HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-02 - Orange Coast Pilotp • .,. = .. . ... .- THI ORANGI COAST COUNTY IDITION , TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1982 ORANGE COUNT V. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . - I I , • • Huntington imposes trash fees on residents I By IWHEHT HAHKl':H 01 the Dellr Pllol Sl•ll l'1t 111 i.: \.\ 111 '>l'lllllg I 111.111 11.il 1·und11111ri... 11t1· t lu 111111g11111 u ... ,, 1i l'1t v l'11~1111 ii d1 ·<'1d1 ·d M 1111da \ 111g.ht 0 11 .i I :1 \'•1 t1· t11 1'11;11 g 1 rcs11l1•11L'> ,, 11 a .. h 1 u ll" t11111 l•'I' 11 1 $:l.50 p<'I 11111111 Ii M 11111l1•-. l.111•1 liv tlll' -...,11111· I .I niaq.p11. tlw tet\lfll'tl \'ttlo·d 111 o;p1•11d • I :! 11111 111111 111 h11v ;, Newport housing flayed Hy STEVE MAHBl.E 01 the Dellr Piiot Stell N1• w p o r t lko1d1 h;,., 1·11 1111 u ndt•t I 11 t' I 11111 1 ,, -.1.111· .1g1 ·111 \ th;1t tt1l\ll'f1tl'> th o• I I I\ I<, d 11111g o1 h ;tl I h 1 .or to·d JOl1 111 p 111v1tl111 g h1 t1l,lflg lt lf l><'f '"II' t.f 1t 1<1d1·-.t 1111·an., T ht· ... 1.11• d ··11.111 1111·11t 111 II II LI .. I 11 g .• fl ti ('I. 111111 u II I I \ Dt•\ 1·l11p1111·11t Ill ·' :!H p .1g 1· rt•\'ll•\\' t 1 llh l/t•d 1111 1 ll\-, \'1';11 old h ou-.111g 111.t'>l•'I p l.1;1 \011 111.olh l101n-.1.11 1111f1111'>li ,,., Ii. 111g 111.1d1 •qu.1t• Ill ,1 l 11 \ \\ ht•f t • Ill'\\ h11111<-, ..,,;,n .11 :!-:·wo,ooo 111 1111111 111 •. J g1•1Hy .,,11d Nt•wpo r t B1'.11h':- ht111!.t ng µ11l 1n 1 •:-. .1 ntl g 11.1 b '' ti I havt• .1 1111111111;11 1mp<11't .it lit·'>t Thi· I IC(), wh1C"h h ;,.., 1111 d1ri·1·1 ;.iuth11nty ov1•r ho u.,.ng r11:1ll1•r' 111 t ht· l'l ty, ha' b1·1•n a fn·4 u1·11t ;o11d a h a r'h 1T1 t11 11f N1•wp<1rt O.·.wl1 Cn.t1 g RllH·ll." l'tl;.' p l;i11n1·r .ind a ho u s in g s µ1•1·1a l1!.t, ~;11d lht· llC D has d t'\'t•lop1•d ;i halHt 11( bl<1st1ng N1•w po r t A1·a1•h wh1 lo · o f f 1·r1ng 11 1111· .1 d \'t(1· 111 l1·ad1·r ... h1 p Ar 1ssu t· 1~ 1111 111 v·., "' 1 .ollt~I ho using 1•l1·n 11'11t . ;i -.1.1 11· ro ·qu1r1·d d()(·um<·nt 1h;11 m11 l11w' what llw l'tty 1s drnng to prov1J 1· h•1u:-.1ng fo r lo w ;..nd morl1•r .1t1 • 1111·om1 • families 111· I 1 1111 I' l ... 1 t I ' I ,, I 11 11 I 1. I' d 1•pa 111111 11t l11 •l11·11p11·1-. O ft1 11.11:.. :-,1y 11 wil l 1·.1,..,1 .tlH>llH·I' $I rlllli1011 Ill dt'\'l'ltop lh1• ,111• for h1•lll'op 1t•1 111J1·1.1 l1111i.. T hi· t"' 111 ;1 .. 111111 d r 1·w ,, hr'o.-t d !>1d1· f r 11 111 I 11 r111 1·1 (.'ou111•1lni;111 ('la n «v Y rnl .. r , ;1 lo11gt11m· o pµo111·111 11f tn.as h f1·1·:- "Thi.. • ., t1•rrrbt..," h•· s<11d .1s h1· 11•11 n1u1w il 1·h:1m l11·r:-"Tlwy I tlh' ~ \ ' 'Hll ll'il I poctr 11 lllll l h I l lll 1-(l'l .I 11 .1.,11 In · ,111d th1•11 turn ngllt .11 11u 11d a11d -.111·11d $1 1111lli1111 (111 tlH· lu·l1pon ·• J t ' .. l li1• 1111 •!o.l II ll''>Jlllll-,illfl- d1·1 •1:,11111 I v1· 1•v1·1 .,,.1·11 .o 1·11 ~ lllUIH'il ll\01kl',0 h t· -.,11d Thi• t rn!.h 1·ollt'l·t11111 1·11st h.1 .. ht'l'll prnd out o f thl' g1•111·ra l I 111111 -,1111·1· ,1 f1·1· "',1:, d n •p1wd Ill 1!:1711 Ill f,IVtll" 11t .o Utility l~1X O ll 1t·1:d-. 1''>11111.i tt· tr:os h l llSI!. v, ill • 1111111 to $:1 ;, 11111111111 111•x t v1.,11 Jar g1•l v linaU'><' ol g.1t•· f,.1·:0-l11•111g !'li.1rg .. d Ill O r 1111g1· C nl11 1 I,\ g 11v t·1 111111·11 t II\.\ r11 •d 1.111df 11 1 .. Thi· 111•111tlil v 11,, .. 11 l i•t-:-, 1·xpt'l'l1•d tu ll1k1· 1·1 f•'\'l ..ir11u11d .l.111 I. ,on · 1·.,11111.ol 1·d 111 1 a lM' .ihout $!Hl0,0tl0 I" 1111' «1111 o f tht• l l'l.ol v1·,11 on .Ju 1H• :llJ Hu th 1-'1 nl1·v. Hu th B;Jd1·v .ond .l11li11 Thw11;1~ vo tt•d a1p 111!.l tl11 · 11,,,11 l1·1•s .111 d ag;1 111 ~t t h 1• j)lll'l'll<l:.1· ,,, 1111' h1·l1p1111 V 11 t111g 111 l;1 v11 1 1>1 111.th 1111·.1 ~u r 1·:-. \.\C'rt• M .1v111 Ho h l\l;..11d11 . Hon l'a1t111~1111 . 1>0 11 M al'A 1l1 .. 11·1 ;t11d .fat•k K1·lly F111'1·v u r g1·d;, -.1u d v 1.t l111 .t111 1.d .ilt1·1·11.ot 1\'1·'> lwlo11 • 1111pu:-111g ,, Ir .4"1i lt-1• (.t•oH Multt•r ( h·ft ) dwt·k~ iuclc·x of 'otc ·r~ out~iclt• poll ... 111 lr\'inc· while·. lu·low, t·lt·t·tion workt•r.., ~c·n·c·n \'Otc·r~ at ~··\\'port Bt·a c·h (:it y lh11l . Derty Piiot Slelf Photo• 'W1· h 11v 1·11 't r•·a .,-;u r l'd t1lll''4'IV1•s tlt a l tilt-. :o.l1•p 1' lll'l'l'S!.,11 y," ~ht• :-...1tJ U.J1 lt-y !.:ltd "Wl··n· 1·harging 1 .. ·1111lt· a I.a x w h1•11 th(•y • .111 l1·<.1s t .tl fo n t 11 [ d•in't ltk1 · It " P a tlll!!.lln '>:11d t h o· f1·1· rs 111'1 , • ...,,,, v "lJt'l.<UM' tht· m m 11·y t!> 1101 th1·r(· (111 thl' budg1·t ) W 1·'rt· ISl't' TRASH, Pa~t' A2 t Mesa • nixes street liy JODI CAOENllEAI> Ot lhe Dellr Piiot Steff M <>n · thu11 two huur~ u f pro t<·s t l'nd1•d 111 v 1t tury Mo nday fur n 11 rt h 1· 1 t y r 1·"1 d " n t s w h u n inv1n<·t·d tht: Cost« M l•sa C ity Coum·tl not to l•xtt·nd Ha ndolph Avt·nut• 11110 1ht •1r rw 1gh borhood T hl' ruu tl' bNw1·t·n Pau lanno A v i·nul' and B :ik1·r S tn•t>t 1s a lrl·:tdy oO pt•rn·n t f1111~h~d ll will n o"'' b 1· m o d1f1t·d w ith a ('lfl de• !.<.tl'. th1·n ·by n ·r n uting tra ff11 b~l·k to &1kl'r T h l ' m o d r ( 1 t· a t 1 o n w a s <1pµr11v1«1 by <• 4 to I vo tt• with Cnu 1H ·1lma n Ed M c·F a rl a nd d1s:-1•n 1rng Th i· 1·o n t r o vt•1!.1a l ro utl' a µpr m·1•d in 197B w a s uppoS<.-<l b y 4 ti H r l' ~ 1 d f' 11 t s 11 v 1 n g 1 n a n 1·1ghb<1rhood '!War P ;,ullinno an d Bris t o l S t r l·t·l w h o s rg nL·d a pl'ttlmn a lso a sking that a t·ul- U t"::. <.tt· b t· t o n s tru<:tt·d o n P <i ula r rno to allt·v1att• tra ff ic lhl•rL• O n tht· m ut1L1n 11( Counnlman Don n Hall, tlw co unl'rl ~c1gn'C.od to ftn<Hll't• a s tudy tu cun s trucl a P ;wlanno l'Ul -dc-s~.K· Ont· of th1· u 1;v·., ma m goal!. ., to t•rn·o ur<igt• lht• lrv tn<' Com t><tnY to build aff11rd e1hl1· hous ing un1L' Ill <• :t:1-<t('r<• Jlll'l'I ' or I.in d know n .L._ North Fm d rw•tr E .... tblu ff Voters cast ballots, • • op1n1ons Bob K1•lly , lcad l'r of lhe Mesa Nort h Ho m t-•ownt•I'!> Assoc:1at1on . told the council tha t increa~ lra ffrt· on Paulanno has made "our om '<' safe n e ighborhood a d <'n of ('htld-m a1ming accide nts." J l·:'.ln Par k . n w nl'r o f a pre- ~ hool on P a ula rrno, said the road h a!. "bt'<·omt• nuth mg m ore than a 1h11r•>Ughfc1n· bet w <•e n o n e frl'f'W<IY and <ino thl'r .. T h i N orth F 11rtl pro Jt'l'I d I ._ I g n 1· d I II p I 0 \' I d t' 1·ond nm 1n1un1 unit.. in 1h1· $Hll.OllO 111 $120 ,000 µr1 t·t· r.ingt'. h J!> IM.'1'11 1·ri t1t·1z1 ·d h v n t v ri •c,1d1·n I' ,,, 1110 d1•11._,. ;ind ·1,, h 1111'o111g gro111p.., "' llHI l''Jlt 'fhl\'1• I 11 I t " I t ' \' I '' \\ I h , . 111 . I ) l'11111plo11111•d th.ii •Ii•· N11r1 h r'r11 d pl.rn l1k1 )\ \\'ill 111.t ,, . ..,u lt 111 p n1\· 1d 111g ;d f 11rcl.1 bit h1111,111g Tho· .1gi ·1H'\' o1l'>11 t1w1k 1•x1'1•pltt•l1 with 1h 1• 111v -. d 1 111111 11111 11 1 ,olt 111 da bl1 11.11111111g 1t " 1'11111Jl!Jtl'll lo\ I llfllJl.Of lllJ.( tl \\ tlh 'h I ' l 11 \. • I f 1.1 I I\ f I \ It I g h llll'dl.111 111111111• Rlu1·ll ..... 11d th• • ''' 11 .... v.11rk1·d d1lig1 ·nt l~ .11 p1 •·11.1ring ·• -.t•t o f lwu!.in~ g11.d -. I h ,11 .ir 1· ll'g.1lly :..nund ,ind n11 .. 1111 11 gful 111 ,J ('tlfl)lllllllll \ \\lttfl 1111\,ol11t ·11f l,1nd i:-high N"" porl I\. ·" II " I" 1ng .. l11·d '" •• 111;ol1111111 111 l.111 h1111..i11g •• 1111 lt•g.tl ,1111 g111u11-. 1h.11 .dl1·g1 tho (II\ I\,,., dr..1 r!lllll\.tltol" ht1U,lllJ.( fSee IHll Sll\C.. J>agr A21 Ba 11o 1 p r u p 11si t1 o n ~. t ht' '\onon1.v .• 1 poo r bus1m~ d1ma1t· i n d t h 1· d 1,1r<1 1·t1•1 o f loeal gt1vr·rnn1C"nl ,di w1•n · c·1t1•d ,.., 111p pn o nt11 ·!. bv 1•arl: m 11r11111g v11t••r-. trno1.11 ng l•11 l.1~ t11 Uritng1 t'11.1<,t polling pl;11 •·., I>.....,ptt• 1·.orl~ n111r111nj!. fog Ill M\nW ;,ir1•.1,. ;111d gus ty S linl<I A rni w 111d s pol ls througho ut th" 1 ou11t \' o pt•rw d purH tw.tl ly .II 7 . 1 m 111 '''IJl'\'t.1t1t111 o f lh t· 1111111· th;111 I m ill11111 ( J1 .111g1· l'11u111;.1 V<11(•1-.; 1•l1g1bl1• 1(1 t':l!.1 l1;1J lt1 t'> 111 tod;J~"' gt•rn•ra l ••lt'\'111111 r:lt·('ttPn 11fl 11't;1b l•'lll•Fll'd 1111 1n1t1:d p r11lil1·111). .it th1• 1·rn1111 v·, '.2.'.!4:-i pn "< 1nct poll111~ pla1 , • ., Elirly m orning turnou l w .• s "'t1m.1lt'd .11 I'.! pt•rn ·nt l1v 4 ,, ni . .11 I fl I ti I II g t II .. II ,.. If'( I I" II d1 p.1n1111·n1 .... p,1k ..... m.in T l11 I'.! µ .. rc .. 111 f1 g 1ir1 1:111 .oh• .1d 111 th1 H '!. pt n 1111 11111111111 11\ 11 .. 111 d u r t n .II. t It I .J u I 11 ··Ttw "i•I ... think ·\1 ~ dad ('art•.., t•11ou~h to c·cu1 w ....... nu· a l ... c·liooL' If.., a , .•. !') po~it i\'(' th inµ::· • Ill Dads pitch to teach kids By JODI CAUENllEAO Of the Deity Pllol Stell h 's n ot 1·vn y da v tha t a man in an a r t1s l 's s nio)t k -a nd a greas1· pa 1n t1•rl m n u s t :11·hc· cnm 1·s to school and INH"ht•s vou how 111 draw a real Domild Du1·k an d .1 Pluto So It was :.p<'<'11tl wh1·n S h .ir ly n K e rr's dad , T flm K rrr. a rc•al e s talE' brok t•r i111 d ;i111 <1t l'u r cartoonisl, s how N:l up a t llarh V 1ew Ele mc•ntar y S1·h nol w1 , crayo n s in hand · But 1t w;is n 1>1 o u t n f thl' ordinar y . No, litst Y''nr a wri11•r talked to the• fourth gradt•rs 1n S he ila Hogl'r's dAs.<1 ahout th(' origin of his 1dtc'HS And !W)nn 1111c of the otber studt'nt's fathers, a u rolof{ist. will diS<·u11..~ his )Oh. It's all part of a program a1me<I at getting men to shn uld<•r som t' o f the class room r(.'Spon s1l11hly tradlt1onally a ssum('d by no n working mothcrR But as m o re w o mf'n h BVt' joined t h e w o rk f o rce th<• number o f v o luntcN p a rt y plann1·rs a nd p:tpPr < o r n ·1•tor' ha~ d 1m 1n1shE'(I, ll'<tVtnJ( sc:hool lo t u rn lo a fo rm1·rl_v un tappt•d sou n:r m c•n "Tht· k id s th111k m .v d;.d l':1n ·:-. 1·n u ugh to tonH' s o·P m 1• .11 -:c.hool," said Hog1•rs "(l's ,1 Vl'I v pos 1l1Vl' thin~ ' Fo rtunatdv. 111;111 v o f 1tw 1111•11 w o r king 111 ·1h1• ;i1.1•1.1 .in• s1•ll t·mpJoyt'd o r <If (• tr\ p ositro n s w here lhey £'a11 affnrrl to l:1kt• tu t ;i k1• o f r'.1n a f t1•rn1111n. s ht· 1·xpl1mwo In tlH' µa s1 Kl·rr ha~ rut 1111 puppt•t s how s :Jl sc:hoo l with l11s wife. Sandy Both try to rC'maln a c· t I v l' 1 n th e I r l' h 1 I <l r t• n '~ education year round ''It s h o ws y o u 'r<> r1·n l l y intNe~ted in k ids," said K.,rr "M y dauRhter's rC'ally proud of h ('r dad l'Om111g in Thry loo k forward to it " H<>turning to the day at hand. Kerr pointed out t hat while each o f the car t oons m ight l o o k ISu FAfHERS, Pa1e A!I ELECTIONS2 pt 1m;11 \ .1 11d a l11•;id o f tht· 10 8 JWfl'l'nt f1gur1· .it !l am d uring t h o· l ~l i'~ g 1·111•ral 1•ll'llt1111 lt11w1·\'r·r'. I h JWl'l"•·nt 11f l"(•Unty \'ol1·r.., '""' l1al l11 li'o l>v ~l ,, 111 d u11~1g 11!1• 111110 g1•111·1.il 1•l1•<"l1011 , '>ht· -..11d Er11 .l1·n-.i·11 " ,., . ..,., \'1· N.1vv 1111n1n.111d 1·1 w :i.. .on1011g 1•.1r l\· \\lt l'I., .1t .1 l..1g lltl.t H1 .. 11 h pr•'l tlH t lh1' 111111 n111g I lo· -..11d 111,111\ 111 tho 1:1 b.ol l11I pr 11p1"' "'"'' "··r • Jtl't ,1., m1port.111I l11 111111 ,.., llll '·"" (111 g11\ l 111111 "' tol h1 ·1 llllJ1t•l l...t11t Ill f 11 t ''> 'Th('r" 1-. .1 g r t·at d 1•<i l pf n ·.spons1h1lil:V on 1h1• part o f t lw Vo l l' r I o d l' l I d (' IJ II l h 0 S (' pro p 11s 111 o n ... " J1·n:q·n ~aid "Thi·~· ..tn· light f1~-;ol ltnll'S a11d ,,·\'1•r.tl 11f tlw prnpt>..itton :-. hav1· u l11l to do with f1n<111C't'!. "So 11 n •a llv do1 ·~n't m ;1ttl•r wh11 ts 1n wlw tlwr L>t ·mn1:r.1t' o r Ht•publ1 <•11 ns I t':-h ow th1• v111c·r-. d1 ·al w1 l h tlw propos lll•Hi.. th;it l'OUl11 .. Al ww t'o:-t.1 M1·...:1 prt'<'llWI 11 w.1o; 11 ... 1·cu1111m y that l11111111·d l o1 rg 1·!-.t 111 1m~101 t .111t1· to 0 111• \'Oii ·r T h •· \'11l1·r wh11 d 1·1·h 111·d t11 gt\'•' ht'> n;m w , s;mJ hi' s w 1t1·h1-<I ht " 11 ;a l 1t1o n a l -.u ppn r t co f l>i •1111x-r.1l11· 1·a nd1cla1t·t., l'• v1111· fOI Ht' I> u b I 11 an U S S ,. n .1 t t' 1-;1nd1d;t11· Pl'l1· Wiison "Bn1\\ 11 h.1<, p ut tern marn 111111r111, 011 husin1•-;,,,' tht• votl'r ,,,1d o f W rl -;1111·, U1·m11<•ra l 1< .... ............ .,..,--... Artist Tom Kerr shows youngaten how to drew Donald Duck. c ~ 11ppo n 1•11 t tio\' 1-:dmuml {; Arown Jr "( n1uld11 't v11ll' for him , h e's s1·111 t1~1 lll<•n.v .101>:-uut 11f tht• <;Wtl'" Ano thl'r who was l'lllll'l'rn1«I w ith th t· .st.1t1•., hustm •ss 1 It matt• wu , Jlu ~' f l utt·r . VP llng :it N1•wpo rt &·11t·h Cit y Hall "Tht· Dc·mi><:rat.s h ;1\'l' g ot t11 l(I•." '"'d Flull~r ''I think t ht• l(11v1·r11or's r :tl'f· 1s th1• kt•y tssUt• I vnt1 •d for D1•u km1·.11an I'm 11n ·d n f '>t'l'tng tht• lkmo«r.1t-. drl\'t• g1111d h l1Sll1l'!'<S 11UI nf t ht• !.l;11t• .. Att 1•r n 1·y (;t'nl•i<d {;<'11r g 1 D1·ukn11•J rt111 1:-t h 1· C()I' gu b(•r11litorral t'and1<la 11· Jl1• s.11d hi' a)._,1 WCI!> lllt('fl'l>lt'll 1n t h1· Newp11rl R1·aeh C i t y ('uunl ti rac·1· ;11u t '\'t1 t1•d fo r p t•u plt· t h.it d o n 't p r111 1•,1 n ·a'>(111,1b lt• g rowlh ' On R:1ll>1l:l I. land 1n N1•w port 8 t• r1 1 h . r 1· s 1rl t'11 t Cy 11 t h 1 ,, tSce VOTERS. Page A'.1 1 S ;i1d ano l ht..•r homc•o wner living in t ht• tract south of South Coas t P law. "W c 'n.• a n is land o f angry pc·o p ll' who are be ing f11rn·d o u t b ;v progress." Cons t ru «t1o n of a (·ul -dc-sac on Ha n rlol ph A venue will s ttll 111C·n·a~<· l raff1c o n P a ularino fro m {i.~00 to fi.4 70 vehicles a day. at'l·o r ding tu nty re ports. Counnlwoman Norma Hcrtwg .. ugg1•sl1·d that a tl'mpora r y cul- d 1•-.su1· bi· built on Paulanno. adch ng that s u e h a m ove w ould h :1Vl' a rlr;.imat1C" d fK'l o n already :ipprovt•d and futun .• l'Ommerc1a l proJ<.'Cl!> 1n thl' an•a J;inws a nd Andrew G 1a nuhas r t· c· c• n t I ;v w u n a p pr u v a I t o con:-t ru l'I two f 1vC'-slory o f flce b uildin g ., b l'tWN .'n tht• closed M ontgu nw ry W .. inJ ~ton• a nJ tht• S~tn Dtl'go Fn-t·w a y Thi' n I y l'OUnl'l I 1s to d1'<.·td t' (S<'e STREt:T. Page A2 I Boy improving f rofil tiger bites /\ II I h () n y s I (I p a n I ' I h •• :.! .v1•ar-old U pla nd bn:v •11ta1·k1•d ()t·t ~:l by a n csc:a pt-il S 1ht·nnn t1,r.;"r during a wild ;mimal s how a t Lum Co untry S afon. has hl't'n n111\0l'd out o f th f' in t1•ns1vf' l'arr w.1rd a l M 1s s1on Commu ni t y ll11:-p1tal 1)(1( tnr-. "a rrl tht• boy 's status 1111p1 11\'t•c I f ru m s1•n ou s to f ;.1 tr «or11ht1w1 ovt•r tht• WN'kPnd I If' wa .. m ovt•d 1n 111 the p c•dtatrH·s w a r d ,1t tht· M 1ss 1i1 n VtC'JO hosplt.ol, s.11d s pokt•swoma n Ja n W alk1·1 Tht• bo;v ts 1•xpt'\'tt't.l tu rt·marn ln11gt'r 1n tht• hospll.11. huw1•v1·r. ;111d "''111 u nch-r,r.;v m1 n-1• surgery, sht' '><ltd I Its pan •nt..;. m l'anwh1le, <'1mtmu1· 111 II(• p l1•as<'ll with his rt'\·11v1·ry. "h " add1•rl T h i· dirlu s uff1•n •d a s kull fra<'t u rt' .mu a d1-t•p lt•g w ound w h••n tht• 11g1·r sltp pt'd f rom a 1-;1g1'tl rrn!-( al th<· tondusion of tn11nrr J 11h n Cam polongo's act, • p11•kt'CI u p the• boy by his head and trottt'l.i out o f th(· ll'mporar y art'nH C.1m polong11. who JUmptod o n tlw 4 y1•11r o ld t1J.(t•r to frC'<' the t htld, a lso rt•t'l'IVt•d s rvc ral Jeash t•s ----INDEX---- An e nd lo muddy politi<'~ for JiilOlt' m sigh1? A5. At Your Servtc<' Bulinesa Cavalcade C lassHied Comics Cl'05Sword Death Not1C'e!I Entertainment H oroecope lntenniaton A f1 R:l-4 82 C5-R C4 C4 A6 85 82 86 Ann Londcrs 82 M ovlf'S ~ ·Mutual Funds 83 National N<>ws A3 Public Noti1u B3.~.C3,C~ Sports Cl-3 Stock M arkets 84 TPlevlslon Be Theaters eb \Ye9ther ~ ,_ __ """r~r.o 1••t --r ---..... __,.. ~ ?'!"' ..... --......-t...,~-~---..... -------.,.--""'-------·---·------------·-PW!----....,'11!!!!""'-~--'IE':--.. l!::l~..;:r-~T.!' • -• I • I --~-• ____ o_r_a_11.;;.g_t1_c_o_Q_s_1_0.;...A_1t_v_P_11._o •• _,_,_r _ut1_s_d_d_Y_. _N_o_v_tt_"_'b_•_,_2_. _1_e_a_2 __ f IURllll VlfflJ -tValley eyes drive-in land plan Tht• ~\HJ 11t.t1n V11ll 1·v ('1 1v Courw1I wdl n ·v11·w µ11 ·l111111i.11 v plans tt1 dt•vl'lop lht.• 'l.7 .wit' ~ll1• now IX'•'UIJlt'd liv 1h1· Fountu111 • • Vullt•y I )11\'1· 111 'f'tw.t1t·1 d11t 111i.: .1 pubht· :.ludy M':.:.1u11 sdlt'dUlt•d immediutt•ly pnur 111 111111~hl'.., l'OUl1l'if llll't'llll~ Tht· study st·ss11111 ll1·g111:-~ I· 7;:311 ,ti l'11v 11.11 1. 111:.wo Sl.111 · J :· Av1· 'l'ht· r1:gular 1·ou11e1I 1111•1 ·t111 :lx-g111" at H o'd111·k Ht•p1'1• ... t·lll.JllV1'" .ii lht• F1t.'ld~11111t • l'11111p.111y , wli11 h 1" fH't'IJllf'll\g lit l1uy lht• tl11 \'t ' 111 pnipt'l'IV, l11n tlt •d 1111 1111• Wt•tll r.ldt• 111 Bl'tJ•1khur1>l S t11·l't 111outh o f 'l'ullx·1·1 AVl'llUt'. 11n· t·XJ>ll('lt'\I tn 1111vt·il pluns for n•:.1cl1•1111al a 11d • om1111•rl'1.tl huald111~~ 11 11 1h1• p111p1•1 ty Ounng lhl· rl'gular s1·:.. ... 11111. l 111· I P U lll'il w ii I t tlll1>lclt· 1' r 111.il .id11pt11111 11 f .1 fl1111d p l.tlll 111a1111g1·1111·11t 111·u111a111·t· 'l'li1.., law 111u~t lit! :idoµll'd 111 onlt•r ln 111.ikt• n 10:-. t h11m1·11w lll'I :-. 111 F1>u n t.1111 V.ill1·y 1•ligiltl1· l 11r tl1111d 111:0.Ul'<Jlll'I' 01 t1111•nctts 101 AllOlll•Oll Au 01tJmance ot tn" ruunhtm Vt1lltty (;Hy t.uunl d f t::PJHl ttlHlij .,.,, I ~ \tltft(,tlOU tllv Mun11.1µ11 Coou µw11a111111u 1" 111., 11000 t•luu• 1111111c1 1se1.01111 1•••1t11u 1 Art Or01n•n'a ol Ol.t • 10-lll1UU Vt>ll•y Cth Couht.1t f)tf1t•1nu10 to tflw '"\ """'Y 0 1 cut.I• uu.un•d h()fn µ•tau11• wlfltully f1•Uhuon11,. or u ul•wfunv th111u1vmv tu 1a..,mu l.tty fJ'VJJ•• I)' (StH.Olld 1 •AOlnlj I Adnmu1t1auve U•n" At..Lt$JJl•nt• ul lMJ~ .... ,, OUlh(J•llttt1on IO t!llM.'" JJW l.hHse oHhu 101 u1., 111oun1,1u (1t '°")' lrtttt!l A ••10lu1ton ol the I ou1ll1tl • \/all•y l..•ly Cou11c il 1uppo11111u 1ul1.iu11111111u n 11110 l .. lltO<tilll)lt ol lhe Old Lourlly Cuur ""'""'' 111 So11tu Ana by lht1 C.11wrly ul 0 1 '"'U" Ag'11l~y IOI Community Onv,,I01Jme11I A u 1110 111<11 1u11 l o 11u 11:nus11 tomn1v1\1L~l1tu1 uquiµmt~111 lot thtt vulu:.a '41c.1i11y ·Huntington Beach --------- SA River bridge HB support • WinS l~·ad1 l'11 y L'11U1w1t l A pro1111~al to l'Oll~I l'Ut'l .1 brnlg1· ov1·r lht• Sunlit Amt H1v1·r from Ba 11 11 1 n g A v t' n u 1 • 1 11 H unt1ngl1111 &:al'l1 tu l !:Ith titn•1•1 ··1 n Cos l <• M t' s a h a ~ b t' t· n supporl1•d by tlw llun11ngL1111 Tht· l.ia1·k111g 1s µart 111 l111• pnll't•s:o. that 1s l'Xpt'l'll'd lo l<·ud 1•vt•nlu<.tlly to t.ll'vt•loµ11w11 t 111 a ~IX la111· L'l'l>SS1ng Ulldl'r thl· ;.a1·g1" 11f Orangt· County gov1·rr1m1·11I ·ifrR ASH FEES IMP OSED. • • From Page A 1 i guing lo havt· 111 s tart lay111g 111 t peoplt· .. Tf'lnrnas :o.uggt·slt·u th<it lht• -;~lipurt 1ssu1.· sho uld go to tlw • Voh•r-s fur ~1 dt'\·1s1on 10 1.1 \'t•Jt:o. frum n11w If Wt· tlt111'1. w1·'ll ht· h:wk 111 lht• dark agl'" ., Thl' 1·ou11cd :..tdoptnl 1h1· trash ft•t• aflt·r· a nm1µrom1~1· u fft·r W:JS m:tdt· by Mand1t Ht· suggt·s11·d tlw proposed $-1 :i5 m unlhlv ft•t· Ix· l11Wtn'Cl lo$:\ 50 Tht· nl v will n 1nl111uf· p aying a$'.!. pt·r hou~·huld m11nthlv "suhs1Jv" 10 11ffst•t trash t·ollt'l.'l.11111 l'\l"L" · .• F1111L•y l'ia1nwd lhl' pun·hast• W(lUld dt•plt'lt• lilt• t'lllll lllg1•111·y fund "W1··vl' g111 10 <tsk 11u rs1·lv1·' what Wt' a n· gl'11t11g ourst·lvt·~ into." sh1· :.<11d Mal0 All1s tt·r ~aid . h11wt·vt•r . 1ha t lht· acqu1s1l1on of tht• -I 8-a<.Tl' s ilt· nt'ar Gothard S1n·1·t et nd Tall>t'rt A vPnut• tr11111 Lh« S u 11 y -M 1 11 t· r Con l rat' l 1 n g Company 1s a rrnlPslorw "Wt• h<.tvt• to add rt·~ our nt'('(b taauna Beach Laguna's pra ncesse Thi· t·oun<:tl nwmbt:ri. sk1pix·t.1 vvt•r without comml'nt or a VOil' a, proposal lo charge r csi<lenls a ~ewt•r marntenann• f1·t· that would l'On1l· 10 about n:l l't•nls a m '> n t h f o r 1 h " a v <' r a g f' homeowner. La~urrn Bt>ac·h II igh School pri ll('t·~st•s will vit' for ll omc•C'omin~ Q uc·t·n l illc Friday during half time• al a game with Capistrano \'allc·y High . TiC'ke ls for a "inlagc· '.\lt•rc•t•tlt·~ will be sold clurin1-t lhf' fir!°'I ha lf of lhe game. with draw in~ a lso al halftime. P ro<'et·d !'\ ( rwa rly S:J0.000 10 dalt•) go lo SchoolPowt·r·: P r inc'C'Sses, from le ft, include' llaruko Sakamoto. Marilit> (:roul. Jill llallwrl.. L•·~l it• \'au~han , J ulit· S turm, Jill Shc•al). Ana '.\laria De Bc•nc•dt•llo. Cara Thor~on a nd '.\l ollit• '.\l t·rcha nl. O•llJ Piiot Photo by Pelrlcll O'Connell / ---.... Tht• bridl!{~ 1s t'X f.)('{'Lt·d t11 ('OSI lH•twt>t•n $:1 ;.and $4 million, mTording to Will1a111 Zau11, :t t'ounly 1ransµ11na t11>11 µrngr:.J111 11li llliJ!-(t'I' lit• s,11d morlt'v h.1s bt•1·11 !>l'l :.11>1d1· for plannin~ .ind tk ·s1gn 11f I h l' h l'I d g l ' f r II Ill l h t' s l a I t. Arlt.•nal ll1ghwa y F1na 1H·t· µr11gr.im No mo1w:v h.is bt·t·n budgN1·t.I fur l'lll\Sll'Ul'lll>n . Zaun sa11I w11rk t•11uld start µuss1bly 1n f1vt• y1·ur:. 1f agrt•t·nit•nt <«111 lw wurkt•d oul with afft·t•kd nl11·~ 111 pay for surfat·t· strt'l'I aµproad11•s to tilt' bridgl' Tht• bndi,(l' 1" mdudt·<l 111 l'osti.t Mt·sa·~ mas lt•r plan l11r h1ghw<.1y l'rus,..111g Tlw 11n1po"a I also h<is lx l'n approv1-<I hy tht· l\'1·w1x1fl &·;u·h City l'ounnl (A port111n uf IYth Stn·<•t 1~ 111 N1·wp11rt S.·ad1 l'lly limits:> Paul Cook. II u11l1ngt11n &•ach public works d trt't·tor, and Bob Brock, C11sl<1 M<•sa assistant «lly engim~t·r. sciy th<Jl an add1t1onal east-west cruss1ng ov1•r th1• nvt•r is needt'<.l Gusty winds due . . '• -: Tr11vel4!rs adv.sory •n moon1a.n ranges 1on1gnt and Wednesllay tor strong gu~I Y north 10 nor1neas1 winds 25 lo 50 mph Clear a nd cl•y 1n rougn weonesoav S11ong gos1y 11.or1n 1c; n0<tneas1 winds rn mov"'31n~ and below passes and canyons through Wednesda~ Warmer ooaslal areas. but c ooler 1n de!Mlf'IS wun 1oca1 gusty worids V. !i .'t u 111111 a r .l · HOW11ng wind and rain hit much I the M•dwesl early today and areas -•e beset oy neavy 111 Oeos.e log shroocle<I parts ot the Sou1heaS1 Ttiunderstorrns and nigh wonds ball fifed northern lnd•ana. cenll al llhno1s ano SOUlhweSI MISSOUfl. whtle ha11 1ne 51ze ot baseballs denied c ars end smastteo windsn•elds 1n Columb•a. Mo Ha11 also was reporle<l '" Lula. Okla R111n showers ilnge1ed over eaSlern North Ca1ollr>a wti•le dense t o g blankele<1 111e C11rounas encl nor1hwes1 rJonda f au wealher prev111le.J actoss the Weit. w111'1 a few ra•n and snow thOWflfS over lhe norther" Rocky Movn1111ns Showera and thundershowers -• IOfec1s1 later today hom lhe lowe< Grell l •kes lhr009n most ol the MIU•U lppl and lowe< On10 v .. leyl lnlo e•stt<n Teos C004 rein w11 eapecled •cross the up~ Grell l •>i.es and northern Ntw Engl•n<l Scanered sho wers were °"predicted over much ol Florld11 1nd trie eu111rn porllons ot Georgia and Sooth Carolina fair llcles -e fOftcall el~re TemP•••lur•s around 1ne 111on Hrly lodey r811Qed from 24 -orMt 1n Bultt. Mont to 78 egrMt Jn Brownavllle T ... , and fort Lauderdale ancl l<ey WMl,fl• Ca lifornia roam.ng 1hc mour:lams 111rougn Wt>One<Oay M o unt;s1n "'9" 1emperalu1es will t111 55 10 65 Weclr>esOay wll!i lows 1on1ghl 1n 1ne 40s and sos d•opp1ng 10 the 20s 1n ll<l'as e•posed 10 winds Oest'•ts will be scoured Oy wonds ol 20 lo 30 mph mainly near 1ne lower Colorado River Valley Wednesday S highs will reach 60 IO 70 in the upper desens and 70 to 80 >n 1ne l<>we• reg1oris Lows tonight will drop 10 tne •Os 1n 111e low deser1s and 11 will be slightly cooler •n lhe upper deserts T e 111pPrat u r es NATION HI lo Al1>a11y 69 56 AIQUQUl"<Quf" 64 34 Am~,.10 66 40 Ashpv11te 77 45 Atlanta 79 58 At1an1•c C11y 78 58 Austin 86 10 Bal11mo•e 80 62 81111nos 52 37 B1<m1ngham 80 59 B1smarc~ 54 28 Boise 58 28 Boston 76 55 Brownsv11e 90 76 Bulla to 66 53 Bu111ng1on 59 52 Casper 46 32 c na11es1on s (. 75 66 Charleston w v 79 55 Cnarlolle N C 77 55 Cneyenne 46 30 CnJCago 67 50 Cinc1nna11 80 64 Cleveland 65 60 COlumbra SC 80 58 r COlumllus 76 59 QaUAs·FI Worth 83 69 Dayton 78 60 Denver 55 33 Des Moines 58 53 Oel<Oll 65 54 Ououtn 51 38 El Paso 75 49 Fer go 50 32 • F'l1g11111 59 24 Grell Falls •6 33 H1r11ord 17 55 Helen• 45 •O Honolulu 8A 72 Houston 114 70 lnd1•119P0111 75 111 Jackeon. Miu 81 59 JICktonVlllt 112 115 Kaneat City 119 54 Lu Vega• 119 u lllllt Rook 80 82 Lovlevllle 88 85 Fronts ........ lubtoc~ 711 ., Memph15 78 64 Mt amt 82 73 M1lw1ul11H1 59 SI Mpls·SI Paul 56 41 Nas111111te 83 ~9 New Orleans 85 64 New York 77 62 Norlolk 76 58 North Pl1Ue 55 39 Oklahoma City 76 63 Omaha 58 48 Orlando 86 10 Phl18delPl118 78 52 Phoen11 80 54 P1Usbu1gn 77 59 Prlllend. Me 64 S2 Pont11nd Ore 57 42 P10111denct 77 57 R•leign 75 53 Rapid City 49 29 Reno 56 25 R1cnmond 80 51 Sall Lakl! 52 35 Sen Antonio 85 73 $Hiiie 58 45 Shreveport 83 84 Stoo• F•llt 58 32 SI LOOll 78 87 SI Ptlt· l ampa • 115 69 SI Sle Mene 49 37 Spokane 50 35 Syr•CoM 60 55 Topekl 87 5e Tucson 74 411 TUIH 83 85 WH hlnglon 112 54 Wlehll• 86 53 CAL,,OflNIA Bakarallt ld 15 112 Eureli1 llO 44 :Ii: SU Rf RIPDRI .. iii -1 hrl ... ·a;;; .... .... T ...... A .. .... ,,_ ... .... Zume 1 3 2 1 I aw lent• MonlQ l 3 3 1 2 aw H9wpor1 IHGfl 2 • 4 . 3 1 3 aw Sen 01eoo County 2 • 2 ' I aw • Rain D Snow EJ Flo111esB " .. Fresno 69 54 Lancaster 75 35 l os Anqe1es 16 59 Oa1-.1and 71 48 PHO Robles 71 •6 Red Blull 72 44 Redw<>O<l City 70 49 Reno 56 24 Sac••mento 64 44 SAii nos 70 45 S&n 01e90 74 59 San Fr•nctaco 64 56 Santa Barbar 8 70 46 <:1rick1on 68 44 PAN AMl!IUCAN Ac~pulCO B11rb11dos Bermuda Bogota 1 Cor1c10 Freepo<1 GuedelaJ9'11 Gu1deloupe Havana Klngeton Monlego BAy M8Hlllln Merida M .. teo Ctty Monterrey Nu .. o San Ju•n. PR Trtnld.O Vefacroz CANADA C•IQ•ry Edmon Ion MonlrHI "-gin• TOfonlo \l•ooouver Winnipeg ..... Min. 91 77 88 77 79 72 86 48 88 llO llO 72 80 45 85 72 85 72 811 75 88 75 90 70 84 73 75 43 8• 86 87 70 87 74 H 72 85 70 45 19 '0 18 llO •9 47 12 55 IO 111 Je IM 14 _._-c11t1 1111 O•llJ Pllol Plooto by Gery AmlH~ Ca11dat·c· Cht•!'tt•h ro gt·l~ ar l i~t\, li p:-. Fathers help out school • ID From Page A.1 d I ff l' fl' n l , t · V l ' I' y 1111 l' W ti S U SUL'l't ·ss Th;,l was tr ut· Althoulo{h t •Vt ·ryorw <11 thl' ~!'i Pl u tos l1J<1kl·tl d I f ( t' r 1· n t l h l' y w t.· r <· a I I n.·t·11g111z;,blt· as 1h1· tlt•liJothLrul t·haraclt•r that h<ts t·nll'rta1n1•d 1·h1kln·n fur 1h1· la"I half t't•nlurv I low <ltd Lh1•y d1, 11'' Lllll' tiy lrm• Fir:.t lhl' 11~· w1.·nl down, lht•n l'amt· lht· fluppy l'ars and wngUl• :rnd f11111lly , tht•rt• ht· was 111 laving l·ulur 11n l WCJ <lint>n dt·l>k lops. "I likt· 11." so1d Dustin Davis, !:I, s urvt•y ing his aflt•rnoon's wo rk. "I'll takt· 11 homl' arid hang IL up in my room." Evl'ryum· .holding lhl' <:hunky 1:rayolai. was mindful not tu go bt·yond thl' l'arl'fully penellle><l Imes and..not w draw uv(·r the n ·d tongue hanging vul of Pluto's mouth S treet ext e n s io n nixed in M esa From Page A 1 Nov 15 o n a proposa l t o r n m strut·twn 11f an H5-fo<ll holl'I and 1hrl't· st•vt•n -s to r y uff1t·1• buildings at Paulanno and Bnstul Tiil' n1unt·11's dt·l'tsmn on the Han<lolph Avl·nut• al1gnm1.·nt cam l' as b1llt·r-s wt•1.·t nt .. ws to Don Montgomery who would havl' been rcqu1n'Cl to g1vt• up ;1lnwsl 2Y pt.·r<:t:nt of his propt·rt y 11 the 1970 roulc wt•n • followt·d Ht· will now havt' to dt·d1eall' only 7 H 1x·r<.•1•nl o f his µrnJ)('l'l y ot HOI Paula rintJ. Bui b~:fon· lt·av111g llw l'llLllll'il dwniht·r ... with lht· g11od rww,, tht· d\·v1·l11µc:r walkt•d aw:1y w1lh ..,1111h· bad 11tl1ngs l'11un1·1 ln1<Jn ~ti Ml'Farland ;i.111\lt•d 11ul a prov1~11111 111 l'llY .. 1.tl f rl'ports ~y1ng lh<:tt without t lw lbntlol ph A vt·nu1· l'Xlt·11s111n 1111 nt:v h ..1:-. a rrght Lu n·:.1·1nd high d1·11s11y zoning o n lh<' l';iul:1n110 silt'. M ayur Arlcnt Sd1otl1·r .md Hall v;•tvd against I l'l'l o.;IOJl Bt•l'aUSl' Montgomt·ry owns It·~ than two at-res. ht• probably will hav1~ t11 cumb11w par1.·t•ls if he nuw wants h1gh-u1·ns1ty zoning for nm<lumm1um dl·vt·lopml'nl . "Tht•y'rl· 1ry111g to g1:1 even w11h mt'." S<trd MunLgtJmcry. who hal> lung µrott.·l>ll'<i lht· complt:lion uf Hant.lolph "I'm lwmg boxed into i.I l'ornl'r Tht· univ onl' I can st·ll to is tht· M D ·J :Jnt·s Co. b <.• l' a us 1.· t h e y ' r l' l h e o n I :V dt·vt·l11pt•r 111 tht• arl•o " Newport Beach--------- Hous ing policy flayed in Ne wport From Page A 1 poltnt·~ :-\\'lll'd~ th1•\' l'iln Slith US With .. Bit.It'll :o.;uJ th<• 1·11urt ha.., vt·I In ltnd laul1 \\Ith th1• h11~ ... 111~ poltl H'" Court h1 ·.111ngs 1111 th1• SUll ha \'1· l11•1•J1 1 111\lllllll•d l tt Aµnl h .111\ 111111~! lht l'll\' (':1n d tl lot Wiil 111.11:-1 1111111 1h1 llt'IJ I clu 11 ·1 kno w \\' 111·11 111 1 I lh t·~ II d1•1·1d1• lo lw h1•lpl ul 1.11 h1 ·1 l11.1n aC'l'U .... 1111r' Tht•1r g1>.tl.,. 1 ""lo bt• lo s1•1• h;1w m<tn\ Blu1·ll ·s ,11d 1111• ll C D has 1~non•d tht· f;wl Iha! tlw n t~· t·otmnl t~ pn·µ,tpng to l'Ons1dt'r o11111•ndmt•nts to 1h1· hous ing polil·~· lit• ~1d llCD has "jumpt-d tht' gun .. Hui ntut·ll -.i11d h1· d11uh1s lht•11 D ES IG N -QUALITY -PRICE Th e re is a c ho ice! I l.1v1· y1111 lit'cn fru\tr.llt'd , s<'ar< hing tor 1'nt<JKl'rnt•n1 Jnd wt•dding rings, and frnd1111< th.11 mo\t of 1h0Sl' 1hJI you'vl' w<'n all look tht' 'arnc. in store Jflrr \tort•? Arc.• ynu also c-oncernell Jhou1 quali1y and pri< t' w h<'n choosing your diamond .met feel you may be m10,l1•d hccauH· <.'ill h s101 <' ha s a drff1•rf'nt mr1hod of compJring q11.1l11tC'<., and th<'y won't give you a guc1r.1ntt•t• th,u you arc paying a fair prild At Wyndham Ll•igh you will find a rruly CXlil ing collection of unique rings c-rah<'d in our o wn worksh op in 18 karat gold and platinum. We take the 11m1• to explain diamond qualities and prru~s. so you will know exactly what you M<' buying, and tha1 you are p.1y1n~ 1 h<' riKht price, ;ind then \Ubs1antla1<' this with a money bac k ~uarantN' Therl' Jr<' many fine jewelry stores in Orange Coun1y, but only one that spct iali1cs in df'signing and c reatin g 'the uniquc and beau1iful engagement and wt'ddlng rings found at Wyndham Leigh. Engagement rings available from $450 Wedding rings available from S 175 127 F.nh1on Island. N~pon leactt, CA t26'0 ~'" lullotkJ Wlfsh lre ' WORLD Pope meets political leaders in Spain MAl>H l l> (AP)· 1'0µ1· Juhn Paul ll dt.·p<irh'<I frn111 his pustoral m1ss1011 loch1y to nlt!t'I with pulilll•ul und m1h1ary lt.•adl·rs in whut h1• said was a show of suµport for tht· m•wly t.•lt>t•tt!d &x:iallsl govt:rnmt•nl of this heavily Roman Cutholk nuuon. But ht• also madC' what sremt'<.l un obliqut' q:.•ft•rt>m't.• tu thl' Soc.·iahsts' avowl'd s u p p o rt f o r 1 i b c· r a 11 1 l' d al>11rt1on laws and cuts in aid t 11 p u r o c h 1 a I s c.· h o o 1 s . 1ndwating tht' church would con tinue to oppose those pulll'll'S John Paul. who <."ell'bratt-d Mass Monday for 200.000 pt'Oplt• 111 tht• t'(.'ntral ci ty uf Avila, sta rtt-<l the third day of has 10-day v1s1t to Spam with a Mass for tht• dt>ad at 1h1• n•nwtt.·ry of Almudt.•na an Mudnd Nlnt·ty -thouiiand police o f f 1 t' ,; r s . ii o I d i e r s a n d voluntt'l.'~ art· prott'<·ting the Pope in Spain. but th e Amcrirnn bishop who was a t his StdP on l'Vcrv o ther foreign trip Is t•onsptl'UOU11ly absent. Bishop Paul Marc:mkus. the pontiff's burly bodyguard and key advance man, s tayed behind in Italy, where he is under 11wl'stigation in the <.'Ollapsc of tht.• nation's largest private ban k . Ban co Ambrosia nu. Mardnkus. of Cict'ro , 111., is president of thl' Vatican's own bank and p1·l'ft'l't of the Homan Cathuht· Churc h 's small city-st.alt• within Rome. Iran claims victory NICOSIA. Cyprus (AP) Iraq <."!aimed Iranian furc..·cs allcmptc..'<.l tu l'rus.'i tht• border 11110 lra4 but said massivl' air !'>I rl k I'S W l' r l' f CJ r l' I 11 g th l1 Iranians to l't'trl'at. I •.., , Orange CoHI OAILV PILOT /J'ue1day, November 2. 1982 ,\I •, Ir an t.• la 1 rn t• d I o du v 1 l rt'<'aptun.•d YO squan• mil~·s uf tl'rntory nl·ur Dc·zful tn ml- rit·h Khuz1slan provmc..·t· in a major offl·nsivt• <1ga111 s l occupying rraqi troops. A mll1t:..iry t·ommun1qUl' quoted by th c l s lnm1l' Republic..· News Agt•m·y s:.11d "many Iraqis" WNt.' k1llc..·<l 111 t h c o ff c n s i v t• 1 a u n l' h I' d Monday night and at lc..•;1s1 I Ii were takc..·n prisunt•r Had10 Baghdad said th~s morning lhat Iraqi air forn· plant's Wl'l'l' "proving their compll'tC' s uprPmacy of tht• battl1• sk1t•s." w1p1ng out Sl'Vt'rul tnlOp C'Onl'c•ntrat1uns and a largt.• numbc.•r of tanks and othl'r cqu1pmt·n1 The..• broadl'asl dt•stTibt·t.l Iranian troops as "grippt•d with parm· and l'unfus1un." Early birds line up to vott• at 7 a.m. in the Ranc ho San Joaquin Delly Piiot ll'holo bf a.cJ Amtw- ·11 ·(:tubhousc· in Irvine. .. ;, .'I ,,, B o th Iran and I raq llldll'a tt•U f1ght111g l'Ul\llllUt•d today Voters offer their opinions '• Mexico strikes continue MEXICO CITY (AP) Mo n · th<in :rn.noo strikc..•r s havt• s hut d o wn M t·x1l'o's largt>St a1rlint• and univ<.'rs1ty. seeking pay hikes to uffst·t soa ring 1nflat1o n . and a 'national labor leadt•r vowt•d n o t t o c..'xll·nd· a Nov 11 d e a d 1 1 n e f o r a g c• n e r a I walkout. STATE Then· was no end in sight t o du v t o th t· st r 1 k I's at Ml'Xll'ana a1rlinl's and th(• National Univ<.·rsitv. wh1t'h markt•d the first maJOr jOb ac.·t1on since· labor lt·ader Fidel Velazqu ez l·allc..-d for the na ti onwide s trike If businessmen refuSt-d to grant emergency pay 1rn:reases Blood disease in SF SACRAMENTO (AP) The rare blood d iscas<' con tracted bv 11 Sacntml'nto- area ch1ldre'n has also been reported in the San Franl'iS£"<> Bay area at this point. A team from the· center has spent more than thre<· W<'<'ks in Sal'ramento rollecting data and specimens .. From Page A 1 Turnbull su1d hL•r first com·C'rn was voting for a ml'asun· to blcK·k c..·ommt•rt·1al a nd r('s1dent1al development at Banning. Ranch. 'ii don't want 1t. no wa'J, nu ho w ," s ht• said. adding tht· proposed 75-at-rc· devc:lopmC'nl on the WC'st Nl·wport bluffs might ll·ad to 1nc rC'a setl traffic eongestion. Roy Nakaue. a F o untain Vallc..•y resident. said ht.· c:ardully ronsidNed a loc::a~llot measure. which would impose a sp<.>dal tax on Fountain Valley residents to pay for polit'e and fire• prote<:tion. bc.•forC' deciding to vote against it. "I read the arguments in the ballot boOk. It was pushed by all the loca l politicians -th<' dty rouncil and the police chiefs," he said. "But I've livc.-d m Fountain Valley for seven years and I don't think the Sl!rvices hefC hav.e 1mprovc_-d." Nakaut• also said ht.• was most com·crned with P roposition 15, the handgun initiativ(" "l voted ·no' on i,t b«:aust.• I thought the initiallvt• on the ballot was \I)() w eak I didn't think it was propl'rly pn•S<·ntt•d ." Fritz Sw111bach. a Huntington Beal'h mll·rior d l'signl·r. also said he dO<'s not believe tht• handgun measurt' would SU('C'f'f'd, evt·n though hl· sa1tl ht• favors gun t.·ont rol ··1 foci it will not work until we e liminate all guns." he said m explaining why he voted agamst the mea~ure. "I was parti<.-ularly 1ntcrest<.-d in getting Pete Wilson ek'<'tl'q to the U.S . Senate and in voting 'nu' on 15 and 'no' on the· nut'lear freeze," Steinbach added As for the 41uclear freeze initiative. Proposition 12. he said h e was co n cernt•d ab o ut KOCE to spotlight OC returns Orange County e lec tio n re:-turns will be the primary focus of K OCE-TV C hanne l 50's c ll'c ti o n night cove rag e bc.>ginning at 9 tonight. Chann(') 50'5 coverage will take Vll'Wers to the Orang•· County election headquarters ,11 b o th the R e publit·an and Democratic parties_ a s well as provide up-to-the-minute vote tabulations. said veteran Orapge County newsman J im Cooper. the station's vice president for community affairs. Amc..·r1c..·a's mabihty to properly -monitor Sovll't c·omphan<-e wir a frt'l'ZC'. "This 1s giving a vote o l c·unfadc·nc..•t· to Russia. not to our o wn t·ountr y." Steinb't'h c.·omml•nt<'CI. Newport Bt:<tt'h voter ·Maxine Hughes swcl thl' most import<int thing on tht• ballot to ht•r was <·nding Brown's p11lit1t'al l'arc.•t•1 ··H t· nv..1kc•s mf• s1t·k Tom Bradl ev (the Democr atic cand1datt.~ for governor) isn't that bad. but I don't thmk he would lx· a good gi,wcrnor." she said Hughe•:-also said she voted in favor of Proposition 11. which would plat'l' a f1vc .. <.·ent dPposit o n al l bot tle· and b everage contaim'rs. bct·ausl· It has workt.'<.l well in dther states and might ht•lp in d eaning up California's beac-h<•s But tht.' US Center for Disease Control in Atlanta said Monday l~ cause of the Sacramento outbreak of the disease. he m o lyt ic ur<'m1c syndrome. remains a myst(•('y The Unive rs ity o f California . San Francisco. reported Monday that there have Ix-en six to eight cases of the disease in that city in the last thrN: months. Five werC' treatc>tl at that teaching hospital. Suspect arraigned in jewel store robbery ' Solar plant dedicated DAGG F:TT (AP) Thf' world's largl'st solar-l'lc•c..'tnc· power plant. a c·ol!c·C'tion of giant mirrors surroundmg a 300-foot towc•r. brightens the· o utlook fo r a nc•w e ra o f rcnC'wablt• enc•rgy. off1c:1als say "This t<.'l:hnology 1s a p1e<>t> of Amt'nca's tomorrow." Rep. NATION Jerry Le wis. R-Calif.. said at th e: o ff1 c1a l dccl1ca11on Mo nday of the S ola r On(: power plant. The brief ccrC'mony dn'W about 500 invited guests tlJ a bluc•-and -wh1te lent pitched alongside' tht' High Ot•sl'fl power pl ant 1 2 mtlc•s southeast of Barstow. Tylenol suspect sought CHICAGO (AP) -Poht'e in llhno1s and Ke ntuck y wen• looking today for a man w11h a his tory of mC'ntal 1llnC'ss after investigators sear('hf.'d his apartnwnt and said 1t was "essential" to question him about the S<'ven df'aths from cyanide-tainted Tylenol. An all-points bullC'lin for K evin J . Mastt'rson. 35. a former Chicago-area r<'Sident, wa s i ss ued t o poli ce nationwide Monday, Illinois Attornl'y General TyronC' Fahner said. Mean while:-in Ne w ark. NJ .. a man was charged with threatening to s pike T ylenol with cyanide unless he was paid $1 00.000. U.S . Magistrate G. 11onald Haneke on Monday ordered Vernon A. Williams Jr .. who had been a fugitive in connection with a n attempted bank fraud. he ld in lieu o f $50.000 bail. A 2 1-yt.'ar-old transi<'nl was ;;':ht·duled to be arraigned ,loday 1n t·o nnt:l't1 on with a bta~c·n Noted actor }. Broderick . dies of cancer NEW llA VEN. Conn. <AP) Janws Brocil•nc..·k. who portrayt•d thl' fathl'r in ABC-TV's "f'amilv" SNlt'S in th1.· latl· I !J70s. h<ls di~·d <lftt"r o long lxlul w11h thynnd cane<.•r Ht• was 5!) Broderick dH·d Mondav at Yalc•-Nl•w lla v t•n llns p;tal . wh<.'rc· h<' had bt'l.'11 ln'atc'<I since Oc.·t 12. al'cord1 ng to hospital spc.lkesman Euge ne Cooney Born 1n Charlestown, N.H .. Brodc·riL·k appl·<irc·d 1n such mov1l'<; as "Ahc·l''s Ht•staurant" (as Alit't•'s husband Hay). "Dog Dny A fter11oon ·· a nd "The Taking of Pc·lham One Two Thr<.'1'" llis 2!1-yc..•;lf' a<·ting c:arecr also 1ndudc•d roles in thi-Broadway plays "Johnny No Trump," "~t MP lit·ar You Smilt'." "A View From thC' Brnlgt•" and ··Maggie." .. We're Listening; •• What do you like about the Daily Pilot" Whal don't you like'.' Call the numbc.>r a t loft and your mc..•ssage will ht• rc'<'ordl'<:l . transcribed and delivered to tht.' appropriate editor Tht' same 24-hour answering ser.vu:e may be used to r<"cord let h'rS to thC' C'd1tor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include lht•ir nam(' and tdephonc> number for ,·erif1cation No rirC'ulation c· a II!>. pleast' 642·6086 Tt'll us ~·hat's on your mind Diiiy,... Dehwy la Ot& •••-4 Mond•y r .,<'"Y ti you ft• not n••• your ''"""" M\' ~ )0 pm '"" bft(')'.-1 rt rt t1'd your tnp~ 11t1••J n .. _ . .,..., 5111.lfday "'rid !>urtf14) II you dO ""' '"'"IV-,n1H cop, b) 1 •"' i.'-" t1111tf0te 10 I m #'KJ 'fOV' COPY ••" lw-H ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat · Thomas P. Hal.y P11D4•<he• ond (h,~I f •e<11'"" 011,ce• Jane Amari f ',,,\J, ... ., [dtlOf L. Kay Schult1 Vice P1eto<len• """ OotKIO< of Adw•ll•4"'0 Raymond MacL.an COfltrolle• Mic~ P. Harvey o .. ec10t ot Mork.i1<>9 •C .. c1110!o0nl Kenneth N. O.ddard Jt. 0.. ec IOt ol Op..°''°"' Clu1Ki.d •d¥9f1!1ln9 1141142-5171 All OIMr dep•rtment1 642-4321 MAIN OfftCE J.JI WHI ... SI , c..-e ~ ... CA Mell -n llo• IMO. C•IO l'Nw, CA .,.,. c ... ,~ ,., o..,... , .... ~'*'"hi"' ,......,..,, · No MW\ \Mflel, 111...trellorl\. NllO<lel m..,..., .. ..... " ...... '' ..... 111 ..... be ·---....... -Wit "'"""loll .. , ...... , _,.,' robbery at a La-guna Beach j<•wl'lry store Friday aftNnoon. Meanwhile. polit't' l'Ontinue to srek a second su s pct·t who csc.·apc.·cl during the same heist at Dari Miller )cwclers. 160 South Coast Highway. M1 chat•I Chitv. 21. who earlier refused to identify himself after his arn,st near the Hotel Laguna Friday. 1s being hPld in Orang<• County Jail. Ba~as scheduled at $25.000 He was scheduled to be arraigned in South Orange County Municipal Court. He and a se<.'Ond suspt'<'t are allegl'd tu ha ve.· entNcd the jcwt•lry s tore adJa<.·ent to tht• South Coast TheatC'r at about 5 p.m . Friday. brand1 s h1n~ a .22-c-ahber rifle w ith a rollapsiblP stock The two men held l'O-uwnt>r Joseph Bechtol at bay while· they stuffed their pol'k e t s witji .)C'Welry Dan Miller. the store's other own<'r. was sitting in another part of the store, .a nd quietly called police from a phone on his desk. Police said one of the robbers, his pockets filled with nearly $3,000 in jewelry. fled the shop. leaving his ·a rmed companion_ behind. Bechtol managed to grab the gun barrel as the remaining suspect. identified by police as C hico, was all e ~ed t o be collecting valuables with his other hand. A:s BcchtoT yankeCI the rifle from the suspect, the weapon.· d ischarged . The bullet lof bc.•ncath the shop's front wind • polit'e said. T he now-d1sormc'<I suspect~n from t h e store. purs-1e~ by Bechtol. who followed him to the Hotel Laguna. He was arr4*sted by polit·e who arrivNl at $e S£.-ene a short time later. d1rt'\'1 to the• loc..·auon by Miller iAt o maintainro cont.act with offic· rs by phont>. : ! Chico 1s a I lcge d t o h(l~e dumped abol!t $I.I i5 in jew~ty in bushes adjac'ent to the hP. I. Police r(.'('OVerl.'d that jcwelr~. . Meanwhile'. 111-vcstigal'drs believe the Sl'cond susp,c:t' escaped with nearly $3.000 in valuabl<'~ i What! I A blouse for only $10? wow! Those are normally up to $34. \ Thst's·right, Buy any skirt or pant st regular price and you can get a Lady Menhsttsn blouse for just $101 Yes, but hurry because the offer Is good Wednesday Nov, 3 thru Saturday, Nov. 6 oply~ • I .. l A4 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT 11 ue1d1y, November 2, 1982 Reagan's-policies put to test By DONAL D M. ROTHBE RG Al,......Wtllet WAS HIN GTON (AP) Bombarded ror months by appeals to their hopes und (ears. Ame ricans went to the polls today to shape u new Congrt'flS a nd signal whc,hl•r tht:y art> willing to stay the l'OUrs..· with President Reagan's l'l'Onomic program. Polls opened ut dawn in muny Eastern stales and lht•rt> Wl're , varying esumall's of whPthcr the turnout for t his l'll'<:llon would reverse the downward trt:nd of the past two decadt.'S. Conflicting e<'Onomic signs - rising unemployment, dl-<.·hning interest rates and soaring stock prices -prompted R1t·hard Wirthlin. th e White llous<.· pollster. lo call the el<.'l·Uon a referendum on "whether pt'<>plt.• are going to vote tht'1r prt':.t-nt fears ... or whether they are going to vote their hopes as LO Clowning queen IUCTION82 how the Rt•agan program will work " Thl' l'ampalgn c losed Wlth De m ot.'rats conte nding tlH• Rt>publican admmistrat1011 hoi. u St'(·ret plan to try to cul S1x:1al S e c u r i l y b c n cf i ls a n d t h I' preside nt replying "thc•re's n1> truth in what they're saying." The e<.'Onomy -parlit:ularly. the 10. l percent unemployment rate• -and Social Set:urity wen~ the national issues. But many l'Ontests rould be dt><:ided by local t.'Onl'erns and voter reaction to the p e r sona l ities of th l• t·and1datcs. At stake werl' 425 HouSt' seats and 33 in tht.' Senate. Lou1s1ana's eight House seats have already bc.-en decided and selection of two of Georgia's sea ts has been delayed l:>y court challe nge:. Vutt '' 111 :rn 1111.itt·" will l'h1ic>i.t· ~11v1•1 n111 i. 1111d 111 HI will wlt'('t l1·~l,\h11111' In uddllleirl, 111111· stu11·i.. 11wlud111g Cuhfurniu, un• lwlding stull•Wlll<· rcforl•ndums on the• 11Ut'll'U I' frt•l•ze Otht•r bullut 11>.'IUl':. mdudc handgun l'Olllrul. gumblanu and a hotly l'ontt'l!lt'Cl µrnposal hl movt> the stau • t·upital of Alm1ku 580 mlleti from Juneau to Willow. about 70 mik>S Crum Anl'hornge. Tht• out< .. 'Omt:' of tht:' I louw and Sc•nutt· tontesls t.'()Uld dt.•termint.· whc tht·r President Reagan tan forge ahead with his t.'<.'onomlc progrum or will be Cort·t.'<i to cut back has goal of trimming the sire and impat.·t or the ft'd e ral govl•rnmcnt. R e p . 'tony Coelho o f Californta , ch a irman o f the Democratic Con gresslqnal Campaign Committee, said .in an interview Monday that if his party picks up 15 House seats it ..... Aft Wlrepftoto Suzanne K a y Gillespie, top cente r, 5th queen of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, liter ally clowns around with her court a s they strike a Halloween pose on the steps of Tournament Hollse in P asade na. F rom left., the HcJowns" are l)fonica Auzenne, He ather Hall, Mary Hernandez, Queen Su zanne, Shandrea Gilchris t, Dawn Wilson and Laurie Matlock. PERSONAL PROFILE S20 -.111y "°"' ·-10 -Of • .... ,'°"~' -~·· Net ••''• Newpore 8•actt C• would "dt.·tHroy tlw prt•Hldt•1H '11 t'OJhllOll •• Thi· prt·~ddt•11 1 ond Nuncy lkugura voh•cJ 111 t'uh(ornln by ub:icntc•t• lll1llut urad planned to llf)(•nd clt'<.·tlun nl~ht ut ttw Whitt.' lloull(' following tht• rNurns with t op adm1n11Hrallon aldt>s a nd pollticul udv11it'rs. Vice Pn·sident Gcorgo Bush campulgncd M o ne.J ay for Republican candldat(•B In TC'xus. The Democrats must pick up fjve seats to 1"1Jllln th.c: m ujorl ly they lost In Hi80, a prospect purly chairman Ch arles T . M a n a tt concedes is "remote." Sea search conducted for copter ,RANCHO PALOS VERDES (A P) -A Cp as t Gua rd helicopter ana tw o t.'U tlcrs searched early today for another helicopter that was reported down and sending distress signals in fog-shrbud<.-'d walt'rS o re Point • Vicente. A citizen reporwd S<.'('mg thc dislr<.'SS signal. sheriff's deputies said . "We're out .there looking around but they havc>n't spotted an ything yt't," Coast Guard- Petly Gffa~r Pat Gallagher -said. - The search effort t'Ont·entralt.>d on an area one mile south of Point Vicente -28 mtfos south of Los Angeles -indudlng the Cutter Point Camdt'n a nd a smaller cl.Jtter as well as a rC'SCUl' helicopter. Gallagher said. Ty le nol man Ve rnon A. Williams Jr., le ft, is escorte·d into feileral "courrhouse m Ne wark, N. ., b y federal agents. William~, 34, was charged with sending a letter threatening to distribute poisoned T ylenol if h e wasn't 11aid $100,000 (see story, Page A3). Director l(ing Vidor dead PASO ROBLES (AP> King Vidor. whOS<' 34 y<!an. as a mov1c din·(·lor spa nned Ho llywood 's transition from silent Calms to talklC's and brought realism to the sc:rcen's fantasy world. as dead at age 87 V1dur's c:rc•d1ti. 1nc:lud<.· the origi na I 1931 Vl'rs1on of "The Champ," wllh Wallal'<.' &'<:ry a nd J a c: k 1 l' C o o p c r . a n d • · T h t• Fountamht'ad" 111 I 94K starring Cary Cooper ~ Ayn Rand's rc:'bt•I art.'h1tt'i.'l. His C'arcJiolog1sl, Dr Stanley HofCman . pronounn·d Vidor dead a1 7::rn a.m Monday after ht' was t.·alled to V1dor·s 1:18-acrt.• Willow Cn·ck ranch an tht' rolling seaside hills halfway betw~·n Los Angcles and San f'ran<.·1sc.'O "I k JUSI died quietly at home:· l loffman said. "His heart just got old." V1dor·s films frequcntl y tkp1t•tt·d the lives of ordinary mt•n and women. ln a r<.'f.•l•nt interview, he said: ··Wht•n I arrived in Hollywood. th1·n· .was a sort of unreality ahou1· films. a falseness. The ac:11on was overdo n e. The mi.lkl'Up was overdone. There was no t'Onricctlon~ with reality." A f1vl'-time Oscar nominee, Vidor never received tha t l'OV\'tt'C.I sl<.ltU('lle as best dirC"Ctor. Bui m 1979. the Academy of MollQn Picture Arts and Sciences gi.lvt· hjm a special award with an mSl'.npuun c1ung "his lifetime Jt:h11.·v1.'mcnts as a cinematic l'rl'i.llor and innovator" Amt•n can critics tended to bclllllt• his achievement until late in h is car eer , but he was a fuvori tt.•. m Europe. His 1955 version of "War and P eace" playt>d m Mosco"': for six months. Jn 1979 the Moscow Film f estival award'ed him the "Russian Oscar.'.'· B or n F eb . 8, 1895 , in Galv<.'ston , T e xas. Vidor abandon<.'d has family's lumber a nd hardware business after worki n g as a local movie pro~cuonist. He and his first wife• Florenee -later a noted s1IC'nt screen actress -arrived m Hollywood an thC'1r Model T Ford with 20 t'ents and no job prO!>pcct.-.. NOTICE OF SCOPING P9fm0tma1 S,-.tern• lnl•natJonea CerUfled ••lltawler. ••••••••· , Ca reer, llartl•t• a rtd Clllld C-Otouol (714) 840-1268 ~,ingJoiut The Coun ty of Orange, Environmental Hanagemf'llt Agency will conduct a •coping meeting to help duenai.ne the topics to be covered in the environmental lmpact re~o~c to be prepared for the propoaed Laguna/Laurel Planned ~11111unity. .../ "' RA881TT INSlltANCE 441 Old ... wpot1 Blvd. ... wpot1 a.ec:h, Ca. l31-n40 • Mon.-Fri. 5:45 p.m. KWVE FM-108 JOll IE Ill YOTlll& FOR (8.1 l&EE (8.1 HIRT (8.1 HEITHER .(8.1 LOATS Vote NO on HERPES A fllm-llluetrated lecture by DR. WILLIAM H. WICKETT, JR . . T111nt11r, l1w11111ttr 4 1:10 , .... Heritage Room, UntveraltyCenter Free Lecture. The publlc 11 Invited. For. Information, call (714) l33:«t79 - ' ' • • I I . ' ' ' \ I 11 I I): .. I \ ' I \ : ' • ~~~ Outpatient Recovery Service For ·Alceholism/Chemical Dependencies • JCAH ACCREDITED • STRON G AA INVOLVEMENT • COUNSELING SERVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE • FINANCING The ma1orlty of HEALTH INSURANCE pohctes will cover all or part of the treatment for alcoholism chemical dependency SER VING A LL ORANGE COUNT Y The ElR wi ll cover the study area which la located along Laguna Canyon Road oughly belween the San Diego rreeway and £1 Toro Road. The project proposes 3200 dwell ing unite , golf course, counercial, and open apace uaea on the 2150 acre alee. The •eatings are scheduled to afford opportunity !or the public to learn about the proj~cc ., to advise rhe County-as to the f~sibillty of t.h• projec-t, and ita anttcipated environmental impac ts. The County shall con•lder ell written comments rec(',ived in response co the scoping n·ot lce ind at t he acoplng meeting in deciding t he issues thal will be covered in the £1R to be prepared. Failure to participate in the scopioR process or t o coanent on the scope and content of the envirorunental document ehall be contider•d agree11ent with the project diacr iption, list of possible significant environmental impacts and other scoping lllatt ers contained in thie notice on which no comaent ia received. An Initial Study (£nvlro1111ental Asaesament) has been completed on the Laguna/ Laurel Planned Community and it is bellev~t develop111ent of the project in the s tudy area wi ll, or •ay have an 1apact on the following environmental factora: earth, air, water, biological, ,ultural/acJentiflc resources, natural resourcea, aesthetics. land u51!, tran1~ortatlon/circulatlon, housin~, recr eation noise and public services and facilftiea. The Initial Study and ' t I other project infoniation ts avatloble for inapectlon at the County s Environ- aental Hanagement Agency, Envtro11111entol Anelysia Division, 12 Civic Center Plaza, RoOlll 280, Santa Ana, California. Written and oT•l etatements from any interested pereona or group regarding the propo1ed project will be received at the £1R scoping meeting for entry into the officla.l tranacrlpt. Written com111ents on environmental concerns to be covered in tlie EIR w111 be accepted unttJ 4:00 P.H., Nove•beT 19, 1982. Com- aent1 and any queationa on the Laguna/Laurel Planned Co111111unlt y EIR should be ---------------------------------sent to Hr. Daniel L. Fricke, EMA-Envi ronmental Analyais Division, •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.O. Box 404H, Santa Ana, California 92702-4048. llm 0.,. 1M Ult CllaMI IO ... ..., ,.. .,. ...... ..................... W.1l111t he ftm Ult IOGI .................. " .... D1•111nte 0..,. 01DtJ ........ ............... > •. Oran&• Oounty llection llelulb LOO A Tl()N/TIME ft .. IMMne 0 -'tlllOft HH tlne "OOlft 'O OlwlG O•J'ler ftlau lan1a ""•· Calffonlla Discover what's cooking along the Orange Coe.st In the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Dec.a In the t . .~ 0 ' T~I~ l:llRIJ ..o....-----~---""!"9'----~-..... ...-----------.:...---.:-....;. ____ o_ru_n..;;g;.;.•_C_o_aa_•_o_A_1L_v_P_1L_o_r_1_1u;.;;•.;.•d;;;.;•~Y,;.,;· N;.;.o;;;.;v.;.•m;.;.;;.w;.;..;;2;.;. • .;.1t;.;e;.;2-.._..;.;;~ -'M uildy polities' • Ill state races flayeil Statt> Senate Mojorlty I..c ud1•r John Oaramendl. saying pollucal "h it piece" mailers have• blx'Onw "a plagut" o n our pollta<·al system,'' ca.mt! lo Orangl~ County Monday to say h<' will ~ck u le&islatlve cure (or the problem Accompanied by 32nd Dlstru.:t State Senate candldah! Frank Barbaro. Garamendl, a Democrat. made it clea r both b y• the appearance and his statcmt.>nts that .he considered Ed Royce. Barbaro's . Republican opponent, a major offender. Royce has ac.-cused Democrat Barbaro of spreading' lies about his (Royce's) stands on Issues in Barbaro mailers also. Garamendl proposed creation ol 1.1n impurtlol board whll'h WOUid, Wl\h ltw l'Ol'\lk'nt Of thf' c1.1ndldul~'!C 111 a rm: •, n vll'W all comp lgn m11wrlnl prior to ha rclllasc nd place a l't'COgnlzable "sc.'ul of approval" o n 11 11 lltl·ruturc deemed devoid o( raise-hoods a nd distortion~. T he Walnut Grove lawmaker snid hl• would lend.,.,&.l'Ut (igb• Cor such lt>glsla\ion if Barbaro is not elected to the Senate. but that Barbaro will do so IC elected. Both Democrats Implied lhal, though the screening would not be compulsory, failure of a condidatE' to submit to it l'OUld becom an issue in l~IC if the program is passed and works properly. Su c: h a r 1• v If' w • • w o rl' I 1•llm111atl• h1m.l-hll\m.i plt'l'\'11, hut It will l'l•rtulnly ••lln11111tt1• thl' kind of llt'i thut art• l>t•ina put out" by some• cand ldMH'll , Onram(lndl 11ald Goranwndl .uld this Yt't1r's campaign Is thl' "(ruhlt.·~t" he can rt'mt•rnbt>r and that ta<•llcs u..'W:.'<.I ln iOmc .. mallt.>ni havC' "hit un ull · tlml' tow," He retcrTed to Orange• County as th" b Ir th p I a cc>' of au c: h campaigns in the llUite und to the But.chcr-Fordc consulting firm of Newport Beach. which was at the centPr o C a storm ov er Republican J ohnnie Crean's tactics in the 43r•d Congressional District race, as ''the Darth Vader of polll1cul udvttrthdng" V11dc•1 I lhl• Wl•ll known villi In or ttw "Su1r Wua-." fll11u Garam<>nd1 said tho\ Rutc:h1.•r· Forde 0Hk•1u!Ji how pruptl*..-d u Sy&\Cm thut gOC.'8 l'Vt'rl OOyond hi.a own In rt'fJlOnJW> to ouwrl 1tbout the t e n or o r lhl11 year 's campaigns. Thut 1y11t('m woµld lnclud~ I.I notutiun on the ballot indicating whether thl• candidate had allowed his mu\Qriul to be reviewed by the• proptllK'd board, he said. Both GaramC'ndl and Barbaro said they hove begun to hear very negative comments from v o ters about l ow -b low campaigns. Garamendi said the avoidance of real issues \ha t &l'l'ompanlc•• •uch c.•1unP41lln• "hu1 b\-conac• rt•pugnunt lO th<• popul0<•t•," whtll• &rbero added t.hut lll'Vl'rul pt>ople huvt! told him tht'y urc "very. very, Vl'ry turned o!f" by thl' methods. / Drrt y cam,palgn Uctlcs "ultimately are going to destror, this whole proc.'CSS or democra1.-y . unlcsff controlled, Garam~ndl said. The two said they w~re a nnounci ng their Intentions Mo n d ay. a day befor e the e lc<:t ion , because they had decid<'d last week to do so if, after monitoring the flow o f last-minute mailers. they saw widespread use of dirty tacti<.'s. f r unk Barbaro 11:1'1 111: !(j 1'N -• j()q Trallsit-Cuth_acks fought .. .. ,~~\ .. l•1"> I "J'!I If' , Orange County Transit District patrons who rely on Dial-a-Ride, express and local bus service made s trong pleas Monday to prevent $1.8 million in route cutbacks due to ridcn;h1p and ~ shor.L£a11s. Many of the s peake rs who testified at a public hearing in Garden Grove repr esented ' elderly and handicapped people who use the Dial-a-Ride vans as their principal means o t transportation. · Saturday Dial-a-Ride service would be terminated under the cutback plans and w ee"kday operations would be trimmed by an hour. Also protesting the cost-cutting measures were severa l south Orange County residents who depend primarily on express buses either to get to work or school in the north part of the county on weekdays. Cypress residents spoke out against proposed s erv ice reductions in· their community also. OCTD directors -afte r listening to more than two hours of testimony -dela)C~ taking any action on. the propos'cd cutbacks until their Nov. 15 meeting. Recommended for elimination are four local routes and seven • express routes. for elimination are Lme 201 (San Clemente to Fullerton), Line 202 (San Clemente to Orange), Line 2U4 (Fullert on to Newport Beach). Line 206 (Newport Center to Mission Viejo). Line 208 (Costa Mesa to Anaheim) Line 209 (San Clemente to Fullerton), and Line 29 l (San Clemente to Santa Anit>· The pro posed tt('duc tlo ns would save the district $1.8 million in operating ~sts, trim 76,000 se rvice h ours and eliminate 966,000 service miles from yearly bus schedules. Transit officials estimated the curtailments -including the Dial-a-Ride cutbacks -would a ffect only two percent of OCTD's ridership. But representatives of that group complained l o udjy Monday that other alternatives could be considered that would spare. their r oute s fr o m extinction.-f-.-- Celia Cutcher, a Capistrano Beach resident who uses Line 209 to get to Cal State UOiversity. Fullerton. wJ\~r e she is a graduate s tudent, urged the board to reconsider scrapping the express line. qta.I·a·Ride servke, our findings s n ow abo ut 800 presen t passengers will be impacted," said Karl Cornell of Huntington Beach. Cornell, vice chairman of the ,,,~ - ~ -Order not pi~ture per-feet Transportation Committee oC the By PAT HOROWITZ Orange County Senior Citizens ofttM DellV Piiot •••ff /' Council. said that nearly 30 DE AR PAT: I ordered $51.93 worth of percent of the 800 Dial-a-Ride pictures Feb. 4 from Benne tt-Graf Inc. in users are senior citizens and 24 Miami. Partial delivery was made April 9, · pcicent are handicapped people. April 29 and May 8. I wrote May 19 asking that ' "ln ·oth er words," he told the remainder of my order be canceled and aent Agency Act and the Private lnvt."Stigator and AdjyS10r Act. It develops rules and regulations in the licensing of collection agencies, private investigators, private l'atrol operators and their uniformed employees. independent insurance adjusters, independent reposwssors and alarm companies and their employees. _ board 'members, "you will be back all-of dte-picturea I'd received. I was elrlmihnating service for 52 percent dissatisfied with their quality and the service _ .Jew"eJart bankrupt o t e passengers wbo need was not prompt, .as guaranteed in the _ transportation the most." ... d ti t I k d f f 11 f d In t d a ver semen · as e or a u re un · s ea • . DEAR PAT: J ordered ~ necklace and two Cornell claimed that cutting an J l d th b I f d J •• I rece ve e a ance o my or er une ''"'" rings several months a...10 from J ewela'rt in Van hour either at t"'e be~innin~ or ·1 d it b k i di t I d t th • 5 1' maa e ac mme a e Y an wro e ano er Nuys. My check was cashed, but my order never end of Monday through Friday · letter requesting a refund. I haven't beard arrived. I 've written several letter s o• service, as curre'ntly proposed, ~ thi I ., any og n response. complaint tbat baven~t been answered. Help! ''would e liminate the highest c F S t A a • · ., an a n K .. E., Huntington Beach productivity periods of present B G (' k 'd enne tt· ra s spo eswoman sat your · S orry, but J e w e l a rt has ...L..-Jared Dial-a-Ride operations." f d be' 'led b l · u"'"" B efo re Monday's public re un was mg ma1 . utnoe~p anauonwas ban~ruptcy. Your only recou~ is to Cill out a OCT oHered for the unsatisfactory quality oC the "proof of claim form," available at any stationery hearing. D General Manager h h I · · James Reichert said the cutback's P otos or t e ong pr<><.'eSSmg ume. store. lnclude the company name, Jewelart. and in bus and Dial·a=Ride service DAl-ing with a loc$1 Cilm processor can be the We .number, LA 82 12499RO. on the form. much easier, quicker an\i worry-free, especially . Mail it with copies of your complaint '"'""'rs and were necessar y afte r first · 'f bl '-· t h t l't ~ . I h d h .1 pro ems occur w11en at comes op o o qua I y. fJroof of purchase (copy of canceled check) to: quarte r s tattst cs s owe t at ridership and):>aSSenger revenues-Repossesso g · .s. ~nkruptcy Court, Rootn 906, U.S. Court -• r r1pe House, 312 N. Spring St .. Los Angeles 90012. were both lower than expected. ~ According to the first quarter DEAR PAT: Where can I complain about statistids, actual ridership totaled what a ppear s to be ver y unprofessiobal • • Got 8 problem'! Th;n write to 7.9 million passengers from:July conduct by a repossessor? · ~-i Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red rape. through September. The current · N.O., Santa Ana -getting tlfe answers and action you (I·.,,.,,., vear budnet however i's Contact the State Bureau of Collect1'on "'"""' "" • • ..,.. nee d t o sol ve inE'quities in predicted on ridership of 8.3 and lnvestigatlve Services by writing to 107 S. gov~rnment and business. Mail your questions miUton during the first. quarter. Brqadway, Los Angeles 90012, or by phoning to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange (213) 620-2947. PO & C M '"About halC of o ur budget The bureau administers the Collection CQast Daily Pilot, . . x 1560. osta esa, --• • : • I • • • • I ' ~ I , • ~ I ' • I • • : I I • • ' . . • T -• . ~ . • I ' t )I The I oca I r o utes f a'c i n g ter~nation include Line 71, a route-' from Bue na P ark to Huntington each via Valley View Street, and Line 93, which runs through Laguna Hills and Miss.ion Viejo. L ynn McVey, a Cal State administrator wbo lives i,n Laguna Hills. recommended that expr ess Lines 20 l and 209, se parate San Clemente to Fullerton runs, be combined into one trip in the mornings. thus saving money. The" pro posed Dial-a-Ride cutbacks, however, triggered the strongest objections at Monday's hearing. comes from local sales taxes," the CA. 92626. pneral man~H~id ."T~~~~========~=========~=~~=~==============~ taxes are coming in at lower •••••••••••••••••••••1,...-----------------------. I J ~ The express routes proposed • "If you eliminate Saturda)f amounts than expected because of a drop in retail sales due to the sluggish economy." BENSON & HEDGES . . - .. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. · Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ,, . , j Fine dining. 3801 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA 1714) 760·~1 'i Buy the P'ocket Computer Model PC-1 and Get a $29.95 Cassette Interface ~'t No Extra Charge \!'.;,,£!\ ••••• ' ~-~~--,-"Pocket Col1lputer PC-1 • U.. the Pc·1 (c.t. No. 2WI01) for Buelneu, Science, Engineering Problem• • Bonus C•Mtte lnlerfW (2ta3803) Leta You U• Our A••"J.-to-Run PC-1 . loftw•re-Juat Add • AIHtte Recorder • ProgNmmeble In beY-tO-Lwn UllC- 8tON Progr8ml lftd o.ta on Cealett• mn:mml A DIVlllON OI TIMIOY ~ION MICIS MAY Vl#f'I AT INOCV• ' ' And C11111tte Interface 1 95 Ill IT AT·~= NEAREIT RADIO ITORI, COMPUTIR Clll1U OR MRTIMTIH DIALER - I ( • • I • • , ' ' --' . . . t , t ............... ___,,...,_. /l ., f ~t ~, --i· I • • ( : ~~ )i I f i I . ' I f • • I • • I • _t . ~ ,\8 Orange Co II OAILV PILOTITue1d1y, November 2, 1082_ Fear of the disabled clouds huriian values F t: a r a n d p fl' j u d i cc u rt.• insidiou s cle ments. They . obscurc dear thinkin~ <tnd unfortunatcl)'., they often gN in the way o f basic huma nity . Tha t 's w ha t st>e ms to b e happening in Irvuw , whe re angry residen L<; have fi led sun to Block a n o n -p ro C1t g r oup's plan t o purchase three houses as "homes" for developnw ntully disabled persons and their houseparents. S utto n Ex tt• n d c d C-a rl' Services wan tt•d lo plirchasc two homes in Grt!t'ntret• ahd on t• in Deerfield . But thc homeowners associations in th C' t w o trac ts havl• fi led a s uit in S upe rio r Court chargi ng that housing six di sa bl e d p e r son s a n d t w o ho usepare nts in l'at'h home v i- o la t e s b a s ic: r es1dc n t-i.a l u s e g uidelines. One of the problems with th1s- project is tha t S utton d id not a lC'rt th ~ h o m eo wne rs associa tions before they started prcx·eedings to p urc h a se the hom es. S utto n claimed the reason for that was time. That may be. but it is truly • unfo r t u n a t e. It give s th e a ppeara nce of having tried to "put one over" on thl' homeowners. At last Tuesday 's City Council meet in g. h o m e owners a ngrily d e cla r e d t h a t location of t h e facilities in thl'ir n eigh borhoods would knock as much as $15,000 off their property values. This is debatable, to say the least. Com munity homes for the 4' . d evelopmc ntolly disablt•d arr n r e s u l t o f m o r <' e n 11 g h t t.• 1w d treatment in the las t 10 ytmu. Ma n y of tht.•sc 1.wople cun llvt• ha ppy, pnxJut·tlve livcg if g lwn t h c o p po r t u n i t y t o P s c u p <' ware housin8· And as for h a ving SU(.'}' o house as neigh bors. The f'c wilT tx· no loud parties or traCfic in and out. Becau se these a rc s p ecial people, their h ouseparents have them under bNter control than most of the ne ig hbors h ave their own kids. · And fina lly , the suit probably 1s destined to Cail. A state a ppeals court ha~ n.-cently ruled that six- person·homc.-s for the handicapped satisfy reside ntial guidelines. So le t's leave pro perty values for a moment and consider human ' values. Most of these people w ant de5perately to learn, to gro w and t o b e accepte a:-""Wha t a n ice welcom e the people of Irvine are · pre pa(iog for them. What a.,. · e xtlmple for the youth of Irvine to emula te as they mature ., N a ture h as give n thl'm different abilities much as some o( us h ave diffe re nt skins . Mora l persons do not judge the ir fellows b y s kin colo r . It is e qually r e pug na nt to judge b y o the r external a ttributes. · We wo uld urge some human ch a rity o n the ho m eowne rs of Irvine. Tl)eir property values a re safe. a nd acceptance oC their new ne ighbors might wellenrich their lives. . - 'Show' goes on and on T h e longest-running show on Hunting ton Beach televis ion soon m ay be over -or at 'least cut shorter -and it has nothing to do with TV ratingg, What..it has to do with is the running time of the "show " itself. t h e Hun ti n gto n Bea c h Cit y Council meetings . Th e c ab l e t e l ev i s i o n compan y's employees who put the last two meetings on the tube for local view ers are suffering from burnout after only two sessions. But the sessions, starting at 7:30 p .m ., laste d unti l w e l l a f te r e x h a u stion h a d set in, t h e e mployees said. T he final gavel was dropped at 1:30 a.m. on both CX'Casions. No t o nly has th e questio n been raised as to whethe r this is good te le vis io n (pro bably not, after more than five consecutive hou rs o f stalic-camera video), but also w hether o r n ot anyone would b e ~a tc hi11g .the local ca ble ch a nne l a f te r 1 o 'clock in the morning. . The L.aguna B each cable system a pparently some time ago made the jud gmen t ca ll on that ''sh ow biz" d ecis ion : Laguna's cable cameras covering the City Counc il m ee tings go d a rk a t midnight. In Irvine , t he d ecision has been even more hard-nosed. It has long been accepted procedure for the Irvine City Council tc>-end its meetings at midnight, presumably even if the television "sh ow" ends in mid-c1is is. • (Actually, the Irvine counci l's o fficial age nda. copies of which are availa ble prior to each session . explains that the council will take stock oC items s till to be acted upon a t 11 p.m. and w ill determine if the re is enough time to finish business before midnjght. Item s no t h a ndle d b y that ti_m e a r e continued to a future ~ion.) The counc il curre ntl y is e xperime nting with an even earlier m eeting time -t'Onve ning a ti 6:30 p .m. a nd using 11 p.m . as the manda tory stopping time. This means th a t the "inventory" is taken at 10 p.m . But b ack to Huntington Beach and the "telethon" that left a couple o f volunteer camera operators telling t~ir bosses that they wouldn't come back unless the council m eetings could be te rmin ated by 11 p.m. or so. S e rine Arnold, program manager for the cable company , Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems Inc., explained that the operators "stand in one spot the entire six hours and they can't move or take the ir hands off the camera." , She said paid staffers who covered the two meetings put in, in e CCect , two eight-hour shifts because of regular duties and the ultra-long council meetings. T hey didn't report to work until noon the next day. With a ll this drama behind the cameras, could it be hoped that. the "show" in front of them soon could be k e pt shorter, eve n if it ~an't be made mo~ exciting? Opinions expressed in tile space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone l714> 642·4321. L.M. Boyd/Perfect physique To be perfectly pro portioned physically, a man ought to weigh 28 pounds for every {ooto{ his height, So contends a Ne w York City bone specialist. If lt'Ue, a six-footer ought to weigh 168 pounds. Sounds a bit slim? Make it 30 pounds for every foot. To that list of colorful phrases to deecribc the mentally suspect, pleate add these doubles: "He's-two bubblet off plumb." "He's got two wheel.a in the sand." "He's two .brick.a short of a k>ecl... ' ,,, Meat packlng Is only the third la~l induau,> in Green Bay, Wla. Ir the Green Ba£:ckers had been named after t e larant lndUJtry, ttwy'd be iM Bly~. II they'd bMn named Afitt Jhe maoDd tarpst Industry. they'd be the Grfft\ Bay Toilet Paper Makers.' ORANGE COAST • • lallJPllt Sign on a {armer's gat e ; "Everybody pn this property 11 a vegetarian exoopt our dog." Four out of five publiahed booka are financial failures. Beer drinkers ditfer on this matter; Some say you should pour lM brew Into a chilled glall to.pt Just. the right head on it. Others ineiat you always drink the beer from Its origln3l container to pretcrvt' the.flavor. Some wise 10ula coat the interior of their car's trunk lid with luminous paint. Then If they break down on the road night, the raiM!d trunk Ud terYn u a brtaht. wamin1. 'I.be P1larim1 ate lobster to 1tay allvf', true. but they prefe~ to eat eela. n.-P.tWey ~ .......... l..c ..... ldltol .......... '¢ fO-oGI ,. ... ,..... MiCar,,. • M-... fdlfcll • I ' II t ' ·0et1ders KDigcst-w1~E Go S'TICK If I~ iHt N~~~EI • • • Blueprint for -a Will ID '84 Tht• l'Ondidates tor orfil'(' St'l'111l'(.f lo Ix> hoving so much fun trying to kill each other with television t.'Ornmcrcluts that ,I've ~cdd<."<J to r un for office myiwl{ In 198<1 . In light of this dc.icision, I'm-asking each and l'very one of you to make a small sacrifil-e in th<' interests or better • government and mail me $1 0,000 sn that I <.·an st.a rt a campaign fund. It's 11ll!gal to l'Ontribute more than $1.· 000 to any one person's campaign, so you'll have lo find some way to work -this out. Chc.-ck around and l~arn how it's b<•ing done by others. You might <:onsult o ne of your local P olit ical Ac tion <:;o mmittces. known familiarly a s "PACS." IF ONLY 25.000 of you• r~pond to this a ppeal for camp aign funds, it will provide• us with $25 million, with which I 'M bu y my fi r st two 30 -second ·comm<'rcia ls on ne twork telev1sion . Through the~ commercials, I hope to make my position as well known to America~ Preparation H. Because you have a right to know where 1 stand on the L..sues before you commit $10.000 to my campaign, I'll give you a preview of tile two m mmercials . Herc art• the scripts. (CA NDIDATE DR ESS ED IN BUS INESS S UIT WIT H VEST IS S E E N ST ANDIN G BEHIN D IMPORTANT-LOOKIN G DES K BEHIND HIM ARE S HELVES FULL OF IM PORTANT -LOOKING BOOKS, BOUND IN RED LEATHER.) "Good t•vening. I'm Andy Rooney, the M1ddk··of-tht•-RoacJ Rarty's cand1daw in ~fiiK important election. "Arr you familiar with the vot ing n.><·ord of my opponC'nt? Do )'OU know wherco.hc stands on crime, fo r insta nce1- "My opponC'nt is in favor of <:rime. He has supported l'rlm<' .in the past and will I~"' -.l-Qf-RD-01-IY-....... ~ l'Ontanue 10 do so 1{ r<'·clected. For more than 40 years now, evt•r since I was :lO. I have bcon against crime. "Taxes. My oppon<.'nt seems to feul that the solution to every problem 1s higher taxes. If you want hig her ta>ws . vote for my opponent. "My opponent thmk.s the l'ich arc an underpr ivileged class. He's against \he workingman He hates farmers. He's never been seem m church and he locks t1is dog out at night even when it's cold. "T his is where I stand and I hope I can look forward to your support on EIN:tion J:?::iy... . That's the fi rst l'OmmC'rcial. If it runs a llt1lc longer \han 30 seconds, I may take out the part about the dog. Here's the. Sl'COnd script prepared for me by the same adverllsln~ agency th'lt writes them Cor my opponent. (CJ\NDIDATE IS FOUND SITTING O N THE CO UCH 11'\1 A MODEST LI VING HUOM INTERVIEWING AN ACTOR, A N ACTRES S AND TWO ClllLD ACTORS. 1'HEY ARE POSING A S THE TYPIC AL AMER ICAN FAMILY OJ<~ GEORGE AND BETTY MO RGAN.) ANDY: I'm here today with George Morgan and has wife, Beuy. How are things going. George? GEORG E. Terrible, Andy. I've been out' of work for an hour and 20 minutes. I can't make the p31ments on any of our cai:s and the man won't come .and clean 1Jur swimming pool be<:·ausc I stjll owe him for lusl time. ANDY: How are you going to vote this year, Georgi/! GEORGE: You 'r e th e k i n d o f leadership we need ·in Amcrac·a. Andy. You're hones t. forthright, fa ir, hard- working. eusy-going. patriotic and you go to chur<:h Easter. You're goingto lower taxes, ra ise Social Security ben~flls, cu t 1n'flat ion a nd re duce unemploymen t. -~- CH I L D AT TABLE: I'm hung r y, Mommy BE'ITY MORGAN: Hush, Linda. We can't have dinner unttl ·Mr. Rooney is l'i<'<:ted and gets the econom y goi ng again so Daddy can get a job. ANDY. Thanks for invi ting me into your homl'. George and Betty. You're good Am<'m·ans Good Americans will be voting for me this Election Day. .. · T h ·e p r e c· e d i n g p o I 1 t 1 c a I announcements have been paid for by the Comml tll>e to Elect Andy Rooney. Letters to the-editor ffitemp oyment blame misplaced To the F.dnor: Top labor leaders are expounding·toud ·and long with the big he m trying to blame Prcsid~nt Reagan for all of the • high present unemployment pi:_oblems .. When the U.S. steel worker is being paid approximately $27.50 per hour w ith fringe benefits, the J a pa nese s teel worker $12 ~ hour and the German steel worker $15 per hour according to recent published figures. and our import doors wide open, pl us comparable overseas wage scale differences in hundreds of other industries such as e le c tro nics, tex tiles, s h oes. e tc . etc ... how can. U.S. companies expect to sell their products and keep their plants open and workers employed? In addition. how about losing our automotive and other manufacturing businesses to foreign companies due to o u r p a s t poor planning. pl a nt modernization, e ffi ciency, design, fue>I e<..'Onomy, Ne.? Still many of the Democrats and labor leaders are falsely blaming Beagan for these serious problems when the truth as that these same wage scale-import patterns have been in ~peration under Dcmocra t ·controlled congresses and administrations for many of the past years and have caused the closing of many U.S. plants, sent many businesses ove~~ and have wlped•out the jobs of hundreds o{ thousands of U.S. workers. Let's be honest and place the blame where i t · rightfully belongs and that is nt.>1 on Reagan's back, but rather let us give him credit for trying to rectify this inherited d iff icult pro ble m of unemployment and economics. BYRON GlBBONS Funding copiers To the Editor: l\J. a resident of Huntln1tor1 Beacl;\ for 20 years our city omcta\a have long bcc-n a tource of embarruameni. Althou1h this last concernln1 Fu tu re HB· HellcoptPra (Dally Pilot 10·7-82) 11 un~U.vable. Huqt1n1t on Beach rHldents are fortud•t• to ha¥e euc:h an eUecuve -Pollce Orpertmena..Ofi.n th~ mt>n arl' called upon '° plac. t~lr Ill• on the lbw to pro1ec:t our ptnOna and/or property. Thank you HBPD. we a ppreciate the ~ job you are dolna. . Yet three of our council membt'l'll vo~ apt"" IUc:h an •ff«tiw pttrol u W ~I\ la Oftl)' «JildilOl'I ...,.. that htlli'optln e.n CDWI' a.,. MWI fMt« thM~unl-May_ar Mandk: •ya. ''Other C'fU.. don't haYe ihlm and they don11 haw a hlaMi' en. Nie." H•. didn't menuon that ,, MAILBOX when air assistance is needed they call cities with the helicopters for aid. He alo;o neglected to say most of those citl~ are smaller, their boundaries not taking in the large area that Huntington Beach aoes.. Mandie. says In the-article. "There Is pressure from the public not lo raise . fees," and th()S(.>. council members want 1 to start by dropping our police helicopter service. SEEMS A good starting place was the substant(al raise the council voted the City Adminjatrator, City Attorney, City Cle rk. and the m selves (co uncil me mbers). This at a time whe n Huntington Beach residents, as all over our country are a t a n a ll t i m e unemployment high! • HB City Administra tor C ha r les Thompson. is quot.eel as.saying "It Is not in the picture to continue the way we've been going," '1though Mr. Thompson's raise must have been in the picture; he accepted It. Several of our neighboring cities decided enough is enough. and didn't let their city oWcials add to their pay ch ecks while dropping an important public service. Mandie also sa,id, "We could put more policemen on the streets." It would take a Jot of omccrs' salaries to cover the same areas a helicopter does, and that's cutting ~t. Gome on Mayor! All th extra salaries plus that raise money uld be a good start on a fund for our much needed helicopter service. People, are we going to i t.and up and make our city oHiclals eut the Cat out, or t?c one oC those cities that have to call and wait our turn for air assistance? Our city oUicials arc among some of the h ighest paid m Orange County. MJt AND MRS . J .L. HANSEN Prosress costly · Tu t ht.' 1-:cli tor. On Od 13. thl' Pl lot had • iwt of s torie" ft'& tu rt na 1 ht" problem11 of lrwr(-a!l<-d t'OSl.JI In mt-dldnc in St'CUun C. At tht' samt• tlmf'. S(•vt•ral pMg«'• of St•<'t1 on A rclat<'d tu advanl't'I of nwdidnf'. Th4.•• •P"l·l(l(ally 1ndudro a 11 tury uf " te~n·•Fr Wtth a runthot wuund, anoth<'r story rcl1t.t>d t o r1•plat·emc.•nt of ac-vt•rc•d Arltlll of two tt'C'n·at(t•ra. artlcll'tl un pc>nllt' Implants ro r mo1h1 impotc•nu. hf'art attat'k trN\lrn<'nt ond •nothl"r artlele nivHhng a •Pf't'UK'Ular JX"l't ... ntaF or CUl'ft In nc-w u·t•atment ~f .Hod11kln'1 0...-. ........ ir... • ..-. .... --, .. , ....... ,_... ... ..,, .......................................... . _.. ........... ~ ................. .. , ... ..---~ ............... ""' .. .................. ,, """"'"" ,_ ......... ,..,, C!..."' ........... """' -· .. lllJP .......... . ...... _,.... ..... , .. ,_,.., ......... ... werllM ............ Tht' irony of t-h('S{' two sets of art1des shou ld bl' obv ious. MC'd1,c·a l cure ·is, ad,m1 ltl•d ly. mor<' _expen sive tha n in yt•ar:. p;_1st hut we are also abll' to do a whole lot more for people ALAN V. ANDBEWS. M.D Animal cruelty To th(• Editor: On Saturd ay Oct. 16 w hat<.' driving so uth o n the N e·wpo r t Freeway approat'hmg the F.dinger onramp, I saw a man pull on the freeway wi th two black Labrador dogs hanging out of his l'ar trunk. I couldn't beheve my eyes. The trunk was up but tied with possibly a rope a nd on <> do g wa'S ha ng ing ou t by the shQulders. There may have bec>n other dogs; I only saw two. Anybody who would transport dogs in that fashion must be sick. Or up to no good. U he doesn't care about the dogs, what i{ o ne jumped ou t onto the 1.cecw.ay? Wouldn't that be some car crash when the other cars tried to avoid dogs on the freeway? T his man was driving a new car , four-door, dark gray. I hope that anyone else w ho s!'l's him driving the streets of Orange County will look for dogs in his trunk and report,him immediately to the po lire MRS. PAT SABETT A What 's happening? 'Po the F.ditor: What is hap~nlng to our country? My work hours, recently reduced like hours or many employees these days. put me on a $548 a month salary. 1 c.'6uldn't ,believe it when I teamed that my monthly federal income tax deductions_would be fifty dollars and the state three. Yet. o third of our millionaires and several million people living extremely well pay no inc.'j)me taxes whatsoever. Imagine someone even bringing in a low salary of $HOO .a month having e n o ugh t o pay for r('nt, Cood , transportation. m,-dacal ex~nses and an occasional artlCI(' of clothing. NAME WlTHHELD J.W.a • r r 17 mg "tar', I 3 mg 111co11ne av. per c1gare11e by rf C rne1hod ..___ t --... .. ,.,.... ( .) : Ornngu Co 11 DAILY PILOT/Tuetday. November 2. 1882 -Discover the taste of Caritel Filters, . , now .in a Hard Pack ~ c ·. . ' , (', -...._r--- . ... , , . l . ! r ( ----. r----~·--• ' " ; , · 1 "' 1982 • ·11 '" AN \lertiser.4 a ers e.ct1\le -ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT ORANGE COAST ... DAILY PILOT \ I I ~ Heartland chain goes West . Sportm ~rt new store opening Buoyed hy the sut.'CCSS of its fi rst California location in Huntington Beach, ~portmart - Chicago's lead ing sporting goods chain - announc~s the grand opening of a second West ' Coast mart in Redondo Beach November 6-7. Th~ new marl will be localed al 1 40 1 Hawthorne Boulevard, at the intersection of 182nd Street. · ·:•we have been very pl eased wilh th e. &<.'CCpt.ance of our initial mart in Hunting t on Beat•h, which opened in Jul y," says Larry Hochberg, Sportmart's pres ident. "Traffic has been consistently high. opened In thL• LA market by the end of 1983 .. "Our <..'Ont.'t:lpl of 1;1 wide range of b1•and name. first qu<ility rperchandisc lll:1d . 10,w' prkcs through' h1gn voh,1me opetation has i:x!CI\ well .received," adds Hochberg. "Desplw the recession , 'the sporting goods market rcrnains strong. In fact, many persons· look to ~port'> and re<.:reation as an alternalivc to other, more expensive leisure activities." Spor tm ar l s are designed as o n e-stop, ' the R~dundo B each grand open ing , Culilurnia Sportm art i>hopp<.>rs will be able to wlp three grand prizes for two to Jttt.•kson Hole. Wyornirlg, one of North Amcr1ca'1;' premier ski areas. The' lri p. includes round trip airfare fbr two via a Frontier Airlines ski flight, ground transfers, lodging and lift lkkcts. Second prize is a Sevy•or 11 ' dive sport boat; third priw is a Great Western 9'6"x9'6 " tent by Eureka. "Redondo Beach and the South Bay area are important for us. The area is populated largely by young adults who place high 'priority on ULLOCK'S HEADQUARTERS -Mirrored exterior of Servi<.-es has ~n ~lected to lease some 220,000 square f&t sportp, recreatio n and ew Bullock's corporate headquarters in d0Wnt-0wn Los of excess office s pace within the e ight-story building, fitnels. lt:..S a natural complete sporting goods In addilion ·to three and apparel emporiums. grand prizes. ('UStomers stocking more than 70, will have a chance to win 000 i tern s. Customers valuable sporting goods may e a·s i I y se r ve and ski"cquipmenl with themselves, but a factory prize drawings 'every trained staff Is available half hour. All prizes a{ld fo recomrpen.d proper . s u p e r .v a I u es o n equipment based on the mC'rchand1se are offered purchaser's needs and al both the Redondo experience. T he marts Beach and Huntington also provide extensive Beach mar ts . on-sire-product servkes Be si des th c two such as bowling ball California_ loca\ions, drilling, ski binding Sportmart op<'rales six installation, bicycle set-marts in greater Chicago. up . and ra cq u e t The com p a n y is ngeles reflect s ornate detail of older surrounding located at the southeast corner of Eighth and Hope Streets. · s e co n d ·s t e p f o r uiICiings. ~old well Banker Commercia} Real Estate _ Sportmart in California." ullock-'s ba~e ready for · .leasin·g R e 1 o c•a t i o n b y ullock's management d staff to a n ew 8.17.5-square-:foot rporate office facility 800 Hope Street in wntown Los Angeles been completed. Owned by Federated partment Stores Inc .. e pare nt firm for The eight-stol'y, corner oCfice building is rectangular in plan with a chamfered corne r marking the structure's primary e ntrance. Sheathed in grey mirror glass. the building was desi2ned to complement surrounding contemp- orary buildings and provide a foil for the details of older buildjngs. recessed areas along the building's ground fjoor exterior· w hich conljlin -sid ewalk planters. Further landscaping is included in an outdoor courtyard a long the south wall. · ullock's, the facility rovides a modern tion for headquarters ctivi lies forme r) y 90W1E~ at the Bullock's Designed by Daniel, Mann, Johnso n & Mend e nhall, the new Bullock's corporate headquarters features Bullock's occupies about 178,000 square feet of .Sp;i<:e in the building and 5ome 35,000 square feet of excess oCfice is being leased through Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services. served floors· provide aboul 26.400 square feet of !}pace. according to Richard St.·hnell a nd Alan Aufhammer , Coldwell Banker leasing agents. They pointed out that the building h as easy Harbor Ffeeway accessibility created by both Eighth and, Ninth Stree~s., which are one-· way arterials to and from the freeway . Situated at the southeast corner of Eighth a nd Hope Streets, the new Bullock 's corporate h eadquarters is I "lding at 7th and Hill Streets. Eafh of the elevator- l Antiques expo at fairgrounds I. The annual faU of ~;;,e.ican. English. Thutsda~.· N~~emb., ~ Sund3~. Admi :~ion Antiques Expo and Sat'; Con t I n en ta 1 . Ne-a c. .lh. r o u g h S u n d a y . charge is $2. 75 (children opens Thursday and November 7. Hours are . continues through Easte~n .. ~ar ~~ster!', f.r ·OO O·OO PM wtth parents f_ree and and pnm1t1ve ongms will om 1. to 1 · · · ample free parkmg). Sunday in the Commerce b e ~ i s p I a y e d i n Thurs d a Y thro ugh , Building at the Orange'--naf --Sa.t.w:da)'Jlnd !rom 12;.0.il A special Benefit for County Fairgrounds Varr~omodu~ g1roupm~511· noon to 6:00 P .M . on the Childrcn's-nome · arious tsp ays w1 Costa Mesa. (eature_pajntin~. bronze The authentic arts, sculptures ... artjtlass. f\lmishings. and artifacts porcelains, antique that fullfilled cultural jewelry, fine prints, o ri entalia. c l oc k s, ~eds in past eras and advertising, folk art, and mote places will be hibited in individual isplays by 100 major ealers in. antiques from all parts of ~alifornia d neigfiboring states. Fine antique furniture. decorative accessories. and rare collector's items country Americana. · The Antiques Expo and Sale is produced and directed by the team of Dorothy Emerson and Don Nolan. It is held in the Commerce Building at the Or,;mge County Fairgrounds. 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa Crom Decorative Fabric House celebrates 1st anniversary The Quilting Hou~. one of Orange County's eadlng manufacturers f>f custom bedspreads to the ade is currently celebrating the anniversary o( their west division, The Decorative Fabric Howe. Occupying over 5.000 sq. ·Ct. of )Showroom In their hew 15,000 sq. fl. facillly, The Decorative Fabric HOWle,.Open to the public, features thousands of y~ f febrics at savinp of 5~ below normal retail prices. All fabrics are among the most currenl styles and colon, and are featured In full bolts, ~available f, r immedlate delivery. AB a manufacturers outlet, The Deroratlve Fabric OUle features a Wide variety Of fabrics for edspreads. drapelries, upholstery. slipcovers, boards, as well as related lteml. from such well knowA milll as Waverly-Schumacher, Ametex. Robttt - Allen, Spectrum, Woodrich. Kaufman, Wolf and others. Fabrics Include dealgner prints. velvets. poliahfd cottonl. laces. cotton ducks. a~ httculons. ;tw Dec:orauve Fabric Houae u .. Its own ln- h~ workrooms, \hu1 mlnimllint manufacturi.., coMa. l:lq uor· Ba rn !la• a barre l· of goods to choose from Ever wondered what Tahitian beer tastes like? Or 151 proof rum? Or wanted to compare the Cabernet Sauvignons of California. France, Australia and Italy? Now there's a store in Costa Mesa that offers au these and a lot more under one rpof. It's the new Liquor Barn at 17th & Newport at Superior, by far the largest beverage outlet in the entire area. h is. in effect; a supermarket of wines, beers, liquors. soft drinks and party snacks. with aisle after aisle featuring a mind - boggling display of bottles, cans, carafes, The combination of giant selection combined with wa17ehouse prices has turned Liquor &rn into Southern California's fastest growing c hain o f discount liquor oµtlets . "If a customer can't find what he wants in Liquor Barn. all he has to do is ask and we'll get it for him. What's more we'll get it fo r him at a discount,'' Graser promised. The new· Liquor Barn accepts Visa and Master Card and will be open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday -Thursday. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri. & Sat. jugll, boxes and kegs. All .----------.. oJ lhia, according to Manager Clyde Graser are being offered "at what we believe to be the lowest prices In Southern California." , How can Liquor Barn keep prices that low? "Simple,'' said Clyde Graser, "the answer 11 volume -bi& volume. Because we buy in volume, we can palt the savings on to the ·s po rt ma rt ls a Is o considering additional ~·Lo s Angeles area expansion. As many as four loca-tiolis eould, be stringing. headquartered in Niles. . . . Illinois, where it opeoed ln--conJ1;tnet1on with-r-ts-1rst unit in 1971. . surrounded by a wide variety of bu~iness support firms in major location s such as Broadway Plaza. the new GJ>and Financial Plaza and Oxford office/ retail developm~nt. · Researchers d,velop test to spot disease In early· stages . . 0 n e . -s i n g 1 e workers are known to be computerized test may at excessive. risk "of lung soonbeable togive early cancer a nd c hr.onic Dillingham Con -warn ing t o people in obstructive lung di.seru;e struction was the gen-beginning stages of lung because of the chemicals e r al contractor a nd_ cance.r, emphr~ema or _ they b!"ea~he while SCMC (Formerly Mittan chrome bronch1t1s. working. I. Swimmer Inc.) did the Researchers at the Only ten percent of interior design. City of }i.ope National those who contact lung Medical Center In cancer .live five years Duarte, Ca,llf .. have after it is discove re d . diS<.'Overed that checking Most victims die wilhin p the a mount of certain year. Approxim .. tely t y pes of cells in a 120,000 new cases of Patient's sputum (saliva) lung can cer will be ma y ·rev ea I l h e diagnosed in 1982. There beginnings of an three will also be about 25,000 • -ats-eases. s potting life-new cases of c hronic threatening conditions bronchitis and before they become emphysema diagnosed untreatable. this year but sufferers of Act.'Ording -to Sylvia C. those .diseases geoerally Society of Or an g e Macklis. president of the survive about 20 years, County will be held on N e w po r t H a r b o r Dr. Mittman said. Friday at the Expo. All Chapter for the free-care ' • U n t i 1 now . th e of the Friday gate C it y of Hope. this a pproach todetennineif 'P~ will be donated sputum test r esulted someone's lung capacity t o t h e C H S . from an extensive five-was impaired has. been Re presentafives wtll -year-study directed by various br.eathing t.ests," offer literature and be executive medical Dr. Mittman said. ''We available to answer directo-r C h arl es had always considered questlon.s on th.e Mittman. M .D. The thatbythetimethet.ests Society's activities on all study involved some 7. became abnormal, Che days of the show. 000 <.'Oke oven workers at problem was pretty far · several of our nation 's along and irreversible.'' s t eel mill s . These ''It now takes a technician about an hour to do a computerized s.putum t est. But by using a c.ell-i;orting optical device, it will become a rerativ.ely inexpensiv-e-procedure. The equipment is up in the $1,000,000 rfnge l:lut once it's purchased. the t.ests would.be done in. a factory-like approach," he said. The City o f Hope study found that cells in th'e sputum Increase when there is initation In the breathing tubes. "In a normal persons s putum. there .are not many cells." Mittman said_ "Bu l when ceJls appear in the sputi.im in large numbers. tha~ ind icates an Inflammation is taking pla<.'e. "This sputum test ·~ins o ther methods developed by the Oty of tfope in its fight to increase survival rates and the quality of life for every patient suffering from m11jor diseases," Dr. Mittman said. NEW STORE Aaron Brothers Art Marts celebrated the o~ening of another store location at 2911 S. Bristol St .. Santa Ana with a free oil pain\ing workshop for customers. Pictured above durin1 grand opening cer~monies are Vic McCune, company supervisor, left; Anne Culpepper, store mana1er: Al Aartn. founder and, chairman emeritus: and Aaron's wift?, Eileen. New store f0r .. Aaron Brothers ltt addition to fabrics. The D9coraUve Fabric ........ l•tures deeiper bedspreads ..S canlortera at lldilla111t prices. ''Dn.,.ries '41 Go", decorator pillows. ---'61.!nr.Janrw. polyest.er nu .. ~pinL~ hardware, • for "Do It YoUr.elrera". c ustomers. It's n ot unusual for a Liquor Barn to receive owr t, 000 cues at a time. When Every Suncjay In the The new Aaron Brothen Art M•l't" loc•ted 1\ 2911 So. Brt1tol Street. Santa Ana, CA celebrated it• otfidal srand opt'nlftl ~ apon1orln1 a free oll paln\inl work shop for Al Auon, Founder and Chatrm-.in of l!merl\us of th e company . hla wire Eileen, tht' comp•ny a up•rvltor -Vic McCune and Anne Culpepper. the Store MaM8W. with Grumbacher Artis'-. materiale and h• proven to b~ very popular Wi\h the Neophyi. 1rtlat. In f9li the cl.-. have bed to 1ucce1aful tN.t mamy · of 'the perlldp•n\I have been kno..-n to put • pitu1re frame on tht ~Una and t•ke It the ease with which many of th08'! attendtna- reaponded to this new tuchtna .,.,hod, onal a11l1tance la available from ..... Liff. llllW~dap.~ol:yardt .._ funhtr redwld to --l'CIGln for ... 1Pl'ht8 ltnts· S.. lld ......... In \bla lldion. ftit Qulin Homt _. The o-u"" hbrtc ~Ill!!.• 1oc:e..a et 1808& l'.udid 8tniet In Founcaln . .,._R .. eYllilllble. Seore hoYn an I •.m. • f:IO p& '1 thru "'-· IO•• IO 8 p.m. • ~ 2 p.rn, to S p.m. on ~· On w--.sa1 ... .-... they .,,. open unUI '1 p.lft. For further lnlorme\lon, cell Ht·Htl or ..... I I we opened the first Liquor Barna lea then three years 8fO, we made It our policy 19 diaoount all Item• all the llmt. Many nttallera 11ve • dia'Ount If your pure._ • cme . . . we dllcount •'!•r)' bottle w• Hll, WlleUWr It t» ont bottle otadoltRc .... , their 1hopper1 durln1 \ho Wftkf!nd of Oc10bW 22nd. Thow who att4fnd~ \ht openln1 d•Y• ._ __ ..., __ ..__ ... ..., c:eremaniel wt-re: The 1pedal "Palnt9d and T•k• ll" .-.n,r "'' aa er•• C•d by Ult •rtht/ Author, I•• 8c"9tw• ln CCJ0P9raUcln ne -Jllllnedlately. Mr. Al Mila who hll been ,....,...... fOr .. ,.""" the Road ta Swam" far The Aaron 8r0\hen Art Maru hew IMde all thl1 available lnclud&AI the en auppllel at no COil to tt. Nl\onWI' and that truly makft thetr happy ,..anc1 opentna. rar ..... Information eell 14&-0928. ... TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1982 1 CAVALCADE 82 THICUITllDTHICDUm STOCKS 84 TELEVISION 86 Mike Barredo puts up 11 strong defense again"s1 Cliff Marhoffer (below), wh.o is getting ready to make a forehand pass. Brian O'Donnell (far right) • puts pressure on Cra.ig Drizin bef o~e the pass . T'1ey have to the count of ) 2 · to get rid of the Frisbee. 'i 1>a11r ,.... ,._.... ltr OerJ ....,_ Berkeley Flying Circus w~·ns trip to disc g~mes in Texas. By GLENN SCOTT °' .... .,..,,... • ..., Sports associated with the Frisbee -that plastic platter players now. call simply the "disc" -have never outdistanced the air of alternative IT!estyle that fi rst made the gizmo popular. · Frisbee devotees have kept their space from more conventional athletes. They swiU fruit juices as post-game refreshments instead of beer. avoid rules that require refe rees and commonly forsake the unifonnity of uniforms. But that doesn't mean these cardiovascular kids who compete in a contest called Ultimate Frisbee are any less competitive as they streak non-stop up and. back a field to score points much as a football team scores touchdowns - -except contact is not a llowed. ~~~11~~~1 S uch was the case last weekend as )6 men's teams from 13 western states me t a t UC Irvine's grass fields to qualify for two slots in the world championships in.Austin, Texas klrian O'Donnell of the Santa Barbara ~ndors, makes two-handed catch for a score in the end zone. Shown with him is Mike Barreda from Sa~ta Cruz Kaos. during Thanksgiving. . Players wore clown qutf-its, ~lored tights and other zany costumes as they zipped their discs, dived and developed strategies to outduel opponents. Rock music blared from speakers. Not a pom-pom girl was in sigh t. By the tlme the sun hurriedly set Sunday and the full moon rose 1ike, well, like the ultimate Frisbee, the Berkeley Flying Circus replete in its three-ring finery had qualified in the men's division for the 'Texas trip. But the second slot was still in doubt, as the upstart Irvine Mudsharks and the Portland Funhop found themselves victims of the end of dayligh t savings time. The two teams were to play off for the second qualifying slot, but their game was postponed becauae of darkness. Captains made the painful decision to meet this weekend at an unspecified field -possibly in Berkeley - for the final playoff game. In the women's division, the Eugene (Ore.) Dark Stars won the sole quali,f ying berth for Texas by topping the Santa Barbara Cohdors. The male Mudsharks, meanwhile, were ecstatict with their performance on their home field. First they ousted the defending world champs. the Condor men. Then they staged a dramatic comeback to topple the San Diego Splnoffs. . Ctuupclling dra1na uni old on outh Coa I R ep ertory' n1ai11 tage. Page µs. Sam Cutliff of the Portland t 'unhogs, calls a team meeting after scoring a point. Cutliff's colorful uniform is pretty well held toge ther with athletic ta~. ~ - 0 ·a . . Ba Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, November 2. 1082 TAKE ALL YOUR 1'RICKS East West vulnl•rublt-. North deals. NORTH • 92 'VI 7 2 O AKJ62 +KQJ6 WEST EAST •83 +K 76 l.:"AK H4 .Z QJ93 0 97 0 1054 + JO 74 3% + A 9 5 SOUTH • AQJ 1054 ':. 1065 (• Q83 +8 The bidding: North Eaat 1 o Paa1 2 + Pa111 South I + 3 . 4 • Paaa Pan West PaH PaH- Pa11 GOlfN. ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOF\EN ANO QMAR SHARIF Opening lead: King of ~. There are hands when it ls inrumbt:nt on one of the dt>fendl!rs to dirt.>ct the defense. Don't s hirk your duty. Tht' a1Jcl ion needs a word of explanation. l n 't heir method~. South's jump rebid of Lhrel'' spades was 1nvita llonal. not forcing. North had just enough lo go on to ga,ml'. When we saw this hand played. West led the king of hearts. 1-:tsl followed with the nine. West continu ed with the are 'of hearts and another. forcing dummy lo ruH. That made sure of a trump lric,k for East. but it also presented declarer with his contract. After ruffing lhf' third hl'url in dummy. dcclar..r took thr trump fint•sse and cashed the spade a<'e in the hopl! thal tht1 king would drop. He was disappointt-cl that it did not. but he wus not yet through. Nf'xl caml· three rounds of diamopd~. and when East followed suit, tht• contract was home. On the fourt~ diamond declarer disca'rded his club Im.er. and t ht· king of t rump" was thr third and last triek for t ht· dt'fen11e. For East. the hand should huve been an open book. T1• dt•reat the contruc i... lh1• defenders would have lo lake at ltias'i two hcurl tricks. a cluh and u trump. That 1•011ld bf' ll('COIJl pliShlld ii lh1• dcft.ndN•s took I ht•i trh•k1-in thi' riichl ordt't. To the firiit trick ~:nst s'tlould follow with tht\ 11u1•rn of ht>art6. That pluy ii howi. either a singleton or thl' jnck. and requests that purtnt•r underlead his ot her honor. West will duly contill ul' with a low heart, and East wins th!.!' jack. Now, he must fir l cash the ace of clubs to com plete the defensive book. East can then revl'rl to heart11 to securt' a trick for the king of trumps. Dummy is forced to ruff the third heart, and the king of trump" can no longer be caplurl'd. even on a trump coup. So another adage bites lhl' dust. Perhaps It shou l~ read: An ace was mj!anl lo capture 1111111 .. '.-. . o kinl(. t•xn•pl in tho,t• t'll<st'' wht•rt• ll rould bt• l ht• 'l'I ting trlrk. Rubber brldse club• tliroqhout the country uee the four-deal brldse format. Do tM!y know 10•ethln1 r ou don't? Charlu Goren'• "four·Deal Bridie" will tea you the 1lrate1le1 and ta u of thl1 fut·paced ac· t D same that provldee the ure for unenclln1 rubbere. ,For a copy and a 1corepad, end 11.75 to "Goren·Four 'al." • ca re of thl11 · •ne 1paper. P.O. BH' 259. Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make checlu payable to New1paperbook1. • HOIOSCOPE VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be specific regarding business arrangement. ·Be there "in person" to attend to details. Check fi ne print, read between lines. By-PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna.Beach BY SIDNEY OMARA Wednesday, November 3 ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Emphasis on added responsibility which involves close neighbor or relative. Lunar spotlight o n short journey, special message. call or idea that can be successfully tested. TAURUS (A pr-ii 20-May 20): What had been Jost or stolen can now· be r~vered. Focus also on payments, collections and income potential. Limitations are removed -you'll have opportunity to prove a major point. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You gain greater degree of Independence -you'll be asked to make special apf)eal. Focus on individuality. personality, charisma and valua ble new contacts. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Intuitive intellect is on target. By following hunch. you gain access to story behind story. Family member will prove loyalty. . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define terms. open lines of communication, follow through on travel and educational projects. Abstract principles of justice <.'Ome into focus. • · · SCORPI O (Oc t. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on depende nts. pets. basic chores a nd resolutions concerning medical-dental appointmen ts. Check diet, become more aware of nutrition and decide to take be tter care o f yourself. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Check Libra message for valuable hint. Be aware of legal rights, permissions. Someone may be trying to deceive you -keep guard up, re fwe to rush.Joto business venture . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an . 19): Pressure builds, responsibility increases and you'll receive Clid from one who shares your concerns: Focus on co- worker who acknowledges help you provided in· recent past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You regain. sense of direction. Creative juices flow; you now are capable of lmpriRting individual style. -.. . . ~{ .... -~ "If you want to aet on the good aide ol him, mention hi.I green thumb." • • DEAR ANN LANDERS. Th<> physician for tvhum I work I• on the North Carolina driv<'ra m f•d 1ca l cxomlncr 'a board . One o f hi• rcsponsiblllti('fl hi to n •vlt.'W rl't.-ords ol drivers wtiu havt· had their ·licenses revoked for diH rehl rea!IOnt. Thtt d tationa that ar<> llBted are more often than not ''Driving Under the Influence" (DUI) In North Carolina emphai1i11 is being placed by thl' law enforcement people on tho drunken dl'fvcr. This cmphmds seems to be helping som<!, acx.'Ording . to r(.l(•ent st.utlstlcs. Attached la a poem that accp~nlcd some literature my employer rf(.'eiVcd r~tly. If you dc,.>cide to print It in your t'Olumn, Jt might touch the heart of just one person, and make a difference - maybe even save some Uvct. Sign me -MY BROTHER'S KEEPER ' . DEAR BROTHER: Tlaankl for your letter ud tbe poem, wblcb may or.a a few tbousand eyes thal otberwlse mlgbt ave ·been permanently closed. Here It 11: IF EVERYONE (Author Unknown) If everyone who drives a car would lied month in bed, With broken bones and stitchecl-up wounds, Or fractures of the head , · -. And there endure the agonies that many people do, They'd never need preach safety any more to me or you. IC everyone could stand beside the bed of some ~ close frienet And hear the doctor say, ''No hope," t>efore the e nd, And see him there unconscious, never knowing what took place, The law and rules of traffic I'm sure we'd all e mbrace. If everyone could meet the wife and children leh behind, And step into the darkened home where once the sunlight shined, And look upon the vacant chair where daddy used to sit, I'm sure some reckless drivers would be forced to think a bit. If everyone who takes the wheel wouid say a little prayer, . And keep in mind those In the car depending on has care. And make a vow and pledge himself to never take a chance, • A great crusade for safety would suddenly advance. 1 • • • NOT SO CO~FIDENTIAL to Al .. My Readers: "Tbe Best of Dear Abby" i1 now in paperback • ($%.95, Pocket Books). It's a boot and a boller and a terrific Christmas 1m. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Wish comes true, popularity increases, you're invited to important 80cial function. Utilize powers of persuasion. You're complimented on charm, versatHity and artistic talents. · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Quarters may be confining, but you ultima tely gain greater independence and soon will dance to your own tune. Focus on purpose, dedication, ability to pioneer a project. Ir===="· BEDWETTER ·~~ FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER LET THEM HAVE A DAY BED ... 2PEOPLEFOR THE PRICE OF 1- The best place I know to get in shape is HOiiday Spa Health Club. rney have every- thing you need. The finest high-efficiency controlled ~t exercise equipment available. /funning and swimming at most clubs. Jazznastics II for women. Whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms and more. Come see what exercise can do for-you. Stop by today for a free guest tour. .lotn a participating club now aoo !}et 2 people for the price ofone-a ~ial, non-renewable, OQe-year membershlP for half the cost of 11.'2 nn/C'E 5·nrczr "L our regular annual P/an. rn re; ~ MostHGHd.tyf#MHNldlCluburucct,.iblHotMmobllfty lmp.lrH, ,,.,_ w#tti dlubiflflft, lnclvdlflf tM bllrtd .,. -kOIM. 3 .1 /oldaySpa Health ab forMenrtd~ FHtures ,.,,ar•tw gyms for men •nd women, •v•ll•bt. 1 d•ys • w.k. AMM#m AnnounckJg our new location, . 3rOSo MaanoNt. 'bloclc So. of Lincoln on~ (114) 952.3ror c.,r'to''TYkrNOOd r rut Dll Amo llvd. In Ctrfltor M ~ . 3 blocks East of 60S ~'2rJ) '24·151' MlllJon 2""1 AJkia ~ ar Sin FNIMJC (1r4) 110."'12 Wfttm;:, 6151 ~ M •t Mlt, (114) "4·JJl1 Coda Mes. 2JOO Harbor llMJ., (IM/trtl Thrlfty f!rup), (1141 J&JJU Ora9 622 Ent~ ... Aw., *tit ol nofit A119., (114> Uf.2tU1 ~.-...e.,.,,..._..., DINNER -S.95 Includes cboic.e of soup or salad, itnd potato .or rice pilaf.' .4 .-..,-/ Call For .,. R.Mrvatioru ~-. illPiJ;ll»lfl'l'b~&13-772& . ~'1 ON THC P[NINSULA • 101 ~ BA LBOA I ....... IJri. I ""'...-... --.... ·----.. --.. --.. ----...-..----·-..................... $ a,,.,., •• ,....... ---·-"·----.....-__ ..,....,. ___ .... ._ __ ..,_ .................. -....... ,. ............ , ...... ...... _..., ____ ....,...._ "Equally ffft1eti11e for Adults" r-----------------------~ : .... ID: PACWtC INttftNATIOHAL. LTD~ 1 311 First SllMI I HMoosa. WI S-WS7 i I I : PAAUHS HAM[ : I AOOAESS I ·-~ I I ' AIJ'ftl019£D I CITY $TATl---ZIP __ I • .. • • I I .. ..... 'I-l'WOHE AGE-.,,..... •• : • Pec:lhc:,1-MliOMI Lid 1171 C"9ea~a501 : . . . . . ,. ' .. . ·. Have you ent~red your • • 1~ •• favorite recipe in the .J . 'Orange Coast Cookbook Yo u could win a trip for two or a · $209 .gift . ce r:tiflcate .--~- For ·details watch for our ad · In the Wednesday, Food section of t he Orange Coast Dally Piiot .. .. - Ml.IC NOT1C£ Ml.IC NOTICt PtlllC NOTICE MOnctl CW TMllTll'I IM.I \IOU AM • W&Ui:T '*DIR A PICTITIOUI IU ..... T.l . ?U? 0110 O' T•UIT DATIO NAMI ITATIMl.NT TRUITll IAt.I NO. CHICIMM" I, -. UM.Ill'°" The IOllOWtng ~'°"' a1e do1no YOUAMINOl,AUUUNDIRA TAKI AC TION TO PlllOTICT ~ .. Dl•O 0 ' T •UIT OA TIO YOUft PlllO,.lllTY, IT MAY •• MASffA RCMODCLl'f'I DICI ... " 4. , .... UHL.Ill YOU lout AT A rueLJC IAll, IP YOU NCWPORT M l!SA HU Al1way TAICI ACTION TO PROTICT ... o AN tmANATION °' , .. A~. Coat• ....... CA tnno YOU" PflOf'IRTY, IT MAY .. NATURI 0, THI NOCllOINO M IOhHI J Nlohot1, 2791 IOU) AT A f'UtlLIC IALI •• YOU AO~INIT YOU, YOU IHOU&.D Baylhor• °'. Newpotl ~h CA •ID AN lll'UNATION M THI OCMfTACT A 1.AWYI"-t28a ' -~ °' THI MOCH~· NOTICI °' TMllTll'I IM.I Ctalra c NIChOll "'I ACIAUllT YOU, YOU I HOULD T.I . Ne..... Bt~ore Of . N-potl 8"cll CA CONTACT A LAWVI R. NOTICE IS HERCBY GIV(N. lhll t2&&3 On No...eml* 24, 1982 at 10 00 ll<LWaoOM<11y. Novembfi 17. !Ht. fhll bu1lneu 11 oonduc1tei by 1n • m . CALIFOANIA GENERAL jfllOO •'c:IOcli a m 01 Hid dly, In lndMdual MOl\TOACSE SERVICE. INC • a• ,,,. the room .. , Hid& lor eonducllrlg Cl•lf• NtChOI• dufY 9'>9Qinled Tr'"'" unc:tet •nd TruatN'I Salel, within the ottlou bf Tnl1 atalemenl wH llltd with thl pursuant 10 OMO or T ru11 RE AL Es TATE s E cu R 111 Es County Clerk or Of•no• Couruy on Recoroeo on OeGember 6. 1980 SERVICE, locllad II 2020 North Oet 7, 11182 H Document No 10002, Book Broldw1y, Sulla 208, In Iha Clly of '1tl10I 13M3, Page 21• of Ofllclll Record• San11 S1nll Ana, Coun1y o f Publllht(j O••nga CoHI Delly In Iha olllc:'e or Iha Recorder of Orenga.' Siiia of C11ll fornla, Pllol. Oct. 12, 111, 28, Nov 2. 1882 Orange County , Cl llfornll, STERLING CAPITAL Corporation, 1 4418·82 executed by WARREN E. WORTH, C•llfornl1 corpo11t1on, •• duly ------------- • 1lng1e man, WILL SELL AT appointed Trull .. undar and PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC AUC TION TO THE pursu1nt to Iha power of ula ------------HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, confa11ed In lhll certain Dead of FICTTTIOUI IU ... 11 (p1y1ble at time of aala In l•wful Trull uecutad by Llnoa Lee NAMI I TATI MINT money of llle UnlleO Stt1e1) 11 the Greene, 1n unmarrte<I woman. The IOllCwlng per1001 111e doing North ftOt\I en1r1nc. 10 ,,,. County recoraea J1nu1ry s. 1981, 1n Book bu11nese 11. Cowthouae. 700 CllllC Center Orlve 13903 or Offielal Aecora1 or Hill p M REM 0 De LE Rs . 2 0 2 Watt. In Iha Ctty or Santi Ana, County, 11 P•Q• 986. Reeoraer'• Ema111d Avenue, B1lbo1 ~land, County o l Orange, State of 1n1trument No 3702.byreatonofl Celllorn11 92882 c.tttornll,1M righl,ttlleandtnt.,.•ll brHch or d•l•ult 1n p1ymen1 or Mertane M W1ggln1. 202 con¥eyed to •no now held by tt pertormanc;e of the obllg111ons Emerald. 8alb09 laland, CahlOtnll under sald 0Hd of Trull In the sacurea thereby, inc:ludlng lhll 92662 l)foperty 1ilualed tn Hid County. bfeaeh or default Nollce of Whleh Pate Patn ta<', 202 Emerald, C1llfornl1 dHCrlbtn9 the 11nd waa..recorOed July 16, 1982, 11 Balb09 IJllnd, Calllotnll 928&2 therein Recorder'• 1n11rumen1 No This~ It conduct.a by • PARCEL I 82·2475~. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC g-11 P"lMfll\tp Unit 7. tn Iha City of Irvine. AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST • Martina M Wigglnt County ol Or1ng1. S111 e ol BIOOER FOR CASH, llwfut money Thls llatemenl wa1 flied with the Cllllornla. H 1110wn on lhal oenaln of Iha United Sl91es. or a easllilr's County Cle<k ot Orange County on Condominium Plan recorded July t, check drawn on • 1111a o• netlonlll Octob« 22, 1982 1880. In book 13M2. page 1182 10 blrlk, 1 1111• ol fedetll crea11 unl0<1, ='100JH 1237 lnclullv• of Oftlcoal Rec0<d1 01 or a 111te °' lede<el savings ana P1H>ll1hea Orenge CoHI Dally Ofange County, C11if0<n11 loan H1oc11t1on domiciled In this PllOI. Oct 26, Nov 2, g, 10, 1ta2 PARCEL 2 stale, 111 p1y1bla at the time ol 4053-82 An undivided 119th tn1eres1 as Hie. 111 right. title end lnle<est hale! • tenant In common In Iha lee on by II, a1 Tru11e1. In that real and 10 Iha common Ila• ol Loi 2 ol pr098'1y lltuate In 1akl County and Tt9ct 10340 H per map hied In State, descrlbeO u follows. book 463: p•gH 13 Ind 14 Of "EXHl•JT A" • Mi1c:ellaneous Maps, records of PARCEL 1· Mid county. es such te<m 11 defined Unll No. 79, In th• City ol lrvtna, In Iha Article entitled "Deflntllons" Counly ot Ot1nge, S111 a o l of th• Oeclaratoon of Covenant•. Calijornla, u shown and described ConOltlons and Restrictions In lhe Condominium Plen 1ec:0<0ltd recoraea In book 13652. page 1116 on Merch j5, 1977, In book 121 19. togethu with all lmprovemenu pegea 1167 to 1216 ol Official located I hereon excepting Record• ol said County. lhflrafrom Condominium Unll1 7 to EXCEPT THEREFROM an 011, 45 locluslve located thereon t 1 • , m 1 n e r 1 I s a n d o 1 her EXCEPTING THEREFROM all hydrocarbOns. below. deptt't of oil, oil rights, minerals, mlnar•I feat. without lhe 11ghl of surl1ee righla, nlluf91 gas t1gh1s. end blhlf enlry, H rlMrYed In instruments .:ii hydrocarbons by whatsoevlf neme record. ""°'*" that may b\t w1lh1n or unae1 ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM the parcel of llnd haretnebove 111 water and subsurlace water CIHcrJbea . logathar with l h• rights, below 1 Clepth ol 500 feet petpelual right of drtlllng. mining. wltho..tt Iha right of surflCI entry, axp+Olng IOd Opetetlng lherefQI' •nd d . d I c. I e cf 0 I 'es. r v e llorlng In Incl remolling the nme 1n11rumen11 of record. from MIO llnO or. any other tlnO. PARCEL 2 Including Iha right to wh19SIC)ci( Of An undMdeO 1136 1n1eres1 as a direcltonally drill 1na min• from ten1111 In common In Iha lee tntetesl lenas 01her thin said land, 0tl or gu Ill ano 10 Ille common area ot Lots wells, tunnels and 1h1lls Into, 1. 2 .na 3 ol Tract 8901 u pa< map through or ae1oss the .ubsurf-ol filed In book 389, peges 33 to 34, u id land, and to bo11om 1uch lnc:lu1ive or Moscell•naous .Meps, :!::f:~C)ci(eO or direc11on111y a1111ec1 records ot Hid CO(u11y, aa such unnelt ano lhll1I uno.... ana 1111m is dellned In thfl Artlcie entitled banallh or beyond the exterior "Definition•" ol the Oeclarauon of llmlts thereo f. •nd lo redrlll. Covenants. ConOllrons and ratunnal, equip. malnl•ln. repair. Res111c11on1 rec:orded on January deeperl and opefale any such wells 26, 1977, In book. 12048, p1ges or mines. without. however, the 1186 10 1251 oncluslve of Offlcoal right to drlll. mine. 1l0<a. explore Records of said Count y (The en<I operlle through the 1urt1ee ol ' ' D a c I • r a 11 o n • • ) an d any the llPj)CI< 500 feel of Iha subsurface amendments or annexations ol 11ld land u reserved In the deed lh8fetO from The Irvin• Comp11ny •• WHI PARCEL 3: Virginie Corpo11llon, recorded E a s •men 1 ( s I as such i---.ntambet J1. 1979 In book 13328. eaHment(•) ls/are partlcul8tly sel page 1311 ol Official Record&. lorlh In Iha Arllcla entitled Also excepting therefrom the "EaHmenta" of the e>ec:larallon eublUrlac. water rlghll, bul wothoul \mder lhe Secllon head1ng(1) tn tha right p l 1utlace entry 11 1uc;h Artlcle entitled ae follows: r~ed In Oeed from Tiie Irvona "Owner•' Rlg~ll 1na Duties. Cort\peny, a eorporatlOn, recorded UtlllllH ana Cabla Telavlslon", September 27. 1979 In bOOll 13328, "Support and Salllamaru" page 1311 of Offic:lal Recora1 "Common ArH ena Community PARCEL 3: F1cllltlH EHament" 1nd-'-'-Y9td e-11 as NI f0t1h in the Utittt'"" Sec lion• al\ ti I lad "Certain PAACEL 4· E•••"''"tl for Ow1ters" and leeemanl (I ) •• a ucll "Supo ort , Se11fement end •n •llCtl 111 ... pertleu&ltty Ml Encroec:h1nan1" of Iha Article forth In ttle Arllc;le enti tled entltted "Easements ol 111e ''.flMmll'lll" ol Iha Oec:111atlon ol Oec:lwetlon. ~Yananll. Cond111ons and e-men1s as such easemenll Re.trlctlons record.a -on June 9, are p111ic:u11r1y set lorth on the 1976 In bOOlc 11766, pages 420 10 artJele enlltled "Euements ot the 484. lnOlu""9 ot Ott1c;211 Records ol Oaclar atla'fl o l Co..,an•nta, s11a County (The • M1s11r Conditions •nd Rall,,c:llons Oec;111atoon") ano In)' amendments recotded lnt>ook 11768. page 420 or 111neJ11llons lherelo under Ille of OffiClal Rec:ord1 ol .salO County Sedion • Heading(•) tn IOCh Article ano 11ny eupplements thlfato unaer enlllled as tallows: "Ownlfs' Rlgh th& section he1a1ng antollad end OutlN. UIUIJIH end Cable "Ownlf• Flights •nO o.i11es. Ulllllla TeleY11lon'', "Ulllitles'', "Support and Cabla Televls1on." "Support and Settlemenl". "Enetoachmenl", and Settlement." "Sldeyard and "Community Fac:llltoes e-nents," "Encroechment" end Easements" "Community Facllltles Easement .. The 1treet address or otlier PARCEL 5. common d11lgnat1on ol the rHI PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNHi N ... STATIMINT· The lollow1no pe<sons ere doing business••' ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE, 7282 Murdy Ctrcte, Hunliog1on Beach. C1lllornla 92647 R L G En18rproHs. Inc . a Cahlomla corporation, 7282 Murdy Circle. Hunllngton Belch. C1111tornla 92647 . This business Is conducted by a c:orporatton. R L G Entt11prlM1, Inc. Robert L Gooae, President This 111tem1nt wu fifed with the Co..tnty Clerk ol o,.nge County on Oe1ot>er 22, 1982. ~11 Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally PtlOI. 00 28. Nov 2. 9. 18, 1982 4846-12 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI IU ... H • NAME ITATEMENT •The IOllOWlng pettonS "a doing buSlneu as DISTINC TIV E C ARPET I UPHOLSTERY RESTORATION, 910 Loard PllQI, Cotta Meal. Calllornll 112626 Rieharef N1vanette. 1110 L1erd Place. Costa Mesa ... Callfcwnla 92626 MlchHI J . .-errl, 110118 El Am1nll0, Fountain Valley, C1Jlt0<nl1 92708 This bu51nest 11 conCluCled by 1 general partnlflhip. Rlcherd Nav1rre11e This atatamenl was flied wllll the COUnty Clerk or Or11nge County on Octot>« 22, 1982 F200310 Published Or1nge CoHt Delly Piiot. Oct. 26. Nov 2. g, 18, 11182 48S2-82 NM.IC NOTICE FICTTTTOUS autlNEll NAME ITAftMINT The fOllo\lling pet._,.I we OOlng ~51ness ... TRIO GRAPHIC SERVICES, 14252 Culver Drive, Suite A·2211, Irvine. Calltomlll 92714 W-bef't A. Santo, 5a e..>t1r1e0e, lrvtne, Cllifomll 92715 Janet Dolores Galb111111 48 Promonade. lnline. Cllitorn11 112715 Jerry Genoway 17191 Armstrong Avenue, lrvlna ea111onu 112114 Thts business IS Conducled by a generll l)lr1nerlhle> Wilt>erl A. S1r1to This Slllement WIS filed Wllh lhe County Clerk of Orange County on October 25. 1982 1'200415 Published Orenge COHI Dilly P1101. Oct 28. Nov 2. 9, 18. 11182 4655-82 An easement for tngreu. prQ98rty hetefnabove described Is egress and drainage purposes over purpor1ed to be; 10 Lakeview Drive. -------------11'111 portion of Lot 1 ol Traci 10353, Irvine. CahfOl'nla. PUBLIC NOTIC( M petma,p llled In book.A67..pages The undersigned hereby 27 and 28 of Mlacellaneou1 Mapa, dlsclelm. all llablllly lor ..:,~t FICTITTOUI IU ... aa records ol aafd County, oeplcled •• lnc:orrectnetS In .. Id street ao NAME STATIMINT common road'Way on E.Jihlbil "O" of or other common deslgn1llon. The fOllowlng pe<tons ere doing the Oec:larlllon of such e1Mment 11 Slid Ille will be med• without business as: more p1rtlcu11rty dHCrlbad In w1rr1nty, uprus or Implied, VICTORIAN CON! WORKS, Section 8 of Article XIII of Said regarding 1111•. pou11slon. or 110 Pacific Co111 Highway, Decla,.tlon o f Covenant•. encumbr1ncu, to s11111y the Huntington 8eactl, Clllf0<nt111284S Conditions and Restrictions prlnclp•I balance of the note or Richard S. A1del, 10181 Jon recorded In book 13652. 11-oe 1118 other obllg111on HCured by .. id Dey Drive, Hunlingl on Balch, ot Officill Records of Mid County. Oeect ol l'rust. wllh Interest ind California 926'18 • Altention lt dlrec1ea 10 Ille flCI other sums H provided 1hereln; Calhetlne C. Atdel, 10181 Jon that Iha Oii, etc., It excepted from plus a<1v1nee1, If any, under Iha Day Drl¥e. Hun11ng1on Beech. the descrlpllon In thl• guarani" t.,.m• thereof and onter•t on IUCh C-1ifornla 1126'8 and 1r1y pOlk:y luued '" the name of ld¥anc:n. ana plus fees, charges This buti-11 eonauctea by I • purchaser 11 a 1ale 11nder Niel ana exper>-of the Tl'\lltee and ol gen«al Plftnershi$> Deed Of TtUS1 Wiii llso contain Mid the 1ru1t1 created t>y saiO Deed ·ot Calllll'lne C AIOet oil ex~llon Tru11. The tot•I 1moun1 of nut This 1tllement was filed with the The 1trHI addrau end other obll91t1on, including ranon•bly County Clerk ol Ofange County on common designation. 11 any ot Iha ••tlmllad teH. ch1rgH and October 15. 1982 real prop.rty deacrtbe<I •bove ts eapenMS of the TruatM. et ttMI time "'"711 putpO<teCI to be 35 WtnOJlmtnef. ol lnltlaf pubtleahon of thts NoUU. IS Published Orange Coast Dally ntne. Calfforn•• S20,M9,20 • Piiot, Oct 11, 26, Nov 2, 9, 11112 T he undersigned Tru alaa Delea Oc1ooer 21, 11182 -452342 dl1cl1lms any ll•blllty lor any Sl«ltng Cepltll COrp lncofrec:1neu of Iha 1tree1 eddreu • Ctlofomla corpor1tl0n end other c:ommon deaignatlOn, If 11 TruttM lflY, lhown her.,n By Real E1111e Said ule will be mede. bul Securill• Service without c:ovenent or w1rt1n1y, 1 California corp. ~ or imPlled, regarding title, 111 Agent poHaH lon, or encumbrencH (SEALJ D J Morger Including fees, ch91gH an J t1 f(a!s!t!1t elfl*I-of the Tru11ee ana of 1he 202orN. BroeCl'W•y. trusll c:rHtad by said Deed 01 Suite 208. True!, to P•Y Iha remetnlng prlncJp11 S•nta Ana. CA 92706 eurTll of Iha notll(I) tecured by NICI Tat: (7141953-6810 0..0 of Trust to wit. H7.89g,05 Publlthad Orange Co111 Dally with Inter•• thereon from Augu1t 1. Piiot. Oe1. 28, Nov. 2. 9, 1982 1181 11 14.760% per annum H ' • 4720·82 plOVlded In H id nol~•) plus all co1t1. ohargH i nd any and 1U ectvancee. Ml.IC NOTIC£ FIC~-·· ...-aTATl..wT The following per1on1 11 dOfng buel-u: rta.IC NOTICt FICTTTIOUl~ll NAMI ITATSmNT Th• lollowlng per1on la doing bulll\Ml 11; PARLOR MAIO&. 2238 con11nent1I Ave .• Coal• Meal. CA 92827 M arl a Kr au1er1. 2 238 1Conllnent1I AY9.. Cos11 MeM. CA l92e27. Thia buslneu 11 c:onctuctea by an ndi¥1d111t. Merla Kraut«t lhlt bullnau w• flied wllh Iha nty Oterll of Orange County on • 11. 1982. • ,1..,. Publl1hed Orange CoHt Delly llOt, Oct 12. 19, 2t. Nov 2, 1987 4478-82 The t>erielicil()' under tald ONd of Tru•t heretofore executed and delivered lo the undarslgrlad 1 Wflt1en Oec:taraflOn of deieult end Demand tor Sale, and a wrlllan NotlCe of O.faull and Electlon 10 W . The ~ eai.tMd Mid Notice of Oelauil and Elecllon to 1l«A to be r-ded In the county .... "'-,... proper1y .. localed SAINT 1.A URENT Rt.VE l------------ GAUCHE. 3333 Brlatol Streat, rtaJC N0TIC( Coel9 Mell, CA 112828, l---,.-IC-Tm""""",.-o-._--.,-.-.-.-.-.-- SartouJI lnterna~. Inc, • MAim ITA,_NT Celllomla COfl'Of•llon. 3333 Brt1100 The lollowlng "''°" 11 doing SI • C011a MeN. CA 9202t bullneM •· • DATE: Octooer 18. 1N2 CAUFOAHIA OlNIAAL M OA'fOAOE SERVICE. Tl,111 llu..._ 11 ~ by 1 AUTO OEllON CONCEPTS, ~In.Wt 8artOUJ1 lnternatlonlle. Inc; t710 Monrovia A.-. C-11, Coate led1'ell Meta, c.llfomll tm7 INC. IOO "8 " l lreet Suite 50t ~~~ Earle ,._,I Cool<, H10·A T'llll 1t1t_,t -llled wllh Ille D•l••er• Avenue, l1untln9ton Sen Diego. Ctllfornta ,.._.. 0r eoun BMl:ll, ~ t214e COunt)' ..,.,. of enoe IV on "* ~ II cond\IC1ed by en Oct. 15, f982 lndMdllll Phone: (714) ial-to23 ,,_.. £arta Piii.ii C0011 9y JoM w. lfoett, Publilhed Ora':P!. COH I Delly ~ ... .,.,,, -llllCI WMh Ille Vloe Prlllelenl P~. Oct 111, 28, 2, 9, 1N 2 Covniy Clerk of Ota-County on •Mid Tl'Ult• , __________ 45_H-U __ Qct-., 2 t, 1H2 . ..,... P11bl1lled Ora119e Co1¥1 Dally ,-'9111 l'llot; Ol!t. 29, Nov, 2. I , 1112 P'la.IC NOTICE l'ubllllllO Otange Coett Oatty _____ .._.__ __ 4"~l-·t~a ITA~OI' WlnllllRAW PllGI. Oct. H . Noor. J , 9, ti, 11N. PROll ,....,,..... ONllATINQ 4700-t2 UllDlll PIC'ftTIOUI ........... ..... ITA~ Th• fOllOWll'IO P•r•on h .. ""' lalOWlllO J*'tOfll .,. dOlnO wltlldftwn .......... ""'* frOl'll ~-=----9"'0Ullderlflt JIAN'I HAUl'Y '""ON, ....... Mmuf f'AOWlC m-A .... 11'11 It .. Cotti MIN. G MA"9CITING, 11 I04 NCWt11 CA tltlf, N9WPOtt lhd., lulet IOt, '""""'1 Wlleotl 1lt4 e AU11111 ..._, OA lttD, .... AM. CA b104. Tiii flotnlolfl IMlllltftl n11t1e ..... w-.i.·t2t4 •• .....,... "" ... '*'""9lllP --... t.:= AM. CA tr7D4. "'" on M•all 18, 1112 '" IN ,,... .......... by • COltlllt)' of 0...., ..... ....,,...,. '"" ..... Md ....... Of lfll .......,......, fl••••n WUllfraw1n1: Jolln 11 T'lllt 11111 1•1l J1191 .., wt1t1 1M WlllleMt, t OI llooft6e Avonue, a.. Ollrlt .. alWlfl CGWlly °" ConN dll Mer, c.lt ...... •t. · 0, .... .MlfWI H. W9Mll ,_ ,_ , l=lef ~ c... D9llr '"MllMd °' ... c.... D.itr ""'-11,•tt. •• "°'· I. ... "°'· Oat. ti, 1t , 19. "°' I. tllf ' ... ..,... ....., • " M llC NC>TICC PICTmoGa Ml ...... NAMI ITATIMl.NT The fotlO•orlg PftlOtll ar• dOlll(I 1>u&1ne•• 11 IS I J l~lGIAI Ill~ g411 Alli C11cle. 1-iurlll•)\jl<itl e..ch, CllttO<llia 112041 fllelll Ann Wlht'IOI\ 947 t AIW Clrelot, Hu11111ig1un Oelch, Calll0tnl1 112.640 Jamea C1h11fl W1hno11 61 , 1471 Alli Ctrtle, Hun11ng1or1 ll;ell(n, ce11fo1 nl• 128<11 Th•• w11n .. • 11 conduc1.o by • llMlled Olltarlhtp 8heill ,_ WMll'\()tl Thi• at•t•ownt waJ Ill.cl Wl!h Iha County c1.,i. or Orenga County Ot'I OclOlar 15. 1g92 ""111 PilbJllhad Orange CoHI 01lly Pllo1, Oct 1g, 28. Nov' 2. 9, 11182 4507~2 rtJll,IC NOTICE PICTITIOUI IUllNIH NAMl ITATIMINT The following l)et1ona ere doing bu1lne11 ••. VtGARD VIDEO INVENTORIES. 1500 Adam, A~enue. S111t1 305, Co11•M111, Ce g20f6 O.n-V1aeo Tape Inc (1 C1llforn11 corpor111on). 1074 Redding St • Coat• MaH. Ce 92828 Th11 bulinfll Is c:onaucted b)I 1 c;orpor111on • ON VIDEO TAPE, INC D1v1d Lelghlo~. PrHldenl TtMs 111temeol W&I llled Wllh Iha Couoty Cle1k 01 0t1noe County on October 22 1g92 F200352 Published Orange Cout Dally Pilot Oct 28, Nov 2, 9, 18, 1982 4727-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNHI NAME ITATUUNT The.following pe1sona are doing business as· (Al OE M POLISHING SYSTE M S : (Bl UNI QUE MARKETING CONCEPTS, 34640B Cimino Ceplatrnno. Caolstreno Beech. CA 92624 Denn11 Wayne. 34640 Cem1no C1pi1tr8Jlo, C1pl11rano Beech, CA 92824. Kim A my Smllh, 3 4840B Cimino e1pl1treno. Capistrano Beach, CA 112824 Thi• bu11nesa 11 conduclao by e ll/nlled partnefShlp Denni• Wayne Thi• ... ,_, WU flleO with the County Clerk of Orange County on Ocl 7, 1g92. f1tt111 Publllhad Orange Coast Daily P110I, Oc:1 12. 19. 26, Nov 2, f982 4• 19·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS ltU ... 19 NAME ITAnMENT The following· person 11 doing business er AB SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, 111881 Providence Ln .. HunllnglOfl Beach. CA 92841 Lea Eel-rd Bengry, 1988 1 Providence Ln .. Huntington Beach, CA 92840. This buslne"I 11 c:O<\ducled by 111 Individual lff E. Bengry , Thia 1tatemenl wu filed wTh1 the County Clerk of Orange County on Oel 16, 1982. f'1"74e Published O"nge CoHI D•lly Pilot. Oe1. 19, 28, Nov. 2. 9. 1982 4530~82 Pta.IC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IU ... 11 ~ITAnMINT The foltowing 1*'90tlS ere d<Mng bullnetl .. SANORICH ENTERPRISES, 223 2nd Street. Huntington 8Nch, CA 92848 Ric:hard Alan Hyman, 223 2nd Street, Huntington Ba•ch, CA 92648 Sandra Sumiko Hyman. 223 2nd SlrMt. Hunling1on Be1c;ti, CA 92648 This bu91net9 t. conOucted by Riehatd Alan Hyman Thia 1111-1 WIS filed wtlh the County Cletk of Ofange Counly on Oct 15, 1982 F1"1S7 Publlahe<I Orange Coast Dally Pilot. Oet 19, 26. Nov 2. 9, 1982 4588-82 • lfliil1c NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUllHEH NAMf STAUMENT The following person IS doing bu11nesa as CARAY INVESTMENT CO., 2•829 Del P11do, Dane Point CA 9262g Raymond G Espinoza. 21371 Avanld• Ame1en1e, El Toro. CA g283() Thi• business 11 conducted by an Individual Raymond O· Eap1noza lhll ~t was filed Wllh the County OJ'erk ol Orenge County on Oct 15, 11182 '1tt707 Publl1hed 011nge Coast Dally Pilot. Oc:t 19, 28, Nov 2. t , 1982 4580-82 MtlC NOTICE NOTICE TO CMDITOlll OF IULIC TRANUER (hca. e191~101 U.C.C.) Nolle:• 11 t'leraby given to the credolO<I of FRANCISCO J. SOTO and SERGIO CO RREA RODRIGUEZ. Transferors, whQH hOlne lddrau Is 4376 Las FIO<n Avenue} City ol Yorb1 Llnd1. Cov nly ol Orange. Stele o f Callfornla. that • bufll tr1n11.,. Is 1boul to be mllde to FR.ANCISCO J. SOTO 1 nd JOSE GAR CIA, Tr1n1t•r-. WhOM home eddross 11 1088 SH Bluff Drive, Cny of Co111 Mau, County ol Orang•. Sl9ta of C1llfornl1 The property to b• tranalerred It detctlbed In general es; All 1tock In 1r1de. fl~lurea. equipment and good will o f thll Liquor Store bualneta known 11 "SOUTHWOOO LIQUOR" Ind located ., 22:10 HarbOr Blvd • City or Coa11 Meta, County ol O range, Stai e of Cllllornla~ The b ulk tr1n1far will be contummlled on or aflw Iha 19th day of November. 11182 1t 10.00 • m 11 WHtarn Mytual E1crow Corp., Aun Marilyn WMtmoretena. wno.. aoar ... II 14081 S Yorba SlrMI. Bolte 101, Tu1tll'I, Cllllomla 112680 That the iut date for llllng cllll'!ll in Iha eaerow reflf'red to heftlll It Nov9mber 11, 1982. So t ar 11 11 known 10 tna Tren1farHt, all bualnaH ,.•rna• 1nd 1ddr••••• 11a1d by th• Tr1r11feror1 tor Iha P•tl lhrM yeara ., •. Mme Oiied M1y 7. 1982 FrMCleco J Soto JOMOetda Tr1n1twr- Pllllll1had Orane• OOH\ 0111, PllOI, Nov ~. Itel 4t:SS·ti MllC NOTICE Or nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tue1Cl1Y1 Novembef' 2, 1982 Home of Honda The ll9nda manuf ':leturing facility at the top of this aeria l photo, in Mar y ville, Ohio, complete~ the ·first Honda aut~ built in the ni1 ed late , according lo a n announcem ent is ued Monday. The fir t .-made Honda was a Honda Accord. OVER THE COUNTER I NASO LISTINGS UPS '1 Ptt y~"-.~. ·~ • .1<.. , . ,, ~ : .~ ,"" '• . ,. ... J .. . . .... Up tO 0 UP VA Up » J Uo ~I t VP JI • Uo Jll.4 Up tl.J uo 16.J Up ti J • ... > • J ~ • I .. • i.. J 11• ,, .. .,~ .. .., ) . ~ ,.. '" ,.. , .... 1•. .. J ,, J • h J .. I ' I ''-• •• l'' • '"' " J• .. oow11s ~: ~H .. Up 1J I up n s Up D .1 Up 11.1 Up Jt t Up 101 Up 100 UP 100 Up JO_O Up 200 Up "l Up 11.S UP I• 7 I.lo ••• ... ~r.. '~. 0tr<:, .. , 7' • ~. Oii 1•,1 JI. I) Off U,I l '• i, Ott ll.J 1000 11! Ott 12 I ... ,. 00 11.t >•• .. Oft 'l.j ''• .. Oii 11.J 1 1. Oft 11 I 1 ... Oft II.I • ... Off 11 1 "'• '~ Oft 10' •1• ~ Oft 10.1 10 JI, Off 10 I 3-._ Oii tU II'. H. Off 100 It R W 5 T ~ 0 If s ~· Oii s1.. t Off ,.. ~· Oft 1~ '· 011 Jl. •• Oft II~ I Of! a '• °'' JI., '· Ott t I t.l ., 11 u l.J 1.1 ,, 11 - Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tueaday, November 2, 1982 NYSE c:OMPOSITE TRAN ACTION OUOf AflON• IN(LUOI fl A OU ON fl .. llllW VOi a MIOW&U, l'AC.,I( l'lllf, 10\TOll 01 HOIT 6110 (lll(llllfUI UO(I I a(MAllOI •ANO 111 l'OHIO I V ft41 NHO AMO INUllll f ,. - • Daon says Che1nical \ won't press lawsuit V ANCOUVF.R, British Columbia (AP) -Daon Oevclopm 111t Corp. says Chcmkal Bank of New York hos agreed to withdraw a $!j7.5 mllllon,auit against the Vant'Ouwr-based develof>'•r. In a news release Monday, Daon 1JpOke man 01..'0rgc MacFurlune said arrangemcnll! had been mad~ to satisfy the lndebtednea;s to the b:rnk on two apartment projects to the Los Angeles area. No furthllr details on the arrangemcnll w~re available. Chemical &rik meet the suit in, federal court in N •w York City in mid-Sept.enilwr. At thot time a Daon spokt.'Sman said the company would defend the action. '- Western S&L to rest? PHOENIX (AP) -WetiU?rn Savings says It has no cu rr ent plans for additional purctrases after acquiring 24.9 percent of Del E. Webb Corp. Common stock for $26 milllon. -"We have no current plans ~ make atlditlonal purchases, but we'lj not ruhng them out," Weste~'s president, Gary Driggs, ·said Monday after the third such majd'r move by Western since June. In each case, Western has acquired more than 20 percent but less than 25 percent of the company. "Going over 25Jperccnt defines it as an affiliate," said DriS,iJS. "By acquiring at least 2~ percent we. can include the proportionate amount in our earnings, under accounting rules." • More as~estos prob~ems PHILADELPHIA (AP) -A second asbestos company has filed for1 reorganization to protect itseU from creditors because it faces more than 10,000 lawsuits from workers claiming asbestos poisoning. Amatex Corp. filed under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code in U.S . Bankruptcy Court on Monday. In August, the Manville Corp. sought protection from what it said was a potential 52.000 asbestos-related lawsuits that could cost the comp. ny up to $2 billion. Amatex lawyer Victor Drexel said the compat y has paid $500,000 in company money and _about ;2 million from insurers to settle sorrie 2,000 sutt.s so tar, and had to hire lawyers in 45 states to defend itself. Bergt to stay any way? LOS ANGELES (AP) -West:ern Airlines says Neil Bergt will stay on as chairman of jts board for the time being despite federal rejection of his plan 10 acquire Wien Air Alaska. · According to the Los Angeles Times, the Wien acquisition was the ''cornerstone" of a two-step ajlreement that brou.zht Ber izt to Western last December, and he had been quoted as saying he would leave. if the plan feU through. DOW JONES AVERAGES Ml!W VOAKCAPI Fl,..1 Dow·Joft .. •v9t, tor M-y.Nov.'I STOC•I JO .,,., IO Trn U Ull » $1k lftlfUl Tr•n llllh U SI- WHAT STOCKS DID MEW YORK IAPI Hov I ...... ...,., .... :.o T°":~1 • o..J1 Oecllrwo ,., HS UftCh.,,fH no ,.. TOIOI luue• "n l .... Mtw hlot.l 1n ., Mew IOWl , t -•• 4"'1>.DtU NEW YOAK CAPI Nov p,,., Adven<tO ,_. ~r. O.CllllH i.i 1'1 Un<h~ 'JOO JOO Telel ....... ... --hlgl\l )t • Ntw IOws \ ) METALS NEW VOAI( lAPI -Spot nonferrous mellll p.ic.s Tue.Oey Copper 72"'·7S cenla • pound, v.s oet1 .... 11o11t L ... 23·28 cents • pound DM 40--42 etnlt • pcNnd. ~ Tiii -CIOMd .........,_ 711 c.111 a pound. NY 8lher 510 S2 I* lroy ~. MY Com.• 61*-lh CloMO Mon lllWcury '385 00 pet Dull "•111111"' U3 7 0().1343 00 lroy ounco. NV SILVER •~L "" .... "" 21.1 "'" u.o Ull 1J.S Ull If.• Ull 11.1 ~ lU ~ 'U Ull H "'" t.• "'" •.. "" ., "" ._, ~ t~ "" u Up U ~= tj "" .. VII , .. "" '·• "" , .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tu aday, November 2, 1982 ~Diviners' compelling human d~ama 8)' TOM TITUS °'"-o.etr ,.... • ..,. ''The Diviners" is lhc sort of play that can gel under your skin cind make It Itch. It's a grim l·hro11ldl' ol hl'urlland Arntmcu 111 the o utset of the Oepn•ssaon by a 2~-year-old playwright. Jim l:.ronard Jr .. who seems destined for greatness. tfo has Collowt.od u;ails establisht.od by the likes of William Ing~ and Lanford Wilson, and cijt deeper into their dramatic underbrush. Whal emerges is a compelling drama centering ol\ a retarded young hydP.'Phobic and a stranger w)lo has just quit the family business -pl'caching -: w h o find a deep aUcction and trust in one another that ultimate ly leads to tragedy. In the hands of the superior lale nl a t South Coast Repertory, it's an exhilarating experie n<.-e. Director Martin Benson, an SCR founder who has long possessed a unique ability to wring the ultimate in humanity from a script. endows his production with a grubby reality and a sense of u,ocomplica\ed honesty. Benson's characters strike the archetypal Amerwan Gothic pose, then take on add ed {iime n s ao n as the play p rog resses. That the play's central characte r -the youttl who hasn't bathed since h is mother drowned many years ago -has the power to locate water is a plot device that provides the title and oc'Cupies only its first 10 minutes. More critical is the ex-preacher's 1 attempts to c ure the "idiot boy" of the water- induced paranoia. Don Tuche examines the unwashed head o( Jeffrey Combs a Wayne Grace (right) and Thomas Oglesby watch in "The Diviners" a t outh Coa t Repertory. Jellrey Combs enacts the crazed young man w ith every fiber of his physical and emotional tafent. It is an incredibly demanding role and Combs sust.ains it superbly with a riveting intensity that sh ould make audiences squirm. . As the lapsed preacher searching for some other -any other -way of li fe, T homas R . Oglesby exhibits an almost saintly compassion as he embarks on his seemingly impossible mission. One looks for a character flaw that might mark him a "Rainmaker" type charlatan. but there is none to be found. He has traded his hollow pulpit for some on-the-job training in improving man's humanity to Wayne prace 1s s premely real as the boy's man. ~ mechanic father. while n Tuche gives a staunch a~unt of the town's part-time doctor, a caricature with vitality. Emily Heebne r is marve lously winning as the y~ung man's sist~r and Martha McFarland lends a sense. of a tmosphe re as th~ · hallelujah-chanting merchant who unwittingly sets off the play's grim climax. Background characters, who capture lhe mood in more isolated vignettt.>s, are effectively portrayed by John Walcutt, Joe McNeely, Rita Rene Stevens, Sylvia Meredith and Patti Johns. . An enprmous coptrlbution is made by lighting designer Tom Ruzika, whose threate ning rain clouds and realistic "Lake" bathing the lower half of the stage are paramount to the show' pulsating eff~t. Susan Tuohy's open sel e mits a splendid pastoral feel. "The Diviners" will play through Dec. 2 at SCR's Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. running nightly except Mondays at 8 p.m. (7:30 Sundays) and weekend matinees at 2:30. It's an expenence not to be missed. • More election coverage flash By FRED ROTllENBERG Of t!M DMty Piiot 9 taH NEW YORK -While te levision looks younger. David Brlnkley and Walter Cronkite are older and wiser . But once again, they're s pending election night with America. Brinkley has a new networ k . bolling NBC for ABC last year. Tonight he joins Frank Reynolds and Ted ·Koppel in anchoring ABC's coverage. , Cronkite also h as a ne w role after yielding the anchor desk on both the ''CBS Evening News" and election· night to Dan Rather. Cronkite will be in Washington tonight to handle political interviews fci' CBS. "We wanted Walter to have a more active role t han simply doing c ommentary," said Joan RJchman. executive producer of CBS' coverage. In 19~. Brinkley a nd Cronkite were involved in their first TV elections. ln those days, TV relied on veteran broadcasters to tell the political stories. But, more and more, te levision with Its visual graphics and compuie r breakdowns is the star of the show. "We're entering the graphics e ra in a big way." said Arthur Bloom , director of CBS' coverage . "After their polls close, states on a map will grow three dimensionally and change colors." Before the polls close in most places, NBC's computer will spit out what it thinks the ¥t: picture will be. "Around 9 o'clock (EDT), we'll try to from the people who brought you".....,....., N A T I 0 N A. L IAMPeeN'S. predict the whole composition of the House," said ·Joseph Angotti, NBC's executive producer of special broadcasts. "We don't ttxpect to be off by more than four or fi ve seats." All the networks wall make winner projections, after the polls cJosc unleslj. the stat.cs have vari~ closing times. In those cases, the networks will wait until the great majority of polls closo. The exception is ABC. which w ill wait until all the polls close in Indiana, Texas and F lorida because late -closing precincts are essential to its closing$. Two years ago. NBC and CBS incorr ectly predicted only one r~sult. the Senate ~ace in Georgia. ABC had five errors, prompting an overhaul of its computer program. NBC is promoting its 140-square·fool. electronic scoreboard, another glitz ln the network's ~pirited 'COmpetition with ABC and CBS for the prestige and financial value of ratings superiority. CBS, under Cronkite's stewardship, won 1978 and 1980. NBC's second-place lead over ABC shrunk two years ago. That's why the ratings results of this election are so significant to NBC. Viewers will get exposure to Tom Brokaw and Roger Mudd, who will be chatting, joking and analyzing from the same studio ·for the first time since they became co-anchors of the -,,NBC Nightly News" last spring. • On ''Nightly News," Mudd. reports from Washington and Brokaw from New York. "It will help to have the audience see them physically together," said NBC News President Reuven Fran~ ln a 22-minute newscast, there is hardly time for the on-air rapport tha t contributes to viewer comfort and acceptance, and seems to make a differetice in the ratings. PlalC NOTICE Mt.IC HOT1CE FICTITIOUS Ml ... H FICT"10UI _, ..... ...._ ITATl•NT NAMI ITAff•NT Tiie following 1>4reon 11 doing Tiie following person 11 doing bUslneM as: buslMSI at. SERVANT MAINTENANCE. INTERSPAZIALE, 17'8 Porl 25211. Slodtf)Orl. ~I 21•. Laguna Menlelgh Clrcle. Newporl Beech, Htl11, catiforM 92e53 CA 92MO Robert 8 . Slevena, 25211 Cerio A Rocco, 1718 Porl Sloc:kport. ~l 214, u.gune Hilla, Manle!Qll Circle, N-pOft Beach, Cahf«nla 92653 • CA 92MO Thia buslnMI II conduelecJ by an ~lo A. Rocco lndMdual. ~ Tiii• tlatemenl WM IHeo wllll the Robet1 8. Str..na County Clerk of Orange County on This 11a1emen1 wu flied wlttl Ille Sef>l 18. 1982 County Cler1I ol Orange County on Ftt7UO ~------.__-....-.....--.---i Ociobe< 8, 1982. Publlalled Orange Coast O.llr • F1-* Pllol, Oct t9. 29. Nov. 2. 9, 1982 Publfalled Orange Co11t Dally 4578-82 Pilot. Nov. 2. 9. UI. 23. 1982 •-tc NOTV>r •819-32 S-UUL 1.- ACTITIOU8 .,._ .. HAim ITATl•NT Pl.&IC NOTICE ACT1'TIOU8 llUtlM81 Tiie followlng person 11 doing .......... bullneuu: NAMe 8TA, .. _.., THE OONNA CO OF OR· bu~o:::wlng person 11 doing ANGE COUNTY . t5401 Redhill ~======~=======~======~! THE TONER COMPANY 3014-F Avenue, Tutlln, Callfomla e2eeo Hallad1y S1n1a Ana C1llforn11 Jouph A. Fralnee, 230 LUXURY TH'ATRES 92705 ' ' Campbell St reet. Redl1nd1. W \.. j ,. C1rol Louin M•lll• 13 C1llf0tnla 92373 ' • 1tt .. lat111eta..11ts•YS2.ll....,....,.llltl4 • WO:Odnaven. Legun• Nlg.uel, Tiii• bullne111t con<!ucteo by •n Cellf«nte 92877 lndlvklu11. s 11Br.t44•Iull6t~ 255J/~:.,;:,) s .,;:::~-.. conducted by an Thi• lt~=t~:~·~'= wltll lhe eerol L MIUlt County Clerk 01 Of•nge County on FOR FOOi HCITEmEml V11rtOur... * Thi• 1tatemeni wM filed with the October 1~· 1982 County Clerk of Orange County on lft•tt -WE'RE GOING TO MAKE \'OlJ LAUGH .... Plenty of teenage lu!>I; Load5 of crawling crt>alures and Lots of dlrry pan'I. PG ·:: ... -----NOW PLAYINO -----.. (. 1.1-lll••Pw• \19 $JJ9 u lOllO • ,.._._ mm;:..w. IO•i'O ~t·......-• Ont_.,. • ~It \HO , 6l• 7~~3 ..... Sl_l),vell< 6ll lllO WllUl*lllll '" •c , .. w,, )9 I) .. "' "' )19J COSlAMllA ..... wtlf•ldflll c ..... °'c-c;...· .. 919•111 , ....... w..-.,. lf•,,O>C...-•Wf'I c._ ~)I 00~ Ht )9)~ COSlA•l l lttortt ~•Ce.nl,,.,. ~•61111 *BARGAIN MATIN'leS • Mond•Y lhru S•lurday All Performanc11 belOfe 5:00 PM (ExafC S ..... (ltfl .... I IM Hllldtyl) "M0N81GNOfll" 1111 __ .... ,,..,, .. MA~ LAMPOOll'S I ~~=:-.=. •1'.Jt:1g•I!J. fec:v"Y 01 Co--] _ lt',.!!&f _ .__2_1_1_1_1s_1_ .. _110 __ . "filON8'GNOR" tlll .... ------ .... l'\.Onk Tia WAU" 1111 ~--..,,. UST ..-.c ... VWIGllf" _....,_ "'' LU'.EWOOO CO~TfR SOUTH "''"'" '" •nta lwoaD ,,., nta IOllCIMW' 1111 . --·---'"· .-.-- ~l'T°'l"t ---"tf\' ,A\'09Sft YaA.111" --- "THI CHOM.W" INI -·· "THe JAZI .... _.. (l'G) 111.M&.•• "JINXED" 1111 _..., ___ ,_ ........ ..., .. , .......... .. IMPCMITUT llOTICI! ClllHll -· 11 fUll """" ............... ..., , ...... ·~ .... .,.,. .. w .... ,_.,._ ,, ... C.tll ____ __ --....... ··IU.t:mfl ....... _ .t •,A' ".' ANAHEIM D lllVI IN ..._.i .. -.. l,._..IO ..... ~,,., ·-~­-~IOUMP"flll c:.. .. _ . .. .. ~ ' BUE~A PARK : • .t ·" -----llMOJO . . . ~ .... LINCOLN ['lllV I IN .. '" FOUNTAIN VALLEY \•lllVf 1"1 _ ...... _ .. _t .. ) Ml•IAll ' .. HI WAY }G ••. •• .... ,_'"' lnM~lllll·~·- "Of'AOC*eUTD" - "'M.AU.OftD II; HHO.. Of' T'l49 WITCH" 1111 " ... •ntl T191G" "" Clllf .. _ __ .... ...... _.._ Octl>Oer 16 1982 Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHt Oelly • F19f711 Pllol, Oct f9, 28, Nov. 2 .•• lt82 ' Publlahed Orange CoHI O•lly 4584-82 ARCADE of GAMES• ~·" . ·.-ltl·MH . Piiot. Oct. 19. 28, NoY. 2, 9, 1912 Pl.&IC NOTICE ---------•-5_2_74_2 ---:l'IC=TmOUe==~M~A~~-= .. "!"'"""- ftalC NOTIC( Nam ITATIMPT 1'1Cnnou8 -•• Thi lollowlng peraon 11 doing Nam aTATl..wT bullneM M The folowinO S--ere doing C 0 M P U T E R 8 R U S 0 F ~ M CALIFOANIA. 3301 S Harbor, No. llUE RIDGE LTO • tMOO Malo I tO. lan11 Ana, Celit«nte 9270<1 Street. Suite 1 tO. Huntington Compu1et lown. • Celll0<na. .,_,, CW!fomle 92641 corporallon. 19010 le11rel Perl! Robert M. Smith. for SunMI Roecl, Compton, Ctllfomle 90220 8h0te1, Inc . o.ner11 P1r1,,er. 1 Thll buelnett It conducted by • Celllofnla c:orpon1tl0n cOt'pot'llloll Tiiie ~ le befnt eooduc:190 ~I« Town by 1 U1Ntec1 PertMf'INi>. JOMOfl L. St>edatcwa Ao1>1r1 M. 9m11t1 Prllldenl Thi• 1t1temen1 lll•d with the Tlllt lletement WM fifed IM!h the County etwtc of Ofange County on County Clerll of Orange County on October 11. 1"2. OclOOer 20, 1H2. ,,... .. ,_, Publlahed Orange co11t 0111y Put>1t1hed Or1noe Co111 ~llr .,..._, .....__. 19 28 New 2 9 ,...... Piiat, No\f 2, 9, 18, tt, IHI .....,.., ....... • • . • 411~•2 ~11·12 ~ocal, county , state' nationql and internat•onal events come to 110ur doorstep jn the bright, light and lively l 1~ HAtll. to. • . •• '1T CAm ,._,::U.~1 "Mm·-°" ..... "" _ .. _ ----- <-.)1,'/\~•C.l L I ... ~· ¥(_ ...... .., •• .,...... ......... °"' ..... ~ ......... -----14TH SMASH weEK! ----~ UU •Wl"OllflUCtl Mo111n "'" I'! 11• Io ..... , Htwp0ot \1f Hl9 Clllt~ 6•• 01110 •1HIOel Vl(JO OllA•t ra·• .. 1•0• """° '""' t.ntCIOmtl UO 60UO 6H 7~~3 +pua+M ~ ,,.,...1.w MIMltlM WllTlllllll Ull '.W1t.c l 4-Po.;it4 It W1, Iii Ouwr tfl ()i',,..t 111 '"too 1•11 1otl WUTMl .. Tlll ldw"'d' C.itn•• Wt11 89 t JU~ .., •• ..,, "'-'''""°" ,.,., •• .,.. ... ~ .. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tu aday, November 2, 1982 'Father ~::Brown' option for FRED ROTHENBERG ,....,.....,..., NEW YORK (AP) -It you on't want lO play pohlit'I with h" national networks on election lght, television has some manor rty t•ho1ces. Most 1ndcp<>ndent stauons &l'l' howing movies w lth top male tars like Humphrey Bogart, Obert Red ford and the la le . teve McQueen. Al least one is pting for "The Deer Hunter," a ilm considered so violent that h e comme r cial net w o rks oUldn't touch il. · And public te levision is ounter-p rogramming the ysteries or the elections.with a on -viole nt s l e uth name d 'Fath e r Bro wn " on i t s •·Mystery" series at 8 on Channel 0 and al 9 on Chal'}nel 28. The ne tworks a re a lw.ays ulnerabte the first Tuesday in IY!NNI e.-oo• o a l1iCT10N COYIMGa November been~«> thc-y don't otcer 1 choice. ABC. CBS and NBC oil have <'lec:Uon co~raao until tht• w ee ho uri of the mornrng. And they t1hould be cQsic1 prt?y tonight becau1c there's less viewer lntert:at In non-pr~1dential clL'<!tlons. In 1976, a presidential yellr, 56 pert"t:nf"of the nation's TV home1 watched election results, while 80 percent~ of thl• audience watching TV was tuned in to ABC, CBS and NBC. The figuret dropped off in 1980, with the networks attracting 51 percent or the ·TV house h o lds and 73 percent of the turned-on audience. In 1978, an off -year election like this one, only 26 percent of the potential TV .)'lomes watched t he networks. with juat 46 percent of viewers watching TV tuned In to election CO'(erage. Thal mean• ovt.tr h&atr th v lttwlna& aud l c-nc~ wal<'hed ~thing eltle. and It rould bo mort" thl1 tlmt-bocaulK! of gri•aU!r <'able penl'tra\ion 1inct• 1976. Home Box Otflct' 11 o tferina "Prince of the City," u popular 1981 movie that 1a moklna& i\11 Ii.BO debut tonight. Ar0und ~ country, here are some random non-political choices: In New York. WPIX will r~n "Casablanca," starring Boaart and Ingrid ~rgman. The station ran this ctaamc on election night in 1976, and It drew 14 pen:ent of the TV homes in the area. Two years later, WPIX showed "The Graduate," which also 41ot a 14 rating but was beaten_~)" "The Pink Panther" on WN~w. WNEW. to night has "The Re turn of the Pink P~nther" with Peter .Sellers. WOR. which . breed ebol'lglne deoldel to .... • ~In tM wtllte men'• world only 10 run up egllntt rllciem and vlo- lence. t:IO (f) THI .. MIGIWITI Oln'I ~ IUC• --muchperton- .. c:onlllct unt• he llnd• Inner S--· (Pert 2) 10:00 D oa::.tlOH 'II: THI CAUR>MA von • •• NIWI IOUNC1 l'UTlYAL (Premier•) The ,_.- gull• end YOCel llytlngl of JON Felldano end Ille tlMQ Wluoalty of the Jazz group Fronter• we ••· lured. l~·a THI VIMINIAH h .. ltldf\lc>ped In • • viewers won lht> niaht in llUW with "Tht> Dettr Hunte r," 11 ilhowln& McQu\'(tn In ·•Nt>vada Smhh." Baltimore'" l nde pend<'nt •U.llon WBFF', is showlng "Tht' Dt<or llunwr," ln Wo111\1n~wn, Wl"l'G hru1 "To Catch a Spy' with,KJrk DoUgln.", and WOCA ha1 McQue~n in "BulllH." "As far as we're concerned. !i's just a regulur night," says Farrell M eisel, WOCA's pl'Ogram director. Los Angeles is also opting for male sex symbols: Burt Reynolds in "The Longest Yard" on KTTV (11) and Woody Allen in "Sleeper" on KCOP (13) al 8. Seattle's KSTW is staying In the political arena with Redford in "The Cat1didate," while KC.PQ is showing a John Wayne lllm, "The Long Voyage Home." IDBI TDPPlll " KNXT (2) 6:00. KNBC (4) and KABC (7) 7:00. KOCE (50) 9:00 -"Election Night Coverage." KOCE (5()') 8:00, KCET (28T9:00 - "Father Brown: The Three Tools of Death." First of a four-part series adapted from the classic de tective stories by famed British writ.er G.K,; Che$t.erton. .. The late Kenneth More is delightfully whimsical as "Father Brown" in PBS' . "Mystery '' series.· StreMi" (1977) O-ge C • Scott, Clelte Bloom. 8ued on 1he novel by Emelt Hemlnowey. An lloleted 1r1111 11 forced to revell hi• hidden emo11on1 when hi• three eat'8ngeo IOl\t come 10 vllit him 'PO' 3:30~=20 * * * "Rleh And Femou1" (1981) Candice Bergen. J1cqu1llne Binet. Throughou1 Ille upa Ind down• of lbelr ,~,,,. llltrery c1reet1 end romantic INel. ,_ - depend on their frlendllllc> lor 1t1blllty. 'A' (Q)MOVIE * *'A "'The King Of MllfVln G1rden1" ( 19721 8Q>ce Dern. Jeck Nk:tlollon. two brother•. lru.treted wtlh be. fllher ~fol IN right -to .,.., 1111 clllld. •pa· • l :IO (al * * * "FIMll Oof'don" I 1910) Swn J. Jonel. M• Von Sydow. A trio of ewthllnga ttawl to ttw pl_. Mongo 8lld --Ma opprMNd lnNOltMltl In the OYerttwow Of the _. • Emperor Ming, "PO' t:oO • * * 'h "8'oedWey" C 1'M2J 0-ge IWl. Pll O'Brien. T-Neff VOrtc City gengltera bettle fcw contrOI of Ille recllet1 Md '°' the lffectlOlll of the women Ille)' l>Otl'l low. u.... C:0-809 °' tM 1912 ei.ct1one .. rwultl of the HOUM, Selwlte end guber· neton.I conteeta become known. ~-aotieme Ill"'* Ille Virginian. cc:>ltlCMI KCET (28) lO:OO -"Sound Festival." The renowned guitar and vocal s ty ling of Jose Feliciano and the string v!rtuosity of the jazz ~roup Frontera are featured. ~ -thtlr llYM. d,_ of rel.II'· 11'1_9 to• ttoplcll pwld .... 3:48 (I) JAMllOMI .. THE HIU.8• •*** "TheOtelt Advenlure" (111541 Kjllll SUokldorff, "'"*-Nor· borg. A Swedllh dWec'lor pr-ti • doc:umln~ on IN wonder9 of netllt9 end wlldllfe, CZ)* *'h "So Ane'' (111') Ryen O'Nell, Jeck Wit'· den. A lluffy cOllegl pro- IMIO< -hie fecller'• floundering getmenl fec:to- l"f by ln¥entlng • ,_ tw>e o111e11e1· i-nt. 'A' 1(1) NeWI CHAM.11'1 AHOE1.8 A call gift 09«1tlon with a butglary Mg P'll<Oll the aide mekel IN mlltlke of robbing• ~e men. G EIGHT• INOUGH s-b<lnga • boy holne for dlnMr end NlcholN II eppolnlld hou11hold Wiier commileloner. • M•A•l•H Col. Potier Miii I woun6· ed ~trill to counlll eomeofthet-*- thelf mor• la low. tm HAWAII f1VE..O The UMlllnltlon of one of H~'I moet ectlw "-" peddler9 Uv~ en~ -.,._two c:omp9tlng viol~. -~fNIY au..t: linger Kitty C.,..._ ··~ THM>UQH n.""" "'UlerlNf« TN 8ynlheM Of Poetry" • ™-Mee II NGHT cm fMMOI YM.U NfO THE '°"" llAIONI Meny of V .. ' I hltl. lllCfl u "SNrl'y.'" .. Wiii! LIQ A Men .. end "'Alo Ool ... •e !Ntured In "* concerl from ~· Pert! Welt Club. (l)JAMeOME .. THI! HILi.i• ''SllPll' Bowl Of Country MUlkl" "rhll unique c:oun- try mutlc feltl\lll ... ""' .. ,,.,.,., Lee Lewie. Ronnie Mllup, Caf1 Pettllna, The Kendell end Helen Cot· nellul. ~1 9 NOTI: LOCA.L ELllCTlON~ Will.• NATUMO INTENotl'TTINn Y. e:aoe AUCE • ~VETT(fQ ·CW>WINQ~ ''P...achool Pweonellty'' 8 TOft STORY • WOM..O M ll'EOPt..E gMQYW **'A "Prllonlt Of Wit"' (1854) Aonlld Aeeoen. ~ MMllll. Two POWa ~om the United SUit• continue lntllliOence work wfllle eppeerlng 10 lllY9 eteclled under communll1 lndoc1rlnetlon. 1~• ELllCTlON ~)I.Mt _...,. °'.,. 1N2..,. tlolll .. ....,... of the ~. a.net• end guOer• Mtoftll com.ti becOfM "'-'· • ~DAYS NJNIH Only the FtJnZ -10 underltend .,_. Richie ~ out of ldlOCll to run oft"""' • ~ _,,.,._ eamnoN·a e toAP a--tn.. to end " 1111; Corinne meetl Tim'• ~end lk#t end Oen- '!l.. meec Jodll'• '°"9'· • THfm'I C!Of#l«'f .....,...,, •d ... end ._..own po1 "'Jd Into troullll wM -.... • !!"!""' WLD ~···· (I) P.M.WMZMI A tr•IOI•~ MIO won 1 &26.000 ~ ..... *·' ... '°' oowf)Oyl end ...... • .-moM -OOll9--LM ...... "of IN ttu ........... of .. ........... encl.,...,. nelortlll oontell8 beOol9l9 ~. e OMMI COUNTY ~y • ICH>eT 1ce11 •KHec o•ec> •KTLA Cl .... l •uec cMC> e1"MeCCetl eicHJ-TV ...... ) • ICCIT CAIC) eicTfYCIM.) .. IC(M.TV U .... ) •ICdTCNI) •i<OCaCNll Michael Conrad (left) and Burt Reynolds watch a football game that threatens to become a football war in "The Longest Y ~rd,~' a melodrama of priso~ life, • at 8 tonight on KTTV ( l l). CID HeO MMMZINl (a>MOYll • ***~ "Mr. 8tWldlngl Bultda Hll OreMI l<blN'' I 19-48) Cery Orent, Myrne Loy. A men ~om ~ ten~ l'all ~to Ille country where he tn.. to build•~ (%)MOYll *** "P~" (1980) Robin WllllelM. Shelley Ow ... Wiiiie -c:hlng b Illa flltlll'. the~­ Ing ullor \llalta • quM1t hll'nlet .... he pldla •• toundllng end • .-Clnny _.._,_.PO' . 7:30. LAYMHI & IHIN.EY &CO#NMY 8 MAOAtWI PlACE Mademe'I e11·produe« -lwr fof tweedt al con-ttect. 1~1•H ''The FonelQllt Sega" , • TIC TAC DOUGH .WOELI~ ~ • MAQIC~OL PAINTING Cl) ELllCTlON COYIMQI u.... -· of the 19112 electlonl • reeultl of the Houle. s.nete end outier· natonll c:on1eatl becOl'lle "'-'· • MOVIE * * '"Con1plrecy In Teh«en" (1947) Det• Ferr, P1mel1 Stirling. While on lilllgt".ment In Ita- ly. • -COi 1eepoftdlflt ~'" 1111111 ietklf; plot egelntt Pr..ics.nt FrrillnO.~ (I) TMJ( IAQ( TO • ~ 7:11 Cl> MOTi: Netwcwti progummlng wlll be lnt.rmlttll'ltly Int~ ed by loeel !_lectlon retumL HO 8 LOCAL &IC'nON OOYMAM • DeC**W:THe CAU'OMIA YOn • IATUN)AY NIGHT Holt: Sieve Mulln. OueMI: The Dirt 811'1d. • ltlCMI * "lgl. ,..,,,.,.. ~ ~Club._. .. ~tt711 Peter Frempton, the ... 0-. A group of Yount people try to ..,.. tMlr town ltOfft the -.,.,-. t.eu.tll'd. • ltlCMI * * * . .,,_ Longl9l Y.nl" (1114) lhrt ~·· lddle AllMrt. A .._. pn1 ~ doing llme In • SoulMfn pneon la gN9I Vie lob OCIMlllng • group of COIWtttl lot • ~ b•rred footblfl g•Me r..o: .... ......... ....,., .. (tt71) ~ Allen. Ollrll IC-. ton.,.,,. • ....,., ..... • """"' ..... 900d .... or.-.......,."' a _,.,,. Pollot ........ MoOfMI ln\IGMd In • -to Ii~ tM noee of • dlOtMClf. • NOVA ~Oo~ ..... ., ...... (I) °"'TV <ll %·TV Cl) HllO cJ0 I c.1:.mH l (I) CWOIU HV ,, H,Y, Ill <WHll ~ (U"'J llllllllwt~ ....... • (C*e-.. ....... entltt• ...,,.. wtly bird• llng wtlh regional -ta end ' peea their lndMcfuel IOl'9I llon9 !tom 9ll'llfll· tlon to genereuon. (Al Q • MV8T8'Y "Father 8'own: The ThrM TOOll Of Dealtl00 WMrl • ltlndly phll1nthropl11'1 dlugllter la ICCUMd of her fllher'I murder, the gll'l'I I ""-qon,__ to the ~~ *. * "Nell ArlflJ ,_ .. (IM1) Cenda Bergen, Jecquelln• Bluel . Throughout thl upl end dOwM of their reepectlw 11t1rery oereere end rornentlc llwl. two _, depend on "'* ~ lcw atallllty. •A' CID ltlCMI * * * Y, ••Pf!noe Of TN City" (1Mt) Treet WV. ._, .-,., Orblch. A New YOJll cop la caught ~federll~ 1ne1 1oy111y to ,. llllow ofllolr'I duflng '" ~ getlon of wldHpre•d pollOe oom,tptloft, 'A" (1)''11Wi911CHOICe .ltlCMI ' * * * '"Oho1t Story" ,, .. 1) ,,... Aatllre, Jotwl H~Mftllen. MY9t.,loue deMtlll MGfrl to dlclfMte tM ,.,._ of 1 WMI c::lrde of 9'derty men wtlo lflll'e bOttl • ll'IOfllNy -~ eet·toted* end • 5C). yMr-old -.c. 'A' l:Ol 9 INTWn'ANllNT :TOMGHT An ~ wlttl eon- ""'-TOWWS. t:.aO. B.Bm9N OCMIMGR Continued CO\Olrage of the 19112 ltlctlona • rwultl of Ille ~. Senlt• end gubernetorlll contHta t>ecomek-. (f) CtWlla'I,.,,...... An un)lnown per1on 1hrMten1 to tllence • ,_. MWIWOl'Ml'I per· ~tly " .,,. dolln't ltly off the*· 0 ILICTION covawa. \.1¥9 CO¥arage of tM 1N2 etlctlOlll .. ~a of the Howl. a.net• end ou«>er· llltotlll cont.... become "'-'· (D)ltlCMI ...... "'The King Of MIMn Oll'Oenl" (1t72) ~ Oerft. Jedi Hlctlolaon. Two bl'OIMrt. frullr9'ld """ ....., hel. dr9MI of ....... 1!!i to 1 tropicel P•ldlla. t:oD e ILICTION I OOWR,_.. \.1¥9 CO\Olr ... of 1M 1N2 ...._ ......... "'. Howl, uw.. ... ...,. nlllOl'lll oontllll MoOIN .._. • ILIC'nON ~ (Joined In ,,..,..., Uwe cower• of N 1ta-.. ttona ........... .. .__. ............. . MIOflll -MGoll'8 ftMIM,_.., Holl:~ c.-.. au.t: ...,.._, ........ l &llmGNW ....... . .,...., ~ ""' T"'-1 OOll Of DllW' Wflefl • klncHr ,._....,.iw.,11t·1 .................. ...... ,..,,.,, .. ..,,.. ................... P.k ,.. .............. °'. ..... _........ .... .. ............. f.:-... ~ Of .-....... ... ,.,..., ....... , .. .. • * "Tiki Tllla Job And Sh0-19 It" I 19111) Robert Heyt. Blrblre Hershey. A young c:orporele , .. ec:utM rune Into r ...... ,_ -'*1 he recum1 to hie llOml- town to,..... .... •~ bf~.'PO' Ci) A NIW DAY IN IDIH A powerful lemlly llKM I 1mt111 town Into • model rejuvenltlon project. (Pert ..MOYIE **'A "Bultln' Looee" ( 1N 1) Alctwd Pryor, Cb- ly~.A~bUr· glll', • • concerned acfloOltMCher end elghl ctllldrll'I IMke • frighten- ing Ctoee-countty trip In • b<ollen-4own acllOOI bul. 'A" 10-.JO. •INOIPWW9111_....,_IT ...llETWOM NeWI cm MO'lte "My Mother, My L~" (1Mt) A young ~ rnerrlel 1111 older -fOf matef1ll geln ... qu6dlty ~bored. (I) A NIW DAY IN IDIH A powerful flll'llly luma I emal town Into • modi! l'~lon project. (Pert ~ . 11:00••••Clla NeWI • • IATUf'DAY NDfT HoM: Elliott ~. ou.t: Leon Aldbone.· • IN llAACH °'·M ··UnoO'ln Conlplraey'" • ITlmT8 Of' IAN f'MNQIOO s1-•a murder ~ lion .. ~ by. nit'• cotic:a egerlt ""°" an). tvde Md t~lcl -~ ..... ·=~ 8uNn ,~ .... with polltlc:al enaly9ll. '°"'* Coner-9oO Wlllol'I end Uonel Ven Oeer1ln: Cll'OI Le e..i end M Orlflltll llPMl wtltl eendl• detel from lllectton hMdo quenere ~: Joe McMeMn l'WCMlf1I Olmo- Ctltic rMUltl, end 9oO Donley and Adrienne Alpet1 rtipOf1 Aeplibllellll r_,na ftom LA. HM6-®1~ * * "OhOlt Story" (1N1) Frid Aatlll'e, JofWI Ho11Mm1n. Myeterlo111 ... beglrltodldlMM ... ,... of • --clrdl of 9'derty -wllo lhar'e bOth • montNy •torytelllng l"·tofllt* end • 5C). ~ ............ Cl>lllNN Jol'O ~ .,,_. you ....... ..,.,.., ttlen '"""· ..,_, "*' ... end unler tNn llflYlt*'ll yoll°W --· (Z)ltlCMI * * ""'1wt'/ Wlrtlal'I Or• Cllle'' l '914) Joe DallllMo dro, 1Jc1o Kllf. A ........ ...... WtN to ~ 1111 .... .. lllCIOCI .. '*'*'by.~""° _ .. tN ~ht''**' l!J If 11111 d by tM count. t t:tO • LOCM. ILIOTION 00191•M I THe LMTWON» YOU AllCID,.,.. IT l"eelWed: .. AcroNltce Oft A Molcwcyde'' llld ''Wow ToMllle...._Clultl,"' '-=°'-"TM lunll a.riot" (I) ..aTION 00\191--' . LM---flftM-..,..,. .......... ................ .....,. neeoNI ..... '*°"" ltftlMft. • . .,.,.. .. ~~ ''ClllWI• II Tiie ....,.. A ..... ...... ..,. ............... ==-=-"'MU-......... w ....... ~·--·· ~ ............... ................... 1wer'..C:-01111n111a. • ...,,...., ........ .............. Nm ...... A ---·-11•• ,, ....... --- · ~ •ltel'll9tl to ..,. tence the men wt!O reped her to prteon, 'A' 12:00. INT!RTAINMINT TONOHT An lnlervtew with Con- 1t11nC1 T OWet1. • MOVll ** "CMUI Of F11 Men- Chu" (1972) Chmlopher LM, Mlll'll ~. Scot· lend Y It'd ttiWena Fu Men- dlu'• ldlerM. to employ • 11ete1 weepon In Conquer· CiJ'=ld. 1 ,. • MOVll * * * "Men On A Stttng" ( 1MO) etn.t 8orgfllne, Kerwin Mllhewt. A Aid- alll'I 1PV lor* to remein behind behind the Iron Curtain ~ • coun- 1.,.,,Y lot the U.S. • Low. AMII dCAH l1YLI "'LOVll And The COntect ~·· Apf1I dolln't ....... boyfrilnd thll ---contect•. "LOW And The \JnMclpy Couple'' Frink end Abbey llweyl IMugtlt that ttll¥ .... happy. 0 THe l't0Qg9N) AUii WMn Aoc:ldord does • ,_ lor 1111 '°"'* flen.. cee. II• I• promplly plunged Into • tuo-of- ~ tM pOllol end the Ulidelwortd~ • ......,MAION HINd to ,.._t •worn- ., In • b6ecllrnelt peyott. ~ -llndl 1111 dllnt cti.gld with murder. cmltlCMI "Tiffany Luat" (1981) Artena~V- 11Hll't.A_..._, ,., .... note for lwr lnlll· lentM hulbll'ld end tllkM off'°' •otlc llNentwea. .ltlCMI ••• "A Clockwork Orange" ( 1971) MalCOlfn Mc:Oowell, Petridl M1911. Directed by Sllnley Kubr1dl • Wiie!) pob CIP- 1"'9 the ...., of • t...- • geng al replltl end ~. the mectlOd of rehelllltltlng him pr- -mote ttlreatelllnt to aoolety. 'A' 1uoe MCMI **~ "'Tlw9e't A Cfowd'" (t•l l.ll'ry Haemll'I· E.J .... er. Aller r~19, I men dllcoYerl IMI hll flrlC .... ,... ICl\1111)' cited • 1=-..... ''Treppect 8enNltl Ttle SM" (tt7•1 lee J, Cobb, Mll'tln 8111am, F04JI men -trepped In ., undelweler room 'depend- • vpon ,_....,,. to r.-dl "*" ...-. • OllY9ll'I Niii out. (f) TOM COTT\.I: UP cu. • LOYI. AMINCAN ITYU . "L-And TN Ledy A.._ ...... WllM end her '°°""' ..... c.t(9). .. OOl'l!Pt'• .. In .. ..,... """* ..,._ "LCM And TN Ledge'" A bom ~ • IMllt lo do """""In; 15"° • • '""""°'* CMI.-'' ( tN 1) Miii Alllln. ....... .....,., .. of~ .,...,,... --. ................. .... ~ .. .,....of 1 11111 lleCI _... II IN Ylcllm of child el>ull 'PO' -tt:41 CZ) MOVIE * * 1r ~ "The Howling" ( 191'1/ OH Wellece, Petrick Mec:n11. A women reponer II rneneoed by • lt~ler wllo -• to be a -ewolf. 'R' 1:00 • MO'lte **~ "A Lion II In The s1r .. 11" 111153) J.,,_ Clgney. Bertill' I Hele. A nirll Sout~n demlgOgUe gllna the support ol poor dll'1 fllfDll'I end 1111 hll WIY to pollllell ~. (!)MOYIE * * * ~ •"Oodaworth" C t93e) Welter Hveton, Ruth Challerton. A ~ men llndl 1111 buc:ollc .,. dlll'\lpled -'*' he end hie wife retn to Eur°"9 ~ they .. c:onlfonted by • NW....,.. end va.et. • ltlCMI • "Wonder Women" (1174) N11nCY Kwen. Roll Hlgll'I. CIDMOYW * * "The $M Woiv." (1980) Gregory Ped!, Roe· II' Moore. Outing Wond War II, a group of 8ritleh """'-"*' lcwm • ~ I-reglmll'lt to dlllroy • Germen apy ,_. In the lndiln <>-'!.'PO' 1:20 CC) MOYIE * ·~ "Nlflntky" (1979) Alen Bet•, 0-ge de II Pena. Trtumclfl end tr~ cty punctua. the ltomty rellllonlfllp ~ tM greet Auelllr\ bellet "" Ind hit S~·Nlte men- ~'A' 1:aG Cl) M80TT ANO coeTIU.O cmMOY11 •*'A "c:n.ttie Muffin" ( tl74) Oe'lld Hernrnlngl. Allpfl Alc:Nrdaon. l:OO. Cl) C8I NeWI NIGHTWATCti ••• NeWI IM (I) ltlCMI * "Beyond Evtr" ,,INIO) LYnde Dey George. Jotwt Suon. A ycung bride la terr°'1Jed by 9'111 lcwoea 1ur1tlnl In • troplc:ll men- "°"·'A' 1:11 (Z) MOVll * * ''Oteen Ice" (1Nt) AyWI O'Nell, ""-AtcMtl. An engar-end • todlllt• •ttlmP1 to rob • Souttl Arnericll'I -lid amug· gler of I fortUN In glml, 'PO' z:ao• MOYll *** "Doctor Oo1tt11e·· (1917) AH H1tfl1on, S-thl Eoger. A doc:tcw wt!O ~ enllnlll ...,.,,. to communlcll• with them In 500 dlft9rll'lt enlmll len- ;o-~ ....vww ...,, oeDotne ~ ~·· oomlng enfac. tloM. l:llD • ltlCMI • * "Denger z-·· 11•11 Hvg11 BMutnonl, EdwltO 9roply. tn Sen Ffillldloo, enu~t~ • detective 8ftf ge'9 caught up In lftllfdet end ,....._,.a1no. 1:001:.tUtf • ........ OOlll''lam ..... Wlltf .. Oet-. """· '*" "°"' • IWOllen -· l'I.... • N9w 1.-nd ......, ..... llOlellOft "°"' IOCllelY llUI ---• ~ ""° Whtn _,.... In "" ..... of IW\IOIUtlOn- !!} """*'· Ml(lt.)MCMI ••"-,....,_ In TN JOHN DARLING "&uper 8ow1 Of Country Mullc" Thia unique courl· lry mulic: leltlvll ,..lurM J«ry L• Lewie, AonnM Mlllap, Cert Perillne, The Kendllll end Helen Cot· nelk.11. 4:008 MOV1£ * * "I'll Get You" ( 1953) George Rift. Siiiy Orey. A female Brllllh apy end en FBI egent joirl foroea to crldl • worldwtde netWOl'lt of 1tldrlepper1. • (f) TOft O' THE MON..o 4: 11 (%)MOYIE .• •Y. "So Fine" (tNt) Ryen 0 1Heel, Jeck Wit'· den. A atuffy cOllegl pro- ,_ -hit fllher'I floundel1ng garment f ICIO- ry by lnYentlng • ,_ tw>e ol ladlll' jeen1. 'R' 4:30(1) IUUWINIU.E 4:80 CID MOVIE .... "°"9 °" OM'' (1977) Robby e.n.on, AnMtte O'Toole. Wrd"Lt•da9'• Da11tl•r Mor.IL'• 8:00. * * * ••QhoM Story'" ( 1911 I) Fred ...... ~ HovMman. Myll.,I~• dealha begin to ~ the l'll'llll of • """' c:ll'dl of lfder1y men wt!O .,,.,. both • montflly alorytellng get. together 8lld a 5C). -o1c1 MCte1 ·w 1.-«1 &>' * * "Andy Wll'tlol'I Frllnk-*n" (1174) JOI OellelenOro. Udo Kllf. A aex-obeMMd weirdo l;lcj. ~ the young peopled I ~ IO MCM9 ¥ll'loul body pana for 1111 male end,....... monaten. t:IO CC) * • 'h .. The Ofwt 8reln.. ( 1971) Jimmy Oamond. Len INnnan. In thl .-ty 1900e •• young con erti.t .,.inctW ~­one In 8igl'lt end er ..... .._ .. prot>IMw fof hlm- Mff. 'G" ca>** "JUlltA GIOOIO'' (1981) Oe\Old lkliMI, Kirn N0¥1k. An ll'l1tocr1tlc PrlMlillll addllr retume to 8erlln ..._ World Wit' I to Min hit IMng • • mlle eecon. 'A' 7:00 (f) * * * "W""*1ng Helghta" (1139) ~ Ollvlet. Merit OberOl'I: aued on Ille 1toiy by Emi- ly Bronte. A rtcll young -forlllc .. the low ol • ..wnt lo meny • IOClll equll • * * "" Allned All Night The Dey I Left"' ( 1978) Tony Curlll, Sally Kellllmllll. Two I06dllrl of f01'1-1111mble onto the 11.-t empife of • WMflhy widow Ind .... beeutllul deugM« • 7:80 (I)** "Foret Flve; St•· venoert" I IN 1 I Animated, All ermr ot 11tt1e "** bend tGg91t!er to detllnd E11'1h ~t • toroe of lllll'lln'lllden. 1: .. (%) •.,.,"The Lltttl 8hotl Of Hol'rcwa" ( tN 1) "-*le Joeeptl, Jonetllell ..... An ~ In • llofilt aflop ...... b6oodtl,*· •:00 (!) '::'"' "The """"' Of 0.1. Cooper" C 1tl 1) Treet WllllMW, "°'*' O\Nll. A tNal.lltyjallll• ...... end ~IO~fl¥9' °""°" wlltl • bMll In 1to1an meaner. ''°" 00 •· ... ·~· • C 1tl1)""' ---· ..,,. ~ 0',.,,... .• beOMlof 1111111*-WNIW..-IO •JO • ••th "Frll'lllll And JohnnY°' (1"8) EMI Pr ... iey, Donni Oouglea. Two IOYel'I plan to mlt"l"f, but lhe gift dluppr-of her nence·• gembllng. 10:00 Cl:) * * "High Ice" ( 1NO) Dnld Jenuen, Tony Mulllnte. ThrM llrended cllmbef1 challenge the reeourcea of • .-Cllled , ... ~I_,,, CID * * "S.-OI The Horth" (1Nt) Ellen Bur-.. tyn. Tom &emn. 1n 1919. . young-·· merrlage to • trepper INdl her to • ... °' hll'dtfllp In ...... der-of nortblm c- da. 'PO' (I) * * * "lmltltlon Oen· lr'll" ( 1951) Glenn Ford, Aed 8ul10118. WMfl • bne- ..... ~ .. ltllld ... ICtton duflng Woftd Wit' •. • m11ter ,.,geent _,,,_ hla ldll'l1lly to fin. llltl the battle. 10:IO. **tit "PMemlty"' (1181) Burt Aeynoldl • ..,. erty O' Angelo. A bedlelOI' Ill hll lortlea whO -ti to be • tither ~ lot ttte l'1gflt -to bell' 1111~.·PO' (%} • ·~ "'H"'-' Ir' (1N11 Jemie Lii Cvnll • Ootlllld Pl I IE I~ A hOpe- lellly lneane ITllKffr., oontlnull Illa r9lfn of \er. rcw In 1 am.ii i-. 'A' 11:ao CID * * • .. ...,. Calla" ( tt78) Welter M11thlu. Glende JICUOl'I. A wid- owed doctor hlltt hie c-v. lelideldel ..,,. ~ to Ill tor • dlvor- OM whO doeml't ~In phillllder'•l9· ~· cm*• 'h ··"-1* v.., PTA"' (1t71) Serb.er• Eden, Ronny ~ A very Mbeteted ~ -"- with • gralll dell of .. eppMlln ..... ...,~ the --.-ve ..,..,... of ioc.I ICflOOI boerd t'NlnCMr'I. ,,. •• * "unle Qgln" (1t7') -CwtM, ~ '"-"*lnL Whlle Wng 10 ~!Yorn ........ bOyfl'tlnd •• -.... llwOMdwllll~ •••~··11ega1··cttl6> Edwltd 0 . ~.Nina Fodl. A '°"'* Pf-.tor end .... .... llnd tfleM. ..,.. •ilNllMld Ill ..... ec-lng ldMttM. Cl:).* .... "The~ Men" ( 1llO) Jotwl Hur1, Anthony Hopillnl. A da$- ceted pflyMlen tM" under .. wing • hon1bfy dlfOmlecl man wtlOM '"' """ ltlen ,,... ..... apent ""Cf*'P'""" ......... ... 'PO' Cl> * •• "Zool lull" (1111) Oanlel V•ldN, Edward ,,_ a.-. In 19409 ~OI ,,.,,...., I --~en.-~' the ""'*" ol ,,...,. °' • Ohlclno ....... e-'11 lot mutder ..... CJ)••·"~" (1172) Aon O'Hael. C-1 lM A..__.,. pulMt dlddll IO ........ of ... -w In one lrtlll. "'*' ... MfOf9 ........ !Yorn ..... ......,._. ... .., tl:JO •• ·~ • ......,.. Loelle'' (1111)~~.cia.. ty~A ....... N • tier' • 09fll.,lted •11111..., w ._... Cltllldrerl ..... ......... "" .... 0°"""1 ... In • ~ ..... .... by Ann•t ..... a a.11u1c \ TUESDAY. NOV.2, 1982 COMICS C4 ' •• CllSSlfllD I cs .. Kuhn victim~ .. flof the ~inoritY ··vole . . . It took s even y ears but I finally got ;him -Turner C HIC A GO (AP) -Base b a ll Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, who helped gui~..Jl:l.e sport to a-peak of popularity and oversaw unprecedented changes. fell victim to the minority that opposed him. "It took me seven y~ars but l finall y got him," said Atlanta Braves owner Ted Turner , one of five National League owners who banded together Monday to vote Kuhn out of office. J Kuhn had fined Turner $10,000 in I 976 for tampering and then suspended h im fro m ba~eba ll for a year the following January. The AL voted 11-3 In favor of Kuhn •while the NL voted 7-6 in favor. But Kuhn needed nine favorable votes from the NL' in order to gain a third seven- year term. · Voting against Kuhn in the NL In addition to Turne r w e r e Ne lson Doubleday of the New York. Mets: John McMulle n o f the Ho uston As tros; August A. Busch Jr. q! the St~ Louis Cardinals and Wllliam WilJiams of the Cincinnati Reds. ' Opposing Kuhn in the AL were George Steinbrenner of the New York Yankees: ..Eddie Chiles of the Texas Rangers, and 'Ueorge Argyros of the Seattle Mariners. vot e n ecessa r y for an inco ming commissiqner but after that It should be a simple majorit)'. ln any other election, 70 percent wo4ld ~ a landslide," muS<.-d the 56-year-old Kuhn. At the• end of h is term. Kuhn will have iierved as commissioner of baseball longer t ha n an yone except Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who reigned for 24 years. . Iro n ically, on e of th ose bei n g mentioned as the next commissioner is Kuhn himself. • "I hope Bowie will pe a candidate," said San Diego Padres president Ballard Smith, who pointed out that those who voted against Kuhn did not have the power to elect a hew commissioner. Kuhn might sta ll be there and we'll fmd out he's the best." Kuhn said he was aware of t he p oss 1bi l1t y of a g ai n becom ing commissioner. "I wouJd t'Onslder it butJ don't know iC I would do it," Kuhn said. Also said to be in conte ntion for the job are forme r New J e rsey Gov . Brendan Byrne, AL Presid ent Lee MacPhai l an d NL a ttorney Lo uis Hoynes. ''Some people have been personally wounded that the commissiorie.· would get thtg'kind of treatment," said McHale . "It's going to take some time to find a replacement.'' Bowie K.uhn Kuhn, whose term will expire Aug. 13, 1983,,a lte r 14 1h ye ar~ a:> commissioner, got the support of 18 of ~ baseball's 26 owners during their half- hour meeting Monday. But under the s port's rules, Kuhn need ed three- q,uarters approval in both leagues, and he didn't get It after owner'$ failed to reach a compromise that would have kept him in o!lice. • Kuhn, who will remain at h is $250.000-a-year post until h is .term runs out, said: "I'm disappointed . I firmly b elieve the r e w i ll b e an o th e r commissioner. But it will be difficult to get the necessar y v otes to appolnt another person." "I don't object to the three-quarters Said Montreal Expos president and chief executive officer John McHale - b o haS-also bee n mentioned as a possible candidate: "It's a longshot. But who knows. In eight months. Bowie The reasons behind the eight "no" votes varied. Some owners did not have confid ence in his a bility to ~andle baseball's increasingly t'Omplex business matter s, including the gro w ing importance of cable television . O thers (See KUHN, Page CZ) Massimino· "in ·. tune Former UCI All-A m erican wins ~riathlon By llQWARD L. HANDY Of Ille D.., Not 81.tf One would have to go tar to find an athlete more finely tuned .for competition than those competing in a triathlon event. The gru~lllng, swim-bike-run event over distances most would prefer to compete in on a singutar basis, brings out the epitome of conditioning, especially for the top performers.· FERDY MASSI MINO, a fonner All-American water polo playe r at UC Irvine and a member of the U.S.-National team, has turned his attentions to the triathlon at age 33 and last weekend won the U.S. Nationals at Malibu. Massimino, a medkal doctor in Benicia (Northern California), finished first and Bill Leach of Corona del Mar and husband of Hawaii women's winner Julie, was second, giving the meet a definite area flavor. "Winning at the U.S. Nationals "I don't believe I have reached my potential yet. I think I have .quite a bit o( intensity and I attribute a lot of my success to the sound nutritional program I have been under: - "I am convinced that nu~rition playe a major part.in my success. They-did a lot of scienti!ic test_i.r\g at the Optimum Health Labs in 'It was a r eal vic to r y, not o nly f or myself but for a ll the people' who helped m e a lo ng the way.' Encino and San Mateo under Dr. James Braly, This makes it poaible for someone .my age to be successful In triathlons. "Dr . Braly tailored a n individualized allergy-free diet for me to increase performance a~ a level beyond the enduran~ of most people." was probably as thrilUng for me PREPARATION FOR the as winning the NCAA water polo training diet included batteries of · -title (he hit a goal ln sudde ntt tests for basic blood chemistry, death overtime to give UCI the.._ food sensitivities, vitamin and win over UCLA in 1970). I had to mineral analyses and tests to sacrifice so much in time away determ1ne how well glucose is from my family and my work. It being processed during exertion. was a financial problem." At Malibu, he says the top 10 At Hawaii this year Massimino Crom Hawaii had their way paid finished 10th overall and was to the meet by Nike (including first in his age group (30-34). He himseU) and all but winner Dave was one of 10 competitors who Scott were there. Scott had an were invited special to the U.S. injury, a hamstring pull durin~ Nationals where the top three the bicycle race in Hawaii, and finish ers will repre sent the withdrew. country In the World Cup of "l wish fle had been there," triathlon com pet I ti on in Massimino says. "I would liked to Auc kland, New Zealand in have seen how h e did ." March. Massimino defeated the other "I WOULD LIKE to train full time for that event," he says. "But without a sponsor, it is going to be hard. I hope to find one and then I atn take time off from work for a year and compete. eight who were in front of him in the islands. "The course at Malibu was a tough one but I think the thing that r e ally determined the championship was the elements. :Eric Lawton and Danny T hompson (inset) of Huntington Beach H igh share Daily Pilot Player of the Week honors after their offensive bombardment. "It takes 40 to 50 hours of preparation (training) each week to be succeasful in triathlon competition. It is unlike an~ other s1>9rt that I know. The ideal thing for me would be to go into it full time for a year but I need a sponsor . "The water temperature in the ocean was 55 de~ and body te mperature• decreased to as mu c h as 90 degrees b y hypothermia. When the body gets to that point, it almost stops functioning. • "PEOPLE WERE romlng out of the water who couldn't go on. It took some others l't'O hours to warm up. It was a cool, windy day and It began to sprinkle during the bike ride and a lot of athletes had trouble with crampe. I had some my.elf In my calves. It took eome othen more than two minutes just to get their leg • 'Oile:ts' one-two punch tabbed ,Lawton , Thomp son picked as pll}yers of week ;B~ ROGER CARLSON _ S unset League. incidentally, was by a linebacker IOfttw DellJ Not a1.tt • Lawton's season totals are now who caught the ball Qn a rebound "You pick 'em, I can't," was 67 for 116 (57.8 percent) for 1,122 o~f a defende~'a facemask. Huntingto'\. Beach High football yards and 8 touchdowns and only Thompso~. s fut~re appears . cpach .Greg Henry's response one Interception. unl,lmlted. I don t thl~~ he I when asked about hia team's Thompeon, the burly fullback-knows ~.ow fast he can run, says most impressive performance in 1 • has rushed for 866 yards on Henry. H!' just runs as fut".:" he the Oilers' 48-26 victory over i'Y/f carries (6.3 average) and has to. Hthe U basbe ka •tartebaU r or aixthd I Ocean View last week ed 10 hdo man on e et team an · scor t;<>uc wns. one of the best quarter milers Well, we can't: ejther. and as a "I a,!'tlcipated ~.his wit~ around in track." result the Oilers one-two punch Danny, says Henry, but Eric 11 "He's juat a winner 1 watched of quarterback Eric Lawton and surprisln1 me every day. I wasn't him take the baton · 1~0 yards running baek Danny Thompeo!'l, sure if it was going ..to be him or behind the lead runner In the a pair of juniors, share the Delly Buddy Noble at quarterback. mile relay last spring and he 1Pilot's Player o! the Week "But I'm a lifeguard during ended up catching and paulni laurels. the aummer and llfeg~ards the leader. h wu a phenomenal Between them they accounted always have ~ competition in thlttC." ,tor 422 yank of effe~ee with thin91 ~y do. Hunt1n1ton &!ach ta 6a.&.he Lawton connecting on 7 of 11 for Among the even ti ar e midst. of lta be.t •uoruiJ'IC,'e 1"9 202 yards -nd his aeventh sprinting in the sand, alttlna on a .with a 6-3 owrall record. '1nterttpUon-Je11 game. including slick pole six feet off the around 11\e hi1h-al.'Oftn&. Ol1trl piJ,d ·. one c.ouchdown. trytn1 to knock the other off up back-to-back &0 -polnt Thornpeon? He only manapd whh a ptllow ind runnin1 exploelons Nrlier In the ....,.. to roll up 220 yards on 23 carriea, throu1h Hnd and retrl•vin1 with ~t\-14 and M-21 U'lumsahl lncludina touchdown runa Of 91, tenni1 balls, thrown Into the over Loa Ami101 and BolH 11 8ftd S yardl. He at.o cauaht ocnn. Grande. one of thole wwton .m.ta 1or "Eric won all of the eventa." Tlaey're aver111rw over IO 1• 'Jardl u HuntJl\ltOft Buch recalls HftVy. ''beeU....Unemen ~'.Pl' pme aNI fOr the llllllt ~ that k hid been In tM pUlcWt fllht.Jlll phY*a) ~ tfW:OiaDolidan tJi1 ,_. tD wt far..,...,.,_.-: abWU.l'Ml11'6oWld~." thle ,.ar et.1'8111* •• U.e a blnc IU'Nk:-'.lnihe That one Interception,' m.jDl'NllOn. f • • Dotterer top Pac-10 star SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Mike Dotterer, a 1radua\e of Edlaon Hi1h w h oae 46-yard touchdown run bepn a 30.po6nt oftpalve exploeion bl Stanford, was named Pacific-0 footba.11 Offensive l>layer o~ \he Week today. . Dlllerer aamed ln hil aecond 1tra11h~ 100-yard n.htna day, necuna 1oe yards S.turdly in the 43-SI u pset victory over Waahl ..... The lOll knocked dw RGlldll out of the conference t.ad and down from 1 No. 2 nalional ranJilna. Dotterer.:.. a ~••nlor from Hun..,.._ ~. ran tar nro toueildOwM • lwaford W.wtl fl'Olll • IT·T deftdt to a IT·l'1 Wilt. He aliD eaupt tow ~ ~:::.~n the nationally lifted to get on the bicycle. "It took me over an hour to stop shivering after I came out, of the water "Later, when the run started, the rai_n started to pour down and it was a real su rvival event and very challenging. • "It was a real victory, not only for myself but for all the people who helped me along the way. My wife L inda. Coac h Ed Newland at UCI, my children, my m other a nd fathe r a nd others." The competition at Malibu was · over a 1.5-mile swim (2.4 In Hawaii), a 100-km bicycle race (112-miles in Hawaii) and a 20-km run (26.2 miles 'in Hawaii). WHILE MASSI MINO and • Leach are both over 30, Ferdy doesn't think this has any bearing on success. "I hope that I can inspire people in the 30 and 40-year age bracket to become fitness minded and not be discoilraged,. I don't · think age has to be a limitation. Financially, yes. it does place a burde n o n a pe rson with a family. . "I feel the event warrants a full-time eHort and I th.ink that the sport Is being blown into the professional arena . There is a great deal or spectator interest in it and it is very attractive to the gerrerar public for viewing~both in person and on television.' Wheth e r h e goes to Ne w Zealand or back to Hawaii in 1983, Massimino has already made his mark on the world of triathlon competition and proved himself once again to be an All- AmericaA. Flame eave Ferdy Massimino shows form that won U.S. Nat ional triathlon. ... Capry Flam• ~lie DOn Edwarda malule a .... hi frent of New Jelie1'1 Glen Merkoeky. The Flaa1M1 woa, 6'4. • . . ' \ \ Oranqe Coaat OAIL Y PIL01 /Tue1d1y, November 2. 1982 Me com, othe r owne r s may join talks today F rom AP dispatches NEW YORK Union t·hier Ed Bl Garvey think it's uboul t1111t• some or 4. t the National f'ootball Lcagut.''s owners pin the negotiations -and at least one of them rt'portt.-dly reels the samt• way Russell Erxleben. the New Orleans player representative. told The Associated Press that John Met.-om, the Stunts' own<!r, told hJm he plaf\ned to come to the bargaining sate today to • bct.·ome activt.•ly involved m the talks and that he would urge follow oWnl'rs to do the same "He wants to pla y football," Erxleben said of Me<.'Om. "He sai{i he as rommg up and would contact as many owners as possible." Erxleben said he felt Mt.>t.'Om was "uninformt'C!" as ERXLEBEN t 0 t h e s t a t u s 0 f t h e negotiations. Asked to e laborate. Erxleben said Mec:om had ·•no knowledgt.• of what happened today." On Mor}d ay,, the calm of this latest round of talks in the 43-day-old strike was ruffled when the player representatives were beirfed by Garvey and his fellow union negotiators on part of management's latest offer. Quote of the day Bill Fitch: warning his Boston Celtics as training camp got started: "'There are 2.000 sweat glands in the hl.tman body. My job is to make sure you use every one ofJhem." Rader named Ranger manager ARLINGTON. Texas -Doug a Rader, who never has managed in <he • major leagues but was a fun-loving, five-time Gold Glove winner as a playef, Monday became the Texas ,Rangers' 12th manager in 12 years. Rader, 38, who spent three years as manager of the Hawaii Islanders of the Pacific Coast League, the San Diego Padres' Triple A farm . team, was named to manage the Rangers. Under Rader, Hawaii posted a 221-201 record and made the PCL playoffs twice. General Manager Joe Klein introduced Rader as his choice to rebuild a team that lost 98 games last year in the American League West. ~R ader replaced interim Manager DaTrell Johnson, who took over last July after Don Zimmer was Cired. Owner Eddie Chiles also elevated Klein from his farm director's job to general manager after firing F.ddie ~inson. PCL joins AAA World Series LAS VEGAS -The P~cific Coast League voted unanimously to send its champion to join winneni from the American Association and International League in the first ever AAA World Series, to be staged Sept. 15-18 of next year in Louisville, Ky. The PCL vote was taken during the league's one-day meeting of club directors and general managers In Las VE:gas. PCL President Bill Cutler said the league representatives came to quick accord on the -circuit's participation in the series, which will' matc h champions of the three AAA-rated leagues in a round-robin playoff fonnat. • "We think it is a great thing because it will determine the overall AAA champion," Cutler g;lid. "The series would do a lot to hype AAA basebaU, especially if we get a television con tract." Holmes, Cobb vie in Astrodome World Boxing Co uncil Ill heavyweight champion Larry Holmes .. will defend his title Nov. 22 in the Astrodome against challenger Randy "Tex" Cobb, promoter Don K'°g announced ... Mike Richa rdson and Plul Moyer, the r •$tarting safeties for Arizona State's unbeaten • ·sun Devils. share the Pacific-10 football : -d efensive player of the week award .... Quarterback Doug Samuels of Utah State was honored as the PCAA offensive football · · player of the week. ... Television, radio t ' TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No PVents scheduled. -----------------~--------------~~--------------------------------...... --~--~~~ ...... ----------------------- Prep football players of the week Lance Martin, Corona del Mar Jon Nowo1ny, ~dl11on Tht• &-u Kmti•' Mr Ofl1·n~· 1 u he'd for 15 l yud11 on 2:t c.•1&rrit"4 atculrt t (.'1)1il 1 M<'IMA, lnl'ludanK 11 OA-yurd tout·hdown n.m whil'h provtdc.:d C.:dM with a 7.a vlclOI')'. Mlll lh1 hti rll)W 1u1llwd rnr tt70 yurd:s on 170 curril'-a and 5 TDit. 111 11ud1t1un to u 28-ynrt.I TL> stnkl' on has only pa.,. utll•mpt A ~ I 1 Junior, Nowotny romph.•Lt·d 10 ot 12 pa~·• for IH yurd~ und u touchdown und liCUrt'll thl' tJnnw'a cll11dw1 on u 95 yurd <loHh (o 1JC:lwol rt'tc'Ord) in &:tlson'ic 17-3 Sunst•t Lt•naut• ¥howdown wHh l'ountuln Vulley Nowotny hos t'OmplN<'d 42 of 113 (or 432 yurdH and 5 tOUl'hdowns (42 of fl I In lhC' laHt rl Ill' gaml'f!). Leugu(• 1larli he hus t'Clmplt•lt.'d :~4 uf 70 fur 664 yurds und 8 louc:hdowru Scott Davi•, t;1tancla The.> 175-pound 11<•111or ooi only ('Ompll•tt.-d 12 of 2;l pai;"'l'I 1111 1:w yu1'CJi. u11cJ .1 wud1down 1111ducJ1nu His th1ru Hll ulflht ijH11lt• WJlhuut an 1nwn:1•fJllon r1nd fifth ovc•rtill). ht' IPd th<' defoniw with four Mn11ss111tt•d uml thn·t• USllllltt'<f tnckit':J ut l'vr1wrbuck Ken Connor, Costa Me•a A 5·9, 150°JX>U11d M'n11ir, Cunn<JI' was credltt•tl with 10 unlllll!111tro and four aS11i11tc.'C.l wcklt>s from his rOVl'r po!il, nnd cuust•d a fumble In orw of Costa Mt•sn's bt!st effort~ of thl' liC'UbOn . Although Uw Must.angs lost u 7-3 vcrdh:t to Corona dd Mar, Lht•y Mike Douglau, El Toro !':I 'l'oro's 5· I l, I 70-pound 1wnlor quurwrbuck t'Onnl'<.'tcd 0 11 9 of 12 'utu•mpts (or H)(I ynl,'ds and 3 touchdowns, in od<.htion to currying the ball five timci; for 6J yards ( 12.t; ovcrugt'), In flvo S«>u Vit'"'i Co ry Barnes, Foun&aln Va lley J\ 5-1 o. 205 puund llt'nior <:f'nh•r, &1rm•K ll·d the woy for full buc.·k Scott Garrl'lt's 100 yards-( 17 ~·arriei; through Edison's defensive intcr~r. "He's the bc11t Cl'ntc>r In the SuMCt Lcagut> and graded, out 94 pl•rct•nt,"-says has coach, Mlkl• Milner . ht•ltl :1 •inl'•I .. 1~•1 .. ,1 "'' ,..1.~,. ,\ . • WiJJ . Newpor.t lose KUHN. • From Page C1 . . . John Petersen, Irvine A 6-3 . 170-pounder, Petersen's p lay al defensive end sparked the Vaqueros' defense with 15'k•ad tackles and two assists ma 21-16 Sea V1ew League victory over Estancia. A starter smce the odd·-HJan. out? • In oppos<'d a Kuhn-s~pportt.'C.I ptan for $haring television revenul'. season began. ht>'s a junior. • Wa te r po lo team in limbo fol" playoff And others po1nWd to htS Lack or involvement in helping resolve the 1981 players' strike. eve9 though Kuhn had been told by the owners' ex1.>cut1vc <.'Omm1ttec lo not take an active role In the Howard Quigley, Laguna Beach A derensiv<' end, this 6-1, 171 -pound senior allowc.'<i San Clemente's quarterback only one rush of more tl1an two yards in a 9-6 Sou!h Coast League setback. Quigley also caused an mc.'<>mplete San Clemc.nte passing attempt and as Laguno's most dependable defensive player, according to Coach Dennis Haryung. · By ROGE R CARLSON Of the Dally Piiot lleH There's a n odd -mun out situation in Sea View League water polo lhat borders on the ridiculous with Wednesday's final salvo on tap. For Instance -should No. I ranked Corona del Mar High defeat No. 2 ranked (an the CIF 4-A) Newport Harbor, the wiQller waJI be going to the CIF' playoffs most likely as the No. I seed-and the loser. well, this could be interesting. The Sailors of Newport Harbor, who have won sax and finished runner-up twkc an the last eight CIF 4-A championship finals. won't even be an thc• playoffs should they lose a com flip. All of this as assuming that El Toro and Costa Mesa defeat Saddlebac'k and Estancia, respe<:tively. And, considering . the (acl that El Toro Ls Listed as the ClF's No. 4 team and Costa Mes a i s No. 5, th a t isn't stretching the imagination. Should Newport Harbor turn the tide on Corona del Mar and win, \hen No. 5 Costa Mesa wou ld b e omitted from C IF playoff consideration . • How can such a thing happen'! It's in the CIF "blue book" and the blue book rates ~ few s<eps Kings a ssign goalie Blake INGLEWOOD (AP) -Rookie Mike Blake, one of three goalies on the Los Angeles Kings' roster since the start of the National Hockey League season, was assigned to the club's New Haven , Conn .. farm team Monday. The move leaves the Kings with veteran goalie Mario Lessard a n d rookie Gary Laskoski on their roster. Los Angeles· also announced that winger Dave Morrison ha~ been called up· from New Haven, and defenseman Dean Turner, who'd been recalled recently, has been re-assigned to the American Hockey League team. Blake, 26, appeared in five games for the Kings this season, posting a 3.50 goals against average and a 2-3-0 record. !;!'.! .. COl9tl01•11 IO&All WAtll NM-Mf _ _... ... 5t to 11101 ~nm. a•-.. v""" Door (cell ''°"' -v-~I higher than the Bible in <.;IF circles. I' "Rules are rules," says C IF administr.ative assistant Bill Clark. "Our by-laws say t h rel.:' en tries from each . league and no more . You play six-minute quarters in water polo, that's t!le rules." But, you say. t he playoff 1 system has eight teams with byes in the fi rst round. There's no room for a fourth team from a league which has four of the top five rated 'learns an the 4 -A division? "There are no provisions in the blue book for It," says C lark. "With the exception of fpotball. each sport is limited to three e ntries and it's a rule they have been playing by fo r several years." El Toro Hjgh water polo coach~ Don Stoll says the lack of flexibility by the-CW hurts water polo. "An Olympic sport is being treated J)oorly," says Stoll. "And, the lack of exposure for one of th~sc teams hurts All-CIF and All-American chances." "There was an inquiry by the Sea View b..eague in the latter part of May," says Clar k, "which was too late to pass Jor anything ibiio ¥ear "It (the inquiry) was referred back to the league for a definite proposal, along with a similar one from the Century League (which also has four ranked teams currently fighting for three playoff berths in the 3-A division). •·If we had that proposal from the Sea View League tomorrow il W-Ould go to the Jan. 20 council rneetmg and be voted on at the May 12 (1983) meeting,'.' continues Clark. "Even last May's inquiry would have been imposs!l>le tO pass· (had it been a proposal) for this year." Will it ever be solved? Clark as unable to speculate. "Because of travel costs and a different trend for one sport (aside from football's one wild card entry), , it's hard to say how the vote would come out," he says. One thing i certain. Corona del Mar (22-0) is in the playoffs regardless of its outcome at Newport Harbor Wednesday (3:45). But the fate of Newport Harbor (20-2), El Toro (18-4).and Costa Mesa ( 16-6) is still in limbo. labor dispute,,_ The• romprom1Sl' that hacl b<.'l'n d1sussed in an c.•f(ort lo rel<41tl Kuhn t'nllt>d for variou s depa r tme nt s suc h as broadl'asting, marketing, legal affairs. administration· !}nd. security to 'report lo a Chie f Operating Officer, Business Affajrs (COOSA) who would then report •to Kuhn who would then report to the Executiv<' Council or Baseball. ' Kuhn adamantly refused to shllrc his powers with sut:h an <'X<'CUllve 'l'he <.'Omprom1se was discussed by Kuhn and Lou Susman, Busch's attorney, and presented Tom Piechota, Marina An All-Sunsct League selection as a junior, this 6-2, 215.-pounder spearheaded Marina's ground assault with his blocking, including two on Bill Marler's 86-yard touchdown run, first taking out the cornerback, then going d<!W)'lfield to make another block to ensure the louchaown. Roger Reynoso, Mater Del Considered a second-team pll\yer bcfor~e season began, the Monarchs' d rive for the ~lus League crown has been led by the talented arm of this 6-3. 200-pound senior. In a 24-21 come-from· behlnd victory at Bishop Amat he completed 25 of 37 !or 268 yards and 2 touchdowns. ,--. at the joint mt>eting Monday .b! Ste.ve Braias, Newport Ha rbor Andy McKenna, chairman of the Once again Brazas, the 6-3, 207-pound junior Chicago Cubs. But it was voted t.ailback-Unebacker. leads the Sailors. He caught six down. passes for 106 yards, gamed 28 yards on 12 carries, Kuhn. who ~as elected lo scored on a I-yard run. punted 50 yards on one replace fir&i Wilham Eckerrm--effort-and dropped another on Saddleback's 1-yard February 196!:1, saw baseball's line, had 14 unassisted t.ackles and ran a kickoff attendance s kyrocket from 23,-past midfield. 702,745 the year he took office to more than 43 million last season. Under his stewardship, baseball expanded from 20 teams to 26; World Serles games were played at night for the first time; fans were allowc.-d to vote for the All-Star team and the American League b\?gan use of the designal.cd hitter. But Kuhn also made enemies along the way. Murphy honore d ST. LOUIS (AP) -The Sporting News has named Atlanta Braves center Helder Dale Murphy and shortstop Robin Yount of the Milwaukee Brewers· as its National League and American League players of the year. The St. ·Louis-based publication also announced Monday that the Philadelphia Phillies' Steve Carlton 23-11 and Dave Stieb 17-14 ·of the Toronto •Blue J ays had been selected pitchers of the year. Ba rkey quits UCI UC Irvine sophomore guard Jon Barkey has quit the Anteater basketball team, according to UCI Coach Bill Mulligan. Barkey will remain at UCI, pursuing other interests. Chad Pariseau, Ocean View 1 A 6-1.d90-pound senior, Pariseau completed 14 of 31 for 186 yards and 3 touchdowns, including 4 for 47 yards to Stacey Parker and a 28-yard scoring strike. Pariseau also rushed for 99 yards on 10 carries (9.9 average) and SC.'Ored on a 14-yard run as Ocean View tallied a season-high 26 points. Blake Smith, Saddleback A returning All-Sea View League standout at tight end, trus deaf Cost.a Mesa resident (he gets his signals Crom the sjdelines from a special interpreter) had five Jead tackles two assists and a quarterback sack from his defensive end pos1ti9n. Smith. 6-2, 212, has caught two touchdown.passes this year. Will Watson, University A 170-pound junior quarterback. Watson was virtually all of the Tro,ans' offense, rushmg for 76 yards on 12 carries (6.3 yards average) and passing for 116 yards with a 16-for-31 performance against one of the Sea View League's strongest defenses (El Toro). He scored on a 15-yard dash, and passed for the other TD (30 yards to Barry Sneed). Steve Washbon, Westmillster The Lions' wide receiver and punter, he caught 3 passes for 85 yards and ran 26 yards with a bad center snap from lhe shadows of his goal line. "Everyone thougbt it was a great fake punt," says his coach, Barry Waters. Washbon, a 6-4, 215-pound senior. has caught 7 passes for 150 yards this year. Kevin Burke, Woodbridge The Warriors' 6-1 senior quarterback completed 13 of 29 for 127 yards a'hd 2 touchdowns, and also ran (some 80 yards in all) 31 yards for a TD. A strong safety on defense, he was credited with six unassisted t.ackles in the Warriors' 42-21 ' loss to MlSSion Viejo. College f ootbalJ- ALIA CORI TUNA (Wflole tuna fist\)! 7 lbs. or more SATUN>Ara o••• California YI lJSC at lA Cotl-.im (I 30 ornJ UCLA ., Wahington 1Chann91 2 ., 12 so p.m) Arizona at StanlOfd Pacific vs. long Baach SI a1•Anehelm Stadium (7 30 o m) Colorado al M1SSO\ln Okianom.t SI at Nebrulta ' w SI ., Bow!lng Green Wictuta St 11 Drake Kenl St. et e .. 11rn MiehiO•n Central Mlehlgan at Miami. 0 WISllm Ml<:hlg•n ., TOiedo NO<thefn lllinoll et OhlO U 'cOslA M1SA 64i·1219 uu ....,...~. MISMC>ft VU) 495-CMOl 2"22 ~ C111111a te ,_ ..... '""'· .. ,._, """"" 11.00 L•. llMt Keten Jtin 11t 31 It. nr Ctinnery RHteurant N.•. D•llr 11:00 Ull dark. Ml-1713 Sen•• Clara a1 San JoM SI • n cal Stat• Fullerton al FrMnO SI San Oleo<> St. at Hewell, n ' 801M St •I Cal Poly (SLO) n Waahlngton St. al Of~ Montana el POf11and St., n lolltll lSU at Alebama Rutger• •I Aubum Nonh caroltn• at CiemlOn W•k• Forest at Duke Geo<glll at Fl0tlda ., Cal Lut"9ran 11 SI. Mary'a Whlltlet al Laverne Occldenlat •t Redlands. n Cal Poly (Pomona) •I Nortl!ri6Qe St , n UC Drill et Haywwd St • Chico St •I Humboldt St , II San ,rancleco SI, at Sec:tll!Ml\IO SI • II •(4 ....... Oregon SI al Arizona St , n Wyc>mlng al BYU ~Laa Vegea at Colofado 81 ldaflO 11 tclaho 81.. n NOfUlem Ar~ 11 Mont-St NOl'tfl Texu St al New Melllco It Utlll St at Utah Nevada.~ at WeDer St n .......... Arilalllel •I 8eylof I(.,,_ It al Ollllllloma SMUii~ Houlton., T••aa • T .... T9Clfl ltTCU Wiit T•11M It at T-... II At119"1M St II lemlt, II , l•t Cerollne et T••·Artinglon. n N1W Melllco 11 Tt11•·fl PllO, n ....... Mlctlll#I 11 1111n01t (Cflanntl ? 11 9 H I m I "811.......,., .. Mlollllerl It MIMMOll It ONo 11 .. I I l'urdue lflCllelW .. WllOOMln towe It. M KIMM Vl1glnta at Georgia Tech Veoo.<bill at Kentucky h1dlana SI. at loulavllta MlaMI, Fla 11 M-'Yland Tu'-at MIAlatlppr, n " FIOrld• SI. at South C.rollna Memphll SI at Tll(lnea ... Marahall al VMI BrOWf' at Wllllam & Mary ~nell at Devldaon 4""" M9'1laon •I f'llfman McHMM St. at loulelana Tedi, n ~ SI II NW Louisiana. n Southern at SE lOUlelan•. n NE LOUlllena al SW lou!alana, n APP•lachlan St a1 T•nneu••· Chaltenooga n Eaatern l<antudly et T-...a Tech Tiie Citadel at W•tem Car011ne ... Nonh Carollna SI at Penn St Hot,. o.iN et Ptlt H1W 11 S1flCUM AM '°'ce •t Arwry eo.ton COllOe It ~tt loalon U 11 COM.:tleut Con,... at Y• Latayettt at i-rlnGelon Colget9et ~ W.-o at ~ Oroee CollirnOle "· Dwtmoutll 1 Mlllnl It NtW """'*'" l II ~lllMd JOHNSON · & SON ... presents .. COLLIGI . ............ So. Cahf. over ~lifornkl * UQA over W•hln9ton * IYU Ullllt t11ft tfttrt ftr p;1rcftt1t C""41ft 1ood "'" tor e011111111t1I011 wt11t1/dlrlt .,.,. o.twllf 1111• 111 tpplietllle "'" Ill. l11111t "" ofrtu "'' p11rdl1tt COUIMll l9M ..., far caMlll .. UOll IWlllW .. 111 OIMrl. Cftlll!lfl "''' Ill '""""I• .. , ...... Oller tll•lfH Nbv•IT'l>tr 14', ltll ,..... 111111 ..,, It fl,lftltlflllllll ....... c.... .... •b lh ..... .,.. Ctllftnlll ~'" tllt n lllhrllltt •1 If lllt over W"9'1ln1 I 011•1 t•l>lt" Nov1mbt1 14', ltl2 Pfleal !Mt wry at 111rtlcl111t1111 *'''""· C....-.... Oii~ In la4illllrll C.llftftllt :T'.:CC' ...... INlllNfll!ff Hll .. 1111 ,,. .. CllleMll .......... --,,, ...... 111111111•. -1 * "" ever ... ~DiMi * ...... ... I I Or ngt Co11t DAIL v PILOl /Tu11d•y. November 2. 1882 <;a Loe Alemltoe MONOAV'I MIU\.TI (1111 Of 1,..... •• , .. ,.., -•Intl A,.ALOOIAI '"'IT MCI. S lutlonQt Au11na1 • BIQ A4l<I (Auten) 9 00 3 80 2 60 l w1n lll)Un (\laldez) 3 80 2 llO A o.n, HOIM (P.OtOtl) 2 20 Atao rac•d Sw••t S•ranaoa. On 1111 Double, Dou~ Jeopatdy. Kola't Win110f1i1, Double Beat. Fo•y LIO .. Nobie Ouaen Time t: t3 316 *2 fXACTA (3· 101 paiCI $43 00 OUAKTlllHOlllll llCOHC> llACE. 970 yatOs WOlllllO••lt (DflgQett) 17 40 8 20 luvdMl. IAClll>tt 5 80 M9Cho M1to (Pautl<lel 4 00 3 40 260 Alao raeeo Making F1am1ng Cat. z.es Mno Time 46 38 Memofles Walto THIRD llACI. 400 ya1 da Em.,gency Room (Smltn) 1 40 4.40 3 00 Treun (Car<10111 7 80 5 40 Bred In the Purple (T onU) 4 40 Allo raceo Twin Satety. Cooys Pop Decile R1chH, 0••• Snaoow. Ar1e Jewel Dons M..chO Ot,,.,O lune 20 52 15 EXACT A 13· 1) pa.Cl S 105 50 THOflOUOHtlftEDS FOUllTH llACE. 1 lurlonga Bainey Viffa (Ortega) 4~ 00 15 80 9 80 B .. t the Trall>e (Black) 4 60 3 20 81td on High (Oetgadillo) 9 00 Atao raced· Brooklyn Tony. Fully Vested, Mr Aba, Pared• :Zona, Royal Yukon A••n<lato, My Luclty Chuct..y lune I 25 415 ,lf'TH II.ACE. 1 turlongs Jensen's Prl(ICI (Or1eg•I t I 40 5 60 4 00 F1tlpo• (Navarro) 4 60 4 20 Pueblo Plauura (Black) S 40 Atso r aceo Ra1<11n Rabel Mor11no Road Vegas Orbll, Krotevsk1 Gael>e Beau. Luc~y Roan, Time· 1 23 4/~ 15 EX.ACTA (7·31 pa10 $134 00 SIXTH II.ACE. 6', lurtonQs. Miss Ou>ell Pitch tOrtga) 48 40 17 40 9 80 Muy Ju-(Black) 3 60 3 00 Be A R81nbow (Cruz) 5 20 Also raceo P0tt Oes1re Miss Arambulo Paulie s Double SyncobHI tnelepenOent Melo<ly. PtOP8fPOllk>n Fleel Weed Tlm41 I 18 3/S SEVENTH llACE. I 1116 m11es Retunoe< (Castane<1a1 4 20 2 40 2.40 Son Angeles (Hansen) 3 20 2 80 Have One (Ortega) 3 '20 Also raceo .!eneHa 1 Boss Elllon. Llt"e Spealte<. Bototop Ou1 Groun<ll!O Wes1111n Sh0tes Trme 1 43 31!>- 15 EXACT A 14· I) P6>C1 $3 t 00 EIGHTH II.ACE. 11 furlongs Wendy's Roanella (Ortgal 6 60 • 60 3 00 EICOll'S Joy (Ron<I) 7 40 4 20 Aunt Mid (Black) 2 60 At10 racao Poona Velvet, Loma's Knockout. Tnde Flfst Art111 Concept Mexlean lrNsura Time 1 11 215 NINTH llACE. 1 lu•l009S L. Cl\tc:ll (HenMnl 3 40 2 20 2 40 Or1110dont1St (Castane<laJ 2 20 2 «> Mr Pac Man (t<n8'>91 8 20 TINTlt AACI. t twlON!a Hooaty 0 T OQle (Catfl!Y) 8 20 4 '° UO 4'0 HO llUIOQ Atong (Orlega) tO 20 St•k• l<nll• (Dleclt) "'lllllO 1lltld Sot>renomb••· l 'Natty flm41 t 23 0 uo uo 320 lllYINTH !!ACI. t ti te mi ... DUiek Btlt (HllllNn) 10 '° 11 00 • •o Pr.Olle<;tton (NIVllllO) II 00 • eo ReluM (Rorl<ll 17 80 AltO rec.I Ouftoo O..too, HllUghty M91f, Chubb•, Nono SPOl1ing c .. ,. Time I 43 415 a IUCTA IS.71 p..o SU 00 Atttnoanc. -8 1112 OellTrM MONOAV'I RllULTS '"'"" cM 17-Gey ...... ~ .. "'"'""' ,llllT llACI, 8 t11r1ong1 E•tra Outck (Mccarron) 4 40 3 l20 2 40 I Love Company (Btac:kl 4 2Q 3,00 Stnel Crab (Plneayl 3 20 Alto rec.a Cao•n Ar(llty. er .. 1 Empas11. SM\CI~ Of V-UU. 1"9 String AIOnQ. PanlOIO. C1ptUtt the Sprit • TWM I t0.0 HCONO llACE. I 01/ 16 m1lel Parloa Pirate (McCatron) 10 20 4,00 3 20 Holmby Hilts ($1blt .. I 3 20 2.80 uon A•e (Ol1v11e11 4 80 Also rt<:ed N1-.ullah Ooubkl<I, Iron Alty, Star Court VJu1tatk. St11<toty1>41, Grenola. Time I 44 3/5 a DAILY OOUIU (7·51 pa1e1S2200 THIAO llACI .. I II UI mites Chle Natlve(OlehMyel 1 40 4 80 2 80 P>elUtl Bu<le (Bltcill 17 40 6 20 Stytllll ~ 1Mcearron1 2 80 AllO raee<I M• NlllYI S tre•t. Manzanates. ThalllrO 1 Peert C1u11 She's A Llely. PlflectabUlly 'Time. 1:43 215 FOUllTH llACI. I 1118 m1IH Ah Nall Heeel (Hawley) 4 20 3 20 2,80 Jennrfar (Toto) 10 40 4 60 l>eceptrw (Clstlnl<l•I 4 80 .Allo 11c1<1 Julienn•. Suec:11 Ira Bly Funny One nm. 143 115 FIFTH llACE. 6 lurlonga To B OI Not (C11tane01) 5 80 4 00 2 80 Belt0<t (Shoemal<erl 4 40 3.40 Cflmson CommanOe< (McCarron) 4 80 Alto rac.d Native T11et1e1. Mot1v1ty. Pass the Tab, Mr Prime Ml!\iSI ... Time 1.08 2/5 15 IX.ACTA (2·7) palel $69 00 SIXTH II.ACE. I 1118 ""'" ' Stock N Sneaky (H•""-YI tO 00 3 80 Ceroson (Oelahouulyel 2 eo Jabbef Wac11y (Oeltrlctt) 320 2.eo 5 20 Also raeao Seahawh, otvor Kum1natolla, RlOll W1t11on Sl re•t. Time I 43 4/5 llYENTH llACI. 6 furlongs Mao Kay (Hawley) 12.00 5.40 3 oo Swor<I Btaoe (OelallOUssaye) 9 00 5 00 Uo\ofedlC1abl9 (Pinc:ayl 2 60 Allo raced Master Wamor Mlxostar. CllUM Str-T-IOl.O • UACTA (5-21 1Mt1<1 S276 00 12 PICK SIX (5-2·3·2·5-5) ptto $6.028 20 wun 11x ..,nnrne tldiets 1114• horMSl $2 PIC:k Si• consot•Uon p1ld S87 ~O wrfh 178 winning l>ekets (five hOll .. I $2 Pick Six aoratch consotatlon pa1<1 S 103 eo with 1,519 winning ttcl<ell (lour hOIMS. one tcfltch) EIGHTH llACa. I' • mllel on turf Lillian (S•bollel 11.20 8 40 4.80 Tell Again (Hawtay) 5 00 4.80 Gar1bl (Piere.I 7,00 AllO -MonatCll .._,1abl9 ~­Cleta You, Rusty C.0100. GrMnwood Star r.,,,. 1sa115 ,_,.. llAC:I t • ,._., "''' Mat1111 (0..hW•Urll t 411 ~ tel '4U 00Yl!11"'9rll PrOCjl lUI (fi011.-io1 I I 00 ; ()I) It Iii~ (Hl""-YI l IO Ai.U rMlHI ~·Ou< 0. h1, 8MfOl)(j Kiity Ab1e111i1 M0011 e.it lllM IM 21t II IUCfA 11·11 patd IJU 00 1'11tndenoe -14 t4t COLL.Sa.' APtoplO t P.lt ( .. I t So MethOd•>I (&I 3 0-111•131 4 ArllOf .. State (31 & A1k1n..u 111 8 ~«>••111• 1 Penn Slit• 8 Altbeme 9 UCLA 10 W•tlllnglon 11 LSU 12 ftorl(I• ..... 13 Ci.n>IOtl I 4 Ol141homa I~ Miehlg1n 18 Soultt.rn C•I 17 Wiit V1r91n1• 18 NOl'lh C1104ln1 19 Mlfylanel '0 FlClflC11 100 100 •·0-0 • 0-0 100 7-1.0 7·1 0 1-''° 1·0 ) 1·1·0 8 O·I 8 1-0 6 l•I &-2·0 e.2.0 $·2-0 fl.2.0 6·2.0 8-2·0 &·2.0 CommunllY coffeu aATUllOAY-" GAMft ScMtl C-1 COflMf- I.Ill l.Oi~ 1.092 980 H4 891 850 UJ4 727 eeo aoa 54:1 415 30t 294 281 277 233 184 121 Ce111toa va Gotcien Welt (II 0f9'lQ• COllll F-ton at Groumont I 30 pm San ~ Mesa at Mt Si n AnlonlO. I 30 pm Orange Coat( ,, •• bye llltMlon Conftttnca SaddlebllQk at Santa An1 R1•.,1l<le CC 11 Sen Diego Cct1 30 p.m Clt1u1 at South-•tetn loulfllfll Cal Conlat- Compton at LA Soutll-1. t 30 pm E .. 1 LOI A~ at LA HarbOr w .. 1 Los Angela at RIO Hqrldo ... tr ......... c...--. Santa MonlCe CC II Tiii. 2 30 pm PMt<lena 11 long 8Nc:h CC Balclfslleld at LA Piere-. w ............. c ...... _ Senta Bart>•ra CC 11 Hancock, 1·30 pm OtenO•le et V•ntur• LOI Anoetu--.11.alley 11 M00tpark '""'"' ClftleftflC:• Mt San J11e1nto 11 Ant~ Valley, t 30 pm San 841rnatOlnO at-M1raCOlla, 1 30 pm Imperial Valley at DtMf1 All games al 1 30 p m unlel1 ottt.rwlM not.CS Hlah 9Chool r1nklnt11 CIF ... Q P'IYE CONP'EllEllCE ham, r-d Pointe I. $efvlt1(5·11 140 ' 2 Long Beach Poly 15·0·2) 122 3 Ai.many (7..0· I) t08 4 layola 17-0-1) 105 5 Colton (6-1) 79 8 EOftotl (5·2· 11 5~ 1 Ctaapo (7·11 5 1 8 Mlle< Del (5·2· I) 44 9 St Pau4 (6.21 43 10 B11110p Amat (6-21 13 CfP'. SOUTHEl'IN' CON,lllENCE 1 L.01 Altos (8..0) 2 (lie) Footlllll \7..0·11 E.1 MO<lena (7..0· ti 4 EJl*IWA (7·11 5 HH WilllDn (7 • l) 8 lyf!W000 (6·1·l) 7 Mr1S0011 V11f0 (6· I· 11 9 Santa Al'\8 15-31 9 Caplstreno van.y (S-2· II 10 Vdla Perk (5·2·11 C• CENTllAL CONf'fltl!NCE I Sackllel>eelc (9·0) 2 LI Habra (5·31 3 F'Ulllflon (8..()) 4 Et TOIO (6-21 5 fl&ncl'IO Alamltoa (7· 11 8 11191 Los Arntoos (5-2J ~ HatbOI (4_.I I w .. 1ern (6-21 II l1 Ouon11 (-I 10 "".,....,. (5-3) 69 80 60 43 42 eo 40 19 12 II 70 60 54 so .. , 30 30 25 11 10 • - LM ~ftHtel YC H11W, ..... ll)f\ IJ, I beeltt lOv• 0<.0 11.,.mll<\ anCI h)WOlll NQ!tll 0.. 1111~ Ytlllll Cl\>b l lliit110Uuya111 lt141flttY •f10 ltlvl fl1m, ll>rlQ Ou t ll Y(; l Holl., (;oHttr Ou111on ly11dlc111. I Oil() O•okh VC 1011 u t Po11111 P11114wo Jttc~ llN. C•Pl•tr1no 81y vc, ~ Qoll(.lt ~11 ttt>tgu•· M'l>I™ .. tttmb11Ck lynmcece Loog 811'11 VC J Marlk••ll r •P•t1n tom Ono'' NftJ)Oll H•<l>Ot VC l'Hll' A I $h0ff Ct11111ft Coot-lot Af\Ollet 'l'C ? ODHU•nn M81 ' WMO#f, Lo• Ane•••• vc. J tntwn•• 1'tl1n ROMll091Q. AllltflllOI 81y YC PHAr-8 t C.ont•nt•on. Oordon Otlfla/ll. Soutll Sno11 YC, 2 11\vlctut, Hugll L1m1on Long B•9'h vc. 3 H•"""'"' Oukll. StTrv• Jo•t. C.1>11110 0.iKll VC PHAI ·C I Quick J1bt. Synell«ll•. Ala111ito1 bay vc, 2 8ur11hu11 ll<111n•• Humpllrev Cobr1110 0•"" vc. 3 110111 W1M lttve llwton Navu YIM.Ill Club lOng e.8'11 M()l4C t 0.ltllt Al•n Anel•9WI £••1 Oeatet 811Do1 VC 2 We Bl. Norman Oavant Cet~O<nit vc; ) t ••• l•ne l om &nl<l<lflr• lrltl 811! Colem1t11. L.OOQ Beec11 vc N•A ' WESTEltlll CONP'ElllNCI ,.Citic OM1lon w L Pct. 01 Go1<11n State 2 0 t 000 Saettte 2 0 1000 Phoenl• I I 600 Lall ere 0 t 000 ,., Portland 0 ? 000 J Sin !Mgo 0 2 MldWHI Dtvlslon 000 2 San Antonio 2 0 1000 Kan"' Coy I 0 1000 ·~ Dllllq I soo 1 Denv11 t 500 I Vt ah I soo t HOUttOf\ 0 2 000 2 UITEllN COHFElll!NCI Allantlc Dlvl1lon Philadelphia 2 0 I 000 '-Bolton 2 0 t 000 New Jersey t t 600 t WHhlngton 1 I soo t New Y0tl. 0 2 000 2 Cenlret Dlwltton M,t..,aullee 2 0 1000 Oetroot 2 0 1000 1n01ana I I soo ' Cllvelano 0 2 000 2 Ch!Uigo 0 2 000 2 Allonte 0 2 000 2 Mon<la~'I SCO<ll No gamet ~OOu eel Tonight'• OamH San !Mgo 11 New Jersey _ Oetroot II Ctevotanel WUllington 11 Atlanta Mi ... l ullee II Kansas City Oellat at Houston Seattle 11 Utan Pornano '' Pnoenr• DMD Ml flthlnta AllTS LAHO!No ( ..... por1 "-:hi -15 • anglers 2!> bus 30 bon•IO, 21 mllCktrel :I rocl. hall, 15 -ps11eao DAVEY'S LOCKEll , ... wpoo .. acfi1 - 45 ang1er1 10 bon110. 4 cahc:o bass. 200 meek.,el. 171 rock coo. 35 tan<I bus I 11ng cod DANA WHAllF -89 1ngl1t.t 31 bau. 34 t>on•lo. Ill macicaral, 720 rock coo 8 fOCli. It.ii 3 ~-.o. 6 scu!«i»n H AL KACH ·.47 angtars I COW COO 150 MICll .. el 280-rock COO 250 •OC~ h.il, 4 ICUIPtn. 19 wllltt llltl (Ill .. ) -Opara!" TllU<aoay through s..nesey Olll'f -•'1. , '·..J NHL CAflHIMLL COltl'llllNCI lfllrtNDI.,..._ , ~ TOI' 0, " WHlOif•flj I ~1 J ' • IClfttt :I • ~ 41 .v 13 C•lg11y 5 1 ' .. 86· "" f Of•1t111tu11 4 0 3 119 ea II v1nc:ou~111 4 6 ' •) 30 10 Nefllt OMtt.11 MllllwttK>t• (I ' t ~· )7 19 ClllQQO • 2 4 62 4S 18 ~' ~-0 1 0 .. 41 10 fClfor1tO 2 6 • SI 4~ 8 °'''°'' :J • I 37 .. 7 WAL.II COWlltlNCI '8trltli Olwtallft NY tllAllllltfl II 2 0 oe 36 n llf1111Cl9'Pllll • 0 0 64 40 ,. "IV n11ige11 8 1 0 63 64 12 Now Jer11y 3 7 ) 43 ~(I II WHn1ng1on 3 8 t 38 49 7 "'"'°"'"" 3 II ' 42 10 7 Adamo Dtwlelon Montretl au.oec: 8o11on 0..llllO ~•11rtlOl'd 1 2 3 ST 41 it 8 4 I &9 53 t3 5 4 3 311 40 l) 4 5 J ~ 49 11 2 II 2 32 49 II Mondly'1 ScOfa CaiQDfy a New Je"•Y 3 tonlflll'• o ...... \111icouv11r at Ouet>ec Mln ... tota II HattlOIO ~ Je(My ., Montreel P1111bUrgh It NV tslan<ler1 - 0.11001 at ~· Lou•• NHL leltdlfl Thr0119ll Oct. 'I 01it1k~. Edmonton Bosty, NY t$1on<ie•s P Stu1ny, Ovet>ec: M Stutny Quebec I( Nrt11on C11g1ry ,,,,Kint•' Sa vat o . Chicago Goulet Quebec Maclean W1nn1peg A Stastny. au.bee BourM NV 1$1anOe<I I Wilson Ch>eago • Q A Pll 8 20 28 14 tO 24 13 a 21 9 13 21 7 12 19 . ,, " 8 13 19 II 1 18 !> 13 19 ~ 13 18 4 14 18 3 16 18 Stockholm o,.n (•I ltocllloolm, l waden) , ' Flrat llCHllMI Slflelll M•t• Wll an<lar (Swaoenj Clel Peter Carluon (Sweden), e-0, 8·3 An<ll<• Jarryo (Sweden) oel Heinz Gunthardt (Sw11Hrlan<I}. 8-3. 6-4, Tomas Smlel (CL.chOllOvehll) <l•t Pat., Eltat (W111 Germany). 4-8. 7-11, 7·5. 8u111t Mottram 1Bt1tarn) Ciel Enc Fromm lU S ), 6-4. 6-3, Met Putcell (U S I O.I Fritz 8'111\mlng IU S I 6-I, 6-3, Slan Sm1111 (VS I Clef Jin SanObe•g ISweoent. 8·3. 7-~. Harold Sotomon (V.S I <let Kan Meiler (Weal 08fmany), 6·3, 3·6, 6·2 ~ . Hono Kona Cl111lc flrel 11ourWl8lfttlll Mlellaet W•stphal (Wall G11manyl oet rim Mayotte (US I. 4·8. 9.4 7·6. ltm Wtll.lton (Us I cs.I Jolin canter (Us I 6-2, &-1 M0tr11 Strooe (U S I o.J Jim Gur1wi (U s ). 8-4, 6.0. ROl>e<t Yan I Hot (V s I Ciel ButCl'I Walt• (Us), 8· I, &-2. e.ao G~bert CVS I Clef Zottan Kuharszliy (Hungary). 7-11. 1·$, Mike Mauef IU S,J Clel Brad Of-It (Au1tra111), 3-8, 6·4. 7·6 . WOMEN ,..1111 "°"'"' Slfttlll Chu1t1enn1 JOll1Hlnt (Sw111.,tand) Clef l " OUk·H .. (South K0t1al, 1 .... &-4. 6-3. N•n•tt• Schutte (Nllherlan<lsl oel June Feraatine IU S J, &-3, 8-2. Vldll NellOl'I (V S I O.t Blf'naoette Randall (AU9lrlll, 6-t, 7-11, Trl'f I.-. (US I Clel Kim San<ls IU S ). &-7. 1... &-3, Atyc.a Moul!on (Us I OM Bl<b• Bfamlell (US ~ 8-2, 8-2 ec'!lo'C. t t 0111 IUta 10 t t f Cel\lin P..ia 70 3'.I 3 Cullla 111enea. 10 39 4 lot11 WllllOll 10 411 6 Way,.. L..i;, 70 14 AYlllAQC IMMV1MO DllTANCI 1 li•H Clll .. , 21& 3 1 Otlll POlll i1' 0 :I D•o11 Wiiton 211 • • Tom Wt11ti.op1, 2101 t fom PuitH• 210 I ONYINO NACIJtTACM .. 'AllfWAV t Clllvln ""'•· e13 1 8ltt ~1. 772 3 Mill• fllelcl, 7•11 4 a.tie u1•· 11114 Jaci. "4tnnlf 13A ~ OMPI IN MOULAT!Otf 1 c .....,n P-.t•. 724 2 Pa~ J1e01>1e11 • C 12 t 3 Andy IHn, 117 4 CUtll• Strano-IP ano Jacil NIC'ktau1, 118 AYlllAQC PUTTI NII R0UN0 1 &an cr..-.ine. 2e ee 2 eraio l taollf', • 28 73 3 Mt>tfl• H•l•l•ky, 11 93 • Tom ' Kit•. 21 H • J.,ry Pal• -IMO AOlll. • • 28 9fl NllCINTAQC M llJe.l'All NOUla I l 0tn Kit• 2 16A 2 Tom WllllOll 2160 3. ClalQ Stael.., 207 4 Rey 'tOyO Ancty BNn an<I WrtN l.9¥1. 20$ UQULIAOlllS I J C SnH d Andy BHn ano Tom W•IOopt, tO 4 011 ti,4org111 ano Craig St1<11et. 9 -LIAOl!AS 1 Andy 9Nn. ff2 2. Geor119 8'irna. 387 3 1 om Kita and,, Curtis Str an1141, )81 ~ 0-1141 A1'"9t. 3'0 ' ~ MONCY LIAC>elll I CrtlO si.-. S,.48.48~ 2 Ray FIOVO S3811 809 3 T Of11-Kue, $34 I ,oe I 4 Calvtn P"tt. 1318,470 5 7om W1•eon. l318,4113 8 8ol> Gll04W '301,848, 1 Llnny Wa<ll!int. l3CMS 827 e Wayna leYi, 1290,8' I 9 Jerry ;::.in\210.141 10. Curll• 81r1ng•, Women'• wolteybell Ch••11 College ~::"ti'Fe College. t'l.O, 8-16. 16·8. 15·11 Mond-r:.:=c•ton• OWNERS-Flra<I Bo wle Kunn commt-~ ........ BOSTON REO SOX-PIAlced Tony Pata <1111gn1tad hlltar. on welv•••. for 1ht purpoN ol e••lng him his unconelltlonal '--CHICAGO WHITE SOX-Named Dl•I Duncan pitching coadf. en<I Ed Btlnlcmln lnflll<I 1n1lruc101 • MINNESOTA TWINS-Treeled John Pacella ... loller, to the TeJC81 Ranger• fOI L.en Wll1tahouM, 1>41c1tet TEXAS RANGERS-Named Doug Rader. manager 1110 1igne<1 lllm to a on•·~••• contt9CI Mat'°"8I L...-MONT REAL EXPOS-Sent Oan N«man, outllat<lar. to W1c:hlla ot Am•rtc an Auoc1at1ot1 Aacaneo 811 S•lllar an<I .s.« T aytot. pitcne<a an<I Pat Rooney. outlltleler R911equklel Chr11 Smith, lnflet<le< Adellel Bobby Rltmoa. ca1clllf. Greg . Batglt. Joe HMll•th 1110 Rick Grapenthrn, pilchets anel Angtl Satu.111. Infield« to Ille roatlf ,OOnAU ""4MdSUMll,.. ................ LOS ANGELES EXPRESS-Hlllne<I Jerry Willlamt an<l lyte Smith -acouts SOCCEll ......... ._ ........ ST L.OUIS STEAMERS-Waiv9d Craig • ~. o<*llt\<ler • Nil.IC NOTICE Ptlll.IC NOTICE P\B.IC ll>TICl: PtllUC NOTICE Ptlll.IC NOTICE Pllll.IC NOT1C£ Ptlll.IC NOTICE ~ Q27111 NoTl(:l '1CTtTIOU8 ....... FICTITIOUt ....... ,..,CTITIOUS BUSIHEH sui11111to1t COUftT OF FICTitlOUS ....... NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS WHO VOU AllE IN OIEFAULT UNOUl A NAm ITATlmNT NA• ITAft•NT NAME ITAT£11ENT CALlf'OflMA, COUNTY NAM! ITAn.NT HAVE CLAIMS AGAINST BANCOR DEED OF TM.llT, DAftD .IULY t, The followlng pereon la doing The followlng perlOnl we doing The lollowlng pe<SC>nl are do.ng OF OftAMOE The following i>ertont ere dOlng M O R T G A 0 E & l 0 A N tt7t. UNI.EIS VOU TdE ACTION INllMM U. butl..-s.. _ INSlnMS es OtU>Elt TO aHOW CAUU buSI,_ u . C O R p OR AT I 0 N GR AN 1 TO PflOT£CT YOUll PflOPllllV, rT S M C PR I NTER 8 & BAKERSFIELD PROPERTIES. L Y l COMPANY (Vorbl FOfl Ct4ANOE OF NA• IRVINE CITY SAVINGS TRUST CHERRINGTON DENISON ANDtOR MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC STATIONERS, 22122 Umberl St., 3901 P1clllc Coast Hlghw1y. Lind•). 1 C1 1tlornla gtntlll CAM NIJmElt A1tM57 ACCOUNT, 2091 a..ein-1 C.Olw ROBERT JOHNSON DUMAS OF SALE. IF Y 0 U HEE 0 AH Sul1• 1702, El Toro, C... t2'30. Coronl del Mii. CA t2'125. partnerlhlp, PoSI Oll!Qe Box 8040, In the Miner ot the Apptlcellon of DriYI, Slilll 200, lrvlne, CA 92115 FIN A L D A TE T 0 MA KE EXPlAHATlOH o,.-THE HATUflE Oonthe.11 P. Reddy, 15581 V1n Rldllrd 0 Burns. 2901 P1e1llC Newport B .. ch, CA 92660 (Str .. I SARAH CATHERINE ACORD and Paul C Outeo. Sl1n El Moredo. APPLiCA TION FOR PAYMENT OF THE PllOCEEDIKO AO~tNaT 8vrtr1 St . Wastmtnsl.,, Ca. 92643 Coul Highway: Corona !Ml Mw, CA AddreH •463 Birch). RACHAEL ELLEN ACORD, mlnora. FOllntlln Vf/Mrt, CA 92108. FR 0 M THE RE Al Es TATE vou, YOU aHOULD CONTAcT A This b\.lllnesa I• conduct.CS by 811 112625. Partn4r• ( 1) A M Allton, 69 for Cha~ of NAl1n41 ~ L8ur-. 11 Jade Cow, RECOVERY FUND. LAWVER. lndMCluet J. c. Seem. 3ll01 P8Clllc Coast Lind• 111•. Newport Beec h, CA TERRY ANN ACORD. Molher ol Corona def M1r, CA 112625. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE Of' TRUIT£l'I IAU Dor\lhala P. Reddy Highway, Corona d•I Mu , C A 92660. the Af)pllc:ants, has filed a pelltloo 111 Leigh M Rebblll, 121 VI• the Rell Eslate Fund for .Ouutlon. T.S. No. 2·17U/ntb Tllra atllemtnl was filed wllh Ille 92625. , i:11 Reed Bau1nan. 833 Ltelo Pk thll court lor en order 1llowllf0"' H1wa, Newport Beech. CA '2te3. reHllCh 1nd recovtfy purposes On Novemt>et 16, 1982. at 10:00 County Clerk o1 Ot111ge County on Samuel ~m911A. 3901 Pacific Dr., Newport 8eech. CA p 11 fl Ion• r to c II an g e II I ti Thomaa St•lner. 1 Llncoln, provides for payment to parsons o'cloctt am . on Tuesday, al the Octot>er22, 1982 CoattHig~y.Cofon•IMI M.,.CA (31 Roy Douman. 10980 11«nemelromSARAHCATHERINE lrvlna.CA9271'. who have obtained f1111t )IJdgmattll Chapman Avanu• entrance lo Ille F100a14 92625. , Wllshlr• Blvd , Los ~ng•IH C A ACORD end RACHAEL ELLEN MtchMI W McClebn, Ill So again1t licen9e<I re1t esllll b1oltera C1v1e Center 8ui1dln9. 300 EHi Publlshe<I Opng• CoHI 01ily MICllHI Hogen, 3901 Peclllc 90024 ACORD. 10 SAPAH CATHERINE LI S•nde. South Lag11ne, CA or 11tespersons The Judgment Chapman Aenue Orange CA. Piiot Oct 28, Nov 2. 9. 16. 1982 CoeS1 Hlghwey. Coron1 !Ml MW, C1' (4) L.llffY Sm<th. P 0 Boa 8040 LEWIS ACORC 1nd RACHAEL 92651. mull b• on groun<ll o f irau<I. W E S T E R N M U T U A L 4651·82 92625. Newpor1 Beech, CA 92660 ELLEN EOVTHE ACORD Thlt bllslnesl II conducted by I aecell, mlsrepresan1a11on or CORPORATION. • Cal1fornt1 Frink Monutler._, 3901 Padflc (61 J Mercer. 4440 Von It 1s hereby ordered tha1 e ll buslnep trust con_.lion of lrust fund• ano mini corporation. u Trustee. or Pta.JC NOTICE Coll! Hlghwey, COfone del Mar. Kllfmen. Newport Beech, CA • persons in11res11d ln the melter Paul C Gullo be blHd on• lllll\saclion for wtitch subs11tt.rled frut1ee, 11naer the De9d CA 92$25. (61 Ken AklriCh, 2120 W1t1111,., aforesaid e~ar before 11111 court Thi• lllttrMl'lt was fllao "(jth Ille e real estate ticenae is r11qulred The ol Trus1 executed by MICHAEL NOTICE OF DEATH OF R1111ell Smith, 3901 P•clflc Santi Monica. CA. 1n Department No 3 al 700 Civic County Cieri! of 0t1ng9 County on prov111ons re1111ng co Ille Real STEPHEN MOKEDE and TONI A LESLIE G. BEATl'Y AND Co111 Hlgllw1y, Corona d•I Mar. (7) C E Smith. 4911 Hemlock. Center Drive West, Santa Ana. Oct. 16, 1982. ~STAf'DmNT Tri. lo41owing !*MIN 1te doing ~as· MOBILE METAL ANALYSIS. 24 113 Vls1• Corona, Dene Potnl. Cellforrn• 92629 Rob4W1 T. Nolioft. 24113 VtSta Cofone, Dena Point, Celiforola Jay Da vid Heber . I 131 CompelS Lene No. 205, Foeter Clly. C.WIO<llle 92e29 This IN"'-S ti cond\leted by a general patlllerMllp. Robwt T Nolloll T1111 stet-I was flied wl1h !he County CMll of Ofllnge County on Octot>at 29. 1982 f2001M Publlsnad Or1nge COISI Dally Pilot. Nov, 2. 9, 18, 23, 1982 4821-82 Pllll.IC NOTICE Eal ate Fund can be found In MOKEOE. husband end wile. llil<e1n 0 F p ET IT IO N TO CA 92825. lrvlne. CA Catrlornl8, on Dec I, 1982. at 10-30 c.,,..a & ICMdeft California Bllll,_. and Proltlllonl called Trustor. recorded August 11, ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Rober1 M•lllln, 3901 Pacific (81 R N Th•ver. 1274 C1Prt o'clock • m., 811<1 111911 1ne1 thet• Attomeys et Law ACTITIOUS ., .... I Code secttont 10471 to 10483 1978 as lnslrurnent No 14 19>4. 1n Coetlt Highway, Cofone !Ml Ml<, CA Dflve. Pacllle Pllllaedn, CA ahow caute, 11 any !hey have. why •1 ......_ Cet1'9f OrlV• NAm STATUmNT pertleUltrty .... Lot 8 ~on IH, ft MllOlll °''"" COlftlftOn ltndtlutll Unll &, ConclOfnln T11m1 ltlONy of t °' per1 by"°'' TNlt 0..0 T.n Pl' -=~ ... , ....... 111U1•1n ....... ,Jr" l . J == l'l•N._ °"· .. ., . The amount that may be paid Book 11846, Paoe 1035 of OffiClal .A·ll5$1t. t2t2S. (II) J C Bl~. 10960 W1lllW• sard peutton 101 c;hange of n•ln4I awe. ilO The f°"°"""ll persons lte dOing from the Rea Ell•le F11n<1 to any Record s o f Orange Co11 nty. T o all heirs, beneficiaries, J-Ander'lon, 3901 Pacific BIVd . Los Ang411H, CA 9002• 11\0Uld not be grltlted C.....,.12715-11• ~.. ' one dairNnt It llml1ed to s10.ooo Celdomle. wilt ... alf.:blic MICt.ton creditors and contingent Coat Highway. Cofone !Ml Mllf. CA Tb!e blillneal 11 eondllCled by 1 11IS 1ur111er ordeted 111e1 a copy 01 F~ PR bAJ u i '\ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ?~ 'i T 5 g per .. 1n11ctlon ($20,000 altar lo 111• hlghell bl<I ., for CHll. creditors of Leslie G Beatty 92825. generll pannershlp thtt order !O •how CIUU be Publltl'led Or•ng• COHI Dally E··F .OVEE NEWS ·, (C) UP DATA Jan.Iary 1. 1980i Furthetmo<e, tt>e P•Y•ble 1n lawful money of the • Kevin R Welker, 3901 Peciflc Relld Bauman publish•d 1n lh• Delly Pllol. • tlol. Oct. 111, 28, Nov. 2, 9, 1982 .., amount thal may be paid out 101911 lun11ed S111es 11 the time of sale. and perso n s who may be CoNt Highway, Corona def M~. CA M11111glng General Partner l\tiWIPaper of otneral c1rcu1111on. ~82 BOOKLET, 232t N. Heeo«i•n St .. cla1man11 ts trmited to SI0.000per1tt1e inte1es1 conveyed 10 and now otherw'ise interested in the 92825 This 1111ement wat ffled w1111 the Pllbllsned 1n~fa counfy a1.le111 l----------"---1Sant1 ~n•, Clllloml• 92706. llcenaee for tra~ion1 occurring lheld by H id Trust•• undet ae1d will and/or es••te· M•lvln KooyumJl1111. 390 1 Count)'. Clerk of Orange County on onCi4I 1 _.. for IOYr conMCUti..e Pllll.IC NOTICE Stephen Eugene Fruer, 2321 •lter January 1. 1975. and prior to Deed o l Trust In Ille property A titi n h' 'been filed Pac:lflc Coasl Highway, Corona d.i Oel 15. 1982 weeks p1lbr to Ille day of said N. HHperlen S1., S1nte Ana . Januery 1. 1980; and S 100,000per1111ua1.0 in said County and Slate pe O 85 Mer, CA 92825 F111191 hearing P'ICT1TIOUS ..-ea Celllornla 92706. llc1nae1 for 1ran11cllon1 I eking described" by S tanley Snyder, Jr. In the This t>t.lllMM It conducled by 1 Publ11lle<1 Orang• Co111 Diiiy Oeted Oc101>er 18, 1982 NA• aTATRmNT Peter Cher!M Allen. 2312 Slllla pllCt 1f1er J1nu1ry 1, 1980 The Loi 19. Tract 6138, u ~ "'-!> S uperio r Court Of Coun ty ~81 partnerentp, Piiot. Oc:I It, 28. Nov 2. 9. 1912 M1tk A ~ The loflowlng ~IOfll 1<• doing Ana St.. Costa Mese, CA 92627. d •lm1 agalntt Ille Real E1111• Fund lracorded 1n Boot. 258. P90AI 5 tnd r equesting that Stanley Rlctlefd O 9um1. •577-12 Jud~ o1111e t>u.,,,.. as: Tlllt bu"'-' II conouc:tea by• du. lo Ille llC1M1les of '"' .. tit• 6 of M111ce111neous Maps. record• ol Si yd.. Jr be appolnt.ed -Tllit •1•1-1 WU filed wllh the ·------------SUl*lor Court AMERICAN SALES NETWORK. general pertneflhlp. 11cen ..... BltlCOt Mortgeg. & Loen O.enge County n ... r . · County Cl«tt of Orange County on ---ic NOTICt Het"*-1 1900 E W•rrer A-. Suit• 0. ~ CMrw. Allen Corporation, Granl Clltrringron The slrMI 9dc:lreu and!Or ollw personal re presenUllive lo Oct 18. 1N2 ,.~ f-Santa Alli. Cellfomla 92705 Th4I ltll-t -fllld with the Denlaon and/or Ro1>er1 Johnaon common dHlgn111on. 11 any, It administe r the eetate of .--. ~a Bfeyton IC-oDU tttt "-Bfoedw•• Nation Su 1 e1 Con II o I County Clertl of 0r""9' Counly on Dumas appear likely to eaOIMd Ille purported to be 1062 S1nl1 Crvt Leslie G Beatty (under the A...,_,. et \.MW NOTICI OF SAU OF ..,.._Ana. CA. ll'709 COflXHlllon. I Illinois COfl>Oflllon, Oct. 4, 1982. m .. lmum liability ol 1111 Fund Circle. Costa MNa· Cettlor11i1. Independent Administration A-Ftn...ol8I T-llllAL ftlllOf'aRTY AT Publlllled Orange Co111 01lly I* E Warner AY«llHI, S1111• 0 , "1~ Th•refore. the Real Ellett Slid Sala wlll l>e mad• wtlhout .,._ ,._ Th lilf • ~ c.tat Df'M PfllYATl I~ P1101 Oc:t. 19. 28. Nov ?. 9. 16, 23, Santi An•. Cetllornle Pub0ellshed2 0~1ngeNC0112t 11?,~ Commissioner hH ••quHl•d tllt warrenty u to lilla poaiesslon or of c:.et.ates n.o.:t). e pe on ....._IOI No. A ttl... 1982 C•I Prod11cls Comp1ny Inc., Pilot, t. 1 • 1., 28, ov. • ,,_ court 10 Join au pot•nttal ctelma encumbrencas, for tl'le purpoae of ls set for hearing in Dept. NeW,.n e.ech, C:A ntlO In 1he S11perlor Coun of the S•••• 4581-82 (pending) • Cellfornl• corpor111on, 448~ 1g1lnat lhe Funes inlo one 1e11on. so paying Ille ot>flgallons aecufed by N o . 3 at 700 Civtc Center F1•11 ol c i lllornla, tor the County of 1------------3303 H1rbor Blvd .. C-9, Coatl ------------11111 Ille COUr1 can dettrmlne wtliC:h 11rd Deed of Tru11, lnc:lvdlflO the '" Drwe West ln the City of Publ••f'i•d Or1ng• Co•ll Dilly 0r111ge Pllll.IC NOTICE Mesa, catffoml• 92826 l'lllllC NOTICE c111m1 .,. v111e1 and dlvl<I• th• and •it1>41"M of Ille TruslM and or S • A • C J'{ • Piiot, Oct 19, 28, Nov. 2. e. t982 1 111• Mane of 1he E1111e 01 Thia bual.-a It cond\ICted by• ------------~ •mount av•ll•bl• lrom tn• Fund the 1rutt• c:r.ted by Nici Deed of an ta na, a t ornta on 4590-82 VI n 1 H Tour OeciMMO ACTTTIOUS .,..._,. limlled pannerahlc>. NOTICa TO ~°"8 Im""" tr-peol)te llaV•""' vllld Trull. 1dv1nce1 thereunder. w11h November 24, 1982 a t 9:30 noenN 1'-1 ~-~ ... ~ 'hll 111e MAm 8TATS•NT Cet Proc:tucta OF MIU(~ ~·.. ..., O ,... I ,,...r•vY .,...~. • The 1~ ........,.. If• dot"" ........ ._....., claims. 1nterd u provided lllereln, Ind Ille a.m . Pllll.IC lll'IT'IC( ~ Wlft ..n 1i PrlVate ..,., _,_-;--.. ""' ,.....-~-··• Mich-_,_.., (S-. 1101..._, U.C.C.) Vou mey be entllled 10 _, 1 unpaid principal tnd tnl« .. I of Ille lF YOU O BJECT to th t-to th• hlnhHI and bHI bldd•r .,,_ PrMidefll No tice 11 her•by g iven to olllm egllnat the Fund t>eceute ol a Note aecured by aakS De9d of Trutl. th tJti e NOTICI IN¥fTMO 9IDI • · CE NT EA E A C H C O N • this e111-1 .... fllld with tf'ie creditors of the within narnt d real •tale 1ran11e:11on or r .. 1 .. 11te co-wit $8,g43 19 granUng o( e pe on, ,you Nolle• 11 l'leret>y gtven 111,1 tf'ie ~=:; ~';fnc:!::'!~f; 1':!, ~~~ ST RUCTION, 29132 HldO•nwood. Co\lnly Clefll ot ar.,. Collnty on 1ranat.,or 11111 • bull! tran1fe1 ts 101n 111n11c1lon lnvolvlno reel Dated October 19, 1982 should either appear at the Board ol 'fr11stM• ol the c0111 dey of Nowmb.r t9U at 111e on1cie l.Alg':'a ~~·EC~t~~"b' ~:7J N T Octot>at 28. 11182. 1bo111 to b• m•d• on P•reone l ...... 11cen1M1Bencor MQ(lgtige& w Es T 6 RN M u Tu AL hear in g and stale your Communlly Ooll•.G• Ol1trlcl Of of DONOVAN w 8ALLENO~. 401 CORPORATION • C1lllornl1 .,..,. pr~n~~"!~~~-lo•n Corpor1.1 1on. ~ran t CORPORATION obt..."'\lons or fil"' wrlt••n Orange County. Celllorhl•. wlll N Brand No 500 Glendale • P11bt11hed Ot1no• Co111 'Dilly ,,,. ....... .,.., ........ _ ....,..._ C.._, 1.....,on "--•--n •Ad/ .. A..__. 100 s T ti SI r-~ "' ""' · ' ' cor ..... alton 11275 MaaaeohuMU• -..... .......... 2 t 18 ..... t"•2 of, ...... tnt_.._. tr--or -·-' • .,.. .....,."_ -· or ..,...,.. • . "' n b i h h recetv• H•l•d bid• 11p lo 11 .00 Callfornl•. Coun1y of Loe Angelea, ,,... ' c f ......... """· • • ' &... .., ... ......., --_,,, Johnaon Dumu II you wl1~_10 f70range, CA 112887 ob Jef c tlotn.sh wh t it e cyourt Lm., T~. Nowtmber 23, 1982 Stlte of Cal•IOfnla, Ill Ille rigl'll, lltla Avenue., Loa AhgelH, all ornl• 4185-12 JOHN LOMELI. 11182 MOl\f~ pu11ue • ct11m against the .,..,, 14) 771-4100 e ore e ear ng. our 81 the PutchutnQ Oep1tlment ol Ind Inter"• of Mid deCMMd et the 90025 1-------------tSlrHt. Co•t• Men, C1lllor11a E1111e Fund. you must comply With Stephania Se•bolt 1 ppeana.nce may be in penon NICI eo111ge dtllrlc1localed11 1370 wne of dealh Ind Ill tf'ie rlgllt !Ille Ttw. butlnal it condUC1ed by• "8.IC llOTIC( t2t21 ~11u~1~:,u1;~;·:,~.::1~~:r:roJ: T~~~.e g:~~. Coell Delly orlby youry OatUtomey.R E "' Ad1ma Av•nu1, Coall MaH, lndd•clnl••"•"•ctl\~11,,t"::-qt~~~:'d ':'! corporel:"eR OE VELOPMCOERNPT. FIC1mou9 _.. or~~ "'1r::= :- aecttonl 10411 end 1~72. and no >tlol, Oct 28. Nov 2 .•• 19112 .. A " Calllornle, It wtlldl ljme Mid tlld• t ... ·-..-... .. ..-.! .... IT.,,_, ENORACIA M. MARTIN!Z, ... CRED'TITV'\R tl t •lie pv~ opened 8nd reed'°' opetl '°" "' -or .,..__ ""-M""" .-,.,, T U I S teter 1han Aprll 15, 19 ...... )'OU mutl 4693·12 'UV or • con ngen PAINTING a BINDING SPRING 11\en or In eddlhon to"'-' of"'"' ..__,.,,.,_,.I :ti• IO OW'lnt pertOn • doing 2805 s. Gltnflrbor Str .. f, 8011 Ille WI 8PPflell1ton for payment from creditor of the deceued you ttU COMMUNITY SERVICE ~.at Ille time of dMth, In ... ,_, bull""9 ••· AM, Ctlllornlelt2104 the Reel Etllt• Fllnd tn tile cour1 Ptlll.IC llftflC[ fl'-_,_, with ... _ 8"0CHU...., end 10 llt -~-1·•n ....., pr_,., lf'ill 11e1ement w11 Iii.cl Wlll'I tfle MURPHY MOTORS, 836 N. Thlt the property pertlh•nt .Ci.Ion In Whlon Yo"I l''dgmtnl nu mutl IC your ._...m UIC ., ...,.. ,,,. .....,. .. •-w,,_,, C t c--. .... Or-c-•nty on ~ \._. -:.....1 .. v v AM l)ld I be In d ettlllteCI In City of 1"""9, COlll\IV or oun Y _,. "' _..,.. "" Mlln I t.. .... taeel .-ato la delerl....., In genetll u · •galnat th• u ld rHI Hiit• STAnMEff OP AaANDOr••NT court or present ll to the Wlfl'i Ille~~:"' lnatr:,'::: Ortnge. Stale 01 Calllo rnl•. Octoow 1&. 1118~. ~ , 404 C•lott1, furnllure. t1111urH, 1q111pmen1. ~ -ot1ui1nec1, 1nc11 c0py OP UM OP · peraon•I representative Condition• and Spedllc.lllonl whlOh delettbed 11 totlow-.10 ''11117 Hewpor1 IMl:tl. A tneo. rna1er1e11, •te. and II loclted ••· of the 8CIP!lca1ton mutt.,.~ '1CTITIOUB ...,..., • .._ appointed by the cou rt ••now In Ille and ~-ea Publl•h•d Ot1ng• Co111 Dallv Thie~ le eondue!ed by"' 1~ Monrovil Sir .... Coett MtM. on tf'ie AMI E.8111e Commlllloner. The tollowtng peraon1 h1v1 wt thin four months from the In the ornc. of the Pur ...._, In Tract No 1231. 11 Piiot. Oet l9. 28. Nov 2, 9, 1982 lndMdllll Celltornle Ind by mlll on Rlch!lfd E NlelMn, el>andoned the llM of !he llctltlout of Nld o11ga dletrtct .....-· a mep recorded tn looll •52442 ~ Murllflr The 11u11neM -wed bj1he Oepvt}' Auorney Generel, '' the butlneea neme dale o f first laau ance of Elldl ~ mwat ~Witt!"" .... 24 lo 31 lnctutt .. of --,..--IC-ll)_TIC(_____ Thll IMI-• -llltd with !tie Mid lrlllllferor at Mid loclaliOff'" addf-... forth l>elOw I( you fall lo PALM STREET ASSOCIATE&. lel~ra .. ~ In Sect.Ion bid • CHiiier'• ,11ec:11, certlllff aneout M•P• record• of County Cllrtl of °''"" CO\lftty °"' suoa CENltA :· pu1-a clalm eg11n11 th• RHI • gentt81 p1r1nerahlp, 193' POfl 700 of tM Probl~ Code of check, or bidder'• bond "'•d• County. Calilorn11, more ITAT'lmln Of Ocl I I, ttu Tllat tfle "'* tr_.. le lnteilled bt1teFun<ll>Med11PGnlf'ieectlon• Provlnc.,Newporlhec;h.Celifornle California. The time (or peylble 10 Ille orcter of "'-.Coel1 ly known•• 011 ••-Dt•lllTOPUllOft ,,... toM-*edettM otldot. ::o~~;~;:•e~~,'~~·,~~T!~.8~~!~~ 92~ F;c1111ou1 Bu11neu Nam• flll1nc cl&lma .. ~~ .. ~xpln ~f'f Colllol o.Mrtct!8oerd Wu•~·,~'.v1;':·,1°y111~~n!9ii ~."l:.:!1~11p1:,~n~~v• P~b~~.~-~'r~·~~ f~ gJ"A~:A~T~cfN; 34i1•~.RJi.:: Chtmngton Oenllon llld/or Robert ••l•rr•d to •bov• WH fllld In to our mont .... UVfl1 t ..... date of Tflllt ... In .... 81110Unl not Illa II.Im, Cl!llllrklOt Plan •bandonlll ... UM OI !tie ,ICtlttOul ..... llfHl, lull• 111' LOI Ant-a •• John Ion Oumu, yo11 wlll be Orange County on Aprll 18, 1te1. of the hurin1 hotJc.d aboW. ::f J': ::.:"..J':!1~":J:: of ••le 01111 111 ltwtul ...,..._...,.... -----------C•llfornl• 10020, on Or tlltr dWmed to haw welvtd your right Fiie No F-180271 YOU MA y EXAMINE wlll i nter Into th• propoHd he URAld I tal" Oii ..... JAi TIOUll.A CUllllVO a A' (Ill P\llJC ND'flCE • N~ 22. ttu ' • to 1ny payme nt from lf'ie Fund ChertH J "40L1ughlln, 20 tM flle "'-' r.... the COUr1 If Contract It tlll Nl'ftl II .-ded to ~ flld 11111n01 evtOtnC1c1 09' PO CUERVO I A (3) 010 Tiie netM '"d tclctf ... where beled on thl 8Ctl of NICI~ 8al1burg, N•wport Beuh, ........... ,, -~..o I .h f'ilm. In the w1 Of lllM'9 to ertW MCvr .. e.y Mortlll• or NlGlllO I A . 4000 •cArtllur '1CTITIOUI ....... Cllln'I• Mly bt m.ct le Of1~cy "you -not c;ecMlble 'Of filing.,, c.ifoml• tneo you are ne..rea..... n t • ln10 _. _.,_._ • ,,_.... °' on""~• IOld ::0 9u11e 3000, ....._, ""°"' ..... ITA1W lwow COtootttlOn. M07 w llalll ~e11on IOf PeyMenl .. 11111 J J Kntdterbocll.,, 18 Point •tate, you RWY file I ~Uftt Ille cMdl .. 1i1J1 tortlllld. Of In .. wnt of tmOW1t ... lo The fotloWIRt perlOM -CloWlg ltrMt. lvlt1 111. l.Ot Angeln, time, bllt Intend 10 p11r1ue YO\lf Loma Orl11e , C oron• dal Mer, with the court to recelv• ... of I bolld, ttw 1v11-._.,. wt111 Did TM ,1c1ttto111 llvlfn•H N•lft• ~ •: ~ toOIO dllltl ....... the Alli Ellll• flll\4 Calllomte tHH • p •cla 1 notlc• 0' th• wlll " fOffetled to Hid OOl'eoe oftlrl IOM In Wftllng rlllrtH to abo•• ••• flltd tft '"' DAVIDION ANTIOUI TM ...... for ... In• oourt ICtlon, "*' )'Oii '""'1 l'lleil Tllll lluell\l9 -oonc1uo*1 ~ t of ~t WtvMI .. tlle 1fot Or .... C4ulty on """' •4. llll. CO-..l'ANY 1111·A ......... INt ..,_ II NO ••• __ 1lfl1,Kh = t4, tta, • .• ,.,~, ,._111 pen'*"""' Inventor, ntate llMta No ~ ~ ""'*"" 1111 llld "" time tfter 1M 11111J 1fD. ''""°· Ave """~ca. t270I. "'*"It tM ~ ct.y.., OI 1111.,..1 .. MlllnQ 0\11 Chetlll J Mc~ and of the pet.ldom. Mlt'OUnle lot 1 ,,.,ioci fOr Jortr·IM C•ll d• ....,, Ind Nfor• .,_. eu.w I .A.,..._. De l 1n1tll On dlOn, 444.,..vtet• e1on111mm1uen ct1t1 spec,. ltll belle of )'Ollf ~ Cleinl 10 • 0.-al ,.,"* ind repor\e described In "* ,.,. die• MC fOf ... opening OuYUNI • ....,. • LOM• AolM • .....,..., ._., Cl. •llove ' ltll IOdrMI Mt IOrlfl bt40w Tiiie .....,_.. W11 !ltd wtltl Ille 8 I I 2 0 0 f h ....._.... _..., 1-.._ Of Oet..-................ , -. a:_ ' Marvin OevldlOfl, 4U Vl1tt lo flf H la llnown to If Any quo1tlo11• regtrOlng th• County Qlrtt Of OflllOI Count)' on • c t 0 n ° t • ,,__, ~ ...,, .... , ,,_ -;;;--.:="ii OOflduOted " t ~ Nlwpof1 lleedl, Cl tlllO ln""'8d ,,.....,.. Mid :;; .votect of lhl• notice •11ovtd be ~ 1, ,_ Ca 11 for n I a Prob• t • _!~ct ... °'~_,~.. ....... ...... _ -por-TNI .....,_ • OOl:ctuottct "1 en Tr1n1111or vHd tN , .... .,._to .. fOllowlnD per90n. U. ~ _, C:.0.. -ciflO';.j';i::'i':t.. ti,;;°' ·~OfN ;or -ofu.o CUl9'VO. I A ..._. Htlli.MI ~t&ftell llllMI • ~1 . ....r.n ..-.~ca..· .... ,. N an.-~ -·· ....... -DlleclM!t n...c... ,,..== 1Ht1111t""""' n11 ttwee _. OIDutw Attcw General .... • 'a Woi n•llll WI "" If 111 "" .._ CllleMlr ,,._.· Tlllli -• -tilll .. 1111 ..-; ..... • ( ::o,::-•;'C.,d =-::..--:r.11: ::r:.:.·1.u~ 11111. ::La.wATION W.•alr•er "-ii ••wllld..,.tfle Qoullt)'oe..et~ en ~~-.... ' LOl ........ CAIOOtO "-.... CA-Te1t,1111r.l11-MM. ~._,.,,,__ • ::.~ =T"°'.,..c~ori Olt«*ilrft, tMI. :m: :=~,.::: ftllblltlled Or1nge Cotet Dally • Pu"lfMd Or111t1 Cotot Olffy hi.stetted Ore"f" c.-Diiiy ~~·,~ Orllll* C08lt Dally HM. ,..,......,!!!!~-Cont Ollly ft11_...,. 0.... C.... Pu ....... Oflr!M OelM _, Not, act. 2t. Nov. a. 1. ti. ttlt ftllOI, Oct 11, "·Nov t , '· "" """'Ort •. n. "°"·a.•• ,....; "°" 1. i.;.Ji NOw. 1. tta ••t•n "'°' O!' .:N;.,-:T1, 11,4'!!.' .... Not oet.'JI. ""·'· •· 11. 1 """· N1 • 1 . .,_ . 4?t0·11 ...... .,... ' ' ' .'°"' ., .... -........ .... . J .. (,I Orange Coaal OAILY PILOT /Tut1d1y, No~tmber 2, 1992 THt; t'.\~lt,. CIRfl'N BHi Gt;ORGt; • by V1rg1I Parlet'\ (VIP) 11 1 "There's nothin' on but grown-ups' programs "Ltt'1 Ht ·· ttn tlmt1 nlnt ·· Ajax, do you re1ll11 how..many llvt1 just p111td by?" -talking heads." ... ,..\R,.:\DLKE # by Brad Anderson ~ J)E\~IS THE ME:\AC'E -.lb Hank Ketchum ·.~ '·l "Mom! He's got walnut breath again!" G.\Rt'lt:l .D I THINK )'LL HAVE AN EGG-FOR BREAKFA~T ACROSS I Mike public 5 Young pig 10 Tater benefi1 56 Gtles 60 "Slep -_,.. LUl"iE WAS A HIT MAN FQP. THE ()A(;;iANIZATION, FOF\ DENNIS ~MORE lN PAATICULAP, I IT WON'T BE EASY FOP. THE DA TO PROVE THAT PA56MORE ~VE LUKE ()p.()EP.5 I by Harold Le Ooux I CAN 61VE THE DA ll'TES NAMES AND PLACES ' INVOLVIN6 ALL THEIR OPERATION& Fp,()M MPl.C ON UP' e llONDAY'I PUZZLE IOI.YD> 0 ~ ------ by Ferd & Tom Johnson 14 Metal. Abbr 15 Uglll IOIKCI 16 Stiow bll 111 Cream ol -~~m:-firi:ti~F.F.F.B IWltd 17 Kind helper 19 Rellled 20Catdl 21 s.tleted 23 Rl\'9t end MZ#d 26 Menu ..,.-ds 2 7 Reepecllul 30 Tenett 34Srildr!W 35~ 37 D9llUbe ..... 38 Fitll 39 Rec.-. 41 -0flndt 42 Higfl prlat 43 Vl!Pld UAlllndeMrt 45 "°""' 47 Of T llUIOlll 50"-'• ...... $1 ...... '2\N!Pldld 64 Skin d1seue 65 ln191fll 68Nolused 87 Bambi.eg 68 Miii Ille helm ee Rud"'*'' I Infant 2 °'"'9ti mNt 3 Slflall one 4 lllUed 5 Fultnet 6 -enno: In tlllt Y"t 7 kr11p 8A~lcllty 9~ 100.1'11111 POW temp II Punch 12~1 13 'orce unit llW.. word HTNdgll M> AN ATT~NEV, YOO SUOO.O Bi: ACQUAINTED WITH TH£ TERWE6RESS '' ~ }/ / SHOE WHAT'S THE HURRY, PROFESSOR MERLIN? GORDO DRABBLt: AM E6RES5 IS AN E~IT FROM ~OPERTV I --;-y--f ., i 1 JUST TOLD MRS. PRIM HER FORTUNE ··- b Charle• M. Schulz --------E6RESS U~LY RE~egs TO A WAV OUT THAT 1 S t.J..iAT MV CLIEMT IS LOOKIN6 FOR .. A WAY OUT ! ~(, ~~#)~ by Jeff MacNelly. by Ernie Bushm1ller -BUT I WAG WATCHING THE WRONG CHANNEL ON MY CRY5TAL BALL I ~ "'''"' C)1M?un.1e<1 JM1,.tS~ Ille f../tSi<Y• roo f ·O!WlulJ='• A DE-AD (:;IVE;- AllJA'{f by Gus Arriola · by Tom Batiuk CF COORS€ / AND !'N\ Wal AWARE OF THE. IMPORTANCE OF ~CE ! ·ACE CLEANERS by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont AN' NOW ")OU SAY ">'00 CAN ''r Ge'T" ANY OF THOSS G"ef!N STAINS ou-r OF MY Ct.OT'HE!S ?! • • • Orange Co11l DAit. Y Pit.OT /Tuetday. November 2. 1082 'I I 1#~0 Artist Harold Cleworth guides a 1969 Ferrari into an auto crusher to reduce it to a cube of metal, which will eventually be part of its Costa Me a owner's dining room table. life: Ferrari gets new Mesan's dinner table MLIC MOYlct ..... Dl•AULT UMP • NOTIC& or DltATH or NTITIOUI ...... IO cw fMllT HTID .Mii i. SALLY ANN RAPI TOCll NAM1 ITATl•NT :1..:"JH ~~~ W I L 0 N A N D O r t>u~~ l*ton• 11• d<iin9 MAY. IOl.O AT. "'9tlC PtTIT ION TO ADMIN · VAfUfTY IMltOAT. 23111 .·..t: ... ~ro.: g,u ,:: ~:,J..: 8 T E R r. s T AT E N 0 . Cornell Or • Coe•• M .... CA t2t2t THI NOCllOIMO HAINIT ~UHU. Oor~no,~,"o~:.~CU:.:'c\' .~::: OU. YOU IHOUU> COfnACT A To ult hl'lni, bl•nt•flcli.rlt'fi, laG'lbatlh• Vllldwlbeig, 237& AWVlf•. l'f~dllur1 and contlngt•nt Cornell Ot., eo.11 ,,...., CA tH2t ""',,T,~~~ll credllOrl or Sally Ann Thi• butln ... It c:onduolod by T.I . Mo,... l\ap1t1«k WiLIQn and J>l'lllOO!I 1notv1cklalt (llu•btnd • wltol NOTICI ti Hll'IHY OIV[N, tnll w h 0 m. )' be• 0 l h •• r w I ll-1 Thi• .. ':"'~"!~-:=1:'r:' Ille WOOMtd1y, Nowmbef 24, !H2. lnwn.•ll'd In lht• wlll and/or c~111y ci.i11 01 Orange County on I II 00 O'C:IOek • m. ol llld day, In t'lt.llle: OCI "· 1 .. 12 ~room Ml Hid• ror conduc:tlng P1Mt• 1u1100'1 SllM, within the ottlOH ol A pc'llllo'.' hu ~n fllf'r'l Publllhld l'lrtn a Co111 0111 EAL !!STA Tll SECURITIU by St.t-vrn 1',idward Wih1on In PtlOI, Oct 12,)t, 2t. Nov 2, ttel EAVICE. tocet•d 11 2020 Nort!I thtt Superior Court of .uu1.12 ro.isw•y. lune 20e, In •lie City 01 Oran~e Counf1' ~uc1Uni ta AN, County of Dfanoe, State • Wl'--1 Callfornta. COAS TLINI!. fOUITY, thal tt'V<'ll w """n "8.IC NOTICE NO. 1 Calltoml• c:orpor111on, 11 bo 1t1ppoinlt•d Ill pt·r•onal FICYITIOUI .UllNlll uly appointed Tru1tM ulldar 1nd teprc:tM.tntatlv~ to admlniltcr NAMe ITATlMINT 1ir1uan1 to fhe power ot 1111 th • of S"'lly A onf1rr•d •In that c1tt1ln Dotd ot c e1ta,e .. . nn Th• tot1ow1ng P•••on I• doing ""' ueouted by STEPHEN Rapinock Wilson (under the bull-u . • HARLES fOROE, A SINGLE MAN, lndependent Administration ART ADVENTURE. 32 Cyf;r•• oc:ordod July 10, IHI, In 8ook or Ell.lllt'll ACt). The petlllon TrMJ;::·JZ!":i.C::~~3~~~!!. I• t3• ot Offk:lal Roc:ord• ot 11Jd ls 1et for hearing In Dept. Troo ~. Irvin., Cllitornta 12710 oun1y, 11 pago 117f, Aecoul•1'1 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Thia buainfft I• conduc:t.ci .... an ntlfuf'll«lt No 12•43, by roalOt'I ol w1 t>reach or default In p•ymont Ot SDrlvl', Weal, c'n the City <>( lndlv d~:~.t MM Stoven• ertorm1nc• ol the obllg11lon1 an la Ana, allfornla on Tiii• tta1tment w•• Iii.cl with thil ec:ur1d th•reby, lnctudl11g lh'1 Nov. 24, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. Coun1y Clork of Orengo County on reach 0t d•laull, No•lee ot whlc:ti IF YOU OBJECT h 2 "II wat roc:ordod June 29. t9U. H to t e Oc1ot>or II, 1., 2 Recordor'a tn11rumen1 No granting o( the pet.lli9n, you '100m 82·22•00•. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC should either appear at the Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Dally AUCTI ON TO THE HIGHES T h d P110t. Nov 2. 9. 111, 23. 19112 8100ER FOR CASH. lawful monoy earing an state yo,.ur •1120·02 of th• o111toa Stales. or a cHhl«'• bJectlon11 or file wr1uen • check drawn on a 11111 or national ObJeCtlona 'W1lh thl' courl PUBLIC' NOTICE bank. a 1111• or l•deral c:redll before the hearing. Your ,ICTITIOUI au11Nt:H union. or • 1111• or ted1t•I .. 111ng1 appearance may be in person NAN9 aTAT~MENT and loan t1NOCl1tton domiciled ln b this stale. all payable 11 1,,. limo 01 or y your attorney. The to11ow1ng p1,.on 11 doing 1.111e. au right, 1111o end 1n1ern1 held I F Y 0 U A R E A llll$1n$ff 11 '' by 11, 11 Tru11u, In that real CREDITOR or a cont.lngenl CPT GROUP, 1'11779 Matn St . prOPefly 'lltuate In aald Coun1y and creditor of the deceased you Sult• o .. lrvlnl. CA 92714. SI.le .. ~Ari"-.. as 1-~-• Hanry Arl•d. 310 Fernando '""'~'IXHlatT A;;--•: must file )'OUr clal~ Wllh the Way •307, BafbOa, CA 92&61. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 FONTANA (AP) -The big m achine cranked to life. spectators cheered and huge iron jaws crushed the expensive sports car like a matchstick . .=.Th~ r esult: a F errari Crush that the car 's proud owner w ill Use as a dining room table, wreckage Like bizarre limbs. Cleworth said he will shape the 1.000-p(>und churik of metal into a perfc.>ct cube, paint 1t Fe rrari red and mount it on a base. Plate g lass on to p will complete the table . 'M undivided" ll•Bth lnte<etl In court or present ll lo the Thlt butlnoas II conducted by en and 10 1111 fotlo41ng deacr1bed llOlld personal representative tndlvidual D Th11 portion of Bloc:k c or appointed by the court Thll 11~~:'!:. filed with th• ~!:~n M~·r~w.;:14 ~ ':~ within four months from the County Clerk of Orange county on 42 or Ml-'l•!leOUS M•P•. r9C:Ord• date o f f1rsl 'issuance o Oct. 15, 111112 The finished pie<.-e will be featured at C leworth's major-gallery debut in San Francisco o n Nov . 11 before Sheehan inst.alb the new conversation pie<-e in his Laguna Niguel home. :leac;rO>•<I .. follows: 700 of the Probate Code of Published Or.ange Cont Dally :if Oreno• county. C11ttornla. letters as provided in Section F11t741 A Beg1nn1n'o at • point ot lhe California. T he time for P.llot, Oct. 19, 28, N'ov. 2, 11:.1::~112 Sou1hw .. 1erly tine of Ocon filing r:t·l will nol expire Bouleverd. north 60 dog._, •2.711 The new Life for the wrecked 1969 3~ Ferrari w asthe brainchild of painter Harold James Cleworth, who Tor the past 10 years has c reated a following among · car buffs for his large r than life acrylic paintings of collectors' cars. Automobile furniture was a logical next step, he said. '"1 rrom th• lntersocllon thereof prior f ur months from PUBLIC NOTICE N1th t111nonn-uw1y11neofDlhlta the dale o f lhe h earing F1Cfrr10019UllNEH I 4'v-(fonnerty 3111 AlllflU9) u ~above. NAflill ITAffMOn' mown on Mid map; 1t1onc:o aouth 0 U M y E N E 1 40 dog. •o· _1 151.95 foot 10 an Y A X AM 1 The follow ng person II doing The 43-yea_r.old C leworth , who routinely commands $8,000 per print for render ing Rolls Royces, M ercedes BE-nzcs and other classiC cars in a so-' called "superre ahs t" or photographic style. a lso wW unveil his latest work at the San Francisco exhibit, a Pasche 91 a nd a Porsche 93 Turbo. uon potl, lhena. south •9 deg. ;l7' the file kept by th e court. If busl~:~INARY HOUSE CALL • Nall to 1he ordinary high tide of Iha you are lnterc~ted in t he pRAC11CE. 208 Roc:holtw SlrMI, L Pacific Oce.an In Newport Bay as estate, you may file a ....,.,uesl Coste Mesa. Callfornla 926:.!7 doscrlbod In the dec:tee rondlfed • -., · "I was asked by Mike Sheehan, who owns the car, to do something for h im," Cleworth said rn a phone interview. ''I had a lways wanted to do furniture, and I thought this really w o uld be the perfect opportunity to do it. I said to him, let's cube it and make some sort of table or something out of it." 4'ptll 3, 19•2 In an action ontltled with the court lo receive Or Wllllam Joot PHc:o, 208 Countv of Orange vs. Shlrl:&,H s pee 1 a I notice of the Rochester StrHI. Costa MHa. ~ ' . f CaJ1fornl1 021127 w111111, 11\d Othlf•. c-No 24 inventory o estate assets This bullneu 11 conduc:ted try en y 1n lhe Superior Court of lhe Stal• of and o( lt\e petitions, accounts individual Cal+lornla. in and 1"' •toe County 01 and reports described in Of W. Joel P.uco Orange. a e«tlfled copy ot whlcb. dec:rff was rec:orded April 3, 1942 Sect Ion 1 2 0 0 . 5 o l th c This st111men1 wu flied wltn lhe In 8ook I 141. Pane 353 of Olflc:lll California Probate Code County Clerk of Of•nge Counly on -· · Oc:1ot>et 29, t9112 Record•. 1n1nc:e northerly along Sackla & Gold, AUonaey ,...,. Mid high tide Hne to an lnt1ttee:llon La 10000 .,__ M I with 1 tine whicn beare aoutn 67 at w, .,..ca OD ca , Put>ll•l'l•d Or111g• Co111 Dally deg 12 _, trom a point on 1ne S•Jte 30!, Los Angeles, CA Pitot. Nov. 2, 9, t6. 23, 1982 sou1hwo11er1y ll no ot Ocoan tHl'1, (!13) !.'11·'11'1'1 0114-112 Sheehan , a Costa Mesa auto body r epairman a nd c a r collector who s pec ia lizes in r ebuilding wrecked exotic automobiles. agr eed with Cleworth's suggestion and gave the artist $3,000 to save his ch e rished Ferrari from the junk yard. The artist, w ho said he personally owns two 1958 l lllperials. lives in V e nice: a beachsidc part o( Los Angeles favo red by artists. where he works mainly fro m photographs in re-creating cars in life-like detail. "I work a lot with the reflective sllrface o f the car," he said, no ting that the shiny exteriors or his two Porsches will mirror, appropriate ly, palm trees from Beverly Hills; Boulevard. wKlc:h point 11 l'ublosht-d Orange Coau Daily PUBLIC NOTICE north-terly 164.22 feel from the Pilol. Nov 2. 3. II, 1992 polnl ot beginning; thence north &7 4826·82 flCTITIOUI .UllNIH deg. 12' e111lo1aJd southwesterly NAME 8TAYIMENT tin• of Ocean Boulevard, thenc;e PUBLIC NOTICE The followlng person la doing southwesterly HM.22 Ifft to the business 11 polnl ol beginning, logethot with Ille FICTlTIOUI _,..... NU WAY ENGINEERING. 1660 ••dullve right 10 UM and occupy N~ aTATDlllNl' Bab k SI I c I M 19111men1 No. E·5 In the Channel ThO following P8f80t\I •• dOlng Cat11~°J. 112112;• ' 0' 1 ... •· Reel A patl me nt Bu ltd Ing , bull°'" II, Ch k B 300 Cl hereinafter c:alled "Bulldlng," Ind HUNTINGTON PARTNERS, UC: OOlh, l4 Inion garage apace No. l2·42 and LTD .. 330•11 C•llo AVladdr, Suite C. ~~:,';0~P::4J18· Gardon Grove, slorage c:ompartment No l ·5·3•, San Juan Captttrano, Callfornta This bu"nHt Is conducted t>y an The car -minus wheels and interior -was smashed into a block about two feet by two feet by four feet Thursday at the Frankel Iron & Metal Co. in Fontana, 40 miles east of Los Angeles. When the block was disgorged by the crushing machine. black air h oses and, unexpectedly, the car's radio antenna s tuck ou't of the "I go a little bit farther than the camera can do. I think it's somewhat larger than life," he said. Before coming to the United States, the English-born C le wo rth w orked as a graphic artist in London. where he c reated album covers for earl y recot'dlngs of such rock groups as the Rolling Stones and the Who. both appurtenant thereto, all e• 92f75 Individual dHlgnatod on the plaJ. 1111c:hed Hunter Energy Corporation. Ctluc:k Booth lhetelo a"d me<le • part thlfoof, 33CM9 Celle Avi.dof. Suit• C, San This 1111-t wu flied with the together with a rlghl of way for ..luWI Copoal(ano, Celitomle 92f75 County Clllfk of Ofange ~ty on ingr-anaogresstoandJromllld Ralph E Phelen, Jr · 1 Octobet tS 111112 apartmonl and garage~ and a Clllfornll c;oq>CHlllOO, 330•9 CaMo · · ,,111t5 non...-c:luei ... right In common with Avtador. Suite C, Sen Juan PublllhO<I Orange Co11t Dally ot11e occupen1' ..of uld bUlldlng to CIPl•trano. Catilornl• 92676 PllOt Oct 19 28 No 2 9 1082 uM thO olevatoll, pasMge wa)'I, HUNTER ENERGY CORP. ' ' ' v. ' ;.1125-112 drlvowayl, publlc-11ortlon1 en Relph E. Phelan. Jr . common equipment, gerdon•, Preslden1, Nil.IC NOTICE iii:;;;'i;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;;------------r::===========i walkl, dOcl< and IWlmminO POOi and Thtl Ital-I W .. lilod With tlll lllll llTll'l:D PUBllC NOTICl =i:::"-=~-::•::,~oaald =~ ~'?.ango County on NOTICE OF DEATH OF 1118 K.olS11 The 1trHI addrH• or other VATH AND NllKN C ~A R A M A R I E O"ANQI COUNTY MUNIClltAl c:ommon dHignallon Of th• rHI A ,, ....... nei c..-.. 1on TOLLEFSRU D AND OF ROWLAND IVES CCKMT propeny hlfelnat>ove daerlbod 11 At1orMJ• " Low PETIT I 0 N T 0 ADM IN Purported to be: 2626 Ocoan • N. Molll llroot, Suite 1000 • K E N T ( J 1 N G L E ) La V ER A M . 1 V E S , H=1~~':fT Boulevard s E .. Apar1men1 E-5, lente AM. Celltomle W701·-IS TE R EST ATE N 0 • RO WLAND , resident of ident of Newport Beach, P.O. aoa 2110 • Channel RHI Bldg .. Corona d•t FJOOM'1 AllHSl. Newport Beach, Ca. Passed . Passed away on October Newpof1 a..ctl. CA ..-.1M7 Mat, California Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Delly To all heln, bene(aoanes, away on October 31, 1982. l , 1982. She is survived by Pl A 1 NT' FF · MAR 8 HALL Tho u ndor signed her• by PllOI. i.ov 2' 11• If, 23• 1982 creditors and contingent S I ed b b h B d h Do L INDUSTRIES. a c:orporatton d11clelm1 ell ll•blllly lot any 4817·82 C urv v y rot er rent er aug ter nna ynn DEFENDANT TESCO torm•rly onc:orrecsaaa 1n~1rtttlddrOS1 creditors of Iara M arie Rowland. sister Jody and ves of Newport Beach , Ca. kn 0 w n 1 1 Tesco or 01net c:ommon designation ____ Ml __ IC_NO_T_tC£ ____ Tollefsrud and persons who fath er Alan. Memorial rvices will be held at on CO MMUNICAT IONS, INC., a Said .. ie ""'"be made wlthOUI ,ICTITIOUl IM.l ... H may be otherwise interested servlces will be he ld on ednesday, November 3, partner•nlp compoHd of JACK warranty. uprua or Implied. NA• ITATE•NT In the will and/or estate: Th 982 2 OOPM Ri d GASAWAY aka J GASAWAY regarding lllle, poueulon. or The follow!"" .-tons are doi"" A · • h bee filed ursday, November 4, 1982 1 at : at versi e HOPE BULKELEY , RICHARD encumbrancu, 10 aatlaly the bullMIS• ... ....... ... peuuon as n at lO:OOAM at the Lido atlonal Cemetery, chapel JONES. JACk GASAWAV eka J prlnctpat t>alaneo of th• NOi• or LASCO 11a2 KalMr Avenue b1 Charles W. Hendnckson Island Club House, 701 Via erv1ces will be h eld on GASAWAY, 1n<11vldua11y and as 1 other obllgallon ncurod by Hid IN!no. Co11fci,.n119271• · in the Superior Court o{ Lido Soud Newport Beach ed~sday, November 3, pertnet of TESCO forG1tty •nown • C>eocl 01 Truit, with Interest and Rlchatd F Lovejoy 803 VIII• Oran~e County requesting . • . TESCO COMMUNICATIONS. INC. otner tum• .. t>rovld•d therein: VallJld•. San Clomente'. CallfOl(lll thal ... __ ,_ w. Hendn"cL.--Flowers should be sent to 1982 al 6;00PM at Baltz HOPE BULKELEY. lindMduaJty and plua edvanc:H. 11 any, unde1 th• 92972 , .... "'" .....,., the home. Bergeron Smith & Tuthill 11 1 partner 01 TESCO tormerly term• thOrool end lnt••t on IUCh Belly Lou Lovejoy. 803 Vitia be appointed as person a l • ROSENBLUM Westc lltr Chapel. Services k n ow n • a T E S C 0 advanc.s, and ptua fool, c:l'lllfgea Vellnd•. San Ctomente. Callfomla repretentative to administer . HENRY ROSENBLUM. under the direction of Batu CO MMUNICATIONS . INC.: andew~oftheTruetMandof 112872 the estate of Cla ra Mane ~ft~ Oc be 29 Be S "th & T th II RICHARD JONES. indMdullly and thO trutlt ctHlod by llld OOod of John 0 . Andoreon. 11111112 Tollefsrud (undnr tha _... away on to r , rgeron O'U u 1 11 1 per1ner 01 TESCO formerly Trull Th• 10111 amount of H id Wandltw Lane Hun!ington 8ooch " " 1982. He is survived by his Westcllff Chapel Mortuary k n 0 w n • 1 T E s c o ot>hgatlon. lnetudlng roe1onat>ty Callforl'lla t~e-.9 • Independent Adminlstrau9n wife Rose, children Rhoda o( Costa Mesa.. 646-9371. COMMUNICATIONS, INC. OOES Htlm•l•d ..... chargoa and Robort J Strom & l•R .. J of Estates Act), The petition Sc:hwaru: Jean Cohen and urn ""'N 1.ioo, 1nclutl"9 e•~ of •he Trustoo, 111"° '""° Strom 730 Atta v1111 Wey Laguna is set for hearing in Dept M arlon Sha~lro, sisters WILLiAM ROBERT CAu':O::s,2A2 ~~'.:~r:-i1onorU1JaNotlco,le ~:~=·.:=uc;.ci by 1 No. 3 al 700 Civic Center F ann I e Ste 1 n a n d Id a WILSON. resident of Costa NOTICEI You lie.,. IMoll ewd. Det.ci: 0c1ot>er 28. 1982. gonoraJ pertnorllhlp Drive, West. in the City of Landman, brother Dr. Sam Mesa. Ca. Passed away on The-•""' ctockte ._..,JOU Coaattlne Eqully. Inc . Richard F. lovoloY Santa Ana, California o n Roeenblwn, 7 grandchilc:~ren October 26, 1982. He was 8 wttMut ,_ ....,. Mofd ...._ • Clhfornla c:orporellon. This 1111omen1 wet 11ied with thO Nov. 24, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. and 1 great-grandc hild . retired Minister, havmg tus :.:' ~ ""=.:. ..,.~ ;.T~t°ESTATE County Clltk of Ofengo Counly °" IF YOU OBJECT to the Services were h e ld on congregation in Anzona. He 11 you with to_. tho 01 Sl:CURITIES SERVICE. Oc1obot 29· '"2 ,_ granting of the petition, you onday, November 1, 1982 is survived by his wife Ruth, an attornoy in 1n11 mall• . you • Catdpml1 c:orporallon, Publl111ed Orenge co11t D•llY should either appear at the at the Harbor ~~ Mount daughters Delores Wilson ltlOl.lld do'° promptly ao 1ne1 your ~··~LI 0 J M Piiot, Nov, 2. 9. 16. 23, 111112 hearing and slate y our OUve Chape~ with interment a nd Carol Steele. sons ~':'i ::;:.onH. 11 any. may be 11r·Protident · · orOlf, 478CM2 objections o r file written aervlces 1!1'm.e diate ly Stephen and W illiam AVfSOI uaed 111 al do 2020 N Broadwey, St• NlltC NOTICE objections with the cour\ follow.Ing. _services under Wilson, 4 grandc hildren doMa1utedo. 11 t1lb11nel puodo 206, Sant• Ana, Ce 92708 ,tcTmdUI .,..... before the hearing. Your ~e d1rect1on of Harbor "'--'--a Jon "'-'·tine and ~ _,,. Ud. • ~ • appearance may be in -non M 011 M n.JKH't'. ._rn,. Ud ___.,,, doMfo Toi (7 1•)953-6810 MAm ITATSMINT r-Wn· ount ve ortu· s ' ~ held -~ · •.....--Pubt111\0d Orenoe Co111 O•Uy The followtng po"on 11 doing or by YOW' attorney. ary of C-Osta Mesa 540.5554 uz.anne. were do • ..._ Lo le .....,_._ .,. P110t Nov 2. 9, 18. 19f2 bullMM • I F Y 0 U A R E A -------·----1· on Saturday. October 30, ....... · l982 al •he Harbor Lawn "SI Utlld d"u 1ollc:111r el 4834-112 BOOI< PROFESSIONALS lTO., CREDrrC>R or a contingent • I d b d 1 -----------213 Abalono. Balboa ltland, --'Ito f th d ---' Memorial Chapel with conM 0 • un • op• 0 0" •• • PtB.IC NOTICC Cetlfonila 92te2 cn :u r 0 ~ e<.'e..:K"U, you HAalO« LA WM-MT. OUYE i t t ... I •• u n I 0. d. I). r I• h. c;. r I 0 Slll'I'-H .......... 213 Ab~. mUJt file your ~laim with the Mortua"'. Cemet•"' n er men s"' r v c es lnm9dlatamonte, de Hla maMfa. ACTITIOU8 ., ... ,, ~, .......,... t It t th c,'~malo"' "'" Immediately following. eu r~• eecttta.11 hay a+guna. NAME ITATDmNT Belboe lllend, Calllomle 112ee2 cour or present o e ·• Services under the direction puod0-rog111radaat*tlpo Thi tollowtng p•raon 11 doing Thlabueinolllaconduc:IOOtryan personal r epresentative 1625 Gisler Ave o f Harbor Lawn-M ount 1. TO THE DEFENOANT A cMt ~nou .. · lndMduel8'*"°'1 H Slo(IOI appointed by lht' court Costa Mesa 011 M f c c:om91ainl hat boon INd try plalntllf 0 & R 8 us IN Es s Thie llllomonl WU fllOCI with tflO wilhln four months from the 540-5554 ve ortuar y o osta ~· you " you w1a11 to dofond MANAGEMENT SERVICE8. ~1 e. da te of flrat Issuance of Mesa. 540-5554. Ihle lawaull, you mu11, wllhln 10 Arlt St . Sult• 204. Santa Ana, CA ~n.!!_ C2~1"012°"•"90 County on let••rs ... .......,fd--' In "'-tlon rlllClllOTHHS llU .. OAOWA'f MO&TUA.l'f 110 Broactwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALTI & IHGHOM SMITH & TUfHtLL WHTCLlff CHAP'tl 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa e•&-9371 • ,..c1.aTH1111 IMmft' NOITUAl'f 621 Main S1 ~nt11~on 8HCh ~539 dey. aflw tnl• •ummon• la IOf"'9d 92705 ~ , .,..,o,_ "• · ""' -.-~· ,..,. ~ BLACK on you, Ille wtltl this c:OUft a wrl11on David w. Shetland, 22fat ,.._ 700 of the Probate C.ode of JESSE ALLEN BLACK, ret90f190 lo I.he c:omplal'll. Unloat COaala. Minion VlojO, CA 921191. Publlehod Orengo CoH I Dall)' Californ ia. The t im e fo r a resident of Garden Grove you do 10. your dofaull wlll b• O.Yld w. Shetl•nd Piiot, Oc:t. 21. i.ov. 2, 8, 18:.:~ fWna claima will not expire c.a Pamed away on ~ entoroo on appllc:eflon ol tho Thlt 11a1-1 -flfod with '"° prior to f ...... month• from · , plelnl1lf. ltlCI llllt c:ourt may Of'llllf a County CIOfk of Orengo County •-.,. ..... 31. 1982. He 1S survived by judgment egalnlt you for tho rlilOI 0c1 r, 1992. • ,._ NOT1CE the d ate o f the hearing h\11 wife Alma, daughter ~In tho complelnt. Whlc:h '1tt1'° '1Cf1110Ua .,..I• noticed above. Mhel M~Elroy of Garden could rHull In gernl1hmonl of Pul)llthod Orang• Co111 Dolly 1111.-ITAftMINT YOU MA y EXAMINE G C d wages, lllklnQ of money or proporty PllOI, Oct 12, 19, 26. Nov 2. 1N2 T.. I 11 I I d I th f'' k b .__ If rove, a .• gran aon a or olhor reflel roquHl•d In the "478-82 ·•• o ow ng ~•on • o ng e ut l'pt y tr"' court. Robert McElroy of M ira comc>lllrlt. butlMM •: you are Interested In the Loma. Ca., a nd Ric hard DATED Fot>ruety 18. 1n2 rta.IC NQTIC[ Riv::! :~~~1:.~.8~ est.ace, you may fill' a requeet McEUoy of C.O.ta Mesa, Ca., J. PETERSON. a.och, Celllornio 82tt3 with the court to re«"lve Jranddau~tetl Janice ~ ....... HoWoll. '1C~•~' "lchlrd \hnorill, 11142 e1n11n1 s p t'cla l notice o f th e f ·-.. --Ca WJ "..,.... Otlvo. Sont• An•. Celtfomlo 92105 I to f t owen o n .. n.i... . 0opu1y The tollowlng porson 11 doing nven ry o esta e a11et.1 a n d Delore a Nob I e o f .. ....., 00M0N a MIUllO bl.lllnM8 H : ~elnoo• 11 c:onchlc:tocl 111 an and of \ht ~tltlons, account.I MI 1 sour t 9 ar e at . 11t10 V9Mln ltwd., ...._ tl01 WINE• ROSES. 321 Unl-.Aty Aleflerd unwtn and reporta described In grandchildren and 5 areat· ~~.~=~=-.,.. Dfl~~·1•n~ri~o'J!~7· 321 Thia at•t.llMflt -flled.wtth '"' S.ct Ion 1200.!I of the ll r e at ·gr• o d c h i Id re n · Pubt11hed Or11191 CoHI Delly Un"'-alty Oflve, Coe1t ,....:., CA CCMHrty Cllfll of Or..-a-tty on Callfom!a Probate Code. Servlce1 wm be held on Pilot. Nov 2. 9. t6. 23. IH2 92'27 No¥Wnbor 1• tlll ',_ .. , a ...... ,. s.c .... Wednuday, Novem ber 3, 4t22..f2 ~-le conduc11d rt an Publllhod Or•llfO CoHt Delly WealNy, ~le 6 'hatMr. 19 8 2 at J : 0 0 PM at the l<rtellne Ann ounn pilot, No¥ a, 9, te, 2a, ttu AU.., 11 "l.ew, ltH ... Harbor Lawn M emorial "8.JCllOTIC( Thi .. t•t-twMfllodwllh lhl oa.a J••••I• 81111 Reed. C h apel w ith lntumcnt =IU-COllntyClerkol Or•notCOunf)'on ---.. -.,.-.,.---------•Ntwfert a..a, CA ttHt, Immediately followint at tTA~ Oot. t4, tltU. • • ,._ ""'-(7HJ It ...... Pacific View Memorial Park. Tho ~ .,. dOillf °'""' CoMt Deity Piiot. ~ JiCTmOUI ~t P1ib111ti_. Onn .. c .... , O.lly Services under \he ~ ~.. 21. No¥ 2 • 1112 ._,._., ..,... ITA,.._., P\loe, "°" I. s. •· tMJ o f Harbor Lawn-M ount K H DONUT• tCl CffEMl · · Tiie tooowtno l*Hft II •a1.a OMllv• .~ .. opuary of Costa ~~: J:.::=..'i"· 0.,"':' "9.JC N011Cl ~ .. ':IT OUN LU THU~ .... ll'WV·.,!IM. HootNno l<hanUI, 3701, No NOTICC °' AMJC•TIC* COM, ANY. f tua. N• .... •C P81111119W leN, tl'l/IN, Catlfomlt TO 9L.L -08rf9ll ~---. W.""111...,, 9271, ALCOllOUCIOHA•a ~-ltlallla l<Ntt••· not. NO. c ....,. -OulNIO, '°'' Clllp Pwtt~ltw '-.,,.• lrvlM, Ctllfomle fo W"°'9I" u.r COflOlfTlt Ottwe. W11u1111111tr, C:atttornte '2711 lllOllfH W a '-INOA '-..... Tiiie ~It conductocl lly M 9"0CfCWAY .,.~1119 Tt-. ._....II_....., ~ o.,......... ......... ~ KMMll OoMr9t * e "4"' ON -... CllllllllO Tl'llt ti...,.. -... W1t1t a WINI f'utllo laO"I Pl .. e) Tilll 1111Ullll1 .. tllad Wiii ~ C.. ~Or .... C-ty on 1IOllllt le M ....._. == Couna, a.II ot °'9111 Ooun1J OclOllor 21, 1MI e1 '4M ~.UNI A. OctoMr "· ;Ml . ..... ...... Celflmle. ,.,blllfltcl Or•noo COfft ~ P11tll"*9 Ofattte Cont Da11, '~ °'.,.. C..t "'"· NOV I, t. 11. 2). IMI Hat New I . tta , ...... *" L t. It. n. ttll _ ...J .. ,.... ..1.. ., ....... ---------· ·P I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • ClASSlfllD IM ·~ iJ,11 ... I"" ,,,, ,,,,,, ....•.............•... lOUAl ~lftO Ofl'PO"TUNIT'f ,.~ .... ., ........ . All real oatale •dw.tllHd Ill thlt new1paper It subjeoJ to tho Fedor•I FaJr Housing Acl ot 1H8 w111en mallet h lltogal 10 adll9f0M "any prel•ron· c:o, llmltahon or dlsc:rlml· nation bHOd on race, c:otor, rollglon, 1ox or national origin, or any Intention 10 make eny 1uc:h prolerenc:o. llmll•· Ila. Ot discrimination ·• .i Thi• oewepapor will not knowingly ecc:ept any advonlelng tor real H · t•t• which I•· In vi<?laliqn of tho taw RCMTALS "'"'"'"''"''-•tow,,.. l "f~rHt~ Hw.ntvr• .. t"' r~¥m••v•• It....,.. ..... " ... '., To..._,~ ••t~ T ... ~1t.n\f'I ·.M~tt u~ t'\u" ~";r~t~nt:nf • Aphl"fli/ft Aph t'\itllM \Al ""°"'' "'-""•lloo<d HoWh 'f•th 1....i110 ..... ~"'""'' 1t .. m.1. \ .,._...,_ Af'nt•I' kf'ftl•h••..,,,.,. ... c.,.,,., ro• ""f'' Ofhrf'M."~•I lkt\ttw'' RH\tal llMl111~tr11• " ... ""'' ::-M·.~: ~•Med M•~ MMil•h IUSIMlSS, IMVCSf. MCMT, nMAMCE aw_"""'u~• h ,1,...h'tt.11ntf'd lnvf't.tl'fwAl ~port , IAvttltMf'it. " .. nod MOM, tu tAIU' "'-' .. , .... -M-"aa.nTU• AlltlOUMCOIEMTS. PllsoelAlS & LOST & FOUlll AM.cM.tiMtrntnU C•r POOi V11IN""'1'°n .,.... r ... ..i p.,. ...... . W1.t('twt..• T,., ... lMPt.OYMCMT & PllPWllDM Sir ..... IM.tfWUM ,.,.w •• ,"'. ... ,, .. _ ll•t' MEICNAMDISE lflffillt:-~ ..... AMllQ\W"' 4Mll•fltiCf'' A..C,_,. ::~ ..... ,.." C.a.,...f'•t & CAwl•IYM c.:.r ,... ..... ., .......... f'"VMlilW-• ........ -G-J••t4r) Lhf'i'otlt ... Ilia -1¥ ... ,,,,. 2)11 -""' -- Tiil QA ..... , ... 'l;IJ lW. uz: JU UHll1 Adverti- sers should check • their ads daily and report errors lm- m ed 1 a t e I y . Jhe ~ DAIL y PILOT as-'::' sumes liability for the first Incorrect insertion only. !: ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, llU •••••••••••••••••••••• -.,,, ,,,,,. ::. ..................... . ... c..,,,, 1 ooz ••Sl •••••••••••••••••••••• fM ~ •n Ul( ·~ 4UG •lOC tl.11'. ... A ...... FllEll Flllll Near park• and schools, this 3 Bdrm 2 balh home IS a rHI buy' Save thou· saoc:t• on lhls one Only $129,900, act now! 646-7171 t!Wl-1 . TWI WIHS un to utume 1~. toan on beaul. lnl dee. Condo Fultonon/ Brea area Nr boltego. 2 BR, 1250 SQ ft Owner d1spera1e. $119. •1oi '()()() offer. ~ 11529·3798 or 951·13•• IJljl --)6¥ -M> , .. ..... W-'6 .... . ., --..-.. ------.,~ ltt'll LOOK For our new regular WM!lly fea1ure IOlT SHOW- CASE Every Saturday In lh• Oatty Piiot Classifieds * IHI YlllE On th• golf couraa Cu1tom belutlf\11 3 Bdrm ho~. meny, many ••· tru. $279.500 with 10% down OWl\Of' wNf c;erry ., 12 .... % lntefHI, l•J lhC•r41t, lttr. 141-7121 ...... _... ........ 11-· M1W'f'll•......._. ••--•Pf .. -.iwr.-t•~,_., ur1 ... ,.., •• '-• -I \091 = ********* «:...0r, ••. -..... 11--........ ("-· ~Ut• M~'•tH•f'lll 8af' ~·1:.t .. )i1f1 ~ .. ,.., 18ATS & MAllll( EIMPMENT rtANSPOITAllDM Ain ut\ C•m.,.n !.o~ ll"" Qerirwt•'"' =~·s....i ... • lllGllM'llllh ... ~ "'"' Trt1ttn Tu .. "t l~~~!~'!dJ .. ," UTMlll£ c.-.1 . AnO .. Wi C.. 1•~••r~ ""~•t.uft\~tf'ln ~A"t\ ......... .. •Wffltl>ritin T'wh 11-AWl.lrifi ..... 't,.i A~W•"lf'4 AITIS. D • ••f'Mt•• : •IAYfllll* : MITIUP --••• "'" 1411,IOll -311 BALeOA coves. 3 WIV -------- bdrm-Oen·2 bath. OPEN DAILY 1·5. UT111¥11mt IW.TM/IWIH ••ll-1117• ********• lllYIUITY PAil Detached 3 bf, 2Yt bl home In trvto. on green· bell near c:omm. tonnls & pool. S 1 1 •.000 In USU• meblo loans and you own tho tand. S 135.000. f44..4110 -~-~ - Tt\ y J ,01\ ('< > COLDWeLL BANl(eRO __ .... ,._ PllmlU 11,1to• hclu1lve new tlat1no11 81Yftont v;tth p1er a 111p Wonderful tinenc:lng It only OM ol tho many -'' In ttltt warm 4 BR ~· 8" Ol'lly by Cal• " 11f10 our office. ........ -l.l'' "l n.ii~.1:1 11 t!t! ·: ~ ... :: : ... ~ ~ . • .. .. . . . \' r· ) . . .. I ce Oran • Oolll DAIL v PILOT ITUtedl !~!t!f.~~1! ....... ~tft.~!¥1 ....... lmftJr.AW...-.. «mtt.{'!.~! ....... ~!!!.!ff,!ttd. .... '9'.~!~!.¥,!1!!'l!A'i .. ~.'.~~!~.fP!1!,IH.~ .. t•;-w••• "';:i'~" ~~ ......... !.~f ·· '·"'· '11w1l. ......... 1. ffllf.lltff •••••• I.~ ~mt.~t .. J.~f '11.t.ftlf! •••••• l.'.ff fr.11.lfttt •••••• 1.~~1 !!?~~t .•......••. l . .fff •••• •!'!~ .•... l.~ft ...... tff. ••••••••••· ... •aa.... • .... -. .. b 2 I YI IHH 3 Or 2 D• IHUI Condo. W1tlllkl •i... ~ ~ -• -·· LldO , ... 2 b ' 3~· lot. Ill ~ .. o • '· u• COflCSO, 2321 ,Oldh•m 81 c M '•"'•"· c:om111 Pool t IMdl, Honc>Mu 2 Od. a. ... , ••• i. 1.111 ~ tt': ._~ ...... D~th 3 Ir a le, Npt CtHI "' .. 1 h'I lfNI time Tt1detC•1tr 13H. OCAall ~lew poo~0ttnt n8118 Colteoe Pttk At .. 3 bO. Wlltf HOO mo Call dwt bl como tvrn Avllt HoV ool••••••Tlf•••••"-•• 1'1\11 u.y '"'' 1.M • c..-, Prime end ~It ~ WIN .. 000 lllr 141 3t4t Compt !urn 7v 4 2 bl dbl• 011 L1g Yrd. • • 22 to Cl•<> 20 Adult• 2 bdfm 2 bl MWlt •- • L .. elr c.'Ond i ~\ 1llp1 11ow, • Well DelOW "*" .. llfloe mnttel an::'~n •,::. HIT OfAI. (1·11 2•0·32011111 II rr1>1, M2111rno 831'1ot2 161·3003, evt 151 lllO RMI 1213) 131 "" y1ly Metur• "°"...,,.." Ltlll llLI UYFlllT Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, G bath, playroom, darlt rm, dcm. Boat .Up. Now •1.000,000. • UYllll PUOI Spectacular baylront dplx 2 '-'· 2 bl up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boll spaces. Rl'duced-•l.~,000. F&lllllll l&lftll New 4 br. 4 Yi Dia, cwitom F'rench Normandy F.al.lile 1.2 prime atTe hilltop $1.260,000. AYALM Fee simple 2 br cottage on quiet Oesca.nso Sl. (in Flat.s). Rl'<iuccd to $100,000. OlllUllOAYS Coronado Wand cuat. blyfront loL 86' boat dock. Plans evaJJ. Now $370,000 w/t.enna. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR \-l ~oy' d1 :.;, ..... P r-•· ,, r I C HOAV I ~.__..I ,,_.,...' I -..-I .......-II -· .... r __ s_H~C_E_s~1 ... ; 11 you can reao '"' 111n0-I j• I I . w1111ng on tile w111. 11 probably .....__.__..._..._...__, me1ns vou1 • kids need mo<e ..,, s,.......,, ... c_A.,.l_R_,..IE ....... ,_H...,..1--41-; ~~~~~: .:~~. ~:.~~~ ~~ .__...__.___.._.__ ............ '°"' d•·•iot> ho-i "~ No 3 b.kl>• &••1t1I MJ.,!tl{O ll llltS ·N 1HHr ~AUS I I I I I IOllll-lm.....,. .................. . ,. Reach over 86, 000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults I•• Advertise in the Orange coast's most successful real estate • magazme • • • .. Call 642-5678 to see how Ii ttle . it takes to reach so many. Newport Beach•Coeta Mesa Irvine • HuntinQton Beach Fountain Valley Laguna Beach ' ., •1•.IOO ,.,.,,,, ... 11 m11011•n•d •Ingle IN HARBOR R1ooe ,..,..,, ,,,,, '"'''''II•. CUI• hoi.I ... 2 bt w11111u1 SQ 2 Br twnllM no ,... MIO J( 3 llot't t & 2 b<lrm unit• ... ut 3 Or. lnc1ed vut ••••.-••••••••••••••••• a 1 b1 wl whll• picket P11n o evall now C••'•/1/1•1 2,311H-..1H, 261·tfff =P .. ........ " tncrMlble vlet11 of lhl ll•rbor, l•lbo• P•nln· M.111 end lhl OCMn ar• your• wlltl 1111• A·3 percel DOod tor c911do• 11111, 000 '156·1020 U• IU&. llt&TI WW 11 llAll Qnly 1180.000 fC)f lhll 3 Bdrm 2 B1 home w/ IUndtek & ftplc, Auume 0.25'11. toen end ownt1 wlll ceHy 2nd T.0. Won't IUtl Call now 631·7370 T~\DI 11< )\\I l<I \I I) Plenty of off etr"t pa1 l4UK 76t 14'8 !LIDO 181.f 3 tidrm. l•m renc:u. IUO/mo a H25t mo 833·71 II ll•l!fllld-' 14U or 111•1 t73·39M 11lng 4 cir g11eg1 At• 1m 4 8• 11700 mo 14!>0/mo 845•H21 1v11/ wknd• 762 1eoo t;;:;t ;;;~;·9c·;:;;;_ t2t5 nte• bachelor, r ... 1rac11vely p11eeo •• 1325. LIN 1 •• 1 dy• ,,1r Chlldr•n 0.. 1 • .,. pon•lbl• p•reon, u1111 000 -OC!AN~ RONT 2 bdrm, C.at•IO• tlOuM 2 B1 plut • " " " a.a.a~1111 U"INT 1 B • 1100 mo Biii d • n , 2 B 1 f r p 1 c 1.1,. .. , "'"' 1141 lt•M Ag1e•1·214 t P•ld, no P•••· 101 e -I ,ANTASTIC TEAMa Grundy. Flltr, 875·0181 1835/mo 813-1734 •• ••••••••••••••••••• lay. Apt t 0 Ill HARBOR, OCEAN FRONT Au1t•••I• ,,,.,,,." O~LU)(e 2 bd. 2 bl 8111)1 /Jn '111.I l 111\1 l I ' f. A't'llll IA I l., I wner w oa11y long Ooe•n lront yrty 4 bdrm. 3 8R und1r HOO th•I'• Nu 3200 tu11 hm on blulf .,.••••••••••••••••te•• 10 IM 8ch W/O. _ger. no term 111 Tru11 OHd 2c:1rgert0eetldt1011uo right• 3 BA 2 8A home 180 d-O vu or harbor, lilHI Iii••' 11• pete, yrly 1 750 Pric.<1 10 HIJ NHr Lido 816 1650 with POOi 1nd Olh•1 1url. mini, 3br 3b• ••••••••••••••••••••• ~t 145·ff541 all 4PM Clubhouu & tenn11 •traa Kid• Ok, n•ver bl .. curuy. uune, •P• Newly d.cot•ted 28• 10., cou111 Wiii ecc;om•d•I• a .. ut fu10 Ott Canyon tor• 0•11er egel n but 11900/mo 498·7000 p1110, tmmed occup thtu l&ITllH 01111 111rge YICht 11,300,000 lownhom•. 2 r, 2 bl B6ST Really he1 It and E••c"'•t.O e•Y. 3 Br ,. Jun• HOO I net Vtll. Studio 11)1 ..... Olk Ir Wtct· oe. 1360 mo, '"" lno. 111 & lttt Aft 5. IT3-f221 • ~oBcR_2bc•o·n3dc•Frogrlf,u)(llonkt ~Yt!I l11'15tmo. Agt 760.0705 othera. Small coll 8,"'"1100 ~ It frpl;_ 873·3458 "' qi Ht1111 Ua/11al1tH 539•0 ~ ----HI• II I 125.000 Prine •••••••••••••••••••••• Amailng flat 1275 1 BR brick p1110. with 1p11 lllHI c,,.., "' "" 11ll 0 n I y. 5 4 7. 7 4 8 5 0 I I Otaltl/ 3101 will\ ger1ge end' Old I 1 ,, 0 0 I mo 11a/a1•J1 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 846·2220 I ••••• ••• ••••• ••••• • •• • world charm. Hardwood 2 1 3 I 8 7 8 • 2 2 6 6 o ' ••• ••• • ••••• • ••••••••• ITIPI Tl MIU - - 1 Lido 80 ty 1111fi1L1 lloir~t 1dd1 cher1et•r 475•3097 OCEANFRONT, DELUXE Leroe 3 Br, 3 Ba. many 11100 HWI r 2 Br. 2 B1. cri~rmer, Furn. quiet. lrg, wtntet. 2 amenlllH. 11115 Call Nice 2Br 2b• condo No 673-7300 ' ;~e~~1~~ ly·Wtot•r. 2• !t~er ·~~~~.~ ~~~1r::r: woodsy & pr1Vat1, C111-rental• &76-4U8. _ An1hOflY dayw 142·5757, <1u1lllylnj H2.000 Ow--IAOlll lllALn Call 10, yout1. Tell us Una view lrplc, w/d, re· C1t•H '•' #•t .3111 ·~·•~k'ndt 831~0 ner 1·6 7·0554 wh•t you need COST Ing. 110 dogs. '" Wood" •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 er 2 81 frplc So ot NO DOWN $G4,900 FP~NeWPort Helghta older 2 PllP *IH·llto* Cove 111 plus uc. Oc11n view, bHutlfully Hwy N~ bldg ' Oar;ell Pina. In s A owner/ 50 • 111 ~t tot. SHl5, ..,.. :co111 Me11B11galn3 BA 01 2B 2b w lk pool & p1t10 S1095/mo. 1+0 Condo NHr s c. er. 1 91 dbl car garage, ........... , -1850/mo 49G·l8l7 I'"'"· IOwnhOUH, lrplo, Own°t/81tr 851-t767 • b101ter. Jim 645· 1047 ooo 461 Santa An• Ave. 111-1111 J houH ct1ckllng fire· 11 '· 8 ' vu 1 673-0698 3 Or 2 81 Sun tttrac:e. -648·5401 111 6, pt1ce, 2 g1r1ge. high b c ti S 1 2 o o 1m 0 • .. -walk to beach 645·2216 " • .... --fenced u11d, kldll """IS 11 494•59"' 1 wknda or •II 1C•1t1 11111 31'4 8AM·'4 30PM WMkd1ys Acron lrom beacll In r--m111 ... -----HOMES FOR RENT S575 S39-61t0 BEST N 6 ..Pm1 ,..__A N c l 3 ;~;~·;•bdi,;,";;,~··;395 The ShotH In beaulltut Corona del Mar with view EASTllll R-2 IELllVl IT IR HT Realty 1m111 cost ew Y ........,,_ w rp . and up Enc garagu Corona del Mii has or•'t~ylnene~~. tltn I•~ Charming remodeled· 2 you can own • Mme In Make II "Msl '350 peyt bd, w/1tudy. 2 bl, Ca· 21 19 Ne>Nport Blvd CM n-ly relurbllhed i & 2 """ ......., .. rn, Newport Beech for only • nyon View. Avall Imm 548 4968 SS50 & Interior atrium. Fr•nch Bdrm doll houH on I S 116,000 wilt\ •" ISSU· rent and 111 ulllltles Ne-S 1000/mo, Cell Cindy _ • -'-bdrm •Pl• lrom doo11 and windows. 2 large 60X 125 A·2 lot. mable 30 yr IOan. owner •EL TORO• $700 w11 IPPlllnH. quiet. (7141 953·8500 wlldlyt IEWPllT YIWIE up tor rent. Call H1ten flr..,,1~-. Three .... rrns 811utllully tandac1p1d 1 1 ... d 11 Ible prlvlle. patio home kids • Gibson 644·2611 ..,.. -·· ""' A 1t1 S 37 500 E 9 mot vllvv an •• •MISSION VIEJ01t ok 539·6190 BEST No Laguna redwood. IH1tit1l lad1tlft PLUS rent•I unit with 2 ' ng 1 . •Cel· ind open to.ollers Spa-H76·S700 Aeeltw amall coll glass. ocean vu. woodS"· 1 GH. W1ter Paid Patios C•1l1 #11• 31Z4 bdrm.+ 1569 000 I lent llnenclng Call cloua 29r 2'1tb1 condo I • 2 • •••••••••••••••••••••• . • 6•0· 1161 w11~90e and carport 2 BR 1 B1 du lex 266 ' 2 Br 2 Ba. 2 lrple, di· w/poot, l1Cuut. 11un11. HouM .. Blch .. Duplell - IA.'All HI HllNI 1' community pool and apa'. I •HUNTINGTON Santo T~as ~5s0 No nlng rm. drapea, crpt. I tennis cour11, volleyball! 333 E 2111 St. C.M llOMt .. *· ...... 1211 BEACH• $650 ... I 642-6368 appl . dbl gar S950/mo I court•. Aocreat1on room 1 •45·6589 645-8103 -P• 1 __ __ Long term ,400 Pano· Jr 1 bd. tu1n11hed. S430 " • ,.. R~~\.El~~~~E •YORBA LINDA• $676 3 81 2 Ba near Fairview & rama. 494·3288 Call 657.0075 • Peularlno S700t mo -BA ---; ----............... ~HERITAGE REA1.TORS /Jn NIG[L ... 11.,, •• OAILEY ~ AS§UCIATH1 •CHILDREN• 540 0388 ' 1 condo, ocean v~. Hi•ll•fl•a ~-U '90 __ • -So u_guo.a.....NJ Stlopplng ''"' 3140 lPUTmiTs-E'slde 3Br 2ba. gard/ wtr I center 499· 1460 •••••••••••••••••••••• B tlf II I d d pd $675/m no pets ----II EIEll E ITI eau u 'I in •cape 7s0·0161 651·3111 · . 1,,.,,., Ni1,uel 3ZS1 Y I Y garden ap11. Pool & Spa. · lf1ti /0401 -------••••••••••••.,•••••••• ITllGnY Fii lllLllll IPYIUH IHU Gr••t toc1t1on In Old CdM. corner !lOX 118 tot, dupt.11. Income poten1111 good, A·2 zone. Asking 1199.000. II TIE IHI 4 Bdrm. Sacrifice Sate • I at $359.500. Mike Crow A.E 645·3176 VILLA IE llVESTIEITS · •• , ....... ••••••••••1 Beeulltul & p11k llke with Pat101/dock1. No pets. Condo for lease or tease 2 Bdrm, 2 ba condo on terraced pool Bachelor $410 option 2 bd. 2 ba pvt goll coorse w/vlew of •Specious Apts 1 Bdrm $485 556·9283 take. Brand new orpJ & *Private Patios 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 I••• f trtoltsurt 2 1tory, 2 bdrm 1.•1t be UllllllVUI: 11V.4ttS ~ea1io11. 875·eoo0 beach -Condo co-op --------- P 001, 11un1. weight Ot•ll Ill/ Etllll room. sub parking.•••••••••••••••••••••• (ll4)141•2000 Oc11n and Pier View. lldi11 Hoa11 Listed et $149,500, $75, f•i hll 1/00 AGENT. NO FEE 000 under market. All •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~~ Newport Hgta area. 3 B1 painting. Wesher,.._dr~r •C011ered Parlclno 2''°' Ba condo, family rm, & relrlg. incl. Beaut. IOC· *Dining Area tion w/pool & BBO area. •Walk In Clo1eta lrplc, lndry rm, gerage. $770 mo. (714)493·9161 •Home like Kitchens S026/mo Joyce Weitze, all 7pm. 1 blk 10 Huntington egt 831-1266 B1ct1etors $410 t Bd1m $480 131 E. 181h. 646·6816 161 E 18th. 642.0656 A..•i•I• •ill1 I 004 ...................... CH~ or new fin Or11t Ullll •ILLS opp Y lor someotie who Beaulllut 24160 El Gran· can 1ct 1111. Agen1 de 2 OR. 2 BA. Corner 531·8100 Ask lor Jim 101• new carpeu & Algl'lelmer d11pes. Island Kitchen . OCEANFRONT /Furn • 3 Br. 2'1r Ba in guarded Center. transportation & Your ch1nc1 to enjoy th• E aide eml 1 Br dplx. lge g a I e comm u n I I Y . frwys ' Spacious 2 Br. 1 81. $425. waves NB 3 Bdrm yrd, utll Incl Only $795/mo Avall f'IOW. ITILITIH fllH Ootplex 3 81. 11~11Ba. 1111111• llLU .... ,.,. ..... ,. frplC'. ·nett & cl••~ S400tmo Pet Ok, Mike Lease option possible 1 Bdrm From $515 1476 L•undry lac .. pool $1400/mo yrly. .!::_ow. 645·3t78 760-1977 2 Bdrm $615 548·9556 12·7PM. 5 yr old S & S Home. 2872 sq tt Poot with swim UP-bar In cave. $25.000 below m1tkll 20% dn 12.2% Interest. Agt. Jim. 531-8100 IP&Oltll IUCI llME Fam Am. Light interior. 5 Bdr 41" Ba 3·SIY 3000 $34.500.tegal In o .c . sq ft' + ov.; 900 $q ft courtS, etc. good cond, ol b•lcony some oceinl needs paint. S3,000 v11w. 1 blk 10 beacl\ OBO Catt Ool\, 751.0880 LIDO 1SLE/Unfurn 5 D .. I l•iat 3ZZf LA QUINTA HERMOSA -------- bdrm home lor l1mlty II· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.'.'!r.!!.!!f!~ ••• /.~!! 18211 P1tk'1td1 Ln. 1 blk 2 BA 1 heilAd.OolKd ~11 ~1·!,'! ·~nn. C1"M to 1-n11 •"d HOUM • Condo • Apt. All W ol Beach, 3 blks S pets. c " ut ...,. ...... "' ~· -· 3 br, 2'h ba plush condo. • 15 H1m·11on S'"-75 clubhouse Drive by 138 a v a I I a b I e n o w of Edinger 847·5441 .. 1 • " S S nr wate1. poss boat slip. 641-0763 Via Trieste $1800/mo 6 5 0 ., 9 5 0 $1150/mo. '* $425/mo up. 1 Br. un· --------- S285,000 F P See owner or 581•5042· 8AYFAONT Condo/ 1 141493·0467 675·1938 851·8394 lurn & lurn pool, 1p1 . lllTAllT II! Unturn Lido Prk Dr Lge f:•••I••'• "•Ill ,~, .. --------l8992 '"'-·Id ••2 2•3• East·'de ••25 ••"5/mo C•t•H ''' .,, IOZZ ••.••.••..•.....•..... .IASM• OIEH In adj house at 206 15th St "36-1718 I STU Piii 2 Br. den. sec bldg •••••••••·~· ••• ~ •• ~.? DELUXE 3 BR 2'11 ba. 2 842·3172 a ._ ... "• 2 81 '"'1•'°' B;, T;;;;'riouse: $1800/mo. Cleao. redec 3 br. 2 b1. sty, Joe front yard & •---------all bullt·lns. lndry rm . WATERFRONT HOMES den, lrplc. p1t10 Quiet ~stairs patio Near L•t.••• l11ti 3141 carport. yard/balcony, PLAN 2 . On ma i n Greenbelt, Ocean Vu. Am fOt' pool. PIP. Appl. nee TWllHRllM 11/t bl twnhH, adult comm. Wilk to beech Tennie, pool. eltlra cleen. S 115,000 owner Beeutllut double Wide 2 b<fl'm Cameron with at· teched sunroom and carport. Shows pride of own1111t1tp. Reduced 10 S33. 175 Owner anxious and will llnance. 631· 1400 area $750 mo. 111. last act\. 111 & last, secu· •• ••••••••••••••••••• small pet OK. GARDEN GROVE 2 & 3 & sec. 963·2778 tlly. $1100 per mor Lu11ury studio, lree HBO, TSL Mgmt. 631-5661 phc1na. maid Hrv. ape, ~::d~:·A~~f'A~~~u;6 HH tia1t•• New beachfront home 3 $130 wk 499·3016 759·9189 OWN ' LSE/OPT I Yllll· ''"' • 1240 Br 4 Ba. furn. $2250/mo, Magnificent oceanfront 2 OWNEAI AGT. DUPLEX .ble. 2 cir gar. Full 1m1· •••••••••••••••••••••• unfurn $2000 Call Mrs. & 4 br unlll, each O~i.;e;: ~oS~~~n. nllles $675 to $725/mo Ocean view, volley ball ct, Long 673· 1190 S 1350/mo. 497·2042 112-1410 67£ .. ,.., .. ~ 879·9"'•7 Ulllll IEN Ed 964·6171 119 Huntington St. 2 BR LARGE 2 b 1 b -~ ~ vv $650. 1 BA, $500. or rent r. a, gar, I lllE Tl 1001 I•/ ... lt/H' 320f entire dplll $1126. d/w, 5308 Seashore. ~~.'!r.!!.!!f!~ ••• 1.~!! Cnt• lltll IOl4 1 Super financing •1vall1-1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 536-3602 or 661-7622 $750 mo. Yrly 962"'4914 •••••••••••••••••••••• ble As low as 5% down Quaint Balboa let. 2Br IN PRESTIGIOUS BIG OffllEHLU lnll payment with tow Int•· 2b b l1 Spotless 2 Br 1tt1ched a. opn eam cet ng1, C 6 NYON: Luxurious 4 Lo11ely 3 bdrm w/lge fa-rest vacant 2 year old single gar. W/D llkup dbl gar. W/D hookup, " mlly rm on quiet street. I condo Tile rool, patio. Good loc Aeglr Prop SSOO & $500 dap. Quiet, Bdrm home w I P v t OCEANFRONT Oil! 2·4 Br. By week or month. 673·7873 Wll\ler rentals now avallebte. C111 Be1utllul hard wood gar1ge. fireplioe. llrgef~~~~~~~~~!I 67s.4ooo nr Fwy & shopping. Smt custom pool and spa All lloors CloM to 1Cl\Ool1 1 bd c 1-pe1 poss w/dep Mc· n e w a m e n I t I e s __ .. a:. I S 25 900 1 mH er rm. omp1te 2 Br Iba. upgraded WIH •a/&.--Fadden nr Beach Bl. 71 4/644-9800 .110111 lllll n PlllP llWIE•EIT 111.flU """' ... oppng. 1 · · at $109,900 772·7281. 1eke truck or car for -_. Call 979-6370. WALKER & LEE A E down piymt. $17,900 1t•iaHll 3101 893-4894 Bayside home. over 3200 D 97 .()82 •••••••••••••••••,••••• 28r Condo. 1\.C,B1, cpts/ sq II , $2500/mo Boal lm•I 1044 J~.59413 4' ev/wknd Penln Pt. 5 BR. 3.., be. drps. poot. 1ac. clbhN 1 slip avall. For leaM only IEACI NISE •••••••••••••••••••••••---------• DA,lrgpa11o.s 12oomo S515mo 768-7.833 ·Call Doug M cKee Comple111y furn. •P•· BEST BUY IN NO IAVINE. JM~i 11•Nt,., 1350 to mo Agt 673·9060 ---7 14/955·2473 wkdys CIOUS 1'/t Br. patio. Incl. \ f >J J, I tl F If \ , 'Y• ·, Excel financll\g lg ............ ~ •• ~ ••••••• It -6 111. 3ZZZ Spotless 3 bd. l 'It bl 9.5 Ill A II 11/1 1•50 ---------sum loan Nr sc:hoots 4 Duple• on ll'le sand. 30th ':!!!!! .... ~ ••• !! ••••••• l1wnhse, bll·lns. W/0 , 1 • u VI • v I E'llll llfT1 Br 2b1. 10% dn M1y st NB Newly remodeled Br1nd IPll\klng new ...._ encl patio. atteh c11pr1., BAYfRQNT mo No Pll• 540-3832 11'-M-111'1 lfffl cirry 2nd, by owner 1n 1nd out 3 b< .. 2 ba. rywtlefe 3 bdrm 2,11 ba kids 1•; m1/bch S550 -OCEANFRONT 11109 3 Br Owner will cerry 1 sub-213/747·0625 up111111. 2 br . 1 ba. <bt1ge. patio Sl.OOO 111. 1111. dep, terms. ·Balboa Island Sindy 2 (ta wWlr/dryr. no pets stentlil 2nd• on tlllle ---------• down111tra. Mtn. 10% mo 607 Iris. 441•4868, 631·7900 Joon. •OI beach. excel view ol Winter S850 873-6640\ well m1lnt1lned slngle ClllTll down owe b•lll\Ce II 777·2233. 973-..399 b1y 3 Br 2bl yrly or Beactllront 3 Bdrm. 2 bl. story 1 & 2 bdrm units. 139"/eforSyrs.~Greatlot WAm• 'winter S1500/mo Ow· lully furn. ger. W/D. Plenty of off street par· IDDEL summer renta . $735. Avail 1mmed 28r & o.n, 3 ne< 544 .• 9513 h 64 0 2 lllng. 4 cer garage ~t· 000 Armi11g1 lty b1. ger. pvt p1tlo. clean Need by Deel 1 2·4 br Wltly/mont O· 11 tractively priced 111325• 2 bdrm. 1 b&. In Unlver· 714·544·2484 $975/mo ll\cluCIH gll. t\ouae In Huntington Be1ut1lul 0Execu11ve Home Blk beach 10t. util. yt1y OOO. slty Town Cef'lter • Col· /hi I 1. Reis req. 714/873·5049 ~. IOUtn ol Adams. 3 bCl..-2 • ba..-hnly .Rm._. $"450/mo 1823 w Bit· ..... 1211 umbl1 Square Good ''JC•I ,. __ 11 ... ••• 3 •• 4 Xlnt rela 964.0332evs; Oln.Am,Sp1.Sl300/mo b oa B l 112 , -tocatlon. •nd unit • ll•ill •t S.11 1100 .,.. .. , -66 142.0100 1st+ $1300 11eunty & 2131941·30Cl5 overlooks greenbelt •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• S2SO cleaning deposit - /Jn ~IG[L klAILE'f' fi. ASSOCIATE.§ IELPl Owner. bought 1nott1er and must sell this oor· QIOUI 4 Br Mess Woods. EVery upgrad1, super terms. Make oller. ~kr 848-0709 WILi Tl UOl llY 3 BR on LAROE LOT UMd bflck fireplace end walking diatlnCI to Back bay. 30 yr ISIYmlb~ II 10"4%. On a Cul·d4Hac tool Only $122.900 CaH now. t 79·5370 \ t >I l / tl F t l I ,, , Highly upgr1ded &134, Two trl plexea. C".-M • a Ir. 2 ••. • ..... 1··· 1 642·8663 On the btlCh hotel 1 900 7.50•/• dwn, break even. Frptc. 11nge, y11<1, o•· n15 -room •Pl kltchtnette & Two 2 Br duplexes. r109, no pell Prl11ate Vu of oce1n 2Br 1'~ba, Cllll Haven 2Br lba, lrple.. bat ti . furn I 1 ha d E slda C.M. I 1o42K 11 $750/mo. 111 plus MC guard gate. pool, 11un1, d at gar · n ° P • t • $300/mo. + S300 dep. •513 CM"'Da:IMlf WMlllllME Low dwn. only. 648 w 16th St. gym . S 8 0 O I mo . S825/mo. Agt 642·5722 2306 W Oceanfront, One 'f' n-N.B. duplell 4911· 1617. ~ 1 3 I 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 8 or W1ter'front 4 br. 2 bl dPht N>,8. 673-4154. In foreclosure Agl. She· 3 8, _2 Ba. ,6951mo No 902· 1298 (up). 1850 aq It. lmmac: BAYFAONT EleQint 1 or ryl 558·8191. 640·7814 peu. 806 Joann St. 3 br. 2 ba. Huntington Bll·lns, lrplc, gat No 2 bdrm. S950/mo. or 963·7600 644-1836 Hatbour erH, child11n & pets. $1200 675·4186 880·1178 d~s. 673-3909 lat••• '"l!."l 1000 Quiet, Clean. 2 bd In pets, 1•692•2847 evs 2 Ur•, 1~ ~I _8_11 ___ ....._ ____ 1 •••• ••••••• ••• •••••• court. Nfl'll cerpets, g•· 4 br, 2 ba Nr l>Ch. Grdnr Den, fireplace. $800 mo UU IY IWIEll rage. yrd, comm pool. no No p111. Oulet cul·d•· 714·55 1·6037 day or THE Undivided •.,i, ln1ernl In 1>4111 $575/mo Mgr 2453 11c $850 875-7873 evn 15 unit• IJ>I bldg In B Otanoe Avenue. C.M ---------Huntington Beich, CA S375. 4 AM 1111. must'" Nwpt Hgts 3 br, 2 b1. Cill 714 1960•2411 for S111ta Ana Hts 3Br. lrplc., 11 BEST lrplc. gardetl9r. S700 mo. ••1001 SSOOO dwn. owner must lnfOt'mlllofl f b I g y., d , no p 111 539-8190 COST 251 Knoll: St. 6'5·5110 NII 2 Br condo E•t.ilenl $750/mo 546--0814 Bkr J--:;itilili""ila.;;--~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii assU111lbl• .. 1111ng II· 5 GOOD units. E/Side •SUI 2 IR• LIFE'' n1nclng $97,400. Aedu· CM, make good sense 11 Nr S Cst Pli.a 3 Br. 2ba North a bit pretty nice WITllFllllT c.ct from 1110,000 All! only 15% dwn Call now condo $700, gas/Wtr pd unit lor a family 1111111 llllTll lor M11k. 644·8325 or Prln only.Bkr.549-1368 MCdep&lutmo Karen Call BEST 11639-6190 B11con Bay. be1u1llul Y•AA.fM>UND f'UN: 559-8442 955·2033. 759·I071 cost 49R. 4 BA on sandy ,Socret A c tivities UYE llPLU Eutalde Condo 2 Br 1•-. Sec;,• home ..,lh~ bead\. Tennis & boat sltp 0 Ir• ct o r • Fr•• HNI F•AH• WILL TUIE! e • fr p I c . gar 1 g •. ling flrtp11<:e 4 RMs only av.Uable Pnvate0 com· :~~.:lo•a• "LAKES" end unit, 1 3 8t Plus 2 Br. high In-$650/mo 54a.35e1 1475 • month OEST munlly, S3 .00 Pit 1111 ITllY block to N ortllwdod come. 1pprox. 95K eq~ Aval! now 3 l>I', 1•.,i, be 539~190 tmsll cott ::'~~'!a~ery Lou =..,•=': ILEU• 1hopp1ng. dellght trM· ty looklng fOt' bu1ldable Dbl, 011-sie. tge rneo yd •Hll IHI* o "•AT :~·:~b:r:i.~lr~l~e. ~~~.~..:~l~~n·. "95 648-3627 Fenced completely... UCHATION: Le hi Le ,,...! 1-,.,._ ,... tows kid• & ,,..,, 2 bllt\1 T 1 n n 1 • • F r • • •Y 112,IOI comforts Now priced 11 831·12te 5w _-ii;... 1 ,.... 1..eeaom IPfO & P<D S ... -· 199.000. Call to -· 0 • ,,_ stone trtpllCI, pool IC· • h 0 p I• 2 H. I I I h tMI 1hl 8'IOW Wlm lrnl • • ••-5 QIU BEST open 7 d1y1 hlghly pamper•d two Ml•llM Decorator per'fect, st>•· r.tMI Clubt•SIUna• story G11d1n Vllt1, cloua 2 B drm, 2'hba, •IH-1111* 212 $745/mo, 3/2...., HydfomaSwlmml:~olf Dynamite s txt• runs pool. l•c. recrt1tlon s 7 9 5 / m 0 4 I 2 '" RI ..... remoent thruout wlllt of l.afl ,., ,,,. ZZIO ., .. , pvt pello. balcony lniH JJ44 s 1250/mo. HaY. Olhet11 ~.~u rn u L m1rro11 and b11utlful '::'•••••••••••••••••••• &·lge g1r901 Oleo wall •••••••••••••••••••••• Fr 1 Cl Tenore 1 gt 'A, A" TM INT a : wood penellnQ Upper Hlaperla Lot 100 x 185. pa~.d1aper1es&mor1. llHTILI 631•1268 631•27;1 Slngl ... 1 a 2 level ofnt. and big Ind U 111. $ t • 0 0 O t •rm. St 9 5 U Ill pd Ca II 2 10 4 bdrms sterling at ' Bedroome•Furnlthld beautiful decorator be· j~~~~~~~~~!l.J8~4~S.:7~6~8~5~e~ves:!!:· ____ j 675·2311 10:30 to Spm. s650 10ts900. Flesponllble adults: 2Br 1 • Unfurnlehed•No CSroorna, Pvt eociltall P•· i....••f .... IHI lfll llllll 3 br. 2 b1, lmm1c. High-b• houH. HOO. 2 BCI P1t1•Model1 Op•n tlo ov11looklng luth :Tl'••• ••••••••••••••• •-a. ••-linde .,11, No peta. No 2ba seoo. 1 & d«t. f\nn. dally t to 1. grMnbell. E•clllng low Sale or 11-optlofl Ohlf· -e••••• --tl:Nlea. Refs. 1795 mo. seoo. 173.-75-44 ..... • PflCI of 1112,000 & u IOw ming 1023 2 atory & •••••••••,.••••••••••• "' f .. 110.000 dn. se 12/mo ttudto, 2 car 01r•o•. • ............. ., 'h!r:819, 842·•300. 24 s;.~~l~:rm2b~c~~ ..... P9Y9 all. A MUST SEE • ltlliMd gllH, lwlac P• Wllerfrellf b I ht 1 2 0 0 I o TAKE AOVAHTAOE. bl, Sp1c1ou1 (1700 sq Ill 2 r 0 f m a,1rt1111l1 -y 21 tlot. 2 ockt to oc.an Willtradetaroeequllyfor bd. 2 b•, d lnln" rm/ 553·1008 --..... , ... -·-Mot1v1ted M1ul Owner• Oranoe Co. Income pro-• ....._. WM.I .. IULJY Lei's llltll 494-7222 perty Prin. only. O'Nner study, Mulll·le valed EASTBl..UFFS: 2Br 2ba ' 88() lrvtne -· •• 11 will e110 11 ... wlopllon. townhome Frpt, o>aulted "c:tecorator" t\Ome, frplc, (It HSth) --..... ,, ..,., IHI celling•. pool. 191 ll60 dbl ger. comm pool. 642·1603 Ftreplace. pool. dl•b· washef. pvt patio. X lg Garden i & 2 Br on El side . 1480, S560 557·2841. 1111. 211l. Hll. Newly decor. Gu pd. encl get, dwshr, pool • bbQ. no pets. 642·5073 FlllHllE .. flllT Like nu. tge 1 br apu • frplc" OW, g1r .. S475/up. Patio or baleony. POOi & apa No pell. 2650 Harla. Mesa Pines 549-2447 1465 2 Bdrm, refrlg. P•· 110. no pets. adults prel. 724·A J1mea, 673-7787 VILLA MEOERA: 2 Br 2ba, E'slde. family complex. D/W. garage Wtr/gas pd S525/mo & S300 dep 2324 Elden. Mgr Ap11,548-4147 STUNNING large 1 & 2 Br ~~!~ apt 710 W 18th. I Near °18th/Pomon1. 1 Br . I B1, downst111s:' di s, carport. 'Wlter p(I. 1 child ok. no pets. 1400. Agent. no lee 962.0217. SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1. ea. • Be1m ceilings. HIV. bar, Wood c ab., no pets. S475. 2255 Maplf . 548·7356 or 673-8803. 2 Br. 11/t 81. No pets. $450/mo for 2 persons. 755 W . 18th St 646-9507 2 °'" 1~ ba. 323 E-18th St. No pets. G1t. $650 . Sierra Mgmt 641·1324 2 bf In ,_., lti-plel nt SC Pla21, gar. No pets 1525 833-929G Newer 2 BA 2 91. no pets. $475 . 7 80·1418 or 6'2·7528 evs/wknds. •2Br 281. Near S.C. Plaza, S A Luxury Con- do. w/pool. 1595 No Pets. 833-8974 Eves. •MISI Vwde 2 Or. 1 Ba. Nel#ly r.O.C. 1495. No pe11. U:t-8974 Eves. 2BR 11M>1, d/w, bltln•. petlo. ger, no p111, $575. 548 .. 291. 64S.t857 3 BR. 2...., b1. frpc, yd. Obie ger. Npt Hghts Area. t750.o 55t-5001 EASTSIDE Ulge 2 bdrm,'- 1 bl conv loe. 1550 mo. 846·7800 EASTSIOE. 3 bdrm, 1 bl, flr•plece. Prlv yerd. seoo mo. tAt-7800 BecncNor. fplc, bM1n c:lgs, patio. new cpt & drps! 1350 ltlel utN. 831-0921 1 bd. n••r South Coast Pine!' S371> mo Ulll• paid. 75o•·0511. ·•·•--••••••••••••••••• 213•592-..oos mo. 973.9499 11400/mo. s1r1c111end (714> 14&-1104 Will tilde S80K equity In M g m t . s e r v ............ ,.. lg 11r, '*"' cpte, paint a llMI lllUll ILlffl t•I• N.B Ba)'ltlor• holne tor 3 bc1. 2 ba, Fiench Doort, "14/ot().t25e 1100 18th St. llnoleum. 1 c:Md OK No .. -I You own IM tend 2.000 lrvlne ., ... Prlc•d '' 1011/wood & walpr, No (Oovef ., 18th) pell S3SO mo + Oep. flU. -...... aq tt, 38', fem rm, 2\t 12891< a rtmocteled 3 Br CM. 17t5 Incl g11df\r 2 BR 2 Ba. cpll, drpe:; Nwpt Hgts 28r, 18e. very (714) 142·5113 Calf Mot 142·2Me hMr• Ba.wldeOr.anbell.nMr 21't 8aS1HKieaMhold t57·$880 ger S750 Nop•U pvt&tlul)lyd 1\;9r 01rage,yerd ~'!':ct!:'t:. •:c,~ 1._;. pool Fer below mer1111 due 1991. Interested 3 BR. 2'~ be. fplc, w/d l 615.'eeoe tAS.80t5 1525/mo. WHtald• 10 hlgh-at)'te llvin9 with 1235,000 Wiii ..... op-'*1• call e.u.aa11 reff. (lt)fpr, ram condo, woooeA'iOOi'""i11oop;-~ s br Quiet 4lll.c 141-0fN No oeea kulurloue Mnl'I IOM cat· lion lkr "'4-01'• • -1-11111. ~ no P•ll I 750 Agl, mo 1p1ctoui • Br 2\; 11ome, bHul. vu, no THE SfVfl.l.E t • w/ger peting tflruout. a.u1ttu1 11111ld1 Co1t1 Mtu l4&-•3IO. IA5-4798 81 ·rem rm. frpto. dlnlnO doetl. l2000 '7&-7913 A,.,,.,.,, CfPta. ~ bltlna. tnccl well CO·OfdlnelM win· Poem..-~ flow. Ow· MMe Vwde, 4 bd. 2 be. rm Plliol, nlcely lend· EXCLUSIVE AAEA H.,. .,_._,.,.a.~ yd w/petto. watar pd. dOW lrMt!Mnt8 & m ... , rw wtn elCGflange 1200. 1160/mo, 111 & LM1 plul ICeped Uke. p004, ten· bOf View hOfM Profla. ••• ':flf•.:::':'='e .. ••••• Htt "J" 8ente AM A.,. M king 1111 bdrm• .. • ooo equity fOt' NewPQft 1200 Sec C>ep Fm1y P'9f !'141 pr~ M0· 1327, dee«•ted 48A 28A, ..,. ...,al 1110 Cell 1~5, Ul-4 120 ... In prime tocatlOn A Btach rHld•nc• Aot. 151·1781 81t.e11S. ofc 720-1373 o• toll. on ~ ecre w/ ••• .. •••••••••••• ... Aed9c 1 bd .-= ,.. gem of• buy at the MM! Cf 145_,171 ---.--elk lo llelt\IOn Gud•n Qrov• I I S · · ·-·•· · low prlet of Hl.000 • °"" 31,, t•,te, cpta. CSrp1 TURTLE ROCK Pritt jeel. d b .. otl pool I lclrm, ..... IO 1111 .. ,. ... ""' • , l20 l6000 mov. you In w1 1n•·'1 ~ ... 1190 mo i bd. 2 ba, dbl..,, t.m. i. Qerd9n.r Incl. .,...... w • • • • o • Av• o, lo• monttlllJlm'* of ,.,, ___ 6_'9-•tt2 .......... I .....i-tma ,,pt, oo. •ue11. Je• '''· _?tMa ___ 1'_. ____ _ r_ •••••••••••••••••••••• ;.· .. ~ ..... "'.. ,... ., ........ ,...,, 1711. HUR won't l•~ conoo, CIMn, 'C· .-rot d•cor•••d 1 ~mnT .... •• L•t, M . retr'lot .. '"' t...i -·-•1 HARBOR RIDGE ftfl!!lf P./ffd..... 01 • mlefow•••· s A, 11411-~.'.~o Aveu 1111 . ._ a--a. .un l·l•yfront, LllU• 111•. •Y"~~-_!& no • • ·~ a•• 118. wetDer, 8IG. IUD ••-~~-~ 11*. 3 •ory ....,_ lrg. ..-. -· _._,..., w1&1• 1ULn Cuarlm Virw r.zr.r.lllffl. ... 1!.ff "'°·No• NM* 11ng1e """"',_,. on 1 ""' 11e1e oo.t Yl9W a.., II•. ,,. ... ltlOO ffl6 •IAiii&. &;, 111e, .. ••• Homt> ...... ='= I Ir ,,... .......... eft• .. ,. pertt. CUl·d•·•... OOftwer't den a m•••·· lf&:-3CMl7 -KIDllNTI OK U11 •• 000 -'----.. • .. ....., Oltel ...... Off ttreet, --""' ..... ""'" 1u1rttn llOtot1n•. L11··1 ., apt, "'°''"° ,. I; L u '' L. "0 . _.. •. ,_ ... ,, _... no_., "'''"'°' Muftlty pool. I t · + 11144t-lttt WlllhlrlffYSI No ,.., 111-4llO 4 81d,__, II •011 = "mt -.... 1 ... im. 14111, ~'"~ :.:::::. .... AWl!I. Now ao: e?lo•fl iiiiW ~ 1 Ir. I II. ... •••.aon wA-...... ,.,.,., .......... ,....., t:=i'-"' ...... rn • Liit "'• .......,,. ~ •• 'r.:-9' ...,.... Ol-111 .... ,_.. W llllillllll ..,_ .... ..... .... ti ~.J!.11..9.1 Ill. .,.... ,.. lft ...... .,.... ...,, •111ii·•-. 1 Ollllt 4 Id, 11'9 1tl. *'· • ~v .!;'t• te·ftfte IW .... ,.. ..... TV, •11·4411., ~---.....i--, :.-.=-&.:.. 111' I 1111111. ...... ; ..... , _.,.-.. •• ._ O' LIMI Mi ~!~~~!e!ov~~r · for a 30 day a4 In the lllLY PILIT IHVIOE DIAIOTtllY 00 ff NOWI Ask fer S114ra , Your Dally Pllo1 Service Directory Aepreseritatl~• • Orange Cooat DAIL. Y PILOT /Tue1d1y', No11tmber 2, t982 CT . . laSsiaUJ Service· rXI '~!!!!!11! ••••••••••••• Our ofllc•• hlndlt 111 areH of law. Prompt, COUrlto\18 Nrvlot. FREE conaultatlon. 549-0335. AQgreellve Atlorne~. No '" lnlllal Oon.ilfellon; Per1on11 Injury t 1H1, ll!o Recovery, No Fee. 494-8591. ' f!I!!,!/.~!!!!!!! ••••• 9t!I!.~!~ •••••••••••• fl.'.~~l!'!~~ •••••••••••• !{~~t~!~~!!!I •••••••• ~!~!~1 ••••••••••••••• !!~~1~ ••••••••••••• l ~!!!!~1. ••.•••.•.•.•.. C111tom Aemod/Add'rie _ Tllll llllllW-• •&·1 MIVlll* hoert w1Hcoverlng In· Huber 'loollng·•ll lyptt Fire• •et Ouo1tty'211u to lopp~romovtO, Cleon fLAT "ATli·DAY 01 ~' .... Top quall1y 25 yr exp etallatlon A.01. prlcH. New.recover-<lttcka nonel Btndel COl'\11 up; llWll ellOv. 1~1 •3478 AlL MISC JOUS Wlnll Competitive ratH Ci>r11u1t•111 AHlgnme111 Lie. •411802 5~9.9734 Exper carpenter don Lio, 418310 ~48 .. 271 1~~~'?1Ll:~g~;r ~o ovtrtlr'llt 730· 1353 681·8690 ROOP PllOILIMt addition'-remod•I•. Non• 2 big, none 2 emou. THI I HI IOHI Ct1l!T 642•9008 High qua111y h01Jftw011( .... ec MOVING we g11a ehd heng tog•· 0011•1 1,.100f, repair 11 deck• 8kyllght1 &. r.. From A to Z we do II all lawn-trM·•hrub tn11111 E•Ptrlenced, d•p1inda• Quick. Carelul Service. ther Mang, telecl. Up· 1r 1 q 1 1011 0 f c 0 • 1 g8"' FrH ett. O•n. 7 t4·07e.;9430 lie 42578 t Tiff t1lm/1emovl11 II. Ii -Ille, hon11t, lntalllgtnt. Low 1alt1. 552·0410 hOIAter well• 839·0730 857•2890 82•0816 Home lmoroveme11t11 F~=~.~~~t~A~t:~~~,5 •• ~~•¥u;_.;p"joes•• .. •• r:~cu~~··~ :1•111:1~·~ ~~ Sl'ARVINO COLI.EGE tnytlme ROOFING ~EPAIRs-Mldtr Or1ftt•H all tradtl ----873·7012 llter 8 PM STUDENTS MOVING ,, .. , ••• ,,,, Small /Obi OK Free Ja)nllll•• Ftnllh & rem'dl crpntry. A91T1odel•Addlllon1 Exper Gardener & cleon I 81l'Oll Moving Jolla co Lie T12A·4"-6 ••'•.•••••••••••••••••• c r •••"••••••"••••,o.•••••• References. 499·3105, 6'14-8987 l.IPS Tree trimming. Free Coll MIKE e.-6 139 t w¥11day1 All dly Setur· 1n1ured 841·8427 *•SAVANT'S'* • ~sllme1~1 2 6~~2 om or Wll.L SIT In my CM home, - -est Pete 641· 1096 H°AuLINO·GRADINO day end S_u_n_d_11 .... Y·___ WATCH US GROWi Wallcovorlng Removal huck, 4 • __ . __ len04lld ye;d, hot meel1, Cuatom Carpentry by Olc:k C•lll• WIMntkl•f --,. 1111 1 ... OUSECLEANtN'> 0000 All 1yp8' 6•2-1343 •,,.,,,., ""· rites. 548-267• ' 4 Nell P•nelll'IQ torrnlce •••••••••••••••••""• • Lane11cap1ng·Vd Clnup11 wllmo on. c ean•u,,. relt. Tranapona'iion. Ex· r1iali•1, ~=•••••••••••••••••••• I doora etc Ph a..2•6809 ~II remod. cablnett, vi· Tr" trlmlrerno11·M1lnl Concrete & tree removel ••••••• •••••••••••••• BAP wellpaper Removal MOBILE SERVICE Babytlltlng my home SIE • · · deo t"nlertalnment ullltt 1,,tQ&llOr.!_Jlm 851·0129 Quick serv. 642·7638 per'd. 979·9758 ,..E PAllTlll All types. Alto wallpaper Rtscre.ns/New screen• border CM/NB. Infant c~ .. , S.mtt -Free est 642-0881 ···•Ellll WAITED PROF, SERVICE quality Housecleaning b y Rlclhard Sinor. Lie hung, 581-1132 N8/CM only 642·9552 thru 3rd grade. Love & •••'"·-·•••••••••••••••• n H 11 d 1 with a Personal Touch 3 IU-1171.·HI. U2 ropect . Rel•. Avall Shampoo a. .1 .. m clean. Drr!!'" Mowing, edging. raking, au ng . yr eHn up Call Beth 860·0933 2808«. 1 yrs Of happy ,.,, C111t11l s.;; •• ,,,, 645·7889 Color brtgl)teners, whl •• ••••••••••••••••••• sweeping Free e111. Q\Jlcl\ & clean Free est local ooatomert. •••• .. •••••••••••••••• ...................... . CHILO CARE.; my home. crpl• • 10 min. bleach. fir~:~~~~~:~~lc ~'· ~~·57:: _ ......... _67!·0548 ousecleanlng. rellat>te l'hank yOl.I, 631·4410 n$jti.' :,~~~~:i !~,'~w os E·Z LAY'N ~!.~i!!1~!1.~!!~!!!~ lunch/1nacks Included. Half, llV/dln. rma $15; avg Free H I Kevin 675•9088 JAPANESE GARDENER HAULING • etudent has rel. Own lranap. Reas. CUSTOM AJNTING Cail 962-7520 GSuparrlannktl!:_Sd, La~d3~;r37 . • .,7939 room S1.50; couch 110; _. • · SP"'CIALIST: 'ma.int , lge truck Same low YOLANOA 842·0405 Int/ext, Aesld/comm. w• .,.. · £xpe11enced Carpenter , Large yard. v4..-· chr $5. Ouar. ellm, pet Pt.,.lll"'I I " 1 I -r rates Prompt, 759.1976 -;, • • Free esl.-Llc, 644·4798 r!~!!'"'~V.:'.• .... ;f.~~·~•••••••t .!.!!.'••••••••••-••••••• • Aemodel/Add·On/Repulr •· It .8J !!-' od~. Crpt· -pair. 15 .. ,. &lw• • cean up, tr mm ng, ~ow '"dM T k J •••ICl•llf• "' ""' 7'"'2685 "' 8 865 _, ••••• 1T1tl v• '"' 1 q •••••••••••••••••••••• p I .., F t 548 "483 "' han you. ohn. •••••••~••••••••••••• -T EX-T p -NG ~ -.,4 • 4 ··········"'· ••••••••• exp. Do work myself. EL.6Cl'"IClAN'-P1lced r c... rll(I e• -.. ' . 1lll I AINTI ED s PLASTERING . TILE INSTALLED Additions, car""'ntry, ma· JAYS "'SPEAKEASY" Reis. 531·0101 right, free .. llmata on JesSle'a Gardening H11ti11• O VAS EXP. Hauling, tree II WAl..LPAPEAING Neat patches. lnt/eJll. , Atl KIA .. 1. GuaranteA"' ""' I II b •• ••••,. ••• ••• • • •• •••• trimming. landscap\ng Custom work. Free es1, R 6.45-8258 '"' ""' aoory, design and drel· Any oocaalOll. Port bar No Steam/No'Shampoo arge or sma 10 s Clean·ups, tree trim & 24hr ED 141•1125 Brothen1 Const. Reas. Steve 547•428t estuccos Refs John 8•0-9217 !Ing, BBQ's etc. Dave 1·521·8141, 879·7552 Stain Speclallet Fast Loe. 398621. 673·0359 malrit sel'\/lce 540·8035 Furnace.pool-water heat 646-0555 • PLASTER"FATCRINO-f'.,.. S1trit1 494•1003· e•I 724 IHkkHri•• dry. FrM'est. 839-1582 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Q ,,. PAINTE~ NEEDS Aestuecos, Int/ext. 30 .!:: •••••••••.••.••.•• MoOllllghl Draftsman •••••••• ••••••••••••• Quat. wqik/Aeu. rates .! .• !!'/. •••••••••••••• Hoae C111 $11rle1 WORK! 30 yrs axp, inti yra Neat. Paul 545-2977 llPlllll Home·Add'n•·Aemodels Computerized bookkee· C1•11t ICO•fllll Free 11s1./ 631·5072 T AACl' OR WORK. Ell· •••••••••••••••••••••• ext. Acousue oell[ngs Lie. " I I *"" Al •••••••'•••••••••••••• '1 •hot house • yard clea 366780 Free est rtuab1'111. Tiii llR"IOI Member AIBD 645·1871 png rom _.,mo. so c-•nt.••a'""nry·Bloc" --E-LECTRICIA-N • c111at111g. compaction, "' .. • · ' mall llat & payr oll. -·-1 c"" "" " l backhoe. 20 yrs el(p riup & repelr. Rental or Davis Palnll!lg 847·5186' •••• .. ••• ••••••••••••• "Tree Work wltl. e Con· A •• •.•.w •• ".'·'•.t.S •• 1.1.•.ie.• ••••• 1--6_6_2·_2_4_30 ______ 1 Wal S· u11. work. Lie. Sml Jobi/Repairs. le. King Equip 637·73~ sales houses _661·3862 "Anything outside the 15 yrs exp, I'm small, my 24hr ED 141· llH science". Trimming & #381Q57 Rob547·2683 233108·C·10, 548~5203 -·-----home ·· 64 5 5597 40gaJwaterheater $225 removalbyHow8ld 0ol· 50V. OFF FIRST MONTH C. Li I M.Li II. d H111Hl11•i•• · • prices are small! Aon • • I• al ,._ •• Orlveways-pallOl·Walks AESIOICOMM.LllNO. . •• •.• ... ".• •• •.•.............. •••••••••••••"••••••••. 675·6958 673 6477 <:a •t · 8"49 AT-LAS PLU .. "''"'G • loll. P.O. 8ox 34, COiia • oenandabte. affordable ................ 11o............ ' L -~ ,, ROBIN'S CLEANING -= -. • >lll..'.: 0 ....... ,.. .... ••esa, Ca. 92627. Ph. "y c bl t & c 1 s.oc .. walls-ma.sonry 20 vrs. Do my own work c 1 M Heating specl••itlng ·n .., esaentlal. Answering a ne 9 arpen ry Fr-est, reu. 892-4557 L•c' 276041. Al 646·8126 arpen ry • asonry h 11111d1r S11viee1 Lowest, rates! Prompt, ., "" 1 642· 1932 service, secretariat & Small jobs & repairs ·r Roofing. Plumbing Servloe ·a thoroug ly •••••••~•••••••••••••• near protesslonals. 15 repair,. 645-1668 --..,.......,,-~-::-:~"."'""""- business services. mall Fr" estimates &45--0003 THOMPSON CONCRETE Etec. Service & Construe-Drywall· Stucco· l'lle clean house. 540-0857 11ed ol doing laundry? I Y" exp. 636•7149 ·--s SAVE$ 20w. 40% $LOW AAl'ES S box rental, word proces-1·c,---,------i Patlos-drlYeWays. lion Lo rates. Free es11-Remodel J.B. 646·9990 l'IRED OF HASSLES? !lull 4 fold. hand wash, Plumbing/Heat .,271703 l'ree 1rlm/remov, clean sing. Telex·Facslmlle .• !!1!.'..11............. foundations. 11393383. mates. Lie. 333217. Cllrpentry. Cabinets Quality cleaning help Is hand Iron. Meticulous A~LPH'S PAINl'ING Guar, rest Res/comm. ups, mowlrig,,654-7017 order entry, page,rs-lellSe .FRIE EITIIPTlll 6-42-6482 551-1738 847·4714 Plumb . Drain Cle~nlng herel Reis. 960·7452 Exp Renee 642".9787 Christian. Int or ext. 537•4378 GG '1olotia• blqJ desk ~ace rental. D&a~ ........ ~1cee 1 l lee 1 Tiie i lbnr Reis ~~36~ -il69-5""'4 HB ........ , .............. ._,_ ___ _ ANSWER M:Twbm\ • ·~............. ; .. ' C-llilff• ---+.,, Wea -Ol!TllV won( Wltrn!P9r· r.-::::D -CUSl'OM PAINl'WORK l ',-. -,,--,.:------1 Most subjecl8. 1(.14 ,·. 631·9131 (ask for A.V.) profes1lonal work ... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••• Reis. Ooo 966-0149 sonal touch. Bachelor~··••••• •••••••••••••• C • I . lllJ•ll Ill Day/eve S5 &, $10/hr. custom worlc tool No job Looking for xlnt chlld· A& K F'E N c e: wood & 28 YRS EXP. DUNHAM ok . CM, Irv, t1B. Beth RICKWOAK. Small jobs. . omm l/resfd, sir pp1ng, ••••'-•••••••••••••••• Mr MOl'gan 645•5176 Ai•iaJt too •mall or too blgl Ca-care? In my Costa Mesa chain link. Res/Ind/com. HOME IMPROVEMENT 850·0933 Newport. Costa Mesa. staining. The Job that · AC RAINGUTTEA ••'"••••••••••••••••• blnets. kllcl'ten remodel home, lull time only. $40. 548-5493 · S40·7751 lr11lne. Reis. 675·3175 speaks Io r Its e I I . Bonded-lns·llc B344764 Wiodow Cleiniot, Driveways, Parking Lot & finished carpentry ... Lunch snack•. TLC. Lin· . Aemo!Jel-repalrs-fencing II y .. ou want your house ·pert brick & cement 498·8580 Free esl 1-524·5824 ....... , ......... ••••• 0 -alra.-Seatooatlng. elect.I plumb./ cabinets/ da 751·2342. WOOD FENCES/GATES electtlcal-plumblng REALLY CLEAN. Cati ~ork, N~pi/C M since I I "Lei the Sunshine In .. •-.. Installed &-flepalrW carpentry 631 ·8530 L d 669 0318 G d ~ ~ ''J.~I H R f' • /ti C 11 S hi WI d S&S Atphlt 631"'4199Llc countertopa. I do every· Co11l1'tl111 0111111/ Free est. Gary 499·1724 A'~ ~ • • oo 1969. Call now & save •• ••••"'••••••••••••• .!.!~!! •• ~I••••••••••• Cle~nlnuont,;e 54~8~~3 Y9u don"t need a gun to thing from start to llnlahl ••••••••••• ,.......... JACK OF ALL l'AAOES es. 645-8512 Farthing Interior Design FURNll'URE·Kll' CABS I • • Call Brad al • J H ff a $ C '-'ANGING/Sl'AIPPING 20~. Monthly Discount "draw lasr· when you n. , u Mii 411 ti Have somelhlng you wam all Jack anytime. n Cstm f111lshes. repairs. "Place an ad In the Dally (114) 111-IJIO Lto. 306888. Remodel, to ~117 Classified ads do Oay or night. 675·3014 M"arch 10 your phone to Buyer meets seller·Wllh an~ Vtsa·MC Scott 645·9325 doors, Joe 673·1469 lnt /exl. Resldlcomm'I. Piiot Want Adsl Call now 1----------Add'ns. Cabinets. II well I Call NOW, place a last-acting etas-effective classllled ad. Free est. 20~. monthly I 642-5678. SelHdle Items 642•5676 646-85861645·4644 642·5678. Classified Ads 642·5678 allied ad. 642·5678 6-42·5678 Classified Ads 642-5678 Ctassllied Ms ~42·5878 discount 644·4798 A,at1a1•l1 Ualani1iH •.•.•..•..•.•....••••. ~!!f.!!~ •••••• !!~1 1 Br. upstairs. utlls paid. $380/mo. Cerpo11, good loe .• .110 pets. 383 W. Bay. 5'8-9516. lg 2 Br Eastllde garage + c.rport & y.,d, stove, .relctge. $525/mo. ~31-0754 . 2 Bdrm, 2 be lownhome. Beautiful pool complex. Mesa del Mar. $525/mo 641·0574 or 631·2177 • E/Si!Je luxury In a pine lorut, lge 1 br, refrlg, 0W. BBQ, pvt bslo. avell. now. gas Incl. $425/mo. 631·6741 Lge 1 bl uppllf ept, e(ICI. gar. No pets. $400 mo. Mesa <let Mar area. Im· med. oec. Call 751·9905,. A,at1a1at1 ·U•l•1•i1iH I "~"i!~!I;:;······;~:-; •..•••••••.......••... WARNER VILLA. 2 bcl. 2 ba. Condo. lrpt. dw. PB· tlo pool , $600 . 2131570.0036. $495. 3 BA. 3 Ba. pool. pa1ro. lc:ids ott. No pets. 846·9666, 960·7484 Large Studio w / kitchenette, lull bath. 2 blks from belt $325/mo. Mulligan Prop. 960-8468 3 b!Jrm. 2'~ ba lrpc, dbte attach gar . $650 . 964-4633. 1·526-3004 $375/mo, 1 br, au ulils po. Wall\ to beech. 207 Cit!- cago. 985-4954 c.<l.-1 • for your 1t1H1ood J •frlgeretor ;# DOL'LAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. . 3 "' -3 DAYS Sell your no-longer needed items for cash. If It doesn't LINES sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or co~merclal ads: Cail tdday for fUll de1ails. CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 (~re~. Extr• """ 11.00) A111ta111t1 • A111taflll l••l•I• 11 "'" 4300 ''"'I." /1~ leat 43S0j 01/lee'RHl•I ·4400 ,,,...,,.,,., . · w1hl r, .. , 63 t!!!!~.•!! ••••.•• 1.~!f V•l•t•i1AH U•l•tal1jH •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• O•Htl•••lf'. SOI s ••• ,. ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2500 sq ft condo w/Vi-Dana Pt alngle storage, NEWPORT BEACH •••~"••••••• •••••••• Fova~ CAT female. white COEDS • Wout love to ll1•11t1tl leaei 3111 S..11 A.1 JUO ot Back Bay beaurllul secured. streel entrance. Private office $275fup PAY ZERO 1982 Inc. ta11es w t orange patches & party w/you Call Sue Of" •• .. "••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• greenbelt & 'swimming 34097 Granada. $60. Ans. service SSO/mo get refunds 1979·80-81 orange ring t.aJl..$tllJ 11is Kathy anyt ime (213) 1 blk to Bch.-Lower 2 Br. Bradford Pl. 4 bd Town· pools, Will accept 1 or 2 673·3313. 493-0803 7141752·6408 800% profit poten1lal. 11itches. Vic. S. side 6 3 4 • 4 5 7 1. ( 7 1 4 ) den. 2 1ta. yrty, blHns. ~~~· po~2 d~~~"J' nn. adults or 1 adult w/child. Storage garage stngle SUPER ia•ft&ll! SSOK write-off Just $500 ~!5nt;90Ana Country Club _s_2_1_._1_18_6 _____ _ refrig. $700:675·8839. mo. • 557·7883 0< 640·6339 9 11 2 o Cos I a' M•u' n• dn. 638.-9111 · .,... • 8. Custom Fantasy fhone Nwpt Hgts 2 .br. 2 ba, A,atl•••fi r.,.,,,H Ammte to abr 3 trr.~ ba .$50/mc>._ -;:~ s~:~: 1~~~r~.. ··-,, I.e.• S02S Losl: F Old Engl. Sheep· ConversatlOll with Barbel spacious Avall. now. 11 Omt• 3IOO Ilse, garage. Meae Ve« 642·~907 wkdays \Cit mall handlg • ~8;. ··••••'•••••••••••••••• <iog.-WeS\ Newport . .N.8 . .MC/VISA 24 h(s $735/mo. 645-7400 ••••••""•••••••••••••• de. C.M. 540.9491 Stora.oe avail Nov. 1 In po;{,11111 to your b~lineH FHllL ... 111 Call 536•0794 Call 63S··07ot IMLBOA PENIN. ·~ blil to IUWlll AOOMMAl'E WANTED Hunt Bch, $45/mo. (213) needs. Ad). •ms Fwy. In -..... Found: smaH blonde Lab rit1•••l bell. 2 bd, 1 ba, yrly, YIWIE M/F 10 find 4 there C.M. 420·7705, 433·2435 F.V. indlv. oles . Molmo. ltt lelllfft•s 1ype, blue collar. S.A. l1t~itil SJIO C r P r 1 . $ 5 4 0 m 0 apt W/M 1a~312.. from $325 963-6445 Hg ts area. 548-5703 •••• •••••••••••••••••• New 1&2 bdrm. luxury · .,...,.. '" SINGLE GARAGE. In • ' 851·5995 552·0853. apts In 14 plans. 1 Bdrm M/F share 2 bdrm. 2 ba. 2 Central Laguna Baach, 110 10 FT • I.I REH RST•TE Lt•111s Found: blk M cal, unueuat · AT YllR SERVICE 3Br. 28a. 3 car garage. 1 trom $540, 2 bdrm from story apt In CdM. Non· near Ma 1 n Be a ch 1200 S Ft • S900/mo -s; • -wht marktrigs. flea collar, Peraonel. qualilled com- blk to ocn, $800 mo. $595. l'ownhouse from smkr $350 per month $65/mo 494..3044. 328 No~ Ne.wport Bllld. 1st, 2nd1, 3rda, 4ths W. Nwpt 2·3 wks ago. panion drivers for your 675·9174 $665 +pools. tennis. lnclu!Jes cable & phone • 720_1665 011t11•l1I Cari·t keep 673·6516 day 10 day errands waterfalls. pondsl Gas • .., etectrlclly. Aller 6pm Ol/1t1 •111111 4400 Thrift a LIH lH'I Found: M tiger kitten, w. Shopping, doctor 's 2pBoRo, ~. blaa ~a. tks':ct;::f,h~ for cooking & t1eatt11g 720·0632 ·.··,·•E•L•l•l·E··,··,·,·1·c•E•S•*••• ll11ia111 •111111 4450 FOUNTAIN VALLEY Nwpt 2-3 wks ago, owner appts. church. ere. All $700/mo. Catt. Soon Ao-f rwy drive North on Room w/ktt prlvlleges. 1 MO. FREE AENl' ST U..O IO I OFFICE I • or g ome. • 1 day. 494-5857, gers. 64 t-5100. d ays Befth. lo McFadden 10 $225, 181 4 last. Nwpt 1 room 10 2800 sq. IL STORAGE/ DESK space #oiJ::/,n, f.l.lll -SCRAM·LET •11,_.L PRllU•t 631·1913eves Seawlnd Vll·l·age--SCn.642·6811 _From$1.16a sq,ILAdJ, avall On Balboa lale. I · 5035 n - Priv & Spac, 2 stry, 2 bcl, (71•)893-5198. : un AT THE IUCM Airponer Inn & Frwys. $100. $200 per mo. Call •••••••••••••••••••••• ANSWERS ~i~n~~"~~ ~~,~~~~;:~ 2'1t be. w/ lrpl New 0•· IH•I Fem rmma1e wanted to Call AM 833•3223 ~{31~e1~~~;~o;.. ::!: · l.H. IAnLH no obllgatlon. 650·1026 ' ' , pel!J. From San Diego . ;J ••••••-•••••••••••••• 964 9111 oo<I h 673 85 6 needs met. By hour or mel cari)8tln9, "' Fa-•••••••••••••••••••••• ahr Bal Isl hom-..w/mom 16.ll We~tclll!,_N.B. 256 -2-t3/2B9 B3.01 • Mtrf&IC• Ot. l.1c. Jumper. Havoc 24 hrs. 2 Br. 1'h Ba. Newer tnhse. shoon Island. no pets. LAI.IA IUCI & 2 teenagers. $285, utll to 4000 aq. fl. ls[lfoor. • ~ -s II 11 1 ,_. 2 d Ches•--Preac _ no pets. $495/mo. 1916 j 5795. 645·6218 MOTOR Ill pd. Own bath. 675·9142 Agent 541·5032 'Retail store al 2650 Avon, pee~~·! ,,nc~-,1~49 n PAPER Ea•l•••eal • Wallace .102... Bl If A I 2 bd 2 "• alt 5 l665 sq. fl. plus 8 car Aobt. Sattlef NHtc •• 11 you can read the ·;~·9:;••1•:;•••••1•0•1•s• • Security Gatts u s rea, rg • "' • WIOy rent als S95 up. · Airport area • E1tec. Sul-ara 641•8777 "" .,, • ""' .. Eas1Slde • Poo1 & !lee Room upper unll, wlfrpl. Oulel Color Ty, free coffee, Lux condo Harbof Ridge. tes. From 225-450 sq. It. g ge. · A.E. Broker Bd Realtors handwriting on the wall .• ~ • .' ••• !~•••••••••••• Beamed celllngs. patio. • 1&2 8RP.a110Apts & Prlv Loe. No Pets. heated pool & steps to 1011hr,slralghl.$550mo. $1 persq.ll.Many J1tras. llO q n I I •642·2171 545·0611 II probably means your lic"d vocatlonal nurse & large bath. kitchen, utile • r.af<len laoOSUP•llQ S775 645-62'18 ocean Kltci'l's avall. 752·94.42 cfys. 640·2434 Call 557-7010 1200 eq 11 • se~I~.· WIDOW HAS$$$ for ro·a kids need more PAPER. tnt'I traveling companion paid. 5350/mo. No pets. • Orsl!wasriers & 880's 2 bdrm, 1 ba, enclosed Le 9u8:a ~~~~~~41294 evn. 400.900 PLUS 1400 sq 11. 328 No Newport Blvd. AE Loans, !OK Up. NO Found: Blk Shepherd ml11. accep~ing booking: holl· 752•2550 • Jog to 8each & Shops garage. walk to beach. g Shr lux condo or hOus.. Penthouse BaY!!'.~t Sul-720-1665 Credit Check. No Pen· meo. si. vlc. A!Jams park da_ya 82. Xlnt rers. Call Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· 645-1819 $90 4 Op With kitchen, $285 1111 fut aecurlty. te. parking, paflos-ally. Dennison & Assoc; lvt-{)CC:-0-C-Shette ·496•8128-(7-10pm) house In quiet comple1t. s EA s H 0 A E DA Iv E weekly. Ooeanfront Mo-966·8479 or 862·2449 I 673·t003 c ••• ,,,;,1 673·731 t 634·7301 Htl'I. WulH 1100 large pool. garden set· $700/mo. 2 Br. refrlge. tel. 675-8740 N. Laguna lu•urv house, IES" SPACE CIM llSll/I 4415 RUL ESTATE LIA•I Found: Back Bay, blond ••• •••••••••••••••••• tlftg $675 645 3381 I d ~ , " •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem d"" wlblue ,.,,,Ila•. AATISTY CONSULTANT " · · • · carport, enc s patro. Small attractive studio nr a•ctuslve area. Separate 5 1 ff' 1 2 d "·d •th -.. ..,._ -675 5949 Haoli'•lll• ~ Attractive rustlO upstairs 12 O sq t retall/o ice •t, n s.,"' s, .. s 10130. Sa•. 58._0718 E11cepllonal Income n...... ~ • · 548·5682 bch for emplv'd . Non-bdrm. bath. lrplc. dining E 17 h s O I I ' •-~...-H. Mir 3142 k' setting We •upply desk, apace, • t t. In HltH 1 .~ portunlty 81 a color an• ltwtly 2 •4rM, 1 •• •••• ~! ••• !•••••••••••• Townhome. 3 bd, 2 be, smkr. Prvt llchenette, rm. 5300. 830·93"6. space, copier. Vou sup-Costa Mesa,,.great viii· Thrift I LtH lH'I Found: 10121 M. Vorkle tyst. skin care and COior Up~er unlt for ren1. Bullt HUGE 1 br, Lux Condo," split level, quiet, 3 car ~~'!:in'ZQ!~Jn~e~~::· Roommate 10 1118,. 2 ply phone. & $95 '" mo b 11 1 t Y & Park t n g . FOUNTAIN VALLEY Tefrler, San Clemente, cosmetic consult an I. Ins. carpets. drapes. no Mini cor1d. an amenllles. gar . po o I . S 150 . 493•3490 • • ' bdrm apt In Costa Mesa. pr desk. Call 6'.44-7211 645-3•77 • 984•9111 498·4556 Training prbvl<led. Hours pels. 1 chrld ok. s5oo $600 mo. 962-<4914. 55J...o255. • 1 S200 mo. Geo &42-6381 Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room RENT OR LEASE: Newly Found: Whtlblk pan p91. flexible. Call (71") m 0 · 7 6 O·O1 3 4 • 0 r J. 31 I Versallles Studio Pen· Fem noo·smkr, rm w/hse sulles. From $75/mo. remodeled home with WE OAll PIROHAIE sian cal. Hughes mark.et. 492.0078 631-4402 Gerl ~fl.'!'!f ••• !.C.t ••••• t lhouse. $525/mo. Ask prlv. C.M. S225 unlurn .. 8!~~~~ ~~!:ev.~~h~ 1,Jllls lnctd . ...:779 w. 19th large lot. Co.mm'I zoning. 1 Your 111 or 2nd l'O"s NB. Flea collar. 548·94001·A-u-1o_oe_1_el_ler_s_w_a_n_t_ed_t_o 1 B!Jrm $425/mo. Carport OCUI VIEW for Sha1on. Richardson furn $260, 54s.5459 w/r"PQnllble Fe. 1 chlld Sl 851-89~8 adj 10 Newport Blvd. RICh &44·9490 for Info Found: Bro~n Rabbit. polish and• wax C81's. No & laundry lacij. Call Stu tO minutes so. of Laguna Reeltort 768·5600 or Room wllh kitch prlv. Nr OK. No Smkr. 546-3831, llllTfFIL 642-1334, 851·9889. ,._ / Harbor & Victoria. CM. experience needed. In 1-497·23380l'540·3666 on Dana Point's mo'S1 homen0-2313 Bus line & shopping 557·6207 -wN•TOllTE• l•'••ltl•I -••ntt•l•ll Day 851 •0 431 or Costa Men645·1171 E.slde C.M. cute bachelOI'. secluded scenic bluff. 2 Br 1ba, blk from bell. Cl!nter 962·7520 Fem roommeie 10 share 2 "5 n " .,,,1,1 ~~-l111oa1J1/ 6'45·4665 eves. Babysitter needed fOI' 1 yr $400/ & $300 J like new. 2 Br, wi den. G deck $600/ s265 With use of recepllon. .,,,_ ,_ If, ' Id ( d ) mo . oyce ar, sun • m9 F nonsmkr, .no pets. bdrm. 2 ba apt. $235. y, cont rpom klleh phone •••••••••••••••••••••• .... 1 1811 Found: l.lttle 4 i 5 mo. o gr an ma type . Waltze.631-1266,agt. xlra large prlvtte patio, yrly. 212 3011) St. incl. utll. Westminster. utll 631·85'43 ., · 1 • • '$750 up.'2180 It. lndu· ll•••••··-..·;•••••••-,;.1•,:0• oldaoft ra"col kitten, Goo d ref a . H .B . garage. S725/mo. Call 67S·3206 897·4200 d~s (Judy> secreter 81 4 word pro· 111111 . Office 18101 Ae-•••• IWI ~ ... , gra~ 841·2654 llSTAIT Ill 661-6441 or M·F, 9-5 Room for rent: rilce 3 br ceasing. Mail & mestage dondo Circle. p 4 T •• .,.~•••••••••••••••• vie L & Ocean Blvd. Bal·---------$4004415/mo. 2 Br. 1 643·0210 Drive by to 2Br. 1Ba. 'h blk to bch, Nk::e ccny room with pool. condo. avail. Imm. By SC serv evall. separately 11 Huntrngton, Beach. Christopher Nelson. you'· boa Penln IUm • Ba.poolstdeapt.laundry see at 24583 Santa gar, S625 mo . yrty . $60week. Plua.$225.557·7758 desired, Call: Judy, 842•2834 re a Wonderful Specl•I Foun¢Mlxdog,tookallk• room, beemed oellings. Clara. 4~3567 548·3623 Resp non smkg fem 10 ef'lr 7141160·0100 · 1 man.. l believe Jn you. PeldMH, tong tall, tem, No pedt•. ~o lut0rnonth OCHIFRllT Verullles' spec. bach. Furn, rm for rent. West-cute 2 BR Laguna hse. 4001-B Bt~ch S I, N.B. 440 ~~:rh~~::,!P~c;:,o ~~: Sandra.. VIC Suntl<Jwer. F'uchlu, rent epos11 req. all Mosl etanant apt. btdn. bdrm penthouse, cour· minster. $225.' utll pd, Close to twn & beai:h. aq. fl. $1.00 per IQ It. avail. 8A2·5535. Ktl'en .. I £1d I-Fou' 5'0f CM. 662~1615. TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 ...,, "' tyer<l. pool. clubhouse, 894·9142 bef. 9pm. $300. 494-3186 Agent 541·5032. ••••••••••••••••••••• Fou-": Brown•·tt-blk fem. In Laguna Beech, finest S8C\lrl1y. $550. 842-6149 3200 ui rt wttlt AIC 1>f •iu. ~ Mesa Verde. sharp ups-IOeatiOn 111 town. bruth-Hlllll #lllll 4100 Lady between 40_60 to * 111 * ....,. · ,.j l'oy Poodle, Vic Brook· talrs. 2 BA 2 Ba, btlns, taking Viewa. all bulll·in•. Sunny 2 bd. 1 Ila duplex. ••••••'••••••••••••••• lhare hOme wltt!J.derly fica, Rand.olph SI. C. l'lur., & Atlanta 993.5755 'new cpts. enc1 gar, lndry heated pool sub-gat•"e 203 .,3rd St S525 mo SR&I •111 MITEL' . EXlCITlff llml Sprinkled wtcomm. FOUND •OS rm, no pets. $575 mo. ' -. ' " • · ..,._ gentleman. e talde Full service, Keep your frontage 54&.1653 ft l1111a1J1 SISO M1nlcurl1t needed for buay Sal on. RTcf\arcf Ouellelle, ·1100 Newporl Center Or. N.B. 1um Looking to a!Jd to our 1talf two sty11111 with cllen1e1:· Richard Ouelet· ta, 200 N-port Center Or. N.B. .,. Call 540_1158 a lt 6, elevator. LNH only Agt. 675-1642. Wkly rental• now avall. Costa Men. 5.48-0868 ov.erhead low & protea-ARE FREE •••••••••••••••••••••• 979 3848 w I P $850 & up. ..9 .. ·808. 3 Sunny 1 BA apt, ~ blk to $105 & up. Color TV. M/F 25-40 to , .. r 2Br. I aU .. hi h P .. ltell•I 4SS0 • ' or_ am 330Cl11f 0r. .. .. bch. on street pkg. Ytty Phones In room 2274 " son!J!m.ge f · r ••••..,•••••••••••••••• LI• I Yllll'I Dua r1iat JIU '•i•••• 11.'i•••I JIS'" S4SO mo. Agt. 67S·l642 Newport Btvd. CM. ~~~r :~:o~·sp2~· !:oc.. etlgl Westcm erea of StOftge Space 12· • 18' PHOTO MODELS -_.-,-1-,-.-E-IT--l-l-•••••••••••••••••••••• ':., •••••• !,. •••••••••• ~ 646·7~45 N-port Beach. 881 D<>-36"' door a101mo. plus Cal· ESCQAl'St DANCERS • '., MUI VIEW On Goll, Couree. W••t 4 80R..M S 1250 MO. YRLY . ~ 8 ~ b 9 1 2 • 1 3 o o ' -Or. Ste. 14, 63 t.3051 I 7 o ee c d 'Poi It. • O\Jl'CALL 24 MRS Operator for Huntington ··1''From DanaPoln1'smoat NlneCondo :2BR2ba.2 Sl'EPSTOBEACM BEACH AREA 6~·&353. LWiArtlflrl, 673·41 54 Newport 142·1111 ...... 111 Harbour.Muatbeexper. '•secluded acenlc bluff. car gar. wlopnr. Waeh/ Lovely. tm1mac. comm Female roommaie SSOO Olfioe, 950 1q 11, over 1_ee_ac._h_.______ lbon 111erl~8g1.r Kan!~lbe08dgrd• 1, Ute newt Only c units. 2 dryer. Lower unll w/ pool & tenn 1• 54e..s7o4 $84/Wk mo E. Costa Mesa. Ow,n (ltght fac J500 mo to mo .,.. ,,,,_, 8r w7den.Xtratrgprlvate patio. redecorated. Studio apt, pVt patio. Nr room,balh.6'12-3318 orlM.552·7730 evea lalian1/lan1I/ *** engine repair helpful.• patio. From $725/mo. S72.51mo 71Al770·19SO lldo&Nv\i&belch u1111 AelrlgeretOf'--M•ld·Pool 2 8 2 8 ., 1 fl•••H L.011: Cocker Spanlet. Atl fl p rl $5/hr to 11art.(213) Call 68 1·6441 or M·F. d. i~ mo. lmmed. Nwpt BMt &....Wilson. r. a. nunt ngton Tired ol Otowcted freeway •••••••••••••••••••••• Bro wn female, Vlo II I I IF 271·2fl77 .. 9·5. 643-02~2. O!'lve by ••••ti J.ui JUI 73 43 aft. 5 CoJt• ~ 548·9755 Beach Condo, newly de· commut .. Nortlt? Would la1lan1 erookhurat and Ellie. Open 24 Iva a dllY -------- " ,._ ••••"••••••••••··~ corated. All Amenities. ~ Ilka an offloe at the I ••• ttoo Aewerd 963-4721 7.. llPTUl/WAITlll/ • .. --24s5$anta Clara NO FEEi Aot. a. Condo LARGE. ciean 1 er. It~• IOI I .. ••11 Prefer Prof. Util• lncld. be• h th ' I mil ._,.,. "' ~' ~ .... WMlc w·-111 ' ' -A"'" rental•. VIII• Rentals. • .,._.. 1350 9M 0524 alt 6 eec a yo\lr 8 Y ••• ~.-•••; •• .;,........ Lott: F•m· lrl1h Setter, Jacuzzi, launa. LOQtll ••• 2Br. garage. ,..,.., ocean, 10 bayJ.. bch, yrly •5 5. Reaaonable rate• Kii· · • • • coutd UM on WMk·tntll ltiilllllliltitttitllllllillilm••••• ' u w•ll •• Tourl111 Contlnen111 Experience ocean view, 'balcony. 615-4912 Broker. 873-0012. 673·5706 chenettn. l)hooH. maid llRllR llHI u I vao1uon unit? For OWn Vour Own Bullnwtl _,lex•• to•. r• B1nkAmerlcard, Amer-required. E11•nlng1. •Ap· '*450/mo. 2t3t402·2857. 'h 8locll to beacti, 2Bt, Mrvlce, Z channel mo· Lull condo Allv wlll lealllng lnform1tlo11 call *JH" $hop •Chll" ~~·t :~ ~H ~i :: '"" Exprt11. Olnerl. All ~ly In peraon .,.tween '• ~ee at 24682 Apt A. bright & liry. $610 mo. lllH SANDPIPER MO· share 1560/mo The Capistrano Suri drl"'' Sf\op •Orn 40<l -lcOtM 71416'15·3433. 3.5 fllM MR Stoll~· Cordo b a Dr · yrfy. 968·828:) TEL. 1967 N~ Blvd, 752. ,9442 dvs, 640•2434 c8:1~~~'... H 1·0212 or ShQCI 15.900 10 StUOO. _6_~_.,_9_19._•_840_·_ .. ___ 2113 Marbo« 81 CM 1 _1_a_u_r•_n_1._11_0_5_E_l<_at_ell_a '·• 71•1861·6899 CM 845·9137. ' "'_...,.,,. ln·Storelralnlng •Qrancl LOii ' C1t, nr Chari•/ Avt.Anlhelm.83•·"94 e Br 2 Ba condo, Point IOUIFRllT COuNTAY ·CLUB LMNG I 8 lltl ...... ..._ UM w 1 .. -°"9t!lng ~ .. lnltll· Hammon. Or1no•. 114'8 Nlguel. lncl.W"/O & 3 bdf,.2 1le.gar.grHI NEWPORTBEAC~ 1111'.l•n •• M/F101hrM..aO.IMer2 111a -fed.Cell Now!Mr. Morrte.M.MUltttd,nda E11otlc denc•r• for OAllfll ,.,r .... , M25. 1'02-6700 loo, Wlntet IN •·· .... •• •••••1••·.;~~..... bdrm, C.M .. wet Iler. hlUlnQle olfic.lt1610 QlblOn 11 ldtmole•lla "l•dloaUon. A•¥11tf~. &adlelor/ ..8ache4ot•tt• FIT, Good Pay, Growth "' SlnglH, 1 & 2 BClrm .... U50t rno Incl utll•. ttto, f rine wlbay,,...,, FllHont 801·321-1MO 648·1409 .... 2·9142 ParllH. 731·8531 or Comp1ny. S loc111on1. Super neat 1 Bf. Vitia, 1 Bectlelor, greet toe Ap1rtment• & l'ownhOu· S.wrlt prtrne 1ooauon1 849·83•7 1erty AM ,t MSC>. 3 rme at llOO. j!!!!!!!!!~!!!~~~I -----·..,..._.--558·1538 co 8e11ert11 A,pply In 81,""811&.cozy.l)tlllllt, yearly. ..., .. 1540 In SedcltebaOll "•llty to ROO-MM -l"'W N•tO IJ•or1181tal t ervloe1 ,_._..I MITAL Dfll.CTO'! ~ w--a--.·'""ew....ah PeflOn.MetroCerWalh. t400/mo. 873-331 ~. TIL .... Mt·ltla rrom ChOOM from. Featuring A "' A • 1¥811. 3389 VII LICSO, NI. _,.,,........ find ~ to11 r1m.,.... -·-· ... _, ... A.... 2ffO Herbot. C.M .. ~(Of l\Jfnlat*) !"'8n JJ~~~llll'dl .. -.!. 24 11t IUPl'vlalon Pltn• Ms!'s!!•+ltlll, "0" .. "'o"'· 67S..1H ,._,, •• ,,., Mlf w•l'Y U9·87 2 tYI ! .. 7m.5~1181a0 t , C 11 1 --------2 Br. 2 Be. lrom 1625 No ., .,_..v"'" "" MCI rlOrltlllon eico"lno "' v 'At ut111. Y• ••rtilllff;;r.-. ... r~.. (flon) .... • llU.llTll •=• ••d pet&. Actou "°"' .._. 144-1• oou'""' rtleaia & Ir" ~J~49 · '11 tpm a.. IDI ..... ....._ Nlml W111W ft ""ov'--n-d-· _b_1t_c_k~&,.-w~111:--11--=, Nilw to LA-1>Nut .. iiifei, hp•n= Newport -"• POfl 8Mcll Golf CourM. 1.. C'' I •r11 locail tranlCIOf1•ICll'r c:.ie t locatton in ~-1 0.fftOPI' "'""""'"' tcltten, ~" MunllnGtCM\ Wt t0Ph11t1G1teo" leeClll card com--·•••••••••••••• ••••• 0'5...a&a rrl ••• •!!!t!! •••• t~... IOCS.y. . MIF lo lnr air ""· ... 8 ., ••. •211 mo/Mo, or -PlttlW to •• •••ell. Cit! tt4-Sl14. ""· ..... flnanc .... Avan. now 1 Br 1 Ba. Wlllll 1911&.1 t er pvt dee*.* wonct 111 .. 111 11 ..... ~ned ,. USO mo. IOnt" Ml.O?l2 rentll unl1 Ptotec\~a,o.I lft. I Cutt llftlltmen for v• =~~·=~ :=:*'.-ao. _,.::'?.; 3 a 4 Br. ClaM to .. ,... :::~:·v1~'!.~~a,7~1~0 V'111lln l.ffl"" __ ... UI .. ~:'!:"=9,~~ of• = =--==-:.~.POunlt ;;;:;::;;-i.'f::;;;;m;;::..,_;;-irer;;;;r•;; rl . Wttte ::::,::' ::;. 2:_: ~a:;d ~ol ~·~~ ,•:. :~ :n.: :::::..:.-::: bHCh 9'25. Cont eel v;ffii::;, •.;e.~j•fllNT• .. ::11 MecArtt!Ur end Jlflltto-\ nanolll l*tMr. : .. 9.=,7"6tQI .......... ~_!. C!!_ hpt. pref, 54f-IOOO ..... no*· e15-4t,2. Mgr al &fll C. 332 tnotno AL I . C II 11 0 II ,.. .• , per 1q ft. IW· H '' Q.:P.M,/A.fl .M. ......_ _... A111n Men -liiiiiiiliiiij'°"-1·;:;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:::;:: ~ (2131CJ71-310t 9¥1. -If 1 ..... avll4.... llO °' 1 Plll!ltlllflt loll'I .. ~ ttwu ~.HO to 4t• Plfl . • ? I nu ..... ,. ,_ .................. Ad a BA. f4f5, Y••'~· new Mun•~-..... 2·4 1200 '41..ft '°' , ~. c.. 1vallalll• ., tltll ""''· .,..., ... Cl lfl towntlouH .... ...._.,..., decor, pool, nr bucll, •t•fM• " Ba.. •.Ml lldrm ou ... Mulll ol ..,...,. 11MICMll7 j App. ~~·000=· Dent• ,...,.,~. Ml lllOl91'.frplo.NMt ACTION ....... No -11, '91·1217 r .......... emr.u.n Act• Ml"t :;'r•h ' ,..., .._.. ---....._ .. . Hrtw: lrOfft IMI. 0.-I .,_ ... ~ F 1240 8'lf I w. IM epl Ml·~Uto Cadlltot to QOo(;ertt '91 """"'fNl!ll en -·-. .,__...... _,_ • ~OK . ...0-.07 Dllllr Plot · on'*'°"· N •· '"'°' 21' ----W. .... lll IJlllMI ........_. ::;:i:.in a': IOlfd, AO-VtlOfl Hawi tomttl'llnCI ~ Wini paclO, .., .... SHI, 111, flol 'em oft "'9 ,,.,.... ~ Iii ...... ,_. """ o.lly 141 ... 11 to Ml? Clllllflld eoa do I I• 1 t J. • • c. I, 1 an ''Itel w1111t JO~ "want In Wiit 1 o u'llrM M Cell e-. ~ 1'9QUhd. l"oufttllft v-. ,._ Wini Mt. "W911 142·5111. 81S·t11t Da11J l'lot C11ei11111 di. c.11 Newt Ml-M11 7t41111 IDIO oftlo9 ....... WWW • • _J .. .. Ora11ge Coatl OA'ILV PILOTITuHd1y, NCNMt.,_r 2. tt82 • It ,, •• ,. w .. w ,, .. 1!.• • .'1.!!1!'!1. •••• tJ.ff ''·'f..'fll.'!1. •••• 1!.ff. ..... ··"'" .. ,., "'" • 1!'1! •• 'fll.'!1. ... 1.~!f ~1!1!1.!'lr.!!d. •••••• 11!1!1.l/lr.ml._.., •• ~ ... 'l!.!!r.!!'4 •• , •.• .,., •••,.••••••••••••••••n OFf'ICl·OfNl!AAI.. Int«· lecr•tar ••tiai.1.al1 M1f lult .... 11 ..,J a..6• M,f WI Ill 'lllf•• f.1H #11-'-._, 11ff •.U..WMM tf. Danltl 11no po1111on '°' alert o c . ..Y,r~or• "r•• Ao •• 1mnin •••••• :;;: .................. rr.";T ••~•••••••••1r.• ' ••••••••••••••••• •• n •••••Til•·'ff••••••••• lrm1JW••••••••• •• taptrltnotd A 0 A. •• •ll • "" • ,. Hot Weter H•"'"' O•lm "PA ·~Item, Voice ' IWI •••• '14 OMIW, Mo, arnlfm, n11eded Jor 01.thodont1o l111et 1oen1 1ppt101n1 Agency 00111n9 Jor 1 40-IO-fl Qallon, ~ ,1 1,,. TMller ll)tJOt. 4 811p·up to aa It, PC>Wtlf or ..... '12 Dal 1110. 21,000 ml, 1111 300 10, 1111 wt '"' lMdl mt. new PMll & oracuca in Ml••lon Vlalo Good wU"'-numbera m11ure pe1aon to 1111 worlllng Of'Otf', OUltltl· o•blnat• w/1&" AH.ca. lolOlnt 111001 Oovt1 -Tl•I e Ir , • u 1 o i. c I•• n , lnl sun At, l.o Ml, p.7·1 llril• tHH ..... MJ2 At .. 130,3703 ~.hcOA!OOA VAOHT po11!lon H 1l!ml1111tr•• teed. Nl·ICMI 110,111 6 Awr IMA w(l~l!3·1'7~. 12000/otio. e1&-4tee wt...._, wtlNlt. 132.000 •7-1 vw ._,_..__ __. OORP 11-31 PIM:enlla, live aecretar~ Prole•· " •" 1 ....-• • "'711 -....--·""""" 06.SK CLIRKS • 6rtghl, Co11• MeH 11on11 elllluOt. 1ppe•· !m,,. Fi •H cover, Ilk• new. IOOO. ltet Ill• lt1tll RIT llLL obO t3t·7CM3• 7.... lh8Pe 117001080. Jody, 1n1rgat10 E•Ptr r•\d· Olllc• PlflOJ'lflel, full ll"'9. ranee. phone vo1oa 1 • .n •• fJ' •••••• l'••• 4H ·4814 21 11·1175 .60 mo g1u1 '79 Oa1111n 6 tO. 4 c:toor1 11 ltt llL JI 5•0·ee32 or 8484691 ~~~~ 1~~:1·1o4~~0: .:: ~ood.1chon1 voice . :rcu:·.~~:r~.ru~;:'. ~~ 'n=-:o~d hw:~: r:b::: Olllff ,.,.,,,,,' ':!~8j~~ ~:~0~:b1r~o·~~ :!:i~r4~'8o°6" Xln Xlnl ... a.o2A4 :nvw ......... GOl\V., blk ply 11 3411&2 So. Co•et nowi O• ot 10 lie-; ad· wpm 1y&1n~, 558·04&0. auppty of IOOd 641r 121& l••'-••I "'' Mg1, l.ldo $h0tff Ho1.i 642·4330 or H1·06H 79 300SO, Turbo. dual wtonl~ 20•0000 1,ow7 n~r H C'"Pl•lrino Sch ding mac111n1, rallabte, •a 1 .,. ,.,, 1 .... ,.llltt•••••••••••• ,. M 1 • .... 3..... ll"kl, Cl. p· .. ply. ml, mint con .. 49u. 7 ~~490~6656 alatt a praMntabte. Call -11 or '1' any, •"" • Gorgeou• redhtle:I loo· l.Alll WI en., 1111 '9 "" ...... 1 ~Z 2+~ cond, " •• 71 784).to03 7111·1822. PM. king,'°' '!f311 Pittner. 27 lnche& x 43 Inell•• x 9x36 Slip on M1111 81y, ltll llYH auto, new rtdllll, IOI· 84°"34 11 VtJ" ITlZ ILIOTllOAL 11111111 OFFIOl/A&•lltll Siie I yr O • 11111 Do· 12 lnohal t7&0 Nawporl 8aech Top dollert for Spofll cled, 1411115. 5315.9993 '79 IOO CO •••••••••••••--••••••. EXPERIENCED Parrn&· -llOlfHH 1,1, barman JoyhJI, g1nll1, 870•3712 &73·11340 Cu,1, Bug~. Camper•, ~tlUn aeozx CRE.AMPUFF CONO Ii 1 Ytlff ltH ntnt position. 25 yr old Wiii hlVil diver" duties. S1erttarl•I polltlon In w.M·b•h•Yed. llou1ttrll· -P-l Sii 8kl 91• •·Audi• l o ml. AMll'M c .. t . 6 Call !d 541·5121 11 e 0 1 r 1c 01 c 0 lnclUdlog credit opera· actllla Newport Oenltr f'lttl. rarely bark•. MllOI ~ord ufe, model rlmt ldo p, no P• Allk forM1Aif MQA ti~d. •7100 642•0972, 11 lra11t lt•MJI 7141859•7200 11001. bkllg, and dlreol Rtaltor'I olflct. Front 1p1~td 7;)1 ·3344, ·'61-. 23d&xHH. 380 P•!· np llVl·lbOtrd, • •a• ... .. 3_ .. 36"' 1•••• . ------------,•dealing• wrth lh• publk: 648·2345 d1gre11 lor I hr 110 +. 1650/mo. PP w v v ., Ivory, Ivory Int .. 1unrl, •••'•• lllY-· Err•nd Person, appty In Som• ••perltnc• halplul. :~~c: f.~!~~0:.,!•e~l:~ l•i•llll• ' IOI 11700/obo &31·0908 ' 83 l·3871 or &75·2180. MLllWAIU 7& oataun B210. 1200, a II o y •. I I 9 . 6 O O · AiilHl- peraon. SKS Plumblng Full r•ng• of comp•rz typing, lllorthand 6 IP· • ..-.................... Ill IOll 30 Fl dock av11l1bla, Lido 1&Tn &tech 81vd. Ilk• over 1>1ymen11 494·93ot 8 DE VER ~~,~~:: :: •• ~~:~,Miii· ~·r~el~•o ~~·:'m ~~r.".: ~::;:,~~~ .. Rh~~~1~:1:~~ FU AN IT URE ••• !.................. Ille Art:73-6803 HUNT·~~~~~EACl-i 498·6594 '76 4~ SL bOth IOl)I, Wife OV!:fl E~~ .. ril y 6~4·1380 p .. Mull,., .. c::V IMll·TZI ,.~... ,,,,,,, 11l3 whMll, JClnt co,,d. Wiii ...... E~!r~.~~!.15 sd~0!!!~·1~ suttol'I .. IWILHI .~:~,:a:.:":~, ~~~~r~w Mall~:!:!~~~~~ ... i :~~ •. c~·::!~'W/~·ho~: ";:1 'lffl' HIO WAITED! ..... i"Miln;i.. ~=~~0: ::.h~0151:3•"g; UllLI •1 _. noon to 5PM. but must Part· time . occtslonal Clll Mrl, Oulll Twin $??. Full 197 for Chrlatmae. 720·0891, •••••••••••••••••••••• Lala modal ToyOtaa, MY AtTlltllZll 846·6~87 Eves 6 Wkndt. 1....,.,. ~!!-~Blvd. be lleidble. Aeqa: SH workers needed to aatl•t W111tr •· Tarltr O.. Ouaan 1147 • King I l8'1 ~53-0644, IO ft lffll Volvot. Plckul,ll 4 Vane. Pll••RI '82 300CO Coupe. lo~ COSTA MESA 1 O OW, PM , I y p In g In malllng, conlarane. ( Raaltorl 644,4910 Sofa Bad• $197 Golden Relrlellet' Pupplal, NEWPORT HARBOR. Call u1 todlyl 1111 w/only 2.000 ml. Sacr1, 65WPM $7 .00 hr meeting preparation, Sota& loveMa•al247 AK C, 111 011, $200. Facllltlet Include: !lead. lbLlll,.IPl lice 11wholaHle,129. 14t·llOl 140·14t' 675·3551 dys. special projectarequlring SEOY/IH lfO OlnMll• w/4 chtt $97 557.9995 ahower, pk Ing , llv•· 600 or ? Scotty (21G) Volvo 1980 01., brown. 5 FOLLOW THE Sii ~~~P~~!~~~ '1,! Lind cHvelopn!ent com· DISCOUNT FURNITURE Free 10 9000 home fem•le abotrd• welcome. S600 TOYOTA·YCK.YO I~ 991·2695 •l:>d overdrive, sunroof. Work and play In Palm 110 leave your name and pany, htavy phonH & Coa~:s~:borJt~ Goldeo Lab. Oood wllh mo 673•6640 '7 1 300 SEL. 6.3. very Air, mag apOke wn.ata. Springs. Las vegu and number lot an Interview typing. Short II and or kid•. tU•....., ••& good mechanlCal aondl· am/Im CHNlte. 19850, resort areas demonstra· for future asalgnmenta 11 equklv. r9e1S 'd Mature, no~ 498·2•611 4 ,..,, lt•il•I "'°I c.......... . _ ~ " tlo(l and •1>i>earance.1_5_59_·_8_4_16 _____ _ Ung exciting new pro· 540•9846 , am r. end retumt"' **I BUY** Ii•••• a O l•llAaA ··~~·'•• .... •"'•••••.•••• ~M•·tHJeruo.uu . sun 100!, P/Wln'dow1, duot. Tllvel with chape· salary raqulramerft to: • u .,_ S ORAGE 3100 Wast Co'81 Hwy1 Blk leather fnl .. For quick A•l••'I U1-' . • ed 0 p 1 anspo t Pllone SollCltort needed PO ~ox 7006. N-port · · •••••••••••••••••••••• DRY T .WE 'lfY • · Newport Beach & a I e . C a 11 o I I Ice ••••, ._ ....... •••••••• ~?;n l~;n)seie~. ret~ra~ Immediately, no seltlng Beach, CA 92660 . Oooct uled Furniture l Compact P11nol1 pla~r USEO CARS & TRUCKS 642·9405 540·5821, Ext 25. or '-••111 IHI guaranteed. peld training Involved. ,wlll call from Apj?llancaa.OR 1 wlll Hll p iano, good cond · Monlllly boat storag• COME IN OR CALL FOR · home 640·0838 alter 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• • our Newport Btach of· SEO'Y/IElt tfFIOI or SELL for You $1500. over 100 roll•, any 11ze, 24 hr MCurlty, Fiii aapaullL f ill f11S pm Come In & aee N-port ~~d !~~~ ;~~~~g:d ~~1J tice, no experience ne· R.E. ayndlcatlon/mgmt IUITlll AIOTllll 873·6839 free faunch1ng .,.. .... •••••••••••••••••••••• · Beach:. finest .-.coon cest1ry. Wiii train, For company. Heavy phone HI 1111 IU HH llWHRT M•ll Cormler·Dallllo '74 Spyder Convertible. #G 114 ot prevloutly owned s tart Immediately. For C . ~ork dlctap"'ona 110 .. 1 • • Hobart cable upright Pit · 11 •1 I L 1.. I •I OllE"•tLn mega. new top, xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• Pora"he'a , Audi's and Interview call 646-4167. hours 3·lJ. all t>elwean w • " • " 61 b 1 Id no $800 Firm • • H11 ar r '" " 11 am.to 4 pm. Parents 2·4 al 641-0119. bookkeeping. Full or I rown plad sol• h • 6,.2-0638 6,..6•6201 i••·OllO 18211BEACH8LVD. c:ond. $2400/best offer '79 1979 MG, Excellent VOlkawegent. part/time. Must be orga· l·bed $75. Maple dinette · -HUNTINGTON BEACH 640-9805 condition. 27,000 ml I S, ... welcome. P/T ServlceStallonWOfk, nlzed.Alrportar41J.Send set . 4 c hair• $7 5. GULBRANSEN Premier • l•l·IOll, 14laUa1 '69Fiat 124 Splder. 500.631·3?36 U9'I •Oii Furniture dellvery. lull I $150·$300 wk. Ask for resume & salary raqulr• 642·8954 theatre organ, JClnt cond. f11•~1l1ti•• Xlnl cond. $1800 01 bll _._ time, musl be neat, hus-George, 646-5781 ments toi PO Box 8102. Like new queen.alza 13200. 780·0795 ., ••••• ••••••••••••••• 1 l\.alf Call 2JW9N991 r!f!!~!••••••••••l!.t 445 E. Cout Hwy ky & able to thln1CC•ll 1 ICPT /ORIEi IEll Newport Beach 92660. waterbad wllh leather l<ohlar Grand Plano. Wll· ••!!1t1tln/ 1110 op UUI ar N-:port73.09008e1Ch Steve alt 11, 751·8822. TAILtl trim. 1200. 240-3287. nut ceblnet. $1200. ..!!!!.W!............ .!'!.'!~~•••••••••••!.~~! MEISTER GENERAL OFFICE ~.~~~f:e~~.~:f1u~9!: E1Cperlehced only. Men Girls' French Prov. bdrm 557-1668 1971 MOTO GUZZI 750 Paid Hiil llHTl•IT POllOIE/1111 "WHl.HALI" Valied duties: typing, pendabla, we nHd you and wA-n'a 111.,.atlona set dble headbrd & "-haler & Son 5'8" grand AmbHsador, ful( dreas, For Your Carl We "an "'elp! eet~e y~· 6•• at busy phones, accts In~., tront olfloe order d il"i 640 8103 ' """ 27,000 •"I ml. $'"'0. buy,~chec"k our un"'beat"a".. 13631 Harbor Blvd. 0 11••1 ( •&1 111" payable. Positive attitude dei:k for bu1y nien·a tol· an ta or ng. • ~~::ta ~~.•::~.;oo~lle ~~~dM~l:in~ll~ p';;~6~ 552-4782 ~ _. ~:~~~:.~:,::~ ble aelecllo{l, saving• Garden Orove BuyEm, ::Em nec_!s9ary. CM area. Call etrlet-comp~~ In 1iv.ine~ TIUPlllf take I 6 0 0 0 o a ah, Honda '80 CM400. excel!. I 2626 Harbor Blvd. and service today! Salttalenltt Trade Em Mrs. ryson 5~6·"7172. Exper. req. 10 key touch. stLICITtll Wooden Frame King llze 720.0566 cond., Oklng·S 1100 Cos1a Mesa 540·ff30 llllYEllln Ltasl•i «3 w . 8ay. C.M. • Goll Shop, sales & pur· Type 50/60. $1QOO waterbed liken-. With 151 1388 ft 5pM I 114 Ill Jiii acrou from Robin's chasing. 32 hrs week. C o m P · ·p k g · we naed good peQ~ to new mattr .... MW llner, YllUU l ·IO • a · HIGHEST CASH Imme· SALES I SERVICE • Ford. $5.50 per hr. + comm. 714/540·0737 set up a ppointments new heater s 125 or belt CONSOLE_ ORGAN, •1111 '81 Honda XL 185S, •Int 1 dlately for your vehicle, -2850 Harbor Blvd. '10 121 645-2963· Contact Paul. Dave or REAL es TA TE SALE· from our N-port Beach offer. 962-6974. Call al· under warranty, perfecl. con d . Mu• t s e 11 . domestic or foreign COSTA MESA Mlke 496·2023 SMAN . Need 2 evpe-office In the evening lor let 5pm. $3i00. 540-4083 S750Jbst ofr. 552·801• 551·8285 Low mites. Lea. Int. ~II c.,m,, HIS " • • • power, AC. ctun. must •••••••••••••••••••••• llAIRDRESSHS ~9;~~~ f~~~ •• ~7atc~:'.i ~~~~a§,\~~·~~~: DtnlAQ tabla. 12 chair• & ELE~~~··~!:9cond s~:!'c.K~~n':ti~~~ ~~:g: A•tn'l l••1IH * 10 lltda Prel•4t sell. 128'500 oeo . TIE UllEIT and Assl$iants needed 81 estate for a aucoesttul & d.on + bonus. Call buffet, magnificent Tho-'""'' · 548.()596 lier 3·30 ••••• •••'•-••••••••••• 5 spd, air, am/fm caa· 714•955-3501 wk da IEUITllll Hair West Newport growing firm. Beal wor· 833·3740 after 1 PM. ma.•vll'-••-.. 11 .. ell wood. with play box. . • , . A•" 1101 selle. Moon/sunroof, ex· rH NllOIE Hl-C Beach Louise 673·4188 * "" ,.,,,... .645-9972 ••ter •••i, •aJ•/ •••••••••••••••••••••• or late model, low mllea· · · · king condltlOflS In New· TIP IUGlllllTI S280<>lobo. 832·9490 •1 .. -il IO A " IOOO T N cellent cond. $7100 or Convertlble, mech per· ge Cadlllacs ln Southern H!l!~r~~. a~~s~a~~u~~'. ~ 1~!6!e.5051~ e a c h . •I C •r 0Httllfi•HI o1e1. to• wood office dalk 1!!!'!1 ••••••••••• ,.~l .!~~V.l!!!!f! ...• .'.~f 2e,oc! mllet, t1,11ty ~~ded bst ofr. 640-8601 ~e1~.~11:ir:~%8~3~~~ ca111ornlll1a1 SeeR uls todayt Mesa Verde Area. 1 Paid medical w/typewriter $helt. gd 196 2 S It I N • u ti q u e Renl: 26' molor home, 1unroof. gd cond. Like '79 CVCC, new tires & 111es, 634-0955 dys. month Free rent or RealEatale T..,.oweeltvaoatlpn aond,1125.642·5006 "2001". Only 38 hours. stpa8.fullyloaded. new. 113 ,400 080. brakes, am/fm cess.. OUILUO c 0 mm . 9 5 7 • o 8 0 8 . Canvaser, college etu· 11 paid holidays lnclu· 7, water bed, agl sz. alnt Allo have a 1977 For· 645-6616 (Paul) 6 4 5. 8 2 1 1 Eve a . real mpg, xlnt cand. '62 SC Red lllnt cond. 586-8814 dent prel. Parl-flme ding Chrlllmaa 10 New cond, w/headboard 6 mull 1/0 20 fl ... Ilka A I S.m' 1 I 857-9684 days. 3500. Lise 559·0770 631·13:~2-6967 2600 Harbor ,:vd. work, colGlectlng teEnant Yeett. heatef, $150. 979·9260 NEW.I Ca I I I 7 1 4) • • u , •1 I '75 Audi FoJC. Needs little '78 Accord LX, maroon, COSTA ME A HAIR STYLIST data lor rubb & 1111· Top Pay , 842·2000 & •lk for Jim· • A«•1url11 HOO 11 $1000 bait 1 low mlleage. automatic. 140 1111 Mo11ve1ed Stylist needed Business alllre req. Call Excellent equipment 2 Yellow w1ought Iron bi· my, Jr. If oul, please •••••••••••••••••••••• '::' 857 4167 or 0 • $475(1. 551·6100 ~!}/!.~!T!! •••••• !!.!. • ·for Prog1ess1ve Salon.' Mike Russell 833·2900 Experienced only nHd ker'a rapk butcher blk leave mesaagel PAINT & Ille body work. · • Eldorado Convertlble, s 1 c va apl)I t•ble. with ch•lra end . up to 50% olf your etl. '73 Audi 100LS runs 177 Accord. 14./c, am/Im. #} DEAL(R IN U.S.A. 1975 n 1 d d a ar.~, 5o!"Om8.88• 9 ca-IEAL ESTATE llUS wesY·t·Tech Compan.,· n'talehlng light sofa bed Oynaflt Ski Boole, S!Je 12, 8111842·()100/964-0332 good great mileage . Muat sel Make ofr. leath'ebrro,nwtr '. $o5•7oeo '. HAND IRONING: Person o moe has open desk lor 1506 A~:. de ~ E•· queen • ze brn., deak. ced Used 1 MU $80 European Mec hanic re· 1 675•0993 ys, 675-2521 · . 645--6266, lion . ..,gr. .. • Well located Penln1ul• -·· 1 ' • Intermediate to .Advan· s o o o o Bo ( 2 1 3) ~ to do hand Ironing aggressive HIH end 960-5~60 6AO: 1304 . · 1 pairs European carat 592·2473 eve ev. •-.-78_C_a_d_Sev..;.__I"--. -1----. 494-4044 · rental person. Eiq>r. not s~9~~=t• Seclional olf-whl playpen, • i ,. __ ~ I~ Frencll Spkg. 991·12291'82 Audi 5000. Under J /1130 all e11tras. n": ur.;~~i,;t . . I nee. Play& A.E 673·1900 10~x7' and ottoman. •r..lt •f. -• .,,.. John 4000 ml. 5 yr warranty .• !t'!!!••••••••••••••• ~~~~=~~ cond. 833-3218. $8500. l•ttritr IHil• Sit•• nPIST/llOlmtlltT $270. 642·9006 • L.:c:·u.·n·1riL·· 1960 vw motor 1300cc. Chlglrl 551-4307 Eve '6A J aguar XKE conv. 4.2. °"91 ...... IM Needs pert time person 1•!!ft1Hist/IH. lft P/time alternoon. Con· Lowboy. antique. $65; oouble·barreled allot· 12 volt •v•tem. s1so. lllff 11U ;~Z'tP~·,;~b~l~~g !h~~~ f!'.''!!.1!! •••••••• !!.1:! practical eJCper. Phone, I <? type aklllt & figure tac1 Nk;;(I 71•·549-1757. Collae T•ble, Good' gun. llald grade, good 64~12&& • •••••••••h••••••••••• $8500. 645·6354. •RE II F•ITl ma1n1aln show room etc eplltude. Prof. phone Cond. 125; Antique cond. SlOOO. S40·.063 PARTING OUT ,67 Fire· '63 SILVER CLOUD 111, .s Prefer design student. manner & appearence. #•itllH,iH Radio Cabinet, 120: Mlec: bird. Doon, trunk lld, 10•'• 1131 mint cond, $27,000 obo We have a good aelee· 642·2255 all. 6 pm Computer data exp. •••••••••••••••••••••• 641 3196 MIW lMlllC 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ($5000 wlll 'llold lllr' lion of NEW & USED 548-1558 -helplul 640.1813 Allll.f.••• · MS · 1 side fender. front & Clll'lstmat). '57 BENT-Cllavroletal . a ,._,. Eaerclae Rowing Ma· bucket Miii 3u tank LEY SI, v1nt body. p-'nl UDY To ASSIST • • •• • • ••• •• • ••• •• • •• • ...,,,, -Ill • • ~ .. · Receptionist 4 Preued 8aci< cane-• •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ,275c ne 67,,. ,.,..7 etc. 6.42·4653. teve & mech. 19600. PI P. elderly gentleman, 2 11)..3 Ablllly to handle haavy chra, Am Golden Oak, 80 Flashy registered Tllo· nty ' ~"""' All •--a 673-8315 hr& AM. 5 days. Very lite phone 1ralflc In a pro· yrs old. $200. 240'3267 roughbred, gelding, 12 lalHC• M• -~~~~~~~~~ hskpg. Simple lood pre-lesslonal manner essen-yrs. 17 !lends. very wO· For Ford. lncludlng air lllll lllYIOE = paratlon, hrs and terms tlal. Typing 55 wpm, Carved wood ch•lr w/rOM ting & gentle. Reu. $125 5;48-5644 E-lines, $35. 540-4063 a S.1j ffi COMMfll CHEVROLET ',.,. I • r-·. \• ~ flexible. Newport area. operate 2-way radio plus colored tucked fabric, 83l 1007· 495 4754 rv. a ,. Lllllll ••••1•1•1••2·~·:;:· ... ••••• .. Please call Mr. Gabriel good olflce Skill• for S85. 642·5006 • ' • ' I If, 1960 1300oc "':' ;,otor 12 831·2040 495-4848 -r...;::======== 714/494-7801 etectrlcal contracting ANTIQUE LOVESEAT PONY 13.2 hands, Bay Biti1 St•IH 1111 Volt System 1 . ' IAllUUOI llW • Htl 11111 '77 Monte c.to. tul po. !'>41>-1200 firm. Virginia. 540·9570 Gelding 15yrs gentle gd •••••••••••••••••••••• &•5•1288 E I I I .. _ 5 ...,..... ........ ••150 New!~~Cen~!:A~r!nev IECEmOllST up"olstery , $200. 760-8258 Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. A1l11/ttlll• MlstlonvleJo JOIYOUl • speed tranamlnlon, po. 847-8095 L ... t Wood framewltucked w/chlldren S50o .BEAUTIFUL25"RCA 28.02MarguerltePkwy HIUI f:I qupment neu ... a -..................... ... I h C I b . Real Estate Investment 642-5006 $146, Free dell'(ery, •••••••••••••••••••••• ... (Avery EJcll off 1·5) 1*XT ~aZDA. • • ' wer atHrlng & AM /FM 1982 Cevallar, Xtra Clean, w I orporate usmess llilfflll•H•I IOIO Open Sun. IMPORTANT NOTICE Open SUndays alereo caSMtta. (19008). IOw mites. '63 tags. pg.. practlceneed brlghl.well Co1. Pd 101 fe tralonaf UTlfflUllSP •••••••••••••••••••••• TV John'a 646-1786 TO REAOERSAND ITWIY& $10 600 -.Auto_548.0438 organized Secretary with ell tu e appearance Eefly .1900·1, aJn1 CQl'ld. -hi... ADVERTISERS lf!Y"' ~ · excellent skills and word needed. Light typing. 4'A $900/obo. 640-5143 0 tO' 20. long 3k par It 25" Zenith, Comb, Cir, Tha price 01 Items ad-~-~ flM •.. "' .1! t.n.11• lf3Z processin g ex per. day week. Npt, Bch. 775•1491 ll'IYtlme · AM/Fl'[I. Pllono, Walnut. ¥ertlaed by vahlcle dea· fACIUnl IUll l•PllTI •••••••••••••••••••••• 6'10-1800 549·2988. ~IJ}f!!~ .......... IP_{f · S 175 XL NT Con d . !era In Iha VINcle c)astl-1s1 .... 1 .... s.rvUic.-OLl-teallaltngtT 1c» MWSl.CISll lllU ~lllJI 848 Dolle 81,_. '19 CoNelte T-Top LIGHT shop work. mull SALES ORMlllltll HARBOR AREA OAK FIREWOOD. YOU 962•1523 flacl advwtltlng ookimna & NEWPORT 8EACH lllST llU be able to type & tal<e I ltOI APPLIANCE SERVICE PICK UP OR WE DELI· 81 Sony rtmote control doll not Include 1ny Nloe Selec1lonl BLACK BEAUTY with VEA 493-8748 · TV ...,76 C -~•1c b'-t t'--.A. '7• 3 OCS· • 1....,d 1980 RX7 75 090' Just 35,000 m1•~. Loa· phone orders. No smkrs, We NII ec:ond guar · 19" • .., · ol«. .,..... a "" aaet, """""''"· .. .. · ' .. ...--· 2 o """ ... 3 Unique lady's clothlngl r .. . ,.._,.II a_.. •98 6"""• I f f fl (960NAC) MIST llL1 -dad with options inc. apply A-·s only · 121 store seek• energetic appliances. 54g.3077 ..., ... tosc:ope m ..... 1ne and . .. • .,.... rans er •••· nance Redhill, CM acc:esSOtlea. $150 or olr. charges. 1-fOf air pol· * '77 3201; 4 spd., sun Inside & out llke NEWI leather Interior. air cond .. lady wlll•lr for fashion. Admtral Aafrlg. Harvest Good c:Ond. 540•94~ VFR turntable, neva.r lutlon control devtct root. (248TRR) Only 30,000 miles. 5 J-&.--f•• pwr. windows, tiff~. LOSE WEIGHT-MAKE and/or modeling expr. gOld w/Woodgrllln hand-used, and dust cover. certlflcellona or dealer * ·79 3201; 4 •pd .. sun speed trans .. air cond ... ~':•••••••••••!.'?. cruise c ontrol. etc. SS$ helpful. Apply In person. las. 2 dr, idnt cond. 1200, 2 Sholl acrHnt 44" W. S37.'c811 631·1098 documentary prepare· roof. (849YHZ) sunrool, AM/FM casMt· s ..... ~L...ing (455ZOA). Just need r• Need 10 peopl~ to lose 497-4777. Ale>cla Nature! 642·9665 Bullt In Indoor stelnie. tlon chargH unleu * '80 3201: 5 spd .. sun te & you supply the eJC· u:llAll Habit party to make 8-28 lbs In Nov. Enjoy Fashions. 260 Forest REFRIGERATOR steel BBQ w/atalnleaa ,.,,, I #•ti•• · otherwise ·apecllled by roof. (659ZOI<) cilementl (602906). Ju" tmall monthly peymenls. counseling people with Ave. Laguna Beach. Like new, frost frH, 2 dr, steal hood. Window Lii .. nl , tl'la adverti..,, * '80 3201; 5 spd,, air need reliable party to I I No old contrec:t 10 .... fastest growing health & Sales 1185• S93-9060 . mount air conditioner ........ ~"•••••••••••• COl'ld. (1ASX048) make small monthly1 IJ1a2MI 411-4141 -·no beCk peymenta nutrition company. Appl, '1i 8000 BTU. Fluoraec:ent C.•trll MJI Alllif•ll/ IH.-1111 , payments. No old con·1 due. ASK FOA ROSE. 552.0775 8·10. 1·5. llClllY FllMI REFRIGERATOR celltng tight flatura. · ................. :;-... Cllllln ISZO 208 w. 1st, Santa Ana tract to usume, no bac:k1 f•nll 1115 63'1·5202. lka lmport1. MAIDS neeoec1 f()( resor1 Opt'y to sell gourmet WA'NTED 648-3104 after &pm. llAlftll fill ltOI •••••••••••••••••••••• Closed Sunday payments due. ASK FOR ••1••••••••••••••••••• property. Call today or I toodnmd gifts for holl· Good condition Bumper.Pool Tabla. s1oo. FOR SALE .... 14l"s1 · •---------ROSE. 631-5202. lkal ID.Ill LftllS ,.,, IHI apply at 34862 So. Coaal days. FleJC. hrs. Fashion Private Party 687-3939 Plnbell mechint, $350, 642-4&-«. M•F, ~5 Shey rtf)ltcu; pktcupa & CHOICE INVENTORY lmpons. Do ycx.r r .. lty love Ca-:-••••••••;.•;;.;•~ Hwy, CaplSlrano Bch. Island 640-6030. Wett· Waahat'·Ofyef $125 ea. Hammond Elac organ, •-a M t-OOJ.IPH. 4 to cllOOH VO~UM&E SALES 1111 MHza ll l I llc11? It to. f ive ma II ~R~ ~ 11rea' econ 714/496·6656 I clltt Plaza S.2-0972. Dlsllwaa"-1100 1600. Oak credenza, _,,, ,.1,.l••lllH froml (000788) (Stk. call. Right naw I've got• .,..,,; 49.4 3211 · · .,.., •-.!-1 --3093 p ..... Model GS Light Mat ton or them. 11\cludlng ~. • Maintenance Man. lull lllLESl •lnH Relrlg. 1200 648-5848 1350• 6414'2118 -~Y•ff --A ). rlc:eS ttlrt"._ 11 b I u e . Xi n I c on d : ST, GT, .-Id fully IOllded '68 Ford Wagon. nHd• time for townhouse Earn 10 $1500/mo. PIT. Aefrlg, Amena 25 rt aide •tstlUS llU ••••;;;,1,;·~··•• MY 11,ltll Ill ltLllElj 846.0783, da. S52·9695 Supra'• wltll t -Topt. brallea. 1600/0BO. complex, Hunt Bch. Mu' I be ma I u r •. by Sida, gold. frff.zar. mu L"-1 Deaign/lnat911/Repelr llW aves Just nMd rall'able S*t'I 499--5527 '"llPM. Knowledge of general 559-9043. Leave Mes· upright 23 ft 9olcl. Both Beautiful ceramic: horN. Olty wor'll. 649-2520 EV #. ff .. lf41 to makt small monthly .71 Ford LTO. atell<ln we· main tenance, pool & sage, eacetlent,pond, !land patnted and glued .. ..,,, ,.,,,1 lf4I StletaServlce-Leaslng •• ~~ •• !~ .... !........ payments. No old col\· gon power ''"ring & r~~~i~!;u~~~~~-m:. ll&.ll 714-496-3581 Only $75. Other ceramic ••••• , •••••• .,,........ 850 't. 8.:~a Blvd. • MERCEDES ~-;1,.!:,:::::94~ = bra~ ... elr conditioning, P. A. PERSONS NEE· Obie Westlnghse refrlg. animals made to order Claulc 18' Lapatrak• ROSE. 831•5202 . Ike $850 OBO. 646-3104 •f· MARKETING DEO. Magic Island 11 freeiar. Kenmore foryouranlmallo¥era for Century bey boat, 4 cyt, ~·:!!v . WAITED lmPOf1•· _t_.,._6p_:__m_. ____ _ looking for • ,_ lntalll· washer, dryer. 96(),.5260 Christmas. Call ma for Grey. 13500. 875-61&1 "'...,.' Ill.:., t &..Ila-P I~ _.73 TORINO, MANllGEMENT gent. attractive & sincere WhlrlpooJ Retrlg. F/frH. detall• 11 640•8709 •ft 13' Botton Wh•, Mint '53 Studebekal' CMmpion li'"H _,.... • •• 1111 TIYtTA needs velvH l tires. !I' persons 10 repraHnt Avoc ado grn. Good 6PM. Cond., 35 HP. tlec ltrt.. 5 peas cpe. Htca car. LM 11111 IMW &:: :~~~K;(4 CIUU IT runs. $350. 536-1418 TRlllEE them In their Piii club In cond. 2 <fr. $150. Ph ltYE ULL•I Meny Xlru. $3000. $3750. 2t3/5t2-1782 Selee-Servlce·Leulng 637•2333 . Uf11A01 1980 FORD RANCHERO Nwpt 8ch. lntarvle'W req. 768-1426 Sand 90f'NO,,. you love 645·7673, Lv Masuge needs your clean 8MW f • I .. t ti t I '72 6 II d Local Dir. Mrk'I Co. Call for appt. 10·8,•---------'"4 ........ ,94 1-..... Ask 1 Wolf IHS• • I•,.,.., H .,u oma c rant., a r cltan • cy n er. needs 26 hard workers. Mon-Fri, Atk tor Mr. Whirlpool dryer, 1 75 abaeutltulbouquetol30 8aylau!ICll,20thCentuty t946 Ford Woody We· or .. ....,,.. or • cond., pwr. steering, runs good. 1700. Full Benefits. Halberg 675..()900 Comp.c1, a1f cyciet. Ilk• helium blllloon.. Perfect Lapatral(e, 18' Inboard, $13 000 gang Jurlnek, our used ·········t AM/FM stllfeO & a new 548·9273 new cond. 631·1098 tor all occ:ulons. or .. 1 12500 675-1835 £¥al. gO!I. • • car m1naget. emlulona system. -.-------- $1175 Salel PeraonN~ffT, -foralaellon.673-4419 . 15''"-atonWll'"'--,'82,70 1"'""'""--d u -.. _.AT-3e7LOONN.Oce":'!"tc~ve. You can --1o lUJ\1766). Prl. pty. i •• ,.,. IHI S Whirlpool avo grn refrlg ...,. -•""' rVf m..,...., ,,..., ..,. n •Hvni $4399 Cell 837-414.6 or •••••••••••••••••••••• Including .-ands. a. 19 6 c ft New cones Womans Skis & Boote, hp Evtnrude. oowr. tr• Sad an I 1 0 0 0 0 (lt•) 1•• llH a...v your aa---• '&o M.,k VI 261< loeded person. Super Flt Family under w • rr. $250. ec r c ypawr tr. ler, I· n ua tank. -v .., f • ...,", ' , ~ lary + Comm. Apply In ' u • . El t I T It bl I t I 675-•1•1.' ' ~· " -· Benz-, --789'4560· -•1 ......... a'1n1 cond' . S10', NO EXPERIENCE 631 1ot8 Phone An•werlng Ma· 18500. 645•8999 rom Ill. '77 Corona 4 dr deluxe, 500. 631·1133 •le nl. . . ~4.,.. A••t':,. ••1• Call &62•2747 17 ft . canter console, ......... :-::.......... llllll o.Tf'I 1 d ,,,_ -•••11f F10tneNC CenHtBar.94w2•!":"! · chine. From 125-$150.1---------1 f WU.I n.i,., II ~~ ----$0 Single owner. AM /FM Au &.II HSS • '' -~ 11111/akl 115 .. P ....... o • •"""EST JE .... """'•L"'R I CH.aeUe , • r cOl'I · ..,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ··us (lnUL) ··············~······· . ,, • ...... • ...,..,... . er ~ ... ---II I .. I I di - * ....... IHtlet * BTrd Cage, 125. ,,,,_11 power trim. bait tank. II\ tlll w .. t __., c• •n c:on.. nc u no 86 Old• At; lo lfll 1 ownr Eicperlel'lce In retell fre· Yr•. NO• Hl-1111 .Acce .. orl•• Included. Oespaf1taly needs & tire•. btttary, brak••· xlnl c:Ond.' $1,oOo oeo: ming HI•• raq. Sat. a Tllur•. ov 4111, 0 PM. ---------• Low ""· Xlnt oond. yQVf' JEEP. 70K ml. 13360. 982-3282 Oya 833·8881: ava, •eclla1ital lsH•,ltr Sun. only. Call bet. 9&5 Col'tanll of Antique e MILL. SS M.AN $4200 080 538--0Mt HIQMlt Doltlt' Paid bOWN '71 Corotle. good cond. In Wknda 4tM..ta7 1 yrs a11pr In mech .... M·F 859--6505. ehopi and w•r•llOuH Plnb•ll 6 Player $350. • CellGtryOrty 6 .out.-11500/obo. 'Ill Old• Cuti••• Su· aembly. heavy lilting req. • from Maine. Mirrored Blue & Gold M•c•w ..,,, W ,,., .... 11111' Salfle.SeMce·leaalng L 842-02tM eh. 5pm P'ema, 2 door, loaded, Good bantflh. C.M. Salas od~.::,,: !~!!!:. St050. Citron Cockatoo. ·,::-·H·o':..:...··c·1·,·.·~~=-·~ •. :, ·-1-1·-··LT 1Y"W CARVER EA E IMLOllT ---........... seoo neo .., ..... ,_........ -~ -........,. . '71 Toyol• Corolla, 5 alnl cond. M.800 OBO. area. 714/5.0..,.293 Y•I -gl .. • ctilnH . 0111 well ~;' ~ pp · '6 · leq. tlUf'lrlM .. 111. I.Ike 2&24 H•bot Blvd .. CM ICUS RJ'ICE·lfv1W 11)ffd. xlnt cond . runs 497·M79 Mtrelau41str/ w PIT 9 pllonee. Trunk•. corn-• · · new. 12500. nw1e1. 549.9023 845-7770 ~AeJll!tll•-...~•Nfl• great l2700. C•ll -1i------,,-f-l '"' ,., ore:" pm..'9:::: ~~~ mod••· Morrl• chair•. BAITTANIC,.. ENCVCLO· u Ill Mii II '7' Votvo 27 1980 CJ5, 4 cvt·never °" -•llC'•<1l.il$>11-491-4984 • ..~!! .............. .. P/tlme, woman more Loa Angelee Tlmta Cir~ rocltara, Iota~~ end PE~4~ompl•I• ••I "11.p.' d1I, '9 bagi, full road. 35.000 ml Ea~· -oll8e .._. .. '"'!..-M ,.a, .J.111 '71 Pinto Wagon, good autub'l a , car nee. culallon Taam In lel•· 8at Httb« ';lc*f-0.. · ~ '64 209 ra09/crulH, new tilter· lent cond '71 .-. UW :::f!r..••••••• •••• lrlfllPO"ltlon. 2131949-0574, 9·12 Mon phOne HIH. Elrn an ::;,: '.:. .:!,~1 SKI BOOTS. women'• mHter, 01', radlQ, I '4~730 Suntoot-:;"nm ltettO. ·79 ~ oon-1 ..... a, 11500. 5AM2t2 & Frl •. only, hOurly wage + comm, pr•H beolt otietre ~ Hume11lct. Sr 7. melt mtn WIOl't. More, 8ecft. ·et CJ? ,__ ~. new CMdl. bfll( ... good 000 orlo. mlle~;~nt Training provided. For poeter bedt, I cMmOnc1 blue wfbl!la, Ilka new. Ilea tst,500. 97S.eete. ..._. __....... cond Mullt Mii $4000, cond. ISOOO ... 1 IAfllllL d 1 ta11 t • Ca II (7 1 ~I dye oeb. La coflM 8f1n· SH. l3 Mott NAOAA 5.2 w/tfliler, •Int, ~= :r.0-.,~!o'r:: . 5H-Oee9 • ~:'~o~ ;: :.Ou IUlllri. ...,UY 5A0-030l der. Lota cit aid lln Ind Newport BHOh Tennie new ttll•: 13000 firm. Nevwoftroed. 1ttltSOO ,77 '30Cll. ~o. elf, am/ 1101 111111111 IE•nUY ::J~= :':; i~~ ~ '."T·~~· ~~ 7141'3MtOI; CMtl Ilk ... 7:20.o&H tm cw, tu1 ~.lo ml. @ ARE YOU TIR£0 OF LI-with It teett 3 VI"' ltoelll bell fret wonc. bellletl ~1.fott .,. t97t CteMy 18 ._,..c.t 751.ot32 ~ VINO MONTH TO MON-brOk•i: HIV, ,UM time •nd m"Oll lftOr•. Celt w/ttllter. loen ~ X1r-. mm T~? PAYCHECKS ,.. .. ••H••••••••••••••H• ..,._ ,.,,. 'WON'T 8TRETCH 30 9 10 5. A·7CMO Mk '°' ('ctwlte '°' ..... uedto eolltetOB • .., of I 3 2 0 0 t I,"'. T~· '71. AM/"" ... r..-zr.; ............ n O.AYS? NOT SATISFIED Sulllfl Meaeanle IMTy Mof9I" AuotlOfl bu1t•. -ladles wlll•t•-714-lat-8100 reo CHHtt•. Small • • , Wlt H YOUR PRESENT Scter•t•r~/ Aecet>ttonllt: 1116 ToronlO Wmy C.M.· ~· ~3·~.'b!!:. .. ,. ""' 01:z.er lltell II 111. • '14 TM, M,000 'mf, NM l tooelt ... ,, Na00 OI Offer. H0-1011 -----J08 ? Our people are Mon·amoklno. aoer••· 714-1&6-9101 131.~. Mt.64• · ~ ,.,. 11 18 \MU :-= r-.......,. ~ well compen.eted, ma· live Relll PrOl*'IY ~ .._,_ Mttl ··~··•••••H••••• ... ~t • ..., MN YOUI MIW lltD ,..,.... ,...,._ 7' vw ... lftllN "*" lure, ret90Mlble lndlvl-Olf!O Fltrn neeclt IOfYl90o m1mi-•••••• rr.i1 111 .. u...... IOAT l\.lpt AVAIL.Aki: inn ............ l'~\f, -~. loclj.'111 -~ du••• WftO haw 11rono ,,. 1IWhO work• Wiii with~ 10 ..,..-..... "' fl•W Ml """°" 9MCll: 26'. II', '77 taMC, CMll* oorww-_.. UIOO e>eO Cell' deslret to i.ern flow • l)eOf)te. ptlOnl ·~ ~t cono. 11'. ne ...................... 30'. II'. .O'. a 41'. Cell "°"· '"'· CNll9, N . N. -.. -,-.. -.,.-~--7000--_.--w-,_-• Ad • 141-4300 ~tful Ofganlutlon oe w/0!004 typing,..,._ 3'0 St, corn Of 0r-.. Weneed: UMd boolllflel. 10•414' ttoM t•I, •·tinted WllMlow9.,.. _., ..... .... operata. lndMclvllt • red. wtt tfMI tot..-. H.a. vee. wood or ,......, an, ~11. l-j;'·~-;;;=j· .,._~~~·f_,~,_.i,...~J:===-•ll -...... a.OOCMOao. feoeed muet be w11111111q potltlon. 81tary, INCi •IJ-tile. llM171 1-8-LIN....,.._A_V_Al..,..L_HUl_ltll_~-.-... -ilfl.•w.81!!1Jl ui.aa-•?t. '80 VW "-'*' Dlt L, Mint . ....-,,...._Ind want b•ne•tt• a lnoent1we1. _ •'-J--• H .. · • 0 ·-u--.,.,..., Im cron4' .. AMll'M. 1ntt ~,;"~ IN'°4' LJnda171'fN1..._. .....,_,. ..... -• ar .. out :..LI. a • • ... ••• ~~-=-~~~=--==-'" --·-· · MN0.180-'n' ~.-w w.·,.. 81CAITARYl!JCICUTIW ··Rl'-Rnm .. ····n·~':f r:.~··:·4-r-:··n~ NL 1 :.. 0 ::.:-:: 'JO VW ....... i.wt~ r~ttd lndu· AeMlANT. ,__.,,.,. I • lfS.41,·a?M aiii an.aoo. Ht·HH; 1r1n•.1. '"'· Au*ttatfc. ~llftiilii~ii"~ ecrr .., .!!:.'!! inter· "'°"">' or1eatnuon 1n ....... MCI ad ~::::?.i YAMAM• 11 .. ""''· -~~ .IW ,1 ., 1 ·vw 1100 no.1080 eve 11tt1 oao. t41·7441 --P9f'IOM-nPt°'9rl ,,,,.,.. ,....,... .......... ... •• N-..... Wiit ........ ,... .. . ,_ .. 1' c~rc..,.· I llUbl .... treoll ,._., Celt Mt. t1re-.t ........ .,._ ....... -0t KM '1'i ......., .......... All Jt• T In I ._ •Mt.olll Ind Of?lllBlll-.... ~ ,..,. lfl t11Mlllnt Mftdhlort. HA lll...o1a ....., )JI: .... -..... , "·""· , • ...,.. .. ,.. M........... . • ~. Ml.el oe ,,..,... C1oM ....-tu· _. r. 1111 M.., ,_.., .... ...., ..._ .... to ............. nlty""" ...... ... ..... ii .. .,,.. ' . .. ,...... .... l'•ure. •Hd lupdle· t•, 11000 lo 11100 M W 1!.9!' I IMI.\' =• lnoome. Limo~ •lift ., .... .....,..., : = ae • • Gix • I ... WW .,.. WNtf MmCln ... IACI . 17MIOO ~ 114/MMlll • • 111Jt ·--· Olxlla• ,._.......,. ... ......, . .. .. .. . THE DRlllE CUil TUESDAY NllVI MBl 11 .' 1 •11. I • l:lllT 1111111 '>H AN<.f < OlJN I Y < Al If OHNIA 2~ CENTS State pan.el flays Newport. housing policy By STEVE MARBLE Of .... Deity ........... Nt•wpur l Beac h h as come under f1rl' from a state agenFy that <.'t>nll'nds the city is doing a half-heartl'd job of providing housing for persons of modest ml:!ans. T h e s ta l l' d t:!partme.l'l'l o f llous 1n g and Commu n i t y Deve lopme nt, an a 29-page revjew, criuclzed the city's year- Nuclear tragedy debated T h e Nuc le ar Regula t or y Commission is d iscounti ng publi~hed reports tha t say as many as 27,000 people could die in south Orange County ,as a result of a "worst case" accident a t the S a n O no fre Nuclear Genet'aling Station. NRC officials, r eacting to a s t o r y publ i s h e d b y th e Washington Post, said today the chances of such a "worst case'' situation at any of the 91 nuclear power stations in the country - 1ncluding San Onofre -"are one in one billion per year." Earlier drafts of t he s tudy, prepared by Sand ia Na t iona l La b o r a l o r y for the N R C , examined accidents of such low pro bability tha t they w e re e xCluded from later drafts, said NRC spol<esman Jim Hanchett. "Those worst case-numbe rs tha t wer e d evelop ed by the House Interior Committee staff, were not included in the report, .. Hanchett said today. '"f.hey were develQped from raw computer data deve)oped by Sandia (Labs) for \Js," he said. "We believe the probability of those accidents are in the range of one in a billion a year, and that's exactly why they were discarded." The "wors t case" scenar io assumes that a ll of a plant's saf e t y system fai ls with a massive release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. - Tied to that situation is a worst possible weather condh ion, in which the r e is n o wind to disperse the radioactivity and it is dumped on a population center by a rainstorm. Figures released in the original d raft report show a "worst case" situation at San Onofre would kill between 8,000 and ·27,000 people in San Clemente and San J uan Capistrano within the first year. It also s h ows that between 6,000 and 23,000 more people would be inju red within the first yea r , a nd a nothe r 10 ,0~0 to 18 ,000 citize n s w ould die of cancer w ithin three years. The Sandia study, which has not been released by the NRC, examia es each of the 91 existing plants in the country. David Barron. spokesman for Southern California F.dison Co., the major operator of t he San (See PANEL, Page A4 ) o ld h ousing maater plan - vl rtuaily from start to finish -as bc.>ing inadequate. In a city where new homes su1rt at $300,000 or more, the agl'ncy said Newport Beach 's houidng policies and goals wtll huve a minimal impact at best. The HCO, which has no direct authority over housing matters in the d ty, has bec11 a frequent and a harsh critic of N~wport Beach. Ba llo t pro position s, the economy, a poor business climate and the c haracte r of l ocal government all were cited as top priorities by early morning voters trooping today to Orange Coast polling places. Despite early morning fog in some areas and gusty Santa Ana winds, polls throughout the county opened punctually al 7 a.m. in expectation of the more than 1 million Orange County voters eligible to cast ballots in today's general election. Election officials reported no initial problems at the county's 2.245 preoinct polling places. Early morning turnout was estimated at 12 percent by 9 a.m., a ccording t o an e lectio n department spokesman. The 12 percent figure ran ahead of the 8.2 percent turnout by 9 a .m . during the June "The k ids think 4My dad cares enough to come see me at school.' It's a ver y positive thing.',. Dads pitch in .. to te8ch kids By JODI CADENHEAD Of"lhe Daly .......... It's not every day that a man in AO artist's smock and a grt>ase painted mus tac he comes to school and teaches .YOU how \o draw a real Donald Duck and 11 Pluto. So It was special when Sharlyn Kerr's dad, Tom Kerr, a real eatate broker and amateur cartoonist, showed up at Harbor View Elementary School with crayons in hand. But l\ waa not out of the ordinary. No, last y~r a writer talked to the fourth geden ln Shella. Rogers' class about the • ori&in of hil Jdeu, And IOOI\ one of the other 1tudent'1 fathers, a urologilt, will di.lcula hit job. It'• all p.rt of a prosram almed at gettlnc men to lhoulder 80fne of the clauroom responalblllty tradhlonally auumed by non- worklna mothers. But •• more women have Jolntd the work force the nutnber of volunteer party ' planners and paper correctors has diminished, leaving achool to turn to a formerly untapped source: men. "The kids think my <jad cares enough to come see me at 11Chool," said Rogers. '1h's a very poeltive thing." Fortunately, many of the men working in the area are aeU- employed or are In po1itlon1 where tney can afford to take to take off an afternoon, 1h e explained. · ln the put Kerr hu put on puppet 1howa at tehool with hia wife, Sandy. Both try to mnain active In "'their -c'htldren's education year round. "l\ 1hows you 're really lnternted in klda,0 1Ald Kerr. ''My dauaf\tef's ..Ur_ proud of her dad comln1 ln. They look forward '° it .. " Retumlnc to the day at hand, KerT pointed out that wtui. nrh of the cartoon• ml1ht look CS.. f'AfHEU, Pap Al) t • Crmg Bluell, a chy planner and a housing spccloll1t, aald the · HCD has developed a hubit of blasting N('wport Beach while o fC e r l ng little advi c P or leadership. At lssuC' 111 the d ty's lK>-<.•alled housing element, a st.at.tH·cqulred document that outlines what the city is doing to provide housing for low and mOderate-lncomt: fall\ilies. , OnC' o( the city's main gouls h1 1 lo l'nt'O\Jragc thC' Irvine Company to bulld affordable housing units on u 35-ocre plC'<.'C of land known as North Ford, near Eastblurr T ht• North F ord projec t , dl•s ign c d t o pr ov id e ('<>ndomlnium units In the $80,000 to $120,000 pri'ce range. has lx'cn criticized by city residents as too dense and by housing· groups as too expensive. I n 1t11 r ev lflw, th <• llC O <.'(ln1plain<od that the Nor th Fp rd plun llkt•ly will not rcKuh 1n providing uHordab l housing. Thl• agt•ncy also took cxn•ptlon w ith the C.'i ty 's def inition o f n ffo rduble , c l a iming It is t'Omputl'd by comparinl( it with the city 's '" r e l a tlvel y h lg h . media n inl'Ome." ~luell said the diy has worked Geoff Mah er (left ) checks index of voters outside polls an I rvine while, below, e lection .wor kers screen voters a t Newport Beach City H alJ. ILICTION82 primary and ahead of the 10.8 percent figure at 9 a.m. during the 1978 g e n e ra) e lect ion. However, 16 percent of county voters cast ballots by 9 a .m . during the 1989 general election, she said. Eric J ensen, a reserve Navy comma nder , was among early v oters at a Laguna B e ac h precinct this momihg. He said many of the 15 ballot pro p ositio n s w ere jus t a s important to him as the race for governor or othe r important offices . ...._ "There is a great deal o f responsibility on the part of the v o t e r to decide o n those propositions," Jensen said. "These are tight fiscal times and several of the propositions have a lot to do with flnanoes. "So it really doesn't matter who is in -whether Democrats or Re publicans. h 's how the voters-deal with the propositions that count." At one COs\.a Mesa precinct, it was the economy that loomed la rgest in importance to one voter. - The voter, who declined to give his name, said he switched his traditional support of Democratic candidates to vote for Republican U .S . S e nate candidate Pete Wilson. "Brown has put t oo many controls on business," the voter said of Wilson's Democratic opponent, Gov . Edmund G . Brown Jr. "I couldn't vole for him, he's sent too many job& OU! of the state." Another who was concerned with the state's business climate was Russ Fluter, voting a l Newport Beach City Hall. "The Democrats have got lo go," said Fluter. "I think the governor's race is the key issue. I voted for Oeukmejian. I'm tired of seeing the Democra ts drive good business out of the state." Atto rney G e n eral George D e ukme jia n is th e G OP gubernatorial candidate. He said he also was interested in the Ne wport Be ac h City Council race and "voted for people that d o n 't pro test reasonable growth." On Balboa Island in Newport Beac h , r e sident C ynthia (See VOTERS, Page A3) dlllg<mtly at prt•parlng a set of housing goals th ot arc lega lly suund a nd ml'a nlngful to a t:ommunity whe n 1 the value of land 1s high. • Newport Bel,lch is being suNI by tt c.valition of fair housing and legal aid groups that allege the cn y ha$ disc.:rimanatory housing (See HOUSING , Paie AZ) A· big check for art By STEVE MITCHELL of tlM Dellr Plkll Slaff One thing's certain about the Laguha Beach Festival of Arts. It always. pays the rent on time. This year the festival handed over a check for $283,755.94 to Laguna Beach for use of the six-acre festival grounds in Laguna Canyon. The city collectS 17.5 percent of the gross receipts of the annual summer festival. Gross receipts we re $1.6 million this past summer. That compares to gross receipts of $1.45 million in 6ummer 1981. F est ival co n t r o lle r Fre d Bouman sa id seve ral circumstances contributed to the h igh e r 'proceed s this pas t summer. For one th ing , the ~osl rec:tznt festival season was three days longer than that in 1981. That meant more peope filing Irvine Bowl for the Pageant of the Masters performance. Bouman said 135';"162 people paid lo sec \he r e-creation of works ,Jf art using live models. That tlft'npa~ to 127,776 in 1981. Some ticke t prices, including loge seats, were increased this yt!ar. which helped boost gross revenue for the pageant. And while nearly the same nu01ber or' people visited the. festival grounds l ast summer as in 1981, receipts were about half what they were in 1981. T h a t 's b ecau se the gate admission price last summer was reduced to 50 cents from $1 to comme m o r a te the 50th an- niversar y of the festival. About 85 percent of the city's rent money goes to retire the bonded debt on the Main:Beach P a rk develo pme nt. Laguna Beach pays.$301 ,267 per year on the bonded debt, using festival money and ff/nds from the city's general account to make up the difference. But 15 percent of the festival rent money is given by the city to more than two dozen cultural, a rtisti c and commu'nity organizations. This year, the largest recipient of funds will be the Laguna Bea ch S enior Citizen s Club, which will rea?ive $15,000 of the $48,2 50 set aside for suc h o rganization s . Th e <See FESTIVAL, Page A4) ' ;~--J Another injured pelican rescued ) ......... w ... Art191 Tom Kerr lhowa , ...... llow 10 ctnw Dould Baek. Fishermen in Dana .Po int Harbor have captured at\other mutilated pelican, bringing to 12 the number of injured birds saved from starvation, according to a Department o( Fish and Game official. The bird, .which had ita~per beak partially cut or chop off, was taken to Crown alley Animal Hospital in Laguna Nigue l, said DP'G 1pokesman Ralph Young. The hospital now I.a carinc for 10 of the maimed birds. one of which wu fitted with an artificial upper beak. Sea World in San Diego has one maimed bird and another found ln Redondo Beac:h had to be destroyed because of such severe damage. The mutilated pelicana were spotted in Dana Point Harbor around mid-October. State wildlife offlclab auapect an anary' fl1herman may be respon1ible becauae the birds 11.Hl anchovy bait and get tan1ted in f11hlftl net.I and lines ·------llDEI-. --- J-. MeNainara la. the ae akipper or the Ca lifomla An1el1. See ports. P .. e Cl. -. .. : • .. t-" ....... """•_o_,._n;.g,_c_o_u_t_C_A..;IL_v_P..;IL;.;;O .. T.;.;/T.;;,u .. ~d;;;.:•Y.;.· _No,;..v_•m..;;..ber....;.2~. 1_e ... •2-1111111t11 -- u n tin gt on trash fee voted 1Y ... !\08ERT BARKER -O.-,"-ttlalf Cltln1 woraunlni flnanc al dltlona, th• Huntlngwn BHc:h ily Council dt>elded Monday aht on a 4-3 vote to charge Nllldent.e • trash collection ftt of t3.~ per month. Minutes later. by the same 4-3 ' a.rgln, the council voted to end $1.2 mtlllon to buy "· eqport si t e for police partment helicopters. Offic ials say It wlll cost another $ l million to deyelop the site for helicopter operations. The twl n -acllon drew a ~road~ide from f o rm er Councilman CJan'cy Yoder. a longtime opponent of trash fees. "1l'his is terrible," he said as he I loft cuuncll chambt•ni. "They (thl\ ct>uncll) poor·mouth It to 1~t • trHh fee •nd then turn rlaht around and 11pend tl million for the heliport. "H's the moat 1rre1pon11blt> decision I've ever aecn a ciiy councU make," he said. The trash collection cost has bc'en paid out of the seneral fund sim.'O a fee was dropped In 1970 in favor of a utility tax. Officials eatimate trash costs will climb to $3.5 l'l'lilllon next year -larget.y because of gate fees being charged at Orange County gdvernment-owned landfills. The monthly trash Ceea, S.anta Ana River bridge ~ins Huntington backing A proposal to construct a idge over the Santa Ana River r om Banning Avenue in untington Beach to 19th Street n -C o~ta Me sa has been .,MJPPOrted by the Huntington .lleach City Council. The backing is part of the i. ocess that is expected to lead entually to development of a x-lane crossing under the aegis ~f Orange County government. The bridge is expected to cost between $3 and $4 million. according to William Zaun. a county transportation program manager. He said money has been set aside for planning and design of the bridge from the State Arter~a l Highway Finance program. No money has been budgeted for construction. Zaun said work could start possibly in five years ir agreement can be workm:rout with affectea cities to pay for;. surface street approaches to the bridge. The bridge is included in Costa Mesa's master plan ·for highway crossing. The proposal also has been approved by the Newport Beach City Council. (A portlon:pf 19th Street is in Newport Beach city limits.) -_ Paul Cook, Huntington Beach public works director, and Bob Brock, Costa Mesa assistant city engineer, say· that an additional east-west crossing over the river is needed. . Jrvine-------- Tiger victim improving . ,, ri. Anth o n y S t o pani . th e 2-year-old Upland boy a ttacked 1pct. 23 by an escaped Siberlan :!i-ger during a wild animal show <fill Lion Country Safari. has been moved out of the inte nsive care ward at Mission Community l'lospi tal. ) . 1'' Doctors said the boy's status '?tnproved from ~erious to fair condition over the weekend. He twas moved Into the pediatrics .ward a t the M ission Viejo hospital, said spokeswoman Jan Walker. 1, 1t1The boy is expected to remain tonger in the hospital, however, and wiU undergo more surgery. she said. Has parents. meanwhile. continue to be pleased with his recovery. she added. The child suffe red a s kull !racture and a deep leg wound -Ihen the tiger slipped from a '\ged ring at the conclusion ol traine r John Campolongo's act, picked up the boy by his head and trotted out or the temporary arena. CampoJongo, who jumped on the 4-year-old tiger to free the c hild. also. rec&ived several gashes. It was the only incident involving injuries to spectators in the 30-year-old trainer's career, his lawyer said later. . The boy initially was Us~ In critical condition at the hospital. Surgeons spent live h'ours after the attack removing bone chips fro m his brain. Within days, though. doctors s~id Anthony was improving. Campolongo's wild animal act had been playing since February at Lion Country. The show has been canceled indefinitely. Uon Country officials say they are concluding their investigalJon of how the. tiger escaped from the ring. t.»cpttt•tl'd to tak• t•ffK•t around J•n I, •rt· •1tln1at <l to rafal' about $900.000 by tht• t1nd of thw C11e.·al yl'ar on Junt• ao Ruth Flnlt'y, Ruth Ball1.1y and John Thomas vot\'<.I uguhul th trash hHll llnd aaolnu the purCh&Ufl• of tho twllport. Voting In favor o f both m<'o1ure1 were Mayor Bob Mt1ndlc, Ron Pattln1on, Don MocAlllstt'r and Joc.'k Kelly. Ji~lnley urge d a study or flnuncla l alte rnatlve11 before Imposing u traah too. "W e haven't... f\eassured ouraclvea that this step ls ne<.'ell88ry.'' ahe said. • Balley said: "We're charging people a tax when they can least afford at. l don't like h." Pattinson aaid the fee ii necessary "because the money is not there (in the budget.) We'~ going to have to start laying off people." Thombs suggested that the heliport issue should. go to the voters for a dl'Clslon. Finley claimed the purcttase would deple te the contingency fund. •'We've got to ask ourselves what we ore getting ourselves into," she said . MacAlliste r said, however , that the acquis ition of the 4.8-acrc site near Gothard Street and Talbert Avenue from the Sully -Miller Contracting Company is a milestone. "We have to address our needs 10-15 years from now. lf we doh't, we'll be back in the dark ages." The c:ouncil adopted the trash fee after a compromise offer was made by Mandie. He suggested the proposed $4.35 monthlv fee be lowered to $3.50. Anthony Stopani Gusty winds due 0 Consla I Travelefl advllory In mountain anges tonight and Wednesday ·or etrong gully norl h to ortheatt wind• 25 to 50 mph Cl aar and dry through ~. S11ong gusty north roaming th• mountal111 through Wednuday Mountain high 1ampareturH will hit 55 lo 65 • wecs,.oay. w11h lows lonlghl 1n ·~ 40t and soa. dropping lo the 20t In araN exposed to winds. OH•ll• wlll Ila ecourad by wind• ol 20 to 30 mph. mllnly near th• lower Colorado R1Yar · Valley Wednatd1y'1 highs will rHch 80 to 70 In the upper ~ and 70 to 80 In the ._. raglonl LOWI tonight Wiii dfop to the 409 In Iha low ~ and ft w111 be allghlly cooler In Iha Ul>I*' ~· nonMN1 winds In mountain• 4nd below pu-and canyon• »11ough WadnHday Warmer coaelal araae, but cooler In ~· with local gusty winds ~T emperaiures U,S. sllnunary NATION Albany ~'"II wind and rain hit much Albuquerque Iha M~t Mlly today, and Amatllo -...... -· baMI by heavy AshaYllla =· DanM log lhrouelad s>art• of Atlanta T=mt and ""'h wtndt AllMllc City '"" AU911n ~tiered northern Indiana. oantral Baltimore t~nolt ana tOUlhwatl MIN<>vrl. BAll~t .;tlll• hall Iha t lia of b ... b•ll• Blrml~ham ~~111ad care •nd •mulled Bismarck r;.thlald• In Columbla, Mo Hall BolM wa• reported In Lula, Okla Boslon aln ehowa11 ll11pa1ad over Brownavlle &:tarn ltorth Cfrollna whlle BulfalO nee fog blanketed the Burllogton ollnu and north-I FIOrlda, Cupaf I Falt _,her pravallad acfO.. Ch ... s 0 W"I, with a law rain and ar Ion. • • .,_. owr Iha northern CtiarlWton. W.V. ' Y Mountains. Charlolla. N C. ~ and thundarahowan ~na foracaat taler tod1y l1om tha Clnclnnall Ofwt Latt• lhlough moet Clavaland the Mleaiallppt end low« Ohio ,..,..... -s c Into -••m Taxa1. COol ~::::'i In ... expected ICIOU th• DallH,Ft Wonh OfMI LI*• and northern Oeyt EnQland oan.: lcanerad ehoware ware o.. Molnal adlc1ed .,_ mvoh of Florida Dalrolt nd th• aHla1n porllone of Duluth and &outll Carollna. Falf • El Puo _. loracaM .....,_e Fargo Tamparaturu around Iha F189'talf ~ tod«y ranged from 24 i Oraet Falls ·1n Butta, MOflt , 10 71 Hartford -In BrowntllNla, TexH. Halen• d 'ort Leudardele and Kay Hono4ulU • AL HoutlOfl .. lo 69 56 M 34 66 40 n 45 79 58 78 58 ag 70 80 52 S2 37 80 59 54 28 58 28 78 -65 90 76 .. 53 59 52 48 32 1s ee 79 SS n SS 46 30 67 50 80 M 65 60 80 58 71 59 13 " 78 IO 5S 33 se 53 15 54 51 31 75 48 50 32 " 24 .. 33 17 56 45· 40 ... 72 ... 70 I .. ~. :· .:.. .. .. F1on1s C 1;.,. lndlanapolit JICkton, Mlsa. Jadlaonvllla KantU City Lat VagM Llllle Rock LOOilvllla LubbOCk Memphis Miami Mllwau!IM Mpll-81.Paul NUhlllli. New OflMn• New )'Olk Norlo!k NOtth Platte OklahOlna City Omaha Orlendo Phlladalphla Phoenix PlttatMKgh Pl'IUand.Ma Portland, Ora =r: Aano Nchmond Salt LMia San Amonlo 8Mttte Shr~I SIOull , .... 81 Louie 8t ...... Tampa 75 61 11 59 82 65 69 54 6g 44 IO 62 88 65 78 47 ,78 ... 12 73 5g 51 66 41 83 59 85 64 77 62 78 68 55 39 71 63 58 48 H 70 79 52 IO &4 77 69 64 52 57 42 17 $7 75 53 4g 2t se 2s IO 51 52 36 86 13 .. .. 13 ... SI 32 71 17 e&• lllf IEPllT .~. ,.., 1·1 1·2 ,., l,.t.' .... , .. t•I ,., , , . ~ Snow~ CALll'<>MH Bllk1t11lleld Eureka F1aat10 Lancattar Loe Anqalat O•kland Paao Roblee Rtd Bluff Redwood Clty FMno Sao1amanto Sallnaa Sin Otego S•n Franctaoo Santa Barba1a "'nc:ktofl 65 52 60 44 69 54 75 35 76 59 71 48 71 41 72 44 70 ... 56 24 64 44 70 45 74 59 IM se 70 ... • 88 44 ~ANA•NCAN CANADA J .......... 81 11 .. 77 71 72 ...... 81 IO 80 72 80 45 85 72 65 72 88 71 88 71 90 70 ... 73 75 43 ... .. 17 70 17 ~ .. 72 86 70 45 ,. 40 11 '° 41 41 ,, M IO :.: = • ~~Diil 1111 ~ Deity Ptlo4 Photo b, Gafy Ambf-c·a n d O CC Che ebro gets arti t's tips Fathers help Out school • ID From Page A1 different, every one was a IUC\.'611. That was trut•. A It hough l.'Veryonc of tht.' 2~ l'lutos looked differen t th ey WC'r<.> a ll rc•cogniwblf• ~s tht! <lcllgbtful charactl'r tha t has l!n tcrtal ned ~·hildren for lhl' last half century. How did they do at? Line by llmi. First the nOSf' went-down, then (.'&me the floppy cars and tongue and finally. there he was in living color on two dozen desk tops. "I like 1t," said DUstJn Davis, 9, surveying has afternoon's work. "I'll take H home and hang it up in my romTI." Everyone holding the chunky crayolas was mindful not to go beyond the carefully penciled lines and not to draw over the red tongue hanging out of Pluto .. ) mout"l,. Mesa nixes· street .extension ------.. By .J ODI CADENHEAD Ofttle Dllitrnotlten More than two hotars of protest ended in victory Monday for north cily reslde nts who convinced the Costa Mesa City Council not to extend Randolph Avenue into their neighborhood. The route between Pa'ularlno Avenue and Baker Street is already 60 percent finished . It will now be modified with a cul-de-!:ac, thereby rerouting traffic back to Baker. Th e m odification was approved by a 4 to I vote with Councilman Ed McFarland dissenting. The controversial r oute approved in 1978 was opposed by 468 residents living in a neighborhood near Paularino and Bristo l Street who signed a petition also asking that a cul· de-sac b e con s tructe d o n Paularino to alleviate traffic there. On the motion of Councilman DOnn Hall, the council agreed to 'finance a study to construct a Paularino cul-de-sac. forced out by progress." Construction of a cul-de-sac on Randolph Avenue will still increase traffic on Paularino from 6,200 to 6,470 vehicles a day, according to city reports. Councilwoman Norma Hertwg 4 sugges~ that a temporary cul- de-sac be built Dn Paularino. adding that such a move would have a dramatic effect-0n already approved and future commercial projects in the area . James and Andrew Gianulias recently w o n appr oval to construct two five-story oliice . buildings between the closed Montgomery Ward store and the San Diego Freew':ly . The city council is to deeide Nov. 15 o n a pro posal for construcnon of an 85-foot hotel and three seven -story office buildings at Paularino and Bristol. . The council's decision on the Randolph Avenue alignment came as bitter-sweet news to Don Montgomery who would have been required to give tap almost ~9 percent of his property if the 1978 route were followed. He will now have to dedicate only 7.8 percent of his property at 801 Paularino. Sut before leaving the t:ouncil chambers with the good n ews, the developer walked away with some bad tidings. Councilman Ed McFarland pointed o~t a provision in city staff reports saying that without the Randolph Avenue extension the city has a right to rescind •high d e nsity toning on the - Pl\ularino site . Mayor Arle ne Schafer and Hall voted against rec1s1on. Because Montgomer y o wns less than two acres. he probably will have to combine parcels if he now wants high-density wning for condominium development. "They're trying lo get even with me," said Montgomery. who has long protested the completion oC Randolph. "I'm being boxed into a corner. The only one 1 can sell to is the M.D. Janes Ca. becau se they're the o nl y developer in the area." Bob Kelly, leader of lhe Mesa North Homeowners Association, told the council that increased traffic on Paularino has made- "our once safe neighborhood a den of child-maiming accidents." Special trash pickup in CM J Jean Park. owner of a pre· school on Paularino, said the road has "become nothing more than a thoroughfare b e tween o ne freeway and another." Said another homeowne r living In the tract south of South Coast Plaza. "We're an Island of angry people who are being Costa Mesa residents are urged to look for gold cards on their door6, indicating that a special trash pick up will be conducted m their area. T~ nine-week free program .• now in its second w eek . as designed to help residents get rid of bulky discards. Oreo Disposal Co. cre~s will pick up the following items on the assigned days: mattresses, refrigerators, water h41".1ters, washers-dryer s, furniture, stoves. sofas, lumber and· tables. Trash haulers wiU not pick· up tree limbs, asphalt. car bodies, concrete and dirt. Items to be picked up should be placed at the curb. For more information call 646-4617. Newport Beach-----------=~­ Housing policy flayed in From Page A1 Newport policies. as anything the city can do to win Bluell said the court has yet to pruisc from the HCD. swords they can stab us with.:· Blue ll s aid the H CD has ignored the fact that the city t..'Ouncll is ~rang to consider amendment o the housing polic:y. He said CD has "jumped the gun." find fault with the housing policies. Court hearings on the s uit have been continued to "I don't know when o r if they'll decide to be helpful rather than accusatory. Their goal ~to be lo see how many April. But Bluel! said he doubts there '· DESIGN -QUALl1Y -PRICE There is a choice! Have you.en frustra1cd, searching for engagement and wedding rings, and finding that most of those that you've seen all look the same, in store ahcr storel Arc you also concerned about quality and price when choosing your diamond and feel you may be misled because each store has a different method o( comp•rlng ~ualities, and they won't give you a &uarantee that you are paying a fair price? I. At Wyndham Leigh you will find • ~uly exciting collectlon of unique rlnss crafted In our own wprkshop In 18 karat gold ind platinum. We take \. the lime lo cxplain·diamond qualities and prices, so you will know exactly what you are buying, and that you arc paying the right price, and then· subs1ari115te lhis with a money back guaran1ee. Thcre~are many fine Jewelry stores in Orange Counly, but only one that specialires In designing and creating 1hc unique and beautiful enga1ement arid wedding rings found at Wyndham Leigh. Ensagement rings availablc:-from s.tSO Wf'ddlng rings available from $175 • • I I I ~ ' I- ' ... WORLD Pope meets polit~cal leaders in Spain MADRID (AP) -Pope John Paul II departed from his pastoral mission today to meet with political and military leaders In what he said was a show of support for the newly eh.>ct<.'<i Socfalist government of this heavily Roman Catholic nation. But he also made what seemed an oblique referent.-e to the Socialists' avowed support for llberall2ed abortion laws and cuts In aid to parochial schools, indicating the church would continue to <!J?POSe those policies. John Paul, who celebrated Mass Monday for 200,000 people in the central city of Avila. started the third day of his 10-day visit to Spain with a Mass for the dead at the cemetery of Almudena In Mud rid. Ninety-thousand police otctcera, soldlura and voluntee"' ~ protecting the Hope in Spain, bu t the American hishop who waa at his side oh every o t her forelg~ trip is conspicuously absent. Bishop Paul Marclnkua, the pontiff's burly bodyguard and key adv{lnce man. stayed behind in Italy, where he is under investigation In the collapse of the nation's largest private bank, Banco Ambrosia no. Mareinkus, of Cicero, Ill., is president. of th~ Vat ican's own bank and prefect of the Roman Catholic Church's small city-state within Rome. Iran claims victory . . NICQSIA, Cyprus (AP) - lranclaimed today it recaptured 90 square miles of territory near Dezful in oil- rich Khuzistan province in a major offens1v,e against occupying Iraqi troops. Iraq claimed Iranian forces attempted to cross the border into Iraq but said massive air strikes were fo rcing the Iranians to retreat. Radio Baghdad said this Orange Coa1t DAILY PILdT /Tuetdly, November 2. 1982 --. A military communique quoted by the Islamic Republic News Agency said morning that Iraqi air force .planes were ''proving their complet~·supremacy of the battle skies," wiping ou t several troop concentrations and a large number of tanks and other equipment. The broadcast described Iranian troops as "gripped with panic and oonfusion." Early birds line up to vote at 7 a.m. in the Rancho, San Joaquin Clubhouse in Irvine. •, .. , ··• "many Iraqis" were killed in the offensive launched Monday night and at least 117 were takea prisoner. Both Iran and Iraq indicated fighting continued today. Voter~ offer: their .oi)ini0ns Mexico strikes continue MEXICO CITY (AP) More than 30.000 strike rs have shut down Mexico's largest airline and university. seeking pay hikes \O offset soaring inflation. and a national labor leader vowed not to extend a Nov. 11 deadline for a general walkout. STATE There was no end in sight today to the str iI<es at Mexicana airlines and the National University, which marked the first major job action since labor leader Fidel V ela2que2 called for the nationwide-strik·e if businessmen refused to grant emet'gency pay increases ·Blood di~ease in SF SACRAMENTO (AP) - T h e r a r e blood dise~se oontracted by 11 Sacramento- area children has also been reported in the San Francisco Bay area. rat this point. A team Crom the center has spent more than three weeks in Sacramento collecting data and specimens. From Page A1 Turnbull said her first concern was voting for a measure to block commercial and r esidential development at Banning Ranch. "I don't want it, no way, no h ow," she said, adding the proposed 75-acre development on the west Newport bluffs might l ead t o increased traffic congestion. · Roy Nakaue. a F ountain Valley resident, said he carefUTly considered a local ballot measure, which woµld impose a spt>eial tax on Fountain Valley residents to pay for police and fire protection, before deciding to vote against it. "I read the arguments in .the ballot book. It was pushed by all the locaJ politicians -the city council and the police chiefs," he said. "But I've lived in Fountain Valley for seven years and I don't think the services here have improved." Nakaue also said he was most ooncerned with Proposition rs. the handgun lnfllattve. "I voted 'no' on it because I thought the initiative on the ballot was too weak. I didn't think il was properly presented." . . Friu Steinbach. a Huntington Beach interior designer, also said he does "not believe the handgun measure would succeed. even though he said h e favors gun contro1. "I feel it will not work until we eliminate all guns," he said in explaining why he voted against the measure. "I was particularly interested • m getting Pe~ Wilson elected to the U.S. Senate and in voting 'no' on 15 and 'no· on the nuclear freeze," Steinbach added. As for the nuc lear freeze initiative. Proposition 12. he said h e was cencerned about KOCE to spotlight OC r e turns Orange County election returns will be the primary focus of KOCE-TV Channel 50's election night coverage beginning at 9~ tonighl. Channel 50's coverage will take viewers to the Orangr· County election headquarters .:>f b o t.h th e Re pub Ii can a nd Ot!mocratic parties as well as provide up-to-the-minute vote tabulations. said veteran Orange County newsman Jim Cooper. the station's vice president for community affairs. America's inability to properl monitor Soviet compliance with-f freeze. ''This is giving .a vote of confidence to Russia, not to our own country," Steinbac.h rommented. Newporl Beach voter Maxirle Hughes said the most important thing on the ballot to her was ending Brown's politicaJ career! ., "He makes me sick. To!P Bradley (the Democra t ic candidate ior governor) isn't that bad, but I don't think he woutp be a good governor," she said. , Hughes also said she voted in favor of Proposition 11, whicl) would plm-e a five-cent de~ on a ll bottle and beverat~ '-'Ontaincrs, because it has worked wetJ in other states and might help an cleaning up California\$ beaches. •· '~ But the U.S. Center for Disease Control in Atlanta said Monday the cause of the Sacramento outbreak of the disease. hemolytic uremic syndrome. remains a mystery The University of California, San Francisco, reported Monday ~hat there have been six to eight cases of the disease in that city in the last three months . .Five were treated at that teaching hospital. fauntain Valley----.......__ _________ ·: • ~ I Solar plant dedicated · Valley council wejghs plans for drive-in property -· . DAGGETT (AP) ~ The world's largest solar-electric power plant, a collection of • giant mirrors surrounding a 300-foot tower, brightens the outlook for a new era of renewable energy, officials say. "This technology is a piece of America's tomorrow," Rep. Jerry J.,ewis. R-Calif.. said at the official dedication Monday of the Solar One power plant. • Ttie brief ceremony drew about {)00 invited guests to a blue-and-white-tent pitched alongside the High Desert p ower plant 12 miles southeast of Barstow. The Fountain Valley City Council will review preliminary plans to develop the 27-acre si te now occupied by ·the Fountain Valley Drive-In Theater during a public study session scheduled immediately prior to tonight's couacil meeting. The study session begins at 7:30 at City Hall. 10200 Slater Ave. The r~gular oouncil meeting begins '(}t 8 o'clock. R epr esentatives o f the Fieldstone Company. which is preparing to buy the. drive-in property. located on the west side of Brookhurst Street south of TaJbert Avenue, are exoected 'to unveil plans for residentiaJ and commercial buildings on the· property. DI.Iring the regular session, the council will con sider final adoption o f a flood· plain management ordinance. This law must be adopted in order to make most homeowners in Fountain Valley eligibl e for floo"J Insurance. ~ Ordinances tor AdOptlon. { -An ordinance of the Fountain Valley c~. Council rapeellng and re-enacting the Municipal Code pertaining to the flood plain dl1tr1Ct. (Second reading.) -An ordinance of the Fountain Valley City Council perlalnlng to lhe recoYef)I of c• lneurr9d from perlON Willfutty, nagll~tly .o+ unlawfully damaging or taking city Pf°'*}'' · (Second reading I Admlntttratlva llama. NATION Director.King Vidor succunibs at 87 -Aocaptanc:e ol bids and authOt"lzatlon /, 1.-wrchata or~r IOf" the trimming ot cd If- -A raaolutlon ot the Fountaln-XJ1111U-Mllll~ Council 1upport1ng rahablllllllon andt raatOt"atlon ot the Old County CO<lf't";J'J Santa Ana by the County..QU:lranga Tylenol suspect sought CHICAGO (AP) -Police in Illinois and Kentucky_ were looking today {or a man with a history of mental illness after investigators searched his apartment and said it was "essential" to question him about the seven deaths from cyanide-tainted Tylenol. An all-points bulletin for Kevin J . Masterson, 35. a former Chicago-area resident, was issued to po l ice nationwide Monday, Illinois AttorRey General Tyrone Fahner said. Meanwhile in Newark, N.J .• a man was charged with threatening to spike Tylenol with cyanide unless he was paid $100,000. U.S. Magistrate G . Donald Haneke on Monday ordered Vernon A. Williams Jr., who had been a f~it ive in conrlection with an"'tt.empted bank fraud, held in lieu of $50,000 bail. ' PASO ROBLES (AP) -King Vidor. whose 34 years as a movie director spanned Hollywood's transition from silent films to talkies and brought realism to the screen 's fantasy world, is dead at age 87. Vldor's credits include the original 193 1 version of "The Champ," with Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper. and "The Fountainhead" in \g48 starring Gary Cooper as Ayn Rand's rebel architect. "lils cardiologist. Or. Stanley Ho Uman, pronounced Vidor dead al 7:30 a.m. Monday after he was called to Vidor's 88-at-re Willow Creek ranch in th e rolling seaside hills halfway We're Listen.ing ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? 642•6086 Call the number at left and your message. }"jll 9e recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour a nswering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include their name <ind telephone number for verification No circulation ('alls . please Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Dilly Pilat • CIHalflM actwetteelftg 114"42·5171 All otMt d9pattments 8'2-4321 MAIN °"''a ......... St .C..UMfw.CA lllaN .......... II ... C•le MtM. CA .... ~-~-Themet P. ~ Pvbli~ Of!d Ch .. I hecu•"'• Olf.cet C..•ltM .. Or .... C8lll ~ ....... ~ ---..... llllltlra11911 .. H ltarlel .......... .. l. Kay khulta Vu ,,at<deM J Cl'ocl Owa<IOt o4 Advtmt1119 laywdM•dMn COii!• olle! _,IM.._., ,_, .... M8f • •-MIKM ...... "8Clal ..,,... .... 8' C..,r19M twMr • .,. old." betWl'<.'n Los Angeles and San Fram:asc.'O. A f1ve-ume Oscar nominee. tOf" Community OaYalopment • ' -A u I "0, I z. I I 0 n t 0 p u r c" • ;~ communication equipment tor the pollct111 fac:lllly • : "He just died quietly at home." Hoffmaf! said. "His heart JUSl got Vidor n ever received that coveted statuette as best director. What! A blouse ·for only $10? Wow! Those are normally up to $34. That's right, Buy any skirt or pant at regular price and you can get a Lady Manhattan blouse for }us( $101 Yes, but hurry beCBuse the offer 14 good wednnday Nov. 3 thru Saturday, -Nov. 6 only/ l .. ~ . l • Orang• Collt DAIL y PILOT /TuetdlY\ Novemw..a. 1eaa_ 111111•• l enneth Beyer succumbs at 60 K enn eth George Beyer . former mayor of Claremont, former college president and a fO\lJlder of the successful Laguna . Beach .Education Foundation, Is dead at the age of 60. Beyer, a seven-year Lagunan. died at h is h ome Mond ay afternoon, less than five months after he was diagnosed as having cancer. Memorial services will be held Nov. 13 at the United Cnurch of ~ist Co ngregational . mont, at 11 a.m . _.. rn in Orange City, Iowa, B yer was a Marine Cor s co poral during World War f1, serving as a Japanese intetpreter.", Ht was wounded on Guam and awarded the Purple Heart He earned his bachelor of arts d~ree in psychology and his ~ters degree In education, both J fr~ Whittier College. -·-,Beyer became assistant to the president of Pomona College, 1 leaving that post in 1955 to become a personnel executive for General Dyn.amics Corp. In Pomona. While serving in that post, Beyer• w as elected mayor of Claremont, serving on that.ahy's c.'Ouncil from 1962 to 1968. He joined the administration at Claremont Colleges in 1966 as vice chancellor, and was later named president of Pll't'k College in Kansas City, Mo., staying al that liberal arts Institution tor f<>ur years. Beyer moved his family back .\o CalifornJa In 197~. settllng In Laguna Beach where he was a self-employed ed ucallonal consult.ant for the Institute for Higher Education apd Philanthropy . 1-{e was active in the fledgling education foundation In Laguna Beach, which has raised more than $100,000 for the financially strapped local district. In addition lo being a member ·of the board of the education foundation, Beyer was a member of the South Coast Medical Center board of dlrectors. He also was on the board of Immaculate Heart College In Los ~le5. Beyer is survived by nis wife, Etta Elizabeth Beyer. of the family home: sons; 'fhomas Harl Beyer. o f Laguna Beach, and Gary Kenneth Beyer, Dallas, and daughters, Barbara Beth Bingaman, Salinas, and Rebecca Lynn G iacomini, Loleta. Other survivors include his mother Maye Beyer of Pacific Palisades: sister Helen Beyer Hull, Paclfff Palisades, and five grandchildren. The family requests donations be made to South Coast Medical Center. Suspect in LB jewel store heist arraigned A 21 -year-old transient was scheduled to be arraigned today in connection with a brazen robbery at a Laguna Beach jewelry store Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, police continue t<r seek a second susp ect who escaped during the same heist at Dan Miller Jewelers, 160 South Coast Highway. Michael Chico, 21, who earlier re fused to identify himself after his arrest near the "Hotel Laguna Friday, is being held in Orange County Jail. Bail was scheduled at $25,000. He was scheduled to be arraign ed in South Orange County Municipal Court. He and a second suspect are alleged to have en tered the jewel.ry store adjacent to the NRSONAL PROFILE ta South Coast Theater at about 5 p .m. Friday, brandishin~ a . 22-caliber rifle with a collapsible stock. The two men hdd co-owner Joseph Bechtol at bay while they s tuffed their pock ets with jewelry. Dan Miller. the store's other • owner, w as sitting in another part oC the store, a nd quietly called police from a phone on his desk. Police said one of the robbers, his pockets filled w ith nearly $3,000 in jewelry, fled the shop, leaving.: h is.. armed companion behind. Meanwhile , investigators be lieve the second s u s pec t escaped with nearly $3.000 in valuables. , Laguna Beach Hig h chool pr ince ses will .vie for Homecoming Queen title Friday during halftime at a game with Capistrano Volley High. T icket for a vintage Me rcedes will be sold during the first half o f the game., with ~rawing a lso a t ha lftiJne. P roceeds / (nearly 30,000 to date) go lo choolPower. Princes es, from -lef t, inc lude llaruko Sakamoto, Marilie Croul., Jill Ha lbert, Leslie Va ug han, J ulie turm, Jill Shealy, Ana Marie De Be nedetto, Car a T horson a nd Mollie Merchant. D•llY Piiot Plloto.br LH P•rne Ugly duckling Behind tha t feathery co tume is Peter Kred er, who plays the title role in the Laguna Yo uth Theater produc tion o f "T he Ugly Duc~l i ng" this weekend a t the Laguna Moulton Pla yhou e. T~ Ellis and Davin Henry ( be)lind her) a lso a re featured. Call 494-07 43 for ticket j nf orrnation. r FESTIVAL·. • • From Page A 1 'I'r a nsporla tion , Lunch and Counseling Program will receive $4,500. The Laguna Beach Museum of Art and the Lagwna Beach Arts Commission each will receive $3,000. And the Civic Ballet, Laguna Beach School of Art, the city's Historical Society, the Free Clinic and the Youth Shelter will receive $2,000 or roore. Recipients o f cash be tween Sl.000 a nd $1 ,500 include the Laguna Be ac h Video Club . Summer Music Festival, Stop Gap, Girls Club and the Boys Club. Eleven other organizations will receive gifts of less than $1.000. PANEL. • • From Page A1 Onofre plant, said he would not comment on the NRC report until the utility receives a copy of the draft. "We don't have the study itself and we don't know the basis of the results," Barron said. NOTICE .OF SCOPING &tarti~ Joint .. Tile Countv or Or•nge, [nviron111ental HAnage11ent Aglncy will conduct a acopin.g meeting to help determine the topic• to be covered in the environmen tal imp•ct report to be prep•red for the propo1ed Lagun•/l.eurel Pl•nned COtmDunity. -RA88fTT INSUlMCE 441 Old Newport lltwd. Newport9Mott.Ca. 111·1740 Mon.-Fri. 5:.45 p.m. KWVE FM-.108 .1111 IE II VOTlll FOR l8I llEE l8I HIRT l8J HEITIER r 181 LllTS Vote NO on "N" ' P8i& For By GH Fergu90n 180 Newport c.ni. Or. llMctl .HlllPIS . ' A ftlm-l•ustrated lecture by . DR. lft.~AM H. WICKffi, It. n ... .,, •••••lttr 4 Heritage Room, Unlverttty Center FrM Lecture. The public le lnvtted. " ,.. .............., ... (714) llMl7I ~~~ Outpatient Recovery Se r v ice For Al~?holism/Chemical Dependencies • JCAH ACCREDITED • STRONG AA INVOLVEMENT • COUNSELING SERVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE • FINANCING The ma1or1ty of HEAL TH INSURANCE pohc1es will cover all or part of the trea tment for alcoholism chemical dependency SER VING ALL OR ANGE COUNTY T'1e EIR will cover the Jtudy area which is lbcated •long La3µna Canyon Road roughly between the San Diego Freew•y •nd El Toro Road. The project proposes 3200 dwelling unite, golf course, coauner cial , and open apace u•ea on t he 21SO •ere alee. nie m•etings are 1cheduled to •fford opportunity (or t he public t o lea rn •bout the pr·oTect, t o advile the County u to t ha feHibi llt y of the project, and i t s ,•nticii>ated environment al i111pact s . The O>unt y shall consi der •ll wdtten COIWllents r eceived in r esponse to the 1copin$ not!ce and at t he 1coping me•ting ln deciding the i11ue1 that wi l l be covered in t he ElR to be prepared. Failure to part icipate in the scoping proce1s or to comment on the scope •nd content of the envir01\lllen tal docuaent sh•ll be conaidered •gree•ent with the project di1cl"'iption , list or pos1 ible significant environment al impact s and other 1coping matter1 contained in this notice on which no commcn& is received. An lniti•l Study (£tlvi ronaiental A1aeaaaent) h•s been completed on the Laguna/ Laurel Planned Colllunlty and l t t s believed that development of t he p~oject in the study •rea wi ll , or may h•ve •n Impact on the followin& environaent•l !Actors: earth , a ir, water, biol ogica l , culturel /acientlfic r esources , natur al re.our cea, aesthet ics , land use, traosport•tion/circulatk>n , housing, recreat ion, noise, •nd public s ervi ces and facil ities . The In iti a l Studv •nd other project information ls •vall•ble for inspection at the Coun ty's Environ- mental Management Agency , Environment•l An•lyai• Divis ion, 12 Civic Center Pl•za , Room 280, Santa Ana , C.lifor nia. Wri tten and or•l atatements from •ny i nt erested persons or group regarding t ha propo1td project will be recei ved at the ElR 1coping meeting for elTt ry into the official tranecr ipt-;· Written comment s on envir onmental concerns ro be covered in the ElR will be accepted unti l 4:00 P.H., November 19, 1982. Com~ ~;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;==================:!Jl•ent1 and any. quutions on t ha Lagun•/Laurel Planned C011111unlty ElR shoul d be sent to Hr. O.niel L. Fr icke, EMA-Env ironment•} An•lyst s Divi1ion, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.O. Box 4048, Santa Ane , Califo~ia 92702-4048. . . ' 0ranae . Oounty 6 lleatlon 1le1111'8 ~tlPMUn,111~ , .i LOCATION/TWE ~ C_..•lon HHrlfte "•0111 Hell DI A......_tratloll 10 01w1o cenear ~ .... aa11t• A11e, CallfonMll 1-10 .... Discover what's cooking along the Orange Coast In the .. .. Orange coast CGokbook · . Coming Dec. 8 In the .,,. -- I I ~ Bowie ltuhn , ClASSlfllD TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1982 * COMICS C4 C5 . . ,... .. It took seven years but· I finally got him -Turner CHICAGO <AP) -Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn/who helped guide the sporL Lo a peak of popularity and oversaw unprect.'ClenLed changes, fell' viclim to the minority that opposed hifll. The AL voted 11-3 in favor of Kuhn while the NL voted 7..6 in favor. But Kuhn needed nine favorable votes from the ~L in order to gain a third seven· year term.' vote ne<.·cssory f or an incomin g <.'<>mmiS.'liOncr but afLcr that It should tx> a simple majority. In any oLher election. 70 pcrt'<'nl would bl• a landslide," mused Lhc '56-ycur-olcl Kuhtl. Kuhn might still be Lhere and we'll find out he's thl• best." Kuhn said he was aware of the possi bility o r again b ecoming • commissioner. "It took me ·seven years but I finally , ' goL him," said Atlanta Braves owner T~ Turner, one o ( Uve Nation~) League owners who banded together Monday Lo vote Kuhn out of oCfic.-e. Kuhn had fined Turner $10.000 in 1976 for tampering and then suspended him from baseball ror a year the followi ng January. . Voting against Kuhn in the NL in addi lion to Turner were Ne lson Doubleday of the New York Mets; John McMulle n o f the Hous ton Astros; August A. Busch Jr. of the St. Louis Cardinals and William Williams of the Cincinnati Reds. At the end of his tPrm, Kul'Jn will have served as commissioner of baseball lon.ger than any6m• exce pt Judgt! Kenesaw Moun tain Landis. who r{'.igned for 24 years. Y[ would <.'<>n~1der it but I don't know If I would do itt' Kuhn said. Also said to be in contention for the job· are former New J ersey Gov. Brendan Byrne. AL Pres1dt•nt Lee MacPhail and NL attqrncy Louis Hoynes. "Kuhn, whose term wlll expire Aug. 13. 1983 . after 14 ~ years as commissioner. got the support of 18 or baseball's 26 owners during their ha IC· hour meeting Monday. But under Lhe sport's rules. -Kuhn need'ed three- quarters approval in both leagues, and he, didn't get-fit after owners failed to reach a <.'Ompromise that would have kept him in office. Opposing Kuhn in the AL were George Steinbrenner of the New York Yankees: Eddie Chiles of Lhe Texas· Rangers. and George Argyros of the Seaule Mariners.' Kuhn, w}lo will remain a t h is· $250,000-a-year post until his term runs out, said: "I'm disappointed. I firmly b e lie·ve there will be a-nother commissioner. But it will be difficult to get the necessary votes to appoint Ironically. Ont' o r those bei ng mentioned as Lhc n<:xt <:ommissioner is Kuhn himself. "l hope ~wic wilJ be a candidate." said San Dicgn PadrC's president Ballard Smith, who point~ out thJt those who voted against Kuh'n did not have the power to el~t a new l'Ommissioner. "Some peoprt-have been personall y wounded that the <.'Ommiss1oncr would get this kind or treatmenL.'. said McHalc. "It's going to take some time. tO find a replacement." another person." 1 Said Montreal Expos president and chief executive offker John McHalt.' - who has also been men tioned as a possible candidate: "It's a longshot. But who knows. In eight months, Bowie The reasons behind the <:ight "no" votes varied. Some owners did not have confidence in his.ability to handle baseball's increasingly complex business matte r s, including the growing importance "of cable television. Others (See KUHN;""Page C2) "I don't objecL to the three-quarters MaSSimirio • Ill tune Ex-CJ.Cl All-American pushing fitness By HOWARD L. HANDY O(theDellyPlot8t81f One would have to go tar LO find an athlete more Qnely tuned for competitiofl than those competing in a triathlon event. The gruelling, swim-bike-run event over distances most would prefer to compete in on a singular basis, brings out the epitome of conditioning. especially for the top performers. FERDY MASSIM INO, a former All-American water polo pllfye• ~t UC Irvine and a member of the U.S. National team, has tume4 his attentions to the triathlon at age 33 and last weekend won the U.S. Nationals at Malibu. . Massimino. a medical doctor in Benicia (Northern California). finiJhed first and Bill Leach of Corona del Mar and husband of Hawaii women's winner Julie. was second, giving the meet· a defirute area Clavor. "Winning at the U.S. Nationals was probably as thrilling for me as winning the NCAA water' polo title (he hit a-g-0a1-iFHJYdden- death overtime to give UCI the win over UCLA in" 1970). I had to sacrifice 90 much' in time away from my family and my work. It was a financial problem." At Hawaii this year Massimino finished 10th overall and was first in his age group (30-34). He was one of 10 com~titors who were invited special io the U.S . Nationals where the top three finishers will represent the country in the World Cup of triathlon ~QJDpetition In Auckland. New Zealand 'in March. "I WOULD LIKE Lo train fµU lime for that event," he says. "But without a sponsor. It is going lO be hard. I hope to find one and then I can take time oU from work for a year and compete. "l don'L believe I have reached my potential yet. I think I have quite a bit of intensity and I attribute a lot of my success ,Lo the soi.md nutritional program I have been under~- "l am convinced that nutrition playe a major part in my su~ss. They did a lot of scientific testing. at the Optimum Health Labs in 'It was a r ea l victory, nol only for myself but for all the p eople who helped me along the way.' Encino and San Mateo under Dr. James Braly. This makes it possible for someone my age to be sucxesaful in trialhlons.· "Dr . Braly t ailored an individualized allergy-free dret for me to increase performance at a level beyond the endurance of most people." PREPARATION FOR the training diet included batteries of tests for basic blood chemistry. food sensitjvities." vitamin and mineral analyses and tesls to determine how well glucose is being processed during exertion. At Malibu. he says the top 10 from Hawaii had their way paid to the meet by Nike (including himself) and all but winner Dave Scott were there. Scott had an injury. a hamstring pull during the bltycle race in Hawaii, and withdrew. "l wish he had been there." Massimino says. "I would liked LO have seen h o w he did.·· Massimino defeated the other eighl w ho were in front or him in the islands. "' .. The course at Malibu wn a tough one but I think Lhe thing that r ea lly determined the championship was the elements. "The water temperature in the ocean was 55 degrees and body temperatures decreased to as mu c h as 90 d eg r ees b y ,tiypbthermia. When the body gets to that point, it almost stops functioning. "PEOPLE WERE coming out of the water who couldn't go on. It took some others two hours to warm up. It was a c0ol, windy day~nd it begcln to sprinkle during the bike ride and a lot of athletes had.trouble with cramps. I had some myself in my calves. It took some others more than two minutes just to get their leg lifled to gel on the bicycle. ''It took me over an hour to stop shivering after I came 6ul of the water. "Later. when the run started, Lhe rain.started to pour down and it was a real survival event and very challenging. "lt was a real victory, not only for myself but for all the·people who helped me along the way. My wife Linda. Coach Ed Newland at UCI. my children, my mothe r and fathe r a nd 'others.'' The competition at Malibu was over a 1.5-mile swim (2.4 In Hawaii). a 100-km bicycle race (112-miles in Hawaii) and a 20-km run (26.2 miles in Hawaii). I !f •• John l\1c am ara McNamara new Angels manager John McNamara has been n a me d manager o f the Angels, the club announced today. McNamara. who previously has managed Oakland, San Diego and Cincinna\i. came to terms with c lub vice- president E. J . Buzzle Bavasi over t h e w eek e nd b y telephone and the veteran skipper will visit next week for the official signing. Terms of the agreement were not announced. McNamara ·succeeds Gene Mauch who. the club said, refused a proffered contract after guiding the team to the West Division title ii') the American League last season. Eric Lawton and Danny Thompson (lns~t) of Hunting ton Beach High share Daily Pilot Player of the Week "It takes 40 to 50 hours of preparation (training) each week to be successful in triathlon competition. It is unlike any other sport that I know. The ideal thing for me would be to go into It (ull time for a year but I need a sponsor. Mauch was criticized after Milwaukee came from two games down to win three straight playoff games and th e Ame rican L e ague pennant in the best of five series. honors after their offensive ~fllba'rdment. . I ... Oilers' one-two punch tabbed . Lawton, ' Thompson picked as players of week Bt ROGER CARLSON or ... DeMJ ""°' .. .., ~·You pick 'em, l ·can't," was }\\antlngton Beach High football c~ach Greg Henry's response when asked abouL his team's most impressive performance in the Oilers' 48-26 victory over ~an View last week. . Well, we can't. either, ·and ai a result the Oilers' one-two punch of quarterback Eric Lawton and r~nlng back Danny Thompeon. a paJr of juniors, share the Dally Pilot'• Player of the Week la.,rels. Between them they accounted for t22 yards 'of offense with Yw1{>n connecting on 7 of 11 for 202 yards and his seventh int«eeption-leu game, lncludina orje touchdown. Thompeon? He only rnarll8!d to! roll up 220 yardl on 23 came.. lne:lud&nl touchdown rww of 81. I ~ Ind 5 yards. He alto cauaht OIW of thoee Lawton Hriala lor 14 y1rds 11 Kunun1ton a.eh a Jnx thet It Nd blitt Wi&h Cor ..vwal ,.... - a pnie ~ atreak In the Sunset League. ' Lawton's seuon totals are now 67 for 116 (57.8 p.t:rcent) for 1,122 yards and 8 touchdowns and only one interception. · Thompeon. the burly fuJlback- type, has rushed for 866 yards on 138 carries (6.3 average) and acored 10 touchdowns. "I anticipated this with Danny," says Hehry, "but Eric ls surprising me every day. I wasn't sure If it was going JO be him or Buddy Noble at quarterblick. "But I'm a llfeauard during the summer and lifeguards alway• h~ve a com~tltion in thlnp they do." Among th e ev-enu are sprlnUng in the sand, sitting on 1 slick pole six feet off the 1round trr•na to knock the other off w th 1 pillow ind runnln1 throuah 11nd and r•trlevlna tennl• belle. thrown IMO th• oc:.-.an. "Eric won all of the ev.nta.'' ,._u, Henry. "t.ati~ llnlllnen '" the ptllow fllht, ~ .. pbyml abdltMI r9Uy l6owtd ~·· That one lnt,ruptlon, Incidentally, was by a linebacker who caught the ball on a rebound off a defender's facernaak. Thompson's future appears unlimited. "l don't lhlnk he knows how fast he can run," says Henry. "Heo just runs a& last u he • has to. He'll be a start« or lixth man on the basketball teem and one of the best quarter' milers around In track.'' "He's just a winner. I watched him take the baton J 50 yards behind the lead runner In the mile relay last sprln( and he ~c>nded up catching and peulng the leader. It WU a ph~I thl~:· Hunt1n1t<>O.. Bleach 11 'In th• m.ldat of Ill bmi ~since 1989 with 1 S-3 ownU ret"Ord. The hl1h-«ortn1 Olten piled up back·to·b1tk 50-potnt explmionl eerller In the llMOD with 0&-14 and M-21 trlumDIW over L.oa Aml101 and Bolaii Orende. ' They're 1vera1ln1 over IO ~J*'~ and fOr\he..,. put. uw· 1 don cm t to ~~. ttaaM:.lt tlae ,. ....... A native ol Sacramento, McNamara is 50. He managed Oakland for twp years. San Diego four. and Cincinnati Crom 1979-1982. He was fired last se¥On. Dotterer top Pac-10 star SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mike Dotterer, a &radUJlte or Edison Hl1h ,,whose 41-yard toUchdown nm bepn a 30-point offensive ~xploaion by Stanford. was named Pacific·IO football Offensive Player of the Week t.od1y. . Dotterer tUrrMod In his second ttrai1ht 100-yard rushinf11aY~ netting 106 yarde Saturday in the 43.31 upte' victory over'. Wu hln1t,on. Th~ loa knocked; the Huaka. out of tM ~ lead ind down from a No. 2, nadonal ranki~. : Dottuer. 1 from Hun~ 8Mcti. t-" aoueWiwnt at Stanfaril t .... e 1'·7 dead& to 1 tMT ._. ...... _..,,our,._ ;J:J•• tn th• nallcinlUy .... . ' r I I ! . I ' i . . I Or&ange Co111 OAILY PILOT ITuetday, Novem.,.r 2, 1982 '* ('I Ml.IC NOtlCl MllC NC>TICC MllC NOJICE ~DA:: :-::~r~t= :. NOTlt'E OF bEATll OF '':lU.'°:,w=f• t•t U..111 YOU TAICI ACTION KALLY ANN RAPHTOCK Tiit •Ollofr<•IO Jltfton• 111 dOlllO fO '9t0TIOT YCM! "'°"'"y· w I l. 0 N A N D 0 , butlll!MI .. T MAY II •CK.D Af A flUellC P~TITION TO AllMIN• VAAICTY IMltO"l 2378 .A,t:NA~ro: &:' ,:: ~:,J..: I s TI!: R F. !j T "TE N 0 . Cowfll Or . Coll• Melt· CA 121:18 ' ....... OCllDIMQ .. 0 ..... 1, AUHH Jan T Y111denber11. '37~ .,. ..... ,. '"'" , ' . . Co11wtl l)f COtle Mete CA tfftt OU, YOU IHOUt.D COMTACT A , II ull lwll II, IM•1111fll'll1r11'11, l•1t1b•llh• V•ndellwq. :1376 AWYl9' l'rNlilur• lll\d ~·on1l1\1£••1\l C0r1..i1 Or ' COttl ,.. .... CA 1282$ '"~T'~~~ ':All croJltor• of Sally Ann lhl• bu11nt11" conduc:l•O by r.•. '"· MIM RA1>1toc•k W1~>n llnd l>l'f'M>f\11 1nct1v1d1.1el• lhu1bend & w1111 NOflC IS H[REBY OtV[N, tlltt wht> muy bt• otht•rwiff' lhl• lt~~:·:~-=:.hglllt Wedl\ffdey, NovamtHH 216, t\1112, lnl.L"r1'11Wd In tht' wlll 11nd/or County Cltlll ot OrallQ• Countv on I I 00 o'clock am of old dey. In <'IUltti: Ott 7. IH2 • • h• rooni .. , Hid• tor aondliCllnQ A I I h l..r m ,,. '11t1ot tru1IH'1 Gel11 wlthtn lht 0111"411 or f)('t t 0';1 811 11<.'C'O ('U l'Ubllthld Ore11g1 COUI 0•11)' (Al I.STATE SECURITIES by Sll•Vl'I) 1':dw1mJ,w11.,rt In Poot, OGI 12, 19, H . Nov l· 1982 EAVICl, loc•t•d II 2020 North lht• Superior Court of Ul&-12 roaowey, Sun• aoe. In tn. City ot Orai~•· CuunF1' rt~U•••tlnlJ "' enle An• County Of Otanot. 81111 ha W I f Ce111orn1e COAl'llLINE £0UtTY, l l tt1vcn wa I aon "'8.IC NOTICE. NC , e Ca1t1om11 co1por11ton, H b1• Appointed 811 pl'r1on11I ________ ;...;;.. __ _ uly •ppOlnltO Tru1111 undlr end n.•prt'tl«'nUillve lO udmlni¥k'r "~l:!.'°~: .. ~==~· unu1nt to lhl PO'Nll of .. ,. \hu estate or Sully Aon Thi 4ollowlng p(ireon •• dOl11g onfarrtd In th•t c;•rt1ln Off(j 01 n~~·~k Wllaon (und'•r th" bullnt .. H rual uecu11d b)I STEPHEN nu ..... " " AT 0 c Ae c HAAlES FORDE. A SINGLE MAN, In 19pcndenl Atlmin 11trutJon A A v NTU . 32 ir ... •corded Jul~ to, 1"81, In Book r "'utal .. ··t) Th lit Tr .. l.8tle. lfYlne. Celltoml• 2716 • o ~ t'll ~ . t· pt• ion Jentt M1t st-•. 32 CyprM• ##~O Artist H a rold Cleworth guide a 1969 Ferrari into an auto crusher to~ re duce it to a cube of sneJal, 1413• ol 011 lel Records of l•l<i IS k l ror hearing In Dept. TrM LAM. lrvlM. C1J1lornle 92715 ounty. •I peg• 878, Racord1i'1 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Tiii• 1>uain.a1 It eonducttd by"' n111umen1 No 124163, by 111eon ot lndlvld 11 brHCh or det1ull In p1ymtnt or Drive, West, in t.hr City or ~.,,., MH Steven• erlormance 01 lhO obflg•llona Son to Ana, Cuhfornlu on Thi• allttment w111 llltd wllh \he ecurad thereby, lncludlrtg lhat Nov 24, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. County Cllfk or Orange County on br11ch 01 d1l1ull, Notice ol which IF YOU OBJECT lO the October 28. t982. · ~:~~~do;~~: t~;~.~~~~~2N!' grontins of the petition, you f2007tt which will eventua lly be pa rt of it's Co la Mesa 82-2216004, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC should either appear al lhe Publl•h•d Orang• COlll 0•11Y ·uCTION TO THE HIGH•sr • PllOI, Noll 2. 9. 16,.23. 19112 "' " hearing and state your 16820·82 ~wner's dining room table. BIOOER FOA CASH. tewlul money t' I fll I QI the UnltOd s111es, or• c;dhler'• o itN ons or e wr llen ------------ check d1awn on a 11111 01 nauonel o Jectlons wilh the l'Ourt PUBLIC NOTICE b•nk. • 11ate or federal credll before the hearing. Yo.ur FICTITIOUS BUllNl!al union. or a ttele or ltdtral uvlngs appcorance may be In persdn NANI aTATl•NT end toen essoc11111on domlctltd In b thl• state. ell peyebla 11 Ille 11,,,. 01 or Y your att0rney • The lollowlng paraon 1s doing Ferrari gets neW ·Jife: sate. e.11 ught. lltle end 1n11rest held 1 F Y 0 U A R E A l>USineH H by 11. H Trua111 In th•1 real CREDITOR or a cont19genl CPT GflOUP. 17779 Mlln S1 . ~!t: ••t alt I 1 d Cou 1 d ... •· f h d ---.l Sulla D. IMM, CA 9'2714 pr.._• .. u n '' . n Y an cr ...... 1~r o t e ect!WR"O, you Henrv Arl•d. 310 Fernando State. ~~~1=/~~~wa must hie yourda1~ with the wey •307. Balboa. CA 921161. Mesan 's dinner table F'ONTANA (AP) -The big machine c ranked to life. spectators cheered and huge iron jaws crushed the expensive s p orts 'Car like a matc hstick. The result: a F errari Crush that the car 's proud owner will • use as a dining room table . The new life for the wrecked 1969 365 Fe rrari was the brainchild of ' painter Harold James Cleworth . who for the past 10 years has created a following among car buffs for his larger than life acrylic paintings of collectors' cars. Automobile furniture was a logical next step, he said. "l was asked by Mike Sheehan. who owns the car, to do som ething for him." Cleworth said ~n a phone interview. "I had always wanted to do furniture. and I thought this really would be the perfect o pportunity to do it. I said to him. let's cube it and make some sort of table or something out of it." Sheehan. a Costa Mesa auto body r epairman and car collector who s p ecializes in rebuildin g wreck ed exotic automobiles, agreed with Cl~worth 's suggestion and gave the artist $3,000 to save his c herished Ferrari from the junk yard. The car -minus wheels and interior -was smashed into a block about two feet by two feet by four feet Thursday at the Frankel Iron & Metal Co. in Fontana, 40 miles east of Los Angeles. When the block was disgorged by the crushing machine. black air hoses and, unexpectedly, the car 's radio ante nna stuck out of the wreckage like bizarre limbs. • C leworth said he ~sha,k the 1.~f metal into a perfect cube, paint ll Ferrari red and mount it on a base. Plate gl~ on to p will complete thC' table: The finished piece will be £caturt.'CI a t Cleworth 's major-gallery debut in San Frandsco on Nov. 11 before Sheehan installs tht> new conversation piece in his Laguna Niguel home. The 43-year-old Cleworth. who routinely commands $8.000 per.print for rendering Rolls Royct.>s. Mercedes .Bcnzes and other classic cars in a so- called "super N>alisl'' or photograp!\ic style. also will unveil h is latest work al the San Francisco exhibit, a Posche 91 and a Porsche 93 Turbo. ~n undlllided 11481h 1n1eres11n court or present 1t lo the Thia busjntts Is conducted by en and 10 Ille lotlowlng d11sc11b4ld hmd. personal r epresentative lndlvldual lhat_porllon of Block C or appointed by the oourt Thia et~~~rl!~s hied wllh 1119 ;;::~~ M:o:•r~:;.~4~ ':: wuhln four mon!hs from the Coun1y Clerk of Orange County on 42 ot MlllCatleneout Mapa. rlCOtdS date Of first issuan~ or Ocl 15, 1982 JI Or•nge County, Cellfornia. letters as provided in Section '1M741 :lesc11t>ed as IOllowt 700~f the Probate Code of Publlahed Orange Cball Cllllly .: Beginning at e potnl ot the California. The time for Piiot, Oct 19, 26. Nov 2. 9, 1982 So1.11hwet1er1y line of Ocean 4496·82 Bovl••erd, llOflh 50 deg wtst 42.78 riling claims will not expire ------------ IHI from the 1n11ra1ct1on thereot prior to four months from PUBLIC NOTICE N•th 111e norlhweslerly lme of Oahha the date of the h earing FICTITIOUS eua1N1aa 4\ll90UI (lorme<ty 31st Avenue) as not.iced above. NAME ITATUffNT shO'*fl on said map, lhenca soulh YOU y E M 1 NE T 1 1 I 40 deg 49· _, 15195 IHI 10 en MA XA he o lowing pe1aon a doing 1ton po1t: lhenee south 49 deg, 37· the We kept by the court. If bull~~;:~INARY HOUSE CALL NHl lo lh• ordinery high tide or the you are interested in the PRACTICE 208 Rochttler Stieet Pacltlc Ocean In Newport Bay as eiitale. you may file a request Costa M11e, Cltlfornle 92627 ' described In the dacrlf rendt<ed I h h I o · WI J 1 p 208 April 3. 1942 In an acllon enlllled w l t e court td rece ve r mem oe Hco. Count" of Orenna Va Shlrle~H. spec I a I no l 1 c e of the Rochester St reel· Coato M111 , • • C.htornll 92627 Wiiiits end 0111e<1. Cua No 16 24 inventory of estate assets Thi• bullntn 11 conductlC! by an in thl Superior Court of thl S11t1 of and of the petitions. accounts lnd11ildu11 Cllrtom11, rn end for thl County of and reports described 10 . 0r w Joel Pasco Orenge. a cenltltd copy of wtuch decree was recorded April 3. 1942 Sect 1 on l 2 0 0 . 5 o f the Thlt 1111emen1 wes hied wi111 lhe In aook 11161. Page 353 or Officlat Cahfornia Probate Code Coun1y Clerlt of O.ange Counly on The artist, who said he personally Reco1d1. thence nottnerly along Sackln & Gold, Atto~ney Occober 29• 1982 F200IOI own s two 19&8 Impe r ials. lives in seld high Iida tine 10 en lnrtraecllon at Law, 10000 Santa Monica, Publlthtd Orange CoHI Oa11y Venice. a bc-achs1de part of L os ~::; ~211~~~~~ ~·~:t°"~\~ Suite 30%, Los An&eles, CA P1101 Nov 2. 9. 16. 23. t982 Angeles favored by artists. where he 1outhwu1er1y 11ne of Oceen 900l7, (Zl31 !77-71'77 4764•82 works mamly from photographs in. Bo1.111verd. wh•ch p oint •• t>ubll•h••d Orangr co ... 1 o .. 11y PUBl.IC NOTICE re creat'ing cars in l'fe i·ke d •~ 1 llOf1hw1ster1r, is. 22 111t rrom 111e p,i.,1• Nw 2• 3. 11• 1982 -I -I .e .... 1 . po1nf of beg Ming, thence n<>fth 57 • 4826·82 FICTIT10U8 aUSINE•• ''I work a lot with the rt•flcctive deo 12· east to aa•d southweaierty NAME STATEMENT surCa,·e ·of the car .. he said noting lln• of Oceen Boul1v1rd: !hence PUBLIC NOTICE Thi IOllO'Nlng peraon j. doing . • . • 1ou1hw111er1y 164.22 feet to th• business 81 that the sh my ex tenors of his two poml ol t>eglnnlng. together with the FICTITIOUS •UatNEH NU WAY ENGINEERING. 16e0 Porsches ~ill m~or, apA~opriately. ::!t:1ri~t ~5u: t~i:1 c:,: T11e ,:O-::T~'!:!~. "°'ng ~~~~~! 9~~;;e1. Costa Mesa. pa m trees rom verly ills. Aeaf Apertmant Bulldlng. bUSlneas es Chuck Booth. 14300 Clln1on heretn1l11r called "Butld1ng," and HUNTING TON PARTNERS. Slr'8t. Spece 118. Gerdan Grove, ··1 go a little bit farther than the camera can do. J think. it's S9mewhat larger than life," he said. Before conung to the United St.ates, the English-born Cleworth worked as a graphic artist m London, where he c reated album covers fvr earl y recordings of such rock groups as the RolJing Ston()s and lhe Who. g1r•g• apec:e No L2-42 and L TO. 330411 Celle Avlldor. Suitt C. Cehtomll 92643 11orag1 compartment No L·5·316, Sin.Juin Caplitrano, Calltornl• This bUsln"' 11 conducted by an both appurtenant thereto, 111 es 92676 tndMOu11 deslgneled on lht plll 1uechad ~., Energy Corporellon, Chuck Booth tlltteto 111d m1~1 • pen thereof, 33<M9"'Cell• Aviador, Sulle C, Sen Tllia 1111ement was filed wtlh the I I.. llh • ht f r Juen Cec>l•treno, Ceklornla 92675 oge .. er w • r,g o way or R 11 Ph E Ph 811 n . Jr , 8 County Clertl of O.enge Counly on 1ngr ... and egrese to end from uld Oct-'--I" t"82 apertment and garage apec. and • Caltlornt1 c;orpor1tton, 3:KM9 Celle ........, "• "' · F1"7a5 non-e•clutlvt right In common wllll Avledor, Suite c . Sen Juen Publlthtd Orenga Cooal Dally othe occupenta of aaiel buildlne 10 Captstra~u~:~~or;~E::~~ORP. Pltot. 0c1 19. 26, Nov. 2. 9, 1982 use lhl elev11or1, pa11ege ways, Ralph E. Ph-'en. Jr., •~25-82 driveways, public portion• en , "' common 1q1.11pmen1, g1rd1ns, PrHldenl -;;~;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;------,------r:===========-J wellla, dock and sWtmm.llQ pool and Thlt 1111_,t -• tlled wlth the PUBl.JC NOTICE lllTH llTICll l'talC NOTICE ~':~°:=~~!:!:1::r::o aald =~~ f~8~·· County on _N_O_T_l_C_E_O_F_D_E_A_T_H_O_F K.o23JI Tha 11r111 addreu or other YATll.AMO NlaHN C L A R A M A R I E ORANOI COUNTY MUNICIPAL common dtsign111on of th• reel A"'...._., Ccwp«etlon TOLLEFSRUD AND OF ROWLAND IVES CO\HIT s><operty llerelnabOve o.Krobed •• AttOl'Mfl et Lew PETITION TO ADMl N- " .. 119,.... 'UOICl'"l DtaTRICT purpor11d 10 be· 2525 OcHn -N. Main.,,..,, 9ufte 1000 K E N T ( J I N G L E ) L a V E R A M I V ES . 4.o1'J..';.bofM .. ilcMHeHrd Boulevard s E . Aper1men1 E-5, aant1 Ane. California mo1..ute I ST E R E S T A T E N 0 · ROWLAND. resident of ident of Newport ~ach. P.O. Boa 2510 Chennel Rttl Bldg . Corona dal F200l57 Al15631. Newport Beach, Ca. Passed Passed away on October Newpon 9"cft, CA 93ll0-1M7 Mir. Cellfornle ' Published Orange CoHt Delly To all heirs, benef1c1ar1~ • n...,,...be 31 1982 I 1982 She issunnved by PLAINTIFF MARSHA Li. Th• 1.1nderslgn •d llareby PilOI Nov 2·9· 16'23' 1982 creditors and contingent away on '-"'...., r · · • · INOUSTRIES, 1 corporatton 011c111ms 111 lieblllty for any 4817-82 Survived by brother Brent er daughter Donna Lynn DEFENDANT TESCO formerly 1n<:or1actneu in said strHl lddress c red1lors of Clara Marie Rowland. sister Jody ana ves of Newport Beach, Ca. k n 0 w n • s T Esco or otllef common duignaoon Pt&IC NOTICE Tolle!sn.id and persons who father Alan. Memorial rvices will be held at on CO MM UNIC AT IONS, INC . • Said Hie Wiii be mede Without FICTITIOU• •U•INEll may be otherwise Interested services will ' be held on ednesday, .November 3, P•rtnttahlp composed of JACK wernnty, upreu 01 Implied. NAME tTATIMENT in the will and/or estate: G .. SAW •y aka J G •s •w .. Y renardfnn Utle, pou111lon, or Th• 1o1•-·"nn -... -~a e•e dolnn A . . h L--filed Thursday. November 4. 1982 1982 at 2·.00PM at Rivftrs1'de '"' " "' "' " · • • ... ....-... ,, ...-·-· • . .,, rv>tltion as .,.,,,.n ... HOPE BULi< ELEY . RICH ARO encumbr1nces. to nllsty the lllJ'lnesl ft r- at lO:OOAM at the Lido National Cemetery, chapel JONES; JACK GASAWAY eke J prrnctpel b•'•nce ol th• Note 01 LASCO. 1132 Keiser Avenue. by Charles W . Hendrickson Island Club House. 701 Via ervices will be held •On GASAWAY. lnd1Vldua11y and as • other obl~etoon secured by said Irvine. Calllomi• 92714 in the Superior Court of Lido Soud. Newport Beach. ednesday. November 3. pal1n4!r of TESCO tormrty known as Dff<I of rusl, "'11" lntarHt end AICl\eld F LovejO'f. 603 V1St• Oran~e County rNtues ting TESCO COM••uNIC .. TIONS INC other sum1 ., provided therein, V•f1nde. San c .. -tt. Ca111~n11 h h I W H d '··-Flowe~ should be sant to 1982 at 6 ·.00PM at Bait• "' " · · "~' ~ l at ares . en rtc ....... n • ., .. .. HOPE BULKELEY. lln<IMdualty and plua 1d111nces, II eny, under lhe 92e72 • l the home. Bergeron Smith & Tuthill IS • partner ot TESCO IOf'merly 1erm1 lherflOf and lnterftt on ...ch Btlly Lou Lovejoy, 603 VIII• be appointed as persona ROSENBLUM WestclHT Chaper. Services k n o "' n • s T E S C O advances. and plua '"'· charge1 V1llnd1. Sen Clement•: C11ilornl1 represent.alive to administer HENRY ROSENBLUM. under the direction of Balu COMMUNICATIONS , INC .. andaapen ... ot theTruatHend ol 92672 the estate of Clora Marie ~~·-~ n....,_.__ Be S . & T · h 'll RICHARD JONES. lnd1\llduelly and the lruslS craaled by said Deed of John O Anderson 16882 T 11 f d ( d l h ~ away on v.:..uu<::r 29, rgeron mllh ut I .. • peitner 01 TESCO formerly Trust Tiie 101a1 emount or H id wendflr1< Lane Hunlingt~ Beech O e s r u Un er e 1982. He is survived by his WestcUH Chapel Morklary k n 0 w n a , T E s c o obllge1ton. Including r111onebly Cellfornl• 92&49 · Independent Administrahon w ife Rose. children Rhoda or Cost.a'Mesa. 646-9371. COMMUNICATIONS. INC'. DOES Hltmllld feH. ChlrgH end Roblrl J Strom & l.•RH J of Est.al<!s Act). The petition Sch t Je Cohen and 1-100 ~ allpen ... Of IM TrustM. 11 Ille tome S11om. 730 Alla V1a11 way. Leguna. 1s set for hearing' in Dept. war i, an WILSON . IUlllMC>ttl of Intl"' public;etlon ol thl• Notice. IS Beath, Celltornl• 92651 C Mario.n Shaf?iro, sisters WILLIAM ROBERT CAHNUM9EllS1142 '366.80853 Tlllabu11neu11conduc11dby1 No. 3 al 7oo ivic Center Fann 1 e Ste 1 n and Id a WILSON. resident or Costa NOTICll You ,.. .. been effd. Ollld OGtObet-24. 1962. gener.al pennerstolp. Drive, West. in the City of Landman, brother Dr .. Sam M-ft. Ca. p-··--' away on TIM-'_, dMtde .. ._, '°" Coastline Equity. In<:.. Rlcherd F. Lovejoy Santa Ana, California on Rose bl 7 ndchild ---...,,_,.. wtttloul ,_ ~ llMrd unleae 1 Calllornt• corporilton. Th11 atetement wu llltd with the Nov 24 1982 al 9·30 om n um, gra .ren October 26, 1982. He was a '°" raepond wtltllft • •1•. "9ed " B T~~t9esTATE County Cterk of Orenge County on iF YOU OBJFCr to ·the and ~ great-grandchild. retired Minister. having has llM llltamNltloft Mtow. SYCURJTIES SERvacc Octobtr 29, 1982 f h Services were held on congregation 10 Anzona. He 11 you wish to.-the •clVlu of E ..... ., ... granung o l e peuuon. you Monday, November l , 1982 ls survived b~his wife Ruth, an et1orn1y In lhls metier, you •California corporeuon. Published Orenga CoHt Deily should either appear 8\ the al the Harbor Lawn Mount d h I w ·1 Should do IO promptly IO lh•t your '"Agent PllOt, Nov, 2. 9, 16, 23, 1982 hearing and stat e your . aug ters ores I son wrl111n response. II en", m•" bl By (SEAi.) OJ Morger, 4780-82 bi · {'I · OUve ~hapel with in~nnent and Car ol .Steele. sons hied on 11,,,., • • 111 President ------------i o ectlons or 1 e wntlen 1erv1~es l!flmed1ately Stephen and William aYt90t uied lie e l do 2020 N Broedway, Ste PUBl.IC NOTICE ob ectlons with the court follow.mg .. services under Wilson, 4 grandchildren demendado. El trlb11n1I p111de 206. Sente Ane. Ce 112706 ---FIC--TITIOUS ___ M.l_aM __ 1-1--1 before the hearing. Your the d1rect1on o.r Harbor •-"'-a Jon Chns' tine and ctecww-1,.Uct.elf\euclenclaa .... " ap""'a.taOC('maybein""l'IOn VUKJJ.: ..... ----....... ....._tro Ttl. (7t4) 953-6810 --•TA MIEN'T r-b ..-Lawn-Mount Oltve u~nu-• • . --.,. -r......--_. or y your attorney. arv or Costa Mesa. 540:s554. Suzanne. Services were held c1a '° .... le ta lfttormedofl .,_ Pubflshad Orenge Cout Deily The tollowlng person la doing I F y O U A R E A _._,, _________ _.on Saturday, October 30, ...,.. Pilot Nov 2. 9. 16. 1982 bUllntU-CREDITOR · 1982 at the Harbor Lawn lit Ull•d dHH 1ollc1ter el 16834-112 B()()I( PROFESSIONALS L'TO . or a ronungent H.AHOlt lAW.._,MT. OUYE Mortuarv • CelT'tl'terv Cremalo l\I t62S Gosier Ave Costa Mesa ~SSSA PIHCI HOTHUS llU. HO.ADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broaawav Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALTZ & IHGHO .. SMITH & TVTHflL WISTCUff CH.A"l 427 E 111n St Costa Mesa 646-9371 .,..Cl llOTH .. S SMITHS' NOITU.AIY ~ 627 Main St HunttnQton Be.en 536-6539 MICGe:I IClr MOltTUA••t LMl'lft• Beach ..... ,, LllQuna H1Ut 7M-0133 9er\ Jutf1 C.p111reno 4'& 177& c I b d 1 213 Ab•lont. Belbo1 1a11nd, redl•-f lh d......., .• .-1 u Memorial Chapel with consa 0 d• un • oga 0 •n 88 ' l'talC NOTICE Callfoml• 92682 c ""'0 e ""'"'-"•yo e tun IO. deb e I I e h IC lflO must file your claim with the I n t e rm en t •c r v ice 1 1nmfldti11mente, de 1118 mantte, 'ICTITIOUa eu .... aa Slenley H. Siegel, 2t3 Abalone, , h immediately following. 111 rffPU8lll escflle, 11 l'ley a1gune, N.-aTATIMINT Balboa lllend. Cahlorn11 92862 court or present tt to t e Se · und h d' · puac1a Mf reg1ttred1 • llenll>O Tiit lollowlnn peraon 11 doing Thi• bullMll i. con<klcttd by an personal representative rv1ces er t e irecuon 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A d\111 butlolll.. • lndlllldvel appo1~ted by the court o f Harbor Lawn-Mo unt comp111n1hest>M1>l11edbyplalnlltt o & R BUSINESS Stanteyti..&agel wtthlnfourmonthsfromthe Olive Mo rtuary or Costa egelnat you If you wlll't to defend MANAGEMENT SERVICES, 2001 E. ec!,~/~~t;=-~~o:'~~ 1~ dale of first issuance of Mesa. 540-5554. Ihle tewaull. you mutt. Wilhln JO Flrat St. Sult• 2016. Senti An•, CA October 25, 1982. l•ltel"IJ u provided in Section days efler this eummona la M(wd 92705 "' BLACK on )'OU. Ille wllh lhl• court. wrlllen 011110 w. Sh•ll•nd, 22 131 . ....a 700 or the Probate Code of JESSE ALLEN BLACK. rapor>N ro the complain t Untea• Co••I•. Minion VleJo, CA 921191. Publlshed Orenge Cout Delly California. The time for a resident of Garden Grove, you do •o. your deflull wlll be Oevkl w. Shetletld f>llOI, Ocl. 26, Nov. 2. 8. 164;:fe2 filing claims will not exptre Ca. Pa!lfled away on OctOber ·~n1er1dandon,~~'!~~!t!!'!, ~.,th•, Thi• at11eman1 .... llled wllh the prior to four months from ·-~" .. _, ..... COunty C141rk of Orenge County on .. _IC ...,.TIC£ 31. 1982. He IS survived by t 1911n61 you tor the rlllef Oct 7, 1982 ... _ "" the date or the hearing his wife Alma, daughter dell'llinded In 111e comc>lelnt. WfllCih '1•110 FICTTTIOU8 9USMH noticed above. Ethel McElroy of Garden could tHull In g11nl1hm+nt of Published Oren%• Coat! Delly NA•ITA,.._NT YOU MAY EXAMINE 0 C w ....... , 11111,.,, of --or P'oe>er"' P110t Oct .... I" " Nov 2 1982 The 1011 1 · t 11 ootno h fll k b h lf rove. a.. grand. 0 n. o;-"Oiher reiiaJ ~tQU.t•t•d In ,,;~ • "" •• " . 4479-82 bu1lna1 .:,w ng p raon t e e epl y t e oourt. Robert McElroy of Mira c:omptalnt. THE PACl(AGE POST . 177 you are interested in the Loma, Ca .. a nd Richard DATEO Fat1ru1ry t6, 1112 PUBLIC NOTICE Riv.alclt A-. Sutt• 'I'. NeWpOrl estate, )'OU may Hie a request McElroy of Costa Mesa. Ca.. CJ ~TERSON, a..c:h Celllornil 928'3 with the court lO r~elve _,. 'ICTITIOUI au..... R I Jranddau!;htera Janice ey 0•..._ HO*lll, NA-. ITATI...,. tc11ard unwtn. 11142 e1mnl special notice o f the f An C .,.,,_ OrlYe. Sent• An11. Cellfornil 9270$ I ( t t t owera o anta a . a . 0epu1y The lollow1ng pereon 11 dolno fhli bu-11 condUCted by.,, nventory o es a t asae 1 and De lores Nob I e of .... .,_, QC)M)ON • "OUllO bullnlu u lndlvklu•I and ot the peUllons. llC'COUnt.s M 11 a 0 u r i 9 are at. ,.,. ,,...,_ et.d., hlte 1I01 WINE a ROSES, 32t Un.....,t11y Rlcllatd unw1n and reports described In . • • IMIM, Celfvmla t 1at Orr~. Coale MIH. CA 92127 T .. I ....__, ...... I"-a I 1 2 00 a f h grandchild ren and ~ great· Tel; (111) I01·al0 t<r11t1ne Ann ounn. 'at ·•• •1•""*'1 WU,_,.'"'" ... ••l'l on .~ 0 l e greaf-grandc h ndrel'I . Publlahtd Orange CoHt Otlly Unlvertlly O.tve. Cott• Ma,tJ, CA ~~ ~anoe County on Callfomla Problui Code Servicea w,!11 be h eld on Piro.. Nov. 2. 9. 1tl, 23, 1982 92927 ,_ ~ I . Wool1e11 l•c:. aH Wednesdar.' Noveiflber 3. 4t22·•2 .,J~~" condu(t-4 by an P1.1bll•htd 011ng1 coaat Delly WMIMJ, Aacele I n&lc:Mr, 1982 at l :OOPM al the Krt.ttneAnnOunn Piiot.NOi< ~.t. ie.23, ltu AS1ef'HJ .. Law, It" Su Harbor Lawn Memo rial "8JC NC)TIC( This 1111ement ._.. tiltd with IM 47"-U J •I•• h H 11 h R aad, C hapel with Interment . County Clettl of Orange County on ----------• Ne.,...1 ltecla, CA tH ... Immediately following at ~~A~=:r.. Oct. tl6. IH2. ,,_ PtalC NOTICE ('714> Ht·tlff. • Pactflc View Memorial Pa~k Thi following l*eont .,. dolllg Of11nge Co•t OeHv Piiot, Oct It, ACT1TIOUI .,_.. l'ubll1hed OroinfG t"o••t Oallv 9-rv&cet under the dltt<:Uon bu'"-•• 2t Nov 2 • IH2 07t·•a .... ITA,_..,. Piiot NOii 2· 3• II. I of Harbor Lawn-M ount K " OONUT a ICE CREME • • . Tll• lollowlnt S*IOfl .. Mint 41121112 Olive Mortuary of Cotta ~~: c:n:=:r11 0..0tn MllC NOTia ~ .. ':1T OUN llATH!" M .... 540-6~~ "°""" l<llelrul, 3701. No NOTICa °' APPUCATION COMltANY. 1Utl, ... 0 , ... ..-----------~ 6C Ptrtllllew lent. lrYlnt, c.llfortll• TO ml. GercMn' Orowe ....... W••mlnl*. t2115 M.COMOUC lhlMGll c:ellloMill ..... ShltM Kf\Wraat. 3101. NO. 40 t0ol1.. JOfl Out111lo. 9061 Cllll)pew Perhltw l.•n•. lfYlnt, C•11lornl1 To Whom 11 May Colletfn C>rlvt, Wt1tmln1t•t. C110orn1 12711 AOll!AT W 8 llNOA L t29a3 Tlllt bullfWM le c:oncNctad by an BROCKWAY ttt ·~ to tilt Tiiie ._._II COflCIUctad by ~ Deoer!IMlll "' ~ ..... lndMdl* HoolhMt Kllerraa COfttrol -•• 41 .. ~ IALI NP JdWI QulftllO TNt .. ....._.wee flled Wlttl ltlt 8 WINI (ll11ttllc lallnt lll•ct) Tiiie .._.,... .... .._ illllfl CoufltJ Cltrti °' Ofll'IOt County on ..,. to _. elcollollo .....,.... CollMJ Cl"'1 er Otentt OMltY Oo100tf It. tN2 • '4M ldfnter, Uflll A, Hullllfltton 0..4*tr "· ttla • ,_ IMctl. Celltoma P11ttlleflect Orel\09 Coe•t 0.llY ll'ultllnect Ora11 .. Coeet Delly ll'vOll•fleCI Ofafttt Co.., Tum your UftUllbtll Into ........ cnlLCIH IMDYPle.t ctalllfled Ml-llJL flllot. Noll 2. t . ti. 23. tN2 ~ NoY I. ttu "*'4, Ho¥ I . t ti, II. ttlt ~ -l 47..... 4tt4.-a 4~ ·--------· I • 5 6 7 8 ,,,, ,,,,,, ······················~ ,.~Utll•r's ••tlHI All rtal u1111 adverlllfld In thla l\•wap•l)er l a 1ubftcl to 'the Ftdertl· F11r Houllng ACI or 190. wtlleh ttiakes II llleg•I lo 1dvetllfl "eny prefertn· ct. llmltetlon or dlacr1m1- n1tlon b•Hd on race. color. rtllglon, aex Ot n1t1ona1 origin, or eny In tention 10 makt eny 1uch preference, Umlla· • llon or dlscr•mlnaUon " Th11 newJl)aper will not knowingly accept any 10ver1ialng tor real ••· tale. Wl'lleh lt·ln vlolallon of tht lew. HUll1 Advert!-' sers should check : their ads dally and · report errors lm- m e di ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first incorrect Insertion only. HHlll ,,, ,.,, ........•............. . ,,,, ,,,.,, .•.................... "•11•1 l 002 .•.................... FllER! FllEIU Near perks and schools, this 3 Bdrm 2 bath home 11 a real buy! Save 11\0U· NtfldS on this one Only $129,900. act now• 648-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS TWO WUH un to assume 12% loan on beaut Int dee Condo Fullerton/ Bre.a area Nr College 2 BA. 1250 sq fl Owne< de5perate S 119, 000 offer. t/529-3798 or 951-1344 LOOK For our new reguter weekly feature IOIT SHOW- CASE Every Seturday In the Dilly Pilot Clesslfoecll * MESA YElllE On the golf course Custom b6aulitu1 3 Bdrm home, many, many ex- tras $279.500 w11h tO"i down owner wiU carry et 12'•"" Interest. Iler McCardlt, llltr. 141-1121 '*****'*'*** *UYFHIT* llATSUP ltw Price 1411,1001 38 BALBOA COi/ES. 3 bdrm-den·2 bath. OPEN DAILY 1·5 ART llHllETTI IEALTH/IWIEll *•ll-1111• ********* lllYEllSln PAlll 0.llChed 3 br. 2 ''t ba. home In Irvine on green· bell near comm tennis & pool $114,000 1n UIU· mabl• loans and you own lh• 11nd $135,000. 144~4110 --------- T/\YLOH ('0 . -- .. '• • .. WHTllWPHT ::· OupleJt. Two thr" be• i • droom units. l!kcellent : • locau~ St11>s to aancl • Ocean view ltom upper , unit Great lln•nclng Submit ottlf $299,50&. '. 111-1• =~~·-. ~· ,.. . .. . COLDWeLL BANl(eRCJ ___ .. "_ . ftlmlU 11,111,000 exclustve new llatlnglJ Btytront wtlh pier & •lit> Woncterlul financing 11 only one ol th• many .... t9 In IN• warm ... BR hOme See only by cal· Hno °"' 011~. ........ ·"-•' AITOS, WSH ..,, ;i~===~ii ""'' .. ,. .. \-*4.lf•• •• \ ,,_.,.-. Wlt ,_,_ '"' ••• ,, .-A ~ -, ........ , ..,, ~uu~ lfMI ~ _, .......... u.. ... ... _, .. ,.. ... , ~ .. f!~,. sr ...... ......... -................ "\; .• ~ .. -. .......... ,., ttt11·· ,.., "''."I Ulld. ... " ... """ Olllll9lld M ··---· Tekt eOveftteoe ot ••· oellenl ~ on thle 3 Br l'tomt w/1Q ... Hiii· mat>te IOM 8argllln Pflo c.d It I 141.500 wlll'I VA '•'"'* a11allabla Cell ? ... tl01•1•·1'11 -W:tlh 1~1 1 : '.t:t: , .. .. . . • i t I ' 1 ~ • Dow Jones Final OP 18.38 CLOSING 1,022.07 .. Daon says Chemical won't press lawsuit • VANCOUVER, British C-Olumbia (A.(') -()mm Development Corp. says Chemical Banlf or\New Y 01 k has agreed to wlthdraw a $37.5 million sull against lllc Vancouver-based devC?loper. . . In a 'news release Monday, O~on spokesman George MacFarlane 8aid arrangcmcnLS had been madp to satisfy the indebtedness to the bank on 1wo apartment projects to the _Los Angeles area. No further details on the acrangcmcnts w1.·n· available. Chemical Bank filed the sujt 1n l<'<l<>r;1J 1.:ourt 10 New York City in mid-September. At thut time a Daon spokesman said the company wouJd dcfond thl' action. West ern S&L to· r est ? PHOENIX (AP) -Westc.:rn Savings says at has no current plans for additional purchases aftt.•r acquiring 24.9 pen.-ent of Del E. Webb Corp Common stock for $26 mjlJion. "We have no current plans to mak~ addmonal purchases, but we're not ruling them out," Westcrn's president, Gary Driggs. said Monday after the third such major move by Western since ,June1 In each case, Western has acquired more than 20 percent but less than 25 percent of the ('<>n1pl~my :·Going over 25 percent defines it as an affihatc."' sajd Driggs. ''By acquiring at least 20 percent we can include• the pro..Portionate amount in our earnings, under accounting rules." .___ More asb estos P!.~blerns PHILADELPHIA (AP) -A second asbesto company has filed for reorganization to protect its(:lf Crom creditors because it faces mo re than 10.000 lawsuits from workers ~laiming asbestos poisoning Amatex Corp. filed under Chapter 11 of the· bankruptcy code in U.S . Bankruptcy Court on Monday. SYMBOLS P<1. Up l'l Up 11,4 Up ,. 3 Up 14 I Up I) I Up IJ) Up UO Up Ut ~~,a~ Up U l VP ll I Up II l (Ip 11 I Up 110 Up !Of Up 10 I VII lO 1 Up IO• VP 10) Up lOJ Up 10 I VP lOO Up lOO Up 100 Up 100 P<I Ott IOI Oii ,,. O•I •• Off • 1 °'' s• Ofl S > 00 so Ott •I Oii •• Ofl • , Oii •• Off • s °'' • s Oii • s Ott 4 > Oii 4 > OH 4 J Oii 4 I °'' • J Oii u 011 l.• Olf l I Oft l 1 811 1! METALS NEW YORK IAPI IMl&I p<oCfl TU<OeOay Soot nnnl.,roua Coppo• 72" 75 cenls a pc.u"'O IJ S cioe11na1t0ns Leed 23·26 c:e111a 1 POUno Zlftc •0·42 conl• a pou110 ~1 .. ered Tin -ciO.ed Al11mln11m 76 c....19 • pound N Y lllfft s 10 52 '* 1•or ounce NY c_, "'°' mon111 dOM<I ~.,., -cwt' S36S 00 '* ftasll "•ll1111111 S337 OO·S343 00 ltOV Oul\U NY GOLD QUOTATIONS ey Tllo AHocl•ted f'r•ea SoiKIAO "'Odd OO'<I Of~~ l llUOlt London mo•nlnt f11tn1 $431 ~O up S4 25 London •fl••noon f11ln9 $4l 1 00 un 13 75 "••I• ellernoon llaln9 -Hol•Dl y matliotc;l,oMO frWllttutt ftalnt $432 99 up I~ 00 Zilrtcfl loll Ofl-natne $-430 00 UJ S3 25 bid $-431 00 • .-oe1 . H1nd1 I Harmon (only d1ll1 q11o t1) ~I 00. up $3 7S l ........ d (Oflly dolly qliOle) tnM\OI ctoMd l,,..._d (onlr Nllr qllOlol mirdl~ llofMlbllc Hatloftol .. ,,k -HOlld17 mor kot cloMtl STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER l'l·Nffl 11au1 •·OoclArtMI 0• p110 1n p!t<.llOtllQ 1' months plut llOC:~ dlll•dtnel l·P8•!1 in aloc:lc ., preciocMg '' mo11111a ••llt'l'llMIO ca.,, v.iu. on ••-O•Yldoncl °' t> ·dlt111bll1•Ql'I o ... l..£a-OMOonda Of ••.f!Ol'll y Er dtnd<H'iO IN! Mlot 1t1 1\111 t·S•• ;,, 111• ~Ml..CllllCI WO.W,,_, O•stnl>llMCI •• W,,.. 1111100 -Wilt\ w11tonl5 ww WtltlOul Wlttllnlt ad1t•fia C!1Slrll)ul10n " E r11to. Tno prtco o• • 11oc:~ ~• • ""'"" of ~· •• ,,... ... 1111\0f Cllt '"" lit> dMdlng IM ialetl 12 mollltl Ml n"1Qt f1g1o1t9 "''0 l•t .... ptiCO