HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-24 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORANGI COAST WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1982 Coast • g1ves thanks Hy KAREN E. KLEIN Of ti.. Dally P'Mot Stan Thanks1<1ving will bring .i halt tu tht• t•vt·ryJay wur k world , 1{ Or..ini-w County and µr<xlu(·uvnv will likt·lv lw t't111t·t'rllr<ilt'<.l 11n th1· guinful v·11c:at1on~ of 1·ooking and t•ating Nt-arl~ ,111 ofht't'S <1lld 'lures wtll he do,,.·tl Thurstl.i v tor th1· h o I 1 d a v I' r a::. h t " 11 t• t t 11>11 nt1rmally sd1i-<.iult·d for Thu.-sday 1n Oran~t· Coast 11t11•s will h;. sh if t 1• d t n Fr 1 d J y Fr 1 ti ,1 y cullt't'lltlll will bl' ·,hift1·d to Saturday Bank._; and 1.•1ty, t•o1111ty, st.alt· :.ind fedt•rnl govl'rnrnt·nt off1t·1•s will shut their door. Thursd.1v Cnv hall:. .rnd county 11Cf1te:. will rt>ma1n dv::.t'(] on F'rid.iy M ost gron:ry sturt"s will ht• dos« d Thurs d <i y A ft'" , howevC'r, will sldy opt·n JUst 111 ca:.e t ht· famtl y cook forgot 111 pick up an f'SS(•nual tngrt"<l1e11t At th1· UC lrv11w M ed1e;tl Ct'nll'r, tht.· uutpallt·nt d1111cs and <:ommunity dinK~ in Sant.a AnJ and Anahl·1m will ht· clOM-<.i both Thursd;iy and Frida)' Thi· t'mergt•ney dt·p&rtnH·nt will 1·o~t1nu1.· on its nc.rnhil 24 -h11ur schedull'. as will n •gul.11 inpatient t•art> Off1n·r<, 1n thl' l'i1l1forn1,1 Highway Patrol will bt.> amon~ the few who won't i;:t·t a h•>hday this Wl~·k1•11d 1n fc1ct . tht·v II bl• working u\t'rt1rnt' tu appn•hl•nd thl' l'XJ1<.'<0H-<l numl,)(•1 o f drunkf·n drtVl'I''> on count\' roads. · Thc C llP 1s p1orn1~1nl<( maximum l'nforet'mc·nt lx·lWt"i.·n 6 o"dock tonight and m1dn1ght S unday . act·ord1nl( to Bryan Duquesrwl. pubh<: <.iffa1r.. of£1l'N ''W e'rt• going to lf)' and kL~·p Clmgesuon to a m1n1mum and highlight rJur drinking drivt•r enfo r cement," he said. The numbc·r of drunken driving arrests f o r h o liday periods usually doubl<'S and somC'tim~..., even tnplt>l>, Duqucsm•I said Dall1 Pllol Photo by O.ry Ambr.,.. \1 ai-ll uoun~ N~u ye n , ldt. u nd Bria n St·h iwf~t·n, both studt•n l ~ a l S t. John 1lw Bapti ~t SC'hool in Co..,tu l\1 t·~a. <·urq food c.lon.'•tionJ>. for twt«ly to be· di~l ri lmtt·d h y Shan• ( )ur Sc•h·c·-; ~roup. Tht· l'lll"!> mo:.t ll~'\.'nl fat.Jhtv report showed lhat from J an I w Oct 21 , 3,643 C'ali fornians lust their hvP:. 1n traff11.· an·1dents That f 1 g u re rt• p n·' C' n ls .in 1mpr11Vt·mt•nt from th1· 4.tlh4 tlMt d1t·d tn traff11 n·laterl a("<:1d1mts for th~ same period In t 98 t A s;1 fn modt· of transp<>rtat1on ov1·1 the w<.'ekt·nd might bt• one's f1"i·t ;and fur th•r..<' who w <tnt tv t See llOLIDA Y. Page A2 l Swimmt~r .-njoys what may ht> his last lup a l lrvin<>,S lle ritug t• Park Aquat i(•s Complf·x. The fa('i li1 y will ht" c lo•wd soon. COUNTY f DITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS County closing door on housing program By JEFF Al>l,Ell 01 lh• Dally Piiot ltell Orang" Cou11tv "upt·t v1""':. h .1v1· m ,1 d t' t t 1· I 1· a r t h ;i I l"OUllty g11Vt'l llllll'rtt'~ l11U1 y1·,11 old a fford11t1l1 · ltous111g p111g1 a111 ,., on its wuy 11ul E,11"11 o f tlil' li11.J1d·, f1v1· 11w111lx·rs lt"ik p ,1in:. Tul·sd.1v lo 111d1rat1• f;\l'lll"l iJI SUpjJ•JI I t1I .1 I t'('tllrlflH•1Hf:il 11111 111 plt;1M· llUI till" dfft11 dahlt· h1111-.111g p1 ng1 .1111 uv1 •1 "l"Vl'f.11 V1 ,11-. f h t' p I 0 g I ,1 111 I I lj lJ I I 1 • ' d1·V1·lop1•t "> 111 Ullllll \J I fH /t ,1t1·d l'1111'llOllS 111 tli1• l'IHllllY l1t !JI ll't• lllll qu<irtt·I ol 1111•11 111\llS f111 pt•oph· wit It low and 11111<lt·r;.1t1· llll"Ullll"S Tlw pr upo-..il tu pit.•" 11u l t hh 11'(1Utrt'l1lt'lll 'u1 f.w1·d ,1., 1 uu11ty g11v1·rn11w11 t b1•g111'> a -.w1•1·p111g ft'\'l~u~)if tht• liou.,111g 1·11·1111·111 11f tht· <r.l·1w1 .ii Pl.in S1·vt·r.1l sup• 1Vt">l11-. li,1\t ""''" 1li1•y l>l'l1t·v1· dl'v1•l111w1 ... will build huu,111g :it .111111 d,1hl1· prw1·., w11l111u1 l11.•111g L<tld 111 d11 ·,(, l1v I 1111111 V ~11V1I111111'111 .. f"lh 111111 11.1" 1111111 "It' 11 ..._, Ill g<1Vt'l lllllt Ill lllU'l Jt 1 ).(11 .tlld .11111" I lat lllol I k1 l f'l.11 I 111111 t •1pp111 ll1111111 '·" ..... 1HI Sup•·• v1~.111 I l.11111"\t W11 ·d1 ·r Slit· .11ltlt1.I ~lw l1t·l11 \ •' t ltt l1u,11 d ,1i111dd d• \'t lllp .1 \11lu111.11 \ .it l11rd.1l1lt littll,lllg p111g1 .1111 Sup•' "1 -.t11' Hr 111 ,. N1 ... 1.1111lt • ('lt,111111.111 Ill ,1 11 111•1 , 11 • ul.i11·d 111 ,.,,,,, d 1111 ·11.t .. 1 •. M1111d.,, u1g• d 1111 1111J11t\ J 'l,11111111g ( '111111111-.'olttll 111 <"tlllSldt I !Iii" 111.1tlt•1 w11h ··g11 ;ti 11111·11,lt \' Ii t t 11 I 1 • Ill d k I 11 g .t I I 11 .I I lt'UHllllll 111l.1t11;11 1•,JI I\ 111·).l \t-.11 Thi· pl.11111111g ( 111111111' ... ,11>11 " Ill I t1,t1 gt• Ill dt•V1 •l11p111g ~pt•t It 11 r1·1 ·on1111t·11d:it11111" f,,, .dt•·t111g tlu· lt1111:-.111g 1•lt·111t·n1 .. I p1·1-.1111,dlv ht 111 \'1 tlio tlldU'>lttlhtl \ /lllltllg (,if f111d.il1lt llllll'>l llg) t .Ill ht• plt,1".(•d ltlll. 11111 ( ho1V1· grt'.11 1'11111'\'l 11 111.il 11 lit· d111t•· Ill ·"' 1·q111l.1hl1 111••11111'1 , N1·-.1.1111l1 ,,,1d 111 '11gg.· ... 1t·d th• progtdrn l.oc.- 11h.1"·d ou l 11\ 1·1 ,, I II yt·dr µc:r 111d "1th ,1 "111''> l1f 1111 t•l\llVI'!'> to bt 11l I 1·11·d <h-vl'loJJl'I ~ who build . ii t 11 I d ,ti ti t • U II I l S d U rl II g I h l" pJi.,.,.. 11u t 1. vl'I• · S11111l.11 I~. J J'llllJ'r....AI •'lllUIJtt'(l Ii\ S up1·1 v1so1 Hngt·r StJllt1111 ,,uggt·~h .1 pha, .. out 11v1·1 (w t1H11 Vt .11' f11ll11w1 ·tl liy a µrogra111 c.t 111.111d,it<11 v 1111 t•IJllVl"S f o1· d1 \' 111111·1., Y. dl1ng tu build .ii 1111 d . .ttl1• hoU'>lllg Sui Ii J 111:.11d,t1111 y lllt (•fill Vt• 111q~hl 1111 lutl1 ll''fll11lt111g par11c1p;1t1ng dt·11 1·l11 1w1 ~ 111 butld uni ts at d1 '"1111., grt-.tlt•r lh<111 th<1t fur v. h11 Ii .Ill .11 (•JI" 7llflf·<l. a1.c111 c.l111g 111 St.111t1111·:. pl:111 A d1·11s1ty 1111 t'llllVt· IS lllt lod1•d Ill th~· 1·u11 •·111 p111gra111 w h .• l (• \' •• I µ I d II I ~ 1t·t1J111111t 11tlt·t.I b\ tlw planning < or111111">s1•m. Sw111011 urg11.I th<it !St·t· AFf' OH DAHLE, Page A2l Hawaii battered by hurricane; 6, 700 island residents flee i llONOLUl.U IAPI llawa11·., f11 s t hu11 11..1nt· 111 ~:I yt·ar" liattl'rl'd llw "l;md-. with 110 mµh w111d'. -..:ndtng 11111n· thdn ti,700 t·oast<tl rt·stdl·n~ frum tht•tr hom<.'~ <int.I 1·utt111g v1rtuolly ill! <"t 1111mu111t at u ins At 11•<1,,l 'IX lllJUr11·.., Wl"rt rt•p 11r tl·c.l ·" Hui rit ant' lwa '""'1rlt·d Tut·Ml;iy uvt•1 tht• P~1nf1c d1<11n .... wt•t•p1;1g thrt1Ulo{h !WCI Wt''>l<'rn "I.ind'>. K .. u.11 a11d N11hau Navy shtµs put o ut lo <;t•a and 1111 roofs hlt·w along flrwdt·d 'tn ... ·t.s Two Co.;'>t (;uard sh1J)'> with nu orw JhoarJ :...tnk bt.fon• tht'Y 1 ould bt• t<.1k1·n l<J o.;afl· lt;iv~·n Winds up lo 80 mph slruck 1 lo nolulu o n the island of Oahu, southeast of thl' storm'i. l~nter Ell•ctnc1t y 1n tht' ea ptldl was knoc kl'd o ut for t hrt•t• huurs Dat!J l"llol l't\olo by CMttff ltatf Tut·.,d .1:-111ght .J11d 11J.1d' v.1·11· floo<ltd 1.111'. llx.l.1\ )'.tl111 111·1·, ht•11t douhlt undo·r 1111· fr111 t' 111 th• w11ld,, J\IH1L1l !11100 r•·,11 lt·nt of lo" lv111g .111•." 11f Ka11a1 w1·1 1· • \',11u.t11·d 111 l11glwr gr uulld " lot .ii 1•11w1 g1·1H ~ ol f1t 1,d -..11d ('11,1-.1.11 ,.,,.,..., 11f ~p.11 -.. I\ p11pul.t11·d N11h.1u . .i .... ., w1·1 t 1•\',1(Uat1 •d .. At .1bou1 H p 111 t h1·11 tum· ( 111 p 111 PSTJ tht' ntJllt flln·t• of th• .. tunn "'"Ill OVt·r 1K .1Udl) With w1mb .1b11ul !();) 111 I lit mph." , .. 11d Aoli Bl;111 , ~1.x•kt·..,r11a11 f11r till' Ft1..lt·r.il Enwrg1·n1" M.-111.1g1·1111"11t Agc·m' 111 V1rg1n1.1 .. Tht·~ h,ul Wi!Vt·~ up to 12 fc-i·l l11gh · The hurrican e was moving northwt>St at 14 mph, aoout 12~ 1111lt·' "4Jttlht·ast of Kau<11. he s .. ml Bouldt·rs four tu f1vr ft'(•\ ill.rt~.., ltttt n·d tht Farn11g11111 I ltgh"'" '"' I >;il1u BolJ Witti ... m~ 11f 0<.1hu l"1vil I >t•f1·11M· ~;,id l·<.irly today. .111d 11H:! ix·opl1· Wl"rl' l'\ iJ("Uillt-tl ( 111111 l11v.. I VI ng LI r1"c1~ A ... lllUt h ;.i:;, IWU ft't'l 111 W<Jlt•r I IJ\'t•I t•d '>Olllt ' ... trl'ClS along v .. · .• 1k1k1 B1·a1. h l'.ilm front.l s l1tttnd thl' drt·.i :-.turl'S bars o1r1d rt -.1 ... ura11t<, l llJSl'd l'arly. -...1th "1lldbo.ig:. pl,1n-<l in front of 1 lt1·11 do1Jrs to bl0t k flo11d111g 111 .... 11lt .ind wrnduw' tapt•d to pr t v1·111 gld!>.'> from fl ying A d1,..ist1·r tt·am from FEMA p1 l·p.11t·d lo h1·ad tu thl' •~lands 1 h" 11101111ng. <,aid !>pukt'sman \ 1·1111 !' ... ult-1n S;1n Franr·;.,.c:o Hol1bll' D<Jly. !>po~. ::.woman for Kau .. 11 -.<11d th~· 111 the sht.'ll<·r.. we~ In high aplrll.s and reported nc1 tnJuries B ut !'he said the rn·1ghbonng 1sl<in<.l of Nuhau has 1111 phont''· !.(> 11was1rnposs1blt· to IS('<' JIA\\All, Pa~(' Atl Grand Jury probing Orange County Jail By JEFF ADLER 01 1he Dally Piiot Stan Thi· Or.111gl l'uunl\ <:r.111tl Jury 1~ µrolung t·1111d1t111ns ..al tltt Orang1· C:11u11ty J.111. ( ;, artd .Jurv F11rl'm.1n Laur t•ll l.1•1111.11 d .ll'knuwh-<ll.(1-d to<lJ" "Th1·r1· '' dn 111\ 1·-.ug.1111111 undt·r w;1\ Thi· ..it t"<t-. wr ;111• 1·1111ecr111'tl with at th1~ timt· and a1t• look111g 111111 arc · dt'Jlhs at thl' p ti <i n d t h'" av .11 I ah 1 It t y of m1-dwal f.111ltt11-;. Thi r•· mav ~I(· uthrr .1n•a,:· l,£'ic>llant '><tin Tht· K1.111d JUry (ort·m .111 .1dt.ll·d how1•vt·r. thdt tht• tn\'t•<.tt~.it1on lwg.1n lwfon· tht• l<1ll·st in .1 't'rll'' of Jatl drath' sµurn·d ,1 <all by tht· Anwrl(an C 1vtl L1lwrtw., Unton. ll sup<>nor l'OUrt JUdg<· dnd a dl'pUI y public ddt•ndn frn JUSt 'Lil h a µrotlt: L1•onard '-<'llU I ht• JUr) bq~.111 lo11k1ng ..ti Jail 111lt'rat1o n s and .iJ lt•gf'll llJH' r ;1 llnn:tl d1• f ll"lf' nt'lt ,._ .July I "This'" no1thin1ot nrw ··ht• s;ml • Tlw (;r,md ,Jury 111urt·d 1h1· S<111t,1 J\11..i f.J< tilt\ Julv 1;, anJ 'l'\'I r;il u11nm1tlt'l'l. hdv~ droppc-d 111 f111 u11.11111uun11'<1 V!!>IL' ... in((> I h1 11 lw 'JIU l.1 ·1111:.rd adJ1-d th.II tht• Crand .lu1 v .tl1•·i.1dy h.1s begun l<lktn~ 1t•,l11111111v .ibtiut .)Liii rund111un<. L111n,11d :.aid ht• t>Xpl·lts tt· ... 11111orn tu conttnu<• for about ' 1111" 1111111 th Thi• l.Jtt-sl furor at tht· euuntv }Ill w..i-. toueh1xl u ff aftPr thrN' 111111 :1!•'' d1t•d dur 111g tht• past 1H11nth. hringmg tht• death total 111 IH 1w11plr• in lt·s~ than two vf•ar~ Although tht' thn-t• died from d1fft-n·nt 1.ausc-s. sc.'V<'ral public 111t1·rrst 11rga111zat19ns had called f•lr <Ill Independent IOVE'Sttgal1on of tht• _r11I d1>sp1t1.· Orange County Shn1f( Corun<'r Brad Gall's' 1 untt·ntmn that th1• )311 1s "om· of thP Ill ht-st 111 tht• nation ·· <;alt'' ...aid ht• would Wl'kome 'ueh an 1nvcst1gt1t1on Gatt'S said h1· I!> t'tmf1dC'nt that su1·h a r<'Vll'W !See PROBE. Page Atl Irvine to close Aquatics Complex At Y<1ur St•rvwt• Bu llPt 111 Board Ruo.;1111•-;.o; Cavakadl' ClasMflt'<I C1m11r:-. l'n~<;word Ati A4 AH 82 l'7 10 ('6 By GLENN SCOTT Of ttw Dalty ,..... llafl lrv inE''s prest1gmu., H Pri ta((t' Park Aquatics Complt>x will 0.· sh ut down at the C'nd of tht• y<'ar becausf' of serious c·onstru<·twn problem!! with thf' 6 year olcl fac1hty. the r1ty 1·oun\'tl has dl'('ldt-d Coundl membf>rs wamt'd that the fac1hty. built at a rost o f $1 6 m 1lhon. m;iy be clO!M"d for as long as two yt>ars unttl lawsuits a gainst p ool designers and con tract.ors are rf'801vN'.I The l'IORure is nec't'SSBry, they claimed , because or rec<'nl ducovE'rtt>s that two o f t he facility'11 thr('(' pools are lt>aking thouaand11 o f gallon il 11f watt•r rac h duy b<'r a1J111' o f corrodt•ci µ1p<'c; bt·n1·ath tht• aluminum pool hulls To It• av t' l h,. r l' m 111 n 1 n lot Olyntpw s1:u-d. ~>0 m<'lC'r pool Ill st•rVll'f', t hP y !<!<1 1d . would t•ndan!(C'r tht> nty'-. l<'gal pos1t1on in S<"4'ktng thl' SI m1ll1on 11•pair work nC'f:'d ••<.l to c orr1•1 l th<> prohl<·ms Thr dN·1sio11 . rt'Rl"herl 11 ft<'r rou n ril m<'mb1'rs mrt with attorm•ys for almost an hour tn dOSf"<I st-S.'ilUll. H tllW as 8 shOI k to th06e who re gularly use the' pool Th<>y DrRuC'd that closure of th<· 50 mrt1•r pool 1s prf'mature I t also spo 1lt'rl an a n n o u n t· f' m <' n t h v 0 r a n g <' County SupC'rtOr Court Judg<' Rru1·f' Sumnr-r, who 111(11rml'd lht• 1·our1dl thfll tht• c•omph•x had 1-..·c•n -.i•lt't"tt'<I only la-;t Saturday to ho'l th•· <;w1mn11ng 1•v1'nL' for lli1 f11ur 1•vrnt 1~·n~thlon dunn~ tl11· I !IH4 S11mrw1 Olympws Sun1111•1, d1.11rman n f tht• p1•11 1a1hl1111 -.w1mm1ng a nd a nwmlwr of the· Los Ang<'les Olv mp11 Organ111ng Comm1tttt, ur~<'d eounnl rnrrnlx·~ to US(' thc> Olympic pronusc· ll!I an 1nccnt1vC' tn m1•••t w1rh 1't111tr<wtors or othrr donoro; lo qu1< kly <0<11 rt•et tht• prohlcms Aut Mayor L;irry AJ(rnn was lt·!'s cnt'ournging whc>n hi' told thr frustraw<l audienC't' "I don't w1111t to sugg<'sl lo anyone' thsit ui;f' o f thrs (ar illty will hr 11v.11luhl<> f or o Ion!( llm,.. In n1111(·" B11t11 tn llflfl w111t llw 111111 nl dr.1w1ng national a tlC'nllon to lrv1nt• wh11<' o fff'nng rt'<itdrnts a htJ(h qualny rN.·rt'al11mal fnc1hty, tht· t·omplcx has had ll'<"hmcal Claws from th<• lx·ginning Tht> nty prt'v1uusly S<'lll<-d part o f its 1977 lawsuit against contractor Ruane Corp over th<' fat"l that th<• 50-metc•r p ool's alurmnum shf'll was about on<> i n<'h loo s hort To solve' that probl<'m. workers strrtchf'd tht• shell &nd then boltt>d 1t a gainst tht' 111drs to rf'ta1n thf' C'Xtra length Th<' bolL'I, hOWt'VC'r. break Orf WC'ekly lx't•nusr of corrosion It 1s corrosion causrd by £'lroctrolys1s that 1s gradually rnting up thr f('('(f('r ptpt't' bunl'<l (St't AQUATICS. P&R<' A2) Ju!'l in Hu~n s urul his dnssmnl•'"' r('huih the Muyflowc•r ou l'n~<" Bl. Post -Th n nk.,.~ivin~ rt><'ipc·"' !'4lu rl on Puf(t' n:t D\•ath No111"'' Ed11or1.1I ~:ntP1 t.11n11wnt F'ood l111rntl(~>pt' lntrrm1ss1on Ann Landt•rs Muvl<'S MutU11l F'un ds National NC'Ws Publw Notlt'("l Spm ts St.O<'k M11rkf•L.; Tel1•v1s1011 Tlwatron1 Wl'athl'r Wm Id Nrws .... ' C6 C4 A 10 11 B7 1:1 R:l..il B2 87 82 87-8 AR A :I C4 C l 3 A9 C5 87-8 A2 A:I .. • AFFORDABLE HOUS I NG • • • 11 lH' 1111 1111111· 11•sl111·11v1· u11.t "" 11')1111· ·11·1(ulut11rv" tt.un .111y ... 1at1 · Jr ft•df'ral p1111o(rur11:. pt•rLa111111g 111 11ff11rdalllt· h11u:.1ng 1L11t11•1 111.111 11111111111111~ ,1 ~pPtlllt' ph.1s1• ltUI pl.i11 Sup1·rv1 .. 111 H.tlph l'lar k 11:.k1·d 11)11• pl.11111111~ l'llnlllll!\SIOI\ 111 ck ·.11'1y d1•tirn• th•· prnl>lt•111:. .... rlh tH1• µr1•:.1·rll ,ii 1111 d,1l1h· h11u .. 111g pru~r.1111 ·•t 'll l1k1• to h .1v1· a 1 It .11 \l<1t1·nw11t 111 1h1· prc1hl1·1t1 '.'>' Clark :-.J1d "I'd l1k1• to lll'.11 \Vht•n• ''"1sl1111o( h11u:.111g 1•11·1111·111 1:..~· ... u. .... 111~ probll•m s " '!'ht· supt•rv1~1r ubo I l~Ut•..,lt•d t h hl lht· planning 1•o mrni:-. .. 11111 !il.tpplv s tu11st11·!-. l'Omp;n111..t •' 1111 11·111 1111 .... oltl h 11u,1 11~: 111\1·111111 u•, with I 1111" 111 '"'"lld .d 1111 d11l1l1 \llllL' ( 'la1k1>1111111"1.l1>lll 1h.111l11n11g ,1 ''" 1.·1•\' 11f t.i.. d1,111vt J.,,, \'•.tr :1.I 1wr1•1·111 ,,,1d llwv t.1v1111•d llw .ilftotd,il1l1· h1Hl,.lll~ pl t •gl.1111 ,1fltf II !I flt• I t I' 11 l f ,1 \' 111 t· .t I I d dt '\'t'lt •f ot 'I ' \A. t 'It' ,t.:I\ t'll 11 It t •11I1 ""' It• l1tt1ld .ifft1rd,1hll' llllll' "'l'ht· p111 • 111 l111u..,1ng ... 1111 " ,1:. 111111 Ii 111 .• 1111111 ·111 110~ ..... ti .... ·" 111111 \1.11 · •• 11:·· · h·· ,;11.t 1'\ I ..... 11 I ., lit ,. t. ' I 1 y I II I .u1111tv's l1do1111.1 t11111 .111d ll1Hl!'.llll{ lfr\'1'it1pn11 Ill <Jll 111 I 11U11ll l h.1 I 111 I ,!I I h .ti rm tf.tl1lt d\t 1·llrng 111\11' hull I -.1 111, 1h, p1tlgr:1111', llh qitH•ll 111 JIJ 111 '1110 It 111.1111 llll'41lcf AQUATICS COMP LEX . I • ~·rwalh lht• pool!>, 11ff1nab ..,,,.,. J '·" 1111 tlw 1111a Ii voslll\'1 1 t p.111 .... ,,Harry ~rl1t·h , llH• ul._\, l1•.t!11 d1,.111liut1un .... v ... 11·111 nwnagt.'r or main1t·11an1·1· St'l'Vllt•<, I ht llt'\\I<, h·l L l lllJ>l l.''ot'llt.1tl\'1•' ~1d lh1• t·umpl1•x':. l'Xlt•11"1\'t 111 1!11 .ti ... w1111 duh,.. d··v ... ,L.t11·ol w,i:i1er-pumpmgg1·t11 s hould h.1v1· F11·d (;,1h111 o f 1h1· 11\1111· 1nduded a l'<llhod1t prott•i·L111n N11v.Jqu.1lll''> s..i1tl 1 h1.,u11• 1d lht• s y stl•m 111 prutt•l'I <.ig:..1 11 .,1 1•11111plt·' 1·11uld nw;1111h1·111ll.1p~1· ele<·tro lys1s a nd, h1•1Wt'. l'Orros 1on "' tlw ll·.1111 lll-<:;iu..,.. 11 n1·•·d .... ·' But lht· sysll'ITI h<As n 't wurkt'tl h1• '10 11wl1•r pool for µr;11111·1· ;111tl 1111 Sllid 11 tlwrs ;111• ;1v.11l;1lilt· 111· d.1111wd Cu11sulwn1 C;t•urg1· M o llt•t w ,1.., th.it llw dub'-, n111.,1 1·0111111•11tl\• 1·alll.J w tnSJX't'l Lht• t•ompl1•x 111 "\\ 11111111·1' will i.:u 111 ••tl11 ·r l•.,1111, late Septt>mb1:r urh'r a lt•Jk w ,1., 111 Jgtt•t•1n1·111 \~,1' ll,111 B,111'\·lt d1st·ov!·r£"d 1n ,, 33 mt•tpr d1v111g 111 ( 'ul\'I 1 l'11y .1 It .1d1n~ o fl 111.tl pool Paul Brady ,Ir . ,,s..,1~1.111 1 111 :\1\ L' "' 11nn11ng \' hu \\lirt .1 l'ily m<Jnagt•r , '.11d th1• µuni ,, \\ h111 \~ 111tlbn·,1k .. r "1tlt · LIS1\ l95ing :W,000 gallon!'.._. da\ p111ll•·d 1111 th ... h;uk 'Wo rkl•rs n •m11vt•d J 6 f oot S.11tl 8.i11 «ll "'llw,..1· lolk' s v etch o f an u11d1•rground p1p1 .11111'1 pull111g vour l1·g 'l'ht•'\i will ~ d1su1v1·n·d ll w ,1:-. t1Jrr1><.lnl IH 1.1JJt'(I. p 11lagt'(l .1111l plu11of• 1111 mul·h won.t· th,m l •lnsultants 11f 111 .ill t h .. 11 1,..,.,1 ,.,..1111111t·r .. l'lt y 11ff1nab had l'"p<'t'tcd. Br.idy Thi· ••~Ult.-. ~111 lJO· d1::-.1.,trou .... ~ satd 0th•·• Novaqu.i111 h 1111 .... 1. , . ..., lo: r I 1 l h -. J I <f t ht I I l \ ~lll h ·•'> 1111 l h,11111 ,ti I 11g111t t'I 1mrncdiati•ly w ill SC'l·k ln<l~ 111 ( ·.111\ I• J\l11u11lt'1 'I .ind l111 1t l111111 .... 1 1n:.t;;ill Jll t•XlPrnul t .ithvdtt All1•11 Mu1rav ;irgu1·d 1h .. 1 1h1· 1 II\ d1tf11'l h,1\1• -.u ff111t•lll prott"t.·t111n ., y .... wm at u $I :\5 t>Otl dtit. lllll• 111.1111111 lo n1111 lud1• th.11 cost to pr1•c;erv1· 1h1 ou h1tf1· se<'lltln of tht· pool 1 111'1 ng 1111 '1\J 1111 ll r pool "d I • H owt·vt·r. courll'll rrll'mb1·1 ~ md1c·att'C1 11 may bt· a yl'ar bt•l111t· I i t 1 g <• l 1 o n 1 s l' o n l l u d t· d t 11 detl'm1tnl' who 1:-. n•s puns1blt· t11 I •'I llH I· I 111 It "11111 flut tll Urltll lllt•llilol'I' '''J1l.11111·tf th1•y ll!Uldn 'l t.1k1• l h :t11t'<'' l1l"t';1USt' of lht· high l'tl'ol'> •rf 1t·p.111111g tl11 poui-. PROBE OF J AIL • • • would prove· th1• <idt•qu;u y 111 health cart• 111 1ht• Jail N ('Vl•rthl'lt·'"· Gall'' .ind l '.llarles KC'rn.!>. r11 UtH\ h1·.d1h l'arl' ag1•nt·y d1rt•ttcir .111· readying .i rC'qut·~t that asks l h1 count y Board o f $upervl80rs to add s ix full-timl' and om· pan llmt-.iail nursing po!-.1l10ns Thf' board IS C'X pt.'<'U'<I 111 11ms1d1·1 lht• ft'<.jUl"St al 1Lc; Nuv :w mc.'C·ting If dpprnvt.>d . t h 1· .idd111 .. n,tl staff pos1t1ons w ould be· u't'(f l11 mcd1callv c;trl'l'n t·ac h 1nm.1t1 bf.>ught ,"n10 lht .)dtl G<11t•.., ..,.11d h<i has askNJ for thl•<;t• 1"""1111111' rrl' pasl county liudgNs but h<t'> ~n tumf'<f dnY. n l\!1·.i11v. hilt• U r .1ng1· t'o1111I\' S1qwrv1 ... 11 ll.11 111·11 W1t•dt•t "' d1·n1,1nd111g th.•t K1·111' 'llf'Jllt 1111 \.\Ith ,1 rl'J.1<1rl ,IJ, ft 'ljllt 'lt•tl 111 .lulv rt•\'1t•w111g 1h1· d1·l1v1·r\ .,f 11wd11 ... I :.1.:rv1l£'!'> lo pt.r~tin:. 1n county custody _ W 1l·d1·r has d1ri'< lt'tl K1·rn' 111 pn1v11l1• d statu' n •J><•rl on the· 'ulqt'1. t no l.JL11 tit.in J\l1>nd.1" Th11•1 111111.itt-. M1d1.n l 1\1111111111 fl11-..1'>. Hulwn l'.1rd1 11.1., ( 'ot.1 .ind R11 h.1rd P.1ul I >o·Sol11 d11·d JI th1 J.11! f111m t,JlJ'of'' 1pp.111 ntlv 1111n·l.d1·d 111 th1·1r Jll 1 .t1lt·t:11111n du1111g tht IJ"'' fl 11111 I Ii AP Wlrephoto L a ho1· o f lo\ t• Ht·\ 1·rh l·.11 ~ c·arl pn·p:in·-. pit·~ for Th •au""'~j, i n µ. l>a) di11 1H·r ..,1 ... anti lwr '111 .... hand and •·iµ.h t d 1ilflrt•11 an· prqwrin~ for ;tll\Ollt' \\ho \\:tlll :-. l o f'OltH'. ( ""'•·•· "''on P aµ.t· \ :>) L~rge turnouts seen for free Ineal s in OC ( )1.111~:1 l'111111l \' n rg.11111.111011., "fl"""' 11111g 111·1 T l1 .. 11k .... g1v111g d111111 ·1-. .111• •Xfll'tl1rg l,11g1· t t1ri11111h Th111 -.ti.iv a11o1th•·r ,1g11 1111 II Hf I 111.il ' S.11 d 11 f t lll ft Ill t 111111111111 lflrtdtllt>li' 1\1 11i. ll.1111111 l'hr1 .. 11.111 1'<·1111\1 ,fill• ';' IO W Wil,f111 St (',,,,I 1\11·,,1 II "·' 1•,11111.d1·d 111d.1\ 1h.t1 ,, 111.111\ ,,, 100 JH 1 µIt 111.t\ 1111\\ IJ fJ 1111 IUI kt :0- dtnnt•r with all the ll'1mmlngs tlo11hl1· 1 Ii•· numt>c·r o f I.1st vear Tl11 l1 •llu.,....,h1p \\d i S t'r\t rl 111111 1 111 l "' • 1 II I u11d -I p 111 111111,d.1\ 'J'r .111 .. por1,1110 11 1-. I "·1111-( 111lo·r1 ·d ( 111 t h11" ~ h11 1w.-d II 1'111 llu I t11f111111.il11111 ITlJ .. h.- obl.11 nt•tf h\ t• l1·phon111g. 1h1• ll'll11\\ ... h1p .ti tt:il 77:!'.l 111 ~.1111.1 t\11.1 M1::.....,onar11':> ;it II 11111 1· v. 1111 Ii 11p1·ra t <·s 1 ht· t )r ,1111~• ( '1111nt\ ftp-.c·ur· M1~1on I!'> 1·-.11111.tl Ill).! 11t1 ·\ WI II -.1·1 .;.,. .tl1ol1t ltl() I t•lltplt lt d111111 ·1 .... t11 tlt1· 111·1·11\ ... ,,Jd .1d1111111,l1 .11111 Hoh M.111111 S11111 ,j Ill\\ ll''>lUt' 11·1111•1 I 1 u 1 I d 1 11 1 • 1 -. ~ t 1 I 1 ll n ti 1 • r 1 on,11u•111111 tli1• n11 ........ 11rn v. ill ",,, d111111 r.. 111 11 ·111:. It ~ .1lt·d .11 th1 11>fl'>llUtlltllt 'llt· .II 1~01 \\,' \\',t111u1 St :"-1.111111 -..11d \'olu111t-.·1' Wt•n lll tht• l11t.Jl11111 today, busy t.'rl-'<"llng tt.·nt.s a ntJ Kt• t l 1 n g I' o r l <1 b I 1• l' o o k 1 n lo{ "flUlf>llWnl 1n plat·1• D111111,.... 1111•1" .,.. 111 ht• .,t n c•d from 1111(111 u11t1l ~ JJ 111 . M:H 1111 ..... d ~ 01 1111111 1111111111.1111111 l ,111 u:1:1 11 l~Y 1\ I' 11 ht· I p 1 n g I o m ,1 k 1· Tlt:ink'>g1\'1ng an t'll)t>yablt· tl.1y fo r tlt1· n1·1•tlv .., anolhl·r t'11.,1:1 r~h-S<J ha~t·d t;rg.1n1wt11m, Sh.11 I' ( >ur Sdvt·:. knC1wn ""' SOS Rain f ore cas.t Of&d•cl&d I ,, '"(''' ril t'1P nnrtt\Ptr1 h&tf >' II~ lflfP I vl !.ntnp c.loudHrn5~ ·t '""' S1fl'rtd w1tt1 C.Olcl lemOf..o'dli1'•·~ 10 Ot..-!,P ryt-1 1he 'MOY!r fnt It f> t wd Qt Sk•et'S f'iW(l~{ ,,.,, f.' It t' f1r'\l O•Q hol1dd'Y we,pWPr•lJ The Fo recast For 7 pm ESl A-410 0 Jr-.111 Jo',,rl1.1th 11f SOS ... 11d th1· nrgarll£al11111 h;:is r l"t't•ivt•d num1·r11u'> d1111al1ons 11f n:1nn1•d g1~.11ls .ind lurkt·y~ f111 -;ubs..•qut•111 1·w1tnhu1111n~ t•> f,1rniJ11.., nt·•·<11n~ Thc111k..,g1v1ng foo<l Am o ng lit• don o r ' \\ 1·11· sludt·nL" ;11 St .ln hn lh1· B.tpl,....I St h ool 1n l't1!.t<1 M<·'>.i wh11 turn1«l 11v1·r 1·annt•d good s Jnd turkt•\'!-. .ind tht food •wr v1t't•!> dt·p a 0 rlnh·11 t J l UC lrv1nt• F'o rh.1th ..,.,,cl ... tu<knL' llvin~ In tlorm110111'<; v1t•ldt'<l (nod 111 kt•L' II• po.•rm11 thP donatmn • .Coo ." ta / ,. I Mostly CIOuOy loO&y wtl'1 a cnance 01 5howers HtQ hS 62 a1ong the coast 10 68 •nla,,o ~.•n ~ ot rain 30 oerc""' IO<l8y C\eaftng ano muctt COl<Htt 1on1gn1 With IOWS 40 10 46 Sunny &nd • li"le warmer on Tha nksg1v1ng l;lohs 65 atono '"" cout to n IHlana Elsew here lrnm Po1n 1 Conception 10 1nl' Me10C•n det end out 60 mile$ V8111 ble 1 mostly less than 10 \noll 1y Local f'ast to northeast • n<Sa 1 10 14 knots along fhl' he<n coast lonlghl wtlh 11ghle• rth to northee,t winos e Southwe111 swells t 10 feet IOO•y With 1 1001 w1nO ves Seas t1ecom1ng smooth lghl Mostly CIOUOy IO<Jay Wltll attereo showers Sk•P, will In clearing ton1ghl lrom lh" rth, *°"''ng mo•tly •un11y by t1nk501Y1ng urrlC.8M(I twe wnich pounded weslern Hewe11&n 1a111nd1 .wtttl vy rains and w1no1 Q'Allng to O mph moveo oll 1Mo 1ne clltc early tno11y 111avtng ned ~ lines 11no roolle99 MtS in Its wake he hurr1c1n8 prO<Jucfl<l w1nc1 80 mph enO gu•I~ "P In 110 h tate T ue~•Y bftlQ"' hMd>ng the no<1"88SI n the m&inl&nd r&tr\ """"' attered tr nm south Cl!ntr~I xis 10 cenhel Alat1Ama 8"0 the App818chl8"9 lght rain and Orlule fell on lhf' lo Valley, &nd 1nw8• C.reet es wt\lle driule cnverf'd thft rth Atl•ntlc Co••t <;now 1811 Indian• end lh<I upper Or"llf .... Clouds hung OV8' ,.orthwfl9tern Ida and lrorn the Orfl•f ltlkM o northern Allantl~ Coe11 rough the IOW'I• Mta.,U•PPI lley and New Me•teO lo lh• ntt1I end southern CelllornlA I 1 Sklee _,., te1r over the r991 ot n•tlon Snc>w«• -•e lor11Cet1 tor lete dey acrou Ifill Southw .. t rough aouthern T a•at ano Iha Gull CoHI Scall .. 90 n wH 8•petfad OV8' Iha E.1111 al. wllh anow over Iha oenlrl! pelachlen1 lh• tower Gr•81 " and lnlend Nww England OP1,..,.,-t \J I p.1L)u 1Pc1 fQt th•• Y8HPy~ hlf•' Q the MOt01n9s Wit lt•CJe<-•t-tJ t. r. ""8' oft b~ altetno,,, e•c e rt lh~, tdhPtn S ftcrame"' a rid San J •aQu•t• veltey!io wht., .. "'" CIPfiQUP SluU w It 11nq ... T Pl1lJJPra t 11 res MAT ION HI lo Altiary 60 •9 ,tilDvau~"l'' .. .,, 28 Aman.11 • 1 19 A'\h1>v1H., 66 52 AflentA 1• S8 All9nhr I 1r, 54 •ll Austin 73 )7 Ba1t1mnr ,.. 63 49 B1lllr'~' '\{\ ?6 (l1rm1not'"'• 1? ., B•Sr'nfl,,. 16 .or, 9,,,, .. 3'> If\ eo.io" SS 51 Brnwn~v1llf 86 '1J 8uftaln 55 3~ BwhnQtCH' 58 56 C.8,fH't 28 '11 Chorlestu11 <; l 15 61 Ch&rll'SIOn W V 69 43 ChArlOllP N C &Q 60 Cheyenne ?4 01 ChlCllQO 39 14 C.+rlttnnall 63 33 (tf'vAlant1 53 34 C.olumh1~ "• ( 17 55 C.r11umhu'\ 61 )7 01111~~ I I Wnrlh 69 32 01>y1nn 57 31 c .... n~.-, 28 13 f)p~ Mom~S. 27 13 O.Otrl'><I ., 31 Duluth IS ·O• El Pa.c1 71 38 r111Qn 09 00 r1sgs11111 38 31 G•"&' rA11t, 34 29 H11rllnrd 113 49 Helena ,, 06 Honolulu 81 16 Hou11on 8? 47 lndlln8POll• SJ 2• J11tk1on M19a &O 43 Jacksonv111 .. 80 54 K•nsaa City 35 14 l iu VeQ•& 65 4 I I 11118 Ror.~ 68 27 lnultvlllfl 67 1~ I uhboc~ J8 ?R Memphl\ fill 13 T ... "' ~ , . I ' M1em1 78 It M 1rw aul-Pf' 41 16 Mpls SI rt Jut :11 06 N&5hYtlle 69 38 N~ 0 ,1,.an-. 79 se New 101• 65 •,;> 14nrtnl' 65 ~· No<tll Plalln 1 I 01 l)~tannm& 1.•lv 46 21 Omaha '7 12 Orlanor• B' sq Pllll&dAlplltll 66 'i I Pt1oen1• 71 s~ P11tsbu1ot1 61 18 Pnollano Mr> 5? 47 Portland O•f" ·~ 14 ProvtOf-nrP ~I •8 Ra101gn 74 6 I Rapid Guy ,., 11 Rt' no J'i }<! Rochmnnd 7 I ., .. Sall Lake Iii .11 San Antonin 7) •,11 See Ille 4q ,., Snievepmt I 1 4 I S>OV• Fens n tU; St lOUIS .. ' ,'O St Pete-fam!lA 7n ·11 St Sle M&rll' ,,, na ..• n•• Spolo.anl' Syracuse 61 •O ropf'•a 1• u; rucson 69 •,o ruiu '>O n wn1,.no1nn 6fi ~~ W1cn1fa \4 16 CAl tFOA MIA H1 Lo BAt.Prsl•Plll .,, 41'.I E11•1>t.A r,1 t1 S , ft'~nn ~II ., l u' Ano~'"'' 114 ~, 0 11kl•nd ~5 49 Po9o Rnhln• ll? 41l .. SU Rf Rf PORT > ·--8Vf'f avrt 8url ..... .... , •••fl .. Ml .. • •• .... ~Id .. , .... Dir Zume '1 3 1Q , 2 SW Sant• Monlea 2 3 10 I ' 'w N...oc>rl BaKh 2 3 ,, I 2 SW S•n ~ounr. 2 3 12 I 3 w Ovt fO< llureoey lnoa ~•no• ) ~~'OV''\' 0 f Reu A1t1ll 62 40 Rf'Ownnr:i f:•ly °'>6 46 f°IPllO 35 29 SocramPntr• 5? 40 SAl1nJS 64 45 San t.11011c• 60 55 SH" F r~11G•~Ln 54 50 Snntn AnttJAr d 63 5 1 <;1or1.1ron 55 47 o,uci.tnw 64 39 8•11 Brar 46 20 8.,hop 53 25 r:~1otmA 64 50 l ono Be11c.h 67 46 Monrnv111 65 4 1 Mt W11snn so 38 N11w110• I Br>arh 65 48 On111r1n 6J •O '-1Blm SJ'rt"O"' 1J ~Ii PA~tl•Ji'n1t lili 43 lt1vf'r'\1th~ flO 40 .-... u1 Ot\ffui111•Ht 6? 40 C. Ul (, 1lutt•t f\6 •2 c;,u hi'llf' .,,, 48 -;antn AH.1 61\ 4'> c._,111tA t .tu/ bl ~) f1'fitlP Vtill••'I , .. 18 CANAOA "'g11•v 38 17 fdmt>ntnn l'l to M nntfPRI ~l . ' S111og Wh•r• to c•ll Poll lrea1 tor 1a1e1t 1m~ 1n10<matlon Or1nge ounty (8001 445-3828 lf'.11 Angele• County (800) 2•2-4072 RIV9(tlde i nd San Bern1rolno countlff. (1001 3117 -4710 AOMO EpllOde Center (800) 242-4888 Tides TODAY S11c<1<111 111un I '11 U "" J 8 '111<t111<l lt1w 10 JG pm 09 THUfl80AY '"'' 1i1gn 5 34 • m 4 8 I 1rtl low 11 41 • m :1 I !)8('()f'lt1 lli011 5 03 pm 39 Bac:ond low II 15 pm 00 Su" ltola today 81 4 45 pm ,. ... lho•ld•Y al & 3S • m Mnon •I-IOd•y Ill l It! pm MOii lllUttdly al 12 0 I am l HOLIDAY • • From Page A 1 burn o ff c1 f <'W t'a lo rws bl' for<' l ht• fl'a,.l . 1h1•rc ·,.. alwav' lh1• fifth ctnnu.il D.10,1 Po ml ·10 K Turkt·v Tr o I Th,. fl 2 m 1 I l· m 1 n ,· marath o n , i.ponsorc·d hv thP D a n a P 11 1 n 1 C h .1 m b l' 1 o f Comnit•H'•'. lw,l.{111'-.1t 7 :IO am .11 tht· D;m •• P 111 nl /\1hll't11· C lu\J H(•g1s tr.1t10n 1:-. $H !)() F or mori• 111fom1:i11011, 1·:ill ·Hl6· I :155 •• Va l ley hol ds up on school switch I}) l'lllL SN~ll)l•;llMA I\ 01 the O•ll) Piiot 9tetf 1"1111111.1111 V.1ll1·v 1·11 y 111111 1.1b ,, • .,, 1t11·v w.1111 t11 v11·w ,, 1111111· d1•l.11lt·d flltlJ>ll.,,,J l111 lUI lllllg •' 1111 d.tlll.l~t'd Wiii~ llf ll.11p1·1' S· l1111il 111111 a 1·011111111111ly 1'1•111 .. 1 111 ltlll' lJ 11•y dt•lt'fl11111C' Wlll'lht I 'Ill Ii ,, flltl.)t'l'l I'> 1'11g1blc• 1111 • tlY 111111 b ('11\ 11lf1n.ib 1111·1 Tut·!->d .iv "1111 h1u11l.1111 V.tllo·y S1 htJ•1l 1-luntington t e achers • • win raise A lll'W l'OllH'al'l t alltng IOI .. h pt·r 1 1·111 pay lll l'rl'J~l' ,inti 1111p111vt•d f11ng1· la·nl'f1h h.i ... lil•t•11 app1 uvt•d fu r about 700 11 ·,lt'hl'rs 111 !lit· Hunl1ngr11n 8.·ad\ tl1111111 I l 1gh St:hool D1slnt·t Tlw ag11·1·ml'nt w;;is r<illftl•d by !14 1x·1Tt'nl o f lht• 11•a(·ht.>r~ l'as ung Ii.ii Io l ~ l t was H ppr o v l' d 1111a11111mu s ly Tul·sday night b y t~ll· d1!-.lncl board of lrustecs. Th" P<.\Y 1nt'rt.•ast>s wtll bt• 11 •1111.1d1vt· to July l It will t·ost lht· d1striet s lightly rnon· than $I rn1ll1un a yl'ar , atcord1ng t o /\1'os1s1;_rnt Sup1·rin1t·nd1•nl C:lt·n I )ys1ngt·r I It· ::.<11d th1· tncrt·aM·:. will hnng llH' t1 ·;,1·h1.·r:.' avl'rag1· -,al;1rv 111 .1liou1 $:W,OOO J.>4.'r yt ·Jr T lH' agrt·l'nll'nt, n ·adwd Jftt·r ,, f1v1· m o nth 1mpa""' "\A..is .1hou1 .1s good ,J'> Wt n1ult..I gl'l .. .1 l l 111 d 1 n g l" B ii l B 1.1 n t h 1 "'l'<UllVt· d1r1~ tor 11f 1h1· 01!-.lr11 I hdu1·;1 tor~ ~1C·1a111111 "I 11 ligh l 111 t ht• ~·t1tH1n 1 V It "·'' qwu· <.1dt"t.1U.1ll'," h•· '-•td 111 l0 la1nn·t.I th.ti 1n1prov1·d d• ·111,il 1•11Vl'rag1 · 1i-<• bngh t """' U ndt•1 Lht· pl.Jn, th1· d1:.1t 11 l "' tll pay 100 pl'rtt·11t of d1•ntal 1 """ f11r ll·a e ht·t !. .111d 1h1•1r d1·p1 ·11d1•111_., .it lht 1·ml 11f thn·t• v1·<.11 .., 111ov 1d1ng tl11•y h.•Vl 11·g1d;1 r d1t•t'kups .ind lknl<ii \\Ork Tlw p,1 v 1111·rt·<1.'4 · ;111tl lx·nt·f 1 t 11"' k.ig. will l>1· finann•d from 11 $I !I 1111111011 d1 ... 1r11 l ... u1 p Ju .... .111·111 d111g to Oys111g•·r .,. h1 l 0 111 r<u 1 ~ i11 1" 111 , . rr 1 .. 1 until 111•,t Nov :!4 1)1,I fll I 1 t'fll l'!M'lll<tllV\~ LO dt~'UM th1· 11111111• Ill tht· 1·1ght 1•1•1m I f.11 I" 1 w111g th••t w.i., d.i111ug(·d 11\ 11111 1111 111 1!177 a11d ll St'('CJIUI l1l.11t 1."1 1111inth 'l'ht Wiiii{ lta!'I lit•t'll USl•d Ollly 1111 '1111 d).!I 'llll'\' thl· l!J77 fill' M1 111h1·1 .... 111 l h1· H ur JH•r • "111111111111 v li ,1v 1· urged lh1• " It•• ol d1:.l1 w1 lo 1•illll'1 rcbwlrl or .J, 11111lt,l1 11!1 wing, wht< h they 1 l.11111 1-. .• ,,tf•·t v l1<11.;1rd A ... ,,1,t.11it Sup1·n111t·11t.ll•11l J at·k f\l.d111k1 11 .... 11d tlll' d1Sll ll'l l'Xpt'<:lS 111 1 ,,11,. l 111,un.1111·1· monl'y to ~y 1111 ti• 1111111111111 111 1.11·rhaps most o f th o t 1,...1.., ,,.,..,.,ll:.llt·d With 1111111,11111t11111 Uut. ht• said. the tl i...1111 1 "111dd havt• d1ff1c:ully Jll">til v 111g 11·111n s 11 u <:llon of • l,1.,.,1 """" IJl'l .iUM· H arper rs "Ii• d ul1·<l fr,1 , l11-.u1 ,. in 1984 li.·1 .1u...,. 11f fl,,. 11111111< 1'nn11lment /\., J ,,.,ul t, 'lhuol <l1str1t·L 1ol I It 1 • .t ... h.1 \'1• .... uggo•Slt"d 11101" 1.11111g wllh lht· u ly lo turn t lw I b111w1 v. 111g 1nlo suml' typ<· 111 t t1llllllUllll\' t t•111t•r /\It lt11u g h r 1·d .. vt·lop 1nc:n t tu111l .... 1111t1.tlly Wl·rt· .... uggt-sl~ for ,uo ·h ,, 111 11J1't l, 1'11u111.<1111 Valley l '1 1v /\tt111111•y Alan Burns said l ht: I l.1qwr ·v. 111g r11 • .1y n ot bt• 1•l1g1bl1· for '>lit Ii niont•y fl t• -.a id ll<irp .. r lo<·ated at I Hll!1:1 S .1111.1 Y m·1 SL , 1s ou tside 1 h• 1 ·t l \ ·., l wo r vd1•v1· lo pml'n t 111111·" 111· .,,,,ti ,1 prtiJt•t'l there w1111ld 11111\ I,,.. 1·l1gtl1l1• f•lr fund ... ti II \\t•I• Ill IJl' of -.1gntf1t•ant 111111 l lt lo lht· rt·tit·vt·lopmt·nt tiff ... ( 1 I v M ,, 11«1.p· r II" ward S I • I' I 11 n .., ~ ..i 1 d h 1 1 s n u t •·11111u1 .1g111g ~ huol 11ff 111ab about • ··d .. \ 1 l11pnw111 !um.ling. but sci1d ht· h." lllt'lll HJIWU ltw pu!>!->1blt· U '>l iii f1 ·d1·1 • .r ll11u-.1ng <1n<l < '11111111u 111l\ Dt·v1·l111,m1·nt funds .di•• .111•d lo 1h1 11ty 11• ,,11d F11unt:1rn VJllt•y has 1·,11 ri1 .i r k 1·tl $I 00 000 1 n l hes l' l1 •tlt·1.d fu11d' f111 t·onstrutt1on of " -. .. 111<11 l'lll/•·11 1 •·11L1•r I IC' '>Old n o lo11.·:1l11>11 h." l>1 ·1·n 1·onftrm(..cJ fur 'ud1 .i n·111t·r 1\s._1,l.1111 =->up1·r1n lt•ndenl l\1.1lt11k1 11 ,,1111 tlw d1..,lt1t·t no w w 111 • · \. . ii U ,1 It' w h;, I l y fJl' u f t 11111111Ullll\ f,11 illl\' I'> nt'l-<l~ Ill .r 11u11l,1111 V ,11l1·v ;111d r<·Lurn to 11>1· 11lv with a mort· f ormal pt •1po ... il r1t•rhap!-. In J anuary 111 · ,,,1d tht• d1~lnl'l also is g . .th.-1111g '''-llm•Ht"> o n the costs "" 111\ 1·d 1n dt·mul1t11i:l and 111111t-.l1l1t l111n oft~•-llarpl'r \\ 111.L! '\n~ port-\1t•"'a lo "'f>f'rld S <)0,000 lo ~t·l rilJ of filu-r-. District to cover asbestos material s Ttw N1·wport Mt•sa Unrfh.-d Sdmol D1s lrn:1 will spend $60,000 111 rid N•·wport Beal·h and Cos1:1 J\l1·'il t<A;·h1111ls of asl:x>st1is material 1·:v1<k1we of asl:x•stos was f11und 111 11t"arly t•very h E·atPr and lxnler room in 111 .. d1stricl, acc·ording to c1 ~ur·v1·v report given Tut•sday n1~h1 Ln d1s 1nct trus tf't'S I )1~1nct u ff1 c1als cautH>rwd that 11111w o t tht• polt•11L1ally luni.t d.1111.1g mg mall'nal wa.<; found 111 lht 1 las.-;rooms and thal 11 1!. n o t t·1111!.1 dt•n ·d a hl·alth thn•al 111 1•111ph" t'<'s or stu<lc·nL<; 'Wt· did not I ind an) wrrous prnhlt·m :.." said dis tric t busmt'SS m.111,1g1·r R ay Schn1Pre r "The ll"' o f asbestos w.is n't th;:i l <'1111tmm1 whc>n our schools were huill ' L .1 !-. 1 M a v , t h t' f l' d c r c1 I En v1r11nmental Pro lcc11on Agt·m ·v required all S<."hools in th< 11..1t1on to conduct surv£>ys of t lw11 fan It lies and to n ·pon l h C'I r findings lo loci:tl part·nl-lf'a<'her 111'gan1 zal1ons A_<;l~t05, which 1s uS(.'ci as an in,..ul,t1111n mal1.:r1al, has been l1nkt•d to C'l'r.lam lung diseases wht•n 11 bt'(.'On1("S air borne and is 111hah'<i &·hnwn•r said that none gf the asbt•stt1s ma11•nal m N ewp o rt- Mt•'-<1 sch1'10ls had deteriorated IO 1111· po1n1 that 11 would be a h<·<1llh hazard Work lo seal and rl'ntt>Vt• thr material will begin in .Julv I n o l h t' r .i t· LI o n . t r us l e es approvt·d H requC'sl from the Nl'wp o rl M es a Schoo l s F1>undat1on to spend funds to rl·ston• music· progr ams and u pgradC' rl'admg ins truc tio n for <;tudt•nts rn kindergarten through sixth grndl'S Tht• n on -pro fit group. made up o f p;:ir<'n ts and business leaders. will also spend the m oney they ra1s<' 1 0 brin g t•o mp uter 1ns 1rurt1o n lo s tudents in th e Sf'Vt•nth to 12th grad es. Earllt•r this year the N e wport· M t•stt Sc·h()(lls Fou ndation spent $45,000 lo h<'lp restore r emedial rf'adtng progr ams to stude nts in PIPmcnt-0ry schools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Our circulation department will observe a holiday schedule on Thanksgiving Day. If you have not received your newspaper by 7:30 a.m ., please contact our o ffice by 8:30 a.m . for redelivery . Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Novem ber 26-28) deliveries should arrive by 7:30 a.m. If there is no delivery, please contact our circulation dep ar tment by 1 O a.m. for redelivery. Circulation phone number Is (714) 642-432 1. The Daily Pilot .offices will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Office hours on Frid ay are 9 a.m. -5 p.m . Have a Happy Th11nk•11lvln11/ • 5 ., a a Or n11g., Cou'lt DAILY PILOT /WodnutJd y. November 24, 1Q82 WORLD Reagan wants economic. "boost' Ghana troop cru s h an attempted coup 1.l)N IX >N Tr oops l11y.al SANTA HAHHAHA (Al ') A I t1·1 1•1111111 Niil~ II lllllNNIVt' Ir I I( h W ol V I I' JJ U I I U II ti J II h 11 ii• 01<1.1111. l'1 •·1<1tll·111 Hl·ugun 1i. 1•111t.'111lt·11111( 11dd11111nul propo~al1> 111 1 u1 b u111•111ploy1mml umJ l(lv1• 1111· l''""""'Y u "fn·i.h buoiit " l\t·fon· fly111g lwrt· Tul'bduy (1Jr u !>IX day T l11inkicg1v1ng vat'ul1m1 hi la1i. 11111d 1, Ht•ugu11 guvt• l1ii. lo.11 k 1111( to h 5 <'l·n t Jk•r gu llon Ill{ l'l'll'4' Ill lh1· h'Cl\•fll) l(U!IOlllll' lllX Ill flllUlll't• $!'1 :> bllltun 111 Ir I lo( h W u y I.I ll <J b f I d g t• rl'\'01l8trU('tllln µrO.)l'(.'\s. Thi· pl'ogram has ga1nl'd hrp111 tr~m 11upport 1n Congl'l"'S.'1 1n lht• f111·1· o f th<• nation 's 10 4 p1 ·11·1·11t um•r11pl11y111Nll fl.Ill-h will prodUl't.' un l'lllh11uu-J :iiO, 000 .,101>1> Ht11111ng 1h1· goi. t;ix lo II 1·t•11ti; a gull1111 w ould < 11111 llw 11v1·n1gl' 11iot1111st $:rn u year, H1•ugun !iald A1111ounl·&ng his support of th•· b1Kh wuy plun , Reug:m 11iuu ht• al1>1> Wlll; l'UnMderml( "u ~flt'll o( 11tlwr mcwiurl'll th4t w~ to give our l~nonay a ,,_ ll" w•· h1·ud lr\l.o 1983. "It IK tny h OJ)(:," ht "thut thls paduiae "an be the ·agcnd11 when the rt•tvrn11 to Wa1htn1ton , Wt"l•k " lo 1111 1111111.11 v g11v1·1111111•111 h,l\'1 1·1 uslwd 111\ .ll l•'1llplt•d 111U p Ill 1111· W1•111 Afl'll',111 ri.1111111 111 ( :11a11.1, 1U. lw;ul 11f ... t.111 • .11111cn1111·1·d today l ;11,111.11.111 1t .. 111t•1 Fi1gh1 L.1 J 1•11' H.1" l111g, wli11 11111.1·cl Jkl\\'1'1 (Ill .I '•i'tlllld flll\1• 111\ I )1·1 :11 , 1 !IHI , ,1111111l1trt't·d Tu1°Ml.1 v'-. L1d1·d 11111 p 111 .1 1.1d111 li1 11ad 1·:1"1 1111111 1lt1• 11.1111111'-. i.1prlal, Aina Hml111 At't'l'OI ,,11.t lbwl111gs, :1:1. h,1d 1111pu:.l'd .1 l'llr l1·w .11111 1 l11111·d ( iha11.1·, ho11h ·1-. ur1til lu1 th1•1 111tlrn• Industry panel tentatively OK White H ouse apokeunan ~ Spc:akl.'S said Reasan llk•l1 dt"t:1de on the componenV puckal(l' during lhe vacau... p. but probably will not annou,et k unlil early next week. S pt>aking with reportan on Air Force One, Speakt'9 ..... 0. proposals under review lellll .. at•t:l'lerating next July'• .,._ tax t:ul so that it would. C.e t•ffr-ct in January. The~ II d t's igned to SJ.lm ulat«.thie t>COnomy by putting mcMW ~· an the hands of t'Onsul'l')ef'IJ (.J .. ro~·n ge111s s till i11 Ira n l'EllHAN . 11.111 Thi· t'rc•\.\ n Jl.'Wl'b of thl' Pahl.1v1 d y11asty. t·:-.t1111;itptl worth $:'ill l11ll1011 a11d lht• most daz1l111g gt•lll 1·11111'1.'lllln in tlu· world, sllll gl1t1t·r 111 a drm h.111k vnvl1 lw rwal h tlw tt•t•mrng s l rt'l'IS 11f r1·volut1111i.1r v T1•hra11 Almost four \'t•,11s aflc·r tlw d11w11f.1ll of lht• l..t t c· Shah M11h.11nmad He·z.:i Pahlavi, 1h1• rc•volut1on ary gu•1·rnrn1•11t OJM'lll'l.1 tht· l'h.rml'wr lx·111·ath STATE lht· 1·1•111r.1I b<t11k huild1ng II> .1 ~rnuµ 11f fon·1g11 J0Urnal1sL'> 111 ordt•r tu Jrs pt•I rumur~ 1l wus 111•l la11g ofr lht• fabUlUUS Jt'Wt·b lo I 111<1111·1· rt:-. war w1lh Iraq Tht· c·11ll1'<·tw11 of prll't•h•s" 11 ll\\ n s a nd l1·~1·11da1 y thrnn1•s l.>t'rub1t'(l .,nuffl.>uxt·s ,1nd d1arnund studdc·d opium plJ>t'' .1µpt•;.i n ·d ;1~ n1i11µll'I" .ind umlr slu1 bc.•d as wh1·11 l.1:-.t on µulilrl· d1spla) an 1h1· l,1lt• 1!:17tb 2 g unme n get $150 ,000 !::!:)CON DI DO A S I0,000 rc•ward ha!> bl•t.•11 offt·rt'll 101· tht• laptur1• o f twu wt:ll dn·11~1·d nwn ~ hu robb{'d ... C c· mt' o !> l u rt· J us l as a n armor1·d lransporl gu;H'd w.111 c· arr y r n g o u l a ~a 11· h 1 I nmt;1111111g about $ l 5ll,lltltl 1n stor·1· n ,·1·1 pt-; Dunng Tu1·,d;1y'o; 1111d m11rn111g h1·1st, m11• ol th1• S pikes to h a lt K r: D D 1 N (; T 11 ,. c .1 1 1 r o 1 11 1 <• 11 • g h w •• ~ P,;11 rul µI.ins tu cxpt·nmt•nl wrth '!Jlkl·-:.tuddecJ rubb1.·I' strip!> <•!> a means of h<tlttng s p" 1· d 1 11 g m o t o r 1 s t s h y blowrng out their lr rc>s t\1nwd al dnvl'rs wh11 lh1d <1fftt'l•rs on h1gh-s pet-d c·h.iM~ on l111t•r,tJIP 5 nt.•;H Mount Sh.111t.1 lhl· E·xpi·rrmt·nt begin' I)('<· I ,111d wall I.isl a ~un11wn lln·u at the· lw.id uf lh1· 11n.1rm1•d guard, bul mr'>M'd Poltl'\' ~ad th1• guard h.ad lqllowcd the· gunml·n's 11rd1•r .... ind was lying fan· dow11 on th1· floor aft1•r he· had grv1•n th1 handtts the• HltllH'\ wh1·n th1· s hut was 111'1 ·d N11 11111· \\,I'> r 1·po rt1·d 111.1u n ·d 111 llw roblx•ry peeders \I ,11 Tlw bff ll'l'l'S rn pur:.ull will radw anotht•r C H P un1l tu r nlt•n·1•p1 the s p ('(•d!•r b y pull111g fuur. 15·fOol lo ng stra p!> a tross thL· highway bt•fort: 1h1· flel·1n~ v!'htl'lt• n ·al'ht>S lhal spot, ac<:ording 10 l'llP off1t't.•r Stt'Vl' Farnl•d Tht· I ' :-inc h -long ho llo w '>lt't I spikes art> d<'S•gned to d1·fl,it1· llrc·s 1n about I ~ 'l '<'• 111d-. H e patitis warning issu e d LOS ANGEL£S Peopl(· who al1• a t tht• El Tarasco n•:.t.iur;ull in El Segundo o n Nov I 2 111 1:~ are> lx·ang u rgl·d tu t.ikc· µn•vt•nt1v1· measure''> .iga1n ... t µ11'>s1bl1 h<·palrtr-. 1nfrtl11111 f1 om a work1·r who l'U I ll'ttu11• on those da vs Mvrtha (;1mzalez-Wooll<'v :. s poke~woman f o r th t· t·ounty Dl·partmt:nt of Health S1·rv1ces. <:o mmun1C'able d111l'as<' d1v1sron. said Tut'Sday th.it anvonl' who alt' l<'llUCt..• rn 11.11.ids. tacos or anv oth1.•1 d 1sh1· s at th t• M l; x 1 c an n ·staurant on th(· two d.iv!> should immed1atdy get sho~ or garrvna globul111 Welfare applicants ousted SACRAMENTO -Thl• Scic-ramc•nto County Wt•lfart' Dl•µ<irlmt·nt says ll "1s :x.·ndmg rt'l.ord numlX'rs of applrc·anL<; frnm out uf Cahfumia bac:k to th1· Sl.Jlt'S whrrt' thl'v an• rc·sidl'nL'> · Rt'l'Ord" showed Tul•scl<1v th;1t !>O far this war. $ IOA74 has bt•en sp<>nt ·to sen d 124 n o n ·rt·s1dents bac·k whc·rC' thl·y cam\• from -dur1r1g all of last year 11 spent only half that ll> scnci 53 non-rc-:.1dcnt.s NATION home Said Ralph Vigna, din'<:tor uf the department's gcnt:ral ass1o;;tanct.· program, L"They l'OITI<' from everv stal<' 1n the! un ron Jt's more.cost l;fft'<:ll\/C' for us to pay therr bus lll'kl'l b<1c·k than to pul them on wc·lfare here" Ill• said about JOO out-of- stalN:; a month are applying for general ass1stanc·1· rn Sacramento_ 2 win $1 million lotte r y WAS HINGTON Ch..irl(-s Puryear was praying as DC M ayor Mar~o n Barry J r a nnounced the grand pnw winners 1n the cit y's first ' inst.ant lottery game. He got what he want(-d $1 m1lhon Pur vear. 53 . a $1 2.0QO . .;.year guard for 1hc Na tion.ii Labor Relations Board. was on<.· of two who won the lop prize or $50,000 a year for 20 years in T uesday night's dra wing. Mara Spade, :n. a ho tt•I banquet bartendl'r from suburban Chevy C hase', said s h<' plans to pay off clPbL'i, p::iy back those who havl' hl'lp<'d ht•r. and invest the rest To s pur 1ndustrral gruwth, 01 angl' County supt•f'\/lsor'S havt• takt•n 111111 a l :.t1·ps t oward t' rt· J t 1 n g ..i n I n d u s t r 1 a I I )\•vdl)pnwnt Authuri ty 0 11t·1· c·n·<ilt•d , tht• authority woulu b1· t>mpowcrt•d to 1ssut• bonds to makl' luw-mtcrl'sl loans available• to bus 111t•sscs washing tu l1x·utl' m u111nl'orporatc'<I art?as of the rnu11ty Tht· authority was µropo.o;1'tJ by Supt•rvisor Th<Jmas Hiley 111 Ot:tobt•r F irst rt•ading Qf tht• ord1nann• <'n•aung lht· authurlly t·arnt'li on a 4 to I vutt.• 'l'hl• ordm a 11t•t.• was :.t•l {or fmal adopl1on Nov 30 Voung ag~111ut th\• mt>a!>un· was Supervisor HogL•r S t;anton. H1_• s~11d Lhl authurlly won't ,.;olVl' lhc> proble·ms for w h1d1 ll was dt'srgned "I thrnk it's a g1K>d t'Ollt't'pt, b ut I lhrnk what wt• nt•t•d ht·rt.· 1s mort• rnfra-s trut·tun• llkt• housing Clear sky for holiday on Coast By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM Delly~ ateft H urriC'anC' lwa might be s haking things up in the H awa11an Islands, but Orange Coast residen ts l'an e xpect clear and warmer skll'S Thanksgiving Day The National Weather Service said Southt.•rn Cali fornia should feel no ill effects as a result of the hurricane that devastated parts o f the Hawaiian islands. "Therc•'s a lot o f o<·ean betw een us and the Hawaiian I slands," Wt'ather service s pecialist Don L ust said "h 's too far o ut Lo tell how it's going lo reaC'l by tht' lime 1t gets here -if it gets that far " Lust saJd hurricanes ~et their energy from w arm water, "and it's rnld herl' this time o f year." M ea nwhi l e. So uth e rn Californians who plan to spend the holiday rn Hawaii should expt-nence no pro blem s with the•1r departing flights J oe Hopkins, a spokesman for Umted Airlines, said h is airline expect s n ormal o p e ratio ns through the· holiday. H e said Umtcd had to divert only one o f its 15 daily flights as <i n.•sult of tht• hurricane. adding m ost flights had arrive d or departed by the time the stonn hit the islands American Airlines spokesman Al Becker said tha t airline's three daily flights from Los Angeles to the is lands are running o n schedule He said only one flight had to be diverted from Honolulu to Hilo on the big island as a result of the hurnC'ane Locally. the weathe r service says winds from 15 to 30 miles per h o ur w erl' f o r ecast throughout Southern Cahforn1a tonight f rom a low pressure sto rm fro nt moving in from Central Cah forma , Highs on Tha nksgiving Day will range from 68 at the beaches to 72 inland, wrth low s from 46 to 50 The weather service predicted snow at elevations of 6,500 feet Tha nksgiving Day with highs from 44 to 54 in the mountains and lows in the 20s and 30s. Owens Valley highs were expeC'ted rn the mid 50s with low s from 15 to 25 mph. Highs in northe rn deser ts may reach into the mrd 50s with lows from 25 to 37 Southern desert highs were expected in the 70s with lows from 38 lo 45. We1re Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like? Call the number at left a nd your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- tl'rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include th<•1r name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls, please Tell us what's on your mind ~'f frl(J•y 11 you J• f\01 "''"'" 'f'OVf P•O'tt Oy 6.lOp m <.aMl>flcfUtt l P'" ~:,u1 copy ""''" o-. Satu-td•'f •r'CI Su11d.-v It 'fOV d<> f\OI '"(t1v11 Y~'' COfJYO'i' l•m r.at,,,.rw• tO a m and fOi.1f CO&JY .... .,._.., -ar.e.ttien , ... ,,.__ ~::-, ....... , .. ,,..,... --~ons..." ' w.. ...... , ..... ,no l"Cll""'~- ·-~ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Put>lot/IN Mfj f"h1•I f '"'V'"" Ofl" ~, Jone Amorl f .... ui••ll C!MOI l . l<ay Schultz Vote '•••~ oNI 0..Kl()I of Alj•4'fh"f'9 laymond Mod.on C:0..11oh< Mkhael P. Horvey 0..o<l()I ol Mcwl••"'9 K:wc.Aol>Of\I , CIH•Ni.cl a dvertlalng 7161142-5171 All other department• 142-4321 MAIN OfflCE U11 Wot a., St , C°'la '"'-~. CA Mall -Bo• I,_, C•ta llMW CA .,.,_ Coc>yr~M ,_, 0.-Coett ,..,..,,,...,. C-Y No new•,...,. .. ,, "'"'''•".," .clH0<lel ,.._,., N v•rllw.....,tt .,.,.1,. may ~ ··~--wit.., ·~ lal peffl'll•-of <9PY•lef\l -Mr ~tond <IM • llO'I-P.ld •I (Mia llMW, c.ilfofflt. tVPS tu D I ~•IPllt>ft by (.,, .. , M 1S -· by m•ll M IO ,,_INy u11d t ran:o.pu1·tutwn lo nttr<il'I busin1·~ Thut's tht.• Ix-st w<Jy ," Swn tun s<.11d [>1.-splll' h1:0. uppusrt ion to till' authun1y':. c·n·ation . Stantu n s a 1 d h l ' w 1 I I b l' t' o m <· " "l·ontnbuung mcmbt•r " o f tht• authority's bourd 1f thl' urdinant.'-' is adc1ptt·d . 1 n prupos1ng t'rt'<ilion u f tht• authority. H&lt•y ma1nlaim·d it "would enl'ouragt• employment g rowth wh1t:h, c·ombincd with thl' rnunty's affordable housrng pollC'll'S, will assist in at:hit'ving wt·ll-pla nnc·d <'ommun1tit·s tu mamt:irn our ht•althy t'<:u nomy" Tht' authorlly would be abll· to ISSUl' up lll $I 0 m1lllon tn bonds l<> fund l'3t'h pro.Jt'<'l rt agrt·t·d to undl·rwnu· BusinL•sst.•s ('ould ust· sut:h funds for land aC'quisrt1on, plant t•onstrul'l1on, l'xpansion or rcloc:at1on . The authority l'ould partit·1patl' rn pruJc·cl!> 111 u1111wol'poratt•d a r• l' a s 11 f t h 1 • ._. 11 u n t y u r 1 n p.1rtnc·n.h1µ with c·1t1t>:-. agn."<;ing lo Jilin the· .iuthonty All 11 ! Orang1.· County 's !> u r I 0 u II d I n g l: II u n t I ._. !> h a \/ l' 1ndu !>tr1al d evelopme nt aulhorill'S, l're&ll'd aftt•r crwbhng lt•gtslatwn was passt•d by tht• sletll' Ll•gasl<sturt• in 1981. 13c:fon· bonds for a part1C'ular prcJjt•t·l could bt· issuL•d , they would have lo bl· approved by lht• au th o rity tht• b o ard o f s upt•rv1surs and the California lndu!>lraal Dt·vc l o pme nl fanam:ang Advisory Comm1ss1on . l'harrl..J by State Treasurer J f'SSC Unruh S ta nton said the authority's t:n·allon 1s a1mt.'d primarily al dt·Vl•lo1)1ng po rtions-of south Or:mgl' County . H t.· added that 1·vt•n with the autho ri t y he doubLo;; tha t the area will d evelop mlo an "industrial cent.er " That plan has gotten a "/ reception in Co n ~ •· llt•publican congressi already pave told the \,.. ther e are not enough 1 to pass it. te1 > But a senior admlnlett • ofCicial said in Waahi~' R eaga n 1s l e ani ng t•• d s peeding up the 10 p~~at &nt'ome tax cut. The eouid• whcS· asked to remain anon~ t6id the idea had "an awful lot1of' political sex appeal." White House counselar ~ Meese lll cautioned ~~illlt antici pating a. major i~lve. from . the administration. , ) r \ . Police survey fa llen lree in Ho nolulu where 80-mph winds k nock ed out powe r, damaged h o m es and dis rupte d communic ation. Below is a view of Hurricane lwa from a weather sAtelliae. Gem Talk Ry J C. HUMPHRIES Cntif1ed G,.molog111t. AGS I AM A DIAMOND ... and I'm "f'r.~ proud M y llf<' began deep in che "womb" of blue rocks hundreds fo feet down in sn extinC't African volcano Men and flllJ('hines bl.sled many tons of rock and sent it tu the surface, where other men and machines cracked the rock and found me lnsidP. AftPr my birth, th<'N' Wfl!i l1t1/t• d1n11N> that I wou/(J som<'day grlll<.'e a lovely finger. For you are, 80 pen:enr of all diamonds are romid<'f"{"(/ nor good enough lo be ~mJ1rone1. In orher words. all diamonda are nor born equal. My lr-sser "relatives" end up in 1harp tooZ. of Industry (We diamonds are rhe h11rde1t of all natural aut»111nces, you know if I l'()Jjy br-s 11 blr). I made the grnde 11.'f • gemstone, and was cut, IM"et.ed and poll.~hed until I wu lovely enoU/lh ro br prf'sentt>d to society ., a brilllant rcfltttor of God's llght ray1. How 'proud I am, to h•~ bttn f ound w o th ly of the name DIAMOND! I know 1 •hall m11lce ~ VffY happy. Only tht>n wW I havr fulfilled my de.tiny F'or, althoullh I rxp«t to IJvt> thowands of YN"" It woold an be wutt'd If I wt>~ not lovt'd by .omeoneo. r HAWAII • • • From Page A1 know the Sltuat1on theN. ''We~ be d oing a f lyover (of ..,_tb islands) to determine the ~ o f the damages," she ea.id. , - The main telept1one ti,.~ between the island sta~ .-nd'Ole mainland went down at :,.5!$.Ji\. PST when GTE wu f ~ lower its satellite recettl~ antenna. taking out 2.~ ~ said Wayne DuBois, a apok-"*1 for AT&T Long Unes. ~ w as restored about 7 a.m. • One undersea cable weftt * ~ . service, apparently fn>1a 1~ damage, knocking out •""IMr 1 163 circuits. 1, -, Twelve ships at Pear) ~ ~ put out to sea before the ...... : ~ hit. "In storms, a ship le._,. •. ,~ sea," said Lt. Keith~-~ Navy spokesman in W j •c ' VAL ST. LAMBERT PAIR 9•• GARDENIA CANDLESTICKS $17500 MEMBE" AMEAfCAN OEM SOClfTY 1tq9 NEWPORT ll~1po&TA MDA I I SINCE ''"° B1n11Am•rlcard-"4••1tf Ch•rte P~I ,. ~~--~------------1-l l:llllJ County revives transit .tax hopes Early kindergarten in Valley • sign ups T h ,. l) I •' II ~ ,. L' I) u II I y '1'1.11lSJllll lllllllll l'11111111ti;:.IUll has dt'l'ldc.•d to 11Kul11 st•l•k pui.."l•"•' ul s tull· l1·~11du tiun 1h11t would pt·rn11t 0 1 hllt(l' County vuwri. to dt'rnh· 1f tlw i..tlt·i. 1.mc should be• 111l'1 t•ast.od to fumJ 11 uni.port.,;1tlu11 pro.)4.'{'l.'i A sunilar nwasurL' was k1llL·d 111 Augus t whL·n its author, Assemhlvm11f' H lr·h 11 rd Robi11so11, J) Su11lu A1111, 'ubrup\ly w1thdrl•W till' h•l(tKlullon fru111 t'Oruitllt•rnl.11111 h" ( 11 r c.· I h <· 11 tu t t • S 1· nu 1. 1• Truni.portullu11 l'omm1tt.'t· L o~u l t run11por 1.utl o n t•omnu11111um ·n> 1mld th l~ Wl'(•k thut thl• n<.•w Ulll'mpl at winning <1pprovol of the lt•g1slatwn would be tht•1r top goal for th<.;, llJ!j:.J.IM lc.•gislallvc session. lC ltw ll•g111l11 uon ls opprovtod, vt•tl'rK would b4· 01tk<.-d wtwtht•r th1• loc.,·~11 !llllt'lf uu' now Ill fl pt•l t't.'nl pt.•r' dollar of wxttblt• ~It .. lw int.·r(•/111(.'<i lo u maximum of 7 p crl·c nt. Tht· m11x1mum ln c.·r eu8t• w o uld ucnt·rut<.· un ''llltmu1.t,'<.l $1 50 million :mnually In o<.ld1llo11al rf•v1•nut• for n<.•w tron s purtatlon projt'<:lb. Without udcHtlunol revenue. ' ' <·0111rn1 ,.11on m 1·mht•ra h•v..- warncd, suHklt>nl mon~y l'YUl)' not t·xhll for (•omplellon o ( vrnJN'tll aimed 1.1 1 a llcvlaung C<JOgcs U•d tra rf ll' c:u ruJI llOnl throughout lht• ~ Th l' Fountai n Va 11 ,. y School Oistric:t will IH.'Ct'pl appli(·ut1ons for its l'<ll l y k1T1dergarlt•n program lll'X t week &·hool T hi· µ/ogram. wh1c.·h IS fn•t•, l'lllHtnUCI> through Jurw 17 To enroll , student.:. must Ix• ~ v1•ars o ld before.• Jun :1 l\pplic.·a ttons an• ava1labl<· <1t tlh· d1 str1c:t h c.·ad quartt•rs, 17'!10 Oak St. Purents m11st pn•st•nt proof of the C'htld's brrth datt• and immunization rt'l"Ords North-south routes ·weighed wt yt••ar'K <-rwbllna l~Jl•Ullaon bill Waj carrlc.od by RobU\llOn -.l the bchc-sl of thl' Onmae County Trunsport.ar.lon Cuallllon, a non- govcrnmcnt alllanc;:c: of ~2 firma 11 e·e k I n g l r a n 11 p o r ta l I o n improvcmcnt11. Several of the • <.•ounty's largt1sl employerK are l'0311\10n mcmber11 In pulling the bil~·the day IJefore it was scheduJed lO face the Senat e Tra n s po rtation Comm1ttt.>e. RobaNOn lashed oul at sever al coali tion members, claiming they were interested m seeing trans po r t ation funds generated. w h ile refusing to consider other "critical'' issues This program. wh1l·h hl•lp. ... pre p are youngstt'rs f o 1 rl•gular k 1nderga r ll'll allendant't.', w ill be rondul'll'd during regular kindergarten hours. 8 :45 to 11 :45 am . bcgmnmg Jan. 3 al N1C'hlas Tra ni.purtat1on planners havt• bl·t..•n g1vt•n u grt·en ltght t o proceed with thc.• study of thrt>e alternauve proposals to expedite <.'Ongestt'd north-south traffic in ~:entral Orange County. unJ Gorona dd Mar trcl'wayi., t•x prl'bS bus scrv1<.•e o n two SJX'<'llll frl•cway lanc.-s: <.'Ommuter ri11l 1wrv1cf' n orth and south, l11dudlnR o drcula'tion loop with ~topll ut SUl'h placN> as South Coast Pluu1. · over taxing aulhority. •Fo ur loeal a rtists a11d designers arc displaying tht·1r works thro ugh Dec 5 at SELF Alte rnative H igh School's a rt gallery m Irvine.· tht.> dis play titled "Rainbows. Ribbons & Rags " Tht· O r a ng e Cou n ty 'l'rahsportation Commission • dtrt'L'lcd it:; s taff ph nne rs 'to t!valuate and test lht;> alt.c.>rnatives for the t'Orndor and develop a f 1 n a I rec o m nH• n d a t 1 o n by J anuary. Dwgu Frt<t.•way west of tht· Coslll Mcsu to Brookhurst S tn.'<'l tu 10 lanc·s. and widt•nu1g t h£' Sn111.11 A n a Fn•cwa y, a mc•dlum c apul'ir.y rail sys tem with <.>X t(•ns iom; north on Harbo r Bo uh·vard and ·S late Collt·lo(l' Boull'vard to the Brl.•a Ma ll urul on lo Plaecnlia and Yorba Lmd11 and c xtcnsroni..south on. Newport and Mac·Arthur boukvards 10 Pac1f1t· Cuast lltghway T runs pottn twn commission o ffil'wls huv<' ~aid the central t•o unty traffic plan is sc'C.vnd in priority only lo muc h -needed lrnprovl'mt'nts on the Santa Ana Fn-t•wny Robin son h ad p roposed an a. m e nd men t w h ereby tfve members on the commission wou Id b e expanded l o 1 I members -including all five members o f th e b o ard of supervisors. fi ve city council~n from the county's 26 cities and a e leventh membe r selecte d at large. Its existing m embe rs inc lude two supervisors, two councilmen and one at-large member. H o ll y Weselob , Linda Edison, Ann Dunn and Gloria Cooper have contributed to Thl' galle r y is al 4 330 Barranl'a Parkway. Suite.• I l :l, 111 Woodbridge It 1s o pc.•n Thursdays and Fridays from 4 to 8 p m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m The altcrnauvc.-s envastont.'d include a mix o f highway t:x ll'ns1un~ or rt•novatto ns a nd commuter rail Imes and busways to inc.-rPasc.· till' traHic-carrying t•apac1ty of the <•x1sting highway system. Elt•mcnts o f thC' f irs t altcrnat1vc plus l•xtens1on of th<.• Orcingt• Freeway to the San 01 ego Jo'r(•(•way and tra r fit: capacity improvl•mcnts to the San Dil'go FrC'C'way bt•twccn thl• Orange f.!nd Corona d c l M1.ir freeways; transit linl'S running n o rth a nd sout h . with th<' cxceptwn of lines to Plac.·entia and Yorb<1 Linda and south on Ma<· Arthur County tra n spo rtati o n 1>lannl'rS <1n• in thl' process of drawing up a 10-yc•ur program fur truns portation improvements Ill l h t• tou nty . The cen tr a l t mT1dor study Is one component of thut transport.a tion package . A 90-minute sem inar, designed lo help single pc.•o plc• enjoy the holidays this y1•ar, will be presented at Orangc· Coast College on Friday. l:X'l 3 Ol'L"s Fine Arts Ha ll I Ill. Admission .IS $3 50. Titled "Getting Out of thl• Holiday Blahs." the St.'rrnnar runs fro m 7:30-9 pm. 1n ThP SPminar IC'cturer is H a rb a ra Bart o l , a n l'XIJl'l"l\'lll'C'd l'OUOSt.•lur. publtl' sc.·hool t eacher. and t·h1ld "l'lf.1rL• S<X:1al worker The thrt-c ti lternauvc•s outlined Monday an• -St•ll'l'tcd ln·cway w1demng a nd th1.· cxtt•ns1on of the Costa Mesa Free way to Industrial Way an Costa Mesa. w1dc111nJ,! the San 111 J>rl"par1ng 1ts three rt•co rnmenricd alternatives for 1.lw c.·omm1ss1on. commission sta CC nwmbt•rs hc•ld public m<.-cttngs in Costa Mt•sa a nd Fullerton and soltd tcd sugges1.1ons from a n :a businesses. Robinson. with backin1t from Bruce Nestande, supe r visors c hai rman. argued that the transportation commission. were it to obtain taxing a uthority, s hould have more members who For information about lht• st•manar. phone 556-5880 Modify ing the prec:eding alternallv<.• to provide a dlr<.'Cl ronn('(·llon betw<'Cn the Orungt• . we re elected , and. therefore. accountable to voters. St. Andrew 's Presbyt er ian Church invited you to Thanksgiving Celebration 10:00 a.m. Nov., 25th, 1982 Combined children's and adult choirs. Brass Percussion and Woodwind Instruments join with Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. Thanksgiving Meditation Don. G. Fontana Steven Pilkington Mon1sltr of MuslC Or~dni~t 600 St. Andrew's Road Newport Beac h, Calif. Fre~ to the Public FOCUS ON COMMUNITY HEAL TH PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL IABETES EDUCATION TEN HOUR COU RSE FOR DIABETICS AND FAMILY "'1EMBERS COORDl.HAT£0 BY JllA. AfMS&AaE. Ill D. SA/'IDflA v ""'"'· ll 0. DORO'TlfY KEUY. RN 700-0111'"'1 Wednesday, De c. 1. 1982 Wednesday, De c. 8, 1982 Wedne.day. Dec. 15. 1982 Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1982 LIMITED ENROLLMENT CAHMEN Yl 'l'PA CllNl·~.l{l.,'\l I l I'\ 11 1< I K14 I~ Ilda .. en· ...,, n "' t 1Jt Klock "•ulh ol \honl lluntinl(ton lk·a<·h. l al1furn1a Are you thankful? Start a list sometime of all you can be grateful for .. and you'll be amazed at how many reasons you have to ghre thanks. At our Thanksgiving Service. you'll hear many people tell the thi11gs they're grateful for ... heallnga. needs supplied. human re1a- t1on1hlp1 restored and. most Important, a greater understanding of God You'll also hear a Bible Letton on Thanksgiving Won't you coma? You'll leave feeling more greteful than aver. CHRtlT1AN tcl&NCI THANKIQIVINQ llRYICI Flnt Ctuch of Ctwist, Scientist, Costa Mesa ....... Verde Dr. -10 ...... First Ctuch of Christ, Scientist, Newport 8'1ch am v~ u. -a 10-.ao ..... .... .. TFUNDS.. r•••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••-.-••••••••••••..-••••••••••·-~ I CASH MAXIMIZER-ACCOUNT CASH MAXIMIZER-ACCOUNT I CASH MAXIMIZER-ACCOUNT I CASH MAXIMIZER.ACCOUNT I I $ I~t~111A".:':.,1.~;' s25 ~lt'c~r;:./:~m I $5() ~i~~~~Z' I •100 i!'.:t~~0f.:':.,1,'~:0 I I 10 "1tu..lh1< • Siil ·~~lor•S2S I t•Jt••~f..,.,.sc,o I tJllJJldlmaSIOO I 1ntc1c.a ""'"u' 1n1nn1 bon111 1n1ctnt bonus 1nttttil bunu• I whtn I 1~n a .. hm I •'JX'fl • • ,-I .. hL'fl I open a I .. hcn I 1}1ltn • I I Ca.Ji "1n1m1t<r Ca..hMu1m1ztr I C11<J\Mu1m1ur I C»hMax1m1:0.:1 I •«•"'"' -.uh• dtpo~•• ul Sl "4Wl $4 .,.,.,w •<.c,.unt with• d<l'f'~Hol S" lnl-S"'OY\199 '""<"""' w11h • lkru•n 1.f Stooro.s111mw ac<'"'"' with a Jcp.K1t ol SlOOOOur m<>rc I Onhun<boinu•r<:rcu,ti•m<r •ndnotmm, llnlv0f1l"boinu•l"<'i.un1nll'.r 1ndno11m0tt I Onlv••rwbtinti.,,..r,u•~•rrwr anJno1mo1r I Onlv1tn<'bunU•pt'rt'us~• .indnQtmo~ I 1hanunr .,.., a, count 8<Nlutnllrmnly•v.rl•bl< th•n•tOt"r<:r •'C•lllnt l\.>nu•11tlr11N1lv ava1labk 1h.anone1"<'••<.'"""' 8'N1u,ollc111nh a\'a1labk-th.antl()I. "'' .KC(lUDI Bonu,~frr1inlya\11lab~ I <>nf'\'r•urulo<OO\lr\L• .mdrxr11••l)\-lrmll<'1 II ""fl<'"''"al-.u>Unt• •ndt~rorr•l)c<,~mbt-t \I I ''""'"''""'·•tt11un1s ,nJc•('•l\·•l>n..mbt-1 ll, I 1N11'(fjllflAl 1co-un" ;and~tnlltttmbtlll I 1111!2 Th" 1n1r1t>01h<tnu•"'1ll he<t<.J1t<J l\lkl Th"'"'"'"'' hmu' will"-' ,m111tJ 19!i2 Th" 1n1rrc.-•t ht'"u' w1ll ll<•crfd11c.l 191U Thi' 1ntrll'.~l bolflU\ btt'M!tttd I r11m) """'"'"'•nd •rr<·M"n 1hd11\11n1•01hh h• mv "''"'"' •nd •J'r<:Ar un th• l1r-1 monthh I tu mt ••uJUntanJ •r"'•"'" 1hd1ri1 m•>nthly I '""" a•etl\lntonJarpeuon l1rs1 m•1111hly I I ,t.ucm(·nt '\Utcmcnc I 'utcmt'llt I \tJtt nwn1 I I 'l;,unc: N•m•: --I N•nic I NJme I I "-JJn" ,AJJrr<.i I AdJr.:-. I Alklll'>' I I '--<••l'>nuntv• _ ,,,,,1'-<. ... urnv• _ I 'i<ll11t..._ ... -u111v., I I ~-----------_ ... ____________ ... ----~ j ·-. ~ 1 ' GET UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS WHEN YOU OPEN YOURS, Bank of America just made .a good thing even better. Our new Cash Maximizer account• will not only pay intere~t higher than many money market funds, b~s O( savings and loans, it will also pay an interest bonus of up t0'.$100 when you open it. That's a deal that's hard to beat. Bvt then, the Cash Maximizer is an · (IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE) account that's hard to beat. With a Cash Maximizer account you'll be able to write checks and make withdrawals. You can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement• that con· solidates all activity on this account and certain of your other accounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer account will always be accessible at any Bank of America.branch. THE SAFETY OF FDIC INSURANCE. But perhaps most important, you'll have the added peace of mind of knowing your investment is insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of CaJ ... iforttia's leading bank. And that's a com- ANKOF AMERICA .. ).toll MINIMUM Dll'OSIT ' . -- bination no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America when you open your Cash Maximizer account. It's a bit of a wait. But we promise your patience will have its rewa.rds. BA/'lf ON THE LEADEK ' .\ • .· ... Ornnuu Comu DAIL. Y Pll Ol /Wtodr,~sd&y, Nov4tmber 24, 1982 r Th,anksgiVing: A labor of love for Indiana couple .# PEHU. lnd (AP) Ou1•s.'i who'o; w n1111J< to Th •• ii ~i.·~·111g 11111111•1 "1th th1• ( 'httl·k J.~11vc•.1r1 f.11111ly'' Yuu l •• 11 pll'k o 11utnlM·1· In .. ' Ill l•1 14, 000. llkl' rnu1tt 1w11pl<· ht "ll\l•!i lllllll p.1ytH1y to IHll'I bl'l'rl loucfrcl Wllh r11ocl , hjN wire• !Hiit!, fl<IYcl•I\ " "t'llllUKh Ill lc•t .. I !10 l>C'Opll•" "H1•111N, .d11111 1 Ii ,1 , IH 111J.: p11111 ."W1·d 1 • 1.1tl11K It fw .1 Y.t't•k," fih(' mlcJt·tl r.p11·u u.11ly ," "'ml 111~ "111• "II'" 1111 luu lo h.1v1·" bh(' ont.I httr hu1iW1ml <k\1dt'CI 1\. ww; tlnw to Thl'y'vl' invit<'<I thl' wholf' lOwn, no HSVP million dollun ond ••at Thunksgtvtnf( dtnnl•r lihurt• lht•lr good furtum· with th(• lt'»ii rortunaw nc't'('SSllry nlon<'. Comf' und Ix• lovt'<l n11d ft'<I ut our dlnl'wr " Con~1·rrwd that 1urnn~era might fot•I F.11yrort and his wif<' und eight c h1ldr1•n Wortf of th1• F.11y1•urwi uJt•u hns brought un urwomfortablt• not lo rnt•ntlon <'rowded don't know how mony 1)('()plc to l'Xpt'Ct. but th1•y nutpourlng of dun4ltlo11i. und ofh•rb or hdo. packing Into thl'tr homt'. lhl•y Wlkl>d oUic1111!1 of promiSl-no om• will go away hungry. They havt• rt!t·t•lwd $HUI an \'1111h t10ml' of St. Chnrlt>s Cutholk iteh11C1l tor help. Tht• rf'liUlt. Amt muny i.;hul-lns wlJI have their lurk<'y 11 ll'fl unonymously In ttw1r maal hox l'ight w.i.11 bt• u ml!11l for anyone• who wanL'i It> ('Oln(• to . dinner dC'liwr't'd to their doorstep. turkoyi.;, 20 pl\,'l$ und fruit baskt•lli. P1"C1pl1• haw tht• S(•hool gymr\8lilum. • Enyeart, 54, and his wifl', Bevc'rty. 42, say h>fl food donutlun" 011 tht>ir d oorstt•p. "It wall their ld(m," Linda Strublt', S<.'<'rctary the blanket lnvllation ls Intended mainly (or ''Ont' lady dontlll'(I u mkrowuw ovt.'n to lwai of St. CharlNI C hurch, smd Tu1'8dny . "We think pt'Ople who will be alone, the uncmployt-d, or meals so w1• <:nn dt•livt•r ttwm to aboul 30 his marvc•lous." familk'S that cannot afford a dlom•r: shut -ins," EnyN1rt suld . "Sonw pl'o plc arc His unli<'1patt.'d <..'O!lt, said Enyeart.: ls-"just a It's a labor of love, said Enyt~rt, an engineer . donating a utOfl and vans so wo <"tin deliver." lot of love . ' • .. P1-.1pll' h.1 v1· JU'>I h1-.•11 )e(l l(n4( 1ou" unct *' Wll .. t11 1111 1111vthl11" h h.ai. JU'•l 114·<•11 :m 1ocrt.odi•l'·: l11•.1utlful t '<fl<'I u•11H'" Ai.k1..-J whJt would huJ>P('n 1f hund1"-c.J11 i pt>oplc· 11how u • l':oyt•url 11M1d, "Wt>'n • hop1 thut thl'y do ~t• got unuttwr turkf'y donul toduy. NO we.• 11ow hav,• lllllc•. -"W(•'ll JU'il huv1• to dc•1wnd on tht• Lo..-. He'll t•om<~ through som1•how. J{(' always dot'ti!l know a lot of pt'(1plt> don't bc•llcvc that but 1,1 u·ut•," Said h111 wift'. "In this c..'<Juntry, whent'vtr tlwrt."s lx'C'n hard tlml-s, pt•opl<' have pit.ch<'«Ji and hclpt>d Wc'r(• just helping. Wi.>'r<' JURt tryi to reru:h out w ptv ph.. Gcx.I has bt'i•n goc.'Ki to • and we want to ht!lp. Wh~n cvl•ryonl' d0t.os just le .little ba t, il's incn>d1bll' what <.·an Ix• done." ' for the Nor folk Southe rn Railrood, who says that ln the past. th£' E:ny<>1irt Thnnksgivmg t.ablt> ''Each day l,hu\ got.'S by r get more ex · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, ~~~_.:.~...:....~~~~~~~~~.:--~~~~~...,,.-~~~:.:-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREAT B~YS FOR CHRISTMAS BELGIAN WAFFLER SALE PRICED ATLAS PASTA MAKER ---AU:-P.fllGED---. 5 29.95 REG. $42.50 ' OFFER GOOD THAU SUN. 11128/82 Phone Orders Accepted My Favorite Thi.ngs Gourmet Accessories, Unique Gifts for the Home . . . 497-1944 332 Forest Avenue Mall #25 • Laguna Beach, CA 92651 PRICES EFFECllVE lHRU t2 8-82 HAVE YOU SEEN THE LIGHTS ON BROADWAY Welcome to Co•at H8fdw8fe'a NEW electrical department LAf;lGER SELECTION: Light B~lba, C•ble TV, Accee., telephone Acces., Homeowner & Contr•ct Supplies with more on the way! NEW: EXCITING LIGHT FIXTURES-INDOOR/OUTDOOR. THO,.,AS OUTDOOR LIGHT FIXTURE 7s~ tw REG. 14.99 -. U·GROUND DUPLEX OR RECEPTACLE Ivory Only SINGLE POLE .QUIET SWITCH FLOURESCENT BULB 99° INTERMATIC TIME ALL 4" REO. 8.N ""'". --'''" ,, ...... ,_ _, -I Le~ .. ,, ...... ,.,, _..,. . ...... ..... ., . .,., ., .. ,..,._ &11 ,, .... .-• 11 .. ,..., •• •PAUDEllA "iUIDlll •CAllOU llEllTWOOD •HEMET •TOIUllCE LANCASTER •ANAHEIM •DOWlllY UOVI PAii c...,_. ·-~ ..... , __ . ...... -. ··-w ... o-.,~ .. ,,. ..... ,. . 111·114·11M ~..--w1c ..... .... , ....... C_H..,.we~ I MeM..,e _, .. "". ...... ' 11~411·1110 114·Hl·tUI tU·ll>·l701 I Jack D1nlll1 ....... __, ....... ::•1•• rown Russe Vodlc1 .,..., =.'3'' --+---1.W. · ~~ Flelschmifn's "!'!"~· '.P!!IJ ;,"'12''~ 1.11•711 4lli Ullr ' Ur. ~ Moel Chlndon .. · ...... 5 ,, ... :: •1211 Korbel ii Cllamplgne ......... .,, · i •a•• SPARKLING WINES .... a.t•IA -1M 141" .,....,.... .. ,n ............................. • :-u:r ............................... :: ... = ............................. ~ '17" =-:::.. ............................. ::ez-._ ........ .,, ,.. 1:11.,.... -.............................. .... ... =-. ~ .............................. :: '7" JUG WINES Perrier Water r::69° , Charles Krug .,., ......... =~:. !2(7=?, • ......, a att BEER BUY$ -11811111 _. ..................... 12 ~ ez-, ... C91r1IJllll ....................... , 12 'l.::'I" -,_ ...... _. ... , ........................... 'l: ~1· --...., ....................... 12 :;::. •4• --Liii ................................ :;::. •1• ,_ ......... , ........ L11M1 ....... 1::.'24' "'· IOlft It I ... I eOl·l•t·OOU ·-•..cllll ,~.~:=, ·-Tow• 'I l7 2 ,..,_ ...... Olll_ ........... lll·H1 ... ll Christian Bros. ..... LI .... =.•2•• CORK FINISHED MAGNUMS LIQUEURS .... _. "'•• " .................................... ..... 1z•1m .. ..,... .,. 'I• °"""" . ...... .. .. .. ..... .... .......... .... .. . ""· Ill lw no '11" ~ ............................................. . lrtzll --.,. • ... ~ ......................................... ..... ...... ,.. ...... ~ ............................. ... .... .,.., -~ ............................... ... t • ' • . -,~·\ " _.,~ -I 1•' Fire hazard exists in some GE coffeemakers By PAT HOROWITZ OfMleDelf"Netlleff DEAR READERS: fo cooperation whh the U.S . C o naume r Produc t Safety Commiaaion the Cieperal Electric C.O. advises owners of certain GE drip coffeemakers that a potential fire hazard may be preeent In some units manufactured before Jun~, 1978. · The hazard may occµr when a thermal fuae 'th the coffeemaker occasionally falls to funct(on as Intended during an overheat condition. OE has received more thfin 400 reports of overheating counter top ct.mage or fires. These incidents have resulted in l l claims involving hand and foot bums or smoke inhalation. GE estimates ~t approximately 200,000 of these coffeemakers are still In ~· botlOm of tht" coffC"t"makt'r und th<' c..t.tf' (.OOt• au.mped on th.-outaide of the nwt.al b1*iet or the electric plug. If the unit. 11 ldcntiOtod wi ln¥thtt wble followln1. owners 1hould call the G ' Anawer Cen.lcr at (800) 626-2000 for ompl{'lt' information on free repl.al-ement. Thete coffeemakers art' lnvolvt'<i' in the recall: Catalog number: Bl-338~-0. 8t-33a2-0' wi..th date code between 634 thtough 717; cat.alo1 number: 81-3390-0 with date code between 764 throuah 717; and catalog number Bl or 82-3387-0 with date code betw~n 618 through 822. GE also wall reach owners or these units through owner reglstrauon cards, notice In replacement carafe and filter packa1es and notice to conaumera with• mail-in orden for replacement parts. The affected coffeemake(' ahould not be used. It ahould be unpluged and not serviced. Phone CPSC's toll-free Evaluating old record• DEAR PAT: A few year1 a10 YH told your readers laow U1ey eo1ld cltecll oat tile wor&ll of old s*oDolrapll reeor41. I ltave a Hmber of record•, maay of ..... are old collectables. Wltere can I flad HI tllelr wortla? E. V ., Co1&a Meu . Call or stop in and &ff Vito Marino at Music Market, 2701 Harbor Blvd., C.O.t.a Mesa. There ai..> are a number firma listed In the C.Onaumer Yellow Pa~es under "Records - Phonograph -Retail • that buy and sell old records. Check with Beggars Banquet, Eldorado Oldies, Mr. C's Rare Records and Record Trading Center. for more pricing information. Tr~cing refund check · per10aal b11lae11 Hd dld ao& receln my refuad clu~cll. 11 tllere aay way &h& I cu flM out wlta& laappeaed &o la? R.T., Coroaa del Mar Phon<.• tht• Internal Revenue Service'• problem f'(.'tOluUon off1<.-e by phonina (800) 242-4~. Thia offic-e can check on the at.atua of y~r r,eturn and advise you on the proc c:.-s to obtain It. The IRS •tat.et! that thlii ye a.611 taxpayers have refunds they have not claimed: Thete chec:kl toUll $3,248,- 252 and were returned to the IRS by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable. • Got a problem? Then wnfe co • 1 Pat Horowitz. Pat wJJI cut red upe. - 11eWng lhe aMwers and action you need to 10/ve Jn equJtie• In ·GE has voluntarily instituted a national program to replace the drip coffeemakers In question. Owners of GE coffeemakers are asked to read both the catalog number on the . hotline, (800) 638-CPSC; for .more information . DEAR PAT: After I filed my tax r e&ara Ulla.year f was aaddealY.. called o.& of Iowa oa ' governrMtnt and businea. Mail your que11riona co Pat Horowi(%. At · Your Service, Orarwe Coast Daily Poot. P.O. Box 1560. a.u Mesa, CA. 92626. Excellent grofit Potential 100%-to 500% 1st year Write Off 15,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751 -2400 FRESH LOCAL ABALON_I... DINNER '17.95 I • I Include• choice ol 110ap or salad, aIJd potato or rice pilaf. ~ / Call For \ -r-·1 R ... rvationaj ~ ~. 173-7721 aft.'1!.r:!f.~1'.'I!. ,.1. -} llAL60 A £. laJMI IJft. Auto I HomeownefS Ouotet By Phone .~\ l~. •ndbyMall . Ofter Good ~P-----1-------+--2 ·1--13 thru Dec. 18th 2.ti All K mart· Tires Include Mounting No Trade·ln1 Required DISC BRAKE SPECIAL Front Only sa•• •l?eploce front orol(e PQ0$ • f rue rotors •INQeCt COhP81S •l?eftll rwo1outic svstem . •Peoock •l'Y'el oncl OUlel oeo11ngs •Reotoce !tool oreose seals •l~t master CVl.nder •inspect •eor 11nong tor wear Mony U.I . And ...... Con lfQM ttucu hlQnet S..-tOlllC DOOt s 10 moo• AdOlhONJICOlt' r-ton leOt OOOlletore,_ , __ ,_,, .. ...... _,_ ---................ ... _ BALL ~OINTS/ ALIGNMENT ~-1 r :. 69•• a •Reoloce ur;>per or IOwet boll pnls ... .,_.......,. •Altgn front 900 •Fumst\ K Core4 sotetv cheek . AWll 1'11 for Many U.I . loonaftd.._..tNoka. CtwWiet prodWCta -Cort -·-cx:-.o-11-1 conltOI °'"' °'-*" ...... Ii.ea .. THE FRANCO BY BALLY A SUPPLE CALFSKIN Sllf ON WITH FINE DETAILS IN BLACK OR TAN S140. fl""!i1£1J ' #14 PASHIOM ISLAte, .-wPOIT MACH C7141 '44-42U #27 MAIM sran. ALHA..-A C21JI 212-1671 .. .. Fine original graphic art by the masters - many are one-of-a-kind, and all are beautifully priced. Come In today. Each Gttllery has a unique offering. But huny ... this vwy sPecJaJ sale ends November 28th/ /, ~ . Eagle Douglas Mafl n, 17, of Fountain Valley's Boy - Scout Troop 442, has attained the rank of E~gle Scout. A sehior at Fountain Valley High School, he is the son of Mr. and MI'S.! R. Kent Mann of Huntington Beach. Mobile clinic • • to VISit .The Mobile Health · Clinic, a motor home specially outfitted by the Orange County Cow- munity Developm~t Council, will visit Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach nex\ month to offer low.cost medical services. The mobile clinic, intended for people who can't afford other health care, will visit Costa Mesa's Rea Community Center, 661 Hamilton Ave., on Mo~y. Dec. 6. It will stop a t the Oakview Center, 17261 Oak St. in Huntington Beach, on Monday, Dec. 13. And it also will visit Huntington Beach's senior citizen-oriented TLC offices at 12th and Lake st r eets o n Wednesday, Dec. 29. General medical , obstetric/ gynecological and physical exam- ination services are offered by physicians at 'the clinic. X-Rays are not available, but other tests can be sent to labs. Sculptor to speak Southern California metal sculptor Eugene Sturman will di9cusa his work during an illustrated lec ture Tuesday at Orange Coast College. Sturman specializes in large spiral stee l sculptures. He is appearing as part of OCC's 1982 Fall Art Lecture Serles. The lecture will begin at noon in OCC'a Fine Arta Hall 116. Admisaion is $1 .M>, and tickets will be 80Jd at the door. RUFFELL'S WHOLITHY I qt II _. .... ltll MAllOtl ..... COITAMllA-141-llN .IAn.:! ..... , ------.. -I llEN . '" ,,, .. , ...... ,.. .... ..,_o.. ec-............. ~ -•-M1-121t ........ IW. -=.--ettMM01 .. -.'::':.Z4' SAU PIKE ....•.. WS lllAR wml IMSTA#f COUPOk--MC YOUI FIWEOsr t ~mdl EXCEDRIN fOI FAST P• WP ·~= 2•• toW.... ....... ...... -.1.na ~2u .=a.=: ....~ EYEIEADY ENEIGIZll ·ALIAUNE IAnEllES 110.116 ~ 2.0• . ~':.'~'Un111n 167 DOW ... & PlmY I fASlllON JIANS Ol llAGIC CUil ..... 11.tt 9,99 a. 11.tt , .. OllllCI A new generotion of fo1hion doll• with remo~oble cottumet. Savel ~ -:goc !--'.::::::_.__ .. ~ U.t. MU& LIYl1 mm dayt:ron All/FM SYlllO IADIO & CASSmE·YAPI llCOIDn m.W99! .. ~ Soft eject coHe"•· metal tape capo· bility, phono input jock. AC/DC ploy 1 . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneada , Novembet 24, 1912 f-f SUPD NOBLESSE 12-PC. WINE GUSS sn :l:il4" 4 of each: 3 shapes of stemware for elegant ser.,,ing. In gift boa. VEHICLE sns 111umc DOAlllNG FOi IOIU Of flN 1011·599· CIOICI Bronco loot & Trailer, Rough Rid- ers, !toeing Team or Comper Set. flOIUIY IS Cmml&SUMT on-sn • -f-NITUllL .. OllNG ••••••• J49 SCOTCH .. I C•ISTlllS TIDS •·ft green Scotch ..ine ha• 35 tlpt. S.f(. Ftochd Scotch Pine ha• 27 tlpt. 1:pc. conetruc- tion, no 01Mmbty required. Bl. 11.tt IACI ,_CllOICI , •• ........ .. , .. _ .. ....... c.. ......... _ ............... . C-9 .... Safety fu1ed. Sl-&11111-. GUIMC•OI -.nuansn t ...... . '2" CfaCI f.fety fuaed . • • . "8 Hollclay •t1rly f•cllltl•• a •• 11.111. CALL ANNUTI -644 0050 .. .//rilJ'H1'/ fo11r,I ~NHIJ '(/HA MllC NOTICC ..... NOTICI OI TIIUI Tll'I IAU ...... " On Oocemb<H t 1982 111 10 00 A M U S TAUS I OtEO SERVICES, INC II ClllilornMI COfl)OflllOO whoH Od1h&1s IS 21 16 J Srr .. t Suite No I S•cr omento, C1lllorn10 1158 HI, wlH>U! tulephone numb41r 11 (g 181 448 8880 at Ag"nt tor RUOICON CO , wllOfll oddr"'' la 1400 ~Iv.I Pork m1110, Sacr11men10, Collfornll 9~81!>, whot• letepllon. numt>er It (9181 924·3000. 11 Truatee. of tllet tertoln ~ ol Trust e11ecuted by ROBERT BOUllON a 111ng1t m1111, os 10 an unorYld•d 28 percent inter .. t. NICHOLAS 'BARfOllC. I single woman " 10 on und1Vldt<I 28 percent rnterell. PATRICK BARTOLIC "ngle met\ at to 111'1 uno1v1oed 22 IM!<<:enl on1eres1 and JOHN CAMPBELL. a 11ngle men. u 10 ,.n u11dlv1d11d 22 1M1rcen1 ln1ero11, 1111 as ty11ant~ 1n common' and focorded Fepruery 26, 1982 H instrument no' 92·068 774, ol , Olhcu11 RllfOfOI or Orange Cpyn1y, Cal1lo1111e, und pursuant 10 that j cer 1111n Notice ot Delaau and • Etet.toon to Sell thereunder recorded ' July t:>-1~82 as instrument no ; 82-238268 ul Oll1c1.i1 Records 01 • said County will under and ! purSYenl' 10 said Deco 01 Trust 54!11 1 a} public oucllon lor cash or Ca1hoer 1 Clleek, drawn on a stale , °' nallonal benk e stale or federal •' credit union °' a state or federal ; savings end loon a1soc1a11-0n, oom1c1led in the S111e or Cah!Ofnla, • at the North front entrance 10 tile \ county courthouse. 700 C1v1c i Center Drive West. Santa Ana. : Calllorn1a, all that right. 1111e and 1 Interest conveyed 10 and now held • by It under said D1111d of Trust In the property 111uotod In said County and State descrlved as City ot : Costa Mesa, County ol Ora11ge. , S1a1e or Calltornla, described as 1 EXHIBIT A • PARCEL I Thal porllon or LOI I ot Trac1 9873. In the Coty of Costa Mo!'$a as Sllown on a map rocordeo 111 Book 42~. Pages 27 to 28 or Miscellaneous Maps shown and •oel 1n eo as Un11 2 on a Condominium Plan rec;orded on Book 12614, Page 1061 Ott1c1al Reco1ds PARCEL 2 An ur • .:.v10!>d onc- fourteenth ( 11141 IPe simple tnlerei1 as o tenant "' common on and to all that portion of Lot 1 or Trac;i 9873 in ' the County ot Orange, State of Cal1lorn1a. 11s Shown on a map recorded tn Book 42S, Pages 27 and 28. aa "common area" on a Condo mln•um Plan recorded March 29. 1978 1n Book 12614 Page 1061 Ofl1C1a1 Rec0<ds Soon. a rcvolu~ tlonary ryrx: of insured l11vli~tmcnt will bt• aV'jilab lc -w iih 111m11..•y market lnierl·~t and m.m~action priTllege:-. Plu:-. thb bonus 1ntt·rt·~t :idvam age: we ~u:tr:rntec tu pay you 2.5% more than 1he :tn:rage yield on nH llll'}' market func..ls f11r the first s ix months. Piovide<l vou '1gn up immediate ly. This offer ma' ht• withdrawn a1 anv time "1th11u1 prior nrnit:e. • ~l1111111um, S'i,000, maximu m $75,000 -c..lcposltcd now In an insured S· J /2 % s~wl n1'(s account ~ind tr3nsferrctl .._ automatically to tht! hll(hcr-~arnin~ account on the c.la)' the l:iw rx:rmils . For :-;ignlng up now, you'll abo receive free lnte rc .si· earn in~ check ing (including ~lll Initial supply of p~r~onalizcd chct:k~) -linked to vour ln!)ured MoncvMarkct Phin with 1ra1hf<:r!'I rmi control h>• phone. Call tollfree now: 1·800·862·0539 lines are open, an'' time, any da)~ Aho ,t\':ul..lhlt· a t ~11"li111 h·dcr~I avin~ and Marina fcdcral ( 111-CK Yr.LI 0\\ PAlrl""i HJR O FFICE NEARE~ T YOl' Excepting ther efrom all minerals od gas petrOle...m othe< hydrocarbon substances. and all unoerground water. on or unoet or wll1Ch may be produced from said land whtCll underlies a plane p111atlel 10 and SSO feet below lhe present surface ol said land for lhe pu1pose m~M~ltngf~.~e ~-0<a11o~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ develo pmen t , pr o ductt on.r: extraction and taking of said PUBLIC NOTICE miner all. 011. gas. petroleum. Other 1------------- hydrocarbon substances and water •H-204Cll from aaJd land by means of mines. NOTICE Of TitUITEE'S I ALE w ells. derricks end/or other T.I . No. ftl7te equipment from surrece 1oca11ons IM,.0..l.ANT NOTICE TO on adjoining or n111ghboring land or ..,.OHltTY OWNER lying out Side ol the above descrrl>ed YOU Af~E IN OEFAUl T UNDER A land. 11 being underttOO<I that the 0£EO OF TRUST, DATED 9-7-79. owner ol such moneralS. o!I. gas UNLESS Y'OU TAKE ACTION TO petro,.um other hydrocarbon PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, fl substances ano water as set IOrlh MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. at>ove. Shall have no rtghl to enter IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION upon the· au rt ace ol the above 0 F THE N A TURE 0 F THE OMcr!MO 19"4 ~ uM o1 any ot u. PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU ... d leftCI °' "'Y PO«IOft t-.of eMOUlD CONTACT A LAW'VM. ebove ulO plane pera11e1 to end 550 On MC~....,. I , '"2. M 10:00 feet t>etow the presen1 surlace of A M • IMPERIAL CORP OAATION the said land lor any purpose OF AMERICA H duly appointed whatsoever. recoroed. on Book T1u11tee under and pursuant to 13196. Paga 1843. Oltlc1al Records Deed ot Truat recorded Septarnber PARCEL 3 Non-eaclus•ve 14, 1979, u lnet. No 14554, In easementa for access ingress. b~ 13309. page 8111. or Offlclal egre11, encroachment. support, Record• In 1119 olflc. of the County maintenance. repa1i,.s. and IOf othet Record«• of Orange County, State purposes over the common area of Cal1lornla executed by THOMAS and over those portions or the N KIER • WldOW«. Will SELL AT association ptQOertoes comptlsed of PUBllC AUCTION TO HIGHEST tfle recreation area easement anO BIDOER FOR CASH (peyabte et the 1treet easement all ·as stoown 11me ot .... In lawful mon.y ot 1119 and defined 1n the at>ove-descrll>ecl United Stal") at the NOrlh front plan and the llbove-llescrob•d entrance to the County CourtllouM. declaretion 700 Ctvlc: Center Or\ve West Santa P A R C E L 4 E x c I u s 1 v e Ana. CA. ell right, 11119 and lnl-1 eesement1 appur1enant to Parcels 1 conveyed to and now hetd by II and 2 de5erlt>ed at>ove. tor use and under said Deed or Trust In the occupancy for (yard), (deckl. property allueted In n10 County (garage) rurpo1e1. deli ned as and State descrll>ed aa: res11lc1ed common areas In the Lot 63 of Treot No 1700. City above-described declaratton. as or Newpor1 Beecn. u Shown on • nslgned in tne ebove-descnbed map recorded In 8oo1t 52. pages 7 plan and 8 of Mlacellaneou1 Maps. In the The pUrporteo str11111 address °' olflce of the Coun1y Recorder of other common d11$1Qnation of said tald C-Ounry property 1105 Mesa Bii.ilis Orrve E.llcepllng therefrom 1111 Oii. gu. Costa Mesa Calllorn1a NO m iner al & end hydrocarb o n WARRANTY IS GtVE~ AS TO ITS sut>stanc. ,., and un6et sold land. C 0 R R E C T N E s s o R but wlthbut Iha right ol aurfaca COM PLETENESS Name and entry to • depth o f 500 IHI, address of the benef1c1ary at wnose m eesured lrom th• surte c .. request the sale 11 being conducied thereof. a• reeerved In deed First lntllfll&lt Bank of Cal1fornra u recoro.d In book t33Q.9, page 613, Trustee for Granite Home Loans. Olllclel Record• of H id Orange Ltd Series 1014 Mortgage Poot, County c/o GRANITE HOME LOANS, LTD.. The street lddreu and other 1400 River Park 011va. Sacramento, common d8S19natlon. II any. 01 the Calllornla 95815 Oorecllons 10 the rHI property described above la above property may be obtained by l)U'ported to Ile. requesting aame In writing from the 1315 Bonnie Ooone Terrace. t>eneflclary within 10 days from the Coron• -cM4 Mer, CA 92625 llrft publication or th•s notice T ht under sl g n ed Tr u •tee s.ld Hie w111 be made Without dlacltlma eny llablllly for any e<>venant or warranty express or incorrectnea or the street eddf- \mplled, es to title possess;on °' end otn.r common deslgneUon. " encumbranc.s to 10t1sly the unpeid eny. shown herek1 belenoe due on the n-01e or notes Seid n l• wtll be ro•d•. but teeured by UOd Deed ol Trust. lo without covenant or warranty, wrt· $53,468 71, plus the following express or tmpfied. regarding htle. est1ma1ed co111. upenses and poasesak>n. or encumbranc ... to advences al the lime of the Initial pey IM remaining prlnc1pal aum of publica11on ol this NotiCe or Salt. the note(•I MCl.lled by aakl Deed or Foreclosure Fees and Eapenaes Trutt. with lnterut thereon. H . S t,428 74, Any Advances provided In ••Id note(a), edvenc:.. made her.ea rt er with ln tere11 II any, under Iha termt of IOkl DMd 1nereon from dale of Advance of fruit, l eea. charge • end NOTICE TO .... Of'ERTY OWNER expen!Mle or the Trust" and oft~ YOU AM .. DEfAUl T UNOER A lrust created t>y IOld Deed of Tnat, DEED Of TRUIT, DATED for the amount reu onebly JANUARY 27, 1112. UNLESI YOU •llmaled to be $60.300.00. TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT The benellcl81')' under Uid DMd Y OUR PROPERTY. IT MAY •E or Trull herelofore uecutecr •nd ac>LO 4T A PUaLtc SALE. If YOU delivered to th• undersigned a •10 AN EXPLANATION CW THE Ulen Oecleratlor\ of Oeleult and NATURE Of THI PROCEEDING Demand tor Sele, a,nd a written AOAINIT YOU.!...!_OU SHOULD Nolle• or 0.leult end ElectlOn to COMTACT A LAw n R. s.11 TM und<HtlgneCI ceu.ed IOld Dtled Octooer 28. 1982 Nottce or O.fault and Etectlon to RUBICON CO Sell to be rtcOfded In Ille CO<inry 15818 ea Seid Trust" where the real property It toceted. By US Trull Deed Date October 28. 1982 S9'Vloea, Inc. Agent IM PERIAL C ORP. OF 2116 J S<reet. Suite No 1 AMERICA S1cramen10. Callforn11 8787 Complex Drive. San OleQo, CA 92123 (714) 29~·8480 &lrellla Chemberteln, TtuatN'I Sele Olflc« By: K•lhleen Cur~n ANlttant Sec:retery (9181 448-8ft0 Publlth•d 01ange Co111 Dally Publlahed NewPOf'I H11bof Mewl Prett combined flW\th 1~ Oranoe Cou t Deily Pilot, Nov 10, 17, 24, 1982 Pllol, N-OY 10, 17. 24, 1982 497042 P\8.IC NOTICE lltCTfTIOU9 ., ..... NAm tTATl-..n Nil.IC NOTICE The lolfowfng per90ne are doing FICTITIOUI au ..... SI !IWIMM • NAMI ITATIMINT 0 & L SUPPLY COMPANY. TM followlng l*IOll• art dOlng 360. Ho H2, Avocado Street. Coeta b<J•IMll ... "'-8. CelllOl'nit 92627 l ES CAPRICES. 24421·2 Alla OHOl'I s. ·HlnlJ., 3110, No, H2. Vitt•. 01n1 POlnt. Celllornl• g2629 Avoced o Street. Costa M en. ·Lavauda Hooten Sowell, CtllfOrnla t2t27 24421·2 Alla v1111. Oen• Point, • I.AW• Mriatlan, B&O. Ho. H:l. Ctlilo<nl• 92829 "11000 0 Street. Cot t• Men , Leonor Rlcart Meirlfleld. 130 •c.1totn1e t2U7 w Senti ago , S an Cte111ente. TNt bue1NM le condlleted by • Cellf~ t2172 lll*el '*1~· Thia butlMM It conductto by a OMft I Hlna genarl! par1ner1111e> i..we ......... l..evMlde aOW9li TNe II.._,. ... ftled ""'"' the Tllla atet~I ... l1led with the County an of ontioe ~'Y ~ eoun1y eter11 °' Orenoe County ~ ~bet 1, ltt21 ,..,.,.. NO't191!1ber 12. 1"2 ,._ • P11bllthtd Or•nt• Co11t 0111) Publlahtd Oran9e Coe11 Oe1ly Not. N0¥ 3. 10. 11, 24, 1"2 .... I PtlOt. N09 17, t4, Dae. I, •i_I~ 47 2 -·•2 P\llllC NOTIC~ PUBLIC NOTICE T1UI YOU AR£ IN DlfAULT UNDER .\ NOTICE Of' TRUITIE'8 8 AL£ D E E D 0 f T R U S T D A T E D TruelH 'I N o. OH OI PETERS IEPTEl .. ER 17, 1111, UNUll ~t YOU TAIC~ ACTION TO .... OTECT On December 15, 1982 at 10'00 YOUR PRO .. ERTY, IT MAY a E A M She8fSon/Ametlcan Ellp<eH SOLD AT A l"USUC SALE, IF Y.OU Trust Deed Servlcet lne .• formerly NIED AN UPLANATION CW THE known u Sout"-n Clllts E5Uow NATURI Of THE .. ROCEEDING C<lmplll'ly u Trustee. 0t SUClCfflOI A GAINST YOU, YOU IHOULD Trvs1ee Of Substituted Tr-ustee, of CONTACT A LAWYER. thet cartaln Deed of Trual eaacuted NOTICE Of' TRUITEE'I 8Al~ by EUGENE J. PETERS ANO T.S. No. 37210 JEANETTE PETERS Md recorded NOTIC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN. that June 19, 1M1 .. lnettumtn1 No.. Oft Wedi •llCN¥. O.C1 ,.._I, 1182, • , .... In -14 111, .,... ••n et tt;OO o'clOdl • m ot -...,,, 1n Ott1el11 Rec-Ord• ol Orange County, the room set aside for conducting C1llforn1a, and pursuant to that Trustee's Sales. within the olflces of c ertain Notice or Dal aull and REAl ESTA TE SECURITIES EleC11on to Sell !hereunder recorded SERVICE. located at 2020 NOrlh Aprll 29. 1982 Bl ln11rument No B<oadwey. Sulit 206. In the C11y or 82· 146380 01 0 111c1a1 Records 01 Santa Ana. County or Otanoe. State s11d County. w lll under and of Cal1lorn11. l 3 B FINANCIAL pursuMt lo llald Deed 01 Trutt Mii CORP a Celtfllfn1a e-0rpo1a11on. as at l>UbliC auction for cash, lewlul duly appointed Trustee undllf end money of the Unlled States ot purauent to the oower ol sale Americ a. at the North lronl conferred on lhet cena•n Deed of entrance to th9 county courtlle>use Trust eaecuted by BRENDA 700 CIVIC Cent8f OriV• West. Santa SCHABARUM en unm1111ed Ana. C1hforn1a all that rlght. lift. woman· recorded October 2 1981, and 1nter•t con~ to arid n<M 1n Boo!\ 111242 or Olhc1e1 Records of held t>y 11 under said Deed of Truat s111d Count y. 11 page S• 7. In the property aitualed ln.~1id RtcPfder'1 Instrument No 2532. t>y County and State detCr•bed es: reason or a broach or default 1n Lot 147 of Tract No. 6869, in payment or p11tormance or the the City or Irvin•. Bl per map ob1tp1111ons ucured there.bv. recorded In l>oolt 255, peges 39 to 1nclud1ng that breach or default 43, or Ml~laneous Meps. Records Nolle• ol which wu recorded of CXange County, Caltfornla. AuguSI 12 t982, es Recorder's The street addrH I or other Instrument No 82·281726, Will common dulgnetlon ol aald SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE property 3552 Fenn Street. ltv1M. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR C ASH, Ce11tornl1 92714 18,yful money ot the Un11eo States, Ne me and eddreas or the or 1 cashiers check drawn on a bllf\eflc1ery al whoM raque5t the state or national bent\. a stale or sale I• being conducted Ctl) federal credit union. or a stete or Fed eral Sev1ng 1 end Loan ledefal savings anO loan 11soc1ation A 1111oc1a11on cto Shearson1 dom.coledtn th1s1tate. all payable al A merican Expreu Mortgage the tome ol aele. aM nghl. lllle and Corporellon. 1201 Easl Hlghl8n<I '""UC" held b~ 11 as Trustee If! Avefl\lt, Set\ Barnardloo. Cehlorn1. 111a1 real property 111u1te 1n said 92404 Coun1y 11nd Slate, descr1bed as Olrec11ons to the et>ove propert) lbllow·J .may be obtained by requesting lot t31 TrACt No 2341 es por ••me In writing from the t>enellcltl) map recorded 1n Oook 76 Pages 3 with in 10 d ay• from t he first and 4 of MIS(.ellaneous Mapa. In the publlcahon of Ihle nollca. othce 01 the County Recorder of Seid H ie will be mede Wlthout Hid County covenant or wauant)I, ••l>'•tt or Th• street &ddre~• or other tmplied. aa to 1119 tollt. poN9llion common deal9n1Uon or tne real or encumbrances to aatlsfy the ptoe>eny herelnabove deec11bed ts unpaid belance du• Of\ the nol• purported to be 1264 Watson oecUf8d t>y Mid Deed of Trust 10 Avenue. Cott• Mesa. Cahlorn1a ""'" $53,00000. r>fu• U>e fotlowlng The underalgned here by eatlmated co111. u pensea and d11cla1m1 all lleblllty for any ad'lanc.a et IM time of the 1n111a1 11\Cotr!ICtneta 1n aald 111 .. 1 addreu publlcatlon of 11111 Notic. of Sate °'other common dff!Qnalion Etllmeted Tru11ee Fee In th• Said iele will t>e med• without amount of 11,351 20 plus Interest at warra nty. express or lmplled, 18.25% per annum on the unpeld regarding tllle, poaaeulon, ot prlnclpel bal1nce from 2·1-82 to encurnbrancu. to aatlsfy the t ale plua any edv a nces the prlnclpel balence of the Note or a-llcfary may be authorlz.ed or other obllgallof\ t ecurea by n id obllgtted to pay plus any acaued Deed of Trut<. wllh lnterett end let• charget other 1um1 as provided therein: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A plua edvancet, If any, under the DEED OF TRUST DATEO JUNE 18, terms lhefllOf 1nd Interest O{I aud1 1f8 1, U NL ESS YOU TAKE advancn, and plus lees. charges ACTION TO PROTECT YO UR and ••Ptrl-01 the TrUllM end or PROPERTY. IT MAY Be SOLO AT A 1119 trutll created by tald Deed of PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Trull T"e 101a1 amount of said EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE obligation, lncludlng reaaonably OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST U llrfll tl d feu. char o•• and YOU. YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A exPlrltO• of the Truttee, at !tie lime LAWYER of lnlllal pubflC81ton ot lhll Notlee, ii DATED November 8, 1ga2 $10,671 61 Sll9araon/Amarlcan Dated Novembef 15. tH2 hpr ... Trutl Deed L 6 B FINANCIAL CORP .. Servtcee Inc. a C8Mlor11la corpo1etk>n. Formerly known at 11 Tru11 ... Southern Cltln By REAL ESTATE E.ecr-Cornpeny. SECURITIES SERVICE. •• Truat... 11 C1lllornla c;orporallon. Mitzie A. 8rown, lit Agent Aaalallnt Vloe PrHldenl By· O J Morger, 1201 Eeat Hlgnltnd Ave. ltt Pretldent Sen Bernerdlno, C11tl. 2020 N Broaclwav. g2404 SUI .. 208. Tel (714) 8M-79S1 or Santa Arie, CA 92708 888-1811 eat 3761377 l ei (7 1419S3-et10 Pul>lll ht d Oreno• COHI 011tr Pul>ll•h•d Orange COH I Dally PllOI, Nov 2A . 0.0 1, 8, 1912 P1k>l, Nov 17, 24, 0ec I, tN2 512s.e2 so10-e2 Nit.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUS llUIMH NAMI STATl•NT The fonowlng peraon la doing bu1ln ... H J 8 ETTH BOUTIQUE, 9029 Atlanta. Hun11n9ton 8Hch, b,\ t H48. 8tt nd• eue Qalllftnt, 22312 H8"WICn I.I"-' Hutllit'ICllOll 9"ch, CA tH4t lMe ~ .. conouc1ed l>y In lnOMdual . lrend1 I ~ T1111 eltl-1 •• Ned W11t1 tM County Oarlt of 0r-. CO\lnty4111n Nov 6 1H2 ,... Publlth•d Or•noe COHI 011ty PllOI, Holl 10, 11, (4 Dec 1, 1111 4t1t .. a rta.IC NOTICC ftCTITIOVl llUl•H NAMI STATl•NT Tiit ronowmg peraon 11 doing b\ltlnttl .. ISA 39, UO t H111ner ton Cll'cll. H11n11neton '4NOll, Ceftfomlll 9H4t Kannetn ''llf!Clt Smith, H O I HHtllerton Circle. Hun11not•l'I leectl. Cellfomll 92 .... TIMI ~ 1t concM:t• by 111 lndMdultl l(«lftttfl , '"""' TMe tl....,..I .,.. ~ wtltl IN County Cltfll Of 0rtl'ltt ~ Ofl Oclotler ti, 1Mt , .... Pu1>111h1d Or1n9e CoHI ~ '9110t, Nov I T, 14, O.C 1. •ec:.,-,, • --i~ Ph~lfllp1 EECO 11ppoiDts vie~ presiden't EECO Computt•r, Inc .. of Santo Anu unnou1W\~ th\• nppomtmt•n\ of ' Ron Gelle rl ai. fl.'H•Onul vkc prt>sldl•n l ul snlcs for its t.•umpu h.•r12cd h otf!I property manugem(•nt systt·m. ECI dastrrct oUkes undl'r Gt'llert's jur isd lct w n include Ne w York. Miami and Chicago. Prior to joining Eel. hl• a wll~ brunch ma no~l'r o f New York opcrut1ons for Mkrod~w. · Dayco Corporation anm.lulll.'L'S the appoin tmen t of Ped W. P hllllps as vire pr~1dent and d1 re<'lor o f taxation. PhifH ps, 3!1. joinc..'<1 Dayco a fter serving as manager of taxes for R hinecht>m Corporation. a $3.2 billion ho lding cop company for Bayer AG's Unrted States operations. Paltl K: Eaclebur1er of San ta Arta has bt:'(.•n promoted to culllOme r scrvi"e rTWnag<'r for both the Orange and San Diego County residential divisions of the Me ister Company. Ne w port Beach real estate development firm. Tbomu F . Van Lente o f L ake Forest ,· internatio na l mark.eling m an.agc•r fu r Philips Ultrasound. I nc .. has been tra nsfN red from Eindhovcn, The Netherla nds. to Santa Ana; wtr<.'rc N.V. P hilips World Concern Ccn t<.'r for ultrasound is located. Larry GutwUI of Lake Forst . has bl-cm named western region manager for Infodeucs Corpora tion o f A naheim . sp(lctalis ts in 'compute r -assiste d management and control systems. Gulw11l. with m6>rc than 23 yt.•ars cxperient'l' in dat.a processing, markt;ting and enginee ring. rt.'<:cntly sold computers for Da ta G ene ral Cprp. He .will be located at MUTUAL FUND lnfod1.•Ucs1 m •w Wl'l'h'rn n •g1on llC.'adquorlN I'> tn h 'Vln('. All~Wl.(• Ltfl• lni.urarn.'t.' Co1111xJny has named Lawrence P . Moews assisldnt Vl(·c pn•s1dent o f Its weste rn hfo r<.•gionnl uCficc tn Brea Mol'WS bean h i.s carl'<.>r w11 h Allstate in 11na. Prior to his p resent p r o motio n . ~·· was d ir t•(•ttJr o f ~·orp o r;_t t(' devclopmt•n t. Mark J ohnson of Brea has lx.•cn appointed assistant vice p rei.1dcnt, commerc:ral loa ns , b f Valt!ncia Bank Assoctall'<i with V&lt•nc1a Bank for over six years , Joh~n will Ix> workmg out of the bank's PlacC'ntia ofrtl'l'. • Edmond 8 . Buster, l'X('CUllv1· v11.l' pr1.-sident of Townsend, has bee n <:le<:ted prc~1dent of the new Che rry Fas teners D1v1sion of Textron. Inc .. m Santa Ana. Cherry has been a part or the Townsend Division of Textron since il<> acquisition in 1950 and has additional manufacturing fac1htfcs in Anaheim and Cost.a Mesa . ETln 0 . Kull o f Fo untain Valley has been promoted 10 prior ity banking officer in Unio n Bank's O rangl' Cou nty regional off1c1.· S he joined tht• ~nk in 1977 Tom Swimm h as joined Cochre1 ne Chase. Livingston & Co., Inc. of lrvine as art"d1r<.'<:tor for the busin_css-to-busi~css divi~1on. Prior to JOining CCL , Swimm was v1<.-e preside nl/t•rt.•ative .Jirector ~or Halpin, Williams & Sw imm m Albany, 1•.Y. He is a lso a me mber of the New Y<>rk Art Directors Club. Swimm rt>Sid •s 1n Lake Fort.·!>t t ,; ;~ T!~l.~, : .. :~.UPS AND DOWNS ~·~ ;.::: ~=~!"P ~! . n : NEW YORK IAPI Tlw 10110•1"9 11\I , • ...,, U ISuoerEI I. , ! ll , :13'• j fel<mA 11 • ,. _._, ll'lt Ow>< '"" Co""'"' l.. 3., T•n•n1 11 11 , ,100' •no ••rr•nt• ttwl n.ve ~ uo w. t•'olT1pr.,y ..-. • , Ille most •llCI oown tnt tn0\t to;>\e(j ,.,, 191• 19.,, lomfO•I 1• • 74e Plr<ent ot ch.,.. rt-oarcste~' o• 'lifOh.1me. O• 11' Tovottt \ 1•, 1' .. for Ti.ur•sd•Y >o•; ,.,: TWUE.• •4' •'• No -urltfn t•.a•no below '1 •rt Ir><•• •"• 71_.l ftt(o,.-o o •1 1&v1 Udtd Nt t •nO pprtf'nt~ch•nOl:\•rtthe iq IY', TyM>nF'd 11>, U dlftettnCt IMtlW~n ll>t Ortv1ou; <10\1"0 )I , tt UnMC(ill "''• 1tlt bid P"U •"<I too•Y \ ,.,, bld Pl•U w..i. U'• U$ En r ~ .S1 • 11' I 11'A US Sur "'• 10, u•. 7• !,IS Trn ,,. , 11•~ l''> ~ • CIV•Bt" ... ~ ... d u~ u1, VnYE"4 41 • • • 1 ll ll' 0 UoP•nP l)t. 14 2 60 60 • ,,,..... , ••• ,, ) '° ' )0\, ~~·~~ ,~ • ~.: • •~ • " 1 Velcro tt 1•• S l l l1 • Vtclra~I • ~'II 1~ 1S1 1 VKtMC ~ .. ~ :,:f ~ n:: :: .. V•H&\~ n•. 1l I 37 .. JJf, WarnEI I) • IJ ... ' JO" 11 ~u1Enr 14 • 14'• 10 ""°::I .... ,. ... " 1' It WH ..... '1"9 II • 1~ 11, Wmorc 141, u u 11 ' 19 • WeUr•v 1:-, 11•. 1• Q ' )4 WlwrO \ II>'. II u IS• 16 INolvAlu 1'• 1•, 16 ~ ~ womtt 13' • .,._ 11 , WOOdlol :13 »'• tt 1 • 1" Wr10111w tl IJ'• tt ll :w:• Zlo•>Ut 11 77•, JO SI st • n t .• NOi •Pl>llt .oblt t i n 1J 1• 1S ,. 11 UP~ Ul~I,, .'"'f' VPP<t.,.) • t• • Up J9 I ) .. UP )) 3 ... I • UP )1 I 71, I 10 111 t • • ,_. <JP 11 .t 1 • t • Up 111 11 , 1•• VP 1e.• II • 1'. VO 11 2 ) I I• I I• Up i. 1 .s•.. .. 1'. Up 1' 1 I I Up 1 .. 1 3•• "' Up .. 0 I• I'• Up U.S Y" •'• t.Jo 1S1 I '• Ito UP 1S 0 )'• • '' Uo l4 1 ' ..... uo u J 1 • '• Up 14.J S • "° Up Ut ... • "-UP 13 • • • '> UP 13 J S "" UP 17 I l'• 1• Up tt S '1 • ,. 1• Up 11 S 1 .. • '. Uo 1J i IS'-,._ Up It S OOWNJ 1,1\I s , ... , .. , .. 1'• ) .. "'. , .. I ) . ) . ) . , } , 1 • 1J•' .... . ' >•· 2 • ~) ..... , .. ''• .\, , ... P<I Oft 1• 1 Oii •• ' ., Ofl 1S . t"' I '" '• Oii 14 J \o Oft tS• ..., Ott tJ 9 11> Off tJ S it Ott 110 " 0 11 It • ., Oft "' ,, Off It t '• Off II I ~ g:: :: l .. Oii 10 s I• 1 Ott tO o .. Oft 10 0 , Oft 10 0 ~ 8:1 :u ,.,, on •.• 11. ()ti •• ,·· g:: :·t • , Oft • ~ •• Oft '' .. -l , Orungt• CotHI DAIL V PILOT /Wedrnt•doy, Novemb r 24, 1982 ... NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS •uout ..... llKLU•t ....... , ... , ...... 'fO••· ........ , ... ,.,,,, .... '°''"· OIHOIT .... Cl•C• ...... noc• I llCl•A•IH ••O 11 ... flO I' fMI leate a•o lltOl•U • Local price index edges upward LOS ANGELES (AP) Rflv('r11lng a three· munth trend of dl-<;·limng pric-t.'fl, the Coruiumer Pri('l' Index r()S(• by half a percent In thl' populou.i Los Angele11·01an1e counties Mr('a during O<•tobN, the f~ral g~ernmcnt annourx-e<I Tul'tl(lay. ttowt<vcr, Cor the twcilvt• months ending in Oct<>bc!r, prkea potted the amaJJest lncrcuc in mort" than a decadt' -2.9 percent. ln the Los Angcl('s-Orangc County ar(';l, prices dropped by 0.3 pen..-cnt in July, 0 1 pcn.-ent In August ~nd 0.3 pt'~nt In September. Pracea for housing, which include mortgage interest rates and are the we1ght1cst factors in the Index, increased by 0.4 percent Food and beverage increased by 0. 7 percent. Transportation waa up 0.3 pert,'Cnt and apparel and upkl!ep rose by 0.5 perc:ent. Slow recovery predicted SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The Bank of America says California's e<.'Onomy will start a slow upswing next year, as thf' state's unemployment rate climbs to 11 percent or more before dr<>pplng In the second quarter of r.aaa. , "It's a stop-and-go recov<!ry , not a strong recovery," seryior economis t Richard Courtney said Tuesday in the bank's ec.'Onomic predictions for 1983. He t'xpeNed per capita income to rise next year for the first timt' sinc.'C 1979, although the state's rate of inflation also is likely to take a hike upward . . S&Ls drop home rates LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two of California's .. largest savings and loans have dropped their prime home mortgage rates to their lowest points in two years, spurrmgimpcs-ttrara irottsing'Te'l'OVcry is 'On'the way. California Federal Savings and Loan Association, _ -1h.e..nalion:s third largest S&L. on Tuesday dropped ita prime adjustable mortgage rate half a point to 12.25 percent, beHeveatol>c theTowest rate in tfie statelor a loan m exc.'eSS of $107:000. Glendale Federal, the nation's fifth·largest savings ins titution, lowered the rate on ils basic adjustable mortgage to 12.5 pe rcent from 12 .75 pen:ent. matching the ralC'S available from a few other S&Ls in the state. The rates were their low{'St since August 1980,. according to offil'ials at both associations. 'Real earnings' still lag WASHINGTON (AP) -The average "real earnings" of American workers continue to lag behind the rate of inflation, but the gap 1i; nArrowmg, newly released r.._,bor Department stallslics show. Between October 1981 and Octo~1 1982, the Bureau of Labor Sta''-'k:ll eaid Tunday, avHap weekly earnings~ 3.7 pernon\. Inside that brn:icl gauge of take-home pay, however, there was a 4.9 percent increase in hourly eamjngs which was offset by a 1.1 percent decline in average weekly hours That resulted in a 1.3 percent declint: in average weekly earnings, which were accompanied by price rises at lln annual rate of 5 percent. DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOllKCAPI Fir••• 00.,Jonu • .,., tor T uoo.., NO¥ tl SfO(ltl 0..-Hiell L .. (-CM JO Incl MUI 1007 ~ ..... f'O.. t .Ol to Trn •It U O• 1' "' U "• 1' e.:t U Ull 11' ID 1112J 11• n 11'.• 1.0. U St~ .. 11 )9J 39 .. 1S * 11-J 67 1,...,1 •• ., ... l'r•n 1,711,100 """ 2,a ,eoo u ''~ 10,M4, 100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOlllt IAPI HOv 1J Willi.._.., A"(' DO '"":{~ '°" l1J ,.,,.. u J NEW YOllK IAPI Nov JJ METALS TocNy ~ >n 111 . ., ,. , Ptev ... J. 11• ,. ..... .. J NEW YOAK (AP! -Spol nonl.,rOu• ,_., Pf1-loday Ce~~ 10"·72 c•n•• • po11nd. u.s o.etlltel•-UM 21.,.._H -.11 a pound llM 31-41 c.ltl I poulld. dll!Wf9d TM M 0173 ,,...... W• C~I• ID " q •• 11 18 Olf'I• • pound, "' y ......, '* 00.,., ..... ........_ •'•o OO·U0.00 1roy ovnc•. NY SILVER Handy encl ....,_, .. ,, '* "°' - GOLD aout ATIONS UPS AND DOWNS ... _ i c ... e. '-'" s.,..,.,_ NOltl • ttt1 ....... k •lftd SO•/Wllllt~ 11 6 OrlfllU' , '"'"' .. I Mii._, • .., t lllNWtl . 1 .,..._ -·. :. lfiv.i:. ""'""" c.. 16 ,...,_I tfllf " ........ ... 1 iifi'&" •••• I lf WC . !~~!'-' t lfiM'a-. •• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wedn t day, Novembttr ?<4, 1G8? I Transit district tries to balance need, I unds Responding to co ml~Jain l s from regular bus ride rs, directors of lht.' Orange County Tran s it Dis trict hav(' voted to restore some \ or the four local an d sovcn exprc~ routes whit·h had been proposed {or elim in a tion us a n ec:ono my rl)easurc . Resto1•ation of .the Fulll•rlo11 r outes will be o f particular signiCicanc·c to students uttc•r1dlnH Cal S tate fulletton who r~·ly on t he bus to . gt·l thto>m to t h t-11' dasscs. Hower. the fac·t of the• muttt'r is tha t OCfD ridl'rship Is down, d ropping to a tota l or 7.9 m1lhun passengers in tht• fi rst quurll'r, o f the current fiscal year, for which the tran sit district hud prcparro a budget based on the c~pccUllion of 8.3 million · passengcn>. · T he d is\rkt a lso has su Cferl'O c<:onomical y bccaUSC' of the· drop in sales tax collections, pi!y mcnts from wh ich support about ~1al( thl' transit budget. • These include r uns Crom S an Cleme nte lo Fulle rto n and Santa Ana and N ew p o rt B each t o F'ulle rto n . S till sc hedule d for e limination , h owe ver. arc routes f~om Newport Cente r to Mission V.iejo.' a line runni ng through Mission Viejo a nd Lag una Hills and an othe r between Buena Pa rk a hd Hunting t on Beac h . The re m a ining cuts a re expected to sav e a t le as t $1.46 million in annua l o pera ting costs. Pro p o s e d e limi n a tio n o f Saturday Dial-a-Ride serv ice is due for further d iscussion ne xt month. This , too, h a s s pa rke d pro t es t s fr o m e l d e r l y a nd h a ndicapped p e rson s w h o ar e unable to m a ke the ir way to regular bus stops. It is unfortunCll<' that rout<' cutbacks must be made whe n many t ounty r eside nts have a t las t become at'Customt.'<.i to riding thL• bus. but thi s pr obab l y i s prefera ble to seeking fare• hikes to subsidize sparsely used roul<.'s. The only econ omical way to manage publie tra nsit is to limit its servk c to a r eas where ride r s hi p is established a nd consisumt. New Right split ,hits Helms Elections gone askew WASHINGTON -· A deepening split in the American conservative movement is re fle<:ted by what political advisers are privately telling Sen. Jesae Helms: If you really want to be elected to a third term in )984, shut up about abortion and school prayer. Helms is in d_e~JL.!.rouble in l'iorth Carolina againsf'"'DiffiTocra tac..,rgovernor J im Hunt's long-percolating challenge, and some New Right strategists believe When two cand idates for a e lect ion is s o u g ht, s o tha t Hclmsmightnotevenrun.But assuming d 11 he docs run, Helms is being told to get ·state Asse mbly seat tha t pays c a n d idat es a n eventua Y back to tax-cutting, budget-cutting. $28.110 a year manage lo spend $2 o r f i ce h o 1 d e r s w o u Id b e anu-rommunist conservatism and step million on their campaign; when accountable to the people they away from the Moral Majority•s social one candid a te for a congressional actually re present, n ot to PACs or agenda that infuriates so ma ny well" ---l""'"--+H·a pa )lS--$60...662-a-y~e"'"'a:ur'-___..,jn · · u als from other rts of ~he heeled conservatives. spends $1 million on his losing state. -+--'~---;...._ _________ _ ca mp a i g n ; w h e n p o w e r f u I T h is begins to mak e som e BEYOND THE Cate of one prominent lobbying interests.• mostly out of sen se. Mrs . Bergeson no tes that c.'Onservati ve, at stake is the right-wing state, spend $6 million to defeat a some states already h ave limited coalition that scored stunning election · d. ·d I SUC('CSSt'S in 1978 and 1980 but fell back California ballot proposition . it is the amounts of mon ey an 1v1 ua s time to ad m it tha t our election o r corpor ations m ay d on ate to in 1982· When ~p. Jack Kemp agrees social issues should be put on the back process is badly askew . political campaigns . But this does burner unUl tbe economy recovers, he The two most notable aspects not deal w ith the Political Action risks reprisals from Moral Majority allies of the rece nt election in California Co mm i l l ees (PAC s ), now who have supported his growth-oriented were the totally negative a pproach numbering more tha n 3,000 across economics. take n by con tes'ting candidate s the country, that can put together The proximate cause o f Helms' seeking t.-0 unde rmine each other's impreysive a m ounts o f money distress is his vote for last summer's cr edibility, a nd the downrigh t through relatively sma ll employee $100-billion ta?C increase (poison in North obscene sums of money spent on or uni on d o na t ion s , th e n tb y Carolina because of its tobacc.'<> excise). a the campaigns. sidestepping legal limitations. deviation from his usual conservative In a few instances candidates A n d • a 5 h a s b e e n consistency. Tom Ellis, Helms' longtime were rich enough to contribute a d emonstrated, the m oney thu.9 campai1n mana1er, was so upeet he t d al f mone to lhe·r o could not even talk to the eenator for a grea e o Y 1 wn collected can be used for negative campaigns. T his, presumably, is as well as positive campaigning, to time. But long before that, Helms had offended his state's country-club <..'Onservatives. By the summer of 1981. they were saying Helms' "intrusion into the bedroom'' bothered them so much I -,l-11-/1-11-ll___.~ that they were ready to vote for labor- baeked Gov. Hunt. This attitude is summed up in a recent letter to a Helms lieutenant by one of the ~nat.oU-oldcst backers· "There is an eft()rmous amount of. animosity toward the senator. It's coming from dyed-in- the-wool Re publicans, Democrats who have enthusiastically supported him in the past -lo put it bluntly, just about everybody. It aU has to do with the social issues, i.e. school prayer and abortion - and a little probably with Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority." This supporter calls a return to 5':hool prayer "a can of worms" <:onsidering "all the liberal teachers arounO:' but saves re al scorn for the anti -a bortion movement: "The senator is coming off as being the one who will force some poor innocent to go through with a pregnancy when she's been raped." The conclusion: "I ..e corwervallves u havinal a live- a nd-let-li ve attitude ... much more tolerant or other people's belie fs than liberals especially when it C"omes to social issu<.'j." TO ONE lough-mi ndcod Hc1ms adviser, this country-c lub ambivalence o n abortion stems from the upper-income Republicans' fc.>Cling that abortion is a u seful d evice t o thin t he blac k population and an c.'SCapc route for their own imprudent offsp ring. But even Republican operatives who disagree lee! a r«'eSSion 1s no ti me fo r social issues. Kemp, who has impeccable a nti- abortion and pro-school-prayer voting records, said as much over CBS' "Face the Nation." The social issues, he said "do not rank in the 1mportan<--e and the priority of the American electorate." He 1 he n agteed thfil_abQrti~n and school prayer should be put "on t e back burner." T h a t an ge red s uch New Rig ht operatives as Paul W<.·yrich. When Kemp rebelled against President Reagan's tax increase, he was supported by the Moral Ma jo rity's Rev. F a lwe ll, des pite m isgivings by Falwell aid es a bout e mphasi zing ma te r ia l over mo ral questions. Future Falwe ll support for Kemp's supply-side <.'Conomic:s may be harder to C'Ome by. The d1ff1culty is all the more pointed for Jesse Helms. a hero to· the Moral Majority. He now must either ste~ away from issues <.'Ons1dered precmimmt by his most fervent supporter.; or nsk playing into the bands of liberal political strategists who long ago ma.de him targer No. 1 for 1984. the ir privilege. But in most cases defeat "targe ted" candidate s or the dollars came pouring in from ballot propc)Sitions. lobbying inte rests an d po litica l action committees both in and out Mr s . B erg eso n . wh o Election lesson from the Russians of tne state. admittedly had little competition The re's pr oba bly little l'ha t to conte nd with, spent only Sl 10,- can be done to keep out-of-state 000 on he r own campaign for re- i n t e r es t s fro m f ina n c ia lly election this year . Th~t isn't to say supporting or o pposing ba llot tha t othe r candidates mi~ht not propositions. need to spend more . Blit h er Id ea But N e wp o rt B e a c h of limiting contribution s to a Assemblywoma n Ma rian Bergeson candida te 's own d istrict. if it can has a c r e dible pro p os a l fo·r 'legally be acxomplished, has real controlling campaign donations in merit. There must be some way to our legisla tive races. Sh e would ge t our elections back into the seek to limit such don a tions to ha nds o f the people and o ut of the sources in the district for which hands of the mon eybags. l)efeat not always final , In many e lections. candidates who appear to h ave outstanding qualifications go down to defeat for lack of name recognition or mountains of cash or both. One such was Ted Bruinsma, who ran in the June primary as a candidate fo r the Re publican nomina tion to the U.S . Senate. Bruinsma, a former presid ent of Lear Je t, resigned his post as Dean of Lo y ola Law S c h ool t o undertake the campa ig n , and traveled the state jokjngly trying to answer the question, "Wha t's a Bruinsma?" A ~reat ma ny people who met and hea rd him during his campaign w e re impressed , and expressed regre t tha t , political campaigns being what they are, a candidate of his caliber didn't stand much o f a chance to w in statewide recognition. So w e are ~lad to learn that Gov .-elect G eorge De ukme jian has appointed Bruins ma as h is transition appo intm e nt s coordinator. This will involve acreerung applicants for some 550 s ta t e exec u l1 v c b ra n c h a ppo in tme nts tha t Deukmejian will have to m ake when he takes .office J an . 3. These a ppointees will replace officials named to their positions by o utgoing Gov. Brown, all of whom , as is the custo m with a ch ange o f administration, will be asked to submit their resignations. Bruins ma's job will b e to narro w do wn to two or three names the candidates who submit resumes or are pro posed by various business and professional g rp ups and who, in his vie w , ref1ect Deukmejian's philosophies. The final selection will be up to the new governor. a'ruinsma says h e himself has "no burning desire to run for another office," and is not seeking a pe rmanent pos ition with the D e ukmejian adminis tration , though he might some day seek a governme nt post in Washington, D.C . In any case, his ability, e xpe rien ce and ma ny contacts should be an asset in helping to l a un c h th e n e w slat e administration. • Opln6-expressed In tile space abOve are tllOse of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· prHMd on this page are those of their autllOrs and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· .... Addrnl The Oally Pilot, P.O. Bo• 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92616. Phone (71() 642-GZ1. ORANGE COAST p1Hy· Pilot ~.-. • ..-.. ....... , e1 ,,.. .... " n• •••• ••• " c~·· ......... "' ft"n....00"<• ..... ,,.. , ......... '" .,." T~mot P. Holey t~·~ ,~ ... Jone A"""' l·e·.•·•fdt0< ...... lrelMch l.i• ~" ''""' l<l•C'< . . It is possible to learn from someone you don't like, and certainly we in the United States can learn something from the speed with which the Russians came up with a new leader to 'replace Leonid Brezhnev when he died this month. Did the Russians fool around with ~lections? Did they give us a lot of baloney about "the democratic process"? They did not. You won't find our enemies the Russians going through a long, humiliating election process. They just appointed Yuri Andropov. "You're it, Yuri," they said to hlm. Or that's what we think they said. Maybe Wfuri made the decision himself and told them. "OK, you guys," he may have sald. "I'm it." After all, he wasn't head of the KGB for 15 years for nothing. NO ONE REALLY knows how the Russians come up with a new leader and lhlS as a big lime-saver for the RUISian people. If no one knows how a leader is chosen. no one can complain about the · process. There's no argument about It. No one can call for a recount. Wtto's counting? The Russian people have one giant absentee ballot and all their votes are absent. However the Russians do it, we ought to admit that it's less expensive and less exhausting than the democratic elections we have in this country. With the money the Russia ns save b y not having elections, they ou~t to be able to afford to buy another million bushels of wheat from us. Most Americans understa nd that I~'' -lllY-11-111-Y -~. many countries h a ve systems of government different from our own and that leaders are chosen in various ways. None of us is that clear about Russian leadership though. In Russia the top job is called G eneral Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. That's what Brezhnev was called and he was also president of the Soviet Union. Being president of the Soviet Union is like being queen of Englarid and like Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov also gets that job. · If we simplified our government and did it the way the Russians do, Ronald Reagan wouldn't be President. He'd be called General Sec retary of the Republican Party. The first thing he'd do when he got into office. would be to outlaw the Democratic Party. lf the Democratic Party were illegal, it would be a great unifying force in this country. Tip O'Neill would be sent to the tundra In Alaska with one sled dog and a bowl of borsch. They do a lot of things different in Russia. In many places in the United S tates on Election Day, the polls are open but the bars are closed. In MOl!ICOw it's just the opposite. In Moscow on Election Day. the bars are open but the polls are closed. IT ISN'T only the transition of power that's handled in an orderly fashion in Russia. There are no mob scenes at their airports or in their su permarkets, and you won't find bumper lo bumper tra{{ic on their superhighways. They cut down on the crowds at the airports b y n ot le tting anyo ne go anywhere. There ~re no mobs 1n the markets because the Russians are all lined up outside in orderly fashion waiting for a loaf of bread, and there are no traHic tie-ups on the superhighways because there are no superhighways and not many cars. U nothing else, Brezhnev's death and the quick succession to power of Yuri Andropov has reminded us all how little the Ru.Ian people have to do with their government. Mankind mU.st change mode of survival All species develop certain traits, an order lo assure their survival: some learn how to fight, others how to run, 1till others how to hide. The skunk hu a smell. the porcupine quUla, the eel an electric shock. . But conditions change over long ~ ~ m1n-~ periods, t.he environment alten, and thoee anlmal1 that can,not adapt IOOn perish. Mankind· H • 1pec:les early developed hi.a agreaaive and combative drives aa a mode of •urvlval in a primitive world. It WM then an e.entlal component or hll blolo1ical and paychololical equipment. • Now the envirolunent hal drutically chan,.ct. Man no lonpr nouriahee as much by phy1lcal domination., •• by bralrw and llcJU.. lndled. h6a c.'Olhbltlw tendendn have become the ll'ftle9t lmpldlment to hll oonnnu.d c:lorNMUon of the aJobe. Thoulh recurrent w.n have klu.d off more piople than UJ the dll 11•• UMI "9ti~ put~. ln the..-... • d Id not seem to matter. for we replenished the earth as fast as we depopulated It. Breeding outstripped killina by far. But with the newest inatnament.a of varfare, our aggrasiveneta has turned from a plus to a menacing minus. The aamc drive. that enabled us to become the lorda of c.TeetJon have led us to the brink of extincUon -for in the more than a mUUon )'Mn alnce we have been a separate apedea, we have found no ultimate way to resolve differences except throuCh physical combat, through violence, aubjuption and repre91ion. In \his crucial ret1pect, we have not ctuanaed our paychololk:al stance aince prehistoric Umet. lAw operat.el within tribes or naUona, but not beiween or •mona them. When ultimate loyalllet are c:hallen1ed. we have no practical rec:ourH o&her than attack and ~- THE ALTERNATIVES we fa<!"~ - and fece ln \he not IOO diatant fUture - art 1h•rp •nd simple : adaptation or extilK'Uon. Sither we rellnqul1h our prtmlllv• reliance upon foree. or we ...,... ln the mutual M.udde of total war that wlll know no clvUlan1 and few IUMYOn. In NonMn c.ou.u.· plume. "Modem man is obsolete," becauae we are still reacting to a teehnological threat with barbarous strategies; still resolving conflicts in the same old way. which means not resolving them at all; still driving ounelvee to destruction u the only form of J)f'nuaa1on. And we must evolve to a mor e rational level of controversy, or we shall perish as surely as did the dinoaaur and the dodo bird. Beside this problem. all o ther differences pale Into relative lnaignlficanct": economic. political. racial. religious. Wonder how many or thoae an1ry unemployed OM auto WOl'bra drove to .. t their f ... rood ln lhMr fCll"e6ln an? BUY AMERICAN II Or 111100 Co11st DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, November 24, 1982 Incorporating? Contact lawyer .Tax ngents • can rev1ew Thinking abou t 1ncorportHin g? CorporaUona, once thought of as &iant industrial organizations, hav~ become commonplace u many small buslncs.'k.'IJ and even individuals seek the prot.ectlons afforded by lncorporatlna. In recent years the law has permitted .certa in prOCcssionals such as doctors and lawyers to practice und<.T <.'Orporate names. To aid those who wish to Incorporate, Secretary of Stat~ March Fong Eu, has p u blis h ed a book hH ·p rovidi n g i nfo r mation pert ine nt to the requirements for fili n g articles o f incorporation. Titled "Corporate Check List" it is available at a OOlt of $2. PREP.(RED ISY staff lawyer James E. Harris and Bill Holden, under the direction of J ane E. Bacon who heads the section of the Secretary of State's Office where corporate documents are filed, th e booklet Is almost a "do-it-yourself" book o{ instruction's. Jn addition to explaining the steps requi r e d ln fi l i n g a rtl.cles of incor porat ion together with t he fees charged. the booklet details the various types of corporations a uthorized in California, and even provides samples of the necessary forms to be used. Also covered are steps to be taken when amending articles of incorporation, and for mergers anq dissolutions. The need for annual statements a nd the NILIC NOTICE NOTICE Of TitUITill'I IALI LoenNo.10m71M fAJN'AX/HINflY T.I . No. f-GCll71 BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. H duly appointed Trullee under lhe following dftcrlbed dMd ol truat WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN C IVIL CODE SECTION 2924h (payable 1t the time ol sale In llWlul money ol ·the United SlllH) 111 right, title and lnterfft oonveyed 10 end now held by It undet Mid Deed of T~t In the property here!Nlter delcrlbed: TRUSTOE: RONALD H. HENRY. MARIE L.'HENAY • BENEFICIARY· FAA WEST SAVINGS ANO LO AN ASSOCIATION Recorded May 8. 1981 u Instr . ...8oo61-14060,- 1728 of Offtclel Aecofda In the ofllce ol the Recorder or Orenge County; Said deed ol ttust dncribel the tollowlng proc>erty: PARCEL 1: F .. Slmple Tiiie to Condominium Unit 73 (the "Unit"), u lhown upon the Condominium Pten (entitled "Condominium Plan lor Lot 1 of Tr11et No. 10587"), In the City of Newport Beech, County ol Orange. St1t1 or C1lllornl1 (tha , "Pten"). recorded on July 12. 1979, •• Document No. 158 tO. In book 13228, pagea 78 to 1 t5 lnclualv1. 'Ottlclel Aec:orda. or 11ld Orenge County. wNeh pltll\ pertlln• to that pro"rty described In Trect No. 10587. rec:Ofded In booll 449, pagee 5 and 8. Mi.e.tleneoul Mapa, In lhe office of lhe c;ounty recorder ol .id county. PARCEL 2 : An undivided .00437 percent lnt-t In end to the Common Area• 11 thown and defined on the Pl1n. EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill oil. g a1 . m ln.e r e 11 a n d o ther hydroc:Nbon•. below a depth of 500 feet. wlthout the rlghl ol aurl1c:e entry. u ~ In lnstNmenta of rec:«d. PARCEL 3: An 1icelualll9 rlghl end _,_,, to \de the bell;Ony -designated 8-73 on the Plen as being llPP'lr1enanl to the UM J>AACEL 4: All exelullYe right and euement to use the perkfng ~ dellgn1ted on the Plen u Parking s~ No. PS-254. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 5105181. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO 'PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF T HE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 300 Cagney Lane #2 Newport • Beedl,Cellf.928e0 "(K a ltreet llddr-or common cMelgnatlon ol property la ahown above, no warranty le given u to Ill eomptet-or eorrKtneaa)." The benellclery under 11ld Deed ol '-Id~ uuo.n ot..-J:iaKh or defeult In the ob4i0ltion1 eeeured thereby. heretofore executed end dellvered lo the underelgn1d a written Oedar1tion of OeflUlt and o.m.nc:t for Sele. and written notice of breed! and of election to c:auM the undersigned to Hll Hid property to Mtiefy Mid otlllgatlont. and thereafter the underelgned eaueed Mid notloe of breec:tl and of election to be recorded Auguat 13. 1912 ea lnatr. No. 12·28~433 In Oflldal Records In the office or the Aecofder of Orange COunty; Seid Sale wlll be m1d1. but wlthoul coven1nt or w1rr1nty • ..-. or lmplled, regarding title ~. or eneumbfane.a. to pey the r9m8lnlng prlndpel "'"' ol the note(a) MCUted by Mid Deed of Truet, with lnterwt 11 In Mid note provided, advances, If any. under the terms of llld Deed of or TNat • ..... dlargee end expenMe of the Truetee and of the truste CtMted by Mid Deed of Truet. Said Sale wlll be held on: Thured1y, Oee«nber 18, 1982, II 2:00 p.m. et the Cllap!Mn Avenue entrance to the Civic Center 9ulldln0, 300 &It en.men A\19., °T.9:;,~'\1me of the ~11111 ~ publleatlon of this notice. the tptll wnount of the unpaid belenc:ie of the obllgetlon MCured by the above deacrlbed deed of 1ru1t end ff11mated co111. ex"nHa, end ._ .. $82,4",33. The ooer*'D b6d m.y be obtained by e..no (7f4) t37-0He the day befor9 the ..... o.te: No\tember 11. 1912 8£NU1CIAL SUMCl CO. Mllid Truetee. 8 y T . 0 . S E Mfl C t COMPAHY. eoent 8y Vldll J. HoplllM. Mllltarlt 8ectelery One ~ Blvd. West. Orange, CA n.I Tel.: (714) l36-t2ll Pubflltled Orante Cout Deity Piiot. Nov. 24. 0.0. 1. •• 1"2. 6140-t2 PIC'TITIOU9 -..... ITA~ The lalolllfll ""°"' .,. doing bullrlell •: LAA..0 INTIAPAllll L TO., IHI I. PaMO Otego, Anehelm, Cllfof'* 12107 uwrenc• ln911111, IHI l . P9MO Diego, Mellelm. C1111torn11 tll07 A . H. Aotll1ermel . 104 llll WATlll • provisions for foreign corpora tl<>N aru included. 0 n e o f t h e 11.1 d v a n t a I e 1 .o C inccirporaling \s the fact that it generally limits liab ility to t.he aasets o f the corpora t ion , protttcting the personal holdings of Individuals involved In the corporation. Bt.at: w hile the booklet makes it seem as though the process of lnoorporati"8 la so simple it can be done without the aid of legal counsel, anyone wishing to incorporate would be prudent to conault a lawyer. . For the mere ftling o{ articles of incorporation does n o t necesaarily protect individuals and their personal holdings, especially in a closely held corpora t ion. I n cases whe r e the corporation is In fact one Individual or a family it may be found the corporation is noth ing more than an alter ego. F u r thermore, since incor,porating subjects a businessman to d o uble taxation, taxes on the income of the cor pora tion as we ll as taxes on the · 1 ~:;.:1wpor1 leacll,t..-~~~--~~--~--~--~~~--------""'"'-...---..-. T'flll ....... oondllcted by • ,, ............... A.H .... INI T'flll •111 ,. .... tied will IM OollMy Cllrll .. Or9fl9I OouMy Oft ........ 1. ,.., ,.., Warping: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Ht1lth . "' ......... °' ..... Col•• .,..., ..... Now. I, 10. 11. H, t"2 1'---------~-----=----------------•7.._. .. JWflllonal l1u-om t> di'rlvt'd f rom tht• <.'Orpurutaon, ~mef11.1 maybe.> offlll't by ttw t•ott A lawyer c1.1n provldt• advi<.'t' on IUl'h m1.1u.cn1 or rcft•r the client to a lllx lVNUltant, Slnct> lncorp6ratlng lnvolve11 the Issuance of atock and thl'rcfore brings the buai~ under the 1erutlny or the• Corporatio n Co mml ulon Pr a n d Fra nchlae Tax Board aa well 111 tht> Sc!<:rt-tary of Stale, leJ al advb would bt• he lpful ln avoiding crrort in record keeping which could jeopardize th(' corporation . ONE THING the individua l can do without a lawyer is take the preliminary step for filing corporation art icles This 1s the c h oosing o f a n a me for t h e <.'Orporation and gaining clearance from the Secretary of State. Na mes alread y in use or closely r(.'Sefnbling exislint corporationa cannot be used. Often names desired, although not already .tt!e-aame· o( some other corpora tion. have bee~ reserved by someone pla nning incorporation. T o r eser ve a corporate: na m e, a pplicants should submit two or three a lternate choices. T his can be done by mail for a fee of $4. Once a ncjmc has been reserved tne applicant can then consult w ith an attorney to process the a rticles of incor poration. It's ... new laws A <.; t• n c• r a I T a x PrU('tlliont•ra. lns t1tutt· will he• offt•r('<I from 8:30 to 3::w p.m. Si1turday. Ot<c. 4, ut Or;ang1• Coast Cullt•gt•. Co-11pon110rt'Cl by OC<.: a n d t ht• l n t c>rn al RC'vc•n Ul' St•rv IC('. Lhc St'flSIOn will tx• m Hoom '214 of .OCC's Cht•mistry 8u1ld11lg' on the (·ampus at 2701 Fa1rv1cw Ro~d. Costa Mt•iw. The $35 rc•gistration fo<> includes lunch and all materials. Tickets arc• on sale• In the OCC Commun ity Service Offac l• an the college's Adminlstrauon Building from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m . weekdays and ll a m. to noon Saturdays. If available, tickets wall be sold at the door. Th<' 1n st1tute is approvc.>d for <.'Onlinuing education credit for public accountants and cer t ified pub l i<.· aCl'OUntanL'>. Holiday Gas BA~-8-Q SALE SpttlaJIDfw In tlw tt»rdln•tlon ol llw dttfwtltl~ lurdw11tt IOI' yoar pt'Oj«t, Flllldt«l ltardtHn for: QOORS,' BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABIN.ET AND . ··.BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 . a.M Mellda11 1514 Newport 11•4. COiia Miu, CaW. t262'7 .. • . . ~!mg. It~ slim. It~ elegant. (. 17 mg. "tir'', 14 mg. n1cot1nt IV. Ill' cigtr1nt by FTC method. ., ·. .. ~ · .. •• .. '• ... I l I I: I rl I IDUl\lnflltil\I .. ALARM CLOCK-PHOIE ,,..,.,.s,,w --·I ' f -r ~· '~~ \. \ .i~: .. ~· ~ PEP BOYS mLl GIVES A LIMITED .w> HAZARD WIUtRANTY* AT NO EXTRA COSTI """' IOrl OIWtl A -W_., ON ~l --A~ -Of...,_ -Ml-~.,--,.,._CMllM ---•--WllW ,_.. .. -,..,..,_ ~ llAllO ON ---l'llCI II Ml Of~ • ,_ "., .. to<Uf\ • NII Wiii A<Clman _, 111r 4" MANDY .. ,. .. POatnl . COMPRESSOR THI HUICT IOADllDI l' COMMNION. nTI HftO Ol.OVI COMMllTMINT • Hltih ...-. ..... w1.-.. <-' t.,e.ct-11. ,-. ·~~~-' 11~ ... ligtMrplue. - ·--Adi ------· 119'5 _._ ·-···-_,_ (L"9 ........ ) 278!. raona YOUI YIHICU NOW" ·~·· • ftarfc .,..,. •1,•g•m•1•1 Sbrwlotetl A••• c=.w",~••n · SEAT COVERS COVllS ... UCI & SIAY ADDftAI • .,_ LUXUU a COMIOltT TO Yo. CAI •101M1-•,.. IP- Stll11U11,1lll SANTA ANA ~SIER 110 [ FIRST ST AT CYPRUS 15221 IUCH IWO PHOr.[ SU 1•71 PHor.c 193··~· °'IN MON. THRU Pal. 9 A.M.·9 RM./MT. I A.M.·6 RMJIUN. 9 A.M.·I RM. ' ,. • I WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1982 TIE c• 111 THE c11m CAVALCADE FOOD ENTERTAINMENT Thanksgiving is -·--- The kindergar\en class at Alderwood Basics Plus s·chool in Irvine is having a fun-filled time getting things ready.tfor Thanksgiving. Among those helping with decorations are Elenor Schelcoviz, 5 (above),. Bryan Lifschitz, 5 (left ) and Jennifer Evans, 6. D.., Not ""°909 -r NcMnl K......, 82 83-6 87-8 r- f u'n . /J1•f10,•1•r l11rk1:y dis/1 t•usy 11.tii 11; ...••• n.1. D 0 -Ask· any Pi!g~i:m ·. ' , ... Wh<'n the Pilgrims (above) landed the Mayflower nt Plymouth Rock (below) ~ they wer e g reeted by frie ndly Indians (left) -friendly Indians trying hard not lo look too friendly .~Finl grade teacher Marilyn Mars at the Perry. chool in Huntington Beach, steers one of the ve els above. Waiting ashore lo greet the ad ve nturers to the n ew land are Jennifer McCarty, Trisha ~ Poppino, Gretchen Dean,, Angela ·McDonald-a nd J .D. Londeree. • r Or1119e Coaet DAIL V PH 0 1 /Wt dne11<Jny, Novt1rnlH11 2". 198:? GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. cfoREN ANO OMAA SHARIF Qolh vulnerable. West deals. NORTH +Af ' <:'KQJ 8 0 1092 +.AK108 WES'I' EAST ,..•"-.Ql09 U +874 · ~A <:> 7t' { ~A'O O QU ~·" •9732 ' • SOUTH t. . +JS ~ 109532 O K87 . •QH The bidding: ·Welt Nertla Eut Soutlt .. 1 + DW.. Pus 2 ~ 3 + '~ Pua Pa11 .. P ... Opening lead: King or +. Some rohtrarts can sue ceed only if you find a for lunate lie or the cardll. l n that event, you should plan' the play as if that di1Jlribu· lion exits. West's jump lo thref' spades at his second turn placed North in a dHficul\ position. He realized t hat South might have nothing for his bid of two hearts, because il was a forced response to a takeout double. Never· Lheless, North's hand was better than minimum, and • .• ~is prominent values' In hearts •weighed against his side's defensive prospects. So he elected to ta~e the push to fou r hearts. West led the king of s111des1 and declarer could count only nlnt> trick. -one spadt>, Cuur heart.a and four \ clubs. tl .wu 'too murh to hop«! for t he tenth trick In diamonds by leading toward the king-West had to have the ace for his bids. Thus, t he only hope was lo end play W.st. and force him to lead a diamond, or yield a rufl·alurr. That would require a very exact distribution -West had lo hold a singlet.on ac• or trumps and no more than three clubs. With any other distribution, the defenders could avoid the i111pending snare. Declarer won the ace or spades and immediately set about stripping the clubs. -"·. HOIOSCOPE POT SHOTS :naursday, November ZS • ARIES (March 21 -April 19): You'll be provided with addition al mate r ial, working roo m . Jtrri~on is extended to join unique c lub, group, o~tion. Focus also on hospital visit w hich can r«i"~t in good cheer. tAURUS (April 20-May 20): Ability to win· friends, influence people is enhanced. Wish comes true, romantic fantasy is fulCilled. You'll have. chance to rebuild on a more suitable s tructure. BY ASHLEIGH BAILLl~T .. 1 BE PROUD OF ME, When Weal railed lo follow to the third club, dec·larer wu half way home. Wt'lt could see t hat there wu no point to r uffing thl' cl ub with hit trump a~ he discard· ed a 1pade, ancf'lanother on \he follrth club which follow ed. Declarer could now make the hand In dlrrerent ways. Choo1i n1 the more ele1anl. he slurred a diamond on •he fourth club. Oeelafer then cont inued with a 1pade and West's goose was cooked. He was forced to wi n the queen •nd he could cash the ace or hearts, but then he was faced with a Hobson's choice. Another apadt> would allow declarer ~o ruff in dummy whil<> slurring another dla mond from hit hand,. A dja mond would pre.ent declarer with his tenth trick In that suii. 1-~lther way, declarer ' limited his lo11ea to a trick in each suit except for clubt. How do '" e....._ tlM .... , .,...._ ·1 .... 1 c1aar1 .. Ger•• liu tlM aa1wer. Fer a copy of .. WIDDJ.. OpeaJ .. 'Lead1," HDd• 11 .85 to "Ger••·Leada," car• of tla11 •owepaper, P.O. Boa 259, Norw-.d, N.J . 07"8:'.r.mse clMeke payable &. New• ,.,. ......... T rou1 HfAlTI OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN DE AR DR. STE INCROHN: I have the "ort of high blood pressure one can't brag about. What I mean Is tha t it's so margina l , ther e's even a question if it is really hypertension. Nevertheless, m y doctor Is a stickler for m edication and frequent checkups in bis office. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Career motivation is sp urred ; message of encouragement received co-workers. Individuals who appear indifferent will from one you admire. Gain indicated if you study now c h ange thei r tune and could b ecom e I asked him about my gettln1 a blood pressure mac.hlne so I could take readings at home. He't a bsolutely against it. I'm ou diure tics even though m y pressure Is about 150 over 90. I recall that you s uggested the need for ho me blood p r eu ure readings in some cases. Do you still feel.that way? written word. Highlight perceptiveness, ability to enthU$1asuc suooorters. · -Mrs. V. DEAH MHS. V.: I'd rather not get into the .. OF.AH ANN LANUl.;RS· 'fht• letlL'r 11bou\ th~ mlnlll('t who Hl nglc.'lf out th(• oldet1t mottwr at 1.:hurch 114.'fVlt't'll on Motht•r'li Day n •man<kd ""' or 11n anl'icknt thut muy Ix• worth paHMfiU on to your rt•adcn. l hud lun<.h wuh 11 fr w11d whu brought along a houiit• gu1•111, h1·r futht·r u mun an ha!I 9011 Whl'n he was al.Jlitmt from thl• table, I askt'<.I h111 ag<>. She 1't.>P,lk:d , ''l h· 1~ II:!, hut dOC'sn't hkl' lo Ix· n •minded of it. ' And then t>h(• tuld m1• h1• no longt·r attends Father's Day lit•rvit•t•s or Spt•dul churt·h functions txoea wic.• they kt•pt muking a big deal ubout his age. Sht> said, ".No Ont• wanls lo Ix• rt•mlnd('<.i that he hM liv<.'C'.i l.x>yond tht· <'XJX>t:tc'<I llmv. Why cun't people forgN ugc and find something eltu! that d<.>11erves mention? I had never before thought about elde rly people an that way S ance then 1 have talked with severol goldcn-agt'ri:. and d1S<.'0Vt!rcd they all would pn•(er not lo Ix> honorc"'<i for the number or years they have hwd, but rathcr~for something they have achlevro. . G od provided only one olt\.•rnauw to growing old, and ['m not ready for it. Sign me O.L . IN PEDRI!\ ,. • . DEAR O.L.: Move over . You're 1i6glng my song.. •. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Wjth so mul'h being wriu.en about gcmatal herpes, the incurable venereal disease that over 20 million Amera~ans have, I hope you wall conunuc to .talk about 1t an your column, and not assume that Just bc'<:aUS(> it is being widely. discussed the job of t'<.iucation has been done . In a rtACenl letter a wom an asked if it was pos.<Jiblc to get g(.•nital herpes in any other way besides sexual intercourse. You replie d , "The chances a re slim, but yes, it is possi~lc." · I was so pleased to S(.>e your response because it may h ave saved ht·r marriage The woman's husband swore on the farTllly Bible that he had never had sex W4lh anyone but her. I'm sure. me wanted to believe ham. She said he was a wonderful husband and fa ther and wanted more than anything to keep the family together. but she didn't see how she could trust him ever again af, indeed, he had brought this inc urable disease home to her . Please be more specific about the details. There must be thousands, maybe millions of readers w ho • · would like to know how it is possible to get genital herpes without having sex with a pt•rson who has it. -TACOMA ANN FAN WHO READS YOU FIRST d' rn motives and anal ze characlC'r. --------"7'W3l~•~IO (Oct. 23-Noy, 20 : kready for new CANCER une 21-uly 22): Good lunar aspect start, get to heart or matters, protect self in maddll' o a asagreemen between palien-r "a""n _____ _ doctor. l thank you can understand that. But it's true there's a need for self-chec-kups of blood pressure by some patients. Many doctors and several repor~ agree. For example, Christopher Cottier. M.D .. and colleagues of the Mich igan St•h ool of M edicine found that bor de r line· h ypertensive pat1cnts took anti-hypertensive drugs. They mcasurcd their blood pressure a t home and were able to detect accura tely small changes in highlights travel, education. communication and emotional clinches. Stress independence, originality, realization of spiritua l values. Major domestic inventive ness. Member of opposite sex asks for adjustment occurs; ideals,,amblllons are subject to sQmething mo re tha n a promise. revision. SAGITTAR IUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stick to LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Define te rms, be aware practical issues . Ascertain price, lime, labor o( special requirements, see places and people as rl'qUlrt.'men ts. Seek professional counsel concerning tney actually exist. Focus on credit ratings. laxes. a ppraisal. accounting ano possible addition a l ability lo dig beneath' superficial layers. You'll be in expenses. . contact with those who ma ke claims concerning CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Status quo is fi nances. Do some private detective work. . shaken: barriers are removed, wek-ome mat is out.. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don't ignore legal popularity increases and invitations multiply. rights, permissions. Protect your own interests and AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Know when to a void infringing on territory of others. Law draw lane 1n connection with outlay of cash. u ltimately will favor your pos itio n . Know it. Individual who advocated borrowing should be pcoceed accordingly. Emphasis also on public viewed wath jaundiced eye. Focus on budget, relations. temporary delay and marital s tatus. conservation , effort to protect assets. • 1~RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Complete tasks at PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Circumstances hahd -emphasis on cooperative e fforts. gain turn in your iavor; you'll be at rtght place at crucial through organization, participation in project with moment. Make special appeals -and appearances. Plenty Of frH Parking ' 'OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 Thru Dec. 31. l 982 -Shrlinp, Fish & Chicken Special 82.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp, a fish fillet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank• served with fresh cole slaw, fryes and. h ushpupples. 3095 Harbor Blvd . In Costa Mesa IJll\I Sou1h ol ~ !Mao I•)' KIC>>l ft- ltdco 14715 Jeffrey Rd. •• w.inut 1Juw oH s.ni. AN fwy 1 Irvine CUISllllRT DEMOllSTRITIOll SIT. 10-3 CUISINART DLC10E with exclusive expanded feed tube that holds 50% more .. at one time. Includes metal & dough blade, 11rctng & shredding drsc. spatula & cleaning tool. 2 pound bread dough capacity 1 'A a.ip meat chopping capablllty. $99 99 Reg. 1119" Cloled Thanksgiving o-.y Open 8-6 Frt., Sat., Sun. ... DUSTIUSTIR KIT #9331 The Cordl8se Vac -wlth clean- ing attachments - Includes Du1tbu1tar with crevice tool, brush toot, extra filter bllg1, wall hanging 1torage/ chotg.lng~ s2499 Reg. 135" e lllllllk • ..,,. • j • pressure. Studies showed that propranolol, for example, can lower blood pressure to nonnal in borderline p~t ients w ho can effectively monitor their response to medication at home. The readings are I~ affected by emotional factors in the doctor's D E AR TACOMA: Dr . Sam A. Nixon, a profe11or ID the der.artmeat or family practice and community medic ae at tbe University of Texas Medical Scbool in Hous ton, told m e It could happen la two ways. E ither of tbe pa rties could have bad a mild case of.genital herpes ma ny years ago, with no symptoms. (Rar e but possible.) The eruption could actaally have been a reoccurrence. Also, If the husband bad a cold sore on bis lip, tbe virus from tbe cold sore could bave been transmitted on a finiertlp or tbroui~ oral sex. I hope Dr. Nixon's explanation will be of help to those who need reasnra ace. He is one :>f the c o•ntry 's most knowle dgeable a utburitles on herpes . You can trust him. office. SAVE50~ ON ONE PAIR OF 50¢ OFF ONE PAIR OF ANY l:egga SHEER ENW PANTYHOSE Old-time flavor + modern ease great results L1•t 111v1•111 clu11'1 huv1• IU IUJVI• llkt• 11•f lllYl'l 11 Tr v 'l' u a k 1• y l' l 1· 11 1 'rurk1•y 811 utu 1w11 "lc•ftuvc•r" m111n cl11~h1•11 t lin t uri• ,... fr <•sh I"" 111ld1111111-. tu y11u1 ,1utumn 1111•nuw T h1·11 1· 1 \\ u r«t'l lll'li n1mlil111• o ld fll't h IOnt.•d fl1tVllf WI l h HICIU l'rn duy l'lllH' for clt•lidous l'1•imlts Old·fm1h1mwd Turk1•y I' I l' I t• l ~ y o u I o k <' 11dv11ntug<• t>f nt•w tnshiunf-d products. UIW ~ n n n c d o r fro i 1• n vcgt•tablcs, gravy and I h,1V1• 11111111·1 •Ill 1h1• luhh• 111 hJll 1111 111•111 OLI) l''ASlllONl~O TllftKEV 1'11': I l' II v I I 11 p ,. ( '. llltrH't•) Kl uvv Ull'< tor 1u1k1·v 11 l ttp w.1lc•1 1 1 (llfJ n11lk I 1.111 1'1'>110011 ~h1•11 y. I( d1'Nl11"tl I waspuun lll'lltllll mim•1•tl 0111on 1 1 h •as1>11t111 pouh.1·y 111•11sonl111-t I c ti II t 111 •IU 111'1') 11h11'il 1til 11l11i, tll llltM'd I t 1111 (I oun1•1•) 11 t I' cJ Ill ll Ith I 1111Ill11 , "' .11111-.1 I t:llJI I"'"" I lUµ Ji!t(·Ull llll)( 1 1 1·u11 nulk - l 'c1111h1111• lillll'Ull llll>I: und n1llk, k111•1ul on (111u1 t•cl NUI fut l' !; Ill lO 11 nw '> SI"""' l u 1 kc• y ml>-lun• 111111 Ill 11wh 1111· p.in 111 11 qu.11 l i.ha llow n 1i...,.·111h• Hull ,., u~l to (11 LCJµ ol '"u..-.t•rult'. <.'Ul 1d1U. to ll'\ ifh •um hl'upc• A rrullf(C' ovt•r (1llln" nukl· al 4:'10 dl•gn•t•oe fur ' 't :-; mlnuw11, until J<Oldt•11 h1uwn. Ii 1wrving11. TURKEY STRATA 'J ('UP clltt-.1 c oukc'41 lu rkc·y I t u JI 1· Ii o I' 11 ,. d l 1•l1·1 y • • I I I ll f> I Ii fl p r1 C' ti gu·1 n f.ltf>Jif'I 1 1 up n1<1 y111111ul"4· I ' t UfJ' 11l111•dclt~l ( 'lwdd.11 d11·1'"' :I •'UK •. i.l1f(htl y l14•,Jli•11 :l 1 UJh> milk I 1·11 v1•l11 p t• (I 1 1 1111 111 I') llH'll S l'<I Nllll 111..: 111I X P11phko l'1t1M•1 ol<• Tou !i Lurkt•y, <.'t'll'r , " t. 11ncl muyonmJM', 1 td UVl'I h14·ial.J l'Ubt'I. ' SJ.le lnkl'· with ttaH &l\e i·hN·••· ond u •m1tY1tn1 II "' a d t• u bl' 1 8 • e t • tc1gNht•r t·t(gw. malk, •fld Low M•ui.onlnj mix, po\lt ovn 111ruta Sprlnk h~ t u~l'lht•r rc•molnlng I ht•t'Mc' <:ov..-r und n ·lri1wr4l&e ot lt•a11t 4! huu1'11 or up ~9 l111un1 8prinklt• wa'h 1wpr1k11 . Bakt> at 350 dt•f(rj cs for ~O to 80 minutt-8, until sN Make& ==========i-:-----~---:--__;;b;.;;ifl(:.:.;;'..:;U.:.;i l;.....:mi>c<'S llfld you'll 2 cupt. cl1t'(•d .<">oktid lUl'kt~y ( 'omliin1· g1 uvy mix, WUlftl , llll lk , t1h1•1·ry, 11111on , und puult1'y M•u.'><lllllltl in mt'<hum i.lw 1rn u 1·1• pun Ii 1•111 tu ho1lt11", 1i ll1I10(( I rl~Ul'lllly Mid turk1•y. carrul.i;, ·muishroon\s, und p L' u II ; h ti u I w h I I c• pn·purint{ 1·rust, 11urrmu llC't:U'-IC/111.llly. 4 l'IJl)!l b 11•uJ c:uht•i-o, dril•d OVt'rnight ot l'OOlll lC'thfit'l'UI Urt• Spn·n<.I :l d ip'! hrr .. 111 1•uh1·i. 111 hu111."r1•d . s h II J I (! w :l~ ,J !...!:. Ii S<.'rvings . PtltLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUITll'I IAU Hum ..... 111211217 YOU ARI IH OlfAUlT UNO«" A OHO OF TRUIT OATIO JULY 11, 1111. UNUll YOU TAKI ACTION TO ..,_OTECT YOU" .... O .. fltTY, IT MAY H SOLO AT A .. uauc SALE. If YOU NIED AN UPLAl(ATION OF THI NATU"E OF THf' "ROCHOINQ AGAINST YOU, YOU 9"0Ul0 CONTACT A LAWYIR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat MAR VISTA FINANCIAL. INC b CO<l)Ofallon, 767 NO<lh "E S11ee1. San Betnardlno, Calll0<n1a 92403. Telephone Number 11141889·0231. as lhe present Trullee under the deed ol llust he<etnal1a1 mentioned. Wiii ••II IO the highest b•dder IOI cash In lawlul money ol lhe Untied Statet wllhoot wa11anty ol any kind, et a publlc auction al the lime and place designated below. In lhe County OI the State OI Celllotn•I des1gnaled below, ell ol Iha righl, tllle and 1n1e1as1 now held by aeld Trustee In and to all tnet cerlain p1ope11y which Is altuale 1n said Coonty and 1, descrlbild below The 11ree1 address, 11 any. 01 other common deslgna11on. 11 any, ol Hid property Is set forth below. Said deed ol t1us1 wu executed by the Trustor dealgnated below and was recorded on the date, In the Book and at t he Page as Document Number ol Olllc1al RecOf'dS In the Olllce ol the Coun1y Recorder of said County. all as designated below, and conveyed said pr0pe<1y 10 the Trustee thereln specified Sale of the property wdl be made pursuant 10 1na demand 01 1ne Beoefl<:1ary under said deed ol trull and by reason 01 del1ull In Iha payment' 01 perlormance ol oblig8hons secured by said deed ol trust Including the default. noUce ol wlllch was recOf'dlld on Iha date, 1n Iha book and at the Page. and as Documen1 Number ol said Ofhc18I Records at designated below The 10111 amoon1 ol the unpaid balance ol tha 01>11ga11on MCU1~ by uld deed ol 11u11 and Mllmat --~....;.Sla. expenses, wnd--adva1u1 e the lime ol the lnlllal publication or this Notice ol Tru11ee'1 Sale Is designated below As used herein "Trust0<" Shall be deemed to mean "Trustors" II more than one T1uato1 Is deslgnaled below. and "Beneficiary" shall be deemed lo mean "Benellclarlea" 11 more than one Beneficiary executed lh• Notice of Default herelnabove mentioned. The lime and pla ce ol sale. descrlp11on of said p1opar1y and other d8la rele11ed 10 above are as follows: Counly Orenge TrustO<: HARVEY DORLAND, AN UNMARRIED MAN Deed ol Trust· Recordatlon Date July 24, 1981 Book 14 154. Page 924. Document No 34759 Nollr.e of Default Recordallon Date July 23. 1982 Document No 82-2~387 Time ol Sale to 00 A M Wednesday. December 15. 198 Piece o l Sale North Iron') entr811()9 to the county courthouM. zoo C•vic Center °''"' Wnt, Sanra Ana, Ca Total of obhgahon and estimated costs. ••pense$. eno advances 81 Initial publicahon: St 26.0 t 2 84 Street addu1u or Other common d-gnatK>n of said Pfoparty 460 t Abbotawood Circle. lrvlne. C8lllomla 92714 Oesotlptton of Propetly LOI 36 of Tract No 7236, II per map recorded In Book 282. Pages 18 10 21 lnck.islve ol MIM:etlaneous Mapa In the olllce ol the County RecOf'cler ol uld county Datec:I. November t t, 1982 INC . MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, a COl'poretlon, Trust" SURA & HELL YER A Prolaulonal Corp. By: Joann Georgallls Allornevt for Trustee Published Qrenge Coall Deily Pilot, Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1, 1982 5072-82 rta.IC f«>TICE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOl OCITNCT NOTICI Of ADOPTION OfMSOUITIONOf INftNT TO LaAM MMP\.UI OCSTNCT UAL "'°""" _, NO.a.-4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT has decl.,•d thll the fallowtng real property w1n not be neeMd tor clas$toom purl>Otft Kitchen fmulmum uM. one week par month) al BUSHARD SCHOOL located 196119 £duc1tlon Lana, Huntington Baactl. Calllom11 The Board of T1u11ee1 of Iha Founteln Valley School Dlllrlct resolvn to leaae the lacllllln ao Indicated above under the t11m1 and condltlo'na at111<1 In lhe Resolution ol the Board, AnoMlon No. a3·12 The minimum monthly l11ae payment 10< the 1erm of t~ leue shell not be lnl than $58.00 per month. The minimum monlhly laue pevment lor 1ub1equ1nt period• mey be a~tld by the Conaume< Price Index ennual 1v1rege 11flactld at tl'le end of the laaaa period. A aecurtty dlpoalt may be required P<lor lo occupancy No commlttlon 1111111 be P•Jd any llclnlld rMI nt1ta brOllar In lhla 11gerd, and th11a ahall b e no dlduellon lrom 1ny proposal In delarminlng the highnl reaponalble bidder. Sealed Pfop<>MIS 10 IHM 18ld propar1y mu$I be received by Iha delegated ottlc;.ef " the Fountain Valley School D1111lc1 Educellon Canter. 17210 Oak S1rae1. Fount11n Valley, CellfOfnla, 112708, no l"er lhan 2;00 on Nowtnbat 22, 11182 Before 1cc1ptrng 1ny ••,,lttan propoaata, Iha d1lag1ted ollicar 1h1ll call lor 0111 bidding Any pereon who h•• haralolo re aubmlttad a wrlll1n bid an mey aubfnlt an oral bid exc:aeding by 11 i;ut five (5%1 percent the hign.t wrlltan bid The h~I ret90flllbla blcldef lhall be required to exealCe Ille IOf'm of IHM. IUCh lorl!lel 1181 neratolora ~ •1>9'°'*' by the SO.Cl of Truet-. Tile loatd of TNIC-lhall make the dellflT)iMCIOl'I • 10 whither 10 laaM .. id facllltla• wlCh tan ( 10) dlVll 8"" receipt of bictt. lnlorm1t1on concerning tht perPQell lhould be llClcll' 1111 ~ to: ~OUNTAIN VALLEY SOHOOL DISTRICT, ·17210 Oak Slraal, Fountain Vlllay, Celllomla, 11270I, (714) M2..ee81, A11an1ton Naomi Wlltand, ~ ~. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ICHOOL DISTRICT, 90A"I) M TAllSTUI JMlelDWGell Qartc of "" 9-d Otte:...,...... 4, , .... Publltflld Orlfll" Coatt Dally PllOI, Now. 10, 17, 24, 1112 4113-t2 , LARGE FANCY California AVOCADOS ••••ltew Treat .... '~.-... Catfl•b a.n1oe0.U ~;.-.-; .. ~•I.Z9 :::.:· .43° ..... b••• • Cb.... • •••• BEEF RIB Noaam..... SHOULDER BLADE.CUT Pork BEEF ROUND London Broll , •I.99 \... BEEF LARGE END Rllt lisalts Y1l"91a Clmse Qllr lllllr a. All Dltqllt' ·~ .. _ ....... ----- Ice er.. l,.. .... 1' •oo '2.91 -- .. ·Shasta ·Soda SSc ,-".Betty Crocker " . Frosting 89c 1 t llTfA '2.99 • ..... '2.21 ·\_~ .. U .... '4.9 .-.. .. U '"~··· ... .... Tw'l• • '1.11 .... '111 .. ,.,.,. ........ ~. aJ ..... ~.au.n~ ........ ~Ot..<l•kt•tf'Olllft'lflrht\'IJU(lllt\C'f...-9 ' Frozen Foede = .... '""°"-r&,"if'~"i'm·> '1 49 ~,..~ '"'W't.-i;. ea..~.:... ..... •1.21 ~~ =~ .. _'1.11 I R C 100. DIET RITE, R.C DECAFFEINATED OR R.C.Cola ..... REGULAR OR DIET -=-C 8CCola9• eJt2-0z'S.69 2LITER •s.os SHORTENING Crisco .... • .iii' HB•2.09 12-0z87° .f . 12-0z 78° t~OZ ·~.79 t!i-OZ •1:.3s PURINA GOURMET OR TUNA Tender Vlttl .. ·t PUSS'N BOOTS MOIST MEALS. ol VARIETIES Cat Food Ol..'AKER PEANUT BUTIER CEREAL Cap'n Cruneh I QUAKER CINNAMON Life Cereal ... , ..... W DUNCAN HINES Layer Cake ... 'I HEA\IY DUTY PLUS FABRIC IOFTlHlA Pare• Deteraent. DISHWASHER DITEll'OENT Electra801 Joy Uqald 11 ..... ieecNaitkl•• e 18~oz.89° ~z •2.99 »OZ •s.99 »oz•S.83 ~cr •J;.56 _ .. t. I ......... , m:. [ !5!_~ __ ._:;::_l r:•~.-~-llfrlll llm .. 'T: ....... 11' ...... _., ... •1• bdlllllll Sm ....... ·~18' TaS..317' .. ~If ::..·:."·-'1.891f.•llllllln •· ........ '11 M 1-.... lllmPlm .. ...'2.1 ....., r~n·-'1 71 .... ,_. 11 -llW-"''°" • .. "' •. , 111111 . ..'1.1 l ... 1.'wo ,.. a.r ~f;:: ... ,.-----..Jergens '._ .... Soap ~I.I 9 ,, .. ·,Gardenia ;, ·'Mozzarella s2.05 .. ~·· ..... ... 79• .. \ I I . \- Consider the alternative - a spirited stuffed duckling (;.-lt•brule your Thankit~ivin~ wilh a holiduy Thank&1Jl v 1ng n o oprll'Otli ond pors lv)'. •1 (uptwavyt'rt'lirtl, into bowl Chill unul I k I ' h lonier has to m cun Mokl'li 4 liCrvlnscs. whippt't! 11h1ehtly thk'k~nt'd. Bc&at t UC • I H 1 e turkey. Mony families 8 bnkN.l uirt ftht•lls l'IU{ whhf'll untll foamy. 1u·rf t•t•l are amaller and prefer n P A RT VT I M E N 0 C Swt'l•t\•m'<I whlppt't.I Orudually odd 1u1ar and I · meal without endless TARTS crt•um contlnul' beating until U h•rnaloit• lo leftovers. Rum S tuffed 2 tabll'Spoons hon<.'y Condit'll chl'rrit.'11 stiff peuks form. harlwy. Ont~t> in Duckling Is the perfect I l' n v t.> I o p c In 1up of doulJlt• boilt•1-, .,-. o Id I n tu yo I k &ht• ovt•n, il'K alte-rnatlvc. unflavort-d gelatin 1 comhinc horwy, gelaltn. m I x t u r c . F o I d I n Onc-e tho bird i•n the ''°' lt':.ispoon salt &.'lit and nutmt'g. Stir in whipped l'ream. S~n t•lf-bu,!9lin~\ with oven, it Is self -basting; 'I• \easpoon.•ulm«.'g milk und cfUt rolks. Cook into prepared lal'l II f!lls. H fff)lus h of rum d I cup 8(.'<tldud milk over simmering water, C hill until firm. To .an rum enhances the . h in ahe s luffinu filli~, Imparting 8 3 eggs, S<'parat~' stirring until mixture St..'rve, garnas with " 11 '• t up llaht rum (80 coats the back o f thf' sw(·c tened whipf,ed ""tilh .. n••a'11.,. lh ... sp r t , delicious flavor. " ~ .. • " " Tc proof) spoon. cr eam and c hcrr es. . oast the holiday dinner ' Cool. stir an rurn . l'our Makf'S 8 •arts. flavor. wit a Thanksgiving .~---'-•_c_u~p_s_ug~a_r ________ __;;;.;;.;;.;,;...;; _____________________ ... ____ .......,. ____________ ...;.;.. ________________________________________________ ~------------------~ S hrub Coc ktail, a ' delightful combination or fruit juices, orange sherbet and rum. Complete this favprite dinner with Partyllme Nog Tarts. For a taste difference. freeze the tarts instead of merely refrigerating them. RUM STUFFED DUCKLING 'h pound bulk pork sausage 4 cups corn bread stuffing mix l cup choooed cored apple ') 1 c up .c tl opped celery 1h cup sliced green onion l4 c up c h o pped parsley 'h teaspoon thyme, crush~ 'h tea s p oo n marjoram, crushed 1 duckling (4 to 5 pound) c( Salt and pepper 'h cup light rum (80 proo'f) In s kille t , b r o wn saµsage, stirring to break into bits . P o ur o ff tngs:-Sttrfnap]'.>1~. celer y, onion, parsley, thyme and ma rjoram. Season cavity of washed duckling. ' Bl e nd rum int o stufftng. Fill cavi t y. Truss duck and prick skin with fork. Place duckling o n rac k in shallow baking pan. Roast at 375 degrees for 2 hours or until tests done. Pour off drippings as necessary. If desired. garnish duck with spiced Harvest dressing During autumn and winter, the bounty of the earth is celebrated in so many ways. And this homemade corn bread Harvest ~ing is right for so many of those occasions. HARV.~T DRESSING 1 pan corn bread, cooled, crumbled• 6 cups soft bread cubes -... 1 lb. bulk pork 5ausage, cooked, drained 2 c ups c hoppe d apple 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sage 'A teaspoon pepper 2 c ups c h opped onion 'h c up butte r or margarine 1 cup chicken or turkey broth 2 eggs. beaten Heat oven to 350 ciesrees F. In large bowl, combine corn bread, bread cubes , sausage, apple, salt, sage a nd pepper; mix well. Saute onion, in butter; add to com br'ead mixture. Add broth and eggs; toss lightly until bread is thoroughly moistened. (Add additional broth if more moist dressing Is desired.) . PlaCe in 3-qt. caaaerole. Cover; bake -45 to 50 minutes. Ser ve with . hmn, pork rout, turkey or chicken. Makes about 2~ quarts of~· •CORN BREAD l lh cup11 enriched com meal 1h cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 te'8poona baking powder ~ teMpOOn salt I cup milk 1 ea. beaten 11' cup vegetable oil Heat oven to -425 d..,_. P'. Gl"Ml8 '9-lnch square bakln1 pan. Combine corn meal , flour , 1u1ar, bakln1 powder and aalt. Add mllk. eu and oil; mix ~ until dry lnaredJents are mo6ftened. Pour into pre pared pan. Bake about 20 mlnu'9 or until 1olden brown. Cool. Maka 9-lnch 8qUAnt pan ot corn breed. 1 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manofacturers' "cents off" coupon and gel double the sav ings when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase'', coupons or exceed the value of the item. Ex cludes Liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Llmlt One Item Per Manufacturer'• Coupon and Umlt 4 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Effective Now. 21 ttwu Dec. 1, 1112 "COW\~ Slancf'·helb Mushrooms Sun Giant Ol.Qed 01 Pitted Date6-'-100& Pll9 .79 1.49 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with, anr. one Manufacturers' "cents off ' coupon and gel double the savings when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes Liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manul.c:turw'I Coupon end Limit 4 Double Couoona per Cu1tomer Coupot1 Eltectne Now. 2t lwu Dec. 1, 1112 ......... ~OCM~~~· ............ Undlcry............ . Ripe Olives Del Moclle Sweet Gherkins l tngllM ---Groc•ry va1u .. ___ Ivory Uquid !:L09 u; L39 »:: LT/ »::. Ll9 AMontd ncnora Rice·A ·ROni Ma1uchon Instant Lunch WtlChl Grape Juice 12 01. can1 Rtq\llcn oi Ortt C&CCola••• t 'Aoe bO• .59 Frnailouch 39 ramuys ... 2~:; • Ivory Uquid 40= 1.59 sunmiht Liquid 129 PurlllO poc: • Dog Chow Piii9d"oii;,es ·~ .89 cii·8i~CMBTend Prices effective Nov. 28 thru Dec. 1, 1982 c°"'""' IMI..., ...... O•oc .. , c...,., ~ lllPtt ......... Wt rt•-"'9•lfht1011m11 or •wfllM , .... ltt-tlal._t .. ...,...._.... •••EJlclUfflno Sen Dteoo Ind I,..,.,.. COUf'ltlff •:: 2.79 •:t Ll9 '°~ 15.791 1~2.49 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off'' coupOn and get double the when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retaile r", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes Liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per M"uf1Ctutef'1 Coupon end Umlt 4 Doub6e Coupons per Customer CCMIPOft Ertectfwe Now. 21 ttvu Dec.1, 1112 ...... Dalry/DellVabMs ..... IDCedSalamt ~ '--" ..._,.COUrf Of MUd Cheddar Cheese ;:: .89 ':' 3.19 N'a'thcin·sICnockwurst~ 2.59 .... fl(}?flU4, Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the Item. Not to Include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons o r exceed the value of the llem. Excludes Liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manuf1Cturet'1 Coupon end Limit 4 Double Coupon1 per Cu1tOIMf Coupon Effective Nov. 21ttvuDec.1, 1112 lcllptw.ftala llarUwgtt °' Hot Dog Buns P!.\ 11111pe.o.~ ~'' llueti.trt' Of t..mon Swirl ~onee Cake P!.\ lalplle-Plaln Martlle Walnut 01 llcliln Pound Cake .... pll9 .45 .99 l.29 ............... ,._ ....................... ,... ......... ,.. ................... _..... .. ,._, ... la!,. .... . .. ....................... _ ............ Ill ...................... .._ .............. ...., ................. .. ........... _........................... . . .... , _.. ,.r.1~= ..... ...r,.u:a.-=. •• -·• m ...... AT-· -. l1111 IM a ... en 1. ~1.1•!•1&'=-•m llUI L•••:;.•:= --·-.__. .... ,M " 1-. lllM&I I ., I }elfeled Fruitcake signals time for holiday btiking h 's not too l'3rly to JEWELED tluur pan. ' s t a rt plunni ng Co r a FRUITCAKE ~~ l'UP 11ug1.tr · Bak(• unlll wondl•n holiday season filled 1:1 o un c c•s dri ed Ii l11J1spoon ooklng pkk j11•t.1rted In t(•nh·r with lhl' tempting foods npri{'Ols (about 2 cu ps) powuor cc>mt•• out cleim, about that ma ke Chris tmas 8 oJn<.'C f itt<'d dates 11, iuspoon &1h l '• houra. IC n«'l'Uary, Sf:X'Clo l. (about 2 cups 3 eggs cover with aluminum foll Frult-studdl•d c:ofCee g ounCt'll Brazil nuts 1 • , t e u s p o o n s dunn6' lut 30 mlnutt1 of cakes, fragra n t n ut (about l 'lz cups)-vanilla baking to pre v t>nt b read s , dt-corn t iv e ~ounces red aod Hea t oven lo 300 exc.'l"llSivt>browning. Oro1100 CoMtt DAIL V PILOT /Wedne1d1 , November 24, 1982 J ewt>h~d f'rui.l«'o ke will liven up the • Chri~lmas cookies, a g inge rbread gret!n candil'<l pincapplo, degrees. Line loa(' pan, Rcmov~ from pan: chalN, and snvory rousts cui up (about 1 cup) 9x~x3 or 8 t,Ai ¥4'"'x2'h cool. Wrap In plastic with all the trimmings -I cup, red and gr('('n inches, with . aluminum wrap; store in freeU"r 3 these.' are a sampling of maraschln0icherries •foil: greas e . M i x all t o 4 months or i•n the irf'e\,islible treats m l'l cup all-purpose ingredients : spread in refrigerator 3 to 4 weeks. B e tt y C r o cke r 's ,.---,~....::..........!.......::__:__:..~~--==--~~~~~~~~~=--~~~~~~~-==============:;_=-~-=;;;;;;-= C hrist mas Coo kbo o k (Golden Press. $14.95). • holiday. Shortcuts for busy • women· When Thanksgiving firs t was celebrated , women worked a t home. Th ey.pl u c k e d th e turke ys, pic k ed the pumpkins, h usked the corn a nd labor e d for several days from dawn lO nightfall to prepare a festive meal with a little help from some friendly Indians. T o da y 's w o rk i n g women have it easier - and harder. They may never encounter a turkey feather or a corn husk. Fowl com e ready for roasting and pie shells ready for filling with canned fruit. But with h a lf the women in the United States comb ining duc.l careers of homemaker -and -W&ge-e8fflCf'':-, -wfttH will be in the kitchen roasting, basting, baking, stewing and sauteeing the many-s ple ndored traditional T hanksgiving dinner? Anyone who can set a timer, tum on the oven and follow a few simple directions. Pre paring a Thanksgiving feast is becoming a family affair, with everyone pitching in lo sh o p, cook and serve the meal. A ssi gn t as k s t o everyone in the family, and if you're invit ing a lot of guests, don't be shy about asking each one to bring a part of the meal. Yo unger children can he lp by making place cards a nd settin g t h e table. Plan the menu ahead and do mos t of th e grocery shopping a few days b e fore Tha nks- giving. Someon e can make a quick trip to the supermarket Wednesday night for last -minute needs. The traditiona l "big bird," a 22-to 28-pound turkey, seems to lak e forev e r to roast and sometimes gets dried out. If you'r e e xpecting a large crowd, you may wa nt to bake two small turkeys instead. Oven-roasted chickens, Comish game hens and whole turkey breasts, ide a l f o r s m a lle r gatherings , are n't as ml-'ch of a chore to carve and serve. C o mmer c iall y pre pared stumng mixes are usually quite good, especially if you add your own touches. such as sauteed mushrooms, Qnions or sausages. '. Another time-saver is baking the stuffing in a greased casserole, instead of Inside the bird, and adding a little of the pan 1 juices from the turkey or chicken. It's easier to serve and w on 't get ~·paring vegetables can be a snap when you let canned foods do most of tpe w ork for you. Can~ed sweet potatoes are excelle nt mashed, 1euoned with salt and a pinch of nutmeg, dotted with butter and baked in ~oven. • Creamed corn can be fanc i ed up w l t.h a aea1on ed breadc rumb topping, then baked. Whole canned onions, 1lazed with butter and brown sugar, are another tempting side dish. For a delicious relish. combine whole cranberry aauce, diced celery. chopped walnut.a and IJ'•ted orange rind. Deuerta can taste h omemade without being made from ICf'atch, . . ... specials holiay ~ llervest new crop!! shelled pecans bulk only ~ .. u, .. 2.98 new cropll shelled . almonds bulk only 1 s .. 2.79 •• • new crop! I shelled walnuts bulk only 2 s \ ...... 4.29 •. • • no dealer sales • limit rights reserv~ tuslin·newport/costa mesa only tuslln·newportlcosta mesa onlv . stuffed pork chops "" .. 1.911~. 2. 98 lean boneless pork ·ro1st ,... .. 2.91 I~. 1. 98 ...... 2.49 •. our very own!! h1hhut ste1b . now taking orders for your fresh Irvine r.an ch farmers market holiday turkey -him - · · prime rihf f U. mlll creek ...... 4.911~. 3.4 1 11 •ltltln ore11e 8 , __ _..;.::.:..:;;;_;.;.,;;..;;;....;.;;.;.._~~ 3.4 oz. ,... a.so 5. S mill creek..,- • el1lfln lotion L ' . natural foods provisions arrowhead mills 5 lb.size "t 2.45 2.19 rye lour 2 lb. size "f. 5 lb size "f. 1.49 homemade Irvine ranch mari(et 1ppl1 oelh1 oab 16 oz. 2.19 homema<M • 100% natural Irvine ranch mal't(et •• Snow-Whitt> Turkt•y Salad' 'is p.-rf N~t for luncheons or us a •o-ohead dinner for ... y family nights. NOTICI TO C~CTOfll . "ofect No. II MIC tt l ... led propo .. 11 will be rec.4-.d ltle ottkle of Plenl Operlllon - l\lef o f Plant Operation• Ill, 9lrvlew Stale Hoepltel, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Colla MeH, CA 112826 untR 2:00 p.m on 0-Uber 10, 11182, at wlllctl 1lme lhey win be publicly opened and read for performing work aa Furnleh ~II labor, matar l al1 tool• and ~ulpmant n-Aary to "INSTALL WASTE WATER HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM" ·-lnllall a walla w1ter hell recovery 1y1tem on Iha ~lral L1undry w111e waler ayatarri at Fairview S1ate Hospllal's Laundry. The 1y1tem lhalf be lnatalled 11 a complete unft ready 10 operate on lhe existing wasle water aystem at Fairvi ew Slate Hoapllal, In accordance with plane and apeclllcatlons therefor. Preference wlll be granted to bidder• properly approved u "Small Buslne111" In accordance with Section 1896, et aeq., Tiiie 2. CalllOrnla Admlr)lllratlve Code. Appllca1lona tor prefer~ muat be 1ubmltted to the Small Buelnus Office, 1823 -141h S1rnl, Sacr1men10, CA 95814, nol lua than five (5) calendar days on adv"1<:. or bid opening date. This prelerenc;e 1ppllea to proJecll where the estimated proJecl cost exceeds $25.000. Bid. proposals must be submitted tor the llntlre 'work deacrlbed .._.,.,, Deviations from pl1na and ~lions wtH not be conllldered lr\d will be cause ror rejections of bide The Department nu the right to waive any Irregularity In 1 bid or tO rejecl any or 911 bids. No bid wtll be conlllde<ed un'"' II It mede on a sUndard form llirnlShed by the Depar1men1 and Is 1111de In accordance wllh the "lnllructlona to Bidder•" DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS , .. DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS MeaJ~in-a-bowl tasty Snow Wh1w Turkt.>y Solad 11 ont1 1ugt!9llon for leftovl•r turkey. Why Snow Whitt•'! 8 t>cauae th<.• drt~lng I• WI amooth ond whi t e aa n ew 1rnuw . I t co mbln<'• whipped c ream and muyonnuiae with the t1Ubtlt• fluvor of onion a n ~ bo u illon and is 11c r ved over tender chunks of turkl'y. T o complC'te this mea l -ln·a ·bowl. add sliC'ed fresh pin eapple, grapes, a pple or other =.i-.:;:i-~ people.• pleUS<.•n, SNOW·WHJTE TURKE\' SALAD 4 t'U 1)61 cJlc.1-d ('fXlkt-d turk£•y I cup thin s llct•d (.'f•ll'f')' l c.·up rnlrwc"<I gn-tm pc•vpt·r 14 c u p f l n e I y c.·hopped onion l cup mayonnalfj(• 14 c up whippi ng cream, whipped l teaspoon chicken bouillon granules l tt!aspoon salt v. teaspoon pepper S ht'C>d apple, grapes, DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS p1ncupph· (.'h unka, avouuto 11l1cei, hard- l'Ookc·d c•gi or to111h1d ulrnond" as gurni1h Com bine> turkt.•y, c.-ch:ry. ~H-t•n ptipfX"r and on ion Combine mayonnaise, whipped t·ream, bouillon granulC"i, •alt and pl•ppl•r; mix well Fold Into t urkey · vt·gctable mixture a nd rdrigerate 'until serving time. Mound turkey sala d on bed o f crisp lettuce and circle with your choke of garnishes. I • ----r~llv. blddeB.lnay 11....-DW1a+----- 8ld oblaln plans. apeclllcetlona end bid rorms by calling or milling • NqUMI 10 the Olfoce of the Chief ol ,:1an1 Operations al the above lddrtts. 1111e1111one numb« (714) 1117-5212. • JI.. A paymeni bOnd, Standard Form 9117 In the amount ol filly per~• ol the conlract price must accompeny •very contr1c1 Involving en •pendllure In excess ol $25,000. ~ The successful bidder will be 'Nqulred to execute a contractural •greement In the f orm of 1 "Standud Agreement, Form 2" 'fhlch shall b4 binding upon tt\I etata ol California only upon tpproval by the State. • • In accordance with Ille provl110n1 ~Section 1770 or 1he Labor Code. ~tt-• Depar1men1 hH aacertelned =he v-ra1 ,prevalllng ra111 ot eppllceble In lhe county In ~ lhe work fa to be done are ;.uiou rate s eatabllahed and 1JVbll1had by the Director ·ot •lnOuttrlal Relettons. COplea of the wage"'" are on Ille at U~Oltlce Of thl Chia! ol Plant OperatJons. ~rvlew and at thl Oec>ar1ment or Oevetopmenl•I S ervic es he1dquar1ers olflce Siie Inspection wlll be held Thursday. December 2. 1982 II 10:00 e.m. Fairview State Hospital Victor BfelaJac Chief ot Plant • Operations Ill Publl1hed Orange Coast Dally Pllol. Nov. 17, 24, 11182 $044-82 PtlllJC NOTICE 11 • neoeo NOTIC~ OF T"UITH 'I I Al.E T.S. No. l250UAll "IF 5'0I EXECUTED BY: JAMES E. GOULD & KATHY GOULD NOTICE YOU ARE IN DEFAUL 1' UNDER A M ED OF TRUST. DATED MAY 21. U180 UNLESS YOl,.I TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUA PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. ff' YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION DF THE NA TURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU ,HOULO CONTACT A LAWYER. On WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, tt82 et 10:00 A.M. lhe HOPE ll'UST DEED COMPANY, INC, u ~appointed Trualee under and W tuanl to Deed ol Trust 5-30-80, lleCOtdad as lnttr. No. 32411. In took 13622, page 552, ol Oltidal f'Kord• in' the otllQe ol Ille County l\ec order ol Orange County. Cltlltomla WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCtlON TO HIGHEST BIDDER .l'Ofl CASH (payeble at time ot aale i1 lawful money or the United tatH) AT THE NORTH FRONT =RANCE TO THE COUNTY RTHOUSE. 700 CIVIC CENTER : VE WEST. SANTA ANA, CA. al! /Wit, title and Int•"' con\'e)'ed to lflCI now held by It under said Deed fl Tru.t In the property lllluated In eMf County and Slate deactlbed .. : Lot 53 ol Tract No 128•. aa n on a map recorded In Book ages 40 & 41 ol Mlace41aneous ~. In the office ol Ille County ' der of Orange Coonty. The a111e1 addreu and other taf'r1l'nOn designation, ii any, ol the W I p19P911y dHCrlbed lbOVe la prported to be: 458 Cotla Meal l"TMI, Cotta Mesa, Ca The undersigned dfsclalma eny lllt>llllY tor any 1ncorrect1MSS of the ~ eddr-and other common fl!lgnatfon. II any. 1hown hefeln. ~aid ule will be made, but lt '1ou1 covenant or warranty. ... or Implied, regarding tltle, ... 111on, or encumbrancn, to the remaining prlnc:lpal autn of nota(al aecured by laid Deed ol It, with lnt1res1 tllereon. H In aald nota(a1, 9dvenc:., any. under the 1erm1 ol the Dead •1 Trutt. ten, cl'larou end -ot tbe Trustee and ol the a crHted by nld Deed ot f\!tt, to-wit: $11,162.27. 11Mt ~lclary und« uh:I Deed Of Trutt ~etofore .. aculed and i red to Ille und1r11~ned • Oecl•atlon ol o.talilt and nd tor Sale. and a written ol Oefault and Election to i The undetagn.o cauMd Mid lee ol Oefault anel Election to to be recorded tn the county e the reel Pl'~IY la localed. ame. Street Addreu and .lllltPllOf'.a Number ol TruatM or aon conduc11nQ .... It CHICAGO LE INSURANCE COMPANY, Wlllhire ltvd., Loa AnQalea, 90010. Tel : 1213) 380-3t40. TH€ HOH tAUST OHO COMPANY, aaTNllM By: Cl!lclfO T Ille "*"--Compeny, ao-nt ly A/f'l'l#td c. leuc:.clo, ti ~.c.8tl'IL'll ,liblltfleo Orange COHI Dally NOii tO, 17, '"· INa .. 71 .. , -- FARMER JOHN BACON ILICl!D • 1-LI. PACKAQI! QUARTERED POAK LOIN -a•- FARMER JOH WIENERS MIAT • 1·1.8. PACKAQI! CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS lJ 1" IUnl!RY SMOOTH '0" PARTY DIPI NAVEL ORANGll CRISP CARROTS ~cw-, .• .._., ... ,.._ ... PREMIUM RUSSETS --OIOAMOl'0,'1otl AN.IOU PEARS ·-·· ... -'°"'" .. POTHOS ON TRiLLll °" ............. WTTaJWl.Y •• _ .... ,. "'' 31•1 s:•1 3:•1 .. 59• r------------------•'""...,,..., 111 I l FAR~_~R JOHN BACON ! I \~·-ILICID 111 I I I "' 1-LI. ' I ,._ .. , .. ,o.. PICO. I _......_.;ti'• ·t ..,. ... ~·~~I I WP9il .:=~~ •. ~. I l-----------------~ e .. 111 1!! PORK SPARERIBS C_,,..,lf'l''-1.•- PACIFIC RID SNAPPER FRESH BROCCOLI ...... ""°'" RID GRAPIFRUIT FRESH ROMAINE nl-IOHUOI 511 .. 49• 4:•1 3:•1 LARGE AA EGGS- •MITH·• , CARTON OS 1·DOZIN CITRUS PUNCH __ .... ,., ...... -•n.. .. __ 79• POTATO CHIPS ,,_, ..................... 99• NUCOA MARGARINE ... QULAR QUARTIRI • 1·L8. CARTON KAMCHATKA .VODKA IO-P .. 00, • 1.11·LITIR IOTTLI! !!~~~.:!.!!~.!' ---.. 12 :211 GALLO WINI& SEAGRAM'S 7-CROWN -5'' RC OR DIET RITE IM:tll. OHAI'. 11-0&.CMI HUGQIES TODDLERS _.._....... ---~-2'' ORANGE JUICE · 89• ._._•·OZ. cm .. ,, .. _ .. -.. -•. -....... ,. __ ::· .. • 1!! 1" . GILBIY'S GIN ....-oof' ..... _ ....... ... , ... -4'' DIEFFENBACH IA Oii AllOIOTID ...... , • •CM "" l'OI 511 ~------;.;,;:.-;;-,,:;.------, l FARMER JOHN WIENERS I 1 •. •M•AT99c I I 1·LI. I I . PK_.. I I '!!..'.!'..!!!~·~' I '11PJUD rn'1:=.r.-..:~ I ~-----------------' ~~'!!!..~ ,.. -4" r r~-~LA;~ Ai1'a8s--;;.i ,--;.JCOf ii"°fti;1E--;;i ' \ • IMITH'I 19c I I MQULMI 19c I CARTON OP I I OUARTlltl I I 1 DOZIN I I , ..... CTN. I I -.... ~_.~ I I ".!l!.!i!!."P.!P.f!_.~......, I I t.lmDiD .:=~.--.r. I I (pp . ...-~..:..Tear. I '-----------------~1-----------------~ IOUITY PAPEI TOWELi ~· ... , ......... 83° ~ 95° ::. 84° ~1 314 =°•n 211 I 3100 BALBOA BLVD,jJlall11.,NEWPOllT BUCH 2871 HARBOR iDI • CDITA •IA . . .. . Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Wedneaaey, Novemt>Jr 2.-. 198'-87 . 'St: Louis' fine at Harlequin By TOM TITUS . Of IM Dely ..... la.ft . ' Ah, the good old days. That'• th~ feelina you get while w atching "Meet Me In St. Louis" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Not the good old day& just after the tum of the century, the period in which the show Is set. Rather the good old days oC the MGM musicals when Gene Kelly, Judy Garland, Fred Astaire, Jane Powell and so many othel"9 entertained movie audiences of the 1940s and ~Os. • · Some of these glitter fllclu had their genesis on Broadway, but most were created for the screen. And now several o{ th09e, llke Lerner and Loewe's "Gigi," are belng repackaged for the st.age. Such la the caae with "Meet M e in St. Louis," a new atage musical based on the 1944 Judy Garland movie ol lhat title which receives Its Orange County premiere at the Harlequin. It has all the charm of a well-preserved antique with a story line right out of Booth Tarkington -a fragile commodity yet interesting enough to bridge the gap between song&. Seasoned film buffs will revel at the marvelous Hugh Martin-Ralph Blane score, recalling what Garland did w ith such numbers as "The Boy Next Door," "Have•Younelf a Merry Little Christmas'' • and one that 'ranked right behind "Over ttie Rainbow" ln her repertoi.re, "The Trolley Song." One cannot blame any actress for waiting 40 years to follow Plat act. 1 -Yet Sandy F.dgerton takes on the Garland role 4 . of the middle sister in a middle-class family, who flips ov er the boy next d oor , with all the See 'St. LOUIS,' Page 88) l "A"'*' acwt•'l"f~ment. ln the tradlttdn of 'BJlBAKING AWAY' and 'DINER:" .... 1u aeed "'l'EX~"::,-:;~.::.~~~:...~ A ·--NOW SHOWING-- con• MHA lMUIA IEACN OllAHE UA CiNN 540·0594 S.tll Coast 494-1514 UA City CiMMI SU-391 1 llVllE HAllE WHTMlllTH .,._ ... 551-0IH Or-.. Miil 137·0340 C.-. W... 191 ·3935 MAAK HAMILL HAARISON FORD CARRIE FISHER BILLY DEE WILLIAMS ANTHONY DANIELS ·-:,.All( HJON'Y 9'lr;.it 8AltP r.('fJ; ~tHI N ltl.N• I --.lrMN KERSHNER -.GAAY KURTZ .._ .. LEIGH BRACKETT -LAWRENCE KASDAN -·GEORGE LUCAS ·---GEORGE LUCAS -.. ..oHN 'NILUAMS cn-.......,1 ·~·--=-::.:=(-...--·""'ca:'•' c... ...... _......._.. ~PGiWlMllWl..U= .., •• .:;:,-:.. •4') -.. "._ ... , ... ..,,.,...... ,... ......... _,) - Clnedom41 & South Cc»St Plaza In 70mm Dolby Stereo G\-' tfi\\\Of\~\-· , ... , TWll \ \1CJO -·"' fto~· -, !t'f\\le 17181 8rookhurs1 '-°"'• uv· "°~ '° F~1i'Aiev ~,.. --WHY?~=====~PE~RfECT~~§~ HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT. THE MOVIE THAT "LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELO~G." NO matter what the marquee says, what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters Is a real horror show . . UAC, the second largest movie cheln In the U.S., as em r n t'·rm,---+--•te--"-" jobs, fost8f'lng unemployment In city after city where they own ahd manage theat8f's. In California, UAC employees who chose union ·representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate philosophy. Within the last few weeks, UAC has locked out many of Its southern California projectionists 1 (members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good-faith bargaining. Manage. ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages· for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary rd'asslgnments and changes In working conditions (I.e., forcing one projec- tlonlat to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 miles apart). Janitors In UAC's, San Francisco-area theaters who belong to the Service Employees union have also been vlctlmlzed by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage fr•ze, the janitors, too, are confronted with a hostile and lnflex· lt>le attitude on the company's part. UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the consequences for workers, the Industry or the area's economy. ''Take It or leave it" Is their basic "negotiating" 'stance. UAC gives Its employees no real choice. But moviegoers do have a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS • IATSE Southern Auocl•llon/Coo>Or•te C•rnp•lgn 830 Oenev• Street, Huntington 8Nch, CA 92948 March of dpD1m11 SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS .... ~At;( CO!Clll4Uff0 I • , ... __ .. ---------- Feel Gooll Inside ' -With All The Trimmings ,.. El\foy a complete traditional Thanksgiving dinner rorss.95 ----~ Children'• portion $3.95 •. ..... t. · Benefit Production UCI Re-rctr on Spina I Cord and Brain Injury "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" November 27 and 28, 1982 Sponsored by: American Paralysis Association of Newport Beach & UCI Foundation .. Cost of Tickets: VIP Section $25, Student or children under 12, $5, General Admission $10. For further Information call: Local APA office; tee-eee8, or UCI Box otncee: Fine Art• Box office 833-9817; and ASOCI ticket office 833-5549. Aleo available at all Tlcketron locatlona . "'TttR MAN "'OM SNOWY RIVER" 4"1 ......... , .... "MONltGNOR" tal ......... _ "THEY CALL ME MUCP -·---"CftHPIHOW" 110 •OOUY ----·- .. .,.. ...... ITRMEI •ACK" -J -~ ...... .-. __ .... __ "VICTOR/VICTORIA,. CN• -. ..... -...,.,,,. LAl<EWOOD CENTER SOUTH,...,."' "0""" ......... , ....... "AN OfflCER ANO A GENTLEMAN" ta1 t:Al:Jl.Hl a, .... "THEEWIRE STRIKES •ACK" t"I --.... -- "TIME BANDfTI" -~ ...... 11111' .... "TitR MAN FftOM INOWY llUVfft" -... ............. _ "CMIP IHOW" 1111 ----·- 819• 81G•DlllVl·IN MIKMIN~ EVERY WEDNESDAY A IHURSDAY Clllldrtn Undef 12 Always flH ,. .. .. ANAHEIM [lillVl I N ,_ .... ._ .. 1194llO "Tilll .... •-llUCIC"4"l .... TO';ift.CN I Olll "-" .... BUt NA PARK • ., "' ----·-llMOJO . "·' LINCOLN [J~'l\.I IN 1---··-llMOJO ",.. .. HlUNTfllN VA 'r [JI/IV! IN _..._.,..,---(le) ....... , •Ytc:TOR/VICTORIA• (N) ... "MITHUR'" CNl C;tl( fl- "CREE, aHOw•• ... -"IUPIRMANI"- "'"'' ..... l-llaAC1t"1"1 -••WMEf T9m llMI OUT ••• " INI -"l.T.·--"lllOMCO •LY" - Olll "- "AlOM • Tiii DAM•"' -·Wmtllll* ... Cllll "-"Cl"tlll -............. ftlll~f • L°'90M" "'' C•fl - "Tilll ..... ITillltll.:;'CIC" !NI ....... ,_ ..... OU'f ....... __ ,.., •-c-... , I \ . . 11 DAii Y Pll 0 l/Wednttadaty, Novumuor 4, 1982 ' AT llARl"'EQUIN. • • (From Page 87) he a rt w u rm 1 n ti I n n u l' l' n t' t• u n cl r 1• r v 1• n 1 9terdromtlwtlon of Junt'l Wuldu phtyh1R Ct>rlllili Archer on radio ubout ttll' ~11111• unw lht• movh• WBN n~e. $hl' hundlt'l£ 1tw mu'llt•nl numbt•r11 with lht• IUU1ll' aelC~rrucin~ 8tylt• nnd chnrm of ht•r <.'inc.•mnt1c predecessor. Ample 11upP.ort Is n •nth'rl•cl from family O'ICmbers Sue R1hr us thl' f'rNWh·O<'t'<'nlt'<J okh.·r $1ter, Andrew Boyt•r uml <.'hllrk•nt: Ka&• as the hard-pressed parents und lAmn Wc ltc•rlcn us the· col)ege-bound brotht•r . Bu\ lt'a prnt-11lzNI Lcc WU.On In the MargurN O'Brit'n roll' of the llllk~ slat~ who steals the show, land t.'()nu·1L>utcs som.l' .. • # TIME BANDITS "'The Wa.zard of Ot' of the '80s" is Back! Si..._~. U. M..,..iiw THE '10\'IE YOl ''LL WANT TO TELi.ALL YOl'H :'\EH;JfBOHS ABOl'T . CDI DCl.9Y l'TWO I ... l i: ,,, .......... (111wy footwork to huot ,. Stuart Liauuu 11 n11tur&all y tofrt•t·tlveo •• EJ1wnon'11 h<'11rllhroh, wh1ll• St.·t>ht•" 8n-lthaupt c.•nucl/I tlw (.i11nw 1 PvllMh W1·111 t 011111•1 puniulnai Hlht , 1111tJ H1•u1h1•1 Lt•t• 1w t'Ut!llt'll111h~ J·utt• u1 W1•ltt•rlt•11'w fll'klt• flu 11w Puul l.yclu y uc,. tht• u1'undfottw1 umt Jomrn Alllt•11 1t11 ttw malcl utJd tal(t' c..'Omnwnl und \'Olor "M \oe'l Mt•jlll St Louh1" hmc 11t•Ul"d In for a Ion~ ru11 th1ougti i''t•h W ltl uw llarlt-quln, J:)O!J S. l1 1H b u r BI v~I Ju1H nor l h 0 r C:ois l u M t'IHl . Pc•rformu n\'l'K 11r1• r\lachtly f'>Ct'l'Pl Monday• al v:iryin~ <·urt.:11n 11nw1>, w1lh rt·ll4!rvuuo11 lnformullon 11v111i11hlt• al !1711 MJ I '•G1.,...... ·-· .. ··-------4A., '\ l!::!J.,,....,.. ............ ~.._ •. _... ~~ ----NOW PLAYING . -··--. a11£A M4,,. ll1l4 l'".11• ~29 ~)J9 COllAMllA ldA Md llf1 I ~·o 14•4 COSTA MlSA • 10 .. a.o CN'ff4 Cc<>• .. qf'l'141 u rOllO ld .. ;•Ot~~~ \11 ~uo Olli .. c. rt! -l'llt I J4 ?~S3 WllT••Tlll UA h•lll C.-'t t9HJ33 Aa re.,Wed by l•w, new bu1lne11e1 u1lng • Flctltlou1 8u1lne11 Name mu1t regl1ter that name with the County Clerll. Call the DAll!-Y-'PtLOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for form1 and fwrther Information. 142-4321 bt. 332 M jj£1ijlt•ll • AUMIM lint• LA..a IUctt •OIUllGI WllTMUTQI -MARK HAMILL · HARRISON FORD · CARRIE FiSHER BILLY DEE WILLIAtvlS ANTHONY DANIELS <•-OAl/10 PQO.o.Sl •ll..tl't IMl~ F{l{Q .....,Vt<# l'1lo'fll. 11 -.. llMN KERSHNER -.. GARY KURTZ ..__ .. LEIGH BRACKffi ... LAWRENCE KASDAN -.. GEORGE LUCAS ··-... --~=-~~~~= .. ~!!..-.~Ill [DfCXUJ....,I if r4illiliU11e""+'tJ a,_,.•Wl-.Jll-= tiW,fifW+:i1iWt W•Ot~t'Of\A,•tll ~m; •• +.;:;ca:a•_ lr ......... o.-.~~._,"'..,.-...1 • IN 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY · STEREO SOUND WED.· •:oo, 1:30, 10:u THURl.·8UN. 1:00. uo 1:00, 1:30. 10t41 ON GIANT SCREEN 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO SOUND WED. 1;00, l :M, 10.41 THURS.·SUN. 1:00, '''° 1oo,1:10, , ...... edwards NEWPORT ,.-:::,::,-:., lltU AJll ,,......., .... c_111 .,..... ALSO SHOWING AT EDWARDS CINIMA VILIO -130·lllO ,-,~~-- Pac1lic's Anaheim Duve In Edwards Woodbl'°Oe Edwaids Soulll ~SI Qnedome UA ~ 179 9850 Cinema 551 0655 494 1514 634 2553 893 0546 COITA •U Eowa1ds BnstOI 540 7444 LA llAIU AMC FashlOll Sq~re 691 0633 • 001 ~ trT&a> I ' l!!C! ,AHO ACCl .. flD fOll lHll ~IMOlf I ACADEMY MEMBERS· YOUI c.ro wilt •dm11 OU •nd. guest 10 •n performance llll~Rlllllllll·llHllrD·lll·llll·Jl·lafl ·llllll lllllllllll·IBllllllllBEllllRll•I lRl.wi:~1mltlllll~l·BlllRI _ ..... Jl!IO . . Advance Holiday ShoWlng Friday It 8.-00 P.M. Before the Aegul•r eng.gement on December 8th. llU ........... ,.,IUCll -- Mann lfN ~-Edwardl Ylt!O Tw.. E .... _.....,, CIMdllmt 621 !1339 130 fltO Clnllftl ... 0710 134 H53 llO-""'*"'e"°".__.11 Ill . \ • ' • ~IUurl l.ur .. ou woo .. Su ndy Ec ll(c•rlo n in ""Mc·t-1 Mt· i11 S 1. Loui"'" u l llw llarle-quin Uim ... r Plu y hou~t·. • \ • tr' 11111111111 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1N2 TELEVISION C5· COMICS ce Quarterbacks Adam Gragnano (left) of Golden West COiiege and Clay Tucker of Orange Coast will dress up the intense rivalry bet°"een the two schools in a Thank5giving day showdown.· · ,. • ClAS.Slf 110 . C7 \ Fullerton ( 11-0) . doeSn 't awe ~ ·Tars' ·Giddings. By ROGKR CARLSON Of'IMDellr ..... 81aff • Newport Harbor High's Sailors have had aome fun thlti HeaBOn - 'confusing otheh with their various seta, fonnations and plays -now it appears they must contend with an opponent which has antagonized others much m tht-same manner. Fulle rton· HiJ(h 's Indians Invade the Sailo rs' campus Friday night with an 11 -0 reqord. · It's bi~ to begin at 7:30. "They look more like us than any team we've seen," says Harbor's Coach Mike Giddings. "T hey have a kid named (David) Willes and they put him at receiver when they want t.o paaa and in the backfield when they want to run. On defense he's al the comer and he's on the beat receiver. And, he's the kickoff and P\Anl returner and holder on extra points." · Willes is a 6-0. 170-pounder who has scored six touchdowns for the Jndians, with much of his running success coming from the blocks of tackle Bill Kiloh (195) and tight end Rob Zeeb (200). Newport 's answer lo --1u.u.ua..16l,n's Freeway League co- MVP, of course, is junior Steve Brazas, the Sea View League's Most Valuable Player with his oo-everything ways (23 TDs as a runner, receiver, linebacker and kick returner). "They like t.o screen, which we do," continues Giddings. "The offenses are different, though, . we're an I and split back offenae while they use a lot of double tight ends and bump and run pass defense. Comparing scores •Wf'CMllT (7-4) PUUlllTON (11 .. ) • I M•lna 10 14 An8helm I 3 CYJ>!-18 23 VaAencla 0 10 W9'1m1n11w 3 20 ~ 11 17 El Toro 7 41 M~alt • 41 Unl\lefany O 13 OOn Otov• O 21 Irvine 24 7 Sunny Hlb t 45 &!Inda 17 •• S-1 o 20 Slddlebactl 21 ~ Butltla P11k 17 -28 Cosll MMa . 7 21 Troy 3 21 CdM 7 7 La Habra I C• CW 55 Norwall< 8 40 8o1M Grande 7 "It's very tough against the {"n and nobody has moved on tffem in the three films we've seen." At quarterback for Fullerton is junior Richard Williams (6-0, 175) and another top receiver in the Indians' camp is Kevin Parry. "They look bigger on film," continues Giddings. "I think we're OK size-wise, but we niay be a little outhorsed when they have the1.wo tight ends In. "And there seems to be a little mismatch with their reeeivers, who are tall and may have a height advantage on us." Giddings see s the war begirming with u ying-to stopthe Fullerton running game, but adds, "They have some very clev e r passes. You have to control their running so yC\u d on't get beat by , the bomb passes. "The offense is a little like Marina with split backS. If you crowd 'em too much th e ir receivers can get down in a hurry." OCC-GWC showdown 1s no turkey The -S.1Jors figure to enter the game i n ~ hc:ilthy stat•"' and although they will Mme in as underdogs, Giddi11g& isn't awed by the 11-0 record. ''Whe n we're h ealthy and clicking,'' says Gidd!ngs, we're a little better than four-time losers. By CURT SEEDEN .Of the DMtr l"llot 81aff The year was 1975 and the site was LeBard Stadium on the Orange Coast College campus. Orange Coast and Goldett W~t were going head-to-head and nose-to-nose, and in the case of those schools, it was a sure bet the two hulking guards staring across the line were good buddies off the field. Inter-district rivalries have a tendency to create such matchups -like the one in '75 when Dave While w as quarterbacking the Pirates and Mike Bennett was the enemy strong safety for the Rustlers. "A few weeks before the game, Dave and I were practicing together and I knew about this play in which they fake a dive and Dave hits the tight end," Bennett recalls. "He was going to try that one on me. I expected it and was right there when he tried it." White had the last laugh, however. He simply faked, waited , pumped and threw a 46-yard TD bomb that helped the Bucs score a 31-14 victory in the 10th re newal of the Orange Coast-Golden West rivalry. White is n o w the defensive coordinator for Edison Hlgh's Chargers, while Bennett is a Garden Grove fire man. Each was in the other's wedding an'd they are close friends. They might even be in the stands Thanksgiving morning (l l o'clock) when Orange Coast and Golden West square off in the 17th contest in thi5 rivalry. Golden W est maintains an 8-7 -1 advantage, and the Rustlers are working on a three-game winning streak against the Bucs. · The rivalry is just as intense as ever, Tollner takes over as Robinson retires LOS ANGELES' (AP) -John Robinson will no longer be on the sidelines when the Southern Cal Trojans are on the football field, but he plans to stay in close touch. · "I don't think anybody really gets football out of their system after being Involved like I have,'' Robinson sal'd Tuesday In announcing h e is resigning the Trojans' head coaching job to become a vice president of the university. "I'll be at every game . . . and I'm sure I'll be sending pl~ down to Ted." _ felt It could not be kept secret much longer. "The concept of c hanging c are ers In mid-stream is frightening," said Robinlon. "I spent 25 years in coaching and loved every minute of It. But I desired lo do something that transcended coaching, and when the opportunity came thla fall, it jusC-seemed lo be right ... I , ttHnk all of us wonder IOl'lletbnes about what e~ there is we could do. I want very much to do the job well." • 1 Ted Tollner I OCC Coach Dick Tucker and Golden West Coach Ray Shackleford will tell you, even when the game doesn't have an effect on the South Coast Conference standings .. "It's been a big game ever since the first time (1966)." says Tucke r. "Our playen are looking at it as a big one regardless of the standings. U we were both having real good years, we'd have a heck of a crowd." This is the first year the teams have agreed to play on Thanksgiving morning, and attendance for the contest is a big question mark right now. But whatever day it's played, the game haa traditiona~y pitted players like White and Bennett Who played together at high school (Edison) against one ano~r. ''A lot of the guys used to play together. If they hav~'t played against each other , they usually know each other,'' Tucker continues. "It's a natural. It's like a miniature UCLA-USC f.ame. or more like Oregon-Oregon State.' Players have their own reasons for attending either Golden West or Orange Coast, two schools which are separated by juat 10 miles. For instance, Bennett felt he had a better chance of playing as a defensive back al Golden West while, "for Dave (White), Orange Coast was looki"I for a quarterback and it was just a good opportunity for him to go there." Indeed, it was. White and the Pirates finished the season at 11-0 and beat Rio Hondo 38-14 In the Avocado Bowl. White was the player of the game in that contest, hitting 22 of 29 passes for 256 yards. . "Originally, I was going to go to (See SHOWDOWN, Pa1e C%) "They're No. 1, but they've got to beat us.'' Aside from a No. 4 spot rating in Orange County, Fullerton is ranked No. 1 In the Central Conference in the Cinal poll. "We're at our best (physically) since the El Toro game and that's why we've won three straight," continues Giddings. "The fun's · over, bl.lt I love a game like this and I think it's going to be ~ heckuva matchup." Brazas holds most of Newport'•· offensive numbers, includi"I 219 rushes Cor 1,072 yards, 35 receptions for 450 yards and a near-40-yard punting average. Newport quarterback Mike Wells has completed 77 of 151 for l , 170 yards and 8 TDs and several other receivers have (See TARS, Pqe C%) Oilers doniinate All-Sunset Thompson named back of the year; Henry top coach The IW'priainc Huntington Beach High OUen dominate the Daily Pilot's All-Sunset League football Rlectiona for UNl2 with seven first team berths.. The Oilers' backfield of quarterback Eric Lawton and runners Danny Thompeon and Carl Satterfield, pave the way, along with ti1ht end Mtke Ray, auard Mike Eecobedo, defenalve end Btµy. Ray and defensive beck Richard Mendoza. Additionally, 'nwxnpron la the Back of the Yeai and the Oilers' coach, Greg Henry, la the Coach of the Yeu. The other special individual award -Lineman of the Year -goes to Fountain Vaney high defender Tambl Wenj. Thoms-on waa a shoo-in choice for the honor after pwUahinc the opposition In league for 626 yards on 97 came. In five pmes, good for 5 TDs and a 6.4 yarda per carry average. teama. ,.,.:tively, while fourth place Marina (101; and Huntlnaton Heach (9) round out the dominating aapect of the 11electiona. Fountain Valley and Marina each picked up four first IHm berths and EdilOO and Westminster grabbed three apota. 'fed Tollner, the Trojans' offensive ooordinatdr this aeuon after holding similar jobs at San Diego State al'ld Brigham Young Univenity, was named to replace -Robinson, dfer...ti-v-e-a.ft.er Sat.urday's season-ending game agalnlt Notre Dame at the Los Angele9 Collileum. The 47-year-old Robinson, who ta.al January turned down a lucrative offer to become head coach of the National Footpall League'• New England Palriota, has a 66-14-2 record ln hia aeven yean as tbe-.Southem_ Cal coach. During that span, the Trojan• finished first once aQd aecond twice In the natiohal colle1e football rankings and 'lever finished lower than 13th in the OCCREACHES " SOCCER FINAL A junidr, aa are aix other first team selections, Thompeon'1 bull-like nm11ave the OiJen' the kind of punch not aeen in yean at Huntington Beach. Wenj, • tn.nlfer from-New Jeney who wu on the Bolu Grande Hl1h campu1 briefly before ahowinc up at Fountain Valley • few days after fall practice bepn, ft!Wrpd in remarkable fashion. The teem la comprilled of three running becks and one wide receiver (Valenzuela), with Ocffn View High'• Todd Parker rounding ~ut the backfield _ The interior line features Marina'• Bill Mact. and Tom Piechota, alon1 with Fountain Valley tackle Md Lona and F.dl80n center Mike Kulpa. Robinson's new duties H senior v ice preaiden l f o r univenlty relations will include public relations, alumni relations .00 raJaing funds of $50 milUon annually, aald James H . Zumberge, the-univeral ty ~dent. Although Robinson '• realpatlpn •• coech 1urprlled moat, he aald Zumberae had appru.ched hlm about the vice ,pr-'dent'1 post early LMt month and hll dedlkJn WM INlde S01Dr time •· The cmch laid he did not wah until alter the aeuon to announce hia move beca,u. he final poll. , The 1982 teuon has, however, been lea than apect.acular for Southert\ Cal. The-Ti-oj9n1, ranked No. 17, are 7-3 golng Into their final game and are on NCAA probation. That •nction, Atemmln1 mo1tly from an ' ..a.tant coach'• •Wnc plaYft'I' tlcketa, prohlblta the Trojans f~ any bowl appearance ttUa ae .. aon and next, and any televlsion appe.rancea ln U)83 and 1984. AJlo d.~Rob6Non'1 tenure, ( ... TOLLNER. Paa• C•) I Oran1e Coaat College haa a date in the Southern California Community Colle1e soccer championship 1ame Friday niaht after the Pirate• topped Southwe1tern 4-2 Tuesday at occ. - CoaCh Barry Wall..-e'J Plratea (16·3-3) wm travel to El Camino Colle1e Friday nl1ht (7:30) to. face the 1tate11 No. l -ranked Warrlora to determine the Southern Califom6a champion. T"eaday at OCC, David Trlfonovltch kored a pair of _.. JN~ Glenn SU'eehut mad John Ryan added 1in11e tallies In the vktory. . • He had 30 unamiated tadtJes, In addition to 37 i.d and 28 aeaJnd hica. alone whh 10 .cka, musina four fumblea. Ulce 'nx.ns-on, he'a a junior. Henry. a IK'Oftd·yHI' head coach. haa liven the --oo.n 1 new •-on Me~ ., many 1ostnJ __,,. In the ta.t 10 years. The Olien are 8-3 overall and play ~ BHch Poly ln the quarterfinala of the C~ Five Conference tllll week. It'• the beat for a Huntinctan a.ch team alnce UNMI whm a t -2 mark -poe...s. ~ Other junion to earn first tNm honon .,.. LaW1Gn, Wrloobedo. Bllly Ray. Fountain Valley'• Mdce ~'°"' anc1 w........,·. nm vaa.na.r.. Sunaet Lea~:!..co-cham_J>lona lclllOft and J'oun'81n v.u.y 12 and 7 .....,... an dte two - 11le ftnt team deferwe la balanced with l'dilon, Marina. Hunti"l\O" BMch and Westminster' Heh picldnc up a pair, and Fountain Valley three. Marina's fint team aelecdorw on deferwe we~ _enct.JJm MsJMcblln. a repal •lec:Uon. and..naa iuard John Lovely. Robert Jean wu the only Mt.on defender tn the trench• In th• lint echelon, althouah the Charprs picked up three othen on the llcond ...... . Alm Mmirt1_ flnt .._,.laurels from lldilan WM ., .. ,,. beck MMl Homba. The llnet«kl• ~"~of Pauftta&a VaUeY'• 8rum OIOll and a ..... al WWWl•ltl ..... -NChard 8rvwn .... Taf ,........_.., clMnn.aa. .... CJ> -' ~ i I C'S Orang Co 11 DAI L V PILOT /Wednesday, November 2•, t882 $ , ..r· t• • Being underd()gs nothing new for the .Oilers · 1 By ROGER CARLSON Of .... 0..., ........... It twiinn in nHwh tlw 1mnw ma nn er as m an y utht•r Huntmgton &•al'h llagh roo1l>idl seasons -full of promilw, o b unl·h of juniurM u11d u tough road ahead or tht'm~ A third placl' finish in thC' Sunset and a M"<:.'t.md round berth in the ClF 'Big Fivo ConCcrcnl't' playoffs. howt•ver, has JWOvidt'<i a new aspect to the Ollt!rs' campus. .- "Things nrc snowballing," ~ys Huntington B<>ach Coul0h G reg Henry. "The kids ore l.>l'hevang, and that's the key;· tr tht•y art•n 't b••llt-vlna hy "u w . wt• 11 . t h l' r '-' m u • t b «' i.c1ow1hlng wrong. Tht' Oal~n urt> 8 :t ovcrull follcJWllli tlwi r 21·I4 QVl'rtlnw Vll'tory over hl~hly-rcgard{'(i S t. Frnncls, th<' Dl•l Rcy · Lcu.iu("11 No. l entry and ~o. 3 !it.-<.'d In tht', playoffs. Anet. with n now hen lthy quartcrbllck Eric Lnwton f ulding the 11\tat·k (ht• was ii with Lonsilitis or strcP. throat ulmosl all of last week), "tht' Olten appear to hove another shQt at upsetting the dope sheet. Long Beach Poly awaits thC' Oilers oL Long Beach Wilson Fri~ay night (7:30) and lht> Comparing fiiCores HUWINOTON 1a.i1 L• POL 'I ~1·11 24 Cdllll 1 0 LVflwood 0 10 lOt ~lo. 0 14 SI frMCll t 115 l.o• Amioot 14 14 INnlllllQ 14 &4 BolH Ciranae 21 O fin v....-, O 23' 8en ~ 21 H LI WlllOtl 12 14 Fin Vlllley 17 20 LB Jordlll 18 II Edition 2 I H Mllllllen 7 41 OoeM Vl9w ff II Compton I 20 Mll'lna 14 1 lllllewoocl 14 u w .. '"'""'" •• c• C• H Meter o.1 o n '' ,,.,. i. Jackrabblia uf the Moore League are 1even-~in( favori&es. But that I nothln& new for the Oilers, they've been listed as underdop all year long. "Our offenae can ecore and run Blazers get rare win In Phlladelphla Rookie Lafayetae Lever hit t"'o . m free throws with three teronds left Tuesday night to lift Portland lo a Don't ju_dge ·Rams ' \ 106-103 victory over Philadelphia in · National &sketbaU ~talion play. The win was the T rail Blozera' fourth straight, but their first in Philadelphia since March 20. 1974 •. . . Kelly Tripucka, lalab Tbomaa and Edgar Joae. combined for 75 poinlB as Detroit breezed past Houston, 128-106 . . . Forward Geae Buk1 netted a career-high 28 points and grabbed a game-high 13 rebounds to lead San Antonio to a 136-126 triumph over Denver . . . Adrian Dantley korcd. 27 points and Darrell Gs:iffl .. added 25 as Utah overpowered ~level!:f1d. 121-99, yet, says Malavasi From AP dispatches "Don't judge me or this team Ell until the season is over," Coach Ray •• t ·Malavas1 of the winless Hams urged Tuesday. . Losers lo Atlanta 34-17 last Sunday after leading 14-0 in the game resuming the strike- interrupted season. the Rams play at home Sunday against the Kansas City Chiefs. . . . Eddie Joba1oa had a season-high 25 points. Dominique Willda1 added 24 and Rory Sparrow 23 as Atlanta blasted Chicago, 132-102 ... George Jobnsoa and Billy Kalglh -stored 21 points apiece and led a third-quarter rally that carried Indiana to a "4-90 conquest of New York .. -'°ti• Birdsong taUied 27 points as New Jersey extended Golden State's losing streak to five games with a 110-103 victory. al(ulm1l anybody," 1Wy11 Henry. "And our d1•ft•ru.t.1 lht• lat1t lhr<'t• t11 four Wt't.'k11 ha11 n •11lly t•omt• alonR. pluylr\J( IOUKh wht•n II hliN lO. "David lluana. o ur lrutd<' linct>.cker. hwa really Improved, with Billy Ray at de~nalve end and Richard Mendoaa in &he teeondary lffdlns the way." A new racel hill been the emerpnc.-e of apphomore Nick Katz, place-kicker Zoran Katz'• brother. The youngt>r Katz took Mendosa'• place last week and was In on seven tackles and handled the punting duties because of •r fractured fibula 'to Mt•ndoza an the Wt••tmln•tt·r g11mc1 Me11dvi., howt•ver, la t'Xl>f'Cwd ~·k for thf' Poly gam"· which i a bonus. The Oill'ra will nt'i•d ('Vt•ry wcu pon thc•y h Uv{• l o t'Ontend walh Poly. "Poly It so explo-lvt> 1t'11eary," ~ya Ht>nry. "They've 1<>t !'.arl Mt-Cul.J()Ch'1 10n (Tyrone) at wide receiver and the other wide tet.-elvcr ran a ~9 In the 100. "And they've got Kirk Jones at tailback and the qua rte rback (Derek Moraan) scrambles and Is very fut. "They mix it up offensively and th e secondary h as a Yoring Anteaters face Canadian five By 'JOHN SEVANO OfdleDellrPllMlteft The UC Irvine basketball team -seniorless ·and without All- American Kevin Magee for the first time in years -opens its season tonight (7:30) against the University of Alberta (Canada) at UCl's Crawford Hall. . The Anteate rs. wi'h three freshmen. three aophomores and six juniors on th~ squad, have only one starter returning; in 6-8, 210 -pound forward B e n Mc Donald, who averaged 11 points and five r ebounds pe r gam~ laat season. S o phomore f orwa rd Troy Carmon. who transferred from• Colorado State last year, won't l)e eligible until the fifth game of the season, while sophomore forward Rick Ciaccio is expected lo be red-shirted for the season just ~ior ~the start of the game. The gam e will b eg in Mulligan's third year at t.tie helm of the Antenters. The Anteaters have compiled a 40-17 re<.'Ord in ··;;~~WN From Page C1 l"'PpuWlion for btln(C very .,00. "I don't know of .nyihln1 •J>t'(l~J. tht•rt•'11 no way to prldice <A6(filn•t 9.9 t pt'(od, you juat have lO warn lht'm tht>y an fall and to tx-C'ONICiOUI ut lhl' ~p atuff. "Mt.-Culloch 1oe1 acrou the middle and wlll tab a lick md get rl1ht back. W e've 1ot a couple of kldl, Loufe ~and Mcndoia, who are amon1 the best hluera around, and they're 1ol to hav~ kl put llOQM! llMCU on m." Ue Jones iJ the obvloua core uf Poly'• offen1e (169 carries for 974 yards and 5 TO.), Henry 1ee11 It as a ve r 't balanced Polv offense. PIRATES WIN; ... UCISTOPPED The Orange Coast College women's volleyball team had • successful tuneup. for post-aeuon pJay with a three-game victory over Saddleback Tuetday, while UC )rvlne was stopped by na t ionall y-ranked use at Crawford Hall. OCC posted a 16-14, 15-6, 15-12 victory over Saddleback. The nation's fifth-ranked USC squad downed UCI, 15-10, 15-9, 15-7, as the Anteaters cloeed out their campaign with a 21-16 overall record. Cindy Rohrig had 13 kills and seven blocks while Michelle Kelly had nine kills for the Anteaters. NO TURKEY The rest of UCl's starting line up f igures t o b e Bob Golden West," White conCesses. win would also tie the aeries. "But then I heard Mike Magner, Golden West, meanwhile, has . "If we're ~oing lo win (a title). we'd beller wm this game,.' said the ('OaCh , - whose team mus t play the -• rest of the season without •., middle linebacker Carl Ekern. NFL players set vote on agreement Thornton (6·9. 220) at the post, Jud Beardsley (6-5, 210) at the The National Football League's • wing opposite McDonald, Mike 1,500 players will vote Dec. 3 whether Lopez (6-4, 190) as the shoot.ing to reject or accept the new collective guard and George Turner ( 6-2, bargaining agreement which came out _ 1 l8"') h · of their 57-day strike, union leader Ed Garvey .J at t e Poml. who· was supposed to start at a chance t o win its fourth • Orahge Coast, had an arm injury. straight against the Pirates -the And Coach Tucker gave me a longest winning streak in the hard sell. I'm glad I went there." series. ln addition, a victory When White wasn't throwing would put them at the .500 mark &he ball, he was W1uall¥ handing-for t~-(5-~nd lee•.1e off 10 speedy Tony Accomando. them with a respectable 4-2 He was hurt on the first ' ;__--ti--~clenstvt•-i>t~ry4~ay a nd has undergone knee s urge r y . Ji m Collins , a second -year pro from Syracuse. has taken over the job that includes calling defensive signals. MAlAVASI I· r Malavasi said the loss of Ekern was a big loss. but that Collins would improve as the shortened season progresses. " ''Not having Ekern isn't an excuse, it's a fact," the coach said. Yel he admitted he d idn't think the Rams as a whole were "on the track- yet" and he felt some or the players had not given the expected effort. "Maybe lhe total concentration is no1 there," he answered when asked why lhe Rams have . been only a fi rst-half team in the three 1982 games. Asked if felt his job 1s in danger, Malavasi • told lhe T uesday morning meeting with the :·media, "I don't lhink so. .:.~----------------------------------, !~ 4 • • Quote of the day Eddie Payton, kick returner for ~he Minnesota Vikings. on Jack Donlan, the owners' negotiator in the NFL strike talks: "He has done the job of three men - Larry. Curley and Mo." ~ North Stars. Islanders tie, 8-8 : Steve Payne and Neal Broten ~ ~ each scored three goals as Minnesota ' < earned an 8-8 tie with the New York :-Islanders in a wild National Hockey ~ League game Tuesday night, The lead seesawed back and forth until Tim Young lifted the North 4 Stars into the final deadlock with 5:28 remaining ~ . . . Elsewhere in the NHL, Kent Nilsson fired ~ in a pair or goals and Jim Peplinski netted one . and added two assists as Calgary knocked off Washington, 6-3 . . . Vancouver scored on a pair o( power-play goals from Ivan Hllnka and 1 Lars Molin, giving the Canucks 31 power-play goals in 23 games this season.1..and they went on ; to down Quebec, 5-2 ... mark Naeier beat , goaltender Mike Llut from the edge or the crease with a quick wrist shol early in the second period · as Montreal skated to a 1-1 tie with SL Louis. S IERS REIT OUR SllS AID BOOTS (which don't look like rentals) ALL NEW EQUIPMENT! I Visualize yourself in this picture, not standlng In a rental line when you arrive at the ski area. ~e rent FTscher an Rossignol skis, Saloman Boots. Our rental faclllty Is newly Improved and wlll help take the hassle out of renting. -IEIEIVE llWI said Tuesda ~ Garve said the a r " "h 's going to be exciting to association would give the NFL-M"""ai-'\86'~e'-'me-"'-"-n_,._t--t---=p-.=y,...,,,.....aaifillte<f'MUlligan, WhOlle Council, the league's bargaining -.ent, untiJ Anteaters have been practicing midnight Monday to resolve any outstanding since Oct. 15. "We've practiced issues, and when asked if a rejection by the too long. Not that we didn't need players would mean a resumption of the strike, it. It just gets too damn old." Garvey said, "There is not a lot of sentiment to The Anteaten. who figure to go back on strike. You have to be realistic about boast outstanding 'shooters and what we can and cannot do." . . . Clemson quickness, shouldn't have many University, already faclnit the toughest football probl e m ~ in d e aling with sanctions ever levied by the NCAA, was flagged Alberta. for·even tougher penalties by the Atlantic Coast Alberta. a membt>r o r the Accomando holds more than a conference mark. ' dozen Orange Coast records. He It's a Thanksgiving Day game was the first Pirate to rush for that neithe r side considers a more than 1.000 yards and holds turkey. the OCC record with l',873 yards "My family spent half the time gained on ta ground. sitting on the Orange Coast side Conference, it was announ<.'Cd. The ACC banned· Canadian lnle run1" c>r s ity the learn from playing in a bowl game this season Athletic Union. was 9-25 a year Ye t, Accomando chose OCC and the other half on the Golden over Golden West, even though West side," recalls Tony, who his older brother Dan played for now lives in RiverSide and wotks the Rus tlers, The two were on for a Corona auto parts store. opposite sides oJ ihe Held in 1974 "That game (iQ_ 1974) sta~ ... whe n To'!.)'. ,was a freshman out for me because afterwaras I runnih'g ~ and Dan was a _ found out I hRd .been playing sophomore quarterback. with a broken bone in my heel. I or after the next two years and also decided the ago and 5-15 in league play. The Tigers would not share in conference television club is curre ntly 5-5 on its revenues ... Normand Leveille, the Boston present tour of the United States Bru ins left winger confined to a Vancouver af.ter a 72-65 Joss to USIU In that game, th e older didn't have it X-rayed until two Accomando and his Rustler weeks later," Tony adds . hospital since his brain hemorrhage last month, Tuesday night. will be moved to the Montreal Neurological The team is coached by Brian teammates pulled out a 23-20 The A ccomando brothe rs lnslitute this week, the Bruins announced Heaney, who played with the Ba hi more Bullets in 1969· 70, and led b~· sophomore guard F~ed Murrell, who has been scoring better than 21 points during the team's tour. victory .. , dltended Westminste r High, "When we played Golden which geograph ically, is closer to West, there w as a lo t oj .GoldenWest.Tonyaayshechose camaraderie out there." h~range Coast because of the recalls. "Both teams did the best "appeal of the .:hool." Television, radio TELEVISION Following are the top s ports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: V' V' V'....,. excellent: ....,. V'....,. worth watching: V' V' fair. V' forget it. Cf) 7:20 p.m., Channel 9 v v v NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Seattle. Announcers: Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. The SuperSonics are off to a fast start with a 12-1 record and the Western Conference Pacific Pivision lead . The defending NBA champion t'akers (9-3) are third. 21h games behind. With the acquisition oC David Thompson from Denver. Coach Lenny Wilkins and the Sonics are 'playing near-perfect baske tba ll. The Lake rs send Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson and Co. against them toni~hl in an early-season "crucial." RADIO Basketball -Lakera a t Seattle, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570); U. of Alberta at UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m .. KWVE ( 108 FM). Hockey -New Jersey at Kings, 7:20 p.m., KPRZ (1150). llNTAL PACILln LlnLI ITOll .............. ............. (1M)aM1• The only other scoring punch has been supplied by center Leon Bynoe (6-6, 210). a member of the Canadian National Team, who has been averaging better th a n 18 p o ints a nd nine rebounds. they could, but there was a lot of At that time, Tony \estimates picking up guys and saying 'nice the ratio of Westminste~ football run' and things like that." players deciding on on~ of the As in the past, the 1982 Pirate two community colleges was and Rustler squads have plenty about 50-50. He thinks it's jabout or friends on opflosite sides of the 80-20 in favor of Golden West field. It's billed as a game which today. will determine the bragging Alberta is n't very big though, with 6-6, 6-6 and 6-2 players across the front. rights of the district, and in most TARS cases, that bragging is done fac-• • • to-face long after the game is From Page C 1 over. "I plan lo substitute liberally and take a look al everyone," said Mulligan. "We will not hold anything back either as I want to see the things we have worked on in practice." The Anteaters wall dress 11 player s f or th e co ntest. But also as in the past. the No. 1 priority is winning. no matter whose brother or best friend is on the other side of the field. Orange Coast is trying to win Its third game of the year, and a victory over the Rustlers would still make the Pirates' season. A 'College football THVRSDA Y'S GAMES Texas A&M at Te xas Bowling Green at No rth Carolina FRIDA Y'S GAMES P ittsburgh a t P e nn St. (Channel 7 at 9 a.m.) Oklahoma at N e bras k a (Channel 2 at l l :30 a.m.) Connecticut at Delaware SATVRDAY'S GAMES Notre Dame vs. USC at Coliseum (Channel 2 at 12:~ p.m.) Oregon at Oregon St. Cal State Fullerton at Nevada Lu Vegas, n Oklahoma St. at San Diego St., n Utah St. vs. Long Beach St. at Anaheim Stadium (7:30) Arimna St. al Ariz.ona. n Georp Tech at Georgia Auburn at Alabama (Channel 7 al 9 a.m.) AJr Force at Hawaii, n ~'at Houston. n Tu.lane at LSU. n Arkanlu St. at Memphis St. Cincinnati at Miami (Fla.) TenN!981!e al Vanderbilt Vtrstnia at Vif'linla Tech Clemaon va. Wake Forest at Tokyo played prominent roles in the Sailors' campaign -including Ri ch P ower , Herb Goss, Gil Ward. and Bill Brown. In the trenches the obvious guns are All-league choices Brett Kacura, Dave Cadigan and Gavin Greeley. .. J ..... I JOHNSON &SON preMnta ... COl'I• ................ Nebr..U OV9r Oklahoma * Penn St. OV9r Pltttlt\1r9h * USC -----·---Meire~ * ~St. .. . LoeMMMtee TUHOAY't MM.Tl " ............................. , NH 1111ca. 400 y., c1e. lnkt1aln9d CQ9Y (Ptlllllne) 14 40 I IO UO 0.1tllC1toll lff'YdJy) & 00 3 00 Juana Teddy er on1111 2 "<I AlaO rececl SmilMndu~. AtaureCI Sheton, A .... 0 T""°• Aa9Ur-Youio-, Plunder Aw•r . Ktllya Copy Time 205~ ti IXACTA (3· 1) paid $44 80 NCOMI M CI . 350 yetdl Newt Polley (Tr1WU1e) n 20 9 IO I 00 HtyM v.n1ur• (Blevinl) 4 20 I 00 Slntlln s-(Milc;hejl) 4.'60 Alto recad. Gin Game. Oo Mal Oo, 5newy Bull Bat, T 09 MOhtgan. CN Cll8 Bob. Pedflc ~ lAo Time 17 86 ~ llACI. 400 yetdL COfM On Old Blue (Pin) t3 20 I 00• 3 IO Mao laurel (Tonka) 6 20 4 20 Too Aire (My!M) 2 IO Alto tl Cf d' RHlfy Rockln. Start Tl\9 ~1 lie A AMl!ty. JOdle E~, H8Ra Celun. Tlnya Go Gey. Ole 04ln HUOl*I flme< 20.311. • UACTA (i-21 peio $1t8 80 a:.,,~~'T~~I yar1i~eo 5.20 3.00 . P ... Em Up O.C:k (H•t!I 4.40 3 20 SoeedY Ball (tmllrongl 3.00 Alto ;ec•d,: Wenyno. PurrHy. Bright Policy, f1emlng Cet, St Rocke!. Time; 41.07. ' ta ,llA.4JJA (4·21 petd S57 00 """ llACI. 300 v•rd1. . • All,... Wirt (OelomN) 5.'60 3 IO 3.20 N"i.... E.mperor (Geteilll 8 40 I 20 Euy Awetdt (Lecltey) 9.'60 Alao t~· Slmpill Men. Shift N Time. lujel, SPMCI Cl\111, Me CherOktt, ~ky VMlty. Tiny Trip. Time: 15.61 • DACTA.11-11,peld S143.IO. aornc llACL 350 yetdt SOll1ery Jet (Peutine) 12 IO I 00 3 20 Tillll To Pappa (Rough) 18 IO 5 IO Keep On KMplng On (ladttY) 3 00 Alto ••cad Ptey lull, lntr•pld Coln, For-Tnldlln nm.: 17.71. UftlfT1t llACL 350 :yera . Fly Udllcty $plll (T onkl) 8 00 4.'60 S.IO flllf 8tendy (Armaltong) • 7 .40 l .IO Jetta S.Wt>o (~I 4 20 Al9o tec.d: Mia SOiid Wiiiow, My Goal, Snappy Panny, Fi.g Rl- Tlme; 17.111. ta IXACTA (5-11 pllid $411 00. lllP\. ....... ,..,.._.Y'IUlllll OelrOll 4 -New YOftl olenl1 a o.MM1-~ ............ a "-9 2'' -KM-Ctty • -lklHeio' 121\ -BellllnOtt •~•I Ovtr Cllkleao •-New YOtll. .MCI S'h -°O(Mfl l•Y • •-New (nglend 3~ -Holleton •-Cll'ICWlell 3 o-I.A A.lclera •-WMNngton J -~ tt.-Alllnle I -81 LOUle •-SM 01eGo 8 0"91 o.n-~-San frendlco II -New Ott.et!• PtttlC>urgll ." -ll-Seatlle llOllDAY't 9Am Mlllmi 2 o-a-Tempe .. y ·-ci.noi .. ,_,. ,_ . ,~.._. ................ , WL AMINCAN C«*ff•NC< W L Pwt. "' f'A ,_..,. 3 0 1 000 " 55 ~ ~o 1000 11 55 l>intt>u<gh 3 o 1 ooo 86 sa 8u"elo 2 I 1417 44 "<I Clnconnalt 2 I .&e7 1$ 41 Cltwlend 2 , 117 62 31 NY Jell 2 I 117 Ill 1 52., 1 o.n-1 2 333 37 Houaton t 2 .333 311 72 Ken._1 City t 2 ,333 45 63 -EJl9len4 • 2 3" 31 14 San OOego , • 2 333 ff !IO Seattle t 2 333 45 54 BelllmOtt 0 S 000 33 15 NATIONAL cowe•NC• GrMn Bay 3 0 1.000 88 49 WUl'tlngton 3 0 1 000 15 84 Atlanta 2 1 .117 14 611 OallM 2 t 117 61 62 OetrOll 2 I 817 53 44 New 0<1tan1 2 1 667 44 31 ~llleaQO 1 2 .333 30 44 li.llnn.ole t• 2 333 46 19 Pll~ec:lelphl• • 1 2 .333 72 71 St. Looll 1 2 .333 41 62 San Ftanclt<:o 1 2 .333 69 67 .._ o s ooo• M ea NY *lenta_ 0 3 ,000 !IO 70 Tam • Bay 0 3 .000 32 52 N TE lhe top etghl teems In a1c;h conl.,ence wtd queloly tor Ille pteyolft T._...,.10... -YOttl Glenta et 0.ott (CMnnel 2 81 1:30 a.m.I Cleveland at OOtllu (Channel 4 el t p m I ....... o- KenN1 Ct1y ••"-Beltlmo<a at BuHlllO Orvc:ago at MlnneaOI• Gt-Bay el -York Jett HOUiton 81 New England LOI AngelH Reldttt •• Clnclt1r1•ll IChennel 4 et 10 e.m.) ~el Washington SI Louil at Atlante Oen.,., ., San ~ -O<IMrw Id Seti ffanc:iec:o (Cllennel 2 Id 1 pm.) Pttttb<Hgh •• Saenlt ......, .• ca- Ml.,.,,. et Tampa S.y (Cllannal 7 et Ip m I .... ~1~~~1:1......,P1C ..... •M&J5,~~IJ>llld..S30.~~~~~~~"""'"'i~i::::.:::~::;--~~~ with one winning llc:ttet Iii• hOt-) S2 Pick <• •sue;cw1, La.) s1, con1olellon paid S507 10 wllh 20 Wlsc:onM't (1-5) w.. ~Stet• (l-4-11 wWlning llcket1 (fho9 hOt-1 Holld9Y llowt ,,...,, beC. 17 llQHTH ltACL 350 yerClt (el SM '*-l ~ for Call (Crclul) 3.00 2.'60 2.10 Olllo S1e1e (l..JI .,. B<lghain Young (8-3) Time To SN (LeclctY) 4.IO 2.10 Wtengle AIOI IHltll 2.10. Celtornle 8owt AltO reced: WllltMng Six, Good FNlur•. .......,, Dec. 19 Time: t7.8J. f• ,_, • aXACTA (5-41 Plild S12.00 Bowling Grftn C7·3·0) vt. Fre1no St. ~ llACa. 350 ytrdl Trippe Cl\etgette (Hunt) 12 60 8 20 • 1.00 Pey The Nol• (MllQhtll) 5 20 4.20 Ptoud Dukey (Wetd) 3.00 Aleo r eceo: Lil Lady LOYt. Solltery Child. Selly Ooo Selly, &Ms A Tutn T-. Ole Sun flotiotr. SllYw 811tecude. SIUIWYannelt Time: 17115. •Ill.ACTA ( 1-31Plild 115 IO Anenoer-: 5,359 ..... ecMot ........ C9' PLAY°'9'a ....... ti, UllMfeltJ • ....... Ballet (U) oel Elllera, &-2: oel 811tt>¥ino. &-0; oel. aonn.tt, 8-1, lAfel>wt (U) IOt1 1·1, 2-e. won 1-3. Corfman IU) IOst 2-e. 2-e. won ~. . ~ B<llllk•Mlddleton (UI IOst to L.ancaa1et· Cunningham, 3-1; CS.I D<•kt·Catey, 8-3; oel. fetd•WedMOrlh, &-2; Lucat.seg.I IUI IOst 1-6, 1-e. 3-e; Anclt<9on·D<lll* (UI loa1 1-e. 1-e, won 7-8. ....., Del 11, Cw-t I ........ Sarmiento (MDI oel. Mort. 1-2, oel Leonel. 8-4; oel. Brunst. l-0; Prletlo (MDI. loll 2-e, <MS, won &-0. Wingetl IMO) IOst 0-e. 0-e. won 1-1. De.-.. Akln-S9inner (MDI oel V9Ughn-Lenllord, W ; oe1 eopp.i-Tllomu. 1-2, oel 8<eheut- Cobum. 1-2, ............ Wrhet (MO), won 1-3. &-0, 8-1, Saut>der..CrllWford (MO) loll t-e. <MS, won 7-8. ...... v ... 11, L..-. .._... ....... Sturm (LB) loat to Wlnlama. 1·1, def. McMullen, 1-2. loal to Ooerlla, 2-e, Wtlletlt (LB) !oat. 2_., CM. won. 7-8, Btown (LBI loat, :i.e. 2-e. 2-e. 0...... Godlrty·W•lface (LB) dtl fatgHon- FOUMM'I, 7.5, def. Gevtn-Abr-. M . lcMI to s. TMO-J. Taeo. :Ml. CoMey-Nll)'lor {LB) won, 7-5. wat. :Ml, M . Pecll-8ugi ILBI won, &-2. lo.t. .... 1-8. C• .. A 9COflH Pelele VetCIM 12. leQUN 8"cl\ I Doe P'**>a 14, Ptlm Springe 4 e..tenda 10, Unlvtrai1Y I ........... 14. Sent• S.WIMlt• 4 c• s.11 acOMa ~lidt Poty II. L8 W~ II (Riv POiy ..,,,_ on eei-. 71-415) Meter Otl 12, Clet-' 8 w .. 1 ... 10, La Cenede I C• l·A KOMa Lompoc t 1, Oetd«t Grow 7 Lot Amlgot 10, Alghttll I I.a Oulnte 14, Yucel~ 4 Victor VlllW/ 10. lndlo I CIP 1·A KOMa Olemond 8ef 13. Rim Of The World 5 ~ 16, AqulnM 3 Morro aay 12, L• ...in. 8 #'{, Ws: 1111'a cilll;... l U10 J... I.IC ~tO. 1e-t. 1 .. 7 I • UCUI Cllll UC .... e ...... e, 11-I0, 11!-I, te-7 . oa 111 1n =:'! ar-.. ee.. • ---1111. 1 .. 1•. lM, ''"" Cl0-1-0) T ............. ............. C•ONMe.,.._t Boston College (7·2·11 w.. Aubutn (7-31 ........ ....... Dec.• (•11.._,T_) Horth Cetolne (M · 11 vs Taus (7-11 MMe .... ....... Dec.• , ............ , MerylenCI (1-3) vs UCLA 19· 1·1) ot Weahington (t-2-0) -~··"=-'· (• .......... T-t Ai.bwna (7-3} va • .,_ (7-4) ....... r......,.Dec..• , ........... ,..,, Wta1 VtrglnY (t-2) ft. Flor"'-State Cl-21 HelofF .... 9owt ,,...,, Dec. 11 , ............. Aaa., Vanderbilt (7·3) w. A'it force (7-41 .......... ,,...,, Dec. 11 , ........ , T-(1-3-1) vs. !owe (7-4) e1u1111na ... ...,. ,,...,, D-.11 , .. ......._,, Arkenus (1-1· 1) YI. ~IOrlele ,7-3) ,... ...... ....... .-.1 , .. , ..... Alt&., Oltlahom• (t-t-0>-Nebraall•(l-t .Olio.et va NUO!lll SI. (9·1-0) or UCLA (11-1·11 Cotton .... .............. , c•a..-1 Southern Methodlat ( 10·0 · 1 I v1 PrltM>u<gll (9-t) ......... ....... .-.1 , .. ~, Mic:Ngan (a-3) "'· Mzona St (t-1-0) or UCLA (~1-1) ~.~ , ............... , Loult lene St (I · 1-11 v1 Nebruk• (11-1-0)-0ltWlome (8-2-0) .w... ........ ............. , , ..... OMMe, Penn St81t (t-1-0) va. 0-gle ( 10-0-0) -(._ >· --=. c:;:: ICI W L N. Jlla ltettle I lf I J23 .-"'-'!II 10 I .7. 2 L1Mn I 3 .7IO l 'it f'or1lend I I .611 4'it ~..... 4 • .30I • 8111 OlilOO 2 10 • ,. ~ ............... 8111 ~ • I ~City I I Oll9e •• 0.-I • UWt 4 7 HouMOft 1 11 .MS . as 1 ..... ,.... ·-114 .... , ... .Oii 7 ~cow 1c1 ............. "rr.1111•11111111111111-4111111118 tO I '°"°" " I ... ..., 1 1 =--=-· -·w Oeltoll t I ~-I I ~,.:.:~a : "...... • 1 ~ 11 ,., ·-.IOO 4 ..... .Ill 1\t ,ea .. ,. .411 .... ,411 .Gii ,.. ljt. .... , 1 c ........... Cill llOly p~"'f•. ""'8rwtt &r Cl NOtltwldal 70, 91011 61 Cll Jtoiy llO I t, U0 0.~1 4f C:l\aplNll M, W•tmont 61 CNeo I\ IOI, Notr• Ollll1ll (VII ) Ill Pt LOlllA 64, Clar-ll·Mudd 63 New V0tlt l-. '1. Cel I tal• LA 64 UllU 72.i. Aioett•. Cenacl• 16 \Hlllblllonl o.n-•!.. "°'''*" Oolofldo 45 wtllltllf w , C.. LlllMflll M COllllUNITY COUIGa -..::.~~~~~~·~ ..__I, At--.1 I , W .. d I , Mlle~ a. "9ntrop 4, ~ 2 TOIM n ... t t 61 en: aM ANTONIO -Wolt4em1 24, Wrigl'tl 9, ~d I. Wllllet 7, ApetlOjo I , Wiiing 4, Lilnt 3, Z.-"'3 T Olale 23 l•H 14 Helfl-Ml Sen AntonlO. 3J>21 Total louta SeCldltbetk 21, Ml hn An1011 lo II Fouled out Htnde11on 18~) .... CAMNti.L. COWlllHCI Minneaoll Clllc:ago SI Louie T0<onto OttrOil ....,....,........ WLTCWQA~ 9 9 5 IOI 100 23 9 11 4 101 IOt 22 11 10 4 93 74 22 II I 3 71 77 21 II 6,,.a 77 65 20 ............ 14 7 2 t2 3 5 e 12 s 4 9 5 3 14 5 119 IO 30 18 .. "' 71 85 Ill 12 71 13 54 g1 11 •AU• cowa111aNC1 .. ..,,. °"""" NY tillanOerl t4 8 3 101 IO 31 ~le 12 II 1 17 72 25 NV Ret>ger1 tO tO 1 15 86 21 WMl\lnglon 7 II 4 70 71 11 Ptttlburgll 7 ti 3 7 1 100 17 -Jetaey 3 14 I 13 100 12 ~~ 14 4 4 102 70 32 12 7 3 71 65 27 tO 9 2 t04 101 22 CIF p~lo title on line Arch-rivals Newport,· CdM meet tonight By ROGER CARLSON or .. ....,,... ..... LONO BJo;A< 'II Souttwrn C:allfornaa high 11dwol wawr polo 1uprc•mat•y It on th~ line 1.0nl11ht i;t &lniont Plaza w hen• urrh r lvala Newp ort ll urhor und Corona dt.>I M.-r 11qu&art• oft tor lhl' ('!Jo' 4·A c:ruwn Sprint 18 &at 9 o'clock, following a J>Mlr ol olhl'r title giAnw& al 5:30 -(Servlw and I..<» Amiga. In ltw 2-A) and 7: 15 (Tustin and Villa Park in the S·A). ll'• the de pth and expcrlenc.'e of Coach Bill Barnett's Nt:wport HJrbor Sailors 8i&lnst Coach Jeff Stit.t.'S' Corona del Mar Sea Kings. the latter boasting c;1F Player of the Year candid ate Dave lmbernino. a 6-4 sensation wtn> has been the catalyst to a • 27-1 campaign. The only blemish was applied by Newport Harbor (7-6) in the Sea View League's finale, which knotted the two for the league crown and catapullCd the Sailors into the playoffs us the No. l • seed . ''M ayb e th a t loss w as a blessing in disguise," says Stiws. "ll tool< the pressure oU and our k ids found out we weren't the lop flies in the pile anymore." While it rtqulred jus t such a victory to clinch a playoff berth, Barnett isn't ovcrenthused about the situa tion of requiring back- to b&al'I\ t rl umph• cwt•r l. oron;a di'I Mar In urd..r Lu wJn the• 4 A champlonahlp • "I would IW.IY thut thc.iy havl' on udv11 11 111t(t· jlcing in\O the..• gurnt•," auy11 tlw v\'lc•run Burnc•tl, who hi.I.Ii cooc·hc-d the• SullorH w t•lght 4 A lltk'2> 11inc.'t! li*6'7. In addluon tu live• ru11nc•r-up rlnlahc>s, "Whl'tl you have two wam11 of l'qllal ability, lH<' ont.• that wins t h f' fir 11 l gamt' ls a l a disad vanlJlgc In the S(.'<'Ond game between th (' t wo. And lh ut's where we are now with Corona dcl Mar in the finals." Eue h qual i fied f or t he• showdown with 7-5 victories in t he sem i fin a l s , N ewport eliminating El Toro and CdM sending the 1981 4-A kingpins, Long Beac h Wilson, to the sidelines. "\f c threw everything we had altbitl)'l the lasUime we played," no~Bameu. • "And lrnbo (lmbemi,no) didn't sc.-ore a lot and that helped, We didn't do anything to stop him, b ut h e only scored twice . He wasn't in position to 8':ore that much." Imbern inu i s th e type, however , who moves in and out of the hole, to the wings and to the backcourt , w i th scoring ability from any angle. "He's a triple threat," says Barn e tt, "because he is so v1•n11111l1• Jlc•'ll turn 1md •hoot w11h ttw rlt(ht h~nd ut turn tht othl•r wuy uud "hoot back · handt-d l ft.'1 a threat ot th<• hole, ns o drivt•r 11nd with on outatdC! 11ho1." "Nt'WJ)ort llurbor 111 alway,. u 11tron1e twu-mf'tt>r Hllmt'," nc';t~ SUt<'fi "ThC'y havC' a little moro tl'a m 1pccd and their kida antldpatc· c•xtrc•rnely we ll . ''W(• havt• t.d n~lhfy that by having six guys with their heads in th<' game the whole game. "04r goa l wasn't t o go und('foat.ed, we had »Orne pretty good teams on our achedule, •includinR Tustin twic.'e, Sunny Hills, nnd Long Peach Wilson. l didn't think we'd have as good a rec.'Ord as we do." Among thC' Sea Kings' arsenal, in addition to lmbernino, are Tom Temple. Eric Paulsen, Rick &'Oh, Pat Loofbourrow and J ohn Morrow. in addition to goalie Joe Roh. Newport's crew, 24-2 overall, 1s Jed by Art J epp.e, G r a nt · Slanley, Dave O'Dol'\nell, Ian DcVm~s. Greg Lukosk y a nd Colin T hompson, a long with goalie Mike Hinze. In thC' 7-6 struggle It was Newport Harbor breaking on top with a 4-l first period lead. T his Is the fi rst appearance in the finals for a Corona del Mar team since 1974 OILERS DOMINATE ALL-SUNSET . • • From Page C1 EdisOn dominates the second teams with nine selections. DB-Mike Newton, Fountain Valley 6-0 DB-Richard Mendoza. Htn. Beach 6-2 180 Jr. 185 Sr. • I 4 61 72 22 ALL-SUNSET LEAGUE T_.,.: ~ 11 111 13 I Flnt Team Offense . Second Team Offense M1Mtaol8 8. NY lalandefs I . 111 p Pia llool Ht Wt y QB-Chad Pariseau, Ocean Vi ew 6-1 190 Sr. Mont• ... 1, SI LOUii I, h• OI. yer, IC & 2 85 /• RB-Eric Karman. Marina 5-8 163 Jr. c~ 1. WuNngton 3 QB-Eric Lawton, Htn. Beach • 1 r. RB-Scott Garrell, Ftn. Valley 5-10 195 Sr venc:ou,.., 5, a.-2 RB-Danny· Thompson, Htn. Beach 6-1 190 Jr · ,_....,a.-· RB-Derek G riffiths, Edison 5-lf 175 Sr. New JerM'f •• tf""8 RB-Todd Parker, Ocean View 5-9 155 Sr. C J Mon''"'•• Otlt011 RB--Carl Satterfield, Htn. Beach 5.9 , 165 Sr. TE-Rec-.MJa,miell rMaft, F~unMtaini Valley 56-101 ~0725 Sr. eune1o •• Hwttord 9 arce o ottes1, ar na • , "' r. M1nnaao4• •t......, York Renoar• Rec-Tim Valenzuela, Westminster 5-157 Jr. T -Andy Sinclair, Edison 6-4 21& J r. ao.1on ••J'Nlldelpl\lll • TE-Mike Ray, Huntington Beach 6-4 205 Sr. ..--.......,en--.,..,:-----: !~~ .if.~P11$ _____ _._._...,,,_=Bttt "MR'ID, Ma:rtmr =.._; __ 6,;_.;;2,.i.3n-o-Cs~_..,;T':l'---.iJ~e~ffr-tLee-.ee, -Marina---o-S--228 Sr . .,.,..._,.... • ~~......... r. G -Dennis McGowan, Edison 6-2 221 Jr. WMhlnQton ••Edmonton T -Reid Long, Fountain Valley 6-3 230 Sr. G -Walt Torres. Westminster 5-8 200 Jr. ..... ...... COIWl..n' COi.UGi --..~··· 0....-Cwt 4, In• aw..,_ I O•enee Co.11 acoring TrN-ltch 2. Slr.O-I, Ryen 1 ~ . ' .. ... AL,..._of,_,wollM voting tor the 11112 Amerlcen Lff9ue f'oolllt OI the Y-_... pleyet9 teceMna • -p04n11 tor NCI\ llrlt-tMct -· trwei =lot t«ond end -poim '°' ltllrd 1 .. 1M1 INT.W . tn • ...,.._. 20 4 -132 HrlMk, M"-11 4 23 1 llO BoGaa. eo.1on O O 10,,. 10•1t V .... llerg, S..lllt 0 1 8 II GM\11, M"--• 0 0 4 4 Hotletlet, TaJIW 0 0 3 3 Her-, etev.lllnd 0 0 2 2 8etflllcl. Toronto o o 1\.\ ,.,., \ Mra ~-:::=i .. ., _ 31 ehglert 52 bew. 45 med!.,.,. 7 rodt llltl, 4 .,. llJl ll'IWd, 4 ICUlpln I OMA WMMP -34 etig1 .. 3 bew. I bonllo. 30 ,,__.,.., M •odl cod. I roctt IWI. I .,_plflMO, 2 ICU!pln, 1 -. ' g it':1e ~=~~H:!~Beach 5~i~ ~~~ ~~: C -Cory Barnes. Fountain Valley5-10 205 S r. C -Mike Kulpa, Edison 6-0 204 Sr. K -Chuck Smoot, Fountain Valley-5-9 155 Sr. Flr•t Team Defense DE-Jim McLaughlin, Marina DL-Tambi Wenj. Fountain Valley DL-John Lovely, Marina DL-Robert Jean, Edison DE-Billy Ray, Huntington Beach LB-Richard Brown, Westminster. LB-Bruce Cook, Fountain Valley LB-Tal Tamamasui, Westminster DB-Matt Hombs, Edison 6-0 6-1 5.9 5-10 6-3 6-3 5-11 $-10 5-11 185 .. Sr. 205 Jr. 211 Sr . 216 Sr. 190 J r. 225· Sr. 195 Sr. 230 Sr. 180 Sr . Second Team Defense DE-Eric Bergstrom, F.dison ' 6-2 183 DL-Bobby Meade, Westminster 5-6 150 DL--Je(f Hipp, Edison 6-0 202 DL-Cli nt King, Marina 5-11 182 DE-Rich Zumwalt, Edison 6-3 Jg .i. LB-J~T. Thomas. Edison 6-1 195 LB-Greg Neff, Marina 5-11 185 LB-Shaun Takk.inen, Edison 6-1 190 DB-Bob Lee, Marina 5-11 168 DB-Jeff Wahington, F.ciison 6-1 171 DB-Louie Cerda, Htn Beach 5-11 185 1 I Sr. Sr . J r. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr .• Sr. Sr. Sr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vanguards even mark .LA VERN E S outhe rn California College's basketball team evened its mark al 1-1 Tuesday night, posting a 76-67 victory over host La Verne . The Vanguards, who face Pepperdine Friday night, outscored the host Panthers. 26-6. in the first 14 minutes of the second half to seal the decision . P o int g u a rd R ick Plu i m e r h a d. an o ut sta ndi n g gam e defensively, holding La Ve l'ne's top scor e r , Andre Boaieux. to just six pointa. Bo.ieux, who was averaging 31 poln ta per ga me e ntering the contest, suffered from early foul trouble with four fint·half infractions and was never a 1erioua factor in the contest. Gauchos .. now 0-2 WALNUT Qu~scored 18-4 al the h e·lhro w lin e. Sa dleback College's balket.ball team dropped its ll!COOd dedtion in as many outings Tuesday night, 64-58 to holt Mt. &n Antonio . The cold-ah ootlo1 Gauchos connected on only 2 of their fin t 11 shots from the field in the first half and made just l of their first 1 in the 9eC.'Ond half and t'OUld never recove r. Delpi le au.npunc 25 more lhota from the fie ld (65-40), Saddleback could make only four more than the Mounliel. ·Guard Andy Ground dkt manaae to hJt 6 of I from the field to f lnilh with a team-hl1h 12 points, while &eammate Ala Adma J)Otdaed 11 . Mike Jroberta and Andre &math led Sae.I Collep with 17 ~nta ..-.. w1lUe Daw ccn 1-1&ed U. Vanparcll off the bench with 14. 'I. Offtr ·lootl Tllroqh •• ,. 31, 1112 UNLIMITED AEROBICS PROGRAM with NO D.UES , Per Vear (Based on two·year program) Program Includes: • Raquetball~ Sauna ' Wh~ • .50 meter pool* • Nautilus Fitness Center• •Non Prime Time Only Call or come by .4or a .free visit!· Wt FACl.ITES IO.lJJE: • 44 Tennis Ccuts • 20 Alcquetl>ll r-cull • 50 Miter Otyn1)lc Pool • Traiq Pool • 2 Bleketbll ec.ita • 2 Voll~ Ccuts • NIUlb Fitness Center• Aerobic Prcvam• Tcurwnenll • Acu.i Aoblnl. Ctml1nge Lidder&. Ct1lcs end Lesaons. Profealblll Ntructcn • Pro Shop • Advanced Rllw•lllol• • Snick a. • Soclm AcMlll • Ufecycle PfoWlm • Outdoor Co ·ed .tao qzt • Jlcuzzi LCUlgl • Sain • ~·~LockerRooma•TV.LCU1g1elllbylbig FOR FREE TRIAL VISIT CUL •&-8680. ,C.·I Orange CoHt DAIL V P1lor /WednHday. No111mber 24. t982 ..I Renewed ~ope for Ed~son, Newport, Oilers • ll'a nol ovrr yl•t FAlllOn. llun\inilon Beach ancJ Newport Hortx,r hl~h school tootbMll lcumio may sUll h~Vl' u 1iurprl11t• or two loh. durln6£Aft•• current pl yoC.la but m liCanning the l&ll·lt·aau•• teams It'& dltrk ult not to 11li1rt thmJuna a~>ut 1983 already. . Huntington .Bcuch may huv(• finally struck 011 after so many dry holt'tl with its current 8-3 rt.'COl'll and berth in the C lF Big lt"ivl' Conferen<·•• quarterfinals, bul how about nt'x\. year'? From a list of 45 A11-Sun!M!t League sclt.>t..liona. 14 are juniors -seven from the first team - including the Oilers' bat•kfleld combination of runner Danny Thompson and quarterback Eric Lawton. Thompson was the runaway choice for back of the year. PAfP SPOht ROGER CARLSON . i'~.hsun had u ... UIU'll•t of JUniori> l'tll 11 ull lt•111(U1· horlor11 Andy Sinda1r, L>ttrrnli. Mt< luwt1n, Je>ff ll1pp and J T . ·r1w11ws Wcstmim1tt11 hull two junim'lf l"t'<'<'IVt'r Tim Valenzu<>la and lin"m1m Wall Turn'll, whilt• Manna cun boast or F.rk' Kurman, tlw doublt• U1rc.•ut ut runner and plal·e-kickcr. In th<' Sea View Lt>aguc lt'11 1& little different - just on<' team appears loaded with junior talent - Newport Harbor. Joh\ln~ 81 .. 11JUi1 11t1 tlw blu1• <·hip ll•t an• 1uard 8n•ll K0tur11 umJ d1•h •n1;lw• b.K'k Lunt( Truong. Only two utlw1 Jun1or11 c•arm·d ult lf'agut• honon1 t 'ostu Mt"8:.I l.'tmtt•r •·nmk Wt•rm•r and F.I Toro runnl't dt•r1 •na11vt l'lld l)oan 1'nt·kt•tl Al 1111y rnw, If you huppc.·n to he· c't•lf'h1·ating now ow 1 tlll' ~oud thlnt(M thut tm • lwppt•nlng at llunt111K11111 8'iud1 and Nt•wport .Harbor, not to 111t•11t1on thl' Suru.ct L<•ague title• 11harl'<.1 by Ediaon and Jo'ounuun Valh.•y, don't Wl'IU yoursC'U out, tlwn"11 1dwuy11 next y1•ur. • • Nl•wpol'l Hurb11 r '! Pave• Cadigan, who l'ppcared to be 11 SQlid ch6ice for first team All-Sea V1t•w U>ague honon1 until an Injury wiped out half of his league season. h1 nl'verthch>s.'1 in line for something good following graduutlon. . k'·· twat and tht• t·orrc.-.·t In 1ruc:Uon1 from Santa Af\Jl orthopc'<.1111t llr Olton Almqu1»t 11avt.od tht.• ll(o>atUn, howt•wr, and <.:udlg&an and lN•mmatc.'I wlll bt.• In £K'lfon i"nduy nlt(hl BRtalnat vhulin& Fullf'rton • • • A u•port that FAIM>n ll1gh'1t duf\rk t frfolhman team was unbe•1.1l<>n and untll'Ort'<I uPQn brought forth nt.1w information the Barona of FounUtln Vullcv 1m•11'l dom~ too badly. either. · Jo'ountaln Vallf'y's frf•11hman wam11 Wert.• 8·0 and rccordl•d lllX 11hut0Ut8 In a season which incl udl'<.I a vktory over Edison. L ~ How's that, you 1111y? Unlike mUtit leaguea wnere some achools are struggling to keep thlngA goi111 with one team, the Sunset Lt-ague h1ts two freshman team.\ -.league (Hrst liners) and dilnrkt (rctlt'rv<.-s) teams. Also earning first team berths with another year's eligibility left from Huntington Bead\ are guard Mike E.<scobedo and def ive end Billy Ray. Fountain Valley, defensive tackle Tambi Wenj, who made a living by sackin~ the quarterbac k, is the league's Lineman of the Year and he's a junior, along with teammates Jamie Craft and Mike Newton. The -Sailors, hke Huntington Beach, have returned to the Cff playoffs after an abeemoe of a few seasons. and among their crew is Su•ve Brazas, the junior do-it-all with :la touchdowns and the league's MVP. Over 75 schoolA, from USC lo Not~ Dame, Jlllnots to Dartmouth qnd Penn Suite to Oklahoma, have expr<>&Sed un interest In the 6-4, 231-pou;hdcr, At one point It appeared hls future was gr,itn, at best, with a severe knee Injury sustained against El Toro. Dave Fitzpatrick and assistants Bob Bell and Jim Dunn have led the Barona to a 59-2-1 record and eight league titles in the: past nine years on the " league (first line) levtd. I .TOLLNER. • • Who Deeds a commissioner?, .J . • From Page C1 • • When the heat's on, .Kuhfi and Rozelle noticeabl-y silent the Trojans al one point went a school-record 28 games w ithout a I~. winning 26 and tying two. Two Helsman Trophy winners, , Charles White in 1979 a nd Marcus Allen last year, played for Robinson, whose teams had a 4-1 bowl record. Tollner. 42. has a reputation as· 1 an excelle nt t ea ch er of the passing game. Before coming to Southern Cal for this season. he helped deve lop three NCAA passing leaders -Jim McMahon at BYU in 1981; and Jesse Freitas in 1973 and Craig Penrose in 1975 at San Diejlo State. As the universe• of j<>ekstrappery ·enters a rather bizarre crn or financial and social chaos, we again notice bysta nders peculiar to each of the games known as commissioners. For P ete Rozelle, the commissione.-' of the National Football League, a lower profile could not have been found for the duration of the strike upon which the playtJrs of the NFL embarked. To call for Rozelle at the heat of any moment during the strike would have been tantamount to calling for a hooker in church. However, whe n a termination of the walkout was declared, there was the t'Ommissioner running around doing a superb imitation of a busy little bee. IN THE GREAT baseball walkout of 1981 . Commissioner Bowie Kuhn was out to lunch. Bowie was told by certain owners to bull out. Unhappily, when Kuhn was fared recently, the reason given by some of his detractors was his faHure to act during the strike. Although Robinson in recent years has been striving to create a pass-run offensive balance, the Trojans traditionally have bee a run-oriented team that feat outstanding tailbacks like Al n, White, O.J. Simpson and ~e Garrett. With the National Baske tball Association h eading into a s trike -o r ·w orse -the commissione r, Larry O'Brien . has gone to the mattress. O 'Brien's lasl o fficial act of any significance was a tour of NBA cities just before ~~--'~~t~ia~ti,_,,o"-'ns"" on a new working aareement opened. O'Brien str l at 1t woufcf be necessaryTor Tollner. whose only previous head coaching experience was on the high school and junior college levels, said his background in pass-oriented offenses doesn 't · · nf!Cessarily mean he's going to make dramatic c h a nges at southern Cal Happy anglers "The coaches I worked for, Lave ll Edwards a t BYU and • C laude Gilbe rt at San Dieg o State, tQld m e they wanted passing games," said Tollner. Susie Mudge of Orange (left) and Mark Hanson of Newport Beach hold 5-pound and 4~-pound trout taken on cheese recently at Irvine Lake. ; Ripk~n named rookie of year Orioles star wins American Leagu~ honor over Hrbek N'EW YORK (AP) -Cal Ripke n Jr., a power-hitting infielder who walloped 28 home runs for the Baltimore Orioles, overcame a s t rong challenge from Minnesota's Kent Hrbek to win the 1982 American League Rookie of the Year award today. Ripken, who said he wasn't sure he woulctwin "because of such a great season that Hrbek had," collected 24 first-place ballots ~ the voti~g -~ 28 panelists from the Baseball Wnters Assoctattqn of America.and finished with 130 points. Hr~k. a first baseman who batted .301 for the Tw'ins, knocked in 92 runs and slugged 23 homers, received the remaining four first-place baUots and finished wi~h 90 points. Ripk~n and Hrbek we re the only players named ori au 28 ballots. Wade Boggs of the Boston Red Sox finished third with 10~ points, Seattle's Ed Vande Berg was fourth with (9) and Minnesota's Gary Gaetti, fifth ·with 4. Texas· Dave Hostetler (3), Cleveland's Von Hayes (2) and Toronto's J esse Barfield ( 1 ~) rounded out the voting. Points were on a 5-3-1 scoring system for first, second and third, respectively. After an early-season slump that bad the Neptune iet)' CMMA TION llUAIAl AT HA 646-7431 22-year-old R1pken fretting and losing some of his confidence, the third baseman-shortstop came on strong in the second half and finished with 93 RBI and a .264 batting average. "Early in the sea.on. people said I nught be Rookle of the Year. But then I got off to such a terrible start," Ripken said. At one lime, he added. "l would have been satisfied to have just dug myself out of the hole." He questioned whether he could hit big league pitching, he said. "l wondered, 'ls this league tOQ tough?'" he said. "You st.art to doubt yourself. Those thoughts did cross my mind." But after he talked with Manager F.arl Weaver. who expressed confidence in the rookie's ability, Ripken became more confident in himself. He said his hitting performance in the Orioles' stretch run may have won hJm the rookie honor. Orioles G eneral Manager Hank Peters said Tuesday n ight of Ripken: "I can't think of any rookie in the league -and this is not to take anything away from a lot of other fine players - who's achieved all the things that that young man did th1s season. He has a chance to be one of the finer players in the game." Our llter•lure tells tht complete story o l o ur toelety. . •c.11 ....... __ ,._ THANKSGMN6 DINNER USC trio sign pacts LOS ANGELES - Nose guard Tyrone Sperling. a three-year starter at use. heads a list of 19 players signed Tuesday b y t h e L os Angeles Express of the United States Football League. IALJZ-... OM SMITH & lVYHIU.. WISlCLW CHAP&. -427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 6<1~9371 PACIRC '1IW ~·,... Cetretery Mortu..y Chapel-Oem.totY 3500 Pec1f1c y,.,,, Drive Newpon Beach 644-2700 at the OPENING 2:00 P.M. serving our regular menu & prices featuring the largest selectio n of fresh seaf ooq .. .. Other former USC players signing Tuesday were safetyman Clint Strozier and kicker Glen Walker, the fonner Ram, giving the Express a total of 58 players under con t ract prio r to the leagu e's January 4 college draft. the players to agree to "give backs" and no one took anything he said seriously after-that. So it is, then. if s ports commissione rs a re intriguing figures. it may be because of the question which surrounds them having to do with whether they are necessary. The first commissioner was created at a time of serious emergency. The infamous Black Sox"SCandal involving the World Series of 1919 had infected the grand old game and brought it great discredit. Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was installed and' thrown the ball along with a plea to do something with it. What he did was run the game like a tyrant, grinding the owners under the heel of the monster they had created. WHEN LANDIS DIED, the owners w ere sure they did not want or need a commissioner but they did not know what to do about the office. They have played daisy chain with it ever since. At any rate, it's noticeable that all the major prof~ional sports have figureheads without clout al a time when help is needed to maintain Ol"de r and some semblance of dignity. On the other hand. it is obvious that It would be impossible ror the players and owners in any of the games to agree on an individual and install him as cz.ar with jurisdiction over both sides and the clout to enforce it. Therefore. p e rhaps the office of the commissioner should consist of more than one person. Perhaps professional sports should be run . ·~ .. make that governed . . . by tribunals. This Did California use illegal f orniation? BERKELEY (AP) -The California Bears were m an illegal formation and had only nine players on the field when they began the kickoff return which beat Stanford, Paclfic-10 Conference off1c1als said after studying videotapes of the game. But Wales Hallock, executive director of the Pac-10. said the game result, a 25-20 Cal victory Saturday, would stand In a statement released Monday night, tlaJlock said Cal did not have five players. as required, within five yards of the restraining line when Stanford kicked off in the {ina1 seconds. "A fifth player was close, but he was not there in my judgment. The videotape replay shows the official was mistaken," Hallock said. "He was subject only to human imperfection." Despite having just nine players in the kickoff return alignment when the football was k icked, Cal used five laterals and scored on a 57,yard return. Kevin Moen ran through Stanford band members, who thought the game had ended, for the final 20 yards. Hart to see 49ers Todd Hart, who auUered a broken neck during Long Beach State's teuon-opening football gal!K' 2 ~ months ago. will attend the 49en' final home game of the year at Anaheim Stadium this Saturday night, 1t was announced by a achoo! spokesman Tuesday. in Orange Couhty as well as Roast Prime Rib of Beef and Steaks ~~.,, Ancient Mariner . · r • • Newport Beach J • Newport Beach on the Bay -·· "Sperling should flt in • well in coac h Hugh Campbell's defensive concept with his speed and aci!lt)'." said Expreaa Chief ~raUng Offit'et C url y M orrison In announcing Spttrllng's signing. "I wouldn't be surprlled to find u many u ·1even or tllht recent Tro.Mtna •\arlln1 on the dt1hn1lve unit for Hu1h." added Morrblon. Hart, a 6-0. 185-pound aophomore defensive back from San Juan Capistrano will be flown by helicopter from Northridge Hospital to Anaheim Stadium, a diatan<.'(' of about 50 miles, for the game against. Utah State. Pl"C)(.'('e(b from the contest will go to Harl and his family to help pay his medical expenses. The Hart• will be on the field at h alftime for "'remonles. The 1arne J• bein1 billed u the ~'Todd Hart Championship Game.'' Hart, 19, wu fn~red late In the third quarter of Long Beach State 1 41·10 l<lllll to UCLA on Sept. 11 when he collided with wammate Darrell Paumo and UCLA'• Jojo Townwll. . · Hart wu Immediately taken to Huntln1ton Mf'mOrial Hoapital in Puadc!na, where he ·~ until t»inc tr.nafem!d '° Nonhrld1e H01pltal last SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER would be a matter of groups handing down major decisions rather than individuals. The authority and resA1>nslbility would fall to august bodies similar to the three wise men, the Supreme Court or Les Brown and His Band of Renown. Come to think of it, a committee might do more and innovate more. There are those who feel Kuhn would stiU be in oU.ce af he was more of a doer and innovator of the stripe of Rozelle. BASEBALL MEN look at professional footbaJJ • and drool commences to form at the t'Omers of their mouths. The proprietors of the grand old game look at the NFL as some kind of a big. wonder(ul money machine and would like to have one of their own. Of course, any money· machine must be kept running if It is to be productive . The recent breakQ.Q.~.n._Qf the NFL bank note equipment was hardly the fault of commiss~Kozelle:-Dm~ neither did it do him any good. The mechanical advantages of a group commission w o uld, of course, remain to be determined. As for the difficulty finding a few good men ... say, three ... as opposed to one. the statistics are altogether clear. It would. be three times as tough. · The good news is that it would be chemically and spiritually 1mposs1ble to end up with three Bowie Kuhns -or. for that matter -lhrE'.•" Pete Roze lies. Estancia, MD post • • v1ctor1es Estancia and Mater Oei highs <ire still alive "in ClF wome n's tennis action, but Laguna Beach was ousted by the 4-A's top-seeded squad Tuesday afternoon. Estancia, which beat Univers.ity twice en route to winning the Sea View League championship, · made it three straight, advancing to the 4-A semifinals agai~t Dos Pueblos with a 10-8 decision over the Trojans . Jn a nother 4-A quarterfinal, Palos Verdes downed Laguna Beach. 12-6, and Mater Del kept its hopes for a 3-A ocown alive with a 12-6 decision over visiting Claremont. . The Eagles' triumph over University was sparked by the play of the doubles team of junior TENNIS Camille Cunningham and seruor Candy Lanca5ter. w ho swept three matches by the soores of 6-3, 6-3 and 6-1. "All the girls played excellent," claimed Estancia Coach Cheryl Hirtler. ''We pulled together as a team today." The F.agles, who went 14-0 in league play, are now 18-3 overall. Estanc&a was without the services of sophomore Catherine O'Meara. who attended the National Indoor Championships in New Yor~. but waU be back for the F.agles' next match against Miraleste. · Univ<:rsity received a top effort from singles player Kevyn Baker, who won all three of her matches. The Trojans also have hope for the future as they had two juniors and a sophomore playing singles. Laguna Beach, ClF champion the last three years (once in 2-A and twice in 3-A) had strong play Crom the doubles team of Sue Godfrey and Dede Wallace, who won two of their three matches. "If we had played them at home, it could have been a different story," said Coach Ron Ross. "It at least would have been cloeer." The Artists wiU advance \he doubles teams of Godfrey and Kelly Conkey and Julie Stunn-Dent.e Sugi Into the individual doubles compedt.ion in CU'. Mater Del's top singles player Pam Sarmiento defeated three opponents and it proved decisive in the Monatths' triumph o~r Claremont. The .w;nior-lesa Mater Del 1quad abo received 11 sweep fron the d<>ubles teams of freshman Shannon Lavelle and junior Cindy Writer and .ophomorel Kim Akin and Sue Spinner. . The Monarchs. who w ent through Angelus League play_ till• aeason undefeated. wm ·play Westlake (n ~ueidafs semifinal match. I Yolleyball tryouts set The Oallfornla Junlon Volleyball Club will ·~ tryouta at~ View Hleh School Sunday and on Dec. ~ from 10 Lm. to 2 p.m, for itrla 1t1Jf: 12-18. 646-0201 Walker wu delcrtbed by USC Coach Joh n Robinson •• ''The best co ll ea• kicker In Aftwb" While he WU h andlln1 the punt1n1 and place klckln11 for USC. week. ' • Terry ao.. aporu lnfonnaUon director at i..or. Bearh State. uk.t tt..t Han Nmalne peral)'Md from \he neck down but th4at hit condlt!on hM tmprowd sub8(anUally The dub won tht' 1982 Junlnr Olympk national c:hampionahlp with pi.~ dMded lnto thre. • dlvllionl: 13 and undtr:J •~end under; and 17 and und«. For further Information , cont1et Brien GlmmilMTo (213) &92·3083 or Tlm MennMly ('714) &81·&530. 'I -.. _ • --t -.. '" r· Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT I W•dneldav, November 24, t982 Cl May-Dec~mber . relationship expiored • • • intelligently • • By FRED ROTHENBERG ,,,, ...... ....., NEW YORK T lev11lo n 11 1ull uh· ecwed with, and tee!lllll 110m~wh1H 11hockl'<.I by. tht- coupl1"-of an uldcr wom.n 1md a youngt-r man But CBS, al leaat, h11d th\' good Wlt' und ••rlJIC to do ttri~L • • Last month, ABC oUercd the soppy ·and irredeemable ''Forbidde n ~ove," wllh' An'drcw Stevena and Yveite M~eux-: In C..'Onlraal, "In Lovt• With an Older Woman,• on ChaMel 2 at 9 tonight, lntellltrenlly explores the well-travelL'd theme oC May-September relallonshipe. ll'11 only w tw11 lat< nWl'l• l1111h4•I Hoiu11 (Mtsi. Cnili.011) 1hu1 l't(Oll!ollll uml 1nmw1un1y UH' nu lonl(1•r: llll' Wllll\111" 1·01llhhlUllllll lhObt•I ho •• tll VUI t•t•d . ··x II rt 1111 who lH•Mlfll• wm klnti fur him 11 un lrwt•1111.il,\tor Siii''• uttriM·tt-d lO ll~)~'rl \>UI '" h't I":/ or lht•ll Wiii k tt•lllllOll'lhlp Und th1~t1· llt'l' dll f1•rt'lll'\', wliwh Ill wn·uh·r lhnn Kobc'rt fl•UhU'8 • Tonight John Rltwr Ls the one smitten with aarna beauty, although there's noth ing creaky aboµt the clauy Karen Garlson. She rl•su1l8 hi!I udvunfi>it, lf\lfhHl11g 1twy hav'• nothlnti In l'Ommon 8 h1"11 Crom thl' radio agl'. u ... ·a o child o( tt•l(•Vliltll\ But hhi knoWl('ll8t' or radio t'Omi<" f'red All1•n {•urns him o dott> ant.J, l'V"ntually, llw in c..'Ompanaonshlp. , Unliki.:."l''orbidcl1•11 Lovt•," this l'OU!Jlt• hu11 111urt1 going fur 11'w111 th1111 photOgl•nh: ph_Y111qut.'S. &'Cause.• or Isobel. tmmpOl'iSl1Jll9and 11cnsl11vi\y <:rt!e p into Robert's pcr11<>nul work cth11·. lsolx>I rt•gulns tK>me o( th e cc.m(idt•nl·~ r1111l juy thut IJat.I disup~un.'(} 1n her years of marltol subordination . Ritter plays 30-year-old Robert Cristenberry, an arrogant· 'nd ruthless lawyer who 'd efends lnaurance companies against expensive damage claim1. Robert Is al11<> an enthusiastic player In the singles bar game . Considered a pick-up pro, Robert uaes female companionship to satisfy his e~o and impress his friends. . A.a one of his conquests says: "The sex "1as all right. Your warmth as a human being needs a, little work." \\lll""I>'' ..... MO ••• N1W1 OHMUl'I AHGl&.a Tiie Angell' llYle ere ""9Mnld by • m)'tlerl· -lmPlno '"'"- Aftd, unlike th(l charactl.'rs play('(.! by Stevena and MISli M1mleux. thcJw adults can thtnk ·and grow. Clearly, tht•y need each other on different levels, and the audlcn<.~ will cure whether they stoy together . "Older Woman" 1s so well done that even the Cliche or lhl• falhng-an-love frl~U' frames does n ot offend. WOttc. II l11alned wMn. the 11 given 1 promotion oYerhlm.a •O THll'AU.GUV When 1 beeulllul ball lumcMlf ,._ 10 lly, Colt end• up lll\l!lQ het on 1 Ctotl-COU')lty fl'll!I. ftlp. Cf) TWILIGHT ZOHI On their w1y from Englllld lo. Ametlca, I ,19tllnet Ind 111 Cf-lrlvll bMlcward1 lnllme. • MPV CllWl'l ... G~••: Arnold Schwer-' l~. Ga'Yle Ollnello- ¥1. J1me1 Farentll)O, Terry .l--.Moor1. • IMllZV'I PICWLI While -rchlng the - Of Vlldlmlf'I """def, Sml· i.y dl1COYer1 111 lml)Of1en1 plec.e of~. (Part 2) Lr.:=°" IKATINQ 1112 Top 11111er1 from the U.S. and C1neoa pr--.1 1 lliatlng tpee18C\llar llom Harvard ~etty'1 Bright Hociley Center f« the l>aneflt ol the Jimmy Fund . • 9GHT • INOUGH lfllllan by hll frlend't IUO- dan did\, OeYld blconllt ,...... llld '°"' hll jOtl. • M0 A01°H • ....,., botrOM Charlll' ~ p1eyw and .... Julle Adams as Dr. I IOU>ONU t:IO QI l'AMll.Y TIU While wlltlng fOf Etyee Ind Slaven to 1rrlv1 lor Th1nklgMng dlnnet, 1111 -11 thl M0A•s•H dllc W d inston an Jack ~. • HAWAlll'N'l.o Kl d. A Qll'llbllr wtlo w11,_a ugman ISCUSS a .__.,.._ __ "llmlllt ........ ......_..,-. -F--~rtien t in " • OY8'IAIY , ~~ Sale" on tonigtlt's r . ltml~ 1Mtn1 ""' they hllW anll-nuclelt demon11r1- llon. • • HUMAHmtAYIC>ft "Qunicy," on Channel 4 . l"Pwil:~" ::.,. ,._. NOHT ***"Low Ma Or LMVI Me" (1ff5) Oofll 0.y, I Jemee ~.A moblter tr11tt1M Ille 'llngar he m1d1 f1mou1, but blcofn. llV9Qld wMn Ila c.n't oontrol hlr. CIDMCMI • • "Tha lncradlblt Sllrtnlttne ·Women" ( 1 llO) Lii)' T omln, Charlll Gro- din. A ~ flndl tt herd to cope wtlln .,. lladdaniy blOlrll to Wlnll ln ..... 'PO' (J) HOU.YWOOO Hollywood rapooar . '!" I """' c>rlllnl• ~ repona on ttie people Ind ~ wtllC:fl .. malllng r-. In !tie production Ind gllrnor capltal of the movie lndullry. • THI NIW MAID A -meld becom. 1 mudl-i IMCMld friend to • lltUI boy. HO.~ DO<CAYITT l~=(Pan MMIY~ MCMI *'*\t ''Trw Conf111loo1" (1111) Aober1 DI Nit<>, Aobetl Dwell. The UIUally ....... WOl1da of lwO brottw., I LOI ~ poloe datlc1"'9 Ind Ill ""°"°"' "°""'1 Cethollc .,,.. COIWW9I durtnO • ,,.,,.,~,'Ill' (JJ'NCI( 8'MICINLD .. ~· lpr:......., .. ''JllM'• 011'1" Ind °""' hltl In • peihwll•IOI ll'om IM - lJnhwMI ~l'I In LOI Anfllla, .MCMI ••"rt "P81em1Ty" (11111) !Mt "9)'nolde. 8e¥arly O' Angllo. A bldlaklf In 1111 for1lll wtio Wllltl to bl • ..... ~for Ille rigtlt -to ti.at 1111 CINld. 'PG' 1:eo I ma N1W1 NICNIWI HAWY DAVI AGAIN The Cunnlnghamt lrld ' "*' frllndl 1rlftll«m ,,., __ Into Pllgrlme to ~IM INI 191r11 ot """*'IMnll· I =-~ 1"fm'I °'*"Nl'I Tiie "°Perl' IMn•IQe ......... .... • ONlfl Oii ..... 11=~ ...aRT (I) , ..... MMAJINI Aprotllof~ ..... ., ~ Kllln; I lot* II .. .._ pop•lrtt) ot _.., ....... ""'*° In ~. • INT'IMAMl9CT Talllllr A prtvllw ol thl new lllm1 Mt 104' r ...... during Illa h0tld1y Miion. • OMHGI COUNTY TODAY .,. (Z)MOVll ' **'.t "Dlaign For Uvtng'' (1933) Fredric March, Gary Cooper. A 1r ... 1hlnklng young lldy of Iha world .... up houMlcaaplng, ""' wtth '" lltllt Ind thin • pieywright, only 10 dump lhlm 9ot11 to marry • thltd """· 7:20. NM IAIQ'TMLL LOI A~ l.111.,. 'f"I. Seattle~ 7:aG 8 2 OH THE TOWN FNtur*CS: • vtllt to Mount Aulhmora, South Dllto1a; I IOolt blCll 11 the day Rapid City, South Oallot• WU daetroyed wMn I dim bunt; I look II Iha ltllUI ol Chief Cl'ezy Horw, • vii- " to COlmOI Hiii • 8 QI l'AMILY FSJO • LAVUINE l IHIN..EY &COMPANY Laverne "'" a dle>art· mant 11ore '"• being llllClcld ~ I IOl( Ollled AogarAobot. 8 IYEOHLA Featured: "D)'nalty" 11ar John J-lead• • night with the 8lua A-. I dlf'edevll lllghl t..in; ...... tt 10 Shanghai; a rapon on druNI driving; I profile of comedian Don IUclclel. • M"A'l'H "Comunlcltlon1 811111- • down" • '!Ja!lC TAC DOUCJH ~/LIHMA • IMMVAL "Klller1 Of Thi Plain" Mlcftaal ~ narrll• 1 11udy of "" big game .,,._ "*' IMng on ltla S.... getl P1e1n1 of E11t A"1c:a.. IOCUllng on the lntrlclla rllltlonlhlp 11111 ••Illa "'-prldatore lrld lhllr prey. ·~l'OfllT VOUrtaAU. UClw.U8C CID MIN'I OYMNA8TIC8 "1982 0..... P"-llM- lltlonll" Olympllnl 8111 Conner, Jim Hartq and Phi! Cllloy -INturld In '"" ~·· tompel"lon, 1:00 • MWH --"°" ""'" "'°'""" •a MM. NOf't.I F•tufed: 1 mlll wtM> 9- ln 1~1rnall"1 T • .,., oonteat • berber· lflOP for batllll; a 10-yeer. Old men'• pet worn\, • MCMI ••'rt "Futuraworld " ( 1171) ...._ Fonda, Bl)'ttie DlrWllF. TWo ,.,,_. dig bln9lttl thl _,_ of • f1n111y world where petrone pey ,.ldeol1111) to llv1 out tllelr wlldfft "'-among • popute.. 11rtot~ •tll TAUl°'TMI CHAE LISTINGS 9 KNXT, CCIII • KNIC (NICI e KTLA C 11111.I e icAIC CAICI • IC,MI CCIII • ICM.I· TV 111111.I e1CC1TcMC1 • ecnv 01111.> W ~TV Clllll,) .. .,,"', ' e ec.oc1 CNlt (Ql On-TV Cl'> Z·TV al) HIO CJ:> (Clne1N11) <II (WOIU NY., N.Y • e (WTll) al) (llflN). Im, ...... ,,.,,., . ""'""' e CClllle Newl -..,.Ill OOLO MONKEY J1k1 11 my1tlllld by ......,. ll brulhll with d¥1h, Sar-· ah tralll 1 eutplclou1 JIPI- -bomber, and I brlWI· Ing German IOIOlar lhOWI (!) wi.:v':"'' l'fl· • P.M. MAGAZJNI ...A proflll of lllllkSn dlllgn- " CIMn l(laln; I looll 11 Illa ln«mOUI popularity o4 country·-tam lnullo In Englencl. • IMUY'8 ll'IC)ltL.I Alec Guin-ratume In thl roll of Brltllll lnlalll· • "'"°' eoan• George 8ft\I. l9y In Jolln " Cerre'1 MqU- 11 to "Tlnl!er, Tallot, U. diar. St>y .. Al the -- begin•. Smilly com. out of ratlr-t to "c:lewl up" I murdered AuMllll I JCPI • lrlat1'1 lbOrlld plan to d1m1g1 Soviet lnlllll· ~.(Pllll) • IUfMVAL "Kllllrl Ot Thi Plaln" Mlc:flaal Landon n11111• a 1111e1y of thl big g1ma 1nl- m111 IMng on 1111 Slran- 0-11 Plaln1 ol Eut Africa, loc:u1jng on Ille lnlrlcala ralat1bn111lp 1h11 ••1•11 ~ prld11or1 end their prey. Cl) NIW9 I PAIMI TIMI (C)MOV1E * • * "Thrll Oa)'I Ot Thi Condor" ( 1975) Robert Rldtord, Feye Dunaw1y. A r-ch rlllder employed by Illa CIA -• lnlar• na1 traec:Mfy wMll alt of hi. c;o.wor1ter1 are ._. llnatld by • hit men wtlQ II oow 1111klng """. (J)MOYll • • • "Heaven Can Well" 11978) Werran BMtty. Julie ChtiStle A"• a pro loot• ball 1t1r'1 11te 11 prema· lUl'aly elllmld by Ill Inapt angel, Iha m•n II given the body Of • mllllonllre inou.- l•lllilt to continua tMng In. 'PO' • MOYll •• "BoltdW .... (1979) Ruth Gordon, LN S1r11- bllg An Old couple refual 10 leave thl nalghDorhOOCI they hllll "*" "'°" of thllr llvw In dalplte utben crime and poor IMng 1oon- dlllon1. l:JO. IO YOU TNNK YOU CIOT TlllO\&ll • Alt IVINMI °' ~ IKATINQ 1ta Top lkatlfl from 1111 u a Ind Canldl pr--.1 • •e1tnc1 "**""" "°"' _J HltYWd UnMtllTy'1 8rtglll Hoclley Cen• '°' the blr""1 of IM Jllnmy Fund, ®MCMI • •Y. "Ode To lilly Joe"' (11171) Robby hnlon, Olynnla O'Oonncw. ..... on the tof11 by lo?ltlll Gantry. A t°""'"'9d '-'- eger'1 peat .......... oomploe4e 1111 Int l"'9 r~.'PO' ~=DAY .. IDIN '* * "Livi l'or LI .. " ( tN7) ..,._ MontlnCI, Cendlot lerflll. A""" ._..,.. 1111 glrlfrlend wt111e on 1 --"°'~ """ 1111-.. MO.(I) MCMI "In .Love Wiit\ An Older Woman" (Prtmierl) JolWI "'""· ~ Clr?loll. ~ ~ junior ... '*""' 11111 "" IOWI wllll I rr.. --MMM 11 .... 1111 ....... •• '"' 'AOT8 °' Wf . .............. _ CD MOVll ·~••.t "Gltllghl'' (19.W) Charlt1 Boyar. lngrld Bergman. A dlabollcll hus- bend 11t1 out to drlw 1111 wlfa lneane. ID OAUl'OMIA DMAMI "GOiden City'' Tom 80lley r.count1 1111 hll10fY of Sen Frlflcilco llom the 1848 gold r\1111 through Iha .... 1111llng Mrtllqu11t1 ol 1908. (a>MOVll •• "Ice C.tlel" (1979) Lynn-Holly ~. Rob- by Binion. A PfomlllnQ young l'lgufa 1k1tar lllld het boyfrllnCI find wooan 1UCC111 nerd to cope with wtien IN II 0-to trlln lor ;J~~ llon 10:00. QUINCY Quincy lnv11tlg1111 1 genetic IClentllt '""° .. conducting • d11d1y experiment 11111 could lndlnger Ill Illa on &rth. Ill: 111111 Ml~ tl\OUQflll lt>Out Mlchlll. fJltd Alellll IChe!MI to bring Krystle'I 111-nuaband to o.w.r. Q • IMILEY'I PaOPLf Smlley'1 lnvalllgallon 1Hd1 him to two Old COi· leagull: Toby E111rt1111, thl men Vladlmlr ~ have contlC11d flrl1, and Connie Slc:tla, 1 1e1"9d 1-cll coordinator with • pho1ogr.,rilc memoty. (Pan 3) • THEM ONCI WAI A """"CAL.LB> MlllOUN A IOolt II tlkan II the M .... ourl Rlwt •fl• ~ ol J CongrWllOnll regullllon Ind llt•allone to me.I the ob~ of hydro power, flood control. ~ lnd~lon. • THE MAGIC°' DAHCI "Thi Meonlflc*lt Begin- ning" Demi Margot Fon- teyn ,,_ thl rOOU of ballat llom lhllr roylll • Mglnnlngt Ill v ........ Ind lft9lll !tie MeNll Of In 11th-oanlury lflMI•: gueat1 lnduda AolanCI ..... It. ZIJI J91nmalra, Ind 1tu- dant1 of lhl Peking 0.- Scnool. • THI VIMINIAN , Tiii met• pr.anc:. of • gunlllnger In town llPMl• the eerenlty• of Medlclr19 low. (C)MOYll * * * "The Gltlleflng" (1971) Ed Alnlr. M__, 8ttplalon. Longtime OM- llonl among mamtlefl Of Ille llmlly of I dying man -out In lhl opetl..., llllgrown~ ..... fOf • 111111 llmlly '-*"'· (l)MDVll • • "Jiiter Thi Nllljl" 11111rFrMCO•o.~ Oeoroe. 1tlt Al'lllF!CM ,_. tilt lrtl ...-t -. out IP --. ,.. _.,of .. -.INnd.'W .MDVII * * * ''OllOll ltory" C1t11) l'rwcl AMen. JaeWI HouNmen. Mytlerlou• ..... 1111111 to cllallMll ... ,.,.. of • """' Cltcll of ~ "*' MIO ....,. Nlfl•l'llOMtlly~IQ .......... llld • IC). ~ .............. 10:11(Jl)MOf9 UNDPUMATID....V tlU. . Tiie ~ "9lllfl ~.......,.,. *'°"' ........ lflOludlne I •lr?H I lr1llt lllMI llld I.,., Ell ........... wllo .. ............. .. .,.. .. ·---1111 Ill ........ u••••<1>•• • • John Hitler' and Jamie Ro e star m CB ' movil' "'In Love With an Older Woman." tUBE TOPPERS KABC (7) 7:30 -"Eye on L.A." Featured is a visit to Mo unt Rushmore, South Dakota; a look back at the day Rapid City, South Dakota was destroyed whe n a dam burst; a took at the statue of Chief Cra~y Horse; a visit to Cosmos Hill. KCET (28) 8:00 -"Killers o-f'the Plains -A Survival Special." Michae~ ·Landon narrates a study of big game animals . KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Facts of Ljfe." J o's .friendship with a co-worker is strained when she is given a promotion ovef him. KCST (10) 10:00 -"Dynasty." Blake has second tho ughts ·about Michae l, and Ale xis schemes to bring Krystle's ex- husband to Denver . NIW8 e IAT\MDAY HIGHT Hoel: PIUI Simon. G-t: a-ea Harrllon. .. llMCH°' ... ~ ITMETI °' 1AN ' ' l'MNOllCO A bWlop II lltlltyl lhot While k"*"'ng )n preyer, leavlng no lenglble ~ lor Stone 10 pureua. I ltUIMllMP<>fn' DOCT°" IN THI HOUll Mlctlaal 11111 In love wllll 1 ~tlful lldy doctor. (a>MOVll * "Trllhl" (1981) LIM ~.A demented Kl· anllal lrlel to ptlfec:1 Iha ultlmall female robot. (Z)MOYll .LOW.~ snu "Low And The TV Wlall- end" A mldcM-lgld man ,,..,,. 10 -wlld Oita . .UOYll '* * "Good AIOdance" Cht111ot11 L1ur1er; M-ie Tllo. A~ 13- yeer-old'I Obl•llvl low for '* mothet prOVOll• • dlllructtve llbllng rtvllr)'. 12:0e •Cl) MCM1 **'A "Thi Uttlmata War- rior" (1975) Yul Brynnet, Mu von Sydow. The "'dep- uty of a com~ tt111 --vivid 1 world plegul In ltla 2 lit century II llllglled IO lake hi• c°"""lllder'1 l>flO'llnl deuolltar 10 • .... llland. (A) 12:ao a a LATI NIGHT WITH DAVID LITTIMtAN au.; M1111u Hanner. l~UP CLO. * *'II "The Flrlt Mudie Muelcal" (1975) Cindy WH· 1-, Br\IOI Kimmet A oown-and-out 8foedw1y Pfoduclr plant to IPlftl In.., ... In 1)11 lel•t project by ltaglng II completely In "" nude. '[!' 11=*18(1) ~ 9UNl<lft'l ll'LACI .r--...~ 11 doubly ll'IOClllCI r ~""Gloria Ind ,Joey 1how up on lhlnlllglVlng. Ind thin .... llaml Why !My Ill !hire. (Plf12)(R) 8QITOMCIHT GUllC: MIMn Hlmllacltl. • Low. AMaNCAN ITYll "Low And The Happy Daye" Rlc:llla fllll In low lor "" ""' time. 11!.a CZ) MOY1I * • * "Gholl Story" (1111) Fred Aetlllte, Jofwl Hou11m1n. My1terlo111 dllllll begin lo decimate Iha 1111111 of • '""" clrcll of llderty man wtM> 111111 bottl a monthly 11C)()'lalllng Qel·logetllar and a 50- ~-old Nerll. 'R' Holt. Johnny ClllOll •OMCHal NICIMTUNI I YOU AIKID l'dfll IT n.....,....,... Georo-'• lrlp to ago-Nev· en mey bl lt!Of"l·lllled. I l'OClUI OH ?IOCXTY PMLATIMCIHT HOit; Olnnll Wholly. 1:Lue **'II "T(UI Conlllllont" ( 1911) lfoblr1 DI Niro, Robert Duvlll Tlla uaually ...,... world, of lwO btothlrl. • t.oe Angalal pollce detective Ind In embitloul Roman CetllOllC IJ'tllt, comeroe during • murder "-tigatlon 'R' 11:31 (C) MOYll * * "Emily" 11171) Koo 8tlrtl. VlctO' Spinetti In 19209 Engllnd •• •-1111 girt CCII.-of 1111 tlwougll In alfllf with Ill Alnlrtcan ldloOllllCMr. 11:48(1)MCMI *** "II To 5" (1llO) ,,_ Fonda. Dolly Piiion. T111.. working women 111111 egainlt their IUbju· gltlon by • mall cN&Mnllt 0-.'PO' 11.'00. INTIRTAINMIHT TONICIHT r ) A prwvt.w of Ille ,_ fllml Mt lot ,...... duHng !tie P--.._o,_w .. V*'I" (1141) Walter ._...._..,, MIUr.-. O'Hara. w ..... "**'II rMllty ~end eco- nomic: problel'll1 white .,itnnlng lot .. Min. i: * .... "l'llgflt "°' .._ dom" ( 1143) "°9lllMI ..... ....~red~.Alt am?llttoul llllltrta lllldl ,.., Iowa .. cut "'°" ii-.. of lllr..,.. CCIII I 1:00• MOY1I • * * "Anna Of Thi TllOU- land Deya" ( 111&11) Richard Burton, o.n.v...... Bulolcl. Anna Boleyn INltl with tragady beclull of Iha wlll of King Hanry VIII. • MDVII * * * "Plymouth Ad_,. lura" C 11152) Spencer Tr• cy, Gane Tierney. Tiii Ptl- gt1ml ,_ hlrclllllpa bottl • before end lft« lendlrlg .. ~Rodi . ••"rt ............ (19'0) ()II. VII di HeWllend, Dftld Niven. An .,,..... tlllaf 11'1111111 "'°" ot 8c:otillld Y•d end f ... In low with one of 1111..tcttma' nlaoll. I :r .......... IT TOMCIHT A pr9¥W of lhl -ftlma Mt for ,....... during the holldly ..-on . (D) f'\AY90Y ON THE All\ 1 :oe CC) MDVII , * * "Dnlm" ( 1178) W11- r1n Dlt•, 11111 Vega. A rlctl pilnllllon owner II dlllurbld by 1111 young d"'9M«'• lnteraat In 1111 """ *-· lnctudlng one ttlat II flolltlne lef 1111 "- dom 'R' 1:IO(i)MDVll • * "Th• lncradlbl• SMnlllng Woman" (1llO) Lii)' T omlln, CllMll Gro- din. A lloulewlfe flndl " lllrcl to CQP9 .._, Illa lllddlnl)' blOlrll IO .,.,... 1n-..·pa· 1:ao ea NIC NIWI OVWW•rT • MOWll **"' ....... To Thunder fllodl" ( 1114) 8-y ... v1n. Merltyn MuWllt. '.-lno • pr'01lllm of~ ...... ~lllr•a JOHN DARLING gllfW'llln to llNUml • ..,... -IOtl lor the local law-men 1:al (I) G1M1N1 8oot1 8alo and Shir• North etar In 1111 c1U1111 • bltthdey P111Y -• 1:41.MOYW • *"' "BICIOI 373" (11131 Robert Ouvtll, Varn• Bloom. A N-York Clly cop wtgae. I llnglah1ndld cempalgn egalnat • crime ~II. 2:00. Cl) CU NIWI l=T:y IN lblH a:ao aNIWI MOVll, •• "Stlarlc FIMw" (111~) Slave Coc:h11n, C110ll M1111ewt. Acculld of mur- der, a one-tlma ClvM War IOldler hid.a out In 1111 E111tglldea. 2:48 CZ) MOVll. . * * "Sc>lr'I\ 10t Thi Wind" ( 1179) Cflllf Dan °'°'"'· 8llm Pldl-. A )'OunO boy -com. 1111 handlclp 10 ~ Ille World Chem· pion Dog a.lddlf. 'PO' 2:IO CJ:i) MDVII **~ "8phlnk" (1981) Frlllk Lanoalll, Letley- ~ oo.n. A rutll'- blaclc matllel lntlqulllel ~to 11op en E9YPtOloglll lrom dllCOY· wing 1111 wllerNl>Oull of I l)flcelala ltltUI IM Wll permitted to view. 'PO' 2:11 (C) MOY1I * * * "Thr11 Dl)'I Of Thi Condor" (1975) Robert Redford, Feya Dun1w1y. A r-ch 111der employed b)' the CIA uncoVll'I Int•· nel treachery when ah of hll CO-Worklll ar1 - linllld by • 1111 man wtlO I• oow at•lng him. , 1:00 CJ) 11A HUNT (a> l'MHK a..11.TM "Cone.rt For The Amiri· Cll" Orummet Buddy Aldl folnt Slnat11 In , <;oncll1 11 lhl AllOI DI CMvon Ampllllll1al11 In Ille Dominican Raclubllc: 3=*1 CD FAITH 20 1:11 (I) MOYll * * "Enler Thi Nlnjl" (t911) Frenco Neto, S- GIOfga. "" Amarlcln met• tlal 1111 ••Pll'f "" out 10 a-. Ille murder Of Ille ball Irland. 'R' S:41.MOVll * * • "Gholl f tory" ( 191 I) Frid Altllra. John • Hou11man. My11arlou1 dlllll1 begin to dacllnale the r1nk1 Of a 11'11111 olrcll of lldltly man wno 111111 both 1 monthly ltOfW!llllng Qel•IQOllhlr and I 5(). year-old aacret. 'R' 4:00. MOVll • • '..\ "Werewolf Ot Lon· don" ( 1935) Hanry HUii, Wlrnet Oland A OoctOf dltc:over• '"" Dalng bl!· Ian by I WOif 11111 hi *-. -IWOlt Our· I~ • full moon. (!.) TOP O' THI MOfNNCI 4;11. MCMI • "Catman Ot Parle" ( 1944) CWt Eltnond, Adell M•L n.t m)'ltlrioul Cel• men II !tie l)ttrfta ~ In a murder C1M In Peril. 4:30 CI> IUU.WNU.a CDlMCMI **'1'''Trw~·· (19111 Aobat1 DI Nln1. Robert Ouvell. Tiii UIUally eaper11e _. of IWO brothers, I LOI Angalaa pollce dltec:ttve and Ill amblttoul AolMtl CMtlalle f)rilll, COIWWfl duftnO I murder lnVMllgltlon ·~· 4:41 CZ) MOYIE **'II "Dlaign Fg, 1.Mng" C 1933) F'9drlc March, Gary , Cooper. A ,,__thlnldng young lady of Iha ~ "'' up l!Oulelleeping, ""' """ Ill 111111 end """ • ~t only to dump '""" both to merry 1 t111re1 """· •:ID ®MDVll '* * * "SlrlnQlf In The HouM" (11111) K* DulN, Olvla~. ,,...,.. ... , .. ·····-· ,, . ., ... ·-~. *"'''._... °' TlllM .. unPY Wh,H" I 1171) "-Frendleul, JeHIOI W1her. ""'" ~ "'°"*""' ....... .. IUll*tld of ........ "" • '*'deoml pleyboy 1:48 •••• "Thi Concert For K~" (1llO) Ptul Mc:Car1ney, The Who A hoet of rod! perfonntn, min)' Of Whom get '°""'" ar In en 111-1111 roca orct111tr1, .,. IMtUtld "' 11111 rlOOtd of ..... ot Concet11 hlld lor the lllfl9. flt ol rallaf to war•rlVlgld Ctmbodl1. 1:11 CZ) •• 'A "The Formula" ( 1980) Merion l11ndo, Cleora-c. Scott. Wlllll ln11111lg1t1ng Ille murder Of, I COllNgua, I vel•lll cop uncover• • ooneplrecy Involving thl 111~ of • 1ynt11etlc fuel formula ~"' oll c:an.I. 'R' 1:ao av • • • "Thi Ltwnlng Tr11" (1M8) K~ Jollnlofl. Alla Clarila. A bleclt t-. eger llltn1 lbout IHI wtllll IMng In 1(-during lhl 19209 1:00 CD ••• "WM w .. Wlnllle" (1137) Shi~ T 11'11911, \tlctor Mcl.aglln. A llnlfl gld ~ I PQPUI• llgufe In lndlL • **'A "Thi Trouble Wtth Glrll" (1NI) EMt Prlllly, Mlfilyn ~ A tr.wkng lhowman rune Into ... torta of trouble wtllle 111ylng In a Mtow.1- '-· 1:00.(C) *•'A "Thi Gambler" (1980) Kenny AoglB. L• Purcell. A prolMalonal gambler Ilk• 1 trlln ride through Iha Old Wiii 10 help 1111 •trengld eon Ind flndl rom.,_ with 1 n. cty aoclety l1dy llong •he w1y. • l :IO (J) * * "Thi lncrldltlla • Shrlnlelng W-" (1180) Liiy Tomlln, Clllrllt ar. din A ~ flt!dl " hard to cope wt.an n IUddltlly lllglnl to lfWtnll In 112e. 'PO' CZ) * *'rt ''Trw Conf.a. llonl" (191 t) Robltt QI Niro. Aoblrt Ouvell. n,i UIUally llC*lle wortc9I if IWO~LOI~ ... police delec:t!W Ind Ill 1mbltlou1 Romen Clltlollc: prtaac, con-.e dur1ng • murder ln-11gedon. 'R' l:Od. * * *'A "lm111tion Of life" ( 193-4) Clludlna Col- bert, w.,..., Wllllm. A bl1ck meld'• p1no•"• raclpe meil• her~ ...illly but her own ... II "**' by ...., weywwd deughter. (a> * * "T,_,,1 lllenct" ( 1972) °''°" w ..... l(lnl lkKflald. A COUtlglOl'9 boy jOlnl Iha lnlltnOUI plr111 Long John SllVer In IOOUt· Ing Iha -I« lhlpe oer- rylng bounty wortll 11111· ~ 'G' • • ***'A "DI)' For Night" (1972) J.cquallne BieMt. Vllanllna Con-. Olfacted by Frenc:oll Trvl- leut Thi ii-eno io-of litm j)ll'fC)(!Ml'I .,. llud· ledlna~ ITIOllll. 'P0£ ..... ***'A "Thi Alimo" (P111 11 (1ff0) Jolln Wa)'nl, AicUrd Widnwtl The Blttll of Illa Alimo II WIQld by hlrOll wtt4 llghl to Ir• T-lrom Mlldco. 10:00 CID ••• .. ~. 11911) Jim.a Cagney, ~d E. "°""1e. Amid I.hi IOClll uptl.avel ol 11201 N-Yori!, '" ""'*-CllM family lrtll IO hold on 10 trldltlon 11 111 ~ bllCk ..... "'*- tan• llglll lgllnlt the tldlt -~.·PO· Cll • * • "lmlllllon Gan-.,.,.. ( 1"8) Glenn Ford. Aid ~ont. When a Dftt- ldler ganarll .. 11 llllcl In IC11on during Woticl W11 11. • m111ar 11ro11nt lllUmll lllti Identity to fin. "" tM lletttl. 10:IO (C) * * \t "Harper V*'I PTA" ( 1111) l1rber1 Edan, "°""Y Coit. A _, ffberlted )'OUnO mocMr wlttl • gteet dell of .. IPPMI lntentlonllly r11tt11 Ille oonteNetlve ~ of IOcel ICf!oot bolf 4 ........ (I) •• •.t "°"'In "°' Ljv. Ing" c 1133) l"9drto Mardi, Gary Cooper, A .._._. "")'OUnO lldy of .. ..... •• llP llOllllll••t .. ... wllfl an ... Ind than I ~.~to .... "*" "°"' to many • ....., '"'" by Arm1trong & S.tluk • Or ungo Co II DAIL v PIL 0 T 1WNlnesc1oy. No~ttnlbtll 24 1962 THE t'AMIL'' ClaCl'8 by 811 l<eane "Mommy. the sand is all downstairs now.'' ,. :\ R,. :\ D l ' IU~; by Brad Anderso.n ~(~~ .J "The reason they call i~ a bird feeder is because it's for blrds,-not for dogs!" .H.:DGE PARKER CHARLEY SAID THAT MR C INTENDED TO HAVE YOUR AATHER t°'llLLED IF HE HAO SURVIVED THE HEART ATTACK, TONY 1 HE'S ALSO CERTAIN TRAT YOU AND HE ARE ALSO ON THE --- HIT LIST' GARt'H :LD •IG GEO•GE by Virgil Partch (VIP) (I ~ I II· i-1{ · "It beats having to put on 1 rwcktl• "9ry mor· nlng." · 1:~2 ;&-_ ~,1.2., ~ .. ·1 ~ED ~ERE Wf61MIS GIGANTIC TURKEY, AN' ALL HE WANTED TO EAT WAS US ~" by Harold Le Ooux HEY, TONY' F\EMEM6EF\ ME7 .. SCOTTY? MOW YOU DOI~! ... ~-.....-.WHf-.;.;.b _____ ___,.;I l;.;;,·Z~~ () •'81-~•S,__ "" ,.00:\ ~l'LLl~H H,AV~ I K~PTYoLJ WAITING LONG? r--" WHL,)l°OLI HAVEA<#D A BIT SINCe 1 - 1.AST SAW You ... ACROSS 50 Knowtng TUEIOAY'I 51 Legend "'1m.E SOL YED 1 Pipes 52 Physics uml 6 Summon 55 Ethnic dlSOf· tO SU· Prefix dets =~~n:;.,,:wrw~r:"lrl 1' NIUllCll 2words dlfectK>n 58 Eve Of Matle 15 Tur10sh regt· 60 Enid native EE-liiEE.f!i --~~~ ment 61 Allowance 16 Llfge dOg 62 Uprear 17 "Ave -· 63Sutters 18 Mlstellding ~ About 20 NWT n1U¥t 65 New World Abbr r111gt 2: Germent 23 Stre.wn DOWN 2• Golt problem 1 8rlhsh hlle 26 A tense 2 Arrow po1son 28 Aj)pfOICh 3 8ot11e opener E c • 30 Thlek • NutnefiC pre· 1<1v1nc1 41 Solvenl 31 Pool shol fix 22 Month· Abbr 42 Cureelf 32 S..ic>r'1 5 Pollhcll Phi· 25 C1rd game 43 Pronoun protector loSQ9tly 26 Nosy one 45 Engine p8'1 , 2 words 6 Mooch 27 Stony nitoe 46 Diiiy 36 Unsell Poet 7 GrM llQd· 28 Scow 1n · 47 Heedful 37 Treated df!ss P8f1t •8 lmpllc1I 38 Bot~ e Anon 29 G1tmen1 <19 Lard 311FDA fin 9 SprltWI 30 Conl8ff'lefS 5 t Plant pail A' S.•llf'I' 10 Pninl"' Hf'ntl 32 Ot"" sun 53 Cefeal u I ""llCI 33 Wlllhed 54 Feichtl llHtffl I I In'°''" )C ()ff! IC)UICe 5f POIM'S'"'9 4'1' 1..ndt ttlOft 12 Bird J~ Auto pioneer S7 Mountain 46 8111atlNlll!t 13 ~ 37 ScancltnlVlltll Pttfl• 49 Sllidlld Mid tt Wlfl 40 Edlcll .$9 Jer ,, by Ferd & Tom Johnson WILL You RUN M~ IHR00<qH AGAIN ? PUNl'TI ' 1 OE~ CON TRIM~ .. '' HI, JU~EY-wUmVL HOW ARE? V0t.J 10VJf.I? LOOK AT ALL THE BIRDS FLY SOUTH GORDO 11 iHANK VOO i;O( 5UBMITTIM6 ~OUR .ST~V" . , ... by Cheri• M. Schulz --------1' WE ~WT TMAT IT DOES NOT SOIT OIJR PRESENT NEED5" 11 IF IT EVER DOES, WE'ftE IN TROUSLE II _., -~ I HOPE STORKS DON'T FLY SOUTH, TOO-- ~ I I by Tom K. Ryan by Jet f MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller 'CAUSE'THEN I woNT HAVE ANY NEW BABY-51TTIN6 JOBS ALL WINTER by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk ,. -·-· Fl'NKt' WINKER•E.4N ~O EAc.H ANO EVERq BAND llJRKE4 CDME5 Wl1H A IJ1TL£ DEVIC.E IN rr ... °™A1 NOT ONL4 RJP6 UP A~D TEW> CX>U WHEN 1HE Bl RD 15 DONE ... SOT AL.SO lME S<.D~E OF '· THE FOO'TMLL GAME ! .. 1~~M~f OM'f~ ~'f ~ f"'°"' wou. I Gam\ Pt0£ ·EEN \Fl~ONL..YA UTIL.e 8'TLA~. J- RRENT I, 'TEDDY? - .. ... -- • Orungu Coaal OAILY PILOl /WecJnttadoy, N uv11n1t1111 :il4 1\J8~> Ml.IC NOllCE flCflTIOUl IUINH N._ITAftMINT \ lhl lt>llOwlllO fl••tOn II 11111110 llulltlet•" A80 111 lH CAOWO. II ~llf 0.lvt CO.II MMa. Cafffo11\l19'8211 Ju11111 (lull legal name 11 11nt n•ma Of\IY). 103 P111on TIM llllt, Coat• Mff8. C1llt0<111a 112827 I hit bull114tH II COMluClecl by an llldMdual Jullln Tlllt lltlen14Hll WAI hied w11h the County Cleft. or Or•oo1 County co Novambef 19 1982 ,202IM PublltheO Oo •ng• Co111 D•lly P1101, Nov 24, Otc 1, 8. 16. 1(182 b087-83 .Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNHI NA• ITATIMtNT ,ICrmout Ml ... 11 NAMllTATIMllfT rh• 1011ow1no person 11 doln9 bUtlnaM 81 OCEAN WORKS, 211 t V11f1 Way, Nawpo11 8 .. Cfl, CalilOtnl1 112M3 Cotwld Arlllur kf\waOle. ,U, Hollel1y lllOI CI, Newpo1t 8 .. Cll, Calit0<nl1 IHeO Thlt bueil'"9 la conouc:tao by an 11\elMCIUtl Collfld A &el\wabla lhit 11tl-I Wit lllecl with Iha County Clark ot Orange County on Nov.lnbaf I, 1982 ,I01114 Publlthed 0{ang• Co111 Dilly PUot, Nov. 3, 10, 11, 24, 11182 49"1'1"<82 P\alC fl011Cl MllC flOJICl NOTICI M ........ IA&.I PICTITIOUI .._ •• Pl.AIM"''' ,_ ••• U 1. INC..... NAMI ITATl .. NJ Dl•INDANT 1 eA11;a •A\' ft1e lnlk1wll'll l*tOnl tta doono CINTIR ,._, • ...._, .... et .. t111et• 11 Na,..... Pno..1r c.: f '1J, 2vei;.-Ana Oy v1nua OI 1111 •MllCUllOn 1....ecl 11 la l I n• I 1oun1 Niguel on Augutl 21>. tlU by 1111 8u!*IOt .itf0t1111 .,.11 Coun. County ol 01111119 St•t• ol l1gu1ta Oeva1opmwn1 Int 1 CllOOfnla, UCIOfl • 1Vdg1No1I tf)llf.., fflfllll tOf pol •llOll 21HJ92 An• Ill llVOI of l'RfS •<rl INC • .,.. l •n• L•oun• NllJUtl, Calltoin11 COff)Ot1tic)l1 1101 8M• Ill 8111011111 112877 BROS CO , 11 1uaon-.i11 t •tdl10rt '1anll C111le, I°" , 1 CllltlO<nl• and 1g11ntt OACIC 8A'I' C(N tr A Ofl'Qr&tlOfl, 29611 t Ana M•••• lfl141. PARTNtRSlllP, .. ludgrt11111 19un1 NIQUlll, C11110r..i11non ClabtOft 11\0Wf•IQ • ,,., Oallf\Ca l)f Thi• llullneH ,, C01101.1C;l8(1 by • '61,890 U 1c1uelly du• 1111 .. Id n11t11 p111n.1tahlp lu<1om1n1 011 lht 111141 ul Iha Jof'ln A HIQ09t0 '•utrice 01 ••IO t•tcuuon. I lla\11 lh11 stat-11 wet flla<I wllh 11141 levied i.p°" tll lflt rl(lhl. 1111• end ountr Clark 01 01111Q<t County on lnl•rHI ol HhJ judg!114'11t o.blor1 In ovam1>41f 12, itU -------------l1he prOP•••r In 1111 Cou11ty ot PIOt• f'tlll.IC NOTJC[ Or•noa. Stitt ot C1111ornla. Publlehlll Oft•IQ• Cout Dally d"crlti.d 1a I01towe 1101, Nov 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, tll42 MllC flOllC( flCTtTIOUt ., ..... ~ ITATl.MINT I Ile loll~tng I* tOlla 111 a OOlflg ~ ... COMPUT!R PX, 11001 fky P11t. Sou111 8ullt 0 lrvl11a .CA 92714 11 1.i,PJ•rt I fHO tt 11 nt1 At'°"llll .. 19001 8ity p,,, .. 80Vtlt Suite U h•l•tt CA lll714 r1111 ou•ln.,. •• c.0110U(l1'd by • liOltx111tl()r1 S1eµh10 8 81;011 enCI Mllli!l W 01w1ii.ig tlat1et111y I hll tlalllm(lltt Wal hied Wllh lh• <.;ounly Ct.rk ol Or•n0t County on NOY fl, 10112 ,.,.,. Publl•h•d Orange Coast 0111y Pilot, Nov, to 17. 24, OIK I, 19e:il ... 11.111 P\alC N011Cl ...... NOTICI M ,..,ITll 'I IAU T.I . "°• , ... ,. IWCMITMT..OTICI TO NONRT'f OWl9R YOV AA£ IN OHAUlT UNOlA A orro or TRUSl OAT[O 1110111 NlfH You lAKl ACTION TO PROTfCT YOUR PlllOP(RTY, IT AV ar iOlD AT A PU8llC 8AlE f VOV NfCO AN UPLANATION F THI NAT Ullll"O' THE ROCClOIHO AOAJNIT YOU. VOU HOVlD CONTACT A 1.AW'f'(A 01t Oecttnl* 8 lllU, al 10 00 m IMP(RIAI C0RP01\Al10N 01' MERICA .. Ouly •PPOlnl•d T rutt•• u1tO•• and pu,.ua1tl to OMO 01 Trytl 1~or~a<1 June 10. 1tl 1. e1 Intl No 30024. l1t l>OOll 14 108, ptge 811 I. ol Olllclll Record• In ll't• olllc• ol 11141 COUlllY AKol"d•n 01 01e1tge County, 81a1a Tha ldllowing pereon It doing bu1ln•11 H ftCTITIOUI •UllHlll The 1oulho .. 1trty 111el1ngul11 &OOl-82 NAMl.ITATU•NT on•·tiall 01Lot81 of tr.cl No 378, ---------------------------ol Calllor1tll ·~atule<I by ALLAN e "8.IC NOTICE Ml!LLtR 811d MAUREEN HEll.EF\. D AN BONO ANO ASSOCIATES. 17317 San lull 12, Fountain V1!ley, CA 1127ot Tht lollowlno pareon 11 dotng 1 , lllOWI\ on 1 map theraor 1o1••1c ...,.TICE bu11neH 1e· • p '"' ,.~ "" NEWPOFH NEURORESEARCH re cordad In Book 1'" •O• .... ~"'."'"'.:--=-~~"'='"'~"'='"'~~~~ AS SOCIA TES. 2 I Soutllamp1on Mlacell1n1ou• M1p1, raco(dt or I u , I " I 0 .. c 0 u Ill T 0 , Ulbend and wlle. Will SELL AT f 1Cm1ou1 •u1•11 PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIOHEST NA• ITATIMINT BIDDER FOR CASH (paytble ti Dan W1lkar Bond. 17317 San .ult • 2. Fountain Valley, CA 112708 Thl9 butlnets la C011duc1ed by an ndlVldul l Hid Oranoe Cou11ty CAUl'ONt!A Court, Newport Beach. C1llfornl• Property le more commonly COUNTY OP CMIAllOI Tiit 1011ow1"9 P4lt .on• are dolno ome ol ••le tn lawful monav ot 1 bl.otl1tt11 H ' Unlltld S UllHI II Ille N0tlh l1on1 92800 known 11 285 1 11v1n1 Avenue. tn Ille Matter ot Iha A"'*"llOO of Mult E Anderaon, M 0 • .21 Co1la MNI, CtMfornll MARK PAUL PENNOCI( Ind KIRK Southlmpton Court, Nawpoll Togetllar with all 1nd llngulli OAVIO PENNOCK For Ch1nge ol THE HACIENDA. 1726 Colltge .nllaf\C41 10 Ille County CourthouM, Avtnu•. Sanl• Ana. Catllornla 700 Civic Canter Ofl•• Well S1n1• 112708 Ana CA all rlghl 11119 and lntlffft Dan W 8oltd This s11•-· WIS llled wllh ,,,. :;ounty Clerk ol Or&llQt County on :>ct 14, t982 Btach. Cthl0tnl• 92660 11141 '-"*''•• lleredlt~t an<I Ne!T141 Thi• bu1lneH Is conducted by an appurtentllCet thereunto btle>ngl"9 A11IMI HAVE KITCHEN Will co1tvayad to •nd now htld by II TRAVE L, ENTERPRISES. I urider H id O .. d ol Trull In tilt Cal1lorn1a COtl>O'lllon, 1726 Collage property 11tu11ad In stld County Avenue Sanll An•. C•lllornll tn'tl s1a1e oa1e11Md as tndMdual 0< In tnVWIM appa1lllning CMIC>9" TO IHOW CAUll Miik E AllClertoo, M 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll fCMI CHANOI OF NA• ,1 ... 7 Published Ortnga Colet Di lly PllOI, Nov 10. 17. 24, Dec. 1. 1982 41138-82 This 1111ement wat loled With 11141 on Thuradiy. Deeemt>a< 11. l982. al MARK PAUL PENNOCK and County Clerk ol Orange County on lO 30 o'ct«ll #. M. at Main Lobby KIRK DAVID PENNOCK ha\11 flled a Novemti.r 12, 1982 CourlhOUM. 700 CMc Ctntlf Ofl\11 pa1111on l1t Ihle court lor an Older F20lMI West. City of Santa An1, Coullly ol al10w1ng patlhonar 10 c;ha1tge lhelr Pubhthed Orange Coast Diiiy Otinga, Sllta ot CaHIOlnla, I wHI NII namH H tollow1 From MARK PllOI, Nov 17 24, o.c 1, 8. 11182 at public IUCllOn 10 th• hlghHI PAUL PENNOCK 10 MARK PAUL 112706 A, 8UBLEASEHOLO ESTATE IN Thi• t>u•m•u la conoucted by • ANO TO COlpot8llOO LOI 110 ol Tract No 3519, In Ille H1ve Kotchlf't City ol Nali>POtl Beach, 11 ahown on WHI Tr1val, Enllfptllff 1 MIP recorded In 800ll 128, Plilt• Ju"f Neptune, • 18 10 21 1nc1u11va ol M•~--· f'tlll IC NO llCE FICTITIOUI llU .... 11 NA.• ITATlMINT 5066-82 bl<ldar, for CHl't 111 llwf\41 money ol MUELLER Ind lrom KIRK DAVID ------------Illa Unlteel Stltts, Ill 11'141 right, lllle PENN 0 CK Io KI R K 0 AV I 0 Pratlden1 Map1. racorO• ol OratlQt Cou11ty. Thtl ... ,~, .., .. hi.d Wol('I Iha Celllornl• •. The lollowlng person 1111 doing bU511\HS IS l'ta.IC NOTICE and tnte1e11 o r u1d 1ud9man1 MUELLER Co.&nty Ci.<k ol Orang• County on The etrHI 1ddren and other Nov 16 1982 COmn\Of\ dffjgn111on, if a11y. ol I · MINUTE MADE PHOTO LAB. 7092 Edlnger. Huntington 8HGh. Calllornle 92647 f lCTITIOUI IUaMH NAME I TATlMlNT dablot1 tn the abov1 dHcrlbed II 11 hereby ordered that Ill property, 0< eo much the1aor 11 may pa11ont 1n1a1ettad In the meuar be neceutry to 111111y 1a1d aloreHld appalf before this cour1 eaecutlon, with accrued 1n1e1HI a1td In Oep1r1man1 No 3 at 700 Civic costa Canter Drive West, S1n11 Ana, KlllAY 6 IMITH rHI property dHcrlb•d ll)Ove Is C_..._a 11 Law purpQtted to be 001 W1y11a Road, Howard Mark Kopelson. 25942 E111es1lne Coull, Laguna Hills. Calllornla 112653 The lollowlng person Is dol11g btta1ne1111 .... -.CAlttMlf 9'111d.. Co1ona dtl Mlt CA 112625. OUIET DESIGNS-NEWPORT 625 Superior Avenue. Newport 8Heh, Calll<>rnla 96223 Dated at S1n11 Ano. Calllornla. C1l1lornl1, on Otcemt>e• 15, 11182. lul .. t30 The undersigned Tfut1• Newport lleeolt, CA. l:IMO dttclltm• any llablllly for any This bustneaa Is conducted by 1n individual Ktrk R Heyl, 1855 Carbon Canyon Road, Chino, Cahtornla 91710 Novemt>et 3, 1982 11 10 30 o clock a m .. and tl>en a1td Brad Galet there 1how cause, II tny tney have. Shertlf·Corone1 why uld pet111on tor change ol ,202207 lnCOt1Kl1141H of the atraet addrMI • Publl1hed 01ang• Co111 Dally and other common destgnallon, 11 Howard M Kopelaon County ol Oranoo 1tame allou•d not be g••nted. Pilot, Nov 24, Dec 1. 8. 15. 1982 any. ehown haretn 5 183-82 S1id ule wlll be made. but Thie llatemant was llled with 1118 County Cieri< ot Orang. .Couoly on November 10, 1982. Thi• business 11 cooducted by an lndtvlOual. CalllornlD It Is lutth•r 01dlfed that 1 copy of By K. Brown this order to ahow caun be --------------without c;ove1tant or warranty, Nil.IC NOTICE '201I03 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot. Nov. 17, 24, Dao. 1. 8, 1982 50~9-82 f'tlll.IC NOTICE 'ICTmoua IUllNHI NAME ITATl.MINT The following peraon •s doing busineu as CLASSIC BOOK & MODEL COMPANY, 3800 E Coast Hlghw1y, COiona dal Mar. C1lllorlll1 92825 Ptter Groh, 1355 C0<1t Of1v•. Laguna Beach, C1lil0<n1a 926S I !hi• bullness '' being conduclad by Iii indovldual Walter Miller This statemant hied with th• County Cle1k of 0ra1'g8 County on November 12. 1982 ,201 ... Pubhshed Orange Cou1 08'1y PtlOI. Nov 17. 24, Dec I. 8, 1982 5085-82 Pl.Ill.IC NOTICE FtCTmOUI llUllHHI N._ ITATE.MINT The following paraon 11 doing butlneu 11: Kirk R. t1eyl Thi• statement wet meo with the County Clerk of Or1nge County on November 12, 1982 F201MS Published Orange Coast Dilly Ptlot, Noo1 17, 24, Dec 1 8, 1982. 5009-82 !'ta.IC NOTICC FICTm ou• •USINESS NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person os doing buStneu as THE MASTER CHICKEN. 17272 Mc:haden. No L. Tustin. CA 92680 THE MASTER'cHICKEN. 15500 Tustin VIiiage Way No 25. Tusttn. CA 92680 Ballman Bob ZOW<;lh• ThtS l>US11141SS IS c:onducte<I by an tndlvodual Bob Zowgn1 This s1a1emen1 was hied w11n Iha C<>y!l!Y_Clfrlt f 1 nt on Nov 1S-::T982 F2020l3 Publlshed Orange Cont Oa11y PtlOI, NOY 24, Dec 1. 8, 15, 1982 ~182·82 • , SergHnl publlahed 111 O,.nge Coast Dally H11rwlt1, Ille,...,, Macl>onatd Piiot. • newapaper o l o•neral a ... _. c1rcu1a11on, publtahact 1n this county MO Newport C911lat Or., • 1555 at least oncll a week lor lour Newport Beach, CA 92660 c;oneecu1111e weeks prlOr 10 the day Pl1ln1111'1 Attorney ot Hid hellll!Q Pubhshed Orange Cout Dally Dated November 1, 1982 P1IOI, Nov 10, 17, 24. 11182 FRANK DOMENICHINI 49e4-82 Judg. of the f'tlll.IC NOllCE ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT-WEIT 1141 13111 llrMI W"tmlM tar, Calltorrlla mu Supet10< Court Published Oran9• Coast Dally PtlOI Nov 10, t7, 24, Dec 1. 1982 4958·82 PLAINTIFF DUANE W l VONS FtcTITIOUI llUllNEll DEFENDANT HOMER JARVIS NAME ITATl•NT and DOES 1 th1ough 10, 1nck.t1tv• Tne followol!Q persons are dool!Q IUMMONI t>uslnft1 as •• CAM NU..111 Ism 1 HE OLD FIREHOUSE NOT1CEI '14"1 Mff bHll awd. DESIGN COLLABORATIVE', 2817 Tl-. COllf1 -)' cleelde .. alftlt )'Oii Newpoft Boulevard, Newport wltMut ,_ Mine heeld Uft'"9 Seki\ CA g2663 ftCTITIOUI •UllNHI NAMEITATl•NT Tiie lolloWlng P4tf10111 are doing 1bUtlnM1 at THE BEAR NECESSlllES. &13 'larktpur Avenue. Corona d_. Mii. C1fllotnla 92625 .9,,,y A Rica. 513 lark1pu1 Avenue. Corona dal Mar C .. hlornte 92625 Use M Rica, 613 L111k1pu1 ,AvemJe, C0tona del Mar. C111rorn11 92625 This t>us.nt1s Is conducted by I 1ga1te<•I p11tnerthlp Barry A Rice n us statlfTM!flt wu toled with Iha 1Counl)' Clerk ol Otenge County on •October 20. 1982 f200111 Published Or1ng~ Co111 Oa11y Pilot, Nov 17, 24 0ec; 1, 8. 11182 5060-82 )'4"1 ~ wltlllft JO der•· "8ed Utt Fagerborn. 104· 15th S11ee1. the lntormlllon ....... Newport Beac:h, CA 92663 TIC 01teit-the tdwlOI of C1TIIT1lft";i-f"-.vit"W111r.". -tt~~===::!::!!~~~~~===-an 11torney In thll m11ter. you 'Countty Haven, S1n1a Ana, CA should. do so ptomptly so that ycx.ir 92706 wrm8f"l rtaponte ii any, may be 111.0 S1epne1t J. Malelyt, 20201 on tome Spruce S11ee1 Santa Ana Hl!IQllls. A Y I 9 0 I U e ta d 111 1 I d o CA 112707 'tcTlTIOUI aut ... 11 NAMI ITATIMINT The follOWtl!Q pefSOllS .,. OOlng bUltnet5 •• "'-IC NOTICE d•m1nd1do. El lrlb11n11 pu•d• E11c f8y1or. 3014 w Balboa ____ ,.._~--------cleeldlr contr1 Ucl. tin llldlaftcla 1 8outev1rd. Newport &etch, CA WIL WRIGHT 'S O RANGE COUNTY. 3355 VII lido, Sult• 215, Newport 8etctl, C1ltforN1 112663 -qw Ud. reeponda ct.ntro 02663 ,.. •XP<HI or fmplled, regtrdll!Q 1111e. potHHlon, or encumbrancn: to PIY Ille 1am1lnl11Q principal tum or the not• ateured by sal<I Deed ol Trutl, with Interest 1he1eon, u proy1ded In Hid note. adv~s. II any, under Ille terms ol aald Deed 01 Trust Ilea. cha1gaa anef axf)lflte.S ol tilt Trust .. Ind ol Iha trust crutecl by said Deed of Trust, ror the •mount r•aaonably nllmaled to be S 141,500 00 Tiie berlelic1ary unclar Mid Deed of Trust h•retolor• axecuted and oalrY•••d to the undlralgned • wf1118f"I Oeciara11on ot Oefeult and Demand 101 Sate. and a w1111en Nollet ot O.t1ult tnd Elechon 10 5-11 T1141 undlfs1gned c11.1Md said Notte• of Oelault and Elecllon 10 Stll 10 be rec0<ded In Iha cOUl\ty wh41ft the rul P<"oe>erty la IOCated Oat• Octobaf 28. 11182 IMPEllllAL COlllltOlllATION 0, AMIMCA 1mc-.....0t. IMI Diego, CA 1212' "(TI.,at--4 l1trellla CIY!n...,.., True ... '• 1• Offtcet' PubllSl'tad Newport Harbor News Preu comblnad with the Drage CoHI OaUy PtlOI, Nov '°· t7, 24, 1982 4847·82 SHALIMAR ASSOCIATES LIMITED. 19762 MacArthur Blvd , Sulla 300. Irvine. Calllornla 92715 .i Robert A. Berthiaume. 9451 Asbury Circle, WastmlnSler, Calll0tnl1 92683 NOTICI TO •UNI Of' INTIMIT .. TA)( IALI PlllOCllDI IM ao dlae. Lu la tntormacloft qua Th•• bu1111ess Is conducted by e algw. o.ner11 perlnttrahlp Inc,, 1 Cllllor ra11011, 3355 !'ta.IC NOllCE Newport~·,, ln1a1n11lon11. Via Lido, Sult awporl Beach, 1---------.---- The ptnlee 1111.0 below may ha\11 rlghtt to Ill• • clalm lor ••CHI ptOCMds retulllng lrom Ille Nie ot IU·d••d•d propa11y held on SI Utted desee 1ol1ctlar et Ult F1g1rborn consejo d• un abogado en u11 Th11 1111eman1 was llled With the Callfcrnla 926 . 1 flCTITIOUI •UtlNl:H This bual1141H nductad by t NAMI ITATIMENT Thia business Is COllductad by a llmlled partnerlhlp. as u n Io , de b • r 1 a ha c • r Io Coonty Clerk ol Orange County on lnmed1111me111e. de eat• m1ner1. NOY 19, 1982 coipor1tion The tollowlnQ persons are doong Ntwport C11c1e buatneu .. Robert A. Berthiaume October 13, 1982. su retP<Jeall esc:rote, IA hly alguna. puede ser reglltrada a llempo 'ameao Publlsh•d Orange Coaat Oa1ty Piiot Nov 24, Dec 1, 8 15. 1982 5180-82 lnte<nalional. Inc A) HOUSE OF BOOKS: 81 HOB Laslie Jane Lofland SUPPLIES. 2S21 AIOna St .. Sant• Thia 1tal-I w11 filed wllh Ille County Clark or Oranga County on No-.ember 12, 1982 AH ctelrna must be 111 writing and mull corttaln aulfic:11nt lnl«m111on and proof 10 •t•btlall 1 clalm1nt'1 rlghll 10 all or any p1r1 of lha ••oau P'OCMd• Clalma rnusl be flied with Iha Coullty on or befor• October 27, 11183. otharWIM your dllms cannot bt conaidafeo. I TO THE DEFENDANT A cMI c;omplalnt hu bHn hied by Iha s.tfatary T ,_,., Alli. CA 927~ p11111t11f against you. II you w1a11 10 ------------- This stllement was 11..0 with Iha Robert H Simi, 1925 E. L• ,201111 Publithed Or1nga CoHI Diiiy PilOI, Nov 17. 24. Dec 1. 8. 1982 5037-82 0.1...a ttii. 1aww11. you mu•I. wtlh1n 30 d1ys all•r lh•a summon• Is tefVld on you, hie with this court a Wfltten resoonse to Ille comota1n1 Unlesl you do ao. your default w1H be entettd on appllc1t1on ol 1ne p111111111. and this court m1y entet a JV(lgmenl ag11nst you 10< lilt retlaf demanded 111 Iha c;omote1n1. wtlle:lt could ruull 1n g11nlthman1 of wagu, taking ot money Of Pf01>41<1Y or other rahef raquet1•d tn th• eotnplalnt • Nil.IC NOllCE County Cler"k of Ottnga County on Vall Sp 2 Orange CA 92866 November 12. 11182 Lind• L Simi 1925 e L• Ve11 PtllUC NOTICE The p arll•• or ln1are11, th• ueseor'a parcel number ol th• FICTtTlOUI llUllNEH PfoP9'1Y In wlllch Iha l)Mllet may FICmlOUI _, ..... NAmlTATl•NT The IOllOWll!Q per~ 11e dOlnO bvtlnet~ •• f 201141 Published Orange Cout Dilly PllOI, Nov 17, 2<l Dec 1, 8. 11182 506742 "'8JC NOTICE NAMI I T A TE.MINT hev. an lnl«Mt 11 81 lotlow9: Tb4r following parson 11 doing ( 11 Dana P01111 Corp et al; AP UNIVERSAL IMPORTS, 198<11 Out8I Bay L-. HuntmgtOll Beech. C111tor111a 112648 '1CTITIOUI .,._II buSlnWS ... 122· 130·89 (lorm•rly 122-130-43 Willie M Dlc:key, 111641 Ouiet NAME ITATl..wT Bay Liii•. C1~forn11 92648 T lie rOllOWlng pertont If• d0i"9 Ingar E Otclley. 19641 Ouie1 bullnMS U 81y L-Ca11lorn1192M8 EXCLUSIVE INVESTIGATIONS, VIA UDO REAL TV. 3336 V11 POf) Lido, Su11e A. Newport Buch. (2) 81)11\ KOOlc.lan. AP 145-251·18 Calilornla 92663 (foirn«ty 111-307-301 George J Nlcholaa. a V11 For your co1tvan1a,,ca, claim CullH. Bonsall, Caltlornla 112023 form1 Ind lnlOt"maUOtl ragardlno DATED June I. 1982 RICHARD J WACK Clerk Rob•rt N W11er 1 50 2821F North Gtlnd Avenue. Senta Princeton, R1nc110 Mirage, Ana, Ca11l0<n11112701 Cllllom11 92270 Sherry Howard, 252 IF Norllt Ch1t10111 L. W•t•rt, 60 Grand Avenue . Santa A1t1 . Prfncaton, R1neho Mlra9e. Calttornla 92701 Th11 t>uSlness lsc:onducled by 1n filing P•OC*Sul"• may be ob1ainacl Individual at 830 N &roadway, Room 30e, Geor99 J NlcholH Stnll Ana, or t>y calling 834-3628 Thi• •l•ltmenl WH tiled With the be""-1 8 a.m and 5 p,m. By YOlenOa Ponce Oapuly Cal1lorl1l1112270 Marilyn Far••y. 2S21F North Tl\il bu-11 conducted by a Grtnd Ave nut. San II Ana , County Cletk ol Ora11ga County on OBERT l CITRON November 111. 1982 nty Tax COlleclor-Treu Pubhehed Or•no• Coal! 011ly Pilot, Nov 24, Dec 1, 8, 15. 1982 5181·82 panarll pwtne<"ShiP Ca1ttorn1a 112701 W M Ofcitey Thll bUtlMU 11 conducted by a Publlahed Oreng• Coast Dally Publllh•d Or1nga Coaat Deily ..,.,,IC NOTICE P:202t2:S ~ot OrallQt County Thi• 11a1aman1 w .. tiled wtlh lie geNl(al partnerlhlp · Piiot, Nov. 24. Dec 1. 8. 15. 1982 Hot. Nov 10. l7. 24, 1982 ,.~ County Clark ol Or1nga County on. Sherry Howwd Novemt>a< 12. 1982 This ttll-1 wu filed wilh tha 5127-82 4841·82 I Up ER IO Ill C 0 u Ill T O p: ___ Pllt_Ll_c"'"iri-Tl-CE___ rta.IC NOTICE co~~~~NGI '201941 County Clefk ot Orange Ccx.int~ on Published Orange CoHt 01ily November 8, 1982. PllOI. Nov 17. 24. Dae:. 1, 8. 11182 f201_.-,tcTTTIOUI IUl ... 11 I U , I Ill I 0 Ill C 0 U Ill T 0 ' 700 Clwtc Ceftlat Dflff W"I NA• ITATIMINT CAUl"09'NIA '-' OtftM ..... 502S..82 Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally Th• lot1ow1ng pereon Is doing COUNTY OF CMIANGI lent• Ana. C..._,.ltt t1702 P\B.IC NOTIC£ bualneH 11. In Iha Mallar of tha Appllcallon ol Mallar ol the Adoption Petition STEVE IRISH & ASSOC , 2097 PAUL JAMES GRAY ForCh1ngeot \Stepperentl KENNETH RAY I TATl •NT OF UA~ Sen Joaquin Hiiis Rd . Newport Nema STEPHENS. Adopting Pat.nt CW Ull CW Beadl. CA 92660. CAii .,_" A11ten CITATION ("'°9ATI) 'ICTITIOUI ............. Slave Irish. 14 M•n•ra Trail, OM«9' TO SHOW CAUU CAii -• AD·217M Th• lollowlng par1ons have Irvine, CA '°" CHANGa °"..... lHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF 1b1ndonad 1ne u .. ol Iha llct1tl0Ut This t>ualness Is conducted by'" PAUL JAMES GRAY "81 filed • CALIFORNIA. bUllneM name tndlvldual patlllon In tl\11 court lor an order To MICtiAEl BRANTNER DRESS AFFAIR, 1110113 8eaeh s18111 lrlSh allOwlng patlllonaf to Cllangt Ilia/her You 1 re h • r •by c II ad and Blvd • Hunllngton 8each. Cehfornll This s111emen1 wet !tied wtlh Iha name lrom Paul J -Gray IO Paul requ1re<1 10 ~r 11 • half Ing II\ 92848 County Clerk ol Ortnge County on J-KlrDr. this court on F•bfull)I 11 11183 at Th• F1ct11tou1 8ualne11 Name Nov. 5. 11182 II 11 haraby or<larad tha1 alt 8.45 • m 1n 0toar1men1 8, located referred 10 1boY• w11 lilad In '201 ... 1Mflon1 lnlarttlad In tlle matter 1t 700 C1v1c Canter Drive Wast. OratlQt Couttty on Seplambat 28 Publl•h•d Or1nga Co111 0111r alortMld llPClMf before this court Sante Ana. Cal1l0<n11 92702, and to 11179 PtlOI. Nov 10. 17, 24, Dec 1. 1982 In ~men! No. 3 111 700 CN1c glva a ny 1ag11 raa1on why, C11v1n O ~1racnanmann a1td 4914·82 Canter Orlv• WHI, Santa Ana, ac;cord1ng lo th• vauhed Ptllllon Janet R Ktrc:hanmann. 24362 ------------c.ltlornla, on o-rtber 8, 11182. at filed With tnls cou1t Tha adoe>llon Of Falcon Lan• El Toro, Cahlornll flta.IC NOllCE 10 30 o'clock • m .. and then t1td Micnatl StepMtl Wh•IPlty by the 92630 f lCTTTIOUI ., .... 1 lher• llhOw cauae, If any they ha\11, pt11110net, Kenneth Ray Slaphene, Thll b\11111811 II COllducte<I II)'.,, N•• IT•Tl•NT why H id pelltlOll lor cha1t9a of snould not be •dfUdged lfldl\lldual .. .. name lhOuld l\OI be 9f"lnle<I. Oaleel November 12. 1982 Calll'lrl D K1r1chann'la"" The fo1towl1tg peraon 11 doing n la further 0<deted that •copy of By Anhur E Krega< This 1111-1 wu hied With the bu..-81 thl• order lo show caua• b• ~~ County Clark ol °'1119" County on Niv2:.. C. j~;!rnl, d:lr:.':i'.~";'::f,~· 92 publlthaCI In Orang. Co .. t Dally HAlllttY •• WI I I November A, 1982 Pilot. I new1p1par of genar11 1-0-ltnet, f1Da lrvt~~~ll~oin~~s 112 Navona, c1r~1a11on. publllhed In this eounty l ulta • Publl111ed 011nge Co111 Dilly T •• 1 b at lent once • WHk for four Mawpet1 9oach, C.....,,. l2llO P1101. Nov 10, 17, 24. Dec 1, 1982 Pilot. Nov 10, 17, 24, Dae 1. 1982 41152·82 . PtB..IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI ., ..... NAMI ITATIMINT The fOltow11tg PlflOl\I II dOlng buSlntN al •• SOUTH COAST ART ANO FRAME. 2821 Montetay A\11 Cotta Meat. CA 112826 PAUL FAEEMAN WAIGHT, 21?1 Monterey Ava , Coile M•H CA 112626 Megan t::!'_'· 282 t Mont•ty A.,. , Cotta CA 92626 TNI bultnaA is condvaed by an 1ndMdual Magan Wright Thoe 1111-1 WU !tied W.tll Iha County Clefk ol Or1n99 C®"ty on Nov. s. 1982 '101447 PubHaheO Ortng• Cotti Dally PtlOI. f1<>v 10, t7, 24, Dec 1, 11182 4910·82 Nil.IC NOTICE hit t>u ... neN • conducted Y • conMCVllva waa1<1 prior to Iha day (714) IQ-4DtO 4779-82 llmilad par1,,.,ahlp ot said hearing. Published Or1ngt CoHI Dally ftCnTIOUI .,...18 Thi·, 11J1ol't1-n M,. °'waslggarlll! .. with 1 .. _ Dated: Oclober 29, 1982 PtlOI, Nov 17. 24, Dae: 1, 8, 1982 P\B.IC flOTIC( NAm •TATDmNT ..., '"' FRANK OOMENIOHINI 5067·82 The IOlloWlftO l*-'8 -dOlnO County Clerk ot Orange County on Judge of Ille 'ICT1TIOUI .,..... butl,_ M. November 12, 1982. Superlo< Cour1 "'8JC NOTICE NAMR ITA~ BASHFUL PALACE. 2:184 1 F201MO Publlafled Orange Co1t1 Dally -------------1 Tiie followlng P8flOll9 "'doing Claud• Circle . l•ll• ForHf. Put>llthe<I Orange Coall Di lly Pilot, Nov. 3, 10. 11. 24, 1982 ,ICTIT10U8 -•• bullMM • Cellfomla 12930 Pilot. Nov. 17. 24. Dec 1. 8. 11182 4&40·82 NA• •TA,.._NT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, Beverly l<rltnte ln. 2284 1 5029·82 ----------....,...-Tilt IOllOwing patlOlle we doing 1800 E G•rry Avenue. Sult• 118. Cl1ude Clrcl•. Lek• For•ll. rta.IC NOTICC bualneaa H ; Stnta Ana. Calltomla 112705 • Clllfornle 92'30 flta.ICNOTICE ----------~ NEWPORT IRVINE J-Kenneth Davia. 15500 P e ggy Jo Moore. 314 1~ --,-IC-TITIOU--l-IU-... --1-.--I u, E "~~~.u .. T 0 , ACUPUNCTURE CENTER. 2192 Tuelin v:i=.c,w.y, No. 18, Tuatln. ~. Balboe llland, Callfomla ..... ITATl•NT couwn cw ORANOa Martin Sun• 240. lrvlne. CA 92715 Clllfornle 112882 Th I II I I d I .. I , ....... 11 I, .................. , ........ Of Donald A. Grupa. 0 0 s . ,. ....... Roann• Devit, 15500 Thie ~ la aonduclacl by • bull!..o.:.wno pet1on ' on,. n ,,....,, aro ..... ,.....-~. lncorpot1t•d (• Oetllornla Tuttln V1114111a Way. No 18. Tu .. ln. generalpertrwlhlp A·f CARPET ANO INTERIORS, Jennifer SMITH McCOY for Change corporation). 2192 Martin Sult• 240, Celtfomla t2NO ~ Krttnt.in 1701 Pomon1. Cosll Mau. CA ol Name lrvllHI. CA 11271!5 Tiiie ~la condUC1ad by 811 Tllla .. a'-'tt -llled wtth Iha 92627. CA•.._ .. At1MM Thi• bualneM .. conducted by. lndMdual c-ty CIWll Of Oranee County on St-R. Ptlattarl. 1857 N4IW CMIMlll TO SHOW CAUR eatPOflllOr{ J-Ii. Davia ~oOer 11, 1912 f <Mt CMANGe OF NAm ~lid A o RaM1 R .o.ta I P,_1 JerM)' St.. Coelt M .... CA 1124127 JENNIFER SMITH MeCO'f' hll rupe, Thi• 11•-I -llled with Ille Publl•h•d Ortnga Coall Dally ~~tlnNI 1• conducta<I by.,., filed • petillon in this eo<>rl for "' ~!;'.!,'°Grupe 0 0 8 County Clerll of Dfanee County on Pllo4, Nov 3, 10. 11. 24, 1912 Older lllowlng pet1tlonar to change Praaldanl ' No,,...,. 1, 1• 4143_., Steve R. P•lara.\ hll/ller nema lf"om Jetwllf8f Smith Thil ,181.,.,....1 wM llled wit.II. Iha """9 Sp 2 Otange, CA 92666 Tho• business 11 conducted by a limited p1ttnlfship f\oOett H. Sima T hll statement was ltlacl Wiii! the County Cleftt or Otanga County on Oct 10. 1982 f 1-.z2 PubllsheO Orange Coast Daily Ptlot, Nov 10 17 24 Dec 1, 1982 49e().82 NlllC NOTICC '1CTITIOUI llUllNEll NAMI ITATl•NT The I01low11tg P8fSOllS ire doong t>utlneu H RAINBOW ELASTIC CO . 1820 Park Newport No 323 Newpo1t Baach. CA 92twl0 Ch1rlotta Minn. 1820 Plfk Newport. No 323. Newport Btach. CA 92660 llnd1 Tlylor. 138•3 Beguile Or . Dal Mar. CA. 92014 Tt111 bu11nesa Is conducted by a gonaral Ptrlnershlp ChlflOll• Mann Thot 1t9lemen1 waa ltled with the County Cteri.. ot Orange County on Nov tll. 11182 -l' f20K37 Publ11had Or1nge Coast Dally Pilot Nov 24. Dec I, 8, 15. 1982 5174-82 rtalC NOTICE flCTIT10U8 ....... NAlmlTA,....,., ""' fOllo•tng paraon I• doing blolaonaM .. NEWPORT WEST IMPORTS, 1658 !kiparlor A~. Coata Mela. Calrtomla 92827 Raymond Leon &Info II, 207'~ 42nd SH•••· Newport 8Hch. c.tltornla 92M3 Thie bu11nM1 la conduclad by an lndMOual ~L B11nkll Tht1 alal-1 was rtlecl with the County Clarll 01 Orange COUl\ty Oii November 1, 1982 noion Pubhshad Or1ng• Coul Dilly Pllol, NOY 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 4782·82 "'8JC NOTIC£ ,ICTITIOUI 9U ... H NA• ITAff•NT Th• rollowlng paraon II doing bul'MN It PROP£R11ES BV THE SEA. 419 N Co111 Highway, L19una BMc;h. Cltll0tn11 92851 Parle R Pragter. 32941 PIMO Mtfl Florft. Sen Jutn Ce11111ra1tO, Cll1tornlt t2875 Thtt bullnall II conduelecl oy an lnd~ll Petle R Pragltl Thie •lltament Wit tiled with tna County Cler" Of Ora099 County on November 3, 1H2 f201191 Publttlt•d Orange Co"' Dally PtlOI Nov 10, 17 24, Dec 1. 1t82 4M2-82 Tnle •t•l-1 WH flied with tfla McCoy 10 Jarmrler Ehaabath Smltll. Cou Ctertt 01 Or•-c 1 Publtall.O Orange Coeat Dally rta.IC NOTICE Coullty Cler1I Of Ofanga County on II 11 hara by ordered I hat 111 nt~ -.,,... ourt Y on PllOt, Nov 3, 10. 11. 24, 1"2 •-.,. lllllllC( Nov. $, 11182 SM••on• lnle<Hled In Ille metllf Ocl 1 • 1112 ,,.... 4714-12 PIC'"1DU8 --· ,._ "" Publl•h•d Or1nl• Co•:.~~l aforMald appaat btilPf• this COUtt Publlllltd Drano• COHI Dally -------------U• IT•Tnmln -· PICTmOUl-H In Daparlinant No. ! at 700 CMc 0 7 2A Dec ea2 MllC flOJIC( The fo1io-1no peraon 11 001n0 9IMm ITA,_..,, Pilot. Nov. 10, 17. •. Dec I, 109 Center Drive Watt. Santa Anl. PilOI. Nov 1 • 1 • • 1• ' . ~ M Tiie IOllOwl"' perton I• dolnt 4028-12 CalllOfnll. on Oecamber 8, 11112. at 491'·82 ftCfmOUI ....... (•I A I p A 0 TI!. c TI 0 N ~. -----------I 10:30 o·c~ a.m. tnd then Ind "'8JC lllTIC( NAM& ITA,_,.,. S'f'Sl'l!.MS (bl ST ENTERPRISES. THE A AT 8 I_,. OR ANOE .c USITHI DAILY PILOT "PAST llSULT" IRVICI 1DlllCTOIY • ~Result ce Call 64.2·1671 , .... HI ·- 1her• 9'low cauaa. II 1ny they haw, The IO!lowlng l*IO"t _. dOlnQ 2173 I lr1nl• Cir$, HUOllnttOn COUNTY, 3151 9ltcfi Slrllat. Suite wtly H ICI pallllon tor c:h1noe ol PICTITIOU9 .,._II bullMM •· lleac:fl. CalltOMla llH4t 503, Ntwport ... ch, C111torn1a ,,_ ahould not be Of811lad. ..._ ITATl.lmNT O & J !NTEAPl'l18E, 119 Arnold Wllll1m Brab•noer. tlMO tt 111\Jnhar ordlncf !hall copy OI Tiie loilowl"G oereon 11 Clolno Governor &tr .. 1, Colle Mt11, 21131 lr•nll Clfcle. Huntington Medelyn lelh Welcfl, 47M I!. hi• order to show cauH bl t>ullnea• 11: California 111127 laecft, Callfoml• llH41 oo.en 91ve1 . Ho 4, Lono 9"dl. publl•h•d In lh• Delly Piiot, • (1) SUCTV MINUTE MEMORIH JlmH ldwtrd Lynott, 179 Tllla ~ .. oonducfeCI by"' CellfOrftle tol03 n-.paper Of gan•ll clrcullllol'I, (b) THE M!MORV C!NltR. 7092 Govetnor 81rHI, Co1t1 M•11, ~. Tiiie 1111ue1nea9 le ~led by Ill pvbllthed In 11111 county 11 ltHt t!dlnger. Hunting ton a,acn, Cllito,.,I• 12127 Amotcl W. llfllbenOer lllCIMdull o~ '1 weak ror four conaaeuriva Calllornl• 9'141~ • Do r II Marie 1.ynott, 1 79 Tllll ttll8mtftt waa tlled wllll ti. ~ ~ Welelll wHkl prior 10 the dly ot U ld HOWWCI Merl! KopellOI\, 26942 oo ... n•r IH••t. Coll• ...... County Cllttl ot Otenoe County on Tllit .. .......,,. ... tl!9d wltll the hNrlng. ErnHlln• Ceurt, l 1gunll Hiiie, CallfOfnta Nl27 QctoOer 11, 1111 ~ °"" ot Otanoe COultly on 01tad OclOl>ar 29, 11182 Catllornlll IHl3 Thll b11•ln• .. ii conducteO e ,_ Ho"'""*'· rN2 - FlllANK OOME_NICHINI Thia bull,_. la GOnductld by Ill generll PltfMnlllp P11btt1n.CI Or•nl' Coaat 0.lly r--• JvdQ9 of Illa lndMOuat ·Dortm M Lynott Pt!Ot. Nov 11. 2•. Dec 1, I, IW2 itubll•lled Qr•nge Coaat Oally ~tor Court How1td M. I<~ J-L L-llClll-l2 --.. New I to 11. l 4 1tl2 Publlthed Orang• Co111 Dally Tllla tlattft'\tftt wet fll90 wttll Ille Thie.....,_.. --wttll tM 1-------------1 .--.. ' · ' ' ..,1 ... Pilot, Nov 10. 11. 24. o.o. 1. 1912 County Clerk ot Otanoe ~on CouMY Ci.ti o1 Ot-. c-i~ on ' • 498f.82 Nou...-2, 1N2 ~-,2, 1• hYl"t Ind Mtllftt at• -----------n111• ,..., r.-onable ,no.111at•1 eomp.e tl9fore you buy. •110fl1MO Otenee CoHt D .. ,, •ul>lllfled 0tlftl' COlll Diiiy •fl•• CIH•lfl•d II I ll • ~~ ,,.._. II wy Pt!Ot, NoY 17. 14, Gae I, l~_\2 HcM. Now 11. 14. Dec l. ·~II ~ ... 2-9171 lflOP ., llOIM. "'• ~ With ct11111ee1 ... 2.1111 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y ClASllFllD ...... I# ,.,, ••• ,,. ,,, ,,,, ••.•.............•.... ······················ .... ," ''" ••• ,,, 1002 •••••••...•......•.•.•...................... LIDO ISLE llOIES Prmu· l.1tl11 N1111I 1~1) Ir ••Ill •11th Ill ·' 1 .. ,111 Lu•· 1. n . 1111 1011<1 <! '""'' .111, 11 .• 110.111111 • RN11od1·l1·d :I lidrrr1. '.! l1.111t t-l.11v• r•• 1111 , ~um '~·lhn"•· (urn"l11·d. p1ot1111i ~1lU llllll PEllllUU MOIE On•j11 & JNly v1o w .. M.11 ""' r1,;ir11 I 1'14h 111 htllll, J700 ~I\ '$Ulll.1 Ollll <lit• 11111111111 LllDA ISLE l&YFROIT l..nlJOOll Vlt'W I 1t1111 fj lid1 n1. ~ '"" h. !JIU V• """'• <1111 k rm, u1·11 H41ut ~hp N•1W SJ 111111 IUIO IAYllD' PUCE Sp"' •v< ul.I( hHylrcml tlpll< 2 111 l IJ.t 111• ll b1 , ~ h .. • 1111 :I hu.1! fiolll , lt11Ju1 • cl I 1111 llOC• F&IRHNIS RANCH Nf'W,. hr, '1 ·~ !)., 1 ui.l11n1 lo 11·111 Ii 'lll•fll~•llll 1 &lull' Ii pnnw '" n 1t1ll1up $1 'l ••I IJll!I CORDllAIO DAYS t:iJ1u11.1u1J ti.l:mu 4 ui.1 l>.ivlr11111 i 11 • ''°"'' l'll.11i. uvall Now S:l70 11011 " 11 ''' • . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 B'>y\•d,. Dr ,_p N B 675 • 6161 ,,., ,,,,,, .•...•••..•........... '(5) EOUAL HOUSING OP PORTUNITY Plt~li11tar11 ••tioe: All 1eal estate adveH1~d In llllS newspaper 11 subJeet 10 the Fedafel Fatr Housing ACI OI 1968 wn1cn makes It illegal 10 ad11«llse "any p1ete1en ce, hmltallon or d1scrtm1- nahon be-sea on race color. re11g1on se~ or n111ona1 or1g1n or any 1n1e1111on to mak'l any such prelerencfl tom1t&· H SISIDE HRGAIM 1 ~r on cul <J· '' A11 ~IOU, "'•111•1 ,..,,1f lit•lf'I II• neinc» I rQ n 11111 lr;lln s 1 l'i.00(1 "• '., 1l>1 C:. ':>HECT -t" PROPEAl IE,_ JASMIN( CREU (~cop Plan .. "'"°' "'' hrn wtpvl pC1CJI & ''111 ;> i:.•• 11u• Coll I 1nJ I r 1 O• w111g Ofl,·1r•rJ t i:"•~, 000 ,,..., 644 7fJ20 LIHO RUL ESTATE ---11"1.--t~1)4.-oJ...CJ~W34.fOl' ......... -+--r.>;.-r-....r.r.7.'""'~ ..... "7'7"",..-~ I L lo T c L A s St I F I E D 6 4 2· • 5 6 7 8 This newspaper w111 not knowingly accept l)ny adverllsmg tor real e~· 111e which Is 1n v1ola11on ot the law . H 111111 Advert 1 • j, ;:;;;;:;:;;;j;i sers should check their ads daily and report errors 1m· mediately The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first Incorrect insertion only l"RVllU COYE $115,000 Lowe SI pr " .IJSIOM hom,. , prf'st•9 us ga: ted comm1,.,11y 0 1 l1v1~9 COffl Prtw'llL t t'iJC:ll ldf· ge IOI Ii fl Plldtll_. •••Hf/., 1111 1e1tn1s court w11n n1l t( ••••••• •••••• ••• • • • •• • ugnis .... ..... "Inc! mot ft fHJ lll•ll WI tilts 4 BR llomf' •••••••••••••••••••••• 144·1110 ~~~~IJ. •••••.... !.'!l~ .................. .. PllUTE UUI Rock bottom pr1ee o J Bdrm 2 lath femlly ------- home In pnmt Mou Verde •r•• near p1rks and Khools Cell tor de-1 te lls A •1••1 all $129.900-act todoy• 6"6·7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS LOOK For our new regular -Illy le&tu•t IOIT SHOW- CASE Every Sa1urd1y tn Ill Datt Pilot Cl1sslheds II TIE WITEIU A rare find 1n a wa1e1 - tro 111 duplex• Huge 3 Bdrm 3 beth ownl!lr untt pkJs 2 Bdrm 1 ball! •1t· come unil Sp1 Sparkhng water views and d ock Wont 1es11 Only S550 000-call nowi I 646-1111 I THE REAL ESTAT1i:RS IAITI Ill lllTI. G•tll lamlly home. 5 Bdrms. 3 b&. m1n1 cond Lge lot, excel rln1nc1110 1111111 Call Agl for detalla 84•·11152 or 790-8816. HOLSTEIN RE.AL TV ---------- Starting ..... Bu91neH Ac c aarttl111 t• C .... llle ....... ealHI ~·--c:.-1~ "'" t• H t HJ ell ...................... ............... _ ............... '" ..... c_, Clertt MttlleW M~ .............. .... , .... _..,,. .... tr•a 111 Wlllt111 Illa ................ Tiie HHelllalll le ............. .,..1. -:-::.::.-::~ c.-................ . ~ ....... .... ................. Tll• DAILY '1LOf ,,. ........ llllit .... C ...... _._ .. ...... _, '9fMI 11141 tMIMalll I ••lly H r•I•• •• • ... 0~1 II I• Ct• Il l r .................. ,, ....... . ........... _... ... , •II••• 111• t.I OAL .,A•TmNT -.-t, ••• ... ter .... ,. ......... .._. ..... l1Hlljjlml 11 * ~ • p t 00 • ~ 0) ~ • >< ~ • ~ • , t •tm 1k ~1• n .,, 1 not hi1th In fir h I' ru 111 •llh-t t>•I da•~li1rd • ldwnl~rn~ • Ill , . -... _ --.· . - C8 Orange CoHt OAll.V PILOl /WednHday, November 24, 1082 J =~h.'1 ....... lftm.~IM ....... ='"'~~ .. iii lmft.tt:IA'I. ...... an.tr.Im ....... ";= llM llftft."1JmWnf .. l'!tm.fPIP!NIA'!f .. ll!l!l'lfi!I.~ 'flml~"' •• • ......... !.'!fl !'!~¥. ......... J."1 ~. .......... l«fllt ........... 11.ff L::. Ar,....::.;·iioo ~. "111.lfttt ...... IMf 11.vtn.fmA .. IMf •=,.. 1.·· fn!·····!ftt···· ••·••·••••• t •• ,.... --·--........__ ...... 000 Jllnt "" 2 Id HDUH end 2 Id .. _ ......... 2 bf 2'4 be ,, ,., ....... JIOIM ~ -......... --· Duplea -' .. • • ..................... . w • La.I .. ... .,. ..--. HlllUllm I ----nen•111• ,., Hll ., SU l 2 I CM IOMO. IOfHW19 "" WI • '360/lftO "° lecll , IM ... t ol the unit• In ~ ":: .!. = %: °"IV 1 ~·Didi 1 '*"'1 'WCI'! C1M1 ._..,.. 1.000 .,..ltto.OOOequitvtor .. Mtoi '" •... wet lier, l~lc, open 6 2 1 , "ntu•n 1 lu;n Pflll'OICNI 1.ldo ...... n. 6 6 t>eeut1:Wll ..... I m I I t S 0 , O O O, M0tY IVft wlS ... ._., lot· = '!;.!"a,:"..:'' .... f~e~\~roperly -----~ ~ c" :1'e ,":':,Y pc)OI, _, tltt2 Flotics. •e••• 1u11 condo complea. 111ew from~., to n JUI "'., lllftlrlt 1114 WI 1m1 • 1 ,at Mtow .Mr": __ -1 M.., I "9f .... ,412 °' 141,2MO 14NU., 14Mt72 AIMllll II ~O• HOCI Ml ft wllll the SHteluied v•t OwMf 1b1ok.tl .. y !Niii poo Ml ..... HIMU bchente MO. ""9. V.,d, No PMI Ulll I '""utull~ llndMIPed 111oe lhllno end dining only m1nu1 .. trom 1own Miii Phce 111111ect\Mlld to 1.:o·:O :4..ot'J4 'OP-000 lelr "*" .. · '31,000 pd l64011no 111 plut I RA )be Ill Hllbof view lllf•D ln1 Giiden 9'11• Pool & loe .,..., ..,. IWO MdfOOl'll HOIHI 0 k M H .000 . 1141.000 Cell 179 t.370 I r ecwi•v Hr' din, t'Abl •• c 1,4 1 14 w 3 Oil Oll18". nice llmily I ' 2 '"· pool. •P•. , .. IOl/dec:tl• Ho P91• IUllM and din (COUid be Sellet wlll lln•nc• NOWI ----horM Od cond. t.,.. to 191114 ... 1.17 llm lftoO/mo 7&2·219? 88Q, no.,..,, lutn. •viii 8~ l3tl ~~ b.=? !,,": b~~!: ,, llta~~~ 2~ =·~a=l~I <t~:~ ~ ~~11;1,::••i~·.r•t: E:.·:::11'!J:-;..~: Jl?'1o111!?;~. ~2~~engu.,d&40·=~= mountain•. loel 11tp .. 2&00 eq ft ~lty dnlWfl ~ WANT· •~ ,.7 .... No 1 • 2 It 2 .. ,...... 1a.-.. u• ltwn S11t.,/W1tnet avllleble. Decot le wtlltt 1 community Rt 01 condo Tn belCll -1"" ""' ~· .......... ,_._,, off leech c1rpe1 with lotm11 wall I I'm lmTI ~~.=·~~Down Wiii er•• Cen 1dd CHll f111tlde, ,.._, edit• Pf• :!01~~.~~C:,mo 973•33 •3 laQlllo<I '410 COYlllnga. IH0,000 "" ... 11 ••• .,... c:ontldet ltldel, .. c 1·127·3&78 lerred, 2 br, t b•, o•· t ldtm .... 5 ~oet>o11 lllP •11elleble Owner Wiii cerry l ll b · ,.. Almitl8" Aellty , • 0. I I 2 5 1 mo, ....... Lnllic m'!!f.~ ... 1!.ff 131 ( 11111 ~6118 • AlllUl•I "2nd1..on lheM .... 71•&.U..aAlol ......... 17l-7M• l.1109 "*''-duple• LU•Ufy llUdlO Ir• HIO 111 E 11th ... 2-GIM - w1m Kl 140Nl well melnllln•d •Ingle wnr."i'••••••••••••••• 2 br, t b• Oflve by 2112 ''" bckrN Spic 6 epen, phone, meld "'"· ape: f'lrepl1c1, pool, dlah:- ltc>lltl 4' ~· 1tory 1 I 2 bdrm unh1. privet• POOL In your ...... htal~ 811111 Ane ,,.,,. Unlt 2 Do "' tllopplng, S tep• t o I 130 wti. 499·3015 wuner pvt petlO )( Lg MAL ESrATE ,.,..... Plerlly of on ltrMI Pit· blCll yerd 4 bdrmt, 2j-t ............. r.'n'••••• not dleturb tenanll '4&0 b • 1 c h Y e 1 r I Y • c 01toeA I 6 2 It on El . 6Jt 1400 1111 UY king. 4 c11 o•r-oe. At· b•. tnv11n1 .. Model In ..,.._ ,,,_ JIM mo 1&1·8228 7 14 1885·5822 coll or 1210. furn hertnlng. tide 1410 iuo .--.YaT 11==· 1 bedrOO"l pontllouH overlooklng oentr•I court. Meny emenltlH Pool. aaunu. etc. Owner wlfl help with tlnenclng. trec:tlvely prlCled i1 1325. Turtle Rock Glen Pillo Tff'r.'ff ............. n Wllr)d1 87&·8720 Bac:ll. nr belch Utlf pd. 55 7 2141 • 1 ... 1~ llTIR 000 W. .... ...., ..... Ht, tBI, 1 story, 11190, No pets t •MC> emp ldll ...:..:..-·~...;.· ___ _ woe.-iembllng. country · ...._1111 Homee Lott Of ptlvec:y. • ... ....., LMln cpl/drpe, petlo. frplc. Spec. 3 br, 2v. b• ""Y 484-4200 1a Ill. ... home wllh penoremlc b~t nelgllbcHllOod d1llw1hr, beemed eel· cteln twnhM, pool, lOO-n-......... b ..... _-.-G d u1ew ol lh• Bee" Bey. YOY owe It lo )'OUIMll to LEASE OPTION ft.II ... -.... ......... H&O EkMn '840 Qlna, .. c llOO/mo Agt ..... eenv-ec.,_,, ~· Newly d•CO( .. p • • " ... 11111 one -.,,.. '44 • .,4.-c) non-tmltr. no pels .... _. encl gar, dw111r. pool. Newport Center, end HARBOR RIDGE .. II 11mt ITIO Cell Mr ,.,men -now, 1350 487-2057 bl>q. "°pell, 842-6073. much more. FeellitlH lor .......... ...... 551·2480 Condo lor ...... Blutfa, 3 • amen ~d of nor.... Custom View 11 • .,... 3 bd. 2 be Fmty Rm. No Bt. end unit, beck door Neer 11111/Pomona, 1 8', ICCUI t B~ck 81 ~ --Pell, 1714 low•. MIH to pool,,,..,. lrom 1911· ... ..,, ..... 1111 1 Bl, downlllltl, d/1. t 1111 1 1111 IOO I -tNe Home nit club 11000/mo. 2757 •••a••••••••••••••••• carPotl, weter pd, 1 child .. 1 Rick ~lderettl. Bkr. • ' • Executive lemlly or lhared V &.rd e , I 8 I 51 m O. Vllll Um~Oll, N B. OCEANFRONT DI• 2-4 Br oil. no pett. '400. Agent, 3 BR 2BA Ip. Lg lol, mull 1~ 000 opOon ren1a1. 4 Br. lormll di· 844·1836. Diie 6'0·2 By week or month . no I• ee2--0217 (11') U1-4444 ,NII In to de. t3t·1083 · money nlng rm, llv 1m, din, 3'/• 673·7813 · - l;;.;~===~;.-1~~li\t~L11~LUl~ll~.~· ~ 4 &drooma. 5 'Blihl .. , 2 trpic'•. 2 eundec:k•, v;ltc:."ren":~E~::"; 2 111 . college, ~ewport Newer 2 BR 2 81. '475. I' .... , n.. 11,2911,500 6 boat dock. MolVrly. IA, 1595 mo. 645-9128 Heighla. redwood decile, On th• beech hotel t No pell. 710· 1411 o,. Auumebl• on thl• 4 Prle:e negot11ble Drive brick w1lk1 wooded room llP1 kllc'*'t"t• & 142·7528 eva/wtlnda. I ·--bdr ....__, ........ bla.._.. b 202 S B I t o:M .. _ 2 a . 2 91 #_..._ 'S7"' ' ' b-1 I h . I Urn I I he d ----------m .......... .....,. ....... y . e y ron ..... ecut.... ... ....... ....., ger. ~01mo. Avell l:l<>O/mo + 1280 dep ........ Lat ... lido ea In Eutblulf apec:l1tUl1t kllchen. n-pelnl end a&4!1A_a......_ 873-797f or 873-1508. w/llt cond .• dbl g11ege. 12·15. 645-M25 3 6 0 1 1 h 11 • · low mall'!I. yerdl Very ~'~~lllE ... lllS . 11 ____ ~-• .. __ •i mic:fo-weve oven, rw So. C 5 VE .. 2 O W. ceen ront, 1 Ir wl trpl, dahwr .• ~r~a~ ::~d1~T:o. c~~~ desl1able ere1, fuat r• • -- -·• !f Colll Plua. 1850/mo. EX LU I AroEA. Her· N.B. 873·415'. wlllcln cloMt, l)C>Olepe. , =;;6;7;3"-;7;300;;;~1 1260.000. duced to $127,600 Call ,,. • .., l!-••I IHI NewQotl Heiollt• older 2 s~~·~j·;;;·y~·ai:;~;~:. Avell 12/1. Fred Oltleon. ~ Viewt..,. ~4 ..... 2PBr!>'-I . BBO. Laundry. On w/lfg 879·5370. ..,. ...... ..,........... Br 1 Bl. dbl Cir oar-oe. 18f condo Frple PlllO Re/MIX 559.9400 ' ..... or.... Dn ... II· pvt pello & cerport. UPllllOOI: t1VMrl TllllHllU 50 • 1.11 Rt lot. """"'· U"· i1501.,,o, Avaii ge loll, on ~ •ere wl <-·cJous ~w.ie. one 1475/mo Up, pool/ad, Re11ior1, 675·eoob llLIDI 1185000 ,..,..... 3 8', 28• ''"'· Welk to Fa1hlon1 ~ _.,. w/blleol\y, decor c:.lllllo 4411 Santa Anl Ave Dec: 31, 644-7211 Agt. Frpl, ger . No pell. 1111nd. bHcll, pool & & two btdroom loO a p1lv enclad ger, j \ ( >I l I 1l /' tt _,."'" llYlll •YI Plultl, 2-ltory, upgrlded 2BR. 2'ABA. Mirrored w1rdrobe1 , neutrel tonee. parquet floor, air cond. 2-car gerege, prof. l1nd1ceped w/p1t10. Plenlallon 1hut1er1. Swedish llfepllce, pool & epa. Flbulous FIXED 11- .wnable !owl. 113-4,000. Debbie Frett. 844-t200. ~Ma r.nab· Irvine 1 •nsmPaa Deteched 3 bf, 2'A bl. home In IMne on gtMn· belt~ comm. tennlt a pool. I 114,000 In -- me bl• lo1n1 end you own !tie lend. 1 135.000. . 144-4111 C..u•IllM 1111 ...................... . TRADE ---- llWIP-on Meyer Place IV 1tlh, 18 mos old. 2Br. 1'hbe, I 130,000. Celt tor detelll RIGHT REAL TY 111 .. 111 =•= 548·6041 eft e fn!~.!m ...... 1.~~f ::o:,~!c, 1~:~~ ::.~: :::.~J·en <;~~~=~· ~. =~9.;~4~ .... 2ee0 Kil• HNI North, • pr .. u. 4 br, 2 ~·Lg 8onu• Rm. 499•1111 Nwpt Hgtl 2 er. 1 Ba, '*Y BAY TIMBERS gloua commun1tv In NI· .. Gii, E ~.· ?~ 3 bdfm, 2 be with lg yd, iwt & huge yd. 645·80961 1 er .. flrepllce & pool guel ollerlng lncredlble I ..__...... ,.. ·v "' Remodeled kltch, dbl• BLUFFS Private petlo & ::• emenltlH. l llll • bl· ._._,... f1I. ._a•t ., ... git. Otlw by 1725, 894 2, •~-•~•9 3 •IA IYI M..w... ~ -• ,. w Wiiton Cell 559-5001 3 Bdrm, ~bl. lam, MW _...,, _. droom llOme with levllh ,.... ••-•• ••••••••••••••••••• · decor. 1975, 760•8314 399 W. Bay St. your boring Income pro- pe11y or outgrown rHI· dence With a large equity iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii for this ne11 ru111c· end roomy 4 bdrm, 3'., ba hOme In WALi( TO THE BEACH CORONA OEL MAR LOCATION with tpectlCUllr 180 deg' oceen, C11alln1 lalend 1nd herbor views Priced et current eppralaal prlc9 of S475,000 IM. Owner hH $195,000 equity Ind u.. ol brick end atone · On golf courM, 20% dn Mobile 8Mctt Cottaqe. 4 FUINI combined with luah vecenl, ahow enyllm• privet• be1clle1. pool, ,. UAlll 38t', 2B• llngle •ty condo, or lendeceping 11 • rnu11 to , •. 11,295,000. • pier, aecurlfy. 115()/mo. 3 °' 4 bdrm for ..... In Ill xtr11:qu1et. 1750 mo. UNFUINISHED Lerge 3 Br. 2 Bl. Town- house In quiet complell, lerge pool, gerden Mt- ting. 1675. 845·3381, 675-5948. wlll ceny 2nd. Mt-UU VIUIT LIT Prime E'lide locallon. RI bulldlblf lot L ... , deall 175.000 AMI tor Cary or Scotti 111·2142 ~ "1111 h1 )\\ lkalt' ..., 10% 111 ...,,,,,.,.. 73.7791 or 78C).13t7 8341-7154. 543·2307 pr .. tlgloul.,.... Verdi. _N_ency_'--•9_7_-2_1_4_9___ AU UTIUT1ES ~:!:°4t~~:' ---., ...,. Jiii Formal dining. 2 frpic & 111un1 condo, 3 Br. 2'A 81. PAID, HUl.111 L.911 llAL UTIR "r.r.e••••••••••••••• more. 1900/mo. c111 tormel din rm, tam '"'· QUSS. TENNIS ._, 1-s ILlfn L:~:!~El;~~=o~ ::i Deirdre 97t-5370 I. ricu~~'°&~';~:C:i SOBllNCi pta In•• ..., 3 Br· 2 B • • YI• w • Grundy Rllr 175-81411 c~ -.. #.. ! c,._. •••••••••••••••••••••• Greenbltl pool, lndty rm, __ _;.._' --~---• ... Yllll ...,..... .,_,, tnOft .,.,,,,, FISH/SAIL FROM A 1 d Ow (2 3) E t al .... ··oTO"'BO·T SL p no .......... _ .. ..i. YOUR BOAT DOCK •• con . ner 1 ...... llll•tilld" wee: 4 8t' 3 Ba, orm .-.., " " I ,... .... ....._., Newly upnreded 3 BR, 507 5926 •••••••••••••••••••••• dining, lemlly rm, lmmec. 3 Sr 2 'h Be, H curlty opttl -9 lo 6. • ..,,al J•I O • r d • n • r I n c I . g • t .. , $ 1 2 0 0 . P P . O fple. rec room. Luekr;o. S.. J••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 112001mo. S"9c1 Pro· 758-0588 akwood r•111. Ownt, 193·3hl C.-'•lr,.. ll'li Plrt ... 151.3191 --------G.dea a-..--.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iit,.;::._..==,,-;::,,.,~,~,,,u.i, •••• ~ ••••••••••••••• ~ Fnn nrtuT umm-BAYFRONT ,..,--- 1 - -··-·•"••••••··~···••••• ssooo Down. 4 Bt. 2 ea.. ~~ un Ktn I ~led/No •• 1 w covered pello. veulted Cleln, 3 Bt', 2 Ba. din. B1lbo1 lalend: Sindy • ,.... •l~~... celllnge. commty pool. frplc, 2 cir ger. 1780. beech, 3Br 2b•. excel 180 lrWM AM. .... .. ,.,... .. --st 17,600. Call 497. 1857 •MISSION VIEJO• 545-eeaS cond. Monthly or yeerty (1116111) PALM MESA APTS 15'1 ...... °'· $.400. Unful'n. t Br. Cl.II btwn 8-4. 5'41-teeo 1 B1. Tr1llet1. l2471mo end elec. I 150 MC. No doga. 133 E. 1411h SI .. Sp 42. 642·9193 Clad Sun. 2 Bf. trpec. l 5001mo. 540-31641 .... _ ..... ._ •Mr _,_., r-... 7 17 5 1 1500/mo . Owner "'-""'lJO• .IASlllH •m •r --, • Bring your .,.in1 bNlh a lat• Au l ... 5• 2 .... .at .a e«-9513 -.r .. 2' bdrm, 2 bl, den. Prl· 1141-llH broom to 11v1 Ill on •••••••••••••••••••••• RVINE• BMut. condo, 2 br. 2 be. ---------·•New-Bodi/So Specious 2 er 2 ea. bit· Ina, frplc, git, $575. No pets. Avail. lmmed . HerborlBaker. 5441-6009 ce d under .mlrket 11 tllll 3 br. t•tcutlvl renoll BACK BAY CHARMER • *1 Leeie or leeae l opl. BLUFFS 4 Br 2'1t Be xlre1. ..-• • • I I I .\ y I 01: ( '( ' . $275,000. Owner -..1-M~~lll.l_jB..-.••+-i'.T.'yl• home ~n.J>_!Hll 3Br, IQ eeparet• atudy or -:r----1_7_50 ____ 1=H~®::::lmo:=!:':::!M::=5~:::::3::3=39:._ __ t-l850/mo •.. M-Mi,._ __ _.._ __ 11~00..w:l1o6.,tti,,~Sl_ t br, relrlg, stove. lndry. ----"~e&e--.. owee p,a on 9'1:-tvwtl talldseaprna, ,, ..e.u...cona.J3i.5-11·~---1 Side Coat• ...... 2 lenctll Only 1240,000. herd wood tin, mini •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• Condo, 2 bdrm. 2· bl. ___ t_C_r_-,-.-2 .... -. -2-.. -Ad_bl_ 642-5113 Wiii-. 640-8029 C ' ,.,. bd 1 be lrna lot All! bllnd 1•~ ...,.. ......... 1750 Neer UCI. Brend new. ~-.. .... -. 11~~~~!!!!!!!!! .. , •• ,,. 1., · .,... • C ell 758 ·1501or 1,pe..,.,...,,,,,_... gerage,tennla.poot, •MESA VEROE2Br.1 c 1 ... 111ed Ada ere th •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 129,500. 354 Magnolia. 752·7373 tor delaMI. yd. many ~II •tru. A11'n pool end perk. 1 775 mo. 752·2209 Ba. Newly decor. '485. "'"'"' to e auccessful .... lllT 9lft S48·3332 Only 1140 ,000. Cell •HUNT. BEACH• AIC Avell now. S790, ---------• ..-lllT No !)Ill. 133,.1974 Ol'aoe Ot Yltd Mlel 11'1 I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 54M219 1700 650·3243 -E·Bklfl Condo 3 bf, den, 2 & 3 bd IYlll. by wtc =,••Y to 1111 more ~;. c:;d~e::!·1!~:: E/ .. 191.D .,,,,_.,,., I 2 er. 1 Ba. Cott-oe. car· ;~.~!r=: =·: mo. "'91. 675-6170. 21~j11~'"s~ N~W::: ~ H50/mo. 545-3338 New ll1tlng. Choice loc:I-~~~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •WESTMINSTER•l725 r.';·5ct;~· :':" :::~: cor. Leese 1890 mo. lllllPlllT rege. lt251mo. Slerr1 8'/oW.. .<f}VeW:.. More value for DIMES your In th• ••mOUI D•llY Piiot DIMES-A-LINE ADS Adwert.IM lte1t11 up to 150 In w1h1• In oi-.MJne .. •MtY Setufdey In tfM Daly Piiot ...... r-ed wlttl c .. fl to et1y of - tllte• CORMnlenl oftlcH or ,,... WoUf copy wttll • dledl Of _, Ofhr ~Ille c:onect ........... 20c pef "'"· 11.00 lllkllmufn, Sorry, no llweatoctc. produce or plenta end no -~ edl ere allowed. Eadl .... -et M prtoed .... no lteln owe; llO. Ollfle•A•LIM Ide 1na1 lie placed et lM CoeU ..... office Ulltll i P·" Friday, THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS tlon In nice neighbor· 11• llLIW..... 540-4414 1600 aq. It. 780--0679. 3 Br, 2 ea. upp«. Furn Mgmt. 641-1324 hood. 3 Bdrm end ~a· 4 B r , .2 "• " 0 m • •CHILDREN• unturn Winter 0 • rl . I t 11 0 '' LUXURIOUS 4 BOA .. -I " Y y. 2 Br. 1 Be. 571 W. Joenn. rage •P11 men · · -...... 11050/mo . '105,000. EHlllde 3 bd 1V. be '"' -w h Id l I d '000 Cell IOI 0941111 •PETS OK• Ip tlo end G ' POOL In BIG CANYON. 1 ~' ryer nc u · Upatalrs. No pell. · ••Z·llll. Mull Hll pr11tlglou1 Long term enum. In. enc: • • •eoe. 1 3 5 0 0 1m 0 Yr 11 e . 8e1ut lul view of oceen "425/mo. Sierra Mgmt. _. Verulllea Condo . 2 RI H In v e 1tm•nt1 Frpl, W/O hooll-up. Dia-l44-HOO. 673_1877 lmmed. oc:cup. 6-41-1324 bdrm, 2 be. Sea View. 752·2117 hweaner. G11d Incl. No ------------------ A PETE BARRE TI . REALT Y Flreplece. Balcony end ---------1 VIWIE P • I • . I 6 0 0 I m o BACH ~EL OR . Furn Almost New, 2 llry. 2 bd. much mo1e. All oller1 Trllde equity In home. tor 173-412•2. 67~2. la CI.a•te· lDf unfurn. Yrty ell utll pd. 2 be. encl yrd, ger. ~ conaldered. Owner. g5000ood ~1_03r'!_~m. 1~"' ~n•d. llVEITllEm H••111·~~.!!·=::·.~··3·:.~ N-crpt. new drepe1, & petlo Kida, Pet:i OJ<. 912 5019 I '"m ... "..,. Eutllde 3 Bf. 2'h 81. dert, -..,._, .. _ .,. beam c:eil, immed oc:cup. 1645 Avell 12-1 Lorri • 22 l! 341' poOI In Well· spa. 1"· 1111 & MC:Wlty, convert den & meld'• TSL MGMT 642·11103 WkdlVl' !:.41·8571, Eves minster. Bel $87,000. {11~....,. IYlll lmmld. 6441-3532. qu111era $'2000/m o . & Wknda 850-0223 S1290/mo everything. • ..,... 2131449-2628 2 bd. 1 be, steps to Mnd. ---------Jaa rut 1111 (. Estlmeted velue 1121,1~~~A~G~~T~, ~NO~F~EE~~ 2Br. 3B• lovely twnllM. & ocean view. Metur 2Br up11alt1, quiet, encl •••••••••••••••••••••• ooo. Futtv ~ noi: Pool, spa, ger. & clp. No luul t.MA 1111 couple. 1650/mo, yrly. U"· no doge. 1110 Vic· SPECTACULAR OCEAN qual. Pnf Pl(1y .... 5517. 4 Br. CdM ltOO peta. 11211. 115-7113 •••••••••••••••••••••• Avall 12·1·82. 145-8179 I O r I I · I 4 I 5 I m O. ANO HARBOA V1£W 2 Br. tp. Bel Pen MOO •·1!r-BHut. 2 lty home on 631-6812 lfl 10. Newly upgredld. 2 BR. 2 l .&'9·~ Ad.-•--• ._ 1 8' ......_ $800 •-cen.t, wlbolt lllp 4 br. .i •• --,. ea full MC --low ,.,_ -_,,,. • _, .. ont 1141 1ge llY • .,.._ 11250 mo. ~~~1 E/Slde, aperkllng 2 br, • ·• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bf, ocntrnt St 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• A" e I I . n 0 "'. C 111 1.,_.;.w yerd, g1r .. pool. 1575 d'#n. Ownt. 993-3•51 ~..... ..... 1111.n e.aut. t 1ty, 3 br, 2 bl M0·8468, 53&-1435 f()( •••••••••••••••••••••• mo. Mgf 2453B Orenge •u:=sfM 111 lall l I# ... 1111~ home on quiet cul-d•· eppt ( 1) ..,... him Jiii Av . .___ l~• .1111111111111.l •••••••••••••••••••••• w . 1850/mo. Few •ppt, ag •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- -.,..... • ••-• -1 • llM1ll ..... ,,, u .... 53•1435 .,.1, "N~Ml••'••• E·Beylront, Lltu• l•I•. E/Slde, cheery 3 BR 2 Ba. ••••••••••••••••••••o.• PllmTI ._.. _... '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ....,.....,._ .,.. -. "' •' pier, 3 story deluxe trg. petlo, 2 11y , cerport, IPllllll U. -BMutlluf 24x80 2 BR, 211 Shat 2 BR 2 81 ece 1 I'.,./,._ 1411 2Br, trplc, 11800 mo. 1875 mo. "40--0997 5 8d 3000 .... WR BA home. Corner 101 Npl 2Br upper 1875 p, ' v " ' •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-3067 r, t~ Ba,~· •Y 111t• tlland l<llcllen. Fam Rm. B.I. 38r Ille 1750 1550 , Ilk lor Ktllh, OcMn Vu. Furn model, 2 1----------1'350. Lge 18r upper ept, :·~~SOme :.!; F£E LAND: 3 Br. 2'Aba, 2 Light lnterlof. EnctoMd Npl II Blytrt 48f 11200 t12-4'7l: tea-MS3 br, 2'A ba, 2 cer. W/O ..,... • ltund. no peta. 311 W. view. 1 t>lk 10 bHch. 11ory ~ porcll, air cond.134.500. SPl9IU Lg 48t' $1850 4 bdnn, 2 bl. Children, no relrlg 11125. 962-eMS laMIU J111 Wlllon. 631·2177 $285,000 F.P. See owner M3-3488 or e:U-7900 540-5837 Agt ~ LldO Pk°' ll800 pelt. SMri> ~.Large c.,,.,.,... . ..................... Ml!:f llerde lg 2 bf, 1~ In A"'I ........ 11 ..,,,.. 15th Bel Co"9I 21dln S2000 yd 1750 mo. Pet 2 bdrm. 2 be newer dptic. ..._ tlo .... St.53&.'1711 c:vv NEWPORT BCH 8'Jl28'. In (a.ytfont) tea-70H l.JsnbW Ulf yrtf. Metur• norl·lmkrt, -· Qll. Pl • no ........ ._. ..... Tl M. H. Peril, PCH. 17500. 8aY9lde Cove •••••••••••••••••••••• no pell 1850 X 3 1525 & aec:. 979-4383 . • ... tlM.I Opl• on Penln. Jllnl ... LY meg 870-1459 21den 12200 3Br. 2BI. er>'•. drp•. end 3 br. 2 be condo, lmmed. 2131799-4195, 257·1792 2 BR dplll w/enc: gar. r• C nenll & ••• deduction. -a_,. Udo Ille 2/den 114150 ger, fncd yd, 1700 mo. occ. IM9 + 1100 dee· °' (714) 673-3911 dee, nd nelghborllood. lose lo oceen, 3•3 · A,.....elMd et 1225,000. -• --' WATERFRONT HOMES Nl-I02l nlng dip, S45·l2l7 9111. 1510. s•soo1 Pymla. 1 1200 lo 12000. R;d~ for quick.... 10x.-O w/2 edded rooma, REALTORS 631-1400 • "'-250. Nice Bachelor, r•· ~11~~~ '~v~~':i~.!~ to 1170,000. Prln only. by owner. 882--01441 .... ._.,.. ,j_,,_,.,. hndd" ponllble person, u1111 In· WIUJll - 1 I Fl I 6'41-7958 •---L &. !r lJlf..,... ..,..., llfl ~o"ff'ooo•••••••••••• c:ld. No pets. 108 E. Bey, 759 W ttth. s>r•c 11 on nine n_g_1 _________ -nWI' -=••:o •-••••••••••••••oo•••••• •-•L...t-•-•--~ ••N Apt 9. • ...... d .. from , ..... .....--... av e leble. Call Sue et OUC ......... Ollie ••-~-,._.,._ -• Wetertr I con4 8-: --,.,, '"'""'' ,,. _,, -891·555'. F R~-~ BED 150.~-OupleJI on..\M land. 30ltl •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,.. Lon •--"'!:._ 3. :=••• .... •!!~,! .. •~ BR"TI\ .... ~ & ... ,.,, LOXUAY ~ 8R 28A.. or~ Y owner-... et NB NeWf"J remodeled Penln P1 5 BR 31~ be .-•• uJtur ....... ~ """'"'• ...., .. onl."" .......... ut--. 2s v -·•· M tite putlfTlln t '•• llH 500. 38r, 381. 1wlmmlog In . .,.d out. 3 bf .. 2 be. OR, trg P.t1o. 1·1200 mo' be 11075. 146-5792 pd, = emplyd ..,_. •viii now. 182 yrly Agt ~"or dr.,: •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, ltplc, wet ber, llv up1t1lr1. 2 br .. 1 be. to mo Agt 873-9080 ltrbll 1144 YflV. 25/mo. 673-HOO. Lindi, 646-1220 Ptulh w/w cari>et• .... - • rm. din rm. fem rm. Xtr• down1111ra. Min. 10% ••••••••••••••••••n•• ll1'tl ~ '-/ llM UIJ Well In Cloeet1 ~ I g 2 c • r g • , • g • . down owe b1l1nce ., ~ ., .. 1111 lllTILI •••••••••• •••••••• •••• Privet• petlot 15000 dn. owner mu at 833-9773, 646-0811 dys, 1311% '°' 5 yr• GrMt tor •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 10 4 bdrms. 111111,.,. et lnlu•ll 1111 ITIPI Tl llUI Gourmet KltcMri NII 2 Bdrm condo Excel 556-4982 eyea · · 1 Duplex 11 717'ii Orc:llld 3 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. __ · ------·---·-•ummer renllll. 735, 8t' 2be deck view 2 C., HOO to 11475. BAY FRONTAGE. bMcl\ I L1109 3 Br. 3 Ba. m11ny ..,..port w/1l0t1G1 111um1ble ulallng fl-3 bdrm, 2 be. 504 Reel· 000. Armlt•g• Reelly. Qll sffo oY ~HI pier, prllg, 2br, MOO. 1~ emenlllH. 11100. Cell Spe, outdoor BSO =~ 1::;~~ landa.1210,000, 110,000 714-544·2'84. -940-9219 ' MOO. Ulll. pd. 303 E. Dorothy 973.7975 Leundry clown,_.,.. lolna. ·=·' ., E....._ter. t/871·2"1. l 5501mo S48-"'30 lor Me1k. 144-8325 or 645•5735 owner / CHARMING: 2 Bf, 1 Bl. ...,,...._. 3 bdrm, 2 be dph1, 559-6442. II Ill Iii. 1• .,0 nna. bMnl cell, '*' Ohl 28', 28A, trpt, ._ 10 p11lo. g11. Av111. 1214. Specious 2 bdrm. 2 be. Ge1 GREEN ceah •••••••••••••••••••••• to b c h . 1900/mo bdl. w/d, Qll. No peta. 1990. No pe11. 718 He-•tudlo. E11cetlent Ellt· Read the clllllfled edt f()( tor WHITE~" ...... ..... ... 815-.. 98 Yrly. 1750. 145-8818 lloerope. 972·8408 tide loc. 1810. 720-0&U the bell delll In eper1· with I Cluelfled Ad Pride of OWMraNp Od AY811 Dec 1 1 Bt', Oatden ept. Newly or 720-4891 menl ren1111. 842·5'78 Cell 642-5878 nn .• --..000. · · 2 ety, 3 br, 3 be, 2 frplc:. 'A • d blk 1 b .. ,.._......._.. 2 er ,,., ........ 'r7.§;;~i;::;;:=::==:::=~=====::=:::;~~ .. -75-00•"73 85.. b I k Ir om be• ch. 2Br. 111 O.C:oretor tur· •c.. • o ••en . ....,._.._, • -· .. _, I " ., v • ....2248 I 1 4 O o I m o . ( 2 1 3 I nlllled "''· I bfll to bch, HOO/mo, 675-9491 . lrg P•llo, \ulet. 1595. a;..:..=.:.;:.!.l..--T_'.A.,~1.G-iu.AIAN-Z_B_K_...,• __ .. --1 '-,,..,,.,. ,,,, 381·8770 or (7 14) 1 b1k to bay, '(r eround. bdrm, 1 bl, pool, deck, 337 E, '8"' 1•875-173' ......,, "' ooooooooeoot"oe9'oooooo 840-4778 lmmed occupency. 1895 Catporll. Blt•lnl, Beem mfllf. ~ !:;,~;:::!'. ~ 11 ~ oodbrldOe Condo. 21t mo. 834·1179 celllnga. 4352 Shore 2 Bi. 1'A Be twnllH. To....__._.......,, Priced 11 9.b 'e groa1. C.M.... lllf 11H, upper end unit. All ~ '-J 1fM nll Cr"tLn.S800.l50-0473 Bullllna. leu"d rm • ..---·-••--Include• pool. tennl• ...................... tecll. llOOlmo Agt ...................... HE SHOAES·llfACH cerporl/gar, ~erdlbelc:. .~~.::::::.~ ... COUfll, end only 4 )'ti 3 •. 3 .. ~. end 758-1120 Beew1N eunaet. decor.. A"f/4 Smell Pet 01< F/p , ,. •-::~ ,__ In Ocelnllde. Ow-unit twnfloule, pvt yerd. RIDGE No 1 w Io t furn •pt. Fr p I. -I lllm 1825-1835/mo. :icr' SL="' = =.,. "'°'lveted. Submll.. ~.:. ,_1190• 215t1111 !..!,;. c. wt1M1 3 bdrm. 3 bl.~ '"5lmo 87~ Our newly decoreted 2u~1!.· 25-43,,.. ••-•-••-· ... _.. · • .._, cir oer. Femlly room. c.M ... 1•1f model9 1 & 2 B .,._ ...,..,. ..,. ••·-.. _ ·-.... 1111.n 3 • la. w..,_ dryer Hr Au'n ••••••••••••••••··'•·· · r ei>tt. 231• Sent• Anl AV9. :=:' ::::. :::. 111-1111 Elll'*. '2 din, ..,..., ' ......:_._.A -11 F 1 bd t ..... l550lmo & up. Poot & Cell tor IPPI ,._ ... ,._ lrpl. led yerd, ger. car· ..-. epe, -"-· v-. urn rm ep •· -" 1ennl1. Cell Keren TSL Marni .,.,., .,_... ,,.. pet•, fr..,-. ltOOlmo. 1211. IMS mo, 495-3011 end up. Enc geregH. 84•·2611 842•1CI03 ~===-• :;::;:..._ ::_... ~~ PtrHll•t "''I tll. !Ut plue l"O(). 217 21 10 Newport Blvd CM •,·,-..... .. .. --"°' Meneoement oriented R o b 1 " " o o d L n i-.-.... .IM9 s..MMll "~i1 M--•• ~• I ._ _ __, ~ ...... ••••••••••~-.t .,.. ,.... ... ~;::_ ~:':"'" :;::-nv-eetor .-a ,,._....,.. 566-1737. EMERALD "'Y. a If. 2 Aa•a • -•••••••••••••••••••••• .. -. •-,..,_ Plf1~ tor e•ceptlOnll 81 1700 1q ft. frplc. --.. -.-~=::::..~ ;::::, == ::_ Newpor1 IMctl Income 3 •• 2'.4 la, lemiv room. brick p1t10. with 1p1. ALL UTILITIES PAID AttrlOCM I • aB:.r.. :;::-t=-:;::.., propertlM High eppre-;et bll & "9 ~yd. I 1 I 0 0 I mo . lot noft Encl ._. :!:-:r.:::, """ C:Nlllon potential. No me-• I • • k I d • K • 2 131 8 7 8 • 2 2 5 5 0 , Co1npere belote you • · Ofl, .. ,... ,.,_ ·-::=-NlgelMnt requlNcl. FIJllV 2 1 3 ·a 9 4 • 4 • 3 O . 875-30l7. rent. Cu11om dHlgn r:'t ! -~ 4o;'5 'J°.n ~ ~!LJJ!!!::!!!'I r,~ :~ :.=-MCUred 175-1170 1¥91, 714·Ml-2930 fH1UtH. Pool, bbq, 845-4411 393 H 111 ••• .... -wtlnd1 918-1645 d•. 1,eveiy 3lt 2be, 1ge lam 2 Bf, din, 2 bl, trpec, CU.-. cov'td g11ege, eurroun· · '"' on ::_ :::· :=.... l.M9 Ill Iii. ,_ rm, Frptc, 2 car g11. iw ;'lon:w.ve~lt..tl comp. did with PIUlh ~ sr,1clo111 I Ir. 1~ 11. :.. r.:i.................. Collet• Ptk. No ,,.e1. ,:r. ou1 ooct1 d~. olntl No pet.. u • ownhouM wllrptc, El ldJ A-2 lot• c.eetreno l790llft0. vrtr. 548--4134, ocean C)'ft v-. ·1 111'. Furn. -1.. elde. No pete. 1 car gar, -------- PWYLO .T r I' I I I ~ .. L_....U ...;C_li;...;,H_...tl 1, I I I I . _,_ .. _r_u_v_, J 1'1'11 .• You can ..... ,. •• en ... perllMed .... -w.., .... .... ..,. '°°"' '°' ...... with ~~=L~ ... [-_-s:c_-... T~T~==1 ,..,_,! ~ ~ :-~~, ~ _ I' I I I I . ... .. ..;. ____ ... • "~1::#.'""1$ .. r r r r r r 1 e "1':'1# '"''" I I I I I I I ••un.....,.••••......._ .. • .._,.., aaa.obo ... owe 842•1171 111901rno. 4f4..4571 315 w Wiiton 842· tt7 t btl-lna. 1515/mo. 8llrrll WllTUll tau. " 1~ .... 1542 UH. 3 It, 2 •. 2712 L-. ,,,__, .t9J11171 mo. 01• moblle Mgmt. 941-1324. lechelor & 2 •r 1p1a Illa, a--Mendon. New p1tnt. n'l'i'r.l'or'o"'llt'tr.ulm'I' llOfM No pell Meture WEIT8tDE-llr, 11ove/ evell. PCICM, IP•. leund •---..... -"*-..-c1tp1U I dr1p11 MONAM:H IUMMIT·28f •dune. Quiet, eecure. '9frial, lnClfy tac, wet9f "" No pet1. lrnmed ()c. •• ~ ........ ~ 842.ot3-4 a din, llOO mo. tH62 '"' N9wport ~,, pd, No pell. l37Jlmo. cup. llCM!of 137&. llm Deteft, Mont«rey 2 IM. new GPI'. 1p1c. wooct Andlta. ..,. ,oit .......... tel •M2. CC Plen 300, golf1.._!lllel bHm olo, very nice. S • 2\t .. In guWded .. Jffl lrnmed. 0copy I & 3 IA, Hi:· ~·St. mtnw.ltllKltuu• 1121.es1.a1 I''' oomm11n l tv ...................... ffomN90toN21.Cor· TSLMamt IUfft, PP. 71e/16M11t 4 If IOMO tor ...... .... I. 7HllftOt.!w!!!..~=· "' ..... m ;;~~ & AdMll, 84Mfl2 -all.. la, 11&0 1.f .. 1enn11 • .!!",,°' ,._.. · .,.,.....-_...._ ____ _ ,_. n ....... & l*tl ....... Laroe I Ir I .. _,.,., oa I r. 2 11. HI071fto. ~.· :er.!'*'r~.· = ':;,~J."9e01""*, oi ADULT COMMUNITY. I -.::ra':°'· taund 1i1 w 'w111on' toomy. etpll. stove .,_.., -.., ...., .... ...__ I M, trpe N '* AtM9 a.a•• a..._.....,.,."--' -· I 4 I • I I t 1 o r o..tllrl.131·7•C>Mw 7-...U1 '"• -•· I. MOO/ r • ......,...,..._ iii:'1tti'--_.... 213/llO·IOH belot1 ,..., s ...... w,... pool ;;r.~,r: .... ,,~. •eo..d Pwtllftg _tOAM __ . -4J...~----~ 8m yarf. i.11. HIO/lftO. :=., ~ . lkCllAC ,,_.--..: ~ 2 It .• L. new oarpet, ..... T·••1.1111n .......... 1'l.";I 1Mltlet19111. .... ,,.. l'.11!'!"9! .. IAI •Hoflle llll•KllCIMfll no=:· tHCJ. PP. d .. , ... IHllMO . • unl9 Miii MuftM ... Oft .............. s "'· I .... 1 blll IO Hunlln&:to" ... _84_• __ .. _. ____ _ H Ae • .,... ~. Tunot. ••0111 ""'' I OOIMI. ...... ....... .... c... ........... a Lrt • Id ............ IPA"ICUNG CLIAN a llWIOftO Cellr. Ml lew .... Ind ..... lft Ille tutl, .. _. .... , Avell ........ _....... 16ta of wfff O•r.•out IPACtOU •• W.ltatft toloell""'9rJ,,..._or Dally '"•' Oto11tned tl/1.-. Ml IHI ••-•-,.,,, b•r. a.to. HM a. , .. ...., ....,. =.-=...-:-....:::: =-~=-... lllf,N~: ~•'=""=-==-'"""::: ~~IU·llOI or& ....... .:=-= ... oared ror Ir. "' .... YCN ... ... *"·,_pool. ' ·...,. CaD1tna1 IHv tnH '°"' W .... Iota 9' ....... Ill-all.,. LA Lfl •lplea I Ir, 110, vlnu. ,., dof1111 ''"•' 11111111 ttlrtu19' a IR, l!it ..._... ....... Wtt ,.,....."', t .. dallwr. Wl•hlo. AwaH ,., In ........ ,., ... Oii 1 ' • I • 1 a ••• I • ' ..... , '"t:.=atnN It.GOO "'°· a ...,,..,, w ... 11111111; a .... •. ' • I ' ' . • • 11 /... . .. ..... PfP..L '""'· .,.,....... Adi. Cll ., .... , °' .......... , .... , ... .. ... .......... . ,. Oret119• Co .. t DAILY PILOT /Wednet0av. November 2·( 19&2 •••• , ~ ............. f!!iltf!/.'iflmtt ••••• '11!./ftflJM........ fl!r..1¥."I •••••••••••• !~'!'.-A .............. :~~tfn........ fi/rllfl. •.••••••••••. tlfl!f!.(~V. ••••••. iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiif ~IMllll Altor114tV, No c.n.nt·MMONy•ik*t ~, ...... ,"'"" L1wn HfYlc• from ••I HAULINO·t!Ud1n1 wlto-a-Mty ~ -.... Pl.AIU" PAl(.;HINI,; .. lnfllel Col'l~f•llon, W .... •Cult. won.. Lie Le• MIMllOft + hlld· mo Yd CIMll·ue>t. .... Huck . um• lo ,.,.. ... I ... IOMI Toucih by ll'lch11d llnor. Lie: RHIUCC:OI Int/HI 30 ~184 Per D~ Plft0n•I Injury CHH. __ •_sa_1_0_5_1_Aob __ 54_7·_2tl3 __ ,._w_we_._lob __ '* __ m __ s_...,._, dlno, "" work 1<1n Th1rtll vou 759· 1971 Cell lllh lllO-OIN 2IOM4 13 Y'• Of happy vr• ,..., P.ul $45-21177 • No fll1co111ry. No Fee ..,. 1093 JOM __,....... -1oc11 c:u•tornera. -· --h•I'• ALI. you p 494·1111. Oflv-•ye·P1tio..we1t11 ,,.,.-.J ' HouMCIHnlng. 11ll1bl1. T ... 0 ll••M-lor. Blockwlll .. ll\llOflf'Y ...................... l<.&O l.al\ctlClpe Melnt. .,,,.. I rel. own tllnte> Riii. 11•'* y(IU, -1•441 •• ~ •••••••••••• 30 dtiy ad lncorpo,•tlon. bualn•H Fr• 111. r ... 192 ... 667 El.ECTflllCIAN-IPtlC•d "'-Id/Comm. c~ ...... ":A······•••ot•••• YOLANDA 842-0405 PAINTl!fll NHDS •• II ) 141-1111 In tflt lldvtoe. Aeuonebll ..... THOMPSON CONCMTI ~!! .. hl,Ollr~!'l!.':!.'• on 8C>(ll*ilt ert ..... 2411 I• 0 17 141•1111 I wl9f'I lo find 1 ""b clU· WOflll<l 30 yr~ ••P. lnl/ 40 911wlllfhMter1229 .... ' 752• 1982 p 1 ... 1 - -...-fllf!lecll-pool water hell ,.. e11t Acoutttc telllngl Lie. · -~-------1 II ot• ... YIWIP-Lie. 3MU1. 17i.o311 SAM FUKUMOTO'& • nlng hou .... Alu r1t11. 3M710 Fr• "' llJ•••lr.11 Pl.If 1111.!'!!'1!1........... lound•t1on1, #3!133t3. LIC'D ILICTAICIAN 011d1nlno. Clean up•. Nw I0.000 ITU furnece )Cini ret1. 64&·4105 011111 Pllnllng 847·8432 •••• .. 'Ac•.::·1N·a··u·T·r·E··R···· --WILL Sil' In CM l'IOml 841·1412 "' Oull. WOftllAw. ,.,.. ·m1ln1 .. trH trim. 1ml & t111,,11c1et1t 1n1t1ll1c:I • II -,. .... •llTllY ~ ,..,:,v hol m11ia:•· 11 -.. -.-,,-,-...... ---.-.-,,- 11 --1 ,,.. .. ,. 131•9071 landtcllC>I 845-3640 S7IO.OO c11.e1198·8512 •• ~!ft.~f•••••••••• L~:.~1~r~~~~::0~~f.~~~ ~.:i''i~~2~~::::4 1'111, rat11. 548·2174 "'' ,, •-• CIMn upa • Trimming tr-. ....... ,,. 8USINE8SMAN WILL '3I 7 4 · 00 IT NOW! !'!Hn! •••••••••••' .. •••••••• ELIOTAICIAN flt>r!Mlerl • Melnt. TeWl'or."~ee•••••••• HOUSESIT Educated vri exp • 1 t i.Jl.Jdl•• ..... .__ -• t Noni 2 bit. none 2 """'· Sml )obe/Aepllt1. Llc:. F,... .... 142·Hll I capable 844·'38• RALPH'S PAINTING ••••••••• ,, ••••••••••• -""" ..... •••••• ••••••••••••••• From A to Z -do It Ill. 2S3108..C· 10. 841-5203 --.n LOWEST RATES J.0 110fn Aellnithlng Your Delly Piiot CUSTOM HOME BLDR 714·875·9438 lic: 425781 -..,..,...,,.....,,....":""':""_,...---Tll fUIT --•-J1•/,.,gJ Lie: 380015 531-9888 Antlquea, kit c:1bln1t1, Service Dir ,..... ntld1 SMALLER JOBS RESIO/COMM'LllNO. VHOfM repeir/Aemod. •••••••••••••••••••••• tine I S45-0884 • .. ~-t:tW• between llOllMI. Fr• REMODEL • Comm-20 yra. 00 my own ~II. lndoOf plent car.. VFl•·ll ~ COMM 'L JANITORIAL CUSTOM PAINTWORK ptlnl ng ._.. .. ,. c.. o., 537-<>342. rH ldent11I, t1n1n1 Im-Lie:. 278041. Al ...... !~ ,, .... t. 13l-225tl -Carpentry •Plumbing 'CARPET CLEANING Comm'llr .. ld, 1trlpptng, 1#/u• Ml·Mll, llt. Ill ,._._, __ • proveinenll, meJor ,.. RMH Elect-Remodel• .,...,,_ •Eec. •Fin, C11pentry o..·a Ctunlng S..vlc:e 111lnlng, Th• Job thlt ••••••'••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~~I-#du.A pelra. Bldg renovlllon. A 0 d 1 1 1 0 n 1 , 0 1 r ~ ••::-::"A•••••••••••••• •Ora-Moldlncrl-Clblnlt• Lie Bonded. "3·$474 1p•aII1 1 o, 11 1111. Hubtt ROQti!lQ·•ll typea = .. c:bi~~·rc;,~:,;•• COO. correc:11ona, etc. 20 WYktl\opt Low ret• Uc: TRACTOR WOAI<: Ell· •Shelvlno ehuc1t1 10 ' "' 1 •498.95&0 New·rac~k1 AMldM1/l••t4sflaa Smlll Jobi & repe1t1 yra <Srenge Cty, bonded. •325731 .lne 141-7378 civitlng, compicllon. ::e.d/ ::,:..:.1.:,r .f ... ~Wf .......... _1_11_C_L_A_S_S_P_A_t_N_T-IN-G-1· Lie •411802· 548•9734 •••••••••~••••••Tii-ttt FrM .. i1mat .. 845-2003 Int , Lie • 1111101. P1-• • b1ckf101. 20 yrt ••P· ....... ~··t .., ........ 20 f,1• cue,•ornP•tlo~~.M~ W•llP-. lntlbt. RI· ._ PlllLl•1 MoonllQht Or....,_. lombo Conat. Anytime -,_....._ King Equip. 837·7312 .,,_, ...... .....,,,.. ,,... ---· Home-Add'na-~ l!.a-n. 962-8314. I -. ....... exp. Lie. • B3528 t . Fr" "' Gene sls-40JI paira. FrM 111. 11711·5294 Don't re-root, rtp1lr 11 Member AIBO 84$-1171 mr.:".91••••••••••••• ... • .. .,,_,. 1t51.aol7 ' S 1n•-6 Son p-• ti"" Ir a c: I 1 on o I c: o If w•y llllllMTlmll 'l !!·!!!! .......... ;;.............. -~---------i w ...,.. •" "" 857-2890 SLIDING 01.ASS DOOM "9mod. I Repalra. FrM ~ :-'!_•-., F. --Carpentry • MMOtWy Complete eirt, 1 atory 1---------1 !!'!ff! .~~'!!!f ••••• "l411 tile SuottMI In' C•ll 6unt111ne Window Ctaantno Lid ~48·H53 1<W• Monthly o.acount WINDOW CLEANINO RESIO, & COMM'l FREE. ES r 581· I 132 wr WASH w1Hi>OWI FHI • ProlHllonti Ouallly 111ork ouerlntltd Free ffllmllt 848·,391 1t•L .. 1t..,,na Th•I .,, COnlrlCIOI• wtio o-norm work o~ 1200 lncluc:llng t1bor Ind m11ettats mull be llc:en- Mc:I Unhc:enMc:I conlrte· 1011 thoutc:I ao 11111 In their 1c:lv1rl11tng Con• 1r1e1or1 and conaumera. con11c:1 Mary Grondll 11 (714)55$-'4>86 wHh lllY quHtlon• Conlr1ct«'•: s, ... \.1c«111 Boetd. ae. Civic C1n11r Pt111,, Room 1190. Santa Ana CA 9270\ , •I. Lo lltN. Oecll1, Pll· ·Lie. '420802. Pteni • ta.... Aoofi.... • _ _..,ng Pelntlne . ...,_......., Ille., ••••••• •••••••••••••• home from '395. lndM-ROOFING REP" IRS lnt11111d/ Aelftod, add.,_ Ito. Sieve 752·95Sfl Flnanc:lng A t11e011 ""' ... .......,, Ti •Ii .....,.~,. BRICl<WORX· Smlll Jobi r I c:oncrece. Uc. 3t1Ut. ••• 1.:.,.. TOI' OUAUTY WOftt< Orywlll • Stuc:c:o . lie drywM, , .. .,; .. ':,"'*'11~ry Newpof1 Coetl M.u . dual ~~~Qml $45 + ~all Joba 01<. FrHI~=~~======= Joe 892-1321 IXl'Eft c11pent11 doea -· ..,. AT REAS. tv.TIS Remodel J.B. 84e-9"0 Ilk .... v-71tt. lrvlne. ~ •. 875-3175 mat"-'·,.....,, neured ::.lllmatea. Call Tom o' AEMOD SPECIALIST edd'na, remod. c:ltcka. HOME IMPRO\IEMENT Llc:'d. Joel 547.4425 28 YM EXP. DUNHAM "HELPING HANDS" Lie:. 205341 831-4870 ChYcil, 542·8392. --------.. JG •. Lie:. IOl752. lllyttat1l1 I ~lira. FrM ALL TRADES If.~ HOME IMPROVEMENT You n1m411 II. we'll do Ill Block/Brick W1ll1. ~on-a.I lale Pllntlng lffnluf1J llnJ1n ........... • .... 1810 II( Oen. 841~592 REMOOEL/AOD'NS _...,_ •-.......... r_..._ • ......,.._. Ed I BOObl 240-0275 24 crlll Very'"'· Lie: c:I. S...,., lllH $75 ,.. O•i •••••••••••••••••••••• ~""9U' •rr-••••• ·.~·••••••••••• "9JT"""'91 ..,_ ._._,. • &ob e73-S387163t oooe ... -...... Cultoin Ctrpentry by Dick 841-41987 11111 etletricaf..plumblng "''· • plua matenlla. 673-537 PROFESSIONAL h__,_. ....,_ I Nell. Plnllllng, formtc:a. .... .... Ill T_.,_,,1 _ ___. ,......... C""'1lfY 831·1530 ... ~ Cutlom 8rlc:ll-Stone I t• ,,. SECRET ARIAL SERVICE ~·,anwF Fl •• M:::T.: •• r.~: .• TH.. doofa. etc:. Pl!. 842·8809 -41111 .......-·--· -· -81ocll·Conc:re1•·SIUC:CO ./,-.-.'.~,.............. 754·6388 ""'"vr _,... SINCE 1982 .;212542 up, lewn renov. 75t-S478 JACK OF ALL TRADU ............. nuuu Reta. FrM eat. $49-9492 Oependebte, .~. Ooora tn1t1ll1d, every-Miii• M-ewtc:ll c111 Jtcll enytlme, ROlllN'S CLEANING ~•pert wallcoverlno In· fllt T 1111nU11. Anawerl"fl ttllng In bldg & repelr. 35 Ul·1lll bper O.rdlNf I c:IMn Dey or n19h1. 875-3014 ~ • 1 thoroughly M ft 11.nation. Real, ConlUI· ••••••••••••••••••'\"•• Hrvlce·, HC:flllrlel & ~I 111p1r. Rell. Jerry upe. Tr• trlrllmlng. Fr• Clean houM. 540-0857 •• ! .. '!fo•••••••••••••• tint Aulgnmt. 581·8590 TILE INSTALLE1' b -· I II .... 1. c ' ' 'c:I I II ... .,Pete MMOM Palrtllng . Clfpentry ---------•• 1 -· All Kinda. GU9'11}\eec:I u .. neaa Hrvc11, ma ..--~ on 11c or ••P " • -C1t1111lc Tiie. Llc:'d & ..... ..,Ill • -·-11•1 •-••I Aela. John 840·9217 bo• rentel, wons P'OOll-• 1r1dH: new con11r. re-UlllR•I W'•-............ 4 4798 • .....-w Top qu1Hty. 25 yr ••P· ••"•••••••••••••••••••i---------i 11no. l'•l111·F•c1lmll1. l!...-1 llmn mod. & amell Jobi. Lie. -•s:• ............ v .. • ..,,.., WllTll Competitive ,.,... ••BRYANT'S•* Kitchens. entrle1. bath• ..._, I .............. r:zr.. 318"""" 875-a.c..: Mowing, edging. teklnQ, I 730 3"3 W .... --1 11--I F I or,,_ en ry, P~-• •••••••••••••••••• '""" • ....., •weeping. ,ree eill· .. n.. No overt me. -1 w 1,....,...... 119 .._. • ..,v1 ree H t mllff. buy, dllil IP~ fWltal. No Stum/No Shlmpoo 1---------·1 mil ... M &-5737 ... ~••-"•••••••• .. •••• Hlgtl qulllty hOUMWOrll. ·ABC MOVING· All types. 842· 1343 840·2062 ANSWER NETWON< lteln Spacllllat. Fall CulM W.N-M-DUMP JOBS lb I Id d d 11_ 831-9131 (Mk for A.V.) dly. Fret .... 139·1582 _. .............. ~.;:;ii. JAPANEii'OAfllDlNEfll & Smt• Movtng Jobs per enc • •Pl" •· Outc:k. C111lul Service. ''"' ....... n ''" ""'". sn & " ...,, lllTH SPECIALIST: "'''"'" Cllt MIKE 84e-1391 btl. hon111. lnltlllgent, Low rtt... 552-0410 c··u·s·T·o·M·wooc1········k:··· T···················1··· ..........,,, •"'900 ""' c · Cleln up, ·~· Low mellc:Utoua, fll•lble. I 1m NG COLLEGE Pit co-ree 11mo1111, trlmm ng, "~••••••••• .. ••.. Color brlghlenera, whl Cablne1a-Pullmana-Bll'• HAULINO-ORAOING 1 h • b •a 1 p hon• STARVI vers. redwood decks & emergency aerv1c:e Lie & Orfvew9yl, Partrtng Lot • crpt1 • 10 min. bleec:h. Well Unlta. 842-0881 pnc., F,_ Mt. 94l3 demollllon, clHn·up. 173-70 12 11t11 8 PM STUDENTS MOVING lencn. Randy 841-<le22 lntured. 538-0014 ""*'9. Sutcoellng. Hell, !Iv/din. nm 115; avg J11111'1 Oerdeftlng Coner.Ce & Ir• ftmCWtl. Wlllldeya. All day s11ur· CO. UC:. Tt24-438 , ••H ~~ • -4-818 ,........, Ul-4tMJc rOOlft 17.50; c:oudl 110; 11-CIMfHlpl, .,_ tnm a Oulc:ll l4t 7838 day and Sund8Y · ln1Ured 841-8427 r,..lft ,.,.,,.. ........ -dlf $$. Ouar. etlm. pet ••••••:;-:,..00000•••••• mllnl. ~ 540-803S eerv. • ' WATCH US GROWi •••••• •• ••••••••••1•••••••'•••••••••• .. •• 0... HallblfO Oredlng odor. erpe repllr. 15 yra al•reerr-home LIGHT HAULING HOUSECLEANING: Good ---------1 ED'S PLASTERING Moat tubJacts. I<· 14 I Pe~ Rlelcornml o If -...... u--11111-1 & ~UPS ""9. Trenaportatlon. Ex· H1111 tomethlng to M41? NMt Pllc:MI. lnt/1111 01y/eve S6 6 $12/hr · ••P· o work myH . con1111t1tlona •I hourly _._ ••• F--. ...2_.,....7 ,_.0. ,. ___ .,,. ,.,_ • ...._.Ida do It --'I. Rastuc:cot. 845-1258 Mr. MOfgan 845-5178 Uc:. 3117 841·1720 ...... 554-0123 ,. ••. 545-7845 13'-5036 ·--.... -,..._ ··-·-..,_,...., ,..... • .. ,.._.... DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAYERS I Seel your no-tonger needed ltema for oaah. If It doesn't ---....-._lf91!1-NA-lt~C>Cn4~~ya..EREE One A flcllllqw• •w•l"o' ...... 11•••-"' flied wttti '"' ~ Cleflt It ...... .., .... ,..,. ""' wlllcll ti-eentlflultol ........ -........... P..-Ce_le _ _, e11ly II lllare •r• cll•111'e. Call N &.e88I Oeptr11111111 ti tile · DAIL'I' PILOt. fer l11ler111•ll•• ••• -··...,-· M2~ IJll, m OLLA RS , . . I I per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no,.., •tat• or comrMrclaJ ad1. CaJI today for full detall1. C-• ,..., ' ,, ........... ".., CLASSIFIEDs642~5678 . ~.~! •••••• l!ff ..... Oen• Point'• mo11 M · eluded ICefWc: bluff. Lii• ,_, Only 4 "'""-· 2 • widen. )(111 lrg Pf'IVlt• patio. From lt95/mo. Cati H1-M41 or M-F. 11-5. ~212. °""' by to -2.4587 Sent• C*ar• Super neet C2) 1-er "*-· 1 Ba. amlll I cozy. ~ v1t1. 1400-1425/mo. 87~3313, 493-41G3 (Of fuml8hld) - • One experl•ncec:I Malle·Up Ar11sl • Several .ass1s1an11 ... _ .. , ~-- ('10 I DAIL y PILOT/WednHd•v. Nov•mbet 24, 1~12 ..,,, w .. w ""••I• W-..W llM !Pn/!P!I. l!ff .. ,,.,,..,,., rr. • ..,,,.,,,. .,..,,,,,.; ••• .,_..., ••• r ••••••••••••••••••••• , ••• rn •••••••••• n • •••• • •••••••• •• fi'tiH••••··~···· •• s.~ w 11 • llff ..... H •• -ZmTA ••••• f\111 lllM ~Ci.fl>. 8t1vera 5 'Ip" ~!per · **I DllV* * 1 mo• 010 AfAflll w11 ... ~t.rmn ... r.'O'n' ..... ~!61........... WI PIY lo lnc:IUde errende Valid t,.l•Mn 3 5 M "'pet UUI llPM lnCllJClee fallC MM 111,IJft•Ul H "OA tHI YllNN IA 1111 CC Cellf Lie. P1MM c::on1ec1 .on. Boo ~n1 ,._,eu. OOOd 11MCt '~nl1Ytl a a At1tro111 1 1100. Color TV I "' wrn•y l trWt ... Mini eonCI. 1 TIP 11'111 lllHMlh 8~1-3393 r•nl :s7 l'HlllOn 1•1nd, "P@l!enoll·Ofll I wlll ... 141·1ot3 ifl 4.f_m 1 10 l'rH d1llv11y, H !!!L 1160 1•8~4IO •--- O•n•r•I 0 11101. Brlgl'tl NO Al)l)ly In ~·on. Of llll. '°' You °'*' •un tiii"VAMAHA •OO • •• -1111 P•t,on ror dlv1r1lll1d Siellon 11tll\dllf1t1. mo; IAlllll _.... ·~:::1~0b"'/o0..":."'!·1~~· rv Jotin'• ... i . t7N o1a111, MIO OI Nit ;J: AUi •IHI work McGregor Y1ch1 Plf. Chevron 0110on 141°1111 Ul•llll ll•m• fo1 ult R1111• PenHOnlc:. Olal\I 1cte1n 11711·094111t 7PM Plltl&l/111111 Corp 193 t Pl1c1ntla. 3000 rtl!YllW, CM I .. , •lilnm Pntll "3·411!1, Alok COIOt TV 13&0/btl on. '71 llMW RllO W/thllld, 2•to HeibOt llvd OM. S11w1rd111fOT lu,11uty I.ff 9117•1133 fk>Of cabinet wllambOui Ml-OUI 1<ott11, good t ond Mull COITA MHA High ldlOOI youth w11n\;d yacht tor crulHI Into dOOtl Hlff 1 TV ... , M .. ltlll 81.,90, C .... 111 1111 l.Hvlng tor Qer• ....... fOf ~d wcrt, S.MO.ye, Mulco 18 end oldlt SOFA 7'i It Gd cond 0 f 111 0 111 r I 1 o o dlc:k a 88R TUtr\llbfe mt n 'f I I Ta P / P •-1•1 II ~ Mii' .Cliff & Mui I M lr11 lo 111..,.. FIOfel, pillow blcil I 135 5112·1134 $1)() 141-0&31 7'0-0905 _. _ 00~ 541·92111 7eo-2&e1 9•6 Oflly C11t &M-ll42 --•• ....;&; lEAC -'[fl.j'():"RU:I. '74 Hond• 76<> motou:'I· WI HY "LI-1.INCOLN TYPE~OCKIE.R -•-.... I u. •111111 ~ Pvt Pty 813.u 22 Ttl>I Alcotd., 1.,., ell. ••c.iltol condlllOn, ILIU 1111 ,.~-·i & llLeantll Good eondllton 115. ttll 165·2380 tow m1111 142·2280 -Tl•I ..,........, , ptOQl(ty ea.. 5Sf.ff42 MICAOWAV£ N1w lhet:p -11111'1 1111. &11p. nee.. CerouHI, probe. 1229 TV bltek a wt1111 min. 2 yra Incl. typing we need good1PIOPll 1'° v~~~~tn. 1sr11~~ ~•do~: 01 chOOH "°"' AmaM, w/ee1>11111 #ti# ••n, IMt/ff Xlnl blnlflla. J1m11 In· ~r~~ ~r ~!~~;~ fer. 'T5e.eooi .... .,.. l.lllon, Magle Chell, Tep 135 1145·~ •••Ill,., II •ur1nc1, lrvlne. Cell pan, 0 '1( .... /Mlt'rll Flther Compon1n t •••••• .. •••fft••••••• 1 M811rlne, 762--0llllO (EOE) oltkle In lh~ evening for Oak Parquet & braH kll· &46-8740 s .... .,,,, Include cUMI· Outdoor S1or•g1. Bo•ll, Hqlldl~ Inn • new 111\111 c h • n I b I I 1 2 .. .........._ , lrel .. t• or ~"'11 "'I • ••-aa• 1 b 1 + "omml• " .. 1•rl vcs ,.1· _;. c,..1-::0:-11. turnllbll, Am/Fm, + • ~" " "' -·--c U · I llY " , 645· 1389 1144· 1700 Ilk " • """ "" ..,.. 1 'IOU EJCp'd 1 30 pm· 11:30 slo n + bon111. Cell ror kite'*' P1111e1 cones 175 callh •Pllklrt 12 5. 080. · pm. MIMlon VleJo .,... 833-3740 altlf 1 PM. 5411·6313 II• ... 234 M .25/ht. 541·3311. C1111om Bullt 01nl1h ------1A•lf 1-nlH, 11111 ,.1_.... C9il(:h, Teak & Blk Ct_,,. M•th type playpen, good \ J I A#ftHtlll Hfl LIQUOR CLERKS, Night•. W11n ..... Girman Vinyl V.,y Sim-aond. 115 ..... I #•tMf •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 PM·12, Wed·Sun. Mvet No Eii.p Req., FIT l PIT. pit Xlnt Cond 1275 5311-8211 L•l-fal PAINT I Ille body work, Ill~ Ct•h ~later IX· $11..$10/hr Starling pay 1145· 1418 Rllrlglrlllf 4 -•••":iei'ltt••••••••••• • Op 10 80% Ott your Ill ~· 14/llr lo lllfl. Apply Cell 537-2880 KINC FM OOOCI condition ,._,,, HJI Biii 1142..010011164.0332 Wkdy• AM., 11188 Pia· 2 yr okl 7'h f1 couch, Ru" 140 1145-9805 ••:,.-,,,-,;:,;;·,·.•••L•• ... •••••• Mite ni.." "'lformtnc1 & Olf'tlla. C.M. blue while with Ian -""',.., b1ekground $225 or 10 11q Y•rd• of grMll Cat· FOR SALi! 11ock Mu .. 1ng p•tt• 1>1e1 otter 1140-11752 pet s5150, 845.91105 1142•41144• M·F, 11•5 _5.4_5_·11_5_58 ______ 1 . WILHlllH4el Mllnlglmlnl Exp Pref. Full/ParMlml COHHft l CHtVA()lfl . . I ,'I '>•t. I JOO _..,.. Top doll111 IOf Spot•• C1r1. Buga. C1mp1r1. 1114°1, Audi'• ~ 10< UIC MOR ...... .......... 1871 1 Beech Blvd HUNTINGTON 8EACH 141·1· ~~'!! lt!~f!! .. W4 ~'!!. .~ .......... . ....... mt....... LJ.6 11.'f .._ ___ ... __ .... '1191T............ •• -..... ·1• htcit. Aeo•• LlmMetll YMI Ind 8e6t i7 ,400 ml L.01d1Ct. " A t k u 1 ab o 11 1 1 h I blue, t int eortd t...00 (All0tO•bll we;J 10 ~v • Art 4 Pm ,,., • .,,, M1tOIOll Bini •HO Rlgltl L~ - .... ....... 'Ond 172001080 .. ,.,.. 042 11552 Mun·Frl Aull'\Otil.cl delief 1175 1135. - 1301 0u111 s1 ,.._,.,, ecn t.4J11M 1!.11 133·1300 2131123-5000 ••••••••••••••••••••• Mlfeldll Bini Ill UllllT .. -•• llU11111 Tll lln llY of ltll l't\OOll, IOW MllH· thin cihlek with ue We'N ~ CMllllK• In 8ou11'ttfn tKQw you o. •2 ...,.,_,b Ca111or~t s.. 111 1oesav1 UMd MllCld .. 81111 In ..... . ••OCll lntC)ICt. Slllet & ..... I AA S""·Sltvlce·l.eHlng T•~t Dt1111! Ccntldtf 00 .... .... 1 .. 1 .... L ... HT mo1 purch111 w/ 2000 Hetbot Blvd •.ritlble pn111 or allow COST A MtSA NICI Sliltllonl '* '74 3 OCS; 4 •Pd . u1101ailor a...._101111! 140 1110 lellhlr (HONAC) ~ 0 u r2 n ~~Cl I Up Io -·-----'* "76 2002. 4 tPcf . tun vral •. mll•• war• :ea-Fllllwood Btghm root (255PLVI itnty d'Ellg1nc1, mini eono . '* '79 320!: • epcl , 111n ..... tf I_,.,.., IH loeded. moonrf. 9K m1 roof (54193211 Diil 714 rx 213 Mk olr 845·7400 11t • '79 52111, 11110., lea· ~RCEOES ~ ------- ll'tlr (5343820) '111 380 SL, 7000 mt Wirt 11180 CADILLAC ClaHlc • '80 3201, 11110 , •Im whHI• 138.0001080 4-dr Full sw-. tow ml· tool (71114096) 213,132·0979 11age Mini OtlQlnel 12 • HI-an 1 ·ui-W.;;cedes 2110Sl. Im· ooo. 7eo.eoe2 ltete• l1rt1ft $f2·S14/hr 10 a1111. Clll Quallly tolid meple bdrm 537·2880 KING 1.. furniture lrom lh• Blfk· llsmt. Tr1t1111 •-::=======I •hire Houae. Cheat, v ..... YHr OarHr •· dresser with mirror 2 Siert your new career on Yoong 111ract111e ln·•lore night 11and1. Alto, 2 our Srd lhlfl, earning 14. cosmlllc demonalr•lor• antique dr••-•. clllffa· Hand-m•de wooden doll IHll ll'1•IH••n ... ,., Ill "'' houH. Cute. $80. lt!...J r H1M ••••••••••••••••••••• • 1131-24;1() ' ~"'" ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE WATERFORD CRYSTAi. .MARiNE9ELEC TRK:1A·N TO READERS ANO 208 W 1"~ Sinte An• mac compl Hrv r•· ·111 Eldo. all 11c1ot'I oP· WI.TEDI 1 CIOlld Sltnday cord• 2 Iopa: auto. 1lr. tlone. moonr1. fuel lnjec;· $17,600 851·6228: llol'l, lo.ml, cr11m pull, Up 10 S•.50 11 .,00 bl· req. FIT, PIT, now unlll robe 957·2525 att s. ' Dec 24 Call Len• C2131•---------·• come more up'd. You 553•5248 Lrg antique dining room wlll be promoted 10 ----------11ble. PICll'I & w1lnu1. mgmt. & 11.1PIM19'Y II-11,,,,,.,;,. ornlle, $400"or bltl ol· ..,., •. Ce.II: 714·537'-4840. ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ,., Man'• <fr-. lrg 0 lnler1111w1 held 1111ry bf "'S drwr, 1n11qu1 wefnul, Wlcl. 11· 1 pm 11 111 Oii ••• !1!1.!.' •••••• •••••••• $200 or t>est offer. UMd Mart Cotti MIN. E. 0 . Lg OAK antique ROI.I. bed. St1ndlna1111ci mod• E. . TOP DESK. Good cond. ul1t, S 125 or blll off9r. ll1mor1 & Al1n1 Ptl· Dltlgnlln•llll/Replir ADVERTISERS I• r n • 0 I a•• w • r • Qlly work S411·2520 Ev Tht price ol Item• Id· I 552 36811 111t11Hd by vehlcll dll-28111 • Newport Boat C111nlng 111'1 In lhl vll\le._ e111tl· C Ts Set11ic1 ••llllof & Int• fled acl'tllflltlng column• S RAM·.LE rlor, boll wulng, mon-dOH not Include •ny lhfy wHll·down Steve appilClbll tun, lk:ln11, •NSWERS 1175·8735 (Ive m-01 tr•nsler 1111, finance " Cllltgll. 1111 lor alt pol· Two-ply • Guletl ... ,,, 1twl Hfl lutlon control device Unity • Steel'/ ••••• ····~··••••••••• certlllcallon• or d11l1< TOWING Cl111lc 18 Lap1trak1 You can elwaya tell an Century bay boll, • C)'I. ~l~cnu~~~t,'~~.P~•:1!r:; Ci(CI 1700. 24 Inch bron· Carved Sp•nl1h 1011 .... 1 uperlenced 1111d car Grey. 53500· 1175•61111 011111wl11 1pecllled by ~~~~~~~~' $2500 Call 673·7901 642-6980 ---------11-----------1 ............... Fabuloua working condl· t10n1. No exper nee. We train, -achoot. CIRCUS MAXIMUS. 719 No. Har· bO<, Fulllf'ton. 870-6192 Apply between 12 and 5 PM. Men-Sal. See Kelty ze S lame1e Temple bencn w/sto11g1, 175, buyer. He alw•v• look• Dive Bo•t •;, ownerehlp, 11'11 •dverllHf. Gong 0 n I y S 9 0 0 . 1;73·5302, Lido 1111. for • d1111t wltn 24-hol.lr 3500, 25' Alglu, 10' ---------1 _s_4_0_·8_6_8_8 ______ ... pc: bdrm "'· Pecan 11• TOW,NG. bHm, 11e, SIS, llber· A r 1010 n Is h. g 0 0 d c 0 n d . Full sjJld Zebr• Skin. EK· gl•H. 111 tleclronlc•. In Aallt•n/ • l/J.!f!~~~••••••••••• $900/obo. 548·4292 eel •Ptelmen. $500 or Long Bc:h Slip. 1150· 1043 C/,,1111 lflf H£RBOR .. Rr.. 1---------1 •••••••••••••••• .. •••• " " ""' 0 C w b d olr '74 Calllornlen, all lib«· -• "l"ll late model Toyo1u, C1ml 1115 720·1090 eve 13400, 673·4'80 dya, V01vo1, Piekupt 6 Vent. eelee••••••••••••••••• , 557·3273 11111 ¥ Call 111 lodayl '80 C1prl AS Turbo, 5 17 SOOD. 1 ownr. like . 1pd, c::lun. loaded new, anrl, 113,499 Call C••lll 1111 S 5 2 O O. 4 9 4 . 3 4 • 8 , 114•·4192 or 646··3215 •••••••••••••••••••••• 937-0612 • llll l t U '11 OMn IMllU" 1-...:.;;,:.;:.:.:::;.;.~a-.f1 --•••••••••••••••••••••• A gre1t Berlln-11111 "" ...,._-.. •11.. 11Zf ·n Blue, Sportt Stripe, (1123WOO) c........ •••••••••••••••••••••• convert. AM/FIA T•pe, llLY IUU ~·~•Ml• ...... ., lo ml. Good COftd. Musi ... . . -; =~~:.8i!~~o . oBo .... •• WI llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR HIE AIPlllUL Cormllr•Dll.lllo OIRllLET 18211 BEACH Bl VO . HUNTINGTON BEACH 141 .... 1, 1•t-aaa1 LIASI tJ../ 1141 141 .. 10 141·1,11 oua MIW ZltU !r.·.. ••• • • • •• • • . ... •• • Ctnr1/11 HM 71 Opel M1n1a. N-1trH, •••••••••••••••••••••• DlllCT! ~· engine work S300 Ill II Fiim , I , I . _548 oe21 ------1 We have a good 11lec· lll!!HIJ!~llli '''"'' 11 lion of NEW & USED ~t2·e11r·c;:~br;;;t>ik~7~ cMvroae••' APPLIANCE SERVICE ak •nopy allr 1 5411·9482 g1111, 10 w/Chevy Eng. - We NII reconc:I., guer. wllh heater •nd llner, 1 -aau --Van11n Tr•ll•r. good Shey repllc ... pickup•' 79 D•tsun 280 zx. lolldld •W lte494 epptlances 549•3077 new. 11500. Sacrifice ... H __ running cond. 11795. Pvt coupH. 4 10 c110011 Top Dolar wtlll. 81111. C&H. 70,000 ml 759..0490 co~~RL CHE VIOLET Mu" have E•P· Full/ . SSOO Slngle Nouv1111 Bouquet• ot 30 Helium P111y C•ll 141·511116 or lroml (008788) (Stk w/ex1ru Xlnt cood. 34, P1rHlln1. I t3·S 15/llr I Ill IPft.111111 Bed & ma11r1n with Balloon• dllllllfld •ny· 5311-3008 A3093). Prlcll 11attlno •1 Pat'd o o o m i . $ 8 , o o ... ,. ~ ' . ,..._ ' \f • Lea 957-8133 tieadbo1rd I SO C111 .. l~lme~.~11~7~3·:•:•~111~---~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •Y II-• 7141859-7200 days 11artlng Pl)'>. Cell Answer Ad No 5110 . ,.._ F v c 1 537-2860 l(ING lee. Hotpolnl relrlg, whl. 11.11 642-4300, 24h,. 24 fl SKIPJACK ..:r_:;.r ., ,,,,.,, 11U 13631 HarbO< Bllld. 'l ... --· =========I c.I .. hke ~ lfl1nll••H81 Twin votvos 115,000 -I Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grove • _ .. , _ .. Mldlcal $125. 497-6085 While Jennie Lind Crib WHIH l•I 11e3.11417 UHel1·•re1ry 111111 *'"1'1 lalH·S.nlet Super tr1n1por111lonl t.llSTER PNlllE/AI• S4t.-I 200 Experienced Back Ottlce -----....,...---~ •nd changing lbl. gel •••••••••••••••••••••• 2628 Harbor Blvd. ., an.1111 L I (280MMS) At11111n1 with llmllld X· Washe<·Oryer $125 ••· cond. 1150, 11411-5600 Wanteo lntllevlllon Ctr· 33' E H Cos11 MIN 540·5630 fllUll tas II llLY 1•11• Dishwasher $100 1---------1 lrldgl. gg 1rbor •Port· 71• 1•1 2••• & • Rey permit needed ~elrlg. $200 848·51148 QUEEN SIZE bed 11111'11 9117.3939 flthlr, brltlol cond.. HIGHEST CASH Imme· 1111.1111"1 ,. • • ••• TllNME :;~~~2 ~!~-:~.;;~ REFRIGERATOR Queen •ii. .. ola bed $115 .000. P .P . C•ll dllllly IOf your Ylhlcll. . '11 IG °"" 111111 ,. uk lrx Mary. Frost free. 2 dr, S16S 1714) 673 "2017 WllTEI !e!~J~~d:.Y• 644•5229 'S3 Studlbelcll Chtmpion :~1~8~~~lc:: or foreign Beige on brown, 111 IU·Ol10 M0-1211 •-H •-•-•-1193·9060 EMPIRE SPINE! DESK WAROR08E CLOSET 5 PHI cp1. Nice etr.1----------seals Snrl, stlfeo. mlnl --------- • --•-• Amerleln .• 250 17' Boston Bay P•cker. $3750. 2131592·1192 ... ,., I.• .. ,J cond 127,500 Curl ·74 Chev'/ Nova. 2 dr EXPERIENCED . lrx OR· Toi/lit>• Microwave 111111• 4~-3122 1'111' 5. auillbll lor blOroom Bay boll. Fbrgl•. lnbrd. ........ 1151·9160 di, 631·3748 coupe 6 cyl. IUIO, Pl•. 1-----T=-H""O"_PEOIC SURGERY b le . power lllllnga, .Iwln...Bl:d. STEREO RACK Melct olr 642-1234 1M4 ..... ~ •N••"•••"'•···•••••••• eve Xlnl cond 49'1·9801 ,~.~~~3~~ -2-~-·-~--M~~======~L~u~n~»~~~h ~~~.II 19~~"~~1Har•~l13000~0~ ................. !~.'-'·~u~,~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~·7~7~~~.~T~u~rb~oR~~~.~~~~~~~~~~-~ : I .. ...,...... Side by tide rtlrlg. lreezlf Prov 2 nlgl'tl ttanda & 1 109 T8ndern treillr. Ford gon, • · M 11141 ... T... 1142-9405 000 ml 16150 MUSl Mil Moa. =·s.~~:'7s~~J~t. Ilk• desk. 1 CheSI ol clfeWlf'• HELPI VII ~10, 11.iiflndlf, depth 1129 Frxd Model A Town 26,000 mlMll, llllly loedld ---------Or vw pllJ• cash Hollywood Referral ;::::::::---=:=-:::--;;;-::-:-;;:-1-.::':.:SO:..:.uc=h:.:.·..:S4..:..0.:...:ll0.:.8:.:5:.:.· __ , NllCIDfif1WOOd WRI aounder Ship 10 th0r1, S d 110 000 aunrool. gd eond l lk• .,.,, 1111 213-692·2110 ·79 Monti C1110. 2 dr, 'Company lor movies & Relrlg, Hotpolnl, 111 cu It. Rott 109 desk. 7·dra-r. c:aah. ll3l·3•570 PIY 11111 meter. 100 gal Qll 87~~~llnt, ' • new 1 13 400 OBO •••••••••••••••••••••• ••l''-• 1 ltSI good cone!. orig OWrllf TV Com m • r c I• l • super clean. h1r11111 best otter O'\llf 1250. tank. Sl••P• 6 . E•tr• · 6 4 5°. II 2 1 1 E 1111 '11 ..a OIY1I ~~.!!.i:m.••••••••••• •le. S2200 11&4.f424 (background or non-gOld, $23S. 72().11411 ;s2.7134 #•llt'1 canvu, ttc 19.000 Ford, moci.t A '29, Shay -1157.96114 deys. · Economlcel CVCC w•· tpealclng only) 11 lllklng I I 10,.. -l•lln•••I• ,., 857·1445 re prod. Roadt11r, 1ld1 gon. (629vNK). #I DEALEk IN U.S.l. '76 El Camino. New tires, modll 1yp11 & others for i!l!, II •• Wood Bdrm Set: Dflr wl •••••••••••••••••••••• 13, .... B W'" •~ 1 mounts, rumble aeat, ·75 Audi Fox. NllCl1 11111• OILY 1211• new bt1k1s, camper commercl•I• auch •• ••• •••••••••••••••••• round mirror, dbl bid " oiton .. e .... s. atereo. front/ r18r he•· worll. 1 1000 or t>esl of· • ™CARVER shell 12500. 831-8131 Fathlon -· C~tk:. New men• 10 epd Colum· lrm & 4 drwr c:httl 1100. YAMAHA B .. • Amp. good wlnew motor, 1 '"· Pinto eng, auto ler. 857-4 167 Tll•ll '1'0 Chev Monie C11lo. H111lh Club Advertl· bl• bike. Reg 1 180 1111 675·51110 • · Held With a double 15" •Int u 2oo & s 55oo. 1ran1. luggage rack/ 1•n fMI art.l"--e ill amenta. Special need lrx S 120. 645·3110 or PV 1PMk11 cabinet. All 1142-92511 , 673·11600, trunk. full col/If Nr Pit· lllW 111J 142 .. 10 •-12 1 -NJJ\._L ~~!Cl in:o~·,~~~· ~~~· B11u1y Cont11t l'IPH. 642-0460 CM••• S.ln In ucellent condition 939.0396 0< 675..()647· tecll L-than 4,000 ml. •••••••••••••••••••••• _.. 1 ~::;.";~ ~:" • .!:;~'" No up1rlenc1 neces· J ..... leltwiu lat -;:_•,.,.,·~:::••••••••••• ~Mlbolf l.... ...,,, ... , $8300. C.M 117'-8474 aft CHOICE INVENTORY ... •TlllT -.._, .. 1w 642'2514 sary, tnaplhol required 3 tPcf, xlnl cond, llllO. ~ ... ~':::........... -OMI« HSI 5 VOL&ALES We can help! ~lore you 1---------1'19 Cl'tellelle. lo ml, mull (o2~31)n!~~~:;· •. B'I appl 642-4616 or.631·5785 Saturd1y. Nov 27 H•rd· ••••••••••••••••••••·~ MG TO 1952. ground up buy, check our unbllll· ·~09ws1m1"'~f •• Sh1Cdrowe1m. R~,1 sell immld St7~.£!0· .,. " 10 SPEED BIKE 11" t>ack & peperbtctt boolla P-Ellctrlc: Gullat RESERVE N 0 WI 50 r•lorlllon llmotl tom· bll seteclton, savings -Ca.II Ill 5·3o. 968""""" ~I Ea.TS G t Mii 1 med & plants 9-3 pm 2142 B -·-• 1 150. Schooner, Chrlstmu plltecl must 1111 16500 I I I I 0 l •IE I end Mn/1ee todayl F1wn le•ther Interior -Clt-,,...,,,,--z ----,,-fi- EJtpr only 1142-4780 ~_,61~:262 rt.,_ . Ofenge Av. 642·1731 Pa11de, Wh111 w•tch. 1·81111-,724811111 • ...... ...., 135604) $5"'."""" ••• ·1.-:-!!•••••••••••••• · 1 · ...,m. P11111t ... c. 6411-4005 ... H5 ... l I ' .... .,. "78 Cord<>t>•. full pwr, very ..,.. •••• c.-.. ~ T;:~ek.•"'~1;1si~a· E~~~~':';~~ Oultlf, .... , WI ,,,, f.~.!'!!m .. !~ff S1les-SeMel-L1Hlng ~·H!~e~ uz:~a:ILD -~:;; 1:4_g;;1:.!: at Verl11y Of dullff lnclu· Ltlll•t•t 103 Furn .. kltch. antlq1111, 642· 173 1 ••••• •••••••••••••••• .LARGEST JEEP DEALER 1150 N. Beach Blvd COSTA MESA ding bookkeeping, p1y• ••• -:i.~•••••••••••••• candle mOlds. detk, pool C11 25, be111111111 cond. Jn thl Wnt L H b PLYMITI li1' IHI roll, AIP. AIR. phones, Jason 111ronomlcel 1111. tabla. camera equip, Olb11<>n Sonex ieo D1tu11,1 Otlgln•I owner. 646-19119 dHPlf'•lllY need• iiz:ia'ia 148-1140 OllYILEl /PLYllllTI .................... .. typing & mlac. Nwpt Bc:h scope, 40·•00X. +tripod Toya, clolhff, lie. Good Guitar 1300. wkne & ...,... '/OUr JEEP • 7015 Knoll 'la THI• WllM ottk:I. 87S·ll 110. & exlrH, Ilk• new. •P· Chrlatmu sluttl 3114 l• 1142-1731 •IT SILL Hlghelt Dollar Paid Open Sunday ·75 Accor4 LX. m11oon, Buene Park PUT J19E :~~·.~~~50l~~1~f" PetlePl.,C.M.(Nllr tlllh SLIDE TROMBONE C•I 28 with OB. Xlnt Call Gery~~~ ~~l~:r.e1~1omanc. (7141S22·117SO ~;:~~~l.lly equipped E\llS and/Of Wlll!tnds. & TusUn). 12·5 Fri 8.30 Siie rx tr8dl '°'!lute cond plu• Newpotl 111111-1 ~ ... , (213)802·1522 llLY 1111• A119<>nllbll adults. over 35mm M1mly1 c1m1r• 10 5 Sat & Sun. After II p.m. 832·117119 Beech mooring $2&,000 IM/ap/lllla.T We rllld your 1r1d•lnl ·79 4-dr AOCC>fd UC, PIS, 1---------• 21. wffh outetandlng at· w/50, 211 l 200mm ten-1t ~i Y.U OllT!llnhardt Plccolo. So-OBO 548-e356 2524 Harbor Blvd • CM Cell or Ill our UMd car P/B, 11r. cruise, P/wndo. 'Sii RR Bentley lncludlO Tlllllll ll'ICllYI Plf'SOtlali1111 10 111, + 2X & c•rrylng •• ~ •• .'! ••••• ~•••••• lid allver $300 080 541-8023 IMS-1770 menager, Wolfgang Jurl· $5500 551-3941 ~~A:=~lll~ ~: .... Fm work with youth (ants ,_caM __ ._1_1_115_8_7_5-4_1_1_9_1G111ge Sale, fi'\1 1 Sill ....., 3"" i.lJM.1'1 Ml '*'· 1970 HONDA 7SOK n.... ... ...... I·-•21 10-1 .. ).Call2·5P•M,'. S 85PM I .....,....\...., •••••••••••••••••••••• 'IJJllC>CJ7LClfldo.lif LM1••·--· lnxlntcond~l/..,._24, -z 1 -1 .. Cannon Zoom leilpholo, un. • ant QUH, WlndturlinQ Winter s... d I I ..... 10,0001(, XII. eond 1142-4321. ul. 3 4 6. tent, Auto Wlnd1r, 1rl· cOllecllbles & mtac furn , ..... leltll Miltr8119~ Hlfly 1750 con · •m 171 eeHelle, $1118-SIMCl-LIMlng St.•50 536-8221 Sui · 1111 "7f FORD Miver;ck. Good _e_._o_.E_. _______ 1 pod & m ite 1111111. 8830 Cardine!. Ftn vty StOO/ofr 548-128 UP Sport• 631·•108. NB ~~~~~~~~!7~11,0::; 3670 N. Chlrry A~ •79 Accord LX Bronze •••••••••••••••••••••• cond 3 MW llrn. econ. P18nt ~ need• hOU· 548-6083 Im•• ,, M1 714/553~458. LONG BEACH 40,000 ml. $6600 or b•I 1983 SAABs 1850. 494·3211 11plan1 m1ln1. worker, Fm If F•• 11f •••••••••••••••••••••• .!!~•••••••••••••••••• ... .f!!.!!111 H,.I (114) 111-llH olflf. 955.-3150 'll lll•MR•t IT p / T, 111 p . he Ip tu 1. •••••••••••••••••••••• Complete llvlng room In BABY KOi $1 1actl -.-. ,, fnci1 11111~~~~~~~~~~1 NOW JIR£1 -6"46·5022 l•lllil-------i gold, green lnctu tablll, (Jepar1191 COior.a C•rp) •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••1 : '11 IOMll-11,111 • • Work or pl9'esor1 I ..... " ••n 111111 limps. 1011. 10111 IHI. "2·6280 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: Toyota '711 AM/FM SI•· 1111111 -.n'I 11.110 Piii ply '552 5522 Wt'. 0 S• b LEA (1M4 1935). - PITIME. Idell for mature Swell, lovlnn Colll• & octaoan•I dining room Newport BIKI\: 25', 28'. reo c1u111e . Small ''iiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiil SIN~ ,~;11111:1 We'r; llLY 11411 per.on with chlldren In • w/4 gOld upholt nl beck Blllrl~ Pupa, 11'11 t>atkllU 30'. 35', 40'. & 45'. Call c•mper •h•ll H 175. ll.lllT 1• dealln~ now on the entire •chool. Knowltdne of Shepherd mhl •dull 1• chairs, jac, retr•-. mlac dnn, AK~ 11 wh. Aid/ 1142 -4844 from 9·5, 1173-8618 & 'II •II.,.. Tlllllll elk decOf 1 .,;. f\11 mill needs gOOCI home. ..., W-. 1200 113 -M3 F ---------lln• o mod1l1I S11 111 --·-8 I ::. ng I p . Moving • e•n"t tek1 hlf. llgljllng, mint blinds, .. c. hi. . 1 4 Mon· rl '78 FO<O l.ll'lat Super C•b Extraa, mlnt condl11on. NOWI ·- a 1 k In ob b n 1 • P11aM eell 1142.0100 rx LadlH cloth Ing and FREE to good hOml' i. SLIPS AVAIL Huntington ¥.ton pic;k up. Super dl11 fl300 548-2()82 IUll .,.fl Ml .. 11 ..... 111 e7s.9 tlll 964-0332. mu.Y._h more. 9 Banyan mall Glrmtr1 Shlphlrd. )i arbour B 1 y , 0 a l.Oldld lmmec 480 lfl· S81es·Slrvlce-lNeing p /Tm ULEI Tree l n. Sii 11-27 t-5 Great w•tchdog. C•ll 1140·55'5. 848-776e. 11-9 glne, • 11 r-end R9-Ja,.. 11,I N~~~,;; g~~H 19111 Mu11ang, bleck. 6 AfflClion•ll 2 yr F eel J l ... , Tony, &46-8321 P M , 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 1 , gullr gaa Mull 111 Ill, R:JY ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• cyl, 4 apd. T lop & full)' ~'.~r~ white w/bl1ck epo11: .!!'.f..'1. ••••••••• r!~.'.'. SPRINGER SPANIELS • 213-431·37&4 0000801131-7548 fCU.Sir'M"""l::·(t..1W ·~~t:~~·t~k~~yhd:c!;: i---1_1_1_-llOO _____ I ~~n:7~~·.~~ teilphone..,.. WOfk on spayed 760-1642 11111 Gold dl1mond & PHrl lemelll, 11•1Nn WMl<a. 1.-Newport e.y Oal•un PU, 'et. cl11n. ''-"'-i;. lo ml, 1 owner. Good l•Nn 1111 964·3487 alt 5pm behalf of n11lon11 com-11 month• old Greil wom•n• ring. $375 or ~r11><11d1. no PIPI'•· SllOl 3()..33'1. 1811. uttra«on, 11r11at11. ndt ~~" •.. ;": :,;;.~· cone!. &5000. 770·2233 •••••••••••••••••••••• _ .... -·-p1nle1. Friday Aller· Dane. LI brown, trllndly. beet ofr. 7511·8001 •ho 11 5 4 5 • 7 3 3 8 , Side tilt 1S-24f1 $7'1. brkL Oya Bob 80t·2431 Salll·Servlcl-1.tulng ..-ii;-..-- noon• & W11k1nd•· 1d 6"-"7573 E t 877 6509 Swelu Anch 9 -5 . . I 'llO 320!. •Ir cond, •ml lm .,, .... Gu 1134 v••n•• I IOI/IS k s. ~ Diamond 1trl';3•· hHfl • • 72 Oodna 0100 pic;kup, ca-·-'te ... ft r,.... 1~ •••••••••••••••••••••• --. --$4/hr guer. + 1ucra1111e _.......... ._.. -• S48·tS01 ..--· ..... ""' •-••1 .... .....,... p-o , at:>Pr... Siberian Husky Pupa tool bo•. contl ractta. & "1r .. 1 1 1 1' 2 0 '72 Ghia convef11b4e. x1r1 -... 1H2 bonu• Incentive prog· F•r•lt•lf IOS Hd $700. But offer Al<C, xlnl marking•. blue SLIPS AVAIL Corona del 111x lank S 1200 ' ' · nlc• very lo ml r•dlala 111 lttl •11 .. MI rama. Sales Exper. Pref. 0•b•::::::.·::;:·c•om•••10·rt·· .. • 6 7 5 • s 1 3 s d y •. & brn eyes, S36-711tt Mer Ar11. $9 tt. Call 845-t3311 · · 771~ 4 1.!..,51.5 75 3 1•1°•511 or e.ai olr 55•-t6S2 · 1---·-------.. B.UYTN .. OW~TTI but Wiii lr•ln ll'f9 right .... """ •v•, 117S.Sll40PM Linda 1155·2413 wkd• .. -v.ia..-.. 1111 .. per•on. For lnt1r1111w, ble, m11t, aprg1 & freme. 11••• I a..,., ,,,, 11 5 ·es R1nchero V·ll, auto .• 77 BMW 3204, Ruby Rid, If••'• 11U ••• :-:.~-a:;............ 10.1141. C•ll Mr. Palleraon at sso. 720·, 146 L•diH 141( Yellow Gold •••••••••••.-••••••••• • nu brake a. 11ln1 work 4 ape!. •Ir, lflffP•klne. •••••••••••••••••••••• ·77 But 11 pall. s•.8SO 545-5770 Compl bdrm 111: dbl• E~I & Wedding Oa.lvup.-lght player pllno, Ooc::k IOf •o· NII boel. No tructi $1100 846-45711 eau. bre. 111399. PP Xlnt cone!. • •Pd . APR Fln1nelng PLUS PIT welder, "11.1•1 h1111 bid. 4 dwf ehlll, venlty. Ring Set. 1735 552•358t m • n / e I 1 e • S 54! 0 0 llve 1 botrd•. 3 bllll ,,., H11 857-09511 or 975.4709 1131·11458 Eve. 1133-3332 CIOMOUI 019countt ••Perl1nc1. Fltxlblt dble dre111r & mirror, ladles Roll• 14 I< dr... 11381-4812 Eaat/P1lllllon. 873-4921 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• Hurr'I Whlll They l .. 11 wortllng llra. RltWed OK. x In I Con d , $ 5 0 0 . W81Ch. ~hi w1Jt~ 2brdla· Allen organ 1ystern 435 N9wPOr1 80' mooong with . ~.1~1· 11~1 ·~:~dlu;r;: ~ = 'T,:O. fllllllf 142-15!2 Mon-Fri. 11411·2930 mon<I• .... .. " IOI-wlreverb unit .... , olr boll Aaklng 1 19,SOO. Rob·1ns' 500 1131-11558 1142-8287 -.... .... $1100. worth 12.000 O'llf 110.000. 552·1134 71411148-4005 MJ .. 1 ...... 111 Obi bid wtth box 'Pf'lno• ALSO Ladlu Om•o• '11 1A111f ILS IUL DTlll Ill.II & trame "40. w11ch " K. Merqul• All•r. ., Slip 1n i-1>1". 9 • 35'. Van cact~ 10 Go-Ca.rt• 2 °'· eir AMIFM 11.,90• Well loell.cl Penlnaule 536-821111 •hape dr-w•tdl wffh ••••• •••••••••••••••• 11 per fl. Call 1173-5340 Whltllllf lhl Fed N 11 50 offtol h• open delk fOf omp1111 twin m111reu, bf~ $400. 857-1445 1.~12 ,:Ski Neullque WANTED: doc:k IPICI fOf Roll 'em oft thl markll 5 :e . e';&·s d :'l:: !~ ......... ~ ·111 M•cury Monarch. 6 c~. good conc:I. ueoo. 873-37113 llc'd 1ggreHl111 ·::· aprlngt and freme. MO. ···--"--··· ,., 2001 Only 311 l'toUrl 25' power boll on or"' Convers1·ons Wllll. Cluefflld Ad HI UI f:J 173·5494 IVll. :°ou!'=:'.=· ac~ .,__6_45_·_9_80_5 ______ 1••:::.i:::............. Aleo h1111 • 11177 For· 1.klo Pet o·o..Y CeH Howl 642·56711 JOI YOUI Wall Ctock, Oek Regulator mull llO 20 It •·• llkl 157-6426 e73-5e74 llllTMU... 'II •• ·~ • If 11•• ·d ull . Pleya R .E . MOVINOSAl.E ... N EW ! C a ll (71•)·-----------1 -... • ..... a• 113-UIOO 1' ~ corduroy tot•. 'I Colonllll .... 75 rK .,.., 842·2000 a .. for Jim· 'Bo.t SNp 81111181>11 for 40 IUITEI llW ~ • ._ Good eond. 5-IMIO ...................... . ~~~~~~~~~I 12110, 1lng11 bed, $50, Ir. 7511-eoot my, Jr. It out, PlllH to 115' bo•t Nwpt Ben · ·,· i ..,... "' 1"•1_o_v_w_x_1n_1_c_on_d_ .• -119ry-1 '11 mt• AECEPTIONIST-TYPIST • double bid. 175, dining 1 DlanM Durbin doll. IMW'IMlllgl! 831·7717 en NW '121'!P 10 ~ ' faaurfl CIHn lneldl and 0111 Econom'I and •IYl•I tor 19w tlrm 8:3010 1:30. ltbll, 4 chrs.11115,whlte 150 or bit ofr. ROSSIONOL 81<18 .... ,,__. "" ~ iat•ll.Clll&IUIMIDM $1800 080 84e-5505 (tEJT851). CellJ8)'M640-0800 relrlg. S22S. C111 759-t005 W I SOLOMON B IN• •u••'•••••<ll••••••••• 10.!LO '77 VW Poptop camper •Y lllU lllTllUIT 576-3<>43 d8)'1/...,.. New~ tin bid end DINGS DR S ftDAG( a.,...-.;:: but. 10.000 ml. xlnt Tll•lll Full/lime, experienced Two twin bed1, tram11. frame, $250. Ski ~•. 115 1176-.... Y TUftft --. :.R :X'r·~:·.~0 ~:: cond, yellow. 111250. --,_ wetlr-/welle<a 1 bus meur .... IP'ingt. wood 110. Sink $5.1173-3721 1,._,,11...... _, Monlhl~ boet 1101191, e New 541•8325 I S.IOO or (213) 439-0054 Ctllg l41 .. 11141-8111 peraon•. Appl~ : The hHdboerdt, pr I tSO. FANTASTIC GAR. SALE .r.;;;•••••••••••••••• 11"1 llZI. 24 hr MCurtty, t• ---.......... blll. fW m lledltlouM. 619 Sleepy 780-0157 All lltmt brand new. Prlnc::I Pro Tennie Aecllet. frN --:::In' ...., ,. uueueeuu u•uuu ·117 MUST SELL. Hiedi Hollow Lene. Laguna secrttlcll Oecof. mlltllli: lrglaml. 72 Claret, nine. brancJ NW, pd ltt&, NII MWPllT _. -·-Ae••"''"' 11 8•• $2000 '112 whft1 AX #1 , .... llaler work, AM /FM S11r10 Blech. etudlo ~ouch, n-. otf Thura/W1d. 780·1254, for 115. 7SO.H1' 1111 .... ..,.. - -c.-... ....._... 811tf l.Olded SY' war· II.._._. C1H, new New tlr••· .-a11 .a1 -white llnen, $125/obo. 75t-8005 •Ill for I.Inda. Ill.Lii 11111 Ill.I •.a.a -11 • '=Hiia ,, ... ,._ c.. ,.... ~!5~71119· l I k • n • w . -... • --·1• 1550 nrm M2-34417 °' -·--• 675-85811 (Ill m90) __... J awa 11111 11 n~~:L','~ .,.. ' M2•4240 Kron Chocoleller. so. M1glc 1111 club m•m· 40·llO'l4. offl All lk•I• In • --,__..,.. • lll•Dl::::' -------...-.,-,, COHI PllH. ·••k• p/ UHd king 1111 bid w/ bertl'tlp, ""' uoo . •toc::kl lnel. Rlldll I 141. Tl.Ml.f!!•llM .............. -··'"'" ffp,• 1140 '!r.! .. '' "" tlml employee. Apply In ~r!:'b!~~:.:c~• ~ g;;:~tl"e's~d!!;. P:i. ~~:~r~o~k~uBn~l~C:,~1 ,.::.• •••,.••,,••••••••• 'll U-SEO VA ..... NI :':: :......--:: 7i.Maz•300rc;w~~;;.". OV!AllAS DELIVERY ;; V~.989~~;:&.•Pa~ pereon ' · • ; ..........,, • ' · _.lfll'; • ,..._. low wl l•n ln1. "ully IXPEATS AC, r1dllll1. 11tnt conct. 8 1111/;11•11 for MaJor 540-0904 chlrd 115·8610 IMI 11• (tMIMll) r:'.~••• I• • equip, IO ml, etllrp. 111, 138()()/ofr 17~8114 Dept 810ft. ChrlttmH 2 Nlw Paddllt SunblOt. .... ,,_. ...,,.,,., ...................... 111•111Q11r _.... .. 000 114"'°371 lal m .....,. .... & u Good lor atQCHlllWl. '30 ,._ •-~ · ,,,.. '74 Clmper, '*' lllitrlot 'll tlJln.... •••• I• w11111111 11111 INllM •,., ........ -comm. .. 544-9412 Eucatyptua a .... .,. -Ind .... 1or. MAKE OI· ............... '114IOIL... ........ .. ... • .................... . 21~2-7340 bOlh. . 1190/c:oJd tlt 71-4"S •••••••••••••••••••••• flR 540-7117 (1Y40731t Tiii e etttt•e•t 11 opllon•. ••,0 00 ml. , ... HlrbOt llvd 71 Or•nd Prl•. AM/n~ _, .. , f/T 'Miiie a chrome cont""" I PNlco EletttO Motor Oerb... ........ .. ._ ... It MINT Pftctd 10 ._, COSTA Mf8A rldlO. 19" dtek, llfr, P8, "-bdrm Ml w/Ollk, xlnt frl,,,cr,aoO;t ~!Crowe:: Dl•po•.i. txlrl fletvy '71 Ford~ XLT wt1f1 '11 .. .,.. 1111,1_, la ...... Mfa A• 145-1730 •• IM! •--.. J 11,000 ml . 14100 . lnw1 1dlele F"UI Timi,_. cond MOO 155-2200 • duty. 3 HP, ~neble tll t 12'~ c t mpe r . (I01VNll ,... ........ ..... -_. 1141161·7200 ~ • ~~Com· T~yplng., ....... ~. C= .._.., ............ 125: cl1 rln11. ml! olr condition M•k• ofler •IMP• II, 110111, 11lrlf, .... MHI '"9fre Mrs 8'owll't '74 •llOlaL. ,__ _.. ....". ,,,_, ....... 841-5217 KOlcl Draft~ T10 IOt .... **· .... ofter. '11 - -..... " ~.... *'' oonct. low ml ..._ '11 ...... 11• '76....,.. Or ,..on .•• lftCI Mlle 1111111. ary good C Ion l40 Full llmlly tnemMrlhlp, CtulMf. mt cond tnl 940.7117 --11 TT I -M IMfll ... M730 141-1311 tome body..,,_ Mlded. o p•n 10 1 xp1 r11nc1 . Mt-5793 John W••"n• Tennlt 152-0240 • (141WW) ...!!t,.N ... I&. ..!!"_.•' ...;:..:..:.;.;:.;.;,;,.,;,...;:..~;.;..--11-----------1 ''"°'ollo 1 ... ttl tOtO A 11 t • _.__r/ • ,....._ --. 'U MerCledll dlelel,"'"' I! fid. ........ or llO-'* ,... • • or Flo1111on wit• blO. dOu· Club, bOOll velul 11.000. I .. • .... ,.-'ll - -=wnr..,.., WI o CI •Cl• •o"" a .__ ...._. --• ..._ --II.. 1 0 • ne • ,., ~~. • ••••••••••• ...__... C -bll.~eond.1711. 31ctltlce for ltllO. In· •••'1ii ueuuuu .... 491"" 1111 (,11-11 ~ 1u1n1. 12 100/obo • .......i tMI 'Tl~ .. .-... A ....... 1'8. 9f/IDI 141·5793 Cllfdll lr•ntler t11. TWO PERSIAN "UGI ••••••••••u••••u••,jl• ,._ ..... _. _.. .... \IH r.'r.Yn" .. ••••••••I'~ AM1'M oe., n9W t"91 PI e 11 I o •II ( 7 14 ) (Hlfla). 1t'd ' a 10'a7'. 71 YAMAHA MO, 4 ayt. ' o''"' _... .. :.:: .. t Come 1f1 I IM ..__ Or1g °"'*• INOO. Cell Anendll lrWletrllll'lt llrm Devenportt.~ l bld, 821 t.,...(_..ft..........._) ...,..,_..._.__ __ ....... or C11111, 1111. 81u• bk We're --.Ta()Mlt '"•11 •• •••t 'IO M•'...,.D '--eou-.___, •111 w1r •e1 •701 fOt 9"'JOll•,.,_,•IOflnll 11111 lelllll, rowd picnic • -.., _ _.. '"'"' -"" -_, ._, C!I-• II ... -_.. ' "'"" llwh"t "'-' llleetlon .. .. ' • 0011JftWllloetlonl' dlpt,. tebl1 6 IOUflOI. MUST Wlltlrbld, qn 11111, I*• TD. 141 ..... • UllO, 1 111 I 1110 Theodore • f ~ 11 • • r :: :::. ::.'t:::= ol IHl•!CUl•lr ~wned 141·4*, 14 IWI. tee'y. >Ont lyt>. l l/H SELi. 114/IM~HOS Of wer booko111. I H O ft~ .... ,,.. m~..--·7:.:1 peymenll or buy tor ~Oftelte I . AMt IM• 7S I Cir flaMleO UU... '*I'd. bee. MOtet.... 11a.tl17 0 10 . Brend new H m •it-.......... II.ff ~~ !!:!.!...•Oftd.. lllNllW , I , I, I t S .. e ft y Voa........ rufla ..... MO! 090, ......... Non...-nkr w .tl. refrtt{ ,..__ •I -._...._ ·--Robils Ferd '"' ..... , .... ,,.,.~~· ~ IJS.07'1 or ...... .......... Cllll IH 0940. You don't Med • ""' lo IOI ...... MOO Of --=~ _:-::.:,:·rv .. S, ........ ... .. .. ..... "drtw lat!" wflen '°" o.. .,.,..._ ..... 7070 .. ._.. -'" ·i 1 Ma fHf .. I008L. 'mi e ._ "-Tr• your Old ltuff lof place Mad 111 Ille Olly AMI"• recel¥0f, UOO r• oab WOftll • 71 "°'* JM..IGO, Tint, ~.::-· llhlFtm• IS1,t l011fr 'IO Maf• ... ..., • ,.. ftlW AOOdlH wltll 1 ,.._Want AcMI Ce1 now 090. Alie! r ... to ,..., 'I 0 Or b I t a f flf 17t0 090. ..Jf'. t e de I t 0 0 IL C ....... l1110t -M 11111 , a111c 11 ... ...,...11 , ...... 11. aoo oeo ........., ...._,.,, .... ..... ..... n ...,.. -.ott1 ·•n.oaoo .......... r ' ... r I 111111111 CUii WEDNESDAY NOVEMBl:.H 2·1 1'1h/ Coast1 I • g1yes . thanks By KAREN E. llLEIN °' .. .,.., ......... Thanklciving will bring a ~t to the everyday work wod<.t of Orange County and productivity will likely be concentrated on the gainful vocations of cooking and eating. Nearly all offices and stores will be closed Thursday for the holiday . Trash collection nonnally acheduled for Thunday in Orange Coast cities will be s hifted to Friday. Friday 'collection will be shifted to Saturday. ' Banks and city, county, state and federal government offiees will shut their doors Thuraday. City halls and county offices will remain cloeed on Friday. Most groce;y stores will be c losed Thursday. A few , however, will sta'y open just in cue the family cook forgot to pick up an essential ingredient. At the UC Irvine Medical .. Center, the o~tpatient clinics and community' clinies in Santa Ana and Anaheim will be closed both Thursday and Friday. The emergency"'departme nt will continue on its normal 24-hour sc hedule, as will regular Officers in the California Highway Patrol will be among the few who won't get a holiday this weekend -in fact, they'll be working· overtime to apprehend the expected number of drunken drivers on county ~da. ' The CHP is promising maximum enforcement between 6 o'clock tonight and midnight Sunday, according to Bryan °"!.Quesnel. pulilR! affairs officer. "We're going to try and keep congestion to a minimum and h ighlight our drinking driver enforcement," he said. The number of drunken drivin1 arrests for holiday periods usually doubles and aometimes even triples, Duquemel said. .,.., .......... .., .., ......... Mai-Huoung Npyen, left, and Brian Schaef gen, boJh students at St. John the l.. Baptist School in Costa Mesa, carry food donations for needy to be distributed by Share Our Selves group. The CHP's most recent fatality report showed that from Jan. l to Oct. 21, 3,643 Californians l09t their lives in traffic aa:ldenta. That figure represents an improvement from the 4,064 that dle<i in traffic-related 8'.'Cidents for 'the same period tn 1981. A safer mode of transportation over the weekend rni&ht be one's feet -and for thole who want to (Sft HOLIDAY, Pase Al) Swimmer enjoys what may be his last lap at lrvine'i Heritage Park Aquatics Complex. The facility will be cloeed IOOn. · ' _, 1:1111 1111111 OHAN(![ COIJ N 1 Y CAL IF Of~ NIA 25 CENTS CoUnty closing door . . ·On hou.sillg pr.ogi-am By JEFF ADLER « .............. Oranae County supervisors have made It clear that couhty 1overnment'1 four-y~ar­ old affordable . housing program ia on its way out. Each of ~he board's five membe,.. took pains Tuesday to indicate general support of a retommendation to phase-out the affordable houslng program over several years .. The progra m requ\res d evelopers In unincorporated portions of the county to price one-quarter of their units for people with low and moderate i.ncomes. The proposal to phase out this requirement surfac.-ed as county government begins .a sweeping revision of the housing element of the General Plan. Several supervisors have said they believe d evelopers will build housing at affordable prices without being told to do so by C.'OUnty government. "The time has c.'Oltle when we in government mu8t let go and allow the market place more opportunities," said Supervisor Harriett Wieder . She added she believes the board s h o uld develop a voluntary arfordable houslng program. S\Jpervisors Chai.rntan Bruce Nestande, in a lette r circulated to board members M onday. urged the county Planning Commission to consider the matter with "great intensity" before m.a king a fin al recommendation early next year. The planning commission is in charge of developing specific r«'Ommendations for altering the housing element. "I personally believe the incluslonary zoning (affordable housing) can ht! phased out, but l have ·great concern that it bt done in an equitable manner,'' Nestande said. He suggested the ~gram be phased out over a 10-year period with a series of incentives to be offered developers who build a ffo rdable units during the phase-out cycle. Similarly. a proposal circulated by Supervisor Roger Stanton s uggests a phase-out. over roe four years followed by a pr<>gr8J1l · o r ma ndatory incentives for developers willing to build afford able ho using. Such • mandatory incentive might include permitting participating developers to build units at densities greater than that for which an area is zoned, accordina to Stanton's p lan . A density incentive js included in the current program. Whatev e r plan is recommended by the planning commission, Stanton urged that (See AFFORDABLE, Pase AZ) Feist 'guilty' in LB death By STEVE TRIPOLI or .... .,..,,...,..,. Seventeen-year-old Laura Lee Feist pleaded guilty today to second-degree murder ir:t the ~y 11 slaying of her ~yfriend Feist was ordered committed to the California Youth Authority by Orange County Supe rior Court Judge Kenneth Lae in a negotiated settlement approved. by defense and prosecution a ttorneys. Deputy District A ltorn'ey Richard Toohey said the plea and because. given the circumstances of the ~. "society is not served by h aving this particular . 17-year-old in sbte prison." Toohey said l n impor~t part .. of the deal wip that Fe15t first had been ruled an adult for purposes of a trial. In that way, ~he can be brought before a prison term of 17 years to life if she is found an unsuitable subject for Youth Authority custody. Hurricane hits Hawaij; 6, 700 residents flee The terms of Feist's c ommitment to the Y o uth Authority cal l for an indeterminate detention that cannot extend beyond her 25th birthday. Toohey said. If she is de t e rmined incorrigible or otherwise· unfit to remain with the authority during h e r commitment she can be returned to co1,1rt lur sentencin~ 3S an adult, Toohey said. .. HONOLULU (AP) -Hawaii's first hurricane in 23 years battered the islands with 110 mph winds. 1ending more than 6, 700 coui.J resident& from \Mir homes and cutting virtually all communications. At leaat six injuries were reported a1 Hurricane Iwa swirled Tueeday over the Pacific I ............. _a.e..., I 1 ch ain , sweeping through two western islands. Kauai and Niihau. Navy ships put out to sea and t.in roofs blew along flooded streets. Two Coast Guard shipa with no one aboard sank before they could be ta ken to safe haven. (See (HAWAII, Page A3) Feist pleaded guilty to the slaying of J ames Kendall in a parking lot at the corner of l:.egion and Through streets, near where she lived at the time . An (See FEIST, Page AZ) ·Grand Jury probing Orange Co.unty Jail By JEFF ADLER 0.-IMDelJNMI._.. The Orange County Grand Jury is probing conditions at the Orange County Jail, Grand Jury Fore man Lauren Leonard acknowledged today. "The re is an investigation under way. The areas we are concerned with at ·this time and are looking Into are deaths at the jail and the availability of medical facilities. There may be other areas," Leonard said. The grand jury foreman added1 however, that th e investigation began before the latest In a series of jail deaths spurred a call by the American Civil Liberties Union, a superior court judge and a deputy public defender for just such a· probe. Leonard said the jury began looking at jail operations and . alleged operational deficiencies July 1. "This Is nothing new," he said. The Grand Jury toured the Santa Ana faciUty July 15 and several committees have dropped in for unannounced visits since then, he sa.id. Leonaro added that the Grand Jury already has begun taking testimony about jail conditions. Leonard said h e expects testioiony to continue for about one month. The latest furor at the county jaH was touched off after three inmates died during the past month, bringing the death total to 18 people in less than two years. Although the three died bun different causes, several public interest organizations had called for an indepehdent investiption of the jail despite Oran,e COunty Sheriff Coroner Brad Gatea' contention that the jail is "one of the 10 best in the nation." Gates said he would we~ such an investigation. Gatea Mid he is confident that such a review (See PROBE, Pase A!) 'Ir.vine to close Aquatics Complex At Your Service Bulletin Board Buainea CavaJcade Claalified Comics era.word Death Notiees Edlton.l Entertalhment Food A6 A4~ A8 B~ C7-ll> C6 C6 C4 By GLEN~ SCOTT « .. ...,,... ... · Irvine's prestiatous Hertta1e Park Aquatb C.omplex will be lhut down at the end of the yeer becau.e of 1er1oua constructlon problems with the 6-)'ear-old =·the clty council has Cow.al members warned that the fldllty, built at a cost of $1.6 million, may be cbed for• lor'I H two yeara until law1ult1 • aaalnst pool deslanera and COfttr9don .,.. ...,.., 'lbe daaan II '* ry, they claimed, because of recent •dl1coverle1 that two of the fadllty'1 thne pools an lealdnc thouaandl of pllone of "ater uch day because of corroded pipes beneath the alumJnum pool hulls. To leave the remalnln1 Olympk:-alaed, 50-meter pool ln .•ervlce, they said, would endanaer the city's lepJ po.iUon In 1eekinc the $1 mJOion repair work needed to correct the problenw. The decision, reached after council memben met with attome)'I for almoet an hour ln clmed -'on, cmne • a shock to W. who rqularly a.-the POOi. They arsued that cbuN of the 50-meler pool II premature. lt al•o spoiled an announcement bJ Oran1• County Superior Court Judp Bruce Sumner, who Informed the cowml that the compln had been aelected only lut Saturday to host the 1whnminc eventa for the four-event pentathlon during the 1984 Sumner Olympka. Sumnf'r. chairman of the pentathlon 1wimmln1 and a me mber of the Los Anaelea ·Olympic Orpnilin1 Commiuee, urpd council memben to u. the Olympk promJse • an Incentive to rrieet with contnlc1on or other donora 'to quickly correct the probleml. But MaJOr Larry Alf'U\ •• 1 ... encourqlftl wtwn he told the fNIVa..a ......._..: "I don't want to -~ II tD lllJOl"9 that UH Of th I f Hllll1 WUI be avallable for • Iona lime to carn9.'' Buut 1n une wtth u.. .un o1 I drawJn1 n'auonal attention to Irvine while offeri"I rftidentl a htah-quality rea"aUonal f..Wty, the complex ha had technical flaws from the becinn1nl· 1be dty preyiowiy settled pert of hs 1917 lawsuit a1aln1t contnctor Ruane c.orp. over the fact that the ISO-meter pool'• aluminum shell wa1 about one lnc:h too lhon. ' • To solve that pr;oblem, worlcen stretched the shell and then Mlted It •l•lnst th• sides ,to retain the extr. len1th. The bolts. howe'vw, brMk off .-Sy beea"9 of oarrCllllon. It 11 corroalon UUNd by elfttroly1l1 that I• lf•dually •Unc up the ,..... ""'burtld ( ... AQUATICI. .... Al) Ju•lin Bun• and hl1 cla•maln rebuilt the Maynower on Pa1e Bl. Poet-Thanbgivin1 reelpee llart· OD Pap83. Horoerope lntennillkJn Ann Lanclfts Movies Mutual Funda National News Public Notat IC!'Marketl Televiak>n ,,,. ..... WNther Warld News Al0-11 87-8 83-8 82 87 82 8'7-8 Al Al • C4 Cl-3 Al CB 81-1 .u .u .. - t i •' Orpng• COHI O~ILV Pl)..OT /W49dne1d1y, November ~4. 1982 ~' :·'.-' Continued stories ~FFORDABLE HOUSING .. • It be no more refltrlctlvc und nu n~@re "regulatory" than any st.alt• CJC fede ral programs pertaining to a(,t>rdable houslng. ,)lather than promoting a s,peciCic P.hase-o ut pion , Supervisor Ralph Clark asked t~e planning commission to owarly define the problems with l<lle present affordable• housing ~gram. 1·l 1 'd like t o have a clear sth1ement of the problems," Clark said. "I'd like lo hear wn'ere existing housing e lement is.,. fliUSing pro\> I ems." ·· 'fhe supefvisor also requested tbat the planning commission supply s tatis tics comparing <'I t' u r r e n l u n 8 o I d h o u 11 I n g lnvl'nt.oriC'S with thU!i(' uf 1,mHolil nCforduble unltB Clark pointed but that durintc a survey of ~ district lust yeur 53 percent said they favored the affordable housing p0rogram a nd 69 pel"cc nt favored it if developers were given incentives to build affordable uniL'>, "The price or housing still is as much of a t'Oncern now as it was four ):Cars ~go," he said. A recent surve y by the county's Informatio n and Housing Development Office found that o( 1.816 affordable dwellin' uflits built since the program s inceptiot'I in 1979, 980 remain u'nsold. AQUATICS COMPLEX ... ~eath the pools, officials say. pay Cor the much costlier repairs 'Harry Erlich , the city's to the distribution system. rV~ger o( maintenance services, The ne~s le!t represent.ativt>s s~1d the comple x 's e xtens ive or local swim clubs devastated. · ~a'ter-pumping gear should have Fred Gatun of the Irvine in'cluded a ~athodlc protection Novaquatks said closure of the system lo protect against complex could mean the collapse electrolysis and~ hence, corr.osion. of the team because it needs a But the system hasn't worked, he 50-meter pool f~r practice and no S6id. · • others are available. He claimed Corisultant George Moller was that the club's most f.'(>mpetltive called to inspect the complex in swimmers will go to other teams. la&.e September aft.er a leak was ln agreement was Dan Ba~rell disl.'Overed in a 33-meter diving of Culver City, a leading official pool. Paul Brady Jr., assistant in AAU swimming who wore a city manager; said the pool is white windbreaker with "USA" l~ng 30,000 galloris a day. printed on the back. • Workers re moved a 6-fool Said Barrett: "Th ese folks str~tch of an underground pipe aren't pulling your leg. They will ~ discovered it was corroded be raped, pilJaged and plundered much worse than consultants or of all their best swimmers . . . city oHicials had expected, Brady The results will be disastrous." said. Othe r Novaquatic booste rs Erlich said th e city immediately will se~k bids lo "' install an external cathodic ~--1JC01~w· n-$~m,ooo cost to preserve the outside secttion of the pool. H owever, council members indicated it may be a year before litigation is concluded lo determine who is resoo95ible to s uch as mechanical e ngineer Carlyle Mounteer and biochemist Allen Murray argued that the c ity d idn't have s ufficient docamenmuon to concluo-e-that closing the 50-meler pool will reduce corrosion. But c ou n cil memb eq explained they couldn't take chances because of the high costs of repairing the pools. ·PROBE OF JAIL . • • • would prove the adequacy of health care in the jail. Neverthe l ess, Gates and C"8rles Kerns.· county health care agency direc to r , are readying a request that asks the county Board of Supervisors to add six lull-time and one part- time jail nursing positloris. The board is expected to consider the request al its Nov. 30 meeting. If app1oved, the additional sljlff pos1lion5 would be used to niedically screen each inmate ~ght into the jail. Gates said he has asked for these posi tioris ilfllpast county budgets but has been turned down. >. Meahwhil~ Orange County Supervisor Harriett Wieder is demanding that K erns supply her with a report she requested in July reviewing the delivery of medical services to persons in county custody .• Wieder has directed Kerns to provide a status report on the s ubject no later than Mondav. Three inmates -Michael Antonio Rosas, Ruben Cardenas Cota and Richard Paul DeSoto - d ied al the jail from causes appare ntly unrelated to their in- ca rce rat ion during the past month. ---- Labor of love Heverly Enyeart prepares pies for Thank giving Day dinner .she a nd he r . husband and eight children are pre paring for anyone who wanis lo come. (See story Page AS) - t•wfMtrt -Meq lo '-ftt•nd bO.CHH) lu K.,I rid of ribent District to cover asbesto.s nia terials The· Newpoh-M<'sc.i Un1rf1•d S<:hool Oh1trict wlll i;pc.·nd $60,000 tu l'id Nc•wport &·at·h 1md COllt.a M'·~ lj('hoola ol Wibcstos rru.itcr1ul. Evad<'n('C M asbt>slofl wai; fol.and In nt•1i1rly every ht-ater and bollt:r room In the district, ac..'COrdlng lo LI i;ur·vey report given Tuesduy night to di.strict truat.t>4;'8. District officials cautioned that nont.• of the potcmtlally Jung d:imuging materlaJ was found an tht• <:lassroorns :fi't1J that it is not considered a fieallh threul to t•mployc-t.'S or students. "Wl• did not land any serious problems," sa.id district business manuger Ray Schn1erer. "The use or asbestos wasn't that common when our schools wen• built." Last M ay , the f ederal Enviro nmental Protection Agency required a ll schools in the nation to conduct surveys of their facilities and to report their findings to local parent-teacher organizations. As~tos. which is used as an m11ulotlon muwrial. haa bet!n ltnkt•d to ct•rtoln lung dlaeUH wh1·n tl bt'<.'Omt.'11 airborne and ia inholt'Cl. S.:hnl1.·n.>r 11<ud that none of lht" •.u1bt·stoi. malc.:rial in Newport- Mc•su schools had dewriorat.ed W th ... po\nt that ll would be • h°l>ullh huzard. Work to seal 8"d remove tht• material will begin in July. In other ac tion . tru•f•H approved a rl•queat from &be NC!wport -Meaa Schooh Fo undauon to spend funds to reston• music programs and upgr~de reading Instruction for students in kindergarten through sixth grades. ,The non-profit group, made up of par4!nts and business leaden, w;u also spend the money they r a LS t• t o b r 1 n g c o m p u t e r 1nstruc t1on to students in the seventh to 12th grades. EarlieP this year the Newport- Mt>aa Schools Foundation spent $45,000 tu help restore remedial reading programs to students in elementary schools. Mesan gets prison term in Reagan ho01e ·sche.me Two men, including a Costa Zoller Group inve stmen t Mes a r esident , hav<• been co rpora t io n . Ogle was its sentenced to federal prison 'after pres ident and Wright t h e pleading guilty t.o making false account.ant. - s la t e m e n ts to a I e nd i n g A federal grand jury indict.ed institution in an effort to buy them last AugusL The grand jury President Reagan's former home alleged that in Sept.ember 1981 m Pacific Palisades. Ogle and Wright agreed to buy WilliaIQ C. Ogle, 54, of Costa l h e R e a g a n h o m e a s Mesa., was given a two-year re presentatives of the Zoller I senterK-e and co-defendant Roger Group for $1.03 mHlion. ' LL received a one-ear sentence ~ut escrow was prolonged a ·ge t11•no11ts se E . Wright, 48, of Pomona, ._ot...11 ...... --F:r~o:,;::m;..;..;:,. ;;-.. ;....,s.;l,.::1::.c.;:.t l;:.:.u=;..g-=e~:..:a~co~m~_...,h1 le-the-def enda11 ts tried to Lucas, who also ordered each arran~e a loan for more than the for free llleals le n oc man to pay a $5,000 fine Monday. purchase Pl'ICt!. Escrow d ocu - Ogle pleaded guilty Oct. 7 to ments werl' falsified to show m a king false s tateme nts las t that the home was to sell for $1.9 January to a federally insured million. the grand jury said. Orange County organjzations sponsoring free Th anksgiving dinners a re expecting large turnouts Thursda~ -another s ign, their officials said, of t•urrent economic conditions. At thC' Harbor C hristian Fellowship, 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, it was estimated to day that as many as 300 people may s how up for turkey dtnner With aU the trtmnungs - double the number of last year. The fellows hip will serve dinner between 1 and 4 p.m. Thursday. Transportation is being ofCered for those who need il. Further information may be obtamed by telephoning the fellowship at 631-7732. In Santa Ana, Missionaries at H o me, which oper a t es the Orange County Rescue Mission, is estimating they will serve about 400 complete dinners to the needy. said administrator Rob Martin . Since a new rescue center building i s s till under construction, the mission wi II serve dinners in tents located at the construcuon site at 1901 W. Waln~t St., Martin said. Vofuntc-ers were at the location today, busy erecting lent~ a nd getting portable co oking equipment ln place. Dinners there will be served from noon until 2 p.m.. Martin said. For more information, call 835-0499. Also helping t o make Thanksgiving an enjoyable day for the needy is an?lher Costa Mesa-based organization, Share Our Selves, known as SOS. le nding institutio n. Wright The grand jury also accused entered a guilty plea to the sarnp the .Pair of. ly l.ng w he n they c-h:irges Ot't. 13. applied lo a sav,mgs and loan in The men worked wilh the El Centro for a $1.2 million loan . Laguna OKs bus shelters Bus commute rs 1n Laguna Canyon will enjoy th(' comfort of passenger shelters next spring as a result of recent Laguna Beach ci ty rouncil action. City Council me mb<>rs have agreed lo front $6,066 for the three shelters, which will be s hipped from the Midwes t by Scyma Division ,of M1ch1gan Industrial Packaging. That firm was the sole bidder for the three shelters. which will be located· on lhP Cdnyon road at Sun Valley Drive, Canyon Acres Driv and an area south of Big Bend. The shelters, featuring wood hl'ncht'S and a curved half-dome top. should be installed by March or April. Clly oCftclals said. The city w11J be reimbursed for tht' cost of the shelters by the Orange County Transit District and Federal Urban Mass Transit Admanistrauon grant. Sunny Thanksgiving Jean Forbalh of SOS said the organization h as received numerous donations of canned goods and turkeys for subsequent contributions to families needing Thanksgiving food. FEIST PLEADS GUILTY. From Page A1 • • ,Coasta l 040111)' cloudy today with • cl\ance of ehowera High• 82 "°'1g the coHI to 88 Inland. Clllll'OI of rain 30 pe<eenl IOClly CIMring 11nd much coldlf tonight wW1 1ow1 40 to 48. Sunny end e ~warmer on Thankeglvlng. 65 alotlg the cout to 72 Ef1ewhere. from Poi nt Conception to the Mealcen 111\d out 80 mites: v lll•ble , moetly leea 11\ar\ 10 knots ay. Local eHI to northeell de 7 to 14 knot• along Ill• COllllt tonight with llghlet rth t o northe11t wind• e. Soutr-t awelll 1 to IHI todey with 1 fool wind ves. Sea• t>.comlng smooth t. Moetly cloudy IOC11y with altered 1hower1. SklH wlll In Qea(lhg tonight from the , t>ec:Omlng mottly sunny by llglvtng. • nuno CMW norti-tern 1C11 end from the Greet L.1111• d norlhern...6tlentlc CoHI ough the lower Ml11l11lppl end New Me11lco, 10 the predlcttd for most of lhe nort.hern 11111 of the Slate. but some cloudlnesa In the Sieue with cold 1emper1tur11 to preserve 1he anow for the crowd of skiers expected for the first big holiday WMltend. Denae log Predoclld for the 111119)'1 during the motnlngl WIS expected 10 dear off by afternoon e11 c1pt I n the eouthern S1cr1men10 and Sin Joaquin velleys where lhe oPaque stuff will llnger Temperatures NATlON Alblny AlbliQu«que Amarlllo Atnevllle Allanla AllanOc C11y Autlln Bal II more Bllllngs Blrmlngham Bismarck BolM Bolton Brown1vlt1e BulfelO Burlington Ca11>91 Charltllton, S C. Charleston, W V Cnarlotte. N C Cheyenne Chicago • Clnclnnetl Clevel1ncf Columb11. S.C. Columbus 0111 ... FI Worth Dayton Denver 0..MOIMI o.trOlt Duluth EIPMO Fetgo Flagatell • ;.:.. .,> 1:. Fronts Ct)I(! .-. Mieml Milwa1k .. Mpls-S1. Paul Nelhvllle N-Orleana New YOflr. Nortotk North Pl111e Oklatloma City Omatla Orl1ndo Phll1delphl1 Phoenix Piiie burgh Portland. Me. Portland: Ort. Providence ==t~lty Reno Richmond Salt Ullt• 8an Antonio Sellllte ShrlWpert Slou11 F ... St Louil St ...... lampe St s .. Mlltte Spok- SyrllCUM Topellt TUC80n Tutu Weehlngton WIChlta 71 71 41 us 21 08 89 31 79 58 85 52 85 54 31 07 48 22 27 12 82 59 M 51 7t 53 81 38 52 47 44 34 52 48 74 81 27 11 35 29 7t 59 31 20 73 58 49 35 73 4 1 23 09 53 20 79 51 38 08 24 09 81 40 34 18 89 50 50 23 Ml 55 34 18 trat end toUth«n CeHlornl1 ' Great Fella HartfOfd Helene Honolulu HOUiton lndianepotls JllCllson, MIN Jacksonvllle Ken ... City i.uvegu Utile Rock Lolll1vllle Lubt>ock Memptole .. lo 80 49 52 28 4t 19 66 52 74 58 S4 48 73 37 63 49 30 26 72 47 18 -05 35 18 55 51 841 53 55 35 58 se 28 17 75 61 8g 43 69 '80 24 -01 39 14 S3 33 53 34 77 '55 81 37 19 32 57 31 28 t3 27 t3 47 31 IS .()4 7t 31 ot 00 38 31 34 2t 83 49 27 08 11 78 12 47 63 24 llO 43 llO 54 35 14 55 4t 841 27 87 32 38 21 ff 33 CA&.WOMU 8811.,•fleld .. le 57 49. 83 48 SI 47 14 87 88 ... tM _. felr -the r•t ol neelofl. •"°",.. W.• forecut tor , ... ey ecrou th• SouthwHI. rough eouthern Te•e• end VII Gull Colet loMtlt9d ..... peotlCI -the .... . with enow ~ N Olntqj 1111119, .,. lowet o, .. , Ind ........ ~ lnlll"d· • •• Euret.1 Frwno LOI Anoelet Oellttnd Pno Rot1191 '" 41 lllf llPllT ................. .... ··-~--~ I I 10 t I --MonlCe I I to ' I Newport lelcfl I I ti t lln DlloO County I a ti t I ~ for Tlllnllar; "'"' .... "' IW = w Ratn D Snow[! Reel Bluff 12 40 Redwood City 58 48 Reno 35 2t Sacramento 52 40 Slllnll 84 •5 San Diego 80 85 San Frencltc0 54 50 Santa B1rbat1 63 51 Stodtton 55 47 Bar II ow 14 39 BlQ Bear 48 20 8111\op 53 25 Calallna -"J 84 50 Long Beach ., 48 Monrovl1 es 41 Mt Wilson 50 38 Newport 8Mcll 85 48 Onltr•o 63 4() P1tm Springs 73 46 P1Mdene 88 43 f\jYeflfde 180 4() Sen Bernerd1no 62 4() S111 Gebrllll Ml 42 S111 JON 59 48 Senti Ana 89 45 Senti Crur 87 53 Tanoe Velley 3t 28 CANADA =atoerv SI •17 Edmonton " 10 Mont reel 52 4t Smog Where 10 call (loll lret) IOI' ~~l;..weH LOI ~ntetH County: (IOO) 141...ctn ......... end Ian ..,_.,IO oountlel! (f00) 117-4710 AQMD lpllOCle C..W: C_, .,.., Tides TODAY aleooncl ll'Clfl U t p.m. U ltaOftd IOw IO:H p m 0.1 ~· ~ lligll l :M e.m. 4.1 1 n•., IOw tl:41 am I. I ..... ....... u ... 11.tl P,lft. • .• -8!'!.-....., ... ,. ...... ,_ . .__ ...... "' .......... .._ .. '·'''"'· -TllwMlr .. tl:Ot .... A mong the donors were students al St. John the Baptist School, in Costa Mesa who turned over canned goods and turkeys, and the food services department at UC Irvine. Forbath said students living In donnitories yielded food tickets to permit the donation. HOLIDAY. • From Page A1 bum off a few calories before the feast, there's always the fifth annual Dana Point lOK Turkey Trot. The 6 .2 -mil e mini - m a r athon, sponsored by the Dana Point Cha mb e r of Commerce. begms at 7:30 a.m. at the Dana Point Athle tic Club. Registration is $8.50. For more information. call 496-155~. I • impending breakup of her relationship with the 21-year-old Emerald Bay resident apparently prompted the s hooting. police said. Kendall died of a single bullet wound to lhe heart. Feist then turned the revolver on herself, firing a single shot which passed through her upper body in an apparent attempt al suicide. Toohey said t h at FeiS't's c.pparent state of mind at the lJ -ne of the shooting plus a lack of any previous c riminal record Wt•re taken into consideration wh~n the deal was made. Feist, who was described in a preliminary h earing as a runaway a t age 14 who Jived only part time with her parents, told police s h o rtly after the shootmg ·that she oragmaUy had intended only to kill herself but turned the gun o n Kendall because she was tortured by the fact of his dating other women. Ke n dall's father and sister wer e present at the hearing along with a family attorney. Judge Lat> asked family members If they had a n y comme nt con cerning the agreement. to which the attorney said the r e was nothing they wanted to add . After the hearing Toohey calJed the case "a tragic situation for both families, but I see it aa a case where society i.s served by placing he r in the CYA (Youth Authority)." Public Defen der .De bo rah Kwast represented Feist in the case. Our clrculatlon department will observe a holiday schedule on Thanksgiving Day. If you have not recetved your newspaper by 7:30 11.m ., please contact our office by 8:30 a.m. for redellvery. Friday, Saturday and Sunday (November 26-28) deliveries should arrive by 7:30 a.m. If there is no dellvery, please contact our clrculatlon department by 10 a.m. for redelivery. · Clrculatton phone number Is (714) 642-4321. • The Daily Piiot offices will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Office hours on Friday are 9 a.m .• 5 p.m. Han • Happy TIM,...,,Mftlll . \ .. • 1982 • -. WORLD Re·agan wants economic 'boost' Ghana troops crush· an attempt~d coup . LONDON Troops loyal SANTA BARBARA (AP) A ft<•r t•ndorilng a maulvl' hlahway rf'pafr and Job11 program. Pr.-1idcmt RH11n 11 ,,,ruldt>rlna additional prupo11all to curb unemployment and 1lve the C('Onomy a "frah boo9t." Before flyln., here Tue.day fqr a 11ht-day Thanblivlna vacation at. hill 1·unch, Ht-aaan 1avt• hi• tH&~kln" to a ~-ctmt ~r sallon lnc:~uc 111 ltll' fedc-ral p!IUUM tax to fl nunct• t6.6 billion In hl1hwia y and brldae rk'ONlr\k.'\JOn projt'cta. Tht> p ro1rum has 1alncd biparlilan aupport In Co~""' In the face of the nation 1 l0.4 ix·n•c11t U•lt'mploynwm ruu• It will prodU('t.I 1m ettlroai.d 3iQ,. 000 )>b8 R.ui.mg tht• gaa ~x lO » Ct•nta o gallon wouhJ 1;u11t tlw averagt• m otori11l t 30 a year, ~1anu1d. Announdng his 1upport or th•• highway plan, Reagan 114tlc.I ht• alao W811 t'Onsidcring "a IM'tlt'fi of ,. otht•t' mt.•ui."r\'tl tlU•l would twlp to "'vc• our 1't·onoroy It freeh booilit all WI' h(•Ud llllCJ 11*83 "It Is m y hopl'." h .. 1dct.4t "that th111 package.• f.'1&n be hi,h·ari tht• agc•ndu whe n the Con~ rt•turns to Washington next Wt'f•k " I to the military government have crushed an aucmpted coup In the West African nation of Ghana, its head of state announc.oo today. Ghanaian leader Flight Lt. Dec. :u. 1961, announced Tuesday's failed coup in a radio broadcast from the nation'• capital, Ac.'Cra. Radio Accra said Rawlings, 35, hod Imposed a t·urfew and closed Ghana's borders until further notice. Industry panel ten,tatively OK Wh1~ li0Uk• 11pokesman LanT Spl'akc-s said Reagan likely wlb <k't•1dt• on ttw t'Om~ta ol the f)l!(·kug1· durmg the vacation 'trip, but probably will not annou~ ll until t•arly n<:xt wt>ek. Speaking with reportera on Air Force One, Speakes uld the prcipoi;als under review include at"Cl'lcrating next July's il'lCC>m9 tax cut so that )t would take t•CCrt•t m January. 'I1le propoaal 11 d esign e d to s timulate the economy by putting more money in the hands of .t.'OOSUmen. Jerry Rawlings, who seized power for n SN'Ond time on Crown gems still in Iran TEHRAN, Iran -.The crown jewels of the Pahlavi dynasty, estimated worth $50 billion and the most danling gem collection in· the world, still glitter in a d fm bank vault be neath the teeming street s or r evolutionary Tehran. • Almost four years after the downfall of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the r evolutionary government opened the chamber beneath STATE the c.-cntral bank building lo a group of foreign journalists in order to dispel rumors it was selling off the fabulous jewels to finance_ its war with Iraq. .. The collection of priceless c rowns and l e g e ndar y thrones. berubied snuffboxes and diamond-studded opium pipes appe~red as complete and undisturbed as when last on public display In the late 1970s. 2 guf!men get $150,000 ESCONDIDO -A $10,000 reward has been offered for the capture of two· well- dressed men who robbed a Gemco s t ore ju st as an armored transport guard was carrying QUl a satc h e l conJ,aining about '150,000 in , store receipts. · During Tuesday's mid- morning heis t, IOne of the gunmen fired at the head of the una rme d guard, but missed. Police said the guard had followed the gunmen's o rders and was lying ra,ce down on the floor after he -:;tiad given the ba ndits the money when the s hot was fired. No o n~ was r e ported injured in the robbery. Spikes to halt speed REDDING -The Californ i a Highway Patrol plans to experiment with spike-studded rubber strips as a means of halting speeding motorists by blowing out their tires. year. To apur !ndu1trial 1rowt.h, and tranaporiatlon to attract Orange. County supervbon have buameu. That's the best way," take n Initial s teps toward Stanton said. . crea ting an Indus tr i a I Despite his oppo11itlon to the , Development Authority. 1 authority's creation, Stanton Once created, t.he authority 1 aid he w 111 b e-co m e a would be empowered to issue "contributing mert\l>er" of the bonds to make low-intereat loans authority's board If the ordinance availal:>le to buaineues wishing to is adopted. '- locate in unincorporated ~as of In proposing creatior.-or the the county. The au~honty was • authority. Rile y maintained It p~o~ by Supervasor Tho~ , "would encourage employment R1le.y an October. growth which, combine<l with FU:St reading of ~e ord~nance the county'iwaffordable housing creaung the authonty. carried on policies. wilf assist m achieving a 4 to 1 vote. The ordinance was well-planned communities to set for final adoption Nov. 30. maintain our healthy economy." -Voting against the measure . The authority would be able to was Supervisor Roger Stanton. $ o mill' · ho ds He said the authority won't solve issue up to 1 ion m n to fund each project It agreed to the problems for which it was underwrite. Businesses could u1e· designed. such funds for land acquisitior. "I think It's a good concept, but plant construction, e xpansion or I think what we need here is relocation. more infra-structure like housing The authority could participate , Clear· sky for holiday on Coast By STEVE MITCHELL OflMD.-, ......... T shaking things up In the . Hawaiian Islands, bui Orange Coaat residents can expect clear and warmer skies Thanksgiving Day. The National Weather Service said Southern California should feel no ill effecta as a result of the hurricane that devastated parts of the Hawaiian Wands. ~· -.. In pro1ccts In unincorporated areas o f the county or in partnership with c1t1es agr~ing t.o join the authority. • All o f Oran$<' County's s urrounding c6untics ha ve• i ndus tri al development authorites, created after e nabhng legislation was passed by the state Legislaturt.> in 1961. Before bonds for a par•1cular project could be issued, they would have to be approved by the authority the board of su~rvlsors a nd the California Indu s tri a l Developmel)t Financing Advisory Commission, chaired by St.ate Treasurt•r Ji..-s,w Unruh. Stanton said the author ity's creation as aimed primarily at developing portions o f south 'Orange County. He added that even with the authority he doubts that the area wlll develop into an "industrial center." That plan has gotten a chilly reception In Congreaa . Republican congression,al leaden already have told the president. thc.•re are not enough votes to pass it. ' But a semor administration official said ln Washington that Reagan is leaning toward s peeding up the 10 percen~ Income tax cut. The source, who asked to remain anonymous, said the idea had "an awful lot or polillcal sex appeal.". White House counselor Edwin Meese Ill cautioned again•r anticipating a major initiative· Crom the administration . _ Aimed at drivers who lead Ollicers on hiBh-speed chases on Interstate 5 near Mount Sh as ta . l he ex per ~men t begins Dec. 1 and will last a The ofCicers -in pursuit will radio another CHP unit to int ercept the s peeder by pulling four. 15-foot-long strips across the highway before the fleeing vehicle reaches that spot, according to CHP officer Steve Famed. T he 1 Yz ·inch -long hollow s teel spikes are designed to deflate tires in about 14 • seconds. Hepatitis warning issued "There's a l·ot of ocean between UI and the Hawaiian Islands," weather service specialist Don Lust said. "!J's too far out to tell how it'• going to react by the time it geta here -if it gets that far." , Lust said hurricanes set their energy from warm water, "and it's cold here this time of year." Police 1urvey (alien tree in Honolulu where 80-mph winds knocked out power, damaged homes and disrupted.communication. Below ii a view or Hurricane lwa from a weather SAtellite. LOS ANGEJ,.ES -People who ..ate at the El Tarasco relttaurant irl El Segundo on Nov. 12 or 13 are being urged to take preventive measures against possible hepatitts infection from a worker who cut lettuce on those days. Myrtha Gonzalez-Woolley, a s pokeswoman for the county Department of Health Services, communicable disease division, said Tuesday that anyone who ate lettuce in salads. tacos or any other dishes at the Mexican restaurant on the two days should Immediately get shots of gamma globulin. Welfare applicants ousted S A C RAMENTO -T he Sacramento County Welfare Department says it is sending record numbers of appl1cants from out of California back to the states where they a re residents. Records showed Tuesday that so far this year, $10,474 has been spent to send 124 non-residents back where they came from -during all of last year it spent only half that to send 53 non-residents NATION home. Said Ralph Vigna, director of the department's general assistance program , "They come from every state in the union. It's more cost eCCective for us to pay their bus ticket. back than to put them on welfare here." He said about 100 out-of- staters a month a re applying for general assistance in Sacra~nto. ' 2 win $1 million lottery W ASHINOTON -Charles Puryear was praying as D.C. Mayo r Marion Barry Jr. announced the grand prize winners in the city's first instant lottery game. He got what he wanted - $1 million. Pury ea r , 53 , a $12,000-a-year guard for the National L abor Relations · Board, was one of two who won the top prize of $50.000 a year for 20 years in Tuesday !light's drawing. Mara Spade, 37, a hotel banque t bartende r fro m suburban Chevy Chue, laid s~e plans to pay off debts, pay back those who have helped her, and Invest the rest. Meanwhile, Southern Callfomiana who plan to spend the holiday in Hawaii should experience no _problems with their departing nights. Joe liopklni, a spokesman for United Airlines, said hia airline expects normal operations through the holiday. He said United had to divert only one of its 15 daily flllhta • a result of the hurricane, adding most flights had arrived or departed by the time the storm hit the islands. American Airlines spokesman Al Becker said that airline's three daily {lights from Lm Anceles to the islands are running on schedule. He said only one flight had to be diverted from Honolulu to HiJo on the big island• a result of the hurricane. Locally, the weather service says winds from 15 to 30 miles per hour were forecast throughout Southern California tonight from a low pressure s torm front moving in from Central California. Highs on Thanksgiving Day will range from 68 at the beaches to 72 inland, with lows from 46 to 50. The weather eervic:e pcedicted snow at elevatiom of 6,500 feet Thanks&ivin1 Day with hiehs from 44 to M in the mountains and Iowa in the 20. and 30a. Owens Valley hlgh1 were expected In the mit::O• with lows from 15 to 25 m . lli1hs in northern may reach Into the mkl 50a with Iowa from 25 to 37. Southern detlert highs were expected In the 70. with lows from 38 to 45. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot! What don't you lllle! • Call the number at left and your me9llp will be recorded, tranleribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642•6086 The same 24-hour an1werin1 aervlce ma1 be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mallboi contributon mut include their name and telephone number for ver1fleatlon. No circulation calls, please. Tell WI what's on your miad. OwlRIWe f, 1' I & ... ~~....,, ~ ..... s:= OAANOE COAST Dally Piiat , ....... ,.Haley ,~ ond o...i ( •KU1•¥8 OHie .. .. L K_, Schulh Vice "..-,. Md OlleclOI' °' ~ lorfMfMIMo .. 011 C-0.. , Mkh9.IP • ......, Oltecta °' -· ..... IC11 cullllolil a .. .._...,..._."..,. • ..,,. AM otMr deparlMe• MMJl1 ~ • • • HAWAII • • • From Page A 1 Winds up to 80 mph struck Honolulu on the island of Oai}u, southeast of the storm's center, Electricity in the· capital wa•, knocked out for three hours 1 Tuesday night and roads were flooded early today. Palm treee bent double under the force of the winds. . l About 5,800 resident of low-' l y ing areas o r Kauai wer1 evacuated to higher ground, a local emergency official said. Coastal a r eas-of sparse ~ populated Niihau also we~; • evacuated. , • "At about 8 p.m. their time UO i p.m. PST) the main force of the • • storm went over (Kauai) with : • winds about 105 to 110 mph,"' j said Bob Blair, spokesman for di. l Federal Frnergency Management . Agency in Virginia. "They had I waves up to 12 feet high." f --~~~~~~~~~-................. mi ...................... ! • I . Gem ·Talk •Y J.C. HUMPHRIES C~rti/i«I G~mol1Vi1t, AGS I AM A DIAMOND ... ••d I'm ~"1 proud My Ille be.an deep Jn the "womb" ol blue rodm hundn!dl lo feet down In an extinct AElcan .-obno. Men and n»cla1nea many lal'll of todr and 11ml ,, tM 1urlace, where other mei\ and m•chlne• cr•clred the rock and found me lnakk. Alter my birth, thC'rr w.u lilllc chan<T that I would .,,,,,.., .,...,. a lowl,y tuw.r. Fw )"OCI ... "' ,_.,_..,., ol all diamonds .,.. ca...,,.ed nor fOOd ClnOICh ro be ,....,..._ In oelwr warclt, all dMmonda are not born equal. My ,_,. "IUtel"W'' end up In Wl'p ,... ol bwUtly. ,w. dlfmcandt.,. Che hardHI of all natural .,....._, .)'VII tnow ... II I may ... a IJICJ, I ,_. cite,_. • • ..,,.,,,,,, Md W cul, I_. Md pol"'1ted unUJ I w• ~ moc.wfa 10 I» preHn IN 10 eociecy .. a brllllanc twll«lol' of Ood'• IJ6hc ,.,._ lloW ploud I-. 10 i..w .... found woch11 of •It• name DIAJIONDI I bctw I ahall ...._ ......... Nl7 ~. °"' ,,_.,,. I i..w tulnlJfrfl _nq ..UJ1¥. ror, .......,. , ..,.. llO""' ,,...,.. ol""" " ...., all .. ......, II I ... nor lowd "7-. ... VAL ST. LAMBERT PAIR 9" GARDENIA CANDLESTICKS $17500 .. ! l v. Nov•mber 74, 1882 T•c.IJ County revives trBnsit tax hopes Yule fest ~lated .. at NB' inuse.uJn A Chrislmas tree gnlu and fes t iva l to b e n efit t h e Newport Harbor Art Museum will be staged Dec. 3, 4 and 5 at the Newport Beach museum. Featured will be displays oC handmade tree ornaments, Christmas trl>es, gingerbread houses and wreaths made-to- order. · There is a $2 admission •Sou t h C o u'!i.t M e dical Cente r \\iill cele.brate the seven th an n iversar y of its 'Stress Cen t.er Tuesday with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Tt-i e open house will •A 90·m1n u te seminar, designed to help single people enjoy the holidays this year. will be presented at Orange Coa$t College on Friday. Dec. 3. Titled "Getting Out of the Holiday Blahs," the seminar runs from 7:30-9 p .m . i n . charge Cor adults and $1 for senior citizens and children. Youngsters under 12 will be admitted fre<> due to o grant from Nordi;t rom in South Coast Plaza. Hours on Dec. 3 are from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. T he festival closes at 5 p.m. the. othe r days. The museum is locatea at 850 San,. Clemente Drive. . Include a tour, literature on stress ~d refreshments. The public ls invited to the South Laguna hospital, 31872 Coast Highway. For more infor mation. call 499-2295. • OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission is $3.50. The sem in ar lecture r is B.arbara Bartol, a n expcrienc.-ed <:gunselor. public school teache r , and child welfart! social worker. For information about the seminar, phone 556-!1880. ( . T h 1• 0 r 11 n ~ t• C o u n t y Trnn11portMllon t.:ornml.-lon hWI llt-t•idt'<I to again IM't'k f)UIMIAK•' or ·11 h1tt1 lt·tel•lalion thut woul~ Pf•rmlt Orungt• County vown to dedd(• If th1• lililt'ti uuc 1hould bt• 1ncreued \0 fund ttaru portation projeclH. A similar mcaMUrt' wM.tJ killed 111 Augus t whti n its a utho r , Assemblyman Rl1•h11r<I RobulllOn, , P ·S..nu.1 Anu, ubruptly wnhdn•w tht• lt•Ui»latlon frum rona1derutlon b t• f o r u t h e rn a t t' S <' n 11 t e 1'ranavorwtlon ConimJttt.'t!. \ L oc:ial tran 11 p o rtatlon commlt11l oncra aaid this week that thl' new au.~mpt at winning approval of the l«!111latlon would be their top go.I for th" 1983-84 leglslat1vc aeulon I J( the• l(•l(hdat1on 11 apptwt'd, voton would bt1 u kc.>d wht'thcr the: local 1111les tax now at 6 pN't~:nt f)<"r doOar of taxable ,.1es be incrt'ascd to " nu..x1mum or 7 pe r c c11t Tht' maximum inc:reaac would gt•neratl' an t'ltimated $1 50 rnilliun annually In additional revenue for new tran£portation proj(...:l.I. Without additiona l rt-venul', NOrth-south rouies 'weighed Transportation planne!'F -have Diego Fn.'<'way W<.'8t of the Costa been g ive n a green light to Mesa to Brookhurst S treet to JO proceed with the study of three lanes; and widening the Santa alternahve proposals to expedite Ana ;Freeway ; a mfdium- rongested north-llOUth traffic in c apacit y rail syst e m with central Orange County. exte nsio ns n o rth on Harbor T h e o r a n 8 e c 0 u n t y Boulevard and Stale College T rans po rta tion Commission .Boulevard to the Brea Mall and on to Placentia and Yorba Llnd4 directed us stare planneFS to and extensions 90utn on Newport evalua te and test the alternatives and MacArthur ljbulevards to for the corridor and develop a Pacific Coast Highway. fin a l r ecomme nd a ti o n b y January. -Ele me nts o f the ' first T pe alternataves e nvisioned alternative plus extension of the in clude a mi x o f h ighway Orange Freeway to the San extensions or r <>novations and Diego Freeway and traffic commuter rail lines and busways capacity improvements to the to increast' the traffic-carrying San Diego Freeway between the capacity of the existing highway Ora nge and Co rona del Mar freeways; transit lln«;?S running ,system. north and so uth, with the The three alternatives outlined exception of lines to Placentia Monday are: a nd Yorba Linda and south on MacArthur. -Selected freeway widening · and the extension of the Costa -Mod ifying the preceding Mesa Freeway to Industrial Way alternative to provide a direct in Costa Mesa; widenm~ the San connection between the Orange and Corona dcl Mar frcl'ways: express bus Sl'rv1ce on lwo special freeway lan('S: (,'Onimuter rail s~rv1ce north a nd south, including a circ.ulallon 1oop with s tops al such place~ as Sout.h Coast Plau:i. Tra ns portation commission officials ha ve said the (~ntral <.'Ounty traffic plan is set.'Ond in priorjty only to much -needed improvements on the Sunta'Ana Freeway Co unty lran s p o rt a t ion planners a re in the process of drawing up a 10-year program for transportation improvements in the county . The ce ntral t-orridor study is one component of that transportation package. In pre parin g i ts thr ee recommended alt~rnatives for th~ commission, commission staff m~bers held public meetings in Costa Mesa and Fullerton and solicited suggestions from area businesses. ., (·o mm11111o n m t'mbt•ra have wurnt-d, 1uflicient mont>y may not ''xiu for completion of projec·ta aimed al allevl•t1n1 1·cmgvst1•d traffic: condlUon1 throughout tht" county. L&!it yt"ar'1 enabling leldalallon bill was carrif'd by Robmson at th(• behest of the Oranae County TranapoNtion Coelition, a noa- gov<-rnmcnt alliance of ~2 flnna li l'cking tran1portatlo n improvt-menta. Several of the county's largest employers are coalition members In pulling the bill the day before it was scheduled to face the Senate Transpo rtation ComrrutlA.'e, Robmaon laahed out a t se ve ral coalition members, claiming they were interested in ace ing lransporlallon fund1 ge nerated , while refusing lo consilter other "critical" iuuea over. ta 1 xing authority. . Robinson• had proposed an amendme nt where by five members o n the commission would be ex.pande d to 11 members -including-au five m e mbe r s of the board of supervisors. five city councilmen from the county's 26 cities and a e leventh member se lected at large. Its existing members Include two supervisors, two councilmen and one at-large member. Robinson. with backin.c from' Bruce Nestande, 1upervisors c hai rman, argue d that the transportation commission, were it to obtain taxing au'thority, should have more members who were elected, and, therefore, accountable to voters. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church invited you to f I I l Thanksgiving Celebration 10:00 a.m. Nov., 25th, 1982 Combined childre n's and adult choirs rass erc uss on an Woodwind Ins truments join with Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. Thanksgiving Meditation Don. G. Fontana Mmrster ol Music Steven Pilkington OrgalltSI 600 St. Andrew's Road Newport Beach, Calif. Free.to the Publle "°'J01lll 9' PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL IABETES EDUCATIO TEN HOUR COURSE FOR DIABETICS ANO FAMILY MEMBERS COOllOINATU> llY M.A. Af11ASIA8E. M.D. SNmaA VAlllN, ILD. DOllontY KEll. Y, llN. 700-QJO P M Wecln..d•v. Dec. 1, 1982 Wedneeday, Dec. 8. 1982 Wedaaday. Dec. 15, 1982 Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1912 LIMITED E NROLLMENT ... CARMEN YllPPA lONFEIH.NlE L'ENTEI< I~ 19 Ilda" ar" ""''''' t 1.4 Hk><'k South ol \t•inl lluntln111un !Wach. C.•lifnrni• Are you thankful? Start a list sometime of all you can be 1ratetul for ... and you'll be amazed at how '"any reaaon1 you have to gl'fe thanks. Al our Thanksgiving Service. you'll heir many ~pie tell the 1hl11g1 they're grateful for ... heallnge, needs supplied, hum1n rela· tlonahlpa rea10t9d and, mott tmponanl. a treater underttandlng of 0~. You'll alto hear a llble Lnaon on Thanksgiving. Won't you come? You'll leeve f_..ng more gr9'9ful than ever. . OMRllTIAN ICllNCI THANICIOMNe lllMOI Fist Cludl of Christ, Sdlntlst, cw ..... ....... ¥ .. Dr.-• .... Fnt a.di of Christ, Sdenflst, ......... __ ..... _ .. ·------------... ------------..-------------.-------------~ I CASH MAXIMIZER.ACCOUllT I CA5ll MAXIMIZER.ACCOUNT I 'CA5H MAXIMIZER-ACCOUN1 I CASll MAXIMIZE/l-ACCOUllT I I •10 r;:,kc~r~'.~~ I 925 r;:,i'::r::~·;: I 'SO ~i.~7~'.~ I •1oo ~c:u.r::~= I I 15g1XJ fnra SIO I 1J#'<d for 1'U~ I "ll'vd fnu s~ I ·•jl()()d Im. SIOO I I 1nrt'rHr b<>nus I m ccrc.c ti.mus I 1nll'IMt bcH1u1 I ln1c:rct1 bonus I whc:n I ~n • whm l ope1 a "'hen lnpl'n • whm IOJ!Cn a Caltl Mn1m1ur Ca!h Mu1m1ur I C •<ih Mutmlzc:r I Cuh Mu1m1ur I I eccoun• witll adqlot11 <if S2,...r;cn.S4,Y9999 I -nl wnh a dqintac nf S~.000.$9,99999 au:ounc "'"ha Jtposn ,ti SIO!IOO Sl99Y999 Kttollnt wuh aJrpc>su o4 S20,000or mott I Only~bmuJ pcrcusw-r. and not mott I Only oar bunus f'C'ltU•tomtT . .ind nm mur.-I Onlyonc-l>.<011• rc-r~us1.,mu .anJ nn1 m•>r" I Onlyonc-b.'IAuS per custom« Ind not more I than~pt111Ccnunr llonusolfcronlytvailablf 1hantlnl'pcr ... cuun1 llonusol~1only11n1labk 1hanuncpc"r llU1un1 8.mu.,,1f,111nlyava1l.WC 1lu.nonc:p.:racaiun1 8onusolfuonly1va1labk I onpenonal11CCOUnl\,8ndt'xp1resDrambc:rll. I nnpers11nalaccounu.mJar1re\Dc«mbttll, I •lllJX'nnn•l"'-counu 11iJ\'~l'""'l)n;.-mbull. I ''"P<'rsonalaccuunu,andup11nOrcicmbc:rJI. I 1981 Th111nrcrts1 b.Jllu• will bc!crcdm-d IY112 1l11s rnttttsr bonu• will be cmloitd lllM1 llm 1n1cn:ll bonu' will ht-cr~mJ 19111 Thi> 1nrttts1 bonu1 will lite mined I romyaccounund •llf'C'atOO rhchm monthly I tomyacu'llnt aml illll"'aton 1hc:fon1 monthly I wmy1u:ciun1 anJ~1"•1tMlllwl11~1 monthly I 1omyaccuun11ndappc:uon 1hthr>t mnarhly I I ttatemc:nl I su1cmcn1 I JUlt'mnll I t1~1ttnt•n1 I I Namr I ~ I Namr _ I Namr I 1 Adchns I MJrt'~~ I Addrt'Y -I Addr~s I I '«Jal Sttunry If I Soc1alS(al111y # I SoculStturlfY If I I ·------------~------------... Bank of America just made a good thing even better. Our new Cash Maximizer account• will not only pay interest higher than many money ~ket funds, banks or savings and loans, it will also pay an interest bonus of up to $100 when you open it. That's a deal that's hard to beat. But then, the Cash Maximizer is an ... (IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE) account that's bard to beat. With a Cash Maximizer account you'll be able to write checks and make withdrawals. You can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement• that con- solidates all activity on this account and certain of your other accounts. Plus your Cash Maximir.er account will always be accessible at any Bank of America branch. THE SAFITY OF FDIC INSURANCE. But perhaps moet important, you'll have the added peace of mind of knowing your investment is insured up to Sl00,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of Cal- ifornia's leading bank. And that's a com· bination no .fun~, no broker, no savingli and loan or ~ anywhere can offer. · Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America when you open your Cash ~r account. It's a bit of a waiJ. But we promise your patience will have its' rewards. • • . . NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ouout1°"'111n11•1 , ....... , ... •111 •o••· •••••" ~a(1111c, 111w 1on o11 on•olt ••• c .. 1c11111A•1 nou l llCIHll•U 110 llN 1•10 1¥'•111 llAll AllO lll .. llllf • .. ... UP 9.01 CLOSING 1,000.01 Local price index edges upward L.OS ANGELES lAP) Revers ing a· three- . montti Lrend of declining prices. the: Consumer· PrK-e lndC!x rose by Plalf o percent In the populous Los Angeles-Orang£' counties area during October, the federal government annpun<.'ed Tuesday. However, for the twe lve months ending in Oi:t.ober, pril:es posted the smalleiil Increase in more th<m a decade -2.9 percent. In the Los Angeles-Orange County area, prices droppc>d by 0.3 percent in July, 0 1 per<.-ent in August and 0.3 per<.'ent in Septem~r. Prkes for housing, which indude mortgage inter~t rat.es and are the weightiest factors in the Index. mcreas<.'Ci by 0.4 percent. Food and beverage increased by 0.7 percent. Transportation ·was up 0.3 percent and apparel and upkeep rose by 0.5 percent. Slow recovery predicted 'Real earnings' still lag WASHINGT0N (AP) -The average ''real earnings" of American workers continue to lag behind the rate of inflation, but the gap is narrowing, newly released Labor Department statistics show. Between October 1981 and October 1982, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday, average weekly earnings rose 3.7 percent. I~side that broad gauge of take-home pay, however. there was a 4.9 percent increase in hourly earnings which was offset by a 1.1 percent 'declint-: in average weekly hours. AMERICAN LEADERS c'\1. ''• • • """ I .. " •• :: ·~ '"' \t \ii I , .. "' , .. h .., , .. '• .. .. PO. ()fl •1.7 Oft •• 0 ()ff ,, • ()ft IJ J °'' t.7 Oft • I Off I S ()ff ,. ()ff 7.• ()fl 7.0 ()ff •.• Otl • s Oii •O Oft u Off u Ott S.t Off SS Oft S4 Off s J ()ft u ()ft " E so ••• • •• ()fl ... METALS NEW YOAK (AP) -Spot nonlerrou• ,.,...llll'IC•~ c.._., 10 ... 12 cenlt • pouno. u a O..UnetlOn• ~ 7 l'+.29 c.1\1 • pound Zlllc 38~2 ~ti • pc>uncl, "'*-"eel Tiii M o 17! Metel• w• compoiil1e ID. .,..,._ 76 c.!lt e paund, H Y Mercwy '3e5 00 per llMli pteflft-1340 00·$342.00 troy ounce. NY GOLD QUOTATIONS .. TM An 11 11• ,.,_ Selected WOf10 gold pt-loeley STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER