HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-25 - Orange Coast Pilot.. ORAICI CIAIT . YOUR HOMITDWI UllY PAPIR M ON DAY 0(" J tJIH H I'> l'IHI ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS oa11r f'llot l"tio1oa br Ch•ll•• ll•rr Ur. Holwrl Uookto1 •·nrrie•"' Pinm·c.'hio lh•• P .. licun inlo opt·rulin~ room wlwrt• thrt••• hours luh•r surgic•ul 1t•u111 t•ht•t•kt•d ullu<'lune•1t t of p lust ic· "l'lwr lu·uk. Veterinarians test pelican's plastic beak By JOEL C. DON or ttw Delly ""-' a 1.n It's too early lo ll•ll 1f lht: surgery was su t·n•,.!>ful. bul veterinarians in Laguna Niguel today wen· go1nR to trv lo £<"l'd their patient through its nt'w artif1c1al beak "He looks rl'dl good:· said Dr Gayle Robc 1 ts o f the a ptly named Pinoc.:ch10 the Pl·hcan "It (surgery) took a bit longc·r than w e expec.ted but he did real well." Still. animal dot•to rs were -<.; IELCOMETO giving Pinocchio a "50-50" chan('(' of surviving_ m the wild. l>K.au.-.c· thl· upper ~ak . molded from a fllx_.rglass matN1al, t'Ould tear off when the 7-pound brown pchcan dives into the water to tatch fish. Th{' proslhel1c dev1t·c wa~ surgically auached an a near thrN--hour operauon Sunday bv Roberts. F ou ntain Vallt•\ veterinaria n Robert Rooks and anesthes1olog1st Rick Wo<>rpl'I The beak was joined with stt'C'I plates a nd scrc•ws as wc·ll as a bonding material uS('(! in dental work "Wt."rl' ~oang lo wait about two wt"t•ks ;md ~-'l' how this oni> hl•als and dcc1dt• wht.•thl•r to o~ratt• on th<' other birds." Roberts said ··Thl· onlv wav lo tl'Sl 11 1s lo turn II (OOSt' and M 0 't.' If ll l'<ln dlV(• .. Pmu<:ch1o'i. fol1· 1:. mueh ltkt· that of the· c•1ghl oth<·r rnullkitl'd p<'l1t<1n!> c-an>d fo r al thl Crown Vaill';.' Animal l-lusp1lal Nt•arly two wt•t•k!> ago. pc·opll' in Dana Point ll<irbor spotll'd about a doz<.'n pc·llt·ans w1lh tht•tr uppc·r Tent city ea up on Boston Commons Sunday disp lays signs welcoming visitor to HReagan Ranch" as protesters begin what they say will be I 0-~ay vigil. Workers' rally draws 70,000 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Led by AFL-CIO president Lane K irkland and othe r u nion leade rs, an estimated 70.000 p e•o p 1 e -t h e b l g g e s t demonstraUon by workers In this city in 34 years -turned out for a "L abor-Day" r a l ly h e r e Sunday. Ch anting "Jobs, No l J e lly Beans," t h e crowd marche d up Ma rket S treet for thrc>e hours, then gathered in front of City Hall for 1p eech es by Kirkland, Team1\er Secretary· Treasurer Ray Schoenllng. Longshore man pre1ldent Jim Herman and Ed Aantt. pretldent of3hLScreen Acton GuJld. Tnilabor leaders blamed Preslde-nt Ronald Reagan a11d hil aupporteni In Conf{Trsa for thl' I ( IO.I percent unemployment rate, and they endorsed a bevy of Democratic candidates for offices ranging from the state ~mbly to the U.S. Senate. The San Francisco rally was o ne of several a nti -Reagan demonstrations occurring across the natlQA... In Boston. re presen tatives ul a n activist group known as ACORN set up a tent city with 11lgns str:ung over lt on ropes and the words reading: "WELCOME TO REAGAN RANCH." They told reporters that their e ncampment o n Bosto n Commons wu golna k> be part of a 10-day vigil k> protest Reagan economic policies. "We need navigatora who can r ad tht' chartl of the real world. J \ not the Disneyland o r Ronald Reagan's 1maginataon," Kirkland told his San FranctSCO audience. "This Is a lime for action that will not come again for two long years. Let us all pledge ourselves to make the most of 1t," said Kirkland as he endorsed Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. for thC' U.S. Senate and Los Angeles M ayo r Tom Brad l ey £o r governor. He also backed the re- election bid of Rep. Phil Burton. "We know they're o n our side," said Kirkland. "We know egually well which side their opponents are on . When they speak . It'• m oney \ha t talks. What you hear In their endless televls1on and radio commercials Is the vo1<'t' or monPy, mone)' (See LABOR, Paat A%) OC•aks Ch<Jppt.'<l or l'Ul uff Undl•r s u «h l'ond1l1on..,, th<' Jntmab l.'annot fl"t.'t.I thc·nl.wh t•::. .i n cl "' o u Id :. l a r v l' tu d t• J t h . at•t:ordmg to wtldlafo spc<·1alai.t.s 0 ff I(' HI h. fr 0 m t h l' s I a I c• Dt•parlml·nt of f'1!0.h .ind Gamt· laum:hl'<l an t frort lo t-.1ptu1 t• tlw lnJUrl'<J bird'> Nin .. h<J \'t• b<'Pn hrough t to Cro\\ n \'all£•\, on1• " .it St•a World m San i>1l'g11 .111d .moth1•r hdd to hl' k 1Jlt'CI bt•t,IU'>l' authunlll·!> dl·udc·d 11 could not Ix• ~\'I'l l probe d JERUSALEM tAP) Defense Mm1:.ler Aral'! Sharon. testifying m pubhc today bcfon..• a JUd1c1al 1nqu1ry into lsrat•l1 conduc-l during tht• Bl01rut mas.<>ac'rc'. was quott'<l ru. saying he was "surpnS<'d, shcx.·kC'd and agitated" when h<' l<'arncd of the bloodbath l sra<'ll news rl•ports said Sharon insisted on testifying publicly before the three-man judicial panel lx-cauS<.' he wanted to demonstrate that h e has nothing to hide. . Sharon was quoted by an Israeli Armed For ces Radio reporter who left the hearing room shortly after the mlnl.ster b egan testify ing. While the session was being held In pubhc, reporters were not allowed to return once they left the room The Armed Forces Rad io report said Sharo n began by tracing the history of Israel's June 6 lnvas1on of Lebanon and the background leading up to its decision to occupy west Beirut on Sept. 15 , a day a fter the assassination of President-e lect Bashir Gemayel. Sharon's c ritics cha rge he made a tragic l.'rror In allowing Christia n m illllamen Into the Sabra and Chatilla Palestinian re f u g ee camps . T he Israe li government claims it was the militiamen who carried out the Sept.. 16-18 slaughter. I sr ael Radio uld Prime Minister Menachem Begin would face the panel later this week, along with other m mbers of his Cablnt.>t But Begin's spokesman Uri Porat said the prime minister had not been summoned yet.' For the first time since th<' ISt't I RA EU, Pace Ai> OfftnJ I::. bcl1t>Vt.' angry f1shl·rnwn may ~ rt"'!>pons1blc for the muul.iuon!> P1·l1<·an!> ufll'n s lt•JI dnehovy bai t <ind get tangled in nets and fishing lanes. (•xplainl>d P .. t Moore. of th<' Fish Jnd Game Dl·partmt'nt No unl' h<is lx·en Jrrestc'CI an thl' maiming~ Tht• U S Fish <i nd V\-rldltfC' serv1t't' nolc·s lhc· a<'I 1s a m1:.dl'nll'Jnor pun1~h:.i bl« by a ~ :W.00() fine• Thi· Marlin F'1lx·rglass Co of I luntanglon Beach used tht• bt·ak nf a lkad pt•hc·an lo make a mold Ariel haron testifie for tht· top half of thl' bird's mouth ThC' bird was dc·C'lared t·ndangen•d Jfter effocts from the p<.'Sll('lde DDT all but did the species m The c·hemrcal caused th<' ~hc~m~ to lay thin-shelled <'EU~!> that wnuld not withstand ant·ub..tuon DlYf has lx-4•n o utlaw('(! since lhC' d15':ovcrv. but tht.'rt' are only about 4.000 c>f thl' bards ldt along the· California c·oaslhnt• I ce PELICAN. Page A2 l Tiger 's • • V IClllll iinproved Two -yl'a r -old Anthony Stopani·s cond1l1on improved slightly this morning and he was taken off the critical list at Mission Community Hospital m Mission Viejo The boy suffer<.>d head and leg w o unds Satur day at Lion Country Safari when a Siberian tiger walkt>d out of a cage during a wild animal show. picked him up by the head and carried him outside a tent. Surgeons spent five hours working on the boy Saturday amid concern that a piece of his skull had been pushed into his brain, possibly causing paralysis to the left side of his body. Hospital oCflclals a l press time did not dtvulge whether he had regained feeling. Meanwhile. the tiger remains in a 14-day quarantine at the wild animal park . which had contracted with a firm called (See VICTIM, Page Atl ----INDEX-----. • Eight days remain in Campaign '82. Today's special e lection upplement contain information to help voters decide on candidate and propo ition . Cavalcade B2 Ann Landers Claulfied C4·8 Movies Comics ~ National News Crossword 85 Public Notitt>a Death Nollet's 84 Sport1 Editorial A6 Television Entertolnment B3 Thutera Horoscope 83 Wtath r . I 82 83 A3 B4 C 1·4 86 83 A2 I 8 Or ngtt Co1111 DAIL V PILOT /Monduy Octobar 2&, \982 ~' \\.\._ Continued stories PELICAN PROGNO I • • • AuthonlH.'S ~Id m<MIL or lh malmt'd b1rd11 wt,rc fed by symµtHlll'tk rx·opk until tlwy were rcpurtt.>d or w1ldhft.• t"Xpt•r'L'i discovered ttw m. Thu pt•llcan11 tmvc lx..'i:n movull( l'IUSt:r lo .11hon • lx~:ou:w ttwlr pnnu• 11uturnl food liUpply, tht• u1whuvy, l'i tll'ill..t ovt•rflslwd In M exll'u. w1 ldllft• l'XJX'rlS iwy i'ICTIM IMPROVED. • • bentle Junitlc lo s how trainl'r .lohn Campoton go's J unglt.• hnwy sh ow . ~-The show has been s tagt.>d at Country since February . ll been indefinitely suspended the Incident, 0Hic1als stud Sunday . The tigt:r was furt·t.-d 111 tll'up Slopan1 uflt.'r wundl·nn~ uff a b o u t 5 0 y a 1 d s w h l' 11 Cam polongo t·augh t up with lhl· animal and i.prayl-<l it with J rtn· cxungu1shcr. ~· ~ABOR RALLY ... ~aking for its own." k><.'Ome a wav or ltlt.'. J na uon .il The c r o wd of carpente rs ,. disgrace·· ' teach e r s. e n gin eer s. grot'cr y Herman 's b1ggt·l>l Jpplau:.t clerks, newspap e r workt•rs. t:anw as ht.· nowd thl' man:h w.1:. longshoremen , steelworkers. auto also a protes t against n ul"lt.·a1 work ers and other tradesnwn war. but he was roundlv t.•he<•rt.'<I c heer ed wildly as Schoesshng when ht.• said ·•Wt• a sst.·mblt.•d urged the m to "vote labor for h e r e art' g o ing to ra1st.• thl' pbs and justice." ~rt'atnPss o f this nation by "W e ar e sic k a nd tired of throwing the bums oul . ." .politicians who continually turn u Asm'r, whosl' union w as um·t· deaf ear on labor, our intcrt'SL~ h eadt•d b y Hu n ald R eagan. and our complaints," said the recently lost his own JOb wht•n Team s ter boss. blast ing the C B S C'anceled thl' telt.•v1s 1on Political Action Committees that series ''Lou Grant." lo bby Congress with huge "Our goal for Th;rnksg1ving fina ncial backing. 1h1s year is to havt.· our turkl'YS "The PAC man is no longer on the table, not in ConGrt.•s.--:· hl· 1u st a gam e." h e said "h 's said ISRAELI PROBE • • • hear ings b egan last wee k . r;-eporters and othe r members of the public were a llowed into the hearing room today However , the commission may bar the public from hearing porlluns uf S ha ro n 's s tale m e nti.. wh1t.·h probably w ill mdud<' what an· cons idered sens1t1v1.· military matters Police to query actress O'Neill about shooting BEDFORD HILLS . N . Y (AP) -Film star J e nnifer O'Neill could be released in a w~k from the h ospttal wht.>re s h e 1s i;ecovering fro m a gunshot ~ound . a h ospital spo kt•sman says Hurrican e-£ o r ce storm hits East A storm with winds gusting to hurric ane force po unded tht.• Eastern Seaboard today. rlooding ~e coastal areas. disabli ng bciets and knocking out power as it pushed n orthward along the coastline. The Coast Guard sent ships and planes to the aid o f distressed yach ts o ff the V1rg1ma and Carolina coasts but gave up a ~h for three people missing m rough seas off New J ersey where the chartered 50-Coot fishing boat Joan Le R1e Ill capsized Sunday. killing rive people Police hoped to qut-stion thl· at:tress today about tht' s hooting Fridav. w h ich has been cil·S<.Ttbc.•d as self -mfhctcd and at'{'tdl•n tal O'Neill. who starred in "The S ummer of '4:l ... was h!>tt.>d 1n good condition today al Northern Westchester Hospital 1n Mount K 1sko. where sh(• w;.i., recuperating from a bul l c·t wound to the abdomen The New York Post rC'portlod todav that the at.-c·1d<'nt •Jc.'('Urn-d whe;, the actress was dl·anmg ... 38-cahber handgun "l just don 't want to wlk uboul ll." O'Neill told the P ost wht•n contat'ted at the hospital Shl was brought to thl' hospttal at 6 36 p .m Friday aftt.•r tele pho ning for help Sht· had been found in hl'r bedroom. bleeding heavllv She was out of thl' optc-ratmg room by 8 pm .. said Arma ndo Galella. a hospital spokt.-sman Clouds to Smog ~oas t a l .)"Venable CIOudt-tonlglll and '4Hd•y CIHrlng Tuuda y 9ftemoon Ove<noglll tows 60 10 es. HIQI>• r~ • ., 10 10 1s Th• Al• Ouell1y Menag•menl Ottl rlct pred l"• good 10 urm.altlly 8if qu .. lty toell)' in .,,. South Coaal AK Butn. Unll••lllllul elr for 11naltlve P•OPI• It lorecatt In Iha S•n Gabriel and Pomona velleyl wl1h 1 Pollut•nt Standerd Ind•• ol 17 S, In th• Sen Farn•nc:lo end Senl• Ol•rila vallaya. PSI 13e. • nd In the RI" e r II d •-Sen e.mardono .,.._ PSI 113 ""11-flinf~· " .... f"\ .. f AP Wlrepflo10 T eddy a nd Muggins llut~k togethe r a ft~r u ·t·p uratio n of two months. 12 -yn ar -o ld <·nn<·t•r vi<-tim Tt~dd y und h i~ Uritlan) s pa11id M u~~inl't 1>0S(' for lli<'lurf'i.. in Los A ngelt·~ o n S undu). H in~('fl h ) tt•a rful rt•lu t ivt·~. tlw two W(•rt· re united a fter h u rul n·tl~ of donnlion ~ puur(·tl in to bring tlw tlog lo 'out ht'rn Culiforn iu un J p ut him up ul a kt•nn<-1 I :J milt·!'! from whert> t h t· )OUl h i!'t .,ht) in~ wh ilt· unclt·rgoing Spl'cial tr.-a tmcnl. De Lorean asks lower bail LOS AN<.;ELES IAP) John Z D<.· Lon·an. aet.·uS<.'CJ uf trying to arningl' a $:l-I mtllton (•o<.:ame tll•<JI to ~Vl' his a1lmg sports car wmpany. n·matn('<I jailed today wh1ll· a n·al 1.-sta tt· agent trn."d to .. 1.·ll h15 48-at-rt· P auma V<tlll•y t·s talt.· to ra1S(• bail monl·v. D1• Lon•;rn·~ l<iwyt.·1: J o:.t•ph Ball, 11wanwh1lt'. was sc:ht·dult-d tu go lw fufl• U S M.1g1s tr<•lt· J,m11:!> 1-'t•nnL·V Jr todav to trv u, gt'I lht· flamboy<.1nl .JUtomJkl·r·., $:i m 11l1on bail rc'Ciut·t•d D1· Lnn .. rn. f>7, arn•:-ll·d lai.t Tut.•:.d.1\ at " hutd rH•ar L o:. Ang(: It·-.· I nll•rn.ittona l Airport, 1s thargt.•d with conl>ptraey to po.,•w s c. fn r d1<.tr1butwn 220 fJIJUlld~ 11f t Ol iJtnt• \\Orth an '"•tlmah·d S:!4 rmlll<Jn A 1' o b P1 n g h l' I u a l th t• T1·1111tnal 1.,1 .. ml ft>dl'ral prison J f l D1.· L v rt•<.1n °s ... tl1·g1•cf J!\..,.X"t<1l1•-. Ill tlw 1..15l' \.\'1lham l\l()r~an I h·tn«k 5U. ow1wr of .1 !'.l0Jc1\"l'. C .t11f Jtrl'rafl sc·n.111· 1.ompany Jntl St<.•pht•n Lt'l' Arrington . :!4 of San D1t>go . dl0Mflb('(l <t '> Jn assot·1alt• ol llt·tm·k Bail Cur Hl•tmk dt•s<.-rtbt>d bv t h t• F BI a :. .i majo r 1.•u1.·.11n~· • renta1n SnowQ d Isl ra bu t "r. "' ... ., ~' I •• l • :HI million Arnngton ·~ lw111~ lwld Ill heu of $250.000 hail Tlw ))I.· Lon•a11 Mutur t'o h.1'> bec·n 1n ll'l"l'l\1•1:-htp '>llH I' Ft>bruarv Thi· &•lfJst. Northl'l 11 I 1 " I a 11 i°l. p I ,1 n l w a ., t"I o ., 1 • d Tul•!>J.1\ a ft•w hour:-l)(•for l' I >o.· Lon·a11·s :11Tl'Sl 111 L•>~ 1\nM1•h ·-. lk.d 1·-,t;1l1• ag1111 !~·II\ \'l,1h11-. rC'pUrlt•d IWP ··,,·n11u:-"' 1111 1•1-. 11)1 IA· Lrn1 •,,n·-. S,111 D11 g11 l'111 1t11 ' ~llilt• Thi· .1sk1ng 1-11 w1· fv1 th•· prnpt 11\ It.is h<'t'I\ 1r1111··•"'" II 0111 $4 rrnll11111 111 ::,5 .!-> n11 ll11111 Tlw t ~t.1 tt· hJ-. bt"<·n 11·11l1.1I 111 C'ffnrt:-to r<.11<.t• th•· $5110,lllltl 1 ,..,h hontl !ti pc·rn·nl ot tl11· h.111 II U Ull I'd 111 I 11 • I >t: l.1111 .H J T "' II ( ) h I Cl l ti Ill I' ,, II I .... dnn11un1t d '•li.tl.111 · u !ll't ' 111 "·'"' thl· plant wh1·rt.· tht· .,1,unh•....., sll'l'J . .,k111rwtl s1J<>1 t:. l'ars "'''r«· built T hl· J.Jrt.·-.idl·lll ol Columbus h.i'>t>d Consolttlatt.J lntc·rnat11111al Inc . Sol A . S1.·ht.·nk. SJ1d h1· "''"''ti th1· Bdfa:-l fac tory on F r 1 d <• v a n d ma d 1· • ·.,. v t• r v 11111·11·-.i111g ca-.h o t l1 ·1 ·· · 111 d\'t lt11l'd lli d1<;<.ll~ dd.111!. IHt t 111tl1 c:atl·d th1• l'•1mµ.1n'. \.\ h1vh -.pt'<'tahz.es tn h4u 1d..iu11~ l>.1nkruµt l'Unl0l'nls , had 11ff1•rt.·d 11·.,., than $100 m1ll1on for tht· plant S1 h1 11k -.:11d ht· might knoY. h y l•Kl.1\ \lhttlwr ht:-11lh•1 l11 bu\ I)\ Lt11i'dl1°'> lllVI lltlll \ Jlld l.tkt• .1 •HJ \ 1 .11 k • .-.. n ll l h 1 f.11 tor\ "J., .111 t•pll·d .·. ~ .··.'-;, ~ ~ ·-~ 'Tre at ' ins tead of tricks An J\11Jh1•1111 I lilhi 1<1uph• 1.,11·1 1thout to Jut 11•1180111111( "'''•rl'tl ,.,,.111 11 u I I o w •· 1• 11 1 11 t h '· 1 r n1·1uhhud111od R uy and l'11 11n1 1• Witt 11nnt1um'<-'<i 1h1·y 111 .. put11111o( u p ,1 11ix foot 10.cn t111 lh(·t1 f1 w1 1 l:1wn whlt:h w tll .. av · ··w,. will h•· $(1VinJ( oul l l1dlciw'-'i.'ll 1·andy with our nanw und uddrt·si. cm 11 ftJr you r d11ld'~ s;1h•1y " T h t· W 1 t l ., • w h 11 h a v ,. 11 o chlldn•n of thl•I• 11wn, s.1id thL·y a rc botlwrt·d thJt H&lluw t>en may bt~·on1t• a thml( of tht.• pa:.l "I d on't llkt· ht•aring abuut po1sonc>d T vlt·nol and ma1mc·d p<•ht:ans I w<.1nt thL· c:h1ldn.·n llJ remembt.•r Mime· fun times m hie· llkt.' llallowl't'n,°' Mrs Witt ..aid · M rs Wilt was reh•rrmg t.o th1• d oz.en or mo rt• Cahfom1a brCJwn pl' 11 <.·ans r II u n d rt· t.' I: n t I y I n Southl'rn Calrfurn1a with. th1· upp<.•r h.ilC or lhl•Jr b ill; saw1·d ore T exan avenges A l am o, wins a t chili cookoff LOS ANt;EU: .. "i tAl-'J Bill Pfl•1 Cfl'r got hi., pnvatt· rt:vcnge fur thl· Alan1u itnd 11111k homP $25.000 th1~ w1:l'k1·n<i not bc.d work for a TPxan whu had to f I n d a ll U I l k ., U IJ ~ t I l U l {· f 0 r armadillo n11 .. 1t in h1:. prize. winning <.·hilt fl'<:tpt· "I'm pr11h .. 1bl y tht· nmM t·>.<.·ttt.od pt•rsun vuu ta lkt.•d to all da~ " Pl<•1fh·r ~ml .iftl·r h1'> t. h1h. c:alll'd "La \11.·ngam.J D<·I Alamu, · wun Sundav':. lfith AnnuJI World Chdmµ1tmi.h1p Chill Ct11Jk1Jl r at Universal Studios Tht• San AntonJO romputl'r :.pl·1.·1:ilii.t rt'l"t•1v1:d a $25.0UU l'h<'<'k from AnhL·U:.t·r-Busch lnl'. tht• bn·w l·ry that :-ponsored th<· l' II n l (• ., I .. I .. n g w I l h l h (• lnll·r r1at111nal Chili Soc1etv. Among m.i11v othl·r things. t he 1·h1l1 H't"IPl' t·.1lb tor thn·•· l'CJl))'i l•f lx·1 ·r "Th•1U'><lnd-. of 'l\•x;,m, wall be 1•xutt•d wht•n I go hume." said Pft•tff(·r . whu won the· 1980 l'<Jllll'Sl Wllh thl' ~ml' fl'(.'lptc' "It wa'>n't n•al hot. but 1t was n .. 11 good.• t.:nl\'(•r-.<tl S tudios publitt'>l 0Jn Lubin said o f the JWJrd-winning r<'d m1i..ture ··1t w .. &.-. n •al t•vt•n not terribly spicy .ind h.itl an t•vl'n kind of k1<:k ·· El•••ll•••. lrom P olnl Conc•pllon 10 111e M••tc•n border end o ul 80 mllea Nor111-t wmda 10 10 18 knot1 with 4 to e 1001 -oYet out« ••I••• llltough TuHdly llglll .,..,,.bte wind• oY9' Inner w11er1 during morning lloura. t>ecoml'1ll ae>Yl,_I to_, e to 1e knot1 during allarnoon end evening 11outW lllrOUQtl Tuetdey w .. t«ly 1w1ll1 2 10 3 feet Valllbla cloudlnMI lllrOUQll T~ay Good e tr w•• lorec •ll lo• metropollt•n lo• Ang•IH end ~l·Elslnofe. PSI 112; end lor Intend Or~ County, Banning. the 10W end hlQll o-\1, coastel ..... end Big Bear l.ek• .... with PSI 42 NO•A u ~ 0.-C·• t C ,. ,,..,,. .- Fronts COid ,.... w~1m ...., O< cl11<1•·1l --.1.1h•J0ary •• Sant• Merle 85 ~7 S111t• Monica 85 84 80 82 California Slodllon TellOI Valley 58 44 Tr.mal " 80 TOfrenc. 113 es "T eniperafures Shaking of! WMkend r•lndropt. Soulharn Celllornl• wlll h1v1 cloudy bul w•rm w••lher with only 1 atlQtll chenc. or ~· through fu11d1y. Ill• Nlllonel WMlher S.W:. Mid todey Hlgtl• Tue ad•Y wilt be tn Iha mld-701 In lo• Angele~. Iha vlllleyt. coaatal .,... end upj)ef o-18. with the mercury dlWlng to tne low 809 on the mountain• end r1lln9 .. high .. llO In the o-t. Tonight'• tows woll r~ lrom the high SOI to IM mid-eOe, going d o w n 10 35 to •S In 1111 -1-IM Ou8ty wtndll of 20 10 30 mpfl wll acour tM no<thern "-19 In !he tftamooM _, ~ CAL#Ofiii'A Bakat•llald 91r1tow &Mumonl Big e- Blttlop Blythe Callllna Eurek• Freeno ~·­long BMctl Loe AngelM Monro¥!• Montet>allo Mont..-, Mt Wlleon NMdlM Newpor1 8"ch Oelllend Ontmrio ----------Pein\ Sc>ringl U.S. sttnunary PaMOena ~ AM~ AMwood City Seciremento Ulnel Ian hmardlno Ian Gabnll Ian Diego ..,, ,rlllOMGo 8an Joee lent• Ana lente ..,.,.,.. ...... ZUIM ... Monic.e ='°"~ CMIOOll IOt T 84 es 88 M 91 57 et 40 78 43 111 80 N 70 ,.. 57 e1 84 12 53 ee as 111 T3 1111 el 9'4 M 7e 80 70 59 91 80 82 e2 80 80 112 e2 9'4 e5 llO 51 88 S5 72 69 78 ., 711 5t 12 el 93 62 " 12 " 17 1• ea 71 t2 " ... 93 56 Yum• Albeny Albuquerque Amerlllo Anch0f9QI "9hevllle Atlante Atlantic Ctly Austin e.,trmor• Bllllngl Btrmlnghem Btamarclt 8olM Boal on Brown1vtte BuflllO 8urllng10'! c...- CMt!Mlon. S C cn.ri..ton, w v Cl\erio"•· NC ~ ChiceOO Clndnnatl ~ COklfllble. 8 c COklrf\but ~IWOtth Deylon o.nwr Del MGIMI o.trott II~ "1 so 2S 73 311 70 311 24 16 S8 35 5e 411 411 35 7'l 55 51 ~ ee 47 et 311 71 33 e1 &3 52 35 13 80 47 37 411 3& e7 41 5t 52 52 28 eo •2 88 33 54 23 55 34 •7 37 53 41 151 2e 84 44 eo 25 " 37 IO 34 eo :12 SURF REPORT .., -... ... . .... .... .... "? .... "" ,., ... Dir 4 12 I w 2 4 12 2 I w I 6 12 2 I IW a 6 12 2 I w • Oululh 51 28 El Pu o 82 45 Fe11bank1 12 7 F1rgo 58 36 Flegllell 72 28 QrHl F8111 88 53 H•rtlOfd 62 24 Har.ne 88 43 Honolulu 88 70 Hou1ton 88 51 lndl1n1potll 53 27 Jaclcton. Mt.I 89 38 JKktonvllle 57 51 Juneau 44 33 KanMI Clty 511 32 Kno•Yllle 80 311 l H Vegal 80 52 llllle Roell e2 35 lOUllvllle 58 33 LubbOdl 72 38 Mampfli8 es 37 Miami 73 73 MllwllUk" 51 2t Mpt.-SI Peul e2 34 Nllh• e1 34 N9w OrlNn• 71 52 N9w Yori! 51 38 N(l(folll S4 48 Nonh Platl• 74 311 QkleMma City 88 3e Om9118 e2 40 Orl•ndo 78 85 Phll.o.lllhla 52 ,.. ~· 114 84 Pitt~ 4e 33 Port! , Me 411 29 PorUand. ()fe. ell &.- Provldel\Ce 411 u A::t 82 43 A City 71 37 R«lo ee 41 AlcMlond 50 37 s111 1.1111 e7 .. , Siii M tonlO 72 •8 ... " .. 88 50 Sh== 84 40 Slou11 * 51 ,.. I I. Louie 6t i1 St ...... Tempe " 16 St Ste Maril aa 24 i90lllM IS7 41 lyrlCI* ... 2t TOI*• H H TllC-' 17 .. TutM .. ,.. WUllineton .. N WlcM• If ,.. \ O ur "346,, sp ort jac kets of lightweigh t Scottish t weeds These handsome wool tweeds are exclus ively woven for a good. rugged Fall look. Yet you'll find they're 4u1tc comfortable and with out the heavy weight of a regular tweed. We have them tailored on our popular "346" 3-butto n model with welted edges. In tan-grey check o r blue- grcy plaid, $180 '" aJJ1110" ro flf(wlor, 1lr1>rl , "'"' """ 1x1ro lo"I· 1111111por1 JOtlt111 r.irt of/neJ 111 "''dium lo"t· proportion"i /tH """ s ·1n .. '" c\' HtAtUSMfO 1111 , ' ----- --~---- I J111111111 l ,ttu ~1 llAll 'f I'll CJ 11 Mrm1Juy Oc.tCJbut ~!i rnR:- WORLD De Lorean: Fall of a titan Polic find corp e of kidnapped victim By The Anoclat\!d l'rt.-sa. BELFAST, N111 1111·111 ln ·lnnd 1AJ') Polil't• t'011h lllda,v lo1111d th<' 111ut1lJlt•;l l'11rpw ol .1 H111111111 ( 'o lh1>l1t· Cath1•r of :o.1'\11'11 w ho w11 :-. k1dn.1ppl'd h,v 1"'111t .. ,tll11t cxtn·an1:.,l!'\ ti\ wh.11 .1lllh1J1 l\lt'' l'I.! lll•d ii Vt·n~l'.l Ill l ' :-.t•t•k I 11~ h~t.igt• snatc·h T h l' bud ~ II I J II!'\ l ' J> h lAJJll'~.111. ·Hi. w,1.., d1M·11vt•1 t'<I 111 un ullc.·y 111 Pr1111•:.tunt t.•<isl &•lfosl 1war Sh.mkhtll H1>.1d , huur~ a!tt•1 th1• 1111d111gh1 Walesa ' wife WAHSAW. Pol,rnd L1"<·h Walc.•su':; will' )>..l\~ :.lw wa~ fort.•t.'<i tu undt•rgo u ''ht>rnbl1;" strap searl'h by policpwonll'n w h u a I s o f r 1 s k t· d . h c.• r h y s l fl r 1 c.· a I I y w 1• l' p 1 n g daughters rn an ..lf.JpJrt>nt hunt for >omugglt•d 1m·ssagt'!'\ f1 u m th1· 1nt1•111t•d le1bur lt•..idt·r ch·udluw :.ll LY lll1> 1'111\l'!>lulll 1•>..tll'llll'I 1.1J>ltll' the· llllll.1\\ 1·d 1'111!1• .. 111111 llb1t•1 V11l1111l1•1 I fOl l'I' 'J' ht• 1•' t I 1• II\ I' l ' h ,t d 1h11•llh•111·d 111 kill Drnwf(.111 11 ~lll'l 111111:-. o l l ht• 1111"tl ,v l' .11h11l11· I 1 h Ii H,• p lil ti II ,111 1\ I Ill\' ti Id 11 ll t I 1· I t'.1 '-,. fl I 11 t t • ... I J II l 111 I I 1 I I , 1 111 ,1 II Tho 111.1' C111 ha .111t• ;,:1. It\ m1dr111-tht l'•1l'h1.1111· "·" k1d11.1pp1•d I:! hours lwlo n · 1'>111wg.111 \\',1!'\ -.11att·h1·d fnday 111ght • ea,.-ched' 111 .111 1·,dll,l\'l' 111h•t \It'" ,tllt'I ,}w 'IX'lll II Vt· d,,,, \\ 1111 lwr hu::.baml. Danuta W,1!t-:.a lttld Tlw Assoca:.att•d l'n•ss th;ll h1·r husl•<tnd had bt·t·11 11l l t·n·d . l1ut rt'jt'<·t1·d , lll·l·dw11 l 11 l ' 'l h ·' " g l ' I II I .1 II t·11d111 .. 1•111 t 111 111 l h1• g11\ t•11111w11t ~ h<1n11111g 111 I ho· Solad<11 al~ !Jl.>t11 lJ1111111 Prince's letters . . m1ss1ng L 0 N D 0 N L l' t t e r :; wnttt•n bv Pnm1· Andrew to l'rut1t.· rnovw s wr Koo S tark. has Amt•rtc.:an g1rlfnt•nd. and a honw rno\'ll' of tht•m togl'ther have vanish l' d ( r o ni her L ondon apal'lmt•nt, tlw Daily E xpress tablo id rt•p o n t·cl tuday It said dt·tN tl\'t-:. working on behalf o f Butkingha m Pal.ic·e Wl•re "anxwus" to l1 <1" 1lw 1t1·m .... whit h n•uld I UI tlll'I t•rnb,111-........ I lw 111\ .ii faanil~ <lflt•r \\orld puhl11°1I\ ;ih out Amin\\·.., C ,11 1hlw.111 vat .ita.m \\ 11h 1\1 "'"' St.11 k . .!" T h l' l" b I "I d lf u fl l t• d nL•1ghhon. a.-. ,,...ving thC'y :. .. 1w tht· :!:.! yt•ar-old J.Jl'lllll' Hl th1· .. q.>ortnwnt l'C'<.'t•ntly . .ilthough It ""1-' vac.·Jtt'Ci . :.inti lw ma\ h,Nt· lx•t.·n trying tu 11·tnt•\ 1 tht• film and ll'tltr'> STATE . I.OS /\Nli~:U::-\ (/\111 'l'ht• pl11t Ii. 1 lm.~11· tti1g1·tl v 111 1lw .. 1yh· 111 S1t,,k1·-.11•··111· 111 ll.11 11ltl H11hh111-. Thi· 11.1uu Ill 111, 11 wU 11111111' t1111n of 111t1u .. 11 v with u 111·111 ltu11t 1111 (11..,1 1.11'\ u11d 11 .... 11t1ful w11n11·11, t opplt·~ lrut11 .1 ~1 t•11l !wight. rt11wt•d l1y ha... 11w11 11Vt•11 1•ad1111g llllllil ll• 111., Sud1 wus th1· (.di 11( J11h11 l'.w h.u v I);. l.111 1·.111 .. 111 t•:.tt'<I lll:-.1 Wt-.•k Oil t hi.ttg1·.., 11( 't'lllllg UJI ,1 $:!-I n11llu111d111g d1"t11bu111111 111·.11 t11 ,,1V1• 111' l1,1 nk111pt 1·:11 l'l IHI p.111 y Allt·1 a tirl'l1111t• 111 111uk1ng ha>o d t t'.1111:-. t'o1111• ta lit'. l lll' M't·nt• whit h 1•ndl•d lk l.on·1111·~ pursuit 111 111-. ultinwtt· d11·;1111 a ~waft ~llpt•rT;ir bt«1ring has 11ullll' mui.t h.Jvt• s..•1·nwtl a 111ghtmart· In a -.ty I 1-.h 1110111 J t Lu~ Angt•l1·._· 11;·w1·,1 ho t.•I, tht• ~h·1·k. 1111p1•n .il1lv tail111 •·d . ~,7 \'l'<.ll'-11ld ulltu mdu:-.ll y j.(t•111u:.. hdd 111 his h.md-; ;,1 pul·k.1g1· ,ind dt·c.·l,Jn·d. at'(.'111·d111g lo gov1·r1111wnt agt.•nl.!:.. "Thi:-i-. b1•l t1·r thun gold Thi;, 1'.1111t• JU~l 111 tht• nwk vi tanw .. Thl· p.ll·kag1· l·1mt••llll'd 10<.a1n1 . .111111d111g to FBI .1g1·nl:. W1th111 llllllllll'.., Dt· Lu11•.111 W..l' Ill ha111kurf" Within h11U1!>, hl· was I 11 f' I I ~ IJ ll , l ' h U I !-( 1 • rJ W I I h 1·1111spll'al ,. to d1!'\trahutt· nwain1· ,111d p11ss1•ss11111 w11h 11111•111 In d1stnlrntt• tlw drug Tlw .1gt•llh would ,.,y 1.i11·r llH \ h.111 \'ldt't>lapt'tl lh" .ind 11th1·1 mt·t•lln!,l~ an plu~h hotl'I 111wn!'> \\Ith l>t· L11r1•Jn, whom 1h1·~ p11r 11.1yt·d ,,, ,, dt·:-.1wr;11t· m.in '>l't·kmg ,, f.l'>t ruuh' to bag rn1ttlt•\' which rn1gh l save• h s lx·l1·11gu1·n·d t·ompan~ In 11'<'1'11t month., ht· h,1d era~­ l I t"M'd t l11• gl111J,. "'C'ktng ea ... h (111 ha" N11rth1·rn 111·1 .. nd t'dl pl.111t It h,11J h<'1'1l Ill lt'{l'l\'l'f<;hlj.J '>lllu· Fdn u.1n .111<!, 1111 tlw \'1•r v d,,, I); I .1Jrt"111 "·" .irn•:.ll'l.l. th'l• B 1 1 I .-. h g 11 \' <' 1 nm •· n t h d d ... AP WlrepllOl• 111 happi••r linw:-.. Joh11 Dc· l.on·a11 .... lurn11 hc•1·1· in l <JHI. \\a:-. prodtu·inµ; hi .. dn·am "'l'°''h c·a1·. atw ... 1ai1ilc· ... :-. .. a.•c·I. µ;ull-\.., i11µ;c ·d l>t· l.ore·a n . Tiu· 1·c·c·t• ...... ion ,.,n·d .. c·cl atw a uto clc· ... iµ;nc·r · .. c·ompan~. '"ilh onh H f,.,., tho11 .. a 11cl of th•· fa .... 1 t'<ll' .. procl11c·c·1I. ... hPwt·tl up T h:11 "·1" Jl1<1ul 11\1• 1110111 tt .. 11g11, tht•\' t,,.Jld n~ S 1·p1t•1llli..·r th•· UllUt'lt-11\'t I FBI .1gc·n1,, wh11 h.111 po ... t·d ,,.., d111g dt .. dt•I' \\ t·ri· .1hl1 Ill 't'I up ._1 ... 11·i v1d1·ot.11.x 111a1 h11w1 v .1ml rt•1111d lllll\'1·r .... 1l1111i-. l>t lWt•t•ll I.>•· L111t•.111. lll•trilk ,11111 11thl·r" in h111t•I I 111nn~ Ill \.\',1-.h111g11m I) ( · t\1 11 Dt· Lt>1""111 lh• "lloY wondc•1 .. nl llw :it1l11 111du,lr \•. Ii.HI II• ( 11111• th• \11llllgi•">l (;J\J da\1,11111 111,111.1g1·1 ,,.,, S•11111 1.t \1 ,,., ,1 \'Ii 1 p11·..,1d1·n1 .ind 1ndu,l 1' ".11i-ht•1' .,,11d lit w:,._ 111 111g gr 0•11111 d I 111 1 lt1 pa t·:.1d1·nl·y 1 ri I \.! 7 :s t •' t '' s., " v l' r h i.s $fi:11J.OllO ,, v1·11r vat•t· pH·,idt·n~ .it ( ;l\1 ,111d lt·:.iv1· to -,how them 'ho" 111 build l'<ff'>" Meat cutters vote strike ··\\ t•'n · pla1111i11~ lo "•'t'p thi .... <·cunpan ~ a liH· no naallt•r ''hal happt•11 ... \11tl \\t • But the1 <· w1·n· p111blt·m!'\ I las l1111g1~h h;·u <inti 1 n·ml v riot lat·~ w1•n · not cul an lht· rnold 111 GM'.., -.I .i Id 1 ·111 J" 11.i11 In 1,1g1 · An11cl mdu,try '>kl'pllll'>rn h e laulll ~wd h1>o .Dt-LCJn ... n Motor C'11mp.1n\ an IY74 .ind put t11gMh<·r .ib11ut $171 mall1on in 1 •1p1tal l1om '>U<'h d1vc•r:.t· SOU~!> .is w .• 11Stat·l·t111\'l'Slmt·nl h ousei. .inti 1·11t<"rt.1rn1·r Johnny Carson" lit· n'l'l'IVt.'d batkang from the Bnthh govt•• nmt·nt to l'Stabhsh hh a~'l·mblv plant in North~rt 11 c•land .im.i prt·dac tt-d 11 wouia 1·J..,l' pol 1 uca I lt'nsaon!> and 1on111hutt to tht· l'<:onomy of that nat mn LOS ANGELES Four 111 1•,1t tuttt·r-. .inti .1ll1l'cl -.up1•1 m<1rk1·1 \\ urk1.·1 .... \'tllt·d 111 :-.,1m·t11m lht· yih ,1l·t1w1 haH' tl11 · funclin~ i11 plat•t•. 11· .... in tlH' meat-cutters l<x·als drt: Jlmost C'l·rtam to .)0111 two uthl'r'-who voted to stnkt• 1f a !>l'ttl<'menl with s upC'rma1 kt•b isn't reached by m1d111ght Nov 7. when their conlrnt l exptrC's. a union off1c1al ~Y'- M eet 1 n g downtown Sunday. the:' Unit<.>d f"(Jod dnd Commercial Workt•r!> Union Local -121 of Los Angt>lc-s said Local 587 of Sant<.i Mon1<:a. who rt.•pre~t·nt -1.000 u l somt• I 0 1100 S11u l IH r n C..111 t corn1(.I 4 feared dead \' ALLEJ0 Shc.·r:f f '!> sl'ar c h and rest·ue t·rews resumed efforts to bring out t hree a nd possibly four peoplt• belaevc•d d<'ad in the c:ra-;h of a ligh t planl' against a sleep hills1dt· north 111 Va lle JO NATION Tht four oth1•r lol'.1b ba~·d 111 S:.in OH'go. Pomon.i Artl">I•• ,111d S c:1111:1 Mni11c..i "ill "..ilm1""t 1·er~.11nl v" favor tht' !'\t 11kl· a::. wc.·rl whc·n b,illt.>~ 1.<1kc•n law Sundav <1rt> l o u n t t d ., .11 d B ii I l\fo n J . n,·111tl1n~ ::.t,n·wry f111 L11(.af -I :.! I 111• eo;11m:.1 tt>d 1 ht v11w wllv n •lhe!'\t'd tcJCla, \.\1111ld 1)4· '11°1 Ill!-#';° JM'l'I 1•111'" 111 l:t\'IJI In era h "1 h1•1c· t.ould b1· luur v1t·t1ms. wl•n· not :-.un., .. !'.J1d N.1µa County !'\hl·riff'b Lt Arthur Thump~un "Wl·'IJ 'tart falwnng uut tht• dc•bra' today · The• plant· t rasht·d Sundet\' night 1n a raan ... torni 8 drown boat accident POINT PLEASANT. N .J -T.he Coast Guard gc,ive up its search t oday for three people missing an rough seas a fter a c harte rl'd fishing boat capsized in the Atlantic O cean Fi ve bodies were r ecovered. andudang that of the captain. and 14 pl'ople w ere rescued P anick ed passengNs had draggt'Ci each other do wn and c1 man hl.'lplessly w atthed his '<m sw ept aw av whl'l1 a wave hll thl' vessl'I Sunday "8 as1C'allv. 11 was t.-very m.rn for hamo;C'lf." said Vtnc<'nt M ezzett1. 4 0. o f Warwi c k . N Y who dut.t:hmg his 15·~ear-e>lcl ~m wriggled fret.-o f two clinging passengc•rs aftl•r the 50-foot Joan Ll' R1 e Ill llppl'd over in 6-foo1 seas Sunday Sect battles cops; 2 dead MIRACLE VALLEY. Am. -A bloody mclee between a religious sect and police that left two people dead was sparked by the group's anger over a real estate deal that went sour. the Arawna Daily Star reported today Quoting an anonymous sou rt'l'. thl· Star c;a1d Julius G1llC'Splt'. an eldcr in the all- black Christ M1racll· 1 lealmg Ct·ntc•r and C hurl'h . t o ld fri e nd s before th e confrontation Saturday that memlx:r.. were· o utraged over "fraud" an their purchase• o f a forrnt>r motel I.an"." .111nuuu1•1·d 11 ., 11uld <'111.,1• th1· plant that had p111dwt•d tht· s I a 1 n I 1 •.,., .., t 1• .. 1-.,k11111 NI. g ld I - w1n.,:c·d J>. Lon·an But Dt· Lnrt·J11 h.111 \'owc-<I to tht· l,"t m111m·nt ht• ""uld find the 11111111·.' 111 k1·1·p I h1· plant op1·11 DC' L 1.Jn•a n "da sc·u:.sed lht- 1mpon.i111m <ind d1s1nbut1on of ht•roan lrom Thailand and 1 ·~ ,11111· from South Anwnca a' a nit· ..111,., 11 f gt· n t• r j 1 1 n g la r g (' Jm11uni... 111 <'ap11.al tu tx· put into Dt L <Jrl•an Motor Company." .... ml FRI Agt•1tt J1·1 n C; V\1<•,t 111 " :."orn ,1ff1d,1v1 t p r<·Sl'llll·d 1n court Cul«.111w. th<• :.n t•..ilh·d "r1c.·h man·~ drug" wh1d1 has been fashaonabll• an h1~h soul•ty for tht· p..i,t dt>tadl'. as '-Clad to havl· lurt•d unllkl·h Anwrac.dns into ~mugglang d 0 ntl di"tributwn lx'<.'dU'>l' of its glamorous image and aslr11nomKal profit potc•nllal Tht· l·A.at·t &l'nf's1s o f De L111 l'an's alleged intc•n•st 1n a d1 ug ti Pal was kt•pt secre t by ft•d-t•r .il pros<'l utor s wh o dpp<1n·ntl:-plan to rt•v(•al more• deta1b dl De Lorean"; trial Th c· 'ichemc·. du thori t1t·s 1nd1c.·utt•d. might havt· workt•d had 0.· LorC'an not bt·c·n dC'al111g with a mun well kno wn to the FBI . wh ic h had him undc•r s urvc.•tllan t'e as a poss1bll• drug trafficker for about two ycan. W1l11am M organ llctr1rk . 50, thc balding. mild -mannl'rcd op<'ra lor o f a s mall av1at1on eompany an the Mo.iave Desert. was arrested along with De L o rean a nd an al l eged H <:trtc k associate. S t eph en Arrington. 3-1. and charged with <'Ons p1racy to distribute coc:am e and possession with mle nl to dastnbule Rola nd HughC'S. an ge nt w11h lh t• Drug Enf orc<'ment Administration an Los Angeles, sa id Ht•lra c k wa s undl'r 1nvcsttgat1on as allegedly being onc of the largest coc·aml' dealers an this part of thc country Het rick already was under s urveillance, au1hor111es md1cated. when De Lorean. an unexpected figure m the pr obe, We're Listening ••• Whal do you hke about the Daily P ilot? What don't you like ., Call the number al le ft and your m essage will be recorded. transcribed and d eLivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The sam e 24 h our answering service may be used to record let· ters lo the editor on an y topic M:ulbox contnbutors must inc lude their name and telephone number for venf1cat1on No circulation calls. please. Tell us what· s on your mind ~ llOu u:lw4 -yFr•'f "row Oo r::o~.::·:~:r: ,1ncl yOUI COOJ wllf fll ~ed &11111~y eltcl ~~ II W: 00 llOI fK.,_e J.OUr .,, , • "' -!*Or• "'-.,o.111(00'! ... __ .., Q ,,.,. I ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Jon• Amari fa.cutwe ( O•IOf L. Koy Schvlt1 V<e '•••ide<t' Ofld 0..ector ol Adv.,hl'flO Raymond Mod.eon CCl'lr•olet MkhcMI ,, Horvey 0.•KIOf ol Moti .. "'9 I(. 11 C ulol IOlll ·ecenneth N. Godd•d Jr. [),, e<IO' of ()pet()!IQnl > CIH•"l•d edvertl1lng 714r'842·M71 All other ct.partment1 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE >JO Wnl IW St C•ta -.. (.A ~,, .... ,.. .. lo• IS.0, C•l• -... CA ftUt ,..,,,19111 ,.., °' ..... , .. ,, "-*'1~1 ... ,_, H• n ... , tlo<le\, lltw\lretlo11t. •dlt.,111 ll'tel .. ,., M> verllMm..,h ,_rein mey IM r•~Ofvted wll- -111 """''"-ol ,._.,.,..,., -"'' VOL. 75, NO. 2M .md Lo!'\ .t\11gt•I<'~. thl'll ulf1d:.iv1ts ,,111! J) (' l. t I I (' d 11 . ... ,1 I r (' !'> t W Lt !. h.111111 1 t•d 1n ht'.1<.JlanC". al·ro!>!> th1· world •' Vt•I\ diH<·n·nt kind of puhlu at~ than that h<' had so .Jdt ptl \ t•ng1nl·1·rc·d durmg h1s lolhtt1·r111g 1·.in·t·r "John 1s Wl·ll v1•1-...t·d 1n public n ·lat1ons Tha t'<• rc·nllv nn<· of his stron~l·st po int:.," 'f.lld his o ld fr al•nd c1nd allornt•Y. BPrnard l\l1ni..k y. who r<'prt•;t•ntc.•d him hrll'flv then s tc·ppt-d 11ut to let a v.-wran <'ramanal law,f'r t<ikt· ovpr [)<· Lon•an's dc·f1·w.1· l;;iwvt·r Jost•ph Ball. -.;ml he· "uuld pit•mJ 111mxt·n1 Hi' had come a lo ng w .1y to this unlakt·lv s top on a r1.>ulf· that m.m:-'.JY should have• k>d a lot h1ght•r than he t·hose to climb He w a., d1str..i;:ted. sonw s.1 v. bv a dream a fla!-h\. fuiur1st1c· s po rts c<1r whit h would ll\'t• fvrc•vc.•r The• Dt., Lor ean odys..o;t•y bt·gan an DNroit. homl• of Amt•raca·s auto 1ndustrv W h l' n he was :! 4 . C en l' r a I l\lotors hired De Lor{'an dS i:I staff cngan('('r He w as amb itious and 1maginat1vc-. and his m•w ideas lt'CJ ham s teadil y up the corporate laddt'r H <· w <•.., o n,. u ( t he rn l' n rl'Spuno,abll· for tht• shift to smallc•a car<. an the l!-160s and turnC'd Cl\l's Pontaat· d1v1s1on an1und "tth c•ngmt't·rang t hangt•s that l1'<l to quadruph.-d salc-s Ht• rc'<1rgan1n-d Cht•vroh.•t. pulhnlo{ tt out of .i "t'vt·n -vear slump l>t'trm t ·.., ntn!'\t ·rva t 1 v1 o,11t 11·t v "'.i:. ... 1unnl·d 111 !!II)~ whL·n Dt· Lon •an davorc'E'd has wift· or 15 v1•;,r-; lo marrv 20-vt·ar uld K1•ll v iJ.11 mo11 . daugh1l.·1 11( fornit•r footlx1ll :.t.ir Tom I Jarmon <1ml '.!4 't•,1rs h1~ JUnwr Afll·r his marnagl• t11 I Jarmon 1•ndt•d. D t• Lurt•an mdrru.-d an l' v 1.· 11 y '' u n g t.• r w o m a n . in1t•r n<1t1onallv known fashion rncxit•I Christan-a Ferrare. now 29 Th1·v hc1vt· a son. Z<ilhan . .ind a dnughll'r. K a thryn • But thc• b1ggc·s t s h oek 10 D1 ·t11111 \\ ,,... l>l' Lort'Llll.!> dt'<.'l'\1011 lh Lort•Jn's dn·am car. ~ 'I'"' t' two-s£-atl'r. bc•carne a rt•<1lll\' He produt·t•d a few thou '>•Jill.I of the• t'd rs b e f ort- f 1nant 1dl problc·rru. engulfl'd him I ..... I F t b I u <• r ' d n cl t hr· uimp.iny went into r('C('IVt:rship An.ilv~L'> :-aid the re~:esMOn and a ~ o I t a u to s a I es m a r k ei t·onl11butt.•d 10 the d1~aster. AP Wl,.photo T\H'Ul~ -.... •'H'n "ilo .... of t•twain<• "e r t> !!'<'i7.t.'<I in connP<'tion "ith th<' arre~l of a uto f'~t·<·utiH• J ohn I><· Lon·an . t.ha. authz..nttc classic . scz.omlizss brushed ehztla.nd- <Zach S'MUll.Az.i 1& mad.a on a c1rcvlor hand {TdJT)(Z., ona.. ot. a t\JTl(Z ,and LWICIZ. bru !lh<zd fbr comfbrt ard o bz.UJu flt, OIU d' the n 1ccz.st 8\M2.0t.<l.r.'l you'll~· 'Ml.Or 20 Qnz.ot. c:olore Lo chooeci 11-om 44 fashion l1lond • Nnvp0rt Broch· 1141644 ·5010 wm Westwood Blud. • Wt'8tl()()O(.f Vlllo!lf' • 2131208-3273 T , . ' ~ • I I . ~ ' .. • .. - •I Ur 11gf1 Cou11I DAil Y Pll 0 I /M tmduy, Oc..l obur 2h llltn A Crean-·Packard w dding? A r ch r By Jt:t't" AULER 01 Ille Delly ltllor lien POllTICAl NOTIS th.11 h•lll 11>1-.1.I l11·11ph 111t~tl11 111 k1111\\ "11.11 , l(••lllH 1111 Ii• 11 I 1 • • II c·1111 1111lv 1>1· 111111hu11"I 111 11111 r1C thu!<t' 11·111111· tw11.111 111 lult· thut Rl•puhllc.·u11 1·11111l11lut1· Julu11111 · Cr~nn':. Nts1t•1 11'1·1·111lv 111111·111~1 ,, ~uy whu:.l' lJ1111 ly 11 111111· ri. P n c k n rd . nm t t' h I n ~ t h u t o I Crt·an 's wntt· 111 opporw111 in ltw .i:trd C'on~r1•ss1onal l>1s trn·t ra1•t· I '.I\ k,111b ul l ur li.lltHI 'l'hul ~o• ·:. lor tlll' 111•\\ l:VW•'lls. loo l Ulldtlf,111 ... ,J1 11 \ 111II\\11 ,1 11d ~:\ 1•1l1 • 'I 111111w·1 1h11111i.1 lilt• ,,mu· 111·111111 1.1111 1.111d1 d.t11 11" Ar1 l11·1 h11p111g 111 p11ll .111 up.,•·I vu 1111 \ 111 th• I.Ir d ( '11111-(1 , . .,..,111111.I I) 1 " t r 11 t . 1 n w h 1 1· h v 11 1 1• r I l'l(li-t 1".1 I11111 1> h •'o1VI I' 1.1 \'Ill H1•pul 1li1·1111i., 11> d.11m11 1~ a I 11111 p11111I h·111I Ill 1111' f ,11•1• • • * l'untJtdtth-'11 tor stu1t•w1<lf• nnn pl't l•l\_I 111 1!1711 • • * Undt•r ,, tw11d l11w ul\tlllUlll'll\t( "Crt-an/Puc.•kurd W1·ddin~." llw latc.•st ISSU(' or lht· Balbou Bay C lub's monlhly m a1.:11z11w "Buy W in duw:." 111111•s lhJt Susan C r c.• u n a n d h ,. 1 11 1· w husband Stl'Vl•n l) Th11111,1,:,, son of Mr an\! Mrs Holx•r t Pm·kJnl of M u:hr~an , n •lt•brull·d lhl'rr marriage at a dub rt'(t·µ11on Aug 22 lq(1 ... 11111v1· oflkt• al11•111ly h11 v1• ""Jw11tll•d $ti m1lh1in mun• llw11 tlwtr 1·ou1111.·rpurt1> wl111 11111 Ill tilt' 1!1711 t•lt•l'IWll, lh1· ... 1a11• 1"111r I 1uht1n1l Pn11•t1t•1•i. l'11n11111!-..'>1t>11 lt.1i. f'l'l>4ll'lt•d L'11mb11wd primary a11d i.:1 ·111 ·1 ·111 t•l1..'l'lton 1•xp1..•11d11un·i. t111.tl1·d $ ~ I :J ml II 11111 ,, :. u I ~ 1•1.11 I 7, :Jt'l..'Ol'd1n1-t to an Fl'PL' l'l'IJUI l Tlw l'X pl'llUI tu rt• tot a I l11p' t h1· pr1..•vwui. high of $4:i 4 m1l111111 ,,.1 Ill 1978 FI u 111 (' 111 p l 'h ,11 r 111 a 11 .I H11l1t•1 f Flt.wt w11!'>11 '1 1•>..1l'llv pln1-.1·d wll1·11 hlh 1i.11111• lllt'th•;I 1111 1111 •• l1·t11·r Ir Ulll ·' r11rrn1·1 I II II d I d II I t' f I I I 'i I ii l I' ' ll pt• I I 11 I I• fl d I' II I 11 I fl IJ b I 11 1111-ll lh 11011 wh11'" 1111w l>:ll'kr11g lllC'lllllht•111 WllMlll H1h•:. A 11•ll'f>h"111· p<1ll 1·111111\11 lo •d l1v A1 l'h"1 • .., 1'o1111p,1q\11 .,1;.t I dt·ll'f'lll1t1 •·d 1h.11 An 1>11 I ' lemJ111g w11l1 :.!ll 111·11·1•111 •>I lit" v11tl•f'" t uv111111g h1i-1.111d11L11 \' WI Ill' Ill l'alldtd.111· 1<1111 l';u k.11 d With 2-l Jll'lll'lll .111d l<1 •pul1l11,111 J11h111111• l'l't'illl Wllh l.J pt•fl 1'111 0 n c c: a n o n I y h o p 1· t h t' relationship ~lWt't'n the.• Cn•am. and thc> Pac.·kard:. uf M1c.·h1gan will be a lot more.• :muc.·ablt• than t h at o f the Crt•nns and the.• To~wttwr. the l" •J 1..'o111d11J.111 · ... tor govt'rnor , (:1·11r~1· D1..•ukml'Jlall and Tom Hr;ulle;r. hav1.· rJISt.'<I $4 !! n11lho11 during llw two-month pt•nod bt•1w1·1.•n J uly and S«pH•mlwr. almo:.l doubling lht' mnount ra1sl·J by Fluor':. 11.11111• turrwd up 1111 ,1 11•111.·1 wr 1111•11 hv C1.·n1· l'r;itt who t111i..h1·t.l fifth 111 lh1• pnmarv I 11 all now '" li;it·ktng Hilt•i-. wl11lt• Flu111 lh .i '>llppurlt·1 of 131 II l l11111g "Flu111 1111..illy d1...:1ppr11v1· ... .iml d1::..lvow~ lht· 111du:.1on of h1~ na11w 111 th1• 111.11hng." ~11tl Fluor Corp v1c.·1· µn· ... 1tlt·nt T11111 l::lht'k "\lilt· \\uUld hk1· to ..c.k 1\111 Pr;1t1 tu 1..1..'.1'>t' .11HI d1..·'1'l 111 lhl' u~·· ol Ardwr ·.., tc·lt•phww .. ur v1·\ 111 ;140 Vl)ll'I'> uh•i l11u11ol th.11 :11 pt•ru·11t 111 1h11-.1· 111111:1111·d ... 1111 t1n· und1'<. 1d1'<I 111 llw 1.w1· * * • Tht· N1·wp111 t ll.1111111 <.'11,1.1 M1·:.,1 H1>.1rd ol H1 -.ilt111'>" org:_111111ng ,, ".lo{t'I 11u1 lh1· volt• (.';JntjJ<llgll '~·· c.·lt ... ·111111 d.1\ No one leaves wall without thinking WASHINGTON (AP> Thi· 1-:rJs:. sod 1s freshly laid and so a r1•d snuwfl'lll't• k eeps visitors away from thl' n1·w monument honoring thoSt• who Sl'r\'t•d 111 Vietnam But still tht'Y l'OllW ;;~ du~1· as they can . with c.·aml•ras and b1no1:ulars. curiosuy t1nd mc.•rnoric.•s In thret• Wl'l'ks. visitors wall Ix• hL•r1• by the thousands. for lh<• dl-'<i1L·a11on On lhPst· sunnv autumn dav~. thl'V arrive in twos and.1h rt.·t.•s. und start• frun1 a hundred yards away al thl• two blal·k granite walb that bc.•..ir 57,9:HJ nam1.-s A uniformed guard shoos dWdY lhOSt- who wan1 to gel dOSl• t•nough to look for a name. ln vestment advtSt'r Harn~ Kt•mpn<'r Jr. and hts w1ft•, P c.•a1:ht>:.. uf G..tlVt'l>lon. Texas. hen• on bus1m•ss. stood agamst the snowfcnc.'C' Fndav a ftl•rnoon K empnt:•r's brothc•r. Sandy, a Mannl' second lieutenant, died in ·tht.· war. al ('hu L.11 111· d11·d t·;orlv 111 At11l'l'll'J·, mvulv1·nwnt 1111 Nuv · l l . I !:ltiti Th1i- \' 1·tt.·ra 11 ';. D.iy will m,11k tlll' ltirh a11n1vl'rsarv Hc1rr1~ Kl·111p1w1 ltkl•:. wh.1l lw :.1•1•s "It gl\'t·s ;1 Sl'llM' of tht•st• pt·oplt• bvrng al n·st, ut last." he sily~ "I gt'l a ft·t•lrng of hc.·ahng I thrnk vuu ;1r1• g11111g to f111d th<tt this 1s om• o( lhl· must alll't1dt•d mllnumt•nt.s in thl' nty .. Kl·mpnt·r as Wt·ll J\.\ .1rt· of tli1· urgunll'nl1' uf ::.01111· v1'11•rc1ns that 1h1· monunwnt honor.-onlv tho:-i· who dlt'd, and not thrn.c.• who fought Thl· h1•f01l'. largl·r-than -hf1..· :.lJtU1· .ind llJg thoS(.• Vl'll·rans wantt·d will lx· built. but off to lhc.· s1dt'. 1n <.i grovt· 11f 111•1•'>. dl)S{·r tu thl' Lrmoln f\lt•nwn<1I Now that ll l'an lx· St'l'll, and 1::. 1111 lcmgc·r JUSl ..in ,1rllst11· t·onl't•pt, lht• Vietnam nwmo nal 1!> st.irklv cJram.illl tu unt• pc·rm1 ttl'd r ns1dt• l hl; ... nuwfrnL t'. 1dlu\\1•ll tu walk down lht• -.l11p111g pulh 111 front AL l1rst th1• granlll' Willi is JUSl a h •w 1m·h1•:. high. with room only for f1v1• rwrnt·::.. N1l·hult1s.s. Vrunkov1c.·, David II Wh1ll.'h11l, Floyd L. Wtlltt1fnt. Jr . Hogt·r l) Wrllwms, J1•SStl' C. Alba Thl'n the vi:.1lor dl'st'l·nlls toward tht· l'l'nlC·r. und thl· nanw~ ns1· k1w1..· high. waist high. shoulder high. above.· th•· ht.·:ld 10 fl·t•t high wht·rL· tht• wall:. rnt•l'I A wall 1Jf namt•:. NarnL·i-from tht.· nwhmg pol , B11l>l1\ Lt.•1· Whl•t•lt•r , Algcrnon P Ktl.ikrrnukJ Jr . Mtlhc1t·I Cutn, 0.·;1n l' Spt•mt•r 111 Su·vt· 0 Nu:.sbaumt•1, El11•/l'I 01111 Jl'~u~ {;utll'rn·z E"t11li,11 . H1l hJrd J John~un . HJ)'OHlnd ,\ D Angt lo Fn·1.ll-n ck J Krup111sk1 Al th1• n·ntc.·r th1· n.111H.., nwr gt· tho:.l· from the.· st.in 111 A1111·r11 .i' mv•>lvt·nwnl. in 1!:15~ m•·•·t thu'" 1111111 th1· 1·ntl. !!Ji!) Tlw walb shlllt.'. rl'flt'i. ling th•· 1 lo>u<b :.ind sky Thl• crty's .... 1undi-.in· d1st.1111 Trl't•i-. bright with t olor . !111 Ill <1 b<•C"kdrop Don Passon of H a1lc.·111n . p ,,. 1.., 111 town with his w1ft· und thn·t· •·hlldn•n 111~ d;iughlc'r had undt.•rgum · .in 1·y 1• Of>t'l',1ll•>n ht•n·. th1·y ,111 • lrn1·k fo1 •• t l11'i.·kup l'<th!o.<111 \\'LIS a uraht'I', \\Ith lhL· l'I Ca\'Jlrv "It's. hl'rt'." ht.• h<.t\'s. pointmg to 1h1· w.ilh "That'!> wh<t·l·~ 1mµortanl It"' 1Jl•rm<1nl'nt .. conduc ts urvey l 11• 11•,dl111' 1111 J1l,11111111H 111 p11l1lhli •• 11-.1 "' ··~to'"" \\ 1>11 h.i\I \11ll 1111t ·,·11 -d 111 d11\1 p• 1..,.111 111 1111 1~111"> \.\ h11 1.111 I J.!I I 1111 I• 1111 11 ... 11 "''" Nnv !. Tl11 11 .1 111 .i~:· 11 h .111d 1 t.1 II I 1 lo phu111 11u111IH'I ' 1.., "hr·d111t d 111 ·•11114 .11 111 ,,, '' S11111l:rv·, 1•d1t11111 111 rho IJ .. llv 111!111 ..,,11d Slw1 11 W1·lc lo I ht• 1111.11 d ' p 1ilil 11 ,ii l.111 , dlli" 1111 * • • s..t ... t111l1 ·t1 11.11111• . .i 1·\'•·111. 1 .. 1 1t.1:-. I 111.d Wl'l'k 111 I ,11l\IJ.1IHll I !HI_' 11wl11d1· M<>NIJt\Y 1\ 111 11 .111 ln·IWt t'll Iii• •".111d1d.11t·-. 1111 1111 t:lr d ( '1111g11·,,11111:.t JJ .... 1111 I ,, .ti .it I .Ill I' ltl Ill S.111 l 'It 1111 "" ll1gh Sd11111l ' L111J. 'l'li· .tit I '1"'"'111 o·d lo\ tlw S 1111I 11 ( 11 1 I .1.,,1·11 W1111w11 W E I > N 1-: S I> A Y t '1111g1t ..,...,11 ,111 H11lw1 I H.1d li.1111 I< N1·\\ p111 t B• .11 Ii .111.t Ir ' 1111 l\l.1\01 L.arl'\ Agr-..n "all c1 .. 1i.11 .. I Ill' 111•·11 h 111 l 11upo..,1I11111 I..! I h1 lllH l1·Jr f1t•l'Zi • lllltl,lll\'1 ,11 t f> Ill 111 lh• l>t.•11 1',• l 1,,,.,1 ('ulh•ijt' I 11111111 ll.11llo .1111 \.\rll l'fJl'Uk ·•M·'"' 1 t Ii• 1111 .1,lll • Agr "" 1n ''' I.I\ 111 'I Ii· I .111ol1d,1t1• ... 1111 1111 I .!1111 t 1111J,!I • '"1•111••1 J )1i.t 111 I '4'Jl. 1111 11111IH'111 I( ··111111I11 .111 I >.1 n J. U 11 j.( I 1 11 .111 d ) I' 1111 ll I J I J llJl "ip1 11111.111 "' 111 1:w1• 1"" h nthr·r :it 11111111 111 t '.11 ~l.1t• l.1111).( l~·;wh':. I' 111 \'I I ">I t \ SI 11 rl I' II l lJ II IO tl .. 11d11111111111 l.u 11g1t•n .111d Sp1·ll111.i11 .... WI II ..... tlllh ( '11111:11·,..,11111.d I )1,11'1• I n111d11lal<·~ l11d11·1t IL1dl1o1111 a11d l'.1ul IJ.1..,. Ill.Ill IA. ill ·'l•f1i•;11 1111 llit• "V1111 ·1 ... l'1p•·l11... ..,,.,., .. , ;,1 H :rn ,. Ill •Ill K< )( 'J-: TV I h.il\tll'I !10 'llll 'l<Sl>AY t\ '>l«t111d d1 li.111 1111 111111,11.,.111111 I:.!, Liil• 1111111 .11 111 • 11 · 111111.111v1· th" nrrw 111'"''1·11 ( '1111g11 ...... 111.111 Wllh<1rn I 1.111111 ·1111 '' 1 H F11lh·1 ton .and l >l .I. 11 k .I• 11 11 1 n g' ,, T H W I llJ.!1111 l I IJ.olllll'llll'\'l'f' Wiii ~1Jl•i1k •tJ.!,111"1 t 111 I 11 1·11-, .J1.•11111ng!> Ill IU> f.1\111 Tiu d1·li.11t· will ht· <it 7 :m JI 111 111 l ' l"'f>lll.lll {'<Jlll·gl''S l\lt 1111111.el I l.111 Dally PUol Photo t>r Rlchetd Koehlttt Anutht•r v1sllor. Ami:-I l.1tl1·-.. :!.I .1 tvmpult>r µrogr<1mmt•r I rum "uhurb.in Arlington. Va .. stands bc.-s1dr thr· tr·rn t• wrth Sui· Nc•ht.•r of Cht•\':'.' {'h,a--1· !\Id .• 1 t.·omputl·r programnwr at 1h1 St,111· Dt•parlmt•n1 ll e fting for Halloween J o hn Lavendt>r. prf'sidE'nt of Fol~om. Pa. <'hapter of Vietnam V etera n~ of .\m.e rica. pre,·ie ws memorial in Wash ing ton. D.C. .. PAJO POl..ITICAl llDVERTISEMEH1 P111d tor by "Allan BHlc tor the Residents" 2007 Highland, NewPorl Beach. CA 92660 Allan Beek For City Council • he asks. he listens! • CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NO N-PROFIT ORGANIZ ATION OFFERING BELOW COST COM PREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES • Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Professional Building 18800 Main Street Suite 105 Huntington Beach, Calif. 841-1871 ' • B.iilP:-rl'<1d!o a polt11tal nw ....... 1g1 on tlw ... t· w.ilb "Tht· nwmon<1I 1~ vt.·r:-~tc1rk .• ind gl\'t '' J n ·m1ndc,r how bl.ilk c1ncJ ugl:-\\,or,,, .. hl' ~ys t:hilcl ''ho <'OITt't'll ~ µ111• .... t ... tlw \H·i~hl of thi~ p11111p"i11 at Ba lhoa l.ibrar ~ in '\t•,,port lh·ad1 n 1t1 take· it honw for llalto\'4't'tl. l.ainit· .lohn .. 011 . 7. \\ 1·iJ,.d•"" lu·r eh a n<'t'"· Paid Political Advertisement ··we strongly support Don Strauss because he has a proven record of being responsive to the concerns of the residents. As the remaining vacant land is developed and the older areas of our city face re-development, we want a Council that will protect the residential qualities of Newport Beach ." -Jack and Nancy Skinner 'Tm supporting Don Strauss because he is an independent decision-maker who has always been dedicated to good government." -Garth Berge1on 11We have many fine leaders in this town, but it's no good un- less you have a catalyst to bring those leaders together. Don Strauss is OUTSTANDING at bringing people together." -Rob Hlx1on Re-elect DON STRAUSS NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PaJd For By R...iect Don Strausa. 411 Begonia, CdM \ J 0111111111 C t111~1 l>All Y Pll 0 I /Mrmtfoy Oc.tCJl>or ~,, l'J8< Great Lakes : Nature's great gift to America .-1 . By BRIAN 1'l l('IU :n A1-let4ld ,, .. , W1ll11 L'Lt-:Vt-;l.ANI> l h1k1, 1°:111 Huron , M u h1j.111n , Ontu1111 .11111 Supt•r1111 ,, ~·fl of It 1• AK1 ' l(lUl'll'ni .111• n 11111y I hllll(I> 1t1 I h1 m1lho1-u of Nw th Anwnt'illli. 1w.11 their sho n •i. It 1:. 111•11• th1•v \\111k , play, dl'mk JnJ d1:.t·u1 d tlll'11 '-''LINll• 1<'0 1 u d1'C·11d1" tl\t' l lmtt•d S 1.1t1·" und Cunudu hav1• ti.•1•11 d1•,111111>< up lht•st> n111urut wrn1d1•1"1 It h11s cos t b1l11011:. :.i nLI 1>1111n· 11i;1Jol' prob lt•ni:. n ·n1;1111 l\J h1 · .;ulv1•d But l'Vl'll 1>11, thl' n·"ulh ''"' rcrnarkubll• Kl•n t f'u 11,., , plun11111g d11d l•I tht• U S E11 v1 ru11mt·nt.d ProtN.'ltOn Agl·m-y' ... Cn•,11 L.1k1·s Nnuo nal Progran., ,·;ill:. 11 '',1 w o rld -l'l as:. l'X ampll· 11 t J pollullun <.·ontrol l'fr1ir1 " "In many n •spt't'ts. thl· lak,·s now un• doing vt•1 y w 1·ll." h'· said " In tlw uh\ lllu ... h v1s1blt' s tuff. \\\' """" h.1• ,. made a lot of progrt•:....., · It 1s what l'an't ht "'1·11 th.11 has l'l\v1ronnwntal1:.h w111 r11·d today Tox1l :-.ub:.t.11H:1·:. 11k1· rann•r -t·;.iu s111g polyl hh>nn.lll'd b1phc n yls. or PCB:.. ;1n· ~•II I gt-tting into thl• lakt•:. 1111t:11 1111111 1111 •Ill ~:11\ ll lllUlll lllollhh '''' th1 d.111"1 I 111,1\ lw 1111111 .... 11~1" lh.111 lh1• , ... 1111111111 111 1 tu 1io, Th1•\ 11111t th.it 1111 1.1k1•i. h.1''" 11<·111 .i 11111111' k:.t Int .. ,111 ltlw1d1• 1•11v1111111Tll'11l,1l lm111rd:o. ltkt• UlYI' Tlw fll •"'1·1111• 111 t lw:.1· 111·w lllX ll' llllll.111111111111 .... tlt1•11. lt;1:. 1111 "11ll11"ll' nw1111111~ hc'\'UUIR' whut 1"> Ut.·mg d1s.:ovE'rw.i often ronw:. from d1~1anl plan-s. What lht· Gn•at Lakt•s must lJl·klt-111 t lll' 'HOs .1ftt•r .1 11l~·;11lt·-l1111g f1~hl to 'tup l'lll<'"> ,end 111du:.tr11..,,, from u:.1ng thl· \\ i_I t t• r a:. <I W cl~ l t• d ll I\\ tJ I 11 g g round ottwr JI t'J:-t abo hJVl' l l I h c I p t I 1 • .1 n u p . t h t • t'll\'ll 111\lllt'l\l.dl"h ..... , But 1111\\ tht· .111 0 111·\ 1.1 111111111111 till' 1111111• h• d1·1111 llll '"' luk•· ...... d1 VI II" up ·"""1¢ \\II I 111111·1 It d 1•1,d 'll<'IHltllj.( A1ul •111 1111" t1 k1· l'.111lt·1u 111111111•1. lojJllkt•,W•lllloHI 1111 Ill\• li\1••111.1111111111 J111111 l '111111111"11111, llu: U S . L'unuJ1l1n Jlott'lll y ttwl h,1:. CIVl•l'St'(•fl I h1• IJ111111d,11 y wu1t•1:. :.1111·1• ll:IOU , l1•a1 t,1,lln)( htirm Tlw l 11k1·~ un· l'IP11111·1 I hun l h1 •v Wl'tt· :w ;wu1:. 111(11 amJ till' \.\1111·1 qu11hty ha' 1111p1 11vt•tl." '·'V' W1llwn1 C S11t1Lo1g111, of llw C; 11 .. 1t L11kt•s ~nv1ru 111111•11wl H l's 1• a r l' h La b or 11 t u r y 1 11 M1t•h1g1111 "W1.'v1• ~11tt1•n th1i. fur Lt•l'i. not stup " Tlw 'liO:. ;,1n· nut n •n1t·111l>l•rl'tl with l 1111drw~' by thcllll' who luvt• tht'M' wu11 n.. F1:.h1ng wu. ... a t low l'hl.i Bhw p1k1· d1s:1pp1:an·<l from Lak1• En1· Thl· ravl•n o u s sc•n lamprt•y muvt•d 111 from the A tl.1nt1l' and 1frv11ured trout. Alga1• U'-l·d up oxyg1•n. choking 11 ... h T uuri:.t:-. Wl'I (' lUl'lll'U urr by po llullon At•at·hl'l> dos1•<l Shal10w L;ik1 • ~:rn· wai. 1..h,'(:lan·<l tit •a!1 ~'1n.1llv. 1t wa:. bad t•nough lo niakt· ">llllH'hodv do sunwthing .1hlllll ll . The Great Lakes ONTARIO CANADA QUEBEC WISCONSIN NEW YORK ILLINOIS INDIANA OHIO PENNSYLVANIA We celebrate United Nations Day because of Chuck, Nancy, Jeff, Tim, Jill, and Brian Ettllng. Chuck Ettling has worked in our manufactur- ing plant for 25 years. Not tong after he came here, Nancy's picture appeared in his tool box. We watched as new pictures were added. Jett, Tim. Jill. and Brian. Nancy and Chuck want for their family what we all want for our loved ones. Peace Free- dom. Opportunity. Happiness. Those are the same things for which the United Nations was chartered. Those are goals for families like the Ettllngs around the world. Since the UN was founded 37 years ago, it has given the nations of the world a forum for seeking solutions to International problems. The goals of the UN charter are yet to be achieved. But as families of the world support this great organization. nations will surely follow. In recognition of the efforts of the United Nations. McDonnell Douglas became the first organization in the world to observe the founding of th e UN as a paid holiday This year. for the 25th consecutive year. Mc Donnell Douglas plants and offices will close in tribute to this great international enterprise. To learn how your company or organization can join us in a UN holiday observance. write: UN Information. McDonnell Douglas, Box 14526, St. Louis, MO 63178. /' NICDONNELLY' DOUGLAS~ ' Wate r for W est? h wuulJ ht• iJ1tf1lUll LO llVl'I :.1.11<· I fl(• lll1p111'U111u · ol lh•· ( ;l\',JI Lukt·11 And ltw 1r 1mport11nt•r• 1:. ~rnwtr1u "' thl' thll"St y l'l11111s .111d S11lJ1 h w 1•ict 111·a1 1 h 1111 w 1111·1 fli1 t.11·n1111~ :111d llll'll · lJutgt-..1111111< popul11t1u11s M1d11gu11 l :uv Wlll111111 M llhk1·11 1·vs·11 ha:. ... ugg1·:.ll·d w .. ,,., n11~hl Olll' tll1y li.'t'(Jllll' tu ltll' (;1 t•at I .ukt·1' ">l<tll•:. who11 1111 h;..., b1·c·n lo lht.• P1·rs1an (;uJI T lw luk1·:., w llh 11 1·11as tl1111· 11111).(1 ·1 lh«11 1lw (;ull C'c.:1:-.I '.111cl Alluntk Oc.•t•1111 l'mntmw<l, :.uppty dnnking wa1t•1 to :1hrn11 '.17 nullion Amc·nl'a11s Tll1·y r1•pH•:..1•11t !If) 1x·H·1•111 11f tilt• 11.1t11111·, lrt'llhwult'r n ·:.1·1 v1· -llulf ul a ll ( ';.i1111da;111s •·ml 11111' Ill r1v1· A11wru·;111:. llv1 · II) ll1t• urt'a drn1m·J t.y tht· l.1kl·s An t•i.t1111:1i1·d 111,0110 to l ~•.0011 l'.madian' wurk 111.101>:.11·l.1l1·d lo lhl• lakl'l> uml tl11·1r link ,., tlw l\tl.1nllt tlw St L.1W11"11u· Sc•away Th11u:-.J111!... llltlll' d u'" m US port:-. lrorn Du luth, 1\111111 . tu Ma~·nu. NY In North Anll'l'llJ, humln·<b ul th ousan<l:. ul i:x·uple work 111 m llll">. fallorll'i., ;.ind .1ulo u11d :..tt'i.·l pl<int:. t h:..t dl•1)l·11d 0 11 t·n1..._.., lakl' trun:-.port.Jtum AnJ Olwi uff1uab l'Slllll«lt· 1h .. 1 $1 :.j.l<'J\l 1111 IJkt· tr;,inspo1 t.it1cJ11 g1•111•1,1h':. $:! 77 in n·l.111·d bu:.11ws..., And th1•n tht·n· ,.., luun:.m In M1d11g;u1, wllh tlw natmn's long1·:.t s hon ·lim .. l<Jk1•-11•l.1tc•d tourism 1:. worth about$ I blllwn" Vt•ar. ~1d J .11·k W1bur1 . d111' t111 o f thl· :.tJt1• truVl'l hur1·:1u Al;111g P 1·11n ... ylv;rn1u's -11 111111· s hon •l111l•, 1wJrly :.!:UIOO pt.•opl1 · huv" lrmrl'l-n ·Jalt·d .Jlih:. In tht• '70:.. lht· Un1tc·d SU1U·:. and Canada dl't.'.1ded Lo i.top tht· abuses. With fl·dt·ral aid, l'1t1t·s built s l•w:1g1.· tn•;i1m1·nt plant:.. Willingly o r undt-r thr<'at of laws uits and f11ws . indus try dean ed up 1L.., ac:t · A n e x a m p I 1• o f t h 1• improvcmcnt LS lht• n 11tor11>u:. Cuy<Ahuga. wh1c:h flows in t o Lake En1· L ad t·n w ith u1l <111d the filth of 111dustrv. tlw 11v1·1 s tart1.·d tu burn on Jun1• :!:t. 1 !in~ Tht:' blaze markt..U d l(Jw f'IJll1t fur Cll'v1·l<.ind . thl· r1v1·1 .ind th1· lakt•s "I d on't hk1.· to talk about huw 11 was a nd I don 't likl· p1..•op lt• asking about tht• fin-." :.<1yl> Ed11h Crosby. ho:.tl'S.'> for 19 yt'<ll'!> <• t J im's Steak Hou:.t'. a nvc•rfront restaurant S ht• n •mt•mtx•rs gray. oily waler and M'<"S a dtff<•n •nt·t• "This rLVl'r fl'<.·zc-s nuw and 11 woulrin't b;wk th1•n And th<• gulb t•11n11· up ht·n· and h ·t·d . ~11 tlwn·':. fi:.h. Pl·upl1..· c<ill lwn• and th:m;md a window Sl'<t.t " T ht· c·h;;ngt· rt'flt'tls 1111!1P.,try':o. ir1vl·stmt·11t:. lo s top dum1J111g w ;1,tt•:. 111111 th1· r1v1•r .ind tht· $50() m il hon Clc·vl'l<mcl ~pt.'ll t tn 1 mpr1J\'l' S l•W<Jgl' I I t·a lllll'll I plant... It wa:. 11111 • ol m<iny pn1J1•1·ti. J.Jromptt·d IJV tht• I !-Ji:! l'lt•:.in W.Jll'I' At·l . w l11c:h grl'W IJUt or U S -Can<id1Jn ;.ign·t·nw11 t to do Mmwthmg Jhout pollutum In ,1 11Jn ... trul·t1011 b1ng1-. lht· Unitto<l St..ill·s built $-1 !-I b1l11on 111 1ww st'w:.ig1· pl<ml'> lrom Hll:! 111 HIH l 1n lht· Gr<'at La kt·:.. IJa:.111 C<m ada h;.i, !>p<'nt SI :! billion on s imilar prn.)l'< h Offtt'IJls rn thl' EP A ':-. Gn•:.it La k ('!> I) fr ll'l' l'IJn s1·n·;.i t 1 v l' l y C'!"ltm.itt• thot industry s pt·nt ;.in 1•qual anwunl Trt•atml'nt planll>, 111dud111g " $I 1111111111 fll llJl'I I Ill IJ• 11111 1 11·d111 ,.cf ph11\ph111 U' 01 llUll ll•fll 1h.1t 'fllll I I'd ull(.w ~I''" lh Fullu1 .... 11d ph•1,pll11ru1> d1"' twr 1o11 · 11\llJ L,ikt• l•,111 Woll\ (Ill 11 11111 11,0(}0 11wt111 11111' .1 v•·••r 111 I !17:1 ~ !i,01111 tnn ... "IX V<'lli-'• lr1t1•1 Al .. u IH·l pf11l w1•11• '\IX \llltl• li•g1.,latu r1..., 1h.1t h .. 111wd tlw snl1 11 f tl1·l1·1 i.;1ot1t' 111111.i1111nl( phosphalc•:. (Inly 1'1·1111,vlv;uuu .ind ( >li111 d1-i llni·d lo go .d n11g. 1.1•1• Bull .... frn lllt'I' d1a11 w111111111 111 1111· lllJW clt·lum l Cri•:1t L.1kt.,.. Ha...in l'11111111"'''"' .u1d 1111w i. 11'\C',ll ( h ilS">lll'l•lll' r11r tlll' ( 0(•1 1t••I 1•11 U1 ti,111 A 11 <111 ' <111d 1111111 y H1 ·..,,•,1rt·h .ot N o 1 thw1•..,t 1·111 l '111v1·1\ll\ ... :iv., L.1k1· E1a· 111 t .11111· ,1 '>VOlbol tu·c·<1u"· 1~., pr•1bh•111'> w1·1" '" v1..,.hl1· "The 1 t· WJ ' 11u 11xyg1·n lt·l t F1:.h ,111d otlw r lurn1. ... u f lill· "cl t: dl ">iJPfH'.111111( ,111d ma:.. ... IV t~ ,111 111Ullll> OI ,dg:.tt· WCI'> WiJ'>hll~ uµ 'h1· ..... ud 'Tiu· 1d l'£1 th;1t you 111uld 1t-.1llv do thJI with :i lakt as I01q (1• J ' L.1kc· F:r11• I'> wh;,il 11·<1llv g1<1hl11·d fi"''tJl1·.'"t, .1ttl•I\1111n .. 0111· 1111111nu1 n g w11rrv oi t'll\'lrc>11111t•ntalhl"> h lhl' p11·!'>Cnt·to ol t'<Jnt.'l·1 1 uusmg < lwm1c<tls anu h1·;ivv m1·wb bunt·d 1n tht· l<tkt· sam.ls "Wlw l ht•r lh<H 1s JU:-.l d t'W\Vl'llll·nl nll'th11d uf d1s p<1:.<.il or <i tlrnt: bomb, WI' don't knc1w," .... 11d S1m1,11~111 A not h1•r 1s 1 unol f n f pt.·l>lll'ldc:. und 11·1 td111·r:. r1om farml'r:.' I 1t·ld!'t Un .1 d1·monstra11on b~a& th1.· EPA .ind oth1·r f 1.·dc·r al ;ig1·nt·1<·:. s upply fanner"I w 1tb rw·till 1•quqm1c·nt that plant:.. ..,l't'cls without 'l'Vl'rt·ly disturbing tht· :-.oil But lh1· 1·11l1t·ol thn·c.t w w~l~r :1 n d I 1 s h J rt• PC B !'t • u n c. t 1 on1m11nh U'>t-<J 1n ··lt·t lrit;.i l 111 "> u I .ti 1 on J n d u t ht· r to x h 111111µ.,und.., 1·nl1·11ng th<· Grt::i t Lakt·.., 1h111ugh 1h1· iJlr or gr 11und\\ <1tt•1 Th('!>l' p 11 tt 11lld11 y t e1n<:t.-r- rnus111g :1gt•ni... build u p 111 lh1 r J 1 1 v 1 1 :. ... u l· o f r 1 !> h t h e-n < ndJngc·r hum .... n:.. who t·dt theu l'J ll'h Nornl ~"'[oats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats, Rudy Baron-Treasurer, 881 Dover Dr .. N.B. ID-"822319 BENSON & HEDGES BENSON 6 HEDGES 100-S Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mo "tar:· 0.8mg111co11n• ev. per c19ertne. by FTC ...... I , , , , , , ' ~ •' J !- ·. '\ ' ') \ ........ I 8 Oru11uu CaHt OAIL v PtL.0 l tMonaay OctutJ , ilb 198&' ~s upport • c ornrn1 • s1on *{or r e apportionme nt· , L.1sl ,llllll', l '.1hf11r111.1 v11t1•1s l\ild tlw l>1·11111l tal h ' l'un ttullP<l a\all' Ll·~1:-.l.1tu11· Lh.11 II' l1l.1t.1ntly p.11 t1s.111 n ·app111 tw111111•nt pl.111' h >I' t ht-' Ill':-. I I ll y I" II :-. w l ' l'l' 11 . I aw1·pt.1blt• Th11,1• pl.Ill' w1•11· d1•"1!(1l1•d tu en!>:.in· 1h.11 l k11H1t'l'ilh 11111 1111lv ft1·1H l lW UI S.ll'll't s lht•V Ill!~ p 11ss1•ss. but w ould 11 .. 1p 111·w 11.·1 ritor) B ) "11111• t •:lo.tn·ml'I V q u1•s t1orwbl1• 111,1111·UVl·n ng, 1 ht• P 1•11101.·1.H11.• l1.•ad1•1 s hip ... aw 111, 11 th;n add1t1on;tl d1:.tn1.·ts would 11111 bt.· y 1t'kil-d 111 H1•publ1c.1ns 1·v1•11 lh uuKh I ht· grt>Wlh un•us o f lhl' $t.111· iil'l' H1·publ11.·;in don11m1tc.·d 011 Nov '.!. tlw s t.ill' v11t1·1 s w ill hav1· till.' opµur tu111ty a:-. It h ;1s b1.•1·n <i ptly dt•!>t'nlwd 111 1>111· p ubltsh1.•d rC'purl 111 1·111nph·t1· llw po l1111'i.il "d o ubl1· plav" I h<tt b l•gan 111 Jun1• bv .1pµrov111g Propos ition 14. V1>l1.•rs will fu1·1.• tlw 4u1•,1111n p I w IH· th l' r ~ I O m t· m h 1· 1- Ct>mm1s!>1on !>h oulu l.>1· for11 wd to t .i k t' o v l' r t h 1 • t ..i s k o I rt•;1 pJJOl'tll)l l!lH'l1 l R ,:app11r111llllllt'lll u1.·t·ur:. evl•ry I 0 y"ar!> f u llo"' 1 ng 1 lw d t't'l'llr11dl l't•nsu s l ur lh 1· p urpost• t>f equullZlng 1x>pulatw11 among sl<lte aSSt.'mbl,v and '''natt· and <:ongn ·SSlllllcil dlSll'll't::. Un til n ow. tlw sUI H' Lt>g1slatur1.· hlls ~ '> s u m l ' d t h ,. ta s k W h ,, 11 R ,•publ11'.m s .in· H1 puw1•1. lhl·~· lt•Jlll (11 J'l'll(Pt'I p.11 11-..111 lllh 11 ''"· JLhl .1:-. I )1·111111·1.11:-. d11 wht•11 tht·v rult· tlw 1110'1 T It l' fl I II p 11 11 I' 11 I .... " I J>1 11p11s1111rn 1 1 l'li 1t ·fl v 1h,· H1·pl11 lll\.1ll l 'artv u11d th1· 1' 11111•11 .Hl\'ll\ .u v g rntq•~ l'omn1011 <".HIM' .11 gut· th1•11· 1:-. ,1 lwt l1·1 ".iv t 111' I \'i1pptH'l lC11\llll'll l l'lllllllll'\Slllll '' '11·111 W1• .1gr1•t• .111d t h 1·1 l'lon· 111 gc .. )'1•s volt• on th1· llll'<"llr•· Tlw :-.yst1·11 1 1s not w1th11u t its putt·11l1.tl t~1ul h S nllll' 'll~j.{1 •s t th.11 lhv \ 111111111sM1111 ru,1 v dt•:ul11 x·k 1111 how d1:-t1·11·1 l111 1•s s h ottld 1>1· d1aw11 , t hu s s 1•11t.J111g 1111 • I 1•;ippU1 tlollmt•lll dt'(.'l,1111\' hi t ht• ... 1.11t• Supt 1·n11· l'ourt But w1· ,, .•• 111:111 v p11:-.1t1 v 1·:-. t\11~ ,11 111111":-.11111 pl.111 wnuld I l'(jllll'I' t lldO"l'llll'lll 11f 'l'\'t•ll llf lls to 1111·1nlll'1 ' Mt•1·t111g :-. "1111ld lw OfH'tl tu lht· public Thus t• ·•IJ)lllll)lt•cl (II lh1• ('1111111ll ,l'>lllll \\ ti ll I cl h •. . . fl I ,( l ' I I l .1 I . kno wll-dg1«1h lt · :rnd p11iltH .ii l y 11Hll'pt·1Hl1·111 " Wt• b1•1lt•Vt· lht·n · ,.,.,. 'lll h µt •11ph· 111 tht· ''·•h· l; I\· t • n t lw l lll' 1 1 • 11 1 1111 1t11 I o I 1111• t h ·t llJl'~llt• th .ti tht• L<'g1 s l.11u1 t·" 1n1.q,.tl1h · o f h.mdl111g fl•.1pp111 t1 onm1·11t 111 ,111 1·vt·11 h.11Hh·d and abnvt· bo;trd 111 a n11t•1 .tn 1ndt·p1·11d1•11t bl !)JI 11'>.!n l'OOl ml!>...illll !'.\Sil' Ill M't·ms .1 lng1l'<1 l :dtern(llP · T he Dail\ P ilot recomm ~nd s a YES \'Ol e on P ropos ition 14 . Prop. 10 offer s choice P rop osition 10 '"' 1h1• Nu\' '..! ballo t would 1x·rn 111 t·11unt1t·s. un an ind1v 1dual ha:-.1s, to l'llOSOhditll' t h l'l l' pn•st·nt l WO lll'I' lOU l l sy .... ll'm~ s uµt.•n o r t•our~ on 0111· hand. mun1L'lpdl or JUSl11.·e c•uurb o n th1.· otht·r in t o a s 1nglt· S'U JX'l'lt>I' l'OUrt 'Y'tl•m At pn·st·n l <tll 58 C.ihforn1<1 counlll'!'> !i<ivl' thl· tw o t1t•r JUSlll'l' sy!>tt•m Supe r101 t'OUrt!> dt>al with felo nv l'nminal ca~t·s ctnd 1.·1vrl U'1als "involv ing m o re· than $1 5,000 Wld hear appeals of a1·t1ons taken at lo wt>r c·ou1·1 levels Municipal cour ts. In distric ts having .. HJ.000 tes1d e nb . .ind ;ustlCl' cuurls in dis t r.cts w 11 h f C'We r rt·~11.kn 1 ~. h a nd It• m1~deml·anor l c1ses .-trHI dvll ca scs involving lt·s.' than $15.- 000 Proponcm ts of Pru pos1 twn I 0 conte nd that tht• manda torv two- tier svstem 1s not nt!t•dc·d · 111 a ll areas.' that in <i unif1t-d S\!>tem the· ~o rkload l'Ould be d1~1ributt•d rQorc evcnl~. dupl1cat1on of t•ffort nt duc:ed <tnd record k c•1·p1ng oentrahZl'd at a s ubs ta ntia l cost seving. • A fi ve-yea r un1f1ca twn experiment in San D1c·go Count y has shown that 1t reduces both oosts and de lavs, ac.'('ord1ng lo Sen . dmer Rains, au tho r o f the pr o p osed to nst1 t ut1onal amcndr.1ent tha t was p laced on the ' h~llot b.., aln11):.t u n aninwus \'l)ll' 111 ltw L1 •g1!>ldtur1• Oppunl•nts o l thl· nwusu1·1· d.111n 1t would 111cn·ast• tht• <:u!:>t CJ( tulirl opt·rallun:. l:x'<.·aU!:>t' mun1L·1pal ;md Jllst11·t· cuurt JUdgt>s. who now c·a rn $57,77ti n nd a n averag l' 'o( $:!5.0()() .1 y t •.J!', f'(•Spl'l'llVt.'ly . \.\,'OlJlcf h<tVt· tu lw l'lt·\·atc•d lo supl•r1CJ1 C'oUrt :.lJtu:. whc·r<.' thl· l'Urrt•nt pay is Sfi:i . .!ll'i Thl·v furthl•r eont<.•l'H1 t hat d oing d Way with ttl t· munil·1pa l t:tJUrl systt•m w ould 1.w n:mov ing thC' so-ca lkd "pt•opli:'s w urts" where leSSC'r legal issues l'dl1 Ix.• rt•'>O)\'('d l'lt'.11 I\' untftt'~tll(lfl rn1 ght not bt• th1• l.1t•'t roUl(• Ill ,di .llt'<.tS, but ll dot•s 't·t'lll unrl'a:.on.1blt· IC> 1mpo.,.t· t h <' n>1nplt•x 1 .... o ·t11•r 'YSlt·m on co u n t 1< • '> " h 1.· r c• t h <.· Jud ll' 1til "ork l11..id c11uld be d1!1 trd1utt·d rTICll't' l'\ 1'111~ Ill J -,inglt• l 'llUfl ''''>lt •tl) Prupo-.111011 111 g1 \'l'S l'OU tH ll'S .1 n 1J p I 1 on Tho:. e <: h u o s 1 n g un1l1t·ut1oi1 w o uld havt:' tu r('('l'IVC <i u l h unz<H1on of the Lrg1sl~ tu rt·. followc-d by voter approval of tht• propos<il This wou ld seem to ~:·:c· ample.• o pportunity for disc.•usswn o f t he· pro:. and con s of the p ropost·<..l change as ll would affect the county in question. Tlw Daily P ilo t recomme nds a YE voce on Proposition 10. Ronald N i x for W est court R o n ald N i x and Dani el O utc hl'r are oppo nen ts for the W est Ora nge County Mun icip a l court scat vacat ed when Judge J oanne• H arrei ld 's electio n was invalidated by a Superior Cou rt jtJdge • &th had run for H a rrold '!: /eat Dutc h e r finished second. with Nix a dose third. Dutc h e r ~bsequently launch ed the lawsuit t'.h a l h ad H a r r o 1 d • s e I e c 11 o n <tVerturnt'd for violation o f t h e ~s1dency req uir emen t. T he d ay afte r t h e e lection . D u tch er w ill appear in cour t to rebut H arrold's appeal o f the S upe r ior Cou rt ruling . Both men ~ the JUdgesh1p as i logica l progression to t h eir careers as atto rneys. Dutcher has !acticed in Orange County since 71. princi p ally in c r imin a l fense. Nix h as p racticed in the «>unty for six years, dom g mostly civil w or k. with som e criminal. ' Both m e n favor the ballo t tro position allow ing co unties lo la, lida te municipal a nd SUJ>('rto r t s . N e ith e r thinks t h at o lidatio n Is a ppro priate for ge County W ith such simila r candidates, I ~ I s diffic u l t t o make a n ~ nd o rseme nt based on approach to tie issu es. What r e matns a r e i t>mew ha t !4uhj<><"tive j udgments i ORANG E COAST Daily Pilat "119"• ........ , ... , .. ,,.. ,.., el »O """'' 11 .. St '••I• IN•• _ .. , <0<•••--• t• flt • IMf (OU•-... '" •1•Jt based on talking to both men From those d1sc·u ss1o ns, 1t 1s o ur 1mprcssto n th at Nix 1s m ore 1ntrans1gent on <.·r ime. l t is r easonable t o assu m e that h e w o uld take a toughl'r approach on sentem•ing. ln a dd1uon . Dutcher has been seek ing appo in tme n t to a Judgesh i p for several year s . H aving failed in that quest , h r 1s now running for the bench We w o uld f C>P I better about h is <·;md1dal'V 1f ht• d id not seem to wanl thl: seat o badly. And fina lly. the re 1s general dem eanor. In d iscu ssion s w ith the t•d1tonal boar d . Du tche r was more co n c c•rned with the l egal proceC"d in gs s u r r o undi n g his candidat·v t han h is ideas about th (' bench m "general He criticized Nik o fte n , citing N1 x's failure to JOm in the lawsuit. N ix . on the oth e r h and, was cool. reser ved a nd r e fused t o crit icize his oppone n t, saying h e• had lo n g ago decided not to ge t into n polit ical m a t c h in the e lection . In s h o rt, his bch ovior was wha l we w o u ld ex p ect o f a member of the bench . As a result. the Dally P ilot r ecommends Ronald Nix fo r the seat o n th e W est Ora n ge County M unicipa l Court bench . Jone Am•I I 19l••· .. (clfOr hrbafo ICr-""ch (t1•t1>11al ~. fo11o; Thomat McConn MGllQO"'Q (O·IOI Waste disposal lures • crime W1\S l llNCTUN 011-:.1111wd 1·11111l' h.1 .... 111\IM il·d 111111 lht• lul'lallVt• bll ... llll''" lol I flt•tllfl ,ti \\ ol'o!t• d hJll",il \\I th 'lfllll'lllllt'" •lfll1Llll111g ••. ,lilt... l '\i· l'l'fl01 l1•d ~llllil' ttf the·"• hlHTlll '111111'' d1 ·.1 d lv p111 .... 11l'. ;dl11w1•d lo ..,1•t•p 1111 11 1.1rml.11111, .inti ,,,llt•r wny .... 1·x pl1t'>l\'t'' 11111 111111! 1n1t 111 l'111111 11I 111 11\ hv 111gh1 dlllllfl •.111• .... M1•.1t1\.\ l11lt . I'll\ II lllllllf'lll.clio;t., W Ol I\ th.11 1·\1 n tht· mu'I 1111 lll1il11u'oh 111w1 .111 ·d l.111df1 lb. 111.1\' 1•vt•11tu.tllv .1ll11v. J1<1l,.,ll,., l'I lt •ak Ill th; 'olll (.t\'I' t;I' 11 -;11'11 d11\\ II 111111 1111• \\,1[1•1 \,1 f1l1· y.,, 111<111,11 v k1·1 JI' pi.1du,·1ng l11lh ol d.011g1·tOll'o 1 !11 lllll'~tl \.\.JS!t• 11111111·1• f•\'('l'V d.1\ l'lt·.11 h .111 .1lt•·n1.111v1· 1 .. hu1 vmK tlw-.1 prn .... 111!> 1111 I.ind 11r ch1111p111g th1·n1 . 11 '1"1 \\11uld I)<· w t'h um1· AFTE R YEARS 111 '>luth Ii' 'o<.ll'nll'>t.-. ,1 1 .. ct1•1.1I rntt•rag(•m v 1-(ruuj, lund ut.lt·t.l 111 l.111· l!l!lO 111<11 thc·n • was .J bl'!lt'r w.1\ "l'l11 llllt .cl \\ .l!'>l1· ll1llllt·1.1111111 J l .,,: •• .tho.11 d '1"'11 • .tl;. d1·l>1grw<l .111d t'(jUtppl'>..1 ,.,,.,,, 1, " ,, 1m.1-1·rft·l'llVt'. t1·thnit,dlv 1·tf1< 11·111 ;111d 111v1ninnwntallv .1t'l't•pt0tbl~· l•·t·h1111log' 1111 de .. 1rov1ng 111 Jl1\ ll1mhu .,1il1lt· h,11.11 dous w."ll·:-.. 1h1 · 1011111111!1•1 11·porl1•d Omc· Cnt lo· Sa111 g;1\'t' h r'> l1l1•-...,111g lht a~ec t '-'<" t.Ul \\',1,lt· M.111.1g.·11wn1 lm . 1 ht • n .. 11un ., l.1rg,·.-.t d1,posal f irm. throu gh lb !>Ub:.td 1a rv. C.:ht'm1<:ul W.;s tt· M.111.1gt'ml·n1 · was dl0ll'rm1m-d lt• g1•t a Jump on lht• t·11mpe1111on and gain;, ltx·k u 11 lhl· nt•V.' t1•c·hn14u1· u f tH't•an lllC llll ·f ,J 111 lll LJ'>l 1\p11I. I r1·v111t1•d 1h,11 tht: E11v11·11nnw111 .t1 Pr11l1'< tum 1\g1·nty had Jd11pl( 'fl land I 111 dumping 11·gul~111on:-. for lt.u.1nlrnJ' w.1:.ll' 1t..11 w o·ri· l.1k1·11 ,1111111!.l Wlll d 1111 Wt>l'll rrom a 1111'11111 WI 11\1•1) l1V \\'.1,ll· M.11wg1·n11·111's v1u p11·,1d1•n1 Tlw -..11111· "I'll ti u l t''"'I" 1 J llnn popp1 ·d 11p 111 1111· p1 •1nut EPA '"Ul'U lo guv1•111 w ..... 11 l\l.111.1g1·11wn1 · ... r11 :.t .1111•111µ1 .11 1x 1-.111 1111·11wr.111on 111 dt•atll v PCB W<i!>ll'' I ho · ,• .. 111p.111\ l•1u11cl ·\ht l\l ar 1111 (' -JA-Cl-AN_D_IR-SO-N -~ l'rnl•'t'llon Hn.1r11·h o f thl EPA welling 111 .11J.1ml1111 ll~ 11:-.u.1 I ix·rmll prrx l•durr· .111d l'!'>llt' ,1 \\.ih•11·J down rt•Sl'an·h pt•r n11l . v. h11 h .... v1•d th1· 1'11mpa11 y prt·t·111u!> l11n1 .ind 11111nt•\ 1\1t111 d111g lo an EPA !>OUrn· llw pt I 11111. whtl'h .11JOWl-d Chl•m1t·ol wa ... lt l\Jan;1g1·ni1•n1 . lht· :-.Ub!>1d1ary , t•i 1m 1111:fah· 700.111111 gallon!> tJf PCR l<1:.id1·d 1111 m thC' Gull or l\.Jt.x1cu, lat·kl-d bo\h 1 ''"':1rt'h 11·qu1remcnts a nd s<lf(•t v 11 ll'·•~Urt·:. ·T111 ptc•rmll wa:-. a l'arte blamh1-." tht 1-:1•:\ olf1u...il !>cud "It JU!>I .said. 'Go 11UI ,111d l1u111 · Tht•rt• was no mon11onng pl,in 111 .,,ifl'lv plan al JJI " 1lo\\ ·,ould tlH'> h...ip~wn'' Th,· El'A ,, •U ru· l'lo.pla1111 •d "Thi· pt•rmll W<t !> mark1•d up at <• 111cct1ng oC nwnibl'r!> o( the M dl'ltll· P r 11 I l' l' l 1 o n B r ci n l h d n d W a !> I l l\lanagt•mc>nt l.1w ~,·rs <1nd 1•x1'l'Ull\'l'S " Thl·rt· 'h ould hav .. bt•t•n l·ng tnl'!'r'· l11ologl'oh and 'ht·m1st-. t'\'dfua11ng !ht pt n1111 tht· u:-.ual EPA rnul1nc• ~ 11 tunwd 11ut. tilt' 11ff1c1«I .,;ud. "till' ~·1 m11 \\'<1' <;o P<>1J1 Iv wnttl•n and p1>urlv pul log1·tlw1 lhol llll'l t' wc1:i. 11111 on tr 111. but 1l ,,,vf'<I Wast<• M<J n;1g1·m1·nt hundn·d:-. of ll111u~1mb 11f Joll;u , hv 11111 r1·yuinng lhl· Ill'< t 'S'>Jf'Y ll•:.l111g " O E S P ITE T H E u>1npl·l1ll\1 tdgt· ga111t .. J b;.-thl· M.J11n1 l"r •Jt l·t..llC/ll 81.Jrn.:h ':-. <ign'tc"ab1hty un lht• ix·rm11 tlw 111 ... t u ·st IJUrn farll•d tv prot.lu«t• the d1 ·'t1 r·d r't•,ull.!>. i.lnd a s<-<:ond um · was undt·1 takt•11 Thl' poor rC':>Ults rrom the f1"t burn \JUght thl.' c.lll'nt1un •Jf h1gh- 1o1nk1 ng EPA o ffl t.'t <al s wh11 th e n 11ght1·m·d thl· swnda1 d~ on lht· 't"<ond pt 1 llUI M l ' ol II W h I I l' l h II U g h , W cl .... l l • M .111<1g1 •111t·n1·~ h11pc·d-f11r n1111wpoly on llll'Jll inurwr..tlton Wd!> thrl'Jll n11I b' lht ••PP<'<•l'<&l1ll 11f .i rt\<11 Apollo Co v. h1l'h h.1d 11:-. ''"" n bur~· •• ut·rallt balkl•1 the F1 ·ch·r<1I M<1rrllmt· Adm1ni ... 1rat11m Aµt illu ",,.... 111 gt·I " $55 g m1llw n l11o:1n gu:..r,mtt•l• 1111111 lh1· J~l·ncy lo build two ship:. fu1 • lo.f1t•11111,·nt.il burning \\.1~ll M.mJgt•mt•nl L1lt.1t·kt·d lht• loan l""l'"':><JI "1th .. ., d1•grH· 11f mtt·n ... 11;. that \\ ..... un14ut ... ..i M .. n11mt· Admm1 ... 1r<111on 111,11 lt•r told my rl'p<Jrtl·f~ li:rt\ Kul1 and .l.H k M1tlh!'ll 1-lt·p H i.1r11ld \'ulknll'r. I) 1\111. J'kt·t.l tht Gl'nt't<1I Anountmg Ollit>c· w 1t1\'1-st1g.:1u· thl· h>i.ln gu..ir:..n tl.._. CAO g<i\'t• 11 a dc·Lin bill of ht·alth r 1u11110ll An EPA spokl'sman said. Wt· du.J n ul d o ai. t arl·lul d JOb a!> v.t• s hou ld have 1n gran ti ng tht• firs t JK't mtt · Rul he dt•n1t-d that lhl' lOmp<m y rf'<'l 1\•C'd ..in,· kind 11f ~pt.<·1al treatment A \\'.1'>l• · M.in,1~t·me11t 11ff1ual ins1Mtod that tht lt·<;\111~ 1nvo lvt·d 111 thl· loust'ly .. 111111u1 •'II I 1r ... 1 J.>4:rm1t did nut ~•Vt tht• 10111 11o111 \ <111:-mont·~ ill· in.11nta11wd 1h11 1 \\J' nothing unu,u.tl about thl• pt•I m11 or lht• wa;. 11 w ee, ~r<mtP<l Games can be good or bad for you Do you l'Ver have the feeltng that everyone 1s doing something you aren't doing" Do you ever feel sort of out of 11".' l feel out o f 11 because I've never played Pac-Man As a matter of fact. J've never played a video game. l know that b) telling you l haven't played a video game l could ba"Ome the laughingstock of the nation. but It's the truth. WE HAD SOME white wine with dinner the other night, and when I drink w hite wine I fall asleep ea rly and awaken at 3 a .m I don't go back to sleep a8ain until JUSt before my clock radio goes on, so w hite wine gives me lots of time to review my life w hile I'm waiting to fall asleep agam. The other night I used those sleepless hours to think about the games I have and haven't played. W hen I w as quite young . I played marb les with the othe r boys while the little girls skipped rope or played jacks J ack s was sor t of fun but it w as considered a glrls' game . All of us played several vanat1ons of hide-and-seek. but most of the games we played didn't really have a name. There were about h ve kids I hung out w ith In the summer and on a rainy day we usually went to one of our homes a nd played cards on the dining room table I reme mber playing Mich igan, Hearts, Go Fish . Old Maid. P ounce and v arious forms of Rummv Latt'r I learned the rudim ents o f bndge. but I could never remembe r which cards had been play~. so I did a lot of guessing Bridge is a good gaml'. but I'm n ervous about putting my mteUect to that m uch or a test. T he best (~'J ------..&~ ANDY RDDNIY ~ bridge players are usually pren y smart. I was never a good player. That doesn't mean I'm necessarily dum b, but it does mak e me worry about It. so I don 't play m uch bridge. ln college a lot of the guys used to go down to the diner in town and play the pinball rruiChines I never played much p inball, eithe r . P inb all w as the equivalent of the vid eo games today. I've watched people play Pac-Man and other video games and they're the same people who u sed to play a lot of pinball. When you lie m bed at night thlnktng of all the games you 've ever played. you find there's a long list I reme m ber Civilization's 'free lunch' People who like 10 eall lht'mselvcs reahsts a re fond of te lling us that "there is no such thing as a free lunch " and of r eminding us tha t "you ean 't get som eth ing for n oth ing " These statements are true only 1( your ume ~· BYlllY HARRIS ~) span Is foreshortened to \ht' rrcsent. Bu 1 t If on<" Ulkes a longer view. I one ado pt.s a historical perspective, thf'y do not hold wate r at all. Virtually 1111 we have has been h Andcd to us free. ru Ja mes Harvey Robinson noted long ago. can onyon(' living today flatter himself thnt h • lnventt'd the art of w riting or the printing pl'C.'sa? Hu anyont' di1COvered hla reUglous. p o l i t i c al , c o n o m lc and mor•I convlc\ions? Haa anyone d "lsed the operaUons of feedln1 us and clothJna us and ma king u1 11fr and comfor table? Hu on yonl' c rutt'd the pleasurtt we derive from lltcroturc and th e (Inc nrts" W hat is dvih1..a1lon but the <.'Ontm ual proce ss of get ting som e thing for nothing? What we have today 1s a free mheritanee from the past. ha nded d own to us by peoplt' who labored not only for their own p rofi t b ut also fo r t he &C'C'umula ted "capital" we use so freely and casually. The whl'el, the alphabet, ti llage oC the soil -a ll these are gifts we take for granted .. When l see 11 young man toohrig h1!( car down the highway as though it W<'I"<' his by righ t. I know he has never given a thought to th e men who sw eated in garages a nd hiburatorles and persistc-d thro ugh th<' bitte rness of failure to develop his mngnificenl mach ine What we call civilization is noth ing bu t "fr ee lunc h .'' hande d d o wn thf' generations by men and w om en who labored for tomethlng more than glory ond riches In \heir own day. Economic nan la only o part of mM - ntcetUry. bUt not the molt important or noble part. T hole we owe th~ mot1t to - lnch.1dlnt1 many indivld ualt b uried ln the milll or ti!'M -have p rovided us wlth a , perpetual ''frtt lunch .'' and brcakfu t and dinner tM. enjoying checkers for a few years before I found out how limited the game really was After that, I had an older cousin who taught me how to play ehes,, and 1 liked the idea of teaming which moves each piece could make. but 1 was never any good To play chess weU you have lo have a good sen se of spatial relationsh ips. and I have none. You have to be able t.o visualize what th e ch ess board will look like five m oves from now, and that is so far beyond m y ability I don't even consider playing ch ess any long er. The other card game I've played and liked is solitaire. In our house we played a form of solitaire ca lled "Canfield " Canfield w as the name of the principal g am b ling h ou se an Sar atoga whe n Saratoga was Las Vegas in the years before World War II I was never In the gambling house. but I w as told that you bought the deck of 52 cards for one doUar each. $52. and were paid back $5 by the house for each card you played out in solitaire. You cou ld only go through the deck once. H Jou got out ten cards. you lost just $2. an 1f you got out 11 , you won $3. If you played out the whole deck of 52 cards. you got back $260. In our house, we never played for money. but it w as fun to keep track to see how m uch you would have won or lost if you hsd been playing for mone y. FOR ME, games are divided into two categories. Games like football, baseball and tennis are athletic contests tha t are' great fun and good for you . They're personal little wars tn which no one gets killed. Video games like Pac-Man and pinball games are nothing more than interesting time-wasters. If the tim e comes in m y life whe n I wish to gel it over with quicker by wasting some of it, I may st.art playing the video games, but until tha t tim e comes, I think I'll limit m y 11mc-wasling tu wotchmg television 5llllY Ill The Communl~t atrntcg y: T h ree att>Pt fo r w •rd, two s te ps back . Thu s can adva~ without bc'ang noticed 10 m uch. O~ERVER ........ --. .......................... . ..c:::::.:-1-W'-9 .. -we I I • ._..,_. ... -.. .. ' .... Dell• fltlet.' ( ' Or1111g C t:>uat DAIL y PIL 0 l/M • Plenty\ Take a look through this newsp~per and see. t..ocal business and consumer reports. Advertising. Sports scores ant!! features. TV listings and reviews. And when your customers get fussy. a(l entertaining story or two to keep them out of your hair. Every day, we've got more news and information about what's going on in this town than you'll find anywhere else . Anywhere. So if you're thinking of opening a new shop. or planning a special weekend . or wondering how much it's going to cost to send your kids to college, or just trying to get the best out of life (without getting clipped). you're in the right place . Right here. What's In It tor you? The answer appears on every page ot • II 642-4321 ond y, Oc.tobur 25. 1982 . i . . • . . • I • • . , I • Orangn Co11t UAIL v PILOT /MoncJuv. Qt;IObOt ?&. 11)82 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look befor leaping into door-to-door sale Hy l'A1' tlOfWWIT'l 01 th• Dallr "'°t •••II D~:AH IU:AJ>EHS. "Nt1\1011w1d1· Tr1iv1'1 Prol(ram Mu1'l lit• It".._. to ll•llVt" Cot US lw:wh n.'liOrt Ill'•'•'' .111t.l 11•lurn All 11.ins µuna11un J11tl l'Xp1'1tM'' Curnii.twd llt~h pay und t•a:.u,il 1•1111d1 t1111\:o." 11 1ha1 .1111> 1h-M'rlJ1t11111 ad M1u11d~ ll'mpllng . th" t'm1111·tl 111 B1•th•r Bus1 rws:o. 8 Ul'l'CIUs h,1, a l1 •w Wol'ds or W<lrtllllg for VOU In n•.11!1~·. 1,c11t1ts out tlw BHO. 1h1s' Jtih may m v11lv1• wllrng d our lu-door ma~11111w sUbSl'rtpltun:o., b11uks, pt•rfunll's, l'hl·m11·.i1 "Losing Hair?" Try This At No Risk 11111 .. 111\ ,,., •. 1 .. , \ ... ,. tht'\ •.tot '' •1ul.t11 I ~w Joor ' U11t """' , l1t111 ·•I lalhH tottt•t \ '"'"'.It 1111• h.1• 1ftt, .. lo111·1I ..-,,, 11"'' ,, I " ""'"lmm' lil41l lo-. I), 11 1• h11t 1tl1h ''OJ'fHlljlt h1U1 lo'' lh1T I• I l'+tlh 1ro•m~ l1•u' ,,.,., 1l1•f1°I ,., .. , ,\ \. , •• h 1 .... 1h .. 1r •ohl lor 11 lht'\ 11u1I• ''"' ht Ir\ 11.,-lrf•4fll11~111 lot \~ f,p ~I lh,.1t fl ~ ,rn.t n l1H '11111 ..... 11 • \11ftlf~lh , 1tw\ \o'HtUltl 1111l o ll••r thl' t1~1p1t,1Ullll\ llld• 1111 tsrtithh,.111 'Ant~t.I lluili'I.• \l'I 11 •• Ullfh·"'"'llJ.-tu ht"lp o•\.,.I\ 1 llw totr".11 111.q11111\ nl ,.,, .. ,, ... nt t.'\t't"'~l\t' h~ur I.di 11 n .I lo .ii d II"'' .1 r ,. 1 h 1• lwf.!11111111!( Jlld 111011· lulh ill'\ 1•l.1p••.J •l,11,!I'• Ill 111,d1• pJ111•r11 l•.1l.J1w-. .111.I 1·,11111111 lw l11·t111·•I B111. 10"' , .ui \ou I"· '"'"'' "'h.11 L .. &1:1 IUillh f .10 .. u~ \11\N ~ •• u t...w. I t \r"O 11 l ... ld1~ ....... 111.t\ ..r1 II 111 ··n111 Ill ltti t.u111h 11 1~, r1tw1h 1111t p111ol ot thf" • Alf #' 111 \ t II U h .. ll ~I \t.tfl\ • Ufhhltot 41 1•1,.,-" t1 .. u lo, It Ill l11u 'dU'\f'.j I+\ r l •llUI I 111 JJl~1 ttH1 Ill \1111( I 11ioh 01.t 11 \till "'.ul •rnt1l \•111 ur f1,L, I •'•I 1od \• I l.1u r•• I 1•1' t•·tf t lo 1. 111 ..... , ..... 11,.1,. ""' ti \HU •hll l11u· Jll\ li.uo 1111 1111; nl \1UU h1'.1.I lfl•I "'11ql1l l1~r Ut ~1111• \" H fu11f lu • _.,.,j .:1111111 1111111 11111 °'""' I II I ''"'' ,,, .~. v1thrlf11I.,: .. l~•ht ti 1 .. ·l·•I" 1f I•• l1h I 1w ,., j t ,,l .. ,t.1ltH\ \ o111 1;11,utl I 11• 14 ill I 1d \ \ 1q, ~ 11 I lfr,.,0,.111 11•1 L.'. ,lo ,, •t,1 u ,. .... 11 If•\ lr l,.u· •f,, I •.1111,11• "'II 1 ... 1, \• Jo 1 I it ,,,,.,. 1ul1•1 m•t11111 11 ,, 11 l·d '"' \II 1111'1''' ''' ti I ,, "'"f I ·I t11Hli•J; !tf1o1lh It\ lllJit I II\ NO OBLIGATION COUPON Io I .. ,.. .. , h I Mhurttton t onHthanh. l1u .I.I I I "hi \ll\111 'lrt•rl. I'•) II"' t.MHI I llou,.,,tou. I r\tt ... ;:~hf1 I am .uhmilltllft tlir .. foltu"'111s,. 1oruf111.dJuu •1th th• u1tdf"'hh1111l1111 that ti "-tll h,. l f"pt ... ,,.,th • uufttl• "''""' .. n.J th•t 1 11m uudrr uo of;li••UHJll -.h .. t...o,., .. , fto"" ~oon .r. .. , ....... tun,:" Un \OU hil\r tl4'1utruff" [),, or u1h ' --- Unt ... hau pull uul ""·•h 11n top or t1r1ut • \U\ thtttf!11ff'.lil'"- ,,, - \l11lln'' -------- Cl I \ ·•I\ H ___ , _________ _ ZIP ----------------- Stone Mill Business Park COSTA .\\ESA • . Your Professional Floost 2915 Red Hill Avenue A· 108 Costa Mesa 641 -0810 Th• Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce PreHfltl THE LAST REllDEZVOUS AT THE Balboa Fun Zone with Let 8'own & His Band of Renown a nd the O.C.C. Coo1t Jan Society WEDNESDAY 8 P.M., OCT. 27, 1982 Dancing • Bvff•t • Ilia•• -For Tickets & Information - ,,,,,,.,, ,.,.., ,, ....... , ,, , ••• .,Cf 1470 Jam&or.., H.I ., 644-1211 1 h•1111"r" or 11tlwr 11wHl1.1111h,1 Tlw '111111., .111 l1111i.c 11ntl u111l1•r v1•rv do" .. u1w1 v .... 11111 1'111 II"[ I" hwwd 1111ly on 1111!1•' 11111d1· H1t•n lood ull11w111111• ... 111 · 1111 •.1g1•1 1A1llt lttllt· 1111\l' 111111 pow t.11 t11111 ' ·" .11l,1l1l1 • 1111 t•Jtang Lud~111~ Uhl1.dh 111v1d\ ,., , .. v1•1,d pt·oµh· 11ll·1•111111{ 111 llw ... 11111 li11t1·I 111 r11111t•I r11rn11 ~:vl'ry 11tr1v1• Is w.111 lwd t-:v1·11 phww t•all-t 1111cJ nuul 11111y bt• ~·r 1•1·111·d hv SUf>l'I VINlll s Tht• ads u .. uul I y d1111 ' 1 1111·11 I Hiil I hi· n1111µ.111y'i. llllllll'. Jll"l th•· 11:11111 111 .1 111 1111h·r .11111 .1 lot·11I ph11111 · 1111111111•1 I 11t1·1\11·\\' .111 ~1·1wrnlly twlcl at a hK-.11 h11t1·I or 1111111•1 Tiil' prn1111sc·i. an· 1•xtr uvu~unl 111~ dollar'· 11,1v1·I. Jdv,1m•t•1111.•11t f(lt1nmu1 ol .111 k111ds L1111k lwfore lc•<lfllllK. advaw .. lh• BBB Pri>siJl'l'llVt• s alt•i.µt•oph· (.11111 l u't11111l•1 :-. .1pp11i.11 lll'dl ~t11111hl Kt I 1111 11.11111 111 1111 111111 .md tin 11dd11 ·'\t\ 111 ll" lw11d1111.11 t1·1., .ind 1111;; k \.\Ith 1lw BHB 1"·11111· •,11<111111-( 1111 At 1111' 111111.11 111t,.rv1 .. w . Jl•I• ltu11h·" ,1i1111ld K•'I 111 \\ r 111111{ cl1·t~11h, .llM1UI tu11d and lwlg111~ ,111 .111g1•11tl'lll ... I lllrlllll'l,11111 r .al1·'· """'" 11111gr.1111 ' \.\II.it llllM.lllll will ht• 'luld. 11'111111 11.111,1111r 1.1111111 und 1111111h1 ·r 11( h11ur' 't11·111 d.1tlv 1111 tlll' .J<1l1 \fllu•11 tlish e!!t b1·e11k 01-:All PA'f: I ordered a set or dlshcai by mall. Wht·n 1h1• flll<'kDl(l' urrlvt'd I fo und that sH.-rul plutcs Wt•rt· brokl'n. Should I Hl'nd buck tht· brokt•n disht's, th1• whole Sl'I , o r whQI'! C.L .. t'oronu del Mar I .111 111•11111•1 u11l1'' tlu 111 ... tr UI 111111 .. 1111 th• JMI k11~1· ldl YllU 11111 tu Jll'1'tit It II d.mHIKt· I\ 11ll\•111u~ II tl11·11 all· 1111 111 .. 1ru1 t1••111», w1111• 111 1111' 1 •11n111111y l'Xplu1111n1o1 thut .. orrn · d1t.lw11w1•r1• In 11lu·11 wlwn th1·y .1111v1·d 111 v11u1 le ll•·r p1 11v11l1 · .ill the· 11d11r 111,1t11111 lhul 1dc·nt1fl1•>. yu111 111d1·1 1111 lud111K vuur •JllllUllt 11u111h~·· .11111 ord1•r 11u111l.11•1 • G111 ,, /J/Oblt•in" Thc•n wr111 '" • , }J.JJ.. J/tJfllWlll J'ul will' Ill 11'11 I.I/#' - 1-fl'l llll~ Ilic· llll\W1•1 s mu/ M1·111111 vuu ....,.. 111•1·11 to !>olvt· 111t·11t11/11·, 111 j/11V1'rntm·r11 .1111/ LJU.\1/1("•'· Mail yuw qw•,111111' 111 /',11 /J1111J1\J/Z. At Yow 8c•/\'ll'I', /Jr.111~1· ( 01>.1.'I /),uh f'llot. /"' () Bo>. / .''>tifl. ( ·.,,t,1 M1·"'' ('A YW:!t{ EITHER ECALLYOU A E ••• F +her Cal\ahan bb. C\e1nens '>es sir, Mr. Scoff-~el\o, Mr. Abercrombie ~\, a fhahk yau, ~ ' +.l i, Mrs. Fannon Thanks, Mt: Fitch Thanks Mr. Barr n · h d .u· Thanks, Ms.""Duncan ~ · one \,.\\ f'As. r-.lC ar s n~ Ms.Jq%t-s . "l'oUre welcome, (Vlr.1-\oP 1-\ello, J\1.s.1-fur~f-Thanks Mr. Gran+-ki Hello,J111': n -Thanks, Mr. Burns I \' \\ Mr. Ba~-\e(" Thanks Mr. I I ~ L • . · ~eagan \.-'\ Mr. v'a\enz.ue a He o, · fl · , nu1cn111s -l-11, Mr. Ford • 're v.ie.lcorne, Mrs. Crai_g \~1~s. M~nstetn Good morning, Mr. Rogers '(ou H Good h>o . ou1-e We/co1ne 1/. an Thank v 0 u M e/fo A1 C rn,,,.9 , A-tr. s ,Afs M · . f.B\a~efl" '' ,, .. ,r:Rorna,,;5 ' rs . unnin h · lqu9hter · 1ve,, \-\1' I'-' 1-tello, Mr. Gonz.a lez. +I ell o, Ms. Kirn 9 : ~ (.)cCi!'v. f'/\ SaneheZ-/-4 1 f ,Mr. Kuperrn H \ Mf. l-lello, rs. !hank yo~ Mrs. Lee e o, -ih<lnks M M ' 1-1,;MtS. ~~r Hi Mr. Ferrari . croC¥.,_e( I t:' atsutnofu I-le/lo •111 · ,,,._ ~i Mr. Osaki 00ri/'Ar· Th ks Thank you, Reverend Foster d ..... \\, .. :sLe. ~ , -_-A~"'"''~ M Ph ·f~psn ,Mr.Luzinski ~ello, M~V\,1·/son ~ o,1v,r. • , [:f:P" '' ,an"s, r. ' Goodbye Mr. Chips Serwl"I 1CMI throu1"°4tt the ttale. 1111 Sottthen1 <:allforRt. ... Arcad19 1400 ~ Oc1ldw1n Av A&•N/CIHdor• ttn r Ak•<,IJ .. lflower l'}qQ8 BcllllowN 61 9eftftJ Hiii• 180 S ~vcrly 01 ... ._,Lah 4202'} Sandiiilwood Pr lf•leY 27121 N EMy Rel Buena P.,k 84~ 1.,1 P.1lmcl Av Corona Del Mar/ley1kte 11 I I a<1y .. 11lc Or Co•• M•M 18'5'5 lidr~r RI Culver City 107"4 Idler n Bl F•ll•rton 911 N HJrbo r Bl ClelHlale 600 N Br•ntl 81 lrYIM 4•UU B.ltrillC.l Pk\11\ Lat•M .. •ell 110 Cltnnt>yrc c;t Or we take you to lunch. Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? At Fidelity Federal. if we don't call you by name, smile. and say ''hi" and "thanks:· you get a coupon good for $5 worth of food at any Bob's Big Boy Restau rant That s a promise we make to every customer And we have to admit. it's made us some friends More than 60 thousand people switched their accounts to Fidelity Federal la st year People who like o ur cou rtesy and friendliness Our high interest rates -the highest a I lowed by law. Our services and professional ism. So if you're fed up with cold. impersonal banking come see us We have more than 700 o f the nicest name- ca llers in the business standing by To call you by name And to do one heck o f a job with all your banking needs. At Fidelity Federal . we're on your side FllEIJIY FEIEML SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION As1eb over S1.7 billion strong and growi"9. Lake Forest 2';4 JI Trc1buco Rd LORC leach '2~ £ Oce.:in Bl Lona leach £Ht '5767 Pac Cst Hw~ Newpo'1 Beach m~ We s1d11f Or Nordl Hollywood 61,0 Laull'I Cnyn Nor6rtd&e IQ4,0 Plummer ~t ,. .. Dffert 71·040 El Pi>~O Plecetlt19 201 C: Yorba l ind 81 - ' San Pedro 20000 '-Wc~lern Av SHta Ane 2700 t-. \l.itn <,t Seal .. aclt t'l820 "'t'.11 &>at:h Bl SherM ... O.kt 1447' Ventura Bl Stanton 12000 Deac h Bl Tona•c• 24020 H.iwthornl' Bl v ... N•,.. ,..,4' Vtctory 81 W"t HollJwood 86'1Btvcrly81 ' ,., • • THI COAST AND THI COUNTY Dilly Piiat MONDAY 0(., I i''1 l\J82 CAVALCA DE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 82 8 3 85 /lo/, ,. U' ''" ,., lf."1 ~ l !-t D~ ''''"''')lfll If.., , • .,,.,. ;,, Iii . .; 111•w 1,l-' 1·0111t•tl ) . .,,.,.;,.,.,. D ,,,.,,,,, i 11t: 10 11 iµ/11 . l111~t· JI(,, , Author's f a m e no longer novel By GLENN SCOTT 01 lh• Dall~ f'llol Stall S1._·ymour Mt•1111111. Lil ' lrv1111·, S p:u11s h Dt•pu r t11w11 l 1'11.11 rm.1 n . remt•niht·ri. t ht• u1111<·11·11u• 111 Cnral·as w ht•n h1 · mt t t lw rw\\ Nolx-1 Pnn· w111m·r frn l11t•rall111., Gabr1t•I (;arna Ma1qut·1 It was in l!Hi7. thl' -..11111· \l',11 thl' auth11r l> h1ghl) olt'l'l.J111wd n ovd. "01w llund1t·d y,.,.,., 111 Sol1tudt'." was publ1slwd .111d b<'<'anw an 11111nt·d1att· wurld" 11h· Cavo ntt· An air 111 t•uphrn1.1 1w1 mt•a1t'll the ml't.>llng ul tlw lnlt•111at11111.d lnst1tult.• ol l bt•r10 A11wra1'.1n Lltcrc1tun'. Mf·ntun ... aid N11l only hacl C.!rt'IL1 M.11qut•1':-b.1ok brought t'l't'<ht lo Latin A111l'nt·an writers. hut Gua11•1111'b11 n11v1·h ... 1 Miguel Angt•I Asturias h.1d h1•t·n chosen that Yt•a1 111r 11 ... N11lx·I Prize · A third wntt•r . Pt·1U\1,111 f\l.1n11 Vargas L lus;J, had rt'('t•ntl\ "011 .1 $ 2 5 , 0 0 tl l' a s h p 1 1 1. l : T h , • confcn •ncL' had g1v1•11 tht• wn1t·rl> and otht.•r dt•ll>gall'' .1 l·h.111n· 111 CC'IC'bratl' the world .1tn•pl.111n· 111 Laun Amt.•n<·an writing "They Wt.'n• tn•att·d l1k1 • 11111v11· stars or $0t.'t'l'I' hl'l'()t•s ." fl't'alh·d Mcnton "It was om• of tht· 11111:-l exC'1t1ng C'Vt•nls l 'v1· 1·\·1·1 atte nded" Anno unn·ml'nl this \.\'1•1•k t lt;1 t Garcia M arqut.•z h <1d ht 'I'll l'l h ·d b v the Swt•d1s h A C'adl·mv 111 L0et ter~ probably l·ould .not gene rate that same• n •markahh enthus iasm bC'eaust> hl' ll> 1w lo n ger a frL•s h d1st·ovt•rv 1n literary e1rc:ll's, Menton <.tddt.~I • Hut lo11 tlll•M ,u, II ·'" M1·11l1111 "lw 1101\•1• 1·\11 .... 1·1\ ,111dwd 1111' \\Ill k ... ·ol L.11111 A1111·111 .111 llll\'1·li...h '"""It l 111111 1 ... 1111 111t ·d f\11 •1111111111 l!-l/ltld1 ll\111·d ll'I ., l>1l>t111g111,l11·d l·.111dt\ l .1•t'llll•' "" "0111· ll u 11d 11 •tl Y .... 1 , 11 I Solat11d1·" It 1, d..t111111 h h1' t.1·,1 1111\ 1·1 .i11d I 1.ill II tlw b1 ·'1 11t1\1I \\ 11111 ll Ill S p1111hh '>lllll' '()011 W111>.11tt'.0 • Ill' -.;11d "I 1h111k 11·, .i • v1'11t.d 11111·1 p11•tc1111111 111 111 ... 11 •1 y l\t1 .... 1 llllJllll !;1111. tlll~l!h. I'> llll' 111 l'<llll llkl· qu.1hly 111 tlw ... 1w Y ,111d pru..i., wh1l h Mt·111t111 .. 11111 1·.111 1>1• "l'l'tl 111 1h1· op1·111ng 11111· of tlt1 · 'tury "Many Yt'lll'l> l111t·r. as 1 ... l.1l1'1i tlw f111ng ~1uad . t'11l111wl ,\u11·l1 .1n11 Bu1·nd1a 'nol!:> l o 11•1111 ·m l>t'r th.it d1l>l.111l af11·r110011 w lw11 his fa t h1 ·1· touk lu111 111 dl'ol.'0\'l'I' lt'l' .. ""T lw 01wnin~ ol' 'Ont• Huncln·d Yc·urs of S oliluclt•' i!-1 wondc•rful. II r..Ct-rs lo a f ulurc.· ancl a pa~l a t lht-same~ lime·. h lc•aH·~ lhc• reatlc•r <.uunze·cl lwcause ht> doc·~11·1 kno\\ what lime· frame• he• i~ in." 11•111g11111·d .1 ... 11111' ol lh1· g r•·at1 ,1 1111\'1•1' 111 tll1 \\'111 Id . Tlw 1111\ 1•1d1•"411lx·., th1· t11 ... t111 \ 111 th• lh lion.ii Bu .. 11d1.1 t.111111\ dur 111g .1 I 1HJ '1'o11 p1 1111d .ti 11 r -.1 •ttla11g Ill ,1 '111.iJI, t111p11 .1J lll\\ II l .tll .. J l\l,11 1111d11 l\11 ·1111111 ..... 11d !111 f·><11 k\\11od, v1ll.1j.!1· \\J.., '>1t111l,11 111 ... u 01 l ' I I '"I I I... I" l; .. I l I .. !\l LI I q ll 1 I ' "\\ 11 h 11111 1 I 11 l'11lrn11l>1.1 \\ lwr 1 ht ~\·I~ I ;Ul>I d 11\ gr .i11dp.11 L lll:- ·11w ''"' \ I!:> ,1 1 ll'll .i11d d1·1.11l1-<I ;n 1 11 ll II l u i g I n.' I ,Jl I 0 II... "t 1hc1r.i111·1 .... \\ hu t1·11d l11 r qx .11 1'11.i1.1t·t1·1 i...t1c" g1•111•t11 ,111d lwh<1\'l111-.il thruuglinut 1 ht· book. l)l ll'1111g \l h.ll J\11·111011 t ..ill' s.ud IVh-n to n "Tht• UJ'lt'nl ng I!:> wond1·rful It n •ft•rs to u fulUl'l' a11d .1 pusl al thl· s;:imt· t111w It l1·.1vt·' th1· re<ufrr .im<.1zt•tl bt'('JUi.t.' h1 • d o1•:.n't kno~ wh.il llml' 11.tllll' IW L'> 111 " l'vh ·1111m s;rnl c;ul't'l<I M.11 (tUt•7' l111•1.i1 y .1µpr11al'h 1s t 1·r11H·d 111.ig11 r1·al1sm'' 111 L<1t111 Anwru .111 litL·1«1n l'lrt'IL·'> 111··, 1,dk111g" about thL· rl'al \\Ol Id but hl• p<'l'l'l'IVl'S (•IN1wn t:; "I n1agw 111 n·al11y " A11 1•x aniplt• I!:> the 0 1wning 1 h;iptt•r whl'n J us(• Areatlio But·nd1.i lC'ads ;,in t.•xpt·d1 tum north I nun lht• 1~mlu tl'd Mal·ondo to -;t·l'k l·1vd1zauon In a d t•n s<' t:-op11 o1I fort'!'I. the· mrn d1st·ovl'r • 1111• Wll'l'kil81' 111 oJ ::-,p<J11i...h gull1·1111. lls hull stlll n1v1•11'd wllh 1x·tril 11·d h.:1niud1•'> .11111 •111 hid!:> h.i11g111g I 111111 lh lll<l~l M1·11to11 l>Hltl .illh11ugh th1· l>l'l'lll' Sl'l'lllS Sll ungl'. lll!otllH'l<Jn-. k1111\\ th.it l11·tt1· hu1111an1•-. d1•p11,1H·d ... t11ps 111 u11l1k1·lv l11t.lll1Jl1:> Tli1 111<1g11· I .111 111· 1 ·>q 1l,111wd Mag11· qual1l1t·s ah.11 p1 ·rvadt• tilt• l'har;1e1t·rs. ht• Ollll·d 111 lal·t. M1•nto n i.a1d Ll arl'la Mar4ucz' ~11.·1:1h!:>t mt"--w~,w in tlw book thut StJl'll'ty 's only c:hann· t11 Sllt'l.'t•t•t.l ts by w11rk1ng togl•th1·r 1s uvt•rsho1d11w1•d by his artful dt·p11·11tu1s · "Although lw had th1· 11w~~w in tlw back ol his h1._•ad. 11 d0t•s not prl·do1111na11• in tht· novel." n o l t· d M 1• n t o n · ' W h a l pn-dominatt·:-an· h1l> l'h<ir<ll'tC'rs " Tht.• pro ft'S.'>Clr suggt•!>ll·d o thl·r workl> by (;arna Marqu1·2 th<il Orunge · Cuasl rt.·atll'rs m 1gh l t•nJOY indudt• "Thl· Au1umn of tht• Putnan·h ." and a short no\'l•I. "Nobu<lv Wntt•i. thl' Colom•! .. The• author, whost· b;.M· tlw l..isl two dt.'t.·adL·s has lx·t·11 Mt·x1co C1tv. ali.o JUSt p u b ltl>ht·cl 111 Spa111sh a m·w book. "Chrcm1d1• o f an Una nnu unct.>d Death ... \.\' h t l' h SI\ f .J r h <I S II • l bl' l' II p u h I 1 s h t· d 1 n a n 1-; 11 g I 1 s h t r:111..,1a t mn · · 0 111• H u n d n • d Y t' L1 r :-o t S11latude," rnt•anwhtlt'. has sold mon· than 5 mllliun t•opll·S 1n :i:i language·:; AP Wlrepholo \\·ork~ h y (,a hrit·I l,a n ·iu M arqu('Z .. '\olwl Priz•· winnt>r for litt>rulurt:', irwludc· llw ""b est novd in S panish !->im·f' "Bon (}ui xolf·: This t1me the police s1rens were just for fun ,, OellJ Pltol Photo• i.y RlcNrd KMMer When th e siren we nt off on the police motorcy<-le, Kir ten Kenn e lly responded wi th a noi e of her own. S ixth grad(' is a good age level for youth and law enforccmcmt to get ac:quainll'd The s tudents havt-figured out that polu 1· o ffice r s are m o r e than the smiling r1gur<•' p1Nured in the primary t1:xtbooks . YPl. most 11 and 12-year-olds haw no t had a brush with tht· law That's the rationale be hind th1• Ne·"' port Beach Po lice Departme nt's "Cops N Kids" p1cmL. staged for thc third yl'ar in a row at Ea:-thluff Park for s ixt h grader s from s ix e1rea gratle schools. As in past years. 1t was difficult 10 te ll who w as having the better llml'. the <.'Op!> 01 the ksds The oCC -duty o ff1C'ers s howed up w ith the tools of their trade a nd the young s tudents w 11h .in uninhibited curiosity . While some of the youngst(•rs scrulm1wd a police helicopter o r dapped the ir hands O\'l'r their ears a l the wail of <1 pohce car siren. otht·rs played tug-of -war a nd picnic games w11h thl' officers. - Tht· d1 spl;1v' rind g.11nt ·s w1·11· lollowt•d by a IMrh1·•·ul· lunc h a11d "" .ii l<'rno1111 ot informal d1-.c.u:-.. ... 11m bHv.t .. ·n 11ll11t1' .11111 tl'th gradl'r.. "It's JU'>t .1 g1)1KI .igt· 111 m <ok1 o111 1mpn·~1on 1111 a kid. l\J ll'l tlwm krnl\\ th.it \\l,.re human l.>1·111gs to(l ;111d lhat w•· rt h<1P!JY to stt duwn anti talk w11h th1·111 · n ·111o11 kt'<I 11ff1 l t't Pt•tc Pernn. \l ho t•sllmatl-d 8011 :.1>.lh gr.Jdl·rs .ind JOO off1<'C·r.., 'ho\.\ • ·d up "And 1t'l> g1111d f111 tlw 11ffw1·rs loo Tt}(' 0CC1t·l•rs gt•t ,1 t hanc•· lo -.1·1· th.JI most of these• k1dl> an• gocxl p<'<ip lf' Wh1·n you ho\'l' 100 t·o~ giving up th1·1r 11\\11 11 11 11n11 '.H l dll ll·ll '>omNhing good', i.:m ng 1111 " Pf'rnn saul tlw P11l1t·1· dl'partnu·nl inlPnds to kt•1•p lhl· µrug1.1111 g 11111g ~1th tht· lXpt:<:tallon thJl a pwnl will bl· n •:1t ht'<I "h1 n ,ill high S(.'hool <.,tudc·n L-. 1n tlw t·1t.v w il l h.ivt• "'J)(•rwncrd thl' "Cops N K1 cb" p1l·n11 ' I ; iJ' .. Sixth graders peer into helicopter at East bluff Park to et' I he equipment used for aerial surveillance. P arking control officer Kim Miller a nd sixth grade r Ed Wh ile laugh over (utile e fforts in ba lloon -blowing relay race. )' j I ' ·. ' . -. . .. . "' 81 Ornnoo C.oHt UAll V f'IL >I /Monday. Octnt>• r ~·1 l'JH~ lndif f ere nee irks witnc to swimm~ng pool drowning DEAR ANN LANDl::HS. I Jui.I rt•ud so111t,.tl11 r1g LI') the New York Nl·ws thut mudl· m y bhJO<l l.x11l • Tht' porcnts of u IJ -yt•ur-o ltl r1n• "ulll~ lht• l()Wn of Babylon. Lon~ lslun<l , l11r $:!\ 11111111111 , alleging thal ti ltlt•guard al 1tw r\lunlnpal pool refused to save tht•1r son from dmwmng Ill· Mild. "It wasn't my area " . According lo t·ourl papers. the l)ov was swunmmg m thl' l'rowded pool whl•n sudd1•nly h1• began to drown. Dl>sp1w repeated picas from has friends and oth'-'r horr1f1ed bystandl•r:-. tht· lifeguards on duty fmlt'<i to go to the aid of thl' bov. Fjnally two of the boy's fnends pulled him out ,-,, the pool. Not one of thl• h foguards atlemptell 10 ~uscitate the lad as h1:. ltCe shppt."'<i away b y tlw poolside. He died JO mmult'S latt'r m a hosp1Utl. An obst.•rver s.11d. "Sht• (the lifeguard) w avt'<I me away wht>n I told ht•r somrone was down then•, at t h e bottom of tht· pool She told the otht•1 lifeguard to help He said 11 wasn't his area." The prosec·utmg attorney cha rged the death was the result of "pun• tnd1fferenee -the most shameful disregard for a human life that I haw ever come across. '!'hey JUSt d idn't want to b(• bothered." What is happt.'ning to t he world? When· art• compassion and concern for one's fellow man? Sign me -ASHAMED OF M V SPECIES IN L .I. DEAR ASHAMED: It would be Inappropriate to comment on a case that Is In litigation. I can tell you, however , tbat the callousness and indifference toward human suffering and misery seem to have bit a new low. We have become an insensitive, me-first society a nd no longer feel an obligation to help others. Respec t for authority, s tarting with pare nts. has deteriora ted shamefully. This same irrevere nce Is reflected in the school. the churc h. the law and, as your le tte r pointed out. concern for one's fellow man. How sad. DEAR ANN LANDERS. I am writing about a woman who 1s so pcrf<><:t in c-very way s hl· belongs to another world She· 1s cvt•rv man's drl'am Thl' first ttml' I saw ht-r i knew she was what I have been walling for a ll my life &•auty. brams. personality. wonderful mtinnc·rs. marvt:'lous Stan Being 'Ille \\bman ~ want to Bet M1ae tM 1m on yo11r t~n1nc point' Call 01 colllt tod1y tor a to•pll111en1ary auly111 and 01ot1ar1 d1scm 1on ~ AllN LANDERS Sf.>l·.1k1nf( vrnu· .1 1o·11 1t11 't·11-.1 111 lt11111111 pr .11 111 .11 kind. g1•111•r 11u' 'w1 ·1·l cl 1'p1 .... 1t 11111. 1·11111pl1•1t·I v un:.t•lf1:.l1, .i 11111 11111v1•r,.1111111.ili...1. W \'11 111l1111111·tl 1111 1·v1•ry ... ubJL~:l and .1 lt1 ,1\1•111\ h1-.t I'·" 1111·1 I hav1• ht.'1'11 "• mg lt1 •1 1111 111111 111111111 ..... ;ind lht·y hav1· lx•t•n llto lt.1J11JI•''' o l 111\ 1•11 1111• Ith• Siu•" thl• 011ly woman lo whom I h.1v1· .... 11d, "I luvt• '"u " Wt• talkt•d .ilmul 111.11r1.1g1• ,11111 I fl'll like: 1111· lut·k11•:.l m .m 1n tht• "'1 1rltl L.is t lllght 'h•· l1>ld 1ni· :.ht• lt.ul d1~·1d1'il 111gt\1• ht>1 hui.band a "'I 011<i 1 h ;1m··· I \\ .-:-,lllnrw d S lt1• has two duldr1•11, and 1'111 ~un• lht·V l lj.(lll •· prom11wntly 111 ltt•t d1 •t'1'1rn1. I tuld lwr I w ould w ,1tl for ht·r fon·Vl·r . 1 I r ll'n·:-:-...11 v I an 1 lwal'l:-.wk I 'l1 ·as1 · ll'll me 1f lhl•n · I'> .cr1 yth1r)g m1111• I .. ltould do HANGlNU ON IN MISSlSSll-'1'1 DEAR HANGING: I can 't think 01 u thing you can or should do. It sounds a s if you have done too much already. A no nu11~c ·1i....1• .1µp1 11.wh 111 /1111\ 111 t/1 •:1/ ''1th l1fc"s flltl'>I <lt l fH'll/I .111d 111 11'>1 11•\\,1td111i; arrangc•mtmt A1111 L<1111/1·r-...· l>ovkfl'I. "/\larn.w1• What to Ex pt't'l, .. w1ll pn•µ.1n• y11u tor bdt1·r or fot worse Send ,\ uur l't'</UI"'' 111 1\1111 L.111clc·r~. r' U Bo,. I 1995. Chu::.igu. lJJ linl;J I. t•nchi..-,mg 511 t'C'tlts ;mt/,, long. stampt>d. S<•lf ,ic/c/n"''<"I t•nn•fupt• -~ Every Sunday 1n Cal: lor lree 1nformat1on ORANGE COUNTY J TOWN & COUNTRY ORANGE (714) 547-8228 ' I Maybe It's time to relight your furnace pilot. . , ' H you turned your furnact! pilot off for th(! ~um mer. 11 \\'as LI smart movl!. \b u saved mom~): Bu t now. cold weather is just around the corner. '(I mak~ ur~ }'!Ill ca n safely relight your furnact'. pi lot bcfnre yo u need your turnacc. It's ~sy. Just open the access panel to the main gas con tro l anc.1 look for the instructions. If you ca n't find the instructions. or you're unsure ho\\' lo n.:li~ht your furn ace pilot. give the Gas Company a ca ll. Wc'll l'<iml' out and show yo u how. But remember: many people ca ll durin~ the firs t cold spell. So call today while our service people aren't so busy. That way )'OU wonl be lei\ out In lh• cold. m 80UTHliAN CAU~IA ~ COMMNY f GOif N ON lllDGf BY CHAALFS H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF q.I t•:11"l Wt•11l vuln1•rablt•. 111> South you holtl. •H1~2 f5 r,qJIO~ +A7e3 'I Ill' l111lrl11tl( hau Jtrl>t't'edeJ. Wt<11l North •:H t South I I 2 • • 1•a.. 1 •prt11:1mptln• Wh11l .1d1t1n du yuu l11k1"! J\. Whal hn.11 h11p111•n1·1l lo I h1· l11•nrl '1U1l'! It h\•lllOl(li Ill t h1· 1•111•rny II you f1111111 trurnl ly ur 111ukt• a l1111f ht•arl\•tl r111~1· tu tl1r1•1• 'JHJ1h•11, lh\•tt• 11> 1·v1·ry ltk1•lth11rnl lhat your 1111 p11111·1th, whu hav1• hy rar lh1• n111J11r1ty ur lht• potrtl,, will l11•-.1l 1· I h1·1r f11 J 11m11 lo four '>l1Jdc·' ll1·,11li·~ t ht· fo1•l lhnl you 1J111(ht 10.dw lhal c·on I r111·t ti I hn1· '' .1 mag11· fll . you .1r1• 1nc·rt•t1,IOI( t h1• 1ir1·1·111pl tu .i lt•vt•I wtwr1• w,.,1 .,.1 JI 11ol know what lo d11 U.2 :--11·11 ht•r \IU l1t1•r.1IJlt'. '" -.0111 h you hultl +A I072 1 J 9!><1 • AU!IS North •:o t South Wett I t'ut1 I • Paii11 :l + l'a1111 ? Wh.11 al'tton Ju you lakl'! A. Yott havt• th1· t•t1u1val1·nl or an 11111'111111( l11d and parlm·r ha., mad•· 11 Jump. Thrrl'forr . i.lam 1' 1n the 11ff1nl( llow1•vt·r. y1111 1•1111nol fon·c I h1• is.,ut• ht•('llUM' you could ha vt· l wo or mun• fast losers 1n diamond!'> and partner's ht•arl vnlut•!-. won't tw carry inl( their full w1•1icht. Inform partnt•r of your lllll'rf'Sl Wtth ti l'Ut' h1d of four 1•Jul.ii.. but go no furthl'r than four :.padt•S unit',., partni·r t•oo1wrate1> '>lronicly. Q.3-tloth vuln1trablt'. a:. South you hold: + AJ854 ~ 6 0 95 + 10985% The b1dd1ng has proceeded: Weat North Ea1l Soulia Ubl11 4 7 W h11 I 11<'1 inn do you t alu"I A. -i\jCl(rt•HIVl' b1Jdtnl( hy I h1• t•nt•my hu 1lt1truplt'll t lw 1111rm11I f111w 111 rom111u111r11 111111' for y1111r 'lt1f1., Y uu du nol h11v.-mud1 1n l~ way of hlf(h 1'11'111' hot, OflflO"th• ll tuk1•11ut tluulil1-. your h11nrt ha, I rl'llll'llllOIJ" tr H'k I 11kllll( 1'"1<s1 h11t111·'1. A .. a r 1111· .. r thur11h. wht•rt you huv1• II !) !i :! I 'ht11w and parl lll'r htt' m111lt• 110 rnl11r111;1lory douhl1• 1111ltrnt1111( 'Ul>JH•rf fur holh of y1111r '!Ulh. lull l WH'I' I" 111111'11 M• your p11111l 1·11tinl 1111•! .1lt·'· 1 kr•·. " hut ol four o;pud1·:. " wo·ll \\II htn your rt•at'h. '~·'' Nori h Suuth vulnt•r ahh·. JI'< Suuth you hollt: +1 . A I06S4 v 93 +KJ H52 Thi· b1dcltnl( ha' pro1•1·<'d1•d: North t:ut South Wf'ict I+ 3 o • ? •pret'mptive Whlll .11·t111n dt• you lttk1'/ A. S11nw11m1•:. pn•1•rrtf>l'> 111 1·111111i li'h thc·ir puq1u-.t· lh.11 ·,why µn11>l1· t•onl tnUl' lo u"· t h1•111 i-:a,,l's jump to t hn·1· il1a111ond:. on thii. hand hu' mad1· life d1ffitult. fur S11111 h. South's hantl JU1>l isn't l(omJ cnf/ugh for a !rl't' bid al l h1• l hn·t• or fou r l1•vt•I. 11 l' ~hould pass and hope that his µartn1•r {'an ta kc some action. If it turns out that the up pont•nls have talked you out of som1•lhing. that ii. the• price you occas1onally ha v1· tu pay for ;1 sound bidding strurture. Q.S -As South. vulnerable. you hold: •KQ83 1;195 0 82 +AJ1076 Partner opens lhe bidding wit h one diamond. What do you respond'! A. H1•11anll1·n 11f wht•tht'r you play four .,, flVt• card maJor 11u11 llflNllflK but ... you 'thould r1•'IJ1<•nd two d uh• Ou n 11 I Ill !I k" I It t' 1· h 1· 11 fl" r••11pon•1· 111 0111• 11p11d1• 011 a hand whnt' you an· 11tronl( 1•nou1<h 111 hid n.1lurnlly l11•1111lt•1t, orw "l"''I•· may 1101 h1• all thal 1·1•11nuntll'1ll II 11111·n1•r r••IJ11h l wo d1a111onri;.,, you would h.1 v1• 111 "how y1111r s1·1·11n1I 11u1l .11 th1• thr1·t' II' VI'(! Q.6 11111 h vulrll'r.1hlt·, "" South y•>ll hold + K 95 " A U62 / A 7 +A I 095 Thi· h1dlJ11tl( 1111, pr11l'l"·rl1·<I Ho11th W.-t North t:awt I NT Pa.. 3 • f>aw11 ? Whal rlo y1111 h11I now! A. -Y<1u 01111'1 know wht·lhl'r µartrwr" 11ll1•n·,1t·d 1n game or 'larn. and you don't really 1·ar1• You 1·ould hardly hav .. a hl'lln hanil lor hun ,di pr1m1·:-., t·ontrol 11( 1•vt·ry :.u1l .ind .i ruH1nl( val1ll'. 1!1d four rluh'>. T h11t 1·-.lahl1s ht•i. 'padt·s '" lrump'i and at I h1• ".11111• l1m1· .,huw' a maximum 1111 trump with rir:.l round 1·0111rol tn duhs H partnt•r is intn1·i.l1•d tn slam, hc will go on from lh1•n'. 1f nol. he will '!ll{n orr al four :.p11d1•s. Have you beea ruaaia1 ia· to double trouble? Lt'l (;harle1 Goren help you find )'OW' way throqh the mau of OOUBLt::S for penallie11 aod for takeout. For a copy of lli• ooueu:s booklet. 11ead Sl.85 to "Goren Doublet.~ ure of lhi11 aew1paper, P.O. Boa 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make check1 payable lo New1paperbookii. Norm ..... [oats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elec1 Norm Loats. Rudy Baron-Treasurer. 881 Dover Or . N.B 1D t 822319 Leon's Inter ors Has Now Gone DISCOUNT Yes, now even you can buy at LOWER PRICES Than most Interior Designers. After being in business in Newport Beach since 1961 , I have decided to go completely discount. and sell to the public at the same prices I have been selling to designers. That Is 35% Off ALL WALLPAPER ALL DRAPERY FABRIC ALL UPHOLSTERY FABRIC ALL LEVELORS ALL FURNITURE CARPET-CARPET-CARPET-CARPET ILL C&llHT ALL WDll FLHIU•I AU Yl•YL FLOOlll•I ALL s111n111s Just $1.00 per sq. yard above cost Just ,35c par sq. foot above cost Just s 1.00 per sq. yard above cost Just 10% above cost DISCOUNTS MEAi NOTHING WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING I. No private labels -This means all items sold will have the mfg. names' so you can really compare. 2. The same quality workmen that we have had in the past. (Draper, Installer & Workroom -6 years) (Upholsterer 18 years) (Carpet Installers 6 & 2 years) (Shutters -16 years) 3. We still guarantee everything we sell 4. No seconds or damaged goods. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE NAME BRANDS WE CARRY. WALLPAPER 6 FABRICS CARPET 1 Van Lull• 7. 1<90ney 8ro1 13 W•llp11per tnc 2. SchumlCMr a. 0Uf1•1ee 14 Bob Mllch•ll 3. Greff 9 J.P. Mtrlan 16. D•vld & Oaah 4. s. Hatti• 10. Chat'lea Barona 18. l<~neth McDonald ~. Sinclair 11. BruntWICk & Fiia 17. We11ga1e a Strohelm & Roman 12. WaH Pride 111. l<ravet 1. Cu1tom Weave 7 Weetarn 2. Dawn 8. Fal>flet 3. Sunwest 9 Gemini 4. Royatweave 10. P~lflc:lal &. N•v•Jo 1 I Gen.rat Fell 8. Cumt>ertend 12 Palrlclr ~on 1 9 @ nterior9 NOUltlt • A.IL nu. ... ,. '"""-I ....... ., --. Interior Design Ill 1113 · 11111••• n. . . .. ,n_ I \ -~ • I ------~ SCR swings back • Jn Offbeat drurnu of n tt•t•n -Uf.'t'r nncl prt'tlt'ht•r ope·n~ in l\1t·~n By TOM TIT S Of U.. DIMIW ~I lien South C'o1111t lll·1~·rl11ry :o.w1111<' h111 k 111111 1111' 1potllght th l11 Wt•t•k w ith tlw W1•:.l C'11.1s1 pr t•1111t•11· 111 "The Divlncni," an ufflw111 tlr11111u .1!.x1u1 11 d1 ... 111rl11·d teen -ager and a b1u:k!lhJ111K 1J"'-'<1l'ht·1. whrt h 1·111111'\I pla udits off-BrOJJwny w 11h un lrv1111· \011111 111 tlll' key tolt' M t!anwhale. on tlw 1·011111uu111y lt•v1•I. tlw Hut)ting to n 81.'Ul'h Play lwust• o pl·11:. .1 Br 111:0.h com e d y, "Two and T w" M d kt· S1•x," 1111d 1 lw Garden Grovt-Con ununnv Th,.at1•r li11n~ ... 1i... ll1<l1b up o n "The Murd(•r H0<1m." a 111y!ltt•1 v .-.11111·tlv Ii\ El Toro's Jal'k Shnrkt•v Huth arl· On111~t t 'uu111 \ premieres. "The.• D1v11w~" 11•v1>IVl''> .1rou11J .1n l11dia11.1 "idiot boy'' w ith tht• puwt•r tu M'llM' th•· 11ll'iJl1011 111 w a le r . Ro bert Ma<·naughto11 nl lrv11w t" t-: 'l' . .., .. lllg brothe r). orgmally played tht· roll-111 Nt •w Yo1 k, but was unable Lo perfonn .it SCH l.x'(..1U">t' o l 1h1• h igh cost ($10,000) of providing a tutor . ,1, n-.1u111•d b y la w . J e ffrey Combs will µl.iy lh1• 11111• \.\llh Thomas Oglesby 1-0-st.arring as thl· pn·ad 11·r Others in the SCH <·asl nrl' E1111lv l lt·l'h1wr, J o h n W alcutt, Do n Tul'hl·. M tirtha Ml'F.id.111d. Wayn e Grace. Pa tti Johns. Sylv1..1 M1·1l·d11h. J111· M cNeely and Rita Rene Stl'\'l'ns M;utrn &·nwn 1' directing. "T he OtVtnl•rs" t>µt.•n:-. Tut·sday and will pl.1~ nightly except Mondays at 8 p.m (Sundav~ 7 :m1 and w eekend matin ees al ~::m through 1>1'(· ~ .11 the F our th S tep Theater, 655 Tuwn l'e nli'r l>11v1-. l'o .. tJ Mesa. Reservations 957-4033 John W illiams is d1rt'l'llng "Two a11d 'f'>' u M a ke Sex" for the· Hu11t1 ngtun Bcat'h P layh11us1·. whe re th e ad u lt comedy will makl' its dt•hut Fnday • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Tuesday, Oc tober 26 ARJES (Mar«h 21 -Apnl 19). You mulct win popularity con test. Numcnl·al and lunar l ydl·s high light flexibility, ability to get acTo~ 1d1•.1:-. and unique talen t for making olht•rs fl·c•I 1mponan1 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Dt·tJtb unr ,l\'t•I 111 connection with assignment. promol11111. pnlllul 111111 and spt.-cial n .emo which h1ghhghts prc>st1gt• Yuu'll be dealing w ith stubborn. dy1rnm1t', c.:reallVt· µt.•1µll' who feel th eir ideas s hould not Ill' l'hall1•llKt·d GEMINI (May 2 l-Junc 21.1). Fot•us un trnvt•I. educatio nal pursuits and s prntual valu1•s Long- dlstance call aids m clanfymg p1an:. S.ig111.1nw.. Virgo a nd ano ther Gemmt f1gun.· prum11wnth CANCER (June 21-July 22). Budg<·t UtM.·uss1on affects family, poss1blt• homc> dL'(.'urat1on and m<.ivbt· a de lay where rcmodehng 1s l'Ont-ernt.'<l H1ghhgh1 diplomacy. willingness lo makl· tnlt•llrgl'nt concessions. Soml'One wants you tu 1.vs1gn tJr to put up collateral. LEO (July 23-Aug. 2:.!): Play wa1ung g<1nie' Define terms. be aware of legal--requiremcnL'>. cht'(.'k rights a nd perm1ss1ons . F ocu s o n possible partnerships. import.ant d0t·uments, marital swtus VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep t. 22): J ob gets do1w. additional assignments follow and commitment 1s made w ith older individual who can pull strings. K eep resolutio n s concNnrng med1tal -dt:nlcd appointments. LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct 22). Obtam well-ro1mded pictu re. Leave bits, pieces for a nother llm<• For now , perceive project in its e ntirety You l'an touch on universal them e. others respond and St>nwmw com es up w ith an offer you can't re fuSf' SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov 21> Ma111t.1111 independent stance. Persons a<"l:UStomed tu ha\·1ng their own way might try pushing tactics S tand firm. adhere lo principles a nd protect property rights . H elp comes from surpnse sour1.·c LPo. Aquarius natives play key roles SAG ITT ARI US <Nov 22-De1.· 211 F irst impressions prove corre<·t Display cour<1gc of convict ions. You'll regain sen se of 01re1.·t1on Relative talks of investment pla n which y ields higher interest rate. Cancer, Capricorn. Aquanus persons figure in unusual scenario. CAPRICORN 1Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Good news received concerning payments, collecuons Dec1s1on in financial d ispute goes in your favor You receive invitation w hich includes c xc1tmg social cvc>nt. eossi b le t r ave l. Expand horizons G1.•mrn1 , s.gittarius natives figure prommenlly AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F cb 18): Judgmt-nt. intuition are on ta rget-H rghh ght independence. self-re liance and willingness lo present ideas 1n fo rthrigh t. con fiden t m a nner. PISCES (FPb 19 -March 20 ): Unusu al meeting w ith m e mber of o pposite sex could result 1n for mation of c h aritable project P eople become m or e inte reste d in your ideas. aspirations and ambitions. UUllllllA • AUll llA • Cllllf ..... ,, WARREN MILLER LIVE "-1 .. •"'1-l llU ll"" lit\ I ••'"""'"-"""'• •m• 11t1 1 I0111 "1NI ldll"° Atioor• a 111.Mtt ... Oii• -llf ltllllr Ille"' QI~ S11a • l"'* INTIRMISSION 1111 "'"' \.\l•1•k1·1Ht... M1·111lll'I ' ul lh1 I ..... 1111 l11d1· l<.Alw111 d &•lfr l'V M.111\ l-:ok111.11111 ('11111111• 1<:1th·1i.. 1-'1 .11 11 ... ,J,11111·' I .. 111111· S1111d.1~ .11111 !-M. ull /.w k111,111 1'1•1llllllilllHI'' \\ill 111 g1\1 11 1'11d.1 \I' ,111cf Satu1d.JV" ut K .111 .11 tlll' pl11\'h1111.,,._ 111 1h1 • S'"" 1111 V1ll.1g1· 'lh1111 p 111l~ t 1•111 .. 1 011 M.1111 St1t 1 1 .11 \'11rk111\1..i1 Avt•11111• 111 llt111 1111g11111 1\1.,11 It. 1l11 111t~~h I),, I Ht•:.1•1 v11111111" !Hi I lh .1 Sh.tr kt•\·., l.11;·..,1 111m1<tlv "Thi· M111 d1·1 Ht111111 · I' htl11 ·lf ,I.., 11 lllt•ll11lt,1111.1tll "Jl'llll CHI 111\' ... ll'I \ pl.t\" He·' D.1v l:.d111'(1111t; till' "h"" \\h1d1 h.11l111 ·, Skip B.111<1·1. H.111d~ C'1,1wl111d. B11 ·111f.1 Fu..!111·1, D.111 f\111111~. Ntl•• 1',1rk1•r 111111 .111.111111• Wolc-1111 l\·1 lori11;1111 ,., .111• :.1·lwd11lc•d 1111 1-'11d.1\' .111d S.1111rdJvs ;11 11 :w .11111 Sll111l.1v, .11 :.! :111 1,;, lour "t·1·k1•111b 1 l11.,111g Nuv I I .. 11 tht· 1111 .. 111·1 111 1-: ..... tg.111' P .11 k .11 llw \\'1·:.11•111 l'IHI of l 'h,qm1.111 A v1·11Ul', c.:.1nh•11 t :111v1 Ht•:-.1•1\'.1liw1s HUI ~I :!:! '1'111 t•c• nlll1·g1· prntlul·t11111' '''i nd lip 1111·11 II ··Jll'\'tlVt• I lHI ... lh1:. \\'l't k1•11d Tl11•\• .Ill' .. K•·11111·th"" t ·1i i1c111 11 • ·" s ... 1c1 lt·l>.11 i.. l '111lt'l•W 111 l\Ji,..,11111 Vw.Jl• (II.I I l11.1fi), pl.1\ 111g ~·, 111.1\ ,111d S.11urda~ .11IIp111 .11111 Surnl.11 .ti :1 p 111 "LISA .. 11 t )1 a11g1• ( '0,1~1 l'nllq.,t•'. •Iii ..-a1rv11·'>' Hoad 111 l'11::.t,1 Mt .,,1 t '1~ti :1:1:.!i ). un ... 1;1g1 · Th ur .. d.i y lhr ough S;1tlll'd.11 .tl II p 111 .111d Su11cl.1v .11 .! JI Ill IU 1lw O<.'C 1>1.1111.i l..ili Th1 .. 111 •1 "Old T11111•., .1t t:111d1 II w ..... 1 ( '11111 g1 · ... l'l.1\ h.1:i.. 'l'h1•.11t•1 II\ llun11ngi.111 B<'<tt h (11!1 I li07ll) g1v111g Im.ii r.x r l111111.1t1l't'" ..-rubv .1ml S;itu1d.t1 .1t II p 111 .ind Sund:1v .i l :.! :w Still ri11 .. 1ag1· along tlw Or;111g1· ('11;t:-.I ;in· · "IJt'.1lhtrap" .. 1 1h1· ll.1rlt-qu111 1>11111t •1 l'la\ hoUSt'. :1:,0:~ S I l,1rh111 Blvd . Jllsl 11111 lh ol <.'ust.J l\lt•'>.t j !}';'\l .5:-> I I) Jll'l IUl'llllllj.( 1111-(htly l'l.ll'jJl M11nJ<1vs ,it '"11;-.·111g1·u1 t.1111 tlntt'' through Nov 14 "Thi· t'11 .11l., ut l't·111..:111t , ... :ii Sl·h.ist1.111':. Wt•s1 1>1nn1•1 Pl:1vhot,...c·. 140 Avt· P1n1, Sa11 l'l\·ll1t•nlt· t4!1:.! ~l!l ~ill). on 'i l<rg1· 111gh1lv 1·xn •µt l\londdys CJI varv11114 111111•s lhrt1llgh Nvv 11 \l"W'\'f'illl'll'9 fl 1ift ~ ... , ""... ... ........ . .......... r:~ . ,...., ..... __ . R <:t 1------13th SMASH WEEK-------f 8RU NEWPORT BUCH OllANCC WfSTMINSTlR ,,~d· it·~' •. , fo ..... ·n ~·Al~"( t • ,, •• , 1·,' ., ./1 ~. ~~ q li<t I.Si J.''10 I ).S ,.., • ,,,. ~,., 'f1 MISSION VIEJO WlSTMINSTlll t I\ 4 1 I ~ ,. ~JU t • • ...... ' t·~ , .. ~~I l~J' ·THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM ,. "SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" -Rex Reed. SYlllDICATlD FILM ClllTIC LMl!~ZV.f .. r!W l lllA 'y ••... ., .. COST A MlSA ..... , , .. tf\ ., ',,. y 1,• • ~ ll 10110 lAGUllA BUCH . .. -.. .... t MijllllNCION HACH l• "'"" rorxive lllt', father, for I ltm 1e sinned. OllA110l MONSIGNOR LUXURY THEATRES 1st 1-e ~ti11u She11i111t10ltLYS2J!IU111tuOthtr111sdottd s 1113ti134•Iitil6l61~ 2ss1/~r.'..) s FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... ARCAOE of GAMES• :;. '~'~!':· Or 1111wtt Couat DAIL Y f'll OT /M ontJuy nc. tobur Z~ 198? 88 Ki!'\s a t•hic:kt•n Ttw "'1111 Uit·~o Cliic·l.., 1>la)'•·d hy Tc·cl ~.in11uoula!'I, ~··•~ liu~ from 1•011111 r ) UIU!'lic· :-.lur l.ort'llH 1., 1111 in "lc •\,i 'or" Cit ~. Grace fi]m et for TV Nl';\\. Yt >HK tAI 'I l\111~,1111111• \\ill bt 1lw 111' ... I "' t;1 ;1('1• Kl'll\ ... 111111 ... '" 1,1 11111.1111 -.1..;1 111 .. 1l.1ll1lll:ii 11 •11•\'1 ... 11111 .11ld1t·111 C• S lll14 1111 l11l llll•I .11'111·'' d1 .. 11h 111 M1111.11 11 l.1 .. 1 1111111th Tiu "-;Fl\I I lultd.11 N1 t'"" k "ill ... v11d11.111 t l11 I 'l.1.I II HI\ It 111 1111111 I h.111 I Ill .. 1. .... )11 ... I tl\ I I 111g !)II 1w111·11I nl lilt lllllllll\'-. T\' .iud111111 1111 1111· \\'I ·1•k1 •11d 111 N•lV :!to :!i :!Ii 'l'lw l .. ll· l'l llh ,.,., ( ;1,11·1• \\ d "> d • !1 "I.II' Ill th1 lrl111 \.\llh t'l.11!-(;.1l1l1• .111d 1\\.1 t:.11.tnc I •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday lhru Saturday All P1rlormencea b1lor1 S:OO PM fEacept Sptc111 Eng1gtmtnt1 1no Holld1ys l "THI LAU AMllllCAN VlllOIN" ·~,·· ... . .. "fAIT TIMH AT IUOOMONT HIQH" 1•1 , ....... "JINXED" •t .• ..... ........ ,.. "MON810NOR" 1•1 tt.• ..... ·-,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll«IN "MONSIGNOR" t•1 .. •• -, ..... ..._ ...... "I TAll Tllf lC" 101 ........ * .. ·1u11 Tlll K" THI WllATH 0' KHAN" '°' ..... ,. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN f.ocut!V Al 09I ""'O 211/'34-'211 THI I WOlllO ANO THE IOlllCllllll" 1•1 ........... DllAQONILAYlll , .. , ·~·--... "AN OH IClll AND A OINTllMAN" 1•1 , ............ " .. THE CHOSEN'' •• tt•tM 4•t:llltM H .. "FIRST 8LOOO" 1•1 , .. JM t.0 t ..JCI " .. fotwlPy o• Co""l••Ooo l 213/531·9580 ·~IHI( fLOYO THI WAll 1•1 1. .. t..<66 .. ,.. "THI LAil AMllllCAN lllllOIN" 1•1 ,.,.. ... ._ ... TlM,.flT" .,.., ........ =-... MY ,AVOlllT( YfAlll '°' ..... "THE CHOSEN"'"' 1• ,,. ••too •• "JINXED" 1•1 tt•>a. ._ ......... ,, .. .. , Oltlct 0.-0 ... ,. ''" -SIW11 H~ '"' IMPORUNT NOTICE' CHllOllEN UNDER 11 fRU• -............ 00 .... 0.....0 ... , .... Clllf.fl -• t1lUI oc• CNI I.AOC! IS t!l<JO So'INP f "° .,. CNI iwr.I """ -OICCIUQllY l'05llOI --"" OUl1lllU •• llU CM--" -Ill Dll UI - A~A.Ht1a.- ANAHEIM DRIVl ·IN ,,...ay •t ot L•~ t• 17f-fHO "Jlt/UD" 1•1 ....... "l AllZAN. THI Al'( MAN" 1•1 Cl4ft fl to..iflilD 1111 ...... ,,.. BUENA PARK OlllVI IN Lt"C04" A•e We tf ef Cf'IO" 121-4070 f'lll '4" ! ~ .... LINCOLN DRIVE IN l~O~ A•• Wett ol Cl'IO._ 121·4070 t1 u"''AtN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE IN "AN Mr!CIR AMO A oeM'T\.IMAN" 101 ...... "WAITlllll" 1•1 CJOlf II W)WIO HAll0Wf(N Ill t•I SUIOH Of THE WITCH' , ..... , .. .,. ,££ fHt '"'"° ,., •1. ':"'I-' "•~.O: ... ,"°"""' ... ,,,~ ' ,., ... ,n-..u t '"" .-o•••••N)!ll t•t » -C~Ot Of' ... t•) l ••fl•IH tit\ If TH( ~•TllA·flllllfllllfAl 1 .. 1 ... ... 'OllAQONI LAYllll" 1...,1 ..,.lltT eLOOO · 1•1 ....... MADMA•' ,., ''NAUOWH N lll HAION Of THI WITCH" 101 •wt "THI fHINO" 101 Ctltl '' 10VttO .... ...... so,, ) ....... °' ... " ...... Hl·J69l _ •JltfrlD" 101 ....... "TAllZAN. THI A,.. MAN" 101 C11dll- ;~~ .. 1~L.-· .... u .... -rr.......,~fltl "MOtftlOHOlll" ,., ...... • .,A,.l"'"I Clllt fl '°""° A I",.~ " lA ~•ABRA 111/IVI IN -·-·-... ·--171-llH ----...... ' Cllltl•- •MONllONOll" 101 ... .... "TA,.l"IHI O llANG E 01/IVf IN ••Me•-·,... ., .... c_ .. IS4·1311 "'1111T IM.000" -•MAOllllAl"flll . . M ISS IO N [)lllVI IN . . ____ .._...... Wl\~N fJl flLl.I '"' ~'LOYD: TMI WALL" Clll ... .,. •AMITVVIUI llJ • T"9 f'OtHUION" IOI broadcaster I H >LLYW< ><HJ IAl'I S ylv.·..,tt·r S1.dl11rlt' tl11 "11·t·11.., Hot k\ l\,1lbu.1. will uilJ l11r. pun< h lo tl11· 1·111111 lllOllll('llllll\I or fill/I' lq~h t11 1111 tht• E11h•nu11111w111 a11d S 1.1111 l!. Pr o~ru111n11nl( Nl'lw11rk (!•;SJ'N 1 S1allon1 w•ll .1l\t1 promott• E..'iPN'! "S<iturda~ Nl~ht .11 tlw Ft~lll,· l'llrd Suturd;iy from C.u ...... 1 '-. PJlu11· Ill Lu'> Vt·~os forml'r WRA ltghlW(•tghl t:h11111JJ11111 S1•1111 C )'( ;rudy will Ill' lt•utun•d 111 th•· 11111111 •vt·lll a~a1 1111l l'Olltl:ndt•I' Pt•lt' Ht.111/.illlY ur Sut'I a me 11 l(J • I --~ --- Urnnuu uu,11tL I iAll Y Pll D f tM1111duv th.. l ulw1 :!!J l\Hl•' ruut.IC HOtlCC PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOflCI l'tJBLIC Nemec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~...,..~~~~~-~~~~~~"::""":":':":':::'"""~~ W()llCI 0, UIUllU'• IALI NOTICI OP T"Ullll'• IALI NOllCI or HIUlfll'I •ALI ... , ... POUllC NO llCl tllUITll a I All l • .... ,,, ••.• LO•n .... .,."IUOTf Uu Nt)•••ll(Hfl 111 toe:> ., 11 00 NllmlMf ,....,,. NOTICI M ,IUNO f I No 1.-,.J • 111 1 al Ano.,11 a11 I 111aaK ••I C.11•11 YOU Aflll IN Dl•AULT UNOlfll A Of' A~ATl()tt '°" tH Wt'lllll ttOMI t llAN IN< "' •• <luly 41111111111.,11 t ru•t ... u1111a1 0110 Of' ffllUIT OATIO All'tlll. I, HfllMla tlON TO ACOUllll '""~ •1'1,.•1111"" I 11191., ut•ll•1 11'9 •1111 1,11, ouaill 1u l.l••d ot 111111 1111 UHl.laa YOU TAKI ACTION A MANCH Ol•ICI I • ti• I ., 111• \I A I II A ti I "11 11 •• ol,. I 1 II I flttf"tl It u•t•r ••lttl•' 1'1• ft•lh .. ••~ll•IJ h I It• 1t 1lttv•I ,,f "'"t Wiii f1I <I llllllll AllllllHI 1C1 tttt 11n.111 I lt•lil•I tf t 1111 '""""''"II •••ot 111t•1I 111 .. 0 <>I lfutl 1 ... , .. 11 .. 1 Au11o.at ~II 111111 n '"'' TO PfllOTICT YOUfll ""0PllltTY, lh•• •• 10 1nl~•m lh• INhlM lhel Wll I 't( 11 Al 1'111111( A\l(,llON 14,, 4111'~ 111 1tu11~ 1111111 l••O• IT MAY a l I OLO AT A PUaLIC '""'"' Set11on )iJ :.tllbl 111 lloe tr1 1111 llll•ltlfol llllllllll I C)H 14llt1o!Clllt1.l•l ll .. n1dttn lh•oll~t1 I A l l I P Y OU NllD AN llulet e1.cl~l•llflll•f0tlnwt •fl<.• 1 A'oll 111•1"1&1& nl ""'" 111 011lw Ill ul 11•• C.uunly lltKO•lloH QI Or11<•Qt1 1 11,LANATION OP THI NATU"' c,l Ac.<.ourllt Att<I 6Kll<it1 ~46 14 ol l•wlul "' ''"'' ul ""' tlnoltl{f IJl•l•tl CU1U1ly t.alllot111• ano mOdlll(;et1tM1 or THI PfllOCllDINO AOAINtT It .. llul .. •rlO f'\eoutetiont l(lf llHf 111 1111111 1111 .. ""II 111l••1ttl 1 •Hl•WYIHI 111 11111" •&111 d•ed nl t•u•t <111•11 YOU. YOU I HOUlO CONTACT A F•Cl .. •I lil'•1t&O• enll Lo•n 8tt11ttt' In ""'I 11uw 111!111 It~ II Ut•llcll •utcJ !ltK-*rnh"' Ill 1111111 entJ rero•ll"<I 1.AWYlll Hie WMt9111 I010A18I fae•1ngt •n<I lhttHI ut I• u\I Oii ll•• lit 1111e11 y M .. 11 11 11 111111 •t trltlllm<ulll llOJ NO 11(,( 1•, Ill AEb'f' (;11/[N lhtl Loen Attl()(.•ell()n l'J 100 MtndWIAll ........... 11.r ,, .... 111)•\I 14 1114 Ill hllU~ '~"'' PltQU !>()() anCI MAii 111•, I A I INANCIAL lfj(, • W•y Mer1111 C>•• Rey C.tlllorn1a \A •1 It It ti h ti tutu 1 I tt•h •f j ttttf11I 1u I•\ t ,I ltin \Jqiltttl •I •h I t!I f\ t''' !Ult llHI HtlWitl1tt I ••tt,, .. t~• h ,. ,,, llt I 't I umh•t "·••II l•t1•1I ' 1111 I tu lt1t11 t1t •l1f'ltt , lu••• H• ••h•• 1h '' l •l•t4d 1t-H' tlfl~ A 0•1flluuAtu\11ttM A pnut .... 11t111 t· '.,u,ttttiuu ot IU>fll llf 111 Mlllltlft'ill! Afl ~II Ufllll "I ..... flhHI UHi A •""' u IJr\ ... ffl\lll rM llH " t ~lllu1111.; I •11"'1 •flhlll 111m 111 1•111 VAi I r-111'-111\NI\ • (. ,1hlt11 t.UJ 1 111 plil .1l10H fh•\t nh•11 1,.f1h.,.ry IO 1i1t-tl d~ .,, I• No I 1f\1fh 111 f1111 .. t lV4 t I HI tHt1.' 1111Ht1111tl Ht•t rn1la ttt Ultt ultu" 1,11 Uw H••t 111dr1 111 OuJtlgu t HIHll) !\1•Hf llCl\111 ul It•"' thUH tilm~ ti It• ,, tll IYl!illl\J I "'' •l~I t y 11111~1011 WllllAM MA111t1011 Wt 111 Oth~•al flto<.Ullh 111 11tu Ollt<.o W•llO••llUn lt>I Nurtll E SttHI {1()2'il llH Ill~ en apptic;e11on "'1111 1111\J f'lt Yl I HI If MA JUilO I ' ul U.t1&\(Jlt Count v R41(;(H(l<W Will San 9,,.,..,<llflll C•lllorn•• 112403. Ille fe41Wlll llom• l0811 llllllk Ooaro llutli""U 0"11 walot '•I l 1 A) l'l IUl 1(.. -'UC. t lON I 0 1,,1~1111r,n11 Nv111ti.1 (7 141 11110 013 I lut perm1t1tun IQ mt18H• tKGovnla llfNlllCIAllY NlWl'ORI H(JMf llllllll::,t UIO()C:ll I OR C.-'!JH •• lhn 1,,,,,nnt T111tlt1e ut1CI•• th• ot "n •lltoJr"tll41 ltt.>" bf 1•&110n QI I ()AN TftU!>I •112 C.A(Jllll 11 '• ClllCK 0 1\ C£ATlllEO Oto"O 0111ut11o111111n1ll111 me111101181J lflft tGQu•••t•on ot 1>11111.11 lllhc;6t of J1111<11lluO Mly 12 19~ I •• 111111 t.llLCll Hmytolllu Ill llrnw c;I •~Ill II) will ~till It> 111• 111gtun1 t)ltJtJ•r 101 fnat F•C111r•I O•v111ga •nO lo•n N11 t•4' I.I •n lluu~ 140!14, pauu 14\l 1 .. w1u1 mrmoty ol 1hu u1111oi11 ~IUlu•I GHl1 '" t•whil mu11ey ut 111• Urllle<I Auoc.1ot1on 01 $111111 Mull•'• 40 I ,,1 1)11&1,1 .. 1 tll)(.OIOt 111 Hitt utlu u ut 111 tU 1~ umoktiural :.11ou1 C:.mt11tro Stuhtt wllhO•J• w1rr1011ly 111 eny kind. w11t1111• 8ovl•v1trtJ &""'• Mon•o• 111u lln1.u .. 1u1 ol rJ1111\gu Cour1ly, C>1r)V•t 1,1111torrttt1 all 11ghl 111lu uiHJ al tl 1>ubto1 •v~llon a1 me 11m• •nd C.a11lorn1a 1oc.01tt<J el J'>OO College •11•<1 '"""' u l llu&I dour111rn• 11 .. 1111urcit 1 ro11v11yod I<> 11rod 11ow 11010 pl11c.o <11u1uneteCI below. 111 lll• Boul•••rCI Oc.••n•11l• Gelllornlt loll11wu1u IJIU!)••lY hy 111111<1111 ... ,o 0011\J ,,. ''"" "' llltt C111m1y ot lh• &itte ol c ,111011111 ... a ,~~--Beker (,1r .. t C.•1•l• MHO t 111 114 ol lrect No 6&2.J, 1n ll\e 111111111rty 11111111110 1n llu•t.I C.ou111y t1u11gne1"6 beluw ell ol '"" 11111H C1111orn1• Lily l•I 11v111w l..uu111y ut 01•11u11 1110<1 :,111111 1J1:11<.ro1J11t1 "' 111111 llMI u11er1J•I now held lly H•O Any P•••o•' may "'" • wi111en ~tmlt> "' \,11111111111• ... ""' "'"'' All 111111 c;111111111 1,1,.11 "'""""' ,,, rru1100 111 1111<1 10 •II 111a1 c.11111n commun1,at111t1 1n l11v0< or prot"I 11X11rCl.i<I 111 IHi<Jk 2~4 PllU"' 41 IO ""' '.illllll ot C.uhtv111111 C.oullly ol p•oP""Y w1t1c.n •• aitu•I• m H •CI ol the applKAtlOn C.ommu111ttal10f'' W 1111tu~avt1 Mt11<.•ll11110Kru• M1111• 111 C)••nou Coly 01 l u•I u M"'" C11u11ty """ "d"K••bed below The mey b9 on•<I on bul •11i '"'' """'"" ""' olfl1t1 ot lhtt 1.U<J11ly 1111,(1111111 ul 1le<;1<.t1buo d• lolluw• ~Holl odOren at eny or othe• o H111 a pµl1t.sr11 • r111.01d o l l'All( f I I All 1J01!llV11lall • hJtlt 111lt11o=al 10 lut t ,or l11u.t I tJO•, '" \llM f...lty 111 t.OltlO M"a• aa p 1u 111up 1t1L<tr,lotl In l)unk •84 I f1iuJ•'"' I .uid Ii •>f M1~\ 11ll.-u•u,u• M.HH• t '' 011lfrtU lhu1t,t1nm vrnla t lhht11nh tO Ute.lu:.1v~ U't \h0 '#'1 Ofl .) l•·•11,utntrttiott Pt"fl l •HOfC;)oO !•• pht111tm1 I t•fti I m lh11< .. 11104 Pi•uo t 1111 or1111111 n,..,,,, .. ~ At\o U•,Ul>hn(I lll•••lltHll lllOW ~oOll'*ln Hntht h•c) 1 cmtmuu &1ifnd' a• •hown ()h •t'td (.nmJrmo,uuo1 Plitn >t1td t 1111111 r 1vu.,t11111 w1lh '"' PARCEL A lhlat purnou 111 Loi !I commr1n <l•~ione11on. 11 any 01 N •O 101me11c• 1n het1>mg to"'.,.' me 111>111.1r1t"""'1 11011 ll•~'""v• r,tBe1r• Tru" Otot:k I •Jt•hownun provurty " "' lo•th b<tluw r•d•l n e•CI• o l ata IOC:lil '""'""""I lo• 1togroa '"r11I t1uru1 o m11111tt<.wllt1ll "'book 30 page 74 ':.~10 tJo.toO ot Hull wu ••llCulltCI ommurutaea Four 'ompenaea must 11•u1 LOI t•tl QI 80•<.I lu" I ol M111.ullwnllous Rll1.11r<lt of loa IJy thtl ltuJIO• CIH1gn1teCI below Ct tubmalleO 10 trie Superv11ory fXC:.C:PI 111EAEFROM •" 1111 g11s A ngultu Cou111y Co111orn1a ono wul rKO•Oed on the d•t• an genl 1uc.1.a et ll'le F6Clerat Home """"'"'& 11'1<1 Olhttt l•ytJ•OC:.••IX>f•• lll'M:fl~<I KS IOllOWt lhO Book 11no " the P•o• •• Lo•n B•nk ol Sin fflllCl'IGO eoo l1<1low • dtllllh ot !><JO IHI .,1111oul PARC.EL J aa at1vw11 011 1.1 Mu11 Oocurnenl Number o t Oita"•' ehlornoa Stre•I Poat Oltlc;e Boa th• rtQnt or surlace nnll)' ot hleo 111 llOO~ 136 1>eQtt" lO end 'It Aeco10• '" 1ne Olft<;• ot tlle Coun1y 7948 San Ft1nc:1teo C.et&lorrua "'"'""on on 111~lrumenta ol re<;orCI 01 Pu''"' m1p" ''' me Otht.u ol tr1t1 Ru~uro.,, of u 10 County all •• 4120 by NO•eml>tlt 11 1982 An Y0ll ARE IN OEFAUl I UNOER A <.ounly AOC:O<tlor of Ot .. nQu C.ounly OH1gnliloO bolo .. ond conveyed IOO•flonat 70 Ooly' 10 ~ubm•I Of EU Of IHUSI OAIEO MARCii C.ilt&fOrfuu U&d fJ•OPlllly 10 tne lrutlM lhet••n GOmmenta may be Obtained Ot 1111~ 3 191! I UNI CliS YOU 1 AK( PARC£1 ll A 11011 ,,.uusove si;HKohttO a w ri11e n •&Qu&$1 w11n Ille A<:ltON 10 PAOIEC.1 'f'OUA u ... ,,.11.,1111u1 u1111""• dllCI eg•e•s 5dtllul1N1prop<1<1y,.111oomaoa Su~tv1r.ory Agen1oyNovemoer1t PUQIJ(l'HY 11 MAY or SOLO Al A u••r "'" Soulll•tly 1J !>O 1e11t 01 f>ur'ull•" to 1110 dnmono of th• 19112 I roe app1<cat1on 1no all PUULIC. !.Alf Ir YOU NEED AN l•dr<."I 2 as sttow11 011" M,W hleCI in a.,n.,l1Clo11y ui1oe1 Hid 0..0 ol truat c;ommunota11on1 so 111•0 wilt De f )(Pl.ANA 1 ION OF 'llE NA 1 URE IJOuk I J6 ""U"' JO .rno JI o l uilll lly 1 e11•011 OI O•l•ull 1n ,,,. av8•111Dle ~or 1nspec11on bf any OJ IHE PROl.r£DINC:. AGAINST "'"r'""' M"ps "' lhu ut11ct1 01 1116 11,;ym.,nt or pe11ormence ot pe<son at me Feoeral Home Loan ~OU VOIJ SHOUL 0 CONT AC I A t.ounly RocorcJ~• ol Oqm11e Cour11y 001ogo1ho11s ll"Cu•e<I by u10 OIHIO ol Bank 01 San F1 anc:•• :o unlt•s fJA.14( I t ,· tJrnl If lflflll\,f ... tl •• !'.lhtY.." 11fl 1' L.urn.h 0111 1urn f-'hUi n•4..•H•lt•tl •,, l'lu mlnJt t 1981 in I l:lu .. ~ 1410• l't11Jtl 1110 0111~&81 1 n •.. , '"'" I ttllJ AIU IN CIH AIJI I llNO[ II A Uf IO 1 ll 1 ltlJ'> I DA 1 FU JANUARY .JO 111111JNlfSS,OUIAKE Al lt•)r4 Ill PROIEl.I voun f•tcr)l•l In'( II MAY tlf 501 O Al A 1'11111 II ':.All II 'OU NEED AN I ••'I MiA111lN Ill fill NATUfH 1J1 1111 t•IH H ( I !>ING AGAINST ,1)IJ rOtt ',lltl•JI 0 C.ON1AC1 A LAWYER t.atatornoa llu•I on~lu0111g "'" default no1tce 01 applteatoon 1ntorme11on •S excepted "!i Asn hllll Irvine Ca11to1nt1 PARC[L c.. A """ 1,.<lu~•ve wh1cn was 1tK010"0 on 1ne Cllle 1n by law lrom pubhc: 011Closure 92716 111 8 ~1r11t1t llCIOreu Or fJ3•'1m11n1 lor "'II"'"' dnCI "0"'" 1118 oook ana at Iha Page anCI at Puolasne<I 01ange Coa11 Oaoty common C1e~1gn1111on II anown ov111 11111 Soulht!rly 10 ~O le~! or Document Numoer ol said Othc1a1 Pilot Oct 25 Nov 1 1982 above no warrnnty II Q••8n At 10 llt PorCl!I 2 a~ Sh Own 1111 ~ Mdp ftlptJ 111 Reco1 II~ di Cles1gnated below 46~2·d2 ~ornp1e1eness 01 co11octneu1 · t.tuok tJ6. pogo~ JO ""d :i 1 ol ftoe 101111 amount ol me unpaid Stani~luu~ Counl) raue hn Bill :\l a t·t·tlo hulcl ... u pott>nlia l <·a ncliclatt• for a human lwart '"'"'al h i-.. llu~hson piµ: 1·u1u:h . I 11\W(l ll I 1 1 'l A11 1lw1in '•tft•Ht (.(J'-ld n1 .. 1len11l1c•a•y unt1e1 said Deed PdlCt!I Ml\ps •n the ot11ce ot tnoJ balanc., ol 111e obl1ga11on secured ol I ru&I DY toiao;on or u hrnu'n 01 C..ou111y no1 ord•tr r.it Or d11y .. c..o11nty oy ~tt•ll oeeCI 01 11us1 and l!allma1eo <1t1lllull 1n 1111! obhga11on& .iucured Catalur1110 costs expe11ses ano ao•anc:es al lt11t11Jhy lit1rt>IOIOll! ll•eCul110 ann e~cepll11g tr\~oAlrvm enc WMIC!lly "'" l1n1e ol the 1n111ol puDltcet•on of 11111tva1eo to 1h., und1l1s1uraed •I ?04 oo ll•til tfl(,reor th&> Nolie., ol lruatee s Sale 1s PUBLIC NOTICE I M1"1 f A \lllilll\. i ' \ 4 "> h l tt II\. 111 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST D-'TEO MAV I 1981 UNLESS YOU l AKE ACl lON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT-' PUBLIC SALE IF '!'OU NEEO AN EXPLANA ! ION OF lHE NAlURE OF' THE PROCEEDINGS -'GA INST YOU YOU SHOUL D CO NTAC T A LAWYER 11t 1 .t 11••1 1u.hl,,,.1. 1H r•)ntmuu It' lfJfl+llH•H I'\ '•"'IWfl tllJtl-.'t-fl() ~ ,, f I ii U I 'V I\ U I~ U fl ti 0 t 0 f I ~ 111l1lJh~lt111t1S~ Uf 1,.0t tUl tf\t'I') wtollu11 Ouclnra11on or Oetoull ano Also o.ceri11on~ meretrnm 11011 oes111nal11CI btllow 01H11011111or Salo onCI w111t11n notoce E1u1et1y o 75 fuel 01 11•1' Norllaelly As u•tttl 11erem Trustor shall oe ot '""'-'"n a11d of olt!(.1101• lo caus• o !iO teet 1nereot doom.,o 10 mean· lrustora of more Pigs give their lives for huinan.s' hearts lrit t ••11t1f1l11•1y u1uJt11 ~1.11d OueU I rJI I 'U")t •1v f6iJSOn o• a tJH~dCh Ot ,J\•foull 1n uu; otJ119a1tcm::. ~ecured 1t1u1 uov ,.,,1e101ore e•..cu1ee1 .ino t1ulio;1·tpl1 lti 1hP vnOtH~19neo a "'' lh,. ht« 1,u111mr: ot Oelauf1 a11Cl ltlll unt11!ro1Qneo 10 5ull sa1<l PARCEL O A non-eac:lus1v" lllttn one flustor •• CleaogneteCI pro1>et1y to ~ol&Sly Sll>d otJl&gotaons easume111 101 °"''" purposes over Delow ano B11nehc;1ary 111111 De anCI 1h11realle1 Ille unders1gne<1 tne Eastert1 O 75 teec ol 1ne dl!l!ml!CI 10 rnt1an 'BeneltetartH II c:au&eO sa•tl nolot.<t OI orea'h llllCI ot Northerly O ~ teer r.il tne Southerly more 1"8n one Benelte1ary eaecutll<I e1e,tou11 10 bi! 11JGurllell Ot< .. mbttr 10 50 1ee1 or Parcel 2 as shown on the Nollce or Oetaull nereonaoove 28 198 t os •n•tr NO 3305 I 1n a Mup r.teo in oook •36 pagu~ 30 ment1011no NOTICE OF TllUITEE'S SALE No. P8C....e3 01·10004tt On November 9 1982 al 10<lO a m San Merano Servoces Inc , a Cahlornoa c:orporallon as duty appo1n1e<1 Tru11ee vn<1e1 and pursuant 10 Oee<I ot Trust 1ecordeo Mey 12 1981 as 1ns1t No U205 bOOk t•O~• page 325 or Olhcael Records eaeculed by Leeler Lel>et &nCI Terry Leblll Husbano ano 'Nile a• llu5lors on the olltc:e ol the Countt Reco•Oer ot Orange County Slate ol CahlOtnll Will '>Ell Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH tpayaole at t•me ol sale an lawlul money ot rne Unoted States1 ac outs•Oe the tront vn11ance 10 Lawyers l •lle Insurance Corpo1a1&on !120 Nortn Maon S11ee1 Santa Att• Calolo•n•a all 11ght tJ!le a11<1 1nteres1 'onveyeo 10 aro "°"' helo by ot under &a•d Deed 01 T •usl 1n the proper!) S•lua1ea n se•a County anCI S1ate o~rrbeo as H uc.:11soN 1AP1 l>n· 111111· piggy Wl'lll lu m.1rkt 1 l>110 hlllt p•~' slaved h o 11ll' t\ 11d 11111 Ir 11 It p1~g' dondtl'd ,1 ht .. ir1 , ·'", ,.,, 1i11111.111 surgC'rv A c luallv. Btll M ,1l1·d11 Jr 111.;I..• sure most of h1' pig' d1111.;tl till ir heart valvl'l> ft•r human llllJJl.1111.1111111 Tht• S t a n1'1itu' l'count\ l.1111111 ra1st:s or slaug lHt'I' I:.! 01111 lo I .1.111111 pigs a yt·.1r undt·1 1h1• tl1·.1IH''' eond111ons pos.-.1blt· 111 i.:lt.il ,111t1·1 I ht value o f thP .iot t1l v.1h 1· M ot·c-'do's pigs .111d I h11l1,.,;11ul.., I 1 <1111 nther r<inl'ht·r s .in · k1llPd :ii h1-. 1.1111 Ii for 'ihtpmt•nt I •> r1'f.1ll•·1.., 111 S.111 Franci&·o's l'h1n;itow11 (111 Ill• .11 ·"' ....... ti Ii 11 .... 1 ,1nli d 1,., .111 .. , cf1 ...... ,,t 1•111.1111.!11 dfl ,,, d 1111.•J.!• lol l'l1• )JI~' ·''' II d .1 li1L!l1 p1 ul1•111 ~I.till dll l lo• l-.11 i' lw1l)I lit• II 1111 .ti ,111d \ .11\ ,., II'•• I ti l.1 1111.11 d I· 111 h1111 •• Iii' \' .11 11\d \ 111 ltx k pli.11111.11 1,1 h .1, l1t 1·11 II\ 111g \\1th lilt .11.t ol .1 pig \ .11\•· 1111 t·t~ltl \t,11 ... ,\''"t h• It• \,11\1· It.id 111 ,,, 1tpJ;111•d ,all•!,,,,,,,) \1';11' \\liot1 l11 '\II l t•fa·d .1 "111 ' "' ~111.tl l ... 1111)..1' "I h.1d t•• J.!" 1h111u1•lt ,,., .. ,,ti,,.,,,, 111 ,1 lt'l 11&111,a\ 'oll\1.tlhJll ht l\'f .1l11•d .\t ••Ill 111111 1 ... 1 .. q11111d ll'.111' oilll'" \11 <1,\).(1·11 .111.t ,1w k I•> .1 ..,,tit f11·1 cl11•I [h_,mw11,J I u · ... ut•· 1md wtitren no11Ct! , ' ,,,. .11 '' tt•\J <•' '''•"" 1~on to cause It t. Ut1 l• • ~''•""~ ttl St!'lt 581Cl 1 , ,,1• '1. ' \t '' 'J·d ot;lllgctttons , ,,, "'',..•'It·• lhf'I unoe•~•gne<J 1 ,M• 1 ,, 1, '" "o t r1t•uth 1r•d 01 •~•t , t 11" I bu nt•t.Gl\J••tJ JUiy 1J '''"' t ll '"''' "4u 81 /4 '52 I •n (_ffl,t I th 10' • 11f• I I ""'' t ~ n ~•<.1t1 Du1 ,.. u 1nvt n..-.. ,.unt ur Wlff aoty •. ,, "'\' "' .,,.,,., t-d rttgJrdmg title t10!i\•'''>'°n 01 Aiu umoranc.es lo ,, ,1 u '-' ,..,,.,,, n1no (lf•OC•i.;at sum o t ",. ,,~11"'45'1 •.rt(",..,, tly 'liUd Deed ol • , •• , w•lr• •'"'''•·>• ,,~ .n said no1e l" .. ,, ••• ,J UJw~nu•· If .... n.., undPf ", t• ""' ,, ''"'' l1t't.•1J , ' r1u;t 11 •1• f 11 -p,. .1f tl 4''' on\1•-, Qt Int" r • • h" 1HHI ul ""' Hu\t~ crud\eO by , tirt t),.,.,,, ul f '"t S1•10 tat.-w1fl tw nuld rrf• I uu~tJuy Nn~~mhet \f, .• t m. 11 ,. cm p f'' 1tl ttw C1111µn-·u•" A'<ft'""' nntrHfH I 1(1 Ith Ctv•t. Ct:ntef (J ,i1,1111q tOO E t ht1t;rr\f.u 1 Avt"nuf' 1' ti+•• t 111 tJf 01,,n1Jtt CA Al '' •· t 1mP ot th~ 1n t 1dl c J1+11r 1t '' r, 11'ti'.. 11nt1<~· tho t1 trll tfH1 '-'"' f ttlf' •! (JUliJ hotf«Jfl(f-" :"tf t"t' boo~ t4337 page 1002 ot so1CI ona 31 ot Porce1 Maps an 1ht1 othce the 11m" a110 otace ol sal41 011&c:•1tl Re<..O•Cls Sa•d sale will De 111 lht' County Recoro"' 01 or~nge OMc11pt1011 or sa•a property and mlltltl, Dul wo1hov1 cov11na111 01 Covn1y Calclornia Oll•t't dat.; •eter111<1 to abo•ll •••es wa11enly e4pren or 1mp11eo Note I Any Oe11<110ocumen1 on 10110 .. s l•ega1<1ang tolle poss1ssoon or C(Jtlne<t•on wolh lh•s o•oer snoulo Covnt) O•ange encumb1anc:es 10 C>BY lhll tont""' '"" rollowong reservn1•on11 llustor M OWIGHl BAlllSTA cema1nono p11nc1pnl SUIT' ol the noce alll!r P1tl~vl A an o M C 0 N NIE BA l 1 1 S I A ~red by aa10 Oeeo ol lruSI w•lh Res••v&nQ 1ne1er•om a non-llus1Ja110 &nO w•le <tnCI SAM onlerell as an H•CI no1e prO••OeCI f .. Clu~••t< ea~ment for 1ng1ess 11111 BATl•SIA d11d EllEN BAlllSTA ~O•ances 11 any unOer the termt ot eQreU ov11r lht! NOtlllerly 13 50 feel huSbonO ano wolf' sa&<I Deed or T1ust fees charges or lhot weste•ly 204 oo leet tnereol Oeeo or lru~l RecorClahon Oate anCI eapenses 01 tlle Trullee end ot Alb<> rt'$erYtng lhe<etrom a non· Aptol 9 1981 Boo~ 14013 Peoe the 1rvs11 t•ellec:I by se•CI OeoCI ol t'•t•uso111l ea~~nl tor mgress anCI 1578 Ooc:um.,nt No 10090 I Trust S111d sale ""'" bn 11.,10 on eg1ess O•e< 11111 Nor1ner1y 10 !>O :&e1 Notoce 111 Ot1fau11 Recoroe1°on Monday NO•em~er t 198:> at :> 00 ihereol Oate Junt' I I 198? Oocurnen1 No v m al 111., Chtlpman Avenue E$ceptono trom 1as1 rt!Servataon 82· 198921 <'ncrance lo tne C1voC Center thfl Westerly 204 00 leel lh!'•eol l i me o f Sate 10 00 A M lluuo1ng. 300 E Clldpman Ave on A 1s0 e, c e p 11 n g 11 om 1as1 weonesoa~ No•emDet 17 •982 rr•e C•ty or Or11nge (..A re~erva11on me (u1erly o 7!> 1ee1 o·r Plat..e o l Sate N or tn II ont A 1 th., 11m 11 or t n t• on, 11 ~I 111., Sovt1"!rlv o 50 loot lhttreot en11an1.e to thti count, courth1JuSe puDloCOl•on 111 1111s nohte 1ne 101111 A1>ser•t11g lherelrom a non-700 CIVIC Center 011ve w est Santo umoun1 01 1!'leunp~1C1 oatonc1>ot me 8•Glus1•ll easemen1 Jor berm Ana CA obhg.111011 1ocu•e<I by tne llbO•ll pu•POStl~ o•er me Easterly O 7~ feet Total or oDtogat•on 1no eSlimateo oesr.111>eCl oeed ot trust ano or lh• Sou1ner1y o !10 feet ot the costs. upense5 and aovancn 11 es11m11h;il cus1s e.penstos' end Nor111e11y 10 50 fffl thereof 1n111a1 publ1c:•11on $170.346 57 aov11t1ces 15 $63 209 7 I Io YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A Street 3d<lrest or Ollie• common u .. 1ermme 111e openor1g 01<1 you mayl DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST desognahon ol said property 310 Cllil t714j 9J7-0966 22. 1971. UNLESS YOU TAKE Rob1nnooo Lant! Cos1a Meso CA PARCEL 1 But lwton· tht•\' lt•.1v1· th•· r.an c II ,, small p1 e1·t• 1Jf tissUl' 11t.o1 111•11!.11°' blood flow frnm tlw lw.11 t 111 th• arteriC'S ts l'an ·fully tr11111111'(I ·'" ,1\ Thi· 11.11u1 .ii '.tl,·1· g.1v1· trnn 11H ''' l!1•1•d1HT1 th.tll tl.1 l>ltj.:lrl•tl -.1111..,1111111 (111 \11-. ,1tl111~ lio .ti I 111 1111\\ dut " 1\111 ;1\lsh up ... d.11\\ 11111 111 1• .Ill 1 ,,.,, '" hit\ I 11 ' t '' 11•t• i • Lii"''' 1., ""' ~tJove I Date October 4 198:2 ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR 92626 IN•wpor1 Home Loen, Inc. PROPERTY, IT MAY llE SOLD AT A Desc11p1oon OI Property LOI 4 Of At llld Truelff. PU9LIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN T•3Cl No 4439 in the City or Coste LOI !i OI T' OC:I NO 9988 •n lt•e City of Irvine. County ol Orange S11te ot Ca11tor11oa. as shown on a mBP recoroeCI •n bOOlt 422 pao~ n lo 25 oncluSIYe ot M15Qellaneous MilDS 1n rne otltc:e ot the County Reco1<1er ot sa10 County EXCEPT T11ERHROM au Oii OH minerals and 01her 11ydrocarbons oelow a dep1n ol 500 feet w1tl\Out tne nQhl of surface entry as reserveo "' 1ns11umen1S ot rec.OfO "Th<•v t·an takt· 1111 111.111 '·•"' then de0 <1n off 1 h, mu" h 11h• 1 .and 11 1s p ure Iv c:unn1•l t1V1 tt''l" .. 1 1111 val ve that 1~ tr.in,pl..in111l 1 xpl.1rn1 d Dr. E vert'll .Johno,on, .1 Tur 111~ k physit·wn With time of the L"-'l'lll'l'. tlw '.11' t• is p ack ed in a saltnt solul11111 [11 1 shipment to a laboratorv m Su111h1·r11 C alt fornta I 1 must 1 t•Jt h I h1 t.tl1 w1thm 72 hour-. tu 1>4: uf ,If\\ lh• th• 45-vear -old ram·ht·r ,,wt •\\'Iii II lht \ , ...... lh• pl>-( \.ti\•', II 1111 ·\ .1ri \'l'I \ t'oal• lul tto 1 11 .all toll tho 111u,1 l1· 11 drn' 11"1 gl\•· ,111\ llto•tt 1r11uhl1 tha11 .1 hlllll.ill v.11\'1 ·· .J11h11..,.111 SJ1d And 11· ... mm h l.x•ttu l11 l>l ,1bl1· 1 .. g11 mto tlh -.h1 II to g1 I lh1 nghl '"' You d oan 't h,1\ • It• ".111 llll\ll .... ,,,nt~oru 1ht'' ,;After the v,1lv1· '' t 11«1111 ti .111d sterilized, tt'S pa<:k ag1-d II) .1 \oil UUlll ty pe rontamc r and put on .i sht If und kept until ready," J ohm.on -.<11d H e noted c1 s1m11.ir11 v lwl"" 1·1·11 porcine and humJn blr><Ki pu111p111g o rgans Surgr~·n' 1111 .1 ... 1111• .1 p.1111·111 .. \,al\1 ,l/t d111 Ill~ '\ll).!1 I \ .111d 11llll111'11• I•• Ill IH'fut 1• :.11t1111n~ II 111 pl.111 h, "·•td 'fh· pig \,al\1 ..... ri·pl.111 111.111 tht• ,,, 11 \It ,11\d 111111,d \ ,11\•1' Ill htllll.111' rt1 r~~' 11•111 1.111 '' ... 111111 •• 1 ''' 1ti.a1 111\1tlv1·d \\rlh .1 hu111.in \'.ah•· 1r,111 ... µl;1111 .l11h11.,,111 -..1111 !\}.1tt-<lr1 h.1, .1 pt1·ll\ gnud 11!1•,1 •I lt11\\ \'.1lu.1\Jl1· h1-. pig \';11\ ,., t .111 lw tot h1·JI t p.1111·ni... 111 'ul h•n ·d .1 111.i ...... 1v1· ht·Jt I ,1\ \,wk I ht t-t yt•.tt' .1g11 •• 111d hr" farm ~.d1t'tlu l1· "'J' µ.u·1 ly tu bl.11111• "The pig's hl·art and th<' hum;ill heart &rt very much <1lt k1."" John~o11 said. "Their d 1g1.-stiw• I rat! rs a Int ltkt• ours Lut'k1h . lw d1dn'1 n.'<.1u 1n• till' kind 11! -.urg( ,., 11t.11 hr-. filrrn m.1k1· po ...... 1hl1 About 90 pNt'<'n t of thl• pig ',tlv1·'i DEATHS ELSEWHERE Lawrence McNally BALTIMORE (AP> Lawr e n ce P. M c Nall'. who phutogr<iphl'd Bah<.· R u t h C h a r l <' ' L1 n tlh1.11o(h . Amelia E;1rhJ11 and [)w1ghl D J::1s1•nh•1Wt·r dur 111K .1 nt'"" 'ipap,.r l<tn•t 1 th.11 .. µ;m1wd nt-.1rh 'lO '' .1r-. d11·d r rid.iv ,II ii 111• r1•t111 d 111 l~i I f1om th1 H .; I t 1 n1 • • r 1 N t• "" ' I DllTR NOTICIS Amt 111.lll KESWIN Compan\ for 'ltl \t•ar.. He 15 M O RR I s KE s w IN c;ur v111ed b~ his daughter ~~~-f away on OclOber 23, Barbara Hos!'nb.ium 111 ~ I C L· · I t'\"rm1·nt :\ton te Bean 1982 He was a pnnll'r Cnr rvmC', " c m.i 1 • ' th e J ohnson Prrnlin lo( <;<•rv1n: ... will bt ~Pld ;11 tht· SE,\ TTL E ( 1\ PI M onie• L B1•.111 th1· I 0 u II d 111 g l h ,I) I m tin II ( Pav '11 s,., 1• C111 p . drt•cl Saiurd.1\ ,it the· ag1• 111 R:i P.t, 'n Savi• Corl' hti' '.,!!'l.l 'it Ofl'' Ill 10 we-.tt·rn st.1t1•s ___ M1nn1·<1pol1., l l'm1 l1·r:- H 1l hf1t•ld M1n11ro;ota r McCO.MICIC MOITUARIES ""I Laguna Beach 494-941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 H.+.00. LAWN-MT. OLIVI Me<tuary •Cemetery Crem.1 tory 1625 Grsrer Ave Costa Mesa 5'0-5554 ,_Cl 1aOTHIU l&L AOADWAT MOITUAU 110 B rolldway Costa Mesa 642·9150 1.unlHGHOM SMfTH & TUTHILL WHTCU,. CHA"L '27 E 171h SI O>sta Mesa 6 .. 6-9371 ... CIAOTHIH IWTHS' NOaTUAlY 627 Main S1 Hunl~~ecn I ll.1rbor L.iwn·Mvunl 011111 J\1 Qrtuury uf <..'<1'<l,l M1·s<.1 f nr\.\ ,1rclml( cl 11 •~·111r' Wll'>Nt:TT (' I I-~ M F'. N C E A N N Yous'ief Wahbi WINN1'7!T. rC"i1dc11t rif Cu..'ltu CAIHO. Egy p t (AP) Mc·~a . (., Pal'.~1'11 nw;iy on y o u s st' f W 't h I) I , October ~4 . l!JR 2 S h .. is . • • 'tlf)l'l'r ~u rvived by ht-r mothl'r 82 y c•ar old pt Beulah OIS<•n or Sacramento. a r t o r . ::i u l h n r a n d Ca. 2 sons Thomas o r Cosl.d din~:tor. d1t'd Sunday at M t•sn. C a and Steven of Cam) h05p1t;1l following Long B.·ad i, C,1 , I d11ughter h<'arl fJtlUH '. tlw M1ddlt• BJ R n OI c r 0 n r we' st E a s t N t• w s A Jot I' n t' :' Sat ramt'nlt>. C:a • I brotht•r reported C IJrt•tWt' Un<I• f wood 111 Tu 1unRa. Ca . 3 ~•str·r<; Mario t>el Mon;ac·o Bertha M c<..".aff1'rty r>f W ilton, V EN I C 1-; ( A P ) Ca . Trt'va S1urd1vant of Mano d (•I M onat'O. 1m1• o f Sacramenw. U. itnu l«'lhd 1 1 • , • 1 '" 0 ...., chc'<I K 1nsl'r of Pe rris. C's . 2 tn Y" gr c.i ucn •0 : ~and c hrld rrn 01nnn Sat urduy He• wa11 ti7 ~ mero of We-st Sncr:ar~wnw. C nthia Propper Seton Ca and Oan.n y Horn~ro or YN O l''fllAMPTUN C061.4 Mt>'<8, (J f't>r lU years ~ • • M n WmnNt hns be<-n "f<iod Mai.s (AP) <.y11th1i.1 Super v 1 so r :a t I Io a g Proppt•r St'l n n . nnvt•hs t. Ml'modut H 08p1t.1l 1-·un t'ral cssav1st and 1·r1tll'. dw<I services w ill bC' he ld on Saturduy o f fl('\1\1• W Nlnf'tldQy. October 27, 1982 I e u k c m 1 a 11 t <.:no l 1• y nt I I :OOAM ot the• Pler~o Di<:kinson 1to<ip1ta l Sht• Brot tlcrt Bell B r oadway , " C hllP<'I with Rt>11 Lloyll w.ls !'io St'l h •r11, Chnrlnln at !U>11J< Theodore o. McNeal M<"m n rln llo11 p11al ST LOUIS 'AP) off1cl11t1ng Grav1.1etd c · ' •crvle~• will be held on Theodoro D. M cNcal, 76, Friday. October 29. 1982 at w h u !'OM' trom a job n.'I .1 11.00AM at F.ia 111 L J w n !tl«'cplng -ca r por tt•r 10 Southff8lf' M rmortAI f•rk, ~me OOC' or MIMOurl':-1 Sacram e nto, C-a Frl"nd• plonHn in ~1vtl ril{ht11, may CA.II •t the! mortuary on dltd S~1turdDy t n St T\lcttt.y, Octot>.r 28', 1982 L.ou i ho~pli.I. He• hod from o·,ooAM to e OOPM bt' n hci!4nltah~ for six PIC'rrr Brot h r r11 B rll r· ~ 1 01u~ w 11 >' M 0 rt u • r y w ·k~ for trclllmC'nt of d1m:111n1 Mnphyrema. '" •itt d.,••tJ o• 1,u'\t 4no t 1"1 11• ~I t1\f'\ •~111 ~ t!l!5t'" tUUJ ~~11 .. 71'1 To lap T.D. S."IC• Compeny, egenl E)(,LANATION OF THE NATURE Me~a H PO• Map recoroeo '" Boolo. Clndp Schoonover. Aul. Seer OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST I S 5 P ll g e 3 4 a n 0 3 5 O I "'"'"""'II·• • t" "II c .. a v<.>u nlH) One Clly Blvd. Wffl YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A M1scet1aneovs Maps on the ollace Ol , ; 1.i1 • 1: O'Jhtt Or•f>99· CA 12'61 LAWYER. 1ne CounTy Recorder ol sa•O county 0.,1 .. tJdoe "r l~ 1982 17141135-1aa Trust or 0 , record ow ner E•cepl en und1v10ed one·P>•ll v'Al BAN C.ORP PuohsheO Oienoe Coatl Oa1ly 3 R1 ST 0 L S l REE T LT O a 1nterea1 on •nd 10 all Oii gaa •• uoo trustee PclOI Oct 11 111 2!'> 19112 Celllornie lamneo P•rt~rslllp m1nere•s and su1feu or seoo len01 8 1 r O SERVICE 4464·82 fhe s1teel adoreu end other but w1tt1ou1 ttae 11gl'l1 or en1rv upon COMPAN• a9en1 common designation 11 Any of the any parhon ot the avrtece 01 selO By C•n<ly Sc1>oono•"' PU8llC NOTIC[ •HI p1ope1ty oeM:••beO aoove is lal'O '°' the ourpoae of ••e>IO<lllQ A"~'"""1 S..c1f'la•, purpotteo 10 De 279 I Brostol tor bonno u1rettong d1111tno '' c '> 6 •d West H 02121 S11eet Costa Mesa Ca1otorn1a m1m119 prospectono tor remo••no I ,, ,1,. CA Q,c.6e NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Tiie un<le•sagneo lrustee or me,ke1<no sa10 substencas as 'Ut IH' P:i.11 T.S. No. F·117'6 O•Stlaoms ~ny toaboloty to1 any g1 ante d by a Oee<I • eC:O•CleCI l.'I J'1 0.111, IMPORTANT NOTICE TO incOftettne~s c.t lhe stre<,1 aooiess Janu111y :>9 1962 tn boo~ S990 , .. , PROPERTY OWNER 11no Ollle• 'ommon des19na11on ,, paoe 9 13 Ollte••I Aec:o•Ol 4o7l P7 ¥0U ARE IN DEFAULT U~OEH A eny &nown hete.n Detl"d Oclobef 14 1982 -------------DEEO OF TRUST OAlED n 4 80 MAR VtSlA PUBLIC "'0l1C£ UNLESS '!'OU T Al<E ACllON TO Sa•d sale will Ile maoe but w1111ou1 FINANCIAL INC " P~OTECT YOUR PROPERTY ll covenant or wat1an1y e•press Of " E 1mph.O regarCl•llQ totle possession a c:orpor.Jllon OFFICE OF THE MAY BE SOLO Al A PUBLIC SAl or encumbrances to pay tne unpaiO l ruSU!ll SHERIFF·CORONER IF VOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION Oala11C41 ol lhe note s;,cureo by saio SURA ti HELL VER COUNTY OF ORANGE 0 f THE NA T URE 0 F l HE ~ of Tiust lO·w•l $528 l 51 69 e Proleu•Of'lll NOTICE OF SALE PROCEEDING AGAINSl VOU YOU including as l)IOv•Oe<I on sa&<I note Corpora1oon UNDER DECREE SHOULD CONT AC T A LAWVER ao•ances 11 any vnCle• the terms ol By JoaF'n Georgatl•s OF FORECLOSURE On No•embe• 24 1982 at 10 00 sa•CI 0-0 01 T•ust. lees. charges "llorney• tor lru11ee 1 ., 1. 1• r 11 J t e Comm u 11 •I y AM IMPERIAL CORPORATION 1 1._ 1 1 0 f Puohsneo Orange Coast D••ly 1A•,>tt••l·oln l'IG vs "'•U'U(I lbUSh• loF AMERICA as duly appoanled ~~: .~~~~!a~ed.~y ':o~oj!;jo!::ci ~I P1lol Oct 2S. Nov I 8 1982 1•1 ,,, Tru&tee under 11nd pursuant to Trull •671·82 Ho. 376255 Oeeo ot Trust recorded OtM:ember The Derlehclary unlle• sa•O Deed I 1 ""' ~ncJl'l•s•gnoo BRAO G-'TES 23 1980. as inst No 33582 '" 01 Trull herelolore e•ecuteo ano c;,.,,,,,fl.<o•onm County 111 Orongo. boo• 1388• page 1038. ol Olhcoal oel1veroCI 10 Ille un<1ers1oneo B :.1,11<' ..,, 1,~1o1orn1a oo hereby cet11ly Rec:oros 1n lhe ott1ce ot the County wtlllen Declaration 01 O.,tault ano 11 11 IH "" 1ue C'f Oecree ot Rl!CorCltl•S ot Oroflgll Counly S1111e OeminCI for Sale. anCI 1 w111len F <)ro•ctr""r" 11no Sate"' the ol Ca111or11 ~ e>t!Cult!d tl YINollce ol Qetaull and Etect•on to '>ulJ••l•n• t·r.iurl of Ille County ol WIMBLEDON A~~fJCIATES A S•ll 10 be recorded in the county 01o.1ngP Sli!le of Caurorn1a en1e1ed llMll!OO PA RTNERSHIP Will whet• 1he ff'AI proj)llrty IS IOCllleCI 011 Se ptumou r l 1982 and SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION lO Cel·Amerlcan f'lnenclal Corp .. •l!IC.llrOeil on Sep1emoer 7 1982 on H IGHEST BIDDER FOR C ASHl 12221 arocMihurel 11rMI, Gerden 1 111,. •bO•e entolloo action wne1e.n (payable at ttme ol u•• 1n lawful Grolte Cellfornla 12940 •• u ld l..ul11erd•le t,;ommunoly Assocoallon money of the Un•teO Stales! al tne Truat'••: L.M Klrw•'n. Vic• 11 CoJ1tor1,1a non-pro111 coroorauon North lronl entrence 10 the County PtHldenl 1ne abo•e named pta1nt1llts1 Courthouse 700 Ci.it Center Oto•ll Date o;;10bef 19 l982 OblJ•ned a 1ut1gnaent anti decree ol west S3111• Ana CA ell •IQhl hlle Pubh•h•O Orenge Coast oaity 1or11Ctosvre and sate 90a1nsl Ka.zuo entl onterest conveyed to and now Pilot Oc1 25 Nov 1 II. 1982 Dushi ,1nt.I Sll•tullo lbusn1 nero by 11 una.1 Hid o.9d of lrotl 4694.112 Clt'l"n11,1n11s1 lo• tht' sum ot E•gt on the p1ooerly s1tulled •n satCI H .,.Jrt•CI rnat\ Fc»11 11n<1 591100 County ano Stele oes<:flbc!CI u Ml.IC NOTIC£ Colldr' 11\wlul money or lhe United F -18766 I SI 1les .inCI by vorlue Ol a w11t o1 Lois I 2 3 • 6 8 10 l!i 16, ___ NO_T_IC_l_INV __ ITIN0_-..,..,_.9'0='.'."s-- ' nlortemenl on s~•d ac1oon issued 19 20 23 2• 2~ 30 36 311 40. 41 1 Nolie. 11 hereby given thet Ille on •St' pl ember 16 1982 I am A3 « SO 51 ~. 56 ~7 58 59 60 aoerd ol Trustffl or the Coast tommandlld to Mlt all Ille property 61, 62. 63. eno 64 1111 111 T•ICI No Community College 0111ttc1 of 1 1n the County ol Or•noe State ol 1027!'> a.s Shown on• mep recorded Orenge County Cetllornla will Cahtornra OMGIJl>ed as tOllOws •n BOOll 481 Pages 1 2 end 3 of receive •H ied D•d• up 10 11 00 Loi 42 of lrec1 No 6952, as MosceU1nemous Maps an Ille olll04I • m . WeCl...cley. NO¥ 10. 1982 et rN:orCll'O on BOOie 263 Pages 39 to of the County Reco•Clet 01 Ot•nge Ille PurctiaalnQ O.Oertment ot uld 1.1 1nelus1vf' ol M•SC:l!llaneous County college e1111rfc1 tocered at 1370 Maos in lhe Othce ot tho Orange Ex,ept tho•ellom all 011 gH. Adema Avenue. Coll• M e11. County Recorde• Ca11lornta m11"•r•l ano weter 11ghts l>vl w1lllOUl Celtlornie 11 WhlCh time uld bids Tllll property as more commonly 110111 o l entry on the surface or will be 1>1.1b41Cly oe>ened and reed tor. to.nown at 17:.01 Teachers Avenue. w1lh1n 500 tee1 fhereol H rese,.,eo PRI N T & SINO STUDENT tr••M Colllor,,1a 1n lhP CleeCI l rom Hen•y T C-'T-'LOGICLASS SCHEOUlE. Together with all ano s1ngu1a1 the Seger sir om end others recordeO s p Rt NG 111 113 . COA s T ll N E runemen", lleredalaments and December 29, 11178 111 Book 121181, COMMUNITY COLLEGE 11pp11t1ent1nc.s thereunto 1>etong1ng Pao• 1987 of Oll1c1ol RecorC11. AH blOI ere to be ln eccx>rClence or 1n 1tnyw1Ml op1>11rte1n1ng. Orange County wllh the Bid Form ln1true11on1 •n<l PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY The lltHI Bdtlceu and otner Condlllont endSpec:tlleettontWh~ PIAJLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhtll '"" 1011ow1ng otems ol round or S<Jveo property heve l>Mn held by the POllC• Oepettrnenl OI lh• Clly ot Coste Mese tor • per•O<I an e•cess ol none1y 1901 Clays Girt 1 8 1ue T a~era 10 Spd B•c;ycte Boy's Rea Schw•nn 10 St><I Bicycle Bay's White Ross Bicycle. Boy's Bleck Hufty Cruiser 81<:ycle. Boy • Brown Sc11w1nn 10 SpCI BICye~ G1rrs Btu• Mett>ews 3 St><I Bicycle Boy • Bleck Murray Beecllc:rulser BICyCI• Boy"a 1 St><I Red Holly Trell Bicycle, Wette•n Flyer Blue Moped Sylv1n11 P0rtebte T V AM C&l RadlO an<l ciOlhlng NOTICE IS FURlHER GIVEN 11\el 11 no owner appe•tt end ptOYeS ntt ownerantp of the proe>erly within seven 171 dey• IOllOwl n.g lh8 pvbl1ea11on of !Ills Notice, 11\e !Ille thereto shell vHI In lhe tinder. II there be OM!, or an Ille City of Cotti Mesa 1n which c:eae the P•OPtrlJ shall be SOICI •I public IVCl lOll el I 11~ end date lo be ennovnceCI DATED OctotHlr 111, 19112 R. E NETH CHIEF OF POLICE Publlslled Orengo Co111t Oelly PllOI, 0C1 25, 1982 •M•·S? Ml.IC NOTICE GIVEN Thai on luosday. November CO<T1mon t1et1onallon. II any. or Ill• ere now on me end mey tie MCUleCI 16. 1982. et 10 30 o'clock. AM of reel property descrlb•O 11bov11 11 ln 1119 ott1Ct1 of the Purcheslng Agent 1------K-o022J.....,..,....1----- 1t1el oay 81 M111n Lobby Courlh<>u84t. purpotled lo be ol IAJCI cOl!eg9 '11t1rlC1 NOTtCI Of' CMaaOlVTION 700 Ctvtc CMUll Orl"ll West. City ol Sunllo~ Av•nue & Wlmblodon Eecll bidder ~I avbf1111 wttll hts Of PAflll'NEflllHMI' AND SantB Ano l wlll sell 1he above Way. Costa Meu. CA 92626 bid • cH hler'1 check, "'lllled CONTINUANCE OF aua1HE•S ooscrlbeCI property, undOf ae1d wrtl The unoerstgned rrual•• checik. or bidder's bond mede Nolle• 11 given pur1uan1 to 1nd decre11 or so much thereof •• dl9cla1ms any llt b111 1y !or any P•V•ble to tl19 order ol ltae Cout s • c 11 0 n 1 so 3 !'> 5 o r 111 e m11y be necessary 10 satisfy said lnc:orreclneu Of lhe atrMl 1ddrtt1 Community Colteoe Olttrtc:1 ao.td Coipor111on1 Code th•I l h• rudgmenl with 1n1e1es11 ano cost•. end other common <1ea19ne11on, 11 of TN•I-In .,, emount not ,_ p •, 1n 811h1 p ci om po,• d o I 10 tfle htOh(tSl Dld011<, for e&lll In eny. 1Mwn hllfe•n 111111 nve !*'C*lt l!'>~l ol the tum FAWCETT PRODUCTION S. 1 tHwlul money ot lh• una1eo Srates Seid aote w lll be made. but bid 11 • gueret\IM that tl19 bldd4r c enfornla cQfporatlon, and JOHN J Doted 91 Snn1t1 Ana Calilornl11 without covenent or werranty, wtll enter Into the propoaed KERWIN. here1o doing bualnen Octol>flr I I 1982 etprns or 1mplleCI ':;t••dlng llTlt Cor\ltKt II Iha -Is _,dad 10 under Ille l1fln ~Of FAWCETT· BRAD GATES. po11en1on 01 encum rencea to Nm In the .....,,t of tellute to enter !KERW IN PRO D UCTIONS. • Sh«llf-Coroner pay tile rema1n1no ptlncl~l tum of IMO 1vdt contrec1. the proceed.a ot IC•llfornl• generel p.,lnerafllp. 11 County of Otonoe the nole(•I MCUred by Mid OeeCI OI ttae cheOk wlll be ton.Ile<!.()( In tM ClluOMld -of -'ogu•t ~. UMl2 by Cehlom•• Trust with 1nterHt ther•on. H cue of • l>Ond, Iha !VII aum 111ereor mu1uel oone«11 By K Brown. pro111C111<1 tn Mid note(I), tldvenc:es. will be 1orfell•d to n rd colleo• Dated Auou•I :x>. 11112 SetQfflll II 11'1)' ond9' lit• letm• Of uld Deed dlttrlCt. JOhn J K-'<I Ptttd.c>tt,LH&V•nOetnen ol Ttull. teea cherge1 end Nob+d09fmay wtthd<ew hlal>IO F•-'tProdlJCltont 1117 Wff1Cllfl Drltte, ••pellHI of the TNll .. and ot the IOf • !*'t00 of Jony.f!w (451 deys e Clllttoml• COfP 11111• * trutt crHlto by Mid OMd of Trull, e"et Ille dtt• Ml for Ille opentno William F F•~ll Newpofl lleeell, CA 12.MO 101 the amounl rt11ona bfy thereof Preeldenl Publlalled Orenge Cont Dally ttt1mated 10 be l•.714,40000 The 9oetd Of Tlllt l-,._..,.. Published Or•nge Con t O•llV Pilot. Oct 18 25. Nov 1 1982 Tiie t>eMllCIOfY llnW Hid Deed the prM!ege Of ttjeellng any enO tll PllOI, Oct. 26. 1912 4S42·82 ot fruit heretofore ••tcutecl end bldt or 10 wll¥8 111y tm 1oul11tlllee Of 4'H·82 1--------------tdellvered 10 th• undtrtlgneCI • lnlormallllH In •ny bid or In th• i--------------- Ora'nge Coast Cookbook Coming Dec. 8 In the Wfll19f'I o.c1era1ron 01 Clefllllt and bidding ptB,JC MOTICl O•mend lot 8•1•. 1nC1 a written NORMAN E WATS~ Notice ot 0tl111ll end E.lecllon to a.ntary. toerd of Sell Tiie un<lttllOned CfMIMd tlAld True! ... NotlGe ot 04!1aulf end Elte110f\ 10 Coal Community Sell 10 t>e •teOfdecl tn Ill• county College Oletrlet wner• th• '"' pioperw 11 tocettd P110llthed Of•no• Cont O•lly tMPBAIAL CORP OF PHOt. Oct U , Nov. 1, 1H2 AMERICA 4Mt•82 ff Mid ltlJtlM 1787 C~ll Drive, Si n DleQO, CA 112 123 l7 t4l 2112-&•IO ey &1telita Cl'llMM<lllln. TruttM 'I a.i. Olf!Ctt Dell OelOl>tl' 14, 1H 2 Publlant d Or111g~ co .. 1 Oally PllOI, Oo1 26 I nd NaY I. I , 1H2 4t13-t2 tf It's tot wtlftls you'll move It fa1t1rlna l'tennoul .,.. .. NAm ITAft...,,. Tht followtno peraon It dolno butil*'9 M: ARTRESOURCl9. 811 WHt 11th St .. Cotti Mela. CA. HtU l!ctward A. Ctlltttln, 21H fllltln ... ,,. .. Ootla ....... Ca. t:M21 Thia tlutlMM te oondllctecl by en _, f ow.td A. CNtln TNt 9'etomont .. ~ wleh the ~IV Cltttl of ~ ...... "COuftty on SoPlenltlet I. 1IH. ,.,. '11bllahed Ora"" Co att Dally "1IOt hell 1:i, It. M . Oct ), ts. 1M 2 ALSO EXCEPT 1nerelrom e ll wel., •lid w bsurlece wal., tlgh19, 0.1ow • deplh ot 500 feet w1111ov1 1111 11gnt ot surtec• enlty os 1 oeorcate o or reser•t!'O on onsttuments 01 •ecoro PARCEL 2 Easemen ts as set 101111 •n tne Sect ions tnlotleO Ce rta n Easements to• o .. ners end Suoport S ettle m e nt 1 no Entroacllment of the ,.11.cle entotleO E•uements o r lhe Oe,1a11t•On or CovenanlS Cond•Hons 8t1CI Restr1ct1on' recoroeo an t>OOk 12696 page 87 4 o r Olt1t1a1 Recoros !Tiie Oscterll •On 1 ano any emen<1men11 thereto The street aO<lress and 011101 common oes1gne1ton. •I any ot lhe real property descrabeo above as pvrporleCI 10 oe 11 Sunrose. Irvine Cehlorn•• 112715 Th• under11011ed Trustee e111cta1me any tlablllly tor any 1ncorrectneu of Ille 11re~11 address end other common <1es1gna11on, 11 11ny. shown herein S••CI sate wait be made. but without co•enonT or warranty. express or 1mp11ed regar<11ng lllle. poHenoon or encumbrances. to pey the remaining pr-1ncopal sum ol the notetsl s«ureCI by seld Deed ot Trust. with interest thereon, as pro•tded 1n S91d norl(s). aovences. 11 eny undel Ille terms or said Deed ol Trust. tees c11 aro11s end e•penHS or the Trustee eiio ol lhe Hutts cre1111d oy •••O Deed ot Trust tor Ille emounl reesonebly Hhmll.0 10 be $1~3. 109 !13 Thi t>enehCiet)• under S9l<I OeeCI of Trull herotolore executed and <1e1&ve1 ed to the undersigned • W11ll8" OeGlarallon of Oefeutt 11\d Demand tor Sele. enCI • wrtlt9" Notic:e of Oetaul1 end EltK:llon to Sett lhe underltgne<I e&VMO sakl Noltee or Oeltult end Election to Sell to be recOtded In Ille c;ounty where the reel property .ff localed D•te Octot>er 4. 19112 S1ld ••le w111 oe conoucted by L awy e rs T i iie lu turenc e Corporeuon. !120 North Main StrMt, Senta Ana. Ce11torn1a 92701 rn•) 547-5171 San Ma11no Servlcel. Inc., as said Trullee Pet:1f1C Sentinel Corp. Agent. By· Sue Kelly 8929 South SepulVe<le Blvd Los -'noetes. Calli 900•5 lei (213) 776-1201 Pub11111eo Orange CoHt Deily !'llOI. Oct 11, Ill, 25, 19112 4407-82 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING INDS Nonce IS P>8'eby given 1he1 the Boerd ol Ttutt-of 1114 Hunllng1on BHcll Union Hlgll ScllOOI Oit lrlc1 wlll r ecetve 1ea1e o bids for 1upplylng DAT A PROCESSING EOUIPMENT mMting or eQVAI 10 1ne sc>ec11lc•t1ons on 1119 1n Ille oflloe of aekl Dlatrict • 11101 111•11 b• creuty merited "OATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Bid •S-09'', ttddrest«I to Allyn E. Rowley, Pvn;ll•••"t Meneger. Hun11ng1on Bu ell nlon Hlgfl SchOOI Dlttrlot, 10251 Y~lllOWI\ A,,. • Huntington flHcll, CA t2'41. end r~ll or belllf• 2:00 p m. Tuffd•y. November 2. ltU. al whlCl'I litnt lfld pl-bldr wll be p11~llOlr_ oced a n d re•d Ir\ 9ultdlng Q1 Mt. EtGfl bid thlll ,.-neln -vllid lot a period ot 30 d•r• af1ef 111t date lpeolfled for Ille ~I of tl!Ot. The botlro ot Trv•• ... tfl ... oo ll'lt 101• Judge ol 1ht qvallty ol tqulpment offW«I end ,...,.,.... ti. t'Ofll to retect eny or all bld9 and to' w9'W tnY Ir~ tMNin.. ~ Ottod Oct<IW 14. IHI I Allyn!.~ ; PvtohMint M~ 1 ,1.1t111111td 01ano• Coaat Deity PllOt. Oct°"' 11, 21, tMI 46N-ta: l<MP an ~ on pricea IN HAY way-o• • reo11111 ot•ulfled reader ... 2.ae1t oany Piiot claufflld ad.CIH '42-5611 -.., [ C•ll 142-Hfl. ) luY9f "*"' ""'""'"" 8ft ht • ... ...... . •fteotlv• c.lauffled ect. to worlll fOJ ""· &4il·lll'I ----------...-' d - ~ l I . .I I. ---~--- T HE t'\.'llLl ' ('IR('l S by 811 Keane j l ' .. by Virgil Partch (VIP) I I "Mommy hung my plaster hondprint in the LIVIN' ROOM . not the recreation room!" "Why does this always happen on Mondays?" by Brad Anderson "Why don't you go help Phil read the paper?" Jl'OGE PARKt~R WATCHIN G THE THU~5 PICK THE LOO<; AND ENTER HER HOTEL ~OOM. D ~ P.EALIZE5 THAT HER LtF E 15 ALSO IN JEOP~D't'1 G..\Rt'lt:l ,D GE.1 REAoY 'TO GO, GARI= If LI:'. SENP MY ~EGRETS. WE AR E. GOI NG-TO vrsrr OAO ANO MOM ON THE l='ARM I REALLY MUST STAY HOME AND PLUCK MV NOSE HAIR~ ACROSS •9 Ravage 1 Some SO Id -II comp~ments. S 1 Leg plfl IOf stloll 52 Rtv1le 4 Faslene< ~ Exttnlne 9 Feb11C 58 Kan s netgh· 14 M<>osl bof 15 lshmMl's 60 Plus motl'lef e 1 G1• 1ett• 16 Png 62 EUf oc>M11 1 17 ~ 64 Cenlln 19 Sinned dowagers 20 Blade shar· 2 words P1Mf 86 Cllu<ch area 21 Nombef pre-e 7 lnlle••ble It• 88 Allen llOliOa¥ 22 Retreat ff Mep lellutt 23 Sling 70 Bird lood 2• 8tlllQ' up 71 Pt~ 10 26 818'kleg 29 Shoepar1 31 Fo11\0fe 32Gtrment 33 Fett boOlhJ 36CIOM 34 S~ed 1t>bf 39 tfll>C>Y - 0 Cut I/It 43~ion •• lllC101", "'" , SCJ 1.e Aentall ~'°'"" .. DOWN 1 W11p 2Slow Miiiie 3 Heed11Mr• 4MNtcut ~HouMgod IOulttr 7 <Mrlofdl ITht - c.tn.tela'• ,AH, ~TNER ~ WHATSOJ<T OFA 'IJEE~END DID You HAVE? SATURDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED 1 7 3 "' . .on -"f '" MA Cl 14 .. A :111 -"'l ( . A II II A s • .. l I[_.. c ,. II 0 I ( 9 I! -~ CIT I V £. 0 T f -... .. It: G A T ( s II I YI .... ur-~~-~OIJ A S I' I I 11 L .. , I T i I::' fl I II I A I I lll!A Y a ~ I I " I u r - ~ I 11 A T ,_All "1 f --I ' , __ , T f I i ~ ~ .. _,.," f s s • U1.i11ut Lo11•1t CJAILY f'll 0 I tMc.mchty Octobur )'J 1!18'1 8:5 l't: \'\I T S ~E'< CllU1..k. l SEL WE RE SOWLINb UN lH~ ..,AME. LANES AN!' LOOK Al lML .,l ~IANPllAPS r -fll '\ I ti ''' If ·rt·" Bl,E" 1:t;os S~i?At7 'fl.if: WOFW: 1\tt VO'(! Of FOOPN¥ WILL sroP OFF H~RI:: ON HIS WAY ~ACK '10 ENG'l-Al\lt7 ! suo•: NANCY STOP L BOUNCING THAT BA LL IN T HE GORDO HOUSE ~__,, I.. '-IOl!lOD'I'~ eEE,IJ '()L) r:oR f)A'f'!>/ '(OJ~CK ~ so~r~11o.1er PHOOEY --I KNOW A PLACE THAT'LL PAY ME FOR DOING THIS "" 13-:; ~I ' by Tom K Ryan . . AS l'l-L. "E:. IN 10P FORM, Al\IV' MY Wf:L.COMI~ SP!:f;CH FAE'Ol.OUS! by Jeff MacNelly by Erni e Bushm11ter CAFE ' 1 BOUNCERl WANTED I I • I . by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uK tT :\K,. "l~Kt:RBt:A'\ 1riANK5 A LOT I IHAT'S EVEN BEf1ER THAN LA5 r t..,>£AR 1 40U ME.A~ l.)OU'VE AtrLJAU..(.,) wRrifE/ll OOWf\J HOW MUOI CANOO l,l(){.) (£1 O'>I HA/.l.CU€EN~ SORT CF t\(.Tt,...All<.) IT'S 4ll OO~E c,·. A COMPUTER DR.\BBLE OR.SMOCK W H Y DO YOU SAY YOU i"H IN K 1'H Ai" GReeK H O SPl,-At.. ON i"He o-rHeR SIPES OF ,-OW N IS H O "f" F O R OUR LOCA"'rlON , CH IE!F? ~, ..ui ?-stt: fJl.VS I CPiN ~lt"EM­ AtfBe A~WM Ft.~I~ f\CE FM t-\ALLOWf.'EN !! ANO 1r '(()\) ~AmN 'fo (,tf ~IN fl4E. ~ l'M ~E. A l.OMf'E.'ltN'f !JORUE..QN GAN R~5~f 11 raft "iOU! A.l 1 NEED IS R SCfW -f\N' R~HER ~MPLE lftl ~ '.K}J. 1 ccuo tof'KE. by Kevin Fagan I Al WA 'I 5 LE.ARN ~ l.0,- r~oM ,."E~~ fAfllE.R ANO !>ON C"A1'5 by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston f\ f'LANE-1! ... H8 BobN whart a d adpan a v r dt!huts l••night., "M-A-S-11 ' bc~gin s sht•rt run lh FHEll HllTlll•:NUl':llc, Af lel••l•lun Wrllt1 NE\\I Vnl<t-. Piek l.1111d111c "1111"1111. do 11 \11U1'4ll h1.,1k' 1111 ,11l 1j"'" lakt 1,1,111 "''"i<l 1 .. 1111·l111g, 1-. 111 .. 1111 111 11111111 Iii-. dll'.1111 ,,, vw11111J< .111 11hl v.·11110111 11111 ~·f1111• (111,1h1111i.: lht• d(•:il. hi .l'k s Im. wilt lur 1111 op11111111 "I lak1• 11" ,111 -..1\' ~UU"l' "N11, \1111 do11'1 "l'n1 1•11.nh•d ,1IHIUI I\, 'hi -..1\' l>oulilt• p.1UM' "N o. ~1111'1t• 1101 " F't'V. 1~·1pl1 • l'.111 111.11\1· lhl' 1'<111111' t•i..d1.111i.:1· wurk Hut l~1h N1•\\ h.111 1 .111 .111d d111.-... \\'11h htS \\I\ 1111 lt I 111111 ,11111 d1•,1dp,11t dl'll\ l'I\ Nl·Wh.111 "'•"'1• P'H'lh•loi.:v .1 l111111y 11.11111 111 l hl• old Hol1 Ne \\ 11.11 I S h11\\ " N o \\ 111··, doanj.( tlw ,,1111t· 111111..: !111 11111l\l•1•111ni.: 111 "Nev. h .111 .. 11!1 """ t'H~ '1'111'' 1qw11111g tomt(ht .11 \I .Ill 1111 KN XT. t 'h,111111·1 ~ l1utlt 111 I n I 1111d m 11 .. 1•11 111 11111411t1111.1111111 111• tl1-. .. v1·1., th.11 .1111111• ... M .1111 .... 111 111111 •,1.1v i<tl 1lw11· .)11,1 1li111k o t ,,If 1li111 • .111 IM It .1111• ti ,111 .. 111 f\t.1111 .. 1111 ·t.1k11 \.\ li.11 " '"kl' 111" d11l1111u' \I. tit I ,1~.', '111· w.1 ... 11 '1 p111 111·ulur w l11 ·1 t' h1• 'li·pt "N1•\\ h.111" i.:l•h m1lt·••1<1· 11u1 ur 1lw 1 \•1111 111) >l·•P Wl1t·11 till' 1n11's r .. ,, 1-:lll''>ll-1111 IVI', Dlt'k 1 111 .. ·k, till' 1>111111111 11111• 111 till' dui.1v 11·~1i.11·1 .11111 ft11tli. thlll l lll' ~1Jtllj{ 1'1111 • IS U fot llllll~ 1\11d w lw 11 th1· j,(lH·st.~ l011ll tlw 110111 1lt·i.k .111.t 11 .. 1111•'1 .i rucli.11111 . Nl•Whurt l(l'l" to play \\Ith lt1' t.1\'lllltt• t lllllt •dl\ Jllllfl th1 l1•lt·ph11111· t.l1·11111f1•f I lul1111•,), "liu w.1111., 1111 J<tl 1 111 .1·1 "w h .11 1t'1t Ilk" 111 111 .l\'<·111~1·" Jl1 I t t1·tl1•11l1.d"I .1 d1 1:11 •1• Ill f•:lll llfll'.111 111 ... 1111v 111111·111 1l.1i.""' ,,, IJ.111 111•111111 111 lk11111s. .. 1e11t 1· 1111 11loj,(\. ,11111 ( H\ 1111111 .,kl ll'1t111 po11·11t1.1I "'l'hut'' h 111m·11ll.,, wh:11 we· 11• lo11k1111< Cur ." ,11v' 1>11 k "Ab. ..i 11i.111t•1 111 l.11·1. I t 1111'1 ..,..,. LHIV n •;i11011 11111 111 v olt• 1111 vuu ' "N1•wl1111 l . IS guoJ 11111 .11:0.0 1111 k v. "lllh t • II I 111111 w ... I I II' ... t .1 t t ·I y .. M A s II .. w Ii I ti I ... 1111uld du w 1·ll 111 1111 · 1a1111g ... 111 "" 1111111 •wU'iOll S11dlv 11>1 llll.1lH\ 'l'V I.ms 1111·11··, .1 lij,(ltt .11 tlw 1•11J or lh1· 1u11111·I ••• , 1111 · K 1,11-.111 War w tll 1•11d with 11 twu lioui 11111vlt' 111 1-'1 lu u.11 \ Afll'r IO y1•11rs, th1• 1111Klm·1·h 111td ''1111.-;,I thl' 1·t1~t ft')t tilt' .,l111w wa' 1111111111g 11111 col .,111n1·:. Tlwy 11111 ( 'l\S d1'1 td1'tl lo hr 11111 tl11• hoy, hunll' ,, Thi· tt 1·n d 111 ,.,,,111,111•,11 .. d .. 11c·m11' " 111 haVl' 1•n :.1•111hlt· 1"1'" wh1> "II' Pad .11111111d lilt' JOkl>s Hut wlw11 \'lllll' 11a1111• I!> llw 11111 . tlw show'!-. 011 , 11111 ,1i1111hh•1' N1·\\ h,1r1 d1i.•,11'1 play Oil k l.11ud1111 ,,, 111u1 h ·'' tw pl.I\' 111, brand 111 ,uhllt· 11111l1 1,t,1l1·d 1·111111"1\ 'N1·wh ;11·1" llllSM '' ~U/Jllllll l 'l1·slll't\t', lui. '' 111· 11.1111 a1111th1·r 'l'V ltft• lh·r Vllultl y • 11<•1 g1L1'il N1•\.\ h.1r1 and till' Jlfl'VlllU'i !-.how S tw .1b11 \\.cio • h1•1•ky 1•1111u.ih tu 11c."tu..iunally k 11u I.. 111' ,tufl111i.: 11U l M.ll'y 1-'1'111111'!-. Mrs I ,t 111d1111 l ... ·k, 'flUl\k Tiil' 1Hh1·1 1 h.11·t11'\l'l''I 11m gn1w 1111 you "MAS II," whll'h lta' till' 111 '1 111 1g111.il 1·p1l'tl1d1· of ll'i "horl M'.1!>1111 \11111glt1 al !I. also ( lt.111111•1 :!. 1~111(u 111., why II will 11<• 'Ill «'I V 1111:..~·J Ala11 Ald.1 111 w111lt· th" 1·p1!-.odt'. a 11d thl' 1r1•atn11•111 d 1,pl.1v' t lt1· 11111g1.1111 ., h.ill111arks or .1.ihh111g 1111111111 .111d -.tt 1111).( 1111d1•1 l y 1ng f1 ·1"l111g Boncl filna due lonighl AP WlttphOIO Dack 11-,, 1i1.,tn1 ' hull .• 1110 1h1•1 11•.i..1111 wh\ he's k1't·11 1111 th• S 11.11l111d 11111 ,,11,, 11 \\," T lwv'11• 1·1•1 1.11111\ .111 mid lut. ,111 .111..,l•rll 111111111-.I 11.11111\ m.111 1'1'11111 Po.,1<111). who '' (,,, I 1 rn11 h .11111\. lh1· 111•1.,:hlx11 ly 1><111v1•1u1 ,twp , • " 11 1 • t :i 11 d p , . 1 JH • t ll ,ii I 1 a 1 ( S t 1 • v t • 11 K .1111p~111l •• ind 1h1• Wl•:.i llh v 111a1d MONDAY EVENING 6:00 f) 0 0 NEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS f) EIOHT IS ENOUGH Tom 1s dralt&d 10 loll '" 101 ttie t1dv1ce c.01umn1st on n1s newspape1 q BEST OF MIONIGHT SPECIAL HOSI l.Jlf~ Hagt>111n Guests Olivo~ N.,w1on Jo11n Chll R1chnid Aoll S111wurl Bell" M1dltl1 He.-rl Tanva I uc~o• Geo19e Burns Ma11e Osmond 0) M 0 A'S'H The surgical team~ must somehow copi. w11n a c11t1· cal sno11age ot blood tiur •no 8 gruetong 18 nour 0~811"0 S<ISS•on (I) HAWAII FIVE-0 ED OVEREASY Gues1 Bill)' OantlllS ., m UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 'St1•u&I !.1011va11on tl C88 NEWS 1f (I A8C NEWS 0 i,l~NBC NEWS m THE PRICE IS RIGHT C MOVIE • • • • Thtl Mtttoon Oollar F&ee (198 ti Tony Cu•h• POiiy Be-gen T,.. rvtnress h4tad ot a cosm,,11cs c;om- Plll'IJ becomes < !\ugnl up •n a ballle tor wp11•macy Wllh a nvat comp11n~ run by• former IO•e• 11:30 0) ALICE C11cumstances rntrfl Flo end Atoce to 1cmpora111~ become roomma1et ED OICI( CAVETT Guesl Dame Margot Fon· teyn !RI m SEWING POWER T ~NEWS ~ BARNEY MILLER m WORLD Of' PEOPLE t1 THE COP ANO THE ANTMEM Rot>e<i Mone 11ars 1n 11,.s llQnlC Come<ly based on 0 Henry's slory et>out a Dum wtio tt1os lo 0•1 arrelled so tna1 he can spet'\d lhe "IO"' in a warm ja.11 ctllt S JAMBOREE IN THE HILLS II "S~ Bowl 0 1 Country Must<:' This untQve coun· try muslC fMtrvat lea1ures Jerry Lee Lewis. Ronn1t1 MllNtp Carl Pe.k1t>s fhe Kern:lalls and Helen CO< r>e11us @MOVIE • •;, • Blue F11e Ledy' ( 11H8) Catnryn Harrison Mark Hokle<1 A yoo09 g111 trlee 10 save • cantake<ous ll<>fM from belllQ sold 10 a work lwm 8:46 (%1 CINO&ASCORE 7:00 IJ C88 NEWS D N9CNEWS 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN IJ ABCNEWSQ f) SOAP Jenice a11ou"d' the courlroom wllh her t>ehav· lot. Dat\ny brt09a Elaine home 10 ,,,_, lhtl fam.lly. and Falhe< Tim receives an uMJlpected vlaltor CJ) NEWS ., THME'S COMPANY Jeclc'e old Navy "buddy ' "'°"'9 up ar>d ruins a gour • met din,_ d"lgned 10 kMP tM Ropers from rala- i 11\9 renl ft JOl<£A'8 WILD rl1) 8USINE.88 ~ CJ) ,, .M. MAOAZIHE Comic flrlp cal 'GarlleCd" 1>9Comet a TV 118<. •man ..mo blows up bu1ldlng1 (JI EHT£ATAINME.HT TOHIOHT An inter.,.... with l•no• a,.., CHANNEL LISTINGS . . 8 KN.ICT c(B!.1 0 flJ l<NAC INUC I 8 Kl LA t1no I 11 .l(ABC IAflC I c o l(FMO 1cns1 D KHJ 'v 1100 ' ,, • KC!it l t AnC: I t •1<nv11nn 1 , • • 1<COP rv 11no 1 • • ICCrT t PB~I • • KOCE tPOSl .. .. ,,... L <1rfit·lcl. of •·omi<· !'tlrip fonw. m a kt•!'o hi!'t tt·lt'' i!'tion tlt-hu t I on i~h t on .. II en• Comt·~ ( ;arfit•IJ." at H::~o 011 K '\~T. Cha11 11...I 2 . c;arfit•lcl j,. pic·turt•d '~ ith hi!'> '",·oie c·:· l.orc·n.1.0 AtP Wlrephoto I \ 1 u..;ic·. m ORANGE COU....n' TODAY H YESTERYEAR .. t933 Doell Cavel! 100'• a1 the ~no ol Pron101110<> oue ball s l•rSI •1t-s1ar game •no Ameoc:a • rKO>-"') lrom ltw! Greet Oecrott ~ion 0 MOVIE • • • 'Two WM•~ In Ano11>e< Town ( 196211(11 - 0ouo•as Ed.,a1d G Rob •nJ()n A m119uldll<l actO< l1nds 11app1ness In an assistant produce• s 101> Z MOVIE • • ·., P11vattt L8S$0nt I 1980) SylVla KllSlel How 1110 Hesseman A wNJthy man anions rus Mdvcllve llou!ielcffper lhe 1ob OI pro111d1ng hlS 15.year-old SOt> wllh hot hrst se•u•I expe<ienc. R 1 30 f) 2 OH THE TOWN Feetured • v111t to WHI HOllywOO<I '°' the gr ano opet,.ng of Regine. an lnte•v-wtlll Phlf S1l11efs Fattie< Jonn Pry0< tallis at>oul the mona.shc '''" 0 JJ. FAMILY FEUD 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPAHY A llandsome t11eman near· ly set\<ls lh• g1111 lr...-id· th1p up In smoke 0 EYEOHLA f) MADAME'S PLACE ~ademe tries 10 t>utld up the seff.conlldt1nce ol an old vaudevtlle partner Gues1 T °"' T en11te OJ M •A'S'H BJ D•ac" lo• a wedding anniversary wl1houl Peg as Cnarles prep•r•• for tronl· hne act lo" (I) TIC TAC DOUGH fI) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT m SNEAK PREVIEWS fl}' YOU ASKED FOR " Fealured "Can A Chlld Ay A Pl-?" and "The Lerg.- .. t Ski It'\ Tl\9 Wc><ld " m MOYIE • • ''Tl\9 Big Beal" 119581 Wltltam Aeyt'\Ofda. Gogt Grant The Slutly end dig· nllled PfMkMnl 01 • craul- cat recording company d«ldee to let his tazz ·lov· Ing llOfl lnlO lhe bu81MH UIO IJ (]) IT'S THI! OREA T ~Pl<IH, CHAAUI! 8AOWH Anlmaled llnu• c~ to wan It'\ a pumplt1n paleh le>< a m-oicai jeek.o ·11111· lern to ee>P419' retller than go lrlek-0<·tre•ll09 wlln 1111 lr*'<!s (R) a a urrLE HOUSE! A NEW BEGINHINO A form.< t l1cu1 dwarl 1 On TV I IV Hiit> t( trt• rttt.tlf ) IW{ll./t NV NY tWlll!)J t[C,llNJ I Vlowl tmf' 1 (,pC>l11Qht t(.Abll' Nl'w' N~IW01 h) no~ IO< Mllhng OO'#f\ 1n Walnut Giove a<• 11>e1 lere<l by lh• preiudl<le •nel hatred of Mrs Ole•on O 0 VIETNAM: THE TEN THOUSAND DAY WAR 0111n Bien Phu Tile det11a1 01 French le><ces at Oien 0•"'1 Pnu l•IQOfllS 20 years or lloract Ame<•can involveM9"1 O 1~ THArs IHCREOIBLEJ f) MOVIE • • e Tiie S&110r Wl\O Fell From Gr&ee W1lh Tiie SH ( t1176) Kiii Kil• tolleraon Sar11h Miles Based on • stOty by YvklO M1S111ma Aller dlM:ardlng h11 cateet 10< .,. Enghstl· woman's k>Ve. • M• cap- tain lalll 10 mMI h., 90<'l0S 1nsanety jealous oemand1 IO< perle<:hon J: SOAP Corinne ,_.,.. • via11or lrom Ecuedc>< 0) P.M. MAOAZINE Comic lltlp eel "Oatfield" bf!Cornet a TV '1111, a IOOi< a 1 th• TV sl'>Ow cafleo Thal Ouu Snow (!)MOVIE • e •, "Mayday Al 40,000 Feet" \ t9761 Oav•d J1nuen. Don Meredllh 11> a struggle t0< • gun. • killer d fNblee an e1t111'141t fI) OAEAT PERFORMANCES "The Cnarterhouae 0 1 Par· ma" Gina Counte ss Pietr1t'\9t1 (Mllllhtl Keller) 1n11uencet her nephew Fabriee (Andrea Occhlpln- 111. aon ol an at111ocra1 devoted IO the Au1trl1n1, to embrace the t...alutlon· ary ldHs ot Ille Napoleon. IC.,. (Part II m NATURE Tiie FllQhl 01 The Con- dor" Or Donald Jonanaon llkn 11..,..,s on • rare journey through 11\9 An<l<K MOUl'\lalns C MOVIE • •·~ "Elc&pe From ,.._ Yc><k" 1198t) Kurt Ru•Mll, Adrienne Barbeau In 11HH. • h1rdened criminal 11 offered • pardon 11 ne can tMC:ue the prMldet'\t of tl\9 u S from IM prlaon city that Manhallan haa b«!ome 'R' !Hl MOVll! • • • ''H OU .. C•ll•" I 11178) Welter M111heu. Glende JKl<aon A wld· owed doctc>< hall• hi• CeMnova t~ fon9 ..,ouoh to fall for • dlvOf· ~ wflO doeln'I ~In p1111anc1er1ng 'PO' Sl MOYll ••'Al "Salem'• lo•" 11979) Oellld Soul, "- Mason A nowll•I return• to hla l>Oyl\Ood "-10 put en 9nd 10 troubled "*'10tlM bl.II llnde ttlet a tlnteler myetety lhf OV<ll hlatow.-•PO' 9MOYll e • "M y C111mplo1>'' (1Hll Yo~o Slllmeda, CNll MHGhum ,..,,. IMt ltory of. l4lfl'lllle J..,_ NMlnO cNtnplOrl .. !Old e:ao 8 (J) HIM COMll OAfW'llLD An""-ltd Oatflalld lrlM 10 t H Clle 1111 f lm•Wltled lllOell ~ OCllt -"-' .... le ~ In "" middle of • cape< ano sent 10 111e oog pound 1 9 J CHARLIE'S A NOELS Kelly and Kiii poM •• con- l•ll•n•• to 111\0 out wno •s lrylng 10 'II• • be&uly pegeat'\I 0) SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES Z MOVIE e • • • 'Paths 0 1 Glory 119571 Kii~ 0oug1H, Relph M1H1k81 Ourlt'\0 Wo1ld W&1 I, 1m oll1cer ord11rs his m1H1 on 8 sulelde mln101> 111 V11rdun and then a11emp11 10 conceal h" lolly Oy oemano109 lh• .. KuloOn ol tllrt1e 1old1ets Dy whom he feels t1111tal41ned .. 00 f) (8 • M 0 A 0 8°H tSeasot'\ Premiere) A Dig c~brallon dance at Ille 407 7111 11 1•opard11ed when Marga1e1 teert'\s lhat Ii no1011ous1y t1rlet senior olflcet Is amv1ng 100,. tor en 1nspect101'\ 0 ~MOVIE L 1t11e Ol0<1a Happy Al Lasl 1Part 2) (Premoet•I Anger• l ansbury. Lucy Ou11e11dge Llllle Gloria remains wllh ne1 aunt dur. 1ng lhe lellQthy sensalton· at 111at IO< cuslody of he< b81ween G811ru<le end her mother GIO<I•, who is d1111· ctn 10 1ne brink or • ner- vous b1eakdown belore Ille 1udge ••-s h11 dee .. 11on 0 VIETNAM· THE T£H THOUSAND DAY WAR Oeys 01 Oec111on • Prr.11 dent Jonnson Hnda Ame•· lean combal lrOOPs onlo Soulh v .. 1nern and 0<de11 11141 11111 bOml>lllQ raids on the Horth 0 9 WOV!e • • • '-t 'M oonraker • I 19791 ROQ4H Moore LOia Cnlles Sacrel agenl Jamet Bond ano • ~ull­ ful CIA agetll are •"'ONKI 10 find oul who n11ec1<eo • re110lu11onary new spa<:• shullle at>d wtiy 11 was lak .., fRI m MERVOAIFFIN fI) THE MAGIC Of' DANCE jP1em1e1e1 The Scene Cliangtia" Dame Margo• Fon1eyn chart• 1he rlM In the 201h oen1ury of the mele dancer fred Asta1re. RudOll Nurev-v and Sam my o av11 J1 -•mono lhose INlured m NATIONAL GEOOAAPHIC SPECIAL living Trea1ures Of Japen' Nine Jepane•• ar11uns and perlorm109 .. 1111s who keep en anc1..,1 cullur• altve tn • conlemporary 80CM!ly ••• p101tled \R) m COU.EOE FOOT&AU HIOHLIOHTS Oklahoma Soo"•" v1 Oklahoma Slat• Cowt>oys Oh•OVIE • ••'I> 'Ey•wllnen ' ( 198 t) Sigourney We•ver Wiiiiam Hurt A ,....,.,ton rej)Orte< t>ecomee h'lvolved with • fen1l0< whO may know m0<11 al>OUI • mur. der lhat he MlneNled lhan he ts Ntylng 'R' •.30 f) HEWHAAT (Premier•I A" euthO< of "how 10" booll1 and his wll• leave th• big cJty and M l up hOUMlceeplllQ It> an old Vennont Inn MOVIE ••• ., "S«.,,ecle" (1956) Marro Len.ta, Joan Fon· lalne A 1>ng¥ rl-from workl09 In tM vineyard• to wcceu It'\ 1he opera but h .. rom.,.tlc !rouble when he becomM Involved wtlh two dlfle<.,,I ~ 10:00 1J CAGNEY & I.ACEY (SH 1on Premier•> A vwno p01tceman·1 ca,_ hange tn the b•l•nce when Chtt1 and Mary Beth cen'I agr" on th• clrcum- 11-turrovndlng Cl\9 letat ahOotlng of a clvltlen •••• ..wa • IOC GMAT OEM (Premiere) "TNlll" Biii Moyar1 and Ot Monlmar J Adler ere jOlll8d by en lnternetlot'\el panel ot lead· .,, for .,, Inquiry Into OtljactlYa ena aubjactlva IMll Ii) ICM.UMfWTEM I WON> INTO 1MMN "EllNlnOt Pe<ry" Tiie 1811 EIBMor Perry dlacu•- ...., lnt«MI In IM lragle l\utftan condition• and her rOle aa a women In flln>. mlllll'O • THI VIMINIAH CC)MOYll • • • • ""''"*' Ot r11a 9nda" ( 19&0) 8panoar Tr .. Gy, Ellleb9ttl T aytor A lather •llP«--.. of tM jOye and l)NCllCMol lnvor..d with ,,,. ~· ,,_ for hit dll\IQtMr'• mr.=. weddlnO ••• "aocty HMt" jtNt) ICo~•·r \loon• 011d Loi ... <:hilt• ...... wr in tlw Jamt·-. Hoaul nun it•, '"Tlw r\loonrakt·r. ·• toniµ,ht al •J 011 "ABC. (lrnn1wl 7. TUBE TOPPERS Kll.J HIJ H UO "Tlw S..Jilt11 Who 1"1 II ~ 111111 t :r;11·1· W11h 'J'h1· S t ·.1 " Kns K1 ..,t11fl1•1.,•Jll .111d Sa1;i h !\l ilt·' .. 1.11 111 '\w" 11f ""' 1.ipt.1111·, l<1rlu1 c· to ml•t t "" l11v1·1 ' '"11 ., 111-..1111 I\ Jl •J lllU'> d1•111,111d ... 1111 pt I It~ lll11l KN XT C.0 I 0 Oil ·l'.1,i.:11• ' ,"« 1..11·1·\ • 1\ voci11g po lt1·1•111:111 '1·111••1•r tl.ing, It\ 1h1· h ;1ll111c'1• \\ h1•n l'hr i.. .ind M.it' Ht ·rt. 1.111 t .ign 1· 1111 tlu 1·1n·ui11"11A11l1•·' 'ur n1u11d111g tht l..Jt.11 'h1x11111g 111 <l l'I\ lhtlll KCET 1:rn 1 1111111 ·:-;,,_ (!1 .. ,1l ld1 ;" . "Truth" Hrll 1\111\c'" .111d 1>1 1\1111111111 1 .J Aull-r • .tong "1111 .111 ant .. 111.1111111.tl 1).1"' I .. 1 h·,1d1·r .... tf1'4. u.,_, 11h.Jt ... \l\'1· .11ul ... uli.Jt'I. ti\'•· II ut h W11tlam Hull Kathleen Tu1n4lt A sm1tll•me F1011da 1awy•r '' pe1suaooo by n1s lovw to mut06f ner hus b•nd R S MOVIE e • e · 1 ·Allee Sw1rn1 Al•ce ( t978) LonOa M11ter Paula Stwgpard Memt>e•s of an ltaltan Ame,.CI" family are 11ict1m11ea by a p1yc11011c muroe1e1 on lhe11 modsl R @MOVIE • • • • Eyewiln~si ( 1981) Sigourney Wea""' W1ll1am Hurt A 1etev1s1on report•• becomes 1nvol•ll<I wnh 1 1aml0< who may know more ab<>ul a mu• de< lh•I ,,. WllNISSt!O 111on lie IS Nty•ng R Z MOVIE • *'' Ta1100 p11e 11 Bruce 0.1n, Mauo Aoams An ObMSMd 181100 art1at kidnaps • faal>ton model lnO PfOCee<ll tO COV&f he< l>Od'f wilh 111s noand1wo<k R 10:30 (!) INOE.PEHO£HT NETWORK NEWS m WORLD OF BOOKS 11 00 IJ D <I, ~ HEWS 0 SA TUROA Y HIGHT Hosls RICf1ard Ben1am·n Paula Prenlfu Guests The Gralelul Deed f) IH SEARCH Of' m THAT QUIZ St40W (!) STREETS Of' SAN FRANC*8CO A public delendet elmotl roses hflf Ill• 1>ec:ause sn11 1>e11evet 110< c;Jlent ta t>OI • murderer fI) BUSIHESS R£POA'T m DOCTOR IH THE HOUSE Otck 11 accuMd ot em1>t11 1llng monev lrom St Swt1h1n's bar lund 0 MOVIE Th• Joy 01 Fooling AIOUl'\0 ( 11179> Mon•Qu• De Prez Ktlllln Raymond ·x· 11 :30 IJ () TRAPPER JOHN, M.D Goruo turns hos DKI< on • Vlelnam buddy wl>o once uved hil Ille and 15 now trying to cOlleCt lnsurenr." benehlt Dy laklno 1n 1n1u ry (RI 0 ~TH£ BEST Of' CAASOH Holl Jonnny Carson Guetll Netalle COl8, Jim St1n0td. Cafvln Trtffln (RI IJ QJ) NIW8 1J YOU ASKED FOR IT F .. tured "Can A ChUd fly A Prene?" Ind "TM L••o HI Ski In The W0<ld " tD THE Jf;fRASONS &l FOCUS ON 800IETY m P98LATENIOHT Hoet Oennla WhOlay m MOHT GALUAY 11:36 fC1 MOVIE • • * • "Ordinary Pl!O· pie" t tgao) l\llery Tyi.t Moore. Donald Suthefl..,d A g<Jllt.,ldden t-.aoer lrylnQ 10 put hll Hf• btlci< togethef alter hi• brot"4<'1 dealh and hl1 own 1ulclde attempt reac:nn wt 10 hi• complac.,,I lelher and hit COid, ~ motMr 'R' 't:44 CIHE.MA8COM tl:OO. IHTalllT~ TONIGHT At'\ 11'\t....,._ With Linda Orey 0 10 ABCNEWS NIGHT LINE f) MOVIE • • , All th" 9rollltttS W11re Vat1en1 t 1"1~31 Rob 1111 laylor ')1ew1HI Grirngo1 Two NHw fng lano wn1111ng tap1111n• whn il•tl 1>rOlhers 11•rt w<1ys wn..,, "''"Y 01sa11r~e o•e• ~curchmg 101 a 1reawrA ~ NEWS 0) MOVIE • • • The Purplo >1.,111t 119441 Fart&~ Granger Dana And•...,.• Tne Japa. nei.e 11010 rr.a• 101 11ig111 America" 111111' c;h•rotto with murd&r (I) LOllE. AMERICAN STYLE m PEARY MASON H @MOVIE •', Ha1roween II 11981) Jam•• l tloll Cums ()Qnalo Preasence A nope1.,u1y 1ns3ne murderet" con1t"ue1 h11 re+gn ol 1err0< m a •ma111own R S MOVIE • • • Body Heal t t9811 Wllllam Hurt K&lhff18n Turn•• A smallltm<' ~1011d<1 lowy91 '' persuadeo Dy"" tnv&< 10 murOe< he! nvs· bat'\d R Z MOVIE • • F oll1ng It> love Again ( 111801 EtllOlt Goulo SuHt>nan Yo•• A man goes 10 n11 high schOOI r eunt0n on I,,.. t><Mrel 1hal he can 1e11o1e tne gooo 11mes ol lhe paat 'PO 12:30 0 ~~LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID L.ETTERMAN GuMI llOSI Larry 'Bud' M~m•n GueslS Jack and Elaine Lal anne t11mma11er Howard Smith tollery wont'\er Tooy Cienfl)' (RI 0 COUPLES 0 MOVIE • • • Tiie Gl .. 1 Hou&e ( 197:>1 Voe Mnrrow Atat> Afdl l TOM OOTILE UP CLOSE C!) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE 10 MOVIE • • • l•n 1 It S11oct.1097" ( 19731 Alan AIOll, LOU•M Lauer 0 A£R081CISE 12 40 f) T COLUMBO 1'00 0 ODIE AUTRY It BARRY FARBER C!) MOVIE • • •; fha Batlle 0 1 The VIiia FIO<tta" ( t96S) Mau· rt1en O Hara Richard Todd 1300 ~HBCNEWS OVERHIOHT U OENEAUTRY 0 MOVIE • • Cannot>Delt Run" p98t) Burt Reynolds Dom 0.LulM Va<IOUS odObalf characters compete tn • coHt-10-coasl auto race 'PG' @MOVIE • • • ln111talton To The Dance ( t\1571 Igor You•llevilel'I, G-Kelly 1'36 H MOVIE • • • ·~ "l.e Cage Au• FOi ..... 11117111 Ugo TOQ· nau1, l\llleht>I SCl#raull t:.at Cl MOVIE • • '' "Any Number ~,. P111y" 11949) Clark Gable, A••••• Smith An no,,.•l end CateffM gembHlt'a Ille JOHN DARLING .. hes.,t Wflh .. Ml:U~S .;>f 1"'U"dt1t• Z MOVIE • • , lt1100 WiUt•O''' 11!1771 Randy Oua•d. Cna11.,s Wn11t1 fag1., I 66 S MOVIE • • • !001 Suit 119811 D11n1e1 11111001 Edwara J11mes Olmos In t940a I n• Ange11t• a cause cete bre e<vPIS over the lram "'ll ol mt1mne1s ol a Ch.co uo strttttl gung ror muronr R' 2·00 f) $ CBS NEWS HIOHTWATCH 0 NEWS f WILLIA~ TEU 2·30 9 BIOORAPHY 391 NEWS 3·00 9 SEA HUNT @MOVIE • • M y C1rnmp1on 119611 Yo>o l>ll•mo>OD Ch11s M1lchum lne lru(' s1ory ot a lllmote Japano~ running c11amp1on 1s iota 3 15 H MOVIE • • The BIUll Lagoon I t9801 Brooke Shiela• Ch11scophe< Alk•ns 'l'iw11day·11 IJnyf i•e fforlf'• 9 t5 z • • • Throe Warrr ors t t9771 R11ndy Oua•tJ l.hartes Whll'! Eagle A t) year·OIO 1nd1Jn boy asham&<J nl b4!tng rocog n1z0d as a werno,., le1un~ to apprec101e h•' ha111eg" after v1s11tng 111• "ck g•anota1ne. G 930 0) ••• l•hlll 11964) W1rren Beelly. Jean Seberg An employee '" o menial 1nst1hmon 1•11• in love wlll1 one ol lhe pal&enlS 10 00 C • • '1 Thtl Morre>< C•a.;~ cl I t990) Eklabelh Teyto1 1<1111 Novo~ Base<! on ~ •tory t>y Agalna Cl"""'" A •lrAnQtl murder 1nv()lv1ng 11val Hollywood Sl•rs ••~es place 1n an E09ll~ village PG' 0 • • r Ctoud Dane.er t 19801 Oevtd CerraOll'\e Jennlle< O'Nettl A lop Slunt fllflt negleels lhe people who car a at>oul 111m on Ille selllstl putlU<t ~ 1'11 dangeroua IOOr1 PO S • • Forever Darling (19561 Lucille Ball ~111 Arn~ A yoong eoupll! s ,.,.,,1age II nved Dy • guardian llJngel who resembles 11141 wtle s tav0< ••• mC>Vltl .,., 0 • • e 'lnvll•lion To Tne Dence" (11157) lgO< Youslievttc:.11. o-Kelly Three R1m1kv·Korsakov Oance sequt!fW:eS .,e P<• senltld Circus" A clowt'\ fall5 to h11 dealh lrom • tightrope, "Rl09 Mound The Rosy" An at>nrversary g1N Cl\anQee hands mat'\y ,,,,_, "$11'\bed Tl\9 S..lor A Haman ••periences exeit•ng edvenlures 11.00 ! H e • "Stlerlce Of Tl\o N0<1h" (1981 I Ellett Burs tyn, Tom Sk11<rlll In t91g • young worn.,. s marriage 10 a trepper leeds lier to • Ml• or hardstllp 1n lhe wll d8'nft$ ol n0tth8fn Cana· da 'PG' 11:111 z ••"Woman I" The Ounee" ( 11164) El~ Ok.a• Kycllo Kltl'llde An ..,10- mologlst ••king • holld•y In Jec>an'1 "-1 reglOI'\ spends Iha nlQht wtlh • 11ra11Q41 woman NI "'"" °" 11141 d.,,,.. tt;OO f) • •'I> "Honeymoon Hotel" ( t964) RoDerl Goulet, Nancy Kwan Aller belllQ llOO<I up at Iha at1er. • man heads le>< the Carib· t>Mn With his buddy wh¥• they tn~.,,tly Cl>aelc Into • rlltOrt hotel tor ~· G) ••• "Th9HU1y HHrt" ( 19!10) Ronald R41eoan. Petrlela Neal A le<ml,...,ly Ill eoldiat find• ~ .._ ,,. .. balflend- e<I by "... wounded llOI· dlers In • noep11 ... (Cl •••• ,, "Tl\9 Mat\ Who WCM.tld a. King" I t!17 ~> Sean Conner f · M1c.haet Caine Baseo on tho story Dy AudyDtd 1<101 1ng Two Brotllh 1old11tra ~• ou1 10 cla1~ 1"9 roe""' dnd pow11< ol a romote tegond1uy k•llQOOrt'\ PG 0 * • a lit Vny8Q6 EH Douce ' I 19801 Dominique Sanda Geraldine Cnaplln l wo women t1avel to tne Swm or France on a vaca· ttor1 r1om 1t}eo tan11htd and ~p.ino their 11m" e1~nang- 1ng t h111r m1tmn11es. dreomr. and 1nn11rmO$f li>el11'\gs R s • • ' Ant Which N ay YOU Can ( 19801 CMI Eos1wood SOn<.lrd I ocke 0'110re rJelll•ng down Wllh 111> 0" I eno pel orangulan, a barCI !Isled hghtttr S'Qni up tor 0"4l las• )ucr etive ma1ch PG @ * * Th15 Tom~ ro111•• er ( 19801 Claore P1mpa1e V•ncent Van Pa11on A Franch Canadian g .. 1 tall) 1n lovtt wt1h a braSh Amert can COll<'Qe student \lud~ •llQ on Montreal PG 12 30 H I> • Sp<11l Of TM WmO f 19791 Cn1el Dan Georgi• A young boy ove1 com"s n1) hano.cap ,., t>f'CPm.i the Wot11l Cr.,.m. P•on Dog Sleooer PG 1.30 Z • • • , Brl!A•e• Moroni 119801 Eowa•O W(>OOward Jae.I< Tnomv- ')(')n Au1trah•n1 cons.er•'-''~ l'<I 10 IOQ111 on E11Qtan<1 s 'S•O~ in the Boe• War Ot!O<kl 10 tig111 lhe Boe• gue•1llu on 111e11 own lerms PG' 2:00 0 • • • F1111 Mo11oay 1n OctOl>e• f t9811 Walll!f Maunau Jill Ctavbu•gh A floe<al Supr-Courl Ju$ 11e11 era.-with tl\e "ow l!SI membet 01 1he nation s noghost courl an ult•a· con-valrve woman 1u11s1 R 2 30 H • • TN> Jan Sing~ ( 1990) Nell 0.amond L.i" ret>U Ohlflet A New Yor~ can10t breaks w1lh tam•IV lradll•on and &ets oot •n llnd WCCMS ti a P ·P l"uSIC star PO 0 • • • • CIOud Oancor 11980) OavtO Carr&Otne J"'11'\llt11 O'Neill A lop s1u1>t lllfrt neglects tnt1 Pf!Ople who C818 al>Out him '" the MlllSh pursuit ot ht$ dl"941'0Vs 8(>0f1 'PG 3 IS l • • ·~ 'On The Noc~t1I ( •979> Ratpn Watte, Don· aid Moltal Ltte on I 01 AnoetM skid •ow 11 dl!O ICled R 3:30 C • • • The &otn•n l(aramazov" 111158> Mar•• ScllOll, Yul Brynner A man IS un1u1lly convleled or murdeung hrs latlle< 4:00 S • • '"' Black &euly t 1971) Merli letle<, Wallei Sten~ Based on tne story Dy Anna S-" A proud and awesomely beaulflul horae e,q>ertenGet m•ny dl.,,.MowneB 0 **·'Winds Of Cha119e' (1978) An1ma1tld Nairalll<l Dy Peter Usllnov Several ttories !tom Gr- myltiology ere rllCOUflled PO 4.30 -0 • • • Le Voyage Et> e>oue. ( 1980) Dominique Sanda Geraldine C"4plltt Two womfln •r•vel 10 Ille South or France on a vaca- tlOn lrom lh .. 1 lamlllel and $pt!Od Iller! ltme IJlchang· lt>g 11ie1r memorlea. dream• and 1nt'\ermoe1 leellng1 'R' 6:00 I l 1 • • • "Bend 01 Thtl Ro_ .. ( 1952) Jemes SI-· art. Arlhll< Kantltldy S.l· 11ers coun1 on .,. •~l>Bfl­ ettce<I guide to l>flng 111am much·.....Oe<I PfOvlalotts l l • • •,; "ThrM Wern. ors" 11977) Aandy Oueld, Cnatles Whit• Eegle A 13- ye•r ·old Indian Doy. ashamed ol being re<:og· nfled IS • wet1'1or. learnt to app.aclat• 1111 tle<llage al1t1r vlalllng hl1 1tc~ grandlalher ·G· 6:30 I H •• "Who H .. s .... The WtnO?" ( 19171 Ge><don Pt-t, JOM Ferr.. ,_ 'l'OUl!Q ~· lfves IOVCl'I ltt 1 small pral1te 1own dut111Q the Grt1at Oeprestlon by Armstrong & Batluk FO~ Al.I. OF Vo.J OIJT 'TM•RI! WHO ~fl& IN'T!:) ~~ YOUR OWN HONEY.' I ' t I Daily Piiat MONDAY, OC..I it~. 106~ ClASSlfllD C4 Dall, Pilot Pholo by Cheri.a Sterr A large group of runne rs head s for tht~ one-ruilt• ru ark(~r during tht• Fa ll Five Milt• Hun S unday. St•c s tory. p agC' C2. NFL players reaffirm • union support WAS HINGTON (APl -F1\'l' Wl't'ks into tht:'1r strikt>. Natw nal Fuutb.dl League pldycrs ha\'e reaff1rmcd 1h1·1r support of lhc demands that f1Nt plan-d them on the s1dehnes Approximately 100 playeri.. with reprt•sl•nt.atlVl'S from cvt?ry wam 1n th<· leagu .... anendcd a five-hour meeting S und av to review the status o f negot1at;ons and prospcc·L<; of ending a s tr1k£' that has f orcc·d t•1 t hl'r t hl· postponement or cant'C·llallon o f f1vl• weekends of the regular st•ason At the close of the meeting, wh1l·h includt•d a number of previously outspokto'n critics of thP assoc1a11on's leadership. union Prt·s1dent Gen(' Upshaw announcE-d. "Tod man thc•y said t h ey will not go bal'k \.\ l lhout a contract." Ounng Sunday'!> ml't'llng. the union's 28 player rl·prl'M'nt.allVL'~ unanimously ddopt('d a r,·i.oluuon n •aff1rming their support for J proposal first approvl-d by thC' playc·r n:ps tn Au~ust The prnpo,al l'alls for J cullel'llVl' ba rga 1n1 ng agrt'l'ml·n t tu 1 ncl udl' 1mmed1aw substanual wage anc-reasc•s for virtually all playl•rs; a guarantet· that players will rN:l•1ve a fair share of futun• NFL revl·nul·~ .. l·l1m 1nat1on of wagt• 1nc•qu1t1C's. lengt h ening o f ca r eer~ thruugh C'liminatwn of mcenllvC'S to e·ut older playl·rs for finan<:1al rt'asons. :.ind rewarding pe rformance through significant inc<'nllves The ~m<' ref.olut1on w a-. pdS.'il~ b~ th" player reps on Aug 31 in Ch1eago. thl' site of their l~t meeting The playC'r represC'ntat1ves als11 • d 1·m<1ndt·d thl· lf'dgu<"' n1·g1l\1Jlurs · h.1rg<.1111 1n gno<l l;11th t11111cl tlu ... 1rik1 ... ink~·" "Wl· l'<tn11· out of th1' mc .. ·ung 1·vc·n rnon• unllPd than bl•fon"" i.a1d Ed (:arvl'v, l'Xl'L'Ullv1· d1rt't.lor o f th<· playl•r..: a..'-S(X'lallon Thl· lt·ague's 1.:100 playe•r.:. h.tVC' h<•l'n on stnkt· s1 nn· S<.'pl 2 1 Npgot1at111n~ a1mrd Jt 1·1Hltng tht· l1·agu1•'!> l1rst 1ns1·ason 'tr1k1• w1·1 1· nx·,.~.,t'CI Saturdav with no claw -.t·1 to rpturn 111 th1· bargaining t.1blc· Tht· rc·t·ess l·ndt·d I:! dc1~.., of b.1rg;.11nmg that indudt'<.I <1gn1:-nwnt •m mc,...t of the· non·t'<.'<>nom1l 1ssui..., th.ll h;-1d '>l'P•" Jlt'\I both Sid l's 1n tht• d1<,pult· Tht• kl'v economic qut'SllQn!> rl•mJ111 h11w1·v1•r. with both th(• union and thl· 11 w n c· rs h n I d an g tu t h l' 1 r o rt g 1 n a I ).)O!>llllJl1!> Thi ph.1vl'I d!·rnands mc1n;ige·nwn1 hJ-. r 'l' f u '(• t.I I 0 11('g0 11 a l l' 0 n J I • t h l 11nplt·mt·nt.1t1un of a wage !.1-'i:llt'. l'rt•allon of " e•t..ntral -.alary fund a nd thl• pl.1vcr,,,' <ll'mand lu1 J fixed JX.•ru•nt.ag(' of th1· lc<igUl··~ TV rcvt•nues To<lav. (.;;.irVl'V Lind J<wk Oo11la11. tlw own<'rs' l'h1t•f 1-it•gouator. s1wnt .1 le•\\ mrnu11·~ on tlw ph1111e. but fa1h·d t11 1·\'t·n agn•t• on \\ twn 111 n ·.,unw thl· bL1rga111ing Al'l'lll d mg t11 J 1 m M 1 I h ·r. 1 tw pu bill rl'i;1t11111' d1n'l:to1 for th1• 1\1.in..igc·n)l nt l'c,un<il. "<..i,1nc•v askt·d f111 .in111ht·1 mt•t•tmg .111d J<cd( s .. ud. ·\\'h.tt lor" \\'1· m< l for 12 <la\'' in MarvL1111I ;111d thl•lt Wd" n11 1llt1\'1:nh Ill on ·lht· tt•u1n11nu1 I t~Ul''· :-11 unlc•,., tht•n··~ d d1.111gc 1n \'OUI pos1t 1011 tht rt ·~ not mut h ~t·11s1· 111 g1•111ng 111g1•tlwr " in the park Not just a walk New York Marathon a n ything but a dull ex pe rie n ce :i ·og · :1g C · ·C B y ROI'! IRAK A•aoc:latltd Pre11 Writer My Ne•"' York City Maro:ithon ~-.tarll'<i a httle earlier than All:x·rto S<ilalclr· .... and It C'ndl:'d a httJe later. In bNwC'C'n. 1 C"O\'erl'd the -.;.1ml' 26 milC's, 385 yards of strc·c:t.c; and bridges as ht• d id anrl l'vt• got the.' mt'Cial lo prove 1t SalaUlr was nowh£>rc· in sight wht•n thl· Nl·w York Road Runners bus droppl•d ml' at fort Wadsworth near the Verrazzano Bridge al Ii 10 Sunday morning Thal was 4 1 i hour ... Ix· fore· r<l('C' lime a nd It was about 35 dt>gn'<'S Thc•rt• Wl•rt• tC'nts set up to protC'Ct you from the winds. but 1t still was cold This was mv third marathon I should have been prepared for the weathl'r. but I wa~n·t THERE WAS a war-like atm~pht·n· about the start of this rat.'l'. The RC'<l Cros.-. ""a.c; serving co ff et' and donuts. They begin 11 at a fort cmd tht•y US<>d a cannon. With 14.300 runners. I gul'SS lht'y h gurc-d a pistol wouldn't do. The funny thing about the start from whc•n.• I was is you hC'ard t he cannon. but th l'n nothing h appened for :io seconds or 'lo I just t-ouldn't move Nobody near mC' c..-ould It lakt"'i that long for the· Bruins thinking of teammate I NGLEW OOD lAP) With o ut e mbarrassm ent or apology. the Boston Bruins admllled their thoughts wl'r('n't compl<.'tely on their National Hock ey Leagu<' gam<' against the Los Angeles Kings. They were thinking of a young teammate f1ghung for his hfc m a Vancouver. B C .. hospital Boston w inge r Norm Lrve1llc. 19. h ad unde rgone brain surgery a fter collapsing with a cerebral hemorrhage -not hockey related after the first period of Saturday night's game agains t th<' Canucks. He was listed In stable but poor condition Sunday In Vanc..'Ouver General Hospital. "Last night we felt so bad we ju11t didn't want lo get on the aJrplane to Los Angeles," said Bruins' veteran Brad Park following S umday night's 5-4 loas to the Klnp. "But soanct1m('1I you have to do things you don't want t.O do." Boston Coach ~rry Cheevers, whose dub had loet 3-2 to the Canucks after the tragedy SU'UCk , said ofter Sunday'• loes: "[ don't think any player on this team got mure than tan hour'• slC'('p IMt nlght Th"• stuff thll t\3..1 happcrwd to thut team m th1• lwn 24 hours ut just lncrt'Cilblt' I vc never bc't•n u proud as I am of tlua team " f r.iu· to g<.•t goinl-( At the p<'ak of thl' Vt•rr<izz.ino, \OU M'<' lht• Ma nhattan sk vl1m· It's hkt· tht• Land of Cn tht• goal you Wdnt to n ·<•t·h But 11's 1:1 n11l1•.., .1w<cy and :--·ou'vc· i.tnt to run :!Ii mill's lo g1·l thNt· WHEI'\ YOU START ,1 mar.11h11n, you're• 1wrvous bt'l·:1uS<.· ynu do n't know what wrll l)appC>n You'rr not h1g hly-tra1nt•d l1kl· lhr world l'lass runn!'rs You JUSl want to ftrush. but ynu don't know 1f vou can The ·bulk of runn!'rs hkC' mt• ar<' swt•pt a Ion~ by th<.' enthusiasm of thl· lTowds Ttw peoplC' an· v<.>ry rt'Spons1ve and 1t rrally h<.>lps thr runners M y plan was to run <'1ght-mmut<• m1lt>s. That would bring me in u nder 3 hours. 30 minutes. But h(>(-ause of the 'tart. I was a minuw lx>hind that pat·e after the first mil<.>. Al two mil<.'S. I got a gas pam in my right side r thought to myS<'lf, "ls this gomg to c•nd my day"" At least 1t came early t'nough 1n llw ract' so thnt I was still coh erent and able to de&I with it Aftl·r two more• m1h-s, 11 dtsappcarC'CI. IT'S FUNNY tht· way littk things that dun 't bother you l'arly in the rat.'C' lx>gin to g<'t to you later F or hvt• or six miles. I was running alongs1dt' a guy we::mng an Ireland shirt I had a plain s hirt on Evl'rywht•rl' Wl' ran. lhf' fans WC'rt' l'hcering for him, "Hc•y. lrl'land. C'mon lrl'land .. 1 thought to m yst•lf. "What about me, I l'Ould US<• somt· chC'<'rs, too. you know " Next year. I'll wear ti shirt with somN h ing on it for the crowds to identify with. some thing they can yell for. l can USC' th<.• support. Early in the race. the r unnt•rs talk to one anotht'r But as 11 g<X's on, that stops. Then all th<' sounds com<' from the spectators And w hC'n you get to the Qul-ensborough Bridge thc•n• a rt· no sounds at al~ because that's thC' only stret<·h whcrl' there are no spectators All you hear 1s tht• pounchnJ( of fN.'t It's C'Cn <.• The two things in li ft• that I ft•r11 thl' m~t art' heights and water The bridge 1s no t n good pllll'<.' for me It's the l5-m1k point amd p<.'o plt• un· starting to drop out in significant groups I'm still going That's 11 hft. From the bridgt.'. thC' finish 1s mayb<> a hnlf mill' across town . But we havl' to go flvt• mllt'!'I up First Ave. into the Bronx to gl't there. That's p!!ychologlcally tough. You think of the marathon ffll l<> by milt> When I rcachoo 25. mlll'S, l kn«'w I <..'Ould do thv lost m ile tn 10 mlnUk'I and still break my goal, 3;30 I wmc tcmpk.-d W do \hat, but th«' C'n\hu ioii:m of the• ~·rowd kt'pl m<' going tand l de id<<d to llC<' how mud1 b<-low 3:30 I could ~o. Final tlm<' :n1 ~3 -bout onv h our and 48 minut~ tM-hlnd Saluar -hut a JX>nonol be t Nt'xt yt>ar. J'll i1hoot for 3: I ~ !. ~:;E IKO Alb.-rto . a lazar puts up three finge to indicat~ h i. third , traight victory after winning ew York City Marathon in Central Pork. ( A,,~., Salazar satisfied with • Will NEW YOHK ft\Pl Allx·rto S.tl;a<>r and (;n·tt· War t z gut what thr~ \.\.inh·d Jn th1· Nl·W York l'ny l\1.ir.11h11n \'1l·tory And Fn·d Lc·bm'. tlw nwrnthon's dtn'l tor, got \\hat h1 '' .mtt-d a 1 lo:.l' r::1l'l' In ,, tensl' f 111i-.h. d1'l 1<kcl b\ a l.1 t c· !'.> u q~ l' h' S .ti ,1 z LI r the .!4 -\t•Jr-uld long d1~t<1nll' ~tar trom Eugln<' Orr· 1•dgt'CI gritty Hodolf11C11n111 of M<·x1co Sunda\ in ~ huur .... !-I rrnnutt•::.. 29 'l'l'Onds for his third 11ms<'<:Ut1ve tnurnph 111 th<· N1•\\ Y 11rk City Marathon Wa itz. 2!:1. frnrn U...111. Norway. won tht· womt·n·.., d1\'.-.10n for the fnurth 11rnl' 1n fl\ 1· v<•ars. 1n .! :!7 14 h1•r f1r ... t n1arc1thon finish sinn· l.Jptunng tht' Nt>w York C11v l'\'t•nt f111 th1• third 'Par 111 i:I ·rem 1n I !-180 ~E ITH ER Wl ~~E R was dos<' to brt'ak111g th1· world-bests Salawr·-. :! 118 1 :~ for men and Nrw Zl•alander Allison Roe's :!.25::!!-I for wom<'n. hoth in this ran.• l<ist year Buth. ·howt•\'t•r . W<'rl' very tont<•nt to ""111 S.tlan1r had suffcrl-d tC'nd111111s 111 hi.; ll'ft foot thrc'<' Wt'<'ks ago wh1l1· tnuning dnd had r<'fr,11nt><f from making a prC'C11t·t1on on his llmt . a:. ht• had dcmlo' 111 C'ach of his t w11 pr C>v1ous Nt•w York l'Jl'l''> ··1·m n1Jt mak1nf!. <iny prc•d1t•ll1>ns. I 1us1 W<tnt 1t1 wm," ht• s:mf Wa itz had tht• :,,ctnw idt•::i a fte r droppmg out or la~t year's race near tlw 15-mile mark with shin ::.phnt.s and droppml,{ out o f the Boston Marathon 1n J\pnl with ll'g pams after lc•adm~ p;ist the 20-mtle mark "l didn't want to go fnr any rc•cords," shC' said ,1ftC'r winning easily "I JUSt ran for the· v1l·tory. I was nol com·t•rtwd about the llm<'. M y goal wm; to rompl~te 1ht• race .. LEB O W WA S mo re n1ncerned w 11 h a dose• finish th a n w 1th l ht' mt' n 's a nd women's wlnnl'r.I runmng faster t hnn Salazar and Rel<' did m 198 1. "W e havl' lh l' rl'l'O rds ulrc•ady." he said "I would hke to S<.'e a competitiv<.> ral'<' Thl' New York C1ty winner nev('r has been challenged." He was challe ngl'd S unday The confident Salauir got aU h<' could handle from the dogged Gomez. who had been unbt>Ate n in three marathons this year and had fin ished lll't.'Ond In lhls race 1n 1980. Both runnc.'rs admltt<'d they were in po1n during th(' rttt. but both guue-d ll out lO prodUt'\' the first d os(' flni h In the rac~·• 13-year h istor y . Only four S('C()nds st•paratcd th<'m at the C'nd • \ { .• OrunQu t.u .. t DAil V Pll 0 r IM011 d11 y Ot.lolJur J'' \Uljf/ Broken leg ends Pagnanelli's career ANNAPOLIS. Md Nav ·~ [i] 28·:4 vlt·tut'y over C'1tmlc•l 111 rnllt•gl• 4., football Saturday was u t•o:.tlX triumph as tht' MuJsh1pnwn lo .... t thrt't.' key player s, mdudmg starlmf< quMlt•rbal·k Man.'O Pagnunelh. for thi..• s..•.ison Pagnanclh. a produc·t of llunungttm Bead1 High, surrered a brokt•n leg 111 lht• lhml qucirlt•I w hen he was hit from bchtnd during a p.iS!> ru:.h The mJury not only sidchm'<f ham for lht· s.•.iS<lll. It cnd<.-d his playing car~r Even though Pagnanl'lh 1s a junior. hP had senior ehg1bihty tx.'<:ausc hc> sp<•nt two y1•ars at Golden West before ~·om1ng tu lht• Naval Acndl'my. Also IOJUred Saturday Wl'rt' starnng ll~hl end C hris Wealer , whl) suffcr l•d .i brokl•n t:ollarbont' and six,·1al team dl'fcn.o;1ve end Chul·k Bre:.nahan with torn km-c hgnmt·n~ Brt•snahan as a senior and his mJury also t'llUl-d his l'Ollt'gl' football playing can-er . Quote of the day ,_,,.--------------~----------------~-. Flyers prolong Detroit's drought Uobb) t 'h.rk1• 11.111 1 .: ... 11 .111.t l\\11 ''"'l'-lh ,111d T im K1•11 1.illu ti I\\ 111 .1, l'h1lutl1•l111t 1u lwld 111 1 l h 11111 1. 1 1, ~1111duv llll{hl 111 lh" N.1111111.11 I I•• 1,, t ~ J.1•Ut(ll., 1)1'11 111\ la,1, 11111 \\1111 Ill 11ltli,1dt•lplt1o1 .. 11111· Nov 1;1 1111 I .1 1p.111 d11111w "111111 1111 \ hol\I' l.tlllll' 11 Ill '11111 Iha l•ht I'\ Ill 1)11lc• ll u"t'rc·huk 111 111 d 111111 ~1,.,d, .111d W1lh l.lndi.lrurn .aldad t\\11 111111• ,,, \\'11111q11·i.: 011111..-.1 0 d Jr . .111111 1111111 11 '1 Hrnok.11 11·1111•1 Tro} Murra a.11111• tlll' pul·k .rnJ d11111,.1 111 11 I :1 t1111ll•t 11111lw,1y th1 11u~h th1 · lh11d 1w1111tl lo ll'nd ('h1t'otJ.:11 pm.I 1h1· Nl'w Y or k bla11d1•1 s, I :.!, 1·11d111"' till· bit·~· 1·1uh1 H.11111• w11111111g s tr1·.1k U1111k11· l>uh' Andn•yt·huk ""'111 t•d 1w11 g11,11" a 11d 11-. .. 1,ll'd 1111 .11111llw1 for CLA!tKI Bui 1.ilo 111 1111' S.1b1 t·~· Ii 2 11 1umph 11v1·1 St Louis t·:ddh: Johns tone's J.ll'lft•l llV l'X l'l'Uh •d l1110,1k,1W11) g11,d lll1tl\\,1)' through lhl' fmal 1wnod 1 l1111lwd lh1· No•\\ Y111 k H<111gt•n.' 4 -2 d1•t·1~11111 11v1·1 M 11111t•s11 1a l'h1cagu lrudt'Ci v1·h·1 a11 1·1•111t•1 Terry Rusko" ski. tlw 11';1111·~ l'apta111, tu tlw King-. flJI 111111or ll•.igw· J..Ct•nM'lll.in Larry Goodt·noul(h .111d lutlan· l'1111:.1th·rat111n:.. Rangers to announce new manager A HLINGTON , Tt•xas Thl· £i 'l'an·h for thl' Tl'Xa:-. R.mg1•1 s' 111•w m.inag1·r has bl•t•n narrowc•d tu l'h 1t·agu Wh1tl• Sux l'ttc11·h Jim L1·vland or f>vuK H.idPr, 111an,1g1•1 of tlw ll<1w,111 bl<1ndN., Ill the Pal'tf1l' Coast Lt•.igul· Bobby Vall'rtlint·, ,j :-.l'flUl wllh Lhl• Nc•w Y111 k Ml•is. was <'h111ana1(•d tolluw1n g rt'l'1•11l 1nll'rv1t•ws wnh Hangt•n. Gpm•ral Manag1·1· J oi• Kh.•1 11. tll'('Ol'lhng lo .a rl'purt today 1r1 T hi· !>alias M11rn111g Nt•ws. Klt•1n 1nd1t·atl·d Llil• dioll't• l'oulJ bl• ;11rnuum·t•d T ut•i.dav Dally Piiot Photo by Ch•rlet Ste" Pr p football sch e dule THiil WH K'I ICHl!DULI! Thuttd1y IU \lllW l llAQIJI t i I u ,., 1t, ,., 1,,,,, .. CIAIUltH (1110\11 ~··our It 11 f ALo ' "'' h• .a,,,,., 1).-i LMl'IR( lCAOUI Alll ... ,"4 •\ t•a 1f· .. 41 lut1UM1 l•iU'ltJ I 119 .. 1-lfot "" I• .. e 41 I • Patma Per• "•Uh.ct,. ; I 1 Int 1.1., •t 'J • .i..,,c • • ClHtUAY LEAOUI! fu•l1t "' ,,,_,,,.,., ti f I MtllJ•·•tn V1lht ''"'~ 1' ' 11.t .. Arut V.tll• ~•I '1A hut1111I 1.-11 .. ,0 Friday llUHllEl t.f°AOUl M.um , 11 i/lt• lu '' ''"' (,. C4f l/u A 1t f'.,,i••l•f"'jlf•ft '"'·'' f , IEA YIEW Lf.AOUl , ....... ~,··· .. ,,, UtJ.-.t hVHtU I (•Id• l ~· , .. W"'l•'HI tt"'''"" l.<1c1 .. Mt• d • •ft•lut th~ Mu tl OC..l. SOUTH COAST LEAGUE M1v •• ,,. VttfJ<t '"' W•1•o~Jt111d•J• ti lt11114.1 ' ~YV"•t b.,~ 11 ti 11 (. 1_,m1•t1I•• n .• r111 tt1lh •' I •Ul1H I U1ll. ,., Mt't.\11>1 v .. ,,u ANGELUS LU QUE MitlH lJ• ti H1·;l1•11 "m •t .-.,, Pu 11 .11 ''•11 ' 1"''"'1• .• t •• ,,, E l.IPIRE lE AOUE t •t •I JI I • t ,(,11· '\ JI 'llt tHlf1 GARDEN GROVE l CAOUE t,.,..,,,h n f--' •' 1' t fJ~ •·It '•.t•11ia.Q1 , /a•t '' 11 ,.,,.,~, ~'i'J"" fREEWAY LEAOUE f ,11 .. ttc,,1 ti f:sq•·• It 11• 1.t H0tbl•-' -'' S 1)1H•h\I t-1111, tf J, t ORANGE LEAOUf: At :H+~•O' d1 ./di•·• IJ Wtt-Stt-ifft 81 &1 C•' (JI!' c.Jrt Magnolia #~ $.h',1t11 • 111 \ 1 '',1lm.1 ti 1t~ Mike Stracha n, former N l•W Orleans Saints running back, aftt•r bt•ing sentenced to thrt'e years imprisonmen t on t•ocainC' charges: "I de finitely feel I was sold out. Everybody around m e tried to protl·ct themselves . It was JUSt SOffil' tamt'S I got 1t (cocaine') because I knew where 11 was and some umes they got 1l because they kne w where it was." "I prolJably kr~ow now," Klt·111 S<1td Sunday, "but I haVl' ll1 3l'\.'OU1ll tor '>('('1t11d gul·~1ng I'll ha\'t' tu plav dl•v1l's advoc:alt·" Kll'Hl l>dld ht• "l'.Hl't go wrong with .Jam Ll'yland." who m.in.igi'CI 11 Yl'illS 111 th1· m111rn ll·agut·i.. w111ning rm111agt·r of lht• v1•.H 111111111 s thrt"t.· tinw:. Hulwn ( Jrnp1•ins of llunting ton Beach is runnin~ t·H~) t•n rout•· to winning Fall F ivt· Milt• Bun Smuin). CENTURY LEAGUE ·.,"'''·J A11, 1\ r .,,,.,11 ,, rt 1T"dt·i t.l I ! M tOMh.t 11 I ;!full HOM·lEAOUE l..' "'".;I .dt 1•,1rar 1., '"'r Peete's hot round earns him title Calvin Peete shot a torrid n 6-undcr-par 65 Sunday to so<ir past third-round leader Ha l Sutton and win the Pensacola O pen by Sl'Vl·n strokes, his fourth PGA v1(·tory uf IY82 Thl· margin o f victo r y OV{'r Su tto n and Dao Halldorson equaled th<· la rgt-st o n tht· PGA tour this season. matching Pt:.'t.'tc's S..'\'l'll·shot triumph an the BC Open last m onth and Craig Stadler's v ictory 1n the Tuc·son OpPn Mai.t·rablt· w eather caused tournanwnl 111 f1uals al lht· Ha lton Head Seniors tournamt•nt to l'anc:el thl· final two ro unds. a nd thus dl·<:lanng Mille r Barber and Dan Sikes. who It'll • .Ctt•r the· S<.'(.'ond round Friday. co-winners or thl· t•vt·nt Beth Daniel beat Hall nf Faml·r JoAnne Carne r tWK'l' in the Putte r Award Pl<1yuff to l'nd up lht.· wtnnt.>r or $50,0UO David Graham postC'd his fi rst victory uf the yt•ar whc•n ht• r<'lainc·cl the· Lanc:ome Tro phy a t St Nom-La-Bretecht·, Frant't.' Maste rs cha mpio n Craig Sta dle r \\'a~ third while Arnold Palme r shar1..'<l fourth w llh Bmon Sandy Lyle. Stanford, Washington on TV Saturday S a 1urdav·.., ga1111 · h1·tw1·1·11 S tanf111 c.l a11d -Ulllkkatt·d .111d lnp rankl·d Wal>h111gt1111 will lw n.111\11\,tlly Lt·lt·v 1-.t"<I hv ABC Thl' g.J1111· 1:-. • 'I ha·dull'<I l1; -,tart at 1:! :ill p 111 al Sta11 lrnd Ma r t i n a ~a \' r a t ii o \'a t' 11d1 · d Tr a 1•} Austin's lour ~ .. ar w11111111~ -,111ng ,,1 1h1· (;1.a11d l'n'\ t1·nn1-, t11urnanwn1 111 Fildt r .. t.11ll . \\\ -,1 Ct·rm<tll\ \\ tth ,, ti .{ ti-J \'ll l111' 111 ,, 111.1ll h t h.11 tuuk ~HI m•nutt·s The· l '11<t·h IH1111 1\m1·111.111 "1111 ;J rt<''-' 1-'or'>(ht· ~port.., 1,1r ro1 h• r 1 fl111 l J eff ti t'~" ood 111 L.1gu11.1 B'"" h 1111 .... 111 d :-.t·11111ol 111 lht· .)0 l,1p 11-atur .. l111 L' S t\ulo l'llllt 1111dg• t:-. at t\,l·ot P.irk S.11u1 d.1\' 111gl11 S tan Fox 111 J am·sv1lh .. W1:.. ww1 1li1 111.1111 1·vM1t b ut Kevin Olson ut L11v1·' Paik I ll • 11111 l11·d th1 • l!lll2 1i.1u11n.tl t ha111p1011sh1p d1 ''I"''' .1 I :11 Ii pl.11·1 I 111"li Television, radio TV: NI) t '\ 1·11L' "'ht dult·d RADIO: Nut'\ 1 Ill:-.-... ht'tlUl•~I Series 'pitcher' dead at 17 Chap pins, P e te r sen win 1<111 00 ,, t 'h.01•flll1'> 111 ll u111111gr1111 B1 .11 h ,111d Sui 1'1·lo·l'o• 11 111 L.1g1111.1 J~ ,fl It \\j II 1h1· "1111111 , Su11d,o\ 111 tht 111 .. 1 F.tll Fl\ I :\l11t H1111 Ill(. 1111111.1 th I I\).' I :\ 1u11111111 11\ ,11111 1r1d 1111111 111.1\'l'll tho dr 1111\ \\ 1·all111 .11111 11.1\ 0 J, d I Ill' l 11111 .. t \\ lttt h b1 g,0111 1111 ( )1 I .111 B11 l1 I 1 \ .. I d .. I , It 0 1•11\1.11111 \II ll1 g t '111111\.0 St.it• l~·.11 h p10111 •1 do ·d s11t llh 1•1 1'11pp\, IHll lh Ill !-.1-.1\'ll '\\ 11\'l'I lh1 111111 l11 ulg1 11111 lh l11 1111· lq1 111 Ir\ 1111 '(111.111 .111cf 111111 l o.ll k { '1t,q1p1 II .111d I'• lo I 'I II \\I I 1 • d-.o \\ llllll 1' • .11 It• I 1111, \1 .11 111 !ho ('or 1111.1 ol1·I ~l.11 lh !-.11 1111 Hu11 Lo~ :\la in i lo~ or>e n -ntt-t>lin~ MILWAUKEE (AP) -Robt.'rt young man nam1·d Bobtl\ v. ho 1 .. 1 l th• J.(.11111· .d 11 1 1h1· t1>ur th I ht• ( )r .1ng1 ( '11 11111 , W . Bartholf fulfilli.•d a drc:dm hill> lx·<'n s1tt1 n .:1 thl·rt· '" 1·at111u 1l 11111111•1 l" • ,111-.1· 111 "" 111111•, .. .111d L' ti I' l \] "' "' ,., ,... "'" .11 ·"'' .11111111'1 whl'nhcthrew outthe f1rstp1u:h out for us." S uttun n.nl .,,11d "'·•l•h•d th1· 11-.1 .,1 11 1111 K.Hi t'11u 1,1 "fl'"'1..., before ~ame thrc-e of the World He's struggling d l11tll· bit 11 lt·\·1,11111 .ot 111 ... h11..,1111.1J 11M1111 t.i 111gti1 ,, ,...,1111 1111 ,1~1i 1 Series between the Milwaukt•c· and I thank that bl·t·ausl' hl \\ 11h ,1 11 .ill 111 -.1 pmt Brewe r s and the St Louis pulled for us ll kind or ht•l pt.'Cl B.111111 111 ... 1 •• 1h1 I Dou.ii.I ...... id Th1·11 \\ill IH I 1ght Cardinals at County Stadium us. and I hopt.• that our going uut 1111 1 '\pi11• 11c 1 IJ11glll1 "' d hi' 1h11111uJ.(hl111·•I r.tll', ,u hi Saturday. the 17-year -old high and struggling today and pulling "411\' 1 ..... t d,,,., ni~ht "1th '"" qu.111 .. 1 school senior died , a victim of 1t out ('an kind of m~p1n· Bobby h" r .. 1 r ,11 1 .., .• n d 11111 I k "Bobb\' W<t' d1 .... 1µprnn1t·cl "1 eu emaa lo:o.L. but ht· ...-1111 to mt· ·W1 'II win .ipp;tl.1o'·1 1 '11 1 • .i ... 11 "11 Bartholf's thro w to catchN Bartholf died at has Milwauket• 1hi· to1nl T e d S . h n home about 6. •5 am. S•turd··v it rtC'XI .v1·.11· .. lht l'ltl1 r B.1nh111f ·r1 1mmons was s own o .. .. .. 11· l 11.1n"1 l'11unt ,. I . d H I f I k . "11d " te evasion aroun the world. l' or comp 1cat1ons rom PU em1a. F.ill F.11r oflt·t., 1h1· onlv was given thl' honor of throwing at'cording to his p h ysician. The· Brv\\l'f' org.iniz;!lion w;.is 111ghl 111rn th11111ughl>1 ••tl the first ball after Milwaukee: Barton Kamen "verv <>addt•nt·d." IO h•arn ur lht· r;1llrlg ltl 1h1· .. 1.111· Thl· pitcher Don Sutton mentioned "Not m mv wildest dr<.•ams," bov,.s death . ..,;ud Ha<.·hard .J mt·,. tr 11 ).( "' 1 11 r u 11 theyouthduranganinterview on Bartholf said. dad h« think hl· Hac k ett. thl· ll•am 's Vll'l' 1hrnugh Ne •\ Ii.'"'" a telev1s1on station Oct. 10 a rwr would ever throw out the first presadC'nt of markt•tm~ r ,1 1 111 11, , , o· 1 , n 1 g h t the Brewers won the Ame n t'an ball 111 a World SC'nl'S gaml' t'Mt·pt Su11d,1\ League pennant b y defeating the At the Oct. 15 game he also sat "Our hosx-was that hl' would Th,. , 1, t 11 1 I 11 11 ~ Angels. w ith baseball Comm1ss1oner t:ome bal'k nl'>.t YNlr and wat<-h Or.1ngi· ('11,...,t 11.mdtl.ip "In room 406 of C hildre n 's Bowie Kuhn in a special box near thret• or four g;1mt''·" liat·ketl " 111 h 1gh1 1 g ht th,. Hospital 111 Milwaukee there's a the Brew er dugo ut Howeve r. he c;.1id opt nmg nag hi prnw .im ____________________________________________________________________________ .:__ OCC crew places 17th at regatta BOSTON -Th e Orange Coast College cr e w finished 17th in a field of 40 in the men's championsh ip e ights of the 18th annual Head of the Charles Regatta Sundav. College football SATURDAY'S GAMES WHI O.egon vs UCLA at Rose Bowl I I 30 P m I Wath1ng1on et Sl•nford 1Channe1 7 al 12 !>O pm1 Gal II Oregon SI Artzon1 11 wasti.ngt~ St Gal Slate Fullet1on at Hawaii, n Ulltl al 581' Diogo SI . n San JOM SI •I NoYada·l.at V~H. n Azu ... Plelflc at USF Sonoma SI. et Cel lu1h8ran Cai Poly (Pomon1) 11 u or San Diego Aedlandt at Pomone-Ptuor. n Cla1em~l·Mudd al Whittler, n Cal Poly (SLO) 11 Sant• Clara lloctd .. use 11 ArlZ~a St .. n Wyoming at Alf Force B'YU et Utatl St 01<1anoma at ColorldO T .. u-EI Puo at ColorldO St NorthOrn ArlZ011a al N-Ml•ICO St llocll ... Teau A6M •I SMU Teau at Toau Toel'I RICB al Alk1nM1 Sou111ern llllno•S 11 (a!le1n 111on01~ 8&11 SI at Eastem Moch1g1m 1111noos St al 1nd1an1 SI 80W11ng Green 11 Kenl St WMl8rn llhnoos at Northtt<n M1c1u9an Norlhern llhnoos •I Weslern Michigan South Auburn al flot1da Memphis St at Geo1g1a Duke at Georgia Tech M1"1ssopp1 al LSU n Flonda St el Moamo, Flo Al•b&me 111 M1n1t1APP• SI •t Jnt~'IOn Maryland at North Carollna Soulh Carolin• at No1m Carollna SI Rulg8'S at Richmond, n SW ltl<llst1no al Southern M1U•S!1pp1 n Beyl<>f al Tulane n VMI ., V1ro1n1a Kentucky al VtrOtn•• I !!Ch Marshall at Tile C111dol 01111dson 11 Furm•n I H I Louosv~le 11 Pott Noire Dame 111 Noll) 111 EHi Rulh111101d N J 1101 ~······ JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE Slight shift in ratfngs < 11.angl· l'11u111\ .. 11..,t 111 'l'••11 llJ I"' p loolh;dl t1 ·;1n1-. t•·rn.0111'> 11 l.1llv1•ly -.talil1· .t111trnrgh rnw 111 th•· rank•·d 11 .111" .tl,..111 Ii. ti ,, 'l 1h.1~ k r:-.,>l'r<tlll•• ... llllllt'.11l·11 ...i ·.t'\011 "·'' -.prnlt·d II\ u>01r.1 1111 71 .11111 1h1 1\/lt'\'> I• II 1111111 N11 .I 111 'IJ11 \\hilt· l\1.11< I 1>1·1 l11·tl \\ llh r.d1,1111 111 tl11· No ~ • ..,1111 ,, \t,.1•1 k "~" 11111\ 1·d up ,, n11tl'lt .dong \\1lh r'.411-,1111 , t111l11\\111g 11 .. :!I 11 \111111 v 11\'1·1 l11ghlv 11 g.11 d1·d Sl I '.111 I Tl11-. W1·1·k · ... l)1g 11111· Ill lt'l 111'- "' T11p Ill l' Nq ., f1111tl11ll .. g.1111'-I N11 :i El J\l11d1·11o1 111 ,, (.' 1 ll ll I \ I.' .• g u '. I II I I I .... " II ... 1'11 ... t111 I ltgh Frid.,, 111gli1 Tw11 111l11r-, l111v.1 •\'11 t.111 · lo·l 11 1 .... k ... &J1son·~ No I ranking will Ix· 11',u·d i,,· :!-:"1 Fnurn.ain V •. .tl,•v in ,, Sun,t•t Ll•agut· du1·l !or · tht• l1·.1glH· l1·aclt•r-;h1p at An<ihl·1m Stadt urn. "hill' Saddll·li<:>l'k l11gh., 7 o n -111rd v.111 IJ<· g1\'l-11 ii ""'' O\t 1 II\ up .ind 111m1ng 1 v. Jill! I I l.11 liu1 111 ,, k o \ Sl-.1 \' 11·v. Ll'i.1gu1 g;alll• D•lly Piiot Top 10 Or•ng• Counly high tehool loolball Poo Tum. 11cord Thlo •Mk ~ti,.,;•t•1 4 Stura , Footrllfl 1, E• MO<ll!na J El •Aodt>n" , 1 01 F'ool•"ll 4 q • ..,, fo•s.c.ir 4. tt f .A,,,." Volle) '-' JH·r Ut"1 14 (l , 81\hOP Amat :, P\'m r ;\cf c,.,, .. ~ • ,, .. ~wl)Ort H(lf'[JO• Buend Pan •. W~!J•Oge Cn•,.o NIGHT THOROUGHBRED RACING _ The Pirates, ent ered against prima rily four- year colleges. managed to place ahead of sut'h schools as Syracuse, wh ich was national champion three years ago, Cornell. Princeton, Rutgers and Columbia among others. TCU at Houlton. n Du111e at Wotl Texas St Holy Cross 11 Bo11on U n Ent C11ro11na Al We11 V11gln1e Penn St al Boston College Columbta at Army Pleb 1f tit• W11• UCLA Join Chico 1~1 Cblckea I His Fln1·F11"1r•• R1llblrd a Night Owl Fnea•s 11 The Naval Academy captured the event, held on a three-mile winding cou rse, In 14:24.01 . exactly one minute faster than OCC. N avy w as followed ln order by the Charles River Rowing Club, Harvard. Yale and Brown. It WM Orange Coast's third trip to tht. regatta and best. flnlsh. In 1980, I.he Pirates placed ~0th. • N-MeJllCO at NOf1h lexH St MldwMt Mlehlgan St. al lncllana lllirt011 at 1owa Mlnnaota el Mlehlg•n Pu1due el Ohio St "10f1h-torn al Wltc:ontlln l<anlMll St et Iowa SI Nobf'Mka II Kat\MI Totodo 11 Mlainl. 0. TulM ti Wldlite St Ohl<> U II Central MIGl'llQ8f\ Klng1 Potnt al Cornell Y1111 et 011rtmouth Wllllam 6 Muy 111 Oelaw11te B1own 11 11nrverd ll<x:knell 11 Lehigh NOf11'1eHlorn II ~.,,,. Connec:OGul II MIHIChUStllll Rhode l1land al Now H1mp1nore Penn at P11ooe1on Colgate II SyrKuM C1nclnn1111 al Temple United Off er LINCOLN MEflCU RY 26~ Horlter ltvd., Coit• Mo•• 540-INO ... I over Oregon * use over Arizona St. * BYU over Utah St. * Oklahoma , over Colorado * Notre Dam• ovet Na ORANGE COUNTY FALL FAIR Post Time 6:30 • Monday-Saturday Ricing October 25· November 8 • $25.000 Added Orange C111t H1ndlc1p Monday Night • Exactls Pick Six Early Bird Betting 11 I.II. • 4:45 p.111. Las llamitas 4961 Kotella Ave Lot Alon111ot • (213) 431 13SJ • ,71·1) 9!> 123<1 ' How Top 20 fered HtM'• a l\ow 11'1• Top Twenly teama 1n IHI ..... k., Aaaoc•eted P1au college IOOID•ll poll ftltld S11urO•y I WHhlngton 17·0·0) beal leau Tech, 10 3 2 Pon (II O·Ol bHI Sy•acuH u O 3 G•oro•• 17 0-0) t>eel K•ntuoy ,,,. 4 Sou11>ern M•tl'loo111 11~i.01 0.•1 r., .. 30 t7 5 N•b•eak• t6-t·OI DNI M1uou11 23 Ill 6 A1kan1A1 (11·0 01 DH \ Houllon 38-3 7 Alabama 16-t ·01 l>tl•I C1nc1nna11 '13 8 Ar11ona S•••• (7·0·0) <lid 1101 play 9 P•nn State t6· I -01 oea1 Well Vl•olnla 24·0 10 No<lh C•roone 15· 1·0) Old no1 play I\ UCLA t6 0· 1) DUI CalilO"lla 47-31 12 Sou\l'letn Calllo<n•a (5 1-0t Deal Otegon S1a1e 38-0 13 WHI Virg1n1a t5·2·01 1<>11 lo Penn S111e 24 0 14 LSU (5·0· t/ l>tlll Sou1h C•rolina 14·6 15 Noire Dame 14· 1 11 119<1 Or119on 13-13. Ill Miami Fla (5·2·01 did not play 17 Fl0t1d• Stal• 15-1--0J dHl not P••r 18 Clamaon 15-1-ti oea1 No•J h CarOlln• S111a 38-29 10 h••• 13·?·01 IOfl 10 Soulne•n Mell'IOCl111 30· 17 ?O Okl11'1Qme tS 2·01 0 .. 1 O••a"OfT·• S1a1• 27·9 SATURDAY S LATE SCORES C.bl PtJI.,. ~lO 34 Snnc.1r F°f,J'),•t 1 Wh1111e1 3 S Oc;c. ·0~'' 1 di "J Ne"' MP•1{.0 66 ~Pvw ~e .. 11" ~1 \4 w T ...... as $1 24 N Tt_11;h .... , •• C M.,:thgJn J 1 " .. ' t St ._ ru1c1n• 17 MdmDri•s S1 tO l ou , ... ,, .. r ech ·n ,.,..,., , -> ,, •• v • Va 'n.t I 11. A,,, I Vo1en•1.Hl Si lb rt' ·11e~""f'I' "•-C.:" • :t ~E LVU ">•dfl .. 4 .. SE 0..1 ~ •• ' , SW t. t.h,;1'11.•n i 74 l•"'d StH• ,,,..~nto St 10 Hvmoo1a1 St h 1 CU Jd Be)fOt 14 •CO,reclt.>J •~t>'ffl UC 0 h 1' ,8 C"1CO Sldle 1, COLLEGE STANDINGS Peclllc 10 COftl. . ....... WHhlr>Qlon use Arilona St UCV' S1antord Artzon• Calllomll Waal'llnglMI S1 Or119on Sr Oreoon W L T • 0 0 J 0 0 J 0 0 2 0 ' 2 2 0 1 I I I 3 0 0 2 I 0 • ' 0 • 0 PCAA 'W L T 7 0 0 5 ' 0 7 0 0 8 o 1 4 l 0 3 2 ' 4 3 0 I 5 o 8 o a Cont. ...._ WLT W L T l'rMnO SI 3 0 0 & I 0 Long 8HCI! 2 0 0 2 • 0 Ut&ll SI 2 ' 0 • 2 0 San Joae $1 1 2 u • 3 0 PWllC U I 2 0 1 7 0 UNlV 0 2 0 I S 0 CS Fullerton O 3 O 3 5 O WHtern Athletlc Conference Cont • ...._ WL T W lT Bvu 3 ' o 5 2 o Air Force 3 2 O 4 • 0 Hawaii 3 2 0 • 2 0 Ulan 2 2 0 J • 0 Wyomong 2 3 0 • • 0 Colo<ado SI 2 3 0 3 4 0 Stn 0..00 SI 2 0 3 • 0 TexU·[I Paeo 0 3 0 I 7 0 Big Ten Conference Conl .... _ W lT W L T MIChlgan 5 0 0 5 2 0 1"1no11 5 1 0 e 2 0 OhlO SI 3 1 0 4 3 0 IOwl 3•0 •30 WIKOl'll•n 3 2 0 • 3 0 P\.trdue ? 3 0 2 5 0 lndlen• ?30 3 4 0 Ml,,,_la • 0 3 • 0 No-tit-tern • s o 2 8 o Mlcl'llgtn SI 0 5 0 0 1 0 Atlentlc CoH t Conference C-1 ......... WL T W LT CtemlMI 3 0 0 5 I I Mary!tnd 3 0 0 5 2 0 NOf11t Catollna 2 O O 5 1 O Nor\h CtM'Ollne SI 2 3 0 4 3 0 Ovl<• 120 3 •0 Vlr"Qlnll I 3 0 I 5 0 Wiike For•I 0 • 0 3 5 0 Geofgla Tech 0 0 0 • 3 0 Big Eight Conference Cont. .._ NeorUll• Olllehom• KlnMll SI IOwa SI OlllallOn'la SI Ml.-.n CoiOtedO KtnMll WLT WLT 300 1110 300 5 2 0 1 I 4 2 I I I 4 2 I 0 2 I 3 2 0 2 3 2 2 0 1 1 5 I 0 I 4 2 aoutheHt•rn Conference Georgia Aut>urn L.SU Alabema V.,,.,.,blll T.,,,_ Flot1&I MIUIMIPPI SI MINIMIPP' Kenlue»y Cont. .._ W L T WLT 40 0 700 300 &10 2 0 I 5 0 I 2 I 0 II I 0 220 4 30 1 I I 3 3 I 120 4 20 030 350 030 3 4 0 030 081 I II ,111q11 l 11,1•tl IJAll Y I 'II !JI 1 M11t11I 1y ()1 lt1lJU1 /11 l'IH:l Big Sky Conference Monlluu• St ld•ho MOOl•fll Bo<ae Sr Nuf1h•u ArtlOf'I ldono St Nev1oa Retto Weoar SI Con!. .. .. ..., W LT W LT 4 10 530 110 520 J20 •30 320 ~/O } 1 0 l 0 1 2 0 l 0 I J 0 l U u J 0 0 Ivy LHgUe Cont ••••Of'I Ptnn tiltVdrtJ Oartmouth Brown Pr1n,etc)f1 Y&HI Coiumb1• CorneH W L T • 0 0 J I 0 2 I 0 2 l 0 ' 2 0 I 2 0 I J 0 0 • 0 'W l T s 1 0 • ~ 0 2 • 0 3 J 0 ' • u 2 • 0 1 5 0 0 6 (J SouthwHt Conference Cont, l • .. on SMU Ar"8"11S Teus A&M TCU , .... $ '""" , .. ., HOutlon Ba-,101 Roee W LT WLT •00 100 )00 600 110 •30 220 3 4 0 220 3 4 0 I 0 3 7 0 2 1 2 1 I 3 I 2 1 0 • 0 0 0 Mluourl Velley Conference COftl l e .. on W1cn11a St Tv•~a Soutl't6'n lil1noi1 Indiana St New Me••CO v.e"' Te•H St 0•1~9 1f,n()IS St '#LT W LT 300 710 300 610 3 1 0 •• 0 2 1 0 • 0 I J 0 1 0 0 1 0 ' 5 0 OJO 16 0 0 3 0 6 0 Mld-Amerlcen Conference On•o u Cen tral Mich Bow•jog G,..,, Toledo M am' 0 Ba" S1 w M>eri.gan h lllmOtS 11""1 SI E Micn•Q•n Conl. S.H on WLT WLT I 0 5 2 0 I 1 4 2 t 2 0 • 2 0 •2 0 ~)0 320 52 0 320 3 4 0 2 2 I 4 2 1 2 l 0 2 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 MeJor Independent• T""1les-S1 P1t1s1>urg" P""n SI H~ Crou Botlon Co1i.ge Ftor><I• SI COOQ•le Noire Dame SW lOU•s1a.n• W V•tg1rua S MHlll•Pl>O C1r>e1nn111 E Carolin• N• .... Y1fg1n1a T ftCh Rulgero W Kenluc•y NW lou1 .. ana Sou1n Carot1n1 TemQle l0Ult"1•1'4 A""Y 1utaMt Wm a l'.!ary SyracuM Mempl'lrt SI R1c,..mond w L 0 1 0 0 I 0 ' 0 6 6 6 6 5 I 0 s 1 0 4 I I 5 2 0 s 2 0 ~ 3 0 • J 0 4 J 0 • J 0 • J 0 3 0 3 0 • 4 0 l • 0 3 0 3 0 J • 0 2 s 0 ' 5 0 I 6 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 New York City Merethon Top lln11ner1 Sunday 1" 1ne 1982 New V0t1< C•ly Mar11l'lon llKN 1 A1oer10 Sa1az.e1 cEug9'>C! Oto 1 2 "ours 9 m1nutM 29 MConO. 2 ROCIOllO Goma> IM .. ICOI 2 09 J3 3 Oto el $<n1H-ng<11 tRaleogh N C ) 2 11 ~ • Rys,.•d M1rcui. ll'oland) '12 0 5 D1v1d Murpny tEno1an<11 2 12 48 15 Thomu Raun1g. 1G•C!l1 F1111 Mon1 I 2 13 22 7 Geo•o• Melley fWeOesoey Mau 1 2 13 29 ~ Jose Go<nal 1M••l<:OI 2 13 '3 9 Martll Kllll'IOlm• (Finland). 2 \.3 51 10 O..n Miii,,._ (Allanll) 2 13 60 I I Ralptl Serna (Fountain Volley! 'u n •2 RICll<lo Or1119a ISoain1 2 14 23 13 Root S111men fWHI G•rm1nt1 2 u 33 u Armando C•nd•IH fAnene1m1 2 IS 00 15 K)ltl·Erti. S11n1 (Sweoen). 2 15 02 16 Adrian LHI< !Johnson City, Tenn ) 2 t5 Sii 17 AnalOly A"f'l•O• 1Sov1e1 UnlOn) 2 •S 58 111 Be1111 Durden tS•on• Moun1a1n Ga I 2 1608 19 M1c111e1 P1noce1 !South Lak• Tal!Oe) 2 11! 11 ?O ()y-.rtnd o.i.1 (Nonoayl 2 111 33 WOMIN 1 Orel• Wallr (0110, Norw1y1 2 27 14 2 Julie Brown (Stn Cl<ego), 2 28 33 3 Cll••loll• Tffll• cw .. 1 Germ•nvJ ? 31 53 4 Laure Fogll (lilly). 7 33 0 I S lngrld K•lllla nH n (Norway) 2 3334 8 Julle l101tordlng !C1nclnna111 2 34 2• 7 Lau• .. Binder (01~1anc11. 7 35 111 8 N•d•lhda Oum•rov fSOYltl Unlonl 2 35 37 SCOREBOARD V t Mlit U.ov•lkl!fhl 1Nvlll•rl1111\J?>I t~ JI Ill N•11ty Olll tSa111a \.l•••J, I Jll Ult 1 I l..yrllh•• t4em1ltt,;n 10Uff•ttb-.. C11111tn t,04umD••I I J8 17 11 M•fll Uglem (Nor,.lyl 1 J9 3• I! ICI•• M•<11n91 1S11a1n1 l 42 111 14 iti\M1011na Stteho 1•~ungt11r1 7 4/ 4) 1'i ~•tt't ( uu~ulu t"•••t CJOu.d I 4. •u it> c .. ,,.,, uou•tJ cE"o•o110• t •1 •' 11 "nna Oomorod•k•Y• 1So;o•I UmOr11 J 4J 4 7 18 l t1u1a Q.-,wahJ (Ar1mu1on V« • ; 4J ~' HI <..mch O•lr )lttlplo tN•"" 'f'onq I •• 1~ 20 Ray Co1t1ou tFrar1ee). 7 44 11 Oak Tree 1•1 Senla Anlle l SUNDAYS RESULlS (2\al ot '7 de~ m .. 11ngl FIRSl RACE t •" •••I I t ' I ~~ l•t -I 1 i,•'11 t HI t « 4 •(I 11 I 1 O i• t:-td• qt· ( I IH t1 • ' , 0 tt,.,., .• 1lillt"' ,, A, '·• .... '' •• ,,I I •• I I M ~· I ,,,, I• f , I , , "I Yll 1 Ii'' I ' ,.,~ '" ' i'i I ,, •·•'" A1l\\rn.~,'11t V11111 1•,,1111., fu'J I , ft) .. •, SECOND RACE • .. t, ,,,. .a! 1,,, ·'"• ~ _., ,. , t ... ',, 14 •I• 12 DAil Y DOUBLE I I, I' THIRD RACE t , •• II ' l• t ,. u ,, ,., 1')t•"t11·• ti ••• nu "' dfJI I f .,,,h• II.+( I Ill • 1>0 t1l. '• ,, •t' O•·ldf 1,t",~"').11•• A ...ri • u, J h •·'I \ U,IJ•l• H1 tl t t• t 1 o..-.._ t• 'A.1• • •, 4 "' I •I ~ .... •' ''''''" J ' FOURT H RACE '•' I j .hl """,1 !/ I A ,, ", l' ~ •, I I ~ lo t t ejt 11 · Ill t f A • 1l•'l~ (1 .1 • •·•""' A •11 H.1n t /1 f ,,, 1 1-1 -1. "' f,1. I FIFTH RACE I •• ,,. ' , ' "' r ' " '·~' ff104 I I l I ',''.Ju. 1"1 .. , 1'4 ". f A~ I I 4 !J '!ti 1• 1 sue fH AACE , f\jPlf r I t r 1"'' J ,,..,, ~•IJ ~I ! 1 " n,. ,... ""'h-.1., ,,...,,,, .. ,A.a•• • \ • •'' A\ ,.,. • (J ..... I' '"I ,., .. .,, SEVENTH RACE I>.' ,..., f ~ • , t ,..,, 1 I J'"r w.-i·flt• I tit Jt~, Su\.-.n t~,,,. •'l A )! ••tl I I ,, ,. . .. •• ,,, 11-111 "'~ 'J i5 EXACTA i 1 PICK Sill ' "''' t 1 Ir"' " I '(. " ... ,., t\h" I f>fl'll •tt, ... ,, "'f+t ! I~ 1 ( ... , !, I ~ 11 , t' ii ( .. t.t(J i.n lft tH !• ... • JU H I • r () ' .. ,, , .. I '°' , ·'' /# I t• '. 1 ' EIOHTH RACE ' ',,. t•" ' '·•'' "'·•"'''"•• 1~1t1111t~1 • r l'O , 1 r)() v uu ~(41 •••Q:'tt1rt L 1()•l1t 1 I'• •':!IC' H) 80 , w1qut• •VA!_., 1v~ll\1 ~ lj('t OU J ,. ... I ,,,..,Pd ,.,. ,. tl A "t• t.l't"CJ Of...tr,fQf"'o .1• t II r 1·,J p, )P-~I.CJ fjpu r &1o1 I f 1 \ ttu .. I "'1' St 11 Pa;\h,.;'" ti~ '•I .. ,' ~ t 1 ,,.,.., S•· ... J,mt'I , "~ "'- NINTH RACE. • • •t 11 11•\ .,_.m T!N•I •V .. lt-nrvl. • c nl) lf•C.O'PfJ•a101 tP+n,.:tttl M lit N r1-.11 vm 1 Shn"'"' O ••' ,Al\( ttJCPd ~•uf~ e Jlf J~ I ~1 I f1c11 C.uu'tlQf> f1m• 1 o( t , JSEXACTA .1 • td ISi •"1 At•.-r,J 1r ,. )8 ••4 • ~iJ '•0 J (JI) , RC, • 61J Atrtf1l10Q Hollywood Perk SUNDAY 9 l'IEIUlTI (Fln1I of S2·nlghl meellng) FIRI T RACE 0"" molf' 11ac.• &e11 .. JfJh,. Pr1o • • 1 40 ..a O<' ,.' 80 W•"Of'mf'tfP 1 ~'t{.h1P1 4 -40 J 20 ti R ro , 161ac•m.lnl l 20 Also uic.ed F1~m~ ton,,, P11p11 Jc1yil 1•c~tbro•~, Su"' .tgPU" 1 n .. h"' B,.fl' s ... ,. Scotty C,,,.,~, R3"' r,,,,.. 1 02 1 ~ SJ EXACTA 11 a. ld d S~8 A SECOND RACE On" ,..I'" 11c.• rn•f Ma0Pn18>' tRICn 8 AO • ~0 2 60 , lr'81 c n.p I MMCt'!Aod • 10 ?n ' 80 NObtt-h1 ... e.ier tAO ~"'""' • 00 At•o '0C.f"O H11'""''" Mnr.r•, "·'uno J~r 11'1 fl8QQ HcHH'1¥m fome 1 00 ) S THIRD l'IACE. Orw nlllf' P•G• Maeno Br,.vo 1D1mr1 ~ 00 r 40 $ 00 I •Pulan 1Fenaugh1y1 "10 S 10 SunlM'I Bf'8cll 11.Aa<lleridl 7 10 Alto ·~cod S·nbPlle Dntrt Son Boor C•Klr."• Pt1n1mo•"' B•Q Bi>llbo" Ii&)' Guy I T·me I !>9 4 !I 13 EXACT A · q 101 o••d S~<l •O FOUR 1ti RACt IJt1• 111110 h•·I A.1ltmI11•1•Jl111(,l\H1\ly1• hll "Ill i 11 """11tu11 I 1l11•111t.11111 .·11,11 H 1111 fh1tl11111h•I 'I f 1ll+llllttty1111t1! It oifl A .I It t tl l11Jhh I 1411 1111 1•1 l1••d·h J l.1 1 .1 ''" '"' f . le (o•U IH••tO 1 1Ja•JtJ .... flf TH RACE lh·1 '' • 1 h•n1J I I I• A••t•tU ,.. ,.,., ... 11l 1,,11,1 1H.•h f\fHlt)I Aho ,.u tt\) •1o111,,, ,. fl"''• 1 I , I , , u 4 ,.,, t_,djd 1>i1 J\httjf I rt I 1•11 .tf I• ft I II r II it1I ,,.\011tt, 11110 f~ l1fl1t• \•.t, ·I U EXACTA • SIXTH RACE j l I t. I I ,, •t ., I',. •I 11111 1 fAI Lou..-' !fl •1•'.-•"' lh.u ,11 1• • I 1 1 • ' \ ,.un .1 ... tl•.ntt1ft.11 11 4 t!;f Al•'-' ••t.t•tJ 'tJU'"1•rn) l'_,<H".ul •~ f , 1rno, f ,,,._, <.,, ••11114 (Jr1.1 Ht4•hJ•'' " l r• • ,.,,.. , '>t ' JSEXACTll 1ol 1r., .. 1s1••1•1 f Jll!O!i I I f• 111>1 1 'J.._f w ..... t ..,, 4 .,, J!(I I (J I '· A 11 ' A \t • t t•U '•; H.! t /tq1 I , I ... $~EllACTA • • 1 '' '"~ .. tt .. ' t l t. ,, ..... , '"''''"'' . u~''''" ., ' Io • H I, fl1id.1 11 1' hill 1tU• .: I Al• 1 t , I I * I 1>1 ' b 11 f H11 ')IJ If , ' r H• J•' ~ 1 ' I I i ll H 1ul 6 tt 1f 1 (J I I I I ' 1, SJ EXACT A I• NINTH RACE ~t••t Hi ,1·1 ' .. hJ1 1"'. U11Jlt 1•1 '• I 1· 1, I 1 '' , llH \t t 1• t II •' ~ A"' •· .,., Ar 1 r "'" '•' 1 fj1 • f 11 I fj At I I lJ '" T • SJEXACTA 4 I···~• 4 t1 I""' i. ,. ~ • "'H , r ,.,,, TENlH RACE \ •.• ,. !!I'~ I ._ .JI,., l••t I I I>•, 1o , t , 4 •.;•·' A .;I 1 n1 $l E•a CTA • e11' l ~· ~'H·od If "-9 :r,2 PenHcol• Open (•I Penu cole Fie l m C..al•itl PM19 S36 000 175 H11 Su11on S 17 llOO Otn H1t d~''°" S 17 600 VI M1•e Sy11,.,1n \~SC)() Tom ..,.a1>0n S1 540 Geo-~ 9,,,,, S7 ~ John <ougM $7 S40 Brtd Bry1nt '1 S•O 777 Pot l1ndMy S4 800 S1e•t l•e1>19r S4 800 Larr~ Mt111 S• 800 Jerry P••• S• 800 J C Snead S• aoo M••• McCum-~ &00 171 Tom Pur\at S3 400 B•U I<• 11111" S3 400 Cl'l111le1 Cooey S3 400 m Jim Cott>erl $2 700 Geo1ge Cao1e S2 700 Mark H•~•• S2 700 Scofl Hoen 57 700 211) YllOOOy Blaci.ourn S2 000 Ml•• Pleol $2 000 D A w .. oring S2 ooo Sieve Meinv• S2 000 2'1 66-61 68 ,. 69 -3 156 67 Dll £0 66 Jj 6g.{,7 70 70 116 611 70 ,, 68-67 IS 66 64 73 71 68 6!1 611 70 611 64 66 74 73 86 69.11. 72 71~86672 68 68 72·69 71611611118 5g ·1115 n 9s1a.1• ·1 67 17.73 1 t 61-68 68 76 72 18-1111 70 611 '3 70 61 72 H 71 611 9g.91 7) 70 ,, 7'().10 611 67-67 611 18 87 70 157. 715 B•u<:fl f1.,,n.,. S 1 390 70 71>-70· 7 t Cla•enc• Roae s 1 390 69 7 J 69 70 G.,,, Koctl s I JOO &II 7 I 72-70 Allen Miiiet S I 300 6S 1) 89 70 Miu Donald s 1 300 n 11>-10.911 Jim Slmont SI 390 68 68 11 7' Fo""' Feller S 1 390 65 11 7' n Me« Ly9 $1.300 70 7 I 14 66 Men·• tournement ( 11 Cltfba, Japan l H!. .. , Mi• ~ \f-IT dl'ti'll•" SJ ' I("~'",.,, 1 i"a·, sioooo l "" 1, .... nr:. tU S Se ~e· lo,.. W•"' pt US 58 ~61 Sti-t<h• .. v1 • tJAoan1 se ~,., Mol. mn\.a A« a. fJ-i>&n Sfl '-'"" 1 Olhere Stu<,, l .. uk• u S' $..,, ()0(1 HAie lfw1n 1U SI SI 537 New South Wei•• Open (II s,dne y, Auolrallo) Bnn Sh•n•er S 18 000 Gr&h8rn M••tf\ S 10 800 Men·a lournemenl ... . ·~ (j. .. fal 11 Nom·L.t .. r•l.clte, F,.nael D•v10 ,_.r•n•m 1Av•ffal1at $11 ' ... ' ~7' 5.,,., 91IMl~•o•1Spa-n1 S 13 ""· ;•e C•••Q $••"'"' 1u s • S8 38e 711<> Arnot<!,,.,,,, .. , IVs I $51140 'II' S•nOv I yl" 16• 111n1 SS 640 '"I CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD PACK NHL CAMPIEll CONFERENCI lmyllt• Dr.talon W L T OF QA Pie King• '> ~ J6 31 12 Wrr1n11J.,U ~ J 1 4? 26 11 ( t.lmOHIOfl J ~ 2 41 !>5 8 I •IQOry ) 7 ~ 4 7 6 V•ncoi.•~· 2 6 I JO 14 5 Notrl• Dl•l•lon 1.t1u1go 6 1 •1 32 •J ~lf•t•~~li.1 6 I 1 19 29 13 51 lOUI> ' 0 J5 37 10 lo1u1110 3 n J2 5 o ..... ,.. 2$ ·~ J WALEI CONFERENCE Petric k Dlwlolon NY ••lanCJe•6 8 2 0 • 1 21 lb Pnr•ao .. 1pnrn b 4 0 •O 33 1 J N,.w J1trs,ey 1 j t .•O J3 Q "IY Hilnll~'> 4 6 0 JL 4J & N&>'• ngtor ~ t 15 J7 ~ ''•11•1lu•Qr , I> ' JO 46 ~ Ad•m • Olwlefon M.,nll6dl 1 t 45 27 15 liO\lon 34 J? 1? (.1t1bl,.n._"'\.-.t ..t 1 .t'.. 4-, '~ B"tlit!O t J7 Jti 1 t~tH1ffJrO J 4 29 '37 h &under'• a,o••• Klnga S Botlun • Buttalu 6 S1 l<N•t ? Ph1lade I ,. •• ' t>etlO•I 4 ~'4t"W. Ttr• Aaugttit 4 M·"'""'•Jll 2 "'°' t.6Q '* E dn•• lf•t"'' :. < t~ :ion • ~" ..... tc"" •\lttf'Ot!f\ :t T onlgh1 • O•m•• "-Ir.. :J&f" "°' <;t.r1ec.Ju tKJ Tueed•r'• Oam11 l ou.11110 11 Ouebe<. M1nnt11~0lts 1111 '44''ft' '~'~fl) Bullalo &I Mon1ru1 Lialgary a1 Nuw ~o,._ l1lar1cse,.. Harrro•O 01 vancou'llttr King• S, Bruin• 4 Score by Pe<loch B•l510n 3 0 I 4 l ,~ At qtt1t" 1 2 0 ~ Finl Period I Botton li\lut•~ I 2 (,11 1 LOI Ange1,,, r u • • 1Smm1ttt) 1 30 ') Boston B ,_,~.,O•• l Hr1we1 •~SO • LOS AnQe1e1 M M Utphv 1 C8 0Ut .. Sm•l"l 17 32 ~ B•>•lon F &rgu1 6 (Pl\rk Ho"'•' '8 1, 6 1 01 AnonNtt lsc•'11••on • 10•onntt f •~Ion 18 29 Penatt., "41lb",-., 80' 19 • l S.c-Period 1 Los A nge••• E"'•"• 1 1Sm1tn "'f'""e<l> 14 10 8 loo Ange<e• St"'1h 1 e ... ans1 t9 20 PenalH4" lurner LA 4 ~5 MllDv•v 001 20 00 T hlrd Period 9 8 011on M tddlelon l (Pederton C a>flm•nl IJ ?1 IPPl. PM81Hel ~ osrimen 801 3 30 Turner LA 3 30 0 Conne41 BM 4 50 Even•. lA '} O' Boston Ennen !Ma< T ••••"I 19 23 Snou on QOa 80S1on 9·11 10 '8 l'» •no••s t2 8 10.30 Goattes Boi10" Peeters to~ AnQf''M •tt•'d BIA• tt ,. t \ Sl4 Deep SH f11hlng 0 4NA WHARr , "1.JIH .tt ..., ~ d , ' c ~ ·d ' 11no ·1 SEAL BEACH '· II ,H I t " I ,. • , ,, t B•tQ• J -'' \ ,,.. .. ~ ..... . , ,,,,. .. . .... NBA uhlblllon1 Sund•' 1 Scor•• \J 1/1 l •ti•r• I 1 ~ (, t 1• "t•h 11 '01. Qt Tonlghl a OemH ~ • , ""• l ' , Ii ~,.1,tn(l 1'• t (trQ~ilt At • ', • ,, ,, ,, < ''·•'t.•nn Qi• .. '"' \~ .............. ·' l 1• ( 'l .d c ··~1•t' C41c 11 l 01 ,, •' I. [)I ~· T v••d•1 • O•m•• ••• °"" l •lll•rt Al -;,. ""1JI f':r1) ..... \ Wa rning: The Surge on General Ha s Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 niq 1111 '. l ,j mg nn.ot1nr ii\ per e1qar1111e hv F 1 r. m1nhod ~· Jepen Open (•I TokroJ Men·• Sfnglea ""•I '111t•uy A''•I' Ill C.. I dt'f l1t ""'"'tu• lu••l••I ii• ou .. , ' 1 •• .l L b 4 1At•IJ'• w 111• ,, I II 111 h11d1 .,._a,'t 1 If) lWJ.CI! Men • Double• F'ln1I '•l11u ,.. HJ '>h'Wl ll f t•lt,J1 1.11\.)·1 11t I t ,11 ,_.,11,~ ... r Tin. r,u1 ..... ,,, J t t ~ 1 t I.,,, t•r..-. ocJ f •> 4.1 ·t 1 j. 11111" I,,,~ ''-' I SJ 71.J Women 1 Slnglee Flnel I •.• I At ift) •• ~,,,, ""'' ,, " '. ~ •• I I'';• t t, tii·• fJ 0 Women • Double• f lnel l •••••• Dt.it.1tJl\I t-1Htl11't1 ,,,,,J H' ·~ ' IJ•'' O•t"l!lJd n1~n11!1r)f1 1AuMlf 1hu; '"' 11>.o • •• 110 i.Jltpdn1 b • u 7 b t l1urJt111t Jr11Ui.1n ':tC..•lt1 S2 TOii ~f1UHllnn "rtlo :o.flln SI •.ri<lo Gr11nd Prix tournament (•t Ylenn•) Sln111 .. Flnol I• t 11• .. tJ tfl I I • 1. 1 t,, 4 L (j OoublH Fln•I •. t.1 1 I 111 ll /1• t al •t I, •I 111 I 'f1 t-1.t<t,.i I 1h t M.tH• fJ ,,,,,; M 111>I 'J ">' t ' I I Dutch lnternallonel (al AmolerdamJ SlnQle• Flnal ,.,_J t•• f Ot~ 1P 1 •t ,,.1 ~ •• r , .. I ' .Jtr Al11 ., ; t J ,.,, ""' ..... \\•.J(, Superchallenge tournemenl (al Melbourne. Aualr•ll•) Slngl•• Flnal • If 1 .,J iL/•·•' 11.,h ''* J~ 11tl tlt•t 'V 1.s "lql id+• !I ~I f , (,, ') ' ·, ti f'tHl ""' ,, 1 l()IJ OtJO c, •• ,v1Jt1•"t '<'r!l'I\ S7<J '>0')1 Women'• tourn11men1 l•I Fllderoledl Wnl O•rmeny) SlnQle• Fina! ~ I I <t ~-h'' tf•~ • j .) ,,_ .. , 'r l r Iii .. "' t..." ,. ...... ,, I '"'''"''' Double• Final ·~ 1, •' ... P,,.,f'I ,:J,, II• ' ,,., ,1t I, f<l'f h 1 Jr: An,1 ·"l~fl • I ' THchlng Pro Champlon1hlpa 1•1 Laguna Nlguel R•cqual Club) Men·1 Fourtn Rovncl Slngleo 1 ,, Vdr'I l•~ 1N~wpotl 8 .. d t Ut>f frv• M .,, la JO'•• :r l , f-" b C,, ,,, ·,,t • \J .. , 1tw·'"1t-Ot_tl rn tict''-tt• ''•''•I ..... f.,. 1 \ P•-'' Pt•H'\tt't flt I J I I M••• Hplt~fn tn ILO"t A1 Jf•\1 (, 1 (1 4 trH ~ 5)' Vo&f 1M ,,11h1\lldn &~11(hl 0 1•1 (,1lf'1' E uQ,.n1• t~M" U1,..,1Ht 3 6 {,, ' b J Jim ~1a.,.Qrt1 1• ·'"'-• lj,;itJ,H.t, "'°' Bob ( '1i11PP"' 1 t1(1V" l!'Cl Oa-.11 b 1 6 l A.ck At>t en \ ~ ''~t· ~f' o)t-1 Ue-.,. l "' "°' ! lf\(J18t1 '/11• ) ' .. t • ~~('r1t• Mo1l1t11(rh, 1L l1t'I ,,. 1 ~· .. ,lo.fl'' tt-1un1 n\1)100 8t."~h1 " I:' t ' • ~ l.,. · artJ tS<n,tN PR.._,.d,.,,.t Of'! t''"'' t-, • s~ P~" , , t 2 0 u9'tltf11nal Slngleo , 1 • dP ,, ' t/tt• .,.0 t , ,__ • ft.t n1,1r1n dPI ~)llV tn b • I 4 51,.\JQn• 1f I r-.t•.1h"" f ~ ( f"Qfioit ~ Jf.>I J.,4,Ji•t• f ' f-, Women'• Ouer•ettinel a•ngltt Ar1~1r• M 1ni11\1.1r1 ,s .• 111,1 O.trtUHA1 i.1' 1 , lhq!'''' < .u10Ud Pdt•1 fJ 1 t 0 Al(•• M·'1f1t,.t .n • 1n'fi ...,. .. ,.,, t '• • ( t Mfl+w111 H1llfllJtitf'd S•( ~ t"(.lf• J ' .: t • l t•tl& M .tHO•• d'w1nt I Jf'' A't •'•' u n, •' nr. IL6S Angt!"~I J E t : t.. • .... "'''"'.. '"""'" "-•.,..t"PI'' ""' IU I 1 .\ylo• '-td• ) +-U• f, n b ') Wo,,,en 1 Ouar1erttn•I Ooubfea 1 , M,-fLAlf t,,. ,•.a\()o• Uflt l,ru r I • , Pa\,ihJ'~ 8IO'Wfl 6 0 b ) K jilh• J, • t.1110 1 ..,.d!l(.11., .Jfll c;u, .. A....,J Jd nP1 w.1ltU1dt°'fll 6 1 ti 7 Jul~ Hayword (llP11 [i1yafll dtlll ~•·~" "'"Of' t1f!l~n We1r-1er t, 4' 6, 1 "'' M c,tl11u•• A~~J' I M tr''' -.Jt•' , •. ,,,.. A! 1•11 Ann "' ... ,J .. , 7 fl ~ w .. 1cenc1 lreneec:tlon• HOCKIY Mettonel Hoftay L ...... HARlFORD WHALERS -~ P1e<re l 11roue1ta center, •I lea11 two o•""" tor YlOlauno cu.,... CHICAGO BLACK HAWKS Traded Terry Rua~ow11<1. cenler. 10 11'1• Loi Ano-Klnga lo• Larry Goodenough delen....,.,. aod lulufl conllcler•llon1 aAaKITtaAl.L Nellonel ........... _ .. ,..,.. CLEVELAND CAVALIERS -Cul ,.,,., Wt.lie lonoard aod Miiie Wlfaon ou111d DETROIT PISTONS W.,_ Alall Hardy IO<Werd \ (' • ,, . . .. ~ .. .. . .. -· .. • . . ' .. t ·- Orunoa Luuat DAil Y fill 0 f tMumJ.av. Ottuhur Jf1 11rn~ 0 .. 1, Piiot Pt\010 br Almon Lockaber A portion of the 96 boats whic h compe te d Saturday in Nt•wport Ocean Sailin~ Asl'\ot'iHtion·!'I I ·&.-mile Ba nk ran· ~t·t off to u li,,;ht wind s tart off the Ha lboa Pit·r. Sinooth sailing at 14-Miler NOSA c limaxe 3 5 th ,·ear with ral'e., e lt•ctions By ALM ON LOCKAB EY DMIY Pflol lloellno Writer The nearly 100 sk1pix.•r.. and crt>ws in Nl·wport Ocean Sailing ·As..si.x.·1atwn's 34th 14-Mtlt.• Bonk ra1.·c· Saturday outw itted the• Wl'atht.'r goos and ftnishl·d the 28-mile rac.·t· bt-fon • sundo wn It was one r>f the fas ll'Sl ran·~ 1n the• 111:.tury uf the event which 1s \JSUa ll y hampt-n'Cl by fog. lig h t winds and otht·r w C"<1tlwr problt•rru. The race• star wd off tht.• Bnlboa PC'nim;u l<i ;i t I r a.m. a nd the first boat to finish at the NewfJOrt Jt.•tty was Morrie Kirk's Santa Cruz-50, H<ina Hu. from Balboa Yac.·ht Club Hana Ho fin1sht.'Cl at 2.15 p.m . The last boat crossed the.• ft nt!>h llnl' a t 4 .45 pm S kippe rs a nd race comm1llt.'l' pt'oplt.· ahkt· agreed that It was one of the fastt.•st and unc·vl'ntful 14 -M1le Bank ract-s in m•m v vt>ars The rac<• started In li ght a irs that prov1dt.-d JUSt enough breew to maintain steeragt> way as th(· boats headed towa rd a heavy smog atcumulatmn tha t threa tened to ma ke 1t a slow raet' A few minu tes a fter the st art the brt·ezt.• freshened and blew a fairly steady 12-15 knots until the e nd of the race ThC' direc:tton to and from th <' windward mark on th<:' Lasuen St-a Mount made 1t a beam reach both ways the fast("St point ul sailing. The race and thl· annual bn•akfast mc.•t.'tlng at Balboa Yach t Club Sund ay <:11max<'<i NOSA's 35th Vl'<.ir It ,.., thl· wgmll.t.Jt1un v.'h1l·h Lilso slagt"l> th1• .111nu<1l N1•wporl to En~C'n<ida ran • At tlw J n nual mt.·t•t111g John Ballt.•w of C.1p1:.trdll<• B..i y Y<ilht Club wa~ f'll't.'ted pr1•s1t.lt.·n 1 fur l!Hl:I. -.ul1'l·l·d111g Ali.i n Oll":>On of Balboa Yal'ht ( 'lub Uth1·r olfll't•r.. t•lt't'tt•d wnt· Bob C.iruld n. Suutli Shon· Y ..11·ht Club. Vl('t' IJl'l''>ld(·nt. Bob Wht.·c.·lPr. B;_i lb11a YC. s t.·t·ond v1t·<· pn•s1d1•n t . ;.ind Bub Bordwt>ll, l'ap1s trnno Ba y YC third Vll'l' pn· ... 1dPnt N1·w d1rL't'tor.., or1 tht• board arl' Goldw JoSt•ph , L1du lsll· Y;.ith t Clu b, Mtkl· K;,n1·. South Shurl· YC. ;md &·n MtKi~o;on. S:in Dll'/.!O YC Fo llowing tht.• mt•(.'ttng t h 1· C c1mmodon·'s ApprL't·1:H1on ral't.· wa:. h1•ld with commodort.·:. of Southt·rn C:.'11furnia Y<icht Clubs ;.ind llwir t-rl'W:. whu -;upporl NOSA i..11ling Lido-I-ls 1ns1dt.• thl• bay He-s uits of 14-mtle Ban k r<.we. PHRF-A 1 An1•r .. Alln Ar>dt llWI Balboa YC. 2 C•1s Pa1amH Carl LH1 Voyage-1 VC 3 Sp;ndt1'1 08"1 FeUham, Seal BeaCl'I VC 4 80"'1• GoldHl Josepn L•do late VC ~ Le Boat, Oon Le8eau. Bari11 Coflnlh•an VC PHRF ·B 1 Mamn•q~ OA•e Coooer Capi.lr•r>o Bay YC 2 Ftrec:resl Pal Glazier Vo;age<s vc 3 Debra Richard Aaulf. South Sh0ft1 vc PHAF C 1 Sacond Hall Pete Johns1or>e Balboa YC 2 8encnma1k Mike Murphy Roger Van Beel! Soutl\ Sh0te YC SORO 1 N1note Bryant HumaM Balboa VC 2 Gema1a Gene Ve<ge Bahta C0t1r>m11r> YC ORCA IMullll\ullSI 1 Erin Bo-H~hlOn Soul" Sh0te YC IQA 1 Ma1al.11sl'I E.pr1111 Tom Scl'IOCk NewPOrl HarbOr vc Roller Coaster, Insanity • w1n LOS ANGELES Winds that ranged from zero to 20 knots S u nday pl.iguc-d tht· sailors m t he second race of Los Angeles Yacht Club's Ha rbor Series. Winds for the· start of Midget Ot:ean R<inng Class <MORC) were so light that lht.· start had to bc- postponed nearly 40 minutes Winne r 1n the lntt.•rn<.1 t1onal O CCs hore RulC' Class A was Roller Coaster. sailed by the Golason Syndicate , Long Beach Yacht Club The IO R -B winner was I ns anity . co-sk1ppe rt'd b y To m Omohundro a nd Wayne Austero. New port Harbor Yacht C lub. In the Performa nce Handu:ap Racing Fh:et (PHRF) the Class A w inner was T ac k t1c1a n. Gregory Joy. Little S hips F leet. Class B winner was Andoma. Don Zinn. Cabnllo Beach YC. and thC' O ass C wi nner was Sunshine. Dennis Humphrey. Cabnllo Beach YC The MORC winner was Details. co-sk ippered by Alan Andrews Jr and F.arl Dl-xter. Balbo<t YC Details also won her class m Saturday's 14-Mile Bank race o ut of Newport Beach · Friedman eaptares tourney Tim Friedma n of UC Santa Barbara de feated 11 other college sailing tt'ams Saturday and Sunday to win the Dick S wcC'l Tro phy, sy mbolic of the Paci fic Coas t lnte r colle g1att.• s loop s ailing championship. The regatw was sailed ove r the Olympic Circle off the Sant.a Ana River. The win entitles Friedman and his UCSB crew to compe te m the natio n al champ1onsh1ps at Charlestown, South Carolina. starting Nov. 20. Friedman scored I 2 pomts unde r the low scoring system to Russ Silvestri, USC. 21. and UC Santa Cruz' Bob Green. 22 Fourth was University of Hawaii. 22. and fifth was Long Beach State. 25 Other schools competing were UCI. Sonoma St.ate, UC Berkeley. San Diego S tate and UCLA. O•ldey Tro11•Y to Nania Kai VENTURA -Nania Ka i, s kippered by Ed Riessen of H ollywood Yacht Club (formerly of th_, Balboa YC) w as the winner of the A.A. Oakley. Stalder advances in tourney Unseeded Curt Stalder of Irvine u pset sixth- seed Jim Harper, also or Irvine , 5-7. 6-4. 7-5. then won hl.t qua rterfinal mat.ch over Nt>wport Beach's Jerry Van Ltnge in the R°"81gnol-Dlcdora Teaching Pro Championahlpt Sunday at the Laguna Niguel ~uetClub. Al.o advancing Into the Bemlfinals wtu1 top-.-ded Tom Leonard of South Pasadena who won hilt matcha In straight teta over Bc-rry Borru• of Son P8dro and o.ne Maltn of Encmo. Among the win ners in t h e w o men's q~rwrllnal1 w tH Irvine's l_.i nda Mallory, who d9fu~ Aihara Mornnon t1f Los Ang••lt • 3-6. 6-2. S-2. I Trophy prl'<itcll-d log rat'l' satlt'Cl Saturd~y out o f L'hannC'I Island!> V;,ieht Club. Ht l'Sst•n's pen:t•ntag<• of er ror of uvt•r 1h1· :a;,-m 1lp C'o urst• was 0 452. Runrwr-up wa~ Contrail . Paul LPlan d. Ventura YC. I :H>o. third w as Sun~l'l Q ut•l·n. Mc·I J,..urie. Mann;i YC. I 6114. fourth w as &•auforl lll. Ma rilyn and Bob Roth . Cali forma YC I 74:i. and fifth was Sh1ron. Ron H11lbl11m. Pat·1f1t· Corinthian YC. 2 83(i Sunset wins at Dan• Point S unset. C'o-sk1pp<•red b y Pa tty Mat'l' and Su·w Dutton. was tht> O\'erall w1nnc•r in the Catahna-27 d1v1s1on o f D:rn.1 Point Yacht Club's Di.In a Po11ll Senl'S No I) SC'cond was Sunshine·. Hon Ma lanoskv. DPYC. an d third Day Break, Bob Gates. Capistrano Bay YC Class wmnc•r.., PHRF-A I Oanl!oll Oouq and ')uzonne Jone' OPVC 2 819 Kariuna Mark Townsend OPYC PH AF·B I On lh" Way Al Ne51on OPV C 2 Anes. Bob Bur~ nardl OPVC P11RF C 1 rresl'I Squeezed G!ry Allen-Craig Froley OPVC 2 Go1nq lefl Sieve Franta OPYC PHRF·O 1 Sll1rburSI Cl'IOrley R~ers Cao19lrano Bay VC t CAT ALIN.A-27 (611'1 race) 1 Su•St!ll, Pall y Mace-Steve Oullon. OPVC. 2 Su111l'l1r>e. Ron Mo1anosky CPVC, 3 Daybreak. Bob Ga1e1 Capo eve Marathon game raises $ 7, 000 A 19-yC'a r-old l'Ollegl' youth paralyzed from the neck down in a football gaml.' 1s getung $7.000 Crom a mara thon softball game organized by his fa ther's co-workers. Somt-200 sheriff's dt-put1<.'S from Ora nge and Los Angt•les count1t'S ended their game Sunday a fter playing in J -hour shifts for 24 hours. The money will hE'lp pay me~ical and physical the rapy cost s for Todd H a rt of San Juan Capistrano. Orang<' County s ht'rlH's Capt. Jim Guess said. Hart. a de feruuve back al Long Beach State. hos bee n in Huntington Me morial Hos p ital in Pasadena alnre Sept. 11. wh en he b roke his neck durinf a game against UCLA 1-is father , Lt W yatt H A r t . Is publiC' information omccr for the Orange C-Ounty Sheriff's Depa.rtmenl. The marathon ben('flt began Saturday mommg al Buena Park's &Ill~ Pnrk. "We had 115 total inningw Dnd thl' final 9''0re was 241 for Orange County, l8i fur LQt Angeles," Guess said Donations cam<' throu1eh aal~ of T -shirts and refreshme nts •nd by ca1h cor1tributlons, Ouesa saJd. Angela lnflt>lder Rod ~~w briefly pl&yt'd for both tearruJ durlnf( lhe C'vc ning . Oth1•r fundrniscnt or<' pl. nnro with • donation go11I of $100.000 I BUlllTIN BOARD .ttlfl·pltf"h l11ur1111m1•111 1 llo 1111r11 u1111un1 I 1111 (,11191111;, •p111111nrwtl t1v 11111 South Co1.1111 Slo pllt..h A .. C>t.11111011 wHI IJn helcl No 11 IS 1 al Ill a fuu11lul11 VullH V R1tero1111011 C.•111101 111400 01uokhu111ll [11t1y '"" IOt lhll tloubltl ullm1111111u11 IOUlllUV 11; S 130 A 13 1n1111 11m11 will bu 1r11po~u11 1111d pl11yun1 m11y ploy '''' 1u111 011" 1110111 fll u llJUI 11Hlllttl11 f lt tOI U lllltl (. (.t ly rucru1111on <lO l1b11ll tu1m1t1 l 11111 .. ~ will hu llGCUPlull 0 11 0 llti l·C.Omll, ltt !>I ~tHlli)(I h11·11~. OaucJllritl IOI ur\lty IS NOii t MtJt1tty (If clulh for 1130 (no ch&ekii) s11ould h•J 111ulh1d in C1h•t1 Holm1111 15 130 Brookll ur 111 A111 I 11J Wt111lm11111hll 92683 I 1oph111& will be uwo1doll l•1 lh11 "'"' llHnu~ll tourlh µIJt ll 1t1oms r 0t mt11 " 111111111rn11on phone llol111t1'f u1 •1·1 t 0367 w <.rmu (;1<111<Joll.1 81 554-7236 .lunlor tt•nnl ... Jun101 Sa1e1111e Tennis I ou11111rnun1 ttl Lo:. Ca balleros Racquel u11d Sport!> Club Fountain Valley set for No11 1J 14 20 2 t Boy11 and 01111> tO drid-under lh10111111 t8 age d1v1s1ons For 1urllle1 1nlo1m.i11011 <.0 111 1.1<.I I o m Greeley. 546·4696 Los Cabull ero:. 11> IO<.Ul ~d ul 17? l 'I Newhope Stteet I ou1110111 Volley ,.'all ,.'air raelnl( Sixth edition ol tile Ornnue l..uunly Full F c111 meeting fealuring n1Qhll1me tt101ouqhbr1id racing. will open tonlghl 01 Los A1am110s race cour se This yuar's me1111ng wrll 'un 1 '.l 11111111s Monday 1111ough Saturday until the Nov 8 closing Eight thoroughbred lwo Qud1101 nor -.u and one appaloosa roc.o will t..e tiold edcil nigh I On the .igendn ar e se111•n 11101ougt10re<1 s ta kes w11h 111e $50 .000 uddud Orangti Coun ty Handicap on No11 6 1.ik1ng top b1t11no F11s1 POSI for tire Full F dfl ml'~l111q •S 6 30 pm Bas"t-tball eua,•hf'.tt ellnle Tne 111 s t Cnapmdn COi ieg+-BJ'>~ t>tb.111 Coacnes C1tnic is se1 101 Nov 13 at 111e H<1mld Hutton Spotls Cenler on campus Among tne scheduled spedlo.er'> are lo1m"' UCLA coach John Wood.in formtt• UCLA and NBA siar Wall Hauard who now coucn1>s ol Chapman and El Camino Collegf' Coac11 Pc1u1 LandreauA Ac t111 1t1es begin a t 8 30 .i m "'''" reg1s1ra11on Lectures by l ond1e.iu1 .ittd Hazzaro w111 be 1011owed t>y a or>e·nour lur><.h break 01 l(ennelh Forsythe a Los Angeles sport!. med1c1ne specraltst. wrll also speak Tne c.ilmc wrll conclude w•lh a two·hour pracll<.t! st!ssion :onducled by Wooden A Queslton and an)wer '>es:>•on "'"" lo11011o1 For more 1nlorma11011 phone 997-669 t S"I film Warren M11101 s latest ski film Sr>oWonder will be shown a1 1ne Newport M.1rr1011 Holt>I No11 1 at 6 30 and 8 30 p m Miller will be on nand 10 nc111a1e lhe ltlm which includes ski loo1a9e snot m Colorado Switzerland. Calllorn1a Chile Aus1ral1d Vermont and Wyoming among other locales Tickets for 1ne 90-mmule fi lm are available al T1cketron and Muluat Ticket Agencies For more informatror>, ph one 12 131 374-8984 Minor league World Series? COLU M B US . Oh111 1AP1 Baseball's top minor lt·ague~ will ... tagt• a thn•t•-s1dl'd World Sl'ri t·~ 1f tht· AmPrrcan Asscx·1atwn d ub!> apprnvt· th<• format. spawm•d by lntl•rr1at11mal League Pr<'s tdl'nt l l<1ro ld CooP<•r Playoffs involving th<.• Anwrttdn A..o:;soci;it1on, lntl'rnauonul Leagut• ;.ind Pac1f1c.· Coasl L<-agut• would bt• ;i f1r ... t 111 the h1stor v of Class AAA b;1!>t•bal I J o t.• R y a·n . p n •s 1dt·nt o f thl' Ame rk an Assoc1at1on. 1s 111 th t• prt"-'t•ss o f polling his team.., about Coop<·r ·.., proposal T ht· lnt<·rna t mnal Ll•<JgUl' clubs u nanimously favo r tt. as do thl' maJOrrty of the Pat·1f1t· Coa.'t L<·:igui· franch1~ I f the· m a jo ri t y of Amt•r1t.i11 Association du~ approv<' lht· Jorni.11. off1c1als o f the thrt't' le.1gu1•.., \\ill mt•c·I Thu rsda y, 1n Lou1~v1 llt•. K \ . th1· proposed "site of the f11-...t p layorr:. "It's an exJ'.X'nment." Cnopt•r "<lid "If it's SUl't•ei,,sful. It l'OUld 1111'.!11 .1 ht'Ckuva lot to Tnpll· A basd :h.lll If 1t '~ not suc.'t·essful, wt>'rt• not out mut·h thr('(' days o f playoff~" The champions of tht• lntt•rn11t11m:tl L eagul' a nd A mt•rican A:.snl'1a t1on used to meet in tlw J unior W1J r1J Series. llow evc>r. thl' Pac1f1t· Coas t Lea g u<.· d id n1Jt pa rltC'tp:itt· in tha1 format. Why was thC''r e no A A A World Series before this. Cooper was askt>d "The costs we re proh1b1t1vc"" ht' answ ered. "Now we'v<' got a t•1ty th;11 has a sta dium that t•a n s<><1t m:ivbt• 25,000 wantm~ 11 People m Lou1s~1ll1• seem to lhmk th<'y t·an draw 20,000 r o r ea c h o f t h <' 1 h r <• t• d a vs u f playofCs " Ex:.Dolphin pleads i11nocent M IAMI (AP) -Eugene "~forcury" Mo rr is. 8 forme r Miami Dolphins running back. has pleadt'Cl innoc.'(•nt to a bad check charRt', which s tt•mmc"(I from a handgun purchase. During Thursday's hearinSJ, Circuit Judge Ellen Morphonios Goble Sl'I another hearing in the check cast' for Nov. l , th e same day Morrl11 1s scheduled for trinl In h«'r {'Ourt on .drug charges. Howeve r. the JUdl{t' told Ronold Strauss, Morris' ottorney . th e drug .case will be tried fi rst, and both C'ht-. will not go to lrhd the Mimc Wt't'k. Morris is chorgt'<.t wlh with writing a $489.23 bad chCC'k tt> Raccone Inc. to buy o handf{un oil Moy 12. Morris completed µrobatlon lt'veral months ago o n ano th('r w o rthleH ehel'k charge. ClASSlfllD CLASSIFIED INDEX i .. 1 £11•1• I Hou11• ,,, s.1, ···•·········•········ ······················ c,.,,.i I 002 ···············•··•··· I Ill. HOllllAI fo Place Your Ad, Call 642-5678 HOUSES fOR SAL I ,, ....... , 11.u.,. t 1., .. . h·•"-•• ........ •'• ' ., .. ll•h• h• •• ' ..... !.•It ' ...... ............. I'•"• l'·•·o• ..... , •·••lllf• I· • H I ::u :.·.: ~· ... It. i I ••..,., 1 .• , 1 14 .... 1 •• ill 1 • ., .. , ..... \4.' \. , ..... ,, "•. ' ....., 'h .. , .. '·· '... . "''•" . ... • h•·•' ... ~ .... .... ', .. \I II REAL ISUH '.. .. . I ""'•' ...... ·~ .... t ••• I ~·~·~· · .. ~ .. '"°I'" I ti .. • ''°\I 1 I, I I (OVAL tt0U"llNI. (/ f> I' ft R T UN I I Y • hblhher'' Nolie•: A11 , ti.al •••tot• 111 ,,.,ti .•~ct '" fftp, Ill A''tl f(tH I t•1 ut11•a t 11 lhtt f "ch •tul I fll tt1111 '""J Al t tit t<;ft,e~ wh1(.t1 n•.1lt•~·. '' 1lh•cJ"' tu ••J v••• •·~·· U''Y CJfbh•rf"n I • lu"1t,11HHl tH t11'\(..flfl1I .,.. '' 11 •'''' ''"'"U un r .1t • 11 '' t t IHIUlft '14'1 r,rl ' ''" r1u f Ot1r1 r rH itrty 11tt•r tu111 h 1n,tkH <.tn~ •"'It ,,,, ft•r1•tt1 •~ •1rrt•l.t "'''"' ,,, it ,c '•"\lf1.1h<Jh , ,, . '"'""" .,, .. ,) .. , ..... ,, ""'I "t t1 w1rttJI; .1Lf l•l•I 1lflf ,1 S,1rh...,111r1 hit t 1•a l C> ''' U1t· ,.;.. t 1lt· 1rfo1' 111 1111l11llf.1HI I • I M 11 I fl lj r C. Cl I U b II I ii "''''''''''' (Jll t1Ut0' C.tJI Ii otU l•HY w•ll tnem 111 lftfl o f r.tJur'ft ~8fl8 t 1l11 f ..tt1\1 ly 1 m w I ·''l'·Hit1•J ftJilt '1rJHC.U bQt! '''''J' ~ ''' ht•n tHfta~ 'aat 1JH I 1.t 111(1 f1dffl)' (Jt 4 & • .111111 111v.,1y i;iround~ 1 f " 111 If ti I ti tJ 0 I 0 W "' ••h·I lor th ll lovaty l1umu & 1111111 !>41i 23 13 t=~L!s\tJI 11 .. 1 ~ • .. I ~i .. .., ..... , \1 ... ,,.. .. • • •• • 4 1 I 1 I, ' ; ERR 0 R S: Ad 11e rt1 ·1 ,.. •.:-~f'r!> !)l1o uld ct1eck .. : their d d $ daily a nd repo rt error s 1m- med 1a t f'ly T he DAIL y PI LOT as-1 sumes ll ubilit y for the f1r&1 in correct 1 1nsert1on only I.,.,, i o•• I t I '" ....... h·. I '. I I ' h1, I ,, · ,,. • · ". I::.::: I ' .... , I' • I I •H ., I •" • J ..... ' l 1t ....... ,, ~ '1 I t ,, .... ,, . > ' .. 4 " ' t, • II BUSIN[SS INV!~ I MINT FINANC[ . ~. ". "' ..... ANNOUNCIM[N fS , PERSONALS i LOS! i FOUND I • I .. I • ~ j.,•,\ I I I• I .,. t• I•, t • I ~ ... I• S£RVIC£S 1 IMPLOYM£HT i I ~·:· ... ~~~PUA TION h• .... \' .... MERCHANDISE A • h._,lf I\•• • • • 4 I "· ,, ,,,, \I # ...... \t1 " ••.•• v. ""' "I • ,,., I ' t " ' t •' I , .. ..... .,.,. 4 ;,,.,,,+ '-'""111,'4• l'l lo• ~ ............. . t;;,.,,, lf1 41 H • I to .. • '· ,, .. , • k ·-1·· lht ~" BOATS l MARIN£ COUIPM!HI ······· *'"•' "· ,,, ""'+ • ., _., \t• r • t 1111 ... •' I' • I ' l4t •• k1! I If 4 I tt..• • "'°• t• I•,• ti> • ..., ....... \ ~. t\o .• •••• I RANSPORIA TIOH \ ~ . ,. . . .. t •r t • • I ~1~1./11! ':: " ·'°' · Y• _,If r • •' 1 • t •.• ' ...... ' .. AUTOMOBILE ··"'·. \ 1•• I< lh '# \ I'\ "-I•"' II# I ff •I , ...... ., . , I ' ... \ I •• \1• o fl.•t• I ,, .. \ ,, nu. • •, 11\flot. .,., • •tliwn '"' 11 .. 1 !I ,,, .. . . If B 11 .... 1.n .• "•fm .. 111 •'I• l.al'l'\btW l fll .... "'I• I .... , o. ~· I iYi::: .... .,. ' K k K· ,_.., ..... ..... , ..... I . "• ...... ~yf\ \ ,, ... .- \•th I AUTOS. NEW '"""' •* AUTOS. USIO ••f\•f41! 1'4• ·~ . l,. H I• '•'"• I 111.f'~ u;f1 t ,,., ..... '""""' '~\1n•nt ~1 '·•r••lh '., .. .,.,., ~~;·.r l"'ll•t't1•I ,, ... ,." °W#Ofl<\,, """ .. ,. "·~···· , .... m.,,...,, fl1Mtll ~-t• .•. ~fl)lt f \••• , ....... - --------------·: ~~~!~!.~Of.!!.1! ....... I Rul Est1tt ·············•········ g!.n.~~·.1 .......... !.~~~I IElUTIFUL I SPACIOUS CONDO '//•II l l• i '' B<Jr m•, 2 1 &11 ·,r H..l' 11ge .._ tcn~r "" If; " fro ..,.,..J~(· 0 h .,,,d.;,rt•' t •Jut t.,t ,.,., ; '1 1(; t It itY'•t t J' C~ntrd! .,,ar .. •JtJnt t11J••< "''"' q.i~ litHi '11•t l f,.,. /:,lt;rr 2 c;,,, 'Jd'd'1l "" .... 1, .. r..tr•C. q itr11 J'' OCJC t OCJ .. ru·t H 1qr 1·, 1un dt 1t-10~1 at Ir,.,. m tt>rf• ,I r.1h V~r Jn l 111d ,, .. t\1• T 1H ti<J,..ttr1 11qe t ;111 no.,. ~4f> • 3 t" tj;!{~}$1 l RATES ARE DOWN! I Perlo;CI 11m1n9 tor 1111~ lovely 1 Borm 2 8at'1 6 ye ar 01 0 homt: "eo1 Soull'I C.oa~I Plaid' Grt>al I'\ I' I H·1tf •• + I dS'>Umdbl,. loan t S811At will catty Only $135 000 dCI now• 6•6·717 1 I · fo~ct twr. \\l' ca n ·han~c thin~~ ".'!! ... 'fffe;!{f}J3 ,::....___-=--===::=: .... ... . .. '" "''' #P)) .., ,..,, ••I .... ,, . .. "'' ..., .. .. '''-1 .... ... .... -· ID• WW -""' -- Class ifi ed works for you when you want to .. "'- I '!:~~.~, S© Ro\l ~ -[!, Etrs· .... .. .. -----....... tt, tut I POOAN ----- 0 :::"=Mb~,..,~:. ~ ..,_ to to-"' fOYf .. ,...,, .. WOid' I SAP LO T I I I' I' I I I l· .--... u.,..._N,...l_t ,...A_M.....-11 , 1 I' I I r . I ~ .. ! ...,.... ___ E_M.,.....l_,....A__.I --c. R~ttrttd 1111te1e "SPOttt can 11 I I I 111•~e1 you !Ht II~•• ._IO •o••n -~--.-~. ---C1pec1111y 11 vou'r• 111.0 10 I r--------i 1111ow1ng ---. RAPTUB I .--... , -,,-.-, _,_, "'"'"'l'-1 0 ~:"';f,..:: :·..::~: .......... __ .... _ __._.__ .... _ --------.......... ,_ -... , -r r r r r r r1 Aee<t Ille cluellleel ldl IOf t~ IMlt d..ia In apan- 1 men1r~tll• ~?·5878 ------------------ 011111\IU Lon•t lJAll y Pll u' /M1Jnd11y Oc.totwr J~ • I Estate-the .Complete Oran e Coast Market Place ~o.~!!! .~'.'· !.'.'-'· ..•.. ~'!.o.~!!! .~'.' .. ~'.'-'· ...... I ~'.~!!! .~o.'. !.'.'-'·.... . !~'.~!!! .{o.'. -~·.'!....... ~o.~!!! .~o.'. !.'.'-'·...... ~o.~!!! .{'.'. !.•.'! .•....••• '.~!!! .~!!~!!~!!. ... · 11 '!.'.~!!!. ¥~!!!!.'!~!! .. . ~·.~~~ .. ~ I 00 ,,.,,,, l 002 ~!.°.~~'.t ....... ..'.~~~ f.'!!~. tt!!~t ..•.. !.~~t !~~{~! ...•.••...• !.~1 ~!.'!r.!! .~!!!~ ..• !.~~ f!!!~.'. .~!L~!! .. 1.1.~~ f!!!!. ~!!~ ..••. .!.~~t w---··········· ·········~········ DESIRABLE WANflU Uy fJ p hon•• tt•yff<>nt Uom. d&<.tJtdtUt 1 flt ' Bu S73t.11no No bl~ ll~l llOP9, RUI OPPIATtlllnl ll'"' 3Hvlew, J11am11'e I"'"'" 11 t <l "1 co. pet& 806 Jo•nri r:,1 ~ LOOK oou IOWI DARTMOUTH C..• o1 Ulufl• lg• ""'" $7000/mo 111 olle• llt>•l ilH 1836 Prnneo Lido 0 hay mnl • rm, ~I) U..th 1)'4 1010 lhf) •hi c .. 11 P••·· Pru• L~<' I. H , 1111 t'lllU :.! l••HI ~111.,. $1 ,'iU0,111111 r 111 uu• now reg11l111 Sl.e,1001 ltw PyMfll 111 P1.11 k If Hornwa ? no 114/fll :t\100 L11t1tde c;ondo. :I br. 2 wu••kty 11 ... 1ure Now · & 1pac1oua Ou thlrm 2 t>a Muter Sutt• $ J Ou 1h111 lfptc 2 1.111 ga Rt•n1111folt'll :1 11.trm, :! l•ulh 1 1<11 lot' r '"" 1111 bt•un1 l'<'llmR"· furn111h1'<I. pull•'!' $.f:!U,000 B 0 AT SH 0 W-''"" V•liln w/lluur Ill C.OI """ IHI Yd le atuOy 100 •• ,,.. o ••• loi•I 3126 lllQfl $6;/!> !>~'> IJ611'• lllltJ 111 wplul•I NlAR utrium Al'l1olu111ty 001 C~illt••• 1011 •••••••••••• .. •••••••• 1 • CASE nr ACll 1. 2 II :1 l1!111u1' OotOll• llOntlt blllltr tll11n •••• • ••••••••••••••• l••c "l bl 2 !Ju COlltlO Ollllll c:. Ullll 7 IHI Ill JI om Stl4 1100 lhlow I "i110Clt1I homo $I 1:J 900 IJttnutllul T "Crot r1J111.11 or.tt1111 •l11w, J>Ool hlll•M~ r.nurt New c1urm1~. 1111 ltltH~lll "" rlll11 BllOw• '1ylft l1om• w/guoM hou CrJITIJ'I '""' fiJO \14!)1:1 111(11• rd, c:omm 1>001 nu thh1 Vu Hm• 'l UC! 2 1>0 Why llHOW tent DWIV nt> P•" '10•,o 1ll'J4 wh11n vuu can uwn :i ~ ''Ort <:h1t10Q11 &44 '}40'' ,Elffll f VIII V !:ii1IUrd11y II) Intl "' SULA NOif L>w1y P1101 <..1M1if1ooa tX.,•nn & )l.'llY Vlt•w11 Munm• roo111, •I IKlrn1, .I • bnih. :1700 ~I fl $1 .:SU~.ouo 0i ... ·u11fro11 1 C010111 it/ /1111 IOZZ Llllll ISLE llYFllOllT Lugoo11 Vtl"W Crum ti hclm1, 5 tv11h, pl.1yru .. n1, dork rm, dt•n 80111 shp Now $1 ,0llO,UOO ........•.......•..... ODii HPLU A CHARMER UH,000 1mm.1cut11t11 t B<Jrn• :I h• '"'""" " urut •nd •va IAYSIDE PUCE nnu~ I b<lrm r1+11lt'I l>tllh wm1 lulllltl ueam co1 Spt~:tm·ulnr bnyCront dplx :l br. :l w up. :! ht. hncis frpt<.~ t1ntl u vtJry 2 bu dn 2 hii;il Sp.K'"' Redut>t"Cl-$1.500.0110 I µriv11111 µool l oca100 on ontt of Coron<1 <J11I M•r s I ;&IRIHIS RllCll I 1.1r ,.ll1t1sl Slrt18U 4 N OIC1LI.!> 10 L•lll11 (;oronJ cw 4 br, 11 ' hn, l·u:.tnm f-'r<·rwh Normond) Beach ~Luk 12 pnnw •'l'rc hilltop $1.:!50,000 IU-1211 Fee s1mplt· 2 l.u l;,~~!t~~.~ qu1 .. l 1>.~·;111'4> St .._ \m Fial~) th'<iut't-.I lo $I 00,000 ~ 0011011110 CAYS COROH DEL llAR Coronado lsland c:usl hnyfronl lot 115' boat dock._Plans av111l Now $:170,000 w/tenns. COTIHE l.hc11m1ng centrnl 1oct1· hon big l>acl\ yc1rd, A·2 zoning and lowest p11co S;>15.000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1d" 0 1•vt' N 8 o7S t>lbl I ~U.l I If "ti\ Re111101s. 675·6000 2 11111 FIXEll SH,000 Seeing Is bellevong This property was reouceo ove1 S20,000 due 10 torectosu1e Great tor the first 11me home Duyer 011 1 a 11m1ted budget or great 101 the investor This coutd be e l>reek even or pos111ve cash llow tst Trusl Deed ot S42.!>00 Low interest & monthly payments Call 546-2313, THE REAL ESTATERS HRDH HOVE 2 BOAM 2 BA LUXURY CONDOS 2 car encl ga- 1 age lull 11men1l1es $7000tdOwll .ind owne1 w•ll nelp t1nance Ed Wall~ 961·6171 IALIOA ISUMD Coit• /11111 1024 ............•••.....•. IY OWNER CALL l'OR THE FULL FACTS ON THE FINAN Ct NG OET AILS COM· Wonderlul and warm 4 PLE TEL Y UPGAAOEO Odrm home surroonoe<l '.lBR 1 '.BA COLLEGE with oeaultlut garden & r A R K L t V R M A C trees Secluded front CEN T ED B1 WOOD patio 2 lrplcs Great PANEL I NG & BRICK location clo,e to So I FRPlC GOOD LANO BJylront t 14 Rul>y trom SCAPING w F'RUIT Cl- outs1de and call tor v•e-1 T Au S & Av O CA O O w ing ano deta ils lREES AUTO SPRtNK· 63t-U OO lFAS COVERED PATIO PUIUUU PT. • C.AZEBO & FENCED 101 pynlli ,., low 11, 1 s.i pout. every 11rr11111lly (ll·'I) ,40 '.WO I (ull !l) tl01' ;1~1mu Mor 24b3 ' 1 O 5 1 111 11 I [ 11 ~ y $61,15,000 OMC Owne1 ' IJ O t1111g11 Avo11u• (, M w/$ t:i'OO tr> $2000 Ply '.I 111 2 11• Wn11 .. l1lf St 100 111w111s s11~K S:t•6K. '" lflo tifl11y r'""""r." OuulllVlllQI Pool, lolllll• l714l ll:lt ·J04(1 L•1. .. ''"" 3141 "E w c A, E c 0 D Ii ''"-"' "Y 11111eo 1J11vo1.y • • .~ • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • TW"" .. 11 n1()vll In take OvOI 6'.11 ntlti Agl 'lhllro OIJPIOC..lll•On C.Ull IAK[ ADVANTAGE m Wt1t•iHlfl 1011 180 <h!Q Ocoan VIOW W• "" • Sue 111 80 I 5S!i6 Or..0011 v1t1w C1mt10. 11•1· THl:-0 ONCE IN A l tr( •••••••••••••••••••••• ~t.1¥. *"" $1,00/mo f'h 0111.orntor pttrlect •Pll TIMt OPPOATUNllY 1 IMVUTllHT Of HAR 4911 !1304, 4119 41121 c..1ou~ 2 B<Jrrfl 'J '.,1>11 CENTURY 2t $10.006 Clown, $106.000 pciol 111c recron11on Wilk·I• Realty 4 1>1, 2·~ ba Quiet St lltw~tt IHd 3161 or1111 11v1 P""" 11111co11y Anum !oan A & 11 ,,. Lioo i:rl'E .. ;•t,;,;~~·i .. ~~ I i.1100 011ragu Oe<:orator 141·1080 ~513 CAMl'V,J>a•/R'llNE vl\At H2·2197 110 4 a. $ l700 mo wutt puper draptirillt 1m1J "'IWPORT IAfl"AI"' L II ' 111or• SI ISO 1nc1 IJd l•lll " • " •.• .,,,. , ••• 1 lP.SZ (.. .111 6 7 3 -<13 1 I 'I () rn 1 Ur I 1ac..uzz1 tnc..ludo• fu1t11tv 11n ') lull oama 01 ""'0 room c orpo100 ltltU·OVI 1>11ck t1plc prl vato garago unit allow• kl(h IJotl S!iOOt BEST open 7 data COST •!>39-6190• va1e '1 B1 Oen -+ ofl1ce, 2 1 B11 1tp11 wotlle• 4'11 1e c; 111 c. s1 200 673 33 13 ATRllMSI HYLllNTll ••'•••••••'••••••• ••• Olht Rt1/ £1tllf OCEANrRONl 2 llClrnl 9·5pm IEAMH OllLIHSI VILLE IE CEllllE If••••:••••••••••••••••• 1 11" 1700 mo Bill Sant.iAnot-ita 36• frpt• $135,0001 ·SIOI Ii.! BEAUTIFUL foo)tll:,HllO•fl llOO ::~·;~LI~~" e:::"1:~a b •g ya1e1 n o pet~ OC..EANVl(W HOMF NB HI' lrg l'luma ori 1 acre plu• grounQs 1 111. 3 be + 2 kll• + 2 •1t11ng rmt Can sep11rele ups- WOW• S375 2 Bt notnino ttur• from dwnslll Boll\ fancy 1us1 • 1111 gooo level' nave uno1>1>1rutted oe11t 1110s maybe Ok noer 1118w $2500/mo A & H The Mall YI II C11ll now Invest 752·2 1!17 •• ,, d OLD WORLD ~. S7S0tmo :,45 08 14 Bkr ... u .. ern etuct111d t•m IOWNHOMES •••••••••••••••••••••• den lullyt plly ru1 n un1Qut1ly oes19neo oy Br Howard Mork Co llWPORT llAOM 't 100 mo 646 86'.lS ~ Bo J Ba 2 story Fnlly Th{l Mll~t\lr~ Ol 111dOOll rrom S159.000 Bel Alrtl Homo llghl OCEANFR0Nf31Y' Joo or Students OK 539 6 t90 BEST 1Jmall cost <..011do 3Br 2 •ba wesi ou1<Joo1 e11virunn1en1 495 3244 760•935!) •lllotrtors 2 1><11m 1 bath v $ T IOOt mo. No P111~ l.1gh1 uni.I atry Interior lront ktlcheri. l!•pur•de<I or 2 l'lt 2 no wkly/mo Gionr b4 1_58&5 2 Elr for l&m1ly llat $4001 w/sk yt1gh1~ 3 goro11n Nt•t• I lfl • lOff ltv. dining area Young 752 9466 or 61'.l 0881 N ear o each BE ST iltrtums oeamed ce1 •••• .! ••••• !......... Aoults & pets welcome 3 BA I ' BA 2 ca ga Nr S Cst Pt1a :i Br 2oa I 539·6190 COST lings king 51180 borms $24.SOO 540-5937 • ' r C.OllOIJ $700 gll~/Wlf l•Cl t.im1ly room w/l>ar & ILUfFS IAR8All comm pool Winter or , sect1ep &tas1mo Karen Haali11glo11 w1111s ot glees to p1111os You own the land 2.000 t976 Skyline, 20 X 44, hes yrty Agl 675·8170 I 1155 2033 759-107 t H11bo111 3Z4Z E~r'i~!ies~~o~~u~~!c~n 5Q ll JBr tam rm, 2', ~-:r ~ ;o r:,~~~~11811R~8~1 B~~;u~17i1~N1~~N~Od~~ I Cleon pleasant 2 Sr 1 Ba 2·~~;r;;·2 ·,;;·~~~~1;,0;~~ Only S 10 000 Clown & Ba wioe Grflt!nbelt, neaf $175/mo $23 995 Call SIT7S mo llOl 646-0295 en~sd garage. pri~ale Harbour B1011dmoor S 1395/mo pymls If you IJS03o51 OF ar t>Welow market 548-9611 or 646·0643 I y111 No pets S4851mo c <> n Cl n 9 6 2 0 7 2 0 2 • 00 tll tease OP· __ • 5•6·6680 536·4021 ""' look111g tor 11 UNIQUE 11on Bkr 644-0134 1975 Skyltne. 12 x 54 Ho.,fl Unl1111udti H 0 ME AT A 5 r EA l upgraded tn/out I • • ••••••• •• •••••• • ••• • • 3 br. 1 oa, relurb1sneo in· ltvial 3Z44 w11 v11 got 111 bch Rent $ l7~~10 1Gt11111/ 3ZOZ side S600 mo Or1v11 by •••••••••• ......... ••• CENlURY 21 $14,000 DOWll s20.995 Call 646 06 3° ••••••••••••••••••••••I 2652 Santa Ana Ave. RHTALS Walk·h• Realty 'l Br luxury condo wl • 4 REllTILS I then cal~5 1•6226 2 10 4 t>Orms s1a111ng at 141-1010 µtush cc>•. tight, bright Da,J•x••/ Yearly·Weekly-W1n1e1 2 Eas1s111e Conoo 2 B• 1 , $850 10 $1000 1n11111or overlks huge ,. " I 3 4 Bdrms Ba lrplc ga1 age WILi TAKE PETS I E'SIDE HITS 15'-H · 1 h's cross Owner will carry a sub· stan11&t 2nds on these well mo1nt11tnod single story t & 2 bdrm units P1en1v of oft Street par- ~1ng • car garage At· 1rac11ve1v priced al $325 000 IU-7211 I ~ .. I f~~ '~~~'es .. ~;f,WJ!~~ •• R'!f!'.!!!J!!!.!.~~~I JAOOIS llEILTY s6501mo 54e-:i551 7 6 O. O 1 6 8 0 , bus PlDP Rent or lt!35e m1w1y r& ---IAllllEIEllT rage & large lenced IOI 2131556·3040 LAST modeled home w•th sto LIDO ISLE 171-1113 ~~m:::;•~tozro."'~0, :~1 T nts charming 3 l>drm oeacn home is 1n an e•· c ellent loce11on ve1y ctose to tile clubhouse I .ic1tv111es tennis & swim CHANCE HOMES FOR RENT A::.: 9~:~ 164:·~~341 Ba lge tenceo rear yard No to buy this beaulttul JI pets Waler a. gardener 't513CAMPIJ,l\..·l""".,E year old, 4 un11 apart pd $450 646-3627 w ""'" ment hoose 1n San Cle-•El TORO• $725 ., BR B mente w•tn ocean r111ts & Avail now 3 br 1·, oa ' 2 a. cpts orps encl II Ob' gar S750 No pets go course views at a *M ISSION VIEJO * garag11 oge lncd yd 675.6606 reel trom the owner De· EASTSIDE He11tage Park Ca1ttorn1a lore being listed w11n * H u N 1 1 N G T 0 N ~tomes 3 BA 2 BA dbl NP! '10001mo •O UO<;k tor pwr lloat av1111 S tOOO w/O CIOCk & $1700 w/ doc~ 760·39 10 . .... , blk to bch 1n1mac 3". bd 2 1>11 oar vt1 ooor;· 4832 River (BalOOa B~ PCHI tse $950 675·2'.l!JC• or 548·6622 :•' IAL. ISL IAYfRHT :; S&ndy bilach. ei.cel v1elllf, of bay 3Br 2 baths;! y e a r I y o r w 1 n I e r •'} $ 1500/mo 6•4·9513 '• ~ Npl Hgls 3 Br oonus rm 2' • Bo 5750/mo Agt 573.9194 Bayltont pier & slip 4 Bt & bonus 1m $3500/mo Agl 645·3200 HYfHIT COHO LUSE 2 BA plu5 Oen 3 oaths Spacious (2500 sq 11 1 Ava1ta1>le 1mmed1a1ely et. St 450 per mo Cath)' Scnwe1cker1 644·6200 ~Macnab ·lmna • . . I """II Features o unique circular fireplace bncl< pe110 4 lovely shade trees Completely private I 001m & 1 bath upstairs wtlh outside entrance p,.ced at S349 500 * Just st~ps 10 bay & 000 546-3375 lmmac e1dorabte flomt> 1 •N Rv PARKING $132 .Es• VERIE baacn EAcet financing ---------1---------.---------tremendous savings 01-Sl2S·S750 I $695 646·3672 I orokers Act NOw111 Cell BEACH * S700.s725 l corm t 08 plus ram1tv g;irage Pa110 rrpc 01w I ownere,(714)642·0138 im l arge detach gar tormat 01n1ng Ava1l 1m- lh • 11 on lh11; 2 Odrm 2 oath DRHI NOME! .... g~stom8~a0u11tu~~u~~14:n ~;d~~,i;at~o ~~:nD~,~~1 A~~:a!i~·o~~~.~ 4 Sl,000 H I 1116/MO. !~!!~!.~!!f!!!f.~.~~~ home. many many e• 1 call oorm home with retur Sparkling English Will trade 001 wide mobile tras $279.500 wllh 10% b1sned kite.hen and low Countrv Stvle w1view ot Lid R lfy home &/or 3Br house •YORBA LINDA• S700 w1lh alley access S700 mco1ately No pelS $850 $11111 A•• 3210 mo ,st last. Oep No mo 213 423 4694 •••••••••••••••••••••• pets Drive by 212 L•than EXECUTIVE .. OME 642-6368 12 Br ,., Ba Woodbridge NEAR sourH"coAsr Townhouse 30 Briar-NOOd $700 Agen t PLAZA 4 bdrm den I down owner wtll carry at -ma1n1eriance yard Own· massive grellnbell Q ea Tustin for partial Own 1n 12' 1°/e Jntere-\\ \I 11<1 Ho\ I Aeroma11c wood burning ~· •!I N•ll assist wit" hnan--67~7300 come p1operty (714) Roy MoOar~lt, Rltr. 11' ''"" In< cing 1001 See 11 soon' used Orick lirep•ace •n ,._ ___ ..:r_....;.~.;;._--..1 5!>7-9390 541_1121 ~ FIEAt l ..,T•.'~ Reouceo 10 s1n 500, gracious en1er1a1ner·s II· I "" 'l call 979.5370 vtng room Cenle1 you1 j-~~~~~~~~--TRAl_L_H_PAH VILLAGE lllYESTMEllTS MEW CAPE COD C.I . TOWIMOIE Decorator perfect. spa- cious 2 Bdrm, 2 •ba pool. 1ac. recreation area pvt patio oatcony & Tge garage Deco wall paper. orapenes & mer& U111 pd Call 67S·2311 54 1 -5032 ba lam1ly 1oom powder room Pool 1ac air St 200 m o i nc pool ma1nt 64 1·8284 t Br Conoo. :?nd lloor 38 Streamwood S500/mo Agent 54 1 ·5032 3 Br 1 • oa Ouple• nr Chmtmas tree around JASMUIE CREEi Travel Traller P11rk, 1 hr llEWPORT CR-EST-roch wood par1e11n11s & from Costa Mesa. near *coll.ERCIAL h h I d Plan 4 3 bdrm, 2'" ba lnstanlly home• Beau I•· •o sty e win Ow COY&· 2600 sq 11 Sale or tse Lake Pe1r11, 21 spaces. 2 1 PROPERTY* lull~ upgrade<l & oeco· rings Amazingly Brillsh opllon $339,000 10% houses. 2 76 acres. in· Turtleroc~ Conoo 2 Br 2 Ha 1 b o r & warner Ba 2 car garage swim· S650tmo 2 yrs old Wt ming pool spa, 1enn1• D1y1 incl Kids & pe1s 2• Y Fl • rated spacious 2 Br & ---w /11 s o wn sepere te I come $39.700 Owner I u r. lllOll& den 3 Ba walk 1o IM!ach FORMER MODEL Ml pan11y & laundry room dn or s2500 per mo on wllt tlnance wllow down 2 O• house & studio zo· & ieciea!lon racihties Mesa Verde btrO stree;s Twin ctose!S & massive option Xtnl ''" Full price $345,000 ned for art studio. gilt Priceo tor immediate 4 Bdrm family rm & master 5U1te + riewty 85 l ·Ol30 Owner/Agt 631-7370 or 549·3~6 shops, antiques, etc ' sale Seller will help 11• more Close 10 acnoots oecorated nursery 3, tO 30 to 5pm Cl)urts Unfurn $900 POS$ Ed Walls 964·6171 (714}54&-2001 3bd 2oa FrenchOoors. Furn S1100 553·0662 --Co11do•i11i11•1 u.1.1aidtd 3425 AGENT, NO FEE lots/wood & walpr No 2 l>O•m eno un11 on CM $795 incl gardnr c11eenl'lel1 • m ile to Li4t hrk/Furi 957·5880 I ~.~.~8~825 mo Ag• ..........•..•..••...• Owner wlll carry linen· nance Full price s239 shopping. etc Owner CH EERS F 0 R r HE ctng for 25 years 01:)1)' 000 751·3191 USISlt'd financing See II PRICE' ONLY S79,0001 TJUDITIO\,\l ~L\L"1' Lovely 2 Ddrm mobile Nice 1 l>d house. yrd gar NEWPORT BEACH-2Br 2Be fresh paint ava11 1mmed $750 mo Agl Jackie Handleman 631 1266 S135,000 Call 7S9·1501 now• $179 500 Calf w 11n $8,000 oow n or 752-7373 979-5370 $8 f5tmo pays 111 Cell nome in excellent Joce stO•«' a. ref rig $425tmo WOODBAtDGE S 1100 Pr ltOn $750tmo 190 Virginia Pl 493·0676 mo spacious 4 Br 2''* ~ Walker& lee AUHlll lllLLS la•k FtrtoltSllrt 5 yr old S & 5 Home 2672 sq It Pool wrth swrm up bu 1n cave $25.000 1>e1ow market 20% dn. 12 2v, tnlerest Agt. Jim 531·8100 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RC MIHOR VIEW llOllH UH,000 .\-l>ILI 11~·11 SPHUSS llLL AfAl T't' & 1r.i&VfST,.{fr.i l'C<i Spacoous lamlly home with upstairs game rm USTSIDE CIURllH Plus downs1a1rs lam1ly E•tens1vety remodeled 3 rm 4 l>Orms end 3 Br nome leeluring 1ge batns Immaculate mstr suit & balh gour· througnoot Large beau· mel 1<1tchen ano added 1tlully landscapeo pallo rumpus rm artist's be wtth badminton court n1no garag«-Cut-de-sac F100 can stay out o r st Asking $175.000 For Fest• CHTHY 21 WALl·IM RHLn Ul·IOIO DUPLEX Easts1oe 2 Br oupl~u wtlh new cpts drapes 11g yrds. good financing S13S 000 Devin Real Estate. 64:1 6368 P.o.o. trouble w•th his own en-a PP t t o $ «' e c 11 111 closed oog run 1723, 1540-1151 stands 101 Prooe o r Ow 400 1nc1uoes the land ..... rTr.r.lr."i"T:~ nershtp which 11 whet • ~ ~2 • J~i ;~I 1n1s lovely 4 bor pool • 673-4400 1~_;,,;;jl:,r?+' ; ,!_( home offers Also has HARB 0 R 1 :-:::: .. =·-=~=-=-=-~-:-:i excellent l1nanc1ng As· king Sl49 ,500 631-7370. 675·6766 $12,000 IOWI S1200 PH 110. LEASE OPTION HAHBOH HIDGE Custom V1l'W Hom1• $.~J lllHI 11ptt1111 1111mi•v I A.-.JnX>n~' •1 R.1th~ SI .!!l!l.[~H/ C M Huge quallly Ouplex 3 lrplc 3 gar copper plmb'ng $ 125K UIU· me1>te loan at 12•,. int S 175Kt ofr Agen t 642·9666 C t • /u t -I Ba lam rm trplc dining H a Ha I llrl MESA VERDE·48r, 2Ba rm Po11os nicety land· RETIREM ENT apt 2 1rp1c tam rm $800 mo scaped La~e pool ten· .4•111•••1• Fstaid1ttl Borm clean and Quiet 752·0759 559.4994 n•s privilege' ~0· 1327 •'·••••••••••••••••••• tocet•~~~':~h~I. 3 br 2 ba ommac. fitgh· 559·6188 otc 120-7373 I ~!J~'.J!!~~!.. .. !Z~ WOOd and glass in this 3 lands area No pets No L1•a•1 lt1t• 3241 2 B r 1 Ba patio ne"" Bd singles Rets $795 mo ••'••••••••••••••••••• decor Winter 10 June rm ln quiet toc11ton Call AnswerAd .r:679 HARBOR.OCEAN FRONT S600 on•tds util• Nr Nice balcony $900/mo 642 4300 2 3200 • • WATERFRONT HOMES . 4 hours Nu luA nm on l>lull South Bay 673·3458 hstsi4t C.11. 631 1400 Spacoous ( 1700 SQ 111 2 180 deg vu ot harbor House + 3 twnhouses · surf mtns 3br 3ba Modern Span15h 3Br 2ba. All With Frpl, gar. patios Ii/HI /dial JZ06 bd 2 l>a Cloning rmi '51.'Curtty uuna $pa Close to l>ay May rent owe 1Sl TO Suom1t on •••••••••••••••••••••• study Multl-teveleo $1900/mo 496-7009 unlurn avail 1•11 June ('I D P • T L g 3 B 2 B 1 townhome Frpl veulle<l I vrly 673·0571 o er m s Ag t 1 1 8 upper 0 ce1t1ngs pool spa $850 Clean 2 br !louse 1n VII· -641·0290 I Opl~ wllrpc yrly lease mo 673·9498 tage Frptc beam ce11 BAYFAONT 1 Br ut•I~ S 1" 50/mo Avail 1 1I 1 --yard & gar Kids/pets ok I paid no pets prkng:• Lo r a Va nce R I Ir Cute ltttle house Jor cou-$800 ,94.2576 y~arty $650 673.6640 • SAU IY OWIH Undivided '"' Interest on 673-4062 pie 2 B1 1 Ba S5001mo lltW1tOrt/la•Ortlt 15 units apt bldg 1n 548·6213John 4Br 2 Ba 2ooo sqf1 Topl l1l/H1 1 Huntington Beach, CA IAYFROMT ot the World S 1000/mO I I · J 3101 3 Bdrm 2•, ba, family Call 7 141960-241 1 10, Sandv beach excel view 2 B•, Iba duple~ Garage • 661·3653 I HlllS• 1 room. pool Buy for $75. information o t bey 3 Bi 2 oaths, & stove Avail 11 11. no ;;••••;t•••••9••••• .. OOOBELOW MAAKETat --------yearly 0 , w inter pets SS25&dep Calllor tMEAALD BAY 3 Br 21 inter ental 2 5 r pool 1 $225.000 Pvt patty. TIUPLEX $1 500tmo 644·9513 •PPI 1952 Meyer Ba 1700 SQ It lrplc ~ouse71obch S 50 Playa p 1 t n c 1 p •Is on I y 549-3484 b• 1ck patio, wtth spa E 6 3· 1900 __ 662·7367 836·0784 CISTlllll l1/IH1 'F~n h , Sl600 t mo OCEANFAONTDELUXE Beautlluny remodeled & :::::::::= e.pendect Porloflno Plan • with a super tocallon 1>1cked to the nature park Hardwood floors, lovely masler Sulla w / walk·ln closet Fabuloos coonl ry kitchen CBll for an appointment to see Spacious 2Br. 2 ' rBa home wilrplc •lr!I lg 2 car garage Pvt w1.ie cellar or dark rm Lg oa110 BBO & spa Only TRADITIONAL REALTY eves XLIT FllAIOlll ,,.;.,•/• 3Z01 b~ ctp~u!~~r 8 3 r:f~: ~l'l~ 2 I 3 I 8 7 6 2 2 5 5 o 1 Furn quiet trg w1ntei. ? RESIDENTIAL Or c •• •••••. •••••• ••••• ••• a f ti d 675·3067 J 1en1als 675-4688 1ve by 125 learbrook, 'Penin Pt 5 BA 3•1 be II r em 'I con o, no ___ _ INCOMF. UNITS then ohone ownertigt I OR Jrg PlllO s·1200 mo. Pets S 7 5 0 Ag t 2 Br 2 Be Charmer Mice 2 Ir ltst/afif. 144-IOIO --- ~-.· WESTOLIFF llUIH YllW •ILLS IHE JAH Ou1e1, perk·llke setting Rm ror paddle tennis ano pool Great tor oreherd Cut d• sac st 3 Bdrms Fam rm S379,500 8'4-4110 FILLEllTll/lllU 2 Br Ova~ Ridge Condo wtlh wOOdsy etmosphere & wat .. talla Oecoreted like model 1200 sq tt 1 $ 119,000 offer Owner 951·1344 or 529·3798 &fl 5 S 12 000 down & S 1200 1---------- per mo Assumable 30 year 11111!0 rate loan at 12•,•1. Open hoose datl}' I l ·8PM Please Ull l>ltr ~6-5680 or 631-4587 MUST SELL 3 Bdrm & poot Cenyon vi-As· king S 117 000 Try S 12 000 down Bkr 848·0709 Two p1c.pemes avallaole tor details on ettr1ct1ve I 10 mo .Agt 873•9060 646·4380 64!>-4765 woodsy & pr1ve1e Cate· Furn $650/mo 673_4743 20·2!i'lo down owner fl. 1nve11men1 opp1·y rel· Ho se Ith --s470 lina view hple w/d re - nanc1n9 hall block to ttstically prtoed $224 ooo Oceenlron1 2 Br 1 Ba u w garage frtg no dogs n1 WOOds Coto•• itl #11 3122 beach all units 2 be· Prlce&termsnegotleble lrplc S800tmo 1nctds ~=c!i~i'r"yw~i~c~~~n~ Cove 1st ptus sec j •••••••••••••••••••••• d rooms 962·81111 ullls 673·130!_ 1 Jew neighbors ktds pets $900/mo 499·1617 Oceen view. bHulllull)' The F1neS1 Selection/ ~::.~0ggo-s 235 OOO 10XllllSI Ocean front yrly 4 oorm I no tease needeo easily II I I • 3Z61 ~ &10p';7.~0~~~~~~~ MESA WOODS I Story Ll•ll!I RE.Al ESTATI 2 car garage ano hOI lub yours BEST Riiy lee .!.'!t'!! ••• !~! ......... I 673--0896 !h llTEREST or tfl·levet •Bdrm home • 2 Bdrm duplex on E s1oe 675·7650 539·6190 l<..-ely •Br 2 Ba crpl 1111 ----- Sl,000 HWI Best terms from S 17 4 •S37 OOO• has lust been complele4y Ctttal it/ #11 JZZZ FrH uttltlles S350 retre-~tg, 2 car ger numerous Co1l1 lftll 3124 HOO PH MllTM 500 Bkr 8411.0709 UNDER APPRAISAL ~edonet ~hr "-· •••••••••••••••••••••• sh1ng 4 room home luds ~~;/ g~esoa:oebnlker"oNmo F~;~·~·b;,;~··;;,~··;39; .. ESA VERDE AEPO Presllglous Versailles ,.. ••• Ila, -.ftt, 4 Br 2'+ Ba FA DA g -k com 1 t k ICNI Br ng 0 r I d ... Lg I "" Pee 1 n de-pets • 10001mo •va11 ano "P Enc gare~es I y u rien or Se1v1ew Condo. 2Br. ..,,,, z~oo view Comm .. ~. ten I c 539 6 .. ,.. 2 v pa tn & h Jorm DR 3 br $155,000 • 'I' """" • con area an • 190 Oct 1st S48-6089 I 10 N-pan Blvd M r er s are this 10 dn Agt 546 7739 2Ba. trptc. balcony. 24 nr •••••••••••••••••••••• nts S 1200 mo Ownr BEST Riiy tee 548·4968 spacious 2Br 2''>B• guarded gate Appraisal FOR RENTI 759-8006 3 br 2'> ba plush condo hOme wtfrple & an xtra lg Fo••t•f• Vf/JfY 1034 $179.000 Will lake 1 Prtvale & secluded pool nr water. posa boat slip Free bacnelorette. ex· 2 car garage Pvt wine ••••••••• .. •••"'••••••• 'l42,000 tor Quick 1118 Br1nd apankl"Q new eve-with 4 Br house all the SllSOtmo change tor baby1tt11ng cellar or dark rm Lg •S15.000• s 108.000 essumabte 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 rywfler~ 3 bdrm 2'> ba other amenities trpte dbl 675.1938 651.8394 ano work 5•5--0034 A.- patio, BBO & spe Only UNOEA APPRAISAL loan Call anytime, Au· stories tn Twin Pe1k1 1n Garage, pa110 SI 000 garege & more $700 lam :S6.000 down & $600 mo 3Br. 2'119a, 1650 eq ft I gus1 Capllat 1195-lOl l Lake ArrowhHd area mo 607 Iris 64 1·4868. 8 ES T A 11 y cos T DELUXE 3 BA 2'• b11, 2 Cleen I Br furn college no pell, 11e1y prr11a1e,. $435 tnclds all uttlsr 548-0522 lor a 50% Interest As· twnhse, •Int aree, IP· Has 1>ullt·lns & fireplace 777·2233 873-4399 539·6190 sty. toe front yard & sumable 30 year llud p1atsed $135.000 Wiil S LOW llWI S Flrsl. lest & oapo1ll rt· CtrtH ••I lar EtSJOE 3 br. 2 ba, 2 cai uPSllllrS patto Neer rate •oan 111 12· ... ·~ Open tal\e S 120,000 for quick 10.~ dwn. lmmac 3 Bdr q u Ire o c e 1 J I 7 1 4 ) beach fst & lest. 1ecu· house daily 1 I ·6PM Hie $91,500 euumable 7 6 e. o 2 8 6 0 r ( 1 1 .) Nearly new 3 bdrm, 3 l>a gar, lncd yard. $750 mo r It y st 1 OO per mo NEW PRICEt An 11>un· dance of reasons to buy Conven1enUy 1oc11od Three bedrooms Open I floor plan Poot and spa JUST REDUCED S 13,000 .. Now $424, 000 ---------· P 2 Ba, 3 car ger. putting ~ 2 11 1 2 Avall 1 111 O n leasecallbtcr646·5680 loan Cell enyttme. Au· ~rn 1375 000 PLUS 667·0657 weelcOay tvO· rtpect1. car g11r w e u 631-5661 5375 mo Oh: mobile Are you planning a mo1197~~o~r~6~3~1~-4~5~8~7~~~~~ _o_v_s_t _Cap_ll_al 995. t01I. • · nlnns •lier 6 "m 11 no Balcony G1rdtner, wtt agent call 644-8088 N Classlllect eds wlll point eslblull 3 Br 2 Ba, spa, ... " bu tc L 3 Br. 2 story townhouso 2 home o ptts Qutet. I you In the right direcllon H•atl•it•• only S 18.000 caah dwn. ~rytnswi°', please le eep S 13So'" pe~o:~ve ease • • beths. pwder rm Voty sBecur6e 61llg 1 Newpor1 'Claulfled Ada. your one· lo lino the home you •FOAECFILXOESAUAE I J"~O N o quallfylng Only nQ 55t-4693alter6PM D1a1 lolal 3ZZ6 P•t . comm poor lvd 4 -8373 131-lJOO •top 1hopplnn ~ter n~... 6'2 uo79 • fU V'I $229,9951 John Zarvo·. VIEW LOT CIOM to l•ke-. ••••••• •••••••••• •• •• • $900/mo, 673·8856 H • ...:,.._. .. ,. ~.:__ · '""' ~ • .,., BrlnQ pall'! brush -seve •••••••••••••••••••••• Bkr. 760·9669 ~ stream• I nd aid 11 .. """-: 28•. 2B• dram111tc apll1· lr .. 4 ••• ltt•H ••11•11•• S 15 ooo SS ooo dwn no ti TIE IOI " -.... 1e~1 ·k 111 f Jc D p Wea1ctut area. avail . 3 BA lfl .~ 31~0 • · • · ner 1Jn1nclng. $69,500. •v • par M ng. rp • ana oint Welklng dis· t 'I' qulllllytng low Int Htu· la•k Farttlellrt PHl NII Agt. June Lake Prop dbl remote gar dr $985 lance to Beech 3 and 4 2 Ba. dbl gar. lplc $925, •••••••••••••••••••••• m eble In Catt anY11me. 2 story, 2 bdrm 1'11 be lea•t. l•tst IH 7141848-7505 mo Avall 11·1 2700 bdrms $950 10 11350 grdnr Incl Elaine. TOI IEIERYE IT! .Augu11Capltat895·101t buch -Condo CO·OP Cuilom 4 BO & FA•----------Beylldt Or Shown by per mo 661-3100 548•1232.545·5963 Beautllul&parf\llltew•tl'I ' Pool, 11una. w eight o looking pvt pool. O•t ti C•••IT •PP1 67S·8675 House . Conoo, Apt All New t>eachfron1 homo 3 lerra~ pool. room. sub parking Oruatng rm for kids lttNthl ZSSO 2 br 1 ba. garege Avail 8 v a 11 8 b f 8 n 0 w Br 4 Be, furn $2250/mo, •SpaCI0\11 Apts Octan end Pier View Guest hM hu own llv rm •••••~•·"•••••••••••• Nov 1 1850 427'~ Iris s 6 5 0 • S 9 5 0 unturn $2000 C1tl Mra • Prlvete Ptllos L11ted 11 S HJ<J.000. $85, wl lplc & klnQ t:z bdrm GREEN VALLEY LAKE 730·9999/875-88 l7 71 41493--0467 Long 973. 1190 •Cove<ed Perking 000 under m1rka1 All Dlrll"Q kllch & bl, Great MOUNTAIN HOME ------•Dining Area cash or new fin Grtat pkg for gtl•. ~~ 10 Ne11t to n1t1on11 fort1t, DvP,.• nr t>Ch 2 bd. 2 b•. f. I V. II 3z34 ISll50tmo 2 Br tux condy. •Wilk tn Closets opp'y tor eomeon. wtlO $320,000 Ruth Laurie, titting, boating, ttc 381, trpl, g1r. HP yro. no .~~.~!'?.~ .. ~ .. V....... ovetlk1 huge park Av111 •Home 111111 Kitchens can act 1111 Agent Allr 646-4390. 645-4765 kflehen & ·~. lndry rm, llv pet1 U SO 8CQ.7742 Why throw away rent Nov 1st no P•ls, non·I t blk to Hunllngton 531·8100 Alk lor Jim rm. rec rm, 2 lrplet. when you ctn own 4.3 11 m " r C • 1 I J a a nj Center 1r1nsport•llon & Algl\elmer i v.ea. completely fur. • ..... ¥11W ltlll w/$1200 10 $2000 P•y· 760--0163, 2 131556-3040 lrwy• ltU.ltl I '1IW nr1hed Good Income NB. Lovely SpKTove. 4 men11. S175K • S215K, e.eul 1ge -.a;-hm In mg ITILmH fRH S!lBdGtrt, !! 9 1aU, ,.01 11 yllHI, 3000 Lease opllon thll 2 bdrm property or 2 fem home bd. •3'1t ba. wllrg t>onu1 move In • taka ove1 • Cenyon w/cullom POOi. 1 Bdim From 1~ 15 ~ ~,. .r home tn prim• locallon. 1-887-3534 rM., wet bar Lrg yd w/ ehart epprtclallon. call 1 p 1 L 1 k e n t w ' 2 Bdrm S6l" aq 11 + QV9t 900 9<1 11 Could be drtem rttlr• 1urroundfng p ello Sue et 8111 55S6 > to expend Some OCffn ment home or excellef'lt .,,, ,,,,,, GlrdM pd, I 1500 mo • 714/844-9804 8·5 M-F 1 LA QUINTA HERMOSA view. 1 btk 10 btach 1t1r1er tiome wl1h room l1ttil••f Ull 780-8708 or 875·2t44 Spaclousexecullve4B;l 8B 3B 1 1 16211P1rklldtLn,1 b"' S2115,000 F P Set~ to expand Owner wlll •••••••••A••••••••••• Ba hOme. 2 s10r"f, new w~'tk 1~ ~d~ 9:'hoopf ~ay, W ot Beach, 3 blk1 5 .. ~ • "••I• .. _, JJ·•~ p11n1 & c•--tl"", nr •• ,.... p.ng, of Edl""'er 84 7·"''41 ln •di houM 11 2oe 15th INN option or l\elp wlth arhllr ~~ •••• ~':: •••••••••• ~! 8 P -~-.. ., "".... $1800 mo LM conlld• .. ., .,.. St 538· 1718 linenclng '318.000. ...rtrfft I I J q Uk " shopping red. Agt 873·3002 LHHf ••d 3141 142•1200 Wiii lrade large equity fQt Frplc, ra~~ •• ~=;O, ga I HS/rno. '759• tOlS u•ltll ftffl ••'••••••••••••••••••• TWI 11111111 01enge Co. rncome pro-,. ... 11.,,.. ·-Luxury etudlO, ,, .. HBO.· 1!.; •• tw•lltt, H•h ,...ty Prln. only. Ow-1 1•711•. no Ptll Prtv1la •-,, Jz~o Pla11 4. 3 1><11m. 2•.; b• phone, maid HtY, spa • • I L t ...... ...... 60/mo. ,,, Piil• MC -'I' 2800 IQ II LH/Optlon $ t30 wtl 499·3015 •••· • • I wtllaltoleMt wlopOon only.848W. 18th 8 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1sOOmopJu1 l 1.ooo' --••atlt. THiii, '"''I 213·592-4906 499·1817 Spolltu 2 Br ellachtd mo toward• prlc• ofl 1 Br ••P· r ear unit utra tltH. 1111, dbl gar, W /O hookup, ,339.000, xlnt lln Stove/ralrlg, urn 1nc1 000 .... , lull/I 2 BA 1 Ba duplu, pvl 1600 & $500 "P Oui.t <>wn.t/Agl 851-0130 $315/mo ltt/1111. !~~i:iiiii~~~ii= ·•-•••••••••••••••••••• Piiio. new pain!, $648 nr f:wy & 11'\0pplng. Smt 4 9 4 • 4 6 1 3 0 c ltt·UIO j; •••HI f•nltiN mo. 833~81112 ~ti pou wl d•P MC· S.Nlttt I 14r• 2 131884·0228 Grtg .. • • • 1 """""' •••••••••••••••••••••• • Br. 2 81 M ... d.i Mar. •ddtn nr B••ch 81 TOWNHOUSE Xlnl aree. Worrell. • NU knocll• Often wnen you ,,,.., ci.an h~. (llJ1411 atr .. t. 193 ... 894 Community Pool. Ci.an. -,,,~ .. -'r.!-,-... --,.--,-,-,....: Clou to oo .. n 3·3. uM r"ull·oeulng Dally l••l•••ll JllT I 8 O O m o O w n r 2Br Condo. 1•~11. cpte/ toP condition MOO mo. •••• • •••••••-•••••• :rn11 11200 to S2000 Pllol Cl111lflad Adi to •••••••••••••••••••••• 75t ·800e drp1, poot, I~. clbhM, kb, Agt 644°1440 4 br. 2 1>a. wlauncteott a K to'2t 81< Mo¥9 tn r..cfl 1~ 01einoa eo..1 WIHTIA Xlrl targt, 2 2 It tea patio anclld no pell 1 516 mo 3 a 2.17115/mo. I bale 40' to b eacf\ • l•llt Over •h•r&d tP· mllfktt bdrm, ()Qeenlfont 2 Pl· garage fef1oed carpet• 78f.'7833 2 & 2. 1146/mo IHOtmo yrty e.t&-03.a pre~l•tlon C P'ln1nolng Phone &c2-6t18 llOt. oorMr lot New tum, & or-No~. 1526 2 ar dplx ocHn vi-Ht va 01ntrt Fr•d Tt · OC£ANrAONT 1ato-3 er :;~·&S~t I ll Sue at Ctpt .. cir~ H 7·3t 70 l>IUI MCUtlty 648·6442 "50. 119 'HunllnQ1on s1' nor a , 8 3 1 • t 2 8 8 , 2 Ba wtntlcl"'tf '19. pal ti ----• 83~~ ~0·5829 538-3894, M1·7'"22 931-2711 Wint• UM> e7~-M40 t • I U:.8.4A~e!u .. ~~r IOI 11 JO lldy , .. 1 111 lhtt IAILY PILOT SUlYICf DllllCTOllY 00 ll NOW1 Asll ftr SHll11 You1 Dt11ly Pllt>I Se•¥1Ctl 0116'tOrv A11presontdt1vt1 142-Hll, t1t. 322 ~!.~~'!!!'!l.~!!'.~!!~".t Additions carpe111ry. ma· sonry design <l1td c1r al 11r1g BBO s e1c Dove •94 IOO'l e~t 724 E ~pe11t111ced Carpent11r Remodel/ Add-0111 Reµair 760·2685 548 8654 ~.".~'!!!!'!r. !!!!!!! .•.• so•. OFF FIRST MONTH Oependabre. ello•dllUhl .. ssen11a1 Answer111g serv1c11. secre111r1a1 & bvs1n11ss services mail boll rental word proces sing Te•e•-Facs1m1le order entry pagers·le11se ouy. dusk space rents! ANSWER NETWORK • 631-9131 f8S~ 101 AV J ~!!.~~!~ •.......•.•..• 011veways. Parking .01 Repairs. Seelcoat1ng S&S Asphll 631-41 99L1c Dan Halloerg Grading & Paving Co ReS1com1 LtC 397804 842 1720 ~!!!!~!!! •••••••..•.•• Our olloces handle all areas OI law Prompt courteous servu:;e FREE consvllellon 549.9335 lessianal Service Direclary f"rJ /~!.1!!~!.1;tiA.~!!!!~~ ••. 1 ~!!!!!'.~1."J. .~!~~!~~... 1!.•.t.-.1.'.1!~1. ........... ~!!!.'.".~°A ...•........ I ~~~!~nA.............. ~~l!!!!{~~~!!I ....... . JAY:. !>PLAK(A~Y Nu"'"""' Nn "hot111111"1 llr:.1Uf N llAI IN I Ill I''"" ''"'''""'" 4 h '" 111"11 IN•• "'"''"'''"'"I 111111111111 ""'•"" wollo t ~J t «S 14 I tltW 1·~~•' ~h., t I•~'~ U\t OJV '"*'.' tuont 'uhH t'H Hatno1 ~•• t1e1h1 h4 t tt1111\ 1i1h1 .. Pnunpt I'•'• t~Jlh v11w tttt1tttl YY< m1t.IHh «H ~~!!~ .~!~~~!'! ....... . lllUIM I f S<;Oti' 11111111111) "' Y''"' 111J1hty Ml~I'! Nel '•"" II 11 0)(J0 I Atty t>c.' aate>t1 Pon bto t.,t.tll\ •.1un. u111at f "'' !J,f.,Nl '' f u•,, ._,, '"'V" up., t 1,1 .. t•Hutt1h1y f , ''" I u ., 11 u1 h '• 1tt11 t1 f"""" I 11w11 "~PJ.tltt" will rnak" I . rxc 1 1 L Anrn t'ARr llt.~1 woo m 1~;o u~u 1 AWN MOWtNI•, rnv I t-1lM """~ v1111 101111 1111v11h1 1101111) ~11·11~1u p • 11 l ook .. ,,,,.. J L ft II D I t v n' f ' .. u '" It H ... I •t I • ~!!' •• '!I ••••••••••••.• ••••• ~ •• ••'•••••••••• th.. u 1nuton If.WI/ Nnitt 'h•11••11tt fuu• f te•~ Heilill• ., .. " 41 tl'; l.ullll)UltHlltlll lluui.i-1u1 o .. 110!1 opll••IUI •• ••••••••••••••••••• "" tl.CU 1111~~ 11611 /4 /11 ······"··············· Fl•f 'll•Tl•G $ I llllHCI u1111c.I ...... tug w.111 ... 1111 ... 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TRI( IAN p, It lld H•ndr••n I r)•oHl•ly ( 111111111111 Itelµ •• l.IJMML ltl.IAl IHJMI II WAI Lf•Af'r HINC.. 4(J u111 WAhlllllHll'!• 'n'> w,.11, l,v'1tl wv,k l H 11(,Jht frutJ ~~tlfndt•J 0 " ••••• •••••••••••••••• , htu11• J.lof'J Wt;CJ ,.~.,~> I ltlJ'-jlNr.~-.'-· w., d•.t N lfl c ,\~'''''''' wor ... ,.,H l''JI ' ~ c I jtl,10'>7 nui, !>AT 2GlfJ lttlUtl w 'null! ,,,i,~ (,Ull)tJlllry M11••Hlly I 1l11w~ 1ur1• llul> I I I l!ll~4 H...... '.luvu '•41 41111 AI LA., llJMUlNC, II lt11ea1 MOlllL( S(l4\/IC( ft*•Cr tl<!tl.,N""' >t:reer1\ NlllC.M c.nly 1,,4i •1'1~;. ~r!!~~.'!!! ........... . f l LA 'f II !,p11n ... ter• L anOM.llJO Ov•rl!lllH I '1Jli "731 Tilt •·•·••·······••··•·•·· Ill£ INC,lAI l rr, All K111d• G.uu• .1n111ao A,.1, J<rhh H40 9J I 7 T111 Sflviu ·•··•··••············· \LOW HAil'> S T '"" t111n/rvn1()J t lttt111 OJfJt mow111g ' •,4 70 t / .!!/.'!'..1l ............ I •i: J96Gl 1 til:l OJ':>\/ I noul111u 1•11.1m1J111g 11~KPnf. 11 MAIU'.> H•11l1t11Q ~p11c.q1111u1g on EAp.i11enceo Ct11i>er111i1 ., P•Ht ""'" 11 <. ""'"11 ' lllyw.111 """ 111 r ''" l •VF 1N tll4l v WKI Y L1ni1c1•int Ii« H tr>A i l'AIN r I IME' 1"''""' t,4<, !686 Demu1111on 10 Fin11h worl. Nwl)I C' M • .,.... l ll 0 Ell c rn1("tAN llHlllOllltl 111 t.41; \191JO \11010 StJ•lfll .... A11un<;y ········"·· •••••••••• I j 1•~ Al~u ridll '""~ II ~ C,AVF s ~0·1. •0•1. r.u.'.o!f~I. ••••..•.••••• 760.2685 !>48 8654 1969 l 1111 now II ~lWI' ()u"I wo1 .. /Rt!D:> 111tu~ l 11 ct llornhtO 1J I j ~000 10 'HIS UCI' lt11vl1111) 111•1• "''°""' Ao Uf o '1U 0 t ltl l'hl"'""'UIHeat • .,7 1703 MUSI •· I u t • (i4~-u:.1; HC<' ll•I 6:11 50?/ l.11µon1fy l.t•l11rn1lh 1111111111110. l1111<Ji••Jlllll(1 • \1.1u1&1<' ' • 1'11111111 Oouul Clc11rn111u 1.1.1~1um 11vr1Ut Llow11no I Ur•>lhl'•~ c.1111~1 PAINILH NlC ll~ I C>Ulll lu~t r~1n/f.l)mm Ouy/ovc SS & $1(11111 A11mull & Reoaors Free est Lo rates Decks, Pl· C~ild c.,~ uo StliVtt 752·9556 •••••••••••••••••••••• E 1<pt11 carpenter doe~ addlll0!1$ <AmOdtJIS oecks Sl<yllghts & rtt pa11' Free est 01111 962·0815 Master Cr1tts•a11 hmsn & rem ol crpnt•y Relerences <199·3 IO!> FREE ESTIMATES! Reasonable pnc:es. last proless1ona1 wor k custom wo1k 100• No JOI> 100 small ot too 1>1g1 Ca b•nets, ~11c.nen remodel & 11n1sned carpentry elect 1 plumb / cabinets• counlt1rtops l Oo eve•) tn1ng trom stall 10 l1n1sn• Call Brad at (71') 111-32&0 I f ~!l.'.1• !!!.''if! •••••••• Snampoo & steam clt!on Color b11gh1eners w ht crpts tO mon bleacn Hdll. hv/d1n rm$ S 15 ilvg room S7 50. couch S tO. cno $5 Guar elom pet odor Crpt •epaor 15 yrs eap Oo wo•~ mysell Reis 53•·O101 Loo ... ong l<Jr alnt c.h1ld Cdfe'1 In my COSld Mt1~d 11orn11 lull llmt' only S40 LUllLll 111141<. ... S, l LC Liil .ta 75 t 2142 l•c 11rn111y oav care lo• t holdren up IO 5 Y'' F T p T s I 50 hi Nullll•OuS n1eal5 II snoc~s We~t thlf N B 646·9028 f!!~!'!!'~.~~!~~~~~ .... COMMERCIAL HOME BUSINESS w e do .. 111 oows 1001 Roo 54 7 ·268J Coal1atto11 C1a111l ···········'·········· R.J. M11tf•111 I $011 Loe. 306888 RemOdel AO<l ns Cd1>1ne1s 646·8586/645-4644 Custom Aemod Aod ns Free e~t Ouahty 2nd lo none• Banoe1 Con~t Loe ol 18570 548 427 I f ~!.1!."!. ~~~~~~~~~'!f. Kot remod cabinats vo deo ente1ta1nmP11t un•I~ fret! t!SI 642-088 I f'L r c. rn1CIAN Sml 1ob11R11pt111s L 11 233 108 c. 10 548 ~203 AES101C,OMM L INO )0 yr s Ou my uwn wmi. l•C "7H04 I Al li46 8 116 (l.,i; Serv1c.i II ~on~lnic 11011 lo rttte• Free e~11 mdtes Lie 3:1J2 t 7 551-t 7 J8 84 7 4 1 14 !~!'.C.i!'J. •••••••••••••• A&K FENC..( w ood & Chlllll l111k Hus 111dlCom !>48 S49J ~40 77!> I WOOD ff NCEStGA I ES 1nsta11eo & Repaort'\l Free est Gary 499-1724 ~!!!.r.~~~t •••••......• Elti<.l11cul 1111.1 11 l.o111pl M ood :.iurv11,t1 6'16 (l'i!>!J WUlll\1 10 y•~ tlAIJ 1111/ 1 ~3 / 43/8 G(; Mo Moruu11 t,4•, '11/b Roi\ 0011 9116 0149 1'101 Uont111(1 hl\'d .. At Arou:.llt ta1l111Q' l •<. I Yl.>3·5 474 11(! T , S , HOME IM,ROVUIHT IJN1<..1 r AN SY!, I ~MS r vr s l ANO'.>l,AP1Nr.-1f1t,180 Fr•"' "'' ' R1innll111 .11.'.aA •• !!~!~! ...... . "' Nwpt f1<.h 8~0 i200 '-t1rnot ~"'" t\ h~t!Gtnq t>1•v1~ Pc1111t111~ d4/ 1186 ••••'••••••••••••••••• f fPINC, f:ifi.-~rt 'Yf""U .,1 REPAln Pl UMl!lNt. ""'""' 4 re"'" b4b 75~1> AC HAINuU I I ER Luol).,nlly l'luc. 111 .. r ..... Uuul•ty ..,Ol k w11n I.I Ptll Q I'> t•~ ... p ''" ~ ..... 11 111y I "'""U\C.lll)I) l t<rm "" "!I' HtJih b4!1 28 11 ~011111 lout.II Uu<.helor IOltJ t.oimtry llJlltl~1.01pe•• i;11c.o& Ellt> !i111t1111 fi•HI Ur1nOHd·ins·hc; 0jU/b4 IJ f.! r S SI •,Ci I•" \l I' Ok CM Irv HB Beth A11y111111g <1ut~1du lhu li/1 6477 661 884{1 r,., .. u61 1 !J24 58:i!4 '·411 2:tJ7 S&1>dr.1 ltCuncRumuO &Repllll el\009.3J •tlllllll 64')'1'o'l71 R/""b ' W'd CJ C11rµu1111y .. ,.,L µa110~ 4 . 61'i 6058 SPIRIT PAtNTff<::. .!.!'!!!.!'!! ............. ~'!.~~ .•• ~~~!~f .... . OtH.k S All you• homu HOUSEWORK 1.u.,1um "'' e•I •WI ""'b I IJRN1lUkf-1<ll CABS Let lt•e Su""''"' .. '' ownur 11t1uu:. free est J L1und1v ServitlJ ~, .. 11!>l11c11on ou,.,111111,.,0 c 1 1 <.. 11 c. KtJ111l 646 41>72 I WANTED •••••••'•••••••••••••• l '' w '"I ... , t I 1 11 ·'> rro """"e" rt"Ja11!> a .,u••Shon,. W111dr..w I ""fl ol 1JU1fl\j htulltl<y' I 4 IO 6.l46' !JOClr'> Jl)t• 61"J 146'J ( lttdrllflQ ll<J ',4(j 811'. I JOHN l HE llANOYMAN Holl II loltl 11111111 wu)to R S . <'0' • Mcir.tnl f [J1~c.oun1 "i 0 1 dd b 1t11Jll qullllty """""weir~ t d M 1 p · uume ltVI CI I ,...urn 1ng utu .. o 10 ~ •11n uon ... ,,,u Ut"' 1'1.e11no •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 t-.tt Ae~io icomm 1 lt't!est1malll~G38 4 tt6 E•1a;rnitic11CI lluµcnda E µRem• b42471!/ •• ••••;,.•••••••J••••• n f c " n1., nc.•11J~t '"'"'"II""' ' .. r """'"0 l11tt'11cir Ott~•un ., ->IJMES I roe f'~t 20• mo1<1t•'1 FLAT RATE-DAY or r All MISC JOBS INT1EXT PROMPT INSlALLA flONS CHE I 642 9006 me11culou!i llt!Atbhl I .. m M HAfllGINC:. ·<;TRIPPING Prc11t·~s1cina1 <.OnliOtlntull •l•~ount 644-4798 I he ll es I p ti 0 II .... ~!~!'!Z'.............. V•~·· MC 5tcitl 64~ 9325 C,)11 63 ' 8000 l·----------b 73-7012 <1ltt1o 6 P M UAIC.KWORK Sn•.lll 1cill!i R f ' ' ,.ttekuay" All <Joy S;ilur N1•wpw t C.u>111 Mi.•,., A~l1 l'A PFFlHANC.INC. •• o.o_ !'!/ •• •. • • • • • • • • ••• Oay and Su11d11y Irv int' f~eti. (, 1!> 117'.. 7 '11 '> •or al t'llJ GuiJ• Hu1Jer Roofing all tyµes TREES roppoo •emove<l C1ea11 up lawn renov 151-3476 l•---------•11 yuu want yow nousr> Hulio• AfALLY CLEAN c.a11 ••••••"'••••••••••••••I L1ndd 669 0'3 18 Good ~~~!~f .............. . *A-t MOVllUi * w1Hk Pric••I start "' NeN •&1.01er dttck~ I $8 1011 AltJr 7 !>I 1027 l iL 4 I 180(> S<48 9734 1u11, L.11L~ "''"'5 P101 ROOF' For Ad Action Call a THE HUii SCENE lawn-troo·shrub mstJll free trnn/removal Lawn M11int/Rotl)l1ll1ng Ftee estimate 548 6065 Garder11110 L&ndscaµ111g vard ma1n1011once clean vos 11ee mm & removal I Frtte e~111nale~ ln!>ured 642 4889 DUMP JOBS I At!h & Small Moving Jotis Call MIKE 646-139 I f;Al)llfltll1Ce0 llOU&Mkt'llj:Jllr w.1111s wor• HB Fin Vl'f HAULING GRAOINC .iroa Reis 842 !>485 o .. moh11on Llea11 up Conc.•elt! II t•ee remove! M '"'" Oe11.i i. C1t'an1119 0011.0. st11v ti-'2·7638 1 Liu vacanc1e~ rentals & PROF SERVICE llllllhng yoct clean up Ou1c~ & c.lean Free e$1 673 0548 '"~ocJtJlll.t!S 530 1324 t!OUSEClEANING Also win<Jows ai.µh" Reas 662 2674 """~ I op quality 25 yo eaµ Cc1noptll1t1ve 1 dies No uv1" 11me 730 135J Wallp.ipenny (I s111pp1ng ROILEM? M,111y r1tfE!le11co~ Pdul OIJtt I 't' •OOI re11a11 ••I I 8':>1 28'.IU 8 r, 7 o ' t e t , " '· ' ' , " " r ' o ' i I ABt. MOVINC. I' •IJt•ll A(llltOVflfllt\) "' IJu•t~ Cd11•lul Ser .1~e stall .. tion Rt'il!i p1ttes HOOF INC. HEPAoH<, Low •di!!'> !>!>2 0-110 1 Co11su11an1 A~''li"m .. r11 Srtt • tOIJ\ 0 1< F•e1; <;l ARVING t.OLLEGF ~8 t 11!>!10 ~~·:,~t~!:;i.~;~/ '1" <I' <; ruOEN Is MOVING W1• •Jill ' snu nano IOQe C.O Loe. T ''4 436 lllt:• Hang ,ali>c.1 Up-Nt•w ''' t<.i·M1' Clas~1hed I tosur ttd f,41 8427 lt<Jl~lt'• wdlh 83'!·0730 I <an '11111> 11.Ju O•tl!tl many 1 /vA 1(;.H US GROW' dnyltn•f' c.I ,01.11 r·eed~ b42 5678 for your old aofa DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 1 1,000. Sell your no-longer needed items tor cash. II 1t doesn't sell. we'll run rt another 3 days FREE One item LINES DAYS Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 • per ad. must be priced Sorry. no real estate or con1merc1al ads. Call today for lull details. CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (Non -refundeble. E1tre tlnH 11.00) AHtl•tnl• Faraishd Ap1tl•eal1 A,.,,,.,.,, • '• •••• • •••••• ••• ••••• U•l•ra is•H Ua/0111is•ld A111tm1a 11 I A111t•ea ti Ual•rais•ld U•la1ai1•1d A'iJ'ila~s 11 d I ~.o.O.'!'! •.••••••••• !.~q~1~-l.'!~'.I!.!~ -~~!.r!.!.~q~ 1~!.".~~l!.'!f~~!!!.. !.~~~!~!!~~~-~!~!~! .... !.~q~ NtrtHtl ••• ,. 311f • ••••• •••••• ••••• ••• • . • ••••••••••••••••••••• ····'"•·· ••• •• • ••• ••••• Coit• /lltu 3124 Cost• M111 3124 OCEANFRON T Dix 2·4 Br ••• ••••. •••• ••• • •• •• •• •••••. •. •• •••••• ••. • •• B y week or m on rh $385 mo I Br pool 1 673-7873 llH!8tiB~U. person only 3"5 J t71h Winter rentals ~ Pl 646 '>tJ7 11AM-7PM now •va1lable Call APARTllHTS .................•.... , ...••..••..........•.. f!!!~.~!!~ ....•. !.~~~ f!l.".'!~.~!.'.~t .• !!.~~ 2 bd 2 1Ja Condo Full D11,lt1 2 llllnn, 1ba amen111es ,ec;ur1ty gatl" I N1 beach patio $700 wa11i. to s c plaza 760-2567 494·6306 S6 00 1 mo Days .... ~.!!~!!.! ......... I LA;UllA IEACH FEELING CRAMPED'' f nu11shman matu•e * H1 * N ' • 3869 Xtra iarge t Br .ieps 10 •l'Sl'.I Pmpl NB wants EXECUTIVE SUITES .!.":t~!! .. !~! ......... , MOTOR l•M 0<.""" w o patio 1M. rm IJJCh sluOoo apt or Sha•e1 BALBOA PENIN ·,bl~ lo Wkl, ren t al~ $95 ur.> S3 7"> 6iS·3231 ,,,,1., •en1a16452700 Full service Keep rour Co1or T v rrefl collee I overhead low 3 pro•es bell 2 bd 1 ba Y11V ht'l•le<J pool 4 ~•eps 10 Shr lg lu• nmtl w1p1ol Ptol wr nan w sml pe1 s•ona1 image hogh Pie· · JACllS "ULn PROP llHHEIHT 875-1173 ~ 1 P' 1. S !I 1 0 m n OC.elln K•tcri 5 avail person S285 '" last w1SIH'~ lo rent housej stogoou~ Westchll area ol s,1it Intl .,.. ~s2 085J 985 N CO.ISi Hwy deµ 966 8479 ano or ap1 by Nov 15 01 Npwporl Beacn 881 00· Bea1.1t1lully landscaped 2 l><lrm I oa Ca~ Cod $950 mo 2 Br lu• condy Laguna Beach 494 5294 Snr 'u • nm• w I non I 02of'<:m t Call 675-5492 Del ver Or Ste 14 631·:1651 garoen apts P004 & Spa 2 B• 2 Ba mctudong 2 ...-~ Patiosldf'Cks No pets car garage w/opener Charmer In tow n . "r ovell~~ l'l1Jgt1 Dark Avail $90 & up worn ~1tcnen smi..1 mulure \300 1st - -OJ1oce space tor •ease UXUllY CHIOS 6 4 0 2154 e ves 752·6019 Bachelor $41 IO wood burning lrplc most Dao• Poial J826 ocacn yd, lrpc $750 Nov 1.>t no PetS non w"""'r O<.eanlront Mo t.iM oep Reis 640-4999 INeeo tu11>1she<1 apl or nsel NB nr A11oort Secre· 2 Bdrm 2 Bain $590 u tlls paid vi ew o t •••••••••••••••••••••• 760-2567 4194-6306 s m k r Ca 11 Je a n 1.,1 G?S 8740 I 11• the oenera1 area lorl te•y eno Computer 8¥9•· IEACll llOUSE 2250 Vimguaro st•eams & walerlalfs OCEA• VIEW 760-0•1>8 2l3 556·3040 !Room w/kol priv s25o. mo OI Jan locel refs table 1.2 or 3 separate Complelely tu1n spa-540-9626 0, 642·4905 j F, om s 8 o o ca 11 F1om Dana Point 5 most OCEAll VIEW J 2oa 1.1Psla1ts w Fem "011-smkr rm w•hSe Ii.IS 1851 "1'15 incl Nwpt avail W111e Mr 4 Mrs ot1ices available and use c•ous I • Br patoo onCI 562-•JOO sec1uoed scenic olull •O m.nutes so ol Laguna :~n<Je~~ oce.in "e"' pr·v C M S225 u"turn Br" 642-6811 Rf 11'\eel 1524 WOod· o t conte•ence room ut1I Avail 1111 $650 I Like t>ew' Onlr 4 units 2 on Dana Pooni s most Y' I 1 S; ') 0 Ag t luin S260 645 !>459 M F ~nr beaut B1tc~ Bay lnd O• Ro,neste• 714195~·2580 mo No pets 540-8632 Bachelors S• 101 • 1 BR DUPLEX• Br w d"'n Xtra 1rg private \l'<.luded scon•t !>lull 573.i355 "'""port a•ea ~or re;it conoo Pl)OI 111c 1er1n•s 1 Minnt>~ot.i 55901 --1 Borm $480 S405 oncldng "1'15' :n55 patio From S7251mo lotcc npw 2 Br widen I I II S.300 64 5 5l2:1 F I 25 30 I I DELUXE SUITE Oceanfront 2 bdrm t ba A Plac.en11a no oe1s •l•a large provate patio. •tBt l'·Ba nr Hoag no very eige room u r>maP · musl •no W est Newpoq Furn :63~ EE 118611~ 66'462:06885166 164_5.949• I Call 661 644' or M F g.>rage S725 mo Call pets mature ilOfls pret I fllltl> sepa•alP A Prt•ate 21>• • na 'blk trom tx.h ioom '" Newpon Heoghls W1ttr Front lldC $750mo 1s1ano1as1 " 9·5 643"0212 Or••e by 661 6441 or M ·F 9 5 S5<"> 6Jt 1888 01 t-nllance 1""'"c. 10• NB Close 10 Suµer10• br Nov I qesP011s•l>le l 5'48·8809 Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba $425 N·te quiet upsta11s 2 BA to s~ 24583 Santa Ctar11 64:, 0210 Or ve oy to 645 6822 N J•• smo~e• $)'>0 mo Avail 'Un ' $310 Mo~e q u 'e I no" ~ m " r ~0, \20S•Qq Fltt tc6a•n" "t6'~!' • 2 oa apt S!>SO most 2 B 2 2 583 S 1531 4060 642 0994 631·1823 -~ • ,arl•tals Duple• 3 Br 1 ~ Ba ot11s incl 6:?2 Hamilton r Oen Da trolc new ser> a I 4 an t a 2 BR 2 oa walk to beach M F 9.5 V I . It d S4 75 Laundry lac pool I St 548 04 77 crpt lrg v1Pw dee~ s 1m C1.i1 a P 0 0 , 18 r • e cu, 1 1 Y 11 Srnitll a1111;c.t1vt-'1utJ•O "' F st.r "e"" bflllth con<Jo P, o 1 ma 1 u, e w oman •••• a •• a •• ra •• 1.1 •• l ••••••••• I 548-9556 t2-7PM • med occupancy A"ent ¥ ' I 1 r B CDM CMARM"R " Small 1 Br c1ose-1n ul S7001mo Call Scott Ro IJC I or emo Y d em moc.ro lrplc gar $265 needs 1 r ap t n1 Och 1; Balbi• fsl••d 3106 -BAY TIMBERS 2 Br I'• ba 323 E 18th S 7 5 0' mo A gent Po•d s425 ,,,0 494•53e 08,5 641 5 100 day~ I No11 smk• Prvt kolChe· 151 •a!>t oep 1 tacy Ma• $400 mo Ht-9985 Olloce on 2nd lloor ap •••••••••••••••••••••• Spacious ' Br trptc POOi St No pets Gar S650 496·6804 631 19 ,3 eves I netHl Ptvl entry S325 5.i~ J<l21 631·65•3 C I • 4350 oro • 560 ''' Soot Coas E·Baytront l•llle Isle 4 more 646•9683 ~~a Mg~1 6~1 • 132• ?Br oa•age near ocea W'l.H' Nil.all 3152 1nc1 ullls Phone pool F .!!!/.~~.!! ••• '.'!!..... liw)' w ocean breeze pier 3 story detu~e lrg ---1 BDRM IN DUPLE>< 1.1111 ocean , 1ew oalcon• '1 •• ••••••• ••••••••••• llEAR HOA& MOS,, TV •en'loS 49J 3•90 Sh• 2 Cid ettpenses M SINGLE GARAGE Nea1 a nd sun n Y P 1 11 o 2Br lrptc S 1800 mo 2 BR 1 BA old nouse no ' 0" Goll Co"•Se wu•1 S;>~5 Call leave mes· $560 A 1 N 1 1nc1uoeo $')50 $450/mo 2131402-2657 " u ~~ Lg 2 l>d•m 3 I>• in !Boe~ Bay area Furn w 960 7874 A 1 Main beach in Laguna •mo vao ov 415 f1am1Hon $575 ----C 0 car gar wlopnr Wasn/ Pldce WIO S700tmo ~·horse 511111 or ~ .. 25 _ _ 494-3044 l'~ 1--F 675-3067 P81S. child OK All utll od I call 962-7940 See a1 24682 Apt A None Condo 2 BR 2ba 2 home 2 cer 0111 F110-I line antiques t>etn SJOO nsoil~I'! va1 Be II ch S 6 5 "'o Call 9 to 5 675·2311 New 1 Br 1 Ba unit w/lrplc 641-0783 EASTSIOE·LO 2Br garage ordODll ' d L ~ ~c I o ftl ur11 & carport Avail 11/1 + & 2B 2B sc30 ryer ower unit ,. 831·1105 w o 5'45·9958 r2230shr31>• 21>aMPI ' yrly ~650,mo incl utrl llSU•T 111 caroort 55r~0stove1 Nord""•a c11rport ,, patio •edeco•aled 1 I _ _ l)nbeach N B Frptc: 25 Garage tor rent S60 mo Ot11ce 650 sq 11 ovPr ~ ..,,~ $725~mo 71.C 770.19~ SE.ASHORE OR S700 mo ~em rmte wenled to snr patto garage s265 151 2864 La Se lle C M noghl lac: $500 mo 10 mo L·Vance Rltr 673-.C082 Eas1s1de S62S-$650tmo ---2 Br I', Ba Townhouse, Lge 1 Dr apl, $550/mo Washer /dryer No pets all oullt·•ns, lndry 1m. Aval! Nov 20 675-9378 t arpon. ya•dl oa1cony small oe1 OK LUXUHY VERY LG 'rly TSL Mgmt 642-1603 S8501modrooms. oeck newly carpeted H OO F11 epl ace pool dtSh· m o Rea lonom1c' washer pV1 Pill•O X LO 675-6700 Garden 1 3 2 Br on Et Side $4 60 $560 l•/)OI 557-2841 1uia111/1 3107 1H. 2H. 31". ...••................• 2 bd•m. 2 ba newe1 dplx Newly deto1 Gas pd. yrty Mature non-smkrs. encl gar dwshr. pool. no pets $650 X 3 boq no PtlS ~42-5073 2131799·• 195. 257 -9792 Beau111v1 2 B• 2 Ba or (7 141 673·3986 townhouse, lrplc;, plllO -$425 uUI pd 1Br Oprx 4 17 lnd ry •m good IOC E Bay Ave Balboa No $560/mo TSL Mgml J>e" 5'47-1155 642·6221 1'42-160:1 ---Bachelor. yrly rental S:l•O USTSlll m o 201 E Belboe Bl 2 Br l Ba OOOI side ept. 675-11562. 646-•319 lndry rm Dll·ln• No $295 nice bachelor res-i;elS C all tor aoPt $4:15-$'450 poneit>le person. ulits TSL Mgml 6•2-1603 paid. no pell 106 E Bay. Apt 9 S•65 2 Bdrm, retrlg, Pl· ,., ... ,,, ,,,, JIZZ 110. no pela. •<Julia pret. ..•....•.............. 724·A James. 673-7787 Lg 2 t>r, 2 bl Very nice. 2 STUNNING t1rge I & 2 Br c erports. no pats 3~roen IPI 710 w 18th $875/mo 55&-9265 Coast Hwy & MICArthvr ---Near 181h/Pomona. I Br. The Shores In Deaulltul I Ba downs1111r1. di s Corona del Mar haa 1 & 2 carport. water pd, 1 c1111d t>drm 1pta lor rent Call ok. no pell U OO Agent. Heten Gibson 6'4·2611 no tee 962-0217 3 bd. 2 Da. aun terrece. Large 3 Br 2 Ba Town-walk to bch, 1800/mo. house In qule~ complex, da. 8•5·2218. 540-2334, large pool. garden •It· eves tlni. $875 845·3381 1nnT1HW 67 .5949 Lerge 3 Br 3 Be m1ny SPACIOUS 2 Bd 1 Bl emenltl.. I I I 75 Call Beem ce1t1nos. aenr ber. Anthony dlya 842·5757. eves & wt<r>da 831-e830. W ood ceb • no P•ll $<475 2256 M 1ple L.erge 2 br 2 1>1. lrptc. 1 548·7358 or 873-6403. car ~If Adulll pref NO 2 Bt 1 81 2248 C.nyon PET $700 mo 111, 1111 Dr~ upllalra, no pel1 a $350 11c. Upatalra $4 Otmo Slerre Mgmt unit 675-1857. 841-132• S535 Oup1exl S£eo HouM Newly remodeled, ¥ery tm, but ctn &. cozy btch $325 Bch/Opn 10-epm ~ QVttt rm w/l>elh & 333 E 211t St •78or30 werdro be, aulted for S.C5·8 103/84s-85811 young ectll or lludtnt 2 Br l 'A 81 No petl, T eke furn or unturn t>ut '450/mo ror 2 peraon1 no kltch. Sm rtlrto & 155 w 1 8 I h $I hot-1)111• OK 3 min wit( 846-11507 10 C#llne Cow 8ct1 Nloe ne~hbrd w/11lnt atcur Av 1115 1290 mo 111 l & 2 8A $3901'420 & I sl & r ell r eq PootiOOCI IOC/no ft''· 173-7802 423 B1y, 848-5 18 f!!!f .l!!!i •••••. ~~1 THE GABLES 2 Br wl~lf New c:rp11. drp1, bit n1. 2 9d 1 It. tml ~Cl. '460 fncCI yd wl p•tlo, water Robtrl. pd 2•37 "F" orenr 83 1-12.. Agt 1520 Ct ll l ·& 136-• 1 o .. .. r e I ro 0 631·0754 mo , __ -2 BR 2 Ba. avail 8PP•O• No v 1 no pets $485 760-14 18 or 548-8675 evslwknds ----lllSTHT II $475 ,,,,, 2 BR 1· •ba lndry rm carport all Dltns. cpls. drps TSL Management 642· 1603 2 Br 1 Ba crpls dt•pes S•OO t mo No p els 540-U 84 --EASTSIOE 2 Br gar Oen apt Large deck gar $4 50 160 2 1 s I 548-0165 -------•2Br 2Ba Near S C Plaza S A LUllU'Y Con· do WI POOI $595 No pets 833-8974 Eves ---•Mesa Verde 2 B• 1 Ba Newty redec $495 No pets 833-8974 Eves --3 Br small $525/mo ya•O. garage 548-5707 559-5839 1 BR nv p11nl spts/drps . dl w. no pels $375/mo 2265 M onet St. 851·2175 t bd, $3<40/mo 1nclud1ng Ul lll!IU 548-9574 or 499-•<451 ----Buullluf 4 Spacious. 3 bd. 3 ba Condo wlbftlna, & lrpl, pool & spa Aval! I I I I I 8 2 5 mo 831-353• Nr SC Plaza. 1 bdrm pool. tennlS, aecurll~, $'475 mo 71 4-846-984 NEW BREED APTS 1 Br & Lott Frplc;, rec room, pool. jacvnl. OH 6 w11tet paid No i etl 393 Ham111on. M 845-4411 WALLAH WHH 7511 w 1lllh Mlnu111 trom the belch LUXURY 1 8Fl I 8A M arble Pullman tap Oecor11or C1r1pe1 Plutll w/w cerpe11 Walk In CtOMI• Prlvtte PltlOt Gourmel Kitchen Cerc>0rt w/llorege Spa, outdoor bbq Laundry $440/n'IO 54&-4830 TOW NHOU8E·2 8r. l'-'81. lrple. pllt pellO, 1•rtg1. iulet, lmmaQ. S&O mo 711· 11$1 A.oec t br. retrlg, clean, quiet. _. 10 e .. "1Gf 11 10220 Well~ \ 542·3597 730-7165 I 2Br •elng carport enc. 1ge Huntington Ben hm 1 ,1 ~1 & 5 e c 8 , 8 n 9~7 2740 alt 5 30PM or lse 552-77:10 eves Hoati•1loa ~!.":t~!!.~!~!~ .. .!.~~? POl•O 548-5682 S tudent type prel 673 1519 01/ite Real•l 4400 •250 SQ II Ha•oor B1i.t.>1 3140 NO F'EE• Apt 3 Condo 3 Br 2 Ba S t eps 10 S2001mo uttl Pd M·F •••••••••••••••••••••• Center !ac ross l1om ••• ~!~~~•••••••••••••• rentals V1l1a Rentals noach $8501"'0 752•5531 ask 10' Mary N(W'°RT IEACH •OELUlf OFFICfS* Fedcol C M Aval! now 675·491 2 Rroke• PROPERTY HOUSE Jo 9 lo 4 NOUS( 1 MO FREE RENT good tor most stores Deluxe poots10e atre large ?or. 2 bl, t>llns dswh1 1· • m•tes oe1ch No pets S500tmo 538·8362 642·3850 642·10101Aoom with k1tch rnv Nr I l room 10 2800 sq 11 o ll•ce s bus M gr $950 mo 2 B1 1u, condo. I Bus line & shooo1ng ~~~ !!>:,·r ~:~~ w~·~~~~~ From SI ·16 e sq II AOI 549-1366 overlk s nuge uerk Ava11 c@n1er 962·7C)20 1ac tub SkyllghL etc Pvl Airoorler Inn & Frwys l•1ia111 Ital.I 4450 WOOILll(f Nov Isl no pets 1\0'1 Furn room wl Dath prlYl-1 enl unlmld P'" g pool Call AM 833-3223 •• ••• •• •••• • ••••••• • • • Spac 1 & 2 br, lovely c~u~:~~g~~~~~v~~G s m k I ca 11 Jean leges. nr So Coast Pl;ua, tennis n/smkr $4H 1mo. AlfPOll area • e~ec ~ OFFICE SPACE PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS oines & streems. sec A total env1tonment 7 6 0 · 0 1 6 8 Fem p1elerr11d S551wk 1 63 1-7168 Bill tes From 22S·450 IQ II 2 suites available now 1n g ates. entry by phone. •psrtmen1 community on 21~155_6-30~0 -556 1737 Fem rmm;te to Shere 3 SI pe1 sq It Many •lras Fountain VaJi.y 1416 SQ lge rec erea 1nc1. gym the Upper B1y P11va1e WATERF"OIT LtlO Ddrm 2 ba Ocean lr:>nl Cell ~57•70IO 11 and l 536 sq II For pool 4 spa 846-6591 clubhouse and health Lg :!Br. 2Be. yrly $1500 Hot~I• /llollll 4100 hOme S325 '> ulll 1st & •00·900 PLUS 1400$Qil lurther dalaols. CaU Mr 2 Bdrm apt Avall imme· spa. 8 tennis courts 7 mo 673-8866 •••••·'••••••••••••••• lest lo move in 646-3610 Pen1t1ouse Baytront Sul· Arriola, (2 13) 66:1· 12..!!_ dl11e1y $500 Frplc. d/w, pools. close to business, I Br Sec .. n ty Condo SULAH MOTEL r rmmte to'"Shrtpac 3 br"" le p 1 rk 1ng, P•llos C1••1rci.J airport. Fashion Island y Wkl 1 1 1 673 1003 garage No pets w1ter Convenient shops on pool spa gym $575 Y ren as now ava1 2 ' ba C M con do. • •••1'11 4415 p1td 545·2000 Agent site Unlurn1Shed bacne-molmo Ag! 760·8617 S 105 & up Color TV S2751mo 5<45-4356 •••••••••••••••••••••• no tee -Phones in room 2274 -•SllTt IULS* 1250 sq II reta11 olf1ce lors 1 & 2 bdrm apts and Bachelor lg deck. mint-Newpor1 Blvd CM Nd f'. to sh• 41BO hs w 1 0 C p space E I 7th St in A ¥all now I Br I Ba townnouses ocean vtew $325 mo 646 7u 5 ,Ame in CM S2211+'. ulll Arrport area rot vps1a1rs BPI oswshr $560 . s 1000 760•1962 or 780•0508 G31•4459 all 6 30 pm erworonment, lull service Cosle Mesa great v1s1 pr111a1e p1110. aingle ga· Several bachelors and 1 -----8 [ I or no lrtlls lndMdval ol· b 1 1 ' 1 Y & P 8 1 k 1 n g r age No PtlS water Bdrm unlls feature tine Pr l¥ 4 Spec. 2 Slry, 2 bO , AC H ARE A M I F resp-2 Bi 2 Ba •~• o• dHk apace 150 645·3 477 P a I o S • 5 0 I m o Oe&•gne• h.11n11ura and 2' • ba w/ lrpl New ca-twnhse Ir¥ Pool, lndry sq It :1500 sq It 1 MO RENT O_R_l_E_A_S_E Newly 545 2000 Agent no lee accessones Move m to· mel carpeting nr Fa· $84/Wk eSv382: & •, ut1I 552·3586 FREE 759-8978 remodeteo home wlll1 ...:__ -I dey or teserve for future shion !steno no pets I ' la ge 1 t Com 1 om llARl•UlS WAU $795 645·6218 Rel11gera1or·M8ld·Poo1 ---r 0 m z ng use Smertly furnished _ __ Nwpt Blvd & Wilton Fem 25.35 10 sh• 3 Br 2 DfSI( SPADE CDI adj to Newport Blvd ;~~s. !n~1A01~~l7p~~o~:.~ models open dlllly Blulls Area. 1rg 2 bO 2 ba. Coste Mesa 5•8•9755 Ba twnhse. SC Plaza Attraou..-. rustic upila1rs 642· 1334, 851-9889 upper un11, wltrpl Oulel -----a 1 e I S 2 7 5 A pr ii Hunt Hrbr from $545 On JambO•IHI Rd Ill & Prtv Loe No Pets Pine Knol Mole! on Coast 546·•596 setting We supply desk, f•'•llti•/ Chlldren OK 8•0-6807 San Joaquin Hilla Rd $775 6 6" 8 ... L• B SI I ---spi ce, ce>pler You sup· • I I 4500 45· • 1 "w Y " e P s 0 SttM sha-;;-O.n1 Po•nt 2 Ply phone. & $95 pr mo •• • 2b~~t,P~e~.'~;;~,hS:,S:·n~ 144•1100 EASTBLUFF nice-2~ ocean Wk l~ tales Br 2 Ba $2651mo 111 & P•desk Calf 6•4·721t 57;()~~··2~60 .. 1;·j~;,~· bch 2202 Heu Cl1cl1 '• Block to beach. 2Br. PP,~1a':·n~ :,oeoa1 ~o qpu:,~' ., 6.C~·EOE44DO l PLACE I lest, , utlls 493-0987 -Cosle Mes11 ' or 2 room sd1<1a10 Ocll•ce , 181PO t .Rel 11.c.950.3745 brlghl 4 &try $870 mo 0 11 Top rel s. 9 yrs teaching suites From S751mo I on o Ire e, " WARNER VILL-A--2-b-d-2 Y''Y 968·8263 s57oi mo 644•4767__ Reasonable rates Kil· e1p Wiii tulor elemen· Ut1l1 1ncld 779 W 191h H untington. Beach chttnettes phones matd 11ry child in uch1noe lo• St 851-8928 842-2834___ _ ba. Condo trpl dw, Pl · OCUIHHT S Cl 3116 z 1 d c 11 --aa l•IOll service. channe mo· r e o u c e •en t o a•&ITIFUL Warehouse spece High I IO PO O I S 6 0 0 3 bdr, 2 bD oar great •••••••••••••••••••••• v1ea SANDPIPER MO· 2131545·:1626 1; door ecceH 4000 !eel 2l31570..0036 toe Wlnle• 3 w~~ .. ,2 ::oo~~~o·l~.,:_ TEL 1967 Newport Blvd. 2 bdrm. 2 b.;t;;'ch pad, HWPl"T CHTH evl il S.C2·5535. Keren 1<445 2 BR 2 Bl, POOi CM 845·9137 I d d Wllh use ol rec;epllon, $4115 3 BR 3 Ba pool Bachelor. great loc n1no & oep 531·3565 ----newy ecorate . ell cont room.k1tch,phone, 3200•q 11 with A/Col· yt1<1tly ava 1men111e1 utfl 1nc1 'd llc:ea, Rendolph St, C M patio. kid• 01(. No pets TSl •&•t U2-ll01 --V1t1ti1• 1 .. 1'114ZSO $350 Pref mature prof'! secretarial 4 word pro· Sprlnlll ed w t comm 6•6·9666.1180·7•8• 'c~ra:'::i'. d:Cp~c~':c:~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 964·5325. 964·0524 ~:::1n:va~·1~:P;;:::i~ tronttge 5•6·1853 SUNNY ?Br. y11 rd. nr Sleps To The Beach 2 Br. FOR RENTI F I h I d C d "-ach utll "" no P ta 2 81 3 tannlS cou111 ocean vle'N. walk lo ' em ioommate o s r w eslred ell Ju y. lt•r•fl 4SSO ""' • f<N• e beach $.C 25 Con1ac1 t ame 2Br hte, in E Side 71 41760·0 100 ••••• •••••••••••••••• $530. c1ll 538·2216 ~F::~·N~.: c!~~:~· ~;;~ Mgr 1111p1 C 332 Encino 2 t>edroom. 2 blthl & 2 CM $225 mo + ·~ utll Full aerv olflce S300/up S1011g1 Spaoe 12' ll 11'' eves m o Yrly rent Call Kate ~---llOffes In Twin Puke In ..!.:0 dep 63_!.:2895 Branch olfloe ' S80tmo 38" door 170/mo plu1 Allr 2br/ll>a enc ger. Lalle A11ow11ead 1111 F $70 ••c d1po1il ow. t>kyd, •o• w1lk-ln 875·012• Mon-Fri Jo S1•ll A•• 3110 HH bullt-1n1 & llreptaoe em lo sh• dpl11 I 011< lfom Ana Ntv.. . $50/mo 87 3.4 15 • Newport ctit 1505 842•28117 873·3596 S•t·Sun •••••••••••••••••••••• Flral, 1111 & oepoan re-1>1 F rmmte to 1ha1a Newport Beech752-8408 Beach ---------2 B-,-2-B-1-tr_o_m_$_5-25_N_o_ 2 bd, 2 bl AIC. Sec • C Back Bay Condo. pool, •OO t·B Birch St NB 440 --------- 2 bd condo. frpl. pool. n1 _11 AoroH from N--Pool, Nr So Cat Ptu q u 1 r • d 8 11 I 7 1' l 1ec. 1enn11. h pie, etc sq 11 1 t.OO per aq 11 lfi1t1llHH., Brookhural 6 Adame, "v $500 21:1·880·1151:1 78 8 ·0288 01 17 t 4 l $286 +sec Eves I I ~ISO 152 .. 5,. 2 .. 11 por1 Beach Goll Courae. 667-0857 weekday e¥e-631•6758 Agent 541-5032 t•I• I .. _ _ ... _ .. .,. v 545·4855 -----A,.tl•t•I• f•t•l•llH nlnge alter 8 pm 11 no ---------ltl••• tftlttl ••••••••••••• ••••••••• HHll•flH L110• 4 Bdrm. cloMd ln ., u.1.,. ''°° •, naw,er. pleue keep F 25-35 10 1hr 2 bt Ei C M Redhlll, Coat • Melt. FOR RENT! H11h•r 3141 pe110 Sl•P• 10 beach •••••••••••••••••••••• ry•no ~!2.74~~ !:Jv'ev!265 Sublet 1776 eq fl at 7k •••••••••••••••••••••• tmmec ~v1 11 now IUW111 For rent Olltlf Chrlatm•• & -R1c ep 1 • work room. 2 t>edrOOll'I 2 1>11t11 & 2 HUGE t br, Lux Condo. 1 1200/mo yrty 873-2507 YILUll N-Yeer'a, 3 br, • ba & 2 bt, 2 be, NewPorl BHch 11011ge 875·3882 10·5 1t0tlte In Twin P"kl In Mint conct. a~ amen1u... 1 It •·1 1 1 h 1n condo nr Hoag Hosp L $000 mo 11•2.•111•. wt•n• RllTlLS 0 v c or In om• •k• Arrowhetd •r•• u .. .. Nt w IU t>Clrm luxury Aapen. COIOrfdO Oany fr pie, phone, $2110 WllTMlllTH Hu bullt·1n1 & llttpla<:oe 1 I JI~~ 3 ' ' Br CloM to water, •Pl• In 14 plen1 1 8Clrm m11e1 .. "''" Xlnl roe 848 13:1~ Deluxe olllee or 11011 Flret, 1 .. 1 a ~1 rt-'" 8f .. ,, turn & unturn. rM~n1· fr-1 .... ,. "'bdrm lrom VI f • • ------1•"'""1""" .. C 7 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... II 11•~ Br~ "'" .,...,, ' ew o ,.epe .. moun· Prot women & H Y' otd IPIC• .... vv """' tQ " q u I r t Cl . •I ( I 4 l W db rd II 3 8 r 2 '" 11 .,. •• e tmen .... ...,.., 159&, TownhouH lrom l1lnt CIOM 10 town Aleo d•uQhle< Mell renlal IO 1430411200 IQ fl 8eeoh 18 8 • 0 2 I 9 or (7 14) twnhM, p1110. yerd. 2 cer I 875·41112 SH& t poo11. t•nnl1, ht• btby gr1nC1 p11no ahr. CdM Cell Shtion BIV<I Otwn 2 r~. CIVIC 8U·OH7 ..-e1ey - Otr, 1875 752·5102 I t>lk to 8dl 1.0Wtt 2 bd, wltttlalll , p onCli l GH 1-450/nlghl Pt•••• ct n, Hm 873-4520 Rm 3 , c.nter Shopp!, Center, nl~I ther 8 pm II no den 2 b• 11r1y, t>ttln• lor aooklng & hitting 760·1340 or 760•94ecl work 781•2943 prime toctllon 79·1880 1 n1wer, pleeu lletp u HI lfff• Jl41 tetr1' S750 e1S:ae3e ' !>lld From San Oltgo --- -or 180-0144. tryintl ••'-•••••n••••••••••• _o________ Fr wy drive North on Th• IHIHt dflw In th• Chrl1t1en 11119' to •hr 28 r -------- 1 br ept No. UOunt, '4SC Nwpt HOI• 2 t>r 2 t>e , 8Hch to MeFeddtn 10 Wut • • Ot lly Piiot 1e1. ev11t Nov 1 •71h Turn to tod1y·1 e1...in.ct M•rctl TO yOur pt,one 10 mo. 1 r•" leaae 1ptclou1 A vt ll now Staw1n d VIii ag e C1a .. 1fi.GACI CallToday St . Nil *300tOl'l'IOv• ror 111 • b e et t>uy a pf~1tM1-aet111Adaa- 497.&J92 '7'38tmo 645·7•00 (714)e03·61H 642·5871 In Cllll 845·17117 142·H78 eln.d Id 1424'71 ' r , 111/a"' /aHtl/ ff!!.~.f.'.'o,f ...• !.~!f .!;1. •• f.•}.~ .... !.~~ ll•••tt lO"ll Mole '1 lllntala~en IDIT •£ITAL •••••••••••••••• •••••• • hhUn••• ( A t An•f't n lal/•111 10 Avelet A1w1u11 ••• D:lr.f!~~f!f ... !.~~ 4\111 ,.H4 U1••l111 IOI 11u111111gtoo 1tamnu1 Muat DI e~.,., 111 ••111110 Knowl•dge ""'"' ••11•11 • 011tt>na10 •nu11•• • •11a11 h•lplut S "11111 I (I e I 1111 II I J) 111 "Jt;lf SC'lulll t.ou111, Arc•Ot1 '"""" Mallo whlhl "" l ocallon 1011 111a1;n11111, 1111011.1 mto llNYl•~llo. & or 1otet1on uni, c8 11 l11uw11 (lollh1 1011 111• I o m 11 1 f'i , rn 0 n , Ava1laole 11ow en111I• ~86 2611~ 011• & t11w11 Oo1>1e m14 pupl)I• IOw11i.•olU tACllNflS I C"AIH'lN !~~!r. !! . f~.-. .. !.~~! fOHCLHHI HLPLIH M1l1 whl .t.u111et11n lfH let SelutltH 861 $99() lt11t1•111, f'rHI lhff1 S03S .........•••....•.•... Cuatt•/l11rsl111 Ow1111 OI 2110 1r1d 3rd IL; DI No 4 Rocky POIOI wll Ung 10 ~~II lit I dlSCOUnl Thill property '' tr\ IOtl• closure and could t>o come 1he 1t1ves1mem 0111 llfeltme Aalo. tor Sieve 7" 675-3285 01111 FOil TllUST IEEIS C11cie Home Loans 499·2261 Ship 1111•. & n111 .. h11 & l •111;1 I.I w ool.lwo•~111 1>111 S11epherl.I m1• N-• H f.h)lllltlla, c..1111 I"" all ptnl He8'h 5h'911er , 12~ Con11 O•!l ut 11 MHA Of C M G.44-36!111 I <)UNO l'1Hlrlkl11I M11H/ llv C.M IOI 16 lde11t1fy IU 1.hl11!1 646 I 11!>0 ull 4PM lO~ I <..111111 ~llop I ttm lllit( t. A fftr' 4 yr• H1\W lroublo l>r.,iilhtno Vic 01 f 11111 Irv /(,M !>411 J79-4 f OlmO (00101111 fl@t1111vt.<r m1,lo 11pprox ' yr \Ill. P C H & Sup•1101 N 8 642 106& ,,,, ... 1. 5350 ......•.........•....• LIHA I VICllrs PHOTO MODELS ESCORT StOANCERS CAREER ll OPFNINOS 111011 Ht11pu11s111t111y. llu uut.u' } S~l~i.E~!·2~~g.,or 111)1)011111119111 (7 14) 964 :>36• 2nd TD Llndia tale, $55 OUfCALL 24 HRS U1 u11ot1 t.vubt UAIL Y PILOl / Mei11U111 Oc.tCJllC11 :IS, HHti f '7 ~.!!~~/.¥!!~! .. !.~!¥ •• ~11 •• f!! ... ~~ ...• f.1.!f 1! • .'.'I. .f!! ... '!!. .... !.'.~ IJ.~11 •• "f f.'.'.'I. •.•• J.I.~ ~IJ.~lf ... ~~~ •••••• ,,_~ ~ !~•.r.'.'!~~.'.'.~~ .• .!.~f 111111111111•1 I bur'ltt,. "'"I""' W1111 11rnul w••lf•r ti.lb !a IH•y 11tl11phone w ··'·'!,.~!~ ...... !.~! AYL WMS PCYB RFCiQ YI? ••• I 111 f ~I I II ,, I .. Ull' I. 11 I Ii .... flt J • 1 " I• du II 11 I 1 1 J' 1 hi .. I liu 11 t 111" I ·d I,,, I.OJ II I h I'll 11 .. "' I l\jtl••t I q 1lu I I 1 .... 0 I \ I t ' Id I 1111f I • i., 111! I ,, l·'·J • I~ l1u. Co1h Mtu IUllll(ton lkh l 111.111 Hiil S111t1 AIU o~n' ,Oii, AltlY. ~o 102• 9'Z mt mm1 ~14163 Ol 1901 II ALL YOU CU H . PAltT llll anlltlAIT r.11ioyt11u tJft1tw .. f111 ••tena1on 111uu orHt for leto11t1ont <.!er~ n .. 111 , • l'J't Ajtl u wa•l1e1 / •e< 1111 1100 1144 29:19 r•erln•1 .. 111.1 111 lrt<.tun l~ IHI' flf.1 U>l•O llQQen lot I llClng llUltlll\j lf.C.8H Avon w/tl101or •1111 rn N B Ce ll L H lt• e vt 11711 7843 I Afi(lf 'I I JrF r• (,(AH h In Ill• WHI O"Pl'at41fy ,....ot >fO\JI JU:P Hlvf•M I Ootta1 P .. o Ctlt 0 1t1y Gray I •P•• n11ca1111ry ttu ·• 1 "'11' •• I l'llul 1.111.ul1tllOt1 IJ•1l1 ne•f '111111 I UI tltJll wlVll • ~ ,,ew rJIJ lliilh t0111PAC10f J 11~ Ive• 6 Wi..n<J urttdf ctt1rtk1tt Mull 1,,. uril• 1,1 1111u1 .. 1 Ad1111rel rttlrlg u•n dry1t1 S 100. •II &1111 ,,.,..,. Im 1.ooll•u• •"' I 111, .. '"' l.l•l•Llttt •••• l 'i•l.I• I.Iv !lid• ""'11•1 & l!.41 c.r.nd llJ t 23113 •II•• 11e111 rt4J •J::> I •flat 1410111111 1.,11,, h ""'" ''""'"'•' Sl/{16 New 5pm 411111 "'k "" tu1 """' •llff II> ti) l111f II I Wltlfll}OOI ••« "ove f op l'lle JOI! wlltlr HOO 642 1880 (II !)/"; iJOf evoa OUHI HUT AIC/JllP/ltllA•LT I n r mod• I 1 Io 11 r; U" I N1k11 '41fllmll 1p1l.e1 'I~ l•---------,•,1111•1111111 " H"' 111v111u 't-411 81l7J U'''"'"''" 1k1 boo•• 150 2b:l4 11arb<lf Olvd C.M ~49 8023 84~ 1770 l"lllllllt :.01111t111• ""&l.llltl hu1111u.lu•tttly no 'uiTllrtU 111vul11eo will Lall 110111 1111• NMWfttttl o ... , h OI flt.• 11(1 81lPOtlerlC• r1L• t.,t~•"Y Wtll 111!1111 I'" hou1a J II (,1111 llt1IW<1ttll ? <I 111 1)4 I 0 I IO PHO(JRAMMi'-11 / ANALY!jl li11•1t1un 11rip111 i.11un• m Huf, IJ11•1t ;> Y" 11~µ111 Mlt.HOT l <.H Cua111 M111u ";57 6640 PUllOMASIH J111lttrl•I Su,,11 1 ""~ rur .. 1.~11on•c..• 1,111111r• & 'Juttle• l'lll1tU1td 110111 -II• 10 673 2<1114 ~"'"'""'• 1111111111" 1111•• (•luu uv•" di lnuna~ WAI Klll nl111oel new 11"" Nt (H Alqiort IJflO 111111 411<1 llJUb rublJer ftfil. IOIOt lllg ".140 t1:/b4 ,.,.., Oller 114:> 003f' 11fl i:.u111u11• •tu• w()(k • 11001.1 111m $7!1 noeCI• 33 Mu•t u lll $4~00 081 67J-3101 Eve1 !IJI bit! Jfj So11th Cu1111 Cl11H•I. WOOO•n •IOQP VllJ !iJCI r.u111.1 I 1g50 042 19110 ~48 448'> 11 ... """"' """~'" • ""''''" 1 w 4 ... hni & Oryei Set, IU" #u1it1l ~ fl•or w/11a1t11 alni cond lliiiiiiiiiimii 840 ~616 •••••••••••••••••••••• Q ~ ~ 1(180 CJ5 t c.yl rt&vflt ou roed JI> 000 m1 (•C.•I IMt COflCll S8MIO 11611 O~lll v• 6 W~ 110• 7'1 CJ'i VS, lt/IW ,,., .. No,.. Alo HI Or new lllet. Ag 111 Supfltr !tuck 1 3000 O BO Ent 1)46·0•03 -SA LE S ..,, tor11p1e1oly rM•lll11ft S300 /111l1u•Hll 1013 S IOOO 1~0 0•1• 1st T IME K(NMORE RHRIG YAMAHA 8110 Amp '°'''' su, • 0 FF EA ING I 14 <.u II. 1J111ge, 1 mo 010 N116d wllh a double 16.. Doek1 1010 T1uel11 ISIO S•:t!> ~46 6867 PV •P•ttk-.r c•blne1 All • •••• •• ••••• •• ••••• • •. •••• •••••. •••• ••. ••••• 111 11a(;1tll1n1 condition BOAT SLll>S .t.VAILABLE r oyo1a HI AMIFM Sle· $50 000 YR KfNMORC DRYER $80001>0 N11w1,1or1 6u11'tt 2) 26 110 '1111011a Small • • Liu<: works gocx.t. S35 131,.0111 l •IPI 30 3~ 40' a 4:'> Call lompet sh11ll S211~ • ·:.~·:~·::;;·,:.~:~:·;·:.::· '•1trd1:40 4421 IOZO LUOWIO QRUMSET ~~~ .. ~~44 ••um Ii s b6:~:1:~:J>u L1ko new • I "111 ,, , ,, 1,1 ••• •••••••••••••••••• 1iftrdfy used Ii pe w !J !.LIPS AVAIL Hur11mgton 11a,e1 Luna Aw~ $'>000 1 3 •Pd Schwinn. men • 2& c;ymb(lll & c;asea It 11 1 ll o u r B a y D 1 d y 1 6 3 1 2 I 6 t o v •I 1 I ' I 111 Xl11f ~C>1tl.lt l401' S60 646 74<15 Room 41 640 '1~45 846 7766 6-li 771 52119 New Cacttlng Product• 642 6323 E E P M 8 4 0 • 0 9 7 73 Oo11un PU w"n•ll Mr Ont• Boy' t>•k• Gr Ben Ra111ion MJ• 1 ,.,u~.E,.Lorl w/c;dstt <' IJ 4:i 1 376" new 11••n1 4~ .000 011g 1114) !>11·1000 20 3 spd hand & podal ,. 1n 1 c 0 n d $ 2 ~ !> Shµ up 10 22 pow&• or m1 c;u11om 1111 & whit Invited • ~· 675->709 or 87'3·1174 $2500 01 oll&• 114 E 000 11 13•t.. due June Hl-0201 1983. Wiii dlSCOUnl 10 , __________ j (,,11r IHll WllllV.,r (:Jlllllljtt p1;t1t1rn , cO.lor comt11n11 11on wedvea co1 pet mend wash t>uy & sell a"flqu11 & 011t1nlal rugs 2 y11<1rs er.pci1 $!'>00 per w..e~ tn Coron• def Mei Cit Sun(l mis .id & 1e aume to Jot> •8-2768 PO Boa t!'>t02 LA Ca 90015 no taltH 1tt11n Novern~r I i---------- lurer 1..0111011111 r;orp ha1 11n Ctutsi11n(11ng POt1t1011 1n 11 • now toclllty 111 L11gunJ N111u«I fl)1 o buyur Seti· kong o ch11llnngu1g 11nd s 11n1uIn111111 1. u re er I growlh opporl For tm· 11100 fl11d 1.on1tden11u1 c;or1~1deru11un. 1111111111 )UIJnllf your IO!IU"ltl Wiii\ s..hl•y n1s1ory 10 Proles \•Onat Personnel Depl Oeale1 lnquures brk~ $45 760-3910 1 64b 7909 101011111 mast S135 mo 11m1tm &te•tlo 8 I rk. ~..,., M Wilson • 1 673-9893 /ll•tfli•/I 1025 ocou1>llC·elec gu1lilr WANTED MOORING tor ffOml lallv1111 Rore Fend•· "-rongdo XII I realize :10% yreld Call Steve, 675-3285 ltHL HTATI LOHS *** Atlantis Parlor Isl. 2nds Jrda. <llhl OCM!n 24 hrs o day 0HttHl•I 1 days o we.i1o. Tltrlft I Lt•• lnr11 Jacurn. Sauna Locals FOUNTAIN VALLEY tlS well os T('u11sl s 964_9 111 BonkAmenc11rd, Ame•· _ 1cen E•P•ess. Diners All welcome 7 14/645 3433 fllort111111 fruit 2 I 12 Horbor 81 CM D~1 SOJS ••••••••••••• ••••• •••• COEDS Would love to 8 II SATTLH party wiyou Call Sue or • • Kelhy a11y11me 12 131 lort1•c• Co. l11e. & 3 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Specializing In 1st & 2nd 527 7 186 TD's since 1949 Robl Sattler N'"i/CM R E Broker Ba Reanors 642·2171 5•5·0611 WIDOW HAS SSS tor TD s RE Loans 10K Up No Creal! Checi.. No Pen ally Dennison & Assoc 673-7311 OlSll FOi TRUST DEEDS Circle Home Loans 499-2261 A•• .. •t1•1•t1/ ,,,,, .. 111 Loil I Foo•' •..•.•.•........•..... AHOHtl•lall 5100 •.•....•.....•...•.•.• Weoghl Loss Program yw can believe int 552-5873 751·0569 SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS Postal -Human Maize • Abrupt TANTRUMS Retired athlete. "Sports cen make yw teel ll~e a kid again. Especially ii you·re used to throwing TANTRUMS .. Gay Identity C1lsls. e•pe< c;onsottant. Workshops & prlv avall \/an111a 645-6443 E ,011c dancers lor 811Chl'IO• I Bachelorelle Par11es 738 8538 or 558·8538 Will not prosecu1e con 1ac1 Mr Causey Jones Manager 9AM-12PM 545 5889 Women & men relax w11n a massage ca ll 497-5718 ,,,, ... 1 Sttvie11 5360 AT YOUll SUVICf PersonJI qua1111ec com pan1on drivers tor you1 day lo day errands snoppong doctor • appts church. elc A needs me1 By hour o day '494 ·5857 SUll51CAL PltOIUI~ Call now for profess1or counsehng No char• no 01>1t9a11on 650· 11 24 hr5 !!'!l!~l~!~! •••••••••• IJ,.'.11 •• 'tf ~ ~'.'!.. • ... !.'. ~ Apl Mngr fo1 n-19 un11 condos Cos1a Mesa $350 c•e<l•I toward S7 15 ren1 642·4907 "'ikdays Ar11sr needed E "per in Siik Sc1een att Ruby cuts hand te11er1n 9 631 .3494 ----- Chll4 O•rt Wtrhr co·6duc1111onal teslden· llal 11ea1ment progreni for aaotescents Call 646-3•89 Bel 8em·3 C.OOKS. lull & PIT hrs & money 10 t>e arranged lhtt Gnn<ltH R11s1auran1 1400 W~PCH, Npl Bch 642·8881 Counter lielp M ature 1.1erson purl lime Apply 1n person The Tummy Stuller 270 So Brtslol CM 751-3566 DENTAL ASSISTHT We are lookmg lor an e•P• d dental assistant wrlh a t>rlgnt cheerful a1111ude to work 1n a pr11ven11on oroen 1ed prac11ve on CdM Salary open 644-6699 DENTAL OFFICE MNGR EH1c1en1 Enthus1ashc; & 019an1zed wt M kpng e(per 4 ay wl< 546 3000 Den1a1 Denial Cna1rs1de Asst neeaeo Eslab pleasanl busy Newport Beach G•oup P1acf1ce needs e .. per person ROA Pref 4 day week -t" , day every otner Sat AM If you're too•ung rur a hap PY office fo be 11ea1ed nght. Call 640· l 122 tor an m1erv1ew IOOltlll·SfCHln Senior Secu111y guard wanted lo• condom•· n1um Refs & Exper req d Call 675·fi101 . M·F 9.4 pm -----UH flTU IHH Selling toys al parties. Call 548-8296, evenings. Ultl EITlti SHI Part time alter sc11001 (at least 3 days per weekl You can eam $20 to S50 pe1 -k No expe<lence needed Call Daily PtfOI 642-4321 ext 3•2 ask tor Joe E 0 E FrH Wtl&llt CHtrtl l 1ttrlti1HI s •• 1 .. , Optional t>uslness pre· sentat1on oppor1un1ty to1tow1ng seminar For reservation 673-7357 Au ist11t l11a1or Ma1ure person 10 workl•~~~~~~~~~I w11n eslabllshed youtnl fUCTllClL IHlll(lt counsehng hrm Must be sharp ou1goo1>9 a11rac.. EXPERIENCED P81ma· hvt personah1y pleasant ne"I Po5lhOn 25 yr old phone voice 11nd at111t1y e 1 e c. t r ' c a t c o 10 meet people S235 pe1 7141859-7200 £ • F i 5300 weel! when quahf1ed Call E LECTRONIC TECH •II • Oaa 2 OOpm·5 30 642-4321 ...................... I 8At 346 EOE 1111enden1 Ltve-1n Auls! FOUND ADS d1s11t>fed prof women No nsecteaning. nice CM ARE FREE home Pvt rm. rm & btdi plus $200 mo 645·2357 IHYSITTH -, Call: 142·1111 Lost Black Lab Setter (female) Lost nr Graham end Heil HB Answers 10 Dapnne Very gentle Some loss of hair due 10 aJle1gy. 846-2146 ReUat>le person 10 c.are lor 6 mo old baby 3·30! th•ough !> 30 PM Mon- Fn M usi have ow n transp Eas1s1de Cos1a Mesa 6<16·9833 Alwaya a sate 1n ctass1flttd-read the ads ell9f)' day 6<12-5878 s s s s s s s BINGO s s s s s s s Watch this column for places to I play Bingo. This column will appear each Monday. To place your Bingo Parlor a d c all 642-5678, Classified Ads. I N Y I HT Doors open 4PM. Earlybird cames sbrt 6:30f'M $6,000 CASH PRIZES Fr .. col!M al\O IOtl Of i><"-lnO Blessed Sacram~ School 14146 So. Olive St.. Westminster PLAY . BINGO at Our Lady of Fatima Church 105 La Esperanza San Clemente EVllJ W1d111d1y licht Early Bird Speelal at 6:50 PM Fr11 Popcon I Coff11 1 FrH/IMd C•rd ,,_, h,.on WlthlhitACl -Exp 11-1·82 Mission Vieio Elks 25092 Mar-guerfte Pkwy. WIDHISDAYS Eatly Bird beglnt 1 30 PM, Reguter Bingo 8 PM. All proceed• are fOf cherttable purpOlft Phone llO-eU<8 FIELD SERVICE Oakland Base Tetecom- mun1ca11on hrm rs see- 1ung person w/ I yr a19· 11111 & analog eMpenence Opening is on Orange County area Key Tel e~posure A+ Send resume & salary 1equ1remen1 10 The Daily Ptlot P O Box 1560. Costa Mes:i CA 92626, Ad ::t080 FLOOR PERSON ASST Sewing· production exp nee Se1t-s1ar1e1. lasl learne1 C M 642·965 I FILLOW Tll Sii Work and play In P1Jm Springs, l as Vegas and resort areas demonstra,. l ing eac111ng new pro- dUC1 Travel wt th cllap&-ronea group transpone- tlon lutnlshed. 1eturn guaranleed. paid training and high earnings Must be well groomed end slart Immediately For 1ntetv1ew call 646-• 167. 11 am 10 4 pm Parenti welcome GENERAL OFFICE Above allel'ege skills· ty· ping. filing & dealing wnh public 64 1-8868 GENERAL OFFICE Varied duties, typing. busy pllones. accu payable POSltlve attitude neoessery CM area Call Mrs. Bryson 546-7172. •at• must Mollvaled Stylist needttd for Progretstve Salon Salary. Comm .• Vaca- lion Mgr 540-8889 Hard Wont. Low Pay. BIG FUTURE Seeking Rea· ponllble. Cr .. llYI lndlvl· dual tor yo~ng, IHI· growing t>uslnest MuSI have neat appear1nce, Q_OOd PR 1blll ty ll:llpet~ In man.ge- ment and carpet 1t ptlr pref11red) Frank John· ton, H&-6482 HARD WORKERS PllFlllllllL PAY NO EXPERIENCE $1200 31 opening• at 0 C. Giant Direct R1tall1r. HNI, youthM appearan-c. UI ASSISTHT SUPER STAR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • sunbur~t tn mint c:o11d 75 BOAT on NEWPORT tor medical loll 1n lagu11u Beach call 63:1-6634 P 0 Boa. 620 1 Luour111 N1yuel CA 92677 MOW ato/FT. s31s 646·7909 HARsoR '>57-•013 Oynllm1c 111vo11men1 (;o R " 6 D 1 28 1 v .. , 9510 requ""" 11 StlPER ST AR &owood .c• ue""ng oci. ronta t ma,c No ••••••••••••-•••••••• UI HELPER R.i111 gu11111 1ns1eller ex per d only musl nave o wn 11ans1.1 (7141 54? 1:142 557-5328 11 1 4 20 lono ula;u rl!dwOOt.I Pttl 1011 11ve 11ooard WHI New 65 Ooage > ton van 6 wo in9 to enrn our 1>u5• 1unc11111 Cull Jim Or K1111 •••• •• •••• •••••• • • •••• t•O•t S 195 mo cy1 eulo run1> •Int S675 ~ult time c1e9n 1t111 ur chin 1anks And wash let> r•tm ony11me 775 149 I SHIM· TZU PUPPIES 673 3074 548-4 109 ware plu!i. llllSC au11es Call Lucy 675·2159 brckhtff larlH La~ (;om1Jensa11011 10 S36 C .t I AKC. Cnampoon lroe Qll Shp 'poc.e 10 42 11811'1 • 1hots 8 wits Will hola ooo µlus 1.1ot1u& 11"a •• £11ul••111t 1030 101 (;h11s1mes 720-0891 AROCLL MARINA Auto1 W1nt1d 9590 llECf PTIDMIST c..,µ11ona1 bena111s •••• ,................... 553_0644 6•2·Sf35 •••••••••••••••••••••• Corona del Mar Fuc1111y I ralnoo 101 phone~ & hte Elmo Super 8 Zoom c11 B S 909 ol Cal·Tocn EOE MIF/H oll1ce dultes S10111n9 Opponurmy 10 1111ve1 lor rnero. cornp1 au1oma11c I Sttellles M C $able/ white .!!.'!, .• !~~'A! .•...••• salary $3 75 per 111 Ap· a b11ght. h19111y moltvll· m 1n 1 w / c .. s e , S9 5 \hOIS w ormed S200 UHL SECllfTlllY ply in pe"on rrom 2 1o 6 ted sell slerter Req 846·7909 6~2-4926 DRY STORAGE Newpori Bch low firm Mon thru Fri No phorie D119•ee and evidence ot needs c1v1tl1>vs1nen 1111· c8115 please Loonlte. 245 supllr stcH accomplish F111 to You 1045, FREE Russian blue 11eu· Monthly boat storooo • ments •• •••••••••••••••••••• toted cseclawed friendly any s•ztt. 24 nr secur1'y gahon secy wnh a min Fischer. Unit 0 ·6. Costa Poodle true 10 good' c.ai , ow nei allergic ol 3 yrs e~p Musi nave M&sa tree lau11ch1ng e.i.ttll 1yp111g & sho1 It tt11s 1s11·1 you p1e11se home Sllerry's Poodles 730-3782 all 6 NEWPORT DUM(S 1hond Benetlts & sotary Receptionist P/T lt!ll your smat1es1 9tar 546 2848 CMESAPHE HY lt(T 1131 lack lay Dr H commensur111& w/eap Tues and Thurs Chlro-quai11y friend alloul this I Fu111itu11 IOSO AKC. 15 mos old Fem &U 0510 ~~~~,a~~~c!ro~~,e~"~~ ~~~c~~9~fltce c a11 Pam ~?ea~~ns:~o~::~:i~e~~e ••*•••*•••l•·B··U·Y··*···*···· Nueas tovong 1am11y '" aoenc.es pis Ask 101 COLLINS ASSOCIATES I s i 2s 644 •4077 Tr1nsoo1l1lio11 Jan. 851·2044 ll(CfPTIOMIST 567 San Nicholas Or Goud useo Furn11ure & Piuos I Or "'' 1090 •••••h••••••••••••••• Headquarters ott1ce ot Newport Beach 92660 Appliances-OR 1 will sell i ••••••••••··'··••••••• C1mptts, Silt LEGAL SECRETARY 11•stauran1 chain has an Se 1 t 1 K 6 tt G d R t 91 Z Santa Ana-1rv1ne 1mmed1a1e opening tor a S11p1niur or11s;SLT' ElllorSYAoUuCTIOll p~~~ u wr!:i~~I cab~~~1 •••• !~•••••••••••••••• AV ra1ed tow lorm senior F1T Permanenl Rect!P· CHILO CARE WORKER • Xlnt cond lv0ty keys A Caoover Camper lor Im· allorney mon 1 Y1 (;81ol 1tun1s1 Busy Lobby & Co·educc1t1ona1 resoden 1•1-1111 133,.1125 gorgeous pc ot lurnoture poll truck boot s1a1>11t- e1p on corporate buSt· Dimension PBX sw1lc;h 11al 1rea1onen1 1J1ogram I IUY FUlllllTUltE and a lop qual onstru ze•i> corner 1aci.s $750 ness & •edl estate Mag 11 11oa1<1 thal 1equ1res a tor adolescenls BA and nit;nl ~4500 644-6699 '7141 645-5898 exp a mus I Com1t81ihve •ery personable 1nd1v1· superv1so1, eaper on Hie Les 957 -8133 • salary & beneffl5 Call dual w 11n front ott1ce 1te1d C.ill H.,mmond Organ model NEW Shell to• Toyota PU Jean 641 t3J I professional appearan-545 .3459 t>el 8e"' 1 611 brown pla•<l sola h•de· M 111 wtmanc preset SJ25 or bsl Loan Oll1cer ce Pos111on atso requires a·oed $75 Maple donene 1 1> a ck 9" II W a In u I 960·6035 F • " II use of 10 ltey adder & Sue'"'' ~:2' 89!4 c h ii' rs S 7 5 S 1195 673-5122 Moto1i11d l ikfl 914 Hlltall ,a 1v ltghl typing Lovely ot· v "' ' Sk ... 1093 •••••••••••• ••••. • •••• ler1&a&t CtllpHy lieu Medical denial Wl'U 1tAOf Sola bea t>lue dt>le sz •• !!'!f •••••••••••••••• roxv MOPED for sate Looi.1ng for <1 ·6 •~per Package Apply "' pers-~• ~ TO $ 7 5 or , ea s o t t e, 198 2 s k, N 3 u 11 q u e I Gooo cond runs good 1 protess1ona1s Wri1 sµec. I on 111 IVV""'" q19.9535 832·7965 2001 Only 38 hours S250t t>st otr 960 6035 1111tze 1n new programs t HE JOLLY ROGER INC GET A Also have a 1977 For 3 YR OLD MOPED I e GMPIARM GEM. ISi 17042 G1lle11e Avt; c~~ FURNITURE NEW mula 1/0 20 fl fll<e USED UlTLE $275 & 2nd TO's lrv111e. \Jn .. lft~I~ •• 1 I C h NEW• Ca II I 7 1 4 ) 644 .2929 Call John Cu·~c;k 714-~46·0331 PROJECT~ nnUS ra se OS 964•9090..... ., vrr Prices s1ar1 et 842·2000 & ask lor J•m- RESIOENTIAL At!staurant 1ME GROUND. Molfresses & found se1 "'Y Jr 11 ou1 please Motou1d11/ MORTGAGE SERVICE E~perlenced Busboy, 1u11 I win $77 Full S97 leave message• Scootlls 915 I 11me, apply in person Outten $147 ~1ng $167 S . G -~ 109f •••••••••••••••••••••• Loan 619 Sleepy Houow. La· 1 , , Sols Beds S197 .t.0!!!'!1 ••• 0.v:!~ ••••••• '76 Kawasaki KZ 400 wnh p I 0 Q ES S 0 I / gune Beach _ ' • • 1 Sota & Loveseal S247 SURFBOARD 5 8" Sharp new clutch Runs X•nt D1ne11e w/ 4 chrs S97 Local Mo11on, songle fin. $600 953· 1574 M•n 2 ~~·:.·p· Heavy S.ili SDYERTISllG • '" L'.! DISt~~~~~r~~~~:~~RE ~;;.~~on d $ 100 . ·e~,~~~::d.1~~~~~~r 1yp 1 n g / 6 o wpm Full or Patl Time Costa Mesa 631·6609 Goll cart 1981 moOel. 4 1 551-8!>83 Henry 851·0•4<1 Here·a a unique oppor-lunny 10, one who .,,1oys 5 piece dining ioomt&iite , sea1er. club c.ar caroche. 19, 1 M OTO GUZZI 750 Management DIRECT SALES PRO NATIONAL COMPANY I nas opening for llllECT SILES 51 NEW PRODUCT IEl'IRN TO working with lhe public set S50 Good cond111on cream w1lh F1encn ca· Amt>asS&dor lull dress on the telephone and M UST SELL 646-7230 nopy 4 wheel. Including 27 ,000 acl ml S950 h l>allery charger S 1600 552-4782 eves earning money el I e 11 ,,. •' Antique dresse1 ond din 080 549-0t55 Susan same lime I Mon-F11 8·5PM ltot•r a •• ,,, S•lri Your successful sales 1 rm sel also olher lurn espe11ence will enat>le 1 ' 1 642 8668 I M•n• Trampo1tne hH~ .~~'!V.!!!!~f! ..... ~t you to t>ecome a key parl 1 I. 9Pc Tnomasv111e Pecan Outy flame Xln1 cond Rent 26 motor ,,0me I of ou1 Ct11ss1fled Ad11er· w ood d1n1ng rm set $45 642·8571 sips 8 lull• loaded h&inn Department Coil1 Meu 540 1026 5 70 b • " ... _1 1 lkli ""2 881I 4 .. d 1 pedestal TV • ~· 6•5-8816 1Pauft S1nt1gn1 commission on ''"""'on "" · 11>1-e .. 1enas 10 110 4 / 1<1•10, all sa•es l1r1111 ltil\ 7U-~1Sl siae & 2 arm cnrs Mat Hifi Sttrto 10911FOR RENT 81 Tioga moni II f0•l have sales aD11tty ~"''' 4n1 541 4163 cllong 2 pc china cat>•nel ••••••h•••••••••••••• motor home Stps 5 6 1 are 11 sell·51arter and D1n1 '"'"' 493 1901 wtinll'llO• 1tgnung GOO<l BEAUT IFUL 25 RCA I generator au awning ltke MONEY we will train cona s27001t>est Oller Color TV 2 yr w1n1y 645·3009 or 850·0858 1ou 1n C11ss1f1ed proce· lllMY. 559.5038 S 148 Free de11ve1y • WE PAY TOP DOLLAR . FOi USED ClllS AUM IAlllH PHTIAC/HIAltU 2480 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 541-4300 541· l Ul WE IUY CLEAi ClllS HD TllUCIS COMMIU CHfVIOLfT ~ 11.irt•.r I< "' tlf'>T>\\1L"\ SU-1200 1111111 IUYflt I op dollars tor Sports Cari. Bugs Campers 914 s Audi s Ask tor UiC MGR JIM llltllO VOLUWHH 1e7 11 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH U2·20DO WANTED! La te model Toyotas. Volvos. Pickups & Vans Ca11 ua 1oaay• Earle Ike TOYOTA·YOlYO ............... & CM ....... "-•O-UOJ w '40.'461 Wf HY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR Clilll FOR FRH A"ltAISAL Cormr&r·OeL•llO CMEVROLfT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON 8EACl1 IU·IOl7, Ul-333 t llHllEIHT Pari 11me, couples/ respons11lle singles to netp manage large family ousmess Wotk w1lh pu- t11tc For Interview Call oures For an appoint· IE Ill YOU CH I( Open Sun I Auto S11v1r11 1'111 meiH tor •nterv•ew p•ea· • ,unique BR se1 Dresser rv Johns 646· 1786 & Atctuori11 940 Top Dollar se call our Personnel wand mirror beCI frame •••••••••••••••••••••• Oepa11men1111 642-4J2 I TEUPllOME 4 d w r ch s 1 $ I !> o 19 Zenith Color TV. good PAINT & Inf' boay wori. ""' 277 IPPT. SEnEllS 675-5810 l eono Sl90 l).U.7676 up 10 so··· Oii yout bOdy Paid OllH&f COAST Large dark wood desk 11 color Zenith TV works shop es1 Boll 964·0332 We neea 5 gooa tele . good S?O For Your Ce1• DAILY PILOT phone so11c11ors 1n lhe w/2 Ille drawers. 30•60 968 1654 European Mec1H1n1c re-JOHNSON a SOM 330 w Bay St evenings tor our Laguna $95 645·8358 · pa11s European cers1 71~·968-6670 An EqCuoe~tOapMp~saEmplyr ~~~s~~~cee,;>e~~P~!~1~gr French Canopy twin girts G~~n~ :~u~:T;4g~~~S ~~~.~ch Sp~g 991·1229 ~~~:·!~;~o~':~~ .a"'IClltlST • bdrm set complete C 5 0 563 " produc1s Salary + SJOO 846•4616 646-7909 Buol! 289 3 !'>2 351 .,., Oslo Mesa 4 • 0 w1lh ct1entete 3975 811ch SALESll"EllTISl"'li Cc;mm1ss1on + Bonus NEW TWIN BED S50 Ma11e1 am/Im 91ereo rec heads. Cam comp1e1e HIGHE:ST CASH imme· SI. N 8 5'45-7112 ' " Call atler 1 pm. 859· 7442 1 d $40 rc1>u111 headers $500 C4 doelely tor your veh1c:te. E•cetlenl oppl'y tor e•-1nc;1 hame. ma11ress & etvei ~ nl c:on · Travel Agenl malure I bo~ spring 646•5867 I 646·7909 150 642-8171 dome~11c or to1e1gn PVT AN AIUMG'IRUCK IMGIMIOM 1HIROAD10 RICOVlft ,.nt •tW" ""' n111 11u1\,. ''P 111 11~ , .. .._ 1t11~ II \H1j ,,. • t .1,1 ... ,t '''"'' ...... ' ., 111 lff'CI" \no\ • .... 1 .... 1 h \•111 tt"1• pe1 adver11s1n9 p1os year e•pertence pan ___ G·E indu• 23 hfac" • -----551·8285 Earn $600·$1000/wk tome. 720-0771 WOOD IESI I c1•11t ., u ~ 0 A I I s l Mr Levine 537-3123 · • while TV. nas outte1s. U 01 ior 1 I Van Onve1 tor Senoo1 Ct· ' S55 t>Otn 646-5867 1npu1s etc. good cond, ··~~PORT;~·TNOT~CE•• AutOI I•"" Jd SALES fulllltme 101 hOll· tozens Centet Musi be al S50 646-7909 TO '"'EADERS ···D ••••• i ••• ,..-. ••••••••• dau season par111tme Queen Sile water tied n ,..,, A di 11170,• ' ' C 11 1 c leasl l8 Class 2 drtvers headboard 6 drawer ADVERTISERS 11 ~ 1 ter d 01 app1 110 license 759_9471 • A1a11car1r1dges 117) up to •••••••••••••••••••••• Jewelry So Coes1 Plaza. p1des1al good cond. date. setts IOf over $350 Tiie price ot 11em1 ad· 10 11141 5000 Tur~t 549·1542 Waoters&Warlressesove< sneels . etc S250 sac $200 752-64 13 vert•sed by vehtc:le dee· 54~. t20 I Gary ters 1n lhe ven1c1e cla1s1-26 000 mile: fully loedec -----2 I y1s. appty in person al " s o 1 d d L k Et Mllador. t768 New· Omeue set qn sz bed new $ 13 •OO 080 Sal(s 11ec adve1t1Stng columns I unr o · g con ' t ~~:'c:ou~~ ~~·~o:~: poll Blvd, C ~ __ chest w/dt>I m111or 2 nne 10111 I /t11iae ~~;f~a~~~ 1~~~~u~,~~:, 6 4 S 8 2 1 1 Eves Founlain Valley 92708 WAITflt/WAITltfSS stands. sofa. retr1y •II £.t•fl••al Hanster lees t1nance &57-9684 days IAUS/llTIH Wtlh car tor 'W>CkClf bas-t>rand new 9!>5•22 6 °' •• •• • •••••••••••••• cnarges lees 101 air pol-75 Audi Fox NeeG& llllk ket lunch servtce 9 30 10 832"9919 ~!'.~~'.~ ••••••••• !.~{~ 1u11on cont rol device work $1000 or best of Earn to $1500/mo PI T 1·30 pm Mon-F11 Earn Recliner chair derlc 1>1own IUll( Fill Itel cer11 f1ca11ons or dealer le• 857·4167 M us 1 be m 11 I u re $150 10 S170 wkly Must velvet has earres Xlnt documen1a1y prepera------ S59·9043 Leave Mes· be neat, pe<llOf'lel>ll en· cond S IOO 642-8571 FOR SALE t•on cha•gts unlen lltW 911 2 h I I •,Oii 'II '"'' llhf l11J1 ,. 11tlH 111,h ,,. •r "1111 sage ergetoc 979,.0747 at 10 6<12·4644. M-F 9.5 ol herw11e specified by •••••••••••••••••••••• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil AM for eppt Kilchen ht>le modern 7 Pioneer Dingy wtoars t e adver11ser CHOICE INVENTORY --s1yte beige w/butcher Xtnl cond S 175 VOLUME S.t.LES J uumr '" tlw \1111\ m .. \ ,.,. thr •'""""'"' t ll'f ntltfl' lflf"fr1hthtifl I 111 ,.,,., ''" 11 I ' \r111\ Sales MOIH llAOMllE HEii OPIUTOll TO PllOI llTTllS '41'•I l•lll I top lform1c11 wllh IHI. Aalit •ll/ & ••••'••••••••••••••••• very nice S35 642-8571 545·8734 Cliuit1 g5z ••• ,;..,,, •... e1. II • ' ltYll 8 FT DINGHY •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••• •. ~!.!~!!1............ Needs a 11111e paint & IOIEL u&"st Otl'INT Garage Sale 940I CLARKE C 500 Fotkllll. TLC. S65 648--7909 Shay replicas, pickups & Breakweter Ct H B Ocl 6000• cap :14 helgn1 lo 11 • couptts 4 to choose IOI lolllEI llW Cosb Mtu lllllllfton B<h llf\N .. S11111 w OMJ hlnl 9·10 HamlllontBushtlrd '8000 7141793·2166 •t1, "'"•lt•••rt rromt t008768J ISlk S1nit1 1020 A3093). Prices •tarting at !'.~1.~•JJ~~.'!.~~ ... ,.~f ····;;;r~~;·5;;~;;···· HLY St,ttll ~·1026 S•00-11000 + pe1 wk. Kl-QZl Cell Joe Jackson llttdi,.,;11 Sales-Service· Leasing 850 N Beach Blvd Lo Habra Ruw. bl ... Des1gn/ln11at1/Aepalr 8 to '20' tong. Jett pe1 ff Olly work 549-2520 Ev 111-1112 •••••••••••••••••••••• m::m , __________ ,~!'.111.-.~~ .••••••. !.'!!~ 522-HU Open Sunday 493-1901 AltlY. IE ALL YI• Cd II. ltrtllH41tl•I Part lime Food l>t0k8f. women more 1u1ta1111. cer nec1uary Call Fri Oc1 15th •nd Mon Oct 18th (213) 949.0574 e•I 17 IWL IOILITlllST Needed for progtHtlVI • Hlon Some cll1n1111 pref S•l•ry, comm • vacetlon Mgr &<ta-8889 Occ bat1y1t11tr 11'1 t vt -ntng1. Mature penon, 12/hr. own tran1 Eet· ldl C.M 548·7138 Part time p1t•on with d•pendtbl• 11an1pottt· llon to dlllvw 1mllll Dally Piiot roult In Npt 8ch erH: Mon. lhru Fri, 1l- t1rnoon1 (3·30 to 6:00 PM ) Set & sun m0tntnga (6;30 to 7·00 AM). UOO Pl' mo. Call Bob Wtlle. 842-4321. £.0.1!. l&LH l•tc~d CtHtry ~ !_Bnvit~ ,.,,, ''"'' IHO ·····'················ Ctau1c 10· Lapst1ake Century bay l>Oat. 4 cyl. Grey $3500 675·&161 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HHBOI flt VO CO~TA MlU 641 0010 "78 3201 HST SUL P R PERSONS NEE· O AK DINI NG ROOM OED. Magic Island Is SET Belgulm oak with looking 101 a few lntelll-parquet Inlay 1a1>11. 4 X 8 genl. enracllve & slnoe<e expand 10 13 fl • hind persona to repr11ent made AITlll'IC:an Wind_. them In !heir p"1 club In chair set. 2 arm Ind II Nwpt Bch lntervl-rlQ. 1lde • Scoltlsh mirrored Call f or appl t0-6 . 1tdeooard S4.000 Antique mahogany cat>I,. nel wllh orig RCA radio & rec0td pt1yer-S75, b•· throom .. marble type .. sink In 1 door & 2 dr•- c;ablnet plue matching 2 door wall eat>tnet & .. mart>le IYJ)e .. well Shell. all tor onty s 100, 11mpe. rid gl••• llhowet door•. llke new, only 150 tor both Call 642-0 138. t4 tt llblrglaas boll, trlr & 22 hip motor wl ac-e e s s o 1 1 1 s S 5 5 o. ·53 Studebek11 Champion White with tan saddle Interior Facio')' sliding sunroof, air cond . cooo me1s. etc Onven wllh care (949ZRT) Ju11 need reliable parly to make smell monthly payments No old con- tract fo aasume, no bac.11 payment• due ASK FOR ROSE 1131 -5202 Ike lmporlt Mon-Fri, Ask IOI Mr 673·6423 863·5272 5 pass cpe Nice c er Halbefg 1175--0900 WANTED Am11tc1~ HORnAltY P /Tlat dlan bukets, bead work, Newpori Beach aporta P<>ll. le.tiles, 49 4.7974 firm 11ek1 Get Friday Anuque popcorn machine, Portat>ll OIOltat mutll~ 18+ tor typing & some great tor game room. 111, u new 1 176 ctrMng Modeling Hpet. S250 fl.44-2920 "3·829t helpful but not nec11- t3' Boaton Whet11, Mint Cond • 35 HP, ""= slrt • Ma t1y X1111. $31100 645·7873. Lv Message Bttn Whir 17" w/815 h.p. Mere Many 1Jtt111, bl· m1n1 top. t1lr 642-7880 01 675-2307 -••ry $8 50 hr to start. Old Ships wheel. 611. 0.. Unlv1r11ty Athl1tlc Club Luva m11g 831·0300 cor11or1 ll1m. 1 160 Memberahlp, Men Only, •31 080 2272 .t.valon, C M "'t Price. $450 853-&e06 SALE, Siii.ii Ill 8ec111ary A••ll•atn 1111 01111 Ch1t•tmH g11111 A• 11. where 11 '&2-30' o c Airport Area Ad .,., ••• ••••••• ••••••• •• H1nd p11n11d T '"•111111 Chrla Cr•ll crul111 Cf ,t.gency tooklng for a HARBOR AREA Unique & per1on1llzed &973CF maturl P1t•on to 1111 APPLIANCE SERVICE Call 011we1n 8am & Sii vetMI al ec:lvtneeel poelllon 11 edmtntilra• We NII rec:ond .. ouer 1 t•m fl.44-4594 Merine Transe>ort. 1&72 $3750 2131502-1792 ht4 ..... ltdt4 t9•8 ford Woody wa,. gon. s 13.000 1929 Ford Model A Town SelJan . S t0 ,000 875-61&1 lltAHl ltlm'I OLIHT ·29 MERCEDES Repllcar Front 1ng1n1 500 m1 s16 .o o o eo 7141793·21845 S•le•·Servlo4l,.L1aelng 1964 Bet l'llr Chlvy. pa1t I{)( CARVER reatorld. A·1 m~hant-~lJ..Sfl'll("E·~ cat . S I 500 "'°-""'"''-"' •""• (714)240-7080 .. -'""· ... , ... },..,_ ·i5MUSTANG Conv !Cini --~~"''", .. , 011Q cond, 1 owner Rid w/blk lnl11 750-0087. !Ive H Ctlll1y. Prof... apc>Hanc.. 549-3077 OAk -FIREWOOD YOU ;~~~·~11. ~~~ 1lo11tl l llltude, appu,. I llf lPPl.IAltll PICK UP OR WE O&LI· 8AM·5PM SH lld bid rtnc1 , phone voice • l.11 957-8133 VER. 48~·11148 oftratno 2 PM, Oct 28 at mull. SllllP gen41ral OI· flee 1klll1 required. 70 W11ner-Ory11-Relrlg. All •le<:trtc no•Pltll bi d 0 floe of South CoHt 1tH ... !IOI wpm typlno 558·04&0, Ot1hwuhef-Fr .. 111 w ith •Id• rall1 $700. M11rtn1 Su~rt. 5732 62 x 1 AM/FM ''"'° r:aMett•. Atk for Brittany, 9 30 • 1 Xlnl cond 848-6848 84•·"84 East 2nd St. Long EIHc:ih ' call bur' vory with 111ve1, xfnt cond IHI 90803 cimet lntr 81 '"" on rt1•on1bll olltt. Att1r (71•0 "4·6354 enytlml PM"°' /Ill .,. ~~~~· t:=~e ~r:. u:: ,r'seo~~7 ~:, m:,:~ =·~c~~~:; ~~~·,~~~.TV 8hO'iw 1===~"~7~14~)~14~5""~11~2~~ St. Cath1rine 's -BINGO/ LJlf1d ~"*"'com-ouar 11001uP ue..oeea MAGIC •SL.AND cLue :::; ~.::" .. '-i~ C::: IHl'HtlM•I ·n Meroon BMW 2002. To p1aoe yo1K n-. For Cl11 .. fled Ad peny. htavy phonH I Recondlttonlel Rafrloer•· c HA f11 T t R M I M . 11 ftltl#lft II 1t1ck, 1un root, good nuadly h"*'P -[Mtyblrdl •l 7:1S ...-~IN ACTION typ ing. Shotlhlnd 01 10tl, W1th11a. Ory1t1, etR8HIP l&llC ...................... conClttlon 1 3200 . F'" ltlr*wd tfMh WI ~ Oct. 2HI r~ publla, Cell t equtv req•ci Mtlllfl. non f u 11 y g u 111n111 d &1&0 144.2929 .. ,, "'' ~ '11 Toyo11 Mini Motor t<IO·SOH 3090 SOUTH COAST HWY PftOne OllllV Hot 1mkr Send tHume & &40•3114 •••••'•••••••••••1·~~'; Home, 1t', fllOt •. Mff· • Delly-Piiot AO-VllOA Hl•ry r1qulrem1nt 10· March to your phOM lo 11' HOb!e C.t, ~ w/ contained, xln1 cond "76 llMW 63()j 600 ml,_ L...., Budt 4M-970l caeeelflecl. 142.9'78 142·H 71 PO lo• 700t, Newpoft "no wnat you want In C>lec. 1 1111~tno ctaa-teq. eunrlN Nit• UU 11 mp g I 1 o . 5 O O 4ftlt Mutt ... to~ ~~~~~~======~~~~J:~~:=====:J~~~~==::;=tlJeee.~~ch~,~C~A~t~H4IO~~=J~Oelly~~Pllo~i1.~Cl~ .... ~flld~~1~~-~fled~~ed~IM~t.at~l7~1 =1 ,._ UIOO t7M1t1 ...... ,...... 17100. 9U.. tl7• ~ . ~------=====~ J ( •• <Jt1U1Q~ C.Oiiltl OAll y 1>11 0 l /Momfoy Oc;tobof l~ 1Utj2 Hlll· aYIOl LIHIH OJ I 10•0 49b 4114\ HllUIAOl IMW 211402 M111gu•t1I• r•lo.wy • Ml .. lon v1e10 1A~:;...,8~"~'~:.~1 1 1981 DATSUNS ~ iml .. R v.,, o1 ... ~ YIL ltw llltHt Y1hl1IH I HOM A~ LOW AS S•l111·Sorv1C•·l.•H1t1g 1H~!!l::!~~~~OH $3988 ,;~~~g1ocs. 4 spe.id lill IHIJ TtJltl • ·77 3201, 4 spa . •u« 11202 lttoh llwjf, rool (248TRRI MHth1&tH lttoh • 79 3:?01, 4 SIJd SUll 112 0121 roof (849YHZI • • 80 3201. s spc sur root (659ZOKI • '80 3201, S sp<J ao co11d ( IASX048) IH-3171 208 w lat San1a Ana Closed Sunday llll 2IOZ AMn M CHS(llltl, 4 ¥11d Air cond Runs llke new $5300 or besl ofle1 da 833·8512 Evs wk11d1 951 6710 f!I.~~ •.......... ?.~!! !!!!~!! •••••••••• !.~~~ ·75 Ghia 4 spc, or1u ow HAHl OOUITY'S ner. ps pb, aic. amlfm O•LY AUTMOalZH $2200 548-7090 D1t1U11 l?ZO ····•••····•····•··••· 1982 DATSUNS YtrJ CltH 11tr1 ltw 11111111 Ytllicl11 FROM AS LOW AS $4988 1111 lu•r T11ot1 11202 l11ch llw4'. Mu1t11ctH l11ch 112-0121 'll ••ts•• 510 4 Door. AM/FM s1e1eo casselle Excettenl con dltlon $4.000. 6•2·4336 or 687-0686 1n111ts111 1210 Grea1 economy car $1500 OBO 964-7317 '79 280 V< xlnl cond. low m1, Musi sell make offer 64:1-09721673-6355 FEllUIU DHlHSIUP! 3 100 west Coast Hwy Newport Beach 642·9405 Fi1t 9125 .......•.............. 17 124 Spyder AM/FM cass Alloys, clean runs .. 1n1 darlo. red/Ian 11111 $3300 4~4-6875 HoaJ• 91Z1 .............•.••••••• NOHA NHTIH? Wf! ca11 hetp• Before you buy check our unbeeta· ble selocltort. saving$ and service IOOay• UllYEllSln SAUS I SHYICl 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1140 77 Accoro a1c auto am/Im new 111es 4 ~1.'!.',.!fr..~'!!. .••••. ~.~~ .... !~r.!!~~ ....... ~.".'.~~ .'!'!r.!!!~....... ~ ... '.'.' . .'~r!!!!~ ....... ~ ... ~·.',.!~!!'!.~~ ...... ~!.l!.'1.1/.•!l •••••••••• ~.•,/!.'1. ¥!!!. .....•••.. ~.~~~·. -~~!~ .......... . !'!.~~~ ........... !.~~? ~~~~~~!!.ft~.· ... !.~~! r!!!!~! .......... !.~!~ !~.~ .. ~~ .......... !.~~~ r .. 1~ .. !!~,~~ •.•••• 1.~~1 f!!~~~~ .•....... t'!.f 'JI omo 111 , ... , hi 1000 nu W11• 1 Ill po•1011• 1,111ou betvtC. l•Hlllg /fj ' PHI wg11 Ull'IO ICum• Ill l ••• Newpott Cio~11J11 llZ '"' ll4t ....•.............•....••••.••••••....••.... Ill •• PlllTI • 1971 PtnlO ti O•t • .. " I; I AllLll•'o· 1 .... I eulo '" Whl• B••Ch . 1111••' Miecll()( 4 •llU uOOd<it;ontl 1:11)00 wh••I• \Ht UUU/Oltll 11 Jl 2 Q QllPI • '"' Or 1,,.,1•1111., t6• '"'93 J IJ 6.IJ 1111111 ,. , llllAftl 1t1pe •70276 lt( ••P or ll• •vtoualy ow11•tl .. "" II.I Olt 6411 2111>'] Por•"le • AUlll • •nCI we tiev• •good M l.c Mau• luofl.e 1un1 & 11011 ul NEW & USFO <Jt1vH gr•all 17110 ubu Ct1e11 v CIO flt 11lu<J• Su11,i, 1111 1. 111t1 ••"""' sa 100. 8 11 1 1118 A11n •v•• 49:1 1n12 [~!.~~! •••....•.• !.~~! '64 JllQUAI Xt<( CC.HIV 4 :1 Compl ••l>ll 11ng 6 t11k •ya11m Wire whl• s11eioo ""~ 63?1• ,,,.,, 1131 ...•••.•........•••... ,~•: ,u~u• ~· .-n r• .. t O• "· n•" a flllT M.. . ..... rACIUfYI l!l IHll II tOlll •IU ltl Jiit 8 I M8l<IB OLC 4 dr halcllbk, AC tin! $4895 494·49:?0 M11cu o1 l1n 1140 ········~············· You can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from us. $0 DOWN LEA E t•I Of ITI llH POa OOLLIOTH H IHllTHlll 11 f t.l•••ll bO!I Ct11aull1w 1111111111111 w 1411 µ0111lil• upllt>H• M•lol Iii,. htllWll Wfllljlll lltfl ptuth v"'"l" tnl ( om11 l•1.t0ty ret1u111 & 1e11u1otJ to n•w l •1 l1>1Ht I 011 I vet t 1111 10 U S tµer • Ullg btll1 lot UM 104 000 1111 tlulid c•• IHtt tltnlly 11011111 111 Utt1m1111y llul tlUtly IOI lnlltltUlllllft 1h1pµ1nu S111111g 1>11ce S7!> 000 PleH•. 011ly qu11hltt11l 1:11~1l nuvf!l I, cell t7141642 Ot:ltl 15 450 Sl Both 10111 w11e wllls. ••eel cond Will (1&111 lor cash S 19 j)OO wkdy1 894 0563 w1<11u11evea 848·6487 1973 450 SL Oar~ IJrown $ 14,900 760-8765 ttv, d• 833-2591 76 MBZ 450 SL gold Doth 1ops, sporty. t 18 000 640 8236 78 :?80 E go Maple yollow/dk brwn Snrl. al loy1. stereo cau ps/pb/ pw chmate con1rors Ftawlffs $ 14,500 OBO pp 549 1757 cays 496-8325 eves & wknds 80 300SO lo mt sunrool. t 111111111• 1111 lu<ho llP~•• I '3 I •20•0 ....... . 11.111<u U''"Jll AM/IM lo!IUUO.very(lt>O<J l..OflO Vul~ewe~ne "''""" '"""''" wllttl'I••"' 7/ •,111111111 '• tlltl lro111 """' 11111111 S1aoo111110 ~ I 1111110• V••Y •1111111 '"11 wlttt•ll l,f11vt1 XIHI \)It• mt ll•• l•b:I 11t 6µrn --,,._. t IAIU /4111 l'rt µty (,ull ln•tUll t .'41)0 111)4 ")847 r11•w Ir<>• ..... ., 1 om ur""'' I "' vo1eo11 .,000 mile o~ r co .. , Hwy Nawporl Oeeth t\1:1 0000 tu 1 .. i.., 111.. To•otl 1115 "" robll mll euper 1.1100 •.I.•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' l> I t I r a n • S 3 'J 0 0 BEST OU ICA lOVHI 4!J4 ?1111 evo1 luid 111' Uu )IUU tuJllV luvu Ctt •• •••••• • •••• •. • ••. ••• llcn 'I If ~n give me • 'T'J vw 6ug fngln• min 8' A~11141100! a11.-11u OFFER f • 1111 11111111 111•w I v11 11u1 11 , 111111 BO<ly tn gd con(j S2!>0 4 lake over • lor1 ul 111.,.,. 1111.lud1ng S2'.IOO OBO C•lf Anawo 673 0187 ', f C, 1 .. m1 tully I0111Jed Al.I 624 642 4JOO 24 hr• (7 14) '>!ll 00(14 MEISTER POlllOlll/llll 1:ifJ3 I lier bor UlvcJ Oar<l1t11 Orov1 hlH·ltrYlet ltHhl& 114 IH-2333 l '10 121 l ow m1l111 Lea Int All IJOWttr, At,, 1.1111111, 11111•1 I sn11 s2a,soo oao ' 714·955·3!>0 I Wk I.flt I 'luµru~ wtth I l o1a C1dll/1t 1115 J''"' ''~'H'-t ,01iuu1u P"'1Y au vw Aubb1t Ost l mint ·.t,•;.j(;~;;;;••••••••••• 111 111uko 1mull n111nlhly tOllll AMIF M anrl llUIT SILL PllVrtlttttl~ NII Old COil $6000 no '""'I . '""' 10 uuum• no t11>tk I PllY'"""'~ tluf! ASK l'OH 09 SUNAOOr t 111 Bluo nosF 6J 1 b:.IO;.i '"" A1111fm cau x1111 <.0111 lmµorcs 1 S 1800 675 07:>6 f'J C:umper I •C.ttllt111 1.<111d S3000 846 65J3 1111 TOYOTA ClllCA 8T LIFTIACI Aulumnttc trAlll air 67 Micro l:lu11 run11111g l.Olld .,.,., Sf1Jut111u. Sll:.>b 6:11 436~ AM/FM Shl•ttO 4 a new <..hempagne ll•llrtOr wnn lle•ljtt 1en111er 1n1e11or c.omplotttly •quipped w11t1 11owe• moonroof. w111dows. custom aounu 4 mu•at (6103:16) Just need 1elt1tblt1 per ty to muke small monthly paymentt No Old con tr11c1 lo auum•. no bllck payments due ASK FOR ROSE 63 1·5202 Ike lmporlS Cnevrotelll 11" 1 3017 lum COHHfll CHEVIOUT 1\.7' Jt t' I• r I ' I ,... : \ \.1 ~ SU-I ZOO '70 IT. W1111 1100 f ur<J '•Ir lane 36 I )(Ir.I moto• and '""' C•••" body & 111tr ??r11r1g 543 646~ Ll•t•I• 1145 ----~-, ..................... . •118' Chevy C•v•llat. O<I• 80 Mark VI, 28K lueo~ IKI cond, 4 !Ir. 11r, 10 •II wf\111, alt\.' cond $ 10 0 0 0 m I $ 8 9 6 0 !>()() (13 I 1,133 648 04311 'H II Ca•IH 11210 (,1111111 <.;n•vy, ~•nl mu101 11nd '"'"' f;.cel '"" good 11ro1 a brake• ... , 6465 ~!!~~~ ..•••.••• !.~~! IJ2 GRANO MARQUIS 1 """"" 10 m1 S600 6 leke OV•r pymit 840·3:1•8 110 GAMARO L28 Blue 19 Monarch 4 Cr S.01r1 •lnl <.ond Ma11y •lrltt y•llOw •2.000 ml, Orto 8 4 :2 9 '.l 8 3 u u b b y own•r very clean $3300 847 964n low t>k S46·9034 75 Cht;tvy Monu 4 cyl 4 ll•1t1a• 1952 spa /4.IC. good concJ •••••••r•••••••••••••• S 1500 84:?-9992 77 MUST ANO OHIA Gd cond Atkmg $2500 f~.'l~'!! ......... !.~~~ 968· 7597 68 PORSCHE 91:? I 00<><1 co11<J. $•500tobo I um1ss1011s tiys tem (UJ V7661 Prt Ply $4399 Coll 637-4146 O• 759-4560 · 75 Converllblo. lllkt yel low. am/Im lttpu •Int $3900 846-9549 '76 Woodle"' LA BARON 66. New ll•ea. pa1n1 lwn g Cntrv Auto. AC. seat) auap brke AMIFM THE UlllllT AM/FM. llo. new $4,695 storeo S2SOO 54S·7098 SELECTIOI q 53 . mo 'll lllll. S 1150. 55 I 6829 842·0 16'1 19!>9 PORSCH E! Ro11da1er E •c ellenl tona $9 000 obo Dav• (7 141 970-0588. evu wknds(714) 780 1019 66912 5 ap, ull orig Very cle•m Musi seel $6000 640-79 12. 544.9455 1981 TOYOTAS 19/8 Sctrocco Alm cu11d S1e1eo. $4500 OBO 675-6677 YtrJ Oleta Volvo g71; low Mil••&• Yehl cits •• • ••••• • •• ••• ••••• • •• rnoM AS Low AS " I Ytln Dultr $3988 111 OrH&t Ctu.ty! 01 late moe1el, low mllea f!!!!!!! ..... , .•. !.~~~ 644·' 147 or S36·0343 go C11011111cs 1n Soulllern 1 79 c:;orveue T Top C11hlorn1a1 Seo ua loday• MUST Sill IAIElll BLACK BEAUTY Wtlh C'llluc JUSI 35 000 miles LOii· Ced w1111 op11ons tnc lea the• 1111erior . air cond • :1600 Horbor Blvd COSTA MESA pw1 windows. 1111 wheel. cru1s11 conlrOI. tt lC OJJ1aobil1 1955 ..•••..••............. 80 Old• Osl Royele Brougham lOlded wt e•trn A1k1nc S5600 ceinCI aulo lrans Good cone S 1700 or best or ler 536-3484 38 gal lank •Int cond lo/ls l•t.tt 91S6 Asking $25 900 PI P ••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 .... , ,., ••• 11202 lttoh llwjf, Mut1tia1tH lttch 112-0121 SALES, SHVICf AllD UHIH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS (45SZOAI Ju11 need ro-Pi•lo -91S1 7tJ Etdoraao B1arr1u liable party to make •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-1880 957·:?651 fwkdya 9-5 30) #}DEALER IN u S.A 1115 UO SL 32 .000 mt Anlllrac11e grey/black leather 1n1e- rtor W1lh Hard lop and per feet soil top $ 17 450 5:?9-3489 '80 450 SEL. silver. :?5K m1 Beilulllul $31.000 <Es1a1e sa101 499.4 72 1 78 3000 ivory snrt. al loys. housewife s cor. $h arp , $16 500 493-1665 eves 72 Mercedes 280SE 4 5 1mmac A M /FM 811 $8200 640· 7884 Po11ti1 91SO ...•••.•....••.•...••• '61 356B Cpe No •usl. reDll runs good deal 111 S3 IOO 494 687S fOYCARVER IOlSID'tCE ~ ·-~ • I·-#• • ,#,..... ~· "' "' ·...o.u ~ WHCIAYS tt.s S11b 916D ...............••..... 1112 SUI 100 4 DOOR SHH Equ1pmen1 i ncludes 5 speed 1ransm1ss1on P<>· wer s1eer111g & AM/FM slereo casseue ( 1~008l 1E~J11°1~p~~Ts 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 77 Toyota Corolla. 4 spd 1 owner good cone New lrre~ blue $:?995 Ev 494-69:?6 1982 TOYOTAS Yerr Cl11a low 111111&1 Ythiclu FROM AS LOW AS $4988 1111 11111 T 01ot1 11202 lttoh llwjf. Muatiastta lttch 112-0121 For CtasStlle<J Ad ACTION URUIKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Btvd COSTA MESA Ut-1303 UO -Hll 75 Volvo 245 Wgn aulo AC. PS. PB, stereo •Int $3250 Ned 548·7245 'll Wasta 2H Leather 1nte11or 3rd rea1 se111 50.000 m1 t4.800 673 1397 '8 I Volvo GLE loaded Gold $11 :>OO Cal wk nds 11nd ell 6 496 7131 Has everything 1ncr sun-small monthly payments 73 P1n10 ate. auto rool root 1ooks new g runs No old contracl lo 85· 1ac1< gold. 73K mt, 1unr. loke n&w Days 545. 1 IS3. sume. no back payments •Int. $980 559-1833 or iMlS 751-9817 due ASK FOR ROSE 752-:1404 63 I 5202 l~e lmporla l 1968 CADILLAC 'll PllTO SllO Runs great $700 DH•I 1135 536-2593 Ot bSI Oh 494 2905 •••~••••••••••••••••• ---65 Do<Jge ,, ton ven. 6 11 •Ht• 9160 65 Coupe de Ville rene-cyl, auto. runs xlnt $675 1 •• 1 .................. . wed 1111 over Great pwr 548·4 109 82 Plymoulll Reliance $700 631-8670 1 per I cond 7000 rn11es C•••to ffi 1 !~!~ ............. !.~~~ ss600 &•s~s997 ·7g·i·2a·R:~~~;~;:·s·~· 71 FORD Maver.ck Good '••lilt 9165 u . , cond l new t1res econ • • • •• ••• •• ••• • • • • • • • • • roofs spoiler au10. atr 5850 494•32 11 'l 1 FIRHIRI I 1100 olec loc~ & windows A Pon11ac, ~Int cond motor real black beoutyl Xln1 7 I P1mo 4 cyl 200 cc. & trans perf Ctean body cono 642·8318 all 6 1 auto a11. 1uns well Ra· & .,,1r now iires & radio • -dtlll 111es '"'"' $750 or 543 5•95 ltrh11ett1 C1•1rt oller 552·•340 • ~ Eacellen1 cond 29 000 , - -'II FlaEllRD '"00 Volvo 78 264 OL Loa mt new 111es am/Im 79 Fiesta 2 dr, 4 spd •lnl .. ded c/c •lnl cone stereo a11 elect win-c ond $ 1995 f trm Rebll 400 Turbo Hans $ 5 5 o O . P .., 1 p 1 y 1 dows Below book SS. 642-3490 new velour & naugallyde 7141759. 1 l20 •SO ml e•tras Looks good -644.5347 Are you planning a move? runs AIOI Musi sell now TIHn~ mg or a new home ciasstloed ads will po.n1 _s_1_i _oo_1_o_b0_9_6_4_-o_3_32 brakes. $3450 5j48i·~8~24~2~i========= 69 Porsche 912 •Int conCI all accessoroes S9500 bes! otfer 773-0163 Call a Oatly P1lo1 AO· VISOR 64:?·5678 lor sprong7 See Ille many A I w a y s a 5 a I e 1 n you on the ng111 direction Turn to 1o<11y·s classillec 11s11ngs 1n 1<><1ay a class•· class1lred-reac the ads 1 to l1nC1 I he home you 1 0 r 111 e be a 1 buy$ lied columns 642-5678 every day 642-5678 -l~eed 642-5678 642-5878 0 ATLAS CHRYSLER.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Cosla Mesa Tel 546·t934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freewily oft Harbor Blvd Complele body shop Sales Servtce Parts Servtce Depl open Monday lhru Frtday 7 30 AM 10 S 30 P M and 8 AM 10 5 P M on Salurday HACH IMPOITS 848 Dove Street, Newport Bea<:h Tel 752-0900 Call us. we·re lhe spec1a1tsts for Alfa Romeo Peugeot. Saab & Maserat1 • THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales, service part.s, bo.dy. pa1n1 & 111e depts Competitive rates on tease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 642-0010or540-8211 • JOHNSON Ir SOH UMCOLH MEltCURY 2626 Harbo1 Blvd Costa Mesa Toi 540-5630 57 Years of lnendly family service -Orange County s oldest Lin· coin-Mercury dealerst11p • DA YID J. PHILLIPS IUIQC~AC·MA%DA Sales • Service • Lea.sing 24888 Allcla Parkway 837-2400 MI WPORT IMPORTS 3100 w CoA1t H1gttway. Newpo rt Bueti Ttl 642 !140S,S40 t 7&4 Tno rerr&1• HeldQu1ttefl MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE WITH THE NUMBERS IH THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833· t300 Al lhe trtangle of Jarnboree, M acArthur & Bristol behind Vlcloria Slallon Sales. Service, Leasing & Parts we rnake great deals' 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Cos1a Mesa Tel 54()..9100 Orange County s Larges• Cad1tlao <lealer Sales Service Leas· tng • SADDLEIACk IMW /SUIAaU 28402 M arguerite Pkwy Avery Pllwy OIC•I We otter whal no bank or lease company can 1 Experlly staffed, rnost modern service & par" depl 2 One of lhe Soulhland s most expenenced sales & leasing slafl, 3 Ehm1na11on o f the mlddlema n by leasing dealer direct 831 ·2040 M1951on Vte10 49S-4949 • CHICk IVERSOM PORSCHE·AUDl·VW 415 E Coasl Hwy Newport Beech 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County wclh these three greal malles under one root• • ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC·SUIAIU 2480 Harbor B(vd . Cos1a Meta Tel 549-4300 Sales, Service, Leasing M r Goo<1wranct1 • CLASSIC AUTOMOllLll 185 Ntw1on W1y. Cotti ~ ... Tel. e31· 1303 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIALTV'" XK 120'a/ 140's/ 160't /XJ'a/E· Typet 81199 -s.rvtce -Aet10ftllon9 Ott Plac.nlla between 1711'1 & 1111'1 In COttt M ... I 01 LONGPRE PONTIAC t3600 Beach Blvd Weslminsler Tel 892·665t Orange Co11n1v s oldest and laroM1 Pon11ac dea1ers111p Sales, Service Parts DICK MILLIR FIAT/LANCtA 'Probably me lowesl p11oed Fiats 1n S0u1hern Caltforn1a ' (Localed t m11e norlh of Sou1h Coast Plaza near Main SI and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana J 120 w Wrm1er Santa Ana 557 2 t32 • SAMTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E 171h Street, San1a Ana Tel 558·78t I Your 011911111 Oec11c:aled Datsun Dealer • MIRACL! MAZDA We ve moved1 Our new localion IS 1425 Baller Street, Cotta Mesa. Tel 545-3334 Stop by & vltlt OY1 modern showroom and see why we re ttle It Mazda deeler 1n Souttlern C11ttorn1a Salea. Service. Parts end Lees1ng • CORMllR DeLtLLO CHIVROLIT (F°"'*1y Groth Ci.rota!) 11211 8Mcl'I Blvd .. Huntington Beech New • UMd • s.... . LMllng • Part• • Service Come by and ... our Huge lnventOf'YI 847.eo87 549·3331 COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Hamor Blvd , Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serv•ng Orange County lor 16 years t M lle So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home of W1fl1e lhe Wtiale) 5440 Garden Giove Blvd • Westrn1nster Tel 63&-4010 O•ANGI COUNn VOLVO 10120 Gerden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel 530-9190 Excluslvely Volvo to cover ell your Volvo requirements. New•Used•Sales•Lea.slng•Parts•Servtce•Body Shop Freeway close In lhe heart ol Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd. & B1ookhur11. 0 CONHILL C .. VWOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd.. Coete Mesa. Over 22 years servlnij Oreno-County! Siles, leulng. S«VIC. Call 546·1200; ~tal pens ltne. ~-9400. body shop ltne 754-0400 0 ROY CARVll ROUS ROYCMMW 1540 Jembortt Road. Newpe>ft Beach 640 &.«4 Salta. Service, Parta And Le .. 1ng FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 I Coast voters head. for pol.ls Orange County voters 1.021,286 of thl•m -will be asked t.o rcgistN their opinions on a host of candidates and issues when they visit the polls Nov. 2 in the lime-honored American tradition . With a ballot that ranges from a nudc·ar freeze miuauve t.o who should fall the governor's office Lo who should sit on several local c:1ty councils. Orange Coast voters will be busy setting the tone and agenda of local. state ar.d national government for y<'ars to come. Topping the ballot an· e lections for the state's chief conslltullonal officers, govt>rnor. lieutenant governor. attorney genC'ral , St,n •t.ary of state. controller a nd tr<'asurer, as wt•ll as members o f the stat<' Leg1slaturl'. both Senate and Assembly Also. voters wall be el('('t.ang a U.S senator to a six-year tC'rrn as well as 45 C<ilrforn1ani. to the U.S. HoUS(' of Rl•prt>Sentallvt'S. Orang<' Coast voters will ca.i.t ballots an thrt-e HouS<' ra<.t'S, in the 411th. 42nd anJ .J:ird Congr~'<1onal d1strn·L-. In ra('('S for tht• state· Lt.•f.!1slalun" a handful of t•oast votc•rs w11l rnsl ballots an lht· rtl('C' for thC' 32nd state Senate D1stnct seat and aSS<'mblymen will b<· elt'l'tt-d in tht' 58th, fi~th, 70th and 71st Assl'mbly d1strat•ts. which t•m·ompass Oranl(l' Coast communities Abo, votcri. will C'lt•<·t a member Lo the stall' Board of Equalt1:.t1on Ballot propos1Uon~ number 15 on I hl· Novl'mlx>r ballot and ran~<: from a11 1ntt1.1t1 v<· calling for a btlat<·rul nud1•ar Wl'apunx fr<'t•w. Proposi ti on 12. to watl'r r1111~t·rvAtt11n , Proposllion J:J. to a mt'asun• that WQUld n·~l:lnt•• handguns rn lhl' stJl('. Proposllmn 1!'1 An11th1•r h1J(hly puhl1ctu.>d 1mttut1vt', l'ropos1t1o n 11 , c·oll~ f•wporl IJ•·lwlt Cit) Coundl Pall.-2 Costa Me 'ti City (:ounril Pag~ 4 for the placement of a 5-cen t deposit on all lx-er and soft drink containers. Other ballot propos1t1ons include an rniltallve to provide funding to cons1rUt't county ;ails. Proposruon 2. a plan to subs1diw first-time h o m t• b u y C' rs t h r o u g h rt• d u c e d 1 n t <' r <' s t mortgages. l'ropos1twn 5, and a mc·a~un· to Turnout: Lower than '78, '80? Ahout 66 per1·t·nt of the votc•r<> who l't·~1l>1t•n-d will t•asl balloLc; Nov 2. pred1c·t1·rl Shirh•y Deaton. c:h1<.'f of th<' Orangt• Countv Registrar of Voters· OH1t·e l'll'(·tions opt'rat11ms d1vis1on Poll~ will lx• "JX'll frt>m 7 ,1 m lo 8 pm Sht• said tht.' low vott•r turnout partly will bl' <1 function of clC'cltntng voter mtf'n•st in t ht• Ple<-llon ('OUplc•d with tht.· n•cord numl.wr uf rl•g1strJt1ons. which rt•prt'S('nb. d largt• number of pt'<>ple who pmbably will nol vote Nonethl•l<'ss. reg1strat1on totals rl'flt'<·t an 1ncrea.-;c,• of morc.> lhan 8.0011 votl·~1.·r the tot.ti rrom 1980. Dc-aton saul Republrt.·ans still hold th1· n ·g1suat1on l'llgl· in trad1t1onall:v Ht•publrc:an On111g£' Cnunt:v with 17 6 pt'rt'€nt or JIJ VOtl'l"S aligt11ng lh<•msdVl'S With th(• GOP A.<:. of Ol·t I~. ·llH). IO:'l rx·Ntms had rt·~tskn'<J Hl'publkan Dc•mcx:·r;it-. t·ompr1s<' 411 •I JJl,;'ll't'lll of th1• lOUnly t•lt•l'torat<', 3Cl'OrJ1ng le> l'lt·t•t1nn tftop;irurwnt rt•l'ordi;. w1th 4 I :4.22fi rl'gistc•n'<I. M LI nit· i r1a I mt'rlMI r•·~ Page!'I 4,5 . tat<· propo ition~ Page 6 p('rmlt th(' stah.• to loan tt·xllmoks lo pnvult schools. Propos1t1on 9 Voters in st>Veral Orangt-Coast c·1t1C'li wall e let·t c.·11y rounc.·11 members and takl· .ic·uon on St.·veral important lcx:al 1ssuC's C1tv t'ounc.·11 ml'mbt'rs will b<' t•lt•<'tt«1 m Newpor't Beach. whl•rt• four of S4..'Vt•n w.it!. .11 l' tx•IJ'lg ton lt.'Sll"CI, and 111 Cost.a Mt's.,1, wht•n· t w11 n r:v rounc·il ml•mhers will Ix· l'lt>ot'tt•d <•1 -largl' In Fountain Vall<.-v. rC"S1dl'llL'i will dNC'n111111• the Catt-of a tax ovl.•rrtdt> ml'asun• Jlml·d .1t raising add1t1onal monies .for polu:•t• and fart· operations while· Seal Bc>ach n-s1dents will ;:wl on .-:i proposal to ml•rgt• the Seal Beach &·h•1ul l>1stru:t with thC' Los Alamitos &hool D1strn·t Also. lluntangton Bcat·h voters are 1.>t.·111~ as kl·d whC'tht•r thC'V want to ('Onsoltdatc t•1t v t•lecuons. now h<'ld ·Ill Apnl 111 t>Vl'n -numtwr1.(i VC'ars. with the• Novl'mlx•r t'l<'l.·llons in ordt•r 10 ..:1vt• monl'v and 1nt-rt.•aSt• vott.•r turnout Gruwth l'OnS<.·1uus N<•w1)11rt Bcat•h rt~iclt.•nL" .irt• bt•ing usk1•d to d1·lt•rm1nc• th<> fatt.• of the 7~ acr<· 8;1nrun~ Randi d1•vt•lopmt•nt proJl't't, \\htd1 would 11H)Ud1• hunws. 11ll1t.·t·s .ind 111dustnal an•Js or1 tht· l'lty'.., \H•st s1cl1• Probabl y tht' most unusual l'IN:t111n . .1pp<·nrinl( on t'mllms 1n Wl'Sl Orange County. 1s tht· rocc· for lh1• Wl.'st Ur•ing<· Count.:v Mu111c1p.JI Court M·at Allhou~h the 1nc.·umb1•nt. Judl'W .J11:m1w 11:11 rold won rt• t•lt'l.'IHm during th1• Ju1w pr1111a1 v, h1•1· Vll'lot',V wus V• 11dt.od by .in Ornn~t· County Sup..•1 t11r Coui t Judl(1.· thi" fnll lxoe·au"t' llarrold f.ilo;1f1ro 1·;1mpm~n pap1·1"'I r1·l11t111~ to ht•r r..,,icknc•v Tiu• juc..IJ(t' rn<l1•1t'l.I t.hflt the• two l'otnd1dott'" v. ho I 1111~hc'Cl SC'\'Ond nnd third bt:htnrl J l.1rmld run off on tht• Novembt.•r bnllot Pag.-8-10 ( :onf(r•·. sional rtH't• PoM I 0 -12 a ___ ..,p e Coast DAIL y PILOT/Monday. October 25, '1982 ( 9 Newport Council candidates tell • • • BILL AGEE. 45. 1s a professional photographer. spt>nt c·1ght years on thC' l'lly's planning cumm1s.'>10n . a term cin the <.'tty's ar ts romml!iSaun and 1s a past president of the Corona del Mar Civic Assoc:t:Jllon. Age<' 1s a Corona clel M<1r restdPnl <ind a form<.·r stock and tommod1t1es brokt·r. lit· plans to spt•nd about $15.000 on his vampa1gn GROWTH: Claims th€• t·ounnl has fatlf'd to bndge th<· two sttlt·s on tht> growth issul', say-; the c1 tv should strive toward a dC'velopment mix of rt>S1dC'nt1al and l'ommt•rcial and try wh<>rt> puss1l1h· to g<'l butldl·r~ to fund majw road projN:ts. BAl':NING RA NCH: Says h(• will support the building pro.J<'l'l but Jcx.-s havc rt.'Sl'rvallons o n the· amount of comnw rcial devdopmt'nl permitted at lht• site and would have prefl'rn•d 1f tht• count·tl had mastPr plannt.'<.I tht• entire 500-ac·r(• rnnch. JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT: Savs c1tv nee<ls to "break out of tL'> ·lawsuit image" a nd work with Orang<.· County govt"rnment m finding an altt•rnalt· <11rport site. TRAFFIC: SuggesL<> a "tutt• and quaint" shuttle systC'm for the Balboa Peninsula, bc.•lic•v('S parking tags for residen ts should be constdC'red and maintains that the San Joaquin H ills Transportation Corridor is the key to easing traffic ELECTION '82 is a community service supplement published by the Orange Coast Daily Piiot to help voters prepare for the general election on Tuesday. Nov 2. 1982. City Editor: fredert<:k Schoemol'\I Contributing Writer•: Jeff Adler. Robert Barker, Jodi C11oenhead. Steve Marble MO Pl'\11 Snetoerman Cover Gr•phlc: Tim Pe1ersen ALLAN BEEK, 55, ts a former city planmng l'Umm1s.o;1oner. a Newport &•ach nalJVC' and the son of ont• of tht• city's early sc•ttlers. Four limes ht• has ftnann'Cl his own <.'tty polls. rt"'<'<'ntly moved from Balboa lsland into an apartmt>nt complex in thC' West.cliff eummun ity and 1s part owm·r of the &lbo<i Is land Frorry GROWTH: S;,1ys tht· prt·St·nt <:ou netl has clc·v1<1t~d too mUl'h from the t•1ty's gC'nt>ra l pl:m. datms the d tv is unbalant•ed wllh too much commercial and not enough n-s1dC'nt1al dt•vt'lopmt•nt and suggest.::. lJ ('llYWld(' poll IS nC't'dl'd to dt>termine what c:1tizens wrtnl BANNING RANCH: Oppo~·!> thC' tkvelopmc>nt and h••IJ)4·d t·1n·ulatl' rcft·rcndum pt•l1t1011s to put 1 t on Lhl' ballot. AIRPORT: Propos1.•s that Nc•wp<.>rt tt•am up with oth('r Orange' County cities and (orn· the countv to build a nc•w airport m. Santiago Canyon a nd that Santa Ana He ights be.• annexed immediatc·ly TRAFFIC: Suggt•sts th~tt tht· Balboa Pminsula be sealed off. guard gates erected and that non-r esidents be charged to drive in, says satellite parking lots hook<'d into a shuttle system arc another possibility. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomat '· Ha ley Pvb11lh11< ond Ch111I { •ocvl•ve O!hc11< Jane Amofi f •Kv•••• Ed•IOf L. Koy Schultz V1<0 P•e1od4lnl ond 01•e<t0f ol AdYOlll\"'ll Raymond Mod.Mn Con11oa .. MkhcMI '· Hcwv•y 0.. OClOf ol Motl Ol>f\Q IC1.1tulo1oont • K•nneth N. Goddard ,J,. 01fOCIOt of ()pe.ocioft• MAIN Off'1Ce aaW"4 ... M .C..C.MHe.CA Mell MllfllMI .... U ... C"le MeN . CA ..... DAVID C. GRANT, :!5. 1s a EVELY/\'. HART, 51 , w.1s six-year Newport Bcal'h resident elected to tht• council 111 1978 :ind a senior partner Ill a law and served on the l'lly's park::. firm. Grant lives 111 the and b<•a<·hes tumm1ss1on pnur ho Eastbluff community and has no that A W -vear resident of tlw pnor political l'Xp<.•rienet>. He <:tty. Hart Ji ves m Newport has b<'cn activ(' m the I lt·tght.s ;md was tht· owrwr of .1 Commilltt of ·1000. He paid for Custa Mesa sporung goods shop a professional citywide poll to She says ht-r campaign budg<'t determinC' the mood of thP city will not t•xn•0d $6.000 and said ht' wall spent! 111 t'Xt.'('SS of $30.000 nn his ca mpaign. GROWTH: <..'la1111:> slw·~ tm·d lll Ix• :1 "('ompomiser·· on growlh GROWTH: Belit•Vt"S thC' hut b<:ltt•vcs the ctty will n·sidl·nt1al mtC'gnty of tht· t·itv < 11nt111ut• Lu dt•v!•h>p and ··thoSt' must be pn.'Served. docs not that don't lldwvt• an· JU:sl «onsider himself a no-growth µutt111g thc·1r hC'ads 111 the sand .. ad vocatC' and suggests futur<> dl'vt>lupmf'nt come wnh .m BANN ING RA NC H: Vott..J for t•ffort toward following ttw the dev<'lopmt•nt prtij(~'l dt• ... p1tc• t·1ty's General Plan . cnnC'Prns I hat 1 t con Ulllls wn much plannt.'d l'ommc.•rc1al BANNING RANCH: DrK-s not bu1 ldmg. bdtl'Vl'S it will bring 111 favor tht• t•1ty t·ouncal-approvt-d nt't'dt'<.I road amprovt•m<'nts. dc•velopmt•nt plan but bE'ltcv('s the current low-denslly zoning AIRPOHT: &•hevc·s lht· of tht> 75-acre parcel 1s unfair to airport can rwith<'r nwt'l ;ur the developer traffic demands of the futun• nor the volume of cars th<it will AIRPORT: Says tht• 1·1ty ha,c; t·om(' w ith the passengers. says wasted 11me <tnd money with she can't bel1<·ve the t'Ounty ··canl'cr-caustng" proposals Cm· •·wants to d<'s•rny Nt'wport t 1ghtmg the airport, b<.'11ev1.>s a Ek:wh .. new airport should be lucated near the San Diego County hnt• TRAFFIC: &•li<'ws a tram with a transportation system for svstl'm on lht• &tlboa Peninsula bnngrng m passengers ~ould be a valuablt' t•x perlmt•nt TRAFFIC: Says has poll and m uld be addro to 1f su('('essful. says a citywide' indicates a city shuule bus park-and -ride system is the' system, particularly aJong the IQng-t.erm answe r Balboa Peninsula . wo uld be met favorably. suggests new parking structures be created. Develop ranch land? The Banning R a n ch is dus t y , rugge d . brush -covered and <.•nntroversial. Voter s in Newpo rt Beach will decide Nov. 2 whether a 75-acre strip of the sprawling ranch sh ould be devclopt>d w ith homes. offices and an industrial complex. The it.em will appear on the ballot as Measure N. The entire ranch takes in nearly 500 acres and iJ w edged between the Sant.a Ana River and Hoag Memorial Hospital on the weet end of the beach city. M uch of the properly now 111 dotted with oil wells. While moet of the land i5 own~-d by Beeco Ltd .. a 12·acre corner of the ranch is owned b y Newport Mesa Unified School District. T he building proje<.·t has become the development fight of the year in Newpo rt B ench a nd pits m any lo ngtim e adversaries w h o have warre d bdorc o n deve lopment projects. 'I'he city council, after mont hs of debate, agreed to let dcvelope WilHam Ba nning construct J79 homes and 400,000 square feet of orfice and industrial space on the 75-acre stnp. While this is less t ha n Banning wanted, he has agreed to fight for the upproved plan and put in a projected $6 mill io n wort h o f r oa d <See Dl!;VELOP, Pa&~ S} • • • how io control JACKIE HEATHER,:>:!. WJs t·lt'l'tl'<l to tht· t·ou nt·tl in I ~78 and has bt'Cn mayor s1m·t· I YHO A planning comn11ss1urwr lor '''vt•n yt•ars, Jlp;ithl·r hJ~ bt·t·11 al't1v1• 111 numerous l'1v1e 1·ummllH'<-s and .><•rvt·d as pl<i nning pn:s1dt-nt fur the· C 1hfornia L<.·aguc• of C1t11.., Sht• livl-s in thl• Ma rint-r-. t•ommuntt' anJ t..,t11m1tes ~ht•'ll ~pt·ntl $:W.IJOtl on hPr 1:ampa1gn GROWTH: S;.ivs the· t·11•, mu ... 1 c-un t1nut· l11 gro\v and dl'V.{•lop .. Tht• l'llY thJl JUSt shUL'> 1h111gs down <kd11ws a~J d1l'S I'll fight lo the• t•nd l<J prr·vent thi.lt " BANN ING RANCH: Vott·d fnr tht• prop«JSt>d develupmt•nt Jnd has at·ttv<'ly fought th1· n·h•n·ndum movc·nwnt. hd11·\'t'" rn<1d rmprov(•rnt·nL., .ind t rt\ n •vc•nu•'!> th.it C"<>m• from tlw d1·vc•lopml'nt far 11utw1•1gh tht· 1mp<1t L'> AIRPORT: Clarrm. th1• nt\ h,1s -.u<"n·ssfully pn•v1•1Ht'<I Orang1• County govPrnmc·nt from t•xpanding tht· airport, ~uggt-sl'. tht• liming and polllwal .1tmosphl•re 1sn·1 right for n·lrx·atmg lht· airport c·urn·rHlv and that advanl"\.'S m ,;v1..it111n lt'<:hnology t·vc•nllJc1lly will lt'.1d ''' I<.'" Jl'l no1&· TRAFFIC: Sa:-·:. t\\o m.1,,1or bndgt• p rn.Jl'l'ls havt· <iln•.Jd y t'ttst'<I I hl• etty's tni Htl ' prohlf·m .... agrt't"-.1 shutt lt· svstt·m 1s ;1 pu.'<SI brl 1 l V PAUL H UMM EL,:>~. was l'h'l.·tt-<l lO lht· l'f)Un<:tl lfl 1978 and <;t•rvt'l.I on tlw pl<inning e11mm1ss11m pnor tu that A n ·s1tlL·n l o f o ld Coron a ell-I Mar fur l4 vear.., llummrl 1~ <1 r(•ttrr'lf nC1v<1I ofr1t·t·r :tnd f11rm1·rlv workt'll with th1• Los Angt•lc·~ County A.'>.W'i.'-<>r., 11ff 1tt· GROWTH: S.1v:,, h1 1s J 1·rusatler JJ.(illllSt • lht• nty's "h1g growth .. 111 tt•rt'SL'> :tnd bl'ht'Vl . .., Jl.r1.·wpt1rt ... houkJ b1.· a n '!i1d1.•nll:tl ntv and that th1· t:urn•nl gl'1Wral plan should Ix· folluwt·d BANNING RANCH: Voll-<l Jg;11nst 1 hi.' huiluing pl.rn. ~lY'" 11 I l'J)r«i>st·nts ... ov<•rgrowt h" <m<l lwh1.·v1·-. th1• rani h "hould ht· 1h·\ ,.fopc-<I with rt"-ltlt•nt1.1I un1L'> AIRPORT: S.tv' tlw l1r-1 thmg th1.• ntv mu-.1 do is illllll'X S.111w An.1 I h·1ghts to µrot1.'<·t tl, d.Jmt-; tlw .rrrµorl m •v1.·1 wt! I I~· alik to St•rv1• 1h1• n1untv .inti that tlw ·•,up1·rv1i>t•r' d;m·1 hav1· 1•1111ugh gut;. 111 l11nk f11r anoth1·r "I ti .. TRAFFIC: Bla111t'" tratf1t· eongestmn on .. l>1g gnlwlh .. 1n1t•r<" .. L' .md sugg1.·sl., th1 · lw-st 1.·un· 1s to knntk clow11 dev<>lopnwn t pruit'l'L" '>ut·h us th• Bcinn111g Harwh or tht· lrvint· C11mp;1ny·, pl.m' 1111 •·i..p;111-.1on <it N1·~ por 1 C '1·1111 ·r C. 1-:0WARD WOLFF:. n:\. 1!> a rPal t•st.1h• .1pprn1sc·r and brokt•r w hu ha'> ltvt'<I in Nl'wport St>:wh for 10 Yl'ar.. .md pn~wntly n>std<>s tn Duvt•r Shon-s H<· serves o n ttw Orangt' County C1111,cn:,, Trnnsportatum Task F'ol'('t' but has ltttlC' politica l exp<'rtf'nc•c•, om:c waging a n unsuc'C<·s.~ful cam paign fur a watC'r bonrd st•ol Wolfl' says his (·ampa1gn buclj(t•l will l">C' s partan, likt•ly thl' smulle1<t of any t•and1duh' ELECTION inevitable growth NORMAN LOATS. fiO. ts tht• <h·puty 'upt•rtntendt'nt for th1· Nt·wporl Mt'S<J Unafwd School D1stn1.·t aml has l:x•en in t'llUe;.1t1un fur 22 y t·ars /\ 11·s1dc·nt of tht· Balboa 1'1·n1nsula. LoaL" 1~ a1·tl\'t' 111 ,, numbc·r of t·1v1c groups and h.1~ plt·dg<'(I likt• his o ppont:nt. ICJ run a 1 It .1n l·ampa1gn 1 ll ' 1·~um.1tt'S h1· ,,,11-.sx·nd $1 '11100 1111 tht• t·l1 '(·lion GROWTH: Bt·IH·v1.·-. tlw n1unnl sh11uld study futun• growth 011 .1 l'ttyw1dt' basis r atlwr than allt•nng th1.· g1.•1wr;il plan p roj('('t by prc>Jt'l.'t. Si.lys ··"'1m t• nx1m has to be.• lt·ft tn 11•1 proix•rty 11~ nt•rs mak1.· murw:;.' HANl\ING RA!'\Cll: s .• ,., h1 fav11r-.. th1· dPvdopntt n1 htll d.11rn.., 1t .11..,., rc•pn·-.<·nh ·p1t'('4. nw.11" growth .md 1h.11 t 1ll7t•ns -;h11uld b1: lolcl ""hal I' g111ng to happt·11 on 1h1 '"n1.11111ng 4l:1 ;ll'rt.., ol th1 r.1mh AIRPORT: Sugg1.-sts J11h11 Wav rw should he for g1•1w r.1I av1:'1t1on o nlv and that Urang.· Countv utu~ shoulci tc•c1111 111~<·th.1·r 111 find :1 '>IL•· fur a 111·"" ;11rp11r1 TRAFFK: Cl.um.., tht pl.1"lm"<i San Joaqu111 I hlls Tr<msporlat11m C11rndor is th• lug .1nsw1•r" 111 N1·wpnrt's tr ;ti f1t W•H'S and th<1t dfnrL-; musl ht• mad1· lo S!Jl't'<I up eons1ruc·t1011 11f tlw <·orndor GROWTH: Says growth 1s 1m·v1tablt· bul sh ould ht• slm.\1'(! down, .,ugg1-slS th1• 1·11u111:1l ·1-.n't d111nj.( IL" pb bt"'\':IU~· tilt' puhli1 isn't buying any of th!' pro.)lx·i.. lhol t{l'l approvt-cl ·· BANNING RANCll: Support.' th<' proposed plan. fN.•ls lh<' bulk of ilw ranch should IX" nnm•x('(t by the city 4u1t·kly Cut future planning. AIRPORT: Says J ohn Way 1w should be a general av r;itum DONALD STRAll ·s. tili. W.ts 1·lt'C'tN:l to tht• eounul in I !-JiH. s1•r\'f't.I 111 Vt •;u~ <is .1 .... ·hpol trustt·t· :.111~1 1s v1n· prt·"1d1·nt of Ht ·1:k man lnstrum1·nL-. l k ll\'t'S 11n Lido !sit· .111d has ht•t•11 a N1•wpurl &•al'h ll"'ldt•nl lor :!!'! \l'ars Strau .... , ~1vs lw will run J 1 lt•:1n 1,11np<11gn 'l"·11d111g Jbout ~ 17 0011 (;ROWTH: S ,1\-. h1 1s nut ,, no-growth .1dvu1:.111· ;1!> h1!-. trllll'S t•mltt·nrl and h;" <.,u p1><1r1t·d S<'\'f'ral ma ,,1nr hurld111g prt1j( 'l'h .111d fa\'11rs a n1.·v. low n st• h ott•l at N1 •w 1)(1rt CPnl1·r hut 11ppos1·~ h 1gh-nsc· t'<>nstrul't11111 a nd t'1111vc-n l1t1n typt· hotc·I<., 111 1h1· l'I t \' BAN!';ING RANl'll: \'.11t'll .1g.1111:..l th1 ,k, •·loprn• 11t pl.111 .iml 1l.111ns 11._,11uld111trtl(lun 1111tu ... 1n.1l .11111 nf11tt li111ld111g 111 .111 .irt a th.it .,h11uld lw n •-.1d1 ·1111.tl AIRPORT: l f.1,.. l11 ·•·n ,., 11\'•· Sll1Cl' 19/!J Ill f1i.:ht111g .111 Jl<ll l 1·\pansmn, hd1t•v1·.., ll11· ( >r.1ng1· County n.1 .. rd 111 Supt·rv1sor' h,1:.. d roppi'll t lw h.tfl 1111 el f11rts 111 rclol'alt· th1• .111 pot I S.iy!-. he• "tll 1·11ntinu1• t11 pu ... h lot bu riding ,, Ill'\\ .111 port "111 .111 .111'.i "h(·rt· n11l1111.f\ II\""·· TRAFF'1C: Sugg1 ... 1.., llw 1 11~ h ,..., .1 rush-h11111 11.11111 p111hlt·m .incl that h1•ttpr bu ... s1•rv11·1• ""111 h1•lp, p111nL'> 11UI th1• l'tlUlll'rl IS pn·par111g to -.tu11\ ,, shutl11· '"s1t•n1 J ll pt>rl 11111~. -;uggt·'L' tlw c·rtv must 1-ontinu<· t.ikin~ lc·l-{al al·tion .,.., nt'<><lc'll to pr 1•v1•11t t•i.:pans1on but luhhy f111 rl•luc·a1111g tlw .11rpon TRAFFIC: &•lt1.·vt•:. lht• prt~'::Wlll l'OU nctl has 1n1pr0Vt'll th1• traffk plt'tUfl'. part1t·u l:1rl y w1th 1·11mplN1on u f tht' Uppl·r N1•wµort Bay brnlt(l', but su~t>Sts ttw t•oundl mu."t fon1s Utll•ntion on tht• Sun Jou~uin l111ls Transpor w11un Corridor ----· 4 -ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 25, 1962 Mesa Council • winners will tackle traffic NORMA HERTZOG, 54, elected an 1974. became an 1977 the c1ty's fu'bt fomale mayor and h as S(.'rvro on several government a nd community boards S he has l:x.-cn pres1denl of the u·aguc of C1t1cs in 1980 and 1s a pasl director of United Way The owm•r of a pre-school. Hcrtwg ii.aid sht> dt><.·1ded to run again lx.'t·aust• "lht'rc are sull sumc issues I'd Ilk(• to st'<' t•ompk•tc'Cl " TRAFFIC SiJys t-ompletmn of thl' Costa Mt-s.:1 Fr~·way 1:-. tht• maJ<>r 1s:.ut• and would likC' to M.'l' an adopll'Cl route t·hoscn th1:. ypar so rt-<iC'VC'lopment of downtown n in prn<:1"t•d SIGN ORDINANCE F.1v11~ rf'Vl('Wlllg lhl· l!J74 Sll(n l'Ontrol law hul 1' unt·omm1tlt-d on wh1•thl'I nun l'<J11f11rm1ng :.1gns ~hnuld Ix· pc•rm1llt'<I to :-.t;ind un<il-r .i "'' 1.il h'<I ·~r,1ruH;1t h1•1mg' propo"'-11 OE\'ELOPMENT Support-. thP .. orclt•rly" d1rt'('l1or1 'thl· t"<iunul ha-.. tak1•n in th1 p.1st. but d ot's nol favor high rlM' de vl'lopmc·nl •,outh 11f thl' San Dwgo Fn-.·w,1v alon..: Brtstc•I Str <''l llOl'SINC b Will''' mu a hou I ru ndn~ 11 h• 1us1 ng .ind ovcr<..ro""dcd i:ond1t1on11 and :><.!Y=> ll "dut::,n't 1mpro\'1• t lw ( omJ11111n:, or !ht• 1x•oplt· hv1ng in 1111· s11u.1111m ;ind ll t't•r La111ly dt"ilrov:-. lht• t•11v1r11nnwn1 11f tiw J>t'l1plt; ltvini,: n1·Jrhy " Valley voters: CLAUDIA KELLY-WEYER, 38. retired as vice prL'Std<:'nt of engmc.-ering hnn. S he has nt'ver sought public office before S he has a 14-ycar-old daughter and has rt.'<."E.'ntly returned to rolleg<' to study business computers SIGN ORDINANCE f avors a grandfathering prov1s1on an the ordinant'e because of the expense busincs.., owm·rs wuuld face in ordn to l 0hang1• their :.1gm. DEVELOPMENT Is plcaSt.'<l w ith th<: d1ret·t1un the· c·1tv has take n, but d<X-sn't want to ~~'l' off1c'Co:> built "any h1ght•r than thl' fire• J<•partnwnt n m rt'i.Jl'h .. TRAFFIC Sav:. :,lw d0t·:-.n·1 w.int the• Co:.w M~&i Frc'<•wav to lx• t'Ontmut'CI. adding th.it ~ht· 1s oppc,1st:<l lo tht• d1tt·h thal run~ down tht• l't'l1tC'r of tht• .,t,111· uwm-...1 propt·rty :.il1111g N1·wporl Boul<·vard llOllSING Bf•ht•\'f ... till' I It .. o;houlcf wkc· an ,1c·t1v 1· rolt· tn n'(jutnn~ landlords tu upgrad!' lhl'tr n.•ntal 1--: opc•rtit•s and limit till' numl1C'1 11f 1x-.1ph• hv111g 111 .1 stn).(lt• Ullll ARLENE SCHAFER, 44. Costa Mesa mayor since 1980. was elected in 1978 and in 1974 became the first woman appointed to the city planning commission . With a little more than $6.000 an campaign rontnbullons collected bv last month. th£• mayor probably will emergl' from the race ac; the b1ggc-st spcndl'r TRAFFIC Says the c.·11y has to push Caltrans in ordt'r to get the Cost.a Mesa Fn~way ('()rnplekd an<! would hke tu Sl"t' thl· poss1b1ltty of rapid transit t•xplorN:L SIGN ORDINANCE Would 1111t opp<~•· rl'v11·wing 1t. bul h .1;. 1.1kPn nro pos111on v•·t DEVELOPMENT I' plt·;i:-.<od with tht· n•devt•lopnwnt th.11 ha:. 11t't'UrrNI drl\\ nlow11 hut quc .. aaon:. how mul'h 111m1n<'rr1al dc•\'f•lnpmt•nt th• 111v 1·an 1onlmu1· to J14·rrntt \\ 1tho11t mun• housing 110 l 'Sl1'(; F.a"""' tlw 11111\tflll 111111 uf s111.1ll1·r· unit-.. 111 11rd1•1 lo pro-. 1d1· tncH •· h11u~1ng 1111 p1-c1ph• whn w.int l11 l1v1 111 tlw 1·1t\ Would likt· to M"I' .1 n11xllir1• ol 1•111n1111•rr1;1l ;ind n· ... 1d1·1H1.1I u~.., CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL, 41 , a small busmessrmm and owner o f a cosm e tic d1str1butorsh1p. ran tw1re bcforl' an 1978 and 1980 He has served o n the NC'wport-Mesa Unified &:hool D1stncl adv1sorv board H<' 1s single • SIGN ORDINANCE -Favors ~randfathering tO allow extsting non-c.•onformang s1~ns to rC'mam. I IP savs such a move woulJ end thl' dt:batc• ov1·r the c·untrovC'rs1al sign urdmanl'l' thal ul ll•n surf::wl's around el!'Ctton lln)(• TRAFFIC: Blames the citv c·ourwil for tht.• dC'lay an tht• • tim-;trul'tmn of the Co:sta M1•sa F11•t•way and savs hC' favo rs a routc· d<°iwn Nc:>,,;•port Boult>v;.ird w1ll1 .1 d1•p1 t-s..s<od tunnel ht t\H>t'n 17lh and !!-Ith ~lrt.'t.'L' l>E\'E L.OPMENT &·111,,., 111 lo\\ dt•n:,1t\ rt•s1dt•nt1JI 1h-n-..1l\ \\ hc n• pos:.1blt. but It • .., nu p111l>lt m \\llh high c.Jc·n...,it-. t nmnlf'n.•1.11 d1•vdopmt•nt In l<1l l. "uuld hk1· to sh· a 50-:-.turv l11gh rr"" off1<1· built whl·re tht' St g1·r-..tn 1m' h.l'l:t• propoSt.'<I huild111..: lhl S1•,g1·r-..trum Honw lt11wh llOllSING Supports smglt• l.111111\ hous111g and says hl' w11l1ld l'<1n:.1ch •r rt•moving <ill .1p.1r tm<•nt t•nmph•xc•s m tht' l'llV l11 um:.lruct honws "I think WI' ... huuld havc• mur<' Mesa Verd1•s 1n l'o~lil M<•Su, <•v1•n un lht> wc•st -..1dt• .. r'1111nl11111 Vt11l1 ·v v1H1·rs on Nov :l w ill 111ns1d1•r a t;1x ov1·rnrit· rnl•as urc· a1m1·d ut r:11~1n~ .11ld1t1011al n1111u•y for lond po ll('(' and I 1n• <•1>erattons. $10 :.!ll pPr ;ipurtnwnt ui nwbil1• h11m1• ll 111 l $.W Jll'r ,w11• or adct1t10nal purll<.il a<•ro• ul val·anl 111dusu·1al 111 l'llmmPrt'till land; $:!0 for l'll<'h 1mpr11vc•d mdustrral 01 t 11mnwn 1,ll p.1rt'(•I up to ilnd 11wludm~ uni.-h.111 llt'l l' In 'ltZC'. ' Will they approve City off11.·ral-. dt11m upproval 1s lTUl'lal 1f !o'ounl<.1111 Valley rt•s1dt•nL'> want to miuntmn thl' l'UI 1 t•nl lt•vt•l of proll'l't1on N11 ur~<1n1z<-d oppos11ton has ~n mountl't.I <IR<1ini.t thC' mf'asurc• No nnt.· stc•pp<'<I forward tu wn tt• a ballot pamphlc:>t argument uppooing tlw 1>ropost•d tax But supporte rs say lhl' mn'!t J1ff1l·ul1 hurdl(• to ovC'rcome on Election Day will IM> th<' nutomntll' "no" rt'Xllon ot many vc>h'rs who ar<' asked w approve a new tax. $IHI Cot t'fil'h 1tnp111v1•d 111dus t rr;ll ur l"mnwrunl 1x1rc.'('I ll•!>S tlrnn 111w at·n • but morc• th;1n 11111..•-hatr ·•<T<' in SIZ<'. tax for fire, new police services? ln add1 lion. Propos1 ti on 13. tht> 1978 tax- ltm1tang inea11urC', requires that thl' measurl' be.• approved by two-thirds o f those voting in Fount.oln Vallc-y. not a simple majority.' II th<' tax 111 a pproved. propNty owners would poy th<' following a nnual <.'hargcs. bel(inning in the 1983-84 (ill('al year: $1 7 per s.ingle family home; $120 p<'r acre or additional partial a<'rc• o( 1111µrovt'll mdustrlal or l'Om merc1ol land Und{•r this formula. th<' ('1ty would rnl:.t• $338.tJ.IO. whll'h <'Quid only be ~'(J for polt<'t', f1rt.' and pnrnmt'dw t.•xpcn ses One add1t1o n;1l pollre nU1t.'l'I" would bt' h1rt'<.I under this prClposal. t'1ly orfal·ials say. The d tv 111 now In nc~otlation:4 with 1ls employees. but thl' current Fountain V;"tlley budget <.'onwins no money for cmployl't.• pay raises. (See VALLEY. P•1e S) and housing LY!'\N \'Al'\ AKEN. :sY. ,, planntn!t t·omm1ss1<mt•r s1nt'l' IY80. savs he dPc1dt-tl Lu run fur a t·oum·ll St:al after Count·1lm.m Donn Hall suggC'Stt:d that a grand fa then ng prov1s111n l:x.· odded to th(· l'll~n ordmam.,. IG!'\ ORDINANCE Sav ... a grand fathering prov1srnn 1n the· ordinanc·c to allow non-<:onforrmng signs to r<>main "t!. vt.•r\ unfair to lh<N' who haVl' t·omplied with the ordmanct.>." DEVELOPMENT -Said h1· 1s m favor of htgh rise developments such as the St.•g(•n.lroms Town Center. but opposes offices h1ghl'r than :}0 feel south of the frfi•way cilong Bristol HOUS ING -Fc•ars that small pockets of rundown housmg m the ('1ly are spreading and wants to S(>(> the city become more involved in regulating upk('('p by landlords TRAF FIC -Says the city hasn·1 been firm enough about dcc1~mg on a route for the Cost.a Mesa Freeway and thinks such at·tion c-ould t'Onvmce Caltrans to move faster. DAVE Wll F.ELER, '!.7. t~ an ~lttornt•y prnct1cmg tn Nt.•wporl &·ac·h Wht•der l'<ttnt' to Orange l'ountv m IYH as an um•mployt-d factory workeL "l'vt gont• from lht.· hollom lo the· top and f1't'I L owt.• tht• Jre.i und th(• 1x·opl1• sumt.•thm~ for th<1t chant'l'." • SIGN ORDINANCE OpJ>OS(.~ a grandfai.ht:ring prov1s1rm 1n the ordman<.-e. mnlendmg that it would give prc<foren('t• to firms 1n the city before 1974. Would rather sec the C'nllrt.' ordinance thrown out DEVELOPMENT Wa nl' to S(.'(.' more affordable housing built and would s upport a requtremt'nl that developers build rt's1dl'ntiul housing as a l'Ond1t1on to construct rommt•rctal offices TRAFFIC -Says the Costa Mesa Freeway has not been complel(<d because city officials lack the dout at the state level HOUSING -Would hkc> to sec the <.'tty sell bonds to subsid1i.e the construction of aHordable housing. "Tht.• homeowners are pulling the ladder up afwr they've gotten t.o the top" ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 25, 1982 -5 Vote to decide Inerger of school districts For m•arly 80 y<.•o rs. Sl·al &•al·h youngsters have attcndl-<I high !.(:huul m Hunungton Beach But that traditton l'OUld l''>mc· tci an end ultimately 1f SNil Ek.,wh votC'rs 1111 Nov :l approv« tht· nwrgc·r of t hl· St•:il Beal·h Sl·hcx1l D1stril·t into tht• {.,,, Alamtt~ Sc·hool D1strn·t Tht• n-c1rgam1~1twn wnuld tx~111111 · ('ff1~·t1v1• .Jul v I. 198:1. 1f .1pprov1·d The> nt.·.1r l v 4 00 S t·:il 81 .1l h ,voungslt•rs now· iJ lll'nrl1ng I lunt1ngton &>Jt·h I ltgh Sc:h1111l 1·ocn l'urll11n11 · '" d11 ... o But Pl,lo(hth gr<cd1· g1 .11lu.ct1•' 111 l\k(;,.iugh S('hool lhc• 0111 v puhl11 M'hoof tn S1•.il &•ac·h. ~1>uld .lllc'nd DEVELOP BA From Page 2 1mprovc-m1·nts as .i l't1nd1t1on to hu1ldmg A group 11f n ·stdt·nh tlw Wt•\l Newpon Ll·g1slat1 Vl' Allt.J1H1· launcht>d .i rt·ferendum drivt• Tht·y quahf1t'll the mcasuri• tor th•· hallut 1;1 a shun p<.•rtod of llm<' Part of tlw <.·onn·rn liv alliann· membl'r" lt•nters on tht,' fat.I th.Jt Banning ha." not satd what ht• 1nll·ncls to do with the rl•matntng -125 al-r~ of hts ram:h. &·veral alltam·t.' ml'mlx·rs projC(.·t that a se<.'Ond Nt.•wporl CPnlt>r rould IX' on the horizon. Tht• ;ill1ance h as also <.·ompl.11111•d that th(• project will <.·n ·alt.• tr.llflt µroblc·m' and clog st rl'<'lS around Los Alamitos l11 gh St·huul rwxt SeptC'mbc·r, harring 1nt<.·r d1slrit·t transf«rs. McGauKh &·houl w11ulc.l mnt1nue l11 st·rvt.' k111dNgartC'n -Lhrough t•tghlh grade Sl'al B<·ach stuJt.·1Hs cift11 wb satd lluntmgtun &•J t h -.1hool 111f1n.cb s;1y St·.tl Bl'.tl h young ... tt '' 11 ,,,.,. ;111t•n1h·d high sdmol 111 I lun1111gtrn1 f3'•.1d1 Sllll't· lhc• d1st1 I( l W.1!'> f,.l llll'd 111 I \JOfj T rwv 'd\ tli.11 u11dc•1 p11·-.c·111 l.1\\ ttw cl1-.1ri11 "'tll 11111 ,ufl1 r r•·\ 1·11111 1 .. ..._ ... duo l11 1 h• 111-;,., 111 -.1ltcl1·nt' Thi nl\';1,Ull JPJ.X'Jf' J S P11 >1-'1'>1l 1•111 J\ 11n tht• S1•,il &·ach b.111111 NI NG? H11ag llos prt.il Fur1lw1 the· ~111up t harg1•s th1• 1kv1•lc1prn1•11t will hr 111g ot f1t•t .md industrial d1•\'t•l11µ11wnt 111111 an .cn •,1 th ;it I'> n •:-.1th•ntt.1I Ill n;1lu1t Ot·V(·l11111•1 Hanning has <1l1g1wd h1ms1·lf with C1l1lt•n:-. fur a Bt•tlt•I Nt•wport . a :.uppo1 l gruup that rnt.'lude ... ;1 ma,1onty of 1h1· l'tlUnl·il and 1h1.· sl'h1111I board Tht.• group h . .-. vowc'<.l lu :-.µt•nd up lo $:U).000 lo -.t·t lht.• Jt•vdupmcnt pn>JL't'l to sut.'l'l~ Banning has answl'r('(J his tril1t'S by potnttng out that his will he tht• fu-St plannt<d t'Ommun1ty m West Newport and that the:' bulk of lhe rallt.'h will be used only for oil produc:tron for anutht•r io years North Star Beach's lease due ai}proval? Tht• fate of a pla n to ll•a.'l<' a rt.•mote µubhc tx•ach to a non-profit group for use as a public aquatt<: t.'Cnll"r will Ix· decided by New port Beach voters Nov 2 North Stor t:x>ach. a 10-a(:re strctd\ of sand and weeds on the west s1dP o( the Upper Newport Beach Bay jus t no rth of Dover Shorvs. 1s ownt•d pinlly by the clly and Oran~t.' County government The issut:' will appc.•ar (HI the ballot as Measure 0 . A ··yes" vote will grnnt the c.:ny permission lo lc-a~· a portion o f th<' ht•ach a ftt.•r s igning a n agreement with the county The s tra nd would bt• leased to Newport Aquatics Cen ter, a group planning to provide a Cucility for human-powered boating. The public wouW be allowed to use the center The beach fronts an area of thl• Newport Bay that 1s closed to contact sports lx'<'ause of contammauon. Thc beach, city o fhcials report. is usC'd <K'\'asJOnally by joggers and f1shl•rmcn VALLEY T AX • HB • • Election dates polled ID From Page 4 • Funds raised through the tax override· would be used to provide eventual salary raises to public safety e mployees. Fountain Valley 0Uic1als say the city•s current salary sc3le is rcsultmg tn the costly loss of Fountain Valley polic-e and firefighters to other agencies. City Manager H oward Stephe ns said Fountain Valley today ls receiving $106,000 per year less an property tax revenues than it did in 1977-78. prior to passage of Proposition 13. The city now hu about $2 mllllon in reserve funds that cannot be re-accumulated under the temuc of the Gann lnltiative. Because income from th • prupoeed aafety wx would not com e to tht> city until next isummcr, Fountain Valley otflclala wiJJ h1wc to dip lnw these reserv • lunda l or any P*Y raiaea approved thas year, Stephens Mid. Hunungton Beach residents will go to the pollf>I Nov. 2 to decide whether to change the date tor city elections. Clly elections presently are held the second Tuesday In April of even-numbered years. But the balJot proposition. appearing as Measure L, would move the> city elections to November to coincide with the general election ii approved by ta simple majority o( the voters. The ch.ange would require an :unendment tn the city chart.er. Several city ofticlals have urged the chan(W to November in order to attract higher voter turnouts. Tw Ive percent of the city'a estimated 96 • 000 resl.atered voters went to the polls in April. In 1980, th turnout was 16 percent: ln 1978. 20 pcrt.-ent and in 1976. 22 percent. The turnout al November general elections was recorded at 72 percent in 1980; 66 percent in 1978 and 76 pel't"ent In 1976. City Clerk AJicla Wentworth says the city c:1n save tJIOney by holding t he election in Nove mber because o( the assistance of Orange County government officials. She> said the city spen t $55.000 in last spring's local election. She estima~ that costs could be cut $15,000-$20.000 It the local elecuon were merged with the J(Cnf'ral election. If Measure L Is approved the terms of all incumbent council n'M!mbcrs as well as the city attorney. city clerk and city treasurer would be exteodt.-d more than aix months. from April to November. ' 6 -ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday. October 25. 1982 15 statewide propositions test reactions to nucle~ '1'111 I 1 ,\,tit•\\ 1dl· h.111111 pr11p•Nll11n.-. f,1l 11lg \'till ..... 1111 N11v :! r •• 11 tnl41 lhn··· 1·;alt'gor11-s ftVl' l 11111 d ......... lH . "r ti p '• l> iii s . r I v l' re I a t I \' , • I \ 11111111 ...... q11 .. 11tial lons t1tut1on.il ,J1111·111l11w11b .ind '"''' 1111t1.1tl\'1•:. d1•.ihn1-: w11h .... u1..'h hill .... ub~' L-; ~1:-. 11u11t .. 11 '' 1•.ipo11~ ,11\d gun < 11ntrol A s1n1plt• 11l.iJ11fllY "''Ill f'llJ1 I .m y of lht• pr11pt1!>1t11111s, 111dud111g th1• t1v1· honrl ll>..,Ul'~ Thl' tollo\\ ing .111.ilv~·., 11( th1• m1·ai.ur1.., utt• n 111d1•11't'I ( 1 om ;i spt.'t'lcil rl'port in thl• O<·tolwr 1~ ... u1· nt C.1l1f11rnw J11urnal I Sc:hool buildin~ lt·asc-pu rc.·h a!"t' hond law Appr oval would provide ior the issuan('e of S500 million in bonds for lhe repair a nd construction of public schools. Assuming that the bonds are sold at 11 percent a nd retired in 20 yt'ars, tbt inte rest cost would be about $600 million. raising the proposal rost to SI.I billion LI PPO RT: M.iny ult.I i.dwols .m.· f.llhng •'l'••f\ ,ind nf·W , 1,1..;srooms • .rt· nt'i.•<kd in somt· , 11mmun1t11.., t•xpt•rtt·ncing ,•xplt.1'>1\'l' ~·nrullm~nt J.!11•\\ th Ovt•rlrow<.ling ha!> forl•t-d SCJll'lt' tl1strll'~ to 1n1.·n«1~· dJ~ "'4~. i.horll'll thl' ~·hon) d,1-.. '>l h<·duh· douhlt· .... <'S!'.tons or ust• ntJk1·sh1ft l l.1s.,ro11mi. OPPOSE: h Jut~ nm makl· SN\S<.· for lht· ~t:Jlt• ltt .;u 1ntt1 ddH during these limes or t'),tr•·ml'ly high int<>rt•st ratc·s Tht• mlcn >st bill will 1mn·as.t' tht• t•ost of tb<' bond 1ssm· to $1 :t btllton, plus uvnall !>tudl'nt <>nrollml•nt has tx.>4•n dedining Most old sc:hools in tht• state were rcpaarc·d during th(' 1!170s so that t•a rth4uakt• hazards <'Ould be e liminated 2 County ja il con truc tion bond law This pro posal would provl-de for the issua nce of U80 million in bonds ror tbe conslruc lion of county jail facilities. Counties would be required 10 provide S70 million in m atching funds. If the bonds are sold al 11 ~rcent interest over 20 years, the total cost of the m easure would be about $600 milHon. SUPPORT: Thr(.'(' prime reasons for passage · arc. I) Jails are old. uvercrowded and now houSC' dangerous <:nmmals they wert> nut designed to handlc 2) Caltforniu 1s now sending morr offenders to Jail for longer terms. a11d th~ facilities must bt• available to h ouse tht·se inmal<'~ '.t) Lcx•al governnwnt c<1nnot obtain funds to build ){His !)('(·aus of Prnposit1111l l:J hm11.at1uns OPPOSE: The mc•asurt• 1s a boondoggle that w ill c~l Ca!Hornians up lu $800 m1lllo11 because of high intt•rt-st rates. JAii ov<·rt'rowdlng l'Ould be C'ndNI simply by eliminating "'>·calk'<i VlC'li mlcss crimes in volving drug use, voluntory st•.xual act1v1l1<>S and gambling California has one of the wnrld's h1gh("'St 1ncarc.'Cra11on ratC's. and rejection of this measure will rorre officials to lock up only r~al criminal, 3 AJditionul louns for ve terans' fa rm a nd homes Under this plan, 1no1be r $4SO million In bond• would be sold lo provide about 8,$00 nt w farm and home loan1. If tbe bonds are sold a t tile ma•lmum Interest nte and re tired In %5 ye.ars, tbe aoial cos t of tile proposaJ would be about $1 .17 billion. However, die loan program has always been rundl'd lhrough payme nls by partic ipating veterans. SLIPPORT: Cal V1·t lt,;.rns a re nt-<.oded nl)w mnn· than t•vt•r h<'<.'4.IUl>t' of tht• high tnll'n-sl ralt'l> ;ind lhl· rwt.•d lo uphfl tht• s tatt•'s sagging l'\Oll11111v Somt• :i75.01111 l';1hfurn1a Vl'\t•rans hnvt.> ht•rwfllt;<J f1 <>m tht'i prugr<im tn date .. ind there 11> n11 n·n:-.tin le• stop 11 now OPPOSE: Thi~ 1s hardlv tht· 11mc for thL' ~t.;tt• to t•t1ll'rta1n any mil.Jt•r u1•bl program bt'l'dUst• of high 1ntNt·st raws . Benef its fur v1·tN;.111:. :-.hou ld be proviried by tht-federal ratht·r th;;in tht• st;1ll· govt•r11mcnt, 1?Spc:'C"1ally 11ow that tl11• Cal-V1•l program ~aves participants SUl'h .rn .-dvanwgt• ovt'r othl'rs atte mpting tn buy hnn11·., an .i d1fr1(·ult mortgage mark(·t 4 Al·quis ition of undt•v.-lope d land a l Lake Tahoe Approval would a uthorize the s late to issue $83 m illion in bonds to acquire a bout S.000 parl'els of undevelope d land in the Lake Tahoe area. Proceed s would be used to buy lands threate ned with development to the detrim ent of the basin or l a nds with ecologi ca l significance, except property scheduled to be a cquired by the fede ral government. If tbe bonds a re sold a t the maximum interest rate of 11 percent and retired in !O year s, total cost of the measure would be $183 million. SUPPORT: Passage will prutei:t one of Cal1furn1a·:. sn•nac trt•asun·s. To preS4:'rvt• the pris tine q ualit y of L a kt> T a hoe's w a te r , property owners m many mstances have been prohibited from building on their land, a nd thlS measure will give them falr compensation. A sptoeial commission wiU be formed to guarantee that the rights of the public are protected during the purchase process. OPPOSE: High in terest rates make this the wrong time for the s tate to go into debt P rimanly the tounsl industry in the Tahoe area benefits from this proposal. and thus only those who rea p financial benefits s hould pay for the land acqu1s1t1on. AU citizens should not be forced to pay for a program that will solve local e<.'Ono mic and e nvironmental problems. 5 Reduced inte r est for first-time homt> buyers Designed to s timula te the housing marke t. this proposal would provide $!00 mllllon in bonds for re duced-Interest mortgages for persons purc hasing owner -occupied units a nd who have not owned residential property for, three years, unle11 the purchase is to be made In areas of economic distress. The legislative a nalyst estimates tbe UOO mlUlon boDd luue will coat $34 I mllllon In lntere11t If the bonds a re sold al lbt maximum rat~ of 11 percent and ret ired In 30 years. UPPORT: S uch a program 1s needed to aid ftrst-llmc• homebuyers and boost the construction mdustry The s hort·lerm mortgag(' ass1st .. nct• will not rosl t~xpayers any money becawe the prugr:-im will be self ·supporting: lhc plan 1s i.1m1lar U> the C,al-Vet program which has never rost t.txpayers o dune O PPOSE: Thix la a gimmick that will produC<' forccl06ures ond bankrupl<'k'S, &'rvlC't' f<•wcr than 11.000 hom cbu ycrs a nd rt•sult in :1'ltronom1c,'\I lnunthly p.iyment.1 (or each famlly suckered Into the program. The reasoning: At the <'nd of six yc..~ each particip•mt will be Cact"d wtth run current intN l'tt, plus r payment of the "buy·clown," plus lntereat on the fee, plus a share oC the proaram overh8d. 6 l\lor~ flf·xi hilil) for r ·tirt:me nt f uncl inve tme nts T his proposed constitutional amendment would allow the Legislature greate r fle xibility in the investment of government emplo~ee­ pension funds, lifting the common-stock li mit from 2:> to 60 per('enl or the fund's tota l assets. SUPPORT: Pt•nswn-fund man<1g1·rs, now hm11<•d by t hl· statt• nmst1tut10n, t·a111111t 111ak1· tlw rTll>Sl rrodUl'llV(• trlVl':O.tmt•1lts. Tht• n•sult IS r<'dun•d lx•m•fll.:. for l'C'ltr(>l·~ <1nd /ur llll'rt-.1'<.'d burdt·n fllr taxpny<'rs Ovl•r thl· yr-;1r:-. n•turns on uimnmn s11x:ks havt• l.>1•t•11 haglwr th;m llHJS4· on bonds Thi-; I h·>.ihlt• ix•l1t·y w•iuld allow man:;gl•r:-. tu n-sponcl tu tl1Jrkct C.'undauon~ Jlld tllVt'Sl "'''nt.• fnunl·V 111 '-ITlttll rop1d-grnv.·th c•11mp:1 n1f'" 111 ... 11mulat<· tlw .. t.1tl'·~ c'C ur111111y OPPOSE: Tlw, lll('JSUll' W•luld tmn•a..w tht· danger or los-. hv ;.il low1ng p(·n~lllll fund man.1g1•r!> to roll lltt• dtt't• in th1• stol'k mark1·t Tht• "tall• .,huuld t'JllttnUt lo 1nvt•sl in a "prud<•nt nul." I'll, ,,U..,.. thl\ m •asUfl' c•ould t.•ndangt.•r tht. fp,(,tl M'\.Urtlv "' n·llrt'('S tkt1n•mt.·nt fund l><>.ircl rnl'mlx•r ... an· 1101 qualtf1C'd to play th(· ... w, k m.1rket, t•spt•1 1ally al tallll'S "'ht•11 1•v t•11 pr<>fess1onal., h~•V<· d 1fftc:ully ptl·king winne~ 7 Fire-safe t y syste m <·xemption from tax re a sses ment This pro posed constitutional amendment would pr ovid e a n e xemption from lhe modification provision of the Jarvis-Gann ipillallve Proposition 13 of June 1978 for fire· a larm and fir e-sprinkler syste ms. If Proposition 7 Is approved, the Legis lature could exempt these sys tem s from the reassessment until after the property is sold at wblcb time the entir e property -including fire-protection devices - would be r eappraised at ma rket value. S PPORT: Th~ exemption 1s needed to mol!vate property owners to install fire-safe ty systems The t:urrent reassessme nt provision dlSCOurugl•s property owners Crom purchasing systl'rns th at cou ld prev~n t loss of hfe and J>0SS4..-ss1ons Th1S proposal will prot~t l'tttzens using l'Ommt>rc1al buildings and the cost lo the µubltl· 1s nt>thing OPPOSE: Propos1t11m 7 constJtuH.'s anotht'r ptt'<.'l•meal t'XC'm puo n to thl• J:.irv1s-Gann 1n1lial1Vt' rt•stric11ons instead of a w h olt-salt· r1•v1s1on of lls unjust provisions w twreby twu homt'OWrwrs w 1th 1dt>n t it•a I, s1dl'-bv ·S•d<• homt's can lx· paying diff~rcn l amounts of ·property Ulx Proposttton 7 cxt'mpu on wlll lx•rwf1t \Vt.'a h hy <'nrporuu oni. ond individuals owning commercial fJI Opt•r·ty 8 Inc reasing local governm nt fund tra n fer~ Thia proposed consUtutlonal am endmnl would a llow fund trensfen to Include llS percenl of all revenuea anticipated by a city or counly, not o nly lax Income. Sln<'e the passage of Proposition 13 lo 1978, local governm~o l bas dePfnded more beavtly on fees and user charges to obtain funds. By loc ludlng antic ipa te d revtnuu from these 1oarce1. larger temporary tr-anlfera coolct ff made . SUPPOR~ Local governm ent& arc finding it harder and harder to m eet day·lO•day .. ELECTION /Orange Coas1 DAILY PILOT /Monday, Oc1ober 25. 1982 -T r freeze, gun control, water standar~s - t''-J.W'I™':-during .,u11111lt'r .ind !all month::. Th1i- 11wa:.un ol ft•r::. a .. o lu!H>n t11 d1t· ( ,1.,h flow pn•hlt·m without tnC'l •·as1ng 1axt-:. OPPOSE: Thi!' 1s au 1nv1tauun for ll>eJI g u v t· r n m t tH t o m 1 ~ m ;.i 11 .. g c 1 t::. f u ll d s h y "mploy1 n)( .1 fo rm vf tlt•f1 \.'ll s p'-·nd1ng (;uvt•rnnwnt l'nlltws ::.hould not Ix· g1vl•n furtlwr power w sµ.·nd funtls that an• only a11t1t'IJJi.llt.'<.I Jnd not guaranl<.'t.'<.i 9 Resumf" h'xtbook loan~ to private school~ This measure would amend the constitution -;o lhat the ~gislature could re-establish a state tt'xtbook-loan program for private schools lba t cost $3.6 million in the I 980·8 l fiscal year. SUPPORT: Tht• pruposal 1s fai r to a ll C:aliformans b<."\:ause all part'nts pay taxes tr> purt'hase state textbooks. It would t'OSl taxpayers $1 b1lhon a year 1f all pr1vale-M·hool students l•nrollt'CI m publ1C' sc·hools. Also. some st•verely hand1cappt•d t.:hildrcn must a ttend privat<' schools bet·ause publiC' school d1strtl'ls do not have adcqualC' programs for them. OPPOSE: The so-called loan program amounts to a gift of $'1 million a yt•:ir in pubht• funds al a time whc>n uix doll ars are increasingly ';(.'3 r<'C' r1fty-eigh1 pcr<.'C'nt of private st:hools an• religio u s and they w ou ld be the pri me• lx>nefll'tanes of this proposition. The c:onsl1tu11on guarantees ind1v1dua ls the right lo a tte nci rc haious schools. but not at public expense-. c· .,. 10 Con olidation of county trial courts Tbis proposed con!tltational ameadmeat wCMlld allow counties to merge lbeir muJLiclpal and jHtice courts Into tbe superior court. Uaiflcatioa could no& take effect unless county voters approve the plan. SUPPORT: Caltforma tnal courts now are inef!ic1ent because of the art1f1c1al d1v1sions that produce duplicat1on and delay in the handling of cases. If uni fied , the w orkload c o u ld be distnbuted more evenly. and all record keeping '-''<>Uld be centralized to save e xpense. Neutral studies dunng the past 30 yea.rs show unification 1s cost-effective and reduces delays. OPPOSE: The State Bar and Dnstrict Attorneys A.5soc1a tion claim this is a hoax tha t will give mumc1pal Judges pay raises of almost $6.000 a year and dest.roy the "People's Court." The present two-tier system 1s effective and 11 1s unreahstic to expect a panel o( Superior Court Judges to conside r a ppeals from rnlh.•agut.'s Giving pay raises to Judges 1s not ('OUrt reform but fiscal fi asco 11 DepositR on b 4!verage containers Tbls proposal would require tbat every empty beer, ale, mall, llqoor. mlaeral water, sod'a water and carbonated soft drink container be redttmable for a t least $ ctalJ, efftttive Marcia 1. ltU. Retailers woul' be required to pay refuels for prodact• ~ey sell. Coasamen •lt0 eHtd ncura coatalaers to redemption cuters. Retallen aad retlemptloa centers woaJd be paid a U perceat laHdll•I fee by • •••laal1n Hcl .btilltra. SUPPORT: Ba$t•tl on tht• sut'<'t•ss of s1m1lar laws in stal!'S like Orc·gon and New York . Proposition 11 will t!l1rmnate 80 pNl.'t·nl of container littt•r and save muc·h uf the $1110 m1l hon a y1·ar now spl·nt to l'l<•an up ltttt•r Approv;1l also would east• prt'SSUrt' un l'lti<'" to find m•w dump s1tc'S and ~Vt• a ga·at deal of enc•rgy. water. g lass. aluminum. slt-t•I and uthl•r matc•riab OPPOSE: ExlJCrientc in olht•r slatl'S should lead California voters t() rej~·t the proposal which would increase pnet.>S, dc'iilruy voluntary rec:yc hng progra~. anc·rl'a.54.' the U!>e uf fuel ~ind water, eliminate JObs in manufac·tunng plants and t·reate sanitati on problems m food stort$. A Chapman College rf'porl condudcs that beer or soft drink prices could ris<' $1 44 a c·asc and 1rn:rease <.'Onsumer payout for bev<·rages by $319 million a year The 211 pcn·ent handling fee would add $1 )() m1llwn a y.-ar to the California bevt•ragt· l.>111 Cahforn1a alrcady has the most t'fft'<'t 1ve voluntary reeydlnK progrJ01 in the t·u11n1ry .• ind this mandatory law 1::. not m-cessary U.S. -. oviet nuclt""ar weapons freeze lette r Tbis pe titioning m easure , a first for Californians, is designed to pressure tbe federal government to work more aggressively to end the extensive development of nuclear weapons. SUPPORT: The nuclear freeze l<'lter 1s a first step 1n preventing nuclear holocaust Proponents t:l a1 m we have :rn.ooo nuclear weapons and the Soviets 20.000 -more than e nough to d estroy each othe r The ris k of accidental war is increasing: warning time 1s down to 6 minutes and a computer e rror could tngger an acc1nental war. The only way to end the arms race ;s for people to raise their vo1<.'eS and prevent polluc1ans from bringmg the human race lO the brink of e xtmcuon. OPPOSE: Tht> Soviets need to be sent a message tn the form of a no vote because the freeze would undercut the bargaining position of the United S tates and preserve the current Soviet nuclear-arms advantage. The Sovie ts have refused to allo w on -site inspections of their fac1l1ties. and that would be the onJy way to guarantee that a freeze 1s not being violated. Establish new water conservulion standards This Initiative s tatute would establlsb new conservation standards for tile state' water supply, 60 percent of wblcb comes from Hrface supplies .ucb as rivers, lakes and streams. Tbe remaiolng 40 percent Is pamJ>ff from ground wells. About 85 per<'ent of the water ls used for agric ultural purposes. Under tbe water conservation section, no water could be transferred between b11ln1 until the state Water Resources Control Board det~rmlned tbat tbe agency's coD1ervat1on program, due by 1984, was being lmpleme1led adequately. This would force fumers to conserve, ra tber tbaD Import, water. A tlalrd section would s trtngently restrict filling of tlae reservoir belllnd tbe coatl'overslal New Melones Dam on the Staalslaas River. and 1et mlnJmum prices for projec t'• water. SUPPORT: This m urc 1s n~cd to <'nd wasteful use of water. ll would provide «10noll\Jc incentives for fanncrt1 and Waler agencies to (.'Onllt'l'Ve wtatt•r, c'IJtabUIJh a fair pricing system and eliminate $60 million ln annual subaidi~ for big users from property c..xpayera. Whereas praent ""'*' polidts reault ln bJahtr cbnestJc w;H<•r pr1l·1·s anti food •-•..l!.L-,, P111p1>--1ll•m 1:J \.I.Ill t'11•at1· )Ob~ by t•n:.11nng th.II t•nough w.1h·r ti'> <1Vatlahl1· (01 t'Vl'l'Vlll)l' and l'lll'OUI ··~1ng 111n~trut'l111n uf walt•r nm~·rv.1t1on f.w1lit11·s OPPOS E : A s 1 ht· 1110~1 Ill cunl·1·1v1•d. l'Ompl1•x, W~H·ful .ind l"l'Ol)OITil(.'olly dl'VdSlating mt"a!'lun • l'V('r µrL-sentt-d to tht• voll'r">. P rupos1uun l :i pla<.'l'S Walc•r rtghts Ill thl· hands of a nt•W St.alt• bun -;.1utral'Y Wall'r ralt•s ;mtl food t·o~ts will -.kyrtx:k1•1 It makes no 'l'nst· tu n •slrtt'l Nt•w Melom.•s n·sc·rvu1r OC'l:aust• lht• $:!fj() in1ll1un Jam 1:. aln·ady built Pasktgt• ol th(' ml'asun• will h•ad to )'l'<lrs of c•ostly l1t1gallun, rt·dm·tmn tn wall•r :.uppl10s and clram<itkall y 11wn•ast.·d tu-.ls to farnwrs that must Ix· pas.~:d on to l•>nsunwr.. 14 <.:reattt r eapportionment <·ommi sion This initiative constitutiooal a m endme nt w o uld c r eate a c ommission to esta bli b <'ongressional and legislative districts. via open public meetings, taking tbe process oul of tht.> ba nds of the Legislature. It a lso would require lbat districts be numbered so that tberf' shall be no lapse in representation for a district . SUPPORT:. Californians dC'monstr<1lt'<.l th1·1r o ppos 1l1 o n l o th e prese nt ~yi.t t•m of reapportionment by rejE'Cllng th-.· Legis lature's plaru. on the June ballot This propos1l1on g1\'I'::. voters the chance to establtsh a fair t'll•ctmn process The comm1ss1on syste m wil l t.>nd gerryrrumdenng and halt secrt'l deals favoring one party or the other. OPPOSE: l'ropos1t1on 14 1s unworknble and w 1U result in the lines being drawn by thf' st.ale Supreme Court Under the separation of powers. redistricting h1stori<.·ally has been a legislati ve function This pla n gives tht.' assignment to a comm1ss1on with an um.'<'rtam eXJX'O.SC account and uncertain responsibility to the public Either party can veto a reapportionment plan. so the comm1ss1on system is bound to pro d uce a deadlock. After the Supreme Court reapportions. there as no way for the public to place the <.'OuJ·t's plan on the ballot. 15 Require registration of handguns Tbis Initiative statute requires that all bandg11111 be registered for a fee by Nov. !, 1983 and restricts lmportatloo of bandguns Into California. Proced11res would be established for tbe transfer of handgun ownership and new crlmloal penalties would be establis hed for vlol1tlon of handgun laws . SUPPORT: Present laws make it too l'asy for criminals to obtain l'<mcealable weapon.I\ and terrorize the c1ti1,enry at will This <.'Ommon-"Wnse proposal would safcgua~ home guns and attack street guns It doe-s not ban handguns and h~1s no effect on r ifles and s hotguns "Enough 1s t•nough" -the re are already 4 lll 6 m illion h3ndguns In the state a nd 2.000 people were killed with handguns in C'llifornla last ~ear. Similar laws in other states and nations have been isuccessful OPPOSE: This d eceptive and poo rly written propao1al will depnvc cllll<'ns of llwlr right to seH-prolectlon. require 800 public employcea for ndminis tratlon ond dfv('rl luw- cnforcemcnt rt>10u~ away Crom fighting crlm<' The iniUalivc'1 imll~r'.unc.1.c.a.tutc wiU no work ~uae gun 1-w• are lgnot«I by crtmlnalls. Thia measure w\11 crute an ellt~ claas o f pistol ownera and a aun·aJe black markcl that will produce profita lor organized crime. I • I .. 8 -ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 25. 1982 Agendas differ • Ill 58th Asseillhly Dis trict race l11 C"u111 bl·lll Hl·publll·a n A sst•mbly mun l>t•11 111s R ro wn 1.., h o p i n g his br;:.nd u f lllll!>l'I \',1ltVl' pol11ll'S will bl· as ;q ,p.-.1l1ng lo Or.1ng1· C11un 1y vot1..-r:<. n11w inc luch•cJ 111 thl· n •..1µp11rl11•nt'd 5Hlh As...,t·mhly D1stril·t as l hl'Y wt·n· with vot1•1s 111 tht• old d 1slril'l, l'<'nlt·n'CI 111 L1111g Ht "1d 1 Sh•k1 ng 1•lt't:t1on tu ..i thtrcJ lt•n n. Rrown . :JJ. 1 ... h1·111g 1 li.dl1•ngc·d by 1>1..·mot·rat Patri1·1d Sp1111gl'1 . n .. uld P;iu I I l;iak. th1..· Pc•at'l' und Fr1•l•d11111 Party's :H yt•ur old nom1m't· Th<' 58th Assembly District includes sections of Long Beach and Signa l Hill plus a s ho r e line s trip from Se al Beach t o llun1ing1on Bca<:h. Th1 1hn't 1 .111d11i;1lt...,. JMiltllc ..ii Vll'W'i :-.pa11 ih1 l"ll llH.tl !>J>IC It urn w11h 13111\\1\ (''1'v1• goltt'll 1111111 11111..,1·1 v.111\1• ... 11w1· I wo ·nt 111 Sal'ran11•nlo"> hold111~ dnwn l lw righ 1, S p nng1·r .1 ,,.11 d1·'4·11IK·d 1rn"h·1,111· -,1.1k111g 11111 th1· I >.·n1•HT.1111 m1oldh .md ll.1.1k', '>IXl:tl1-,1 lll'l"fll 'ill\1• l.1\•111g I l.1111\ 111 llll h•l 1 Volo·r ro·g1 ... 11.111cm l1gurc· ... tur tli1· :i111h 'ho\\ .ilmost 1•q11.il numbt ro; ol l>1·mn1 1.111\' .111d Hq1uhl11·.111 ""''''""· ,,·11h l>t•n111t'l':tts h11lcl1ng ,, .. light • d,i.:1· -t:» 111 t:i Jll•ru·nt Ahuul hll fll'll 1'1\1 ,.( 1ht dt,ll lo I llldUdt•' .trt·." 111'\.\ 1<1 it oll,11rding 111 B1 rn,,. n Spr 111gt•1 .1 "h1111ltl«1dn•1 \\llh :.!:1 y1·:11« I 'IH fll'IHI' ..... 11d ,,ll' d11 td1'1I 1111h.illt•11g1• Hl'll\\11 l>1•c ,111,1• ho · li.1 ... Iii t n J "flt'lll h w;111111·1 who h • .-..1·l Ji<l:-.4·d .11\\ -.ulut11111' .111d h;1,n'l 1nslJtUll'tl .Ill\ f1•g.,.f,1l1tlll ror I h,tng(•" ~Ul Rruwn s;ud his proudt·"t ad111•v1•11wn1 ,,.., ,, lc ·g1 ... l;itor 1s t•>.ac·1I~ wh.11 h1::. D1•11111t·ral11 11pporwnl atlU'('' htn1 o t "Whl•n I w1·n t uµ tlll'rt'. I d1d11't go uµ tho·rc · tu m.ikt• more law' ur t.1kt> m111<• n1111wy uut of ix•·,pks' poc:kc·L'> "Thi.· bills l inlroduct>d havt• sou g ht to d1•11•1.!ul;.1tC', tlo away w 1lh 1;1xl'S, cln <1way w11h p.11 t' o r govt·rnmt·nt Jt)d lt•:-..-.t·n guvt•rmm•11t," B1 own t"<µl..1m1·d "Thl• mon• )UU do. the· m111 t• you ll''' IJXJXJ.'t'r... monc·y I \.\t•nt up lht•rt• lu Ju th1· 11pµu:.1tt.•" Calling h 1m:.c•lf .1 ··n·spons1bl 0 c' l'Onst•rvau v.,," 1\111\\ II -..1111 1111' Nu\'1 111lx t h.1ll11i l"'""t•11ts .o \t '' 1 11 .. 11 •lit 1 h111u· h1·lw11·11 111111 .111d Ill.., o pporwnl-. 111 · '·'"' Ill' ..,Ji11uld Ii.· n · ,.i,,·tt•d l11•,::1lh1· ht· " 11 ,\111g 111 "linng g11v1·1·11111t •11 l h11t k t11 1 '"'" t \ " 111 ,,11d Ill' r"v '"' p 1ogr.1m' t11 <·c111trol ,i.,, '"' k1•l11tg -.p.·nd111g .ind It J.!t!>l;i111111 t11 ,111111111 nrrrn I It ;ii"' -..1111 ht• SUl>P'lrl' l'f11111Jo. to r•'< .111 C '.il1t11rn1.1·, l'hll'f Ju:-.l1t't· H1N' l31rd B111w11 .... 11d llw s p1·nd1u g h;il>1 1~ ol lltt• 'l1b1•1.1l l'l1·1111'1ll" that l'f>ntrols tht• h·g1..,l.tlun• Jrt· th1 l'<'.1~111 :.t;1t(• n ·vt·nut·:-. an· lx•ing dllt't. ll d mt11 1lt1· "'1·11.111 ,v ... tt·m rathl·r th,rn tu\\.trd pr '"in" .111d h1glnl o \ ~. wh1t·h art• n ·allv th1· ~·rv11 ,.., .. 1.111• l.!11\'I I llflll Ill. I._ obJigt•d 111 pt 11\lldl' Tl11 • lkpublll':Hl scud lh<1t thl· ::.tall'" -.. !tool, .1r1· -.uflt•1111g f1nannallv. mamlv IJC't..tU"I' tllt'v louldn't ku·p p<111 · WICh th1· tnfl..1t1on r;oh '. b~l u 111t1·11ds th<.11 t•nough mont·y lei b..111 uul th1• •;(:ht11Jls aln•<idv 1)> in th<' slatt•'s sot:wl wl'lldrc· bUlll-{t'l and just m 't'<IS to l:x• ,h1flt•d "In my 11pin111n wt• havt• plt•nty of n1oni·y to prnvulc• sc:rv1t'l'S. I'm to~lly uppcr..t.'<I tu .m;. lil'IC 11wrt•u-.i'." ..,<HU Brown "If 11 Wl'rt·n 't for ml'rt«lM.'d waslt.'. we• t'Oult.I l'Ut WXC'S." C1u ng a s 1111dar lis l or top issues. Sprmge r • 69th? Who will advocate Ill Tht• twu 1.ind1d.:ll1.'S for tht• 69lh A.'>S('mblv Dtslnl t '>t·at. 1m·u mbent R c•pu bl1c·an Nola;.. Fnz:tt lit· :ind [.X•mut'fat Robt'rt llanM>n. have• ont• 1hmg 111 tommun Both arc• in tht•ir l'arly tiOs Tht·n " hoWl'ver. any <11milantv tx:lWt•t•n tht> I wo < ..1ndiJat1-s t•nds · · Fnz1c•llc·. tW. I!! a v1~orou. .. ddVCll'31l' or le~s g11vl'rnmt•nt and m ore frt'<'dom for tht• p r1va w SC'i'lur I lanson. fi I. bC'llcvC'S l'C r t.ai n St'<'tors o f tht> c 1 nnomv need add 1t1onal rt>gulauon a nd proposes ;1 fl.11 I J.)('rc-e nt t.ax on gross busin~ profits to lund 1'<.lucatton Cos ta Mesa, Fountain Valley, I rvine and portions of Santa Ana and Huntington Beach are included in the 69tb Assembly District. "I think too m an y arbitrary d ecis io ns have bc<''n made lhat hurt the private sector." Frlzzellt' said "Decisions tha l a re made OUl or a lack or und rswnj ng " A fr,><hman legisla tor seek ing e lcctton to a st'con d two-year te rm. Fnzzelle also said h e belit.>Vt'S he h as abid ed by his 1980 campaign promiSl' to d o ever y thing to "corral s tate government fro m taking mo re lax d ollars from taxpayers' pockeLc;." On lhc othl'r hand, Hanson said he fovors regulating t-ertaln buslnt.'!llleS, like public utilities. because they a re mono polies, not forced to rom pek' with o the r companies "I'm n o t antl-buslnes~. b ut lht• present oclmm1~tratlon 18 n ot interested in you or l or the proplc• on fixed in('Omes," Hflnson said . He adde d thl't "peo ple a re losin g their hu1m:s. losing their jobs and he (F'riacJle) is looking right in tht•1r eye and saying. 'tighten your belt. 11's lht> bc.'St th.mg that cwr happent'ti lo vou '" · C1t1u ~ tlw l'Urren t f1st·al cr1s 1s fal'l o g Cal1forn1d Sl'h ools as :J top campaign 1ssu1·. 11 a n s o n u u l I 1 n t' d w h .1 t h t' l' a I I c· d h 1 s "rt•volu twnar y nc•w plan " to bail them out ,J k said a · I percent tax on businL>ss grQS.<; profits l'ould ra1st• a billion dollars and make lhe st.atc•'s schools n umber o ne an the nation again Hl' also said the cconQm y, transportation a nd l'rimt• a r e im p o rta n t issu es fac ing s la t e lc•g 1i;lators. An opponent o f offs hore 011 drilling. Hanson s aid he supports the nucle ar freeze initiative. but o p poses Proposition 15. which would contro l the sale of handguns. Frizzelle s aid he sho uld be r e -e lecte d lX'<:aUSC' o f his committee assignments and his f a miliar it y wi th the w o rkings of state govl!r nme nl. "The p o l1t1c al d ecision t o co nt rol deve lopme nt of e ne rgy resou rces has im pacted hiring an the state," he said. Frizze lle s aid offsho re 011 drilling is a "ph o n y iss ue " becau se th e Br o wn Administration has a pproved more lease an state w a ters than the federal government pro poses ou tside the lhN'e-mile limit. ''Inside the limit we've done much wonie than what thl• federal government would do by thro wing the whole coa5tllne open." he said, adding the nation net.-ids to v e rify ltS proven oil res<>rves. Ht' said he opposes both the handgun ond nucleaT freere lnl\latlves. . Their campaJgn hu been a quiet artalr, with Hanlon enaNnterlng problem. nJaing campaign poSt·s a cJ1Hc•rtng st•t <if solutums To t":1St· urn·rnploymt·n t in Cah f11rn 1:.1, sh1· :-.Jld !>hl· tavtH.., lax 1nt·t•n 11 vc•!i to 1n dun bU!>111t•:.....c.·:. 10 tr:.ain pt.'<1ple and work llK<'nllvt•:-. Ill tun· p<'()plt· otr wC'lf<irt'. As for t'dUl'::\tlon . S p ring('r S<itd shl· lx.•hf·Vt·s thl' Lt•g1s l:.a turc nt.'l·ds lf.J n ·v11·w tht.• niandatc-s umkr whtl'h 'il:hool.., an· ohligc-d to opt•r;jt1· and "gt.•1 rid of tht.· tra:.h ' S lw .• 1 .... supp11r L-, .i 101.il n •vamp11ig nf hnw "tat<• sC'hou1' .ll'l' I undt·d . u •1H<•1 rng 1111 un rnl -.t•\'t r.11H 1• t.1:-. lh.il would ht • 1111p11!>1 ti .11 1111• \\I'll 1\1'.od Turr11ng to tr.tn:.po rtatwn Spnn~t·r sa1cJ ( )1.11ig1 ( 't•Ulll \ 1 t .. 1lly h..i.., l1C<1'n C"h1·;111 ·d " .ind 'llJ.!g'"''"' th.ot tht· Ot.i11g1• l'11u111 .v Tr.111"f'"' '"111111 (.'111111111!'.s11111 h•· ol1 ·l•·g:it1 •d 111111·1· pt1\\t'I '" 1·n ... u11 tltt l'OUlllY "4"" 11~ l,111 ,h.111 • t1I ,l,111· lt .111,Jl(ll 1,tl to 111 llllllllt'"' Sp11ngl'r ·"''' d tt·d tl11 · c-r1111t· µ1 111111•111 as l.x 111g m .,;r lht· t11p or lwr lt•g1:.lat1v1· ••gl·nd..i II '>ht· t' 'lo• t1•d Wh1l1· "ht· supp11r '" :1dd111011:1l .. nu 1 n1111· pr111;t1.,101-. .11th1•1on1mu1111 v lt•vt I. Sp1111gi·r .... 1111 ·"'''don t Ill o·d .1nv mon l;1ws "'' ,ilrc·<Jd\ h.1\.1 '-'11111 ' 111 the• n111i.1 ~ln11gt.•11t la w:-. ,tnv wh,·n · f ,, 1.., 1·11t1111·1 \\ h.11 I.ow-. ""t' ,d11·..1d y h.ivt· · '1'111· th11d 1"111d1dat<· 1n th• 1.;t·1•, tlw P1•;1(1• .111d i''11 ·1·d111n P.onv· ... ll;.1.1k ..;.111! tw '" runnrng J ' .111 .1111 111.111\ ,. 111 11w n1aJ1ir 11.irl\ 1.111J1d.111·, 1•\'1 n 1hough h" 1 h,lfl('I" uf "'11m1ng .in -.ltn1 I l.1.1k ,,11d he• "Ul'r><•rh tlll' 11u1 lt·;u lr.• .. 11 11\1 I k l II Vo• t\.., \\1th ,,JI 1.1111J11f;1l1' 1t•p11•-.i·llltllJ..: Litt "'"·1.ol1..,t P1•.1u· .11111 I-rc·l'd11111 P.1 rt-. H a.ok 1.1lh d fur tho -.hutd11\\ 11 11f 1dl m 11 lt"11. rt .tt t111 -. .ind puhltc c11n1r11I 111 tht· , 111·1 g\ . .,,,.,I .ind 11 .111'>f1t.H"l<it11111 mdu,lrll's A Long &·.ich l'l':<.lt.11•111. I laak owu' h11-o\\ 11 l.i11cl'4·.1p1ng sc..·n·11·1• Sp11ngt•1. mo.1rrll'd .md llu 11101h1•1 11! s1' g 1 o wn 1 hilcJn·n . 1s .1 11wmlwr of lht• '>l<ttl· l.>t•11111t. r;1t11· Cen tr..il Cnrnnullt"t' a11d a ll<lllVt• ol P c>nnsylv:an1a Shl• S;!ld i,ht• Pxpcct s 10 'Pt•nd .1huu1 $7:'1.000 durm~ lhl• 1·umpa1gn A ... 1•11:kbr11kt•r holding <1n M BA (rum lh1· l'111\'1·1.,tl\ of S11ulht•rn C:;1ltforn1a. F ro wn 1:, u11111.1rr 11:r1 ,ind r1•s1dl•s 111 Long Bcat·h . Ht· t· ... 111nat1•d his 1·:11npo1l{n w 1ll 1'~"t $ IH0.000 Roher• Hanson Nola n Frizzelle funds a nd ~ing outspent many Limes over by the Incumbent. With vo ter r e g istrations in the d1str1 ct r unning in the Re public an's favor 4 5-to -4 l pcn.~nt, Hanson admittedly ls waging a n uphill fight tho ugh he is optimistic a bout his chances. A mechanical engineer and m otion picture proJt.~lionist. Hanson has been retired for four years. The Costa Mesa reside nt is married and 1s the father of two sons. Long active in OemO<'ratlc P nrty politics. Haruion Is a member of thP Costa Mesa Sanit.nry Distric t board o ( directors. Frlne lle is a d octor of o ptnmt•try who gr:.idumed from the South ern CaJlfomla School of Optometry in l..o8 Angeles, T hf' father ot she children, he ond his wlft' rt•side In Huntington Beach He la ' rormt'r prCt1ident of the Cllllfon1la Republkan A.slcmbty. ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 25, 1982 -9 • • Will profile Will ID 70th Assembly District? Sl't'kmg a lhird CahCom1a ~mbly term, lkpublll·an Marian Bergeson 1s hoping lhal the high l'l.>mmunity profile she m:unt.ains and her rt:>eord o r S('rvire to constituents will be rewarded with re-election . He r Demcx·ralll' opponenl Linda Westfall is hoping that it will not. Bergeson. a 55-year-old Ne wport Beac h reside nt . sees herself as a "pragmatic conserva u ve" who has focused o n remaining accessible and responsive to community needs during both of her two-year t.enns "I w o uld say I re flect the p o litical philosophy or lhe d istncl and know what rny C'OnstllUC'n lS wa nt," explained Bergeson . "I think I'v<' had a rt•al conrern for my d1str1cl and have OO>n rC'ally r<.'Spons1ve, which 1s tht' rolc· o r a le~1slator " Newport Beac h, Laguna Beach, San Juan Ca pi s tr a no and th e inl a nd unincorporated area of Orange County are included in the 70th Assembly Dis trict. Appan•ntly. vote r s 1n the h eavily Re pubh,·an 70th d 1stnct agrN· Bergl'SOn w as t.•ll'Cled in 1978 and re-l'IN.'ted in 1980 with 74 ix·rcent of the vote Westfall. 39. 1s running for a le g1s lauve fX>St for tht.• first time. but has S<>rvcd on th e M1ss1on VieJO AdvLSOry Council sinn· 1980. S h t• said she de<.:1ded to challenge Bergeson tx-<-ausc "there w ere some 1ssut.•s that Wt'ren 'l lx·ing addressed that are VNY importan t." Also. Westfall said sht.• btc>hc·vc•s that the• t:ommuniues or south Orange· County, SU('h as Mission VtCJO where shc res ides. need to ~ rc·presentcd in Sac·ramenlo bt.•t.·aust.· o r th1·1r parucular growth-related prubl(·m~ Edut.·allon, 1:omparabl1· w o rth .ind trnns portat1un drt· the 1ssut·s <1rnund wh1t.·h Wt-st fall ~ud sht· has b.i"4•d h1•1 t ,1mpa1gn Shi· JISO ;Jl'knowlt•d~t'S Sht• IS a '-llt1ng !)rOpolll'nl of womt·n's rights .ind would llk1· to "l't.' a stalL' Ir tht· r<1t·c· lx·twct·n 1m umh• nt Dc•m otT<il l 'llt'.,ll'f Wray .md Rt·pullht.•n 'h.1lll'ngt"r Onrn. 1\llt n S..·(·ms vaguc•lv like ;i r.·pl.1\ 111 th1• i\,1811 r.111· fo1 the· 7h1 A~mbh 1)1,.1ri. 1 ... •·at \11u fl nghl And tf ti w1·nr .. hkt ·.i fl pl.i\ uf th1· l!lill t·ontt~t. you rt· right ,1ga111 &•llt'v1ng th<il lwr l~11rd 1•11-< 111111 bu! m.1\. h•· thr· ('h,11 nwd 11111• All1•n .ind m1·mhers 111 tht• Rt•publl1 ,111 A ..... wmbl' C.1Ut'U!> .111• c;1mp.11g111ng hard to topph· Wray. pl.n 1ng 111111 1111 tlw1r IH8:! "h11 hst " But Wr .. y. ,, ;)!1 ,.,.,,r 1lld lq.(1!-.li1t•>r st.'l•k1 ng .1 fourth t<•rm. 1s not pl;111n111g to go d own tO defeat ton easily. While· Allt.•11's 1-.1111p<11gn 1!> beinJ( managed by d UOP Aswmbly 1·aut us staff mtmb<.'r, W ra\'s 1•l1"1t1on l'lfnrh <•rP bc•mg Wes tmin s ter, tant on, La Palma , Cypress, Los Alamito-. a nd portions of Buena Park. Anaheim a nd Garden Grove ar e within the 71 st As'iembly Dis trict' bounda rie!'. h1·;1(lt-d b~· Assc·mblyman Rt Ul't• Young. D f}11\\'1w v "'ho rnaslt•f'm1111lt•d Wr .1y's Hli volt v1t·tm v ov .. 1 Allt'n two yt•11rs al-(o And A~swnblv f>t•mot.r.1t~ .11t· µh.•clgt·cf 10 pour 111 wh;it1•vf'r n 1mp<l1gn fund-. .1rp ru't•d1'ff In mate·h th•~· hc•ing t•xpeml1'<! hv th1· H1·p11h)l(';tn 1'•11 LV on Alh•11's lwhalf "Both l'Jmhdah-s t.•st11natt lh1·11 t-.irr1µa1gm. Will ('l)~t bt.•\Wt.'t'll $:.!2 !i (}Oii Jlld $:ilJ0,00() Anotht•r unknown In LIW rae·p that 1s not lx•111g 1gnon.'tl hy l'ttht•r n 1nd1datc• 1~ I .ib<.'rtana n Charles Barr'c; voL1•-w1nning ab1lit1t.>s. I n ttw IUHO c•lc-c:unn. th(• L1bt.·rtnri:111 1:and1datc"s 3,000-pluR votl' tnt:1I would h11v1· ll<•c•n mort' lh <tn e•nou~h to c·hong1• Llw dc>t·t111n·!> nutc·onw. Nt•v1•rtht•lt.•ss. O t·mo<.·rntR (11 m ly art• In rnnHl'l;ind o f th(• 71st d1:;trt<.'l with full y !\I f)(.•ft.'(•nt or the• fltstrtct's 14:1,0fi:I fl'81Stcred VOtCf!-1 Republll-ans t'(1mpr1sc-38 ~t'('t_•flt or Lht.• d 1111 rt<.'I. aC'COrding to votc•r rcgistroiion r('COrds. Calling hcri>clf a "mulnslrcamconscrvatlvc." All1•n explained that she pcr11istcntly h H ~hollcnscd W ray lx'Cau~ he d()(•sn 't rcprC1ent the d istrict. Ma rian Bergeson Linda Westfall wrs1on or the Equal Rig hts Amendmt·nL adop ted in California The Democr<it said 11 was dl•plorable that Cil1Corn1a h;iJ slipped to 50th in tht· nation in the amount of pe rsonal inc·omC' c·o nLributt'd to t-dUl'allon and called for a rcs lrut Lunng of both thl• l'dUcat ional syst e m as wt'll ;is schoc1l t.·urnt.·ulum. In reforming st·h ool t.•urr1<·ul um. thC' 1·mphas1s should be changed ~ tha t s tudt•nts will lx• traml'd for JOrn, tn an increasingly cumpli·x h"<.·hnolog1cal JOb market. the rnnd1dall' s<11d Tht• fls('al problems now fonng thl' stah.-s "'-h1.1uls muld be· solved. Wt-str .. 11sulo(g1'Stt.'CI.1r" fl p1·n t•nt -.t•vt•ram·1· tax. d1-d1<·atc-d to t'llucat1un . w1·n · pl<ll't-d on oil as 11 ll'ft Lht• wt•ll ·lwad Shi· s.11rl t'al1forn1.1 1s the o nly uil prudunng st.alt• th;.it rlot•s nut lmp!IS(' SUt·h ;, WX Pair replaying '78, '80 races Doris A ll~·n "Wt· h .1v•· ;i m.111 n ow v11 t111i.t fnr San f'rant·1-.;(11 voh'rs l)e(-nust• h<' Volt-s for and with (l\l,.,t•mhly Speaker) W1lhc• Brown," she• su1d "I'll h(• r•'l'pon~ivc lo ttw ne<'dg of our d liill'tt't .. She acldt.>d that Wr:iy m•ver has inst1tult-d 1 <'gu lar m1'l•llnl{K with t.•11 y offidals In tlw du;trict nor w ith l0t·:il 1.·h amb<.'rs ot rommc-1'<'<'. W rav. w ho snid he v iews himself a.<1 o t·unst>rvailw i::Nmocrot. said he should be re- elected bc.icause of h is <'><pt•rlen~· In nHi<'<' anp tht• cvc•rnl t'Ommittees h"' chol~ lk urgut'(i thut he Is mow rcprc~~nwuv<• or the• d1Mtrkt thun hii5 o ppon •nt b ·awe ''the majority or proplt> art• w orking J>l'OPI"' o r mall bWllncss and I'm a w ork ing f)('rwn S ht• appeals more to th e• r ich lndlvldu ttl th ot h.-r part y As to transportation, WC'slfall said sht• favors kc<'ptng the state's freeway system in better rc·pa1r, but doesn't bdievc add iuon al Cr~ways ar(> t h(.' a ns w e r to t h e s taw's transportation difficuh1l.'S. An oppone nt of o ff-s h ore oil drilling. Wl•Slfall said the search for alterna tive energy sourn-s ne<>ds to be pressed hardl•r. S he said s he> I!> undecided about both lhe m1t1at1 Vl' that w ould mntro l handguns an d the bottle and c·an deposit propos1t1on An exe<·uuve with a pro~rty ma nagement r1 nn. W<'Stfall IS divurc·lc"d and I!> the mothC'r v( thr<'l' t.·h1ld re n Conside red an able leg1!>lator by lawmakl•rs o f both po lillcal stripes. Bt'rgl'son has bt•1•n l'amp;,iign1n g on an issue tha t a lways h a!> on·upit.•d her interest. t'dut·ation "Tht• issut' is Car mo re <.·omplex than just monl'y," BergL-son said Not only must additional rc·vl·nue sourcc.-s for schools bt' 1dt>nt1 C1ed. but a ma1or reformatio n o f the s taLc"s schools including upgrading requ1remen~. ar<.· in ordl·r But Bergl'SOn stoppc>d short or S<Jymg a tax llll"rl'aM· or a new lax is needt-d Lo fund t-dul'at1on s<1y1ng , "we> nc-ed l» look wht.'r<· Wt.· can." O tht•r importa nt issut•s racing lh(' statt' 11wlude tran!!portation, lTlmt• ;ind ho using. sh1• said An oppone nt of th<' handgun proposition. &·rgl'son said s he also will VOll' ag:.uns t tht• but tic· and c-;111 1111tiaL1vt'. Propos1t111n 11 Orf-shore· Oil drilling. ~hf' said. should be t·11ns1dt•n-tl on a p<ircc•l -by f:l.ffl't'I basis "W<' havl' l11 l11•c-omc· ... e lf-:.ufr1('1t.·nt ~o wt• hJVC' to lh·t1 •rm11\\• what 's then'. hut th:ll mu ... t 1'>1· h.il.1m t•u .1g.11nst thr 1mµ;ic·i... .. &•rg1·vm -.aid sht 1s t•1111f1rlt·nt ... h1· will 114. 11• 1•lt-<·lt'<f h1-<•au"1· "ht' '('.11l'lp.11gn-. with ;111 1·\f' 1111 .1t't·rnm1al11lity anti I'm 1wv1·r 1·11mpl.11·1•11t .. M.1rr1t'f.I and tlw m11th1·r 111 thrt••• t·hddrt•n H1 •1 j.{t '-11 11 I\,.., Sl'I Vt•d ;i, pr1· ... 1d1·nt Of th1 l '.ii 1 forn1.1 S l'hool Bo.11·ds A~.,rn·1;1t 111n. 11rd111.111h .1pp.·al" tt1.'' Wra' -....11d \V1 ,,, , .1ll1·tl • nnw lht· 1 .11llp<11g11's l11gg•~• 1'"'" .inti pro utflv poinlt'<I 111 '''\'t•r.11 7 l!>t d1 ... 1ru t , , mm111111 \ p1 o;...r.1m" 111 \\ 1111 h h1~ 1lrf11 ,. h ..... I c, 11 111\·ol\'l·d 1h.11 n· ... ult1·tl 111 .1 :111pt1t·1•111 1111m 11 du1 t11m 111 «1·1 !;1111 .•r•··•' (~111·-.11<11wd ,1hout lh1· I 111.i1111.11 pt uhh 111~ I ,1 111g .. 1.111• sd11•11l s. W1 ·" .... 11d h1· f.1vo1 t•d 1111po~111g .1 t·11111l1111al1t111 ""11" '"' 1111 all'ohol .ind tnli,11~n µ1odu1·ts .• ind .1n rnl -.t•v11 .1m·1· 1.1x 1v f1111d 1·• htl':1t1t1n All1•11 , I», also S<11d r r111w 1' 1>111• 11( 1lw 111:1)111' 1••111•·11.-. of l'.1llr111n1am. 1h1s 1·!.'< tl'>ll 't'•H' ,111d pl1 ·dg1·d lt1 h1 · lt1l1gh 1111 1 11111111.il' .ind r•n:u•t lt1t1gh1•r I.iv.' ii 1•lt•1·l1•d i\ll<-11 .11 .... 1 -;D1t.I tlw ,t.th•', 1'<\lllOITIV \\t)Uld l.x Ill 111111 h l'H 111'1 1 <1lldll1Ull If -.t,1l\ gt1\'l'l"Jlrtll'lll \1 nuld JUSI ..... 111p running IH1 ... 1111"'-" oul nf 1 lw ,t.1t1 \~ 1tli lJ,,1111111 a11d ov1·r rq.~UIJt111n .. 01w \\,1\ tn put Calil111111,ins l)<H'k h• wrn k \\•>ultl l"H· 111 r1•p.11r tht.• st.1h•-. h1~hw.i:v~. slw s.ud A" 1111 1·11\11 .1tu111. t\lh-n s.11d slw bd1t•v1·s 1 1111ugh 1110111•y i·mtld lw t.1kt.·11 fr•11n salt•s 1,1i. l\'tl'lflls that llt'\\ 1.1xt·s should 11111 hav1• 10 l"H · llllf""'''d 1'11-.1 1'11·1 tt ·d 111 th1· I lu11t111gto11 l\t•111 h Un11•11 I l1gh Si hool 1>1"tn1 t bc1,,rd in lll71i, Allt•n g:11n1·d 1~1unt) w1dt.· notrn 11-tv wh1•n "hi· lou1ul1•1.I Bu~ Bloc ,1 1 Olllll' w ~.in11.11111n opp11s1'lJ to ~·h1"H1I husmg Foll•J\\ lllf.l lw1 l11ghly puhh1·111'<I rl's1gn.it1u11 frnm tlu· Or.mg<• Cuun ty 1Cun11111~1on on I h1 St;1tus of Wonwn in l!l7fl. All1·n t.•h.1llt-ngt.-<I W1-.1\ 111 I !)7A and lo~l by 9,000 votp:; Rv I 9fl0 sh1• h,1d whlllll.J hli-vlctor'y margm tiown in JU"'I nvt'r 41111 vuti:s If\ her ut1cn1pt tu u11s~•.1t him g ht.• '" .1 W1•s1mlns 11•r rl'81dt'nl. A f111•rrwr Unilt.•d Auto Wor•kt.•rs Un11111 lo1•;il prt.'Sldt•lll. W1':1y workNI fnr Gl•n11rnl Motors fur 2'1 Yl'lll'S In various rnp11l'il11-s ht·fort• running (t11 llw A~mbly Ht>. too, l'l'Sld1•i. ut Wt-,lminstt·1' 8 t1rr. tlw L1bt-.>rtarian a lt1•rnat1 v t'. 1i; .1 39-yt!llr ult! rt-:<1rfcml of BuC'no Pork. who w1111L-. Lo r"stor\l 1ndlv t<lu"'I (r(ledoms and ~11d oppn• 1vc toxa t lon . H•· tg 9 d9t.n pn>e·cs ing t:o nsultunt o nd ts o me mb..r ol 'h t' Orungc.· County l..ib<'rt11riun CentrnJ Commltt('('. _, • I - 10 -ELECTION /Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, October 25, 1982 32nd Senate District aims at crime, schools In tht! newly reapportioned 32nd slate &mate Distract, Democrat Frank Barbaro a nd Republican Edward Royce have been w aging c:<Jmpaagns that have f<X·used as much on where t':J<.'h candidate li ves as on the d1fforem:es an their poht1<:al thinking Barbaro. a J~ y t.•ar-old a ttorney who curn·ntly n •s1dcs in G <1rden Grove d t>S<'ribes h1 m.'il:lf as a moderatt' Democrat, w h ile Roycc. a :J J yt•ar-old tax managcr from Anaheim , says has pohl1l·al outlook mirror.> Pres1dc•nt Reagan's Th<' two have wag1.>d a nrnsy a nd l'Xp<'ns1ve eamp;1114n in which &1rbaru ho.as atte mpll'd to paint Royn• as an art·h -conservauve "as for to tht• right ,1:. you l·an get," while Royt'\' has ln('(f to lit• B i ll b.1rn t..> Tom Hayde n a nd his Campaign for l-~·1mom1c IA•m()(Tacy. Th e 32 nd Di s tri c t in c lu d es Westminster, Garde n Grove, Stanton and Orange, plus parts of Fullerton, Anaheim a nd Santa Ana. The qu<-stwn uf whl•rt· l'ad1 t«md1datt• hvt•s .111d wht·lht·r 1·11t·h sat1s fll•d r1·s 1d('l1t'V n·qu1rt•mt•nt bdori· filing for uff1n· was first hro.u:hl·d bv R.arb.1ro .111d hl.l> ::.uµµor t1.•n; BarbJr11 1 J;um.' th,11 HoH·t· wa.; n•H hvin~ ;it 111.., An<ihl·1m n·s1d1•nu· wh1·n lw f1h·d fur 11H11·1· l1ut .11 a Lo' An~w11~ .1p.irtn1l'nl .ind, th1·n·fon·. 1~ fl( it 4UJ It ( 1!-tl Ill run Huyn· 111untt.•r> that ht> h.L, ht.'t·n J n -._11h·r11 or Anaheim for 25 Y<'<ffS etnd only USC::> his ~ Ar1g1•lt•s ... 1ud111 _.1pan1n1•111 "trn ·gul,1rl y Jrtd 111.i-.1:.1onallv" when ht· wurk::. 11v1·rt1mt· A l.1•~su11, fill·d by F:kirb.:iru 'upporll·r \Vdliam Thom. ,, furmt•r l'ha1rm.111 of tht• Ur .ingo· t'ounty D1•trlt1l'ralll l'a1 IV , ~ind lWIJ 11th1•rs, 1 c•l't•ntiy w," thrown out-o f Or;.ing•· (.\1u111y Su1wn11r C:ourt 1111 the· gruunds 1t l,Hkt•ll JUri-.tli<twn Ill lhl.• mJllt•r 1''or h1' part. l<oyn· t·h,1rw·., II ls H.1rh.1r.1 Longshots try to replace 40th District Congressman W11h a rnmp::11gn butlgc>l of only$ I0,000 .md ... v111c•r rt·g1strJtllln m;.iq~in that f;1vo1s Hrp11hlll'.1ns ~:\ tn :14 ix·rn•n l. l.X·rn11c.·1·a1 l'aul I la<,(•man adrnrL.., h1• 1s .1 lnng..,hot al hE~t lo unsc•<Jt thn•<•-tt>rm 11wuinlwnl R1·puhlt1<1n HohC'rl &1dh<m1 fo r th1· -10th ('ungn-:-.s1onal D1strwt S<'al But llas<'m.111 •~ waging th~ d 1ffwult battl1· non1·thc•less, "aying that BadhJm h<1s b<·l·o1111· l'umplaC(>nt and that the· t'Onl<"il prc.-sc•nl., J d t·.11 philosoph1 N1 l c.·hnr<'l' Badham counwrs lh;.it "in this distrk·t. tlw h11< 1ssuC' I!. w h1·lhcr you'n• s tic·k1ng with Pn..,1dent Rt·agan or you'rt• not .. The coastal 40th Congressional District includes Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and parts or Huntington Beach, Orange and Santa Ana. A ronscrvouve who staunchly stuck by the Rt•agan Administration, Badham said hc-finds ''high and broad" support for the prl'sid ent's prugram. First electl'd in 1976, th<' funner Califoruin 1\5.s('mblyman 1. seeking re-clecuon w o fourth House term. In his first l'Ongrcssiorull rlK'(', the 53-ycnr -o ld Ne wpo rt Bcuch reside nt w o n l'lC'Cllon with 59 percent oC thl• vote. ln t'n~uing Frank Barbaro Edward Royce v. ho does not sausfy tht· res1dc•ncy n-qu1rC'menl .111d , ,1dd1t111nallv. that Barbaro did not sausfv the· n·qu1n•m1•nt pr;or to his IYH stat1• SC'nal1· bid It• 1\'1·•· ..rl.(u1·s that tht• rl~1dc.·1wy flap 1s b<•ang 1ir1·•;.,pfl hv th1· Dl•mot·rat "t n doud lhr· phil1N1ph11 JI d1ffrn•nt'l'l' and ... t.iy 11ff th<· ISSIU.., l>1'1'.tUM· h« •~ mun.· hlx•r:.11 than the· d1stnl'l .. H.1rbaro "'Ys tht• n•srd1 •11l'V 1s.<;u1• is rl'ally J n·flt•<·twn ol thl' dt·ep1•r qut·.,t 1011 or Roy(•e':. 11<"<ltl11lttv "I think wht·tht·r ,,.. not he• a.. t<·llmg tl11• truth. 1s tlw 1s.,ut· Hovc'l'0 ' cn-d1bil1tv Jnd his polat!l-.11 µhilosophtl'S a rc· '1111: 1w11 b1ggc.St 1s..,u1•s .. ( '111np..inng tht'ir polilll·al outlook..;. Barb<1 r11 :-.1v' lhJt "R11yt•t• would likt· grJVt•mml·nt to go ,,..., av whilt· l'ni 1n favor of hrmtang gov<•rnrn1•nt. Intl lwl11•w· 11 t·.on play ;1 pos11tvc• roll• rn mir l1v1•'" fl t h"<'lt•<l. Barbaro 'ays. h1:. lop pnunty \\1111ld ht• w hPlp lht· 'latt.-s ._..-huols rc•turn tu th1·1r tnrnwr t'X<'«llrnl'<' Holwrl Radham cl<.'l:tions. h1• won Wllh !ill and 70 pcn'l·nt or lhl~ vote &dham attn bulc..>s his sut't'l'SS at lhl· polls to tlw 1ml1t1cul mak~up of the• d1strac·t and lhl' mwuwr in which he runs his cong~ional ofhw "I '111 a good con grt>ssman bec ausl' l 'rn <&ppro.whabl<'. k11owl<.-dg.1ble and S('ns1t1vC' to uw nt't'dl' or mv l'l111s t1tul'nt.'l," ht:' said. "Such a b<.is 1t· part uf w l;at we do, which 1s so l~nlial. as hc•lµlng the thousandi; o r peoplC' whv haVl' lO wudc through the federal bureaucracy." A mcmbcr of the llousc Armed Svrvll't!S Comm1ttt'<.'. Badham c1tc•d his erforL'I on beha lf of the proposed MX m1ss11l• system . the Bl -8 bombe r and oth <'r w eapo ns syst t'ms, opp<:a'd 111 some• rongrt-s.<11ona I 14uDrWrs. as h is most im po rtant n~c·ompllRhm<•nt of lh" past SC:'S.'1100. Bndham Mid h~ wall sup por t addallonal e-Cforts to mo ve n Const ttutlonoal am~ndmcnt n.oquiring a balanced budget throuf(h Congn.'68 88 well us amendments banning abortion and permitting school prayer. O nP way that can be accomphsht'd 1s to <.:Ul fat rn other state programs to frC'l' up <1dd1t1un<tl monies for schools. he explains . He• a lso c:lles righting the stall' l'C'onomy as a top priority. s uggesting lax 1ncen11 ves for businl•ss. lo 111duce them to hir e add111onal wurkC'rs, as w e ll as c utting r ed lapt· and ~1ttrat·ting fort•ign tradt• and promoung tourism Royl'C' l'lll'S crime as the <«1mpaJgn's maJOr 1s..;ut• and points out ht• was lhC' Orange County l'harrman of lhl' gt't-OUl-lhl'·VOLC' C'ffort ror P roposition H. tht' vit·t1m's bill of rights. la.st Junl· "( Sl'l' mysc-lf taking a s umd on 1s.sut-s to dl'l1.•r cnm111<1ls whale• all we ht•ar from Frank 1s rht•lonc." tht· Ht•pubhcan says I ( c·let·tt>d . Roy1·c· says his l1·g1::.l;;t1vl• pnuntu•s would mdudl• rt•-pnoritlllng the statf• budget tn frc'<.· up funds for st•hools, derl'gulatmg bu:-.1111•ss and l'Omplt•tmg th<· s tatt•'s fr<·1·w<iy svslt•n1 · "(think I'm ph1l<Jsoµhwally an tum• w11h tht d1stnct." ht· ~ys. He al5') al·knowk-dgt~ ht· was "too busy" wnrkrn~ rn J IYl:IO Lo!-. Ang• lo .., C'ounty poht1<·.el .-amp1ugn tr1 r·a'l ;, \'oll· for Honald H1•agan S t·l'ktng t·ll·<'ll\'t• 11fl 1n for lht· f11,t t11111· HoVt't' IS a Cal Stal<· Full• rt•lll graduato· IA hu IA •• , at·t1v1· 111 thl· <·onserval1v1· '\ oung Anwnt'Jlls Fm 1''r1·1·cln1n url{ar111at1011 during tnllt g1· lit· 1' u 11111;1rn t•d und \\11rks for Southw .. ,11·rr1 l'orll;111d l\ 1n1•n1 Co B..irba111, \\hu 1.111 u11suu·1•s,lulh f111 1111 ..,..1111• st<1tc• St•n,1tt• st•al (l)l'f1111• 1 <'<•pp111 t11111n1o·1111 111 I ~7 1. •~ :i gradual•• of th•· Un1v1·r !-.1Lv of S11uthl•rn (.\il1fornw and USC l.1w -.t·h<iol A p.1rtn1·r in J SantJ An;1 1;i,.,. firm. ~rh.iro w.1!> 1·lt't'll•d < hJirm:.in •If tlw Orang•· C:11w111o1 l>l ·n11,r;1t!l' Panv 111 197H lit· 1s d1 v11rt'1-<I .md tho · fathpr Of lWtl diddrt•n Volt•r n•g1s trat1tm f1gur1~ 111 lht• dr,trwt g"·•· a n l'dgc· lo Barb.1r11 tts [)1•1111K'r:1h outnumht r H1·pubhn 111 vutt•rs ~l I to :n pt•n-1•111 \la~ int· Quirk QUC'!>llont•d about the Budh.1111 Boo!>ll'rs group whwh rJlSCS mom•y to pay for pt·1~mnl l'XJX'll!)(."S ant·urrc-d by tht• rongmssman and his wifl.. &dham not.eel that the.• s upport group and its ;wt1vities arl• perfectly lt•gal The orgumrotaon rtu scs funds lo pay fo r such p<.•11'(mal purt'ha..<;<>s as e~nin).( gowns and other 1tt'm"l of ~rsonnl appare l. diniwrwarl.', trav<.'l 1rnd crt>eli t card e xpenses. "Thcy know wha t till' mun<.'y will bt• USt.'tl for." said &dh:im. ''lnstl'ad or runmg <1 ht•uvy media ('amp:ul(n. l t r y ond mumtain a high vi11ib1lity us ti political lcud('r ond m1•mb<>r o f this t•ommumty As a rt'Sult, my ct1rnpi11J.(n fundii ure ~p«:-nt to rurth..r lh<•t imagt'." Agrl•<'lllft that thl' Badhum Bouxt<•r nrg1ml1..ation wa.<1 not Illegal. Haseman t•h1dl>d the lncurnb<'nt Cor not beifli "more •nsitiw'' to thl' concerns o( C.lifom1ans or undt'rst.andmg how voters wtll ~tw lJt Che.> gi'Oup~s expenditures. "l said early 1 won't make• personal attacks," S£1id lialk'man, a 37-yeor -old auomc•y. "But It is (See RUNS, Pa1e Alli Three • vie as sprawling 42nd District tilts to GOP The race for thl' 42nd Congn .. •ss1on1tl D1stnct st•at pits a two-term Republican C'OnS<•rvat1vc• against an und<•r-financcd Democrat in a sprawling district tilted ever more 1n thl• tiOP's fovor by virtue of rcapporuonmenl. OnC' of lhl~ few state Rt-publll·a ns to benl'fit from the Democrats' reapportionment package. Rep. Dan Lungren of Long Beach as indeed pleased with the political composition of his d1sfr1ct and the add1uonal Republican votes 11 affords him. ln fact. a monthly publtcatton that focuses on California government and politics. lhe respected "California Journal." pn•d1cts the "safe" Republican 4ind will remain "Hepubhcan for a decade." Seal Beach and parts of Westminste r anu Huntington Beach are at the southern el..p,e of Los Ange les County's 42nd Con~ressional Dis trict. Campaigning vigorously to prov£> both Lungren and the pundits wrong arc Dt•mocrat James Spellman. a LonR Beach a tt.orncy who works for the Orange County Publtc Defender's Off1re. and J ohn Donohue, a retired refinery '""Ker representing the Peace and Freedom Partv. Lungren. a 36-year-old attorney. won re- election to the· House an 1980 with more than 70 percent of the vote lie said he believes he should Ix• re-elected to a third term because he has represented the "instincts and aspirations" of the d istrict and has followed through on hts pledges of past campaigns. "l said I would and I have worked for tax relief. spending restraints. regulatory relief. a stronger national defense and the goal of a stable monetary poLicy." said Lungren. "l've kept my constituents informed and have been a forceful ELECTION /Orange CoU1 DAILY PILOT/Monday, October 25. 1982 -11 Jamt·~ Spell man Dan tung re n advocate for the ix>oplc of m y district." However. Spellman. his 41 -year-old Dcm()(•ratic opponent. disagrees with Lungren's aSM..>ssmenl of htS performance. "He most emphatically does not represent the distric t's pol1t1l·al philosophies." said Spellman "I think w~ need a l'Ommon sense ;1pproach 10 counter the right-wing 1deolog1es of my opponE•nt. lt's important we• pract1c·e c-conom1c rl'ahsm. for instance .. Spellman said he believl!s voters in the two-county d1s1nct are fed up with thl' Reagan Administration policies that. he claimed. are causing high interest rates, deepening def1c1ts. high u nemployment rates and an increasing number of business failures. "I bc•lieve that common sense c•l·onomic policies must replace the R<.'publicans' idc:ologi<:ally orientc·d 'trn~·kle down' t-conom1c <:111d tax poltnes," he said Standing almost d1ametnc·all y o pposed. Lungren said the 1982 l'll>clion ts a referendum of sorts "on whethl'r to go bac k to the old (economic) pol1cws -the economics and phtlosoph1es of Tip O'Ne1ll or the economics and policies of Ronald Hcagan." Of his Democratic opponent, Lungren said. "He attacks Reaganom1cs, l support it, by and large. There is a pretty big djfferen«'." The Republican de::.nibed himself as a classic philosophical conservative who also 1s practical. though w1llt ng to fight and stand on his own when need be He pointed out that he opposed the president on the recent ~x hike. for instance. He said h e favors a consti l ut1 onal amendment to permit school prayer as well as one banning abortion He opposes the Equal Rights Amendment and wall vote again.st 1t 1r Congress 1s asked to <.-ons1der 1t for a SC'l'Ond time. Ht-has been a vocal supporter of thl• balanced budget amendment that was deC..•atl•d ~l'V<'ral W(-eks ago. Lungren also said he o pposl.'S the.• nudcar freeze initiative. Propos1t1on 12. because.• 1l would not achieve a goal and "would plal'l' us in a position of greater worldwide mstab1hty" Calling his own political o r1<>ntat1o n moderate and centrist. Spellman said h<> op~ th<> r1ght-to-hfe amendment as well as tht• um• that would restore prayer in schools He said the balanced budget proposal "1s cynical and smacks of pohlical opportunism." A supporter of C<1liforn1a's nuclear fr~·ze 1mllatJvc Spellman said it's 1mporl4nt "wl' St•nd a signal to the Soviets." He added that any frec>ze proposal must be both b1lalt'ral and vcrif1able. .. Another top issue of concern lo voters. according to Spellman. 1s the future of the Social S<.>eur1ty system. Spellman said that the system's current problems arc caused by n demographic bulge and wilJ corrt.'C'l themselves by the year 2000. In the meanume. the Cl'Onom1c strain being plared on Social Scc-uri ty could be eased 1 f the sy::.tl•m were authorized to borrow money from th<.• l'OUntry's general fund. Spellman said He Jdded that as the a :onomy rights itself. the strain will l'ase somewhat. .RUNS TO RAI SE I SSUES • • • Admitting t hat he 1s e ncounter in g fundraising problems. SpeUman said he has been trying to force the incumbent to have to defend his voting record. "I intend to advcx:ate my moderate policies and attract a ma.10nty of the voters," he said. From Page 10 an issue. even though, from what l can teU. it is not illegal." He pointed out that Badham's expenses charged to the booster organization far exceed his total campaign budget. Haaeman said he i.s wor king hard at beating Bedha m because he believes voters are more attuned to his political way of thinking than the incumbent's. Labeling himself a moderate Democrat, Hueman sald housing. unemployment and the future of the Social Security ayst.em ar e the biggest issues facing the nation .. "My opponent has voted 100 percent for the economiC proposals of the present admlniatratlon. Thoee policiet a.re ln place and w e have huae deficits and unemployment," he sald. He said he would tuive voted in favor of the houllng bill prol>C*!d by Rep. Jerry Pattenon, O.Santa Ana. that would have 1Umulated the housing indu.atry and provided jobl. On the other hand, Badham oppoeed the m<"uure and voted to uphoJa a presidenU.1 veto -- of the bm. He uid he auppona a call for a bilateral, vertllable nuclear freeze, would vote In favor of an Equal Rights Amendment and would oppose a Constitutional amendment banning abortion. Married and the father or three. Haseman resides in Laguna Nigue l. A third candidate in the race is 60-year-old Maxine BelJ Quirk, representing the Peace and Freedom Party. Quirk said the two-party system has failed a nd u rged suppo rt for the nuclear freeze Initia tive and cutting the defense budget to provide additional funds to create jobs. She admitted ah e "realist ically" has no chance of winning, but is running to raise Important issues. Look for the American flag8. Polle will be open in Orange County from 7 a .m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2. A New York City native. Spellman is a member o f the s tate Democratic Central Committee and is a past member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee. He is seeking elective office for the first time. A <.oertified criminal law specialist, Spellman Is married and the Cather o{ two children. Lungren. a Long Beach native is the son of former President Richard Nixon's personal physician. He ran unst.JCCetSfully in 1976 for the Howie seat he was to win in 1978 with 54 percent of the vote. A Notre Dame graduate who alt.ended law school at both the Univer sity ol Southern Celifomia and Georgetown University. Lungren abo is married and the father of three. The Peace and Freedom Party's nominee John Donohue admju he's not running with any hope of winning, but rather to alert the public to Important illuea. The 67-year-old candidate said the present econom ic and pollUc._I system ia a toi.l failure that has brought the nation to the brink of l!C.'OnOTJlk: d.isuter and nuclearwar. He 11ld he advocatea \he 1oclelt1t •nd ftminltt perspective on the illuee edvWM*t by the hece end Freedom Party. ' '· . - - - ( -·- Expensive 43rd race draws national attention By all acc-oun ls. lhC' race for the 43rd Congressional D1slrn:l Sl'al has be<'n a wildly bizarre ~ffa1r. Besides kel'pmg pohl1l•al tongut-S wagging throughout Southern California. the ran• has rl'<'l'IVed national Ullt.'nllOn 00.'ause Of lht• largt• amounts of monl'Y L·x p cnded. the b1ttl'r rcn1m1nat10ns that have m<irked lhc· e ntire t·ontE>St a nd th<.' enwrgl'n<.'C· of a viable writt•-rn l'.'and1dat.·v Also~ the• ·1:ird d1stm·t ral'e has set .st•verol notabll' record!. fur a ~·at in the U.S. House of Represenla t 1vt•s induding the numbt•r of cand1dat1.'!-. who ('nl<'r{'(] the primary (a ballot- boggling 2 l. inducJing 18 Republicans). prrmary spcndrng in 1982 (a tot<il $2.7 million was poured intu lht:• primary ). and 1nd1v1duaJ spending (lhc GOP nom1 nN· spt•nt $840,000 securing his nomination. thl' most of a ny candidate in thl• l'OUntry) • That's not to mention that the ra<.'t' also has been callt'Cl one of the· dirtiest evt.·r waged rn Cahfom1a for a House sc>at More n ·cently. the Rt•publican Nauonal Commrttc-t•'s rc•g1onal pohlll·al dirc.oetor observed the race 1s perhaps thC' "strangest congrc-ss1onal rac·p in the c.:ountry .. Johnni(' (:r .. an Hon P a<·karcl The topsy-turvy campaign 1n the 43rd revolves around polll1t·al ncwt."Qmer J ohnnie R Crean, a :!3-year-old millionaire from San Juan Capistrano. who t'<i~t.U out the closest of his 17 rivals for the Rt·pubhcan nominataon b y 92 votes in the June primary El Toro, San Juan Capis trano and San Cle mente top the 4 3rd Congressional District which extends well into northern San Diego County. So outraged by the tenor of the primary c.·a mpaign was second-plaee (inish e r Ron Packard, the former mayor of Carlsbad, that he announced he would mount a write-in challenge Pac-kard and the o ther GOP primary candidates loudly had denounced the campaign tactics Crean employed during the primary as bemg underhanded and deceptive. In fact. Crean was censured by lhe Orange County Republican Party ethics committee for one of his c-ampa1gn mailings and since has fired the Newport Beacl) political consulting firm. Butcher-Forde Consulting. that ran his primary campaign He also has pubhcly apologized repeatedly for the ronduct of his campaign and has pledf(ed to run a clean general election campaign . With a 5 I -t o-35 pe r cent Re publican reg1stration edge. the 43rd district is considered one of the most Re publican in California and the primar y winne r was believed lo be an easy winner m November But the ('mergc·nce of Packard's wnlC·-m bid t·oupled with Crean's negative 1magt· among voters eha n gcd the.· pulit1cal landscapl• .. u rr1c1e ntly to make• Democ rat Roy "Pa t'' Archer's chance of pulling a stunning u pset in the d istrict very real. Arc-her. a 48 -year-old political scwn ce professor from San Marcos. readily admits h<.• will be the primary b{>neficiary of Packard's write-in effort. Running an unde r-financed eampa1gn. Archer has tried to direct the campaign away from the candidate's personahues toward lSSUes. He called the economy the central issue faeing voters and charges that RE:aganomics have failed to turn the nation's faltering econom y around. He called on government to stimulate the economy and provid e jobs for the un employed. If elected, Arc her said h e w o uld work toward establish ing a tax for the approximately 150 multinational corporations he claims escape taxes annually. He advocates cuttmg spending by tramming both the defense budget and monies allocated to welfare. An oppont!nt uf oHshore drilling. Arc-her has called for the removal of Lnterior Secretary James Watt. He said he supports the Equal R ights Amendment and is pro-choice on the abortion question. The Democrat also has called for a program of universal national service for both men and women. While Arc h er h as billed himself as a Dutcher, Nix seeking bench On Nov 4!, a llorneys Dan Dutcher and Ronald Nix arc facing each other for the Set'Ond lime even though both were defeated handily in June m the ract• for judgeship in the West Orange County Municipal Court districts. lnc-umbent Joanne Harrold won t.he primary C'lec-uon but her vic tor y was invalidated in August in Orange County Superior Court on grounds that she wasn't a resident when she fl ied candidacy papers. Dutcher. 51. asserted tha t he has done nil the diCficult work that n>sulted in Harrold l~1ng her office and that Nix had done nothing but reup the bt.'nef1L'>. Dutcher sard he now is handlln~ all the lt·gal work in <.·onncct1on with Harrold s appeal and r~'l·ntly has won a court d ecision that a llows him and Nix to avoid paying for ca ndldatc> swtPmenL~ m the second election . "It goes against my grain, ond I think othen& too, when he lctJs othcn do. the work for )llm wbcn .. U:1ino.1 l dilti<:u.ll," Out.ehcr aaid.' Nix, 48, joined Outc:her in lf'1al action against Harrold before th elect.Ion In June. That action was thrown o ut of cour t at that time • ,.., • J. ._,._, • ..,...,....,.._-,._" Hhl"UMlllM'i'~tlf.N,' L•Y.i • moderale Democral. his GOP oppom•nt Crt•an t·alls himself a "no-non!>l·nst·. cun~t·rva t1\1· Hl•pubhC'an busmc-ssman .. He said he rs ::in adh~·rl•nt to supply-s1dt' t•conom1cs and bl•l1t•vc•s the nat ion s hould c:onunue 1~ military buildup not only to prov1dl• S<.oeurity, but also jobs He is a n opponc•m or the Equal Right!. Am e ndment. s uppo rts a con s titull onal amendme nt bannmg abortion and one requmng that Congr ess balance the federal budgN annually He a lso s upports amending thl· Consutuuon lo permit school prayer. Whe n asked to name the t h ree ni• -.1 important issues in the campaign, Crean qu1lkly answered, "Pursu1l of the Reagan program. 1 would say that thrcoe times." Closely mirroring Crean's positions on thl• substan t ive issues in the race, 51-year-old RepubHcan Ron Packa rd has been building hi.s write-in campaign around the issue of integrity Packard has be~n critical of Dem oc·rat1C' administrations that have done nothing but "spend. s pend. spend and tax. tax. tax during lh<' past 40 years.·· He counted himself a strong t.'Onservat1vc suppo rter of the preside nt a nd said 1t 1s important that government spending continue lu !>{> reduced while at the same time freeing up tht• private sector to provide JObs. Packard. a dentist. admits that one of thC' biggest ch allenges his campaign faces 1s informing voters of how to c-ast a write-in ballot. Yet. he remains opt1mast1c· that ht> will be<:omC' only the fou rth c-and1date ever to w rn a rongressional seat on a write-in basis. llAICI l:IAIT MONDAY lH l 0111 H I" 1'1111 YOUR HDMITllWI DAllY PAPll ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Ur. Hoht·rt Hook~ t•ur·rit•tt Pinoc·c·hio tlw Pc•licun inlo 01wrutiug room wlwr(• 1hn••• hour!o. lutt•r surgit:al lt·luu ..twc•k t•J ullut·hment of 1>lnstit• uprwr lwuk . Veterinarians feed pelican, test plastic beak By JOEL C. DON Of 1"-O•lly Piiot Sl•tl It's too ear ly to te ll 1f the surger y w as succt.-ssf u l. but veterinarians in Laguna Niguel today wert~ going to try to feed their pat1en1 through its new arttf1nal beak "He looks real good," said Dr. Gayle• Roberts of t he a ptly namC'd Pi nocchio the Pelican "It (surgery) took a bit longer than we expec:ted but he did real well " Still. animal doctors were g i v ing Pinocchio a "50-50" c:han('(' of surviving 1n the wlld. because the upper beak, molded from a fiberglass material. could tear off when the 7-pound brown pelican dives mto the waler to catch fish. The prosthetic devt<:<· was surgically attachc•d 1n a near three-hour operation Sund<ty by Roberts . Fou nta i n Valley veterinarian Robert Rooks and anesth('siologist Rick Woc•rpeL The beak was JOmc-d with stC'CI plates and screws as well as a bondtn~ matf'n al u.st-cl in dental \.Vork. "We'rt• gomg to wait about two wt>eks and sec• how this one heals and dl'C·1dc whether to opt.•ratt• on th(' other birds," Roberti:. said. "Th•· univ wav to test It ts lo turn It loost• and ~(' 1f ll mn OIV(' .. Pmocch1o'l> fall' 1s mUlh like that of the e1gh1 othl•r mutilated pt'hl'ans (·ared for a t th{• Crown Valley Animal Hospital. Nc·arly two Wt'Cks ago, pN.>plc-1n Dana Point Harbor l>pOllt•d about a down pelicans w11h lhl•1r upix·r bC'ak.' chopped or t·ut nff Undt'r s ul'h c:ond1t1o ni>. the animal& cannot fred thcrT\SC'lves and would starvt• to death, al'C·ordmg to wtldhfo Sp<'<:1alii.~ Off1('1a ls fro m lht• s tate Dt•partml'nt of Fish and Gaml' laun<:hl-d an l'ffort to <:aptun· the in JU r<'CI birds N1nt• have bl'en brought to Crown Valley, onl• 1~ al Sl•a World in San bwgo and anotlwr had to be> kill<'d h1·eaus1· authorrtlt's deC'rde<l 11 n1uld nul Ix· • •• we'<! Off1t·1a!s bc>l1Pvc• angry f1sht•rmcn may tx• n •spons1blt· for tht• muttlauons. Pl'lit·ans oftl·n s t t' a I a n C' ho v y bu 1 t a n d get tanglt'Cl 1n net.!> <md fi shing lmc-s. explained Pat Moon•. of th<· Fish and Gamt· Dt•partmt•nl No um• has lx'C'n arrl'stt•d in the ma1mmgs Thl· U S Fish .ind Wildhft· ~rvtt•e nott.•s tlw Jt't 1.., ci m1sdt.·mt•anor punish.1blt• by a $:W,OOO fint• Tht· Maritn F1tx•rglas.' Co of Hunungtr>n Bt-ach uS<.'d tht· beak nf J dt•ad pt·llt·an to m11kt• ,1 mold for lht• top half of thl· bird's mouth Tht• bird wa' dt'clared (•ndangNt•d <.tf\l'r c>ffN·1s from the> pt·Slt('ldt• DDT all but did the SJX'('I~ in Tht· C'ht·m1cdl C'aused the· pt•lll'<HI' to IJ~ thin-shelled t·g~s thJt \\ould nol w1thst.<tnd 1nl·uhat1011 DD'f ha~ ht'l'll 11utlawt"ll s1m.-e th<· d1S(·ovt•rv. but lht.·rt' art• rmly ahout ..i .ooo of tht· bird' left along thl• California t'IJ<&Stllnc· (See PELICAN. Page A21 -Tiger B.l.'NCH By GLENN SCOTT ~ IELCOMETO • • v1ct1m 'improved' Tent city se t up on Boston Commons Sunday displays igns welcoming visitor to Hfteagan Ranch" as protesters begin what they say will be I 0-~ay vigil. Workers' rally draws 70,000 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -. Led by AFL-CIO president Lane Kirkland and o the r unio n leade rs. a n estimated 70,000 p eo pl e -th e bigg es t demonsvation by workers in this city in 34 years -turned out lot. a "Labor -Day" r a lly h :-re Sunday. Chanting "J obs. No t J e lly Beans." the crowd marc hed u-p Market Street fo r three houn. then gathered In fro nt of City Ha ll for s p eec h es by Kirkland, Teamster Secre tary· Tre asurer Ray S choessllng, Lo ngshoreman president Jim Herman and Ed Aaner. president oUhe Screen Acton Guild. The abor leaders blamed President Ronald Reagan aud ht. aupporte ra In Con"rHa for the ' 10.1 percent unemployment rate, and they e ndorsed a bevy of Democratic candidates for offices ranging from the s t.ate Assembly to the U.S. Senate. The San Francisco rally was one o f several a nti-Re agan de monstra tions occurring across the natl~.__ __ ln Boston, representatives of an activist gro up known as ACORN set up a tent city with signs strung over it on ropes and the words readlns: "WELCOME TO REAGAN RANCH." They told reporte" that their e n ca mpment o n B ost o n Commons was going to be part of 9 10-day vigil to protest Reagan economic policies. "We need navigators who can read the chatta of the real world. not the Disneyland of Ronald Reagan's imagi nation," Kirkland told his San Francisco audience. "'This is a time for action that will not come again for two long years. Let us all pledge ourselves to make the most of 1t ," said Kirkland as he e ndorsed Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr ror the U .$. Sena te and Los Angeles M ayo r T o m Bradl ey f o r governor. He also backed the re- l'll'Ction bid of Rep. Phil Burton . "We kno w they're on our side," said KJrkland. "We know egually we ll which side their· opponen ts are on. Whe n they a peak. it's m o ney that ta lks. What you hear In their endlesR telt>v11ilon and radio commcrcialR Is the voice of money. mone)' spellking for It.a own " 01 the O•llr Piiot Si.ti Tw o Vl·ar-old Anthony Stopani. ~ho wa,s attac:kt'() by a tiger Saturday. was taken off the criueal list today at M1ss1on Vll'JO Community Hospital in M1ss1on Vtt'JO Th<' boy. now hstC'd 111 serious t· on d 1 t1 on . s u ff C' r c d a s k u 11 frat·tun• and leg wounds at Lion Countrv Safari m lrvtnC' when a S1bt.'rran t1gl'r escaped from a fl'nced arC'na during a wild animal show and carricxl tht.• boy away by his hC'ad Su q~eons spent five hours working on the Upland boy Saturd<iy amid C'onu.•rn that a ptC'Ce of his s kull had bec·n pushed into hts brain. causing partial paralysis "Anthony 1s 1n se ri o us cond1t1on but his cond1t1on 1s very 1-{Uarded because of the -dangl'r o f 111fcc t1on and t he cxtent of tissue damage>," said hospital spokeswoman Kathleen Mcinerny 3 killed, 1 critical "He 1s alert and t·onsc1ous and his vital signs are s tablC'." she added "Hts phys1c1an says he 1s doing very well considering the ext<.•nt of his mjuries." in motorcycle mishaps She said tests will be run today and m formallon on th<.• partial paralysis may be available• laler. ThreC' men arc dl•ad ~nd a fourth remains 1n cr1tl(·al rond1uon today following a series of unrelatt>d motorcyclc colhsmns i n O r a nge Cou n t y over the weekend Two Marines died late Sunday and early this morning after the motorcycle they w ere riding colhded headon with a passenger car m San J uan Capistrano. A She riH's s pokesma n said Camp Pendleton Marines S teven M. Tampkins. 22, and Richard E. P inkham. 20. we re riding tandem on a motorcycle near Del Obispo Road and Calle Aspero at about 8 :30 p.m. S unday whe n the accident occurred. De ta i ls w ere ske tch y this m o rn ing. but the s h e riff's spokesman said Pinkham died at the scen e o f the c r ash and Tampkins die d early th is morning at Mission CommunJty Hospital In Mission Viejo. The name oh.he olhe~ motorts1 was not available. F..arllcr Sunday evening. David J . Rou, 21, a M arine at the Tustin helicopter station, was k illed when hla motorc yc le collided with a car ln Tustin. Califo rnia Highway Patro l o ff ice r s sa id Ro1 1t wa a llOUthbound on Newport Avenue at a bo ut 6:40 p .m . on his motorcycle. apparently with the headlights out. CHP o fficers said Leonard Goodman, 47, o { Santa Ana, wa.'1 nor1hbound on the same road and was turning onto Marcy Strel't when the coll1s1on nct·urn-J Meanwhile. officials at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport B each re p o rt t h a t A lfredo Casllllo, of Cost.a Mesa. remains m cn t1cal condition following an accident lale Friday night Cast1 l lo w as struck by a motorcycle d riven by S teven Burns. 23, also of Costa Mesa. Police said Castillo was walking across Placentia Avenue n ear 18th Street when the accident occurred Meanwhile. the tiger was m its second full day of quarantine today 1n a l'agcd a rea in the rear of the wild animal park in lhe Laguna Hills. It will be secluded for 14 days. said Irvine police S~t Dick Bowman. The tiger is one of four tigers, two hons. a leopard. cougar and dog that are part of tramer John Campolongo's "Animal Fantasy" act, w hich has been playing at L ion Country since F<.'bruary. Lion Country spokeswoman Virginia Brauer said the show has been discontin ued at least <See VICTI~. Page A21 ----lllDEX---- Eight days remain in Campaign '82. Today' special e lection upplem ent contains-information-to help voters decide on candidates and propo itions. Cavalcade Clas,,ified Com ics Crossword 0..-nth NoUN>S Edlton ol Enter U.lnmcnt Ho~pe Ann L.Mndcrs ( 82 C4-8 BS BS 84 A6 B3 83 .82 Movll'!'I National News Public No tices S ports S tock M&rket.s Television Thca«'MI Wt-ath«'r B3 A3 B4 C t-4 A7 86 83 A2 .. •• H/I Cl11mu• COHI OAll y PtLOl IMonaov ~\ \\.\.. Continued stories PELICAN PROGNO I • • • Autl11,1lllll'IC i.111tl 11111st n r tht• f: o1mt.•c.l bardi. w t•11• ft•d by mputhc l1t• pt•oplt.• unul tht•) e~ rt•porh.-cl o r w1ldllft.• l'XJX'rl.lt ICOVt•rt'(f lht•fll 'l'lw Jlt'h t'llllli huv1• ht't'O lllUVllljo( I li1st•t tu ,111111• bt'l..'UU:>t• llll'll JJI lllll' IHttl.11,d l110J i.upply, tlw :uwhovy, 11> h l'l lllo( cwt•rrl~ht.•d In M1•,nc•o, w 11ct11f 1• VICTIM IMPROVED. • • ~rough Tuesday, wht•n purk of. f i c i a Is con h· r w 1 t h t h t• 30-year-old trairwr • Campol<>nRO 1s an indl•pt•nc.ltmt l'Ontract or w o rking for thl· Gentll' Jungle o rgan1u l\1on. which in turn haJ l'ontral·h ·d w1th Lion Country Brauer 5ald park o fficials wc.>re embarking today on a compll'te anvestagation or the 2:4 5 p .m . Incide nt Saturday to dt.•l£'rm11w how I.he anima l exited from thC' c hain· hnk fenced aren a before dragging the boy a way A owm.an said n o l'rtm1 nal charges are expt.-ctcd to ht.• sought in the matter although offwcrs will continue to look into lht• incident. "ll appears to be an ac-cid e nt," he said. "Our animal control p eo pl e hav e thl• t1 gcr 4uurar1tlrwd for 14 duys Whr1t tht>y'll do With tht• ll~t·r-. I don't know yl't " W1tnessei. sc.ml tlwy Wl'rl' luld to remain calm a n d wa lk to restrooms and dos1.· till' c.luor:. behind them ..1fh•r thc t1g<.•r eS(.•aped. "Or l'OUrSl', l'Vl'ryl>od y 1.Jll ins tead o r walking," s.ml Dvruthy Adams oC Costa Mesa The scr eaming a nd yelling may have fnghtened the a nimal. leading lO its attal·k 0 11 tht' l htld. said Elmer Worth, managl•I o f Gentle Jungle. Campolongo C'hase<l thl' ;mun.ti with assistant J o hn M o lnar. s prayed its fo t·t.· with a f1rl· exunguasher and pulled lhl· buy free Crom the uger's claws, s.rnl Harry S huster, Lion Country president Mobile ho1ne tenant pay facing council By ROBERT BARKER Of IN 0.., f'tlol 8t8" A n e w proposal to tompt-nsall' ~idents who might be ev1t·tt.'d m Huntington Beach mobile me parks 1s scheduled for City uncil consideration tonight The formul a c alls for a nimum payment o f $5,000 for f90bile home tenants are fo!"fi>d ~ move whe n their pa rks art> ~verted to othe r uses but who pn•t find a place to move their h es becau.st> o r a w ro Orange nty m obile ho m e vacancy . rappling w ith the proble m for months, council mem~rs a rl' •lated to consider the new plan in ~ meeting that starts at 7:30 p.m . ~t City Council chamtx-rs. 2000 ~1ain St. . ' Hurrican e-£ orce. ' f,torm hits East ~ A storm with winds gus ung to b_µrricane force p ounded the "'8tern Seaboard today. flooding F.e coastal a r eas. disabling ts and knocking o ut power as pushed northward a lo ng the b>ai;t\ine. The Coast Guard sent fbips and planes to the aid of Jii$Lressed yachts off the V1rgm1a Jllld Carolina coasts but gave up a search for three people missing m f'ough seas off Ne w Jersey wherit lhe charte red 50-foot fis hing boat :Joan L e Rie llI caps1u>d Sunday. ~lling five people . The first of th<-• proposal's two parts deals with par ks z.onl'd for m obile h Omt' parks for five yc·a~ or more. For parks in this category. city st.aH m e mbers propose that park owne rs pay coach owners tht• e>r1gmal purc hase pncC' o f the coach minus a 4.7 percent a nnual depredation rate. Residents h vm g an par ks that have been z.oned for m obile hom1.: use less than five years w ould bt• compensated d iffc.r<'ntly Their coach es. 1f there's n11 place to put them. w o uld bt· purchased b y the park ownc>rs un a sliding Sl'ale based on thl· orig inal purch(lS(' price plus the length o f n otice gi ven t o reside n ts to leave the park. Tenants w ould r eceive 100 percent of the purl'hasc· prlC'\.' of the coach on o ne year's n oll('C; 85 percent on two years' not1Cl'. 70 percent on three years' nolll'C, 50 percent on four years' noti<-'C'. 30 percent on five years' n otice: 25 percent on six years' notice and 20 percent o n seven years' nom-e ln all cases. the tenants would receive a mm1mum o f $4.500 for the purchase o f the coat·h plw. $500 for m ovm g costs A bout 5.000 people live in l~ mobile h ome pa.rks an the city Officials say tha t there 1s a mounting d emand to convert th(: park s to more pro fitable uses. primarily on the valuable coast.11 land Oell1 "'°' ,.holot by Cllerlet 11111 P inoc:c·hio wul'I U11t'l'l ltw1izt•d u 11cl slrnprwd to 01wrutin~ t u hlc•. Lowc•r lwuk wul'I wrap1w J for l'IU nitnry rm r pmw"' H"' vc•1t•rinuritu1io, ec·rt-\¥t•d f)rol'lthc·tic• lwuk inlo 1•l1H't'. I ra Ii conduct probed J E H U S A I • E M I A I' 1 l>l·fl·nm• M1111,1t·t Ar 11•1 Hharrm. tt·l>.tdy111g 111 1•1 1hl11 t11d .1y lw·l1irl' ,j JUcf111,,J lllljUll V lllttJ I" a1·l1 l' (I tl t.llll t d II I I 11 V, I h 1 f h • 11 U I 111111'<\;1('11', W.I\ <JUl lll"<I ilh '><•Y lll~ h1• w ;11> "'ll1 p11M•d ... 1i1..c·k1·tl ;ind u~ll»lt•tl" wlll'11 111· l1·1•l lll'd 111 Lht• bl11od li.11 h [,t ,JI )1 lll'WI> l l'Jl llfl\ l\Uld Sh;111111 111"··l•·d •111 11·s11rv1ng puhl11 ly IJl'lo11· llw t h11•1• m<1n JUdtnal pwwl 1~~:;111-,1· lw w ..i111t'CI Iii tJ1•1111111 i.t1.1l\• lh;it h1 h..1l>. 1111th111g lo l11d1· Sh;1r11n "'"" 'lll'>lt•tJ b y an '"·11·11 ArnH•<.I ~·on<.·i. R adw n·µ1>1h:1 who hit tlw ht.·aring roon1 ~hortly alt1•r th1• man1stt•r lwg<.in lt•i.t1f v1 n g Wh1lt· th1· M ·'-""n w.1~ l>t•111~ ht·ld 1n puhl1t', 1 t•purtl'ri. Wl'I " 11ut ..illowcd tu n •tur n unn· thl'y lc·ft tht: room Th t• A rnH·d F o rtt·i-Rad 1 o 1 t·purt i.a1d S harun began by triJl·111g tht• h1s t111 y 11r Isnwl'i. Jum· fi 1nv..s1on of Ll'1)<1nun and lht• l>al·kground k•ading up to ill> d1'<.·1swn lo !){'t:Upy Wl·st 8C'1rul on Sc· p t I 5 . C.1 d a y a f t 1• r t h c· as!>assinl:lt111n •1f Pres1d«nl·t>ll·t·t Bashir C1·mavt·I S h ;,i ron · s c.·n tll's t' ha rgl· he made• ;:.. tragtl' 1•rrur 1n a lluwmg Chnsllan mtl1t1.iml·n into th« Sabra and Chat11l.J Pakst1n1an rt•fu ~•'l' l'<tmp ... Th<· braL•l1 governnwnl da1m .. tl wa~ the• m1ltt1anw11 who c.·iJrnc·d out the· Sept lti-18 slough1t·1 Is rael Radio 'a id Prim<' M1nii.tt-r Mc•n •H h1·m Bt ~in wo uld f<it·t· the· pmwl laH·r this week. along with oth<·r mt·mlx ·r!> o l his C:.abinf'l Valley roof ordinance on council agenda By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 th• Dally Pllol Slaff A proposvd o rd1nan c l' tl•qu1nng new Fo unt<un Vallt•y r u o f ' t ll bl' ma cit• u f non - c.·11mbus11blt· matPnah. will lw n·- subrn1tll'd Tul'Sd ay night fn thl· City C uunl'tl. wh1l'h dt•d1nt•<l to ttl'l . un tht• mw1s url' last month Comply ing with ii l'uum·il n 'qUl'St for mun· 1nforma11on. l llY r1n• u fftl'tals will display ~•mpll'S uf various roof materials and show ~ltdt·'> o f 1·x1s 11ng rouf cond1t1onl>. Thi' t·ounul ..ib.o will eons1der nn allc-rnalt' propos.11 that would rt•qu1n• h umc·o wnl•r s t o be wc:1ri1<•d of fl.1mmab lt• roof hai..ircl ... but \\ould not 11'<1u1r1· l h f' Ill I II p U I t h .1 '> l' 11 II 11 111mhu ... 11hlt roof.., Tht· lnunul rn<·<·t-. al 8 p 111 Tut•-.d.iv 111 L'1tv H all. 10:!00 Sliih'r Avt• · Thl· ord1m11ll'l' rloqu 1nng n11n - 1·ombust1bll· roofs is supportt.:<l l>~ F o u11ta1n VallC'v Fire· Chief H1l·hard J orl(l•nsc..;, who belwvL·S the C'llY could s uff<>r a disastrous fin: 111 tht• ty µt· thJt dl·stroy1>d 500 dwt•lltng unit:-in Anahl·lm earlier th1:-. )l'~ll Ii C' ha s s t a t l ' d t h .1 1 m o!> t F'ount<1111 V ..illt•v honw:-. havt· lhl· typt• of i-.h<.tkl· roof ... th.ti . bunwd 111 /\naht•1m .ind thal s imilar wand C"ond1t11m1-•"'"'in F ountain Vi.Ill')' Wht•n tlw 111111 llll'dsUrt· w<i., firs t pn•st•1H1•1l. how1·Vl·r. soml' l'llll nt 1 I m1·mlw1 '> qut".tl!Jnl'd whl'th1 1 homt•O\\ 1H·r:-. !>h ould ml'n•ly l~· w.1rrwd <1bout tht• fin• hazard or be rL-qu1red tu pun:hd~ mon · '-'><p<•n<,I\ 1• n un 1·ombust1blc• roori. on rww humt·' l)r "'hl•n .in existing roof must be rep la<-'l-<l FOUNTAIN VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Oct. 2t, tN2 OROINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: An ordinance of me Foun1a1n Valley C11y Council amending lhe Ul'l•form Building Code pettair.ing to fire re1ardan1 roots An ordinance of me Fountain valley C11y Council pena1n1ng 10 lhe recovery ot cost6 1ncu11ed Crom persons w1lllully negligently or unlawfully damaging or 1a~1ng city properly Ordlnenua lor Adopllo"' -An ordinance of the Foun tain Valley C11y Council emending lhe Foun1a1n VOiiey Mun1c•pa1 Code perta1n1'lg to purchas.ng 1Socond read•~ ' Admlnlalrellv• ll•ma. Consod•ra11or 01 the "'Y s toab<l•ly 1ns.u,ance Cons•Oer a11on ol iequest ol l'oun1a1n Valley Woman s Club for approval 01 llH! Adopl a Blue Doi pro1ect Re-evllu811on oc c11 f ol r ounlain Vane, 'phere 01 mlluenc.e boundary AulhOrtl811011 IO 9CCPPI gr&lllS lrom Well5 Fargo Ban~a11d o"oc' stall lo proceeo w11h tne p101ec1~ Consioerahon ol plecemenl of physical 111ness courses al Courregt1S Par!< ano 111~ roun1a1n Valley Recr eaf1on ano Cu11ura1 Ccn1er Appro•al of rev•~ed agreement w11h Alan Burns c11y auorney Founteln Vell•y Ag•ncy for Community Develc>pm•nt: Au1no,•1at1on to ou,c nase commun•Cdl•Ons 1tQu1pmen1 for 1ne police 1ac1111v Approval 01 change oroer a.,o i tcep1anc1> ot hl'lil rflpor1 tor coniract on construc11or1 ot Casi \/alley Cnannel S101m Drain E•tens.on Accep 11nc.e pl "''al •epori 101 reimbursement a9reemen1 101 Fountain Vall(>) M1<1ica1 Oe•e•opment Co -~ .·.··, ~..Al//r"~~l --~~~ --... ,---- ~\' huinid ' ~ 11 t .t Con!ltal variable cloudiness lc>ntglll and Tuesday C1ee11ng Tuesdey 1fternoon Overnig1u lows 60 10 65. Hlglla TVNOey 70 10 7S Elsewhere , from Po1n1 Conception to 1ne M•••C•n border end out 60 m.ies Hort"-t ""•td• 10 10 18 knoll h 4 to 6 fool MU over oute< w1te11 through Tueadey L1g111 verleble wind• over Inner w11er1 during motnlng h<>ure. becoming IOU1"-1 to """t 8 to 18 ~nots during 11ternoon and evening llOufl through Tuetdly WMlllfly awella 2 10 3 feet Vulebf• CIOudlMSS throuoh Tue1<11y California Shaking off weekend raindrop•. Southern C1lllornl1 wlll have cloudy bUt warm weather wllh only a tliQt11 chance of ahowen through fuead•y. the N111onal WMIMf Service .. kl lodly. High• Tuesday wlll be In lhe mld-701 In Loa Angelu. llH! valleyW. ooaalel ., ... and upper 6-ta. with Ille l'n9(CUI')' dipping to the low eo. In ttle moun111na and rlting a1 lllgh •• go In 1111 "-'· T OfllO'"' 1 !Owl win r enge from the hlgfl 50s to the mld..0., going d own to 35 to 4S In the ~·alna. Ouety wind• 01 20 to 30 me>n .., -the northern ~· In ~.,, _ _,~ U.S. sun1n1ary High winds and heevy rein pounded the Virgin!• er>d N<>t1h Carolina cout1 early loday. better:~•chff and forcing -te to ti. 9YllGUe..O. 'The wind• neared hurricane force. prodl.lelnO lloodllde9. High ..-tore al the l>Mehw, and more then ) lnChM ot rlill ~ !'900fdecl at Cape )i1tter11. !If C. F10cJd4na PfOf'llC)tfd IYllCUallonl .,~ 9"w &tr-n, N.C . where ..,. ll*lnel 10 eo lftPfl bl•tect .,,.~ Meanwhile, cold wt•tlltt lllttled Into the NOl't"Mtl. tnCI • COid front br0U9hl c;lovCIY llli.t and,• ..... .,.. • I .. J:., Wf/tt "lln ltlCf lt;t':V I -forecMI tor . today OYer Ifie ~Hlflo Nortllw .. I •nd Into ...._ eno \nllfl. anc1 111n -eJICleCfecl to conllnve ov• the ""°"All1ntlc Ot!MI• ala1et. C4Mr ....... ,. predicted OVIH th• ~· The Forecast For 8 p m EDT Smog The Air Outllly Menagemant D111r1ct predlcll good 10 un'-lthy 111 quality today In tile SOUlh Coeat Air Satin Unheelthlul elr lor sensitive people i i torecaat 1n th• San Gebfleil all<I Pomon• valleys wfth 1 Pollulanl StanderO lndu ol t 75, tn ttle San Fernando and Sanll Olerlta VIII•)'•. P!'I t38. e nO In the Atv•rslda-Sen Bernardino arN. PSI I l3 Good air w11 loreceat lor melropolllan Loa Angele• end H-t·EJalnore. PSI 92, ~ for lnlaod Ofenge Coul'lty. Benning. Ille IOw all<I high "-11, CONtal ., ... end Big 8Mr Lake, all with P$142 T e nipe ratures CALWOftNIA Bekertlleld 84 65 Barat-88 6e 8-Hnont 9t 57 Big Bear 89 ~ Bishop 78 43 Blylhe 91 eo C11allne ee 70 Eurella 74 57 Fre.IO 87 54 LaneNler 82 53 Long 8Mch " 65 Loe~ 9t 73 MonrOYla " et Montebello 94 ee Monlerey 76 60 Mt. WlllOfl 10 511 Needlll 91 eo ~8Mell 82 e2 Olltlend eo 60 Ontario t2 62 Palm Sp<lno1 114 er; P&Mdene to 5t AIYer9lde 88 55 Aed Blvtl 72 5t Redwood City 79 9t Sect_..to 19 59 M 111•t.1y Oc ~ •t"'J••r • •Hu;h fpmp•.#f.Uurt-'c:• 6 Fronts C S111nu San 89fnardlno Sen Otbrlel Albany AlbvqlllfQU9 AmarlllO A1hevllle Atlante AtlantlG City Auelln 81tllmore 81tU119a Bllmlngham Blamarck BolM Bolton Browntvlle 8uffal0 8urlington Caper Cl\artetton. S C Ctillflelton. w v Cl\arlOlll. N C Cheyenne ChleagO Cln<:lnnttl Clewland Columble. SC Colvmbu• 82 11-3 96 HI S• 74 7• 50 58 S2 72 52 88 83 73 10 49 83 63 48 ee 48 S• 48 ee 51 llO 54 47 57 SURF RIPDRT ,, lid• 4 50 ,__, .. ....... il·~ 1·3 1-2 t-2 1·2 t·2 1•2 1·2 t-2 t-2 t-2 p m . Low tide 6t 011llu-F': Worth 62 Dayton 62 Denver Del Mo1nea OelrOll Lo 28 5$ 50 38 38 50 45 •3 43 38 4t 5t 36 St 30 26 44 47 311 " 41 27 '° 28 " 33 Ovlulh El PHO Fargo Flag1111t Great F11111 Heriford Hf'lenll Honolulu ~ouslon tndlanapoh• Jack1011. Miss Jacktonvllle K11nM1 City Knoxvtlle Lu VagH llllle ROG~ loullvllle Lubl>OClc Mempnl1 Miami MllwlUkM Mpll·SI Paul N11hvllle N-01teen1 New Vork Nori Olk Nof1h Plllllt Olll•llom. Cny Om•h• Orlando PhMadelphll PhOenlx P111•:::::r Port , Me Port11nd, Ore. Provldtnee A::f" Aep City Sall Ltke San Ant04llO SN Ille Shr:'f:rt 81ouJI .... 81 LOUii a1.Pe1 .. ram,:• Ste 8tt Ma 8poltene l'f'IC\IM lOOtll• fuetOft Wallhl"OtOfl WICNtl ' SnowQ Flvrr1esG:!) 65 41 56 31 7 I 50 63 38 SS 28 S9 38 86 35 65 •2 68 33 66 36 52 27 64 3 t 89 10 69 S1 60 31 69 31 6" 40 63 38 55 '7 73 s.a 6" 311 60 38 ,. •S 6" 37 75 61 55 3t &• 39 83 •I TO 45 52 43 S7 53 75 4& 89 36 87 47 65 48 53 44 H 83 53 35 .. 2 89 $9 53 37 50 46 99 39 66 St 72 37 ae 53 ee 38 83 4S 57 32 911 49 57 37 tt 45 53 i4 N )4 •• $9 53 4~ 611 37 Our "346 " sport jackets o f lightweight Scottish tweeds These handsome wool tweeds are exclusively woven fo r a good, rugged Fall look. Yet you'll find they're quite comfortable and witho ut the heavy weight of a regular tweed. We have them tailored o n our popular "346'' 3-button model with welted edges. I n tan-grey c heck or hlue- grey plaid, $180 /tt add111on 111 "l"lar. slto•I, /111111 a1td '"''" lon11, '""'sport 1i:ulttr1 .,,, o//rr,d 111 ••11d111rn /01t1, proport1011rd for ""'" S 10" ro 6 ' UTAIUSHIO 1811 ~/)~ / 0LJ ~/ /_) ./f)h}()A',)f --v'Jli#tl',-J/ .......-.. -----------( ( J_c~~~IJJ_O_:~~ JurnlshhtQ9 for Mm. Women ~· 8tllJ.5 ~JO WHST 7T~I STREET. I.OS ANGHl.HS. C LIR F SlllO~ ISl.A~I>. NBWi"<)RT RJ~ Ctl. CALIR ~ ~ ' 01 it•llJI! l ,,,. .. 1 !JAIL 'v I'll() I /Mo11d11l' Or.1t1lw1 '1~ HIR~ HB I WORLD NY Times Polic ~ fi11d corp of kidnapped victim li) Thi• A ·i.ol'lall'd l'r,·:.,. n E 1..,. ,, ~ T . N "1 11i ,. , " 11 Pl11ml (Al'I 1't1lec·1· '""Iv l11d,1v l11u11d Ila• 11111tel.11t•d llll fl'' 11( .1 H11111,111 l'..itholu full11·1 nt -.1•\ 1•11 "1111 ",,.., k ' d I\ •IJJ Ill' d I 1 \ I 'r 'II •• " I .11 I l 1•xln·mt-;ts 111 wh.1l .1utl111nt11·' l·.tlll·d <l v1•ng ... 1tH , . .,,., k111g husl.tKl' -.11.tll h Thi• body 1•1 J11sl•pl1 l:>v1ww111. ·Ill, \\ .1s rl1M·ov .. r1·d trt ,II\ .tlh•\ 111 Pr111t· ... 1.11ll ";i,.,1 &•lt•~t f\1•,11 Sh.mkhtll Ho..id hour .... ,1fll•r 1h1• rnrd1111.~h1 d1-.1dh111 ..,. I II\ hr:. Pt u11·,.,\•111l ··xl1 1·r111 .. 1 1.1ptu1s, 1h1· 0111 law1•d l'ro11• ... 111n1 lJ lstt-1 V11h1111t·1·1 ~·111 lt I " • ' I I I 111 I ' t ' le ,1 d th1<-.1h·111·d 111 k11l l>.111<').,(,lll II gu1•11el1.i-. ol I ho• 11\ll'>I I y l".1d111l11 111 .,11 H1·f111hl11.111 t\ I Ill \ d I cl fl ti l I I' I 1• ol 'I' p I <I I 1·' l ,1 II t Ill 1l1I1.1111.1 II Tl111r11.1' l 'od1 1.1n1 -. .1~1. IJy 1111tl11 1ght l\w lerJ111· was k1d11.1p111·d I:! h11t11' b1•!11n• I x111t·g.111 "•" '"·'" lwd ~·11d.1\ r11gh1 Wale a ' wife ' earc h e d ' WAH SAW. P nl.md L1~·h W.el1·sa's well· savs .,h1· " .. , IOt l't•<l tu u11d1·r~1• :, "h11111lJl1·" strap Sl'ctrd1 by µohu•womt-11 whu al,.,n I r1~k1•d h1·1 h vs 11· rt la 11 y w 1• t ' p 1 11 g d ,1ughll'r' 111 a11 .q >1><1r1•n1 hunl 101 .... muggl1·d nh·ss..ig1~ 1111111 th1· 1n11•rn1•d l<1b11r l1•adl'r Prince's le tter L 0 N 0 U N L l' l l (' r, \\'fllll'n b\ Pr111l't• AnJn·w 111 l'rOlll' 010\'ll' ~tar Ko11 Stark. htl-A1111•nt-;111 g1rltnl•nd .• md .1 hlll111' ITIO\'ll' o f lhl'lll lOgL•Lht•I h;i\'l' v<1111:.h<.·d I 1 um ht·t L ondon ap.irtml'nl lhl' Oa11\ E x pn·~s t:ibl111d r1•p1H ll·;J t1Jda v h · s;11d dt Ll'l.'l t\'l•;,, work111g o n bt•half o f But·k111ghd111 PahH:t• Wl'l l' "anxwul>'' llJ STATE Jn .Ill l'>.l lll-.1\'l' llllt•I \'II'\\' .11 l<'r .... tw spt·nl f1\'l• day~ with hl•r hu~h.md 1>.111uta Walt•s;a tuld Tht• As:.c.ll1.11t-<l Prt•s., I h.1t hl'I hu:.ba11d h.1d IH·1·11 n l l1·r1·d. but rt'Jt't'lt•d. fr1•1>tl11111 I ll t• X l h <I II gt• f II I' ii II 1 n J 1 I I s l• Ill l' II I 11 I \ It l ' ~U\'\'f'lll1ll•lll 0:. f>,tnllltlg Ill llll' Su ltd.in l \ labor u111o 111 • • 1n1ss1ng (fJl'l' 1111' lll'lllS. \\ h1th lllllld 1urth1•r 1•mb<1rr .1-., 1h1 rm.,tl l;,m1h .llll•r w11rld puhl111l\ .1buut Andrt•\\ s Canhlll';111 \'.Jl'al1011 wllh 1\11!>.' St,11 k . :!'1 T h l ' l J b I l) I <l . q u II I I' d 1w1ghlxn s a:. s.1\ in~ thl·\ .,,,,, lhe :.!:.! \1•.ir-old pnnt·1• ,JL lh1 · .ipartmt:nt rt'l.'l't1lly. ollltouglt I( Will> \'ill'<Jll•d .ind ht• ln<t\' huve b<.•1•n tn tng to n·tn1·\ 1• the lilm and lt•tlt•r.., Meat cutlers vote strike LOS ANGELES ruu1 meat-cutt('rs local!> .an· almo::.t certain lO JOll1 two otht·1-s who voted to strak<.· 1f .i '4'lll1•m1 n1 wi th s upt-rmark1'1.., 1:-n t reached by n11dn1gh1 NU\· 7. when the ir t'Onlral't 1·xp1n•., .i union o ff1ual '><l\s M e e l 1 n g d 1• w n 1 o '' 11 Sundav. tht• U111tt•d Fuod and Commt'fl'1;,d W11rkt•rs lJ n1un Local -421 of Los Angell'S .s<ml L ocal 587 o f Santa Mon1C'd , "ho rcprc·.,t 11 I ~ 000 uf "om1 lll.tlOO Southnn C.il1l11r11r.1 4 feared dead VALLEJO Sh1·ra l t ·, Sc'..in·h and rt·:-.t·u1 t r1·v.., resunwd l'ff or LS to bring out three· and po'ss1bl:-fvur pt•oplt· b('ltt·Vt·d d~ad in th1• t·rash of a hghl pl.ml• agaen:-.1 a ~tt·•·p hell.,1dc north of Valley• NATION m l' cl ( l' U t ( (• I' ,; n d d 11 l l' d :-.upc•rmm·kt•t \\ orkL•rs. \'Ott•<l t11 sam·twn iht• Job at·11u11 Tht• lour 11thc•r lotJI' basl·d in S.in Da·gu, Pomona, Art1•sw and Santa Montc:a '' tll · almu .... 1 l't•r l:1enh" fov11r l h l ' -; I r I kl' d' \\' l' l .J W h (' 11 ballot.s t<1k1·n l.itt• Sunda v .in· toJ Untt·d. said Btll l\fn 11,1. n><:ordmg st'l.H'l<lr:-for Ltx:al ~:ll Ill' l'Stlmatt•d the volt• 1,1!1\ 1 t•ll'.t..,t'tl tod.1\ \\ uuld lk· '\:15 tll !:17 f}('ITt·nl" an (,1\'or . 1n e ra h "Thc•rt t11u lrl bt· fou1 \'ll 11111.., w1.'rt not .... uri•" ... a id Napa C o unt:-,.hc·nff., Ll Arthur Thomp....un. 'Wt·'ll ... tart ftltt•nng out tht· dl'bras toda;. " Thi· pl.int• l'rt~sht·d Sund .. , night Ill .i r<1111,,1orr11 8 drown • in boat accident POINT PLEASANT, NJ -The Co<1st Guard gavt;> up its secin·h todav for lhr£·<· peopk· massing en rough sC'<el> after i:l c:harlc•r!'d f1~hing bo<Jl capstzf'd in 1he AtlanLH Olean F1vt• b od11 s were• re<.·o\'ered. 1m luding that of th<: captain. ;rnd 14 pc·opk we re rescu cod Pan1c kc>d pas~C'ngl'rs h.id dragged eat'h other down and <.1 man h e lplt·ssl;. "aleht·d hts wn SIA r pt awa~ when a w;ivc• hn the \'essel Sunday "8a ... 1c:alh. 11 was 1•vc·r;" man for h1m.,elf.'' :.aid \'1nc:C'nl M e H<·lt 1. -I U. o f W d rw1 c k . N Y . who dulchmg has 15-vear-olJ Min w rig g It· d fr c· l' o f l w o t lmg1ng passcngc•rs aftt•r the.· 50-fool Joan Le· Ric 1ll lapped over in 6-fool !>C.'as Sunday Sect battles c ops; 2 d ead MIRACLE VALLEY. Ariz. -A blocxlv melee lx>twC'cn a religious ~·t a nd police that left two people dl'ad was sparked b y the group's anger over a real est.ate dC'al that went sour. the Arizona Daily Star report('(f today Quo ting an anonymous source. lhe Star said Julius G11lesp1c. an eldN 1n the all- black Chnsl Marade Hcaltng Center and Church. told f r 1 e n d s b t• f o r c t h e c:onfrontatton Saturday that members were outraged over "fraud" m their purchase of a former motel N ~:w Yt)l(I, IAI') 'l'lw N1•\\ Y111k T11111·' h11i. .... lu·d 1111lu1• 111 h1 Ip f111tl 11111 \\ 1111 1h•ll\ 1•11•d 11, Ill'\\ "l.lfttb 11 h<IMll' llJ'W!tlJJ!'t r 111'>1'1 t i.l.11111111111<1 111 l ll1t•1111.d 111 111 111 1•' H11 v l '11 h11 M.i \nr J-:dw,11d Krn h .111d Ht•p11ltl11.111 KUl11·111.J11111,;I 1.111drd.111• l.1•w1:. I .1•h1111.111 '1'h1· IH'Wl\Pl'IJ l'I q1d1•klv l'Otlf IM ,111·\) ..il.xiul li.11011 l~lllll'S ol tht• puhl11.111u11 , h1•111ll1111·d 'l'r11f1h·" 111 Thl' T11111·s," Sund.iv .1llt·1 11 ·11111111~ llt1•y h ad h1·1·11 d1•!1v1•r1·d tu 111 ·~'' d1•11 l1 •1' S.11u1 d.1~ 111)(hl T~w '1'11111·~ pr 11111•d a front ll<•!;(l' 1111\lt(' lo l'l'lltll.'1s 111 lat1· 1•d1111111s Sund.1y .1dv1s111g 1h1•111 I h ii i t h 1• p ti Ill µ h ,,. \ w ,1 ' unauthuna'(.) But 1':11101 Sa n~t·r , l'Ul'Jllll':J ll' n ·latttms munag1•r fur tlw T1nws, sued s11111t• of lhl· ph11ny Sl'l.'lton., 1111gh1 havt· n·;.n ·ht·tl T1nH·i.. r I' a cl,. I s a fl l' I n l' w:.:. I Jn d 11pt•ralors. ht·la1•v111g lh1:y w1·r 1• lt•j.ltll11Wlt', 111St•J'll•d tht•fll Ill tlw Su11dav l'd1t11m "[I ~\'l' tould f111d uul whu dad thl:.. \\I' l'OUIU It y to pros£'1.·u\1•," Sangl'l' 'said "It's :in alll'mpl to l'l't'alt-.1 "'"-'tlun I hat looks ltkt• Tlw N1·\\ York T1nwi... ,ind Thl· N1·w \'rn k Ti mt·.., 1:-t•11py11ghlt·t..I." In today·s l.'dt ttuns . .John 0 Pomfn·l. 1•Xt~·ul1vt • Vtl't' pn·s1c.k-nt .end g1·1wral man.iger, .... u1d thl· 1wwsp.1p1·r .. w1Julcl pu1·sut• "lhls 11utrag1· "Thts 1s till' poison T y ll·nol ( l' (' h ll I 4 ll l' ••• p p I I l' d t 0 n t• \\ ' fl .1 p t • 1 :. . • • ..., a 1 ti T 1 Ill l' s ., µn k 1·s lll.t n L1·11 n :1 rt..I II a rra~. n·fl'rring lo lhl· 1nsc·rtt0n of l'Vantdt· Ill l'<llJSU ll'' 111 till' p.11n - k11lt•r th..il led lo '>l'V1•n ci1'01ths m tht· Ch1t-.1go arc·a C1Jhll .•• l'OUnsi·I lll lht· l:.th' Sl'll Jos t·ph Mt·Ca1 lhv dunng his D e Lorean still jailed; awaits hail LOS ANGELE!:;; (AP) John Z De Lun·an iJl't'U:-.t-d uf trying lO arr.111g1 · a S:!4 mellron l'tJt.dllll' deal tu ..... v1· ha:. .Jtl•ng sporL' c«1r l'Ompa11v. rem<.11n!'d j;11!t•<l today whtlt· ,1 1<'..il l''>l.11t· .igt·11l tnt·d lo st•ll ha.... 48-atrt Paumd \';tilt•\ l'Statt• to 1a1st: bail munt•\ · Dl· Lon·an ·~ law\'l·r· .Jo~l·ph &II. mt•anwhtlt'. wa's M'hc.•duled to gu bPfore U S Magistrate JamP!. P<'nnev .Jr toclLJv to lrv to g1·t 1h1· flamboyi.Jnl dUl11mak·N·s S5 milhon ball n•dul'ed Dt• LorL·an . :>7 . .irn·..,tt·d la:.t Tut·~dJv a t a holl'I nt•..ir Lo~ :\ng<'lt·l> lnwrn.111onal A11 port, 1:. l'hat gt•d with t•on!.p1rat·y to p11:.-..1''' for d1.,lrabut1on 2:!0 p ound-. OJI t•H.11111· w1111h an t''lrmah·d $:.!4 1111llwn A I ... o b t· 1 n g h l' I d ;i t l h l' Tt·rm1nal Island fc.·dt·ral pra:-.on a r C' 0 t· Lor t• a n · ' .i I 1 (' ~ t• d .J-.svtt.ill·>. in lht· c.1St· W11l1<1m Morgan lil'lraC"k . 5!1. 11wrwr of a MoJaVl'. Calaf . ;11rcr<ift ~t·rv1ce tompanv. and SlC'pht•n L1•1• Arnnglon. :!4. of San 01t•gu. d1·s1.rtlH'd as ctn <issoe1.ll1• of llc·t m ·k Baal tor Ht•lrtl'k d1•<;< nbc•d by th<.· FBI u s <.t ma1or tot·a1111• d 1~1 r 1 bu lo r . " J l> ~ c· t a l $ 2 0 rrnlhon Arrington 1s bt'1ng ht•ld an lieu of $250.000 bn el T exan wins · chili cookoff LOS ANGELES (AP) 8111 Pfe1ffl'r got has pnvatt· l'l'VC'ngP for thl• Alamo and took homl' $25.000 lh1s w eekend. no t bad work fo r a Texan who had to find a quack s ubstitul<' for armadil lo meat an his prize- winning thth rl>clpe. "I'm probably the m ost C'xc1ted person you talked to all day," Pktff('r said after his ch1h. c:alled "La Venganza Del Alamo." won Sunday's 16th Annual W orld Champ1onsh1p Chth Cookoff a t Universal Studios T he San Antonio computel' specialist received a $25,000 check from Anheuser-Busch Inc .. the brewery that sponsort'Cl the co n tes t We're Listening ••• Wha t do you h ke about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like'.' Call th e number at left and your m essage will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24 hour answering service may be used to record let · ters to the ed itor on any Lop1l' Mailbox contributors must include the ir name and telephon e number for verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's o n your mind Cl•11"led edvertltlno 7141142-5171 Diiiy,.., ORANGE COAST All othef depertmentt 142-4321 Deltvwy Daily Pilat MAIN CWFICE .. °" ....... U0 Wt1I I'°" f>I , Cott• M•M. CA Mono.r-r''°"Y II ye>u 00 M<lll •-H lo• IMO, C0tl• Mew, CA,.,,.,. not lie•• •-p•i>et •r-Thomo1 Ill. Ha!.y CG11yrl9f'I ltn Or-C:oo l "*'''""' c _., 5 30 p,,, cal Defol• 7 p,,, end ,-our e:opy w 1t1 b• Publ.1~ .. and Ch.el (•Ku!••• Of roe., Ke,. •• , -le•, lllw"rotl..,.,, .., .. .,.,., ,,,_r.,. .. _.., veruw ...... h ,.,.,,. ..... lie r __ ... ··- Set..,o.y ono Sunoey " Raymond MocL.an 'l'Kl•l ~""'· ..... Of (OVfr .... I _._, yow dO not 1ec.,,,• yOUI Jan• Amari tt,':~~~r=~~·.,;o:!~r~":J f:4.=r., ~ Dy 7 • "' • ""' Dtfcw• f••Cul••• fd1IO< Co.-1roi11t1 10 • m and YO!" <QC?Y ri tit .,.....,.., 11¥ mell tt IO"*'INy 1 ~ L. Koy Schultz Mkha.I r. Ho.vey flW Or ... Coe.I O.lty "llot, wllll WNCll I\ c- blMd lloe ~ .. r .. ,, .. """''"'" • ., Irle Or-'0 ,, __ v.ce ,,_.><N,,, 011oc10t ot MoilOfHIQ , .. ,, "~'"" .. , __ ., ..,., ... _._ .. ""°" Cl'ld 0"o<IO' ol l\d>ot•l•MQ 1C .. culahonl =''"" #Nfleo' , .. ......,. ,.,, •• ., IOr , ........ ~ c-t'f MM>Jtl •• ...., e..11, H..,l'.'C. a-11, ,, __ Velley, INIM, ~ lff<ll, . C .. M A, ...... ....,._ ,..,,_ IC•nn•th N , GoddOfd Jf, Hiiiei\ ~ ,_,_ $ot11r••Y• -""*.,._ TM ~-:::...8:'~1no otlMlt>•l llW'l"""O 01 ... 11\ el U0 WH4 h y Sl rwl, o ...... O' ol Oi.o<o<IOftl "o ••• '"°· C••• ...-. ... c.11 .. ,.,.1 • .,.,. l..,..~ _... VOL. 75, NO. HI 111!111'1 1'111 1111111111~1 litmw., wu-, tlu· pt 1111 q 11il l.ll l(t•I u( I h1· llllm k" Tit,. "'" 11011 t 1111 11111H el 1111 11111•r v11 ·w p111 p•111t •dly liv Arn ' TV'>! B.1111.1111 W11lt1·1 ~. 111 whto h l '111i11· .... M•l ',111hv d11 vi.. 1•11v.it• lel 1· .11111 Ji·t , .. j 4l1t•11t' w1·11 dl'>l ll ....... t'd "I I Ii-,1 1111ul I 1 ;11111 Tlwr 1· w.i~ 1wv .. r· 1111v 111tt•rvww t.y B11rh11r11 Wull1•r s ' C'uhn "ltd "h ·.., 111.111 .. up. 111p lo 11111111111 'l'le1 v'r1 111.i,11·1' 111 l111~1·r y, o t 11-.111d lht•f ....... IHI qu1·sllllfl .1110111 tle.11 ." Wallt'I'' <al'lol cl1·1111•d '1111 le.id lllll'f\ ll•Wt'tf t'oh11 Ed l\o('fi 's L: t"' t I h a rru 11 ? I -· I el l I 11 \!..UH l'.:j ( 'oh11 .d s11 I 1gur 1•d 111 h11..:11., .1rtr l'l1·' .tlJ«1 Ut K111·h .111d L1•l11111a11 0111· d.111111·d lli.11 l'ol111 1•11g1nt-t•11•J Koch'-.. d1·lt·:11 in 1h1 S \'pt 1• Ill h l ' I' J) l' 11111 l I ,J I I I Kulwr11.1tunul pr 1111.11 y. wlill'h wus wo11 by Ll C11 v M.11 "' l'uun11> An~tlwr arl11·l1· ~.11d Lt:h 1ma11 111:.td1 · t..11· .. ls w1lh l '11h11 and u tht·r~ lo lir tng t .1s11111 ~ambling and sup1·r111:11 k1·1 l1quo1 s;ill·s It> 1lw st:.ttl· .. Le\\' Le hn11an Pia~ Hou Jette. C'ofln Stylt· Cohn ..... ud ht• d1d11'L knti\.\ wht·lht·r ht> \\'11uld 1.1k1• ll·g.d at·ttun 1f tht: f.X''"llll n·:-.p<111s1lilt· ror lht• phony Sl'l.'ll!Jll IS f11u11d "You .1lw;iv, gt•l d own 111 1111' qut·i..llon \\ h01·11 v11u r •· 1h .. ilr11g with p1•opll· lht1> p.1ra111m l 1\11 you pl<.1y1ng 111l11 lh1·11 .h.incb wlwn YOU SUl' 1111 ltl>f•I''" ) ·. ·'· ~· ., Cohi1 h,1s bl·t·n thL· l.J1g1 t 111 µn•v111 u:-. publtsh1·d att.11 k :-. t\ bogu!. m:iga1.1111· 1;,tl l1·d "N11w East." d1-.111bul1•d l:..-.1 Y"'". cunta11H·J atl..ilk' 1111 l'ohn 1ndud1ng t<.ir l•mll..., 1n1ph rng Cohn w;,1s ;1 hwnos1·xu<1I From lh• An oeleled ,., .. , A s pokl·:.m<i11 fur L1•ltr111.i n . Juhn Bul'kll·y -.,11d ht didn't 9 bl'ltt•\'t• tlw bogu' !.l'l \11111 h.1d anythang lo du w1lh tht· puhllt'.JI l'amµ<1rgn but w:..~ t..l1.·:.1gnl'd ,1:. • .111 attac·k on Cohn T eddy and Muggin Bog u ... matc·r·iul irwlucli11~ dt·ro~alor~ :tf'I it-le· ... a hou I a llo1·11e· \ Ho' Coh 11 . \hn or . . . Ed\\:l l'd h.cH'lt and 111illionain· ~t1IH'r11 a l ori a l c·a ntlida tc· Le •\\ j .. Lc·hrman a ppc•:tr4·cl lil..c· tbi" in pho11 ~ :\c·~ York Time• .... AP WlrophOto Back lo~t>lh t•r a t'tt•r a ... l'p aralio11 of l\\o month ..... 1 2-~c·ar-old •• f'a n<·er ,·ict im T£'dd~ Anti hi ... Brill an ~ "P:t n ic•I \lu~gin!:-p<>SC' for pit·lurt'"' in Lo .... \ngt•lt"·• on Su n.la~. Rin1tt•d h~ 1t•arful n •la liYP!-1. th<' t"o w t•rt• rt'lmitt-d a flt'r hurHlrt><l!'o of don a tionl" poured in lo hrin"' ttw do~ lo S outlwrn Ca lifor nia a nd put him up a l a ke nne l 1.5 milt•"' from "ht•rt• the· ) otllh j..; ..;ta~ in~ whilt• undt·r~oing ~pec ial lrt•atnwnt. Uia. authiz.nt1c clo.ss1c 5'l.O.ml<Z.!?>5 bn;shcz.d shztlar1d- <lOCh ~~r 1& mada on e c1rcule r hard rramcz.. ona, at, a l,,11TICZ 'and t,,wica. brueihcz.d fbr comfbrt arde l::xz.Uu f\ t, on:z. cf Ula. ntCC2 st 6\MZ.01..<l.rei you'll <ZMZ.r wrz.l:Jr 20 ~nz.ot. c.olore to chooecz Hum @J~o@@)§@J . 44 f a hlon lslonJ • Nf'wporf fkad1 · 714/644 ·5010 Ul()I Wc11rwood 8lud • l.Vesrwood VI/lag~• 213( 208°3273 • -1 I _, d i • f . ' • • - ''l'I () ,, I Orungu Ccm~t OAILY PILOl 1Mcrn<Juy Q(.tolJur ~~. 1984/ H/F ~\\\ alTran mounts recruiting drive Los ANt:~:1...:s U\1'1 11Jv111i.t 1.1111-11 111 r11111 1·1111uJ.(h 111~1111·1·1 ' 111 t".1llfor11w, th1· '>lc.111• f.>1·p.1rtnwnL 111 T1 :in:-.f.JIJl l.1l1u11 1i. 11111unt111i.i ,1 1 t'i. I u11111~ t•11111paiJ<n tt1 luH· w111·k1 ·1' 1111111 t1lll 11l 'Lall· L°J)lt.111\ i' .HIVI rlhllll( f11 r 11111 h.1n11,.J UOU 1·lt -c tlllHI l'lll.(trw1·1' 111 N1·w Yutk, C'h1<a1<1>, l>c·tro11 , Pl11l.11lt·lpli1.1 .md So ·.ilth· ( 0.1)11.111:. pl:tll"> flJ hat out 111 -l>lJtt· an·u'> th.it h ;1v1· 111~1! 11111-mph1} rrwnt. l>lltd Phil H1:1m11, wh11 h1·,1d:. l'.1lt1 ;11h i•x,1111111111~ .. 111.J n-c ru1ttr1~ tm1111 h "W1·'11• JU s l l"l·.dly hav111g a hard tlnll• 111 l'Jlll 0 1,111!1;i j{l 'ltlll~ pt'ilf)I<• lllll'l l0Sl1•d 111 t.1king lht1!.t• 11h.,, .1111 ;11" 'IJ<1k1•,w11m.t11 K:11 hry n P1•1t•rwn .!><lid S1111d;1 y 111 Los Angl'lt •l>. B1am •v '><lid 1·arf1\•I 1111:. yc·;it llll' :.ig1'nl .V tflt-tl to fill 'IX Ill Ill J11h 11µt•111n~:. .111J 1 tu•1v1.J 70 .1ppltc·•mL•., hut 1111lv ;, lt-w wt•11• ... u1t<1bl1• Jqtj n •4u111·1111·n1:. 11wlud1· a l'11llt·gt· dt·g1 t•t• w1lh <in <·ng11w1•nng m.1J<1r .111d a 1111n1111u111 11f thn·l· v~·;ir-.· l'll.µt 1 u·11u• {l!:l :!ll 1~ the ,1pphl.1l1ur1 dt•Jdhrw · S.il.1r~· 1.1hg1· I~ $:!,:!:.!11 \II s~.ti!Sol ii n1011tlo u. • firn1 woo lnina Pf:KINC IAJJ1 ··Frn•111bh1µ ·a~ ... il Md)onrwll Uougl..is IX.' -H "'Suµt•1 HIJ'" Jl•lhru·r, w,r111Jµt:d over thi· Ull·Jt Willi ul L'h1n.i hxl:1v •" \ht• U S 1·0111p;iny mad1 ..i µ1tt·h to sdl Ch1n.i l1vt· 111 10 pl,1111·-. c·t>->11-ng $20 m1l1111n to $:!5 n11lllu11 .. ~1l'h Thi• Jt'l, on an ilround t h1• wor Id I light madc.-,j ~Hl-manutlo th.•m1111str..it11111 I hgllt "'1th 1nv11· than 100 <..'h1nt·s1· a1rl1111• off1,·1<1b, pil<1b. d1gn11 .. ri1•s <And r1.·1xir11·rs <1hou1d MdJ1111n1·ll Douglas <111d lht B111·1ng 1..'1> • Jrt· t·ompt.>ttllf( tor an 1nip111 l<int s h.11·1· of C h11ia·s rww ur1h·rs llJ rc•plan• 11., Jg111g 1 ll·l'l o f Iii:! pl:.int·~ Most arc ~vv11•t -d 1·-.1g111•d but th1•v 11wlu1.h • som1 • Brit ish Tnd1•1Hs Truck output trimn1ed IJJ:.IHOIT IA!') CS .1utomJk1·r-. \\rll 1 ul thl•lr lourth 4u<1rtt·r tru1·k prndut'll()n .•;i.:h1·duki, uv t1bout 2:.! P"ru·nt. t·111nl·1cling w1 th n-<lul·t11ms Ill t·.ir pri otluct1un an indu• ~y tratlt· .1ou1 mil r<.•puned today Tr 1ndul>tr~ originally planm·d 10 produu· 515.- IJOO trm·ks fn11r1 CX.:t11lx·1 through Ot.'<.·t·mlwr tor a 30 p<'rc1•nl ga111 ov1.•r J Yl '<.l t Jgu. :J1·1·111 drng to Ward"s Auton1ull\'1· H1•p1irt:. l11-.11·.1d, th1 ,jutmn<ik1. 1:-. wtll prodUl'l' I0-1 ,000 truck~ ThL· n1.•w luurth qu.irt1·1 1·~t11natc.-:-. put U S lrut·k produl·tmn bJn·ly i.tlx)\"t: thl' :s\:17 .OUO 11 uck:. µrodulc'll 111 th<' :.aml· pt•n1Jd a y1.·:.ir <1g11. Wart.I·~ -....1d, ~Htrr butrng th1· dt~n·a~1.· to n ·p<.·utt·d l'UlS bv F'ord Mutor Ctt and a :s5.000 v«h1dt· cul l<i't wl·(•k hv G1•m·r.tl Mu tor., Corp By The Associaled Pre~s Sl'ic'<:led world gu ld pnt'l'S ludJy London morning f1x1ng $420.50. urr $i 5U London aftc>rnoon fuc1ng M1 8 60. off $9 40 Paris afternoon fixing $-t2:j :rn. off S3 61 Frankfurt f1x1ng $420 !W. off $5 08 .. 7 Zurich tat<.• aftc•rnoo n fixing $-t 17 1~. off ~ 'i i5 lud, $4 18.25 asked. Handy & Harman lunly datly 4uo t1·1 S4 IH 60. off $9 40 Engelhard (only dc-11ly quoto) $4 18 60. off $9 ·IO Engelhard Wnly d;Jlly 4uc>10) f:.tbr1catl-cl $4:s9 5:3. ufl s~ 87 Metals NEW YOHK 1APl Spot non I C'I mus mete. I prices today Copper 72 '~ -75 l'enl!. a pound. U S dl>slmauorn. Lead 23-26 t•c.>nt.s a pound. Zinc '10-42 <-t•nt.s a poun<l. dt•l1vt•n.J Tin $6 2823 Mcwb Wl>ck compos11c· lb Aluminum 7n t•t•nLo;; a pound. N Y Silver $10.11 () p<'r troy nunt'<', H a11dy & Harm.in (only daily quote·) Mercury $370 00 pt'r flask P latinum $:i42.fill-$:H !l UO 1ro:v oum-t'. N Y Silver Handy & Harman. $1 0 11 pC'r troy ounce :.., •••••• 40 ................................................... .. f -·--- DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ' ' ... I '-, . I ORANCICOAIT MO NO A Y OC l Ottl H J-. l'IH/ JHIPllT llACH I fllll ITICll ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS oaur "''°' l't.oto• •• OhMIH •••rr Ur. Holw r t UookN <·urrit•., Pinoct·laio tlw Pdit•u n in to 01w ru ti11,.; r o om wlwn· three hour tt lu h·r ~urgi<·ul IN un c·h t•c kt•<l uttudunt•nt o f plus tfr up1wr hc uk. Veterinarians feed pelican, test plastic beak By J OEL C. DON O(' lhe Dally Piiot Sl•tf It's too early to tell 1' the surgery was succe8'S ful. but vetermarians in Laguna Niguel today were going to try t.o (eed their patient through ll~ new artihcial beak "He looks n.•;,i l good," said Dr Gayle Robt•rts o ( the apt ly named Pmoci:h1 0 the Pell('an "It (surgery) took a bit longer than w e cxpectt>d but he did real well " St1ll. animal doctors were ~ /El.COME TO givin g Pinocchio a "50-50" chanre o ( surviving m the wild . because the upper beak, molded from a fiberglass material, could tear ore when the 7-pound brown pelican dives into the water to catch fish The prosthetic d ev1t·e was surgically attac:hed in a near three-hour opcrauon Sunday by Ro berts. Fountain Vi.illev veterinarian Robert Rooks and anesthes1olog1st Rick W()('rpel The lx>ak was )Omed with ste(>I plates and sacws as well as a bonding material used m dent.al work "Wr/n: goin~ to watt about two weeks and set> how this one heals and decide whethc•r to operate on the other birds." Rober ts said "The only way to test 1t ts to turn It !()OS(' and !.t'<' if 1t can dive•" P1n1.i<:ch10·~ fott• 1s mul h hk<.· that o( th<.· eight other mutt lat<·d p<>hc·an~ l'arC'd for at tlw Crown Valk•y Animal I lo~p1tal Nl·arly two _Wl'<'ks ago. p<'OplP 1n Dan;,. Point llarbor spottl'd .ibout a dozen p•:ltt·ans with tht•ir uppc_•r beaks chuppcd or cut off Und1·r su<. h t·onci1tto11!-.. thl• animal~ rnnnot (('(.-cl tht'msc.-lvt·s and would s ta1 V<' to de>dth . a<'l'Ording to w1ldlifo spt_'('lahsL'> Off1 t·1als Cro ne thl' s tat!' D{'partnwnt of Fish and C:ame lc.1Unl'h1•d ;m l·ffort to <.·i.iptun• tlw &nJUrt'<I h1rd' Nine• ha\'l' b('l•fl hruught to Crown V..il lc·"· orll' 1s di Sl·a Wurld 111 San bwgo and <mutht•r h a d t 11 b <.· k 1 111 d b t• t .1 u ., P authorit1t•!> dt'<:ldt'<I ll l:ould not lw !kl \'NI Off1nals bc·l1 eve angry fi~hermt•n may be.· rt•spons1bl1• for tht• mutilations Pc•lrcans oftc·n i. t t· a I a n l' h o v y b a 11 a n d gt' t t<mgk-cl in nets and fishtn~ l11ws, t·xplain<.od Pat Moort:. of tht· Fish and Ganw Dcpnrtm~·nt No U lll' ha!> 1>1.'l'll arn·-.t(-<I in tht' ma1m1n~!. Thl• US Fi~h .m d \.\'1ldltf1· v·rvil'l' llOtl'' th•· Jl'I I~ ,i in1sdt•nwanor pu111..,hablc· In· ,, $:?11.0011 f1111· Thl· l\l.1rl&n F1bc·rglass Co 111 I luntin~t11n Rcal'h u~t·d tht· lil'L1k of ,1 dt•ad pdtc;;n lo makl' a rnold for the wp half of the bird'!> muuth The b 1 rd w as d c· c I a r l' d t·ndangc:n ·d dfter l•fft•l'lS Crom th(• pt.'Sllt 1d<.• DD'f .i ll but dtcl the 'if>''<.W~ 1n Th<> ch•·mll'al cauS<·d tht· µdit•ai1' tu lav thtn-~hl•ll1•d t 'lti~' that \\11uld nul \\1th,ta11ll 1 n~·u li.111•>11 I >DT h.i~ lx·r·n 11utlJWl0ll -.11H<' tht• di'":11v1·n. but th1 r l .ir 1· 1111 ly .1buut 4.11111111( the bmb It ft .ilt•ng th1· t'<1hfo1 ni.1 1·11.J">tlin1· !See PELICAN. P agl' A21 -Tiger victim 'impro ved ' RA.NCH By GLENN SCOTT tondition . s uff<.'red a s kull 01 Ch• D•ll• Piiot saen fracture and leg wounds at Lion Two-yea r -old Anthonv Stopan1. who w.ls attat·k1>d by et tiger S:.iturday, was t.aken off the t•rttical list today at M1s.<;1on V1t:>J0 Community Hospital m M1ss1on VteJO The boy, now ltstNl 1n sN1ou~ Countrv Safari in Irvine wht•n a S iberian tiger escaped frnm a fl•n c:e d Arl'na during a wtld animal show and t•a rried tht· boy Jway by his h<'ad · Surgt•ons spent fi ve hours wo rking on the Upla nd boy 3 kille d , I crit ical in mot orcycl e mis haps ThrN' men are' dead Jnd a f ourth remains 1n t•r 1l1cal cond1uon today following a scries of unrelated motorcycle l'olhs1ons in O r ange Cou nty OVl'r the weekend northbound on the same road and was turning onto Marcy Street when the collisio n "''t'urre·d Saturday amid 1 orw1•rn that a ptt'Ce o f h1 .., ... k ull h.id lH'Pn pushed mt11 h1.., hr:1111. caUl'tn~ p.1rt1al parnh.~1s ''Anlhonv IS 1n scriuus cund1t1011 but his l'ond1twn 1s ver:'.) guardt•d bt•l·ausc· o f the danger of 1n(t·l·t1 on a nd the t'Xtl'nl of tlSSUl' damage," said hospital spokrswurn:rn Kathll't'n Mdnerny "Hl' IS alc•rt and l'On.s<.'IOUS and his vital s1~ns art• stabll'," she added. "I It~ phys1c1:m says he is doing very well considering thl• l·xtent of his mJUr&<'S " She said u•sts will be• run todav a nd information on the partial paralysis may be available later Meanwhile, the uger w as m 1ts s<'cond full day of qua rantine today in a caged area in the rear o( the wild animal park m the Laguna Hills. It will be secluded for 14 days. said Irvine pohc·e Sgt D1<.·k &lwman Tent cit y s el up on Bo ton Commons u nday displa ys signs we lco min g vis itor to Hfteagan Ranch" as protesters begin what th ey say w ill be I 0-~ay vigil. Two Marines dlC'd late S unday and early this morning after the motorcycle they were riding collided hcadon with a passenger car in San J uan Capistrano A Sheriff's spokesman said Cam p Pendleton Marines S teven M. Tampkins. 22, and Richard E. Pinkham. 20. were riding tandem on a motorcycle near Del Obispo Road and Calle Aspero at about 8:30 p.m . S unday when the accident occurred. Meanwhile. offi cials at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newporl Be a c h rt'por t that AICredo Castillo, of Costa Mesa. rt'mains in critical condition following an al'Cident late Friday night Cast&l lo was struck by a motorcycle d riven by Steven Burns, 23. also of Costa Mt'sa. Police said Castillo was walking across Placentia Avenue near 18th S trec.>t when the act'ident CX'CUrred ThP tiger 1s one of four tigers. two hons. a leopard. cougar and dog that are part of trainer John Campolongo's "Animal Fantasy" act. w hich has been playing at Lion Country since February. Workers' rally draws 70,000 S AN FRANCISCO (AP) - Led by AFL-CIO president Lane K irkl and a n d o the r union leaders. an estim ated 70,000 p eop l e -t h e biggest demonstration by workers in thi.s city in 34 years -turned out for a "Labor -D ay" r ally h e r e Sunday. Cha nting "J o bs. No t J elly Bean s." the c row d marc h ed u p Ma rket S treet for three hours. then gather ed in front of C ity H a ll f o r a peech es b y Kirkland. Teamster Secre tary- T reaau rer Ray S ch oesallng. Longshoreman president J im Herman and Ed Asner. pre:sident oU M_Screen Acton G uild. T nelibor lea d ers blAmed President Ronald Reagan and hla supp<>rtera In ~grne for the 1' 10. l percent unemployment rate, a nd they e ndorsed a bevy of Democra tic candidates for offices ranging from the state Assembly to the U.S. Senate. The San Francisco ra lly was on e o f sev e ra l a nti-Reagan demonstrationa occurring across the natl ln Boston. representatives of an act ivis t group k nown a s ACORN set up a tent city with signs strung over it on ropes and the words reading: "WELCOME TO REAG AN RANCH." They told reporters that their e n ca mpm e nt o n B os t o n Commons was going to be part of a 10-day vtgH to protest Reagan economic policies. "We need navigators who can read the charts of the real wor ld, ~ not t he Disneyland o ( Ronald Reagan's imagination," Kirkland told his San Francisco audience. "This is a time tor action that will not l'Ome again for two long years. Let us alJ pledge ourselves to make t he most of it," said K irkland as he endorsed Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. for thc- U.S. Senate and Los Angeles M ayor T o m B rad ley f or governor. He also backed the re- election bid of Rep. Phil Burton. "We know they're on o u r side," said Kirkland . "We know egually well wh ich side their' opponents a re on . WhPn they speak. It's money that ta lks What you hear In their endless television and radio commcrda~ Is the voice of money. money 1peaklng for ii.I own " ,., Details were s ke tchy this m or ning. but t h e s h eriff's spokesman said Pinkham died at th e scene of the crash a n d Tampk ans d ied e arl y t his morning at Mission ~mmumty Hospital In Mission Viejo. The name of the other motorist was not available. Earlier S unday evening. David J . Ross, 21, a Marine al the Tustin helicopter statio n, was k illed whe n h is motorcycle collided with a car in TustJn. California Highway P atrol o ffi ce r s sa id R oss was aouthbound on Ne wport Avenue a t abo ut 6 :40 p .m . o n h is motorcycle. a pparently w ith the headllghl8 out. CHP officers said L eonard Goodman. 47, of Santa Ana, wa.• t Lion Country spokeswoman Virginia Brauer said the show. has been d1scontm ued at least (See VtCTIM, Page A2 I ----INDEX---- · Eigh t d oy r emo in in Campaig n '82. T o day's special elec tio n supple ment contains informatio n lo h e lp voters decid e on t>andida te a nd pro po ilion . Olvalcndc' 82 Muv1cs Classaftro C4-8 N1ttlonal News Comics 85 Publi<.· Notices Cros.111word 85 Sports Death NoliC'<'s 84 Stock Markets Editorial A6 Television Entertainment 83 Theaters Horo«'Ope 8.1 Weather .,, Ann L1u11Jers 8:l ' • B3 A3 U4 C l -4 A7 86 B.\ A.2 c:t)Mt>o 'l 'f E 'l'H ouou l•Olt• INhllOI l •AOI ' 0 .. "" ... -. 'fO•• IOl•O••" "•C.•'IC ..... 10\lOlt O• ••Oii •ooo f ... , ......... \lOC• l •('"ltOU ... o •• l'O• tf 0 • ., , ...... ,0 •ooo INHINI' •• ·--ar- Orn11~11 CO•• I DAILY Pl'-Ol IMonuoy, OOIObttr 25. 1982 NS I • Dow Jones Final OFF 36.33 CLOSING 995.13 ~\\\ \\\\\\u CalTrans mounts recruiting drive LOS ANUELt-:s CAP) 11.iv1 ng f;.11kod tu ftnd 1·11ough l'rlg111t~·•~ 111 L';.ililu1 m.1, lht· ,1,1ll' DL·portrn1·nt o l T1 :111::.purtJllun 1::. lll•JUl\llllg .1 11-tTu11111~ t <imp:ugn to IUfl' WOrkt·rs from CJUt of St.II(• (',11lr:1n:. 1:. atlvt·rti,1111( f11r nll•th<rn1c:al and 1·lt"t·t 1 w.il 1·11g111l'<'1 !> 111 N1·w Y111 k C 'h1t'<1go. rktr111l, Phaladt•lphw Jnd St•uLtll' C:ilt1 :m' pl;ms to h11 uu1 111 'lull' .11 l'•I!> th.,1t huv1• high Ulll•1111Jluy11w11l, ~1if Phil U1~inu1, who ht·:ub C .. iltr ... n:-.' C.'XJm1ntng and n '<.ru1 t1ng 1)1.10< h "Wl"re JUsl 11 al l > h.J v 111~ L• h<ird tam"' 111 L\1liforn1<1 gl•ll1ng P''IJ!Jlt· lllll'l l'!>lt•d In taking thos(.< J<>b:.." C<iltrans spokt·swrnn,1n Kt1thrvn Pc .. wrson said Sund<iy 111 Lo!> Angl·lt·i. R1.mto said 1•<1rlll'1 1h1:-. y1•,ff th1· ilg1°nl y tril•d lO tall SIX lo 10 J<lb l)J)tm111g~ a11J fl'll'IVl'd 70 i:1ppla<.<1nt:-., but unly a frw Wl·rc: :-.u1t..ibl1· Job fl'lJU11t·rncn t:, mdudt· .i l.'1>1lt•gt· ch·grl'l' w ith an t•ng1net•nng rn<iJor and ..i man1mu111 •JI 1h1 t:l' vcars' l'Xf.X'l ll'nt1· Oct 2}1 1:. thl· <11Jpl1u111un Jt•dc.ll1nt· S,1J..11 v I hngt· 1:. $2.~lh to $1.f)IH ~ momh U.S. firm woos China PEKING IAl') "f'rwnd!>l11p 'H:l," a Md)onnell Douglas IX.' .!J "Supt·r 80" jl•ll11wr, swooped over the (;r•t·.H WJJI of Chana ttK.lJy u:-. thl• US t0mpany madl' ..i pltlh to !>t:ll Clum.< 11\'l ' to 10 pl.Jnl'S losung $20 m1ll11Jn LI• S:l~ 0111111>11 l'Jl h Tht• Jl'l. un ,1n J1uund-lht· wm Id flight made J !W-nunutt• Jt•mon:.lrut111n I light "llh murc· them 100 Chint•!>t' ;nrlinl' 11l I 1n<1h.. p1l1Jt' d1gn1tariC.':. and n ·µortt.•rs .iboartl STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOl4:11. tAP1 ~.tit>\ ) p n1 pr1<• 1111no rwt ctwr~ Of lt'W hfl•t'n mo\t .t<11wt> Nrw Y0tk Sto..... E.)l'1dnqe i\\vfl'\ tr.-01rtQ n.at1(»tidtly 11t M<Htt l'14n l t E.u on t 01!. '00 XI. t. I' I BM liOI 400 to1 MOb•I IY'l~ H Clloto•o 1~.100 >1 I• Mdllf'I IOC: 1)9 900 10 '"' I•• A"'or T & 1 111 900 lq • lr•wflt''\). O.,)qo() 1• '• S< lllumb<Q Ill 100 .0 1 1 •nOy i.) too <(lo, I ' "· I ' Phollp\""I HI 700 J1 , C, TE (c><p !oolS 000 ll'• ::~7?.~\\ ~ ;«: ~= : .. .. 1•. ... AHA1(ht10 S10 00J u •. UnOllC•I ~ 000 1•" UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORK IAPI Tr.. IOllO••nv ... , lhOW\ '"" ........ YOI'.. \fO<.t. E Uf'\M\91" ilOCtt.' •nd ._.,.,..,h \f\•t t'l•v• QOM' i.e> l~ l"f\OSt MM:9 dow'n t~ mo'\I O•MG Of'I ro:<M~~ rfloO.lrOltt\ o r WOfv,,.. No M<VIJ\19'\ U..O•f\O bflO• n ., .. ln<I uOtO Ht l .,_, ~<~1•9"' l h•nOf\> ., .. lhlt Cl•lr~rein<• DPIWt'fl't Into' pr•YtOU\ (10\lnQ 0'''~ •no ,(iii(U., ~ i~sn e>rt(f' ,_..,.,.._. 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