HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-23 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORANGE COAST COUNTY EDITION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Sheriff defends jail policy after three deaths lh JEH ' Alll.EH 01 the O•llY Piiot St•ft il1.111g1 ('.,1111l\ SIH11ll t "'' "'"'' l\1.1d <; .111•, iii I 1 11d1·d llttdt1 ,d pl ill t•dllt I ... ,ti ( >f ,111g1 ( \1tffll\ J,111 l\1 1111d,1\ I l,tllllfflg lho• lhH t 11~ t'lll j.orl d1 .oth~ 1111dd ll ltl lr ,1\ t h1•1 II flit'\ t'fllt d 11•g.11d1,.,, t>I '' l11 ·1 l11 ·1 1111 111 llld It'' \\'I 'f I . I II I lhll t< h 'l'ht• 11111·1· M11 l1;11·I i\1111111111 Ho""· Hu lw11 i '.1n l1•11." ( '11t.1 .111d H11 h.11d l'.1111 111•"\0111 d11·d f1 11n1drlf.•rt111 1.tlt"'' d111111g lh• µ.1-.1 1111Htlh Tll"u d, .1111 .... '' • • • 11111 111 .ill \ \\,1\ 11 l.1l1•d l11 ll11•lf 1111.11t1'1,1llo•ll ( ;,1(1' ..,,fltl l!.1.111..,, Ill 1"'"1'1•· lr.1 vt · d1t·d 111 ,111 111 I.., d1 p.1111111 111 111-.111dy 111 I 1 ' ' I lo .1 11 l \\ e 1 \ I .1 I ' l Ir I' \1111 I h ,111 ( '1\ rt l .1IM'I tit'' l11111111 ..... \\I II ·'' ·' 'liflt 'l 1111 I Clllf l JUdg .. ,111d ·• 11111111\ d1•pul\ pulilu· d1·lt·11dt·r lr.1\1' t\.tllt·d 1111 1•1tl111 ,, 141 ;ind JUI v 111 .in 111d1·1w11d1•111 Ill\ 1•-.1tg.il11111 1tll11 I ho · d o'oll 11" Hut t:.11,., 11111 lt•11d1•d 1 h.ot 1111 d11 .ii l''""·d1111·-. .111d IH'.tllh o .111 .ol lh1 ;.111 .olt .1d1·1111,1l• 111 Pyramid scheme alleged as county scam trial opens Hy ST EVE TRIPOLI 0 1 the O•llY Pllor Stefl H.1lph Md.)\1n,tld l1l'll ltt holh 1nvt•,t111·~ 111 <111d 'Nt1rk1 ·1 ~ ,11 111~ (;11Jd1•11 r:..tgl1· lnv1•.,l111t·11L' 111111 <l!> lw lt1t1k mon· t ha 11 $I:) 11111l1ot1\ for ... uppo~1·d 111\c ''""·111-. c.pp..;rt·ntl:-. wh11 h "''" 111 ·\.1•r m a dt'. .1 pr11..i·t uln1 111ld .111 Ot.111g1· (.'11unt\ Supt•t '"' ( otllr 1 JUI v Mond<1;. Dt·µutv D1:-.tn1 I :'\11111111 ·v '1'11111 Bul'k madt> llw :.l<1li'n\«'lll .ii 1111 o pt•111ng uf M"Don.tld'' t11.1I t111 ;11 l'<IUlll.\, ,.f gr<ind tilt'! I "'I lit 1111·-. law v111liJ t11111' ,11 111 111• unu t.•' l'\'i.1~11111 l 11 \'l• ... 11g.i l111' ,1 l11·g•· I hJ I l;o}dt•JI r:dgk .o<lu.rlh "'"" .. p yr.11111 d ... , h1·rn 1• 111 wh11 h M l' Don a I d p .11 ti t d t '", r I v tnVl•::.t11r-: With 1111 11111111 \' 1\1· \\';1~ t<1k111g 111 1111111 th""' lh;1I f u ll11 \A.t•d l'h1· "llt'r.1l1t111 """ dt• ... t f llH'd ll\ nr.1ng1 (.· .. uni\ Sht·r 1ff Hr.id (.;,1t1·' "" tlw l.1rg••,1 wh 1t1· toll.tr .,l.0111 111 111u11I\ h1~1o rv wh1·n M l l>u11.old \\ ,.., <irn•slt:d tn" r'rh IU 1.11d 1111 1h1· farm Bw k '-Ill! th;1t Mo I )o 111,ild told th1~1· 111nnt'l 11·<.l \\tlh th1 r:I T"'" tnvt•,11111 111 f1rn1 1h.11 h1 \\ ..i~ <1lilt Lii fl.I\ I 'll"t•ll1t I\ lllgh llllt'l '''I 1 ,, It -. I 11 r 'h u r t I 1 1 111 11 '" "I Ill\ ,.,1 .. 1< 11111111'\ IH~ .ilht' 111 · \\',,,.. lttdlllJlg ll lot 111111·1 lll\'1·-.1111'> .... "" 111·1·d1 ti l.11 g1 · ... um .... 11 1 1 ,,,h qut1 kh .111ol w1·11 · w11l111g 111 Ji.t\' 1 .. , 11 1\11 1>1111,dd \\ 1111 11111111"' ti 111\'1 ... t.11-. tt·turn:. \,11 \111g 1111111 Ill JM 'fl't'lll .s 1111111111 lo :!II 1><'~1·111 Ill Jll'l \\\11 \A.C't·k~ tl.tlllll'd 1,11 ,di '"""" w1·11· '1'l'lt11·d In· l,11 ,I .111d 11tllt'I ht1ld111g:. 11\\ lll'd 1Hlll 1ghl liv 1111 lj( 11111\\ 1·1-... Hw k -..rnl Uut "twn ~ho·r d I ' d•·pull•"> 1.11d1 •d ( .. 11.t .. 11 1-~·i.:I· ~I Ii )O th1·:- f 11U llol rtu • \tdl 1111 1h,1l !ht llttllll'\ h,1tl lH•t'll ft>.llll'd lllll oil ,,JJ B111 k ..... 1111 nil' 11111\ "" ci1 c1 "' .111\ 11111111 l.11 ' 11,11\S.ll'tlllll'o \\ol 'll' 1111' pr111111"'"'' r1o•1t·-. M i I J..111;sld 11,.c1 -..g111•tf ttVt'I ltl 111\'l'"lttf '· 111' .,;11d 1\111>1111.sld ', .1tltt1111' P.oul l\1.1 .... 1 tnld Jlll "1' t ltt fl '' ,,.., 1111 "11111gd11111g .ind 1111\t•cl th.11 .11 1 111\ I 'lotl' Ill ( ;1ild1 11 l-:.1gl1• IJ,od 11•1 1·1\1·.t lht•ff 11•111111 ... 1111 lllllt plltll 111 lhl' d,I\ 111 th•· r;11cl M ,1sl. .,.. lr11 111,,1s lt·d that tht· '" 1.illt'fl lll\'l'"tor-. w1·11 ilClu;iJly I 1 I\ cf I' I -.. l 11 I It t f I I nl ~I d1-.tlll< 111111 h1· -,.;td \\l1Uld 111 f ~t'I' PYRA~1m . PaRC' \21 2 sculptors hired for Valley colllplex B' PHIL SNEIOER~1 Ai\ o i"1ti. Defir Piiot St•H P,1('1fll' Mutual l.111· (11,tir.1111 • Co ha:. 1·11rnrn1\st11rwd I \A. o L11:-. An~t·l t·' .artist-. I•• d1 ..,1g11 wulp1un·., fcu llw thro 1 l1uild111g l'llv l'1·ntn 11ff1tt' ttt111plc·' th1 1 on1p.111\ " • 1111 ... 11u1 1111g 111 F ounl.1111 \';tll.,, Tom S,111111 ·~ P.111f1t Mulll;sl ~pok1· ... mc1n, "'"cl rt•Jffl'" nt.ollV•" of lht• l ot.ii .orl 111 111111un11v ho·lpt•d tht• 111111p;o 11 \' -.1·1 111 SI ulplor' JJy Ph1ll1p ... ,11\d Llu\d 11..imrc•l t1 • 1Tc·11t1· tlw .11 1 work' Tht· 'l·ulp1un·' "'111 II• 111,1.1tlt'll 111 '"'" 1 •·ntral l'Olfl l\,irtb "'1lh1n t h 1· l ltnl pl( X ('1111'1 Ill< \11111 1-. h alfw;1y 1·11rnplt•t1•tl "" tlw th11·•· s t o r y liu dd1ng' wh1< h wrll provtdt· 'LH7,tlflll u .... .o hl1· -.qu.111· f {'t'I of off H't • o;p:u 1 . erv1ces s et for Goldie TeWinkle., 102 C:11ld11 T1 Wrnkl< .,.. do 11f Cosl.<l M1·'·'' f1r ... 1 rn.1v111 .1ml th1· 1·111Timu1111v 's ft r<,I l""'"'i''''~'· 1s ckad .11 the· ~l'(f' '<.If 1 ll:l T 1• W 1 11 k It" w h (l h" d I 11•1 • n und1·r .tround the• 1 lt11 k 1 .1r1· .1t h1•r 18th S tn•t'I honw lnr l1111r v1·ar;. d11-<l Sund.w nt.l(ht Tt>W1nklt· d11d l'wr hu-,ba11d l'h<1rl1·~. t an11• to l'ost<t M1~1 111 I ~211 and ;H·t p11rt•d .t R•·n1·1,d stori· 111 1 ht• t·1n111llu111 1 v t h1·11 c;illt'<I llrtrpt•r It w,1s .11 tlw '>11111• 1 ha l T t' W 1 n k I t• Ii,. 1 ,, 111 • postrn1strr~« L-<1tl'r th<' T1•W111klt·' <>""'""I .1 hardwarP ston · lo• .o11·d .ii I Ht h StrN •t and N(·wport Urndt \.,11d Charlt-s T1·W1nkll' 111'(·,11111· 111,1v111 in 19 ~:~ 11ftPr C'11-,1a M1·-:.1 w ..... lm·or por;i 11 ·d L1kr llt•r hwd1ancl, 1'1·W111klt• \.\ ;l'I Al ll VI' Ill lll.tfl V I IVll 11rRJn11..it11m-; 111• l11cl1n.I( tho• I larlx>r Arl.'a Boy' ( 'lul1 a11d (;1r1., Club. Col'Ola M 1·<;,1 flt<;ln r u .il Soc1c>ty and CnstH M1...,;1 l 'haml>f'I of Comm1•rc't' ' TeW tnkle was horn Ma y I ~1. IHHO. in Clymt>r. N Y A mt•11;or1al s<'r VH t' f 11r • , f'ht I I.A. 11 .trl "h 11.1\ 1 lit 1·n 1 111 11111 .igt·d lo \'lt'W I h1• • 11L11 l v-ird .• r .. as of llit• t·11111pl1·>. 1 11 d d 1· v t• I •1 p 1 d • ,1 ... f "r • 11111pl1•nw11tJJ'\ \\ o irk' M 11d1 ·I" otf 1 tw JI" 'I'' ....... d ,.. ulpt 111 ,., "'ii I I"• tlll\1 1lc·d 111 .l.111u,11" .111d mu'l Ii.· .1pµr11v1d l" P.111f1l l\lu1u.tl Thi 11ffu t 1 omplo >. 1ir1g111<1ll~ l.A.;t' It> lw tKU lpl1•ol 111 p;.111 b\ l'.i11f1t Mutu,tl. h111 1h1· u 1111p.1rl\ llCl\A. h ..... d1·1 1d1·cl 111 ,,.,,...t .ill .1v.sll,1hlt '>pdt'r• lu 11111-..d1• f1rn1:-. Thi• 111.,11r.1111• 10111p.1n\ t' 111:-1·,1111~ $7!1 U()tJ 111 llw d1· ... 1gn 1 tlll'>trut t11m .incl 111 .. 1.tll.1t1c111 of tlw 1~11 "'ulµtun .... ~.111llo•\ .... wt 1\ I 1 hough Pan ( 1t· l\l 111 u.il h .... lw •1•11 lon1·<l to I.iv nfl • r11plt1'4'"' .111d 1mplt•mt>nl 11lht·1 t 111b.11 k-, 11v1·1 tlit· past 20 month-.. S,1111lt y tSee CITY CENTR E, f>a~C' A2 t T1•W111klc• " <;t·l11•dult-d 1111 11 ·'Ill w.~1rn .... cta y .11 ll.11 lw 11 l..1wn M .. rnori.11 l '.1rk M111111.11 v < 'rn;t;1 M1·,,1 Thi· l .111111" '".l(~t·,t1 ·d 1·ontr 1hut1c111s to t h1• l la1 bor A1 t•a l\11Y'> <'luh. Girls «1111> or t lw (', ..,1.1 Mt '!kl H fSlllrtl'lll S0t'll'\ v Tt•Wmkl1• 1s !lurvtv1'Cl h y thrt·1· 111•pht•W<, I lo-w.11 d I l op..,un . o t ( '1)!,t,1 Mt""1. R us.<wll I lnJl"l>ll. 11( :-;, .. , \ ·ir111t-11ir an\! Pna : H;,p.~.n. nf S un IY.rnnrd1n11 .md 11 rw~ '" M a u cl t· W 1 I h 1 l ,. n f S 11 n &•rnanllltcJ ('}111rl1·<. T1·W111klt· ol1c·ol 111 1 llll'.l p1oudh 1.1llt·d llw prl 0 111· 111 th•· ltl l>t•l>l 111 lire rn•llt111 N11111 ·tli1'11 ·" ( :.1le ·-. .111d 111l111\V 11 o.,d I It (',11" A,ge•111 \ 1>1 rt·• I 111 l'ti.111,., K t "'" .or t• ""uly111g .1 11 tllll ... 1 llr.il ..... k ... 1111• 1>11.11 d 11! 'up1·1\1-.111 ' 111 .ulol -.ix lull 1111w .11 1ol 11111 · p.111 lflll\' ;,.ill llllf ""I>: l~l!'.lllllfl' '1'111 l11mf<f 1:-. t'XJ1t1 lt·d lo 1·p11:-,11l1•1 tlw 1C"q 111·~t • .i lh N11v 10 111\'l'llll).( II .opp1 tt\t•d, tho• .1dd1t1u11.ol ''·"' po .... 1111111 ... \'.•Hild 111 u-..·d IOI lfh d u .slh '411•1 11 •,,.Ir 111111.tlt '" \lit•) llfl' l11tHlj{lil llllli lilt• jllil ( ;,tlt'"> ,.,,11d h1· ha:. .1:-.k<•J fur 1111·,1· pt1'>1\l tlll:. Ill IJ·•~I l'UU rlly budj.(1·h but Jl<wJ Y" hM. bt·t•11 1111111'<1 d ow11 ( 1.1lt•"> ..... .1111 that lu· -.1111 would \\t•h111111· .• g1c1nd JUI y pr!\~ IJI' • tll 111v .. -.l1 j.(,1l11111 hy MH111· c1llwr body ht·tUUM' l11· 1:-.1011l1d1•11t !'.Ul'lt .1 1 t·v11•w would 11111\lt' tht• ,1dt•qU.ll'V •11 lw<tltll t .111· 111 till' S .1111.1 A11.1 l.1u lity 'l'lll l\lltj.( ll• the· ll HIC..I 1 l 'l t'llt d, .1111-. ( :,1lt·' ..... ud 111 '"'ot 111 1h1· ;\ irni n~ a I Than k sgivin~ dinnt•r 11111'1' ('ol'ot'' Jolfl ll1t•d1t '" fH 'l ... 1tllllo•I \\1•11• .1Wo11t• o f 1111• lllfl\,111·' lio·,titli 11ro hlt·11 " .orr d w1•11 111.t1111~ llit'fll, I '\ I'll lls11ltlo(li lilt' 111111.0lt ... ,1! I lu llllJI"> w1•1 c· h·r 111111.ol 111 1h1 1l111d t .J'>I' llt.11111 tt ......... tlwr•· w ,,, 1111th111g ,111yl""ly t t•uld li.1v1 do 111· 111 p11 ·v1·111 th•· d1· .. 1lo . (:.111•, ,.11d H11,,,1,, .1 4 :1 Y t 'JI u ld V1·111tt• 11· ... 1dt·11t. d1t·d .. 1.Ja111 .. , A Mu:-.11 k J lt11tOI }< oll'llf Ill El '1'11111 ,of It•! ,I liloo<l Vt'">'t•l .it 1111' i.,..,, cil hr:-. II•'< k r uptur 1·<l < ;,,lt . .., -..1111 Deity Piiot Ptloto br lllch•rd K o.hler II a rk i n~ ha<'k to thf' f •·a~t in 1620, tht> lloka n Nation of India n <.u id c• ... from tht· Ora n l(t> Coast YMCA hdd a turkt'y !>ohoot. Mark a 11d Phillrp S hinne rs, kno~n as Sl f't>pin~ R .. a r a nd R ed Hea r in tlH'ir Co ... tu Mc·~a tribe·, wt>n · amonf.?; t.:> f atht'>rs a nd ~on~ who ~hot al l ar~•·h la ... 1, wt•c•k (•nd u t Milf• Scprnrt• P a rk lo win frozt•n t urkc·~ ~. ' J\ltl111ug)J flotl .11111·d1< !'. 'Wt'l I 1111 rt"' ,, 1·111· w11 lo111 I I 1111111111·'· lt11:"" '1.A.,h dt o1d \\lot 11lot•11111111 1 1•~11 ,111111d111g lot 1111' do• 1111.,,' ( ;,,,,., .. 11d 11 " ,,dif1 if 1 h.1 t H"'·" h.1'1 llfldt·r g11111 ,, th111 t1l1gh 1111·d11 .11 I )\,lfll b1'11t11 llt'ffl)4 lt.oll-.ll•flt'd Ill tlw 111111111 l.11111 ll1 -. .. 1v1 .1 -.rx 111111111. "''llll'llt 1 ('111.1 d11·tl N"' 11 .ot tilt· LJ('J M t•d u ,sl ( '1•11tl'1 111 v1r;ol h1·1ldt1ll,, ( ;,j(\ ....... 11d lit· .. '"' .... 11cl Jilli <St•t· J AIL . Pa~t'. A l l Incest suspect guilty By STEVl.; TRIPOLI 01 lhe Oell1 Pllol Stefl llu111111gt1111 H1 ·.11 lt .1Ul•1 111 1 • l h <• II I ( H () t II' I I c Ir .Jr I 1' ... ( ;111nhad1 w;1~ l'OllVll'h •d lotl<1 y of ~'.! of ;!;$ t hargt"• 11! ,1·xu.clh <thu,ang h1' thn-<· cl.,ughH·r ~ 01 <111g1· ( '11u111~ Su1J4·rn11 Cuur I Jud g o· r:, 1·rt ll 1>11 kt•) 1t1 a11nt1u11nng lht· \'l•rd u 1 111 1111 11111\ JUI V lrt,11. ~;,1d tt•,l1111011 y from th1· thn•1· daugh11·1 ~ \\a~ "1·umpl1·tt•ly LTc·d1blt•" but th,il Gronb<.H'h's wrft· J<11·4ut•l11ll' "wa.' lying lo 11i1, tourt ab<1lll ;1lmo-.t t'\'t'r\ 1h111g . IJ1 "'t'I lll•>I l\lll hew I ~l.tgu11 1 ~Jtd ,1fh'1 I >11 kt·\·, v1·1d11 l th.II ht· 111,1\ "'L h 1n·qun 1 h.11 g t•' ag:rnt~I M " (.;nmhath l>1l'k1·y found Cru11ll.11 II gurll\ ol llUllH'l llU' o h<1I g1 ·., 11f lllt't•-.1 or.ii lltptll.1111111 , :.ocl11111v .111tl J\lt·mptt·d '11d11m\' I It 111 th·rt d l;m11ha< It h1·ld 111 h"u 111 $'.! 1.0flll h,u I S 1 11 tt 1111111-( "'..;.., ..., 1 f "' l)I ~ Ii' l;rurdJ.il h ', u;..ughll'l':-0 n o\'. ;igt-d 17. )~ .111d 1-1 l<~l1 f11 '(l lhJl tlwv h •• d ~t·X Wtlh thl II l.ithl'r nun11·ruu ~ lime· ... ii flt·r thl' l'lll'llUIHt'l 'o bt:g.in 111 I !flY Thi• l\o\11 oldt·'t daughll•r , 11•,llftt·d th<1l l ;ro11h.1th told thl'm th.ii ht \o\o uld g1\.1· lht•111 11111111•\ for thing' tht·\ nl'l·dt'(I 11111' 1f 1h1·v h.rd '-''>-\A.1th him M .1gu111· ~d lJ d urm g 1 l11~111g .1 r g u Ill 1· 11 t ... M on d .1 ,. 1 h ;1 I (; ru nlo;1t h h .1ct vwla 1t·d 1 lt1· .,p1•11al tru ... t lw1w1·l·n .1 µ.1n·nl and his l hlldn•n Ill' ..,,11d 1h<1t M r.. Crnnbdth hdd ht-<I on tlw stand wh1·n ::.hl' sard :-.h t• "',.., una\A. ,111 o f whJt w~ haµpt.·rnng A' 1 ., rd 1 11 g t o M a ~ u 1 r 1·, (.;ro nh.wh'., brotht·r t1•s11f1pd cl tir 1 n g I h 1 • t ra a I 1 h (I I M r :-. Cronl>.11 h h.1d b r oug ht h1•r d.iughi.•r, lo ht:-. Connt'l't11 ·ut h111111· l>t'l .1u-..· 1h1·v \\t•n · lx:rng s1:xu,1lh .1hus-. ... l b' tht·1r f.1tht•r M;.igu1r1 .1bo ~11d '1ha1 th(' lhrt'<.' d.iughh·r' had ll•st1fll'<l th.11 lht•tr mo1h1·1 w1t111·sst'd a l lt'.t:-.l 11n1• ... 1·x11al l'IH'OUllll•r M.ig11111· "<lie! lw would (·11ns ul1 h" 'UJll'1'111t:. 111 !ht• d1...iritl .1t1.,1 n o v' of f ll·t• ;;ihoul th1.. p11-.s1hal11v ol fdJng p<•rJury t har~W" a~a111'ol M rs Grunbal·h Stw h.1d ht•t·n grant{'d 1mmun1ty from pt ost'l'U\rnn 1111 ( hargL'S n·bt111g to tlw <1bus1.-111 l'x1·hangl' for h<'r ll'~l1mony . hut Mcigu1n· <Set' INCEST . Page A21 Irvine councilwoman wins court fight By c:u:1"N S('OTT 01 the Oellr Piiot Sletf lr v 1n1· l'1t\' l'11 u111tl\.\11111o111 M.1ry Ann ( ;;;1do '·"" f11ll11w1n~ " VII 1111" Ill <i1t1.oll I '·""'" 1·11urt. lh.11 f1 •ll11"' 1 1111n1 ii n11·mlwrs \o\t'l'' l''"P·ll t·d l o .1pp1.il t o h1~lwr c 1H11 L., al nly t•x 111•11-.1· rf -;h1• h .1d lost a ruling 111 1t"ool 1·,t:ll1· hr o kt'f' Don Bond F\nrul had 'l1t•d ( :.11tlo 1 l.11111111g 'h•· h.1d cl,m1;1~t·d 111-. t 011q11 •11•11t·1· 111 ;1 11·1 tt•r 1111hl,.,lw d 1111 lht• l'dtlrnt.tl p<1~1· 11f .1 lt w.11 1.A.1·t'kl\ n1•w,p.11x·1 ll11wo·v1·1 , l la111111 M111111 tpal Cou r t ('11mrn1-.s1on1•1 c; lt•nn Mahll'r s rdt•d wrlh t:.111111, who had aq~l1t•d th111 th1· 1:.,111· w., .. politt<·aJ :end d1d11't li.·lm1i.: an a I 11111 I rtMlnl C ;;111111 ll'rnw<I Honcl ' l.1wsu11 ·" "11111t11 ntt·d h ;.11 "'"mt ·111 u f .1 1 11v • 111111\'tlwornan ' Shi· wa~ 'l'I Vt•d With ttw SUll .t Wl'l'k HRO .ii .1 1 ll Y 1·111111t•d llll'l'llll~ M a h I " r d 1 cl n · 1 rn t• 11 l 1 on h ;11 .1ssm t•111 rn dt'lmt:-...,111~ t lw su11, hut lw d11I sll~~··sl 1h.11 1x·1Jplt· \A.It o Jllm p in to p 11)1 lt\'<.l l .ir~1111w11ls 4'hould ht· prt'fMt •'ft 111 !··~p-o ""th pt""f'C.O"nl ;,•ttnt~k Said M::ihlf'r "A11y o111• who lo<l'l" 1 nvol vt•d 1 n 11 µol 1 twn I f rn y ts 'lllh.)('< I 111 ~1·t ttn~ hu rnt•d " l\ond lu ul ht'('llrTH' 1nvolvt•d 111 tht• t'aM' ,1ft1·r a July 27 City C1111nnl m1'f•t11\I<( 1n wh1t·h Ga1d~1 .ind M.1vor Larry A~r,1n h ad c1rl<(Ut•d th.It rt•,d l'Sldtl' .tgt•nt!- "h ou ld h .. 1v 1· rt·dut <•d l he1 r 1 om1111.,....111no; 1n ht>lplllR .1 no n - prnfrl ~roup ac·qutn• humt•s rur 11wnt:1lly n ·tardr-<l youths Thi· e 11y had grant1•d $7:1.000 t o •tss1~1 lhl' g roup , S u t to n Extt'rtdPcl Carl' Serv1cc•s Thi• two n1u1wd m1·mber <: l'latmC'u too J)lllt'h of those puhlH runds, ,1h11111 $27 .000. WC'rl.' gom~ toward 11 "d Pslttlt• 1't1rnm1ss1ons Al l hou~h not person ally 111v11 lvt'cl, Bond WllS vm• of thrN• Hl';lltors w h o qu1l·kly wrote· lt•ttt·r<. hoth to thC' eounctl a nd 1111.·111 nrwspapcrs c rittl'lzm g the pair They mista k e n ly al'CUSC'd (;;:udo or c·Alling real est.all' agen ts "nuKx·hc·rs " A n•v11•w o f a I.apt' rf'C'f1rd tng o f t lw mr<•l ang showrd I hi\! Ag ran nol Ga1do had lump<.'d real l's I ..i l <· a g <' n t s . I a w y ,. rs a n d pr;vAlt• plannC'rs into a c·a tt•gor y 11f profl"'510m1ls w h u he -.aid can l11'c'nm<· "m oo('hC'rs" o f publ1< funri-; rlimrrl ::11 hrln1ne necdv 1wopl1· • ~ AJ(rA11 1s an a ltorn <'Y ( ;;11d11 t h Pn w ro\<' hPr n -spomw .1 ~ k 1 11 " t h ,. I C' t \ " r w r 1 I C' rs . . " tndudrn~ 13oncl , for an apolo~y At lht· l'nd or hC'r l<'1t1·r . s h1· ac;kl·d "llow mul·h n•s1•an h 1s done hy tht.>St: rl'al l'St.11t• a~t·nL' w twn h ,rndltng 1ra 11<:at·t1on ... for th1• homt• buypr.; .rnd "4·1lt•" 111 lrv1n1·'1" - Bond. l<tktng lht• lfllt'Sl1or1 as <i pt•rsonal attack. fllc-d lht• h1w-.l11I St•t•kmJ( 1 hr m aximum $ t.:100 111 d ,1mal<(<':. lo his pn1f1·:-~1unal rt>pu1a11on (;;udo w.1:-. cll'C1tnlpant1'(l lfl 1111' 1·111irtroom M onda\ bv I ll';1tht•r l\fohood, a lawvC'r 'with Hut,l n .. ~ Tutkt•r . th1• ·law firm th;1t prov1d1· ... lt·~;tl S('f'VIC't'!'. h i I ht• I'll\' Maho111I <i111 ld not dPfc•nd (.;;11do, small t'la1m s l'ourl rult·~ dt>ll I p<•rmtl htrt'<.l rC'pr<-sc•nUt\ron (Sf'e G All>O, P a ite A2 I ----INDEX---- Pr•·s idt>nl Rt:>agun ·~ MX missi1P basin~ 1•lnn in Wyomin~ draws flak from l'riti<·s 111 Con~rt>ss and lukt•wa rm rt•tu•tion in W yomin.,;. Se·t> PaKt> A:l . Al Your St'rvlt't' A~ Ann L.1m l1·r-. A7 Erma Bomb«'k A7 M ov1r" BO Businc>ss B2 :1 M u tunl ~,umb Ri Bu lle tin Board A4 Nattonul NPws A :! Cavall'ad ..-A 7 P ublic Nu t11·t •s Clas."' r 1f"d C!1 H A ~.H'.l RH ('4 !1 Comtl'S 87 SporL'> Cl I Crossword 87 S tock Mat kt'ls B:! [}(-11th Nottl't>!! c~ T el<'Vt'!1nn £\8 l'A.f1 toraal An Thl'att'r<> M F:ntt•rtamment Bti W l'Hthf'r A 2 I lorosc-opt• A7 W orld N l'ws A:J ' I \ ~ '11 c111uc• 1 11u-.t I JAii Y I'll U I / I u11t.dc1y N1111t•111t11•1 ~ l ""' ·' I larrold invalid election upheld lh ltOUJ•.tl I B Allt\l•;lt 0 1 It\• Oallr Pllol 81aN l'I"' Ir h I li•.t 1 11 1 t '11u1 1 ul \1•1• .ol It." 1111111 Id .o 111lt11g 1l1.01 Ill\ .ol1d,olt d lltt• I lo'\ llOlll l,"I ,J1111t 111 ,),1,011110 I l.11111ld 111 tho Wo•,I 111 111g1• t '<111111\ M111110 qi.ii ( 'rncrt I hc "f•llll••ll 11t tlic I ht t 1 l·'''lt.1l• jtt,fl\,•t lll !-\,tn l\1111.11d111 .. l\!<11111.l\ 1ll'.ll' 1111 ''·'' 1111 S.1111.1 A11.1 .111111111·' l>.111 IN(~l~ST • • • From Page A 1 ,1 11'"1l''d lli;il I\ I" 11111 l1•g,dly P"""il1l1 t.1 g1,111t 111111ll111l\\ 1111111 111tJlll\ ,1t .. 1g1·' l\ntlt l\11 ,111d 1\1" ( :1111111.u h 11111•111\y ha\'1• d1.1q.(o·:,, -.till 1 .. 11d111g .ig.1111 ... 1 1h1·111 111 w l ,, ( )1.111g1· l '1111111 v Mu1111 1p.il l '11ur1 1111 ,dl1•g1•d .illi'111ph lP 1 lll'lll' llll'll d,tll!-!hlt'I'" 11111 lll li•!.llf \. Ill 1111 l .t .. l ' I Jittdc\ I I" It l'f,111 J l.11t 11ld 1111 lht· W1·,1r111i1.,11·1 111·111 It .L111 .I fl.11 H.1.1 111'1 .1ppo111le•d 111 1111 !Jll'I Ill 111110 1 •"'" dc fl',ol1 d I Ju11l111 \.\h11 •h.1ll•·t1)(••d lho o·I,. \11111 .i11d 1!1111.tld I• N ix 1.t'll .I 11110 l'J1.tl \I .. 111111 """ 111\ .tl1d.i!1•d II\ :-iu111 r '''' t '111111 .l11d~1 1<1111.ild I lw c 11 1111 g1111111ol-. that 11.ornild ''·" •' 11,1111111 of H 1\1•1s1d1• l '1111111 \I \\ hc II 'Ill I l,llllll'd Ill 1 .1111.J1d.11 \ p.q11 r' I ile•d ''"' ,.., • .,,Ii.II\ 1h,1l ,Ito • "'·'' ·' I •'·""''Ill 111 No·''l•lll IS..11h .ludg1 ' 111 (It .111g1 l'11u11t' 111111111 ip.il o 11111 '' 111\1'1 l11• "'"d"t\I' 111 tl)c· 111111111 ..... Iii wh11 h 11 ..... \\1111.. ( h\ 1·11 1111l .. 11 ·d ,, lh \\ .. 1c ((11111 hc•ld N11\ .! 111 wh11 h l)uhhtr 1,1,11\ doh.t1e·d N " n ..... " .. ,1 1111 011t1.,, 1.11 1d1.t .• 1 .. !', loot lho• "' VI ,11 t1•1111 Ill 111 111 o D•llr Piiot Photo by Ch••I•• Starr T iu· winau•r! -----Irvine (;All)() • • • From Page A 1 Mul11111d w,t., tlll'r ,. t•1 1111-.•·1 "" 1111' tit:.. Uh.'>l11r1 Ill ,.,.., ( .. 11d11 (1"l ,11111 Ll11• t ti\ ·'I''" ,111 of -..11d 1111 • , 11u111·rlw11111.1rt E1111·1)(111u l11m1 tlw ornJ1 t1 011111 ,,flt•I lht• NU ii Wt11\ dtSllllllM'd . ( :.iul11 ,.;11d 1·1111111 ti 1111·111hc·1:0. lt.ul lllC'( Ill ,1 di1l'>t'lf l•Xt'( llllVI' 11('1'>/<lllll .111 d d1•1·11lc·d Ito'" WJ1> a 1 .1:-.t· wlw11· ull 1'11'1 ll•d ol (111111 WJs l11·1ng .oll.tl'kt'll 1111 p11l1 l11-.1I .1.(11111111 t... "'1'111'> II J"') JU!>l llJX'll'> th1 d (111r 1111 p 1il1 t 11.d l'lll'lll ll"> I ll IH· h .11 .1r.M·d ," !.h \• d.11ni1·d "It w .ti. v1·ry 111:1ppr11p11<1h·" ('ti\ Allo 11wy Hog1•1 (.;1 Jhi1·, I 10111 H utJll & TUt·ke•1 . .,;_11d tuday lh1· ('llY '·' n ·qwn•d 111 dL•f1 •11t.J 1·ou1H 11 m1·11il1t•1 ... Ir llh·y dr•· .wtmg w1Ll11n Llw ~·111)(• elf tht·11 dutll'!-. l;robl1·. who Jtdn't lltll·11d lilt• l'Xl'l'UllVl' St'!>l>IOll said tht• u niv dl'lt·1 nt111Jl1011 wuultl Ill' wh;·tltt·r Ga1du w.t:> at lln8 u n hdi;11f of tl11· nty. f~111tl . who wun· ;rn "I L ovt· Ir V1tll'" hull1111 p1nn1·d 1111LC1 tht· bp<'I of lit:> 1Jlu1· SUit M.'l'lllt·d unp<·rturlwd b y Ga1d11's rl'marks or M.ihlt·r 's d1'l·1s111n Thc· lllll'l d.iughlc•I" lt.t\.'1 lw•1·11 I 1'111\)\11 d f I 11111 t 111•1 l pit I I'll t <;' 1 ti..t11tl\ 1'w11 ;tn 111 1·ot11ll v 111 ... 11·1 h111111 ... ,111d 1111 tl11rd ll> ~t.1y111g \\ ltlt 1,.!:111\'l'" 111 <.'11111\t'('(lt'\lt Tltc• 1·11u11 111 .1pp ... t1 up11111111. '' nlh·11 "' t\:-.. ... 11<·1.110· .lu!>lll'l' I" l>ougl.1:> Mat lb11H·I, <ll'fc·ndc•d () w o• 11 .1 g <1 1 11 ' t I l " 1 r o Id ·:,, .i I I.( ll 1111' 11 I ., I h .i I ()We• 11 •' 11o·dd11lr1' ''·'' 1li1111h-tl by hi-. .111.111-. 1111 111'1 o rc·dtlultl\ Jrff ( :uun·ll ,., . .,~~•·:-. alw fini:-.h li11t· to wi11 tlw I 0 -10-I :s a~t· "I w;1111t'tl 111y d.Jy m n1url Jnd I gol 11," lw s:11d "I d11l11't 1111,•nd lo harass ht·r I 1·11u ld 1.u 1• 11·:..-. Jl><iul that." "-lid 811111.J "I JUSI l.>t·l11·Vl' :-.tronglv 111 pr11w1pl<·:,, " clh i-.ion of In i1w'-. ( )rc111gt• (:rate· Ut·rh~ a -. Ua lt· .lone·-., n·t·ord~ t.i~ 1i11H'. For mm·•· r :ll'i11µ. aC'lion photo.., ........ Paµ,•· BI . fountain Valley----- Happy ending to gem loss lh PHIL SNEIDER!\t AI\ 0 1° lh• Dally Piiot Stoff Tlw $:! gn·1·11 :>\.Vl'<tL'iU ll th.ti l>oll11· Zuv1•l.1111 l-'11u11tam V.tllt v bought ,11 .t g.11.1gt· Siilt· .i f1 '\' \\t'l'k' b.1tk d1d11't fll \H·ll. hut 11 ...,,1:,, h.ing111g 1H-.1rby wh1·n th1· µ1111111· ra11g Mond.tv \.\ htl1· .. t11· w.1!-. g1v111g hl'r J11g i..I hath Thi• woman ... !ippt'll It w1 tu k1•t•p w.11111 .111d !Pr tht· f1r ... t t11nl· noltn'l.1 ,, ll·:1l111'1 µou1 h 111 1h1 p o•:k1·t tn~1d1• Llw poud1 shl' f11u11d $10.000 wrn th 1.I .J1.'W<'lry inadvt·rtt·ntly g1vt•n .. 1w;1v by anut h1·r r 'ounl.1111 V,tlh·v Wlllll.tn \\ho had 0 011tlu1·tnl the g:ir.1gl' ....,11. - "I turm'(l l11 rn\ hu:-.b .. 111d amJ -...11J , M v C :11<! &·1 nu· I think I"' f11und th.11 J.1dv's .i-·w~·lr y,' :,,lw -..11d Zuv1·l<• had h1· .. r d a Ll·lt·V1!'.11111 rH·w-. r t'I>' •rt 1·om e•r11111g tlw Jl'''"lry th.i t .J.t1111" S1111wd1·n 111 four1l.Jtn V.tlt.·v hc1d h1dd1·11 111 th1 ""''"1lsu1t th1·n h .. 1cl '>ltld ai th1· gar :1g1· -..tl1• wlw11 s lw l11rgnt .1li11ut tlw h1dd1·11 v.olu;1hl1·-. Zu\'t•l,1 .... 11d th1 lh w -.1.11!l cl1·,trib1 d tin Jl'Wt•b .. ., l11oldl•11 111 a11 old u•.•1. o111d :,,h,. h.1d 1111( thought .ihuu1 th1· gr1 1 I\ ,w, .. 11"11t "ht h.1d plll o h.o!>t ·d '.\lwn s h1· tound 1111 Jt"'1.•ltv \\hlllt 1111 ludt'll Sn11wd1·11·, wnh.Jmg 1111~. /.uv1·la :..11d -.lw kt11•w 11111111·1d:11t-lv "Ill' 11111 ... t n·111n1 tlwm SI\!' W:.t!. plll 111 111u1 h "1th Hol1C ·t I S1111wd1·11 tl 1111ugh l-'oun1,11n V.illt \ I"'"'• ,011d Ill' .111,111g11t ,o :;ur'pn:-;1• for hi.-; ""rl 1 • A fll·r J..1nre1· S1111wd111 1.111n· h•11111· f111m wot k Monda \ 111gh1 i'.ll\ ,.f,o k1,.ic·k1 ti .ti hl'I d11111 .ind h .mdl·d h1•1 .1 g1111..1·1 v h:og 1·011 t,0111111g lht ~Wl".JL-.Ull ;ind lhl J""'t•lr ';I "I boughl thl!-. 1111·1 l'h.1111h s• · .,1 vour g:u ,tge· ,1lr· bul I'm n•t\1111111g 1t ~ll·1,1lb<' 11·, 111fl•t 1oi .'' Zuvt•la said <•s :t .1ok,. A s a r1 ·ward 1111 S1111wd1·11-. 1r1·.il•·d th1• ./.uv1·l,1!\ tu d1niwr Dott11· Zuvl·l.1' -..11d -.1,, h.111 p111 l h;,S(_'(t Lh1 ... w ... 1 ~u11 fo1 hl:r glll'''' to 11 ... 1· ,1l la·r Big Bt•,tl ll''>td1•r11·1· Sh" !'.illol 11 ...,,,... lrn tu11.1l1· shl· had •J(( ol'lllll t11 t.tkt· ti l/IJl llf Iii• 0 lo!'.1·1 Mondav It 1 ould lt.1v1 l11111g llw11 " long llmt· .111 i'.UVl'l:.t ,,ltd !'.ht• h,1d 11•1 "''l l>lhl th1111ghh .1l11•ut n Lurntng th1 JI"' In 111 S1111\\ d1·11 'I wa.' ~· lhnllt·d l11 gl'\ th1·111 11.ll'k tH h1 ·1. · -.h1 -...11d "II I h.1d !11-.1 111" ~ w1·l1 v I w11uld h.t\'" lll't n dt·Va'>l;1l1·d • CITY CENTRE DUE CUL PT U l~E • • • From Page A 1 "'""" t ht• rn ·w '-<:11Iptur1-:-.. ir1 11111 \'ll'V. t'(i ,,!'..in 1•>.lrJV<1g;inu· S.1111h·v rirt11·d 1h.11 P.1t'lf1r l\l utu.d h ..... 111111rµ1irJtl'd Jll w.,rk ... 1nlo th N1·wp11t I B(·a1 h 11ff 11·1· 111111pl1 •\l'' l'n 11t1•1ttpr11.11v Art s l'oll1Hll \ 1tll11g T.d1•nt A w:1rd la-.L YPar 111 ... work h ;,... l><•1•11 :-.t'h 'Ot·d for 'l'\lr.11 nuhl11 1oll1·1 t1 11ns. 1111 llllllllg lhu~t· ol lhl· All.il\tH H 11 hf11·ld Corp .. S l 'l:Unlv 1'.111f11 N.1l111n.il B.mk .111tl r.tht·r. No\\' Lh.11 l"a11f11 Mutu.d ,.., n111 i.:rnng t•1 11t·<·up:v th1• cornpl1·' '' 1· I "11 k ,1 I t h 1 'e• ,, ' ,1 n 1 11 \ l ' t rn , · 11 1 h 1 • '.1 1 cl A .., dl·Vt•lt1p""' ""• 11111-,1d1·r .1rt <111 rnwgrnl p;1rt o t 1h1· H1rnpl1•>. Wt• h<1V(· .1 h1-.torv of lw·111g S<'n"ll\'•· ILJ iirl 111 till' w11rkp l.1l'l' · Thi .1111 ... h '1·l1•1·l1'1I for lh1 I-•iunt.11n \' ,tll•"• -.... ulµtun .,., han· h1·t-n rt 1 og11111·d hv l r1 11 1· .... m uSt·un1..-. .111d pr 1v,11t• 1·11I J.><·tor:; Ph1ll1p-. '.:H fl'('l'tH·d t h e· Los Ang1:1t.,., C11ur11~ Mu~·uin o f Art 11 .. '" b1·sl kn11wn f 11r h r-. t'XIX'rllll(·ttL-. "'Ith pa111t n 11 1111n pmoU'> '>Ut f.11es -.ueh d!'. 11wtal (,'on.'4ta l Partly Ooudy lo<la~ w" 0"13n<:I' ol showers late lh•s allernoon ano ton•ghl Overn19hl tows 46 to 52 Rain lorecast tor We<Jne!.d.Jy .. ,th ri•qh5 ol '>8 10 64 CliaritP ot •an on Wed11e,u;o, llO Pl"•CPnl Outlook !or T ha11~ sg•v•nq r1ay Parity ctouoJy ~"d 1.001e1 £ ISPWhf"fP ,,om ~>n1M1 Cnnc.ept1on 'o the Mt•• .. 1n t>Orde• anll nu l 60 rn I t's <;oulhf'rly w1n11s 10 to 1r, »101s o ver outer w a1eft,, romhtned 'eas 4 10 6 '""' l o~a•tv Souther If w1flCIS '>to 10 I.not-ll"s artptnt"ton 5,,,,thwes' swf't1 t to ' ll!f!I w>th t lo 2 loot wind W3VPS Ltoudy tonighl anti WerJnesday w•lh c.hanc,. nr Showe1s l ··'· s11111n1<trY Haid rn•n wllld and ha•I lell on par1s ol tne Ct'ntral llA•H•U•PP• Valley early today wti•le "1owers •Pr,.ad hom tne Gre~• Lakes to the Norlhf!a,I l nunde• stnrtnS brougl>I rar911 flail h•Qh winds and ht'&"Y 1 a1n across Arkan1as and southt'rn llAISSOurl while snow '"l pert~ or Nebraska, w•lh bfllwef'n 2 and 3 inches Of new snow r f'POllllO Al Klmbsll Snowert s11e1che<1 trom 1ne uppe• On10 Valley anoJ lowN G1ear lltkl!s lo norllrnrn New England, whtlll overc;osl sk•es nu09 ovet mucll ol the re9l of tf\e N0'1heMI Fa" s kll!• P• eva1ted In the Soulh1!811 , a nd den11' l og shrou ded the sou lhern AppalAch11ns 1nd rein tell on nort~n MIHIM•PP• Ra•n was forec ast tcu ll'lter toClay acroaa Cattfornlo ano no•ttiern Ari1on1, turn109 to anow 1n the hl(jhel etevallon• •nclud•nu at tar east H the cen1r11l •od<iet Thun<Jerttonn• -e •~pecte<I o•"'r rhe Gull Cosst 1n10 the ll'nnessee Valley. w•th showers ~ftlleroo lrom the OMlo Velley lo lhe NO<lheHt California Mor e rtlln a nd root lemper11ure1 wart' lorecnt tor Southern Calllorn1a anCI snow 1t1ovtd fall 11 8Htva11on1 of ; OOQ leet " Th11nkllglv•09 du•W11 near Ill• N•l•Onl l Weather S111vtce Uyl Coutal end moun1111n ire•• lhOuld beer the brunt o l thundenhoweu Wedneed11y. bul Vlllered r8ifl alto WU e•pecl9CJ 1n ~ v~ and "-1 w ... Hlijht In Lot A~ lhOuld be In lh• IO• 601 W.OnHdl y "'"'' lo•• In the mid 501 end • "0 perc.nt ch-al r11n Hll)n. In. coutel v1Jley1 m1y r1"99 from ,,,. mod 60e to lhe io... &01 with IOwt in the '°' Rain forecast M nvntrl•n flrea t\ ghs """'• e•Pe<.te<J to pea.., 111 lht-' •O~ w.,anes<l.ly w•lh tows from 1'> 10 'S Owen"> Vdlley htqr"\ may r11t-ttt1 into 1he low 50s w1tn lows. th.ll 1 ouid d•D lo I"> No11ncu1 de set I ~ gns mrt~ rca<:tl into '"e 60s w1ttt •ows hom JS tu 4!> Southern d"~t'rl h•qlh mJy rf .. a<_h into t tii) f)O W~nf'S.tJ.1v with tow§ +n lh•.) 10~ T en111eral ur11." MATIOH Hll lo Altoany 5Z 46 All'uQUefQW* ''° 44 WPClneSday No11embe1 ?4 •low 1 .. m~r.1h,.t• ... N,t .A4 l'• I It S C':':-:1 now~ Ama11lln 61 26 Ashe~1llf' 67 S:.> Front~ ( 1111--. W.1111• -O• 111111 •11 ~ Allant.i i;q 57 AHdn"C f •h ,. 4~ Au,11" 81 ., 'BallomO<f Ii i .,, 81lhn9~ 17 14 81rm1nq' .,m '1 r-.o R1,ma,ctii 1~ 04 So•se 35 10 0o&•on 60 '•ll Brnwnsvll(" 84 fiQ B111ta10 46 4 I Burltnglon Sl 43 C..tSl)f'r 'n 08 Cnartesto11 SC n '>7 Chtt••e~1n11 w v 65 49 Ctlarlolll' N ( 67 •9 heyt'flnl' 33 01 C.h•cago 51 37 C1nc1nnnt1 57 55 Llevela111I 53 50 l.Olumb•A ~ L 74 •9 C.olumbv~ 53 SI 08118S fl Wnrlh 82 55 Oaylon 5( 51 [)(lnver 18 19 Des Mo1n•1'lo 45 " Ot'lrOll 51 45 O\lluth 24 06 El Paso 12 45 rargo 14 01 FIBQstall •7 30 Great Fans ]4 " tjortfe<l'I 58 S2 tieWloa ?4 05 ttonotvkl 79 74 Houston 79 70 1ndlanapol11 53 5t Je<:lllOf1 Miu 78 6!> J11cl111onv1tle 79 55 KansllS City 47 28 L 11s Vegu '>3 48 u 111e Roo 67 60 Loa Ano•te• 61 5!> lOVIS .. llfl 6• .,, Lubbock 73 64 MIW"!Dhll 73 64 Mllml 78 70 M•!waUkM 46 J8 l\Apl' SI Pa111 )J 10 Na$rh11llP : l '•7 NPw Oflf\;\11~ 7q 6• New ..,''" 6' ~'> Norh,;1~ 56 SI No,tr1 Pt11IP '!. 1? Oi..lahr,rnn ( ,,...,. 78 l4 Omah,t 40 16 01tanOh 81 6? Phttao.>1pn1a 6'\ Sl' Phoen1• 61\ '>3 P1tlsbu•Ql1 '11 ... Pn•tla11d Me '>!1 4'l Potlland. Ore .. 26 Prov10eoc" I!) 41\ Ralf'•Qh n 52 Rapid Clfv JJ Oli RP no l~ I? Richmond 70 '>I Sall Lelle •:> 20 San Antonio RO 69 Sear lie 46 3? Snrnveµort 75 66 S1n11• F~lls l? II SI Louil '>4 45 51 Pere l ampn 81 61 St Ste Merlo 40 30 Sp<>knne 2'> 06 Sv•3Guse 51 .. 6 ro1111ka 47 28 l U{!tf'n• • 73 47 Tulsa 80 38 WashlnQlon 67 S:> W1ch1ta 411 n CALIFORMI• AVP'" V&lley '>1 \.f BakAr~lield ~7 43 011rslnw 61 <13 BtoA11mo111 59 lS Big 84>&1 49 29 B•,hop 50 14 Btythe 83 45 CA1Allfl8 80 .. 8 Cvlv"' City 6' <611 ru••ll• ~8 <66 L=~~Rf REP~RT lllff l11r1 l11rl ..... • ... , ..... -..Ch A"O ..... 'l'rd ._.,. .. , OtP Zuma 2 3 12 I 2 SW Santa Monl<'t 2 3 11 2 SW N-..P<><I 84UICh 2 3 1~ ? SW San OlflQO County 2 3 '' :I W Outlook '°' Weanetday l mi. cnAnoe r ' rr ... c.nn ~ .. d7 l .t~~l Arrowt1f'.uf •A }8 ltinC..t"itt~t "" ,,, l l•t\Q EtP,tf h (,4 41! lo-. At1~' :c, bl .,, Mr1ntov1.1 61 46 Mootftt')r~u,, bO 49 MOr1ll'tl'y .. 7 so Ml W1I~("' !>t 39 NIH!dles 58 41 Nfl'WPO,f f\P;t1 t, 61 dQ On~IR111I S4 ~ll On11mo 1\9 41 P"lm $p11r.ws 68 46 P,t10 Robl~~ 'i8 44 R1vf'l'rs1<JP C,7 42 n .. d 011111 48 44 R!'dWOOCI C.1ly SS so <iACt,•ment(l 52 4:1 Salone• 57 so San Btttn;uf11fH 60 40 Son Gnt.>nf'i 6!> 46 Son ll•ll9o 6!> S7 Sen I reoc111eo 5t 47 Sen Jose 57 49 Samo """ 66 47 SRnln Barbara 63 4:> s .. n!A Cruz !>5 54 Sanlo Mat1a fjt 4G S1n1a Mo•uco 6• .. 2 Srnci..1on S:l 44 Where to c111 (toll free) tor 111 .. 1 amog 1n101mauon CX1noe COtl!'lty. (800) 446-3826 Lot Ang111u County· (8001 242-4022 Rlwfakle end s.., eemardlno countlel. (8001 387-4710 AOMO Eploode C•nt•r (800) 242-<68ee Tides TOO.AV Sf!Cond 1 .. .,;' 2 :>t µ•n 3 9 Sf'Cond 1ow A c, 1 p "' o 8 Wl!OMHOAY r1111 high s 13 • m 4 l F1111 low 10 S2 • m '} T a-.d hoQlo ~ 6 I p~ l)l S.icond IQw 10 ~8 • m O ll ~un a11i. lodey 111 4 48 p m •1ae1 Wec1nffd1y 11 8 :14 " m Moon rt11419 lodl y a> t:> 46 pm Miii el 11 41\ p m t JAIL POl.J ICY DEFENDED • • From Page A 1 1111•d11-.tl IH'l "1111111·1 \\ 111· \\ 1·11 .1w .. 111· 111 l'<1ta· ... 1~111d1u1111 wlult· 111• w ...... 111 J"rl o1rnl h.111 k1·pt tl11· 111111.1!1 · qu.11 ,11111111 d 111 t ill' J-111', llit'(l tl',tl S I '\ 1il11l lit• f 111 1 IJ I!> 11.11i-.lt•1 111 t lw 1111·d11,tl 1·1·r1t1 ·1 l>l''l>fl• .ill1•g,1t11111 ... th.ii l'ol.1 1·111ll1,11 ll·d t11-. tllrll'..,_., 111 ... 11lt· 1111' pl) (;,1t1· ... !-l.Hd lh,11 "d 11tl•ll " "tr1111gl\ lt'l'l ht· 1·1111lr.11 l1·d II 11uh1dl' 1l l,tk1·.., all\\\ 111 n· lr11111 '.IX W1•1•k!-o lo !'oil\ 11111t1th:> 1111 lll'p.tllll ...... y111plllll)'> [11 11>.111111 •,1 tl11 ni... .. lv1·" h 1• .11ld .. d Tltt• lh11d po·t,1111 lo d11• 1 .. n·ntly In lht· ptl was l>t:·!-.ot.o '1'111 · 4:l v1·,11 11ld S.1111.1 t\n:1 111.111 dwd 111 1 cmgesllvt· llt':H l l.1tlu1t• ,o..,..,,. 1.itl'd wtth a l11ng )11:,,tury 111 ,ol111hol1sr11. <.:all•!> ..... rd 111 d1·.,. n l:H ·d I >t.·S111a ;,... ;J m,111 "'"""'' <'o nd1111111 ··ti1·1:t ml' I< 1111111.d wl11li· 111 Jot! " \\1111 11 I ).·Sot..1 th ·d Nov :! Jl • 1111 11wd1l'.tl 1·1·ntl·r th1•11· wa' "110 W.i\' .111\llllll' .ii ht:,, h111111·. ,tl UCI 111 111 tl11 }Ill" u1uld h.1vt• -.aw'<.! 111111 1h1 ... 1wnff s..i1d ·1 1-.1n't l>t·l1t·v1• 1h;it :111ybod v \\11uld Lhtnk I hm pc·oplc• 111 th1• It• .11th d1·11.01 l11u•n1 h1n· ... l.ll'Oplt· 111,1·11,.,11111v1· tq hu11t:.tn lwfngs . I Ii.cl Wl .11 tu.tllv llkt to ... I'(' PYRAMID SCHEME • • • From Page A 1 1nq.101t.onl 111 pr11v1ng th.it Ml'IJn nald h.1d 11o>t v 111 l.itt•d ... l'l'Urtlrl'S I.ii.\~ pr11n11<;1 •d lo pr <xfuu• t•\'td!'nt 1· ,1iowr11g th.it l\lt I\m.ild .11 tu.tlh 111.ide l11o111-. \\lllth g 1·111r :tt1•d 1h1· high 1 • lllr "" lw p. 11d .il••UI f.llllfl lllVl'!-oli1I!. '1'111'1·<· 111 t lw 111v ..... t111-. '''1111-.i· d1·,tl111g' ,111· 1111 !-.Ubj<'l l of t 11111111.tl ,ol l1·g.t111111!'. .. g.11n ... 1 l\lc I )11n.dd had Ill\ l':>l1·d mon· thdll $:!!1,llt)lJ Ill thl· fll 111. a 11J <o l11U1 lh h.111 111v1·-.11'd $100 000 • p1•11plt· su l lt·r a nd g1·l hurt, · {;;;t1·s s<i 1d 11f lht· furor ... u11 mmd1ng tht• rt'(.4;111 dt·alh~ I h · .1dt.lt>d that ht· bt.•ltevt·" th<• Jatl'!. rnt'd1<.·<il ll·am I!. '\•xtn·ml•ly w1·ll ~ual1 f1 1•t.l and t·xtrc·ml'ly 1·xpt·nc·n l't·d a nd havt· don<' a' lrl'nwndou!> JOb " T ht· s ht•nft said he-would be t h e firs t t o l'all for an 1nvt·.,llg<tt1on "1f the~· pt-Oplt• h ad l><.·en IX'ale11 up and thc'n dll'd liut thcit'!'. not Lh<.· caS(: .. Goll'!> mt•l M onday afwrn1win Wllh Orangt• Counly Board o r Supt•rv1sors C hairman Brul'C' N1•s1andt· to discuss the dl'aths ,ind J pos.<>ul(· 1nqu1ry The s hc•r1ff ~·ti N1·sl.<lnd1· was :-.<Jl1s f1t-d with his 1•xpianat1ons o f lhL· dl:a ths ,md l.>at·k1-d off hr... l'arlwr L·<ill for .ill 111Vl'!>llgdtll/11 Tom E1l'hhorn . <i Nt.'standc ii I d l' • s a I d t h .. I I h l ' b (J a ,. d lh,,11man ''woulJ tc·nd t o :,,uµµort · th1· N 11V :~u n-qut'sl for a dd1 l111na I m 1·d1l'al !.la ff al the· prl It "",i-.. 1111 I\ lltt 1.t11! 1111 t h1• ltrtn, in wh1Lh nwr,• tit.in $1100, IJOO l'a'ih earn1ark1·d for th1· 1wxt ri1und of pa\ •T11·11t:-. lo mv1·-.tnr- \\ ," Sl'l7.1•d . th.ti p ut M(•Do11.ild rntl of lius11w .... -.. MJsl .... 11d T tw raid .i nd l\lt 1>1111.dd ' arn·sl put Md >on.1ld 111 ,, pol'>lllvn w h<·ri· "h1• 1·11u Id 11111 n ·-.poncl (p..iv 111\'l'SWI,) dt•!'.plll' lht· f.tl'I h1.· hJcl ,ubst<HHWI ..... ~·b prn11 Ill th1· ,1rn•st." Masi si1d School board mulls asbestos seal ing Tlw c<1s1• against Md)o n ,dd 1·e·11h'f1' on h1:-. a llC'g 1·cl d l«d1ng ... \\ llh n1nl' investor., .incl 11111· undL·r l'OVl'I' 1nvest1g.i1ur for d tot.ti ol :w c11 unLs Thi· :1 1-.t 1.·ount. 1 011.,p1ral y to commit 1m·onw t..i>. I' \,',J 'i I (J n ' ... l I' m s f r 0 m l h I . :.illt·~.1 1ton th;it Md)onald nC'v1·r n •p11rt1•d th<• pro fit-. h" w:1s p;.1y1ng to mvt· ... tor.>. Au1 k .,.ud Hui k satd t hat JIJ11ut I 'IOO 111v1 ·~Hors m;1dl' mon· t h.1 n :!,t)llO 111d1v1dual tnVl~lnwni... 1n G old1·11 Eaglt· Each tnVC'Slnwnt dV\•rc1Rf'' n wri th.on $1.000 Ru1 k -..11d l\.la-.1 l'i.itnwol 1 h<'r • w .. n · 11111\ Tr ll'll ''' 111 lhc· N1·wpo1 l M1·..._1 l '11rt11d Sd1ool D1st11ct .irt• o 'p1'1 It d tonight 111 ;,ppro\'t• '' .tltng 111 f ·"111 ,t.,., m.dl'r 1;d tn1111d 111 111 .11 Iv ,tll tilt' d1slrt1 l' ~ h1w1I' A n •t 1·n1 "urv1•v o f all the· d.-.tnt l ' "'hools found lh,11 th1 111 ... u 1.1111111 111a tl'na I "'.1!'. U!.t•d in li1 o1111"ig p tpt'" .111d lx11lt•r r oom!> I )1-.ll'll I off 111.ols h<iv1· "lrt· .... s.'!J 1h.tl n111w 11 1 lh1• p11t•·11l1allv IUl\lo( ol.11n.rg111g 111;1t1·n.ol wa ... l11und 111 ""' 1 l .. "s11111ms .111d tit.it thc·v d11n t lll•l11·\ 1• II 1-. lllJ\\ ,1 h o·:tllh h.11.11d t11 -.tl1d1•nL" 111 1·mplov1'I' ... I ... " t 1\1 .1 v t h 1· I ,. d 1· r a I ~ n ,. 1 1 11 11 1111 ;, 1 ,, I I ' r 111 t' l L 11111 1\gt111·~ 11·4Urr('(I .tit "l h ools Ill tlw l'llllllll \' lo 1·11ndUl'I -.111111<11 0 Sometimes the Nices t Wayto Say ~urv1 "'' Wht•n inh.1lt•d, <o!>lx'!>~ has ~'l'tt h11kc·d to l'l•rt.ain lung Ul!'\t'JSt·~ Tru .. lt·t•s al'>t1 wtll 1on s1 dt•r c1 1 1· 1 o m m t• n d ;.i I 1 o n l h a l t h t• N 1• w µor L M l's ;.1 Sc h o 11 I s F ounJJllo n US(' tts funds t o h e lp n ·store mus1t 1nstru ~llon a11 d 1111pr11vc• rt•ad 1 ng progr ams fo r ~1udt·nls 111 thc· kindc-rgartPn through sixth gradel> Tht• n o n µr o f11 group of µarc-n~ and l'ummun11y k·adcrs w o u I d a I s o I t k l' t 11 u s c• 1 t s rt•!>ourn•s lo Sll'P up t·ompull'r 111strul·t1un for s lude nl!> rn tlw 7th to 12 ~radc•s Tlw mt'l'tmg bl•g111s at 7 :w pm 111 tht· H a rper Commun1Ly C l'ntt•r, -42~ E 18 th S trt'<'t, Costa M1':'a (!j / t:2_£Jl7C (_~ll is to Not S~ lnyt~ng at All I I lovv bt'ttrr tn eicprrs~ )tQl.Jr k:M' ;md clfJPf't'Clit- llOn for her unta11tng s~ throughout ~ur IT\<lrr1age than by giving her something as pe~I ;incJ mee1111ngful as e1n Ann~ry or f 1ern1ry Ring Both \ymt>t:>hze the true depth ot your feeling for ~r. and without ~ng ;inyth1ng ill i!ll, you will ~ rhosen one o f th<> rnce\t W¥ to sincerely S"Y 11 alll At Wyndrlttm Leigh ~ Oes1Q11 e1nd Crf'ate ii mcm umque <:Ind f'xrning col~tton oft~~ rings 1n 18 Karat Gold find Platinum \M! clt'arly exptarn d1fferenc~ 1n quality and pnce that }tQU vvill Stt from store to store. and tt-.m baek up your purctiase from Wyndh<lm ~1gh with a money back guarantee of value Wt' wc:lnt ~u OOth to I~ her ring and to know you OOught rt welll M ost Dramond Wf'ddtng and .Anniversary Rings Rel~ From SllOO to S3900 W y ndha m Le1gh~~~rH0Rr ' 177 Filshlon Island.~~ CA 92b61J ~ar 8ulloeks \Xl1tshlre ) ---....... ~ .. ,. ·' ·' 01 u11uu Couat DAILY PILOl / f uosdoy Novttmbcr :?3 1982 3 • WORLD Critics zero 1n on MX missile plan Cu~rrilla warf ar pills int<) Mexico th Thi· \~~111•1t1tt•d Pn·" ·s.\N I I At :t I 10:1. \'!o:ll'I H I' M1 '\ll(I T iu gm•11111., ''·'1 111 t:u.111•111.d.1 , ... 'Pllli11g 111111 111·1ghl1<11'111g 1\11 •),,h ,, ,d1111g .oil u11g11.11d1 ·d 1110 1111lt• 111.11111·1 \\lllti 11.111111 t:11.1h·111.il.111 11•l ug11 ' lt.i\i I I• d I ht fH1llllt tf \ i11lt'lll • Iii.ii pl.1glll'.., I h•·lt li1111u·l.111d 1\1 II I I I Ii .1 II I ti ti II II lt11.1111 11.d .111 l11d1 .11" •• 11d p1-.1 ... 1111 .. 111\ ftltflfl~' I 111111 l'h l . 1\\'I V . 1-.1 .11'1 1'111111· 1\11111 .. 11' l\11·11.11 ht·111 11. g 111 "" I I 1Hl.1 \' \\ 11 II I" I tilt' I S1·1·11 1.11 \ nl SI.th-1\11 ,,1111h·1 1\1 I l.11,.; .Ji f~ i:111', I 11 .. 1 1111111,t\ llll'l'llllg o1ll1 I ,1 "\ t I) d,t\• lllll\tl lllllg )11 I i1td 1111 hi-. l.111 "111 Bt g111 ' 111I111 do ·tl1111 d In 1111 ..... , cl1•1.11J , 111 tl11 t.olk .. 'lll.1µ1' II.I\ 1· .. 11 • .111wd 111111 1\11 "'"'"··I ""' IH'j.!1111111\g ,,, 11t. \l'o ll '"' Mt ).II.Ill 111111 1111t·111.1111111;d 11111 I .1g1·111·w .. ltt .l.11lll.il'\ lli1·11· \\t ·to· .1,111111 'I l11g1 ·1·-. Ill .l11ly !l,IHH) t11d 111 ( l\·111111 I .ti lllll 1 ..... 1 tllllll .111111111 '·"" 1'1t·1 11• J,1t1llH1I lt'flll''' 111.tll\'I' 11! lllf' 11 N Jl1gli ('01tt•tt1,-..101111 1111 f(\•111~:1 ,., Ill .Ott lfllt I \'it\\ Ill 1\)1 II II ( 011\ I lo11g 1 ... HI.,., I 1\\'t\ 111 1t•t l'l\'t .111 '11111111 .11 \ d1•g11•1• Ill phit11,11 pl" !11•111 )~·11 I :u111111 I '111\. I "ii\ \)I) 111111 ... d.1\ l~·g111 .... Ill I I 'll I\ I l :-> Jll < ... 1d1 1111,if I II\ 11\ ('hilllJI ( • 11 ,olJllt \II .11-.. u-.-.. 1 ... 1.u I .... 11111cl1111111' 1111 \\1lhd1.o\\111g lh .......... !111111 I .• t 1.111111 1 Andropov Sovi~t c hi~f ·? [\.) ( ) s l. ( ) \ \' N I " t "111111111111 .... 1 11.11 Iv d111 t '1'1111 \' :\11cl1 P )llf\ ·•PIH'oll 1" '" llHl\I' 111\11 fht-..l\11111 lt1d.I\ 111 IH·• 111111 1•1 I .. 1d1·11 I "' t 111 S11v1 1 I l'1111111 \\11111 111g u11.11111111111 ... 1•l1111n11 111 th• l'n• ... 1cl1u111 111 llw Sup11 1111 !'-.11\'ll'I NATION ,\ 11d I "Jiil\ \\Ito h 1 I ,11111• 11.011\ i-:11111 .d ~1'\lt'l.11\ . .ttt·r L1 .. 111d I H111h111·\ tll\'d t:l d.1\' ,1g11. \\ ..... t•lt•t lt•d 111 1111' 1•11111111h11 l'11-..11liu111 cl111111i.: th• !11 .. 1 .... -. ... 11111 11 1 lhl S11p1 I 1111 ~(I\ ll•t I.,. 11.1\11111.11 I '.11 li.11111 Ill 'lllU' H11·1l111t·\ ' "'·"" Co111;-ress to hike pay ? l·1111g11 ... , '1111 , .1g.011i...1 11 ll11u" tt11111l11 1 ... ,111d ::.111.11"1" \\ 111 g1 I .111 .oul11111.ilw .1111111.d 1·11:-I 11! 11\ tt1g 1111 II'."' "I lip 111 $flt" Ill lll'g11111111g I )i I , , r:v .. 11 t u•t l'I • lht -..1.111 11! ,1 l;t flll d IJI k I ll llgl l''°''IJl\.ol '''''11111 111'\I \l.1•1 lo., tht•fl• h.t\1 f>, t II t .di' 111 l1l1 • k llll' .... ,J;.1 \ 111!-• w'111 11 \\ 11uld ,,J...,, ltt 111I11 ... 111111 1\111111\11 h1 .111 1 h I 111pf11\ l l 111 .. u~lt 111.111' 1111·n1l>1·a... 111 < '•111~:1, ...... ,,1\ th.ii 111du-.lr\· '' 111dd p.1\ I h1·111 l;1r 11111n• 111.111 1 ho 1r $ttll,ti;1:! .11111u.ol ,.,ol.0111•-.. llt1 11 h 11<! 1-..-..u1• 111111'1' 111illl11 .olh \til.0111 1 lh,111 1 .. 111~11 ,,11111.ol P··~ 1111 n.,,..., . .., .111d '"nit· :-.11un·t•-.. l"'·1h1 tc •cl 1111 1111 .. \\1 11 11\\11 1.1k1 11 ... 11 Turkey dinne r che ape r ('Ill\ '1\t ;u :\ tr<1d1t!nn.ol Tho111k ... g1\ 111g d11111t r will l ...... , .oil ,1\11.lj.!t · .\1111•tll'i.ltl With .1 mndt t .tit .tppt lilt lt•ss than o1 t.1 -..1 l11nd 1111'.d. -..1~s 1h1 /\1111 I I• ,111 f' .11'111 l\\Jrl•<tU ~111 · 1',ol1111 1 ,, l.1rm bur1.,.u flUfl 111 1111 "I" t I 1ll'l, '"'" M1111tf,,, th.11 111• tr.1cl1111111.d Th.111k ,g1\ 111 ~· d11111t ·1 n f lt11 l..1 \ .111tf di t -.s111g '\\-\ t I JH ll,1\tK·' tl,1llf>tlf"\ --.Hill t11d JHlll lJ1klll 1•11 \\ 111 l•"I .$1 hll -I" I I" ,..,,111 w11h go~!(j.., bnught [111111 th1· grnu f\ :-.t111t Tho· nm ... t • 'Pl'll"l\'t' p.11 t ot thal flll'otl , .... ll)l' ptt• .1111111 .. t .10 I I 111' :\ r. ..... 1 l1111d d111111 r t r1Jm l\!1 l>rn1.old ', 111dwling ,, Big \1.11 I 11 ttc h I ri1·-.. .1 ncl 111• d11in1 '"' d -..oft d1111k I' $.: >;1. 111c lud111L!. 1,,, .,,, 11rd111i.: I .. I I I I I I I ... \ I <l •• t •• ;\I 1 I )1111.olcl ' r 1 ,1,111 r.111 I 1 n "'"' 1111 •\\ n l'hu ,1j!11 M<)re aid f<>r L eb anon? W1\SlllNl, IUN 'I 11• Ht .1g,111 o1d1tt1111" 1.111 1111 ,, 1·1111-..1d .. 11 ng ,1,k111g C1111grr·" f111 tip 111 $ )t\(I 1111ll11m lei lwlp r 1 I 1 11 1 I d " .i 1 r ,, \ ,1 g • cf I .1 1. 1111111 11.. \\'. .... '1!11!,!1111 1• .... 1 fl fl"lltol 1 •'·'' Tl.1 111 \\'I' qu I qu11 l 111g 11111\ .111 11111111 11t1f11 d "' 111111 .1d1111111 ... 11,ot11111 "' i111.d .... 11d 1 fw ........ 1 ... 1.1111·1 "' 11uld h1· p<irt STATE "' t lo11 i,:1 ·1 11111 111.1111111.tl 1·1 fm t \11 11·l1111lcf 111,1d-.. h t 1rfgt•S, II"'', 1 .111d 1·11111n1u111c.11111n-. \ -.It"" .11111 \\ .111·1 .11111"l''-'1'1 '· ,, ii I I It .... f 11 rtt 1d 0 1 11.!11 I I ht• 11l111111i-.11a111111,.11cf t..: S .11tl 111 Lo·h.1111111 Ii.id r<·..11 h1·d dbout q11 , 1111111"'1 111 1h1· month' lnllo\\ 111g llw 1 ... 1.u•li 1nvn .. 1un Ill .h1111 Teac h e r g e t pay boos t LUNt; HEACll l.11n~ !~·;11 h I• .. 11 tw,-. .. hav1 1,1\il 11~J hv ;1 w1d1 111 • .rg111 ,, tlittT Vf'ilf l'lfllr<it I pr1!\'td111g f!ll :I :11w111 •nt pvv h1k1-. q1d1ng ''x 1111111 lh.., of son11•t 1111•·-.. 111 tl••r n1•g1d 1.1t1on ... ;ind ;, -..111k1• thn·;i1 Futun· ..,;tf.11' tn1 n .. ,.., •. .., will h t• 1111111111111111,111• to 1h1• .111111unt of 111m11•\ 1h1 '-lh1.111I d"tric I rl'IPl\'l''> from t hc• o;t.t11· hu l wil I be .11 lt•ast I pt'" 1·111 in HHl-i <i nd 1985 ( 'ur r1•n1 sal:.in C's rang£' from $1 ,1.450 a y1•ar (or <t beginning t1•at·h1•r to $28.000 a yeM for a I => 111 .. 11 \'l'f('r.1n w11h <• 111 ..... ·tvr' dc·gr1•1• ;i11d mort• th.tn !10 adu1tio11:tl <'olh•Rr 11t •d1h WAS l l l N ti'l'ON (A l'l l'n•,1d1 •111 H1•au1111 hu" p11.1po .... •d u 'd1 ·11 ... t• JllU k " pl1111 lll plll 100 MX 1111"tl1•, 111 Wvw1illll(. lilll till' ,y,11•111 )II' ,,1\':C WIJI \lll'VIVt• ti Sovll'I 1111d1·.11 ·11\11k1• 11111v ltav1· ,, tl1lt11 ult llllH' w1thsi.111d111..i .111.11 k' 11 11111 ('m11<n·~, ·nu .. 1·d "" tht· bl•i.t mJv1u· l 111uld l(t•I I t•ondudc'll th111 1tw l\IX is lh1· n~hl 1111s-..1h· :11 tlw 11ghl llllll'," tho• JJll'Sld1•11t Sllld l\l1111d11y 111gh1 111 n nut111111d ly hn111dc·a"1 "111 ·1~·11 (111111 lhl' Wh1l1• I lrn1s1· Wh1l1· H1 ·.1g.111 11u1l111t•tl his . 11l11111w .. 11.1t11111's pl<111s fo1 arm::. 1•1111tr11l '11• .dsu 1•ll.µh11nt•t.J his h1 ·l11•t 1lt.11 th• Un1t1•d Stut1•s 11t·1'(.), 111 1..tn11ld 1L' lung rcJng1· nu• 11:_;11· ... u 1k1· l11n-1• wllh tlw MX. Consumer • prices gain big B) Tht' A!\sOcitHt'd Press ·l,tJlbllllll'r IJl ll"(':-0 I llSl' (I :) I'' ·11 t •11 t 111 < )(. l11h1.'r. t ht· b1ggt•st 11\llllthlv g,1111 Sll\l'I• July. i.IS u -..uq.~1· 111 housing l'llsls uffSt•t th1• ... 11•,·µt•st 111011111 l y -..l1dl' 1n 1 r1111·1gag(• l11:1n lllll·rt•:-.t raf Ps in 111on th.on two Yl 'Urs, the Lubor l.>t·p.11 tnwnt n ·µc'1rtt •d totluy O n M1111tlav. nists for short· t1·rm 1>11..,1111·-.., burrowing droppt•d 111 tlw lowt•st 11..•vp) in mon· th.111 two v1·;11 s. and munv l'l'1tn111111st-.. s.11d thl'Y l'X p1·c.:·t 111lt·n·-.t rall•s t11 nmllnUl' falling 111·x I \'t·ar Th;. 11wn·:1sc· 1n thl' Consumer pr ll' I' I n d (' x r l) II() w l' d a u 2 ~·1n·n t ns1: in Sq>11•mbc•r am! a 0 :.i p1•f'l'1•nt 1mT1·.1Sl' in Augus t but lt•fl 111flat1on for thl· fma 10 mo111hs 11! th1· y1•;ar al ;m an nual fil ll' Ctf 4 !-I pt•fTl•llt lnflal111n , d.., mt•asur1·d by l'onsunwr pnu·-... ro:.e 8 9 pt'rt·t·~t 111 IHHI. I:! I pt•rn·nt in 191W and I :1 :~ 1w1 t·1·11t 111 I !-17Y The· last t11111· 11 w ..... hdow .1 pt'rl·t·nt was in I ~171) whl•n ll ro~w -t 8 p<·rc·ent Todav':. rt•porl said th"' 'l :.l p1 l'l'l'llt drop 111 mortgage interl'st 1 <ilt'' w;1s 1lw higj.(t•sl dt't·linl' sin<.:< Augu-..t l!ll:ltl, hut that housing pr 1 c t' s. w h ll h d c· l'l 1 n c• d 1 n Sc·ptt·rnlwr. roSt· I I pt:rl't·nt in ( x tnlx:r MJJ"I b;ink-.. t•ut tht•1r pnme l1·11d111g r;1tl' frn t111111111•rc·wl loans 10 11 5 p1rt<·11t Monday. a 11 •<lUl'ltllll of Cini' h;11f pt•r<.'l'lltage prnnt Somt· b.1nk off1C"1a ls said tlt1·v Jl"ll'tl 1n .int1n pat1on o f furthl·r ded11w.., 111 utht•r typt·s 11f interest rat1'' Tht· Fnll'ral Ht·s1•rv1• Board ... 11rn·cl t·xp1•t·1;;itwns o f further d'•<:h111 ·s 111 1n11•rl'!..l rut1·s when 1t lowt•n •d 1i.... dl'tc n unt ra te last 1"r'1d.1~· 111 'I ll4.'n·1•nl That 1s the r..it1 tht· l-'1·d1·r<1l R1·-..·rvl• charges 11n lo;in-.. to privatt• f1nanc·1al 1n-..11tul1ons l1d11ks gc·m·rally lowPr the ratt•:. thc·v c·h,1 r1<<' t·ommerc1al ho1 row t ·r~ w h l'l1 th c• 1 r ow n h11rmw111g l'Usts 140 down. and the 1 ul 111 th1• pnmr bruught 1t to its lt1w1•st l<·vt-1 s mc·t· Sl'pt1·mber lfllll 1 A low1•1 pn1111• raw will n•lieve 'onw f1nantwl prc·..,s un· o n busrnl'''t'l>. vas1ng high borr11w1ng co'" that pus hed mJny l·omix11111·-.. mlo bankruptcy th1' Vf'ar and furcl"d others lo 11·dul-<' spendtng und cul payrolls. Rut the• good nt'ws on interC'St r;1tt·s did not buoy Wall Strc'C't. The· st11ek mark••t took 1t s :-.harp1·st d rop rn four weeks Mond..i Y. wi th th1· Dow Jones .1 vt'ra~1· u f :10 1 n du s I r 1a1 s tu111hl111g :! I :!!) to C'Xactly. I.· 111H1 on BrokNs s;ull lhe· drop 111 the d1sc:ount rate• was "old news" to man v tnV('St•>rs, who had been a nt1c1pa1ing lt for .it leas t a month. and much of IL'> 1mpaC't on s tuck pric.:Ps a ppar('ntly was d 1ss1patt-<l during that period. M ('an w h I I 1'. , ~ u r v e y 0 f m1•mbers o f lh e National Assoc1a t 111n o f Bus in ess fponomisLc; said they cxpe<'l th e prime rate to fall lo about 10.5 pcr<'(•nl by the end of 198~. u -c>nomists hnve attributed the yf.'ar's 1mprovC"d 1nflat1on p1('ture iar~el:v lo thC' 'i('V('rt• recession. We're Listening ••• WhJt <lo you like about the Oatly Piiot" What don't you like? Call the number at lc h and your m essage w ill be recorded, lranS(·n bC'd and delivered to the appro pria te editor. 642·6086 T h£• s<i me 24 hour ans wering ser vic may be used lo record let 11•r' 111 lht' t'dilor on an y to nc Mai x c t ributors m ust include lht•1r nanw and tclcpho f' num r for veri ication No <'ir culation t'oil I.,. plcasr Tell us whal 's ctn your mtnd a.tond1tJ' r •fl(J•y It ., I• f\01 "·--~ f l"1U I'•' ill' f•t ~ 30pm 1 "*b-tft111• / f ~ •no YIHJI I .. ,. ' • II l•fl -Od Sa1v,d•y "'"' '• ""'•1 " rnv \Jn n~1• ,,.., "' ..... f11t11• COllY b't I ,. rn "" ,,_..,. tO ,. m .. , .. , .,,.~, , '"''" ""''" l~~,._,, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pul~·d~,., 1mtJ ( .-.,"f ~ ••( ut1vft OUu •1 Jane Amari f •fltf ul•\I'" r if1trtt l . Kay Schulta V>t• ~ .... ~1 ~ )nt1 r>·tft<fO~ •' Ad'""'''''"C) Raymond Mact..an r,,,.11o11.,, Mkhoel P. Harvey \1 .. ..no;" oMXn.T111•1fQ . ,-.,,.n.~· Cluttfled •dv•rtlt lng 7141142-5171 All ottier dep•nmentt 542-4321 MAIN OFFICE U0 WHI 8 ... SI (Oll• M .. 41, CA ¥4111 aOO•HI Bo• ls.cl, COlla lllWw . CA .,.~ '""'"9111 1"1 0.-Coett l"ut>llW .... C_, Non••• 110<i." ltt11tl••llon1, •<IHorlal ma1'9• er.,. v•r•h•tnef'lh ,.,.,,, may .,. '•P"odvc:ed wtt'-" t t:M< let .. ,,,,.,,ton of <Ot>Vf'..,,t owner T ... 0•-Coetl 0.ltr Pltot, wltll wlllCll It C- Oin.ci 1 ... ~"'"'· It 1>111111-by IN Or-. , • .,, ..... 1 ........ , __ , s.-... --.... _.I,_ Moncltty "1r""9fl l't.MIY ,., C..U -• ,... fltaN'U• ... A1 ftWffh4 hAI .. Rtr.'P~~ I••-·'--'-"·'°""'' .... ,., ............... •dlllefl •• .....,1_ S..11•d•n -~ n. prl<>clP•I llWCllltll .... pl..,I It al )JO Wo t ... ,._., P 0 80• ls.cl,'"'• lllWw, Ca11...-111a .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 329 llt t• Wt•u pu 11 Ill' ll ubl11•d '"tli1• P1•.ll'l'k1•t•JH•I' .. H1·al(•111's M X bu111nM l'lun. known 11s "d1•1111t• IJl.ll'k ," propos1·i; p11tt111g 1111) of llw pow..rful 1ww 11111·1 .. 111 w1·11p1111s 111 111lui. buri1•d 1111 wlt.11 1-. 11uw p1 IVa\I • lund m·tu W.111 t•11 A11 1-'0 1 u· Ha:o..i· ou1ud1• l'lt1•Vt•111\1 ·, Wyo US d1 ·f1 ·n1o1 · 111 mly!>to. wy th1· M X 1" r11•1•1h •d l11 11ffsel th1• 1nt·1 1·a~111~ly ut,·urott· long-rang1· SoVll'l n11Sb1l1.·s tit.it t•ndanjo(t:r th<· curn•nl U S lcm1<-rung1• fon·l• •>f l ,000 M111u tt•11fl'n and 5:l 'l'ttim rnis..-.d1•i. Em·h MX would huvt• llJ warht•llds Tlw Sovwt 111·ws 1.1gt·11l'Y Tuss . t.J1sµut1ng llus to<lay, l'itllt•<..I t ht· muv1· "a 1ww duniwroUb s u·p" 1n prt·µar;it 11111 (111 nudt'i.lr war Ta..., .1,S1·rt1·d that th£• pl.rn wol1ld up:wl tl w "r11ulo(h 11trn1t·w11· 11 •II I I V " li l' I W t • t' II I h I' I W IJ 1·ttu1111 ll'' hy i<•v•n!' tlll' U111 u·J Swt•'h ,111 ,1dd1t1111111I 1,1100 11ud1·1Jr h1·111l" Tiu· 111 t·~11l1•n11ul h.11-ing plu11 1·;11111• 11\ uni.w1·r lo a 01•1· I <·1mgrc..,,,111nul d1·:11l111w 1-:arly n ·m·t1un rrwn Capitol ll dl 111d11·otl'd that Ht·al>(an's "d1•1\M' 1JH1·k" proµosul rs rn fur a toul(h fight 1n Co111-(r l'~. wh11•h hus :w days tu at'l't•pt 111· rt'J<1.'I tht· M X housing pion Sl·n Paul Lu x<il l . H N'1·v ... 1 dOSP fnt•rtd Of f:{t·u~1111 's, i.aul t ill· pn•s1d1•111 probably f:1l'(•t-''•me· 111 his grc;.it1•r h•g1s lu ti vt• halt l1·s" cJVt•I lht• l~Ul' Lax.ill supports 1h1• Wl'illJOI\ UUI h1·l1wd St'Uttlt· ;111 1•u1 ltt•J MX "-..h1•ll g.1ntt'" bt1:.111g plan p r 11 p u 1:1 t· d IJ y t h t• l' 11 r t 1: r .1J11111\l!ll f'IJ l It 111 St•n .Joh rt T11Wt•1. H Tt•Xll!I, , h t11rnw11 uf tlit S..·111Jtto Arnwd St•rv11·l•s C1>n11mtu·1·, 111.11<.l ht-Wi.\1' "l·uu tioui.ly hop1·ful" 11bou1 PJ!>. ...... llo((' And Ht·p Hu·hard Cli1•111•y, H· Wyo . mud his sll1tt• "dtd 11111 lobby lur tltt• M X ," but "1f Wy11111111/o{ IS tht• lx·i.t µl ut'l' for It , WI' Wiii suµport I\ .. .-.Vy<.im m g Gov. !::ti I lc•rs<;hlt'r. a llt.•1110<.-rat w ho was utt1.•ntling a 1·1mf1.·r1.·n1.:1· of W1.-swr11 gov1.•rnors 1 n D t• n v "' r w h t• n H (• a g a n unnuunet.-<l the· bu:.mg plun. was <:ornmg to Washmglon locl;Jy to d1'oe.:us.-. the M X w ith Ht•agan and Ptmldgon 11ffac.:1als CLOSELY SPACED BASING DESCRIPTION .... • ••• .. ·~ ·~ ~ hOO MISSILES IN 100 HARDENED CAPSULES 1,800-FT SPACING ... ~- AP Wlrephoto A1·ti!'>1· .... clrawing !-ihow!-1 so-t·allt>d MX missile 440 ense Pack" basing in W~·omin~ proposed hy Presidt>n l Reaga n Monday night. MX • views CllEYt::NNE, W yo (AP) Thi-; pramt• town has l>e<•n m•xt door to a m llttary targt'l for almost 'l5 year~. so residents an· . takmg 1n slndt• the prospec·t of M X m 1 s s 1 I c• s J o 1 n i n g t h l' nl'1ghborhood "We'vl' always lived undC'r thC' gun." said Mrs. Rolx>rt Gerard. whost· husbantl 1s ret1n>d from the Air Forte. She callt>d Prl's1de nt Rc•agan's pro posal Monday to bast' MX m issiles 111 Wyoming "not that surpnsmg ·· On tht• outskirts of this town of H ,000 1~ Franns E Warren Atr ForcC' Bas<'. whrch got its first 1ntercont111t•ntal missiles in 1958. I t n o w co mm a nds 20 0 Minutc>man Ill missiles scattered in silos in W y0ming. Ne b raska a nd Colorado "I sus pc•t·t Wl'0 rt• a targl'ted ;Jrea already. wht>ther we hav<' mixed in W yoining th<· MX or not," said Gov Ed 11 l' r s l' h l l• r . w h 0 s (• () r f I c I a I rc·s1dt·m·C' ltl's within a stonl''s throw o f the a1 r bast' The Dc mocra t said he supports thl' proposul, but called It a rvJXed blcsstng, someth ing hkl• "a t('('n- ag1· daughter coming home• al 3 am. with a Gideon Bible undt•r hl'r a rm " Rt•agan's pla n . annoUnC'l•d M o nday. 1· a 11 s for I 0 0 M X m1s. ... 1lc-s to be loca ted m Wyommg ustng a "d ense pack" of m1ssilt'S mst.allt'<i 111 supcrhardencd silos 1.800 lo 2.000 feet apart. T h t' Minuteman lll silos arc St'parat<•d liv at IC'as t sl'veral miles ·S upport isn 't universal. S 1swr FranC'1s Russell. a k•adc·r of a regional ant1-MX group. satd sh l' c.J o<'sn 't want southeast l'rn Wypm111g lo bl'<·omc a strategic Sov1t•t target and promised ··a (~ 6EM WISE vigorous program of grass-roots e dul'a t 1on" t u block 1ts deployment ·She is a spokeswoma n for the Tri-State Coalition Against MX . St.ate Re p. W ilham Edwards. D-C heyennl', said he ts op posed "mainly because I don 't h ave t•nough informat10n to make a pos1uvc dedston A lso. I fC'<'l ·that w e m a y n o t n e l' d t h t' M X a nywhere." Edwards said the M X mav cost much more tha n th ~ curre nt ~timate of $26 b illion and use m o re than th<' a nt1t·1patC'd 20 square miles of land. "To th ose w h o s a v. ·w e huvt• thl' M inutema n so 1t doesn 't make any d1ffc·renC'l' 1f Wl' gel the M X,' l"d havl' to sav from lhe ec:on omic s t andpo int t hat it m a k es a lo t o f d1 ffl•rence ," Edwards said. .. ~ f With the approaching hOllday season we would llke to take this opportu- nity to thank our friends and custo mers for the goodwlll and loyalty that ....,... .. Ac.,..._._ ~ ~ l~-~H.t»~ A•,._••• l•lety \.Ii ... , business bigger and bet-1, .. & '"IM• Wt1lclff ..... ter every year. i Newport .._. \ We shall always try to merit your confidence. We are grateful for y9ur con- tributions to our success .. and with to send you and I. I I, 1 your family greetings at ~· .. ''"°"~-+---'-­.. from tr'I• start et Charles H. Barr Jeweler•. ·-~........_~----------,~ I --I S t even s on asks Illinois ·recount. S t1•vc•11a.11n 'H lt•ual lilltfl 1 ttatd Mo11tl11y tlw 1'11m p111un w uuld l><•Hill (tllnft rx •llllllll'i With lilt' cl1•1 kl'i ul ,,8 or i.t11l1•'11 JO~ t•o unUt"N (411 II l'ti.rnml of UbOlll :!~> pt•rc:c•n l of tht· 1>n•dnc·l.8 in lh11"4' lc"OUn llet1 'lhow ,,u111u t·nt •pt't:lflt' t'aM'tt nf• fruutl, 1rrl'l(ulurlu•·111 111 tally ing 4•11 111 1e lo lndkan t• the• 1•lt>c.•tinn'" OUlt'Omt• t11Uld be• rt•Vt'l"latod c ontest at S l'lllNt :l•'l l•:t.1>, Ill (Al') H1·111tl tl 11 .111 C11 v J 11111l·11 I '1111111 .... 111 .... ''" d1·<'1111 '"' Wllllll'I Ill ll 1t· dt1'i('hl 111111111°' J.lllVt'I lllll 0N r.u 1• 111 htlllul'y M1111d uv. 1l111•t• w t•l'k-. .1111·1 1h1· 1•h•c.·1io11, and l>1•11111l t .11 11 1'11.tl l1·1tt::l•r Adl.11 Sw v1•11:.t111 ... ought H l'l'l'llUlll. "I t 's llVl'r "" fa 1 11:. 1'111 1·11n1.·1•11ll'd." T hu111p'>t11I s1111I St•h1111dt litttd lht• c·.1n1 po11<n w 1 I I t' t>I I M ' l 4' v 1 d t• n 1· t• 11 f 1rn·uutar1llt·11 m· 1•1 ror11 th 11 t'f1uld µrove lilt' ll('t•d ro r 0 c·umpll•lt• :Clllll'Wldl• fl'(.:UUnl T ht· 1 hr t.'t• jucJtw~ m u ld ordN .. 11tull·w11l1• rC'('OUnl or throw ou t ::>u·vt•1lll01l'1t challc•ngt• rt wo uld r111t ha vt• 10 lli.'iUC' a !:(•port unlal M a y. 11 ratl thlll i.ttll co u ld ht• Jf>pl'alt•d to lht· ru ll s tate ::>uprt•nw Co urt S 111. t'as h lffl t.t•s lolaling $1.t}Ol) wall Ill:' awa1dt.J 11t•Xl Aµril lll Wll11ll 'l'S 11f UC I r v 1 1H" s 11 1 n l h <.: h 1 c J 11 o L1t1•1;1ry C11n ll'st Sp1)11 s t11·1·d l1y Ul'l 's D1·p.1rl111l•n1 ol S p:1111sh .ind P o rl ugul'S<'. I hi· t·ont C'sl 1s 1 11 t 1 • 11 d t • d l 11 t ' 111 · u u r a ~ l' u11d1·1 siand111~ o l I I 1s pa111t· t Ullu1t• a nd forms 111 Ch1t-..1no 1·xpn•:-.s1on. • An1.11t•ur C h 1<"Unu w ntt·rs fro m C.d1111rr11.1 1 .1n su b1ml lllilllll"'(Tlpl:, Ill lWO l':.llegorll'S: •01 .111gt• C u u:.l Cul ll'gt· \\l•l d111g s lu<lcnl R ic ha rd Da vis o f M1ss1on V 1L'JO has w o 11 fou rth prtZl' for h is t"<HTH·r devit•t• enlt•n:d in the a nnual An We lding Awurds Pro~r:im. THE EARL'S rtUMllHO-HlA tlHO .. CONOlflOHIHO SOUi WAtU HUtlHO llAt HI OOM UMOOfllHO t I '}'"I\' S..voe. '""" S1ar11 el YOU< Ooot 1c .. s10<• -eo• v.,.,, """'' COSTA MISA 641-1289 152' Ne!"pen ...... MISSION VllJO 495-0401 21t22 Comin• c.,..1ro ... IS.ft Diop,,._,, e1 A_, ,._,,I Auto & Homeowners Quotes By Phone -~- RAB81TT IHS~ANCE '41 Old Newport Blvd. Newport Beech, Ce. l31-n40 PlllllC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T S No C-84451 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY a$ duty appo1n1ed Trustee under the following descrobed deed of trusl WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (payable at tome of sale on 1awtul money of lhe United States) all righl. title and interest conveyed to and now neld by 11 under said Deed of Trust on tne properly nere1nafler descnl>ed TRU S T O R OO NALO L CUNNINGHAM as to an und1v1ded '> ln terset and BEVERLY A WESTHERSBY as 10 an undMded • interest as tenants m common B EN E FI CIA RY W AH LCO I NCORPORTEO EMPLOYE ES PENSION TRUST FUND Reca<ded May 15, 1981 as instr No 20751 In bOOk 14060. paoe 594 ol Olhc1al Records on the ofhce of tne Recorder ol Orange County. said deed o f 1rust described the 1011owing property Lot tO of Tract No 9374. as shown on a map recorded 1n Book 409. Pages 15 to 17, both 1nc1us1ve of M1soet1aneous Maps Records ot Orange Covnly. Cahforn1a YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST DATED MAY t. 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION O F THE N AT U RE OF TH E PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER No. 9 West Port, Irvine. CA 927 14 "(H a street address or common des1gna11on 1s shown abo•e no warrant y 1s given as 10 llS completeness or correctness) - Tne benehc1ary under said Deed of Trust. by reason of a breach or default 1n the oblogetoons sec;ured lhereby. herelolore execuled end delivered to tne undersigned a wntten Oeclarahon of Default and Demend tor Sate and wntten notice of breech and of election to CMJse the undersigned to sell said property to aallsty said obllg11Hons. and thereafter the undersigned caused Mid notice of breec:n end of electlOn to be Recorded June t4. 1982 as lnttr. No 82-201751 In said Official Reca<da Said sale will be made but wllhoul covanen t or wuranty. express or lmplled, rec;ierdlng title. possesslon or encumbrencaa. to pey the remelnlng prlnclpal tum of lhe no1eC1) MCUred by said Deed of Trusl. with tnteres1 u In said note provtded, advances. II any, under the terms of H id Deed of Trust, lees. cnarges al\d expenses of the Trullae and of the truste created by said Deed of Trust S a id ule w ill be hel d on Wednetday, Oecembe< 8. 11182 at 2 00 p m 81 the Ch~'"" Avenue en trance 10 the Civic Center Building, 300 E. Chapman Avenue. In the City of Orange. CA. At the tim e o f the l nltlal publ'ocatlon of this notice. the total amovnt of the unpaid balance of lhe obllglllon aecured by the above described deed of 1r.u1t and estimated cosu. u pen••• and advance. 11 $112, 100 80 To determine Iha opening bid, yov m~y cell (714) 1137-0966 Oala November 8, t982 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY as .. Id TrustM By Cindy Schoonover. Alllstant Secretary Ona City Bouteverd. Wes1. Orange. CA 92663 Tel (714) 835-8288 PublSIHtd Orange Co111 Dally Pilot, Nov 18, 23, 30. 11182 5004·12 D\llly Piiot Clau lfled Ada Dial the direct llne 642-5678 1 Sh111 t '>ll>t v .111d p t1 l'l1 y W o rk-. rna v 111• \\ 11ltl·n 111 I·: 11 g I 1 ., h , · S pa n 1 s h u r a (11mli111.11 11111 ul tht• lw11 P t Ill''> lor 111 -.1, S1'(.'1111d illlU lhtrd pl.1l·1·\ .an· aw;1rJl•d 111 l'.1\'h I ,1lt•gu1 \' D o uhll· :-.p.an•d . l y p 1· \\ ri t lt•n 111.111u:.1·rtpls '"'11 lw sul11111ll1•d nu lah·r th.111 F ,. u 1 ~ . 1 H 8 :r M 11 ••• 1n fo r111at1 11n 0 11 1h1• c·ont1 ·sl may lw 11b1 ,1111t•d liy l'<tll1 ng llw d1·part111t·111 al u:i.I 71 ?:i T h 1· $ :! :i O pr 1 1 1· w .1., J \\'<tl'dPd h y lh1• J,11l1l''> f L 1n1· 11 I n Arc W 1• Id 1 n g Fuund.11 w n o f Clt•vt•land Dav i., hu11t a n Jrn1·1 11n h1., 111oton·ydt• ust·d fur haultng. T la1· t'l•r 1ot 11•d tul l y g11vt• T h111npsu11 l,HI0.101 vou •i. a nd Sh•v1·nsu11 1,111 1.U:.!7. u margtn uf :1.0N vutt·s <1r JUSI 0.139 1x•rnmt. Thumpsun s1g1w tJ u ct.•ruf11.·ult• lhal dt..•c:lart•d him n •-clt'l'll'd lo .111 w1pn .. ·1·d1·11lt>d 1h11·J straight lt.'l'lll A11 hou r lah•t . Slt.•vt·nson , a to1nwr U S st·1111t111 , mad l· his 1•xpt'l'll·d 11n11uum·1•n1t•nt llia l hl' wou ld takt• till' I 1rsl :.U:p.~ luward a 11·l·11u11l, wh1t·h 111 llhnu1s 1:. t'Olll1Jlt·x and t·o:.tly . A11 add11 w nal ·Hi .-11 11 votes \\' l' rt• l' <1 s I I o r t h 1 r d -p a rl y 1.·and11l~1tt·s. su' lha t Thompson W lJll W tlh ..j\J •l:i pt•l'~'l'lll Of lhL• h.1ll111s l'.tSl "WL•'ve n 111w a lo11g way and we'n · nut gmng to IL•t up now in lht• l.1:-.I mtl,.," S ll'Vl'tlSOn 'k.lld of hi-. plans lo t•onlt">l tht• c.•IL'l'llon. lit· ha., :w1d hi' .., t.•onf1d1.•nt a n~·uun l \\ 111 f<1v11r h1111 bl'l'aUs1• How does ITIYI NtON o f "lnt'Vtta blt•" h uman tlnd mac.:h im• e rro r in any e lecliol\ whNc morL• than :i.67 m illwn bullolS aru Cl.llil "Tht• rundom·t·rror lh1..'0ry . . , is rt.•ully not born<.' oul by prior l'l'C()UlllS I ll o l h c r s tatt'S," ThOm pson•suid, adding thal o team of la w yers hired b y bis campaign orga nizul ion w ould co nt csl ('v e r y effo rt b y Sll've n son to o ver t urn his VIL'lory. "I havP as muc h right in , u rt'COUn t as Mr. Stcve nson'dO<.'s," lhc gove rnor said. "(( he irwokc•s the r<..'COt,Jnl proc·css. I intend to cunlest il fully." A r ecou nt could cosl each ca ndida lc al least $500.000 and d rag on for monlhs. J o hn Sc hm i d t . h ea d o f ~Ing Now m.enthol 7nig stack up? 1-5ing ' 4 .nig 2nig At the bottom.. Thl' petit ion s w ill lw f i lt·d through Wt•dm'M.luy at $10 pn prt-.·mct, b ring111g that part c)I tht• prucC'SS lO $1510htl lO $:.!0.01)0, h<.' said Und<'r l ll 1no 1s luw . l hL• t:u m p ;H gn m u i>t f tlt• fo r a sla tcwidt.• rt'<.'OUOI Wllh lht• stale.> Suprcmt.• Cour t by 0..'C. 7, and ev rde11ct· co llcct\'d bl'f ur c>h l:fft<l would be u1cludt•d m the• pelit1oh. Th<.• high <.•o url would app(Jln l Lhn•c c1rc u1l judges to dt•t·1de whctht•r to orde r the n'Co unl. There usua lly 1s no inc:enllvt• ror a winner lo sec·k suc h a f'l'l'Ounl, but th<.• lnw dcx:s ntJt bur it. T hom pson has vow<.'(! that h<>, too, will s<.>ek such a r('('OUnl 1C ._S l cvc n s o n d ocs, t o b l u nt S t C>vcn son Cro m a s king l h e Supreme Courl for a &talewtd<' r'l't.'OUnt. The discovNy recou n l mus l •11, I Iow <:vt•r, Stc•V<.>nson &ild In a i.tull'mt'nl Monday that "If the govt·rnnr a nd local offic ials t'<topcra w, thl• rl"counl ca n be l'nmµlc l e d bc f or<' th e 1na ug ural1u n o f th e n e xt governor a nd lw ulenant overnor in J a11uary T h en we can get o n w1lh thP JOb o f puuang Illino is hack lO work." S tcwnson 's' strong showing an lhl' l'll'l'lw n s u r prise d man y pl)lls l<'n. and political observers who had predicted a Thom pson landslldt'. Dally Piiot Clai alfled Ad.• Dlal t he direct llne 642-5678 .l .... MERIT. - Ukra lights IOO's \_ MEN1HOL j Warning : The Surgeo n General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. r.omp('ttlM! brand 1ar levels reOect the ~r of enhor nc mf'lhod 01 Occ .. 81 nc Repo11 SOFT PACK lOO's FILTER. MENTHOL· 2 mg. "tar", 0 2 mg. ntco11ne 'av per c1garetto by FTC m11hod .. By PAT HOROWITZ Of llM DellJ Not lleff - DEAR READERS : The C uns umc r Pro<h.1ct Safety Commission warns ronsumcrs that more than 1,000 "Slarllghter" non-full • size baby cribs manufactured between 1975 and 1 ~78 by Cortlemporary Times Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla., present u ~<.'<'k entrupmcnt hazard. The ·:-Suirlighter" crib is made of plastic and has hinged fold-down side rai(s.JWhen the top half of the side rail is folded own, the low~r half of the side rail presents a picket fence <.'Onfigurauon in which the baby's neck may become entrapp<.>d. One death has been reported. • · A 'baby also 'may fall out of the crib a11d sustain injury as a result of Improper crib side height. The side rail in its lowest position is below the top of the matlress in its. highest position, making it possible for the bab"y to Call out of the crib. Con s um ~r s s h o uld imme dia t ely discontinue the use of the "Starlighter" crib There i s n o w ay t o make i t s a fe . Contemporary Times Inc. is insolvent and undergoing a federal bankruptcy proceeding, so it refuses to recall or reRurchasc the cribs, which sold at re tail for approximately $200. Phone the CBSC's toll-free hotline at , .(800) 638-CPSC for more information or. questions about the "Starlighter" crib. Cutllng car costs DEAR READERS: Want to save $3Z,OOO over tbe next dozen years? That's bow muc.b it will cost you to buy, nm, repair and ins!Jre a typical American 1&aadard-1lae car d•rla1 tlaat tlme. You 9robably caa't live wltlao.I yo•r car completely, bul a recently updated publication from the F e deral Admlalllratloa of tlae Deparlment of Traaaportatloa caa laelp you fl1ure out not only where yout dollar 11 1ola1, but also bow to cut coraera oa car co"•· For a free copy of "Colt of Owala1 aad ,Pperat1a1 Automobiles and Vaa1 IHZ," 1ead a postcard to the Consumer Information Center, Department &!SK, Pueblo, Colo. 11009. Tips 'are taxable' DEAR PAT: I worked as a waitress this year and someone told me I must report all the tips-1 received on my ineome tax return. ls this true? G.D., Costa Mesa Yes. You must report •OD your retara all tips, cludla1 the val.e of tips aot paid In casll, 1ucb pas 1, tickets, goods or services, accordin e Internal Reveaue Service. Tbe Tax Equ ty and Fi1can Responsibility Act of 198% also bas inc r eased tip reporting requirements on tbe part of employers. • Got lJ problem ? Then write to . .. i Plll Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, - getting the.• answers ancl a<.·tion you nee d to sol ve Inequities in .,_ . M l . government and business. a1 your questJons to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA. 92626. A· Robinson's Sale 33~-50%0FF SHUMI RYU CUIJURED PEARL NECKLACES 16" 5~-6mm to 30 " 7-7!4mm pearl strands Reg S600-S2.000 Sale $299-$1,340. Here are necklaces o f extraordinary beauty For each and every pearl is hand-selected from the oyster beds of Japan Then nurtured throughout a long and painstaking process that results in spectacularly lustrous orbs. consisten t in color. texture and size C.ome learn more from a specially appointed envoy appear1ng N_.ewport . Wednesday. November 24 Sale ends December 24. in Rob inson s Fine Jewelry. 100 (Art <!nlarged 10 show ae1a11 I ( A Robinsons Sale 33%-39%0FF ~ CULTURED PEARLS AND ~R'I PRECIOUS GEMS To dazzle throughout the season, and beyond. From a new collection at• introductory sale prices. we show: 2 ct. cabochon amethyst with 13 diamonds. 5}S-6mm cultured pearl/141< gold rondet necklace. Will be $1.150. Introductory sale tit&. Two cabochon' gemstones with 26 full-cut matched diamonds, on a cultured pearl/Diamonesque1111 gold rondel necklace. Will be $2,660. Introductory sale t1,750. Three cabochon gemstone• with 90 full-cut matched diamonds. on a cultured peart/141< gold and diamond rondel necklace Will be $4,500. Introductory sale 12,llO. Cabochon gemstone earrings with 10 matched d l•mond1. set in 141< gold Will be 1395. Introductory sale 1250. • ' ........ Sale ends December 24. in Robinson's Fine Jewelry, 100. (All weights total.) - 1'! • Or11nna CoHt DAI{ Y Pit OT./loeaday, November 23. 1982 L "' Eam-11.500% Guara•1teed FOr 31h -Up -TO ... lOYears!· .. Insured no-minimum Money Market Certificates·and IRA/Keogh acc9unts, lnvt.•:-tt nm \ by phone and lock in a high, fixtd raic for yt)ur choicL' of term:-, from 3 Y.l up ro 10 years -an o uL..,tand- ing hcdgt.· againM tht.· current trend of declining iruc rc~t ratc!'t. E!'tpe<:ially :,uiiahlc fo r rd nvt.:scing proceeds from Tax- Frcc Savings Ccnifk ate:-t and funding IRA and Keogh ac- counts. Whe n you call, be !'tllrc 10 a!',k the Personal Financ ial lk prt.•:-tcma1ivc about rnhcr long-term, guara!Hc<::d accounts -!'tome pay ;1ddirional cash honu~es upon maturity! Wbert.• you ca" banli on blgber lnter~sl. 1 11.5000/o ANNUAL YIELD based on a RATE of 10. 738°/o compounded daily • CALL TOLL-FREE NOW. 1-800-882-0589 LINES ARE OPEN ANY HOUR, A~ DAY. : ifur l'Jrh "'nhtlrJ\l.JI o ( ll'rlll ~llllUlll\, I •'\kral Rl.·gu1J11<mf;:'<1Utrl' \Uh'>lJn11.il furh:llurl'\, Ill< lutJ 1 nit lo" of'·" lld crrl.oJ ,1.uu' 011 Jmouni-\\ nhtlrJwn from IRA/Kc• 1gh :icu1un1' ltnc 'Uhll'u 10 d1Jn~c "11huu1 notk•· \u .illlln~mJI d•:p11"1' 1-IOME FEDEl~t ASSEIS S681lllON JOVER 14~ OfflCESSlRVINC CAl.lfORNIA 0 HQl,IE fEOfRAL S#llNGSAliOLOAHASSOOAltON Check the Yellow Pages for the office nearest you. 2 PEOPLE FOR THE PRICE OF1 112 PRICE SPECIAL _ ~·re making it easier than ever to get in shape. Stop by for a free guesf toYr"You 'II find the fi~t high -efficiency controlled -movement exemse equipment available. Run1'1ng & swim- mm9 at most clubs. Jazznastics II for women. Whlflpoo/s, saunas, steam rooms and more Come in today and get two people for the price of one-a special non -renewable, one- year membership for half the cost of our regu- lar annual plan-or 112 off for one perSon. Most Hollday Spa HHlth Clubs are1a«es.sJble to the mobl•tympalfed, persons Vlllth dtsabllnes. mcludmg rhe blmd. are wekome .r.. Spa Health Ctb foiftt'len'and ~ F~atur@S Sfparat@ gyms for men and wom~n. available 7 days a .wek. An•h.,m Announcing CXJr new locarion, 310 SO Magnolia, r block SO of Lincoln on~. (7'4) 952·3101 C•rrltoslL•kewood r 1881 De/Amo Blvd 1n Cerntos at l'lorwr. 3 bloc*s E•st of 605 ftMM)C (213) 914-1514 Mia/on 'Mjo 2"401 AJkM Pl~ at San Dtfgo FfMw)C (7'4) 770-0811 w.stminsr.r 6757 \.\ttstminsi.r M at~ *"st, (714) 894-3387 Costa M•w 2300 ~rbor Blvd. (l#fltnd Thnfty Dr119A (7'4) 5"9·3368 Or•ng. 622 E•st Kar.AJ Aw , ~t of Tustin 4tt (7'4l 619 l'41 ~-· "'-'""P °'""-•Itel Or1nge Coa•t DAILY PILOl /luotday, Novembe1 ~3, HUl2 Discussions can cool • hospital disagreement 1'own :.ind gown is often thl' l'aH:hword for· o dii;-i">"u t t• tha l develops i11 any . mun.idpaltiy housing a major univ~rsity. And so· il h as b e en in Irvinl'. until ret:cntly. The problem is that l/C Irvine.• wants a teaching hospiWI on its campus. But thcrt• was already a g r o up l'allcd l rvint• M e dical Center, led by a tto rney David Baker, seeking to lt'USC 10 acres of Saddleback College north campus land t o build a community hospital. Saddleback Collc•gt' had sided with IMC. b('Causc it had hoped to train nurses at the new cente r. Hoag Hospital ir Newport Beach has contracted to administer' the new IMO hospital. T he fighting grc.•w bitter, with both sides going all thl' way ·t o SacramPnto t o gc.•t t heir respel'tive ways. The proble m . apart from tht• fact that everyon e was too busy fighting to think c learly, is that while Irv in<' proba bly m.·cds a commun ity hospital. it is' unlikely it needs two. In Octo be r , D avid Baker invited a ll of the· prindpals to sit tlown and talk. Eve n though the invita tio n fo llowed G overnor Brown·s veto o f a bill allowing IMC to lease the Saddlcback land, 1 t was no less beneficial to the community. Sinct' thut inulal cliH<.·usslon , otht•r talks h11 v t• bt.•t.•n hc•ld 4t.·~ri~d by P.lll'tie!1p<1nts as "upt-•n . :mo fruitful at'ld hont.·st.'' It's obout tinw. 1'ht.• pnndpal11 11rc.• .apparentl y dist·u ssi>ng u nuinbN .of nltt!rnat1vt•s mduding u l'Ombinat1on of out-patit.mt dinic Ill ,one lo~'u ti o n and h uspi tu I 1 n <.mother, and a n agrt•t.•nwtH with Hoag Hospita l to USt' its fudhllt.·s ;as a waching arm of UCL h 's too.early to ~now whNhc.•r o r not the discussions will y ield a c:ompromisc a ll can live with. F.vt.·n if that compro m1st• is rt.•ac.:ht-d. tht• statt' still. has te t•t..>rt1fy n<.'}-<l for u h ospital. in the arc.·a before any can b(' built. ,_ In addition, bct·auSt.' 'uf tlw statt.• budget deficit. tht> swtt.• m ay ('Od up axing OtlL' of it~ llWUll'UI sC"h uols. UC I is tht.· n <>wl'st ; a lthough UC Davis' ho:'!p1tul has gotten into trouble with the Swtr S o ard of Medic al Quality Assuranec in the pusl. With a tl •of thc.•sc uncertainties. the only way to. proceed -for tht' university and tht• p<'Oplt• of lrvint• -wus frank d iscussions w ith a ll m nl'crned. It's too bad all acrimonious nw thOds of prevailing had to bt.· rxh austt•d before a spirit o f t·ompromist.• took over . Neverthl'lt.•ss, wc.··re gl:i<l to sec 1 t now, a nd wt.• w 1s h the· negotia tors tuck . Accident reveals flaws 1 Anth o n y Stopani , th e 2-year·old Upland boy ma uled by a S iberian tiger at Lion Country Safari, is home now, doing jus t fi ne. • . It was Ocl. 23 w hen Anthony. visiting the wild animal par k with his family. was grabbed b y the tiger a nd dragged a short distance. In th e wake o f t h e wcll- publicized incide nt, there have b een allegatio ns by police · a nd state oHicials that the tiger tra iner d id not have requ isite permits for the act. Irvin e police said traine r ~ · J ohn Campolongo did not have a city business license. Departme nt of F ish a nd Game investigators said. C a mpolongo had no permits for the a nimals used in the Jung le Fantasy act. Moreover. the stall' is allt?gmg that-Hle-cage uS4o'd in th~ tiger ac.·t did n ot ha v t• do uble d oor s desig ned for safely. As it turns o ut. thl' trainf.'r was wo rking as an independc.>nt subcontractor (or a firm workin g under l'Ontract with Lion. Country. Ind e p e nd e nt co ntracto r s appare ntly a re Cree to do thc·ir own thing. so to s p ult, without answering to anyone. T h a t ' s -d i s l u r b i n g particularly for a 'park IJkc Lion Country where thousands of visitors a re placed in proximity to wild animals. It would be bette r Cor either the park manageme nt or dty and state officials to take a stronger role in overseeing the a nimal acts. Don't 'r(:lilroad' bullet Assembly Bill 3647, a measure hu s tle d thro u g h th e s tate Legis lature at the close of the recent sessio n , a uthorized the Ame ri can H igh Speed R al l Corpora ti on to proceed with construction of a $2 billion bullet train line between Los Ange les and San Diego -w ithout the u s u .a l reqairement f o r a n environmElntal impact report. Indeed the legislation. which establis h ed the Cali fornia Rail Passenger Fina n cing Commission, with authorization to issue up to $1.25 billion in tax-exempt bonds -an additional half million to be s upplied b y the High Speed Rail Corporation -was passed by the Legislature withou t be nefit of ei th e r publi c h ea rin gs o r consideration in committees. And even the state Coastal Commission failed to respond to an effort to require a n environmental impact report. :0- lt is quite like ly that a high- s peed train making the Los Ange les-San Die'~o run In less than an hour. w ould be a welcome addition to publit.· transit ii" Southern California. But' communities along the coast th ro ugh whic h the lint> would pass have valid concerns as to its impact on local la nd use plans. . Now N ew p o rt B e ach A sse mbl y woman M a rian B e rg eso n . along with Assemblyman Rober\ Fraiec .. R· Carlsbad. a nd s tate Sen. Sill Craven, R· Vist.a. have announced they inte nd to call fo r publit• h earings lo ensure public input and local government involvement as plan s for the rail line proceed. Ir n ecessa ry they wi ll sc.-ek legislative action to rc.>qutr<> such hearings. This is as it s h o uld be. Selc.oetion of the Fluor Corporation to design and construct the bullet train line is a plus for Orange County, but the legislators a rc correct in insisting that a project of su c h magnitude s hould n ot be undcrta~en without consultation with the communities involved . even if this might result ·in a certain amount of delay. ~- • Opinions expressed In the space above are those ot'the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· • pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader t omment Is lnvlt· :~2.:;::.ress The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (7U) L.M! Boyd/ Redheads "Can you name seven famous writers who had red hair?" inquires a client. What's meant by "had" here, l presume, is "some time in their lives." Start with William Shak~are. Add Mark Twain, Emil.Y Di'c kinson . George Berna rd Shaw. Winston Churchill, Sinclair Lewis and Thomas Jeffe{son. Not everyone thinks of Thomu .Jefferson as a writer, true enough. Some recall merely that he waa a dandy fiddle player. , Was reported that the fed erol governme nt during World War 11 prohibited radio broadcast~rs from issuing weather reports m the fear that it would give the enemy useful 1 information. When Diuy Dean was doing the play-by-play for bateball games. one such game was canceled because of rain. In frustration, he said, "I can't tell you why this game is cancelled. but would you go look out the window?" .. ORANGE COAST Daily.Pilot p.,1111.-, ... ,, ... , .. '""•••••I JJO W•>t l!o \I tt\I• ... A-............. .,., ...... IM• ·~ '"'"' ,.,.u '" .,.,. Thoma• P. Haley ,\I(• ,~,.. Jene Amari f•tl'I ' .... ,.,, ler'"9ra KfellMch t.i o I ,.,.,.. t I 1U' J . . I I .. r How ·Soviets harass tourists WASJiINGTON -Americans who , plan lo travel l.Q th~ Soviet Union should e xpec t to b e ha ssle d by Soviet autfiorities. csj)('Cially if tht.•y haw any 1dt•as of conwt•ting Russian dissidents. The good old d ays when Western tourists were welromttd arc apparently gone. Paranoid as ever, the · Kremlin 1s apparently afraid that even th<' most well -meaning tourist may not be content to visit museums. czarist palat·cs. the &lsho1 Ballet and other innocent, state· approved attractions, but will want lO talk with the tiriy numbt>r of d1ssentt.•rs with t'ourage enough to meet Co.-e1gners. Apparently it's not only Amerwans who are suspe.c.L .m ..1he. KG B's eyes~ ll<>vcrnmt.•nt sources told my rcportt•r Andrea Siegel that the secret pohl'c havl' ste pped up survt'11lance of C<1na d1ans and W(•sl Gt.'rmans as well. THE HARASSMENT takes the form o f tailing the supposedly dangerous tourists, monitoring their te lephone conversations. photographing them on the s treet , hauling them in fo r questioning and subjecting them to humiliating body searches. h 's a throwback to the old days or Stalinist suspicion of anyone or anything foreign. The s1tuat1on got so bad. in Cact, lhat the State Department,. was rons1denng issum~ a travel warning last summer t.o American c1t1U'ns contemplatmg a trip to the Soviet Union. Instead, Foggy &ttom dec1dl'<i to wait until the tourist season wound down. But if the treatmt'nt of Am('n<::1n touris ts conti nues t o dc.•tt.•~iurall' nc•x t spring. an official warning remain:. u possibility. The number of Amt:ricans visiting Russia 1s c•xp<.>t·tcd to riS<' from l 980's total or 20,000 LO more than 40,000 next Jll:I 11111111 yc•a r B<'<:aU!><' of th1.• 1ncreast' 1n num bPrS , thl' lnl'ldt.•nts or KG B harassment are also expected.to increase s ubstantially. 1 So,mt• of the.: harassment -obviously off1c:rally inspired has been merely p1cky·p1c ky. For example,' customs agents confiscat<~d an amber n ecklace tpat an American woman had bought in a st.o~e souvenir shop last Septem ber. exµlaminl(.Only that it was too val uable to be takcn·out of the Soviet Union. A female student who visited Russia m August was <,:mbarrassed by a customs official who read her diary aloud and asked her pcr~nal quesuons. A .rabbi had his prayerbook.~ confisc·ated with the peculiar explanation that tJ.:le}' had become the property of the offtcially atheist Soviet government. Sometimes the harassment is more than JUSl embarrassing. On occasion. the KGB gets physical. Americans who are picked up. for questioning fmd that thev are not allow1.-d to contact U.S . consula'r offidols, as the U,S.-U.S.S.R. Consular Convention n.oq.uires. Some of these unlucky tourists were detained ovL•rn1ght, and one person was hl•ld for more than a wl'Ck, according to government sources. TWO MEMBERS o f an officia l Ca n adian dell'gation protesting treatment of .. refuseniks" -Soviet c 1t1ze ns v:ho have been refuse d perm1 ss1on to emigr a te -were physically assaultl.'CI in September. One suffered a black eye and the other had his .rac:e steppe>d on by anon ymou s assailan ts ous1de an apartment building they VT<:re about to enter. Pulice who were summoned to. the scene showed far more interest in the id e ntit y Qf the dissidents the two Canadian1i1 were trying to visit than in thl.'ir assailants. The delegation. headed by former Foreign Minis ter Flora MacDonald, eventuall y left Russia under the uno fficial protection of some Aml.'rican Marines from the U.S . Embas.-;y The KGB thugs art> unimprl.'SSed with a visitor'!> V.l.P. status. The wife of Rep. John Port.er, R-111., W<.t.S strip-searched on her way out of the country. She reported that. two Russian women kicked her legs while they "searched my body cav1ues." Another woman m the group, an a1de to Rep. Wilham Ford, D·Mich .. w as a lso subjected to a blatantly unsanitary mt1mate examination. Letters to the editor School absences can cost money To the Editor: 1 am sure all parents are aware of the necl'ssity to communic:all• w ith your child's school the reasons for abscnt•cs, but you . may be unaware or the impact this has on income to our district from the state. I decided to write this letter because, as you are all aware. we have been forced to !hake $3 mil lio n in cutbacks this year. If the cause of your child's abS<•nce that you report falls within the excused categones. our district rec.-e1ves income for your child for that day just as 1f he or she had been in attendance. Excused absences include: illness; quarantine; medical. dental. or optical appointments, and·funerat"services for a member of the immedfate family. If, on the other hand, you re port an absence was due to a family trip, assisting another member of your family who was ill. or poo r weather, the state considers this an unexcused absence and our district has IL'I income reduced. However, we can now receive income for an absenC<' due to a family trip If a student completes an educational plan contract to complete school work during the trip. Last year, excused absent'CS were 2.8 percent of the total year and unexcused absences were l.J percent of the total year . The unexcused portion is not a large percentage, but it results m a loss of income to our d1Strict of $518.300. This potential income to our district could go a long way toward restoring cuts in programs and/or preventing further cuts. This is aoo a matter over which parents at the local level have c.vmplete control. You can easily Increase the income to our district without paying another dime in taxes! LOUISE ADLER Clerk. Board or Education Saddleback Valley Unified School Duitrict Prolecl rt•t•all To tht-Editor: . On a recent Sunday .ru~rnoon, 1 answered my front door and found a very ple•sant lady on my porch. S he explained that she was a member of a grcrup calling ltsl'lf C A.R.E. whi<'h as advocatl!'I the recall of three members of the Fountajn Valley School Ol1ttict Board of Trustees. After queationlna her for a "hort time, 1 became extremely (On(emt'd about her lack of kn<>Wled&e r•lallng to the bo1rd membera In qu.stion and their allepd lmproprietln l uk«d h•r aboUt 1pectflc lduca\lon Cod8 that th.tr "fact 1twet" lndni.d MAILBOX had been v10latcd. She was unable to answer and she stated .flatly that the board h.od c·xp<•ndl•d funds illegally. I explained to her that the Orange County D1•partnw1H or l!:dUl'ation banks t hl' funds of the Fountain Valley School District and oversees the expenditure of every dollar. She ,was disbeheving. and dismtert.'Sted. She told me she had been a member of this group for "about a month," that she had never attended a board meeting. nor had she spoken to any of the involved board members. THE RECALL PROCESS is a most important safeguard in the Democratic system of government, but to see it used as a means of settling a difference of opinion is a flagrant abuse. The cost of recall 1s appalling To date, the Fountain Valley School District has expended thousands of dollars in personnel time trying to m{'('t the demands of C.A.R.E. for Information. The Orange County Registrar of Voters estimates that 1f an election becomes ne<."essary, it wiU t'OSt an additional $25.000 -a CQ>t that must lX' met by the Fountain Valley School District out of a budget that goes to fund textbooks, curriculum development, staff development, reading clinic, and other vita! programs. Which programs would C.A.R.E. llk<' to sec cut In order to meet this expense? And all of this at a time when there is a regular board election !1Chcduled within months anyway. If. as C.A.R.E. states, this recall is not a direct result of the board's adopt1on of middle schools. why are they trying to recall only thost• three members who aupportc.-d the middle school c:oncept? 1f thl' \>c)imf 1s guilty of thNr chargt'S. why arc they not rl'<:alhng the• entire board? The mfnrmation being distributed by tht• C.A R .E group 1s thl' mo!'lt blauant distortion of tht> truth that I have 9l'<'n In many yean\ It 1s filled with innuendos and h•lf u uth'I , Fortunately. the members of this community will undoubtedly take th\" time to look Into the situation and discover (or them11elve11 that a few dlagruntl~ ari'llvldualii are trying to gN evf'n for ti df•t·l1lon with whkh tht•y dl118gn-ci SH~1LA MEYERS Prince charminif\ To tht-F.d1tor • Af tc-r my t"ar 1tallt'd lut wt"ek In tht: l•f\ tum laM at Harbor Bout.Yard and . . Victona Street tn Costa Mesa during a ram storm . a real prmt'C 1.harming came to my aid. He told mt' to st.ay m my t·ar and keep warm while he called the Auto Club. He came back and said the Auto Club would be there in 55 minutes. and he would have the police move my car to the sid~ of the rood. When I t.old him I was goipg. to call the hospital to break my therapy appointrnl'nt, he said he'd be glad to stay with my car and wait for the Auto Club and I co111ld take his car to the hospital for my therapy. When I told him I would break my appointment. he then offered to stay in my car while I called the hospital and during my call he was able to get the car started. He then called the Auto Club back and cant't'lcd and told me to stay in my car and keep warm while he calied. What a w~ry special individual he is, and one who rl'n ews your faith in people Thanks again, prmre charming! ABIGAIL LAND Airpoil commitment To the Editor: Need to take exception to your Nov. 16 · echtoraaJ,.!-'New anti-airport ploy." The County of Orange by allowing the number of flights to increase ou~ of the Orange County airport over the past 10 or 12 years has continued to provide harassment pure and simple for those who live under the flight pattern and are impacted by the noise They have been unwilling to follow tbrough with their promise to find an alternate site for the Orange 'County airport. So the litigants have choeen the only route that Is open to them sue. sue. sue. Hopefully \he &ard of Supervisors will follow through with their earlier commitment, a commitment they made when they appointed the blue ribbon panel to find an alternate slle for • regional airport In Orange County JIM DE B<X>M ... tr aom<' world lHdttra. In Iii•. ar• murd•rera and tyrant•. why 1hould oltlt!r world leadel'9 f HI obH1ated tO ''honor lht'M" In dt'Clth? CONSISTENT • • GOif ii 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF North-South vulperable. Weat deal1. NORTH •114 '\?A J O AKQ •QJOZ WEST EAST + K 103 • 2 "'8743! <;:.i 10915 0 Jl094 0 71532 •to •K98 SOUTH + AQJ985 <:I KQ 0 8 •A7e5 The bidding: w .. t N~ Eut s .. o. p ... 1 NT Pw 3 + P ... 4 • P ... 4NT P ... 5 '\? P ... I• p ... , ... , ... Oeening lead: Jack of o. A simple holdup play by W eat offered declarer a chance t.o go wrong. But declarer found a pretty way to keep open all his optlon1. After North 1howed three· card apade 1upport South knew that he wanted to play 1lam if hi• partner held a •uf · flcient number of acea. The Blackwood convention revealed that hl1 par~ner held two. and South elected to settle In email 1lam ht spade•. West led the top of hi1 dia· mond sequence, and declarer was deli1hted with hi1 pro•· pects. Since he could aluff two clubs on dummy'• diamonds, it Memed that hi1 alam would depend on find· ing East with one of the black kin1i. It was practical to. U'y the trump · 1uit flr1t, ao declarer won the diamond in dummy and led a trump to hi'" queen. Had declarer been the aort. of player who taku everything at face value. he would have been defeated. He would have cro11ed to the ace of hearts and repeated the' trump fine11e. Weal would have been able to aeore hla kins and eait 1&fel1 with a heart. Since then were no more entrie1 to dum· my, declarer would have been forced to concede a club trick. Declarer, however, waa the tort that weara both 1uapeadera and a belt. Re reallMd that Weat. mlsht be lndulsfns In a bit of trickery, and he found an elepnt aolu· tlon. He overtook the kins of heart• with the ace and c:a1h· ed a hlsh diamond. On thla lrica he dlaeardecl the queen of heartal Now dedarer led a apade from dummy al\d, when Eaat ahowecl out, declarer took the ace and save Weat. hi• klar of trumpa. No matter which 1ult Weat exited with, declarer would win in dum· my and get two club diaearda on the hi1h diamond and jack of heart•. He could then take the club fineu• and. when Eut turned up with the kln1. the alam waa In the bar. called it t.arly Americana and were charging $40 for it. What a ripoff! ' flMA 1·0MlfCI I liked antiques In the days when furniture didn't have nails in it, dolls were cuddly and didn't have two-inch busts and ponytails. and quilts didn't have labels In them, "DRY CLEAN ONLY." ATWIT'S END It's funny. I can remember when m y Mom used.to go with me to shows and there was an anger I don't know what's happened to antiques about her. She'd pick up a tin lunch pail and snort. during the last few years, but I don't get the honk ''That's not an antique. I can remember your out of buyi ng them that I used to. Grandma putting a bread and butter sandwich and My husband and I had a rule of t humb. a pear in that end carrying it to achool for lunch." Anything 10 years older than we were. we'd buy it. And I'd smile condescendingly (like I was We can't do that anymore. Anything 10 years older trying to talk someone off a ledge) and say. than we are is Calling apart and not worth carrying '"Mother. Mother , you are getting older. They home. haven't used tin lunch pails in 40 years." Besides, a.nliques aren't as old as they u.sed_to __ She seemed very bored through the wJU>le be when we fi rst started to collect them. exercise of curtain stretchers where you hooked Why, I remember when I could rum.mage your lace curtains onto small nails, slop jars that I through a show al the armory for half a day and bought to hold geraniums in the hallway, four-inch not even know what the stuff was ... let alone hatpins and high-button shoes. kn~w what it w as used for. At the show the other night I was ready to go The other night I picked up a blue bowl with when I saw a small thermos with Snow White and Shirley Temple's face at the bottom of it ... $35. the Seven Dwarfs on the side of it. I was furious. That's right, 35 big ones for a kid who's . . . what. "That's not an antique," I said to my daughter. "I 20 years old or so now? That's not an antique! can remember your Grandma putting chili in that And listen to this. I saw a tray with the original and sending it to school with me for lunch." Lawrence Welk band on it. They were wearing She started to speak, then decided against it. It suits that m husband still has in his closet. They was one of her more humane acts. wtl•t-'°"' llofldey__.,,_,,, need•.,."°"'" n1>e1, '" -· ,.,.. •• ~,,...,,. • dellclo .. a C-1" Ice C•••m Call•°' troz4h deeMrt to .............. .,,., ........ ... . _, ........ . Orang• Cou1 DAILY PILOT /Tuelday, November 23, 1982· NJSIOD BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT NOW TMAT l'VE ACCEPTED REALITY, • the netd' C\VAdLqn la ~ wl\at to cio wltk ~t? ··HOIOSCOPE Wednnday, November U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Family member talks about special group, organization or holpital -complaints concerning restrictlona will aoon be resolved. You a re on brink of breakthrough. T1'URUS (April 20-May 20>': Bar.rier is removed, aocial hfe accelerates. wish is fulfilled and Criendship is transformed into serious relationship. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Specific steps can be taken to advance career, improve business situation. You'U have chance to remove obstacles, to take stock and to reinforce security. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on language. distance, communication, pursuit of educational or creative e ndeavor. Emphasis also on travel, spiritual values, principles of justice. . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): lndividu~l who sweet talks could be sincere but could also lack authority. Means protect your own interests, separate fact from fiction. Be aware of credit ratings. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Defer to wishes of -0ne cloee to you, including business partner or mate. Highlight patience._ willingness to s treaml!n e techniques, to be rad of superfluous material. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What begins as routine task could ·eventually prove stepping-stone to exciting project. Atte nd to details, accept respo nsibility . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Emotional involvement dom inates scenario. Focus also on creativity. abiJity to-imprint style and to complete major task or assignme nt. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): New appruach necessary to comptete-ttansal:tion. Emphasis on property, security . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Relative talks of money, budget, special collection, possible' urchase-of-home-or propert.~Focus also on shou trip, ·submission of ideas. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You're provided with needed material -chance to improve income is heightened. Spotlight on payments, collections. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Rules are changed in your favor. Timing, circumstances and public opinion swing your way. Outline needs, be specific. Dl•;AR ANN LANDF.RS. I want to rommf'nt on tht.it lltth• blat:k·boY luwn ornan14:mt thl• rt•ader from Tolf-do took c•xc'C.•ptaon to I c•un'l undc•r»wnd wh;.1 tht' fUlili i» about . We abo have a httlt• black boy who gracet oor" gardt•n. H(• 18 holding an antlqu<' lantern lhal hght.li up wh<•n the sun got11 down. We• lov~1 that sUttut• and havl' namt'<i him Sambo. He Is like• a m('mber uC the family. The black pt'<lplc• who objuct wit. (as they drive by in their Cadillacs) s hould be gr.at.eful for the progreu they havC' made In this t"Uuntry. C. IN FORT WORTH 1 DEAR C.: I learned long 110 lt'a ateleu to try to 1tnt11ttea Qut people Uke you. "Sambo," yet. By tbe way, doe1'H laave rllytllm? DEAR ANN LANDERS: I a m a male, 27, we ll-employed and reasonably content. I mf t a smashing girl at a party last week a nd was excited at the prospect of seeing her again. As we moved under a better light so 1 could write down her phone number, I notK'ed her neck was dirty. , Last night we had our hrst date. She is intelligent, weU-informed and fun to be with. Again I nolked her neck was dirty. Hygiene is terribly important to me. She seems meticulous in every other way. A demeral like this could KO a romance. Any suggestsions? BENTON HARBOR, MICH. ' DEAR BEN: Tile &lrl could .lane a s-kla pi1memtatloa problem. Keep yo•r eyn epem. Time wlll tell. If It turn1 oat tllat 1lle doeu't wao lier aeck re1ularly, write 111in ud I'll provide some '-ctful 1&n1ua1e. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your responae to the neighbor who saw the 9-year-old bed-wetter in his front yard, wearing a diaper, could have been a lot better. You called it "child abuse" and suggested she call the juvenile protective authorities or some other agency. Like everyone else, you passed the buck, . ----11 These days, when grandparents refuse 'lo get involved because "I've raised my family," and neighbors s peak to you only when they are collecting for a charity, and doctors treat patients like cattle, and mothers work downtown, giving their 'kids an aspirin and sending them to school with 102 temperatures, YOU should have said the following: "The next time you see that neighbor boy. invite him in for a talk. Tell him, 'I saw you in the _Jr_on_t ard wearing a diaper as punishment_ fo;~r _ __,,_1 wetting the bed. Your mother was wrong to do that, but sometimes mothers do the wrong thing because they are tired and upset. I ooce knew a boy yot1r age who wet his bed. He thought he would never stop, but ~did. And you will, too. Everyone has something he doesn't like about himself. but you are lucky, because you will get over this problem. It never lasts forever'." -A PERSON IN N.Y. WHO TRIES TO HELP DEAR N.Y. PERSON: Thanks for 1itUa1 lo my chair today. You did a line job. Offer again, please. I • 1s· • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • lecft ........ ----------------~l~1t1·----------------------------~ This is our way of fhanklng you . . . ! Ti.. Can.er S1ore1s hSled 1n 111>s ao w1M II"• you $2.00 °" ... legulW ...... ""°' al flf't TOM TH• TURK•Y HUNTINGTON HACH ,_, unr·1...-c...,. lff1' ... Qiu (111111) -PILGRIM CAK•I • • • 140-1370 STANTON --~·-­u• .... NCllS...._ .... , LMUNAHIUI .... Im! .:.:....:... ... . .9ca. C'.uam Stou 194-4719 159-6011 WATCH'FOR NEW LOCATIONS OPENING SOON: • SvnnymMICI • Hemet • La Quinto • ~ • • ...._. • La .... • Cothe4hl Qty • .,._.. .......... ..__. ............ • ~-.... leech. s.n Mere. ..... 111111 Would you 11ke to loln our growing famlly of e~. store ~wner1? For Information on the avi llablllty of choice locatton1 In Or11111/Riwenklt & San Btmlrc:.San °"10 l 14 /&4 •I 111 No other newspaper brings you more of your city council, planning commission, school and college districts and county · government than the ~ l'lit ... ' I ) . . . MARINI! Wl!ATHl!R . • • •• •• • • •• • • -The latest Information from t ides to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster . • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drivet1me freeway and highw ay Informa- tion from the Orange County offrce of the Highway Patrol. • STOf;K MARKET REPORTS -Twrce dally, the most up-to-date information rn the w orld of finance. as 1t pertarns to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of ¥errill Lynch 1n Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS - Expert advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Development Coach Kevin Mc Nair. twice every day . • CONSUMER R•PORTS -· Listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week. • NEWS -More than just headlines. and a special emphasis on Ora'n'e County. • ENT•RTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM w ith Herm Boodman. • A CLOS•R LOOK -ioCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics. with Joann Reynok:ls and Susan Vaughn. • COMMUNITY FORUM -An award-winning pr~s~ntatlon or the Junior Leagu~ or Newport Harbor, aired weekly only on KOCM, dervlng Into the unique Interests or our arH. KOCM IS OR"'NGE COUNTY MUSIC . • . .AND MUCH MOREi .. • • • ON Y.OUR l'M DIAL AT IOI.I • . . ~· r Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tueaday, November 23, 1912 • . . 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Of course,,_.your account will always be accessible at any Bank of America branch. Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply ..1 fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America when you open your Cash Maximizer account. It's a bit of a wait. But we promise your patience will have its rewards. Bank of America just made a good thing even better. Our new Cash Maximizer acc9unt• will not only pay interest higher than many money market funds, banks or savings and loans, it wiM also pay an interest bonus of up to $100 when you open it. That's a deal that's hard to beat. But then, the Cash Maximizer account is an account that's hard to beat. 1HE SAFETY OF FDIC INSURANCE. But perhaps most important, you'll have the added pea~e of mind of knowing your BANff ON THE LEADERTM BANK OF AMERICA • "ll5CIO MINtMUM OI PQUT, ... I' e MNlOP AMllUCA NTalA ••• MIM•U 'flllC ' I" .• . ' Jeanna Carline, 8, racing i1~ on the track . I TUESDAY. NOV 23, 1982 BUSINESS COMICS TV LISTINGS 82 87 88 starting flag to drop. 'Country Golt/' i ."i a l!01111try 11111sic~ 'All About E've' with /Joni Ander8on. 86 · • .i . -.,. 0 0 llfore thall .jusi. packed or8nges in these crates '·Gentl<•men. start your engines!," may ot-havcr bccn-the-cry;atlhc erange-Crate------ Derby last weck<.'nd m Irvine, but it could have been. L~ttl~ Michael .Janson, 2, of Irvine, wa too young to get into the • '• · competition, but he' eyeing a bigger race like. the Indy 500. Kids between the ages of 6 and 13 years old participated m the big event sponsored by the VaJle~ Federal Savings and Loan Association. They raced their orange crate buggies for trophies and pats on the back for a "good race." The event drew 75 entries. Damon Mazzano was the Class I winner, beating out Erie Elle rman ~n the fmals. Jeff Luttrell drove to vietory in Class II. nosing out all challengers. . .... Eight-year-old J oanna Carlini raced to victory in C lass Ill oix•n competition. Dellr Pllol ""°'" .., IUdwd KoeNef Hurd-charging orange <'rate ract.'rs head for the finish line. Odome.ter roll/: over 300,000· times .. By CAROL MOORE Of ltleO.-,Not ..... Margie Smith has driven RGU 937 to Vermont, Florida a nd Mexico City. So why did her Lido P a rk mobile home p ark neighbors cheer as she drove it once around the block? Becauae the odometer turned to 300,000 miles -the equivalent of 50 times back. and forth across the United States. · She bought the bronze Buick Skylark in 1965 in Durand, Mich., for $3,575. It still has its original engine and gets 18 miles per gallon. To mark this milestone in Am erica n automotive engineering, she invited ·all the mechanics who had tended the car to a champagne reception and printed a placard that read "400,000 or bust." Near the buffet table labeled "Service Department," Bill Pollard of Glendora remlnl.9ced about caring for "her old yellow Buick, the one she had before thJe one. • "When the work on this car 1tarted 1ettlng m cuy and complicated. I referred her to M ... Center Automotive." he quipped. • SOb Dtn1er of Meu Center t'Ontinued the banter. "Mar1ie brinp the car in four times a lHr ... ju1t before It break• down." Actually the cer ha never had (See SUPER, Pap Bl> ........................... Super mileaae of Maraie Smith'• 1965 Buick Skylark wa1 .. luted with balloon , champape and chailenaina placard. . • ~~±'."2~ ~~.:__~~_.;...~~~~..:=;:~======~~~~~~---,~~~~-<~iijiiiii • ... rt r e -----------·-·-·--------- .. ., . . ' Orange COHI DAILY PILOT/Tuetdl)', November 23, 1982 H•H•r •11r1y t.c11111 •• a ...... .. CALL ANNJm -•u 0050 .. . U.S. pulse sho'ws Case of lingering recession •' ~ I .. i .. •; 1 •' . .. J//f'~t/,j?H;o,/ d~NJWJ '(~/I \1\#esMm Thrift & Loan . Malclng more money for vou . ~MESA CRANCE RMISIOf UPlAND (714)645-3153 17141997'1300 C7141354-2Cn0 171419466741 TMZANA LONCi 8fACH DOWNEY WHITTIER 12131881-0200 1213149&-3301('2131923-32011213>94S.7561 lOllRANa . SAN DIEGO CUNOALE 12131534-4810<714157&&5012131240-S550 17141 ZZS-1011 A11ai1.J~ to C~lor~ rtSIOrnl'S Of'llV (L1m11e<J ohtlfJ rtaJC NOTICE "8.IC NOTICE By JAMES Pfo;LTZ ,., .............. NJo::W YORK 'fht• nurnl>4.•11> puu1111J< out of W ... tunatun'it llUHl!illl' nulb1 111dlc•t1tl' ttw 11~·1·i.1dot1 will lmgf'r Into HIHJ Many or thl• (IHUl'l 'li "t·onhrnwd thut tlw e<.'Onomy t•nnUl\Ul'll to rC'lro~·t," ¥Uld Bt•rnord Sc:hoenfold, t<t"011om1s1 of Irvan" TrUJit Co , tht.• N~w York bank. (In Orungt.• <:ou n ty la111 WN•k , Pl ri. i lntcrstah• 81rnk of Callfornrn Cor1•1·a1u that t"COnotn1t• recuvf.•ry c:ould bt'flln in 191ia ond guan monwntum an 1984.) ThNe wl're some onl(ht 11p~l.a, Uousing starts rose l pert>cnl l.i¥t mouth and building perm11.8 rO&C nearly HI pc•l'C('nt, thank.ll 1n part to re«'nt declines in interest ratt.-:s. th<' Commen'{' Department said. And wholesale prict'tl rOliC only 0.5 per<."t·nt in Cktober, meaning. thut for the r1rst 10 mbnlhi or th~ year, Inflation at that ll'Vl'I was at a modest annual rate of 3.3 pcr('enl, lhc Labor Department reported. But for the most part there was little if ariy evidence that a strong ret.'OV(•ry was brewing. Fbr example: , -Industr~al production foll 0.8 per<.-ent in . October, lt.s biggest drop since April and the 13th decline in 15 months: the Federal Reserve .lJoard said. · -Factory capacity tumbled to 68.4 pen-ent last month. down from 69.2 percent in September and' the lowest rate since tht' Fed Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULT ANTS (7l4) 751-2400 "8.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE ': NOTIC« OI' TiiUitiff SALJ NOTICE_ OI' TitUSftrS SAU NOTICI 0# TI•lllWa'S SAL.I 'J, ~Ne.~MY No.T01011 L_..._....,... NOTICE M TINSTH'S SAU L-No.•M T.S.No.7-.,. · 4--'.J.8. C.... IMPOM.ANT MOJICLYO T.S. No. --.a ... ' WION NOPERTV OWNIR QUAL~HGS" anirlO-A VAL BAN C 0 RP, H du I Y YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A ASSOCIATION u duly eppolnted appointed Truat•• under Iha OE E O OF TRUST, DATE O Truate• under rile following . followtnQ deed of "ual WILL SEL FEBRUARY 9. 1982. UNLESS YOU deeQribed deed of truet WILL SELL f t AT PU&LIC AUCllON TO THE TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ·. HIGHEST BIDDE" .FOB CASH PROPERJY.JT.MAV BE SOLD AT A HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable ., lime of ... In lawful PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN fpayab .. at tlma Of .... lrrmwtul money of Iha Unlled ·s111 .. 1 all EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE money ol Iha Unlt•jt StatH) all 1 light, title and lntereet c:on¥eyed to OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST rlgtll, title and lntereet conveyed to I and now held by It undef Mid DMct YOU. YOU SHOULD CON,. ACT A a.rid now held by It under Mid Oeed I of Truet In ttle propehy herelnattat LAWYER. of Trv.1 In the Pfot>etlY ,...,...__. ,. 1. ... •i •• ~. i .. ·~ .. .. .. . , . ~ ·i · '· . .\ I .. 1 'l .. .. ) .. ; ' • ' . ·, . l I i I deacrlbed: On ~bar 7. 1982. It 10•00 delcrlt>ed; J TRUST 0 R : JERRY R . a.m .. BURROW ESCROW CO .. 1 Tru11or: JO PRANZO, Jr., an 1 THOMPSON 1nd PATSY D. Califotnla corpor1llon. IS duly unmatrled mM THOMPSON. huaband and wtle aa 1ppolnted Trustee under and Benellclary: Union Federal jOlnt tenants. auan1 10 DMct of Tru11 nicc>fded S1vlng1 and Loin Auoc1111on. a l BENEFICIARY: VALENCIA BANI<. February 11. tH2, IS Intl. No. corporation a Cellfwnla c;orpor1tlon. 82-050322 of OlflolaJ Records In the Recorded June 18, 1981 as lnatr. • Aec«dad SePtamber 18, ·1N1 .. office ot the County Reoofder1 ol No. 28777 In book 14108, page ._tr. No. 243341 In book 14225. Orange County. State of Cahlornla, 1728 of Offlciel Aecorda In ltle office pege ..... of Offtclal Record• In ttle executed by AICHARD w. CROFT of Ille Recorder of Orange Counly; office of I.he Aecorder of Orange and LORRA.INE CROFT. hu1b1nd 111d deed ol trull delcllbel the County. Miki deed of fl'\llt deacribea and wtle WILL SELL AT PUBLIC IOlloWlng property. the fOlloWlng property. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER A porilon ol Lot 38 of Tr~ No. Lot 2. of Tract No. 9"2, In Iha FOA CASH (PIYeble at time ol Nie er.s ... llhowfl on • map tflefeof City of Irvine, County of Orange, In 11wlul money of the United recOtded In 8ooll 18, Paga 42 of State ol Calllornla, as per map Stat•) 11 the front door of Bufrow Milcelalw Macie. deacri«led as ,_dad In Booll 301. pegea 33 and Elc:row Co .. 2070 N. Tuatln A--. Parcel 2 •"-'on a map fllad In 34. Mlacellaneou1 Mapa. In the Santa Ana. Celifornla 1111 r1g111. 1111e 800k II. Pagaa tO & If of Parcel office of t"f County Recorder of and lnlat•t QOnveyed to and now Mapa, In the ofl1ce of the County Mid County. held by It under .aid Oeecl of Trual Recorder o l Orange County. YOU AM• Dl'AUL. T UND1J1 A In the property al lulled ln 11id cellfomla. PllD OF TRUaT DATID CountyandSllM•deact1bedu YOUAM•DIPAUL.TUllDIJU IU'Tl-R 11, 1tl1. UM.las Lot 83 of Tract No 3825. Clly of DllD Of r.MT DATB ~1M1. YOU TAKI ACTION TO PIM>ftCT Cotta Mell, County of Orange, &aa• YOU TAKI ACTIOll TO YOUll .... O .. lllTY, IT MAY •• SJal• of c.lltomla ... lhOwt\ on ..... ORCT YOUll .....,.. .. n. " SOLD AT A 11\aJC SAU.• YOU map thereof r-ded In 800k 130. MAY •I SOLD Af A .. U.LIC ... All Uft.ANATIOll OI' TMI p. g .. 7 . a. 9 • n d 1 0 0 I • AL I . "·., 0 u .. 11 D AN NAT\Mm CW THI ""OClll*tel Mllcell1neou1 Mapa. records ol IDl'LAllATIOll Of THI llAT\MS AOAl•aT YOU, YOU SHOULD Orange Counly. Callfomla. ~ THI llllOCl9D9lll AOAm8T CCMft'ACT A LAWYlll. Tha ltrHt addreu and Other YOU, YOU aNOU&.D CONTACT A ' 5712 Southall Terrace, lrvlne, common dealgnltlon It any, of Iha LAWYIHl c.ltornla rul property deacrlbed above la 1132 Sea Bluff. ea.ta ....... CA "(" a ..,_ add,_ or ~ purported to be: 3223 Colorado 92927 d••lonallon la ahown above no ..._, Cotta Mau. Callfomla. "I" • at..-addr-or ~ warranty le given •• to It• Tha underalgned Trualee designation la ahown above. no ~-°'correct,_). .. The dl1cl1lm1 any llablllty lor any warranty 11 given •• to Ill beneficiary under aald Deed of incOtract,_ of the air.eat acldr... c:omp191-°' ooneet-)." Truat. by renon of a breach or and other common dealtn•llon, If The 1>e11eftclaoly under Mid Deed dllault In ltle obllgetlona -ad any, lhown herein. of TNlt, by ,_ of a breec:ti CK lheretly, twetOfore executed and Seid 111• wlll be made, bul defautt In the obllg9llona aec:ured dell~•d to the underalgned a wllhoul covenant or w1run1y. thereby. lleretotof• executed and llll'tnen Declaration of Oef8Ult and •XP'-°' Implied, tfQll'dlng Ulla, dellvered to the undefllened a ~ lor Sale. and written notice POIHHlon. or ancumbrancH. written Declaration of Default and ol bf9adl and of elactlon to ~ Inc I u d Ing r ee 1. c II 1rge1 • n d Demand for Sale. and written notice the undersigned lo Hll ••Id ·~of the Trllft" and of the of bf9adl and of elactlon to ~ prCll)9tty to aatllsly Miki obflgatlona, ru111 creaJed by .11ld Deed or the underalgned to Hll Hid end thel'ealter the undersigned NII, to pey Iha ren\ainlng prlnc:IPllf P'ot>etlY to aallafy Mid obllfetlona, cawed Mid notlOI of breach and of IUfN of the note MCUf9d by Mid and therHlter the undersigned alectlon to be recorded July 30, Deed of Truat to wit· $33.802.20 clUMd Mid notice of br9ecfl and of 1N2. u lnetr. No. 82·285202 of _."' lntat•t thereon lrorn Febru8ty alectlOn lo be aald Oflldal Aecotda. 11. 1"2 at 15 percent.per annum Aeoorded Mr 30, 1982 • lnltr. Said Hie wlll be m1da. but as prOllldad In Mid no\• p1ua coats No. 82·214tt~ ol u ld Olllclal without covenant or warranty, and any ad\lanc.. of M.11456 00 wfth Record• ...,..... °' Implied, ragerdlng 11tle, lnter•t , Said Hie wlll be made, but pa1nulan, CK ancumbrancea, to The l>eneflolary under said Deed wllhour covenant or warranty, twt Illa remaining Pflndpal M#n of of Trust lle<"atolore executed end •lfl>'-or Implied, regarding Ihle, Illa noea(a> aacured by Mid Deed of delivered 10 the undersigned 1 poauulon. or encumbrancaa. to Truat • .-i ~•In Miki note Mitten Oedaraflon of default and pey the remalnlnO principal""" of tlf'O'llded, edvenc:ial. K any. under Demand lor Sale, and 1' wrlllen 1'le noMC•l aecurecl by Mid DMct of Ifie tenM of Mid Deed of Tniat, Notice of Oef8'111 and Election to Truat. wfttl In•• • In Mid note ,._, dlereaa and upenw of Iha Self. The underllgned cawed Ml'd prO'Med: ad,,_.1.."~~· under TNltea and cl ltle INell creeled by Notice of Default and a.ctlon to IM term• of Mid ..-ot Tl'\l8t, l8ld D99d of Tnlllt. Sell to be recordad In tlle county ..... Cflllrgea and apenaee of ttle Said aale wlll be held on .,_•lherealprot>ettYltloealed Truat .. andoftheltuatscreetedby Wedl!Wtey. OecernMr t. 1Ma at 8UAAOW ESCROW CO. Miki o.d Of Truat. 2.-00 p.m .. at.ttle ChaOrnan A-2070 N. TUllln Aw. Said ••I• wlll ba held on entrance. to Iha Civic Center Santa Ana. CA Wedneedtl)', 0.-1it.... 15, 1182 ae 91Uldlng. 300 Ent Chapman (714 ) 55t-t212 2:00 p.m. at the CNpman A-- Aven11e, In the c11,. of Oran~. Cher-,4 Wytaoct, Prea •otcanee, to the C111lc Center ~ Publfthed Orange Coast Oal Blllfd lng, 300 Eael Chapman Al the time ol the lnltlal Pllo4, Nov tt, 23. 30, t982 A~. In Ille Qty of Orenga. .o•H~•lon cl IHI nottca. the Iota! 5045-M At th• time of the lnltlal •-'"' ol ltle ur"'8id bal#IOI of Ille publication o1 thla nota. Iha tOUI 'otllgetlon -red by the above 1------------·I amoul't of Ille~......_ of the 'Oacrlbed dHd of truet and ftaJC NOTICE obllgetlon -• by the above ....,..eel c:oeta. ••c>enMe, and deacrlbed deed of truat and ..__It St•,385.31. ilUO B CM COURT OI' •tlmateel coeta. ••pen-. and To determine Iha o,enlng bid, CAUPOlllllA, COUNTY advance• la I 121, 121.t& To ~ .,_ 0.-(7141837-oNt. M GRAW ....... 1t1e ooen1na bid, you m.,., OMe: ~ 2. 1182 OWft TO IHOW eiUil call (714) w..am. -"A.L BAN COAR. POii CMAW.Ofl 11A1m Daee. No\l9meler 4.1..1"2 •Mid Truetaa, c,._ -AHIC EQUAUT't -VINOS and ly. T.O. SERVICE CO.. lnflleMallerofltle~of LOAN A.llOCIATION aeiant SARAH CATHERINE ACORD end .. Mid T""'9e ly. ~Schoonover, RACHAlL ELLEN ACOAO, mlnOrl, 8)' T.D. SIAVICE ,._.,,. ~ary for Ctlafl09 o1 Name, COMPANY, agertt One Qty _...., W•. TEAR'( AHN ACORD, ~ ot 8)' Lorne Womacll. Oqnga. CA t2atl IM Appllcenta, Ilea tied a petition In Aae11tM ~ Tel: (714) ~ thla court tor an order allOwlng 3833 CM11no Dal Alo S. Pvbtlalled Orenge Cout Dell}' petl lloner to change I'll a/ 8'llte 204 .... Nov.'· , ... n. 1"2 ' her -ffom SARAH CATHEAt.-San Dllao. CA t21CJ9..4044 494542 ACORD and RACHAfl ILLEN ('10) llA-8111 ------------ACORO. to SARAH CATHUUNE Pulllahed Orante Coe1t Delly .-UC mTU LEWIS A.CORD and lllACHAIL l'tlot. Nov, n. ao, Dec 7, ·--~===:":====--ELU.N EOYTHl ACON>. 11 .... II 11 hereb}' ordered that ell ,.... ITA~ pwaone lntereateel In tl'le meuer The ~ ,.,__ .. doing aloreaald ....,_ .,.,_ "* ooun ..,..._a In °"*"'*" No. I ae 7aO CMc PICnnow9 WM HUNTINGTON PARTNERS, Ceftlat Oflve W•t, Sent• Aftl, -ITA~ LTD .. N04t C... Alllador. S. C, Cell9tmle. on 0.0. t, INI. ae tCUO The .......... ,.,_. -do11'9 1 .. Juel\ °"""'-· CallfOfnl• o'dodl a."' .. ..-lllM-tlDd ....,. ...,._ • nt11 .,_ -.., If -. ....,....,., -, AMINCAN MU NITWOM. , .._.., :':'.II 'Corporation. Mid petMlon tor "*'19 of M1M llOO I . Wtmlr M9nut. hlle Q, ,.... Giie ...... c, 1811 .... "°'be...... ... Al-. oe.trllll 11711 ,,...C14? ••I\~ t2t76 llllMttler~--·°"".. NttlOll ...... Co111re1 Ralph I . ""'l~~-~r .. a thl1 order to 1how IHtt •• ~· •.,... ..,,.,elllOft, ~ ..,. ..... -Cllft ou.ilal'led In the Otlt}' ,., .. ,, • .,.. AW. 8'llle Q, wlldtr, lull• C, ''"Juan .-111..-of...,., .. ~ Ma.~ , C&IU w, ~!,!!?I puW In Ultt OOUf'lty at ..... Cef ''°"'°" CelnpenJ IM., • HUNTM -· ~. °"" a """ tor tour ~ ~ • C.... ..,_.._.1, _.. L ,.._,Jr.. w .... • prior to Ill• day of eetd IHI Kw• alyf,. C•t . C..le ,,..... .......... --~-""' JIM t A -... wllh Ill Deltd OClloller ti, 1111 TNI ..,._ • • ''"'' "1 e 0-... a.II II ~ OouMr on Merit A. lodlrl Mtl1ld ,.,,,.. •• ifli;:·· ::::·£-=~ _,,§C:_ .. • • .... - _ .. ....._ c....., an,,, o..,.. Ceurley"' ... .... • .. -.... a.. GA... OClloller ..... ..:r:.·I:: r:,,..o::I~ ~'SftW':.tt9'°2' ~~r.~o:n-:= . . .,,.. ...,.. ) .,.. ,, t!-0 l'I 6 E M°J\ YE l'l-H-4~ 1-y eppolnled Trustee under the lollowlng•dete<lbed deed of lru" WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (peyel>le al time ol aale In 18W1u1 money of the United StalM) aM right. tHle and lnrer•t conveyed to and now held by It under uld Oeed 'ol Truat In the properly heralnafler deecrlbed Truttor. ANTHONV l . MAXWELL and MARVEEN R. MAXWELL. hu•b&nd and wffe u joint 1enan11 Beneficiaty CEI INVESTMENTS a Call for nla c;orporatlOn Aecor1'ed ~bar 17. 1980 .. lnatr. No 22441 In booll 13837 page 731 ot Official Record• In 1111 ollloe ol the RecOtder of Orange Counry. aald deed ol trutr deac111>es the following property. Lot 14 of Tract No 30t2. 1n Ille County ol Orange, Srate of Callf0tnla. u per map recorded In book 92. pagH t9 and 20, Ml~ Mapa, In the ofllce of the County Recorder of said County. . PARCEL 2: That ponion of Loi A adf1can1 to Hid Lot t4 on 111• Nort"-1 lylng Nor1r-ateriy of Ille Northwellerly uten1lon ol lhe Soul"-terly line of Mid Lot t4 and Sout"-tetly of ll'ie'IOl!owMg delerlbed llne: Bttglnnlng· at a point In the Southeallefly line of Miid Lot A at the North ~ner of said Lot 14 • thence Northwatrerly along the Plended Nott'-ltatly line of NICI Loi 14, 10 an lnterMCtion Wilh 1111 NorthWHl•rly utenalon or the Sout"-lerly llne of LOI 20 of Miid Tract No 30112 , thence Norlhwesterly along rile North'wHterly uten11on ol the ~etly line of Mid Lot 20 to a point In 111e Northwwterly line of Mid Loi A • YOU Alll .. DU'AUL T UNDIR A DllD OF TllUaT DATID NOft_,. '-t9I. UNLa .. YOU TAKI'. ACTION TO "llOTICT YOUR "RO .. IRT't, IT MAY H SOLD AT A "'*"C UU. • YOU ...., ... IJIPLANATIOll OI' '"' NATUAI OP THI .... OCHl*Ma AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWftll. 336 Cherrylrff Lane. Newpofl Beaeh,CA "(If a street add•-Ot common designation 11 ahown abcwe, no warranty 11 given •• lo II• comp1e1-CK correct,_.). .. The l>eneficlaty under llld Deed of Trust. by reason of a brNdl or default In Ille Qblloatlona aac:ur9d thefeb)'. hefelof0te executed and dellvered to tit• under1l9ned a written Oedaratlon of Default and Demand l0t Sale, and wrllten notice of brMCh and, of elaction 10 C8UM the undetalgned to aell said pr09Wfy to eatlef)' Mid oblipllona, and tllereafler Iha underalgned cSUMO Mid notice of breacfl and of elactlon 10 be '*«dad Oecamt>er 28. 1981 .. """'. "° 330S4 In book 14337 page tOOI, of Mid Oflldal Aecorda. Said aale wlll be made, but without covenant or wuranty, ••pr-or Implied, raoetdlnQ title, ,,_..ion. or encumbr1ne11, to pay Iha remaining prindpal aum of ttle note(•) -ad by Mid Deed of Trv.t, wtlh 1nter9t1 as In Mid note provided. adVancet. " any, under the termt of Miki DMcl of Truaf, '-· chargea and •• .,.,_ Of ltie Truatea and of ltie lnlltl c:reeted ~ Miki Oeed of Trust. Seid •••• wlll lie held oft Tl!Yrlday, oac:.t'nber It. 1ff2 a1 2.00 p.m , et IM Cl'lepmen A.-- ent ranc:• to the Civic Center BulJdlng, 300 IEaat Cllap"'an A--. In tl'le Qty Of OrMae. CA Notice Al lime of .... llfda may be made In cHh aftdl or the ca1l'ller1' or certified CIHcll1 apeclfled In olwll code .. ouon "24ti Al the time of tlta 11\ltlal publloetlon Of .,... nottce ... IOlal amouftt Of the unpMI ,,..._ Of ..... otlllgatlon MCureel n tl'lt above deaorlbtd deed of trutl and """'•tad 00111. e1peMH. and advencaa la 171,IH.14 To --llllN "" --...... WOii mey ca1111141 n1..otte. - Dela: Nowemtltr ti, ttU GIOfllOI MA'tlR ..... ,~ ly TD llfMCI COMPANV • ..-~~M. '9Crtdl, Aelllltlll lecrNry 0..~9Ml .. W. .• °'.:'Ii c:.r-~u---Otetllt COett 0..., ...... Now n. •. Dec t, 1111 . ., .... ( lwgun k''\'JllHt( 11<t·unl1t 111 llHtt .. Tlw v.ilul• of tlw n1111un'-i lot.ol ou111ul of Kootls 111141 hNVlll11, or 6(11"'->j n.111onal procl~·t, wrui u11d11111t(t.J an llw 11111 ii 11uorwr f mm tlw M.<t·ond 11u111 ttor at u11 1111nu11l rult.· ol $l.4H tnl11on. Comnwrc•t• Oc•purtnwnt l't011numist11 t•11 rlll'I' t•Htimall·d that thc:>rt• hucl lwt•n a f(iUn or O.H i:x·rl't'lll In r<'ol . or 111tltat10tl 1JdJU1ilt'tl, GNP in th<> third quarter Gross-------------~ National Product WhUtc> c..'<'onomlsl.'S 1111~ houainM 11ff~l1als Wt•r<' pl<'witod with thl" upturn In housing 11\arts und hualcJing permiu1, th\•y eaut1om•d thut any huu1ung-rt'<.'Ovt•ry could be 11hor1-lav.('d 1f th<• ovorall e<.·~mnmy rt>mu1ns slu"li1h . 81lhons of Dollars 1 530 -Based on · Sorntt £'conomlt1l11 cont•ncJ that c-oni,uml·r Spt•1ldlng mU.t pkk up i.h.urpJy for the t't'tinorny to regain rTl()mc..nturn. Personal 1m·orn(• did tiS(.• 0.7 pcrca•nt during Octobc:r•, although the Com~rc't' Department suid muc·h o( thl' growth was due to a ri~ in uncmployml•nt ben<'fit.'i. 1 9 7 2 Dollars Regwdless. <.~'Onomun.s havt> SC11d t.'t>~11nwrs' net war.th already is at a ravorable rale for hu:rcased spending. But fearful of the n.'t·eSiiion, i!nd its impact on jobs, consumers remain financially tight·fisted. • "Given such mixed signals, there is n o basis for a corifldent fore.cast of what will happen· during the critical Chnstmas selling period," said Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. Jack W. Lavery, chief economist of Merrill Lynch & Co .. said in his latest ''Business Outlook" that the inaeascd nl"t worth of consumers c.'Ombaned with "a further drop in interest raws, and a perception by consumers that employment prospect.s will stabilize, would S<.'Cm to be pre<'Ondili<ms which must. ocoeur'' if consumers are to spend heavily this Christmas. 1510- 1490- 1470- 1450- 1430- Further declines in interest rates. still forecast by many credit and economic analysts, could help. "That could set the stage for continued improvement in the housing market," which would spill over into the appliances. materials and other businc.'SSeS, Schoenfeld said. . But he cautioned . that interest ratt'S, even after their dc."t:lines in recent months, are still high relative to inflation II Ill IV I II HI 1981 • 1982 ··For instance. 1f you look al the prime (lending rate) of 12 J>(!rcent. and at inflation conservative ly estimated at 6 percent, real inte rest rates arc 6 percent," he says. ·"Historically, that's a very high figure and it seems to be enough to delay the r('(.'Overy." (Adjusted for Inflation) Revised Figures iJVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND -, NL ,.... I) so NL Inc om • •• • NL Ivy FCI 11 74 NL Ta Ft~ • 7' 10 NL ,,. Grtll •:: 1:.~ =~: !Hi ~ NL ~:..:.:c· 11.21 NL NMu T .. 7' N •-!ieMoc•: Nat Avie •.JD N lleliCI 16.AS U.11 N•I 11111 ii.II H G..-11.'2 12 ....... Seorllltt. VS Gvt 1.11 • o fll8" ii ... 11 TH h •12 t.tl ~ltl :~ ~1 ~= FW.: NL P::.Cl 6 1' 7 JI lntem I &J I• ltt<om .. ,, 7 Gr-ii 11 12.'1 Stet II • 6J 10 HI lllCI •D IDM , .. Ea Im I. ~l 'f ;: 'f:& i:t:'ct. s,'l, ~ 1 II ti 13.92 Hat .... wlele F ... . .. Net11FCI I•• ........ lnln11" HL1,~g ~HO Comlll s ""lea C..~IL Coh1Mlii .,.,., .. kund WI WI c".n'Tli.' A<roEn ,,..,Jot11 11111n11 e .. ~ NF4 ~~.~r. T ... ncOfl Ou ... En ... 11 .. A ......... L.ftrS "" It It Anoe 1..1~·--·°"· ,,, . ,, . H• • ~, ·~ . "' •'• . ~ 7J • ' S' > • '• 1S • 1'• ''-. '-,, ' • \1 1 • I ~... . "" 1 • \/. J • 14 1 .. • .... 1 • ... l)t. • I~ ·~. . .. , :JD • ''• 2~~ _..., ''• I • lot Jh ·~·· 1 • "" 21., .. "" JOO +20 ,.,, + Pct. Up St.J u, ,, .. Up 26.1 Up n .7 Up 21.A Up 11.1 Up 11.• Up 11A Up 16.7 Up 16.1 Up 16.l Up 15,C Up 14.1 Up l•.J Up 14.J Up U..J Up 1J.A Up IJ.I Up tl.J Up IJ.! VP 11.l Up IU VP 11.C Up 111 Up 111 Up 11 I I 2 • S Oft 11.S Oft 11.S Off 11.J °'' u.c Ott 12.I Off llA Off 11,• PulMm F-; $111$91 ,, .. NI. <-v 14 g IS.• Stllh 7a Nl 1111 Eci I• '1 lS " s•tlnv 1 n 1.'5 0.0.11 U" 16.57 ret Gift 27M ~ GrwlJI II • 11 ll '"' ii.a IL HHll" .... 11,01 H 11\4141 16. U 11 HI YICI 16.SS 17,1! Tempi9ton ~: 1ncem "n 1.H GI-..., ti:ft 1nve11 10 .56 II SO Grwa 1 11 i Oplft 1211 IJ ~ *°'tel 1 .. 1 n fH Ea 201S 11 7' f"" Cap ID 11 ti •• lllSle 1' OJ 10 • f--1.11 NL Vow.. • .... 1'J7 Tr ... Eci ID .. II• wr •2 16 NL T"* Fd IS.It Nl .1,.... 3,:JD NL Twne Ot It.It NL AocllT • ii 7' 11 • htl'C Sel II.JI NL Sele<o Sffyr T-c Ui '7-'·· I 92 :t urr!:roi:r,. Ml. 11 • NL ID.ft NI. 11• NL 6.61 NI, 20.. NL Uftlf Mui 1141 NI. l • . ... Orunuu Cnatat DAil V Pll O 11 t ucmf11y. Nov Chrysler talks are 'conciliatory' lllCillLAND PAHK. M1lh (AP) Unilt'<I J\utu W11rk1·1'-' 1w~oltL1U111' "Y l'tu yi.ll•r Corp i» how1nu .1 •·wnnli .. tury" altJludr In tlw l1ri.t l'Olltnwl wlkw In C1Vl• wt•t•kll. (•Ven though tlw «omp1m y hai.n'l ro1~·d ll"I wug1· of ft•r Altl111ugh wlki. Wl'rt' lo c.•1111unuc• today. th1• n1:111 ''-'iU1 of un 1mmc:d1uh· 1>:1)' fJli.t' probubly won't c-on)( Up unul Ol'XI w1•1•k, .met lhl' No a UUllll'r\akcr S<.I)'& I :.till cunnot nlfor d whnt work1•1" wiant. "W1• duJn't M.'<' the.· h11wt1llty 0 1 n •solull•nt'l'.'I thu w1· ~aw" tn C'urht•r 1·011trat:t 1wgt)t1Ullons. Mart Swpp UAW v 1<.·t· pn·,,ld<'nl in t•harg1: of th1• Chryslc dt·pJrtmt·nt, ~1J Mondny nftt·r 1h1· t;1ll<N r<'l>umc.'tl •·Tlw1 t! !!(~mi. to tw <• corwiluttury utmospht•r1.'' woak to rt•i.olvc nn Ip d:ay-old Canndmn Mr1kt•. Fuel consumptitJJJ falls S ACHAMENTO (AP) Casolinl' mnsumption 1 . Calalc.irntu thl' lw.t thrl>t.' m11nlh1> was thc.• lowest fo that pc.•rtod an 11lx jc><Jrs, s:Jys ·tht' stat<• Board o 1-:q11ali7.a lion. ~ud Chairman Willi<1m &:nnett said Monda • 1ha t durmg the.• third quartt•r of l!Hn July J through S<.•pt :Jo Californians purl'h~>d nearly 2.8 b1l11on gallons o r g;isolane Thl• thrc•c•-month totol of 2.792,525,147 gallons was the• lowest smt'l· 1976. h was 9.05 JX'rcent bclow;I. 1971i. the• lowt•s t year in rN·t•nt his tory. an"d 0.88 l JX!ft:t•nt below th<• t•omparable months of 1981. • • i &•mll'll sa1cJ St·pte mlwr cuns umptaon of 906 6· n111l1011 gallons ali-.o was a six-year low for that month. New underclass I eared SAN DIEGO (AP) -Tht' nation's r(.'('Cssionary economy ts thwa rting minority groups in their pursuit- o r Jo bs and fanant·1al sC>curity, according to the t'hc1irman of th<· U S. Civil Hights Comm1~ion "W1•'r c· 1n dange r of t·rcating a p<'rmancnt1 undNclass in this t·ountry if we don't turn the t'<-'Onomy ai:ouruL::.sai<.LClarcnt· • f>l-'ndlcton chairman of the· L=ommiss1on Nt•Vl•rthl'lc'S:>, Pt•ndleton, who made his remarks Monday naght at a 1wws ('Onforence following a spc«.·h to University or Sun Diego law ::itudents. said that tht> I• cagan adminis Crutfon's et.'Ono•1tl" pcrliC'iC'S are a step 10 th1..• right dirccuon .. R<•aganom1c.~ makes a lot of sen'>(.• to me." said Pe ndll'lon. who was appointed to. the post by Prl'sidl•nt Hcagan last s pring. l·fr said that Reagan's policies would "get the govcrnml'nt out of people's hv<>S a nd g<.'l the free CnterpflM' Sysll'm to floura h agam." so.. ) l •• ••• . .. 1 .. .. 2t Tn1 IS Ull U Sii< I"°"' Tr Ml urn• 65 Stl< WHAT STOCKS DID .. ew YORK CAPJ NO• ,, Adv•nn<I O.cllned U11<ll•"..,i lol•I In.,., New 1119"' Ntw lows ..... ~ 'iltill • 00 l_, .. ••• J2I I~ '4 s Nl:w YORK 1""' "°" n Adv•"'"° Oecllned Ul\Cll•'1QOICI Tol•I IU ... S New "'Ill'' N•w lows T-y ,., 431 11• ISi Si , NEW YORK (AP) -Spol r>Onlettoua mei.I Pf!Oell l°"Y Cep~r 10,;,.72 cenla • poulld U 8 CIMllnattOM - l .... 211•·2' C*llt. POUn<I ZIM 31_.2 c.>la • Pound. o.11 .... eo Tin 141.0112 Matilll9 w..-compoalta 11> ~ 71 c;enla a POUn<I. NY ...._, '365 00 I* n.... l"lell11-n•o OO·S342 oo uor oul'C•. NY SILVER t••ndy •110 Huma'1. U U5 P•• troy OU1- GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie ••-lalad Prwa Selected WO<ld Q61CI Pl"•• IOCllY L011d41ft atter-ft•llle $40& 00. oll USO , .... ~lla .... 1407 98 onS1!>1 Frenlllurt fl11fte lo!Of 00. l)fl M 0 I Zuricll 1111• .,._ fl•lnt 140' 23, oll U 00 bid. S•O& 25 •119<1 Hel\dJ I H•1111111 (Orlly deity q uole) s.oe oo. on $4 "° lllpllWd 1on1y Oll*I; qv0111 SAOO oo on $4 50 EllpllWd 10My Cl••l'f 0001111 .M28 JO on $4 T3 ... _ l IUoGrllfl pl 2 Clf'l\ar,.... I l'otllrlCtr s 4 M•llll•U Li. S SUllalrCp . ........ ... 1-11-1 Rio Gt..,. t HllllDllEF 10 ""' Co111 II Wyl, lJ iAmOll J Pe< ,. rter 'tv.,11 IS INO<I""' 16 llllotrlll Lyn II Ul\Enlln It ••NI CR 1• c""'s1er wi JO Int lla<111 ti GCA Corp tJ Ul\ll IHllCb U l'•lrcllld U O•lapnt U MArk(ltl 1' ~· .... ll'Cl Up a.s Up lf.O Up w·• UP ,7 UP 0 Up •O Up r: Up •, Up • Up , • Up • ~· Up "iJ Up • , Up J UP •U Up ~•1 UP 6 I Up t' UP t Up l.t UP ,6 Up I, Up 6 Ull ) Ull S.• ll'CI Oft "s OH .a1 Otl . l Oft i· ()fl ' • Ott • ~ :'ti Oft 'tO Otl ... ()fl · I .I 81: . u Oii ., ()fl I l Off • , °'' 11 Oft " °'' , • Off " Oii '. Off ,,, Ott '. oo n I H , -f Novumbor 23, 1982 Salvadorans swarm • ID Ry Tb• A11ocla1ed Press Thf' numlx•r of rt1fugt~•s from tlw civil wur in 1'~1 Solvador Is ~rowing In Orangl' and Loir An9el('!I l'<>Un t1es nd may t:x• us hagb as 250,000, authorilJ<'8 and re1etllC'ment offlcmls C'Sltmatt• Que indkalion of tht! 111flux sutfac,'Cd earlier this month wh<'n the 'Ora nge County Hunrnn Rolations Commission callt'd a mo•ting in AnahC'im to warn· undoc umented alie ns abo ut uns~rupulou s immigr a t ion l'OllSOltants. Commissio n s taffe rs weh.• su·rpr ise d t o Sl'C mor e S ailvadorans sh ow up than Mexicans. "We estimate that there are more than 250,000 Salvadorans in !L os Angeles and Orange • County alo ne ," said L ~u DeSitler, a paralegal worker nl EJ Riscatc legal clinic an. Los Angeles. which alS<> functions as a resettle m e nt agcnC.·y for Salvadorans. . "The Salvadoran population ma kes this area the second- largest Salvad oran d ty in the w orld (afte r El Salvador's capital, San Salvador)," s aid DeSltter. M~o r c t h a n 1 5 0 . 0 0 0 Salvadorans fleeing \.he strife an theit Latin American country illegally e ntered the United Staw11 tlurh11( I !ilHO 1U1tl l UH I , U\.'t'Orthnf( to n U.S. lmmll(rotlon 11nd N11tun1l11J1thm Sl·rvk-.• ~ludy "Thl'Y (Snlvadoruns ) ort• sNlhng h<1n• an Orangt• ~oonty dut• to llw ftll't 1 hut tht•y may find fnt·11at1t'N an Los Anf(c.'h.•s ovC'rc:rowdt'<i," suid JOSt• V urgas, Hispnnit· A ffuirs offlcl•r for the Santo Ann l'ohct• IX-partmcnl. Crea.tionism, evolution aired at' OCC· A lhrl•c-ptu·t lticture scrks that exam in es c Qn troversics s urrounding the theory o r ·evolution versus creation will be prese nted at' OrangC' Coast Colll11.(l' · ' T1 ti Pd "'C r ea t 1o n V c r su s Evolution," thl.' series meets on · Friday ev(..nmgs, Dec. 3. 10 and' 17. from 7 to 10 pm. an Room 207 of OCC's C hl•mastry Building. Series fee is $10 for adults and $6 for children under 12. SeriC's lecturer is Christopher Chua. founding prl'Sidcnt of the Creauon &:1t'nC(' Assoc1at1on of Orange County. 00-rJ[). -a Join uj 5-or - 'JJ:ank~giving / Offering Special Thanksgiving Dinn er Served 2 PM to 9 PM "In Orun((•• County th1•u • 111 lt•hli ha~h" and lht•n-IN huu11lng und Jollll," ht• 1&ud. A ~·hangt• an tlw bac:kgrnu1\d of thou.• Clec.lni may olao bf.' f'('llpona1blf' for growth in rl'fugttt.• numt:x•ra. "Vou art• aN~l ng more and more middlc-clau peoCle fleeing El Salvador and eettl 1\1 In the arl'a," said DeSltter. "lnilially ond until a year a10 the people who were (.'Oming . . . were froll,l the counlryalde. Now there are morf' and more merchant.a and officials," said DeSilter. Salvadorans who arc arrested often file for asylum. El Riscate a ttorneys represent more than 500 Salvadorans seeking such protection from deportation. There arc 8,555 such asylum pleas pcndins· before Los Ang<'les immigration oHicials and mor(' are in the courts, h<: said. One s uch case lnv9lves• Orbclina Aguilar and the si>t members o( her famify. Ms. Aguilar, 34, came to Orange County seven years ago and w,orked to raise money to bring her family to the United States from a village n orth of San Salvador. Arrested t h e n ight they cntcn.>d the U.S .. the family is free on bond pending their bid for asylum. -Enjoy :J~JMi11irL'ij ---:Dirt~~ With Us 11 A.M. to 9 P .M. Children's Menu Available For Reservations Call '494-0162 640-1573 3050 E. Coast Hwy. Corona def Mar 696 S.. Ceut IWJ. Located In Hotel San Maarlen Opposite Al>ertsons LAGUIA IEACB Parking on Premises SE-ff Eb I FF Traditional Roast Turkey Dinner along with our special holiday menu consisting of ... • Cornish Game Hen • Baked Ham • Broiled Scallops • Halibut • Shrimp • Swordfish • Prime Rib • Filet Mignon • Fresh lobster Served I 2:30 co 9 P.M. 536-2555 317 Pacific Coa t Hwy. Huntington Beach THANKSGIVING MORNING BRUNCH 7 A.M. to 2 P.M . . Special Thanksgiving· MeT · 2 P.M. to 11 P.M. Roast 0 Ton1 Turkey ... L ......... '8.95 New York Steak ............... , .. ~ 11 . 95 Leg of l amb .................... ~ .... ~8 .95 Stuffed Local Lobster ......... ~.l 0. 95. [)lnneft lnclUCS. IOUP Of Nllld, PolllO I vegetable, mince pie with brandy 111uce, pumpleln pie, and c:hotc:e ol ·collee, t111 Of mllk. 113-4133 .......... ..aboe UbOa P1v1llon Restaurant Thanksgiving Dinner Featuring • Roast Turkey • Prime Rib • Baked Ham • Halibut • Top Sirloin Steak All entrees Include soup or Alad, PriceeJ&oge ~ 85 10 $13.50 potato. bread, desMft & t>ewrage. Served 12 Noon to 8 P.M 3000 Palm Ave. •Prime Rib . Rese~vat/ons Suggested 536-8866 Huntington Beach A :JkankJgiving :J.eaJ I Special Holiday Menu Turkey Dinner Wrth Al The Trimmings - •Baked Ham • Fresh Halibut Re~be s UDDLLU S[eln 12 Noon to 8 PM 25 1 East Coast ighway 151 E. Coast Highway Newport Beach. 73-1505 Newport Beach. 675-5790 Gt•tt ing in gear ~ April Smith of La Quir11a High Sf•hool in WHtminsler i1 the nt-w Mis• Flame for the Hunlingaon Beech Fire De parlmeht. She will represent the firef ighaen a~iaaion al safety lectures and suc h community events as the cur'rent holiday food·collec tion 1>rojeet for needy families.' CET'S rlfLK llJRKEY • Roast Tom Turkey ............ $]65 e Broiled f ilet Mignon ......... s 14 25 • Roast Leg ol Lamb ....... s1 Q25 • Standing Rib Roast .......... $11 95 • Baked Ham ......... ............ s925 • Broiled Sea Bass .............. s995 ~ New York Steak, Broiled . S ! 395 • Broiled Lobster Tail ......... S ! 895 All entrees Include soup or salad, relish tray, and traditional dessert Serving From 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Child's Menu Available ~ ~· 18700 MacArthur 81., Irvine Airporter fMHot~I (714) 833-2770 We paint a pretty picture on Thanksgiving Day. We do tol lood what Picaao did tor art. Explori"I the unUIUal to c..,w~ In our cullna~terplecet the esaenc:e of peat latte. Experience ~vln1 at The RetJlstry Hotel Md Celelnle wtth your r.mlly the bounties of land. Entoy. festtw holiday bullet crellied by Chel Staehlf In the Grand Porlr.. Tud ltlonal favorites are eerwd h'oln noon to 6 p.rn. Adults, '14.95. Chi 12andunder,18.SO (plul ta and l'llUlty). For reservations dtal 752-8 77. And be teated at a true work ol lrt. , ' ------~---- .\o,, ta/...i11g rc.-.cnations for your : Tha11bgi ving f~'e-':::a.=::=st'------!ll Prices begin at $6.95 Served from I p.m. 18926 Magnolia at Garfietd 963-0179 Fou~tain Valey ~C.~ppe--- Special Thank sgiving Dinner Roast Turkey With All The Trimmings Includes Dessert & Beverage Regular Menu Also Offered 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 PM Beach Blvd. at Stark 842-5535 Huntington Beach Make this Thanksgiving special with our tempting Thanksgiving Feast! Roast Turkey with Giblet Gravy, served wjth Dressing, Whipped Potatoes, Vegetable, Cranberry Sauce, Hot Bread & Butter, Soup or Chilled Salad and Pumpkin Piel 7.95 Children's Thanksgiving Dinner 3.9S 4 S~drilter ~ J{.~.r.lnt OY-STER BAR • COCKTAILS Complete Dinner Menu Available. Reservations Accepted: 642·2295 .. 3333 West Pacif{c Coast Hwy. (Just South of Newi>on Blvd.)" Hours: 12 Noon to lO:OO PM . nus Thanksgivmg. treat lhe entJre family to a great holiday feastl Our delicious &oalliu.t.J lS serwd wrth drnsmg. giblet gravy. whipped potatoes. vegetable. cranberry sauce. ho1 bread & buller. yoor choice of soup or chilled salad. and even a sUce of pumpkin pie' 6.9& Children s ThanksgMng Dinner 3.,.. 'jolly ·t(oatt_ --ResuvatlOl'IS acce:J)Wd ...... ..._. • 203 Manne Aw • 673·8720 • 7AM·8PM eo.-. • 2300 Harbor Blvd • 540·8535 • 9AM · IOPM w. ..._. • 22873 1Akc Forcsi Dr. 768-4999 . 9AM·IPM • .,... ............ 25100 Dll Predo 496-0855 • 7AM·9PM WE'LL BE OPEN All DAY Wl1M COMPL.ETI: BREAKFAST & DINNER MENUS 100• Jolly liour 4PM 7PM • I ___. Oranou CoHI DAILY PILOT /lue1d1y. November 23. 1982 UPER CAR TOP , 30f),000 MILE • • • From Page 81 o fNlj()r ovc•rhMul Thot'a b1•1·ou11c.• Hnuth. who l'ununulA.'11 !*Cl mllt1' Lt duy tu h1.•r job u11 u ht•1.11lh und phyl:licul <'duc.•1.1tlun in11tru1.•tor ut CltruH College In Azu1rn, in»hlls un propt>r upkc'<'p of ull moving parl In c·ars or human bodlc'tl She 11hukt•11 her heud Ill dlaapproval of people.• who knock Amt>rican cara or aulomalically buy a new one.• ~vf!ry two or three years. "I was born and raised in a Margie Smith thu~ked Bill Pollard and llob Dinger who took care. or the car a nd Bob Hammond and Stcv~\ Ogden of Pe nnzoil. Hukk 11~1·11l·y lumily and lt·u1·11c .. t I'd I I y l h ,. I"' JHH tu 111· 1• u f malntt•mmc.-.•,'' 11tw 11a1d "()t•tH)lt lUrn'I CIUl Vt•ry 6't10d m111A·rl11l11 nnd mud11n1•11 It pt•opll• would JUllt wk1• 1·11rc• of them. If you hove.• u n1et• c.•ur and u good phwe to llw, whut mmc• can you U<ik'1" 1Stw uhm 111s1st11 on l'l'nnzoll prouuc.•tt1 and branch munagcr Stc.•vc.• Ogd,•n 11pt•nt Saturday aftt•rnoon bt•am1nR a& thn•c.• 1wrsuns at a lime hopped mlo HG U 9:t7's "genuine i.ynthNic lt·ath1·1· 1wuts" fur rh.l<>H around tlw Lilut k us tlw m1ll'116J" rollc.-d lrom :l9!1,Yff5 to tht• magk numht•r Sixty frwnds camt• to k1t·k tht• 11rl'S, n•mc.•mbl•r hl'r 200,000-milt' party Qll Feb 10, 1976 and tak(.' i.napshots of the fresh set of wr<>el. on tht' odomct.cr. • Tht·y marveled at Smilh's complete.' set of repafr rc.'Ce1pts showing $38 93 for un ext)aust valve 1n February 11167 or $105 . ' for u tru1lhmi»lllon ov('rhuul. 1111 lud1111( purt11 uod labor, an • Muy rnn Tht• fl"'"" would br. 111>< UITIC'll h11(hc•r today. &nw uut.-Sl.'I brought Mlfl.11 for tht• t·m'. a can of dnome poll.ah, mapt1, more· 011, a llt't of JUmper c:ablt'lt A few were wrapped in nC'wspapl'r automotive advcrusc•ment1>; one card rt>ad "To RGU 937, l''rom NIK 290." And there was the gold (.'mb<>s 1H•d Award of M e rit prcscmtcd lo tbe car 1uelf for "surviving :WO 000 miles of Margle.'s driving,'1 especially that trip to Mexko City when 1he haull'<.I a trailer for 17,000 miles. The driving cnthu1la1t. admi tted to ca t c hing the trav,•lmg bug in 1972. "l was about lO buy a new car but dt.>C1ded t.o keep this one and go lo the Munich Olympic• ' Instead,'~ she said. · "It was so much flJfl I've spent my money ever since on trlpa instead of car payments." le I Jr )_·> 1 l l \l lJ r 3\ 1111 ' -IC\1110\ l'I \'\II Your Choice~ ____ _ •loastT_T....., .................. •l._tS1rt1•of ... THANKSGIVING DINNER Only SJ95 Dinner Wiii Be Sef'V9d 12:00 Noon hi 9 00 p.m. MAD YOUI IUHYATIOMI IAILY IJJM4 .. AYI. ... 7MIOO THANKSGMNG DINNER at the B115t7' .Pel\ca-P. OPENIN'G 2:00 P.M. serving our regular menu & prices featuring the largest selection of fresh seafood in Orange County as well as Roast Prime Rib of Beef and Steaks Ancient Mariner Newport Beach 2607 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach on the Bay Reservations accepted 646-0201 • e lf·lt'sgot ........ yeu'Htrab ..... fastlrln DallyPllol cl•llff._. •els. Clll MZ·5'11 llAlll ....,.. DIDO or nm.In• I ' MEET ME (IN ST. LOUIS Directed by Thomas White Starring Sandy Edgerton 'Mturl119 •ucll t•mou• eone• •• ... "Tiie Troller lofl9" . • "H8Ye YourM". Merry Uttl• Chrl9tlftaa" We .f• pleaeed to announce 1tart1ng November 20th Saturday Brunch Performances. TUlllllYllC DlllD -C-...laW llOUT TUaS'f' • MUSAOE M *<I • CAllllllD T,._ •m•.....-ruucs • ll:AllLY IUllE Pl:M a PUllL OlllOl9 PUMPKDf Piii: • ODn'IZwftA sas~ .... ...._no. ............... ,.. ........ '"' fh.tr.\-•'-""') · Thanksgiving Dinner Speeial ii ... :t::'t' s7ss wn IOVI ... llTUYMUU • H11t1•I I url"' • ~-.,.,.1 l'nr.illlf'6 • "'1utl111i:. • Cnonllf'rf\ "'·""'" • 1'11111p~111 ""' • Holl •"'-Bu11rr II \\I 1nl l'\I l""i..t ...., ""' lntfu.trdl .... fllnnn \1.,.., , .... ~\ .... \ . 833-0080 •11.95 1250 ~IARTl:-.GALE WA\' EWPORT BEACH , ...... --....... ,... ' 1oa..o -~-• • ••• I" elmil F• • :=. 4" ,.,, CLANS Ir OYSIEJICS 4 b.J>PM DAILY , .. ., .... A -~----' ... , .... '¥::!11' I Or nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /TuHdav. November 23, 1982 'Country Gold' comes up pickin' and grinnin' NEW YOKK (AP) Uul thl' wol'Kt flow vi Dully P11rlon'b nwk l'BS Jrt>s::ws up Bl•ltc tht• cat c:h y "Count ry Andt••'lilll\ 111 u Im i.llff Davis' "All About 1-;w" Cold" is Its ubligutory 111 lht• iull•, but utlwrwll'tl' in l'Owboy boots a 11d \1t•vot1on to TV' µat , dis µlays on urft•t'llllU j e a 11 s t o n 1 g h l 1 n lnto-tlw-sumwt cndlnf(s . s t•niutivit y ui. Mull it• ''Country Gold, .. a TV Tht• nt'W UWUrt'l1('SS und rights to muinlUlll Stll11i' movie that is inferior w tm1crgmg self .. ronCidem't• st•mblancl• of ,1 1111vutt• the original but still a of Moll1t' Dl'un wJ)uld hfo with ht•r niann~l·r· worthy replica. huvc bt•cn s atis fying hus band Wn cfl', F.url The classic story of the eno ugh. but the scr ipt llolhmun amb1t10.US, conniving r~Ufrt'.'d her to balanc<• up1i.•.11 t'<I 1n tlw cnmkly <h·1i.i1 l 1•J tit'rh·11 "K111af1> C 1• u If" 1 n M • " c 11 pt u r 1·11 Jo1>11''1> l>UMlll l'OiJtt•d :; W (' ,, t II t• h Ii (I rt d ll ndl'r'I y 111~ l'h ll'U IH'l'Y u11t.J ruthlt•11s11t.·Ns Sht• hu.'i tlw look of tht• girl· n.t.•Xt·dOt>I'. hut tht• Khifty t.•y<•11 .uf tlw das tardly bunkf'I' w ho'll fort.'l·lo:.t• Qll 1 tw murtgol(t.' Broad way under study t~c fodl'rul budgt•t .. Luo. II o 111m11 n . A .. n g 11• travels down the rood to Anderson. the blondt• Dickinsun's µurtnt•r 111 Nashville's country-and-st u r of u WK RP in "Poltt.·e Woman.' pop:. U1·1m11> Uugun , who western circ uit, and 'it Cincinnati." is a brunt'lte a mph('tam1nl'S as hl· p I a Y.t.•.d l ht.• w 1.1 ck y com es up pk kln' and as the private Mollie d riv c s h I 11 w if l' Ct1ptmn i''rt.'l'<.lom on four grfnnin'. Dea n . A s the .'pub lic n •ll•1Hk•ssly tu thl' to p. episodes uf "Hill S treet The 1950 movie "All Mollie Dean . the actrCl;.5 "It's a tl'l1St' bus1m•ss." hl' Blul's," plays Darry l, About Eve" starred Miss uses a bleach-white wig. says. Mo ll1 l''s hai rdresser , Davis as the aging actress tha t could have come off ll am 1 Ito n . w h '' tO$tUm(•r and friend . arjd Anne Ba'Xter as the .------------------.--------------- d~<·clt ful protege. who lit>d and seduced her way to stage s.ia rdqm A B r oadway s pino ff . ''Applause" s ta r r l'd L a ure n B acal l a nd EJ<>nnic Fra nklin. , . •·Country Cold" .h as L oni Anderso n as country-and -wes tern headlfne r Mollie Dean Purcell, whose career 1s burdened by inn e r insecurities and external demands Crom fans and th e N as hvill e community. Her public edores h e r . but th e country girl in her longs for life back on the farm. Gil.I Guide Linda Hamilto n is J Qsie Greenwood. a Find your · best buys for holiday giving in Gift Guide Coming Nov. 24 in the ·ne wcomer on the circuit who has one hit on the c harts but solid-gold <4mbition. She worms her y.tay into rvtollie Dean's li{e and confidence, then tries to s teal Mollie's man, songs and success. E ach woman has a ~ark secret-in her past. ~hich is .one way the ~.. Daily Pilat cpovie tries t o build intrigue . Th e m o r e ~o_nhis tica ted o rigina l fe l i e d h eav ity o n character ex !oration . "A funny, stirring, enveloping movie ... it ts a success through and through:' -Joanet Multn. New York Times --NOW SHOWING-- cosrA MESA l.AGUIA IEACH OMlllE UA Cmtma 540-0594 Sou1h Coas1494 1514 UA Coty CIMtN 634-3911 lllVlllE OllAlllJiE WHTMllllSTUt Woodbuda• 551 ·065& Or1ng1 Mall 637-0340 Contma Wnl 891-3935 .. FRESH LOQAl:t ~OlJSTER DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, anc! petato or rice pilaf. .. -/ Call For ' ·r· ReMrvationa -~~ ' ~~ 673-7726 ·~, b1Jttlnu1n.} . . 1 ..., ::t, .'ON I Hf PENINSULA. ao1 ·. ·• .., BALBOA L lalHI ...... WHALE WATCHING LUNCt£0N hlle watching the 'wt)ales pass right In front of your table, enjoy a sumtuous seafood salad - maybe a half pound hamburger treat possibly a scalone sandwich. Dally from 11:30 AM lo 4 PM Rtsertations 494-9707 619 SWPY HOllOW LME, lAGlN ll(ACH Theres onlymle . fift Crowns. · 3'01 EAST C0"5T llJOiWAY CORONA DEL MM. CA (714) 760·0"1 . . . ·~ ... '. . ' . ·==> ''• ... ~~~ ...,,_ ... ,_ ... ~•- ~-~·t-.. rd\ ..... ' .. ~-. ~ ..... ~ I 4 ' . ... '.' ... liC:H5il t~) ' (~) i ~~t_~J 1 ---17th SMASH WEEKI--- .... ..,_, llACI -WllT-Yll M.IM f11n l'l.l/4 I01u1d1 Nt•llOll Clllt~ C#"6omt (OwllOI Cit1tllll Wnl \7t ~119 144 0100 U4 2SU ffl 393~ ........... fd•illll\ Vte111 lwtn t306990 .,. ___ , .. _,,_ __ , I LUXURY THEATRES , .................... 2 .............. " S lliGI§ij•Xuil616M tsSJ/~i.!,) FOlt Ml EJKITEmlnTI VllttOur ... ARCADE of GAl'riES • .· .. E..,.. THE EXTRA· • •• 1'ER8ESTRIAL CJD! A1!!t.ft5W l\!!. (N) * ALONE IN THE DARK ll1 "'"' thday • aARQAIN MATIN•••• MOllday tllnt hlMay All Performance1 belCHe 5:00 PM I~ S,.ml E11111••• atid HtllUyll A ... Iii A .t. llr.' ,& LA MIRADA WAlk IN ••MONSIGNOR"-... --- "AN OFFICER AND Aa.NTUMMI".,. ·----- "THEY CALL -~.._ ... , __ _ "THEI.._ STRM•I 8ACK"tN1 • fillli ..... 1...0 ,., ____ _ lAICEWOOO C ENTEQ SOUTH WAll "' "TIME BANDITS" 1"1 ~, .............. "MONSIGNOR""'' ................. "THI MAN FROM INOWY ltlVUt" '"' --···-- "CltlEP IHOW" (a1 ..... ~ ... tta .............. , ............ ,, .. IMPORTUT IOTIC:l! C:IHlDMlll UlllllUI 11 FMl! ___ .. _ ........... --···· --·-•CM-•-llt.a •• .. •CM---llUlll9Y ..... -•...-.L1•11U _____ _ .. ...... ANAHEIM 01/IVf IN .'"' ..... ITl•ll ...CIC" tN I -.'WMlll , .. 11M OUT •• "1001 ~ .. -........ BUE NA PARK ,.~.vt ·" IMleM_ ... __ llMOJO ~ ~ ' .. LINCOLN [Jl/IVf IN I '. "• FOUNTAIN VAllf'f IJlllVf IN ......... ._ .. ..._ ... , ....... , "0" '"' -"AN AMlllllCAN ..... °'"' IN lOMOC>er' 4111 ...,... IOllG" •• , --~"'"'"' c,..,,_ "CltEIP IHOW" 1111 -"9UPIRMAN 11" '"' •THE llAN PllOM IMOWT NYlll" !NI -.,.. .... TS" ·n.1--1m.11eACIC"l .. 1 -"WMllll TIMa llAll OUT ••• " IHI -···t:-"UONCO~Y"IHI _ .. _ - I fl 111'.f\;.of, • . • •ALO. IN ntl DAM" 1111 -;·MANIAC MMllC*~ f!ll C•ll-ltll "Cl"fllt -"AN AllaJllCAN WIJllWCM.' IN LONDON" 1111 _,._ .,,. ..... ITMlll~"­ ....... '99"AllOUT .. ,•- l 111(6' 111..,,11 1j1,• l•W• ~'~ ';JJij co111•u 10 ............ ~ ~·o t•u eoan•ua lu ..... a, C••1n4 '"'"" t/9 4141 ll l-86¥1 31 "" I dWltd\ f~IU< ~ ~11 ~uo -CA~ Sl4 7~\l # WlllM ... TPI .............. l'..ch \A~"' CAPtlH .. °''" lft ~K .... \ M...\*I ''" .. ~o c. ... "' •n ·~o UA l•.nc.oe-ttHlU ...,,_uc:nrno rooo1,..t-...1 THI: t ',\'91L\' CIRCl'N "Dolly's si ngin' 'Rudolph,' the Red-Nosed Reindeer' and we haven't even had Thanksgiving yeti" by Virgil Partch (VIP) •• /(·1'; l({p "Don't let 'em bug you, Ajax. I 1tlll love you!' 'IARMADL'KE by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum ' ~ .... r .. . '" !. o 11 z~ "Don't rush me!" GARt'lt:LD I LOVE TO SLEEP. I SLEEP 10 F\E5TORE Ni'/ ENERGY 'So ~ ~ HIMSELF A MILK SAAKE." ·o 'INr~e WASHING M&DflNEf ~;L--~~~~ ~~ ~9'!-...J.A.....~~~ MOO~ Ml' LLI NS UELLO ,~LJ GoRGEO<.JS T~ING ! • ACROSS 52 Extra work 1 Chemoil hours . e Thunder gOd 54 Kindest 10 Anorta 5e Garnish 14 Waler body 59 Eye Pitt 15 Possess 81 .. Aul goocl"' 18 Half-moon 62 Brim figufl 63 Burdin 17 Tlfrify 64 "H~!" 18Wiiiet1tem1 65 Swami 19 Aeglorl 68 Fonne<ly 20 Geotge -67 Cutts Rufh DOWN lllOM>AY'I PUmllOLVID 22 largest 24 l<eyt Fr 28Aoldw1ys 1 Actress Dor· IWll~ 27 Attr1Ctl'4 31 Scatter 32Lend -- Heed 33 Toya 35 MllCflltf SI veog·sg11 atMltf9P'IMf'lt 40 Riii bifd 41 Connective •2 Oi•on'• per1Mt 43 MOii ICttOnt 44 Pri'f8'ee 45 Drug of Old 47 Slops 5 I Tro ., ot~ 2 Some1tme 3 A•illlry 4 Ulllmll• 5 Thiel . 6 E¥tfl If• VII 7 Droop • Crtc:liet mllChuntll ......... 10~ 11 Soup 12 ·--01 rot>1n1 " 13 EntfWonet 21 Snood 23Gt•goO 25 !OO-•2 Clol.ldlneM 27 Word !tom 1 43 OppoMt doll .. Hollle .,..,., 21 Alrnfl •& Witty""*" 21 Moriey Off 4 7 Hlndoutt 30 Punc1u1tlbn 48 Avoid doing milt • 41 Suiting 34 V..... 50 VIiify 35 Eac:lllNllOll S3 p- Je Vtrllell ctedleft Prtfl• &5 M1jelt1C 37 lowdown SH .. mo 39 P111t tort 57 " -blfnl" 40 E_, ~ 80 POiit • Orangu Coast DAILY PILOT /Tuesday. November 23, 1882 PE-'Nl'TI "You love hockey more than you love ~!"she comylained . I~ 'fl'~ -OWV~L.e I~ ~~I 61~, Ofo.E-CAW.~ TMe EX'f~­M INA1l:Jr!.f A ~D .,.. ~, //•)!J "You love those hockey 910~.and shin<Jl:lards, and skates and elbow pad5 more than you love me! " DON'T WORRY, MB GIMBLE··· I'VE ALREADY TAKEN CARE OF. IT• f~l'NKt' •INKERBEAN AND NOT a.!L"' A~E iHE.5£ BAND Ul<E4'S IND€5CRIBAB&..c.> DEULJOO€> ·~ -------- ' 0 That's not true ! " he said . 0 • l I I by Charles M Schull .. I Jove you much more than l love my elbow pads." by Tom Bat1uk IH£'1' (.()'v'IE. F~ A T~ FARM NEAR THREE MILE lf>L.AND ! 'f'HC! POC."T'O" CAN s e e YOU NOW/ by Kevin Fagan I \ .... 88 .. , DAIL y PILOT /Tuelday, November 23, 1982 1.1lo ID. NIWI CHA.N..11'1 ANOILI Ttylno to ~ from kid· nac>C*9. Jiii nnd1 herMH dangling over • Geller 11111 ofr1111MnuN. iew ~· In ll'llpelttMI pleceot~ (,.,,,, • MVITMV ''II'* lf"'1 Oie her•t Oe1den" Whl.. 1111111"0 Pwil, '••• •own • P011r .,, of detection are l•i.cl wlWlll • ct.oapitet9d b()O~ 11 twncf\(11 GAfdtln C-) • NCWA "Thi ~ Bluel" An u•mlne llOn Of U 8 ~ on f0f910ft --Of ttr•teeto miner• al• Y11• to 11111 ..,~ end ..... ~, ..... Ot• Mn':ii "MCMIONll TUBE TOPPERS • KNXT (2 ) fl.OU "Btrnlr( 'Em B1wk Ala vi·" Bu1·k tw t•onw:. ttw turut·t u ( u d1•uc lly /,.tltlUp o r 1t •1 rnl'i11ti; wht•11 tw ll'it•s tu lwlp 11n <1ld (rwncl mid h1N lum KNHl' (I) U:OO "liuv1lun " Gov1l11n 1~ ht·lcl l'UJ>liv t• 111 (.'ulit1 h y u H u ss ian Sl'lt'f\li-..t itN JJUl'l of Lii) lll~(·lllOUS plot lo 1-(t•l his dauJ.(hH•r mlc1 A11wrku. K 'ET tilt) I0.00 "SuumJ 1-'t•suvul." KCE'r ·h own prolluctiu11 <:omblrwi-tht• ht•st of sulsa u11d Lulln 'rtovon-tJ ~11.z in :i . t.·om ·t.•rt lt•atUl'Jl\J.( Tatu Pu<'nll'. D ltOHT 18 IHOUCM4 Mary r•turna hOIM 10 lludy for her "*'teal IJChOol Plml Ind Tommy i.atn1 hOw lo drtv.. Loni Anderson (right) • • ~ ·'The itormull " I 1HOI a,farlon 1,.ndo. <Morge C Scott. While ln"9111gatlng the mutder of •c:~ ...... erenGop unc;over 1 • c:Of\tplr ac:y lfWoMnQ 1119 IUPO'Melon of a 1ynllletic fuel rormuta bl'.'" ott c:arttl, 'A' (ZJMOYIE • *"' "81 ,_.. ( 1978) Cftat ... 8fonaon, J~ lifle lilMt. A former four· n11111 11 lllt9d by • WMlthy fllm fancier 10 recover • NI of lncrlmlnattncri.cto«• tn .. change for I 100,000. nal who l\IC>plnl to be 11141 fether of ht• 1S-~·old ward I BUl ... llMPOM DOCTO.. IN THI HOUll Saylee, Comedian Harry Anderton, Orent Tinker. • COUPlU t!J TOM COTTU: "' CL.OU • M•A•l•H l<llng« bfNlll In '"°''* IHIVC:llo and the lu1 boll of morphine lrom 1upp1y -to bl ~tamlnat9d · .. HAWAlf FM!-4 A cwnlry lllng« 11 kid· nai>p.cl: • OVEAEAIY OUNt. Ooldan A~ of Redlo 11ar Wllllf O'I< ...... i HUMAHITIU THAOUOH THE ART8 "Painting: Thlnga Wa Have PUMd" Cl) c:ee NEW8 •==Q CD THE PRICI 18 AIOHT CC)MOVIE * • ~ "The Drowning Poot'" ( 1975) Paul ~ men.~ WOOdward. A prlv•ta lnveet~ator t1 hlr9d •. by • wealthy Southern ott ~'-to dtacover the I , ~Illy of the author of an lncnmtnatlng ... ,., CID 8U8HMEN OF~ KALAHAAI African 8u1hm1n are for~ to alter their oentu- rlM-old way of lllw u rancher• ancroeeh on fhelr water hot.I and hunting land•. 8:30. ALICE • DtCK CAVETT GUNI: Davkl Niven. (Part 1 ~~AOWINO YUM e:=-·· W IAHIE KOVACS: • OENIU8 John g,rbour hoell • tnb- ute tf' Ernie 1<ov1e1. the tectm1c.i artt.1 r.aponelble for the ~olullon of tllevl· lion comedy: llao i..tur-1 .,. 1n1erv1ew1 wtth Ja Lemmon. C~ Ch- and St-Allen. DMOVIE • • ~ ··v1v1 Lu Vegu·· ( 1964) EJvll PrMley, Ann. Margret. A Lu veg .. 1wtmmtng tn11ructor ~ the object of •n.ctton for 1 eport• car nut end ht• ttlltan frlerld. 7:00 8 C88 N1W1 I N9CNEWI HAPPY DAYI MWH For Fonzie'• blrthd8Y. ti.. gang ION lo .,,ange e ~ting M'-1 htm arid hl1 boyhood hero, the lone Ranger. 8 MCNEWSQ 8 IOAP Tim d4ldd4ll 10 ... .,,. Cor· Inn. ~ .. he t>etlevee he'I not lhe fatllet Of her baby. • THAEE'S COMPANY larry'1 ft90Cee makN a ptayfOf Ja . •a JOKEA's wru> •• IU8INE88 AEPOAT Cl) P.M. MAGAZIHE An Englllh c:largymwi per· forms an exorc:iltn; a IOoll at llomN tllat _. pur· ch~ thtough Ille $Mr9 catalogue from 1908 to the 1900.. 9 IEHTERTAIHMEHT TONtOKT An lntervi.w with lee M1jor1. G ORAHOE COUNTY TOOAY lm~ MAGAZ>NE * * * "Ghoat Story" sta rs as a country t•ntertninc r who: bef ricnds a young singer, Linda . . e:ao • tll no • lla mihon, in ucountiy Gold," tonight at 9 on CHS. Mr Hart. Judy. C>Otalee and Vlolet turn • di .... ttou1 llltuetlon Into a wild cong• fine when 11 11 rurnor9d lh•I they are .. (1N1) Fr9d Alllllre, John HouHman. My1111to1A1 deathl blgtn lo decim•le lnvotll9d wtttl a pan-time QOlng ~ tlld o" proelltut•. Cf) r.v .. - (f) NeWS * * * * "Anu1ut1" the renk1 of • lmall clro .. of elderly men who lhwe both • monthly 11~1111nO gel-together and • 5(). r--old MClet. 'A' • P.M. MAGAZINI C19M) Ingrid htgman, Yul 1 ·-A took II 11141 ti.Olnnlng1 of Brynner. All emt\Mlec girt • mystlc:al rtllglon; an Eng· In o.tmany c:lalms to be (%)MOVIE * *' '"Spirit Of The Wind" (1979) Ciw.t Oen o.orge. SHm Plckan1. A young boy OYeroomN Ill• handicap to becolM the World CMfn. pion Dog &edder. 'PG' 7~ 8 2 OH THE TOMI F .. 1ur9d: • vlalt to thtee . llonfYrnOOn retort• In~ Pocono Mountalna, Penn· sytvanla; 1 tour of nor'lll 80l1on, MllMClluMtt1; • IOoll II the N.-England fir.~ with an 8&-Y*'f\ old farmer In CWnden. Mair-... Da!FAMllYFWO • LA\!aNe & IHIAl.EY &COMPANY The glrll lland l.enny end Squlggy up for dal• wtth two .... erlnarlan1. 8 EYEOHL.A. F..W.911: an 1n1icM 1ootic 11 CNna: e IOp dowf\ Clllna'I • Yangln ~; I ptoftle of loP dellgner Hllaton: • IOOll •t cleaperete mM· --Of dll41nf. II MADAMr'I~ Sat• JoV'• Y1111 to • hyp(l<>- 1111 m1kH her overly UMrllve, GUNI: Jael! .. Vernon. • M•A•a•H" "Whetten And OefMrS" • Cl) TIC TAC DOUGt4 • MACNEl /~ MPOAT ID MACMC cw OIC .PAINTING • I ~ AIKm FOA rt **' ... "Peggy" (1950) DI• n1 Lynn, Chlflee Coburn. Two vlvedoul llllert Ille for the coveted Cfown of Aoee Bowl ~ whlle on. hU • Mc:ret ldvan- ~ over the other. t.-00 B Cl) IAIHO 'EM 1ACK AUYE Buck ~ tht llll'gel of • deadly group of terror· lstl wflen he tr1N to llelp • an old friend end hie Non. D 18 FATHIA M1.1APHY After Ille birth of Jolln end MM'• daughter, WIN rune ewey end falll In with an eldef1Y -who teecll- M chlldran lo ~ by lleelng. (Pitt 2) • MCMf, * * * "War Wagon·· ( 1M7) John Wayne. Klr11 Douglu. A c:owboy a.traud9d of hie gold"'1dl ~plans• IC*leil ~of ....,~ wltll Ille help of • gunlltnger' .,, lndlan, • drunk and 11111et. •@ HAPPY~vt FONM rllltl loelng Ml'Wt for-when ht let• an old girtMand epend IM nlgl\I In 111• IPltlmenl. Q II MOVIE * * * "The Owl And The Pusaycaf'' ( 1870) Bertlfa Str~. o.oroe Segel. An Intellectual becomea 11111 clergymen performs an 11141 only IUfVlvlng heir to ..,.ordlm 11141 c.r of Ruella. • IMUY'I PIOPLI 00 MOYIE Alec ~ returna In * * ~ "Foottn' Around" 1119 roi. of Btiliah lnlellt· ( 1910) Gary 8uHy, g.r1C4 ~t CMorve Sml· AMelte O'Toole. A na1w ley In John ii c.r,.·, eequ-country boy ION to win a II 10 "'Tlnller, Tllllor. Sol-beeullful, aophl11lc'1ecl diet, Spy." M the _... COiiege coed ewey from blglns, Smil9V ~ out her enooblall flance end of retlr-1 to "e!Mn up" her 11qullfy uppt~ ferntfy. 1 mutdered AUM!an .,..,_. 'PO' treat•'• lboned p1an to 10:00 D a *1. !LMWHEW demaoe ·Soviet lnt•lll· A beg lady end '* bewil- ~ CP1t1 J) der9d m. .. c:onfound Or. • NCWA , Morrllon when he IUQ-"The Cobell ~" An 1111mln1t1cin-of U.S.' ':':t.',!c,':.=:~ ~ on foreign wf\al to do wttll • terrorist IOUfllN of..Vat• miner· uno... 1111 care. all Yltlll ~IM-~ • G. N1W1 end, .... ~rfN II~ • 9 HMT TO HAftT Milled. O • Jonathen. Jennifer and top ID MV8'DIY company ••ecuttvee are "Fllhet al-.: The Stlcfet held holt• by c:rlfnlllall • • Gerd..," Wiii .. vlelll119 IChemlng to _,,.. Hat1 Pwt1, Father 8town'1 pow.--t---:indiiitrliil liiiCli 0 - ert of deleC1lon -lettad • IMILIY'I N0Pu whel'I • decapitated body Smlley'• lnvHllgaflon II found In·, Q«clan, Q IMdl him 10 1WO Old c:ol· ~MOYIE !Mguee: Toby Ellerll-, ***"'The V.l.P.1" (1983) IN man Vladlmlt lhould EMlabettt T aytor. Alc:Mrd 1111.. contacted flrat, and Blinon. Al PWI 91''1 of e COf\rlie Sacha, a r .. lred · deleyid fight ...it tall• ,_ell coord!Ntor wltll on In lhe VIP founoa. of •. • pl\01ograpfllc: memory. ~ondon lli'port, Pl* llv. (Pen 3) become curlou11y • IOUNO l'UTIVAL. Intertwined. Tiie king of LAtln rmlllc CID MOVll Ttto Puenlt end the dUllc ***"' "The ~ng" l llln rhY1hm1 of R1y (1981) Dee Wallace. Baretto .,. IMtur-1 1n 1 Patrtdl Meenw. A woman Nlute ·to the big band . reporter II ~ by • aounc1 of ...... llltler who -to bl • • IOO't IN QUl.8TlON -wolf. 'A' "Blood . A .. etlona" IX. Cl) MOYIE Jonatllan M..., loo... 11 **Iii "The Pollmln hOw 1C1enlllt1 a... the Alway1 Ring• Twlc•·· yeer1 have viewed the ( 1981) Jack Nletlo41on, 1unc11on of blood and h- JeMlca Lange: A young lod1y'1 under9tlndlng of II woman end'* io-ptot hat helped c;ontrol dls- tomurder'*huebend. 'A' -(Al~ ~L~On-..... A ..... I Tr ...... '' • THE IHINf ,. .,. •... ..,., ..... Ayller'1 11ubborn faith In (IHI) Gary Coleman, 1111 11ept11her II put to 1 Mletleel LAnltledc. A IOClel IMI wMr1 the fOfmer oU1· wortllf tr1N to find e nor-taw 11\0WI lignl of,......,. ""' home fOf • train It•· ~ ~Old "YI lion lfloelhllie boy wlttl • CC) ...., .. '5 1.i.n1 for picking the * ·~ "Llpltlc:ll" ( 1978) M1t· pantee. 'PG' geu• Hemingway, , Anne L-30 • Ill l.AVlllNI & Bancroft. A top !Miiion INM.IY modet II humtllet-1 -.ci i.-ne. tadng "'* deetll frU9tr119d by her un.uc- ptnllty. ONperetllly l\opet c-fu4 e1ternp11 to -.. for • perdon from IN QOV· ,.,_ the man wno rap9CI «nof. (P_, 210 lier IO prison. 'A' • 'IO YOU 'MNK YOU Cl) A NEW DAY IN EDD GOTTN>C• D A ~ femlty 1um1 • t:OO 8 Cl) 110V11 1m111 town Into • model "Country GOid" (Pr9mler9) r~lon ptOject. (Plirt Loni Ander9on, E*1 Holl-71_ .....,..,_ man. All "'*""9 *'OW Ill...., .. ~ lngrlllalM ,_..., wlttl • * *' ·~ "The S urvivor" popular country ..,eena1n-( 1981 I Robert Powell . .1«1· er who gr•lefully ~· ny Agutter A pllOt IUNtVW Ille young woman'I QUl.c, I c:at-r®Nc: 747 Cflllll unoeme11dl11g companion-unKtltc:MO end llM'dlN ll\lp, for the man r~ .• D 8 GAYILAN 10:30 CIJ M>MANCE: TUT OF Gftlan II held cacitlve In LOVE Cclbe by • Aulelan eclen-~ ~ "" .. "" of "' lngenloul (I),_, .. ~ ptot 10 get hie deugt!ter * * * "Gholl St or)'" Or Upton lmproYM hit Image by hiring a Male hlt11en1. C11)MOYIE , * ""Th• Bawdy Beel" ( t978) A llllllllve llotet • bed rlletM 110flee of the varlou1 patron• who have UMclll. (l)llZAMI Jolln Byner ...._ you tlllngl attanger than truth. larger lhan YI•, and unlef tllan 1nythtng yOU:ve --· 1 t:IO 8 Cl) QUINCY Outncy trlee 10 prove that • fronn llOI dOg w.. the WNPOf1 UMd tn a prlaon homicide. (A) D8ntalRTOf CAMON Holl. Johnny C•reon Guettl: l-Horr-.., lie loelachet end '* 1ur11M. (A) 8111 A8CNIW8 NIGHTUNI . I YOU Alt<ID '°" IT THI .JIPRMONI Florence d«ldet to imper• _ .. loulM .•.• • AAT CW IEING HUMAN "Terrllory And Spece" • Pell.ATENOHT Hoet. Oerlnls WtloleV e 100cu• CID MOYW * * * ·•n. Wiid O..." ( 19781 Alch1td Burton, -Aoger .._., A grouo ol daring men-an.. tr ...... to South Ah'lca In order 10 -• Oepoeecl ruler lrom Ille new dlct1torll\lp. 'A' Cll MOYte **~ "So Fine" (1911) Ryll! O'NMI, Jacll Ww· derl. A ltutfy COiiege pro- ,_ -..... fattier'• floundering QMment facto- ry by inwntlng • new 1)'119 of ladiM' ieana. 'A' DMOYIE ** "R91urn Of The Dr• gon" (1872) 8ruoe l•. chuck Norrll. A menial art• expert jouf neye lrom Hong Kono 10 Rome to help • friend who ii In trou- b68 wllh IN mob. 'W 11:J6 ~ MOVIR *'~ "Bod)' And Soul'" (1N1) L-flue Kenne- dy, J•yne l<-*Y. A young blecll 1urn1 10 prlnftglltlng 10 reiM Ille mon.y ht netOI for medl· cal ldlool. 'A" 12:00. INTPTAINMIHT TONIGHT An lntervi.w with LM Majors 8 111 THE LAST WON> G MOYIE • * ,.., ··r w.•nty· Three Pacea To Baklf Street" ( 11ll141) VM Jollnlon, Vere MllM A elgllllMe Ille)'· wright ettempt1 to eon. I/Inc. pollcre of • murder '*"he -'-d. Cf) NIWI • MOW! **'>i "Born To a. Bad"' {1850) Joan Fontaine, Rob- ert Aylltl A euperflc:lall)' ~1wornenl11ed tc Oeltructlon wflen lier true nature II r.-led. .LOYI,~ STYLI "love And The Panel Code'' CeMn Pybort1 flee ~ .....,.._, by two io-1t.,..,_, -· 12".JO a a LA 11 NIGHT WITH 0.-VID LETTINAAN au.. fllm ctnclor Jofln ~-Liii Ullmann • LOYI, AMINCAN ITYL& "love And The Four·~ Triangle'' Alloe le lnfatual· -wfth lier mtrtled bOll. (O)MOVll "OrlCUle EJiotlca" ( 1878) Samantha Fo11, ,J1ml1 01111e. ·x· CZ)MOW * •~ "True Cont...ion.·· (IHI) Robert Oe Nlto. Robert Duvall. The ueullfy MPerlll lllorkll of 1WO btother1, 1 LO. Angelell pollcre Oetecllve end en ambitious Roman Calhollc priest. c:onveroe 0ur1ng • murder ln-11ga1lon. 'A' 12:40. Cl) MCM1UAN & WR Sllfy'1 Merel IOmlret kllle • petty thief who tried to •..., lier puree. CAI 1:00• MOYie * * '~ "8falnetorm" I IMS) Jeff Hunter, Ann. Franc:le . A young man d-"'-I ~ to 11111 Ille lover'• l'lulband end pleecl .,_.,. ly. ltlul rlllllng only lempo- rwy cornmllment • MOYIE **'it "Or. GolOfool And Tiie Bikini Mecfllne" (IMS) Vl-1 Prlc., Fr1nk .. Aveton. A c:onnMng doc1or c:oncoc:11 1 pletl 10 rob W9111111y men by creeling a numMr of female roboll 11111 will ~ to their Pf\Klerl1 Jnterw1'" Cf) MOYIE -- "a-rty And The Bandit'" ( 1848) Giibert Rol•nd. Aeriwey Amat. I Niwa . INTIRTA.N.llHT TONIGHT An 1n1.m.w with l ee ....... .MOVIE * * "The Anal Count· down" (1980) Klr1. Ooug- lu, Martin ~ A m,... ,.,lout "°"" et -tran-IPOrt• Ille atomic-~ .alfcraft carrier U.S.S. Nim- itz bad! In II':':* lo Oecem- W 8, 1841, poeltlontng lhe _... "'-P-1 Herbor and 1119 lldvenc:lng ~flee4.'PG' 1:0I Cl) MOYIE * * * "'Gholl Story" (1981) Fr-1 A1talre, Jolln HouMmen. My1terlou1 oeetfl9 beglrl to oedmele "" rri• of e .,,,.., drde of elder1Y "*" who ...... both • monthly 1t0ty1111tng gel·IQ091her end I 50- ~-old Mc:fet. 'R' . 1:.IO e 8 MIC NEWS ~ OYMNIGHT • MOYIE * * 1-' "Dllcota" ( 1M5) John Wayne, Vera Aalaton, A ~ wer r-..n1 ""'*' croob try 10 burn out wf!Mt ''"""'· ~MOYIE **'it "Tll• Drowning Poot" I 197S) Peul New· man, J~ WOOdwlfd. A prtv1111nvee11ga1or II hired by a ...itlly 9-hern oll heir-to OilcoYlr 1M kMnllly of !he IU1hor of In Incriminating i.tter. 1:41 CID MOYIE * *'h "Tne Formul ' ( IHO) Marlon 8t . o.oree c Sc:on • '"-tigal.lng 1M murder of • • collMgue. • veteran cop uncover• a conspiracy lnvoMng Ille euppraallon of • synthetic fuel formula by an oll Cltl ... 'A' Into America. (IHI) Fr9d Attllre, Jolln •Ill THN!l'I HouHman. My11erlou1 COMJINl'f ONthl Mgtn 10 decimate JOHN DARLING 1CHANNEL LISTINGS : e KNXT ICBSI D KN BC CNBCI • KTLA Ctn<! l 8 KA8C IABCI Q KFMB ICBSI 8 KHJ TV lln<l I Ii) KCST (ABCI 8J I< TTV Clnd I 0 ()n."TV l l TV H HBO C IC•N'mit•J t IWORI NV NV ~r IWTBSI C CESPNI $ u I• KCOP·TV (lr>d I !~ KCET !PBSI 9 KOCE !PBSJ • Spothqnt ICabtt N!'W!o Nl'twor!l I • • P1BJC Jl>TICC rtalC Jl)TIC( • • ACTITIOU9 9U9M91 ACTIT10U9 ....... U.-ITATl•MT Nam ITATl..wl he fOllowln!r pereon1 are doing The followlng pereon 11 doing ·-M : bullMM ae; , I MOBILE METAL ANAL.YSIS, VARMIT GUN LEATHER ~1.~_13 Vl111'torona, D1n1 Point, COMPANY, 71328, No. 144, Cf"omle 82129 Garder! Grove 81\'d., We1trntn11er, Robert T. Nolloff 241t3 VIiia Ceflfornle ll2et3 Dene Point, cailf0rn1ct Joi\ C>ulnzlo, 8051 Chlp.,_a O•vld '1.•_ber, 1131 Drhre, WHlmln11er, C•llfornl1 l-No. lf>ll· Foet., City. 82883 nle 92829 "-Thtl busl°"' 11 ConductN by an bullMM 11 conduct9d by • lndMdu11. 1:11 perlnerlhip. John Outnzlo Robert T. NOllof1 Thll 1tal-I wM flied with Ille hit 1t11emen1 -f'lled w1t11 111e County CMr11 of Orenoe County on 1y Cleftc of Orante Counry on October 29, 11112 °"' 28, 1982. . ...... ~ PuDlltll•d Or•,,g• Co11t D•lly ubll1hed Or•nge Co111 Dally PMot. Nov 2, 9, 18, 23, 1982 , Nov. 2, 8, 18, 23, 1H2 _ 4782·12 .. 21·82 Ml.IC Jl)TIC[ Jacll, Jenet and Twn'• tor-the ren111 of • ltnell cltde elQn l'IOll990!_. mlala..,_ of eldef1Y men wl)o .,._ ly gees "'9 lmpieeelon 1"91 botfl. monlllly ,,~ Jacll ..._ prCJPOMd mar· gee-together and • 50- rteoa 10 her. 0 ~-old Mc:ret. 'R' w TWUaHT ZON1 11:00 • e 8 Cl) a a Liz Powell flee 1 recurring NIWI df-In wlllcfl Ille folowl • IATUN>AY NIGHT • nurw lo 1N hoepllaf Hoetl. Rob Alllner, P9Wly "'°"""· Marahall Gueate: The • ....,,....,... Lodlerl. au..11. st-~g. e 1tMAM:H cw ... Sytvte, P8Ulli Nlllaon, Rob-'"Jldl The Alpper" en Mceml, Aolllr1 Mettaon. I THAT QUIZ IHOW • -.VOi Pmft.a ITMETI CW 1AN While awehlllg 1N -~ of Vlecllmlr'• murder,..,... It-awdlet tor 1 crlmt· rtalC NOTIC[ ACTITIOUI .,_ .. U.-ltA~ The following .,.rson 11 doing bu*'-.. · SERVANT MAINTENANCE. 2S2 I 1..1. Sloekport, Apt. 214, Lagunt H .. , '-'alifornle 82863 Robert I . St•v•n•. 25211 8IOCkport, AIJA. 214, L"""8 Hill. Cellfotnle t*3 Thie bu11MM le conductecl by 1n Individual. Robert •• 5._. Thie lt"91Mnt -Med wMtt IM County Clertl of 0r""9 County on Octo«ler •• tM2 ·-Publllhed O,.nge Cout D•llY Pilot. Nov. 2, 9, 18, '3, 1882 481M2 Nl.tC Jl>TtCE MUC Jl>TIC[ mrmou• ._,..... ACrmoua ..,... .. IUMa ITATIMINT NAMI ITAnMINT Th• following peraon Is domg The foftow1ng pefton 11 dOlr'f bullOftlll ~·· NEWPORT PACIFIC, 2200 W A> M£Dl·MAG, 8) 0P10MAAT, Co•11 Htghwey, Nawporl Besc;h, 719 Ptornontory Or. w. ~ Callfornl1 92U3 Beacll. CA 92MO S wen Ent1rpr1111, Inc: , a J1me1 H 1<r1u1h•er 7 It c.iitornie c:orpor•llOn Promontbty Ot W. Newpor1 BMcll. nit. ~ II eotlducl9d by I CA 82880 , llmlled pertnertlllp Thts buslneta 11 conduct9d by In Swan Entet'P••-. tnc lndM~u•I Fr1n11 W J011n11on. J-H Kreutl\Ur PiCiiiiOUe IUU ... Prelldenl Tr. .. .._,,t wea flled wllh 1M Thia •l•lemenl Wll filed wtlh Ille COurWy Clertl OI Orenoe Counfr on County Cllfll of Or•nge County on NOV 18. 1892 _ HO\IMIMr 18, 1982 r-~ Publlth.O Ora1111e Co111 D•t~ Pu~llhed 0,.nge CoHt D•lly PllOI. Nov 113, 30, Oto. 7, 14, 111 . Pilot. f"Ov 23, 30, Dee 7, 14, 1182 e 129·82 c f 17tf2 MlJC JIOTIC( • MUC JIOTIC[ '1CTITIOUI .,_.. Mm ITAftlmln mlNIWI .-mfA'l'CIM 1= * *'-' .. ,._Iliff. CtNI) lkitl ~. leverty O'AflgllO A INIOhelor In Ille forllee wflO went• to lie• tether awot. '°' 1t1e right -10 belll' 1111 Child. 'PO' t:IO·=-·~ "MIMIOn To MOIOC· co" Oe&tl L..•• ..,_.,, F•nlndo Aey FOiiowing IN murder Of • man with 111111 lfttotlNlio. al>Ollt "'* ..,.act IOcatlon of rlc:fl Oii ....... "' Amerlc:an Oii baton Mf• Off on 111\ lne- llve -oh tor lhe mlero• """ he left bllllnd. (Z)MCMI * * "Tiii MMMM ;a TllCI W ..... ( tt7tl C •oneor. i.. ...,.,. ouu ... eher• 1 hltr• for _... °''* and • love of doll~ 1:00• MOYW * .. ~ .. ...,, Blood Aune Cold" • I 1H5) Troy ~. Jqey Heather· Ion. A glrl'I 1119 II enden· geted when ..... bKonl9I Involved wltll • man who· calll "-II)' 1M nemt of 1 .tong~-tor ~=-.un •I ** "Ju.I Before o-i" (198 t l <Morge Kennectv. Chris ~. Five young people on • c:amplng PP.- dttlon find '""""'-tn ti.. mtdll of e tllzMre flml- ly of enlmal-lllce moun- tU-1. 'A' .MOYIE * *' * "Ttw• Oeys Of The Condor" (1975) Aober1 Redford, Faye Ounewey. A r-ch reader emplOyed by IM CIA -·Inter· nal treec:Mry ""'*' .. of 1111 co-wotllere - -alnat9d by I 1111 man who It nowltlllklnglllm. 3:21 CC) MOVW **~ '"Tiie a.by Make(' ( 1972) Barbera HerlM)I. Sam Groom. A CllllOleea COUP'-arrange for • tr.. spi(h9d gift 10 bl« them • child. 1:30 Cf) 'AITH ao 1:41 (IO MOYIE * • * "Father Figure" (1N1) H .. LlncMn, Timoflly Hutton. Afl•r tll•lr mo1Mf'1 OIMll, IWO boyl are ..,,, to five wllh their f1ther, whonl they have not -..._ !Mir parents• di~ lf\oe ~--.nrer.- 4:00 Cf) TOP O' THE MON•ICI • MOVIE * * '-+ "Murder In The Slave Trade" ( t874) "- St-"1, Dick Gautier. A IPQrtl baron 11 murder-1 Ind Ille crime le pinned on 1 form•r foolb•ll pro wlloM ct.fenM II being peid fOf by Ille vlc1lm'1 widow. ©)MOW * *-* "Gho11 Story·· (1g81) Fr9d A1tllre. John Hou1em1n. My1terlou1 deallll begin 10 decimal• Ille renlcl Of I M*I Citde of eldef1Y men who lhere bolh 1 mon1111y "~ ~-together and • 5(). V--old MCtet. "A' CZ)MOVll * * "8'*11 Of The WlnO" (19781 CNef o.i o.orge, Sllm ~. A young boy -c:om..111111~10 blcome 1M World Cham- pion Dog Sledder. 'PG' 4:30 ~ ::;.WN<ai • * "Hlgtl Country" ( 1811) Tlr]>oltl'f Boltoma, Linde Purl. An etCaped ~ end 1'111 hllndicapp9d girl- friend flee to lhe moun- lllnl 'PG' --~d·~•tl••'• o.,,,,.~ "•"•~• 1:00 Ill * * * "Dllullon" (1981) Patrlcll PMrcy. Joeepll Coltw\ A prtvel• duly nurte •• In love w1t11 her patlen1'1 hendeorne young grind_, "A' l :IO ~ **~"The Intruder" ( 1981 I Wlllllm 61\atner, Frri Muwell The pled- dlty of 1 8ouUlem town le dilturbed by the lfTtwl of • ltfanger wtlo fomentl recial UIWNI. 1:00 CG) * * .. Jiii\ A Gigolo"' (1981) Devld Bowle. Kim NOYlll An lff9tocr•tle ,,.....,. .... ,..,,,. lo ......... WCWWW•llO •n 1111 Mne • • "'* _, .... CJ)**,.. "True eon... ..... (IMI) ..... De Mro, "-t Ouvtll Tiie UUllr ...... -*of two lwottwa, • LAI ~ ... pollae ~Ind - amOltlcM "°""" c::elllollc Otteet. OOIWett8 duftll8 • murOer lfl u11ae11on .,.. l:IO (tf) * * ... ~""" Mel ,_,., .. ( 1tf7) ~. eel Ann end ,_,., -di for • 'rencn dOI w11o llM b .. n kld11•ppld by '* .... 'Cl' (IJ * ... ,_ '"'*' • ..,. venow1" (1M1) A11i1N1eC1 An .,111)1 of 111119 totlOll band together 40 ~ EMth ........ • for'ce of ..... llW ... 7:00 Cf) * • '4 "tlll 'a us p1 Oamtllet" ( 1161) Tyr- P-. Jule AdMl9 A rlY*boel OM1t111f Oec:lOea 10 buld • legltlrNa ""'" l>llnt hOUH In NH• on.. • ••• "Tlvee~Of The Condor" ( 1t71) Aob- ert Aedfofd, '• Oun9-...,. 4 •-di r..oer MlplO)'ed by 11141 CIA unco11e r1 lntern•I treediet,, wNll • of hie c;o..wllrtt., ••• 911Mein81· eel by I "" "*1 who II now llllllnflllm . l:OO CC) * * \4o ''Sec:tMI Of ThrM Hungry Wive•" ( 1t71) ,,.,,_ fflltlClacue, Jeulc:• W•ller. ThrM ~prominent - -fUIP9Cled of murder-11!9 • """°-pleytloy. (ID **~ "Ocie To Illy ,Joe'" ( t878) Robby Bell- -· Qlynnll o·~. IMed on lhe -io by aoo- ble Gentry. A 1°"'*'1ed ,_...,,,... ~ --complc:N 1111 ... truer-. 'PG' Ca> • * '4 "'CMnll Muflln" (tll74) Oevld 14emmlr .... Ralph Alcllard1on. A OOWn·et..fleef end ICrutfy man II odd m1n Olll In 1"9 8rlll1h lnlelleg•nc• ..,,_. untll • ScMM ofllcMI plans to Oetec:t. l:OO •• *. "Great~ lions" (18341 .-ie Wyett, Henty ~ IMed on 111e .Caty by CNr* Didi-. A young boy'1 ... II Oeepf)' Influenced by • ~ enc:ounter wlltl 1n 9'Ceiped prteoner. l:aO. * * * "Beck To B•IHn" ( 1841) Jolln w~. MViOfi)' lliiWI. Cut Off from "-lean forQM, e COionei ~ native Flllpllloa Into • guer- rlfll lll'my for • rlid on Ille ,,..,.,_, -• * * "Gaweln And The Or-Knlgtlt" A young lqUlte ii knlgtlted by King Mllur to lley "'9 M !l!...-knlgtlt. .. M l.ZJ * * * """1*nel" (UNO) Robert .... Julle HetertY-A"9r "' ....,_., a-•• to loocl polaon- lng, I ,...,_ forms - pilot fl pr-.d Into -· vice end """' contend wltll on-boefO l\yller18. • _,....,,. control •- end dlc:fl.-flled --· 'PG' 10:00 ~ * * "Cerborl Copy'' (18111 George Seg11, Swan Slllnt Jemet. A euc- OMIM ~ .,.,._,.,, ~lhMhellme grown aon who II '111ec:ei. 'PG' ® • * ''The lncndlllle Sllr"'*lng W-" (1llO) Uly T omlln, Chettl8 Gro- din A ,__... fllldl h hard 10 coci-.....,. • tuOdenfy ....,.. to llWinll lnlllll.'PO' Ca> • * "Ice Caetlell" ( 1871) Lynn.Holly Jofln. eon, Aobby ..,__ A promlllng young figure ... ..., and her boyf\'1end fl!ld Midden -han:I IO 00.,. wtttl when Ille II ~ 10 train for • ~ Olympic compeCltlon. Cl) * * "' . 'Sklrtl llNlt" I 1852) &Iller Wllllem1, Vivien a.lne. A trio of Navy -....... !heir probleml wlltl -· 11:00••*'Al "TM~· (1Nt) Robert Powel, Jen. ny Agut1er. A pllOt ~ I c:etaatrophlc 747 Q'llllfl -ltdled and~ tor "'9 man reepc11....,... 11:11 CZ) .... ,,. ...... Men Ill The Well" ( 1t71) by Armstrong a Batluk ·oolNG BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ACTmOUa-11 U.ITA~ Th• followlng person 11 doing bullneM .. THE fO!A Tf'ANSFIA OlltOUP, t7777 ...... ,,,...,Ho 242 WW., Clllfomle '2714 ,,,.,,. w.... ao.. 140 l'Ot99, Ho I . Tuetlll, Ctllltornla tMIO MAm ITATllmlff The loflowtnt parlOn II doln9 Th• fotlowlng peraon 11 doing .,.,..._ •; """""9 • VITIAINAAV HOIJH CALL THI PACKAGE POST, t 77 PMCTICI, IOI ~ .... I.,_, ..._ .... ·~· lul1e 'f', ~ Colle ...... Cellforftll llU7 ...... c.tornll6 tMN Or Wllll•"' Joel P1110. IOI Atoflefd \Jnwtn, 11142 8"""" 11toc11111er '""'· Cott• MMe, Drive, 9Mt1 ina. c.tlfor'• 12708 ~ NU7 AH new MIM•HJ Ualftl • fto-.ii n•m•, """' by l•w • r1~red """ the C~ cten. TM Y N.OT provtdM ...... •nd .......... for our .... ,....,.. If "u .. "'""!\: new llullMM oal 1M DAILY l'ILOT Tiiie ~ii mnducled by 111 lnclMcluel A*'W.loll -................. """die Courtly °"" "' Or ... ~ Oft ~··"" ,_. Publl•Md Oren .. COHt Delly ""°'· Nov t . 11. n . 30, 1t11 I ....... Tilltl lllllllW 11 conduc1ecl by 111 Tilltl llullneM II oondulted by mi lndMCMI. llldl¥llMI. --..u-111 Dr w ,,...,_ Tilltl .... ,.,,... .. fled Wltfl IN TNa .....,..,, ....... .-W1e Counly °"" "' 0r-. ~Oft ~ Cllftl of ar.,.. ~ ... ......,... '· "" \ ,_ ~ "· ttu. ,_ ' i'vJ11"'9d Orente Cont Deity f'ull411"9d Or•11~ COH1 Dtllr 1111o1. Now. 1.1. 11. ai. 1111 Pt1ot,Nov.1.t . 11.11. 1111 ..,.,.,.. •JM-ti , f - Info,.. .......... '°""' I• 4111 UT. ..... llllJPllll TUE80AV, NOV 23,' 1982 ClASSlfllD cs .. lmhe.rninQ: {\ cOmple~e player CdM ~ater polo star is a standout on defense and roflense By ROGER CARLSON Of the Deify ...... Corona del Mar High water polo coach JeU Stites is in the ~rong business -he should be a t.alcn.t soout. · ll was Stites. you see, who initially prodded Olympic swim champion John N"a'bor into getting serious about swimming when they were freshmen at Woodside High in Northern California. ~nd, as you fll!.ght guess, it w~ Stites who recognized the potential of David lmbemino. an unknown reserve on the frosh-soph team in 1979 who has been groomed into the odds-on favorite for 1982 CIF Player of the Year honors. ''I looked at him b e tween h is sophomore and junior years,'' recalls . States. "'and I realized he could play. 1 . gave him the ball and told him to 'do it.' "Hr JUSl needed someone to say 'come a nd do this'.'' . As a jUnior the ·Corpna d el Mar standout went from nobody to an All- CIF selt.'Ctlon and he is the catalyst of the 'Sea Klhgs' 27 -1 C1F 4.-A finalist squad, which meets Ne wport H arbor Wednesday night (9 o'clock) at Long Beach's Belmont Plaza.' "I think he's a shoo-In for Player of the Year," says his coach. "Sometimes when you have a player like this, it can be<.'Ome an ego problem. But it's not like that for us. "F o r instance, when we played Millikan David scored the first seven goals of the l(ume, but In thol span It was •·ntirt•ly within the• flow of our orrcnse. "No one gl•ls upset when you"re setting the pi<.'k to get him free, or he s<:ort:s on th(• counter. He's always moving. always in the right plaCt.' al the right lime." , What really-separates· lmbcrnlno. a 6-4. UW-poundcr. howeve r . Is his unyielding and overwhelmin& defense. "l played during the summer with Newport Aquatics," says the 17-ycar-old lmbernlno, "and at was with a lot of college and national players. So, l had to play deflY\SC. -1 "Really," he s<>ntinues, "I just want to win, so I try my hardest and work on my defense, too, because I won't make it in t.'Ollege 1f I don't play dcfeflS(•.'' The entire world of rollt.>ge water polo ts well aware of the Sea Kings' star, but Stanford and UC lrvmt.> appear to have the inside track. lmbernino is a part-lime lifeguard and his boss ts Ted Newland, the coach of the unbeaten and No. I ranked UC Irvine Anteaters. · Corona del Mar's only setback was a 7 -6 loss to Newport Harbor In Sea View League play, a verdkt which Harbor had to have in order to qualify for the playoffs. "l was upset (about losing) because we could have won easily With better de fense in the first quarter ," admits lmbcrnino. "l know we can beat them. I'm just trying to put that behind me." - Since the season began this matchup for the CIF championship has been predicted, discussed and mulled over. but lmbcrnino says the Sea Kings were anything but complacent leading up to the.finals. • "We learned our lesson last year," says Imbernino, ''when we almost lost to Aviation in the second round because we .. Monday night • Diag1c . LOS ANGELES (AP) -After . n{•arly half of thcfr fi rst National Football League regular-season game 1n Los Angeles as the homt; team, It appeared the Raiders needed liome magic to escape with a victory. That's exactly what they got. Los Angel('S Coach Tom Flores c·alled it "MQnday Night Magic." The Ra1dt.'rs overcame a 24·0 deficit to defeat the San Otego Chargers 28·24 at t he Los Angeles ~iseum, raising their record in nationally leJevised Monday night games over the yl•ars to 19-2-1. : "I don't know what" it is about Monday night football"said Flores after his team raisf:t its record to 3-0. "We're very proud of our Monday night record. Monday night football just brings out the best In us." were looking ahead to Downey. We just IT DIDN'T for most of the first took them one at a time." half. The Chargers were in Corona del Mar's David lmbernino leads the Sea Kings into Wednesday night's CIF ~-A championship showdown with Newport Harbor a t Long Beach's' Belmont·fJaza. """"' _ ·-' The team's leading assist man, comple te control until T ed Imbernino has scored 115 goals in 28 Hendricks recovered a fumble by games. an average of four per start. Chuck Muncie at the San Diego It's obvious, especially with the depth 17-yard line with less than two and versatility that there has beeq little minutes 1'.o play in the first half. attempt to emphasize Imbe rnino's That was the beginning or the scoring statistics. end ~or the Cha~ge~. who fell t.o Against Saddleback, for· instance. in a 1-2 in the s trike-interrupted '52-3-victory;-he didn't even-·t.ake-a shot,-sea!l<>n. -~-• playing in the first quarter only. The game completed The f1~t "He's a very ~lfish player," says weekend of actl~ for the NFL s Stites. who in his fourth year at Corona 28 tea~s ~ollowmg the 57-day del Mar has rekindled the Sea Kings' players s trike. water poJo fortunes. Before the strike, the_ Raiders "It may seem that way (a one-man had played both of th~ar games team). it is kind of built up that way," ~m the road. A SuJ?enor Court continues Stites. ''Obviously David is by Jury ruled l~t May that the team far our best player, but in our style of had the rtgh l to move ~ro'!l play •• he's ~ing the ball to somebody Oakla!'d to Los Angeles'. which 1t else or someone is ~ing to him. hu rrac d I y dad d ur1 ng the "The thing that really makes him a summer. standout is that he plays both ends of the FOLLOWING THE fumble pool. recovered by Hendricks, it took "You may find two or three who can the Raiders five plays to get on play as wcJI as he docs on offense. but the S<:oreboard for the first time. not on de fe nse. That's what is really Quarterback Jim Plunkett fired a turning on the college coaches. They see I-yard scoring pass to. tight end a complete player. TOdd Chrjstensen o n a fourth- 1"In our style of play, offense takes a and-goal play with 36 seconds secondary phase in our concept. It's one remaining in the half. of the reasons we have done so well Rookie tailback Marcus Allen "He's what a lot of university coaches of the Raiders, returning to the (See DAVE, Page C3) s ite o f many of his gre atest Tars" Brazas heads All-Sea View games while playing for the University o f Southern Cali fornia, scored twic.e in the third ix·riod on runs of 3 and 6 yards I Saddleback's Bradley named back of year; Stivenko top lineman Sea View League co-champions t:I Toro and Saddleback, along with CIF Central Conference playoff e ntry Newport Harbor, share the wealth in the Daily Pilot's all-league selections, with each team re presented in the special individual categories. The Sailors' Steve Brazas, a 6-3, 207-pound junior who has led his team to.a 7-4 overall record and third_ place in the league standings, is the league's Most Valuable Player. off his ef forts as a tailback. linebacker , 'J)Unte r and kick returner. Saddleback Hlgh's Kevin Bradley, the fastest player in the league, who scored 11 touchdowns during league play, is the league's Back of the Year. Lineman of the Year laurels go to El Toro's Paul Stivenko, an offensive lineman and linebacker who, al 6-3. 215. is being sought by several major colleges for his services. Each of these players dominated• m their particular cate~orv. Brazas averaged 4-:-8 yards per carry in league play (143 carries for 686 yards) and scored 17 touchdowns, including 13 on the ground, 3 on pass plays and a 92-yard interception return. As a receiver . he caught 23 passes for 338 yards in league and he was the team's punter with an average rivaling 40 yards. He and teammate Brett Kacura (offensive lineman) are the only juniors on the first team. Bradley's quickness kept Saddleback foes off balan ce from start to finish. although he missed his team's 9-7 loss to El Toro in the league finale because of an injury. Stivenko was considered in a class by himself at hncbacker and was also a ~ey ingredient to El Toro's offensive thiust as a blocker. Coach of the Year ·honors go to Mike Giddings. the veteran coach who took the varsity reins at Newport Harbor after a 23-year absence from the high school ranks al that level. The Sailors were 6-21 ·3 the past three years, but Giddings, a walk-on coach, guided his JUnior-oriented team to a 5-2 league record, including a 17-7 victory over El-Toro and a near-miss 21 -20 loss to Saddleback. Saddleback and El Toro dominate the first team selections with a dozen berths between them. In many instances players were chosen at an alternate position simply because they fitted best in terms of the overall team. Saddleback's Rod Pesak, for instance, is at defensive back, although he was also considered a first-line quarterback. The Roadrunne rs' Blake Smith, a defensive end and tight end, was placed on defense. , Ne wport ~arbor's Brazas, a blue chip running back} was placed at linebacker where he also easily qualified, because of the abundance of standout running backs. Also earning first team honors from Corona del Mar are tailback Lance Martin and defensive end John Onstott. Irvine High's Vaqueros placed two on ISee ALL·SEA VIEW, Page C!) Th<'n , following a missed 3J-yard field goal by San Diego:S Rolf Benirschke. the Raiders drove 80 yards in nine plays for the game-winning TD, which came on a l-yard run by Frank Hawkins wi~h 5:54 left t.o play in the game. l "WE DO PLAY w e ll on Monday nights, and not too bad on Sundays e ither," said Plunke tt, who completed 18 of 25 passes for 163 yards. "Our play- calling wasn't the best in the first half They gave u s a lot of different looks and we made several mistakes. In the second half, we had the angles and blocked well.•· The Chargers scored on their first two possessions. getting a 19-yard field goal by Benirachke and a 29-yard scoring pass from Dan Fouts to Dwight Scales. . . SC's Robinson calls it quits LOS ANGELES (AP) Universi ty o f Southern California football Coach John Robinson will resign at the end of the season. the school said today. Southern Cal assist.ant s ports i nformation director Tim Tessalone told Associated Press Radio lh al the 47-year-old Robinson would resign, effective at the end of the season, to become a senior Vice president at the achool. Robinson Is in his seventh ~aaon as the school's football coach and has a 66-14·2 record. ·The Trojans are 7-3 this season and have one game remaining, agaJnat Notre Dame Saturday. The school was expected lo name a auccellllPr today. Robinson's career at USC was skyrocketed at the start with 1976 te•m going 11-1 and the 1978 team· going l 2-1 a n d c la imi ng the national championship. A ye.r later his Trojans were 11-0-1 and In eech of those years USC won the.. Pac·IO champlonahlp. In the Jut three years, however, the Trojllna' atock has fallen becauae of penalU. levied on &hem by the NCAA. , Puzzle for Edison: Solving the Great Stampede By ROGER CARLSON OftheD91tr ...... lt8fl "It's like facing a kickoH wedge, down after down," is how Edison High's Bill Workman describes the t.ask· that lies ahead for his Chargers in the second round of the ~IF Big Five Conference football playoHs Friday night al Orange Coast College (7:30). Edi son m e ets Colton High 's Yellowjacke\s, a team with a reputation for running• the ball dow n their opponents' throats in a uniq~e manner. "I call it Stampede Left or Stampede Right," says Workman, who eolved the pi.able in 1980 with his championship squad. Coach Don Ma;kham's Yellowjackets feature thtee toufiti: tailbacks who rot.ate, inclu0dlng Jhree•JXC&r starters David Bl~m (1851 and '~ex Blackwell ( 180), wijo led Cglton io a 2~-9 victory over M'1tlna a year ago In the semifinals. ·• In thai one \he Yellowjllckets did not attempt a single pua and rushed for 269 yards on 55 atterripts. while limiting Marina's puain1 &ame to one compleUon In 14 attemp t.I with bump-and-run tactJca from the teeondary. P'h'• like an eilht-man front with all 11 defenden within five yardl of the Une of'ecrlmmage," aaya Workman, "and th•y're on you 80 fut.'' Offen1lvely the CHrua Belt Lf'a1ue :harnpionl. now on a nine-pm. wlnnlnc .~. limply plow throuth one atd9 or Comparing scores IDl90N (7·1-1) •• Punenou t3 to El oo.aoo 1 COLTON ( .. 1) tO SA Vllley 24 30 Noire OetN 0 0 Vi.le I 7 a-no 20 7 M-0.. 7 23 M#IM 7 50 Ar11naton 21 14 HHW119on 3 ~ Sen OorVC1i*> t 2 14 Fontene 7 2 t Htn llHcll 10 42 PIClllo 0 t7 Ftn Velrtey :I 13 W.lflllhst• ,. 0 E"""'-1.& 30 Aldllll4e' • 20 ac-i View 15 ' c• 31 Cr""4 9 I the other with a guard and tackle pulling on most occasions. And, a tight-end reverse 1s in the Colton playbook , which consistently bums the opposl(lon. AllO at tailback la Arlington High transfer Joe Trujillo, a 6-q, 222~pound ll"nior who earned All.Rlvei'side County and All-CIF honors u a junior. "He's as clOle to a Dave Geroux u you're going to find," aaya Workman. (G.roux. a luUblick-tallback, played for l:d1lon I.Mt year and la now at XaN.. Univeralty.) TrujiUo la al90 a defensive lineman and Colton'• leadln1 tackler. San Bernardino Sun apona writer Claude Andel'90n call him a "vicious a.cider and blocker". Blum haa ruahed for 888 .1.ard1, Blackwell for 798 Y•rda and Trujillo for 747 yN'dl -stvtna ttw tailback alot • - t.otal of 2,409 yards and 206 points. ,-,They're all tough , hard-nosed runners.'' says Workman, ''with the object of 21n .4 yards per carry becaU9e they'd just as soon not punt.. They usually go for It on fourth down and they never kick a PAT, they just go for the two-point run. "They only have a 28-mah roster, ao there Isn't much of a morale problem." Edi.Ion's offensive 1ame appean to be on a crest following the Char1en' 31-9 rout of highly-regarded and favored. Crespi in the finl round of the playoffa. Derek Griffith• rambled for a 6.8 average, fullback Leonard Simpson averaaed 7. 7 per crack and quarterback Jon f\fowotny'• l~lp waa evident. h'1 a\ill the defen1e, however, which really carrlH the Sunaet Lea.rue co- championa, and It haa been bolattored by the return of linebacker Tony Johann afttor the 4'-3=2 -pound senior milled the entire S u t Lea1ue achedule becau.e of a en thumb. l'dilon'a linemclUna corpa. however, may twve lost a por&lon of l&a power becau. of Pllul l:IU8on'1 ankle Injury. but he '-i't definittoly out of &he pme. While Colton la 1tldom noted for l&a pemtna. qual'tel'bKk Ken Houaley hM pe to the air 101 u.n., compa.ttna 40 for 770 yarda and t -ro.. A week.•fo while dl1m•ntlln1 Millikan, the ellowJldw1&_ we& to UW air thne UMll. · "If vou ""°"9 on a chHp one. they ' Or ng Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tueaday, November 23, 1082 ~----------------..... ------------.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sax keeps Dodgers' rookie skein going From AP dlspatcbes LOS ANGELES When sa.'Ond buseman Steve Sax became the fourth c:'On..<;e<·utiv<.' Lo8 Angeles Dodger to be named National League Rookie of the Year, hi s boss credited e nthusiasm and abilit y plus good luck. T he 22-ycar-old Sax termed Monday the "happiest day .of my life" after the announcement by the Baseball Write r s · Associatio n of America. And Dodger Vice Presid ent Al Campanis couldn't help but look back to 1981 . "There is an old saying that luck is the Sieve Sax residue of desire," Campanis said. "But IA this case good fortune was on his side. Holiday Bowl aold out • SAN Ull".GO Tkke•t1t for tlw • UtK' 17 llolldMy Bowl &Mtrw• llUilcJ oul • t Mo nda y murnln.r . Na1cJ 1ia1111J orgunlu•ni. • Brlabam lVounH Uruve•ndty, whkh ll4'<',.nl(' thl' Wt11tem Athlc·tk C<N1ft•1 t•nt't• l hMm11u>0 In 11 17 12 vle&c,ry Satuttltty ovt•r· U t11h . will ht· plnyinl( ll.ll tlfth 11tr1\Jw ht Yl'lll' in ttw howl g1111w Ohio Stant• lll'<'t.'ph•d ihc! llulldc1y Howl <.•ommltU't)01i orfl•r lo play .1ht•1' the: Bul·kc•yt~' i .i 14 victory Suturduy uwr Mlc·h1K1111, tlw Big Tt•n <.:onfort•rwt• t•h11mp1011 It wall bl· Ohio 8tutc'11 ftn;t appcMlit)('t' In <tht> San l>1l·~o howl ~umt•. Brif(hlim Young ru1. .. WClll I WO and h,•I t WO ol It~ previous llohdny Bowl gurnf'!i. Labonte remains In hospital ' RIVERS IDE St<X·k car rll{'t.'r • Terry 'Labonte was lisll•d in ~ood condition M onday at R1vt•rsidc• Community Hospital aftc.>r surgt•ry for fac ial injuries sufferc·d in a crus h during Sunday's Winston W<.'Stl'rn 500. Riverside International Ra<.-eway spokesman Bob Russo said Labonte rt•mairu-d in the surgical lnumsive-cnre unit following the operation on Labonte's nose. · Labonte. the third-place finisher in the sca~n j>oini standingi., crash(.tj JUSI 24 laps from thc.> cpd of 'the 119-lap ral't' at Riverside. He also suffered severe fa<.•iaJ lac."Cra t1oris and a fractured left root in Sunday's mishap. Angels hire hitting coach Former Arizona State assistant. Ill baseball coach Ben Hmcs has b<>cn named hitting ins'tructor for the Angels' min or league syste m , the American League club announced Monday. Hines. 45. helped guid<' the Sun Devils to a .356 team batting average and a NCAA Division I national championship in 1981. C 'mon fe llas, shake hands "First. the major league baseball strike gave executives the opportunity to visit our t:lubs in San Antonio and Albuquerque. At San Antonio, the Steve Sax showing was tremendous. "Then Davey Lopes suffered a groin injury MOt.lTREAL -1 linpire Harry • and the next day (Aug. 18) Sax was playing Wendelstedt did it and just po6Sibly it second base. The Dodgers then traded Lopes may start a trend. after the season, having decided Sax could do the Catcher Gary Carter <>f the · b Montreal Ex""" 1ihd first-baseman Bill Buckner JO . ,,.... "I think the word 'hustle' is overdone. I use of the Chicago Cubs got into a scuffle in a game 'enthusiasm' and this young man plays with here this summer. Wendelstedt broke it up and enthusiasm." then gave the two players an option: Either they The rookie broke into an infield that had shake hands and stop the fighting or they both been together 816...seasons with Steve Garvey at would be thrown out of the game. first, Bill Russell £l shortstop and Ron Cey at They shook hands and the game was third, along with Lopes. resumed in peaceful fashion, . _ "l took_a lot_Qf needl"Jg in spring training, but I never took it serious y: r can' thffiK o a-Astrodome fOunderHottTeinz dies better place to play than Los Angeles," Sax said. 1. . . Sax succeeded pitchers Rick Sutcliffe (1979). . Roy Ma.rk Hofbeinz, a po 1t1cw1an, • Steve Howe (1980) and Fernando Valenzuela businessman ~~d sports cu~r ho (1981) in capturing the Rookie of Lhe Year honor. becam~ th!'! driving force t>«:hmd the The second baseman tallied 63 points on a 5_3_1 worlds fu·~t domed stadium. the scoring basis for 24 ballots. Astro~fo~, lS dead .at the age of. 70 ... The Pittsburgh's Johnny Ray, named Monday as Detroit Lions have hfted t~e televts1on blackQUt The Sporting News' National League Rookie of ro.r their NFL game against th~ New York the Year, finished a close second with 57 points. Giants ey~n though about 13.~ tickets for the Ray was followed by St. Louis' Willie McGee Thanksg1vmg ~y contest remamed unsold by the with 39 points and San Francisco's Chili Davis at 72-hour deadline . . . Mariel Ford, ~~o c~ught 32. ' sev~n ~for 132.yards before pa~tJc1pa~g in "l think that the re were so many good Cahforn1a s amazing_. .game-end!ng kickoff rookies in the league this year is a tribute to all of return, was named Pacifac-10 offensive player of th teams" said Sax. the w~k. Ben Carril~o, who made l~ tackles for e • Washington State in an upse t victory over au'ote of the day Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics. t insisting that he doesn't think that much about his salary: "I don't like talking about money. AJJ I know is the Good Lord must have wanted me to have it." Surgery performed on Ekern Rams' linebacker Carl Ekern had surgery on his right knee Monday and will be lost for the rest of the National · Football League season, the Rams announced. Ekern. 28, the team's player representative. tore ligaments in the knee against the Atlanta Falcons Sunday in his first play since the NFL ·strike ended. Jim Collins, a second-round draft pick from Syracuse last year, is expected to replace Ekern at linebacker. Ivory SuUy. a reserve defensive back, is the Rams' alternate union representative; Washington, was named defensive player . . . Fraall McCormick, who won the· National League's MVP award in 1940 as a first baseman for the Cincinnati ·Reds, died in a Manhasset. N.Y. hospital at a~e 70 after a long illness ... Ray "Boom Boom ' Mancini said he has no plans to retire from boxing or give up his WBA lightweight championship despite the death of Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim after a Nov. 13 bout with Mancini ... Alex English, .who averaged 38.7 points in leading Denver to a 2-1 record on the road throu~h Sunday·s games, was named NBA player of the w eek ... Center Mike Rogers of the Ne w York Rangers was named the NHL player of the week . . . The chances that Atlanta third baseman Bob Horner will be traded before next season now appear to be better than 50-50, Braves executive vice president Al Tborawell says. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events scheduled. Tars' Brazas did it quickly He only played for about half of the game, but His yardage Friday against Norwalk (nine five touchdowns. a 15.7 average gain per carry, carries for 142 yards) ups his season total to 219 three receptions for 45 yards and his customary carries for 1,072 yards. domjnation at middle linebacker more than In all, he has scored 23 touchdowns, m addition qualifies Newport Harbor High's Steve Bra2as as to a 37.3 average on punts. th& .DaHy Pilot's Player of the Week. He has also r\.'tumed two kickoffs f~r a 28.5 · Braz.as. the 6-3. 207-pound junior who has average. had two interceptions (returning one 97 .... ~ the catalyst to the Sailors' reversal of losing yards for a touchdown) and been a mainstay on IA"'C'll defense at middle linebacker. tr&ods in the past few seasons, rambled for Through 10 games Braias had 64 tackles and touchdown runs of 46. 34. 12 and 3 yards, along caused two fumbles despite playing less than half of wi{h a 14-yard pass play from Mike Wells as the the time in order to rest him for offense. Sailors ran up a 55-6 victory over Norwalk in the As a receiver he has caught 3~ passes for 450 first round o{ the CIF Central Conference playoffs. ·yards (10.3 yards per catch) and he has scored three ; It was a school record for points scored, touchdowns or more in five games. b,..king the 54-polnt bµrrler established In 1942 In the Sailors' last three games, when a loss (5\·0 over Anahe im) and 1949 (54-0 over St. would have triggered the end to their season, he M"1ica). has scored 11 TDs. 10 via the ground. ~ *** *** Other players of the week J.T.. TllomH, Edlsoa A 6-1. 195-pound junior linebacker, he had 7 W'tas$isted and 6 assisted tackles, along with two Interceptions in Ediaon's 31-9 CIF playoff victory over Crespi. He returned thoee interceptions 21 and 11 ~arcia. eetting up a touchdown with one of them. . . ~6'e Piel. El Toro : A defensive lineman, this 6-3. 195-pound senior h8'j 8 unallisted and 7 assisted tackles, recovered a ful"flble, had a J>8S8 deflection and caused a lose, In 8c14ltlon to being the team'• hitter of the week In El TdrO'• 28-0 CIF victory over Bellflower. Jel,, Lopez, Haat1n1&oa Beacb : The only Oiler who is counted on for offensive a...S defensive duty, the 175-pou.nd lenior defenslw ~"k had 5 tacklet and 2 8lliata and intercepted • J)lllll. Al a receiver (wln1back and 10metlme1 at w~ receiver) he cauaht two pa8le9 for 53 yudl, wtlinc up the OUen' lint TD ln a 21·14 overtime ~playoff vtctory over St. Francil. a;i.c. c.., r .. 1a111 Valley :· Thia 190-pound Unebecker led the Perona' ~ with 11 leld 1aickle1 and 3 mtlU!d atops, aJon« with 8 temnd hitl ln the eeMOri finale for . '· Fountain Valley, a 21-0 loss to Loyola in the first round of the ClF playoffs. Jim Blt'mla1bam, Mater Del A 6-3, 245-pound aenior defensive: llnl'man, Birmingham was apin Mater Dei's leading tackler in an otherwise forgettable performance.> by the Monarchs, who dropped a 3~-0 ClF playoff dt.>Claion to Long Beech Poly. Mike Well1, Newport Harbor The Sallon' quarterback complNt'd 10 of 15 for 169 yards and 2 touchdowns and wasn't int.en:ep;;;J In a 55-6 rout' of Norwalk ln the flmt round of ~ ClF playoffs. For the IMIOn tw hu completed 77 of 151 for 1,170 yarda and 8 TDa. He hit hll lint lix pa1ee1 of the pme to take Norwalk out of ita run defe111e pattern. RodPtMk,......._. A two-way 1wwr, P9eak completed 8 of 13 for 178 yards and 3 To.. In lddltion to maktnc & •kl• and allowtnl no compleUonl ln hJa ..._ at a new pOlt'9n -cernerbe* -ln the Roedrunnen' 14-1 victory owr A ..... In &tt. tint round of the CIF playoff1. . '~ I ' Cal to sell I ·video cassettes I S tl111fo1·tl l111s ·st•c 11 e 11oul,(l1 A'lmK•:LJo;V (AP) }l'ht• Unlvt•r11ily ul l'llllfornau plunN tu st•ll v1dt·o <.'liHANl<'S of it11 uacr<·<h ble football v1<.·tory uvl'r S~nford, and the 1wm 16hould bt• a bt'l>l 84.0lh•r 011 lh(• &-rkt'lt·y addt· of San Jo'rund11t.•u Bay. Ow·r al Stan lord, tht•y'vt.•. st-"t'n t•rmul(h. '"rtw damugli I~ don<.'," $t41nfurd C.>ut.·h Paul Wiggin mud Monday. "Th<.' bowl gum(' i.s out A wlnninj( ~·ai.1.m is out, and liOnW poll'ntu.tl honors for John l'~lway may also bt• out. That pluy f.rowtJ to Ix> u vt•ry l'Ol>tly Ont.' for Stanford football.' Wiggin studied film und v1d<"<1tapt•s of Cal's amazing 57-yard kickoff rNurn play whi<'h c ndi:d Saturday's gumc. II<' did not l·hangc· his mind on th<' 4ul'tlt1on of whether Dwight Garner, ont• of four Cal players to handl.e the ball, was down when ht• lateraled off to a t('ammaw. ''lie was stopp<.>d, held, turned back and down on his kne<.>s," said Wiggin. "That along wl\h four or five im•x<.:usable coils made by a group of rcfcr<.>es craS('d ont• of the gtt-at <.'Oml'backli in the history of th<.' Big Game." The 85th Big Game bNween the neighboring Pnci(ic-10 Conference• teams scemro1to be won by Stanford when Mark Harmon k.ic ed -a 35-ya.c.d field goal with four Sl'COnds left. Elway, Stanford's quarterback. had moved th<.• Cardinal offense from deep in its own territory to the Cal 18-yard line in the final minute. But, with five laterals, the Bears struck back to win amid one of the strangest scenes in college football his tory. K evin Moen raced through Stanford marching band members on the final 20 yards of the kickoff return. The jokes have started, and there are sure to be many more -mostly from Bear backers. "It appeared to me th:tt the weakest part of Stanford's defense was the woodwinds," said one fan, Ellen F.dmon.son of San Francisco. But Elway probably spoke Cor a ll Stanford fans when he declared Saturday. "It's a farce." Others on the field, besides band members, when the winning touchdown was St.'Ored included Stanfdrd players, fans. and photographers. All thought the game had ended. ' ~ Moen admitted that even after he went into the end zone. where he knocked over Stanford trombone player Gary Tyrell. he wasn't sure the touchdown would count. "I wasn't sure it was a touchdown until I heard he cannon go-oU.'' ho..aaid.-.reLea:ing la..lbe_~n_pon shot which follows Cal vi<!torics. ·· Stanford's Elway, who was hoping to lead his team into the Hall ot Fame Bowl game, went out as a member of a team wh,ch finished the season 5-6. He said the controversial touchdown ''ruined my last game as a college football player." He finished the season with 3.242 yards and 24 touchdowns passing. and he ranks among college CootbaU's all-time passing leaders. Moen. a starting defensive back. also was playing in his last college game Saturday. He scored only one touchdown in four seasons: But what a touchdown. HB, Poly play at Wilson Huntington Beach High's Oilers will meet Long Beach Poly Friday night in the second round of the CIF Big Five Conference playoffs at Long Beach Wilson High, located at 4400 E. 10th St. Kickoff at the 4,000-scat stadium is listed at 7:30 and Huntington Beach has been assigned the 2,500-seat home side of the stadium, according to acti.vities director Darrell Stillwagon. who also advises that parking is limited. . Presale uckets for the game are available at the Huntington Beach High financial office . Rashad to retire MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Minn esota wide receiver Ahmad Ra'lhad announced Monday that he will retire at the end of the season. T'h e 3 3 -y e a r -o I d Rashad, in his 10th year in the National Footba.ll League. will leave to purs ue a career 1n broadcastin g . 0H e has been wo rking w1 th a CBS affiliate 1n Minneapolis and turned down a CBS network contract before th e season. "At this point I have decided that .this will be my last football season." Ras h·ad sai d -Paul Stivt-nko Mike.Giddings . ALL-SEA VIEW. . • From Page C1 the first team -runner Johnny Salinas and tackle Rick Grecco, while Costa Mesa's i.wo first team players are tight end Mike Matson and place-kicker Peter Schurb, who was also a fi~t rate offensive guard. ·. Also earning first team honors were Estancia quarterback &'Ott Davis and University lineman Steve Barsamian. * ALL-SEA VIEW LEAGUE First Team Offense Pos. Player, scbool Ht. Wt. Yr. QB-Scott Davis, Estancia 5-9 175 Sr. RB-Kevin Bradley, Saddleback 5-9 165 ·Sr. RB-Johnny Salinas, lrvine 5-6 155 Sr. RB-Lance Marlin. Corona del Mar 5-8 155 Sr. Rec-Todd Cage, Saddleback 6-2 176 Sr. TE-Mike Mat.son, Costa Mesa 6-5 220 Sr. T -Louie Sergean.t. El Toro 6-4 230 Sr. T---Rick-Grcoco..-lndne--__ 6-1 230 Sr .. G -Ray Perez, Saddleback 5-6 165 r. G -Breit K.acura, Newport 6-0 204 Jr. C -Orlando Sosa. Saddleback 5-9 202 Sr. PK-Peter Schu.rb, Costa Mesa 6-0 185 Sr. Flnt Team Defense DE-John Onstott, Corona del Mar 6-2 DL-Mike Piel, El Toro 6-3 DL-John Niemand, Saddleback 6-1 DL-Steve Barsamian. University 6-0 DE-Blake Smith. Saddleback 6-2 LB-Paul Sv1tenko. El Toro 6-3 LB-Steve Braz.as, Newport Harbor 6-3 LB-S hawn Cardin. El Toro 6-3 DB-Robert Williams, Saddleback 5-7 DB-Mike McLain, El Toro 5-10 DB-Rod Pesak. Saddleback 5-10 Punter-Gordon Moss. CdM 5-11 Second Team Offense QB-Mike Douglass, El Toro 5-11 RB-Jerry Eldridge. El Toro 5-10 RB-Bill Brown, Newport Harbor 6-2 Rec-Brian Horgan, El Toro 5-l l Rec-Herb Goss, Newport Harbor 6-1 TE-Scott Covey. Estancia 6-3 T -Steve Hobart, Universitv 6-3 T -Dave CadigaJ'\, Newport 6-4 G -Brett Hagadorn, Newport 6-3 G -Dan Chlebowski. lrvine 5-11 C -Frank Werner, Costa Mesa 6-1 Second Team Defense DE-Dan Trickett, El Toro 6--0 DL-Eric Shaw. Corona del Mar 6-1 DL-R1ck Alvarez. Saddle back 5-7 DL-Brian OcCair, lrvine 5-11 DE-Gavin Greeley, Newport 6-3 LB-Joe Paluck, Corona del Mar 6.0 LB-Chris Carranza. University 5-10 DB-F.d Christian. Ef Toro 5-8 DB Mak<' Molinaro. CdM 5-11 DB-Long Truong. Newport Harbor 5-8 DB-Corky Carpenter, CdM 6-0 200 Sr. 195 Sr. 215 Sr. 205 Sr. 205 Sr. 215 Sr. 207 Jr. 210 Sr. 150 Sr. 175 Sr. 157 -Sr. 185 Sr. 170 Sr. 175 Sr. 201 Sr. 155 Sr. 159 Sr. 180 Sr. 225 Sr. 231 Sr. 206 Sr. 185 Sr. 205 J r. 195 Jr. 195 Sr. 150 Sr. 170 Sr. 1.82 Sr. 195 Sr. 170 Sr. 165 Sr. 185 Sr. 143 Jr. 175 Sr. ·college football . . THURSDA V'S GAMES Texas A&M at Texas Bowli ng Green at North Carolina FRIDA Y'S GAMES P i ttsb urgh a t P e nn St (Olanncl 7 at 9 a.m.) Oklahoma at Nebraska (Channel 2 at 11 :30 a.m.) Conneclk'ut at Delaware SATURDAY'S GAMES Notre Dame vs. USC at Coliseum Oregon at Oregon St. Cal State Fullerton at Nevada Las Vegas. n Oklahoma St. at San Diego St .. n Utah St. vs. Long Beach St. at Anaheim Stadium (7:30) Arll.Oha St. at Arizona, n Georgia Tech at Georgia Auburn at Alabama Air Force at Hawaii, n Rice at Houston, n Tulane at LSU, n Arkan1a1 St. at Memphil St. Cincinnati at Miami (Fla.) TennetMe at Vanderbilt Virginia at Vlratn!a Tech Clemson vs. Wake Fornt at Tokyo • IJllED OfRI ·11.1&% A.P.A. ,.._AVAIM.E .... .. ... JOHNSON &SON preeenta ... COl.LIGI .............. NebrUlC• over "Oklahoma * Penn St. over Plttsbur9h * USC .,,., . ....,. Deme * ~St. Orta11ge Coall OAILV PILOl lluHday, Nov•mber 23, 1812 ,., t ~ore (~n for Hernistad, Rustlers? Water pol ch.ampio,n hip switched lo Golden W •LI Wednt•stlay By CURT SEEDEN O( the Dally l"llot ltaff ~ Prior lo lht• stnrl of lht• IY8:.! community college· '¥~lt•1· polo season. Gulden We"~ Culh!F{t' Coach Tom Herms~ ,leasmitly rerJccted on his h.' ms' suc..<t.·e~ ov~r the last l~ yc;a . "It's been fun," Jo crmstad said. IH• U I W h l' 11 I h t' S 0 U I h t• I' 11 (' u I I f 11 r n 1 n w u t l' r f) o 111 l' hamµ 1un s h1 r> s u 1 1• h c• I~ Wt.JrwMjuy 11l Goldl•n West 1'tll' to11rnun11•111 wus url~lnally sc..·hl•duled for Suddlt'back Colli:ge, but a brokt.'n wawr mmn left thl' Gaul'ho pool t'mJHy. nl'l'eSSilnting the ch~ngc. Thrl'C olht•r t(•ams Saddlcback . Citrus ancJ Long Beach GC -lndc~d won't bt• able to pil'k the Rustlers' pocket, 0M•t•<°l•-C:I lhll ii, (1111sh1•tJ tilt' IWUMlll with a i.a Ill r•ttt·w·<l . IJut 'tlwy Wp11t undc•ft•atl'<.I an Pat"tllt• (.'um.t l'onft•n •nl't' ploy (Ii 0) untll'r C:oud1 ~'lip !.>arr "Who knows what'll happen in the future? All I know is we've got a lot of• nice things m our . back pocket that no one's going to take away." Th~ Rusller'coach was ref e rring to 13 .straight conference t·hampionships. flv~ Of the last SIX '"stat(> cfowns and foul' straight state titles, Cor • w.hich as •loaded with pas t championships, but lht•y will be out to put a halt to Golden W1•st':> L u n ~ B t' al' h (.' (.' , t h 1• M1•t1•opol1 t an Conrc.•rt•1tt'l' 1:hamp1on, f1msh<'fl at 19 ~. whtk Ci tr us nt'l.'dcd a o nt•-1<anu• playoff·vu·tory ovt'r LA Vallt•y tu dNt•rmanl' lht! lnlund Vullcy Confc"rcnt•t''s "'J>rCsl'ntatavt• 111 lh<' lou rnt•y. The• Ow Is .urc . Sl'<'<tcd fourth. Optmtng ngaanst Golden West has Citrus Co1u·h 81 11 Ralls c•xdll.'d with antidpallon. ,starters. • This season, the Rus tlers acl'4111Y lost thrt>c games. but they still came out atop the rugged South Coast Conference. · What this all means is Colden West is once again the team to dynasty. . Golden West. which finishl'<.1 the season with an ovt>rull 20-3 record, is thP N'o. 1 S<.'Cd in the one-day tournC'y and will squan• off agn1nst Citrus (19-5-1.) in tht• noop OpC'nf'r. , • • Long Beac·h CC, the No. 2 seeded team, faet."S Saddleback in the 1:30 contest. The Gaut·hos. "We.-re really looking forward to 1t. Ttv:>y'n• ( tht' Rusll~rs) tht• best around and our. kids have a grc•at attitude about this g~. I rt>ally thank our c..-onfcrcn(~ is a l1tll<• bit strongc•r than p1:oplc n.•ahw," Hqlls nol08. Ralls has bl'en c'Oachmg water polo al Cnrus for the past 18 DA VE IMBERNINO . • • Wisconsin From Page C1 want," adds Monte Nitzkowski, the h ead coach of the United States Olympic water polo team. ''Most high school kids come up without defense, but he's a very finely balanced player ... and, he's smart. · "That side arm shot he made again st Wilson in the C IF semifinals ·shows his offensive abilities. He was covered in every way, yet scored. ''His real strength in coll ege may be offense -it's going to get better." Another plus for lmbernmo is his ability to serve as a setter or driver. Although he isn't sprinter fast (51.0 in the 100 free and 1 :52 ·n-ih~-freeh-his anuci'~tion-­ and intensity makes up for it. ''He has good legs and rides high in the water," adds Sites. "If someone takes the 2-meter ·away I'll just set someone else and let him drive." . Im pernino w o rk s on the weights: too, but not in terms of bulk weight. ''He's extremely si.rong in the water," conJ.ioues Stites. "He uses his legs and body well. I've seen some awfully good players come out ef this area. such as Jamie Bergeson and K evin Robert.son. "In their time 1 think Jamie and Kevin were probably a step above David in offense, but at both ends of the pool. David ts the best complete player I've seen. - I "Tell hirn..once and he does tl, every single time. "He's robably the hardest wor er on the team. When you· are that good. there's a tendency to kick back, but he doesn't do that." lmbernino claims no personal goals. ·•1 just want the team to win," he says. "l got a lot of recognition last year and I kno~ I'll get more this year. But really. I just want to win CLF, badly " All that remains between the quest and reality is Newport Harbor Wednesday night. captures NCAA title BLOOMINGTON, lnd. (AP•. -The University of Wisc.'Onsin, led by Tim Hacker and Scott J enkins and placing two other runners among the lop 25, beat runner-up Providence by· 79 points Monday to become the first Big Ten Conference team tn 23 yt>ars to win the NCAA men's cross country. championship. Hacker and Jenkins finished fourth and fifth, rc'Spc<:tivcly, as the Badgt>rs rN•o rded an overwhelming margin in the m_p.o1ll.L.Sla nd I~ ~9-138 over Providence. Colorado's Mark Scrutton tovk the lead 300 yards from the finish and beat Zakarie Barie of the: University of Texas-El Paso by two seconds fo r the men's in d1v1dual champ'ions hip. Arkansas was third in the team competition with 142 points, followed by East Tennessee at 158 and Texas-El Paso, which had won the team championship the previous four years and six of thC' past seven. at 173. Michigan wa:. sixth , followed by Colorado, Clemson. UCLA and Oregon. . Scrutton was timed at 30:12.6 over the 10,000-meter Indiana University cross country course. Barie crOSS«t the finish line in 13:14.8 .. . SMOKED TURKEY it '.J C .A11111n .. ;11.., 'PMMAW: ~~ ....... TURKEY llGHT GIAID Piii I for Th•nk11irin1 • IUTCllU •POI • GllGe • llOff • lllYWOOO •MOOI • lllYOl0 • LOTSNAYr *USAC ........ 0.-...... • McHIGNT • MICllOU' •CM.SOM• • PATTllSOM •I. SllUMAM00 • SlllS . ,..,,. • VOGLll0 . Also Smoked Hams & Whole pigs Or bring your own in and we'll smoke 1t for you! earty Platters & Catering Available **Ant ..................... , .. BELL'S • BARBEQUE THUi. IOV. 25, 8 P •. M. . TO'f'OTA , .,,,«,., C•• .. •-._. WHEIE rHE H1UIO•.SAN OIECO AN091 fUCWAVS MHI 982-0041 9606 HAMl T°" tUfTINGT<* BEACH Our circulation department will observe a holiday schedule on Thanksgiving Day. If you have not received your newspaper by 7:30 a.m., please contact our office by 8:30 a.m. for redelivery. Friday, Saturday and Sunday (November 26-28) dellverles should arrive by 7:30 a.m. If there Is no delivery, please contact our clrc.ulatlon department by 10 a.m. for redelivery .. Circulation phone number Is (714) ·-642-4321. The Dally Piiot offices will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Office hours on Friday are 9 a.m. -5 p.m. H•v• • H•PPY Tlt•nk•llvlngl • y1·u1 ~. l11t1 111 .i111d1·d llw Owl~ 11110 tlt1• Soutlw111 l'ul 111un11 ·y tlw h ,1111 w.1v all!'a tlw M'houl h.ul dtupp1·d wnlPI polo dur1111o: ltw l111>l I WO !ll'J.'tOlll> 1!4-t•Ullhl' ol II lut·k of 111l1-rt•"it "HlJl thl'> yl'ar thl·rt• Wu!> a Vl'I y tu.rt. 1nll'l t1!-o t '" wt• wt•rc• rt•lf\1>tuttd ,'' Halls t'x,.lluns. '1'111' Owl.,. had a dlf I wuft tl11w t'0111i11g up with .1 M_lwduh• on ... u~h short nOIK'l', but 1h1•y dul fllllllUl.(l' lo l'llll'l' th1• Ml S1111 Antonio TolJ rmu nt •11 t t•m I ll'r 111 llw y<•ur and l'<1111 .i Ill I 0 ttt• with Oi;mgl• Cousl Still. norw ol ttw1r Ill vu:tom•s l'aml' u~urnst onv ol lht• 0Lhl•1 thr<.'t' tt•aans in thl• lourrwy Sopt}1111wn· Al M1ll1t.• ll·ac~!> tlw Citrus U\llll'k with IW goals this St•ason Mt•:mwhill·. Guldl'n Wt•sl 1:. sµa1'kc•d by sophumon·s Bretl 0<•1 Vall<• (HI gm:ib) af\(J hole man Carl Salyer (63 ~oals) Goalll' Jim Ross ( t05 goals a MOWl·d) l'las lx•t•n stc.'tlcJy ull st>ason and figur<•s lO rcix•at as an All-stal<' pt.'rformt•1 again this st•o•;on S11ddh·bal'k's IJ1d w upM'l Long Bc:H:h CC will r<'s l o n l h<' sho uldc·rs of hult• man Nt<·k Simov1l·h (6:J ~uals. 7:i assists ) und sophomore• Tim llugur. a point driver with 69 gouls Darr I eels tlw alJundann· of left-handed shooters on his ll'<Hn ts a plus "Thl• goalil•'s nin- dtltonal n -sponSl< 1s td prot1-c:t the• Come early! Gates open 5:45Pll .. u 1111~ "'"' m• 11~ht ... ut1· uf th1· go<•I." tlll' C:uud1u 1·rnl('h '"'1'i:J111N "Wt• hav1• h•fl h1111t11•1 s Ilk<· .John w I "d 0 rn ( •I () "' II a It.) • IJ II v l ' Dn•wl'low (:HI ~ouls) und Johri lkrd (~W goub) who ;11 t• gom~ lo ht•lp " 1ht• Cuu~·hu i. reJy on u ,f r c• " h in ll n I n go u J , (; i· u 11 I ~u:Mu1•1 an, out of Ounu Hills lltgh. who hai. :MO SUVl'S this . M•ason C.:oal'h Monll' Nalz1wwi,kt of Lonu Bl·al'l1 CC has oln•udy gu11.l1'C.I hi!> tt.•arn lo 7-3 nnd Ill-Ii Vttlurws ovt•r Saddl~ba('k thts Sl'tlStm. and that worric•k lh1· Vl'lt•run l'Oilt·h of 'J.7 yt•an. "I hall· to play somebody thr•t;• t1ml1S when · you 'v(• alri•ady bt·atcn tht•11) twil•t,.," Nitzkowski 1:0 n fl•:-..st '!>. Jim Pl•lt·gr1no guat!<os ttfto Vikings' atllit·k. The winnNs of the "first two gamt·s will square•· off al 5 p.m. for lhl• Soulht>rn California championship. with thl· victor going on lo ho!>l thl• Northl•rn C:alafornw <'hampaon for tlw s tate• tTown Saturday, lX'<:. 4. In addition to Wednesday's tournl'Y· a four-tt•um Soulht•rn Cal 1fo rn1a 1nv1lal1<J nal tournam<'nt will be..• plavcd Sunta Ana and Ventura will square off at 9 a.m . Cerritos and Sun Dac•go Mesa wall follow at 111:30. and a ltllc game will Ix• playt-d at :3:30. All games will IX- play<'d at Golden West. Task force ·tudics funds for Olympics l i J J ,os ANt:.1-;1. .. :s <AP> Gov. Ed 111u ru I Hr own .J 1 • hu~ trt•u \L-U u t."k l111t<• t111o1udv how mud1 tlw l!JH I Oly111pi1'll t.Outd drJUI i.wtr l rol lc·r~. dt••t>llt• has IU77 plt-dgl' 1 lhut "nu do lar from th~ sli•tl· 11f 1 t':1lrl11rnw'' wall lund tht· Gamt>H Tht f1n.t .1ob for tht• wsk forci• of Htutt' olficials wtll b<> lo dHt·1 m1nt· what re1mbun.emc•nt 111 tht i.tall' th<• private Loi. Angt·l~i. Olyrn1>1c Organ1:t1ng I 'Corn1111lll·t· ti.wi ling lo pay. said 1 u spokl•!>rmm lor u.sk fort'<• chief t' (61t•n B Cruag , Cal1fbrnaa ll1ghw11y Patrol 1~>mm1ssioncr. ThN1· 1s a $266,000 state I budgl'I 1t1:m this year for. CHP plann1n~ for th<' games. A tulll1mt' h1ghwuy patrol office l ha~ bt•<•n iwl up to plan an :1pproat·h Cru1g ha:. asked organizing i l'Umm1tt<'l~ President Pl'ter V. l · Udx•rroth to a ta!.k forc..-e meeting an Sut·ram~·nlu on Dec. 9 ·lo d 1 s c u s s l h (• c o m m i l l ~ c ' s 1n11•nt1ons • A Hrown spukcsnwn said 1n May. whl'n th<• governor backed ' down I rnm thl• pledge he made ~ whl•n Los Angeles bid for lhJ? ' ganw~. that h<' never meant to J rult• out all stall' funds just aap ~ for comtrucllon of Olympic l fadhtws Rt•publtc:an Gov.-elt-et George Ueukml·Jian has not yN taken a position on stale aid for the gam<·' AnlSWestemBat wWbegtwenfor nery paid adm&uion, . w. .... day Nlgld, ........ u • I .. l I ' I ' • ,,, • ('.I Or ng Nf'L AMERICAN CONFERENCE l W L Pel. PF PA R•ldeta 3 ·O I 000 89 ~5 ~•dml 3 0 I 000. 78 55 Pllliburgh J 0 I 000 86 58 Bullolo l 1 667 44 40 C1ncmna1t 2 1 667 65 46 Cle•elano 2 I 667 52 38 NV Jels 2 I 667 98 52 Otmvet I 2 333 37 6 1 tjOUSIOO • I 2 333 39 72 l(unWf C•I)' I 2 333 45 53 N<!W Englljld I 2 333 38 54 San Ol<!<JO I 2 333 59 50 Seallltl ,. I 2 J33 45 54 Bulhn•o•e o 3 000 33 8!> NATIONAL CONFIRENCE Or11t<n Bay 3 O I 000 88 49 Wash1ng1on 3 0 I 000 85 64 Alla111a 2 I 667 64 69 01<llas 2 1 61>7 66 S? OelrOH 2 1 667 53 44 New Ot1e41o~ :1 I &67 44 38 Chicago I 2 333 JO 44 M1nneso1a 1 2 333 46 59 Pnt1aoelph1a 1 2 333 72 76 St LOU•~ I 2 .)33 48 62 Son F renc•>CO I 2 333 69 6'1 R•me 0 ..I 000 SA 88 NY G1an1s 0 3 000 50 70 T ompa Bay 0 3 000 32 52 NOTE The IOP ~10111 leom• '" each COnlerence Wiii Qual1ly for tilt! playOlfS Mond•f • Seote Lo• Angeles Ra1oers 28 S.tr 011>90 24 Thurad•1'• G•m .. Ne* Vor~ G•an1s al OelrOll IChannl!l 2 al 9 dm i Clevelanu a1 Dalla• 1Chann<!I 4 at I p m 1 Sund•y·a G•m•• l(ansas C11y al R•m• BaJ11more 01 Bullalo Chicago al M1!lllesorn Green Bay a1 New York JCI• Houston Bl New Cnglond Los Allgeles Ra1oe,s at Cmc.tnr1Jt1 Phlladelph1a al wast1111gton SI LOU•S 41 Allan1a Denver a1 San Diego New O<teal\S a1 San F' ane1sco P111sburgh 41 Seallle Mond91'a G•m• M1am1 a1 T'lf"pa 8ay 1Ch811net 7 al 6 pm 1 Raider• 28, Chngefl 2• Sc:o•• by Ou••t•ra SM 01ego 10 14 0 0-24 RaldtlfS 0 7 14 7-28 SO-FG Jlaruucllke J.9 SO -Scates 29 pau17(imT0Ui1 1Ben..schke kick) SO Munele 2 run 1Benir.cnke t.>et.I SO-Mune°' I tun 18en11>ehke krc:kl LA-'-ChflStensen f pan from Plun~etl 18ant luckt LA-Aueo 3 IUll fBilnr kicll) LA-Allen 6 run (Bohf koekl LA Hawkins I run (Bah• klCk l A 42.162 THm Slellatlca SD F1rs1 downs 26 Rulhes-yard' 23-72 Pasatng yards 339 Re1urn yards 27 PUN$ 2S-'2·2 Saci.s by 2· 18 Pun ls 2·33 Fumbles-lost 2·2 Penalties-y11rds 6-50 T•rM ot Posseasron 30 •O lndMdu•I St•tlttlca LA 23 37-181 145 16 Tll·2S.2 2·TS. 5-39 3·0 7-931 29•20 RUSHING San O•ego. Brooks 6·0 Munc•e 15-23 Los Angelea. Allen 18-87. King 13·68, Barnwell 1.14, P1u111 t-13. Plunken 1·6 Hawlun~ 2·3 Guy t· . tO P ASSI NG San 01ego Fouu ~:·2;~;~;i:i57 Los Ange .... Plunkell RECEIVING San O.cgo. W•nslOw 8-105 Cn•ndle< 7· 118 Munc .. 8·50 Steve<s 2-33 Sclles 1-211 Joiner • 22 Los Angeiea Cn,.siensen 8·83 Alltn 5-37 Branen 2-30 Hawkins 1·6 B•rr1well 1·4 l(u'lg 1-3 MtSSEO FELD GOALS San OteQo. Benuscnke 33 Los AnQeles Bahr 36 COLLEGE AP Top 20 1 Georg•a 1521 •O·O·O 2 Pe<1n SI 121 9· 1·0 J Nebraska l3J 9 1.0 4 SMU 10-0-1 5 P111 9· l-0 6 Arizona SI 9· 1-0 7 LSU 8·1-1 8 UCLA 9·1·1 9 Arkansas 8-• ·' 10 Clemson 8-1·1 11 Oktanoma 8-2--0 12 wes1 V11g1n1a 9·2.0 13 Wash1ng1on ll·2·0 14 Te•U 7·2·0 15 FIO,.da SI 8·2·0 16 Ma•y•and 8-3--0 11 use 7.3-0 18 ()nto SI 8·3-0 19 Tulsa 10-1-0 20 MICfl'O'ln 8°3-0 Community college THURSDAY'S GAM6 South CoHI Conference I 133 1 057 t.011 969 898 8,7 749 706 676 65'1 SST .... 444 333 323 2S3 24S 143 129 125 GOiden WeSI a1 Ot ango CoaSI • 11 a m Mlaalon Confertnc• Sacld-.ctt al R....,s.oe CC 10 a m Sanla Ana at Patomat t 1 • m Soutnwesl8tn •I Sen Diego CC 11 a m FootlllH Cont.,ence Sen Betnatdll\O at llne>e<r•I V•lley 10 30 •m SATURDAY'I GAMES Sollth c-1 Con*-FuUef1on at Cemtoa Gr()ltnlOlll at San o.t>Qo Mtsa Sollthetn c.i Conletence LA Southwesl at LA H••bof RlO Hondo al Lot Ar1Q41141S cc West LA •I EHi Loa A~ Mettopolllaft Conle<enc• LA Piette et Long 8Nch CC Tall et EJ Camino Santa Monica CC et PaM<lena CC Foo0111f Conf.,ence Ml San JK!nlo al Mw.C0.1a. t 30 p m Anleloe>e V•llty It 0.-t All g9met 91 7 30 p m un!Ma othefwlse noted HIGH SCHOOL CIF .,._JOff 11tea (s.c-cl towod, ,, .. ,, 7:J0) MG FIVI COtWIMNCE Se<vlte 18-1 i vs LoyOla (9· t ·Ii 91 Glen<l•te High Yltt"oOO (8-2) •• Alemany (I · I· II •I Cottege ot C911y<>nl Huntlnolon llellch (1·3i "' LB POiy CT· 1·21 at Long 0.acn W•lllOll Cotton (9-11 •• Edlaon 17·3·11 al Orange Co111 Cotlelle Cl lfTllAL COIWllllNCE FulleflOtl (It..()) al N-port Harbor (7-4) $9ddlet>Kk (10·1) II er ... Okndl (6-4·11 lot Amigos (8-2) at i.. H•bta IS.7) El Toro (ll·21 va Sunny Hills (6·4i al Fulletlon HIQh SOUTHeMf CONFIMNCI ~ AllOS ( t t-01 "' Sen111 Ana (8-31 al SA Minion VlalO (9· 1· 11 11 El ModtnD (10·0·" -EaperanlJI ( 10. t) 11 L~r>woOd (9· t· t) Ali!°'"'" ( 10.-(). t) •I H Wiiton (9·~ 11 Loe COAITAL COMFPINCI WMt Torr•nct C 1 t·OI •• Mutr 11..:ll at P.llMOenaCC Oi.n11d I 10· II va Wt11takt l t0· 11 11 Tl!OuNnd O•• Santa~ (ll t) •I ~~ .. (7·3) Puadena 111-01 va Sehurr (1·21 at Monteb911o I AST'I• COMl'llllNCtr ' N<lfco (9-:l) vi Gltndota (l-31 a1 C111ua OoMvt ~ Vtlllty (8•51 II Allmon11 (8·3) Monlel)tl!O (IO·t) YI Al-lldt POiy (1•21 91 UC Alwfllde o.m... (~et 9ell O•dtnt (1·31 NO!lfMW9•""" coww....c:a Ailhtttl (1-31 "\ Vtf~t'll 0.. I t0.01 ti ..... C......, Ctty (1·21 et II lern.,CI (&-4· 11 C"'YOfl. 88U9U• (8·3) .. LO'llPOC (I · I 1) MolwO'rili f1· 1·2) et WtOll Mon'OOfllet~ 111.-t) .. _,,.,.AITIM co.Pi-..CI ~ Peril ( 11.0, ¥t o-tll9 11·31 at ~e-.. llldlo (1·41 M ·---... Med-(t-1) ~ 17,). 1J II VC'or V.., {t ·21 C.-.00 1741 et~ IMi • rnbttr 23. 1082 Ol!HRT MOVNIAIN CONHlll!NCI Al~ '11th~••• t 11 '11 iw • l\yuwu 11 1U ttl ••nui V11il~t lh~lu11<111111 4/ ul l't•HI• IU II •o th•rn+-w"\'" ti U \• Oo• •'•'"-'" u ,., IN"' 1 l.••lf'll" N• ''" 0 .,, .. (7 I JI II I• u M• t 1tl "I IN~ANO COHHllfNCI! Utf'll1tph 110 H tJl f\tllfU VD it•f VJ1'•·y l 1111 l•.tn ti 4) 111 O• flll t!I II l>nl"'"' <..•"'"" 111 1 tu 11 .. 1 Ntw "'Ill JI '"'""' ht<'~H '10 It ., WtHftlttt ( hU .. lhHI I I 41 otl •,1 l'a111 l lGHT·MAN CONl'iAfNCE I I 11..,.0 !!•• tiolil!'> ,11 flul Hymlu I oin1.i111<1u u1 1111111 Oo1.1t••• 11 1• "1 I 1.111 0·'"' ,11 / Ill unit"• nuh..il ··' LOI Alemltoa MONDAY'S RHUL Tl (t2111 ol 5 ... d•I• ,. ... tlethOtM mMtlno) FllllT "ACE. •00 yaros Pell! O.i~av (Rought 8 00 4 80 3 00 Silver S1eev .. 1 tlf., 11 • ?O 3 20 Ju>I Plt•n 8'U<.e tAOa·•I 2 60 Al.a •oced A /urt A W111n,;1 Be• S.ny Jul F111sll W1ldl1te B•ll Swee1 No~kles M 11"-Marcus McGe.i L1gt11loot T1rn" 20 !15' $2 fXACTA (3·21 paid S30 80 Sl'.CONO RACE. 400 vtods t~PalM" POl>ey 1CrcWll 19 40 lov,.1y Lou Ann~ 1C•~agt11I Proudly (P•uhne1 ~20 260 J 20 2 40 2 60 Mayas AIM> ri;ced Lrm11no LA le 1>ou9n CllOou Time 20 16 THl"D RACE. 350 yltdt WylACk1e ROS4l (M1tchelll 30 40 14 00 1 00 Dupe o.t Lu (looks! 7 40 1 60 M•Qhly Mateus (DO•dl 13 40 Also receo Funny Mtj Ky• Baoy Deadly W alth Rhodabo e1•c k Cat F1a5h Oangero..s Debi II""' 18 18 S2 EXACTA f4 ~I paid S t90 60 FOURTH RACE. 400 yaids Suoet••-(Oelomb.sl 2600 1100 6'20 BIQ Itch (Ha!IJ 3 80 3 20 Go1n1nt..•1Cll !B•ooksl 7 20 Al•o raced Ch•c"s Na11ve. M y Paper Cll•u Sa1don1c lruckers Joy Reos wond~• Pnan1om Ro0ue. All Atomic lime 2007 . U EXACT A (4 3) paid 595 00 FIFTH RACE. 300 yards i<1u1sie. LeM) (Myles> •O 60 19 80 6 60 MOV111 Kind• Man (Wirdi 13 00 9 00 J::•ll Ma NICll (Hill) • 80 Alao raced Top ln1eo1 lnd11n War Dancer. Loom Son Et P1Cho Art a .i.wet. StudlO Ot•ve Country PoslOl T""8 15 83 S2 U ACTA t3·2i pmd '32 20 SlltTH RACE. 870 yatdl Star tn•e11men1 tPaullne) ~ 00 3 20 2 20 Oallw:>t 81rd tFrydlyt 4 40 3 20 Rel>ellle IHld1nge11 2 80 AlsoJaced Jrll>Ot Bonu• Luvdeel<, Noble HI Time 45 50 IEVENTH RACE 400 yards S•ultl'I S1• IV-If IS 80 II 40 • 3 60 R..,nonc:I Noet eyf' 1cr .. ager1 8 20 5 ~ Out:k N Run 1Wa1di 3 00 Also raceo Racj.um Back Jack 0e-1 Rocket. T•P Your Hat FHt Flom• Oervsu Pep Sooner Mount Time 20 22 S2 EXACT A (3·2) PAld $82 20 S2 PICK SIX f3·4·4· IO·l·3) PDld $9,977 20 w•lh 1Nee winrung llCkell (t'"e hOtses) S2 Pre" SI• conS01a11on paid $237 40-W•lh 41 '"""'"II 11ckets 1t0<ir hOrMll EIOt4TH llACE. 400 ya.rda Buel> Ann (Cr .. oerl 11 20 4 20 3 60 Just UM! Me (Ton• fl 4 20 3 20 i.m100 tAda•rl 4 20 Al50 •aced O.sc1phnam1n CllUrlcendoose Cne<Dllee Moon Ledy Ptos TltN! 20 Ill S2 EXACT A (6· Ii paid $44 &O NINTH llACE. 350 y•rdl Sha,.ns L1111e· Mao ILckvl 12 60 6 20 4 80 l(l()t Angel tCreage<J 7 60 5 00 lnd••n Haute (ArmsirongJ 5 80 Al50 taced Frot1y V•tue LtoS Patrdee. Ooc Luzby Ask C•" Awag1wan O.ehe Re~ Kl<llSH!JI POIMI T..,141 1802 S2 EXACT A t•·&I pa.a $94 80 AlltndllllCe -4 770 hlboe Yacht Club SU.Ill SElllE.I lnalde ci.• ... (two tKH) .,,,,,, .. LASER Race I Jay Slokea BalbOO VC. Race II l(evrn WMehOute BVC THISTLE Rates I and 11 8oD Bali BYC LASER OVER JO Raeot I Graham Gtbbo<il 8YC, Ract II OICk Knoll Sanla Cl11r• R11C>t19 ASSOC•811011 LIOO 14·8 "-I Bia• ... T•ou•·• Banl8 Corontll••n VC Rite" II Brenden ThOrne. B41Ma Cor "''"""' YC JR SABOT !qce I Alan C"'m.criief Bal1>oa vc Race II Ca• ot nt Ulanc:ter BalbO• YC AOULT SABOT Racea I and II Ele4n0t Fo•1yth Batooa vc Pt<AF A vc PHAF·B PHRF·C SHIELDS AHOOlloOn SOLING Outald• Cleaaea Winner a JC>hn T 'llM Cap1S1r•no Bay Jolln SH <ty Voyagers YC Doug Teutoe BalbOll YC Jl)n1 Palll\l't UCI Sa1hng Guron Ort•I 0.•bOa vc Dana Point YC DINQHY llEOA TT A Winner a CORONAOO-TSA W1nd1ammers Vichi Ctub Cur111 Woods P;n~~~NAOO· 158 M1~e YN11g1n Dana F1Nt4 Wrl• H"')tlVIOIM, unatt«lled LASER Btuce C-• c P•SltMO a., YC LIC0· 14 -t Ev•n M9'11no11ty Dana P0tnt vC SABOT ·A M.r1ryn Hamlon Ottna Pa.nl vc YCSABOT-B -Jtft Tighe C.p1t11ano Bay Caolatrano Bay YC MllllON llRtll PHRF A -I RIO. "•'"' SehOOt>malier C11><1tto Beeell vc 2 B•ng Bang Maxw'" Tom And4!rson. Ol\prstreno B•y YC. 3 BIUe Mu Bruce Andeu~i C9p1st1•no Bay YC PHRF B f AION II Otenn Reed South SllO<t YC. 2 MatlflltQVO 0.,,. Cooper ~ BYC. 3 $eten• Johfl W1111a D91la POll\t YC MORC -I WrackleH A G Kading Capo 8 VC ~ Oe1a111 Aland Andrews CllUCk Cook, BYC. LBYC. 3 Rock N ROii Jell Roge<I Dick Riiier Dana Point YC 0eep ............ AllT'S LANOfttO (.._potl hach) -1~ anoH!I• S9 bol>llo, II tl\Mf>lllfed. I acu1p10 8 hall moon OAYIY'I lOCIClll (.._,.,, llffch) - 53 a110lelt 9 t bO""O I CtlrCO b&tt I cow COCI 17~ 11'1.cl(etel. 378 t(Kk COO 8 Hnd beas. t eota DAMA WHAM' -3:J tflOWI 117 bonl1q 70 roek cod H AL MACH -60 anglttt 2 l"'IJ COO tl!O t'lllC~.,el.301 tCK~cod t60rock rt.ii 8 "1111e tr"I 3 ao1e ............ .,.... a -:: •. :-- "*r' ,._.. (U 11 CW"'!Jl!i!' .-.. 1(1119 (U I I 8·•· •••. Me1cel1.-;:1.;., lflte Nelhtr•..-1• w.orT111,...(U.e 1.M. 2 ... w. H-M.,...o,,. IC•ut:o•IMllial cMf Hela!le Mova cc~.-•1e1 ..... .. ~ - ··~· I '-J NHL CAM1'9lll CONFllllNCI lmyt.,. Di•laleft W I T 0' GA Pia ttlfllJt\MI ti Ii f) to• "'° n 1Ch19a v • I IG II .'I W·•·1••ff?V fl Ir J 11 11; 10 ( •'-I••• • It • 11; I>• :.-u V tACUW•t1 • Ill • ,. n .u No< 11• 01wlaleft ( "~ '~·J ·~ I ti 1111 Ml '" M·nnt ut" •• I I 01 n :lV '>I l w•u • " 2 7~ 114 Ill fntoulu • f) . , fl/ , . tJ I la ~ •,4 IJ7 II tl1•1'0ll WALES CONf'ERENCI'. P•hlck Ol•l•lon N'W I l1Ul•h11 14 II .• •11 , .. 11) 1·11tl..Ot•l1••t14 1,1 iJ ,, I? '~ Nl R.11191 rt 10 Ill ., •ti II W.t JMO•Jt\lH , I u7 n •• "'"'"'"0" 1 II 11 t()() 11• N• w Juw1 I 14 b bl 100 tl Ad.ma Dhltlon Mt)f•lu.it •• • . I 101 "" 3 1 M1h1tv ot.1 I} I J 111 u .. 'II °'~•hut 10 ., 7 IU' 06 n. Oulh1h> 0 8 4 Iii 7~ 21 111ull.,r1I ., II I 67 Ot f3 Monday'• a..,, .. Nn Q.Jruh "'"'"tulOd Tonight'• a.,,... M.rnHhl.>111 .Jt N'i t.,.t..,Hh t ~tll•l••·•f ••I SI ~"" ~ WllllW'UOtJ1f)lt .. , (,''"·''"'' Ot~•O\'\. •t V.HK.WYt'f NBA WESTlllN COtWllllNCE SftUlll\I PnO<tlll• L•-•ta POlllDnd Golden Sl•I~ s~n Otego PactllcDMaloft W L ll'cl. Ga 12 I 923 to 3 769 2 9 3 750 2·~ 7 6 !>38 5 4 II 333 7't 2 10 166 9't MldWHI Dlvl9ion 1(<111•.I> C•IJ s 3 62S '. San Anl0tll0 I 8 615 0,,11.1 5 II 4S5 2 °'"'""' s 1 4 t7 2'> Ulah 3 7 300 3'• tl<>uston I 10 091 6 EASTERN COHFElllNCI Pl11l~dclpn1u Botlon Nflw Jersey WaSh•ngloo New Yoo. All•nllc Dlwlaloft 10 1 900 10 2 833 11 t 462 5 4 ~ 333 6" 3 9 250 7 • Cet1t1al DMalon a s 8t5 e s &ts 8 6 soo 1'> 5 1 417 2'1 4 7 :1113 3 Au s tra lian footb&ll: Sailin g A whole n e w ballgame Ch a m ps JllUSBANE. Auhtru llu (AP) hull up 1.ht• lh•lt.J &·<iring fulb1 mto two name d Kt•v1n Barlle ll Iii 35 y t•1Hs ol<J. <.'Ult·ttorlt•!I: A ilOUJ, worth MX p11111 tt1 for Tht· U 11111·d Stntt•fl prc•mnlur<.'ly buhJ, gnurlt•t.J nnd k1t·k1nti thL• bull thruut(h a 1wt u( Yu1·h1 Hac·iul( Union's 11 \N•l y c·y t.•d Thut c·o uld huvt• uuolposu •• o r u lw htrH.1 , wt.11th o nt• h u no r roll of 1ootl1 ntc ~umc•\talng lo do wllh th<' way h•· poml for kwk111g or pa1>1omg tht• ball i•hamp1on11 for I YH2 t•:ar1111 hi11 livlnf( lhrough thC' a r <'a b e lwc•c·n the· i.how1t <.:ahfornm iwuloni Bartle tt mukl'S uboul $50,000 a year goalposl.b und \ht' behind posti. Tht· w 1h 111 n g I 0 o I l h c• filoylng Aus tralian rule·~ luolhull, a high«>sl S<.'Ort• t•vt•r 111 ur'I Aus.'\.lc rul(•s d1an1v1uni.hlps · wu . (urlous and ofhm fl«>ry wport thot gaml• was :.!:JB points (36 goals, 22 J 0 h n K OK l 1.•c· k 1 0 f ullrucls s tunding-r oom -on1y c rowd11 bl•hinds), a lthough lhC' wlnn<.·r11suully N uvu to ht'udit Lhc• 11111 who p ass1o n 4 t<.•l y r oot for th1•1r a 1'eragL'S abo ut 110 points. favo ratl's. w11h v 11.·ttJ1 ll'lt 1n tht• M o re• tha ~l 107,000 fans packed TACKLING ABOVE lhc wa1s l IS c h amp I 0 n .. h Ip 0 ' M c•lb o urnc's CrlckC'l Ground last Ille gal. But u dl'f Pnder c:an bump a n Chumpiuns, lht• Nauo na l m onth fo r thl• Grand Final, the e nd-oppon e nt with has hrp o r s h o ulde r, ~porn• 1-'t•su val a nd lht· of-season champ1om1hip game. and may throw hunself in front of the• S u 11 f '. s h w 0 r I d Ant.J over 150,000 pt•ople each ball to "smother'' a kick or pa..s. And • t·i'aumpio n ship Saturday watch the 12 tt'ams that thl• pass is not t he u sual toss, but a T h c ::; l' a r i; C u p , compro mise the Victorian Football "~and pass" in which a pl~yl'.r h o lds symbolic uf the USYRU League. a ll playing the ir games in the bal.1 m o ne palm and bats at away J u n i o r s a i l 1 n g M elbourne's VFL Park. That means with has o ther fls t. championship was w o n that one of ever y 20 of M e lbourne's Alle n A y lc ll, a fom1c r player.who b y Ron R os<•nbcr g o f m e tro politan populuuon of 3 millio n n ow as president of the VFL, is not L o ng B e a<.: h w i t h watch<;<i a VFL match each w eek . sh y about boosting the.game. crewmen Jam MatLeod. "It is a tre m e ndo u s produc t," h<.• Richard Pula r 1a an·d said . "It is an excitmg, s pectacular, C hrn, R edman . b o d y -contac t s port . It's colo rful, AUSSIE RULES, as it is known to the locals, is a cros.'i between soet'Cr, Gaelic football. bas k<.'lba ll a nd just a~ut a n y other ball sport you car e to menl1o n . . Tt has been play<..od sin ce 1858, well before the Englis h soccer leagu e was forme d . a n d the blend o f exquisite skills and bru~ strength t'Ontin u es to grip the imagination of the A u s tra lian public . The game is played between tw o teams of 18 players apaee<\ o n an oval field 180 yards lo ng a nd 135 y ards wide at the middle. The game is d iv ided in to 25-minute quarters, wh ich m ay b e extended b y the o fficia ls i f they foci the match is being undu ly d e layed. Play is continuous, with time o ut only a t the e nd o f each quarter or if a player is mjured so b a dly t h a t a stretch e r mus t b e bro ught o nto the field. Players may run, pass o r kick the <'Xcillng. spectac ular -just about The: Smythe T r o phy cvery,ad jectivc people arc looking for for double-handed junio r an their e'nte r tamme nt can be found in i.a1lors was won by M ike o ur game." Scnto vac h . Los Alamitos. The VFL final as Aus tralia's version The &'Ott Trophy for of the Super Bowl. Fans have the ir the U .S Y o uth sailing ca rs resprayed in the team t'Olors. d ye champio n s h i p was won t heir h air and roam the s tree t s b y J o hn S hadde n , Long waving flags. Beach, with Mike Goyan ''The intense competitiveness h e lps as crew. to make the leagu e sutteSSful," says Aylett. Ame ricans a lrc:ady know something about Aussi e rules, which h as d evel o p e d som t'what of a c ult follo wing a mong viewers of ESPN, t he a ll-spor ts c able n e twork. R yan is impressed with the c r owd r eaction as much a s the financial benefits. "Thev wors hip 1t h ere," he said . "Som e o f tht•m just live for football." Mark Golison o f Long B e a c h e merged as the U .S . men's sailing c hampion with th e M a llo r y C up to prove it. R ob Bae rwlt z, Marina d e l R ey, with Mike S turman as c rew, was the wanner o f th e National Sea Explorer sailing c hamp1o ns h1p. Detroit M~wl\O'H Ch•cogo Indiana ~ll11nll'I Clevflfuna t 10 l>9T 6 N~00rn~~;!~~~~== _ _,_-'-S ur rise! Walker · __ ......... '-. '1nna ba :..1-~tbal.-- •ndl""d Jt New York OJ '"'7~-b-~-b Portland et Pri.1ac:talpll1a e~:e:~c,~~~=~· All-Am e r ican a gain c::!:r =.: :: ~:;,~c:;:onro Humboldt S t 75 Notre Oame N!' ... JetM;a1Gotc1enS1••• NEW YORK (AP) -H ersc hel Walke r . tC•hli6S Mldw"I Community Collea• MEllCED T<>°"NAMl'JIT Frld•Y'• o.mea 7 p m OlllOM ¥5 MOOtp3rk 'i p no C:.otd"" West w Me•c..d SetU<d91'• a."'" 7 p ni Lo.se•~ 11tac~e1 gJmt 9 D m Chaml)lor'lih•P NCAA cro .. country (•I 8'-"'91on, lftd.I • MEN I um -.cores I W1.con11n S9 2 PrO••Ol!nCI' 138 3 AtUnse• 142 4 E fennMsee tS8 5 Te•H·CI Puo 173. 6 Micnigan 177 7 Colorado 2111 8 Clemson ?38 9 UClA 2~0 10 Oregon 266, t t Ar11on11 ,,, WOMEN 1 V11g0111a •8 2 S1anloic:t 91 3 Oregon tSS 4 Harvard 188 S Clemson 17 t 8 Penn St 1112 1 N CatOltN St 196 S th31 MICl\Ogan •nd IO.,.a SI 202 10 WISCOnS'" 211 lftdl~ldMI Le ....... MIN Gl'Orgia's junio r t.a1lback, h as been named to the 1982 K odok All-Am<'ri<:a football tcam for the-third yNir 111 o row. The. team, e hoSt•n b y thC' Amc•rican 1'"ooiball Coac hes Assoc1auon and a nnounced M ondav also anclud<.•s St<1nford quar terbac k J o hn Elway a nd running backs E r ic Dick erson o f Southern MC'lhodis t a nd Mike Rozier o f Nebras k a . &•s1d<.-s Walkc:r. the o nly other rcpt•atcrs o n the 2-1-m a n squad a r c Nebraska center Dave Rimington . M ichigan wide r l'<.'eivcr Anthony Cartl'r and defensive l'n d Billy R ay Smith of Arkansas. The r est of the offensive unat t•on s is ts of Brigham Young tight e nd Gordon Hudson. tackles Jimbo Covert of Pm a nd Don M (.)S(>bar o f Southern Cal. guards Steve K o rte of Arka n sas and Bruce Matthews of Southern Cal. Nebras ka running b{lck Mike Rozier and W ashing t on place kicker C huck N e lson . · Also named to the dcfl'ns1~e unit w e re linemen M ik e Patt.s of Alabama and Gabe Rivera of T exas Tech; linebac k ers Ricky Bunley of Arizona. Marcus M arek of Ohio St.'llt'. Vernon M axwell of Arizona Stall' and Darry l Talley of W est V1rg1naa; back s J l'remla._ Castille o f Alabama, Terry H oage of Geo r gia. Tt·r ry K inard o f Clemson anct M ike Ric h ardson o f Arizona S tate. a n d puntC'r Jim Arnold of Vandl.'rb1lt Mo,,an 67 H&noYer 60 U1berie 72. W1lm1ng1on 62 llhno11 Tech 78. Wheaton 66 Lakeland, Wis . 74, T11n1ty Cl111st1an 64 ~ LorH 82. Ne><lltttasl Missouri SI 76 r: ........ Milllkllk.SD WaS111og1on 65 MO Western 63 BMed1ct1ne Kan 47 SE M1U0u11 63 Cen1 Arklnsu so -Hu1tngs 77. Tabor 72 SWesi.eon Tenn 83, Ma1yv1Ht . MO 79 W1yne St 82, Peru St 59 Southw"t NW Oklahoma 66 Bethany Nazarene 65 USAO 67 OklahOma E. Centtal 55 N0<tl\ern 77 Cotteyville 68 Norlhweste•n 66 Bethany Nazarene 65 Oklahoma 8apllst 86 Caml!ron 71 Ozark 8 1b le 88 Midwest ChflSllOl'I 87 USAO 67 Easl Central 55 WeSla•k 66, Seminole 64 lea I Coasl Guard 62 Sal~e Regina 59 L•Mo~ne 95. Oswego St 78 -· Souttl Berber Scoh• 90. Len0tt·Rhyne 82 Ceraon-Newman 9 t. UNC· Asheville 85 Catawba l>O. W1noa1e 74 Central Weslyan 67. Erskine 65 Klnq 7 4. Biuelletd 71 L11>er1y 8ap11s1 72. Averett 47 77 Lynchl>urg 87 Miry WHlltnglon Mars Hill 86. Ctlnch Vallev 82 N Car011na WHlyan 73. M•lsap 62 Pembroke St 95, Rac:tlOtd tlV Wingate 84. SI Andrews 71 Athens 74. Freed-Hardeman 59 Belmont 75, Arkansas Coll 74 - F1011da Internet 87. Edward wa1e1s 7• Union. Ky 73 Tennessee Weslyan 69 Valdosta St 101 Cent Fl0trda 94 Wolford 90. Colter 8 I S C aroltna-Coa1111 78 Voorhees 53 Tennessee-Marlin 124, Lambuth 83 TOURNAMENTS Fin l Round Old w .. tbtwJ Old Westbury 94, Mt SI Vincent 62 vusar 78. Yeshiva 68 Ptttaburgh·•redford P111-8radl0td 53 Mt St Mery s 41 St Thomas 89 Lenm1n 74 EXHlalTIC* Australia 78 Georgia So 10 James Mad11on 74, French Nallonats 59 MIGl11gan 88. WlndSOt. OnllflO 48 Red Siar Yupo1la111a 9 2 . Albt1ght 75 Rocllmond 90 Ma•11hon 011 65 Rober1 Moms 82 Doncaster Englend 60 Soviet Natt0nels 78, Iowa 66 E Tennessee SI 78. Yugoslavia 81 · St Josephs Pe 79, Turkey 58 W llllnOls 108. Brock U . Can•d• 60 I Merk Scrullon Cotorldo 30 12 6 2 Zt1ko11t Ba11e T ewos.£1 Paso 30 14 8. 3 Hant l(oe1man Clem5011 30 23 9 4 Tim Hac~cr W1scon••n JO 26 9 5 Scott Jenk•n1 W15consin 30 ~O 8 6 Jo1cph 1(1p1~n9 Iowa St 30 30 9 1 Gerard OonekO*I" M1ch1gan 30 31, 8 Ed E>•t0n• 811gham Young 30 3 T 11 9 l(av1n Johoton E Tefll\eS-30318 10 GldAM•S Sllah&n{la le•a•EI Paso 30 32 8 Otheo 119 Ma•' R~ UC lrvu,. 32 20 WOMEN t LHl•Y Welch \111g•n1e tfl 39 7 2 Reg.na JOY'" Wa5h•t1jlton 17 07 3 C«• Hopp Slanlord 17 tO S 4 J1K Ha..,Otth v1ro1nia. t7 12. 5 Maro•••• D11v11 1owa St 17 12 6 Wendy Van M1orlo llllnOIS SI . 17 13 a 7 i<alhy ~•adler T enneuee 17 u 8 Kott Wile)-Ha1v9fd 17 16 2 9 Al~SOf'I W1lf!Y Stdnln<d 11 20 S tO N1"41Ue Ooa• Iowa t 7 2 t Otne11 3 t P•ttl Plumer Sl91110td no h,,,.. 4 t POily PIU"'4H UCLA not..,,. High s chool football log ~ . ' ,,. ~ NL roofde of IM~ "'lfll Tiie voting 1011115 IO< tlWI 1912 NttlOl!al l•llQU4\ ROOllie OI 1"8 Va.1 aw81d. 81 YOltd by members 01 lhe BaHblll W111t" AIMKtatlOO of Amerlea (voling baHd on s.3 t p01nt ay,11!1'11) Slll'lt Su Oodgera 11·4·6-83 JOhnri10 Aay P11t11>urqh 1·7·8-57 Willie MtGtlt St LOUIS S·4·2 311 Ch1H O•••I Sen f••ncoaco 3·4·5-32 lu'S Del.or\ Sen 0'41QO 0·3· t tO R)'f'8 5111\dbelg. Ch~ t ·I t 9 S 8tdro,..,, All9nta 0-1 t 4 0•"8 UPOtnt St LOUol O 0-1 t EtlC SllOw 6911 Otego 0..0-I t Moncier'• ,,...... .... eA•aALL ......... L ..... MONTRtAl EXPOS .J Namtd Danny Ml't\41ndfl IU~YllO• 8COUI NEW VOAK METS Hamed 01111 Jollneon manager ol Tlc:tewat•• ot lhe 1n1.,na11onal l e89"11 IT l0Ul3 CAAOINAlS Namf'CI J1"' , •tgO•I m1na9 .. ot l OullWlllt OI Ill• Amtneen Auoc••llOll MOC H Y ................ L ..... HARlfORD WHALlAI An19riac1 OtOIOll Lylll lttl wtri9 end AtClllt Htnela! ton 1'91't ..,no to BillQllttmton ot the Amtftctn Hockey LHg~e ec111eo Paul M•tllllfl WI wtnQ.0 '"'"' Oii TORONTO MAPLf LfA -....0 Mtlla IC..,.,c111 ~-"om II C--M IM A-IUll Hoctift L...- IOCClll ............ .....,L-.iJ!I COSMOS "-t•eMd Cerlet Ce•'" """....., ~OIH LAUOfAOALI ST"•KIAI - ·C S'Of*S ""*-:=•• ........., OIC>f'OI W TOH -,..,..... ..... --.i=:----' ... fllCM -,., .. Diii w .... ............... SUNSET LEAGUE Edteon (7-3·1) •4 Pun•hou 10 El C>Ot1do 0 V1111 7 8ern11ng 1 Miter Oe• 23 Marll\a 2 t Hunhngton Beach 17 . Founlaln Valley 13 Wutmioatef 20 Oae.n View 3 C Clf' Pl.A YOFFI I rittpl NOY 28 Cottoo (el OCC) Fount.in VaU.1 (4·7) t4 Miter Of!I 13 Foothill 12 St Paul 1 s.<Yole 0 Long 8eecll POiy 17 Hun11ng1on Ekac:ll 31 ~tttmlnater 3 ,r:dtson 11 ocean vi...... 17 Marina CW PLAYOFFS O Loyola SEA VIEW LEAGUE COfona del Mar (3-7) t3 7 Hun11nglon Beach 7 0 Sin Clemeote II 1 Ceoowano Valley 20 23 E.s110<:l8 7 0 Slddlebac:k 1 O Et l'oro t6 tel 1rvone 3 7 Costa Mesa 14 7 Un1ve1111y 14 7 Newpot1 Harbor • 9 Co.ta Me .. (2 .. ) 12 Sa11111 Ana 12 SanhllQO 24 22 Los Alam1101 :18 6 Un1ve<Stly t3 17 Irvine ,. 13 Saddtebac:k 16 1 El T0<0 14 3 COfon1 oe1 Mar 7 7 Newport Harbor 11 t7 E11ancte 14 El TOfo (1·2) 1 • 2 t Cypress 2 l 0 Mission Vle10 2 t Valencia 1 NewpOfl Harbot 23 E11anc1e HunHn9ton .. ach (1-J) 2' Corona cHtl Mer 7 21 Coton• det Mar 29 Coale M ... 10 LOI AlamllOll 0 55 Lot Amlilos 14 35 Un•-•lly 54 80I., Grande 2 t 37 Irvine 23 San Clemente 2S II Sllddlebac:k 14 Fountain Valley 17 CIP Pl.AYCWFI 28 Bellflower 18 Edison 21 48 Oceen V-26 Nov 0'11 Suriny Hiiis Ful1et1on High) 20 Menna 1• Eatanc:la (W) 2• WHtmlnllBf 14 CW Pl.AYOffl 7 Ocean 11- 2 I St FrancJs (011 14 14 Laguna Hiiis 30 San Clemente NoY 29 -L8 Poly 11 L8 W1laon 7 Coron• CM! Mar I 19 El TOfO MertM (M) 10 • ......._..1~ 30 San LUii Obispo 11 Foothlll 21 Le Quinta 11 MKltkao 1 ECllSOn 45 Oaffll vi.w ar WHlmlntt• 1 • HunlfnOton lleecfl 14 Fount lllr'I Vllltwy o..an View (2 ... ) 14 ElllflCMI 13 LI Quinta 12 Cyl>f'"' 10 Sunny HllHt 14 Wttletn 21 W"tm1n11., 0 Mllflnl 2t Hunonvton e.ac11 14 Fown1111n Vall9y !4 E~ ........... r (M) 1 La~• ''~ 0 Comteon 7 LonQ IMcfl Wllon 7 oeMn Vie-. 1 Fountain V111twy IT Mlr!M , ....... .. ~ ...... ·' O 27 Unl,,,..lllY 13 17 Newc>of1 Harbor 0 18 lf\/lne 15 2 I SadCllebK k 23 22 Cotta M"a 0 :.»t 20 17 7 20 ' 2• 12 21 7 45 •• 17 20 tnlM (M) 1• ~Htllt l!I Wooclltltldoe t4 Tutttn 7 Seckllellectl 10 COst• Meta 24 ~IHllfbOf 0 Corona HI M•t 2 1 Eltencl• 13 Et T°'o 7 Unlvettlty • ............... (1-4) 8 M..-,g =:.,., 17 El TOfO 0 •• ~Illy 14 21 IMne T 41 lat.,.._ Tt IO ........ 2! It Coate Maal 31 I 1 CofON dll Mat 11 -91\A'°"" ''II ....... ·~ Nov "-'"""°" 24 3 27 7 2t 21 0 3 12 21 25 14 10 17 10 35 29 7 26 22 7 tO 0 17 19 0 1 IS 13 7 0 (at " 0 IS 23 23 0 4!1 21 43 17 0 14 7 31 17 21 13 18 37 (I 10 11 3 7 0 " 17 21 1 1 I l add .. back (10-1) 20 S1nt1 An1,Valley 14 20 Senta Ana 8 2t• Le H•bra 27 31 lrvtnll 7 21 Coron• det Mar O 35 Co111 Mesa 13 41 Un1_.s11y 14 2 t ~porl Harbor 20 43 Estancia 2 t 7 El T~o 9 CIP Pl.AYOFFI J4 Aries•• 8 Nov 26 at B1et1-0hnde Unlveralty (3-7) 2 Woodbridge 17 13 Tustin 20 24 Laguna H1l1S 20 17 Costa Mesa 8 0 Ne¥-p0rt HlrbOr 48 0 Es11nc1e 27 •• Std<lleback o IS El T0to 35 12 C0ton1 det Mar 7 6 1rv1ne 7 I OUTH COAST LEAGUE Capfalr-Yelle)' (7-3-1) 8 Footllllt 14 7 Eac>etll\ZI 29 27 Corona del Mar 7 57 Dena Hills 0 37 Woodblldge 7 7 Mlllfon VlelO 7 63 LIQllOI Hllil 13 24 Chino 7 28. Legune Beach O 22 San Cltmentll 0 CIF Pl.A:tOFFI - 17 Hac:i.ode Heights W1'9on 38 Dana H• (1·1) 6 Ge1den G10Ytl 27 Ii Plul )( 22 8 S&n M1rco1 IS1t1 O!egol 34 o Cep111t 1no Vllley s 7 13 Legun1 Beach 21 tO WOOdbttClge 37 7 San Cletnente 14 " Leouna H1111 21 34 Mon1clau 14 6 Mt1•ton V•IO 38 ~ ........... , ... , Ill S1v8""1• 0 7 Ellll>Ofa 6 7 L19un1 H1ll1 20 2 I Dena Hiiis 13 7 Bonita 14 0 Mlllfon VlelO 38 I Sen Clemen!• 8 0 ceptllf eno VllM!y 11 t3 WooclltlttdQe 0 utuna Hiiia (4-7) 0 IN1ne 0 E"ancta 20 UnlYefaoly 20 l eguna 8e1ch 22 M1SStOnVlejO 14 San Clemente 13 C~streno Vllley 27 Oana Hilts 20 Woodbtic:lge 36 Diamond Bar Clf Pl.AYC>ffl 12 Los Altos ._; Mlaalon Vlefo (t-1·1) 48 Tustin tO El TOfo 21 carson 31 tnd10 38 Laguna Hrlls 7 Capistrano Valley 36 Laguna 8ea<:n 42 Woodb11dge 24 San C1emen1e 38 Dena Hlil1 Clf' Pl.AYCWFI 24 Loar• Nov 26-al El Modena San Clemente (M) 20 MllgOOlll 3 COf ooe del .Met 15 E111ncia 28 Woodbridge 28 ~untlnglon 8eac:h 10 Laguna HMll 14 Oena Hiii• 9 Leguna Beach 8 MllSIOO V,.fo O C~trano \lllley Woodbftclge (5-1) 11 un1,,,.. .. 1y 14 rn.1ne 23 Ofanoe 3 s.,, Clemente 1 Cec>l1t1 lll\O Valley 37 Dina Hiiia 14 Onta1io 2 I Ml .. lon Vlefo 2 t l IQllna Hiiia 0 l99""• Bffcl\ OT .. RI MelerDel(M·1J 24 Fountetn V8llfly • t Ooe P'*"°9 10 Lot AM01 10 C'"9I 7 Edl- 28 Piii• )C 2t St Paul 24 819MP Amit 3i S..rl 1 let'vtt• CW' "-AY°"8 0 Long llHGfl ,. Read all todays news everyday inthe lllJflll. 14 14 24 7 36 10 63 14 21 t3 43 6 0 35 22 22 7 0 21 6 6 0 6 0 30 3 23 14 1 I II 24 22 2 15 3 211 37 .. 1 •2 20 23 14 0 21 14 7 7 14 21 12 ., 11 ,1 11 I 11 ' ·' ~ ;·1 II .•. I 'I 'j 'I ll • , .THE BUlHTIN BIARD ' High school basketball schedules I s.,.. ,,, .... , ... ,,..~ .... . Outn"6 Coast OAILV PILOl /lueldey, November 23, 1982 ('6 ..... "8..IC NOYICC MLIC NOllCC Ml.IC ll>TICC PlalC NOYICC • .-, NCmc1 °' IAUI °' ' .. J10l3 NOnct °' ftUITll't NU 0.-ANOI COUNn MUNIC:.,AL MM. NONRTV AT NC)llC:f ~ T.a. ... --<;OURY MYAft IM.I OIUlfU I IALI llOT1C8 """'80fUUOICIAL D18TmcT .... Au... YOU AAl IN OU AUi I UNDlA " YOU Ml• MPAULT uemmt A 4101 le; •ar• l1•W8N '" lt.e •=:rlet Cavrt al tlle 0 f f 0 0' t AU 8 l 0 A T I D DUD GI r.utf. DAftD IUV I, P.O ... 1119 ..... el C ..... "'eftd w Ille f,f PffMBf H h •HO UNLUI •t. &AaU YOU TAlll ACTION ......, ........ CA...._, .. , c_., .. 0r-... YOU TAKr ACllON TO PROllCf TO NOTICT YOU. "'°"'9TY, PlAINllrr MAA8 HAll In 111• M•ll•t O I th• YOIJA PROf'lHIY II MAY ... " MAY• IO&.D"lf A "*IC INOU8 IAIU •• COtpotltlO<'I con ... •••11r11titp ol Ot·~ .. "II'... SOLO AT A PUBLIC 8Al r ir YOU • AL •• " y 0 u .... D AN I OEflNOANl lt8CO fO<Metl)' "'""'"· .... OllY•n•" M'C•ll. Nl(O AN UPLANArtON or TH{ llll\.AMATM* OI , .. NAT\Htl II n 0 w n • • Tc 8 c 0 Conwv11.. NA1URf or lHl PAOClfOINQ OI , .. PMCU .... AOA*l'T COMMUNICA TION8, INC , 1 NOTICP 19 HtAlBY OIV(N 11111 AGAINST YOU. YOU 8HOULO YOU, YOU IHOULD coefTACT A p11tn111hll) compo11d Of JACK H•• ulldetll0f\9d will MU ., Ptt\1111 <;.ON,ACl A LAWY(A L.AWYlll. • OAIAWAY •II• J OAIAWAY .... 10 me lilglletl •n<l "-ti bi<l<W N0fl(.;f IS HtHIUIY 011/(N, ltlll °" TUMClll)' o.c:.tlbet 7. , •• ~ • . COfona del MM Unlveraftr HOPI!'. 8ULKELl Y, AICHAllO 1ubl1c;1 10 conllrmatfon of tlld on Wil<Jnetd•y Dec.ember I , 19U, 11 10 00 AM , l'AANIAM(AIC.A • JONES, JACK OASAWAY lk• J 8Ul)lfl0f COUii, ()fl°' •llet ''"' 2em II 9 00 0 clock Q m of ...0 d•y "' TlfLI: INSURANCI! COMPANY .. • GASAWAY, 11\dtVldu•Ny atld ... d•Y OI Nov•m,,_, 19112. •t '"'Ollie• ''"' ro<>n• ..... Id• tor condUCllnQ dUly ll)>pointed Tr"'l" """' lltld ' Oec. 1·4 -at Marina-Lakewood Tournament, Oec. 10 -M l.-lon Viejo (home). Dec. 13-18 -at Irvine Tournament; Dec. 22 -La Quinta (home). Jan. & -at Unlver11ty•; Jan. 7 -Irvine' (home), Jan 11 -Costa Mffa •: Jan. 13 -11 S1ddleback ·: Jan. 17 -et El Toro•. Jan. 19 -Newport Herbor',(hOl'\19); Jan. 21 -et Es11ncla ·: Jan. 26 ~ UnMlrslty• (home): Jan · 28 -at Irvine·. Jan 31 -at Costa MHa·. Feb. 2 -Saddleback • (home); Feb. 4 -El Toro· (home); Feb. 8 -at Newport Harbor'. Feb 10 -E1tancla • (home). All non-tourn1ment games 0 1 t 7:30 ; ·denotes Saa View League game. CottaMeaa Dec. 8· t 1 -a t Sen Cleme,nte High :rournament: Dec, 13-t8--at fr11lna Tournament: Dec. 27-30 -at Orange Optimist tourn1men1. • Dec. 8· 10 -at Sonora High Tourn8'Mflt Dec 13.17 -at Irvine Tournam•nt. o.c1 28·30 -at Canyon High Tournament Jan 5 Corona del Mii' • (home); Jan 7 Colla M ... • (home), Jan. 11 -at Irvine•. Jan 13 El Toro· (home); Jan. 17 - Saddleback • (home); Jan. 111 -at Estancia', Jan 2 1 -Newport Harbor• (hOme); Jan. 26 -at Corona qel Mar•: Jan 28 -at Costa Mesa• : Jan 31 -Irvine• (home). Feb. 2 -at El Toro•: Feb. 4 -at Sad<!leback' Feb. a·-Estancia• (home); Feb 10 -at Newport Harbor• All non-tournament games at 7:30, 'denotes Sea View League game. §unt;el Le,._.,e IEdtaon • .. PllJllll of TESCO lorlfltly llnc>Wtl .. UI J.m.t l Rubal, Jr • AUOfr .. y 11 1 ru"te'a Sl14it. Within the OlhCll OI pu"'"''' 10 Deed of Tru•I rlClO'dlll lUCO COMMUNICATIONS. INC, lew, 3432 1111 0l>Ofl0, "°°"1 202, RE.Al IEST AT£ SCCURITICS Maw 7. 11111. M Intl No 8716. 111 HOPE ltULKELf'I'. II~ WIG NfwpOrl S.iKh, C11t1orn1• t2e&3. SERVICE 10(..ll•d •I ~020 NOtl!I book 14049, .,. 1U. ol °""' ... •• 1 pertnet ol TESCO lormerly Counl"y OI t os Angel11. Stell Of 81oww1y, Sull• 208. •n 11\1 C!ly of AecofOe lf'I IN ~Of Ille County ' k n o w n , 1 l E 8 C O C•hlor111,, 111 1111 right. tl&I• •nd Ban11 An11. Coumy ol Ore•oge. S1111 Aeco!det ot Of"'°41 County, 6'111 CO MMUNICATIONS . INC 1 ln141tffl Of .. Id conM<Vll" 11 lhe o l Ca111011111, REAL E'S T Al E ol ClllHOUlll heculld by Robert J RICHARD JONES, lndlllfdually -tlrM Of detll'I llnd Ill 1111 rlghl 111i. 61!CUAITIE:S Sf Al/ICE, • C.i110tn11 Ktogto, • tnartild !Mt'I, .. Illa tole •• 1 partner ol TESCO 101merly Ind 1n1tr"' 11111 th• Hiii• Of •11<1 co1pora11on •• duly •PPO•ntld Ind 1epera1e PfOl)lrty Wl4.l SE.LL ~now n 1 • TE 8 C 0 con•er•••tt nu 1cqulred Oy T1ut1 .. under Ind purSIJ8111 lo 11\41 AT PUBLIC AtJCTION TO HIGHEST COMMUNICAllONB, INC , DOES Ol*lllOI\ Of law 0t ott1erwlt1, olhet pow11 ol Hhl tont1rred 1n 111411 8100EA FOR CASH (p1y111t>l1 •I • t• 100, lnctustw th.an 0t In tdditlon 10 lll•t 01 Mid t•111ain Deed ol Trull HICulld by tll'lll of Nie If> 11wtul money ol the • IUWONI COOMfVIJff. ''the time ol Offlh. ltf £ONA M CURRAN, • widow. Unllld 8111 .. J 11 the Chipman : CAii NUMl9f' ltlll ind 10 aw "" C¥11ln real Pfoperty rteOtd~ Ocaow 1, 19110. In 800lt A*-ent1tnee 10 the Civic: Center • NOTICll Yeu haff lllMfl 1ued. llhHate In tne County of Orenge. 13769 ol OlllCIOI Aw;ord1 ol Hid 8ulldlng, 300 E Chapm•n Ave • f1'e eeurt _,,........,..,JOU s1111 ol C11tlorn11 p1111cul1tly County II P•ll• 1176, Recorder"• Or1ng1, CA •II right, 11111 and ........ ,_ ~ ~ ..... CS.act•be<I •• IOllOWli, IO•Wfl lntlrument No 12111. l>y fHIOtl ol. '"'*'" c:on~ to Md llPW 1'191<1 ,... ~ wttNll • Mr•· ,.._. Thi South .. tlltl'f 90 '"' ot the 1>111ch ol d1l1ull 1n poym1n1 or by" under Mid 0..0 of Trull In 1111 lite lfttomlatton ....... NOtlhWltletly 100 IMI of lot No. 5. plr lorm11nce ol lhe Ol>llQlllOn• pr09.,1y 1ltu111d tn H id County 11 you with to-" the acMce of Ttecl 1a3. H11bof Orchid lr•cl No. HCured !hereby. 1nc1uding 11.111 Ind Siii• dltctlbed u . 1n attorney In thl1 m11111, you I, at pe< mtp record.a In Book 12. l>t11Ch or dlifllult. Notice 01 "'411Ch The Eut 132 fMt ol thl W1t1 llhOukl ao '° Pfomptty eo 11111 your p1g1 36. M11ce111neou1 Maps. wH 1eco1a.ci Auou•• 11, 19112, 11 ate '"' ol Loi 804 ol Newporl written rHpon ... II any, m1y be records ol Or1ng41 County R1coro1t • lh&ttOment No. M.,. Tract, 11 lftown on• map llled on 11m1. lhe ptoperly la commonly 82·280 I 16, WILL SELL AT PU8LIC recorded In Book 6, P1g1 t ol , AVll.0 1 U••d II• •••• r•l•r••d ton 140 2111 Street. AUCTION 'fO THE HIGHEST Ml~l~I M1P9,lnt}Mtoff1Ceor . Jan. 5 -at Irvine': Jan. 7 -at Unlvefllty•; Jan. t 1 -.al Corona del Mar•: Jan. 13 - Newport Harbor• (home): Jan. 17 - Estancia' (home>;-Jan. 19 -at Saddlebact<': Jan. 21 -at El Toro': Jan. 26 -Irvine• (home): Jan. 28 -University' (home); Jan. 3 1 -Corona del Mar• (home). Dec 1-4 -at Valencia HIQh Tournament; Dec. 13 -Cypress (l)ome); Dec. t5·17•-11 La Quinta High Tournament: Dec. 22 - Inglewood (home): Dec. 27·29 -at Caraon City Tournament Jan. 5 -at Los Altos (8 pm.); Jin 12 -at Marina•: Jan. 19 -Fountain Valley' (home): dem11tdedo. II trlltvn•I plte4e Cotti Mesi, Cllll0<nl1 92627 BIDDER fOR CASH. lawt\11 money l hl Counly R1cord1r ol llld • ......., -•ta Ud. 1111 ~ 1 Thit ••le IS au1>,ec:1 to curr1n1 ot tile United Stllff. or • Clth14tt s Oounly. I -11• Ud. ,.._. .. ....,_ ta11es. coven11nts. concllllons, Ciheck 01ewn on a"•"°' nthonll Tha 11r111 addreu end other 1 de• dlae. LI II.,...,_._.,. rHlrc11on1, reaerv111ons, rl9h11, bank. o llote Ot tederal credit common CS.1lgn1tlon. II My, of lhe , ....... rlghla·of·way &fld easement• of urnon. °' a 11111 or I.a.rel nvinga rHI pr091rty "'~tlt>ed above 11 "-T ~I U•l•d d .... IOllCllar ,, recor(I llllO I01n IMOCUlllOn dOfYliCllecl In putpor1ed 10 !Ml. ~ Feb 2 -et Newport HarbOr'; Feb. 4 -at Estancia•; Feb. 8 -Saddleback ·: Feb. 10 - El Toro· (home). All non-tournament gamaa at 7:30; 'denotes Sea View League game. El TOfo Dec. 3 -at M ission Viejo; Dec. 10 - Laguna Hiiia (home); Dec . 14-16 -at Magnolia High Tournament: Dec. 23, 27-30 - at Brea-Olinda High Tournament. J an. 5 -at Saddleback ·, Dec. 7 - Estancia• (home); Jan. 11 -at Newport Harbor•: Jan. 13 -at University•; Jan. 17 - Corona del Mar• (home); Jan. 19 -at ln1lne·: Jan. 21 -Costa Mesa· (home); Jan. 26 - Saddleback • (home); Jan. 28 -at Estancia·; Jan. 31 -Newport Harbor• (home). Feb. 2 -Unlvers11y• (home); Feb. 4 -at Corona det Mar•: Feb. 8 -Irvine• (home); Feb. 10 -at Costa Mesa·. All non-tournament games at 7·30; ·d~notes Sea View League game. Eatanc:te Jan. 21 -at Westminster·: Jan. 26 -at Ocean view·: Jan 28 -Marina• (home). Feb. 2 -Huntington Beach· (home), Feb. 4 -at Fountain Valley •; Feb. 9 - W11s1m1n1ter' (home); Feb. 11 -Ocean Vffiw• (home). All non-tournament gamn at 7:30 unlffl noted: •denotes Sunset League game. Fount.in Yeller. Dec. t -North, Riverside (home): Dec. 6· 10 -Fountain Valley-Ocean View Tournament: Dec. t 3-18 -at Tournament of Champion• at Cal Poly Pomona; Dec. 27 -30 -Ill Orange Optlml1t Tournament. Jan. 5 -at La Quinta; Jan. 7 -Verbum Del (home); Jan. 12 -Huntington Beach' (home)( Jen. 14 -at Westmln11er·: Jan. 19 -at Edison·: Jan 2 1 -Ocean view·: Jan 26 -M arina• (home); Jan. 28 -at Huntington Beach•. Feb. 2 -Westminster• (home); Feb. 4 - Edison' (home); Feb. 9 -at Ocean View•; Feb. 11 -et M arina·. All non-tournament games at 7:30; ·denotes Sunset League game. Dec . 1-6 -at Laguna Beach High Huntington flffch Tournament; Dec. 10 -Alumni game (home); Dec_ 1·4 -at Mar In a .Lakewood -~. lr-1 -llflli1fatrelm"1'flgtr fooma" .. It! .• int:----1'-ournament:-a.o. 6-40~-f.ount.af n,~----__,....... conaeJo de un 1bogado en 111'1 T11m1 of sale cash In l1wlu1 this s111e. 111 oay11>1e II tl'tl tlml of a24 W111 El9ht1en111 S1t1e1, 11un1 o. d • b • r 11 h 1 c 1 rt o money ot the Untied S111os on sale. all "ghl. 1111e •nd 1r11e1est hll<I Cotta Meu. Celllornll lnmedlatam.,,te. de M l• manera, conllrm1llon ol sale. 01 port c1sh by 11. as Trus1e1, In 11111 teal Th• und1talgned Tru1111 au r~• Merila. II Illy..-. and balance evidenced l>y note property 111u1te on Hid County encl dl1cl1lms 1ny llablllty tor any puede .., reglStrada 1 tiemCIO HCU<ed by MOftgagci or Trull Deed S1111, detc111>e<1 as IOllOws ln<:Otrectneu of ltll •1rN1 addrMt 1. TO THE DEFENDANT: A cillll on t he properly to solcl Ten LOI 116 Of Tract no 1872 H Pet and Oll'ler common delignlliOn, II complelnt has been llled by pl1lnll" percent ol amount bid to be recorded In Boo!c 53 paget 47 to 49 1ny, Shown herein. 1911in11 you 11 you with 10 defend deposited with l>ld of m1sc;e111neoul1m1p1,1n Ille ofllC'ie Seid Hie will bt. m1d1. but thll 1awtul1, you must, within • Bids Of oflets 10 be In ..wlllng ana of the county tecorder ol H id wllhout covenant or w1tr•n1y, d1ye 1f11t this IU!Tlmont it wveo will be receiveci 11 lhe afores11d coun.ty ••P'-or Implied, regtrding t1tll • on you, 1111 with this court 1 wtlllen olllce 11 1ny 11me titer the l1ra1 The street lddrau ol other poueaalon, or 111cumbranc;fl. to rllj)OllM to the compt.int UnleU publicallon hereol end belore date i:ommon des1gna11on ol 1111 teal p•y 1111 rernllnlng PflnclO•I aum of you do 10, your del1u11 wlll be ot sele Th• t1ghl ta reserved to propeny h11elnabov1 described IS the no11(1) MCUred by Nld Deed of • 1n11red on 1ppllc1t1on ol 1h1 rejlct any and &11 l>lds putpot1ed 10 be 944 Governor Truat. with lnterell thereon. as ptllntl", anCI this cour1 m1y en11t a Daleo 1h1s 13th day of Novembef. Sltffl, Co111 Mes•. Calif0fnl1 PfOYldld In laid no11(1), actv"'°419. lu~ment egalnll you '°' tne rellll 1982. T "e u n d •rs• g n e Cl here b 'I ii 1ny under 1111 t«m• of said Deed del'i'lended In the complllnl. Wl'llch Petricll M An<lrewa dllCIOlmS 1111 ltlblllty lor any ol Tru11, II ... Chltget 1nd could r11u11 In garnl1hm1n1 of Conseru1or ol tile P81ton ln<;Ofrectneu '"said llrNI address expen-of the TrutlM and of the waoes, tal(lng of money°' property end ES1ate ol selel 01 other common dfflgna11on tru111 crHted by Hid OHd ol or other rellel requ11ted In the Conservoiee Seid sale will be m1C1e wlll\OUl Trull comptllnl. JAM«S L. ltUaEL, Jlt. warranty. express or 1mp11ee1. The totel amount ol lhe unp11d DATED Februery 161 1982 Altorney et Llw reg1td1ng l•lle, pouen1on. or ballnU of 1111 obligation ..curld J PETERSON. 1422 VII Oporto, f'oom 202 1ncumbt1nces 10 sa11sly 1111 by the property 10 be 1old ind Clerk. ""'"°" .. ec:h, C1 .• ntl3 pr1nc1pa1 belance ol the Note or re11on1bll e1tlmat1d coat•, By: Ginger Howell, (714) 113-4172 0111or obhgallon secureCI by Hid ••Ol"MI •ncl adv111C411 et tile 11,,,. Deputy Altorner tor Cone«V1tor Deed ol Trust, with lnllrest 1nd ol th• lnlll1I publle1tlon or the HIMAf', QOflOOM a f'OUllO Publlthed Orange Ccast Dally other sums as provided th1rein. Notice ol Sall II $648,294.84 tM10 Ventun aNcl., ....,. 1201 Pilot Nov 115, 17, 23. 19112 plus advances. 1f 1ny. under tho The benefic:181)' under Mid Deed lftClno, Clllfomll 114JI 505!>-82 term• thereof and lntetltl on tue:h ot Trutl hefelof0te executea enCI Tat: (11') I01...., ad111nces, end plu1 lees. Ch1rg11 dellv1red 10 th• undets1gm1d a Published Orange Cont Dilly l't&IC NOTICE and e .. penset ol lhl l'rustM and ol wrllten Oecfar1tlon ol Oef•ull anO Piiot. Nov 2. 9, 18, 23, 1911:1 ------------1 the trusts created l>y 1a1d Deed ol Oern1nd lor Sall. and 1 wrllt1n 41122·112 Ol'f'ICE OP THE Trust The 10111 1mo~nt, ol 111d Not1c;9 of Ollaull end Election 10 a .. Nff'-CC>f'ONEf'. obllga11on. Including reason1bly Sell. The undersigned ceuMd said ___ .,. MIU'w-t ... _ COUNTY OP OAANOI estimated lees, charges ind Notice of Olf1u11 end Election 10 Dec. 27·30 -at Orange Optimist .Valley-Ocean View Tournament; Dec. 15 -at Tournament. Los Amigos; Dec. 27-30 -at Rancho (Las rUULn. nu1~ -:--ill01RCfi~-La-ALJ'•l---+.J•ut.'ll'-.~em·#u.-.eo11 the TrullM, at the time Self 10 1>1 tec0tded In the county YOU .. -•-FAULT ·--A UNDEf' DrCMI ollnlllal pubhcati0iior1fiii r.011Ce. rs -• """ ·-,..~., 11 tocetecl---~• -.... _.. °' fle>f'ECLOIUN! $4,520 96 Oa11· No"9nlber' a, 1982 .. Jan. 5 -Newport Harbor• (home); Jan. 7 Vegas) Tournament. ' -at El Toro•; Jan. 11 -at S1ddleback '; Jan. 4 -Mater Del at Huntington ee.ch, Jan. 13 -lrvtne• (home); Jan. 17 -at Costa Jan. 7 -Millikan at Huntington Beach: Jan Mesa•: Jan. 19 -University' (home); Jan. 21: 12 -at Fountain Valley'; Jan. 14 -EdllOf'I• -Corona del Mar• (home); Jan. 26 -at (home); Jan. 19 -Ocean view· (home); Jan Newport Harbor'; Jan. 28 -El Toro• (home); 21 -at Marina'; Jan. 26 -Wn tmlnster• Jan. 31 -Saddleback • (home). (home); Jan 28 -Founta.ln Va11ey· (home). Feb. 2 -at lrvlne•; Feb. 4 -Costa Mesa· Feb. 2 -at Edison•; Feb. 4 -at Ooean (home): Feb. 8 -at University•; Feb. 10 -at View·; Feb. 9 -Marina•; Feb. 11 -at Corona del Mar•. Westminster•. All non-tournament games at 7:30; • All non-tournament games It 7:30; denotes Sea View L"eague game. ·denotes Sunset League game. lrvlne Dec. 6-11 -at Sonora High Tournament; Dec. 13· 18 -Irvine Tournament: Dec. 28·30 -at Canyon High Tournament. Jan. 5 -Costa Mesa· (home); Jan. 7 -at Corona del Mar•: Jan. 11 -University· (home): Jan. 13 -at Est1nc1a·: Jan. 17 -at Newport Harbor': Jan. 19 -Et Toro• (here); Jan. 21 -Seddleback • (he<e): Jan. 26 -at Costa Mesa': Jan. 28 -Corona def Mar• (here): Jan. 3 1 -at University•. Feb. 2 -Estancia· (here); Feb 4 - Newport Harbor• (home); Feb. 8 -at El Toro•: Feb. 10 -at Saddlebacl<'. All non-tournament games at 7:30; ·denotes Sea View League game .. Newport Harbof Dec. 3 -at San Clemente; Dec. 8-10 - Fountain Valley-Ocean Vlew Tournament: Dec. 14 -11 Lakewood; Dec. 27-30 -at Orange Optimist Tourn1ment. Jan. 5 -at Eatencla •: Jan. 7 - Saddleback • (home): Jan. 11 -El Toro• (home); Jan. 13 -at Costa Mesa': Jan 17 -Irvine• (home); Jan. 19 -at Corona del Mar•: Jan. 21 -at University'; Jan. 26 -at Newport Harbor'; Jan. 28 -11 Saddleback·; Jan. 31 -at El Toro•. Feb. 2 -Costa Mesa· (home); Feb. 4 -at Irvine'; Feb. 8 -Corona del Mir• (home);' Fe~. 10 -UnlverSity' (home). All non-tournament games at 7·30, : denotes Sea View League game. Saddlebeck Dec. 6 -10 -at Santi Ana High Tournament; Dec. 14-16 -at Magnoll~ Tournament; Dec. 27-30 -at Sanlla'g6 Tournament. Jan. 5 -El Toro• (home); Jan. 7 -at Newport Herbor •; Jan. 11 -Est enc la• (home): Jan. 13 -Corona def Mar• (home); Jan 17 -at Unfvefslty•; Jan. 19 -Costa Mesa· (home~ Jan. 21 -at Irvine•; Jan 26 -at El Toro·: Jen. 28 -Newport Harbor' (home): Jan. 31 -at Estancia•. Feb. 2 -at Corona del Mar': Feb. 4 - University• (home); Feb. 8 -at Costa Mesa•; Feb. 10 -Irvine' (home). All non-tournament gamu at 7 :30: 'denotes Sea View League game. Marina Dec. 1-4 -at M erlna-Lakew ood Tournament: Dec. 8 -at Mission Viejo; Dec. 13 -Sunny Hills (home): Dec. 16-18 -at Santa Marla Tournament: Dec. 21 -at Capl1trano Valley; Oec::. 27-30 -at Or.nge Optlrnlst Tournament. Jan. 6 -at Lakewood; Jan. 12 -Edison• (home): Jan. 14 -at Ocean View': Jan. 19 - Westmlnster•: Jan 2 1 -Huntington Beach·: Jan. 26 -at Fountain Valley': Jan. 28 -at Edison•. Feb. 2 -Ocean view· (home): Feb 4 -at Westminster•.; Feb. 9 -Huntington Be8ch' (home); Feb. 11 -Founteln Valley• (tiome). All non-conference games 1t 7:30: 'denotes Sunset League game. Ocean View Dec. 1 -a1 M1&1lon VleJo; Dec. 6-10 - Fountain Valley-Ocean View Tournament: Dec. 13-18 -at Tournament ol Champions at Cal Poly Pomona: Dec. 20·23 -at Santa Blfbara County Tournament Jan 4 -at Redondo; Jan. 5 -lnglewOod (home); Jan. 7 -Lakewood (homer, Jan. 12. -at Westminster·: Jan. 14 -Marina• fhome): Jan 19 -at H"'ntlngton ee.ch'; Jan. 21 -at Fountain Valley', den. 28-Edison• (home). Jan. 28 -Weatmlnsl8f' (l\Ome). Feb. 2 -at Marina•: Feb. 4 -Huntington Beach· (home): Feb 9 -Fountain Valley• (home): Feb. 11 -at Edlaon •. All non-tournam ent games at 7:30. •denotes Sunset League game. WHt'"'na* Dec. 1 -at Dana Hiiia; Dec. 1·10 -at Santa An• High Tournament: Dec. 14· Hi - at Anaheim High Tournament: Dec. 27-30 - at Santiago High T<>Ufnament. Jan. 5 -at Santiago; Jan. 7 -Long Beech Wilson (home); Jan. 12 -Ocean View• (home): Dec. Jan. 14 -Fountain Valley• (home): Jan 19 -at Marina•; Jan. 21 - Edl1on • (home); Jan. 26 -at Huntington Beech'; Jan. 28 -at Ocean View'. Feb. 2 -at Fountain Valley'; Feb. 4 - Marina•; Feb 9 -at Edlaon'; Feb. 11 - Huntington Beach• (home). All non-t ournament games at 7:30: 'denotes Sunset League game. DEED O fl T f' U IT DAT IO EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' Doted: No111mber 15, 1982. TRANSAMERICA TITLE llft'TI_,. 2, ttlt. UNLlll YOU S TAKI ACTION TO PllOTICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. etc., REALE TATE INSURANCE COMPANY YOUf' PlllOPEf'TY, IT MAY al Pl11ntlll V$ ANTHONY l SECURlllESSERVICE. 830N MalnSlrNI IOLD AT A P\l8lJC IAL.a. W YOU MERCANOA .. TE, 11 II. Oellfldlnl, a Caltl0fnl1 corp.. S111t1 Ana. CA 92702 NEID AN IXPLANATION OJI THI NO 37-44-n as Trustee. (714, 547-9571 NATUf'I OF THE ..,_OCllDINO I, the undersigned. Brad G•tes, By (SEAL) 0 J Morger, By Hlfberl C Moon. Q tNIT O YOU IMO D Slllf•"·COfoner. County ol Ofenge. na Pre5tdenl Aul Secretary ~o:rAcTl&l'mR. UL Sllt1olCllifOfnia.dohetel>ycer11fy 2020 N Bto1dway. Sii Pul>llthld Orenge ColSt 01Uy NOTICI OJI TMllTEl'I SALE Illa! by vi rtue of Deer•• ol 206 PllOt. Nov 18, 23. 30. 1982 TJ No _. Foreclolute Ind S•le In tile Sanla An1, CA 92706 49il5·82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE"I. lhal Superlot Court ol the County ol Tel (114) 953-6810 on WeGnetdl Oeclml>et 1 HNl2 Orenge. Stele of Cahtornl1. entered Pul>ll5hed Orange COHI Daily •-,,,. MnTJCE , 11 e·oo · 1oct· 1 m of Mid d 1' on AUQUll 30, 1982. end rec0td.a P1101 Nov 16. 23. 30, 19112 ,.~ nu the ·,~c .. , aside· IOf cond~·~ August 30. 19112 In the 1bove SOS4-ll21-----.. --.------- Ttut1M "I Sales within the offlcel of 1n 1 I I I e d 1 c I Ion • whet e I n NOTICE OF TIWITEl'I SAL( REAL ESTA1'E SECURITIES EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' No. T~ - SERVICE. located ., 2020 Nor111 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. • PtelJC ll>TICE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Broedw1y Suite 206 In the City ol Calllornla Non-Prollt Corporation. T.a. "A·84 0 E E 0 O F l R U S T 0 A T E O Senta Ani Counly oi Ol'ange State the above named plelnllfl(s). NOTICE OF NOi/EMBER 3. 198t. UNLESS YOU ol ca111o'rnl• REAL EST A TE Ol>lained. jU<lgmenl Ind decree 01 TRUSTEE'S SALE TAl(E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR SECURITIES SERVICE, I Cllltornt1 loricloaure end nle egalnsl YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A corporation. H duly 1ppolnted ANTHONY L. MERCANOANTE. DEED OF TRUSl, OATEO PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN Tn.s1ee undet end pu'9Ulllt to thl defandanl(I). lor Ille tum ol ThtM NOVEMBER 13. 1911 t UNLESS EXPLANATION OF l'HE NATURE power ol Hie conlAfl•d In that thousand M\18'1 hundred eighteen & YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST C*11ln Deed of Trust executed by 24/lOODoll•a.lewMmoneyollt'le YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A STEPHEN C. FORDE.• llnole '"*' United Stares. and by virtue ol ' SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU LAWYER •Recorded Octobat 29, tH 1. In wrtt 0' lf'llOfcemenl In .. Id acuon NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE On Oecembl!' 17, 19112 .• , 11 00 Book 14272 of Officlal Flecofds ol Issued on Septernblt 29· 1982· I am NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AM , Peoples lnves1men1 81\d L06n Hid County II page 1873 commanded lo Mii all the PfoOl<lY AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Auocl1t1on IS duly appointed A1Coraer'1 lnatiument No 36845: In the County 01 Orange. Sllll of CONTACT A LAWVER Tr111111 under and pursu1n1 to by reason Of• breach°' delail1 In Clllf0f"4•. dltetlbed es fottow. On Oecembef 6. 19112, 11 11 oo Deed OI Trust recotded No_,bef P•Ym•n• or perlorm1nc1 of 1111 Loi 95 01 Tract No. 60111· City 01 A M .. LEWIS end BOUCHER 10. 1981, n instr. No 11140, boo« obllg111ons 11cured thereby Newpor1Blach.ailhownona Map ENTERFRISES dba llTLE T42a6, p1ge 1111. ol Olllcl•I lncludlng l hll breech or def1u11: recorded In Book 1116• PagH "6 SERVICES 11 duly 1ppo1n11d RecOfdt. 1xecutecs by Cynthia E Notice of Wiiiet! wu rec:o<ded June th r 0 ugh 3 O • 1nc1u 1111 • 0 1 Tru1tee und1r and pursu1n1 to Palleller, • maroecs woman as her 23, 1982. u Aec:otO.'• lnttrument Mlacell•neous M•~•· Record• 01 Deed ol Trull recordec! Novembef sole ind sep1rate property who No. a2·218033, Will SELL AT Orange County. Ce lfornla. 19. t98 I. 11 Inst No 2 t47t, In ec:qulred lflle u Cynthie E. Welfs. PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Property" mote commonly book l429S pa_ge 123'. of Offidal In unmerrlld woman 11 lr"'IOI . In HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ltnown at 21115 Cerob. N-port Records on the office of"" County the oflice ol the County Recorder ol llwlul money of tl'tl United St\&•• 8Hc:h, Clhl0tt14a, R1cotd1t ol Orenge County, Orenge County, Stale of Ca11l0tm1, Ot 1 caahler'a c;hlck dr•wn on ~ Together wlth all and llngul1r the C1hf0tnl1. Will SELL Al PUBLJC WILL SELl Al PUBLIC AUCTION 1111e 0t national benk. 1 llale Of lenemenll, heredllamenll, end AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH leclel'el Ct9dtl union, 0t a ll1t1 0t apc>urt-ll'lert!U!'IO l>llonglng FOR CASH. CASHIER"S CHECK OR (payeble II time of tale In' l1wlul ledl!'ll llY111QS Ind loln lllOCllOon or In anywlM IPP9fleinlng. CERTIFIED CHECI(, (p1y1ble 11 money of t.lle UN1~ Stein) et The domrelled in this ltlle. alt p1y1ble at PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY '"'"' ot Nie 1n llwful money ol tne SOuth ltonl lf'lttence to lhe Ortoge the 11,,,. ol 1811 all right lltle end Gii/EN Thll on WEDNESDAY. Unllad Stllest 11 the front entrence County old Courthou ... 21 I W ln11test held l>y 11 11 TrvalM In OECEM8ER 22· 1982• 11 lO·OO 10 the OLD Orange County Senti Anl Boutevwd, Clty of S1nt1 thal rHI ptopetty' 1ltu111 In Hid o'Cloc:k. A M. 01 thet dey 11 Mlln CourltlouM. loclteo on Santi Ana Anl, S1111olCllilomll111right.111le County and Stat• d11crl1>1d 11 Lobby, Courlhoull, TOO Civic Blvd , between Sycamore St • & llfld lnterMt con~ to and now lollows · Cenllr Oflve Well. City 01 S•nta Broadway, Slnla An•. ca1r10tn11, 1111 lllld by 11 under Ntd Deed of Truat Loi 23 1n BIOdl 13 of sec:11on 3 An• 1 Will 14111 1111 al>Ove dllcrll>ed right, 111i. and lnl«MI COf'I~ to In the property sflulled In Hid B1lboa l1l1ncs. In the City oi property. under t1ld writ end ltl>d now held by 11 unoer laid Deed Courlty and State deletlbe<I •• N1wport B11ch. as per map deer~. or 11 mucri thereof as may of Trust tn 1ne property tituetecl 1n Lot a In block 540 of ··Corona recorded In Boolt 7 page 15 ol I>• nec .. ury 10 1111':;1 Hid 111dCountyandSt1tede9orlbedea. def Mer". on the City of Newpot-1 MllCll!lneous MllPI 1n the ottloe ol fuogment with '""'"'* .,, COit•. Lot 81 o1 Trect No 4003. 1n the City Beacn. County of Orenge. St•t• of Ille county reconter 0of l8ld county. 10 lhl htghett l>ldder, 1°' CCMltl In of Newport Beech. County of Calffomla. II per mllCI recordec! "' The llt11t 1ddre11 or Olhlt lawful money ol thl United Stetel Orenge. s111e of C1lllornf1. 11 Book 3. P•gu 41 end 42 of • common dealgn1llon ol lh• reel Dated 11 Senti Ane. Clltf0tnle. lhow!I on 1 map thereof rec:Otded In M..._,a Meps, In the olllee Of Pfope<ly herelnabove described 11 Novembef 15· 1982· Book t88 Paoet 13, 14, 115. te, 17, th• County Recorder of UICI purpotled 10 bl 315·31$'1\ BEIJ'O GATES, ta,' 19 ol Mlaceff•neous M-1. Coun1y. 0 B 5""1"..Cor-"?' T tamond Avenue. 1lbo11 1111.11d. ,. __ ty 01 Or ..,.. rlCOfds ol Mid Ol'enge County h• str .. 1 •ddrHs ind othlt Calilorni. """'n 1'"lr'• TrustOf °'record own.: OANfE.L common detlgnation, If My. of the The undersigned herel>y ClllfOfnll N BAILEY, an unmatrled mM real prQPer'IY dlacrlbld 1bove 1s dlaclalm• 111 ll11>lll1y for 1ny By K Brown, The strHt addre11 1nd other purported to be~ 506 Marigold.' Incorrect,_ In laid alt"' addr-..._., :::::::;: cornmori dealgnltlon. H any, ol the Corone def Mir, Calif0fnl1. Of other common ~lion • rHI PfOparty desc1lbed 1bove 11 Th• under1tgn1d Trustee Slid ule wlll t>e made wtlf'loul ........ a C...... purported 10 be· 111 LINDA ISLE dl1c;l•lm1 1ny ll1l>lllly for 1ny w1tr1nty, u pren or Implied, --11JT.,."9ed,Wtell0 ORIVE, N EWPORT BEACH, lnclorrectntlhoftlle1treetaddreu r•g•tdlng 11111. POIHHlon, or ~~mu CALIFORNIA 926e0 and other common dellgn111on. H 1ncumbrence1, to a1tl1ly the lh• undersigned Trull•• eny, llhown herein. ptlnc1p1I b1l1nce ol the Note or Publlthad Oren8!c Co•st Dilly dlsc1a1m1 any 1t1blll1y tor 1ny Said HI• wlll b• m1de. bul other obllg1llon aecured l>y 1ald Piiot. Nov 23· 30· 7· 1982 1ncorrectnes1 ol lhe atrMt addflSS without cov1n1n1 or wattanty, Deed ol Trust, with l11teretl and 51311•112 1nd other common deslgnltlon. 11 eiq,r-Of lmptled, r19wding 11111, other 1um1 H provided !herein, any, shown her .. n poeaeatlon. Of encumbf1-.. 10 IPlll• adv1ncn. lf eny, under 1111 l'tatC NOTICE Said nl1 will b• m•ll•. but pay thl r-""I! Pflnc:ipal M#ll ol terms thereof Ind ln1arwt on IUCh ------------w1111ou1 coven1nt or werrenty. Ille notl(s) aecur.O by uld Deed 01 .. -------------------~-----~------------------------~~Ind~~~~ ~~·~-" b~or~.~~~Tr~.wlth~~,~~.a• ilnCI • ..,.,,_of the Tf"\aetM ltld ol NAiii ITATl•NT poa-tlon, 01 encumbrlr'ICM, to provided In said notl(1), advanciee. DlllH IDT~ ICll ----,_--IC--11)-TIC( ____ ~he lruata c,...ed by Mid Deed of ~:""ng Petsone "'' doing p1y th• unpaid t>al•nce ol the 11 tny. under the terms of aald Deed - -----------., Trust. The tolal amount Of Hid BR~TO L INDUSTRIA L notl(I) aecurad l>y ... Id Deed ol of ftull , l eee. Ch1rg11 and fllCTmoul auaMll obllg1t1on. Including rH1on1bly c;c • 0 Trvst. to-Wit $840,7•7 ti. Including e11per1-of Ille Trust" Ind Of the .. __. ITATlmNT 11tlm1t1d flH, ch1rg .. end COMME "'1"l PROPERTIES, 1 72 ea provided In ••Id note(1), tru111 cr .. ted by Hid Deed ot IM.n .. GHOM SMITH & tvnta1. WUTCUPF CH.APB. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-937t rACIAC ••w ~, .... Cerni tery '4or1uary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacrhc Vlfl'# Drive Newport Beach ... 644-2700 NsCOti9Cll MORTUAl•S Laguna Beach • 4g.t.9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cep1strano 495-1776 H#NOI LAWM-MT. OUYI Mortuary • CAtmetery Crem11t0fy ... _ 1625 G1r.18f All8 . CottaMna 540-5~ _I ..,.. T .. _ 1....__...., _ -..._.,.,, .. ~of the Truetee, II the time SE BrittOI. Slnll Ana, CA 92707 ...-v~. H .,,f· ·~---,.._ ter-OI Trwt. lor the emount t11tonably • LANCASTER HopllOn of San 84."mardmo. • ................. ....--·-......... .,, .. lnl lal Ray P 01m1ch1ld Corp . • .., --.,.,,_ '"' .. _ ... ~.... ...... •1d 701 87 R 0 BERT M . LAN . Ca .. n1N-c Maude Wllh11P qf t>utinns 11. ~·83~ of tl'lls Notice, 11 C•llfornJa corpor11lon, 1072 uld Deed ol nat, '-· ~ •n:;~·.;;;., Mies Oeld CASTER. age 79 a rts· San Bernardino, Ca. Prayer BARKER a ASSOCIATES REAL In 8dauioft to the •bove P'Ol*'Y· SE BrollOI. Sent• Ana. CA 92T07 ::' .~~.:i~T=~:: of Truat l'ler•tofor-• ••tteul•d Ind • tdcnt o r Costa Mesa, Ca services w ill be hel d on i::,~T~o 1:g:. =.v::: .. °Cl'i:' Mid obltglllon 11 MCUred by Loe Tiiis t>uiina• 11 conducted by• Trust delivered to Ill• undtiratgned • P N .__ 2 'l, •21 Angelee County pr-COf PC>t•lton The ..__-11e1an. und-.. ~ ol Wfltlen Decllretton of o.tlUfl er'CS assed away on November Wednesday. ovem~r 4. t2.. Oeled M .,...._., AlyP Olmac:held ........... ., -......, 19, 1982. H e is survived bv 1982 a t 1 l :OO AM al t h e Nell A 81tket, 2729 St1rbl1d .. ,,,_~L EST'"3T.E1982 Ray p" Olmachlid Trull heretolot• a11ecuted Ind Oe':'_!.nd l~S•I•, ndandEa writ1an ' " o ,..~, ••-· CA "'2a28 """"' "' p ~, .. • dell111red to the unde11111ned a Not .... ol ..,....eutt • lect!On lo his wife Jewels C. l..ancaster, Harbor Lawn M<'mo1 lal r ' r;'ry' l"'Ba;11.,,' ;729 Sterblrd SECURITIU SEAVICE. r.,....,.,,, •ltlen Oec:latetlon o1 Oefd end Seti The undarlioned c8UMCI Mid • a son J oseph Lancaster or Chapel w i th M onsignor Dr . Coat• Me9I CA. t2'2t • Cellfotnll COfP., 1"'• '111'"""1 wu llled wtth the Demand lor Sell. •nd a wr111111 Notice ol Oefaut1 and Election to P I V rd 90 11 Truatee, County Cieri. ol Oranoe County on NCMICe ol Oefeult end Election to Sell to be ,_dad In '"' county a oes e ea Eat.at.cs, Ca., I T h omas Nevin officiating. Tl!•• l>Ullnftt 11 conduCI by an 9y: (SEAL) o. J. ~4orger, Nov 111. 1982. Seit The under..__. c...a Mid Wiier• the rNI pr~ 11 ioc.ted daughter Dons Wroot of Van Private ento m bment lnd!Vldull Niil A Barltlf tt1 ~ ,_ Noilce of Def1~tnd EllCOon to Date· No_,bar 11, 1982 Nu~ Ca .. 6 grandchtldn:n immediately follow!~. The Thi• ata1_..1 .... llled wtfl'I 11141 2020 Nontl eroeowey, Pul>llshed Or•nge Cont o•uy Seit 10 be recorded 1n the county Peoplel In-"'*" end arrtl 3 great-grandchildrt'n. (amity requ~t.11 in heu o f C._.._ -.. Or ,. __ ,.. 8ulle 208 Piiot, Nov 23, 30, 0ec: 7• 14· t l9fl2 W11er9 1111reel Pf°'*'Y11 IOCeted Loen AMOC:iltlon County _,."' "'91 .,._.,,, on Santi Ane CA 12109 6132·'2 Truetee 0t pwty e0tlducll1... 11 Mid TrUl1ee Mr. La.ncastcr was a pioneer Clowcn donations be made to Nov 19. 11112. ,,_ r~: (714) "3 ... to TITLE SlAVICES. &oe ente 8~ CAAL F Aviation Engineer, r etired the H ar bor Area Boy's or Publl1hed Or1ng~"'Co111 Delly ..!!'bll•h•d Orenge Co111 O•lly l't&IC NOTIC( Monie• llvd., Sull• 40CI. S1n11 ENGELHARDT. from Webber A i re ra fl Girl's Club. ~rvlC.'8 under Piiot Nov 23• 30. DIC 7, t•. 1982 ,....,., Nov t . 1', 2:1. 1"2 -~..... Monlc:e. Calllornla 90401: ,.,, (213) Attorney In Feet Company. He was a chart.er the d irection ot H arbor 513e-12 ._._ lllCTIT10UI 91111•11 393·a7M "'Cl Sante Monlc:e llwd • member o f the Good L aw n M o unt O llve l--------------um~t~ O.t.ONovemberl0,'91:.1. a.-tyt1111,Cellf to212 , Shepherd Lutheran Chun:h, M orluary of Costa M eaa, P\llJC llOTICl • • The 1011ow111g per1on 11 doing LEWIS and llOUCH!A Tai .. (2131553."401 • PmUC NOTIC( ~ • ENTERPRISES dblll 553-4900 l lJ'vlne. Ca. and a member or 540-5554. PICmlOUe ....... c 0 Mp u TE". R u. 0 F Title..... Putllllhad Ot11199 COH1 Oafly I the Burbank M asonic Lodge ... ITAW ACTmOUI ....... ~UFOANIA, 330t 8 Hlrbor, No 81 lald TNllea .... Nov 23. ~. o.e 7, ttU ~ f'IOll. .... & AM M emorial TIMI 'ollowlnt ....... doing um ITAftmllf 110 • ..,... Ma. Caltfomla H704 By· DIAN~ "lllT, 5124·U ' I "'8.IC ll)TICl bualNM • The to11ow1ng petlOM -doing Colt!Dvtet Town, • Callfor111e vioe Ptllid9m l !H•rv <'<'II wt•rt• hrld o n ICM DONUT & ICI CAEMI .,....,_.. oorpo= 1tot 0 L111rel P1rl! O Tu<"'tiny. Nuvt:rnber 23. 1982 '1c:Tm0Ue .,._.. IHOP~~. o.nlln LAICO, T7U IC.._ A-. "°8d, dfl, Calllomll tollO ~~=~~ n''ir. 1~11 D•llY PmlJC 9l0TIC( t nnd mtl•rmcnt was ot Fo~t MAim ITAftMIWT Or-, 12t4a INIM, CellfonN N714 Thia t1Ue1MM II oonclllated by a 5038-82 f l.11wn. H o llywood Hilla In ou~~"9 '*'°"' era Clol~ l<llarral. 1101, No Aldllrd I'. ~. toa Ylate ..,,oratlOt'I • l'ICTmOUa .,_ .. lll'U of flOWC'f'll lhf• family MAIO·A·MINUTE. 1221 w :,~r--. '"""9, ~ =r· Ian Ctemtn•e. CallP'llll = ~=·-· The .~A::::-r. doing woulct oppl"N'111u.• mt•morl1l.s COMt Mlgf'lw1y. N9wPOfl 8Mch. CA ..,... Ktllnllll. 3701. No 4C 1e1ty Lou lo¥ttor. 903.v.a t PmUC ll)TIC( ~ 11 tn tht• Ooud Shcphl-rd t2M3. ' 1'1rllvlew i.ane. trlllfle, Celtforn1a Velll\fl, lanetlmtn ... caMomle Tltle....._.t .. lllad.,...tN PIQTmOU8Wll JACK.I AUTO PAINTING, IH L h C) h 800 Or1ng1 COUnty ~.inc• a H7tl IHU CouMY Clerk OI Orange Collnty on MAim ITATllmNT lndllllt181 •ay, Cotti Mete, CA ut <'ran Hue • 4 Catllornll ce1ooratton, 1121 w Tltle ............ llOClltdl.ICtedbyen Jo11n o Andersolf, 11111OoiotNrlO,1N2 AOOM MATI fltNDIM 413111117 lrvirll' Ccntl'r Dr . lrvll'I(', c.. Collt Hlof!My. NewpOf1 leedl. CA ............ WandMr LMle. ~.... ,_, .., .......... No 1009 • .-..,.,. JAClt ANOl!!ION 'LYNT Brc1wn-Colo n1•I M ortuary taaea HoollWtl ICllan• C8llfofftl8.,... Putlttthed Oranee Coe8' Delly ~-Cllfafnle ttlDO Jupl1er Ct.--. ............ CA dll'l'C·tOl'I Tlllt bulllneM II concluded by 1 Tiiie ltatllMnt .. lllad Wltll lfle lilotlert J. Strom & 1.-"" J. ""4. Nev I , t, 11, 13, ttll KatlllHn I MalCOlft. UO '"'3 TE WINKLE COtPOJ•;i_ ,.___ Qauntr Clattl of Orenoe Cownty on .. ,_. no Alta VIiie •War. ~ 41t... .._. l tr'Mt. NO •• MaftMttlll LIONA JIAN Iii""'. 19* U OOLOIE -...--"• ~ It, ttll taedl. Celllorftla -t ......_ Callb"'8 to• Juoltlr Ct . WeltlM .... CA lltN J LIE AKA A SeMoea. tne W Tiiie 11u111.-11 _..,.,.... by 8 Tiiie ...._ 11 ~ by 111 ...:.::--•_.._...by 111 TE WINKLE, r e.ldenl or ~ Pu•11"'8d Or•• e .. at 1>1111 general,.., .. .,... Dltll the lllrect llM -*•• .. ..-..-1 ,.___ • ..:.... .. _ Colt.a M.. C. P_. away '"" ~1 -lllad -4111 IM "'°'· NO¥ a. I , 11. n . ,.. ....._., '· ~ --It' -· ..,._.. -.. ,.,..... on November 21, 11182. She County Clerk of er.,.. COUMy on t---------"-'....,--1 TNI "81.,..11 w...,... ... . . . . • wr to Tiiie _....... ... llad """ "" '1111 11811 "'"' w ... ...,. .,. la IUrvivtd by her ntpheWI Nov tt, 1111 c.nt, c.11 8' Or .... C4'UflCY 8'I Ull ~ ~ Clarll of er.,... C8wlty on ~ c::. Ill Or ... C...., 11t H ow•rd H opeon of Cotta ,_ luylftf and Hlltnt •• a OClloeer It. ,... ,_ •••••• "· 1111 ,_ . ,_ Mcu. Ct,, R~ll Hop90n of P"'Oflshed Or81\18 c,oMt ~··~ :::r:,:,r.:r::-~~ Pu•rtllhed Orente Coaat ~ 64"•a.£.. PuM!eMd Or-.. Ooaa1 Dtl9' flv'"8Md 0r.,._ Oout Deltr S Cl C P I Piiot. "°" n . 30. oae . 14. IN ....._ ..... .._ ... _ ,_. 111ow 1 1 •• n ,... I ~ iill'UIV ...... ..., n . IO. Dao'· t4, tt11 ...... ...., n . IO. Da '· w,"" an emente, a , au · 1111-ta -_._.. • • • • • • ,,.... ___________ ... • ''".. .,..,. ~ 'J .... , • ... r .. , I t:e Oran9e CoHt DAILY PILOTITu .. d•y, NO\ltmber 23, 1982 ·clllllf Ill· • The marketplqct on the Orange Coa$t ... 642-5678 . . M1dk&n •ncom1 of Da011 E>tlol /amm11 1zc1tdl 134,000 a 11•ar. Your ad""'"' th• cou"t11'1 moil alflunl bu11•ng audience '• . CLASSIFIED IHI,,,,,. .......••............. ~ .. ~!!! .{'.'. !'.'!....... ~ .. ~!!!.{'.~ !.~''·...... ~ .. ~!!! .{'.'. !.~.'! ...... · 1~'.!!!! .{'.'. !.'.~· ...•... '-•111/ JOOI C.•t11J 1002 C11t111111 1014 Ct1l111111 1014 ...... ,,, '"' ...... ,.,.,, .• . ........................................... . W11t•l•1t11 IOH 1116-1 Ill••' 11H • ..... ,.,.,.,,.. • ..... v.,,,.,, •• .•••.•..........•••... .........•............ f!!!f.!!!~ ••••.. 1.~~f ~!.'!r.!!.ftt!! •• 1.¥.! INDEX ............•.•..•.... ••••••....•........... ·····················~ •••···•·············•· ...•.........................•..•........... Wt lttt Wt .. IJ lt1t· 1101 llLIW &PPI. all .. , Wl•ttt LHHI 4111 2'• llOm• Liil llLI .... 2 (id Hou .. •nd 2 ltd leas ... ,. LM11 ni r o~~~~S• , M rot• ap11c1ov1 ouplax · ,.. I / 1Jdrm1 plC & ll>&n ,, .... ,. M. Cal Prtlll(• Lido Nvrtl 0.-yfront 5 hl.!1111, 51 • l.1tilh Lgr L H , air \'OOd :.! l.lo.l 11hJ* $I ,M>0,000 $14,500 DOWN ... $ 10'.lOtmo i 10~ 000 P1fl ... It •t frt• Lona lurm IUUlll '" 1111 .. 11100. ti,.., 11103 Nu 1'.,lt ·nr ,1101.11>111() q liP• 10 1 II PllV I ... IT bt8CI\ Y•111ly 642·5671 ::: ,., ·~ .. 1• ... 191 I• ... , .. .... , .. ·-... ,.., :m "" t• ... ·-·-IMO ·-... IQUAL ~ Oll'll'Olill'UNITY ,..11 ... .,• ....... , . All real es1110 edverllsed In thle newapaper 11 eubjeet lo 1111 federal Fair Housing Act c>I 1968 which mak .. 11 Illegal to edverlhie ··eny pftleren-ce, nm11a11on or dtscrlml· nallon based on 11ce, colQr, religion, sex or national origin, or any Intention 10 make any such preference. 11m1te· lion or ol11crtm1n1111on " T111s newspa1>41r woll not knowlngly accept eny advertising for reel es- 111e whleh le 1n v1ola11on ·of Ille llW UM t• •••• ,, ,., S•I• ;:: .•.................... uao IHI 111•1• ......................... = •• ,,.1 1002 •••••.•.........•........ DOI Im ----"" -- ll ID lllFFI Ell HIT E11cept1onel end unil, quiet cul...Cle sac. pr.vale wltll sublle colors, good loans. pr1va1e p1110. lea· aehold. $224,000 = U~l()UI: t1VMfi : Realtors, 675-6000 Ult l* .. JlUt ----... •Ut ... U30 ... tl:IO --.. U» ---,. .. JIU ---- - -... AFFlllULE II WESTCUFF Unucelled •xecu11ve 4 Bdrm llome tn Pretti· g1ous area Spacious rooms. beam c11t11edral celltngs. comfort at every turn• i:iemendous assu· mable hnancing under 12'h%! A bargain et $234,000·CBll IOd&Y' 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS H ·ICUll Vl£W 2 61 2 ea. Greet ocean vu. Try 10,... down S 170. 000 1st at 13150% Va- cant Della 631~ 126'6 Agl 10111 YIEW llLLS lllE flit Quiet park·llke salting Rm tor peddle 1ennis end pool. Great for orch1rd. Cul-de•sac SI 3 bdrma, lam. rm $299,600 Low ground lease $375 year, 17 yrs before adJUSlmt 144-4110 ---- Tt\ Y LOI\ < '( > ILIFFI UH,000 Elegant IS UM! only word to describe this lovely home. Remodeled In the best 01 taste View loca- tion in most sought alter area In Bluffs Owner lleiut>le on letme 144-IOIO IOI<'~~= --------tll( tUI tUI ••• ti.II OCU•llHT Builder's own llome on 11\e lronl row In exclusive Cameo Shores Waves break on the private 1>eac11 below A 1pect11- cu1ar locallon for 11111 spacoous • bdrm . 4 bath llome Lush 11oplc1I landscaping Oelonotely or1e of a kind. $2,500,000 It ' H I.fl y •• I m 0 n I I ... .,., .. , ...... I 1~2 :L'l"Jl Jl<·m<ldelt'<l 3 bdrm, :.! buth + l11r1tt• rt."<· tnl.. $I WO!rn11 .m d ownc·r will c1,1rry $:~0.000 r IU-llOG ~nm 4<t•llln)(lll, turnai1h,-.J, p.i llUH. o :w,ooo 111 !111(, 1111(•1 c.·st for JO yr11. Shiu·p E'1odt.• 01•11 IHI 111111 l116H 1141995 5822 c;o11 01 wlln(I\ 67~·8720 nrio. yti•cJ Nu P••• u111 pf! $540/mo ltl 11lu1 I e t 6 4 II • W Sptte 3 br ?' / hit very 18111 400· 161 I Clfl8n 1wnnse, pool. JOQ· PElllllU llOIE °tA'l'an & Jl'll)' VIC'Wll M;trlrw roon1, 4_1.x.11 rn. :1 bath, ~1700 Ml fl $1.38~.000. Ol't•at\frunt · h ••••••••••••••• ••••• •• I I I 3101 homtt 1111 l'Ol'rwr lot w tt gr<'ul CmurwlnK: llt"ll• Ho••• ,. a11 • :JBr I '• ha. r~ l•I•· J 100 t~;·i>~~i~;;.~·~r;;~·: • • • •• •••••••• •• ••• •• •• bt. 2 bl; spa; he>tc •van lrtHIHf Patti 1mtMd lhru Jun• 1•1 Br garage. ya1c:t $<185Jmo W111 11lde 01n9 610 $80"01mo Agl ~ .. 1440 6 .. I 0763 No P4111 Condo lor lUH Blull1. 3 Br 1!.ttd unn bac~ door J.'or dct tb call Adi wnnc•, Agi 2Q•48 w/enciosea porch ll?OO/mo, 1t1 1.itt tlflC LlllA ISLE IAYflOIT 1•1·2121 2 BR 2 Ba Corner 101, dep 675· 1853 Lugoon Vll'W £1um G bdrm, 5 buth, pluy1oom, llgl\t interiors Thll" 111• Clttal '•I llll 311j £11~1t•c:te reap •<Ill• pre· 10 pool &lep' lrom ten lerr•d 2 br l be. Oii· mi club $1000/mo 2757 '• g e $ 8 2 5 / m 0 V1t1a Umbrou N B 673 7544 Dale 640.<136'4 d k d, Bua Lt N $l 000 OOO Best Buy 1n Town ••••••••••••••••••••~ nr rm, ~n. l i. p. ow ' , 640·!>937, 11g1 ror tec1se Glamorous I Bii' 2 br I ba Ofl~e by 2652 2 e co11a e Newpor1 • _ C <t r pl II S11n1a An.i Ave Uni! 2 Do 1 3 IAYSIDi PUCE C0toa1 ''I /llar IOZZllr•IH 1044 Two bdrrn N6. newly c:te ir; ~r $;50~;,,6°Av~1i oot di91ulb 1ont1n11 S<!SO bM~11~~1s.;,11rTk:.ood decks. •••••••u••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• coralOd over 800 aq It gJ l 6 2 mo 951.6226 v" wooded. Sp<.'l:tacuhv-bayfront Jpl>< 2 br, 2 bn up: 2 br. llYllE THUii: WOOllllDIE $24 !>00 Lo dn . 1erm1 ~ 1. 44·~ Agt gor $750/mo Ave ti 2 00 dn ;.? bt)l)t i.pal'CS. Rcdu<.<t'<i $1 ,500,000.. 1111000 • 1 673-6616 Cllll lllH 31l4 26r 1ea 1 ••ory s1111g 12· IS 645•6625 ,,. 1 $5000 dn owner mull l"WPOI ,, C •••••••••••••••••••••• cplldrp1 P8110 ffplc. 17, Br , Cot1one Th11 ne111 3 bdrm. 2 ba •ell 2 eorm conc:to Exr.el " T Iii;& • 4 br 2 bO 1.g Bonus Rm dehwshr bellmec:t ~ti· • • fllllA•S UllCll With over t800 sq h of aasumeble e1<1s11ng fr-Sol Aire Home, 11g111 Gar E &Ide $950 · lings 2650 Elden S540 Fr1)I $575 New 4 br, 4 1 2 bn, custom .. rcrwh Norm;mdy lnv~ly P•ll•OS and gor-opnc1n9 $97 400 Redu 1n1011or•. 2 bdrm I bo111 548-615!'1 mo Call Mr Berman 642·36SO. agt dt>ni Owner w111 finance cod lrom s.110 000 Cell tron1 kite~ expanded 556·2480 -EXCLUSIVE AREA Har· Eslall' I 2 pnmt• acre h illtop $1.2!'10,000. subs11n1101 1s1 TO al lor Mork 844.·8325 or llv, dH1tnp 1rea Young D1a1 l1i•I JIZI . • " bor VofJW home Profess 12% in1, lor 7 yr lerm A 559·6442 Adults &' pels welcome •••••••••••.••••••••••• 3 blJ 2 ba Fmly. Rm No deGorated 49A 2BA, lat· • loasehOld estole Pt1oed $24 500 540-51137 f\gt Weekly gorgeoua harbor Pets. 1754 Iowa Mesa go toll, on '• acre w/ 10 sell in to " ' -.. vfew, 3Br. 3Bo fully turn. Verde S 8 1b1 mo trees Walk to Fashion • H4·1211 Like 111111 1055 llllSHHI 20141 Deep sea hstung. golf. 0414·1836 lslano. beach pool & COIOIADO CHS Coronado IJ land l'ust. baytronl lot 85' boat dock Plans uvrul Now $:J70,000 w/tc-mlS /.Jn Nl[J[l •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ye1rs old. I ml to _tennis, norao racing. Execu11ve 2 Br 2 Ba condo schools Gardener incl FISH/SAIL FROM beach Oelu11e wnher lhe&ter & other enter· wta11 cond . dbl g<lr&ge, Avail Jen 1s1 759-0060 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 13AIL( Y & ASSUC IATES YOUR BOAT DOCK end dryer." mo old Mini 1111nmenl 11v<11l lhru mgmt S Nawlv upgraded 3 BR blonds thruout 2 '0R, 2 company No hOSI 't'ou C~c.~~;w;,~~llov~~5~~m~ Nwpt Hgts 2 Br 1 Ba v8'y fplc rec room Lake Fo· tm Hos been reduced 10 name II we arrange 11 Avail l<'l l Fred Gibson, pvt & nuge yd 6'15-9095 rest II Ownr 893-3151 $32 000 6'15·6325 $ tOOO wk base (7 "I Ra/Max 559·9400 BLUFFS ).t J Boy\•do D•,. ,... B 67~ bi61 JlSMllE CIEEI WALi TO TllE IEAlll 3 Bdrm or 2 and den, perfect 101 lhe 1nvos1or w110 wanrs beach renlal:. or great 10< Iha small la- m11y tllat wonis 10 llYe on Ille beach Prime Shores locallon Only stepr; to canal, 1an<1y beeches and the ocean Unob- structed view ol back canal A steel al S 149, 000 Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS *'~'-FIHIClll* a1ge l•mlly home I a· 1ur1ng 4 plus br, 3 be. 2300 sq 11 I ry 10% down Take over 9' •"• Isl T 0 & owne1 w111 carry balance II 1°"• for 7 years Only $129,900 759·1501 or 752-7373 ~ Walker B Lee ********'* .l&SMllE CIHI TRI-LEVEL New on market M1gn111cent condollon and decor Many special. •menlties in this 3 Bdrm condom•· ntum With 111 condlllo· nlng $430.000 Secur1ty and gale guer<I - 11.t\llHIHCl:'d 110~1 --t.c. REAL ESlATE 611141111 2 bdrm, 2 bn, den Prl· cod undor market at $275,000 Ownor Jlttt t I ji I Of I NEWPOJ'lT BCH 8 x28 . In •••• r.!.~.!~!••••••••• M H Park, PCH $7 IEWNIT llUID W&THFIOIT ILUFFS llllllll 759· 1066 You own the tend 2,000 sq It. 39r, lam rm, 2•., C11t1 11111 I 024 ea wide Green bell. near Lv m&g 970· 145 COSTA MI& 10x40 w/2 edc:ted rooms, by owne1 662..0146 An ex1r11 lorge lot wllh dock tor up 10 50' boat Atrium entry built in enter1e1nmen1 Cooter, tormal dining b1lllerd room 4 lrp1C$ Dramatic and e1tc111ng 2-story 11ome with 5 bdrms. malc:t s rm and security sys1em Solid construc- llon on steel girders Ex1eroor p11lo on water w/gazobo A quiet Now· port loca1ion on tee land EspeclaJly fine deta1hng $895,000 See now• ll's new on the marketl ••••••••• ••••••••••••• pool Fer below market 3 :~~~:~PO Ll9• 1!!.4!ust 5235,000 w111 lease op· ~~.t.t~!~!'.!. .. !.~~~ 11on Bkr 6•4-0134 Ouplt>x on the sand 30111 se111n \0 do 63J-109~1•-lllll------• sl NB Newly remooeted IEW LllTlll RedwOOds condo, great locallon I Bdrm. p11vate patoo t>eaulllul POOi, spa and gardM 1et11ng Low down end owner l1nan· c1ng $79,900 142-1200 PETE BARREn ·.. REALTY PICTlllHOIE l&Ol UY EOUHTlllll HTlTE 11h% LOAI. Ass~mable on 11\ls 4 bdrrtt homet Relurblshed kitchen, new pa1111 and low ma1n1. yardl Very dOSillblo area, JuSt re· duced 10 $127 500 Call 979.5370 \ f >I l I tl I:' ti t ,\t '•I\ r •• t l'Jlt•tT•, YACAIT LIT Prime E·soc:te IOC41oOn RI bu1ldable 101 Lei s deal' S75 000 Ask for Cary or Scotti U1·2H2 ~~unho'' Ht· alt' Large rambling. country home with panoramic view ot the Back 68)', ---------~ Newporl Cenl•r end TIUPLd much more Fac1h11es for a small helo 01 horses, &1111•1.it Fi111ci1c accen to 61ci. .Bey All 2 Bdrms enclosed tra11s gar11ges •nd patios, ex· Rick Aldereue, 91.r cl'llent rental area Ow· (114) 131·4444 ner wtll also consider carry1og 2nd TD Near I•--------.. •hopping .-.11k1~ -$~. 000 Call 5•0·1151 '~HERITAGE REALTORS LOOK For our new regular weekly feature -I 0 IT SH 0 W-1 __ iiiiiiiiiiiiil CASE Everv Saturday In 1'10 Dail Piiot Classifieds 3 11111 llll Sll,IOO. ...... ,., ... ltr McC1r41t, llltr. c.,,., 1111111 IOZZ 141-1121 ······················ 1----------1 LEASE OPTION HARBOR RIDGE C ustom View H ome $50,000 option money 4 Bt.'<irooms. 5 &ths $1,299.5()() BANK LIQUIDATION BIG CYN CUSTOM On goll course 20• • ctn Vacant show anytime agt S 1.295.000 673-7761 or 760-1397 ILIFFS 39r 2 9a voew • Greenblll pool, lncfry rm A· 1 cond Owner (2131 507·5926 IOE&llFIOIT llPUI By owner Corner lot 3brt 3bl & 2brl 2b8 68SK Assome 172K 1s1 TO owe 2nd TD 752·9466 WlllW IHP&lllS Mull sell pres11g1ous Versallte~ondo 2 bdrm 2 ea View Fireplace ea ony end muc~ more All o ffers considered Owner 962·5019 UllH IEPO "llWNIT CHIT" F1n11111c loeallon Bar· Ill''" pric•d for quick Siie 3 bc:trm 2' • bath DHI r1i•I IOZI lrHevel 2 car anached •••••••••••••••••••••• garage Vacant $169 1n and oul 3 br , 2 ba upstairs 2 br . 1 ba dow11s1a1rs, M on 100/o down o w e balance al 13 9"1, 101 S yrs Great tor summer renta.ls $735, 000 Armitage Really 714-544-24841 o.,1u11/ v.;,, ,., s.1. 1100 •••.•••••••........... •·Pin Cost• IHa Pride 01 ownership Gd 11rr$29~ ' 675-0073, 855·22419 !'!!~!'!!. !!!r.!!l. ~ C M Huge quality duplex 3 lrplc: 3 gar. copper plmb'no s 125K OSSU· mable loan at 12"• 1n1 St 75Kt olr Agent 64<1-9666 ----"--.. UllTS Priced al 9 2 11's gross Includes pool, 1ennl1 cour Is ~ yrs new In Oceanside 111-2311 HCEH llULn FtrtCIHllrt ,,,., Managemen1 orienled 1n11os1or seeks llnanclal portner lor e1tcepllonlll Newporl Beach fncoma proper ues Hrgh appre· cia11on potenllal No ma· nagement requued Fully secured 675-1170 eves. v.knds 966-6545 de COSTA IHI E 11<1e duple11. 0·5% own, 2 Br. high beam ceilings. yards garages,'$1 41 , 900 l wo triple, es. all 2's 7 ~'1• owo break e11en $187 ooo eac11 Agt 6-40· 7 8 14 558-898 I Ltt1 /11 S•I• 2200 ...................••. ? lldJ R-2 Iota, Capistrano Beac11 $82.000 ea OWC 81 12"1i. 496· 1542 ,,, .. ,,;., lh1111, .... ,, 2400 ...................... Palm Desert Monterrey CC Plan 300 9oll lake/ min vu S 189K S 100 (IS· sum PP 7141855-4151 642-6590 -Moc:tem 3Br 2' •ba West 3 Bdrm 2'' ba f1m, ~w 11111~11 le1d 3161 side house 5795/mo decor $975 760·838,. Lioo1SLE:•;t,d~;;:;·;;, 631-3566, 720-41152 39r.29as1ng1estycondo, lamrm s 1700 mo Biii work all lllras. qu•OI $750 mo Grundy. Rllr 675-6161 3Br , 1 Ba . gllr , new kot Nancy 497-2149 -----lrg yatd S5601mo S 1120 HSTILIFF Cl&IMH! H111e1 v.1.1aid1H plus $200 dep 1eq Call •••••••••••••••••••••• eves/w kns bet 9 pm ,..,,,, 3202 951-5863 3BR & large bOOll·llned family room Fruit 11ees 11ege1able g~rden Room 101 large tam1ly or small $1.400/month Barbare Caltillan. 644·6200 .•.................... HOMES FOR RENT •MISSiON VIEJO• $67~-$~5 •IRVINE• ·$750 •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• ·s~ ·3 61 298 Frpl , gar. No pet s Range tsl plus sec $700/mo 648 W 18th 499· 1617 3 bdrm 2 oa wllh lg yd Remodeled kllch, dble gar Onve bv S72~ 894 W Wiison Call 559·5001 Fiii UUE1 3 or 4 bc:trm for lease in prestog1ous Mesa Verde Formal dining, 2 lrplc & Blutfs condo 3 Br 2•-. Ba formal din rm. fem rm. encl paloo, comm1y pool S1150 644·0335 ell *HUNT BEACH* $700 -fftOfe-49-0-0.J.mo.-Cal I Deirdre 979-5370 A 1 •WESTMINSTER•S725J.iiiiiiiiitiii-iiiiiiilim ... pm, 34 MOTORBOAT SLIP 3 Br 2'·• Ba. security gates $1200 PP 759--0588 •CHILDREN• •PETS OK• 'VILLAIE lllYESTIEllTS (114)141-2000 AGENT, NO FEE 4 Br C\iM $900 2 Br Ip Bal Pon $600 1 Br, bayfront $900 2 Br, ocnfrnl S 1100 .llCOIS llUL n PIOP •&11&HMHT 111-1113 4 Br condo for le11se, 2' > BB 1850 S I , leflOIS pool, rec No pets Reis Avarl 1211 544-607 t or 739-6521 !!~'!!~~'!.~~!!~.!.~~1 Wily 1h1ow awav rent when you can own 4-3 w/$1200 10 $2000 pay· ments. S175K • S2t5K, move 1n • 1ake over - share apprec:o1tron. call Sue at 891·5556 HHli•1I•• ••• ,. 3240 ••.....•..•••...•.•••. Beaut 1 sty. 3 br. 2 ba llome on qu1e1 cul·de· sac S8501mo For appt, 960-84168 536 14135 agt ----- BAYFRONT Balt>oa 1s111nc:t Sandy beac11 3Br 2ba exce: con<! Mon1111y or yearly $1500/mo Owner 6414-9513 E·Blull conc:to 3 b1 den: nr rennos Club lrplc pvt patio gar"°e new d&- cor Lease $890 mo 1600 S<1 II 760-0679 LUXURIOUS 4 BDRM WI POOL m BIO CANYON S35001mo yr Isa 644·9800, 673 8977 lalhl Sharp 2 BR 2 ea VIC:aflt • $550 asoc for Ke1111, Nwpt Shores 3 br ·2 ba, comm pool 1enn1s. l'IOI 1ub e•cepllonal• A11alt 12/ 1 $990 546·8889 , ...... 1. 3201 962·4• 71 968·9853 ;.;~~;·;.;·5 .. 9R••3,·,·1,~· Beac~ouse 291 yd pe1 SH Cl1•••I• 3Z16 OR lrg patio S 1200 mo OK. open Sa11S11n 221 •••• •••••••••••••••••• lo mo Ant 673-9060 14111 S $ 5 2 5 Hill sJoe ocean vrew 3 br "-t mo convert den & maoo•s Cotoal ''I 1111 32Z2 842~ quarters s20001mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bdcm 2 bi! Clllldron no 213/449-2628 • Small l Br duplu pets Sl18rp llouSf' Large ------- Single or eozy couple yc:t $750 mo Pal l••HI IHe• JZll Fr521c no gar, no pets 968-7006 •••••••••••••••••••••• S535 u1o1 p<1 752-5822 r Beaut 2 sly home on Duplex a1 717'> Orchid 3 Br :?be deck, v1ow 2 c:ar gar $950, Dy 540·•988. eves 640·9219 <> bdrm. 1 ba CPPe Coc:t Completely remodeled Prlv Sci\ $1,000 mo 673·• 771 833·2900 CHARMING 2 Br I Bl lrg rms beam ce1I t>lkS 10 bcl'I $900/mo 675·9496 3Br 29a cpls drps encl Canal, w/bo1t •lip 4 br, gar fpcd yd $700 mb 199 hv. aree S 1250 mo 968-1021 A v • I I n 0 w c a I I ---960-84168, 536·1435 for BHli•JIO• eppt (agl) Hllff81 32421-IO---, -.----••••. ........ ...... .... .,,., .. , ...•. Waterlronr condo. SH· Ual•t•i••H 341S gate Lux.ur•ous 3 bdrm 3 •••• •. ••••••• •• •• ••••• ba $1075 8,.6·5792 3 br 2 be condo ommed • -oc;c S66!l + $100 ctea-lr~••• 3244 n1ng dep 545-1217 e11s ...................... ---- IEIT&U ... tlX ::: • Se11e1 wlll tinance iijiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiijiiiil Hl&ll VIEW 1211,000 FH In 1118 hear1 of the village • a rare secluded 2 slory on a 40' 101 w/aepara1e arlls1'1 stuc:tlo Juel e Short '1!Yllll< to the beech. Ideal lor remodel or new conslrucllOn Owner woll help linanc;e SPECTACULAR OCEAN 000 It r ,•, avarlable ANO HARBOR VIEW 772·7281 llllH WELLS Salt Distress. Tennis Condo 2 bdrm. 2 ba Top IOC Greel tin 832-7638 Ownt 2 sty 3 br 3 ba 2 lrplc 2 bllts l rom 1>onch $1400 /mo (2 131 388-9770 01 t 7 14) 6•0·4776 I to 4 bdrms starling al S600 to $ 14175 ~l!.'.'!'!!~!~.!~!!'.i!!~ l1lhl 111,.1 31H OlU 144-1211 Newlv upgra<led, 2 BR. 2 WALKER & LEE A E ea, lull sec , assume lowl•-----••••I dwn Own_1_8_9_3-_3_1s_1_ REDUCED S50,000 ...•.....••..••...•••. 6aytront sm sludlo, ullls pd, quiet emplyd eongle. yrly S•25tmo 673-3600 HHli•fll• For Sale By owner $299 O•I o/ It.I• '*"' I HO soo 3Br JBa sw•m«ung ,,, .. ,,. ZfOO Cnl• lleu 3ZZ4 lllhl •••••••••••••••••••••• pool lrplc wet bar. llv ••••• ;io;;•'•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '••;.••II 3111 SP&ClllS ll&CI lllE rm din tm. lam rm X1ra FOR SALE-Lelo:e voew llEU YUH ••••••••••••••••••••••. Ouple11 Two three be· droom un111 Sleps to sand Ocetn v1..,.1 lrom A1l~~~~~~~~~~I uppet un11 Just reouced :::: ICUJIFltHT $49,500 Now S299 SOO /.Jn ~•r,fL UAILt ( & Asc;uc IA f[S 5 Bd 4 B J. 30<'.ll I g 2 c 1 r garage Orflgon Ran ell 200 Et1.c 4 61 3 Ba l0<mal 01• 29r 26A, lrpl Sips to r, 't a. sty. 633-9773. 646-0811 dys, BCrt>s 29r Ilse <>corrals d1n1no femtly rm lmmec bell w/d gar No pet sq 11 + over 900 sq It 556 4982 e es trout stream 2 mobile Gardener 1 n c I Yrly $750 645·6956 Of balcony Some ooeen • _v _____ t home s11os S225 000 30 s 12001mo Select Pro-Avail Dec l :: SIPEH tHLln U 1·1300 :m ees1 Cotona d•I Mtr ~ location with prlv11e ti» 1>41ach ecceu The l1nes1 = thru·oul this n-ly con. mt 11ructed 2 bdrm & den :::: hOme A total llChlttclU· • .,. ral triumph with oak ;:: floors. French doors & • 11a chef's 6ellghl kllchen ::: See l o believe S 1 .475, 11•1 000 tl• t1M -INI 11.'i\TI HI Hll'\'I = tlUMI' 1-. ,_ REAL ESTATE = . 6JI 141'14.I :;:1--0llTl~~-llPtlAl-~-,-- tnt IUOI ftlTS -M l -•1• •11 •n --., ------ Au um1bl• financing avallable on these 3 be· droom units ne1r Big Coron• belc:h $369.000 6~~-7020 Lllll IUl HT&TI ....... llTT1ll '::~~~· S©\l<A}µ-a£!rS" .... .... lol""4 ~, &AY • POlUll ------ 0~':,_.:,-..!.,~, :: ...... ,.,.-rt l0wt -. ....... ..wch ENVIKO IAR HY I ..__l.__1 ........ 1 ........ ' I.__. 1 'You II 1--..;L;.......;.l_O;;....A_Y.;.........11 ~.! 1· I r I . ~ never De a IO<ler rf youu ,......_V_O_C_R_E_L--, eiwiys • ........ ~ ... 1-... 1-1....-.. 1',...;;... ... l-1 G ~~"'"'•'• ·~· ''""I'• ~U<1lod '----''-... _ ........ _ ... ___._ ..... !:.~i!:o 1.: :~:p "::.:~! a:;r;~· view. 1 blk to beach 3 bdrm, 2 ba 504 Red· o c ------ $285,000 F.P Seo owner lanc:ts S210.000. $10,000 ~~e;··9~~a~~~e~ 17 ~~: parties 751•3191 WOODBRIDGE No 1 Wi'id 26~• d•corator lur- in edl !louse et 206 15th down, assum1ble loans 596•3500, home 17 141 USTSllE ClllO Wheat 3 bdrm. 3 bl, 2 n1sl1ed apt, 1 blk lo bell, SI 536-1718 645-5735 owner 66l·7622 or Bart (!>031 Clean, 3 Bt 2 68, den, car ger Family room I blk to bey. yr eround II ll·H •l&L! 1147·3536 11ome (503) trplc 2 car g1r $780 Wes11er oryer Nr Ass'n lmmed occupancy $695 "' LIM•••• 947.3216 5,.5.6635 pool spa. tennis Av•ll mo 834·1679 Close to ocean 3 3 -" 2 S9 5 95 30 8 - Pymts S 1200 10 $2000 PltL .. IHthl f1t•• Woodslretm splll·l•v•I ~ 4 mo 4~ CtreH Iii ••r 31U S175K 10 $215K Move In Xlrl lerge 4 bedroom '""~ I noo condo 2 br & den 2 b• ,,. .... IHt• 3141 ;,;;~;ti~1··s:i~~i~·~~: • lakl' over lhered ap-11ome on 1g corner lol Al •••••••••••••••••••••• OW rel11g. 3 car g1r Nr ••'••••••••••••••••••• 10 r I urn 8 p I Fr p 1 prec1a11on Financing an unbelievel>le price FM LUSE • Fiii pool No pets Av111 EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 s99stmo 673·0896 available Call Sue at $595 000 This deloghllul $750/mo 751· 18711 Ba 1700 sq 11 frplc --- 891·5556 lamlly home wis on 25 Ac: grape vineyard IWl"I lllT -r brick petlo .• wllh spa C1111 lf111 3114 Hom• Tour Rancho Cahf w111 leaff " ••• $ 1 6 o o / m o •••••••••••••••••••••• Im•• 1044 10 1oea1 w1ne1y. person or Beeul condo 2 br, 2 ba 2 1 3 t 8 7 6 . 2 2 5 5 or Furn 1 bdrm apts S385 ••••••••;aoiii .. •••••• r---~-----group 01 serious wine-Lease or 1ea1e/op1 675·3067 11nd up Enc g'ragH FMllLlllll I wei. cered tor 8 yr old -.. ...., Only 8 yr• old! 6 Bdrm 2 Cabernet Sauvig non Condo 2 bdrm, 2 bl ocean. old 2 11y w/HP - makers who will ma1n111n $850/mo 5•5·3339 w ooa;-Cove, 2 blks 10 2110 Ne"~p8o_~~!vc:t CM story 11m w/3 blthe. for· vine• For dellllf NHr UCI Brand new e1udlO $1 000 mo IEWPllT Yll.Lm mal dining end ulll rml Lido ea 7 I 4 I 6 7 J . 4 9 2 6 . AU n pOOI and parlt 494·7222 ltMtfflll ......... Owner absolutely muet 2131393-5498 AIC Avail now s79o W If,' I 31SJ G w Paid p NII' Price lull reduced 101"i;iiiijjj6~7iiiJ..~7iiiiii30Q~~-~llfa/ .,_1111 650·3243 •• 'l!.'!~ •• !I ... ~ .•....•• w~~l.a::uul .. :~:~ S 145,000 Cell 979.531011 .. 2 Br t 8ii""Co11ege, ca;: MONARCH SUMMIT ·28r 1enri1s courts volleyball NOWl lxt••••• lllO pets. drapes, smell p1110 & den. S800 mo 22852 courts. Rocre11100 room j \f '.-11.ltlF!f . .., . PRIVATE ••• la• Cle•••lf 1111 •••••••••A••••••••••• $475/mo No pets Andera 6~2-10211 Jr 1 bd, lurnlshed $<130 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lake ArrOWheld 2600 s I a•o ••9• Cell 557 0075 home S230.000 Xlnt 11· "" ..... " 3 Br 2'~ Ba In gu1rded • -. wa!'! ~l~lrorn nanclng For ule or E111s1de, 3 bd, 1•-. ba. iel e community S375 mo DI• mobile lhlicute 3 ar 2 eahome trldeSIOOOOOequtty fC>f encl Pa110, encl Garage, 705/mo Avall now 11om• No 1>411• Meture Aseume low int9'eal lotn So Coasl proper ty Frpl WIO llO<*·up Dis-Lease oPllOn POHlble adulls Oul•t secure 714/llff-6698 11washer Oard lnel. No 760·1977 111111 ~port 8 .. "8373 and OWnef will c.ry 2nd --p • 1 1 $ a o o / m 0 -------Fu II price s 160,000 HEMET ~c:111nge $80, 673-6242, 676-8902 ADULT COMMUNITY Bull•slN 831·7370, 54 -3546 000 re~r market • 135,000 _ __ b1. den, 2 b• frpl Nr •---ei,~• ... -N B condo. Xlnt llnan Auum. loan S 110,000 11 10 50%. Owner wlll carry or IH/OPI 1185,000 S911y Shipley 751Ml 100 2 bdrm, 2 ba Plen 3 In Orange Tr•• P •llc> Homes Prole11ion111y O~orlled Plulll c:atl>OI. cuetom ahull•• E•c.1· lent 11mentti.. 1126.900 eqully 2Br I d.n, 1' •b• E11t11de 3 Br 2•; Ba den, comm pool HOO/mo ~ • ,.. oome Gd cono. 1•1>11t to •P• 1e1. 11" 4 Meurlly. 731 2514 ~r •9 .. · 11'77 ··,·,··,······ .. ·••l•Yl••••m•••• "" = -M l ---.... ..... , .. ... Ju• sear'• Shopping Cntr, 2 avall lmmed 8•6·3532 •lfl blk• to MeOICal Cntr • 3 Br -3 Be -b1.·._._.. -..:.... ,.,,,,.,, IHI• • lkaulltl'l & park Ilk• wlth ...... WHV ····~················· tor _ _.. .......... dnlwn enopptng WANT It ._......._ .... ...d Su~ •f>IC•al 2 br. 2'• ba ,_..."""' RI or cofldo In bttcfl r,"p1c,'';;.":"2~;· l"" c' condo. lolt-1y1>9 den w/ •Specioua Apia area C1n add ciuh PIN& 1850 H1·"90 wet bar, lrplc. opan •Pnv•I• PatlOs 1-927·3578 t>e1med ce111ng1 many •COveted Ptrtiing l!U111de, -3 &;"28., den e 11 t r • e $II 2 5 I mo *Dining Area _. Br 2 8a, beaut land· •••••••••ii seeped home In MeH def Mar Cornef lot w/RV ••• ~~t'!~'!.! •••• ! .•.• 15000 Down .. er 2 8• ' covered patio, vtulled ce111ng1. commty pool 1111.800 Celt 497·1657 lrpt. led verd, ger, car· t4t-7452or8A1·2810 •Wiiii '" CIOMll pet• draoee ltOOtmo •Homa 11111 Kitchens '"· lbt p1ut l400 277 5 llA 3ba In Harb°' VllW 1 blk 10 Huntlog1o n ' For Ad· Action Cal I .Daly Plot AD-ID &42-5171 aeceu Reduced to 1139,1160 751·3191 !ft~!H.'f! .•••• l.'M Tr9de equity in "°"'9. '°' . ' lood motorllome and IOOO firm 3 Ir. 1'-t BA, H • H pool In W..1· mln11ar lat 117,000. 1180/mo tv•rJ1111ftl. l1Umettd vetue 111 , 000 '""Y .....,..... llO .,.. ~ Pl'tY ...... n , R o 11 1 n 11 o o d L n 3 c• getage, nkle lamlly c.n1ar. 1reneportat10n a &51· 1737 l'lm I 1600/l'l'lo 1H·l lll7 frwye. 3 Br Tl -. .... E11c:l-Wealc:ft" VIiia, Dover ITIUf1ll ... . '• I . 9111"' room. Of. mMt« llUl1• w/frptc 1 ldrm ''om 1115 ~lb:'. 1111~110 ~ 'd 2 8r I .. pool. )ICYlll, Towntl .. wntwn LldO Perll I lldrm = I 1 ' • 5 t 4 .... ' 0 •IC 11100/mo 913.33 ,, .!«" MSG ~.Beet\, 71•·--"30 ' or 17..,103 LA OUtNTA n,.MIOIA OoNnftont 311dn'nl 1GDO 19211 Pnllde ln. 1 1111 lldO llM 2 1ctrtn llUO :I Ir. I le. WlllCle. pool IMl9 :I Dr. l 't tit wet« W Of IMOll, :1 llllt I ou1111ronl 3 JIPf Atf.'1110/mo. vtew, neer Poat~ of Minger M?·~1 11400 ttt/1111 rent .... 7:1H ttlOOmo .......... , * UIO/mo • 11111 • , WATl..,..aNT HOMll llr, Ht lovely hmhN It 1"-1 ... Ille. ,._ '*°" & I Ir uftlUtft I futn .. "IAL!2."' ......... --. 1 t/9. Ne 11.000 mo. a"°"'"'· poo1, IPt t"" l'lortct• ···-..... 111111 .. 11• ., ... , Ml·llM, """"' " , l•11i1nml ~t~Vc1!ou ~J ' lor II 30 day Id 1n the Nill PILIT IRYIOI llllOTHY 00 IT NOWI lP fer IH4ra Your Daily Pllol Service OlrfCIOry Aep1esen11111ve IU-HH, •at. 122 M~'!!!~!l.~!!!'l!!~a.t MOQf1hght Orallsman Home-Add'ns-Remodei. Member AIBO 6<15· 1871 SLIDING GLASS DOORS ~~ .•..........•. f~l!.~h!!!ff •....... 01lveways, Plfklng Lot Shampoo & t1Hm c ... n Repairs. S.alcoo11r10 Color tJtlOhttncira wht S&S A*PM 631·4 109LIC c1p11 10 mh' bltacl'I Oen HaMberg Gtadlno ~·•II, llv/dlll fml. 15, •VO • & Paving Co Aesl comml •OOlll S1 60, c;°"'h I 10, Lie 397680<1 842 172 c;h1 16 Ouar ehm pet 000• Crpl repair 15 Y" O•P Oo work myHll !let& 5!14-0123 ~!!!!~!1! •••••••• ~ •••• Agg1eu1 .... Atlotney, No fee lnlllal COnsullallon, Pefaonal Injury C111.,, No Aecove1y. No Fee <194-8591 1ncorpo11Uon, business advice, Reasonable iees 752·1962 ldr1i11J.. ·• •••'••••••r••••••••••• Will SIT in my CM home, fenced ya,d hot me•ls, 1eas rates 548-2674 '•'""' •..•.................. CU$l0M HOME BLOA need1 SMALLER JOBS between houjes Free HI Call Din 537-0342 f !!'!!~!/.~~'!!!!!! ••• :, Cecnent·Maaonry·Bloci. WOll5·CU51 work Lie •381057 Rob !>47·2683 01iveways-pa11os-watk1 Block walls·m•sonry Free est, reas 892·4SS7 THOMPSON CONCRETE Pat101-d1l11eways· lounda1lon1 •393383 6•2·8<182 C••IHtllll ~.,,.,. ···········'·········· Nona 2 blQ, none. 2 small, Ftom A to Z we do It all 7 14·67!>·9436 lie 42578 I tnstalledl Remod, add'ns • & concrele. lie. 361681. C•'1HI #ai••• REMODEL ·Comm- tes1den11a1, tenanl Im· provemen11. major re· paus. Bldg renovation, code corrections. etc 20 yrs Orange Cty bonded, ins. Lio • 191801.. Pa· J 892·1~~1 ··············'······· oe ..,... CablnelS & Carpentry l•acl11t1wt 1 .. 111 Small 101>1 & rec>atrs Free esllma1es 645-2003 JAPANr s1: uMlO£NfR SPfCIAl IST ma1111 ' tl11•n up trlm"''"O low ptlett HM H I ~48-9483 '!!!!!. .. '!~I. .... ••••••• .lt!Olfl 1 Gardenmg Oecorul• ,..,utnoo tion.. Clean·upl. ''" 111m & conev111111ont "' h01Jtly 111111111 wv1ca 1140·8035 1a1e 5<16 7646 i'.f.wn Hr\llt41 If Om SI 8 ~!!~~!~I. •....... Supply/111s1an1F!apa11 Lge suiecllon + herd· wa1a Bob 646-21123 evs llttlrit•I .••••••.............•. Ltc; 39662 1 873-0359 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Ouat work/Reas r11es Free ISi 63 1·5072 ELECTRICIAN Smt lobs/Repairs Lie 233108·C· 10 548·5203 RESIOICOMM'l/INO 20 yrs Do my own work Lie. 2780• 1 Al 646·8126 AMH EleCl·Aemodels. mo 'I'd cWl•n-up1. woo· cling lreo worlo. Ktn 904 1063 K&O L"ndscupe Ma1111 Ae11d1Comm Clean-up Sprln er •Y• 548·2489 SAM FUKUMOTO'S G@rden1ng. OIHn UPI. ma1n1 , 1ree Him, aml tondscape 64!'>·35'40 Clean up$ • T 11tnmll'lg Spr1nklefl • Ma1nt Free HI 842·2857 TllE PLAIT HO · lndoo1 plant care free est 63 I ·2259 .l&HIEIE UUE•R 839-5035 A Cl Cl • I • 0 n s ' g • t • G1ui•• wrksllops. Low reles Lie ••••••A•••••••••••••• 1:32!>738, Ins 648-7378 TRACTOR WORK Ell· cevallng, cdtnpac11on. ~'!411'!!~ •••••••••• ,. P•olltnO C111~lry CeramlG Ille llC"d & 8ontled 644 4 798 •vii• ~~~!~·.c ...... : ...... . DUMP JOBS & Sm•ll Moving Job• Cell MIKE 8•6· 139 1 HAULINO·OAADINO dlfff•Ollllon. c1e11n up Concre111 & 1100 remov•I Qul(;i( HIV 842·7638 LIGHT HAULING & Cl.EAN·UPS Free HI 642-2657 HAULING·llueltnl w/IQe lruck, iome lo rates Thank you 7S9·1916 Jotin ~ ..... ~'~ .....••••..... Hin El 141-1121 Furnace-pool-waler heat N-80.000 BTU Furnace & thermoslel rnstalted S75000 (71') 8~ !~I!'!.!~!~~--..... . Palnhllg. pkJmb1ng. elec , drywall, Ille, c;arpen1ry Mark !>46·7816 Orano• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tuesday. Novem~ 23, t982 CT ~m~l!t!I .... ~ HOUSECL ANINO r•I• T111n1porta11on h l)ttr"d 11111·0756 Ou•"'Y Housec:1oan1no wn h • P•r l<Hlll T O\HC h Call Bflh 8!>0·0933 Hol•HC'IHtllng.' rt1llllbl1t r•f Own 1111nsp. Relit VOLANOA 8•:l·0401J I Wllh 10 find a job Cle8· n•rig hOUHI Aea11 rat•• )Cini 1ef• 645·<1105 ~~~!!!!'!!!I •••••••••• OLDER COUPLE WILL HOUSESIT )(LNT REFS 543·524 1 673· 1951 9USIN£SSMAN WILL HOUSESIT ECIU<:ate<I & capable 64<1·6369 J .. ;,.,1.1 • ·······''·············· COMM'l J.o,NITORIAL & CARPET CLFANING. Dee's Cleaning Serv1ee Lie Bonded 963·547<1 ~~~~~~~!!r ......... . Cus1om Decks • Masonry & P•Uo Covers Reas Free est Gene 539·<1078 t,}~!!11 ••••••••••.••. rH!!!'L,,~'!........ T!~.l!!!!tt ••........ ••• flllTilll PLAST(R PAICWNO SI.OW RAll'.S I by RIC!lllrd SlnO• Lie: rle111u,c;o1 lnlltal 3 Tr .. lrimlrernov clean 26060 13 y11 ot hllPl>V Yfl Neal Pa1JI 5'5·2917 ups, mf)WrllQ 56<1·1017 10(;111 tui.lom-.'ll Thunk Y<lv 631 •4 10 PAINH .. 11 Nl£0S WOHi<• 30 yrs e•P lnll ••• ~GOulllC oellin"• I IC 366f80 Fl1we e41 011v1• P111nung 84 f 11~2 Lowest 111te•1 Prompt, 1i.101 p101au1on1111 16 yr• e~p 636·7149 R'AtPttS PAINTING LOWEST RATES liC 3800 I!> !>38 9898 CUSTOM PAINTWORK Comm'l1rea1<1, a1r1pplng, t lalnlng Tiie Job that speaks l or 1111111 498·8580 1111 CL~S PAINTING Wallp11por, 1n11E.tt1 Re· pairs f'ree es1 979-5294 Swanson & Son Painting Complete ••I I ttory ~ from S39!1 lndtvi· dual rooms from 145 + ma1or1als Reis, Insured ltC 205341 631·4870 '11•tl•• T•ll• ramovat. lt1mmln9 ••••••••'••••••••••••• ~rgtncy ..,vtce L'C $ Hlllr El Hl·l121 111tu1Ni ue-0914 40 0111 willC1rhoa1er 1225 ~·!~~!!!'.~~ ......... . AC AAINC,UHEA Bonded 1,1t-ljC 8314784 Ftto,u 1 I S24·5824 ~!!!!!!~!~I:' •••••••••• J 0 lfOrr1 f\eltnl•hlng AnltQutl kll ceblno11. Ima painung 8'5·0664 ~.-!!!~I. ............. . Hu1>tt1 Roof1no-a11 •YPff Naw-r8COll8f·deck• lie •411802 548·973<1 llHf NHU•' pon'1 re-roof, repair at l raellon pt coat 8!>7·2890 AOoFlNGRE~ r~~·1!~~ ............ . Motl •VbjtC11, K· t4 Ollv/eve S6 & $12/hr Mr Morg.,, 645·5176 !!~~~~.~!~~'!!!f ••••• . I.el I he SUl\tnlne In" Call Sun1h1ne WlnCIOw CteMlng. Lid 54&·8853 20% Monthly Otscounl WINDOW CL'E.UllNG RESIO & COMM'l FREE EST 581-1132 WE WASH WINDOWS Fast. prole111ona1 Hf'.· ' VIOe Duality work guaranteed Free asumate 848-7391 Sma·11 jobs OK Free -----.--1--osllmales Call Tom or St1t1 Ln I•• IHI Chuck, 542·6392 That all contractors who perlorm work QVJW $200 ~tH•I 1nclud1ng 1stro1 and • • •••• ••••••••• •••••• • mater•afs mutt be Ucen· Carr..atrr lombo Const Anytime Mouldings. Fireplaces. ••• ••••1 .. ••• .. ••••.. 962-1\314 Add Rooms. 35 yrs exp. Aemoo & Aep111rs. Fre W&Y OtlST•tcTIH p u "IWO eleclrtCtOns" ad hom pas1e·uP (tuns 1106-1204) backhoe 20 yrs ellp King Equip. 637·7392 "HELPING HANDS" You name II, -.·11 do Ill Ed & Bobbi 240·0275, 2<1 hrs !!~!!!'!1 •••••••••••••• BRICKWORK: Sm•ll jobs Newport. Costa Men. Irvine Reis 675-3175 011 Isle Pa1n11ng Spec 1atas $76 p1 Clay plus materials 673-5379 ----. -!~~~;~~ ............ . MOBILE SERVICE sed UnlleenHd c;ontrac· AescreenslNew scteens 10,5 Should 80 slatt In NB/CM ooly 642-9!>!>2 lhetr advetllilng. Con· Clean lie No 2769<13. est lo rales. Decks. P•· n 714.859-9905 llo. Sieve 752·95!>6 lie 1:<120802. Plans !'.'.~!I!'!!~ •••••••••••• BiOcklBrlck "'Waiis, Con· Expetl wallco11e11ng In· s1011a11on Reas Consul- 1an1 Aii.s1gnmt .561·8590 ht11t11ial h rritn •raclors and consumer• •••••••••••••••••••••• contact Mary Grond'8 at EXPEA. carpen1er does Financing Available _R_E_M_O_O_._S_P_E_C_IA_L_IS_T_1 add'ns. remoel, decks 142-1200 JG Allen. lie 202752. Skylights & repairs. Free HOME IMPROVEMENT TOP QUALITY WORK AT REAS. RATES LIC"d Joel 5<17·442!> Carpentry • Masonry Roofing • Plumbing Drywall • Stucco • file Remodel J B. 6'16·9990 ~~~!!!!~~!!!I •••••••• crele Very raas Lt<:'d Bob 673-53671536·9906 ------!~~~!~~~!~! ...... . PROFESSIONAL (7 14)558-4086 With any SECRETARIAL SERVICE questions Contractor'a 7!>A-6368 Slate L1cenise Board, 28 Bonded. 494. t8 t eSI Dan, 841-4!>92 All TRADES ~!!!.'!!a.I •••••••••••• ROBIN'S CLEANING Setllice • a thoroughly !!~!!~f .............. . **BRYANT'S** f/11 Civic Cente1 Plaza, Room 690, S•nta Ana. CA 92701 Custom Ca,penlry by Dick REMOOEl/AOO"NS ~'.'!!!!'!f.!!!!J!!.... &. Nell. Paneling. tormica, 64 1·8_96_7 __ _ 50% OFF FIRST MONTH doors, e1c Ph 6<12-8809 ""• &44tti ... TIEii Ca1pen1ry • Cabinets Plumb · D1111n Cleaning e1ec1r1cal • Tile clean house 5<!0-0857 HOllEWOll WllTEI -•&·1 •tYIH* Top quality 2!> yt exp Competlllve rales Walfcover1ng Removaf· •••••••••••••••••••••• • 642 1343 TILE INSTALLED ~1 lYP41..!__ • All'Klnds Gu1111nteed Dependable. alfordable. Doors lns11lled, evety· SINCE 1962 .:212!>42 essenllal. Answering thing in bldg & repa11 35 M L •• · h Topped/removed Clean up, lawn renov 75t,3476 Refs Don 966·0149 11li• Cerlll Reis Jo~n 840·92171•-------• CUSTOM·;~·~~~.~·~ Kuchens. en•ne;:t;;tt;S No ovarume 730· 13!>3 IPNITllm --- service. secrelerlal & yrs exper Reis Jerry •~e ... acarewte business servlcea, mall 5•6 4413 111-1211 Exper Gardener &. ciean ups. Tree 111mmlng Free est Pele 641-1096 28 VAS EXP DUNHAM HOME IMPROVEMENT Romoelel·repalrs·lenclng High qvallty housework Expe11enced, dependa· ble, honest, lntelligen1, me11eutous. flexible I am Iha besl Phone 673-7012 alter 6 PM weekdays All day Satur· day and Sunday. ·ABC MOVING· Quick, Careful Service vers, redwood decks & Free es11ma1e:. lances Randy 64 1·0622 640·2062 knocks ollen when you use resull·geltlng Dally Pllol Classllled A"ds 10 reach the Orange Coast mark al boa rental. word proces. --·-------4 c_o_n_1-r11-c-10-r-;;;;;-In all sing. Telex-Facsimile. Cat MI S.rri11 1r11des new conslf. re· orde< entry. pagers-lease ... ,.-••••••••••••••••• mod & small jobs Lie buy. desk space rental. No Steam/No Shempoo 316209 67!>·958S UIHllll W&ITll Mowmg, edging, raking, sweeping Free esti· mates 64!>·!>73'1 electrlcal·plumbing carpen1ry 631·8!>30 JACK OF All TRADES Call Jack anytime. Low rates. 552·04 10 STAl:WING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO LtC T 12<1-436 insured 641·8'627 WAU::H US GROWi _____, --- ~!~!!!!!.~·~!~ ••••..• ED'S PLASTERING Neat patches lnl/ex1 People who need People That's Wflat tl'le DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY ie all aboutt Phone 642-5678 ANSWER NETWORK Slain Speclahst. FaSI 631·9131 (ask for A. V.j dry. Free est. 639· 1582 Classifred Ads 642·56¥ Day 01 night. 675·3014 Res1uecos. 6•!>·82!>8 ~~.'!.&/~!'!'; A,.rt•t•~• A,.,,.,.~, A,.u.'i::::i-4 A,.tl8nll A,.1t•nll f,.~ .. 1}!~.~!!!!!~!.~~f ¥/!if.'..~~!!! •••• !.~!f l•l.11tn.r-1 4SOO ~!.~.f. .. ~/!t •••• !.~!f lsiaili, ,.. u.1., .... H u.1., .... ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ua/11ai1A'4 u.1.,.111114 Studio/condo base of Airport area • Exec Sul-•••• !!!! •.••••••••.••• 1·---------m;------•• ~c....---11ff ·...._._• • •• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••·,.._.. ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ··~·•••••~;;:::;,,.••••••• Warm_§_p~lng~ In Sun tes. From 225-•SO s , rt. SI...50 u.A-.2.J,6_0JL.-1.nd • •••••••••••••••••••••• Cer••• 111 llar 31ZZ ••I• ••• •~ ....... ; •••••••••••••••• m at --_.. -vsrrey wrspectacu ar per"" any x ras. 'stria! • 0tt1ee ieto1 "'-· ---rnf1lll\ IUIPIPll ans .............................................. Large 2 Br. 1 ea. C&f'por1 •••••••••••••••••• ~.. •• •••••••••••••• ~ t 8 to G d c ss7""'1010 ~ f\IUIW 1 & 2 BR Pool Spa SflPS Tl ICEU laund 797 W Wilson. The Lakes. 1 Br. 101t up-v ew 0 8 Y 00 all • dondo Crrcle. P & T . . ' -.....~--.. $ 35 6 2 88 3 ef 8 s•YfRONT ~!2'.e9~01Call Jack ie -IESI ····1 c .. -H8.u2n-2181n311.1on, Beach ARE FREE BBQ. no pets, furn. avail. Large 3 Br 3 Ba many _.,.;;;:-~.. 4 4 • <I b pm. ¥raded, 1enn1s, pool, spa n .,... .. -.. .. (lH) Hl·IHI amenities. S 1100. Call AP&llTMHTI 995'5813 • 550 832·2838 BALBOA ISLAND ValllBeavef Creek. Coto. Allracuve rusllc upsta1rs 8081 Holland Cr, HB Dorothy 673-797!> or S Cst Plaza area 2 BR. 1 l. .. L 3141 Sanely beach 3Br 2ba. lu•u"' townhome. 4 Br 4 selling. We svpply desk. Storage yard. fenoed, nr Cal: .. , ... ,. 759 9t00 Beau1llull)' landscaped 8 •c ••••• •t• M 1 ., space. copier. You sup· H8fbor and Baket 50 X Btwn Stater/Warner • gatden apls Pool a Spa a. ,. pool, $e<I getes. ••'••••••••••••••••••• tllcel cond onth Y or Ba sips 12. daily or wkly off Beach Cle.n 3 bdrm. 2 ba dplx. Pahosldecks No ""IS no Pe 1 s $ 5 !> 0 PP IClll WIEW yearly $1!>00/mo Ownlf slu rental 213/376-390, 6 ply phone, & S9!> pt mo ISO 11 $225 mo Le1ger • ----------1 p1110. gar. Avail. 1214 Bachelor . """S39!> 968-36!>2 10 minutes so of Laguna 644-9513 pt desk Call 644-7211. area also avail ~!l.'!'!~.~!!.t •• ~J.~f $990. No pelS 7t9 He· 1 Bdrm $470 Ltg 2 Bel Beam celllngs, on Dana Polnl's most ---------•1,.tal1 I• S.u1 4300 IUmFIL :-:-:~5~4~9~·8~1~8~1:..· ~n~o...~1~44~4=:1~~~~~~~~~~ Luxvry 81Udlo, free HBO, llolropo 972-9406 2250 Vangu111d540·9626 IOIS of wood lhrvou1. secluded sc:enlc blull, s.. c1,.,.,, 3111 M·;;;~~~·~:~;~~~~:·;;; llWNIT CllTE· 2500 SQ " near Hoag HU ••• Cl b •<180 2256 like new 2 Br wi den •••••••••••••••••••••• " Hosp separale office & phone, mai serv, spa, t Br. Garden apt Newly serv at · 1.lta tarn:. pnvale pa1to' 'l mo flee ren1• 2 BA, C Cl M house. non· Wllh use ol receplion, restioom 5900/mo w/ garnel setting. Lost $l30 '#ti. <199-3015 dee . blks 10 beach Maple. 673-8803 or /, .-S465 rly pool n smolo.er neat. Sleble 1 k tch ph Newport Camelbac k $280. Furn. Chumlng, $600/mo. 675·9496 ~ll~=rl ::~g 548•7356 B B ~~2~.r. 9~:l16~~0~1~I ~9e8ac6h2' 7~bus No P 0 e1Sr ~:~~~~~rs:7t ~2:g ~:re~=· & 1 word ~~! ~4u51.~fi:llve ok Bkr Post Olltce Nov 17th Bach. nr beach. Ulll pd. IEST UY I OCW 131 E teth 646•6816 lrg 4/ple. 2 r. I a. 0r111e by to see a1 24587 • (Wkdys) 6410_5180 cesslng Mail & message --------• REWARD Nopels. t respempadll. y-II.... . 161 E 181h 642•0856 Clshwr W /s1de AvaJI Santa Clara Nr SC Hosp. 2 BA, 2 Be -----• serv. avail. separalefy If 2400 sQ lt.1720/mo.17th. 553-8191, 6<14·•63!> 494-4200 ''""' -1 2 I I 1 $ 4 9 5 I mo ••1 patio, piing $485 mo No 2 bdfm 2 ba View •Pl deSlred Call· Judy, & Placentia, Costa Mesa liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Oc i b h I I Lrg 2 bd, 2 ba. dJn Am, 111. 211. 311. 64!>-6625 ~!.'!r.!!.~!~ ..• ~.. pels Promontory Pa.n1 $380 7141760.0100 64_&-_1_1_6_4_...'------1 awTTlll" IS LIST n::.~:n~. n~cpe~:,' 1:1: ~};~~:~sn~~a~~~ Newly decor Gas pd. 3 br, 2 be, patio, carpofl NO FEEi Apl. & Condo 891-1644 Female, 2!>-35 years old EXECITIYE stmS Ptetty grey ternale Tigef now, $350. <197·2057 c 0 M L 0 ca 1 1 0 n encl gar, dwshr, pool. No pets. 2515 Otenge 1antals Villa Aen111ls • "UO Call Ans-ad No 533. Full service. Keep your ~!!!!f! •.•.•....• !.~!. cet. leflgrlh fur, !Ives on Iii I It j 31~1 s I 4 o o I m 0 I ease bbq. no pell, 642·5073 API B Ml10. 645-3360 67S-<1912 Btottet: :~~!,.~! ...... ,.!~... 642"4300_24_h_rs_. ___ 1 overhead low & profes· Storage Spaoe 12' lC 18~ Chtlstrne Drive (near .!.?.! .... ~! ....... ~. 760·1901 • Ne•r 18th/Pomona. I Br, (213)546-2871 ;-;-eToc;k 10 beech, 2Br. 2 81 2 Ba e11,)>at10. sec; Fem.roommatetoshare2 slonal image high Pre· 36" door l!Otmo plus Banning & Magnolia). OCEANFRONT Olx 2-<I Br. 2 bd m 1 ba pool deck 1 Ba. downsta11s di s. lh r, i b U bnght & ~ $875 mo g11e, pool $535/mo bdrm apt In Corona del 11191ous Weslc~fl area of S 70 sec; deposit Hunllngton Bffch. PIM· By week or month. carpro;ts. Bll·lns.'eea,,.; c11rpor1,waterpd,lchtld ••• ~~ •• !.!!••••••••••• ytly 968·.9763 213/860-9!>13 Mar S250mo 673-5296 Newport Beach 8810o-673·4154 Newport M~ll964-0332eft 6 673 7873 ok, no pets $<100 Agent, IOEU YIEW --ver Or Ste 14, 631-36!> 1 Beach. • celhngs. 4352 Shore no lee 962•0217 2 Br. 2 Ba. from S52!>. No * 2 Br. t 811. ofl MacAr· Aehable hsema1e 10 shr -------1 On the beach holel 1 Ctest Ln. S600 650.0<173 Dane Poln1·1 most s&-pell Across l!om New· lhur Blvd ·· So Coall ocean front Clplx apl DELUXE SUITE I • /l , / SCRAM·LETS room •pl. kilChenelle &. THE SHORES· BEACH ~ BA 2 ea. $475 eluded SOllllC blulf Like .. porl Beach Goll Course. v •II as $ 5 cs OJ m 0 wllh WOtktng mom & ....... •nit, b a 1 h . I urn 1 s he Cl AREA· No pels 760· 1418 or new• Only 4 units, 2 Br 545-4855 646-4667 teenage son $400 mo W•r Frtlf .... , f iaaetf · ANSWERS :~~~~.' 6c!~~~r~~. Olllf I SHiii 642·7!>28 ev11wtcnds wp~~.~n F~~~ '$g1f~j~~e WllTEI IEIT&LS A,.1t•1al1 f•t•HAM S6hSO·t210!>b 2 b h SI !>O /sq It lease 1;;;;;;;••••••••••••• 3 0 I Cl I Cl •ts• Pills Llkl In n I llOO are r. a ouse. 642·<164<1, M·F, 9.5 ~ • SOOS lnvOll• • Hairy N.B 67 ·41!>4. ur new Y ecora e Call 661·6<1<11 or M·F, 3 & 4 Br Close 10 water. er 11• era l•do Isle bay view slip 1•1l••lll Dally . Clovet models.· 1 &. 2 Br apts 1 ar wlfrpl dshwr. 9.5, 643-0212 D11.,. by tu 18 rn a 11 unfurn,. 1e 8 asona• ••••••w••••Wll•••••,••••••• Incl s4sci 675.3321 n;;;;;o, crowded freeway ••• 'ii•••••• •••••••• LOANER ·- ~S singlt, OM & two bedroom •~rtments. fUllUSltO) or UNFUINISHm ALL UTILITIES PAl),llULJN a.uas. TENNIS s.-G plus mlKtl more! Sony, llO pets. Models open d.ily 9 to 6. Oakwood G•den Apartlliwats Newport iuda!No. HO IMMl#t. (,1 16111) 645-1104 fk....,.t leld/So. 1700 16th Sl ,,t l>cMtl 642-5113 MUI FltlT 2 bdrm. 2 ba 1150 mo 't lll June Incl ullt, 752·946CS. 850-0881 IOUlfa.T 2 &. 3 bd sva11. by wtc or mo. Agt. 675-8170. IOUlf lllT 3 Bf, 2 Be. upper Furn/ unlurn Winter or yrly. Wsher/dryer lnclud. Beaulllut view of ocean. tmm9CI. occvp. BACHELOR Furn/ unlurn. Yrly ell utll pd. N-c:1p1, new drapes, beam c:ell, lmm9CI occup. TSL MGMT 6<12· t603 2 bd, 1 ba, 11ep1 to aancs. & oceen view Mature couple. S650/mo, yrly. Avlll 12·t ·82. 845-CS 179 S!>!>Olmo & up Pool & walk•n ciosel. l>OOISc>a. • 10 see 24!>87 Santa Clara b , a emen111es roll.er commulel> North? Would WllTll ... Wise old Hying "You'll tenni s Call Karen BBO. Laundry On wllrg 675·'4912 VII I ••E AesPotlllble.rieat. MIF.10 you ltke an otrtee et me -O Fllml nevef bee IOoet 11 y<>v're 644·2611 pvl patio & carport. Super nell (21 l ·Br Villas, ...... shate large 2 bd Apt In beach thal your family $475/mo Up, pool/sd, 1 Ba small & cozy, Pll· New 1&2 bdrm. •tuaury Baywood Comptf!lc NB GOUid use on week1 nds 10 llefp fund exciting MW _a_iw_avs_•_L_O_A_N_E_A_:_· __ wlbalcony, decor celling vale S400·S425/mo. apls in 14 plane 1 Bdrm Need Bdrm lvrn only ai'-a ' vacallon unl1? For ltd parlMrsl'l1p Call for M ale Cocker Spaniel. C..I• #IN 31Z4 loll & prlv enctsel gar. 673-3313. 493·0803 (or from $540, 2 bdrm lrom S350tmo. Incl ut ll"s leasing jnformallon call 1ntorm•tlon Mt. Hiil blond. Costa Mesa Days •••••••••••••••••••••• 5<19!>/mo NoPeis 2650 furnished) $595. Townhouee from 641·405!>.Gary The Capistrano Sufi 7141651-1006 1166 -26 4 2 ; e ves 2 BA dpht w/enc gar. re-Harla 549·2<147 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 1685 + pools, tennis. -----c 66 6292 966-85!>7 Cl h hod * * * IN NEWPORT BEACH 1 I If Cl 1 G 2 Rooms avail tor qulel enler I · or ---------ec. gd neig bor 0 large 3 Br. 2 Ba Town-Singles, t & 2 Bdrm. wa er a s. pon s 85 mature person From 83 1•5084 lan1l•l•I · Lost CAT, or•)' wl wht 15 to. 5!>9-!>00l house In quiet complex. EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO. Apar1menll lor1 coFoklng s' heOaillng s 17 5 a p 11r1 u 111 -1101-1-u.-11-L-.1-1-_-.... 0--11.MrtHi t. SllS markings, bltl collar. Nt WAI I·-w-large pool garden 181· OEN ONL y FOR THE & T l'I P• Cl rom •n •t0 556 7247 .. .., ···--""•······'····.... 16th /Irvine NB. Reward. ~m; _.. $675 • 3 DISCRIMINATING 1750 own ouses Frwy d11ve North on -Prime 1n1e1sect1on ol Mini 9hnd cleaning ser· 650•13a., 759 W. 19,h. ttng 64.,. 38 I , From S560 B•ach 10 McFadden to M • I" .. J ""'-°" 67• •949 Agt (714""116-6804 v LIYE ay T• IUOI ac ... t .. ur •an .. am.,.,. vice, & equip'! 11200 1---------Mlnutes from lhe beach .,.., *r* * On Jambor" Ad 81 Se aw Ind V 111 a g • • ree $1 per sq II Sub· M"t l sell due to other Lost Whi te loy male LUXURY 2 BA 2BA. PALM MESA APlS San Joaquin Hills Ad. (7t<l)893-!>t98. ~~;"ti'=!~:Ooi!i0as:~ lease available 820 or bi:siness intereSI Call poodle 11 yrs. Nels med Marble pullman lop 1561 Mesa Or t••·llOO IH•I --4-_.--teenanar 5285, ulll ...,. 1200 sq II fOf 1 year Call Paul 64!>·8816 Broadway nr Orange, Decorator d111l)e9' $400 Unlurn 1 Br lge Studio. O!'apes, Car·•-----.,_ .-""" Sandy 2 t3·820·88S7 ---CM Reward 631-41249 Plosh w/w c:atpels Call blwn 9.4 546·9860 pet. Ocean View 12"60 Beaulllul large 4 Br encl· •••••••••••••••••••••• Own balh 67!>·9142 alt Pay zero '82 & "&3 lnCOme °' 548-2176 Walk In Closets incl uhl's 861·1192 sd Pall<>. steps to beach LAllU 11111 5 .. PEI IUU•I te119s legally, get refunds ---------Private pahos 2 bdrm. t• • ba llreplac.. Yearly 675-U 19 llffll • MIF non-smkr. to shr 4 bt. Exec Suites Incl rec:;ept . tor '79, '80, "81 taxes. Lost· Gry/wtlt patched 8 Gourmet Kitchen gar, no Pels S•9 5 Baali•1,.• 2 Bt. 2 Ba Condo, Easl· Wkly reniats $95 up 11. ba home. $200 + '• sec'y servs. conl rm . $100,000 writ• off, 11, mos Kiiien, recent sur· Carport wl alorage 5•8·7510 ltMi 3140 blull, upgrades, 111t11ched Color TV. ltee coffee, ullls C M 8$0-0907 ktt . mall handlg Res· 000 down 400% return gery. No. Leg. 4941·!>920 Spa.outdoor BBQ I Br Trailers $247/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• garage N o pel t h4!aled pool & Slops to ponslvetoyourbuslness wrnty. Hurryl638·9 11t Lost A-are! for Femele launclry and etec $150 sec No SAllPl~I IPTS $950/mo 5!>9·7144 ocean Ktlcn s eve11 F rmmle needed 10 shr lge needs Adf <105 Fwy In Australian Shep Bf'Oln, S5501mo !>48-4630 dog.s. 133 E 161h St • Sp A LOVELY Pt.ACE 98!> N Coast Hwy, -t bf hSe 111 ba. 2 Sly. F V 100111 .. ofc;:s Mo/mo ...... It ..... blk, wl'lt 650· 1580 42 642 9193 Clsd S n TO LIVE OCEANFRONT • Custm Laguna Beech 494.5294 Balboa Island ... ol S77!> from $325 963·6<145 ••••••••••••••••••••••1----------Spaclous 2 bdrm, 2 ba, • u •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 er d ecor. 3Bt 2Ba up. 760·2870. 673-8377 --RE. LOANS, 11t·3rd. Lost Aewatel lot Ladies studio. Excellent East· 2 Br frplc •Poollspa/bbQ amenities, yrty 11200 Furnlsned Rm. Pnvate -Am-.,.,-8-18 W-ld-by-1-,1-3 Retail & office apace 90%, comm't. constr. gold watch . Jost vtc Side loc. 1610 720-08<1• $!>00/mo •5 acres 01 t>eavtllully mo , 2Br tBa dwn 800 Balh In Home. S200, bcf. 2 ba. 1275/mo + available 17th SI, Costa Fut funding, 6'13-1645 Hvghes Mkt, N.B. Fri or 720.4691 540-3666 landscaped surroun· mo Matute prs 7400 w. 951·<1623 Eves El Toro & , • ,..,3 70 Mesa lrom 1250 s I 10 675-1722 Del __ ,.__. 2 Br, gar, Ir"'~ NEW BREED •PTS dings Ocnlrnt 850·9192 Uhls, 111 ~• "" · l 1 <100 s I 645-3477 .... , fer ........ F --,---.. -... -.. --....,....., "'"" ,. M/F rmmte 10 Shere most Balboa Or sootier Now is th• ound emele ,..,_y type lrg patio, quiet. S!>95 1 Br. & toll Bach & toll • Nr Frwyt & ShOPPlng WIY HT bea\Jt twnhse, ln univ MiieR'oommale tor Bel· IEWPllT CllTll ume 10 act Miiie loans dog 111 Irvine. Beige, 337 E. 181h St 675·6736 Frplc, rec r oom. pool, •Quiet area T-lllTI Pk, lrvme. Poot. spa, gar boa Peninsula Apt Full Service Su11es aie •v•ll w• finance 111. White 660·3740 jllCl.lu i. gH & wafet paid • No Ptll: turn avell "'" S 2 5 0 I m o d a y s II GIT -Tl II "' lllTMIT ti No pell From $.(65 393 (11•) Ml·tltl N!;W gated 20 Town. 759·2676. OYes 55243~0 $275/mo 673-1807 -· 2nd, 3rd TO'•· ZENITH LOSI 11/ 19• Male beige 2 Br, t'~ B1 1wnhse Hamilton. c M 645•44 11 8081 Hollend Cr. HB home VILLAGE COM· ---------Nl()ety decorttecl furn . 2 $650 Fvmflhed FUNDING. Art 857-1422 Cock apoo. Balb o a Bulltlns. l•und rm BlwnSleter/Warner MUNITY 2 81 21~ Ba 383 Crescent Bey Or Br 2 Ba apt. S300 Incl AllyouneeCl l01one I sland Reward carport/gar. yard/bale Spacious 2 Br 2 Ba. bit· olf Beech 1600 sq 11 of pure lu· MvSI 5941 lo apprec1a1e ulil 645•9390, 662•2801 monthly feel ••e;:r•• , ft•ll 675-9194 Sm•ll Pet OK. F/p tns, lrplc, gar. $!>7!> No 1tury Garages, spas In 38Ron 1 levelwlkltchen. 640-6470 ! ..... ________ _ S62S.$63!>/mo pets Avail lmmed WlllUll every home • master living rm, lge patio. 1 blk M•lure non smkr pe11on I SllS Found: Mesa Vetde ""· H t>otlB k !>46-6009 t b h 1300 bd NB h •e4tn &/0 ttflet •••••••••••••••••••••• 11·2t ·82, smelt dog, no 254~6g, 2S<l3, ar e er Spec 1 & 2 br, lovely tulle e117 1n9 ~oms, :. clB e~ ~~ ~~9tl h ' + t I o mla. HUNTINGTON BEACH. 4 I.I. llmD I a 0 s !> 5 6 . 3 9 6 7 • 2314 sa~1~Tn::.. 1p~~i r::! ·~~:·. ·~gio g~::. ~n~:~e~;~h~~~. :o!'!~e~~~n•.~: v181801e1~•s•~(~lr:~~ 10$b~~oo•r: avail,,';! Ce~ &..;.~2~~ ~~~:,,•~1beS:~ 1~:,J:s lhrtslP o.. IM. _54_5_-66_7_4 ____ ., ___ - ca11 for •PPI Wallace. 640·6020 lge rec ., •• Incl. gym. vale pehos &. yard•. o•r· IOUI ,.., Speciellilng In 111 & 2nd Found male Cocke1 _..... TSL Mgm1 pool&. spe 846·659l Clener provided Elegent 111a11 for rent 4 7.7090 u11111les 536-750<! TO'• 11~ 19<19 nlet vie Cost• MeH 642·t603 •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 tMng only 15 mlnutea to Belbo• Pen Bdrm unfum Shr w/Newporl Bch 2ii6 Newport Bl 'CM, Robt Settler NHICM Days 966·2642: avH ... Tl Ba Newly decor 1495 , ..... WM.I SC Plan or 0 C Aif· u .. of house Pref fe· ElltC. S<l75 mo Ill & •deal insur, eccto, tew A E &otter Bd AMltors 966-8557 No pell 833·8974 lrg 2 & 3 BR towmouse p0f1 Jul! eut of New· male Acroll from Bch 1151 63_1_·8_0_56 ____ •1 olc Lse 120.011_1 ___ IM2·217t 54s..o6tt F-ouncl--.-Pf-esc-,-IP-llOn--gl-es-. llGIPUIOY 2 Br. l 'A Ba. Twnhse EaSI ac>ll. encl gar, lrptc:. ,_ar port Blvd &. so of San 1250 673·0392 Roommate Wanted For le11e·Olll~ rms, WIDOW HAS SSS '°' TO'• ... Melll lrames. lrYlne 2 Br, t B1. beam cell, lSlh. St No pell Ga· Hunt Hrbr. from 1545 Diego Frwy, I 1000/mo. Nlstralghl. non·smkr, 1200 aq It Good raffle, RE Loana, lOK Up. No Ave n r b a c: k bay taund rm No pall No rage 162!5/mo Slerrl Chlldren OK 840·6807 631·5439, 2473 Orange Room near OCC. pool. S250 + ''t utlls Dys good sinn & exp sure Cr.,.it Cl'leck, No Pen· 673-1370 la at mo ren 1 req Mgmt 641•132,. Ave . Coste M... we1herldrye1, m11e 642·5<14 6, alt 6pm • ..,.. l----------S<IOO·S4 151mo IBt •Pl. 3 btk1 from non ·smkr 1170 642.5620 18423 , fiB ally Dennison & Assoc Afghan Hound, Coste 2264 M'11p1e 2 Br. 1 Ba 571 W Joann beach, chlld & pel OK. W1lh 40' doelt '°' ~ 730-9326 Cell 776-673·7311 Me .. Cell 10 ldenllly Cell to Up1111r1. No pell S465 mo 960·7165 bo•I. 3 BA 2'~ b•. con·---------Oeeanftonl w NB, MIF OFFICE & SK SP"CE Chrlttm•• celh'? PV1 ply 543-4654 S•251 SI M do 11200/mo wldock Room for rent, $250 mo. •ht, 3 BA hse bv Dec 1 ,. -----·----SEE INSIDE .. mo. •tre gml MADDOX APTS: 1 & 2 br. $1000 llh ... I\ t 190' c 11 6. 6 "9 8 7 e 1 t 1 In Do wntown Lan1Jn• hH Cllh IOI good trult Lost· F----•en ·•-. • -TSL M~ml 641-1324 .._, ~1---....,.m w ou1 v""· a .. ... Sutan 548-3831 • .., ... ,..,..,.. ....... -!:'ff ....,,.,_,.. Mre long 6 30PM _ _ above World Savings Cl • • d I Ag 1 11'1elr peec11 color embef 642·1 3 Almos1·,.ew-:-2 llry, 2 bd. 1450· 550 842·117 8 Pror female 21•30 yrs .o overlOolttng main belch 8tf.758-03tl any1lme eye,:.. tnewers 10 Semi WllllAllYILUll 2ba,enclyrd,gar.dlckl Betll·S lbdtm;o-i,l>eapt,NeWport Fo11nd Kee1hound . sn·are Cllic 3 Br, 2'• Ba AnsSer'Y.~1&.eC>py LINDA ISLEl55,0003rd SIManthe Vic Fernen' B.c:helor & 2 Br apts & patio. K1<11, Ptt• O.K. 1"r t>e•ctl, 1 br, 1 be. l1plc, Heights A1te Clo•• to BMreo•w•n dsah1•t•a•; ':r•.l•a Twnhse In Eicctu N B. mach 4117· 1744 Deed of Trust for eel• Clo & Bey, N.B Aewlfd I P I I d 1645 Avail 12.1 Lorri ~It y•d Avail Dec: 1 8eecl'I. 1425 mo ere• Pool, ll C. lndry. Olllce ,-pace• ro;t;;;;°, behind T.0 .'• totelllnn 875-2588, 1148-3252 ave I. oo, 1pa, avn Wkd-• •47 ... 571, e~ 3.~0 .... 7 · · · 557-0975, 548·• tee 657-2612 S260 ....... , d-K•-wtl " .. m No,..., tm-.-..o Oe -• "' • ~... v· n IVI ,,.... -... '"• · S 10· $425/mo 710' 1630.00u Wiii Hll 10 ••llllll fJ.!f 1 ,..... """' • & Wknds 1150-0223 " ... 2 ........ __.. to ............. • ..... .,,., fl• 137-2260 or 844·5085 -. A...., Tr•••---c;up. Dlilu.ae poolllde lClta lw!l'I ~N... .,.S .. """'"" .":9"3 .. " • .'.'t!f'•••••if•••••••• S5951mo UtM paid Air, )'leld ...,,., lntereel ,,.... ••••••••••••••••••••• B~l375. SHARP EISide, aeparlte 2 br 2 bl bll·lne Pl norn, •v " lnl•I• •a• f,ft cond ,g1ndfloor. t055Et qulrterly, all due & • • 2 Br. S525. 2 BR unit. tried yard, encl ds~r 1.~ nittn beloh. 1140-3711 A•lil 12/t All Ill lllll. ........ n:. ......... n Camino Dr. CM 3 bike E peylble June '83 Stcv· ~ I ,.... 955 w. 1911'1 SI. oar.~ c;pt1, no pelt N o pelt l&OO/mo 3 BA 2 e a, 2 bike 10 Wkly rentate now •••II Rm 01 l>ecl'lelorette tor of Felrll'levw /Adem1 rad by one Of 1111 ollol-PHOTO MOOft.S .,.,_,,,. TSLMgmt Cell5 4 0 ·11 6 8or 538•8362 bHch.PlllO.P91IOI< l10S &up Cotorfv workr1trHt,St50mo 754-1040~ cuthomuonth• !9CORT810ANC!AI Oa'8n/df4 e.t5-8122 979·3848, 8llt (Of Pam Lga 28r w/gar 8upar $750 fl'IO e1w121 ~1 ~oc~ 2274 ot tHa 73 1·5157 or I ,_ I ff ie11nd ~11t ·~-..·-: OUlCALL 24 H"8 .. ••·1~:·;-1•••1••••·;~ 3 Br 2 Ba $560/mo 2Br upstelra, qulel. encl clnn. clOH to bCl'I L .... 21f 1 l>e. ""*· ,_......... 841·7445 831-3531 -.!1}!~~ •••• !f ....... :la~&JJ 8 •fl -.at1 ••• =.!!.!! •••• ~ roomy, crp1e. ttove. g11, no doQa.. 1110 Viet· 149&/mo tU·UU, 324 E ealboa Blvd a. • .-.. /It ... , fJ ...,all 1tor1112t60 Avon, 1i~~iiliiiT-1~!!!!~~~~!!!!~ E·l•ylront LIUlt late 5 4 e .•• 9 7 ' 0 r 1 0 I I • ,r 4 9 s I m 0 536-1330 M!SOlmo Welk lo oc.en B E A c H A R E A mi'"A•............... 1M5 sq ,, plu• a Cir 1194 ····-"'-,a, • ..;_. deluxe lrg'. 21316~0-8l>U before 131.f.812'•11 tO ,_, •w•-P......... or 5 ~!>'Y. 11680·31t2 t lo Dini Pt llngle etoreoe. C11!809 641•9117 150.000 3rd TD. Prime *** ,,_ -'• 10'-M ""''"" """' ·~ ..A·F MCUr9CI, "'"' 1ntrlllce. -OcNn lront pr..,ty lllllM. ......... 21r. fr pie, • teOO mo (/81°', 1parkllng 2 br, 1 BA 11r.,,iece pool tl•/...L 3•tt7 Orart1d1, HO tooth tll'ltell, very rMtO• l7l· I '70 evea, wllnde 119 t7S-3067 2 Br. 2 Ba. new cerS19t, yard, fir., poof. 1576 Prtlllle P9llO, WAOe 2 bet, 1-.;e.-Mldecll. 0--... "" 811-3313, 4ts.QI03 nlble MIHIOn VlelO ..... t&4& di Open 24 IWI I Ol)I lalM d rap• 1 . '4 7 51 mo mo Mor 2463B Orange 1480 mo 142.ato'7 reoe. upper unit, bllllbcl'I IWr191fMor·Mllld·fJoot iMi'iidt COlll ~. 12 ic 831·4117 1 cJeye • ..... ,.. .. .,. an 84&·1•65 _Av 1122t Ollawer• 2t2 301h St . SIOOlmo. Nwpt llvd I Wlleoft .... ..., JICuDI, l•llM. t.ooett "' 9•5 .. 1,... "~11 ............ 141-97u 12 11 21 IH /mo. Ht ~ ~ •• , 11 well •• Tourtete ••••••••••·••••••••••• SPAAKLINO CLEAN a £/Side. dleefy 3 8R 2 la. 0-etu•e • Ir ,. le In Y'•r r ·c '"' ....,. ,.,... "" ,._.._.. ... l-1184 a.... 11'' p " • • ........... ,y ...... ff71 JWIMI / ' len11Am.,tcerd. APMr· 2 ... 1~.,., llatlt I lily. SPACIOUS. WH!•ld• ::110, 2 ~rport. 4-ple•, c.rpete, ..... E.Htl>lv". epeeloue t 8r ~Knot Motel Oft COlll -..... , ...................... ._,' ~ 1Clrl hprele. ow.. All 11Yall now, Mal~. AOf 21r, IS. newly decor• 75 mo 7 bll·lne. 1nct1C1 ,.,..., p1110, pool. rto Piii, Hwy. NI l••P• to nn-.•m;om.... Oftlce/Worll•ltoru:c, .. rn-.. ~ ...... wetcoMI ,,.,..a.MIS Lind•. 841-1220 ttd, cptS, drpe, Oll'lwlnr. '350Loe 1., upper• l'looll·up1. No P•tl Mii "14-4111 ocun. Wiiiy r•tu, .... lfRID• ~i; 1 "'"·CM 1-1....., l ttl HWtMlf •cu ~JI.I,,_ 1111 =' ~.':1.era~ Pitt. l1und, ~r''1 311 w' 1526/mo. MCM4M ~-ety 2 Ir, 2 cer git, Dlt· Ml-0440 t MO FMl AINT mo ..... HM AM°' ftM i:r.7............ w;;n-a"""· NIU wtlt'I mr.;~....... Wlllon ·21 7 2 bd, 1 DI .... ml/Dch. In•. lrplc. " mo '" -I .. .... 1 rOOftl to HOO 141 " 1s1wra..1-• "· ~. -~. ~ ___ .... ,d..!, I,,....... Met llt*llr'S 2 ldnn, 2 bl --lf'll lpeclout 2 Ir, vpellln A""" 0ec 1 UOO ,, I 41ttl II ,_MMDle ~MH• ''°"'SI II I tq ft Adj. ~ ;:;;.. r:o-:...-.-i;. ... 417-l?tl ept Fir~. D~ AnrlCtllle I If I ..... ""Maple Ave lullt• tll-4211 141-PIOO. Alt Cflenlttel. "'°'*· fMld ,A ,., Inn' flrwyt • .:mm---· Ktty ..... ,.. .......... -------- Piiio ~ ...... Adil lor wl'IOft. ·~~"'· ' Ina, •rte. crPt, esr.-. L;ie-2 "'· I~ D• •own· H..,. IOffl!!!llftaJO" .... llfVIC•. z ctlMMI "'°" M m4ll3 1t00 ... "· otllae I ... "°"'I llM ., ... al ... lelllftt lft~ ...... • 1211, or.dlt' ,.._ t '"'*· pool I J81, -pd llun•ry lac, No pet a flOUM, Aftl Jen. I lftd to llfl? ~ 8111 do wlel, IAND""" MO· 1117 WlltdlW, N.I . HI ..,_, IJIJt IOO. lo I .A t~; Clll t41.aGt1 or .,_ "'°' CT•llllwd M No pets. S7H/lllO Cell , • • • • • 4. I / m 0 1440/mo Slefra Mfmt """· ...... peao, PoOf. II Wiii I Cell NOW . TIL, 1917 ~ ..-.. to 4000 ... II ... ... • ... Minnie ... 0.. to .. , •• .,o tor ..... -II I ........ ...... 11t-Hll. ""10 '91ft, ....... ,,. * HeMlllon Mt.1324 MOO"'°' Ml-2ta ... , ... ,. CM .. Mt17 Aoll'l Ml-IOll .... ,..., .... ,... • ... I.IA ............ . , • • c:a . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /TUHday, November 13, 1oa2 "1HP.~ ........ I.~ "11..'!e.'!l. .... 1.{ Cullom Fan11ty Pnone Coo11, tull time , ma11,1re P!!l..,M'!l. •••• TJ.fl Im.It.fl ff'lr..'lfr.!M... •• P./ffl ••••••••••• l!ff ••m• • ..... ii~-.iii-••.·.-.iiilau-.PLUS JrfPS CARI I .. 2 a ... Nau 11 Q u . 0on-u•ton with 8•1bet ••pet~ !Miiiy ..... .. man .... MCIV18A 2• hr• lo t tmall r ettrt mt nt well 101;tltCI Pentneuta ___ Ca_ll 631 0101 homt , l'l\u1t be able 10 olflCe hat OC19f1 Mell IOt •llllNIO•• wo1 k wet kendt In ~·· llc'IJ •ooreu lvt HIH ouna Beech f Of Into call end 1t nl•I per1on Oen· "' lllllT llllfT i94·9•61 Alk tor Mt• tfOU• C<>mmiMIOtl K M Model1, dan<:4lf1. -.corlt C0Hln1 1J u I 1 fl I 1 ya A f 909.1913, ~ 24 n" c~ 1113 1900 -sPi'Ri"TuAL REAOINOS Night CO<HI wtnl.O, •• 1•11111111 ______ _ A.dvlct In 111 maltttt, Ptt In conllnenlll c1o1I· 1111~ love , marriage & bu1I· eine LllQun•..0..Ch tH I. OOO<I pilot ... ~IOnatuv ne11. Alto counttllng. Contact Rick, •m. Pt•t· I.II• 1yplng, 111 empk>yM 1116 So El Camino Real. ntta Blltto 401-444 t b9Mlltt Nt wPOrt Cenl• San Clem 492·7296 MITAL assaaYUT ••. '"' '°' Rou Jtetu1on Full tlm•. front & back ti•• "2"2 EOf ••ptttenct, REA. X·At)' AECFPTIONISt TYPIST Lie •eq. Stltty open tor law llim I 30 to t 30 Some Salurd•v•. btnt· Cttt J•vnt ~0800 I OATll nUll'I)' Mii tor ·2001' Only 3t '*"' 1 ... 1. 1a1rtnt collr• & 11ncs.1 •~ rot 1n10 elll Alao 111ve • 1917 'o'· l l!eClf\efd l'\I• IOllll I•· H , 12.9:11 190 I 01 mula 110 20 II Ilk• rqte n-i1 t ood home n311A N f W I C o I I I 1 1 4 I Movtnu can 1 1.iie n.r w all cioc1c O•il naou•••Of 142 'OCIO ' H k tor Jim• ,.,.... tall • .., OtOO ()I br. Colon111 '37!> Of 1Ht11 my, J• II OUL UllHI }ff VAMAHA ~50. 4 f;VI Clean. tut lllue Die 12260. Sell I 1760 6•11·11!19 "4"°332 o 1 1bll 800 1 lttlve m•••A0•1 f11ll1n ft1NI II Ii I ll """ lllf • • • • • •• :1. • • • •• • • • • • • • • .r.f • .'!I •••••• ~••••••~ ~CAMP lt•vel fra11tt and Pt1nce P•o 'Tenn'• Recket ,,_ 5111 w"-1 All fiber 11140 0.11•l•ll 0ti1t11n doll htall811 I I &O Of bll olr •••••••••••••••••••••• 750 6005 * *' BUY** CAAPFTINQ 1 00 •q II, Oood u.MCI r1o111lll1o1r• a beige H nd l4SO 300 "I ~81·0A I '#ill Mii II '~ 1 176 676·0&!>11 OI 8nl JOI You Rettig WH!lef, dr'1'91, up ll&lllll &Ml111 rlglll frfftCir. hio. I~. brlnd r-l)CI I 1·16 Mti gllH , llOlll we'Qhl 'IC· to• 195 70o· 9411 . IOIV dttllGI Call toll ''" 1-l-00·3411.41182 lltrt, ,,,,,.,,.,, A•lf J.nltt. 1•111 ,., "" I FAMOUS CICUS Maximus 1111, Newpo•• Beech., .. M8H IQI Pa rlor. Gor· 8 . 2 . 6. 8 0 A It 6 • ~· glrla 10 Mrve vou 6•i·lllll7. Evet/Wk nds ....... lll•llH · dtltli. 2.pe. •Oft , lt tk _ ., ,_ood din tlfl "'· radltl I HY .. llnHI arin o w. t•wn n1ow11, lllYAllllY I.•• 1167•1133 edg•u. h1hl<1 Hema, c:lo• Fulllllm•. e11pe rll1'CtU --lhtli 642·4566 ••• • • • •• • • • •. • • • • •• •• • I ,.,,,..,w. H lttc110 Mo 1or Garbage •••••••••••••••••••••• Dl•pout, llllfl l'ltllly PAINT & "'• body WC>fll, du1y 3 HP •t 11onabt• up 10 ~ ott yout "' condition 'M•k• ollei 8111 1•2·0 1001116<1 0332 IC.old 01111 Modtl T10 tee Mite h1Ql1 pte10<m1111;9 & Ctutl\e1, xlnl cond t225 11ock Mut •tng p1111 Open from 10 AM unUI <I 64i.eD32 AM 1 da~ • wMtt Free -----bullel 7 19 No Harbo11Den1a1 Blvd. Fultt11on Elcper~ A.O A nee· w1lt1Htlw1lltr1 & bua SOFA 7' • It Gd cond pe11on• APPl'I' Tne f"loral. l)tllow back 1 135 Beacflnouae. 6 19 Sleepy Clltt 556·11•2 Ntw OUMn 1tze bed llld frame. 1250 8111 boOll. $10 Sink S5 673·37'21 752·0240 &•5-6&51 ----.1 ..... '"' I .. , . ....................... A•I•• •• , ' N.'r.t.!fl!!.'!!....... .~~ htP.mf ••••••• l."11.! •••••••••••• !.~ ~ .. ~~~.~~ ... 1~l. H W .... fllfh 12 Ohit tonvert1bte 111r1 2e.ooo mllN, M y lotcled nl(;•. vet~ io m1 11d1111 aumool. OCI c;onCI like ftttl 011 !>04 · 1862 new I t 3,400 0 110 8 •6 •12 t I [Ytl , 9!17 He• d•~· 111111 ~ JOI •Olll . .-n .. A11A . """ .. ........ fMlllYI •• ~~ •• !l!'f •••••••••• 1.'!!!!mt' •••••• !!.!! ·n vw van •~,, good conel AMIFM call. ,_.,., e119 w/Pottc.lle ptrl• Oual Wet. 1;111b "FOO, !>47·7196 8cou 'TIN IHf, 11lN wklt~I 9 6. U I <1 118 MatV '77 81,11 9 peH t4,UO Xln l co n d 4 apd 837·9•56 he, 833·3332 73 SurMt• ... , .. Xlnl engine I 1500 6d8H7 '11 llUll ILi ' Ot etr AM /FM 1ter4'G Ne w 11r.-1. 60 m pg, 5 <1 G·&366. da y a . 673·f>494 ..., .. •11•11• OOOd cond 645-9480 J14-J'J0·111J ded for OrlllOdonllC ALL MAJOR CREDIT Pl8Cllce In Mlaslon Viejo CARDS ACCEPTED Alea 93o-37o3 Hollow Lan•. Legunt LINCOLN TV PE AOC°l<ER Beach Good condOton $65, c•H Salea/retoll IOr"'Mltor 556-1142 f'ANTA.SllC GAR SALE All llema btenCI new, l1gtsml 72 Ct11e1. Irvine. Thur •/Wed 760· 1264, 759·8005 ask IC>f Lindi TWO PERSIAN RUGS ••••••••••••••••• ••••• (He1ez). t l'xll' & 1o·x1· IMPORTANT NOT'°'"' Wiii ltaOe lor c••· bOAI or TO READERS ANO CAA BAA Uke ,_ Mil oa A.XJ 1111 78 10 110 70 llW •tnl cond , ¥try 5•6·113?!1 13.900 o 1 clean inside t nd out bllll $ 1800 0 80 6•6·5505 ---------00 ME S TIC. Nli\n y/ T ·BERRY'S h~pr. Eng 1pkno 4 Y' Dept Store Cnliatm11 help Sal & comm Lisa 213·652· 7340 VICtorltn Spoot btd, dbl, W1tnu1, $1115 or bell ot. let 159-800 I GC>-90 Qhls (10 go) old boy Smell nome. 869·89 14 eiic1llng cn1td, High qua· Magic l1te club m em· 49 PARK AVENUE EIOtl'1 ll0-1111 2' .. ,. ~ .,, •. hlicallons Big Cenvon F/tlme. twe In 780-9180 SICIOUY F /T lmmecllate Fun Tlm6 Se· crellry needed Typing, Roc:tlo Shiel\ Computer O•lc Perquet & brass kit· bershlp, save "500 ch e n I b I $ I 2 6 Gr ea I glll Idea. PP 6"5-1389, 6<14· 1700 l ak 552·45 19. 855-6166, Al- lor kllcllen clllll'd .llYE•~1 Pt1Hit11 ano basic s11111s •Salary --__ ~ Decorator couch. 11ec1fo. fll•WHI avatltlble 10 1 17 60/hr In open 10 experience nat. Yellow , g •een, 'E " & 0 our publ. For lee Info, 714·998-9090 A.sk lo• or1nge llottl Oullled ucalyplus raoge cell 537-2180 KING ' Met11u Beau 1500 752·8911 ~80/cord 11671·4863 TREAT YOURSELF TO A ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiillllliiiiiiiiii-I reining mass•ge in th• i IEOIOUY I .E. Bunk bed unit (L ihap;, B1~~~ ~1~:G~~~= =~6983 prlv•«Y ol your home, lllYEl/OLEll Drawers included In lo· 2 sleds 15 ea 140• 1,..,4 olllce o1 boat Send one Secre1.,111 position In wer secuon Top 01 lJne ----_____ ,_v_ to a friend 831-3209 Nawporl Beach Public ac11ve Newport Ce nter Ma ll res1e11 s 17 5 Newpo11 Beach Tennie Library needs te1pon1I-Rea11or'1 olllce Front 752 8981 c b F 11 M 1 al ble malure person with a olllce po11t1on requlret :. lu am Y embetshlp TO 6<11·8989 AOllERTISEAS ---Th6 ptlt;• Of llema Id· ff. ~Jt, verhHCI b'I' vehicle dH • •111 ltt.IH "" ..,, In Ille Vehicle CllHI· ••••••"•••••••• ••••••• fled l<!Yerllslng COiumns BEAUTI FUL 25" RCA dOH nol Include any Color Tl/ 2 yr wrntv •l>Pllcable taxes. f1<lenM S 148 F1•• d e llvtry tranaler tees, finance Open Sun cnarge1. lees far at1 pol· TV ;.tohn's 846·1186 tytlon control device • TEAC AEEL·TO-AEEL' cert1hc111ons 01 ·c:tealer T•""' Recorder 1750 documenlary prep11a -.. -!Ion c harges unless 955·2310 Olhe1wlH 1pecllleC1 by TV black & whit• the ldvefllHr w/c1blne1 ----• 135 645·9805 blifHI/ -----Cl111le1 15IO ... ,. , •• ti .. •..•••••.•............ •r;::nt•• S' good dnvlng record as good telephone voice, Cus.-om Built Da nish S409 1 transfer fee •••••••••••••••••••••• Orlver1cle1k Must be ryp1ng, shorthand & ap· Couch. Teak & Btk C•epe 64_2_·4_9_•_7_____ r..; .. ,,, W/u H R G a II I V Si N d 19' Ph.IC •• ~.~--· •••••••••• 5 Angels n lPP'I' M M available dally 8 10 t2 pea11nce ell eSllle erm n inv try m-ew con t o re· lt•n•I HIO Miil "A''sl Sl'iav repticu: p1ekups & coupes 4 to c hoose h oml (006768) (Slk A30931. PrlCff sta111ng tt Style cul hair w/lovt & noon. 19 11rs pet week experience helpful but pie Xlnl Cono 1275. hlg. I 100. m1crow1ve, •••••••••••••••••••••• .c11e. Only $6. Perms S5 60 t8 per hr. c 1 11 not essential Prefer local 645-14 ti $25, clarinet, mk ofr S30·S35 Up Mr. Mel's 640-2119/Ceppv. Li· 1es1den1 For Interview 2 vr old 7,1, 11 couch, R~1_5_48_·_5_28_7 ______ 1 Ull~!~~·Lr- 75•·9904 b•ary AdminlSlrallon 856 call Mrs. Duhl blu e while wll h 1an Full lt mlly memberslllp, 642·46<1<1, M·F. 9.5 San Clemente Or New· WtsltJ I, Yafler Ct. background. 1225 or John Wayne Tennie --------- 'Bell Aeallo11 6<14-4910 best oller. 640·8752 Club, book value 12,000 ,..,,, #1i•l••••n ~t .. 11 I ltt1t1Hli,. 1IOS Gene•al Ottlce Brlglll •••••••••••••••••••••• person tor d1vers1Ued Adult Ice Hockey Sehl, lor work. McGregor Yacn1 Info call 8<18-1295. Be· Corp. 1631 Placenlla. Ouatuy soUd m•l)le bdrm Sacrifice tor 1950. In· ltmtt HM SEC'Y/WC lurn.uure from Ille Berle· eludes transfer lee . ••••••,••••••••••••••• FinanciaJlnvestmenlllrm shire House Che s•. Please eell (7 14) MAAINE ELECTAICIAN tor eductlors Personnel d1e1ser with mlrro• 21_8_2_1_·_15_0_3_1'-A_n_etl81 __ m_I__ Oeslgnllnst1ll/Aep11r MLYSl,ltll THEOOORf ROBINS FORD J(6(1 HA~B1_A !iLYO CO~IA Ml\A l>JJ 0010 gins Sat Nov. 27th. CM ---------Htgh school voutn wanted '8•Jt .. ••I . IOI ya1d work. Saturdays. · commun1c111ons' depl night sllnd s At10, 2 Wa te•bed, qn size, 6 dr•· Otty work. 549-2520 Ev sec'v Xln l typ & S/H entlque dresse11. chill&· Wtl b ook cue. $250 ,..,, ltWI IHO '53 Sludeblker Champion req'd Exec secretarial •Obe. 957-2525 t it 5 OBO Brand new 19 •••••'•••••••••r•••••• 5 pall cpe Nice ctr exp a must Non-smkr ----------1 cu.II relrlg/ freezer w/ Clanlc II' Llp\lr•ke 13750 2 131592-1792 Sales-Senltu-LMtlng Sove 5'000 '82 while R)( Snrl Loaded 5 yr wat ranly I Ike new 645 72711 1112 UW OLllHIT #11tfflt1 ltH 11f N•ce Setecuonl ••• ••••••• •••••••••• •• • '7" 3 ocs, 4 speed ltrottlH IHI (960NAC) Ye•r End Sali!I • '76 2002, • 1pd . lo•· //(I k u I ab 0 u I I n. ded, (255PLV) tAllordeble way) 10 bwy a * 79 5281, auto , lea· Mt•cedes Benz 1her !5343820) * '80 3201. 5 apd , sun JI• lle•ell root ·(659ZOKI I _..._ * '80 3201. 5 1pd1, alt ...... cond (1ASXO<l8) Authorized dealer ••I ll'Jl 130t Quail SI Nwpl Bch • • 633-9300 2131623-5000 ' 208 W Isl. San11 Ana Closed Sunday -C"Hcii'CEiNVENTOAV VOLUME SALES & Ill MtLlllEI ••• S a1es.Se1v1Ce-Leas1ng 850 N. Beach Blvd La Habra IU·IUI Open Sunday Mercedes Benz lllP 01111 FH TIE IEIT HY preferred Celt 553-0940 Llg anhque dining room lee malcerOBO. Akal reel CCll'ltury bl>' bOal, • c;yt . table, pecan & walnut, 10 reel, $300 OBO Orey 13500 675·6 t61 ltt4 ..... ht4e~ YlllllH UWT Stahon allendenl. FIT °' Ofn11e. 1400 or beSI ol-6<15-0388 19<16 Ford Woodv Wa· .. a.~.-. .......... ,.. 01 •e&idenee Ma• Chit & JtM WHIH 101S Dove< 548-9215 ...................... --------- 77 VW Poplop etmp•r bus, 90,000 ml, xlnl cond. vellow 16250 t2 131 <139-0054 Crato ,,, .. --111i ·············~········ 11 1 Ytht haler ••• , •• ,. 0.1"'1l ....... UUI, IUYIOI UILU18M OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS HIUllE YtLYI 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA Hl·IHI 141·1411 ''JZ , .. , •• 11zto 642-9386 445 E Coast Hwy Young married man will do general handy work. C all eves & wkends. 972·9525. ask tor Bill. HIRING PIT. Chevron Slatton ter Men's dtesser, trg 6i----------Dive Boal \IJ owne11hlp, 1 3 We need vour 1rede-tnt --------- 3000 Fairview. CM. drwr, antique walnut. 3 mos old ATARI w/6 3500, 25' Alglu , 10• gon. 1 .OOO Call or see our uled car 81 380 SL, 7000 ml Wire NewPor1 Beach Xtnl Housecleanlng Ser· vice • NB/CM Rellablt EAY GOOD AEFEREN· CES. Altemoon OI relief. 548-3514 Hard working young minded eager women & men $200 or beet oiler Used 1apes. Includes Pac Mtn beam, llB. SIS. fiber· 1929 Ford Model A Town manager. Wolfgang Jun- S lewarde ss tor lu•ury bed, Scand1nevt1n mod· & As t ero id s 1200, glass. •II alectronk:s, In nek. yacn1 for cruises into utar, 1125 or beSI oiler. 6<12-t093 all 4pm Long Bch Slip 8!>0·1043 Se d • n . S 1O •00 0 . Liii IUOI llW Mexico 18 and older ifiiiiiii'"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 675-6161 -Mus 1 be !tee to iravel 1142"6980 Stereo components. re · F el A ':29 s S1tes-Servie.-LeU1no -$!98-0 760 "581 9 5 "' iiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml cords. b ooks , misc. 24 11 SKIPJACK oic:t. mod ' hay 3670 N Chtr"' A~e --t-----'=~=-~°"=="=· ==J-.....t:.WmtJ.Um~· NE LIO! 111~811. Twin Votvos $15.000 reprod Aoadsltr. side LON.G BEACH· YILEPllll Must 111se Cash· ........ -ti-upr'"'"tc'"es 963-4685, Rick ---'~77 --CUUlJ..L r\U!l..!?Ui_seat, 11-44\-1••1Jtl Otrec1 Aetamng Flrm. 32 llllOnHS Prices start al stereo. tronll rea.r hea· ••1 ..-Btll. W••lH 1100 Jobs Immediate Hiring Malltesses & found. se1 Floor cabinet wllambour Cttsslc 22' Century Al· 18'• Pinto eng. aulo ·:._~.:·•••••••••••••••• Stall.Positions Twin $77 ·Full $97 doot1. Hide 1 TV. Beat ven, Michigan boat w/ trans. lugg age reel\/ HUIE Ollm'I -Tl/llllUIOE , · We need good people to Oueen 1147 • King 1167 o 1 t er o v er I 1 o o . 1,1, 13500_ 5511-9082 lrunk, lull cover Nr per- wheets $38.000IOBO 673-0900 213-832-8979 •• k 1111 '70 Mt1cedes 280SL, Im· .!'!•••••••••••••••••• mac compt. serv re· '79 Buick Regal Llmlled cords 2 1ops, auto. a11 37,400 mt Lo1ded, II. St7.500 851·6226, blue. xlnt cond $5400 720-t090 eve Alt • pm 146·9 1<17 '82 MB 300 0 Clllm· '•lffi•t lffS-pagne metallic, pOllStied •••••••••••••••••••••• ~heels . custom pin TIE WIEST 2 yrs ••P .. agencv or JOU IUSJ set up a ppointments Sola Beds 1197 552-7134 fec;t• Less lhen •.000 ml ILHIY companv. Payables & HAYE 10 "~{;our ~-port Beacnf Sola & LoveMll 1247 lllEIT .. IHI 33' Egg Hat bor i port· $1300 Call 673·6474 I ll & 530·1020 ol tale model. low milea-recelva btea. Xlnt bene-o e In I e eYenlOQ or Sota Dinette w/4 cnrs -lither. brlllol cond , __ 5________ ge Cadlltecs In Southefn fils.Jamestnsucanoe.lr· Hot1day1nn's~1r1vel Pvt P1v 673·5822 185 .000 PP Call 78 450SL,wtreWl'leets.ell Ci vine. Call Meu r lne. EIPEllEICE club Salary + commis-197 556·01 IO dya 6U ·5229 MG TO 1952. ground up options 4 4,000 ml at1lom1a• See us todayl ~'~:' 3.000 mt PIP alt IEUITlll 752·0990 (EOE) slon + bonus . C all DISCOUNT FURNITURE MICROWAVE. N-Snerp eves/wllnds res101111on almost com-Sales-Service-Leasmg MINT P11ced 10 selll • llUlll -;:-::-;:::-;:;-;~~-;;-:;::--:-::::"'.".-l-.::'.S:.:u:..:n:..:·W~ed:::....!.:(7:_1:.:4'.!.1.:.9:.:64::·:.::5:'.3::54 833-3740 alter 1 PM. t959 Harbot BlvO: Carouael. probe. $229. pleted. must sell $8500 AN 01110 OIL CO. ollers llSl•a•OE Co111 Mese 63t·6609 Or cnoose from Aman•. 17' Bpllon Bay Packer. 1-866-1246 evs. l{Jy' CAR\fER Mrs Ales 645-8730 OAllLUC high Income, plus ci sh 111111 Typist, General Office. Lillon. Magic Chiv. ftp. Bay boat. Fbrgts, lnbrd. ---------· · Mrs Brown's '74 <150SEL. 2600 Harbor Blvd. bonuses, benefits to Comm't, properly & cu· nPllT Cerv.d Span1sn loveseat pen. O'Keele/Merril. Make ofr. 1142-1234 f WiHI D1in1 ISSO llll.S·llX'E·l:tv1W xlnt cond, low m• Mull COSTA MESA 546 67•0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~•to~'Gt\.tN'tw ~•lure person,.':_ Orange u~lty 2 es11. Exp. nee . IEIEUL lfFllE bench w/sto1age. 175.1 _____ ._____ 13.6 .. Boston Wllllera 1 LA AG EST JEEP DEAL EA "°""'°"~<" 1,,.1~-be Sffn1 64 5-8730 5•0 1111 ounry .,.._ . ....,11dtess m n. Y15 incl typing. Need sell m otivated. 1173-5302. Udo Ille A1111 VCS game console good w/new m otor, 1 tn Ille West __________ 1 '65 Mercedes dtesel. 1uns ---~-------- of eiiperience. wrlle P T. .Xsu'"r'at>er>ence.''1 1Sr.u J1n••m·esC•ln1•1 consc1enhous person, 11 pc bdrm Ml Pecan h· Perfect cond 175 casn 11tn1 $3200 & 15500 9esperate1V needs ·79 BMW 1331 Alptna. 4 good. needs body & 79 Et Dorado, to mi. 26, Read, American Lubrl· • Go"d benefits. Great nt•n .. d 548·5313 ••2-9259. 6 73·61106, vou• J EEP I" 100/ b 000 le $10900 e'e nt a Co .. Box 696, Maurine, 752-0990 (EOEI .. "' · goo .. con • ---------v spd. manv ii1ras. 1mmac, paint . ' 0 0 mi. c en, • · Davion, Ohio 45<101. •a1ntlW. ~!,';cons~~~~~2~ewpo11 1900/obo. 648-•292 Mesh type playpen, good _e3_9_-_o3_96_or_8_7_5-064 __ 1_. -1 H1~~~~1or:;1e1 SI ,18 •. s.oo 8or5S51~0803r2105 .8•09~:-e'•-z3_83_00_D_,-,m-m-~-cu--' _!_~_!_~_1 _163_d_v_s_._6_4_2·_•_2_67 Straight Com mission " =========:JO•k Canopy Walerbed cond S15 ,..,,, lt•I HARE MUY ..,, u building product sales. E•p'd. 7:30 p m-11:30 wlln llealer a nd llner. 536·1268 Ci HSI dys/49•·6061 e'ies 1a1e. lull powe1, sunroof, 80 Fteelwooo Brgh m Automotive pm Mission Viejo are•. WUEHISI PtsHien new. $ t500. Sacrifice --....,.A-eff_lgef_•_t_er ___ ••••• !!~~•••••••••••• AllO/•EP/llll&ILT '80 5281. 5 sp-d , sunrl, aux luet tank Take over d'Eleganee, mint cond , $4.25/hr 541·3311 ave It ab I e I r o m 1500 Slngl• Nouveau Good conditiOn RE S ERVE NO WI 50 ' 252• Harbor Blvd . CM li!lather. xlnl cond Sl3, payments or t>uv tor loaded moon11. 9K mi. * Alli • •EfAL LIOUOA CLERKS. Nights. S6·11 I/hr In our publ Bed & mallrass with $40 645•9805 Schooner, Chrlatmu 549·8023 645-7770 500 631-8556 S 1 8 . 9 9 5 M 1 r 1 y Mk 011 645-7"00 aft •Ell 4 PM-12. Wed-Sun. MUSI KING tee, 537-2880 headb o11d 1 50 C all -------Parade. Wh•I• watch. ,,.,.. ' 71'(973_·_13_4_5 ____ , _6...;p_m ______ _ Xlnl. P•Y end working nave Cash A""ister ell· Answer Ad No . 580 . 70 sq va1ds ol green car· P•~tles. etc. 1148·•005 •••••••••••••••••••••• C•tui f11 79 ••Bz 300TO w ._. t"60 c•o1LL•C Ct i di 1 t ~ -• 64" •300 "4 ,...,, SS 1 50 645 9805 • •'•-••••••• ••••••• •••• ,., · gn.. rv•· "' "' "' 111 c con hons 01 consclen-per"'-4/hr to start Apply W I I I E I ..... . ,. "" "~ · · ... ,, s.J/ IHI Toyota '7& AM/FM Ste· '80 Capri AS Turbo, 5 low w/1an 101. Fully 4-dr Full po-r, low ml· Uou1 metal men wtlh 5 10 Wlldys AM., 1181 Pl•· Whit• Jennie Lind Crib lliutll••H•I •••••'•••••••••••••••• reo e e u elle Small spd , c lean, loaded equip, 10 m1 . sllarp leage. Mint. Origin•! $2, 8 vrs. up. Gtass work cenlla C M I am looking for • lop and c hanging lbl. gd W••IH ,,,1 Lido 1<1, 1:3358, w/lrtr. camper sllell 12115 S5200. 4 94-3448 , S1800 6••·0376 000 760-8082 opllonal Weekdays • W aclliever wt!<? wants big cond l t50, s.e6•5806 •••••••••••••••••••••• Good cond. $1895 01 673-6618 937 o672 -----8to12 & lto5-See Ale a1M8HI aete4 comm1u 1ons and rapid W 1 1 C bHI oft. 6•6•2119 or ----------1 • '81 Marcedes 500SL 76 Eldo. all taclory op-Wrlghl, Howard's Aulo F1butous working condt.-management growth, an QUEEN SIZE bed l1ame •nltd nie evtslon ,,. 132..0054 '711 Ford Llll•I Super Cab D•IH• 111f 137 .950/olr '10 Mer· uons. mooml. fuel injec- Body S hop (formerly tlons No expef nee w e exoephon•I person con· 0-llz• eota bed tr"'90 \.ton Piek up Super dlx •••••••••••••••••••••• c e d e s 5 O OS L C hon. lo ml, crt am puff. Howard Chev ). Dovel train. -scnool CIRCUS d111oned 10 hard woik (7 1<1) 673-2017 &e7•3939 C11 25. betulllul cond Loaded lmmec 460 en· -S21,950tol• 494-0187 S3•00 673·4860 dvs. Quall SIS .. Ne wpo rt MAXIMUS 719 No. Har-Ca II M r Hise, 11 Oflglnal owner. 64&-1969 glne 411 tMr end At· • -~'I f7f S~7-3273 eves. "-:ach. 71 4/83"'-Qccc bo F 1a...1 870 619" 64 1-0959 EMPIRE SPINET DESK WUTEI Wims & eves gutar gas Musi see $9, ,. •. __...., ".,.,,""" r, u ..... on. • ' Amerlcan..S2SO OOO OB0 8·31-75•8 •••••••••••••••••••••• C•••t• Hl1 Auto. reap lndlvldu.al to Apply between t2 and 5 _Y_ou_ng--.-.. -,-.c-t-lv-e-,n-.-"-°'-. <199-3t22 after 5 WARDROBE CLOSET WJt..rli M5 '77. Blue. Sports St.rtpe, •••••••••••••••••••••• learn prof auto detall PM Mon-Sit. See Kelly cosmellc demonslrator• tulttblt for bedroom •••••••••••••••••••••• 011sun PU. '69, clean, convert, AMIFM Tepe, '78 Z28 Cam GOod eond. Sllllls. Must be II least 25 MEllCAL USISTU1' req FIT. PIT. now until 1 Twin Bed. mattre11 & STEREO RACK Wlndturfing Winter Sele ultra-econ. stre1ghl. nda Lo ml Good Cond Mull Many ex tr es Am/Im 'I'S old, pref married No EXPERIENCED • 1~ OA-Dec 24 Call Lena (2 t3) boaspnngs $25. French '°' Compontrllt M1111a1 1950 HIFly 1750 brkS Dys Bob 191·2431 s e 11 s 2 9 5 0 0 B 0 Clll l6800 Call Donna exper necess Apply all THOPEOtC SURGERY 553·52•8 ::. ~ ~~~t ~1·~~:~!1~~~984~-0~33~2~1~'1~6~~ UP SPorts 631-4106.. NB ·12 Dodge 0100 pickup, 830-2•85 alt 6 536-0129 _12_P_M_._11_1_5._1_65_7 ___ 'olfloe. Non-smkr Salary --------150 each 540-9015 1: ... ,. IU,. tool box. const rack•. ltrui• 11 Ctnr.ltl HM lllYllml &hrsopen 540 .. •376 .• ,,,, •• ".. -R--,,-,--d--k-7---d--•••it•/ .;. HTI a u x tank , I UOO .~~:.;;=~~i;;;;iiiiiii;:;;;iii:IJ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M Models •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 op e s . rtwer. ,,.,.,...... ., •••••••• ~.............. 645-9336 '76 SC. •ed/bll< lthr, anr1, Ill n FIUT1 ature woman needed bti1,•n l•S best offer over 1250 •1 •· ~ BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE AC. cass. P·T's, llawteu , to babysit 7 mo old In" Hollvwooo Referral •••• ••••••••••••••••• 552·11~4 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~1 BelGll 25, 28,= A•ltl W••IH IS 1911 210 SL wag Ale,, 1 owner $19 ,000 We have • good Mlec· fant In our Hunllngton Company 101 movies & M111oganv Oruser with Wood Bdrm Set °'" w/ YAMAHA B••e Amp. 30' 35' 40' & 45•' Cati •••••••••••••••••••••• aomltellrmSs•te8~eo266clas•sve8es s&t 759-0490 c''~r~N,,Ew & USED Hart>oor home Full/lime TV Commer c I e Is mirror. refinished. Sac Head with • double IS" · · · WE PAY ------1 ..... ""'' d avs. Mon.-Frl. Non· (becllground or non-1 195 646·•005 round mirror, dbl bed PV 1941al<er elblnet AN 8<1 2-46 44 from 9 -S. Wiens 645-2251 days IK'ISJER smoker. References. speaking only) II IMktng ----------1 trm & 4 drwr Chell •too Mon·Frt. TIP llWI ra •1213)613•78381592_.972 675-5110 In e •cellent condition ·73 240Z, au10 . beaut model types & olhefs for A 1• IOI seooobo. SLIPS AVAIL Huntington F• llll •a•a cond New paint. Clfb, NllllE/1111 COMMHL CHEYllOlf T commerclats such as 1•• •••tll Obie Nwt ..,..., comfort• 1•1 ••·11 1-1,. Harb o u r Ba y . O • -shocks ... ,c Like ne~ Fa'hion Wear. Cosmetic. •''••••••••••••••••••• -r-• ·-·' · • -v• 5 ,.. -1363 t HerbOr Btvd Hee11 n Club Adverll· . HARBOR AREA ;~ ";;~~t'f;gs & lrame,I~~~~~~~~~ :•~ .5•~·.8~6:7:~9 tli~ -~,!111/ • .!!'-13900 11•2·4566 Glllden Grove smenlS Spee111 need lor APPLIANCE SERVICE Pevey Etectrk: Guitar 213-43 t-376<1 ~·--• 79 Datsun 280 ZX. loaded laln·hniet PIEIT-.S SALM Beauty contest types. We Mii •ec:ond .. OU8' Compt bdrm let dble SISO. 2<110 Herbor Blvd w1ex111s Xlnl cond 3•. Ltasi .. No experience neces-apptlences 549.3077 bed, 4 dwr chesl, 11an11y, 6"2·1731 L~ Newpon Bay COSTA MESA 0 O O mt . S 8 I 0 0 Looking 10 add to our sary, snaplh<>I reqwed I Ill arrua.S dble dre11er & mirror. Slip• 30-3311 $1'1 141-4111 7141859-7200 dey1 114 ,111·2111 stalf. on inlen1lew By appt xln t cond , 1 500 Eleclrlc Cluaicat Gutter, Slde ttea t5-241tl1ft. ••t·•••t 12131 •114•7514. Les 957-1133 646-2930 Takamlne. $275. s w • t e 1 An c n 9 . 5. - -'15 011Sun 4 dr 710. good '72 911T Cpe. blue/blk, 1'' • One experienced washer Dryer s1.,5 1 642-1731 548·1501 ----------1 lransp 11950 11•2·5951 whit. Blau, cass. 70.000 1um . ~ . r \ \I su. i 200 '75 Monte Carlo. fully lo ade d Xlnl Cono S lllOO 551-1215 '78 Monte Carlo, 2 dr . good cond, orig ownet, 11c. 12200. 964· 1424 -RLS I E•"'"'I... • ' • · Obi bed with bo11 springs WI llf d ye. 6<15·9 399 eves/ m1 759-0490 Melle-Up ArtlSI --._ •• Olshwesher l tOO & frame s4o Gibson Sonex t80 Oeluiie SLIPS AVAIL Corona C)el Wknds E11pr only 642-4780 Aetrlg $200 646-5141 536•12(18 Gultar$300 -Mar Area. 19 11 Call ILIU 1111 ---------'11 IC c..,. '76 Et Camino New hrea. NEED EXTRA MONEV? AEFAIGEAATOA . 642-l73I Lind a 955-2473 wkdl -Jl•I fttr•ti fflJ Beige on b rown. lea new b ralles. camper • Siverel Assls1an1s W " h PIT F I Complete twin mettre11, a 5 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• s r1 I .... _.. ..,., • 3 Alctlerd Ouelli!llle Salon or 11 ome 01 • rosl ree, 2 dr,1165 aprlnga and frame, S•O Ollitt l•nil•lf I · -·-•-'I Miiis n • stereo. m nt ....... $2500, .... I-vi 1 200 ..._........ c Or IOlderlng, llt l & Cfllll, 193-9060 ••5 _Ooc_k_I -.-o-· -.--.. bo--No-· -._... Cond S27.500 Cu'1 ·~-.,..... enter . Call (7t4) S.9-7932 -·980~ ~81~•1 ~S or _. et. •Y llfmlnl 851-9150 d•. 631·3141 '10 Chev Monte Carlo. N.B. Coldspot Ae lrtg 1225, MOVING SALE --•••• • •••••••••• ••• llvt • boards 3 blll1 FRllll eve Good shape Aun1 like Boal Repairman, expe· lfFICE llWIEI Whirlpool retrlg 1295. 7• b 1 d 1 SHARP SF760 COPIER E1111P1villon 673-4921 new . 1900/bll o fr. Kenmo t h I ,.,. e ge COi urov ao e, Anv pa-r 5 mo.~ '77 ""<I T rbo I k 40 642 .,5t4 rlenee In electronics. HB Vartetv of duties lnclu· re we e r •11 1210. single bed. SSO, 645·•5313 · Newpofl 60' moo11ng wllll IEILlllllP1 "' u 00 • ., • r • 1 . 8 • 6 . • 4 9 7 , ding boolckeeplng, pay-Frlgtdafr • •lee . dry., double bed, 175, dining ---------~ boat. Aslllng I 19.500. OOO mt 16150 Mual ... , -,7-9-C-heve--u-.-. -lo_m_I-. -m-u-s\ 213-592·4492 1011. AIP. A/A, phones. I SO 548-8612 le ble. 4 cnrs. $1115,whlte Matched cualom moduler 7141646-4005 _..::;..._======-·•1~ Or V~~~:9~~~~IO lell immed $1100 080. c ·est St Bon Bakery typing & misc. Nwpt Ben Tosnlba Mlcrow•ve varta-r t 1r1 g . S 2 2 5 C a 11 3 deall Ml. 2 ••et & 1 -11111 Call alt 5.30, 981--0090 FIT vtrHlile m/I to work OtllCe 615·111 10. bl•. p owe r Hlllng1. 1175.3043 da'(l/tvff eec'y, •,"or part. eon, .. ~.'!,.f~~r. ... ~ Top dollars lor Sports ''"' lt•H ,, ---·-H'- ln our b•k••les. French 26 OPENINGS l~SO. fflo-1•53 Two twin ~ed1. frames . ~~.~·side ~~~~,.~·i!::s DRY STORAGE Cera, Bugs. Campera, ~ -•••••••• , •• -........... '::':~.-::: ............ ~ speaking pref but not '11101 Side bv aide rafrlg. ''"~" mattrns, spring•. wood & llbtet. 845•5383 914'•. Audi's · •t Mal(" IN U SJ '71 Cordoba. f\.111 P'#f. very nee. Call 175-0721 •It " w/lcem'aker. white, 1111• headblakel studio couch, Monthly boal atoregt. Alk for UIC MGR 3 I~ West Cotti HWy. n" " · · · clean A b'atgaln at 2pm Hk tor Scoll or MARKETING new. 1400. 754·76S4 new, o ff whll• Mnen, 1111 •1 tnY lift. 24 hr eecurlty, .119 --ewport Betcn ~ $3<150. 75•·0255 ...,, Greg 1175/obO 675·1515 (Iv •••••••••••••••••••••• Ir", ___ ......, -•SWllll 842•94o5 · IOJCE .,_.. IHI Aelrtg. Ho1poln1, 11 cu '1, 1 Doberman Pups 6 wilt ._.. .... _.,, •-•1 n Aarleth's lffttn IEPlllllTATm 1uper c lHn, harvHI mag Old. no peoers • .... T... 117t l 8Mctl Blvd Bt8'• f111 ..................... . Slate He'd & bondod Entry level po9itlon wtlh gold. 1235 720•11'6 Oavtnpona, lamps, I bed, 125 142·87H 1111 .... .., • • HUNTINOTOH BEACH •0 iiiiii"iiiiiiii;'u ..,. _,,..,llO-.-,.,.,~ '71 FORD Mlvtrk:tl Good agency. Mull l>t 20, own 1111 growll'IQ IPtClllly nil• tables. rdwd picnic 144-1111 141·1111 .. -•"'" '"' "'°-cone! 3 new Ur-. econ tran1. 2 )'II college 01 goods mafll.,lng llrm. Jl~n/H lflf ~·:~~ ~ 1 ~~~~~~H~~5a~ Hf=p~I lloy~m~!""11u1e" WAml! :,~.~::.C":'P~~~~ ;-a.. MeAft IN • $850 <194-321 t related upr. req . Call $ •••••••••i:••u••••• 813_8977 Fi I# bl• Hlecllon. H vlnge 711 Sllve1 Shadow. Aetl Ford Torino '18 64s.-3746 15 400 New mena tpds Colufn. Board~ng46a28o~:omtng .11'!~ ... !'........ and MIVICI \odtyl low mil•• C ream w/ run1, $280 Chlldcare . Gra ndm•'• bla blkt 180 lelt Lovt MAI. couch. rm Ml C..-n, laJ. ......,......, Fawn LHlh•1 lnterlot 554-4037 helper w•nttct.lo help ' 112 0 . 845·3110 or w/8 Chra a b\tftel trom B ABVKOISIHGh ,;,;, II .... MNllll (368041 £ianl• IHI ·Ql'andm• cat• Tor ner 2 Req No [IP! 1142-0480 ~~~~21~~m• Moving. (Jepanne Color9d C.p) ...................... llLll I UIWlll ,.•~y •••••••••••••••••••••• "'"° Ofandchlldren. Pit. a ..... ....... ... M 2·e2llO '14 Camper. reel lnleftor A 2150 Hett>ot RIYd • ·eo Mtfll VI, 2eK, IOeded, Vet 1bla Hre. O.P. ArM. BonU181, Vaca 1, 3 I FREE 10 good hOme ,._ end e•terlor MAKE OF· COSTA MESA 111111/mtl&.ll tit wtlilt , iiln1 Cond. ltO. 131 :zee or 493-2631 Manegemtnt Pey l<lspd2 •• •6ll11n6l~ond83;_,.719015· ,., ... la/n m• ,.......;_ ...... s--d. FEA. 540·7677 141·•• •-500 631·1133 (71<1) 984·5354 (24 hrl "' ' " ••••,.-•••••••••••••••• ~-· • ..,....~ r••-•• c• Im•• Ort11 w11chdog. Call '78 Ford A~ XLT w11n •YILll/ft.'9Mll IY IT• UllAlll PUT Tm A~~=1~1 ...................... Tony, .,.6-132l 198 1 12 '"' camper. •1:;::C:r:'::f.:. ~~~· 7015 Knott !!!~!tr •.••••••• "-!! ... F• Evn and/or weekenda. 730-0986 Complele IMng rOOM In SPAINOEA SPANIELS • 11"91 8, llOve, relrtg, $6500 56l·3e.t lkltna Parll needs 9111*iel1Ced bK k Aelponajble adults, O¥er r.:· OI'"" lnGlu teblM, *"-8 .... ,..,, ....... BA, Sink 8"1 ofter (114)522.e760 ollk:• employee. Mutt 21. wit h outstanding al· Eagle Alder erulttr ampe, tofa. '°" ... ,, e>vrtbtMdt. "° pepwa, 540-7117 WI 11f 1970 HONDA 7S0t< (2t3)I02·1S22 1 I I lllGlll/t peraonttlllea to 175 octaoon•• dtntne room '" 0 I I s 4 5 1 3 3 I USED CAAi • TAUCK8 IO,OOOK, •It GOnd ~~ .!!.:'"E:,"~~~1 work wit h you (1,u 730.otee wl4 gotd ~ lll bectr 1 .. 77-esot • ' ..... 171ln/ COME IN QA CALL FOA lt.•50 5H-lnl lad ffi """'""" ~..... .. 10 14) Call 2 5 M Ch-"' lac refriA "'* ·-... . .................... . '76 Metcury Monerch. 8 CV!, good eond SHOO 6~3-3163 t!l?!!f!~ •••••••• ~ & good banaflll. N.B. • · • • 10 SPEED 81KE 19" ' ' .,., _ .... , ~ ..,..,.,, II FIB artlllAL 'll 111111 •• IH c.ll.,.4·5570 IP••' &•2·432 1. ••t. 3 49. G1een,mu11te111mmeo. l!Qhttno.mlntl>llndt.etc _. n ...................... ,.._ "• 1913 SAABS " E,O.E. Lldlu o lOl ll ln9 and At<C CHAMP! N LIN! IMO YA.MA.HA 400 ..,.. ..... mter-OtUtlo Miio-pi/\ pty &51·&512 '7t VOi••, e cyt, PS. P8, AC, r1d11la. dnt cOncl. NIC)Ololr 875·1 llC eompuw ISO. 173·9282 •II IPftl mucll more 9 Bany1n All 111011 Wttt tlOld lor cl8I II. SllO or betl ofter •lllEIT PllllllllDI P~~o~ :~ ~107!"': c...,,, I Tr .. Ln. ,., , ,.,1 .. s ciw1""* tAM·SPM e1MHe .,. 1PM ~~~t~ ~"8H 'II ... ..._ NOW tDEI .'Jtl .......... mf r =ertenced In OfCI achool Knowledge Of Ltd-I S5S·t2t4 'ti -mt IJrtt•. mini condMlon. We're your l .. b LIA· 79 Grand Prl11, AMIFM . Mutt be know-c•• dee«etlng ........,.. 0•9l~•••00u•u "m ..... Y ...,,. Wf 81.._.ten ....... ~ .. -1 1 1 8 1 0 8 0 .. .. 141 ... 1, I• 1111 11300 !Ml-IOU SINO "*'ettatt! We're recllO, ,..,. ~. •· P8 ,.d11e•ble In ASTS I "', Batk in R o b b·~·-,, J ason Allr~ ,..._ f'Hnl':elf.~~· _. ._ ~--",. · dMllnQnowontl'lentlre 68,000 ml, IC200 ASX or ln'·t1. Fu1111,;. 176-111111 ecope. 40-400X. +trtpod ... ~tan w14 1u11p :~n :'!."'::..It~ 540-3n i Top 1\..11..., Hne of modtl•' See ua 1141Ut.1200 e1ye potlllont Salary oom· & HlrH like new, ap. llatllt '71 BMW AIO w/allletd, UUllll' NOWI . ,.,,lnturtl• wlttl tllPt· P/T·totl mtll I rent mllll• p1011 11tlut 1250. I ber· 1100. 7IO-OIM Kofler, good eond. Mull Piel 11111 ••Tl '7~t~:O,..-C.:· rtenoe &..-. In _ _, bo11e1 to pul>llo. tdHI 0-'" et 11110. 1711-4111 ., .... I a..-. 1111 L11¥1n~ lor o1 r. ••• ....__ ..__. 1,-~1--• ......... ...-. "°"'' , ....... -.. ~ ... Ai -lm!rt. i:ii" •• -•••• ~ •• -......... .._. &VV ....., Catltotftll lptemt A.. ..... ,....,_.,.. .,.. 3Smm Ma"'lye cam.,1 Oulllr•w ,,..... Of· '"an 'I . It I , I P 'Of Your C-1 •oc.l•tH 1145 MHt tl\lr.O "''°" Corona w/IO 21 & 200fMI -. • .......... .. 1IO-olOI Jllll• I -Nl~T llACH ....... or ... ,_.. Verde o'r. f , Co9ta def Mar 175-7210 Ht,'+ 2X a c.,r Int Qold ,..,..ond I pearl ::; ~~:=n:il::..Oftet ~--------1 Tit--·71 llltrell6rd. AC. N , N. ............ ,,.. PIT •• ,,.,, mutt 111¥1 G•M, ''" 176-411, :-: 1:.\io~'· °' 0. ·~.~::..or:.~ ----------4 AMllJM ......... ..,.. ••.• =~·~·...:~::·~ ,_ ,_ r. _,, Dlwnond.R: '*'! mi~:-Taro':: towlllllel Ml·IHO ~~~~_!~!!!(--------• ~.~ A~J:r. wltoola. l11per. In wel• ... 2·1612 M0n.Fn. ;;n •• 1.ne••••••l'Al .......... , ...,.._ 11111"4t11 Tflt f ..... t dr•w In tM Ml_._, NM dlfll •nd febrloellnt AfteotlONtl I r ' .... 11d 17 . hit ortor Alleft Of9M 1'9ttlft 411 Wnt 1 Dtltr 'llOf n I dP ~&Mac ~· 141 Giii, I AM • WANT ACTION? wtlltt w/ltlH •POii, I 1 I • I t a I d y I • wheworlt Uftft ..... tfr QMa•i• All c.1 T..... W ...... .,. 090 . ' Cl--.ct Ml Ml·M7a ....... 790-tMI... 171-.._.. °"" lt0,00l.111·11M ....... ,. ln-01•1 I , • _ .. Tlllml .~1111 CUIT llRlll flJt',DAY N1lVIMBlH.'l 1·11!.' () H A N ( a (, () u N r y ( A l I f () fl N I A ; '> c E NT s Sheriff defe:ri~s · jail policy after thr~e deaths • By JEFF ADLER or-.~,._.,..., Orange County Sheriff- Coroner Brad Gates defended medical procedures at Orange County Jail Monday. claiming the three rec:ient jail deaths could not have b een prevente d regardless of whether the irunates were in custody. The three -Michael Antonio Rous. Ruben Cardenas Cota and Richard Paul DeSoto -died from different· causes during the past month. Their deaths were not In any way related to their Incarceration. Gate. aid. Becauae 18 people have died in sheriff's department cuat.od' In le11 than two years, the American Civil Liberties Union as well as a superior court judge 1 and a county d eputy public defender have called for either a grand jury or an Independent invest!gation into the deaths. But Gates contende~ that medical procedures and health care at the jail are adequate. He Pyramid scheme alleged as county scam trial opens By STEVE TRIPOLI or ... Dellr,......,. Ralph McDonald lied to. both investors in and workers at his Golden F.agle Investments firm as he took more than $15 million for supposed investments apparently which were never made, a prosecutor to ld an Orange County Superior Court jury Monday. --Beputy-District Attorney 'fom Buck made the statement at the opening of McDonald's trial on 31 counts of grand theft, securities law violations and income tax evasion. Investigators allege that Golden Eagle actually was a pyramid scheme in which McDonald paid off early investors with the money he was taking in from those tha t followed. The operation was described by Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates as the largest white-collar scam in county · history when McDonald was arrested in a Feb. 10 raid on the firm. Buck said that McDonald told thoee connected with the El Toro investment firm that he was able to pay extremely high interest rates for short-term use of investors' money because_ he was loaning it to other investors who needed large sums of cash quickly and were willing to pay for it. McDonald, who promised investors returns varying from 10 percent a month to 20 percent in just two weeks, claimed that all oans we re-secured by tanClaoo other holdings owned outright by the borrowers, Buck said. But when sheriff's deputiea raided Golden F.agle Feb. 10 they found no evidence that the money had been loaned out at all. Buck said. The only record of any monetary transactions were the promissory notes McDonald had signed over to investors, he said. McDonald's attorney, Paul Mast, told jurors there was no wrongdoing and no~ that all investors in Golden F.agle had received their returns on time prior to the day of the raid. Maat, who insisted ~t the so-called investors were actually "lenders" t o the firm -a distinction he said would be lSeel>VR~ID, Pa1e AZ) 3 ne-w -.. mutilated no-w ileail· pelicans By JOEL C. DON Of'llteDellJNot•Wt Three of the five pelican s found in Dana Point Harbor Sunday with their upper beaks hacked off have died and officials are fearing a poesible new wave of such mutilations. Crown Valley Animal Hospital veterinarian Gayle. Roberts destroyed two of the birds Monday because of the extent of their injuries. A third died of shock and lo. of blood about an hour after it was brought to the hospital Sunday. Four birds have now died since the tint mutilations were spotted in the harbor area in mid- October. The latest discover ies were especially disturblna because the peraon or people responsible cut into the nasal pasaagea of the birds, aaid state Department of Fiah and Game spokesman Ralph Young. Under such conditions, the pelicans would not be candidates for the novel prosthetic surgery being performed at the Crown Valley hospital to save the birds. Young said there's lltUe doubt that the mutilations occurred recently. "They were bleeding when they were found," Young aald. "There was abeolutely ~ ·· that could be done for them, said veterinary aaaiatant Jeff Lohre of the three birds tbat died Sunday and Monday. So far 18 brown pelicans have (See PiUCANS, Pa1e AZ) More tests ordered in asbestos probe A eecond battery of te.ta has been ordered to determine whether aabestos fibers are sloughing off concret.e-aabeatoa. pipea and entering drinking water in Newport Beacti. City council memben aareed Monday to a ~nd round of tea ting next • p,rlng a1 a precautionary meaaure to ~etermlne if a network of concrete-ubestoa water pipes i. l&fe. The city la also awaiting a ~port from a UC Irvine cancer ..-archer on whether m,e.Uon ol ...,.._ fiber la harmful and, if it 19, at what levels. lnltJal testa completed early thll month revealed that the Ubera showing up ln city drlnJdnc water are not com1nc fram the Mbeam-Uned ppea. ~ The aampln were taken at l9Wll locaUona. lncludinl the 8'c em,.., e..rvar where the dty etocw water it buya from the ~&an Water Dlltrict. ,,. tell nmlta, llC.lCOl"Cl10I 10 Joe DevUn, city public work• director, indicate that the c microecoel.£_!!..ben are arrivina with the MWD.pUrchued water. Ironically, Devlin noted, the highest ube1to1 reading was logged on Balboa bland -an a r ea where cast iron, not concrete-ubest.o!I, pipe ii uaed. Devlin aald that the aabeatos ahowlna up In the MWD water come9 from natural IOW'Cl!8 u the water travela aouth' alon1 the California Aqueduct. Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, who asked for a aecond round of. teeta, aid she la •tiafled that the city's water plpea are aafe but added "ll'I IOOd tO double I check." Most dties and counU. h8ve been uaina concrete-ubeltoe water pipes for more th11n SO yean. Beyond the condition of the pipa, the lincwtnl qumtion ill whether in1nt1n1 ubeltol in drinkln1 w1ter I• h1rmful to heelth .• Dr. Calvin McL1u1hlln, dar.:tor .of the c.nc.-~ lnat!tute 1t UCJ, hM reported he ~t qu.tkln and ( ... ~~~ . proudly called the jail one of the 10 best In the naUon. Nonetheleea. "Gates and county Health Care Aaency Director Charle1 Kerna are readyin1 a reque.t that aaka the board of aupervilon to add alx full-time and one ~t-tlme jail nursing positions. i. expected to consider the reques t lta Nov. 30 meeting. If approved. the additional staff poaitions would be used to medically screen each Inmate as they are brou11ht Into the jail. . three C&lel jail medical pertonnel Gates said he has asked for were aware of the inmate.' health ,the.e po11ition1 In paat county problems and were treatlna budaeJa, but always haa been them, ev~n though •the Inmate.' turned dowrt. affllcUona were termlnat. Gates aald that 'he flill would In the third case. that of Rosas, wefCome a grand ju~~ ro~ or t~ere was nothing anybody could an Investigation by me oih~have done to prevent t'he death, t.ly becauae he i. co ldent auch Gates aald. a revtew would rove the Rosas, a 43-year-old Venke -.dequacy of health care in the resident, died at James A. MU$ick. Santa Ana facility. Honor Farm in El Toro after a Turning to the mos~ recen~ · lood '<easel at the base of his deaths, Gates aaid In two of the neck ruptu(e<J. Gates said. Aiming at Thanksgiving dinner Harking back to the feast in 1620, the Hokan Nation of Indian Guides from the Orange Coast YMCA held a turkey shoot. Mark and Phillip Shinners, known a11 Sleeping Bear and Red Bear in their Coeta Mesa tribe, were among 45 fathers and sou who shot at targelll la1t weekend at Mile Square Park to win frozen turkeys. · This is what the welcome sign• propoeed for entrances to Newport Beach would look like. Banners would ny on h~lidays. Although paramedlc.-a were on the scene within l l minutea,- Rous "was dead when he hit the floor. according to the doctors.'' Gates said. He added that Rous had undergone a thorough medical exam before being transferred to the honor farm to serve a six- month sentence. Cota died Nov. 11 at the UCI Medical Center of viral hepatitia, Gates said. He also said jail (See JAIL, Page AZ) Cany9n ~ route a threat? Laguna Bea c h City Councilwoman Bobbie Minkin ia expressing concern about the impact a proposed 14 -lane freeway ln Laguna Canyon would bave on the city. Minkin said she has called for a special council meeting to be held at 10 a.m. Dec. 4 -in the canyon. . Buses will be provided for <lOWlcil-members-and the public_ for a field trip of sorts to the closed Sycamore Hills property on Laguna Canyon Road north of El Toro Road. · "I'd like to see the Public go out and take a look at what's happeninll in Sycamore Hilla in regard to the San Joaquin Transportation Corridor," the councilwoman said, referring to the proposed , yet unfunded, freeway project. "The area currently is marked to show where the freeway would pass over our property.'' Minkin said. "It's extremely eaay to visuali7.e the long diagonal line it will take across Laguna Canyon Road and our part of Sycamore Hilla." And, the councilwoman said, the city now has a map that she said shows "the enormous off- ramps planned for El Toro and Laguna Canyon roads." "They are gigantic." she said. Minkin aaid she doesn't believe residents realize how close to Lagu"' the corri or will be, or the aize of the 14-lane thoroughfate .. "People think there will be 90me kind of handy freeway out there but I think they should go out and get an idea of the impact this freeway will have." The council "field trip" also will include a di8cuasion~f the propoaed Laguna/Laurel Canyon development planned by the Irvine Company for 2,150 acres in the canyon. The company is seeking ' Orange County government approval to ·build up to 3',600 units on the unincorporated property along Laguna Canyon Road between the San Diego F~way and El Toro Road. Plans also call for a 158-acre private golf course and dedication of 1,151 acres of the property as open space. / ) Signs to pinpoint Newport Where the heU la Newport Be.ch! , A dtiaen group. concerned thlt travelers don't know where the city •tarta or end1, i1 rai1in1 "i::f for entry 1l1n• to be p at ltrateatc pointa alone the city limit&. '!be entry m,,. will .-emble a ·1hlp'1 mut with the city ••I han1tn1 from a wooden platform. · PNlently, there l• only one "Welcome to Newport Beach" lip tn dw city. It II IChedua.d 10 be removed durln1 1 road ~projld. "You can trawl Ill over the 1 CC)'IPtry and every city hat itl 'Wilcome to' 1ip," expl1inecl Ro1er Morin, 1 city puk1, beacbea and recre1Uon oommllllaner. "We need .,...., lt'1 a mau.r of ctvtc Dlide." Morin ... ..,,.,.... °""" dvlt acUvtltl .... hopeful of ,....... ,, •*.t... half th• COit of ..... llpa. TM city II l**inc up die ~cmt. "WhBi you came into N.wpart Beech,'' Morin suUMted. "you c~n feel the cool breeze and thln11 seem to rel•~· A. algn would help oeople l'MliJJe 'Hey, you're here.' ... I Donation• can be sent to "&\try Sign.'' Parka Beachel and Recreation Department. Newport Beech Oty Kall. 3300 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beech 92663. ......----llDEI---- ' Preaident Rea1an announced today he would propoH aa lnereue in 1aoline taxee to finance nationwide highway lmproYementa. See Page A3. A.6 A.7 82-8 A.4 A7 C&-8 .., .., ca A8 • A7 AM Landen Movies Mutual trunda National News Publ~ Noticel A7 Be 82 ' A3 A5,B2.B8,C4-5 ~ Cl~ Stock Marketa m T91evillion • ThMten • W•ther A2 World Newt .U • .. , .,, * Orange Coa1t OAll V PILOT /Tuetday, November 23, 1U82 LB r~ps · dump fee rules ~ .. amri...~su. La1una ••ch offlciala are termln& the Oran1e County 8oerd ol.Superv'*>n1 policy on exceptiON to recently lmpoeed l.andtW dumplns r .. "llJosical and wu.....wble." County aovernment officials, on the ocher hMd, aay Laguna Beach, aa well •other dUee, ii tryin1·•to .take advantage of a good thin&. At iaaue la a county policy' reaarctm. fees charged to cluci which t.Ue rubbish and refuse to county-owned landfllla. Cities must now PaY about $18 per d\P1lp truck load, and $40 for lar1• tras h bina that ~re tranaported to dumps .and emptied. But tht> county General Servl<.'8 Apncy dot-.n't conaid« oceJn kulp that wa1he1 up on La1una'1 beachH »an t'Xc>mpted waste. Frank contended moat of t.aeuna '• park areu are beache1. / nd that k elp ahould bt> :onaidered a park trimmlna. and thereby be exempt from dumpina feea. Another lne<>nalstency In the superviaora' ruling, Frank said, ii th1H refuse collected by 1treet sweepers la exempt from dump fees, while truh placed ln public trash ~ located on at.reel and the beach ia not. "In otlier words. if our vwtora toss Jitter on the street, that doean't,.cost u1 anythin1 to dump." Frank said. "But if they put their trash In the 1arbase can, like they should, It costa ua to dump it. "It's not logical." unlncorporaU!d an<M MtYloed by the t'OW\ty. "We 1ivti tM dtif'I a bruk, but wt> bill ourwlvt'll for trtmmlnfll In reaional parka and atreet awHP.in1 in unincorporated ........ hcuid. "They (duee) wanted a break and Wf' 1ave It to them. Now they want more." He uid Anaheim requeet.ed a dump fee exemptk>n Cor refUM 1enerated •t Anaheim stadium. The Salvation Army wanted an exemption for the Iona of It.ems it must cart to the dump. · . "And Laguna Beach wanta UI to consider beach kelp u park trlmmin&B," he aaid. Rhoads said that citle1 like i.aguna Beech "forpt that under state law they are responsible for land filling of their rubt>tah." "The county haa taken on that reaponsibiULy and always paid the bill until now," he laid. "'llae cities have had it free for 80 lona they still want it f~ When county aupervisors impoaed the l\.•W dump fee schedule, they qreed to exempt municipal W¥tes -nerated from park trimming a n d .JO'eet sweeplrtl. . "W• tlll apprec;ieted that," aald ·-City~r Ken Frank. The county decision meent tree trimminp and debria picked up in Lalun•'• parka,· u well as refuae'collected b y street sweepers. can be dumped at the county'a land.filla at no oost to the city. Bl.It Ray Rhoads. manager of the count)'.'s wastft management program, disagreed with Frank's contentions. "The board (of supervisori) responded to a request by cities. for exemp,tlons f o r 1treet sweeping and park trimminp," Rhoads said. "Now they have to pick uP. part of the tab and they don t like It," Rhoads aaid. ' Ironically, Rhoads said, the exemptions do not apply to Laguna's Frank said the add itional coat to dump kelp, beach trash and p.rbaae collected ln public street cana at the county landfill will be about $7,000 for the remainder of the f '8cal year. Happy ending to gem loss By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or-....,........ . The $2 green sweatsuit that Dottie Zuvela of ·Fountain Valley bought at a garage sale a few weeks back didn't flt well, but it was hanging near~y· ~hen the phone rang Monday while she wu &ivilll her doQ a bath. The woman sllpped it on to keep warm and for the first time noticed a leather pouch in the pocket. . ~de the ]Souch she found $10,000 worth of jewelry inadvertently given away by another tountain Valley woman who had conducted the aar._... "I turned to my husband and said, 'My God, Bernie, I think rve found that lady'• jewelry,'" she aaid. · Zuvela had heard a television news report coocem.ina the jewelry that Janice Snowden of Fpuntaip Valley had hidden in the s~eatsuit. then had aold at the garage sale when she forgot about t he hidden valuables. Zuvela said the newscast described tf\e jewels u hidden in an old coat, and she had not tho"Cht about the green sweatsult she had pwdYi9ed. Whe n she found the· jewelry, which included Snowden'• wedding rlna. ZUvela laid she knew irtuneidately she must return them. She was put in touch with Robert Snowden through Fountain Valley police, and he arranged a sur1)rise for his wife. After Janice Snowden came home from work Monday night, Zuvela knocked at her door and handed her a grocery bag containing the sweatsuil and the jewelry. ''I bought this merchancliae at your garage sale. but I'm returnina it because it'• inferior," Zuvela said as a joke. · As w rewarO. the now ens rreateet t Zuvelas to dinner. Dottie Zuvela said she had purchaled the sweatsuit for her guests to use at her Big Bear residence. She said It was fortunate ahe had occasion to take It out of the cloeet Monday. "It could have hung there a Iona time," ahe said. Zuvela said she had no second thoughts about returning the jewelry to Snowden. "I was so thrilled to get them back to her," she said. ''If·I had loet the jewelry, I would have been devaatated." • • PELICANS FOUND; THREE DIE·. \ ... ...ft From Page A1 been~ with their u pper beau partially or completely severed w ith a saw or-large knit.. Twelve of the birds are at Crown' Valley hmpital, one .is at Marineland and another al Sea World in Ian Diego. prosthetic devices will hold when the birds dive into the aea to ·~tch fish. asking anyone from the public who knows anything to plea.e tell us." Veterinarians at Crown Valley have "ur1ically attac h ed fibe~ IMaka to two of the bird•, aTillou1h tl\e animal tinc tora are n o t sure the Wildlife officials believe a fisherman or fishermen have hacked off the beaks out of revenge because the pelican• often steal fish bait an d get tanaled in lin,es and nets. "We don't know if it was the same penon or not," Young ... a 9f the ff>N>nt mutilations. "We're In the meantime, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service haa taken four severed pelican beaks to an Orange County forensic: lab for analyais, Youns aaid. Officiah hope to determine the type of inatrWnent -meet-and any other ~to the~ Rain· forecast ;Coaalal ,_,., ~ •-Y wllfl dllnCe of.,_. .... "* .nemoon llld tonight. o-Noht ._ 48 to 52. MOll(ltlln area highs were HP•Cl•d to P••k In Ill• 401 Wednelday with lows from 15 to 25. Owenl v..., lllgfll may reed! Into the low 509 wttll IOws tllet ~dip 10 15. Northern deHrt high• mey reecll Into the eo. with low. lrom 35 to 45. Southern ~ lllgl-. mey reach I nto the &01 • WedMld1y with Iowa In Ille 408. • !\Mn forec:eM IOf Wedneedey wtttl hlgtw of N to. M. Cllence of rein on WednHday 80 percent. T Out!Ootl fef Tllanlllglvlng dey: emperatUreJ p..,~_,~, . -. Ela4wllere, trom Poi nt NATIOM Conce,tlon to tll• Mexican· bo(der and out to mlle1: ~ .... 1C) to ti llnot8 over CM1ter water•. Combined 1ea1 4 to 8 feet. Locally, ~--· .. 10 "'"* .. aftlmeen, ..... 111 .... I tq 3 .. wlCll 1 to 2 ... wind --. Cieucty tonipt MCI W.....-Y wlf\ ~of..,.,.. TR • . . .. lAt 52 4& eo .... &1 2e 87 52 ........ w .. .--tt ~..,..,. 4IO NOAA U !> °'"'' 1~ C.-..._, Front1:COld ... W;vm WW "' 67 64 48 81 70 13 51 17 14 11 eo 16 -04 36 20 eo 50 M 88 41 43 63 43 27 08 71 57 .. 41 er 41 ~~1 91 37 17 16 13 IO ?i 41 59 11 12 H u 11 II 11 41 n 11 41 24 OI 72 41 14 ~7 47 10 24 11 .. 12 24 06 7' 74 79 10 13 ., 71 16 7' • '47 • .. . 17 to It • .. . n .. n .. 11 10 ... . 33 10. 71 57 7' "' 12 56 .. 51 25 12 7S 34 40 ,. 11 12 .. u ... 13 53 5t M 41 44 H 13 41 72 12 u oe 31 u : :cl :: 71 .. :: !A It .. :: ., .. "' . ~: 17 II • 17 1111•,. ... -zYM I I ..... Mofllol I 2 I H NewPOftlMOll I I ti IM Dleao OMICr l I ti Ouloell • ~ Ultll ....... .. Tlt181. ,...., 56 47 ... 21 .. 35 "' ... It at 12 ... IO 41 57 so I t 39 II 41 13 ... 14 ... • 4S ..... ...... 11 42 ...... Ill 50 II 43 17 10 IO 40 .... I. II 11 47 11 .. • 47 • 42 . .. 11 .. .. .. 11 .... ......... "'""" ........ l:lt•··· ....... , = =r :.: :: •t.J • 1:1,...... .. ... ,.. ....... ... .......... : ....... , ...... ll_M.MLfll. ..... ,... ...... ,1:41,.M.. ..... u ... ... \ J • The winner! Jeff Cottrell crosses the fini8h line to win the 10-to-l 3 age · division of Irvine's Orange Crate De rby as Dale Jones records his time. For more racing action photos, see Page Bl. . ! JAIL POLICY DEFENDED BY GATES • • • From Page A1 medical personnel were well recently in the jail was DeSota. would think I hire people or the aware of Cota's condition while The 45-year-old Santa Ana man health department hires people : he was in jail and had kept the died of congestive heart failure insensltitive to huma~ beings,, inmate quarantined in the jail's associated with a long history of that we actually like to see: medical section before his akoholism, Gates said. people suffer and get hurt,": transfer to the medical center. He described DeSota as a man Ga t es said o f l he f u r or·: Despite allegations that Cota . whose condition "becam e surrounding the recent deaths. , contracted his illness inside the term'nal hil · · ·1" jail, Gates said that "doctors 1 w e an J8• · The sheriff said he would be ; s trongly· feel he contracted it When DeSoto died Nov. 2 at the fir st to ca 11 for an outside." It takes anywhere from the medical cent.et there was "no investigation "it-these people had : six weeks to six months for way anyone at his home, at..UCI been beaten up and then died -~ hepatitis symptoms to manifest or in the jail" could have saved but that's not the case" _themselves, he added. him. the sheriff said. · ; Th th . d --t ----------___ ,Ga,ies_met Moncfay_af.1.ernoon • e ar person o 1e "I can't .believe that anybody with Orange County Board of , PYRAMID SCHEME·._ . • Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande to discuss the deaths ' and a possble inquiry. The sheriff said Nestande was satisfied with his explanations of the deaths and backed off his earlier call for. an investigation. • From Page A1 Important in proving that McDonald had not viol ated securities laws -promised lo produce eviden~ showing that Mc-Donald actually made loans which generated the high returns he J)aid. It was only the raid on the 'firm, in which more than $800,- 000 cash eannarked for the next round of payments to investors was seized, that put McDonald out of buliness, Mast said. T h& raid and M cDonald's arrest put McDonald in a position where "he could not respond (pay investors) despite the fact . he had substantial assets prior to the arrest," Mast said. Buck said that abourr,3'UO investors made more than 3,000 individual investments in Golden F.agle. F.ach investment a~ more than $5,000, Buck said. Mast claimed there were only about 1,000 investors. ... Three of the investors whose dealings are the s ubject of c r iminal allegations against McDonald h ad invested more than $25,000 in the firm. and a fourth had invested $100,000, Tom Ei<:hhorn, a Nestande: aide , said that the board' c hairman "would tend to~ support" the Nov. 30 request for ! additional medical staff at the , jail. • School board mulls asbestos seali~g Trustees in the Newport-Mesa surveys. When inhaled, asbestos: Unified School District are has been linked to certain lung: expected tonight to approve.. diseases. : sealing off asbestos material Trustees also will consider a • found in nearly all the district's recommendation that the! schools. N e w p o r l -M e s a S c h o o 1 s • A recent survey of all the Foundation use its funds to help! district's schools found that the restore mus ic instruction and: insulation material was used in irnprove reading programs for! ASBESTOS heating pipes and boiler rooms. students in the kindergarten. through sfxth grades. • • District oUicials have stressed The non-profit group of. . From Page A 1 that none of the potentially lung parents and community leaders' damaging material was found in would also like to use its will report to the city. any clasarooms and that they resources lo step up computer He uld there is corwderable don't believe it Is now a health instruction for students in the 7th debate in the s cl en ti f i c hazard to students or employees. to 12 grades. commun ity on ingestion of Last May the federal The meeting begins at 7:30 ubeatoe and evidence that the Environmental Protection p.m. in the Harper Community fibers ca n penetrate the Agency required all schools in Center, 425 E. 18th Street, Costat 1_g_as~tr_o_ir_1_tes~tin~al~tr-ac_t_.~~~~~_;t~h~e-c~o~u~n~l~r~y_;,;to:.....o;c~o=nd..::...=uc~t:......:s=lm.:..:..:..:il=ar:......_:_M~esa==~·~~~~~~~~~~i Sometimes the Nicest way·to Say ) @e€tWe mgs n 1a 1e1ra Gold antJ Pladrun. ~ ~ bplain dlffele as n qua11ty and pra ht )IOU wtl !ft tam SIDn! llO SIDn!, antJ then bile* up )'OlK purdwse "°'"~Leigh IMth • money bide gunnlft ot ~. ~ want )OU bath IO kM hfr rtng and to llnow )OU bcJlq1t It wetll Most OYmond Wlddlng and AnrtMnMy Rlr1ql .. Aom SI 100 ID S3'00. • j. I , I • .., Orange CoHt DAIL. v PILOT/Tuesday, Novetftber 23, 1982 * ~· • WORLD Critics ze ro 1n on MX missile plan Gue rrilla warfare spills .into Mexico By The A110e!la&ed Pre11 SANTIAGO EL VERTlCE, Me~ico ....-The guerri)la war in Guatemala ·is spilling Into neighboring Mexico along an unguarded 480-mlle frontier where (earful Guatemalan refugees have fled t.h e polilical violence that plagues their home land. M o r e th a n 30 ,000 Guatemala.n Indians a nd peasants -including entire villages -have streamed lnW Mexico sioc-c the beginning of toe year, say Mexican and lnternatlonaJ relief agencies. "In January there were 3,000 refugees. in July 9,000 and in October, a t our last count, 30,000," suid Pierre Jambor, represent.alive of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, In an interview in Mexico City. .. WASHINUTON (AP) Pmd(l4•nl ftt••gan h .. proptllt'd a "cJt•ru.t• J*•k" plao to put 100 MX mlliBllt.•i rn Wyomln9, but the K)'lilt>m he say• will aurvlve a Sovlt-t nuclt•ur 1n.rlke may have a dlltltult time wlth11ta ndln1 altac·kai from Congrt.• • "8a11C..'<i on tht.• ht>•l advke I C'Ould get , I <'Ofl('l~ 'that the- MX i!I tht> right mlssrlf' at th~ right time," thf' president aald ' Monday night in a nationally broadcast spot.oeh from the White How.c. While Reaffan outlined his administration s plans for arms control, he also explained his belief that tht> United States needs to rcbualt:h its long-range ~nuclear strike forc.-e w ith the MX, . ·H aig, B~gin h old meetin g Cons ull1 er I• TEL AVIV, Israel -Prime Minister Men._chem Begin met today with fo rme r Secretary of S tate Alexander M. Haig Jr. -Begin's first official meeting after a seven-day mourning period for his late wife. Begin's office declined to release details of the talks. Haig is in Tel'Aviv to receive a n h o norary d e gree in philosophy from Ben-Gurion University. -On Thursday. Begin is to r eceive U.S . presidential en voy Phillip C . Habib to discuss Israel's c.'Onditions for withdrawing its forces from Lebanon. And r opov Soviet c hief? MO SCOW -N e w Communist Party chief Yuri V . Andropov appeared to move in,S.o position today to become president . o f the Sovie t Union . winning unanimous election to the PresjQ,ium of the SuJ1reme Soviet. NATION Andropov, who became party general secretary after Leonid I. Bremnev died 13 days ago. was elected to the 39-member Presidium during the f.trst session o f the Supreme Soviet, or national Parliament, since Brezhnev's death. Congress to h ik e p ay ? WASHINGTON -Unless Congress votes against it, House members and senators will get an automatic annual cost-of-living increase of up to $16,648 beginning Dec.,17. Even before the start of a lame-duck congressiona l session next week. there have been calls to block the salary hike which would also beneClt senior e xec utive branch emplqyees. Though many members of Congress say that industry would pay t h em far more than their $60,652 annual salaries, there is no issue more politically .volatile than congressional pay increases, and some sources predicted the hike will n e ve r take effect. Turkey dinner ch ea p er CHICAGO -A traditional Thanksgiving dinner will cost an average Alnerican with a mode rate appetite less than a fast -food m eal, says the Alnerican Farm Bureau. Sue Palmer. a farm bureau nutrition s p ecialis t , said Monday that the traditional Thanks giving dinner of turkey and dressing, sweet potatoes. cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie will oost $1.60 per person with goodJI bought from the grocery store. The most expensive part of that meal is the pie -almost 50 cents. A fas t-food dinner from McDonald's, including a Big Mac . fren c h Cri es and medium-sized soft drink, is $2.86 including tax, according to pri ces listed a t a McDonald's restaurant In downtown Chicago. More aid f or Leb an on ? WASHINGTON -The -Reagan administration is considering asking Congress for up to $500 million to help rebui l d war -ravaged L ebanon. The Washington Post reported today. The news paper. quoting "· only an unidentified senior administration official, said the assistance would be part STATE of a larger international effort to rebuild roads , bridges, power and communications systems, and water and sewer facilities. In m id -O c t o b e r . the administration saJd U.S. aid to Lebanon had reached about $105 million in the months following the Israeli invasion in June. T~ach ers get pay boost LONG BEACH -L ong Beach teachers have ratified by a wide margin a three- year contract providing for a 3 percent pay hike, ending six months of sometlrtV?S bitter n egotiations and a s trike threat. Future salary increases will · be proportionate to. the amount of money the school district receives from the state, but will be at least 1 percent ln 1984 and 1985. Current salaries range from $14,450 a year for a~ teacher to $28,()90 a year for a 15-year veteran 'with a master's d egree and more than 50 additional college credits. • • prices gain big By Tbe Associated Pre11 Consumer prices rose 0 .5 percent in October, the biggest monthly gain since July, as a surge in housing costs offset the s t e~pes t monthly s l id e in mortgage loan interest rates in more than two years, the Labor Department reported today. On Monday, costs for short- te rm bus iness borrowing dropped to the lowes t level in more than two years, and many economists said the y expect interest rates to continue falling next year. The increase in the Consumer Price Index follow ed a 0 .2 percent rise in September and a 0.3 percent increase in August but left inflation for the first 10 _months _oLlhe year..al.Jln ann_u&._ rate or 4.9 percent. lnllation, as meas ured by consumer prices. rose 8.9 percent in 1981, 12.4 percent in 1980 and 13.3 percent in 1979:.-.The last time it was below 5 ~rcent was in 1976, when it rose 4.8 percent. Today's re port said the 2.3 percent drop in mortgage interest rates was the biggest decline sinCE August 1980, but that housing prices. whi c h d eclined in September, rose 1.1 percent in October. Major banks C'ut their prime lending rate for commercial loans to 11.5 p e r cent Monday. a reduction of one-half percentage point. Some bank officials said they acted in anticipation of further declines in othe r ty pes of interest rates. The Federa l Reser ve Board stirred expectations of further declines in interest rates when it lowered its discount rate last Friday to 9 percent. That is the rate the Federal Reserve charges on 19ans to private financial ins ti tu ti on.ct. Banks generally lower the rates they charge commercial borrowers when thei r own borrowing costs go down, and the . cut in the prime brought it to its lowest level since S epte mber 1980. A lower prime rate will relieve some financ ial pressure on busi n esses , easi ni high borrowing costs that pushed many companies into bankruptcy this year and forced others to reduce spending and cut payrolls. But the good news on interest rates did not buoy Wall Street. The s tock market took its sharpest drop in four weeks Monday, with the Dow J ones aver age o f 30 industrials tumbling 21.~5 to exactly, 1,- 000.00. Brokers said the drop in the discount rate was "old news" to many investors, who had been anticipating it for at least a month, and much of its impact on stock prices apparently was dissipated during that period. Meanwhil e, a survey of membe rs of the National A ssociation o f Bu1lnesa Economists said they expect the prime rate to fall to about 10.5 percent by the end of 1983. Economists have attributed the year's improved inflation picture lar~ely to the severe recession . We,re Listen~ng ••• •al do you like about lhe Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call lhe number at left and _your meaaa1e .wm be recorded, tramcribed and delivered to the appropriate edl&or. . 642•6086 The same 24·hour answerin1 service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributora muat include their name and telephone number ror verification. No cir culation calls, please . Tell us what's on your mind. CIHetned ectwertt .... nWJ-1111 ~ iiiyT111t ~ All olMf depo111Mnt9 MMll1 .......... MAIN OflPICI .......,.,..., .,..,...,,, ........... c ......... ca -...-.. ... 1111,c ... Metll,CA.-~::Jrb.l,,':r~ C-.nlfll ... °'.:: C8"I ............. c:-.-t. :.· r:.t copy w11f De , ........ , . ....., __ ......, ............................ __ _... ...... -. .. ,..,... ....... .. MCl9\I 9114 .,._y If ,~ Oftd Chlitl bec111r.. Olf1e .. _ ................. "., . ..,.._. you do "°' ·~ .,.,.,, . c::l"',."'·~--E~~=~.:':lft:-:t, ..... -,._.~ .. R•ymelMI M•IL-.......... Jone A,.... -· .......,, hec111 .... fcMot COll!roller Tll9~ ... ~ ....... --... ,= Q ....... -..................... ., .. 'I ;I I -c...e '-:i~.;.g .. ------... L Key lchulta MkhMI '· "-"' =.=-: ,...., ,., c-. ... =-~......,, ... ..... ......... V1t11 ,,....,.. Oofector ol Mot ..... ,,,,.., u.-liiiii: c .. ·~ irE=--== Giid °'!".''°' ol Adnwt,._,g tCwc-.i-i ............. =:::r: -t.:r IJlllN,... . r.:r:: =-==.~....:..-=--. -' YOL.~NO.m • tht• Wl•apon ht' t.lubbt•d "thl' PeliC.;•kl'Cpt·r." R(•ateun 'ic MX bulnaJ plan, known u "dt·~ pl64.'k," prupt:>IK'I putting 100 Of tht> pC>Wt.'rful nt.'W nudeur wt•uporu in aUe» hurlt'd on what h1 now pravall• land nt>ar Warrt.•n Air l''On.'l' BaHC ouaidt~ Cheyennt•, Wyo. U S defof\lt' analysta aay the MX 11 needed to offJaet thl' lnc:reasin1ly IM.'Cura~ long-range Soviet miuilt.>s th11t endanser tht> current U.S. long-range forc.-e of 1,000 Minutemen and 52 Titan ml1S1les. F.ach MX would have JO warheads. The Sovwt news agency Tass, disputing this today, callt>d the move "a new dangerouJJ 8tep" in preparation fOr nuclear war. Tass asserted that the plan would u~·t tht.• "rough lll1i"'8lc purity ' bt>tWel'n the two t'Ountrlt•ll by glvlnU the UnllA..<J Stat.t.'M un addlliuOMI 1,000 nuclear ht>adR The prNldt>ntlal ~•Ing plan c:aml' In answt•r to a Dec. I c:ongr<'118lonal deadline. Early r~action from Capitol Hall 1ndiched that Reagan '• "dense pack" propoaal ia in for a tough fight In Congress, which has 30 days to acc:ept or reject the M X housing plan. Sen . Pa°' Laxalt, R-Nev., a eloee friend of Reagan's, said the president probably faces "one of his g~eater legislative battles" over tne IMU<'. Laxalt suppor~ the weapon but he lped scuttle an earlier MX "shell-game" basing plan pro pcHt•d by the Carter adminhur11llon. Sen. John Tower, R-Texa1, chairman ol the Senate Armed Servicel CornmJt&ee, Mid he WU "cautlou1ly hopeful" about p.uaago. And Rep. Richard Cheney. R-Wyo.. Mid hJJi 1tate "did not lobby for the MX," but "1f Wyoming ii the bett plfM.'e for it, we will support It.'' Wyoming Gov. Ed Henchler, a Democrat who wu ataendini a conference of Western aovel"llOR in Denver when Reagan annoum.W the baaing plan, wu coming to WUhington today to discuss the MX with Reagan and Pentagon officiall. CLOSELY SPACED BASING DESCRIPTION . . . --· 100 MISSI LES IN 100 HARDENED CAPSULES 1,800-FT SPACING Artist's drawing shows so-called MX missile "Dense Pack" basing in Wvoming proposed by President Reagan Monday night . Reagan seeks ·gasoline tax hike WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan announced today he will aak the lame-duck &ellion of C<slgress to raiR the national gasoline tax to finance a highway repair program that he said would cost the average motorist about $30 a y~ar. Reagan said the details of his proposal bad not been worked out and that the proposed legislation would have to await final decisions. But he said he had given the general idea sufficient consideration to go ahead with tfie plan f irst proposed by Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis. Lewis has proJ>Q&ed doubling the present 4-cent-a-gallon tax as a "user fee" to finance repair of the nation's deteriorating roads and brid1e9. That proposal also envision• new taxes on heavy trucks to bring in the sa'!le revenue that an additional 1-cent With the approaohlnQ . hOllit9Y 1111on we woulCI Ilk• to take thll opportu.. ntty to thank our frtandl and cu1tomer1 for the boost in the gasoline tax would, produce. The gasoline tax hik~ would, besides being used to repair highways and bridges, put an estimated 320,000 people to work on the roads. Reagan said his early soundings indicated "this measure will command broad bipartisan support." Both Senate Republican Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennessee and House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill Jr. of Massachusetts have indicated they wlll push for some form of a highway-rebuilding project financed by a gasoline tax increase . The p~ident $lid he would be considering other proposals "that would help to give our economy a fresh boost as we head into 1983." As he prepared to leave tor a Thanksgiving vacation at his @ EiEJ\1 Wl!iE goodwtll and loyalty that . ......,., , ..... 0,._ ftM helped to bulfd our Al•,,_._......, ,,. •• ==-"and"'· 111•aer.111,w..i•,.,._ ... ., ...... \ California ranch, Keaean told reporters hastily aaaembled In the White Hou.e briefing room, "It'• my hope ~t~hJJI can be high on the ·w Congress returns to uhif1C1on next week." Rea1an said Lewis's plan would coat the average motorist about $30 a year. , .. The chairman of Rea9an's Council of Economic Advi8en, Martin S. Feldstein, warned the president last week, however, that the additional levy ·•may actually i.ncrea9e unemployment during the first year or two." •. Feldstein contended that the loss of jobs would be in indmtries : that produce good1 consumers ~ would buy with the $5 billion or so they would 1pend if they didn't have to pay it in hiaher prices at the 1aa pump. Tliere would be perhaps a year'• delay in putting people to work. · ' j , L \ \ llllyPlllt . ... TUESOAV, NOV 23, ;092 • _] ClASSlfllD .. cs . lmhe~n;ino: A complete .Pl~yer CdM water po}o star is a .standout on defense and offense By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille Daltr Hot ~Corona del Mar High water polo coach Jeff Stites is in the wrong business -he should be a talent scout. It was Stites, you see who 'µtltially prodded Olympic swim champion John Nabor into ge tting ser tous about swimming when the)'. were freshmen at Woodside High in Northern California. And, ~ you might guess, it was Stites who reoognized the potential of David ln'lbernino. an unknown reserve on the frosh-soph team in 1979 who has been groomed into t he odds-on favorite for 1982 CIF Player of the Year honors. "I l ooked at h im between his s~pho~ and .~unior years," recalls Stites, "attd 1 realized he could play. I gave him the ball and told him to 'do It.' "He just needed someone to say 'come and do th.ls'." As a junior the Corona del Mar standout went from nobody to an AU- CIF selection and he ia the catalyst of the ' Sea Kings' 27-1 CIF 4-A finalist squad, w p I c·h m e e ts N e w po r t H a r b o r Wednesday night (9 o'clock) 'at Long Beaoh's Belmont Plaza. "I think he's a sl"ioo-in for Player of the Year," says his coach. "Sometimes when you have a player like this, It can ~me an ego problem. But it's not like that for us. ''For instance, when we p layed MiUikan David scored the. first &even Corona del Mar's David lmbernino leads the Sea Kings into W~dnesday night's CIF 4 -A championship showdown with Newport Harbor at Long Beach's Belmont Plaza. goals of the game, but In that span It was entirely wiJhin the flow of our offense. "No o ne gets upset whe n you're selling the pick to get him free, or he scort!s on the counter-. He's always moving. always an the right place at the right time." _ What really separates lmbernino, a 6-4." um-p ounde r , however, ls his unyielding and overwhelming defenae. "l played· during the summer with Newport Aquati~;· says the 17-year-old Imbernino, "and it was with a lot of college and natiqnal players. So, I had to play defense. ''Really," he continues. ''I Just want to win. 80 I try my hardest and work on my defense, too, because I won't make it ln ('Ollege if I don't play defense." The entire world of (,'Ollege water polo. ,ls well awarct or the· Sea Klf\81' star, but Stanford and UC Irvine appear to have the inside track. . lmbernino is a part-fime lifeguard and his boss is Ted Newland, the coach of the unbeaten a nd No. l· ranked UC Irvine Anteaters. • Corona del Mar's only 1etback was a 7-6 loss to Newport Harbor in Sea View League play, a verdict which Harbor had to have in order to qualify for the playoffs. "l was upset (about losing) because we could have won easil y with bette r defense in the first quarter," admits lmbernino. "I know we can beat them, l'm-;just trying to put that behind me." Since the-season began this match up for the CIF championship has been predicted, discussed and mulled over, but Imbemino says the Sea Kings were an ything but complacent leading up to the finals. "We learned our lesson last y~ar," say.s lmbernino, "when we almost lost to Aviation in the second round because we were looking ahead to Downey.~e just took them one at a time." The team 's leading assist man, lmbernino has scored 115 goals in 28 games, an average of four per start. It's obvious, especially with the depth and versatility that there has been little a ttempt t o emphasize Imbernino's sconng statistics. Against Saddleback, for instance, in a 52-3 viet.ory, he didn't even take a shot, playing in the first quarter only. "He's a very unselfish player," says Stites, who in his fourth yeaf at Corona del Mar has rekindled the Sea Kings' waler polo fortunes. "It may seem that way (a one-man team). it is kind of built up that way," continues Stites. ''Obviously David is by far our best player. but in our style of play, he's passing the ball to aomebody else or someone is passing to him. ·''The thing that really makes him a standout is that he plays both ends of the pool. "You may find two or three who can play as well as he does on offense. but not on defense. That's what is really turning on the college coaches. T hey see a complete player. 11In our style of play, offense takes a secondary phase in our concept. It's one or the reasons we have done so well ''He's what a lot of university coaches (~ DAVE, Page C3) Tars' ' . Brazas heads All-Sea :View- Saddleback's Bradley named back of year; Stivenko 'top lineinan Sea View League co-champions t:I Toro and Saddleback. alont with CIF Central Conference playoff entry Newport Harbor, share the wealth in the Daily Pilot's all-league selections, with each team represented in the special individual categories. The Sailors' Steve Brazas. a 6-3. 207-pound junior who has led his team to a 7-4 overall record and third place in the league standings, is the league's Most Valuable P layer, off his efforts as a tailback, linebacker, punter and kick returner. Saddleback High 's Kevin Bradley, the fastest player in the league, who scored 11 touchdowns during league play, is the league's Back of the Year. • Lineman of the Year laurels go to El Toro's Paul Stivenko, an offensive lineman and linebacker.who, at 6-3, 215, is being sought by several major colleges for his services. Each of these players dominated in their particular cate~orv. Brazas averaged 4-:-8 yards per carry in league play (143 carries for 686 yards) and scored 17 touchdowns, including 13 on the ground, 3 on pass plays and a 92-yard interception return. As a receiver, he caught 23 passes for 338 ~ards In league and he was the teams punter with an average rivaling 40 yards. He and teammate Brett Kacura (offensive lineman) are the only juni0rs on the first te811). Bradley's quickness kept Saddleback foes off balance from start to finish, although he missed his team's 9-7 Joa to El Toro in the league finale because of an injury. Slivenko was considered in a class by himself at linebacker and was also a key ingredient to El Toro's offensive thrust as a blocker. Coach of 'the Year honors go to Mike Giddings. the veteran coach who took the varsity reins at Newport Harbor after a 23-year absence from the high school ranks at that level. The Sailors were 6-21-3 the past three years, but Giddings, a walk-on coach. guided his junior-oriented team to a 5-2 league record, including a 17-7 victory over El Toro and a near-miss 21-20 loss to Saddleback. Saddleback and El Toro domlnate the first team selections with a doi.en berths between them. ln many instances players were chosen at an alternate position simply beCause they fitted best in terms of the overall team. Saddleback's Rod Pesak, for instance, is al defensive back. -,lthough he was also considered a first-line quarterback. The Roadrunners' Blake Smith, a defensive end and tight end, ·was placed on defeNe. Newport Harbor's Brazas, a blue chip running bltck, was placed at linebacker where he also easily qualified, because of the abundance of standout running backs. Abo earning first team honors from Corona del Mar a re tailback Lance Martin and defensive end John Onstott. Irvine High's Vaqueros placed two on (See ALL-SEA VIEW, Page CZ) I I Monday night .. LOS ANGELFS (AP) -After nearly half of their first National Football League regular-Muon game in Los Angeles as the home team, It appeare~ . tpe Raiders needed some magic to escape with. a victory. That's exactly what they got. Los Angeles Coach Tom Florea called it "Monday Night Magic." The Raiders overcame a 24-0 deficit to defeat the San Diego C harg ers 28-24 at the L os Angeles Coliseum, raising their record in nationally televi.ed Monday nig ht games over the years to 19-2-1. "I don't know what it ii about Monday night football," said Flores after his team raised its record to 3-0. "We're very proud of our Monday night record . Monday night football just brings out the best in us." IT DIDN'T for most or the first half: The Charge rs were in comp lete control until Ted Hendricks recovered a fumble by Chuck Muncie at the San Diego 17-yarcLllne with less than two minute!Ho play in the first half. Tha~ was the beginning of the end for the Chargers, who fell to 1-2 in the str ike-interrupted sea.son. The game completed the first weekend of action for the NFL's 28 teams following the 57-da,y players' strike. Before the strike, the Raiders had played both of their games on the road. A Su~rior Court jury ruled last May that the team had the right to move from Oakland to Los Angeles. which it hurriedly did during the sununer. FOLLOWING THE fumble r~'Overed by Hendricks, it took the Raiders five plays to get on the scoreboard for the flrst time. Quarterback Jim Plunkett fired a 1-yard scoring pass to tight end Todd Christensen on a fourth- and-goaJ play with 36 seconds remaining in the half. Rookie tailback Marcus Allen of the Raiders, returning to the site of many of his greatest games while playing for the University o f Southern California, scored twice in the thiJ:d period on runs o! 3 and 6 yards. T h en, following a missed 33-yard field goal by San Diego's Ro lf Benirschke, the Raide rs drove 80 1ards in nine plays for the game-winning TD, which came on a I-yard run by Frank Hawkins with 5:54 left to play in the game. "WE DO PLAY w ell on Monday nights, and not too bad o n Sundays e ither," said Plunkett, who completed 18 of 25 passes for 163 yards. "Our play- calling wasn't the best in the fint ha lf. They gave u s a lo t of different looks a nd we made several mistakes. In the eecond half, we had the angles and blocked well." The Chargers scored on their first two possessions, getting a 19-yard field goal by Benira:hke and a 29-yard scoring pus from Dan Fouls to Dwight Scales. Tollner takes ' USC grid post Puzzle fOr Edison: Solving the Great Stampede LOS ANGELES (AP)' -Ted Tollner, offensive coordinator for the U n iversity o f Southern California football team, was named to succeed John Robinson as USC football coach today. Robinson a nnounced today that-he was resigning the poet to become a aenJor vice-president for university relations at the achool. Before com ing t o USC, Tollner, 42 and a Fountain Va lley reside n t, waa the oUen.sive coach at pus-minded Brtlham Young University and San Diego S~te where he had .three NCAA passing champions In nine years. Robinson ls In his seventh seuon as the school's rootba.ll COICh and has a 66-14-2 record. The TrQjana are 7-3 this 1euon and have one game rem11lnlng. against Notri Dame Saturday. Robinaon'a career at USC WM skyrocketed at the start with 1978 team golnf 11-1 and the 1918 team 10 ng 12-1 'and c laiming the national chunptonahlp. A year 1-ter hla T'*'9 were 11-0-1 and ln eech of ihoae years USC won the Pac-10 cMalpknhlp. By ROGER CARLSON OftM Deir ..... ...., "It's like facing a kickoff wedge, down after down ," ts how Edison liiah's Bill Workman describes the taak that liet ahead for his Chargers in the second round of the CIF Big Five Conference football playof(s Frid,ay night at Orange Coast College (7:30). Edison meeh Co lto n Hlgh's Yellowjacketa, a team with a reputation for running the ball down their opponents' throats In a unique manner. "l call It Stampede Left o(Stampede Right," says Workman, who solved the puzzle in 1980 with his championship· equad. Coach Don Markham's Yellowjacketa featu~ three tough i.ilbacks who rotate, Including three-year 1tarter1 David Blum (185) and Rex Blackwell (180). who led Colton to a 25-9 victory over Marina a year ago In the aemifinals. In that one the YelJowjacketa did not attempt a single pus and rushed for 2~9 yards on 65 attempts, while llmltln1 Marina's J>Ulina pme to one completion In 14 att•mpt• with bump-and-run tacUca from \he RC.'Ondary. "It's like an eillht-man front wtth all 11 defenden within five yarda of the line of acrtmmaae," saya Workman, ... nd they're on you '° fMt." Offensively the Citrus Beh LAaau~ champlom, now on •_!'ine-..-wlnntnc m-k. llmplJ plow ~one ... • Comparing· scores •DtaON (74-1) 44 Punaflou I 3 10 El Oorado 1 0 11111• 8 1 8annlng 20 7 M-Oel 7 :13 Manna 7 COL TOii (1-1) 18 SA II_., :14 30 Nolfe Dama O so ArllnQlon 2 1 14 HH Wlllon 3 114 San GorOOflio 12 l•Foncana 1 :II Hin 8aactl 18 •:I P9dllc 0 17 F11>.11-., !l 13 w.etmlnaear 14 42 E....,,._ 14 30~ • 20~Vlew 111 c• c• 31 Cratpl I 3e Mllikan •7 the other with a guard a nd tackle pulling on most occasions. And, a light-end reverse la in the Colton playbook, which consistently bums the oppoelllon. Alao at tailback la Arlington High transfer Joe TrujUlo, a 6-0, 222-pound leftior who Nrned All-Rivenide County and All-Cll' honora • a junior. "He's u cl~ to a 0.v• O.roux u E' aotn1 to find," Aya Workman. roux, a fullbllck-tailbllCk, played for IMt ,_.. and la now at l<anua Univeratty.) Trujillo it abo a ilefenalv• lineman and Colton'• leadln1 tackler. San Bernardino Sun 1port1 writer Claude Andenon call him a "~ '8ck.ler and blocker"'. Blum haa ru1hed for 8~1 _1~rd1, BlllekW.U for 7N ,_,. and Tn&JUO f• 747,.. -.... the &llllbldi -• total of 2,409 yard& and 206 points. "They're all tough, hard-nosed runners," says Workman, "with the object" of 2'h-4 yards per carry becaU9e they'd just as soon not punt. They usually go for It on fourth down and they never kick a PAT. they just go for the two-point run. '"Mley only have a 28-man roster, 80 there Isn't much of a morale problem." Edison's offensive pme appears to be on a crest following the ~n· 31-9 rout of highly-regarded and favored Crespi in the fin\ round of \he playoffs. Derek Orlfflth1 rambled for a 6.8 averaa•. fullback Leonard Si"!t:k ave1'811ed 7. 7 r!_ cnck and quarte Jon tfowo\ny 1 leedenh.lp wu evident. It's still the ct.fen., however, which really carries the SunRt Leaaue co- champ6ons, and It hu been bolstered by the return of UnebM:ker Tony Johann after the 8-3, 210-pound aeniol' mmed the entire Sunael Leaaue achedule becauae of a broken thumb. Edilan'• ltnebaddnc corpa, however, may have I01t a _portion of ltl power hem~ of Paul l:Wlon'• ankle injury, but M lm't ct.finitely oul of the pme. While Colton ii •ldom nolild for 111 ...... q~ Ken Hamley hM pw to the air 101 u.n.. oam~ 4& f• 770 yarda at TOI. A week •MO whlle dl1m1ntlln1 MUHk-. die Y.UOWjlcbta w.nt to lhi alrW.Unm. "If YoU _.. an a chHp one, ~ t don't° Hem to reallf care," add• Workman. '""'-Y jult tMt lbe a.II a.k and tab a whole...,,... ID ..... "They have about ftw ottaft ~ plUI \hit NV919 and cloubll ..... l eftd rew1•. And ~'ll F ID Iha& 111rw..ww••N•• even when they re deep In their own mrltory or near JO'll' ..i U..." Colton 11 liltld .......... faftrt• , .. . ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tuetd•y. November 23, 1982 * (;a> --., I THI BllllTll BIARD -MUC MOhCl --MUC MOTICC I K ... 1 NOTICa OP IM.C OP OllANGI cou•n llUNtCIPAL MAL NONRTY AT COWIT MVATI IAU HAMOfl 'UINCIAL Dl9TNCT Ne. AU ... f ,8. 010l3 MOTICI OP ftUeftl .. IAU NOTICI °' T.a .... --T AUi TU 'I 1MA llOT1CI YOU ARI IH Dl'AUL t UNOUI A YOU Ml• .,AULT U11D111 A = .. , '1•h • aa......, 111 1111• ':.C'i: Oeurl af 1"8 P,0 ... ..,. ..... el C i.. Md Mt Mia DflO OF 1 RUIT 0A11 0 -OP nuet, DATU llAY a, Sf PTEMICR u6 IHO UNLlH *'·&a.IN YOU TAKI ACT1CNj I YOU TAKE A(;TI N TO P..0Ttc1 TO NOTICT YCMlll NONafY, 1 YOUR PAOPCRTY, IT MAY II rT llAY • IOU» AT A "*'IC 1 80l.D ATA PUIUCSALE "YOU IALI • ., YOU lllSD AN I HUD AN EJIPLANA JION Of fl4t Uft.MAftOll OP T• IUTUM ' High school basketball schedules 1 S~• t'l~w Lea.-e c., ..... ..., ' Dec. 1 ·4 -a t M 1r1n.a -Lakewood Tournament; Ceo. 10 -~ltllon Viejo (home); Dec. 13-18 ·-at lrvlne Tournament; Dec. 22 -La Quinta (home). Jan. 5 -at Unlver1lty'; Jan, 7 -lrvlne• (home): Jan. 11 -Cotta M ... ·; Jan. 13 -at Saddleback': Jan. 17 -at El Toro•: Jan. t9 -Newport Hatbor' (home); Jan. 21 -at E1tanc1a·: Jan, 28 -Unlver~ty• (home); Jan. 28 -at lrvlne •; Jan. 31 -at Coat a Mau•. Feb. 2 -Saddlel>•ck • (home); Feb. 4 -El Toro· (home): Fe~. 8 -at Newport Harbor•; Feb. 10 -Ettancla' (home). All non-tournam ent garnet at 7:30 : • denot" 'Sea View League game. Coela ..... Dae. 8-11 -at Sen Cle mente High Tournament: Dec . 13-18 -at lrvlne Tourname nt; Dec. 27-30 -II Orange Ot11lml11 Tournament. Jan. 5 -at Irvine'; Jan. 7 -at University': Jan. 11 -at Corona del Mar'; Jan. 13 - Newport Harbor' (home): Jan. 17 - Estancia' (home)~ Jan. 19 -at Saddleback '; Jan. 21 -at El Toro'; Jan. 28 -Irvine• (home): Jan. 28 -University• (home); Jan. 31 -C0<ona del Mar• (home). Feb. 2 -at Newport Harbor'; Feb. 4 -at Estancia': Feb. 8 -Saddleback •; Feb. 10 - El Toro· (home). All non-tournament games at 7:30; •denotes Sea View League game. El Toro Dec. 3 -at Mission VleJo; Dec. 10 - Laguna Hiiis (home); Dec.· 14. 16 -at Magnolia High roornament; Dec. 23, 27-30 - at Brea·Ollnda High Toornament. Jan. 5 -at S1ddleback '; Dec. 7 - Estancia• (home); Jan. 11 -at Newport Harbor': Jan. 13 -It University'; Jan. 17 - Corona del Mar' (home); Jain. 19 -at lrvlne': Jan. 21 -Costa M ... ' (home); Jan. 26 - Saddleback' (home); Jan. 28 -at Estancia'; Jan. 31 -Newport Harbor' (home). Feb. 2 -University• (home); Feb. 4 -at Corona del Mar': Feb. 8 -Irvine• (home).; Feb. 10 -at Costa Mesa'. All non-tournament game• at 7:30; • denotee Sea View League game. Ealanc&. Dec. 1-6 -et Lagun a Beach High Toornament; Dec. 10 -Alumni game (home): ~ Dec. 8-10 -at Sonora HIQh Toufnament; Oec 13· 17 -at Irvine Tournament, Dec. 28·30 -et Canyon HIQh Tour'*"*lt. Jan. !I -Corona del u., • (tlome); Jan. 7 - Cotta M .... (home); Jan. 11 -at trvtne•; Jan. 13 -E'I Toro• (home); Jan. 17 - Seddlebeck' (home); Jan. 19 -at E1tancie'; Jen. 2 1 -Newport Harb<>(' (home); Jan. 28 -11 Coron• det Mar•; Jan. 28 -al Colt• M_,.'; Jan. 31 -lrVlne" (home). Feb. 2 -11 El To ro•; Feb. 4 -at S1ddleback' Feb. 8 -E1tancia • (home); Feb 10 -at Newport Hlll'l>Or', All n on-1ourn1ment g1mea at 7:30; ·denotes Sea View League game. Sunset 'Lea .. e Jdleon Dec. 1-4 -at Valencia HIQh Tournament: Dec. 13 -Cypr ... (home); Dec. 15· 17 -11 La Quint• High Tournament: Dec. 22 - lngleWood (home); Dec. 27·29 -et C1raon City Toornament. Jan. 5 -at Loe Attoe (8 p.m.); Jan, 12 -11 Marina·; Jan. 19 -Fountain Valley" (home}; Jan. 21 -at Weetmln11er•; Jan. 28 -al Ocean View': Jan. 28 -Matin•' (home). Feb. 2 -Huntington Beach' (home); Feb. 4 -at Founteln Valley•: Feb . 9 - Westminster• (home); Feb. 11 -OcHn View' (home). All non-tournament gamee 11 7:30 unlela noted; 'denotea Sunaet League game. Fountain Yeller Dec. 01 -North, Riverside (home); Dec. 6-10 -Fountain Vallay-Qcean View Toomament; Dec. 13·18 -11 Toornament of Champions at Cal Poly Pomona; Dec. 27 .30 -at Orange Optlmltt Toornament. Jan. 5 -It La Quint•: Jan. 7 -Verbum Del (home); Jan. 12 -Huntington Beach' (home); Jan. 14 -11 Weatmlnster'; Jan. 19 -at Edison'; Jan. 21 -<>oean View'; Jan. 26 -Marina• (home): .ten. 28 -at Huntington Beach•. Feb. 2 -Weetmtnater' (home): Feb. 4 - Edison' (home); Feb 9 -et Ocean View'; Feb. 11 -at Marina•, All non-tournament gamea at 7:30; ·denotes Sunaet League game. Hunttntton 9eecfl ......,, ...._CA-., .. , C-1J el Of ... , PLAI Nllff MAAI HAll In Iha Ma llat ol lh • IHOU8TAIE8, a eotpofellon C~vat«lhlc> ol ~ Aer-Df,ENOANT. Tl8CO lo1merly Mc:Call. eka Oll~ene A McCall. 1i 11o wn a• TllCO C-vatM COMMUNICATIONS, INC , 1 NOJICl 18 HlAIBY QIVtN that partneAl'llp ~ompoHd of JACK Ille undanllgneel Wiii M1141 ltrlVeta GA8AWAV-1ka J GASAWAY ...... to the higMll and.,.., blddat, HOPE I Ut.KELfY, RICHARD 1ub1ac1 to conllrmatlon ol H ICI JONES; JACK OAIAWAY ua J lupetlOf Cour1, on or •ftet tne 28111 GA8Aw_AY, lndlvlclually and N a day of HoYember 11112. al the olflc;a partner of TESCO lormtl)' known .. of J-L. Aubel, Jr .• AllOfney II TOCO COMMUNICATIONS, IHC, Lew, 3432 \111 Oporto, Room 202. HOPE 8Ut.l<El.IY, llndMdually and N-port Ba1M1h. Cellforn11 92663, •• a pertntr 01 TESCO lormat'I)' County ol Lot AngalH, State 01 II n o w o 1 • T I 8 C O Calllorn11, all lhe right, 1111• and COM MU NICA TI ON8, I NC l 1n1aru1 ol uld conaarvatM .Ill Ille RIOHAl'O JONES, lndhlldually ano time of death and aH tne righ'\, IMta 11 • partnar 01 TESCO forMtrly end lnter•t \hat the Ntate ol Nfd known 1 1 t ESCO c:onatrv11aa hH 1equ11ed by COMMUNICATIOH8, INC . DOES oparatlon of law or OlharWiM, °''* 1• 100, lnctullve theo Of In adClltlon to that of Mid 14WONI conwv•IM, 11 lhe !Ima of death, In CAii --11MI ano 10 Ill IM cart• n raAI PfoP«I~ NOTICll Yeu ... " Men ...... allu•tt In lhl County OI Orllnoe. Tiie _. _, ....._ ........ ,... 8111• ot c1111orn1e, parllcularly ...... ,_ ..... MeN .... dtecribed 81 fOllowa, IO·Wl1 reu ........... • .... lleed Tht SOuthMtl«ly SO IMI ol lhe h .......... 1 ...._, Northweat«ly 100 feat of Loi No s, If )IOU wWI to Mek the acMc:e of Tr8C1 183, Harbor Orehld Trtcl No an altorney In tllll mallar. you 1. u per mao recorded In Book 12, ~ do ao promptly ao that your PIO• 36. Ml1ce11anaou1 Mepa. -111an rnponM , II any, may be record• of Orange County • llled on time. Tha property 11 commonly AVIS 0 I U e e ti II a 1 I ti a referred 10 11 140 2111 StrHt, de•a11da40. II lrlHMI ...... Cotti Mela. Cal1lorni192627 .... eolllt• u.. .... lllllllnale a Thll ~ II aubjecl IO cu,,anl -.,. U& ~ ~ tuH. coven11nh, condltlona, • • dlel. Le la ...,.utu .. ra1trcllon1. rHerva11on1. rights. ...... rlghll·Ol•way and e11emen11 of °SI u11ad dH•• 1ollcllar 11 record conaajo de un abogado an ell• Tarm1 of 11le CHh In lawful 11unto. daberfa ha c arlo mon1y ol th• United Stetea on lnmectletarnanl•. de 811a maneta, conflmlatlorl ol Nie. or part casn au reapueala eacrlll, II hay ..-, and balence evidenced by nota puec!e -raQlllrada a tlempo aac:urtd by Mortgage or Trus1 Dead 1.ITO THI: DEFENDANT· A civil on Iha properly 10 sold. Tan oomplalnt hu .,_. lltad by plalntllt. otroen1 01 1moun1 bid 10 b• 11981n11 you. II you wllh to defend daooallad With bid. thl• l1w1ull. you mull. within • bide or otters to be In writing •nd dlys 1tlar lhll aummona 11 -ved will be received et the elore11ld on you, flle wllh thll court 1 -111en olllc• 11 any time alter the flrat reaportM to tht oomptalnt. Un,... publlcellon hetaol and before data you do 10, your daf1ull will be ol aala The right la re11rved to entered on eppllcatlon ol th• rtJect any and all bldl plaintiff, and Ihle court may ant« 1 D•led lhll 13th day ol November. judglnant egalnst you for the rallel 1982. demanded In 1ht complaint, wtllctl Patricia llA And•-• could reaull In garnlahmant ot Coneerv11or ol the Person wagea. , ... Ing ol money or property and Eallte ol Mid or other rallaf raquaattd In the Conaarvet81 cornplalnl. JAMii L. llllUHL. A DATED· February 18, 1982 A..._, al U. J. PETERSON. )ID Vie Operto, "-202 Ctarl<. ....,.,. hach, CL nta3 By. Ginger Howell, (7'4) m-4172 Depul'/ · AttwMJ lor C-.lllef HIMM OOllOON a llOUelO Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally ,.,. V......,. ""~ ...... ,., Piiot Nov 16. 17. 23. 1982 ....... ~.,.. 5055-82 Tat (tu) lt1_.. Publlahed Orange CoH t Delly PllQt, NoY. 2. 9, 18. 23. tN2 4822·82 NlJC NOTIC( NATURE OF fHE PROCEEDING °' .,.. ~-...... , I AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD YOU, YOU 1HOULD ootn'A(OT .A• I CONTACT A l AWYlA uwva ' NOTICC 18 HEAf!BY GIVEN, that On Tu.clay, OK.mtlar 7. 1H2 on Wedneedly, Oecamber •• t912. al 10·00 A M . Tl'IAH9AMIAICA ., II 00 o'CIQCll Im ol Mid dey, In TITLE IHSUAAHCE. COMPANY •• Ille roorn Mt 1.io. IOI' conducting CIUIY appointed TrullM und8' eno tru11 .. ·1 S•'"· wllhlll lhe olflaaa ol 11\V_.I to o.d of Tru11 recorded REAL EST A ff SECUAITl£8 Mey 7, Ital, N lnll No 11716, In SERVICE. IOClled II 20:10 North book 14041, page 172, of .OttlCfll .. Broeowey. Sulle 208, In lhe City of Aeclofdl In the olflce of lhe Counw ! Sent• Ana, Coun1-.i QI Or~. 8111• Aaoorder of Or.no-County, 81•1• • of Calllornla. REAL ESTATE of California. Ellec.uteo by Ro'*I J • SECUAITl[S seRVICf, I Calllornl• Krogh, a "*,... man, .. hl• ~ I oor,Porallon, 11 duly 11>potn1td and aepatata ptOl)efly WILL SELL I Tru1141t UllOar Md pu1tuan1 10 Iha AT PUILIC AUCllON'JO HIGHEST power of .... conltrr•d In that llDDEA FOR CASH (Plylbl• II ! c.rlain .Dead ot T rutt exec;u1eo l>y lime of ..,. in lewful rnofl4IY of lht EDNA M. CURRAN. I widow. United Sllleal II Iha.Chapman recoioad October I. 111110. In Book Avenue ent,.,_ 10 the dlv1e Can1 .. 13769 ol Otflcl•I Racord1 ol Hid Bulldlng. 300 6 Chapmen Ave . • Counly, a1 pege 1776 Rac;orC1er'1 Oran9a. CA all right. 1111• anCI • ln11r1-ll No. 1287, by raeaon ol 1 lntar81t con~ lo arid now l..id • ~~~~~~m~~~:'!~111~: ~~~~=~1~~! ~~.~~I~ o~:i~u•~;;:.~~ l Hcurad lh•r•lly, Including that and Slate deecrlbed.. • btetch or d411eull , Not!Ce ol Whlc:tl Tne Eeat 132 lee1 of tilt w .. 1 j waa recorOed Augual 11, 11112, N 3M IHI ol Lot 804 ol Newport Recorder '• ln1truman1 No MM• Tract, H •h-11 on 1 map 1 112·280115, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC recorded In Book 5. Paga 1 Of f AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST M~IM8'11,ln lheOHICaol BIDDER FOR. CASH. lew1ul money '"• County Recorder 01 Hid I of the Unllad Stat•. or a caeNer'a County. 1 c:t\aCk dflwn 0t1 I 11•1• °' natiOnal The 11rett addrHI end other • b•n~. • 1111a or ledar1I credit common dealgnatlon. If any, ol lhe ! unlonfor 1 11•11 or faoereJ N\llnQI rHI properly described above 11 1 end IOM aalOciatlon dornlcllad ln purported 10 be • 1 Ihle ••• , •. .,, P•Y•bta II the time of 824 WHI Elgntetn1hi.,.S1ree1, • sale, 1!1 rlghl. lltle and lnlerMt htld Cotll Mela, Calflornle \. • by It. II truJlat. In lhet real Th• undaralgned Trullat property 1uue1e In Hid County end dlac1a1m1 any lf1blllly tor any t I . Slit•. deler1bed N followl. lncorreo1""1 ol Iha atrMI lddr• .. Lot 86 ol lrlCI no. 1872 •• per and other common daaivn•llOn. 11 '1 • 1 recorded in Book 63 PION 47 to 49 any. lhOwn herein. ol mlac.llaneou1 mepa, In Ille ottic. Said H I• wlll bl made. bvl • ol the coun1y recorder ol ••Id without cov1nent or warrarily, 1 county axpr-or lmplled. reg.,dlng lllle. I • The 11reat 1ddre11 ol other po•-•lon, or ancumbrancae, to i 1 common dHlgnatlon ol th• rHI pay tht remaining prlnclpat aum ot • properly harelnlbo..,.. daacrlbed 11 the note(•) MCUred by uld Deed ol ' purported 10 be. 944 Governor Truat, with lnlarHt thereon. H c, Street, Coeta Mesa, Calllomla. provided In Hid no1e(1), ldVlllCOI, • The unoersl gned h1reby llany,underlht term1of UldDeed . d•1c111m1 111 ll1blll1y lor any ol Trull, fea1, ch11ge1 and lncorrectn011 In said 1trael lddrea1 ••pen-ol the TrullM and ot 1he or other common daslgnatlon 1ru111 cra11ed by said Deed ol Said Hie wlll be made without Truat l w1rr1n1y. axpreaa or 1mplled The total amount of the unpeld • regarding title. po11e111on. or balanc. of tilt 01>11g111on aacurao encumbrences. to 11ttely Iha by the properly 10 be 1old and ' principal balenca ol lhe Note or raa1on•bl• e1t1m11edt 00111. other obllgallon secured by H id ••~ and aovenoea al the time D"d ol l'rust, wllh ln18fHI and ot the lnltl•I publlcallon ol lhe other aums H provided therein, Notlee of Sale 11 '648.294 84 pl111 advances, II any, under the The benellcillry undef laid Oeed t.,m, thereof and inler•t on IUCh ol Trull haralolora ••acuted and advances, end plul 1 ... , chargea dallvared 10 th• undaralgned • and eJll)en-of Ille TrualM and ol wrlnen Declatatlon of De11ull end , lhe 1rua1s created by aald Deed of Demand lor Sala. 1n9 • wr111an Trust The 10111 amount ol H id Notice of Deleull and Elac11on to I .__ ----Geo,-14-18 -at Anaheim l:tlgt\-Toutnamens· Dec. 27-30 -at Orange Optimi st Tournament. Oec. 1-4 -at Merine-Lakewood Toll(nameru; .Dac,_,6-t ~...at FouuA·,...•a•'u'A'---·I Valley-Ocean View Tournament: Dec. 15 -at OfflCa Of 1'HI ...-..cOllOlmt. COUNTY Of OflANGa NO'nC9"-ol' IAU U..1111 HCRH obllgallon. Including reeaonably Sell The undera.gnad caused said J est1m11ed leaa. charges and Notice of O.laull and Election to .1 I I I ) " ' ii \ l Jan. S -Newport Harbor' (home): Jan. 7 -at El Toro•; Jan. 11 -at Saddlebeck'; ~an. 13 -Irvine' (home): Jan. 17 -at Costa Mesa'; Jan. 19 -Unlveralty' (home); Jan. 21: -;-Corona def Mar · (home); Jan. 26 -at Newport Harbor'; Jan. 28 -El Toro• (home); Jan. 31 -Saddleback • (home). • Feb. 2 -at lrvlne•; Feb. 4 -Costa Mesa• (ho~); Feb. 8 -at University'; Feb. 10 -at Corona del Mar'. All non-tournament games at 7:30; • denotes Sea View League game. lrvlne Dec. 6-11 -at Sonora High Tournament; Dec. 13-18 -trvlne Toornament; Dec. 28-30 -at CaAyon High Tourn1ment. Jan. 5 -Costa M ... • (home): Jan. 7 -at Corona del Mar'; Jan. 11 -Unlvertlty' (home): Jen. 13 -11 Estancia•; Jan. 17 -et Newport Harbor'; Jen. 19 -El Toro' (here); Jan. 21 -Saddteback • (here); Jan. 26 -at Costa M ... ·: Jan. 28 -COfona def Mar' (here); Jan. 31 -at University'. Feb. 2 -E1tanc11 • (here); Feb. 4 - Newport Harbor• (home); Feb. 8 -at El Toro'; Feb. 10 -et Saddlebac:k'. All non-tournament games at 7:30; • ·denotes Sea View League game. ... "PO" Herbot Dec. 3 -at San Clemente; Dec. 8-10 - Fountain Valley-Ocean View Tournament; Dec. 14 -at Lakewood; Dec. 27-30 -at Orange Optimist Toornament. Jan. 5 -at Estancia·; Jan. 7 - Saddleback' (home); Jan. 11 -El--'foro• (home): Jan. 13 -at Costa Mesa': Jan. 17 -Irvine' (home); Jan. 19 -at Corona del Mar•; Jan. 21 -at Unlveralty•; Jan. 26 -at Newport Harbor'; Jan. 28 -at S1ddleback•; Jan. 31 -at Et Toro•. Feb. 2 -Costa Meu • (home); Feb. 4 -et Irvine'; Feb. 8 -Corona def Mar' (home); Feb. 10 -Unlver.atty• (home). Alt non-tournament gamea at 7:30: • denoJes Sea View League game. Seddlebacll Dec . 8 -10 -at S anta Ana High Tournament; Dec. 14-18 -at Magnolia Tournament; Dec. 27·30 -at Santiago Toomament. Jen. 5 -El Toro• (home): Jen. 7 -at Newpor1 Harbor•; Jan. 11 -Eatancla • (home); Jan. 13 -COfona def Mar' (hOme): Jan. 17 -at University•: Jan. 19 -Costa Mesa' (home); Jan. 21 -at Irvine·: Jan. 26 -at El Toro'; Jan. 28 -Newpof1 Hatbor' (home): Jan. 31 -at Estancia•. Feb. 2 -at COfona def Mar': Feb. 4 - UnMirslty' (home); Ftilllr. 8 -It Cotta Mesa•; Feb. 10 -Irvine' (horiie). All non-tournament g1me1 at 7:30; ·denotes Sea View League game. Los Amlgo1; Dec. 27-30 -at Rancho (Las Vegas) Toornament. Jan. 4 -Mater Del at Huntington Beech; Jan. 7 -MllNk-.n at Huntington Beach: Jan. 12 -at Fountain Valley'; Jan. 14 -Edlaon' (home); Jan. 19 ·-Ooean View' (home): Jan. 21 -at Marina•; Jan. 28 -Weatmlnlter' (home); Jan. 28 -Foontaln Valley• .(home). Feb. 2 -at Edison•; Feb. 4 -at Ocean Vltw': Feb. 9 -Marine'; Feb. 11 -at W••ll'Tllt'\•ler' All non-tournament game1 at 7 :30; ·denotes Sunaet League game. MatlM Dec. 1-4 -a t Marina-L akewoo d Toornament; Dec. 8 -at Minion Viejo: Dec. 13 -Sunny Hiiis (home): Dec. 18-18 -11 Santa M1rl1 Tournament; Dec. 21 -at Capistrano Valley; Dec. 27-30 -11 Orange Optimist Tournament. Jan. 8 -et Lallewood; Jan. 12 -Edlton' (home): Jan. 14 -at Ocean View': Jan. HI - Westmln•t«': Jen. 21 -Huntington Beech': Jan. 28 -at Fountain Valley'; Jan. 28 -at Edison•. Feb. 2 -Ocean View' (tlome); Feb. 4 -at Westmlntt••: Feb. 9 -Huntington Beactl• (home): Feb. 11 -Fountain Valley' (home). All non-conferenc. gamee at 7:30; 'denotet Sunset League game. Ocean View Dec. 1 -at Minion Viejo; Dec. 8-10 - Fountain Valley-Ocean View Tournament: Dec. 13-18 -at Tournament ol Champions at Cal Poly Pomona: Dec. 20-23 -at Santa Barbara County Tournament. Jan. 4 -at Redondo; Jan, 5 -Inglewood (home): Jan. 7 -Lakewood (home); Jan. 12 -at We1tmlnster•: Jan. 14 -Marina• (home}; Jen. 19 -at Huntington Beech'; Jan. 21 -at Fountain Velley': Jan. 28 -Edtaon• (home); Jan. 28 -Weatmlnst•• (home). Feb. 2 -at Marina'; Feb. 4 -Huntington Beach' (home); Feb. 9 -Foontaln Valley' (home): Feb. 11 -at Edlton'. All non-tournament game1 at 7:30; • denotea SunMI League game. w .. 1m1ne• Dec. 1 -at Dan• Hiiis: Dec. 1-10 -at Santa Ane High Tournament; Dec. 14· 1' - at Anaheim High Tournament: Dec. 27-30 - at Santlego High Tournament. Jan. 5 -at s.ntlego; Jan. 7 -Long Beach Wiiton (home); Jan. 12 -Ocean View' (home); Dec. Jan. 14 -Foontaln Valley' (home); Jan. 19 -at Marina•; Jan. 2 1 - Edison• (home): Jan. 28 -at Huntington Beech'; Jan. 28 -at Ocean vi.w•. Feb. 2 -It Fountain Valley'; Feb. 4 - Marina•; Feb. 9 -at EdllOn'; F•b. 11 - Huntington Beach• (heme). All non-tournament game1 at 7:30: • denote1 Sunaet League game. I YOU AM• HFAULT UNDIJI A Of FOMCLOIUM expeflMI of lhe Truttae. at !fie tinle-Sall-i0-119~ ~---; ol 1011111 publlcauon of 11111 Notoce. 11 _,,.,. Iha r ... P'Oc>ertY la located S..,520{16. Deta· NoYembar 8. 11182 DllD OP TRUIT DATID EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS" ll~R I. 1•1. u.Lall YOU TAKI ACTION TO PllllO.TICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. ate .. YOUR PllOPlllTY, tT llAY 81 Plal nllll VI. 'ANTH ON'Y L. 1CM,D AT A "*IC IAU .• YOU MERCANDANTE. at al. Def«ldent. •ID AN IXPLMATION Of THI No. 37·44·7t NATUlll Of THI PllOCllDINO I, the underllgned, 8'ad Gae.a, AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD ~:::~ffo'ft..f.!'~1;<;r;Z,~.2'= CONTACT A LAWVSR. -, ' VJ ., Oiied' Novemb« 15, t9112 TRANSAMERICA TITLE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY SECURITIES SERVICE. 830 N Main S1r .. 1 a Calltornle cotp., Senta An•. CA 92702 81-:f/uSIM, (71•) 547-9571 By; (SEAL) DJ Morger, By Hefbert C Moon, Its President Aul, Sacratllr)' 2020 N 8101clw•y Ste Publl1h1d Orange Co111 Daily NOT1CI Of TMllftl'I IALI lhet by virtue ol Oacrae of 2~ T 8 No _,. Forao101ure. and Sele In the Santa Ana. CA 92708 NOTICE IS HEfiEBY GIVEN that Superior Court ol the County of Tel (714) 953·6810 PllOI, Nov ltl, 23. 30, 1982 •995·82' on weonnoay December 1 ·1882 Ofenga, State of Calltornl1, ant«ed Published Or1nge Coal! Dally •-•c NOT.,.r at 9·00 0·e1oc11• Lm of Mid d'Y In on Augull 30. 11182, llnd recorded Pilot Nov 16. 23. 30, 1982 niuu ~ Ille ioom Mt Mide. for condUCl1inQ Augult 30, 1982 In 1111 above 506A·82 •• • IPSlall TruatM•1 Salet wtthln tht Otficletl of an I I I I ad 8 ct lo n · w h •re In NOTICE Of n.uaTeFS aAU! REAL ESTA Te SECURITIES EAST8LUFF HOMEOWNERS' ..._ T.S. ,_ SERVICE, located at 2020 Nor1h COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. a l'\B.IC NOTICE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 8'oadwly ~ 206 In the City of Calllorni. Non·Prolit Corporation, T.S. •A·64 DEED 0 F TR us T 0 ATE 0 Senta ,.,.a, County of0 <>r-anoa. Slat• th• nova named plelnllff(I). NOTICE Of' NOVEMBER 3. 1881 UNLESS YOU ~~c<t~::~~~~la ~ :::=.~~'.= ~~~: YOU AR~R.~S~~:ut~L5NDER A i~~:~~~~ !fa~~iTI8.i:'~~: • corporallon. H duly appointed ANTHONY L. MERCANDANTE. DEED OF TRUST , DATED PUBLIC SALE IF YOU .NEED AN TruilM under and pur9Ual'll to IN detandanl(a). for Ille""" of ThtM NOVEMBER 13. 1981 UNLESS EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE f I f d I h ttlOUeend _. hundred eight-I. OF T E ROCE G G S PoWer o H • con 8fre n I at 241100 Dollln Lawful_ of lht YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT H P EDIN A AIN T t«taln o.d ot Truat axeculad by ' ··-·-· YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE YOU. YOU SHOULD COfHACT A 'TEPHEN C FORDE, 1 linale man United SlatM , and by virtue of 8 SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU LAWYER. • A dad 0 be 29 1911 I wrM al anfor~t In Uld IC11on ac:ior14272 :,'~ ~ ~ ileuad on 5->temt>er 29, 1982. I em ~~W,R'EN J:P£:r-;~°oNc~DT~~ A~=-~~·,,:~·~ t!;: u ld County. al page 1873. fn~l~o ~0r8!:" ;.::: AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD A11oc1a11on H duly appointed Rac:ordar'I lnatrumant No 341845, California deectlbed M f0..0.. CONTACT A LAWYER TrullM under and pur1uen1 to by r_, of• brMCfl or default In • • On '*=*"ber 6, 1982 el 11 oo o.d of Tn111 rac:otdad ~ber payment or performance ot the Lot t5 of Trecl No 5018• City of A.M., LEWIS and BOUC HER 10, tNI. N ln11r No 11140. boolt obll91llon1 HCur•d thereby. ~8::':0:~::0:.~ ENTERPRISES dbl TITLE 14286, o•g• 1111, of Otlfclal locl4ldln9 that breach or default. through 30 lnci"ullvt 01 SERVICES u duly appointed Aeco<d1 ... eculed by Cynthia E Notice ol ~ w• •-dad June • ., TrustH under and pursuant to Pelletier, 1 married woman .. her 23 1982 • Recofc:l«"a ln9trumenl Miacellaneous M101. necordt ol ,,._,,, of T ·-1 eG • dad No-~ aole and ..._.,.,. properly who • ' Orange County Calllornla. ,,,_, r.. r or ._.,,,_ ~.. • No. 82·216033. WILL SELL AT Propelly Is more commonly 19. 1981. aa Inst No. 21478, In acql#rad title u Cyn~ E. Wlllll. PUBLIC A UCTION TO THE . boolt 14295 pega 1238 OI Oltlaal en unmanled -.. tnmor. In HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, =: ~~11!~l! Carob. N~I Records In i11e onic. of '111e County the~ ol the County f*order of lawlul money o1 the United Sitt•, T~hef wtth all and 11..,....., the Recorder of Orange County. OrMge County. State ol California. or I cutllar"• checll drawn on • ..,..,... ·...--Calllornta. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION , 111141 or national bank, 1 llale °' lenemenl•, htrtdllamants, Ind AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH federal credit union, or • llate or ~.:;:::' 1~~~ belonging FOR CASH. CASHIER"$ CHECK OR (payable at llma of aale In lawful ledaral uvlnQ• Ind loan UIOciatlon PUBLIC N~E 1s""HEREBY CERTIFIED CHECK, (plylbl• ., money ol the United States) at: The dornlciled In ihla 1teta. all peyable at GIVE:N Thal on WEDNESDAY time of ule In l•wful money of lht South front entrance 10 the Orange the lime of ule. all right, tllle and DECEMBER 22 11182 at 10.00 United S1a1 .. 1 •I the front entrance County Old Courth6uH, 211 W 1 ln1arM1 held by II.•• TrullM, In o'clOCll AM of.lhll ~Y 81 M.eln 10 the OLD Orang• County SanttAnaBoulev.,d,Cllyof Senll that reel property •Hull• In Hid Lobb · Co lho •• 700 Civic CourthOuM , localed on Sant• Ana Ana, State of Catifornle all r'9hl, tllle County and St1te, dHcrfbed H eani.'!· Ofl~rWea~ Ctty of Senta Blvd. belwffn Sycamore 81., a and lni-1 oonlle)'ad 10 end now IOllows· • Broiidw'.)', Senta Ana. ce111om1e, 1111 held by it under uld DMd ol Trua1 Lot 23 In Btocik 13 ol Secllon 3. ~~.~ ~n:f:r •::;: ="= right. Ulla and lnl«•t conlle)'ad to In the properly allulled In H id Balboa l1l1nd, In I ha City of • end now held by 11 under uld Dead County~ Stal• de9Cnbed ea· Newport Beach, 11 par mep deuM, or 11 muctl thereof N may ol Truat 1n the proPerty altuatad In lot 8 1n block 540 of '"Corone 1 recorded In Book 7, page 15 of ~:~:,rt,1~1:1~ ;,:;: Mid County and State dQcflbed u . de! M«"". In Iha City of Newpot'I t Mltce8aneou1 ~. In Iha office of to u.e lllgheet bidder for cMll tri Lot 81 of Tract No. 4003. In the City Beed!. County ol Orange. State of me county recorder of uld county lawful 1 he uMad Sta191. ol Newport Beach. County of Calltomla. • per map recorded 1n Th• atrHI 1ddra11 or 0111ar Dat~S:,,:, Ana Callfomla Orange, Slate of C1t11orn11 ... Book 3. PagH 4 t and 42 01 1 common dealgnatlon of tha rHI ~ber 15 IN2 • · tllOWfl on • in.., tweof recOload In Mleoelteneout MllPI. In the Otflee ol pr°'*1}' ~ daecribed 11 BRAD OATES Book tee pagea 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, lh• County Recorder of '•Id , purported 10 ba 31&·3151i\ SMr .Cof • 18, & 19 ol Mltcellaneoua Mepa, County Diamond Avenue, Balboa lll11'd. CCU:: of~ records of uld Orange Counl'/ The llr"I addreu end other Callorftla. c..,.....! ' ' T1ua1or or record_,.., DANIEL COIMM)l'I dteignellon, H eny, of the The undaralg1'ad hereby _..,.nla N. BAILEY, en unmemeo man real proPerty dftc:rlbed above 11 dl1cla11111 •II llablllty for any ~ K 8'~. Tha alrffl 1ddra11 and other pvtportad to ba: 506 Marigold, lne:ofrect-In Mid atreac addr-liergMfll common dealgnatlon. If any, of the eor-dal Mer, California. or other common dealgr\atlOn ..-.,, ...._.., rHI Pf~1'1 daacr1bed "aboY• 11 The underalgned Trull•• Saki lale Wiii be made wltlloul =:-m•T==.,....... purported to be. 81 LINDA ISLE dllclalm1 any ll1t1lllly for any warranty, uprHI or lmplled, "---.... C.. _, DRIVE. NEWPORT BEAC H. lftcorrectneat of the 1trael addr-regardlng lltl•. POIMHIOn. or ......... A-CALIFORNIA 92"0 and °"* CIOmlTIOn deaigf>ation. If ancumbrancu, 10 Hllaly Iha ·-~ c D 1 The undaralgned Tru11ea any,"-herein. prlnclpal balance of Ille Hot• or ,.:;;b:=•:3 °;:n~ 7°8:~ •I 'I dltclelm1 eny ll•blllty ror any Said H I• wlll ba made. but , othaf obllgallon MCured by llld • • • • 5131-82 1nconac1-of the atreet acldr-without covananl or werranty, Deed of fruit. with lntafMt and and othef common dallgnatlOn, If _.,,.. or lmpllad. regarding tllta. OIW 1um1 H provided therein: any, lhown herein poe-lon. or encumbrancea. to Ptu• adVancea, If any. undaf Ille PlB.IC NOTICE Seid ula wlll ba ma~a. but pey the remaining principal IUm ot I I I ' I I I I I I WIN thereof and lnt-t on IUCtl without oovananl or w1rren1y, Ille "°'8(1) MCuteCI by uld Dead ol -------------------------------------------------ad~,endp~~-~.,~ ~~· ·~-or 1~.~~m~~~1.w~~~~~111a~~.u ---=---lllld eapenaaa of the Trvatee and of . pOaMealon, or encumbrances, 10 provided In uld no1e(1). advances, DlllH llTICll . ___ "8.IC ___ NO_T_IC( ____ Ille tNll• created by NICI Deed ~ The fOllowtng peraona ara doing pay tha unpaid balance ol the H tllY, under Ille 1em11 of .. Id Dead 1-------------. ------------~~~·'· Tha fotel 1mount ot Hid ~'i;'TOL INDUSTRIAL no1e(1t 1eeured b~ Hid ()Md of ol fruit, fae1, ohargu and PICTITIOUS .,...,, ,.,.,11gat1on, Including ra11onably Trutt. to-wft: '840,747.91, Including ••Pl"-ol lht TrullM end of Ille -----------.... TlllmfT l .. tlmatad teu, ohargH and COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, 1072 H provided In aald no1e(1). tru1t1 cre.ated by Hid Deect ol r-~ LANCASTER H opaon or San Bemardlno, The •=no•'.!.-.,. d"'-=----··--of the TrultM, al tlle time SE BrlltOI, Senll Ana, CA 92707• advanoea. If any. undef the 1erma of TNlt, lot Ille •mount r•••onlbly .1 , I IAlTZ _...OM R 0 8 ER T M . LAN . bull""' 81: ..-~ .. l)f Initial publloatlonotthll Notice le Aey P. Olm•chald Corp., • Nici Dead of l'Nlt ,_ c:Mtaea •lmateel 10be·1148 70187 I Ca .. niece M aude W 1lh11e of 8ARl<ER&AS80CfATHAEAL S333.831.00. ' Celllornl• corporlllon. 1072 and•xpen-oltlle'Tru11wencJof The~ ui.d.r lald Deed r SMTH. nn..... C ASTER, age 79 a res-San Bernardino. Ca. Prayer ESTATE. 1525 Mela Vtfde °'" In addition lo Ille above pr°'*1)', SE &rlalOI. Santi An•. CA 92707. the trust• created by aakl o.d ol of Tllllt l'lefeto(ore ••ecuted end I WlflCUPF CMAPIL ident or Costa M esa, Ca. servlce1 will be h eld on EHi. No ~08, Coett M"a, CA. '9ald Obllaatton II eecurad by Lot Tiii• ~ 11 oondUCtadby 1 Truat. dellvered to th• underalgned a I 427 e 171h SI PUied away on November Wednesday. N ovember 24. 92t26 "'C ~-COfPOl•tlon The beneficiary undef 0.,0 ol written Dedaratlon al Oefeull and t Costa Mesa 19, 1982. He is 1Urvived by 1982 at 11 :OOAM at the Neu A Berker, 2729 Stll'r'btrd ad: 3. 1912 ::!Y ~ 8::::: Tr1111 itaralolore ••eovteel and Demand fOf Sala, end a wrJttan , 648-9371 h'· w ife JewelaC., ------r . H ar"-r L awn M em orial Of , Coeta Meel, CA. t2t2t REAL ESTATE Pr!.c..nt dell\lered to the underalgneel a Notloa of Default and Etactlon to I .. .__,...,..,.. uu ~ L 8arti 2721 Sllftllrd SECURITIE.I Sa.VICI. wnnen Dedaratlon of Default and UI. The undallllQnaCI otlUlaCI Mid f a son Joseph Lancaater of Chapel with M o n 1l1nor «ry c«& ......_ • Ce11tom1a ~p., Thie •1•~k 01 10rw•u "ladc W!Th tonhe Demend for Sele, •nd a wrlllan Notice of Defaurf and llectlon to ..Ca.MCS MOtlTUAlltll Lagun• Baach 494.9415 LagunaH1tls 789-0933 5-1 ~ Cap19trano 495-1n6 fmClllOf .. I m.LllO.WWAY .........., ttOBroedaa, c... ..... Ot , coe1a ~. ,. .• ._.. T Covnty c-noe ounty ...... ._. 1n -... l Palot Verdes FAt.at.es, Ca., l Thomas N evin 0Ulclatin1. Tllll ~ 11 conducted by.,. ae. "*"· Now 19 1982 Holle. ol Default and Eleetlon to -'° be reoor--.... county 'daughter Doris W root or Van P r l v ate en t o m bme nt lndWldUel By ~~~:· J. Morger, ' ,_ Sell. The wllt8lligll8CI C8ll8ed Mid wlltfe mt r1l8I proC*fY II locatad. ( Hell A Battier 1tt Nottce d Default and Election to o. .. Howember 11, t1Nl2 Nuys. Ca .• 6 grandchildren lmmediat.ely foUowinc. TIM Tiiie atatement -ftlad wlltl Tht 2020 Nof1ll ~1 l"ubllahed Orange CoHI ~ ltl IO be recorded In Ille county ,..... lnVMtrnant and l and 3 great-grandch.lldren. ·family requnta in lieu o f Cltftl of °' r-.-. Ol'I lk'"9 IOI. Piiot. Nov 23• 30• Dao 7• 141 11 ...,. .. NII property le~ Loen AaloeiatlOn J M , -----... _ .. ___ , __ be __ .. _ c-ty .. ~ .. , Santa Ana. CA taroe ..... Trullal., ~ coflduc1lna.. .. Mid TNltee r ...... ..,..1.er WU. pioneer uuwen ...,._UUI_ m.JC '° Nov 11• tt12 ,_ T~. (7141 ~10 TITLE Sllt\llC-18, soa Santa ev CARL F. I Aviation En1ineer, retired the Harbor Area Boy's or Publl"'ed 0 ,.,... Coait oa11y PubttMld Orange Coait Delly "8JC MOT1CE Monica ~ .• Bulle 401. Santa lf!IOELHAROT. from W e bber Aircraft Glrl'1 Club. Servicft under ....... .._.2 .. 30.0.C 114 1112 !"ltoC.Ho\l.t.11,H ,1M2 MOflil:a.c.orniato401;lel 11111 An~lnFact Compe.ny . He waa • chamr the direction of Harbor .--.. """ ... • · • 5;31-12 4t40-U ..:nnoue ._., 3n·3711. "te Santa Monica llWO m e mbe r o r ttie Good Lawn Mount Olrve umaTAW OMecHtou•'"°9f 1~.!!11 le-'rHlll.Callf 80212 I ~-~pherd Lutheran Church, Mortuary o f Coat• Me11. .....C llJ1ICl ~°'!.°."'"ti ,__ 11 dOlnt ~,.::..~.:,IA ~~I 513--..0/ :uYlne, Ca. and a member of 5-40-$$54. ..ciiftoul ILIH•I PmlJC MOTIC( C 0 MP UTE A 8 A U I 0 II TM .. 8eN!ca, ltubl1"'9CI Otange Coaat Dall) the Burbank Maaonlc Lodge ..... ITAW PICTTTIOUe WM CALWOfNA, 3301 9 Harbor, No. • e8'cl TNllM Ptlol. How H . 30, Dao 7, 1111 '406. F. & A .M . Memo rlel 81_.,. -.,._ TM IOIOWlnl peram1a -dOlrtg um ITA~ 110, lan1I Ana, Calbftla tl704 ~DIANA "'8T, 512442 • . h Id r-.... ""'-~ • The IOllowlllO ,.,.... --Computer Town, a Callfofnia VIGe p,_.. _ I 1erv1ce11 were e o n It" DONUT & tCI CAIMI bulllleM ea: -.. cotpor1t1on, tto10 Laurel Park Tut'lday, November 23. 1982 ~~IT .. !!!!!.M IHOt', 14* lroaldUll. 0....... LAICO, 1111 Kalaer A-*. "-d. Colftptclft, Clllfomle tono ...::':"~ 'l3~ ,=:" Diiiy PmUC llOTIC( and lntennent was at Forest -,.,_, Grove, Celtornle NIQ !Miia. Callfor'llll taft4 Tiiie ......... ta OOftCMlted tty a · ' ' ' toH-82 , Lawn, H ollywood HUia. Jn Tiit IOllOWlnO per--dOlng HOOIMnll KNmll. 1101, No ~ '· UMllDY. IOI VIII• OGrlllOfllOn NTmOUI 9Ull•ll llcu of tlowen the family ~:~-MINUTE. 122t w. ::;r-.LMe.1f'¥1111.c.lromlt =:--"" Clllwlte, CalltorN ==lfota • ·-· _ T11a ,=:;A::='r. e1o1no J . = would 8PJ>l't'Clat~ memorials COlll Highway, Newpoft e.ch, CA IMNa KMrYlll 110t, No. 4C 19tty Lou L9W9IOY IOI vtlla ..._ _,,_ ~ • to I h c• Good Sb e p herd 9~·-Coun"' lervlcta lnO 1 ltartlwt.w Lene. 1r;IM, Callfomla Vallncla, hn ~. Callfarnla Tiiie ......,... ... tied wllt Ill Jig Mfll•ll JACK'S AUTO PAIHTIHO, 1M Lutheran C Hurc h , 4800 Oallloriiie'corpo't111on. 1i11 w. 11111 llt12 -County a.ti of Oranoe COUlllJ.,. ITA~ •=trial Wey, Coe1a Meta. CA Jrvlne ~nter Dr Irvine. Ca. Coaet Htgl!wey, ~....,,CA ~~II ooNYo1ect lly., John o. Andereon, tllll OelOller IO, ttll. ._ MATS~ '"'JACK ANOllllON 'LYNT, Brown _<rotonlal Mortuary t2913T · --.....-~ ,.....,...~ ~="""""'*"--· '~ Ot•fttl Coaat Dallf C,'=n: ' , 1tlOO~Ct .W.INil11te1,CA dlrect.ort .. ._.._. .. ---by a ""'--It_ .... """.. ...... J ... ,.... • ~ " """ ........ '· •• n. ,... Kal"lltil I. MelOOlll, HO .... TE WIN&L£ corporal~,.,__ ONllv Cllftl If Or-. Oountf 111 """'· ,. Ma~ w.,. • --....... ..,... No. I ..........,. &.IONA aAN 'LYNT, ''* --.-_. .. ~ ONt* It, ,... llell. ~ _, 1eaa1t, Olllenlia iOlii ~Cr . W .... lltel. CA _, JULIE AKA OOLODC A. ....., IM. ,_ ftla ....,_ 11 ..,, ••d-, 1 Tiiie ....._. •lllWted 11y., TNI .,._la oerillll•••"' an Tl WJNKL! rnldent of 0.... Cooper "'"""*'Of-Co.--. ---11111 .__I a.L..-111-t I.__ ... ·•-todttd .. ' ,,_..,. NIM,"°"· I. I. if.""'ia. -_,, ---i;:.;;, ~> ..,.. .,_ ·-,.._ • "':...-......a ......... ~A l'IWftl C09la M.., Ca. Pwd away Tflla "l lSMllt -lllld Wllft Ille .,..._ ~ -TNI .... 11 -::-&:: on NOYWnber 21, 1182. sa.. ~a.ti of Oftfltl Counly 111 ftll UJU ,_. -... .. : .. tl'I..., to Tiiie 111 Tl I W llld Wiit 8le °""""' c::t.": O:wlte Ille • II M'Ylwd by tw rwphewl "°"· ft, 1111. ._~ ONilr °"" fl er... • uel 0•1lflld ~ °"" ti Ou-. °"""' °" _, ft ,.. °" H dK ' ,._ ,_ ~ ............. ~---,.., ...... -.-. - f owar OplOft o _,.ta , llflaMd Or c.... 0= •H11n11111e ,,..._., 64~ 5678 ,_ ~ ~ ..... c.., au-a ~ ol -.'! ...._. n _.,.. ' ,, ' ..... atllefflM .. ... "" ..... Or-. a.... _, CTCT -MR8"H a,.,.. c.... .,.., ..... -n -c...., .... Deify San Clementa. C.., Paul ........ ._.... • .... Dae • ,;...., -... l4l-llfi NII. Now. I. I ,,., ..... ,.. "°"Now n. ao. Ota'· 14.,.. ...._,, ._. · -· · ~ M-t150 • ...... ... -----------~""' • • , , .,.,. --11n.. ·-~ .... . . . ' I -. I I Ora11go Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuetd1y, November 23, 1982 NB 6 NYSE COMPOSITE "fRANSAt.:TIONS O"OlAlH*""'""O• ........ , ....... •O•• ........ ~·c•••< .... IOtfOll 01 T•Olf aMO (IN(ll .. llUl UO(• llCMAllOU AMO ••ll'O••eo a v fMI 11a•oa1110 '""'"'' DOWN 9.00 CLOSING 111.00 Clirysler talks are 'conciliatory? HIGHLAND PARK, Mich (AP) United Auto · Wnrkl'rs n ef(ollutor.. i.ay Chrysle r Corp. 1s i;how1ng a · "t'C1twilia\ory" 11\litudl· in lhc f1rsl l'Onl.ral'l talkll ln (Ive Wl'l'k s. even thoueh lh{' t"ompany hasn't railed its wage offer Although talks werC' t.o t•ontmuc.> today, \he tnain 1s.o;;Ul' of an immt>daall· poy raise probably won'\ ~ up until nl'X\ week. ~nd llil' No. :t automaker _,. it· i.till cannot affOrd what workt·rs want. "We didh't st.'<' tht! hostility or resoluteness that w1• s.1w " in carlwr <.'Ontract nc.·goliatioru;, Marc Stepp, UAW v tt•c.> prcs 1d1•nt m d1a rgl! of the Chrysle r_ departml.!nl, s~iid Monday uftl·r the c.alks resumed. · ''Thl'r·c seems to be a t'Onl'lhatory atmosphere" to-~·· w1wk to r<>solvc• un 18·<.lay-old C...nudi:\n strike. ~ ~-~ I .. .. •1! .' .... New underclass· feared ,, SAN DIEGO (AP) -The nation's f'«'CSSionary • t.'t.'Onomy 1s thwarting minority groups in their pursuit· ~ of JObs and financial sct·urity, according to the t chairman of th U.S. C1v1l Rights Commission. •" "We'rt• in danger of c reating a permanent ~~ underclass in this counlry if we don't turn the ,. cxonomy around," said Clorcnre Pendleton. chairman "f of the comm1Sl>lon. •• Neverthel~'>. Pendleton. who made his remarks ' Monday night at a news t'Onft>ren<..'t.' following a speech '~ w University of San Diego law stud('nts, said that t~e · 1 Reagan administration's economic polic1('S are a step m ·., \he right direction. ~ "Reaganom1cs makes a lot or sc.•nse to me.'' said ~ Pt-ndleton. who wa~ appointed to the po&t by 0 P1 l'Stdent Reagan last sprmg He said that Reagan's pohcici; would "get the '., governmt'nt out or pc.'Ople's hv('S and get the free enterprise system to flourish again." AMERICAN LEADERS ........ I LLCCorp t Verco J SU1t1lrCp 4 E1MemM41 : m~'r .. :' 1 Meal<ofd • lAflf'llr t Enletr1Cp 10 !41rcourt 11 TW Corp a~~,c~ ... 14 OtlCHIClll U OrlOf'IPi<I • lt GCA Gorp 17 V1t1o •tno II UnPerll Mn i: I:n~~f ~ n =r.12:i , ''°' 1) ... ,,, •• ,. U Mer'"I Lyn u111 ....... ,..., ~\. Of:"'., ''-Off t . "• Oft • •• Ott • ,. , Ott • '• °" • ... Ott 11 1-.. Otl 1 '"' °'' • ::: gr. :l ''-°'' • ·t: e i·~ ~Off ' Jlo Ott I I 1'-Off I 1 '· °" I' , ... ot• 1 WI Oii tr '• Off 1 • :;: ~ ,,t ,, CSH u METALS • •l NEW VORK lAPI -Spot nonlecfius ..... el P<lc:9i 1001'/ ... ~ Ce~ ... 70~-72 ceMt I pound. IJ-6 O.tlnellons f' U.. ill+-2t <*Ill I P°'lftd 1 ZIRC sa-.2 c:.ntl I pound,...__,..,,. TlllS801t2 MellltW..~lk ......._ 111 oent1 I pouncl, NY ~ ......, 1365 00 pet flMll I ~ $340 00.'342 00 troy ~· NY . ' tu.: '' ,, [ .,, STOCKS IN. TH£ SPOTLIGKf, '