1·1 H11 '1 l'11w1 r 1111 :1:.: , .• 11 c1, .111d ''" 11t1 1w1o.1 11L1v f11111t•L H1 .~·" f111 :17 v.111 1, T lw twu pl.1y•, w1·11 rd.·11111,11 "rtT. ... ,. h fl'I • IV•'I I l11od11t~ 1111' 111111· ,111d l111d111~ tlw .ir1·11 f11·1· 111 V.111111·111 d1•f1•11tlt•1., l1 Vllll' w1•111 up I'/ ·1 "" (.'ltlt•IMJWl\kl"' :.!I v.11d fll'ld j.!11.il, but 1b1• S.11101 :-. pul 1111 .1 d1•11 11111111·d dt.i l gt• 111 t.1k1• tl11• lt·.id with J'"' I Ill 11·11111111111~ 111 tlw t 111111 •::.l 1"11 '<I 11 w .• .., lh ·•'•'·' who 11111k1• 1110:-..• lu1 a I ~> y,11 d 'l'I) l'lllt 111 t h1• lli11 d quat ll•r S.1do1 1111;1111•1 ll;wk M1k1• W1•lls 1111•11 l0Ut1d li1•1•g .Jm·11l1, 1111 ,, II y.11d 'l'I> 11.1"· 1111d JU!il l1k1• l11,tl, N1•w p 111 l I l.11 IK11 lt.111 .i :l 1 I 'I :idv.111t,11-(1· . Tli.11 "'I tlw -.lal.(1' tor pw Vaq111·111'' 1111,d d nv1 • Wh Wh ,1,11 lt •d 1111 tlH'll llWll :I I VHI ti 11111' S,d111o1,, who ... lll\'IV1•d IWll llljlllll'' (hl' WH' ... w.dly ('.lllll•tl 11•1111 tlw -.11l1'11111·i. nn .1 ,111·t1 h1·r ;11 11111· ... 1.1g1'). d 1t1 lll•"t 111 th1· Wiii k 1111 1111' g 111u11d lll\llld111g ot 10 yard ";1111p1·1 whwh g.tVt• 1111• V.1q1 lllO' .i 111 :-.I dow 11 ()II lht• N1•Wpt11 I :~!I v11n.l 11111 · J\11 ulh1·1 Cuur yard h111 i.I .111d .• l.111·111.1..,k 1w11.d1 y 1111 tlw .,;11111· pjay n 111v1·d tl11 · V.1q1·ur1" Lu tilt' Sailor I :~. a11d 1h1 t 'I' play' l.1lt•1 1111 lud111g .m l'lglt I yJ1 d pa's fr om /'.rn n 1•1 M.i11d1 ·v1 II•-. St1 ltn." had m ;.nJl• h1~ w.1y 111 111 lhr· 1·nd 111111· with JU'I I~> 'il'\t>nd!. lt·fl Ill lh1• 1111111"'' Thl· 11.is..' w;t,11 '1 l'Xilt'lly what Nt•\\ p111 I I l.11 IH11 l'oad1 M1k1 • (;1t1d111gs had 1n mind "Y 11u l""' JU-.t '><1 v I' 111 a::. m;1d ._., I' v1 · 1 ·v1 ·1 I H ·1 ·n Ill Ill\ lift•," ( ;11ld111g:-. -.ll'ollllt~I ,d l\'l\1-11111 E stancia, . CdM w in ~.1h11.1s, 1111'o111wl11lv 11111 ... ht•ll llw 1 v1·11111~ w11h I ll y,11 '" 1111 :.!II ru'h'·"· whil1• 111, S.1il•11 111111111·111o11t . H1 •• 1.1i., r1111 .. d up 1:11s y.11di. '"' zi .... , .... , '1'1•11 1i.·11.d111•s loUJl ll1H 110 y;ud' d11l11 I h1·lp 11 1.1111•1" lw 1111· S.111111 i. N1111• 111 1h1· Ill 111l 111t·11011i., ~1 ·11· 1 ~1 vo11dp1i. ''( )111 k11l1> l)l•HI 11111' h1o; k l•f •I 1111 11 1!•11111 till I ll11·r1· to111uh1 ," 1111t1•d ll 1·11 1~a 11 "I 'm r'•'ttlly 1111p11 ·:-.:wcJ w1llt lh1· w11y N1·wp1111 ttic:kl•·.., l.llld l1hx·k, ( hu k1d1> JllSI 1•111111• lo pl::ty t11111gh1 " './,11111 11111"1·d lu:o11 w1·1·k'i. w•nw with :.n 1nJury. 11111 lw tu11wd 111 ;i twalthy !I Cor l•I f1t·rCurni;1111 1· 1''1 ub y 111ght, j.lii.HI Im l:H y:.11ds * lrvlne 24, ttewport H.rbor 21 Score by Ou•rl•r• Nt<.,111111 llurOur U I 1 I II lrv111e 7 10 0 I ~4 I M andt9v1tlu bJ t u11 (l,hl800WSkl korlo.I I Zorn 6 run IChl11t>ow1~1 k~kl NH B•azas I 1u11 !lOhso klCk l I (.hlet1owsk1 24 fG NH Brun 45 •un !Fronk klCk l NH J..icobs 9 P•U l•om Wi;llS fLQh'>8 k1ct.1 r SJh'1"" I run tChlul)(rWI~• •1L~I Geme 8l•tl1ttC• NH I• JG 193 16b Fu~• oown-. Rusliti' ydrll~ Pa>!>lltel y&rtl> Pa•:.I!!> 8 10 1 Punh I '17 I 19 44 2116 124 !I 15 0 '"J Fu111u1 ... l<>•I I 0 I· I f'o111nlllue ylirOa 10 110 C. !>-0 lndlwldu•I fluohlllg NII Brana 22 136 GOO<lheld I J2, Lowe I 11 Wells 1·7 Cr~y 2 6 ltUCHIQ 4 2, Hows.;1 I 'l Powe< 2 IOf. •rmu¥ 3 I Settnn 20 1411 M11no1,,.11e 4 84 81elm1111 2-23, Gere•• 6 10 loin I I 15 Gcoll 2·6 lndlwldu.i PH alng NH Wells II 18 0 166 C..OOOheld 0·2· 1 0 1 zo,,•. 9 ·t 4 o 12• Munde•1ll4 0· 1-0 0 lndlvldu•I llecelvlng NH Pow411 3.72 B•azU '.l-91 Joe.obs 1-9, LOll6e 1-0 1 Mar1de•1lle 3-50 Ga•,•a ? 3 7 Hen1oan 2 19 Nea1 1 2e. Si.1tn11~ I 0 T 1·0 v Fl•n1.·I y M't111•d thr't•t• gu11b 111 tiw l11url11 p1·11od ll> g1v1• l•:,1.ir1t·1.i l l1gh a 7 !) V11 l111 V 11\'i'I Man11;1 l11 h1ghl1gh1 high Sl:hool w;1ll'I polo .11·t1on Fridav "Driving well ls the b est re ve nge ." 111 ~1th1•r g.11111·'· l>.1v1· lmlJ1 1 n11111 -.<·11r1·d f1v1· go.1b J!> <.:mo11.1 d1·I 1\1.11 lltppl1 ·d host Foolhdl 111 ,1 11011 It .1gu1· 11ul111g. Ill :I o;.111d M.1rk \.\l,rn -.11111·d t11u1 111111·.., '" 11 .. 111 F11unt.1111 V ,1llt•\ lo .1 I :!-!I dt't'l!>llW O\'l'I h~ll\I 11 \'Int J\t 8.'il<tnl'la, th1• &1gll· gu;illl'. Jdf Bu\''1·11. had 14 S •Vl'S as lht· ho!-.~ ran ~· :-.tunung, droµ·l.Jat·k d l'ft·n s1• that l·aught Marina by surpnsl· Thl• E Cl g 1 (• s u u I . s l' II f' l' ct M,1nna. :J -0, in thl· f1n;d ix·ncx:I. Foothill hl·ld CdM's untll'floawd S l'a K111gs scoreless in thl' firs t pt·nLKI hl'fon.• lmbt.•r111n11 .ind T o m Tl·mplt· l'ilt'h Sl'O r1·d ,, pa Ir In th l' Sl·cund 4u<trtl·r lo put CdM 111 front. -1 I) The Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation wants to -~ 1 .. .... ,. ~ . ·' ,, . ... ,. • thank .its volunteers and key donors. I Dr Daniel and Ba•bara Aoboll Trtstari Aley Russell and Joao Allen Dan Ar1holer Thomas and Lv Anne Ba~er P B BalOw1n Maudette Ball Robert Baker R Y Ball Wilham and Elizabeth Ba•ter Mr and Mrs Frank Becker D< Barry Behrsrock Mr and Mrs La<ry Bemis Mr and Mrs Jonn Berkman Frances Beshc Laura Betllngen John A B1n1kos Ellzabelh B1scon11 Robert and Suen Bise G G BlackbUrn Mr and Mrs Lane Blaf'll( Amby Bloomberg Clark Bonne1 Darrell ano Linda Boucher Maxine Boyell Joseph and Mau1een Boyle Jeffrey Bill Simone Brooerick Mr and Mis Fred Brooks Roberl Bull Biii and Sharon Burke Robert and V11g1ma Burns R A Callaghan Tykye 11nd Elaine Cama1as Crrs11na Cardena Gary and Ann Carlsen C R Carlson Keren Cllrtson Deve llnd Beverly Carmichael Don and Berbara Carr Torn and Mary Cesari() D ClleM!t>ro John T Chiu Pa11y Q1111t111nsen Dicer Ctev1der1Ce Mr llnd Mrs Gery Cook Ka1t11een Cooper Richard Corngold John ano Drane Co• Mr and Mrs Kennelh CrokAr Jean Dahl Pete ano S1Jsan Daley Joseph ar•O Evelyn Oan•"l James Day R•c.haro DeTeresa G Drayton M• and Mrs Edelhauser Mr ana Mrs Thomas Edwards B• I Eht1ng<>1 D< and Mrs Mr<;hael E1nbuno Stephane Ell101t Oav10 and Catnv Ely G Emerson Da111d Engstrom Jack C Evans Frank Fellei James T Fish r F R and G1ll1an r1she1 L N F1she1 Kalherine Flaherly George Flessas Stepllen and Jeanne Fobes Sheldon and Ann Foreman Or and Mrs R C Forrester Fred Forster Mr and Mrs George Fo• .Jotin and Judy Franco Emory and Kathleen Frink Gary and Marcia Fudge Mr and Mrs Robert K ru11ok11 A R Gagliano T H Gan JOOn and Carolyn Ga11c11 R A Gamson Mr and Mrs ()ck Ge•b Jeanrie G1bs00 Mr and Mrs T A Gielow Dave and Ruth Gilbert Or and Mrs Chartcs Godshall D< ano Mrs Merv Gotosletn B•ll and Gina Gotdwao Mr and Mrs Thomas Grnhem Jui. ... t1r.1y nayn1Unll ;Jnd I uti.J ( ,,,,_ I 1nda t,reyo1y C.irl Grodach Mr ;ind M•s Torn C.•O<JY John and l ynda Grunohofe1 Robe11 Guer1e11e Jptf and Pally Gwin Patrrc~ Hamilton M• and Mrs HenlG• Han!.On B Harnngton M1 and Mrs Van Halew•nkel Of>nn1• ano Canoy RudOlph M• and M" Da1110 C Henley Mr ano Ml!> w 111111m Hemngton M1 ano Mrs Joseph Hesse Eugenia Hill Selma Hoos M Md E Hoskins Mr and Mrs Dan Houck Candace House lorn Hover Waller HoNald M1 and Mrs Jettrey M Howaro Mike ano Pam Howard Ed Hoy Charles and Linda Hughes A G H1Jpp nay lnlantirio Ji'lc1 1ni;iels Mr and Mis Michael Irvine A David Jackson r Scotl Jackson Mr and Mrs Harry M JaQulss Rot>erro Jnra Arthu• Jeppe J11ne11e Johnson Mr and Mrs Ronbld JIJrgensen Terry and G81e Jurgensen David B l(egnott Tadashl Kam•k1ha1a Mike and Carole K11mpe1 Or and Mrs Marvtn Kaplari Arv•n 11nd Beth Katten J M Kean41 Roberl A Kennedy M1 and Mrs T'1omas ~·E'" I n1s Kong v Kos..,y • c,1egory W Krasi>l Or 1nd Mrs Pav• Kuror. Or R1charo Kurr1 Thu Le Ftf:deric~ and Wen!l~ I Pt• M•a lee Sue leo;le• Jac1'1e levy Jell Lewis Marcia Lisle Douglas and Je'"' L1e<.I 1, Hugh and Inger Logan Charles and Jud•lh Loos Dave ancs Ga11 Love10~ M1 and Mrs Dennis Lusardi Millard and Barbara MacAdam Wiiiiam and Trudie M11nn Mr and Mrs Ja~ M11nsheld 01 William and Sutt Ma" Terry Mayle Sandra McDaniel H McGee D H McKlbbln Biii and Lynn Mc Mas1er John McNe111y Dr Elholt Merce1 Mr and Mrs Wiiiiam Merrell M.r and Mrs Ed Meserve J R and Dolothy Meserve D< and Mrs Edwa1d Miller Ron Miller Dr and Mrs Hovchang ModanlO\J Charles and Margaret Mooney Dwight Moote Michael encl Nancy Mooslln Mr and Mrs Charles Mosmann Ann Mound John and Barbara Murray Thomas Murray Mr and Mrs David Nadel W1tt19~ Naigle DaV1d ano Ruth Ann Nesby Mr arid Mrs Richard Netwn 111'11' ,lfld [l1lAl)~ltl Nevin<, N1•wport B.itlJoa Sdv1ngs t lf.'wuo•t [IPn.entarv Stt1<Jo1 Pl A An11e N 111 rt•••·• o~"' Mt er .l M•s Rooer1 Oeo1r1c; Or.,nqe C.oast Darty P1lo1 Dr Joan Ot1anoo Ma111n ano f1a1ne 0 Toole P;ic lo<: Mu1c1al lnsura'lre tr •i1Jf'u$ PaCIOI(' ... C tilt>i>lh Palmer Mr ~ncJ Mr~ n '" Pa11e1snn C•1t ~ ano Jon• Pa11er~on 9,11 .ir.o Mehnda Palltm Ken and C.-irol Pe1ersen O•d ano Ot>nna Phebvs S1arr Phillip" Susan Phillips 1 Rank and fm11y Pier•on RoCIPrt P1~e t..lt i1n11 M•s Jolmes Pone• Jor•n P11ci.e11 w orrh T Prc.nst Ralph and l eslte Purdy J:ick and Beverly Re11111ng Jorinne Reynolds Teiry and Lo1.11se Rhodes Mr and Mr!> I Roberts Dr David 1ind Sue Rose11tn1 Mt and Mro; Gene Ross Jr Joe and Jan Ro11en Kalhlef'n Sangs1er Rom A Sche•del T e111 Schun1acher Mary Serb<>r R .J nno Maty $hackll!to11 Sh11w lnveslmt'nt Co C r Sheppard Mr and Mrs Rone11 Slleridan Ott~(' ShOOIP Wilham ShryOl'k Mr and Mrs Roberl Stiver noy Sinc.ra1r Chr•stc>phe• and l •n Smith t M1y 11nd Jpan Somers ' M• ano Mrs Harry Southerro Ar I and Pey SpauldmQ Mr and Mrs P,1ul Speight<, Mr ;incJ Mrs Ronald S0<>ye1 Jor11 ant.I Rhoda S1anley Oav•d and Susan Stayne1 01 ano Mrs Robert Stern Mrcnael ano Lo" Stone l ynn Stout ()tc;lo. and Cindy Succa D• Robefl and Lonrne Suttl'r l 5ullon Mr ar 1 M1'i Hugh Swi\nsoo M.-i•y Swanson C• Thr,1nas Dr ano Mrs Roger Thomas Mr ano Mrs Witham C Thomas Tom the Clown Tadasu Tustsum1 Lurline Tw1sl University Sales Ser111ces Or and Mrs Tyle1 UpMm Denise Va•l Richard V1ehe Doug and Annelle Watc,on Sam Wa1son Mr aricJ Mis Ted Webster D• ana Mrs Sleven We1nste•n Keith Welputt G M ar.d C1a11e Wesne1 !-icoll and Denise West Alan and Maq While Mr and Mis Bob Whiton Batry K W1ll1ams Fran W1tll11ms Mr and Mrs John W1thams " Robert Williams Tom 11nd Rosahnd W1lllams l(en and Jari Wirgter Jun and Wendy WOOd Only a partial list. The funds you raised between May 1 and Aug . 1 will pay for two part-time children who will benefit, thank you! reading teachers . On behalf of the 200 can't wGlt I. .. Orpngo Coott DAILY PILOT/S11urd1y, Oc1ow US, 1982 d roinp pa I Mistakes costly to La-guna Mesa, 35-13 Bo11ita take advantage lo r ecord 14-7 win By CRAIG f\USSt:LL •.-01a1 to ttle oe1tr ,...1 UndcfC'utcd and t•l Hhth 1t111kt-'<l S 1ulul<•boc k ll1gh dd •,1\t'd t'111>tu Mesu, 3~· I :i , 111 /1 St·u Vll•w L1•11t(u1• t•orltest at Nt•wpurt Hut bor Hq~h Friday night • Seeing that fmal St'Ort~. you n~(lht think the Hoadrunm.·r~ (h 0, :1 0) had an easy u'me with lhl• Mu11tnl\K1• (2-.:r. 1-2) But 1l was anything but l'WiY And, had an 85-yar<l Cosw Mt•"ia touchdown play not lx-.·n talll.J bal'k, the outcome could haw lx•t'n m1,1t•h differe nt •·1 thought tt was takt•11 awuy (rum us," is how Costa Mesa co-t'U&L'h Jim Hagey put 1l after rt-stra1mn~ om• uf his assistants fro m bl•ra l111 g an ofhc1atrng crew thut w as anything but popular. The game started pretty much as e>Cpec:ted. Saddleback used a b<.>aut1ful mixture of runs and passes to JUmp out to a 21-0 halfttme lead Bui 1l was a different Costa Mesa lc•am that caml' out in the second half Hy ttOB llALVAKS •Pffl•I to •~• oe111 ~1101 Tlw Lugunu Bcuch lh"h A1 lllllN lu~l upportunlty ofter op'portunlty Fridoy night und in lhl' l·nd lost. 14 -7, 111 nnn-lt•11gul' ¥t'llon 111 tht· vli1itlnt( Bm1lta 8'-afyat.fi. "Wt• hod everydrnn('<• in tht.• wvrld to win thhi gllmt•," sttid Artist coud1 D••nn1!4 H11ry ung "But w,• 11u1tJt• nustttkt' after mistake and JUBl pluan took ourselvt'8 out of thl• gume " Tlw m1stakt's l'arne t·urly us wl'll as latt• 111 tht• ganw. On tht• Artists' fi rst µossc11sion B o nita 's St'an Curo intt>rcepted a pass a nd seot the &art·ats up inside Luguna Bco<:h territory But with the aid ur two mujur pt•11a lt1es and a d elay t)f gaml• the Artists pusht'CJ Bonita ba<'k to Its own 39 and blocked a punt Laguna Beal'h 's o ffe nse took oVt•r at tht' Bonita 2B, but failed to rnow the ball nnd missed on a 42-yard field goal attempt Howard Quigley got Laguna Beach the ball back on the very next play as he recovered a &>areal fumble on the.• Bonita 17. Four plays later the Artists failed to mnvert a ~2· yard hdd goal try. Bonita broke the SL'Oreless 11c with 3 H rNnolnln~ 111 lhl• fln.l h1.1Jf wht•n quurn.:rlwl'k Jt•fC llulJ 11k1r1A'<:I lt•fl emJ (rum flvt• yurd~ uul. The.: &arcut.s' ~8-yard, II pluy drlv<' wu.~ kept 11hvc when thc•y clCt.'(·utt'Cl o fake Cidd KOll l nnd I lull hit Mike Whitney wilh u11 1.•1l(hl yun l pa11.'I for u flnit down. ThE• &•arx·nti-extl!ndl'd their lead In the third quarter whe n linebackl'r ~tt•vc li1llury pkkcd up n Lugunu &·ud1 I umblt• ut thl· A rusts 20 ond c1rr1l'd It .Jll th~ woy tnto the t•nd :wne for wh..it would be the w inn1nf( lout·hduwn Tallbuc·k Kt.·van Mdknnon t'rHll·d Laguna &•uc h's scoring draught on the fu'St pluy of \he fourth quarter when he wt·nt around right end for a t•1ght-yarcJ TD That sl'Orc snapped the Bcarcats' 16 4uartc1 shutout streak and tht•1r bid for a fourth t'Oru;ccutrve 14 -0 win. Laguna Beach had the bull two more umes in the fourth quarter with lime left to pull out a victory, but penalties an'd a lost fumble killed the Artis ts' las t h opes. "Tht•1r defe nse did a good )Ob on u~ m tht• first halC. said Haryung ·;we mud<· some adjustments a t halftime which gave us several open rc..'t·e1vt•r!> in th e second half . but ou r • quartl'rbu,·k ju1t wo1111't g1vt'n the llnw hl· m•L•tfod to find lhl'm " As L•vldtlncl'd by Bo111tu'11 ISL'(.'Ond hulf •WlK, It waum't a g1Ul'\l' ttw ArtlfcL~ oehuuld hove IOCit In thl' 11(.'('ond half the Bt'arcutfi did nut mukt' u f1nt down, did not throw n pass and wt•n· held to just 10 yurds rushing. * Bonlle 14, Legune •••ch 7 lcot• b' Cuart•11 Bon•!• 0 1 1 0 t4 7 L•gur1• B•lcll 0 0 0 7 B Hall !I rull (MCJunk111 klCk) e H111a1y 20 rumble 111urn (McJunk1n kick) LB McO.nnon 8 run CJOhnton klC~) At1er1dan1.e 2 ~ Oem• lletletlcs F1r11 downs A..oth .. ·Y••ds P•Hlhg )lldl Pan•• Punll Fumblel·IOll Panalt1H ·y•rd1 lndh•ldu•I Rushing • Cl n130 108 11·13·0 5·38 1-1 13·126 LI to 33 73 41 4 11 I 2-•8 2.2 6-eo B C0t11gllone 9· 16, Arnola 11 -28 Hell 6·to1-m1nu' t• Dean, l·O. WMney, 1.0 LB Alabe, 12·112, 01aper, 4.4 McDer111on 8 19 Beu 7 1or-m1nut 9. Marino. 2·7 lndlvldv.I ,_11ln9 e Ha11. &· 13.0. 1c: LB aeu.4-11·1.41 Individual "acalwln9 B Couleon, 3-70, Whllnty. 1·8. Oav1es. 1.11. N1geng111, t-ll, B11ndt, 1·9, Arnold 1.1or.m1nus f> LB McOennon, 1·19 Oreper 1·10 Murpny. 1·7. A1el>e. 1·5 The Mustangs took their 101t1 al possession of the second h a If and drove 68 yards on nine plays tu finall y get on the scoreboard . St,>t I lag ... y had the key play, running 28 yards on a keeper to put the ball on thl· om · Cont line where he sneaked 11 OVl'l on tlw next play GWC, Gauchos Ill openers Cos ta Mesa made 1t 21 I:.! on its next possession, this llme going 48 yards on nine plays as tailback Wally Grant scored from a yard out o n fourth down. Saddle back extended the lead to 28-13 midway through lht• final period Hagey connected with J£'fr English in the middle or the held on a screen After he threw, Hagey was hit and a penalty flag was thrown, obv1uusly for roughing the passer In th e m ea nt1m ~. English miraculously ran through a t.•rowd and reached the end wne But as pandemo niu m broke out, the officials brought 1t back. Evidently another flag was thrown for clipping (even though the officials never gave any su ch indication) which meant offsetting penuluC>s and the down wen t over . * Secldl•Nck 35, Co1ta M .. a 13 kof• 11r Ou•rten Saddleback 7 14 O 14 35 All three areti t•ommunity colleges gl'l down to the reaJ thing tonight \Vllh the opening of t'Onferencc play, and a~ Orange Cuast, the fest1v1t1 cs will be spiced by the t'Ollege's :JOth Homecoming OCC entertains Cerritos 1n the.· South Coast Confe rence opener, Golden West travels south to face Grossmont. and Saddleba<:k will entertain Palomar in the M1ss1on Conference opener. Kicko!C 1s 7:30 for all three games. Two quarter backs wit h s imilar st.allst1cs over the past two years will ta ngle at OCC Cerritos' Mickey Corwin, for instance, has completed 150 or 295 passes for 1.844 yards. while the But-s' Clay Tut·ket has hit on 163 of 347 passes for 1.878 yards Tucker has 12 TD passes to his cn•d1t, Corwin has nine. Tucker is sixth un the all-time OCC quarterback list, Corwin is ftfth on Cerritos' same list Buth teams arc 1 -3 in non - confercnce play, as well, in 1982, That's a surprising number for the Fakon~. who w ere picked to finish S<.'<.'Ond in the conference. Tht• con tes t w ilJ mat<:h two spullt•nng offenses which are JUSt waiting to explode. At Granite Hills High &hool in El 1~00TBALL Cajon. the Rustlers of Coach Ray S hackleford . 1-3, will tangle with the 0-4 Grossmonl Griffins. L1k t-the Rustlers. the Griffins have racC'd some tough company in pre- 1:on r c r c n cc o utings. Both teams dropped contests to highly ranked T aft. Golden West fell 38-21 , while Grossmont was humbled 4H-7. Thl' Hu:.tl C'rS have three f ine runnmg backs to complime nt the quarterbacking or Adam Gragnano. R1l'h Stahlhcber 1s averaging 5.34 yards . per ('arry 1n churning out 411 vards on 77 c.•arnes. • Ht"s bat·ked by Tim Lo ng (36 ca;-ries. 118 yards) and Ted Johnson, who I!> averagmg 12.9 yards per carry (I 0 carries, 129 yards). At Saddleback. the Gauchos will have to t•ontend with Pa lomar's pass- happy 4uarte rback John Pe terson, who has connected on 57 percent of his passes (70 of 122, 6 interceptions, 68fi yards) Still, the Gauchos have shown a stingy defense m blanking their last three opponents by a 134-0 score. Paloma!' is 2-2 this season while Saddleback has rolled up a 4-0 record .. The Gauchos l:SOast the top defensive team m the conference and the No. 2 offc-ns1vl• team behind Southwestern. Coll• Mau 0 0 7 6-IJ S-Gaurdado recovered tumble In end zone (PINI; klCk) S-Btadley 5 rµn (Peaak klckJ Today's sports on television, radio $-Smith 5 PIH from Pauk !PHlk klckJ CM-Hagey 1 run (Schutb klCkJ C.M-Grant I run (klCk lelledJ S'=Cege 11 PIH lrom Peuk (PHak MICkl $-Bradley •3 run (Pesak MICk) Auenaance-2,500 -Chm. 8t1tlellc1 8 Fir St downs 15 Ruan-yards 32· 194 PaHlllQ yards I 13 Paues 9·13·0 Punll 3·104 Fumbles-lost 3·0 Pena111es-yard1 3· 15 lndlvlduel Auehlng CM 14 45·1811 82 8-17·0 4. 127 1·1 8-82 S-B1adley. 14-101. Wllllems 6-55 Halkeu 5·28. Pesek. &-12. Cool<. l·mlnvs 2 CM- Hagey, 22·110, Grant 21·76, Sperks 2·2 lndlvlduel P .. 11no S-Peaak, 9·12·0, 113, Cook. 0-1·0 O CM-Hagey, 11-17-0, 112 lndMdual RK•lvlng $-Cage. II· 73, Smith, 2-18, 0111 1-22 CM-Cook. 3·2 I, M•1.an, 3·20 Trolechand. 1·22. Grant. 1·9 TELEVISION 10 a.m. (4) -WORLD SERIES - St. Louis at Milwaukee.. 12:30 p .m (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -USC at Stanford. 1 p.m . (4) -SPORTSWORLD - Frank "The Animal" Fletc he r (15-2-1) m eets James ··Hard Rock" Green (15-1) in a 12-round USBA middleweight title bout. 4.30 p .m . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A tnbute to Olympic champion Rafer Johnson, who won the decathlon gold medal at the 1960 Games in Rome in one or the most exciting finishes in Olympic history. 5 p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Eusebio Pedroza (33-3-1 > defends his WBA featherweight title against Bernard Taylor ( 18-0) an a scheduled 15-round bo ut taped al C harlotte. N .C. Chris S c h e nkel reports. 10 p.m (9) -NHL HOCKEY - The Kings mt'<'l the lsl&nders in New York. taped earlier in the evening. 11 p .m . (5 ) -CO LLEGE FOOTBALL -Washington State at UCLA. taped earlier m the day at the Hose Bowl. RADIO Wo r l d S e r ies -S t , L ouis a t $300 Off Milwaukee. 10 a.m .. KNX (1070). Foo tball -Kansas State at Nebraska. 11:25 a.m .. KlEV (870); Cal State Fulle rton at Wyoming. 12:10 p.m., KWVE (108 FM) and KWRM ( 1370). USC at Stanford, 12:45 pm .. KNX ( 1070): Washington State at UCLA. 1.30 p.m .. KMPC (710), Cal Poly Pomona al Hayward State, 4 p.m . K WRM ( 1370) delay: Long Beach State at San Jose State. 6:50 p.m .. KWVE ( 108 FM), Palomar at Saddleback. 7:30 p.m . KSBR (88.5 FM) Hockey -Kings at Ne w York [slanders, 4:30 p.m., KPRZ ( 1150). :~ HI '. ') !!!!:! .... ~ 501Aa WAT• HIATIHO .... ,_ llMOOIUNCJ '-' le )114S1 ~ f-S111t11 11 YOU< Door IC<lll St0<• New .. 1 YOU< ArM) COSTA IMSA 641 -1 289 IS,. NewP911 Mw4 MISllOH VllJO 495-0401 ,..,, ~Cos I 11- 1a-.... '""' "' ,...., ,....,., "8llC NOTICE K-G2110 NOTICE CW DIHOLUTIOH CW ll'A"TNE"tHltl N01kle 11 h«aby given pu1tua/\t t o Secllon 15035 5 01 the Corporallont Code lh•I ST ARLINK SORRENTO. • Ct lllo<nla limited putnershlp, and STORAGE EQUITIES, INC , • C1lllornl1 corpor•llon, h•re1oto1• doing bvtlnett as Par1flltft under lhe fttm n•m1 ol LSE-SORRENTO, •t 785 Baker Str•el, Co111 M•sa, Calllornl• 92626, hev• dlu olved tlletr pennerat!lp by mu1u•I C~Nnt, •nd tn11 aller Hid dlnOlutlon no Pllf'°" h•d •uth0fl17 10 Incur eny obllgaelona on bel\al or the rorme• firm. 01tld· Sept 30. 1982 STARLINK SORRENTO. I C•lllOfnl• llmltecl p•nnerlhtp. Genet•I P•rtner By. Jeck o Jenkins. a-ta.I Pa11n« By John Yell•nd, G~•I Partn« 8 y Llnkleller Pr~tlM.1 C••ll0tntt general ptttner1h1p 0-al Ptrtner WAllHIDE' latex Flat Will P1lnt wing ffN pet•nt«J fllkrotro ~·· OUR REGULAR PRICE PER GALLON SATINHIOE' lo-lustre latex Enamel By: J.cai 0 Jenklnt Autl!Otlzed Slgn•IOf STOl\AGE EQUITIES. ·~ ... S 111n1, 'POii anCI nounal hOvaellOld din ••n up Nally Elccellenl C~lnQ pow« In moat COIO<s Valley Paints 9102 Edinger Fountain Valley 842·2441 ) F0t lllt~. t>et11t00tn•. WOOOwOrll-91\CI mott tnt.,IOt aurfae49 Ena.,,.i Clureblttty ~to apply Richards Home Decorating 1245 7 Valley View Garden Grove 892-2230 , Celtfomla COf'PC)f9tlon lly: P~ A. Lund. Its V1oe P1'891<1enl II)': Hugll W. Hon,., Ill hc:ietery Published 01•ng1 CoHt D•llY Piiot. Oc1 II, 1912 Ml.IC flOTICE P\alC NOTICE K.oaW NC>TICI CW DtHOl.UTIOM Ol1 P AJllTNSA..- NOt~ 11 l\efeby gklen pureuant 10 Se,tlon 1 IJO'a 5 ot tne Go•"Or1 11on1 Co de 1ha1 1.INKLtTTeA 8EI F 8TOAAOP· N0RTHW000. • CllllOI~ ICtnlled P•llne1•hlp an<I 8TORAOE f!QUlfllll tNC . • C alllornjf co1por111on. ne1e101ora (jo tno bu11neas 11 Perlllefl 11no.< lhe lirrn name ot 1.6( NORTHWOOD. •I 70$ tie ~11 l.l11at. Cost• M•••· C11mo1n1a 028H. h11v1 dl1101veO their P•r1ner1ti1p t>y mutual COtlMnl. ind that allar M id dlH olutlon "o pwson h1a au1h0t11y 10 incur •"Y obllg1110"1 on ll•h•I ol 1he fOfmtr firm Oatad S•pl 30 19112 LINl<Ll!TlfR SEL~ STORAO!·NORTHWOOO 1 C•lllotnl1 llmtltct p1111n•1an1p 8y llr1kle1te1 Propoflltt 19111 P•rtnarllllP • Calllornl• 11m1tad pu1ne111)1p, G•n•••I Pallnet By Jack O Jenkin• Gone1•I P•.tlMI By John Yotl•nd, Genefol P•rlner By L1nkle1ter Prope111 .. , • CalllOrnll Q41111rll P•t1net1h1p, Gener•I Pe11nar By Je<:k 0 Jenkins AulnOriHd SIQn•tOI STORAGE EQUITIES, INC , 8 Ca1tto1n1• c0tporaoon By Poul A Lund. 116 Vice Pr1111den1 By Hugh w Ho1ne. 116 SectelatY Published Orange Co111 Oelly PtlOI Ocl 16 1982 46•5-82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOU• •USINEH NAME ITATEMENT The lollowlno peraon 11 doing bus1ne11 es TAKE SIXTY , 23952 Aliso Creek Road, l•gun1 Niguel. C• 92&77 Robin W Osle, 250 I I Marin Coun, Laguna Hills, Ca 92653 Thll business 18 conducted by •n lnd1vldual Robin w Oale Tn11 elelemenl w&1 llled with tna Counly Clerk ol Orange County on October 4, 1982 F1 ... 11 Pubhshed O•ange Coast O.illy P1101 Oct 9. 16. 23. 30. 1982 44111·82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U•tNEH NAME STATEMENT Tne ronow1ng person 11 doing buSJness u RICHES. 3333 B111101. Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 ALAN BARRY LEMMERMAN 24892 VII Oel Rio. Lake FOfest. CA g26JO Thll business is conduc1ed by an 1nd1v1dua1 Alan Lemmerman This sta1emen1 WH llled wllh llWI County Clerk ol Orange COYnly on September 27, 1982 F1M304 Pubhshed O•ange Coes1 Oelly Piiot, Oc1 9, 16, 23, 30, 1982 4463·82 POOUC NOTICE FtC TITIOUI 8UllNE H NAME STATEMENT The ronow1ng person is doing business as M C ENTERPRISES. 4 Bolivar Newport Beach Ca 92663 Mar k Conen 4 Bollver Newpo•I Beach Ca 92663 This busmen 11 COf1duclad by •n 1nd1v1<1u11 Mat~ Coner> This stalemenl wes hied w11n the County Cie<k ol 018nge County on Sep1ember 30 1982 F1 ... 7S Published Otenoe CoaSI Oelly P1IOt Ocl 2 9 16 23 1982 •313·82 I MRNCMI CCMMT OI CMJllOMIA COUNTY M INVO :: ...... ., .. 11. IA "'''*'· CA tN» 'LAINT.,,I co~aLAN•. LUMIP YAM•. INCl. ot,.NOMff1 DONAU> aUJOf" OUA~ ...UCI CLHK, CLAU LAN u OIVll.O,MI•~ COA,OAATCONJ. • C elll••~I• Cerpetellen.J •TUYV••A•T INIUfUNC• COM,ANY, • c...,....~....,.._.ooe.a •lhr9Ufhll, ............ MIMMON9 c ....... •a.DO NOTICll YIU ~eve Men auM. Thi -t Me1 4IMlde ........ ,._, wllll••• r••r ltelne ll••f'.4• ~,-~wt ..... ..._ ...... !tie WOtMatteft ....... . II you With 10 Mele the ldVICf of an 11to1ney In lhl• m•lltr. yo11 11\oold do '° promplly so thll your wrltlln ru ponee. II 1ny. mey be n1ec1 on time. AVl•OI U1led h• •Ide d•M•nd•d•. 11 tr11111a•• P" deotdlr _.,. U41 ..... -.... U41 .• ~ "8 • dlM. LM le 1Af0tmeclon ~·u11ed d•H• I OllClllf ., con .. jo d• un •llogado en Hllll( I tun I O d I b e r I a h • c; e'f'I ~ +mme<ll•••ment• de "" man«•' tu r~ta MCtha, " hay ~ pUede -1egltC1aoe • tlempc> _.:} I TO THE OEFENOANT. A _,,. colnp111nt n11 bHn llled lly ltt• p1e1nuH egalnll you II you wlan IQ. defend tnla 11.,....11. you mull, wl\N[l _ 10 d•y• ett1r this 1ummon1 14" -ved on )'OU. Ille 'Wllh lhll c;our\ a ..,r111en rM90ftM to lhe conipi.ln1 Un'"8 you do '°· you• del•oh • be 1n1ered on 1ppllc1llon of IM plllnllH. lln<I lhll court 111ay enl• • )udgmenl egelnst you !Of th1 rellef dern•ndld In lhl compltlnl. WhlCh ' could rH ull In g•rnl1hmeot ol 1118Qff, llUClllQ..OI money QI proper\)' or other relret requHted In tM> compl1lnl Oiied: SepCember 27, 1982. ,...,..,et 9romfer, DefMltr FO"ITI~" ANO "\JODPI ,. •11ort •1. •lehop CA tn514 (7t4)~ ... , Pubflahad Orange Coast Oatly P1101, Oci.,9, 111, 23, 3P. 11182 .i•eo-e2 P\&.IC NOTICE FICTtT10UI •u••Neaa ~aTATEllllNT The toelowlng i>e•SOf1S ere d0009 buSlneN It RE L IABLE CO M PUT ER SERVICES CO . 27312 CrenbrOOile Or . El TOfo. Ca 92630 N<Mll W•no. 27312 Cranbr<><*• 01 . El TOfo. Ca 92630 A nn Hwu Wang , 27312 C11nb1oo1<e Or • El Toro. Ca 92630 Thlt business 11 conducted by en 1n~Mdu•I Noet Weng Ann Wang Thlll s1a1emen1 -· Med With IM I County Clerk or Orange Coun1y Qfl • Septernl>ef 30 1982 • F1•n' Published Orange COHI Dally PttOI Ocl 2 9 16, 23. 1982 4353·82 PUBllC NOTICE K-o2111 fl'tCTITIOUI •U•INEtl NAME STATEMENT The tollowlno persons ere doo"I) ' bu1lneu u VR BUSINESS BROKERS, 743 WHI Beker SlrMI. Suite E. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 N-por1 Buslneu GrOYp, inc a C1lllorn1a corporation, H J W B•kt< SllMI, Suite E, Cos11 M- C.A 92628 Thia bullMas 11 conoucttct by a corpo<allon N-pon Business Group, Inc Edwatd weuece. J Pr...oent Th11 ll•temenl w•s hied w1lh t"8 Counly Cle<k or Orange County Of'I Oct 7. 19112 F1•1n Pubhahed Or•nge Coast Daily PllOI. Oct 18. 23. 30. Nov 6. 1982 •555-82 l ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~1 Ml.IC NOTICE Pl8.lC ..:incc NOTICE OF ~ACIFJC TIU'1te>Ne'I Al"t'LICATION TO INC"UtE ANO "EDUCE "ATll AND HTA91.19H NEW "ATH AND Of' ~IC WITWU HINllNO Paclllc Telephone hll llled an applk:41tlon with the Calllornl8 Public u111111es Commlu lon (CPUCl -'Clno 1•11 ctlal\gff to provide new cusiomer opllon1 r°' the repair and 1n11e11111on ot lllephone Inside wife on custom« pramlNa. Pr ... nlly, repairs are provided II no additional cnarge by P•clllc. tht co11 ol lhoae rap•l•• is recovered lrom all r•lapaye11 th1ough other rat" W<:h II lhOM fOf 10f1g distance service Paclllc Telee>hone now propo-to allow cuslome<s the opt10111 ol doeno 1hel1 own ln11all•tlon •nd repairs of such wiring. hiring oullld• conlflCIOfl 10 do the lnstelletlon •nd repairs. Of 11111no Pee1r1e II • custome< plans to uae Peetftc T•11Phone'1 rep•lr aervloe. • cu1tome< could chooM lo pey a propoMd new recurtlnQ monlhly cll•rge •nd receive Che repelrs without •d<llllonel ch•rge. Of the cuatomer could chooN to P•y a non-recu111no cherge 11 lhe lime any rep1J11 are made In IKldltlon. Pecllk: Telel>hone propo-10 change Ille ••y II ch•tgH IOf 1n111t1111on and movea lln<I cnangee ot lnllde wire In connection with compl•ic buslnen and rH ldance 1t••pnone equipment I• g. key, PBX and C~W•11 equlpmenl) by aPC>lylng • aepar•I• lime and m•t«lela Cf\afge IOf t'-llCIJvtt• Cu11orners with either llmple Of comptex bull,,_ Of rllSl<MnOa lelec>hene NNIClM wMI eltO h.tve lhe option of arranglnQ IOf their own Inside wire ln1111t111ont Md movea lln<I ch~. ~aclltc T ... ~., -fltftt• wtn flOt be e"9clect II tfllt application 11 epprovect !Ir the C..UC. The Income trom this propo .. 1 would bl ottNI by • •eduction In lhe blttlno surell.,ge wrilcn •PP•••• on •II cuatome••' blll• under the ha•dlng. "Sureherge -PUC Oecltlon No 12.05~13" The pr_,t 7.82% aurch•rge would bl 10-eo 10 4 84% -• 38% reduction II th• request 11 •woved br tl\e CPUC " ~. her• are 111e options that various ct•-of oullorners woutd have ~· F<>f' INtTAU.ATION O" "E~A"' CW IN9IDI WIMtO 91mpla ,...,._ and 9UllMM 9erYloe Opttofte (cuttomere with one Of two llne, non-key I~~). Al Monthtr Me4ne.nance Option: Cu1tomer1 cOUld pay • ,_ 1e1e ol $.35 p11 1tlephone line per month, Tiie<• would bl no addlllonll chetge tor ree>•lr visit•. _ Bl Trouble 0ce .. ton OpllOn:.Cuatolnl'• could P•Y •MW ft•t tee 01 S60 tor Hch repelr 111111 Th«• would bl no IKl<llllonal monlhly ffft. q Outalde ContrectOt ()tltlon: Cuatomer1 could arr•nge for 1n11i111C1on, rep•lr or re•rrangt<nent ol Inside wire themMIYW elthlf by purchulng th• necen•ry m11erl1l1 01 hl1lng an oulllde cont rector Compl•• "uldenae end l11•t11n• ••r•tae 01Jtlon1 (c;uatomere wllh two °' mote llna, letmln•tlng on ~..,. tele9h0n ... f>BX IWllChbolfdl. Of Centrex MtVICe): _..,. Al Montflfy Melftt8Nfl08 C>tltteftc Cuetomer•""""' pay•,_ r•t• ol S.30.,., Peelllc Telel>h<>M owned station per month. Th«• wOUld be no ldttltlonel cll«ge fOf r'IPfllt vltlt• In cont*llon with the 1epelr Of lnllkle wire connected to thoee •t•llons Bl TIIM and ... teNle ~I Oultomllfl cOllld pey I new dlette lot 1n111llallon, repair Of ra.r~I ol Inside wire llued on IM time end m11ett.1e u..o. During normal b41tl,_ hOur'a. llbOt Chatgee would bl Mt et 138 fot the lint flftMn rnlnulee anCI s 12 IOf Meh a<l<llllonll 1111een mtnut .. Of fymction thlteol. Lellot c~111191 woulCI De tllghcly hlghlf tt the cuetOIMI ,.queatt the ectl'lffty be l*fOt~ outtlde n0<mll butl-hOu,. ""' tor m1t1t1111 woutCI VI')' tor llC~ lnCllWIUll -C) ~ C_.,....., o,t11ft! euetomere OOUICI entn09 tor tnetellfltlon, r'IPfllt or rwt•~l of lnllOe Mf'8 I~ or nlrl ell OUttlOI COtltrtctOf, Tl\e t1nt1 rett <letttMll\etlon. ~. wlll bl made by tfle CPUC 1n1t • llWlnO It helCI Thi CPUC may Ofllnt rite ~ en<I 11duct1on1 and Mtat>llth n.... 1atH dl"er91'11 from thoee reoueatao. tne1 '"' 1111 Chtnoae ~ may be In dlf11t'81'1t e,..... ot Ml'VICI fll\d/Ot hlQMr lof ll'IOle m-lltlld. The CPUC will h04CI • put>llC wit-'*'lnCI ~OlnO thll 8ll9flGlllOll It 10:00 • m., Of' MoftcMy, Nowmbet 11, 11U it the CPI.JO, 350 McAllletlf llrMI. 14111 ''tnellco' Thi '-tno .,_ wtt0ft'l9'9 11n ~to •P"Mt tNtt ~ to tt1e eomm••~. You m•y tubmit written oomrft9fltt 1ndtor 111111• • brief or11 •l•tement at the hWlng. TM 0'UC wtlOOfMI )'04lf OIWM*llil. " Y°" oennot attenct thtl l!MrlnQ, yOU tnflr tllbml1 wtttt*I COllll'Mllt• lo the CPUC et CW19 of tM edit,._. """ blloW. A C09Y of 11'8Clfflo T~'• .-.i..., 111c1 t.....o -~ mer tit lnep90ted •I PllOlflo Tlllpflone'e P'N "* putllo °"'* tw at tM CPUC olfloea llt•ecl below. ........ ......... lflqu!l1-lad oornment• Nllttw to ''*" ......._ ~--.. requeeW1o ~ nottoe Of CllM, time end ~ Of ~ t\inNt ~ ~ the llCICJllCAtlon, may be cllNot9d to the Ol'UO °'=; MO MOAllllMr 11.-t 1019°""' It 1M ,t'llleltOO, CA .. 10I 1.ot Anfl'll, OA IOO• .. I J . I 1 • .. Orange CoHI OAILV PILOT /8aturdav, Ootnb r t6, 108' WORLD IERIEI Cetdlnal• I , Brewer• 2 Q_, IT. LOUii MILWAUKH ebr llbl '40 0 0 j 10 0 .., r" bl tlwl 2b 5000 MCJli!Ot 3b Ot>e<klell 3b • 0 O O Voon1 n He•nand~ lb 4 O o O Coap.1 10 • 1 I 2 or19f 0 • 0 0 0 OglMe II r•ndrlek •I ~ 1 I O S1mmon1 c Smllh II • 2 2 O Tllomas cl • 0 1 0 4000 • 0, 0 2000 1000 3000 3020 6r_, II o O o o Howell Oh lb<g dh 4 1 1 0 a-MO!'.., dh ¥cG"" ct 3 2 2 • MOO<• rt 0 Sml!h u J O O 1 Gal'tner 2b Total• • 33 6 6 s r 01a11 · 37 '1s2 •-wall<od tor How•ll In loo 7tn lko,. by lnnme• SI LOUIS 000 OjO 20 I 6 ¥'"""""... 000 000 020 2 Henc111ck reacned b .. ., on c•tcne1 • Jnterle<emie 1r1 uw 91h E-Coo1M>r. Gantne•. S1mmo111 OP St t.oula 1 LOB St Louil •, Mllwaulfee 6 28-Ganrnor l Sm11h. l0<g 3P -L Sm1111 HA-McGee 2 (2). Coope1 \ti •t. Louie IP H II EA B• 80 Andu1ar (W.1•01 6'' 3 0 0 t 3 Keat '' t O 0 t 0 Qal• O O 0 0 0 Sutter (S, I) 2'1 t 2 I MllWllUllM Vuckovich (L,0· 11 McClure 8'> 6 b 4 J I .00000 bat1e1 '" the 7111 Blt"ir pltch•o 1 T-2.53. A-56,556 COMPOSITE BOX Betting Molitor Yount Coo!M>• Slmmons Ogllvlt! Thomas Howen Money Moore Gantne< Totals Hetr L.Sm1lh Hernand.i Hendrick Tenace P0<1e< Gf&M Qberktell O.Smllh Braun McGee IO<g Ramsey Totals MILWAUKEE e0 r II 2tl 3b hr rbl Hg 15 • 7 0 0 0 2 467 13 3 5 ? 0 0 3 385 13 2 4 , 0 t 3 308 12 2 4 0 0 2 2 333 12 I 1 0 0 0 0 083 11 0 2 0 0 0 l 182 8100000000 3 I I 0 0 0 l 333 12 2 • 2 0 0 t 333 to 2 4 t , o 2 400 t09 16 32 6 I 3 15 294 ST. LOUIS eb r II 2tl 3b hr rbl ev11 11 I t 1 0 0 t 091 I I 2 2 I 1 0 0 182 11000000000 931ooog 111 4 00000 000 110 4 2002364 4 000000 000 10 I 3 0 0 0 1 300 10 0 2 0 0 0 I 200 000000•000 7 3 2 0 0 2 4 286 6t21000333 0000000 000 94 11 17 5 t 2 10 181 Pitching MILWAUK!E Ca1owell ( t-01 Sutton "4<:Clure (0-1 I udd Vuckovich (0-11 Totals F0<ech 10· 11 KNt LaPo4nl Lah!I S!ul>ef S.lr Sutter (1--0) Andufet ( 1.0} 11 Ip II r er bb 20 era 19 30013000 16 54413600 2 1t, 2 I 1 2 2 s 39 l ., l 0 0 2 0 0 00 l 81\ 8' 6 4 3 I 4 I 5 3 26 t71 I 9 9 9 3 12 ST. LOUIS II Ip llrerbbeoera 1 5 .... 10 6 4 1 I 8.35 3 2"> 3 0 0 1 2 0.00 1 .... 3 2 2 I 0 10 78 '' 3 2 2 0 , 54.54 I 4 6 4 4 3 3 9.00 22 10013000 2 •• , 3 2 < 2 2 0 00 1 61> 3 0 0 I 3 0 00 Total• 3 27 32 16 14 10 15 4 67 lcore bf Inning• Mllwaukff A 212 122 024 16 St. LCXJ!t N 002 032 211-1 t -11indrlck reached oue on calcner a tn1"'1erence In 9th 1noln<;i. Game 3 E·H.,n1nde1 2, Oglt~. C-, Gan1ner. Stmmont. OP-SI. LOUIS 3 LOB-Mllwaukff 24. St Loub 15 S·Gantne< HBP-iHowetl) by Forech WP-Stuper 2 Savn-Suner ( 1) A-184.002 World Serie• et a glanee TUMday•a lcote Milwaukee 10. St lou•5 O ·~,..Scot• St Louis 5 Milwaukee 4 F rldaf'• Seo<• SI Louil 6, MllwaukM 2 (St LOUIS leaOs -'"· 2-t} lodet'• Game St. Louis (L8.Po1n1 9-3) at M11waulo.ee (Haas 11·8). 10 20 1.m ·~Y'• Gem. St. Louis at MllwaukM. 1 •5 o m TllffdeJ'• o ..... Miiwaukee al St Louis. 5 20 pm •I -ry Wed.-day't O.me Miiwaukee at SI Louis 5 20 p "' II ~ . leriH Feel• 1nd Flfur" Facts end Flgu•es from !he 79th World SetleS t;et-lhe MlwaulCM Br-rs and the St. Louis Cardinals 0-. 1 Attendance 53.723 Ne! reoetptl $890.158 97 Commlulonet't Share S t34.722 65 Plll)'el'I POOi· $-458.056 99 League and Club Senea .shuOI 176. 342 83 0-2 Attendance 53. 723 Nel r804llpta $898, 160 97 Commlutoner'1 shele S 134 722 65 Playe< pool; $-458,056 99. League and Club Se•IH sharn $76 . 342.83 0-3 Attendance 56.556 Nel reeeipta. $942,744.26 "Commission•<'• there $141,411 7 t Player pool: $-490. 799.83. l aegua ana t;lub Series sha1es S80 • 133.31 . Tot• AltendlMtt 1&4,002 Net recelpla. 12.739.046.20 'Commlaalonef'I thatl'. $410,867 0 I ~ POOi: l1,3De,913.81. Le11e1ue '"d Club Serles ahares· 1232.- 818.111. #Oftd M8totl fllef TOUl'l'\efMflt I ( .. Ylftlftle ...... t,..._.) ~-LAMY Wacllclnt (U S l def Greg No<mllf1 !A11t1r•1. e encl S. .l. 8•v• 8•11HtetOt (8peln} def Bobby ~'-"Pett (U..8 I. 2 ""' 1. • TOM Kite (U.S.} def. CrlllQ St•dler (US.}. 4 IWwf a. s.nc1Y Lyle (Mtillfll def R•ymond Floyd (~.&>.S encl 1 I hnlor• ClaMlo • ::£::I M, ~.~* ~ le .. ._ 7M7 -140 .,_ n•-t40 ,.,........ 11•12 -141 71·10 -,., &1·75 -t42 71).7:1 -14i Jofwlt!Ott 11·1t -t4J ~ 12•10 -142 lrilkeiln 7M2 -1"3 ...... ,..._,4$ ... ,._ , .. n .n -144 • .,.,.,_ 144 ra.11 -144 , .. 11 -146 rs-"'-t41 12.n -, .. '~" -1411 .,., .. _, ... 14-ft.-t .. ,...,._ , .. Wetet DOIG COU.fOI ue 1rw1 ... •· uc: .... .,.... 1 UC , .. ,,,. 0 l 3 .l II UC tl•11 °'*llu 0 2 t 0 ) UC 11v1n• tG0111•g J Cempoeil 2 P (;amphell 7 Va111aa t 1tob<o1l1u11 1 00<10011 I Ch<\.c,.~uft•0,.1lCtt ~ 011vt•H ' Other leo<H :.1tnlo•<1 11 I ong BHCn ~1 0 COMMUNITY cou1oa Otene• c -t 21. Ml, ''"' AnlOftie 1t Ml Sen Antonio 6 O :i 4 11 0••110• Coat! 6 9 6 7 20 Orange Cnut 1c;n11ng McCormick •. AlvH J. L-l• 3. Slo.o..,rono• 3. s.llH• 3 S1erbe111 1 Brown 7 Bro11nlch• 2 Slmm11111 2 Hawk1t11 I. Aanek I Ool.,.., Weet 1•. e,,,... .. , Golden Wffl 4 I 6 6 II\ Cyp1eu 2 0 0 I 3 Golden Weal ocor Ing Salyer •. IHll 2, Wllaon 2, Ste!)llet1t0t1 1 N•Oy 2 O..n1>HY 1 M•rlnO I, Lund '· HUQhfM I Cvp,eas tcorn~ le1u1uu•• \ K11nw••• l, Oluowl~I 1 HIGH ICHOOL htel\cla 7, M•rln• $ M•11n1 3 I I D Estortcla J 0 I J -7 M•1ine .scotit'O l.kt1i1µ,.,, 1 81othtuton 1 Smith I Lakutky I Mutt<. I Et1ar1c10 .coring Fenoly , lnaoom1 2. Smith t Bt•O I C0tona d.r Met to, Foole.tll J C0tona ~ Mar o • 2 3 10 Foothill 0 I 1 I ~ Corono d•I Mor aCOtlng lmbo11,.,10 ~. r •mple 2 Mo,,oi,., t Loofbourrow t Poulsen 1 fountain Varley 12, ltVlM t Founta•n Valley • 3 3 2 12 Irvine 2 2 2 J 9 Fountain Volley 1e0<1ng Wen •. Bu~er 2. Vouno 2. Nom1.Jr1 \ MOOfft 1 9Aurpgart1,., t 061vattantafl 1 Irv•~ eco11ng We•u>i 6 C0tle11 2. Beck 1 Old Dominion 500 (at aurtlnHlfte, Va.) The starting lineup for Sunaay l 01c1 Oom1n1on 500 Grand ~et1ona1 11ock car race at Mart1n1vtlle Speedway with or1ve1 mau OI CAt end queltfylng 9C>Md "' rnpi. t Ricky Rudd, Pontiac. 89 132 2 Hairy Gont Buick ea 78 7 3 Darrell W11t11p Buick aa 5 t 5 - ~ L~.?J:o'!:.'',;o~~~~~ l~~ 329 6 Bobby All110n. Cflevrolet. &a I 15 7 Buddy Bake<. Ponuac ea,020 a 1>10tgen Shepherd. S..ock. 87.955 9 NeilJIO!lnett. Fo<O. 87 885 10 04vlt(Ma1cla, Chevrolel, 87 a65 11 Joe Ruttman. Butcll. 89 073 1:r Date Eernf\etdt, F0<tl, 88 814 13 Bu1cn Undley, Buick. 88 706 14 Tom Richmond BulCk 88 602 15 Mark Martin Buick, 88 180 18 t<yie Petty. Pon1111c. 87 984 t7 AICllarO Petty, PO<lhac 87 499 18 Joc:ly Aodley. FO<d 87 43 I 111 Lake Speed, Pontiac. 87 346 20 Joe Mlllll\an. Fote!. 86 905 21 Jimmy Means. CMvro1e1. 88 80!> 22 Jimmy Hen!lley. 8u1c1t. 88 7 5 7 23 Joe FletOe. ~86 705 24' DI( UlrlCh, BulCk. 88 531l 25 S..doy Arrington. Dodge. 88 157 26 Aonnle Tliomu. Ponllec 85 914 27 ·Sam Ard, Chevrolet. 85 all• 2a Oauyl Sage, Chevrolet, 85 en 29 A~ Newson. Cllevrolet. 83 359 JO. cec11 Goroon. Bu!C~. 02."14 3 1 Aon Boucherd Buick no speeo Oreg reclng WINITON WOf!LD hNALS (at Ot.,,.. Co..nty lntt "-••Y) Fttay Quefffylng LHdera TOI) Fuet Otagste<s -1 Gary Beck . El Toro . 5 58 •l •P••d t im e , 25 t 39-mlles-~r·hour. 2 Marlo. Oswald. C1nc1nnat1, 6 66. 266 88-mph, 3 Jim Bainard. Portland, 5 59, 24161·mPll 5 Sll11ley Muldowney Ml Clement. Mien 5 73 2'5 90.mpn Funny Cars 1 Frank Haw1e'/ OnllflO. Ca,,ac!a S 90 239 36-mpn 2 Don Prudhomme Gron ad• H1i11. S 9 1 2•1113-rnph. 6 Biiiy Meyer Waco Texaa 6 01. 224 43-mph Pro Stoclls -t Wa,,en Johnton, Norcro ... Ga. 7 73, 177 51-mph, 2 Bob Glidden. Whiteland. lr>CI 7 78. t 78 l2·mph Top l\lcohol Funn1 Catt -l Bob Gottscnalto. Oregon & 57 2 Brad Ar>Oe<son, Covin•. IS 62 Alcpllol 01ag1lar• -t Dev• Hege. Anahekn. 8 83, 2 Biii 8arney, Sacramen10. 6~ Auetrallan Indoor tournament (•18,.me,, OuertlfflNI Slnelff Jimmy Connors (tJ SI def E~ol Tellscner (tJ s 1. 6-2 6-3. Gll<le Ma~r ru s I c1er John Aleund"' CAuatrallaJ 6-3, 6-4 Swl .. lnde>« tournament (et ...... SwltH•l8ftd) Ouarterf!NI ""9lff Mtl' Wllander (Sweden) def Hent1 Leconle (France). 6-3. 6-4 Jay L•PIClul IU SI det Mttl OOyle (lreland1 11·:1 7 "> WCT tournament (•tNeptM,lt .. y) 0...,,e<tlftel ...., ... Ivan lendl (C1echot1ovo1a1 d•I Heinz Guntl'lardt tSW.1ze<lend). µ, &·2. 6-2 Joh•n Kriek (South Ah 1Ca) d•I JOH H1guetH (SpeJfll. 6-3. t-4 (retired) CoUege NCAA CIMWll~ehlpe (at ..,. Antonio) (rltet llouM l\l~anus 8. PepPt!fdlM 3 Tttn11y a. Geo<gle 1 use 8. cremaon 3 SMU 5, Miami, I'll 4 • >'· • O•k TtM 111 a.n11 A.,11, I '"IOA'l''I llllUl 'l'I (t#ll Of t1•4ey 1"810ytll9'M mMll"I) •11111 l llACI. Ill\ lullono• l.rytlal 1 ehl• (\ lf>ll•n11 If l 00 '7 00 I ~() I Ctll<.I• (0U4111a1 1 20 4 10 !lem101ol rfl1t1cayl ~ 00 AllMl •IH..cMI Ot ll...clontet •-,. aw f um l<XI• 0 lvO ttummw1 lime I t6 4111 llCONO AAClt. ft lui 101111• t.l\tMI C.m111lll~ 1<.111TI11ul' 11 110 111 oo I ;ro rn••I Key IV•l1nruelal I 00 4 20 ho P•11.•nl (PlnC•YI 3 00 Aleo '•t •d Je1 M•O•VY•' M.11e1n•y. MOf•\eof1\ Of Luve, C,Ow1t the trn&;Htr<H' Ml 1 Trac, 8unke• 3hot. SP•'"'• Oem. Oon t Pamc. 1<1110 8evoy lime I Oii 3/11 a OAIL 'I' OOUaLI (•·II 11•1" $~90 00 THNID llAClt e lu1I011ga E•attrn Bettor (SlbOlel 10 00 6 00 5 110 Kr•ll Two 18hoemak.,I 12 40 a 40 ttoney Don't tCallat1ed•I • It 00 .Ai110 ••'"° Liiii• Avaiarlohe, Miu CaNy N Synr,obe"' Sier 1'011, Oeo•ge't rt1rt 8on110 Co11110 1 tuly Kiin Pappa'• Nl•C• RIChHIMI Tlnlw I I 1 fOUllfH MACE. I l/1U n111.,. Cl•..,t.to"'•ll• tMeu11 t8 oo Swo10 of HOnoor (P111oy1 Omah• Miii• 1S1Dlil•I Also reced Mlyen 1 ne 819 I 8 80 0 20 • ~o -a 50 ~ 60 Super 1111 Miiiet's Kl<:• • Ttme I AO ''~I flr'TH llACE. I 111& rnllel low•h (McHa1gue) 37 80 !:ti awb<trry Stick (Mccarron) SPffty Cologn• (Gue11•l 1260 580 400 2eo 2 80 Alto rated Lov" ol Life, Velv111 F1<1.,o Canoy Glau. Nob•e CelebH1Y time t 43 115 Br tu 16 EU CTA (8 t) paid "6• 50 llXTH llACE. 6 lurlo11g1 Jordy'a Baoa \llphem) 36 20 13 20 9 20 Time F0< 1n1~11ty (Guetra) 13 •O 7 40 Admtral't M1511et6 (Block) 5 40 Aleo racad Comfort lass. Sh8tp V111on, F•ee Spirit Baruna. Annabelle Clute. Be Happy Our He10111<1 A•en Bloom, Kes K'Say Time 1 09 4/5 llEVENTH llACE. 6 lurlottgs Danaacha (Valen1uti1a1 5 60 • 40 4 •O ~•niet (McHatgue) 13 O 6 00 CIVIC l eader (T 0101 8 60 Alao reeed Mill St1eam. Oa1'c1ng AlbOI. C~lt!I Little Hlwll, Wicklow AcknOdoon Time t 08 315 as EllACTA I•· I) paid S 198 50 S2 PICK Ill (7 7.4 8·2·4) paid $19.&01 80 with live winning t1cllela (live hortH ) S2 PICk S1> consola11on paid $500 00 with 85 w1nnm9 llckelS (lour horses) l!IQHTH llACE. 1'" mllH on turf Pale Purple (Slblllet 10 40 4.60 3 40 My Nall•• P11ncesa tShoem•k•<I 3 80 3 io Mlhoge (TO<O) 4 00 1'1so •aced Pink Sellr Atnuan•. Geranda. Perk Piece. No More Lamoni MIU Wiid C•I lime I 47 3/5 NINTH llACf. 1 ti 16 muea Larken (Valeruuela) 9 80 4 60 3 00 F••tn"' Rewatd (PlnCOyl 4 80 4 00 Pampas Cat (Guetrat 4 40 Alao raG6<1 La Pnnceua. S•Hnte Geel. La Verne's Soneta, Jaulera, W1ngrel Stai Gem Time 1 43 215 15 EXACT A 13-71 pa10 $ 11 I bO Attentlen<le 17 806 . H ouzwood Park FRIO V'S AE8Ul T8 (&5111 ol 52-nluht harnfft mHtln9 ) FIRST AACE. One mile poce llQn Oul<e (W1111am~1 9 00' 3 60 J 00 A nay • Dean (Hyman I 3 00 2 60 HOwOy 80001 tWine Ill 4 80 • AlsCJ 1aceo Doctor Ross Anoys Dana Gen • Guest Tne Punk. The Comt>O~ Awa•d Forawa) 8111, Walrus Time 2 03 :115 S3 U ACTA (7·41 paid SU 60 SECOND AACE. One mrle IMC8 venlle '14••~ (Vllnllngm) 6 •O ~ 80 2 6<I Sly Lil IW•ll•oms) 6 20 3 40 We1over Rose ISMrrenJ I 3 liO Al~O fUlO\J T1trwOt«H Pc,ttatl<i" Rav~fl Citation Time.2?015 THIAO RACE One mile pace Oreo ByrCI IBudaMI 23 •O 7 60 • 20 ' Autumn Sto1m N (TOOCJI 3 00 .2 4-0 VCXJ Chase (0eSOm@r) J 00 A1$0 rac.O<J Timely A-••d N. V.ckr Bob Comna Scolch Ano Kahlua El Rey Rico Co~ClelU Ene•Q&llC Kid. SqvireiAM T L Tim• 201 13 0 ACTA i6·71 PO.•CI S87 ~0 f OUATH RACE. Orte mile f•O<.e M1 N M !Sp11ggal S 'O 3 60 TOddtth Oesogn tAo""'lll IS JO T enandahall 1Longot ) 20 680 3 40 Also raced Ambiance B'O OebDle Hus11111 Ouof' T.ger Woncte1fvt Sp•!s- Ama1e• M1C,,l't'I • lime I S9 3/S FIFTH AACE. One m1i.i pate Macho Bravo (Wlillarnst 9 00 4 20 5 60 Monle1ey HNlher (Ba111s1geon1 3 60 3 oo Scrambll11g Rall (F1aco1 • 00 Also reced Mon am1 M•1u11c l'iot N Bothereo W1noemere Callonte Anay1 Charger. Nancy Ande,.on 4u lnlln1ty Time 1 511 lt5 93 EXACTA 14·21 llR•O G5t 00 llXTH llACE. One mile pee;, Annlt! Ketr Sput " (SlllllOQI) 311 60 20 00 10 40 Jovann• Almahursl (A1tch1e) 10 00 5 40 lwann S~1p (Shc<ren) 1 t •O Also l&ellCI Pinch Hrt Aegn1 Gazelle. No' Eocuse. ll081U unowar11. Ketllna Whrte Laugnrer T'""' 1 59 o SS EXACTA 17·81 p1110 S723 00 SEVENTH AACE. On~ mllo pace . Senga Rosa (MArchonOJ t7 40 7 00 4 eo Dantes Endeo11or tOeaomer} • 90 3 40 Breakw111d 1w1111am11 3 20 Alao rac.O r m Certeln Angele~av. Sttvera Starlet, Dream Time N, Conna AC11os Time 1 58 'JS as EJ(ACTA (2-7) paid S 196 00 EIGHTH llACE. Onot mllfl p&ct1 N•d• Hanove1 (Longo) 15 80 1 60 3 SO Spln11e1 Anne (Sl\ef ren) tO 40 5 40 Apollo Maggie (BaJllargeonl 6 60 AllO reced Buna 1-leno•e• Hoppy Bride. Calablue, lndlln Sweelle Time 1 ~ 31!> ti UACTA (2-3) ptold $102 60 NIHTl4 AACf. One mile Pe<:• Fl .. hy Frank 1ea1111toeon1 a• oo 11 40 e •o Marquis (Kvebtfl• I 4 80 3.40 Glen Mldby (Aubin) '00 ,.._Allo r•ce<f· Soph1111ceted Laay Howdy :nar. Andyt Hound. C'Mon Hiiibiiiy Paddl&b<>•td, Prlmlll•e Streak Aldgemnrlc rime 1.S9 215 $3 EXACT 1' 18-81 P&ld S 198 90 at l"!Ck llX t 1-4-7 ·2-2·6) paid ,9, 1a1 80 wl!ll lll<ff winning l1Ck811 (11\le llOl 181) S' Pick S111 conso11.1lo11 palo $173 20 wlln S3 wlnn•no t!okell !lour hO<•••l TEN'TH llAC•. One mile peoe Oltfl inn (Longot $ 20 3 40 l 40 Rebel Ruler (Park811 4 20 3 00 Bt•I• Boy N (VellandlnghRm} ... "° AllO raced Pllo! Fro11. Tuatallt AldO• Mo.t Happy Poplar. Bound For GIO<y 1'. l11.11c1 llpa. Mr Direct Knfghl Time 2'01 SI IXACTA (3·11} paid 120 10 Attendt l\Qe 7.335 NHL CAMl'••L~ CON,.ftl HC:t IMrthe Olwlalon w L l or QA l'ta W111111,~eu J I IJ I~ ·~ 11 Klngo ' 0 ' I' 11 II f-lttt\C>Utotl I I I ,., II ~ C•lll~'Y ~ l (I """ J't • VhlU.OUVUf I I I n If :I HOffle Olwlelon M11u1•1nl&1 I 0 I JO ,., I Ct111.•tJ•) ' I t ~o 1\1 ' :JI I O\U• I I II ·~ Ill 4 rorOf\to 0 ) ~ ,,, n ? O..trn11 u I l tt Ill J WAU I CONfllll!HCf Patric~ Dlvl1lon NV IWlet • I 0 , .. " II i't11l•llftll)hl• • , ti ,, Ill " New J.,wy I l l(J " .. wnaou,utm1 ' I) 11. 11; • NV l'lat1gc"' 3 0 II) 18 • P11tat1wo1o I I I 1• JI) J Ademe DMllOn Mmtht11d • I 0 n 11'1 " !l1>11on j I I u t!> 7 ou .. l>O(; ~ J I l • ~~ ~ HnrtlOIU 0 J ' l:J 1~ ~ Uull~ltl u J I 14 ?() I f rlOef 1 SCOIH t~o uum .. -. ,c,tmctvh!tO 7on1ht'• Clam .. King• Cat New orll 1s1a110D<s Edmonton 111 8ot1u11 J..lh1tmtols)t111ia J~t Q.i..ihbt. Vanc.ouvur u1 Hu,Uuro Ehittltlnotl Wu,t11uu1m1 Nuw JO• ffly al f'111tbUt0h Ch•tu~o j'' tmrmen Nww °'" H11ttyot) at Mv•H1uu1 ™fron 1111 :,1 l''""' (,.wl~Ut)' "' Mlfl1u+1ntd AP Top 20 Inc Top lwMtr 111nms '" "'" A.soc1u1e<l Pr .. ss COllejjtl IOOlbwll poll w1lh l11st Pia~ .. voles 1n oafunUH>~o~ SNHOrt 'eC'O•ds anJ total pomta I Wufll1"1\jtun (Jll 2 Alabama 1 • l1 3 P1ll !91 4 Gel)lo1a 111 !t So Me11ma1•l 6 NoDr~•kd 1 AtkBll$8S 8 f'Mn Stnl~ 9 Nolfu O"mtt ;o Ar11n•1a Sl•ll•' 11 Norsn (.a,nlmu t~ UCL A 13 Wt'SI \11tg1n11• 14 Soullltu 11 C111 •5 11111101~ 16 lSU 11 M1am1 Fld 18 , ...... 19 rtor1011 s1.10 20 Clernw11 !>·O 0 5·0 0 .. o 0 500 '• O·O ·-1·0 5,0 0 • t-0 4 0 0 4 I 0 • 1·0 4 0 I • 1-0 J 1·0 5 • n J·O I •·J 0 J I 0 4-1-0 3 I I I 0•6 1,016 998 909 811 7S2 710 678 672 660 572 471 429 403 287 174 149 141 110 89 Community college TOOAV'8 ICHEOULE South Coeat Conle<ence fu11~r1on at Ml Snn l\nto1110 ( t '.10 p no 1 Ct1111tos di O"t~9e Coa~ Go1oer1 w os1 v> G•ossmo111 at Gra111tt1 Hills 111gh . Southern Cel Confer.nee I OS AHQe\41$ C(. 81 Wt!SI Los Angel .. 8 (I P~I Ea.I LA at Compton (I 30 p m I LA Horbo1 .. Rio Monao a1 w n1t11"' Colleve ' I 30 p '" Mla1lon Conl•,.,•nc• San' 01ego CC at San1a Ana Palomar at Saoo•obac• Riva.side at Citrus Metropollten Conleren~• Long Beach CC at Tait El Camino at Santa Mon•ca PaJAO""• et Bake<•lleld w .. 1.,n State Conference 1111ncc:ic~ vs Moorpar~ at C1mar1110 H11Jh Non-Conference Co•ieoe ot e>ae11 ar LA Soulhwest 11 pm ) Cal ll.llheren JV 11 Mt San Jec1n10 (7 pm } LA Valley at AntOICJI"' V11llev 1mper101 Valley at Sou1nwo•te1n USC JV el Ventura (All gemH etart at 7:30 p.m unlu• otllerwlH 11\dleated} HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS Sunaet league Foun1a1n Vall•v Ed11on Oc:eon V1ow Hunl11191on Ben Mat1na Wetlrn+ntter l•eci... Overall WLT WLT I 0 0 1 S 0 t 0 0 3 2 1 100 2•0 0 I 0 • '1 0 0 1 0 ~70 0 I 0 1 S 0 Friday'• 8cO<H Ed1ton 23 Marine 7 ' ~ p;. 63 9• 91 60 8• ge 190 87 102 S9 lS-7 I l'oun1a1n Volle} t 7 Hunt1n11ton Be•c" u Ocean View '1 l Wostmm&Ut' 1 fllureda(• Oem. c:e~~tHl1n VeUfty vi Wes1m11tsler 1t Orenoe Friday'• Ge'"" EO•son " l'tun11ngton Beeacn Mt11na vs 0.:..n View 81 W .. tmlnStflr S•• View le•gu• Le19 ... o ...... , w L w L SaddleO•Gk 3 0 6 0 Newpon Harb<>< ? 1 3 3 El T0<0 ' 1 4 ' C0<ona o .. M•• 2 1 5 Co111 M&IM' 2 2 • &tanc11 2 3 3 Unlv.n11y ' 2 4 lrvtne 2 • 2 Friday'• k0tM IMne 24. Newil0'1 Harbor 21 El T O<O n Coton• de! M11 0 Sllddleb8Cll 35. Cotta MeM 13 \ NHt ,rldey'• Gemff Ellene•• 11 N-1 Ha1bo• Co•ona d&I Mer 11 Irvine PF PA 155 69 107 60 93 53 37 103 82 121 10' SS 58 138 7• 73 Un••t,.lly vs SaOdleboc• •t S" Bowl COtll M•H v• El TO<I) II Mlttlon vi.10 South COHt leegue • ~..,. O••fl" Capl1tt1no Vty MINlon V19IO Legune Hlllt Stn C....,.nte La(l\IM Bff<rh D•nt Hiiie WOOdbrldge WL T W LT 2 0 I 3 2 I , 0 l • , 0 21 (1 JM' I 1 0 4 2 1 I 0 J 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 ......... 141 84 151 •2 78 105 104 711 68 53 31 1e1 84 85 FMey'o 8oetM C•!>4•tr•no Velley ?. MINkHI VlejO 7 Legune Hine 1'. 8an C'-'t!a 10 eonna I&, L•gun• S..Cll 7 T odey•e Qarne WOOdDrldO• nt O•n• HlllJ ( t p m, Angelue Leegue l ... ..,. 0-fff•" Servile M11e1 081 51 Paul Plut )( Serre BlthOp AMel Wt. T WLT ""l'A 100 310 10843 I 0 0 3 ? I 1t0 ~ I 0 0 6 1 0 107 88 010 330 Ml 90 () t 0 1 4 I 40 101 0 I 0 & 1 0 108 90 'rt4aJ'I le.WM M•lff !)el 211 P1u1 X 7 81 Paul 14. 8«r• 10 .... ,,rlday'oO-Ser•• It 8llllOP Amel .... t ... ut.J'• 0-.. 81 PIWI vt Mlltf Oe4 al SA BOwl 1'1u1 )( v •. a....tl• I t L• Palm• p"~ Olhef ICOt'el AMOILUI t.aAOUll SI Pau4 t4, Setrt 10 4 • ........ IAAOUS EIP8flnta 49, K~ 11 ~oara U , Cypr ... 14 CINTUlilV L.iAQUll fl MOClell• ta, Cenyon O San!• Ana Valley St , luatlfl 1 ,_.,.AY UIAOUI ._,. .... • •• to!IOt• • ,__.Oii 7. IUMy Htllt. L• Habta 30. Troy 0 ~\.IACIW W•~n •6. v_.. 7 ......MOVILI.._ IMl!llOO SJ, O..defl Gt_ It ~ A'-llot , •• I.I ~t• t ' Capo, Diahlos fit to he tied , Uy nouu MUNSON lpeclat lo tt>. Oally Piiot M "?>1u11 V1t•J11 II 1~ti I 111 < h Cu I l<ill ll T llE j.(Ullt\'. 'J'ilfo: J<a1111• r 1·I""' 111, 1111•1JU11»('. M r!'l!'l1t.111 Vwy1 v.., < 'aprMrnno V1tll•·v 111 South <.'ri.Jsl L1 .. 11-tu1• l11111h:tfl pl.iv 11 'l't'n1:0. th.11 "'lim•v1•1 w111.., Tl IE 1(111111' i(lll''> •Ill ,111d Wiii:. (li t • ft·a~111· d1;11111w111sl11p Bul whar happ••11:-. wlt1·11 tl11·v t w" Tltut\ 1•x.wtly what happ«lli'd Fr 1d11y n1glt1 hl'lrn t• ·l.UOU fa 11~ ;ii M 1:.s1w1 V 11·111 111~!1. ••l> l':qw V.11l1·v l1:tlllt·d l1:ll'k Imm a '-<'V1·11 pond . d1·l1t•I( lo lrt• lhl g;trt11· 111 1111· l11lll th (j\1<11'\('I . 7 7 ·''!'ht· s11;1sw1 e1111ld 1•11d lip with l111th l1·...i111s 1y111g l11r the· c h :1111111111i..l11p." '>...ild l'apo VaJl1·y l'l1.1dt D11 k l·:11nght "01 n111yl~· S...111 l 'lt·1m·11l1· will Jllsl kn11<•k LI'> ,ii I 111 I " • B11rli t1·J111?> wt·n· 1•v .. 11 lv 111 ;11d11·d ,,.,, M 1.:....iun V11J~> t•11h·n ·d 1111' garn1· ,,., 1lw N11 H lt•.it11 I ll 0 1,11lg1· ( '11Lltcly, whiil' t'.q111 V.illl•V """ 11111· 11otc h lwl11w Udd I ~ 1•1111ugh, tlw Ml'>:.11111 VwJo l!I l1•11s1 111·v1•1· -;('on ·<l Hut 1111' D1.tl1l11 dl'11·11s1· 111a11;ig1·d 111 111us11·1 ;, "'<If\'. ·•1' dl'11•1i:.1v1• 1·1111 M1k1• Jan'" 111t1·n ·v11tr·d a "<'fl•1•n P.t'>I'> .111d 1 a11 ·l !i vards for a ltHHhd11Wll. Wiili I ~ll lt•fl 111 ll\l' 111'>1 ljll,tl'l('I' M1k1 .J11h11sn11', «Kl r .1 p1JtnJ 111.1d1· 1111 '>l'•11·1 7 -11 .Johnson •• 111111-,1 g.iv1· Mt!'>'>l<Jn V11•10 a Ill p 11 1111 !(.,,d Ill l lt t· third qt1.11 lt•1 ;t)> ht· tr11·d ,I -t:l V,Jld Ji, Id g11al 111:. lrn k f1 ·ll short, n.11 r11wh 1111 ... :-.111g its 111;11 k · < >ur d1.ft·11i.t· pl.1 y1•J gn•at ." s;wl l\110.,;o.11!11 V1t·J•> Coat h Bill ('I (•" -. Hu I ( h ,. II ff,. 11 ... ,. !>.pu I 11·n ·u C hir ,,.,.,, proll·t'll•>n I •111k1 tl•iW11 Ami rlHll WW> n .. 111y llil· v. hul1· j,(IJOil' " Al l•·r .l11hr11.011 '" '"""''d lwlJ HC1;1I , ( ';op11 Vall1•y took J>C>M·S-'1<111 .11 II!> UWll :w yul'IJ l1111 And \)fl tl11 • 11111 pluy 11( till' '>lX·111U1Utc• tlr 1v • ., l'r :111'1, H11nd.1 :;w1·pl ll'fl 1· 11 d I 11 r l IJ y a r d ~ •• n d ,, 111ud1d11wn The 1•x1r;.r µ.1111t lll'tl tlw ~·1w1· 111 7 7 "1'1•11pl1· ;1n• J<0111g Ill dunk 1h;11 ouc ~.11rn•s w11h Capo :11'!' l1xt·d ," 11dd1'll <'rc>w Lu!>t y1•:0 ·., tlllt• W 11111' hHWl'l.'11 bolh C'll.Jb1' l •ndc·d 111 a 7 7 l it., ;ol s11 "Y!ltJ nt·v1·r· 11•:.llv ltkL• lo tw " W~>l'kl11J1 "l' Ht11{l'f 81uw11 ~;iltwd I :1 I yard:. o n :l1 t·&rnc·s for !ht• D1ahlo s, hut tjw M 1!>s 1on Vil'~> ol lt•nsc.· was h t•ld m L:hl·c:k most 111 ttw gunw J!\ C'upo V:Jllt·y f!rl'!>.!'.llr,.d I >1;iblo qu;1r1£·rbJ{ k Kl.1µ:-. L1·11t·11h;1u1·r .. * Capo V•lley 7, Ml11lon Viejo 7 Sc0<e1by Ouertere L apo Valley 0 O O 7 1 M1>1l1on Vlt!lO 7 0 0 (j 7 MV Ja1v1s 45 1eturn w1lh 1n1ercep11on (Johnso11 k1ek) CV Banda 10 ru.1 (MCCiure klCkl Allendance 4,000 test1maled) Geme S!1t11Uca CV Fir~I dOWllb 16 Aus"6s·yaros 26-79 Psss1ng yoroi. 129 PaSSt!S 1 S-25-2 Punls • 5-39 FvmbleS·OSI 1.0 Pena111es-ya1ds 8·67 lndlwldual Ruthlng MV 11 39-122 88 7-13-2 2-39 0-0 6-47 CV Lanham 8-30 Banda S 26 Pe'1dle1on, S-37 DeCaus 1-0· Call 7-lor-m•l'u~ Id MV -Brow n 24 131 le1l1Jn baue• 14-lor-minus 9 Varner 1-0 Individual PHelng CV Call IS 2S·2 129 MV le11enbauer. 6-13·2 .88 lndlltlduel Aecelwlng CV Banda. 8·S2. Lantiam 4 49. Bache 1·8 Penellelon 1-3 MV Coler 'J-48. Vageon·~ 1 12 Snell. I 6 Ha wk s s tun Tri tons ·with 0:30 By RICHARD DUNN Sptcl1I to the Dally Pllol L:1gu11a Htlls H1gn usc-cl 1h IW!-.1 lor las t Fnday mgltt. l'Ollung lwl'k ht upst.'l tht• S.1n Clenwnh Tri 10111-oil a 12-v .. rd tCJuchcJown pJss I roni qu~1rt<.•rbal'k Let· Plt•nwl to John Ml'D::i1d with :w ).l'<tlfHh lt·l t 111 tht• gamt'. dtmaxing a l·I 10 v1tto'ry c:1t Stin Cll·11wn tl· S;m Ckm!'nh-, wh1l·h fl'<'l'IVl·d 11>. f1r~l losi> 111 South Coeis l Lt•;1guc-pl:ty (:!-I). complC'lC'l y Jom111atl'<l tht' g<lnll' on uffenst>, rushing f11r .1 t11tal of Hi2 yards Although Tntou quarlt•rbal'k John W1•1ser l'urnplt•ll'<I only utW pass. ht· kt•pt th1· hall 1lJ t1nw:-.. ' rnshrng for a ganw lc•ading Ci!) y<inb , Pknwl d1dn'1 rc<.1llv ::.tar'I his pu::.s1ng ;1l t:1tk until ih1• Cuurth quartl'r, wh(•n ht• c·umpll•tt'<i null' pa-.st•s Tlh Tr1wn' 1um1wd aht·ad L·.11 ly 111 the firs t quartl'I' on a 12-' y<ird loud1duwn run by We1s<'r .Jiil 1h1..·1r fir!>I µ<>Ssc•ss111n Tht•y ust-<I :..in lnt<'rcept1or1 und four s..1l'ks ll• tak1..• ('Ontrol of tlw pavt• gJmt•, and the way lu a ddl'ns1ve exh1b1tion In tht• opcnmg s..-conds of lht· fmirth quarter. San Clt•mcnl<' kll'kN Brian Md)Jrm;ie k honl<.>tl ,1 :stt-yard field goal to pul tht· Tntons ahead 10·0, etnd from the looks of 1h1·ir ddensC'. Laguna Hills \\a!' about w sufkr its Ciith loss. But tht• ("(>OWl>ill'k lrail for thf' to go !1<1\\ k!> !>l,irtE.·<l '" ht·n Plc-m1·l \\ ,., nwd uµ his etrm St<Jrting from llS own :i:1. L1gu11;1 H tlls' Hawks rambll·d uff 11 pl;i y~ and fcJur firs t downs, t• n d 1 11 g w 1 l h et I 5 · y a r d t " u l' h d o w n p a s s l o T o d d Wrllwms, frum Plemd Thi dftv<' was climaxed b y a btg luurth down c:onvers1on with ~.OH ll'ft 1r1 the game. Wnh founh .ind fin· yards to go on the San CLMTWrll1• W. Plemel hit Lonnv H1·11wr (or s<•ven y<.irds to keep tht d1 1v1• go1ng * legune Hiiia 14, San C•mente 10 Score bt Owirt•t1 L&9una Hills 0 0 O 14 -14 San Clemente 0 7 O 3 10 SC-Wetser 12 run (McCormtc:lt klc~) SC McCormacil 38 FG LH w 11hams 15 pass lrom Plemel (Ward ~ICk) LH McDa1d 12 pass h om Plemel 1w ard kick) Allendnnce !>00 (es11maledl Game Sl•tl•llc• -LH f11S1 downs 17 Rushes-yards 29-50 Passini) yaros t93 Passes 13 25-1 Punts A-31 FumOles-IOSI 0--0 Penalties-yards 7 ·62 SC 9 40-162 t3 1·6·0 4.34 3-1 7-58 lndl•lduet Rushing LH Re1nef. 18-56. Roman 6-17 Wllhch. 1· I, Plemel 4-lor-mtnvs 24 SC -Weiser. 19-69. Aino. 1 t-3,7 Fickling. 9·31 Ames, 1-25 11\dMduel P•H ln9 LH-Plemel. 13-25-1. \93 SC -Weiser, 1·5·0. 13. Arno. 0· 1·0 lncllvldu•I Reca,.,,,ng LH-McOald. 6·103 Williams 6·83 Reiner t -7 SC -Carr, 1·13 Aguirre leads MD ~la ter Dei roll to 28-7 t·ictory By TERRY WHITE Special tci ltle Olllly Piiot DOWNEY -Richard Aguirre had a big night for the M ater Dei High Monarchs here Friday as thffy downed host Pius X, 28-7. In An gflus Lengue football action . A gui r re sco r e d two touchdowns and picked up 111 yards in nine ca rries, His 6'\-yard scampe r around lefl end with nine minutes left m the second quurter put Mater De1 m fronl to stay after Pius X had rome back to tie the count al 7· 7 The M o narc h defense set up the firs t K'Orc when they tackled a would-be punter at the Pius X 15-y'aTd line. Two plays later. Roger Reynoso hit Mike Galvin with a 16-yard S(.'()ring pass for the lo4,chdown with Mike Doan k i <.'kl n g th t• f l r s t o f f o u r <:on version "I lhOURh t Rit'hurd Agujrre ran really well a n d ~tood out fo r DH hosts Warriors Woodbridge Hlgh's Warriors (0-2 In the South Coast Le.ague and 2-3 overall). invade winlHS O.na Milla today for • 1 o'clock klckotl In prep tootbtll actlon . Woodbrid&e'• •tt.ack f~atures quarterback Kevin Burke. who has rompleted ~6 of 110 for 660 yarda and 4 touchdowna. Hit f avorlto tar1 1 I• Bljl Ru~1ell , who haa C11.Cht SI paitet Cor 432 ya,._ us tonight." Ma ter Dei Coach Wayne Cochrun said. "We kept the pr essure on them pretty well." Reynoso also had a big night· for the M o narchs, scoring on a 34-yard run around the left side and passing for two oth<!r .scores. He hit Aguirre for the final TD from 49 yar ds out for the final tally. Reynoso comple ted 5 of 14 passes for 100 yards with no inten:eptions and ran for 36 in five carries. Meter Def 21, Plue X 7 kore by Quart.,• Mater Del 1 7 14 0-28 Phill(.~ 7 0 0 0-7 Ma-.Gelvln 16 past lrom Reynoeo (Doan klelll} PX-M oo<t 21 r\j/1 (Tuklnl (P\.l~lnl kick) MO-Agu11re &4 l'vn (Oo•n klCk} MO-Reynoeo 34 run (Doan klek } MO-Agultrfl 49 PH• from Rtyl'Oto (Qo•n kick} ... ..i·----. --... --- • TH£ t '.\Mll'' CIRC'l'N by Bil Keane "We need it to put stripes on the field." by Brad Anderson 10 lio BIG GEORGE e by Virgil Partch (VIP) l " t i j ~ ~ ,.. ~ v 10/f, ~ "Actuelfj: I mike my own t1m1l11. My mother'• 1lwey1 teate llke comed beef." DE:\:\IS THt: 'lt::\i\('t: t l I ' ' PUNl'TH . TlMRLE"EEDH SHOE . . . - Ot•no• Cout DAILY PILOT /S111.1rd1y, October 1e, 1t82 WHAT'S THE MATiE~ ? 60 AHEAD. AND EAT JUDcTS FRUMt>'S COURT I'LL NEVER FALL ASLEEP THIS WAY-- l'VE GOT TO THINK OF SOMETHING BETTER COUITT1L.L. Rt:Cf:SS EARL.lf:R "rnlS WESK SO I CAAi PINE VL.rl~ SUNPOWl\J! by Jeff MacNelly "Back off! I'll tell you when it's your turn to take a bath!" '0-"" GORDO ~ by Gus Arriola ACROSS I Pottnlll l officef e Ground COW!' 11 Sl•lll MOM 14 Unger 15 Kidney enzyme 18 F11m toUnd 17 Song tllruSh 11 Veterll'IS 20 On1er1o city 22 Pon6era 23 Abeofbt 25 Leed Ot tine 21L~ City 2t T ougfl wOOd 30 Scett•td 32~1> 34 llrd•' "°"" 31 lutbol •2CINdlltl poll9ldln .. ., ... ..• ,,.,, ,,..,. .......... •onr ........ ..... . ._., == ~l OONT LIKE ANYTHING 1 CAN'T EAT BY HAND !. I LOVE IT W~E.N vou cu""Lf UP ro ME, GARF If LP o~, YcH? You'Re ALWAYS LOOKING FoR ,AN fXQCJ§ ! 60 $h0Wy llower 63 lsrMll coin ea High no1e 87 Fence MC lion 68A...uo< H NICl:Fr. 70 S11111ons 71 Mortcun· nlng DOWN 1 Tippet 2 Allys ' gp. 3 Flitway ~ 2WOfdS fNDAY'I NZZLE IOt.VID il!l]U:l ~1:.Jl'llJ ~l!J~IJ :.1:1:1.:Jl J~:J:.1 O!JrJ(] :JO;J:JJJ J'J:-J::J :mt:ie '..lil1'..1JJ J.lJIJwO[JU JJDJ 1 JJ'.!.l ;_,uu '..1..1:.J U.J ·J .10:J !J :J :I 1.U .J . ·J..J ' '.EJ ::J rJ '..lJ:J:J J:J.J.U ·J~·JCJU ::J.!J JIB .J I l.'.1.1 ~~(] J .'l...l U.JIJ iJ LJIJ 3JJ JJ..I 1J ·~~ :J:l1.I J:JJ.J J :J:JOULJ :M .::.'.J:J I Jl!J~<Jll .J.J J.J~ .• Ji.1:.Jl:Jlj .1.J J.l:J.J .:J.JOiJU 4 Emend• copy LL' ~"'--'::c.JO!:.a. 5 E.uwn I AgtlCulturltt 1 7 Akin 31 Amount• 8 Plua owed 9 Aoott 33 WWII price 10 Cut If/Cf, t I AbtllM 36 Hlgll ~ 12 Morllf 3t Appro\led 13 AnNcS oroue> .,...., ,. -37 Ootol'• - 2tT049t.AbCW lulM" 23 Looeerl9d 31,,...... 2•P-. .0,,,.. 2t ~ 04 IMllrt: 21 IOlt .. ~ .... .,,... •1MUlfl ,...., ........... 47 Addt119 to 41 Otto'• , .. Im: Al>bt. 50 Cllnketl 11 Format 12 Tiwottlt 53 Cont'd ttory 150ueenly 17 loft fOOdl HThel ..... 11 Men'a nldl• "'"" a~ .. ,....,.,,,, ........... by Harold Le Doux IVE:U. • .::.t.JV.S f /F ¥01)1VE E VER. ""'°"10E;J<EO ,AaOUr rr. BRA BB Lt: 'DR. SMOCK THrfi!Jf 15 11fVHAT ~E:TtC 'fQJ .f)(lAJIT P~ KNOW1 OF= THAT CAJJ1T HIS 0 1.5WllER.'I Of A J..L THAT' Wl:ALTH IN ~ ~E 15 MLR/)J!!IZIM:;J ~15 ..5J..el!Pf .4aARV J4tJICT,, _...._b,A_l_V·_· ___ ..__'{()(.)_. __ ..,,.l.~11'.:!. ~.'I ...................... _ .... ..__. .!M ONL.-Y A s-ruPt::N"f" NLJ Rse, MA'AM , so 1P t <Si v e YA 1"He WRONG Mf!P1c1Ne OR , SOMe-rHIN 11 PON .,.. PANIC' ~'M f'>ONt;ep .1 -u~\ 1~1~ ~ IJE. ~ ~~\WE. atn1ML.~ ~~M° f,U)\~ 11 ~~ "fObE.1'~(\ &u.~ ~ t>1~\ ~\( IT\ '6lE. \ilE.R£ JUSf t'Ol.1~\Nl, 11, lMO I f~"t4K 1·~ &OIHU 'to fMl41 ~~IM ~. ~ I .. by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont l ~N see WHY 1'H eY CAt..l.-YOU KINKY "TWINKie .' I I • ' • ! t t I i ' ' l • ' i • : f I L I I I r • I q II t' I! I .. Oran9tt Coti8' DAILY PILO I /Saturd•y, Oolobor 16, 1082 . Romania. remains • • grim communist • WAS HINGTON 'l'o ttw Rt>..ignn admlm1.1trutlo11, llun'lt1nl11 111 the muwm·k or the &Jvit•t blcx-, worth ('UlttVUlilll( Ill tf.e hopc •thnt tt will sonwduy l'UI lornw froo1 the Kremlin's apron strings T hat'':I Why 118 SUllUS as U "most fo vm't.'Ci nation" l.o tradl' mutters was J'{'(-ently renc wl'<I ~ tht.> Whitt' House, with congrl"t>:S1011ul ui>proval B u t t o rt.• I 1 g 1 o us a n d p o I 1 t 1 (' u I djsstdents, Homama as a gram communist w ison. With the twisted Marxist logll' tlla l dassH1es oppos1t1on to th£• all .. ~wcrful sl\te as a form of madnt.>:>:., th{· R omania n govt•rnme nt c la ps m uny &issent~rs into psychiatric hosp11ub t-Ontrolkod by th t• set•re t police. "ROMANIA HAS A fully dl•wluf>'.·d apparutus fur thl' psych1alnl rl•prl'S.'>ulll of dissidents St'C<>nd only to thl' Sovll't Umon," says Union Collcgt.• Prof Hc.>lx•r t ~harlct, who keeps a clos<' watl·h 011 t-(uman rights in Eastern Europt· Talcs of horror have only l't..'t.'cn,ly .. l'IT\C'rgC'd from ttunumtu's fJliY<'hlutrH { ll'llilllll' Orw who 11urv1vt•d u rc.•l11tlv1·lv irll'f hut hurwwin(( IX'l'lod a t tlw nwr cy u f llw !>tO tl'', Pl·r vt•r·tt•d pi.yt·h1utrH· G -Jl-Cl-IN_D_IR-SD-N -~ prat'lltll.mc·rs 1s a womun I'll t:illl "Elena," to prevt>nl rcpra:.<1ls :.i1.tums1 ht>r rl'latav<•s Ell'lla, al 31. 11:. pall' und d rawn f:vt•n al ter· two yc.·ar11 111 tht• Umtt.•<.1 Stall's, h1·r· lwuntl'd brown t•Vt'i> stal l m11T11r till' mt•nta l ;md phy:.at'ill a~cmy stw sufft•rdi Juri11g four mon ths of "ttwr•.1py" .1t Son1la, tht.: psyl·haatrit· pra!>url 111 l~1s1 111 .1r tht• Soviet bordt•r Th.it w.1:. Ill 1!!7:4, bul tht· ll'rt'OI' sh1• ll'lt 1n SV<.001.1 as J.S v1v1d •cs ,1 rl>t'orr111~ n1ghtni.1n• W ha t w ;1.., E It' n a· 1> t' r 1 fut• ' Sh 1• n •nuu nt t•d < omp1unasm for Chnsta.Jm ty £\t>WTl<).J a TERRoRISM a Out 1111o< lw r lit'C.."nd yt.•ur In m llc•g<'. !>h<• ll\1.i11111· 11 Hupt11>t 1u\d droppc·<.I out of th1· 1·11111111u1111>t youth 11rg<.in1wt11111 Lik1· t1\1· runuU<'" ul l ilt· M1 ddl1· A.Ct'!!, lht• nu I h11n tit•s ll'Npomlt•d to I<;lt•nu 's ht·H'SY Wath ltil lllr't' "~:vt•ry lll()l'lllllK 111111 t•v1•11111H I WliS l•1n't'll tu Lak1· l11r gt• (fUOJlltallci. of drugs. whwh mad1· llll' dizzy, Wl'Uk a nd faint," lo~h .... 1 tuld 111y r <•portl'r Esthl·r Pess111 "Omt• I wmplNl'IV l<t.'ll my :.1gh1 for a ~hort tan11· Twin• l WJ!i lllkl•ll to u rnm11 wlwn• I ww. fort't.'<.l tcJ sit on ti du11r wlll'I t• thl'Y olfJplit.o<l i1 SC'rlt.'!!> of t'lt't.'ll ll'&I w1 1t·:. ~o "my ht>u<J fur 10 mlnutc•h 1•l•·<·tm·ul sh1x-k sul'gl.·d throu~h m y h1•;1d with t·x1·1·ul·aat1 ng puin " A~ µ111 t u f h1·r "thyraµy," 81t•na's 1.hx.·tol'1> forn•d lw 1 tu n1111gl1.· with tlw gi. rw1111·lv 111s;in1• 111rrwlt•!>, who h.id 11<·1•11 giv1·11 c.frugs tu <1111U&l' th1.·m s1·xu.1lly .. A1111J th1.· lwlli..h at111o!>pht•1t• <JI loud 111u,11.. i:.m11k1· and Jra11k " Elt·no wus 111Jdl· 111 d<1n11· with tlw lun<1t11.' wh1ll· ho::.pat.11 <1tlenclant::. 11.'\.urdt•d lhl· ub~·l·m· ' .) f Proposition claims hedge the-truth By THOMAS D. ELIAS As usual in the weeks before a maJOr e lection, the airwaves are fuU of da1ms and counterclaims abou t the ballot propositions facing Californians in the Nov. 2 election. And it's also not unusual that ridicule is a central feature of many radio a nd TV commercials, especially those aimed at beating back h andgun con trols and a possible deposit on beverage containers. Campaigns of ridicule h ave proven effective before, most recently killing propositions that would have restricted smoking and legalized marijuana. But how true are the ridicule themP.S? And if they're fa lse, what can t he victimizro initiative sponsors do about it? There is no truth-in-campaigning law in California. While indiv idual candidates can sue for Libel or slande r when o pp onen ts m a l ign the m . proposition backe rs don't have that privilege. So there's little the beverage deposit s po n sors. for example, can do to counteract the ad campaign whic h implies that California would be invaded by an army of cockroaches if Proposition 11 passes. NEVER MIND that the claim has been proved patently false In st.ates like M assachusetts, Conn ec ti c ut ar.d Vermont. where beer and soft drink container deposits have been required for years Markets there are as clean as ever. with no mass influx o f insects. And there's little the handgun control sponsors can do to counteract claims that their measure would create a vast new taxpayer-financed bureaucracy Never mind that gun registration fees w o uld cover the salaries of n ew e mploye-es, possibly e ven creating an overflow in to the state's general fund About the only thing the backers of th e two propositions can do. considering they're being outspent by better than a 3-1 margin, is protest to media owners on the basis of the Fairness Doctrine. By demanding equal ume, or at least some time to answer their foes' claims. the proposition sponsors have managed to keep some of the ridiculing commercials off the air. That gives rise to another question. What if you have a campaign ready to go, complete with slick and professional commercials. and can't go forward just because your opponents have no money? ls that fair? IN THIS FALL'S election. the most pre poster ous claim s are being put forward by both sides on the handgun control i nitlatrve o n the ballo t as Proposition 15. While opponen ts claim It will cost the state hundreds of millions of dollar!: (probably untrue), supporters claim it .would preve nt any increase in the number of handguns sold in California (also probably untrue. since the measure exempts "curios, relics and anuques" like Lugers. Colt six-shooters and a ll guns made before 1933). T hl' chairman o f the Yes on 15 campaign. Los Angeles businessman and former Ca rter Admi(aistrat1on off1 c1al V1l'tor Palmjeri. calls the anti-15 ads "an exerl'1SC in fraud." But spokesmen for the National Rifle Assn .. spearheading the a n ti-15 drive, say the proposiuon itself is misleading tx'<:ause 1t contains "the largest loophole m the history of propositions" VOTERS HA VE no way to be sure which side 1s correct, JUSt as those who haven 't traveled t o New England recently can't be expected to know that beverage container deposits don't create filthy supermarkets. B ut i f there were a truth-in- campa1gnin g law, the ads of all s ides would be subjected to legal scrutiny That would relieve radio and TV stations of their fairness problem and e nsure a more infonTied e lectorate. Legislators' often say that's what they want. If they're teUing the truth, they'IJ make· It a top priority to pass a truth- in-campaigning law, and soon Thomas Elias lS a freelance columnist based in S anta Monica . Business can say 'no' to television shows 8)' JOHN B. RAE Dr. .Rae is emeritus professor of the history of rechnology at Harvey Mudd Cpllege and s past presid ent of the 89dety of the History of Technology. 'There has been surprisingly little a ttention gtv~n to the action of Holiday I.Ona ln relu.slng to pay for aponaorlng a t4levlalon program that the company dtMpproved ol . .Thia was a d ocume ntary that pft.ented a very 8dverte picture of the effecc. of Reagan budget cuta ln aoclal 5*01ram1. Ordinarily such an action "fould have been greeted with cries atM>ut freedom of speech and th First .\Jnendment, but in thll cue there has bper\ an unusual silence. -. ~POSSIBLY THE n4!tworkl prefer not c.f publldu the fact that a buelneH cbneern choae to e lterc lae I ta own JtM11meru about wh•t It would not ~ff~n• m•J juat have llllaaMI &hat bl Joni OY...-ctu.. 'nw ~ or of the ~ ln *qu .. tlon ii not the Juue. TV doeumentarle1 at thei r beat are ma1te~piec:•1 of auperfklallty. Th .-mtiil point la that a tpoMOr cflole to I say "n o." no t on the gro unds o f advertising value or ratings but because of the program itself This is an example that sho uld be studied thoughtfully. In our c ulture bualness people and business Hnns ar e expected to support cduc~tion, the a rts, scholarship, a nd so on. and to d o generously even when the recipients of the largesse are excoriating them for having the money to give in the first place. Any objection to the way their money ls uled product'S accuaat.101'\S ot interfering w ith freedom of speech, and busineaa firms have shown a regrettable tendency to shrink Crom this k ind of pubUd ty. even In the cue of pr.,grams that are anli-bualncaa In tone. Thcrt" la 11'1 fact n o velld gro und whatever for buain~ to be timid on thlt que.tlon. Bualneu men and women and bualneaa organiia\lona have the same right u their crtt.lcs hive to exprea their opinions. •nd if they choose to ·~•k whh their d olla,.., that la their n,ht alto. DecllnJna to support crtt.k:I of bu1lne11 la not tht umt thln1 H suPPf'Mllna ~.Thole cnue1 are quJte frM to find other IOW'tW of tupport. .. Naturally auch dtclaloni mutt be made ca ,.e f u 11 y and w Ith di9l'rtmmat1on. A Cair amount of criucism is informed a n d valuable, aimed a t producing im provement in busiaess practices. No one is going to deny that business peopl ~ a r e just as muc h suscep tible to human weakness and fallibility as anyone else. THE PROBLEM is not here. It Is In the covert attacks. usually presented as research . or scholarship, or as forms of literary o r dramatic expression, whoee rea I p~rJ)o.'e Is to undermine ronCldence in the working of free enterprlee. It w ould help If business w erco to tell ita own story more eftectlvl'ly than it h&s been doing. The Mobil OU Company'1 advertise m ents are amo ng the few bright 1pot4 In an otherwise d eprealng ecene. but mor than that la needed. Business haa to be much more willina to pN?1Cnt Ill record fo the American public and to have It done by J*>plc competent co do to ln a form that wW lnaplre publlc confidence. Only a few companies have attempted anythlna of the tort. • Pendln1 further pro1re11 In thl1 dlf'fCUon, bualneu can et leut ref uae to finance bllled and dlttoned 1ttacQ on ltael,C. It hu every rlcht to do IO. The,re la nothing In the Flrtt Amendment that o'bll1att>1 Ame-rlcan bual neu to underwrite its own dostructlon. ~ b.J('l'h;mlll wtth t.Hml·rus, w show h(lw Clu 1st11.ins ''l~1uld ht• mudt· to l'omprwnast· l>t'Xllully" REl,EASED BUT unn·pN1tunt , Ell·1111 w1.•r11 u11dcrg ruu11d and 'ltrn·tt•ll a Surul.1y :.l·hool for 60 chiltlrt•n S lw t·umµost•tl songN for thl' youngsU.•rs (rom mu1m '>IW h1"<1rd on for1•1gn broockasll> I 11 1980, uftc•t sht• hutl sp~r\I st•vt·11 '/l'111 ~ hiding l)U\ 111 ht·r l'hun:h. i::ll·ll~,i was laught again by lhl' p1Jlat1t·vl pol1<1· Thi!> llmt• ht•r pu111shnw111 m1·rnfully wa::. t.•Xllt• T huugh Elt•nu ldt hc•r furrnly and hl'r 1 hurl'h lwh1 11J , she· dad not 11b11nd1Jn 1·1th1•r hl'r' (;11th 111· h1·r· l r·1t·nth ~h1· Ul'OU~hl WJlh 111'1 ttW Wl'lllcll tl•starr)llrlV of '>i'Vt•ral otht.•r., who W\•rt> pt•f'ii.•t'Ull'J f11r "n •l1g1ou:. d1 ·ltrn1m." ;1s l'hrt!>llillllt v 1:-. ul fll'lallv lt•rnal.U Orw wu~ O<·wv1.in Ptil'SJnu. who spt·11t l11ur yt•ars 111 psyt·hk1lric pnS<m'>. wh1d1 ht· tall:. "N;1z1 t·amps" ll<' wrrll·~ of tht• "torturuu:-. .ind tll'11n<1us pain" suffl ·rt•d by 1nn1alt'!> of &l.il·canca prison "W11 were tnj(.'<.'ll'd lwice a duy with ver y p;1111 ful !>t•rum s,'' he wntt·11 "Pnsonns w1.•n• lnjt.'<.'tt.•d all ov1•r th1•1r bod}, t•Vt•n bl'lWl't.'.11 the l0t.•s and fmgt.·r., ll> try i.iml land skin lha t could s till Ix: 111,J<.'<.'ted " Jnmall•s wen· allowl•d lo batht• only 0111·1· l'Vl·rv !>IX month:., Octavian Pat•::.a11u w1 at t•:., a·dd1ng. almost unnt'l't•ss<1rily "Thl·n· \\'C'l t' lilt' ;.md lx'Clbugs all ovl·r" Nol .ill thl• dassu.ll'n~ incarcerakd rn Homanaa11 p!>yt·h1Htrrt· prisons art· put lht·1 c a!. <1 J1rt~:t n.-sult of their relig1ou:. IJ1•lwl::. M1ha1l Baba. for example, wa!. l'unl1n<·d last F'C'bruary a t S C'rn·n1 At'('Ord111g tu Amnesty Iniernat1on al, his crrme was !.tagang a hunger !;trtkc to s upport his rc•qut.'st for permissron to l•m1graw Thl' human-rights watl·hdog group kl·t·ps i.l last of thost• who are known to h,1vc· been punished fe r political o r r 1·l1gious das:.t'nl by commitment t o P'Yt·hatri(' prisons Dum1tru Murt'1>dn. prison L' r 1!>11 n n Lr u 1 11· v, L 1v1 u Manta. l <m 1111\l·Mu, C ;,.m "'' V Ji.ii au, M1rc.t·11 Carnal l'.111:111t•-.c:u , D.mll!I !kidt•nnu Tiil' llsl g04.•:. on 1"111Jl ll1Jll' 1-:rn(•'l (iur d1111, tlll l~·tor o r lh1· C'hn ,t1.1n H1•s1·ut• Eff111 t for thl' Emam 1pat11m 1Jf D11,,1<knl!> (C'Ht-:t-:1)), wl11d1 w..c. foumkd hy Hc:p Ja1·k Kl·rTIJ>. H N Y . <ind·Sen lfol(cr J1·p~·n, R Iowa, told my a~1att· Luet!tk Lagnadv that It lb p1,1l l1C&11l y lffi~lbl<: to tlb(.'(•rlaln ror u •rtJlll hu'' many d1ss1d1·nl'> h&1vt· bf-t·n suhJt'\. \c·d to pi,y!.'h1<ttrit: unpr•asc . .>nmt·n t 111 Homa111:1 111· 11ott-d. howt.•Vt·r. lh11t the "1tuuwrn "t>ern1> to tw improving. In rr·<·<.·n L w<.·t·ks. t lw Homcinruns havl· n·lt'<l!>l'd u numlwr 11( prisoners W H E E E E ! ! ! : 1'' a c· t' d w 1 t h t h l.' l1u1 t•.1Ul'rt.1t's p~·ren nia l 111ghlrncin· huv111g to rl·turn Un!>pcnl funds Lo lht! T11·.1!'lury cit tht-l'ntl 1Jf tht.· f1!><:al Yl·ar. S t pt :rn Ltw top bras' dl the Env11 unnwntal P rotl-ctaon Agcn .. v Wl·nt rm ,, IJ!>l-n1111utt· ~pt'ndang ~pn•t.• Thi s :w0.000 rn lc•ftovc·r monl·y 1s gu1ng for ('umpull·r c-qu1pmt'nl dnd l)IJOU!>l'S, l'Vl'n-Stl'Vt•n A n·t:1·nt 1ntt·r nal mc•mo t•xplatnt>d huw tht• dough will bt.• sprN1d <1round "We· will 1d1.•nufy up to $150,000 for the µ u rt ha~<' 11 I add 1t1 on a I L t: x 1 t r u n 1·qu1pmq1l (ovt·r and ahovl• those air l·atly hudg~tl•d for)," ..,Jtd tht• memo fnirn an EPA budg<'l 'd1rc•ctor. Sus<rn Gordlln As for thc: othl'I Sl50,000, Gordon's ml'rnu statt.·s "WI' afl• en«oUrdgmg thl· JUtll{'l(JUS UM! 111 t·ash iiwards for !>JX'<.'lal al'ts of ~rv1et to 1 t•ward h 1gh pcrforml•rs l t is 11nportant lo null' that we havtt a ·Vl'ry. short t1ml• to makt• d1.«·1s1uns ab11ut tht•st•." A spukt·swoman ~<t1Jl~PA had bl'en planning to buy tht .. ~tE.'rs <ill al9ng, ;me! 1·xpla1m·J that tht' yt•art·nd bonust's Wt•rc• IC> makt• up-fvr thl· raC'l that fow b<inui.t·s had tx-~n given out ccirller "I t<in St't· what vou would think,' she said Right . ls 'anyone' entitled to enter best schools? LON OON England outrag<'d and amUS<.•d itself this summer by debating a Labor Party dast:ussion paper r l't.'Ommt>n d1n g the admtSS IOn Of "Jnyone" to Oxford and Cambridge Anvonl· O\'C'r UI would be able lo walk into the gn:ot unive rsities that have domanat't"d mu('h or the intellectual , lultural. puhllcal and socral life of this island and much of the world for the pas t 800 y<'ar~ i( th e Labo r 1hc·oret1t:1a ns had tht•1r way. -"WE ARE ASSERTING a gl'neral right to education," said the Labor papt.'r prepar~ by Dr Phalrp Wh1tC'head. "as umv~I 1n its prov1s1ons as the right to proper housing. or to security and old age " The report then went on to suggest th;it thl· two ehtl' un1vl•rs1t1es -which in this C'entury have selected their s tudents by compet111ve examination - are "a n1<1J0r <::incC'r on the educational ~ ~----------------------~ ...._,,·;' RICHARD Rlf VIS 1'i .. system .. The cxam1nat1on system, which rcplat·ed a ('lass system favori ng (obvi ousl y) uppe r classes, was denounced bv the Labor authors as an "ect'Cnln c anomalv." Oh. dear! "Tht' basic philosophy of the Labor theorist!. 1s in equality," wrote Hugh Trevor-Roper, a retired Oxford history profesoor, in one of many spint1.'Ci attacks on egahtanan thinking. "This, to lht!m, 1s a n o rthod ox y . fana tical. unquestioning. utopian H olding that a ll men are bo rn equal and have equal natural rights. they argue that all men should have access to equal h igher t--ducauon, 1f they want it, and so to those positions o f responsibility to which h i~her education can lead.'' •·1 believe that education. insofar as It is d y namtr. Is essentially elitist," tvntinued Trevor -Roper. "Its runcuon 1s to aim not al uniformity, or conformity, or equality. but at competitive l'Xt-ellence.'' AN AMERICAN would like to giggle at 1h1s lates t idealistic ~cess of the British socialists. ever eager to humble the masters of their Cathers' fathers. But the "open admissions" debates at the City University of New York in the late 1960s -and· the resultll of that pohcy - serve' as a sobering remind~r that you don't have to be British to destroy e college with good Intentions. In fact. the Brltiah d ebate Is legitlmAt.e and important -to them and to us. The qu~lion of who gets thf' best education in open. dem ocratic societies oftt>n d ecides who will run a country Tht- aame struggle over entry Into the cducntl.-d claM. which can be the ruling c lan In .compllc•ted technol ogical societies. has been aotng on ln Amc-rlcn for a long time. And, In thCl IA•t year or so. the rut and rl'tlulta of that battle havt *n changtna. Chansinc. I thlnlt. for the worR - l>ecuw ihc ~•a•n •dmlnlatralion wants It that way. Onit result. of RtaganomlC9 has been th bqlnnlng of th rt'A~rtlon of rich kid•' naht to the best ~ucatlon. The chtldren of the m lddl cla M's and the lower classes art1 be-ins *tUte~ out or 'plt1(·c-~ Ilk Harva rd, Yale. o nd St;mfurd Thc·v cannot afford thl• \'t'1 v btoc;t 1\:0 MATTER how smart or talen ted u11 Amt'fll'an kid is, ht-or sh<' 1s not gorng to gt•t a H arvard edul'atlon and "thOSC' posauons of respons1bil11y·· without somc·onl· paying for tt Paref\ls. the univt·r..1ty or government has to pick up th<' bill ur lend students thl' money to c·cJVer c·osts that are now running almost $15.000 a year per studc•nt So. when President Rc·agan cuts baC.'k governme nt aid to stud ents. he 1!. preventing some of tht'm the child ren ol less W<'ll -off parents -from going to the-coun try's e ltt<' schools And , o f course, hl' 1s inevitably taking away the opportunity of some of those chaldren to ont• <.lay be<.·ome part or the country's rl·spons1ble elite It as an effective way lo preserve and protC'C~t the established urdc•r For tht• first ume an d('('ades and after ll·ss than two years uf tht• R eagan lldm1mstratmn, the proportion of public .;c·hool graduates -and. also. of minority group rm·mbC'rs -applying to and being <ll'l'Cpted at Harvard 1s dl"<'hnang The best and the brightest o r. thC'ir parents -JUSl can't afford the tu1t1on without aid or loa n s from t h e g overnment. Their places are being taken by private school graduates and others with rich parents. \ THE SAME 1s true' at oth"er-rine schools Harvard JI.ISi provides a gocid t'xampl<' because o f its record o f producing a significant proportioh of the n:lllon's pohlical. cultural and business leadership -and because the great university an Cambridge. U S.A became a differ ent kind of place in recent decades. ln the 1940s, two-thirds of the applicants to Harvard wer<' from private sch ools; mo re than 90 percent w ere admitted. By the late 1970s more than t hree-quarters of Ha rvard applicants were from p ublic sch ools, and the competit ion had be<.'Ome so great that only 15 percent of all applicants were adm itted. Did that lower standarSs? We ll. as Harvard became more dt'mocratic, as middle -class and poor hustlers rep)a('ed rich kids, the achievemen t test scores of ente ring freshmen inc reased by 15 percent. In the Old World or the New , debates about who gets an to the best colleges are really debates about who Will run a society Some British socialists may look foolish in the name of tot.al equality. But many more Amenl'ans w ould be foolish nut to understand that what the Reagon odminJstration is now restricting ts not foolish cgalltnr1anism but the wisest ot AIT\gi~~n values: ual o rtunity. ORANOECOAST Dilly Pilat Thl' lnmr1wn1 pa11rof l h1• l>nlh 11111!1 'l'!'k' 111 1nlo1 tn •ln<I ~111nulu1,• 11•,11l1•r' I)\ fll l'M•nt 1n11 a \urt'''' •II rommcnlill',1 on 11111u•, ul 1nlrre~t wn<I ''111\thl'unt ,, f rn m lllfnrmrt1 nil '!Pr\"' .ind :.pok~'m'•n . Thoma.• P llo/fllJ P11 bU.tlu•1 atarday, Octokr II, ltH •• ' , I. :J (' I r I J., I ~ . ! . I 4 : Thanks. U11dl· Ll'll ha:-II.id 1111111· tit.in orw dtuly l'h m·kll· 1111111 1h1· l11;1J:-. of riddle::. he rt-t'l'IVl'd 1111~ "l't•k ThC'rt' Wl'fl' sonu• I u1111y ww::. and sclt'<-'llng a w11111v1 w.11-1w1 easy. Uncle L l·n JlUSM·d 1h1• iddles to other nh•111hc.•1-::. 111 th(• newspaper staff and Wl'l\l by d "laugh mctur" 111 th~·1d111g t1r..1 pla'-e Not nnlv 1s Ja111111 Wh1•1•l1·r·-. riddll· dt~v••r, lll'I d1 ,\Wlllg 11> nea tly d om" Thi· llun11ngt11n Beach girl. I:.!. Wiil'• r1r:-.I pr11.t• and $5 Jokes • winners .. H olly Hughl•:-., 7, uf Fuunt.11n Valley. asks "wh.11 l'11uld y11u l'all a vampire'!" You t•a n s1•t· ht·r answer at righl Shl' gt•ts st~·1md and $2 First place: Janine Whct"lc r Several of thl' ruJdlt•s w<·n• related to UjX't>ming I lalluwl't'll For examplC'. Cynthia Lanos of Santa Ana nskt•d "whut's t: ghost without his shl'et'!" The ..inswt't" "cold!" Vanessa Schram uf Gan.lt•n Grove wondt•rs. "w h.1 t du m onsters use lo play ball'' lln answer: "Bats!" "W he\ t C OU \J yow_ Cal I a._ Va. m p ;,-e l LovE• Thal word surprisingly nwans different 1h1ng:-. lti d1ff1 n •nl people How ts love s1gntf1tant 111 your Life? Whal d oes 1l mt•an to you? How d o you show your lOv<•. espel·i ally to yuu1 p:tr1·nt::.. brothers or s1swrs'' You l;\C.t' invited w draw on the• subject of love for nc.•xt w~:k and send your sketch(·s :u Updc Len by noon Wednesday RC'rnt>mbcr to cio the drawings in blat·k mk on paper four 111cht'S squan• Mail them to Uncle Len. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. C~t<i M esa. Calif. 92626 Good drawm,g Second place: Holly H ught·s J'urnpkin has colorful history Fruit at lea t 9 .,000 year s old; has n1an y u e Consider the pumpkins of the Zunis or the Southeast to the field. how th~y grow and Wampanaogs who befn~nded the grow . . and grow Howl'\'l'r, Pilgrims at Plymouth. unlike the bibUcal ltllc .... thev also The colonists might have toil. starved if the Indians hasn't Pumpkins work hiirdc•r lo be taught them how to plant useful to people th.in just about pu>ipluns, how to bake. boil and any other fruit. but onC' matter fry pumpkin pulp, how to stew should be settled 1mmt·d1awlv. pumpkins w ith beans. peas and The pumpkin 1s a frun. not· a corn. how to make a coarse bread veg et a b I e . S m 1 t h so n 1 a n from pumpki~ and how to dry Institution botanis ts tell us them for the winter. the better to there's an easy way to tell a fruit -make pumpkin soup. ls it any from a vegetable If ll has S('(.'CiS. wonde r that an anonymous it 's a fruit. And that includc·s Pilgrim penned t h ese lines cucumbers and squash. around 1630? "W e have In fact. botanically speaking. pump kins al morning and pu mpkins and :.4uash arC' pumpkins at noon. [fit were not varieties of thf' same· fruit Both for p umpkins we should bC' be lo ng lo the Cuturbllact•a(' und!'lne." (gourd) family. Gelling down to The colonists. h owever. species, Cucurbita JX'f>O indudc•s thought up two ways to devour both pumpkins and summer the delectable pumpkin all by squash. But you can't miss the lnemselves. One was pumpkin pump'kin; it's the big. round beer -made from mashed orange one. pumpkin, maple sugar and The pumpkin wcisn't born persimmons which were allowed yesterday. Pumpkins were to ferment. The flavor. 1t was grown in the Mexican highlands reported, wasn't the same as at least 9,000 years ago. In North beer. but the effect was. The America. nearly all the Indian other was. of course, pumpkin tribes planted .them. from the pte. No one knows who served Amy likes children Amy, a year-old female mit of Labrador retriever a nd Great dane, is available,for the asking at the Huntington Beach Humane oeiety, 21632' Newland St. The tan and black dog has been spayed and· likes children. The 90Ciety is open 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. Monday• through aturday1, I 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. undaye. --- thC' fu-st pumpkin pte Pumpkm was. most likely. serve<.! at the first Thank:-.g1ving. but not as pit' liOWC'VN. by 1796. when Amelia Simmons published th'l• first fl'<'tpc' for pumpkin pie. thl• dessert had already become a lrad1t1on at Thanksgiving l'C'lebrauons ' Sarah Halt-. editor of "Godcy's Lady'" Book ," a popular V1('tonan magaZln('. lobbied to establish Thanksgiving as a national feast day and called pumpkin pie "an 1ndipensablC' part of a good and true Th a nk sg1v1ng.'' President Lincoln d ecree d the las t Thursdav in November as an official d·ay of Th;mksgiving in 1863 m:Jking th<' pumpkin pie official. too Pumpkins were food for thought as wet l A notorious loner. Henrv David Thoreau, told the world. ·~1 would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all lo myself than be crowded on a velvet rush1<Jn " Mark Twain. a notorious cynic, remarked," . ll 1s generally conceded that the pumpkin as a shade tree 1s a failure." M ark Twain may have pounced upon the pumpkin's only inadequacy. In the past, pumpkins have been used as containers for everything from soup to feathers. as haJf-shelled guides for round Pilgrim haircuts, as weather pred ictors when the frost was on them, as a house for Peter Pumpkin Eater's wife a nd as a coach for you- know-who. Soon these giants of the fruit w orld will C'nter yet another arena. They will be engaged in a battle of t h e bulge for the "Grand I nternational Pumpkins hip Tille," the h eavyweight title o f the pumpkin world. Held each fall in H alf M oon Bay. Calif., the pumpkin capital of the Golden State, the contest is expected to draw tho usands of partisans Top-seeded con tenders from the United States will be pitted agalnst world cl~ comers from Nova Scotia, Canada. Last year's winner f rom Nova Scotia weighed 391 pounds. Move over. Thoreau, these pumpkins are big enough (or two or three or more. And you thought pumpkins wer(' o nl y g oo d t or jock·o'-lan t crn s o r t o be frocc8S<'d omi put Into Un cans or pumpkin pie s. Just remember. that In addition to aJI of Its ot h er attributes., th~ pumpkin is a symbol of et<'mnl h ope. Why el.9e would Linus wait ln hla pumpkin patch year after year -autrerlng the 1Jlnga and arrow• of 1rorn and altepliclsm from that famout ICOm r, L ucy, and that evt'r ·famous k ftlc, Snoopy? Or at Pumpkins. - INK MEN ORLSOHN . .. - Orangti CoHt DAILY Pit.OT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 'n Ort·ht·s tra ~wts a uditions Auditioni, for the• Irvine Youth Symphon.y, conductN .I here b y William Ke·nnc·cl y, huvt· ht>en ~cheduled Nov. 6-7 a t th(• orch estra rdtl'arsal room on tlH' t•a mpus of UC Irvine. Any mus ic ian, 12 to 2 1. intercstt.'<1 in u uditiouing, may arrang{' a time by telt•pho ning &ht• symphony offi<'<' a t 552-4-2:1 7 b e tween I a nd 5 p.rn. Mondays throug h Fridays. Halloween rich • tradition Ill Trick ur t1·t•a1 <ICI)' Oll('e nu11te r of lift•, d eath By INK MENDELSOllN Smllh1onlan New• Service lf fanh c·<Jn m11v1 · m11untt11n-.. l~·lwl did a pn•tly f~11r Job on onl· t'ou11lry rm1d in Ct1unly MJyo. lreland, 111 1959 H.1th1·1 than build a road as planned.' l'OnstrUl 11un wu1 kl·r:-. w1•nl on s trikt• OC'\.<JUSt· lhl' prop<•M·d l'l>Utt• wuukl h.1Vt• tlt-stroyL-d a fragill· fairy palal'l' 111 tL'> palh . £vt'n a po:-.1l1Vl' t•nv1ru11nwntal 1mp.1t·t rc·pc>rl h<id tht•rC' IX't•n sud1 .i th111g u1ulc.I nut havL· pavC>d thl· way lnr tl11s µart1t·ula r road Oldt•r c·ouritry folk in lrc:lanc.I sull strongly bt.-hevt.J m fairt(·s JU!>t a:. lht•ir Ct·h1l am'C!ilors worshipped spirits uf thl• fore>:-.L'> and ~trl'am:-. 1·t•111 urtL·:-. bt·fure thcm. Thl' county t-omm1ss1om•r... 11ol w1:.hmg to disturb c·1thcr thl• f<11rw:-. or tlw folk who lx>ht•V(•d in them. n·-routed the road Mcinv uf our mntc·mporary holtd.:iy C'('ll'!Jr:i tions arc roott>d in JW.t sul'h a ril'h s<Jll l)f <>Ider bchds. In Ameril'a locfav. H<tllowt•t•n 1s tnt·k or treat Mon · tha11 :.!,OOv yl•.Ars ago. 1n what 1:-. now Franl'c and tht• Bnush Islc>s. 1t was a m.1ltl'I" of hft· and death. For tht• Ct•ll1t p<:'<lple of C <1ul <.1nd· Brit.lm. thl· night of O:t :H was om· of th;.inksg1vmg. and. at th(' samc llml" onl' of terror Firsthand dt'scnpl10ns o f llw Cl'IU. coml' from JUiius Caf.'SCJ1· who wrolt• .in L'~pt'<'1all v v1v1c.I att"Ount of the· Druids of Gaul tht· Ct•lt1c prwsts who wl're tht· guardians of wor..h1p :ind the arbtl.<.•rs of human sacrifin· Cl'hll' wor..h1p l'<'nlt·rc'<l around the ch1c·f Druid god. Baal, whose Vl:)Jblc emblem was lhc sun The fe.illval of Samha1n (SaveL•n) or ··summer's end." wh1"h fc·ll on Nov I. lht.' C<'htc NC'w Yt•ar's Day. rC'Jo1ced in Baal's hc1 r vcst gifts but also mournc:d the sun s 1ad11tg powt·n. Soon thl' sun would be wcakcm'Cl by h1!> l'nL·m11-:. and the powers o( darknl'SS WOUid prt•Vall 111 tht:ll !>(•aMJn "Lift• wa. ... a t"un:.tc.tnl '>l<ilL· of flux for tht~ early 1woples." J~1L0 k Santino , a Sm1th~n 1an I nsll tu 11on folklo rist. observt·s "Omc-ns tha l foretold the fulur<· Wl'rt' th<.•1r attempt lo bring order to the world " 0n1C'n!> somellmL'S took grut"M>mt· :.hapes. On ()('t. 31. tht• last mght of the• old year, 11 is said. Saman. the lord of death, gathl•red thl' souls of all those who had died the pa.'lt yt·ar and dffrcectwhat form 1h1·y would ta kt· an tht' coming· yc-ar Bonfires. which WNl' htt·rally bonef1n·'>. llghtc·d the hills . Animals and human tx.•ings usu<1lly cnmmab and ·prisoners of war Wt'rl' burn1.'<i ahvt' as saLT1hces to Baal and the now aS<'l'ndant t•vtl spirits. From their apix•aranL't' 1n dt•alh. thl· prll'slS saw omen::. forctc-lling lht-futurt• Christianity g<Jve ll;;illoWL'0l'n llS name, 1f not tL<; <.·ustoms. ln 835. Pope.• Gregory IV l'St<:tbllshc.'Cl the hrsl day ()( Novemlx.·r in the• Chrisuan calcnd<.1r as All Samts' Day, or Allhallows Tht> fl:st1val honors all of the Chnst1an satnL'> and marl vn.. known and unknown. O<.·t. :jl I!> Allhallow; Even (Eve). shortened lu Hallowt•c•n It was likely no ,lll'ld<.·nt lh<1t lht' very day C'hoscm to honor Chri!>lli.ln l><ltnts was the Druid Samhatn Old gods and bc-hefs an• not w1ll1ngly surrendered ThL• Chr1suan ('hun:h adopted thl' poil('y of ancorporalang what It considered harmless pagan folkways in an c·ffort lo "an ov(•r the folk New branches WC'rt' thu:. waftt'CI onto thC' old Druid oak THE QUIZ Answers appear (upside down) beneath quiz world scope ( 10 po1nh for each quHllon •n•wer•d correclly) 1 In a no-confidence mo11on, 1he West German Parliament voted to ouu Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor and .replale him w11h I , the le;ider ol the Chn\llan Oemocrauc Party a-Helmut Kohl b·fran1 lou•I Sir•u'~ c-Ham·D1et11ch Genscher 2 The House ol Represen1a1111es defNled a proposed cons1t1u11onal amendment lor a bal;inced federal budget TRUE OR FALSE: The Senate ;ilso defeated 1he measure. l Congress ad1ourned early so members could campaign for 1he November elecuom In an off-year election. 1he party in conuol ol the Wh11e Hou~ usually (CHOOSE ONE gains, loses) congreu1onal sean 4 The federal CETA program, cre;i1ed tn 1973 to provide (CHOOSE ONE 1ob 1ram1ng. enYironmental proteC11on), fell v1ct1m lo budget cuu ;ind ceued opera11ons per- manently. S Several people in 1he Chicago area died lrom tak ing Extra-S1rtng1h Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide. Chicago Mayor . I bannt'd the ule of 1he drug in the city pendlntt an investiga1!on Into the duths. newsname (10 polnla II 10U cen ldenlll~ thla peraon In the new•) As one of the leaders of the SoYlet Union, I h1Ye been meeting recently with U.S. off1c1als 10 dis· cuss relations between our 1wo countries In a speech betore the \J.N . I 1ccused the U S of open· ly plannlng nucle.ir wu Who am I, and what high Soviet rank do I +.oldl matchwords (4 point• for eec:h corr.cl match) 1·re9ime l-reglment )•regulate 4·rehabllltllt a·rt"ore, reei11blish b-order, m1n1ge c·large army unit d·tyuem of spvtrnment ... praC11ct, prepue • news picture (10 polnla II 10U 1n1wer Ihle quttllon correclly ) S1x1een foreign ministers from the NA TO alliance me1 .i V;il David. Quebec to discuss ii range ot issues, including East-West economic relatoons. Canadian E.x1erni1I Affairs Minister Allan Machchen, right, hosted the gathering, which brough11oge1her many world leaders, including NA TO Secretary General loseph luns. center, and the new U.S. Secretary ol Slate . I .. peoplewatch/spor~ight (2 points tor tach qutttlon an1w•r•d correctly) Johnny Carson celebr a1ed his 20th annlvcrsJry u host ol NB C's "Ton1gh1 Show " He took over the show 1n 1962 trom the former host , . l . 2 George Wallace won the Democrauc nominauon lo run for an unprecedented fourth term as goYl.'rnor of (CHOOSE ONE· Alabama. M1ssiss1pp1 I l Singer Peter Allen led the lestlv111es iii the S<>lh ann1venary of New York's Radio Coty Music Hall. Tht' Music Hall's filmou~ dancers, the . I . were also on hand for the celebra11on. 4 The Miiwaukee Brewt'rs and the California Angels me1 lo decide whicH American LNgue team would go 10 1he World Serles. TRUE OF FALSE: Ne11her the Brewers nor the Angels had ever won its diY1slon champibnshop before. S The Si. Louis Cardinals and.the (CHOOSE ONE· Atlanta Brilves, Los Angeles Dodgers) mel for the best-of-live ~rles to determine the Nationlll league penn1nt winner. roundtable Famlly dl1cu11ton (no 1core) It's World S.rlfl time 111ln. Which team do you think wlll t1kt the champtonihlpf Whyf In your opinion. 11 there • tHm that did ,,ot win 1 penn1nt but should h1vel bpl1ln your antwer. YOUll ICOlll: 11 to 100 polnl• -TO~. ICOlll111 to to polnt1 -hc .. lt nl 11lo 10 point• -Oooo II to 10 polnl• -'•Ir • •VIC Inc. 1011 ·12 ·s.1t\tug 91uu11v·~ :asp?J ·" :s0>n :npou·r. tuuq111v-r. :JUUd >t.lOf ·t !J.HOl1J.ll0d /H:>.LV M31d03d i11n4s !Jron a11n.i:>tdSM3N • ·c·q !U•f:r :q-c !;>-i :p-t :so\IOMHJJ.VW 'JaiC1UJW u8J<>JOJ 'OlfAWOJD J•>Jpuy !3WVN$M3N ·~WJ\g au•('-9 :JuJUJ8.l'l qof-t:r :sasot-& !f1t•J·t :u., I .!3d00SQ'WOM t l . ' .I ' J . ' I I , L I· I r I' •• ~I 1· ,. "I •' .. ., I i. ,( ! ,. ~ .. .. ' ,1 I '~ I ;' ' J . -. ~ ! ' ~I i ~ \ i < '1 1 I ( .I ~;:ag:: c;;;:;:~:;v. ~:;;,~;™or ] KAAOl.O IPAULOlll ANO MUC MOTICl , P\alC .->Tiet ------~.~ ... --,..---------~--------,-..... --.. ~------- 't0TITt0Ue .U ... H MOTICI Of Ol•AUU Mt.IC NOJICE •teTtlKW• aua ...... MAM& tTATl•MT 1 • •J or riTrTroN TO l'to campaign tra1 ADMIN'8Tf!ft EITATE NO. A·lllfll. tw111 ITATl•JfT ~!:f t:fft1• Tfll lollowlno P•tlOlll ••• " YOUA '"0''"'" ti IN dOlfltOIK.ll~M.: MITSUlllHI i'OHCLO.UAI HCAUH YOU C "' ''"'ti MIMD IN YOUA 11\e l(JllOWNIQ 1)8fl0fll .WI C)t1mg bUtlneff IU PA<.1r1c llMOU!llN( 7•Ull~ VII Madrugtlcl• MINIOI\ v1a10 Ca 8218, , 1 To all twin. bent'tldarh ..... 21l3 H11bof Blvd . COt\I M4111, AYMINTt, IT MlY H aOLD PA Clf l C M EDI C AL CN Tf;RPAISC8 11 Ca lllorn1" CO<OOl•llOtll 1408, VII Maorugeda M1ta!On VlalO C• 8'8112 i~. ~~~~S:,.~TENZANO WASHINGTON l>rt'lldcnt Rcug11n In lhc mldat o( C&mf)4ah4n 'tJ~ '" nut the ~mu u Prt'llldt·n l Reqan befc.>t\' he hll d w compalin Lttlll thl.a yeur. In the months follo'Ving lhe atwmpl on hi» life on March 30. 1981. the prt.-.id'1nt Appeared bt•fol'e few crowds. When he 11pc>kc In· upcn oreaB, h was from behiild a prtJtt'<:livt' glass shield. There Is slightly lct111. t110lallon thcS£1 days. For the aake ot ~urlty, he doesn't tarry climbing into hi.a car aa 'he leaves Air l''orce One . Nor does he of\en pawe to shake hands with people In crowds at airportl· or howl entrances. Crow<b at rallies are llt:reened with metal detectors before the president arrtvea. But, says F.d Rollins. Reagan's assistant for 'poUUca) affairs, "there's more flexibility. We keep teCUrity in mind, but also give the president access to more people." So, when he spoke. to a Republican rally in Hooper, Utah, lhe president was perched on bales of hay placed on a ranch wagon. He ate pasta with folks •tan Italian-Amencan fcs11val in Fl•mington. N.J. He sampled the fare at lhC' cafete ria of a c.otumbus. Ohio tactory. A popula'r president can be a campaign's best use\, and Reagan, despite polls showing opposition to his programs, t'Ontinues to rt:."CC1ve high marks pef'90Nilly. Ttie Democrats are said this year to be careful .about ·attacking ham as an individ•Jal while heartily. lashing out a t his programs. And, said Hollins.. Reagan "enjoys getting out. h reinvigorates him. He (.'('rt.ainly gf'ts the crowd to ·respond.'' • That's the standard view of the president as campaigne r. But he has occasionally delivered the )frong speech to the wrong c·rowd . Before a QUadrangle (illed With students at the University or Nevada campu ~ in R eno, he launc hed into a atatistics·filled rt.'Cttal of his economic program's accomplishmen ts. The audience's greatest e nthusiasm was aro~ when the campus mascot, dressed in a "olf suit. presented him with a football jersey, bearing the message "Rca~an 84.·· At the White House last week. a group of Republican congressional ('andadatcs invited for a pep talk sat quietly until one or them began heckling Reagan. The audienc·~ came to life and applauded Reagan's retort lhat included the advice ' to his antagonist to ."shut up." Until now. the 71 ·year·old president has c.ampaigned at a less~than·feverish pace: one day here, another day there. with, ty pically. a short pri.vate fund-raiser and a stump speech to a rally at each s to p . · No travel is plahned until next Wednesday. find Reagan"s sched u le for next week is being revised to take into account polling da ta and political judgments about where the presldent can ~ most effectiv~ i:i the final rlays of the campaign. NI.IC NOTICE '1Cnne>U• ........ NAm aTATDllENT The follow1f>g petWtll ••• dOlng ~-OTL DEVELOPMENT CO . 12 PlltllC NOTICE P-ICTinOUa ., ..... NA• aTAff•NT . The tollowlng peraon 11 dol"g ~ ... WESTERN EVERCt.EAR. 7110 Hemllton •311 Coate Mue. CA 92927 c reditor. anti cont1n111nt ~Tedltc#'ll of ll11nild SpeuWer and penu1i1 who may bu o lherwl• lnlt• tl'llf'<l I 11 1 ho wUJ and/or c .. uiw A pt1tltlon hu bt'lln fll.d by OOrothy Slottt Lt1l trn1U1 ak1 Doroth y S loat In tht• S uperio r Courl of Oran1i1• County r e t1uu1 tln1 th111 Dorothy S loMt L~ltman lw spj)Olnted at pn1on o l rprelt'nLatlv.-to 1Admlnl1ttir the t'lillite o f Haro ld S pauldcr (under the lndcpt•ndrnt Admln illtratlo n of Estaws A t·t). The petltlon i• MH tor hearing In Dept No 3 at 700 Civic Ccntnr Drive, W e11, in lhti C ily or Sianta Anat, California on Novem ber 10, 1982 at 9.00 CA li2t2t IWITMOUT ANY COU,.T ACTION, C M.M S COfp . a Ctlttornle 11nd y0u ""Y ,.,,.. 11\e leg•I ttQhl 10 COfpotetlon. 3141 f Broaoway, t>•"'O rov• accoun1 1n gooc:t .i•nt11ng Lono ~h. CA 90803 bY pey1ng 111 of your pu1 du• 1'hl1 IK.ltll'lell la oon<iuo141d by P•Yl'*'t• Plu• 1191m111ao coe11 eno • eo<porallon llJlpatlMI wtlhln lh• N rnontlla ltom c M M a corp lie dll• 11>11 rlOlice or def1Utt wu f!tank C Aldrich ecorde<I Thie IM~nt •• '' ,488 00 lnCO•POfllOf •• ol August ZO. 11111?. 11\0 will Thie tt•tement wu tllecl with ncre1u unlll /tou• 1ctoun1 th• County Clark ot Ota.ng• ~me• current OU m1y no111avt count)' on Oot 12 1012 10 ply llwt anttra unpilCI oor11on 01 · • ;, .... t;our 1c;coun1, 1v111 111ou1111 lull 0 C Da l p1ym1nl WU Clam•ndtd. bVI yllu Publlahed ranr out .. ly mull ply lhl •mount •l•te<I •bovo Pilot, Oct 10, 2 . 30. Nov. 9, Unltll the obllOllllOn tH11n11 1110:1 loreolOMO UPO" uerml1t• • 101111•• 4000·12 pe<lod. you heve Iha legal r1g111 to ----.. -.-1 •c_Mft_T_IC_l ____ 11op th• forec101ure only by P•Y'"ll r~ nu the enurt amoul"l damanded by ____ NO_T_IC_it_Ol' __ t_AU ____ your Clredltor within lh•ff mU11t111 °" ""~ '910l'IRTY •lter "" d•I• ol •1C01dat1011 OI 11\11 MCL.AJ611• UNDIR UC C I dOClumolfll, whtch dlll OI tet.OrdtllQ ' ' ' ' IPPHrl IMtfeon Notice 11 he reby glv1n that on to find OUI the emounl you rnual October 29, 11112. 11 I I • m • I I 27'1 &rletol Ot In Coll• ,,. .. , ply, OI 10 •"•nge IOI peymenl 10 oreng• counly 'lh• underalgned atop th• fo•ecloaure. o• rr your am. wlll tell the pereon•I property proparty 11 1n forecloturot tor eny IF YOU OBJECT to the liee11lmt d under u C C 1 llled C>thef rHIOn. contKt arr.rntm g of the ptolltlon , you 1-3·81 1g1ln11 ltYlne Auto Partt, , .. 1!·!:! :~':!.~n~ 1111 s h o uld e1tht'r appear at the 1~110 property con•t•tt 01 f17 N . .,...._,, "0 ''. hean ng and state your H>veniory of mllC auto perts hftt• AM. CA '2'701 ob1ectaons or file written Seid 111e will be mad• pu1au1111 (11•) W)-t1t7 b f • h h 1 G c d II you h•ve any qu11w•n1 you u Jectaons ~It t e court to lh• prov111on1 o ov1 o • tl\ould coniaca • lewyer or the before the he~rlna Your eog:,ed 10•15_112. gowtnme1111genc;y Whtcl\ mey have appea.rance rnay be In penK'n G•ICIO<V N s.auin rnaured 1111 lo•n or by your attorney. 2797 Brtttol sf Remember. vou mEY LOSE [ F y 0 U A R E A Colla M .. I CA 92628 LEGAL RIGHTS If' YOU 00 N01 ' TAKE PROMPT ACTION flllt bu•iilh• t• c.ooOu<.leO Uy • C0<POrat1on PACtftC Mr C.tlCAL t'NTl RPAlllES Clayl0t1 C I •v•• e11r r1 .. 1ae111 11111 11a1 .. n .. 1t w .. llled wolll Illa Covnty Cklr • 0••1111• Cvu11ty 011 8Plemll .. ?1 llHi? ALI.IN ANO 'LA fl Attorner• •t L.ew 4400 MecArlh11• hulaverd awtt• 170 .... port .. ec:h, c. t2M0-20$I ~bll11\e<I Oreno• Co1111 01111v Pilot Oct 9 18, 23. 30 1982 440,·8:> MUC NOTICE ftCTITIOU• a ualNEH NAMI tTATllffNT the 1011ow1no Ptt•aon 11 001n11 butone .. 11 DISCOUNT Rl;COROS 88 f'elt Om•. Coate Moa1t CA 926) 7 Tl\onu11 Art&HI 23358 Camn1010 lelmo. Laguru.1 Hills CA 92953 I 1\11 butlnttU " conauclfKI by ltn tnd1VldUll Thom&• Arlale Tllll 118111"""'' W8~ flied ""'" "'" Coun1y Clerk or O•ange Counly on Ocl t<t: 1982 Fl"'31 Publl11led Oran11e Coast Oatly PtlOI Ocl 16 23 JO Nov 6 1982 4554-82 CREDJTOR o r a t.'OOW\iCnt SAttor~·.rc'or..,,I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ed. f • o... d --·-.; ec:ur.... '"""tor er 1tor o u1(' e..-e~. you Publlihed Orange Coesl Delly H1AT GLEN 0 I OVO 11 duly IMIDllC NOTICE most file your claim with the• Pilot. Oct. 16. 23. 1982 appo1n1ec1 TruatM under• OMO 01 1 ____ r_UU\. _______ _ court or present it to the •569·82 Trull daled August 21 • 198° FICTITIOUI IUllNlll Eaeculed by PETER A MADSEN. a per sonal representative ----.. -ID-11-C-NO--Tl_C_E ____ maulad men. u Trut1or, 10 aecure NAME STATEMENT ap~ointed by the courl rUU\. certain obl1ie11ons tn lavor ol The lollowlno 114lraon1 ere domo business 111 wil in four months from the ,ICTITIOUt 8UllNll• J AMES F R GLAND. El AL IS UNITED PHOlO LABS 28)3 date of first iu s uan ce of NAMI tTA'nMl!NT Beneltciery. ••corded Auous• 29· Newpor1 Bl~d , Sulla• 126, Newpcit1 • th 1 11 1 ar d 1880 u lf'Slrume nl 378•2 Book letters as provided an socuon ... 1n8a 81°1°.wno persons e omg 13722. Pane 1839 01 0111c1111 Beach, Ca 92663 700 f h ba od f ):lw• v •• • Free En1erp,1se Inc (a New .o ·t e pro le c e 0 ,. GRAH AM'S DISTR°iiWTING. Records In tl\e Olftce o l lhe Jersey oorpora11on), 2092 Rt 9 California. The llm~ for 11211A Lombard Piece. Anaheim. Recorder 01 Orange Counl"y Howell, New Jersey 07731 filing claims will not expire CA 112801 C•lllomia. describing 18110 therein Tnls business is conduc1e<1 by a I f th f Gary Mlchael Grah1m. I 121A H . co po a11o pr or to o ur mun I rom Lombard Place, Anaheim. CA Lotj 2 ol Tract 3293 In lhe C11y 01 ' ' F~EE ENTERPRISE the d ate o f the h earing 92801 S1nt Ana Coun1y ot Orangtt, Willtam w Jasper no u c'f!d above Shlrlly G11n Graham. t 128A C•lllornle per Map in Boot. t04. v1ee President YOU MAY EXAM l N E Lomberd Pl , Anthelm, CA 92801 Pages 30 ind 3 1 01 Miscellaneous This 11a1ement was 11160 wotll lh8 the file kept by lhe rourt If Thlt bualneas ta conducted by Mapa recorded In the o111ee ol lne Counly Cieri. ol Oran(ltl Counly on . d .h lndlvlduall (husballd & wilt} Counly Recorder, Orange Coun1y. Sep11mber 23. 1982 you are mte reste 111 t e Gery Michael G,ehem C1111orn11 F1111,_ estate, you may file a request Thts 1111ement was toled wlln tl\e Seid obllgallons Including • note Publtsl\ed Oranoe Coasr oa11y w ith the court 10 receive County C..,k 01 Orange County on for the tum 01 s 270 ooo ll\al 8 Piiot Sept 25. 0<:1 2. 9 16. t982 · 1 f h Oct 15 19112 b•••c" of. end del1u11 on 1ne ,21g.82 s p e c 1 a no l I l' e o l e · F 111710 obllgall0tt• IOI whteh auc;I\ o..o 01 ------------- inventory of esWU! and of Publlsl\ed Orange Coast Dally Tru•I le HCurlty has occured 1n 1n11 Ml.IC NOTlCl the petluons, arcou nt.s and Pllol 0c1 t6, 23. 30. Nov 6. t882 p1yme111 has not bffn made 01 $2. ------------- reports described 1n SEction 4557-12 OS 00 1nteres1 p•us SS 00 c0Uecttor1 l "00 f h C I f · lee plus S25 00 late lt14t. All f'OR ' 0 l e a I o rn1a PAYMENT DUE ON AOGUST 29 Probate Code. • P'\B.IC NOTICE 19112 11\al by reason thereol lhe Harriett Bubal, E~. .-.CTITIOUa .UalHlt"-preun1 beneloc1ary under such 1100 Gle.acloa Ave. Ne. 1180 MA• aTAn•MT Dead of Trust ha.s aepos11eo wllh Loa_ AA.ties CA tOOU Tl\8 . tollowlng peraon 11 ·doing Jlid duly eppo1n1e<1 Tru11ee. such (•13 ~ • 1•'88 bu.t ...... u · Deed of TruSI and all documents . " >. • o· " BRIAIR AVIATION SERVICES. evidencing Obllge11ons secuted Published Orang e Coast 10 Per1rldge lrvlne CA 92714 thereby. ,nd 111e undersigned does O&Jly Pilot, Oct. 16, 17, 23, Brian j 1m11' Henfattv. 10 hereby declare ell sum1 secured 1982 Putrldge lrvtne CA 9271' thereby 1mmed1ote1y dul and 4564·82 Thi• t>u'aiMJI 011 conducted by.,. ~y•ble and does hereby etec;I 10 lndlvldual • cause the l•uat poope•ly to be sold ----.,.-.. -,IC_NO_T_IC_E____ enen J. Henrauy to 1111s1y the obllgattona secured r~ Thia 1111.ment was filed wl1h the thereby ll·O:l1• ,ICTITIOU• aualNIH NA• ITATIMaNT The tollowlng paraon It doing 1>Y11,.....u· county Clerk ot Orang• CO<Jntv on Oeted September 22. 1962 Oct I' 1882 at•I• ol Callfornle ' I', ..... CovntJ ol Orenge Publltllad O,.nge Co••• Delly Jlft'let F ... 90lend by Piiot, Oct 16, 23. 30, Nov 6, 19112 o.lfh 0. Soyd, Hit 4519-112 Attorner-ln·hot f'\a.IC NOTICE Published Orange Cou1 Oa11y Polol Ocl 2 9, 16. 23. 1g92 4354·82 tUPl! .. IOR COUflT OF THIE tTATE Of CAU,ORNIA FOR THIE COUNTY Of ORANOE NO. A11"23 OROU TO IHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NA&M In lhe Mlll81 01 the ApptlCallon of FRANCISCO BERENGUER LASTRA 1nd DAISY RUTH LASTRA. lor Ch1nge ot N•me WHEREAS. the application ol f'RANCISCO BERENGUER LASTRA and DAISY RUTH LASTRA lor a change ol Minor Daughter's Name has been duly filed with the clerk of thtl Court, and II appearing trom ae1d oppllca1 1on 1ha1 said appltc anis desire 10 have JENNIFER LEANN E PRATHER's name c l\anQed 110 lhe proposed naine o l JENN IF'ER LEANNE LASTRA GOULD INC . S E.l COM· PUTER SYSTEMS DIVISION, Ptu· lerlno Center. tSOj1Ul1ttno Ave , Bldg. IS. Sulle 14 . Costa MeN, Cllllorn•• 92829 Gould S E l Compule r Sys1ame Inc . • Florld• eotpot•· tlOO. Fon ll<ld«CS.Je. f'l 33313 Thie bullneu II c;onclue1ed by a corl>Of•tlon ,K:TITIOUI llU .... 91 ~ITAftMl!NT NOW. THEREFORE, II ls hereby ordertd and 01rec1ed lhat a ll persona 1nterest•d 1n the se10 motte• ol c;hanoe ol name appear MUC NOTICE before above enlllled Cou•I. In Gould S.E l Computar &ytt"'11 lne. Tl-. I011owin9 petton• are d«>'"O t>Ysine nu. . Publ'-·-·t1-• _,11 be he'A by Oep1nment 3 thereof. IOClled a1 . "' ,._ ... "' 700 Civic Center Or . Santa Ana t h• Co 11 • Mes • P 1tnn1 n g Ca o" the 20th day ol October. Comm1u1ort 11 lhe City Hall, 77 Felr 1982. 11 the hour "' 10 30 o·c•oc« Dove. Coste Meu, C1lllornla at A M .• then end 11\ere to show cause. 6 30 P m or II soon u POHible 11 any 1hey have. wtry 11\e epptocat1on 11..,Mlt., °" Monday, Och>ber :25 IOI cllenge ot name should no1 be PUBLIC NOTICC YOU A .. I IN OUAUl f UNOlll A 0110 Of' f .. UIT OATIO -*N1_}1 1•1. UHUat YOU TAICa ACTIUl'I TO 'llOTICT YOU,. ,,.O,IRT'I', IT MA't II IOLO Al A 'UtltC I A LI IP YOU Nl lO AN U".ANAllON O' THI NATUllE 0' THI , .. OCllOINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU aHOULO CONTACT A LAWYlll NOTICll o• TAUITal'a t ALI Ta . No USOI NOltC.E tS 11CRrt;v GIVl N ,,,., l>fl FrtOlly 1J<;101.Jo1 n 11111? .... , !)II n clock • m of •1140 doy 1n llou rnnm 1101 a.10tt IO• tonouc.11110 '""''''" • S~IH wtlhill Ille ollttftl OI HE Al ESTAlf scc"u1mv S(RVIC( IC>C1118d 11 20:>0 Nonto Broaelw•y Sw1o1 :>06 111 111• Cuy or Senta An11. County o l Orange. Slit• 0 1 CelllOrnl&. SAN MARINO SAVINQS ANO LOAN AG~OCIA T ION • <;a111orn1u corporation. u duly -ppotnted tru1te11 u"O•• Ottd ou,.u1nt 10 th• powe• ol tol41 conle1ted In lhll cerlltn Oeeo ot hull a•ecuttd by ANTHONY M EGOEBAECH T. e meltl.O man end FRED BALOW. II mettttld men Ill Book 140112 01 Olllcl•I •~.cord• OI tetd Count y 11 P•O• 11•• Roc01011ra ln1lrumen1 No 29~~ by •••!on ol 1 b•aecn or d11fou11 tn payme1>1 or P••lormanc;a 91 111• ob•1oa11on• H cured th111eby Including 1ha1 brHGh or Oeleull Notice ot w1>1eh wu record.a Ap111 22 1982. u Recorder • ln11rumen1 No 112-138241 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TION 10 IHE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH lawful money ol Ille Un1100 StllH or • cu 111er • eheck ar11wn on • •••t• or n1t1on•J -t>a.ni. a 11111e 01 h1deia1 coldll union O• a 11a111 or leoe•81 savings and loan usoc1a1ton oom1r.ll11C1 1n thiS 11a1e all p,;yat>I• al 111e 1om;i ot aa1e en 11gl\1 1111e 1t11d 1n1111es1 netd by 11 81 lru•lee on mar real p1ope11y st1ua111 tn aa111 County and S1a1e deac111>1<d a~ lollows ' A Leoseriota 1111erc~1 111 idlld 10 l 01 6 ano Ille Nor111otly Ii 00 !cul ol LOI 5 tn Block 22 01 '"''' Nu 772 as per mop rer.urdua 1n Boo!\ 2'.l PdQllS !! ona 6 (,I M1~C.t.tllu•HlOU~ MaP• record~ ol 6uoO (,<1ur11y EXCEPTING THEREFROM th11 N0•1he•ly 2 00 OI 18•0 Loi 6 I he s1ree1 addrn1is •>• nlhl'• common oesog11a1oon ul 11111 rt.toll properly here1nabove d...,,,c.r11>t.td o• purporled lo i,., 460 62nd Slrt.ttsl Newpo• I Beach C.alllo1noa The un01irs19nt.tO 111111•1>, doscla•ms all toat>oldy tor ""Y mcorrechtess in said Slr~t-"t .tOOrt-)\ or other (;-Ommon de~1guat1on P\Et.IC NOJICl --FICTlTIOUI 1ua1H .ta N1hll 11AlllM Ht It-. h1Uot1W•h\I 1 .. ,, , •. , ,,.~ J ••f11 t,Y•it•••• • • AllA'1l'llJMOI"''1r1 1111, JU~tt [ •••t I 1• f>wtlt • A·o '1 •• Auet1•11n1 l •J ~15'.Jb (J•t•t•Ut': l •11Jl•t) l-11•• f·1~.uul;tf~J ( tJ "''" ... f Mllff tfl16f I Jf6 11tji,fUJfll lU1• (. t .... u Nlt-t A.,r.11•'' At1Mht~tt•1 C • 11¥fS'.Jt. I h1a 1,u,m•·~• •• 11 1,• 11.u h 1J t,l • C..'Jf'141l1•hM1 (J"llf~tt (.1111ut, Alli·\ tllwntm~ C '' 111 Ot~ifUU M '"·'''"'"' f'u••uJunt fh111 -.1uhmu111t WM lihtct ..,,H. Ui. (..tHUll f (.l"H ol CJ11U\ijtt f 11 t, ttl !J•n,tumlm• / , ll~tt4' OONAl.0 IEOAfTTI A ProltHIOr\al ~•• Corp 1;oo Dov. 8trHI, 8ull• 200 Newport 8••eh, Ca 112660 Jluhll'tfltltJ fJ11Hllif t' a .I (J &1h J•11u1 ~ .. 1,, .•• fJtt .' 1; 11 t·m#' .,,_, d~ PUBLIC NO I I Cl NOTICE INVITINO 8108 110 ITEM HO WT NOii(;( I'., tll~LIJ ( C.tlU• mo1 Mlh-0 prCX.0\41~ woll t.1• If)( "'veU i.,y Ill• Cnv ot Co•M M~• ,., ""'' tn., Ct1y CCNnctl P 0 Uou !IC/? C.o\I» Mo•• C •ltlo• n•n '•If di Cll" o• lafO,tt tftU t.ou• :-,it 11 fJ J i.t th c..u F"oay ,u,votntJt·' • t'•8: t sncell hts lh8 1j!11~t)r ·, h hly •>f u., h•tJOt!:• tO dtthvttt Polit btel ttJ Ut4 C.•t t C.H t Iii \ CJtftt._, lly lf,et fJr' I et •' t '""''it •'d 11m~ 01cJ' fltt h• ,,.utll•' ~, ''' ._ .. "" a nd rt•IHS ..alll•Hi ul \ 1 (J(J • m t,,t •• ioon tllt:HtmfttH dS. ,,,wtf11 fil>I• •.1n f r 1day N11v~rntlM• '• ''••I "' U1t• Cnuric.o<.,,riurntt-r'\ (.,1, r11 17 ru1r O"v" C.o"'ld Mts"i•• t ·• ,,.,,, K 9211211 IO• II« l>11tw>111rn1 111 CJllE Io (A(..11 IHU(..1< A Sr 11Al I r·t-H. ti Ad tJ It I 'tf\ ii I 'l"" I'; l, f t fl tt spec..1f1c.at1M'6. mJ I ()e obtn1ntHJ ot Iha 01111.e rit lloC Put1.l•o~UIQ Ageool "' 71 r u11 O• •tj ~ ••la IAc"oa Cohlorruu f;,n, '"'Ullil 11• •.tltu11.e11 tu tht' nHtu•llOo ,,1 01., r.,11 Ctm,, ~1tt11n 'a"J flmtt IWTI I t J !.f'ScilttU erw•,1t1~u aJoritthttt) ,,,, trif• t,qf,1(J~ .,i;1th tnu U1<J 11Hrn t~1,mt'"' 1,r ct th .. Gpenmy 01tl1• Eac.h t••tJ ·'·1tll >f1t"1(..11f; f'tt•; t unit ~"'tt'Y •'tt"I • .-, ,f"t I ,,,. •h tnts -, ~ ,, t, 11 r 11 t, t; n •. A • ; " 1 u Ii "• r upt11')1n t'i ttt• i:,t;~ 1f11 1•"''"'' , M•J\t t~•· C.lt•Jfl; Sloltt•O Utt IJ1U -.no fi11h.1• • ''" ~'\l 1 Jt1r1 .-, '"" , iht• \Pf•C ·'•'.-·•'en-.. Jt1dll !1• g ,, ~' fQ, 'Hjf~f1141t ~· frH' titJ r dCh ti1t;J _)r,;i 1 ~ ... , , "' v f'! •~1, namf1<> -.nJ ,.., .. Jt T.. .... ~ o t '' Saotl sale will l)e made w11ttou1 wartanty expreS$ or 1mot•od ~ftt'!>C111~ 1rn r~rt t~ ,,,,, tt-~t· cl•' regardtnQ 11116 POSS.,l>SIOn QI lf\11 ri•v~ •d I ll.t t.oll ~ ~, " encumbtanc.es t rJ sut1slv '"'" c.ors u•.-hL11 ~1.;1t-''"" •• ,.,.-.. ':. c.1 •rte p11nc1pal oalance 01 '"" Ntttf' o• ollocP•• wl "" ~ ':• " "~•l't'rrt-"' Otner Obhg&tlOn ~eCUtf•d lit \01d on bttridlf at Int rctt1f')•4f1(ln '3tH-: Deed o l lrusl ¥¥1U'\ intt.ttt~t;t Jf"IO wnethPt ,...,. ,, ... tnttf uri:. n cer musf 01net sums 8!1 tJ•Ov•OPO tU~f&1n SJgo If lt·tt L•d · L:1 :t;. .s ~ t:•)in1c. t..t plus advances ·~ Jn1 una~, u to • '""'' .-flint"'" '>t 11 ... "e • '-'"''"') Jrd terms. thereof and 1ntere~t on -.u'"" I "odrfoSSPio 01 di• 9P .. ,,a 11·tl'" f-T~ advances and plut. fee!. Ch,J1gc ... dPd ion t .... , t .4't~'~ 'U1f-, r,.cJc~' ·~a and expense$ Of ll>e I 1u)ft11 dfld c.I ~ott< P•c.p• .,,,. '' •i:. IJ"' " 11 "' .,,., 11 the !rusts c1ea100 by l>&oCI Oe.,u 01 lhal d<wl~ '"'''""'~ 1'1 ~.. 'loo llt•ov• TfUSt The total amounl of ~"'rt udm1J thf; ti•LJ ">'1~11 r,,. •n tru: '"a Obllgal•on 1nctudmg tedSOnObl.., n Om'-' C· t , t t.'! O lUO ~ """ t' J es11ma1ed tees c.hJr9us ttna Ot.•Cj.•·;,·1~ftr.1r 1t• •oft"• ' " '19 expenwsol lhe 1ruslee a• 111.,11m., OBA 11r., iltl•t1ov~ nan't of 1n111a1 pubhce11on ot 1h's Noloc.e 16 p•tt••Ut'Cl ~.,.,,.,,~, nc ''"''' · •• $66 318 62 nam~ :.r.Jll t•I' vu•.i u•• .. , ,,. .. ,,. s 0 Oa1ed September ?7 1'18~ '"''0111 '~<1"1'd1 !Jn "" tr"'" O•a,,9• S1e 206 SAN MARINO SAVINGS Cou• 1'r JC nl!t.•HOM ' a~r ,,. ANO LOAN COrDt.J,tU• J""' +r1,iu\1•" 11 .-• i" e~ t I ASSOCIATION I tt1e P1f'"J,t\h'lr·t ~.,. •'411,itf r'"" i.)ou•.,.f a Ca11to•n•a co1p tma M11na11P1 as Trustee J Tnto C...•t, t.uhf'\\. ' q·.-. l ' '-' By REAL ESTAIE CD51H MM''' JM\~... • •• 1r1 IC SECURITIES Sf'HVICF a rn1ec1 any n• al tnl~ Catirormo corp us, A~t:rtt Oatec.1 0< 1 r ... , .,.. · •t: By tSEALI 0 J MorgtJr PubltSh<'<I ()• J"O• " ' :Jo'o 1 ols PresoOenl Ptlot Ocl lb '°"e' 2020 No•lh .Sioadwoy Sanla Ana CA 92706 lete 17 14)953 68 tO j•' .~; PUBLIC NOTIC£ Pu bit shed Or anoe Coast 0d•ly PtlOI Oct 2 9 16 t98l NOTICE INVITING BIOS FOR TREE TRIMMING PUBtlC NOTICE NQt1C.P ·~ t1e1e~1 giver 11\at ttu C•ly 01 F ou• tao.., va11 .. ~ 1~ acce1 • ·n 1 •eolt;d b •OS lo• trtmm"'~ app•O••mate4y ·3J B•.ll .. ~" Pet-0'" I ~ SttNm. IN!ne. CA 92715 I. O'aMy T Lll O, 1'1 .. lppWng 1tt-. IMM, CA 92715 11111 H L110; 12 Rlppllng .,,_, lmne. CA 9271 s Jell1taon MICl\H I Oa~t. 790 H1m11ton •38. Coit• Meu. CA 821127 • -fl\lt t>vth~SS It c;ondUC1ed by en lndlYlduel .. S L OlnkM Vice Preeldent·AnltlCe Thia tlllemenl WU filed wltll lhe Co.:inti"Clet'ri of 6reiige County Otl Oct 12 1982 (A) RE I , CIS I PUBLI& IN,ORMATION; CC) VALLEY FIN ANCIAL · REAL ESTATE. (0) PUBLIC INSURANCE, 1001 1 T 11 bet! Suitt 200, F OUf\taln Valley. Celll 82708. Re de Entefpd••• Inc .• ca111omnr~snon 1812 , tie! IMPO .. TANT NOTICE Ra gerdlnq Iha following gr~1SFURTHEROROEREOtl\11a IF YOUR PRO,EATY IS IN 1pp!icetloo1 copy-Gt' tf11s ~..,,.,. fi>f!Kl-0.UR~ 85C.\U.~ YOU I Zone eaceptlon permit theORANGECOASTOAILY PILOT. AAE ISEH I NO IN 'l'OU A ZE·S2· 149 lor Jeck W Hesler. 8 new1pepe< of gene<al ctrculatlon, PA YMIENTS, IT MA 't BE SOLO t utllorlred agent for Al•11n pt1nled and publtsl\ed In Otanoe WITHOUT· AN'\' COURT ACTION, S • n Im ye '. 1 9 5 I New Po' 1 Courity. Stele of Ce1tlorn1a. once and you may have the legal "0"' 10 8outev8tel, •or • condlttonel uH eectl week lor lour l'l soccesstve b11ng you• 1t1.count tn good s1end1ng permit to COflllruct • 55-untt mote4 week• l>f'lor 1o the date •bove set by payono all or you• pu1 due ano I 27 M scettan .. ous tr '" loeRled •n •••·Ous o1<1>a~ 01 tte c . .., £ncT6~iJ "re r:~~'1!T""ll'I' W·a'"""'-"" • Thia bulinMI la condUC1ICI by en lndMdulll QaMy T Uao Tl\11 ltllemenl ... filed will\ 11\e Cqunty Clettl of O•lnQll Coun1y Ot1 ~· 15. 1982 ,,eem i_!~bll•h•d Or1ng• Co11t Dally ,.....,.. OG1 19. 23. 30. NOY 9. 1892 • 4591-112 '- NI.JC .->TICE ACTITIOU9 llU ... H Jetf9'90fl M 01111 .. Tl\11 statement WIS ltled wtll\ Ille County Clerk ot 0flflge County °" Oc1 15. 1982 ,,..,. Publl1hed Orange Cont O•llv Piiot. Oct 19, 23, 30. Nov 9. 11&2 4549-112 !'late NOTIC£ NAiii aun•MT K-0%143 ~}h• followlng p1r1on 11 doing NOTICE OF DEATH OF , ~V~~SAL SERVICE AIDE ETHEL BELLE TULLOSS J<m Sue>erlo< Ave •303, Bldg ., 1; AND OF PETITION TO ~ BNc:h. ca. 92963 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Staph•" L Sluehtt 1433 A ·ll538l. fuperlot Ave #303, Qldg •I. T U h · be f' · · ~ Beed> C• 92663 o a e 1n, ne 1cianes, T'hlt bullr•i 11 cOl'lducted by en c r edho rs and contingent lfldMdual.-c redi tors of Ethel Belle ' Thia ,,!l=:; ;,.~":::'with 1,,. Tullosa and P.e rs.p n s who (;ou.,ty Cletk 01 oienoe C0Ut1ty on may be otherwa.se interested ~obet 1, 1ee2 in the will and/or estate. , F1W70I A petition h.aa been filed ll'ulilltl\ad' Orenga CoHt Dally by Darleen Faith Lloyd in ""°' Oc1. 2· 9· 16· 23· 19112 43,&-82 the Su erlor Court of -------------1 Orange ~ounty reques ting ' that Darleen Faith Lloyd be r-"'II appointed as personal representative w admamster the estate of Ethel B elle Tulloss (u nder the lndependen l Administration of Est.at.es Act) The petition Is set .fo r hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Cente r Drive W est, Santa Ana. 'Ac.IC YllW .-.OllA&. ,,... Cen-etety Mottuil't Chapel.Crematory , 3500 Pac11tc \11ew Drove 1 Nfwpon Beach ! 6'M·2700 Cal i f ornia 92702 o n November 10, 1982 at 9:30 ,,.... Publltl\ecl Orange CoH I Delly Pilot. Oct 16. 23. 30. NoY 9, IH:l 4551 .. 2 NI.IC NOTICE P-ICTTTIOUa ., ..... MAMtaTATW•WT Tb• lollowlno pereon It doing bYSlnest 81: CODE THREE ENTERP"ISES, 22811 Jer041lmo Rd•. L•ke ForMt, CA 92630. David Forreal Scolt. 2261 I Jetonlmo Rd . Lake Forea1. CA 82530. Thia bulineM Is conducled by en llldlvldual Oa 'fld F Scott Thia lllletnenl WU tiled Wl1h Ille COunty Clel'k of Orange County oo Oct 14, 1992 ,, ..... Publltl\ed Ot1nge COHI Di lly Pllol, Oc1 19, ~. 30, NOY 9, 1N 2 = -~·2 'ICTTTIOUe~H 11Mm8TATlmWT The lollowlng l*'IOnt .,. do\(!g ~ .. 0 ANO M UNLIMITf:O. H01 W1rner. Hunllng4on aeecl\, Ce. 92t4t Edwetd J-Apodeca, 4M2 C1ben1 Cir. •206. Huntington BMc;h, c. g2849 Mich .. I A Devit . 190 4 1 8dwyef Ln . HuntlnglOtl hKI\. Ce. 92t41 Thie ~ 19 oonduc:ted by I Qel*el per1Mnlhlp. Mk:Mel A. 0.~1 NsCObela MOITUA•llS LllQuna Beach 494·9415 Thia tlllerMnl WH fll9d with the C~nry Clefk Of Of'MQe County Otl a .m . ~bet 1, 1H2. lF YOU OBJF.CT to the ,,_. .. - ~ ' L'aQuna Hills 768·0933 S.n Juan Capistrano 495·1776 :"' ... tAW.._M,T. 01.1¥1 ~ Mortuar; • Cemeterv . ,,, - Crematory 1825 G11ler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 --- :••OTMaS •OADWAY gr-anting of the petition , you Publlel\ed Orange COHI D.ily sh ould eith er appear at the PllOt &.pl. 25, OcL 2. 9. 19, 1HI 425' ... 2 t\ear ing and s tate your ~··· objections or file written "8.JC .->TIC( objections with the court ..cnnoua llUlfMI•• before the h earing Your NAllll aTATlllllWf appearance cnay be in pel"llOn The followlng P«eoM -«ling or bt your attorney. ~ ... I You ARE A TIP Plf l S OL A R REFRIOEAATION & HEATIN~. e CREDITOR or a conUncent ee.. p-IMne CA 127 14 creditor of the deceued, you Llwt~ ~ Aywi. e ..., m ust file your claim with the P-. '"""-· CA 12114. COun o r present it to the How•td Tlr·DU-'•..-11----,., Pew, Penonal repre1enta\lve IMM. CA t271 ~ Thll~lt lty e w ithin four monthl from the l..,._ J. appointed b y the court v«*•E date o f lint l1111ance o f Thll "'....,_.,' wllh !tie ._ letter1 as 'JN'D.Vlded ln eeCtion c-ty ~ ~ eounty on 700 of the p~ code of Oct 1'· i..... , : MOl'TVAIY 110 9'<>9dw•v . .. .• Cotta Meta ~-tt50 WTl'"iiil .. OM California. The nn'\e for .... ~o range CoHt"I:: fillng clalm1 will not expire Piiot. uvt ti . 23. 30. Nov. t , 1Ma prior to four rnontha from 411,.•2 ' : IMJ'M&TVTMU th~ date o f the hearln1 PWlJC .->Ttel . WlflF~ CHANI. 17th St Costa Mesa 8'6-9371 --- ~. ,_CIMoTHIH tNmtl' MOITVAIY WM~nSt ' nollced above. ma; YOU MAY EXAMINE ~Alliiiif the Cite kept by the rourt. lf Tiit ~ .,.,..,. -Hint you are Interested In the .,_,....,... M: w ith the coun to receive l-'I NO OOHtT"VC3::: ap.ec lal noti ce o f the No~ ADOI~; t o 1.ANOeCAPH, tOOI t T Inventory of ettate and of 200. f'ounialfl v,,,.,, c.M. ""'· the petlUona, A«'OW\la and Oontld OIHOI'•· HU t repon. ct.bibed in Section Olaoone. 20U t a . New trtllln 1200 of the C•Jlfornla Lane, Hltnttngton t .. ofl. Call!. Pt'ot>.te Code tff.4t, .., •""' · CARM~ A. MANlnELO/ w.~."=: = A .. w,y, r--.;:.---------~ a. DAY CA.llMAN TNI ~ .. Ollflillol ....... ttlri•~:ach ';,,.r1 . 1111 E. C...l BWJ. fllWll ==-i~,.,,_~ c..-. ... M!r1~ tHH Tilll .... ,,.. w lllf ...... . , I 2 117 ) C7Hl .,...,.... ~ °"" ot °"""' ~ a11 • C. IM -•· Publlahect Oranr Coa1t .... ''· 1 .... Put • few word9 .... .._. ,,.__ ~ • teworlt for wou. ~/ .-u.,.., ~ 1 • 17• 33_ • Pw•tllflM Or CON1 • 4~82 l'tlol. Ort. "· n. T. ..,. ... Thtt bull,_. la conduc1ICI Dy e Cl«pOf llk>r\. Rede Enttrprl-Inc. • Alben Rede Preardlnl Thie 1111-1 WU filed with the County Clerk ot Or~ County Ot1 Sepl 17, 1982. '1fn'M Publlal\ed Orange COHI Olllty Piiot. Oct 16, 23. 30. Nov. 6, 1M2 4Se.t42 rtaJC .->TICE 1nclud1n9 54 guest room1, end I tor 11\e helnng ol satd appllcatton payments plus peom11te<1 cosls and m1111g91 s unit lor prc>petty located Oiied September 6. 1982 upen1M1$ w1th111 lh•~ mon1h1 lrom " 1g51.19S3 Newpor1 Boulevard tn f'RANK OOMENICHUM lhe d8111 lhlS l"Ol•C• ot detavll W85 • CZ-CP zone Envlronmenlll Judge ol 1he recorde<l Tho1 amount *' $•27 00 determination neg111..-decleretlon Superioi Court as ot 9110182 &l\d will tt~•ea~ unlol 2 Zone 1xc1ptton perm11 Published Of&nge Coa11 Diiiy your account IM!Comes current You ZE-82-151 for Ruuen I Newberg Pno1 Se.pt 2!>, Oct 2. 9 t6, t882 · may no1 have 10 p11y the entire and Robert A Newberg, 173 426'4·82 unp110 portion ot your account P110m11 0<1ve. Newport Beech, for• even though lull poymen\fw&t K-Hl,4% oonOIUonel use permit IOI e 30-un11 MLIC NOTICE demanded bul you muSI poy IM mole! conlllnlng 1• standard unlls. amoun1 s1111ed above NOTICE OF DEATH OF 15 kitchen units. elld • m1nager's FICTITIOUI 8UllHEl8 ·Aller lhree momhs lrom 1111< 0111e DANIEL R. LADD AND OF unit: end • vertenoe l•om covered MAME tTATIM£NT ot recoroa11on nl lh•S du~umen1 p E T I T ( O N T O plllllng requirement•. lor PfopeMy Tiie lollow1no pers0tts are doing (which 0111e ot recordahon appears ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. located 11 325 Well 8ey Sl•eel In • hu~onl'tSS as 11ereon), vntess 1ne ob1oga1to11 be1no C2 z on e Envlronme n lel ORANGE COAST ASS· forecloseo uoon permotS a longer A·IU!$1. det.,.mln11tlon negative declaration OCIATES,'19902 Moore Circle period. you havl! only lhe 1egal 11Qhl To all heirs, benef iciaries. Fot turther Informa tion on tilt Hvnllnglon Beach, Ca 92646 to Slop lhe 1ou1ctosure by 1Jly1ng creditor s and contina ent •bo"• 1pp11ce t1on1. telephone William W Rose. 990~ Moore ttie en11re amount ciemandeel by creditors o f Daniel R. Ladd 75-4-5245 or c.11 et the ottice ol Ill• Circ;le Hun11ngton Beach Ca your crectoto• h b Plennlng Oep1rtmeri1, Room 200 929'6 To lino out lhe 1moun1 you mus• and person s w o may e 77 Fe tr Drive , Costa Mtn Linde A Rose 9902 Moore p1y. or 10 a"onoe tor p11ymt-nl 10 oth erwise interested an the Caliloml• Clrcl• Huntington Beach Ca stop tne loreclosure or 11 your wall and/or estate: Publlthed Orenga Co111 Oatly 921146 properly 1s 1n fore<:loture tor any A petition hM been filed Pilot, Oct 19, IM 2 This buliness It cc>n0uc1ec:t by an other reason contac1 ProfosSton11 d J L dd h 4!>44-82 tndlvldull (Hutband & Wife) Communlly Manegemen1 c o Allen by Donal . • an t e w 11111m w ROM & F1a11 4•00 Mac4rll\ur Boulevard Superior Court of Orange P\lltCNOTICE Thta1t11emen1w1tf111dw11ntl\e Suote 370 Newpor1 Buel\ County req ue1t1n1 t hat County Cleft< ot Orange County°" Ca1o1orn1a 92660 telePhOlle numt>et Da i I I\ Ladd be a pnnin\ed 'IC'"'°"9 __,_.. Sec>•emt>er 10 19112 111•1 1s2.u1• n e ' I<'"" .... tfA~ P-19715' II you l\IVlt any queSltOnS you as penional repreeentative lD The lollow1n1 pet1on 11 doing Publl11\eO Orange Cont O•lly should contact a tewye• or lhe administer t h e estate of bv"'-u . Piiot Oct g. t6, 23. 30 1982 governmtntel agency wrioch motv ano tne apptu,1im••e '"• mt.,., o• 11ees in ui;~ .. iea B•d• v.111 tl~ tf.W:t"1ved '" .,,.,. u c-.. or lhe Sup ... n1 ..... aen1 or r !'Ill Sotrvo~es el •i!Z40 Wd• ~ 51,.,.,, 1ma111ng olOU•f!H 102() s atPI A.vonui-FOYntam Vatleo-. (&Morn ... • 927081 unh! 10 00 <I,., Oc l:>l>e• 26 1982 81 ~h1,h ttm..$ tt f", "'' be OPtl"e<l .ind •t>Od •~d OuOIA!onns mus1 b" submollBO or s<>11le: envelopes .;iearli mar~"" Bod Tree Tr·mmong Cit~ ~'" 11,. rogtot 10 re1ect any or an bhH Tromm1ng S~·'"'-''""S Raowd """neo Gl>O ,n.11 "0 '" per sampll' trl*S Sul.k"•S 1em1>vl'll from llun• end 1a1,,re1 1 rnb, 10 •ev<' or Clea• ancoe '"''Ohl S1mp1~ lrtol!\ '"mff'~<l 1;, C.'tv c1ews end Av&1t11bte hJ• 1CJ~.a~ vv1ew are IOC&tl'O ill 9044 UI LJ 'oJ Are1 C·• Q{)56 La L , .. la 4rl'l11 C • ff~S Wiii be tomrn8d on \JCIOtH:H 4'0 1981 .ti 1 I 00 ,l m Plea~,. b,. ~nvo~eo '""' quatolv con1ro1 on 1ne It mm.r•g .,., I t>e SlhClly 01\IO•Ct'd 11 you tiave ony que~• · ' p•e U" con11c1 me u • 14 96J·8,2 I ••len1ton 375 CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY John McOanlel Superlntendant of l'leld 8er¥1C8' Pubhsl\110 O•ano•• C'oo1s .t•ly PtlOI Oct 16 1<>82 ~·68·82 Donald J. Ladd. (under lhe M M M MUSIC CO • 875 W 4453-82 heva insured your ioen Independent Administration 15th~:.;.,~~~~ P\alC NOTICE Remamber, YOU MAY LOSE PUBLIC NOTICE of Estates Act). The petition ""-··· • .._.., ,..-:·,........ -·· LIEOAl. .. IGHT• IF 'tOU DO NOT ___ .................... _____ _ .,.,.. -..... "'"' ,ICTmou• IUllNltl TAKE PftOWT ACTIOfif. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS IS set for hearing in Dept. Thll ~II condvcted by en NAMI! ITATIMEMT NOTICE •IS HEREBY GIVEN lhlt NAME STATEMENT No. 3 at 700 C ivic Center lndMdu•Wllterd Tne 10110..,ng pertons are dotng P\Jftuant to Arttcle IX. Seclton 7 ol r1>11 10110.,., •ri C·I'• o" ' J """0 Drive Weal, Santa Ana, Thl9 9181~:-'~ llled with Ille t>Yainesa as 1he Oeoleratlon ot Covanentt. bUs•ness u "-ljf •-9"702 on October NEPTU NE S TREASURES . Conditions and Res1rtct1on1, r HE GO u f' M £ 1 •• E l'l B .._.. om... 6 ~ CllR ~ Ot~ County Otl tecOtded Ap"I 28, 1g77 In Book CO''PANu 270 • I ,,,~ ,,_ All 27 I na2 t a 30 ---.~ 2'" 112 SS• 1 O•llly Cr Hunlll"Qlon e.ac11. "" • • • .. • -a .: P a .m . ..,,._._,. ... 1 · Ce 92949 12 169, Paoes 209-:>37 ot 0111e1a1 Coste Mes<l. ca 9ito. • IF YOU OBJPJCT to lhe '1•111 Gerald s Koru. 16ol 1 Oxley Reoo<dt. Orenge County, C•llforn11. SuHn Ruin PIAll •·• u ..-.. 11>1• grantint of the peUtlon, you Pu~ll•hed Ofll\9'1 CoHI Dally Cr. liuntlnglon Bffcih. Ca. 82649 II bfUCh of lhe obllg111on ot Ave . Cosio Mesa c .. •ttb •• h Id eith t the l'llol 8ecit. 25. 0C1. 2. 9. II, 1812 Lindi l KOIH. 95-41 Oxley Ct . payment ol 1asenmen1 het Thll bv11nen ., COtHIUClt'\I "' ar • OU er appear I 4292··82 oc<:urred Notice ol said br111ch and 1no1v1ou111 h I • a d at ate your Huntington Beach. Ce. 92646 • ear n n .. _.,. NOT"'~ lhlt buelness 11 cOt1dUC1ted by •n ,..., was llled tor record oo 5/St82.aa S11SBn " Pl11t1 ob~ctlona o r file written r-•• ~ lndlvidual IHusbind & Wiie) 1ns1rumet1I No 82· 155797 01 said This stotemPn1 wot 1o1~<1 w1111 111e o b ctlon1 with the court 'ICTIT10Ue eueMlt Lindo l Koras Olllclal Records No paymenl 01 Counly Clerk 01 0•41"<1" Co11n1y on be ore the hearln1. Your MMlll ITATIWNT Thi• 1111ement WIS ftled with Ille p11t due •mounts hH occu,,ed S11pu1mbe1 30 1<1117 be ln The tOllOwlnO ~tO'lt .,. dotng county Clerk of Onnge County on Therefore. tl\e Anaheim Hiiie F1*70 appearance may perwn butt,_ 11. Sec>temt>et 211, 1992. Planned Communlly Auociatlon Publtshl'O O•anoa cou1 oauy or b}' your attorney. SOUTH C:OAIT AISOCIATES ,,....,. does hereby llect to Mil. Of cautel PllOI Oct 2 9 16. l3 1982 l F Y 0 U A EE A t770t ~llche41 No•lh. lrvln•. Ca Publt1htd Ortnge Co111 D•lty lo be told. 11\e lollowlng daecrlti.<i 4331·82 CREDM'Oft o r a conlinCft\t t27t• Piiot Oct 2 9, 19, 23. 1982 r .. 1 property to eat11ly the------------ credit« of ttle deceued. you Oon•ld C McHone. 1'09 Et1t 429&-92 o~~~'::' ol Trect No 9•93.:.. in thel MUC NOTICE must file your claim with Ole e.y C:;..~0::::: ~ •S Colllna. City ol An1Ntm. County 01 ur1nge FICTITIOUa aVllHEH court o r prese nt It to tlle 8~ ltland, CL ll20e3 P\8.IC .->TICE S1111 01 C1lllotn11. 11 p1r map NAMI aTATlMIENT Pe rsonal repre1entatlve Donald ~1111. 1132 ouryff. '1CT1TIOU8 .,..... recorded In Book 392. Peges 28 10 Th• lollowtng perso" ts doing c NAllll 8TA~ 31, lncluelv•. of MttcellAntOUI bUllMH .. appoll\t•.d by)he cour1~.. eendl>Caclby Thel--..pereon•ttedOl"O M1pelntl\1recordS OI Or•n11• FRASER 11E A LT H ANO wllhin four months from the ~ le I • bualMM "";.7""' County, c.lllornl• 8EAUTY SERVICE 287 Ogle A dat• of llrtt l111.1anc1 of ..,_., E? MeHOM, lll'E PLUS, 120 e. tlth St.. The record vetted own9<• 01 lllt Colla M ... C. 97627 lettert aa pnll"ide4 In -.1'0ft Colla,,._, c a. Ht2f pt04)lrty tnO<t commonly known et Helge Fraaer 297 Ogle·A 700 f 1.~ _...... ............ -• ...... • I ~I _... ~th the Hermina M1CM11e L-. 2 .. Sen 703$ Country CIVb l ane. Anal)tlm, Coate M... C• 97921 0 t ........ v-lO ~ Uoll .... -• ---Celllomte . .,.. l<leu• SCllOedl At\<I n11a ou11nest ii r.on:iocted by •n California. The time fM C*""1 OWtl Of Orllltt 'Yon "°t· UtOune &Mell, Ca. t"6t K1th1Mn Schoedl. hu1b1no 1no lndMdu•I fillnC dairm wlll nQt expke ...,._.,., JO. 1NI ,,_. view .• ~:. ~ ~5 8 Hlgftland Wll• " )Olnt 1enan11 H4tlQ• f••- prtor to four month• from ,.ubll•h•d Ot1nr• c 0111 Delly -r1111 bl*"-8 11 conducted bY an Detect -tamt>er 21. 191;> Tnoa 1111emen1 was 111ee1 wttl\ 111e h d t h h I Hoc <>ct 2 I It 3 1H2 Ul\l,.,CO•"""tled •1tocl1tlon olllef ~ ..... f'le!INCI County CMlfk ol Or•nge County Otl t e ate o t e ear n1 · • • · · fl ,.v. c-11ntty AMMlltlen Stl)temt>« 23. 1982 noticed a~. 4340-U t en • ~=M ~ UMI W•ttllll C '1•0 "1 YOU MAY EXAMINE ••II' _ _.r T ........ 11-1 ... wllh 1 ..... ANt. 9MNtery PuDlt•h•d Or•no• oHI ally t'..,..V ""''~ ·-•• ., • ...,, '"" STATE OF CALIFORNIA) Piiot Sep1 ?5, Oct :l 8. 19, 19112 tht' fU• kept by th4: court. lf rn County Cleric~ Qflngl County on you aN lnwr11ted In ti\• ":.-itaC-.r a..>temw n. 1eu ,,.,. :uNTV Of' ORANGE t •2~112 f'ISAW. e may fl~ a reql.Mlt ,..... tOllOwlng ~· .,. OOlng Publllhed Orang• Co••t Oally On &tc>1""'be' 'I, l982, belor• i'U8l1c NOTICE w ith t e cou.n to receive "'*-.. : ' o "o••• 'tlot Sept. 28, Oo1. 2, t, t8. Ill.a mp •b· 1'1"'•, und•!•1fgn1d, 1~ Nao, 11,ry 'ICTtTI"''• •u•••• ipec:lal .-otlce of th• •HllLD AN " ... .-ANY, •2 lf.t2 u c n en., or u.. • •· ..,.. ln··en•-ry' of ....... and of 110, J ambOtll Ad . NewC)O•I petlO"IKy ec>l)elrlCI Lind• WHlllll, ..... tTAff•MT .. "" ......... leecfl. CL t2lt0 •-IC 1W111C( known to fM to bl A .. t. Secretary Th• followlflO peraon 11 Clolno lM pethJona. aa.ounta and 1111•1 .. H. Krutncll. '41101 ,._ """ oltri. COff)Oflllon 11111 1 .. acuttd the butinee• 11 ... fOr.: cte.cnbed ln 8ecUon tent• Cleta A-. Dana ltolflt. Ca within lnativment. known to me to cc SO"A SHOWCASE, 1093' J 00 0 f th. C.llfornla tltft o MOnC9., A"'-'CATIOM 'CMI be th• por•on •llQ •-eculecl th• &Moll 811/d . $ten1on, Ce ~o • · 0 ' ' O.lorH "· Krutuoh. 2001 ~ ~· Oil Within 111atru1Mftt on '*"" ol th• ,.ob1rt hrl Adame, fH7t Probete c.odej J ........_.._ ..... ...,... Oleta A..., OtN Point, Ca. MCOMOUC UCW cotpot1tlon 111ert1n_ 111mltd, 1nd PHI• I.int. H11nllng1on Hftrbov• . LAW 'Otflet .. ~ --111!111 ~ I. tMI 1011nowl1CSO•O to M• tll•t auch C1. tH49 '7Nt .... , .... II ... Ne. 'TNI ~ 11 ~ by 111 fo WtlOm n Me COt\oamt corpo_ 11t101\ HIOut•d 1111 wllhln Thi• bvtl~ •• eondUC11d by'" 1111 ...,.,.., ITOCKYA"O I A\.00 .. le lntlfutMnl punuant 10 111 lty·LIWI lfld!Ylduel .,•-,•~I. ~rz'll =~ 1ppty1111 10 tfl• O.par111te111 ot or 1 rH oluttol\ ol 111 t oard o r "°'*'' h•I Adelnl • n. e11t1 in. MllMll..,.... c:ontrtt.., ·••7" Plrflllora Tiiie 8l1ternent •11 11tec1 wn11 the It ~ Oii Oii .......... (M let. Ii') to WITNIU tff'/ Mncl Ind OfflO!tl .... Countv Clltk ol 0.1"941 ~y on P\lb ... etl Otante C.,..I JO. ... ~ ~· •t 11°" .lillla I . Will!IMOn 9'ptem!Mlf ts, tN2 o.&~ fUoc., 0ci UJ. l'I U ,,_,. • t1t0t llMdl ""'9 .. ~.., Acct. No. O~•f ,,.,.., l... . ' ' ' "'lllll1n.d Ottn .. CoHI 011ly llldl Nf4t. 'ubi1111ed Ot1n1e Co••t Dally 'ubt11Md Ottno• COtal Otllty .., 4 ...... •<1 AiM °'' 2, t, tt. n. tM2 Put>lltfleld dttno• Co11t 011tr ,llOt, 0c1 t. t.. tt. U 1~ 'tlol he>• 28. Oc1 ). t 11 tttil ..v• .... • T'""' •tu.a Plot. OC1 ti. 1"2 •'61.-2 ~""I~ •:~12 • -.. 011111gu Coo11 DAILY PILOT /SuturOuy. Octobu1 16, 198i Bl I IAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGEi: Brass quartet plans concert at college 'fHt-: NEWl'O lt T BHASS QUUl'll!I Will pluy l>l'll'\'\1111\i. fr,..lll G a b r 1 t• I 1 • I\ u L' h . M o 1. 11 r t Sch umunn 111HI I l 111dc•1111th al .1 7:30 p m Sunday l'lllll't•l't 111 Foundc•rs I l.111 at Chr 1:.1 C11ll"g" (rVllll' T ll E HEV LJH Jt-:HHY TANKEHSLEY. pa:-.t111 1d Commun 1 t y Pres by t 1·r1,111 • Churl'h. Laguna &'al'h, and '\ht• Rc•v Craig Williams, assistant pastor, :irtl ll•adang discussions al a Wl'l'kt•nd rt•tn.'a I for ma 11• members ol llw l'ungn'gauun. Thl' rL•tre;11 1s l,_ng hd<l thruugh Sunday at Tlw Laghthousl' n'-•ar Big &•ar Lakt• • "l'M ALL I NEED." ;1 pl.1y written bv (;rrrnv Mall•, will bt• perfurnw<l Salur~lay am! SundJ~ and Ot·t 2:J .:H .... at t'hurd1 of Religious &wm•(.• of Hun1111gton Beal'h Curt.am t'a('h day is 8 pm. Tickets an' $5. The cungn·gallon m eets 111 suite• -1 5 a t SC'at'lrff Village. 222:.l Main St. NEW MEMBEHS wall be recogmwd at tlw 10 a.m. Sunday servic'<' of Community Church IJ~· the Bav. 148 E :.!:.!nd .St . Costa Mesa . THE HEV AHTHUl~ PEDERSEN, new pastor <it Church by the Sl•a. 715 Lakt· St . Huntington &•al'h, will spt>ak a t 10 a.m . Lind 6 p.1n. Sunday. S PENCEH LEWIS o f Cosrn M esa will chair the Saturday program of a special meeting o f Jehovah's Witnesses Oct. 23-2.J an Escondido Lewis will also speak on Saturdav and SundLiy l '11111<11·..ia11111111 f1 llm l '11s1.1 M1"1a, ll u11t1111.(1t\11 llc· ... t·h , F11u11t111 11 Valh·v aml T11:.t111 will atlt•11d t'OlJN'l'HY FAIH. t1 l;~1tli.1r .tlld l'h1 i'llllJ' hllllll'l\11', IS ,dwdu h-d r 111111 !I .1 Ill lo :1 I' 111 Ott :!:I .11 Hl'dc•1•1H1•1 Lutlwiun t'hull'h, Iii:!!> L Spa angdul1· St. ll~1111gton Bt·Jl'h RELIGIOUS · NOTES UNITY IS llOLUINL,; 11s l11·s1 M'J Vlll'' 1n Hunungtun Bc•ad1 \\1th thl• nollUl·nu11un.1t1ul\ul n1ngrL•g.1l11111 nH·t•t111g 1•.ll h Sund <1 v ;1 t I I a m 1 n 1 h 1• (.'cm1111u1)1ty Hoom of Pr11gn·~'1v1• S,1\'111g:-. .111d Lt1a11, I ti!HlU &•.1d1 Blvd THE NEIGHBOHll OOD l'llUHC ll Quartl't will smg al fl µ m S u n d et y a t T h t· NL·1gh1Jurhuod Congrcgauonal Churt'h, St Ann'i. and Glt·nm.•yrl' l>tn'<•ts, Laguna &·al·h . Membt•n. of thL• quilrtl·t arl' Jan AIC'XandL•r. suprano. Judy Arnwr. t'Ontrallo. Lindsay K<irg. tenor. and Carvc·r Cuss1.•v, bar.ton1.• t\ BAZAAH AND HU l\I MACE salt· 1s sclwdult·d from 9 am lu •l µ,m S:iturda:.· (kt :!:3 al All S a 1 n h A n g I 1 t· a n E p 1 s 1· o µ ;.1 I l'hun:h . 18081 Bushard St , Fc.1unt.11n Valll·Y-Chrbtm.i-. girt 1le'ms. bakc.·d g oocb and o tht•1 food wall Ix• among 1tl•ms o fflon'<.l l\lun· rnfornl<lllon 1s a~alJhll· b~" a ·ll·phun111g 54Y-l09!l l>oug Smith Rams center speaker at breakfast Doug Smi'lh. ll'lllt·r fur tht· ;.t11k1ng Los Angl·lt·s Rams loutball tl·am. will ::iJ.>l•ak at a 9 • .1 m brl•akfast Saturday Ck·t. 23 at South Short:s &1pt1st Churt:h 1n Laguna N1guL·l. Smith, w ho lives an Lagun a l111ls, will talk of his experiences on tht· football field and as a Chrasti~m He was tht• regular · "tarting centl•r on t h is year 's H.rn1 s tt•am before a -s trike by .playcr-i. 111 the National Football Lt·ague curtaak'CI play Smith. a graduatL· of Bowling Gn•t•n Statc University in Ohio. has also playt•d both guard pos1t1uns and right tal'klL• for the R<1ms The bn•aklast 1s o pt•n to all males of any age 1'1l'kets at $1.50 c.•ach may b<' pun·hasl'd at the door The church 1s located at 32712 Crown Valley Pa rkway. JUSt northeast of Pal'1fic Coast llighway Father forms cult fighters C H ULA VISTA (AP) "It's Juin llkl• huvtng a son m1blllll8 111 ut•tat>n 1r1 V1t•tnum," suad Joe Sutera. fou nder of u cult l11format1on wntt•r who hll.-tr\'t 8l'\.'n lrn1 J uui(hll'r an eight Yl'lffb "I've spt•nt thousunds of dollut"S, anc.J chWi('<.I &round this <.'ountry," 1>1.11<.J Suu.•ru. 6J. "I've..· p1ckN«I and gotk•n 111111 11.chL.,., h1rt.'<J dc•tcot·t1vt•s und truc.'<.>d her for yt•unc " EPllCOPAL CHURCH l Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. Tuetday 7 a m. Wednesdays 9.30 11.m. The Rt1verot1d John Ro(}ers Davis, R.ctor > 3233 Pacific View Drive 714/M4-04U' Corona del Mar 92125 .. ''Couort with the /ollowera of all rellglona with /rfendlme.." .•: ,._.,. ...... $¥,.q "'"'~ the Baha'i Faith• ·:. For lnformotlon Call: •' 556-2549 Suteru foum.Jt.od tht· first t'hl.1pll'r <>f Citizens Fr•eedom Jo'oundullon alun~ with llill llumbur, when their daughll·r11 w1•1'l' rt'(.'rulll'<I hy rl'11giou11 groups in high sdwol 14 Yl'Uri. ago. "At fu st we got laughed a t by people whu thought 11wru,11nposs1bll• lo get I-::=========-..,.....--------_...._ bramwash<.·d," suid Sutl·r<:1. "I fr<•I lik1· we've been abll' lo i;how th<' othN SIUC or llU' ('tllll .. CFJo~ nuw has 50 l'hapu•r::i IHJllu11w1dc and Its h eadquarters arc• in Albciny. N Y It lx•gan as a self-help group fur parents wholll' children had joined rc lagwus groups which rc.-qu1rc..· sc..·parnllon of the convcrL'> from thc..•ar fam1lac>S. All1~aled wllh Divine Sc11mce COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE BAY where an atmosphere ot love 1ov and treedom prevails rn which each pe1son can feel S<1le 10 Ile h1m~ell and develop his own divine potenllal II you are se.ekmfJ a church lamrlv like this welcome h0me1 Sunday Ctlebratlon ol life I Speakers Wortashops I Cluses I Book Shop Youth Gtoup I Nurnry Care tr' Hollstlc Heallh Center SUND A VS AT 10 A.M. "RELEASING RHENTMENT" 7 P.M. REV. PEGGY eAS8ETI, QUEST SPEAKER 645-7650 Dr. Fred Davie 148 EAST 2211) STREET/COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. «iiOl IWCll SClcn AUOllOlllUll s.i OCT. 30 'll •• Corono d<ol Mar H1g~ School. 2101 Ea•tbluff Or., Corona del Mar "A §hot 01 Spiritual Ad~nalln" Tim Timmon ,, peaking . ·I :· l The •' . Scandalized . . .. .. IVcybe you lrke me . ... idea mor we ore oll : l brorhe~ ond ~re~ .·. 1n Olrrsr We 100 . . wonr ro offrrm rhe onenes.s of us oil rn Omsr We welcome . .. . you 10 our Woohrp . SeMces . ' LUTHERAN CHURCH : ! OF THE MASTER ; : 2900 Pac1f1c View Drive : · :corona del Mar. CA 92625: Bible Studt 9 00 ' m Sund i t School ~ I~ ' m Wo•Sh•O Sfh•te I 0 30 ' m • ' . . . ........................ Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~-C-H_R_l_S_T-IA-N~S-C-IE_N_C~E~~-i . pt I New ThouQ'ti1 CN11t1en f f'-ngeif•tt NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service & Junior Church 15th & trvtne. Newport Beech 1st CtUCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Membtf Churth United Church of Rt111oous SGoence CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00· A.M. · ' Sunday School-Child Core : ~ '"' How Alive Are You? - h¥. Judy Oole "Diol-An-ln1pirot1on" -76()..0504 1011 Camelback, N.wpon Beach (eff Jomi-.. hod) Mut k 1>wectet • Morie fn9f11h 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Eplecopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Preyer • 1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Th• Rev. Jamee Hoftfeld -532·2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA Bay SttMI et Orenge AY9nU9 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist l 0:00 Sunday School Nursery Care the Aev. Conred Hot'dqulet, Vlur 541-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach l:OO A.II . ..,_,., lloM. Hoty C~munlotl t:OO A.II. Chructt lchoof •'"9 Adult lducetlotl 10:00 A.II. ,.,.. hndeJ, Pfer-llooea HotJ Communton lvftdep tfter•fter, HofJ luoertet, ftlte II HO a 10:00 A.II. Nunery Cf•• CHARllllATIC MAia ,.,.. lvndeyof the Moftttt -71GO , .... r..-, -10:00 ~r Holy luetwtet ...... hntoe Wttft UJlnt Oft Of Heftd9 The""· ....... '· Aehler .. ....., -flMM 171-0210. Ac~ .. ,._ IHllM*.tC_.....,... 1~ Bushard, Fountoin Volley ~1 11¥, S,.._. W. ,..._, llCTCM • HO&, Y COt • tUMIOM •••••.•••••••••••••••••••• e:ff A.M. ,MOI .... NA YIR.CHUICH SCMOOl •••••••• t:l I A.M. MOI._ NAYotl & S•MOM • • • • • . • • . • . • • I t :Ot A.M. . . Freedom of Worship An American Choice a CHURCHES BAAHCHES Of THE MOTKEA CHVACtt. THE FIRST CHURCH Of CHRIST ICIENTIST IN ISOSTON, MAS5Aet4VSETTS "Doctrine of Atonement" Sunday, October 17, 1982 Cotta Mm -Ftret etturch -of Chrlet, Sclentlet .. 2UO M ... Verde Dr .. Coeu Mffa ~ • Churcfl & lundey lchool -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, 2llO,.... Vefde Or. I A.M.-t:IO P.M. Mon. thru lat. Wed. 7-7:SO P.M. -1-t:aO P.M. lrvlne -Flret Church of Chrlet, Sclentl•t Rencho Ian Joequln lntermed .. te School ~ 4"1 MlchHteon ( .... r Vele) Church & lundey lchool -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room, 4330 Berrence PkwJ •• Suite 145 81onehur•t Pleu 10 A.M. -4 P.M. TUH. lhru Set. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thuredey Cn.ld Cert Su.,Oty & Wedn..Oay Huntington Beach -Flret Church of Chrlet, Sclent11t Ith a Oltve, Huntl~eech Church a lundey -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -221 MM\ It. Newport Beach -Flret Church of Chrlet, Sclentlet 3303 VI• Lido, Newport Beech Church a lundey School -11:00 a 10::MI A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thru Set. -II A.M.-5 P.M. TUH. -7.9 P.M. (;">Id c ... P1o••<M<I lU<tOOIYI ~ 30.'' 30 AM CO< Study Tl""I ' Newport Beach -Second Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat S100 P9Clflc View Df., COf'OM del M8f Chwcft .. auftdey kftool -10:00 A.M. RNdtng Room -3llOO "9" E. Coeet Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - 8 P.M. ALL CHURCHES AH are c;ord•ally 1n1111eo 10 allend the churctl l«VICH and enlOY the pr1v1teges 01 lhe Reading Room• Child Cara Provtdeo At ALL SERVICES ~-- Chfld C9'9 P~lded AT ALL NRVICll HRICfT LUT AN HUR (Mlaaourt Synod) 1tO Ylctofle at.. C-ta ..... Lofft« Y. Tomow, PMI«'-•1·1t11 Bruce Jffke, Pator WOtt8HW HAVICa -1:11 a 11:00 A.II. lundey aoNot t Adult ... C .... -NO UI. Chfiatletl 1'"'9n'8rJ IClhoof -....... '-------~~~~~~-~---~-' NEWPORT HARBOR lUTtDM CtUCH 711 Doyer.Dr. •WPORT MACH M14111 .....,., . ..,..,....., Chor .. A. Mp, Peeter . WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:16 A.M. WOR~HIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. } ..-..n CAiia AYA&.Aa.I WELCOMI SERMON TOPIC: Oct. 17 9:00 & 10:30 A.M . "Or11ti11 Your Own R11llty" CUCH OF RELIGIOUS SCDCE Member Of the United Ctlurch of A1K .. cue ~ UACU,F VtUAOE SUITE 41, 2J2S MAIN STMIT HUNTINOTOH HACH, CA ..... Adllfte • Jr. ChUrctl '°' lnfOtmatlOn 10 & 10:30 IM-11IO, SM-I,. A CORDIAL WELC• FROM Tt£ UNITED CtUCH OF C .. IST COllllJNITY CtUCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 HlloCrOpe Ave. Corona del Met '44-7400 DonMd W. Kutz, Mlni.ter 10 A.II. -hndey Wonhtp OVdl ~ -........, Cate NEJGtalRHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtUCH )40 St. ........ .. """""· ltl'N e..oa 494·8061 .... II. ll[naJ)S llWtQM(T .... ll[naJ)S ....... 10 Ul. -s..., ... a.di Sdletl & ,...,, HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH · (Dlec;lpM of Chttet) 2401 lrvlne et a.tile tubet M1o-1711 Mor nil& WGr$hip 10 AM Y Smclay School 9 AM Qef'9 aweneoft, • Mlnleter ·Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN HURCH hetMuft Dr .• JemborM, Newpon 9Mctt ""· _...., McOuold ""· TOftJ Wolfe Peetor ANOCteffl PMtor Rodger Whitten, Muaic OirectOf' Church School & Adult C l ..... -9:00 a.m. Wor9hlP S«vlce -10:00 a.m. ' NurMrJ C81'e •I Both Hour• -FOf' Info: Cell 144-1'41 A Cordlal Welcome from Th• UNITED METHODIST CHU CH Coet• M..a FIRIT UNmD METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. l Harbor Blvd. CfMlrotl lcMot •.JO .......... Chat1M D. ewtl. Mlnleter Coeta M ... North MllA.YeROI UNITeO MITH0018T CHURCH WonNp a~ IClhoof t:tl·1MOA.M. Dr .............. CHRllT CHURCH Huntington 8Mch FIRST UNIT!D MltifoOllT CHURCH 2721 17th St. 53$-3537 Wor9Mp hntoe •11 Lift. __,C:..AI ..... Churctl loMol-1111 a.nt. 'Huntington 8Mch North COMMUNrTY UNl'TKD METHODIST CHURCH 8662 Helt Ave. &42-44t 1 WOl"llttp hntoe t:t0•101111 e:ao......., ........ BY THI l•A Founteln v_,., 1400~E'BIYd· ~ Ml.r:~.~"g'.J..CH , Rev. Robett SMperd Jr. 11225 8uehard St. w..-.aclMnhlclhoel ...__ 1111 A.II. Or. carrott E. Word, Mlnleter Wlc9J IPN'....... Wonttlp a C ................ .,., c.. t:JI A.II • 1111 AJIA ,.... A..,,_ .... ..,.. NaWPORT C•NTaR UNl'TaD MnHODllT •1-1u1rn.A-.C.W_,.._ "'4-0741 • Worahlp 6 Church School -9:30 A.M. . Rev. Ken McMut.n YouWllt .. WeloolMCI -~r CHR18TIAN CHURCH .................. "" ... " ...... 8UllDAY1 CIUlll Wa tWA.11. _...., ............ ,..... , .::. =. A-.. y .... ot:..-u. ·=-"' ...... .... ,..._ T.W. °'*'91\, 0.0. ......... a'" ...... on.••TW .... ,.,_ T.W. CM1te11. 0.. ..._ & T• ...... ~A..ohO'nOM --1111 ~ -• 1111 ............ cewllt .... _.. ' . ' I :"\ This Sunday Worship In \. l.JST. ANDREW'S PR~SBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrew. Road • Newpor1 BMch • 831·2880 • Or ..... c: --"-#~ P9W'" Worship Servlces-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM >-.. ,rierittn hr l -tltrittin-t•••Hity'' Or. Joh" A. Huffman, preoching PROGRAMS 7:30 a m -lnlen1s Thru Klnde~arten. Child Cere 8:45 • m -. Intents Thru Adult lasMt 10:15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Orad41..& Adult Clauee ABC Hetpllne-Ml-2222 - - Community Prnbyterlen Church 411 For•t Ave., LAt'.JM 9Mctt 4M-7111 Rev. Arthur J. Tankersley Rev. Craig Wtlltame · Christian Education 9:00-10:00 A.M Worship -10: 15 A.M. . NURSERY CARE PROVIOEO OUR1NG SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN C.UCH OF M COVENANT -,..,.... M.. Coeta ...... -117-IMO 8rue. A. Kun'te, Peeter Terry McCanne, Director of Youth Mlnl•tl• Howard Kltllon, Director of Adult Mlnletrlee Don Maddox. Director of Stnglee Mlnl1trlee lundep Wonhtp -l:aG a 10:00 A.M. Cllurch lohool -Chftdren t1W'u AduHa 10:00 A.M. Hur...-, care evelteble -l:aG a 10:00 A.M. y...,.,_ -7:00 PJrL CHURCH OF CHRIST ., w. Wleofl, CoMa ...... ~111 We're A Going -Olowtng -Growing Church aUNDAY IUMCe8 .._. aTUDY I A.M. WOAllW 10 A.II. & I P.11. 10 A.M. -''Are You Entr&etic Or QWet7" 6 P .M. -"Siem And Wonden" PN ThofMe, Mlftlee. -Doua CclM, Youth Mtntee. *TEMPLE-sHARO _ · (Caneervat"'9> P,...ktlool -Hebtft I Sundey SchOol Ber/Mltl*I Tr.inlno Youtl\mSllt«hood leMoll:,., I 1:15 p,m. \ Set. t :1 e.m. Bun. 1:30 a.m. 111 ................. Coeta ..... ., ... ) ...... llal.D ..... ,..a ftlol .-.-W.·ll:JI .... Femty 1er*--11t ,~ Of Month -7:IO .. .. _~ lcNol, Mult Id.. 't'outt\ Gfoupe, ...... \ 1011 c.n.1•1111, Nea,.rt .__c .. 11 • w) I ..... a... ....... ,.... ..... ,, .............. ., , . . • . : • ltl I Getting the ir kic ks T he Ro<·keth•s, whost• ho m t.' baM·'is in Had io (:it y Musi<' H ull in New York <:i1y. •Janct.•tl in Los Angd t's rece ntly to p review t'ht' West Coast premiere of Radio City Music Ha ll's HMagnificenl Ch ristmas Spectat·ular" schcduleJ to r un i n Los Angl'les du rin~ November a n d Dt·t·t·mbt•r . "' Ed takes the lead by def a ult Thr('(' of last Wl't'k'~ top four tnv1add1l"ls wt·rc among the miss ing this time around. so Ed Schmerler vaulted 1nlo a commanding le ad by default with his 10 t•orrc'(:l answers. This 1s the ltghll·~l s howing Yl't for a ·Tnv1a Bowl. and 1t may be that the inten-sl just isn't there any more. Pitv. since this 1s the ninth anmversary T Hl\'I.\ BO" L \\\Ill ST \'\l>l '\C;'°' 1 E.o Sct1merler ( 101 2 'The Group (5'>1 3 O•er the Holl Gang t91 • 'Tile Behr FBG15 (5) 'Sflalom 151 21 16'• 16 15 15 5 Clarence ClapUdOI(' Ill 14 6 Rocio. Warne< (Sl e 7 Nancy Ptoor tSI :. ·no erotry rece.-e<1 hall 01 1as1 score awarOe<I of the column that sl<lrted tt all. W1.,.·11 sc-t' what h a ppe ns be tw een no w a nd 0~.'('£.'ffibN before deciding if we should 1.·all 1t a career Incidentally. Marty Fuchs' phone nurnbl·r for the Oct. 29 tnv1a party was typoed la<;t we<'k. It's 892-0511: call ham 1f you can a ttend HerC''s the third round of Tm:1a Bowl XXVIII. I. Dolc1res Loehr monkeyed around with her namt• until shC' came up wllh what? 2. Name the Phantom's love tntt•rc•st m the· comae stnp. J. The words "Wt• now return m ntrol of your televis10n set to you" WC'rc heard t•ach wec•k on what TV show? -I What. acc-ordmg to the TV ads. wa:. thl' 1·ure for "tired blood?" 5. The movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" was set in what town? COSTA MfSA (C)w;,ods 8t1SIOI 5•0 , ... COSTA MCSA fdwards Conem~ c~n1e1 919 • ,. , fl TOllO Eo .. aro, S<ldc!lttl.)C> S81 S880 FOUllTAlll UlLEY 111"11£ Eow~oos Fam111 1 won WoodlltoOQe Cinema 962 12•8 551 06S5 GO~ ACU!.!_10 'Oil fNtlo llltOAOlMtlllt I COSTA Mlll U TOllO OllAllCll SAWTA Fl i'lllllClS (0•1'0\ B<•i!OI £01 .. td\ S-.,)0<, ~ 6J• 7SS) <.A() , ., • ...,. p. ,, • S•O ,... sa1 suo WUTMlllSTlll ~1) JOU tollA •ts.t llllSS1Dll YllJO U~ 11~ WUTlllllSTUI fG•1•0\ E~d'°' 11 "ol)t\ au os•6 P11< « 'H ""~· 19 ~~· ~:r6~0 rmm:--~ ... °'"""•" 3693 ..... _.lll<~tU_,, ___ .. 0.-AJIGI ~ Ot1otf ltl 6J9 8770 Everyone has nightmares about the ugliest way to die. TRIVIA BY T.T. tl Mu:key Hoom•y attt•l\dlod H1verwood H igh School in what movll'? 7 Only one NF'L tl•tim has had a wanning Sl·asnn in t>ach of 'thl• last 10 yC'ars. Namt· tl. H Thl' Countt•ss dt• Lagt• shnw~ up tn what stuijt• rnmt-dy'! 9 ln the movu.' "All tht• Marbll's." 1cll•nt1fy (a) Pt•Ll'r Falk's auto ltl'eOSC' ffil'ssagc and lbl tht-home tot\111 of thl' duo thC' Dolls dethrom-d 10 When tht· planl's wrocd an un the fish, the ll'ad1.•n. had their fall' t:Ul uut for thl•m 111 what \ Last Week 's Ans wers I Buddy Hackc•tt (naml' <:hangt') 2 Funk y Wmkcrlx•an ( Montont's P1z.Z<1 I :3 The Tw1l1ghl Zmw (shadow and suhstann:) .J USS Ward (Pearl Ha rbor ship) 5 Mong Kut ("Kang and I" monarch) ti "F1Vl' Salte-cl Pc•anurs" (song lv1l·) 7 Steve Garvey (best pustsl'asori avl·rag<') 8 "G ypsy" (Tcss1t' Tura) 9. (a) Jawytr. (b)·Bartholmt•w r·Lnnl' Rangl'r") JO "from Herc to Ett;>rnity" (mov1(• nddlc) <Send your answers 10 TRIVIA. co lhe Daily P1/01. &x 1560, Costa Mesa 92626 All t'nlrlt'S musr be rl'ce1 ved by W ednl'sday. o lht•rw1st• half the play~r·s last sc:ore will be awarded) Cali 642-5678. Put a lew word& to work for ou . ThE SWORb A.r~ SORCERER ~· . -. SUm>9MICK Md:LELLMD· JAMES P. HAYD£M ·MARY GAIL ARTZ & TDM DRURY" ,,.,.. ... • WE BfOW =:..,HEMRY Zl~MM w.4M,., tlKIMGSLEY THURBER ~~...=: .. GARTH ELIASSEN "Rf:.=~-} :=:,fy JAMES BRYAN "'"0,..,"' SEYt.oJR MAO£, A.5SOOATES .... """ ... ,...._ .. j ............ , ••1• •• • w•r111, ••n•r•ua •ntl •lt"•Un• t•I• an• I r••••••n• H •e anyene." CHAlllil t' (HAHP'lfH. L 4 fl ... U Exclusive Engagement NOW SHOWING UA CINEMA COSTA MESA • 7141540·0594 "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -..,..,.,,, \.or NC&:.RN. C><'d IM"• 1'1 "' "WArt Hl:SS" i~ totally off thl' wc1ll ... fril'1ully and playful ." "'''" h • I/\ l\'N lf< I \' ,_ •-C.A'Q!lllA•I -"-'''" _ •• ._.... .. o•o •..,...., ·--.., -C.T'l\I'°" M •-~ ..._.., wu •"••It• 111 Oil\ _ • .,~,.._, .. -,,."' ,._..,l,o.,, • .., ....... _.n'4N 1.s-co.c. ... _ . .._ ..... -....... _....,_ ... -~. ·~ ··- 12TH SMASH WEEK! ISN'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 22 MILLION PEOPLE .. J HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? 81111 lllWPOlll BIACH OlllllOl Wfl IMllllllll M,mo U1tt.1 1•141., t dwdrd N,.,,.,.,o c •·•·H , l••ttdt~lf ''IC .f.c tt. W4( )9 ~?11 ~JJ'I bU 0/f,IJ td • 1~~J I~•• ~·11 JL93 MllllOll WllJO WlllMlllSHll I ON••O· V•t l'J .... r llJO 1>9'111 lowi•rl t' '", ~" • k~I 19 n ..C..Uu.t'a fl ,.ll&ft l 111 .. , ... ,..~~¥t llft -... -· lfllOIUllO rllM c:amc * U OF SNAP AND WIT fJa .. 1JA.J ,.,, Ht~'wtffl lllU U TIMID MUllTINGTOll BUCH OllAllGl Conecome 634 2~~1 UA Movies £aw.ires SadOlelld<.k I dwaro~ Hun11n91on Cinema 990 402? ~81 ~880 8•8 0388 COSTA MISA ~dwaros lA HABRA Sou1n Coas1 Plata !>46 U 11 AMC: 1 a<,h>0n '..Q••••e &9: O!t JJ I "O PA$SCS •CCLP!lO rOA IHI~ l "GAClEMlWI • BAROAIH MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlo1m1nces before 5:00 PM IEicept Spec1Jl Eng1gemen1s and HohOays) •TH( LAIT AlllllUCAH VIROIN" ,...... \• "'AIT TIMIEI AT lllOOIMONT HIOH" 1•1 ,., ....... a"WAITRESS" ''" ,,. . ._,, ..... "IOUflEZE PLAY" o•J 'Ul t. ........ "T'Hf IWORD ANO n1c IOflCEMll" ,., ,,._. ...... ••OflAOONILAYIR" rP01 1::&••-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAUHN "AH OH ICIER AHO A OINTU MAN ' 101 ,,..... ,_. .-...... ,.. "THE CHOSEN" 1-01 U .. 'IAI .... •U •U ..... CHHCH ~CHONG Tlll1'U- COMM>" ' ·~· ... '°"'°" ·-" 0.-.1111 !• , ... I -.C.I CM'f_ .... (•I It& t JI I lll•f ~ lllll• .. ,.,. f oculfy ot Conol'e•oo;'~ 213/531·9510 "PINK FU>YD: THE WALL"l ,., "THE IWORO ANO THI SOllCElllR" 101 ,,.._ ... ,. .. 11 >0. 1.n . '*· • o . 1 so. 10 ss --•JEKYLL I HYOE T~RAOAIW'T"T ., ... _. •-"' ··THIE l AIT AMERICAN V\11011' , ..... 1ilt.:l!t , •• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK IN Foculfv Al O.. 4mo 21J/6M·t_~ "T>tl 811T UTTLf WHO«IEHOUH IN TEX4 $ ,o, , ...... ··lOOICIN' TO GET ourr· 101 ltL P .. ORAGONSLAY(R" 1001 ,l,. '" •• -'=.gr~"' _Y,Jll-TIEVUR >n .... "THE CHOSEN" 1-01 .• ·-.. , ..... ., .. OQN T 00 IN THl '1110008 1•1 ~-,,, .• THE HILLS HAVE fYEI" 00 1 >nr,.n• PAC1r1c IH(AIAU OAIVf.IN SWA, lol!ITS 1Hlf1C• '°". lllC•t l't•D 11111( GI• ., ANAH[IM OAIV(·IN HAAIOA I LVO OAIVI IN & OAANCC D•1vl IN I Uf •O J ,. tUV•O&f 6 SUlllOl t ll U PlU tltC. IVfllO"I at •lll&MllM I U DIUW It• Olloct 0,.... 0.., I OI J 111 -\lMh I 0 • '" IMPOllTAllT llOTIC(' CHllOIUll UllOlR 12 flllf' -... 11 ..... 1t10lfi<tO.-D ... UOoM ~-·'IW".-tMUOCIO 'IW"SIU«Ea , .., .. u.o-"'""-llCUUOlll---.. ~··touClllt-ll_&JI ...... _ A.,..Atti•tr..t ANAHEIM DRIVE IN h •••OY t1 01 le"'°n Sf 179•9HO ~ ' c-....c:a a c......,. .....,...~,.....,._u~ ,,., 1 ,....._, • c._..., ...,... 0r..... t•J , c...... • c ............... , ~ ,., (.Miii: ft '°""'° 8 u l ... A P&U• BUENA PARK OlllV! IN ll"C!6ltl •••••• ,Of l f't-0" 121-4070 IUI ...... PU 1'1 LINCOLN DRIVE IN l•ftCoi-. ••• •••' OI •,.o" 121·40 70 •nu.,,.1A1~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN Jofll 0t990 •rwv ot .,oott:i,...,,t (lo~ t62·2'11 •Ml °"1CIJI AMO A CMlfTl.IMAN" P'I ...... .-.ca• 0.00\CY f"l Crtot fl- ·~'T oo !fl THI wooor 1•1 ...... •THa Hit.LI KAV9 l\'11" ,., c•"- .. ·•"""" LA HABRA [1~1~1 IN .......... ...,_ ........... 17MIH ~ . •, "AMITYVllLE 11 TMI l'OllfSllOH '"' I""'' ··THE SLUMBER PAllTY MASSACRE" 1•1 Cfl<t fl- "E.T., IH I THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL" •\U\ • OA4QON&LAYEll" ,,..., THE SWOAO ANO THE SORClllEll •o ~u• ··ScANHEllS • • WAITlllll1" 1•1 •u» "SOUUZE PLAY' ••> t c ....... c ....... '"""°' 4M tQUGM A\l 0'11• f"t I t..._-..~. -C:I O.UU tA) > ,......,.,. a C.,... • "'''WO•# 4•\ Cl<tf '1 SOUttO •THI IWOllO ANO Tiit IOlllCfllfR-1•1 ..... "9CA-111"""1 OllANGE DWIVI IN IOf'l.-0 Al\O •tWr ...... c ...... 134-1311 I~ ~<::.rn."! . .. MISSION [)01VI IN .. .~ . WflRNfl,l I "'"' I~ ------,.,,.,~ ., .. 8WOflO ANO .., .... TMI 90RCIMI!" flll ..... .. ICA-lll"tt" , .. _ .... ,. .. ~·-_,_ __ . ..~--~ Stt•vt'. Larry and Rudy Gatlin popula r on lour -Roger Ebert. CHICAGO SUN·TIMES LUXUllY THHITllES ht Twt Matintt Show in1tsONLYS2.~Unltn0thtrwiseNettd s 113t.Uer•l11tlil61'1 '2553/~~,) FOR FUOI EX<lTEffiEnTI V.1s1tOur... ..A-* ,11:100•1li'I®Iw~u:mP1• }o( THE 'LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN {;) u~~: ~~1fi:;l Ull - JEKYLL U HYDE l.!'J ... to1ether a1aln Al 12:35 4:J_~ 7:50( "'t'' T~'J'i~Jb '\';wmin f:W' AM llYVI LLE um J,u . ,,,, Fl•IFOX l•I 12, )0 . ,,o, .• ,,, Oriv ... tns Open 7: 15 WHknighu/7:00 WHkends Children UAderl2 fret Unless Noted LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES We are locked out because we retused to lose more tnan hall of our 1obs and thereby double lhe work load of lhose remaining. We ha.ve worked In United Artists theatres since lhey opened. Each proieclionlst works mulllple sets of equipment He ts responsible tor sound and picture In several auditoriums at once This has increased the actual amount of physical work and vastly increased our responslblllty From Its inception. we have cooperated with the use o f automated equ1J:,'ment WE HAVE WILLINGLY INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY. Before automation, one pro1ecllonls1 was used to pro1ect one picture for one auditorium. Now. under our last contract. one projectionist prepares, operates and supervises equipment and him for as many as lour, sh<. and even eight auditoriums at once. . We believe that there should be a llmll to how many robs rhat workers and the community should lose to automation. We think workers and the community, as well as the employers. have a right lo gain through the benefits of automation United Artists Communications Is a many multf-milllon dollar corporation They make handsome profits from theater operations. There ls no economic nMd to eliminate Jobe. Robert Naify wants 10 Increase hts profits by ellmlnallng our jobs. He does not intend to reduce the price ol your movie llcket. Mr. Natty refused to negotiate on any of the Union's proposals The company stood pat on Its original ultimatums. It offered only 25c per hour tor double or triple the work load, at the same time elimlnaong 50-75% ol our jobs. Those of us who lose our jobs wlll not be able to support our families. The community loses the salaries we earn and spend in the community. II your employer follows Mr. Nalfy"s example, where wtll your job be? How will you support your family? With higher unemployment and fewer salaries to spend, our area economy 1s bound to sutler. We were willing to continue to negotiate, but Mr Nally dictatorially and arrogantly locked us out PleaH don't go Into •nJ United Arlleta theatre enywhere.By so doing, you will help us get our lobs back. PROJECTIONISTS LOCAL 504 -ORANGE COUNTY International alllance of theatrical atage employeea and moving picture machine operators Afofl-CIO. European Travel Fair A,re you thinking , of a trip to Europe? Check out the bargains and information available in the special section in Style . Sunday, October 17 t • .... D1ily Pilat • I Gatlins branching out some Popular country g roup g ra,/11111/y chungi11# outlook Uy JOI!: eOWARr>S AHoclet~ Pren W•ll•• NAS H VILLE, T(•11n. If you'r~ u Cull111 that mN1ns you sinj( l ;athn m lllil{' rtj(ht? W••IJ, may Ix" EvN :.o slightly. the Gutltn brollwl':. h.JVL' bac·k<·<l off lhl•lr polll)' or ix·rformm g unly <:;ut1111- Wrttten music. Usually a l a Gatlin <:onc<.'rt, onl' cloc·1m't h1·ar them smgln~ K E'nny Rogers' '"J'h1· Gamble r," Ronr;i11• Milsap i.. "An y Uay Now·· ur A labumu's "T&k<' Me Down." How1•ver, the Gatlins Larry. St(•V1· and )ludy llrl' working On Ull alburo uf lracJ1t1<111al Christm11~ mus1~h al lc.•ast one orig inal song w rillllll by sonwonc other lhan Larry Gatlin. "We'll com(• lO a time when wt· h11vc lo makL· a Ul'1:1:.ion about Whl'tlwr W t.' ~u .C>ISt·whL're for our music-." says Larry Gatlin . "I n·~rv(' the nght lo chan~w m y mind. but I still t'<rnnot s1'(~ us doing 11. People al the com:erts still wunl lo hC'ar out music "I love thl' Oak Ridge Boys, but I'm n ut going to go sing 'Elvira' l'Vcry night," he S<Atd. So that means he and his brothers sttll will bt- l~ SWOHt> 'r~ SORCERER a! , ... .,.. UTll""-1:JO, - -''DON'T GO lNTOTHE WOODS" 1111 PETER O'TOOLE "MY FAVORITE I TllAClt oot.eY ITE.lllO ··-o< 'LOYO THE WALL" 1111 YEAR" ''01 FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 10:15 FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 6'00 SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:1 1:00, 1:15, 10:15 1:15, 1:15. 10:15 r.... AMl"IWIW n: !!I ~~~~ THE ~ION Fri. 1:45 RIDGEMONT HIGH" '"' FRt. 1:45, 10-.30 S•l/Sun. 1:15, 5:00, l:AS I AT/aUN.3:00,l:AS. 10:30 CLASS OF '84" (RI ..f'_1LUICL10'A5 -~I/Sun. 3:15, 7:00, 10:45 ~~ SAT /SUN. 1:00, 4:A5, 1:30 POLTERGEIST .... ~ AN Ofi'FJCER FRI. 1:20 8AT/8UN. 4:00, 1:00 ~ T.~Of "{Bl .. FRI. 7:15, .,30 FRI. 1:30, 10-.21 SAT/SUN. 12'30, 2'45 8AT/8UN. 2:10, 1:10, 5:00. 7:30, 10:00 (R) F"'. 1:05 (PG) SAT/SUH. 12:45 4:20, 1:05 T.~Ot ~IE) FRI. 1:15, 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2;45 1:15, 10:00 "SPLIT IMAGE" 1111 , ...... htlS-.•M.t:tt "I, THE JURY"1111 -·-,. ... UT/-•:JO. -- ' "JEKYLL a HYDE. 'Ill.-·,.,. (II) UT/-J:IO, ..._ tO!>O The 0 SWORt> "f IYi scmceRen ......... UT/I"" 1ll0 4:JI. &:11 "CLASS "DON'T GO IN THE WOODS'' (Ill '1'1L 7, 10, ·-eAT /--7,10, ,0,IO OF '84" (II) "MY nit IUS FAVORITE au1-. 1:40. "°'· .,,. YEAR" "WAITRESS I" 1 ' 01 I Fri. 1:d , 1:45, 10:30 tll) SAT/SUN. 1:15, 3:00 UT/=...:.=-5:00, 1'ci:4;o 1:45 fA!r f/MrJ AT •tDGlMONT NIGH Fri. 7:15. 10t40 S•t/Sun. 3:45. 7:15, 10:40 (R) .JUYl.LCI H YDE Fn.t:OO 8•1/Sun 2:00. 5:30, t:OO (It) THC E:nu. TE""UTIUAL FRI. 1:00, l:15, 10-.20 UT/aUN. 1:00, 3:30 "'°°· 1:15, 10-.20 (PG) f1 11·u,.,tr1K on '-Udl (;,,1111\ musw a:. "All th1· C11ld In C.iltlurn1J," "I3ruk1•11 Lady," "N1ghtllnit· Ml.l~ll'." "J l>on'l W:inl ln C'r y ," "l'v<' Oom· Enough l>y1ng 'l'oday," "Taki· Mt · to Your Loving l'l<1n.,·• "Tak111g S1111wb11dy W11h M1· Wti1·11 I Fall ," 1.111d 11t01H 1't'<.'t•nlly. "Sht· Uiwd to Srng 1>11 Sumfoy" 'l'hv (;athn~. who have· forrm·d utll' of ('oUntry mus1e'« mui;t s u1'1.·1·;,sf ul !'l1ligrng g1 OUp!t, h f1Vc been un a <'on<.•t.•rt tour with Ko~WI'?> s1m•t.-i.prrng and will c·onllntw to ;1prx·ar with him until fall. "K1·1111y's plav1·d ;, lot of lht.•!'lt' pl&C"l'S bcfott• but 1'111 tuJd W1:'v1• :.old llUI qui1•kc·r 111 many plat't:'S, • '>11 m~1 yb1· wt.·'r•· hold111g up our t•nd ul tht-bargain," Larry Uu•llri '><.lid "'I h·'i. lht• hl'adlirwl' but wt!'rc 1·apcilJI« or lw;1dl111111g l11<1 I think tht.· fans n ·ahw t 111' .v gt•I two good aeL-; J or t lw 11rn·1 · of dill· " Larry (;atlin. :H. d1•v1•l11p1·d tlw 11 ·µuldl111n of li1•111g bni~ ;11id 11u1.:.pokt•n 011n•. whilL• publicly t·r11 1c1:t.1ng hti, fonnt•r l'l'l.'11rd l.ilwl l<ir not sdltng as many of hrs rt.'<.'tJrds ;1s h1· l1•l t 11 l>hnuld heivt', Gathn s;.ud llw 1"11n1µ:.iny "muld11't si•ll w11t1•1 in a dt-.-sert." 16THE BOAT11 (Rl (Formerly "DH Boot") Fri. 7:15, 10:00 S•t/Sun. 1, 4, 7:15, 10.00 ..JEKYLL U HYDE [!l ... 1ese1htt •••ln Fri. 1:45 FRI. 7:15, 10:40 S•llSun 4:25, 1:45 SAT/SUN. 3:50. 7:15, 10:40 "I, THE JURY11 "WAITRESS!" 1111 Fri. 1:30, 10:45 (R) FRI. 9:00 --"S.;:.•t..;../.;:.S.;:.un.;...·...:2;;;;:20;..;.;...' .:..1:.:..30'-''-1..;..0:_45"'-~ SAT /SUN. 2'10, 5:35, 1:00 AMllYVIUE U: -:-~ -._ T.~O• h~ THE PQ&i~ION r... FRI. 1:30, 10:15 'Ill. 1'90 • ... Tt•llfl _.., •«> SAT/SUN. ~50. 1:30. 10:15 "FA.St 1l"'ES ~T "ROCK'( nr '"°' RIDGEJl\ONT HIGH" (II) --FRl4'20----ATl::.'iff'.1..~-SAT/SUN. 1:00. us. 1:20 1_,.lt ... 0_.tiWUATSCAl\ltS 'Yt)l POLTERGEIST ... ~ Fri. 1:05 S•l/Sun. 4:05, 1:05 T.~Ol~m FRI. 1:20, 10:15 S AT/SUN. 2:30, 1:20, 10:15 lllCHOll Fri. 1:15, 10:10 FRI. 1:15 (PG) S•l/Sun. 2:15. 1:15, 10:10 SAT/SUN. 4:20, 1:15 "CLASS Of T1MPE5T rm '84" (R) ~~ -~~~~ ~~. ""· -FRI. 1:10 5":.~~:o::oo SAT /SUN. 3:30, 1:10 ~~~ ·- FRI. 1:15, 10:45 SAT/SUN. 1:30 1:1 10-AS IATJ ....... 1<11.-- 'DON'T GO INTO THE'WOODS" ,..._,.._. IAT/-.11:21.7 .... _ "" -·-(ll'O) ... ,,."" 2-M. l:JO. ·-ll1E Bf.ST UTTLI WllORl:.HOOSE IN TEXAS" (Rl 'llL 1:11 ... T /SUM •,CO, 0-11 POLTERGEIST. ~. "WAITRESS!" 1111 FRI. e:45 SATISUN. 1:30, 5c05, 1:45 "LOOKIN' TO . nu l;U IA l llUN. 4'2$, 1:>0 "ST AR TREK II" GET OUT" ''°' FRI. e:45, 10:25 1:41 ' ••WAITRlllr'-. .. ... ~,, .............. "IQ~PLAY" ,, .. .. IAT .... Mli .. t " - Cl Oran(lb Coaa• !JAIL v PILOT 1sa1ur't1By. October 1'1. 1 98~ Williamsport: ·Glad it's not u.s~ capital 'By LINDA UllFFIELU ••-l•IH "r•H Wrl••• WILLlAMSJ)OH'I'. Md Th 1 s s I l' l' p y I 11 t I l• wt• s t er 11 M aryland tuwn 1Hll'•' wa:,c CQns1<J1•11•J (or th•· n.1l1u11·., capital. But It lost nut tu Wa,:,htngt•m, D C whrd1 Ii:. JU:.l hrw wrth t h e :l,500 fulks who livt• ht•l't' today "They likt• 1l till' wuy 1l 1:. n o w ," sard ~folvin Kuplan, who h a s s p to> n t h 1 s 7 :1 y t' a n. r n Wilhnmsporl "It 1s th1· l'4•st plaw 1n the w orld W1• Ol l' J Vt.·ry h1s torn:-m1111.J<-d plal't' II\ bc..'<-·au~ we fet'I tn this art·a " The C&O Canal P ark S t.•rVl<.'l' is planning to turn a strNch o f the Cht'Sapea k e anc;t O h io tanal at Williamsport 1ntu a mOJor tourist attract1011. According to Vic S tanton of the C&O Canal Park Se·rv1t't'. thl· potential for the area' lx'<:om1ng a major tc urist a ttrat•t1 o n w uu1C1 d epend, 1n large part, . "on how the town woulq want to S<.'11 1t It is' up to 1,he town. what tht.·y want to do." Stanto n s a"id the h1s1or1c: structures on the canal would be restored if fe de ral funds come throu gh, including a n aqul'CIUL't a nd a turning bas in. As for the town, Kaplan said people the re don't mind a few touris ts, but arc against ovl'r- commercialization o f the area · "They are not rntert'~ted in that at all," h e said. "They do n't want W1ll1amspor1 to become a Gettysburg or H arpers Ferry. "W e we!come touris ts, but w e don't want all these various kinds err S"hOJ1S-an"t'llITT5sr> kinds o f thin gs," h e added "W e want them (tourists) to com e and v1s1t and enjoy themselves. and when they h ave had e n ough o f Willia'm spo.rt. they l'an leave with good udings." L ocated along the P o to mac R iver at w h at 1s n o w the intersections of Ro utes 11 and 8 1. the town had its heyday belwt-cn 1850 and 1924 , when the operation o f the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal turned It into a busy river town. The canal ceased opl•rallons following a flood in 1924. but the town a nd its res1donts st1fl bear J\e imprint Of 1'he day When t>arges rilled with coaJ and other products made the 185-mlle trek e tween Cumbe.rJand and th_~ Georgetown area o f W ashington. D.C.. "Th ere is o n e thing abou l Willtamsport." s aid K aplan, who 1s 1Ju•s11kn1 of th1• h11.·1tl t'&U C:rnul C'luh "You don 't to-II W11l1.1msportc•rs whut 111 do Yuu <1Nk 1( tlwy will go .1li>111( w ith yuu ,111tl do th 1 llK" " Th.ii .it11tud1', Ill' !Will. I'> th·· town ',; hcri~gt• I 1 um tht• c'.111.ll w11rk1•1s '"fht• 1Jld ~·Jnal ho;111111•11 w1•Jt.' stro11~ m111ded about l:mtillnl(. und ,1 l<lt t>f pt•u plt• w 1·1 1• d l'Sl'l•ndt•J ft um lhl·s1· b oat f:Jrrnlll's,'' Kaplan said "And th<' JM'lll)lt.• who l.'iUlll' h .. rt• JUSI t'Jllll' from wav bat·k in tht· pr .. £h·volut11i11.iry WJr ti.lys .111d lhl'Y JUSt gn•w UJ..1 Wllh this .. Wllltum .... porters an· r)othm g 1f thl'Y un•n 't 1nd1v1cJuulls11t• Vott.·rs do no t rt•g1stt•r as lX•mocral!; and Hl'pubhl'alls for local t•lt'l·t1unb 'Ins tead. they h ave tht• d)t>lt'\· o f signing up as mt.•111bt.•r:. of tht• ProgrC'SStVl' or C1t1zc·ns partll's Anothl•r 1nd1c-atwn n•s1dcnts an· sc•t 111 their wavs t·aml· in 1 !:17~. wht·n the tuwr) fort.•t-d thl· mas:, res1Knat1on o f lls I llstoru D1stnt·l Comm1ss1on , tTl'Ult•d two y l·ars t'arl1t>r to pn·scr v1• the town's h1:.tonc landS<'itJ>l' Ne•wspaper at"L"uun ts at th1· llmt.· rt•p o rt mon• than 800 c1t1w ns s1gnC'd a petition t·al11ng for tht' abolishment o f the· pam•I a f tc1 its mlc'rnbl·r s rl'fused to approve a rl-quest by a resident to put s1d1n~ on the front uf his huuSt.• "Tht·~ H'Omm1ss1on nwmbcrs) didn't know how tu tht' town reh about lht·St.· things." said K aplan "If thl'Y hod appomlt-d some o f th e oldl"'r p eo pl e t o the tumm1tlt;l'. things w ould have lx•t.'n a lot bcttl'r and tht• h1stor1t· commlsslon w ould snit be 1n o peration " Antietam Battlefu.dcJ. tht· s1l(• of thl• bloodiest single-day battle o f the Civil W ar. also 1s in W ashing ton County. as art• o ther areru; laden with the history 0 1 tht• W <1r lx>t ween the Statt•s But thl! fac t remains that George• W ashingto n was a friend o f Otho H ol land W illiam s, W ashington County's most 'prominent soldier 1n t h e AmcnC'an Revolutionary W ar. As history has rt a nd K aplan LS quick 10 point out -W ashington o nc•t• v1s1 tt'<i W1l11amsporl. eyeing 1t j5 a place for th<• na u o n 's c:a p1tal But the idea was nrxt•d by lawmakers who thought the town was too ar o ff the beaten-- trac k . W!llta m sport , with rt.; wrde. trf'l•-ltnded streets avoided lx'(:ommg a hustling city Now you can drive • and exercise too LOS ANGELES CAP) Unless you're o ne of the hardy fe w who rides a b1cyde or walks to work. you probably didn't get much exe rt'ise on the way to the office today. But you could have. if you'd follo wed the advice in "Commuter Calisthl'nics." lt was only a matter of ume. California n s a re alread) l'ating breakfast. listening to tape d books o r lectures and c hatting o n c it1:z.en band radios while nav1gat1ng the freewdys The next s te p had to behind the- wheel workouts "It's a book for busy peoplt· h 's a when-to, not a h ow-to book," said Bruce And rews. a body...condittoning instructor who co-autho red the book w ith his brother K eith: who h o lds a d octorate from the University of California at R ive rsid e. "The problem is that o ur lrves a r e becoming faste r and faste r ,'' said Bruce. "W ith family a nd job Amtrak plans fare increase on Oct. 31 Train travelers will catch a ~.4 percent fare boost Oct. 31 When Amtrak raises its rates to offset Inflationary increase11, a 1poke1man for the passen ger railway said. The inc:relde will compensate for "rising labor. sup ply and fuel CO IU," said Arthur Lloy d , Amtrak 1pokes~n. The railroad's ae<:ond largest route, In terms of ridership, is th.at betwttn San Dieao and Los An1e!e1, whlch include& four ltOpl ln Orange County. nw on.way fare for that tnp now la $1&.7&. It will lncrt"Uil' to 118.45. Acc ompany ing t h e f are IJ)('T'ftMJ ()ct. 31. Lloyd Aid. wlll be mino.r al1ert11tlorut l n Amtrak's \Sme ach e dulc which we.re prompted by rider •urveya. respons1b1llt1es, exercise• 1s the first thing to go out th<.' window Wt· wanl(•d 10 ht·lp p eopl1• coordin alt> 11 into th<.>1r lives." The Andrews bruthl'rs havt> packed 70 S<'parate ext.•rt'ISt'S into their 122-pagc book. tnd u d ing. "Safety Be ll S 1tups." in w h ich the dri ver USC'S his a bdominal musdes to pull against seat belt s houlder h a rneSS<.-s "Elhow-S<'at Pus h . "~in wh1th the driver pushPs down hard o n hi s sC'al with arms l'Xt<'ndt'CJ -"Steering Wht.'<.'I Pull," in which the commute r grips thl' w hcx-1 hard with both hands ;ind pulls outward towards tht! doors Also part o r the l"Omplet e frec wa.r workou t a r e the "Shoulder Swivel," "F rnger Flt'x." "Wrist R ota tion," "Stomac h $q)leezer," "Fanny Firmer and "Commuter Curl " The exerc ises don't stop with the extremities. The re is a lso the .. Face and Neck Toner" which advises practitioners to "contraC't you r face and neck muscles by making g rimaces a nd I un11y faces" for 10 seconds at a time. "If you're sh y. you may feel a li11le sclf-conscaous doing this Pxcrcise with o th er p eople around." the book n otes, addin g : "If 1t bother s you , d o the exercises only at night or when driving alon e ." Ont'e when Bru <·L• was "exercising.'' 8 large van full of J>l'C.lplC' pulh.-d up alongs1dc a\ a s toplight. "Ev<'ry face was glul·d to the windo w." he recalls. "I think 1 he y tho ught I was d ol ng somt•thm g pornographic " &Nw phyillcal fitness cxpt•rt.S d1sm1ss "Commuter Callsth c•nlcs" as another at«im pt a t Avoid ing the swel11t {1nd strain of r eal t'xerclse. But Andrews 11ald h l· hopes tollowlng th e exercises In the book will lead drlvtra Into oth r k.Jnct. of w orkouu. "(( p~oplto become a ll ttl ~ •lronger, maybe they'll ao out and try somcthln& tolae like whlt•water raftir\8 or blkin*," he 11ald. "If th<')' oren't so fll!lbby, maybe they won 't go ou t drinking 10 much." 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8· D A I L y ·P I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 ·7 8 ' ClASSlflED s ... ,, 11.1.,.1 •• " •..... ,,.,.,.,,." .............•.•..•.•• .....•....••••••...••. C11t1 #111 JZZ4 Hu1i111tot1 . .. ... . . ... . . . . . . ... .. ••t• 3240 s IJr ·' Un l /JU/100 NO ••!•••••••••••••••••• 1>tt" 11uu J11111111 S r J II, 2. IA, 1126 644 lllJti l •r11• l11.l1n•• n11,.l u1 Npt llgl1 .-••• l 61 ?'•Be 1.u11a11 tumuv rm 11p1c l a un<11y '"' gnt '8?!111110 Jove." Wnllze. •OI tlJI l'tJlj Ei;tl31tl.; 1.1)11tlo. 3 bl, 2 lHI, den, l1pl1., 'l I.Ill UU· 11100 S6~'i 54& 008!> 1J11rh~ 11ug11 w111~ tnru i..1"11nn kl!l/l)lfl MWhCI ~euny fl lh 700!! 0<eMro Vlt!W VOiiey hlill Cl t 19 ttu111mg1on SI 2 OA 1111>0. 1 011 s~oo. 111 ,,,, .. lttllitll llJ)IA S 1 1:/t; il3tJ 360' or 66 t 16n 2Br :ioa 1ovt1ly twnttH. 2 no1111 I bu 11111 111 bch P<>Ol Wlltl \jtll A ''" no yd 001 StJOO N(I Ptll• Pt'ts S72~ mo e1~ r 183 836 9a:>& 3 BR Snt1h1 A111 H\jll 1 Bii lt1Cd t•OI y111<1 S7:>0 mo :,4U·4 131 Nr S C PliiUl I Bt Ovut POOi. pork like Rel. 8tovtl incl $500 846-6266 l>polloo l Ur t1llHt:h11tl tllll U"' WIO hookup S:.00 !I S',00 oup U111et 111 rwy II ~r1e'lr1p111g Sml r11o1 po~n wltlup M l.· f urltltt1I 111 Atrncll Ell 119:1,All94 ---------114 btltnl ') l>ll "1i.1k 10 . IEW lllYllE lu1ury Coldo•l•lu•s Beacn QUICI CUI dtt·SllC $6!!0 f;7'> 767, !*:~~!!!. q~f ~!~.'!~.~.. ~/!.~'!!!~!!. !!! ... '.·!~~ '!.'."!~! ! .~!~!~ •. .!.~!! ~!!~!.' . .'!!~~!. .. .!!.O:f tlAHbOA VICW ••OMrb 'um ] bdrm, 2 bl, rtlO :l Otln11 ••Plll\diKI Cat· derr• 611.,llth opt !ll•P• mel tndl VI-N9W C.PI 10 Nn Bay Winter HOO 1600 ell 1 IWO/mo Call fl7'} 0~7 I Agl ttne Hiii 1142. 6070 •• , ... THE ILUFFI I IHl1m JtJt1. ~UOllmu $14'~011111.1 I Utlrtll, .ill• IH1wul1lul ntholl unll S 1200/mo Cell ICUl•l•1t1 Really /~-8616 01 644 ·91!12 Lovely 4 l:lr 'l Bu cr111. II• ltlg. 2 1.u1 0111. 11umorou1 1t1.111 1111111. I blk rrom Clrll Or 0111doner 'No POii I IOOO/mo Av11ll Ocl ... 5•6-60811 .. !.!'!l'!!~!L ..• !.~~! W11llu1 rl•ntul 'R• µool l llOUAtl 10 l><oh 1">!J0 fllllyM It l fl/ J tOOO OC"'r ANf RONT 20r lvr 111an•1tl w111lt1r i57!.t mo t;7S !> 102 41 Ht 2 U11 .JI.IOI• lrurn 111110 bult.Olly wlvlew ul 0<.un11 '640 t'l•e>-03<10 OCLANfRONT OEl lJXF rvrn, QulOI, 110 wtnle•. II 1on11111 675·•1168 r1111 Blulfs J Udrm c.ondu. 2 1:111 11111,Ju Pl1rn •lot 2 Ir hu/apt. S 1 2 O O I m o I t e rvr11 .S6~fmo b73 4/•J 1bO· •900 fi7'l 7~81 l 011 2 on lrpl, rn11.rnwv WAIER,.llUNI lrg J Br 21 h1t11y rtr1 Gt1hll loc;1111u11 6.J lllJIC., titllly, I cor ud p11r~110 bl~ 49 t~ U"' lrg patio smoll 00111 (11(1'\. 10 15 ISi IBU 1111: , S900 675 2298 :IBt (I/JI I blk lru111 b<,11 w1n1tu rt1r11ol $550 mo 3 IJ E. B11y Avu 17 '"I 673 2502 675 8120 OELJJX( 3 Bl1 2'> ba, 2 ~ly lg11 Iron! yard & uptlt1115 pal•O Neao ht•ut.11 ISi & tasl !lti<;U 111y $1 100 11e1 mo 631 ~1>61 f!!!.''.~-~~~! .. !!.~~ I BR 188 & ~ BR I' I Bii FROM $70¢ 10 $850 Dlst1was~1u1 II Double Se 1~p1oy I level J Br 2b11 ~onoo J.1001 1tmn1s I llll lrom ocu.in lmmeo iivall $67:> Call 6~? 9202 968-8426 3 01 <' story low•lhOuse ? or bolti~. µwoer rm Very µv 1, comm pool $900/ntO 673·8856 2 13153 I 7845 IUD* PET* FUIE Oc.e11n view beau11ru11y turn 1own11&use lrplc 11001 & pa110 S 1095tmo 673·0896 Ovan F11eplaces. Cpts/Oraµes I Yr Lt!&Se wfOPI 10 buy Good public 11ansporta· roon wnll. to \,JCI and shop- ping T h•S housa ·~ ready tor westcllfl urea. avail 1 B"R ll)moly Modt<~I k1lche11 81 2 Ba. dbl g111 lplt. S9'J5 $4;>5 Ready 101 r11nr to yrclnr incl Elaine dt1y Be~1 539 6190 Cost 548 1232 &45-5963 OCCANSIOE OF HWY Alll act bacti avl 11/ I $350 1$11 675-6061 Co1t1 fllt11 3124 E side ~unny l1g t Br. ultl PO•O •enc Y' 0 $450 641i 463 I Call l14/H1-HH llEAR HCI HY 4 bdrm. 3 beth condo. pool. tennis, elc $775 Call 675-4277 * S4DO 2 IR "It Allordable home This urut will oe shown all day tong Kids no problem See now Besl 539·6190 Cos I *luch Place* Wes1s1de 2 br. I be du-2 BR lulty crptd rock pie•. encl gar pvl yard, lqJIC encl g .. r S400 s no pets $485 & $495 Hurry Bes• 539·6 190 mo 548-6880 all 5 & Cos1 ~w~nos _ • Could II 6e? * Quiet, Cleon. 2 Od 1n . Fan1as11c q Br incl Fam courl New car pel~. ga· rm l\1dsfpe1s $585 Prvt rage, yrd comm pool. no gar. llal Best 539·6190 pets S575tmo Mgr 2453 Hulltiagtoa B Orange Avenua C M Hubosr 3242 3Br 211Ba frptc. comm ••• ••• ••• •• ••••. •••••. pool & spa 2 car garage 2 Br 2' ,.,.,. townhouse w/au10 drs nr So Csl close ro Harbour & PI a z a $ 7 7 5 mo ocean $850 631-1266 980-3296 Gary •EW CAPE COD TWHM. 2 BR 2', oa cen1r11I nea- \)ny 4 a11 D/W, range trash 1.omplr. aulo oar openerObb10 714-65 l 17158"" - Newporl C..res1 oc.-dn view e~e1. 1.01100 2 br 0011 or'rot..i 2 oa 1ormo1 01n wc1 -ba1 te11n1s POOIS elt. $ 1200 67') 3313 LIDO ISLE 4 Br 3 Ba 4 den $1400 222 Via Pa1iumo 67!o 7 168 Lido Isle baylronl 6 br 5 oa pier uno slip Lea5e $2500 mo or lease UP· 11011 Open Sun 1-5 Call 644 9687 01 759·9182 Agl -Penon Pooni ') br. 2 ba. steps lo ocuan. S800 lease or sale Agl 759·9182 or 673-085-0 Newpori C.rest J or 2' .oa. pool tennis No pets $9SO mo 642·3•90 W1111 40 <lOCk lor power UOill 3 Br 2' • Sa condo m W Ne wpon $ 1150 w /'f> <loci. -$ l350. wJln <lock 673 1190 ltviat 3244 • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • New oeachlront home 3 RHTALS Br 4 Ba turn S22501mo 2 10 4 oorms s1amng al unlurn $2000 Call Bob S850 10 f 1395 Koop al 759-•22 I Furn I uorm apls $385 ano 1111 Er1c garages ? 110 Newporl Blvd CM 548-4968 CHA DE ORO Ill L UTILITIES PAID Compare Delore you '""I Cus1om oesogn 1ea1ures Pool bbq. cov rd Q!Hilge. surroun· <100 w1rn plush landsca ping No pel& 1 BR Furn $515 365 W Wiison 642· 197 I Huatia1ton Bt1cll 3140 ...•.•.............•.. YOU DESERVE ITI Beau11lul & parl\ like w1lh 1errace<1 pool * Prova1e Patios •Covere<J Parking •Spacious Ap1s *Dining A11ttt-+ wa1k in Closets •Home llke Kitchens I Olk 10 Huntington Ct11nte1 rranspo11a11on & lrwy5 UTILITIES nu Decoralor pe1rec1. spa- ~r> 2 Bdtm, 2~'>ba. pool 1ac recreation area. pvr paroo balconv large garage Oocora101 wall pape1 drapettes ano more SI 150 incl pd ulll Call 613 231 1 lrom 9-5pm EHT OR LSE/DPTIH. I Bdrm ~1om $515 3 br 2 ba 2 c1111c1ren OK Waler 4 gardener incl $795 644-2778 2 bdrm 1987-B Charle $470 per mo t child ok No dogs 642-2259. 646-7017 ---E>.ec 4Br 2Ba nr So Csl Plaza. lormal \Jin & llv, lam rm pool spa + all amenities $1300 mo 957·8461 eves/wknOs Easts1de pool 3Br, 2Ba, lrplc, covered pallo. re- modeled kitchen $950 mo 546-6906 Bra11d new 3Br 2ba lam 2 Bdrm $615 rm hm Frplc secu111y LA OUINT A HERMOSA ga1us Low maintenance 16211 Parkside Ln I Olk S9501mo Open Sun :.1·5. W ol Beach 3 blks S 2345 16th SI 645-467 J OI Edinger 847-5441 - ; ~~ 5s36~0 f!J.".~~.!_t.'."11. •• }!.~~ .: BR $525 LuAury studio lree HBO 4 BDRM pnone maid serv spe tt523CAMPllS~:jRVIM£ Me1ro Really 636-7005 Sl30 w1c 499-3015 Nwpt Island walerfr0'1l.I Lease. lmmaC'Al:\1 Ocean WOODBRIDGE S 1100 1ge 4 bl 2 bo upper du· side/nwy, 2 bd Spac. 4 b• 2'> ba. nicety pie• new crplldrapes. S650 497~561 1andscapeo lam rm. lrplc No pe1s St200 mo 1 Ntw80rl Buell 3169 trptc patios L•I< .. pool yrty 615-4186 t ••••"••#•••••••••••••• & tennis 6 40· 1327, , OCEANFRONT Dix ;>-4 Br 559-6188 olc 7?0-7373 3Br 2 •Ba plush condo nr By wee II or mo n 1 h Sharp and clean 4 br, 2 _ ---water possible boat slip 673_7873 ~ G.&101tne1 ln..CL,...WOOOBRIDGE ARBOR ST150 mo 675-1938 or $ 8 5 O 1 mo Phone LAKE Provale sec.ur11y 851-8394 --• 545.9950 gareo communoly lormer I ---mooe1 protess1onally IHE COVES Lovely custom f'lome 3 B•, dee.orated Best locatoon Beaut1lu1 1 Bdrm plus 2 be. lrestit/' pa1ntetl, 0 lhe 10~111 ?BA 2• :BA .• aen conoo w11h Doal slip 11 & n Condo al S 1200 mo-slop many Allas, p1v1, 1 e lg pa110 4 many •lras al $272 50 mo Call a 1 / y 8 " 2 -2 9 6 2 . 1nct a ptlV 1ana1 & 1acuz-Cooi.ie Allison 7141756-3246 z• No pe1s s 1250 mo ,_ FRENCH OUAR~ 55HiA IT 01 833-8201 Barrell Rily 642-5200 --------- WmlerTenlals now ava1lao1e Cell JACOIS REAL Tl PROP MHA&EMHT 875-6173 SHORT TERM Furn ren1als by week or mon111 Ag1 675·8170 A111l•1•l1 A,.tl•••tl U•l•r•l1•1d lla/•1•/1tH ••••••..•.•.•......... ······••······•••••··· ,,, ... ,,,,., "°' c .. ,, .... "" •.••••.••••....••.....•••......•.......••••. 7 6r ep1 g111•ge No r,e1e b llJNNINO l11rgt1 I 4 :t lit '100/noo 217 • Corril lll'itdltf'lapl 710 W !&Ill ? 13139!> 3!111 ' '·I I U11y lt<Jlll I •111" 1-111 VII I " MLLJlll.A 2 tir :lb• 111111 l 11t11y 161 l 11100 l '"'" 111tr111y u1n1phu lllU II/" "lOl\T (1/W g1111.1gt1 WlllU•• ()11 '"""o c. 1.111•1 '>v• vd $54''>11100 A S300 CIOU~ IJl•P••• dtll 'I IJ• I llUli I j/4 1 Iden M11• h11 V1ly $7~0 h/.J t14',/ AIJI I '14H 4147 Pvl ' Ult suntlk •r• •Iv Nedi l~llo/f'omona I Br "''"U $7C)(J 10b • c.ei ... 1 I tt ... CJowrt'1Att• n11 Aflpl only 21:1 UT 71"0 • ••l>C>fl Wi)l"' IJ<I I c1111<1 •1~ roo 11111, $4;.'> A1111fll I IJH ttPI •Jltl t••"" 11111lly lurn g111 ugt• tH:i •:no o• 67'>·23!>'> 110 ""' 9ft7 02 11 ( !:.10f C'b • Oo;pro.1 ~Pl•1 dr ll~ •H•vO S4 7 '; l1/)o1 mo No t•t•lb (175 ~4'ill PHi111U/1 1101 ll4& !134~ ........•••..••..•.•.. . 2 IJc.trm ~lit• HllWtll dPI• 3 bd 0111 11111 11a11u ytly M111urt1 no11 \Ink.. N•w11<11 I H1111111t1 Dl41D nu l>t!IS $700 )( 3 $(;~ IU S8()0 '.1511 ~00 I 2131799 4195 2':>1 11nn t 11rgt.1 '.) Br 2 Bu lown ur t/ 141 671·3986 llOu\c in qu1u1 c.omute•. $4:/S Ulll p<l IBt 0.,1, 41/ f lilly Avu 611111011 Nt> p111~ !;47-1 l~S 51ud10 opt, s:iso1n10. ulll lnt:I hi & 1881 All 5 wkdys 693-6228 1uruu-oou1 uartle11 &tll- 111111 $67~ 64!1 3:181 6 75 5(14'j [ ~1(je 181 I ha J>OU( l&undry Nu pell s 18'111"() 813 7890 (;41;-l'J4 / 2 IJdrm I ba .5ut1oec.k oloci.. from ueach 2 12 N""e' 1 er "''Qdtago No 30lll S1 S62.o1mo ;rly pot~ S4 tOimo 675-3206 64S S577 C " 3•2.i E SIDC ~uritty 2 Br g11-. !f!f'.~ .• ~~!!!! .... "..~ rage <leek $4!>01mo STEPS TO OCEH 160 :;> ISi St 548-0165 Mnriy amen1t1es 111c1u ()11111 views Iron• aetk 11p1c. etc "'lil•oe ~Br '2 Ba $800 Vl'1r9e 3 Br 3 Ba '1175 Cell Anln<.ony days 642-5757. eve~ & wknd!I 631-6630 Cu1t M.;J /M1eArthur lhe Shores •n beaulllul CdM has t & 2 bdrm ap1s lo• re111 Call Helen Gibson 644 26 I 1 . 1Br no pets no. oa•age VILLA CORDOVA ~pac.1ous E Side Apls fut.I gar paroo d5hwnr & ~IO•l: Mosl uhl "°" NO ueis ? SR I per~on S5 t0 2 BR 2 persons $545 1 BR s1a1t1ng al S•35 232:'.! Elden Ave, CM 64~-7605 SPAOOUS 2 Bd I Ba Beom ce.hngs ser'' oar. Wood cab no pers s.;15 2256 Maple 548 7356 or 673-8803 $550 mo Avail Nov 7 2 Br 1 Ba 2248 Canyon 644·7809 Or ups1aors, no pall Duple~ 2Br 2ba lrplc vltl\l<o sh1 wash/dryr $430 mo Sierra Mgmt 641 1324 $800/mo 646-0883 $535 Ouple•tS560 House eves S.32S Bcn10pn 10-6pm 2 oi 1 ba-carpon rrplc 333 E 2 Isl Sr "7Bo130 ow yard No pers b45·8103/645-6589 S6501mo 559-0265 Lo 2B• 2Ba lrplc 1 par king SP NO PETS S700 mo 1s1 & lasr + S350 1elundao1e <lep Oua1111ed appl1ca11 1s only 675-1657 2 Br 2 Ba So 01 PCH. new bldg lrplc $795 D Pash ownrfagl RelMa1 759.1221 Dupl • nr ncn 2 bd 2 ba LUXURY COHOS 2 81 2 Ba 1nclud1ng 2 car garage w/opener wood burning rrolc most u111s pa1<1 view o l slreams & waterfalls from $80010 . 1110 VIC· :oroa $41_0 mo 631-6812 •I BR, DUPLEJ<• $415 1ncldng ullls 2266 A P111cen11a no pels 1)45 q494 sep yd gar. llpl. no pe1s Nice Quiet ups1airs 2 BR. $85-0 640· 7742 2 ba aol S550 most 2 Br 2 Ba newly painted new drapes. lrplc sun- d e c k S85 0 A{11 675-5511 Earlhtones 3 Br 1 Ba lrpl pa110 no pets S925 612 Orchid 644 144 7 ul•ls incl 622 Hamilton SI 548-0477 I Br Trailer $225 & up S 150 sec dep No ooos !J3 E 161t1 SI Space 42 C M 642·9193 E siae near t 71h St 2 Bdrm apl S4751mo m Br IDa sundec.k pool $300 sec Joyc.e wa11z adlls prer no pets 430 ReiMa• 63 t-1266 Seaward ~575/rno _ 640-1208 2 bd 1 ba Wes1-s1de locah011 S5001mo $ 150 Co1t1 flle11 3824 st1cur1ty Call Belh • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 63, ·5230 after 4 pm .....:llD.._BJI 2 .br ~1 ~lean, quiet, N E ~GU U Costa Mesa Enc ga-APARTMEllTS rage $475 mo pets '47-4111 days Bcauutully .t.anclsc11Dell ~-&1&3 "'~ garden ap1s Pool !I Spa Pa11os dec;k!> No pers Bacr1elor $415 2250 Vanyuaro 540·9626 01 642 4905 ..... 1 oa I ba no pels Nice Loe $400 plus sec dep 546-9660 blwn 9-4pm 1 c,61 Mesa Or Santa Ana His Bdchelor 1 Bdtm S410 s480 3 BR t '> oa gar lpc 642.0856 pa110. new decor $595 161 E 18111 544-5939 646-5976 ::. ER 2 • 08 lplc, wld 4 Wdbrg 1wnhS 2Br 2ba relr tlbl gar 1am11y con-30 Briarwood s700 CAMEO lll&NU•DS 62 10 Ocean Front 3B, Spac•ous 2 Br I 811 S•25 do. no ~Is $75-0 Agr The Sprong5 Condo 2nd Highly desirable area 1ower dpt:. 1mmed oc;cu-3 Br 1 ' Ba S475 E 5•0e C'B• 1 ba upsra11s F resn pa1n1 Nr scnts no pe1s S450'mo 631-6155 646 4380 11, lBr 38 S1teamwood Three bedroom home panc.y 111 June 15 $750 Laundry iac. pool -- -Secruoed loc;31oon Pool mo 1"13• 596 1709 eve 548-9556 t2-7PM l ••&E co••o s525 Ao• 5• 1-so32 • , s 2 d 2 b •n Lease or lease oploon BAY TIMBERS pac•ous o B n- 3 Bdrm 12'• ba. clean. PARK CREST PETERS SllOO per month SELL di S l B r 1 1 CtPI!. drapes 9000 B • e items w1lh a pacoous r rp c. uoo Easisoda rocaiion $475 dbl oar 101s ol amenllles HOME 3 r 2' • Ba. hvf Dalebou1 Dally Piiot Classlfletl Ad 4 more 6_46·9883 S·•u "a~ngi 147 E ISth S750/mo to mo No lse lam rm 0111 o rm 2 car Bay & Beacll Ally "~ ,... Fplc micro . O /W gar w opener appls. 531-7300 THE -2BR IBA oldttouse nol SI :4.CM 549-8366 comm pool Jae S975 pcls, C.h1ld OK All Uhl pd 2 Br 1 > b& 323 E ISlh N_e_a _I & c.heap. -$-3-25 552 8947 ----..... :~~o~:.;"'110n s575 J S1 No pets Gar $660 bungalow 1nlo 11 Besl. Un1ve1s11y Park 3 br 2 ba Yearly 1en1a1 Baylronl ''GOOD ---Sierra Mgmr 641-132• 539·6190 Cos! co" do 1us1 red e c 60 Ir lrontage Doc.k lor t•STAIH l•l Me5a Verde ;> br 1 p -1-ES-l•ED ••E·-1-.. -1-.. -$8401mo 5•8·0397 ta19e boa! S•• be Easls•de S625-$65-01mo encl gar No pryd $500 " •n • w " £-I ,. 3241 drooms llve and hall LI FE'' 2 Br I >Ba Townhouse + oeposol 979-4383 Best 2 BR 2 BA. ro-.!!.".'!~ .. !!.~"......... ba1hs $4500 per mon1n all bu11t-1i1s lnary rm. -mant1c, Fr1plc, secluded HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Lease or lease op11on carport yaroibalcony Redecorated 1 Br, relrlg lncd, yo gat.lshop Call Nu 3200 lu• hm on bluff Daleboul VEAA-AOUHO FUN: small pet OK incl 19200 Wall11oe Best 101 detells CoSI • 83y g Beach Alty .Soclal Ac11v111es TSL Mgmt 642-1603 S4!0 760-8376 539-6190 ~ 180 deg vu ol harbor 1•1-7300 0" e c Io'• F' e e ----Suri mtns 3br Jba ,. Another house )u91 $550, secu11ty sauna spa _ ~ u n ~ alo· loner 5 rm. lncd/pvt wf S 1eoo1mo 496-7009 Bnycrest cu91om design. 3 Paru,nc •Pt s• gar kids OK Musi see 1-r ies• us 2 B 1 B 11 er 11 BR dining rm tam rm much today Besr Ally Cost r a co age i den 2 tty 3200 SQ II lge more 539-6 !90 sec11on, gas range gar-0 A E A T • ---dene1 1et11g Will lease yard S 1250 mo Kamb•e A E C R E A T I O N : * *IJl-llfO• * $850 494-0154 On Dus 71<1·956·5730 ----Tenn Is • Ft e e Fial at101dab1e 3 BR 2 _!_lne 3 b• duplei<. 1 house 11om Letaona (pro & pro Fireplace pool dish-washer pvl paloo X Lg Garden 2 Br on E/s1de S560 557·2841 I BR nev. pa1n1 c Pl s drapes O/w no pels S•OOtmo 2265 Miner St 851·2175 Easls•de house 2 Bdm den lrg lrnt d•n nu cpts ltg lncd yrd Pel OK $650 1st & last sec S•OO 642 0857 2 and 3 bdrm 2 ba. avail now $575 10 $625 657-4785, Mon-SBI 9-5 and Sun t 1·5 ~l~h~l~0~:'1o~8~ou~~:~ Hvo':': w 4 B~ ~ f~·o~a~I ~:~~~·e ne~;,,".,:;, F;,"J~ gu~:.k~~n!! ea 11 h pets U/Bet $625 Men 497.116i.<194_52u Amy f'look ·ups $975 yrty Hydromassage• Verde toe.ale 673-4889, keep 1ry1ng Swimmlng•Gotf Best Any Sm Cost Lease 01 leese Op11on Or1111ng Range Free bachelorelte, ex-Newly aecor Gas pd cnange lor babys1Utng encl gar dwsht. pool .• and work 545..0034 As-b~ no pets ~2-5073 lam 11R. 21R. 31R. N h 3B Ytly 3 bd, 2 ba avail 8 E AU T IF UL Nol a rental AQ9f\C.Y ew e"ec ome " d N 1 od 1 d .. • .. •TM E ... Ts·. v•-$2000/mo Agent 1mm w y rem e e ...... " ,. DIH 1tiol '121 497·1761 ~2ut4';~~ 1~;s ~~e;~o ~c!c;1r~s'•ru:ni~~ ~lFaeld .. i~~·;··i;~··.;;;;;·· 2bo. <Jen, 1'1 btl newly or 675·3132 & Unlurn1shed•No FAMILY APTS redec pano1am1c ocean Pe11•Models Open Be• 111 1 d apts Dana Point. Watklng dis-views ABH &vall Nov 8 d11.lty 0 to 6 u u gar en 1ence 10 Beach 3 and 4 seso 494_ 1117 Pet1oa/decks No pels 2 bdrms $950 •o $1350 ----Su Clt•tolt 3216 OILWOOd chlldren welcome per mo. 661 -3100 Oetuxa 2 br. 2 ba nr •••••••••••••••••••••• a 2 Bdrm 1•, Baths S540 ----·-beac.n view s12001mo 2 BR condo 2 Ba lplc -tarfta 2 Bdrm 2 Baths S565 House -Condo · Apt All, Cell •94·5Sia evs/wlcnda Clan ~lbor oar Beaul &,ar18Hh ' 398 W Wilson a v a 1 I • b I e n o w ----suit view Steps to t>cn 63 I ·5583 or 642-4905 S 6 5 0 -.S 9 5 0 Luxury 3 t>r, 2'~ ba, study, $750 mo 492-16111 h_,.,t hHlt/h . --- 7141493-0467 view $1500/mo Cell 880 Irvine Beaulrlut 2 Br 2 Ba H J 494-5841 evSfwknds S•• J••• (al 16th) lownhouse. ltprc, p11110, HI •flH -------C • 3211 lndry 1m, good 1oc J ·t 3240 Crean 2 br house In VII· ljlllllll• (714) &45-1104 S560lmo TSL Mgmt .... !~!............... 1age Frplc. t:ieem ce11. 4"eR 2 •9;•;j~1·s;~·~~=~ .. .,.rt h ... /a.. 642-6221 642-1603 2 II 2 II 1421 yard 3 go1 Kids/pets ok. Cap1t1,iino locatlon 1700 161h St. - Flr1t o~ly, no' IHI. For s9oo 494·2676 1830 mo Evs. 493-24411. (Dover at 16th) EASTSllE good 1enn1n1' Children £•'1.H' Nlt,HI 32SZ ~S A 3210 (714) 642-5 t 13 2 Br I Ba Poot Ilda 9p1, & pell Metro Really •• ••••••• ••••••••••• ••II •• lndry rm. bll-lns No 636-7005 BCH lennl•. pool. grd'd ;,j~;·;·aA·~~;~~·~;;,:· _ ~:~;.,s4~11 lor appl $harp 2 BR condo, 1 tty, f818· 3 bd, 2 be. lmmac S6S01mo 3 yrs old K101 OCEANFRONT BALBOA TSL Mgml 642-1603 all bllns, pool, $550 mo. _ 3I-1293 ---and pets pou1bre Im-ltO 3 t>Cl. 2 be. g11 lrpl, -- Call 540-1158. ull for lovely •P•Cloul 38r, 381 rn•d occup Ed Walla w/d w11\le1 no pelS FllHlll COMFDRT Deva 1wnhse, pvt community. !164·15171 1.900 673·61140 Like nu. rge 1 01 epll, pool/)ac. 2 ml· 10 bcf'I. 3 B 2 B 1 1 lrplc, ow. gar . S•75fup S•OO r1n11 2 big bdrme l~:mo 499-1101 '· s. conven en Clean. 'ulurn I 6R. I oar PStlo 01 balcony. Pool a with garega, meny IX-$700. 151, l111t PIUS $200 •P .• I blk 10 boh Ocl-N 2650 H I tr81 Matro Reetly, •• VJ1i1 '3Zl1 111urn11b~e clng July 1 petton No pel9 spa OP•IS 1111 836-7005 •••••• '/. ••••••••• 831-2000 $425 1'0 36th S I Mete Pines 549-2447 HOMES FOR RENT 3 ~~~~ FS~~5RE:'~ed C .. , .. /11/a•I 675·9722 ':!~ ,,! :!'.~~~~~~: ;:.: 3 & " Bdrm, 1725 to yard & g11age l(ldl a U•l•t•ldH 14ZS 1795 LO 3 t>t ~y tum 724-A Jeme1. 673-1787 $750 Fenced )ltrdl & pttl MICOMt 545-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Nr bch (213) 2&5-35<17. g111gn .. Kld1 a pet• Agent, no lee 3 81 Condo neat So C 360-5486 . fl 17-3H5 PINE BLUFF APTS welcome 64 5-2000. Plaza. crplnQ .. bit-Ina dllvt ' er w/loll Chll:I Ok Agent. no f" Nie• 2 br 1•11 be, etc, ove1took1 gr1enoe11. patio, view. t1ptc. encl fenced yard, applet . pool1 1pU ~ clubf'IOUH JHll £H••• 111f gar . g11• •tove, dltf'I 1111 Tl lft clHn. 1850 708-0t98 11v111 $eou11ty gait ••••••••_.•••••••••••• wHbtr, api, lndry rm 13000 down a.,. bd. 2 16~ C1111970·&23i tvea All~~~:~.• n~~d~~oeltr:~~ S8261mo bl, hvoe lot. CIOM 10 Int ~!!!r.!!.~~!! •• 1.~~1 ' wkndt Small combo, llY·b•d· SPMC__ 63' 8107 ocean. lmmtcl occ pvt 8tun1 3 tlf. 2',. bl, gr.n· EXEC RETREAT 1n N;:;:-dlnrrn, ahere betf'I. 13U fl/Sid• c M cute oac111101 party IA1 ... 7N belt, n111 pool I 1000 port 8ch 1 Br ~IN>U• lnclud" ell ullflllM, cOIOI' apt, 1400/mo + 1300 II OllC• 10 ocean. l!lt0tn1 2 mo Bltr &4•.0134 •e S9Curlly, pool. ape. TV pbone llTll" P<lv•I• MCMllV No 1>4111 JOyCe IA. fem ,,,.. & d9tl 18111 38r' 2.,81 trl-levtl con-gym, 1eoo1mo 17 141 k1te11en. 1rnen1 dl1hH. w111tt, e31-12ee 191 mo. Pluah cpta, 21'\ b&. do' In NwPt er .. t • USO 8 4 6 . 4 2 8 1 • ( 2 1 3 I w11f'le1t dry•r. ptlYtl• cedar l tlO 01111. Sun• mo ~$-0558 813·1000 entry. w11k to btach, ~wf\O netcl P909ll dee" d"'I ~ar pvt 9er --""""'• fac Hunt , ltnnlt Till l'I what tf'lt lully 'm.in~d vt rO. N~ llytront, 6 bdrm uec P'OUnltln VlllfY, 2 br. 3''1 ~;;-,,, Olle ouarO•d & DAIL"< li'IL.OT pell lnq, &2 I 11th 8t home Oultt l)feu view. ba, and unit, bOnUI rm petroll*<f prHllQlJ atH 811'.RVICE DIRECTOR'( te0-6331 No ~It 87S·1113 ~o 847-~agt 493·3400. 11 aM at>oull • c '· 2 Bdrm. 1·, 08 lrplc d/w, I pvt patio garege no peis ss201mo 63• Ho- m111on 543-54 78 ---, BDRM IN DUPLEX, ulll included $350 call 962-7940 2 br 1n newer tn-plex nr SC Plue gar No pe19 $545 833-9293 -,.,,, ,,,., 1124 . ..•••...............• B•chelor Ulll"s Include<! Prk'g spac.e Beck verd $300 Call 111te1 8 pm. 552-9389 2 bd. 2 be. Frpl. Oah washer garage, prlt g, y•d 830·4456 EASTSIOE-1.g 2Br, garage + carport & yd stove1 1e1r1g $5 50 mo 631·0754 2 BR 2 Ba. avail 1ppro• Nov 1. no pell $485 760· 1418 or 548-8f!75 evs/wknds 2 BR I Ba dpht. new cp11/drps Clean Inside/ out No pell $550 mo 11111aa1 6 1275 rerun deble dep Devin AHi E•111e, 842·MU ---' bd duplu, ce1pt1. bl• line. drps. oar No pell $400 2229 Or ange Ave 493-0876 ------Nr Harl>Of alotff, roomy, c1111n 2 BR. 1 ba. oe1rn1. no pel1 1410 6<12-3 tS3 Bach tpt • lrpl • pool. IC• Female pral•ttl4 1345 + ulll 845-089' ' •• \ Or llUU COUDI DAILY PILOT /Suturduy. Oc1uber 16. 1982 , .• A~1t.1•I• ... !~!~!~!!~!'!. ...... . A"1t•••l1 v.1.,,,,._, !'.".~·J:.!~ .!~I!!. !.~tt 91!!'!..~!~!~l.. .. !.~qf f mu1 •••••••••• !.~~' 1 ~!!!. ~. !.-.-.,~ .... !.~!¥ f!!Jl!.'I.' •••••... 1.~!f !!'!rl!t!'!!~ ! .......... '!!!1. ."!!~'.~ .... l.'.~ f\oom W/kll f.lllY 1:11'>0 :1000 •" vU•l \ti c; w /o flltir•g• •11•U•. GllrllllltV• I t)UltU M•ln l1111u hall o ........ , ...... , """' Jo/J1 w •• ,., 101S ···YllTilR A,.11•1111 . .. ~~!~!~!~~ ...... . 111 & I•~• tJlll• lnol Nwl)I •1u1uo11 lly. Cl C A1t1>t,irl w1111ll1•1 rirool!Hl wooll J 11111111Y 111~ .""wh1 '''' <.011vo1a1111011 with Ombl •••••••••••••••••••••• -Ut lt 64:.111111 I • 1IJuo 1 m 0 r 0 m 1,1,, IA lll•, i.ullorn 4' I ~""'' V11. li•!•Gli}f, C. C Mt.IVIH ,4 fir• Young me11111u 1111111 will 011111dmol h•r IYP• prel , ...•.•.•••••••........ ~!.'!l!!!.!!f~~ •• .!!.~! f~!!~.!!!!~ •••••• 1!.~1-~!l.~~f.~!.'.~ ••• 1.~i! 2 l)(l, 1 ll& Wl ger, t•16 1 On,11111 Oa, OCA!lll 111•W• No p1tlt, wller pd P•I d•Gka, lplc, In 11ew I blk IO BOii l.OWUI '1 bO, d•n. 1 bA. VII)'. blllnl. 111111u $7!>0 (17~·8931 lloom hit Htol flO 1111111 61\ I tlllflll moou,. Auo lllib l&40 In M II Ulll, 811:.lp;ntS O:IR 070 f IJO f'"""al l111ndr work 111~ (, M hOttle, Tl\111• & Ull&Ch $2$&/m o lal & lo•wl 11uilt1 w/AC bOO aq I r I 8 COL "S Woul'' lou• 1c ~76; w:;~•I 4 w ttl•ll•, ~,:~"~"!' ~oyro~~dl 1~1,101 I"•'· • iOO d•"'Olll t;nll I / /I / t uu11t .:11\1 hh "*•IJ ., u • • ., 1 1: • • 1 111 764•01188 hou•• Avail 11ow No P•ll 1110~ mo t11eltJ1 Ulil Ill, lltfl & 9"" 10·4 wkClya 7!>:0-·6tl tO wkn<ll 490 311&4 IHTAIT II Luo tJn1.h •Pl 111 Vo1111ille•. l'tf '11 tl Yfltl otJ~ltl(l 1.ou11y1110, rionl. 1ac, w111 g 11 1 rtn wulk l o Juff .., •• , 11137" II wl111111\ A U""' 1400 •I •Ill •~Oii l>og, H B or1111 fl<Jrty wl yOu C.1111 Su• u1 w11oa U"lt> llfl21l • u~• fl1n 676 ti\()() fl•••et • I Otl3 6-0116 Kttllly anv11mu fl' 11 rop pr11r.1 n111t11 H••• NllWIJ\ll I U1.lt 111>1 lu altt I ull ... ,. ullitu sauo1 • • ••• • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • • u I " " '} I I I 7 I 4 I tJHI ~ 11 ti y. Ill "'' Bllllklltlj $486 mo 2 BA l '•Oll. ltldry 1m. C:••POll Ill bll111. cpt1 d1p1 1 SI Man1gt1menl 84'· 1603 rtM 201 .. u •. 1111.1 .. 1111t h•t11•th llf1tc,11 s80,,.~~, la1i11111 11110111/1 S3S' r:,u 11110 , ~:116• u'•'~ M i• 0 •141k PART/Tiii TUUR 1>111k111g $250 mo I tlcip Arte '"'v SGO/mo '!1tltlun/I( 5005! ••••••••••••••••••••••! AIJIJIY 11 ti unl 1nxlo11 p,., ll)ftt\Htl OYlll :l!I N11w11u•I O"u1-t1/~J·ti"I06 ••• ••••••• •••••••• LI••· I YIOll'I 111101,,1 S11ll ffitlliYOlnlJ '.'•lltlY(I $1tv111u• A I oltll, 11117 O:JI 2010 S11u1h (,ou111y A1<i11du • S I 360 111d1111uu11I 111•"• C•••llvt Worn111 HI.I l 0 l 400 I l:J B111.11 61 N 0 440 l oc;ullon 1111() '1'•11c;hl11111 P110T0 MODELS llV tfl 5 omµ 01>11 VI~ ~38 U I~ OOHI YllW t1•11r.1t 1>u11t111111nun IU ir11n11IH •t) ol I llQllltil II d' • 0 d s tj 0 0 ltl () 011 011n11 1>01nr1 moac 1144 .o;m1 ucludttd ac;11111c. blull, ~ UH 1 u11, lplc. •••P• tu t1k11 new, 2 Or w/dttn DHI ,.;., 31ZI ••...............•••.. MQlll Allylr11l1t 11wl1th1 (hi v111op111 1tt11k1 lt1malw 10 lo1;111u, ""'' 1t11d tpllt t• pur1w11a 101 upl on R•lbou l-l•r111 Gornmut111 ho111 011n111:11 amJ or11y "' Cal M on """ F 11 Otttc 8 11:, 1.f>008 A•k lor l loyU •lf " $1 uo '"" IQ fl ()•· 1111.nlltlll only Goll ~l>COIUS/DANCC.RS ···;T··,·,·u·~·.·l·;v··,o··l··· 6;"~~m:i~~-~~i;·:.u7~~~ AQ111ll S4 I ~0~11 "f o m o r S 1 m n n 11 OUTC.AlL :l4 llfl5 11 n n ' " ')tl6 :illO~ tll·0201 Pflraw1nl. ciu111if1eo corn· wanlud 11y ullrac.. OAOC ~hQp Oranoo Co 1111riort OOEAI YllW Frorn Dana Point• mo .. 1 HCluded I C1!11IC !>lull Ullo newt Only 4 urllta, 2 Br wi den )I.Ir• l1g prwa111 1.111110 From $125/Mo Call 661·61141 O( M·f , 9-5, 6"13·0212 Alrll lillOll prlVlilt! P•lllO, OCrl $6!>0 /1110 y1ly 011•-Qv $725/mo Call 11 "1'• ll•2 1006 661-11441 or MI , 11·5 1 ~6lHJ06 , DtluH Offlots 1.10111011 11r111cmr lor vow t1Nkpr 111111 111 po~111011 111 °1"1i 11115 good openlllg lluUhill, co~tu MOMU MOVINO Out or Sl'llf tllly 10 (lily orr@lltJS ulugr111l l11111Ch Clly homo "" •1Yll&I P111I w / 6•3·02 10 Nwpt ltQI• 2 t>r 'I llll SulllHt 1776 II~ II 411 19¢ <.1othtr111 C.on»lfnn1un1 * * * :,11o pp1ng tJoc 1or , w/tUC; toi l!KUG/prot M 0 , tollowmo Hl~h pore.on llllGf!PI ' work 1oom .Sltori CtJM • 11.000 ltlan11·1 Parlor .-on••· 1;11urc.h Ille. All c.oupl•l rottCOlllll 111gl1ly I u II" 5 . 6 1 7 7 a1or11g11 67!1-3682 10-1> tl/:>·:11>611 11uuo1 mel Hy hout 111 qu11ht111d 11upt11b c.ook f!~'2 o:.iot. Un•Qi•ll hu11 osl ti !, yr1.1 Opt1fl 24 111 > u CJ11y Ouy 4\14 ·ri6:>7 A\14 aulmy A r.111 Atil• ~oal MuM a11ll tor rudSOll$ ol 1 tJuya t• wttt1k !>a~ 3011 ult 12 BOAT REllTAL S1uo10, ', Olk train Mitlll ~1111 <.•0u• Av All now 6e,,.cn. Od kllCh, Util tt>cl , .. s•7•3•b•lm_o_U•4•C>•7•4•001111iiiiiii•I S360 494-30-44 , 1, PnrK Nnwpnr1, .l tlf twnr1 WESTlllHTH 2 Br don, 2 bo, lrplc. new crpl, lrg view Cle<:ks. 1111· med occupancy Age111 $7 50 /mo A gen t 496·6804. OCE·•F•o•T ,II, Ml~. YU bock buy, Sµt;t J bo. 2 bu, Frrtl " " pool. 1fln11J., t l)O Jon I ntJry, Nr Unach S9t>O Shit•!) ~ lll.l1m lllll 110111 }!>9 0048 494·3446 on 1'10 •und N•w a11rp•· Ottluxu olllo• 01 t1orn ~r111c.il l4260t900 a4 11 I 1'1:10411200 -.q It B11nc.11 BlvU B1w11 2 hwv~. C1v1c Conl"r Shoppln9 C:11nte1, 11t1mo 1oc;1111011 \119 8888 01 660·0144 h11t1lllt PrtGoO lo &1111 Im J11r.u111 611un11 I ocats SEASIDE SHOPPERS SwAdl~li (lid ~·14111:• lvll u~ mud 111•) 963-009ri 1111 wt.oil 11s 1 ou11Sl5 ' Prol a11opp1ng 6 ar11111tJ ,. coul1lull\ttlpor bor Mnn11oe1 1or Hun111191on Bt111kA1il8r1t,1110, Amor bet vice 644 4:147 ,,,..,0, llOuttlkoop.,r. Al<. 11111bou• Must 1)4} •·~· fu1u onCJ tJrapea All bit Ft11t1 w/lurn 111)0 1-,.1 IOu· 1 bf wrgnr closo-111. lo• 1 ins eve11 11 oozy flreplece krng for npl or houso 10 ~~~!f. !! • f ~!!' .•• !.~~~ FOREOLOIUH MELPLlliE •con E.WIJ,llbS, 01n«1r~ All 720· t769 • S«1POub uns (;all Anawur nu11coo ft111lor KnowloU- wfllCOntu 7 14/645·34:.13 ---------•I Atl 11'>10 642 4300 <'" ge bool & uulbo&•U en· OCEAN VIEW. 2 bd-:2 t>a duplex tr~!. n6w carpets & drope;J N o Pets $625/mo 675-I 54 I or (213) 316-3145 person. rttls. ullls $475 lor H•OHtl coltJ wl11tt11 Sltr CM Aott6 687 9207 21 12 Hu1bo1 UI CM 1118 · 11or1tl rupolr helpful S51hr f101a11ons111p Recov(!•y , 10 sturt (213) 27 1·2677 494-5380 1110111s S 1200 per mo Sh HAflBOR REALTY nro OCt1Dn VlltW tipl, Du11lt1 2 lulrm, 11ta (7141673•4400 Promontory 1>0 1111. 2Br, Nr bedch, 1Jallo $700 2 B o . n o n " m It r 760-256 l. 494·6306 ~ -675-3605 VIEW OFFICE Ot11ce sui11:1 on Pac Coo~t Hwy over 1ook111g Nuw 11011 Hurbor ApploX IOOO sq ti Below m111klll •ale 7141645-7100 ltt Solutions 851·5995 L~o 1 1c. ctor1 r.e 1s 101 Bachulor/ Buctt1llor111tt Purt 111s 738 11538 vr '158·6538 • /tlorl1•111, fruit Fo1 Cur,,11111uonswp, mBs Luorn how 10 >top lhu Swt1d1sl1 1111u1 22 Stlekb 101.11 I""" ol 11u1 t.111111g loved & any lypu g<1rduning, ba-BOOKKEEPER ASS T 1 o ti u 1 Io n e w r e I a -1Jysilli1tll llOusOCll!iu""ll lmmed1u10 full f lrntt Po· ll01tbl1ll" wht111 olcJ ones COl•l1lel ht!lp, lull 0, PIT ·1111011 oµllll in a growing Im v " IH o k e 11 dow n C><>otJ 11,1,, Call Answer company 1n Costa Me~a G10U1Jb e1e now lo1.rr11ng Ad ~ 704, 642•4300 24 to assist wolh payroll t Yrly, 2 bd, O eanfronl -1650 3 bd. ly. near Fem to Shr w/M /F, well lo<. Dttdl 5035 ~&ga 01 a d11ver can 1<011 28r, garage, near oceun, ocean view, balcony $480/mO 2 IJ/402·2657 See al 24682 Apt A Cordoba Qr Ll'l,DOI Ni1,u.J Jl5Z ocean $7 50 Age nt Nwpl Co{ICIO $275 mo. •• ••••••• ••••••••••• 645-3683 615·9643 •••••••••••••••••••••• 407 57 18 I Ii.ff. SATTLER C.40·8300 hrs • 1nvo1c1ng type 56-60 WIJm & goo<l cornpula !tonal skills a musl Call Carmella 7 14.545.2666 S\uC110 apt. ;;frig, wel bar, $275 mo 641-139 1 Luxury Townhs opl 3 br 2'Jt ba, OC YU $725 240-2220 or 974·4288 ------H .. 1ia11on l11tA 3140 ..•••••..........••••• Deluxe pootslde xtre large 2br. 2 ba, bltns, dswhr, 1., Ai lies beach No pets $500/mo 536·8362 WOODLHE I Spac. 1 & 2 br, lovely I pines & streams, sec gates, en11v by pt10ne, lge rec area Incl. gym, pool & spa 846·6591 2 & 3 Bdrm apts Avoll immediately. $525-$5~0. Frptc;. Ol w . garage No pels , w a t er pai d 545-2000. Agent. no lee 38r, 2'.C,Ba. tr pie, dbl gar, W/O hook-up $650 mo. 964·4633. 1-526·3004 Nr Beacn. 3 bd, 1'• ba. c;rpts. drps, bllns. frpl. enc gar. $650 Call 536·0921 1 bd. bllns. crpts, <lrps lrpl, enc gar, w/d hkp. pot10, sm yo f 495 Call 536.092 1 -------Avail now 1 Br I Bo upstaus apt, dswshr, private patio. single ga- r age. No pe1s, wa1er pa i d $500/mo 545-2000 Agent, no lee 3 bd. 2 ba Garden Apt. 2 prlv Patios, W/0 hoo~up Inside. 1 encl gor $675 Dee 840·5504 IHIHH WALi On Goll Course Wust Nine Condo 2 BA 2ba. 2 car gar. w1op11r Wash/ drye1 ·Lower unit w / p11t10 , redeco1111ea $725/mo 7 141770)~0 381 2Ba, 3 r.ar gurago, I blk 10 'ocn . $800 mo 67S·9174 Spac 2 bd, 2' • condo type upl 111 tho Blulls Fr pl, New Ca1pet. No pals $925 645·6218 !'.''!t~!!.!!~f! .. !!.~~ LIO 2 bd, 2 ba Apl In tne NO FEE• Apl & ConUo Btutls Frpl Super IOCe· 1en1als. v11111 Ron1als 11011 & very private No 675·4912 Broker pets $8 75 645·6218 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS BALBOA PENIN ', llll>. 10 bc11 2 t>tJ , I ba. yrly. 'C r p r I $ 5 6 0 m o 552-0853 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 3or~ 21la uPslaors wl fem l o snr 381 lw11nse 101 4·6 mo roo incl ulil Nr Plaza 546·4596 2611 $275 SC Rmmale to sh1 spac1011s homo. N B Wik lo bch $250 mo 631-7325 LIVE AT THE IEACM fem rmmte wonted 10 sh• Bal 1~1 home $285. Ulll pC1 675-9142 Promontory Point . Fem 10 share 2 BR 2 BA Ocean view $400 mo Tero 963-7673 e~t 236, 1.)44-4399 IN NEWPORT BEACH sundeck ocean vtew Iii lslt S350/$50c/d A I o ta I envtronmenl v r 1 y S 7 SO Ag 1 llo SQ FT. 1200 sq h -$800/mo 3211 No Newport Blvd 720· •665 HW,ORT AIRPORT 600 Ill 1200 fl 81 90~ sq/It. 1nclu<1os 1an1to1 and ut1lltot1~ MUL.LAN REAL TY 540·2960 . * 811. EXlCUTIYE SUITES Full se1v1ce Keep your overhead low & proles- s1on11I image high Pre- s11g1011s Westct111 area of Newport Beacn 68 1 Do· Ver Or Slo 14 63 1-365 I apar1men1 communtly on 673-3355 . ls_!..'lst, 979·96~6 dyi. 1he Upper Bay. Private Pooli iac 4 br home.. SC O t11ce space lor lease. clubhousu an'1 health Plata. M 21-35, sit n· N B nr A1rpor1 Sec;ro. spa, 8 1enn1s courts. 7 Sin Cltmlnlt 3816 smkr 1.J50 64 1-3523 lu1v ano Computer ave•· pools, close to business •••••••••••••••••••••• lable 1·2 or 3 separa1e airport, Fashion lslano 3 br, 2 t>a. patio, g as & Sift rmmle 'l snr NB apt 0111 .. es available an<l use Cor1venienl sho ps on water $600/mo + clea-w12 s1strs $225/mo ot con ferenc e room sne Unfurnished baChe· n111g & <lep 531·3565 $350 2 mv 1n 962-9459 (714) 955·2580 IOr5. 1 & 2 b<lrm apts and evs 1111 4 _ 600 SQ II Olloce Newly townhouses Nr SC Genur al Hosp. I ooking lor neat & resp decoractoo. Beau11ful $560 • $1000 3B. lrplc, 2Ba, 11ove. tern r oommate. non· w ood paneling and Several bachelors ano I c;p1s Avail Nov 1 $535 smkr 10 shr 38r, 26a bool\shelves Ideal lor I Bdrm untts lealure tine mo (7 141891·1644 CdM opl $260 mo + • 1 or 2 people Corner ol deslgner furniture and Lge 2 Br. 2t;; 104 W utll 673~'4053 31sl St & Newport 81vc:t acc;essor1es Move 1n IO· M a, 1 P 0 s 0 . $ 4 3 5 Fem'"f0St1r 2 bd. 2-t>o, $550/mo 675·3551 Oay or reserve tor lulure 838• 1631 or 548_4162 p use Smartly lurnlshed Promontory I $370 DELUXE SUITE models open da11y 2 bd. ocean view, close 10 plus ulllsld!£_~5-J88~ shopping & bch $445. Rmmale wnanled lo shr 2 On Jamboree Ad at 492·430 I BR 2 Ba, fem non smkr San Joaquin Hiiis Ad CdM SJOO 760-3633 &••· 1 IOO SHI l11ti 3114 Enca Water FrHt 11111 20 12" Sq Ft (can d1v10e) SI 50/SQ II 642-4644 --------...................... -__ ,.._ __ th ~It lo ltach Roommate wanloo Prot Busin111 Rtnt1J ff5 Morts•&• Co lno Goud Looking W/M 34 MAU ESCORTS ' • 1111..111 tor compan1onsmpl CJll Rou 720 1645 Sµuctull2111g in 151 & 2nd 10 9 1 e ous lu<Jies Tonv 1 O's since t949 ' " 1 r ' • II I It Aobl Siutler NH/C~ I 642-7656 <Jt 00 I . A E Bruker Bo Reallorii A O&D e1 seeks du11geo11, ln1t1ut11on 1005 642·2 17 1 545-0611 new 10 oreu 8~ii·4·;;;;;1j ·e1~~~;;1;1~; WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TO's 71 415'15·J!i tS Lee Cou•5e lnc.lutJ111g In [uropean Ludy IF rellC:fl, E11ghsh speaking). 100- k1n9 101 P/Tome work as c;ompa11101• tor tildt!I ly la<ly or house1teep1ng, 4 or 5 day week So Coa51 Plaza or Newµorl Beact1 area 556· 1253 RE Loans lOK Up No Respec1ablt1 c,ongen1a1 Voh1111es 01 electrorucs Creelll C11eck. No Pun· cauc lady. u.srly 60'!1 1ra1n1n9 lrorn b.lblC 10 HtlP. W1nl1d 110() ally Oe11111son & Assoc. desires movmg 10 A11z at1v,a11r.ed TV repair a ••• :u••10··,··,,·,···1·1in••••• 673· 731 1 Prescol aruu ComfHl Des1911 Consoltt for lab• " I noon 1no1 nurse) 10 lady tlxµuromt1111s a dtg11at r ..:p.,r1e11c;ed 111 1m1Jorls Custom/SPJclus or same who c1i11 pr o·I mu111m111cr a so11d ·sta11i nulplut, botJy work 100 Owner ol 2nd and Jr<l TO <lucu down on home or t11gt}e1"d sweep osGtllO· Mon 1h1ough F11 Some at No 4·Rocky Point wil· 1en1al SIJl•I r<rnl & ex· st.ope and a 25 coior S aturelays Newport ling to sell a1 a d1scour11 {lens No nanky panky TV w11n d1gl1a1 clock West lm~orls Ray This p1operly 1s 1n lore· E .cnng re rs C/O The u1911a1 thtmnel 01sp1ay & C.31·8665 closure and could be· Onily P1tot, PO Bo• 1560. electronic tuner, all are Ba1Jvso11e1 wanted. close come the 1nve&1men1 ot a CM Ad 1081 tlea1hk1ts 6 all GOl'Jlplete 1 0 B 0 1111 a ca,, y 0 n 1tlot1me Ask tor Steve anel brand new Tnos Is a S 714-675·3285 MODELllli PLU5 I $1700 value Will sell lo• chool Irv to sll my 9 V! 645 3646 $700 631•9106 o ld g1r1 all scnoo1 Announc1mtnl1/ · 553.0554 P111oaals/ AanH•t••••I• 5100° Aaaoaaumtnl1 5100 naoant1•tal1 5100 -Lost It Foaad • •• • ••••• • ••• • • ••• • • •• •••••••••• ••• •••••••• • •••• ••••• •• •••••••• • •• '.4";,~;~~·;i;~-; ;; ·5 i oo ...........••..•...•.• LIVE 30 s-40's Music tor your patty Newport Jan Group 644-7490 --Lost It Found 5300 . ...........•......... FOUND ADS ARE FREE· Call: &42-Hll A Salute to. .. • Notable Businesswomen • 'It Bloc;k to beac;h, 2Br. t>nghl & airy $670 mo yrfy 968-8263 fem 10 shr 2 bdrm, 2 ba •• ••• ••• •• ••••• • ••• ••• Lui(ury 3 bdrm, 2 ba. 2 apl Nr So Csl Plaza All Oll1ce & garage $285/mo.1•---------story, prof dec;oraleO 6 Michelle 555.7234 Near Balboa Bey Club ''--------- \at1 ll11.tl \\ 11111e11 111 B11 -.,11 w -,:--\\ c·t'k 1s Oc1obl'r I 7 through 2:t T o lio11or lo('al women i11 hw.,lm·s:-i. imlu~try awl c·on1merce, the l>ail y P ilot will publish a :;pel'ial fea ture in its Octouer 23 cdit1011 . -----2 bdrm 1 ba. $550/mo. yearly Steps 10 t>eac;h 11 16 W Balboa ~1~.'5~~0~03 m 0 IEWPORT IE•CM & Coasl Hwy 646-7641 S2QO REWARD for return 11 blue 0110110" guitar 241( •oo•• fOOO 1 blk from beach NIGe 2 Walk Up Kiosk • 64 sq. It., gold tuning pegs. c326 " bdrm. 1 ba, gar Female well located in new Irvine 545-6627 all 5 -~;1·.~;i;0(;~;j5~1"a"n··H~r~,"e". non-smok er, no pots Home & Garden Center M s1ralgh1, Lag Sch $295 mo Isl. tast. $100 leasing tnl orm al•on 2 13·865·2542 OCHIFROIT 3 bdr, 2 ba. gar, great $275 ulil 499•2295 dep 675-0563 714-720-2260 IOC Winter Bachelor , great lac yearly MIF Chr1s11an & responsi- ble CM $2 t 5 plus uhl John S48-6213 Ho SQ. FT. 1200 sq II -$800/mo 328 No Newport Blvd 720·1665 This i" a n cxeept io11al opportunity to i111rodufe a new o r longtuue assoC'la tr to the pc'<Jpl<' of the:-Orauge C:oa:-t. or to lio11nr awa rd~, achievement::. or contriLut1011s. BOOt<KEEPERI SEC.RETARV PIT tor N t! 1t1vestor1 Motels Restaurant. RE ~mall salary but oppty to 11row Stu<lenl 0 K Good lyp1n9 ab1hty, pOS•love a1t1lude ~trarp appea· ranee quick mrnd & happy personality man· uatory 645·41 16 IUS IOY Needed at the Suri and SantJ Ho1e1 Towers Res- 1au1 ant Oay sn1tl Con· 1ac:1 Mark Oomer1 111 ftte AM at 497.4477 --C ARPE I & DR APERY sales per son young & aggressive eJ1pe1 help- ful Call 631·4402 ask lor Jack CARRIERS Wanted Earn $300 10 S600 per mo Must 11ave dependable car Good driving recor<l & prool o l insurance Apprx hrs 4AM·6AM Openings avail 1n Newprt Ben CdM Irv Call T he Register 951·71 12 Mon·Fn 7AM to llAM CHILO CARE needed 2 hrs 6·30 10 8 30 am 3 or 4 mornings wk + 1 wknd mo Loe Blwn 0 C & UCI Will conso<ler love-on 646·0768 CHILD CARE NEEDED Ages 9 and 6 yrs 2 al· lernoons per week. our house in Corona Oel Mar need car. rels $4 hr 759-3668 wl<'dys •COMPANION L1Ye·ln N B El<lerly Lady Reis 673-4414 ----- Companion / Ai4t Lrg 2 BR townhouse epls, encl gar, lrplc Near Hunl. Hrbr from $545 Chlldren OK 840-6807 2 Br 1 Ba. patio. gar. no pe1s, Beach, Werner, $450/mo 847 ·6946. 846-9401 TSL •&•I 142-1103 Er Toro, all nouse prlYl- legos.' WIO. member Sun & Sall club, pool, tennis $280. 1st & los1. utll. incl. 586-4038 MIF shr beaut Back El.ay condo Pool, )ac;, tennis 2t>r, 2ba, bay/oeean view E'stde c M Pvl l.Jrn: rm & $300. 645-5123 F-ound M Golden Rat m1K, M Shep/Rel mtK. lawn a white. M blaclt Lab w / t>lue bandana M blac;k Cocker Span Newport Beach Animal Sheller, 125 Mesa Or . C M 644·3656 Siud10 space 10 share. -----C M Appro• $85/m o Lost: Orang~ Persian fem 8· 1 lAM, 556-3343 eves col, Ne111e. Back Bay. NB 1 Hskpr stay week-ends I wl elderly laC11es can hve 1n, no smoke CM -1 631-7156. 642·3481 • Stcu11ty Gales • Poo• & Aec Room • 1 & ? 8R P1110 Apls • i::1rdtn lanoscap1ng • 01s~was11ers &. 880's • Joo 10 Buen & Snops ·....,i .-. • "J ._ iH( !~~~.'f ~~' condo. pool, 1acuzzl, sec;urlty bldg $925,mo bath Own en(ronce Incl Rinllll W•otid 43z5 Call Denny, 645·2016 01 ut1I 182 Cecil Pl (C), •••••••••••••••••••••• 549.5533 SJ 15. 673-7544 Christmas Rental wanted, 9 6 2 . o 7 4 o o r area Reward 644-4293 2131598-0056 ----------1 4 Br 2 Ba hse, W/O, kit In CdM by Sw ed ish LOSI ErtQll'Sh blue cat -Reward Vic; BrookhUISt ' & Ham11ton 894·6601 ~1.Y OC4Nll\ view 2 BB 1 etc S22srmo S'20 de!) ~•an-Oparenls Dec Comtnlttill Ba 2 car spaces $700 646_8386 alt 7 6 1 4 5 4 -J. a 8 n Pref 2Br tum I R•nl•li ~~75 mo 6 44 -67 8 0 or 7 96 •••• ~ •••••••••••• !.':.. REWARD &<t6-3 ~89 S Non-smk~ lull house G I Ii 3SO Ofttt:'e or relillT toca11on W ~ Jewelr.y in •ed bro- 2 Br 2 Ba lrom $525 No prov'.te Working person .!!!/.~~-~!.~.'.".!!.... Newport Beach Appro~ cade bag Sen11men1a1 pets Across from New· pref d 545-4814 Ga:age tor rent $50 mo 550 sq. II $500 mo 10-value lnlo call port Beach Goll Course Prvt hOmfl. Furn. no 2864 La Solle Costa 1a1 646-8844 M1m1 497-3672 545-4855 smkng or drinking. Prof. Mesa All 5. 957·2740 Laguna Beach new 500 found Sun 101h. male over 40 $288 mo Large 4 Bdrm. closed In 556•0637 Eastslde garage lor s10-sq 11 , ocean view. •lnl F o u No 8 1It11 8 n m 1 x patio. Steps 10 beach rage $75 parking, leasei op11on bteed. med snort legs, lmma c A va il now Holl/I Moll/I 4100 645-7234 499·5648 yng lem FV area S 12001mo yrly 673-2507 ••••••' .. •••• .. ••••• .. -Balboa Pen . N e . ap· 848-9372 msg ----------1 Steps To The Beac;h 2 Br. SUURI MOTEL Ollitl Rtnl•I 4400 p•ox 600 SQ It, on Nwpl Wklv rentals now &'i&ll •• • •• • •• • • • ••• ••• • • •• • Lost Man s Bulova Accu· 2 Ba 3 tennis courts S10S & up Color TV •DELUXE OFFICES• Blvd. $700tmo ullls rncl iron watch at Mt Casa . . ... 2 Br, w/pallo, 1st & lasl & $200 secur. $450 2 13/693-7040. 536-5016 across 1he street, Very 675·0120, 675-4630 Reslurant area, 17th St clean New Carpel $750 Phones in room 2274 1 rooms to 2800 sq 11 REN_T_O_R-LEAS-E--N--1-' CM Generous rewsrdt mo 'Yrly rent Call Kate Newport Blvd CM From 1 16 a sq It AOJ ew y 1 bd. 4 blks fromcbch. All 675_0124 Mon-Fri Jo ____ 6_4_6_·_7_44_5__ CAor1poAner •nn & Frwys r1emod1 e1teco hom1 e with ~11~~ ~~~,~~~~lal vatue utlls pd 207 hlcago, 673•3596 Sat-Sun a I M 833-3223 arge o omm zoning. • pl • $400 plus dep ----------~ 8 £ A C H A R £ A I ao1 to Newpon Blvd l -----.. · 1617 Westcllll, N.B 256 640 _ 1334• 851•9889 osl H1ma1ayn lema1e cal _9_8_5_-4_9_5_4 _____ 1 WllTER llEITALS 1o 4000 sq 11 1s1 floor 1 _ __ _ _ Lulu Oeclawed Voe 2 bctrms nr Ocean Utll pd. 3 & 4 Br CIC'se 10 water. $84 /Wk Agent 54 1-5032 Ollrce wort\ snop & out· Ho 11 y & Tu s II n , N B Fridge $500 506 e 9th lurn & unfurn, re~ona-s1oe storage $550/rno 645-2<1 16 or 645-1600 675-7450 bte, all amenities. Broker Relr1gera1or-Mald-Poo1 •DELUXE OFFICES* 4 J 6 'l E 171 h . C M LoSI Persian k•llen, tor· 675-49 12 I Nwpl Blvd & W1ls~n From I room to 3 rooms 1·346·6366 (c;ollecl) loise 511611 F .... ns to ET l.ge 1 br. palro. pool, gar.. -Costa Mesa 548-9755 from $1 16 a sq It No Nr 191h & u a"rbor. C •• sec. gate, o w $475. -Npl Hts 2 Br. spacious 1 Adj n "" 892-6745 evs ap1. quiet mature adl1 Pine Knol Motel on Coast ease required " Aor-lada111i1/ Reward 645·5348 S700 1nc1 ulll. 675-8202. Hwy. NEED A PLACE' porter Inn 2172 Dupont •1nt•I ~soo --- L 2 ..... t plex arage Call AM 833·3223 " ' Losl 3 mos kitten Blkl rg uv " • g · 631·8000 Reasonable rates Kil· •••••••••••••••••••••• whl. whl paws Nr Santa patio. $480. 1209 Fl:iride iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-chenelles. phOnes. maid A1rport area . Exec Sul-$750 up 2160 II lndu· <213) 493•1655 THllfllLITT service, z channel mo· tes From 225-450 SQ 11 Stflal Office 18101 Re· A ne116th St CM Re- 2 t>d & den 1ownh1Wse. 2 111es SANDPIPER M O· SI per sq. fl Many x1ras Jondo Ctrcle. P & T ward 548•9145 ba. Ftpl. Tennis, Spa. nr Very private 2 bd opts TEL, 1967 Newport Blvd. Call 557·7010 H untington Beach Found M lllk L ab w l bch 2202 Hess Clrc;le AYAIUIU •OW CM 645-9137 400_900 PLUS 1400 sq fl. 842-2834 bandana, M Aet/Snep 714-960-3745 Large floor plans, gar-rr • • I ~z50 Penthouse Bay11on1 Sul-WANT ED-g arage-07 mix. lawn & wht. M ml" dens landscaped, pool, rlt•/100 "'"'' '" 1 1 tnduslrtal space. min Shep, tan & b lk. M •-i'a• 31~~1 1aeuzzt Great Loc;a11on.1•••••••••••••••••••••• 18 · park ng. pal os Cocker. blk Newport ur. ., '' close to everythlngt For rent ov,er Cnrtstmas & 'ii6iii7i3i·il00iiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 600 sq fl . ror II body· Beacn Sneller. 125 Mesa o;:~~~,.e~;~~~~;~~;~·2 Some 1ownhouses and : New Years, 3 bl, 4 be & fl work, no point CM/HB. Or. CM 644-3656 bd. on stream $550. aparlment s with den 1 1011 Victorian nome In •SlfTE IEALS* 96~0-3~2-Lost Picked up in Bui 857-4993 or 673-3115 avail No Pels Please Aspen. Colorado Dally o r _Alrporl area. Prol 3200 sq 11 wllh AIC of. from $690-$730. maid service )(Int loc en~lrftnment, full ser~1oe. fices. Aendolph SI. C M locks Wllsh1re Parking View of Aspen moun· v S It d / 101 a tweed pants suit IAlll•EIS SOIARE. leons Closetoiown Also or no lrllls. lndlvldual or-prin 18 w comm with fur c;ollar, bluei lPAllTMlllTS has baby grand piano. rices or desk space 150 _rr_o_n_ta...:g:...e_5_•_5_·1_6_53___ green sllk btous• LIO.al f~I.~~~.~!.~~ ..• !.~~! S•llt Intl 11111 2 bdrrn. 1 ba. Cape Cod charmer. In to wn, nr beacb, yd, frpc; $750 1244 lrvlne Ave. between $450/nlghl Please call, sq 11 • 3500 sq fl. 1 MO 90• 121 corner M-1 w/ reward 675-5108 Weslc;lllf & Mariner Or ~760~·..:1;3:::40~o~r ~7~60~·~9'.::4;66~·~1~F~R~E~E~7~59~·~8~9~7~8~~~: ;~a~ ~ld342~~~: 19th AHHatfatall 5100 ~<7~1~4~&4~5~-o~2~5~2~~~~. I I I $j 4300 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:_;•;.;•;;;•;•;.•;,•·~·~·;.;•;;;•;•;.•;.•;,·•~·~·;;;·~·;•i• _ .!!'..'.! •• ! ... !!.'...... IEll SPACE CIM t ----------l BR-pool-block 10 Shr lg lux rime w/prol Allrac:llve rustic ups1alrs 760-2561, 494-6306 COZV 2 Bd, wllull kll, hell ocean.single. $350 person. $285, 1s1, fast. selling We supply desk, blk to bd\. $410 lnctds 6•2-5002 dep 966-84 79 space. copier Vou sup· Jam~ L. Zimmerman Certified Public Accountant urns 151 mo plus $500 '" ho 4 $95 sec. lo move In Holel Br bac nelor, blk to MIF nonsrr~r wanted 10 P' P ne, pr mo Callfornla apls 494-2797 beach. lrg deck, ulll pd. shr new 5 br SJC home pr desk Cl!ll 6'4"1·7211· or 493·7137. $395. 840-3787 w/spa, S275. 496-7640 2000 sq fl w/500 sq fl Full range of personalized professional service& tor Kennebunkport? Wasn't ht-the Ambassador from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ~)ro'~ 3140 II yoire oot sure .,ho (or what) l\enneb'JnkocHt wu, don'I fttl bad ~ you're not alone l\enntbun,pOl1 is one ol I 4 d1st1ncl1vely d1llmn1 •P••lmtnl lloor plan~ at Su.,1nd Vill11e 1n llunttntlon Buch Su 1or1nd <~' '!t 1\ & mull ol lotally pt1wna1t1rd proft\$10n~I plann1n1 lhl! ~ind ol ~lltnhM you <lu"ve ~ perlt<I blend of naturf •nd l1v1na flf1lltd rn • luml w1lh b3bl>lina broo,1 and Qu•tl P0"4s cootNI by nalunl ocun bruin Add to t~I lt11111s courh, sw1mm1nt poem. • \I>~ ~nd ~ con•tn.ent lontion nor sltopptflC Ind empfoymtnl 4nd yOtl°Vt eol i pl~(t 4Ry011f "'0Uld PlOWly tin tiome (htn llt~n.txin~po1111 On~ ~nd tw0 bfd1oom ont 1nd two bat~ apar1mtnl$ ltom SS40.00 ·~~-·~ ISS~S tlultl•f!CIOll VAi ... ln Htlnt1naton But~. CA · OIO M'961 r IOlll tht San OltCO r lttWI) dltvt noith on Btotth ~ McllOllPn, tlwn llt\I oq,.Jlkflllddl to St1w1nd Vrll11t evs s1orage. 0 .C . Airport I small businesses t: lndlvlduals ar ea . $2 000 /mo Mii 25+ Lib grad, SIU· 851·8928 denl or career person lo 1----------shr lurn 2 Br 1 Ba aeross SO LAGUNA. 3 Arc;h Bay f~om SBnd $290 & 'h uOI. 2 Suites avail. Gd. Hwy e INCOME TAX PLAHftlNG & PREPARATION • SYSTEMS OESIGH & lftSTALLAT'°" 645·0340 Vlslblllty 497 ·2351 • 800t<l<E£PING & FIHAHCIAL REPORTING Shr lux hme w /f , non smkr, mature, $300 1at, lest, dep. Reis. 640-4999 •2500 SQ.II. lndustrlal unit wllll 325 sq.fl of office+ 5000 SQ.It aaphall cove- red & 1enced yard 640-7026 ,2900 Perk .... port Newport .. ech . ,, .. lnltlal Coneullatlon Fem, rmmate wanted 10 anr spac. 3 BR, 2'11 be.- full lacll. condo. S C Plaza erea $275 mo 545-4356 •2-400 sq.II Industrial unit with 900 sq ft o f upgraded office.. •2400 sq.It. lndustrlel uni! with 1500 IQ.II of Female 10 shr 28r apl, nr upgr1ded office Have O~;.''°.."!"m11:!:"':.0.~. ;::. Fashion Island. Resp aub·Ml&H ttnant for 900 '°"" •• '""" ,...,, ,11,.0i. ,..,.d, ' Mature. non-1mkr. pOOI, sq.fl or office apace II 1ao, splll 1ent & e141C. Fay desired I W E B 0 l L I 720-0514 •Mo tlva1ed owner Is I I I I I' . • ready to rnak• a deal. . . _ . . ROOMMATE WANTED Cell 714·751·4780. Pfln· , M /1tretghl, no.1moka, clpals only. I 0 U G 0 R I S250 + 'I\ ut111. Oya - 1 , 642·5448, ev1 842·5820 Co•I• Mtaa , or 2 room 1--,--,--,-,-,__. sullH From S75/mo . • • • . .... IAMI Oulet. mature F 22-30 •hr VIII• lncld. 179 W 19th .._...__,___,...._...__, I 3 br, 2 b• •Pl on betctl. SI. 86IUITI1·8928 nL I J 0 G l H I :.~ Wo•ld llhflt• 1111>.•ng l flOUI N 8. FrplC, 28' pello . • 1n1e111oence "You Q•n 11way1 ~2.65,6~~· ~·:' & H t . I I .1 r t•ll wno 1h6 WtlllnlOfmod peo Sii~ ~:vety ~a: 38• CdM W~~~~ ~~~n. I N U T F A L I ~!~ ... r11 Tt••v , atw•v• hav11 • 110"1• wtmolhtr & ion, conf. room. kltctr, phone, , I I I I' I 0 C°"'f>..,. 111e .~~ta qVOled MW CPI • l)Cllnt In bdrm. 111crttarltl • word pro· . . • . • • . i.v ''""" ., ..,. ..,,_ -d• ~aragtt, t/Ordtntf, W/D, c.t!llng. Miii & meHage '°" tm.loo I._ -No J "'-'°"" fp!C 13 + .... ulll. Ho· HI\'. avail. eeparal•ly 11 ! 'llNI NIJM8Uf0 um•s IN I' r ,. ,. I' I "'''· rttl•b'9. 844-49t5 O"lrtd C•ll' Jud~ T .. ,.01 lHUl SQM~!U Fem rm mete ~. 2 14/7...,.. bdrm 1p1. Balbo• P911, E.111ecu11..-auft ... full .. ,. • ~~~~~~WJ:' u mu I I I I j J 1326 mo, ulM. Avell Nov vie•, grtatly reduced, no • 1•t. &76-.532& ..... 154.0274 ••·Lill ................... -- This is the Actual Size Ad For bes1 reproducl1on, e clear black and wlltle photo ol any s.lz.e..c.an.-.ba u41..ed. ¥our message will accompany lhe picture In lhts space. If you choose nol t o publish a picture, 1111 lhe space with your message. The cost of earh n o t it·e, with a photo ti-. oul v s:,2. Don't m 1'i:-this spel'lal opportunit y. Deadline for re~ernng span· is Ot'tobcr 20 . Call toda y~ COOKS lull & PIT, hrs & money to t>e arrangeo. The Gflnder Restauran1 1400 W PCH, Npl Bch 642-8881 COUlfSELOH People needed 10 tram 11lr C'ounlret~ lo 1r1d others 111 d1s1ress or wllh problems Th•s new tecnn•Que results m a well and happy person Ali welcome lo apply Con1ac1 01anelics Cent- er 774 0121 between 9 30 AM and 10 30 PM. Mon 1nru Fn. Sal 9 JO AM 10 4 30 PM -----Counter help wanted. dry cleaning establishment FIT 30846 Coast Hwy. So Lag 499. 1985 IHUL ASSISTHT Par1 11me hrs, 4 days per weeil Some lronl desk E ~pr n ee 11 v ine ~D~a~i~l~y~P~1~·1~a~t~~6~~4~~2~~-~5~,~6~~7~~8~~1·~;,;:~~.~~;,:~.~:: IJ.t.'1. .~!.n.~t.~ •... !.'.q~ IJ.~11..~!.n.~t.~ •••• !.'. q~ l1J.~l1. ."r!!'.'.t.~ .... !J.q~ I !'.~II. .If.·.".~~~ .... !.~ q~ Beapart·of CopadeOro ... a legend in the making. Copa is a ·truly unique restaurant. patterned after the splendid temples of ancient Mayans. The cuisine w ill offer muirinational dellcacies-the se tting is incomparable. Now hiring experienced or highly trainable people to provide top qul:\llty servic~. Positions avrulable: • Bartenders • Cocktail Servers • Hosts/Hostesses • Food Servers • Appetizer Servers • Buspersons • Cashier • Doorman Copa is a one of" k.Jnd specialty restaorant from El Torf to. offering excellent starting pay a.nd benettts. Apply In person Monday-Saturday 9 :00-5:00 "EO~". 633 Anton • \_;OSta Mesa (across from SOut.h Coast Plaza Hotell .. ... .. • .. . ~· .. .... I '· 1 I . , la . ,, '• I 1. "' ---~-------------------------' •• - C4 Orftngtt Oo"'t DAILY PILOT/S11u1d1y, Ooto~r 18, 1082 • lessianal ·service 'Directary fjJ u~,'.~!8!oPp~i tore 30 Oty to In tho lllLY PILOT ~!I.~~!~ •..••..••••••• Driveway•. Ptrklr'O Lot l'\eQelit. Seatco111111g S&S Aspl'llt 4131·4199Llc f~!l!.a.!~ •........... E•Ptl c111pente1 d o .. addition•. temodtll, dtekt SkyliOh te & 1e· peHa Free e11 Oan, 962-0815 f !!!!~!/.~~'!!!!~..... ~!1.'!~P. •••••••••••••• >t·pe1t llrlCk • Ottttl<tllt DRYWALL TAPINO work, Nwpt/CM 1111011 All hAtur111/Ac:ou1tlc t069 C111t llOw J Uv• F1el4 oat Kevin Cl7!!>·9088 64!S·8!1t2 El•lltie.J r.1t111 C111 •• • ••• ••• • • ••• • • •• • •• • Addlt1on1, c11pen1ry. ma ••·••••••••••••••••••• ELEC f HtCtAN Pne110 llllYIGI llllCTOllY • aonry. OetlQn tud d11I· Loo~<H Kint child· ,Wiii. tre11 •1t1m1to on ling, BB0'1 at~ Dave c:•1e'1 In ITI)I Coata MeH li'l'go or 1m1tl lob• Dnn H111tbero Gredlng _!04· 1003. tict 724 tlome. lull time only 1•0 Lie;; '396621 673-0350 & P1111no Co Aaatcomt -1.-une11 1r111ck1, Tl C Lin· 00 IT NOW! Lie 397604 842 t 720 f"H llTlllTlll do 75 t-2342 I 1c·o EL~CTRICIAN R ... on1bl• prlcH; raat Ou111 work/Ren •Ott• Ast ltr 11..tre Your Di lly Pilot Ser"tce Olr1otory Repre .. nlltlve 142·1111, nt. 322 ~!!.·~!!•.f ••••••••••• BOOl(KEEPING-TAXES Small bustnesa or pert Jeanne 675-5288 blffftl•f. l•tYiCI ~ ......... ···········~ 50"1. OFF FIRST MONTH ~!m.~'!!'!t ••••••••••• CHILO CARE. my hOme. tunchtsnack • 111ctuded Large yard 646· 7939 ~!!1~~.~i!'~.~!!!!~~ ••• JAYS "SPEAKEASY Any occasion. Port bar t-S21-8141. 879-7552 ~!!.~~!!t!~I ••••••••.. Computertzed bookkee· ping trom $50 mo Also mall llSI & payroll 662-2430 Dependable, a1tofdab1e. Ci ·•tatrz • esaentlal A nswertng •• !, .... ••••••••••••• servtoe, secretariat & Finish & rough carpen1ry, bualness services, mall cabinets. rm additions box rental, word proces· 645-8616 · stng Tete•·Fac$1mtte. 1 ~od g Repairs. Frh order entry, pagers-tease est Lo rates Decks. pa- buy. desk space rental. 110 Steve 752-9556 ANSWER NETWORK- 631-9131 (ask tor AV) WANT ACTION? c 1aaa11ec1 Ads 0'42-5678 laster Creffs•H Finish & rem'dl crpntry References. 499-3105 ~!!!.-.'!!!-A ••••••••••• ~!!!.-.~!!~ •.......... -DIVORCE by MEDIATION - SETTLEMENTS COST LESS! r.roleUl'olll l work HIPPY Hit. loving child Frt111 eat 63 t !1072 ,.. , core Nutrtlloua meals. au11om work 1001 NO JOO snack• FT /Pl s 1 50/lu too tmatl 01 too blOI Ca-A 3 J b blnela, kitchen remodel ges Up am orea, & Nnllht d carpen1ry !' ~ B 67S·07_BJ_ elect.I plumb I ceblneta/ Family Oay Ce1e tor chtl- counte11opa I do every-dron. up to 5 yr1, Mon· tl'llng from 1t1rt to llnl1hl Fri. 7 30·5PM Llc'd Call Brad at 1514 Ruth Ln, W1t5lcllfl. (l14) tll·UIO NB ~6-9028 C11•1t S11vit1 ···~·················· Shampoo & stHm clean Color brighteners, wht crpts -10 min bleach Hall, llv/dln. rms S 15; avg room $7 50. couch $10; cl'lr $5 Guar. ellm pet odor Crpt repair. 15 yrs exp Do work myself. Refi; 531-0101 Mature woman. Wiii sit In my norne Any Age 0 M Area 642·60n ----Coat11t1011 G•a.111 ···········'·········· R.J. H11ff•H t Son Lie 306888 Remodel. Add'ns. Cablnattt 646-858616•5-4644 STANBUR INDUSTRIES No Steam/No St1Bmpoo Gen't contr Property Stain Speclallst. Fast ~prov. 997-181 1 (8-5) dry. Free est 839-1582 Custom Remod/Add'ns EXCEL CARPETCAAE Free est. 088111y 2nd to none! Bandel Cons1 Jack Buffington uc 418570 548-427 t Owner/operator Carpet. uphot, area rug C111tow Woolworkinr cleaning Work guar ••• • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • Free Est. 645--1771 l<.lt remod. cat>tnets. vi- deo entertainment units l(URT'S KARPET KARE Free est 642-0881 Quality work. Reis. --------- Free est. 49~~ P!.'!·''·'f~I.. ••••••• ••• Carpel lnstallallon & Re-AESIDENTIAL·INT OE· pairs 30 yrs Ei<per Car-SIGNEn Furn arrange- pets Works 681-8205 menl. color schemes El ECTRICIAN Sml loba/Ropa1r• Lie. 233108·C· 10 548·5203 AESIOI COMMoLllNO 20 yra Do my own work LIC 278041 Al 646·812& Etec Servlc11 & Conelruc• lion Lo rates Free 8111- mates Lie 333217 557'-1738 847·4714 !~!'.~;!'~ •...•......•.. A&K FENCE wood & ,chain link Res/Ind/corn S48·5493 640-775 t WOOD FENCES/GATES 1ns1alled & Repaired Free est Gary 499-t 724 ~~!!!.".~'!1 •••••••••••• TREES fopped/removed Clean up. lawn renov 751-3476 THE. HEH SCEIE lawn-tree-shrub Install free trim/removal Lawn Me1nt1Ro101il1Jng Free estimate 548-6065 Simmons Gardening Cln-ups, lawn care, lull comm & 1es1d malnl Free est 646-6684 ~~!!.'.".~•.f •••••••••••. !~~~!~!~~!'"···· .... l~!.".'!~!rJ!!r!~!! ..... !~~~,~~ ............. ~.'!.'!~1. .••.•..•...••• LAWN MOWINU SLIW N11111 O(Jtitnd ''°°' Freo nat 846 09!1!>. 9611· 14 79 LanO&<.llJlll(l·Yd Ctnupa Trev trtm1n1mt1v·M11lrit 1r1•o•ttvr1 J1rt• ea 1-0 t211 M owll'O & Eog1ng . or comp m11nt cle1111-11ri1. Frtoe Ett (14' 1!18/ !'.'.'!~l!'!~!I •••••••••••• Corpontry Mno111y noollng -1•1umblr10 Drywall Stucco -Tll41 RerttOIJOI J B 646-9990 Carpontry Cat>lnel8 Pluo11b • Drain Cleaning E1oc1r1c111 · Tiie Refs Don 966-0149 JACK OF ALL TRADES Ca11 Juc:k anyllmo, day or night 675-3014 Ju1111'1 ChJ1ir11ug Service Ttrnd of dotng laundry? I HOUM!l Apll R11n1tlt llull 3 fold. h11no Wll•l'I Olltcv• !140 1287 hnnd iron Mellculout Ttnt:o 0 1 llASSL[S'I -()Ip 011"90 fl4:1 97117 Ouollly <;lt11Jrllng holp ts MllODlll hfHet R"ra 900 }452 •••••••'•••••••••••••• BRICKWORK i:lm11ll jobs t:xp1irt1tiu Housek11epmg N11wpo1t,.Coeto Me•11. Wa lurr111h voc:uurn & 1rv1no Reio GH> 3176 1upplt11•· K•lty 6<11·4970 Cuiuom Homo <,;1111111rog & Como! M111d Serv1oe Prot Bonded Ins d UNICl lAN SYSTEMS Of Nwpt Bch 850· 1200 Ouohty wo111 wiih a por- tO~A touch Bochalor Ok M. Irv HB Bern 8 933 HOUSEWORK WAITED ~~!!'!f .........•..... •A·1 MOVIH• I op qu11llly Spo<:191 t 8rll 11' 11andllno 25 vra exp Compe1111vo Rote& NO overtime 730-1353 -ABC MOVING· , OulCk. Careful Service. Low rotos 552-04 10 Jo lly Ct1ckett1rt f>r o1 Wollpopflring & t1ttpp111g Many 111terence• fl«ul M 7·0 tt8 E.cll•HI w1111eov1111ng 1r1 11111t1111on R•11• i1r1ce• t.011sult11n1 An1gnmt1rll !181-8590 P1tio Co11111 cu·s;o;;·~~~·~~~t~·~~: v1tr8. OKk• t\ hln(,U Oy RANOY tl4 1 0622 !!~!!!V.~!J!~!~ ..••••• ED'S PlAS1ERING Neot patches lnt/eKt Re11tuceos 64 5-6256 PLASTER PATCfitNG R11s1uccos lrotl tut 30 yrs Nea1 Paul 545-2977 ---r!~."!~!~I. ........... . HOME IMrROYEllHT REPAIR · PLUMBING Carpentry, elec tile Free est R11a& 645·261 t High quality houu1work Experienced dep11nd11• ble, tionest. 1n1e111g!)n1, me11culous. lleKlble. I llm the Oest Phone 673-7012 alter 6 PM weelcdays All day Satur• day and Sunday STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Uc T 124-436 Insured 641-8427 WATCH US GROWi ATLAS PLUMBING ll Piialia1, He1111ng, spec1e111ong in • ~ •• Fi Ni ;1r..-i1iiG.... ;~p~;~t::4s-1 :::.1125 28 VAS exp· DUNHAM HOME IMPROVEMENT Remodel-repjlir s-lenclng etectr1~al-plumb111g carpentry I 63 t ·8530 Custom woodwork, rough & hn1s11. maaomy. elec· t11ca1 Russ 968-1640 ------FOR A SUPER CLEAN HOUSE CALL CHRISI 631-0893 Good refs ti you want your tiouse REALLY CLEAN. Call HI /' Ltnda 669-0318. Good ••• '!.'!'J. • ••• • • • • •• • • •• Refs DUMP JOBS -·~----- & Small Moving Jobs 1 DO Coll MIKE 646-1391 qualtly housecleaning. -~ - e.p d & ~lnl local refs 'HAULING-GRADING 646-2tO1 demolot Ion clean-up• Concrete & tree removal Carpet & uptlol, general Quick serv 642-7638 housec:tea111ng Fir wa-~o ng, lree est Guar 838-5543 PROF SERVICE Hauling -yrd clean up Quick &~tea11 Free es\ 673-054& t>y Richard Sinor Lie 40 gel walerheater S-225 280644 13 yrs ot happy _ local customers R1in11ultt 1 Tnank vou 63 1-4410 ••• • .,.. • • .'. •••• •• •• ••• ~UALlfY WORK · nllal. reas . honest Reis Lie 287107 Dave 964 1045 CUSTOM PAINTING lnl/ext ,Resld/comm Free est Lie 644-4798 INT /EXT PAINTING- & WALLPAPERING Custom work Free est Reas Steve 54 7 -428 t HARBOR PAINTING Quality work Free est Cell olt 6µm, 673-5166 HOLIDAY PAIN.I TIME' 23 y1s Also odd 1obs & repaors Bruce 972-0 116 - AC RAINGUTTEA Bonded * 1nsd * 11c B344764 Free est 1-524 -5824 ~!!!~!!~!~t ..•........ FUANITURE·~IT CABS Cslm finishes repairs, doors, Joe 673-1469 ~!!'!~!.'!f~tl.~!t!J! ... METICULOUS MORT'S ,....110Ml RCP~RS R£M0[11 ) ..-JI. II ~!RVIC! Hlf rllDILlllt Don t re·rool. repelr a trett•on o t c oe t 1167-2690 ROOFING REPAIRS !m1111 10 111 OK Frei ettltllillOI Call Tom o Ctiuck. 642·6302 Sr1e1a1 ....•.•.....•••.•••••. MOBILE Sf;RVICE F\ucreen•l fllew •Crffnt N61CM only 842·955: ~t!!~!!!!! .•••••....•. E•l LAY'N S11ru111ters. Landscape Guaranteed 536-273 Tilt ..............•••••••. TILE INSTALLED All Kinds Guaranteed Reis Jolln 840-921 CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE WORK-Free ell Chuck 675-5100 eves Foremost Tiie Co 10' Quality ceramic Ille In stallatlons 673-55 78 Tttt S11vice . ••..••.......•....•. $LOW RATES S Tree trom/remov, clea• vps, mowing 554-7017 r.a.'.o.'1~1. •••••••••••• Most subjects. K-14 Day/eve $5 & $10/hr. Mr Morgan 645-5176 ~~'!!!~.~!~~'!!!f •••• "Let the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Lid 548-885 20% Monthly 01acount • Have a non·combat1ve productive parting •_Attorney and counselor guide both spouses to negotiated legal d1vorc.e Steam dual agitation 2 955-2066 or 752-0322 rms $20. hall $5, couch DomHlil $20 No hidden Gharges. •••• •••••••• ••• •••• ••. Ca1p(1 r etuv Guar. t;SKPRS & MAIDS 893-6103 LIVE-IN HRL Y /WKLY ----V1e10 Services Agency ff !!!!'!I ••••• ••••••••• Uc'd/bondad 973-9000 MAINT & DESIGN Oberlin Landscape Scrv Written agreement on mo melnt 644-1246 Heullng & yd clean-up -Tree t11mrn1ng, garage GARDEN WORLD clean-up Bob 850-9844 Full Service Gardening ---- Zac Bernal 646-2922 H · Gardening. Landscapln~. ..'. .. ~'~/. •• •••••• • ••• • • COOK & CLEAN $35 eer visit Housectea111ng '& dinner prep E~p d re- liable Call Cheryl, 979-9536 832-7965 f~!'.~!~...e!~f .•..•••... 20 YRS EXP Hauling. lree 1 .. mm1ng. landscaping Brolhers Consl 646-0555 PAINTER NEEDS WORK• 30 yrs exp, Int/ ext .e-coustlc ceilings Lie 366780 Free est Davis Painting 847-5186 • CarpeMr, • pl""'o'r' •rltrl•o 1 f1n1\nt~ ce•.1· 1•1 edov•, •riold1n1t1 9i.db,rrL. •1nelvi11r f duce1s "' i •••ilf door 1pr1•1) B·t u• l""•li "e Cii •I a11 I i~I ~t11vrr! 1P•vir • ?II Y11 t10 lott"lt •t1J'ln~1 951 -6067 Int/ext Restd./comm' Free es.1 20% monthl CllSCOUnl. 644-4 798 CRAIG CLEANING CO Res1dtcomm·1 tntle> Screens. morrors Ladd1 work Owner ope 646-3089 un I EXT PllllTUUi For more f nfo & _appt. ... 752-1064 CHAMPENOISE Fine C.eterlng In the old world tradition 645-9658 P!f!!~!!.............. )'ard maintenance, clean 24 hr ED 148-1825 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC ups. tree trim & removal. Furnace-pool-waler heat Repalrs. sml lob spec 1 l Free estimates. Insured -f!!'!!~!/.~~!~!!!~ ...•• _v_rs_. exp. Bud 552-9562 642-4_8_8_9_ · !~'!!!~{~'!!!!t ....... . EVE'S LANDSCAPING" comp! serv & hseclng, comm & res1d 646-7556 Ouel11y. Dan 645-7220 !!l.~~i~ ......••••••. ------ IJ,!.".'!~I. •••••••••••••• For Ctassllled Ad ACTION Robert Glea••r, Atty. Cemerot·Ma.sonry-Block wan lextures-Acousllc Exper Gardener & clean ROBIN'S CLEANING ASR PAPERHANGING 7 yrs· local exp Guar work P11ees s1ai1 at $8/roll Alec 751·7027 Huber Root111g·all types New-recover-decks Lie =411802 548-973' Call a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 6<12-5678 ,___ __ & Jann Gieser MFCC -Walls-Cust work Uc. Hang-Tape-Steel studs ups Tree trinomlng Free Service . a thoroughly =381057 Rob 547-2683 uc 389944 1·532-5549, est Pete 641-1096 clean house 540-0657 Classllied ACIS 642-5678 !f.t.JI. .'If!.".~'.~ .••. Z~ q~ IJ!Jl..f!!!'.'.'/. •• :l.~~ IJ!}l..'lf!~.1.'!. .••• !.'.~ !tJp}f!!'.'.t!. •••• J.'.q9\ ~!'.1f1.".'.~ •.•••••• !.~¥ ~!'.~1f~!1.:: ••••••• !.~{~ !!!!'/!!!! •••••..• !.~~9 !!!!'JJ!!! ••....•• !.~~9 '!.~1•1•1}!~~.'.0.~! ••• !.~~9 '!.~•.e.t}J~!.'.0.~! ••• 1.~~9 Dental Office Mgr Mature. Loan Officer PIT. Develop business to SECRETARY Collectors Item. Rosewo-EUllO Trundle Bed Conlempo· **I BUY** H1llow1111 Ceramics REDWOOO ht DECllll exper. In pegboard. In-E>tperlenced or New-markel securlly system od table & 6 chairs. hand rary design Xln t condl . All sizes and shapes Call 8 10 20· tong, 36$ per 11. surance. patient schedu· comer Loan Offl~r tral-Earn eK tra $2000/mo Newport Beactl area law carved of the Last Sup-AllTIQUES COMrlllY uon $100 S75-9497 · Good used Furniture & tor you1 order 1 775-1491 anyllme. ting & billing. 4'>\ dys. nrng seminar tncludlng Eagle Enterpri ses tlrm seeks e)(perlanced per •UCTIOll liALLElllES Appltances-OR I wlll sell Pat 556-7453 ~M. 631-1420 FNMA packaging Octo-855·6807 _ secretary w /mlnimum 3 Second Chance Antiques I 111 llbJ DRUSlllCi TllLE or SELL for You · LOVE HLLOOIS Iler 30, Hohdey Inn. yrse~pr whols w1lllngto 631-3105 S20 673-6887 MASTERS AUCTIOll Waterbed. 1<1ng size Cap-Send someone you love Dt1t1l lstltfHt Costa M esa. 9-4·30. Real Estate learn legal sctry skills 1---------·-PRESENTS AN -__..._ ----1a 1ns bed w /f,,1rrored a beautrlul bOuquet ol 30 Beech. chalrslde assls-sees. 20% disc; FREE _n_1_ng=-S_e_m_1r111_r_··_a_d___ ~ 1880 ·1890 S295 ,. 631-1276 G Oen1111 office Newporl $150 Calif R E Licon-See "Loan Officer Tral· Swa/les~ypecromMmeednlscuaral t&e Small Antique Dresser rORt-•-CRll &•6·8181 833·1125 ~headboard $ 4 0 0 helrum balloons Perteet dental llenettts Non 548-8954. 645-7491 ANTIQUE w 11inen $50 673-6887 I IUY FUllllTUllE lor all occasions reat Jani. 644-0032 JOB PLACEM ENT, AS-Aeceptlon1s1/Typls1. N B. smoker Les 957•8133 BEAR CAT ::250 SCAN· decoraung IOt as DESK CLERK needed F/ SISTANCE Sp onsor: law ttrm. good typtng CALL KAREN 851_1005 Antique wicker furn. Ar-S olrd Oak Captarri's iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NER $245 1_6_7_3_-4_4_1_9-=------ tlme no ex per nec'ess Funding Coordinators. s k 11 Is c e 11 Lu Is a moire and more 282 1 INVESTMENT Cpa1rs. refinished FURNITURE NEW 546-2855 -Antique mal'toganw cabt- f .... 'seal•rk Motel 274 Reserved sealing only. 640-8900 Secretary Ocean Ln CdM 673-8 I 12 '60 ea 760 83 tO ·-' n a C It f t t ( 7 l 4 ) s h d • AUCTION · Must raise Cash And Brown/t:>erge brar-net with orig. RCA radio ··~port Bl"d 646 7445 a 0 r n ° · omeone w 0 oesn 1 10 1>eaul1ful anlrque s1ai-& d I •75 b ,,,a_ • · • 968-5260 mind working for a living. nAA glass windows from Ltqu1dat1on house sale, Prices start at ded rugs, $20 & $50 recor Payer-• : a-,.,_ t 1 A l t t llECEPTIOlllT R 1 Ith t kl if "" Octo"'er ll accessoriet. furn. China. M altresses & found set Very lg 01ten1et rug throom ·marble 1ype'' ..,..,n 11 ss s an L 0111 a ses w ou as ng mid west church • k d & 2' d Oesperatet1 nee ded oan cer OC Airport area for In-you're worthll 3glrlot-631087 6759 s olver. cnendellers. TwlnS77 -Fu11$97 $150 64'0-9t66 sin 1n1 oor rawer R.O.A. Newport Beach ftHllil Y1lleJ vestment real estate & flee EKperlence:I or tral-• 1, • 144 2•001 lliol1 rkwy hsehld goods to be sold O\Jeen $147 . King $187 MATTRESS I B 0 y. cabinet plus matching 2 practice. Modern, front lert111e Ct••llJ acc t o tflce L ight nee 6•2-9237 A•ali11tltl 1010 Ste 20• al very low price Must Sola Beds $197 SPRING Oouble Firm door wall calltnef & olftc• N P• hetplol.. Looking-lor •-6 O)(,,.. phones-1yp1nn•bkkpg. e•--S---EC-Y""J-Ct=-•-O_F_C __ .,,-r •• H•A•R••a·o•R••A••R•E•A••••• Mlnt"on Viejo call tor epp1 to gel lhru Sota & JoveMat ~2-47 $80 675•0555 M-F 9-5 "marble 'YP!"oowall shetl, P I •L d "V' " gale 759-0366 cash Oonat•a with 4 chrs $87 Eileen ell for only .1 ; lempe-osltlve au tude. 4 ,. ay professionals We spec-lleKlblt hrs per day · "" d now d wk. Call Jutte. 642-4632 rattze In new pr""rams. tlt-a•aa Lend development com-APPLIANCE SERVICE oniy By appt only DISCOUNT FURNITURE re glass s e< oors, J 0 GMP/ARM, GEM, Isl ______ u____ pany heavy phones & we sell recond , guar FEATURING Ouallty E:~u-S f XI 1-C--.. --1959 Hert>or Blvd large Megn1t1er Ftuore~-like new. only $50 tor EllOTllCAL·llSttlllR EXPERIENCED. Perma- nent position 25 yr old e l e c t ric a l co & 2nd TO's -llOlllt"WilJlrfl typing -Shorth•nd or appttanees. -0"9-3077 ropean An~e rurn1Wf O I n on. Ca«1a Mesa 63.L-6609 scent de6k tam~ Knot-both Call 642-0138. •• equl" req'd Mature non & lncludfnv --a COmp'fel ""lib(), sewlng-maCliine ·~~~~~~~~~1 11rig meal. 1 wh1t8Wtcktrr CAR Wlih Gall John Cusack • · I IUY •rrLll.,CES w 1 bd 1 RESIDENTIAL llEWPORT salary requirement to Les 957-8133 ~~=~1:1a::;,~ro::,;~:CS~~ 548-7235 F~~1';1~aa:d~e~~·8141!~~!~ 837-4157 g~t1~~,2 1~~~. ~!~r1~a~ 964-9090 sml<r Send resume & ,. " a nut rm suite rom $75, bedrm 1urn1tu1e t w In h d I> oar d sl MORTGAGE SERVICE PO Box 7006. Newport wasner-Oryer-Relrtg & armorres trom Austria. Sole-bed. Qlue. dllle sz. Wood top ln t>ert cond SCRAM-LETS pm. 10350 Ellis. Fountain Ellperienced Cooks nee-Ill T E cos1n1c SALES Beach, CA 92660 Dtshwasher-Creeze• France & llaly. Country s 7 5 or r"e a s offer $35, 960-5844 Valley 1 btk East of d d I di ICHIS • lptr'd. se~ice Station Altendant. Y.lnt cond 646-5848 F h 979-9535. 832·7965 -611 orow-n plaid sot~ hide-B u d e or nne1 tiouse 645-5370 , • S 1 S _ renc pine chests. ca----------p ANSWERS rooktwrst nelp sen Nlte or day shift avail. _________ 1 uper. apply hel IB·1$1etr1gs. washers, Dryers 1>1ne1s & armolres. Ex-7 Sota·grn&yetlowpla1d, a-lledS75 Mapledinetle ou1 y6ut h choir t o 714/859-7200 Apply between 2·30 and Mature. work ethic, tght Have immediate lull ano lion 17th,& 1rvlne. New-Many to choose lrom qu1sjtely woven wall ta-$175 Matcn1ng club c;l'lr 5 e 1 4 c h a 1 rs $ 7 5 Bellow . Gourd Colorado ... First Sou- 5 PM. Mon-Fri. 990 Dove bkpng, good ollloe skills. part-tome sales openings port Beach Guar s 1ootup. 85!l-0682 pastries of many sizes & $76 wicker rocker $50 642-8954 Jingo . Flaunt thern Baptist Churel'I. St. N. B $1000 up Non-sm kr, 1 0 c 11 s E w (NG M A CH 1 N E designs Porcelains of Oak eno tlll $50 Oak -FROWN F 1 d S 1 • 873-3591 n ur osme c areas onER E 1 Wards Menu-Magic gas the Meiji and Edo Pe· Spanish bench S75 Brass table wlleaves & 6 Wolld traveler talking WANTED eurctse bike ttness or ent,e a e----------" '(pr, ac101y stove har'iest gold 2 yrs roods o t Japan, jewelry & chairs SSOO spersons to dl31rlbule Mechanic. small engine production line Pc · 6 • other •tams too nume-675-3089 7 14_979_4188, Ive msg about 1n1et1rgence "You Reasonable. Please cell the new Eu1opean El-Ei1perience Necessary, Apply 1n person M-F, rates Cos l a Mesa 1_s_1_90_5_4_9_·9_5_7 ____ roustomenllon Sota & Loveseat. earth-_ _can always tell who 1h8 Ans w er Ad 6 26 . forttess exercise ma-App1tcat1on by Appt only 10-12 642-9651 Refrigerator, Wes11nghou-rllEVl(W: tone plaid. solid wood. Bally Stroller wetl-inlormed people 642-4300. 24 hrs. el'llnt. comm issions. Call 639-3540, OTS Dis· 2 Fe.shlon Island ---------se. white. excel cond qlty const Farr cond twin. custom. Perego All an~ They always have a ~~~~~~~~~! 7 1 4 1 8 4 6 . o 8 4 6 0 r tributing. Orange Newporl Center EOE Shl.,iac I llecelviac S 145. 11· 1 d1r ef 11le $l SO 640.9155 access included. like FROWN." Portable 01g1taJ multlm«i- 2131592-4239 Somewhere out there 547-2916 AUCTIOll lrll Sher• new $175 979-2516 l"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ter. as nfNt $175. ltroltlltllti•& SALES CLElll !here must be a person ---------NEW French Prov bdrm, -II 963-8291 Full Time Handyman Job for large ottlce comple11. requires axperience In general building repairs. (714) 556-699 l . 9-11 30 am Only. Part time. Food broker, Newport Stationers has a over-60 retired, who Is Rel rig er a tor. 111\e new No minimums No res-ermoire & bureaus & din Oak 01n1ng Room Table & WEE HOUSE women more sul11ble, part time position avat-tooklng tor honest work $tro16s5t ,tree 2 dr 893-9060 erves No buyer pre-rm sel 841-3239 6 upholstered ~ha110s COLLECTllLES #i1et/111ttHI cu necessary Call Fri table Wiii train tn family b slneu We moums XI n 1 co n d ,p 8 0 w ,.. IOIJ Oct 1S1h end Mon Oct 557-9212 Mr Emmons need a persuon wl'I~ can -,-y-r-o-ld_G_a_ll_e_rs_&_S_a_t_ll_er_ Bob Greene & l ff Couoh 548•2063 Lintite4 EdltiH ••• r:!.".~~". ........... . l8tl'l 949-0574 1 17 receive & ship merchan-ga' stove. beige. $350 David Jensen Hercuton. brown and Solid Oak school oesk. SUPER SALEI WANTEOI Good used ex SALES-HARDWARE dlse. do 1111 handyman Auctioneers beige. good cond $85 retrlgeralorllreezer, IAIL SCILrTtllllT F/tlme postuon on retail Jolls. keep our place _49_•_·_29_o_s ______ 1 For info 6S9·8266. 548-2687 w /swtvel chair. $250. 25•1. OFF all collector's trost·free, wtlh tce- Needtd tor progreutve hardware store. see clean & contribute lo the MAYTAG Washer & Dryer. ---•811111131111110•·7•81111112•1---1-BUNK BEDS ~~0 -5277 AM & ea11y plates Oct 16-16·19-20. maker Must Ile In u- tmmedtal e o penings salon Some cllenlete S12'e6veR,l'hews•e':'. CrlgMl'l1 Co f riendly and cheerful bronze. good working ---------& dresser to match $100 ---------9·30em-5.00pm 372 Ca-cellant condl11on Call overseas and domestic pref Satar comm ~ • h h w cond $250. 760-8310 CABINET BAR $350 mlno de Eslrella, ,San 642 5678 t 320 20,000 to 50.000 + a •·acatlon MgrY·540_8889 • atP'OSP ere ere 8 1----------1 I/"' ,., .. , 1020 548-1067 Dark wood. w/relrlg Ctemenle. 496·8811. • · 811 • IOYEHIEIT Jiii C 1113121 920 9675 • . SALES/llTllll pay modestly so It would Frigidaire Dryer. worf\s •"•.. 556 0998 8.30-5:30. ~ear 8 -Earn to $lSOO/mo. PIT be helpful II you have perfectly $75 0••' .. s•••••••;,••••;,••• BABY CRIB Sommons. ---------- •12239 Nursln,g M ust Ile m a tur e existing Income We 5 4 8 -3276 alter 5 "15 chwlnn Ink IKle like new Wh i t e w t Coffee table. d.k heavy tee cream lreezer $30. ll111i1il GOVERNMENT JOBS LVN or ousy back omce. 559-9043 , eave Mes-provide medical & other Sat.Sun w/ltower seat Ltke new canopy $125 540-6187 burnt wood design, hke Hairdryer $25 Desks $20 l•1l111•1•ll IOl3 Many jobs available tn j'T ~571~~242· Ask for sage Interesting benelllS. _s_5_5_._9_3_3_·3_2_2_2----1Bake' Party Buller. S900: new, $250. 556-0998 ea Side tables $15 •••••••••••••••••••••• U.S. and overseas For1 __ o_a_n_m_______ Must be neat & bonda-REFllll. Ill. It• Fir. Woman's 10 spd ll•cycte. Brass day bed styte twin 552-0856 YAMAHA B A Directory 312/888-4347 Nursing Sales bla Please phone Mrs. 979-9696 otc 9-5 good condttoon $65 or beds w/metresses, com-Wrougnt 1ron baker·s CB· 1----------J ~eed with 8 ~~~ble ";~.: ex1. E-91 RN or LVN needed for RETIRED? Monroe for 1n1ervlew ofter 759-0097 lorters. co-ordinated blnet. w /dble doors & John Wayne Tennis Club FIT days In convalescent (7 t4J641-0353 Sear., Etec Ory4't. avoc sheets and dust ruffles, shelves. S75 556-0998 .tamlly membership for IPnVe~pceealkleenrt ccaobnlnedi1t._10Anll. HllllllHSHS Be your own bossl Best r en t d eal '"' C M 548-3446 Hosp Xtnt Salary & Be-Looking for extra In----------Heat sensor. SCHWINN Pi.te. 111110 sale Make offer ft nellls, lnclvdlng Ins. Sick come? Try Part· Time TEACH OTHERS 6-9 hrs $ 150 645-8968 girls. wi t raining heels $700 Compact Re trig, Orange patio ellatrs(4), 760_0499 S800obo. Pay. and vacations, Ap· S~IM 816~~ ~ENNYSA-weak Earn s5oo-s9oo Gibson AIR SWEEP Air S55 645-8966. ~\~~~4~~;;·1:175' best !~i~:s. rs0:0°svs~~~;9iu· 1·0-o_u_b_l_e_1>_e_d_w_/_a_n_11_q_u-ia l~~·~3~1~·~0~&~l~l~,~1~·~1~P~I~~ I B M 3•o v R. 1 tacentla mo. no selling nee oond. 220 volts. $175 -:;~~~~::;:=:-;;::-;::-1 . .=:::...:.::.:..:~~---P Y averly anor. " Av&.Coste Mesa.Aaklor 850-1991 SCHWINN Bantam. little 5 1 di 1 bl frame $100: table saw Victoria, C M. Mrs White 645-8968. ANTIQUE Dining Table, P ece ning 8 • 501• $100. 646-1750 Compact Planola player llAlll lnllST ---------- ----------iTetaphone Sates boys. wltratntng 'wheels w/4 blue chairs Lk new. good condition $60 1----------1 G d C di I Motivated Stylist Tieeded PllT·Tilt Sales EARi Ill llOlfl R"elrlg. frost tree w/lg _s'C'.s;';'s-;. =64:::-:5·::8_96;;:;8&;;:;-;:-;--=:::-l..::'.b::lu'.:t...:S:_::3::_2:::_5_:8~3:.::3:.:::-0::..1:.:4::6 __ 1 Coffee table S20 Call Un1versl1y Athlellc Club ~118~ 1 °1° d on t f~ for Progrestlve Salon OAOER ENTRY SlrPLEIEIT treeter. works good, $76 25" men's Nlshlkl 1111 646·7230 membership. $650. split .7n3c5u83e9s ove< Wo"ll.I ,/T 548-<1485 '' w Great Antique Wicker rolls. 6 • Salary. Comm .. Vaca-PROCESSOR YOlll lllCllE suntour cyclone shitting. I Sole & 2 arm chairs. BEORM French Prov Sat transf er fee Doug. ---------11on. Mgr 540-8869 trvfne ou ed metsenger S•OO • S900 wkly Call A 1 Id x Sld FF 1 e S 125 Scott 642 8534 0 / 1 & 1 ht wkdys 752-2100; evs or Majestic Orum set. exoel- servlce needs pert-time Work PI T, 9 am · 2 pm. (7141 536-7596 Ask for ~ak'er~ excel~nt ' c~n~. • mirrors. decor ltemt, etc st::er Sis~ rr~~ l -~J07 , _w_k_n_d_8_3_6_·6_4_0_2 ___ -I te nt cond. $50. 1701 person l :30-5:30PM To or 4 pm · 9 pm. wllh the A H Dunlevy 511 C1ncha, Newport ,. Pomona Costa Mesa Los Angeles Times Cir----------_s_2_00_. _s4_8_~_4_8_s ___ _.111i1'i•1 Beech 6•0·8140 eves CHEMICAL LAB SUP-ans phones, take orders 1 11 T 1 1 1 TELEPllOllE ... , • I IOZI PLIES. Instruments. & Etectrrc Organ, llkt new & enter orde<• Into com cu a on e11m n e e-\ Brand new deluxe Tappen "' 1111 I Pedestal dlnelle wood-M A f r RESS & B 0 )( $ p I • S • phone uta. Earn an SOLIClnlll 30" gas range. 2 ovens •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 bl 4 B/ 1 SPRINGS Obi Brand organic glassware. New 100 1701 omona, putef term n a .. tert · IOW 3I /FT , gr• n ti e. swive o-"eer naw 25'!. 10 90% Costa Mesa 1111 IOIHL IUlll-$<1.50-$5 50 per nr. Cell nourty wego + comm Work· Evenings In New-(I cont cteantng). cost 0 • 1 chairs Xtra teat $85 New! S 150 551-5007 .... TE Barbara556-632,. 1 Training pro11lded. For port Beach Last week $a99 se er S•50 Redwood 2x6 decking., S52-S365 eves 011 1-5PM M·F, 10•5 Ne w aecordl 1 n . det alts, C all ( 71 4 ) our top pehon put In 24 552-3075 •·20' tong. etso redwood i-----------Set , 932 N M ain St $300/0BO. Great tor Halrttyllst with tottowtng :o work In new salon In Corona det Mer area catted lmaoes. 675-5531. Learn Trade white doing Went Ada Cen 842·5678 540-0301 hours and brought home 1·F-r-0-,-1 -,-,.-e-s-ld_e_b_y-11-,-~-19 lencitng.,Call Jim or l(e~ Antique Oak Olntng Am Orange...639•7071· kids. Heatl'ler 646-6705, ~~Fnf:~~~~~0~· :~~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiii~;;.-1 1396. Cati 833-3740 titer relrlg, 19 ou It Like nfNt. anytime. 775· t491 1,031 w/4 chrs ·~!.'!!.' ••••••••••• !.~¥ (3) lhen1nls ben mac1htne1. _7_5_2.:.._-_83_8_3_. ____ _ driving. M UST have 1 PM $275. 857-5088 REDWOOD DECKING 95/obo. 64 1·0988 Beautllul Simco Roping up 0 s teied so es & Student Flute. 11lnt cond .. Clttn lie. Neat appet· m OPPORTUNITIES !!! nr11m111 I MAYTAG Wesner & 01y•r 2 ... ·s. 33c. 2X6. 49¢ per l wtn bed. lllnl cond. $65 Saddle. Xlnt Cond New chairs. tables & much $170. 7 1"-846·0229; ranee. Full-time 5 dTi ··•TE·I' rEllllll Ewcet cond. $250 both It. Alter 5 PM $700+. sell $425 obo ms ore c 213-924-3685 $ ~... c IN • ft s 11 995 0 22 6 6'10-9166 econd hanoe Antiques weetc. St1rt 4."" hr. a I 540-0337 ave • 1 75-3291 1724 Tustin Ave. CM 0111'"1 f•r•l l•N • ett 10AM 549·2231 El t · & C i t' ttak Quadrttek. busy 1--------J B111uo1' Goff• 106S .-· 1 •IOIS eC rOfllCS 0rnn1Un Cl IOflS C M Print ahop. Ells>« Freei er. very Od cohd. New 8royhlll Dining Se1 6 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Bumper pool/ping pong •••1•••• . llllSRllPI" only C an f or 11ppt White, tock tncorr><>ra!ecl, F1H to Yo• IHS chairs. 2 leaves S950 2 Siii\ Persten Rugs tor combo. $100. Flipper ••••1 ·~··•••••••••••• Rupont lbte person, How Would You Like To ,., 642-01<14 1350. 648·5752 tn)'1tme. ;;;;~~·~~00·;,~~;~·;~; _80.;._7_·_2_32_0 ______ , 11110. 1 running tor 10 K. style pin ball macn, $400. A~~a~~di'9~od desk. 8 Mori.-Frt .. &Im.noon. • Lffm A New SkJll Wllll OPERATOR old German Shepherd Oueen bed. Cuatom Ortl'lo otner. 7 K. It lntereslld. Oak credenza. S"OO, · 7~:7 179 Stlrt 15/toour. Laguna • Develop Leedenhlp APPLIANCES 546·5316 tncludtno ffemt Good please contact (213) Hammond etec: organ. --------- Niguel. Call Mo n -Ffl. • Ma.ke New f'rtenda erokeraoe firm hu Im• •100. ......... "°° off, rt----~-----1 GO(\d. $100. 497·50M 438-8428 $760. 64'4·2119 OFO 11•1. oatu• 49~80 • •--"'-tra Money ••s ' med open !Or ••Pfr wlrt • ... .,.,.. Free Golden Rel /Wolf -.;....--------1----------1 • -" .,....... ..,. .. Opt1ator, hrt 8-2:30. H • frlgt. wi thera, dryer1, p e bl Old Wick et Rocker , Otk Furniture, Oesk, t<anwood Chet Food Pro· S75. 551-1364 HOUSEKESPEA • 2 d~ • Enjoy R.,w.r CMllan Life lery commeneurete w / cooktop1, ovens, dtel'I-up•., &;g';25:Gk. cute. 'Trunks. a Asa't Tables. Outen u bed. Relrlg. Cessor, never out ot box wk . 8 :3 0-4 :30, o wn W --.. elCper. For eppt cell, H• 0w•e~d~'Gro-Ap"llan-smart • evs 673-3460 and More. 831·88159 el· vttued et S325 . utl f!!! •••• : •.•.•.•• ~? trenep. 752·7037 • vu., • • • I • n M c GI n 1 e y. ..... •v ,. "'"' 1rm11• I PIPPllS tor 6 p-12"5/olr 5 48-89 .. 4 e 11 ..,. & .. t M 13101 Htlor Blvd. GO • Beaulllul Pecen finished '" • " • uen r... w.. Piii> llSll&llOI • ~Uent CVeer OpponunltJee ror H.S. 71'.-644·2292 153 8333 Pet Zoo ·n· Pt,nt1 Too Oreuer w/lrg "Jlrror Jirnli 1010 _6_4_5_ .. 7_4_9_1 ____ --4 py. enow pro•::;,•· wot Ptr1on1t fine account Cradua~ or f.qulvlle:nt #1rti••"" og:n un. 11·4 ' 2330 Newport Blvd. CM $100 Night t lend $25 ....... 1. .............. Men• teatl'lt r cotn • sire co-own. $350. lit.UM admtn. Min, 2 Y"I agency • Tte.ltlln, J'w•Peop14t With No •••••••••••••••••••••• FREE PETS 63Ml350 642-3945 18K gold/dll mond pen· 38 l o 40. Zip out tining KEESHONO puppy AKC, '"'*Fr«! s. Ja,.,,.. a MIU\lry Exptrl~ A•llf.111 •HI A I 1010 Sweet. loving milled dint, .3& Gt• diamond•. 145 845-11521 chemp.llne.9wlla.l 150. Co. trvtne. Call Don Wit· • A"6 17 or fr),« to 35th btnhday •••• ••••••••••••:.,:••• •II •• ' ~ Doble/Germ Shep M s:,n~e r'~lrlc d l djuttible gem lab t&f.rt lNd 1950, Aepubtto "l<ldt Fly< Free" 551·6001 Nemt. 152-0900, !OE • ~or Prior 8ervloe WESTMINSTEA j:~;·;;~·,;,;;c:·,;:,·:;~;;. 1pp r ox II mo• o td , • x n8_.°o°j495 H kln{l8 . 831·11278 ticket•. •09• 2-18. exp. -G-o-td_en_A_e_tr_leYW ___ P\l_pp_lee_. LADIES: Xtnt Income. A98EV tnot. mQW9tl, u1n. ti.a & 545·0!S70 ••d'f',. 1011 11/1&/U 2 tor $110. AKC & •hot• .-cone I t A II I •·c--b-tk-,--h---li-•Frenoh Prov1nol•I Hutch, 4 •••••• ·•••••••••••••• 813 8887 1250 $51·tet& ''!nchtnted Lady'•" SOUND rNTJ:R~TINO .• :rn ANTIQUE MALL I 1".:: )(ef~va .or vte w 1 m•I• II· dra. 3 •Ni•v••· e drtwet•. TABLE SAW 10" AOCk· • ___ ,e_•_. -----home pant., new lutt, CAU TObAY ,,,..7,63 11751 w .. 1m1n1te< '-"'· v ew no Ott. I. I tl'I ten, 9 wk•. 1>011 tr11ne<1 7'i;8' xtnt c:ond n oo weU ~ever uied 1300 Radio controlled Felcon oarUno g mo otd Mndy· "1ft, lll'barL 5514148 (.........____I...,. 1 m .. ..,. ) GARDEN GROVE frOITI II to 4 pm al Foun-551.t~t firm e~~2010 de'i~-"'. "'""•~l5"' Senior modl l eltplene "'t lftd -t'". Hea ah-•.-_._, : .... · .-: ..... ,.m. 554.e 1oa tttn Valley Clly Yard,1---------1.::-:-""".'."':~:-:-:--:-:--::--:-~';;":--l.,.:;;;':.:.••:.;.:.•,...::.:..:":..:"..:."_:":.:.:;':__1 "' oc .. "'S di " ..... "' Liii 1fPW CINDY ••lllO HO . 19240 Ward St. autimlt Fr" to You. Shin Tzu Btk 'Round eldt tt blt 150; r u• " "' rt1 ° gur. tin d t Io . I 2 0 ob o llliii~ --·'--' & Wht Mtte At<C • #J1nlJ,.Hll •Ill l a 5 0 Q e 11 e 780+2MO ,.,greulve Newport Antique Buffet te&O; Cut _,.., bid• by l"rt. Oct. HO·lH2 PldH let mirror 1100: 4 ................. T.... (714)548·2•29 ---------9MCl'I firm ...... rnotl· l!lJ;I t 11150 Chi 22nd. ti 3 pm to l'oun• game ohetra U S ea: 1 Tiie top 6'4" round pello AKC Cocti• vet.O tnclMdualt. Tefft• ~'!·••• 2 I l Ne llwl graH rl.' t • ne lltn V1ltey City Hall, • ctut> ehetr 175 tt.bte, wrOUOhl Iron b•M TAP WATER PU~'!lll't l Buff~-1cwi.e °'*'• Mutt heY9 • .,.. 6 . wpert • Ml 117 , t87·2320 Purcnaalng Oept., 10200 MOfl lw'nlltee _. oet!tng 780·0..0t with 41, loldlng Chetre. TrlPlt fllter, aeo,.,toue, S5f..MO? '"·«. lto.,:!:1iPtlctf'io lii',"i_= c..to -"""" .....,..,. ,... -• !!:',," .:.":. ';.'"o.:',.. =-~.., .. ~ l·t<-t-ng-.... ,,-.-m-•_tl_rt_•_•_•_n_d HO. 873·4488 ~:::,:~o~•n•~~:,' ::: AKC YOl'tlle ~Pt. 1 re, !E:I.!!!! .t9 1111'> Ct•Mffled left do 1----.....:.----1 per that'• not getting b o'ol 1prtrio• Fram • John Waynt Tenn•• Olub dium. Ctorlne, .A•ti.•t11t1 U &O, 3 MalH, IUO. llLL Idle ltMll with• fl well I Ct ll NOw. 1 WANTAC'TION? VMCI. Mii it now with a $ t 4 & Goo d oo n d ramll~ M1mbttthlp tor vlru••• removtd, •149, 11 28·t •tt or Ct1't Olly 1f1t1ot QM1"'9d !l/L 8'42·15611. Ctea1tf«t Ade IM1·5678 Clutlfied Ad. 051·11200 .. le U00 9515·2013 .. 99-3414 941.4()14 ---· .. . ·-- l " 011.tngu Coatl OAILV PILOT /Sa1urd ,.,. ,.,, ..•.........•......... Ptllk MIUIOklll .. 1rro1 w toe w•OllOht uon uu• 1800/0bO 640 bJIMI r!~!.' .. ~. '!!r~~ ... !.'!;f 0111. Upglfght 111•1\l.J ""'-'' h1\lahlng l llfltl ~·111'172 Y1m1h11 1-'oll•lltO l!bonv ABY681Nl.t.N8 2 lllttana. .ot 8 p I 1 no , U I ll ruOOy COlot, I 11 $3~/b .. oh 66 llllf/ •P•ye(l er A leQl•t d •O:I 041& <.1bt11 u1>11u111 p11no like Por&ll .. t a SO H Cock• 1101'1 S36 t1 () •'' n•w 11000 tl•O 6?0 t 1 o u n d c: 1 o e S II !I &1101> •t nome 11 • H ay 11411 2731 wllh claulllld 1142·11671 ~~!!!l ........... ~~l I (I I .. 8 I\ I N e u t I q v • l•I (•t1l••t1f ·200 I Only l ll h0111a , Al10 ll1vo 11 tOH for Oltn M•I .. IV •kit 1101•1 11111111 110 ,0 11 like 1110 lel\g. UCXlll I IOU N l W I C a I t ( 1 I • I Oown aleeptng bag l 'IO D4:t' 10VO I "" for Jli'I\· &chwtnn Vltlll'y IJll<e my JI It Out pl .... ,,,!\ OM TblJ '"""" m••t-o•I ,. .. ,. & lll>t>ll flti.h•• tllOCM bt 10 1 yr 01<1 ll\011>'1 ,,,, 6~.l-J6 IO CIHtll'-0 Adi 11"2·S41' Cl1ullle1J AIJ1 111 Ille 1n1w•• 10 • tucc111lul g•IOQ9 Of y11Q lllel 11 a I tl11t11 w•y 10 tell mor• pctOplel our famous DIMES-A-LINE 1.1 ... 1.i .. , .....•....•••.•••••... Sui.>C ll 011 ag" S111tl 1lftek1 tnlll•1a pt1rnu, clotllh10 ~nlclo.·llr11c:ke t.100 c;llppo1 t>ook.a Set r. Sun ti :. 113 ( Buy· 110111, R11I 1,111 ~!J~.o!. !.!'!!'!J!'!~ • •••• GAAAO( SALE 2000 M•· . ~~!!!!===~~~~~=======r=======~!i!~!!!!!!!!!!:ll~--·~1 111m111 01 . IJtilbOI P11r1111 -• Sut1!\11n '613 2n3 NEW mot&rc:ycl• llelmets 110·$40 New Su1e mllo.e with a11achments SSO Mens ano t1d1es new Btrk"nllocks 19·$27 Yogurt makel S4 Blue Chip stamp books 12 Free bar weights 125 lbs S25 Druef king stu headooaro $45 S1a1n- tesa 1teel restaurant supply stnk and cabmets S50 TV S20 MIXll $8 Kllchenwar e 50c-$5 Corner ol trvtne 1nd 22nd StrMI DOUBlE mattreu 1111d PACHINKO game $25 FOU~ dr1we1 Ille c11u11111t, bo~ spring S 15 Work , Two Co1velr doo1's S50 rnt111I. •ilghtly dt!nh11l. Coro • dtl M• bencn wnh drawers $25 each Grlll for ·55 Cnevy b"' lvnc11onnl $4!> •••• !'. •••••••• ! ...... . Folding clos"t doors SS S50 Antique Sperkteus 645.()892 1K1ng st10 oed wllrame Des~ $40 Night stand dispenser SSO New fffP CUSTOM •6<1wooo youth St 50 080. kil•g oedo1ng. S3 Desk accessories 11111 9-lS on wheel $5~ w0<1\ t>euc:h 135 custom dbl bed ~ 100 OBO 48" 50c·S2 BSA tape deck Several nu wood dQOr s wood kllC:hen 101 youth 1011nd lornucu tilble, 1 $15 Wollansat8track Sl5-S25each Small 126 BovsbtkeSIS IHl&6ch1sSIOOOBO rec:ord1111pt11ye1 $SO an11que rocking chair Buddy L. Typewlller 15 ciotnes & misc 2 19 Cassette rack $2 SO $35 Hard oack books ell 8 ,11 wlil!el 13 Books Mo1gue111e CdM Sol Clothes hl!lm1>411 $I Re krndS $1-$5 Many from· 1 b k ,. ' only 9·S co1d pl11yer $10 lnsta· ed pictures $3·$5 Two PiPi •c s recorus mallc comera and easel banana chairs $8 each Sc-25c Tovs Sc SS Va10 Sa1.-beos b11t.e~ $ tO Bo '$ 241n 10 speed !>45-8380 t9252 Sierra Cao1z, Ir· kit lable party iaoles. b1cycley $50 mens tO vine (TurllorockJ Sotu1· cab1n11ti.. misc llem~ spe.d /lijcycle s:i5 Oii DESKS S25 Tables $IS Oay 9· lpm 50c-SIOO Sal/Sun tO 4 c •• ,, ,,,,, ....•••••.......••..•• rt'. '-'''' •• ,,, 111,. itllJ llllH IOH fwil f01 ...... ~ ...••••••.•.••..•...•..••••...•...... Uell I ltowell ltecl1U111(.1 Siiµ 101 renl, Main 011y Cou1 •• hu:h.1dlng t O )0•8 , II ta It VOIUl11H ut •IKtronic• 013 63•0 11111n1ng from b .. ,, to ldVlllCld TV rep1tr I D .. tgn Coneot1 to1 t1b IAPlllrn1n11 I dlQlt•I mvttlmlt•• 1 t<>lllJ at111 fllgQlled IWMP OIClllO •C<IP• 11111 11 26 color 1 V with dlQll•I clock dlg1t11I tll11nn•I Ul11Jl8y A •l•CllOl\IC 1un11 all olll It"''"~"· & •" 1.01nµl8lll 11nt.1 ur uno 11 .. w rh11 11 " ' I /00 VUIVll Wiii Mii fur $700 63 1·11106 * * * 311 fdgtwll.. VI) to 33 ~et 01 01.ll 1173 1943 OAHAC.I:. SAL( S1111Sv11 t0-4 i808 tile "o•y (nr Morbor & Adom11) ACA HI" PorllllLe Color TV, wOlkl 1)000 $41} U40·9 IC6 ¥!!!!,.~!~~~! ... !.~~~ Numorov• ,,,,,11111 11.,n•• ~lolhu~ toy' etc 101>2 Concord C M S1u1Svn Culor IV. 23 Mvtoro111, 9.5 portoUto w/&Wl\lol ltl'1d S tOO 556 1446 MM,R~~~u•. HUT SAU SAT I to 4 270 ~owling Oroo1• 1)1, C:.M 20 !)Al Pllll llHA (Sev111al t11 t111111n1 \ 11t111tt118I. HOllUA A TC 69 1011 ol 11xt111 $300. Covell p1ctv1ea lamps Ch11~1 1111s Boutique llama Much more m11. ce11aneoua 850-9920 SAllSUN 10 ·5Pm /Ralcom SI nr Victoria I Relf1g S 150 ga1 dr op· ner $40 Sola many el;. c.et bar11a1111 63 I 3039 N•w PS X!.)0 1urn1obl• torw uvto dlr dr. Cryal!ll ~po con1101 5 200 fi~ I 4246 '°''' ' 111'1iat any atlll, 24 hr socurlly lrltfl 18uhClllng •EWPORT DUHi 1131 lie• l1y Dr H U4·0110 ,.,,; .. ,., .... ,.a.............. T t i 0 I 4 0/0i "0'"°' ,, •• ,,.,,. 7 ·····~··············· •••••••••••••••••••••• Al It 1110 t2 etum boev•re11er 1 5 •• !!!~•••••••••••••••• hp motor auk gas tonk FOR LEASE • Moonev $900 49•·2905 23 t o C S60 per nr wet loaii M1ioltHOt:f I eves 83~-3322 or S I • 9020 760-8835 """' · · · · ·•• • · · • • · • · · •• • • • • c •• ,,,, S•le M&t111e Services I 1 1 9120 Oesfgnltnstall/Repa1' •••• !~•••••••••••••••• A•lifH•/ A1t•1 Wut" tlH Cl•••lt• IJZO • • •• •. • • • .-. •• ••. • ••••• ·····illiiL·:.1~:;t·.. WE PAY Sh•y repllcu pickup• 6 1 TOP DOLUll coupu <I 10 tlJOO•• Fl• IUI ,.,.1 rr oml (OOllTDllJ 1&111 " '""' ~093) Prg1 tllllll>Q 11 AUi Ulltl HU St,Htl PllTIAO/llWI ... , ........... . 10411 Ford WOO{ly WO· gon, s 13.000 1!1211 forO Modal A Town Seoun $1 0 ooo 67!"1 6161 '31 Std Mndftt A 'Ollto<.IOf cor Rv111 grout ~umble Seut et' $7000 C:1Jll 71 4 7Si! ttll• or 728-4240 55 Chuvy Bel .-.ir wgn 350 rebll 11no . rvnt greet AM/FM CHS, OT mags S 1 000 548-6898 leave m1g 60 Plymoulll V11herit 6 cyl pusn button auto ictnl cono Orig owne1 60 000 m1 S675 S48·4109 2480 H11 t><l Btvd COSTA MESA HI-UDO 141-1411 ~1 llY OLW 0&111 &II TlllOll COMMRL CHfnOUT '.I\." II .111 .. 1 It , I ' 'i:... I \ -.! ~ ·, \ ~U-IZOO •1111 HYER I op dollo,. lo• SPOiit C••• Buge C11mp111. 914't , Audl'1 A1k to1 U/C MGR Jiii llHlll VOLUWAIH 1117 t 1 Beech Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 9'2-2000 WlllTED! l"'" model Toyotas Volvo1. "Pickups & Vens Call us todayt CONSOLE color 23 Inch tetev111on S50 Nine wood dresser drawer S35 Wood frame 211311 mirror S15 Antique • drawer dresser 135 Queen slz.e wa1e1bed. veltl adding machine Cheirs S7 Arc lamp S•O CHANDELl:q $26 Stll· 607 Orchid $10 EleC:lllC Ski I let/ ~~~~~~u~:~~: 1:c~~I ped lebr1c l11fany_ s 15 GIANT GARAGE SALE· griddle S3 Spite rack $5 Picnic table 520 Va Desk tamp $5 Men s 111e Antiques. lurn. 1elr1g. $2 Bookcase $1 5 Mii· cuum cleaner s 10 Elec· 9 ski boots. rack. carry books collectibles Eve· Wash11r D1ye1 • tamlly sale 3 t t nno 111. CM 9·4 Sat only Cebo'(., C1mper tor Im· '68 Cnrysler Conve11 38 Plumbing. a1ect1tca1 port truck boot, stabtll· 000 orig m1, S2000/b1t TOTOTA-YOUO Olly work 549·2S20 Ev liarle/ke !~~~!~~'?.~~!!~ ..... . woodwork Qualtty work zers corner 1acks $750 olr 499-1997 "" H..-r .,,, c:ompa1111.,,8 pr1ces (714) 64S-S898 c ....... .. rorad plant stand SS Ille 1 pewrtler $50 Pto· case $ 15 lor oll 8001 1ytn1ng must 110 Sat Chaise lo4nge $2 Coat ecto~ (lllm and shdesl rack, carry case 15 onlyl t0-4 612 Begonia. tree $2 Elect!IC: barbecue ~ 10 Le 810, 011008 19252 S1er111 Cadiz, Ir· CdM 11n a11ev1 SAT /SUN 9AM·5PM 011 pa111flngs. lvrn1tu1e, kit· chen ware, dishes, col· 1ec11bles, tire wood, gooo junk 16038 Carleton St. FV E OI tir bl ot Liiac 631-7913 '77 Dodge camper con-4 Wbeel Dri11e1 f550 "•o-t>OJ • so.to1 IHll, /11,,illf ve1s1on POP·IOp, ale, e2.jee0p0c~1~·~i;·~~·a~ complete $50 Picture frames S3·S5 Two dta· wer metal Ille cabinet $35 Table saw $50 Costumes $5·$ IS Work table S7. Cinder blocks tOc each 846 -9038 H untington Beach. 5pm-8pm S 5 Shoe rack S 2 v vine, Turllerock Satur· Double/queen oak head· s3o-sso Area rugs, lar day 9-t Coil• "'"' board $25 Su11cases $5 11e SS·S50 Jewelry, tur-• ••••••••••••••• •••••• £, • 9030 new om/Im caas stereo. •emovable hardtop, 5 .... ,~!f!'!~~! ..•.•.. •• stnk. stove. oven, retrlg, spd t>oi<. stereo. many Lots ot commerc1a1 lots 01 Sl'>rage, cruise more xtras Worr sllll WE In USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR Carpeted kll"'n house Quo1se and cos1ume JACUZZI heat er $SO SS Paporbacll boolls $5-$50 Tape record Pump $50 Ftlter $50 IUYERS PARADISE 10c Baby clothes players $5·$15 Oullls, Lamps $5 Sterno spee-I Gafage Sale, Sat 9·4 Furn . kit Stull. bOOkll. toys & treasures 17815 Son Mall (S or Slater. W or Evct1d) swordfish gear Flying cont new tires & paint valid St t .000 OBO 'gaffs. 1na111n rods. 1ee1s Xlnt cond thruout 675-27.ot3 FRH APPRAISAL and tackle, e11cno1s 11. 645-8730 ____ _ Cormlll•· Delillo IOc·S5. 17698 Sonia clothes $10c-$2 Games kers StO Tools $1 Hou-HUGE ESTATE SALE Rosa Ctrcte Fountain SOc-$5 Bird bath. sk• sewa1es $1 Clothes $2 Vis 01 collecting, 1ooo·s Valley 842·5·612 Satvr· equipment $10 Fite· Books tOc: Side mirror 01 exc1t111g Items el day only place equipment S5·SSO tor truck S20 Condlet' "must sell" prices berglau dock boxes. Ttut:b 9560 0001 ond marine hard· StX P..AC cabo._ier tor 1m-•• •••• ••• ••••• ••• • • • •• ware and much more po11 truck, ictras SSOO or Toyota '76 AM/FM Ste· · 497-7090 SAT ONLY best otter 631·8278 reo cassette Small CHEVROLET 1821 t BEACH BLVD HUNTINGlON BEACti 141 -1011, 541-3331 __ 2211 Vlsla Huerta $1 SO Gas stoves S50 Books. pictures. t1ames. HS~~S~~WB~~Nlo~~!h:,s TWO po•labl" elec1ron1c Across from HS football each Camping gear lamps, dishes. trunks, Variety small to largo Boat, motor & 1ra11er Incl Hsehld 11ems 17082 Coton1a1 Ctrcte 170 I Pomona, Costa camper shell S2 t 75 Books 5oc-SIO Wicker air pur1t1ers. cost over field 64<1·S846. $1-$5 458 Broadway, quilts. etc Sat. Oct 16. Mesa 673·6618 HIGHEST CASH 1mme-/llot01t:Tt:Jel/ dtately for your vehicle, trunk SS. Old metal trunk $600 . sell 101 $50 each POLICE radar oeiecior Costa Mesa lhru Wed t0·3 Every E xerc1 se blcycle $30 day unut stuffed garage $5 Cast Iron lo!lg han· $50 New hand held tape NEW auto s"n 1001 SSO H · I }t gt~g lamps with red gtass ~i~0~0$3~8~~~e~e~~ adotng machine $32 645·591<1 121 E 18th ;~11e;;ri~in ~!i7'2H:,~~,0~ •• '?'!!~'?f!!~ ••• e.~~ ••••• ~!!.'!,.~~~~~ ...• !.~~~ St:H lell 9150 SPECIAL PUllCHfcSEI domesnc or foreign •••••••••••••••••••••• 551 8285 ~981 fiberglass dtesel Fantastic Motorcycle ·73 New 82 Jeep CJ s O 10 • _ . S.5 Pair potlsned rocks bioom vacuum 58 NIGe men's 10 speed bike St Costa Mesa Ferrview) GIANT Garage Sale 9401 slabs 10c-S1 Flreptace lormica dlnelle tal)te $50 AM/FM digital clock BRANO new KoOak ms·l•••llil•••••• Breakwater Cr H 8 Oct Nordic lug Full yacht Honda XL2SO. Slrt/dlrl cnoose from Includes lnm the best. equipped 2100 m1 Looks & runs w1ncn 1amboree package AalOI /•Hiit' screens. neve1 been In· w ith two leaves 530 radio $20 Rug S}'lampooe tani Handle 2 camera 9-10 Ham11ton/Bush11rd s 11 11 e d S 8 0 Is hes Man's 261n crutset bike $20 S.ttonary Jogging 520 Polorold instant Vaid Sale Sat/Sun 9·S ever built 4 pages of hke new' $500 497-1897 and much more •••••"···,-.···••••••••• gear asking $59 500 SAVE THOUSANDS Alf• lo•H 9105 25c-S10. Aoelone shells SJO Assorled mirrors ul'lll $20 546-2855, Minute Maker camera 2272 Maple SI Desk S 1 P 0 t 5 8 n d P 1 n s $2-$6 White b1and se-S 15 Brand new Penma.x tO·SPd & misc BICYCLE STORE GARAGE SALE Ollrce • 897·44SO. nome 79 Honda XLSOO. i<lnt ORA•"£ COAST •••••••••••••••••••••• -S'18·S930 cond $950 01 oest oller • 78 VELOCE SPRINT 25c·S 1 2272 Avalon. oll wing machine in cabrnet UPHOLSTERED recliner 35mrn cameta $ 10 Re-Sal/Sun-Vespa turnuure. clothes. etc 66 I Ross St CM S48-7044 SAT •0·6 Access Classic te Lapstrake 640·8353 AllC/JHP/HUILT S4950 5 sp<1 ate, tape 2524 Harbor Blvd CM whls lllt lo m1 529WOU Wiison, Costa Mesa S 16 Two 1oaste1S $4 and cna1r "Ace $50 Older mlngton Elec111c 220V components & bikes Century oay ooat, .ot cyl, '11 YAMANA IT400 549-8023 645-7770 Dir 64S·2963 DRAPES and rods $25 S6 Oval P1asto-8urger apertme 1 size relri~e<a· t~writer S 15 New Uni· G.E Dryer $3S 1211.12 $4 Two card tables $5 tor, work s great 50 versa! car elerm wrlh SI· tent heavycanvaS'S35 6 and $6 Please call Nice love seat S50 Mot· ren S25 540-4875 2-WHEEL TRANSll Grey $3500 675·6161 40 t Mam. HS ' ---EST A TE SAl E-Sm appl, 960-762l 15 Boat & trailer 35HP. New nead work, sprock-et & chain $650 7S Cnev S1lverado ~. T 4 78 GT 49M burgvnoy. 850-0202 X 4 350 hvd10 $4500 xlnt SS.900 ma~ rubber rah $50 S45·7215 alle< 9am cning cf'latr and onoman ------ Bathroom afnk and rev-$45 Faberware open TWIN wicker headbOard. eel $10 Bethioom mfr. LEAD came stained glass heartn bro11ar $22 50 wtilte S t2. Holly Hobb!e r or medicine cabinet 50c each King size bed Ntca 3 cushion 811 sota. doll carr1age Sil Gtrl s $50 Man's bike $15 130 Antique oak swivel sea g1een $50. Small Ice skatet 12N S 13 G E. electilcal 11001 wa· desk chair 550 Anhque d1ne11e set, 4 chairs S25 _4_9_7_·50_8_5 _____ _ ><er, polisher SB King typing table S50 80 Two collee !ables 522 TWO living room velvet stze sp1ead with drapes squore feet oak parquet and S IO Tw o table chairs $10 each Tall $25. 1857 New Jersey flooring $20 Old pine lamps S lO Lamps $2 teole lomp S 10 Men's Street Costa Mesa kll<:han table $50 Old each Beaulllul black suits. 3 plec;es$10 Men's S57-73SI canning 1ers $2 each cashmere la<lles coat suits 2 piece $10 Ottl'a $20 N ice cto1nes Antique chlldrens press· 50c·S l5 Dishes 25c.$5 clothing 7 · 14 SI ·18 De-WASHER and dryer $50 each. Olshwashe1 $50,. Push mower $15. E1ec: Irie edger S 10 Occulo· nat chair 120 Recuner 120. Antique dresser $50. Suitcases S2 each 221 Flower Street Costa Mesa. Saturday alter 11arn, back potty c:nalr $2S. Old Bedroom chair ,12 50 core tor shell brackets milk can S 1 t Hanging SS. Desk chair SS Fa-301n white globe lamp Vanlt"y charr S3 Pots and 01lcs $1 8 .track 101 car $5 Antique brass desk pans 5oc-s3 50 each $4 Bird cage $4 Books tamp S1S Antique oato. Crutches $l5 Hand-2Sc:-50c Toys 50c·SI smgte drawe1 ltle $40 made 0001185 lor chrtst-20871 Lancelo1 Hunt· mas $3 50 each 204 7 Chtldrens, edvlt clothes. Chaille (reai) Between 1ngton Beech 011 Bv· shoes 25c-SOc An11que snaro. between 1no1ana-ov11 picture frame, curv-l;,lamllton and Bernard 1 potls end Atlanta ed glass $35 Baby block wast ol Harbor, 1 ______ _ Twotiov·s bikes 2 4tn Slroller, paid $75 sell _c_os_1_a_M_esa ______ IX gate valves 1•.1n ·21n beachc(Ulser H_ulty S<IO $15 Car seat paid $40 COFFEE table S30 End s2o 20011 btacll Iron Seat's 20ln s11ngray MX sell S 10 EtectrlC Vibrator table $2S Niie stand 16 Pipe 1' ··21n $50 2000 $25 C ar double bike massager S3 Lady s End 1101e s 15 Couch sq 11 clear plastic 6 mill carrier $8. Bike pans etec1r1c snever used s 14 PdllO metal teble 130 4 O•llon galvanize 25c·S5. 545-3838 . lwiee S• Antique medl-S 15 Rocker $22 Cot sprey Cl/l 120 Four 811 ~tno.'•~inet J~ A(lll-Juul s 10 OU!!ll.JI bo.1t 2 tube lluorescen1 lights qU41 ~.ound beJtei '"'"IAg ~lO-.Malai .bed $15 eeeit Four 10ff fete-~ p ...,.... ,,-ote~-9lm•· m11ror .49 air b1ass 1rame $1 !I Lamps ~., tor PUSh mower S 15 l6f1 and painted glass bou-$ 10, $15 Twin be<I 135 books kllchenware, xtras $7SO or traoe SattSvn '9r-4 296 Hano-H . 1 B ... _ 673-0647 1 80 Yamaha 125. Kini ver Or CM aolut• 00 '1PVOI -cond $600 ____ , •••••••"•••••••••••••• 18 South Coast tolally · 760 9215 moat new push mower Everything from baby $6500 ObO 631 ·7765 or YAMAHAS '80 v Tri- Girls 5 spd btke $30 Al· fiARA&E SAU ~ restored Nicest In N B - w/catcher $75 979-9689 Items to furniture 10381 631-7022 Mo10 '75 MX175, 1974 Kukv• (Brookhurs1 and -28 Twtn Osl -IMX 100 548·7903 all Antique brass bed. sewing moth desk & mtsc turn . etc. etc Sat. 8 10 3, 2987 C101tdon. SI, c M (Ott Beker) 540-4668 eng books, rec rds & Gerl1eld) Sat/Sun 9 'Ill 2 Sktp1ack, $48,000 Spm /111int ................••..•• Sat 10116, 9.4 Couches chairs. clothes deco1 Items 13 Sorigspanow (Warner & CutverJ 557-4758 80 Yamaha 1100 Special l RADE Beoulllul 22' Chris New only 650 mt custom seal $2600 546-4843 ' C• nit Full option. tor auto Need lransporte· --SAT/SUN 9 ltll 4pm Clo- thing. tools. toyt , vw misc 3026 Babb I CM Multi Family garage $&le lion 1ooay Boat worlh #otor Ho•t1, S•le/ S3SOO Mork 673·3481 I ltot!Stollft 1160 2•• W II ff S/F ••••• :r.· ••••• ••••••••• "' t era Rent 26' motor home. Motorcycles. surf board, boogie boards. fins, lawn mowers. stereos. bikes. m1ac 276 Albert Pl, CM. Saturday 8 to 5 Garage sale • Everytning rnvst go Sat/Sun 9am 10 6pm 630 Joann SI C M ll41ac baby Items. hsehld goods, ce1flng Ian & o t ner ;issorted 11ems 1H8 bo.ab..lllm SL.Sun Only 9.3 546-5103 furn. clothes & misc Sat 8-3. Sun 12-4. 16 Whit- ney. (NorthwOOdl Irv 1978 new 250 HP OMC sips 8. fully loaded Ball lank VHF. trlr $14 645-8616 tpaul) HUGI ESTATE SALE Furn collectables Sal 9.4 370 1 Fenn SI 9SO Take over pymlS SKIPPER YACHTS of NEWPORT BEACH Lido VIiiage 673·5200 _1_c_u_1v_e_rd_a_1e_1 _____ 1 14 ft tibe-,-0-1ass_bO_a_t.-tr-; K1ng-sz waterbeo oak & 22 hi p motor w/ ac· shelves ste1eo & spkrs c e s s o 1 1 e s S 6 7 5 area rug & other stull 963-5272 too Sii only 10-• 4871 11 n aluminum Seat s Pasee de Vega Cemou Jtm ~110 searrraclfetS'l' g;-turlleROGli ancnors S•2S 963-5272 SHOO Must sell by 10/15 '77 Fteld & Stream 22' (Dodge 360) Rear drnet· te <18.500 mr 963-2187 T11ilt11 Trntl 91 10 ••••••• :1 •••••••••••••• 1972 22 K!!l}ktll Travel t~ Con<t!Oon S2SOO (714152&-4317 080 646-1367 540-8969 '72 Ranchero with shell ·79 Spvder converllble M11st see S 1.otOO I Xlnt cond Bleupunkt al- ' 673-3149 loy whls Always garo· --geO $9500 495·0738 1972 Oalsun w /camper,I --- gorng nome 10 Germany, Aa'i 9101 must seu Aurts great 1 ··••••••••••••• ••••••• $9SO Call 675-7JSO all 10 Au4i 5000 Turbe 6pm 26.000 miles fully loaded . sunroof. gd COl'd Like 80 Toyota Customtted new $ l 3 400 080 stake bed truck. Air 6 4 s. a 2 11 Eves cono. am/Im c:ass sle· 957.9554 oays reo M oon roof, dual ---- whls on rear. 1S gal wlr tank w/elec pump hy· draullc a1r shocks stain- less steel and canvas canopy 2 rear mounted 1001 bo•es. 2 captain s chrs mounts lot slalle bed 32 000 mt $54 7 S/ollo 546-2 tO 1 Mon 1nrv ~" '7S Audi Fox Nflt!dS liltlE worll S 1000 or beSI ot ler 8S7-4167 '80 4000 sunrool 4 spd stereo air .clnt cond $6200 631·2991 ·73 Au01 LS 100 Gooc cond111on • dr S 1200 675·77EI 73 Datsun Pickup w/shell IMW 9112 auio low mt •••••••••••••••••••••• $1700 '74 Foro XL T 1 ton w snell air shk~~ gd cono $2300 646·6:.02 SADDLEBACtc "Att.1'N"'Walerhearer SSO Kitchen catt wllh plug 15 Toaster $5 Child's table wllh 2 chairs $25. Oa1s 12 each Porta c1lb S.25 673-4749 dolr lamps S 10 Latge Double wood bed $50 Jin galvanize pipe S 10 Antique oak serving tray Double dresser $48 Twenty breaker sq II S 10 Table and Oed hn· Double chest or drawers 1 0 a d c e n 1 e 1 S 2 0 MOVING SALE Sat & Sun Oct 16tri & t71h Furni- ture, antlques.-m1sc !lam 1077 Corona Lane. C M 979-7079 f~l.~~~.~i!!~ ........ . 131~· Boston Whate1 w1 '82 Ideal 32'. rr ba every 78 20 HP Mere Set up opt •on. sll-conl • must r!J!~ •••• •• •••• • ••••• • lor bass and ocean sett Alt S 891-1588 ~ . ( GIRL'S stingray bike 20ln wheels S 15 Car top car· tier S7 50 Two 1ad1a1 tires GR76-14 $20 Oke 8.75-16.5LT tire s 10 545-3638 nens S2·S• Sa1urday $40 Night stands s101_s_49_·_2_7_07 _____ _ and Sunday only 9031 each Book shelves HIGH cn11t. dark n1rdwo- Oceanwood Drive. Hunt· SS ·.S 1 O. 5 4 3. 0 8 5 4 od $35 Toy boxes $ 10 tngton Beach Allan1e1 (953-8467) ano S 12 Chlld's 1ocker. Magnolia TABLE top glass ~In dark wood S 15 White G1rage Sale S11urday end Sunday 9am-4pm $3000 ObO 964-4152 25042 Ertcson Way Will trade $40K equity lor ANNUAL SURPLUS SAlE ---L•allu•n•a•H-llt•s--11! boat w/cash o• can BOAT /CAMPER CABI-wr11p your loan Gu 01 NET SHOP • Teak It .. I'·~· dsl. prelet IVolln eng doorsldwrs, ice boxes, •• e.'!1;! ••• !........... Sporthsn 1194-1096 BLACK ru1 coal , lull thick. 211x 41t 1 20 $12 Hoover upright 135 W_O_O_OG __ R_A_IN-lo_•_m_l_ca_d_I_., length, go trick or treat tn 20ln1<201n SS 646-1435 Eureka can1s1er, anac:h- netta table $40. Four "class" lor Halloween keep trymg ments S40 Zenllh Black awnings, VW cvr1a1ns/ LIDO ISLE 18 Seocralt, center con tire racks, 9' Zodiac In· Furniture, Clothes & sole t 15HP Mere: with trh llatable 4HP Mere outbd. Household Items Sports $6,000 545.9190 matching swivel up· Pa1ty or Just to wear any · end White '21n TV holstered chalr5 s4o place 145 Full or IVo1ln FOUR panel backed tov· needs adjustment S20 Roper dlx gas oven, 4' Equip Books & Lots of 545-3838 No Sunday's bed fiame with ball cas-ver doors 18inx80in. $20 Phone teole and chelr IMS $10 Twin stza day One surfboard, used bvt $35 Vanlly bench S 15 bed covet, ruSI color S9. usable $10. S48-5985 Siiverware b01< $12 Ha· Patio webb chairs $ 7 BABY crib ano mattress mill on Beach blender each All In gOOO condl· 525 B b swl $l5 1 • S 10 New Franciscan snips wheel. tlm~ clock. Magazines 208 via Lido A Bristol Chris Connie much more Sal 9-4 s 0 u d s AT u Ro A y plus slip S5K dn payt '67 VW squareback pons S6-S50 Answering me· chines (2) $15 and S25 631.0378 or 646 .. • 161 TIRES 19517Sli 14 $25 pa tr 1-L76ii. t5, 1·070x14. $10 each 8 hole 9x 16.5 G,M pickup rim S10. 631·3701 CAA top luggage c1rr1er S25. Free 1t1ndlng lire- screen $20 Protection screen S 15 Hood heir drye< 120. Racquet ball racque1 S. Lawn chllrs $5. Tvltp ramp Sii Pt1n1 prQbe $5. Ballery Nall Care set 15 &42-4979 0t 548-8265 LIFE pres41fV8rs SS eech SwllT' ladder SS. Bimini 550 ship to shore redto $25. 8a1111y case 13 OMC props $50 Side View mlrr0t1 $5, •tt llu· orescent tubeS 25c each Dari • board $5. Croquet set $2 End table SS 546-53111 Co111 ~eu CLOTHES. men'1 shlrlS, womens p111ta, new. Size 38 25c-S5 Cage 17. 830 Jo1nn Street, Coste Meta. 1 644 7676 a Y ng n apple cookie Jar $20 I on • fan1 seat $7 Cer seat Table tamps ss-S 10 'Hair PORT ABLE stereo with 2 S 10 Antique ta<Mo S IO dryer S2 Paper cu11e1s spe1kers. Gerrard turn-Rhonda 5S7•1665 S5 and S 10 Pictures table S25 Gas stove UNFINISHED wood table. lerge $10. Small S3 Dog $50 K11cnen table, chairs $50. Welt unit door 111nx1Stn S8 c1111r1 $35 Sofa S50 bookshell StO Cabinet Bedspreads S!l·S12 251n black and white TV SS. Full bed $20 Wood SheelS S1·S5 Feather console (record ptaye1 headboard, foot board pillow $5 t<1ng eyelet and AM/FM) $50 Two frame for bed $30 Jallilt comlo11er S35 Crepes, cnet1 or drawers S25 and 641-4963 I $1-$10 New stalnlHs S35 New b1slletbatl sllverware service 101 6 01ckbo8rd and net S45 NEW metal desk. 4 dia-and 8, 75c eech piece Ping-Pong table $40 wer 301<20 .. 4 5 $50 Baskels 50c·S5 Clothing Mahogany reco1d c:abt· 646-H 47 25c-S5 2350 College 1'181 $35 Desk $50 Kirby CLOT HES IOI ladles. Drive . Cosll M esa vacuum "5 Eureka va· 9mell 50c-S5. CtotheS tor Anyday ••cepl Sunday c: u um S 2 5 DI she. s men. terge S 1-$5 Car 550-6842 IOc·S 10 Uncle Arthur I soeekers (new) 150 Kil· 1~M-A_R_L_l_N_r_od_lrt_d_r_eet_$_50_ 1835 Whittler "A ·11. ONLY 9.5 OWCbal \71418•0·364£ C M 646-9669 or 1213) S92·2384 Moving sale, lots or good -Garage Sale-Estate Sale, furn some antiques, Stlve<1on 34' ConverUble water ski equip. bow & Plllf'O. etc Ft1/Sa11Sun 1980, Electronics+ Xtra1 arrow set, tools, tO spd 431 Vista Trucna, (nnt + Loran C $59.500 bike, luggage. 11n11q"e to Eastblulf Shopptng (7 141.673-7791 chest. etc Sun only 9-5, Ctr I IHll ~,,.1 _ .. -, 474 Ogle St CM (Nr Ir--------' •· .,.,.. vine & 17th) Sat/Sun 10· • 2 sofas. 2 ••• • • • • • • • ••• • • •••• •• -----1 chairs. 2 din setS, king Biggest 30 tooter afloa11 Must Clear Garage tools. mallress stereo. tugs. Immaculate llbergt11s clothes shoes Sat/Sun Odyssey & misc Xlnl Columbte 30 lnterlo1 vnlll everything sold cond 4111 St Andrews or 01ggl!r lhan most 35 s 2092 Wallttce Ave C M call 54s-54oo Bunks for 6 adults Full 5411-7011 galley & heed Atomte 4 CLOTHES and small wllh Marlee prop, tow MOVING OVERSEAS items 1819 Port wnee-hours Full e4ec11on1Cs & SAT/SUN 9.4 All items ler. SATURDAY ONLY VHF Auto pllol. 4 salls must go End !ables. 9 4 1 d " 7 coffee !able. lamps, hair --------inc u ing sptnne er winches S29.500 OlllGe dryer, naug C:OUCh. 1111 0Tleffl 8 9 7 . 4 4 S 0 h o m I back cn111. pal cage Furniture. p•lnll. pain· 5411 5930 12"a32" on cab 25c to tings, collecllbles Also · $50 I S99 Cor1ande1 toys. boat equipped. 16 Hob1a Cit. yellow w/ Behind MacDon1lds & tent, misc 1801 Marl· taq sunrise 11111 Like Spfrea .on Harbor Nr F1w ners Newport Beach new $2500 675·6161 brbte 11ortes set $50 chenwa1e 25c·S2. Couch Flying gaff S30 Anchor Tef'lt 125 Co1em1" stove sso. Lov1 seat S50 381 and line 125 Ball tanks S15 Large cooler S20. Costa Mesi Stteet . 1nd belt b '5 120-135 Two sleep1no, bags S5 Cosll Mesa S1turd1y Four pow•' 11w1 $20 eacn Chlldten s clothes. and Sund1y. h Elec1 le chil 110111 11 books and toys 50c·S10 ;:c r I SOn saw Fishing geor, Including S F1mlly Sate. antiques. s1800 642·S290 405 Come • steal! Sat/Sun 9.3 Living room drape1 $5 TWO ftonl seats IOI '7l O. Oivm r· B New reels, poles. flying galls. lvrn . tools, beby & chll· Fotdlng teblM $5 eacn VW 140 .. c:n. Small girls bllge pump 12· oye IO 11ckle, ttc: Bov·s 10 spd dren's to"• & rum!-24' Islander 10 hip ln-311 re<twood planters 16 10 speed 120. Four '71 speed S20. Boys c:rutaer b 0 , tech BBQ SS. Books Bug rims s 15 e•c:h 1 35. Ftahlng reels beech crutae1. 011 an shlngs 2282 Le Linda board. 5 sells. head 1oc·S 1 Saturday and 644-7902 I 10·115. Corner 1701 misc marina gear tnclu· Sat & Sun 8am.? galley, on new trailer. p c 1 M ding anchors and c,,etn, needs w ork $5000. Sunday 9-4 1962 Meyer STOP atch 112 Jogg s ornoni. 0 • a 811· sei anc,,or s . dock Washer . Dryer. Relrlg 64S-3244 Place. Costa M esa. 10 sn:.S. new H . A:a1--S_a_iu_r_di_y_on_1y.;._. ____ bo••• Hand powe1 Furniture, Wete1 Bed. 646-8738 hi-lo alarm. new $23. SKI boOll: San Marco tlze 10011. portet>le heaters. Moped. Bike, and house Siii MAR INE hardwere Leatherdeooyc;arrler S4. 10, Techntca 1tze 10 Culsln1rt,mlc1o wave,U Items <1461 Well Coa11 Sava 45% on new tt fl GAS l1wnmOW8f engines Snatch block•. line , Woodendvck 12S. While $20. 552-3519 c 111 rifles. comm't Hwy Sat·Svn, 16th & Hllboet demo• S tO. Antique mitre box ahacktes, Chllk blocks tlze 10, 10'h kle skates Kl boOll tlze 10. Han11on awordllSh gea1, fine ob-17th 9.5 PM 559-6930. 436·3474 and beck taw $10 Nuts, all new Sl·S20 552·3519 S8. Teak. oak ch1lrt "Stiletto" 8 1 model. new Jects ot att. patnllnga. -G-a-1a_g_e_S_a_1e_·_S-at_/_S-un-9-<1_1_l_&_IT __ &_O_ll_l_Z_4-0- bolls, ecrew1, Htorted SIS-$25. Cliett dr1-• s259. Sell t or sso porcet81n, lf9urtne1, etc 2211 Vista Hvena. EHi· !!!i!!!'.t •• ~11!!'1..!.1.~~ 1811 all steel, surge brake, tandem a•le. $800 545-3048 alter 5pm Aato StlYieti P•1t1 I At:te1101it1 9400 ...................... PAINT & llte body work, up to 50"1. off your boOy shop est Biii 984-0332 European Mech1nlc re· pairs European carsl Frencn Spkg 991· 1229 John 7 new 11res. 950x 16 S. 10 pl)' for heavy duty pick· up $700 556-0998 3 spd auto trans tor ?3 6 cyt AMC. tolally'reDll WI· lhOVt T0tqve conver101 S 150 Firm S46-7232 TU rehllt traH. $400 5.ot6·6107 YW THIS 'H s 150 548-6107 A1l•1 /or 1411 ....•.....•........... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The price of Items ad· verllsed by vehlcle Oee- le•• tn tne vehicle c1ass1- lled adv1r1tstno columns does not Include any appllcable taxes, license, tr1n1fer l ees. finance charges. leell 101 air pol· tu tlon conlrol device cerlltlcallons or dealer documentuy prep11a· l ion c harges unless otherwise specified by lhe 1dvertlser '-••r•I ISJO ··•···••···•·•········ electrlcll ind plumbing USEO tollet S 10 Will or corner desk $30. 490 552•3519 '78 Ced CdV '76 ven. '7• bluff, furn spll equip , (408)475·9'27 or junk . New Dinlorlh heallfl SSO eech Uffd Cos11 Me11 Straet,1-----------t2' V1n11ruc:k much, jewetry.11mpe. rug•. vie eee II the Long Beach LUii II llY comp1u 1 25 Flaring do o 11 S 2 0 e 1 c h Costa M... PORCELAIN dovble tink much more. Set only c 1 n r t e v b 11 n d,, Bo1t Show. Oct 22·31 1111* l\.tbl end pipe CUlllf Ind 5411-5945 ROU ... D llbll •21n wtll, Ind reocet sso. Flltllng 9 30 to 3 PM 1701 Po-'*'IPfdS, .i.e. typewrl· 111 mall wanted to help ..... I .. _..._ .... bending c:olla $3 251n _C_A_R-co_v_e_r __ -w-1-1,-,-,,-pe1-.' nev~rmer $36~· Fo;;; r .... 15-$30 Chain llnlc mon1. Coste M111 Sit 1e1. 11co1<1111, 110 cr1W 37. N llbOll l lready ;; ~:.'"lny ·~:·;;;;; color TV not working lent, I month old. ~u-cnllra. blue. WOOd $35. gat e 3x5 '25· Tool• only 644..se•5 enc;hortd tn Mexico I Auto-M111·1 .ctuel d••· 1 10. Old LP'• soc-S I. far 1111 140 875-0555 Excellent condlton 1 1-S fO. I\ tubl blndei ~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!~I L • 1 v e 0 c 1 2 3 "'coat Old Ga11erd record (Monday-Friday g.51 a. ,.~,. ....... 18. New v. g111 nlvea ~ •0,._ .. 44_0.,.,,., dlanger S2 9332 Mato-""' _-..... __ .... ______ $3. Pipe fitting• 25c·S 1 I ti c.M IOH f'F. WI•, v ~ v ...,.,, No lst or tut pym1 11•1 Drive. Hvnllnoton CLYC m1tlln pin $8 Clf· l'i~ln. 1001 nlll• 50c lb. .r.! .. !f.••1 ••1.••••••• <.: '81 C111lln1 30, 8rt1101: No security ~sit .._..h, KING he1dbo1rd 130 can hook , roller 19 Trelllt S5. Oolf M1 150 --•••R OHm 111111 lt11N IHI 1a~n..cll m111 & lie<!. No liolnM 1" ..._ Kl b o 150 w d d I h d II ~ ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 60 month llnenctng x uSTO •• mid• • •in ng • . oo Large eton1 whffl H Lt• o IH c 1n • er HI I -·•-Ha ... • winch, dt1111. ex Ire• T 11 f • .....-... m '"v rocker 1 22 Student Snap-on.J~le block 19 $60. Ulmp1115. EJectrlc --.aw1 v 1111'90,. llPI O.Ok with Sailed only 8 tlmff S35, op Of 1r__.1n1 rovnd llbll, c-an be u-s deek. chair. ltmo 125. Satlllth witch lo b SS. donut m1k1t 110. Heir •W recOfd collecllon, ber In· 500. 17141839·&025 5 yr/50,000 ml wen1nty • • l*f'IC. Otnettl or c•d King bORom 99flngt $10 Wooden martin 110. A•· dryer ss. Curlers S3. llll I 1 side, llulllng llg,,ta, Any m•k• a model 1M>Je e.au111u11y •telned Baby 11rot1er 118. B•tll· eorted h•r l'took• se. w1tt11"*'"110. St••· IOT 11 1 _1_soo_._5_s_&_·®_H ____ ,..,,,, 111,. ll'orllgn °' dom.tuc •nd ftnlllhld wtth POIY6-net I 14 81by ct1anolnQ 0c11n ree s 13. St•v•· "* I 10. Clock redlo SS. Fr .. I Al te I ,. JBL Speak1ts Perr or l2" l>#k1 H1' 'With lhlt l<I ret111n1 sso Metc hrno 111>t1 dr...., 122 Baby isors tOOI so. 490 eo.11 Lero• 0111111• hold•' llf . SILL. TIAll K 120 imp •PHke1a, 8••0·:r··8•L•1•P·s·· .. ·v·:•1,•:8••L•1• bench•• 110 1uh. beck p~l7.W11Utl2 lil1t1Slreet.Cott1Meu 110 c11cul1tor 110. 1 ,.,. R•N ... .. """' Ct ll Auto-M11111 5-4().1735 81t)y c.rrler S2. OoYbll•--------Bre11 view dOor knocl<lf F .. tutlno W91POl\I ot Ill QC>OdL•hp'f'! c1"".:1 "1 • Newport Beech. 25', 28', lll•l"Aa d 1•5 I BABY crib ...... mtttr... er .. • Sword•. CIO:t•· Wlr DAL ·"· ... "' • 30', 3'"'. ~o· .• 45', c··1 "'"' PORO UO,I •. 'S"' .. ·& woo bid u . N Qhl • " $10. Chrome l.nd ri;"' /15" r,1k 1 11 ol " " • ., (a.1.. •-· •-1..-) • "" bl 17 p 1 d 1nd bumper $50 250 -• I 1 eouvenlre. 1111"' ind w • ., • P r '"4"-•e• • lro m t -5, ~~~-~~,...~~-~-~!~~! ..... _.. f"'-. 0ri..Jn•• II e II O r oun · 1 .. n pulll 1. 1111 lvm "'4 ns ., 15 p... 1•1~1e / " • "'" ,_.,, .,, "" • 'w It • I Fl , ....... ,•nde Of oollecrtlble " ·' • " c ".... w .. on.Fri. '81 Van Conversion MUST SELL Cvstom1 Customl Custom• Like new w11h only 10.300 mites but less S Plush velour capl cha11s w/matching sore bed custom 8•t & more• ( ~179280). Just need •e· ltable party 10 make small monthly paymanls No old contract to as· sume, no back payments due ASt< FOR ROSE 646·9303 Ike Imports·! '" CH~~l~llH 1 NEW CO&Cll lllSTH YAH HLlllTH SELECT VHS RHl-UIP WlllH PACIFIC& USED '11 IOKl YAI Cruise, arr cond & C B (132769) S41H '11 CllC CAIPH Hi back chairs & 1111 wheel.(5105231 SHH '11 IODH MUI Ftlg b1y windows & air cond (239052) SHH 'll FORD CAllPH Sink. frig, & $leepet (628619) $IHI '11 FHI VAii Window pkg atereo & •Ir cond (A 186•5) UHi TIHllRE RM•••,. .. 2060 HlfbOr Bllld I COSTA MESA SAlfS·SHYICE LHSIH 831 2040 49S-49•9 SHDLHACl llW 28402 Marguerite Pllwy M1s.s1on Viejo IAvery Exit ott 1·5) Open Sundays Sates-Servtce-leaslng 1112 llW CLOSEOUT Nice Selecllont * 7• 3 OCS, 4 speed 1960NACI * ·77 3201. 4 spo sun root (248TRRI * ·79 3201. 4 spd • sun root (849YHZI * 80 3201, S spd sun root (659ZOKI * 80 3201 5 SPd Bir cond ( IASX0481 IH-3 111 208 W 1s1 Santa Ana Closed Sunday - ----CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES & IOI MollREI ••• Sa1es-Servlce-Leeslng 8SO N Beach Blvd La H1bra 122-UU Open Sunday ORIHE oo .. n •s OLDEST Sales-SllMCe·Leaa111$1 IUYCARVER l\.1J5 R1itc·lfv1VV ... ,~ ....... ~ ... ,~ .. .. W\"'.' • \t M ""f&Mit --n lt•t 78 BMW 5301, 111 xt111. cn~M contrOI. •P••e gu tlnk, eleo windows / doore, tinted windows. av1om1ttc, new tires. $849~ •9_3_·4_•_06 __ _ U2·0010 '40·1211 '7• Bev1111. 4 tpd, Svn Rt, v.,., good a.ond 14200 '&4 Ford Van, Econo S c:yt, 673·2~5 or 1175-6464 hit potenllet 875-74911 '6 t 32ot, 1tr, 5 apd, 11e1eo CHI Fllwlell S 12,6()0 '11 MIU WAI _83_t._299_1 ------ H11<11r1, du111. Clpl. '78 BMW 2002. •lnl Cond chalra, S 1800. 850·0202 15200 Of betl otter C111 '59 YW V N CLASSIC 1fl 5 pm 675·5290 12ooac, rtbll engine. /!•-' 1111 1100. oeo eee.1e.40 r"r.; ••••••••••••••••• In •..... '""5. ..... 97 c·..... melll t1bl1 I 18 Brl.H I nm•r ctn ~, Cltl)l1, Nk• new 120. 54 "VV ~ a ood m ---.. ....... I.., o 1r1n11~-2 trlfn c ltem1. tp11 .. er1 norne, 8 •----------1211 Heh. !W~genw-.. llll'IP• 4 ••o.,h . •457':'7';.~· . Wealmlnater, 0111 ORA NOE COUNT Y lh•P• 1450 Pllr 80. SLIPS AVAIL.. Huntington .or • ..,. -~•. , 8,........ 1143-0854 Of 98l·ll411 v • 0 0 MIU, NHr 151h and p • .. v ny A t 111 H b o 9 o VHI 1111 A•,., W••lfll I _., -· ..... 0 FAIRGROUNDS. COlll "'" "' mo Ir I f ur ay, I ............................................ . bet<• 1nt1ke ind cerb. CAMAAO perw ·et T90 RUAtOERATOR 115, e1-L-_,._noe..;:;..·______ Mell, enter oeie 3A ott •·e1e1c11ege 30" PfliC11M 140-55411. &48-77te, e-e '79 C19tt, AIC, PS, AM/ f M 0111. Oood cond 11115 873•6427. •511· 'M 8tudlbllllf air 8pe1do uo. 3SO 8111 cyct. 110. Widllt otothn UBBl!!R lifl rill, UHd Arllnoton St. 1mp, 11 111 new 1100 p M . 8 4 0 . 4 0 9 7 . 011 Mark Ill CltHIC:, t Top Dolar chitnet 135. Aluminum t1ou11no $25. AHOrted 50c•l2.llO. (t lze 10J. 1wtc.1, 2 men. paid S1at I Tom) 751·861 e or 213·4'1·3'1e. owner. full pwr, lie, IMth '7~ Ollprt V8, AC, et.,.,. 1n1e111 150. Balurday wlde.,,lrnt U O H Oh L•tne>t 15 Khchenw1re 1111fOf 125. 552-31S l t fVc... IMl•, _64_a.oee __ s _____ ,8011 oock 10, rent, 24• g~~:C, 0~1, ~~.~ p id ~~1!ii~~~!n 1:~".a:~: :::~~:~~~~~~in~~~ ~~r;.•~·f~-8~:~~~.~~ ~~ p~ec;• d1n1nfi •:b1• ... ~!!'t.l!fm ... f.'.! 'b~/o'C:i'"u:~· 1s=:ko ~·~i.h"'a,'~ .. N=:C:i cer Int oft t31-M21 ,rx .,!,, c.,1 t• .... 1011 Ceen only Beaclt. 946-7019 c.. COWi M .... 8ttn-4pm. ollH teb • 20. HAU'ff1UL '5" RCA 1250 Ho·H 27 ..,.. . lllend 913-.30e4 ;_bef_tsim..;...._·-----; .... I -~.'fl.'! •••••••••• ! ... QOOd oond. 112$5. IUOKCT Hali, 9,111 onl)I. -Both In good condition. Color Ty. a yr wrnty. · · lldotldo Conv•rtlble. • '11 HOZ. Only 28K ml, condlllOft "-' .... ICH TWO .. WHO .. cqnc•r TURNTABLE du11 1237. ,_M_&-_7_230______ 1141. FtH oe1111ery M otorola U " coneo11, 8011 doc:11 ror rent. ITont 1915, brown, 101ded. U.1• .,.., p •II• o • In a ow 1 "-1oeOert •""1 iec'" 11~keti (October "2tllh uoalltnt condition '50. <>PenSun. gooct cond na. tie 11p I0®-32' let!Qttl leather lntr, SSfOO, ttltHett>oflMt 1 7 ttlf08 0 pp '31-121• '"' " ~ai~~~5~'°'~"°~',,~·~s.t~&-~10-.3~..i:=e=••=='4='=&=k=...,=='=''='h:~:·:::.1L.. ..... -..... --~-.l...-=rv==J=ot1n=='':eA::::&-=1=1="==.L:=====&4='=·=12=•=&=====l="==oo:..::;:per::-:"==e~'=""=1::::,..::.J.:: .. :"'°'==='='·=:;========-l::eoa==-==Meae=====Mo.===5e30==:J.:=e.s==-1=1="'======:=;==- .. , -~""-""·- , .• Ornng Oo••I DAil V PILOT 18atur'1ay, October \8, 1982 ~ ... ~~·.!~r.!!!~ ....... ~.·!.'!,.'!'!r.!!~ ....... ~1.'!!1.!fl!!.'!I. •••••• ~ ... , .... ,.!~~ ...... ~ ... '!!1.!'!r..~'!!. •••... '!•.'11.-. ••••••••• !.~~! !!~t ............. l.~U !~!~~f!.ff~.' ••• f.~ff l•r..•• 111a ¥!!~!!!~,!~ ...... !.~?! • • · , • •• ••••••• ••••• • •••• ~ee vw Uuu 1uuu41u 1n a II I 1at :lpyCJ•• 1.1111Y lClnt OILIO& LIYHI uul t 11100 1111 ot1 ~111111 AM/F M l HI He Ou you ... uy IOv• c. fllt 114;.> t>•ll ~003 butlt tltl1Jl11• 1Jr11llH. tt•w You can '"°' .. '° 1tc. .. ·1 II ao, glv• ,., •• r110l11I tit" tnoo ouo buy your Mercede• c•ll 111(1111 flOW I v• got • vw ~ .. , •• 1 ... 11 fully •QllllJ 9011 b IT2 Be•• from UI . ton ut th•1t1, 111,iu<ttno purl wnlt 7 1>u1 k111 ttulla, 'H••'• 11•7 •w. tl I o I 1111CJ fully IO.llllCI lull 1 oil • ••u• 4 (411or11 W'.!l""'"""""'l"l'~'flll • $0 th11)1 a • w11J1 I I up• hna1llu1111J• 'J tllt111Jlt<h• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ju11 ne.<J •ttll•blw "'""• •••• u t 'AlhHtth A t1tu1 llfll& IUIMTlll1 in "'•k• 1tn•ll monmti tu11u 11111uu luul tdlt., & W• c.an helpl IJolOf• you P•Vln•llll No Ulll ( Ufl Ill u I. It Ill 11 l h 111111 a I ooy VltKk c;111 vnO.at•· ~110 auunl<t no boc~ 4~4111011 1'111" ot ~illll'l hit ••l•CllOn, 1av1ng1 !Ji}'nlelllt due ASK rot tnCIUOH ii 1111.~ ltollltJI 1982 OATSUNS end ltlfYlt• IOll•yl DO N ROSE 646 9303 lkt tt1111er M uto•• 292!> lllYElllTY 1mpor11 dlr tt1ur>111 Ulvu l.uat tt VtrJ Gina SALIS I SHVIOf LEA E Men llfU U100 eatra Lt• Mllua• i8.,0 Ha1bor Blvd V.hlolu cos' A M(SA fAOM A8 LOW AS 140.11•0 '78 Hortd11 CVCC Whllll, 4 ~pd gcJ 1.Ullll 43 000 nll, $4988 $3100 /0bO Coll 96:1 8134 1 78 C IVIC cvcc 4 sod .. 1111 $2975 1111 .... , T .,... 54B904 11202 lnoh llwd. t97f ttond11 Acco1d , lh1ati1'1H lnoh S11v110 Blk 1111 a c om/ 112·0121 Im $3900 673 3172 80 Accor<J • dr AtC xlnt 1981 OATSUNS cono e~tros 954.97 t8 Very Ginn 1981 Accord, LX, AIC, IJ>IO...•SI ""*!IOI' .... " PIS, PIB, 4 splu Stereo. "4!133 YJOO ll3l61HOOO Low Mlluc• V.hiclH FROM AS I OW AS $3988 1111 Muty Toyota 11202 luch llvd. Hu1ti11t11 leach 182-0821 TURBO '81 Oat 280ZX Lo m1, fully loaded Low price 592 2326 P.Mt FM wlcoss 13 mo ·~~~~~~~'~I old $6900 5•9·9039, Gr119 ·e2 MB'Z 380SL. allve1 1 79 Hondo Accord, 42.000 gray wtbleck lnl 3000 1111. I ow11e1 s1111e1. auto ml Musi sell Beat ofter "" s tereo $6000 540·5700(8·4 only) 159-9032 76 MBZ °i5o SL. gold, botn tops sporty S 18 000 640·8236 1171 HOIDA CIVIC CVCC 5 spd, equipped witn 69 MBZ 8 3, cnerry clas- AIC Xlnt TransportaltOf'I sic blk, sunrl, catsette. ' 111 goo ll cono1 11on 111r air 1111. collectors 7 IOUZA Priced at who· ~m_s_12~000. 640-8236 1esa1e Only $218& '77 na1sun P1U. t owner. t:l.:I( wlc11mpe1 & 1001 oox ltliJISIJliJ $2900 631·5045 I vw PORSCHE AUDI 6 9 MBZ '77 Sllv11r/black, sunrt, lo ml, It's a Clos· a1c1 673·2790 /llC '1f2 79 Dalsun 5 Spd llaleh· 44 5 E COBS! Hwy beck -olnl t.ond Newport Beacn 962·5729 673·0900 •..................... . 11lJ II IT This one has a aunroot & 1s very cieanl l 1EBH094) ltlt TOYOTA ltlt VOLUWHH OOHLU 111&11 Option• lr•c•ude u11 auto PU O&lllPER m11t1c 11on1 & on AM. 11111 111111 II• 1mmacu1111111 ~M 1608:.!21 19 :.!1'2) OILY 11•11 OILY SHH Jllil lllUIH Jllll lil&IUH YOLUW&IH VOLllSW&IH 16711 Beach BIYO 1111 t 1 0881.h t;)lvO Hun11nr on Beach Hun11ng1on Ueuch .. ·2000 H2-2000 1981 TOYOTAS 1HO VOUSWHH DllHL HHIT VtrJ Oita• Op1ton1 1ntlu<Je 1111 AMI Lew Mil•~•&• Vthloles FM (845681 OILY 14111 FROM AS LOW AS Jiii ll&IUH VOLISWHH $3988 1811 t Beach Blvd I llo1111r1gton Bosch H2-2080 1111 ..... , ,,,,,,I 1970 BAJA BUG Not completell SAOO tt202 ltach llvd. 646·3192 Mu1ti1ctt1 Inch 1113 VOLUWA&H 112-0121 IOllll IUS '70 Toyota Corona $801 This one 1s Yerv clean & 1181> tow m•IH. (4788) or bllst alter OILY 1211& 960·0834 1982 TOYOTAS Jllll ll&RIH VOLlSWlliiH v.,, CltH t871 1 Beach Blvd Hur111ng1on Beoch Low lliltaCt V1hiclt1 H2-2000 FROM AS LOW AS lt I lt IUlii COM VIRTS New paint/lops lo m1 in storage Must be seen ~ ... ~~· . .'~r.!!!~ ....... ~.-.1.'.'1.P!!I. •••••••••• ~.-.'!!1.¥!~ .....•••.. ,~!!!~~r ......... !.~!~ V•lu 111Zll•lft 1110 f.... / llJO 111 Un•• 1u11r •o•oeo • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • ••• • • •• •• ••••••• ••••• •• •••• ••~ti II . tf.JtJ nel# llt•• !aat.tlff<Ai'. 8 \I A Ol t ••••••••••••••••••••• I tllYn ,.,.. tiO lllv1.,. lbHI y1) 4Jt> C111mco• l •1••• c.11m wiin 11611 8 li'O llUIT llLL •nu u11111.l, hut 111 1111 I\:) 000 1111, ve (,,111tl, II w 711 Mu•lu11g 11 11utu I 011 o f 1110 1111• lflO<f•I N ... !l 1 II 0 0 y w 0 I~ ••• I•. 1111 s I & 'I) r1101ulh•Hl•r ljd 1,()n<I wttfl luw 111llft1 11111111 S:IOO/liltci A7:1 .I t04 1)4:/ 006~ & 1~00 111111 OUll 11140 ~1•1111 hrnlne1 111t1111or. 7J H I k H I lfl(IOlllllUI llWI ~'""r111u. u () •Qll Ql•lll 70 c:nevell111. JIAll CIYI Of 'UU Mu11e1111 lllfW 1"1111 w11111t1w1 ,\ 1lut11 1111.ka lllllla Cllr • IU(ika (Jo<.01tt Ill ta S~ M ull'"* ~.4 11pltOI IUIP brakttl lte ull 11 I I JV If lu•I 111JQ-.i $700 tl47 062 t ult 113!1 0469 lttU $3000 '14"i 7008 1•111•11111 1•u•1,v 10 11111k•1 C1dl/J1t lllS Co.llHat1/ 1930 01'1•dllt llSS •ruall tH01tthly tutvn,ttot• 1 •••• ....... ••••• .. ••• .. . •••• .. •••• ••• .... •••• • •••••• • •• •••. •• ..... . r~v utCJ «11ur111.t tu 111 TME UlllEIT 110 M1rk VI T1ua1 ulo, 2 cJr 71 1111 a11n111 '"' 11111 i. P•vment• MUST SILL Oe1111 Cue• Oldt P1w llu• A:..K I 0 11 rtOb( IELECTIOI (Jrlly 14 000 Mil•• on lllte AIC 1•t11u call IJ 01 A h4n 1110 I lhn ""''°"' 1111111• ml>Ottl luw mlltttt (.artior odlllon lwo 10,.. M ort I rt 6AM 4f'M 1ll1 uu L ud•ll11c1 111 Suvll111111 allvtt• wtlll 1Jia11nc11v• 71)0-4111:.> c. .. 111orn1111 S110 us tnlluy• 1111111t11r 1nt1111or 1111 .. 1 v.1 .. Dnter 111 DrH&• 0 ...... ,1 SALIS, SERVICE HD U&llH OVf llSf AS OE llVtHY £XPERTS IAIERS o•ory opllon possible tor OaDILUO l ul til luxury dfl~lrtg l • (!iJ4LlNI Jual 01111<1 1e l'llOO llor bor Ulvd C.:OSTA MESA 540-1860 l111tJl1t 011r 1y 10 molu1 •moll monthly p11ymen11 No t1IO c;ontroc;.t 10 •• ~1111111 no book payment& · 10 <.utlnt SupreMt 011 ">• 000 1111 A/C llUIO ttllfll llttnio. PSIPB . mell tJ1own wftawn lnlf $411tl0 I t~n•0·2 I 19 URLllll VOLVO 6!i C<JV c:;110 Rocol11llllo duu ASK ron flOSE • nucJ me1.hlllll(.Olly 0,4181 fi4fi '1303 lko lmpo1ts '"' SBOO 631 8670 dlr 1111 OLDIMOllLE OUTUSS HPlllill IROHll&ll OHPE Dlllll t\ll;(j Mnrt>or Blvd <,OSTA MfSA Ul-1303 UO-Ull 7 I VOIVU fl 1800 r ~VIO 61 C.m111ro SS 350 l It [OelOr()(.k HtQhllse 202 heads 4 IP<l retl reel c.1e.1n 54!> 11114 & 645·8730 Al (; lo mt go cunCJ '77 Cao Sev1tlo •In 1 $4500101'10 ev !>48·7996 cond1t1on, m1w t11es. yet '80 GlE Slue. 1oc1oeo. low & yello w tialow 23,000 n11ttJ~ S 12,000 wholes..ilo 545-3046 080 546-0J 15 '68 Volvo t44S 4 fir BUIO 01c look~ & runs Aini. 1 ow11e1 $950101>0 554 ?079 1973 t64 1mpt•CC8bltJ OllQ me1a111c blue llOdy never hit 4 spo OD 1111 new 111es fluwloss cond lhru o ul $?700 548 7?45 7 T E100 Fu111 1n1oc11on, louded, 40.000 m1. gar kttpl, mint Only $5995 Atrnr 6 PM 979· 7229 VW PORSCHE AUDI 445 E Coast Hwy Newpor1 Beach 673·0900 rl MARt< IV Nuw µuint clean 1ealh111 1111 C1tt1Qp 642 9S74 Co111tt11 9932 ....•................. 7 7 auto, 11 blue met I 11roy le111h111 int , rear spkr~/ equal1z11r, alum w111s Bttautllul cond Best ofter 644-9582 69 Falcon very good COlld PS. am/Im COSS, mags, new tires orig 11ms & flub caps avail, very racy 5 1900/obo 645-t367, 646-4461 Xlfll Cond Full l'OWbl wtlh 4111 011110111 including 1eoth111 inlttr!Ur tupe cu!>• 1t11d 1nuc.1t mor(l LtC. lflll:l707 f'rtCl!cJ 111 whot1111al11 SI Hi !!rfl!!~!~ ........ !.~~~ t980 2 dr Ford Fle!11a '60 Plymouth Valtant. 6 Xlnt Cond t9,500 mo cyl push bu11on auto $ 5 9 o o 4 9 5 . 6 8 o 3 . a Int cond Ot1g owne1 S· 10PM 6 0 0 0 0 mt $ 6 7 5 546·4109 7 1 L TO. sin wgn, Supe· r1or cond' nu mas. de-81 K CAR $5500 A•IH V11' ······················ N1\Bl~lt!4_ < :, \I >I I J .. A(: CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI D'ILIGANCI 11BOC3051 s12,995 1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DI VILLI ( 172Yl4L) s7795 1971 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (782lZWl S6995 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (622SZG) $6995 1980 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLI 4 IAKK082) sgg95 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE (9 15XUF) s7995 Otter Good Thru Monday, 10· 18-82 • 74 280Z 2+2 Xtnl cond '81 Honda 4 dr Accord. Auto New rao1a1s AMI 13 500 m1 LIKE NEWI FM . air . tow m iles Auto amftm stereo atr OILY 12111 Jllil IWUH VOLISWHH 187 11 Beach Blvd Huntington Beacn $4988 $80001$8400 Call (7141 558· I I 15 445 E Coast Hwy 79 Seville must sell t>y Newport Beach t0-20 Fan1as11c cond • 673·0900 N11w 1tres brlo.s shocks pendabte 963-2911 Bteck lo m1 2 dr AM I - -FM auto 552-3519 ~· \B["'RS 66 MUST ANG 289 New j ~ , . 9965 ' _.; .... ong PS Fr11shly painted oalllt $4600 536-9993 $7500 owner 646-764 1 -------••I eo C1v1c wgn. 33,000 mi, 'l9 Datsun 510 runs great. 5 spd, 11/c, 4 Door. AM/FM stereo cassette Exc1111ent con· am/Im cass . roo1beer brn $4600 760·2680 di!IOfl. $4,000 C 5 H2-2000 '"' 1144 ...................... lill M111y T orota 11202 Inch llwd. Mualin&IOI Inch 112-0121 76 7 pass wgn S3650 e1c e1c Stiver $99001bsl Snit auto a11 whls. '73 Ponto Runabout otr 675•6700 S A~~ for tape /1 70276 L•C e~p 2300cc RIH A I 84,000 K 63 Oh 645-2963 m1 $800 080 968· 1640 en 75 Grand Torino s I ClOO 1106 Westchfl 63 BUG $t40010BO AMC 9905 Cbt oltl 9920 Dr Newpor t Beach '67 F11eb11d. red classic Sohd engine. clean •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• t;~•••••••••••••••• I 642•5811 conv New engltrans. .. In I c 0 n d s 2 9 0 0 •• •• •• • • • ••••••• •• •••• ·c . \ I )I I I \C 644·045:;> 77 Ventura Htcnbk, slvr ., •.. I -good cond s200010BO 492-6334 2600 HARBOR Bl VD. COSTA MESA 540-1860 642-4336 o1 C87-0686 '79 ov1c spd. ale, really sharp• 40 M $3950 --968·1024 1970 MGB. rebuilt eng and carbs. new to p , spoke wheels, roll bar, '82 pickup, longbed, w 642·9574 ·1255~MPGC.P$a9c5e0r. ~Int cond. SEE US FIRST! ~Int cond $3850 080 shell.~tnt cond,llkene'A "" 76 Fo•d Granada, auto, 851·0431 or 645-1 442 ~!111!!1!~ $6500 644-0364 70 vw Cmpr Bus, reblt 536·34 10 We have e good selec· Au Xlnt cono Rocle eng res101ed tn /out. 1100 of NEW & USED $2 195 675-5977 '81 200 SX AC 5 sp Di- stress sale $5385 080 662-7343 Ft1111i 9123 ••..•................. ORHliiE COUllTY'S DllLY &UTllORIZH FERRARI DUURSHIPI Jl•Hl 9130 needs light body repair ··'··················· s 1500 720-0742 1971 Jaguar XKE A beauutul V t2 wtlh 11 rare ·74 MGB. t o wner, Pto- 4 speed slick shift Tilts neer stereo. 6 trk, lug car is FAST! ClaulC Brl· rack ski rack new tires. tosh Racing Green with top, clutch. while Mull tan leather interior go to good homel Call (040EPYI An 1nves1m11nt wknds/evs, 6-45·5902 ·75 Celtca. auto, A Min musl ~l*! S27001olr Nik~ Bu it It 99 l 0 Chevroletst 76 Grand LeMans 9 pass OPPllTllITT cass, ong owner $229! 532·9208 dys 675-53 t5 ••••••• ••••••••••••••• /lltrt arr 9950 wgn, 71 000 mt knocks often when you 673·6734 evesiwknds eves '80 Buick Lid lu•ury dsl •• •••••••• •••••••••••• $2100 953·9231 use result·gettlng Dally --------S6900 Xlnt cond 'l0 COU .. •• COIVf•T P1101 Classlll•d •da lo rn. ... ---f1f1....,, ~ -911Z 760·8765 633-2591 •Rn " • 11 .. , aa1L h h 0 "c •••••• c: •.•••••••••••• i r01VO --$4000--ln9·~898 dys :~'••••••••••••••!.J,,.. .mreaa:_ett e range out 1 •• 0 T•ltlPM • •• • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • •• • 73 Buick Centurion. new ----"' " 1'82 Volvo DL Wagon, xlnt irans Reliable Runs Have something 10 sell? 072 Vega needs motor Phone 6-42·5e78 at only $9995 Bauer Motors. 2925 Herbor 'l4~ IH CHVHT TRl CHPI cond St 1,900 559·519~ great $700 648-3856 ClasStlled ads do 11 well '200 c:~6~~~2~1 Opuons include air cono 1 ----- & an M.VFM (1AP0224) Aotos N1rt 91 Aoto1 Ntw 9100 A•lll Ntrt 1100 Aol11 Ntrt 9100 A 1 It 91001 OILY 11111 ·····"················ ·····"················ ••••• ;, ••••••••••••••••••••• ;r................ • 0•, '" Aa1011 Ntrt 1100 Jll lil&lllO ••• I 'THEODORE ROBIN.Si iii .. iii'iil' .................... . BIYO , Costa Mesa 851·02•6 '1iiiii97iii9iii·iii2iii500iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '74 MGB Runs good gd NEWPORT• m11eage $2100 -IMPORJS 1911 JAGUAR 751·9195 Of 644-4157 3 100 West Coast Hwy Newport Beacn 642·9~05 * 'll FERRARI A~;!~~~· !,1.·~~g r!!'A!!! ••••••••• !!.~! owner, Red E..ct Blk Int. 1H2 PHlllT cnrome wire wheels 5055 TIRIO lllSIL YOLISW&IH 167 t t Beach Blvd Huntington Beacri H2-2000 Y!e!.'!~I!!' •••••• !!.!~ 75 Bug St..onroot, excel cond Runs great. $2500 obo. 640-9605 Low m1 xlfll cond Fly Yellow Must sacr1llce1 751.4344 Body & Int wd & lealher' Automatic irans sun- compl restored Runs roof_ pwr steering· perfectly Profess sto· windows & door locks. red Concours CondtltO'l AMIFM stereo cassene '8 t Diesel Jetta to mo, 5 S I 0 5 0 0 FI Gary cruise control alloy j spd blk air, snrt, am/Im 91zs §42 ·9 807 Days & Wtieel&&m0<tt1•43 166851 cass cloth seats Fi1t wkends 1>el 6 m $9000obo 892·9022 ...................... i-----·---1 $13 950 1 73 Khorman Ghia .Con *FANTASTIC* !~!~f ..••..•••.• !!.~~ IUCJf llPOITS ~::~b~~~~~~d1• * FIATS * 848 Oove Street 006( SEL£CTION NEWPORT BEACH PttE·OYMD 152-0IOO FIAT SPIDERS & FIAT X 1/9's '78 FIAT X-19 4 sp, factory ale, stereo, tape, rack. alloys 43 K -A Real Beauty { 1BUC707) s4495 '79 FIAT X-19 5 sp. Factory ale, Stereo Cass. Rack. Mags, ( 13090) <4IXT folA10& ' ST• IT & Save over $2000 on brand n-Peugeot 505S Turbo OSI A T. 4 df Elegant sports sedan w l everything on •I OroYe II on vacation in Europe just got 11 home Cerlllled to Caltl standards S 14 995 544·6784 1011tl1t 91SO •••r•••••••••••••••••• ~~·: YU~UI f-7• ' I·~,:,~ 1 ...... MEISTER 1111 M&tl 11 cnu wm hlllJA _ PORSCHE/AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd 82 Mazda RX7 ·GS, GolJ, Garden Grove 1160 m1 Like nu• 5 sii. Salas-Senlct sunrt, al e, emflm ster s 10.soo 646-764 1 Ltasi•& /lltrtHtl ltH_l_14_0 l H IH-2333 . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ---,-.-,-.-2-.---·0 t 380 SL. 7000 ml Wore wheels ~000/0BO Low miles Lea Int All 2 •3·832-697' power, AC, clean, must sell $28.SOO OBO 71'-955-3501 wk da '80 Rabb;! Con;-;n11e I wlblk top Assum lease 16K m1. gd cond 644-5403 76 VW-Rabbtl. eulo, 2 dr I aunrt AMIFM CllSS .101 cono $3800 675-t350 evs Ba1a Bug, mus1 see to appreciate, cstm p11nt stripes. 1n1 , Bergman 2180 dual We~rs, cent- er lines, lots of chrome, many ext ras $65001080 84 7 -8224 '78 VW Campmobile w/ popup top Auto. Good cond 17,800 mt $6000 494-7667 Laguna Beacn Squareback Type 111 VW engine only We~r carb new gen. t650cc. 401< m1 $350 675-4859 1964 VW • new p111n1 AMIFM radio, body oil runs excellent. S 1,675 536·9459 after 6 or 1111 day weekends s5295 'll Mil no SLC. llaok/ltlad: All utras, 62 ,000 ml $28,500 very flfm '61 :t56B, re-bit. no rust. '75 Bug. am/Im/tape. new needs some w o r k , radlals, clutch, btks. NII· '75 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp, Stereo, Mags, Air, Very Sharp, 61 K (122N~ s3995· '77 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp, DI< Green. Mini Condition. Stereo Cau ( 1ACP577) 731·5 I 15 836·4342 Oil OF ITS llH Fiil ctLUCTH OI llYISTORlll 67 Cl81SIC '600 Chauffeur pllrhllbn wl all possible options Me1al- 11c brown wfltght tan plush velour tnt Comp factory rebuilt & r1111ored to new car cond Con- Yerted 10 U S space Ortg. blllt tor OM 104, 000 on hand • car pre- sently stored In Germany but ready for Immediate Shipping $3100, 494-8875 dine 6-42-4000 Mon-Fri '17 911 S Targa AC/PW, '60 RABBIT 28,000 ml, ex all leather, lo mt. must cond. Sunrl, am/Im cass sell Wife's car Make $4500 63 1-2017 alt reas otr &45·6776 I 6pm '75 911 S BrownfTen. re-'75 Sc1rocco towner nu bull! engine new clutch. pelnl/11res. xlnt cono new 111es Sheepskin $2450 840-1449 $12,000 6-46-2389 70 91<1, looks and runs xlnt 13, 750 New paint & rims 960-8174 'I• JllO OPE ·75 Rabbit. 4 spd, ale. new brakes, am/Im cass , CLEAN , $2700/obo 552·3460 or 'i52·5651 '56 VW VAN CLASSIC 1200cc, rebtt engine $800 O&O 968-1640 xlnt cood, no rust, lug rck. AM/FM, radlala w/ chrome rims $5500 978-1490 '69 811)11 Bug Strong 1600 ---------eng • looks & runs good ·73 Porsche 914, 5 spd, lo Bilsteln shocks. m any mlles •xtras. M UST SELL $5275 &45-8614 $2400 OBO. 540-9136 Selling Price 115.000 Please, only qualllled cash buyers. cell {Jt4) 6-42-0138 '66 Porsche 912, 5 1pd, '----------1 gr_,, 1 own«. hard to '70 Mercedes 280SL Im· ftnd cond $7,000 firm 1111 ua1n OlMGE COIJITY'S WICST fACTOlY MITHOllllD FIAT·LMCIA DOW DICK MILL.ER MOTOR S l .'ll 'If 'If 1r11er A,,, \.ir1t J AnJ ','-, .. ' l i,; mac comp! serY r•· CO<ds. 2 tops, auto, air 117,500 851 ·6226: 720· 1090 .,,. '75 450 SL. Both tops, wire whls. excel cond Wiii deal lor cash. S19, 900, wkdya 894·0583. wknd1/eve1 848·.84117 '78 3000. loaded. new radl11l1 , $11 ,500 &46-1888 lt•••lt 11SS ...........•...•...... 21 llW Hll&ILTS to choose from As low as $4969 (Hr 1380) The all new · 83 Alliance It ri.tel Fuegos. lmmt- dtete delivery MUii OlllT 2 dr. cuatom 4 spd, aun roof wllo mites In goOd condition. Lie 275TRU Only '77 t24 s 640-4019, 780-0489 p!Oef, New top,1--------- amllm caaa. clelll', runs '71 250, orto cond , r• •Int $35 00 obo cord•. 1nrf. barg ain lJIO/atr/llUllT '81 Rabl>lt conv. Loede<S, 2524 Hllfbor Blvd C M 8400 ml 35 mpg Mint 5.a.eo23 e45-1no ta.850 54a.aa11 l•Ui •-• 116' '72 Y•llow Convt tllble •••••• -;:1; •• ••• ••••••• K a r m a n n Q h t • • <194·6875 $4900 759-0eSO '78 STATION WAGON '85 MBZ 230SL Rblt eng •t DUllR IN U.S.A. ~ SHIOO OBO E1tc et cond I t 1,500 9«12-9757 alt 5pm M ust Hll thll week. '78 Fiat X19, grHl ·~· 545·178~ & 845-8730 $2800 1973 450 SL. Dark brown. 548·7<>« 114.900, 780-8786tv, di 833-1591 It l Wl .. trl I Wat Very clMn '81 300D S.. ~~~,,:~• 1982 Spydtt. new prize dan, whlte/b lua Int ..,.. IUNalon IM oar • nevw driven. 110. 000 h e n Prlv Ply eunr f, lepe. S21,900 ..... ,. 1111 7 ' ••• •If ••• 2 •. ·~·--75-034~=-·~-...,----· •••••••••••••••••••••• _2_,_w_, ... _ ... _, ____ ,1•u HOHL •••• °"' dk ....... SeMce-LAolelflO ... ... om body, n-... Nddlt .....utl rm . ...,., option. 1mpeo-AIUI ~7,~2ri~:~·· ~~t~~tl•OUt, ts.t oo. 111-1141 ....... . • $3500/bat olr Of CHhl lrede Rune g ood. 771-0348 '811 8•1•. cu1tom. new motor & 1ren1, f hl• wtind S 1000. 11•2·1534 'll •• 11171 Xlnt cond. ~5&4>4 '82 A1bbll Convettlt>I•. ,,_,feet • toeoe<I a&OO mt 11u oo 1eo .. 220- ·ee e.ie Bug. reon. wnt lmltv CHI •'•'· leot. wt, 11900 .... ..,,) FLYINGS FOR ;: ;IJEBIRD'St DRIVE TO TAHOE IN ANY NEW OR USED CAR, TAUC.K OR VAN YOU BUY FROM HEODORE ROBtNS AND t ODGE" ~ON US!-~~~*'° 3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS ~ TIMBER LAKE LODGE OR TAHOE IN INC. ONE FREE BREAKFAST, LAKE CRUISE ON M.S. DIXIE PAOOlEWHEElER . $100 FREE GAMING COUPONS TOOi RITAIL VALUI 5 250! YES ... 01 '82 T ·lllDS, IUSTll&S, ESCORTS I EXPS IOW WITH , DEADLINES For Tuesday through Saturday put>licallons. 5:30 PM the pnMOUS day. For Sunday and Monday pubhcahons. 12-<X> noon Saturday. EFIAOAS Adllertlaers should check their ads dally and repcrt errors 1mmadlately Th• DAIL y PILOT ..urre1 habllity for the rirst Incorrect lnse~1on only. .. 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real •tate lldYert1Md In this MWIPllS*' 11" subject to the Federal Fair Housing~ of 19&8 wtilch rNkel It Illegal to llCMtrtlae ··any preference, !Imitation. Of discrimination !>med on race, cotor. religion. MlC. or national origin. or an Intention to ,,..k• ..,., such preference, llmltatlon, or ditcnminatlon." Thia ~r wlll not knowingly ~t 11Pf advertlalng '°' rMI • ..... which 11 In vlolatlon of the I•. llllSlS fll SAU 0-al ·-..._ .. , ... . ... ........ nt ... t. ,., C•fll .. , ..... Hh "" c-•IMat ''° C'eol• .. ,,.. . .. t;-.. -·-·-, __ Y.U., ... __ ..... . .. ,,_ .... .._. .. _ ... .._" ... ·-'"-"'"'" ·--v .. ,. ... ~r::~.:: ·-I.it ... , ... c ...... , ..... 1m r.-1A•1 ·-_ .... , ... -IAC-·-..... -.. ·---·Sal• ... Q.A.SSIFIEO INDEX ICAl ESTATE AtAI .. for~lf' ·-~ ...... ,,.,.-... .. ·-=::'1.:"' ) ·-C..Wltf) ~, •• h ·-... ~=='c:'• ,_ ,,. ~l .......... ·--........ H ·-,..,...,,....,n, -• ..... n.M ,,.,.,.,, , .. lAl>,., S.lt = ........ .,,,,,..,., ....... Oin«l •• '4111 -Or~C• ,._ -Ool ('-~· .. nae Oolollll... .. -·IM~ rw•t Cr•'"' "" "' .. Etlet• C11th••ll' -"•et IAUil• * aM ... - 'Adi In this category must be p,.peld Open &-5:30, Saturday &-noon (Cloead on Sunday) 3:JD W• a.y St, Costa Mna. Ca. 827-91113 IOITALS ~f\ttftlllthM ,,. -u.1w ....... .... Hiww't ,.._,"er Uel ~ , ............ "'.""'"" ,.. c....,. .... Mti ll•f -T•-"°"' -T-l'ol lm ~"'""'"' = O.,.•nll..t ---Jiii _ .. ..,_ -""'"'"•lot --· -11-•--=.::.": ... ... Slitl'Mtt llltMeb -v., ........... , all ........ ,.. -o ......... -.. OffOtt ~·· -::::.=.\':'.:~. -·-=··-tW -........... - .. ' 2 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising S~pplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16, 1982 1/denLUze PR()PERTIES · 760-8333 _ _ IUVIEW IEIT llY Beautifully maintained 4 bedroom New Bedford Model with ocean and city view. Professionally de,corated and landscaped. Quality upgraded throughout. Private spa - brick patio. Excellent value at $365,000. 760-8333 U-l ·l ·E·L·l·E·V-l-1-L-E!!! A brand new home for $469,500 with aU the amenities of a -million $$ house. 4 large bed.rooms, 3 1n baths, formal dining room. wet bar off family room w/refrigerator & ice maker, island kitchen with Jenn-Air range & BBQ, microwave, warming unit, dishwasher & trash compactor, central vacuum, j spa/tub in master suite, marble front fireplaces & last but not ( least a "dumbwaiter" from lst to 3rd floor. The bank and own_er wiU cooperate. Submit your terms on this once in a lifetime buy!! 675-6670 EICELLEIT TElll S uper sharp 2 br. & study in excellent location with view of back bay. Formal dining, pool, tennis. N"o paymen ts and 2nd for 2 years. owe 3rd. All for only $189,500. 760-8333 Pmlllt.l IAYFlllT l~ulate. w ith 4 large bedrooms, 2 IA baths, family room, spacious Uvtng room with fireplace on CHOICE BA YFRONT CORNER LOT. Lush landscaping, lovely brick patio PLUS PIER AND SLIP. Owner may assist with financing. Offered at $1,100,000. 675-6670 • A Dlvlalon of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA OCUI llEUES Cares..<; you in this attractive 4 bdr. Mesabluffs home. 2,400 sq. ft. of living. 3 baths. OWC 2nd. Or A.I.T.D. Be creative. Must be sold. Reduced to $229,500. 760-8333 WATERFROIT WITH IOAT SLIP Charming ... Lfght and airy 3 bedroom. 2 bath home in the privatl' (.'Ommunity of Balboa Coves. Fireplace in Living room. built-in kitchen. large bnck patio overlooking waterfront, 40' boat slip and sandy beachfront. This is one of the best buys in the area at $495,000 and owner will help finance! 675-6670 ILUFfS VIEW COllO Large 4 br. condo, 2 'h baths, deck overlooking canyon . fireplace, convenient location dose to all amenities. Owner wiJJ carry. $169,000. 760-8333 TllPLD Ol.111 Tl IAY I ICUIFlllT No rental p~oblems here! Two 2-bedroom units and one 1-bedroom unit in prime location on Peninsula with plenty of income. Owner will consider a looooow down payment and will carry financing. Start your investments here! Submit your tenns!! Asking $299,500. 675-6670 .r JACOBS ·REAL TY, INC. 675-6670. ... .2919 Newport Boulevard ~ewport Beach, CA 92883 .. -W• Mi --~-- Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 16. 1982 -3 l '/l /I e <Ptknt1/u; PRC)PERTIES ,760-8333 Enjoy the serenity of this lush onenlal garden with Koi pond or bask in the beauty of the 60 rt. pool and spa all included with this lovely 4 br Big Canyon home with family room and formal dining. Priced right at $825.000. 760-8333 - .llSllllE CIEU Ever-popular plan 11 1. 2 Bdr. and den. Beautifully decorated Lovely patio. Ideal location m guarded community with tennis and pools. Sensational price of only $318,000. 760-8333 I lllQIE CHCEn Buy this truly magnificent estate on gorgeous view lot in Harbor Ridge and finish the interior yourself. Do your own choice of colors. materials and fin ish . La rge pool and landscaping includ~ in price of $1 ,600.000. 760-8333 lllll IUITRL Is what you will say whet-l you see this dellghtful Lautremont model, 4 br. In Harbor R~ge. Family room, formal dining; 3 baths. custom oak paneffng, ceramic tile flooring. des6gner carpetfng, air conditioned, 2 lovely patios. Breath-taking view. $795,000. 760-8333 • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Designed by an award-winning architect. 5 Bdnns. + guest quarters. Extensive use of oak throughout. 2 Crplcs, pool & jacuzz.i . Beautiful ocean & sunset views. Many more arnenttif'S including compl. secunty system, skylights. A/C, stained & beveled glass throughout plus the finest kitchen appliances. Offered at $995,000. 760-8333 •TIYATEI SILLll Corona del Mar duplex. 3 Bdr. and 2 bdr., 3 baths, 3 fi replaces. Good income, owner will carry. Submit all oCfers. Only $274.900. 760-8333 TEI PEllOEIT HWI Delightful starter home on lovely tree lined street 3 Br .. 2 baths. spa. large lot Only $19.000 down and owe full price $195.000 760-8333 ......... •111111 Spacious elegant home on 40 ft. lot. 5 Bedrooms. 3'n battls Including In-law quarters. Encf098d spa, teak deck, French doors. paned windows. Owner leaving town. Submtt atl offers. $565,000. 760-8333 .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675~6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 ·1 ------------~ ----~ -~-~-::..~-.;;;:,.~;;:...:;,;...;;;:,.:;;;..;:...~::..::..::..:;..::..~::...;;:_=...::...:;...=-::....=-=-:::::===-=::;;::==:=======--=====:===w• • 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Adver11sing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 16. 1982 .,_. --- A 518!iDAAY OF THE RVINE <XJtlllANY rllEllll LOCATIOI -IEWNllT IAY HUIOll lllllE CREST "llEIAISSAICE" Pnced to sell at $475,000. Assumbale low interest loan and low down. Anita Schandel. (B22) IELOW IUlllETl In Harbor Ridge, Casa Blanca Model 3 BR, 3 BA. with view of reservoir. Take over high first T.D. Professionally decorated throughout. Gisela Jenkins. Asking $450.000 (B23) This 1s not just a lido Bayfront, it's 85' plus an adjoining private beach. across the channel from the former John Wayne Estate. Pier & slip for large ya c h). Exceptional b lend of traditional & contemporary design. Just under 8000 sq. feet. All wood vaulted ceiling & solid beams throughout. 4 BR Including a lg master suite w1stuoy ano wonaerru1 pauo 1or oay viewing. Guest suite. maids quarters, and aux11iary Br. Plus a 4 car garage. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE ESTATE AT SIX MILLION SIX HUNDRED. DONA cH1cHESTER <B 11 > • llELPt a 111 11n11011 ce110 Clt.Lm-tSH ISftT With terrific locatiO.Q & eotentlal. Needs everything -Paint, paper. Outstanding bayfront residence. panoramic view of 4 islands & carpets. drapes. Assuma6fefirsT.0-:-a0TOw mar e a PSO,OOU incr:-- peninsula. Designed for entertaining including; Billiard rm. fam rm land. Martha Macnab (B24) • w/sit-down bar. 5 BR 8 BA. elevator to magnificent terrace on the YIEWl VIEW! VIEW! IUITIFULLY DECORATED ooLSllps.Jor. 3 .boats. $4.300.0QO incl. land. Cathy Schweicke ~---"Seaview'! home-in-lttsh-garden-seWRiJ with panoramic view o (B 12) ocean. city lights and coast line. This fine 3 BR executive hQme EICLUSIYE HAlllOll lllllE 11 IEWNllT IUCll features garden atrium & country kitchen with breakfast area. Priced Elegant French Manor house in guard gated community of Harbor for fast sale $429,000. Anita Schandel (B25) Ridge. Just completed In finest detail & craftsmanship. Magnificent CUSTOllZEI 11a•IOll VIEW llOIEI "SOIEISET" views of Newport's Bays. islands & night lights. 4 BA. 6 BA. 2 tam """ rms & library add to the prestigious & elegant lifestyle this home Fabulous financing "below market'' interest rate available tor a offers. Realistically priced at $1,695,000 incl. land. Owner will assist quahlied buyer. 5 BR. formal dining rm. tam rm .. with lots of paneling w/financing. Tom Allinson -Terry Hanes (B13) & French doors and windows. Pool & spa. Great family home. Close OLD WOILD ELEUICE to community park & schools. $429,000 incl. land. Donna Godshall High on the cliff in Dover Shores -with the upper bay -Newport (B26) PRIDE llEllCTIOI COllOll lllllUllS VIEW center -and Catalina View. Tall stately doors -pillars surrounding a pool and fountains -5 BR -Magnificent formal living & dining room, den -nottilng forgotten. $1 ,575,000. You own the land - Barbara Aune (B14K ESTATE SIZED -PRIVATE IEWPOllT LOCATIOI lg. spacious family home In traditional Calif. Spanish-style -Built around a courtyard & a pool on Lido Isle. 7 Br. 6 Ba add to the lg family liveability. $1.250,000. Tom Alllnson & Terry Aune Hanes (B 15) ULIOA ISUll llWI MOISE Custom built Riverrock home on the water with dock to hold up to 20' boat. Almost finished two-story with upgrades throughout including a roof garden with wet bar.$ 1 ,000,000 Gisela Jenkins (B 16) IPYIUll VIEW Panoramic ocean. bey & city lights view from this two story "Southport" model. 6 bedrms. formal dining rm. family rm. +-a bonus rm professionally decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling pool & spa. $890,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall. (B 17) UIO 111.E wm PllWIOlll Cap13 Cod cu~tom -2112 yrs new. Perfect ion. Bank ot America assumable 1st T.O. Bring offers. $685,000. Call Oona Chichester (B18) llLlll llWI 113 Ruby R-2 lot with completely restored treasure cottage. New plumbing, new FA heating -Old original beams. mission doors. spanlsh fireplace. Huge master suite. All new kitchen & bath. $600,000. Fee Beverly Morphy (B 19) snn Tl OIUOEIT .. , IUOI Lender will finance a large portion of the selling price on this outstanding North Laguna· property South of the highway. lg lot offers room for expansion -all this tor <?nly $599,900. Maxine Propp. (B20) llYllE TllUOE UITill Super ocean & bay view from this spacious single story residence. 2 mstr suites, plus 2 more lg BR. oJ BA, fam rm. & game rm. Pool In courtyard. Great tor entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall (821) Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR, 2 BA. dining arj!a home ts Situated on a very lg lot. -Room for expansion & pool. $425,000. Fee land. Donna Godshall (B27) llAlllOll lllllE ESTATES llllUll Reduced to $100,000 below appraisal! Owner's loss is your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city lite views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite. Now only $425.000. Anita Schandel (B28) 4 Ill -SUVIEW - The "Port Royal" -Elegant two-level family home with 4 spacious BR., lg lam rm w/2nd fireplace & wet bar. formal dining & two balconies -Lovely garden & ocean view. $425,000. Belle Partch (B29) OIE OF LIM Ill.E'S IEIT llYS! Delu..xe home -lovely bright 5 BR. formal dining rm. tam rm. wet bar. sunny· patio! Tastefully decorated. Assumable 1st T.D. Priced right at $420.000 Berlt Mitchell. (830) .IUllllE llUI Gate-guarded community. 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395,000 Berlt Mitchell (831) PIESTllllR unlllEI Spacious family home on quiet street In gate guarded community. Private beach. 3 BR. 3 BA. Convertible den. Redecorate & have the finest. $395,000 incl. land. Dick t-'alderman (B32) IOUll YllW ... . Beautifully decorated 3 BR single story condo In Jasmine Creek. A best location and view. Assumable financing. $390.000 Incl. land. Martha Macnab (833) TIE PllFEIT ... llATlll For family living beautiful 4 BA + fam rm home. stylishly decorated In warm/neutral tones plus extra large yard for entertaining. Lots of sunllte in cheer -Best Baycrest neighborhood & close to all. $349.000 Jane Paquin (834) J 844-12111 .• Orange County Real Estate/An ~vertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16 •. 1982 -5 .MACNAB IRVINE REALTY llYEST II Sii, SlllF I s11sm Two lg spacious units one house from the sand. Upstairs -4 BA and 2 BA w/sundeck & downstairs -2 BR and 2 BA. $325.000 LH. Tom Allinson & Terry Aune Hanes (B35) UCI UY OISTIM You're going to love this custom built landmark home. ~ condition w/bullt-ins • & 2 massive fireplaces & 3 lg BR $296,000 • Coby Ward (B36) Oliff l&VU Charming 3 BR, 2 bath custom home w/fantastic landscaping on an extra-lg buildable lot. A must see! $296,000. Mary Lou Marion (B37) UD•lllUIVllW$ larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street. Spotless 3 BR, 3 BA. home Including separate guest suite. 2 lovely patios. Seller may help finance. May be best opportunity in town. Only $289,500 with land. George Grupe (838) TllnllllCI -•El Ullll I .. Montecito model featuring 3 BR, fam rm w/lnterior Garden Court, formal din rm, 2 fplc, & many upgrades. Great location on cul-de-sac w/fantastic view of mountains Community pool & tennis. Excellent assumable financing. $267 ,500 Sharon Smith (B39) llllmlLE LIU II ILIFFS 3 BA, fam rm. 2 BA. "E" plan on major greenbelt w/many upgrades including shutters. designer wallpapers. Seller will consider trade for duplex in area. $265,000. Jan Young (840) • Plnlll 1111 A rare opportunity -This custom built home. Architect Herb Brownell -A true one of a kind -High ceilings -Walnut bookcase -Fireplace in master BR -Great View -Community pool. $26~.ooo Barbara Aune. You own the land. (B41) IEW EllUll II IEWPRTI Charming shake sided condominium In prestigious Harbor View Knoll. 2 BA + den, private patio, 2'h baths. Only 64 units share delightful pool area and tennis court. $262,000 Barbara Hawkins (B42) ,... Plllllll&I .um 3 BA. 2 bath duplex 1 'h blocks from the ocean. Fantastic investment winter or summer rental. $260.000. Low down and owner will carry AITD. Sharon Smith (B43) 11UJM IT LISI! Harbor View Home -3 BR, 2 BA Carmel model. Remodeled kitchen. Prof~lonally decorated throughout. New carpet, paint and wallpaper. Automatic wa1erlng and lighting systems. Must sell fastl S249,000 Incl. land. Gisela Jenkins (B44) ...... ,.. ... Beautifully redecorated 3 BR home near pool & greenbelt. Large assumable 1st T.O. New appliances & bathrooms. Ready to move Into & priced to setl at $245,000. Fee •. Maxine Propp (845) LfllT • Ylll LIFE With the sunshine 'n charm of this Lusk Eastblurt home. Lg 3 BR + fam rm. Skylltes, brick + custom upgract.a thruout !or emotional atmosphere! Beautifully landecaped parklike yard areaa. Submit your offer! $239,500 Jane Paquin (846) llEllCEI I PlllCEI TO SELL A best priced Westcliff home -3 BA + fam rm -sunny clean 'n bright1prlvate yard w/room for addition. pool or spa. Great neighborhood Close to school. park & walk to shopping. $232.000 Jane Paquin (B47) · SIPllSTICATEI ILIFFI Cllll W/PllYITE SPA Bright & sunny "G" Plan end unit featuring 3 BA suites. each wl pri. bath. Redwood deck, spa w/ramada overhang & tinted glass windscreen. Low int. assumable 1st TD. Priced under mar~et at $225,000. Leasehold. Paula Baily (848) lllUL SIPlllSTICITill Newport Beach with a country feel -Great tamllx home-=-3 BR. Pcimrm resldencetotally redone -All new paint. carpets. 'Nallpapers. landscaping. $215.00Q Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes (B49) 4 IEl lllHI + NIL Don't miss this Immaculate home in Northwood Village. Perfect family home with solar heated pool, separate family room. country kitchen & loads of storage space. $215.000. Anita ~chandel (B50) lcWI Ill COY• Ollll Absolutely immaculate 2 BR. 2 BA, bright & cheerful. highly upgraded throughout condo. Shows like a model & can be occupied immediately. Excellent financing. A residence of unending pleasure. $205,000 or furnished at $215,000. Suzanne Shuler (851) 1m•t 1111m 12 Great buildable A2 lot w /2 separate houses. The front 2 BA w/warmth & charm & back house is a separate bachelor w/yard between. Terry Hanes -Tom Allinson $187.500. (B52) UllM Siii .llAelll PDT •SE -View -light & breezy -spacious 2 BA + den. Quiet cul-de-sac -flexible financing. Owner has moved. Must sell. SUBMIT!! $175,000. Fee Beverly Morphy (B53) DIEP1'11ULLY ITTUC11YI An exciting 2 BR. 2 BA w/dinlng rm condominium w/sunken living rm. Fireplace ...:. wet bar -lg patio for entertaining. Separate garage connected to stairs 'inside condo. Owner will help finance. 5 minutes to beach. $175,000 Mary Lou Marion (B54) llTITAmll •lffl" TWIM• A lowest priced "V" Plan -3 BR, 2'h baths situated in the lovely Bluffs area of Newport Beach. This charming unit is neat and clean and has extensive use of grass cloth wallpaper. Move-in condition. $154,500 Leasehold. Donna Godshall (B55) STll111 .. Cute & comfortable 3 BA & 3 BA home. Quiet cul-de-sac locations adds to great family llvlng. 2 brick fireplaces, loads of charm . $169.500. Terry Aune Hanes -Tom Alllnson (B56) UST lllTI •II _. 2 BR. 21h BA, 2 story. lg enciosed patio. Lots of privacy, 2 yrs old. IMMACULATE. Assumable loans. $147,900. Owner will consider trade. Berlt Mltchefl (857) Ill llUT IT11111 Mlllll In Northeast Costa Mesa. Brend new 3 BR. 3 BA with extra lg master BR. Choose your carpet now. Lg fenced back yards. Seller will beep with financing. $139,500 to S144,500 Gisela Jenkins (858) •••-1211 . I I I. ,, 6 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16, 1982 Many owners are olf ering substantial price reductions and term,,. Some will excha~ge and . "cash speaks" Lower than listed price, if you have cash Call for d etails and submit y qur offer . IBALBOl IS./t:OROll DEL MARI IRVINE TERRACE-S225,000 Dremetlc I 1unny home on qu._. 1t,..t. Comlortabte 3 bedroom • l1mlty room & p.llo. 131·1400. LEASE OPTION-LO CASH-NPT C04.lntry French corner and new In ind 04.lt. G04.lrmel kitchen, 3 bdrm1 I nice yerd._ $241,500. PRICE SLASHEDll-BALBOA ISLAND 117 Merine Ave. NOW '254,000I On 30Xl5 ft lol. Adorabte 29r 1 be w/brlck p.tlo. /. SUPER VALUEI BAL IS. CHARMER Reduced! Cle1n & cule 3 bed. ootta~a Ith patio, beam• & pen911ng. YCKa c:en N" •la or buffd new. Plan• for Cepe Cod ate lncklded w/ prtc. of 1215,000. Orlwe by 205 Topu and c.etl ~ JASMINE CREEK-ELEGANT OW.t cut de aac behind gurded getft. .......,..., .. decOf enNnce8 3 bed. ~ den A cu1t01n Spa. REDUCED TO 1375.000. " NEWI BALBOA ISLAND-GAEA T1 LMge duplea In 100 btocll lo lo. Beyfront. lpec:loue ' end 3 bedroom unit• 1old fully furnlahed. Seeaoned eummer/wlnler rental record. An a1oeptlonal pr~ al a reall1tlc price. Large a11umable loanl 1317,500. l1'-llQO. SPYGLASS-REDUCED $449,500 L-.et prtc:.d 4 bedroom In the area. 8Mutlful home wtltl ebtuln, famlty rOOM, 2 ~and 3 CM l*ete• Mollnlad a cooperative ••tier. Submit your offer. N1·1400. CAPE COD -BALBOA 18~ND French d-ra. tlreptaca1, 3 cer partilne . .Owner wlll COllialdef HChenge for _..., f-' hofM ot1 Price raduc:ad $20,000 lo $451,000. Large aHumabfe loan. aubmtt. LITTLE ISLAND-$50,000 CASH wtltl only MO,OOO c:aatl down pey-t '°" can own lhh «Mcof .. or'• COfMf I bedroom hoiftM ..-aeper• '9ftt.I Wiit. 9'Mdy for mo.. In. C•lom ...._ lhfouehout. C.at tor ......... prioal l7a.4IOQ. REDUCED IN SHOR£CLIFFS Wondeftul comer loc.allon wtltl C*llpllt1ty remcd1l1d a 11111 Med hoMe. lg~ 4 Indra llfil + I c:er ==· ............. , .... °'*' ............. ......... 000.. NEW CAPE COD-EXTRA SPECIAL A kMMI..., twl .... , ....... Drtwe ~Mot -JoN ... .................... COf'ON .. ..., ai...... ..., llR INa I ......... ....., ,..... 9ftd ........... '°°"" LAW V11W me«. C .. ._ ........ ......_ ._ ... OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY OCTOBER 16th ~ SMwerd ....................................................... -. M45.ooo 132 S. Bayfronl ............................. , ......................... 11.300.000 1111 San Bruno ..................................................... _. 1150.520 31• Manaokl .............................................................. 11n.ooo 2A05 Clltf Drive ......................................................... "20.000 225 Grand Canal ....................................................... $515,000 225 Via Orv6eto .......................................................... $541,500 502 I 81rMI ................................................................ S395,000 1541 E. Oc:Mn Blvd .................................................. 1470,000 l3S Lido Pk. Dr. . ....................................................... $541,500 121 Lido Pk. Dr. . ....................................................... llSe0,000 2291 Aadland• ........................................................... '2M.500 01 WATER PIER/SLIP -$212,500! New on the market In a gated waterfront complea. LowMt prlc;e on tae land with a dockl Lerga 3 bad. 2Yl be. • d9coralor emenlt .... 131·1400. .) _ BAYSIDE COVE CONDO-VU BMulltul decorator coorcffnetad aaac:uttva retteat with wonderful vu of •ay, boat• and night llghle. Sold comptataly tumllhad tNe 2 badrOOln hofM .,._ den and dining 11 perfect for tha dl1crlmlnalln9. Thi• WATERFRONT c:ommuntty ottara boet .. Ip available and pool. 1417 .500. . LEAST EXPENSIVE OCEANFRONT Forever VIEW from thl• outalandlng properly with Hcellenl financing. Dupla1 on great beach with Maeonad rental rlc:Ofd. S-,000. WATERFRONT -BALBOA ISLAND Naw on the market. Perfect beach cotlega with beaullfullJ coordinated dee«. Doc:k tor two 11' boele. Gourmet kitchen, beam cefll"8•· Ownef' wtll COfls&dar Hc:ha"91. -.000. OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCED! -..UUfut cuelom wtth ''prid9 of OWMnhlp'' c... a detail. Two llOfl 4 bed. IV. ba. OWner wtll help ftnanc:. Super tend A ... RACtWRONT. Now MM.GOO. Walti by 2ll04 W. o-tfl'ont • call '°' ......... REDUCED TO: $791,5001 aAYF,.ONT·UNOA-CLOl*O COSTI OMl..Yt Own. haa heel bu1lneee,....... and m•t ...,...., Toe qualflad ....,_, INI home mey be purc:haead ,_ doetftQ coete onlyl Febulou1 lowa1t SHtc:• on Hcfuelve Linda t•. Supatb ..__, locallon with pW/aatp tor,_.. yadtl and • 5 badr-home wtttt large tamlty room. a.w-1 now before prtc.e go up. 131·1400. WATERFRONT-WITH VIEW Unobelr1tclld VIEW on turning bHln of aayfront. FebWMe ..... Md of 9alboe w.nd. LMp 4 bedroom ....... """ 1 Md .• ,.,,...... •. c ................. .., If daehd. PW/llp tor I....._ 11.-.000 ... land. BAYFRONT-SO'BOATSUP ...,.... to_. A....,_. YU hftt tlllep1at1 • 6 ..._.,. WA~-..... LMee......., .... +I ll1dra11u .. ......,. ·c:~h. ,... ......... din. nll., ...... 11,...._ wilt! ........ --. ,,..... daon lo brtdt petkt A C4IMrM ......... ....., eatr9e 6 lllCDI .... Mia ...... ...... _, ... , .......... .,,_,.., EXTRAVAGANT BAYFRONT QrandloM ... ..,, ...... with • ...._.... + pterltof .... r.cM t akla lie. UnUINal c:uetom ......., r11lll1noe wttti eoartftt wood a.-.id ....._ ...._ ape, tonMI .... ,...., ............ ...., ....... ......., '°°"'' ..,.,, + .,...,,.... ....... llttoMft 9ftd ............... Al ..... ,..., ....... ,,... ................... ..... . ++. e1dr00Ma ....... llPlrN......., ...... + ......,, q1terter1 end Hperete falftllJ Mdreo•e w9' wit" .............. A ....... NOftop 1ll11"1tl1R&....._ .................. .,.,.._,.. L.AMD~t..111 Md ............. "' e&'Cll...._ ...... .. . ......................... ~ I llEWPORT BUCH NEWPORT COND0-$165,000 A quiet loc:ellon on a central Newport 1lrMI with an Immaculate and 1p1clou1 2·•1ory condominium r"ldenc:a. Private anlr1nca lo thl• 3 bedr~ home with 2'11 beth• and encloMd patio. Lovely landec:aplng and adJolnlng community pool. Perteet "move-In" decor. Two-car garage. '31·1400. CONDO W/SUPER C'oRNER LOC. Ocean I harbor vlew1 from each room. Submit fle1lble tarme I down. Aaklng $171,000. NEWPORT -PRICED RIGHT Great loc1tlon ind owlter wlll help finance lhl1 3 bedroom home on FEE LANO. $185,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-CORNEA Pool home on convenient comer with 3 bedroom• on large lot. OWn« wut trade few duplea on .._ land or fM. OPP«IU"llt lo fl1 up lbla homal Au&.llDabM loant of •112.000 0 12V. 'Ve, '31·1400. STEPS TO BAY-OCEAN Quiet l1land cottege with 3 badr-• •ludr & 1unny p.llo. 10% calh and owner wlN help nnenca. Aaaumable loan1. $241,000. BAYSHOAES-$264,5001 Guarded gate community wHh • PfMllgloua addra11. owner wlM ftnance with 20% caah down. Adorable Cape Cod alyte with 3 bed. 2'11 ba., ulad brtc:k ,.,.,,._, HARBOR VIEW-PORTOFINO Haw on the martlall Two-elory with eoerlng c:alllng1, lamlly room I 3 bedi'oome. ''THE" pofMllar modat with unllnlahed room oft e-.... L°"'J lendacaplne. 1215,000. °'*'~· BAYSHORES-TRADtTIONAL Wonderful famlly arae with a pre1llglou1 addra11. country ff9nc:h 1 bad. ' be. l.M1ll country k1tchan. Bncti paetoe and ..... ,.-me.. owe nn1 T.D. A"'"''-· ms.ooo.~. PENINSULA PT. AFFORDABLE Immaculate with new carpet & paint. llepe to Bay & beec:h from IM• 2 bed. 2 bath • den. Lowety pello. 1344, 500. . VU PROPERTY-CLOSING COSTSll Le ... /optton or lfade down or pey ontr c:toe6ng coet• and you cen own INI "tot w.._" swoperty wtth doM-up VIEW of ..,, ---....... nlfht .......... ,., '°"" home + e-t .__. pool lftc:luded In prtc:e. Now haa two ,..tll] ........ Oft -• MCCMM9 home ...... In Oita Md ,_, ....... -·-,.. ....... f.J1·1400. LIDO ISLE-LEASE? OPTION tunfty ~,.... +new deoer. &....-. ...... 80W"* kttchen 9ftd a ..... doll ....... """ 2 badrOCMR9 and deft. fJrlced under Merkel. A11umable loene a OW help ~ ........ PICTURE PERFECT-f»ININSULA Remall1l1ll 9ftd redeccw•ect 4 bed. home with petto a dectl. T'111cMlorJ Mine OM ....... "°"' OOMft. OW Mtp ""-· AITD, ••C!Mnte or? M7'0,000. f.Jl-1400. LOCATION Vut LOCATtONI .. ......... , Ollll .. 1.e.t1Mlld I....,, hoMI .. Cll l;I "P YU of..,, boela, ..... Md .......................... .....,....,,,.. INl I lllllFlllWl,...,,_,...,.......,...,OWW"9 .... ...................... ,..UM. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS " Sales, Rental!>. Property M Magement 2436 W. Coatf Hwy. Newport Beach 631-14-00 3 15 Marine Av.,, Balboa I land 673-6900 -~ · pttlelili• iR Pf'Ol"'rlY on tlwo weter ..... ur tlw wetft' ••• _... ••di \'ww of ~•tf'r • , • I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 _ 7 Lingo Rul&lllft owe WITH 20-250/e DOWN! Residential income units just a few steps to the sand. $225,000 OWNER WILL CAP.RY FOR 5 YEARS With 20-25% down on this beach duplex It's yours! $235.000 9% ASSUMABLE FIRST AND OWC East bluff 3 bedroom, 3 bath ranch style homez near schools. $259.000. Or trade for Capo Beach condo OWNER WILL CONSIDER LONG TERM FINANCING OR TRADE IN ORANGE COUNTY Harbor Ridge with 5 bedrooms. 4 baths and breathtaking panoramic views. $1,385,000 200/e DOWN IN HARBOR RIDGE "Jodelle" model with 3 bedrooms. 21h baths. panoramic views of city, ocean and Catalina. $695,000 owe AITD OF $519,000 AT 12.75% Harbor Ridge 3 bedroom. 3'.lt oath home with panoramic views. 3050 sq . tt . and additional family room. $695,000 . ASSUMABLE FIRST UNDER 9% AND owe Spacious 3 bedroom family home with family room, 3 baths, French doors and Bay windows. $495,000 FEE $224,000 IN EXISTING FINANCING A dramatic wet bar accents this 3 bedroom home with family room. dazzling views and motivated seller. $475.000. ELOCkTING SELLERS WILL ACCEPT LOW DOWN AND EXC. FINANCING r Ridge 3 bedroom, 21h bath townhome with 2500' sq. tt .. tlful views. $575.000 TERMS IN N·EWPORT BEACH WATERFRONT HOME-SELLER WILL ASSIST Linda Isle 5 bedroom. 4'h bath home with 4500 sq. tt .. courtyard spa, slip and side tie for 60' boat. $1,450,000 L~ASEHOLD EXC. FINANCING WITH LOW DOWN Harbor Ridge 2 bedroom. 2 bath, 2000 sq. tt. home with assumable long-term financing. $379,000. I owe AITD OR CONSIDER TRADE A Kol pond and huge yard adorn this mini-estate with 6 bedrooms. 4 baths, French doors, skylight. $449,000 FEE. ASSUMABLE FINANCING AVAILABLE Corona del Mar duplex with Ideal owners unit, new carpets and paint. Walk to beach. $369,000 • . OWNER WILL CARRY ..:.... SUBMIT ALL OFFERS Harbor View Homes with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, green belts, use of pool. $310,000 FULLY ASSUMABLE 30 YEAR FIXED LOAN Harbor Ridge 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with spacious patio area. extensive landscaping, many custom features. $790,000. ASSUME 30 YEAR FIXED LOAN OF $216,000 OR OWNER WILL CONSIDER TRADE Harbor ~dge 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with panoramic views, private yard, large decks, fireplaces. atrium, $775,000 ASSUME FIRST OF $357 ,000 AND. owe "Casablanca" model in Harbor Ridge with 4 bedrooms, 21h baths. entry courtyard, skylight and fireplace. $520.000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER FINANCING Sea View 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with impressive city light and Catalina sunset views. $•65,000 -OTHER AREAS - ASSUMABLE FIRST AND owe Hunting1on Beach 4 bedroom garden home with spa, fireplace and beams. $225,000 TRY LOW, LOW DOWN! Santa Ana Heights 2 bedroom home plus den. private patio. use of pool, spa and sauna. $118,000 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN-owe Two bedroom, 2 bath condo with fireplace, deck s, nice landscaping. use of poof. $159,000 30 YEAR FIXED ASSUMABLE AT 11h % Lovefy BrlarcHtte plan In Arbor Lake with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, den. fireplace, mt. views. $175,000 NEWPORT OFFICE TRY 15% DOWN OR TRADE FOR T.D.'S Costa Mesa triplex showing true pride of ownership, garages sundecks. $245,000 ASSUMABLE FIRST AT 911• % AND owe Huntington Harbor Trinidad Island hOme with 3 bedrooms, family room, 21h baths, 35' boat dock plus much, much more. $399,950 SELLER LOOKING FOR CREATIVE OFFERS, TRADES, ETC.I South Lagu_na duplex near Allso Beach with fireplaces. view and private batconles. $210,000 TRY LOW DOWN OR LEASE OPTION Emerald Bay • bedroom, 3 bath home with large patio, spa, , landscaping, corner lot location. $825,000 844-7020 ''In Newporl Beach Loolc To Lingo Fintl" - ,.8 -Orange County Real Esta!e/An Adve~tislng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 HOW CAN UNIQUE· HOMES SELL $3.5 MILLION IN 3 0 DAYS? IN ''THESE DAYS''? • • IUFFS 01 lllT -Exceptional end unit, quiet cul-de-sac. private with subtle colors, good loans, private patio, leasehold. $224,000. 111111 YllW llOAIMHI -Good 4 Bdrm home. good 12% loans. good neighborhood and great value. $420,000 LH or $517,000 FEE. tHLITY Piil H•E, .IHT $241,100 -Bright Carmel. family floor plan. pool & spa. Financing is reasonable; priced right at $249,500. IMIS I CUlllH -Victorian on the Island! 3 bdrms, 3 baths, new and vacant. Beveled glass. rock fireplace and different! At $595,000. llfflHT, $115,GOI, 10% &Pl -Tennis, boat slip, flexible seller. 3 bdrm -3 bath owner may · consider a lse. option easy to see. Ill H•LY iiiil 111°""1 -Pool, spa, immac. decor, over 3500 sq. ft. with 5 bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexible, Harbor Hi District. $349,500 . II TIE SHI -Duplex, good income, West Newport location with plans for new home. good financing. Asking $550,000 ..,.., I 111• -In East bluff>. spectacular ..night-light view, clean fresh condition. Only $275,000. ftlW-LIWUT Pltll -Golf course, 2 bdrm in Big Canyon, tennis. pool only $235,000 (NEW) IUfn m •IT -Popular G Plan, 3 Bdrms, • den. 3 Baths, spacious fee. $250,000. Pll•I otHH IEL •II -4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Beautifully natural. neutral colors and quiet area. $379,500. • UIYll ll1mT -Privacy, security and a rolling lawn. 5 Bdrms, pool, spa and quality craftsmanship. Only $849,500. .... • UI Ol1TAll -Charming, central location, big back yard, R-2 zoning and lowest price. $215,000. \ ~ULUTI(),_. E X A ~1: P L E S OPEi SIT I sn' Balboa Island. Boat Dock. Owner Finance $575,000 ...................... 2 10 Grand Canal. NB. Spyglass. 5 Bdrm, View of Bay and Ocean $850,000 ............................ 5 Point Loma. NB. Bayfront, Deluxe Duplex, Show Place on Sand $1, 195,000 ................ ...... 13 Beacon Bay. NB. Architects Home. 3 Bdrm, Loft in Seaview $425.000 .......... 192 1 Yacht Enchantress. NB. PllCll RIUT Ill II IEEIFIEU -3 Bdrms. 2'/~ baths. immaculate. Air cond. patio, financing under 12%. Priced below competition . $149,500. llAlll C&IW./FIH All OUU -Cute clean. 3 bdrm with dock for 2 boa1s. Owner financed. Priced at MAI $575,000. TIE 11101 II llYllE -4 Bdrm lmmac., new appliances, plus air cond .• fam room, nice street, super financing. $199.000. OLElll .... IUT LIMI -Jasmine Creek single level 3 bdrm condominium. lush patios, spa, assume loans -Less than 12%. $369,500. FIE Lim YllW -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and owner will finance. Only $600,000. Leasehold. MUI FIMT llOl.11111 -Little comer of the local coas111ne: Surf. dramatic rocks, exquisite 4 bdrm. pool and spa. Nothing else llke It! $2.500,000. 111• YllW LISI -Beautiful decor, serene. tasteful, 4 Bdrms. 2'h BA on Fee Land. Asking $396.000. CIM HOME/HIT: Hl,000 HWI -3 Bdrm -3 Bath home -Corona del Mar location. Rear Apt. is 2 Bdrm, 2 BA. $29.5,000. SOHEOIS IO•E ACCIUTt Pll'cE -Big Canyon (Mclain). Tasteful upgrades. gorgeous appointments. assumable 11% loan. Security, serenity, swimming & tennis. $320.000. TIE YIEW HIYE llYllE -Turtlerock Glen, Woodsie, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine Model. Upgrades. Redwood deck near pool & tennis: Owner motivated, reduced to $259.000. FIH All CLW -Family home. Beacon Bay waterfront. tennis, needs TLC, owner will finance. Leasehold is attractive. $795,000. YDY UYSlllES -Cottage nr. beach, country kitchen. wood floors, 3 Bdrms, used brick fireplace , patio. Financing . $310,000 Leasehold. .. llOI UY FU• •sE -1/1 acre lot with ranch style home, oak floors. loaded with antique fixtures. 2 story barn. large pool. A KICK! $465,000. I lll•S ULllA ISWI -looks cutsie, lives jumbo! 2 story near So. Bay Beach. 5 Bdrm + Bonus room. $450,000. Ill IHYll, LIW PllOE -Dover inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell, light & airy atmosphere. 2 bdrms & 2 baths with den. great ·patio! Only $350,000. lllllA ISUll IUUll -Bay view! Half block to water. clear shot! 2 story, fireplace. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Owner finance only $339,500. PSTSllf OUT& •u -2 bdrm home wltt'I 1 bdrm Income unit, 6500 sq. ft . &ot. assume 1st loan under 10%, excellent r ental area (Broadway & Orange) $143,000. ml IS D~ -3 bdrm In Harbor View Homes, perfect condition, good assumable loans, fee tltle, $219,SOO. U~l()U~ li()~~i. ~ULT()~i. t31ti-~VOO PACU'IC OOAST IDGHWAY AT MMAR111Ua 80ULEVAIU> IN OOIONA OIL MA& I I t Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to Ule DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16, 1982 -g OCIAN VIEW + POOL * SPYGLASS HILL * This truly magnificent residence is for those who embrace...:rebJ<ing' lux ury as a way of life. This home is completely remodeled & decorated by noted designer Al Mendez, San Francis('(). Featuring imported pavers beginning on the front patio & continuing into the entry & thruout the fmly rm. lut.chcn & breakfast area. Decorated m Mediterranean style w/curved arches, recessed lighting & liberal use of mirrors. The remodeled gourmet kitchen features solid oak cabinetry. Jen-Aire Range. Portuguese tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocean view. Also completely redone ts the fabulous mstr suite featuring an added hideaway ret«'at & a. bath w/bill Ule work.& mirrors ,NawralJ-¥ there ts a panoramJc ocean & night Lite view from LA to Catalina & of cours<' a pool & spa are encl'd in a private courtyrd. This fine home is unmistakably Newport! P r iced at $849,900 FEE w /assumablc financing. For private appt to view call 759-1501 .CALlfOtlNIA SHOWPLACE • DOVH SHO!llS • Btfl views of Fashion Island a nd the Paciftc ocean highlight this exciting stone & stucco ranch showplace designed m 1973 by Ivan Wells for executive entertaining. No expense has been spared m the creation of the luxurious interior. encompassing 10 rooms & a total of 6500 sq ft of hving space. The groc·1ous & diverse layout includes a gracious Liv rm. frml din rm. a handsome oak study. fmly !VI. country kitchen w/island work area & breakfast room. 4 bdrms. ti baths as well as such fine quality appointments as t.ile floors. crpting & several skylites Superb outdoor gatherings are made J.<>SSible by 2 patios. w /firepits, cstm black bottom sw1mmmg pool & spa & a complete poolside wet bar Also features are full security system, dual temp controlled wine storage, & a 3 car garage. Located in the lvly Dover shores area of Newport Beach this exquisite home offers perfection inside & out. The residence maybe purchased furmshed $1.500.000 FEE LAND. Call 759-1501. ESTATE SIZED LOT *CAMEO SHORES• This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! The rear yrd features a Japanese garden, waterfall, Kot pond, pool & volleyball crt., in a spacious environment d~gned for memorable days thruout the year. The Interior was designed for entertaining as well. A lge liv nn w/frplc overlooking the pool & gardens exemplified the open spacious feeling prevelant thruout. A huge kitchen, frml din rm & 4 spacious bdrms including a mstr suite w/blt-in shelves. sunken jacuzzi tub are but a few of the numerous features of this fine residence. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/assumable financing at 1 l.75%. Call 759-1501 for furt})cr de tails. • DIVONWOOD ESTATIS IXCIPTIONAL SQUAii FOOTAGE ThlS is the much sought after Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and three full baths. For the large family this home of approximately 3,500 square feet has it a ll!! The mas ter bedroom suite is particularly enchanting and includes a luxurious sunken oval tub and separate tiled shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the kids. This entire residence has been professionally decorated including custom drapes throughout! Formal dining is provided ~ well as an eating area off the kitchen with decorative ceiling fan-. T he kitchen js a marvel in itself with gas builtins., microwave, trash compactor and soft water. Custom b.·1ck work and spa complete the picture pe~ect back yard. Call us for details on the excellent assumable loans orlthe suprisingly affordable price in todays market. 963-5671. ' HUNTINGTON HARBOR FORTY-FIVE FOOT BOAT DOCK Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route. Enormous Jiving an d formal dining rooms face the water. Forty rive foot dock accommodates up to a 55' boat. Glass enclosed patio w ith spacious deck. Terrazzo entryway with iron &«urity gate. Two ~rge fireplaces: Seller will help finance at 12%. This exceptional value m waterfronf property is offered at $559,000. 963-5671. -HUNTINGTON IEACH ~ IOLSA LANDMARK -$210,000 With four spacious bedrooms and two and one half bat home 1s an excellent value. Not oruy is it the lowest priced home in the tract. but the seller is also offering a $5,000 cash rebate to the buyer a t the close of escrow. Thts home offers maximum privacy at the e nd of a quiet cul-de-sac and backs onto the pro~ Bolsa Chica Marina. Soaring cathedral ceilings and earthtone dero~romplf'te this picture perfect property. Even better, it's vacant and ready to move m. Call for more information. 556-7035. TWO TRIPLEXES HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Two attractive n ew triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. These are pride of ownership buildings with superb design and floor plans. All six units are two bedroo~. two and one haJf baths with wood burning fireplaces a nd lofts that could be converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancy factor in this excellent location is almost zero. Available Individually at $320.000 each or make the seller an offer on both. C.Omplete financing information available at 556-7035 WESTCLIFF GOURMET'S DELIGHT This mel.lculously maintained home is tailor made for the gourmet, starting with the custom kitchen. Oak cabinets and flooring surro.und your built-ins which includes a microwave. Just off the kitchen is a charming breakfast nook with bay windows. Super plush carpeting and custom wall coverlngs romplete the picture of sheer elegance. The extra large family room provides ample room for entertainment. As an added bonus the large irre gular lot with custom pool provides extraordinary privacy. With a large fully assumable lst trust deed. this home is priced for immediate sale at $310,000. For an appointment to . see call 556-7035. . NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2170 So,11 Miguel Drive Newport leach, CA 12HO (71•) 791-1~01 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You ." HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adoma Ave. Huntington leach, CA 12141 m.•> 1111-70'9 -. _/' I ,, I• ! I r 10 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 16, 1982 Dalebout Bay 8r Beach Real Estate ~REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• IUHI ISL.m HIYI ••• Elegance. dignity and diversion in one beautiful package. Five bedroom home· on the Bayfront. Pier and float for 48 foot boat. ·Cheerful view from six rooms. Huge dining room. Library and ga[Jles room. Separate master suite. Sparkling pool and spa. Home built in 1980 ....................... $2,350,000. 111111 ISUll HAI .•. Bayfront. Owner will carry One Million Dollar first trust deed. The nautical design, craftsmanship and marine view gives one the feeling of living aboard ship. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Sixty feet on the bay with pier and slip for three boats. ......................................................... $1 ,500,000 Open Sat 1-5 . .. .. ...... . 115 Harbor Island Road I HYEll SHIU . Quality shows in most everything -particularly in a home such as t this custom four bedroom built with lath and 1 plaster. Situated on a private beach. Master bedroom suite balcony overlooks beach and I bay. In-law or maid's quarters. JUST REDUCED t $60,000. ... ............................... NOW $920,000 Ullll ...... Delightful view of mountains, city lights and man-made lake. Property shows like a model-In muted tones, allowing for your own choice of colors. Three bedrooms; family room and three sundecks. Outside entrance to · third bedroom and d&ek. Quick possession ............................................................ $499.500 Oliff IAftl ... Highly desirable location with a WESTCLIFF ••• NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! a . An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool t and spa. Reduced $1 3,000 .... NOW $242,000 Open Sat 1-5 ....................... 1016 Dover Drive .U ftlll ... This sensational four bedroom dwelling 1tas it all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price just reduced $34,000 .................................................... Now $245,000 •TIW• II II,. ... Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstatt:s. Two .bedrooms upstairs plus bonu~ room . Lar ge pool and spa. Just redvced $23,500 ................................... NOW $230,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................................... 5 Colonial • CMY• • . . Exquisite home in a luxuriant set11ng. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. H1:190 family room with wet 'bar and large builf-in'tlrevision screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway ......... $1 .495,000 "forever" view of the bay and ocean. Two story CW ll0 T 'W ... Highly desirable area. This three bedroom home with inviting brick patio thfee bedroom dwelling has extreme value. J!L~o.mp.l•te.. g.u.est ~nLt over tbcee~b-~ se~tt~d e-ol~sac-lo-t .-P-ooi . garage ............................................... $499,000 Lease/option available ..................... $199,900 ---11--- -JI ER ••• This view wiH haunt you. Sixty eight feet of w i ndows o verloo k ing an e¥ercn.nging '"9rine view. Huge IMng room. Three spa c Io~ s bedrooms. L •rte fMlily/t>Mliards NOnl. Tr~ peeK> Mah CuMOfn it'8 Md~-.................. $815,000 OP8f' Sat 1-5 ....... --······ 1301 ~ Terr9Ce ._ -••• Your ~ priv ... wOfWM Two ~ bedrooms In one tri11g. 1l*d bedt oom wtth own 9fWy aM priWM ....... W\ the ot"'- wiftg. Sit-down .-W of ~. UPC* bay and city lights. AU roo~ ~ to Indoor dehumidified poal. Security ~llMim. Seier ~ carry 1st trvst deed five years. 12% with $300.000 down .......................... _ ..... $135,000· OpeQ Sat 1-5 ................... 1028 ·--~ Way ...... mJ. ••• Thts delightful tour bedroom home ref~cts an air of com.fort and contentment. The fMliAg is ecc:.ated by the specteculer Md--~ ~ .... Tttia la te. MgNy llul .._ CIP ............... JUST Ae9WC~O $25,000 .................. Now $725,000. -.;.. LIM Ill.I ••• Presttgious area. Top location on the wkSest s~reet on Lido. Just lteps to private beach. EasY. walk to tennis courts. Four · specious be«ooma. Prectic.I floor plan, t>.iet around large patio. The land alone (three . ::i~t~ .. ~.~~~ ... '.~~-~.~ .. ~.~~.~~ ... '.~~ .. ~.~~-·~;5~~ ..n... . . . Exceptional curb appeal. Four bedroom home. Lavtah wae of French doors and Wl6ndows. Ext•lllve buMt-iM . Loads Of 111 ..... ~ .. altk:. toxtS2 poof *8 yerd ..... gUIDo .... °""'*"-' paridng tor • c.rw. l..IJl9'W .. K.:iing! .............................. $475,000 °'*' Sat 1-5 .. .. ............. 1118 Somer• Lane lf-.ua aL ... blfaof4tNWy vaf\M tA ~-111. Tiwee ~ be•~ FM'Mty reoftl. TWo batM. ""9o .-eplKee. llMJ MUd'I eougM after ••Port• a••·· MOdet. PrWll9 oowrtyerd. ... poet ..0 1P8-Pt0pe'1y higNy upor.o.d ... ~ ............. : ......... $450.000 ... -••• c.u.tom butft three bedroom ttwee ... hofM wMtl UHbMNcted vtew of bay Md ooe.n . .......,oua bt.tilt-lns.. Tw..,_ pc>Mntlal. Offered by OfigiMI OWMf. Quick pa11111'• ........................................ '"5.000 Open SM 1-5 . .. . .. .. .. .. ..... . .. .. . 1211 K.1"91 Aoad UR._ ... Enjoy the commodious lMek "E" p&9f\ t.GMe. ~ OHiped. ~ ....... itu •rMMS. Lwf9 ,...., roam _.. lnptece. .. Md ..-..1n 1Ntt4M• '*'°-. 'V~ private ~d _..,. poe1 eMI ..,e. Hut re9Mtant decking. Minitnum maintenance. T..,_ car garage. You own the laAd .......................... : ................................. $388,500 • Hall •.• Exoeltent ffMncing. Attrm:tiw tour bed'°°"' hoMe. Kit~ and femUy room ~ ~-IHP'tad o .. ne-. Wet bar...,,. wtne rack Md reCrtgeretor. Newty ~peted and painted .................... $380,000 watalff. ••• Cape Cod home on large comer IOt. SPlldOU8 three bedrooms, famity and dining 119'11 llllliR · • · Delightful 'spllt-Mvel home. , rooms. lmpecc~ deoorated and mllintaifted. Nothing monotonous he,.te'. Beamed celling. French doors openin9. to large garde., end French· ~oora. Shutters and leYetors. Three covered patio. Setler s program mak .. tt)e spacious bedroome. Den a,,d family room. ~ome VfllfY av.,lable. Just reduced $11,000 Propertybln I topbcol nkdltlon. CLowbemaintanh~~ . :-:) ......... : ...................................... Now $30S,OOO lard. Bu bl ng ac spa. an pure ~ • . 575,000 Fee or $4-40,000 Leasehold. Wiii MMllT , .• Duplex. Two three tsedroom llftl _. •.. Prestigious home slgnlflc4lntly upgraded Four bedrooms. Dining Room. Den with 10' bar, Sparkling pool. Extraor(jlnary financing: With 25% down, owner wllf help. buyer obtain a r'lew ·rir.t truet deed. at .1ow~. · amortbcl, over 3Q years dU.1.n five. ~ may l 90"elder trade fcM"lflCOmlt> pr,Operty,.,.$580,000 . . . . . '1s11-wESTCLiff.l!)Rl.VE . . . units. Excellent location. Steps t o sand. Oceeh view from upper unit Great financing. Submit offer.-Just red~ced S'49,6QO. Now $299,500 -WIW _. •••. The' popufar "Carmet''. model .. Three bedrooms .. tlew carpeting. =ttf:~'. .. ~~~~~.~.~·.~~~: .. ~~ QPlr'I Sat ·1-5 : ... ,""/ ....... 1.0 Port Btfltol Clrcte · · .. · · ·u1~7300 .· . . . Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 5 12 Rockford Place .... T 0 =, , • Signlficent~ upgraded four bedroom home. Three balh&. Gourmet ~n exceptioMMy convenient. inoludino microwave and self-cleaning oven. St>~Ung pool. Extensive deddng. Luxuriant IMdscaplng. EntfH property In immaculate condition ............................................................ $19e.500 11911 ~ •• So c::onwniene ye so w:w.cs on a quiMQA de UC*-' ... just ..... mtfMllt• from Fahlon tsa.nd. Fucln~ two bedrooms and family room eoftdo. Delightful uee of wood pllM!ling end cua&om wallpaper. ~NI brick pMk> wftt\ c..llitOftl spa .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . $195 ,000 BB• - , .. H6gh beamed ~ In H¥tng room. StfyWghted kttchen. Attium off master bedroom. Two bedrooms and bMtl plus bonus room upsteirs. Watk to beach. Just reduced ~.400 ....................... Now S159,500 ..... au ..... ._.. and clean condo. nwee bedrooms.. °"8rtooke pool and gsden. Con'l9n4ent to shops, banks and beach~s. Quick P<>SIHllOO. Submit oner ....... s 145,000 MUI., i A . • • • Exoellent financing. Neat ttw• ~oom condo. Prtvecy Md -. of pa11< wld ctty lttMs. MMy extraa in this Newport Beech ,...,_., Sul>mft otter -.: ........... $136,900 •a-..a..-.1rm Prime location In ...£utaide Coeta Mesa. Nearly a Ml acre at 18ttT'Street and Orange Avenue. f>tans and permits for 26 condos ere avlMtabte. Purchae prioe ats<> lnctudes a near new triplex. Excellent terms. Owner wilt consldef trade .. Call Harriet Perry. JUST REDUCED . $~00.000 Now ....... ............................................ $950,000 I . --;::---,--------------- Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sah.~rday, October 16, 1982 -11 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Fir111 VIEW LOTS -Corona del Mar! 2 contiguous A-1 lots with Bay and Ocean Views. Prime location away from the beach cr owds. Can be pu r c haS'ed separately. Owner w ill finance with 25% down. $595,000 each. 10% DOWN THE BLUFFS -Seller will carry 90% T.D. at just 12112% Interest 30 years no balloon and · no qualifying! Spacious "C" .plan near the pool. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, huge living and dining rm. Price reduced to $255,000 L.H. for quick sale. SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME -Immaculately maintained New Bedford model wfth large upstairs game rm. complete with full size pool table! 4 bdrms., large family rm., beautiful p~ with badminton court and even a dog run. $723,400 ,Seller will help finance. CORONA DEL MAR FIXER UPPER -Located on full size A-2 lot (2nd unit permitted) just a few blocks from the beach. Nice 3 bdrm. 2 bath home needs some work , but the price and terms are r ight! $240,000 -25% down -12% interest. , 100% LEASED INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -High visibility corner location on Segerstrom in South Santa Ana. Nicely maintained tilt up building just 4 years old. Attractive selle r financing. 5 quality tenants. $1 ,040,000. DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT -60 feet on the bay with private pier and float. Professionally decorated 4 bdrm. home ideal for an active family. Formal dining rm., den and full hobby shop. Large bayside brick patio -great for entertaining. $985,000 L.H. (213) HARBOR (714) 873-4400 .. 828-2828 RE~LTY • 2865 E. Coast Highway-CorOna del Mar I --··. 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October16, 1982 , BACK ON THE MARKET BUILDER'S CLOSEOUT QL Y 3 LEFT! Was $189,000 NOW $146,000 Was $137,000 NOW $107,000 OCEAN AND NITE LITE VIEWS -. BEAUTIFUL NEW LUXURY 2 STORY CONDOS '2 Master Suit es 2 Car Attached Garages Spiral Stairway Skylights Cathedral Ceilings All Amenities Excellent Financing PRICED WAY BELOW MARKET OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 1-5 2277 PACIFIC AVE;-·coSTA MESA Lido Realty' 673 .. 7300 337 7 Via Li do Newport Beac h, Californ ia I . t • I I Orange.County Real Estate/An Advertising Sup~lement to the~AILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16. 1982 -13 10% DOWI NSSllLE Laguna Hills 4 Bd. B '• Ba. Asl<ing $117,000. 10% V.A. take It over. $76,000 1st T.D. submit. Call hll Ye11hr 631-126€ WILL TRllE FOR COllO! Spaciou$ 3 bedroom 131...J)a_.w/spa 8 yrs new. wi red tile roof. 1 bll<. to H.B. Bring me a trade or will sell. Call hll YH8ke1 631-1266 SUllW Rll Immaculate 3 br. 2 ba prof. decorated and landscaped. Excellent financing and priced at only $165,000. Call lue lloOatlH4 631-1266 S 111,000 II IEWNRT IEACH Lowest priced 2 bdr. 2 ba/condo near the ocean. $90.000 assumable loan. May lease or lease/option. JHkie l111tle•11 631-1266 WIE YUi Neat & clean E-side C.M. 2 bdrm. home w/lg. sunny tam. rm. R.V. access. Only $148,000 S.sae lHh 631-1266 IEWPOllT IUCH -WESTCLIFF 4 Br. 21/z bath pool home. Priced to sell c11 .. k s,m., 631 -1266 673-6400 ITUU STULi s1Ji.1 Near new builders custom 3 btt 2'/z bath home. Open Sat-Sun 1-5 201 Coral, Balboa Island. Call s.i .. 631-1266 · •TA llU-214 L 1lTI IT. 3 ID. STULi Like new 3 Bd. 2 1 1 bath F.P. Fee. $135,000 owner will assist Frd Tuer• 631 -12661631-2711 -v LIOIHllTll& 3 Bd. 2'12 bath family rm. pool spa 2 F.P. Fee assumable loans $275,000 Baycrest Npt. Fr•4J •Hr• 631 -1266/631-2711 &OLF COURSE FROITllE Secluded on 1/z acre & set among tall trees, privacy abounds on this 4 bdr. contemporary custom home. Private pool & spa. paddle tennis & gold course panorama land to the ·u111mate in comfort & privacy. J.okie lta•4l••H 631-1266 IEWNRT llEl&ITS EICLISIYE Outstanding custom built, 2 YEARS NEW. 3 Bdrs. study. fam. rm, 4'h bas, 3 car garage. High assumable loan. $385.E>OO. Jackie llu41e•H 631-1266 SHE 1130,000 - BUILDERS CLOSEOUT! BRAND NEW 3 ,000 sq. ft. C ustom in NEWPORT HEIGHTS. MUST SELL! ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE At $349,000. llE HHEH 631-1266 llPLU 3 bedroom plus 2 bedroom duplex. High Income.-Will consider exchange. Ask for llellert ....... 63 1-1266 IEITIL Newport Beach (Westcllff) 3 bdr. Pl. bath. Vacant $ 1, 100 month to month I. fre4eriok Agt. DSOLln STUl Gorgeou~ br. home w/pv1 . yrd and many extras. Try 10% down or trade. For details Call Petrick Te"'•· 760-8702 144 ... llWPT. CllH Fantastic View-Location-2 bd Fast excrow possible move-in condition Call Ti• l!Met 631-1266 720-1263 YI llYEIS No money down. Only $110,000 3 Bdr., 2 bath Dbl gar. Country charmer. Bay windows. white Picket fence. Call 11111 o.,,., 63 1·1266 S 111,000 IEWNIT IUCll 3 Br. 2 Ba. Fireplace In Lv. Rm. Large Kit. outside needs some work. Call Pete ......... 631-1266 4Tll PRICE REDUCTION Was $335,000 -now $275,000 Large 4 Br. condo in Npl. Bluffs Fee land New interior Vacant & ready to os:cupy. Call ht• JellesH 631-1266 llESI VERDE Beautiful 4 Br. 3 Ba 2 story home steps from the park. Assume jumbo 1st T.D. « 931. and seller will finance balance a 12% with 20% down. Price s 19g,900 Aue llcCeslH4 63 1-1266 REIUCED 110,000 Assumable loans. Priced below market move right 1n $ 180.000. lllu lul 559-9400 559-1403 Agt. llYESTORS SAY "SELL" Newport Heights C\,lstom 3 bdrm, 3 ba, assum. financing. Try 10% down or call lh1sty Sl•i.tt.er 631-1266 _.... UlllU IUCH ICRU&E 3 + acres with plans for home and room or orses ... 350K owners wiff finance ... ,., hl•lttet 63 1-12 66 1111111 PRICEI Sgl. Level detached 4 br. home. family rm w/walk-behind wet bar. self-clean Litton oven & microwave. Carefree frontyard. Only $135,450. Seller motivated Call llt1 lellw•rtlt 559-9400 IEST YIEW IEllOEI Sl,000 Prestige upgraded 2 Bdr. & den plus 2 ba and dbl garage. Panoramic views. comm. pool, fantastic financing. Only $179.900 or make otter. Call llt1 lellw1rtll. 559-9400. • FIXER Newport Heights $152.000. Two houses on large lot with two car garage. Excellent terms. Out hrhm II 731-1266 0111 llPLU 2 bd -1 bd -1 bd 10% down -Veerrrry lo Price Call llnM lHh 631 -1266 IEWPOIT llClllY $111,000 GIVE AWAY PRICE on this 3 Bdr. home. $120.000 assumable loan. MUST SELL immediately Call s.iu l• .. • 631 -1266 S 10,000 DOWI 3 Br. 2 Ba. dbl gar .• take your pick· house or condo Bel ow mer·ket. listed for $110,000. Call luH lHh 631-1266 01111111, lllOE, PllYICY E. side 3 bdr. 2 ba condo, pool & tennis crt. Only $159,900 SuM Lt .. • 631-1266 llYlll · WI UIUIU PIWY. I I ~ ' ! t ----·------::-:::---------.:-::==:-:~==-:-=::===:-=======~~~~~~~~=~~, 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlsin Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 I • -. .: ... - : Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Ocrober 16. 1982 _ 15 "" co1r nrnLTT © 1nvrs 1nrn1 conrnnr HOMEOWIERS WILL TRADE ! The OW111n of the following ,ro,.rties will e1ch1111e (tr1de) their homes for other properties indicated in e1ch atl. If rou, tH, wouhl consider a trade, call ri1ht now to discuss rour property ind equity position. ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT NMrty 1.1 ec:r" of ..-.did prhec:f wlttl a ipertc.llftg pool aAd apa and a Mparate gvHt houM IN NEWPORT 8EACHtl OW-wll trede ..,_. there i. ,_, tor a teM\11 cowt. Good -·Mftalll1 "'-'clnf ..,_. _,_ wMI ..-1. "-d. lo 1795,000. W1M ,,.. DOWN '°' ot~ Newpor1 ~ ...... LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Rec•""' r.ctuc:ed '390,000. lhl1 cv1tom 5 bedroom ......,._ a st. CMrtle ~ fof the fulalMt gcMHmet f!9W .... _"!l__ MOdem, the .__ '9flect. ~-ii:iiia1~1~1ii,.~-!Y, ........,.-.-ct\ ~A pliweno illP to 11c1•111allll1 • .._. Mi9t II lnduded. .. trede hw ca:as-cW w If ..... _....L .., ....... ON THE 11th FAIRWAY 0-..... ean,.'I .................... ~ wtttt • ., ... 2 ... Jn1• ............ ..ad'• ........ ....... 111tJ1Jpeel ... ~ ..... ,.....,..... -............. .,,.. ..,.., ............. .... • 1 Pc__._.,._DOWMtor.._.._..dty ..... ... 8 11. ti.,...,_, LOCATION • WA i EM'ltONT • LOCA TIC* .,... u... ......... ...,.. -....... C--.0 .... ...... .._ .......... .,,,.,,.. ......... ...... ............................... .. , ... . ............. ..... , ............ .. .............................. .-!.. .. ...., ........... L8eA leLE'S •STll . ......, .....,. ... _.., .. ,.. ........ ....... .. ,_ • .,... .. ,.. Wr • 111, ,... ...... ..,_ no ...... 0.. ........................... .. ....... .::: ....................... ........ s 0 1)J ., .......... ~ .. ...... lll'ECT ACULAR llA YfROMT 0. ............ ,..... .. ..., ............ .. .............. ••aAae ....... ....... ,...... 0 .,. ................ _ ... ........ ..... ... ... • ..... "'°"' \'---.. ... :::· ........... ..., ........... tDJ ...... _.., .. ....... UDO ltU WITH POOL 0-....... ,......., UJ9 PaPa ,..... - -.. _..... ............................ . www1lll1J ... ,,_a.._,., ....... IW,......A .... 1 ....... peel ...... -• Edi ~111 ht .. UJ9 CO&la"uu -4 ._.... c.-i. lln,"' wlttl • ._.. ---•nt11 ..... UDO ~ -SMALL VIEW u.ae, 4. fl 111:, I_...._. ... 111111 l;t* _..a .-cl ...... ., ........................ .... ... ....,.b11•n1111•1 .. h ............ ' .. ......, ......... ,.,... .. ....., ...... ~ ....... 1111.-. . EASTSIDe COSTA •&A · L-.er • ...., ••••••• .._ .................. . ...................... ~ ............... . ...., ...... -.0ww••n«1u1 ..._. .. ......_ ............. . NeWPORT HmOHT8 STARTWR . ........... , .... , ... Nttl ............... *" ...... lit J1RatnlM ............ T .... I I ••h ... ,, .......... ..,,, . ., ...... - CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE tt rou'r• llrad of covntry frefteh «country E,...eteh, then tMa loMfJ cv.tom 9'g Canron t-.w mar be the -for rou. Totelff remod1l1d tv.t 1 ,..,. ago ..,_. ... tvr1ng 4 bedr_,a, a femUJ r_, AND atvctJ. tMa t-.w Is an archltectvr•I 1t1Mff In modefn deelgn. YERY prhate pool and 1pa ..,_. oftllr .. t pertllng for t cara. S1,750,000 Incl the _,_ .... ftnanc:. •• below menet , ..... w• trade DOWN fM other .... poft 9aach t-.w. A PRIVATE WORLD Overtoolllng .... potl 9eacfl w/ • 210• riew, thll hoMe • .,.Cliiii' -W--eufli1i~ cer.,.t ..,_. e411tom 1p1. 4 bedr-, 5 bMhe WM\• den ..._. ,.,,..., r-. .._. .. ·~ 19% ......... Atl tM. In 9--.. ...,_, ....... ~,.....to 11,21&,115 .. trede fof ..... lalend" -.... option. TURTl.EROCK • IRV'IME apac.._ 4 Mdr .... , J YI Mte.a, f11MIJ a.o ... wttlt .... llJI....,.. lc"t ...... Oww-....... tar II lhlll IJf I rtualty IR Of-.. eo.e, ....... LOTS LOTS ' LOTS ............................... '' 1 ..... . ..... --~ ............ ....., ..... . ............ -:,:; ................. ..... .... ,_c .-~ .. ...., .. -.-.,... 0--..................... ,.-....... .. ...... ......... 1 ...... el I 1lah•w1P1'1 ..... • -~-er.-.......... /11/fY,... ...... . o...uec.....,. NEW UST91GS 9IQ CMYC* • Oii ,,_ QOUC CiClll IE 0.. ...................... c ..... , ,, .. ctt 0 ........ ' ... .,.. ................ ,. • ............. V.Aa.LO'f, ...... • ... ....., ... c...,... c..-., Q&PI. .... .. 1t .... . .. .... ,.lflrtr. 0.. 11.1 -.. Ill Mt ., tu ~--• C>CaMI a MY VIEWS •tc•s .. :11.•1 :':..:t ~ :-..:.: a~E::. ':.., ... . ~ ..................... -4..., ...... .. __ ................ Iii ... ., ..... OPeN MOU8E . SAT\MDAY & _,..,AY 1-6 . ... o...--.ca-.,..,.... 11... ..... . ..... .... -11.-.-. aa-11111 • ,.....,..,. ___ --11.=::- 21111~......., "* ,..... __ . __ 111 ... UJ9 ..... L.Me PaPa-.. -... -•• -... --·•1.-- . aWI TY1Cllt Aw .. C.... ..... ·-----·---• .. ... • ...... Dr ............ .__ .... ... 21llYeeMR111ltt1, ....... ----..... ,MULOU9 YllW . . Na ........ , ....... ,-. -.._ .... ~ •• ...._a .,,_.4 _. •.....,. ......... -.. 1n ............... .., ..................... ..... v ........ ...., ....... "" ................ Ill." ....... _ .. ,..,....,., ... _ ......... ....... .... ........................ ,,,....~~ 801 LIDO • PREMIER ADDRESS Located on the Ith floor of the moil pre1t19lo111 W•lefront condom!""-In Orange C-tr. tttl9 aduftl on1J IHtH oftet9 2.1a1drooma, 2v1 bathl ..,_. ap«:tacule( beJ. OCMfl I nlgflt 16tftt ,,.... .. 219 hour ~ Mc:wfty I ,_ -n doorman! S711.SOO. Wiii lrede fof B'9 Canron Of BroadMoor t-.w. JASMINE CREEK • REDUCED TO $3S9,500 TMI .._., 3 bedr-•. ....._ •tory ~ wttfl ,., .. ,......, ,_, .... .,....... ... .,dM galll le -°' ........ ofter'.t-e1 tn ecw-.. ...,, an ..,_. -. wttfl Its - ~ ......... Yow a •• aadlll .......... ce ......... lo C9rTJ a lafve Mia,_ a .... llfM. Yo..,..., lhould - ... ---"'I • lavfl -trede .. hilM ~ o-t_.~....., ....... HAlmOft NOOE • REDUCED '400,0GO n.........-_....._. • te..C"r~EMlll .. 0..-., .................... ....., ............. ... .. .... pat.•••*11•1,4Yl ......... J....,,_ .. 11....,.._, AHUIM• E ,_, IC--WOWI- ..... 90IW .. .., ..._ • ..... 311 ltlapwt 9Md\. 11.1-. •ACK llA Y WfWt POOL .. .. ,,. ................... , •• 1.-.1,., ...... es ·~-Wll\'lilllf ..... ...... ___ ._ .......... , .. ... ~ .... Olt A HLL • ~ .a>ucED y ........ ~------·-··•1••· •v. -....... • .,........ .... -4 _ .. .,., • ,.,. ...... .. : .. ,.. ......... ,..._ ............. . _ _...,.... ........ tm111 IUL0..7 ... ...... ........... rt :rmv .......... .,__,.,,.. ..... . ...... ......... -. LM.E FOMST • aWEL ll ........... 411J I ,I V. ........... c ..... ~ 8M ..._ .... ,..... e«JMll, c-t- euttMe ··-lefflJ ., .. ftltO•ae Wlftdew ...... - n 1al1 Wr IA a'•U· .-.-. UTATE SALE · ESTATE NOME ~ .................. , rua &111 ,a-.. ........................... vaY ..... ..... ..... ............ ., .. .,.,...,. ...... . ._.::.: .......................... .... .... fOMCLOSuM SALE • 9IQ CANYON Tiiie -...,c,, ...... (tt ..... ~ ... ,..e..t) .. IM .. tff rec~ef'MI la a ......... .,. fKOC..-.... • ....................... lit W, .... ,... ....... ,IEI 1111 .......... ....., ...... 11rae1111 Pe.,. .... ·r,n.c ....... ..., ............ .._.., =.-. ............ ,.,.. ...... 1 ........... .. HAMOR RIDGE.· OCEAN VIEW CONDO ......_...,.._ ........... " ....... :, ......... llt*1tm1 _.l....,._aS...O,-•a11Jlc"IP ...................................... ,.. ,..., ............................ ,, n. .... .. = ..... •1• ............. .. ....... ...,..., ......... ..., .... ... OCIANPROMT AND MMDV •Actt CttalwlNa ... 111•11• ...... $ IP I I ..... .. ..,... ......... Lee ........ _...,.. ... ... .............. .......,.. ........... ~ .... •---.CUM ..._.WRY LOUDLY. t1 ... _., ... ,,.. - J I r-, - -----~ 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL V PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES ... O&IYll I 1,4M,OOO Enter""1his magnificent golf course home thru leaded beveled doors to a sweeping stairway, oak wood floors, hand carved mantles. gourmet new kitchen & Sheryl Wagner baths. Everything new. Ill CUYH UH,000 An expanded Plan I, 5 BR. Beauti fully decorated. Immaculate. Owner will finance with 20% On. Many thoughtful & decorator extras. New appliances. wine rack. molded doors & custom bookshelves. Ill O&IYH MH,000 View. private large yard. gorgeous entrance. 3 large BR & baths & all of the amenities of one of Newport's most prestigious security communities at this unbelievable price! SUYIEW 1411,000 Immaculate New Bedfol'd model with great ocean & city lights view In prestigious guarded gate area of Seaview. 4 BR , cozy kitchen. 2 fireplaces & family room all on 1 floor. UYAHT IUl,IOO Beautiful custom home. Remodeled . redecorated & ready to move Into. French doors enhance the brick & latticed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner highly motivated. Wllllff . ISOl,000 Wonderful family home with gorgeous view. 5 BR or 4 + den with spacious backyard. Beautifully maintained. Owner will assist with financing. lllfFS I 111,IOO Motivated seller is anxious to have an offer on this Bluffs. 2 story plan with riew neutral carpet & a wonderful greenbelt location. Near schools. shopping & recreation! lllFFS S 1 U,000 Price reduction! Owner needs to sell! Great location in Bluffs. 2 BA condo with greenbelt view. Perfect for single or couple. A must see! • llYllE cm 11,HO,OOO A magnificent tropical setting with waterfall & sparkling pool make thi s 5 BR home · spectacular In every way. Best swimming beach on the coast. Owner will carry first T.D. t11n11to1 1211,ooe Carefree living with style. T ownhome with 2 master bedroom suites + den. Tastefully decorated, plantation shutters, cathedral celllngs & pavers. Vlewl Assume first and owe with 20% down. . NEWPORT BEACH OFFIQ 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS llOAD ......... ... .... Outstanding view home. 4 BR'S. Totally redecorated & In the best of taste. Large area for pool. Beautiful landseaping with automatic sprinklers. Community pool. I 1&1111 YIEW Ill.LS ....... Big ocean/bay view plus lovely remodeled 3 BR & family Am contemporary home on t:iuge lot. Private pool & patio. Outstanding financing with minimum down. ClllU ML 1111 ISH,000 This 2 BA wins the personality contest! So. of the hwy & full of charm. style & taste. Just steps to the beach or enjoy a dip In the "hot tub" situated in the secluded patio. C&llH SIMES llll,otO A gate opens Into a '-sylvan glade' w1th pool & spa. Beyond, a panoramic view of the ocean! 4 bedrooms. each with bath & large living area decorated with taste. FEE. .iaSll• CIHI SMl,IOO 24 hour security. tennis, pools & ocean breezes combine to make Jasmine Creek a perfect lifestyle. Plus a lovely 3 BR & family room home with a very private custom tiled spa off the master. Owner is highly motivated. LOTS PHllSILA I 1,H0,000 Pier -slip -sandy beach + additional 30' lot. Tastefully decorated 5 BR furnished home with spacious master bedroom suite. complete wlttt fireplace & view of the mountains. LUii& la.I S 1,ZI0,000 Exquisite 3 BR house on peaceful lagoon In one of Newport's most exclusive Islands. Offering top security & total privacy. Vaulted beam ceilings. & mellow colors provide warmth & space for this lovely setting. PfltlSIU t 1,llO,llO Spacious bayfront. 5% 1st TO paid off in 8 years with payments less than present 30 year loan. Many amenities. An elevator, guest apartment & extra wide sliµ. Prime location. UUU ISUll Sltl,000 !,.ittle l slan~yfront. Enjoy the ctt.auo of Balboa Island from the patio of this ideally located home. Presently a duple>t. could convert to single family. Motivated seller. Ult ISLE 1412,000 Very attractive 5 BA plus den. Great family home. Good use o f lovely wallpapers throughout. Close to private beaches & community tennis courts. Ull ISU suo.- Warmth. character & charm abounds in this country English 2 story home on best st! 3 BR, 31h BA, 2 fireplaces. sunny bric k patio. remodeled kit. perfect condition. Quality thruout. OWC 2nd T.D. UlllllllU . 1111,GIO Attention! Builders & Investors. prime bulldable WU1 HWNIT 1111,000 R-1 view lot In the exclusive & elegant Newer 2BR -3 BR duplex near park. Walk to community of Harbor Hill. Good financing Is beach & ocean. Both units with fireplaces. available. Call for more detailed Info. Upper unit has deck with view of channel. Easy to rent. Outstanding Investment llAllll llU UH,'VltWPHT IUCI 1212,000 View l o t in prestigious m illion dollar Super income property in best rental area. neighborhood. Owner may consider a trad . Walking d istance to everything! Well Build yo_ur dream home in Newport Beach maintai ned. Assuma ble f inancing. W ill overlooking the ocean with a fabulous night exchange. A rare opportunity to invest In light view. Newport Beach. OUT OF AREA n1n11101 1211,000 Smart 2 BR & den In Bren Highlands. Hurry & take high balance loan "subject to". Owner will carry 2nd with 20% down. Nleely landscaped with brick trimmed patios. lllYHlm Piii TEIUOI 1111,llO Value -Price -Terms. Cannot be duplicated ltuv'ea. Beautifully decorated. Many upgrades. ~light, floor safe, near pool, school, park, shops & freeways. 3 BR. dining room & patio. Compare I TllntltOI Stlt,tOO Peace and serenity await you In this ti ght. airy 2 BR home. Shows llke a model wllh neutral decor & excellent financing. An exciting new offering at $159.900. USTSlll IHTI 11111 11U,IOO Owner says sell! Price reduction. Sharp starter house plus good Income unit. Super Eastslde area. Live & enjoy this property now. Great future development potential. Call for address. AMERICA'S LARGEST FULL SERVICE REAL ESJ ATE COMPANY • f • : Orange County Real Estate/A~ Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 _ 17 ~!!1.!f !~!! •.••...•••• !'.'.!!!!.{'.'.!. .. I.' ••.•••• 1 !'.'.!!!! .{'.'.!. .. l!.. •.. • . !'.'.!!!!.{'.'.~I.~...... !'.'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'./!....... !'.'.!!!! .{'.'.~/!... •••• !'.'.!!!! .{'.(. !~.J! ...•... !'.'.!~.{'!. !!.J! ••••••• --~~!\~L. .• ~·=:::;~·······!.'!1!! ~~::~;·~~~;· ~~!\~L: .... !.'!11. ~!'!.\~!... •..••• !!!~ ~.~~\oJ. .......•. !!!. ~!'!.\!~.~~-!.~! £OUM. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PllMhiter'1 letioe: All real es1a1e advertised In tilts newspaper Is subJec1 10 1he Federal Fair Hou!Slng Act ol 1968 wtilch makes •I Illegal to a<JYef11se "any preteren· ce, llmllalion or d•scrlmt- natlon ba•ed on race. color. re11g1on. se~ or national or1gln. or any intention lo make anv such prelerence. llm11a- llon Of d1&<;rtmlnat1on." This n-spaper w111 not knowingly accept any advertising 101 real es· l~Jlle which is 1n v1ola1ton of'the law HIHS: Advert1 · sers should check their ads daily and report errors im- medi ate I y . The DAIL y PILOT as- 1--~ ..... ~-"-liabihlY-fOf the f irst incorrect insertion only. Utu. Miss M4ittet sa1 on • Tuflet, along came a spider and reed in the Dally Piiot Classlfled 9eCtion about Mias Mui· i.t'a Tuffet and bouQht II tor '9.95. Vou can Mii your tulle! end lots of other things through Dally Piiot CIUslfted Ada. Call 642-54178 lot Y1l l• 1111 1Pf1 Sii 1-1 CONDOS lfSA YHIE ON THE POIN'T 1 2 01 3 b<lrms All lerm On l he go11 course Beauulul 3 Bdrm 2 balh. Pnme LJdO Nord bayfront, 5 bdrm. 5'h bath including VA, FHA & Cus1om be8Ulllul 3 Bdrm clean. sharp, lireplace. Lge LR., air cond , 2 boat shps $1.500.000 tease op11on Proces home. many. many ex· new kitchen 2 car ga· range trom S69.500 101 Has S279.500 with HW. rage. slressed 101 se· Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec rm $239.000 Cati soon•j down 0'#1-"""carry•• I cond level OWNER Fl· bt:am ceillllgs, furnished, pallos. $420.000. 979-5370 12 e% 1n1e<es1 NANCINW' $359.000. I hJ lcCar1Ue, ll~r. 142-HOG PElllSIU llME Ocean & JCllY views. Manne room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath 3700 sq.CL $1 ,385,000 Oceanfront. Liiii ISLE UYFIHT Lagoon Vlew from 6 bdnn. 5 bath. playroom, dark nn. d en . Boat slip. Now $1.000.000. UYSllE PLACE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, Z br 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces!. Reduced · $1 ,500,000 FlllUllS IDCll New 4 br, 4 'h ba, custom French Nonnandy Estate 1.2 pnme ac: hilltop. $1,250,000. HAI.II f(-t• simple'.! br rottagc on qu1~l IA'St'anso St (in Flats) Kt-duced t.o $100,000. CllllUI CAYS Coronado Island cust. bay!ront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avaJl. Now $370,000 wlt.erms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4' ~·1 y\ d..-Jr.,(' .... 3 o·~ e t;l CITt ll CW Geled comm Cstm l'iomes Catt M Lou A gen I 495-1064, 770-8694 10~ 1m11Em! 4 l>drm hse with solar pool and spa on ~ acres w/4 stall barn Llted Arana. oak lrees $210. 000 Call Pat, Agl for brochure '1·674-3836, 678-2014 SIGNIFICANT PRICE REDUCTION I Wl-1121 llTHUTIIUl FUii A most luxurious five-bedroom ---' Wan1 Ads Call 642-5678 bay fro nt properly, with ptE'r and . \ f : ·I l I ii/:· 11 µ(A, ~' .\ ..._ 'o t '>!Vt,,_ T <>, BLUFFS BEAUTIES :s bdrm. :l halh , family roorn. t·xµ:i111-1v1· vu•w (!<: Plan). Mint '"ir1d1t1on S 1•1·u r 1tv ~vstl·m Large assumable.' loan . $31 0.000 O p e n t oday l ·5. 264 5 Vas ta Orn ad a. :< bdrm. :1 h:i1h, f;imtly room, p•H 11 ~1!11 t<.: Pt~in I Dl's1grwr's hu11w L .1rgl' loan Jvailal>ll' You o wn t ht• land O~n S'at 1-5 :l40ll V 1~t.1 Nohll'7~1 $:H !1,000 M obill' Home. -Bayside )'.11lagl• • Expanded 3 bd model. pool. b each . lndry, s un d eck. ....recreauonal room aru1 boa.t sJ!p are soml' or the many a menities. Price $tilL500 Ow ncr wt 11 fanant-v Coles wo rthy [If Co. ''' tJ, · .. ·ri ,1,·r..11'."N ., 1\1 "H4H 2~S EASTBLUFF DR. NEW PORT BEACH, CA. 64CM>020 slip for a large yacht. S upNbly crafted in teriors dramat t('ally coun\erpoint the bay a nd city views. Remarkably priced at only $1.350.000, fee Plc:.ise contact Cathry n T<>nnillc fur d <.'t ai l s regarding owner -assis t ed financing. OlllHTAl FUii C ul·dl'·Sat· locat1C1n :3 -bcdroom horn<.' with separa te q u arter!> for t een agers. mother-in-law. or g uests. T erraced yard has pauo. ko1 pond. and waterfall. This humc is a "must sL•f'" for th<' family that wants the Newport hh.-stvlt•. Call Joy H olker for a sho wing· For ClasSllled Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 751-9100 # 2 c CM'pOl at• fltcno ... ...,,...c~ Whal I Wonderful W0f10 ol Shopping, right at your fingertips eYel')'d1yl Delly Piiot Claullled Ads.. To place yOYr Mt, call 642·5fl78 and let a Claullled Ad·Vltor help )'OU, OWNER WILL FINANCE!! PETE BARRETI .,. REALTY HIELlDUl:E YI CdM 4 Br home • fee • under S600K • OWC • pool • call me today nm Rhone. 631· 1266 or 720·1263 •IAYFltlT* ~ IOAT SUP OPfl IAILY 1-5 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm • 2 t>ath NOW REOUCED TO ~89,000! UT &llVllmt IULTll/IWIEI •IU-1111* $15,000 .... E/SllE cm• ASSUME 11 50% VA, Isl ol S97 .500. 2nd. too Lo .. ely 4 bdrm, lamily room Mint condition Call Diana. 631· 1266.. On Balboa Island's South Bayfront. wtth p+er and slip. Incredible view Two older "Island Cottages" on adJolnlng lots Outstanding family compound, or superb dev~ pactcaoe. Jus1 reduced $700,0001 Now priced 111 $2,000,000. Call Don DeThOmas f~ details SuP9(b Dolores model in the Bluffs. Rare two-~tory with wonderful view of Bade Bey. Three bedrooms plus bonus room Handsomely decorated. and In e11cellef'lt condition. And, don't IOfget, OWNER FlNANCING IS AVAILABLE Call Muriel Batr WATCH THE BOATS Entenng an<I leaving Newpor1 Harbor. You wfll see it all. lrom the numerous decics or this dramatic C\.IStom-bullt home. Four bedrooms. family room. A view from ev8f)t room Sl,500,000 Ownel' will ualst with financing. Call Cathryn Tennille $110,000 ASSUMABLE 101/. % Lovety Newport Beach condo with poolalde aettlng and large private patio on lulh greenbelt Excellent auomable financing, Owner very motivated and will carry second lrust deed. Call Salty Shipley today tor a showing. Only St97,500. BAR HARBOR, SEAVIEW Beautllul three-bedroom home In g11t9-gUWded Seavlew. Family home, exceptional bul"·ln kitchen. A8'e larger cul-de-sac view lot. Room to eJq)llnd. Secure community provides pool and tennis tacllltles. Call Marilyn Twitchell. REDUCED $70,D0001 Exquisite custom wood an4, glasa home. Quiet cul-de-sac rooatlon Featuring thr" bedrooms. plus a c:<>nvef11ble study; .pacious famlty room. t>eautlfully landscaped g1rden, P9tlo and pool areas. Oft4treet RV pettclng. Large aaaumable loans. Call Joyce 01bolt or Doti DeThomu. VIUAOE OF WoooaRIDOE LMge two-bedtoom horrfe In lr't!M'a mo.t de9nd "vtllaee." k!e91 lor coul)M or amell family, tNa well melnltilned ptoperty la locl19d 111 a q\»et cut-de uc. All community .menltlea, plua WoodbfldOe ~ • .,. ~. For ..... Of ..... ,.Ion, Cell J<1y Holcer. NEW ENGLAND REVISITED Outstanding bayfrOf'lt home In Corona del Mar. Charac1er and warmth reminiscent of lhe E.ast Coa1. This superb property features lour bedrooms, live and·•-tialf baths. and a bllllards room Outdoon. a private brick and wrought Iron trimmed courty1r~. plus a fine bayside patio. Marvelous view of bay Pier and llip. Prloed al S 1,700,000. lee, with e•oellenl financing avlllable. Call Unda TagllanetU. NEWPORT DUPLEX Beam oetllng~. fireplaces. Front houM, two bedrooms, 1'h baths. Back unit, one bedroom. New roof, wattH heaters an<I disposals. Good financing Call Dorothy Hardcastle to arrange an appointment to eee. THE CHARM Of CORONA DEL MAR o.,ung two-bedroom home In Old Corona def Mar. Perfeot cottage with fireplace, country kitchen. an<I wonderlul patio. Lot Is zoned R-2. Outstanding opportunity to own In COM . . • only S230,000. Call Sharon Collins fM a lhowlng. CHINA COVE Tear-down ~ live In an<I remodel lltel'. Coron. de4 Mar fixer. Next to mllllon dollar p<opertlel At«lng•onty $379,500. Call M•llyn HUI for llddltlonal detail•. SECLUSION Exqu19it• Medlterr.,_ vllla In quiet Cwneo H~a. FOUf bedrooms, four beth•. lndoot .. t-oum. pnvate POOi and aaunL ExtenlMa UM ol tkyffgl'tta and Ff9nCfl doora. A "IP8' ·~ of quality deelgn. Ctlll Lind• Teg1111Mt11 for 90 8'>P()lnt"*'t· The firm with the Beverly Hiii• /Palm D•••rl connection 759-9100 # 2 ·Corporate Plaza Newport C~nter ----------- ' : - '· 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 16, 1982 This Weekend ! KH, Hiii• i.-dy dl~l,...y wrttl 1.., lfll• wnli"'4 •• y ... 90 ~ ..... A• ltw loc..,_t lht.d ... low ... ,, •.cnt.ird loo ........ •t•il by od•Hiitlioq ..,,,.,._,.Ml ... y'• DAILY "LOT WAHT ADS ,.,.,._, ttlowi., OfllP" "-w• for ••llP or "t' .,. w.,.d to li•t ,..,.i. o.f-tioot '" ..Wt coi.-irech S....,dey ..cl s..., HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2308 Cliff Or. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 642-5200 $388,000 Sun 1-5 * •225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 631-1400 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BA plua FAM RM or DEN * *3425 Ooean Blvd., Corona del Mar 644-9060 S 1, 700,000 Sun 2-5 •30 Rue Fontainbleau, (Big Cnyn) NB 644-9060 $475,000 Sun 1-5 * r; 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $138,500 Sun 1-5 1t3 Rue Fontainebleau. (Big Canyon) NB 759-9100 $395.000 Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Or., (Jasmine Crk. vu) CdM 640-151511-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12·5 10 Balboa Coves Newport Beach 644-6200 $495,000 Sal/Sun 11·6 **633 Lido Park Drive F-1, Lido Penn. 631-1400 $549,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 621 Lido Park Drive C-3. Lido Penn 631-1400 $560,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, Shorecllffs 631-1400 $445.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •827 Via Lido Soud, (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 1543 Serenade Terrace (Irvine Terrace) COM 644-4910 $320.000 Fee Sun 1-5 4 Beachcomber Dr .• CdM 760-9386 $425,000 Sun 1-5 3168 Manistee (Eastslde) CM 646-5092 S 149,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 2817 San Juan Lane. Costa Mesa 673-1600 $159,500 Sat 1·5 ~ RtJ& Verte, (BIO Canyon) NB 213/470-2680 $499,500 Sat/Sun 11·6 7 Rue Chateau Royal (BIO Cariyon) NB 644-5116 "65,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . , 706 Bisson Ave .. NB 760-9669 $229,9915 Sat/Sun 1-5 201 Coral. Balboa i.land 631-12~ or 673-6400 Sat/Sun 1·5 14255 Matisse, Irvine 55 1-8358 $145,900 Sal/Sun 10-6 1411 Kings Rd (Cliff Haven) NB 642-5200 $525,000 fee Sat/Sun 1-5 401 Carlotta, Newport Beach 645-7555 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $320.000 ' Sun 1-5 6o1 Patolita. Corona"bel Mar 675-6000 $352,500 3 San Sebastian, Corona del Mar Sun 1-5 760-1900 $1,900.000 Sun 1-5 2111 Opal (Balboa Island) NB 675-6000 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3415 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 11-4 * •3215 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 204 'h 39th St.. Newport Beach ~ 673-9384 $280,000 Sun 1-5 458 Costa Mesa St., (E·Slde) CM 759-1501 $146,500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 •427 Catalina, Newport Heights 644-6200 $262,500 Sal 2-4 3 Woodland. Irvine 644-6200 $155,500 Sat 1-5 1824 Port Stlrllng, Newport Beach 720-0505 $209.900 fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands Drive. Back Bay 631-1400 $248.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 502 I Street, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2405 Clirt Drive, Newport Heights 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1514 Ruth Ln, Newport Beach 648-9028 $224,950 Sat 1-5 * 204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 2-5 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB S..8-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1640 Tradewlnds, Baycreet, NB 844-9060 $359,500 Sat 1-3 •5 ColooJal (Northwood) Irvine 631-7300 S230,000 Sat 1-5 1718 Port Alhley (HVHms) NB 759-0822 $2~9,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Corona del Mar 640-7246 *695.000 f• Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Road (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 ($695,000 Fee) Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond (Balboa Island) 644-4910 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane (Westclifl) NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat 1-5 1251 Surlllne Way (Harbor Vu Hills) COM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 104 Linda Isle. NB 644-4910 $995.000 Sun 1-5 **!;42 Harbor Island Or (Prom. Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hills Ln (Big Canyon) NB 644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 1112 Westcliff (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 1222 Sussex (Westcllff) NB 6-42-5200 $237,000 3962 Acacia (College Pk) Irv 552-491 5 $178,500 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 21 0 Via San Remo. (Lido Isle) NB 675-3048/673-2556 Sun 1-6 * 1812 Port Stirling (Harbor Vu Homes) NB 760-8333 $375.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761-$82S:OOO"'fee sat T-s 2901 Harbor View Or (HVHls) CdM 673-7761 $550,000 fee Sun 1-5 1722 Port Barmouth (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $259,900 fee Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Drive. Newport Beactl 548-5647 $420.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds, (Baycrest) NB 644-9060 $359,500 Sun 1-4 633 Bayside Dr., New~ Beach 644-9060 $1 , 100,000 Sun 1-5 1 t52 Kingston, Costa Mesa 644-9060 $230.000 Sat 2·5 **2319 Bayside Dr. Corona del Mar 6-44-9060 $1,500.000 Sat 12-5 2015 Yacht Resolute (Seavtew) NB 760-1900 $519,000 Sun 1-5 *21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest 760-1,900 $2 t6,000 Sat 1-5 *4626 Roxbury, (Cameo Shores) CdM 759-1501 $640.000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 910 Nottingham (Dover Shores) NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sal 1-5 396 Prlnoeton, (College Park) CM 979-5370 $127,500 Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,299,500 Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 5't6-2313 $325.000 Sat/Sun 10-5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newport Beach 6-40-7877 $330.000 fee Sat 1-5 932 COf'onado (Mesa Del Mar) CM 631-7370 $145,000 s un 1-5 1255 Somerset (Baycresl) NB 63t-7370 $355,000' Sun 1:30-5 3133 KMry Ln (Hall of Fame) CM 6-41~29 $136,900 Sun 12-4 2408 23rd St. (Chetry Lake) NB 631-7370 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Palermo. (Lido lste) NB 673-7300 $367,000 Sun 1-5 •2825 ClubhOuM (Mesa Vet'de) CM 645-0303 $245,000 Sun 1-4 * •606 Harbor Island Or (Har) NB 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 434 Beoonla. Corona def Mar 644-1211 ~595,000 Sat/Sun 1.5 , I 5 BEDROOM 2912 Carob (Eastblutt) NB 644-1742 $249,000 LH Sat/Sun 1-5 * •708 Via Lido Nord (Udo Isle) NB 675-6161 $1.500.000 Sun 1-5 1204 Ave. Buena Suerte. San Clemente 759-9100 $865.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2531 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-6000 $275.000 Sun 1-5 * *4028 Channel Place. (Nwpt Island) NB 673-0202 $965.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2409 Tustin Ave, Costa Mesa 760-1900 $245,000 * •219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle Sat 1-5 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 * 1524 Antigua. Newport Beach 646-7171 $849.900 Sun 1-5 * 1608 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 631-3550 $799.900 Sun 1-5 2661 Basswood. (E-Bluff) NB 673-7300 $199,500 Sun 2-5 3 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 10602 El Campo. Fountain Valley 963-8573 $149.90<r Slln-s- 3069 Glbralter (Mesa Vde) CM 545-2883 S 129.000 Sa/Sn 1-4 1218 Key West (Harbor Vu) CdM 644-4910 $379.000 Fee Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road (Cliff Haven) NB 631-7300 $395.000 Sat 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Cir (Harbor Vu Hms) NB 631-7300 $268.500 Sat 1-5 * 1016 Dover Dr (Westcltf1) NB 631-7300 $2SS.OOO Sat 1-S * 1028 Westwind Way (Dvr Shrs) NB 631-7300 $835,000 Sat 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat 1-5 •512 Rockfold Pl, Cameo Hinds. CdM ~300 S 199,900 Sa/Sn 1-5 261~1r Dr (Bayshrs) NB 645-6218 $269.000 LH Sun 1-4 * 15 Carmel Bay Dr. Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 $595.000 Sa/Sn 2-5 25 Mainsail (Jasmn Ck) Cdm 640-9592 $349,900 Sun 1-4 425 E Bay St, E Costa Mesa 675-2311 Sat 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy. (Dvr Shrs) NB 642-2510 $695,000 Fee Sa/Sn 1-5 **38 Balboa Coves NB 673--9187 '489.000 Sa/Sn 1-5 128 26th St. (Balboa) NB 759-9100 $369.500 Sa/Sn 1-5 1863 BrMmar Way, NB 759-9100 $365.000 Sun 1-5 2007 Holiday Rd. Baycrest 631-1266 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-6 1218 Keel (Harbor Vu Hiiis) NB 631-1266 $369,995 Sa/Sn 12-6 3422 Sagam<><e Or. (Tmdad Isl) H Hbr 644-7020 $399,9!So Sun 1-5 1525 E Ooean (Balboa P9n Pt) NB &42-5200 $420,000 Sun 1·5 * 1700 Oehu Pt, CM 751..()401 $179,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 #Po+nt Lome, (SpygteM) CdM 673-4400 $723 ,400 Sun 1-4 2345 18t.h St (Npt Hta) NB &45-4t70 $225,000 218 Via Koron (Lide> IM) NB &44-8080 **301 NStar (Ow Shra) NB &42-6200 $450,000 Sun 2-5 Sun 2·5 Sun 1--5 .. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising SupplemQ.nt to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 16. 1982 -19 62 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) CdM 644-7020 $475,000 Sun 1-4 1607 Cornwall (Wstcltt) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-'5 445 E 20th St (Eastslde) CM 675-6090 $465.000 Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht 'Colina NB 644-1017 $450.000 Sa/Sn 12-5 616 Marigold. CdM 675-5511 $340,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 2301 Aralia (E-Bluff s). NB 644-6200 $169,000 Sat 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud. NB 675-6670 $575.000 Sa/So 1-5 1409 Douglas. Santa Ana 646-7171 $98,000 Sal 1-5 3335 Maryland Cr (Mesa Vde N) CM 979-2390 $158.000 Sat 1-5 17142 Reimar, FV 963-6767 $144,500 Sun 1-5 101 Via G(lnoa (Udo Isle). NB 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4.30 t7421 Jefferson. HB 963-6767 $1~4.,500 Sat 1-6 3 Valley View (Trtlrck). Irv 559-7494 $258,000 cash Sa/Sn 12-6 38R p4u• LOn 1921 Yacht Enchtrss. NB 675-6000 $425,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 * 116~ 1 T11mmany Cir. N Tustin 75§-9100 $559,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 2402 Vista (Nobleza Bluffs). NB 673-4400 $255.000 Sa/Sn 1-4 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge 644-6200 $1 ,695,000 Sa&Sn 1-5 154 1 E Ocean Blvd, Penn Pt 631 -1400 $470.000 Sa/Sn 1-5 • 225 Via Orvieto. Udo 631 -1400 $549,500 · Sat 1-5 BR plu1 FAM RM orDEN * * •29 Beechwood. (Wdbrdg), Irvine SS 1-6829 $410,000 Opn Sn 1-S 109S1 San Leon, FV 963-8S73 $179,SOO 901 Kings Road. NB Sun 1-S 631 -4300 $1.100.000 Sa/Sn 1-5 1930 Port Chelsea (HBR Vu Hms) NB 494-1 840 $41 0.000 Sat 1-drk * •27S2 Bayshore Dr. (Byshr), NB 759-9100 $895.000 Sa/Sn 1-5 *3 Muir Bch, (Spyglass Hiii), CdM 760-8333 $1,995,000 Open Sa 1-5 12 Trafalger. (Ht>c"Rldae). CdM 760-8333 $2,225,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 1885 Boa Vista Cr (Mesa Vde) CM 540-1151 $239,000 Sun 1-4..b 2406 Francisco (Bek Bay) NB 675-6000 $3"49,500 Sun 1-5 *35 Aldgellne Or, HRBR Ridge 760-1900 $2,390,000 Sa/Sn 1-5 * 112 Winged Ft Ln. (Big Cyn), NB 873-7300 $e99,950 Oatty 1-5 *2773 Sandpiper (Meu Vde) CM ~5-0303 $285,000 Sun 1·5 t9BROOM *41 Goteta, CdM ~ 6+4-6200 MtO.ooo. 938 vta Udo Soudl, NB 813-7300 1&47,500 Sat 2·S Sun 1-4 SBR plua FAM RM or DEN * * 11s Harbor Isl Rd, NB ~31 -7300 $1 ,S00 .00Sat1 -S * *33 Via Lido Soud, Ld Isle. NB 644-9060 $1,650.000 Sun 1-5 ;; 7 Muir Bch Cr, (Spyglass) CdM 640·62S9 $2, 18S,OOO Sa/Sn 2-6 * 1848 Nwpt Hills Dr. (HVH), NB 644-7020 $499,000 Daily 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2277 Pacific Ave. CM 673-7300 $107 ,000 Sa/Sn 1-S 2277 Pacific Ave, CM 673-7300 $146.000 Sa/Sn 1-S 3 BEDROOM 2286 Pacific. Unit N. CM 644-9060 $128.500 38A pkae DEN ::7 Rue Villars, Bg Cyn, NB Sat 2-S 7S9-9100 $650.000 Sa/Sn 1-S TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2BR plu1 DEN , :: 8 Baruna Ct, (Nwpt Crest) NB 7S1-3 191 $21S,OOO Sat 12-S 3 BEDROOM 2S 18 Elden Ave, # B 1, CM 631-1266 $135,000 Sat 1-5 38R plua DEN ~7 Rue Vlllars, Big Canyon, NB 7S9-91 00 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 32S Iris, CdM 644-9060 $309,500 Sa/Sn 1-~ 423 Naretssus. CdM 760-8333 $274.500 Open Sat t-S 423 Carnation. Old CdM. CdM 67S-8370 Sa/Sn 1-S * • 13 Beacon Bay (Ben Bay) NB 67S-6000 $1, 195,000 Sa/Sn 1-S 1961 San Bruno, Bluffs 631-1400 $150,520 48R a 1BA 132 S Baytront, Balboa Isl 631-1400 $1,;lOC).900 58R I 38R Sat 1-5 Sat 1C5 S09 Acacia (Ocnsde of Hwy), CdM 64S-7048 $440,000 Sa/Sn t-5 RENTALS 38R & FAii Ml ot DEN 2345 16th St, Npt Htl. NB 645-4670 $950/mo 2345 19th St, Npt Hts. N8 Sun 2-5 845-ie70 $950/mo 8un 2-5 2 BEDROOM CONDO ** 1301 Be~ Pr, CdM 844-eoeG $2 "'° Set 2--5 Pool 'terlront .... ,,..lift. & Pool ' ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------------................ _.. .... .. 20 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement fo the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16, 1982 ~~I!!!!.~~'.~'!....... ~.'!.'.!!!~!! ••••••••••. !'.~~!!!.~'.'.!. .. '.' .•.••.. !'. .. ~!!!.{ .. '.~' ......... !'.~!!!.{"!.!!'!....... ...~!!!.~ .. '.~~'. •••.•• '!.'.'.!!!.'!!.~! ...•••• !'!.I!!!!.~'.'.~'! •.•••.. ~!.~'.IJ. .....•.•. !.Of!.~ ~!~'.a.L ....•... !.~. ~!.~'.._!. .••.•.•• ! .... ~.-.!~._L ........ !.Of!.~ ¥!~.!!.'!. ••••••••• !.~~ ¥!.•.!!.IJ. ..•....•• !.Of!.! ~!'.~'.'!. ••••..•.• !.'!.~ ~!'.~'.._~ ....... : •• !.'!!~ BEST IN BLUFFS tHT llY. Lovely 2000 sq. fl. 3 bdrm. 21 , baths. Cam. rm., wide' .li!rt'<?nbclL, near pool. Only $235,000. llCllllH TIE WI. WILL UAR '"111. Good Terms. By appl. OPH 1-5 HJ lwt o.,., 1 ht, 2 k, t11 SH0,000 2211 Ylsta hra4e 3 •r 2'h •• t .. 1211,000 21Cl Vista Ellfra4a 3 k Y1I t.. 1431,000 500 ptap 3 k wittl laatl 1211,500 RfSIO(NlfAI AUi fSIAtf SfAYIC£S Mill mA 1&.•FS S1H,HI First time buyers will be e xcited abo ut t h is s pac io u s 3 BR ----•--to wnhome . We t bar , ce"ltral vacuu m. intercom plus all n ew carpet & fresh paint. Outstanding a.ssu l'(lable loan. OPEN SAT. 2-5. SEE AT 2286 PACIFIC. UNJT N. Carole McMahan. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 2tt n ..... , UYFlllT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN. Spacious. open & .sunny all view h om e w / panOfamlc decks, on huge prime Island Point, + docking & prkg galore t-you own the land. + o wner financing, all for $965,000. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island. Newport Beacti. 673--0202. Open SatJSun t 1-5. l•&•itioHt. Ctiatou fstat• over 6.000 sq fl • I 1 Acres ot p11me tho rougllbre<I properly adj 10 Jack Klugman Esta nr . Fall brook Ever dazzJ1ng amenity. cilam plonshlp tennis court $850.000 terms Agl 2131275-2031 UMI Hiii THllS 3 B<Jrms. 2 batlls. com ptelely remodeled 1n E"51de CM Owner very ttex1bfe w/good t1nan· cing Open ttouse Sal 1·5 425 E Bay St. ' ElfCITIH LIYlll MESA Hltf REAL VALUE AT $175, 000 2 BA 2'h ba, family rm w/lptc, den. walk -In storage c loset. elect kllcll, lge living rm, w/ woodburn1ng !pie Sep. anate bdrm .. 100,-ac:taf. Ilona! amen11tes 100 ml· meroos to mentt0n Co- vered patio & grounds sutt1c1ent 10 add pool and rec vehicle storage 2861 CORVO. C M OPEN S UNDAY Noon·5PM ORANGE COAST FINANCIAL AL TAS 957·0701 llMHS llULn 175-2311 Selltng anything wttll a The tasl esl dr•w in Illa Dally Piiot Claaslfled Ad W est. .e Dally Pllol 11 a simple m•Uar Ctasslfle<I Ad. 5<42-5678. Just call 642· 678. 8 Rue Viars 8fG CANYON OPEN 1-5 Satwday & Sunday $700,000* Regal 10 Cttbogs ( + or I in lmne room. ~ry~ Swtep1ng spiral 5l~ll OH wtl h maen1firtnl S6 000 chandetitr M a s I t 1 bath on lh' 1ound with ravish ma1blt aPOO•ntmtnls On BIG CANYON golf course ovulook1ng take Kitchen 1n the round WJlh pan thru lor outdoor ente1U1nin& r11e pit ' bedroom\ and 4 baths 3.89!> sq It of Uiltltefl~ l"ndeur YCS , 1l"s llH 1ntomparab l e awar d WIOOlOi Vmatltn •LOWEST PRICED VersalH i1 BIG CANYON The ~ You've Y "aitilc f Of Malt 11 Yours' Mary lewis ot R£/MAX • Newport 759-1221 631-5963 DINI•,_.. Cele ), 975.551~ '<: t) > FOIECLISllf S .. WANT To TRADE NEW PORT BEACH. fl bdrm, 3ba. fixer S 199. 500 Peek J' ' S<40K equity in Oceen- tront. total pymll (no nega11ve amort). S 1650 mo Fantastic toe Wilt WESTMINSTER 3 B<Jrm, 4 garages. AIC $120,000 COSTA MESA. 4 Bdrm trade up. tor cars. boats. condo. 2'hba S130,000 OPll ltSE S/S 1-5 paper, or gems VERY A N AHEI M · Condo So,•isticatttl ANXIOUS Musi close 2Bdrm 2ba S79,950 & 3 City Style Co•tl• last, can add castt l'fl<Jrm fixer sea.000 lftlt CortH tltl Mar 494· 1096 -BROKER 754-1202 c .. ,., .. ! _~-~~~.~ .... ..1£WPttt-IUCll..... __ .WISICLIFF •• ·1ewiiliouu •l•s 20 units wtpoot. 200 tt 3 Bdrm. 1'>'• batll Try fa•ily r•. Walls et frontage, great area I 15•A. down and get ba- 1 L • Fantastte tetms Stanley lance financed by owner I au •"•I ••ttloor lamlly lease wlconsumef no loan costs For v1e-cartlou i•t• slriylit ln<leX tie-in wmg dmltl by Sun 1·5 roo•s. 11' fHllt4 COSTA IHI 1218 Devon Lane As- t • EST E s 9 king S239.500 H Frede-00 fl•cs, tall fleors, AT ALE. units, rick, 631·1266 •••r.., offiole•t Hlat close to sttops Twnhm •• type Great tocallon and Mt water systo•, i•· terms Catt FAST on tlltS Hlatttl tl•tttl· &lass. one FloalMo tor••· lffer· lllYllf - otl •• 1340,000. 111• laricoltl. IPI SlllAY 1-5 o .. et a 11..i •• Ca•H llctitutls. , ........ IHtll! Tile Landing Plan No. 2 J.ltH Ill .. , 1006 by J M Pe1ers •Bdrm 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• ba tar'n rm 2 frplCI '1 CHARMING R£MOD. 3 bl~k to take Foreelo-Br+lott Tradellse opt. tor sure sate S284 500 , duPlell or unit. 673-8585 Open llO\lse SaitSun t-5j J./t.. -- 3 Watmspflngs , 1 IHiaHl• lOOl lllTlllTOI IOCI • • • • • •• •• • • • •. • •• • • • •. v. mite to t>eactt. 1 yr old. llClllE PlllPHn 3 bdun 2ba. call\.. ~ ~ 'J++f: POINT lings, Ille root. S 189,500. Quaint. non oomlorm1ng Try 9% down or owner duplex-one bdrm, l<l'mat Wiii wrap al 1 t% ()( feMe dining. large living room C.rHr ,,.,.rty CH· sists of 3 Ir I tlH witti •.War .... Wt· i• a,,liHoos, .. ,., lrs wo:I ladsoa,..i lot. lcoess to 3 ,,,. IEWPHT IUCI I uto hacltos. MHtl PENTHOUSE 2 Bdrm will\ panoramic v1-of with llreptace. and llard· wood floors. 2 car ga- rage Upslalr$ rear rent· at S339.000 sae! lstiq 1311,000. ocean and bay A MUST 130 c .... lipla•ls SEE• Assume ISi al ~ S 198.000 at t2Y• Price I S289.900 COLE OF ..-WPCMn' Cott Lance al 646-1397 MA&. TORS AGENT &tS-9850 U11LC-Mwy. ------ C---Hall'tl something you want 10 9811? Classified ads do •75·55'1 It welt I C ell NO W . 642-5878 142-1200 j PETE · ' BARRETT ... REALTY Want ~de C•ll 1142-5678· . dubs: champmn'.hip tennis courts and incr\•d1bk sccm·ry. The CQurty.:ird Villas ~t11rt "'the luw $150,ru,.,. i-;or a hm1tl•d time. Wl,.rt' ~·· I ronwood offer. two fedlUr\°' not usually found di golf-orit'nted country courc;e,. And both faahbc.>S haw thl'lrown locl..er mom<.;ind fully <;locked pro ~ho~ tnirteen of nur 14 courts arc lighted for night play, and onc i., rl'Cc.,<.cd offl'ring~l-ycar financing !oubs1di,,cd to JO.J;•'~. ( 11''• APR} for 5 years on .,ome so that c;pectators may enjoy exhibition<, and tournaments models, plu<. substantial discounts tv ca"h buwr., And as literally the h1ghc t dub"' the Jesl'rt, we t'njoy a panorama of Come up to Ironwood todav. You 'll find that we dre simply a rent'<'tlon mountain ,md valkoy views. .--------------------....., of ~our \1wn good In fact, these v1o!w<. are so s~-ctacular that wt.>'rt' ta!>te. adding rooftop observation deck~ to our tcnni" GOME UP 10 IRONWOOD lownhomcs. These decks plus the pnvate courtyards. 49-200 Manposa Dnv\', spas and proximity to the courts, make the Courtyard Palm !Jt>,crt, CA 922110 Villas one of lronwood'o; best value.,. (714) 346-0551. You can also enjoy a challenging g<Jme of golf at Sales office open 8::\ll Ironwood on one of our two 18-hole. championship o,1.m to 5:00 p m. I fio The Oub Above The Rest. ·. H••111 let hit s,.,,, let S1l1 •••···•••··•••········ ••..••..••........••.• ~-111 IOOZ ~•1111 1002 ....•................. •.•.......•..••.•..... ~ ~ ' SPECTACULAR BUYS! IEWNRT IUCH Discover the Details Which Ma ke th is Home Distinctively "Above the Crowd" -Ha nd Finished Oak Hardwood Floors. High Ce1hngs. Authe ntic Wyoming Ranch Oak Fireplare, Skyligh t.s, Beveled Glass ·Peek-thru into Country K1 lc'hen, 2 W oodburning Fireplace~ P a neled Family ROQm , Triple Garage. Flexible Finan{·mg $295.000. CllTA IEU Elegance Abounds from the Second Yuu ' Pass thru the Inner Gate Surrounding Fl ~al Bouq_.u_e t s and_Step l ~u Indoor-Outdoor L1v1ng at its F inest. Four Bedrooms. Three Fireplaces, Two Baths, One Incredible H ouse -Big Canyon Taste with Costa Mei.a Price Fabulous Financing. Reduced $1 5.000 Now $210.000. IRYllE Eleganct' and Affordability Describt! this 4 Bedroom Family Home with f Qrmal Dining. Rock F'lreplace m Large Family Room, Walk-an W et Bar, Country Kitchen with Spac ious Eat-in Are a. Stained Glass, Manicured Landscaping. Extremely Attrac tive Financing $250.000. lll'T HUY -ClU IWU TllAY I Dllll PIDEIPOL-YOLPE 551-1410 Are you planning a move? Clualflad acta wlll point ycu In the right dlrecilon to find tha home you need t42-5e711 People wno need People Thal'a what the DAILY PILOT SERVICE OIREC'tORY .. all aboull PRIME COSTA MESA- 15% DOWN 4 '*-2 '-· Wl91 1111,tOO. I~ ht Tia llHMllU fer H0,000. Seller eerry lt1l1Ht at 12~/l Jrl. IPll llllH 1·1. 114 ••r•Hffe Ir. (Ir lrittet I PMI .... ). ATTN: HORSE LOVERS OR BUILDERS a ............. _. .... , ..... .., lter111 ... Hl•1l1. lrltt ltJ Hlft 11~4' La. fer 1112,IM u1 .. 11t1e. 21211 lrprt11 It. Ir •111 Ir 11• lrl1ttl. 11~1. LI. ftr I 172,IH ................. ..., .. 12"4 ............. -WJ•TUIEi ........ ,, ............... LC.. ..... .,.. ,,.._ "'lwsw ...... Wlms-11..,.. w/12'--. Y&a.hf ft4,lll.IWl1tal .... .. 1K. ........ _ .. ,, ... .. nn a.-.. u... <._ ,..,....). WM. E. DOUD & CO. INC 673-1600. . . . . . ... \ Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16. 1982 _ 21 IEWPORT CIEST .llST LISTll End unit Plan 4. ·3 bdrm plus retreat. Enjoy communJty pool. spa, t.enni~ walk to beach, nt•w carpets $2 19.000. IE I PAIT OF US YEllS :l bdrm, 2 bath, furnished <.-oudu "On The S t rip". secu rity build1~Grea t for corporate entert nang. Exce llent tax s helte , prolc ss aonal managcmcn service availablc $210,000 LllO IAYFlllT OPEi SAT/Sii 1·5 121 Yll LIDO 1011 Complt>lf'ly remOdclcd elegant l bdrm house plus study. Also · features pier for large boat plus s m.all boat. ldeal location 0 11 quiet e nd of island. ~1,110,000 TIWJMlfSE WITI 40' SLIP Excellent N ew porl Beach location, 3 bdnn, 21.'1 bath, new carpet, walk to beach. security gate. YOU OWN YOUR SLIP" $~Q9!000 EXCEPTIOIAL YlllE 01 LIDO OPH SIT 3-IJ Ill 12·3 144 Yll LIH 1111 Just hsted this delightful honw on the north side of Lido. offers a gor geous view on an extra wide lot which gives the feeling of s paciousness throughou t Features s lip for large boat Adjacent proper ty also available A rare opportunity for you !! LIH ISLE llYFRllT Prestigious island. fantast1 t· locatt0n. y6u've heard all th<.> good words. now lc-t us show you a waterfront home with 4 bdnns & 4 bath-. that has aJJ the grace & charm or what you dream aboul "an old Cape Cod" $2.200,000. I TIH YILUE 01 LIDO This 3 bdrm home offers one of the best street to street locations on the lsland. Features a lovely patio perfect for entertaining. Den. extra wide lot, 3 car garage. A must to see. $495,000. LllO WllE LOT + PHL OPEi Sii 2·1 204 Yll EIOLI Walk to Lido Village. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, good assumable (inancing. ExceUent buy. Price reduced to $550,000. Ill OlllYll IPll llllY 1-1 •• J ..... '"' Ull Most unusual customii.ed home In a r'?a. Indoor/o utdoor pool with sliding glass roof. 18' bar, screening room. g o urmet kitch en . playroom with fu11 k i t c h e n a nd bath. G ood finand.Jl8. Seller reeerves right to accept best offer . $699,950 . • WLSl.LY '-4 TAYLOR CO . HJ-:ALTOHS ... !Ill I' l !MB IHI •II N Liii& tsU .all 144-4110 Tl EITtl Ult One of the largest lots on Linda Isle wllh a rare sing le-story 4 BR, :~ 1/2 .BA. homt•. Totally remodeled to absolute perfccuon Large rear yard wnh grass and largt' dock for 4 boat.s. Guard gate a nd tennis courts made this exclusive home a hne investment. Try $175.000. down. 104 lllll ISLE IPH SH 1-5 STEP IP TIE USY WAY THI H•E lS HR PAYMHT Sl,I00,000 • 1"4 Lill Class-Style · Dignity· Elcgance-Qual1 t y AU are truly descriptive o r one of Big Canyon's truly custom homes with a 1 wide frontage on thl' golf cours1' 5 Bedrooms, 6 'l'2 baths. plus all or the· amenities you would e xpec t. St'lle r I r 1nanc 1 n g av a 1 lab I c-.,An u nus u a I opp o rtunit y to step up without .h1convenienC't' $1 .950.ooo 1 H1••11 lie S•lt Hta•t• /11 Silt t:~~~~; ·;;i .• ,.,. · i'oz2 i:~~~;; ·1;i -~~· · ioiz •••......•............ . .............•....... .. FULL OCEAN vu. IE FIRST 300K loon Jasmine Crk Owner/Agent 640-15 t5 W11h 3 Br '" Ba. lrplc By Owner 646-8586 CAMEO SHORES. t>y ow· ner oceon 111ew 4 BR 5 ba, den, pool 1ac 2 we1ba1s New roof cer- pe1 drapes $595 000 Buyer assume 1s1 at 1•,•1. Down paymen1 $146 ooo owe S400. 000 al 12•1. tor 10 years 760-t734 3Br 2'•Ba J asmine Creek Plan V Voew of ocn & min 760-9386 OWllER SAYS "Sill" $20 K CIOS1ng COSIS -at>out $3000 per mo Voe w home Bk r 63 1-35 13 Lu~ury condos'on 1he oceanside ol Hwy 101 lease lease op11on or pu•chase Spacious 1 Bdrm unn• wflr plcs & secu11ty parking Use ot pool & spa Models open daily I 1 5 Call Lingo Real Es1a1e 673-3271 TRADE ... yqur boring income pro· pll'ty or ou1grown res1 dence Wrlh large equ1ly tor 1h1s nea1 rustic and roomy 4 l>drm, 3'• t>elh home w11h 180 <leg ocean view 111 walk 10 t>each Corona <lei Mar loca11on REDUCED ·TO $4 75.000 w11h 11 75•1. 1n1eres1 &44-7211 Su~init Your Offer Spotless 3630 sl duple" 0WC 1S1· 12">'o·long term Jt>r1J1>a+St>rf3t>a-1 vac 509 Acacia-walk 10 sea Open ll~e Sal/Sun 1 Owner lbkr 645· 7048 Cosll /tltH 1024 ...................... 4 Bedrms, family room & dining room F0< Clesslhed Ad 2' • t>a home wllam rm I HOIEllS &HEE: UST llY II IHi CHYOI $139.900 s yr old, 3Br ACTION frplc $61 000 loan as lmmaculate througtiout. New ·arpt·ts. -Gelf-1'--~ ~·,. $101,000 _____ , drapes. marble entry & decor. Electron I(.' Delly Pllo1 av a 11at>1 e a 1 1 3 ''• ~unty system Wet bar 2 firepla<...., ., AD·VISOR 642 1060 . "'""• .., 6.o12-5678 C'ar garage. Art1suc pool aJ'ld spa. Pnc'Cd c1ass11te<1 Ads. your one· right at $695,000. Gate guarded arc•d I . s1op shopping center Call 644-4910 for perm1ss1on to cntl'r. ~.,,., iooz1 ~•11•I 1002 14 111111& Tl~E II. WEI SAT/Sii 1-5 ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• fllTASTIC IPYIUIS lllU Ntl H•E Two-story Nantuc ket 4 br. with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14, 000 red bricks Tastefully decorated thro ughout wath wa llpa pe r s and shutte rs . Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Sellt>r w ill finance. Submit down . $760.000 incl land. CHIU IEL 11&1-SIPH FEE llY Charming 3 bedroom hom<' with lots of extras. You own the land Great family home. PnC(• reduced $45.000. Beautiful large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island. and Fashion Island. Owner motivated, thas could be best buy 10 · COM. $320,000. Financing available. 15U lllEUll TtlUCE, Clll IPH Sii 1-i I .. E 1211,000-YIEW flH Earthlones thruout , 4 br, 2 1/l ba, family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq fl. View of Pav1hon, night lights & Catalina 1211 IRFUIE, GIM IPll IAT/111 1"1 Ullll VIEW lllla-.HE Hll Quiet, park·like selling. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdnns, fam rm. Call now! 121110 WllT, -IPll IR 1-1 IEWNIT lllllT1 II U . Charming 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fire p laces. country kitchen, quiet resid«yltial area in young development by Bucoola. 10% dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. . ,/ ELEIHCEI lll•&I MUMOUI SPYGLASS RIDGE 5BR home w /pool, spa & 3 -car garage. Huge• cul-de -sac lot overlooking ocean & canvon Seller assisted C1na n c1ng ·$790.0011 Anita Bradshaw 752-l 4 1-l PAIOll•IC OCUI VIEW Cam l·O Shores homl' south of PCll :l BR + lovely family -room Lot.s of extra room & storage . See Catala na, satlboaL<; & sunsets. All this on ft't.' land for only $695,000 Di1rlcnc lfrrman 752-14 14. HPLU CHOI& DEL •H This prime investment property is located on a comer lot & has 2-2 BR units. Good annual income with tow maint enance All ra'Ords available. Property easy to see. Offered at $324.900 Bill Wcdmore 551-8700 ctst• IHlll HME WITI Piil This 3 BR home o ff ers a spacious, Jight & airy feeling w /lg bedrooms & plen ty of storage. The yard is very private w llg pool. BBQ & cabana. Good • Cinancing U. available. $2'49.500. em Wedmore 55 l ·8700. HllLY •1 W1T11 I II I PML Unique property & county area . 6 BR. 3 ~ BA. f am. rm. Separate kitchen , formal dining rm. 2 levela, pool w /deck opens off 1-nal & patio dc.'Ck off moste BR. Good flnanclng. $199,500 'Marion Frizzell 551-8700. .... - 22 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Adver1ismg Supplement 10 the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 16. 1982 ... 808111 ,., hit ....••.•...•........•• C11I• #.._. lOZ4 ••••........•••••...•. j~-.~!!! -~~'. -~~'.'·.... •. ~!.'!.!'..~•!.~!-.... '.1.-.~!!!.~._,. !.~I.( ..... jf!!!~.~!~ ....•. !.~~1 f!!!~.!!!!~ ....•. !.~~1 f!!!~.!!!!~ .•.... !.~~1 • ~T •a•ea11 DREAM HOME $117 '"'"r---I IUCI IUUI• Hiil ..... TllO'll 500 buys this 3 BA ATIUl•ll SIYLlllTSI HUM IO•Et "0" MW• beauty wt sparktong pool IEA911 CllUllSI I Fill PllCE SH,OtO 114,HO! Lew Py•hl Greenhouse window & $131,0001 ·1111 h .I lh1s brlgh1 & cheery New· & speclOUs Gar-more Owners molllr'lg Modern detached hm, Garden Volle lends 1114111 den VIiias w/lloor to oe1-M 8 k e 0 1 1 e r B 11 r I d I d b I llng llrepl8 ces NE•R 848-0709_ _ unique y es gne y 10 nigh-style h11lng w/ " The Maaters ol Indoor/ lu•uroous earth tone car-BEACH 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms fe••l•i• V•lJtr /034 outdoor environment. pe11ng 1nruout Beeutolul. from $84,500 Below ••••••••••••••"••••••• Logt I and airy interior well co-ordinated win-market int rall! allows Charming 2 sty, 5 br w/ wt skyl1ghts. 3 garden dow 1rea1ments & mas-1 tor pym1s as tow aa assumable loan Asklf\9 atrlums, beamed ce1-s1ve king Sile bdrms all S 1 9 5 rm o (Easy $179.500 Agt 963-8573 longs. king sa9d bdrms. set tn Pflme 1ocat100 A Oualllytng) POOi, t.ennls temlly room w/bar & real ~ of a buy at the 1 & seeuroty gated privacy D<ashcatty redueed 3 br, II I I I ti s 00 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF assum. la.ti of $9'4.000. wa ~ !? _Q.~.lro )>! .. ~!' .... lo.,., pt IC!. _C?_I 69,0 TulS ONCE IN • LIFE-_S 1•9_.900 Agt 963-8573 enfoy sun • oay on SSOOO moves you 1n w/ n ,.. 'Prrvate Roof Sundeck" I tow monthly pymts of Only S 10 000 down & S711 HURRY -won't S 1395tr.>Q pymts If YCKJ last• 96•-3311 are IOoklng for a UNIQUE • HOM E AT A STEAL I we 11e got 111 I TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 ......... ..., CENTURY 21 W•lk-a. le.tty Hl-IOIO Owner 4 bd, 2000 sq fl Assm loan, OWC S 133. 900 "3 105 McKinley ·545.7 .... 1. I •M ES A VERDE 3Br 00011 sPa. $ 1"9.900 As I sumable loan S45·990• 141-1010 TWO STllY !SHARE 1n1s E&111s1de 2 BA ELEIA•OI duplu 11nd have low low .. t LIW PYMTSt pay~nls. or live tn one • • and rent the othet, bul OILY $12,000! <Jnyway you look a1 ot Steal the show wlthls tilts property •s an ex- h•ghly p ampered 1wo c e 11 en I buy N e w story Garden Villa carpetstdq1pes. new Oynamll~ s tyle runs CO!ll>f!' plumblng 2 targe rampant lhruou1 walls ot yards wtconsoder \IAt l morrors & beau1olul WOOil FHA Asktng S 135.000 I penetong Upl>&f level of-Dev r n Re a I E st a I e 11ce + 019 & beaut•lut 642-6368 s., tia11N I .e• 1041 ... . •....•.......... WlllPT Nil T rt-level nt ocean. only $ 159.900 30t/3ba Hurry-call Key 962-7788 tPEI SAT/Sii 1·1 1332 Pier Ir. 4 Bdrm 2oa. POOL Less t1111n 10% cash down on 1n1s super ta- mily home See & submit S 171,000 Call Ann or .JiKkle at WATEAFAONl HOMES INC 631-'1•00 '}.-..~!!! .~ .. ~ !.•.'! ••••••• l IJ.-.~!!! -~°-'· !.•.'! •••••.. ~ .. ~!!! .~~'. !.•.'! ••..... !~~'!! ••••••••..• !.~1 I!~'!! ........... !.~~ !'.?.!!.~~!~ ... !.~! Ho111t1 101 Silt . .•...............•... LICATIOI, PllCE, TH•S II CILUIE PUI Beautiful tn-lc·vel S&S 4 BR, 3 BA. air rond . t'lt'Ctrontc air purifying system l-Jugt> maStl'r bdrm with 1U. own pri- vate balcony, cuslt1m cabin<'IS m family rex>m, brtck fareplal·c, tasteful use of wall coverings. 3 Olympic commumty pools $51,000 down to existmg loans, or owner I may carry with less down. 178,500. SllW STtf'Pfl! UUZIH PRICE! AMUt•I Fl•HCIH! H2-41H llEllCEI 110,000 Assumable loans. prooed betow mkt MO¥e right In S 180,000 Allan Beal, 59-9400, 559-1403 FO'R LOVERS OF SURF I SUI I cw•• Wiim WATEI lllWEIS This cus tom built occa n fronl hom e features e legant Eurr1pean de totltng, 1mpn.-ssive stone & wood exterior. with leaded & beveled glass windows :i bedrooms &_ 3 baths, 2 fireplaces & mul·h . much more . Possi bl e tax udvantage in easy conversion to duplex. lfFHO Fll .. I AT 1711,000 (S.MtHtial .... , Fiuffillc) Fer fwrtfMr '9tMts call Fr• S..tt 140-IHO er 140 0017 tllY I'-MWI! decorator bdrms Provate1•--------1 WTSlll Scenic Moun1a1n \ll&wS & Steps Away Brllhanl blue pool mingle to make Country Style Living most en1oyable on this 1m m ac Garden Vtlla OI TllE WI Spacious 3 Bdrm, Wlnd- l•tk Fereoles.,e llower Mdl boasts most llEllCEI 110,000 1 Assumable loans Priced 9911 things tut with Dally Find what you want ln below market. m ove Pllol Want Ads. Dally Piiot Claulfi.cls r lfi_ht 1n. $ !80.000-Allenl------------'-------- B ea 1. 559 -9 40 0 . M UST TO SEE TAKE 559 1"03 A 5 Bd SBA. 2'-\ba. 1906 cocktell patio ovet10011a s/I S 189,500 Assume lush greenbelt E•clllng loan owe bal. prone low price of $92.000 & o n I y 5 4 <I -8 3 9 O l wln low as $10,000 dn, 838-98Sf S1112 rmo payf all A ~ ADVANTAGE WTSlll ~ Walls ot glass. sle1e, stone lloors. redwood ~nellng, unique Wet· tern bat and entertain· ment room Eucalyptus 1rees Appro•lmately •1, acre Near Irvine Blvd Fresh a.nd fun• Call 2 story 2 bdrm 1•, ba oulrageous master suite beach -Condo co-opl w/o w n prov dteSSlf!.ll Poo l uuna. weight atea. open sunlight klt- toom. sub perking chen wtmasstve deckget Ocean and Pier View together atea -all sur- Llsted at S 160,000. S65. rounded by walls of glut 000 under market A ll & contraatlng Country CHh 0< new fin Grea1 wood decitlng Incredible ·~ -L -- llll IHSI OllTllY 21 Cotrulletel\1-•4modeleo WAll-11 llUl Tf and decorated 2 Bdtm 2 ' 141-tOIO • tu-OHi opp'y tor someone wno low price or S 105,000 ·---- can act fest Agent with $10,000 down . £•1.u• ••t• lHI 531-8 100 Ask for Jim S 1097 /mo pays all -doot •• ••••••••••••••••••• bath home on R-2 loL New earth1one carpets. used brick fireplace, all new kllcf\en 8n<I baths French doors and huge yard Assumable finan- cing available Ownflf will also consider lease op- tion. 1'4urry, won't 11111 . asking S 139,900. Call 5.40-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS --- USTSllE Cozy 2 Bdrm 2 bath townhome 1n super 1oca- 11on Perfect for retor&d couple or single Beauu- lu~ eondilion. reasonably proced Call Margaret Outley tor details M2-1200 J PETE ' BARRETI ... REALTY TllPLEI Ass•••M• Fi•H•l•c All 2 Bdrms. encloutd garages and patlOS, e.,. ~lenl rental area Ow· ner will also conlider ca1ry1ng 2nd TO. HHr shopping Asking $175. 000. Cell 540-1151 .u-• HERITAGE REALTORS ---- RI h miss fhlt one , CALL •TII UlllA Liil ~met ----1 NOW. 2 br. 2 ba, lovely view & COLDWeu BANl(C!RO VA bUyen. lge No. Cosra GREAT LOCATION 3 bd. setting Room for u - Mesa home within your 2 be. Ir pie. S 122,000 2 STllJ w..-pension Owner will help reachc.llagt 662-2886 ._.,,~--0 80 o w e LIW•LIW-l rnance S•50.000 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiii( (213)530-5159 rt•r• •98-•935 (Iv magi ASSlllUU 1st I 2H We WHf htl --IUO-I llAIT Slt,111 Lower Three Ar_c_h_B_a_y_, DESPERATE OWNER II-El llO,OOO S1tlmme1lng pool. and Prill Area Gteat View. MUST SELL. Aeduoed 10 M81U1 Verde Ceeuty. 3Br. ..., caressing ape SUHound N-financing " bdrm S 159.000 3Br. 2be ne-den, new pool. spa, cpts, Take a~antage of this this 2 1tor; elegant pride Pv1 Ply •99·3 tu we r E · s I de home paint, $30,000 dwn TOP sactlfiee sale Secluded of o wnerahlp Garden ---------i 6'12-2901, 5.48-1182 $179.000 Altrs wek:ome privacy Geted entry vma P"'1es1lona11y de-£••••• lli••tl 10S2 USTSIH Hll .. SE 751-040 I 2-sty. 4 BA. 3 BA. lormal corated thru-CKJt. Orea-••'•••••••'••••••••••• Assumable loan A2 tot. * 5"1t DOWN * dtne. pentnouse m11rs my master aulte w/extra VILLE H OElllSE • Bd 1 j 111 1...,. retreat. In-law qtrs, hode-a-a wa" closel l BEAUTIFUL S 110.000. SUNCOAST .. rm, poo . us s av , •• \I d b 1 courtyard Charm galore space As you like II Iott OLD WORLD A E Marilyn Coombs ... esa er e eau Y 9' •t. I b 631_7090 4 6"5-t9 15 s i38.000. 6"S-9922 Agt • • oan avalta le or for added bdrm or lOWNHOMES _ _ wltailor financing to ht quieter moments Hes By Howetd M ark Co ilWPllT IElllTS MESA \/EADE 3Br & den I your needs Owner de-commanding view to lrom 5159•000 S90K In. 12't'Y•, F/P spetate Steel at $1<15, open staircase end ,95•3244 760-9355 Charmrng 3 br, 2 ba $129.900, opn Set/Sun 000 Call now n Bkr entettalner s llv rm home w/det. 2 car gar 1-4. 306 9 G1bral te r 714-963-0902 1011 free Hard 10 find at $89,900 Across from Charles 5•5-2883 t-800·525-8910 Ekt with $5000 dn pymt al- Holler Park 237 Knoit Pl -----1500 lows assumption 11 9% S 145 000 By owner LEASE/Omll ell int ra1e S979tmo ht't li1t1r• IHHtl * 10"/e DOWN * By owner 2 bt. 2·~ ba 4 Bdrm, pool, spa 011ys all " am ••LY, condo 3 level. 3 PlltOS, Landmark Tr Xlnl 1erms CEITllY 21 926-1537/evs 925-6796 Nwpt Hgts Terms nego-Prln onlu $159.500 W.,l·I• ••aon toable 63 t -0115 ' ..., ntutL HUI •• llTTH 6"5-9922 Ao1 Hl-2111 TRIPLEX Owner woU For 0 J8 by ownr. 3br • NEW AFFORDABLE carry al 13'1', tor 10 years 2ba. A Cusl treehse, RUSTIC CHA.AM with S32 000 dn Prte41d h uge 101 De51gner s 3 br. 2 be. lam rm 1868 ' l'lome ~esa del Mar at $20,000 under market 5169 500 540_2616 sq It. 138K t o sell now A slltng lAIMBEER ALTY & INV s 115.000 I l'SllE HITS 549.2330 96•-0221 Ask lo' Kathy 15 II 1 , -•• (.s .Eal" '-• 111 creH /mat /041 Owner 'NtU catry e aub4 • •• • • ••• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • lll·H 11 sianltal 2nds on thHe HLY SH OOQ well maintained •Ingle ' LE By owner. The Colony, 3 bet 2 ba. ate. trg ktt. lmfy rm. flSh pond, walk to shop, pool & 1enn11. High 1011n bal1nce S 145,900 obo 551·8358 eves ot WkndS IHICHWHlllHI 3 BO. 2 BA Cond o Across trom awlm club/ parll $1111,000. By ow- ner 851-1586 llELPI Wiii trade yavt car. boat. T 0 etc for down P•Y· ment on beautllut 2 Br 2 Ba condo S129,500 548-6<192 ~!.?.!!.!!~!~ •.. !.~! 11¥111 SIOllES 14" t G11laxy Drive Immaculate 3 Bdrm home with manicured landscaping acron the street from patk ,,.., So Coast Plue S 1"9.SOO. Call agt et 646-5092 story 1 & 2 bdrm unlfa, buy1 • brtnd• new 3 Plenty of off ~treet per-bdrm 2b• home In king 4 aar garage Al· Woodbridge. Owner aays tractrvely l>floe<I at 1325, Mil today Call, to see 1---------1 000 Merilyn, Agt 559-9400. 4 Br Oen. Formal Olntng Room, 2 Flteplaces. 3 c;sr garage plus large Hobby Room POOi Siled 101. beaut 111ndsc11ped Owner wlll HSlst al 11- nanelng. Only J.420.000 Cl•lllllE ~=~'c;,5 Ml-1147 144-1211 ...... "" One or~!!!.~ llvabl9 ~::=~~~= 1 , ..... Self Idle ....,,. IM2·~78 Claulfled Adi S42·5e78 See II todeyt Convenient C..... '-I .. JIB C#W •I •1 I locatlon. quiet cul de ~ ... I' . lloor plan• In Vlltege I. 3 bdnns. 2 b•. one 110ry Fan te1uc tocellon on greenbelt. Step• to poo1 end tennl1. Cell tor fur· "' . . ......... -.... ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 11c, an ••cept,onally •---UITSm----......:.-i nlOe 2 Bdrm and den~ 'I; ..._., I '--., IPEI 11 ou ·o•• ......... 1-1 •••• N icest duplex So. of Hw y . O u tstanding location . Great 1&111Umable financing. 3 br 2 ba + 2br 2 ba, each w /2 car garage. ()w'ner/agent. 675-8370 423 OllllTill --unit. Fenced patio, air r.... conditioned, community Remodeled 3br, 3 b a pool. A• IOI' S139,SOO. home with den. l0tmat IPll _, 1.J dlnlnQ room end F1'91\Ch a..• .... door• H1>99 patio end ...._... pool Poe.1bte ..._ °"'" llon. A1klng S236,000. 631·6370 or &40.()312 TR \Iii I it ·1\ \i i..'I '.1 l " A PETE ' BARR~ rr REALTY °"' CIAl!Jlt _.. klfWHITS _....,,.. ••et ... uM ......... I her dfl1 lill. tl8'19 ~Nno to ... , O lllF , ...... ... I 4A 1 Oalaxy Drive 4 Br. Den, Formlll Dining Room. 2 Fireplaces. 3 car gerege plut large Hobby Room Poo! lllnd lot, t>eav1. landecaped Own• win eeelat .-t II· Mnelng. ()My S4a0,000. Open Sat/Sun. t·6 ~~ .• ..., Oii.iSMS • ........ BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOW -45 Ct. Reduced lo $1.750.0<lt - Includes plans Beach t:ottage on 50 fl. lot. Enjoy as is. remodel or build new . $1.600.000. Spectacular estate private gate house and rolling lawn on th!' point. $6.000.000 BevC'rly Morphy & Barbara Aune 644-6200 on nr tn " n'tl'Tn!Jll conr m LUSE OPTIH -l&llH llllll Movt• into 3 custom. l Mllhon Plus . Harbor Radge Vtt•w Home for o n ly $50.000 down. 240 degree view of ocean, bay and city. 4 bdrms. 5 ~u ll baths, formaJ dining room, den. family room .. . $1.299.500 ... $50.000 Option money . . plus your mo nthly pa~nts of _$4,5 can be applied to the purchase pnce. (714)-640-5777 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, qctober 16, 1982 -23 !'.'.~!!! • {'.'. !!.'!. • '• o • • !'.'.~!!!. {'.'. ~'.'. • o • • • • ~.'.~!!!.{'.'. ~~·. o • • • o • !'.'.~!!!. {'.'. !.•.'!, • • • • •• '!!~!!. !'.~!.~·!! !!. • • • o 9!~!!. !'.~! !!.'!.'!. • • • • I '!!~!!. !'.~! !.•!! !!. o O •• ~:~!!! • '!~!~!!'/!!'!. O O 11..-tl IHti IHI • ._...,, lf1ti IHI 11.,,..,, lf•d /Hl jll•wr._rt lf•ti IH A,.rt•••I• lat .. • lr•r.,rtr, 1000 O.t •I C•HIT ~!'!.'. .. '.. ••.....• !.~~~ •• -.-.~ ••••••••••••••••••• -•• .-................. ··-·•'"•················ •••• ••••••••••••••••• ,., ,,.,, 13 ••••••••••• ••• •••••• ,, ... ,,.. zssol llEITALS WCI waun $10 000 .... CllHH WE •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• .,., •• ""············ IE Tll flRIT Custom 2 story home ' Loceted In Newport WT 0.1. HPLEI -YIEW GREEN VALLEY LAKE Y~arty·WM!Cty-Wlnter, 2 See this new'· ollerlng In with spa! Skylight, wet ~!r~c Rldrie 2 ::, c~; Beach this recen11y re· 2 2·bd, heavy shake roof, Faat11tlc lavest•••I MOUNTAIN HOME I 3· Bdrma. Cliff Haven Fabulous bar. open beam ceilings AITD 01 ,S4~oK 'a.o-~5 novated 4br. 3 12 be lrg yrds. only $142,000 13 Story, 3 bdrm plus den Next 10 netionel forest. .110011 llULn view. newly decorated and more Super linan-nome ls truly unique Si· I .I. FllECLlllRE plus fireplace In each sltung. boating, etc 3Br. PIOP lhroughou1-carpe 111. clng Ownef may consi-Selli•C at LHll lulled on a 20.000 sq 11 1 yr old 2 2·bel un'l\a ·~ unit Super vlewl Com-kitchen & 'h. lndry rm, llv wellpapers, paint. etc. 3 der exchange! $280.000 HARBOR VIEW HOMES-takefront lot with dock blk 10 ~ean No down plelely returb1ahed rm, rec rm. 2 lrplcs, MAUIEMEIT Bdrms, dining room, Call 979-5270 Carmel M odel Re· Recenlly carpeted and possible we can deal Owner will exchange up 1•.Ba completely lur-Ila 1173 wine cooler hld&-away mooeled and upgraded painted Asking $495. egt Sheryl 6•0-7814 or $550.000 n•shed Good income v• den/worttroom-so much throughout 52<15,000 000 Call for a viewing 558·898! property or 2 lam home Peai•.ll•fura more Fee land Firm Ownr/Agl app1 631 -7370 or Yt!t 1-867-353<1 Totally remod nome tn 1411 11111 RI, II 760-9596 549"3546 Coaa11ti•I ... , •• ,, F•ras, fantasuc peninsula loc'2 IHI U T/Sii 1-1 .~llT llEl""ITS 111~1tr 1600 ,.11.,,..1 ZlOO 1g bdrms, Jbe. ·~ btk 10 1•2·1200 110,000 HWI R-;~~:.,h 2 BA home ·····'"~~;;~·~;~······ Lid ty ... ~.F;iiR:Fiiii..... bay l~~!1~,r~l.t11r• • "''"' YI•• •••es Below market value OFFICE ILDI 0 ea 9 plus acres Murrtela. Fantasllc loc, 2Br. frplc, 2 It.'' .a Ill, e•er $l~~~~-Lesch, BKR 673-7300 melds :.>.000 sq fl farm new kitchen formal 0•· PETE BARRETI ... REALTY ,. • 675-7045 with side lie for 60' boat house large barn, gar '""9 brtgn' & a11 Y SI0,000 ia ••crues, 6 year DIO butldmg One S 15.000 down. S 1646 P6t S 11001mo 1,1.1211,000. f Borms. 5)ulsland1ng Piil l•E ~f,8891~1~°.r,s5·000 sq 11 Loll Ill S•lt 2200 mo• Total proce S175, Cesta le11/U•f1r1. IHI SAT /Sii 1-IPI corner 10' ac<oss from lea ... l1est llst •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 702-452-8777 RETIREMENT ap1 2Br. grnDll.hgplllbackyard, Custom 4 BO & FR BYOWNER ·RI LOT cle an . Quiel loc IHllln CllM llt-0122 BY OWNER: 3 Bdrm hou-I sing rm '°' k1os Gue11 _ Plans & permits for a ••••••••••••••••••···~! C41/U•f1raisla .. 1111 Pert A111Jler view. 494-1840 0·1ooklng pVt pool Ores·~.... Eas1s1de Costa Mesa HoOIH fgraidttl $400/mo VILLA BALBOA. 1 Bdrm IY IWHI se $199,000 Consider hsehasownll11 rm wlfplc 1950 sq 11 hm Ready •01 Ct11•1•I 310Z WOOd and glass 3Bt on Plan 3 With view, gtarage l~~~~~~~~~~I any offer. 6'5-8841 & king sz bd~ Darling bu 1 Id S 8 5 0 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••.. quiet iocallom Balcony parking and all arnen11les I· ktlch & ba Great pkg lor L'd R fy 548-1 •82 6<12-2901 OI IALIOA ISUH S900/mo yrly of elegant 6Newporl ... WESTCLIFF SUVlfW IAlllAI• O'ts Reduced 10 $320, I 0 eal s Lag 25a 100' unompro-Adorable 3 Ddrm nouse WATERFRONT HOMES vlng Lowd wn. assume By owner, "choice qu1e1 180 deg view. leaded 000 Ruth Leu11e. Rltr 67'l 7JOO vt1d property, 180degree & guest house $850/mo 631-1400 excellent llnancing loca1ton 3 bdrm. 2 ba. glass. oak 1to-0ra, out-646-4380 ..;r wnitewater view Loma BAYFRONT wi lorever -- 320 ir $129.000 POOi home, 2 sep fenced dOO< hrep11 3 BR -great tract blk 3, lot 10 Best view 4 Br S 1800/mo l•lbo• lll••tl 1111 . 1•2·1200 yards. Reduced S20K. home By owner 3% 10 AsH•altle FiHICilC olfer 493•6704 BA y FR o NT 3 Br ;·5;·j·5;·o;:.·0~·;~; pr1ced lor qutctc sale biers Reduced to S399, $1500/mo • 1806 POl'I Taggatl D I / no pets S 1050/mo 227 A PETE BARR Err . REALTY lllfFS IQUll You own lhe land. 2,000 sq II. 3Br. lam rm. 2'1t Ba. wide Greenbelt, near pool Far below market $235,000 Will tease oo- uon Bkr. 64•-01:µ Asking $230,000 Fl~••· 5 O O S m I down S219 500 •I tnl VACAIT LOT Weekly Bayllont rentals Coral :.> 131395•3511 bfe OPEN SUN 1-5. 644-6699 Perfect Monaco V1it1 /01 S•lt 1100 tranquil E'slde CM loca· from $700/Up 1207 Berkshire Ln NB or -115 C&•YOM 713 Pomsetlia •••••••••••••••••••••• t1011 with many trees Woterlronl Momes, Inc Cnarmong collage, 2 pa· phOne 6'5•7534 $295 ooo I LAST 253 Flower St H1s1oncal 113-1100 hos. sun<1eck. dbl gar 3 5665·000 Spacious Cd0 M Duple" cuslom home neat dOO< br 2Da 1us1 reelec $850 Xlnt view Eapandeo $95 000 l•lM.4 bhJJL JlH w1ntet..675-53l9 ~r,;;C~ llOOr$. 3 266i3r0~1ew r . 5;:;;·,~ .. e:;•3 •;r:•;•~= l•/Ha llST SH Bayshores dOll hOuse CHANCE ~...,.rt •ell ls!Jtt dining rm. Ila" 2 patios 1.ai11Hl1 3201 Open Sat/Sun, 1-5 PM ALSO lssaciat $725 Winter OPEN 328 •• •••• ••••••••••• •••• • O••• aa4 ••J•r tile 7 Rue'Ch8teau Royal New v101or1an on Balboa u Sapph1re, 644-0954. 2 bills 10 Beach 2 t>O. 1 .. ,.,. view fre• Hals 644.5115 Island $595. For more lo buy this beautllul 3 1714) ~"52S 675-8573 b3. w/relrig, 11ove, g11r Info 1 'year old, 4 unit apart--$650 mo Yrly Includes l11ari111 resl4H... WlllUU UH C&Ll SAU IUllYll men I !louse 1n San Cle-.,, · n.... 1 c.,,. 1lt1• 31 Zf a 11 u 1 11 s No pa ts .,.. •-•. I •--1 te u N1oue Ho••Es h h111 & ,.•••1•1•, .,.,,,' •••••• ••••••• ••••••••• 835 5• •5 ... -3 bd, 2 ba. poof & pallo. "" mente wit ocean, s R 2400 Sm 1 bd Ell side No · "" 901 KINGS RO I ., .. , .,,......... $198.000 owe 645.7555 675·6000 or 675-5688 golf course views 111 a •••• !!!!! ••••••••••••• pels. $325 /. . Penon Pl, 5 e~. 3''> ba, I P'i'.ICED! I 3 1 -4 3 0 0 • r UYSllOIES tremenoous savings di· APPU VALLEY Ill 6<16-ll695 DR trg patoo s 1200 mo S IE I & OL. Cl. 1221 000 reel from the owner b&-• -----1 ' a 1 5°73 9060 EAV .• e eganl ll.J-3IOO ' lore being listed w11h Reduced $ 10,000. no DAH l•i•t 3/Zf o mo "g -·--ch arm 1r1o Ham P 1 on le411ce4 Pr let! So of hwy 3 br remo-brokers Act NOW''' Call qualifying. 3 Br 2ba. 3 yrs ••• •••• ••••• ••••. ••••. Coro•• tltl ll•r 3222 Model, labJlous views, French N ormandy •n deled home on R-2 A&-owner al 1,141542-0t38. Old Landscaped,•; ec:e. E.aec 2 br, 2 ba condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• decor. spa , Prtvate l~~~~~~~~~~i Sunset Garden 3 Br w/ sume lg loan. Delta, Agl. 18 mos financing provl· ocean view, pool. tennis "Br. 2•1r Be.FR. o R . & comm w/pool & tennis Plltef RlllOll ·guest conage Cell tor /attat lt•Ntl• ded al $500 per mo at Com pl. turn 760-9466 vtew comm. pool, ten· fac11111es.S450,000 Open detatls •••••••••••'"•··'•••••• l2%1n1 wUh$11,000dn (8-5);2<10·3201(af1 6) nis. $1500 mo Ownr House Sal/Sun 12-5 Ready t·o pack bags and ••11a• Wiit trade dbl wide mobile Asking $58,500 for qulCk -----759-8006 1903 Yacht Colina move. En1oys sunsell --home &/or 3Br house. sale 1·247·4288 L••••I lf1tt 3141 --- 6"4.1011 and spa lrom prime R.eally & lnvettmenls Tuslln '°' panial dwn 1n---••'••••••••••••••••••• Elegant 3 bel. tam rm. pr\11 locallon ,,,. S.a\IHlw Piii 549-85-47 come properly (7 141 ltl IUR WE 180 deg Ocean view, 2Br community Steps 10 IEST 01 Liii Lge new custom home on I \'t lots Operi Sat/ Sun 1-5 210 Via Sar Remo. Ownertag1 675-3048/673-2556 communlly Call '°' prf.-El 120 000 , •• c1 .. ,.,, 101f 557.9390 One of a lclnd Ready 10 2ba. spa, $1200/mo Ph pool Spa & Tennis vale showing IEllC ' •••••••••••••••••••••• BY OWNER • RI LOT begin const on lu11 Cus. 499·5304. 499-4827 -$ 1250 mo Imme d Jo-A~~~~·.~ Bkr IEWPlllT llEllllTI Excepllonal value 3Br. Eastslde Costa Mesa 3,000 sq 11. 4 bdrm, 3'h Atlrecllve collage avail occpncy 675·:.>740. Ill n .Be home. I 125.ooo Plans & per mils for a car oar sauna, tac Very 0 c t 1 5 Io Nov 2 7 Brand spanking new eve- ll't• 10 qua11i1ed buyer. ~s~~:4~0~~'!,3R~28 1950 sq 11 hm Ready lo ~:::,d8f'o'o::' ~~11* 1~ !;:Jc:,~" Ulll pd rywt>ere 3 bdrm 2'~ be GAEA T BUY close 10 beach-2 BR 1 Ba. this 11 I.I'. VE.TE Could be th• s1ar1 you always wanted towards Ill CAIYH creating your own per- 1 e ct Newport Beach Br d new 3 Bdrm, 2ba. bu I Id S 8 5 , 0 0 0 spectacular 180 degree ___ Garage, pa110 $1.000 tamt m hm Security ruti• IOH $<18·1182. 642-2901 lore1re1 view of Ski ,,. •••• lll•atl 3ISZ mo 607 Iris 641-4668, g8les 225·000 •••••••••••••••••••••• C M Huge quality duple11 Slopes, BB Lake, and ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 777"2233• 673•4399 Open h se Sunday 2-5. BY OWNER-3Bri 2Ba. 3 trptc. 3 gar. copper mlns. mull -lhl• Su-2Br 2Ba on golf course. Cereea 4el lar .... Sat/SH 11-1 home. $169.500 Devin Lovely 3 Bdrm, 2'~ baths ~ Estala, 842-6368 home with many ameni<-1----------1 "" Anumabl• $2351( BEST DEAL IN 2345 l6t 1 • 645-<1670 ~a, beautifully lndecpel plmb'ng S 1251<, aasu· pe1b Moonrldge loc 10 S695 mo Nearly,_ 3 bdrm, 3 be . BEST BUY ·LOWEST • acre. $1T7,500 All 01• meDle loan al 12% Int. appreciate. Call to In· Tlet-ra Del SOI Alty 2 fireplaces. 2 c., gar Prlee<I Npt Crest Plan 3 fers. courtesy 10 brki. $ 175KI o1 r Age n I spec! other line homes __ 497-1744 Balcony Gardener, wet 3Br Trl-M $179,500 Blc.r 833•1265 642-9666 -!lave bll ~475,000 lltrnert lf•d Jiff bar, microwave. LeaH (approll) al ONLY 12'1'•. HARBOR RIDGE Full price 1'99,500 Beaut. 3 BR home with Tom Goltler 646-9200 w .. 1.ja1t11 IHI Ouplax blk 10 ooean, lg Owner will ...... wlth fin ····'°················· $1350 per mo. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~··•••••••••••••••••••• 101 180 s197 500 Mar-SJILI OllST, lllC LIDO ISLE · 3 bdrm, tam 551-4693 alter 6 PM •irLLfl p1••-E BUSINESS LOSS lorces shill Really s7s..6oo 714-585-3981 rm," Ba, $1700 mo 2Br. 2Ba dremallc split· O w ne r /Bk r . C a 11 lnc red view, $465M 213/<170-2880 760-9307 Gorgeous newly remod liiiiiiiiiiiii•iii•iii...,iiiaiii•-iii•iii~ home In pnrt bch com-• _ ... __ • ~ ..... ., ute <I br, 2V. ba. good 3 Bdrm, 2 be. bright and neoghborllood Auume EJ<ecuUve <I Br 2 Ba. 3000 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. level, park aenlng, lrplc. a1rywHhcoun1rykl1chen S88,000 toan Only sq fl HB home $2SOK, llRU Rmut 1 Be s roo mo Biii dbl remote gar dr 1985 Long term 13% llnan $1050/mo Beller lhln equity $86K. Trade for 20 ecrea with abmolu1e Grundy,Rllr.675-6181 mo Avell 11·1 2700 mly 3 Br & lam rm "10'% DOWN" Super t8'm1, may trade lmmac 3Br, 28a + 3 eat $115,000. 8kr 754-1202 rent after tax benefit &pll or 7 $48-8859 quiet, among Iha o. aka WESTCLIFF • 3Br, 3Ba. Bayside Dr Shown by S 189K lea conversion, gar + pull Ing green! Only $269.900 6"5-6218 Won'I tas1 al only $375, 000 R&H Inv 752·2197 and Euell! t s only 70 appt. 675-6675 ----------1 '·Plex, Mesa Verde (Sl)loe YP u · den fully/ plly furn Ul .. I .'HE Sia). great loan. 15% minutes away A small SI 100 mo 646-8635 IE FllllT Otill •••l lll•lt Bk 979 383 .,,,.am meandeu In tront Luxury condos on the Ouplel': 1&2. block 10 ~n. lge lot F .. $197, 600 Marshall Really 875-<4800 WANTED; By p P. home pref. Seavlew, Jasmine Cr or Bluff1. Lg• cash. 844-7070 ......,. .. "" •Ull-E•lr• large 111and kll· Chen 4 ru11urlOUI be• droom1 wllh plenty ot wardrobe ap-. Mllr ate ,_ hll ' '* ~"-­,OwMJr ... ttnanoa belOw mrkl rte.I ~ realty 640-2"0 ASIC FOR LORI UST..,_ 3 br, Ilka ,__ >Ont nn. t 13t.SOO. Owner, f1,..30ff/(2 t3)28 t-0385 "$16,000 OOWN" No quellfylng. lmmed occupancy. 1har1 Eut Bluff 3Br, 2Ba + spa, Only 1229,9961 Call John Zatvoe 8kr 78().MS9 LWT OPllSfYI •••••••••••••••••••••• down, r •4 ot the t Bdrm mobile DOVER SHORES· Lovely, ocean1lde o l Hwy for JllllUE Mil #•)ilt ... ,. 5 good unite, make OOOd home. Ottered at t 230. nwty retvrbllhed 3 ~ leaae. leaae option or Vlaw 01 ocean and 'ctty T•r S.I• I Ill tenM •I 15% dn, E./Slda 000 Call JMr1 Rjtter tor droom, 3 bath, pool purchaae Spac1oua 1 llghls 3 Bdrm, 2,,.,ba •••••••••••••••••••••• CM Prln only. S<l9-13M lnfonnallon. Corner lot E•c•llenl Bdrm units w/frplca &. plus ottla., 2 lrptcs Exceptlonal 2<1X60 2 BR, ATTENTIO N lnveslo ra, 141 IO<:allon. I 1850/mo. Bird aec:urlly p1rklng. UM ol ... , .. LIT tem rm. 2 ba. 5 Siar P&OI exoellent Eulllde eo.tt & Aaaoclal81 832·8800 poo1 & 11pa Models 0pen .,.. nr So Cll Pltu. a.low MtH 2 Bdrm duplex. ... Ill! dally 11-5 Call Lingo M 1111111 llU. ma r II • I • b Y o wn r . 1 0 . 2 X g , o s I • n •. w 3 bdrm, fully turn homto. Reel Hlate. 67$-3271 I VIEW Great vr.w· of OOHl"I and 556-67 IS ~pelldr1P41S. new C09-A~ Nov tat $1600 mo/ C..t• #•ui Jll4 MU . Clty llgnt•. Wiii aub«dl· Ouallty I BR, b•lh, 19' n-per plurnblng, clean ,..,_ ...... Cati Del9ftl •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 '~bl . former nate • wlll build to ault. vino rm, llUoh /dlnlng ln1lde/out. Good r.ntal • TI L PllPll11ll Ca1peted t BR. modtin modal • 2 airy. Beet Bob Halley, Realtor area. All n11ur11 wood •M Owner la motivated equlp'd kllchal'I. euy tocatl0n.t1'1.SOO.Gt9at ••• .... pantllng & cablneta. and wlll WOt'I\ wlttl you. O.t ti C...,_ Ml·1111 1erma. USO. Metro tanna. Submit on ~ Newly upgraded. lg• Atttl"l. 1135,000. Da¥tn Ir •r llJI ..,._ Ylew... Really, 636-7005 ~t. JOM ~ •• .. ..... !~~~~ .. aw. I 16,900, AMI lltt, e.42"'3M. •n~•••••uuu 3 IR 2 8a, loft, I•-Ill'! • Ag1. 83 t· 7900 trom 11111 lovely 3 tldrm. .,.,.,.._..,.. HB d t 1 ~~---,. __ .. .,... F I d 2•.t bath condo In New· cor1 o. ax ra c ••n • ........., _.. rm, 2 tplc'" tutlY turn. rp c, range. var • GI· 1111. .-n11111 p lfWPllT 11A11 walk to ~. tdtl comm.. B .. utltul Octln ,ronl W.,._IDryer Incl. $500 rage, no pttt. Prh1a1a. ~!t1~•1!'1• t.!0,:11_•P~ Btl Air• Horne, """' $1111.000 Own. M2·t480 (fondo. 3 bd, ' ba. 2000 mo. TlS Management, 11SO/mo. 111. plul MC. ' NW ••nn .... '"""' -""DUU c-.. ..... 1 ... !.... aq ft t3SO 000 642 1803 only. 9,9 w t 81tl. St IY..... DelofM tnt•lorl ... ""'"'· .,....,, t 22s.ooo. T1)1 write°"· 5 cuL'vt:R & AStOCtA • 499-1117 T I L Pllfllm front kltClhen, expanded uni.ta, EHt1lda, CM TES .._ a.-,. '11f .,,..-----.,,--:----!!.~ • ... 1 ~~·000,26'.~ ,. ..... 1... llv, dlnfnO Ir ... YOung 4"3 •· t-2 7.._2476 ::;"•••••n•••••··-••• Ortngt Co1t1 Coll.;t. ..... "" -• AOUltl l pell '#llOC>fM, 1400,000 ap. I t00,000 Baactl, ttnnlt , guarded CIOM 4 Rm, 2 bl, mo- C 8 t ti. Prin e . only.Liiiiiii:!:::::--i $2<1,llOC), 540·59'7 ctwn. 0WC bll It,,,~ Put YGI" ~lalnQ 1M1-gtlt , new, model town-detn bllne, kld1/ptta Out'1tndlng bvy ot tt1er •••nwmll Sotlhlelklateo lnvteton MO'.._...,...,._.... home. 2 Br. p•tlo, Ph wetoome. t.525. Metro year. Comper"bla "" Otff;. Jof\n ~t-4511. .,.., 141.-71 ,.,_,. ... ., Raielty, 6M-'TOOI told fOf SZM.000. See to 1tf1Qd11 often wMtl you belleve. Call 8. Olaae. uee '99Ult.~ Delly ,._7'M Piiot CIMelfled ~d• to --------1 r99dl ... Orange COlllt ... Witt! EA&Et "*"•· tt'e • IAU.Zl fltlotl9 l'Z·M7f CIMellad Ade 1'2.-M7f For 111111111111 reldila, ,11111 111 Slotion C. - - ·• . 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 16, 1982 Thinking Is one thing no one has been able to taxi - 3 II + Piil + SPA -Former model! Elegant garden home in prestigious Costa Mesa! Cozy 1----------ji,._-reA'lp~..,...~, Kssome-flmnrcnr~c-e-~ $126.9501 Call 963-6767. I I . I t I I I r I I ~ I - ... - -· •EU YHM IUUll -Vacant 3 Bdrm 2 bath near parks and schools. Priced thousands below others in the areal Won't last at only $129.500 act now! .646-7171 11'91 UHITlft -.i. -Beautiful upgraded model, customized home In beautiful Irvine. Custom tile entry, two stories of superb decorating, decorator wallpaper and window coverings, earthtone carpets, huge spacious rooms throughout, hide-a-way master suite. Lovely shimmering pool and spa. Lush park-like landscaping, etc. Call 546-2313 '"'1111 a ., ..... t•Fl9TI -Absolutely the best buy In the area. Huge 2 story beauty located near South Coast Plaza, almost new carpets, huge master suite with 3 more big bedrooms, gigantic bonus room, 3 car garage all located on a big corner lot. Owner highly motivated, caff now, 546-2313 .. USTm -Beautiful 3 Bdrm hOfTlef New plush carpeting! Kol pond In front yard! Excellent location! Call 963-6767 U. Ylll m•s -Fabulous Dover Shores 5 Bdrm 4 bath home. on fee land with super views. pool and spal Seller will exchange or carry flnapclng. Reduced to only $799,900 -act nowt 646-7171 • 2 .., 1111•1, Ha., I .... -Beautiful 5 Bdrm, two story home In excellent location. Perlect family home or great for the lady who likes to enter1aln. Huge living room with fireplace. Famlly room. Formal dining room, beautiful master, big covered patio. many extras. Sink and cupboards In garage, automatic sprinklers, home warranty, etectrlc garage door opener. Etc .. etc. Call today for details. 5A6-2313 SALIS: Anne Hunter, Mino O.heroff &.UT FIBI -Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm 2 bath home on fee landl Owner must sell and will carry financing. Super terms and location for you! Reduced to only $214,000, act nowl 646-7171 .1m a... 111.--This beau'tiful 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool home Is upgraded throughout anti located In one of Newport's finest areas! Now only $224.900. act nowt 646-7171 TILL HI ITATIU, 1121,111 -Giant two story Republic home with lots of curb appeal, pretty as~he picture. Great neighborhood, near South Coast Plaza. Large home at a very small price. Many. many extras, call now. 546-2313 &11111 •~~ Lill -'4 Bdrm + pool! Excellent neighborhood! Assume $73,'400 loan @ 9'h%; $726 mo. or try $12,200 down! $121.900. Call 963-6767 -Win IUD -trvtne Terrac. 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool home on fM land, with auper views of channel, bay, ocean and city lights. Seller flexible, great assumable financing! Priced to Mii at $995,000, call nowt 6'46-7171 QQUAR VOLUMI: IHI Goodrklt•, Anne Hunter, Mina Osheroff Don ftfoff, .... Abbati USTI~S: